■ By IH^i Wm . - ' ' ■ ' -.T. 3o*K .«;>■ ?$&«?%, ;-:v- i Cali iortiia tval FactiW - A,i/i ■ ■"/"> ; ; .--:.,v.': ; s^S| *^w?% UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES PUBLIC SCHOOLS CITY OF BOSTON SEPTEMBER, 1838 BOSTON : J. H. EASTBURN, CITY PRINTER, No. 18 State Street. 1838. \ 3 8 ^ City Document. — No. 23. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. By a special enactment of the Legislature of the Common- wealth, passed in the year 1S35, twenty-four persons are annually elected, two in each ward of the City, who, with the Mayor and the President of the Common Council, constitute the School Committee, and have the superintendence of the public schools. These are one Latin Grammar School, one English High School, thirteen Grammar and Writing Schools, and eighty three Primary Schools,* in which instruction is freely given to children of both sexes, commencing at the age of four years. The Primary Schools were instituted in the year 1818, for* f the gratuitous instruction of children from four to seven yearsA of age. The school-rooms are hired or built by the City, in *The number of Grammar and Primary schools is constantly and rapidly in- creasing. 2 convenient places, and arc designed to accommodate an aver- of about fifty children each. In many, however, the average much exceeds this number, on account of the rapid . increase of some portions of the City. A Committee is an- Dually appointed by the School Committee above named, consisting of one member for each Primary School, whose duty it is frequently to visit and examine the school and report its condition to the whole board. The services of this Com- mittee, like those of the Grammar School Committee, though laborious, are gratuitously rendered. The course of instruc- tion pursued in the Primary Schools, will be understood by the following extracts from the Regulations of the Committee. Classification. The pupils in each of the Schools shall be arranged in four Classes ; and the third and fourth Classes in two divisions each, viz : Class IV. Second Division. — Cards ; Alphabet. First Division. Cards continued ; Monosyllables and Dissyllables ; Numeration, or counting from one to one hun- dred. Class III. Second Division. Spelling Book; words two or more syllables ; combination of numbers, so as readily to find the page in any book. Class III. First Division. Spelling Book continued ; Spelling and Easy Reading Lessons ; the Lord's Prayer ; Abbreviations, Numbers and Arithmetical Tables commenced. Class II. Spelling Book continued ; Spelling, Read- ing, and all the other lessons in the same to the end ; the " Primary Reading Lessons ;" Arithmetical Tables com- pleted ; and the study of Rules and Examples begun. Class I. Spelling Book continued ; Spelling, Punctua- tion, Abbreviation, Numbers, words of similar sound but different in spelling and signification ; " Blake's First Read- er ;" New Testament ; and the study of the North American Arithmetic completed. The following is a list of the Schools, printed under the direction of the Primary School Board. ORGANIZATION OF THE PRIMARY SCHOOLS, AUGUST, 1838. George W. Otis, Jr., Chairman. Joseph Curtis, See'y- STANDING COMMITTEE. R. W. Bay ley, Chairman, 14 Avon place. F. A. Sumner, Secretary, 13 School street. George W. Otis Jr., 8 Chamber street. George Rogers, 12 Newton place. A. A. Gould, 194 Tremont street. Francis Brown, 4G Leverett street. J. F. Bumstead, 113 Washington street. J. B. Stebbins, Broadway, South Boston. I. W. Bourne, Front street. COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL ROOMS. Wm. A. Weeks, John Centre, J. B. M'Cleary, F. A. Sumner, E. P. Hartshorn, R. W. Bayley, L. S. Cragin, Daniel T. Coit, Henry Hatch, J. B. Stebbins, Edmund Jackson. G. W. Otis, Jr. COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE. F. A. Sumner, J. F. Bumstead. DISTRICT NO. 1. NO. AND LOCATION. 1 Christ Church Vestry. 2 Tileston street. 3 Snowhill street. 4 Tileston street. 5 Fleet street. VISITING COMMITTEE. I. W. Bourne, Front street. John Center, 25 High street. William A. Weeks, 30 Atkinson street. Henry Clapp, Jr., Salem street. Richard Austin, Unity street. 6 226 Hanover street. 7 Snowbill street. S Parkman 's Vestry. 9 Fleet street. 10 Commercial street. J. Moriarty, Cross and Salem street. Joseph W. Ingraham, 5 N. Bennett st. Henry Andrews, Clark street. T. Restieaux, Hanovei, cor. Cross st. Henry G. Clark, Hanover street. DISTRICT NO. 2. 1 N. Margin, op. Bp. Mt. H. 2 Parkman place. 3 Parkman place. 4 G3 Prince, corner of Salem st. 5 \. Margin, op. Bp. Mt. H. 6 Vestry 2d church, Hanover st. 7 Rear of No. 7, Cross street. 8 Rear of No. 7, Cross street. Christopher Gore, 35 Prince street. Samuel Chessman, 170 Hanover street. Andrew Geyer, 104 Hanover street. John B. M'Cleary, 82 Prince street. S.W. Hall, 74 Salem st. cor. Noyes pi. G. H. Lodge, 114 Hanover street. Jason D. Battles, 172 Hanover street. Beza Lincoln, 11 Richmond street. DISTRICT NO. 3. 1 Merrimack street. 2 South Margin street. 3 64 Union street. 4 Distilhouse square. 5 SS Chamber street. 6 Rear 32 Leverett street. 7 Lyman place. 8 4 Milton street. 9 Court street. A. J. Richardson, 24 "Washington st. Francis Brown, 46 Leverett street. Samuel G. Simpkins, 79 Court street. Frederick A. Sumner, Court square. Rufus G. Norris, 3 Minot street. Thomas J. Bayley, 22 Allen street. Abraham G. Wyman, Green street, Lewis G. Pray, 155 Washington st. Aaron Sweet, 10 Crescent place. DISTRICT NO. 4. 1 Rear 72 Cambridge street. 2 May, cor. South Russell street. 3 May street. 4 McLean, cor. of Blossom st. 5 Smith's school h. Belknap st. 6 No. 6, school h. Derne street. 7 High school h. Pickney street. S Rear 72 Cambridge street. 9 Wells' school h. ward room. Daniel Henchman, 41 Cambridge st. Richard W. Bayley, 14 Avon place. Eliphalet P. Hartshorn, 24 Blossom st. Elijah Cobb, 24 McLean street. Aurelius D. Parker, 20 Court street. Enoch Hobart, 175 Tremont street. Wendall Phillips, 12 Beacon street. Francis C. Manning, 17 Winter street. Henry B. Rogers, 5 Joy place. DISTRICT NO. 5. 1 Purchase street church. 2 Franklin street. Martin Gay, 48 Milk street. James K. Whipple, 9 Cornhill. 3 Purchase place. 4 High, corner Federal street. 5 Franklin street. 6 Harvard place. 7 107 Broad street. 8 Gibbs lane. 9 131 Broad street. Josiah F. Bumstead, 1 13 Washington st. Samuel Wales, Jr. 56 Federal street. Wm. D. Ticknor, 135 Washington st. Samuel H. Walley, 14 Beacon street. Lorenzo S. Cragin, 6 High street. Ebenezer Jones, 35 Washington place. Wiliiam Howe, No. 40 Pearl street. DISTRICT NO. 6. 8 Boylston square. Johnson school house. 68 Pleasant street. School house, East street. Short street, cor. of Essex st. South street court. South street court. Rear Hollis street church. School house, East street. 10 School house, East street. 1 1 South street court. 12 Boylston square. George Vinton, 10 Newton place. Samuel McBurney, Marion street. George W. Phillips, Eliot street. James B. Dow, 362 Washington st. Thomas F. Chase, 319 Washington st. Daniel T. Coit, 12 High street. John Gulliver, 313 Washington street. F. D. Stedman, 11 Lagrange place. Elisha Field, 3 East street. Charles C. Barry, 115 Essex street. E. L. Tead, rear of 67 Bedford street. Thomas Adams, 67 Bedford street. DISTRICT NO. 7. 1 South Congregational church. 2 Carver street. 3 Grace church vestry. 4 Tremont street. 5 Pleasant street. 6 Common street. 7 Johnson school house. 8 Rear of Hollis street church. Henry Hatch, 23 Orange street. Joseph Curtis, 14 Fayette street. A. B. Wheeler, S South Bennet st. Wm. Taylor, Jr. 408 Washington st. Francis Bullard, 16 Oak street. John Flint, 20 Common street. Samuel F. Morse, Kneeland street. L. H. Morris, 2 Lagrange place. DISTRICT NO. 8. 1 Under Mr. Capen's church. 2 Fourth street, near B. street. 3 Phillips church vestry. 4 Rear of Engine house. 5 Under South Baptist Church. 6 D street, or Broadway. 7 Fourth street, near A street. 8 Under St. Matthew's church. 9 Turnpike st., near Free Bridge. William C. Jenkins, Dorchester st. Alvan Simonds, Mechanics' Bank. Cranston Howe, Broadway. John B. Stebbins, head of Broadway. Ebenezer Stevens, Broadway. Nehemiah P. Mann, F street. Solon Jenkins, 192 Pleasant street. Timothy Bedlington. Brewster Reynolds, Turnpike street. DISTRICT NO. 9. 1 Castle street. E. Weston, Jr. Chapel, Warren st. 2 Franklin School house. Samuel Wheeler, 691 Washington st. 3 644 Washington street. Joseph Dall, 566 Washington street. 4 On the Neck. J. T. Sargent, 11 Chesnut street. 5 757 Washington street. Otis Everett, Jr., 740 Washington st. 6 Northampton street. Edmund Jackson, 773 Washington st. MILL DAM. 1 Milldam. Standing Committee. EAST BOSTON. 1 Section No. 3. Aaron Ordvvay, Section No. 3. 2 " No. 1. Guy C. Haynes, " No. 1. Depository at B. H. Greene's, 124 Washington Street. The following Table, exhibiting many interesting particulars in relation to these Schools, is taken from the last Semi- Annual Report for the half year, ending June 30, 1838. rt u H on OB < H Pi w «jj — - J ** Uj ^> P5 « ■«» H •SJISI A. JO -Oft 1 mio^-ioNOMn | m CM -h CO CO •StIOUBUltUBX;j JO 'Oft 1 O CM CO <© o» •oouasqu aSujaAy ooo-HOonco-oo CO CM MRV ■ • Form r.-n i MIA LB 2803 Boston. -M4SB6 — School 1838 OUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY committee .- i blic schools of the city 001 177 549 i: ;