:. 4. UC-NRLF t B 3 ^51 SD5 A Selected List of Books for Children / F^eration for Child Study ^^^ New York 1920 A Selected List of Books for Children Cumulative Selection 1909-1920 BY THE CHILDREN'S LITERATURE COMMITTEE of the Federation for Child Study MRS. SiDONIE MATSNER GRUENBERG Chairman Mrs. Emanuel Pilpel Mrs. S. S. GwtWaler Mrs. A. B. Goodldnd Price Forty Five Cents FEDERATION FOR CHILD STUDY ^ Wa^l Sixty-Fourth Sir eel, N e ir Yorh 19 2 seA«**- i/l U C Introduction ^tttttLEN this committee lirst began its wurk of selecting i'ov J^m the benefit of those who buy children's books, the most desirable of the ''recent"' publications, it felt that in spite of the occasional appearance of a Ijook of real merit, the general run of publications represented rather low standards, or no standards at all. It also found that the I)est of the new books were in many respects better than most of the older ones that had been acceptable to children and approved by adult« for- a generation or more. The marked superiority of certain of the new books w«' attributed at the time to a better understanding of child psy- cholog}^ on the part of the writers; and the improvement is to be observed in an increasing number of books intended for young people. This effect is no doubt a part of the general tendency of the recent past to apply scientific methods to the solution of all kinds of problems, and this tendency is further indicated in the notable improvement in a class of books that are concerned with introducing the young reader to the world of nature and of man's control over his environment. The point of view in these books is not, to be sure, as "new" as that of the advanced scholars in the various fields of research, but it is in decided advance of the books that the adults of the present generation had in their own childhood. ^loreover, the wonderful inventions and appliances of our times inevitably find their way not only into the machine-made tales of adventure, but into the more serious and more reliable books of interesting and readable information. The economic and social developments of the past genera- tion have also influenced children's books, not so much, how- ever, in the fiction as in the books frankly designed to get reliable information about the world of work and occupations, in contrast to the "'inspirationar' — and frequently forced — stimulations to ambition and effort. It is possible for young folks to learn something of the actual conditions in various fields of human activity instead of being misled into plans for careers m a make-believe world that no longer exists, if it ever did, such as an earlier generation of children had as perhaps tlieir sole guide, so far as reading is concerned. ^148425 Selected Books for Children We are again called upon to deplore the fact that really excellent books are allowed to go out of print and to make way for less valuable books with a view to meeting a supposed demand for novelt}\ In making the present cumulative selec- tion it has been necessary to omit some of the very best books from each of the earlier lists, because they are reported by the publishers as being "out of print/' although in a few cases we have repeated the titles in the expectation that single copies might be still available in various book stocks, and in the hope, perhaps rather faint, that an "effective demand'' might induce the publishers to reprint some of them. During the war there was at first a decline and then almost a cessation in the issuing of high class books for children. But after the armistice there seemed to be a rapid development of energy on the part of the writers and publishers, so that in 1919 the proportion as well as the actual number of books of merit was unusually large. But this condition appears to have re- sulted from the enforced curtailment of publication during the war and from the corresponding accumulation of excellent books — for the high average of last year has not been maintained. Nevertheless, there are indications of new forces at work in the gathering of material and its organization for the young reader. The few excellent books of the season are of very high quality and the promise is for a steady improvement of available reading for children. The application of psychology, previously mentioned, seems for the most part to be limited to the making of books for younger children, for the fiction available for boys and girls in their teens does not show the same relative improvement. On the other hand, there are increasing efforts in utilizing the lives of notable men and women as material for children's books, with every indication of success. Biography is gradually work- ing its way down toward the nursery. It is impossible to judge of the desirability or suitableness of a book from its appearance, or its price, or even from the stand- ing of its publishers. If it is not feasible for the purchaser to examine carefully each offering that he would consider, it is necessary to make use of annotated lists, or to seek competent counsel in some other form. It is not to be expected that any list of books could serve as a standard for all children. While it is desirable to encourage as Selected Books for Children far as possible the use of books of the higliest literary quality, we must not overlook the fact that there are many children who can never acquire a liking for the best. Rather than discourage familiarity with books altogether in such cases, it is wiser to select such as would i)e the most profitable under the circum- stances. But even here it is not sufficient to say of a book that it is harmless ; we must demand that every book have a positive value. Even if it is intended primarily to entertain, it may at the same time broaden the child's vision and refine his taste. The descriptions and age-limits given must be used with ref- erence to individual needs. Many a ten-year-old child can make profitable use of a book that is ordinarily appreciated by children of fourteen years or more. Relative maturity in general, and also special maturity in a particular field must be considered. Thus one child is capable of using rather advanced books in his- tory, w^hile being at the same time backward in nature lore. The list herewith submitted is a cumulative one, containing the books listed by the committee in 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1916 and 1917. It is not a complete list. It is merely a selec- tion from among the books published within the last few years. We did not have access to all the new books ; in the course of the last twelve years (since the committee began its work) we ex- amined carefully some 3,000 volumes which were sent us by various publishers. The list is, therefore, a fairly representative one and will, we trust, be found helpful as a guide in the selec- tion of recent books for the young folks. The selection represents not merely the tastes and opinions of the few members of the committee, but also of a number of women and men who very kindly assisted wath their reading and criticism of the books ; and we here take the opportunity of thank- ing them for their valuable help. To those publishers who were kind enough to submit their books for review in this report, the committee wishes to express its thanks. SiDONiE Matsner Gruexberg, Chairman, For Children of Nursery Age The Adventures of the Greyf ur Family 50 By Vera Myer. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Attractive little stories. The Big Book of Nursery Rhymes $4.00 Edited by Walter Jerrold. Illustrated by Chas. Robinson. E. P. Button & Co. Companion volume to "Big Book of Fairy Tales." Of equal merit. The Boyd Smith Mother Goose $4.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Unusually attractive edition. Numerous illustrations in Boyd Smith's best vein. Buttercup Farm $1.00 Saml. Gabriel Sons & Co. Good picture book of farm life with short text to each picture. The Chicken World $3.00 Text and illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Charming full-page illustrations with appropriate text. The Children of the Shoe 75 By E. M. Jameson. Eaton & Maines. Well-told, dramatic little stories about the children of the old woman of the shoe. Complete Version of Ye Three Blind Mice $1.00 By John W. Ivimey. Frederick Warne & Co. Humorously and appropriately illustrated edition of the old tale. Farmyard Friends $1.00 Saml. Gabriel Sons & Co. Good picture book of domesticated animals, with short text to each picture. Field and Farm $1.00 Saml. Gabriel Sons & Co. A realistic animal picture book for very young children. The Golden Goose 75 Frederick Warne & Co. Paper bound ; large size ; clear, large type. Appropriate full-page and other illustrations by Leslie Brooks. 6 Fob Children of Nurseby Age The Gosling's Picnic $1.00 By John Howard Jewett. Small, Maynard & Co. Entertaining for child of nursery age. Attractive illustrations. Happy Nursery Rhymes $1.00 Compiled by Christopher Wood. T. Y. Crowell Co. Short collection of many of the most popular nursery rhymes. Hu- morously' illustrated in black and white. The Jungle Book $1.00 Saml, Gabriel Sons & Co. Good picture book of jungle animals with short text to each picture. Kindergarten Book of Objects $1.00 Saml. Gabriel Sons & Co. A good, simple alphabet and object book. The Kindergarten Story Book $1.00 By Jane L. Hoxie. Milton Bradley Co. A delightful collection of old stories retold and some original stories. The Little Brother and Little Sister $4.00 and other Tales by the Brothers Grimm. Dodd, Mead & Co. Beautiful volume, forty well known fairy tales. Profusely illus- trated with colored plates and black and white decorations by Arthur Rackham. The Little Brown Bear 75 By Johnny Gruelle. P. F. VoUand Co. A rarely effective approach to the young child's interest. Unusually and beautifully decorated in color. The Little Chicks $1.00 By John Howard Jewett. Small, Maynard & Co. Entertaining for child of nursery age. Attractive illustrations. The Little Gingerbread Man $1.75 By G. H. P. G. P. Putnam's Sons. A dramatic little story with humorous illustrations. Little Stories About Little Aniraals 60 By Susan Holton. Le Roy Phillips. Quaint short stories of animals. Very small book. Legible type. The Magic Map Book , . .75 By May Byron. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Interesting and entertaining. Attractively illustrated. T For Children of Nursery Age Mother Goose $2.50 Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. The Century Co. Handsome edition with extraordinarily beautiful, imaginative illus- trations in color and black and white by the well-known artist. Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes $2.50 Edited by Edric Vredenburg. Raphael Tuck & Sons. Excellent edition. Well illustrated by Mabel Lucy Attwell. Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes 75 Hodder & Stoughton. N. Y. A small, attractively illustrated edition. -J^Iother Goose, or the Old Nursery Rhymes $1.00 Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Frederick Warne & Co. A republication of the old, charmingly illustrated edition. Mother Goose Songs Set to Music $1.00 By Ethel Crowninshield. Milton Bradley Co. Very good. Child can easily learn the simple but beautiful melodies. Mother Stories $1.25 By Maud Lindsay. Milton Bradley Co. Delightful collection of stories, embodying some of the truths of Froebel's Mother Play. My Very First Fairy Book 60 Thos. Nelson & Son. Attractive and inexpensive edition. Contains the old familiar tales of Red Ridinghood, Sleeping Beauty, etc. My Very Own Picture Book 75 Edited by Mrs. Herbert Strang. Humphrey-Milford. Simple, pretty little volume. The Night Before Christmas 75 By Clement C. Moore. . Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. An old favorite charmingly illustrated. The Nursery Rhyme Book $3.00 Edited by Andrew Lang. Frederick Warne & Co. Strong, well-bound edition. Illustrations full of charm and humor. Old Songs and Rounds $2.50 Arranged by Charles M. Wider. Duffield & Co. Charming edition with music of these songs, which every child should know. French text with English translation. Illustrated in color by Boutet de Monvel. 8 For Childi;ex of Nursery Age Poems of Childhood $2.25 By Githa Sowerby. Ilodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Attractive verses, most charmingly illustrated in color. The Princess in the Ragged Gown in the Maze of Many Wanderings 75 By May Byron. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Interesting and entertaining. Illustrated. The Railway Book $1.00 Saml. Gabriel Sons & Co. A good realistic picture book with short text to each picture. The Read Out Loud Books $3.00 and $3.50 By John Martin. Dodd, Mead & Co. Five small volumes, bound in colored gingham, containing stories about all the popular nursery characters. Simple and dramatic style. Amusing illustrations. Ring Songs and Games $1.25 By graduates of Lucy Wheelock Training School. Milton Bradley Co. 34 songs, most of them excellent. Sandmen Tales 75 By Abbie Phillips Walker. Harper & Bros. Stories for bedtime (second series). Charming short stories. The Scissors Book $1.25 By William Ludlum. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Very suggestive and helpful. Stokes Wonder Book of ^Mother Goose $3.00 Large, impressive volume. Profusely illustrated by Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis. The Story Teller $1.00 By Maud Lindsay. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Short stories in this author's delightful style. To be told or read. The Strange Story of Mr. Dog and Mr. Bear $1.50 By Mabel Fuller Blodgett. The Century Co. Well-told, entertaining little story. Sunny Bunny 75 By Nina Wilcox Putnam. P. F. Volland Co. A lively tale on the order of the now famous "Peter Rabbit." An unusually attractive book, beautifully illustrated in colors. 9 Fob Children of Nuesery Age The Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, Tom Thumb. .75 ea. Frederick Warne & Co. Paper-bound ; large size ; clear, large type. Appropriate full-page and other illustrations by Leslie Brooks. The Toy Shop Book $1.25 By Ada Van Stone Harris and Lillian McLean Waldo. Charles Scribner's Sons. Attractive pictures with little stories about various toys. The Treasure Book of Children's Verse $2.50 Arranged by Mabel and Lillian Quiller-Couch. Hodder & Stoughton, N. T. Well-chosen collection with colored illustrations especially attractive to the young child. 10 For the Youngest Reader The Adventures of Reddy Fox 70 By Thornton W. Burgess. Little, Brown & Co. Entertaining sequel to "Peter Rabbit" and "Reddy Fox." Alice in Wonderland $2.00 By Lewis Carroll. Raphael Tuck & Sons. Excellent edition. Very well illustrated by Mabel Lucy Attwell. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland $1.50 Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, By Lewis Carroll. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Good, serviceable edition with the original Tenniel illustrations. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Look- ing Glass $1.50 By I^ewis Carroll. The Macmillan Co. A good, simple edition with the original Tenniel illustrations in black and white. Andersen's Best Fairy Tales 75 Selected by Alice C. Henderson. Rand, McNally & Co. Carefully selected, simply and well written. Expressive, artistic illustrations in color. Large, clear type. The Animal Why Book $2.50 By W. P. Pycraft. Frederick A. Stokes O). Description of the habits and characteristics of well-known house- hold and wild animals. Attractive make-up and colored illustrations. Large volume. Babes of the Wild $1.50 By LiUian Gask. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Eleven tales about the life of wilderness babies that all children who love animals will enjoy. Excellent. At the Back of the North Wind $2.50 By George McDonald. David McKay. A handsome gift edition of this peerless old favorite, with colored illustrations by Jessie Wilcox Smith. The Big Book of Fairy Tales $3.50 Edited by Walter Jerrold. H. M. Caldwell Co. Large, thick volume containing excellent collection of the favorite fairy tales. Good make-up and type. Handsome illustrations in color and black and white by Charles Robinson. Can be read to children from four up. 11 For the Youngest Reader Bobby and the Big Road $1.50 Maud Lindsay. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. A delightful tale of a little boy's journey to a new country home. The Book of Baby Beasts $3.50 each The Book of Baby Birds. By Florence E. Dugdale. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Interesting, instructive text. The full-page colored plates, artistic and delicate, yet faithful to life, an essential feature of the two books. Large volumes, with clear, bold type. May be read to very young children. The Book of the Little Past $2.25 By Josephine Preston Peabody. Houghton Mifflin Co. Delightful poems of appeal to thoughtful children. Well gotten up ; illustrated by Elizabeth Shippen Green. A ChikFs Book of Stories $3.50 Selected and arranged by Penrhyn W. Coussens. Duffield & Co. A large volume containing many judiciously selected tales from the most varied sources, such as Andersen, Grimm, Arabian Nights, ^sop, etc.. appropriately and beautifully illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. ..^A Child's Garden of Verses 75 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Rand, McNally & Co. A new simple edition ; well bound ; dainty illustrations in color. Large, clear print. The Curly-Haired Hen $1.50 By A. Vimar. Translated by Nora K. Hillis. Frederick Warne & Co. A story of farm life amusingly and interestingly told. The Doers $1.50 By William John Hopkins. Houghton Mifflin Co. The story of the building of a house, giving each artisan's part in it. Told in a personal way. Easy, simple language. Dramatic Games and Dances for Little Children $1.80 By Caroline Crawford. A. S. Barnes Co, Simple directions and melodies for the familiar games and dances. The Dutch Twins $2.00 each The Eskimo Twins. The Mexican Twins. The French Twins. The Spartan Twins. By Lucy Fitch Perkins. Houghton Mifflin Co. Attractive little stories of native child life. 12 Fob the Youngest Reader Fairy Tales From France $1.35 Adopted by W. T. Lamed. P. F. Volland Co. Unusually artistic little volume, containing some charming fairy tales. The Farm Book $3.00 By E. Boyd Smith. Houghton Mifflin Co. Tells how Bob and Betty spend a summer on a farm. The colored full-page illustrations by the author depicting the various farm processes are a special feature of the book. Four Leaf Clover $1.25 By Nina Sutherland Purdy. Small, Maynard & Co. Small boy and animal life on a farm, with interesting and exciting experiences all around. Floor Games $1.25 By H. G. Wells. Small, Maynard & Co. Refreshingly ingenious. The games are rather elaborate, yet sug- gestive for adults playing with children. Friendly Fairies $1.35 By Johnny Gruelle. P. F. Volland Co. Charmingly illustrated collection of tales. Girls and Boys $2.50 By Anatole France. Duffleld & Co. Tales with the exquisite charm characteristic of the author's writ- ings. It is the illustrations in color and black and white by Boutet de Monvel make this edition especially attractive. Gockel, Hinkel, and Gackeleia 48 By Klemens Brentano. Translated by Helen B. Dole. Silver, Burdett & Co. Excellent translation of the well-known classic German fairy tale. The Graymouse Family $1.00 By Nellie M. Leonard. T. Y. Crowell Co. Amusing, pleasing tale. Holding a Throne $1.75 By Helen Eggleston Haskell. D. Appleton & Co. Well-written story with the kind of hero worship that all little peo- ple love. John, Joseph and Jane $3.50 By Bergengren. Atlantic Monthly Press. Poems of unusual charm and appeal. Attractive illustrations. 13 For the Youngest Reader Master Frisky $1.50 By Clarence Hawkes. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. A simple, sympathetic story about a pet dog and his relation with other aiiimali;;. Nature Stories 75 By Mary Gardner. The Macmillan Co. Very well adapted for giving an idea of things in nature. Simply and attractively told. Large, clear print. Nursery Book of Science $3.00 ;By J. R. Ainsworth Davis. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Information regarding farm processes, insects, etc., simply told. Pro- fusely illustrated. Old-fashioned Fairy Tales , .85 By Marion Washburn. Rand, McNally & Co. Four selected tales attractively retold for young readers, with rhymes. Large, clear print. Well illustrated. The Old Fairy Tales .$1.75 each I. Puss in Boots; Jack and the Bean Stalk. II. Hop o' My Thumb; Beauty and the Beast. III. Valentine and Orson; Jack the Giant Killer. Frederick Warne & Co. Well gotten up, excellent large print. The numerous illustrations in color and black and white by H. M. Brock are unusually fine. Can be shown and read to younger children. Old Songs and Rounds $2.25 Arranged by Chas. M. Widor. DuflSeld & Co. Charming edition with music of these songs which every child should know. French text with English translation. Illustrated by Boutet de Monvel. Once Upon a Time Animal Stories $1.00 By Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. Milton Bradley Co. Short, simply written stories; full of action. Pads, Paws and Claws $3.00 By W. P. Pycraft. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Description of the habits and characteristics of well-known house- hold and wild animals. Attractive make-up and colored illustrations. Large volume. Peter Pan's ABC $1.00 Pictured by Flora White. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Text indifferent. Full-page illustrations in color of high artistic merit, conveying the genuine fairylike quality that the story calls for. 14 For the Youngest Readee Picture Tales from the Russian $1.00 each More Russian Picture Tales ^ Still More Picture Tales. By Valery Clark. Longmans, Green & Co. Translated by Nevill Forbes. Delightful in their simplicity and originality of style. Character- istic, simple illustrations. The Pig Brother 60 By Laura E. Richards. Little, Brown & Co. Interesting fables and stories. The Pig Brother Play-Book $1.00 By Laura E. Richards. Little, Brown & Co^ A volume of short plays for small children. The Scissors Book $1.25 By William Ludlum. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Very suggestive and helpful. The Seashore Book $3.00- By E. Boyd Smith. Houghton Mifflin Co. Tells how Bob and Betty spend a summer at the seashore with an old sea captain. The colored full-page illustrations by the author are a special feature of the book. Something to Do To each to Make. to Paint. to Play. to Read. Hodder & Stoughton. N. Y. All suggestive and helpful. Well illustrated and arranged. Songs the Children Love to Sing $1.50 Arranged by Albert E. Wier. D. Appleton & Co. Attractive rhymes and melodies. Sonny Boy's Day at the Zoo $1.50 By Ella Bentley Arthur. The Century Co. A child's real experiences with animals in the Zoo, in amusing verse. Excellent photographic illustrations. Stories About Bears $1.00' By Lillian Gask. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Excellent book, attractively gotten up. The language is simple and picturesque. Well illustrated. 15 For the Youngest Reader >r Stories of Mother Goose Village 75 By Madge A. Bigham. Rand, McNally & Co. Interesting stories prettily illustrated. The Story of Roger in the Maze of Many Wonders .50 By May Byron. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Interesting and entertaining. Illustrated. The Story-Teller $1.25 By Maud Lindsay. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Short stories in this author's delightful style. To be told or read. That's Why Stories 45 By Catherine T. Bryce. New son & Co. Refreshing little fairy tales of things in nature about us, such as flowers, trees, animals. Well bound and printed. Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. .$1.00 By Lewis Carroll. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Good, serviceable edition with the original Tenniel illustrations. A Treasury of Animal Stories 50 By Lillian Gask. T. Y. Crowell Co. Very good hunting and nature stories for children. A Treasury of Verse for Little Children $1.00 Selected by M. G. Edgar. T. Y. Crowell Co. Small volume, well selected. My Very First Little Animal Book 75 each Arithmetic Book. Book of Birds. Book of Letters. French Book. Reading Book. Spelling Book. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. All amusing and instructive. Well arranged. Nicely illustrated. The Water Babies 75 By Charles Kingsley. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Simplified edition. Very good. The Water Babies $1.25 By Charles Kingsley. Dodd, Mead & Co. Attractive edition, illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. 16 Foe the Youngest Reader When the Sand Man Comes $1.50 By Gertrude Alice Kay. Moflfat. Yard & (^. Imaginative and fantastic stories for very young children. Pro- fusely illustrated. Winkle, Twinkle and Lollypop $1.35 By Nina Wilcox and Norman Jacobsen. P. F. Volland Co. Amusingly told story of adventure. Attractive little volume. Wonder-Oak $1.00 By Bertha Currier Porter. Eaton & Malnes. Story of two fairies and their wonderful adventures. ai For Children of Eight to Twelve Abraham Lincoln ^1-^^ Frederick Stokes & Co. A valuable addition to the Heroes of All Times Series. Abraham Lincoln : A Story and a Play 75 By Mary Hazelton Wade. Richard G. Badger. The story is simply told ; the play is crude, but an incentive to home dramatics. Adventures Afloat and Ashore $1.25 G. P. Putnam's Sons. A collection of adventure stories by well-known authors. Good, ser- viceable edition. The Adventures of Akbar $1.75 By Flora Annie Steele. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Story dealing with the youth of the man who became one of the wisest and greatest of the Mogul emperors, 1542-1005. Charmingly written and of great appeal to children. It succeeds admirably in giving the Oriental atmosphere in all its richness and quaintness. N^ The Adventures of a Brownie, as Told to My Child $1.00 By Dinah Mulock. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New, attractive edition. Adventures of a Country Boy 51 By Clifton Johnson. American Book Co. This story is a re-arrangement of one of Jacob Abbott's books. Chil- dren of the present day will be grateful for the opportunity to get acquainted with this author, Alice in Wonderland $2.00 By Lewis Carroll. Raphael Tuck & Sons. Excellent edition. Very well illustrated by Mabel L, Attwell. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland $1.50 By Lewis Carroll. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Good, serviceable edition with the original Tenniel illustrations. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Look- iniT Glass $1.50 By Lewis Carroll. The Macmillan Co. A good, simple edition with the original Tenniel illustrations in black and white. Almost Fairy Children $1.50 By Caleb Lewis. Bobbs-Merrill Co. Simply told stories of facts mixed with fancy. Amusing. as For' Children of Plight to Twelve American Animal Life $2.00 Illustrated by Edwin Willard Deming. Stories by Therese O. Deming. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Twenty-four full-page illustrations. Very attractive coloring. Large, clear type. The American Histor}- Story-Book 60 By Alberta F. Blaisdell and Francis K. Ball. Little. Brown & Co. True tales of personal heroism. Good for supplementary historical reading. The Animal Why Book $2.50 By W. P. Pycraft. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Description of the habits and characteristics of well-known house- hold and wild animals. Attractive make-up and colored illustrations. Large volume. The Babyhood of Wild Beasts $2.00 By Georgia M. McNally, with foreword by Wm. T. Hornaday. George H. Doran Co. Interesting and instructive : well illustrated from photographs ; a good step from fable to genuine natural history. At the Back of the North Wind $1.50 By George McDonald. J. B. Lippincott Co. About a real boy and his fanciful adventures. Interesting. Well illustrated. At the Back of the North Wind $2.50 By George McDonald. David McKay. A handsome gift edition of this peerless old favorite, with colored illustrations by Jessie Wilcox Smith. The Basket Woman $1.50 By Mary Austin. Houghton Mifflin Co. Well-written Indian myths, stimulating the child's imagination. The Bears of Blue River 75 By Charles Major. The Macmillan Go. A good nature and adventure story. The Bedtime Story Books $1.00 each The Adventures of Buster Bear. Chatterer the Red Squirrel. Danny Meadow Mouse. Grandfather Frog. Jerry Muskrat. Mr. Mocker. 19 For Children op Eight to Twelve Mollie, Waddy and Tony. Old Mr. Toad. Sammy Jay. By Thornton W. Burgess. Little, Brown & Co. Small volumes. Stories of personified animals, with a minimum of natural history woven in. Very well told. Belgian Fairy Tales $1.75 By William Elliot Griffis. Thos. Y. Growell Oo. Full of local atmosphere ; good picture in color. Beside the Brook 50 By Arthur O. Cooke. Hodder & Stoughton. N. Y. An attractive little book, telling the story of the brook and the ani- mals that live in and beside it. The Bird Book $1.00 By May Byron. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Short descriptions of habits, song, food, etc. With anecdotes and bits of verse. Beautifully illustrated. The Blue Bird for Children 68 By Georgette Leblanc (Mme. Maurice Maeterlinck). Silver, Burdett & Co. This favorite play in story form for children. The Blue-Fairy Book. 2 Vol $1.50 each Andrew Lang. Longmans, Green & Go. New edition of this well-known collection of classics. Blue Magic $1.00 By Edith B. Price. Century Oo. Tale of the comradeship between two American boys, one shortly out of college and a little boy temporarily crippled. Scene is laid in the country of the Nile and in Italy. The Book of Baby Beasts $2.50 each The Book of Baby Birds. By Florence E. Dugdale. Hodder & Stoughton. N. Y. Interesting, instructive text. The full-page colored plates, artistic and delicate, yet faithful to life, an essential feature of the two books. Large volumes with clear, bold type. May be read to very young children. My Book of Beautiful Legends $3.00 Funk & Wagnalls Co. Well selected and attractively presented classic legends of all lands. Illustrated. For Children of Eight to Twelve The Book of Fables and Folk Stories $1.25 By H. E. Scudder. Houghton Mifflin Co. New edition of the well-known collection, containing such old fa- vorites as Cinderella, Tom Thumb, Beauty and the Beast, etc. At- tractive, small volume. The Book of Magic $1.25 By A. Frederick Collins. D. Appleton & Co. Simple directions for sleight-of-hand and other tricks. The Book of Nonsense and More Nonsense $4.00 By Edward Lear. Frederick Warne & Co. Enlarged edition of classic Limericks. The Book of Saints and Heroes $1.60 By Andrew Lang (ed, by Mrs. Lang). Longmans, Green & Co. Presents the human side of the great men and women of all the ages. Boys and Girls of Many Lands. $1.25 By Inez N. McFee. Thos. Y. Crowell & Co. Well written stories of visits to little boys and girls in remote coun- tries, telling of their life, customs, etc. Boy Stories $1.25 Kipling. Rand, McNally & Co. A collection of 26 stories told in the true Kipling manner ; illustrated In color. The Boy Who Knew What the Birds Said $2.00 By Padraic Colum. The Macmillan Co. Imaginative fairy tales from the Irish, with a distinctive flavor and appropriate illustrations by Dugald Stewart Walker. Bud and Bamboo 50 By John Stuart Thomson. D. Appleton Co. The story of a Chinese Boy, describing the customs of the country — the games and activities of Chinese children. Camp and Trail in Early American History 60 By Marguerite S. Dickson. The Macmillan Co. Pleasant reading for the child interested in history. Cap-o'-Yellow and Other Stories $1.00 By Agnes Grozier Herbertson. Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Charming fairy tales. The Children of Odin $4.00 By Padraic Colum. Illustrated by Willy Pogany. Macmillan Co. Fascinating fairy story based on the old Norse legends. 21 Foe Children of Eight to Twelve Children's Bluebird $3.00 By Madame Maurice Maeterlinck. Dodd, Mead & Co. This favorite play in story form. Beautiful, well-illustrated volume. The Children's Story Garden $1.50 Collected by a Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends. Lippincott. A collection of unusual stories. Varied in scope and full of ethical significance. The Children's Book of Christmas $1.50 Compiled by J. C. Dier. The Macmillan Co. Very interesting stories of the winter festivals and Christmas cele- brations in various lands and ages. Illustrated by reproductions from classic pictures and others. The Child's Book of American History 60 By Albert F. Blaisdell and Francis K. Ball. Little, Brown & Co. Excellent of its kind. Simple and pleasing. The Child's Book of English Biography $1.35 each The Child's Book of American Biography. Mary Stoyell Stimpson. Little. Brown & Co. Interesting short biographies of important heroes of war and peace. A Child's Book of Old Verses $3.00 Selected and illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. DuflSeld & Co. A good selection in a large, handsome edition with illustrations in color and black and white. A Child's Book of Stories $3.50 Selected and arranged by Penrhyn W. Coussens. Duffield & Co. A large volume containing many judiciously selected tales from the tnost varied sources, such as Andersen. Grimm, Arabian Nights, ^sop, etc., appropriately and beautifully illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Children's Book of Thanksgiving Stories $1.75 Edited by Asa Don Dickinson. Doubleday, Page & Co. A collection of stories dealing with this American festival. A Child's Garden of Verses. 75 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Rand, McNally & C-o. A new simple edition ; well bound ; dainty illustrations in color. Large, clear print. A Child's Garden of Verses $1.50 By Robert Ix)uis Stevenson. Rand. McNally & Co. Attractive edition. 22 For Children of Eight to Twelve A Child's Garden of Verses $3.00 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Charles Scribner's Sons. Beautiful edition. The Children's Homer $2.00 By Padraic Colum. The Macmillan Co. An excellent rendition of the two epics in simple and vigorous form. Colored and black line pictures by Willy Pogany, the latter especially effective. A Chinese Wonder Book $2.00 Norman Hinsdale Pitman. E, P. Dutton & Co. Colored illustrations by a Chinese artist. Curious Oriental charm and humor. Very attractive. A Christmas Carol $1.75 By Charles Dickens. J. B. Lippincott Co. Illustrated by Arthur Kackham. New. beautiful edition of this favorite. The Chronicles of Fair}- Land $1.35 By Fergus Hume. J. B. Lippincott Co. Interesting, delicately and humorously told tales of Oberon and his subjects in his fairy realm and among mortals. Well illustrated. The City That Never Was Reached $1.00 By Jay T. Stocking. Pilgrim Press. Fanciful tales. Prettily illustrated. The Complete Nonsense Book $3.00 By Edward Lear. Edited by Lady Strachey. Duffield & Co. Introduction by the Earl of Cromer. Elaborate, complete republication of this early humorous work, con- taining some of the earliest Limericks. The Cruise of the Cormorant $1.50 By A. Hyatt Verrill. Henry Holt & Co. The geographical facts of the small islands extending from Porto Rico to Trinidad, told in story form. The Cuckoo Clock $1.35 By Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Maria L. Kirk. J. B. Lippincott Co. A new edition of this simple, imaginative story. 23 For Children of Eight to Twelve Czechoslovak Fairy Tales $3.00 Retold by Parker Filmore. Harcourt, Brace & Howe. Tales containing all the fairy characters dear to childhood, with a background of different customs and manners. The author has used Czech, Slovakian and Moravian sources ; colorful, characteristic illustrations by a Czech artist, Jan Matulka. The Diamond Story Book $2.00 Selected and edited by Penrhyn W. Coussens. Duffield & Co. A good collection. Dickens, Charles $1.00 each David Copperfield. Dombey & Son. Great Expectations. Little Nell (Old Curiosity Shop). Nicholas Nickleby. Oliver Twist. A Tale of Two Cities. Retold by Alice F. Jackson. Geo. W. Jacobs & Go. Simply and pleasingly retold, retaining the spirit and style of the original. A Dog of Flanders, the Nurnberg Stove and Other Stories |1.50 By Louise de la Rem^e (Ouida). J. B. Lippincott Co. Very good edition of these fascinating stories. Beautifully illus- trated by Maria L. Kirk. Dream Blocks $2.00 By Aileen C. Higgins. Duffield & Co. A book of verses of appeal to the thoughtful, imaginative child. Charmingly gotten up ; illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. Early English Hero Tales 50 By Jeannette Marks. Harper & Bros. Ten short stories taken from early Gaelic, Welsh, Saxon, etc.. lit- erature. Good literary style. The Emerald Story Book $1.75 By Ada and Eleanor Skinner. Duffield & Co. Delightful collection of "stories and legends of Spring, Nature and Easter." The English Fairy Book $2.00 By Ernest Rhys. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Very attractive edition of the old English fairy tales, a few of whidi (Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, etc.) are familiar. Many of the others should be equally familiar. 24 Fob Children of Eight to Twelve Fables and Folk Stories $2.00 Horace E. Scudder. Houghton Mifflin Co. New edition of this excellent collection. Faery Tales of Weir $2.00 By Anna McClure Sholl. E. P. Dutton & Co. Quaint tales. Illustrated by Katherine Pyle. The Fairy Changeling $1.00 By Harriet Prescott Spofiford. Richard G. Badger. Fanciful little play for children's acting. The Fairy Minstrel of Glenmalure 75 By Edmund Leamy. Frederick Warne & Co. Three tales of Irish folk lore. Fairy- Tales $1.25 By G. W. Dasent Illustrated. G. P. Putnam's Sons- Folk-tales full of charm. Fairy Tales from Flanders $3.00 By Jean de Bosschere. Dodd, Mead & Co. Old stories that are still told to the children of Flanders and Brabant. Fair}' Tales from France $1.35 Adapted by W. T. Larned. P. F. Volland Co. Unusually artistic little volume, containing some charming fairy tales. Fairy Tales from Many Lands $2.00 By Katharine Pyle. E. P. Dutton & Co. Charming stories with beautiful illustrations by the author. Fairy Tales of All Nations $2.00 Translated and Edited by Logan Marshall. The John C. Winston Co. Famous stories from the English, German, French, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Bohemian, Japanese, and other sources. The Firelight Fairv- Book $2.50 By Henry B. Beston. Atlantic Monthly Press. Imaginative, well told tales. The Fall of the Year 65 By Dallas Lore Sharp. Houghton Mifflin Co. Excellent descriptions of the phases of animal and plant life peculiar to autumn. 25 For Children of Eight to Twelve Floor Games $1.25 By H. G. Wells. Small Maynard & Co. Refreshingly ingenious. The games are rather elaborate, yet sug- gestive for adults playing with children. For the Children's Hour $1.50 By Carolyn S. Bailey and Clara M. Lewis. Milton Bradley Co. Excellent collection of stories. Can be read to young children. For Days and Days $2.00 Annette Wynne. Frederick A. Stokes Co. V'erses arranged for the months of the year. Will appeal to the sentiment and imagination of children. Forest Friends $1.35 By Royal Dixon. Illustrated. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Fanciful, sprightly. Forty Famous Fairy Tales .$1.25 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Well-made collection of some of the best known faii*y tales. Illus- trated in black and white. Good, serviceable edition. The Golden Staircase of Poems for Children $3.50 Selected by Louey Chisholm. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Excellent, handsomely illustrated edition. Cheaper Editions at $2.00 and $1.00. Good Stories for Great Holidays $2.50 By Frances Jenkins Olcott. Houghton Mifflin Co. Arranged for story telling and to be read by the children themselves. Excellent collection of stories in connection with American Holidays —Lincoln's Birthday, Independence Day, Labor Day, etc. The Good Wolf $1.00 By Frances Hodgson Burnett. Holiday Publishing Co. Imaginative. Fosters feeling of love for animals. Grandmother's Fairy Tales $2.00 By Charles Robert Dumas. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A few fairy tales of French origin fascinatingly told. Excellent Illustrations in line and color. Good, clear print. Granny's Wonderful Chair .$2.50 By Frances Browne. E. P. Dutton & Co. Large, attractive edition ; charmingly illustrated. 2(8 Pon Children of Eight to Twelve Great Authors in Their Youth $1.35 By Maude Morrison Frank. Henry Holt & Co. Short accounts of the youth of eleven British authors, stimulating a desire for further acquaintance with them and their works. Tlie Green Door $1.50 By Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman. Moffat. Yard & Co. A most attractive edition of this recent favorite. Colored illustra- tions by Mary R. Bassett. Grimm's Animal Stories $3.00 By Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Duffield & Co. \ collection of the animal stories from Grimm. Beautifully illus- trated. Grimm's Fairy Tales $1.50 T. Y. Crowell Co. \ew translation by George Soper. Attractive edition. Grimm's Fair^^ Tales $1.50 Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday, Page & Co. Value of this edition consists in the illustrations. Grimm's Fslitj Tales $3.00 Edited and partly translated anew by Marian Edwards. E. P. Button & Co. Well-illustrated edition. Gulliver's Travels $2.00 By Jonathan Swift. The Macmillan Co. An attractive gift edition. Edited by Padraic Colum, pictured In colors and lines by Willy Pogany. Gulliver's Travels A Voyage to Lilliput 75 each Illustrated by Maria L. Kirk. J. B. Lippincott Co. An attractive introduction to this famous story. Hans Andersen's Fair}' Tales $1.50 Illustrated by Douglas Stewart Walker. Doubleday. Page & Co. Good collection. Charming illustrations. Hans Andersen's Fair}- Tales $1.50 J. B. Lippincott Co. Good edition. Illustrated by Maria L. Kirk. Hans Andersen's Fair}' Tales $3.50 Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. Henry Holt & Co. Very elaborate, handsomely illustrated edition. 27 For Children of Eight to Twelve Hans Brinker $1.25 Mary Mapes Dodge. Rand, McNaUy & Co. New junior library of favorites. Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates $2.00 By Mary Mapes Dodge. Charles Scribner's Sons. New, handsome edition of this excellent story. Hazel $1.50 By Mary White Ovington. Crisis Publishing Co. A story of a little colored girl, showing the value of education to her race. Heidi $2.50 By Johanna Spyri. Translated by Elizabeth P. Stork. J. B. Lippincott Co. A handsome gift edition of this old favorite ; 14 illustrations in color by Maria L. Kirk and marginal decorations suggestive of the Alpine regions in which the story is laid. Heroes of Peace $1.00 By F. J. Gould. Harper & Bros. Interesting, well-told stories of the thrilling occupations of peace. Excellent material for story telling. The Home Book of Verse $2.25 Selected by Burton Egbert Stevenson. Decorated by Willy Pogdny. Henry Holt & Co. Excellent selection and classification. Handsome, large volume. Home Games $1.00 By George Hapgood. Penn Publishing Co. The best games concisely described. A small, serviceable book. No illustrations. How the Flag Became Old Glory 60 By Emma L. Scott. Illustrated by A. C. Valentine. The Macmillan Co. Several historical events described in verse and prose, featuring our flag. A Hundred Fables of Aesop $2.00 With pictures by J. B. Billinghurst. John Lane Co. Very fine edition, profusely illustrated in black and white. Intro- duction by Kenneth Grahame. The Hungarian Fairy Book $2.25 By Nandor Pogany. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Imaginative, well told, conveying the spirit of the race. Beautifully Illustrated by Willy Pogany. 28 For Children of Eight to Twelve The Indian Fairy Book $].50 Illustrated by Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Pleasing, imaginative; attractive make-up. Good illustrations. Indian Stories 52 By Major Cicero Newell. Silver, Burdett & Co. Interesting, instructive account of the life and customs of the In- dians when they lived closer to their original traditions. Indian Why Stories $2.00^ By Frank B. Linderman. Charles Scribner's Sons- Indian legends "explaining" natural phenomena. The Irish Fairy Book $2.25. By Alfred Percival Graves. tYederick A. Stokes Co . Pleasing, imaginative, well told. Attractive make-up. The Italian Fairy Book $2.25: By Anne McDonald. Frederick A. Stokes Co.. Interesting tales of Italian folk-lore. Japanese Fairy Tales $1.00 Retold from the Japanese by Teresa P. Williston. Rand, McNally & Co. Imaginative, interesting tales, retaining the spirit of the Japanese. Beautifully gotten up in all resi>ects. Delicately illustrated by a Japanese. Johnny Blossom $1.35 By Dlkkem Zwilgmeyer. Pilgrim Press. Translated from the Norwegian by Emilie Poulsson. Charming story of the experiences of a little Norwegian boy, told in an unusually dramatic style; fine literary quality. Will in time be a classic. The Jolly Book of Boxcraft $2.00 By Patten Beard. Frederick A. Stokes Co. For children's education and play. The directions easily followed. Younger children can use them with the aid of adults. The Jolly Book of Playcraft $1.50 By Patten Beard. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Illustrated by photos. Description of over sixty games that can be made from the most ordinary materials, such as are to be found in every home. 29 For Children of Eight to Twelve A Journey to the Garden Gate $2.00 By Ralph M. Townsend. Houghton Mifflin Co. A dream story of the Alice in Wonderland type. Well told; humor- ous. Very good print; well illustrated. The King of Ireland's Son $2.00 By Padraic Colum. Illustrated by Willy Pogany. Henry Holt & Ck). Folk-tales told with great charm. Beautifully printed and illus- trated. The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights $2.25 Compiled by Sir James Knowles. Frederick Warne & Co. A re-arrangement and abridgement of Sir Thomas Mallory's legends ; excellent for children. Good edition, well illustrated. Life of Robert Louis Stevenson $1.00 By Jacqueline Overton. Charles Scribner's Son&\ A fascinating biography with a decided story interest. The Light Bringers $1.50 Mary H. Wade. Little, Brown & Co. Peary, Clara Barton, Wright Brothers, Julia Ward Howe, Marconi, Amundsen. Little Brother and Little Sister and Other Tales $4.00 By the Brothers Grimm. Dodd, Mead & Co. Beautiful volume ; forty well-known fairy tales. Profusely illus- trated with colored plates and black and white decorations by Ar- thur Rackham. Little Curly Head $1.25 By Johanna Spyri. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Two charming stories by the author of "Heidi." Attractively illus- trated little book. The Little House in the Fairy Wood $1.00 By Ethel Cook Eliot. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Charming story of a little boy who was "all human" and a little girl who was "half fairy," and of their playmates in the depths of the great woods. The Little Lame Prince and Other Stories $1.50 By Miss Mulock, J. B. Lippincott & Co. A new addition to the "Stories All Children Love Series." Attrac- tive illustrations by Maria L. Kirk. Little Lord Fauntleroy $2.00 By Frances Hodgson Burnett. Charles Scribner's Sons. Illustrated edition of this favorite. 30 For Children of Eight to Twelve Little People Everywhere $1.00 each. Betty in Canada. Boris in Russia. Chandra in India. Colette in France. Donald in Scotland. Fritz in Germany. Gerda in Sweden. Hassan in Egypt. Joset'a in Spain. Kathleen in Ireland. Manuel in Mexico. Marta in Holland. Raphael in Italy. Ume San in Japan. By Etta Blaisdell McDonald and Julia Dalyrimple. Little, Brown & Co. Good, short, travel books descriptive of the countries. Lucita, a Child's Story of Old Mexico 85 By Ruth Gaines. Rand, McNally & Ck). Charming story, full of the spirit of Old Mexico. The Magic Forest $1.0a By Stewart E. White. The Macmillan Co. Instructive, entertaining story of a real boy who spends several months in an Indian camp. Indian customs and traditions are de- picted. Well illustrated. Mopsa the Fairy $1.50 By Jean Ingelow. J. B. Lippincott Co, Holiday edition of this enchanting little fairy tale. Exquisite illus- trations by Maria L. Kirk. The Moving House $1.25 By Pauline Bradford Mackie. Small, Maynard & Co. Fanciful, humorous story, fascinatingly told. Nancy in the Wood $1.00 By Marion Bryce. John Lane Co. Simple, pleasing fairy tale. Beautifully illustrated in color and black and white. In Nature's School $1.50 By Lillian Gask. T. Y. Crowell Co. Useful and interesting facts about animals. 31 Foe Children of Eight to Twelve -Nature's Wonder Lore 85 By Mary Earle Hardy. Rand, McNally & Co. 'Simple nature talks in story form. 'The Nightingale and Other Stories $2.00 From Hans Andersen. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Geo. H. Doran Ck). Beautiful, large edition. Norse Stories 80 Retold by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Edited by Katherine Lee Bates. Rand, McNally & Oo. ^ice, small volume of these ever attractive stories. Good, clear print. The Numberg Stove 75 By Louise de la Ramee (Ouida). J. B. Lippincott Co. A good edition of the fascinating story. The Old, Old Fairy Tales $2.25 Edited by Mrs. Valentine. Frederick Warne & Co. Good selection and edition. Pads, Paws and Claws $3.00 By W. P. Pycraft. Frederick A. Stokes Oo. Description of the habits and characteristics of well-known house- hold and wild animals. Attractive make-up and colored illustrations. Large volume. The Palace Made by Music 75 By Raymond Macdonald Alden. Bobbs-Merrill Co. A very short, charming allegoric story telling of the discovery of harmony. Peterkin 75 By Gabrielle E. Jackson. Duffleld & Oo. Sympathetic story of a Russian immigrant child in New York. Frontispiece by Maxfield Parrish. Pic, the Weapon-Maker $1.75 George Langford. BOni & Liveright. An excellent story of adventures by primitive peoples with the an- cient animals of the old stone age. Interesting and instructive. Pilgrim Stories 75 By Margaret Pumphrey. Rand, McNally & Go. Stories with historic background, full of interest Clear print, good binding. Illustrated. For Children of Eight to Twelve Pinocchio $ 1 .50 By C^rlo Collodi. T. Y. Crowell Ck). Italian fairy tale. Excellent. Pinocchio $1.50 By C. Collodi. J. B. Lippincott Co. Illustrated by Maria L. Kirk. New edition. Very good. Pinocchio $2.50 C. Collodi. J. B. Lippincott Co. Attractive gift edition. Illustrations and marginal decorations by Maria L. Kirk. Pinocchio Under the Sea $1.75 Translated by Carolyn M. Delia Chiesa. Edited by John W. Davis. The Macmillan Co. More adventures of the ever-delightful Pinocchio. From the Italian. Humorous illustrations. Pioneers of America $1.00 Albert F. Blaisdell and Francis K. Ball. Little, Brown & Co. Some twenty episodes and sketches from pioneer life. Plant and Animal Children $1.08 By Ellen Torelle. D. C. Heath & Co. A highly instructive book, which could serve as an introduction to the study of sex hygiene. Well written and illustrated. Plays for the Home $1.50 By Augusta Stevenson. Houghton Mifflin Co. Excellent, simple, dramatic. Stimulates interest in home perform- ances. Plays for Home, School and Settlement $1.00 By Virginia Olcott. Designs for Costumes by Harriet Mead Olcott. Moffat, Yard & Co. Helpful, practical. Attractive, original designs of costumes. Poppyland $2.00 By H. De Vere Stacpole. John Lane Co. Interesting and fanciful. The Princess and Curdie The Princess and the Goblin $1.50 each By George Macdonald. J. B. Lippincott Co. Imaginative. Interesting. 88 For Childeen of Eight to Twelve Princess White Flame $3.00 By Gertrude Crownfield. E. P. Button & Ck). A "real" fairy tale told with unusual charm. Attractively illus- trated by Anne Merriman Peck. Puppies and Kittens $1.50 By Carine Cadby. E. P. Button & Co. Sympathetic and genuine animal stories, illustrated from photo- graphs. Quaint Old Stories to Read and Act 64 By Marion L. Lansing. Ginn & Co. Pills a need for the dramatization of familiar stories from ^sop and the folk lore of all countries. The Rainbow Book $1.50 By Mrs. M. H. Spielmann, Frederick Warne & Co. A collection of original, imaginative stories. The Red Indian Fairy Book $2.00 By Frances Jenkins Olcott. Houghton Mifflin Oo. Charming folk and nature tales from the lore of the North American Indians, with interesting illustrations by Frederick Richardson, and a subject index. The Refugee Family $1.50 A Story for Girls. By Flavia Camp Canfield. Harcourt, Brace & Howe. The story of a French family during the German occupation of Northern France, simply and sympathetically told. Robin Hood, His Book $2.00 By Eva March Tappan. Little, Brown & Co. Colored and black illustrations by Charlotte Harding. Episodes and adventures interestingly presented. Roeschen and the Wicked Magpie $1.00 By Evaleen Stein. Frontispiece by John Goss. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Good story. Historical background crude, but interesting. Well written. The Scottish Fairy Book $2.00 By Elizabeth W. Grierson. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Pleasing, imaginative, well told. Attractive make-up. Good illus- trations. 34 For Children of Eight to Twelve Scott, Sir Walter $1.00 each Fortunes of Nigel. Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. Peveril of the Peak. Redgauntlet. The Talisman. Retold by Alice F. Jackson. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. Simply and graphically retold, omitting lengthy descriptions and re- taining literary merit Illustrated. Self-made Pictures $1.25 each By C. Durand Chapman. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A series of books containing very artistic "cut outs." Serbian Fairy Tales $2.00 Translated from the Serbian by Mme. Elodie L. Mijatovich. Illustrated by Sidney Stanley. Robert McBride & Co. Fantastic tales full of characteristic color. Illustrations. Seven Peas in the Pod $2.00 By Margery Bailey. Little, Brown & Co. Charming stories, exceptionally well told. The Shoemaker's Apron $2.50 A second Book of Czechoslovak Fairy Tales. Retold in English by Parker FiUmore. Illustrations and decorations by Jan Matulka. Harcourt, Brace & Howe. A collection of twenty characteristic stories. Very effective illus- trations. A Short History of Discovery $2.50 From the Earliest Times to the Founding of Colonies on the American Continent. By Hendrick Willem Van Loon. David McKay. "An historical appetizer." Very clever pictures, drawn with a match and colored ink. Full page illustrations ; text instructive and interesting. The author is professor of history at Cornell University. The Sleeping Beauty and Other Stories from the Old French $2.50 each The Snow Queen and Other Stories from Hans Andersen. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Geo. H. Doran Co. Beautiful, large edition. 35 For Childeen of Eight to Twelve Sonny Bunny Rabbit and His Friends $2.00 By Grace MacGowan Cooke. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Amusing story. The Spanish Fairy Book $1.50 By Gertrude Segovia. Frederick A. Stokes Oo. Translated by Elizabeth Vernon Quinn. Colorful fairy tales, full of adventure, giving to American children the reflection of ancient Spanish culture, her chivalry and customs. The Spring of the Year 92 By Dallas Lore Sharp. Houghton Mifflin Co. Excellent description of the phases of animal and plant life peculiar to the springtime. A Staircase of Stories $4.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. A good family book, containing sixty-four tales, graded according to their appeal to children of from four to fourteen years. Chosen by Louey Chisholm and Amy Steedman ; 31 plates in color, 41 draw- ings in black and white. The Steadfast Princess 50 By Cornelia L, Meigs. The Macmillan Co. An excellent play for children to read and perform. Stories Childreen Need ; $1.50 By Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. Milton Bradley Co. Collection of well-known, simple tales, well told. Stories Grandmother Knew $1.60 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Collection of well-known stories by Jean Ingelow, Oliver Goldsmith, etc. Good, serviceable edition. k The Story of Doctor Dolittle $2.00 By Hugh Lofting. Fredk. A. Stokes Co. Humorous, highly entertaining adventures of a little, lovable old doctor who had so many animal pets that he became an animal doctor. Stories of Great Adventures $2.00 By Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. Milton Bradley Co. An excellent collection of stories adapted from the classics. Can be used as a guide for the story teller. For Children of Eight to Twelve Stories to Read or Tell $1.75 Selected and edited by Laura C. P^oucher. MoCFat. Yard & Co. Interesting collection of fairy tales and folk lore of various countries. Stories of School Days $1.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Stories by Charles Dickens, Louisa M. Alcott, Hezekiah Butterworth and Thomas Hughes. Stones We Love $1.00 each The Enchanted Doll. By Mark Lemon. Moufflon. By Ouida. The Ogre With the Three Golden Hairs and Other Tales. By the Brothers Grimm. Rip Van Winkle. By Washington Irving. Sinbad the Sailor. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Exceedingly attractive edition. Clear print. The Ston- of Chanticleer $1.75 Adapted by Florence Yates Hann. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A simplified prose version in story form of Edmond Rostand's play. Of great charm. Profusely and beautifully illustrated. The Storv of Cotton $1.25 By Alice Turner Curtis. Penn Publishing Co. Pleasing combinations of fact and fancy, enough to hold the child's Interest The Story of the Iliad 75 By Alfred J. Church. The Macmillan Co. Swiss Fairy^ Tales $1.75 William E. Griffis. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Twenty-five stories dealing with the fairies, elves, goblins and frost giants of the Alps. An interesting addition to the rapidly growing fairy tales of various nations. The Swiss Family Robinson $1.50 Edited by G. E. Mitton. Adam & Charles Black, London. Good edition ; attractive make-up and illustrations. 37 For Children of Eight to Twelve The Swiss Family Robinson $2.50 By Johann David Wyss. Hoclder & Stoiighton, N. Y. An elaborate edition illustrated in color. Large volume. Sylvia's Travels $3.00 By Constance Armfield. E. P. Button & Co. Fanciful tale of the adventures of a little girl with queer creatures in queer places. Beautifully illustrated by Maxwell Armfield. Tales for Bedtime $1.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jack Lon- don, Sarah O. Jewett and others. Tales of Enchantment from Spain $1.75 Elsie Spicer Cells. Harcourt, Brace & Howe. Fifteen fairy tales from Spanish sources. Characteristically illus- trated. Tales of Folk and Fairies $2.00 Written and illustrated by Katherine Pyle. Little. Brown & Co. Fairy tales from the old world across the seas — from Scotland, Scan- dinavia, Russia, Persia and Arabia. Exceptionally well told. Tales of Washington Irving's Alhambra $1.00 Simplified by Leila H. Cheney. J. B. Lippincott Co. Attractive little book. Excellent illustration in color. Tan and Teckle $1.25 By Charles Lee Bryson. Fleming H. Revell Co. Excellent, interesting nature studies. Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children $2.00 Chas. Scribner's Sons. With many of the "picture letters." Will interest parents also. Through the Eainbow $1.00 By Florence Peltier. Fleming H. Revell Co. An imaginative story, happily told. Keen sense of humor. Attrac- tive illustrations in color and black and white. Toggles $1.25 By Frederick F. Hall. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Story of a young boy's experience in the country. Tommy and the Wishing Stone $1.50 By Thornton W. Burgess. The Century Co. A pleasant, fanciful story imparting a little knowledge of natural history. 38 For Children of Eight to Twelve Tommy Tre^ennis $2.50 By Mary E. Phillips. E. P. Dutton & Co. Unusually charming story of child life in a Cornish sea town. Its quaintness will appeal to adults as well as to children. Top of the World Stories for Boys and Girls $1.25 Translated from the Scandinavian by Emilie Poulsson and Laura E. Poulsson, Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Co. Delightful stories translated with real charm. Treasure Island $1.25 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. Excellent, generally attractive edition, illustrated in color. Treasure Flower (A Child of Japan) $1.25 By Ruth Gaines. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton & Co. Child life in Japan interestingly described. A Treasury of Animal Stories $1.00 By Lillian Gask. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Very good hunting and nature stories. A Treasury' of Folk Tales $1.00 By Lillian Gask. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Eight short tales from the German. Arabic, Bohemian. Russian, Ser- vian, Slovak and Turkish. Well told, conveying in a charming man- ner the spirit of the people. Attractive little volume. A Treasury of Old Fairy Tales $1.00 By Alethea Chaplin. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Some of the most popular fairy tales, such as Puss in Boot, Jack and the Beanstalk, etc.. told in a simple, clear manner. Attractively gotten up volume. Twin Travelers in the Holy Land $2.00 By Mary H. Wade. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Travels of an American girl and boy in modern Palestine. Illustrated from photographs. Uncle Remus and the Little Boy $1.35 By Joel Chandler Harris. Small, Maynard & Co. Delightful stories told to a little boy by his darky friend. Enjoyable to adults also. Uncle Sam Fighter $1.55 By William Atherton Du Puy. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Deals interestingly and instructively with many aspects of national administration. 39 For Children of Eight to Twelve Uncle Zeb and His Friends $1.50 By Edward W. Frentz. Atlantic Monthly Press. Simple stories of American country life. Attractive illustrations in black and white. Victors of Peace $1.00 By F. J. Gould. Harper & Bros. Interesting and impressive stories of the thrilling victories over the obstacles man has had to overcome. Excellent material for story- telling. The Water Babies $1.25 By Charles Kingsley. Dodd, Mead & C3o. Attractive edition, illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. The Water Babies $1.35 By Charles Kingsley. Illustrated. J. B, Lippincott Co. An attractive edition in the "Stories All Children Love" Series. Water Babies $1.50 By Charles Kingsley. Illustrated by Frank A. Nankivell. The Macmillan Co. Very attractive edition. The Welsh Fairy Book $2.75 By W. Jenkyn Thomas. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Pleasing, imaginative, well told. Attractive make-up, profusely illus- trated by Willy Pogany. When I Was a Girl in Mexico 75 By Mercedes Godoy. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. One of the "Children of Other Lands" series. Graphic account of the country and its customs. Describes recent events. The Whirling King and Other Stories $1.50 By Harriett Mead Olcott. Henry Holt & Go. Adapted from the Ffench. For the young reader, Fairy stories fascinatingly told, appealing to the imaginative child and fostering imagination in the unimagina- tive. The White Caravan $2.00 By W. E, Cule. E. P. Dutton & Co. A good story, full of action. Well told. 40 For Children of Eight to Twelve The White Duckling and Other Stories $1.25 Translated from the Russian. By Nathan Haskell Dole. T. Y. Crowell Co. New issue of the Russian fairy tales. Interesting and dramatic. Based on the primitive myths, and breathing the racial spirit in its crudeness and simplicity. White Patch 42 By Bertelli. Retold by Angelo Patri. American Book Co. An ingenious way of giving nature lessons. The social life of in.sects is vividly described. Wigwam Evenings 1.60 By Charles A. Eastman and Elaine G. Eastman. Little, Brown & Co. Sioux folk tales retold. Interesting. Will o' the Wasps $1.35 By Margaret Warner Morley. A. C. McClurg & Co. Instructive story of the complex life of wasps, delightfully told. Windermere Series $1.75 each Rand-McNally Co. Standard Juveniles, such as Alice in Wonderland, Tanglewood Tales, etc. Attractive volumes ; illustrated by Milo K. Winter. Winter 92 By Dallas Lore Sharp. Houghton, Miflain Co. Excellent descriptions of the phases of animal and plant life x)eculiar to winter time. A Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales $3.50 By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Duffield & Co. Large, well gotten-up edition. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Wonderbook of Fairy^ Tales $2.00 Edited by Elizabeth Vernon Quinn. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Profusely illustrated, well printed, well chosen collection. Wonder Tales of the World $1.75 By Constance Armfield. Harcourt. Brace & Howe. Seventeen unhackneyed and pleasantly told folk and fairy tales from as many countries. The Wood People and Others $1.25 By Maud D. Haviland. Longmans, Green & Co. A good, interesting nature story book. 41 FoK Children of Eight to Twelve Woodsy Neighbors of Tan and Teckle $1.25 By Charles Lee Bryson. Fleming H. Revell Oo. Companion volume of "Tan and Teckle," of equal merit. The World of Animal Life $1.50 Edited by Fred Smith. H. M. Caldwell Co. The place of animals in the animal kingdom, their structure and habits systematically and scientifically though simply described. Ex- cellent as a book for a child interested to use for reference. Text clarified by numerous illustrations. Worth While Stories for Every Day $1.50 By Lawton B. Evans. Milton Bradley Co. A useful, interesting collection. For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Adventures of Akbar $1.75 By Flora Annie Steele. Fredk. A. Stokes Co. Story dealing? with the youth of the man who l)ecame one of the wisest and greatest of the Mogul emperors — 1542 to 1605. Cliarm- ingly written and of groat appeal to children. Succeeds admirably in giving the Oriental atmosphere. African Adventure Stories $1.50 By J. Alden Loring. Charles Scribner's Sons. Authentic tales of thrilling adventure. Ali Baba and other Stories from the Arabian Nights. . . .$1.00 Retold by Laurence Housman. Hodder & Stoughton. Small, attractive volumes, beautifully illustrated by Edmund Dulac. All About Engines $1.50 By Edward Cressy. Funk & Wagnalls Co. An attempt to present the achievements of science in clear and attractive form. Almost True Tales $1.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Well-chosen collection of stories with literary quality of Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Thomas Bulfinch, M. V. Farrington, Charles Kingsley, and "Ouida." An Empire Stor}^ $3.00 By H. F. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. The story of Canada. Australia, New Zealand. South Africa and India simply and interestingly told. Large, attractive, illustrated volume. Ancient Man $3.00 Henrik Van Loon. Boni & Liveright. Authoritative and absorbing account in simple stories and "match stick" pictures of man in prehistoric times. Animal Secrets Told $1.75 By Harry Chase Brearley. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Accurate, derailed information about animals, of interest only to the child caring particularly for exact knowledge. The Arabian Nights $1.50 Retold by Gladys Davidson. H. M. Caldwell Co. Simply and graphically retold. Attractive edition. Numerous good illustrations. 43 For C'HiiiDRBN OF Ten to Fourteen The Arabian Nights, Their Best Known Tales $2.25 Edited by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A. Smith. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Charles Scribner's Sons. Unusually handsome edition. Excellent selection. Arabian Nights, Fairy Tales from $1.50 Edited by E. Dixon. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Attractive edition. The Arabian Nights Entertainraents $1.50 By Edward William Lane. Henry Holt & Co. Based on a translation from the Arabic. Edited by Frances Jenkins Olcott. Handsome edition with colored illustrations. Several of the stories would probably be new to most children. Arabian Nights, More Tales from the $1.50 Edited by Frances Jenkins Olcott. Henry Holt & Co. Illustrated by Willy Pogany. Very handsome fairy tale book. Arabian Nights, Stories from the $1.50 Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Geo. H. Doran Co. Some of the classic stories retold by Laurence Housman, Beautiful edition, magnificently illustrated. Australasia's Story $1.00 By H. E. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Graphic history of Australasia. Colored illustrations. The Babyhood of Wild Beasts $2.00 By Georgia M. McNally. Geo. H. Doran Co. With foreword by William T. Homaday. Interesting and instructive; well illustrated from photographs; a good step from fables to genuine natural history. Beatrice of Denewood $1.25 By Emilie Benson Knipe and Alden Arthur Knipe. The Century Co. Sequel to the "Lucky Sixpence." Mingling of a little history with much romance. Bimbi : Stories for Children $1.50 By Louisa de la Ramee (Ouida). J. B. Lippincott Co. Very good edition of these stories, the value of which has already been proved. Birdcraft $1.75 By Mabel Osgood Wright. The Macmillan Co. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. One of the best books of this kind, combining accurate information with sympathetic accounts of bird life. 44 For Childeen of Ten to Fourtep^n Bird Guide $1.25 each By Chester A. Heed. Butterfly Guide. By W. J. Holland. Flower Guide. By Charles K. Reed. Tree Guide. By Julia Allen Rogers. Doubleday, Page & Co. Very practical and interestingly illustrated pocket edition. Bird Stories $1.65 By John Burroughs. Houghton, Mifflin Co. A good selection. About various kinds of birds, their habitat, nesting time, etc. Blackfeet Indian Stories $1.00 By George Bird Grinnell. Charles Scribner's Sons. Curious Indian legends emphasizing the Indian's sense of justice and desire for revenge. The Blue Fairy Book, 2 vols $1.50 each By Andrew Lang. Longmans, Green & Co. New edition of this well-known collection of classics. Blue Herron Cove $1.35 By Fanny Lee McKinney. Henry Holt & Co. Adventures of a girl through plots and schemes of others. A Book of Discovery $5.00 By M. B. Synge. G. P. Putnam's Sons. A history of the world's explorations from the earliest times until the discovery of the South Pole. Large volume, containing many illustrations and maps. The Book of Friendly Giants $2.50 By Eunice Fuller. The Century Co. Well-told stories of twelve giants, selected from mythology for their amiable qualities. The Book of Laughter $1.25 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Selections from Bret Harte, Howard Pyle, Joel Chandler Harris, John Habberton, Frank R. Stockton and others. The Book of the Long Trail $2.25 Henry Newbolt. Longmans, Green & Co. Sketches of eight English explorers and travelers. 45 Foe Children of Ten to Fourteen A Book of Myths $4.50 By Jean Lang (Mrs. John Lang). G. P. Putnam's Sons. Fine collection of classic myths. Attractive edition. The Book of Stars $1.50 By A. Frederick Collins. D. Appleton & Co. Helpful to the child interested in astronomy. The Book of Wonder Voyages $1.75 Edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Interestingly told ; the best known of the Greek, Celtic, Scandinavian and Arabian wonder voyages. A Boy in Eirinn $2.00 By Padraic Colum. E. P. Dutton Co. Story of an Irish boy in Ireland. Written with imagination and introducing much Irish folk lore. A Boy in Serbia .$1.50 By E. C. Davies. Thomas Y. Crowell Company. The Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt $1.25 By Hermann Hagedorn. Harper Bros. Vivid and intimate picture that brings out the character and per- sonality of the subject ; an interesting and inspiring book. The Boy With the United States Trappers $1.75 Francis Rolt Wheeler. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Adventures of boys accompanying the workers of the United States Biological Survey. Interesting and informing. Boys of Other Countries $1.50 By Bayard Taylor. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Enlarged edition of these classic travel stories. Broad Stripes and Bright Stars $1.50 Carolyn S. Bailey. Milton Bradley. Pictures by Power O'Malley. Tales of heroism and achievement out of America's development. Bulfinch's Mythology $2.00 The Age of Fable. The Age of Chivalry. Legends of Charlemagne. By Thomas Bulfinch. T. Y. Crowell Co. New edition of this standard work in one volume. 46 For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Burgess Bird Book $2.50 By Thornton W. Burgess. Little. Brown & Co. An excellent introduction to birds and hird-lifo for young children, with over fifty colored pictures by Tjouis Apjassiz t\iertes. Canada's Story $1.00 By H. E. Marshall I^ederick A. Stoke.s Co. Graphic history of Canada. Colored illustrations. Carpentry for Beginners; Things to Make $1.50 By John D. Adams. Moffat, Yard & Co. Directions, .sketches, dia.grams for making practical things. The Cart of Many Colors $2.00 By Nannine La Villa Meiklejohn. Button. Adventures in Northern Italy during the war, with hints at past history. Celtic Fairy Tales $1.75 Collected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Collection of well-told, imaginative stories. Chel ; a Story of the Swiss Mountains 75 By Johanna Spyri. Eaton & Maines. Dealing with the rude life of a remote village. The action holds the interest, and the theme is well suited for children. Children's Bluebird $2.50 By Madame Maurice Maeterlinck. Dodd, Mead & Co. This favorite play in story form. Beautiful, well-illustrated volume. The Children's Book of Christmas $1.50 Compiled by J. C, Dier. The Macmillan Co. Very interesting stories of the winter festivals and Christmas cele- brations in various lands and ages. Illustrated by reproductions from classic pictures and others. The Children's Life of the Bee $2.00 By Maurice Maeterlinck. Dodd, Mead & Co. Selected and arranged by Alfred Sutro and Herschel Williams. An attractive adaptation of this literary masterpiece, beautifully illus- trated in color by E. J. Detmold. The Children of the New Forest $1.50 By Captain Marryat. Henry Holt & Co. Very good edition of this classic tale of the time of the Cavaliers and Roundheads. Beautiful colored illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. 47 For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Children's Shakespeare 75 Hodder & Stoughton, N. Y. Stories from As You Like It, The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Interestingly written. Very well illustrated. Children's Stories from Dickens $1.50 Retold by Mary A. Dickens. Raphael Tuck & Sons. Stories well told, retaining the spirit of the original. Good edition. Well illustrated. Chinese Fairy Tales $1.75 By Adele M. Fielde. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Interesting tales typical of the race. A new edition, illustrated by Chinese artists. A Christmas Carol $1.75 By Charles Dickens. J. B. Lippincott Co. New, beautiful edition of this favorite. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. V Christmas Stories $1.75 ' By Charles Dickens. Frederick A. Stokes Co. An attractive edition, with good full-page illustrations in color. Cossack Fairy Tales $2.75 By R. N. Bain. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Vivid, interesting tales. Attractive edition. The Courtship of Miles Standish $3.00 By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Charming illustrations by U. C. Wyeth make this an unusually attrac- tive volume. Czechoslovak Fairy Tales $2.00 Retold by Parker Fillmore. Harcourt, Brace & Howe. Tales containing all the fairy characters dear to childhood, with a background of different customs and manners. The author has used Czechoslovakian and Moravian sources. Colorful characteristic illus- trations by a Czech artist, Jan Matulka. David Blaize and the Blue Door $2.00 By E. F. Benson. George H. Doran & Co. Fantastic adventure in wonderland by the hero of the author's earlier story. Deeds of Doing and Daring $1.25 By William Allen Johnston. W. A. Wilde Co. Stories of thrilling occupations illustrated by actual photographs. 48 For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Dogs of Boytown $2.00 By Walter A. Dyer. Henry Holt & Co. Adventures of boys and dofjs that show an nnderstandinj? of both ; interesting to the former, and very informing concerning the latter. Dutch Days $1.25 By May Emery Hall. Moffat. Yard & Co. Full descriptions of the country. Disguised guide book. Elizabeth Fry, the Angel of the Prisons $1.35 By Laura E. Richards. Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co. Inspiring account of a useful life. The Enchanted Land $3.50 By Louey Chisholm. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Fairy tales retold from the German and the Celtic ; absorbing in interest ; beautifully illustrated. The Enchanted Lochan $1.65 By F. C. Brunton. Thomas Y. Crowell Co. An alluring group of new fairy stories, furnishing a valuable record of ancient Celtic tradition. Charmingly illustrated in color by Noel L. Nisbet. Fairy Tales $1.50 By Oscar Wilde. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Poetic fairy tales of an unusual quality, rather for the discerning child. Fairy Tales from Many Lands $2.00 By Katharine Pyle. E. P. Dutton & Co. Charming stories with beautiful illustrations by the author. The Fall of the Year 92 By Dallas Lore Sharp. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Excellent descriptions of the phases of animal and plant life peculiar to autumn. Famous Pictures of Real Boys and Girls $1.25 By Lorinda Munson Bryant. John Lane Co. The descriptions of classic paintings of boys and girls are rich in historical and artistic suggestion, giving a lively idea of the countries, times, painters and children painted. Illustrated. The Fighting Fleets $2.00 By Ralph D. Paine. Houghton Mifflin Co. Life of the American Seamen during the great war. Many interest- ing illustrations. 49 For Children of Ten to Fourteen Flintheart: A Fairy Tale $2.00 By Eden Phillpotts. E. P. Dutton & Co. Effects of a talisman handed down from the New Stone Age; the adventures of two children and an old hot-water bottle among the fairies. Folk of the Woods $2.00 By Lucius Crocker Pardee. Doubleday, Page & Co. For nature and animal loving children. Enough fancy to cover the giving of information. Excellent style. Forty Famous Fairy Tales $1.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Well-made collection of some of the best known fairy tales. Illus- trated in black and white. Good, serviceable edition. Further Adventures of Nils $1.90 By Selma Lagerlof. Doubleday, Page & C<). Knowledge of the earlier work "Wonderful Adventures of Nils" is necessary for full enjoyment. Delightful stories; fresh, vivid imag- ination. General Crook and the Fighting Apaches $1.25 By Edwin L. Sabin. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Thrilling adventures of a boy captured by the Apaches and later associated with the leaders in the struggle against these Indians. The Golden Treasury $3.50 Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Duffield & Co. Palgrave's selection beautifully illustrated. Handsome volume. Good Old Stories for Boys and Girls $1.50 By Elva S. Smith. Lothrop, Dee & Shepard Co. Collection of twenty stories and poems. Selected primarily for their interest for boys and girls, and also for literary value. Great Opera Stories 40 By Millicent S. Bender. The Macmillan Co. Well told. Recommended for the contents. The make-up of this small book rather unattractive. A Guide to United States History $1.25 By Henry W. Elson. Doubleday, Page & Co'. Of value to children especially interested in history. The Happy Prince and Other Stories $7.50 By Oscar Wilde. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Elaborate edition of these poetic fairy tales beautifully illustrated by CTiarles Robinson. 50 For Children of Ten to Fourtekn Heidi $2.00 By Johanna Spyri. T. Y. (Yowoll (Jo. Translated by Ilolone S. White. Handsome edition of this delightful German classic. Heimatlos G8 By Johanna Spyri. Ginn & Co. Translated by Emma S. Hopkins. Two wholesome, interesting stories giving the foreign atmo.sphere. Hereward the Wake $1.00 By Charles Kingsley. George W. Jacobs & Co. Retold by Alice F. Jackson. Well done, in a charming, dramatic style. Illustrated. Hidden Treasure $1.50 By John Thomas Simpson. J. B. Lippincott Co. Splendid story of the reconstruction of an old farm through the application of modern farming and business principles. Charming story interwoven with text. Historic Adventures $1.75 By Rupert S. Holland. George W. Jacobs & Co. Interesting, instructive tales from American history up to the very present. Historic Heroes of Chivalr}^ $1.75 By Rupert S. Holland. George W. Jacobs & Co. Interesting instructive stories of heroes of different nations. Historic Poems and Ballads $1.75 Described by Rupert S. Holland. George W. Jacobs & Co. Excellent incentive to read more historic literature. History of France $3.00 By H. E. Marshall. George H. Doran Co. An interesting, well-written account, commencing with the coming of the Gauls into France and ending with the establishment of the third Republic. Large volume containing many attractive authentic maps and illustrations. Hoistah, an Indian Girl $1.25 By S. M. Barrett. DufReld & Co. Biography of an Indian girl of a century ago. Vivid picture of tribal manners and customs. The Home Book of Verse for Young People $2.25 Selected by Burton Egbert Stevenson. Henry Holt & Co. Decorated by Willy Pogany. Excellent selection and classification. Handsome large volume. 51 For Children of Ten to Fourteen Hoof and Claw $1.35 By Charles G. D. Roberts. The Macmillan Co. A good animal story. Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys $1.25 By A. Neely Hall. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Suggestions for the making of innumerable toys. Profusely illus- trated with photographs and working drawings. Indian Fairy Tales $1.75 Collected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Excellent collection of well-known Oriental stories ocntaining some of the old Jataka tales. India's Story $1.25 By H. E. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Graphic history of India. Colored illustrations. Insect Adventures $2.00 By J. Henri Fabre. Adapted for young people by Louise S. Hasbrouck. Dodd, Mead & Co. The life stories of the little creatures told with the author's well known skill and charm. In Sunny Spain $2.00 By Katherine Lee Bates. E. P. Dutton & Co. Entertaining story interpreting customs and ideals of Spanish children. In Victorian Times $1.25 By Edith L. Elias. Little, Brown & Co. Character studies of the great figures of the period. Israel Putnam $1.35 By Louise S. Hasbrouck. Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co. Interesting historic account. The Jewish Fairy Book $1.75 By Gerald Friedlander. Frederick A. Stokes Co Simple and genuine tales of adventure, heroic quests for wisdom, fascinating legends selected from the wealth of folklore belonging to this ancient people. Jewish Fairy Tales and Stories $1.25 By Gerald Friedlander. E. P. Diitton & Co. A small volume of interesting, characteristic short stories. Valu- able addition to racial folklore. 52 For Children of Ten to Fourteen Joyful Star $1.25 By Emelyn Newcomb Partridge. Sturgis & Walton Co. Good stories of heroic Indian girls. Katrinka, the Story of a Russian Child $2.00 By Helen Eggleston Haskell. E. P. Dutton & Co. A woll-told story, rich in incident, giving in vivid form pictures of child life in Russia and the influence of the despotic government on the life of the people. Kidnapped $2.25 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Charles Scribner's Sons. Large, handsome edition beautifully illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table $2.00 By Sir Thomas Mallory. Illustrated by Rodney Thomson. The Macmillan Co. A very attractive edition of this famous book. King Arthur's Knights $3.00 Tales retold by Henry Gilbert. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Excellent text. Well illustrated in color by Walter Crane. Elaborate edition. The Kingdom of Why $1.25 By Stuart B. Stone. Bobbs-Merrill Co. A humorous tale of a girl's adventure in the land of her imagination in quest of the sapient sage to answer her eternal "Why." Appro- priately illustrated by Peter Newell. The Kingdom of the Winding Road $1.25 By Cornelia Meigs. The Macmillan Co. A fanciful tale with much charm and action. The King of Ireland's Son $2.00 By Padraic Colum. Illustrated by Willy Pogany. Henry Holt & Co. Folk tales told with great charm. Beautifully printed and illustrated. Knights of Art $2.00 By Amy Steedman. George W. Jacobs & Co. Interesting, instructive, well-told stories of the struggles and suc- cesses of the Italian painters. Ornate, well bound and printed and beautifully illustrated. Our Winter Birds $1.00 By Frank M. Chapman. P. Appleton & Co. How to know and how to attract them. Instructive, interesting. Illustrated in color and black and white by Elrnest Thompson Seton and Edmund J. Sawyer. 53 For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Last of the Barons 75 By Sir Bulwer-Lytton. Retold by C. E. Smith. George W. Jacobs & Go. Retains the graphic and literary qualities of the original. Illustrated. Legends and Stories of Italy for Children. .. .$1.50 and $3.50 By Amy Steedman. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Legends handed down by Christian tradition from early and medieval periods. Beautifully told and of a high literary quality. Handsome edition, well illustrated by Katharine Cameron. The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights $2.25 Compiled by Sir James Knowles. Frederick Warne & Co. A rearrangement and abridgement of Sir Thomas Mallory's legends, excellent for children. Good edition, well illustrated. The Light Bringers $1.50 By Mary H. Wade. Little, Brown & Co. Well-told stories of the most recent inventors and explorers. A Little Boy Lost $1.75 By W. H. Hudson. Alfred A. Knopf. A delightful and graphic mixture of imagination and close observa- tion of nature's aspects and moods. The Little Buffalo Robe $1.35 By Ruth Everett Beck. Henry Holt & Co, Interesting contributions to the tales of Indian life. Little Heroes of France $1.75 By Kathleen Burke. Doubleday, Page & Co. Twelve stirring incidents of the great war. Lost Indian Magic $1.50 By Grace and Carl Moon. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A thrilling story of mystery and adventure, based on an old Indian legend. Lost with Lieutenant Pike $1.35 By Edwin L. Sabin. J. B. Lippincott Co. Historical adventures in the untrailed West of a century ago. The Lucky Sixpence $1.25 By Emile B. Knipe and Alden A. Knipe. The Century Co. Charming story of the part a little girl played in Revolutionary times. Not accurate historically. 64 For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Magic Horse, and other Stories from the Arabian Nights 75 Retold by Ijaurence Ilousman. Iloddor & Stoughton. Small, attractive volume, beautifully illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Magic Pictures of the Long Ago $1.30 By Anna C. Chandler. Henry Ilolt & Co. Stories of the People of Many Lands. Stories describing characters in art, history and- literature. Inter- estingly told. Illustrated with reproductions of works of art and old manuscripts. The Maid of Orleans $1.75 By M. C. Smith. Thomas Y. Crowell Company. A story of Jeanne D'Arc for Girls. An impressive story, emphasizing the sentiment and idealism that have developed about the heroine. The Marvel Book of American Ships $2.00 By Capt. Frank E. Evans and Commander Orton P. Jackson. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Description of what the different ships are and what they do. A Mayflower JMaid $1.75 By E. B. Knipe and A. A. Knipe. The Century Co. Story of a girl on the Mayflower and in Plymouth colony. A Midsummer Night's Dream $3.50 Doubleday, Page & Co. Handsome, new holiday edition. Imaginative illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Mister Wind and Madam Rain $2.00 By Paul de Musset. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Harper & Bros. .60 T"wo editions of this old favorite. A charming, fanciful tale based on Breton legends, simply narrated. Illustrated. The two-dollar edition elaborate. Molly and the Unwiseman Abroad $1.50 By John Kendrick Bangs. J. B. Lippincott Co. A nonsense story of a trip taken by Molly, her rubber doll, and the Unwiseman. Illustrated. Moni the Goat Boy $1.00 By Johanna Spyri. T. Y. Crowell Co. Translated by Helen B. Dole. An attractive edition of this well-known story of a Swiss boy. 55 For Childeen of Ten to Fourteen More Celtic Fairy Tales $1.25 GoUected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Additional fairy tales from the Celtic. Of the same merit as the former volume. More EngHsh Fairy Tales $1.75 Collected and edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Excellent collection. i More Little Beasts of Field and Wood $1.25 By William Everett Crane. Small, Maynard & Co. The author tells in diary form of his experiences with nature in general and more particularly his personal observations of wild animals. More Than Conquerors $1 .50 By Ariadne Gilbert. The Century Co. A book of biography, helping boys and girls to an acquaintance of such inspiring characters as Lincoln, Stevenson, Agassiz, Scott, etc. Each chapter considers its subjects from the standpoint of the par- ticular handicap the character had to overcome. Mount Minsi Fairies $1.00 By Charles K. Meschter. Richard G. Badger. A poetical, fanciful description of some points at Delaware Water Gap. Myths Every Child Should Know $2.00 Edited by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Doubleday, Page & Co. J Excellent collection. Handsome, well-illustrated volume. i Naughty Sophia $2.00 By Winifred Letts. Edward J. Clode. A delightful humorous fairy tale, charmingly illustrated in color and black and white. For the more discerning child. Large volume. News from Notown $1.75 By Eleanor Ellis Perkins. Houghton, Mifflin Co. j Illustrated by Lucy Fitch Perkins. ' Droll verses of village life with humorous pictures. ] Nuova or the New Bee $2.25 By Vernon Kellogg. Houghton, Mifflin Company. A curious combination of authentic nature lore with suggestive allegory. Number Stories of Long Ago 75 By David Eugene Smith. Ginn & Co. An interesting account in story form of the development of number- arts, and incidentally of writing. Good illustrations in color. 56 For Children of Ten to Fourteen On the Edge of the Wilderness $1.75 By Walter Pritchard Eaton. W. A. Wilde & Co. Tales of wild animal neighbors. Opening the Iron Trail $1.75 By Edward L. Sabin. T. Y. Crowell Co. Vivid adventures connected with the completion of the Pacific rail- roads in the late sixties. Instructive and stimulating. The Oregon Trail $1.00 By Francis Parkman. Little, Brown & Co. Interesting account of the wild life of man and beast in the Far West in the early days. Illustrated by Frederic Remington. Our Flag in Verse and Prose $1.25 Edited by Robert Haven Schauffler. Moffat, Yard & Co. The best that has been written about our national emblem. Our Island Story $3.50 By_H, E. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. An~interesting. well-written history of England covering the periods from the coming of the Romans into England 54 b. c. up to 1902. Large, attractive volume containing many authentic illustrations and maps. Overland for Gold $1.50 By Cheley. Abingdon Press. The thrill of the overland train in search of gold. Paul and the Printing Press $1.50 By Sara Ware Bassett. Little, Brown & Co. An interesting story of a modern high school boy's experiences, with considerable information on the history of printing. Paul Revere $1.35 By M. Moses. D. Appleton & Co. Illustrated. An interesting biography. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens $3.00 By J. M. Barrie. Charles Scribner's Sons. From the Little White Bird. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Pets for Pleasure and Profit $1.50 By A. Hyatt Verrill, Charles Scribner's Sons. Illustrated. A practical and instructive guide for the selection, feeding and care of pet animals. S7 For Children of Ten to Fourteen Pets. Their History and Care $2.00 By Ivee S. Crandall. Henry Holt & Co. Illustrated. Very helpful, practical and instructive. Well printed; profusely illustrated. Pic, the Weapon Maker $1.75 By George Langford. Boni & Liveright. An excellent story of adventures by primitive people with the ancient animals of the old stone age. Interesting and instructive. Pierrot — Dog of Belgium $1.25 By Walter A. Dyer. Doubleday, Page & Co. llie story of the part a dog plays in defending his country in the present war. Well told. Non-partisan in spirit Pioneer Days $1.35 By Mary H. Carmichael. Duffield & Co. Tales depicting the courage, coolness and splendid endurance of the pioneer men and women on the frontier of the West in the "Indian days." Plant and Animal Children $1.08 By Ellen Torrelle. D. C. Heath & Co. A highly instructive book, which could serve as an introduction to the study of sex hygiene. Well written and illustrated. Plutarch's Lives for Boys and Girls $2.50 Selected and retold by W. H. Weston. Ftederick A. Stokes Co. A very good form of the "Lives." giving a brief review of each and then expanding on the salient points. Elaborate edition, handsomely illustrated in color by W. Rainey. Popular Tales from the Norse $2.50 By Sir George Webbe Dasent. G. P. Putnam's Sons. A new edition of these interesting tales. Helpful in furnishing mate- rial for telling stories to children. Ronald Bannerman's Boyhood $2.00 By George Macdonald. H. M. Caldwell Co. A charming story of childhood. Robinson Crusoe $1.35 By Daniel Defoe. T. Y. Crowell Co. A complete edition ; illustrated. 58 For Children of Ten to Fouktkk: The Romance of Labor 75 By Twombly and Dana. The Maf-millan Co. Scenes from good novels, depicting joy in work. Romance of Reality $2.50 each Electricity. Modern Inventions. Engineering. The Man of War. The Aeroplane. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Books of sound science and fascinating reading. Round Table $2.50 Abridged from Mallory's Morte D' Arthur. By Alfred W. Pollard. The Macmillan Co. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Beautiful edition. Large, handsome volume. Round the Yule Log » $1.75 By P. C. Asbjornsen. J. B. Ldppincott Co. Charming tales of primitive Norse life. Conveying the genius and temper of the Norwegian peasant. Russian Fairy Tales $3.00 By R. Nisbet Bain. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Vivid, interesting tales. Attractive edition. Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages $1.40 each By George Hodges. Henry Holt & Co. These two books give good pictures of some of the world's greatest men, showing human devotion to ideals and principles as exemplified in their lives. The Secret Garden $1.60 By Frances Hodgson Burnett. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Interesting, imaginative story of appeal to thoughtful children. Serbian Fairy Tales $1.60 Translated from the Serbian. By Mme. Elodie L. Mijatovich. Illustrated by Sidney Stanley. Robert McBride & Co. Fantastic tales, full of color. Characteristic illustrations. Shakespeare^s Stories $1.50 By Constance and Mary Maud. Longmans, Green & Co. Nine of the best known Shakespeare dramas in story form. Well done. 50 For Children of Ten to Fourteen Shasta of the Wolves $1.75 By Olaf Baker. Dodd, Mead Company. Life of the forest as seen by an Indian boy who is lost in infancy and becomes a member of a wolf pack. Good illustrations by Charles Livingston Bell. The Slowcoach 50 and $1.50 By E. V. Lucas. The Macmillan Co. Entertaining story of seven interesting children on their trip in a caravan through Shakespeare country. Well gotten up and illus- trated. South Africa's Story $1.00 By H. E. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Graphic history of South Africa. Colored illustrations. The Spanish Fairy Book $1.50 By Gertrude Segovia. Frederick A. Stokes & Co. Translated by Elizabeth Vernon Quinn. Colorful Fairy Tales. Full of adventure, giving to American chil- dren the reflection of ancient Spanish culture, her chivalry and customs. A Staircase of Stories $4.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. A good family book, containing sixty-four tales graded according to their appeal to children of from four to fourteen years, chosen by Louey Chisholm and Amy Steedman. 31 plates in color and 41 draw- ings in black and white. Stories of Heroism from the World's History $1.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. A good collection of stories of famous people by E. S. Brooks, Noah Brooks. Charlotte M. Yonge, Jacob Abbott, Israel Potter, Katharine Birdsall, W. F. Livingston. Stories of Egyptian Gods and Heroes $2.00 By F. H. Brooksbank, B. A. T. Y. Crowell Co. Inspiring the reader with the sublimity of the faith and history of the ancient nation. Stories from Old English Romance 75 each By Joyce Pollard. Stories from Old French Romance $1.25 By E. M. Wilmont-Buxton. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Stories of classic hero tales retold. Good literary style. For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Story of the United States $3.00 By Marie L. Herdman. Illustrated by A. S. Forrest. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A new book in the excellent series of story histories for children. Large, handsome volume with 12 illustrations in color. The Story Book of Science $2.00 By Jules Henri Fabre. Century Co. In this book the famous scientist tells young people about metals, plant and animal life, about the marvels of the skies, etc. The Strange Story Book $1.60 By Mrs. Lang. Edited by Andrew Lang. Longmans, Green & Co. Miscellaneous collection of folk lore and fairy tales with the attrac- tiveness of all of the Lang collections. Tales for Children from Many Lands 75 each Edited by F. C. Tilney. ^sop's Fables. Adapted by F. C. Tilney. Bayard By Christopher Hare. English Fairy Tales. By Ernest and Grace Rhys. Fables of La Fontaine. Rendered into English prose. By F. C. Tilney. Fairy Tales. By Charles Perrault. Tales of the Great War $1.75 By Henry Newbolt. I^ongmans Green & Co. Very well written accounts of the Battle of Jutland, The Story of the Emden, etc. The author shows a remarkable sense of fairness to the enemy. Tales of Robin Hood and King Arthur $1.50 G. P. Putnam's Sons. Stories of Bayard Taylor, Thomas Bulfinch, etc. Good serviceable edition. 61 For Children of Ten to Fourteen A Tenderfoot with Peary $1.35 By George Borup. Illustrated from Photos. Frederick A. Stokes CJo. Written by real youth in the language of youth. Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children $2.00 Charles Scribner's Sons. With many of the "picture letters." Will interest parents also. This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States. .$2.50 By H. E. Marshall. George H. Doran Co. An excellent history by the author of "A History of France." "An Island Story," etc. Tommy Tregennis $2.50 By Mary E. Phillips. E. P. Button & Co. Unusually charming story of child life in a Cornish sea town. Its quaintness will appeal to adults as well as to children. The Totem of Black Hawk $1.20 By Everett McNeill. A. C. McClurg & Co. A tale of pioneer days in northwestern Illinois and the Black Hawk War. Travels at Home 50 By Mark Twain. Harper & Bros. Selected from Mark Twain's works by Percival Chubb. Treasure Island $1.35 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. Excellent, generally attractive edition ; illustrated in color. The Tree Book $6.00 By Julia E. Rogers. Doubleday, Page & Co. Common trees. Interestingly described. True Stories of Great Americans $1.00 each Custer. John Paul Jones. John Smith. George Washington. The Macmillan Co. These are additions to an interesting series of biographies. The events are vividly described. 62 FoK Ctiildken' of Tks to Fouk' ri-: fa- Two Boys in the Tropics $1 .35 By Elisa Ilaldeman Fifryelmessy. The Macniillan Co. The wife of the United States Consul to British Guiana, who was there over twenty years, tells the experiences of her own two sons with the tropical plants and animals. Tyltyl $5.00 Maeterlinck's "Betrothal" for Children. Told by Alexander Teixera De Mattos. Dodd. Mead & Co. Beautifully illustrated, large volume. Uncle Abner's Legacy $1.50 By A. Hyatt Verrill. Henry Holt & Co. The "adventure" of reclaiming an abandoned farm interestingly told. Uncle Joe's Lincoln $1.25 By Edward A. Steiner. Fleming H. Revell Co. Interesting childhood experiences in Hungary with a background of reverence for Lincoln and love for the government of the United States. Uncle Sam's Outdoor Magic $1.25 By Percy Keese Fitzhugh. Illustrated. Harper & Bros. The romance of reclamation in desert and forest vividly and inter- estingly described. Vive La France $1.50 By E. B. Knipe and A. A. Knipe. Tlie Century Co. Service and patriotism the main theme of numerous scenes and character studies hold the constant interest of the reader. When I Was a Boy $1.00 each In Greece By George Demetrios. In Palestine By Mousa J. Kaleel. In Russia By Vladimir de Bogory Mokrlevitch. In Eoumania By James S. Van Teslaar. In Persia By Yovel B. Mirza. For Children of Ten to Fourteen In Scotland By George McPherson Hunter. Liothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Good accounts of the countries and their customs. Genuine auto- biographies of native boys. When They Were Children $2.50 By Amy Steedman. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Stories of the childhood of famous men and women of various types, eras, and countries. Wild Animals I Have Known $1.75 By Ernest Thompson Seton. Charles Scribner's Sons. Attractive edition of these standard classic nature stories, which every child should read. Wild Flowers Every Child Should Know $1.20 By Frederick Wm. Stack. Doubleday, Page & Oo. Arranged on the basis of the color of the flowers. Descriptions de- tailed. Interesting. Windermere Series $1.75 Rand-McNally Co. Eleven Volumes. Standard Juveniles, such as Swiss Family Robinson, Treasure Island, Ivanhoe, etc. Attractive volumes, illustrated by Milo K. Winter. The Wind in the Willows $2.00 By Kenneth Grahame. Charles Scribner's Sons. Collection of stories which are worthy successors to "Dream Days" and "The Golden Age," by the same author. Charmingly illustrated. Winter 92 By Dallas Lore Sharp. Houghton Mifflin Co. Excellent descriptions of the phases of animal and plant life peculiar to winter time. A Wonder Book and Tangle wood Tales $1.25 By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. A large, handsome edition, well bound and printed with beautifully colored illustrations of uneven merit. Wonder Book of the Bible $2.50 By Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A rather sketchy way of handling the Bible stories, but undoubtedly helpful as a means of arousing interest. 64 For Children of Ten to Fourteen The Wonders of Bird Life 50 By John Lea. J. B. Lippincott Co. Interesting, instructive accounts of bird life, written with charm ; of real literary merit. Illustrated. Wonder Stories $2.50 Milton Bradley Co. The best myths for boys and girls retold in effective style. Woodcraft Boys at Sunset Island $1.50 By Lillian Elizabeth Roy and M. F. Hoisington. George II. Do ran Co. Summer play and adventure in forest and water, with due regard to human relations. The World's Story. A Simple History for Boys and Girls. .$4.00 By Elizabeth O'Neill. Uniform with "A Book of Discovery." In simple, popular language this book tells the story of the world, beginning with "The Coming of Man" down to just before the Great War. Worth While People 75 By F. J. Gould Harper & Bros. Effectively told stories of great achievements. The Young Pilgrims $1.75 By Charles Herbert. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pictures of life in the Plymouth Bay Colony, through a story of some children. Attractive colored illustrations. Yoyo's Animal Friends $1.50 By Rowland Strong and Pierre Jan. E. P. Dutton & Co. An amusing tale, cleverly and profusely illustrated in color and black and white. Tule-Tide in Many Lands $1.25 By Mary E. Pringle and Clara A. Urann. Illustrated by L. J. Bridgman. Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Cx). Simple account of the celebration of this festival. For Children Over Fourteen All About Engines $1.50 By Edward Cressy. Funk & Wagnalls Co, An attempt to present the achievements of science in clear and attractive form. The American Boys^ Engineering Book $2.00 By A. Russell Bond. J. B. Lippincott Co. An excellent guide for the making of many interesting and ingenious devices; develops sound scientific principles through play. Atlantic Prose and Poetry $2.00 Selected and edited by Chas. Swain Thomas and H. G. Paul. Atlantic Monthly Press, A fine collection of articles, stories, poems, etc., from the files of the Atlantic Monthly. Extends over a period of over 64 years. Valuable material dealing with the recent war. The Aztec Hunters $1.50 By Francis Rolt- Wheeler. Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Co. The first complete account of modern discoveries about the ancient civilization of the Mayas, in story form. Authentic and interesting. Beyond the Old Frontier $1.50 By George Bird Grinnell, Charles Scribner's Sons. A series of anecdotes of pioneer days giving a vivid picturesque glimpse into this recent past. Birdcraft $1,75 By Mabel Osgood Wright. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. The Macmillan Co. One of the best books of this kind, combining accurate information with sympathetic accounts of bird life. The Book of Forestry $2.00 By Frederick F. Moon. Illustrated from Photos. D. Appleton & Co. Interesting and informing ; sane outlook ; includes guide to identifica- tion of trees and shrubs. A Book of Operas, A Second Book of Operas $2.00 each By Henry Edward Krehbiel. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co. Histories, plots and music of the most important English, Italian, French and Grerman operas authoritatively and entertainingly de- scribed. 66 For Children Over Fourteen The Book of Wonder Voyages $1.75 Edited by Joseph Jacobs. G. P. Putnam's Soils. Interestinjjly told; the l>est known of the (ireek, Celtic, Scandinavian and Arabian Wonder Voyages. Boys' Book of Sea Fights $1.75 By Chelsea Curtis Fraser, T. Y. Crowell Co. Famous naval battles and biographical sketches of naval heroes from Francis Drake to the Great War. Carpentr}' for Beginners $1.50 Things to Make. By John D. Adams. Moffat. Yard & Co. Directions, sketches, diagrams for making practical things. The Children of the New Forest $1.50 By Captain Marryat. Henry Holt & Co. Very good edition of this classic tale of the time of the Cavaliers and Roundheads. Beautifully colored illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. The Cockpit of Santiago Key $1.60 By David S. Greenberg. Boni & Liveright. Life and adventure in Porto Rico, with high idealism sustained above the crude and sordid pictures. A Colonial Maid of Old Virginia $1.75 By Lucy Foster Madison. Penn Publishing Co. Pleasing story. The Conquerors of Mexico $2.00 By Henry Gilbert. T. Y. Crowell Co. An interesting paraphrase of Prescott's "Conquest of Mexico," em- bodying the fresh point of view contained in Bernal Diaz's Verdadera Historia. This Country of Ours: The Stor^- of the United States. .$2.50 By H. E. Marshall. Geo. H. Doran Co. An excellent history by the author of "A History of France." "An Island Story," etc. Elizaheth Fry, the Angel of the Prisons $1.35 By Laura E. Richards. Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co. Inspiring account of a useful life. Evolution $2.00 By J. A. S. Watson. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Excellent introduction to the subject, depending largely on the very effective illustrations. 67 For Children Over Foxtbtebn The Extra Day $1.35 By Algernon Blackwood. The Macmillan Co. Charming, unusual story for adults and thoughtful young people. Delicate imagery, fine literary style. The Faerie Queene for Boys and Girls $1.50 By the Rev. Alfred J. Church, M. A. The Macmillan Co. Well retold. The Fairy Bride $1.00 By Norreys Jephson O'Connor. John Lane Co. A charming Celtic Fairy Play. Suitable for outdoor or indoor pro- duction. The Feet of the Furtive $1.35 By Charles G. D. Roberts. The Macmillan Co. Animal stories, well written, of keen interest, and showing genuine knowledge of the animals. Florence Nightingale, the Angel of the Crimea $1.25 By Laura E. Richards. D. Appleton & Co, Sympathetic and attractive. Gives good picture of hospital nursing and the horrors of war. Girls Book of the Red Cross $1.50 By Mary Kendall Hyde. T. Y. Crowell Co. Interesting account of the work of this organization during the war. God's Troubadour, the Story of Saint Francis of Assisi . . $2.00 By Sophie Jewett. T. Y. CtowcII Co. The lovely medieval story is told with the charm of literary dis- tinction. Hidden Treasure $1.50 By John Thomas Simpson. J. B. Lippincott Co. Splendid story of the reconstruction of an old farm through the application of modern farming and business principles. Charming story interwoven with text. Historic Inventions $2.50 By Rupert S. Holland. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. An interesting short history of famous inventors and inventions from Gutenberg to the Wright Brothers. Not at all technical. Well illus- trated. 68 FoK Children Over Fourteen History of France $3.00 By H. E. Marshall. Geo. H. Doran CV). An Interesting, well-written account commencing with the coming of the Gauls into France and ending with the establishment of the third Republic. Large volume containing many attractive, authentic maps and illustrations. Ivanhoe $3.00 By Sir Walter Scott. I>avid McKay Co. Handsomely illustrated gilt edition. Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator $1.75 By A. Fred Collins. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Thrilling adventures in which the wireless plays a prominent role. Jeremy $1.75 By Hugh Walpole. George II. Doran Co. A tale of a Happy Childhood In a quiet English Cathedral Town. Kenilworth $3.00 By Sir Walter Scott. David McKay Co. Handsomely illustrated gift edition. Knights of Art $2.00 By Amy Steedman. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. Interesting, instructive, well-told stories of the struggles and suc- cesses of the Italian painters. Ornate, well bound and printed and beautifully illustrated. Legends and Stories of Italy for Children $1.50 and $2.50 By Amy Steedman. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Legends handed down by Christian tradition from early and medieval periods. Beautifully told and of a high literary quality. Handsome edition well illustrated by Katharine Cameron. A Little Boy Lost $1.75 By W. H. Hudson. Alfred A. Knopf. A delightful and graphic mixture of imagination and close observa- tion of nature's aspects and moods. A Maid at King Alfred's Court 75 By Lucy Foster Madison, Penn Publishing Co. A pleasant combination of history and romance. Wholesome senti- ment. Good print. Illustrated. The Marvel Book of American Ships $2.00 By Captain Frank E. Evans and Commander Orton B. Jackson. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Description of what the diflferent ships are and what they do. For Children Over Fourteen The Mysterious Stranger $2.00 By Mark Twain. Harper & Bros. Pine edition, beautifully illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. Our Empire Story $3.0Q By H. E. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. The ^tory of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India truly and interestingly told. Large, attractive illustrated volume. Our Flag in Verse and Prose $1.25 Edited by Robert Haven Schauffler. Moffat, Yard & Co. The best that has been written about our national emblem. Our Island Saints $2.50 By Amy Steedman. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Legends of the Christian saints told with fine simplicity, charm and loftiness. Handsome edition, beautifully illustrated by M. D. Spooner. Companion volume to "Legends and Stories of Italy for Children." Our Island Story $4.00 By H. B. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. An interesting, well-written history of England, covering the period from the coming of the Romans into England 54 B. C. up to 1902. Large, attractive volume containing many authentic illustrations and maps. Peg o' the Ring $1.25 By E. B. Knipe and A. A. Knipe. The Century Co. A lively story with some historical background of the relation be- tween the colonists and the Indians and French. Pets for Pleasure and Profit $1-50 By A. Hyatt Verrill. Illustrated. Charles Sc'ribner's Sons. A practical and instructive guide to the selection, feeding and care of pet animals. Pets, Their History and Care $2.00 By Lee S. Crandall. Henry Holt & Co. Very helpful, practical, instructive. Well printed, profusely iUus- trated. The Ransom of Red Chief $1-50 And Other 0. Henry Stories for Boys as chosen by Franklin K. Matthews. Doubleday, Page & Co. Interesting collection. 70 For ('hildrex Over Four' I'EEN Rebels and Kef ormers $ 1 .00 By Arthur and Dorothea Ponsonby. Ilonry Holt & Co. Interesting and inspirinj? stories of the lives of such notabU? figures as Savonarola. Voltaire, Bruno. Tlioreau, Lloyd Garrison. The Romance of Modern Astronomy $1.50 By Hector McPherson. Seeley & Co. One of a series of twenty-six called the "Library of Romance," de- scribing the wonders of the universe in simple, terse laiiKuage with literary merit. Clear illustrations. Salute to Adventurers $L35 By John Buchan. George IL Doran Co. A romance of Old Virginia, with historical coloring ; well written. Scotland's Story $2.50 By H. E. Marshall. Frederick A. Stokes Co. An interesting, well-written history. Large, attractive volume, con- taining many illustrations and maps. The Secret Trails $1.50 By Charles G. D. Roberts. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co. Well written animal stories of keen interest. Authentic. The Stars and Their Stories $1.25 Prepared by Margaret Boroughs. Henry Holt & Co. A combination of poetry, mythology and some science relating to stars. Of special interest to young people of sentiment. Stories from German History^ up to 1648 $2.00 By Florence Aston. T. Y. Crowell Co. Well told : of value rather for the child already interested. Attrac- tive volume. Illustrated. Stories of Xorse Heroes $2.50 By E. M. Wilmot-Buxton. T. Y. Crowell Co. Hero tales from Eddas and Sagas. Stories from Wagner $2.50 By J. W^alter McSpadden. T. Y. Crowell Co. A new edition of this popular book. Of interest to adults as well as children. Stories of the Saints $1.50 By G. Hall. Doubleday, Page Co. The better-known Christian saints of the early centuries retold for children. 71 For Children Over Fourteen Stories of Useful Inventions $1.25 By S. E. Forman. The Century Co. Simply told history of those inventions which are most useful to man: the stove, the match, the clock, etc. The Story Book of Science $2.00 By Jules Henri Fabre. Century Co. In this book the famous scientist tells young people about metals, plant and animal life, about the marvels of the skies, etc. The Story of Our Bible $1.50 How It Grew to Be ^\Tiat It Is. By Harold B. Hunting. Charles Scribner's Sons. A history of the Books of the Bible, translations and interpretations in the light of historical and archaeological research. Dramatically and interestingly told. Attractive volume. Tales of the Great War $1.75 By Henry Newbolt. Longmans, Green & Co. Very well written accounts of the Battle of Jutland, The Story of the Emden, etc. The author shows a remarkable sense of fairness towards the enemy. Tom Brown's School Days $1.50 By Thomas Hughes. Harper & Bros. Introduction by William Dean Howells. Good substantial edition. Treasure Island $1.25 By Robert Louis Stevenson. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. Excellent, generally attractive edition, illustrated in color. Two Years Before the Mast. $2.00 By Richard H. Dana. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Beautiful edition of this well known and well liked story of life on the sea. Uncle Joe's Lincoln $1.25 By Edward A. Steiner. Fleming H. Revell Co. Interesting childhood experiences in Hungary with a background of reverence for Lincoln and love of the government of the United States. Uncle Sam's Modern Miracles $1.75 By William Atherton Dupuy. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Companion volume to "Uncle Sam, Wonder Worker," containing much scientific information, such as forestry, agricultural experiment sta- tions, etc. 72 For Children Over Fourteen Uncle Sam's Outdoor Magic $1.25 By Percy Keese Fitzhugh. Harper & Bros. (Bobby CuUen with the Reclamation Workers.) The romance of reclamation in desert and forest interestingly de- scribed. Uncle Sam, Wonder Worker $1.50 By William Atherton Dupuy. P^rederick A. Stokes Co. About departments of the government such as the forestry depart- ment, the biological and geological surveys, etc., containing much scientific information pleasantly conveyed. When I Was a Boy $1.00 each In Greece. By George Demetrios. In Palestine. By Mousa J. Kaleel. In Russia. By Vladimir de Bogory Mokrievitch. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Good accounts of the countries and their customs. Genuine auto- biographies of native boys. Winter 92 By Dallas Lore Sharp. Houghton, Miflain Co. Excellent description of the phases of animal and plant life peculiar to the wintertime. The World of Animal Life $1.50 Edited by Fred Smith. H. M. Caldwell Co. The place of animals in the animal kingdom, their structure and habits systematically and scientifically, though simply, described. Ex- cellent as a children's book of reference. Text clarified by numerous illustrations. The World's Story $2.75 A Simple History for Boys and Girls. By Elizabeth O'Neill. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Uniform with "A Book of Discovery." In simple, popular language this book tells the story of the world, beginning with the coming of man down to just before the Great War. The Young Folks' Book of Ideals $2.00 By William Byron Forbush. Illustrated by Photos. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. An intimate guide to the formulation of personal ideals and resolu- tions ; excellent bibliography and practical suggestions. The Young Russian Corporal $1.35 By Paul Igolevitch. Harper Bros, Adventures in the war of a boy who managed to get into the army at 12 years; written by himself. 73 Of Special Interest to Boys The Adventures of Akbar $1.75 By Flora Annie Steele. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Story dealing with the youth of the man who became one of the wisest and greatest of the Mogul emperors, 1542-1605. Charmingly written and of great appeal to children. It succeeds admirably in giving the Oriental atmosphere in all its richness and quaintness. 8-12. American Boys' Book of Bugs, Butterflies and Beetles. . . .$2.00 By Dan Beard. J. B. Lippincott Co. Very instructive and interesting. Well illustrated. 10-14. American Boys' Book of Signs, Signals and Symbols $2.00 By Dan Beard. J. B. Lippincott Co. Very "important" for the boy in the "gang" stage; includes animal and weather signs as well as secret and conventional codes of all kinds. 10-14. Bar B Boys $1.50 By Edwin L. Sabin. T. Y. Crowell Co. Interesting tale of adventure of life in the West. 10-14. Beyond the Old Frontier $1.50 By George Bird Grinnell. Charles Scribner's Sons. A series of anecdotes of pioneer days, giving a vivid, picturesque glimpse into this recent past. 12-16. A Book of Discovery $5.00 By M. B. Synge. G. P. Putnam's Sons. A history of the world's exploration from the earliest times until the discovery of the South Pole. Large volume, containing many illustrations and maps. 12-16. The Book of the Sail-Boat $1.50 By A. Hyatt Verrill. D. Appleton & Co. Information regarding history, construction and running of sail- boats. 10-16. The Book of Wireless $1.50 By Frederick A. Collins. D. Appleton & Go. Exceedingly clear description, giving detailed instruction for setting up and operating a wireless station. Numerous illustrations clarify the text. 10-14. 74 Of Special Inter?:st to I^oys The Boys' Airplane Book $1.60 By A. Frederick Collins. Frederick A. Stokes Cxy. Facts about the history, construction and uses of the airplane. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Aeroplanes $2.00 By T. O'Brien Hubbard and Charles C. Turner. Illustrated by Photographs and Diagrams. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Complete, up to date account. A final chapter of prophesy proves most interesting. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Airships $2.00 By Harry Delacombe. Illustrated by Photographs. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Interesting and instructive. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Astronomy $2.00 By Ellison Hawkes. Frederick A. Stokes Co. An account of the modern discoveries in astronomy, interestingly told. Over 14. Boys' Book of Battles $1.75 By Chelsea Curtis Fraser. Thos. Y. Crowell Co. Eleven battles from Bunker Hill to the Argonne ; spirited and vivid ; emphasis on the heroism and idealism and on larger issues involved. 12-16. The Book of Bravery $2.00 each First Series, Second Series. By Henry W. Lanier. Chas. Scribner's Sons. True stories in the ascending scale of courage. The second series tells of "Explorers of the Unknown in Spite of Fear." Very valuable. Over 14. The Boys' Book of Canoeing and Sailing $2.00 By Warren H. Miller. George H. Doran Co. Expert information on boat building and boat handling, not calling for expensive materials. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Engine Building $1.25 By A. Frederick Collins. Small, Maynard & Co. Illustrated by drawings by the author. Interesting, instructive. 12-16. The Book of the Happy Warrior $1.75 By Sir Henry Newbolt. Longmans, Green & Co. Hero Tales of a fine type by the author of Tales of the Great War, etc. The Song of Roland, the Life of Richard Coeur de Lion. Robin Hood and others is told in an inspiring manner. 12-16. 75 Of Special Interest to Boys The Boys' Book of Hunting and Fishing $1.75 By Warren H. Miller. George H. Doran Co. Practical boy's book of camping out; telling exactly what parapher- nalia is needed, how to obtain it, make it and care for it. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Modern Marvels $3.50 By O. J. L. Clark. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Complete account of the mechanical application of all the sciences. Text clarified by numerous illustrations from photographs. Over 14. The Boys' Book of New Inventions $1.60 By Harry E. Maule. Doubleday, Page & Co. Stories of the world's latest great inventions — aeroplanes, submarines, motion-picture machines, etc. Profusely illustrated. 10-14. The Boys' Book of Pets $2.50 By W. Percival Westell. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Contains considerable scientific information in addition to practical directions. 114 illustrations. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Railways $2.50 By J. R. Howden. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A detailed account of railroading in all its aspects, of value to the boy interested. 12-18. The Boys' Book of Stamp Collecting $2.00 By Douglas B. Armstrong. Illustrated. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A mine of interesting information. Suitable only for older collectors. Over 14. The Boys' Book of Submarines $1.35 By A. Frederick Collins. G. P. Putnam's Sons. History, uses, construction and operation of the submarine and sub- marine chasers. 12-16. The Boys' Book of Warships $1.75 By J. R. Howden. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A detailed account of warships, of value to the boy interested. 12-18. The Boys' Own Book of Great Inventions $2.50 By Floyd L. Darrow. Macmillan Co. A good account of various scientific principles and their application, with suggestions for experiments and demonstrations. Over 14. 76 Of Special Interest to Boys The Boy ColJector's Ilaiidhook si.oO By A. Hyatt Verrill. Kohcrt M. McRridc Co. A "practical" book that will oiuloar itself to many boys. Ilhistratod. 12-16. Boy Lite 50 By William Dean Ilowells. Harper «& F.ros. Stories and readings selected from the works of Ilowells by rcrcival Chubb. 10-14 The Boys' Life of Edison $1.25 By William H. Meadowcroft. Harper & Bros. A good account of this man in whom boys are so much interested. Over 14. The Boys' Life of General Sheridan $1.50 By Warren Lee Goss. T. Y. Crowell Co. A story based on real history. 12-16. The Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt $1.25 By Herman Hagedorn. Harper & Bros. Vivid and intimate picture that brings out the character and per- sonality of the subject : an interesting and inspiring book. Over 14. Boys' Make at Home Things $1.35 By Carolyn Sherwin Bailey and Marian Elizabeth Bailey. Illustrated. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Simple, practical directions. 10-16. The Boys' Prescott $2.50 By Helen Ward Banks. Illustrated by Col. T. H. Robinson. P^ederick A. Stokes Co. Well illustrated and well printed. A valuable abridgement. 12-16. The Boy with the U. S. Census $1.75 By Dr. Francis Rolt-TMieeler. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Full information covering a vast range of subjects, social, racial, political, etc. 12-16. The Boy with the U. S. Explorers $1.:5 By Francis Rolt- Wheeler. Lothrop. Lee «& Shepard Co. Full of interesting information. 12-16. The Boy with the U. S. Indians $1.:5 By Dr. Francis Rolt- Wheeler. Lothrop. Lee & Shepard Co. Awakf^ning sympathy and interest in the American Indians, giving much information about their religion, family, language, and customs. A valuable addition to a boy's library. 12-16. 77 Of Special Interest to Boys The Boy with the U. S. Naturalists $1.50 By Dr. Francis Kolt- Wheeler. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Explorations and adventures related to bird life, conservation and economics. Authentic ; well illustrated. 12-16. Carpentry and Mechanics for Boys $2.00 By A. Neely Hall. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. The author is a well-known authority on boys' activities. Wide range of projects to appeal to all tastes and degrees of skill. 10-14. The Curtiss Aviation Book $1.60 By Glenn H. Curtiss and August Post. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Authoritative and accurate account of aviation. 10-16. Daniel Boone, Backwoodsman $1.75 By C. H. Forbes-Lindsay. J. B. Lippincott Co. Vivid, interesting story of pioneer life in the West. 12-16. Daring Deeds of Hunters and Trappers $1.75 By Earnest Young. J. B. Lippincott Co. Stories taken from the best travel books of the nineteenth and twen- tieth centuries. Interesting and well illustrated. 10-16. Deeds of Doing and Daring $1.25 By William Allen Johnston. W. A. Wilde Co. Stories of thrilling occupations. Illustrated by actual photographs. Dick Among the Seminole Indians $1.75 By A. W. Dimock. Frederick A. Stokes Co. A good story of adventure. 12-15. The Farm That Jack Built $1.35 By William O. Stoddard, Jr. D. Appleton & Co. Story of a baseball pitcher's adventure in conquering the soil by the use of modern implements. 12-14. Gold Seekers of ^49 $1.75 By Edwin L. Sabin. J. B. Lippincott Co. Story of pioneer life. 12-16. A Graduate Coach $1.50 By T. Truxtun Hare. Penn Publishing Co, Interesting points about football in college and how vacations may be spent to advantage. Over 14. 78 Of Special Interest to Boys The Green C $1.25 By J. A. Meyer. Harper & Bros. A wholesome story of American high-school life. Illustrated by the • author. Over 14. Handicraft for Handy Boys $2.50 By A. Neely Hall. Lothrop, Lee & Shepurd Co. Compauiou volume to "Boy Craftsmen." Suggestions and directions for the home workshop, also games, sports and novelties for enter- tainments. Clear directions and illustrations. Over 14. Heroes of All Time $1.25 Alexander the Great By Ada Russell, M. A. Alfred the Great . By A. E. McKilliam, M.A. Augustus By R6ne Francis, B.A. Jeanne d^Arc By E. M. Wilmot-Buxton, T. R. Hist. S. Mohammed By Edith Holland. Oliver Cromwell By Estelle Ross. Robert Louis Stevenson By Amy Cruse. Sir Walter Raleigh , By Beatrice Marshall. William the Silent By Beatrice Marshall. Clear, good presentations. 12-14. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Heroes of the Air $1.50 By Claude Graham- White. Hodder & Stoughton. N. Y. A sympathetic, interesting account of men who have made a science and an art of aviation. Well gotten up ; profusely illustrated. 12-16. Hero Tales of the Far North $1.35 By Jacob Riis. Tlie Macmillan Co. Interesting, eloquent accounts of the lives of many of the heroes of weden, Denmark and Norway. 10-14. 79 Of Special Interest to Boys Historic Boyhoods $2.50 By Rupert S. Holland. Geo. W. Jacobs & Co. Interesting, instructive account of heroes of many nations. Illus- trated. 12-14. Humphrey Bold '. $1.50 By Herbert Strang. Bobbs-Merrill Co. Interesting and fascinating book of adventure for boys. 12-14. In Kentucky with Daniel Boone $1.00 By John T. Mclntyre. Penn Publishing Co. Interesting, connected story of the experiences of pioneer settlers. Good literary style. 12-14. In Morgan's Wake .$1.35 By A. Hyatt Verrill. Henry Holt & Co. A treasure-hunting tale giving some information of geography, his- tory, and nature. 12-16. In the Kockies with Kit Carson $1.00 By John T. Mclntyre. Penn Publishing Co. Exciting incidents from the history of the west in the early years of the nineteenth century, connected with the famous trapper and frontiersman and two boys. 12-15. Inventing for Boys $1.35 By A. Frederick Collins. Illustrated. Frederick A. Stokes Co. Excellent, practical. Knowledge of chemistry and physics necessary for carrying out of experiments. Over 14. Israel Putnam $1.35 By Louise S. Hasbrouck. Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co. Interesting historic account. 12-14. Jack Morning's Treasure $1.00 By Bailey Millard. Edw. J. Clode. Tale of adventures dealing with difficulties in shipping gold from Nome to San Francisco. 10-12. Jungle Chums $1.35 By A. Hyatt Verrill. Illustrated. Henry Holt & Co. Vivid and instructive pictures of life in South American Jungles. 12-16. King of the Flying Sledge $1.25 By Clarence Hawkes. Henry Holt «& Co. Interesting biography of a reindeer. 10-14. Of Special Interest to Boys The King of tlie Thundering Ilord >^l.*^.j By Clarence Ilawkes. (ico. W. .Tu