-i phatically establish the author's grounds for his subsequent classifica- O tion. The maculation being subject to such great degree of varia- O tion from climatic and other causes as to become liable to mislead if N relied upon in classification, he considers the pubescence, and espe- cially the constant hairs, which to some extent at least escape such S variation, the safer guide. The recognition of the constant hairs be- | comes therefore of importance, and pp. 210 to 222 of Dr. Horn's work are devoted to them. Usually these are " long, thin, erect and i few in number," those of the trochanters being of that kind ; the orna- 3 mental hairs are " short, thick, decumbent, and countless in number," % those of the clypeus and pronotum affording examples. The constant ^ hairs are, however, sometimes short and bristle-like, as on parts of the ^ *Genera Insectorum diriges par P. Wytsman, Coleopteta Adephaga von Dr. Walther Horn, Fasc. 8sA (1908), 826 (1910), 8zC (1915), Bruxelles. 4O49O8 IV INTRODUCTION legs, and are always to be more readily recognized as being borne on a definite part of the body, and invariably in an erect position. In the " Systematischer Index der Cicindeliden," published by Dr. Horn in 1905, he attempted the arrangement of the species on the grounds outlined. A comparison of the list therein given with that in the Genera Insectorum discloses numerous modifications, in the order of the genera and of the species, as well as in the relative values of subspecies and varietal forms, all of which modifications have un- doubtedly been brought about by the author's more recent investiga- tions of the subject. In the case of the North American genera, for instance, the " Index " places the Cicindelini first, followed respec- tively by the Tetrachae, Omus and Amblycheilae. In the Genera Insec- torum Amblycheilae lead, with Omus, Tetrachse and Cicindelini follow- ing. In both publications the Cicindelini are broken into six geograph- ical divisions, to one of which, the " Nearktische," are assigned the species inhabiting North America as far south as " Nicaragua-Costa- rica," omitting the West Indian forms which are included with the South American. These Nearctic species Dr. Horn has separated into six- teen groups, each distinguished by peculiar features in the vestiture, set forth in the respective introductory paragraphs, literal transla- tions of which will be found in their proper places in this publication. The list of specific forms in the Genera Insectorum is accompanied by a wealth of bibliographical references, the value of which can hardly be estimated. They form, in their entirety, the guide to a comprehensive history of the genera, such as has not before been attempted, adding immeasurably to the interest and scientific value of the work. The concluding pages of Dr. Horn's work in the Genera Insectorum (pp. 443*4), forming the " 2d Supplement," and penned in April, 1915, are occupied in part with a rearrangement of the Omus Table of a preceding portion of the work (pp. I24'6), and includes forms at that time unknown. This rearrangement has been used by the editors on pp. i, 2 and 3. Dr. Horn's order of classification of the species and of their varietal forms, has been scrupulously followed by the editors of this compila- tion. They have, however, in the selection of type, employed such styles as would more readily express the author's distinction between such varietal forms. Specific names are printed in bold-faced type, INTRODUCTION V italics being used for synonymic names, and for those exhibiting, in the opinion of the author, minor differences of slight importance; ordinary Roman type is used for names of forms of subordinate rank, and where such names are preceded by a numeral, the Roman numerals (I, II, etc.) indicate the higher, the Arabic (i, 2, etc.) the lower rank; the abbreviations (dlt-F, etc.) preceding some of the names in Roman type indicate certain characteristics of color or maculation which are thus explained : alb-F Form with white or substantially white elytra. c-F Bluish Form. cc-F Blue Form. cfl-F Form with markings entirely confluent at margin. con-F Form with marginal middle spot confluent with the corre- sponding discal spot. cmpl-F Form with fully developed normal markings. dlc-F Form with markings uniformly reduced. dlt-F Form with markings uniformly widened. hm-F Form with a complete humeral lunule. inorn-F Form without any, or any important, markings. mtl-F Metallic Form. n-F Blackish Form. nn-F Black Form. r-F Red Form. scfl-F Form with partial confluence of markings at margin. v-F Greenish Form. vv-F Green Form. v-c-F Greenish-blue Form. The notation of species used in these pages is that of the author. It is proper to add that this work has been prepared and is pre- sented to American students with the knowledge and cordial consent of Dr. Horn. EDWARD DOUBLEDAY HARRIS, CHARLES W. LENG, Editors. NEW YORK, April isth, 1916. CONSPECTUS OF ARRANGEMENT FAMILY CARABID^E SUBFAMILY CICINDELINyE OF THE NEARCTIC REGION TRIBE MEGACEPHALINI SUBTRIBE OMINA GENUS AMBLYCHEILA GENUS OMUS SUBTRIBE MEGACEPHALINA GENUS MEGACEPHALA GROUP TETRACHA TRIBE CICINDELINI SUBTRIBE CICINDELINA GENUS CICINDELA CICINDELIN-ffi AMBLYCHEILA, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1823. 1. cylindrifonnis, Say. Ib. 1823. i) Picolominii, Reiche, 1839. cylindriformis, Thomson, 1857. 2. Baroni, Rivers, Ent. Amer., 1890. longipes, Casey, 1910. i) Schwarzi, W. Horn, 1903. Picolominii, Rivers, 1893. OMUS, Eschscholtz, Zool. Atlas, 1829. 1. Dejeani, Reiche, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1838. 2. submetallicus, G. Horn, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., 1868. 3. californicus, Eschscholtz, Zool. Atlas, 1829. Xanti, LeConte, 1859. Hornianus, W. Horn, 1892. sculpt His, Casey, 1897. mimus, Casey, 1910. vermiculatus, Casey, 1914. 1) oregonensis, Casey, 1913. mimus, W. Horn, 1910. 2) humeroplanatus, W. Horn, 1910. fborealis, Casey, 1910. 3) VanDykei, W. Horn, 1903. submetallicus, Rivers olim, 1902. 4) Audouini, Reiche, 1838. parrulus, Casey, 1913. 5) ambiguus, Schaupp, 1884. rugipennis, Casey, 1914. solidulus, Casey, 1914. 6) punctifrons, Casey, 1897. confluent, Casey, 1897. degener, Casey, 1910. " Sierra Co. Form," W. Horn, 1902. 1 CICINDELIN^E 7) sequoiarum, Crotch, 1874. lugubris, Casey, 1897. sierricola, Casey, 1913. longit arsis, Casey, 1914. 8) fraterculus, Casey, 1910. "Placer Co. Form of Van Dyke" W. Horn, 1902. rugipennis, Van Dyke in litt. 9) Horni, Le Conte, 1875. collaris, Casey, 1910. compositus, Casey, 1910. "sequoiarum var. Crackers," W. Horn, 1902. 10) levis (pro Isevis), Le Conte, 1866. sublevis, Hopping, in litt. tidarensis, Casey, 1910. gracilior, Casey, 1910. temperatns, Casey, 1914. opacellus, Casey, 1914. n) Edwardsi, Crotch, 1874. montanus, Casey, 1897. lobatus, Casey, 1910. lucidicollis, Casey, 1910. brunnescens, Casey, 1910. 12) intermedio-pronotalis, W. Horn, 1913. pronotalis, Casey, 1914. 13) Nunenmacheri, W. Horn, 1913. 14) angusto-cylindricus, W. Horn, 1913. cylindricus, Casey, 1914. 15) intermedius, Leng, 1902. procerus, Casey, 1910. parvicollis, Casey, 1910. spissipes, Casey, 1913. cribripennis, Casey, 1910. " Gebirgs-Lecontci," W. Horn, 1902. 16) Blaisdelli, Casey, 1910. 17) Fuchsi, W. Horn, 1903. elongatus, W. Horn olim, 1902. CICINDELIN^E 3 18) Lecontei, G. Horn, 1872. elongatus, Casey, 1897. Dunni, Casey, 1910. regularis, Casey, 1910. maritimus, Casey, 1910. MEGACEPHALA, Group TETRACHA, Hope. Col. Manual, 1838. 1. (41) Carolina, Linne, Syst. Nat., 1766. mexicana* Gray, 1832. 1) Chevrolati,* Chaudoir, 1860. 2) cyanides,* Bates, 1881. 2. (56) sobrina,* Dejean, Spec. Col., 1831. geniculata* Chevrolat, 1834. 3. (57) affinis,* Dejean, Spec. Col., 1825. 1) angustata,* Chev., 1841. 2) fuliginosa,* Bates, 1874. 4. (62) virginica, Linne, Syst. Nat., 1766. virginata, Linne, 1788. CICINDELA, Linne, Syst. Nat., 1758. I. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks naked, or with distant, often very sparse, not decumbent hairs, never closely clothed with decumbent white hairs. Clypeus often setose. Front with discoidal constant hairs, often erect, or with numerous supra-orbital constant hairs. Middle part of occiput never regularly clothed with decumbent hairs directed down- wards. 1 Front never setose above the antennal insertion only. Disc of the front often slightly excavated at middle or with the occiput separated therefrom by its strong declivity. First antennal joint often thickly beset with short setae. Pronotum at least rudimentally pubescent at sides, often both circummarginally and discoidally. The hair structure is often long and fine, almost always (all or in part) erect; when the front is more strongly setose, decumbent hairs usually occur on the pronotum. 2 Edge of front and hind margin without a well-developed fringe of hair. Pros- ternum almost always naked. Breast at sides always with countless hairs. Femora on the posterior edge (and sometimes also on anterior edge espe- cially the front femur) with long erect hairs but never uniformly clothed over the entire outer side (under side) with fine short decumbent hairs, nor with fishhook hairs. Constant hairs on the coxae and the supra- orbital margin usually numerous. 1 This middle part of the occiput is either entirely naked or clothed with erect hairs which are directed either upwards or from the middle towards the sides. 2 Decumbent pronotal pubescence, in combination with seta, occurs only in Cicindela formosa, hirticollis, pimeriana and pulchra. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. CICINDELINJE 1. fonnosa, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1817. luxuriosa, Casey, 1913. 1) (dlt-F) manitoba, Leng, 1902. 2) generosa, Dejean, 1831. latecincta, Le Conte in litt. 2. Lengi, W. Horn, Deutsche Ent. Zeits., 1908. venusta, Le Conte, 1848. versuta, Casey, 1913. gracttenta, Casey, 1913. 3. limfcata, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1823. limbigera, Gem. & Har., 1868. (dlt-F) nympha, Casey, 1913. (cmpl-F) hyperborea, Le Conte, 1863. 4. purpurea, Olivier, Ent., 1790. marginalis, Fab., 1801. ramosa, Melsheimer in litt. superba, Dahl in litt. Color variations (Farbenabaenderungen). (v-F) Auduboni, Le Conte, 1845. (v-F) graminea, Schaupp, ex parte, 1883*4. auguralls, Casey, 1913. (vv-F) pugetana, Casey, 1914. (senile-F) spreta, Le Conte, 1848. inducta, Casey, 1913. (nn-F) Auduboni, Le Conte, 1856. (nn-F) spreta, Le Conte, 1856. i) lauta, Casey, 1897. franciscana, Casey, 1913. mirabilis, Casey, 1914. (vv-F) graminea, Schaupp, ex parte, 1883*4. I. splendida, Hentz, 1830. discus, Klug, 1834. 1) (r-F) transversa, Leng, 1902. 2) (vv-F) denverensis, Casey, 1897. graminea, Casey, 1913. conquisita, Casey, 1914. oreada, Casey, 1914. CICINDELIN.E 5 3) (cc-F) Ludoviciana, Leng, 1902. II. limbalis, Klug, 1834. amoena, Le Conte, 1848. splendida, Le Conte, 1856. awemeana, Casey, 1913. eldorensis, Casey, 1913. III. cimarrona, Le Conte, 1868. ardelio, Casey, 1913. IV. decemnotata, Say, 1817. Lantzi, E. D. Harris, 1913. albertina, Casey, 1913. 5. ancocisconensis, Harris, Family Visitor, 1852. Catharina, Harris in litt. Dowiana, Casey, 1914. 6. duodecimguttata, Dejean, Spec. Col., 1825. proteus, Kirby, 1837. bucolica, Casey, 1913. i) repanda, Dejean, 1825. hirticollis, Gould, 1834. baltimorensis, Le Conte, 1856. (scfl-F) unijuncta, Casey, 1897. 7. hirticollis, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1817. interpunctata, Melsheimer, 1806. albohirta, Dejean, 1826. Dejeani, Le Conte in litt. humeralis, Le Conte in litt. unit a, Kollar, 1836. hydropica, Dupont in litt. (dlt-F) ponderosa, Thomson, 1859. (dlc-F) nigrita, C. A. Davis, 1903 (name preoc.). (dlc-F) abrupta, Casey, 1913. (v-mtl-F) gravida, Le Conte, 1851. 8. latesignata, Le Conte, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1851. (cmpl-F) tenuicincta, Blaisdell, 1892. (dlt-F) obliviosa, Casey, 1913. 9. tranquebarica, Herbst, Kafer, 1806. vulgaris, Say, 1818. CICINDELIN^E obliquata, Dej., 1825. turbulenta, Casey, 1913. wichitana, Casey, 1914. (nn-F) lassenica, Casey, 1914. 1) minor, Leng, 1910. vulgaris-minor, E. D. Harris, 1911. crinifrons, Casey, 1913. 2) (mtl-F) horiconensis, Leng, 1902. borealis, E. D. Harris, 1911. 3) Kirbyi, Le Conte, 1866. obliquata, Kirby, 1837. (cfl-F) admiscens, Casey, 1913. ? diffract a, Casey, 1909. I. sierra, Leng, 1902. i) vibex, G. Horn, 1866. roguensis, E. D. Harris, 1901. parallelonota, Casey, 1914. (vv-F) viridissima, Fall, 1910. (mtl-F) moapana, Casey, 1914. II. plutonica, Casey, 1897. 10. tenuicincta, Schaupp, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., i883'4. 11. bellissima, Leng, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1902. hyperborea, G. Horn, 1866. 12. longilabris, Say, Long's Exped., 1824. albilabris, Kirby, 1837. (nn-dlc-F) montana, Lee., 1861. canadensis, Casey, 1913. (nn-inorn-F) nebraskana, Casey, 1909. calgaryana, Casey, 1914. (mtl-inorn-F) vestalia, Leng, 1902. (mtl-inorn-F) spissitarsis, Casey, 1913. (mtl-dlc-F) Oslari, Leng, 1902. (mtl-cmpl-F) Laurenti, Schaupp, 1883*4. "longilabris var.," Le Conte, 1866. i) perviridis, Schaupp, i883'4. ostenta, Casey, 1913. placercnsis, Casey, 1913. CICINDELIN/E 13. eureka, Fall, Ent. News, Phil., 1901. 14. oregona, Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1856. senilis, Casey, 1897. sonoma, Casey, 1913. quadripennis, Casey, 1913. ovalipennis, Casey, 1913. 1) guttifera, Le Conte, 1856. sterope, Casey, 1913. audax, Casey, 1913. 2) maricopa, Leng, 1902. 3) scapularis, Casey, 1909. I. depressula, Casey, 1897. "forego-no" Le Conte, 1856. 15. senilis, G. Horn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1866. exoleta, Casey, 1909. 1 6. Willistoni, Le Conte, Bull. Geol. Geogr. Sur., 1879. 1) echo, Casey, 1897. amadeensis, Casey, 1909. 2) pseudosenilis, W. Horn, 1900. 17. fulgida, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1823. i) parowana, Wickham, 1905. 1 8. pulchra, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1823. 19. pimeriana, Le Conte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1866. viatica, Le Conte, 1856. cochisensis, Casey, 1909. 20. scutellaris, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1823. 1) (r-mtl-cmpl-F) modesta, Dejean, 1825. Lecontei, Haldeman, 1853. Criddlei, Casey, 1913. 2) (vv-cmpl-F) rugifrons, Dejean, 1825. denticulata, Harris in litt. Oberleitneri, Gistl, 1837. varians, Harris in litt. mutatis, Harris in litt. variata, Harris in litt. Carolina, E. D. Harris, 1911. (v-c-inorn-F) unicolor, Dejean, 1825. 8 (nn-inorn-F) nigrior, Schaupp, i883'4. (nn-cmpl-F) obscura, 1 Say, 1818. (nn-cmpl-F) modesta, Dejean, 1831. II. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, front, and prosternum naked. Supraorbital constant hairs not numerous. Pro- notum with rudimentary lateral erect long fine hairs. Femora with long erect setae at posterior margin, never uniformly clothed with fine decum- bent hairs on the outer (or under) side. Constant hairs on the coxae and the abdomen seldom numerous. 21. sexguttata, Fab., Syst. Ent., 1775. gitttata (per errorem?) Emmons, 1854. thalassima, Dej. in litt. varians, Ljungh, 1799. quadriguttata, C. A. Davis, 1903. Levettei, Casey, 1909. tridens, Casey, 1909. (cc-inorn-F) violacea, Fab., 1801. (mountain or season form), Harrisi, Leng, 1902. i) (con-F) patruela, Dej., 1825. montana, Hentz in litt. (nn-con-F) consentanea, Dej., 1825. III. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, and front naked. Pronotum at most laterally setose (always decumbent). Breast laterally at most scarcely pubescent. Femora seldom setose at posterior margin; never uniformly clothed on the outer (or under) side with short fine hairs but with fishhook hairs either alone or combined with distant, extra long fine hairs. Constant hairs on supraorbital margin, on coxae, and on abdomen seldom numerous. Disc of abdomen never thickly punctate-pubescent Third and fourth antennal joints without distant erect extra long hairs. Elytra sometimes with scattered foveae, often dis- coidally flattened in anterior third or strongly declivous at margin in the same portion. 22. Chrysippe,* Bates, Biol. Cent. Am., 1884. 23. smaragdina,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1835. 24. ioessa,* Bates, Biol. Cent. Am., 1881. 25. aterrima,* Klug, Jahrbiicher, 1834. i The name would be preoccupied if one should consider as worth naming this nn-cmpl-F, which sometimes .flies together with the previously described race rugifrons, sometimes lives apart from it. Intergrading forms occur, as well as copulation between themselves (Johnson, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 2, 142, [1894]; C. A. Davis, Ent. News, Phil. 270, [1903]. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. CICINDELIN.E 9 lug ens, Klug, 1834. carbonaria, Chevrolat, 1835. aethiops, Klug in litt. 26. rugatilis,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1890. semicircularis, Chaudoir in litt. 27. semicircularis,* Klug, Jahrbiicher, 1834. plurigemmata, Bates, 1890. 28. nigroccerulea, Le Conte, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1848. robusta, Leng, 1902. feminalis, Casey, 1909. triplicans, Casey, 1909. velutoidea, Casey, 1909. Snowi, Casey, 1909. (dlt-F) Bowditchi, Leng, 1902. 29. euthales,* Bates, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1882. 30. nigrilabris,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. (v-c-F) viatica,* Chev. 1835 (name preoccupied). filit arsis, Casey, 1909. tumidifrons, Casey, 1909. (n-r-F) Townsendi,* Casey, 1913. (nn-F) melania,* Bates, 1890. aterrima, Casey, 1909. 31. Horni, Schaupp, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., i883'4. (nn-F) anthracina, G. Horn, 1880. (v-c-F) Ritteri, Bates, 1890. 32. scotina,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. (vv-F) chloris, Hoege, 1897. 33. luteolineata,* Chevrolat, Rev. Mag. Zool., 1856. flammula, Thomson, 1856. 34. Craveri,* Thomson, Rev. Mag. Zool., 1856. 35. obsoleta, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1823. (cmpl-F) vulturina, Le Conte, 1853. (vv-F) prasina, Le Conte, 1856. 1) thalestris,* Bates, 1890. 2) Santaclarse, Bates, 1890. "obsoleta var," Le Conte, 1866. (nn-F) anita, Dow, 1911. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. 10 CICINDELIN.S: 3) juvenilis, W. Horn, 1897. 4) latemaculata,* Becker, 1897. 36. Catharina,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1835. 37. punctulata, Olivier, Ent., 1790. micans, Fab. 1798. obscura, Mels. 1806. Jenisoni, Gistl, 1837. boulderensis, Casey, 1909. (v-c-F) Chihuahua, Bates, 1890. micans, Say, 1818. 38. cyaniventris,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. rugipennis, Dupont in litt. corvina, Le Conte, 1856. Walkeriana, Thomson, 1856. Chevrolati, W. Horn, 1892. 1) papillosa,* Chaudoir, 1854. 2) chontalensis,* Bates, 1874. 39. guerrerensis,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. 40. aeneicollis,* Bates, Biol. Cent. Amer. Col., 1881. (vv-F) viridis, Becker, 1897 (name preoc.). 41. tenuisignata, Le Conte, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1851. p silo gramma, Bates, 1890. 42. longicornis,* W. Horn, Arch. Nat., 1913. 43. fera,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. tenuilineata, Aud. & Brulle, 1839. 44. Digneti,* W. Horn, Deuts. Ent. Zeit., 1897. 45. Sinaloae,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. 46. Schaefferi,* W. Horn, Journ. New York Ent. Soc., 1903. 47. severa, Laferte, Rev. Zool., 1841. (cmpl-F) yucatana,* Chaudoir in litt. 48. striga, Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1875. IV. Two front trochanters with, two middle trochanters without con- stant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, front, pronotum, abdominal disc, and first antennal joint naked. Pro-episternum without combed row of setae near the front coxae, metasternum and abdomen never thickly clothed with white pubescence. Elytra 1 flattened on the disc in front, the margin in i From the lack of material it must remain uncertain whether (as it seems) all the episterna, epimera and the entire abdomen are naked, also whether the elytra always show irregular scattered impressions. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. CICINDELIN^E 11 front more strongly declivous. Constant hairs nowhere numerous. Fe- mora at posterior margin never clothed with long setae. Mandibles usually concealed by the epistoma. 49. Hoegei,* Bates, Biol. Cent. Amer. Col., 1881. 50. nudata,* W. Horn, nomen novum pro Beckeri, Hoege, 1897. V. Two front trochanters with, two middle trochanters without con- stant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, front, prosternum, abdominal disc, naked. Pronotum with setae at sides only (recumbent). Pro-episternum at middle near the front coxse with double rows of combed setae. Metasternum and abdomen thickly clothed at sides with white pubescence. Constant hairs nowhere numerous. Femora closely clothed at posterior margin with long erect hairs. 51. lemniscata, Le Conte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1854. obscura, Hoege in litt. VI. Four front trochanters without constant hairs. Cheeks (seldom with naked punctuation, bearing towards outer side at least short fine little hairs), clypeus, front (ver> seldom somewhat irregular with one or two discoidal hairs on the occiput), prosternum naked. Pronotum at the most setose laterally (always decumbent) ; the edges of the front and hind margin without a well developed fringe of hair. Constant hairs on supra- orbital margin, coxae and abdominal disc seldom numerous. Abdomen often partly reddish, under side of body sometimes sparsely hairy. Femora at hind margin sometimes with long erect hair. Hind legs never elongate. 52. abdominalis, Fab., Syst. Eleuth., 1801. faceta, Casey, 1913. i) scabrosa, Schaupp, i883'4. "abdominalis var. Cedar Keys," Le Conte, 1875. extennata, Casey, 1913. 53. politula, Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1875. cribrum, Casey, 1913. i) laetipennis,* W. Horn, 1913. 54. radians,* Chevrolat, Mag. Zool., 1841. 55. Aurora,* Thomson, Arcana Nat, 1859. 56. Vasseleti,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. 57. phosphora,* Bates, Cist. Ent, 1878. 58. rufiventris, Dejean, Spec. Col., 1825. collusor, Casey, 1913. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. 12 CICINDELIN.E 1) cumatilis, Le Conte, 1851. guexiana, Chevrolat, 1852. 2) Hentzi, Dejean, 1831. haemorrhoidalis, Harris, 1828. erythrogaster, Harris in litt. I. sedecimpunctata, Klug, 1834. rubriventris , Chevrolat, 1835. ventanasa, Bates, 1890. sonorana, Casey, 1913. i) Mellyi,* Chaudoir, 1852. calochr aides, Mots., 1857. Sallei, Chev., 1835. II. reducens,* W. Horn, nomen novum pro reducta, W. Horn, 1897. i) Hoegeana,* W. Horn, 1897. III. Flohri,* Bates, 1878. IV. Beckeri,* W. Horn, 1897. 59. hydrophoba,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1835. tenuisignata Fleut. in litt. 1) quinquenotata,* Gistl, 1837. 2) taretana,* Bates, 1884. 60. dysenterica,* Bates, Biol. Cent. Amer. Col., 1881. 1) Dugesi,* Bates, 1884. calomicra, Bates, 1890. 2) deliciola,* Bates, 1890. 3) clarina,* Bates, 1881. despecta, Schaum in litt. Truquii, Chaudoir in litt. 61. nebuligera,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. 62. flavopunctata, Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. (hm-F) humeralis,* Chev., 1841. chiapana, Bates, 1890. (inorn-F) ocellata,* Klug, 1834. incerta, Chevrolat, 1835. I. rectilatera, Chaudoir, 1843. dccostigma, Le Conte, 1856. texana, Le Conte in litt. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. CICINDELIN^: 13 63. marginipennis, Dejean, Spec. Col., 1831. 64. roseiventris,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. semicircular is, Chev., 1835. 1) mexicana,* Klug, 1834. decostigma, Chev. 1835. Belti, Bates, 1878. 2) linearis,* W. Horn, 1905. 65. Klugi,* Dejean, Spec. Col., 1831. neglecta, Klug in litt. Douei, Chenu, 1840. 66. carthagena,* Dejean, Spec. Col., 1831. Hentzi, G. Horn, 1894. fWoodgatei, Casey, 1913. 1) hsemorrhagica, Le Conte, 1851. (nn-dlc-F) bisignata, Dokhturow, 1883. (nn-inorn-F) pacifica, Schaupp, 1883*4. 2) arizonae, Wickham, 1899. 67. Sommeri, Mannerheim, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mos., 1837. Hopfneri, Dejean in litt. jusconigra, Hopfner in litt. ruricola, Gistl, 1837. ferrugata, Putzeys, 1845. VII. Two front trochanters with, two middle trochanters without con- stant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, front, naked. Pronotum pubescent at least laterally, pubescence everywhere decumbent. Femora with short distant setae at posterior margin, never uniformly clothed on the outer (under) side with short, fine, decumbent hairs. Constant hairs nowhere numerous. Elytra somewhat shining at times on the margins. 68. praecisa,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. 69. speculans,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. 70. viridisticta,* Bates, Biol. Cent. Amer. Col., 1881. 71. arizonensis, Bates, Biol. Cent. Amer. Col., 1884. viridisticta, Schaupp ex parte, 1883*4. 72. Wickhami, W. Horn, Deutsche Ent. Zeit., 1903. viridisticta, Schpp. ex parte, 1883*4. lemnisticta, Smyth, 1908. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. 14 CICINDELIN.E 73. argentata, subsp. hemichrysea,* Chev., Col. Mex., 1835. I. nebulosa,* Bates, 1874. VIII. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus. front, abdominal disc, and first antennal joint naked. Prosternum often naked. Pronotum circummarginally (base perhaps sometimes naked) and discoidally pubescent (decumbent everywhere) ; the edge of the front and hind margin without well developed fringe of hair. Femora bearing at most fine sparse scattered extra long hairs on the posterior margin. Con- stant hairs sometimes fairly numerous. 74. debilis,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. i) segnis, E. D. Harris, 1913. 75. celeripes, Le Conte, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1848. 76. cursitans, Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1856. 77. nephelota,* Bates, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1882. 78. unipunctata, Fab., Syst. Ent., 1775. obsoleta, Dejean in litt. 79. pusilla, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1817. terricola, Say, 1824. Sayanella, Casey, 1914. 1) imperfecta, Le Conte, 1851. 2) cinctipennis, Le Conte, 1848. (v-c-dlc-F) cyanella, Le Conte, 1856. 3) lunalonga, Schaupp, i883'4. tuolnmnae, Leng, 1902. tularensis, Casey, 1914. ' 80. Schauppi, G. Horn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1876. 81. circumpicta, Laferte, Rev. Zool., 1841. collar is, Laferte, 1841. Johnsoni, Fitch, 1856. (cc-F) ambiens, Casey, 1913. inspiciens, Casey, 1913. 82. calif ornica, Menetries, Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. St. P., 1844. 1) brevihamata,* W. Horn, 1908. 2) praetextata, Le Conte, 1854. fulgoris, Casey, 1913. string ens, Casey, 1913. IX. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, front, and prosternum naked. Pronotum clothed with decumbent setae * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. CICINDELIN.E 15 over the entire extent of the sides; 1 towards the front margin setae often extend nearly to the middle, so that the pronotum seems to be en- tirely pubescent (at the base I have never found the pubescence actually reaching the middle). Four front femora sometimes with feebly fishhook shaped, short hairs and always with quite fine sparse, scattered, extra long,, hooked hairs. Abdominal disc more or less naked. Last joint of an- tennae not arcuate. Supraorbital constant hairs not numerous. 83. trifasciata, subsp. ascendens, Le Conte, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. [N. Y., 1851. serpens, Le Conte, 1851. trifasciata, Le Conte, 1848. tortuosa, Le Conte, 1851. signioidea, Chaudoir, 1854. i) sigmoidea, Le Conte, 1851. X. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, and front naked. Prosternum setose. Pronotum circummarginally decum- bently setose; sometimes a median stripe remains naked. Antennae at least three-quarters as long as body, third and fourth joints with a few extra long setae, sixth to eleventh joints more or less flatly arcuate, each with some- what more elongate hairs at apex. Hind legs not elongate; at most with very feebly developed fishhook hairs on middle femora; front femur with closely placed extra long fine hairs. Abdominal disc closely punctate- pubescent. 84. Gabbi, G. Horn, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil., 1866! XI. Four front trochanters without constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, front, and prosternum naked. Pronotum clothed at least laterally with decumbent setae (extending more broadly at front and hind margin) ; the disc seems to remain always naked ; the edges of the front and hind margin with a well developed fringe of hair. Third antennal joint and at least the middle part of the fourth joint with a row of erect setae at front margin ; the apical setae on the third and especially on the fourth joint are sometimes numerous; .those of the third joint are white, those of the fourth joint yellowish in color. Hind legs (including claws) strongly elongate. Fourth tarsal joint beneath the insertion of the claw more or less elongate and provided with longer setae. 85. macrocnema,* Chaudoir, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mos., 1852. Bate si, W. Horn, 1894. (alb-F) albina,* W. Horn, 1894 (name preoc.). i) obliquans,* Chaudoir, 1865. 1 Even at the middle of the pronotum the setae often extend inward further than usual. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. 16 CICINDELIN^ 86. Leuconoe,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. 87. chlorocephala,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. i) Smythi, E. D. Harris, 1913. XII. Four front trochanters without constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, and front naked. Prosternum setose. Pronotum at least circammargin- ally (decumbently) setose; at the base the setae are often placed in front of the basal sulcus (upon the base of the true middle piece of the thorax). The fringe of hair on the edge of the front and hind margins of the pro- notum is variably developed. Third antennal joint in front with a row of erect setae, the fourth with a few white setae at its apex. Hind legs not or but little elongate (ex parte Habroscelimorpha, Dokhturow). 88. dorsalis, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Hist. Phil., 1817. signata, Dejean, 1825. munifica, Casey, 1913. semipicta, Casey, 1897. media, Le Conte, 1856. (alb-F) castissima, Bates, 1884. I) (alb-F) Saulcyi, Guerin, 1840. apricoidea, Casey, 1913. (cmpl-F) venusta, Laferte, 1841. Saulcyi, Schaupp, 1883*4. 89. cnrvata,* Chevrolat, Col. Mex., 1834. XIII. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks copiously clothed with decumbent pubescence. Clypeus, front, first antennal joint, prosternum, abdominal disc, naked. Prosternum setose only at sides (de- cumbently), extending more broadly at the front margin. Fringe of hair at edge of front and hind margin of pronotum not well developed. Four hind femora never with long erect setae. Constant hairs nowhere nu- merous. 90. euryscopa,* Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1890. XIV. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks thickly clothed with decumbent pubescence. Clypeus naked. Front naked except for a cluster of setae above the antennal insertion. Pronotum circum- marginally and discoidally clothed with decumbent pubescence. Proster- num pubescent. The edge of the front margin of the pronotum bears double hairs; besides the feebly developed fringe of hairs there are white setae. 91. pamphila, Le Conte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1873. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. CICINDELIN.E 17 XV. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks thickly clothed with decumbent white setae. Clypeus clothed either laterally or totally with decumbent setae. The entire face of the front decumbently setose; on the middle part of the occiput the setae are uniformly directed downwards. Pronotum circummarginally and discoidally decumbently setose. Meso-episterna of the female naked and usually deeply pitted. Elytra often with emargination at lateral apical angle. Epistoma some- times with decumbent (ornamental) hairs. Sides of the sterna 1 and the abdomen clothed with white setae (ex parte Ellipsoptera, Dokhturow). 92. hamata,* Audouin & Brulle, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1839. Crist oforii, Chev., 1841. Reichei, Chaud., 1843. apicalis, Chaud. 1843. I. lacerata, Chaudoir, 1854. hamata, G. Horn, 1876. i) (alb-F) pallifera,* Chev., 1852. canosa, G. Horn in litt. 93. marginata, Fab., Syst. Ent., 1775. variegata, Dej., 1825. 94. bland-a, Dej can, Spec. Col., 1831. "forma y," Le Conte, 1848. tarsalis, Le Conte, 1852. 95. Wapleri, Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1875. 96. nevadica, Le Conte, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1875. i) (cmpl-F) Knausi, Leng, 1902. '' sperata var. Kackley," Knaus, 1900. 97. cnprascens, Le Conte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Hist. Phil., 1852. "blanda forma (3" Le Conte, 1848. amnicola, Casey, 1913. mundula, Casey, 1913. 1) macra, Le Conte, 1856. "blanda forma a," Le Conte, 1848. mercurialis, Casey, 1913. 2) puritana, G. Horn, 1871. 3) sperata, Le Conte, 1856. (vv-F) marutha, Dow, 1911. (r-F) rubicunda, E. D. Harris, 1911. i In the species Cicindela hamata to cuprascens there are on the front middle margin of the pro-episterna a few setae which are not decumbent. * Not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. 18 CICINDELIN^E 4) inquisitor, Casey, 1897. 98. lepida, Dejean, Spec. Col., 1831. insomnis, Casey, 1913. 99. togata, Laferte, Rev. Zool., 1841. (dlt-F) fascinans, Casey, 1914. i) globicollis, Casey, 1913. apicalis, W. Horn, 1897. 100. gratiosa, Guerin, Rev. Zool., 1840. i) hirtilabris, Le Conte, 1875. XVI. Four front trochanters with constant hairs. Cheeks, clypeus, and front naked. Pronotum usually circummarginally and discoidally pubes- cent (the hairs at least in part erect). All the femora provided with a uniform thick more or less short fine decumbent pubescence on the entire outer (under) side and on the greater part of the inner (upper) side and without long erect hairs or coarse setae. Tibiae and tarsi with distant erect setae and with thick fine short decumbent hairs. Elytra ovoid, convex, without humeral angles. Supraorbital constant hairs never specially nu- merous (Dromo chorus, Guerin). 101. Pilatei, Guerin, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1845. ntaga, Le Conte, 1875. 102. Belfragei, Salle, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1877. Pilatei, Le Conte, 1875. sericea, Casey, 1897. pruinina, Casey, 1897. The description of Cicindela ventralis, of Newman, in Edward Doubleday's Travels in Florida (The Ent. Mag., V, 414, 1838) seems to have been over- looked by Dr. Horn. As the name is but a synonym of C. abdominalis Fab., the omission is unimportant but perhaps should be noted to complete the record. See also G. Horn's note on the subject in Entomologica Americana I. 3. June, 1885 [Editors]. INDEX abdominalis, Fab C n Blaisdelli, Casey O 2 var., Lee C n blanda, Dej C 17 abrnpta, Casey C 5 forma a, Lee C 17 admiscens, Casey C 6 " forma ft, Lee C 17 aeneicollis, Bates C 10 forma 7, Lee C 17 aethiops, Klug C 9 borealis, Casey O i affinis, Dej T 3 " Harris C 6 albertina, Casey C 5 boulderensis, Casey C 10 albilabris, Kirby C 6 Bowditchi, Leng C 9 albina, W. Horn C 15 brevihamata, W. Horn C 14 albohirta, Dej C 5 brunnescens, Casey O 2 amadeensis, Casey C 7 bucolica, Casey C 5 ambiens, Casey C 14 ambiguus, Schaupp O i calgaryana, Casey ; C 6 Amblycheila, Say i californica, Men C 14 amnicola, Casey C 17 calif ornicus, Esch O i amoena, Lee C 5 calochroides, Mots C 12 ancocisconensis, Harris C 5 calomicra, Bates C 12 angustata, Chev T 3 canadensis, Casey C 6 angusto-cylindricus, W. Horn.O 2 canosa, G. Horn C 17 anita, Dow C 9 carbonaria, Chev C 9 anthracina, G. Horn C 9 Carolina, Harris C 7 apicalis, Chaud C 17 " Linne T 3 W. Horn C 18 carthagena, Dej C 13 apricoidea, Casey C 16 castissima, Bates C 16 ardelio, Casey C 5 Catharina, Harris C 5 argentata, Fab C 14 Catharinae, Chev .C 10 arizonae, Wickham C 13 celeripes, Lee C 14 arizonensis, Bates C 13 Chevrolati, Chaud T 3 ascendens, Lee C* 15 " W. Horn C 10 aterrima, Casey C 9 chiapana, Bates C 12 " Klug C 8 Chihuahuae, Bates C 10 audax, Casey C 7 chloris, Hoege C 9 Audouini, Reiche O i chlorocephala, Chev C 16 Auduboni, Lee C 4 chontalensis, Bates C 10 Lee C 4 Chrysippe, Bates C 8 auguralis, Casey C 4 Cicindela, Linne 3 Aurora, Thomson C 1 1 cimarrona, Lee C 5 awemeana, Casey C 5 cinctipennis, Lee C 14 circumpicta, Laf C 14 baltimorensis, Lee C 5 clarina, Bates C 12 Baroni, Rivers A i cochisensis, Casey C 7 Batesi, W. Horn C 15 collaris, Casey O 2 Beckeri, Hoege C 1 1 " Laf C 14 " W. Horn C 12 collusor, Casey C n Belfragei, Salle C 18 compositus, Casey O 2 bellissima, Leng C 6 confluens, Casey O i Belti, Bates C 13 conquisita, Casey C 4 bisignata, Dokh C 13 consentanea, Dej. .' C 8 19 20 corvina, Lee C 10 fera, Chev C 10 Craveri, Thomson C 9 f errugata, Putz C 13 cribripennis, Casey O 2 filitarsis, Casey C 9 cribrum, Casey C 1 1 flammula, Thomson C 9 Criddlei, Casey C 7 flavopunctata, Chev C crinifrons, Casey C 6 Flohri, Bates C Cristoforii, Casey C 17 formosa, Say C cumatilis, Lee C 12 f ranciscana, Casey C cuprascens, Lee C 17 fraterculus, Casey O cursitans, Lee C 14 Fuchsi, W. Horn O curvata, Chev C 16 fulgida, Say C 7 cyanella, Lee C 14 fulgoris, Casey C 14 cyanides, Bates T 3 fuliginosa, Bates T 3 cyaniventris, Chev C 10 fusconigra, Hopf C 13 cylindricus, Casey O 2 cylindriformis, Say A i Gabbi, G. Horn C 15 Thomson ....A i Gebirgs-Lecontei, W. Horn ..O 2 generosa, Dej C 4 debilis, Bates C 14 geniculata, Chev T 3 decemnotata, Say C 5 globicollis, Casey C 18 decostigma, Chev C 13 gracilenta, Casey C 4 Lee C 12 gracilior, Casey 2 degener, Casey O i graminea, Casey C 4 Dejeani, Lee C 5 Schaupp C 4 Reiche O i " Schaupp C 4 deliciola, Bates C 12 gratiosa, Guerin C 18 denticulata, Harris C 7 gravida, Lee C 5 denverensis, Casey C 4 guerrerensis, Bates C 10 depressula, Casey C 7 guexiana. Chev C 12 despecta, Schaum C 12 guttata, Emmons C 8 diffracta, Casey C 6 guttif era, Lee C 7 Digueti, W. Horn C 10 discus, Klug C 4 haemorrhagica, Lee C 13 dorsalis, Say C 16 haemorrhoidalis, Harris C 12 Douei, Chenu C 13 hamata, Aud. & Br C 17 Dowiana, Casey C 5 G. Horn C 17 Dugesi, Bates C 12 Harrisi, Leng C 8 Dunni, Casey O 3 bemichrysea, Chev C 14 duodecimguttata, Dej C 5 Hentzi, Dej C 12 dysenterica, Bates C 12 G. Horn C 13 hirticollis, Gould C 5 echo, Casey C 7 " Say C 5 Edwardsi, Crotch O 2 hirtilabris, Lee C 18 eldorensis, Casey C 5 Hoegeana, W. Horn C 12 elongatus, Casey O 3 Hoegei, Bates C 1 1 W. Horn O 2 Hopfneri, Dej C 13 erythrogaster, Harris C 12 horiconensis, Leng C 6 eureka, Fall C 7 Horni, Lee O 2 euryscopa, Bates C 16 Schaupp C 9 euthales, Bates C 9 Hornianus, W. Horn O i exoleta, Casey C 7 humeralis, Chev C 12 extenuata, Casey C 1 1 Lee C 5 humeroplanatus, W. Horn . . . O i faceta, Casey C 1 1 hydrophoba, Chev C 12 fascinans, Casey C 18 hydropica, Dupont C 5 feminalis, Casey C 9 hyperborea, G. Horn C 6 21 hyperborea, Lee C 4 luxuriosa, Casey . imperfecta, Lee C 14 incerta, Chev C 12 inducta, Casey C 4 inquisitor, Casey C 18 insomnia, Casey C 18 inspiciens, Casey C 14 intermedio-pronotalis.W.Horn O 2 intermedius, Leng O 2 interpunctata, Mels C 5 ioessa, Bates C 8 Jenisoni, Gistl C 10 Johnsoni, Fitch C 14 juvenilis, W. Horn C 10 Kirbyi, Lee C 6 Klugi, Dej C 13 Knausi, Leng C 17 lacerata, Chaud C 17 laetipennis, W. Horn C 1 1 laevis, Lee O 2 Lantzi, Harris C 5 lassenica, Casey C 6 latecincta, Lee C 4 latemaculata, Becker C 10 latesignata, Lee C 5 Laurenti, Schaupp C 6 lauta, Casey C 4 Lecontei, Hald C 7 " G. Horn O 3 lemniscata, Lee C n lemnisticta, Smyth C 13 Lengi, W. Horn C 4 lepida, Dej C 18 Leuconoe, Bates C 16 Levettei, Casey C 8 levis, Lee O 2 limbalis, Klug C 5 limbata, Say C 4 limbigera, Gem. & Har C 4 linearis, W. Horn C 13 lobatus, Casey O 2 longicornis, W. Horn C 10 longilabris, Say C 6 var., Lee C 6 longipes, Casey A i longitarsis, Casey O 2 lucidicollis, Casey O 2 Ludoviciana, Leng C 5 lugens, Klug C 9 lugubris, Casey O 2 lunalonga, Schaupp C 14 luteolineata, Chev C 9 macra, Lee C 17 macrocnema, Chaud C 15 maga, Lee C 18 manitoba, Leng C 4 marginalis, Fab C 4 marginata, Fab C 17 marginipennis, Dej C 13 maricopa, Leng C 7 maritimus, Casey O 3 marutha, Dow C 17 media, Lee C 16 Megacephala, Lat 3 melania, Bates C 9 Mellyi, Chaud C 12 mercurialis, Casey C 17 mexicana, Gray T 3 Klug C 13 micans, Fab C 10 Say C 10 mimus, Casey O i W. Horn O i minor, Leng C 6 mirabilis, Casey C 4 moapana, Casey C 6 modesta, Dej C 7 Dej C 8 montana, Lee C 6 Hentz C 8 montanus, Casey O 2 mundula, Casey C 17 munifica, Casey C 16 mutans, Harris C 7 nebraskana, Casey C 6 nebuligera, Bates C 12 nebulosa, Bates C 14 neglecta, Klug C 13 nephelota, Bates C 14 nevadica, Lee C 17 nigrilabris, Bates C 9 nigrior, Schaupp C 8 nigrita, Davis C 5 nigrocoerulea, Lee C 9 nudata, W. Horn C 1 1 Nunenmacheri, W. Horn ....O 2 nympha, Casey C 4 Oberleitneri, Gistl C 7 obliquans, Chaud C 15 obliquata, Dej C 6 Kirby C 6 obliviosa, Casey C 5 obscura, Hoege C 1 1 Mels C ic 404908 22 obscura, Say c 8 quinquenotata Gistl c c " Say . .c radians, Chev c TT c c c c 1 Ornus, Esch o 2 reducens, W. Horn reducta W Horn ...C c 12 c o oregona, Lee Lee ..c ..c o 7 7 Reichei, Chaud repanda, Dej Ritteri Bates ...c ...c c 17 s Oslari Leng . .c 6 robusta, Leng . .c ostenta, Casey ..c c 6 roguensis, Harris ...c c 6 pacifica, Schaupp ..c c 13 rubicunda, Harris rubriventris, Chev rufiventris, Dej . . .c ...c . . .c 17 12 pamphila, Lee ..c c 16 rugatilis. Bates ...c c 9 parallelonota, Casey parowana, Wickham ..c ..c o 6 7 rugipennis, Casey Dupont " Van Dyke ...o . . .c . . .0 I 10 2 parvulus, Casey ..o c i 8 ruricola, Gistl ...c 13 perviridis Schaupp . c 6 Sallei, Chev . . .c 12 phosphora, Bates ..c A ii Santaclarae, Bates ...c c 9 " Rivers ..A c 18 Saulcyi, Guerin " Schaupp .... ...c .c 16 '6 c 18 c pimeriana, Lee Placer Co.-Form, Van Dyke placerensis Casey ..c ..0 . .c 7 2 6 scapularis, Casey Schaefferi, W. Horn Schauppi, G. Horn ...c ...c ...c 7 10 14 c Schwarzi W. Horn ..A c 6 c politula Lee ..c sculptilis, Casey . . .0 i ponderosa, Thomson praecisa, Bates ..c ..c c 5 13 scutellaris, Say sedecimpunctata, Klug segnis Harris ...c ...c . . .c 7 12 14 prasina, Lee c 9 semicircularis, Chaud ...c 9 procerus, Casey pronotalis, Casey ..o ..0 c 2 2 Chev Klug ...c ...c c 13 9 16 pruinina, Casey ..c c 18 senilis, Casey ...c c 7 psilogramma, Bates pugetana, Casey pulchra, Say ..c ..c . .c 10 4 7 sequoiarum, Crotch var. Crockers, Horn ...o W. ...o 2 2 punctifrons, Casey punctulata, Oliv puritana, G. Horn ..o ..c ..c i 10 17 sericea, Casey serpens, Lee severa, Laferte ...c ...c . . .c 18 15 1 O purpurea, Oliv pusilla Say ..c c 4 sexguttata, Fab ...c c 8 6 quadriguttata, Davis quadripennis, Casey . . ..c c 8 7 Sierra Co.-Form, W. Horn sierricola, Casey siermoidea. Chaud. ...o ...o ...c 2 I C 23 in ta Dei .C 16 c ...C IO o smaragdina, Chev Smythi Harris ...C ...C 8 Tfi tumidifrons, Casey C c 9 , . .C 9 c (\ sobrina, Dej ..T .O 3 c Sommeri, Mann sonoma, Casey ...C ...C ...C U 7 12 unijuncta, Casey unipunctata, Fab unita, Kollar C C c 5 14 5 speculans, Bates ...c . .c 13 17 VanDykei, W. Horn . . . o " var., Knaus spissipes, Casey ...c ..O .c !7 2 6 varians, Harris " Ljungh variata Harris c c . ..c 7 8 7 1 d'd H t c .c 17 Lee ...c 5 Vasseleti, Chev c ii spreta, Lee Lee ...c ...c c 4 4 7 velutoidea, Casey ventanasa, Bates ventralis Newman c c c 9 12 18 s e p e > y c . .c 16 . ..c 14 " Lee c 4 sublevis, Hopping ..O o 2 vermiculatus, Casey . . . . o ..c " Rivers . .0 i c ft c c 9 superba, a " Lee c c vibex G Horn c 6 tarsalis, Lee ...c o 17 violacea, Fab c T 8 T tenuicincta, Blaisdell Schaupp ..... tenuilineata, Aud. & Br. . . ...c ...c ...c c 5 6 10 virginica, Linne viridis, Becker viridissima, Fall T C c c 3 IO 6 13 Lee ...c . . .c IO 14 Schaupp . . . " Schaupp . . . c c 13 13 Tetracha Hope c 5 c c 6 .c 8 c 9 thalestris, Bates ...c .c 9 18 Walkeriana, Thomson . . Wapleri Lee c c 10 17 c 15 c 6 c Wickhami W Horn c 13 tranquebarica, Herbst .... transversa Leng ...c ...c 5 4 Willistoni, Lee Woodgatei, Casey c c 7 n tridens, Casey ...c c 8 o i Lee triolicans. Casev . . ...c ...c vucatana. Chaud. . ...c 10 The Editors regret that in transcribing Dr. Horn's table of the Tetrachae some omissions have, inadvertently, been made, all of forms not noted by Dr. Horn as occurring north of Mexico. To the list printed on p. 3, carolincnsis, Lat., and Boisdurali and Hopfneri, Gistl should be added as forms of T. Carolina, L. ; ignea, Bates as sub- species of T. sobrina, Dej., and obscura, Dej. as form of T. angustata, Chevr. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Im Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN 21. 1908 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY AA 000820418