THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY- BY ALEX. B. W. KENNEDY PROFESSOR OF ENGINEERING AND MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON ; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS ; HONORARY LIFE MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ETC., ETC. [&SE~ BNIVEK, ^/FORNiA. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS MA CM ILL AN AND CO. AND NEW YORK. 1886. The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved. KlCHAUD CtAY AND SONS, LONDON AND BUNGAY. J PREFACE. I FEEL that in vpnturing to add one more book to the already long list of those which treat of the science of Mechanics, I ought to be able to show that it really does fill some position which has not previously been better occupied. I will therefore offer no apology for summarising here both the scope and limitations of my work. Most of the following chapters have formed from time to time a portion of courses of lectures on the theory of machines given to my students at University College. They are therefore arranged specially with a view to what I have found to be the wants, requirements, and difficulties of young engineers and students of engineering. Keeping this in mind, and knowing that there is no longer any scarcity of elementary text-books containing a thoroughly sound treat- ment of general Mechanics, I have confined myself entirely to the mechanics of constrained motion. It is an essential characteristic of every machine that the path of motion of every one of its points is absolutely known at every instant. The absolute velocity of any point can be altered, or its motion entirely stopped, but, relatively to any other point of the machine, neither the direction of motion nor velocity of any point can be in the slightest degree altered, except by vi PREFACE. forces which involve the practical destruction of the whole apparatus. All the motions occurring in machines are thus conditioned by an absolute geometric constrainment which renders it not only possible but very easy to treat them by themselves, and in this fashion to separate the mechanics o* machinery from the general science of mechanics of which it forms a portion. The determination of these constrained relative directions and velocities presents a series of purely geometric problems which are dealt with in Chapters I. to VI. The most certain method for dealing with these problems is, I believe, the method of instantaneous or as I prefer to call them virtual rotations. I have, therefore, used this method con- sistently throughout my work, from the very beginning. For the simpler and more numerous problems of plane motion I have taken the virtual centre to replace the virtual axis (p. 41), for conic or spheric motion I have used the axis itself, and for the case of screw motion I have pointed out how the rotation axis must be replaced by the twist axis, of which it is only a special case. In most ordinary mechanisms the virtual axis or centre of every link relatively to every other can be determined very easily for every position. Not unfrequently the centre itself is an inaccessible point, but there are few cases in which this adds any real difficulty to the problem. It is always necessary to know the direction of lines passing through the virtual centre, but it is seldom essential that lines passing through that point should be actually drawn on the paper. In the case of complex mechanisms (such as Figs. 218 to 224 or 244), there is no doubt difficulty in finding the virtual centres. But just in these cases the complete handling of the mechanism by any other means is also a problem of great difficulty, and is sometimes, I believe, almost impossible. The method of virtual rotations, also, lends itself throughout to graphic PREFACE. VII treatment, and its difficulties are almost entirely those of geometrical construction, which an engineer who is master of his drawing instruments can easily tackle, and not those of analytical mathematics, with the tools' of which he is often, unfortunately, not so familiar. A system which allows every plane and spheric mechanism which has yet found applica- tion in machinery, from the simplest cases (Figs. 104 to 109) to the most complex ones (Figs. 128 to 131, 239, 244, 288, 299, etc.) to be treated in exactly the same method and with exactly similar constructions, both in its kinematic and its kinetic relations, possesses on this account advantages so great as quite to outweigh, in my opinion, the very small initial difficulty of thoroughly mastering the idea of virtual rotation which forms its foundation. The theorem of the three virtual centres (p. 73) or axis (p. 490), without which the method of virtual rotations would be practically useless for our purposes, was first given, I believe, by Aronhold, although its previous publication was unknown to me until some years after I had given it in my lectures. The problems dealt with in Chapters I. to VI. are in reality purely geometric, the velocities dealt with being only the relative velocities of different points in a constrained link- work. The ideas of acceleration and of force are introduced in Chapter VII. Here I found myself compelled to choose between the adoption of some system of absolute units, and the retaining of the much-abused word " pound " as the name for a unit both of weight and of force. I hope that in 30 1 have succeeded in making clear the vital distinction between these two things, but after the best consideration which I have been able to give to the matter, I have come to the conclusion that the retaining of the word " pound " for both is, for the purposes of this book, the lesser of two evils. Without going further into reasons than I have done in the text, I will only say that the adoption of any other viii PREFACE. plan would have made the book practically useless to almost all engineers so long as the thousand-and-one problems of their everyday work come to them in their present form. In 28 of Chapter IX. I have given special attention to the construction of diagrams of acceleration from those of velocity, and diagrams of velocity from those of accel- eration, showing the constructions necessary in each case both for diagrams on time- and distance-bases. I have found by experience that the only real difficulty in con- nection with the practical use of these diagrams lies in the determination of their scales. I have therefore gone into this matter in a more detailed fashion than might, at first sight, seem to have been necessary, and have recurred to it frequently in later Chapters. Problems connected with the static equilibrium of mechanisms are dealt with in Chapter VIII., and with their kinetic equilibrium in Chapter IX. In order to make these latter more complex problems more intelligible to engineers^ I have chosen purely technical examples, and worked them out in detail, for the most part graphically. The problems treated include those of trains, " Bull " and Cornish engines, and ordinary steam-engines, while the action of flywheels and of governors is also considered in some detail, and the connecting-rod is used as an example of the kinetic theory of a single constrained link having general plane motion. In Chapter X. a number of mechanisms intrinsically interesting, but not finding place as examples in the earlier part of the book, are considered. I have here also en- deavoured to arrange a general classification of plane mechanisms on a basis which appears to me, at least so far as it goes, to be a scientific one. It has not been consistent with my purpose, or indeed with the size of this book, even to touch upon the enormous number of recently described plane mechanisms (such as many of those of Kempe and PREFACE. ix of Burmester), whose interest, although great, is at present entirely kinematic, and the use of which in any actual machine appears extremely unlikely. The enormous majority of mechanisms with which the engineer has to do have (fortunately for him) only plane motions. To treat non-plane mechanisms with the same detail as plane mechanisms, would have involved a great enlargement of a volume already too bulky. I have in Chapter XI., therefore, not attempted to do much more than to show how the principles already discussed apply to non-plane motion. I have dealt in a detailed manner only with two examples : the universal joint, and Mr. Tower's " spherical " engine. In 65 I have worked out the action of the latter, kinematically and kinetically, in as complete a fashion as formerly the simpler case of the ordinary engine. The results are shown graphically in Figs. 306 and 307. In Chapter XII., lastly, I have given some general notion of the influence of friction on the working of machines. In doing this I have put entirely on one side the time-honoured " laws" of dry friction, the relation of which to the friction of machines is purely illusory, and have endeavoured to substitute for them some actual relations between pressure* temperature, and velocity, so far as they are yet experiment- ally determined, which apply to smooth and more or less completely lubricated surfaces. I would like, however, to emphasise here what I have pointed out in the text (p. 577), that tjie ordinary calculated determinations of frictional efficiencies have seldom any great absolute numerical value. Not only are the different friction factors very imperfectly known, but the pressures due -to " fit," tightening of bolts, etc., which in some cases are more important than any other friction-producing forces, are scarcely known at all. I have endeavoured to mention throughout the book the names of the various authors and others to whom I have x PREFACE. been, in different matters, indebted. I cannot, however, omit to make special reference to the work of Professor Reuleaux. All engineers are indebted to him for the system of analysis of mechanisms first set forth in his Kinematics of Machinery, a system so simple and so obviously true that its essential points have found universal acceptance. The principles of Reuleaux's system I have unhesitatingly made use of, and my first sixty pages are to a great extent a summary of his results. After that our objects have differed widely, and I have followed entirely different lines from those of his work. I should like to add that although, partly through pressure of work and partly through ill-health, this book appears only now, yet a great part of it has been in type, and a still greater part written and given in lectures, for a number of years. This has rendered it almost impossible for me to make any use of the excellent work of Prof. Cotterill, or of the recently published graphic methods of Prof. R. H. Smith, or the still more recently published (in any complete form) kinematic work of Professor Burmester, as I should otherwise have liked to do. For a few of my illustrations I am indebted to Reuleaux's Kinematics, but nine-tenths of them I have drawn specially for their present purpose. In any cases where engineering details are shown I have endeavoured to draw them with reasonably accurate proportions, and in all cases where. diagrams of force, velocity, etc., occur, they will be found drawn to scale, and the scales are marked on the figures. ALEX. B. W. KENNEDY. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON, Nov. 2th 1886. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE MACHINE. SECT. PAGE 1. What a Machine is I 2. The principal forms of Constrained Motion 12 3. Relative Motion 19 CHAPTER II. PLANE MOTION. 4. Relative Position in a Plane 28 5. Relative Motion in a Plane 33 6. Direction of Motion 35 7. The Instantaneous or Virtual Centre 38 8. Permanent Centre >. . 46 9. Centrode and Axode 4& CHAPTER III. THE CONSTRAINMENT OF PLANE MOTION. 10. Elements of Mechanism 53 11. Links, Chains, and Mechanisms 5& xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. VIRTUAL MOTION IN MECHANISMS. SECT. PAGE 12. Determination of the Virtual Centre in Mechanisms .... 69 13. Directions of Motion in Mechanisms 81 CHAPTER V. RELATIVE VELOCITIES IN MECHANISMS. 14. Relative Linear Velocities 83 15. Relative Angular Velocities 95 16. Diagrams of Relative Velocities 102 CHAPTER VI. MECHANISMS NOT LINKWORK. 17. Spur-Wheel Trains 116 18. Wheel-Teeth 122 19. Compound Spur Gearing 131 20. Epicyclic Gearing 136 21. Other Mechanisms with Spur- Wheels 143 22. Cam Trains 151 CHAPTER VII. DYNAMICS OF MECHANISM. % 23. Linear and Angular Velocity 161 24. Linear Velocity Tangential Acceleration 169 25. Linear Velocity Tangential Acceleration (continued). . . 178 26. Linear Velocity Radial Acceleration 184 CONTENTS. xiii SECT. PAGE 27. Linear Velocity and Total Acceleration 192 28. Linear Velocity and Acceleration Diagrams 193 29. Angular Acceleration . -211 30. Force, Mass, and Weight 217 31. Momentum and Impulse Moment of Inertia of a Particle . 229 32. Momentum and Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body .... 236 33. Work and Energy Rate of doing work Horse Power . . 246 34. Summary of Conditions of Motion possible in a Mechanism . 256 CHAPTER VIII. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM. 35. Classification of the Forces acting on a Mechanism .... 259 36. Equilibrium Static and Kinetic 263 37. Static Equilibrium General Propositions 268 38. Static Equilibrium of Pairs of Elements 272 39. Static Equilibrium of Single Links in Mechanisms 280 40. Static Equilibrium of Mechanisms 287 41. Static Equilibrium of Fixed Links in Mechanisms 306 42. Positions of Static Equilibrium 315 43. Force and Work Diagrams 320 CHAPTER IX. PROBLEMS IN MACHINE DYNAMICS. 44. Train Resistance 3 26 45. Direct-acting Pumping Engine 33 6 46. Cornish Pumping Engine 345 47. Ordinary Steam Engine 347 48. Fly-Wheel 357 49. Connecting Rod 3 6 4 50. Governors 37 xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. MISCELLANEOUS MECHANISMS. SECT. PAGE 51. The " Simple Machines " 391 52. Altered Mechanisms Expansion of Elements 395 53. Altered Mechanisms Reduction of Links 402 54. Incomplete Constrainment 408 55. The Parallelogram 414 56. Parallel Motions 417 57. Parallel Motions (continued] 434 58. Order of Mechanisms ; Chains with Lower Pairing (Pins and Slides) 439 59. Order of Mechanisms ; Chains containing Higher Pairs (Wheel-Teeth, Cams, &c.) . . 449 60. Ratchet and Click Trains 459 6 1. Chains containing Non- Rigid Links 462 CHAPTER XI. NON-PLANE MOTION. 62. The Screw 477 63. Conic Crank Trains 488 64. The " Universal Joint " 498 65. Disc Engines (Tower and Fielding Engines) 517 66. Bevel Gearing 541 67. The Ball and Socket Joint 545 68. Hyperboloidal or Skew Gearing 547 69. Screw Wheels 554 70. General Screw Mechanisms 560 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. FRICTION IN MECHANISMS AND MACHINES. SECT. I. AGE 71. Friction 565 72. Friction in Sliding Pairs 578 73. Friction in Turning Pairs 586 74. Friction in Screws 592 75. Friction in Pivots 597 76. Friction in Toothed Gearing 60 1 77. Friction in Links and Mechani ms 607 78. Friction in Belt-Gearing -622 79. Friction Brakes and Dynamometers 629 80. Pulley Tackle 635 : ORN!A. THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. CHAPTER I. THE MACHINE. i. WHAT A MACHINE IS. As our object in the following pages is to study only a certain section of the science of mechanics, that part of the science, namely, which is involved in questions relating to machinery and mechanical combinations of all kinds, it is right that we should commence with a somewhat precise notion of what the limits of our work are to be. The term machinery is a large one ; it includes many things differing apparently very greatly from each other, and we must first of all find out what are the common points of all these various machines, the characteristics which belong to them as machines. After this has been done, but not before, we shall be able to see what is the actual nature and extent of the problems which lie before us, what ground we shall have to cover, and what matters we may leave untouched, as relating to conditions which do not exist within the limits of our work. A machine is a thing which has been very often defined, but very seldom, for some reason or other, with anything * 2 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. like real exactness or completeness. According to many definitions, either a hammer or a piece of rope is a machine in itself a bridge is certainly a machine, or a plank resting against a wall. But, in spite of the definitions, we do not as a matter of fact call any one of these things a machine if we did the only difficulty would be to find anything in the universe that was not a machine. It would be useless, in that case, to make any attempt to study the applications of mechanics to machinery as a special branch of the general science of mechanics. It does not, however, appear difficult to include in a single sentence a complete definition of a machine, a definition, that is, which shall include all mechanical combinations which can by possi- bility receive that name, and rigidly exclude all others. We shall first give a definition which seems to meet these requirements, and then devote the rest of this chapter to its detailed consideration. A machine may be defined to be a combination of resistant bodies whose relative motions are completely constrained, and by means of which the natural energies at our disposal may be trans- formed into any special form of work. In the first place, then, a machine is a combination of bodies a single body cannot constitute a machine. In each of what are often called the " simple machines," for example the lever, wheel and axle, etc., there are at least two bodies, in some more than two. The mere bar which we call a lever does not in itself constitute a machine, either " simple " or otherwise. All its properties depend upon the existence of a fulcrum about which it can turn, and on the position of this fulcrum. Without this the lever is a mere bar incapable of being of the slightest mechanical use to us, with it, (a proper form of fulcrum being here sup- I.] WHAT A MACHINE IS. 3 posed, of which more later on) it forms one of the most important combinations with which we have to deal. Here, therefore, a combination of two bodies can be used to form a machine. Similarly with the "wheel and axle." Wheel and axle themselves form only one body, so far as our work is con- cerned. That is to say, whether they are originally made in one, or separately, or in a dozen different pieces, they are fixed together rigidly before they are put to any use, the one cannot be moved without moving the other, and we must therefore treat them as one only. But a wheel fixed to a shaft does not of itself make a machine. Before we can utilise it we must provide rigid bearings for the shaft to turn in, .and these bearings (themselves also so connected that they form one piece) form a second body in the machine, just as essential to its working as the former. Here, again, then, a combination of two bodies forms a machine ; we shall see later on that this combination is in fact identical with the former. We might give further illustrations, but these will suffice. There are no cases in existence in which a machine consists of one body only, and indeed we shall see immediately that we are able to say that no such machine is even theoretically possible. In nineteen cases out of twenty a machine consists entirely of rigid bodies. But this rigidity is not an essential condition. Springs of steel or even of india-rubber, which cannot be said to be rigid which are, in fact, used simply because they are not rigid often form part of machines. Fluids also are not unfrequently used under suitable con- ditions. A column of water enclosed in a tube, for instance, may be used to transmit a pressure from one end of the tube to the other, in which case the water itself becomes B 2 4 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. I. in the fullest sense a part of the machine. More frequently than either of these, leather belts or hempen ropes form parts of machines, transmitting motion or force with suffi- cient accuracy for many practical purposes. Rigidity being thus not necessarily a property of the bodies of which machines consist, the question arises as to what is the essential condition which must be fulfilled by a body in order to make it available as part of a machine. It is that it shall present, or can be made to present, a suitable molecular resistance to change of form or volume, a quality which we have expressed by the use of the word resistant instead of rigid in our definition. The reason for this necessity for resistance to change of form will be seen better by and by ; here, it will suffice merely to illustrate it. We use hempen rope to transmit force (as in tackle) by stretching it over pulleys, and keeping it always in tension. Under these conditions it can transmit pull as well as if it were of iron, and with far greater con- venience. If we could so reverse the motion of the apparatus as to put the rope in compression instead of in tension, it would lose its resistance, fail to transmit the pressure, and be entirely useless for our purposes. The case of water is exactly the reverse of this. We can trans- mit pressure through it, t.e., we can use it in -compression, but it is no use as regards pull. We have to enclose the water in a tube, but the tube may be of any form, the fluidity of the water causing it of course to fill up any vessel in which it is placed. The water therefore may change its form to a very great extent, but it remains practically un- altered in volume, and this resistance to change of volume answers as well for some of our purposes as the resistance offered by a bar of rigid material to the alteration of its length or of its form generally. i.] WHAT A MACHINE IS. 5 The relative motions of the resistant bodies which together constitute a machine are said, in our definition, to be constrained. This point requires a little more extended remark than the preceding ones, for it forms in reality the chief characteristic by which problems belonging to the mechanics of machinery can be distinguished from those of general mechanics. It is this, practically, which enables us to separate from the latter, and treat by themselves, all the mechanical questions which arise in engineering work, and specially it enables us (as will be seen further on) to apply to the solution of these questions graphic methods, simple straight-edge-and-compass solutions, which from a practical point of view have in most cases many advantages over algebraic calculations. The special feature, then, by which the problems belonging to our branch of mechanics are to be distinguished among those of the science in general, is this: in the general case the bodies whose motions come into consideration are free, in all the cases with which we have to do they are constrained. Where a body is free, the direction in which it moves depends entirely upon the direction of the force which sets it in motion, and can be altered at any moment by an alteration in the direction of that force or, what is the same thing, by the action of other disturbing forces. Where a body is constrained, on the other hand, the direction of motion is absolutely independent of the direction of the force which causes motion in the first instance, and can neither be changed by any change in its direction nor by the appearance of disturbing forces. In the first case the motion of a body during any interval of time is only known if we know completely all the forces which will influence it, intentionally or accidentally, during that interval. If a machine had to be treated in this way these forces would 6 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. include knocks and jars as innumerable as they are irregular, even a hand pressure on any of its parts would have to be taken into account, and the whole problem would become a totally impossible one. In the second case however, to which the machine fortunately belongs, the direction of motion of every part at every instant is determined completely by its construction. The only possible alter- natives are motion in the right direction or no motion at all. As long as the machine is in motion, every part of it is compelled to move in a pre-arranged path, and these paths can only be changed by force if that force be sufficient to distort or destroy the machine. So long therefore as the machine remains uninjured, we can say that all its motions are, as to their directions, com- pletely independent either of the direction or the magnitude of the external forces which cause them. We say that the direction of motion is independent of the direction of the force causing motion. But of course, in machinery as well as in the rest of the universe, the motion of a body is actually determined by the whole of the forces acting upon it. In every case we must virtually apply the same method to get rid of disturbing forces viz. : balance them ; but the method of balancing is very differ- ent in the two cases of free and constrained motion. In general the resultant of all the forces acting on any body is oblique to the direction in which we wish it to move ; such a resultant may be resolved into two components, one in the direction of motion wished, the other at right angles to it. If the latter be balanced, we shall have done all that is necessary to ensure the body moving in the right direction. In the case of a body moving freely this balancing of the disturbing forces must take place from i.] -WHAT A MACHINE IS. moment to moment as the latter come into action. If a body be falling to the ground, for instance, and in its motion meet with some disturbing force in the shape of a side push, then in order that its path may not be altered it must be arranged that another push, exactly equal and opposite to the first, shall begin and end precisely at the same instants with it. Any such arrangement for balancing disturbing forces, although theoretically possible, is of course practically out of the question a totally different plan is used in machinery. There we provide for the complete balancing of all disturbing forces by so connecting the moving bodies that any departure from the desired motion could occur only if the form of the connections could be changed, and we further make these connections of material such as. cannot change its form easily under the forces acting upon it. The disturbing forces, then, are balanced as they occur simply by the resistance of the material of the machine to change of form ; this molecular resistance is usually called stress, a word which we shall have frequent occasion to use. We may sum up all this by saying that the con- strained motion characteristic of the bodies which form parts of machines, is obtained by so con- necting them that all forces tending to disturb their motion are balanced as they occur by stresses in the bodies themselves. It is often said, and to a certain extent quite truly, that the motions of the different parts of a machine are rendered constrained by the geometric form (pin and eye, slot, screw, &c.) of the connections between them. When, for instance, we require a body to revolve about a particular axis, we make some portion of it in the form of a cylinder having the same axis (Fig. i), and cause this cylinder to work in bearings made to fit it accurately the cylinder being THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY [CHAP. i. provided also with projecting rings or collars fitting the sides of the bearings in order to render endlong motion impossible. It is true that in this and in every other such case the kind of motion permitted is determined by the FIG. form of the connections. But it is not sufficient merely to give the bearings the correct form in order to prevent undesired motions. In the case supposed, for instance, bearings of india-rubber, however accurately made as to their shape in the first instance, would quite fail to constrain the motion their resistance to change of form would be insufficient to balance the disturbing forces occurring during the work of the machine. To obtain constrained motion, therefore, it is necessary to do more than merely employ proper forms in connecting the different parts of the machine : the connections must also be of proper material, and the constrainment must ultimately be referred to the molecular resistance of the material itself rather than to its form. We cannot find any materials which shall resist all dis- turbing forces ; if we could do so we could make an un- breakable machine. But we can readily obtain materials such as shall remain without any sensible change of form under the action of all the forces occurring in the ordinary working if the machine to which they belong. Using i.] WHAT A MACHINE IS. 9 such materials, and the forms of connection suited to the particular motion wanted, we obtain a completely con- strained motion. Recurring to the illustration used in the last paragraph : unless the form of the bearings can be changed, the shaft can only rotate about its own axis ; we make the shaft of iron, and bearings of brass and their size such that their resistance to change of form is greater than any external force which in ordinary working can be present to change their form. This remains therefore unchanged, and with it the motion also remains unaltered. It is of course possible for a machine to be injured, or even broken, by the occurrence of too great stress in some of its parts. But it is the province of the designer of the machine to provide against these contingencies, and as they can always be avoided it is not necessary for us to take them into account here. For our present purposes therefore we shall always assume .that the machines or mechanisms with which we are dealing are so designed as to give us complete constrainment of motion in all their parts. The direction of the motion will be determined in every instance by the form of the parts, and all forces or com- ponents of forces tending to disturb such motion will be assumed to be balanced by the stresses in those parts ; the nature and magnitude of the stresses as well as the minute alterations of form which always accompany them, forming subjects which we shall have to examine later on. The possibility of making this assumption very greatly simplifies the treatment of our subject, as can easily be seen. We can consider the motions occurring in a machine quite independently of the forces acting upon it. The paths in which the different points move, as well as all their relative velocities, can be determined by purely gee- metric methods, without touching static questions at all. ro THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP, r* The consideration of force comes in only when we have to deal with the equilibrium of the machine, or the absolute velocity of any of its parts. Even then there are many problems in which we may neglect all force-components but those in certain (known) directions, knowing that the others will necessarily be balanced by stresses which are equal to them in magnitude, but the knowledge of whose magnitudes is not required in any way for the purposes in hand. We have now left only the last clause of our definition to examine, which defines the object of a machine as the transformation of natural energies into some special form of work. A machine is often spoken of as u an instrument for transmitting and modifying force" It is as well to remember that although a machine does transmit and modify force, yet this is by no means a special characteristic of the machine. A bridge, a roof, everything in fact which we include under the name structure, does the same. No machine was ever constructed merely to modify force ; motion is essential to the machine, and force in motion is work or energy. The special work to be done may be lifting a weight, shaping a piece of metal, spinning a thread, or any one of a thousand other things. The energy which we transform into this particular work may be muscular energy, gravitation energy, electrical energy, or as in the great majority of cases heat energy. In every case, how- ever, the object of the machine is to utilise one or other of these forms of energy by transforming it into some par- ticular kind of mechanical work which we require to be done. It is precisely this which distinguishes a machine from a mere structure the latter modifies force only, not energy as when the weight of a train is resolved into the upward forces which support it at the abutments of a i.] WHAT A MACHINE IS. n bridge, appearing between the one and the other in numerous modified forms as stress in the various bars and beams of which the bridge consists. We have defined and discussed what may be called a perfect machine. In practice we meet with a good many combinations (especially those in which non-rigid bodies are used), which are essentially machines, but in which the motion of the different parts is very far from being completely constrained. A pulley tackle hoisting a weight is a familiar illustration of this the motion of the weight being what we have defined as free in every direction but the vertical. But in just so far as free motions occur does the whole apparatus depart from essentially machinal conditions, and in just so far must it be regarded as, from our point of view, imperfect or incomplete. Again there are some familiar combinations, such as stop valves, safety valves, etc., which often form parts of more important apparatus, and which in any case are as fully fulfilling their ultimate object when their different parts are stationary as when they are in motion. Of these it may be said that whether or not they are to be called machines which is matter of indifference they yet behave as machines during the time when they are in motion. They may there- fore ba handled by just such methods as we find applicable to machines, with the qualification only as to the completeness of their constraint which has just been mentioned. Many problems, of course, occur in connection with the machine, in which it is possible to leave motion entirely out of consideration to treat the machine in fact merely as a structure. To this class belong all the ordinary static problems relating to the equilibrium of mechanical combinations, with which we shall have to deal shortly. There is also another class of questions riot affecting the 12 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. transformation of energy, or even of force, but dealing simply with the relative motions of the different parts of the machine. Such problems as these are called kinematic, and on account of their great simplicity we shall take them up before touching any of the others. Following these we shall come to the statics of machinery, and lastly to the consideration of the more complex 'questions which arise when we have to consider the machine in its complete function the kinetics of machinery. 2. THE PRINCIPAL FORMS OF CONSTRAINED MOTION. THERE is no impossibility in constraining any kind of motion whatever in a machine, however complex that motion may be. An ordinary sewing machine, for instance, affords a familiar illustration of the constrainment of motion of no small degree of complexity. But the immense majority of motions actually utilised, and among them all the more important ones, fall under certain special cases which makes their treatment comparatively simple. We must notice briefly the nature of these special cases, the three principal of which we may call plane motion, spheric motion, and screw motion or twist, respectively. Plane Motion. When a body moves so that any one section of it continues always in its own plane (Fig. 2), then every other plane section parallel to the first moves also in its own plane, and the motion of the body is said to be " con- plane," " complanar," or we may call it simply, "plane." The enormous, majority of the motions occurring in machinery belong to this class ; every single motion, for instance, in an ordinary steam engine, with the exception of II.] CONSTRAINED MOTION. 1-3 that of the governor balls when they are rising or falling is plane. In considering such motions, as well as the innumerable problems connected with them, we can use the very important simplification that instead of dealing with solid bodies as such, we' may treat each body as if it FIG. 2. were merely a section of itself, i.e. a plane figure. Such a figure moves in its own plane, and therefore its motions can be completely and exactly represented or copied on the plane of our paper, without the aid of perspective or other projection. As the body, moreover, maybe looked upon as consisting of a series of such figures or sections all parallel to each other, and all having exactly similar motions in parallel planes, the motion of the one figure represents that of all the others, that is, of the whole body. In such a case it is indifferent whether we speak of the motion of the figure only, or of the body, the one determines the other ; we may sometimes use the one and sometimes the other expression, as may be most convenient. About the general characteristics of plane motion we shall have a good deal to say further on, at present we may notice in passing that there are two special forms of such motion of particular importance to us. The first is when the motion is a simple rotation. When a body rotates about an axis, every plane section of it at right angles to that 14 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY, [CHAP. i. axis moves always in its own plane, and rotates about the point which is the intersection (or to employ a very useful and much needed contraction, the jam) of the axis with its plane. It is in general a matter of mere convenience whether we treat this motion as a turning about an axis or about a point or centre ; in the one case we refer to the body itself, in the other to the plane section or figure which represents it. In any case the path of every point in the body is a circle about the given point or axis, all points at the same distance from which describe equal circles. If we suppose one point to be turning about another point in this way, and the centre of rotation to be moved farther and farther off, the circle described by the moving point becomes flatter and flatter ; any arc of it, that is to say, more and more nearly approaches to a straight line. So long as the centre is at a finite distance however, no matter how great, this line still remains really an arc of a circle, however closely it may be made to approximate to a straight line. But as we find that this approximation grows more and more close the further the centre is removed, it has become a common custom among mathematicians to say that if the centre were removed to an infinite distance the circular arc would actually become a straight line. From this point of view a straight line is a circular arc of infinite radius, or one whose centre is at infinity. What there is at infinity we naturally do not know, but we know that we may make this assumption and apply exactly the same reasoning to it which we apply in connection with circles of finite radius, and use all the same graphic con- structions also, without coming to any results which contradict the assumption. On the other hand, as will be seen more fully further on, this assumption is one which often leads to very important simplifications, and allows V II.] CONSTRAINED MOTION. 15 of very easy solutions to what would otherwise be exceed- ingly complicated problems. We shall therefore have very frequent occasion to use it, the more because of the intimate connection it has with the second most important special case of plane motion. In this case all points in the body move in parallel straight lines, and the whole body therefore moves "parallel to itself." This is the simplest case of what is called a motion of translation, and we may obviously define it, in accordance with what has just been said, to be a motion of rotation about a point at an infinite distance. There is no geometric difference between rotation and translation, and by treating the latter as a special case of the former as being, namely, a rotation about an infinitely distant, but nevertheless quite easily determined point we can in many cases avoid the double constructions and double proofs which otherwise would be necessary. We shall find, indeed, that the constructions used in connection with points at infinity are generally simpler and easier than those employed for points at a finite distance. Spheric Motion. When a body moves so that every point in it remains always at the same distance from some fixed point, it is said to have spheric motion. ' If we take a section of the body cut by a sphere having the given point as centre (Fig. 3), we get a figure whose motion is such that it remains always on the surface of a sphere of its own radius. The condition is exactly analogous to that of plane motion, with the substitution of the sphere for the plane, and the spheric section for the plane section. Just as before, the motion of one section of the body now a spheric section represents for us the motions of all the others, i.e. of the whole body. If we suppose the sphere to take a radius larger and larger until it becomes infinite, we get i6 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. 1. a motion more and more nearly resembling plane motion until at length it coincides with it. It would therefore be both possible and scientifically correct to consider plane motion simply as a special case of spheric motion, but the small simplification which might thus be obtained is not sufficiently important to justify a change which would have some much more considerable practical inconveniences. Twist. When the motion of a point is such that it can be resolved into a rotation about an axis, and a translation parallel to the axis, so that the amount of the one is always proportional to that of the other, the point is said to move in or describe a helix or regular screw line. 1 It is possible for a body to move so that all its points describe helices about an axis, and such a motion is called a twist, or screw motion (Fig. 4). Each point in the body remains at a constant 1 Of general screw motion, so interesting to the mathematician, nothing requires to be said here, for reasons which are sufficiently obvious. 2.] CONSTRAINED MOTION. 17 distance from the axis, and every point moves through the same angle of rotation and through the same distance parallel to the axis in the same time. The amount of translation corresponding to one complete rotation about the axis is called a pitch of the helix : the helices described bv the different points of the body are all equal in pitch FIG. 4. but vary in diameter. All points at the same distance from the axis describe congruent 1 helices. Twist is a 1 The word congruent, which may be unfamiliar to some, means similar and equal. i8 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. motion tolerably often met with in machinery, although seldom used for its own sake. It stands in a very simple relation to plane motion, into which it resolves itself in two limiting cases ; viz. : when the pitch of the twist is reduced to zero, and when it is increased to infinity. In the former case the twist becomes a mere rotation, in- the latter a mere translation, and these motions therefore might be considered as special cases of twist if there were any object in doing so. The two simpler motions are, how- ever, of so great importance for their own sake that we shall find it advisable rather to treat them in the way we have already indicated, as cases of plane motion, than as special cases of twist. In the foregoing paragraphs we have pointed out some general characteristics of the principal forms of motion which occur, constrained, in mechanical combinations. More general and complex motions do occur occasionally, as in the case of the sewing machine already cited, and as in some agricultural machinery, but comparatively very seldom ; while of the motions mentioned, the very simplest plane motion is incomparably the most important and the most often met with. Without, therefore, confining our attention solely to plane motions we shall have very much more to say about these than about any others. The problems arising out of or in connection with more general motions are in very many cases both too complex and too technical for treatment here. Some of them we shall, however, look at, and while we shall be able to treat fully but a few, we shall endeavour so to indicate the methods by which they can be handled, that students who wish to follow up this part of the subject may not find any difficulty in doing so. In chapters II. to X., however, we shall concern ourselves 3-] RELATIVE MOTION. IQ exclusively with plane motion, and the statements made and constructions given in those chapters must all be taken with this limitation, unless it is expressly stated that they refer to some more general form of motion. Attention is here drawn to this limitation once for all, to avoid the necessity of frequent qualifying references to it in what follows. The propositions in 3 of this chapter are, however, quite general, applying equally to the most complex and to the simplest motions. 3. RELATIVE MOTION. WE know that all bodies around us, whether they appear fixed or moving, are continually changing their position in space, but we are unable either to realise or to measure these changes of position, which constitute what is called their absolute motion. When a body appears to us to be in motion, what we observe is that the distances between certain points in that body and certain points in some other body undergo alteration, and this we express by saying that the first changes its position or, in one word, moves relatively to the second. The choice of this second body, the standard by which the motion is observed, is arbitrary. In general it itself has no visible motion relative to any other body. In the majority of cases, for instance, we speak of a body as moving or stationary according as it is changing or not changing its position relatively to the earth, the motion of which, for any short period, is not perceptible to our senses. Often, however, we take some body which is itself moving relatively to the earth, such as a train or a ship, for a standard, and call those bodies fixed which are not moving relatively to it, no matter what motion they may have relatively to the earth. It is quite C 2 20 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. easy to suppose a case in which a ^body in a train is moving in a direction exactly opposite to that of the train's motion and with an equal velocity. Such a body would have no motion relatively to the standard by which the motion of the train itself was observed, i.e. relatively to the earth. It would therefore be called stationary if the earth were the standard, although it is moving relatively to the train. A person seated in the train, on the other hand, although moving relatively to the earth, would be said to be stationary relatively to the train. It becomes, therefore, important that we should form some exact idea of what is implied by the word stationary, of what is the condition, namely, common to the two cases just mentioned. It is a very simple one. In the first case supposed, the stationary body shared the motion of the earth, in the second, it shared the motion of the train ; in both cases, that is, it shared the motion of the standard relatively to which motion was measured. If a body be stationary relatively to any other, it shares all the motion of that other; and when we say simply that a body is fixed or stationar}', we assume tacitly that it shares all the motion of the standard relatively to which change of position is measured its (unknown) absolute motion must be the same as that of the standard. The result is the same as if the standard were itself absolutely at rest. It is obvious that if a body be at rest relatively to another it may be considered as virtually forming a part of that other. The two might be rigidly connected and made one without any change in the conditions. We shall find that it is often convenient to treat a stationary body as simply a part of the body which is the standard relatively to which motion is measured. In mechanism and machinery change of position is very 3 .] RELATIVE MOTION. 21 generally measured relatively to the frame of the machine, and this is most often stationary relatively to the earth. It is frequently necessary, however, to examine the relative motions of two portions of a machine both of which are moving relatively to its frame. It is of such great im- portance to get the idea of relative motion under these different conditions clearly realised, and we shall have to use it so frequently, that it will be worth while to examine it a little more in detail. We have seen that when a body has the same motion as the standard it is said to be at rest. Two bodies, therefore, which have the same motion as the standard, must be at rest relatively to each other, i.e. they can have no relative motion. The converse proposition however that if two bodies have no relative motion they must have the same motion as the standard is not necessarily true, but expresses only a possible condition. For we have seen that the choice of the standard is quite arbitrary; in the case supposed therefore, the standard may have an infinite variety of motions, only one of which can be the same as that of the two bodies. At the same time if the bodies have no motion relatively to each other, no alteration in the standard can give them any. Whatever the standard chosen, however, the two bodies will have the same motion relative to it. This will be easily recognised when it is remembered that, as has been pointed out, two bodies having no relative motion form to all intents and purposes parts of one rigid body ; they therefore cannot have different motions relatively to any other. We are now able to state in general terms the pro- position : If two bodies have no relative motion they must have the same motion relatively to every other body. This carries also its converse with 22 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. it : If two bodies have the same motion relatively to any other, they have no relative motion. Besides these propositions we have also the important corollary that the relative motion of two bodies is not affected by any motions which they may have in common. For whatever the common motion may be, whether absolute or relative, it leaves the bodies relatively at rest, and therefore cannot alter their relative position. Illustrations of these propositions are very familiar to us. Bodies on the surface of the earth have no motion relatively to each other ; we call them all stationary, for they share the absolute motion of the earth as well as its motion relatively to the sun or any other standard. The relative motions of the different parts of a marine engine are not affected by the complex motion of the ship relatively to the water, for all parts have these in common ; and so on. We have had occasion to speak several times of two bodies having " the same motion." The idea of different bodies having the same change of position is not, perhaps, so simple as it appears ; it will be well to look more closely at it. One body is said to have the same motion as another when the two bodies could be rigidly connected together during the motion without any alteration in it. We have already seen that this is a consequence of the one body having no motion relatively to the other, or of both bodies having the same motion relatively to any third. But it is necessary that we should look into this matter some- what more closely than this. It is a well known theorem that a body may be moved from any position to any other whatever by giving it two motions a motion of translation through a certain distance and a motion of rotation about a certain axis, and that this may be done in an infinite number of different ways. Every motion, therefore, con- 3-] RELATIVE MOTION. sidered as a change of position of finite extent, may be divided into the two simple motions translation and rotation. But in each of these cases separately the meaning of equal motions can easily be understood. If a body have a motion of translation through any distance, a second body will be said to have the same motion if it be translated in a direction parallel to the first, in the same sense, 1 and through an equal distance. Similarly if a body have a motion of rotation about any axis through any angle, a second body will have the same motion if it be turned in the same sense through the same angle and about the same axis. As every motion can be decomposed into a translation and a rotation, we may say therefore that those motions are the same which are composed of equal translations and equal turnings. Fig. 5 may make this somewhat more clear. AB and MN are contemporaneous positions of two bodies ; the FIG. 5. former moves (that is, changes its position) to A-^B^ let it be required to give to MN the same motion, or change of position. The motion of AB may be resolved into a 1 See p. 38. 24 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. i. translation to A^B' and a rotation through the angle a about A^ By making MM' and NN parallel and equal to AA^ or BB' we find the position M'N' which MN would occupy after a translation equal to that passed through by AB. Further by making the angles M'A^M^ and N A^N^ each equal to a, A^M^A^M' and A ] N=A^N' \ we find the position M^N^ which MN will occupy after a rotation about A^ equal to that of AB about the same point. In order to have a motion, therefore, the same as that of AB in moving to A^B^ MN must move to M^N^ Fig. 5 serves also to illustrate the proposition that two bodies having the same motion relative to another have no relative motion. The standard is in this case taken as the plane of the paper. The relative positions of A^B-^ and M^N^ are the same as those of AB and MN. If .ACT" had been rigidly connected to A^Bto and AB had been moved to A^B-^ MN would have taken the position M-^N^ which we have already found for it. We have seen that the relative motion of two bodies is not affected by any motions which they may have in com- mon. In studying the relative motion of bodies we may therefore neglect all such common motions, a procedure which greatly simplifies many problems. But we may go further than this, we may not only subtract, but may add common motions, and this is often extremely convenient. It is specially useful in problems involving the relative motions of two bodies both of which are themselves mov- ing relatively to the standard. Such problems can be at once simplified by supposing added to the motion of both bodies a motion equal but opposite to the motion (relatively 1 In the figure the motions are indicated (for simplicity's sake) as if they occurred in, or parallel to, the plane of the paper. The point A^ about which turning takes place, must be regarded as the projection on that plane of an axis which is perpendicular to it. 3.] RELATIVE MOTION. 25 to the standard) of either one of them.^* The one body has therefore no change of position, that is, it is " brought to rest," relatively to the standard, and the whole motion of the other body relatively to the same standard becomes its motion relatively to the first body. Relative motions which are otherwise very difficult to realise, can in this way be made to appear quite simple and easy of comprehension. An illustration may make this more clear. Let it be re- quired to find the relative motions of the bodies AB and MN (Fig. 6), during the motions AB . . . A^JB V MN . . . FIG. 6. As motions common to the two bodies do not alter their relative positions we may give to both first a translation through a distance =B\B, in the sense from B^ to B which brings them into the positions AB and M'N' respectively and then a rotation through an angle A ' BA about the point B. At the end of this rotation MN occupies the position MvNi, while AB has returned to its original position. The 26 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [cHAi>. i. body AB has therefore made no motion relatively to the paper, and the change of position MN . . . M 2 ./V" 2 is the motion of MN relatively to AB, which we required to find. We have supposed here that we gave to both bodies a motion equal and opposite to that of AB. We have thus brought that body to rest and can at once see the whole motion of MN relatively to it. We might equally well have given to both bodies a motion equal and opposite to that of MN(Y\g. 7). We should then have brought MN to rest, FIG. 7. and made the wiiole motion of AB relatively to it visible. But the relative motions have remained unchanged through- out by hypothesis. The motion therefore of MN relatively to AB when AB is fixed, is the same as that of AB to MN when MN is fixed. We may sum this matter up in a general 3-] RELATIVE MOTION. 27 proposition, for which we shall find frequent use. If A and B be two bodies moving relatively to each other, the motion of A relatively to B is the same as the motion of B relatively to A, and is the same whether both bodies be moving or either one stationary relatively to any particular standard. Here, however, the sameness of the motion does not include sense, but merely magnitude and direction. It will be remembered that we are not here limiting ourselves to plane motion, but that the actual translations may be in any direction in space, and the actual rotations about any axis parallel to that direction. Such translation and rotation together constitute some form of screw motion. If this screw motion of A relatively to B be right-handed, that of B relatively to A will be left-handed, and vice versa. In Figs. 6 and 7 it is only the sense, or " hand," of the rotation which is seen to be altered, the absence of perspective not allowing the screw motion to be seen. CHAPTER II. PLANE MOTION. 4. RELATIVE POSITION IN A PLANE. WE have defined motion, so far as we are now studying it, as change of position. We have seen also that we have to consider only the change in the position of one body- relatively to another, and not the absolute motions of bodies. We shall now commence the more detailed treat- ment of this branch of our subject. It is necessary first to examine the general conditions by which relative position is or may be determined. Just as the absolute motion of a body in space is a matter which does not concern us, so the absolute position of a body in space or of a figure in a plane is indifferent to us. We can assume a point or a figure stationary in any part of the plane, our object is solely to examine the position of others relatively to it. Starting then with the notion of a fixed point in a plane, we have first the proposition that the position of one point relatively to another is determined solely by the distance between them. It is entirely unaffected by the position of the line joining them. Thus in Fig. 8, the points A and A^ which are at the same distance from P, have the same position relatively to it, and, generally, all points in 4] RELATIVE POSITION IN A PLANE. 29 a circle occupy the same position relatively to its centre for the same reason. A point having no angular magnitude, that is, no sides, there cannot be any differences of angular position relatively to it. It is evident, however, that the points AA^ FIG. 3. &c., occupy different positions in or relatively to the plane in which they are. We see therefore that the position of a point in a plane is not determined by its position relatively to a point in that plane. A line is fully determined if two of its points be known. The position of a line relatively to a point is there- fore known if the positions of two of its points relatively to the fixed point be known. These positions are determined, as mentioned in the last paragraph, solely by distances from the fixed point. As long as these distances are the same the position of the line relatively to the point is the same also. Thus in Fig. 9, where A^P= A\P 30 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. and A 2 P=A' 2 P, the position of the line A t A 2 relatively to the point P is the same as that of A\A ' 2 relatively to the same point. But these lines are in different positions in the plane hence the position of a line relatively to a plane is not determined by its position relatively to a point in the plane. 1 The position of a point relatively to a line may be deter- mined in two ways. It is known (i) if its distances from two points of the line be known, (ii) if the positions of the lines joining it to two points of the line be known. Thus in Fig. 10 the position of the point A relatively to the line P^P. 2 is determined by (i), if the dis- tances AP l and AP 2 be known, or by (ii) if the angles AP^P^ and AP 2 P V made by AP l and AP 2 at the points P and P z of the line, be known. But we can always find two points in the plane, one on each side of the line, which shall satisfy any given conditions either in (i) or (ii). The point A', for instance occupies the same position rela- tively to PiP z as A. A point may therefore occupy two 1 It may be noticed in passing that the theorems just given are equally true whether or not all the points or lines are in the same plane. They hold good, that is, for spheric equally with plane motions. UN] 4.] RELATIVE POSITION IN A PLANE. 31 positions in the plane for all positions which it can take relatively to any line in the plane, so that its position in the plane is not absolutely determined by its position relatively to a line in the plane. We can, however, adopt some simple convention to distinguish between the two parts into which the line divides the plane ; taking distances measured from P^P^ as positive to the one side and negative to the other, for instance. If we suppose this to be done, the symmetrical positions A and A can be distinguished from each other, and the position of A in the plane is by this means deter- mined when its position relatively to the line P^P^ is known. The position of one line relatively to another in the same plane is known if the positions of two points in the first are known relatively to two points in the second. Here again we have an indeterminateness of the same kind as in the last case. A line may occupy two different positions in the plane, as A^A 2 QrA\A' z Fig. n, and yet be in the same position relatively to a line P t P z m tne plane. If these positions be distinguished by such a convention as that just alluded to, however, the indeterminateness disappears, 32 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. and we may say that the position of a line in a plane is determined by its position relatively to any other line in the plane. If a, Fig. 12, be any given plane figure, and AB any two points in that figure, then if we know the positions of FIG. 12. these two points we know the positions of all the others. For any other point, as S, can be found at once as the vertex of a triangle of which the magnitudes of all three sides (as SA, AB, B S) are known. The position of a plane figure in a plane is therefore known if the positions of two points that is, of a line in it be known relatively to two points in the plane. If we discard the convention of positive and negative alluded to above, the position of a point in, i.e. relatively to, a plane is known only if its position relative to three other points in the plane, not in the same straight line, be known. Similarly the position of a line, and consequently of a plane figure, in a plane, is only completely determined if the positions of two of its points relatively to three points in the plane not in the same straight line, be known. For our purposes, however, the two points will generally be sufficient, it is seldom that the circumstances of the case leave any doubt as to which of the two possible positions is the required one. 5-] RELATIVE MOTION IN A PLANE. 33 5. RELATIVE MOTION IN A PLANE. We have seen in the last section the conditions necessary to determine the relative positions of points, lines and figures in a plane. The motion of a point or line, however, is represented to us by the series of different positions which it occupies relatively to another point or line, &c. Each one of these is determined by the same conditions, so that the conditions which determine \\~\z position of the point or line relatively to any other, determine also its motion re- latively to that other. We get therefore, in most cases by little more than verbal alteration, the following pro- positions as to relative motion in a plane, corresponding to those of the last section as to relative position. One point can move relatively to another only along the line joining them. Thus in Fig. 13, A \ A 1 TIG. 13. does not move relatively to P in moving to A^ because every point in A A\, its path of motion, has the same position relatively to P. In moving from A to A 2 , how- ever, A moves through the distance P A 2 PA relatively to P. The motion of a line relatively to a point is determined by the motion of two points in it relatively to that point. Each of these points can move, relatively to the fixed point, only along the line 34 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. joining them. We see then that (just as in the case of position) the motion of a point or a line relatively to a plane is not determined by its motion relatively to a point in that plane. If a line turn about a point, for example, it remains stationary relatively to that point, although it is in continuous motion relatively to the plane. The motion of a point relatively to a line is determined by its motion relatively to two points of the line. The motion of a line relatively to a plane in which it moves (or to a line in that plane), is determined by the motions of two points in the one relatively to two points in the other. And lastly the motion of any plane figure re- latively to its plane is determined by the motions of any two points, i.e. of a line, in it The last theorem may be stated also in another way. The figure being supposed rigid, no point in it can move relatively to any other, all points in it, therefore, must have the same motion. But this motion is that of any line in it. When we have given, then, the motions of any two points whatever in a figure, we know the motion of the figure, and we know also that the motion of every other point in the figure is the same (in the sense already explained) as the known motions of the two arbitrary points with which we started. We have already seen that when a body has plane motion the whole motion of the body is known when that of any plane section of it, moving in its own plane, is known : the motion of the section or figure represents that of the whole body. But we have now seen further that the (plane) motion of a figure is known if the motions of two of its points be known. The plane motion of a body, 6.] DIRECTION OF MOTION. 35 therefore, is known if the motion of any two points, that is of a line, in any of its sections parallel to the plane of motion, be known, and all the theorems just enunciated as to the determination of the motion of a line apply equally and absolutely to the determination of the plane motion of the body to which that line belongs. Thus for instance, the motion of the whole body shown in Fig. 2, is determined by that of any such plane section of it as the one shaded in the figure, and the motion of that section again is determined by the motion of any two points in it. 6. DIRECTION OF MOTION. We have been considering motion as a sequence of changes of position, each of finite extent Each such change occupies some finite interval of time, at the begin- ning and end of which the body occupies different positions. Instead, however, of considering completed changes of position in this way, it is often necessary for us to examine the change of position which a body is actually under- going at some particular instant. This is called the instantaneous motion of the body. As the body moves every point in it describes some curve in the plane, and it is sometimes convenient to use the name point-paths for such curves. To know the whole motion of the body we must know these point-paths, or as many of them as give us the means of knowing all the rest ; to know its instantaneous motion we require only to know the direction of the point-paths at the given instant. By the direction of the point-path at any instant is meant the direction in which the point which describes that path is D 2 36 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. moving at that instant, that is, the direction of a line joining the point with the next consecutive point of the curve it is describing, which is, of course, infinitely near to the first. But a line which joins two consecutive points of a curve is called a tangent to the curve. Two such points cannot be any finite distance apart, or it would be possible to find another point between them, and they would not be con- secutive. We therefore assume the distance between them to be infinitely small, or in other words we assume them to coincide. A tangent therefore, a line joining two con- secutive points of the curve, is by definition a line passing through two points of the curve, but it differs from all other lines which have the same property in that these points are coincident. Fig. 14 may make this clearer. Suppose the FIG. line o to turn from o l to 2 , o%, etc., about the point O in the curve. It cuts the curve always in O and in some other point, and this point moves continuously along the curve, taking the positions, OiO 2 O z . . . . <9 4 &c. In doing so the second point must have passed through O itself, for it has passed over from one side of O to the other. When the line occupies this central position, its two points of intersection with the curve are said to coincide at O, and it is called the tangent to the curve at O. 6.] DIRECTION OF MOTION. 37 When a point then is moving in any curve, its direction of motion at any instant coincides with the direction of the tangent to the curve drawn through the point. By reasoning similar to that adopted in the last two sections we have then at once the following propositions relating to instantaneous motion. The instantaneous motion of a point is known if its direction of motion, i.e., the tangent to its path, be known for the given instant. . Here again we have conditions similar to those which were examined in 4 and 5 ; the path of the point relatively to another point is not, in general, the same as its path relatively to the plane. Its instantaneous motion will differ, therefore, according to the standard relatively to which it is observed, just as its change of position does. The instantaneous motion of a line is known if the directions of motion of (or tangents to the paths of) any two of its points be known for the given instant. In both cases it is only point-paths or directions relatively to the plane with which we need concern ourselves at present. We have seen that the motion of any plane figure in the plane can be fully determined from the motion of any two of its points. This is as true in the case of instantaneous motion as in the case of finite change of position. The former differs from the latter only in that the changes of position are regarded in it as being indefinitely small. It requires two points (assumed to be indefinitely near together) to determine each tangent, and these are simply the two con- secutive positions of one pcint when its change of position has become infinitely small. We get, therefore, the im- portant proposition that the instantaneous motion of 38 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. a plane figure in its plane is determined by that of any two of its points. And from this follows the very important corollary that the directions of motion of all points in a figure are fixed when those of two points in it are fixed. The direction of motion of a point, in the sense in which we have been using the word, is given us by a line. But a point may be said to move in either of two "directions" along this line. To avoid any indistinctness from this double use of one word we shall restrict " direction " to the former meaning, using " sense " for the latter. A line, then, determines a direction, while along that line a point may move in either of two senses, which we shall often have to distinguish. In writing of them we may call one positive, and the other negative ; in figures the particular sense of motion can be shown always by an arrow. The word " sense " is used similarly in reference to a line turning about a point. It may be turning either clock-hand-wise, or in the opposite sense. 7. THE INSTANTANEOUS OR VIRTUAL CENTRE. The instantaneous motion of any point is completely known, as we have now seen, when the direction of its motion is known, it is therefore quite independent of the form of the curve in which the point is moving. A point, therefore, of which the position and the direction of motion are known may have for its actual path any one of the infinite number of different curves which can be drawn touching the given direction line in the given point. For example, in Fig. 15 a point O is moving at a particular 7 ] INSTANTANEOUS OR VIRTUAL CENTRE. 39 instant in the direction of the line /. But its actual point- path may be o v o z , o^ o v or any curve whatever which is touched by the line/ at the given point. This fact enables us to simplify our problems enormously, so far as they have to do with instantaneous motion. In all machines certain leading and very important points have very simple motions, rotation or translation, but in all machines except the very simplest there occur constrained motions by no means so simple as these, and not unfrequently really complex. Sometimes we are concerned directly with the form of the motion in such cases, and then it has simply to be worked out in the most direct way possible. More frequently, however, as will be found, we are concerned only with the instantaneous motion of each body forming the machine, and with the directions in which its points are moving at some particular instant. In this case it becomes very easy to substitute for the actual complex motion an imaginary simple one which for the instant is identical with it, and which admits of treatment of the most direct possible kind. This we can do in the following way : Let a be any plane figure (Fig. 1 6), and A and B any two points in it, of which the directions of motion, a and b respectively, relatively to the plane /3, are known. By these data the instantaneous motion of the whole 40 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. body is, as we have seen, determined. Let AO and BO be perpendiculars drawn to a and b at the points A and B. Then about every point in A O we can draw a circle touching a in A, and the instantaneous motion of A, whatever its FIG. 16. actual path, is the same as if it were moving in any one of these circles. Similarly we can draw a circle about every point in BO touching b in B, and any one of these circles if it were the path of B would give it the same instantaneous motion as that which it actually has. But AO and BO, being lines in the same plane, must have one point in common, their intersection or join, here the point O. If, therefore, A and B were both moving round this point as a centre their instantaneous motion would remain just what it is, for the lines a and b would still be the direction of motion of A and B, or tangents to their paths ; but these paths would now be circles having O as their common centre. It has already been shown that the plane motion of any figure is the same as that of any line in it. In this case the line AB is for the instant simply rotating about the point O, the motion of the whole figure a, there- fore, is simply a rotation about the point O, which ;.] INSTANTANEOUS OR VIRTUAL CENTRE. 41 is called its instantaneous centre. We shall find, in what follows, that this point is of continual importance to us, and that it has to be very frequently spoken of. It is therefore desirable to have a somewhat shorter and less unwieldy name for it than that just mentioned, the one commonly used. We propose, therefore, to call such a point a virtual rather than an instantaneous centre. It is a point about which a figure or body is virtually moving at the instant at which its motion is under consideration. The plane motion of any body represented by the figure a may similarly be treated as a rotation about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the paper, and of which the point O is the trace in that plane ; such an axis is called the instantaneous or virtual axis for the motion of the body. It is important to remember that the centre O is in reality only the projection of such an axis, but for reasons which we have already given it is generally more convenient to speak of ihe figure than of the body, and we shall therefore speak more often in what follows of the virtual centre than of the axis for which, as far as the body is concerned, it is the representative. It should be noticed that the only assumption which we have : made is that the figure a has plane motion. The two points A and B were taken quite arbitrarily, with no con- ditions whatever as to the form of their paths. The result we have obtained is therefore perfectly general : What- ever be the motion of a figure in a plane at any instant it is always possible to find a point in the plane such that a rotation about it shall, for the instant, be the same as that motion. At every instant the motion of the figure coincides absolutely with what it would be were the figure at that instant simply rotating about some particular point, a result which we may briefly express by saying that the motion of every figure 42 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. in the plane must be at every instant a rotation about some point in the plane. This point, the virtual centre, will always be denoted in our figures by the letter O. Every point in the figure a must have the same motion ( 3) ; if it were not so some points must move relatively to the others, which is impossible as long as the figure is rigid, which it is, by hypothesis. Every point in the figure, therefore, is turning about, that is, describing a circle about, the point O. The direction of motion of every point is therefore known, for it will simply be a tangent to such a circle, and therefore perpendicular to the line joining the point to O, or to what may be called the virtual radius of the point. The point C, for example (Fig. 16), is moving in the direction normal to OC, and D in the direction normal to OD. Taking the converse of this we may say : When a figure is moving in any way whatever in a plane, the normals to the directions of motion of all its points, that is, the virtual radii of all its points, pass through one point, the virtual centre for its motion. The virtual centre may therefore be defined, in geometrical language, as the locus of the intersection of all such normals, or, still more shortly, as the join of the virtual radii of all the points in the figure. One special case requires to be mentioned here. The point- paths of A and B may be such that their tangents a and b are parallel (Fig. 17). The normals to their tangents, the virtual radii are therefore also parallel, and meet at no finite distance, however great. No virtual centre, therefore, can exist within any finite distance. It will, however, greatly facilitate the treatment of many parts of our subject if we treat parallel lines not as lines which never meet, but as C ,- ufi 7.] INSTANTANEOUS OR VIRTUAL CENTRE. 43 lines which meet at infinity. As we have already said (p. 14) we do not know what happens at infinity, but we find here, just as in the former case, that by making this assumption we are not led to any conclusions which are contrary to our finite experience. We shall therefore always treat parallel lines as lines which meet in a point at inanity, that particular point at infinity which lies in their own direction. We shall find as we go on that such assumed points can be treated in every way similarly to points at a finite distance. The virtual centre of the body shown in Fig. 17 is therefore the point at infinity upon any one of the parallel lines normal to the direction of motion. The virtual radii of all points of the figure are parallel, so that at any given instant all points in the body are moving in the same direction, i.e. along parallel lines at right angles to their virtual radii, the point A along a, B along b, etc. In fact, the points are describing circles of infinite radius just in the way already described in 2. 44 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. The figure a, then (Fig. 16), is virtually turning about the point O in the plane. That figure maybe of any shape, and may, or may not, include the point O within itself. If it does so include (9, then one of its own points must coin- cide with O, and the question arises, what motion has this point? As one point in a rigid figure it must necessarily have the same motion, as we have frequently seen, as all the other points in the figure, it must necessarily be turning about O. It is thus a point turning about itself, and therefore not changing its position in the plane. In one word, the virtual centre of any figure relatively to a plane is always a stationary point of the figure. Only one such point can be fixed, for to fix two would be to fix a line, and therefore to make the whole figure stationary. But one such point must always be fixed, and that point is always the virtual centre. We have called the point O the virtual centre of the figure a relatively to the plane. But it is also the virtual centre of the plane relatively to the figure. For we have already seen ( 3), that even when the motion of any two bodies a and /3 is of a quite general kind, the motion of ft relatively to a is the same as that of a relatively to ft. But here the motion of a relatively to ft is a rotation about a particular and determinate point O. Therefore the motion of ft relatively to a must be a rotation about the same point O. As we are dealing only with instantaneous motion, there is here no question of magnitude of the angle moved through. But it must be noticed (as at the end of 3) that in order that the two bodies may occupy the same relative position at the end of the motion in each case, the sense of rotation about O must be reversed. That is, if the rotation of a relatively to ft be right-handed, as in the figure, the rotation of ft relatively to a must be left-handed. 7-] INSTANTANEOUS OR VIRTUAL CENTRE. 45 Thus the virtual centre is always a double point. It is not only a coincident point in the two bodies whose relative motions it characterises, but is actually a point common to the two bodies, a point at which they may be supposed, for the instant, to be physically connected. If our ideal plane figures were replaced by the actual bodies which they represent, we might say that the virtual centre was a point through which might run the axis of a pin or shaft connecting the bodies, if only we had the physical means of instanta- neously shifting the pin to suit each change in the position of the virtual centre. We may therefore sum up the whole matter as follows, always assuming, as before, that we are only dealing with plane motions, and allowing the centre to represent the axis, for the reasons already given : whatever be the real motions of any two bodies, they may be at any one instant fully represented by a simple rotation about a determinate point, which we call the virtual centre for the relative motions of the two bodies. This point is for the instant a point common to the two bodies a point at which they may be supposed to be physically connected. This point is in each body one which has no motion (or is stationary) relatively to the other body. We shall find later on that the virtual centre is the point through which forces are transmitted from one body to another, and shall make much use of it in that capacity. The better to indicate its dual nature, we shall in connection with mechanisms most frequently use for it the letter followed by a double suffix indicating the bodies for which it is the virtual centre ; thus O ab will stand for the virtual centre of a relatively to , (9^ for that of e relatively to/ and so on. 46 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. In any combination of bodies, such as a mechanism, each body has some definite motion relatively to each of the others, and therefore has one point (in general a different point) in common with each. If in such a case we speak merely of " the virtual centre " of one of the bodies, without qualifica- tion, we shall always mean the virtual centre relatively to the particular body which is taken as fixed or stationary for the time being. The student who finds any difficulty in following the reasonings of the last three sections, and especially of the present one, is very strongly recommended to make simple paper models for their illustration. The fact that the virtual centre is a fixed point in the plane often becomes clear when it is found that a needle can be stuck through the point which represents it without altering any of the conditions. A piece of drawing-paper should be cut out to represent the figure a, the paths a and b assumed, and the virtual centre found from them as in Fig. 16, and then the paths of C, D, etc., found by the help of O. 8. PERMANENT CENTRE. We shall find that in general a figure moving in a plane must be treated as having, at every instant, a rotation about a different point in the plane. But in one of the simplest and most important cases this is not so. The figure may have a simple motion of rotation continuously about one and the same point. Here we no longer have to substitute a rotation for an indefinitely short motion of some general kind and find a point about which the figure has virtually moved, but we have in the plane a point about which the figure is actually turning continuously, or at least for some 8.] PERMANENT CENTRE. 47 finite space of time. Such a point we should get, for in- stance, if we were considering the motion of a wheel on its shaft or a lever about its axis. To distinguish it from a virtual or instantaneous centre such a point is called a permanent centre. If we have only to do with a figure in one position at a time, and not with its motion through a series of positions, it is quite indifferent to us whether the point about which it is moving be a virtual or a permanent centre. Every proof or construction that avails for one can be used without the least modification for the other. We can in fact, by considering instantaneous motion only, reduce the most complex case, by a little trouble, to the level of the very easiest and simplest. It may at first sight seem to be going a little out of the way to speak, say, of the "fulcrum " of a lever as its "per- manent centre," and so to connect it closely with the some- what more difficult notion of the virtual (and often, as we shall see immediately, non-permanent) centre. If the student will, however, take what is after all the very small amount of trouble necessary to master this latter idea, he will find himself amply repaid. Instead of having first to work at the theory of certain simple combinations, such as those known generally as the " mechanical powers," and then to find that all his work has to be done over again in some different and much more difficult method for all ordinary machines, he will find that he is able to work at the latter in just the same way, and using exactly the same constructions, as the former. The motion of the connecting rod of a steam-engine, for instance, to take a familiar case, is to all appearance a much more complex thing than the simple rotation of the crank. But by the use of the virtual centre all problems connected with it, kinetic as well as static and kinematic, become in every respect just as simple 43 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. and easy, and capable of treatment by just the same simple constructions. With the certainty of gaining this end it is worth while to put the " permanent centre " here in its proper place as only a special case of the virtual or instantaneous centre, instead of separating it from the latter and treating it by itself without reference to the more complex, but quite as important, virtual rotations which are made by every part of every machine just as truly as the rotation of the shaft about its axis. 9. CENTRODE AND AXODE. In general, however, a figure moving in a plane (it must not be forgotten that such figures represent to us the actual bodies in motion in our machines, and are not mere geo- metrical abstractions) does not continue to move perma- nently about its virtual centre. On the contrary, if we take a number of different positions of a figure, as A B, AiBto AB.i, etc. (Fig. 18), and find the virtual centre of its motion when occupying each position, we shall get, in general, as many different points for centres (O, O lt O 2 , &c.,) as we have taken different positions. In general, that is, the virtual centre is continually changing as the figure changes its position. If we suppose the figure to change its position continuously, that is, to occupy in succession a series of positions each one of which is indefinitely near to the one before it, the point O will also change its posi- tion continuously, that is, it will describe some continuous curve. This curve will contain every position of the virtual centre for the whole motion of the body ; it will be, in geometrical language, the locus of the virtual centres. For 9-] CENTRODE AND AXODE. 49 brevity's sake we shall call such a curve, when we have to speak of it, a centroid J or centrode. We have not only supposed the figure a to be moving in the plane, but assumed also that it is its motion relatively FIG. i3. to the plane which has to be examined. The virtual centre is always a point in the plane, a fixed point, therefore, rela- tively to the figure. Keeping these points in view, the centrode may be more fully defined as a curve in the plane which is the locus of the virtual centres of the motion of the given figure relatively to the plane. But we have seen that the virtual centre is always a double point, a point both of the body supposed fixed and 1 This word was suggested to me by my late colleague, Professor Clifford, in connection with my translation of Reuleaux's Theoretische Kinematik. In the Elements of Dynamic, however, he afterwards used centrode for the same curve, and as this latter has since obtained wider use through its adoption by Prof. Minchin, I have decided to adopt it here. E 50 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. n. of that supposed moving. So now if we suppose the figure stationary and the plane moving about it their relative motions remaining unchanged we shall obtain for the locus of the virtual centres about which the plane is moving, a second curve, or centrode. This curve will be part of the fixed figure, just as the last was part of the fixed plane. 1 For any pair of bodies, therefore, having plane motion, we have a pair of centrodes, one belonging to (or forming a part of) each body, and each being the locus of the virtual centres, on the body to which it belongs, about which the other is turning. The pair of curves coincide always in one point the virtual centre for their motions at the instant. As the relative motions of the bodies continue, the two centrodes roll upon one another, each one (along with the body of which it forms a part) turning relatively to the other at each instant about the point which at that instant they have in common. But a body cannot turn about two different points at one time, so that the rolling of the centrodes, by fixing this point at each instant, uniquely determines the motion of the bodies. If therefore we are given a pair of centrodes for two bodies, we have all the data necessary for the complete determination of their motions, that is, for finding all the possible relative positions which they can occupy, assuming, that is, the geometrical or physical possibility of rolling the one curve accurately on the other without slipping. Figure 19 illustrates this : AA 1 and BB l are two bodies having plane motion, for which a and b are respectively the centrodes, in contact at the present virtual centre. By taking (say) a as fixed, and rolling b upon it, we find any number of positions of the line 1 There is, of course, no real difference here between " figure " and " plane" ; each equally represents to us a solid body. The difference of phrase is only retained for convenience of expression. 9-] CENTRODE AND AXO (some of which are dotted), and therefore ( 4) of the plane figure or body which that line represents. FIG. 19. We said that the centrodes rolled upon one another. As they have always one point in common, they must either roll or slide upon one another. But sliding at their co- incident point is inconsistent with the essential characteristic of that point, viz., that it is for the instant fixed, all others turning round it. We were therefore justified in saying that the motion was rolling, and can say further that the common point of the two curves is a point of contact, a point where they have a common tangent. We have seen that the virtual centre of a figure may be regarded as simply the trace, upon the plane, of the virtual axis about which the body represented by the figure rotates. Looking at the centrode from this point of view, every point in it represents a line, and the curve, or locus of points, determined by the motion of the figure in the plane, be- comes for the motion of the body of which that figure is a section a surface, or locus of lines, each one an instan- taneous axis for the motion of the figure. All these lines E 2 52 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. IT. are parallel, as they are all at right angles to the plane of the centrode. Any surface consisting in this way of straight lines is called a ruled surface, and where all the lines are parallel, a cylinder, taking the latter in its general mean- ing, and not in the common restriction to a parallel ruled surface of circular section. As this particular surface is made up of lines which have a special importance to us as axes of rotation, it is called an axode the locus of the virtual axes for the motion of the body with a plane section of which we were formerly dealing. For the same reasons, however, which make it convenient rather to speak of the figure than of the body which it represents, and of the virtual centre rather than of the axis of which it is a pro- jection, we shall, in considering plane motions, use rather the centrode^ or locus of centres, than the axode, or locus of axes, when we have occasion to deal with either. Here as before, however, it is of importance for the student to bear in mind the way in which the two are connected, and that we choose the more limited and simple notion to represent the more general and complex one, solely as a matter of convenience. If we were dealing with spheric instead of plane motions we should find it probably more convenient to use the axis and axode than the spheric curves which there take the place of the centrode, and in problems con- nected with twist, and other still more general forms of motion, we can no longer obtain either centrode or axode, the place of the latter being taken by a complex ruled surface, which has by no means the simple form or mean- ing of the axode for plane or spheric motion. These com- plex problems of general motion, fortunately, rarely occur in practical work ; and in this book we shall not enter into their consideration further than to point out, at the proper time, the general direction of the methods which may be employed in their solution (see Chapter XI.) CHAPTER III. THE CONSTRAINMENT OF PLANE MOTION. \ 10. ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM. HAVING so far investigated certain questions relating to the nature of plane motion, we have now to examine the nature of the means used to obtain such motion, constrained, in machines. We have already pointed out (p. 8) that the motion of any piece of a machine is determined by the form of its connections with the other pieces, assuming these con- nections to be of suitable material. This form has to be such as not only to allow the required motion, but abso- lutely to render impossible all other motions in the way which has been already explained in i. The principle of the method used to obtain this double object is as follows, supposing it applied to a perfectly general case. We first form some part of one of the two bodies whose relative motion is to be constrained, into any convenient shape, say such a projection as A on the body a, Fig. 20. Then, bringing the other body /? to rest, we find all the positions of the shaped portion of the first relatively to it, and the curves bounding these positions form a figure B traced out on /? by A, which is called in geometry the envelope of A upon /?. By now removing the material of (3 within this figure so 54 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY, [CHAP. in. as (in this case) to make a curved slot or groove in /?, bounded by the lines shown in the figure, we could allow the projection A to lie in the slot JB, and should in this way have made a connection between the two figures which would ful- fil the first condition, namely, the permitting of the required motion to take place. It would not, however, necessarily fulfil the second condition, namely, the prevention of all other motions. It is evident, in the first place, that the FIG. 20. FIG. 21. two bodies could be separated at will by being pulled right apart at right angles to the plane of motion. This disturb- ance is prevented by giving to A and B such a profile (or section perpendicular to the plane of motion) as may render this motion impossible ; as, for instance, by carrying A right through B (as shown in section Fig. 21), and attaching a collar to its inner end. This of itself, however, does not necessarily constrain the motion completely, for it is quite io.] ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM. 55 possible that in some places the corners of A may be quite clear of B, and the motion therefore left quite uncontrolled. In order to rectify this, if it occur, either another form must be adopted for A, and therefore for B, or else some other piece, A lt must be placed on a, with its corresponding envelope B^ on fi, in such a way that the one completely constrains the motion in every position where it is left partially free by the other. This can be done by the ap- plication of certain rules which we need not examine here. A pair of such forms as those we have supposed to be placed on the bodies a and /?, when they are arranged so as to make the motion completely constrained, are called a pair of elements, or more fully, a pair of kinematic elements. It is seen at once from their nature that these elements occur necessarily in pairs, and never singly. A single element can no more constrain motion than a single body can make a machine ( i) ; they must always go in pairs, and these pairs of elements form the lowest factor to which we can reduce a machine. We have supposed for our illustration a very general case indeed, and one that occurs very seldom, although it does sometimes occur, in practical work. Most of the pairs of elements which we find in machines are of a very much simpler kind than that shown in Fig. 20. Of these simpler forms the two most important are those continually employed in machines to constrain the two spe- cial forms of plane motion which we examined in 2, rotation and rectilinear translation. These may be called, on account of the motions which they constrain, the turn- ing and the sliding pairs respectively. The former takes the shape of some solid of revolution, having such a profile as to prevent axial motion ; in its commonest form it is the cylindric pin and eye of Fig. 22, where the collars upon 56 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. the pin prevent the axial motion. The sliding pair is in form essentially prismatic, that is, it is a solid having plane sides, parallel to the direction of motion. It com- monly takes in machines some such form as that shown in FIG. 22. Fig. 23 a bar and a guide, or a slot and a block. The profile of the elements in each case is such as to prevent any motion across the required direction, just as in the turning pair. FIG. 23. Two characteristics of these particular pairs render them specially valuable to engineers. Firstly, they are very easily made. The production of circular surfaces is probably the most easy operation with which the engineer has to do, and the lathe, the machine in which this operation is carried on, io.] ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM. 57 is the most common of all machine tools. Next to the pro- duction of turned or bored surfaces, that of flat surfaces is the operation most readily performed the planing or shaping machines used for the purpose are always at hand. Secondly, the contact between the two elements in each pair is a surface contact. In the general case (shown in Fig. 20) the element AA^ only touched BB^ along, at most, three or four lines, but in the turning and the sliding pairs contact exists over a considerable surface in each element. From a geometrical point of view the constrainment is equally good in both cases ; but, looked at as part of a machine, we have to keep in mind that the surfaces will wear, and we must consider that constraint the most perfect which is likely to be least disturbed by the wearing away of the constraining forms. From this point of view that form of element is best in which the pressure is distributed over the largest area, and contact over a surface is always more advantageous than contact only along a line or a few lines. Pairs of elements working with surface contact are called lower pairs ; all others having line contact may be distin- guished as higher pairs. There are only three classes of surface with which this sur- face contact, during motion, is possible. These are (i) plane surfaces, (2) surfaces of revolution, and (3) cylindric screw surfaces. The first is utilised in the sliding and the second in the turning pair, the third (Fig. 24) is utilised in a twist- ing pair of elements (of which the common screw and nut form the most familiar example) of which we shall have to say something further on ; the motion constrained by the latter is not plane and therefore does not fall to be considered here. The only plane motions, therefore, which can be * constrained directly by elements having surface contact, are rotation and rectilinear translation. For all other plane 58 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. motions we must have recourse either to higher pairs of elements^ with line contact only, or to indirect constraint FIG. 24. with lower pairs in the way indicated in the following section. ii. LINKS, CHAINS, AND MECHANISMS. We have seen how, in order to constrain the motion of one body relatively to another, it is necessary to connect them by a suitably-formed pair of elements. Two bodies thus connected form the simplest combination which we can treat as a machine, but by our definition two such bodies may actually, as they often do, form a machine. We have now to look at the way in which more complex machine forms are built up from this very simple beginning. In the ii.] LINKS, CHAINS, AND MECHANISMS. 59 case supposed each body carried one element only ; and with this limitation nothing more can be obtained. To go further, that is, to combine more than two bodies into a machine, each one must have at least two elements forming part of it, and the number can be increased indefinitely. For the present let us see what can be done with bodies each containing not more than two single elements. One essential condition of the motions in any machine, and therefore in the combination of bodies, which we now wish to make, is that at no instant shall it be possible for any one of the bodies which form it to move in more than one single way. If any alternative motion were possible at any instant, the particular motion occurring would be determined by the direction and magnitude of the particular forces causing motion at that instant. This condition is impossible that is, it must be made impossible in a machine, in order that its fundamental conditions as to constraint may be complied with. The same condition may, for conveni- ence sake, be stated somewhat differently, namely, thus It is essential that among all the bodies which form a machine, and in which motion is possible at a given instant, 1 no one should be able to move without all the others undergoing certain definite changes of position also. For if at any instant the bodies a, b, c, etc. in some machine are mov- able, and if a and b can either move or not move while c is moving, it is only a question of the nature of the moving force whether c move alone or whether it carry a and b with it But the relative position of c to a and b is of course quite different if the latter move, to what it would be were 1 This limitation is necessary because in many machines there are certain bodies which can only move periodically, being held fast by special contrivances when they are not required to move. (See 60.) 60 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. they to remain stationary, and, under the circumstances supposed, the position of c at a particular instant relatively to a and b would depend entirely upon the forces acting on c, and could be altered altogether by a change in those forces. By definition, therefore, the motion of c relatively to a and b would have ceased to be constrained, and a combination such as has been supposed could not form part of a machine. The motion of every body which forms part of a machine must be constrained relatively to all the other bodies constituting the machine. This is a proposition so obvious that we may simply state it without proof. Bearing in mind these conditions, we can now go on to examine the way in which a machine can be built up of bodies each containing not more than two elements. The question comes at once, Can a machine contain bodies of single as well as of double elements ? It cannot ; for a body having only one element can only have its motion con- strained to the one body to which it is paired. Such a body cannot therefore form a part of a machine containing more than one other body, for its motion relatively to any other bodies would be quite unconstrained. Our present work, then, may be limited to an examination of the ways in -which bodies containing two elements each can -be combined into machines. Bodies, such as we have now to consider, which are arranged to form part of a machine by being provided with two or more suitably-formed elements, are called, when they are looked at merely in reference to the motions of the machine, kinematic links, or simply links. In order that a series of links may be combined into a machine it is necessary, of course, that the elements which they carry should be such as, when connected in pairs, give the required motions. In ffV r ^NX ffuNivj jj \4*4jp j ^*!fe- ..-^ ii.] LINKS, CHAINS, AND MECH MS. 61 order, further, that the proper pairing may take place, the two elements on any one link must not belong to the same pair, but the links must be so arranged that (calling them a, I), c, &c.) one element on a shall pair with one on b, the second on b with one on c, the other on c with one on //, and FIG. 25. so on. On the last link there will then be one element left unpaired, while only one of those on the first (a) has been paired. These two elements must then be paired together, and the arrangement is complete. Figs. 25 and 26 show this for two very simple cases where the pairs used are all either FIG. 26. turning or sliding pairs. Four links a, b, c, and d, are used in each case, carrying respectively the elements 1 A-^A^ 1 Here and elsewhere the collars or flanges necessary for prevent- ing cross motion in the pairs (see p. 54) are omitted in the figures wherever their insertion might tend to impair the clearness of the illustrations. 62 THE' MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. B^^ Ci C 2 , and D^D^ ; a is connected with b by the pair, A^BV b with c by the pair Bf v c with d by C^D V and then there are left Z> 2 and ^4 2 to form a fourth pair. These being connected, the combination is finished. A series of links completely connected in this way connected, that is, so that no element is left single, but each one paired with its partner, is called a closed kine- matic chain, or simply a chain. Each link in the chains of Figs. 25 and 26 is paired directly with two others, its adjacent links. Its motion relatively to each of these is therefore completely constrained by the pair of elements FIG. 27. which connect them. But its motion relatively to non- adjacent links must equally be constrained, and that this is the case cannot be assumed without proof. For although the constrainment is really complete in the particular chains shown, it would have been just as easy to construct a chain in which it would not have been com- plete. Figure 27 shows such a chain. It does not differ much in appearance from that of Fig. 25, and has been put together by exactly the same method, but yet it is a totally useless combination of links, while the other is among the most familiar chains in existence. To prove that the (plane) motion of a body is constrained we know that we need only to prove the constrainment of two of its points (p. 34). n.] LINKS, CHAINS, AND MECHANISMS. 6> The motion of the whole body is that of any line in it, so that if one line have its motion constrained the whole body must also have constrained motion. If, on the other hand, it can be shown that even one point of the body is uncon- strained the motion of the whole body must also be unconstrained. It is not always easy to prove that no point in a particular body, or that not more than one of its points, is constrained. But there is seldom much diffi- culty in showing either that two points are constrained, or that one point is not, or else that two of the moveable links might be made into one, in any of their relative positions, without destroying the movability of the rest of the mechanism. Any of these three conditions would be sufficient to settle the matter In the cases before us let us take first the chain of Fig. 25. Can it be proved, for example, that the motion of the link b is constrained relatively to the non-adjacent link dt We know that the motion of every point in the links a and c is constrained relatively to d ; but b has one point in common with each of these links, viz. its virtual centre relatively to each of them (p. 45). If these points be permanent centres, i.e. if they retain always the same position on a and c respectively, then their motion would be constrained, and hence the motion also of b, as they both belong to that body, would be also constrained. In Fig. 25 this is the case b moves relatively to a about the centre of the pair A 1 B V and relatively to c about the centre of the pair .Z? 2 C 2 . Both centres are permanent, and the motion of b relatively to d is therefore constrained. The motion of d relatively to b is therefore constrained also. By precisely the same reasoning it can be proved that the relative motions of a and c are also constrained. Here, however, in Fig. 26, there is the difference that the virtual centre of c 64 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. relatively to d is not a point on the pair the centre of a turning pair as in the last case. It is the point at infinity (p. 43) in the direction perpendicular to the motion of c on d. It is, however, the same point for all positions of c on d and must therefore be treated as a permanent centre just as fully as the visible centre of the pair /? 2 (7 2 . Figs. 25 and 26 therefore show completely constrained kine- matic chains. In more complex chains, such as that shown later on in Fig. 28, the proof of constrainment is not so simple, but can be handled in exactly the same way. In such a case the points corresponding to the centres A-^B^ and -#2 2* are not always themselves moving about permanent centres, but about points whose constrainment has first to be proved. We shall find that this is always very easy to do. The case is quite different with the chain shown in Fig. 27, in which a fifth link, ^, is added between *rand I. Examining the motion of b relatively to d^ we see at once by reasoning similar to that given above, that one point is constrained, namely the centre point of the pair con- necting a and b. The virtual centre of b relatively to c is, however, no longer a permanent centre, but a moving point whose constrainment has to be proved. This will be found impossible, however, without the assumption that either a or c is fixed as well as d. It will be found further that either a or c could be fixed as well as d, while still the re- maining three links would remain movable, the chain, in fact, becoming identical with that of Fig. 25. This con- tradicts the fundamental condition (p. 59), that it shall not be possible for any link to be moved without all the other movable links moving also. Having thus proved that the relative motion of one link relatively to any other is unconstrained, it is unnecessary to examine the motions n.] LINKS, CHAINS, AND MECHANISMS 65 of other pairs of links we may say at once that the chain is not a constrained one, and cannot therefore, in its present form, become part of a machine. We have now before us a kinematic chain completely constrained ; in other words, a combination of bodies so connected that every motion of each relatively to every one of the others is absolutely determinate, independent of ex- ternal force. The step from the chain to the machine is a very simple one. The chain in itself only constrains the motions of its links relatively to each other ; the motions of the different parts of a machine must be constrained rela- tively to some definite standard, as, for instance, the earth (see 3). To convert the chain into the machine, one of its links must therefore be fixed relatively to the earth or other standard. The motions of the remaining links are then constrained relatively to the same standard, and the problem is solved. Any chain having one link fixed might be called a machine, and essentially it is one. But it is convenient to have some word to distinguish the ideal machine, such as is shown in our engravings, with its straight bars and regularly shaped blocks, from the actual machine of the engineer with its com- plex masses of iron and steel. In their motions the ideal and the actual machines are identical, in all dynamic problems also the one can represent the other, but still there is so great an apparent difference between them, that in common usage the former is called generally a mechanism, and the word machine is reserved exclusively for the latter. Using, then, this established nomenclature, we can put down the conclusions at which we have arrived in the form of the following propositions : We obtain the simplest combination having the nature of a machine by connecting two bodies of F 66 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. suitable material by such geometric forms as completely constrain their relative motions : These constraining forms are called elements, and can only occur in pairs. If contact between the two elements of a pair exist only along a line or a limited number of lines, it is called a higher pair, while pairs which have surface contact are called lower pairs. Two kinds of lower pairs only are available for the constrainment of plane motions, these pairs being called turning and sliding pairs respectively, from the nature of the motion which is constrained by them : Where a constrained combination is made of more than two bodies, each one must carry at least two elements, belonging to different(although possibly congruent) 1 pairs. Such bodies are called links. Lastly, A series of links so connected that each element in each is paired with its partner in another, and further so that the motion of every link is con- strained relatively to that of every other, is a kine- matic chain, and by fixing one of the links of such a chain relatively to the earth (or other standard) it becomes, finally, a mechanism. A mechanism is the ideal form of a machine, and represents it fully and absolutely for all our problems. The form and position of the elements of any link determine its motions ; the shape of the body of the link itself is quite immaterial, so long as it is not such as to foul any of the other links during its motion. In practice links of similar machines take the most widely different forms in different cases, and very frequently this form bears no resemblance to the 1 See p. 17. ii.] LINKS, CHAINS, AND MECHANISMS. 67 skeleton form of the corresponding link in the mechanism, the elements in the corresponding links being, however, identical. The mechanism of Fig. 26 is that which appears, for instance, in an ordinary horizontal steam engine. The link a becomes the crank of the engine, which in form it resembles : the link b becomes the connecting-rod, not quite so similar in form : the link c of the mechanism becomes in the machine the crosshead, piston-rod, and piston : and the link d the cylinder, the frame or bedplate with its crosshead guides, and the plummer block for the main bearing. The two last links have, therefore, in their ideal form, scarcely any resemblance to their counterparts in the actual machine. In another case, as we shall see, the link b is used as a cylinder and d as a piston ; in another a becomes a fixed cast-iron framing, and so on; it is unnecessary to multiply examples. In every case the motions of the bodies forming the machine are determined by the nature of the elements connecting them, and are unaffected (under the limitation stated above) by the form of the bodies themselves. Of course this holds good equally for the case where only two bodies are used, connected by a single pair of elements. The form of the bodies may be anything whatever, provided it is not such as to hinder the motion, so long as the elements themselves are correctly designed ; the motion is determined by the latter only, and is quite unaffected by the former. We have seen that a mechanism is formed from a chain by fixing one link of it. But any link of the chain may be fixed ; no one link is in this respect different from the others. Hence we can obtain from any chain as many mechanisms as it has links. In such a case as Fig. 26 the four mechanisms which could be thus obtained would all be different ; but this is not always the case, two or more F 2 68 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. in. of them may be similar or identical. Their total number, however, must always be equal to that of the links in the chain. The alteration by which we change one mechanism into another, using the same chain, the change, that is, in the choice of the fixed link, is called the inversion of the chain. We have spoken in this section exclusively of chains whose links each contain only two elements. Such chains are called simple chains, and include very many of the most important mechanical combinations existing. But what has been said about them applies, with only verbal altera- tions, to compound chains, or those chains which have some links containing more than two elements. Such a chain is shown in Fig. 28, which is a chain containing six links, two of which, a and b, have each three elements. Compound chains, and the mechanisms formed from them, do not differ essentially from simple chains and mechan- isms. Naturally they are a little more difficult to deal with, nothing more. We shall have occasion to examine several of the more important of them further on. We must now proceed to apply to the mechanisms whose nature we have been examining the principles of "virtual" motion, which we sketched out in former sections. CHAPTER IV. VIRTUAL MOTION IN MECHANISMS. 12. DETERMINATION OF THE VIRTUAL CENTRE IN MECHANISMS. WE have seen that in order to determine the virtual centre about which a body is moving at any instant, it is necessary and sufficient to know the direction of the motion of two points in the body at that instant. We must now consider this more in detail, in order particularly to apply our knowledge to the solution of the problem in the case of mechanisms. The path in which a point is moving in the plane may be supposed given, either by its equation or by its form actually traced out on paper. In the former case the direction of motion, or tangent to the curve, can be calculated, and in the latter case it can be drawn. We have to deal exclusively with the latter case in 'our work. There are few cases in which it is at all difficult to draw the actual path in which any point of a mechanism is moving, and to construct a tan- gent to this path at any point, and no cases at all, so far as we know, in which it is not greatly more convenient to do so than to calculate an equation to that path. Finding the 70 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. iv. direction of motion of a figure then means, for us, simply drawing the paths of two of its points and constructing tangents to them, or of course (if possible) constructing the tangents without drawing the point-paths themselves, which are not, in most cases, of any direct importance to us. We require to know the direction of motion of two points in the body. Any two points will serve, provided their virtual radii be not coincident, in which case, of course, they would not determine the intersection which we require. The problem, therefore, resolves itself simply into a choice of points, a matter which we must here examine briefly Ocd we shall have numerous examples in succeeding chap- ters. To start with the simplest possible case, let it be required to find the virtual centre of every link relatively to every other in such a mechanism as Fig. 29, which con- sists of four links connected by four turning pairs. The axes of the pairs are all parallel, so that the links have only plane motion. Calling the links a, b t c, and d, we shall call 12.] DETERMINATION OF VIRTUAL CENTRE. 71 their virtual centres O ab , O 6c) etc., the suffixes denoting the links for which the particular point O is the virtual centre. The virtual centres of adjacent links are permanent centres, and are, as we have already seen, simply the centres of the pairs connecting them. Relatively to d for instance, every point in a moves always about the point O ad> which is the centre point of the pair connecting a and d. By mere inspection therefore, we have at once the points O al> , O bc , O cd and O da , as the virtual (and permanent) centres of the four pairs of adjacent links. There are two other virtual centres in the mechanism, those for the two pairs of non-adjacent links ; O ac for the links a and c, and O bd for the links b and d. We may take the latter first ;b is connected to d, and its motion constrained, by the links a and c t and we know the motion of every point in these two links relatively to d. But b has one point in common with #, viz. the point anc * a l so one point in common with/:, the point O bc . We know the motion of these points relatively to ^/as points of a and c t and of course they must have the same motion relatively to d as points of b, for they cannot have two different motions relatively to the same body at the same time. We have therefore at once the motion of two points in b relatively to d, which is all we require. O ab is moving in a circle round O da without drawing its path then, or even constructing the tangent to it, we can at once draw its vir- tual radius, which is at right angles to the tangent, and which is simply the axis of the link a. In exactly the same way the axis of c is the virtual radius of O be and is at right angles to the direction in which it is moving. The virtual centre of b relatively to d is therefore at the join of these two axes, as shown by the fine lines in the figure. By the same reasoning it can be shown at once that the point O ae is at the join of the axes of b and d. 72 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. iv. Quite generally, therefore, in a chain such as Fig. 29, consisting of four links connected by four parallel turning pairs, the virtual centre of either pair of opposite links is the join of the axes of the other pair ; the virtual centre of any pair of adjacent links is the join of their own axes, and is a permanent centre. An inspection of Fig. 29 shows a rather remarkable regularity in the disposition of the virtual centres. The six centres lie in threes upon four lines, and the three centres on FIG. 30. any one line are always those corresponding to three particu- lar links out of the four. The links a, b, and ^, for instance, give us the three virtual centres O a!> , O 6c , and O ac , and these three points are in one line, here the axis of b. The links b, c, and d> similarly, give us the points O bc) O cd) and O M , and these again lie all on one line, here the axis of c. The question comes at once whether this is some mere coinci- dence, belonging to the very simple mechanism which we have chosen for illustration, or whether it represents some general law which we may apply in other cases. It is in 12.] DETERMINATION OF VIRTt^U^EKXR^. 73 fact quite general, and the proof is simple. Let a, b, and c (Fig. 30), be any three bodies whatever, having plane motion, and let O ab , O bc , and O ca be the virtual centres for their motion. O ac is a point both of a and of , c, and d forming by them- selves a mechanism the same as that of Fig. 29. The posi- tion of the point O ac is not affected in any way by the addi- tional links e and/ The second required point O ce must (as one of the three virtual centres of the three bodies, a, c, and e) be upon the line joining O ac with O ae which we have now the means of drawing. We have not, however, as in the last case, any other line containing it actually given by the mechanism itself, and must therefore proceed to find one. We have in our figure the point O hc . This point must lie in one line with O ce and O be . But the latter can be easily found, for by the proof given in reference to the links b and d in the chain of Fig. 31, it must lie at the join of the axis of a with a line through O ef normal to the axis of b. Drawing these two lines we get O 6a and joining this point to O bc we have a line containing the required point O ce which must therefore be at the join of this line with the one mentioned above ; its position is marked in the figure. By similar reasoning we can find the third required point O de . The links c, d, and e being three bodies having plane motion, O de must lie on the line join- ing O cd and O ceJ and, for a similar reason, it must also lie upon the line joining O ae and O ad . Both these lines can be drawn, and their join is the required point O de . Similarly all the rest of the fifteen virtual centres belong- ing to the mechanism can be found, most of them in more ways than one. The only difficulty connected with the 13.] DIRECTIONS OF MOTION. Si operation is the choice of the order in which to take the points, as there are generally some which must precede others. It is not possible to lay down general rules for this, at least in any such form as to be practically useful. A little practice and experience, however, reduces this difficulty to very small dimensions. We shall assume, in the following sections, that the virtual centre of any link in a mechanism relatively to any other can always be found, and in ordinary cases, where the methods of finding the point are those considered in this section, we shall merely give the necessary construction without special proof. We shall only give the proof in cases of some special difficulty, or where the use of higher forms of elements renders the construction in appearance although not in reality somewhat different from that generally adopted. 13. DIRECTIONS OF MOTION IN MECHANISMS. To find the direction in which any point of a mechanism is moving at any instant is now a very simple matter. Every point in each link is moving, relatively to any other link, at right angles to the line joining it to the virtual centre for the relative motion of the two links concerned. This line, the virtual radius of the point, can be drawn in every case, as we have seen, and we obtain at once the direction in which the point is moving by drawing a line at right angles to it. The construction is so simple that it requires no further explanation. It is illustrated in Fig. 34, where J? lt B z and B^ are points of the link b, which is shown of general form in order to take points not lying G 82 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. iv. on its axis. The lines # 1} A which these points are moving relatively to the link d. ^3 show the direction in Their directions of motion relatively to a and to c are indicated by the lines # 1} # 2 , $ ' & and b'\, b"^ and b'% respectively. CHAPTER V. RELATIVE VELOCITIES IN MECHANISMS. 14. RELATIVE LINEAR VELOCITIES WE have so far considered motion only as change of position, entirely without reference to the time occupied by the change, that is, to the velocity of the different points of the body while moving ; and we have seen that there are many kinematic problems which can be treated entirely without consideration of velocity. Connected with velocity, however, there are two distinct sets of problems which we have to examine, and one of these we can now take up. The absolute velocity of any point in a machine, as well as the changes in that velocity, depend, as we shall see pre- sently, upon the forces acting upon the different parts of the machine. With these we have not at present anything to do. But the relative velocities of different points in the machine at any given instant can be determined by purely geometric considerations, so that we have already the means of dealing with them. We have seen that at each instant every body 1 in a machine or mechanism is virtually turning about some particular point, and have seen, further, how to find that point. Every link of the machine, there- fore, is simply in the condition of a wheel turning 1 Limiting ourselves to plane motion ; see end of 2. G 2 84 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. about its axis, or a lever vibrating on its fulcrum, and this no matter how complex in appearance, or even in reality, the connection between the different parts of the machine may be. But in such a case it is obvious that the velocities of the different points must be simply proportional to their distance from the centre of rotation, that is pro- portional to their real, or virtual, radii or " leverage." The velocity of any one point being then known, the determina- tion of the velocities of the others becomes a mere matter of finding the virtual centre and the distances of the various points from it. And even without knowing the absolute velocity of any point the same method gives us the pro- portionate velocities of all the points, quite independently of their absolute velocities. We must now look at this some- what more in detail, especially in reference to angular as well as linear velocity. When a body is turning about any fixed axis its motion is characterised by two conditions: (i.) the angular velocity of every point in it is equal, and (ii.) the linear velocities of its different points are proportional to their radial dis- tances from the fixed axis, the linear velocities of points at equal distances from this axis being therefore equal. These conditions being characteristic of rotation simply, without reference to whether it occur for a short or a long time, are as entirely applicable to rotation about a virtual as about a permanent axis or centre. The difference is merely that in the former case the results obtained apply merely to one position of the body, while in the latter they apply equally to all its positions. We have seen that the motion of every link in a mechanism relatively to every other may at any instant be considered as a simple rotation about some point in that other. Hence it follows that at any instant every point in a link has the same angular velocity that it 14-] RELATIVE LINEAR VELOCITIES. describes, that is, equal angles in equal times. 1 It follows also that the linear velocities of different points in any link vary in direct proportion to the virtual radii of those points. Take Fig. 35 as an example, supposing d to be fixed, and FIG. 35. the motions of the other three links observed relatively to it. Every point in a is, at the instant, turning with the same angular velocity about O ad , every point in b with the same angular velocity about O bd , and every point in c with the same angular velocity about O cd . Further, a point in a at any given distance from O ad moves with just half the linear velocity of a point in a twice as far from O ad , and with double the linear velocity of a point half its distance from O ad , and similarly with the other links, whether the centres about which they are turning be permanent or virtual. As we have seen, this makes it an extremely simple matter to find the velocity of all the points in any link if 1 More fully that all the points would describe equal angles in equal times if they continued to move with the velocities which they have at the in tant of observation. 86 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. only that of one point be known. Suppose, for instance, that the velocity of the point A x (Fig. 36) be given, to find that of A 2 , both points belonging to the link a. Arithmetically it might be found by measuring O ad A and O ad A^ to any scale, and multiplying the given velocity , . , virt. rad. A* ,, r * 11 by the ratio between them, i.e. by -. ; 7 . We shall virt. rad. A\ Qad FIG. 36. find it often more convenient, however, and it involves less measurement and no arithmetical multiplication, to solve the problem by a construction, as follows : Set off A^A\ through the point A l in any convenient direction, to represent the given velocity of that point on any scale. Through O ad draw a line through A\, and through A 2 a line parallel to A-iA-H calling the join of these lines A' z ; the segment A^A\ represents the velocity of A% on the same scale as that on which A^A\ represents that of A-^ For the ratio ' Z O ad A z virtual radius of A^ O tJd A l virtual radius of A^ 14.] RELATIVE LINEAR VELOCITIES. 87 Fig. 37 shows another construction, and one often more convenient than the foregoing, for solving a similar problem. Let B^B*,. be two points of a link />, and let BB\ be the known velocity of B^ to find that of B^ Join both points to the virtual centre of b relatively to the fixed link, viz. O bd . FIG. 37. Join also B l and B^ set off B l B\ along the radius of B and draw B\ B' z parallel to B l B. 2 . Then BB' Z represents the linear velocity of the point B^ on the same scale as that used in setting off BB\. The proof is the same as before, simply that (by similarity of triangles) B,B\ _ 0*1*1 virtual radius B, ^ ^ ^ B^B'i O bd B^ virtual radius B^ It should be always most distinctly remembered that the bodies which are represented in our figures by straight links may be of any form whatever (see p. 67). We shall find that we have very often to do with points like B 2 , Fig. 37, not lying at all on the axes of the bodies to which they belong. It should be noticed also that the line A-^A ^ &c., Fig. 36, were not set off in the direction of mo- tion of A lt &c., but in any direction that happened to be convenient. 88 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. We have compared the linear velocities of points of one and the same link, but we can in just the same way compare .the velocities of points in different links, or find the velocities of such points, if that of any one point be given. We do this by help of the theorem which we have already so often utilised, that the virtual centre of any link relatively to any other is a point common to both,- a point which has the same motion to whichever of the links we suppose it to belong. Let the velocity of a point A l Oab FIG. 38. on the link a, for instance, be given ; to find from it the velocity of a point B on the link b. The process is simply to find first the velocity of the common point of a and b as a point of a, and then treating it as a point in b to find from it the velocity of B. The necessary construction is shown in Fig. 38. AA\ is drawn to scale in any convenient direction for the velocity of A ; by the former construction O ab A represents on the same scale the velocity of O af , considered as a point of a. But this point has the same velocity as a point of b, so that by joining A to O bd and 14-] RELATIVE LINEAR VELOCITIES. 89 carrying the radius of B^ round to J3, as in the figure, we get BB' for the velocity of B v to be measured on the same scale as before. The construction applies equally to opposite as to adja- cent links. To find, for instance, the velocity of the point C^ in 2 of any point C of any other link c of the same mechanism, the fixed link being (say) d. Finding first the three virtual centres O ac (which we may call O\ O ad , and O cd , we have found that vel C r a 00 ad CO C(l OO att CO cd vel A i\ AO ad OO cd O0 cd AOJ Put into words this is equivalent to saying that the velocity of C is to that of A directly as the virtual radii of those two points relatively to the fixed link, and inversely as the virtual radius in c and in a of the common point (O ac ) of those bodies. If the two points belong to the same link, the ratio /?* Wed goes out, and we have simply that the velocities of the two points are proportional directly to their virtual radii. Here, however, one special case requires looking at. If both the points belonged to such a body as the link c in Fig. 36, their virtual radii, no matter what their position in the body, would always be equal. For the virtual centre of c relatively to d is a point at infinity, the distance of which from all points in our paper must be taken to be the same. Hence if the virtual centre of a body be at infinity, i.e. if it have only a motion of translation, all its points are moving with equal velocities. Exactly the same thing is true in reference to the link b in Fig. 43. In this mechanism, the parallelogram or double-crank, 1 opposite links are made equal, i.e. .b = d, and a = c. Opposite links are therefore 1 As to important properties of this mechanism see further, 54 and 55- 94 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. always parallel, and their join is always at an infinite dis- tance ; the points O bd and O ac are at infinity for all possible positions of the mechanism. Whichever link, therefore, is fixed, all the points of the opposite link are moving at any instant in the same direction and with the same velocity. The difference between the case of the link c in Fig, 36 and that of b in Fig. 43 is that the virtual centre of the former Obd Oac FIG. 43. is a permanent centre, while that of the latter is only an instantaneous one. In the former case not only are all points moving in the same direction at any one instant, but this direction remains unchanged from instant to instant, whereas in Fig. 42 the direction of motion of b changes with every change in its position, although in any one position all its points are moving in the same direction. The difference is in essence precisely the same as that between the rotation of such links as a and b in Figs. 36 or 37. The motion of each link is at each instant a rotation about some one point. But in the case of a the rotation is always about the same point, in the case of b about a point which changes with every change in the position of the link. 1 5 .] RELATIVE ANGULAR VELOCITIES. 95 15. RELATIVE ANGULAR VELOCITIES. Just as linear velocity may be expressed in different units, as a velocity of a foot, a metre, or a mile per unit of time, so angular velocity is a quantity measured by more than one standard. 1 The unit most commonly occurring in connection with engineering questions is one revolution per unit of time, the latter being generally a minute. Thus a shaft is said to have an angular velocity of 30 if it be turn- ing at the instant at such a rate as would, if uniformly con- tinued for one minute, cause it to make 30 complete turns in that time. To find the linear from the given angular velocity of the point in this case it is necessary simply to multiply the latter by the radius of the point and by 2 TT, that is, by the length of the circumference of the circle in which the point is moving. This assumes, of course, that the units of distance and of time are the same for both linear and angular velocities. For mathematical purposes the unit of angular velocity is generally taken as motion through an arc equal in length to its own radius in a unit of time. This arc subtends an angle of (~- \ or 57-3 degrees nearly, so that an angular velocity of 30 would represent, on this scale, a motion through (30 x 57*3) degrees, or about 477 complete turns per unit of time. To convert angular into linear velocities on this scale the former have only to be multiplied by the radius. To convert angular velocities expressed in the former standard, there- fore, to the latter, they must be divided by 2 TT, and vice 1 The principal questions relating to linear and angular velocities are discussed in Chapter VII. What is said in the present section is not intended to do more than make clear the numerical relations of the units used as far as is necessary for the constructions given. 96 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. versd, the time-unit being supposed the same in both cases. For general scientific purposes the second is the most convenient unit of time, but for many engineering problems the minute is preferable. For angular velocities expressed as number of revolutions, for instance, the minute is almost invariably made the time-unit. There is obviously no more difficulty in solving problems connected with relative angular velocities than we have found in connection with relative linear velocities. It has only to be remembered, in addition to the characteristics of pure rotation already mentioned, that if two points of different bodies have the same radius, and have equal linear velocities, their angular velocities are also equal; and that otherwise (i.e. if the points have unequal linear velocities), their angular velocities are directly proportional to their linear velocities. If the two points have the same linear velocities but different radii, their angular velocities are inversely to their radii. In general, therefore, the angular velocities of two points in different bodies are proportional directly to their linear velocities and inversely to their radii. But as all points in a body must have, at each, instant, the same angular velocity, we may say, even more generally, that the angular velocities of any two bodies having plane motion are proportional directly to the linear velocities of any two of their points having the same radius, and in- versely to the radii of any two of their points having the same linear velocity, and in the general case linear velocity to the ratio -^ for any two of their points what- ever. We may put this down in symbols as follows : calling a the linear velocity of any point A of a body a, and b that of any point B of another body /?, the radii I5-] RELATIVE ANGULAR VELOCITIES. 97 of the points (instantaneous or permanent) being r a and r b respectively. Expressing angular velocities according to the second standard given on p. 95, we have Ang. vel. a = Ang. vel. /? = - **# If r n = r b , therefore, ^ J-" .L vel. ' ^ vel.yG r a * Or generally, ^-l el - a = a ^Ji . L vel. /3 & ;- a these three equations expressing the three conditions supposed above. It remains only to show how, by the aid of these re- lations, we can find the angular velocity of any link in a mechanism having given that of any other link, or, in other words, the proportionate angular velocities of any two links. This we can always do by the method of virtual centres, generally in several ways. Taking the mechanism Fig. 44, let us compare the angular velocities of the links a, b, and c relatively to d, the angular velocity of a relatively to d being given. Comparing first a and b relatively to d we can proceed as follows : a and b have a common point, the point O ab ; this point is there- fore a point in each link which has the same linear velocity relatively to d. The angular velocities of b and a are therefore inversely proportional to the virtual radius in each of them of the point O ab . To solve the problem H 98 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. by construction draw any line through O ab and make the segment O ab A equal on any scale to the given angular velocity of the link a. Then through O ad draw a line parallel to the join of O bd and A (which need not itself be drawn, but which is drawn for distinctness' sake in the \ld FIG. 44. figure) and cutting the first line drawn in 13. O ab B represents the angular velocity of the link b on the same scale as that on which O ab A represents that of a. The proof is simply that the triangles O ab A O bd and O ab B O ad are similar, and that therefore the ratio O ab A _ O ab O M _ virtual radius of O ab as a point of b O ab B O ab O ad virtual radius of O^ as a point of a exactly as required. The construction must always have the same simplicity as in this case, for the problem always concerns the com- parison of the motion of two bodies relatively to a third, and the three essential points used in the construction are the three virtual centres of these three bodies taken in pairs (here O a ^ O bd and O ad ), and these points invariably, as we have seen, He in one line. RELATIVE ANGULAR VELOCITIES. 99 To avoid confusion we may illustrate the other part of the problem, viz., the finding of the relative angular velocities of c and a, by another figure (Fig. 45). This case is one which has more often direct application in practice than Fig. 44. Proceeding precisely as before we take their com- mon point O ac , draw through it any line whatever on which Qad to set off a segment O ac A for the given angular velocity of all points in it are at the same (infinitely great) distance from the virtual centre, and therefore move with the same velocity. We may therefore take any point in it to represent the piston, so far as its velocity goes, and for convenience' sake 104 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. we take the centre of the pair connecting the links c and b, that is the point O bc Fig. 49. The crank-pin itself, considered as a solid body revolving about the point O ad along with all the rest of the link a, has of course different linear velocities in its different points. What is always meant by the velocity Gbc FIG. 49. of the crank-pin is, however, the velocity of its axis, and this coincides with the centre of the pair connecting the links a and /;, that is the point O ab . The problem then presents itself in this form : Given the velocity of the point O ab in the plane of the fixed link d, to find for a sufficient number of positions of O ab the velocity of the point O bc in the same plane. One of these points is com- mon to the links a and b, and the other to the links ) = 6 - o feet. Speed of crank 56 revolutions per minute. This gives for the linear velocity of the crank-pin (2^x1-5 x 56) = 528 feet per minute, or 8*8 feet per second. Divide the crank-circle, as in Fig. 50, into any convenient FIG. 50. number of parts, and for each position of the crank-pin, A v A, 2 , &c., find the corresponding position of the piston d, C 2 , &c., and the virtual centre of b relatively to d, O v 6> 2 , &c. Next set off A 1 A\ = 8'8 on any scale, and draw a circle about the point O ad with tUe radius O ad A\. Then lines drawn through the points A' v A' 2 , &c., parallel to each 106 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. corresponding position of b will cut the corresponding virtual radii of C 1? C 2 (here parallel lines at right angles to the axis of d), &c., in points C\, C' 2 , &c., such that QC'j, C 2 C' 2 , &c., are the required velocities of the piston on the same scale as that used for setting off A^A'^. This con- struction has already been proved in connection with Fig. 37. A curve joining all the points C\, C 2 &c., gives by its ordinates the velocity of the piston at any required point of its travel. If it be required rather to represent the velocity of the piston at each position of the crank instead of at each of its own positions, then what is called a polar diagram, like that shown in Fig. 51, can be used. Here a circle is drawn I.T with radius = 8*8 on the same scale as before, the different positions of the crank are marked on it, and upon each the corresponding distance C^C'^ C 2 C' 2 , &c., is set off. The actual changes of velocity in this case are worth noticing. At the beginning of the stroke the velocity of the piston is of course nothing. This comes out in the construction by the coincidence of the virtual centre with 1 6.] DIAGRAMS OF RELATIVE VELOCITIES. 107 the point C . As the piston moves on its velocity in- creases. At first the angle at C (as A^C-^O-^ is greater than that at A (as C^A^O-^ so that OA is greater than OC, and therefore the velocity of the piston less than that of the crank-pin. At some point, however, the angle at A must become a right-angle (when the axis of the connecting-rod b is tangential to the crank-circle), and then OC must be the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, and therefore greater than OA, so that the velocity of the piston must be then greater than that of the crank-pin. Before this point is reached there must, therefore, be some position in which the velocities of the piston and crank-pin are equal, and it is obvious that this position will be that for which the triangle, AOC, is isosceles, and OA = OC. When the crank-pin is in its central position, A 3 , and at right-angles to the direction of the piston's motion, OA and OC are again equal, the two virtual radii being parallel, and the point O at infinity. Here again, therefore, the velocity of the piston is equal to that of the crank-pin. After this, until the end of the stroke, OA is always greater than OC, and the velocity of the crank-pin therefore greater than that of the piston, and at AQ the latter again becomes = o, i.e. the piston is for the instant stationary. The same changes of relative velocity occur, in reversed order, as the crank makes its second half revolution from A Q back to A Q the lines for these are not shown in the diagram. The positions of the important points noticed are readily seen in Fig. 51 ; and also in Fig. 50 if a line be drawn parallel to the axis of d and at a distance from it = A^A^ or 8*8. At O and at 6 (or C Q and C 6 ) the ordinate of the piston speed-curve is = o. At M and at 3 (and also at 9 and at M') it is equal to the distance which represents the crank-pin velocity, while at N it exceeds that distance. loS THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. The actual maximum velocity of the piston would in this case be about 9*3 feet per second, or 57 per cent, greater than that of the crank-pin. It will be found an interesting exercise to draw diagrams of this kind for different lengths of connecting-rod, and note how considerably the shortening of this rod increases the maximum velocity of the piston. It will easily be seen also that while for all lengths of the rod the point 3 (the second point at which crank-pin and piston velocities are equal) remains in the same position, the points M and JV move nearer and nearer to it as the rod is lengthened. If the rod could be made infinitely long these three points would coincide, the maximum velocity of the piston would be equal to the crank-pin velocity, and the position of maxi- mum velocity would occur when the crank is in its mid- position. We have already pointed out that the mechanism of Fig. 52, some properties of which were examined in O&ia 12, is constructively equivalent to the one with an infinitely long connecting-rod. It will be worth while to work out for this mechanism a diagram similar to that just worked out for the slider-crank. This is done in Fig. 53, which is i6.] DIAGRAMS OF RELATIVE VELOCITIES. 109 drawn to the same scales as Fig. 50, in which also the same data as to speed are assumed, and the same length of crank a. It is more convenient in this case, for reasons FIG. 53. which can easily be seen, to set off the crank-pin velocity (8-8 feet per second) from the point O ad instead of, as in Fig. 50, from the point O ab . Then marking the positions A lt A 2 , A s , &c., as before, and taking any convenient point upon c to represent the piston, the piston velocities, C^C'^ CoC'o, &c., are at once found by drawing the lines A\C\, A' 2 C 2 , &c., parallel to the connecting-rod, i.e. parallel always to the direction of motion of the piston, for the infinitely long connecting-rod moves (as we saw on p. 77) always parallel to itself. It will be seen at once that the curve C\C 2 O 3 is a semi-ellipse of a height equal to the radius of the velocity circle, that the maxi- mum velocity of the piston is equal to the maximum velocity of the crank, and that the maximum velocity is reached by the piston just when the crank is at mid- stroke these being precisely the characteristics which we pointed out a few lines back as theoretically belonging to no THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. a mechanism with an infinitely long connecting-rod. In Fig. 54 is shown a polar diagram for this case cor- responding to Fig. 51. Here again there is a great sim- plification, the two curves are simply circles having diameters equal to the length which stands for the crank- pin velocity. It may be noted here that sometimes one wishes simply to find out the relative velocities of the piston at different periods of its stroke without reference to any particular crank-pin velocity. In this case it is convenient either to assume the crank-pin velocity = (say) 10 on any convenient scale, or (sometimes) to let the radius of the crank itself stand for its velocity. In the last case the diagram of Fig. 54 becomes very similar in appearance to the well-known Zeuner valve diagram, although its interpretation is very different. As a last example of the construction of diagrams of velocities we shall take a chain similar to that already shown in Fig. 25 and dealt with in Figs. 40 and 44, &c., but with 1 6.] DIAGRAMS OF RELATIVE VELOCITIES. in different proportions. Take the length of the four links as follows : a 14 inches * - S^ t| c - 19 ^ = 34 and make the link a the fixed link. Suppose b to turn with a uniform angular velocity of 48 revolutions per O 10 ZO 30 Scale of tiewltttioitsfen o , io , *p . FIG. 55. minute, and let our problem be to find the angular velocity of d at any number of different positions of b (Fig. 55). In a case of this kind it is most convenient to use some ii2 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. such abbreviated construction as was given in Fig. 47. First set off any required number of positions of the link b, and for each construct the corresponding positions of d (a few of these positions are shown in the diagram). From the point O ad (i.e. the virtual centre relatively to the fixed link of the link d, whose velocity has to be found) set off upon the axis of a a distance O a(i P, standing for 48, the angular FIG. 56. velocity of b, upon any scale. Then for each position of the mechanism draw a line through P, parallel to the line (which need not be itself drawn) joining O ad and R> until it cuts the axis of c in a point S. The distance ST, from S to the axis of b (measured parallel to the line of the three centres, here the axis of a) is the required angular velocity of d. A dia- gram may be conveniently made, as in Fig. 56, by drawing a circle with a radius = 48 to stand for the constant angular velocity of b, marking on it the positions of b used in Fig. 55, and then setting off on each radius the corresponding value of ST, the angular velocity of d for the given position of b. i6.] DIAGRAMS OF RELATIVE VELOCITIES. 113 Such constructions as those given in Figs. 47 or 55 are very general, allowing the velocities to be represented by any distances whatever, i.e. drawn on any scale whatever. But by using particular distances and scales the construction may often be greatly simplified. Thus if we take the length of the link dm Fig. 55 to represent the angular velocity of b, we have only to draw through O ab a line parallel to d, and cutting c, to obtain at once the angular velocity of d on the same scale. By comparing this construction (Fig. 57) with FIG. 57. that of Fig. 45 it will be seen that BA is a line passing through the (inaccessible) .centre O M , and is in exactly the same position as the axis of b or the line CA in that figure. If this construction, which is the simplest of all possible constructions for this case, be used, the circle in Fig. 56 has, of course, a radius equal to that of the link d. We should have obtained the same result in Fig. 45 if we had not only taken A and C on the axis of b, as there mentioned, 1 but had set off O cd A on such a scale as to be equal to c. Whether the greater practical convenience lies in the saving of construction lines, or in the use of an even scale of velocities, may be left to the draughtsman to decide in each particular case. 1 See also end of 15. I H4 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. v. It must be noted that the mean angular velocity of b and d must be equal, for each one takes the same time to make one whole revolution, but if b have a uniform velocity within the revolution, then d has the varying velocity which has been drawn in Fig. 56. In the case supposed, the velocity of d would vary within each revolution from the rate of 27 J revolutions per minute to that of 97 revolutions per minute, the actual mean rate being 48 revolutions per minute. If we had taken the chain of Figs. 32 or 53, and fixed the link a, we should have obtained a mechanism in which, as in that of Fig. 55, the links b and d would both revolve, the one driving the other through the link c. This mech- anism is that generally known as an " Oldham coupling." It is interesting to try with it the constructions of Figs. 45 or 55 for finding the relative angular velocities of the links b and d. It will be found that the latter construction gives no result, too many of the points required being at an infinite distance, but the former shows very clearly the leading characteristic of the mechanism, that the angular velocity ratio transmitted between the shafts (the links b and d) is constant, and is equal to unity. An important analogue of this mechanism, the " universal joint," will be examined in detail in 64.. A possible misunderstanding may be guarded against before we leave this part of our subject. Let b and c be any links of a mechanism of which a is a third link. We have seen how to find the ratio Lr ' ve when both these, velo- L. r. vel. c cities were measured relatively to a. This ratio must not be confused with the angular velocity of b relatively to 2 , where ifa positive sign is to be used if v and # 3 have opposite senses, and the negative sign if they have the same sense. Thus in Fig, 56 distances measured radially between the two curvet represent the Angular velocity of b relatively to d on the same scale ai that on which the radii of the curvet represent the angular velocities of b arid d respectively relatively to a. CHAPTER VI. MECHANISMS NOT LINKWORK. 17. SPUR-WHEEL TRAINS. THERE are comparatively few mechanisms in general use in which the surface contact of such pairs of elements as the pin and eye is replaced by the line contact 1 of higher pairs. In toothed-wheel gearing, however, we have one type of mechanism with higher pairs which is very familiar, and which is important enough to require some detailed consideration. There are many forms of toothed gearing, but here we shall consider only those which have plane motion, and which are usually distinguished by the name of spur gearing, or spur-wheel trains. It will be found that the methods already employed in the examination of linkworks can be employed here also with equal ease and with equally practical results. The commonest example of a spur-wheel train is shown in Fig. 58. It is a chain containing three links only, of which one, a, is a frame, while the others, b and c, are wheels. Between a and b and between a and c are ordinary turning pairs ; between b and c the connection is by means of the wheel-teeth, which form a higher pair, having line- contact only. 1 See 10, p. 57. i 7 .] SPUR-WHEEL TRAINS. n 7 We shall first of all find the virtual centres for this mechanism. These are only three in number, O ab , O bc , O ac , and therefore must, as we know, all lie upon the same straight line. This line must clearly be the axis of the FIG. 58. link a, for we see at once that O ab and O ac lie upon that axis. It remains therefore only to find the position of O bc upon that line. This cannot be determined by any direct construction, but we can find it by very simple reasoning of a quite general kind, which can afterwards be applied to the special case of spur gearing. Spur-wheels are bodies which revolve (or are intended to revolve) about fixed axes with a fixed velocity ratio. Let b and c (Fig. 59) be any two such bodies, and O a6 , O ac their fixed axes. The problem is then to find the virtual centre O bc , which we already know to lie upon the line O ab O ac . O bc is a point common to b and to c, and must therefore have the same linear velocity in each. Its virtual radii in b and in c must there- fore be proportional inversely to the (known) angular velocities of those bodies. But these virtual radii are simply its distances (measured along the given line) from O ab and O ac so that O bc must be a point whose distances from O ab and O ac are inversely proportional to the angular velocities of b and c t or to the number of revolutions made ii8 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. L r. vel. b by each in a given time. Let this known ratio of p be equal to -, then to fix the point O bc it is only necessary O'bc FIG. 59 to draw two parallels through O ab and O ac to set off n from O ac on the one, and m from O ab on the other, on opposite sides of the centre line, and to join the end points of the segments m and , as in Fig. 59. 1 By similar triangles it is then evident that O ab O bc = m_ = L r. vel. c O bc O ac n /.r. vel. // 1 Ttie quantities n and m are to be set off on opposite sides of the centre line only if the two bodies b and c are required to turn in opposite senses. If they are to turn in the same sense n and m must be set off on the same side of the axis, and the point O bc will lie outside the other two points, as shown by the dotted line, instead of between them, which corresponds to one of the wheels being annular. It can easily be seen that the two points O bc which can thus be found for every ratio -, must be harmonic conjugates with respect to the two fixed points. i;.] SPUR-WHEEL TRAINS. 119 that is, that O bc is a point on the line of centres whose dis- tances from O ab and O ac are inversely proportional to the angular velocities of b and c. O bc is therefore the point which we require, the virtual centre of b relatively to c. As the bodies b and c rotate different points in each become in turn their common point, or virtual centre. But as the virtual centre must always occupy the same position between O ab and O ac the different points in b and in c which suc- cessively become O bc must be such points as can, during the rotation of the bodies, occupy that position. The locus of such points in b is of course a circle with centre O ab and radius O ab O bc and in C a circle with centre O ac and radius O bc O ac . These two circles (which are shown in the figure) are the centrodes for the relative motions of b and c. As these bodies rotate with the given angular velocity ratio, the centrodes roll upon one another. They correspond exactly to what are technically called the pitch circles of the wheels. We have already seen that the relative (plane) motion of any two bodies is always conditioned by the rolling on each other of two curves, centrodes, or loci of virtual centres ( 9), one supposed fixed to each of the bodies. So long as the rolling centrodes remain unaltered, the motion cannot be changed, and conversely so long as the motion remains unchanged the same centrodes must roll on each other. Given the motion, pictorially or otherwise, w,e can find the centrodes, given the centrodes similarly, and the motion is equally determinate. In general, however, the form of the centrodes is very complex, and it is possible only in exceptional cases to make any use of them. 1 Here 1 The best examples of the direct use of any part of them in ordinary mechanisms are perhaps the exceedingly ingenious constrainments of certain mechanisms having change-points devised by Reuleaux. See Kinematics of Machinery, figures 155, 159, etc. 120 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. it is otherwise, the centrodes are circles whose centres and radii are determinate in the simplest possible manner, and their use is both easy and convenient. We desire to make two bodies b and c we may call them wheels revolve about fixed axes with a constant velocity ratio. We find that this motion is conditioned absolutely by the rolling on each other of two circles of known radii, whose centres lie in the given axes, and which touch in O bc . Dealing with bodies instead of plane figures, the circles of course become circular cylinders, the point O bc becomes a line parallel to the axes, and we see at once that in order to communicate the required rotation between the bodies, it would be sufficient to shape them as cylinders touching along a line through O bc if only it could be practically insured that the surfaces of the cylinders should not slip upon each other. For then the linear velocity of all points in the surfaces of the cylinders would be equal, and the angular velocities of the cylinders would be inversely as their radii. On account of the difficulty of insuring in practice that two such cylinders shall turn absolutely with- out slipping, their surfaces are generally provided with teeth of sufficient size and strength to compel the one wheel to turn when the other is moved. These teeth form elements of higher pairs connecting the two bodies ; if they are to communicate the same relative motion as before they must be formed so as to correspond to the same centrodes as before. And as these curves are so simple it is possible to use them directly in finding the right shape for the teeth, as we shall see in the next section. By the use of teeth of almost any practicable shape it is insured at once that at least the average relative velocities of the wheels shall have their intended value. But if the wheel-teeth are not of the proper form, not only may i 7 .] SPUR-WHEEL TRAINS. 121 a great deal of loss by friction occur (which will be considered further on), but also the relative velocities of the two wheels will be continually varying between a maxi- mum above and a minimum below the average ratio. The mere changes of velocity are not in themselves generally large or inconvenient, but indirectly they are the cause of the greater part of the noise which so often accompanies the working of toothed gearing, and therefore of the wear of which noise is the sure indication. The correct formation of the teeth of wheels is not, therefore (as is sometimes supposed), a matter of purely theoretical interest, but one which has a very direct practical importance. It has too- often been neglected in the manufacture of toothed wheels, under the impression that it was not only a very complex affair, but also that it had no practical value, and as a result teeth have been used whose forms are only rough approximations to any accurate shape, and the working of the gear has been intolerably noisy and disagreeable. In reality it is just as easy to draw the right shape for wheel- teeth as to construct any of the ordinary approximations J to it. To insure, however, that the teeth are actually of the right shape (when it has been found), the very greatest care is required in the moulding of the wheels. In many cases it has been found worth while to machine the surfaces of the teeth, in spite of the expense of the process and the practi- cal drawback that it removes the hard " skin " of the metal, which, both for strength and for wear, it would be preferable to preserve. 1 The best approximation (a very good one), is, no doubt, that pro- posed by Professor Unwin, Elements of Machine Design, p. 259 (Fifth Edition). 122 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. 1 8. WHEEL-TEETH. THE essential condition to be fulfilled by the forms or profiles of wheel-teeth is, that at whatever point there may be contact between the teeth of the driving and the driven wheels, the velocity- ratio of the two wheels must be the same. But we have seen that for any given velocity-ratio there is some fixed virtual centre for the two wheels. We might, therefore, express the condition by saying: at whatever point there may be contact between the teeth, their virtual centre must remain unchanged. The only motion which one tooth can have relatively to another, at the line where the two are in contact, is that of .sliding. The direction of motion of this line in the one tooth relatively to the coincident line in the other must therefore be the direction in which the one can slide on the other, that is, the direction of the tangent plane to the two surfaces, or if we consider the profiles of the teeth only, we may say the direction of the tangent to the two profiles at their point of contact. The virtual centre must be in a line normal to this tangent (see 7), and as the virtual centre is always a known point (the intended velocity-ratio of the wheels being known), the tangent to the profiles for any given position of the point of contact can always be drawn. In Fig. 60, for instance, the curves b^ and ^ might form part of the profiles of teeth for wheels b and c, whose virtual centre is at O bc . For the tangent t at the point of contact O is at right angles to the virtual radius of that point, the line OO bc . But if the profiles were formed as at b z and M / '"'^ ' * .-r"''' ' <*; ' i o ; n a. * 1 -J *' <^ \ 1 FIG. 62. continues throughout the angle a x (called the angle of approach) until the pitch points A and B 6f the teeth fall together at O. Relatively to each other the two surfaces are moving in the sense indicated by the small arrows. If at O the point B had slid into contact with the same point A l as came first into contact with 2? 1? the amount of sliding of b relatively to a would have been simply B-^B. But as B eventually comes into contact with A and not with A v the real amount of sliding is only B-JS - A^A. The latter quantity (A^A) may be called the working length of the flank. Similarly during a 2 the angle of recess, the teeth 128 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. rub on each other until finally A^ is in contact with B^ and the amount of sliding is AA* - BB^ The total amount of sliding of one pair of teeth, then, during their whole period of contact (corresponding to the arc a = a T + a 2 ) is BB - AA + or the sum of the lengths (length of face - working length of flank) for the two teeth. 1 Every point on the pitch circle of the wheels has, during the time the pair of teeth were in contact, moved through a distance r^a. (the angle a being in circular measure). We have then the ratio Mean velocity of rubbing of teeth _ s Velocity of pitch circle 7\a. The velocity of the pitch circle is 27rr L n (n being the number of revolutions of a per minute). The mean velocity with -which the teeth slide on one another is therefore s.n. , or (if we a. write V for the pitch circle velocity) = V-^ It is possible to obtain this velocity in a quite different form. If we write a b and a c for the angular velocity of a relatively to b and c respectively, and b c for the angular velocity of b relatively to c, then we know ( 16, p. 115) that a b = a c + b c (the sign is positive because a and b turn in opposite senses relatively to c). The point O is the virtual centre of a 1 The first and last points of contact for any given teeth can be found at once as the points where circles drawn about <9 2 and O lt with radii equal to 2 ff 1 an d ^1^2 respectively, cut the describing circles m. IS.] WHEEL-TEETH. 129 relatively to b. The linear velocity of any point in a relatively to b is equal to a b multiplied by the distance of the point from O. The velocity of A^ therefore, which is the velocity of sliding at the first point of contact, is a b x OA l = (a c + ^) OA lf V V But a c = and b c = -- Substituting these values, and r\ r -i taking the mean velocity as half the initial velocity, which is very closely approximate, we get for the mean velocity of sliding In order that two pairs of teeth may always be in contact it is necessary that the arc OA t ghoulobe at least equal to the pitch. Taking the arc and the chord as equal, it is very usual to substitute /, the pitch of the teeth, for OA l in the formula just given. The result is of course more exact if - ' be substituted for OA^ (assuming a! and a 2 to be equal). It will be noticed that the sliding of the teeth upon one another is not by any means exactly the same thing as the sliding which occurs in the surfaces of lower pairs. Here at any one instant the two lines of the tooth surfaces which are coincident slide upon one another in a direction normal to their virtual radii. (If a be fixed, for instance, and b be made to move, B^ slides upon A in a direction normal to OB-i.) But from instant to instant the position of the virtual centre changes, and therefore the direction of the virtual radius. The direction of sliding is therefore different for each position of the surfaces. With the lower pairs the sliding at any point remains constant in direction throughout I3o THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. the motion of the pair, because the virtual centre of the pair is permanent. The difference between the sliding in higher and in lower pairs is thus closely analogous to the difference between general rotation about a series of virtual centres, and permanent rotation about a fixed axis. This general case of sliding between two surfaces, for which no special name has been proposed, is the one which occurs not only in wheel teeth, but in all higher pairing, including cams ( 22) and the "reduced" chains of 53. The closed higher pairs of Reuleaux l form excellent illustra- tions of it. Outside the lower pairs pure sliding only occurs in certain very special cases, of which one or two are mentioned in 57. The same relative change of position as that corresponding to any finite amount of general sliding can be produced also by rolling and pure sliding added or superposed. The smaller the angle a (Fig. 62) can be made, the more nearly will the path of contact approach a straight line at FIG. 63. right angles to the line of centres, the less will be the obliquity of the pressure between the teeth (the effects of which we shall examine in 76), and the less will be the extent of the 1 Kinematics of Machineiy, 21 to 29. 19-] WHEEL-TEETH. sliding of the teeth. To attain these results without reducing the pitch (which would weaken the teeth) Dr. Hooke long ago proposed making wheels with stepped teeth (Fig. 63). In recent practice the same result has been attained by making the steps continuous, so that the outlines of the teeth become portions of screws. To prevent endlong pressure on the shaft the screws are made double, as shown in Fig. 64. With the improved appliances now in use, it is found FIG. 6 4 . possible to make these teeth very accurately, in spite of their complexity of form, and wheels so made work exceedingly smoothly. Screw wheels proper, with non-parallel axes, are dealt with in 69. 19. COMPOUND SPUR GEARING. THE mechanism with three links which we have been considering in the last two sections is the simplest form which spur-wheel gearing can take. Very frequently chains containing toothed wheels are compound, which it will be remembered (see p, 68) means that one or more links carry more than two elements. Such a chain is shown in Fig. 65, K 2 J32 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vr. where the frame a has three elements, and the wheel d also the same number, being paired with a, b, and c. 1 In this train, by its construction, the points O bd of b and O cd of c have the same linear velocity in opposite senses, whereas in the trains just considered the same points had the same linear velocity in the same sense. So far as regards the relative motion of b and c, therefore, the insertion of the third wheel d between them has made no difference except in sense. Formerly they turned in opposite senses, now they turn in the same sense, their velocity-ratio being un- changed. The size of d does not affect the motions of b and c in any way whatever. Such a wheel as d, which merely affects the sense of motion in a train without altering the relative velocities of the first and last wheels, is called an idle wheel. Any number of idle wheels may be in- serted between the first and last wheel of a spur train ; if the number of idle wheels be odd the first and last wheels will turn in the same sense, if even in the opposite sense. No other change is made. If - be the angular velocity-ratio of b and c, which is m called the velocity-ratio of the train, then to find O bc we must set off these quantities on parallels, as in Fig. 59, on the same side of the axis (see note p. 118) instead of on opposite sides, and join their end-points as before. As ra ' c is equal to , it is, however, not necessary to rad. b m set off these quantities separately. The common tan- gent of the pitch circles must pass through O bt , as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 65. The centrodes 1 The teeth of d must here be counted as two elements, for d is paired both with b and c, although for convenience sake only one set of teeth is actually used for both pairings, by placing the wheels b and c opposite each other. 19-] COMPOUND SPUR GEARING. 133 of b and c are still circles, for they are bodies turning with a constant velocity ratio about fixed axes, and this FIG. 65. remains true of every pair of wheels in any spur gearing whatever, unless the wheels are non-circular. The com- pound chain of four links might therefore, so far as the motions of b and c are concerned, be replaced by a simple chain of three links with ^ and 4. for the two wheels, ^ being an annular wheel. This arrangement is sometimes used in practice, but there are so many inconveniences about it that the use of an idle wheel is generally found more suitable in cases where two wheels have to receive a constant angular velocity-ratio and to turn in the same sense. 1 Fig. 66 is an example of the other principal form taken by compound spur-gearing. Here the intermediate wheel 1 Prof. Reuleaux showed, at the Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus in 1876, a very ingenious arrangement for doing this without either an annular or an idle wheel, by a mechanism which, although resembling a spur-wheel train, was really an altered form of linkwork. This mechanism, is illustrated and described in detail in Berl. Verhandl. > p. 294, and Der Constructeur, p. 537 (fourth Edition). 134 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. d has two sets of teeth of different radii, one pairing with b and one with c. The point O cd in c has therefore no longer the same linear velocity as O bd in b, but a velocity greater FIG. 66. or less exactly in proportion to the radii of those points as points in d. Instead, therefore, of the ratio L r ' ve ' c L r. vel. b (the velocity-ratio of the train) being equal to I as before, O 2 it is equal to x yp the points 2 and i being points which have the same angular velocity (both being points of the same body d\ and whose linear velocities are therefore directly proportional to their radii. This ratio can be easily remembered if it is noticed that the numerator is the pro- duct of the radii of the driving wheels, and the denominator that of the driven wheels. For the radii, of course, the diameters may be substituted, or the number of teeth, if either happen to be more convenient. Exactly the same methods as those just used apply to the case of a compound-wheel train with more than three axes. It only requires to be remembered that the first and last wheels b and c turn in the same or in opposite senses according to whether the number of axes is odd or even respectively. 1 9 .] COMPOUND SPUR GEARING. 135 The general conclusions to be remembered are these : every spur-wheel train transmits a constant angular velocity ratio between its first and last wheels ; the value of this ratio is known from the radii or other dimensions of the wheels of the train ; the centrodes for the motion of the first and last wheels relatively to each other are therefore circles of known radii, having their centres at the centres of those wheels. For the whole train therefore, whatever wheels it may consist of, there may always be supposed substituted, for kinematic or mechanical purposes, one pair of wheels of known radii and centres, these wheels corre- sponding to the centrodes of the first and last wheels of the train. If the original gearing contained no annular wheels, and its number of axes was even, these centrodes will touch externally, will correspond, that is, to the pitch circles of spur-wheels. If the number of axes was odd, and the original gearing contained no annular wheels, the centrodes will touch internally, that is, the whole train will be equi- valent to an annular wheel and a pinion. It is only because it would be frequently inconvenient to use in practice wheels having the diameters of the centrodes, that compound wheel trains are used instead of simple ones. In considering compound trains, however, and especially the compound " epicyclic " trains which will be described in the next section, it may often make apparently complex motions appear much more simple if a pair of wheels such as we have just mentioned be in imagination substituted for the numerous wheels of the actual mechanism. The virtual centre of the first and last wheels of a train, that is the point of contact of their centrodes, is generally most easily found by calculation from the known velocity ratio of the train, and marked in its proper position on the line joining the centres of the wheels. But a direct 136 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. construction for determining this point graphically for any train, when the position of the axes and the diameter of the wheels are given on paper, will be found given in a note at the end of this chapter. 20. EPICYCLIC GEARING. WE have seen that a kinematic chain may be converted into a mechanism in as many ways as it has links (see p. 67), because any link may be made the fixed one. This of course applies as much to the chains we are now con- sidering as to ordinary link work, and it is a matter of not at all unfrequent occurrence to find spur-wheel mechanisms in which one of the wheels is the fixed link instead of the frame. Such mechanisms are generally called epicyclic trains, because in them one or more wheels revolve about the fixed one, in such a way that points in these wheels describe different cycloidal curves during their motion. When the frame is the fixed link the only kinematic ques- tion which commonly occurs is the relative angular velocity of the first and the last wheel, and this we have already considered. When one wheel is fixed, it is generally the relative angular velocity of the last wheel and the revolving arm which we require to know, and this we may there- fore now look at. Let Fig. 67 be an epicyclic train in which the wheel b is to be fixed, and let r be the (known) velocity- ratio of the train (page 132), r being positive or negative according to whether c turns in the opposite or the same sense as b when both move, and here therefore positive. Now suppose a to make one complete revolution in either sense, carrying b with it. Then c must make one revolution in the same sense about its own axis, simply on account of the 20.] EPICYCLIC GEARING. 137 motion of a and without any action of the wheel- teeth. But the question is to know what motion c would have had had b been stationary. Let />, then, be made stationary, i.e. let it receive one turn back in the opposite sense to that in FIG. 67. which a carried it, so as to bring it into its original position. Then c must necessarily receive r turns in the opposite sense to b, i.e. in the same sense as that in which a moved. The whole motion of f, therefore, for one revolution of the arm a, has been (i + r) revolutions. This is only a re-statement, in another form, of the pro- position given at the end of 16. If c b and c a be the angular velocities of c relatively to b and a respectively, and b a the angular velocity of b relatively to a, then But c - r, hence fc. c b = (b a r b a \ i). 138 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. The angular velocity of b relatively to 2 between the A and the B positions of the cam, must be equal to the given angle A OB. In the figure the given relative positions of the cam and the bar have been so chosen that all these conditions can be fulfilled and the point 2 found. It is then only necessary to join the points i, 2, and 3 by any fair curve convex outwards and having the required tangents a, / 2 , and / 3 at the three points. In the extreme case 2, 3 may be a straight line, a part of the tangent at 2, which will cause the point 3 to become the driving-point directly contact at 2 ceaies. The point 4, corresponding to d, has to be found by a similar construction, and its possible positions are limited by similar conditions, but it can easily be seen that these con- ditions can not be fulfilled in our example. For the tangent / 4 to the cam at 4 (when position a is again reached) falls within the point 3. This will make the outline or profile of 22.] CAM TRAINS. 157 the cam concave outwards between 3 and 4 (as dotted). The point 3 will therefore still remain the driving-point after the position C is passed, and will not only fix the D position of the bar in some other place than that chosen, but will prevent the bar reaching its lowest position until the point 4' (the point where a line drawn from 3 touches the circle) becomes the driving point. NOTE TO CHAPTER VI. VIRTUAL CENTRES IN WHEEL-GEARING. In 19, it was pointed out that the virtual centres of wheel-trains could be determined graphically and without calculation, although in most cases this was not the most convenient method. The construc- tions connected with this matter have, however, sufficient geometrical interest to justify their being given here. Let Fig. 83 represent an FIG. 83. ordinary spur-wheel chain of four links ; the problem is to find the point Obd, the virtual centre of the last wheel d relatively to the first wheel b. We know, to start with, the diameters of all the wheels (given on the paper), and we know also that the centrodes of b and d must be circles, and that Of,d, their point of contact, must lie on the line joining their centres. Suppose b fixed, the frame a turns about the point I (= O a6 ). 158 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vi. Let $M represent on any scale the velocity of the point 3(= O ac ) of the link a. Then by drawing the line iM we obtain 5^V as the velocity of the point 5 (which is also the point O a d) in a. The point 2 is the virtual centre O bc of the link c relatively to b. All points in c are there- fore moving (relatively to b) about this point, and their velocities vary as their distances from it. We know the velocity of one point in c, namely ^M, the velocity of 3, for this is the common point O at , of c and a. By drawing 2.M, therefore, we can find at once 4/> as the velocity of the point 4 in c relatively to b. But the point 4 is O cd , the common point of c and d, therefore \P must also be the velocity of the point 4 in d relatively to b. We therefore know the velocities of two points in d, namely 4 and 5, relatively to b. But the velocity of all points in d re- latively to b vary as their distances from the as yet unknown point OM. To find this point, we have then only to join PN t and mark the point where this line cuts the axis as the required point. The centrodes of b and d are therefore the dotted circles, b^ and d^. Writing o for Obd, the velocity ratio of the train is !?, which is intrinsically negative, as 05 is 5 measured in the opposite sense to 10. The given compound train is equivalent to a simple train with two wheels, one of them annular, the pitch circles of these wheels touching in o, and their centres being those of the first and last wheels in the original train. About this construction we may now notice that the velocity of the point 3 of a, ^M, was set off on any scale. $M was therefore a line of 22.] CAM TRAINS. 159 any length whatever, and we did not actually require to know the velocity of a. We have simply to draw ^M, qP, and 5^ parallels, lA 1 " and -2.P any lines from I and 2 passing through a common point M, and then join PN to find o. The construction can be extended with the greatest ease to any number of axes. In Figure 84 one more wheel, e, is added, touching d in the point 6, and having its centre at 7. Then we know the velocity of two points in e relatively to b, for the point 7 is also a point in a ( O ae ) and must have the velocity 7^, while the point 6 is also a point in d ( = O de ] and must have the velocity 60. The virtual centre of ^relatively to b, (Oi, e }, is found at once, by joining RQ with the centre line of the mechanism. Calling this point o', the velocity ratio of this train is , and is positive, so that both the representative wheels o'7 (shown in dotted lines 6 t and 2 , the final velocity, 1 or __ 7^ + 7' 2 _ fa + V^t " Q 2~ ~T~ In such a case the mean velocity is therefore very easily found, and the actual velocity at any instant scarcely less easily. Fig. 92 (on p. 198) is a velocity diagram for such a case, where ^ = 1*5 ft. per second and v 2 5 ft. per second. 7' is therefore 3-25 feet per second, which is the actual 1 If the sense of v a is opposite to that of v^ it must have the minus sign prefixed to it, and V Q = y i + ( ~ v *) = v --^> 2 3 .] LINEAR AND ANGULAR VELOCITY. 165 velocity at the end of half the time interval, or two and a-half seconds from the start. V Q is of course the mean height of the line whose ordinates represent the velocities. But in the case of a body moving with some irregularly varying velocity, such as that shown by the diagram (Fig. 90) on p. 194, the mean velocity can only be found approxi- mately by taking the mean of the actual velocities at a sufficient number of different points. The arithmetical mean of the initial and final velocities may, in such a case, differ to any extent from the real mean, and could not be substituted for it. It is very important in what follows that the distinction which we have just enforced between the velocity of a body at a given instant and the mean of its velocities at a number of successive instants, should be kept in mind, a distinction which applies equally to angular and to linear velocities. The linear velocity of a body, as a quantity having mag- nitude, sense, and direction, is a " directed quantity," or vector, which has been our justification for the representation of velocities by lines having just those properties, and which justifies us in applying all the graphic rules of vector addi- tion, &c. to lines representing linear velocities. We have now to look at the case where a body (plane motion being always presupposed) is turning about a point at a finite distance, so that its motion is a simple rotation. Here, as we have seen, the linear velocity of every point is proportional to its radius, so that all points not having the same radius have different linear velocities. But although the points of a rotating body have so different linear velo- cities, yet as long as the form of the body is not itself under- going change, all points in it move through the same angle in the same time. Otherwise, as we said in 7, different parts of it must have had different motions, and this is i66 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. impossible as long as the body remains rigid. The fact that all the points of a rotating body move through the same angle in the same time is expressed by saying that every point in it has the same angular velocity. Just as either a foot, a yard, or a mile might be used as a unit for linear motion, so several different units might be used for angular motion a revolution, 1 for instance, or a degree. There are practical conveniences, however, in taking for the unit of angular motion the angle subtended by an arc whose length is equal to its radius, which is - ) or about 57*3. As the circumference of a circle of 27T / radius r is 2 TT r, the number of units equal to r in one com- 2 7T T plete revolution is = 2 TT, which is numerically equal to the distance moved through in one revolution by a point at unit radius. Further, if the body make n revolutions per second, it moves through 2 TT n angular units per second, which is again numerically equal to the number of feet tra- versed per second by a point at unit radius. The number 273-72 is called the angular velocity of the body, an expression which may be understood to mean either the rate at which the whole body is turning about its axis, expressed in angular units per second, or the rate at which any point in it having a radius equal to unity is mov- ing, expressed in feet per second. The velocity in feet per second of any point in the body whose radius is r feet is obtained by multiplying the angular velocity of the body by the radius of the point, and is therefore equal to 2ir n r. Where a body has a motion of translation only, it is often 1 In cases where the revolution is used as the unit of angular motion the time unit is most commonly a minute instead of a second. 23.] LINEAR AND ANGULAR VELOCITY. 167 sufficient for us to take the velocity of any point as repre- senting that of the whole body, just as if the whole body were concentrated at that point. But where the body is in rotation about a point at a finite distance, and in all problems which involve the action of forces on the body, and consequently involve consideration of its mass, we may suppose the whole mass to be concentrated only at any point among those which have one particular radius. This radius we may call the radius of inertia of the body, 1 and any point having this radius may be called a centre of inertia of the body. We cannot take its exist- ence for granted without proof, and the proof will be found in 32. Its position is such that if the whole mass of the body were concentrated there in one small particle, 2 the action of any forces on that particle would be the same as their action on the whole actual body. The radius of inertia is not equal to the virtual radius of the centre of gravity, and indeed becomes widely different from it when the virtual radius is small relatively to the dimensions of the body. If, therefore, R be the radius of inertia, in feet, of a body revolving about a given point (whether a virtual or per- manent centre) with an angular velocity 2 TT n, the body may be represented by a particle of equal mass to itself having a linear velocity 2 TT n R in a given direction, or normal to a given radius. The linear velocity of any point in a rotating body is 1 The terms " radius of gyration" or " radius of oscillation," which are sometimes used for it, are, unfortunately, very inconvenient. ' 2 The " particle " is supposed to be indefinitely small, so that its size may be entirely negligible. In the ca?e of a body rotating about its own centre of gravity, a thin cylinder or ring takes the place of this ideal particle. 168 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAR vii. thus a moment, and is numerically equal to the product of the angular velocity possessed in common by all the points of the body and the radius of the particular point in question. 1 The linear velocity of a point in a rotating body may therefore be represented by an area. It will be numerically equal to twice the area of the triangle whose base is the radius of the point and whose height is the angular velocity of the body. Thus in Fig. 85 let a body be turning about O with an angular velocity v a . The linear velocities of the points FIG. 85. A, B, and C are proportional to the areas of the triangles AA 1 O, B&O, and CC 1 O, if AA\ B l , and CC 1 are each made equal to v a , and set off at right angles to their respec- tive radii. The numerical value of the linear velocity of each point is obtained by doubling the area of the triangle in each case. 2 In general the different points of a rotating body are 1 It is presupposed that the units of linear and angular velocities are those stated above. 2 If we applied this to the case of translation we should have the radius of every point infinitely great and the motion of the body measured in angular units infinitely small. The linear velocity would, therefore, come out in the form x> x o, which cannot be further utilised directly. 24-] LINEAR VELOCITY. 169 moving in different directions, only those lying on the same radius having the same direction, but every point (7) is moving at right angles to its own virtual radius. 24, LINEAR VELOCITY TANGENTIAL ACCELERATION. So far as we know, a body which is at rest will remain always at rest, a body which is in motion will move for ever in the same direction with unchanged velocity, unless some extraneous cause alter the condition of rest or of uniform motion. Any such change is called an acceleration, and the " cause " producing acceleration is called force. It is necessary that the meaning and relations of both these expressions should be examined in some detail, and in the present and next following sections we shall consider the former of them. A velocity l has magnitude, sense, and direction. Any or all of these may undergo change, and any such change is called an acceleration. But a change in sense is really only a change in magnitude. If, for instance, a body be moving with a velocity of 10 in a given direction and sense, and its velocity be changed to 5 in the same direction but in the opposite sense, we can say that its velo- city has been changed from + 10 to - 5, and therefore the whole change is - 15, and can be entirely measured as a change of magnitude.. We may therefore say that accelera- tion must be of one or other (or both) of two kinds, one affecting the magnitude and the other the direction of a 1 See also 14 and 15. 1 70 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. velocity. The first we shall call tangential acceleration, and the second radial acceleration. We shall in this section consider only the way in which changes in the mag- nitudes of velocities, or tangential accelerations, are related to each other and measured. If the velocity of a body change from five feet per second to eleven, the magnitude of its velocity has been increased by six feet per second, that is, it has received a certain tangential acceleration. It is very important to notice, however, that we do not therefore say that it has received an acceleration of six feet per second, any more than we would say that the original velocity of the body was five feet. A foot is a unit of distance a foot-per-second is the unit of velocity ; and for acceleration our unit must be not a foot-per-second, but a foot-per-second of velocity added in one second, or more shortly a foot-second per second. A finite increase of velocity must have occupied some finite interval of time, say one second, or three. But there is just as much differ- ence between an increase of velocity which occupies only one second and one which is spread over three, that there is between the traversing of a certain distance in one second or in three. In the latter case the -velocity is in the one instance three times as great as in the other in the former case the acceleration is in one instance three times as great as in the other. We have seen in the last section that we may have either to do with the instantaneous velocity which a body actually possesses at a given instant or with the mean of its velocities during a certain succession of instants. We have now exactly the same distinction to make in the case of accelera- tions. The acceleration which a body is undergoing at a given instant is the rate at which its velocity is changing at that instant, measured in foot-seconds of additional velocity 24.] TANGENTIAL ACCELERATION. I7I ('positive or negative) per second. It does not follow 1 because a body has at a given instant an acceleration of six foot-seconds per second that therefore it will actually in any one second receive this additional velocity. All that we can say about it is that if the rate of change of velocity continued unaltered for a whole second the amount of the change would be six feet-per-second. It frequently happens that our problems are connected not so much with the actual acceleration of a body at any given instant, as with the average value of its accelerations at each instant over some finite time-interval. In such a case we find the total change of velocity which has occurred, that is the difference between the initial and final velocities, and divide by the time in seconds to obtain the mean acceleration during the time. The acceleration thus found is not necessarily the actual mean acceleration. It is the acceleration which, if it had acted uniformly for the given time, would have produced the given change of velocity in that time. But if the actual acceleration, as is most often the case, has been varying, it would at most instants differ from the mean acceleration thus found, and it might or might not be a part of our problem to find out at what instants the two values agreed. The distinction between the actual acceleration at a given instant, and the mean acceleration over a given time, must be kept in mind as clearly as the analogous distinction (p. 163) between instantaneous and mean velocity. In order, then, that we may measure the real change taking place in the velocity of an accelerated body we must know the rate at which the change is taking place, and our unit for measuring this rate of change, for which " accelera- tion " is only another name, is one foot-per-second of velocity 1 See the similar case of velocities on p. 163. 172 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vii. added in one second or one foot-second per second. The number of units of velocity which would be gained in a unit of time if the change continued uniformly for that time, measures the acceleration of the body, or its rate of change of velocity. It cannot be too distinctly remembered that we cannot speak of an acceleration of so many feet-per-second. It is unfortunate that we have no short expression to stand for a unit of velocity, so that we are compelled to adopt the somewhat cumbrous phrase already used. If a foot-per- second were called (as Dr. Lodge suggests) a "speed," then the unit of acceleration might be said to be one speed-per- se.cond. As it is, a foot-second per second seems the shortest available expression which we can use for it. When, therefore, we say that a body receives an acceleration of 10, we mean that it receives additional velocity at a rate which, if it remained unaltered for one second, would amount to ten feet per second in that time. When the acceleration of a body is the same at successive instants it is said to be uniform, in all other cases it is tin- uniform, or varying. If a body has a uniform acceleration over a certain period of time, its mean acceleration during that period is equal to its acceleration at each and every instant of the period. It is in such a case the same to us whether we have to do with the acceleration at one instant or the mean of the acceleration at many successive instants, for at every instant the acceleration is the same. As this case is so much simpler than . that of varying acceleration we shall consider it by itself first, only premising that in a majority of the cases occurring in engineering problems the acceleration is varying, and that the assumption of uniform acceleration in some such cases may lead to serious error, if indeed it does not make the problems altogether meaningless. 24.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 173 If a body moving with a velocity z^ has that velocity altered to v t during a time /, and the acceleration during the whole time is uniform, we shall obtain its value, , in foot-seconds per second by simply dividing the total gain of velocity by the time which it has occupied, or in symbols thus : If the body has started from rest, v l becomes zero if it ends at rest, 7' 2 becomes zero. If the sense of v 2 be oppo- site to that of 27 ]? the minus sign must be prefixed to it, and the algebraical difference between v 2 and v l becomes their arithmetical sum, as in the example already given on p. 169. But the time t must always be positive, so that in this case a becomes negative, The equation just written down enables any one of the four quantities which it contains to be determined when the other three are known, thus v z at . . .3 1 ... 4 a remembering that (taking the original velocity ^ as always positive) v 2 may be intrinsically either positive or negative. It must be noticed that either a or / can be found without knowledge of the absolute numerical values of v 2 and v v as long as the difference between them is known. It should be noticed also that by putting the equation in the form at = v 2 - v^ we see that at is a velocity numerically equal to (v 2 - vj feet per second. An acceleration of so many foot-seconds per second, multiplied by the number of seconds over 174 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. which it extends, is equal simply to the whole change of velocity, and is therefore itself a velocity, expressed in feet per second. If the body start from a state of rest (that is, of no velocity relatively to the standard chosen for the time being, see p. 20), v-i = o, and the equations become 5 '--<* = at ... .6 If a body starting with some finite velocity v^ come to rest at the end of the change, then v. 2 = o, and the equations become ii 12 10 If, lastly, the body starting with some finite velocity v v ends with a finite velocity v 2 , having a sense opposite to that of v lf the equations (as we have already seen), must become a = 4- y. ~t z'i - z; 2 + at. . .15 I / = "JLJ^a . . 16 ?; 2 = ^ - at. . . 14 ! a The negative acceleration in the last two sets of equations means simply that the change of speed has been in a sense opposite to that of the original velocity. A negative ac- celeration is sometimes called a retardation^ but the former expression is to be preferred, because (in such cases as thqse of equations 13 to 16) v 2 may be greater than v lt although in the opposite sense. If the velocity of a body be changed from 10 to 20 it can hardly be said to be retarded by the change of - 30, for it is moving twice as 24-] TANGENTIAL ACCELERATION. 175 fast at the end of the change as it was at the beginning, although in the opposite direction. We shall therefore call all changes of velocity accelerations, meaning by this that some magnitude has been added to the velocity, whether this magnitude be positive or negative, and whether the final velocities be plus or minus, or greater or less than the initial velocity. The following examples of problems connected with uniform acceleration illustrate the use of the formulae of this section : A body has a velocity of 50 ft. per second, and receives an accelera- tion of 5 (foot-seconds per second) for 4 seconds. What velocity will it have at the end of this period ? Here a 5, t 4 and v l = 50, so that z/ 2 , the velocity required, which is equal to at + v lt is 5 x 4 + 50, or 70 feet per second. Other things remaining the same, what would have been its final velocity if the acceleration had been - 7 (foot-seconds per second) ? Here at + v l = - (7 x 4) -f 50 = 50 - 28, or 22 feet per second. The final velocity is less than the initial velocity as the acceleration was negative. If a body starts from rest, and acquires a velocity of 21 ft. per second in 6 seconds, what must have been its mean acceleration during that period ? Here v l o, and a = 21-^-6 or 3 '5 (foot-seconds per second). If a body moving at the rate of 17-5 feet per second be brought to rest in 7 seconds what acceleration must it have received ? Here z> 2 ~ o, and a= 1 = - 17-5 -=- 7 = - 2-5 (foot-seconds per second). How long a time would be required to increase to 120 ft. per second the velocity of a body moving at the rate of 72 ft. per second, if the acceleration were 5 (foot-seconds per second) ? V 9 - V, 120 - 72 Here / = -^ = = 9-6 seconds. A body moving at the rate of 270 ft. per second undergoes an acceleration of - 18 (foot-seconds per second), how long will it be before it comes to rest ? 176 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. 2A 27O Here z> 2 = o, and t - -~^ = 15 seconds. G> I O As the equations themselves have not special reference to mechanisms, but are perfectly general, it has not been necessary to choose these examples with any special reference to machines. Their application to engineering problems will be examined further on. Having seen the principal relations between velocity, time, and acceleration so far as concerns the case when an acceleration is uniform, that is, remains equal at every instant, over a certain time, we have now to look at instan- taneous acceleration (p. 170), or the rate at which the velocity of a body is being changed at a given instant. Let the equal distances OA, AB, and BC in Fig. 86 stand for equal A B (Scale of Seconds) FIG. 86. intervals of time, each t seconds, and let the ordinates of the curve A^B^C^ as AA^ BB^ etc. represent the velocities of a body at the times A, B, and C respectively Further let the same distance on the paper stand for a unit of time 24.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 177 and a unit of velocity. Then over any interval such as BC the mean acceleration is approximately _ i^ - v^ = CC 1 - BB l = CC l _ CC V t BC " "BC fc / If we join B^ and C\ and call the angle C^B^C = (3, we might therefore put tan ft as the mean value of the accelera- tion over the time interval BC. Similarly tan a is the mean acceleration between A and B. If after C^ we took any point D^ at any time interval whatever from d we should still get the same result. For between C l and D l the acceleration would be - CC l CD ' We thus get a numerical value for the acceleration in a form in which we can make the time interval as small as we please, or, if we please, zero. For if we take D close to C, then C^D^ becomes the line joining two consecutive points of the curve, which we know to be the tangent to the curve, and although" in that case we cannot draw the point D', or measure any distance D'D^ yet we know that the line C^D' must be parallel to the axis. Hence, although we can measure neither CD nor D 'D l we can still get the ratio between them, because we know the angle y, and therefore know its tangent, which therefore measures the acceleration at the point Z>, or the instantaneous acceleration. A curve such as A l B l C l . . . . whose ordinates repre- sent velocities and whose abscissas represent times, is called a velocity curve on a time base. Calling therefore the angle which a tangent to the curve at any point makes with the base the angle between the curve and the base at that point, we may say that given a velocity curve on a time N i;8 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. base, the tangent of the angle between the curve and the base at any point is equal to the accelera- tion at that point. 1 In Fig. 86 for instance the acceleration at starting, that is, at the point O, is equal to tan 0, or in the figure as drawn 2 '5 foot-seconds per second. The acceleration at A^ is o'9 foot-seconds per second, and at J3 l 0-5 foot-seconds per second, while the approximate mean acceleration between T>' T> A l and B^ or r^, is 0*67 foot-seconds per second. To avoid possibility of misunderstanding it may be as well to point out that the form of such a velocity curve ab that of Fig. 86 has nothing whatever to do with the path of the body whose velocities it represents. At present we are supposing that the body is moving always along a straight line, its velocity varying only in speed along that line and not changing in direction at all. 25. LINEAR VELOCITY. TANGENTIAL ACCELERATION (continued}. In the last two sections we have considered velocity and acceleration only in connection with time, and our equations have contained only the three quantities v, /, and a. It is necessary before leaving this part of our subject to con- sider them also in connection with distance, and here of course questions of instantaneous velocity and acceleration no longer occur. When a body moves with a uniform velocity of z r feet per 1 We shall see in 28 how to deal with this in the case when (as is usual) the velocities and times are drawn to different scales. 25.] TANGENTIAL ACCELERATION. 179 second during / seconds it passes through a distance of V Q times t feet, a result which we can write where s is the distance or space in feet passed through in / seconds. When a body, however, moves with a varying velocity during a certain time we can only find out the distance traversed if we know the mean velocity during that time, or the mean rate of change of velocity or accelera- tion. If the acceleration has been uniform the mean velocity is simply the arithmetical mean between the initial and final velocities, or -. We shall at first consider 2 only the case of uniform acceleration. The distance moved through in / seconds by a body uniformly accelerated from f.'j to e' 2 will therefore be ;,,.'.'- ~-l~'- W We have already seen that - -'-^J. (2) and if we multiply together the two left-hand sides of these two equations, and the two right-hand sides, and double the product in each case we get 2 as = vf -- z^ 2 , from which V - v \ / \ s = 2 oa 1 (3) Further, from the last section we know that v% = ^ + at, and putting this value for z/ 2 in equation (i) above, we get s = Vl t -f V (4) N 2 iSo THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. Similarly by taking the value v 2 - at for z' 15 and putting it into equation (i) we get (5) The five equations just given contain five quantities, s, Vy v, a and /, and are so arranged that each one contains four of these quantities, so that any quantity can be found if three of the others are known. If the body has started from rest, so that v^ = o, the first equation becomes j 1 = - /. Similarly if the body come to rest at the end of the acceleration, so that v 2 = o, the J same equation becomes s - l f. In these cases it is convenient to write v for the change of velocity, so that s = -t and a = - Equations (3) and (4) under these circumstances become z> 2 a respectively s = - and s = -/ 2 20 2 For a body starting from or ending at rest we have there- fore the four equations : v = at ....... (6) .' V-* ....... (7) s = ?t* ...... (8) 2 # 2 = 2dS ....... (9) These are four equations involving altogether four quan- tities, v, a, /, and s, arranged so that each equation contains only three of the quantities, and so that any one of the 25-] LINEAR VELOCITY. 181 quantities can be found by the help of one or other equation, from any two of the others. We may now examine examples of these equations so far as they do not fall under those already illustrated in the last section. A body moving 10 feet per second has its velocity increased to 24 feet per second while it traverses 51 yards. What time does the acceleration occupy? Here the mean velocity ^_+_^i = 17 feet per second, and by (i) t = s I2 - = -2. = a seconds. V a + Z>! 17 A body having initially a velocity of 7 feet per second receives an acceleration of 3 foot-seconds per second for I minute. What distance will it pass over in that time ? Here by (4) s = 7 x :6o + i 3600 = 5820 feet. Of course this problem might equally well be solved by calculating v z and using equation (i). v = v^ + at 7 + 180 = 187 feet per second, and s = (l^LLl \6o = 5820 feet, as above. A body falls in speed from 9 to 2 feet per second while it is traversing a distance of 70 feet. What is its acceleration ? Using equation (3) o, 0*55 foot-seconds per second. 140 140 A body having an initial velocity of 2 '5 feet per second receives an acceleration of i foot-second per second during 12 seconds. What distance will it pass over in that time ? By equation (4) s = 2-5 X 12 + ^ = 102 feet. 2 With the same initial velocity and acceleration as in the last case, what time would the body take to pass over 102 feet? The same equation as in the last case may be used to find / (v^, a and j being given), but as in this case a quadratic would have to be solved it is i8 2 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. more convenient to find v z from equation (3) and then t from equations (I) or (2). From (3) "2, = 14-5 feet per second and / = v * ~ *i = I4>5 ~ 2 '5 = 12 seconds a I which is a check upon the working of the last example. A train which has had an initial velocity of 40 miles per hour has had its speed reduced to 5 miles an hour in a minute and a half ; what distance will it have travelled in that time ? One mile an hour is 88 feet a minute or I '467 feet per second, so that z/j and z> 2 are respectively 58*7 and 7*3 feet per second, and from equation (i) = 2970 feet or 0*56 of a mile. How long would it take, under similar conditions, for the train to come to rest, and how far would it have run before it did come to rest ? Here we must first find the acceleration, which we can do from equation (2), a = f- =103 seconds, and the distance travelled before the velocity o*57 becomes zero can be found from equation (7), feet The result may also be got from equation (9), which gives 2 X . A body starting from rest attains a velocity of 42 feet per second in 5 minutes. What space will it have passed through in the time? 25.] TANGENTIAL ACCELERATION. ^3 Here z^ = o and v. 2 = v = 42, and by (7) ^ 42X 2 3 = 6300 feet. The piston of a Cornish engine, which has a stroke of nine feet, attains its maximum velocity of 12 feet per second at one-third of the stroke : what time does it take in passing through this distance, and what must be its acceleration ? Here z> l = o, v z = v = 12. From (7) t - 0*5 of a second, V 12 and from (6) a = - = 24 foot-seconds per second. t 0-5 A train attains a velocity of 5 miles an hour in 10 minutes after leaving a station. What distance will it have travelled in this time and what must have been its acceleration ? Here ^ = o and v z = v = 50 miles an hour = 73-3 feet per second, and from (7) x 600 = 2I990 feet or 4>l6 miles> s = -t = The acceleration can be obtained either from (8) or (9). From the former 2J 2 X 21990 a -- = v~^ ~ ' 122 foot-seconds per second, and from the latter a = 7 - 73 3 *_73_J _ O - I2 2 foot-seconds per second as before. 2J 2 X 21990 Two bodies A and B start together with an initial velocity of 4 feet per second ; when both are 4 feet from the starting point A has a velocity of i foot per second and B of - I foot per second. What has been the acceleration in each case ? From (3) we have the acceleration as v *" " Vl which in the case of both A and B is ~ * , or - -^ SQ tbat W have t h e apparent paradox 184 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP.VII. that the same acceleration of - foot-seconds per second corresponds o to different final velocities, although the distances travelled by the two bodies are equal. The paradox is only apparent, however, and can easily be explained. At the end of the process B is moving backwards (v 2 = - i) while A is still moving forwards (v. 2 i}. So that B must have moved forward more than 4 feet, come to rest, and begun to move back again. It will be worth while to work this out, and show that the quantities are in reality quite consistent. First of all, find the time which the operation has taken in each case from equation 2 O C ( i ) t . This gives - seconds for A and - seconds for B. v* + v, 5 3 (If these values for t are put in equation (2), and the value of a worked out, they will be found both to come to - -^ as above.) Now find o how long B must have taken to come to rest, i.e. to make v. 2 = o. Using equation (6), v - = t, we get the time as ^ seconds-. Lastly.. finding from the same equation how long it would take to give B, now at rest, a velocity of i foot per second, (the acceleration still being _ 2 foot-seconds per second,) we get it seconds. Adding these two o *5 periods together, we find that to change the velocity of B from 4 feet per second to - I foot per second, with a uniform acceleration of ^ foot-seconds per second, would require ^ _ = _ seconds exactly as was calculated above. 26. LINEAR VELOCITY RADIAL ACCELERATION. At any one instant a body may, for our present purposes, be represented by a particle having the same mass, and placed anywhere so long as it is at a certain distance (equal to its radius of inertia ') from the point about which it is 1 See p. 167 and 32. 26.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 185 rotating. For simplicity's sake, let us suppose such a particle to be substituted for the body, and let us further suppose (what, as we shall see, is far from being true) that for all positions and motions of the body the position of this representative particle in respect to it remains unchanged. At any one instant the particle can be moving in one direction only, change of velocity along that direction, whether positive or negative, is what we have called tangential acceleration. But if the path of the particle be a curve and not a straight line, this direction although fixed at any one instant, varies from instant to instant continually. During such variation the magnitude of the velocity of the body in feet-per-second may remain unchanged, so that there may have been no tangential acceleration. But clearly the direction of the velocity has been changed, and direction is not less a property of a velocity than magnitude. Hence, we say still that the body has received an acceleration, or change of velocity,, but to distinguish the two cases, we call the acceleration of which we are now speaking, for reasons which will be presently explained, a radial acceleration. But one velocity can be changed into another only by (algebraical) addition of a velocity, and as the added velocity in this case does not (by hypothesis) affect the magnitude of the speed in the original direction, its own direction must be at right angles to the first. When a body, 1 therefore, is moving in a continuous curve it must be receiving at every instant radial acceleration, for if at any instant the radial acceleration became zero the curve would become a straight line. The direction of motion of the body is at any instant the tangent to its path at that instant. Along that 1 Here and in other places in these sections the word "body" must be understood to mean the particle of equal mass with the body already mentioned. i86 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. tangent it may or may not be receiving tangential accelera- tion ; that is a point with which we have already dealt in the last two sections. Under all circumstances, however, the body must at every instant be receiving acceleration normal to that tangent, that is, in the direction of its own virtual radius, and this is what we have called radial acceleration. Just, then, as the tangential acceleration of a body at any instant is the rate of change of speed in the direction of motion of the body, so its radial acceler- ation is the rate of change of speed at right angles to its direction of motion, in other words along its virtual radius, and equally with tangential acceleration, and for exactly the same reasons, is to be measured in foot-seconds per second, if feet and seconds are, as before, our units of distance and time. The simplest illustration of radial, acceleration is that of a ball swung round a centre to which it is attached by a cord of fixed length. The actual velocity of the ball is (or may be) the same at every instant. If it were left to itself it would move away tangentially to its enforced orbit with just that velocity. But this is prevented by the pull of the string, which compels the ball continually to keep at the same distance from the centre, that is, compels it to be continually nearer the centre than it would otherwise be, although its actual distance from the centre remains un- altered. From this virtual drawing of the body towards the centre of motion radial acceleration is often, called centripetal acceleration. One or two points must be noted here which are apt to give rise to misunderstanding. In the first place, although the body, in the case just supposed, is accelerated towards the centre, it does not actually move towards the centre. By hypothesis the acceleration is at right angles to the 26.] RADIAL ACCELERATION. 187 direction of motion, and therefore in a direction in which there is no motion. Here, therefore, we have acceleration without velocity. If a body A (Fig. 87) is turning uniformly about a fixed point (9, its velocity is fully represented by a line AA V at right angles to its radius, and its acceleration by some line AA 2 along its radius. It has no acceleration along AA-v and no velocity along AA%, and care must be taken not to add together AA^ and AA 2 as if they were similar magnitudes. If the body is not revolving uniformly it will FIG. 87, have acceleration along AA V its direction of motion. If AA Z were such an acceleration we could add AA% and AA 2 together to find the resultant acceleration AA Q , for they would be vectors representing similar magnitudes. But in general it is more convenient to deal with them separately. In any case the whole acceleration of a body is the sum -of its accelerations along and normal to its direction of motion, i.e., the sum of its tangential and radial accelerations as already defined. This sum can be re- solved along and at right angles to any direction whatever, if it is desired to find the acceleration in any given direction. The only direction in which the body will have no accelera- tion at all will be the direction at right angles to that of its total acceleration. It is to be remembered that, having dealt with tangential and radial acceleration, we have covered every possible case i88 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. which can occur with linear velocity in bodies having plane motion. For all such bodies are either turning about some centre or moving with simple translation. As acceleration is an instantaneous quantity, that is, a rate of change existing at one particular instant, we are obviously indifferent whether the centre towards which radial acceleration occurs is a virtual or a permanent centre. In the latter case, (as with the ball and string,) the acceleration in successive instants is always towards the same centre and normal to a circle. In the former case, the acceleration in successive instants is towards different centres, and at each instant normal to the curve (however irregular) described by the particle which we are supposing to represent the body. l The radial acceleration of a body at any particular instant depends upon the curvature (and therefore upon the radius) of its path and the velocity with which it is moving in that path. We must therefore be able to express the radial acceleration of any body in terms of r and v, and shall proceed to see how this can be done. Let the curve PP l (Fig. 88) be a circular arc whose centre is Q, and let R FIG. be the point on a diameter opposite to P. Let P'be a repre- sentative particle turning about O, with radius OP = r, and therefore moving for the instant in the arc PP l ; further let 1 As to the representation of a body by a particle, see particularly the last paragraphs of this section, and also the whole of 31 and 32. 26.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 189 the velocity of P (supposed uniform) be v t and the time taken to traverse the distance PP^ be /, so that J > P l = vt. Let the angle POP l be taken so small that arc and chord may be treated as equal. At P the body has no velocity along PO; by the time it has reached P l it has moved through the distance PQ in that direction. PQ is therefore the distance moved in the direction PO in a time / by a body starting from rest and undergoing the radial accelera- tion a which we wish to find. By taking PP l sufficiently small we may suppose OP l to be (within any desired ap- proximation) parallel to OP, so that the motion PQ is in the direction of OP l as well as of OP, that is, is instantaneous radial motion. By equation 8, p. 180, so that a Further, as PP^R is the angle in a semicircle, it is a right angle, hence vt and PR = 2QP = 2 /-, so that PQ = - and by substitution 2_ Z/ 2 / 2 ' ~ where v is the velocity of P (in feet per second) along the tangent at the instant when the body occupies the posi- tion P, and r is its radius (in feet) in that position. The radial or centripetal acceleration, a, is of course measured in foot-seconds per second, as usual, and its magnitude 190 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. varies directly as the square of the linear velocity, and inversely as the radius of the point. EXAMPLES. A ball is swung by a cord at 30 inches radius at the rate of 20 revolutions per minute. What centripetal acceleration does the ball undergo ? Here v 2 ' ITr 2O = 5-23 feet per second, and a = 5_?3_ 11 60 2 -5 foot-seconds per second nearly. In this question the radius 30" is the radius of inertia of the ball, and not the radius of its mass-centre (see 30 and 32), all hough for practical purposes the two centres might often in such a case be treated as identical. The radius of inertia of a connecting-rod is 5 feet 6 inches, the linear velocity of points upon that radius is 8 feet per second. What radial acceleration has the connecting-rod ? The problem is treated exactly as the last, the fact that O (see e.g. Fig. 89) is a virtual instead of a permanent centre making no Q2 __ difference, v 8 feet per second, r = 5 '5 feet, and a - ~ ii'6 foot-seconds per second. In general in such a problem as this the velocity, u, would have to be found by construction (as in 14) from a given velocity of crank-pin in revolutions per minute. We have spoken of the acceleration of a body, whose mass was supposed to be concentrated at one point. For many purposes it is sufficient so to treat the matter. But physically the conditions are not so simple. In the first place it is not only as a whole that a body tends to preserve its direction of motion, each individual particle in it has the same tendency, and of course different particles have very different directions of motion. In such a case as that just supposed, a ball swinging at the end of a string, if the velocity were sufficiently increased the string would break and the ball fly off, spinning round and round at the same time, on account of the greater velocity of its outer than of its inner particles. But if instead of a metal ball swung from a string we had a plaster ball swung by iron links, the 2 6.] RADIAL ACCELERATION. 191 links would not give way under the increased velocity, but the particles of the plaster would separate from each other, and the ball would break up. In the case to be considered later on (see 48), where such a body as a fly-wheel is revolving about an axis through its own centre of gravity or mass-centre, the wheel, as a whole, has no radial-accelera- tion, but none the less every particle in it has its own radial acceleration, and unfortunately there are not a few cases on record where a too great velocity has so increased this centripetal acceleration that a fly-wheel has burst in pieces with very serious results. The real connection be- tween centripetal acceleration and what is usually (though unfortunately) called the centrifugal force, which causes this breaking up, will be examined in 30. In the second place, the representation of a body by a particle, dynamically, is only admissible as an instantaneous method. That is, at any one instant the whole mass of the body might be concentrated at any point in it having a certain distance from the axis about which the body is turning, this distance being what we have called the radius of inertia of the body. If the body is always turning about the same point, then and then only does this radius remain constant and belong always to the same points in the body. Only under these conditions, therefore, can any one particle continue to be representative of the whole body. In the case of a body moving at successive instants about different axes, its radius of inertia continually changes, and changes so that no one particle remains at this radius during the change of position of the whole. At each different position of the body, therefore, a different particle must be taken to represent it, any one particle representing it only for the one instant at which that particle is one of those at the radius of inertia. i 9 2 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. Besides finding the radial acceleration at one instant, we may require to know its mean value at all the instants throughout a certain definite time, just as in the case of tangential acceleration. It may be sufficient to take the mean as simply half the sum of the initial and final accelerations, but if this does not suffice, as many intermediate values of the acceleration as may be necessary must be found and their mean taken. 27. LINEAR VELOCITY AND TOTAL ACCELERATION. We have seen that a body might receive acceleration either in or at right angles to its direction of motion, or in both ways at once, and these two accelerations together constitute the total acceleration of the body. In general it is more convenient to treat them separately than together, because (at least in machinery) they connect themselves with totally different forces. But there is never any difficulty in adding the two accelerations together graphically if it is O&d FIG. 89. desired to find the total acceleration which a body is under- going at any instant. It will be sufficient to give one example of this. Suppose we desire to find the total accel- eration (often called the resultant acceleration) of the con- 28.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 193 necting rod in Fig. 89 taking quantities as on p. 190 in the last section. We have already found that the radial accel- eration was 1 1 '6 foot-seconds per second. The tangential acceleration in the position shewn, maybe 6 foot-seconds per second. The total acceleration is given by the ordinary construction in Fig. 89. It is 13*1 foot-seconds per second and its direction makes an angle of about 27 with the virtual radius. An example of this kind fully worked out and commented on will be found in 49. 28. LINEAR VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION DIAGRAMS. In several sections of Chapter V. we saw how to construct diagrams of the velocity of a point in a mechanism ; it now remains to show how to connect such diagrams with a graphic representation of the acceleration occurring as the velocity changes. The particular velocity diagrams hitherto drawn were constructed on the assumption that we knew the velocity of at least some one point in a mechanism. We shall presently see how to construct such a diagram without this assumption, calculating the velocity at each instant from the forces in action. This matter is not one which need concern us just now, however. We may assume that we have, to start with, a diagram of the linear velocity of a body constructed by any method. It must be assumed here either that the body has only a motion of translation or that (if the body be rotating in any way) the diagram represents the linear velocities in one particular direction of a particle representing the body. Our problem shall now be : given such a curve, its ordinates represent- o 194 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. ing velocities, to construct by its aid another curve whose ordinates shall represent the corresponding accelerations. Velocity diagrams are of two types ; in most we have hitherto constructed the abscissae have represented the distances moved through by the point, but we might equally well construct a diagram in which abscissae should represent intervals of time instead of intervals of space. As the latter type of diagram is somewhat the simpler we shall commence with it. In Fig. 90 the equal spaces (abscissae) marked i, 2, 3, 4, 17 4 Seconds Seco uis FIG. 90. &c., on the horizontal axis, stand for equal intervals of time (seconds), while the curve above represents the corresponding velocities to the scale which is marked on the vertical axis. The body for which the diagram is drawn decreases in speed from five to three feet per second in the first two seconds, then increases in speed to six feet per second in the next two, and then falls to about five feet per second again. The acceleration must therefore be negative at first, then positive, then negative again. Taking the acceleration as constant through each interval, 28.] ACCELERATION DIAGRAMS. 195 i.e. treating the curve as if it were a polygon with vertices where it cuts the second lines, the acceleration during each interval is ^~ 7 ' 1 and as in this case we have the initial and final velocities for each single second given in the diagram, t becomes = i, and av^-v^ so tnat ^ * s on ty necessary to measure off the differences between the first and last ordinates for each second (marked a l9 a^ a 3 &c.), and set them off above or below any axis, and opposite the middle points of the time intervals. 1 The accelerations being thus numerically equal to the differences of velocity in each second, the scale of accelerations will be the same as the scale of velocities, that is the length on the paper which stands in the one case for one foot-per-second will also stand in the other for one foot-second-per-second. In this diagram a separate axis is used for setting off the accelerations, but in general, to save space, the horizontal axis of the velocity diagram will be used also as the axis for the acceleration curve. Positive acceleration will be set upwards from the axis and negative downwards. The points thus determined in an acceleration curve correspond to the values of the mean accelerations during each time interval on the assumption that the velocity changes uniformly during each interval, and that therefore the acceleration is constant during each interval. The velocity curve is in fact assumed to be the dotted polygon, and the acceleration diagram the stepped (dotted) line, the acceleration changing suddenly and only at the end of each second. This is the simplest relation which can exist between velocity and acceleration curves. A constant rate of change of velocity makes the velocity curve a straight 1 Opposite the middle and not the end points, because they represent the average acceleration during the whole of the time interval. O 2 196 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. line of uniform slope, and the acceleration curve a straight line parallel to the axis. But in reality the rate of change of the velocity is not uniform during each second, but changes continually, both velocity and acceleration there- fore are represented by continuous curves. Instead of drawing the acceleration curve as a series of steps, we there- fore draw a continuous line through the points which we have determined and take the ordinates of this line as an approximation to the real (continually changing) accelerations at each point. The closer the time intervals be taken the more nearly does the velocity polygon coincide with the velocity curve, and the closer therefore does the acceleration curve ap- proximate to a true representation of the real accelerations at each instant, and there is never any practical difficulty in the way of making the approximation quite as good as the conditions of the problem require. But we have seen that we can obtain an absolutely exact value of the acceleration at any given instant without using any approximative polygon, or making any assump- tions as to the velocity increasing uniformly over certain time intervals, however short. The method of doing this was described and proved in 24, in connection with Fig. 86. To apply that method in a case like this it is necessary only to draw tangents to the velocity curve at the point where the acceleration is required, and take for the acceleration at the point the rise or fall of this tangent (measured on the velocity scale) in whatever distance stands for one second. The construction is shown in Fig. 91. It gives an acceleration diagram sensibly differing from the former only during the fifth second, where a return curvature in the velocity curve causes it to differ very much from the assumed polygon side. LINEAR VELOCITY. 197 The only reason for not using this method always in preference to the former is that although it is absolutely correct if the tangent be drawn rightly, yet in most cases we are only able to guess at the tangent. The velocity curve 'J 4 Seconds FIG. QI. Secc is seldom a conic or other curve whose tangent can be accurately drawn at all readily. The error introduced by wrongly drawn tangents may easily be greater than that due to the assumptions made in connection with Fig. 90. Neither errors are, however, cumulative. In any case the tangential method should be used wherever, as in the fifth second in Fig. 90, the velocity curve differs very much from its representative polygon. Wherever, also, as at points in the second and fourth seconds above, the curve is parallel to the axis, its tangent therefore parallel to the axis, it should be remembered that there can be no acceleration, and that therefore the accelera- tion curve must either cut or touch the axis opposite these points. Fig. 92 represents the case already discussed of uniform (positive) acceleration, where v^z\ is the same not only 198 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. for every second, but also at each instant during every second, and the acceleration curve is a straight line parallel to the axis. The scales are the same as in the last figure. ..? Acce, "ration O (7 2 J _ ^ . J Seconds FIG. 92. Fig. 93 represents the case of a train starting from a station and gradually attaining a maximum and constant velocity. Here the marked points on the axis represent minutes, so Minutes FIG. 93. that if the accelerations be, as before, set off equal to the difference between the initial and final velocities for each division they are sixty times too great, as that difference 28.] ACCELERATION DIAGRAMS. 199 represents the change of speed in sixty seconds instead of in one. But it would be very inconvenient to divide all the differences of velocity by sixty, and quite unnecessary. To make matters right we have only to make the acceleration scale sixty times the velocity scale, as is done in the figure. This simply amounts to making the same distance stand for an acceleration of a foot-second per minute, as stands for a velocity of a foot per second. Precisely the same thing, of course, applies if the tan- gential method of Fig. 91 be used instead of the polygonal method. In Fig. 93, there is not only one point in the velocity curve where its tangent becomes parallel to the axis, but the whole curve, becomes parallel to the axis and remains so from the end of the fourth minute. The velocity in this part of the curve is therefore constant, and the acceleration zero, and we find, correspondingly, that the acceleration curve runs into the axis and disappears just when the velocity curve becomes horizontal. The diagram Fig. 93 also affords a good illustration of a point about which it is important that there should be no confusion. The velocity of the train keeps on increasing until its maximum is reached, but the rate at which the velocity changes, i.e. the acceleration, keeps on diminishing, and becomes zero as soon as the velocity becomes constant, which happens in this case to be also when the velocity becomes a maximum. Rate of change of velocity and rate of change of acceleration are quite independent of each other, and must not be in any way confounded with one another. If the accelerations were given in any case, and the velocities were to be found, it is obvious that the velocity curve could be set off from the acceleration curve without 200 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. any constructive difficulty, if the absolute velocity at any one point were known to start with. Fig. 94 represents the second type of velocity curve where the horizontal abscissas stand for equal distances, instead of equal times. The construction for the ac- celeration is shown in detail in two of the spaces. It is simply as follows : through the mid point J/of any chord of the velocity line draw a normal MN. The segment of FIG. 94. the axis ON lying under MN is the acceleration, and has only got to be turned upwards or downwards to ON^ to give the ordinate of the acceleration curve. The proof of this very simple construction is as follows, the letters referring to Fig. 95, and the assumptions as to uniformity of acceleration being the same as those made on p. 195. Let AA l and BB l be the initial and final velocities ^ and v 2 respectively for a distance 28.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 201 s represented by AB. Then OM will be equal to the average velocity^ - 1 , and CB l to the difference between the velocities v z - v r But by equation 3, page 179, -* , which may be written a = ^ 2S 2S This may be put in the form of the proportion - 2 7/2 ~ \ The latter ratio is given by the sides B^ and A^C respectively of the triangle A^B^C, so that to find a we require only to draw a similar triangle to this, and make one side of it = . But by drawing MN perpen- dicular -to A^BI we obtain at once in J/CWsuch a triangle, having the side MO equal to 2 ^ - 1 , and therefore the side O N must be equal to the required acceleration, and this is exactly the construction described above with Fig. 94. If the velocity scale happens to be the same as the distance scale, i.e. if the same length stands for one foot-per-second and for one foot, the acceleration must be read off (in foot- 202 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. seconds per second) on the same scale. If the two scales, however, be different, as will generally be the case, then if there be n times as many units of velocity in a given length as there are units of distance, the accelerations must be read on the velocity scale and multiplied by ;/, or, what is the same thing, read on a scale having ;/ times as many units per inch as the velocity scale. Fig. 94 is drawn with a velocity scale of 10 feet per second per inch, and a distance scale of 20 feet per inch ; n is therefore 0-5, and the acceleration scale is 5 foot-seconds per second to the inch. In actual construction the points J/have not been taken on the curve, but as midpoints of chords. This is merely for convenience of drawing, and gives an acceleration curve which corresponds really to the velocities of the dotted polygon in the figure instead of to the continuous velocity curve actually drawn. As however the vertices of that polygon are actually points on the curve, there are no cumulative errors caused in this way, but only a slight dis- tortion of the acceleration curve, not sufficient to interfere with its usefulness for most purposes. Should the curvature of the velocity line be anywhere very sharp, it is only neces- sary to take points on that portion of the curve some- what closer together than elsewhere. But it is possible by a method analogous to that of Fig. 91, to find the actual acceleration corresponding to any point of the velocity curve without resorting to any approxima- tive method of polygons, or assumptions as to the uniformity of the acceleration. For in the proportion + 2 8.] ACCELERATION DIAGRAMS. 203 already looked at, a is the acceleration at a point where the 7' 1 7 velocity is -^ -. If we take A and B close together and both close to (9, a becomes the actual acceleration at the point M on the velocity curve, and *' 2 Vl becomes equal to OM. Neither (v z - vj nor s can be measured separately, but the ratio between them can still be obtained. For A 1 and BI become consecutive points on the velocity curve, and the line joining them is the tangent to the curve at M. The ratio ^L-^ [ becomes therefore simply the tangent of the angle B^ A l C between the tangent to the curve and the axis. If then we draw a normal to the velocity curve at any point whatever, such as M, the " sub-normal, " NO, or projection of MN upon the axis, is the ac- celeration at the point N. 1 The scale on which the sub- normals are to be measured is the acceleration scale already discussed. The drawback to the use of this method is that already discussed on p. 197, that considerable errors maybe introduced by a mistake in drawing the normal, while there is no method by which such mistakes can be certainly avoided. The nature of the curve compels us, in almost all cases, to guess at the tangents, and draw the normals by their help. Fig. 96 shows the construction of Fig. 94 applied to such a case as that of a train being brought to a standstill. The initial velocity of the train is 37 feet per second, and it is brought to rest in about 600 yards. The diagram has been engraved with a velocity scale of 25 feet per second 1 This can be proved more elegantly by the aid of the differential calculus, which would, however, be out of place here. This general method was first used, so far as I know, by Dr. Proll, in his Graphische Dynamik (Leipzic, Felix). 204 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. to the inch, and a distance scale of 250 yards or 750 feet to the inch. The value of n is therefore -%-$, and the scale for acceleration 25 x-^, or f foot-seconds per second to the inch. The acceleration could either be read on the velocity Ac el, 600 Yards FIG. 96. scale and divided by 30, or read on a scale of 1*2 inches per unit of acceleration. It will be noticed that the acceleration begins slowly and gradually increases, being greatest where the velocity curve is steepest (at between 200 and 300 yards), and gradually getting less as the train comes to rest. This is not a necessary consequence of the train's velocity be- 28.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 205 coming slower, but depends solely on the rate at which the slackening of speed occurs. If, for instance, the brakes had not acted promptly, and had been put very hard on at the end, the velocity and acceleration curves might have been as dotted, when the maximum acceleration occurs almost at the end, a state of affairs very uncomfortable for the passengers. Here, as with the former diagrams, a line of constant velocity gives a line of no acceleration. But a straight velocity diagram, as Fig. 92, no longer corresponds to uniform acceleration, for as the speed gets higher the given distance is traversed in a less and less time ; and therefore if the gain of velocity in each interval of distance is the same, this gain must occupy a shorter and shorter time, so that the rate of increase of the velocity, as well as the velocity itself, must increase. This is shown graphically in Fig. 97, where the velocity increases uniformly, and the FIG. 97. acceleration or rate of increase of the velocity increases uniformly also. If the acceleration be constant, the velocity diagram is a parabola, the constancy of the sub-normal being a charac- teristic property of that curve. The case is shown in Fig. 98. The process of rinding the velocity curve from the 206 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. acceleration is not quite so simple here as in the former case, but does not present any difficulty. It is necessary of course, in both cases equally, that the initial velocity, or the velocity at some one instant, should be known to start with. Fig. 99 shows the construction, with the acceleration dia- gram drawn separately for clearness' sake. Let us suppose here the initial velocity to be zero, so that A will be the starting point of the velocity curve. From the mid point O of the first distance interval set off ON along the axis, and draw a semicircle with diameter AN cutting the ver- tical over O in M. Then M is a point in the velocity polygon, and the line AMA^ can be drawn as the first line in it. The proof is simply that MN is normal to AMA^ (AMN being the angle in a semicircle), and that ON has been made by construction equal to the acceleration. For the point M l in the next division of the velocity diagram a similar construction is to be used, only taking O-^N-^ for the 28.] ACCELERATION DIAGRAMS. 207 acceleration and drawing the semicircle on A^^ instead of on AN. For the third distance interval no construction is needed in this case, for the acceleration is zero (the ac- celeration line cutting the axis in the middle of the space), and the velocity line is therefore horizontal. For the fourth and fifth interval it is to be noticed that the . acceleration is negative, so that O Z JV 2 has to be set backward instead of forward along the axis ; and the same construction will be used for O S N 3 . It is obvious from the position of the semi- circle on the line A 3 N 3 , that we can not continue the con- struction over another space, for the negative acceleration has become so large that the semicircle would not cut the vertical line through O 3 at all. This does not, however, show any defect in the construction, but only indicates that the negative acceleration has been so great that the body has commenced to move backwards before it has passed through another distance interval, so that there is no point at all in its velocity curve vertically over <9 3 . In a case where it is important to find as exactly as possible the distance which will be moved through by a body under given acceleration before it comes to rest and changes its sense of motion, the construction must be made for points as close together as possible. On p. 202 we saw that in this case if the. re were n units of velocity in the length standing for one unit of distance, there would be n units of acceleration in the length stand- ing for one unit of velocity. This enabled us to find the acceleration scale when we knew the velocity and distance scales. We have now to deal with the converse problem, namely, finding the velocity scale from given acceleration and distance scales. The relation between them is simply that if we call the number of units of ac- celeration in the length standing for one unit of distance n 2 , 203 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. the number of units of acceleration in the length standing for one unit of velocity will be n. Thus if (as in the pumping- engine problem of 45) we find the distance scale is 2 feet per inch, and the acceleration scale 32 foot-seconds per second per inch, we have ^ = 1 6 = n 1 , and the velocity scale must be ^ = 3 = 8 feet-per- second per inch. n 4 It sometimes happens that a set of observations of velocity (say of a train) made at constant time intervals has to be reduced to distance intervals, or vice versa. This is very easily done graphically, and it will be worth while to examine the construction. Let Fig. 100 represent a part of a velocity diagram with a distance base, and drawn with equal scales of velocity and distance. By the equation on p. 1 64, s = V ~ + Vl /, or 7> 2 + v l = - . The distance O l M l in the 2 * I 2 figure is equal to ^+3, and OO^ is equal to one of the distance intervals, or s. If therefore any convenient distance, as O^Nv be taken for a time unit, and -A^T^ drawn parallel to J/jtf, then O^ will be the time taken by the body in passing through the distance interval s, at the commence- ment of which the velocity was v v and at the end of which it was v 2 A similar construction gives O 2 T 2 as the time for the second distance interval, O 3 T 3 as the time for the third, &c. These intervals can then be set off as / 1? / 2 , / 3 , &c., along the base line of a new diagram, and the velocity ordinates transferred to their proper places on it, each at the end of its time interval, as is done in the figure. If the total time corresponding to the total distance be known, it is most convenient to make the length which stands for 28.] LINEAR VELOCITY. 209 the time unit such as to make both the diagrams of the same length. The dotted line in the figure shows the form that would be taken by the curve in this case if this were done. In general it may happen that it is not convenient to take the same scale for distance as for velocity. If in any such case there are n times as many units of velocity as of distance in a given length on the paper, the length 6> 1 7' 1 will be n times too great referred to O^N^ as unit. In such cases, Seconds FIG. therefore, the length ^-A^ = 6> 2 7V 2 , &c., must be taken, not as equal to the intended time unit, but as -th of it. Thus n if in any diagram the velocity scale be 10 feet-per-second to the inch, and the distance scale 2 feet to the inch, and the time unit be i inch, the distance O 1 A\ must be 0*2 inch, the ratio n being = 5. If this procedure makes O l ^V l too small (or too great, in cases where n is a fraction, as on p. 204), all that is necessary is to take it any convenient fraction or multiple of the time unit, and reduce or increase all the time intervals 6^ 7^, O 2 T 2 , &c., in the proper ratio. 210 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. The converse operation of turning a diagram constructed on a time base into one upon a distance base is much simpler. The distance passed through in any interval is equal to the mean velocity during that interval multiplied by the time, s = - 1 /. If therefore the time interval be unity (as in Fig. 90), i.e. if t i, it follows that 7) X- 77 s = - , which we have seen to be simply the middle ordinate of the velocity curve for the given interval, as OM, OM O 2 M^ in Fig. 101. The scale for distances is in this case the same as the scale used for velocities, that is, the length that stands for a speed of one foot-per-second will stand also for a distance of one foot. If this turns out 29] ANGULAR ACCELERATION. 211 to be an inconvenient scale for distances, it is only necessary to measure the middle ordinates on the scale just mentioned, and set them off on any scale that is more convenient. In this case, as in the last, it may be convenient wherever the total time and the total distance are both known, to make the scale for the latter such as shall make the length of the two diagrams equal, or in any case to reduce the distance base, after the new curve is drawn, to a length equal to the time base. This has been done in the figure, and the dotted curve is the result, which shows how essentially different the same velocities may look according to whether the abscissae are times or distances. It is obvious that the whole length of the distance base is equal to OM + OJfi + O, M 2 + . . . = CD. This length can be found without drawing the second curve at all. The different values of (9 J/, O-^M^ &c., can then each AB be reduced in the ratio 7=yS> and set off consecutively from A along the original base, and the dotted curve constructed at once. In this case, of course, the length of the distance unit will be only ^ of the unit of velocity, and the fraction will not probably be a convenient one. 29. ANGULAR ACCELERATION. The angular velocity of a body may receive tangential accelerations exactly corresponding to those which we have already examined in connection with its linear velocity. As angular velocity is measured in angular-units-per-second, angular acceleration will be measured in angular-units-per- p 2 212 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. second per second, or let us say for shortness' sake, angle- seconds per second, just as we before said foot-seconds per second. We have already seen that the angular velocity of a body is numerically equal to the linear velocity of a point in the body at unit radius in feet per second. So the angular acceleration of a body in angle-seconds per second must be numerically equal to the linear ac- celeration of a point in the body at unit radius in foot- seconds per second. If therefore the radius of inertia of a body be r feet and the linear and angular acceleration of the body be a and a a respectively, there is between these linear and angular accelerations which the body is undergoing at any one particular instant the simple relation a and a a being expressed in the units which we have just mentioned, and r in feet. If the body is turning about a permanent centre (as a fly-wheel, for instance), the virtual radius of every point in it remains unchanged. The rate of change of angular velocity, i.e. the angular acceleration, is the same for every point in the body, for at any instant all points in the body have the same angular velocity. The linear velocity of each point therefore changes at the same rate as the angular velocity of the body. If, on the other hand, the point about which the body is turning varies continually (as when a body is moving about a series of virtual centres in succession), the virtual radius of each point also changes continually. Although, therefore, the angular acceleration at any instant must still be the same for all points in the body, the linear velocity of any particular 29-] ANGULAR ACCELERATION. 213 point may be changing at a rate totally different from the rate of change of the angular velocity. Take, for example, the case of a railway-wagon wheel when the train is moving with uniform velocity. The virtual centre of the wheel is always the point which touches the rail (see p. 149). About this particular point in itself the wheel as a whole is at each instant turning with uniform angular velocity, and therefore with angular acceleration = o. But the different points of the wheel are continually changing their velocities as the motion of the wagon causes them to alter their distances from the virtual centre. Hence these different points have at any instant very different linear accelerations. In this instance, however, the linear acceleration as well a.s the angular acceleration of the wheel as a whole is zero, for (assuming the wheel to be a disc-wheel of any type) the radius of inertia remains always constant, although the points in the body which lie at that radius are changing continually. Hence a a and r being both constant, the product a a r, which we have just seen to be equal to a, is constant also. If, on the other hand, r changes continually, as in the motion of* a connecting rod, for example, it is possible, not only that the linear acceleration of different points shall be very different at any one time, but also that while both linear and angular accelerations vary, they will vary at very different rates, or that one might vary while the other remained constant. But at any one instant the one can be found from the other if only the virtual centre and the radius of inertia of the body be known ; and from either of them, with similar data, can be found the ac- celeration of any special point in the body that may be required. In all cases, except the two special ones to be examined 214 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. immediately, it is thus purely a matter of convenience whether we deal with the linear or the angular velocities or accelerations of a body, and we choose between them according to the nature of the problem to be solved. The one can be at once converted into the other by a simple numerical operation. But it must not be forgotten that the linear velocity of a rotating body is only the sum of the components of the velocities of its different points in one direction. The radial acceleration of a body also can be stated in angular units as well as in linear ones, for v = v a r. 2,2 7 , 2 r 1 so that the radial acceleration = _? = ?' tt 2 r, and this r r form can be used equally with the other if it happens to be more convenient. There is, however, one special case in which we can measure the velocity of a body only in linear units, and another in which we can express it only in angular units. The former occurs when the motion of the body is a simple translation, or rotation about a point at infinity. The linear acceleration may have any finite value a, but r is infinitely great, so that a aj which is = -, must be = ^ that it must be infinitely small. This corresponds to what we know to be the case, that a body having a simple translation does not turn through any angle at all, so that the number of angular units through which it moves in any time whatever (so long as the motion continues a simple translation) is always = o. Under these same circumstances the radial acceleration is also equal to o, and for the same reason, for if r = oo, . must be always equal to o, so long as v has any finite value. Hence, when a body has a motion of simple translation, its velocity and acceleration 29.] ANGULAR ACCELERATION. 215 can only be measured in linear units, and its radial acceleration is zero. When a body, on the other hand, is revolving about its own mass-centre, that centre becomes a fixed point, and has no velocity. But the velocity of the mass-centre of any body is, by definition, the mean of the velocities of all its points. The mean velocity of all the points of such a body in any direction is therefore zero it has no linear velocity. But the body has angular velocity, for the angle through which it turns as a whole does not depend on the point about which it is turning, and can be just as easily measured here as under any other circumstances. The acceleration of the body can also, for similar reasons, be measured in angular units. The body has no radial acceleration as a whole, the radial accelerations of its different points exactly balance each other. This is familiar enough experimentally; a well-balanced top, for instance, spins steadily on a smooth surface when left to itself, without any tendency to move off in any one direc- tion, the tangential tendencies of its different particles in different directions exactly balancing each other. We have already seen (p. 190) that in a case like this, although the body as a whole has no radial acceleration, all its component parts have none the less their individual accelerations, which under certain circumstances require careful consideration. Summing up, we may say when a body has a motion of simple rotation about its own mass-centre, its velocity and acceleration can only be measured in angular units, and its radial acceleration as a whole is zero. The problems connected with acceleration in angular velocity being so similar to the corresponding problems of 24 and 25, it is not necessary to give more than 216 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. one or two examples of them. In these we shall use the letters V M s a and a aj to denote respectively angular velocity, distance and acceleration, all three of course measured in the angular units already discussed. The difference between the acceleration of a body at one instant and the mean value of its acceleration at a number of successive instants, has here again to be kept in mind, and the remarks made on this point and as to the mode of obtaining a mean, on p. 171, apply equally here as before, and need not be repeated. A body has its angular velocity increased at a uniform rate from 5 to 15 during 14 complete revolutions. What time does the change of speed occupy ? Here the mean angular velocity ^ -^J = 10, and 14 revolutions 14 x 2?r or 88 (nearly) units of angular motion, so that by equation DO I, p. 1 7Q, / - = 8'8 seconds. 10 A wheel revolving at 420 revolutions per minute receives a uniform angular acceleration of I '5 during a minute and a half. What will be its speed at the end of this time ? 420 revolutions per minute is equal to an angular velocity of 420 7j x 2?ror 44 units nearly. From equation 2, p. 173, the final velocity is v a ^ = v a ^ + a a t 44 - (1*5 x 90) = - 91, and this retrans- formed into revolutions per minute is -(9 1 x ) = - 868 revolu- \ 2ir J tions, the negative sign indicating that the body is turning in the opposite sense to that of its original motion. A fly-wheel is making 77 revolutions per minute when the driving force ceases to act, and the frictional resistances cause it to undergo a uniform negative acceleration of 0*08. How long will it be in coming to rest? Here v a2 = o, while 77 revolutions per minute correspond to an angular velocity of T~- x 2ir 8 nearly. From equation 12, p. 174, (=-**.- _? L = ioo seconds. a a -bt 3 o.j FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. 217 30. FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. It is sufficient for our purposes to define force, as we have already done, as the cause of acceleration. 1 Of force in the abstract we know nothing, but we find that we can always measure and compare forces by measuring and com- paring the accelerations they can produce, (see also p. 230). We may define equal forces to be those which can give equal accelerations to the same body which can, in other words, cause the same change of velocity in the same body after acting upon it for the same interval of time. But we have, of course, to do with an infinity of different bodies, and we find that in general equal forces can not cause equal accelerations in these bodies. We must there- fore find some way of comparing the forces which we find to produce the same acceleration in different bodies, and further to compare those which produce different accelera- tions in different bodies. Moreover, we express forces, for most ordinary purposes, in units (pounds) not directly connected with acceleration or motion in any way, and we must find how this common standard of force is related to the true standard which is derived directly from the connection of force with accelera- tion. We know from observation that if we have any number of different bodies at the same place, and allow all to fall freely under what we call the force of the earth's attraction, all will receive the same acceleration. But we know further 1 The word acceleration is here used in its most general sense, but in all parts of this section where numerical quantities are connected with accelerations it is to be understood that linear accelerations are meant, unless the contrary be stated expressly. The relations of force to angular accelerations will be considered separately in 32. 218 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. that the attraction of the earth to any body, or the " attrac- tion of gravitation," is measured by the weight of that body. The bodies in question are therefore acted on by forces proportional to their own weights, and these forces produce upon all of them the same acceleration. Hence with dif- ferent bodies, so long as they are at the same place upon the earth's surface, the forces necessary to give them this particular acceleration are proportional to their weights. Measuring the magnitude of forces only by the magnitudes of the accelerations they can produce, we assume that for other accelerations the two quantities are directly propor- tional that a doubled acceleration, for instance, requires (other things being equal) a doubled force, and so on. If, then, we were to take for our unit of force the force necessary to give unit (linear) acceleration to a body of unit weight, we should have the magnitude of the force causing a given acceleration in a body of given weight proportional to the (number of units of) weight of the body and to the (number of units of) acceleration received by it. If we write/ for the force causing an acceleration a in a body of weight w, we could write, algebraically, /= wa, or J- = constant = i. A force 12, for example, wa would give to a body weighing 2 pounds an acceleration of 6 foot-seconds per second, to a body weighing 4 pounds an acceleration of 3 foot-seconds per second, and so on. By this plan we should be able to compare forces with each other if the bodies on which they acted were all at the same place. This limitation is not of itself of any practical importance in problems connected with machinery, but it must nevertheless be got rid of if we are to obtain any accurate standard of force. For we have defined those forces to be equal which give equal accelerations to the same body 3 o.] FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. 219 (without any conditions as to the position of the body), and this is incompatible with the formula just given. For if a force f give to a body of weight w, at the sea level, an ac- celeration = a, then if the same body be taken to the top of a mountain, and the same force caused to act upon it, it would according to the formula of the last paragraph pro- duce, not the same, but a greater acceleration. For a = , and by hypothesis / remains the same, while we know that under the circumstances mentioned w, the weight of the body, would diminish. The value of f divided by w would therefore increase. Although the weight of a body changes with its position, what is usually called the quantity of matter in the body, or, shortly, its mass, does not change. What is required, therefore, is that we should find some means of measuring this mass, or unchangeable quantity. Let us indicate the acceleration produced by the action of gravity upon a freely falling body by the symbol g, so that we may say that in every second during which it acts gravity gives to such a body an additional velocity of g feet per second. If the position of the body be changed, its weight alters from a/, say, to w' or w' r , and the acceleration produced by gravity alters also, say to g' or g" respectively. But this acceleration is found by experiment to vary in exactly the same proportion as the weight, so that for one and the same body the ratio which the value of g bears to that of w is constant. In w w' w" symbols -===.... &c. Here, then, we have a S g g number which has always the same value for the same body independently of its position in space. This number is therefore taken to represent the mass of the body, or so-called " quantity of matter " contained in it. 220 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. To obtain a standard for the comparison of forces which shall agree with our definition of equal forces, we have only to substitute unit of mass for unit of weight in the last definition, and take for our unit of force the force which can give unit acceleration to a body of unit mass. In symbols f =a = . ^ z> ' 2 ~ Vl \ or writing m for the g g * number of units of mass in the body / = ma = m 2 ^ 1 a being, as before, the acceleration, or the rate at which the velocity can be caused to increase by the action of the force f. The mass m being constant for the same body under all circumstances, forces which are equal according to this definition always produce equal accelerations in the same body. By moving it into different positions on the w . w' t w" earth s surface we only change - into x , and so on, o > S but all of these are equal to m. For most ordinary purposes the acceleration g may be taken as constant and as numerically equal to 32 (more closely 32-2) foot-seconds per second. By expressing weights, then, in pounds, and taking g = 32, we see that the mass of a body whose weight is i pound is ^ a body weighing 32 pounds having a mass |, or unity. The unit of mass is therefore in round numbers 32 times the unit of weight. The unit force is therefore the force required to produce unit acceleration in a body containing (about) 32 units of weight, or (taking the usual standards) to give in one second an additional velocity of one foot per second to a body weighing (about) 32 pounds. But the equation just given, /= ma, enables us to com- pare forces from a somewhat different point of view, and one considerably more easy to realise. If, namely, the 30.] FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. 221 acceleration produced in a body by any force be equal to the " acceleration due to gravity," or g foot-seconds per second, then the force necessary to produce that change will be/= mg units, and this is equal to .g or simply w units. 6 That is to say, the number of units of force necessary to give to any body an acceleration equal to that which gravity can produce on the same body at the same place is numerically equal to the number of units of weight in the body. This long statement is often shortened by saying simply that the force necessary to produce this particular acceleration is equal to the weight of the body, but the shorter statement is inaccurate and very apt to mislead. The coincidence between force and weight is merely a numerical one, in a special case the number of units of force necessary to produce a certain acceleration is equal to the number of units of weight in the body accele- rated. It does not follow that a unit of force is equal to a unit of weight, and that the two should go by the same name, or even that they should be commensurable quantities at all. If, for instance, a material be selling at twenty shillings a ton, the number of shillings paid for any quantity of it is numerically equal to the number of hundred-weights of material bought. Taking shillings and hundred-weights as units, the number of units of price would be numerically equal to the number of units of material. But we do not say that the price paid is equal to the weight purchased, nor do we give the same name to each of the two different units. This, however, is just what has been done in the case of force and weight. The unit of force does commonly receive the same name as the unit of weight, and we talk of a force of so many pounds or tons, just as we do of a weight of so many pounds or 222 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. tons. It is unfortunate that this has been done, for the consequence of it has been a frequent confusion between the two, and naturally, a misapprehension of the relations between the things themselves. At present, however, the custom of calling the unit of force a pound is so universal in problems bearing upon practical work, that any radical change would probably have drawbacks in relation to these problems more than sufficient to balance its advantages. Choosing the less of two evils, therefore, we are compelled to retain the word pound for both unit of force and unit of weight. The student must most distinctly remember, how- ever, that this is merely an identity in name and not in nature. A pound weight is no more identical with a pound of force, than it is with a pound sterling. It need not be more difficult to keep weight and force distinct than to distinguish weight and money. In any cases where it is specially desirable to emphasise the distinction we may speak of weight-pounds and force-pounds, just as we speak of pounds weight and pounds sterling under similar circum- stances. Our equation for force, /= -#, gives us a most impor- o tant proportion, of which we shall frequently have occasion to make use, viz. : w g Put into words this is : the (number of units of) force necessary to give to a body any acceleration a bears the same ratio to the (number of units of) weight in the body that that acceleration bears to the acceleration g due to gravity. If, for instance, a body weighing ten pounds receive an acceleration of sixty- 30] FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. 223 four foot-seconds per second, the force causing that acceler- ation must have been equal to 10 x -- or twenty force- pounds. Had the acceleration been sixteen instead of sixty- four, the force would have been 10 x L. or five force- 3 2 pounds. In the case, as we have seen, where the acceler- ation received is equal to that which would be caused by gravity on a freely falling body, the force would be 10 x 5_ or ten force-pounds, the same number that is, as the body contains pounds of weight. Examples : "What force is required to give an acceleration of 7*5 to a body whose mass is 1 6 units? f ma =7'$ x 16=120 (force) pounds. What force is required to give an acceleration of 8 to a body weighing 80 pounds ? Here we write f=a - X 8 = 20 (force) pounds. S 32 A body weighing 120 pounds moving at the rate of 18 feet per second has its speed increased at a uniform rate to 36 feet per second in 4 '5 seconds. What force must have acted upon it to produce this acceleration ? The acceleration itself must first be found : it is -^ - = 4 foot- 4'5 seconds per second. The force is then x 4 = 1 5 pounds. A body of mass 48 is acted on by a force of 36 pounds. What acceleration will be produced in it ? From / = ma we have of course a = JL so that here 01 a = 2- = 0*75 foot-seconds per second. 48 A body which weighs 80 pounds moves with a velocity of 5 feet per second. Its speed is gradually increased to 50 feet per second by the continued action of a force of 9 pounds. For how long a time must this force act to produce the change ? 224 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP.VII. Here the unknown quantity is / in the equation f"^L g i from which / is equal to iV ^ ^]J = il ?.' = 12 '5 seconds. g - f 32 x 9 If the same force acted on the same body for 25 seconds what would be the final velocity of the body? Here z> 2 is the quantity required, and from the equation just written down 77 2 = ^ ~ + v \ ~ 32 x 2 5 x ) + 5 = 95 feet per second. What has been the acceleration in the two last cases ? In the one it was 52__5 ,.5 foot-seconds per second, in the 125 other it was iLUJi. 3-5 foot-seconds per second also. This calcula- tion forms a check on the working in the last two questions, because it is evident that as the same force (9 pounds) was acting on the same body (80 pounds) in the two cases, the acceleration ought to be the same in each. A body originally at rest is acted on by a force which gives it a velocity of 30 feet per second in 7*5 seconds. The body weighs 112 pounds : what must be the magnitude of the force ? Here the acceleration is-^? (z/ x being = o) or ^? = 4 foot-seconds per second, and/ = ~ a = X 4 = 14 pounds. g 32 A body of the same weight moving with a velocity of 48 feet per second has to be brought to rest in 6 seconds : what force will do this? Here v z = o and a = - ^1 = - 1? = - 8. The force is therefore / 6 X - 8 = - 28 pounds. The negative sign here shows that the sense of the force must be the same as the sense of the acceleration, the opposite sense, namely, to that of the original velocity. This holds true in all cases, the force producing any acceleration must be of the same direction and sense as the acceleration produced. If, in the last question, the time allowed for bringing the body to rest had been reduced from six seconds to one, the acceleration would have been six times as great, and the 3 o.] FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. 225 force required would have been increased in the same pro- portion. This holds good always, every shortening of the time of the operation is accompanied by an exactly proportionate increase in the force neces- sary to carry it out. If the acceleration occupied on'y j-J^ of a second, the force must have been increased in the ratio of 6 to yj^, i.e., it must have been made 600 times as great as before, or 16,800 pounds instead of 28. This shows us what the answer must be to a question sometimes asked, viz. what force could bring a body to rest instantane- ously. No finite force could do this, but only an infinitely great one, and therefore we may say that it is impossible that any moving body should be instantaneously brought to rest. If the retarding force be very great, the time required for the stoppage may be very small, but no force whatever, short of an infinitely great one, can reduce the time to absolutely zero, that is, can make the stoppage absolutely instantaneous. Examples. A body weighing 10 Ibs. starting from rest moves down- wards for 3 seconds, at the end of which it has acquired a velocity of 96 feet per second. What has been the accelerating force ? The acceleration a V 2 =9- = 320^. The body must therefore have been falling freely under gravity, the accelerating force having been simply equal to its own weight. Weigh" s of 10 and 12 pounds respectively are hung from the two ends of a cord over a (frictionless) pulley. With what acceleration will the heavier side descend ? The accelerating force is here 12 - 10 = 2 force-pounds, and the mass to be accelerated is 12 + 10 22. Hence a = -f- = 2 3 2 _ 3 foot-seconds per second, nearly. m w 22 This is a case often occurring in Cornish and other engines, and has been aptly termed a dilution of gravity by Dr. Lodge, because by balancing a part of the weight we increase the mass and diminish the accelerating force at the same time. The following is an example of the same kind in a form in which it Q 226 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vii. might occur in practice : A Cornish pumping engine has a cylinder 60 inches in diameter, and for 3 feet of its down stroke the pressure on its piston is 32 pounds per square inch. The weight of the unbalanced pit-work (pump rods, &c.) is equivalent to 20 pounds on the square inch. There is also a weight of 11^ tons in the pit-work, which is balanced, while the weight of the beam itself, which may also be taken as balanced, is 8 tons. At what speed will the piston be moving when it has travelled 3 feet of its stroke ? It will be convenient in the first place to reduce the balanced weights to their equivalents per square inch of piston area. _* 1 =6-3 Ib. ir X 30- per square inch, is the equivalent of the weight of the beam, and ii-q * 2 x 2240 . , f ^ > > ~ = i8'2 Ibs. per square inch, is the equivalent of the balanced part of the pit work together with the (assumed equal) balance weights. To this is to be added 20 Ibs. per square inch, the equivalent of the actual load to be lifted, making a total per square inch of piston of 6 '3 + 1 8 '2 + 20 = 44'5 pounds. The accelerating force is 32 20 12 pounds, also per square inch of piston, and this force acts uniformly through a distance of 3 feet. The mass accelerated is = I '4 per square inch of piston, and the acceleration is therefore a = - = 8 '6 foot-seconds per second. To find the velocity, m I '4 equation 9 of 25 can be used, viz. v V^J v = >/2 x 8'6 x 3 = N/5I-6 = 7 " 2 feet per second. If the, weights here had been "undiluted," if for instance the weight of 20 Ibs. per square inch had simply been hanging from the piston rod (as in a Bull engine) and there had been no balanced weights, the result would have been very different. The mass accelerated would have been _ - o'62 per square inch of piston, and the acceleration -^- = 19 foot-seconds per second. The velocity at the end of three feet would therefore have been */ 2 x 19 x 3 A/IL4 = IO 7 ^ eet per second. If the acceleration to be dealt with is radial instead of tangential, it is to be handled in precisely the same way. 30.] FORCE, MASS, AND WEIGHT. 227 Suppose for example the ball whose centripetal acceleration was found on p. 190 to be of cast-iron and that its diameter is three inches. Let it be required to find the force necessary to produce the radial acceleration. The ball will weigh 37 Ibs., and the radial force will again be f = ma or f = a, while we have already found that g a - 2-. Hence /= $j[ x l^JL =1-27 pounds. If we .placed a spring balance between the axis and the ball instead of the cord this is the tension which it would indicate for us. If the cord is too weak to withstand a pull of 1*27 pounds it will break, and the ball will fly off tangentially. We have called the acceleration in such a case as this centripetal, because it is always directed towards the centre. The force causing it therefore is a centripetal force. But as action and reaction are equal, the force exerted by the cord on the ball and towards the centre must be exactly equalled by a force exerted by the ball on the cord and away from the centre, and therefore suitably called a centrifugal force. Although it is not this force but the former one which is the most directly obvious to us, and although for all pur- poses of calculation the one is just as suitable as the other, yet in practice it almost always happens that it is the centri- fugal rather than the centripetal force which is spoken of. This would be a matter of indifference were it not that the use of this particular word has given rise to the idea that the ball or other body tends of itself to move away radially from its centre, whereas its tendency if left to itself is always to continue in its existing path, i.e., to move away tangentially to its former orbit. Bearing this in mind we may use, without being misunderstood, the common expression "centrifugal force," meaning thereby simply a force equal and opposite to the centripetal force, which is the cause of centripetal or radial acceleration in a rotating body. Q 2 228 THE MECHANICS CF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vii. If, then, a body is moving with a linear velocity of v feet per second about a centre (permanent or virtual) at radius 1$ r feet, it is undergoing a radial acceleration of foot-seconds r per second, and the centrifugal force corresponding to this yl y2 acceleration will be pounds per unit of mass, _ pounds r gr per unit of weight (pound), or, in general, for a body 1 J WV^ 1 weighing w pounds, -- .* o We need only take one more example : What is the " centrifugal force" of the connecting rod of which the particulars are given on p. 190, if its weight is 3 cwt. ? Here w = 336 Ibs., v = 8 ft. per second, and r = 5 '5 ft. The answer is therefore 6 x 32 x 5-5 = I22 . 2 pounds. The force which we call the weight of a body may be looked upon as the sum or resultant of all the weights of an infinite number of small particles of which the body consists. These weights together form a system of parallel forces, and their resultant, the whole weight of the body, must be in mag- nitude equal to their sum and in direction parallel to them, and must have some position among them dependent on the form of the body. The position of this resultant relatively to the body will be different for every different position of the body ; that is, for every different position of the body it 1 Here v is the linear velocity at right angles to its virtual radius, not of any point in the body, but of a point so placed that the whole mass of the body might be concentrated at it in one particle without altera- tion to any of the conditions. This point must clearly have the property that its linear velocity v in any direction must be the mean of the linear velocities of all the other points in the body. It will therefore be the mass centre of the body (p. 229). 3i.] MOMENTUM AND IMPULSE. 229 will traverse a different set of its points. But it can be shown mathematically that for any rigid body, whether homogeneous or not, there is one point which is common to all possible positions of this resultant, which therefore form a sheaf of lines all passing through one point. This point is called the centre of gravity or the mass-centre of the body ; it has lately been called l the centroid of the body. So far as the action of gravity is concerned the whole body might be replaced by a single particle, equal to it in weight, and placed in the position of its centre of gravity. We shall make use later on, as we may require them, of some of the more important properties which are deducible from the definition of this point just given, see also p. 239, etc. 31. MOMENTUM AND IMPULSE. MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A PARTICLE. A conception which is of considerable importance in Mechanics is the quantity of motion possessed by a body, 2 wHch is called the momentum of the body. We take it that the quantity of motion which any given body has is propor- tional to its mass and to the velocity with which it is moving, and take for unit of momentum (to which no particular name has been given) the quantity of motion of a body of unit mass moving at the rate of one foot per second. For any other body of mass m moving at the rate of v feet per second we have momentum = mv= . We have already g 1 See Minchin's Treatise on Statics. 2 The reasoning in this section assumes that all the mass of the body is concentrated in one particle, which can have a definite linear velocity and a definite radius. 230 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vu. seen (p. 220) that if a force f give to a body of mass m an acceleration of a foot-seconds per second, the relation between the three quantities is f ma. But if in such a case the gain of velocity - (v 2 vj be v in t seconds, the acceleration a = ~, so that/= . From this we get two or three important conclusions. First we have the equality ft= mv ; which, put into words, is that the product of a force into the time during which it acts is numer- ically equal to the product of the mass of the body acted on into the velocity gained during that time, all four quantities being expressed in the proper units. The product ft is called the impulse, and the equation may therefore be stated simply : the quantity of motion or momentum received by any body is numerically equal to the impulse which has caused that momentum. Secondly, noting that mv above does not stand for the whole momentum possessed by a body, but only for the (algebraical) increase of the momentum in a given time, we may put the equation f= into words by saying that force is rate of change of momentum with time. If we know that a given body has had its quantity of motion, or momentum, increased by a certain amount during a definite time, we are therefore in a position to find the force which must have caused that change. The relation between force and momentum is thus exactly the same as that existing between acceleration and velocity, and between velocity and distance, as is seen at once on comparing the equations v = -, a - -, /= . This result has been arrived at merely by the substitution of - for a in our fundamental 3 i.] MOMENT OF INERTIA OF equation for force, and there is therefore nothing new in it. But the new light in which it presents force to us is worth while noticing, and is of much > importance in the study of dynamics higher than our present subject includes. Thirdly, passing again to the first form of our equation, ft = mv, we see that a force cannot increase or diminish the momentum of a body unless it act for some finite length of time, and that the force necessary to produce any given change of mo- mentum is inversely proportional to the time occupied by the change. This we have already found in a different fashion in 30, where some illustrations bearing on this statement are given. We need not therefore say more about it here. Just as we can measure velocity in either linear or angular units, so, of course, we can measure momentum in corre- sponding fashion. The linear momentum of a body is proportional to its mass and linear velocity only, but if the body be rotating about a point, its (quantity of) angular motion, which is its angular momentum, will be proportional not only to its mass and linear velocity, but also to a distance or radius which we may call the Radius of Inertia which is the radius at which we might suppose (see below, p. 243) its mass to be concentrated into one particle. The unit of angular momentum, or standard by which we measure quantity of angular motion, is the motion possessed by a body of unit mass rotating with unit linear velocity about a point at unit radius. For any other mass, velocity and radius, the angular momentum of a body is mvr, or &s>v = v a r (see p. 167) the angular momentum might be written mv^. Our original equation will change to ftr = mvr = mv a r^. The product of any quantity which has direction (such as 232 THE MECHANICS CF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vii. the impulse,/?, or the momentum mv) into another quantity at right angles to it (as the radius r), is called a moment. Hence our equation now tells us that the moment of the impulse is equal to the moment of the momentum caused by it. Further, the product of any quantity which has direction into the square of any other quantity at right angles to it is called a second moment. Using this expression, our equation tells us that the moment of the impulse about the virtual centre of the body on which it acts is equal to the second moment of the mass of the body about the same point (mr 2 ) multiplied by the angular velocity caused by it. This second moment, the product of a mass and the square of its virtual radius, is what is generally called the moment of Inertia of the body, and is indicated by the letter 7. Hence we may now finally write our equation ftr = v a l. The mode of deter- mining /, as well as some of the very important cases in which it occurs, will be considered in the next section. We have called the quantity on the left-hand side of this equation the moment of the impulse, or // X r. But it can be analysed in another fashion, which is one of more prac- tical importance to us, namely, as frxt. Here fr is the product of a force, which has direction, into a distance or radius measured at right angles to that direction ; it is in fact the moment of the force itself about the virtual centre. Hence any change of angular momentum is equal to the moment, about the virtual centre, of the force causing it, multiplied by the time during which that moment continues. The moment of a force about a point or an axis, or the product of the force into its perpendicular distance from that point or axis, is generally called a static moment, and the unit of static 3 i.] MOMENTUM AND IMPULSE. 233 moment is the moment of a force of one pound acting at a radius of one foot, which is called a foot-pound, but must not be confounded with the unit of work ( 33) which bears the same name. The moment of any force of/ pounds acting at a radius of r feet, is simply//- foot-pounds. The same moment of force, acting on the same body for the same time, will produce the same change of momentum. But this moment may be caused by very different forces, for obviously a small force at a large radius may give the same static moment as a large force at a small radius. It is therefore not necessary for us, in the equation frt=v a l, to take r as the radius of inertia (see p. 243), and to assume that the force acts at that radius. The force may act at any radius so long as the product of force and radius the static moment has the required value. In the equation r has simply to be the radius at which the force /acts. Whenever we speak of momentum alone without any qualifying adjective, linear momentum, the simple product mv, must be understood, and not angular momentum. In this sense the momentum of a moving body is a sufficient measure of its whole motion only in the case where that motion is a simple translation where all its particles move with the same velocity in the same direction. In the more usual case, where the motion of a body, here supposed to be concentrated in one particle, is a rotation, we have to measure its quantity of motion by its angular momentum, the product of its mass, linear velocity, and virtual radius, mvr ; or of its mass, angular velocity and virtual radius squared, mv a r*. The second of these two equal expressions is of more general application than the first. Both may be made to apply to every case of rotation except that of a body turning about its own centre of gravity, but that ex- ception is a very important one, and in it the expression 234 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. mvr cannot be used. For in such a case the body has no linear velocity v it does not shift its position as a whole while at the same time r is not the radius of any particular point. Here, then, we can make no use of the expression mvr. But the body has none the less a definite angular velocity v a , and we shall see in 32 that its second moment or moment of inertia, mr 2 , relatively to the point about which it is rotating, must also always have a finite and determinate value. So that v a mr 2 , or v a l, the angular momentum of a body, can always be found, and must always, so long as the body has any motion at all, have a finite value. Examples. What is the momentum of a train weighing 71*4 tons and moving at 30 miles per hour ? 71 '4 tons = 160,000 pounds, and 30 miles an hour is 44 feet per second. The required momentum is therefore 160.000 X A.A. 44 = 22O,OOO. 6* If the train attained its velocity in 5 minutes after starting from a station, what must have been the mean force acting on it during that time? ft mv, and / 5 minutes = 300 seconds, hence f 22 > oo 723 pounds 0*327 tons. 300 If we take the weight given in the question as that of the train exclu- sive of the engine, our answer, 0*327 tons, will be the actual pull in the pull bar, or through the couplings, which the engine must have exerted during the five minutes in order to have given the train the supposed velocity in that time. Of course we should get just the same result from our original equation f ma (p. 220). For m = 5000 and a = = , so that / in tons = -J 4 - 0^327 as before. t 300 2240 x 300 The tup of a steam hammer, weighing 4 tons, is allowed to fall 7 ft. on to a piece of iron, which it compresses. The duration of the blow, i.e. of the compression, is half a second. What is the average compressive force during that time ? 3 i.] MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A PARTICLE. 235 By equation 9 of p. 180 the velocity of the weight when it strikes the iron is v = ^'zaT\ s being 7 ft. and a being here the acceleration due to gravity, or g, less frictional resistances, we may say 28 foot- seconds per second. The velocity v is therefore v/ 2 x 28 x 7 = ^302 1 9'% & P er second. The mass of the tup is 4 x 2240 _ 2 g Q units> Its momentum when it strikes the iron below 32 it is therefore 280 x 19*8 = 5544, which is numerically equal to the impulse/"/. The required mean force /is therefore ^zz , (the time '5 being half a second,) and is therefore 11,088 pounds, or 4*95 tons. Had the iron been cold in the example just given, so that it would not have " given " appreciably under the blow, the time of contact would have been much shorter, and the force or pressure of the blow very much greater, and, on the other hand, if the material had been softer and allowed the blow to last longer, its force would have been corre- spondingly less. The actual " force of the blow " which a steam-hammer (or any other apparatus which gives blows) can give does not therefore depend on the weight of its tup, nor is it in the least a fixed quantity for any given hammer, or pile-driver, or monkey-engine, or whatever it may be. The mass is a fixed quantity, and its velocity has some maximum value in each case, so that the momentum of the falling or striking body in any given hammer cannot exceed some determinate value. But the actual pressure which the falling tup exerts against whatever is below it,. which is what is generally meant by the force of the blow, will depend on the duration of contact, and this will ob- viously depend on the hardness or compressibility of the material struck, and not in the least on the striking apparatus itself. If, therefore, in speaking of a 4-ton hammer, or lo-ton hammer, .we mean a hammer in which the weight of the tup is 4 or 10 tons respectively, we are quite justi- 236 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. fied in using the expression. But if we mean that it can exert a pressure, in striking any object, of 4 or of 10 tons, or any other quantities proportional to these, we are com- paring quantities which are incommensurable, and are just as much talking nonsense as if we compared the work done by two steam-engines by the weights of their fly-wheels. The example on p. 235 would not have been essentially altered had the steam hammer been double acting, that is, had it had steam above as well as below its piston. Let us suppose that the hammer had a 20" cylinder and that the average pressure above the piston on the down stroke was 55 Ib. per square inch, and find, other things remaining as before, the average compressive force exerted during its blow. We have still v = */2as but a is now an acceleration due not only to gravity but also to the steam pressure. This latter is in total 55 x *7 8 5 x 2& = 1 7270 pounds, and the acceleration produced by it on the mass of the tup is =L = I? 2 !? (say) 62 foot-seconds per m 280 second, or about double the acceleration due to the weight alone. The total value of a is therefore 28 + 62 or 90 foot-seconds per second, and v ^2 x 90 x 7 = \/i26o = 35 '5 f eet P er second. The momentum of the tup would be 280 x 35*5 = 9940, and the mean compressive force 9- ? = 19880 pounds or 8*87 tons. Examples involving angular accelerations and momenta will be found at the end of the next section. 32. MOMENTUM AND MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A RIGID BODY. In the last section we have considered the momentum and moment of inertia of a body on the supposition that all its mass was concentrated in one particle having a definite radius and linear velocity. Different points in a body have, of course, in most cases, different radii and 3:.] MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A BODY. 237 different velocities it is, therefore, necessary for us to find out which particular point in a body may be taken to represent it in this fashion, and indeed to see whether we are justified in assuming the existence of such a point at all. The momentum of a rigid body is equal to the sum of the momenta of its different particles. If we distinguish the masses and velocities of these by suffixes, we may write for the whole momentum m-^\ -j- m -2 7< 2 + m s v s +' &c. Using the sign S to denote the summation of all these quantities, we may therefore write shortly for the whole linear momentum ^mv. 1 In the case of a body having only a motion of translation, the value of v is the same for all its points, so that, writing J/for the sum of the masses of all the particles, or 5#z, we have ^mv = Mv. In the more general and important case, however, this is impossible. In this case the body is, moreover, rotating about an axis, 2 the directions of (linear) motion of its different points vary, and the computation of ^mv would not be very convenient, nor would the result, when obtained, be specially useful. We may, if it be wanted, substitute v a rfor v (see p. 231), so that ^mv becomes ^mr7> m and as all points have the same angular velocity v m we have 20W = v a ^mr. But with a rotating body this quantity is not of the greatest importance. Here we generally require to know not the linear but the angular momentum of each particle or of the whole body. For any particle we have seen in the last section (p. 231) that this was equal to mvr = mv a r 2 . Taking the second of these expressions (as the one more generally useful) and summing up for the 1 To be read "Sum mv." 2 The limitation is still supposed that the body has only plane motion; the more complex and for ns less important conditions of screw motion will be briefly considered later on. 238 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. angular momentum of the whole body as before, we may write it v^mr 1 , because v a , the angular velocity, is the same for all the particles of the body. But ^mr 2 is the sum of the moments of inertia (see p. 232) of all the particles of the body, or the moment of inertia of the body itself about the virtual axis, so that (with this meaning for 7) we may say that the angular momentum of a body is equal to ?'/, the product of its angular velocity into its moment of inertia about its virtual (temporary or permanent) axis. The linear momentum of a body having a motion of trans- lation is therefore the product of its mass and linear velocity Mv, and this quantity measures its quantity of linear motion. The angular momentum of a rotating body is the product of its moment of inertia about its virtual axis and its angular velocity, Iv a , and this quantity measures its quantity of angular motion. In the one case the linear velocity v, in the other the angular velocity v a) is constant. In the one case the momentum is proportional to the mass M simply, in the other to a second moment of the mass in respect to a particular axis, or to the moment of inertia L In the first case, the whole mass of the body may be supposed, so far as mere quantity of motion goes, to be concentrated at any one of its points, for all those points have the same linear velocity, and a mass M (equal to the whole mass of the body) concentrated at any one of them will have a momentum Jlfv, equal to the momentum of the whole body. But sometimes we require to know the momentum in some one direction of a rotating body. This momentum will be (see p. 237) 2w, where v is not the whole linear velocity of each particle, but the component of that velocity in some particular direction. We may assume the body to 32.] MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A BODY. 239 consist of any number of small particles, each having the same mass, so that 2 the angular velocity, will be 70 x zir -^ 60, or 7-33 angular units per second. Hence fr t=.v a l= 7 '33 x 13000 = 95290, and dividing by the time t, or 50 seconds,//- = = 1906 foot-pounds, and r being i8",/= r .22r = 1270 pounds. This is the average force at the radius of the crank pin. We shall see presently that the average piston pressure must exceed this in the ratio : I, so that if we had to find 32.] MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A BODY. 245 the pressure per square inch of piston \vhich must have been taken up simply in changing the momentum of (that is in accelerating) the fly- wheel, when the engine was starting, we could readily find it. In the case supposed the diameter of the cylinder might have been about 18 inches, the area for which is 254 square inches. The required mean 7T pressure on this area would therefore be . _ _?. = 7-8 pounds per 2 54 square inch. This pressure would be required solely for the acceleration of the fly-wheel, and would have to be deducted from the total pressure on the piston, as long as the fly-wheel was receiving momentum, in order to find what pressure was available during that time for driving the rest of the engine as well as the machinery of the work-shop, or whatever the engine had to drive. In the same case, what brake pressure applied at the periphery of the wheel, say 5 feet radius, would bring it to rest in half a second f Here We have the change of angular momentum the same as in the last case, but a decrease of 95290 instead of an increase. The pressure required will be ."5 2 9 . -f- \ = 38120 (about). This forms a good illustration of the way in which the pressure required varies inversely as the time, mentioned on p. 235. A solid disc of cast-iron is 20 inches in diameter and 2 inches thick : it revolves in its own plane about an axis through its own centre of gravity at the rate of 100 revolutions per minute. What force applied at its periphery can double its velocity in 2 seconds ? The disc weighs 160 pounds, its mass is therefore 5. Its moment of inertia is i'73 (feet and pounds being the units), and its angular velocity is 10*5. Its gain of angular velocity is therefore also 10*5, and of angular momentum 10-5 x 173 or i8'2. The force required is therefore /= Va i8'2 -^ ~ 2 = 10-9 pounds. rt 12 A connecting rod weighs 700 pounds, so that its mass is 22. Its moment of inertia in its plane of motion about an axis through its mass-centre is found by calculation to be 63. What is its angular momentum and what its radius of inertia? (Fig. 89 may be referred to to illustrate this question, but the figures given here are taken from another example. ) The mass-centre of the rod being known, its virtual radius must first be measured. This is found to be 3-55 feet. The value of /is there- fore 63+ (22 x 3'55 2 ) = 340. The angular velocity of the connecting- 246 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. rod is found by finding the angular velocity of one point in it. Most conveniently this point is the centre of the crank pin. Suppose the stroke of the engine to be 2 feet and the speed of rotation of the shaft 75 revolutions per minute. Then the linear velocity of the crank pin is - = 7*85 feet per second. Its angular velocity as a point in the connecting-rod (and therefore the angular velocity of all other points iu the connecting-rod) is 7*85 -f- its virtual radius as a point in the connecting-rod. This radius is found by measurement to be 5 3. feet. The angular velocity of the connecting-rod is therefore ? 5 _ l . - nearly. The angular momentum of the connecting-rod is I -5 x 340 = 510. The radius of inertia is . /__ = /^i 3-0^ f ee t v m V 22 The radius of inertia is thus 0*4 feet greater than the virtual radius of the centre of gravity of the rod. 33- WORK AND ENERGY. RATE OF DOING WORK. HORSE POWER. f We have seen that to alter the quantity of motion possessed by a body, i.e., to give it any acceleration, requires rot only the expenditure of force, but the expendi- ture of force over some finite interval of time. The product offeree and time,//, we have called impulse, and have seen that there was equality between any impulse and the change of momentum produced by it, (/ / = m 7;, see 31;^ But during the finite time over which the force has acted r the body must have moved through some space or distance. This distance can be expressed in terms of the time, for the velocity with which it is passed over is known. We get in this manner some new relations which are of still greater practical importance in connection with machines than the 33-] WORK AND ENERGY. 247 relations of impulse and momentum. Suppose, for instance, that a body of mass m is accelerated from v l to v<> by a force/acting for / seconds, we know that// = m (v 2 #-,). But the space passed through during the operation is equal to the mean velocity of the body, multiplied by the time taken up by the change, or s = V_ 2 _ iLf. By substitution / 2 /-i 2\ / 2 2\ we have therefore,/, = m ^ 2 "~ l ' = ^ 2 ~ * ' . If 2 2g the body started from rest, so that ^ - o, then (writing v for the final velocity eO / s = mv = wv . 2 2g The quantity/,, the product of a force (pounds, tons, etc.) into a distance (feet, inches, etc.) through which it acts, is called the work done on the body, and is measured in compound units called foot-pounds, inch-tons, etc., according to the standards employed for force and distance. This measurement of work in foot-pounds is to be distin- guished from our former measurement of static moment in similarly named units. A static moment is the product of a force x into a distance normal to its direction ; work is regarded as the product of a force into a distance along its own direction, i.e., the distance through which it is exerted on the body moved by it. There is practically no chance of confusing the two kinds of foot-pounds, so that no practical drawback occurs from the double use of the name. A simple case of work is that of a falling weight, where , is simply the distance fallen through by the weight, and v is the velocity it has attained starting from rest, under the action of gravity. A train starting from a station is another simple case. If we here take / as the pull on the drawbar con- necting the engine with the first wagon, and , the distance run 1 Or other "directed" quantity. 248 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. at the time any velocity v is attained, then/5 1 is the work done by the engine in accelerating the train, independently of the work which the engine has to do in causing its own acceleration, and in overcoming certain frictional resistances to be presently considered. In 31 we examined the equality ft= mv, one side of which we called the impulse, and the other the momentum. We have a somewhat similar case before us now, fs = quantit we call the work 2 2g done on the body. The right-hand quantity, which is numeri- cally equal to it, we call the energy received by the body in virtue of that work. It is not necessarily the whole energy possessed by the body, but in the general case is simply the additional energy received by it in virtue of the accelera- tion from i\ to v 2 . The added energy may be small or great in proportion to the original energy, according as the added velocity is small or great in proportion to the original velocity. If we wish to bring the body back to its original con- dition of rest, or of velocity v v we must take away from it this quantity of additional energy ^ or w ^ ~' v *\ Or 2g 2g if conversely this quantity of energy be in any fashion taken away from the body, it will return to its original condition of rest or of velocity v r Hence, we commonly, and justi- fiably, speak of this as work or energy stored up in the body, and of the taking away of this energy as its restoring to other objects. Using these terms we may therefore say that to make 1 The latter form will be generally used instead of V - because in practical problems the weight, and not the mass, is always one of the data. 33-] WORK AND ENERGY. 249 any addition v to the velocity of a body of mass m, or weight a/, we must do upon it an amount of work (/ s) equal to J ^~ or ^L^L and that this 2 2g amount of work will remain stored up in the body as long as it retains its added velocity, but must be restored by it to other objects before it can regain its original velocity. Conversely to diminish the velocity of a body we must take away from it a portion of the energy which it possesses in virtue of its velocity, and must again restore this to the body if it is again to move as fast as before. Just as we speak of doing work on the body while it is being accelerated, so we say that the body itself does work on something else during the process of restoring energy. Thus we say that a body whose velocity is v t no matter when or how it has attained that velocity, has stored up in it in virtue of that velocity a quantity of wifi energy , and that this is exactly equal to the quantity of work which the body could do for us, suitable appliances being provided, before it was brought to rest. This quantity is often called the kinetic energy of the body. If a body be in a position from which it can be allowed to fall, and at the end of the fall to do work for us, it is sometimes said to possess energy of position, and this energy is measured by the energy which it possesses at the bottom of its fall. An ordinary pile-driver with a monkey weight is an illustration of this case. The weight at the top of its lift is said to possess " energy of position " equal to the product of the lift and the weight. This expression seems to be misleading and (at least in such cases as we have to 250 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. do with) valueless. The only measure of energy of position which would seem reasonable, is the whole energy which a body would possess in virtue of falling from its present posi- tion to the centre of the earth. In ordinary mechanical cases we do not require to look at things this way. The monkey weight possesses energy when it hits the pile-head corre- sponding exactly to its velocity at that instant, and therefore in no way forms a different case from those we have been considering. A body cannot have its velocity increased without having work done on it, and stored up in it ; it cannot have its velocity diminished without re-storing some of that work, and thereby diminishing its own kinetic energy. But on the other hand, work can be done in other ways than in causing the acceleration of masses. We see not un- frequently force occurring without apparent acceleration. It does not require long examination to see that this is no real contradiction to the statement (p. 217) that we knew force only as the cause of acceleration. A body is being moved at a uniform velocity along a flat surface. The friction against the surface ( 71) resists its motion, and if it were left to itself it would rapidly come to rest. The force acting on it is necessary to prevent this negative accelera- tion, and must be therefore of such magnitude as to cause an equal positive acceleration, although the body is actually moving without any acceleration of velocity at all. In reality, the body is moving under the action of two equal and opposite forces, causing equal and opposite accelera- tions, which together may cause either rest or (if one force be allowed for one instant to preponderate by any small amount) motion with uniform velocity, and therefore without acceleration. In such a case and this is a most frequently occurring 33.] RATE OF DOING WORK. 251 case in practice no work is done on the body itself by the force, and no energy is stored up in it. Following Rankine's nomenclature, we may call any two such forces acting on a body effort and resistance. They are opposite and (if the body has uniform velocity) equal. The effort is always the driving force, or force acting in the direction in which the body is moving. In these terms we may say that, in the case supposed, the work done by the effort is equal to the work taken up by the resistance. No work is left to be expended on, or taken up by, the driving body itself. It would be always possible, even in these cases, to calculate the work expended in terms, not of the velocity of the body, but of the rate at which it would have lost that velocity had the effort not been acting. There is no object, however, in doing this, for the work done is simply the product of the effort into the distance through which it has acted, and is thus given at once in proper work units. Thus the work done in a minute by a locomotive in drawing a train weighing 120 tons at a uniform rate of thirty miles an hour on a level line, the resistance being 1 2 Ibs. per ton, would be 120 x 12 x 2640 = 3,801,600 foot-pounds. Similarly the work done in an hour at the crank pin of an engine whose radius is 18 inches, and which revolves at a uniform rate of 50 revolutions per minute against a uniform resistance of 7500 pounds, would be 7500x50x60x3x77= 212,000,000 foot-pounds (about). Very frequently work is done simultaneously against a 252 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. VH. direct resistance and a resistance due to acceleration. There is, of course, no difficulty in calculating the work done in any such case, by finding the two quantities separately and adding them together. Thus let it be required to find the work done by a winding engine in lifting a cage weighing two tons through 150 feet, during which time the cage (originally stationary) has had its velocity increased to 10 feet per second. The mere lifting of the cage must have taken up 2 X 150 = 300 foot-tons or 67.2,000 foot-pounds of work, quite independently of the acceleration. In addition to this the work now stored up in the moving cage, which must all have been supplied by the engine, is 2 x 2240 x io 2 c I = 60 so foot-pounds. 2 x 32.2 The total quantity of work is therefore 672,000 + 6950 = 6 7 8,950 foot-pounds. This question affords a good illustration of a very im- portant point connected with the expenditure of work in a machine. The body accelerated here the cage as it is lifted has eventually to come to rest. In order to do so it must get rid of all the work stored up in it in virtue of its velocity. This case occurs in all machines, where accele- rated bodies always eventually come to rest or resume their original velocity. The kinetic energy, when the negative acceleration comes, may be got rid of in two ways. It may be expended in doing work on the body in which it is stored up, in which case the body simply continues moving until all the stored-up energy is exhausted, and then stops. Or some fresh work may be provided for it to do, upon which it expends itself until it is exhausted as before. In the case of the cage just supposed, if the whole 6950 33.] HORSE POWS*"*552 253 foot-pounds stored up were to be expended in continuing to lift it, (the effort of the engine suddenly ceasing,) it would only rise 60^0 f 22 = 1-55 feet 2 X 2240 before the whole kinetic energy would be exhausted, and the carriage would stop and then begin to fall unless supported by the engine or otherwise. 1 In the case of the train on p. 251, if the connection with the engine suddenly ceased, the train would move on a very great distance. For the energy stored up in it (30 miles an hour = 44 feet per second) 1 20 x 2240 x 2 x 32-2 8,131,000 foot-pounds, and this would suffice to carry the train against the small resistance of 120 x 12 = 1440 pounds, through a distance of 5650 feet, or nearly a mile, before it would come to rest. This would be out of the question practically, and therefore an artificial resistance to the motion of the train is provided by the brakes. As the magnitude of such a resistance can be made independent of the velocity or (within certain limits) of the mass of the train, the train can be stopped within any desired distance by making the brake pressures sufficiently great. We have examined in this section the methods of measuring quantities of work. It is clear that any quantity of work, however great, can be done by any force, however small, if it only act over a sufficiently great distance. The 1 In such a case in practice most of the energy stored up by a winding engine is stored up in the rotating mass of a large fly-wheel, not in the rising carriage. 254 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. mere measurement of work in foot-pounds would therefore not afford us any means of comparing the apparatus by which the work was done. For this purpose we compare, not the absolute quantities of work done, but the rate at which that work has been done, that is, the number of foot- pounds of work done in a unit of time. The unit of time employed here is almost invariably the minute, and for many purposes we may measure the rate at which work has been done simply in foot-pounds per minute. But for many engineering problems this would give quantities incon- veniently large, and therefore in engines, by common consent, we measure the rate at which work is done in units called horse-power, one horse-power being taken as equal to 33,000 foot-pounds of work done in one minute. It is essential to remember that a horse-power is not a unit of work or a quantity of work, but a quantity of work done in a certain time. It measures, not work, but the rate at which work is done, in exactly the same way as acceleration measures, not velocity, but the rate at which velocity is gained. We may use to illustrate this some of the problems already worked out in this section. The locomotive mentioned on p. 251, does 3,801,600 foot-pounds of work in a minute by hypothesis. The horse-power it is exerting is therefore got simply by dividing that figure by 33,000, and is 115 (about). The horse-power of the engine in the next -, . 212,000,000 , x example is - - = 107 (nearly). 33,000 x 60 In the case of the winding engine the determination of the horse-power involves the finding of the duration of the operation described, which has not been given. We have given that the velocity of the cage has been increased from o to 10 feet per second while it has travelled 150 feet. The duration is therefore to be obtained from the equation 33 ] HORSE POWER. 255 / = =r 22? =30 seconds. Work has therefore been v 10 done at the rate of 678,950 foot-pounds in half a minute, which is equivalent to 41-1 horse-power. In the problems of this section only work against linear acceleration has been considered. The consideration of angular acceleration does not require any fresh treatment. Such problems as the following occur, and may be solved at once without further explanation. How much work is stored up in the fly-wheel of an engine making 65 revolutions per minute if the wheel has a radius of inertia l of 7 feet 6 inches and a weight of 5 tons ? Here v is to be taken as the linear velocity of the fly-wheel rim at the given radius, and is 51 feet per second, the whole kinetic energy of the wheel being 5 x 2240 x 51 _ 4 ^ 2 ^ 00 foot-pounds (about). 2 X 32*2 If the engine attained this velocity in 90 seconds after starting from rest, what horse-power must have been taken up merely in accelerating the fly-wheel ? This is nothing more than ^ ** = 9*10 horse-power (about). 33000 x 1-5 We shall only remind the student, in conclusion, that energy appears in many different, but transformable, forms. By changing " mechanical energy *' into heat, for example, the motion of a body as a whole becomes the motion of its vibrating atoms. This matter does not, however, form a part of our present subject. 1 In such a case as this the radius of inertia is often taken as the mean radius of the wheel rim, in which the greater part of the mass is concentrated. See 32. 256 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vn. 34. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS OF MOTION POSSIBLE IN A MECHANISM. What has been said about velocity, acceleration, etc., in the last few sections does not apply specially to mechanisms, but is quite general in its bearing. In what follows, however, we shall limit ourselves to such applications only of the general principles now established as come within our proper subject. We have already seen that in machinery every motion is constrained ( i) ; we have examined at some length the meaning of this condition, and have already made no little use of it in considering the motions for their own sake. We shall now find it no less useful and convenient to us in dealing with dynamic than formerly in dealing with kinematic problems. The bodies with which we have to deal at present are at any instant either (i) stationary, (ii) undergoing simple trans- lation, or (iii) undergoing simple rotation about a virtual axis, and we know that condition (ii) is only the special case of (iii) where the virtual axis is at infinity. The position of the virtual axis, or the direction of translation, is in every case determined absolutely by the form of the connection between the bodies or links constituting the mechanism. Disregarding forces which can destroy the mechanism by distorting it the consideration of which falls under what is usually called the science of the Strength of Materials we have, therefore, said (p. 5) that the direction in which any point or body in a mechanism is moving at any one instant is independent of the forces acting on that point or body. Only the magnitude of the velocity or acceleration depends on the forces,, while 34J MOTION POSSIBLE IN A MECHANISM. 257 such a magnitude if fixed for one point is fixed for all the others. Besides the case of stationary bodies, such as are in mechanisms, of course, the fixed links, we have then only two cases to deal with, bodies whose motion is a simple translation, and those whose motion is a simple rotation about a fixed axis at a finite distance. In the former case the body has no angular velocity or acceleration (p. 214) but it may be either moving with a constant linear velocity or undergoing linear (tangential) acceleration, and if it is undergoing acceleration, the acceleration may be either constant or varying. In the latter case the body must have angular velocity, and may or may not have angular acceleration, either con- stant or varying. Every particle in it must always have radial acceleration, but in one special case (where the virtual centre coincides with the mass-centre) the sum of the radial acceleration of all the particles is zero, so that the body as a whole has no such acceleration (p. 215). If the angular velocity of the body be constant, 1 the linear velocity of every point in it must be constant, and its radial acceleration must be constant. If it has, on the other hand, angular acceleration, every particle in it must also have linear acceleration, and its radial acceleration instead of being constant will be varying. The linear acceleration of each point will be constant or varying according as the angular acceleration of the body be the one or the other. If the linear or the angular velocity of a body is under- going increase, that is, if the body is undergoing positive tangential or angular acceleration, some equivalent expendi- ture of force is continually taking place, and work is being 1 Assuming it to be turning about a permanent centre. S 258 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vir. expended on the body and stored up in it. If, on the other hand, the acceleration be negative, the speed decreasing, the body must be continually parting with or re-storing energy. In the former case the driving effort exceeds the resistance, in the latter the resistance exceeds the effort. If, however, the body be moving with uniform velocity, the effort and resistance are equal. Work is being done equivalent to the distance through which the effort is exerted, but this work is, not stored up in the body, and at the end of such an operation the moving body contains only the same kinetic energy as at the beginning. The work done by the effort may have been done in lifting a weight (here the resistance), or it may have been expended in cutting or rubbing some material, or it may have been wholly or (as happens in almost every case) partially con- verted into heat, or converted into electricity. In whatever way it has been taken up it has passed away from the par- ticular machine or mechanism on which the effort acted, and to that extent has become irrecoverable. 35-] FORCES ACTING ON A MECHANISM. 259 CHAPTER VIII. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM. 35. CLASSIFICATION OF THE FORCES ACTING ON A MECHANISM. ON every link in a mechanism, including, of course, the fixed link, there are usually a number of forces acting. We shall find it possible to classify the possible force conditions as simply as we have classified the possible conditions as to velocity and acceleration. In the first place, the whole forces acting upon and between the links of any mechanism can be divided into two classes, between which it is quite easy to distinguish. Some of the forces, namely, are entirely external to the mechanism itself, and both in direction and magnitude may be independent of it; such forces are called external forces. The weight hanging from a crane, the resistance of a piece of iron to the edge of a cutting tool, the pressure of steam on a piston, are examples of such external forces. The weights of the individual links in any mechanism also fall into this category. When any such external forces act at different points upon a mechanism whether or not they cause the mechan- ism to move they give rise to other forces acting from link to link of the mechanism, determined in magnitude by s 2 2 6o THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. the external forces, but fixed in direction solely by the nature of the mechanism itself. These forces, in default of a better name, we shall call pressures. It would be misleading to call them "internal" as opposed to the " external " forces, for although they are internal in respect to the mechanism as a whole they are external to its links individually. In such an example as that of Fig. 103 the external forces are the two weights W b and W dy whose mag- nitudes and directions may be anything whatever x that we choose. Besides these there are in the mechanism forces exerted by each link upon those next adjacent to it, whose total magnitudes are determined by the external forces, but whose directions and relative magnitudes are fixed by the mechanism itself. These are the pressures. The pressures exerted by b and d upon c are forces external to c, although not external to the mechanism. Similarly the pressures exerted by a and c upon b are external to it just as much as the external force W b . But again they are not external to the mechanism, and therefore do not receive the name of external forces. Pressures being by definition actions between adjacent links, occur always at the surfaces or lines of contact of the pairs of elements. We might say that they occurred always 1 "Anything whatever," because we make no pre-supposition that the mechanism shall be " balanced " under them. 35-] FORCES ACTING ON A MECHANISM. 261 at the joints if we had only to do with turning pairs, but sliding surfaces are not generally included under the head of joints, although they are equally important to us as pairs. But it is clear that the pressures acting at different points, perhaps points very far apart, on the links, must be transmitted from point to point through the material of the links themselves. These transmitting, molecular forces might correctly be called internal forces ; they have, however, received the more convenient name of stresses, which we shall always use to designate them. In rigid bodies, stress may be defined as resistance to alteration of form ; in fluids which occasionally form part of machines, (see p. 3) as resistance to altera- tion of volume. It is this capacity of the material of the links to exert stress in such fashion as to preserve their forms sensibly unaltered that justifies us in treating the virtual centre as a fixed point (p. 44). Could the shape of the links alter sensibly, the position of the virtual centre would be to a corresponding extent variable, the machine would become useless for its own proper purposes, and our method of examination would become inapplicable. So long as the links of a mechanism are either stationary or moving with constant velocity, there come into question only these three -external forces, pressures, and stresses. Pressures act on each link from the next one at every pairing. The pressure of the link a on the link b is external to b, the pressure of b upon a at the same place is external to a, and so on. But no pressures can exist unless in the first instance they are called into existence by external forces acting on the mechanism. For the pressures may be taken to represent the resistance of the links (consequent on the manner in which they are connected together) to change of relative position, just as the stresses represent the resistance 262 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. '[CHAP. vin. of the molecules (consequent on the manner in which they are connected) to change of relative position. The dif- ference between the two cases is that the links are allowed to change their positions to a very large extent, and the molecules only to a very small one. The external forces may act on only one link of the whole mechanism, or on all, or on any number of the links. The mere weight ot the links themselves may form a most important part of these forces, or may (as in a horizontal steam engine) be fairly negligible in comparison with the rest. The stresses, as representing entirely intermolecular action, may be left out of account here, it being presupposed only that the links are made of such material and dimensions as will keep the stresses in them so small that their change of form under pressure may be safely neglected. The stresses will then stand in the same general relation to the pressures that the pressures do to the external forces, except that wherever an external force acts on a link along with pressures it takes exactly the position of a pressure in causing stress. The last paragraph has contained a general statement of the relations between stress, pressure, and external force in the case of bodies stationary or moving with constant velocity. When a body has acceleration, a force not falling properly under either of these three heads has to be taken into account. A body offers no resistance to continuance of motion in its own direction with its own velocity, but it cannot be accelerated without the action of force. This fact, which is Newton's " first law," is at the foundation of our whole study of dynamics. But it involves directly the converse fact that every body simply in virtue of its existence offers resistance to acceleration. This resistance is exactly measured by the force necessary to cause the acceleration, is equal and opposite to it, stands to it, in 3 6.] EQUILIBRIUM-STATIC AND KINETIC. 263 fact, in the relation of reaction to action. Neither can exist without the other ; either may be looked at alone, but only if we do not forget that it is only half of a duality. 1 When, therefore, any link of a mechanism is undergoing acceleration, its resistance to acceleration a quantity proportional directly to its mass, as well as to the acceleration, but for which, unfortunately, we have no single word is a force which has to be taken into account along with the rest, and which falls neither into the class of external forces nor into that of pressures, as we have defined them. We shall find presently that problems involving "resistance due to acceleration" are not more difficult to deal with than any others. 36. EQUILIBRIUM STATIC AND KINETIC. So long as the form of a body is not actually undergoing change lengthening, shortening, distorting, etc. the body is said to be in equilibrium. This equilibrium is called static if the body is stationary or moving with uniform velocity, and kinetic if it is undergoing acceleration. For a body to be in static equilibrium it is necessary simply that the external forces acting upon it should not be such as could, in their united action, cause acceleration. Now the united or total action of any system of forces on a body is in every respect, except as to the stresses caused by the forces, the same as the action of the resultant or sum of that system of forces. The sum of any number of forces 1 We talk similarly of the pressure of a girder on its abutment or of the reaction of the abutment against the girder. Neither can exist without the other, but without losing sight of the duality we often for simplicity's sake speak of only one. 264 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. may be either (i) zero, (ii) a single finite force of definite direction and position, or (iii) a couple, which has sense and has also magnitude measured as a moment, but has neither magnitude as a force nor any position or direction. So long as the forces are all in one plane, the condition always presupposed in this part of our work, no other con- dition than one of these three is possible. If the sum of all the external forces be zero the body must be in static equilibrium, for zero force must cause zero acceleration. If the sum of all the external forces acting on any link of a mechanism be a single force the equilibrium of the link is static or kinetic according to the position of that force. If the force passes through the virtual centre it can give the body no acceleration, because that point is a fixed one ; no force whatever by acting on it can either make the body move or change its motion if it is already moving. In every other case a single force can and must cause the body to be accelerated. This may be summed up by saying that if the sum of the external forces acting on any link of a mechanism be a single force, the link will be in static equilibrium only if that force act through its virtual centre relatively to the fixed link. If the sum of all the forces acting on any link of a mechanism be a couple, the condition of the link depends on the position of its virtual centre. If the link has a motion of translation only it will be in equilibrium, because its virtual centre is at infinity ; in all other cases it must be undergoing acceleration. For looking at a couple merely as two equal, parallel, and opposite forces, there is no difficulty in seeing that it cannot cause acceleration in a body whose only possible motion is one of translation in one 36.] EQUILIBRIUM STATIC AND KINETIC. 265 particular direction. For the two forces which together constitute the couple being parallel and opposed to each other, as well as equal, have no tendency to shift the body as a- whole in the only way in which (by virtue of its con- nection with the rest of the mechanism) it can be shifted. Whatever motion either one of them could give it is directly counteracted by the opposing action of the other. A simpler proof of this is derived from the modern treatment of a couple as an infinitely small force at an infinitely great distance, acting along "the line at infinity." Such a force must (by defini- tion) pass through all points at infinity, and therefore through that particular point which is the virtual centre for the motion of the link. The case therefore falls within that of the last paragraph such a force can give the body no acceleration. If, on the other hand, the virtual centre of the link be at a finite distance only, the link cannot be in static equi- librium, for the couple can cause angular motion, and there- fore acceleration, although it cannot cause simple translation. This may be proved in various ways. In the first place, the last method of the last paragraph shows us that the couple is a force not now acting through the virtual centre, and therefore capable of causing acceleration. Or, secondly (without making use of the infinite elements), we know that a couple may be shifted anywhere in its plane of action without altering it, i.e., that it has no special position. Therefore we may suppose it so shifted that one of the two forces of which it consists passes through the virtual centre. This force can therefore give the body no acceleration, but it leaves it under the sole action of the second force, which by hypothesis can not pass through the virtual centre. So far as acceleration goes, the body is therefore just in the position of one acted upon by forces whose sum is a single 266 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. force. The two last paragraphs may be summed up as follows : If the sum of the external forces acting on any link of a mechanism be a couple, the link will be in static equilibrium only if its constrained motion be one of translation. When a body is in static equilibrium the external forces acting on it are generally said to be balanced. This expression may mean either of two different things. If the static equilibrium results from the sum of the forces being zero, it means that they are balanced among each other that as a whole they have no tendency to move the body, because as a whole they have no magnitude. This con- dition occurs in structures constantly, but only extremely seldom in machines. If the equilibrium results from the sum of the forces passing through the virtual centre, the forces are not balanced among themselves (for their sum is a finite force) but are balanced by the pressures between the links of the mechanism which keep the virtual centre stationary. When, however, the body is in kinetic equilibrium, the force (or couple) causing acceleration is often said to be unbalanced, and indeed the condition is not always recognised as one of equilibrium at all. But the force here, which is the sum of all the external forces in action, is balanced just as completely as the force passing through the virtual centre in the case just dealt with. Neither is balanced by what may be called independent as distinguished from derived external forces, and therefore in one sense both might be called unbalanced. But one we have just seen to be balanced by the pressures acting between the links, called into action inevitably, each in its particular direction, as soon as the external forces begin to act (p. 261), and the other (with which we are now dealing) is no less 36.] EQUILIBRIUM-STATIC AND KINETIC. 267 really balanced by the resistance to acceleration (p. 263). What is generally called an unbalanced force, or couple, is therefore one which is not balanced either by external force or by pressure, but solely by the resistance of the body or bodies upon which it acts to acceleration. There is no par- ticular harm in the use of the word unbalanced in this case, if this limitation of its meaning be kept in mind. In speaking first of force (p. 217) we said that we measured and compared the magnitudes of forces only by the accelerations they produced or could produce. We find now that a body may be acted on by forces to any extent and yet be undergoing no acceleration. There is here, however, nothing contradictory. The conclusion which we have to draw when we see forces acting on a body which stands still or moves with constant velocity, is that the accelerations produced by those forces must be such as exactly to counteract each other, so that as regards ac- celeration the state of the body is the same as if no force were acting at all. It is because we know that in such a case the body receives no acceleration that we say that the forces acting on it must be such as to produce accelerations whose sum is zero, and then infer that the sum of the forces must be zero also, because forces are proportional to the accelerations which they produce on the same body. Or otherwise, as we have already put it (p. 250), if a body is visibly moving with uniform velocity, but is visibly also acted on by forces, we can only conclude that each force is produc- ing its own acceleration, but that the forces are such that their whole accelerations exactly cancel each other. We should infer that if in : such a case we took away any one of the forces, the body would at once begin to move faster or slower at a rate exactly corresponding to the now unbalanced part of the acceleration naturally due to all the remaining forces. 268 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. 37. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM GENERAL PROPOSITIONS. The ordinary static problems connected with machinery are of two kinds : (i) the determination of the forces or moments acting on a body on the assumption that they must be such as to bring it into static equilibrium ; and (ii) the finding of whether or not a body is in static equilibrium under the action of certain given forces. The first class of problems is far the most important, and we shall confine ourselves chiefly to it ; the second class will not after- wards present any difficulty. In practice the problem very generally takes this form : Given that a mechanism is in static equilibrium, and that a certain external force or set of forces is acting upon it, to find what force in a given direction, and acting on a given link, is required to balance the given force or forces. The problem is simplest when all the forces are acting on the same link of the chain, but in practical work it often happens that given forces act on several links, and the force to be found acts on quite another. This is of course a more complex question, but we shall find that it can very readily be solved by an extension of the same methods which we shall use in the simpler cases. The general conditions for the static equilibrium of a body having plane motion have been stated in 36. They may now be put into more extended form in view of the problems just mentioned, and this is .done in the following propositions : (i) The sum of the external forces 1 may be zero. This occurs very seldom, as it involves the very special case 1 For definition of " external forces " see p. 259. 37-] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM. 269 that the total action of all the given forces upon the link on which the unknown force acts should be in direction and position exactly opposite to that force. The case need not be separately considered, as it is most conveniently treated under one of the following : (ii) The sum of all the external forces must pass through the virtual centre. This is simply an inversion of the proposition on p. 264, and is the form of the proposition which will be found most generally useful. (iii) The moment (p. 232) of the sum of the ex- ternal forces about the virtual centre must be zero, or, what is the same thing, the sum of the moment of all the external forces about the virtual centre must be zero. This follows at once from (ii), for if the sum of the external forces is itself a force passing through the virtual centre, it cannot have any moment about that point. This form of the proposition is specially useful in enabling us to deal with couples, but is convenient in many, other cases. If the sum of the external forces is zero, their moment (that is, the moment of their sum) is zero about every point in the plane, and not only about the virtual centre. But if the sum has any finite value it must have some moment about all points except those lying in its own direction line, and of these points the virtual centre must always be one. It follows from (iii) that the effect of a force upon a body whose motion is one of rotation about a point at a finite distance, is not simply proportional to the magnitude of the force, but to its moment the product of its magnitude and radius, or perpendicular distance from the virtual centre. A given force will produce the same linear ac- celeration in a body of given mass, whether the motion of the body be a simple translation or a rotation, if only its 270 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. radius is equal to the radius of inertia of the body. In any other case the acceleration produced is not proportional to the actual force itself, but to its equivalent at the radius of inertia. If we write k for this radius and r for the radius of any force/ then the equivalent force at the radius k will bef =f-, for we have just seen that for two forces to K be equivalent, or to cause the same acceleration in a body, their moments about the virtual centre must be equal, or f o k = fr, of which equation the one given above is only another form. The algebraical forms of the propositions given above are as follows : (i) If /p/2,/3, &c., be the forces, then /1+/2 +/S+ = (0 or more shortly 2/=o (2) The sum (2/) is not the mere arithmetical sum of the quantities, but their geometrical sum, taking their directions and positions all into account. If they are all parallel each one must be supposed to be intrinsically positive or nega- tive, so that the sum would be (/i) 4 (/ 2 ) + ( + / 8 ) +....= o (3) (ii) and (iii). If f v / 2 , / 3 , &c., be again the forces, and r \> r v r v & c -> tne i r virtual radii, while r is the radius of their sum, r2/=o, (4) or /i 'i + / 2 >2 + /s ^3 + ---- =0 (5) Here the products or moments /j r^f z r^ c., are in- trinsically negative or positive, according as the moment 37.] GENERAL PROPOSITIONS. 271 tends to turn the body clock-hand-wise, or in the opposite sense. If follows from equation (i) that /!+/+ /l /, + .... = -(/i +/ 2 ), & c ., in words : When the sum of the forces acting upon a body is zero, any one force, or the sum of any number of the forces, is equal and opposite to the remaining force, or the sum of the remaining forces. Further, if we have any forces / : , / 2 , / 3 , of which the sum, f , passes through the virtual centre, then by definition /1+/2+/3 =/o /i+/ 2 +/3 + (-/o) = o If, therefore, to the given external forces acting on any body which is in static equilibrium, we add a force equal and opposite to their sum, the sum of the whole is zero, and we can apply to them the proposition stated above in connection with equation (6). There exists an exactly similar relation among the moments of the forces. If follows from equation (5) that or in words : When a body is in static equilibrium, the moment about the virtual centre of any one external force acting upon it, or the sum of the moments of any number of such forces, is equal 272 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. and opposite to the moment of the remaining force, or the sum of the moments of the remaining forces about the same point. It will be remembered that these different statements as to the conditions of equilibrium do not describe different conditions, but only different aspects of the same condition, of which the most general statement was given in (ii). Which proposition is used in any particular case is generally a mere matter of convenience. In the following sections we shall give examples of the use of all of them. 38. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF PAIRS OF ELEMENTS. We shall now take up the first problem alluded to in the last section (p. 268), but in the first instance only so far as it concerns pairs of elements, the simplest case in which it can occur. The problem is this : Given a body turning about a known point its virtual centre and acted upon by any number of known forces,/;,/,, &c., to find what force /must act in a given direction so as to keep the body in static equilibrium. The sum of the known forces we shall indicate by/ s in all cases, so that and the sum of all the forces, which must pass through the point O\ we shall indicate by/, so that In Fig. 104 we have a turning pair in the form of a disc and bearing. One known force only, f v acts on the disc; it is required to find/ so as to bring the disc into 3 8.] EQUILIBRIUM OF PAIRS OF ELEMENTS. 273 static equilibrium, or (as is often said) so as to balance / r Here / and / are the only external forces acting on the body. Their sum / must clearly pass through their join M, and it must also pass through the virtual centre O. The direction of f must therefore be MO. To find / there is, then, nothing more necessary than to resolve f L in the directions / and AfO, that is, to construct a triangle of which one side is parallel and equal to f v and the other two sides parallel to / and f respectively. The sum, f ot of all the external forces acting on the body, is therefore a single force passing through the virtual centre O, and the body is in static equilibrium. f is in this case the total pressure of the pin against its bearing, and is balanced by the equal and opposite pressure of the bearing against the pin. This pressure is of course a force ex- ternal to the pin, but we have seen (p. 260) good reasons for calling it a pressure rather than an external force. In Fig. 105 the known force / x is a weight, and the un- known force / is the hand-pressure on a lever necessary to move it. The construction and lettering is precisely the same as in the last case. The lever, with its fulcrum (a cylindrical bearing), is, of course, simply a turning pair of elements, not differing in any way from the disc and bearing of Fig. 104. 274 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. In Fig. 1 06 the same case is given, but with two known forces, /| and f 2 . Here we have first to find the sum of these two, X, and then to treat it exactly as we treated the single force f in the last examples. The join of f s with f is the point J/, and through this point the sum of f s and/ in other words the sum of/, f z and f must pass, so that its direction and position are again given by the line MO. To find/ we have only to resolve / in the directions of MO and of / as before. It may very often happen that all or several of the forces coming into consideration in such problems as these are parallel. In this case the addition or resolution of the FIG. 105. FIG. 106. forces may require the use of the link polygon, and other graphic methods, with which the student should certainly make himself familiar. But there are many cases in which a simpler construction will suffice. We have seen that the only difference between the conditions stated in (ii.) and in (iii.) of the last section lay in the form of their statement. This difference, however, leads us to a corre- sponding difference of construction which is convenient in just these cases. An illustration is given in Fig. 107. A 38.] EQUILIBRIUM OF PAIRS OF ELEMENTS. 275 lever is acted on by a force f v the force f to balance /j is required. The directions of / and / x are parallel, but in other respects the problem is of course identical with the ones we have just examined. The relation between the moments of the forces is given by the equation f^ =fr r if r^ and r be the radii of / x and f respectively. Hence i = J and y=/ 1 - 1 , which is simply the algebraic form of the statement that the magnitudes of the forces, in order to keep the body in static equilibrium, must be inversely as their radii or " leverages." To find f it is therefore simply necessary to set off j^ along the line of f, as at A B, draw the line BO . . ., and take for/the segment CD, which that line cuts off upon the force line f v For obviously =& AJj T whence CD = AB - 1 =/ =/ Fig. 1 08 shows an exactly similar construction applied to the case where / x and / are 'both on the same side of the centre. In this case f^ and f are of opposite senses, while if they are on opposite sides of O they have the same sense, the necessary condition being that their moments should have opposite senses. In such cases as these, where / x and / are parallel, this construction is considerably simpler than the construction with the link polygon. It is not necessary that AB and CD should be drawn in the direction of the forces they may be drawn in any convenient direction, as long as only they are parallel. But there is no difficulty in reality in reducing these cases to exactly the former conditions. For the equality of moments has no connection with parallelism of forces, and there is no reason why we should not shift a force round T 2 276 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vni. into any convenient position, if it is in an inconvenient one, so long only as we keep its radius unaltered. So, for in- stance, the lever of Fig. 107 might be treated as in Fig. 109, where the force f : is simply turned round into the position /I, and the solution made precisely as in the former cases, FIG. FIG. 108. FIG. 109. with of course precisely the same resulting value off. It must be remembered, however, that the value of / , the pressure on the bearing, does not remain the same as before. In Figs, no and in the body on which the forces are acting is an element of a sliding pair instead of an element of a turning pair. In the first case there is only one unknown force, in the second there are three, the case being that of the piston-rod of an obliquely placed cylinder. 1 The virtual centre O is in these cases at infinity, but as its direction is known, a line can always be drawn to it from any given point (as M) by simply drawing a line through 1 The actual distribution of forces in such a case is much more com- plex than that sketched, the upward pressure of the guides, &c. , being here left out of account. The position of the sum/ s in Fig. no has been found by link polygon construction, which is not shown in the figure. 38.] EQUILIBRIUM OF PAIRS OF ELEMENTS. 277 the point at right angles to the direction of motion of the sliding pair. The construction in all the examples given above may be summed up as follows : (i.) Find the sum / s of all the known forces, by link polygon or any other construction, if necessary. FIG. no. FIG. in. (ii.) Find the point (M) which is the join of f s (or of /j, if there be only one given force) with the direction of the unknown force f. (iii.) Resolve f s (or f v as the case may be) in the directions of f and of OM, the point O being the virtual (or permanent) centre of the body. The component in the direction f is the required force in that direction. The other component / is the total pressure through the virtual centre, that is, the total pressure on the pin in Figs. 104 to 109, and the total pressure on the surface of the block in Fig. no. This pressure (see p. 260) is balanced by the corresponding pressure or pressures of the body or bodies adjacent to the moving one, a matter which is looked at in detail in 41. In Fig. 112 is given an example of a different kind. One element of a turning pair is acted on by two forces, /! and f^ which are equal and opposite to each other, that is, which form a couple. We require to find, as before, the force in the direction / which will hold the body in static 278 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. equilibrium. At first sight our construction appears to fail us here, for /, the sum of / and / 2 , is zero, and moreover, the join of / and / 2 is a point at infinity. The difficulty, however, is merely apparent, not real. For we know that a couple may be shifted into any position without changing its action on a body as a whole. 1 We have only FIG. 112. therefore to shift the couple, say to////, so that one of its forces passes through the virtual centre (p. 265). This force will then be balanced by the pressures at that point, and will not further affect our problem. To find / we have only to take M as the join of// and/ and resolve the former, exactly as before, in the directions of / and of MO. We have to remember now, however, that/ , the sum of fi and/ is no longer the whole pressure through the virtual centre, because we have now the external force / 2 ' acting there also. The pressure on the pin is therefore / +/ 2 '. By the triangle we see at once that this is equal to/(/ 2 ' being equal to /'). The counter-pressure exerted on the pin by its bearing must therefore be a force equal and opposite to 1 The change of position will necessarily alter the distribution of stress in the material, but with that we are not here concerned. 38.] EQUILIBRIUM OF PAIRS OF ELEMENTS. 279 f and acting through O. But such a force forms along with f a couple. This is a very striking example of the state- ment made in the last section in connection with equations (6) and (7). The body is under the action of four forces, /j, / 2 , / and /,, the last being a force equal and opposite to the sum of the other three, so that the sum of these four forces is zero. Therefore, any two of them must be equal to the remaining two ; for instance : (f^ +f 2 ) = (f+f ). But (/! +/ 2 ) = o, for they are equal and opposite to each other, therefore (f+f ) must also = o, which they can only do if they also are equal and opposite to each other, and we have just found- that this was actually their condition. We have in our former construction applied the propo- sition that the moment of the sum of the forces about the virtual centre should be zero. We may equally well apply the proposition that the sum of the moments of the forces should be zero, by finding (graphically or otherwise) the moment of each force, adding all the moments together, and dividing by r, the radius of the unknown force /, to find that force. But this is seldom so convenient as the method already given. It is of special importance in its application to one case, however the one, namely, where the sum of the forces acting on a body is a couple, as in the last figure. Here the sum of the moments of f and f o ls f\ r i ~/2 r 2 (/i an d /2 having opposite senses), and as / 1 = J / 2 this is equal to /^ T^), which is the moment of the couple itself. If we write a for (r^ - r 2 ), the "arm" of the couple, we have therefore (in such a case as Fig. 112) f^a =f z a =fr a.ndf=/ l ~ ~A~, which can be solved either arithmetically or by construction. 280 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. 39. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF SINGLE LINKS IN MECHANISMS. We have seen long ago that for all such purposes as we have at present in hand there is no difference between the motion of a link about a virtual centre and that of a lever or crank about a pin or shaft. So that all the constructions which we have given in the last .section for pairs of elements apply equally well to links of chains, if the point O be taken as the virtual centre relatively to the fixed link. It will not be necessary to do more than give two or three examples to show this. In Fig. 113 the forces/ and /act on the link a, which can turn about the point O ad , here a " permanent " centre. The whole construction for finding/ is similar to that of Fig. 104, and similar lettering is used. In Fig. 114 the forces /,/, and /act on the link , which FIG. 113. is turning about O M , a virtual and not a permanent centre. The construction is the same as in Fig. 106 ; /, and /, are added together to get/ ; the join of/ and/ viz. the point Af, is found, and / is then resolved in the directions of / and OM y the former component being the one required. 39-] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF SINGLE LINKS. 281 In dealing with virtual centres, however, it often occurs that they are inaccessible or inconveniently placed on the paper, so that either to draw lines through the virtual centre, or to find the length of virtual radii is troublesome. We have already in 14 to 1 6 found methods by which in the determination of velocities we could dispense with the FIG. 114. actual drawing of lines through the virtual centre if it were not convenient to draw them. But the velocities of points in a link vary directly as their virtual radii, and as the forces acting at them, if they are to be balanced, must vary inversely as their virtual radii, the forces must vary inversely as the velocities of points having the same radii, and must therefore be determinable by any methods which can be used for the determination of velocities. Figs. 115 and 116 give illustrations of the applications of this method. In Fig. 115 the known and unknown forces /! and / act on the link b at the points B^ and B respec- tively, and in the direction of motion of those points. To find / it is only necessary to set off / x from B along the 282 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. virtual radius of thai point, that is, in the direction of the link a. Then through its end point R draw RP parallel to the virtual radius of v that is, to the direction of the link c. RP (the point P being on the axis of the link b) is equal in magnitude to the required force /. The proof is simply (see p. 87) that by the construction ^^ -= r j == f. j (the RB r /j virtual radii of the forces being equal to those of the points B^ and j??) and therefore f = f r - 1 . The forces are there- fore inversely as the virtual radii of the points at which they act, which is exactly the condition which we have already found that they ought to fulfil. Fig. 116 represents the slightly more complex case where FIG. 115. FIG. 116. the directions of^ and /are not the directions of motion of the points on which they act. Forces may, of course, be assumed to act on a body at any point on their direction lines, but if the virtual centre is inaccessible it would be very in- convenient to have to find the particular point on each force line which is moving in the direction of the line. Without finding these points, however, the method of the last paragraph is not available. We can, however, use another 39-] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF SINGLE LINKS. 283 almost equally simple. Resolve / 1? the given force, into two components in the direction of the line B^ B and of the virtual radius of B l respectively. This gives us in /j' the only component of /j which has to be balanced by /, for the remaining component //, acting through the virtual centre of , does not require to be balanced by/ Next, as fi acts through B, the point of application of / it is only further necessary to resolve it in the direction of /and of the virtual radius of B to find/ as is shown in Fig. 116. It is of course not necessary to carry yj' along the line, as has been done in the figure for the sake of clearness. In practice the whole construction would be done at B v It has been assumed that we knew the virtual radii of B and B, the points at which the forces acted, which we may obviously do whether the virtual centre itself be accessible or not. At first sight it might seem that the problem was more difficult when it comes in the form of Fig. 117, but as a matter of fact the construction is practically the same. Here the forces, which are lettered as before, both act on the link #, the one at the point P lt the other at the point P. If the virtual centre be inaccessible we cannot draw the virtual radius for either of these points. 1 But we must in all cases know the virtual radii of at least two points of the link, here the points D and B, the radii being the axes of the links d and b respectively. And the forces / x and / do not act at the points P 1 and P any more than at any other points along their direction lines, so that all we have to do is to treat them as acting at the joins A l and A of their direction lines with the known virtual radii. The line A 1 A 1 There is, of course, no impossibility in drawing a line through /\ or P in such a direction as to pass through the inaccessible join of the two other lines. But the construction for this is too long to be under- taken if it can be avoided. 284 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. takes the place of the line l B in the last figure, and the construction, as is shown, is exactly the same as before. It is not necessary to give any examples when more than one force is known, for we have already seen that this involves no difference in principle : the known forces have only to be added together and their sum, f sj takes in every respect exactly the place of the single force / x in the examples given above. The case of a link under the action of a couple may just be mentioned; an example is given in Fig. 118. Its FIG. 117. treatment does not differ in any way from that used with Fig. 112. We shift the couple until one of its forces passes through Oj and then resolve f with the other exactly as in the former case. The easiest method of shifting the couple is that shown in the construction. From any point I\ in the one force line draw a circle touching the other, and from O draw a tangent O F 2 to the circle. The new position of /j will lie through J\ parallel to this tangent, as shown at//. The point M will be, as in Fig. 112, the join of // and the given line / Where the virtual centre of the link on which the forces are acting is at infinity (as the piston and rod in Fig. in), the link has for the instant only a motion of translation, and we have seen that in such a case the action of a couple, 39-] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF SINGLE LINKS. 285 or of any number of couples, does not affect it in any way as regards static equilibrium (see p. 265). Fig. 119 shows a mechanism interesting in itself as well as forming an illustration of the use of the method of moments described in the last section. The weight / on b has to be balanced by a pressure f t the amount of which is required. We cannot carry out our former construction on the paper, because / and / are parallel, and their join is therefore at infinity. We can draw a line parallel to them through O M , and the problem is then to resolve / along the two given but parallel directions. There is of course no FIG. 119. difficulty about this, but we may handle the problem as before set off the given value of/ along the/ line, and apply the construction of Fig. 107 ; we at once obtain the value of/. It is obvious that this mechanism gives us the means of gaining a very large mechanical advantage. For as O bd is a virtual centre only, and not an actual pin joint, the distance of/ from it may be made as small as we please, and therefore the balancing force / may be made as small as we please. 286 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. If /j be made to pass through O bd , it itself keeps the mechanism in equilibrium, and no force at all is required at f. If j^ be shifted still further towards d, its moment about O bd changes sign, and the force f, to balance it, must act upwards, not downwards. These changes made on a model (where of course the point O M is invisible) are very striking, and at first sight (like those described further on on p. 297) somewhat paradoxical. Fig. 1 20, the mechanism of the common "knuckle joint," FIG. 120. is an example of a somewhat similar kind. Here the link b is balanced under an equality of the moments yj 1\ and fr of the forces about the virtual centre O. As the link moves the point O changes, so that the arm r becomes continually less and less, and r^ continually greater. Thus a given force f can balance (or "exert") a greater and greater pressure f as the joint is pushed closer and closer " home," the property which we know to be characteristic of this mechanism. 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 287 40. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. We have now to consider the general problem of the balancing of a known force, or forces, acting on any link or links of a mechanism, by a force given in position only on some other link. In the first instance, let us assume that the known forces all act on one link, and that the unknown force is to act on a link adjacent to it. We may suppose that in any case where several known forces are all acting on one link we can add them together, and substitute their sum or resultant for them, indicating it by the letter /with a suffix a, b, etc., according to the letter used for the link on which the forces are acting. There is one very simple case, illustrated by Fig. 121, which does not involve any new difficulty even where the forces nominally act on non-adjacent links. For here the force/, acts at <9 a6 , the point common to the links a and b, and the force / acts through O c!> , the point common to the links c and b. One of these points is a point in a and one in c, but both are also points in b, so there is no reason why we should not consider the forces as both acting on the same link b, and proceed to resolve as in Fig. 121, by finding the point M, the join of the two forces, and the point O, the virtual centre of the link b on which they act, and then resolving the given force / into components parallel to f a (given in direction) and to the line OM. Such a case as this occurs very often indeed in practice. In the example given it represents the finding of the crank-pin resistance (/,) balanced by a given piston pressure (/) in a direct-acting engine of the usual type. A more difficult case is shown in Fig. 122, where a known force f a acts on a, and has to be balanced by a force /, 288 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. acting in the given direction on the adjacent link b. It is necessary in the first instance to find the three virtual centres corresponding to the two links acted on by the forces and the fixed link. Calling the fixed link d, these points are O ai> , O ad and O M ; we know that they must be on one line, and can at once mark their position in such a simple mechanism as this. It is supposed in this case that FIG. 122. all three points are accessible. The next step is to resolve f a into any two components of which one passes through O ad , the fixed point of a, and the other through O at> , the 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 289 point which a has in common with b. This may be con- veniently done as shown in the figure, where f p is the com- ponent acting through O al ,, and f q the component acting through O ad . We have thus at once converted f a into an equivalent force acting on the link b. For by construction (i) / is equal to f p +/, (ii) f q can have no effect on the motion of the body a or on the value of f b , for it acts through the virtual centre or fixed point of a, and is therefore entirely balanced by pressures there. (It will be noticed that here and elsewhere f q is not shown in its proper position, which is here along the line NO ad .) (iii) The only remaining component f t acts through the common point of a and b, and therefore may be taken as acting on b direct. The problem is now no more than that already solved in 39. The given force f p acting on a body b which turns about a known point O M has to be balanced by a force ft, acting in a given direction on the same body. The construction merely duplicates that of Figs. 113, 121, etc. Find Jlf t the join of the two forces, and resolve f p in the direction of f b and of OM, the line joining M and the fixed point, O M , of the link b. A very different example of exactly the same method is given in Fig. 123, an epicyclic train (see 20), where a wheel d is fixed, and a wheel a carried round it by an arm b. There is given a weight/, hanging from the periphery of a, and it is required to find the force f b acting in the given direction on the arm b in order to balance it. The whole construction is identical with the last, and as the figure is exactly similarly lettered it is not necessary to repeat the statement of construction or proof. The given force (or sum of given forces) f af can be u 290 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. resolved through the required points in an infinite number of different ways so that the point J/can always be made accessible. But it may easily happen that O M is inaccessible. In that case it is necessary to choose such a point for M that we know the direction of MO M , even when the point O M itself is off the paper. This is done in Fig. 124, where FIG. 123. O bd is purposely made inaccessible. The point M must lie on the line^S, the given direction of the unknown force. If we take it at the point which is the join of that line and the axis of the link c, as has been done in the figure, we know the direction of OM, which is simply the axis of the link c. Drawing MO ab , the point N on the force line f a is fixed, as well as the direction of the component f^, The given force f a can then be resolved into components parallel to NM and to NO adt and the magnitude of f^ thus found. The resolution of f p into^S and a component^ parallel to MO (i.e. to the axis of c) is exactly as in the former cases. 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 291 In Fig. 125 the same construction is applied to a slider- crank chain. Here the known force f a acts on the link a, but the fixed link is , and the balancing force which it is Odd inaccessible Obc FIG. 124. the object of the problem to find acts on d, the link adjacent to a. The point O bd is inaccessible, but is known to lie on the line at right angles to the link d through the point O bc (see p. 74). On this line, therefore, where it is Old inaccessible FIG. 125. cut by the given direction of f dt the point M is taken. M joined to O ad gives the point JV t and the construction follows as before. U 2 292 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. This construction can, of course, be equally well applied when the virtual centre is accessible, and in practice it then Oat)' '""""Dad FIG. 126. forms an excellent check on the results obtained in the more general manner of Fig. 122, where the point M was allowed to take any position in which it came. In most cases it is as easy in fact, and in all cases as simple in theory, to determine the equilibrium of a mechan- ism under forces on non-adjacent as on adjacent links. FIG. 127. Figs. 126 and 127 give illustrations of this. The link a is taken as fixed in each case, and the known force is 40] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 293 f b acting on the link b, the unknown force f d acting on the link d in the given direction. The three virtual centres to be determined are therefore O a6 , O ad and O bd . The force f b is first resolved into two components f p and f 9 , the latter passing through O ab -> the fixed point of the link b, the former through O M , the point which b has in common with d. The point M is then taken as the join of f^ with the given direction of f d , and f p is resolved along O ad M, (that is, through the fixed point of d\ and along the direction of fa the magnitude of which force is thus found. In Fig. 127 the point O bd is inaccessible, and the same construction is used as in Figs. 124 and 125. It will be noticed that the case is entirely unaffected by the fact that there is a third link c (there might be half a dozen) between b and d. The existence of such a link has had its effect in fixing the position of the point O bd , but this point having been once found it may be dealt with exactly as if b and d were (for the instant) pivoted together at it, quite independently of the form of the actual pairing or linkage which has taken the place of that direct connection. It is obvious that the first step in this construction is the finding of three virtual centres, viz., the fixed points of the two links on which the forces are acting, and the common point of the same two links. The two former (here O ab and O ad ) are generally accessible, but when the chain is a com- pound one, and b and d not links adjacent to the fixed link, they may be inaccessible. The third virtual centre may in many cases be inaccessible. The drawing of lines through O bd may be dispensed with by the method given above. The necessity of drawing through the other two points may often be dodged by the sort of construction used in Figs. 40 to 42, etc. In a case such as Fig. 127, the inaccessibility of O bd has made us use the axis of the link c 294 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. as a line passing through it, and it may of course happen that the join of c with/,, (the point M\ is thereby made in- accessible. In such a case we may use the method of Fig. 109, and turn/, round O ad through any angle (keeping only its distance from that point unchanged), until M comes into some convenient position. It is very seldom that any direct construction for drawing lines through inaccessible points requires to be used. We have seen that the method of resolution given applies when the mechanism is balanced by forces on non- adjacent as well as on adjacent links. Obviously it makes no difference whether the mechanism is simple or compound (p. 68), although in the latter case the finding of the virtual centres is necessarily more troublesome. Without their use, however, the problem is so complex that it would hardly be attempted at all. Before giving examples of applications to compound mechanisms it will be well to state the problem and solution in its general form, applicable alike to the simplest and the most complex case. Given a mechanism of which r is the fixed link, and s and t any other two links, given also a force / acting on the link s, to find the force/ acting in a given direction on the link t which will keep the mechanism in static equilibrium. (i.) Find the three virtual centres O rn <9,,and O s( , which must ( 12) be three points in one line. (ii.) Resolve f s into two components, of which one, fyy passes through O rs , and may be neglected, and the other,/, through O st . (iii.) Find the point, M, when f p joins the given direction of/, and resolve/, into two components, of which one is in the direction MO rt , and may be neglected because it passes through O rt , and the 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 295 other is in the given direction of/, and is there- fore the force required. l We shall now proceed to deal with a few cases of mechanisms which present, in reality or in appearance, difficulties somewhat greater than those of the examples already given. The lettering will be in all cases the same as that just given in the general statement of the solution of the problem r a fixed link, s and / the other two links, s being the one on which the known force acts. The con- struction for finding the virtual centres is not given, as it has been so fully discussed in 12. In Fig. 128 is shown the Peaucellier parallel motion, which will be more fully examined later on (47). The given force f s is supposed to act on the particular point which moves in a straight line, and to be in the direction of its motion. It is required to find what force f t in the same direction will balance it, acting on what may be called the crank pin at the end of the link /. The construction used requires no explanation, but it is a noticeable point about the example that the force^ acts at the common point of the links s and s' t the force f t at the common point of the links /, / and /." / s may therefore be supposed to be acting on either of two, and f t on either of three, links. It will be a good exercise to go through the corresponding six solutions, and see that they all give the same result, as necessarily they do. 1 In a paper read before the London Mathematical Society in May 1878, and published in Vol. ix. of their Proceedings, the author has given another equally general solution of this problem by a method of "virtual mechanisms." The solution given here is, however, not less general, and is somewhat simpler. He has therefore not thought it necessary to give also the former, which he believes to have been the first general solution of the kind published. It need hardly be pointed out that, although the words mechanism and links are used, for obvious reasons, in the statement given above, the solution is perfectly general in respect to the static equilibrium of any three bodies having plane motion and acted on by forces in one plane. 296 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. Fig. 129 illustrates the case of a compound epicyclic train. A known weight f s hangs on the free end of the ami FIG. 128. ^ ; it is required to find what pressure f t at the pitch radius of the wheel / will balance that weight. The three virtual centres are found as on p. 157, the whole train being equivalent (as will be remembered) to the pair of wheels (one annular) of which portions are shown dotted. There is nothing new about the construction, which need not be commented on. But it is interesting to notice the change in f e with change of position. If, for instance, it were acting in the position/', it would be not an unnatural guess at first sight that it would be much less than before, its radius from the centre of the wheel (O s( ) being so much increased. Its distance from the centre of the wheel has, however, nothing to do with the matter, for the wheel is not turning about its own centre at the instant, 1 but about the point O rt . And the new position is not only nearer to O rt than the former one, but is on the other side of it, so that the new value 1 That is, its motion about its own centre forms only a fart of its whole motion relatively to the fixed link r. 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 297 ft is not only greater than before, but is in the opposite sense. To balance a weight f s it must act upwards, not downwards. If f t had acted actually through the point O rt it would have been impossible for the mechanism to be balanced in static equilibrium by it, any more than a weight hanging on a pulley could be balanced by a force acting through the axis of the pulley shaft. In the latter case, however, the matter looks perfectly simple, whereas here it has almost the FIG. 129. appearance of a paradox to construct this mechanism as a model, attach a sufficiently long arm to the wheel /, and then to see how a weight hung on the arm becomes less and less effective as it is moved outwards, and finally helps, instead of resisting or balancing, the motion which the weight f s tends to cause. The case of Fig. 130 represents the first part of the mechan- ism of some " differential pulleys." It differs from Fig. 129 298 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. only in the fact that one of the wheels is annular. The arm / takes the form of a rope wheel, with a radius equal to the radius of the force f^ The weight is supposed to hang from the wheel s at the radius of the force / s , and it will be seen that the combination, even as it stands, has a very considerable mechanical advantage, represented by the ratio A., which in the figure is = 6. FIG. 130. In 20 " reverted " wheel trains were examined. If it were attempted to treat such a train in its actual constructive form by the methods of this section, we should find that we got no result, for in many cases the three virtual centres with which we work would fall together in one point as has been seen in the section referred to. But this need not in reality interfere with the solution of the problem, because we have seen that the reverted form was used purely as a matter of convenience, and that a reverted train differs neither kinematically nor mechanically from a wheel train with the same sized wheels, having their axes spaced out in the usual way. Hence to work out the problems of this 40] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF M ut r:,f r UNIVERSITY MS. 299 section with a reverted train, such as Fig. 69 of 20, we have only to alter it into the equivalent form of Fig. 66, and it falls at once into the cases we have just been examining. It is only necessary to remember that in shifting a link on which any force is acting the force must be shifted with it, so as to have the same virtual radius in the new that it had in the old position. One illustration of this must suffice, the driving mechanism of a capstan (Fig. 131). Here the capstan head is attached FIG. 131. to a shaft on which the wheel 5 is fixed. As this rotates it compels the rotation of the idle wheel u between its own periphery and that of the concentric fixed annular wheel r. The spindle of u is carried in the bottom of the rope or chain drum, which itself can turn independently about the same axis as that of s and r. The drum therefore forms the 300 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. arm / 1 of the train, and the whole mechanism is a reverted epicyclic train of three wheels, one (forming the fixed link) an annular wheel, and one merely an idle wheel. A known force, / s , acts on the capstan head at a known radius (this would be naturally the pressure on one of the capstan bars) it is required to find what resistance it can balance on the drum or arm / at the radius of the point T. In the first place we must substitute the wheel / for s, for the reason already given, then mark the points O rt , O sr and O st . 1 After this the construction proceeds precisely as before. It will be noticed that even with the small radius at which f s is supposed to act the mechanism has a very large mechanical advantage (8 : i in the figure), which is enormously increased in practice by applying f s at the end of a very long bar. It must be specially noticed that as the direction chosen for f s has been parallel to the line along which the wheel s has been shifted, it has not been necessary to alter it, for f s has the same radius in reference to the new as to the old axis of the body (s) on which it acts. But there is no necessity whatever that / s should be taken where it is. Such a position as /' s would give precisely the same results, if only the new line lay at the same distance from O sr as the old one. If instead of a single force, or a series of known forces of which it is the sum, acting all on one link, we had to deal with a known force or forces,- each acting on a different link, it will be found most convenient to determine the value of the balancing force separately for each force or set 1 It happens that in this case the idle wheel goes out of account altogether when the wheel s is put into its new position, for an externally toothed spur wheel r would constrain exactly the same motion in s 1 directly that the annular wheel would through the intervention of the idle wheel. But this, and the particular position in which O sr comes, is accidental to the special form of mechanism examined. 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 301 of forces, and then add together all the quantities so found. For instance, let there be given a force f a acting on a link a (Fig. 132), f b on link b, and f c on link c, and let the problem be to find the force / on link c, in a given direction, necessary to balance all three. Nothing more is necessary than to resolve separately each force which is not already acting on the link c, into two components, one acting through its virtual centre relatively to the fixed link d (and therefore to be neglected), and the other acting through its virtual centre relatively to the link c. The components acting on c may then all be added together and treated as one force / s , from which /can at once be found. In- the figure the components of f a and f b acting on c are lettered respectively/^ and f bc . These together with/ are found (by link polygon construction omitted in the figure) to be equal to /. The join of / and / is J/~, and the magnitude of /is found just as formerly. It is obvious that the values of the components f ac and 302 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. f bc will differ altogether according to the particular resolu- tions of f a and f b adopted. But if their magnitude varies, their position and direction vary correspondingly, and their sum, or balance, f, remains unchanged. In the general case, where the link c has its virtual centre, O cd , relatively to the fixed link at a finite distance, it is the moment of each component about O cd which remains unaltered. In the present case, where O cd is at an infinite distance, it is the components off ac , &c., in the direction of motion of c, which remain unchanged. The differential pulley block, of which a part has been already examined in Fig. 130 forms an excellent example of a case exactly similar to the last in reality, but much more puzzling in appearance. In Fig. 130 it was assumed that the annular wheel r was stationary. In reality, the pulley is ar- FIG. 133. ranged as shown in Fig. 133. There are two separate annular wheels r and r\ placed face to face, and together forming a box, within which the wheel s moves, this wheel being broad 40.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 303 enough to gear with both of them at the same time. Each wheel carries outside it a drum, and from each drum hangs one half of the chain suspending the weight. Neither of the annular wheels is fixed, they are free to revolve, each with its own chain drum, about the same axis as that of the rope wheel or arm /. If now r and r l were the same size they would be caused to revolve slowly, but both at the same rate, by the motion of s. The chain would be lowered on one side precisely as much as it was raised on the other, and the weight would remain stationary. But one wheel is made a little larger than the other, 1 and they consequently rotate at slightly different velocities, and the chain is a little more wound up than lowered, or vice versa. The problem is, what force must be exerted at the periphery of the wheel s in order to lift a given weight at the radius of the chain drums. The three wheels r, s, and / form together a reverted wheel train, which in order to be dealt with must have its axes placed out as in Fig. 134. The wheel r has 44 teeth, r 45, and s 40 teeth, but the differences between them have been somewhat exaggerated for the sake of clearness in the engraving. The problem is exactly the one treated in connection with the figure 132. On rand r act equal forces^. and/' r at equal radii, and tending to turn them in opposite senses, i.e. to balance each other ; required the balancing force on s. By resolving each force through the fixed point of the link on which it acts and through the common point of that link and the link .?, exactly as before, we get f & acting almost through the centre O st . 2 1 To all appearance the wheels are the same size, but one has one tooth more than the other. As the teeth of both are of the same pitch, both gearing with s, it follows that the pitch diameter of one is, in just the ratio of the number of teeth, larger than that of the other. 2 If the radii of r and r 1 were equal, the direction of f s would pass through O st ~ that is, no force would be required on s which would be 304 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. At any other position on s the balancing force will be inversely proportional to its radius, for instance, at the periphery of s the force will be ^ of/ s , a quantity too small to be clearly shown on the figure. The working of this mechanism is generally explained by referring to its velocities. In consequence of the "odd FIG. 134. tooth " or " hunting cog " the one wheel makes (say) |J times as many revolutions in a given time as the other. The weight is lifted then in the same fashion as if there were spur gearing of 45 : i, and the resistance and effort are in the same ratio. But this explanation, although correct so far as it goes, is so vague, and helps so little to the understanding of any other similar cases when they occur, that it has been thought worth while to examine the working of the mechanism in already balanced, but in that case of course no weight would be lifted. (The dotted line in the Figure ought to be in line with / 8 .) 40] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF MECHANISMS. 305 detail, and see how it could be handled by such methods as we had found sufficient in other cases. It may be worth while, in concluding this section, to point out once more that the force problems which we have just been considering are essentially the same as the velocity problems examined in Chapter V., when, as here, we leave out of consideration the masses of the bodies acted upon, and assume that no accelerations exist, and no frictional resistances. If a mechanism be balanced under two forces acting on different links, the magnitudes of those forces must be such that their components in the direction of motion of the points at which they act must vary inversely as the velocities of those points, exactly as if they acted on one and the same link or body. The methods we have adopted enable us to arrive at the result without actually referring to their velocities or apparently determining them. They are nevertheless necessarily involved in our construc- tions, and one example may be given to show how, if neces- sary, they could be made use of. We may take the capstan (Fig. 131) for this purpose. If we suppose the forces f s and f t acting on S and T respectively, as we are entitled to do, their magnitudes should be inversely as the linear velocities of those points. But by 15 Linear vel. T LI vel. / O rt T Linear vel. S ~~ t- r vel. s O sr S the last-mentioned quantities being the virtual radii (rela- tively to the fixed link) of the points at which the forces were acting. From 20 we know that L r vel. /IT z_r vel. s~~ i + vel. ratio of tram "3*2 306 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. VIIL and by measurement we find the ratio of the virtual radii O rt T __ 2 07rS 5' Hence linear vel. T = linear vel. S x ^ x jj = linear vel. S x -|, and correspondingly/, = 8/ s , as in the figure. If S had been taken at any other point in the force line, as S' , with virtual radius O sr S', such a calculation as has been above made would give the value of the component of / s at right angles to that radius (namely, in the direction of motion of the point S'), and from that component of course f s could be found. But it is most convenient to work with points, as S and T, whose direction of motion is the direction of the forces acting on them, unless they are inaccessible. 41. STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF FIXED LINKS IN MECHANISMS. The problems occurring in connection with the fixed link of a mechanism are generally of a somewhat different nature from those we have just been considering, but so far as we are here concerned they are very simple. Forces can only be transmitted to the fixed link through the links ad- jacent to it forces acting on non-adjacent links must be transmitted through the adjacent ones. Moreover, each of these adjacent links has only one point in common with the fixed link, so that all forces have to be transmitted to the fixed link through the points which are the virtual centres of the adjacent links relatively to it, as for example the points O ad , and O cd , in Fig. 135. 41.] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF FIXED LINKS. 307 As to these forces themselves, they are simply the pres- sures forming the components which we have been neglect- ing. We have resolved each force into two components, one acting through a virtual centre (which we have neglected) and the other capable of causing acceleration, and therefore requiring to be balanced. So far as moving links are con- cerned this latter component is the only one which we had to consider. So far as the fixed link is concerned, on the other hand, it is only the former that have to be attended to. Every one of them passes through some determinate point in the fixed link, i.e. through some fixed point, because it passes through the point which the moving link has in common with the fixed one. The magnitude of each is determined. The fixed link therefore is nothing more than a body in equili- brium under a number of completely known forces (pressures) acting through completely determined points, balanced by 'Old Ocd Vad FIG. 135. corresponding pressures at the different fastenings, which prevent the fixed link moving relatively to the earth, which, in fact, fix the link. Fig. 135 shows a simple mechanism in equilibrium under X 2 308 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. three forces, f a on #, f b on b and f c on c. The equilibrium between these forces we may suppose to have been already determined, and the components through the virtual centres O ad , O bd and O cd , which are respectively /7, //, and //, are drawn. These three forces must now be added together (the construction for this is not shown in the figure) and their sum f s found, which is therefore the sum of all the forces acting on the link a. As there are only two links, a and , whence f b c = f^, and /. = /j_, so that/ 5 could be found irrespective of / 3 if required. The construction for finding/^ from/ 3 is given in Fig. 138. The lettering corresponds to that in Fig. 137. It will be seen that in both these cases the construction can be proved by the method of similar triangles as well as o n by the proof given. For ___ = -, so that b.SR = PR b a.RP, or bfi = af v which was required. 41 ] STATIC EQUILIBRIUM OF FIXED LINKS. 313 Fig. 139 is another example of a case which occurs in practice. A forceyj acts, as shown in the Figure, on an over- hung spur-wheel fixed upon a shaft resting in two_j3earings. It is required to find (i) the pressures / 2 and / 3 , caused by the wheel on the shaft, and (ii) the supporting forces or pressures / 4 and f b . 1 This involves nothing more than the re- solution of/^ first into components along / 2 and/*, and then FIG. 139. into components along/ 4 and / 5 . The construction is that usually employed for the resolution of a force into two com- ponents parallel to itself. Through any point i in /i any two lines are drawn, and these give at once points 2 and 3, and 4 and 5, by joining which the link polygons are completed. / : is drawn in the force polygon, and by drawing rays paral- lel to 13 and 15, the pole O is found at their intersection. 1 Both here and in the case of the crane post the bodies supposed fixed can be moved. But in each case the particular forces dealt with are such as could not move them, because they all act through or parallel to their virtual axes (that is, in the plane of the paper). The bodies are therefore, so far as our present problems are concerned, fixed. 3H THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vin. Parallels to 23 and to 45 give at once the values of the required forces / 2 to/ 5 . Fig. 140 represents a case very often occurring in practice. A bracket is loaded by a known force / in a known direc- tion, and supported by horizontal forces at f 2 and / 3 and by a vertical pressure at / 4 . The values of / 2 , / 3 , and / 4 are required, the bracket being in static equilibrium. The most FIG. ,140. convenient construction is again that given on p. 312 above, for the simultaneous resolution of a force into three com- ponents. Find P the join of/! and/ 2 , and Q the join of / 3 and / 4 . Resolve/ in the direction of/ 2 and PQ, and then resolve the component parallel to PQ in the directions / 3 and/ 4 , as shown in the force polygon ; this gives all three forces at once. Had/ x been vertical, the construction would have been exactly similar, but in that case / 4 would have been equal to / x and/ 2 to / 3 , and the figure would have been a rectangle exactly similar to some of those already examined, and the forces acting on it would have been a pair of couples. 4 2.j POSITIONS OF STATIC EQUILIBRIUM. 315 42. POSITIONS OP STATIC EQUILIBRIUM. There is a class of problems sometimes of importance in connection with mechanisms which can very easily be solved by the help of the virtual centre, and which may be looked at here. A mechanism is acted on by some unbalanced force (or force balanced only by resistance to acceleration, see p. 266). Leaving aside all questions as to acceleration while the mechanism is in motion, it is required to find in what position it will be when the force brings it to rest, or whether the force can ever bring it to rest at all. 1 The problem is solved by finding the position occupied by the mechanism when the force comes into line with the virtual centre of the link on which it acts (if it ever does take that position), for we know that motion must cease when the force producing it acts through the virtual centre. In complex cases this position may have to be found by trial, but in many instances it can be found at once. Of the simpler cases there are three kinds, at each of which we may look, viz. (i) when the force remains unchanged in position (relatively to the fixed link) as the body moves, and acts therefore at continually changing points of the body, (ii) where the force acts always through the same point of the body and remains always parallel to itself as the body moves, (iii) when the force acts always through the same point of the body and remains in the same position relatively to the body, so as continually to change its position relatively to the fixed link. In the case of a pair of elements a force under condition 1 The following constructions were mostly given in a paper read by the author before section A of the British Association at its Glasgow- meeting in 1876. 3i6 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. vm. (i), (as e.g. in Fig. 141), will cause motion continually as long as it lasts, for as the virtual centre is a permanent one the force will never pass through it if it does not do so to start with, and if it does so to start with, the body will not FIG. 141. move. But if the force be acting on a link in a mechanism, such as c in Fig. 142, whose virtual centre changes, then it FIG. 142. may or may not bring the mechanism to rest. In Fig. 142 the curve a is the centrode of 2 to D^ and so on. This construction makes the distance OS 2 in the figure very slightly too small. But although this error of S 2 is here quite negligible, yet with the distance intervals shown the intermediate points B 2 C 2 and Z> 2 are very sensibly out of position. By taking the distance intervals sufficiently small, these points also can be brought sensibly right. In Fig. 148 the dotted curve is drawn like AB 2 C 2 S 2 , but for OB distance intervals = or 300 feet, and its points sensibly coincide with calculated points. As the acceleration, which is the sub-normal to the velocity curve (p. 205), is constant, we know that the curve itself is a parabola, and as such it can easily be drawn. The point S z must lie midway between O and T, where AB l cuts the axis. In starting such a diagram the two quantities to be set out are the velocity and the acceleration. It is not really neces- sary, however, to set out the latter, for we know that it is pro- portional to the force, hence ON is really set out equal to the force (here resistance) causing (negative) acceleration. Knowledge of the scale on which ON represents the accelera- tion is only required in order to find on what scale the velocity must be drawn in order to correspond to our assumed 332 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY [CHAP. ix. distance scale, or if the velocity scale has been arbitrarily assumed to determine on what scale OD must be read of as distance. Fig. 149 shows the same problem worked out on a time, instead of a distance, base. The velocity curve is here, as FIG. 149. in Fig. 92, a straight line, the acceleration being constant. The acceleration is equal to - or / , which is here m w 4400 x 32 2 = 0787 foot-seconds per second. The 180,000 44-] TRAIN RESISTANCE. 333 time of the stop (we have already measured its distance] is 5 1 = 74-2 seconds, or about a minute and a quarter. 0787 The time scale in the figure is taken so as to make the total length of the base the same as in the former case (see 28 p. 211). This necessarily makes the actual time scale an odd one. As the diagram is drawn _L-L_ inches stand 1.200 for 74*2 seconds, so that the time scale is 41 seconds per inch. A part of the construction, which is the same as that of Fig. 100, described on p. 209, is given in Fig. 149. SKL is simply a copy of the velocity curve of Fig. 148. O\O is a length equal to one distance interval, set back from O r the centre of the first interval. O^N^ is a distance deter- mined by the method of p. 209. In this case there are = 0-0172 as many units of velocity as of distance in I2OO one inch, so that ;/ = 0-0172. The distance O l N l must therefore be made equal to = sS'i time units. The 0-0172 time unit being (as found above) = 0-0244 inch, the 4* length O l N' l must be 0*0244 x 58*1 = 1-42 inches. -A^T^ being drawn parallel to M^O, the distance O^T^ - ^ repre- sents the time taken by the train in traversing the first distance interval, and R is therefore a point on the new velocity curve. Similarly O 3 T 3 = / 3 represents the time taken in traversing the third distance interval, and Q is a point on the new velocity curve. This curve as a whole is simply the straight line SRQL, as in Fig. 92. It must not be forgotten that in getting the time O 4 T = / 4 for the last distance interval, the distance O 4 V must be made equal to 334 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. yZ, the actual length of that interval and set back from its raid point. It is better to take J/ 4 on the chord than on the arc KL. In all these cases, as has been already pointed out, the diagram has been scarcely more than illustrative of the pro- blem the actual answer has in each case been worked out quite independently of it. With altered data, however, such as are quite likely to occur in practice, it is often convenient to use the graphic method for its own sake, although even then its comparative convenience is not nearly so great as in the other cases which we have to consider in this chapter. Let us now suppose that the stop is not to be made on a level line, but on one which has first an uphill gradient of T : 250 for 1,000 feet, is then level for 500 feet, then has a down-hill gradient of i : 150. On the first section the 180,000 resistance will be =720 pounds more than pre- viously, or 5,120 pounds in all; on the second section everything will be precisely as before ; on the last section the resistance will be I -' 000 =. 1,200 pounds less than before, J 5 or 3,200 pounds in all. These quantities would be used in the diagram as the sub-normals in the first, second, and third sections respectively. At the top of the hill the velocity of the train has been reduced to 397 feet per second. At the end of the level ground its velocity is 28^0 feet per second, while the energy still stored up in the moving train is 2,210,000 foot-pounds. With the now diminished negative acceleration due to the downward gradient, the train will still not come to rest for 690 feet, so that the whole stop will occupy 2, 190 feet. As the (negative) acceleration is constant on each of the three sections, the velocity curve consists of arcs of three parabolas, all having the same axis. As the 44-] TRAIN RESISTANCE. 335 distance run in each case before stopping varies directly as the resistance and as the square of the initial velocity, it is especially important that the train should enter any section where the resistance is diminished (such as the down-hill section in the case supposed) with as small a velocity as possible. We may take one more example in this section. Let it be supposed that a train of the same weight, &c., as before, is two miles from a station and running up a continuous incline of i in 250, in the middle of which the station is placed. How long will it take to reach the station, and how far would it over-run the station if the brakes "leaked off" suddenly after being on for 20 seconds ? To answer the first question we have first to find when the brakes have to be applied in order that the train may stop just at the station. The total resistance of the braked train on an upward gradient of i in 250 is 5,120 pounds. The stoppage from a speed of 40 , . . . Q.Z -30,000 miles per hour under this resistance will require 7 - ^ = 5,120 i, 860 feet. Before applying the brakes the train will there- fore have run 8,700 feet at 40 miles an hour, which will occupy 149 seconds. The negative acceleration, when the brakes are applied, will be 5,120 X ^ = 0-916 foot- 180,000 seconds per second, and the duration of the stop itself therefore ^ 4 64 seconds. The whole time taken up 0*916 in running the two miles will be 213 seconds. If the brakes leaked off suddenly at the end of 20 seconds the train would be left running, under its own proper resist- ance only, at a speed reduced by 0-916 x 20 = 18-3 feet per second. The speed of the train is therefore (say) 40 feet per second, the kinetic energy at this speed is 4,480,000 336 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. foot-pounds, and the resistance of the train, without the brakes, 640 + 720 = 1,360 pounds. The train will therefore run on ^ _ 3,290 f ee t before it stops. When the 1,360 brakes were applied the train was 1,860 feet from the station. In 20 seconds this distance must have been diminished by 984 feet, leaving the train 876 feet from the station, which it would therefore over- run by 2,414 feet, or nearly half a mile. From these data there can at once be calculated the velocity with which the train would strike any obstacle which happened to be standing in its way at the station. 45. DIRECT ACTING PUMPING ENGINE. In one of the simplest forms of pumping engines, known as the "Bull Engine," the cylinder is placed vertically above the pump shaft, and the pump rods or "pitwork" simply hung direct to the piston rod. Kinematically the com- bination is nothing but a sliding pair of elements, there being no crank or rotating parts of any kind. Dynami- cally the machine is of much more interest, and its action much more complex. For although the form of the piston and cylinder prevent any relative motions but those of an ordinary sliding pair, yet they do not in any way affect or control the velocity of motion, and the length of stroke of the engine is entirely dependent on the accelerating forces in action, and it both may and does vary from stroke to stroke instead of being an absolutely fixed distance as in an ordinary engine. Buffer blocks are provided for the crosshead to strike against at each end, but if the accelerating forces exceed certain limits these may be destroyed and the cylinder cover or end knocked out. 45-1- DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING ENGINE. 337 We shall investigate the condition of the working of an engine of this type by the aid of the principles and con- structions already examined. Let there be given, as in Fig. 150, a diagram AAB 1 C 1 etc., whose ordinates represent the steam-pressures below the piston tending to lift it. The point at which this curve ends on the right we do not know, because the stroke of the engine is not a fixed quantity, but one which we have to find out. Further let there be given the weight of the whole pitwork, AA , which forms the resistance against which the piston has to rise, and which is constant throughout the stroke, whatever its length may be. The horizontal line A .... F Q will then form a resistance diagram. From these data our first problem will be to find the velocity at differ- ent points of the stroke, i.e., to construct a curve whose ordinates shall measure these velocities. The actual effort available for producing acceleration is at each instant the difference between the total effort and the resistance, as A A^ B Q B^, E Q E^ etc. During the first part of the stroke these efforts are positive, and the speed of the piston will therefore increase. During the second part they are negative the resistance being greater than the effort and the acceleration is therefore also negative, the speed of the piston diminishing until at length it becomes zero, and the piston stops. The total resistance AA is partly due to the gravity of the mass and is partly frictional, but in this case we may neglect this latter part, and treat the ordinate AA as representing simply the weight of the pitwork. If we take the ordinate AA V (as is commonly done) to repre- sent not the whole pressure on the piston, but the pressure per square inch, then AA must represent also the resist- ance per square inch, i.e. the total resistance divided by the area of the piston. There is therefore a nett effort A A l z 45-] DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING ENGINE. 339 per square inch of piston to be expended in accelerating a mass equal to AA 01 also per square inch of piston. This mass is constant throughout, so that the acceleration of the pitwork at each instant is simply proportional to the force producing it, that is, to the ordinate between the line A Q . . F and the curve A 1 JS l . . F v and is positive or negative ac- cording as that curve lies above or below the line A . . . J? ot The curve A l J3 l . . J? v may therefore be taken simply as an acceleration curve, the scale of which is as yet unknown, on a distance base, and the problem is the one treated already in Fig. 99, given an acceleration diagram on a distance base, to construct from it a curve of velocities. The construction, being exactly the same as that of Fig. 99, is not repeated here, the velocity curve is shown in the figure. The velocity reaches a maximum where the acceleration is zero (at Cj) and then diminishes under the negative acceleration until at K the curve cuts its axis. At this point therefore, motion ceases, and the stroke is completed, its length being AK, or 9-8 feet on the scale used. If there has been room for this stroke in the cylinder, the piston will simply have come to rest clear of the cylinder cover by a certain distance. But our construction has ob- viously been quite independent of any particular length of cylinder. The piston would naturally come to rest at K, no matter how long the cylinder was, and if the space in the cylinder available for its motion were less than AK, say AD, the piston would strike the cylinder end when it had travelled so far, and the cylinder end would be broken unless it were strong enough to stand the blow. As such an accident would be very serious in an engine, it is guarded against, as mentioned above, by placing buffers or buffer beams of some description outside the cylinder in such a position that the crosshead must strike them before the z 2 340 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. piston strikes the end of the cylinder. In spite of these precautions, however, accidents of the kind mentioned have not unfrequently occurred. The velocity diagram has now been constructed, and the length of the stroke formed, but we do not yet know on what scale we can measure the velocities, for the scale of the acceleration diagram has not been determined. This can be done easily from the general relation between force and acceleration, viz., # = /, which tells us that if / = i, a w 2 so that the length which stands for one unit force (here w' i pound per square inch of cylinder area) stands for units w of acceleration. As w is here 20, r6 ; the force scale w of the figure as drawn was 20 to the inch, hence the acceleration scale is (20 x r6) or 32 foot-seconds per second to the inch. In section 28, p. 207, we have already seen how to find the velocity scale when distance and acceleration scales were given. The distance scale of the figure was originally drawn 2 feet to the inch, there are therefore 31 =16 units 2 of acceleration per unit of distance on the paper, and there must be ^16 or 4 units of velocity per unit of distance. The velocity scale would therefore be 8 feet per second to the inch, and by measurement the maximum velocity would be 14-1 feet per second. There is another way in which the maximum velocity, or the velocity at any point of the stroke, can be found, but it is less convenient than the foregoing unless the object is 45-] DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING ENGINE. 341 merely to find the maximum velocity. 1 From 33 we know that there is stored up in the moving masses, a quantity of energy E = m ~ = . This energy E we 2 2g saw to be equal to the product of the mean force causing the acceleration into the distance through which the body had been caused to move during the operation. In our diagram this is simply equal to the area of A^B^C^A* \ for the length A C l is equal to the distance just mentioned and the ordinates of A 1 J3 1 C 1 measure the forces causing accele- ration. By construction or calculation the area of A^B^C^A Q will be found to be equal to 60*8 foot-pounds (per inch of piston area), while w, we have seen, is equal to twenty pounds (also per square inch of piston area). From this J*Eg > 2 x 60.8x32 = feet second> V W 20 which checks well with the 14*1 feet per second found by the other method. To find the velocity at any other point, as .Z? , the area A 1 B^B G A would have to be taken intead of that used above. If J were the point where the velocity was required, we should have to take for the stored-up energy the value of the area A^B^D^E A , of which a part C^E is negative, and would have to be subtracted from the rest, the stored- up energy of course diminishing as it expends itself in keeping the body moving after the effort falls short of the resistance. But if the velocities at a number of points are wanted, these calculations become tedious, and it is simpler to draw the velocity curve at once. The finding of the duration of the stroke is not a very 1 The graphic treatment of this method was given at length by the author in two papers in Engineering, vol. xx., pp. 371, 409. 342 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY [CHAP. ix. difficult matter, It is only necessary to reduce the velocity curve to a time base by the method of p. 209, and find the length of the base. The mean velocity of the piston is found of course by dividing the whole stroke by the time occupied by it. It is in this case 8'iy feet per second. The time taken to traverse the whole stroke is i'2 seconds. The velocity curve on a time base equal in length to the distance base (as in the last section) is shown in the figure. The time scale is 4'! inches per second. An engine such as we are now discussing does nothing on its up stroke but lift the weight of the pitwork, or such of that weight as is not balanced. 1 The whole of the pumping is done on the down stroke. The two ends of the cylinder are put into free communication, so that the piston is in equilibrium so far as the steam is concerned. The weight of the pitwork is made somewhat greater than that of the column of water in the rising main, so that the pitwork descends, carrying the piston, etc. with it, and the water is forced upwards. Again there is no kinematic means of limiting the stroke, the length of which depends entirely on the various forces in action, and we may now proceed to examine these. The weight of the pitwork is equivalent to twenty pounds per square inch of cylinder area. The water load may be taken as sixteen pounds per square inch, and the valve and other resistances as three pounds per square inch. There is there- fore a nett force of 20 (16 + 3) = i pound per square inch available to cause acceleration of the whole mass (20+ 16) or 36 Ibs. per square inch. The valve resistances of 3 pounds per square inch do not represent, of course, any mass to be 1 The case where a considerable part of the weight is balanced, so that the whole mass set in motion is much greater than the mass of the weight lifted, is examined in 46. 45-J DIRECT-ACTING PUMPING ENGINE. 343 accelerated, and therefore are not here taken into account. The designer of the engine determines beforehand the point up to which these shall be the only forces acting. Let us take this point as 7 '9 feet from the beginning of the return stroke, or 2 feet short of the point at which the piston originally commenced its motion. During this distance the acceleration will be constant, and will be a =/ = iX^ 2 = 0-9 w 36 nearly. The velocity is V = *J 205 = *! 2 X 0-9X7-9 = 3'8 feet per second nearly. This is the velocity of the mass starting from o, after it has traversed a distance of 7 '9 feet under a uniform acceleration of 0-9 foot-seconds per second. In order to bring the moving mass to rest within the short distance that remains, it is necessary to interpose a resist- ance very much greater than the force (one pound per square inch) which has been accelerating the mass hitherto. This is done by shutting off the communication between the two ends of the cylinder so as to leave a " cushion " of steam imprisoned below the piston. The downward motion of the piston therefore continues against a gradually increas- ing resistance due to the compressed cushion of steam, the pressure above it gradually diminishing, at the same time, as the steam expands. In Fig. 151 the curve m m represents the increasing pressure below the piston, n n the decreasing pressure above it. The ordinates between m and n there- fore represent the resistance caused by the cushioning. During the whole process the original accelerating force of i Ib. per square inch continues to act, so that to find the nett resistance, or force causing the negative acceleration under which the piston is brought to rest, this must be sub- tracted, leaving the nett resistance equal to the ordinate 344 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. between the curves pp and m m. These ordinates, transferred and set off from the axis, form the curve r r. The piston must continue to increase in velocity, although at a slower rate, until the point JZ is reached, where the interposed resistance is just equal to the original effort. After that point its velocity must continually diminish until it comes to rest. The curve r r can be treated as an acceleration curve in the same way as we treated the steam curve A^B-^C^ but not measured on the same scale. For while here the length that stands for unit force still stands for -a, the weight w is no w 2 Feet FIG. 151. longer what it was, 20 Ibs. per square inch, but is 36 Ibs. per square inch. I is therefore ^, or 0-9, and if the pres- w 36 sure scale is 20 pounds to the inch (as originally drawn) the acceleration scale will be (20X0*9) = 18 foot-seconds per second to the inch. The distance scale being (as before) 2 feet to the inch, the ratio 1- = 9, and the velocity scale is (2 x Vp) or 6 feet-per-second to the inch. On this 46.] CORNISH PUMPING ENGINE. 345 scale the calculated velocity, 3-8 feet per second, is set off as v-i at the instant when cushioning commences, and the rest of the velocity diagram drawn as before. With pressures and proportions such as we have chosen the piston will come to rest about three inches short of the point at which it started. In actual practice consecutive strokes of a Cornish pumping engine may often vary as much as this. It should, perhaps, be mentioned that the final pressure KK^ in Fig. 150 (and therefore the corresponding pressure in Fig. 151) is drawn considerably lower than it would probably be in an engine of the type described. 46. CORNISH PUMPING ENGINE. The working out of a Cornish Beam Engine as we worked out the Bull Engine in the last section is a little more com- plex, but not different in principle. In the " indoor " or down stroke, where the work done is simply the lifting of the pitwork, there is now, besides the mass of the pump-rods, the whole mass of the engine beam to be accelerated. This mass, being balanced, adds nothing to the resistance (except so far as the friction in its journals is concerned) but simply " dilutes " (see p. 225) the acceleration. It will be sufficient here to give some data of a case and to work out the scales as examples. Let the total resistance on the indoor or down stroke be 16 pounds per square inch of piston, made up of 14 pounds pitwork and 2 pounds per square inch frictional resistances. Further, take the beam's weight as equivalent to 4 pounds per square inch of piston at the radius of its end points. The pressure scale is, say, 12 pounds (per square 346 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. inch of piston) to the inch. The mass moved is (14 + 4) = 1 8 pounds per square inch. As - is here = L the if 9 length which stands for unit force stands for units of 9 acceleration. The acceleration scale is therefore 12 x - 9 = 21-3 units per inch. If the distance scale is 2 inches to the foot, i.e. half a unit per inch, the value of n 2 is -^-3 = ' _ 42-6, and n = x/42'6 =6-5 (nearly). The velocity scale would therefore be (0.5 x 6-5) = 3.25 feet-per second to the inch. It is unnecessary to work out this example also for the " outdoor " or pumping stroke, as its conditions are so similar to those of the last case. It is well to mention that very often the mass to be accelerated is very much greater than that represented by the beam, &c., and the unbalanced part of the pitwork. In such a case as that supposed above, for example, the total weight of the pitwork might be 30 pounds per square inch of cylinder, but 16 pounds of this might be balanced by counter-weights. Then the actual weight to be lifted would remain as only 1 4 pounds per square inch of piston, but the weight of the mass to be accelerated would be 14 + (16 x 2) = 46 pounds per square inch of piston. Then ~ would w be^? = 0-695, an d the length which stands for unit force 40 would stand for 0*695 un i ts f acceleration. The accelera- tion scale would be 12 x -695 = 8-34 units per inch instead of 2 1 -3 as above. If the distance scale were (as assumed 47-] ORDINARY STEAM ENGINE. 347 above) 2 inches to the foot, the value of ;/ 2 would be - 3 - _ ' 5 = 167 and n = \/i6"j = 4-1 nearly. The velocity scale would therefore be 2*05 feet-per-second to the inch. 47. ORDINARY STEAM ENGINE. The dynamics of the mechanism forming the driving train of an ordinary steam engine is simpler than the dynamics of the Cornish engine, although the mechanism itself is so much more complex. The principal cause of this difference is that in the- ordinary steam engine special means are 'used to keep the velocity of one point l (the crank pin centre) as nearly constant as possible, and from this velocity to control and determine at every instant the velocity of all other points. Not only does the connection of the piston rod with the crank make the stroke an absolutely fixed quantity, but small variations in the driving pressure on the piston are sensibly without effect on its velocity. Even supposing the steam to be entirely shut off, the energy stored up in the fly-wheel of the engine would be sufficient to keep it running for a considerable number of revolutions before coming to rest. So long as the engine is working in normal fashion, therefore, we may consider that the velocity of the crank pin is uniform, and that it forms one of the data of our problems, and may determine from it, by the methods of 16, the velocities at any instant of any other points in the mechanism. This assumption that the crank pin undergoes no accelera- 1 Or we may say, if preferred, the angular velocity of one link, namely, that formed by the crank, crank pin, and crank shaft. 348 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. tion involves the assumption that the mean driving effort exactly balances the mean resistance, so that whatever small quickenings and slackenings of speed there may be within small fractions of a second, on the whole there is neither the one nor the other. Our assumptions are fully justified in practice ; 'whatever governing arrangement is used to keep the speed of the shaft unchanged does so simply by automatically varying the effort as the resistance varies, and so keeping up the balance between them. The principal practical problem connected with the dynamics of the steam engine is usually : Given the velocity at each instant of the " reciprocating parts," to find their accelerations, and to find how much effort is absorbed by the masses, or given back by them, and at what times, in con- sequence of the given changes of velocity. The only strictly "reciprocating parts " are the piston and piston rod, cross- head and guide blocks (if any). It is not usual, however, to treat the connecting rod separately, so that half its weight is generally assumed to be added to that of the parts just mentioned and to move with them, an assumption which does not involve any considerable error, as is shown in 49- In the form in which we have been treating these problems this means : Given a velocity curve on a distance base for certain masses, to draw the acceleration curve, find its scale, and also its scale as a curve of resistance. The converse case to this we treated in 44 and 45, where we used a force or pressure curve as a curve of acceleration and found the scale on which we could read it as such. We shall for the present neglect the obliquity of the connecting rod, that is, assume the rod to be infinitely long. We shall also simplify matters, as we did before, by taking all weights, etc., per square inch of piston area unless otherwise distinctly stated. 47-] ORDINARY STEAM ENGINE. 349 "Under these conditions, if we take a length equal to the radius of the crank pin to represent its (uniform) velocity, the velocity diagram for the cross-head will be a semicircle of the same radius (compare Fig. 53, p. 109). The mean velocity of the crank pin and the maximum velocity of the reciprocating parts will in this case be equal, viz. 2 -n- r t feet per second, where r is the radius of the crank in feet, and / the number of turns which it makes in a second. As the same length on the paper stands for r feet on the distance scale and for 2 irrt feet-per-second on the velocity scale, there are (2 TT f) times as many units of velocity as of distance in a given length. Hence if the distance scale be d feet per inch the velocity scale is (2?r/) ^ feet-per-second to the inch, and the accel- eration scale (see p. 207) will be (2 irffd = 4 ?r 2 / 2 ^ = 3 9 '4 t z d foot-seconds per second to the inch. FIG. 152. All normals to the velocity curve, asJ^A 7 in Fig. 152, as well as all central normals to chords of that curve (as M^N) pass through the centre N. Setting up the acceleration O^N through M l or O^N through M z will equally give points N! or N 9 , (v Q = _ 2 z ' 1 } in 2 ' which case the whole fluctuation of velocity v 9 ~ v \ = . Half this fluctuation added to V Q gives the maximum velocity v 2 , while the same amount subtracted from v gives the minimum velocity v v If we are working at the problem from the opposite direction, viz., with the object of determining the reduced inertia which must be possessed by the rotating parts, in order that an engine may run within certain limits of velocity, it is treated somewhat differently. Here both v z and v^ can be fixed beforehand, a somewhat more convenient as well as a more accurate mode of procedure than working from an assumed average velocity. The reduced inertia of the crank shaft, crank, balance weights, &c., is calculated, and the (comparatively very small) amount of energy which they can absorb is found. With these data we can then find what must- be the additional reduced inertia of the added masses necessary to keep the velocity within the required limits. These added masses nearly always take the form of a wheel (" fly wheel ") with a very heavy rim i.e., with its mass concentrated at as great a radius as possible. It is often sufficiently accurate (and errs always on the safe side) to neglect the mass of the fly wheel boss and arms, and to make 362 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. the reduced inertia of the rim alone equal to the required amount. In this case n is the ratio of the radius of inertia of the rim to the radius of the crank, and the weight of the rim, a/, can be at once found. The energy actually stored up in the rotating parts varies therefore from instant to instant, being greatest at o Z>, where it is ^JK. and least at B, where it is only 2 7; 2 -L- R. Its average value, if V is the average velocity of 2 the crank pin, is J?, which may be called E . The pro- portional fluctuation of energy per stroke is therefore R 7> 2 _ - ., 2 - 2 i , and if we take v as the arithmetical mean between v z and v v we have the fluctuation of velocity as E a ratio which for ordinary factory engines may be 0-04 or 0*05. It must be always remembered that this does not represent a change in the number of revolutions in one minute as compared with another, or even in one second as compared with another, but only the proportionate change (called by Rankine the coefficient of unsteadiness] occurring within each revolution, whatever time that revolution itself occupies. If an engine has two cylinders working cranks at right angles to each other, the mean crank-pin effort must be found as in Fig. 156 by drawing the crank-pin effort diagrams of each separately, spaced half a revolution apart (as A^B^C^D^ . . and A 2 2 C 2 D 2 .'.) and adding the ordinates of the two curves together as in ABCD. .... The mean resistance line is AL, and the fluctuations of energy, and therefore of 48.] FLY WHEEL. 363 velocity, occur twice as often as before, but are greatly diminished in amount. -A, , K, &c., are points of mini- mum velocity, and C, G, L, &c., points of maximum velocity. It may be worth while to examine one numerical example before leaving this matter. Let our data be an engine having one cylinder 20 inches diameter and 3 feet stroke, to work with a minimum crank A 2 FIG. 156. pin velocity (z^) of 9*8 feet per second and a maximum (# 2 ) of 10-2 feet per second, which corresponds to a mean piston speed of about 380 feet per minute. The crank-pin effort diagram shall be that of Fig. 155, the problem being to find the weight of the fly wheel necessary to keep the velocity within the given limits. The length BD is 2 feet, and the mean height of the area BCD is 27 pounds, so that the area BCD represents 54 foot-pounds of energy per square inch of piston area. 4, so that 54 and -^ = J 3'5 P er square inch of cylinder. The area of the cylinder being 314 square inches, the total value of the reduced inertia is 314 x 13-5 or 4,240. 1 The value of ^wn 2 1 The figures here and elsewhere are rounded . off for convenience sake. 364 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. must therefore be 4,240 X g, or 136,530 pounds, the weight of the mass which would be required, at a radius equal to that of the crank pin, to maintain a coefficient of unsteadiness of - or o'04. If the value of 5 wn z for the connect- 10 ing rod end, crank pin, cranks, shaft, &c., be 2,000, and for the fly wheel boss and arms 4,000, there remains about 130,000 as the equivalent weight, at the crank pin, of the fly wheel rim. The radius of the crank is 1-5 feet if we take the radius of inertia (p. 243) of the fly wheel rim as 7^5 feet, we have n = -L$ = 5 and the actual weight of the fly wheel rim necessary will be about H'^ = 5,200 pounds D or 2 '3 2 tons. This problem may be worked backwards as an exercise, taking the weights as data along with the dimensions of the engine, the minimum velocity v v and the value of the area BCD, and finding the maximum velocity v 2 . 49. CONNECTING ROD. In the fly wheel we have examined the kinetic relations of a body rotating about a fixed centre, in the pumping engine the case of bodies having only motion of translation, and we may now, finally, examine the case of the acceleration of a body having general plane motion. The connecting rod of a steam engine is a very familiar case of such a body. We have fully examined its motion in 1 2 and elsewhere, and need say nothing about it here ; it turns about con- tinually changing virtual centres, and we have the means of 49-] CONNECTING ROD. 365 finding with the utmost ease the particular point about which it is turning at any instant. It undergoes alternate positive and negative acceleration, just as does the crank shaft and fly wheel, and therefore alternately absorbs and restores energy. Its motion does not, therefore, reduce the amount of available work done by the steam, but only alters the distribution of effort on the crank pin, just as the acceleration of the piston and crosshead alter the distribution of piston effort ( 47). It is commonly assumed that the alterations due to the connecting rod may be taken to be the same as if half the rod were attached to the reciprocating parts, and formed part of them, and the other half revolved steadily with the FIG. 157. crank pin, forming virtually a part of the fly wheel or revolving masses. The error caused by these assumptions is not in general important ; we shall here work out our results in the first instance without any such assumption, and then compare them with the approximation obtained by the ordinary method. Let us suppose AB (Fig. 157) to be a connecting rod for 366 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. whose motion at present the point O is the virtual centre, 1 and whose mass-centre is at C. Adding together the moment of inertia of the rod about C and that of the rod supposed concentrated at C about O (see 32) we can find the radius of inertia OC V at any point at which radius we may suppose the whole body to be concentrated. The velocity of any such point (as C^ is of course proportional to its radius. The velocity at the point A is assumed constant and known, the velocity at C^ is therefore greater (or less) in the ratio OC i, so that it can be found at once. L/A FIG. 158. In Fig. 158 let OX be the distance traversed by the crank pin during one revolution, and O V^ its constant velocity (=10 feet per second), so that the straight line P\ V^ is a velocity diagram for the crank pin on a distance base. Find values of OC^ (Fig. 157) for different positions of the connect- ing rod, and from the assumed constant velocity of A find the 1 In the example given here the following are the proportions taken : DA = 1-5 feet, AB = 6 feet, AC =. 2-4 feet, the weight of the rod 700 pounds, the (constant) velocity of the crank pin 10 feet per second, the moment of inertia of the rod about an axis through its own mass centre 63. 49-] CONNECTING ROD. 367 velocity (p. 87, Fig. 37) of points at the radius C v any one of which may represent the connecting rod for the time being. Set off a curve of these velocities as V Fin Fig. 158. This curve does not give successive velocities of any one point in the way in which the line V^ V^ represents the velocities of the point A. It gives the successive velocities of the successive points which in turn come to be at a distance equal to the radius of inertia from the virtual centre. Let AB (in Fig. 158) be this representative velocity of the rod at any instant, then AC will be its acceleration at that instant (p. 200). A C will therefore represent on some scale the resistance due to acceleration. Up to the highest point of the curve the resistance acts against the engine's motion, after that (while energy is being restored] it acts with the engine, the alternation being exactly similar to the one we have examined in 48. AC represents also on some scale, as we know, the force necessary to produce the given acceleration if applied at the point accelerated. But actually the force is applied at a radius greater in the ratio A Jj (for the radii are proportional to the velocities) and must therefore be smaller in the same ratio. This can be found at once by drawing BC^ parallel to B^C^ (which need not be drawn), which gives AC^ as the force acting at the crank pin A, either from the pin on the connecting rod or from the connecting rod on the pin, according to whether the velocity of the rod is increasing or decreasing. The corresponding force at the crosshead or piston requires to be found from this by any of the methods already given. The scale on which A C\ is to be measured is to be found exactly as in 28. If the scales of velocity and distance are equal, the scale of acceleration will be the same. If there are n times as many units of velocity per inch on the 368 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. paper as there are units of distance, there must then be ;/ times as many units of acceleration per inch as there are units of velocity. The diagram Fig. 157 is, for instance, drawn with a velocity scale of 10 feet per second to the inch and a distance scale of i foot per inch ; n is therefore = 10, and the acceleration scale is ipo foot-seconds per second to the inch. For purposes of comparison with such figures as those of 48 we require not only to read this acceleration as force, but as force per unit of piston area : / = -. a = T-> l ^ m A g A be the mass of the connecting-rod, a the acceleration, and A the area of the piston. The distance AC V therefore, if it is to be read as equivalent pressure at the crank pin per unit of piston area, must be read on a scale having j or A 7J . times as many pounds per inch as the acceleration scale has units per inch. In the present case the weight of the connecting rod has been taken as 700 pounds, its mass is therefore 22. The piston for such a rod might be 40 inches diameter, for which A = 1,256. The force scale would therefore be 100 X Y^~6 ~ I '^5 P oun ds per square inch of piston area per inch. The curve drawn about the axis OX in Fig. 158 shows the resistance at the crank pin on this scale, its ordinates are simply values of A 6\ set down or up. Worked back to the piston these give the quantities shown in Fig. 159, where it will be seen that the maximum value of the resistance due to the acceleration of the connecting rod in this case is under i pound per square inch of piston area. If the ordinary assumption were made that half the rod was attached to the crosshead, and moved with it, the effect on 49-] CONNECTING ROD. 369 the piston, neglecting the obliquity of the connecting rod, would be that shown by the straight line in the last figure, whose end ordinate is .00034 T 2 wr pounds per square inch ( 47), which is here equal to 1-17. We have seen in 26 that all particles of a rotating body do not possess the same radial acceleration, because although they all have the same angular velocity they have very different radii. But a difference of radial acceleration between two particles must be accompanied by a difference of centripetal or centrifugal force. This difference is itself a force, tending to alter the form of the material, and is balanced by stresses FIG. 159. within the material itself, resisting that alteration of form. In the case of a fly wheel this difference of centrifugal force has occasionally become so great as to require, to balance it, stresses greater than the material was capable of exerting. In this case the wheel has broken to pieces one of the most serious accidents which can happen in a factory. A similar accident, although a less serious one, occurs some- times with a connecting rod. The effect is generally that the rod is bent in its plane of motion, and sometimes broken, and of course damage, more or less serious, is done to the B B 370 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. engine of which it forms a part In designing the connect- ing rod for high-speed engines it is often necessary to take into account the bending stress which may be thus caused in the rod, and which may form a notable addition to the direct stress caused by the alternate push and pull of the crosshead. The determination of such stresses does not, however, fall within the scope of this work. 50. GOVERNORS. The ordinary " rotating pendulum " governor forms an excellent example of a number of points treated in Chapter VIL, and for this reason, as well as for its intrinsic import- ance as part of an engine, we shall here examine it in some detail. Let us take first the simple Watt governor, such as is sketched in Fig. 160 and investigate the conditions under which it works. When the governor is revolving at a uniform speed the ball remains always at the same distance from the spindle. As regards motion up or down it must therefore be in static equilibrium. This equilibrium is brought about by the balancing of three forces, l viz. the weight of the ball, which acts always downwards, the "centrifugal force" (p. 227) which acts always horizontally outwards, and the stress tension in the ball arm, or rod by which the ball is suspended. The direction of this third force depends on the slope of the arm, which varies for every position of the ball, but under all circumstances, when the ball is in equili- 1 We shall here neglect the weight of the ball arm, as well as all frictional resistances of the sleeve, &c. (as to which see Fig. 170), and shall suppose that the mass of the ball may be concentrated at its mass-centre. 50-] GOVERNORS. 37i brium, it must be such that the stress is exactly equal to the sum of the other two forces. 1 The downward force depends on the weight alone, and may be written w. The centri- fugal force depends on the mass, its velocity, and its radius, and is equal (p. 228) to _, for which we may write c. The O stress in the ball arm must therefore be represented in mag- nitude and direction by the third side of a triangle of which the two sides c and w are given. Such a triangle is shown in A CD in Fig. 160. The slope of A y the ball arm, must be the same as that of the line AD; the position of the ball is therefore absolutely determined, for the radius A B has been already assumed in calculating the value of c. The distance O B the vertical distance between the ball centre and the point where its line of suspension cuts the vertical axis is called the height of the governor, and may 1 This stress is, of course, the sum of the other two forces passing through the virtual centre about which the ball arm can swing. If the arm is bent, its direction is not that of the axis of the arm, but of a line joining the centre of the ball and the centre of the pin about which it swings. B B 2 372 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. be written h. If we further write r for the radius AB, we have, at once, by similarity of triangles // w _ w _ gr r c (r being measured in feet and v in feet-per-second, as usual) from which If now we write T for the number of turns per second made by the governor, v = 2 TT r T and by substitution *. ^154 feet or ^ inches .i J^2 ^T2 It thus appears that the height of a governor of this kind depends absolutely upon its angular velocity. No matter what the size of the engine, or the mass of the balls, or their radius, such a governor rotating 60 times per minute (T = i) must have a height neither more nor less than 978 inches, and for any other speed the height will vary inversely as the square of the velocity. It is obvious that this places a practical limit to the use of such a governor as this, because at even very moderate speeds its height becomes so small as to be constructively very inconvenient. Thus a Watt governor running at even 100 revolutions per minute could only have ^ o - a height of ~7J = 3'5^ inches far too small a height to i *oo be practicable except for extremely small engines. 1 As some absolute value of g is included in the calculation here, this height is correct only for places when this particular value of g is the right one. No practical error, of course, is introduced by the small variations of g at any place where an engine would be placed. 50.] GOVERNORS. 373 It will be seen that the height h varies with every position of the ball, being greatest when the engine is at rest. Let us suppose an engine starting from rest, and see what happens to the governor. The weight w (see Fig. 161) is not altered by the fact that the engine is at rest, and there must be some stress A D in the ball arm. There must therefore be some horizontal force CD. There can, however, be no centri- fugal force when the engine is at rest, and CD is simply the pressure of the spindle or some other part of the governor against the ball. The engine starts and rotates with gradu- ally increasing speed. As the radial acceleration increases FIG. 161. so does the centrifugal force, which is at first very small less than CD. The ball arm therefore does not rise, but its pressure, against the spindle diminishes by an amount exactly equal to the centrifugal force. When the centrifugal force has become equal to C D, the pressure on the spindle has become zero. The ball arm is held in static equilibrium in its sloping position not by pressure against the spindle, but by the (at this moment) exactly equal " centrifugal force " corresponding to the radial acceleration which it has received. If the speed now continue to increase, CD becomes greater, 374 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. say CD'. But A C, the weight, does not increase. There- fore the ball arm is no longer in equilibrium in its present position, for A D\ the sum of A C and C D\ is not in the direction O A. The ball will move outwards until the arm reaches a new position OA r parallel to A D', and will then (if the speed, and with it the centrifugal force, remain the same) rotate steadily in that position, with radius A' B' and height OB', the latter bearing the particular relation to the speed which we have already examined. Of course the ball could be forcibly compelled, by a suffi- ciently strong fastening, to remain in the position A at the speed corresponding to A'. The radial pull in such a fastening would be D'D. The mechanism would then, however, cease to have any action as a governor, so that the case is not one which we require to consider. It appears then, apart from this fixing up of the governor, (which would of course render it useless for our purposes) that at any given speed there is only one height at which the balls of a rotating governor can remain steady as they rotate, and that this height is absolutely determined by the angular velocity or speed of rotation. The object of the governor is to keep the speed of the engine as constant as possible, and this is brought about by connecting the balls (through certain intermediate mechanism) to a throttle or a cut-off valve in such a way that when the resistance on the engine ( 47) diminishes (and its speed therefore increases) the effort on the piston due to the steam pressure may be caused to diminish also, and so prevent the increase of speed being too great. It is to be specially noted that this governor cannot prevent increase of speed at best it can only limit it. For its action in lessening the driving effort whether by throttling the steam or in any other way, is entirely brought about by some change in the position of so.] GOVERNORS. 375 the balls, and any such change is inevitably accompanied by some alteration of height, and therefore of speed. The practical point is therefore to arrange that this inevitable variation in speed should be kept within certain limits fixed beforehand. Let be the fraction of the mean a speed equal to the utmost allowable variation between the intended maximum and minimum speeds, or what may be called the fluctuation in speed. Let h be the height of the governor when running at mean speed, and A^ the extreme allowable variation of height correspond- ing to the allowable variation in speed. If v be the mean velocity, the maximum velocity will be v ( I + - - \ and the minimum velocity v ( i V If we write z' 2 and v-, \ 20, / for these quantities respectively, and h 2 and h^ for the corre- sponding heights of the governor, then ; 7 V* Jl k l = h -^=-- and A/ = h^ - /i 2 = from which we obtain the ratio of change of height to height corresponding to mean velocity, = - very nearly. a ~ 376 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. If we had taken - as equal to (i + ^-) as is i - usually done here, we should have had ^ = - exactly, and the error in doing this is very small. The ratio of change of height to mean height, or what we may call the fluctuation in height, is therefore equal to twice the fluctuation in speed. If, for instance, we require an engine to work within a fluctuation of 5 per cent, in speed, or , the 20 ratio would be or . If h therefore were 10 inches 7 20 10 we should have to arrange the governor mechanism so that a vertical rise of not more than one inch in the balls should be sufficient to control the working of the throttle valve through all its range of action. It is thus not to be wondered at that the controlling action of such governors is often very defective indeed. What is practically wanted is some means for increasing the height " due to " a particular speed, so that the given absolute variation in height required to effect the proper motion of the throttle valve or expansion valve should cor- respond to a smaller proportionate variation in speed. This is easily done. Let Fig. 162 represent the position of a governor arm running steadily with weight A C and centri- fugal force CD as before. Now let a weight be placed on the ball, but so arranged that its mass centre lies upon the vertical axis OB. A mass so arranged has no centrifugal force, and therefore adds nothing to CD but the action of its weight is not affected by its position, so that it adds C C' to the vertical force acting on the ball. As a consequence the magnitude and direction of the balancing stress in the 50.] GOVERNORS. 377 ball arm becomes A >', and the arm must assume the position O A\ parallel to A ?. The additional weight has therefore caused the governor to run at the increased height OB' instead of O B, without changing its velocity. The ratio OB' A C ; that is. the increase of the height is in direct OB AC proportion to the increase of weight. The alteration in height required to work the throttle or other valve bears of course a correspondingly reduced ratio to the total height, that is, - becomes smaller, kh being constant and h increased, the fluctuation in velocity - has therefore be- a come smaller in the same ratio. This is called increasing the sensitiveness of the governor, the measure of sensitiveness being the smallness of the altera- tion in velocity which corresponds to a given absolute alteration in height. A governor of this kind is called a loaded governor. It has been supposed that the weight has been added as in Fig. 163, so that its rise or fall has been exactly equal to 378 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. that of the balls. In this case CC in the last figure must have been taken either the whole or the half of the added weight, according as AC was the weight of one ball or of the pair of balls. In practice, as in the " Porter " Governor, the weight is more commonly added as sketched in Fig. 164. Here the linkwork connection of the balls, the weight, and the spindle is such that the weight always moves through twice the vertical distance moved through by the balls. Any weight W, therefore, attached in this way is equivalent to 2 W resting on the balls direct as in Fig. 163, and the distance CC' in Fig. 162 must be equal to the whole added FIG. 163. FIG. 164. weight if AC is the weight of one ball, or twice the added weight if AC is the weight of two balls. We have seen the change of height with load on the governor ; before leaving this matter it may be well to look at the change of velocity due to load if the height is kept constant. In Fig. 165 OA and OA' are positions of the ball arms of two governors, one unloaded, the other with a load CC. The centrifugal force U ^ is the same in both gr cases, = CD = CD 1 , but its component factors have altered. Writing 7 ~ ^r-T^-r (as on page 372) for the centrifugal 50-] GOVERNORS. 379 force, we see that - 4 ir 2 must be unchanged. The re- o mainder T' 2 r t therefore, must also be constant, from which it is evident that T 2 must vary inversely as r. This latter A ' B quantity is reduced in the ratio -j- , which is easily seen to be equal to AC We therefore have at once the conclusion that the square of the angular velocity has increased in the direct ratio of the weights, so that the speed corresponding to any height has increased as \/ A C' : \/A C. B FIG. 165. By loading a governor its sensitiveness may be increased to almost any required extent, but it can never become isochronous^ for some variation of height is unavoidable, and a governor to be truly isochronous must have the same height for every position of the balls. Such a governor would run steadily at only one speed, for however much the position of the ball arms changed, or whatever action had taken place on the throttle valve, the height would remain the same, and the engine, as soon as the temporary accelera- tion had ended, would be running at the same speed as before, and not, as in all the cases we have been considering, 380 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. at a somewhat greater or less speed. If for instance the ball centre could be compelled to move in an arc of a parabola, and the ball arm to be always normal to that arc, the height of the governor would be the sub-normal (see p. 203) to the parabola, and this distance is constant. Truly parabolic governors have been constructed, but in general the plan used is that sketched in Fig. 166, which represents what is known as a crossed-arm governor. Here the ball centres move in a circular arc just as before, but the centre of the arc is so chosen that the arc itself nearly coincides FIG. 1 66. with a parabolic arc. To design such a governor the height should first be determined for the particular speed required, a parabola should then be drawn having this height for its sub-normal, and having the axis of the governor spindle for its axis. Choosing then the part of the parabola most con- venient for the swing of the balls, normals should be drawn from its end points. The intersection of these normals gives a centre for a circular arc approximating closely to the desired curve. While an arrangement like this makes the height of a so.] GOVERNORS. 381 governor constant (or nearly so) it does not, of course, alter the relation between speed and height, which remains as before. Constructively, however, a smaller height can be used with much less inconvenience than in the former case ; because the length of the ball arm is proportionately greater. But it may still often happen that the height is inconveniently small for practical purposes, and in this case the same expedient may be resorted to as before the addition of further mass, placed so that its centre lies in the axis of revolution. Here of course there is no question of increasing sensitiveness, because there is no change of height, but the height corresponding to any speed is made greater, or the speed corresponding to any height less, in the same way as before. If a governor were perfectly isochronous, the least change of speed could cause it to move up or down through its whole range. As such changes are constantly occurring, the governor would be continually shifting, or hunting, as it is called. As this would be troublesome, the governor is either made to have some small change in height, or else some artificial resistance is arranged to co'me into play when the governor moves, in such a way as to make it more sluggish or less sensitive to minute changes of speed in the engine. Into this matter we cannot, however, enter here, further than to note that any arrangement of this kind is said to increase the stability of the governor. There are a number of governors made which are approximately isochronous, but which are not really pendu- lum governors, and in which the isochronism is not attained by keeping the height constant, but by so constructing the governor that the relation of the speed to the height alters as the height itself changes, and that the one change is made approximately equal and opposite to the other, the speed in 382 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. ix. this way remaining the same notwithstanding the change of height. As the working of these governors is perhaps less easy to understand than that of ordinary pendulum governors, and is equally important and interesting dynamically, we shall examine two of them. Fig. 167 is a sketch of a governor designed by Mr. Wilson Hartnell of Leeds, which not only can be given any required degree of isochronousness, but has also the advantage, to be presently discussed, of great powerfulness. The place of FIG. 167. FIG. 168. the ball arm is taken by a right-angled equilateral bell- crank lever, on one arm of which, OA, is a weight, while the other, OB> presses against a spiral spring. The condi- tions as to equilibrium are sketched in Fig. 168. The governor will run steadily in the position shown if the moment of , and con- structing the envelope of these positions in the shape of curved profiles to projections placed upon the end of b. : FIG. 190. This form of higher pairing has been very frequently used in practice, apparently with imperfect recognition of the fact that it is incomplete in its constrainment, the smallest distance between the two curves being unavoidably greater than the breadth of the bar. At and near the ends of the stroke, therefore, the relative positions of b and d are not 4 o5 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. x. absolutely fixed by the pairing, a defect which cannot be rectified without substituting some other form for that of the straight bar as the element of the pair belonging to d. FIG. 192. In Figs. 191 and 192 are shown two reduced forms of a linkwork parallelogram. In Fig. 191 the link c is omitted, in Fig. 192, the link d. In both cases the links formerly connected by the omitted link are now directly FIG. 193. connected by higher pairing, and in both cases it has been possible to use for the higher pair a pin and a circular slot. In Fig. 193 is shown a very different form of higher pairing, used in the mechanism already examined in Figs. 119 and 142, in which opposite links are equal but 53-] ALTERED MECHANISMS. 407 anti-parallel. Here the link b is omitted, and the links a and c are paired by help of their centrodes, which are made into elliptic toothed wheels. In 21, p. 150, we have already looked at the use of such wheels from another point of view. F.G. If it be desired to utilise only the motion of one link in a chain, all the others except the fixed link may be omitted, in which case the chain simply reduces itself to a pair of elements, necessarily a higher pair. Such a reduction, FIG. 195. however, possesses, for engineering purposes, even greater drawbacks than the reductions already mentioned, and very seldom has counterbalancing advantages. Two cases of it are sketched in Figs. 194 and 195. The first of these shows a 4o3 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. x. slider crank from which the links a and c are omitted. The higher element on b takes the form of two circular pins, 1 and the corresponding element on d of two slots, one straight and one circular. There is, of course, only line contact throughout. Fig. 195 shows the converse case, when b and d are omitted, and a paired directly to c. The original form of the mechanism here reduced is shown in Fig. 185 of the last section, where its relation to the slider crank was discussed. 54. INCOMPLETE CONSTRAINMENT. WE started in i with the assumption that constrained motion was an absolute necessity in any combination that was; to be used in a perfect machine. We have found, however, that there are many mechanisms which possess one or more unconstrained positions, and are to a corresponding extent unavailable or imperfect as machines. We shall in this section summarise the conditions under which such mechanisms are used. A very common cause of want of constrainment is the existence of a change-point, already discussed in 21, p. 147. We have there seen how a mechanism can be con- strained at its change-point by compelling the centrodes corresponding to the required form of motion to roll upon one another, which effectually shuts out the possibility of any change. Another and more common method is to duplicate the mechanism with another, so placed that it is always in some completely constrained position when the first mechanism is passing its change-point. Perhaps the 1 As to form and position of these pins, see remark in connection with Fig. 1 88. 54-] INCOMPLETE CONSTRAINMENT. 409 most common illustration of this is sketched in Fig. 196, where a pair of parallel cranks a and c, connected by a coupling rod b (as in a locomotive), which would be uncon- strained at two positions in each revolution, are made com- pletely constrained by the addition of the duplicate cranks a' and c (with the coupler b') placed (say) at right angles to the original ones. (t6 in Figs. 241 and 242, are not fixed points in a and b respectively, like the crank-pin centre in a slider-crank, G G 450 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. x. but vary their position in these links as the links vary their position relatively to each other. In both cases the virtual centres can be determined in the usual way, but the position of all the links can be directly determined without use of the fitting process only from given positions of a certain pair of them. Thus in Fig. 241, although the mechanism has only three links, the cam a and the link b paired with it must be the pair whose positions are given, if the position of the third is to be directly determined. Given any positions of b and c, FIG. 241. FIG. 242. we know the position of the point O ac , but the position of Ooj is not known, nor the particular point on a which be- comes O a6 for the given position of #, and the position of the cam a requires to be found by a process of fitting essentially the same as, although different in detail from, that described in the last section. Or given any positions of a and block. From the 61.] CHAINS CONTAINING NON-RIGID-LINKS. 475 principle of equality of work, therefore, the fall must be pulled downwards five times as fast as the weight rises. In an actual, and not an ideal, pulley tackle, a very considerable effort must be expended in overcoming friction (see 80), and not a little work has to be done in bending the rope round the sheaves. So that the pull in the fall in hoisting must be actually very much greater than the fraction of the load indicated by the numbers of plies supporting the load. The motions in the pulley tackle are not really plane motions (p. 12), even looked at in the most ideal fashion. But as the actual non-plane motions of the different parts of the cord do not come into consideration at all, it has not seemed out of place to mention the tackle while speaking of belt gearing generally. The theorem of the virtual centre applies only to rigid bodies; its existence presupposes (p. 261) that the particles of the body do not alter their positions relatively to each other. Therefore a non-rigid link in a machine has no virtual centre ; different parts of it are moving at the same instant about different points. Force and velocity problems, therefore, so far as they concern non-rigid links, have to be worked out by considerations quite different from those hitherto employed. Some of these considerations have been mentioned above, others will be discussed further on. Many of the most interesting and important problems connected with the equilibrium of forces and the transmission of work in belt gearing and pulley tackle, are so closely connected with friction that they must be postponed until that subject has been looked at in the next chapter. Some discussion of them will be found in 78 to 80. The so-called "flexible shafts," which are now found most useful in machine shops for driving small tools (drills 476 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. x. or borers for example) in more or less inaccessible situations, are further illustrations of non-rigid elements. As with spiral springs, the motions of different points in the shaft relatively to each other are excessively complex, although the motion transmitted by the shaft as a whole is only a simple rotation. CHAPTER XI. NON-PLANE MOTION. 62. THE SCREW. IN the preceding chapters we have limited ourselves almost entirely to the consideration of mechanisms in which only plane motions occur. These form by far the largest and most important class with which the engineer has practic- ally to deal. We have now to notice some of the principal non-plane motions utilised in machinery, and shall in the first instance examine those conditioned by the use of the screw and nut, Fig. 26 1. 1 In 2 we have already noticed the characteristics of screw motion, or twist; and in 10 we have seen that this motion could be completely constrained by the ordinary screw and nut, a pair of elements which we classed among the lower pairs because of its surface contact. Familiar and important as this pair is, there is hardly an instance in which it is used for the sake of its own characteristic helical motion. With scarcely an exception the screw motion is resolved into its two components, rotation and 1 A more general investigation of screw motion in mechanisms, of which this is the simplest (and a very special.) case, will be found in 68 to 70. 478 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP, xi, translation, and these two motions are employed separately on different links of the chain containing the screw. Fig. 262 shows the most familiar illustration of this. The screw forms. FIG. 261. part of the link a of a three-link chain. The link carries also a turning element or pin, which is paired with c, and c, in turn, forms a sliding pair with the outside of the nut b. FIG. 262. The motion of a relatively to c is a rotation, 1 that of b re- 1 It is presupposed that suitable collars prevent any endlong motion of a in c. 62.] THE SCREW. ^^! 479 latively to c a translation. The motion of a relatively to b is twist, but this is the one of the three motions of which no use is made under ordinary circumstances. If the mean radius, or pitch radius, of the screw be called r, and the pitch/, then any point of the screw at a radius r will move through a distance 2 TT r relatively to the link c, while // only moves through a distance/ relatively to the same link. Any such point will move r times as fast / (relatively to c) as b, and any force applied at it, in its direction of motion, will balance a resistance " ^ times P greater than itself to the motion of b along c. As such a force can be readily caused to act at some radius R very greatly larger than r, without any alteration in the value of /, the screw presents the possibility of attaining in a small compass a very large " mechanical advantage," - . We / shall see in the next chapter how very seriously this apparent advantage is reduced by unavoidable frictional resistances. Fig. 263 shows a screw press, which is in reality exactly the same chain as the last figure with the link b fixed. The relative motions of the links remain exactly as before, but the twist of the link a becomes more obvious, as it occurs relatively to the fixed link. In such a case the driving effort upon a cannot remain in the same plane (as in the last case), but must change its position axially as the screw goes bodily down or up. Unless, however, the screw be moved by hand, in which case such a change of position does not require to be considered, means are taken to keep the driving effort always in one plane, so that again the actual screw motion does not come into practical considera- tion. Thus the arrangement of Fig. 264 is often used, in 480 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL which c is the fixed link, but b carries the screw instead of the nut, and a the nut instead of the screw. The screwed part of b merely slides in c, and the link a, which is pre- vented by shoulders from having an endlong motion, takes externally the form of a belt-pulley or a spur-wheel, which can be driven in the usual way. It is hardly necessary to point out that the interchange of the forms of screw and nut- external and internal screws make no more change in the mechanism than the interchange of eye and pin in a turning pair, or slot and block in a sliding pair. FIG. 263. FIG. 264. In the mechanisms formerly considered we had only to deal with forces acting in, or parallel to, one plane. All other forces or force components were, by hypothesis, balanced as they appeared by stresses in the links (p. 7). Here, however, it happens almost invariably that effort and resistance act in different planes. The effort in most cases (as in the last figure for instance) acts in a plane normal to the axis of the screw, while the resistance acts in a plane passing through that axis, very often, indeed, acting directly in its line. In any case we have still, exactly as before, the condition that all force components tending to cause motions which are incompatible with those permitted by the connec- 62.] THE SCREW. 481 tion between the links, are entirely balanced by stresses in those links. In the plane mechanisms hitherto studied we have as- sumed tacitly that the smallest force acting on any link, and acting in such a direction as to move that link, would move the whole mechanism. Apart from friction, this is strictly true, and under the same conditions it is true with screw mechanisms also. But here, as we shall see later on, the effect of friction is much more serious than where there are only pin-joints or even ordinary slides. With a screw of ordinary proportions, and working with ordinary lubrication, no effort, however great, acting on the nut in the direction r a r " 1 1 .jjjjilj TT ilteil J1IIII11I1H .'iuli'Jj: 13 < '-> 1 ! S. -' i / \ T~~ / \ 1 \T 4 -- ; ....... FIG. 274. general, of course, the cone will be non-circular, just as the cylindrical axode was non-circular, except in the special cases where the centrodes were circular, as on pages 119 'and 146. The curve s, which is the locus of the points 5, the inter- sections of the virtual axes with the spheric surface, has some of the properties of the centrode. For the relative (spheric) motions of any two bodies, for instance, measured 490 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL on the same sphere, there are two such curves, which touch each other always in one point, and that point is the point S, which, along with the centre O, determines the position of the virtual axis. 1 The two curves roll upon one another, as the bodies to which they correspond move, exactly as do the centrodes in plane motion. But we cannot speak of such a point as S as a virtual centre, for the different points in PQ are not points in a plane passing through S, and their virtual motions are not rotations about any one such point, but about different points in the line SO. The motion, therefore, when reduced to its lowest terms, is a rotation about an axis, for which axis a point can not be substituted, as formerly in 7. Let a, b, and v and its mag- A D nitude is supposed changed to f' d = f d x -- 2 . Forces acting on c at any other points than C or D can in the same way be reduced to either of those points ; thus f c may be Si Jj> replaced by /', = / c X L- . It is generally most convenient CjLi to perform this reduction arithmetically. It is not always 64.] THE " UNIVERSAL JOIN' quite so easy to see what the distances BB^ BC, &c., are in the conic mechanisms as in the plane, and Fig. 294 is there- fore drawn to correspond to the last one, but for a conic train. Here a force f d acting on d in any direction at D^ may be replaced by a force f dt acting in a parallel direction D A at D, and equal to f d x -yJ-~* Similarly any force f b acting on b in any direction at B\ may be replaced by a force f b acting 7? 7? in a parallel direction at C, and equal tof b x -^y. The case is not quite so simple here with forces on the link c. Aab FIG. 294. Any force f c at at C C and equal to f e X ^r may be replaced by a force f' e acting But the radii C^ 2 and i^o 3 CC 3 are not parallel (although their projections are), so that these distances cannot be measured on the paper, their real lengths must be found by projection. Further, the new forctf'c cannot be taken as parallel tof m but only as making the same angle to OCthatf c made to OC^. In this case, as also in cases where such points as B^ or D l do not lie actually in the planes of the forks, it is more convenient 512 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. to treat the force in the way described in the following paragraphs, before transferring it to another point. In dealing with plane mechanisms, we assumed that the forces in action were always in the plane of the mechanism. Any components which they had normal to that plane were balanced by the profiles (p. 54) of the elements, which rendered impossible all motions not parallel to the plane. In the plane itself we virtually resolved the force at any point into components parallel and normal to the direction in which the point was moving. The parallel component had to be balanced by other external force or forces, the normal component was balanced by the stresses in the links. Con- sidering the force as acting on a body at some particular point, its tendency to turn the body about its virtual centre, or moment about the virtual centre (p. 269), was equal to the product of its component parallel to the direction of motion of the point and the virtual radius of the point. If the question were merely of the moment of the force upon the body, without reference to its action at any particular point in the force line, we saw that it was unnecessary to resolve the force in its own plane. The moment was simply equal to the whole magnitude of the force multiplied by the virtual radius of the force line that is, its perpendicular distance from the virtual centre. These simple matters have been repeated here that they may be the more distinctly before us in their applications to spheric motion, with which we have now to deal. The links in a conic mechanism have at each instant just the same sort of motion as those of a plane mechanism each link, namely, is in rotation about a determinate axis. But these axes, so far as they are non-permanent or instant- aneous, are continually shifting their direction as well as their position. The direction of the plane normal to the 64-] THE "UNIVERSAL JOINT." 513 axis or plane of effective force, as we may call it is there- fore continually changing, and even at any one instant, as the axes of the different links are not parallel, the planes for the different links are not parallel, instead of being, as before, all coincident. This difference introduces some new complexity into the problems ; but if it onJy be borne in mind, the whole of the last paragraph maybe taken as ap- plying equally to spheric and to plane mechanisms. Two or three illustrations may be given here ; they will serve to show the essential identity of the problems as well as to illustrate their superficial differences. A force /j, given by two projections in Figs. 295 and 296, acts on one of the forks of a universal joint. Resolving into /g an d/ 3 m Fig. 295, we find at once/ 2 as the projec- tion of the nett turning force, and f 3 as the component in the direction of the axis. The latter causes axial pressure or thrust in the bearings, but causes no motion of the fork, and is therefore negligible so far as motions are concerned. The plane of the paper in the second view, Fig. 296, is a plane at right angles to the axis, and is therefore the plane L L 514 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. in which effective forces act. The projection of f } in this plane, namely f v gives the real length of/ 2 . If our object is merely to find the turning moment, we have it at once as f\ X OF. But if we wish to know more completely what is occurring, we must resolve f\ in the direction of motion of the point R, at which it really acts, and normal to that direction, i.e., into f 4 and/ 5 . The effective turning moment is then/ 4 X OR (which is, of course, = /\ X OF), and the component f b is the magnitude of the side pressure in the bearing. We get nothing essentially different from this if the given force act upon the cross (the link c, Fig. 283) instead of upon b or d. We have only to choose the position of the planes of projection so that they bear the same relation to the virtual axis of c (A^, Fig. 286) as the planes of Figs, 295 and 296 bear to the axis of ^, A ab . One of them, namely, should contain the axis, and the other be at right angles to it. It will be seen that in neither case have we done more than, or differently from, what we should have done with a simple " turning pair," if only the force in action had not lain in a plane at right angles to its axis. We may now assume that we have to deal only with forces resolved in the direction of motion of the points on which they act, and, further (as we have always tacitly assumed in connection with plane motion), that the force so resolved may be taken as acting in any plane normal to its virtual axis, 1 so that it may be shifted, if necessary, parallel to the virtual axis to any extent. With these as- sumptions we can proceed to look at such cases of the 1 Forces acting on different points of the link may, therefore, first be each resolved in planes at right angles to the virtual axis and normal to such planes, and then the resolved parts in the parallel planes may be all added together or otherwise treated, so far as motion is concerned, as if they were all in one plane. 64.] THE " UNIVERSAL JOINT." 515 static balance of forces as we considered in 38 to 41 for plane mechanisms. For the balance of forces en any one link we may either simply balance moments, as on p. 285, or may proceed by resolution through the virtual axis, as on p. 280, whichever happens to be most convenient. It is not necessary to give any example of this. For the balance of forces on different links, whether adjacent or non-adjacent, it is frequently most simple to determine the relative angular velocities of the links, and to calculate the balanced forces from these, remembering that the turning moments on any links which are in static equilibrium must have magnitudes inversely proportional to the angular velocities of the links. Suppose, for example, that b and d, the two shafts, are the two links concerned, and that their angular velocities for the instant are v b and v d respectively, the ratio between those quantities being found as on p. 508. Letyj be the resolved part (a.s/1 in Fig. 296) of the forces acting on b, and tending to cause its rotation, and r b be the radius of 6 (as OR in Fig. 296), then (using similar lettering for forces, &c., on d) we must have v d v d r d The force f d thus calculated is the force which, acting in a plane normal to A adJ the virtual axis of d t and at a distance r d from that axis, will balance the force f b acting in exactly similar fashion on b. If the real force on d is not acting in the plane mentioned, but at some angle 6 to it, the whole magnitude of the force must be '"* -. while it will have a cos component equal to f d tan acting along the direction of the axis A ad , and causing axial thrust in the bearings of the mechanism. L L 2 516 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL For the purpose of finding the variation of balanced resist- ance and making a diagram such as Fig. 146, p. 321, as we shall presently do, this method is all that is required. But for designing a machine it may be insufficient, we may require to work through the intermediate link c in order to find the stresses to which it is subject in transmitting the driving effort from b to d. Suppose, for example, that a known force acts at the point 3, Fig. 288, and in the direc- tion of its motion, let it be required to find the force in the line 43 necessary to balance it, which would, of course, be the stress in a straight bar connecting-rod coupling those FIG. 297. FIG. points. In Figs. 297 and 298, the points J/and M^ are the two projections of 3, and ./V" and N the two projections of 4, their positions corresponding to those before determined and sketched in Fig. 288, and the planes of projection being arranged as before. The given force on M (in the plane of Fig. 298) is/p and this force can be resolved (in that plane) into / 2 in the given direction N^M^ and / 3 through the virtual axis. / 3 is balanced by the pressure of the shaft against its bearings. / 2 , or P 1 M V is the projection, in the given plane, of the force required to balance / r In Fig. 297 65.] DISC ENGINES. 517 PM is the projection of the same force. The real length of this force can be found by turning it down in the usual way, namely, by setting off PiP'i equal to PP. The real value of the pressure acting along the line NM is thus found to be M^P\. In 1 6, Figs. 55 and 56, we gave a diagram of relative angular velocities of an ordinary drag-link coupling, and in the same section, p. 113, it was pointed out that the chain of Figs. 32 or 53, with the link a fixed, gave also a coupling (" Oldham's ") for parallel shafts, but one which transmitted a constant velocity ratio equal to unity, instead of a varying one. That mechanism was one with three infinitely long links (based on the slider-crank with infinitely long con- necting-rod, 12 and 52), and was one, therefore, corre- sponding exactly to the Hooke's joint, with its three right angled links. Turned into a conic train, however, the velocity ratio transmitted is no longer constant, although (as also with the mechanism of Fig. 55) its mean value is unity. Its value varies very greatly at different parts of the stroke. A diagram of velocities will be found in the next section in connection with the engines based upon this mechanism, which are there examined. 65. -DISC ENGINES. IT is now some sixty years since some inventive mind, longing for novelty, found out that any such conic chain as we have examined in 63 could be made available as a steam engine. From the form then given to the link b the engine was called a disc engine, and this name has been subsequently applied generically to the large number of steam engines which have been founded on conic mechan- isms. The real nature of these mechanisms was practically .518 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL unrecognisable until the kinematic analysis of Reuleaux appeared, and Reuleaux himself was the first to point out its application to them, and their essential identity with certain familiar plane mechanisms ground over which we have followed him in 63 and 64. In his book * he examines and analyses a number of those forms of disc engines which had been proposed previous to its publica- tion, and there is no need that we should go over the same ground. None of the forms which he describes were such as to give any promise of practical success, and probably not a single one of these older forms still survives. Lately however, some other forms of disc engine have been devised, in which the one advantage of such engines, the high speed, has been made the most of, and the several disadvantages have been, by careful design, much reduced Of these recent disc engines we shall examine in this section the two latest, each of which appears to have possible future practical usefulness, for high speed driving, before it. One is the invention of Mr. Beauchamp Tower. It has been already used to a considerable extent for electric lighting purposes. It will be found described in a paper by Mr. R. H. Heenan, published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for 1885. The second is the invention of Mr. John Fielding it has appeared for the first time at the International Inventions Exhibition of 1885. A description of it has been published in the Engineer for June, 1885, and in Engineering for July 3ist, 1885. The Tower engine, called by its inventor the " spherical " engine, is based directly on the mechanism of the universal joint. It consists, that is, of a conic crank train of four links, three of them subtending right angles, the fourth subtending a smaller angle, which in this case is always 1 Kinematics of Machinery ; pp. 384-399, and plates xxviii.-xxxu 65.] DISC ENGINES. 519 made 45. This short link is the fixed one, and takes the form of a closed spherical chamber carrying two shaft bearings. The links b and d are alike, each of them has for one element a shaft working in a bearing in a. For the rest, each is made externally in the shape of a sector of a sphere subtending (at least in its ideal form) an angle of 90 ; that is, a quarter of a solid sphere. The link c, the cross of the universal joint, becomes a disc piston, pivotted or hinged to the inner edges of the two sectors by two pins, which are, of course, at right angles to each other. Both the shafts b and d are caused to rotate by the action of the steam ; the rotation of one of them (), which is called the main shaft, is kept as uniform as possible by a fly-wheel, and this shaft is the only one to which the resistance is applied. The other shaft (d) is called the dummy shaft ; its speed of rotation is allowed to vary continually, as the velocity ratio varies, with different positions of the two shafts ; but this is no practical drawback because no work is taken off this shaft directly. Apart from constructional details, the Tower engine is represented by Figs. 299 to 302, which show it in four different positions, one-eighth of a revolution apart, so that Fig. 302 represents a position three-eighths of a revolution in advance of that of Fig. 299. The starting position, Fig. 299, is identical with that of the universal joint in Fig. 288 of the last section, and the identity of the two mechanisms will be clear without any further explanation. The direction of rotation of the shafts is shown by the arrows. The figures make it easy to understand the working of the mechanism as an engine. The disc c divides the sphere always into two equal parts, hemispheres. Half of each of these parts is occupied by the sectors, b on the one side, d on the other. Let us look at the left-hand half 520 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. 65.J DISC ENGINES. 521 alone in the first place, the space in which the d sector moves. In Fig. 299 the face Z> 2 of the sector is close against the lower half, C 2 , of the disc and fills the lower half of the hemisphere, the upper half, between C l and J} 19 being empty. As the position changes to that of Fig. 300, all three links move round, as we know ; but, relatively to each other, the sector and disc turn about the pivot connect- ing them, whose axis is, of course, A cd . The sector swings away from the disc, so as to leave a space between C 2 and D^ and diminish (by an exactly corresponding volume) the space between D l and C r In Fig. 301 the whole mechanism has made a quarter of a revolution. The pin connecting c and d, formerly at right angles to the plane of the paper (Fig. 299), now lies in that plane ; the disc itself lies in a plane at right angles to the paper. Relatively to the disc the sector d has turned through 45, so that it occupies now the centre of its hemisphere, the spaces between C 2 and D 2 and between C^ and D^ being equal. The lower half of Fig. 301, (which is a plan projected from the upper half), shows this position clearly. Another eighth of a turn of b brings the mechanism to the position of Fig. 302. Here the space between C 2 and > 2 has become nearly as much as that originally between D^ and C v and has come to the upper side, while the originally large space has been continually diminishing. The sum of the two spaces must always be equal to one quarter the whole capacity of the sphere. Another eighth of a turn of b would bring the mechanism into a position precisely the same as that of Fig. 299, as far as appearance goes, but with C l and D l close against each other in the lower part of the casing, and D* and C 2 at right angles in the upper part, the whole mechanism having made half a turn. Another half-turn would bring the mechanism back to the position of Fig. 299, the space 522 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. between D. 2 and C 2 now gradually diminishing and that between Z\ and C\ gradually increasing. If, when the mechanism is in the position of Fig. 299, any fluid under pressure (the fluid in the Tower engine is of course steam) be admitted to the space between C 2 and D 2 , and if, at the same time, any portion of such fluid as may be already between C l and D^ be allowed free escape, the pressure of the fluid will force the two surfaces apart, and by so doing cause d to turn relatively to c and compel the whole me- chanism, consequently, to move in the manner we have just noticed. If steam be the working fluid it can be " cut off," as in an ordinary engine, at any point before the half revo- lution is completed, i.e. at any point before the space to which it is admitted reaches its maximum volume of one quarter the volume of the sphere. After cut off, the steam can go on expanding, as the volume of its chamber in- creases, just exactly as the steam in a cylinder goes on ex- panding after cut off as the piston moves forward. At half a revolution the steam occupies its maximum volume the piston has, in effect, reached the end of its stroke. During the next half revolution an opening is provided by which the steam can pass away exactly as during the return stroke of an ordinary steam piston, until at the end of one whole revolution the whole steam is exhausted, the exhaust passage closed and the admission port opened again for another stroke. On the left side of the disc c this whole cycle of processes is gone through twice in every revolution, once on each side of the sector d. At the same time the same changes go on in the same revolution, on the opposite side of the disc, once on each side of the sector b. During each revolution, therefore, the steam is alternately allowed to occupy, and expelled from, four spaces, each equal in volume to one quarter the sphere. If, therefore, there were no 65-] DISC ENGINES. 523 expansion that is, if steam were admitted to each space during half a revolution the volume of steam used per revolution would be exactly equal to the volume of the sphere, a statement which at first sight is apt to appear paradoxical. This condition is not altered very greatly even when the sectors and disc are made in their practical con- structive forms, for although the disc c has to be of consi- derable thickness, to allow for steamtight packing round its edge, the faces of the sectors are reduced by an exactly corresponding amount. The space taken up by the joints (or hinges, as Mr. Tower calls them) is, however, per- manently unavailable as steam space, and in an engine intended for working at a very high speed this space is not inconsiderable. 1 In Mr. Tower's engine the link a is made the " cylinder " and the link c the " piston," an arrangement probably first adopted, although in a much cruder form, by Lariviere and Braithwaite, about i868. 2 Mr. Fielding has adopted, in his disc engine, the plan of making the links b and d the " cylinders," keeping c still as the piston, and in this respect, although hardly in any other, (apart from its kinematic identity), his engine resembles that of Taylor and Davies, patented in i836. 3 The prin- ciple of the Fielding engine, apart altogether from any constructive details, is shown in Fig. 303, which is sketched in such a way as to be readily compared with the Tower engine, as well as the mechanisms sketched in the last section. The angle of 45 between b and d, which is con- venient for the Tower engine, would here be inconvenient, and is made only half as great, namely, 22-5. The link d 1 In the drawings of a spherical engine of 8 inches diameter these hinges are shown as much as if inches in diameter. 2 Kinematics of Machinery, p. 393, plate xxx. 3 Ibid. 524 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. carries two short cylinders, which, from their shape, we may call "ring-cylinders," 1 D^ and D. 2 . The link b is precisely similar in shape, the figure shows one of its cylinders only, which lies directly in front of the other in the position shown. The link c carries four corresponding "ring- pistons," C^ and C 2 on the d side and two others on the b side. These pistons work steam tight in the cylinders with ordinary packing rings, and no other steam packing of any FIG. 30;. complexity is required, a point which seems most advan- tageous. If the motions of the engine be followed up as we followed those of the Tower engine it will be seen that in each revolution of the engine each piston makes one complete stroke into and out of its cylinder. 2 A very in- teresting point about this engine is that although the pin 1 This type of cylinder was first introduced by Mr. Fielding, we believe, in some of Mr. Twedclell's hydraulic riveting machines. 2 Mr. Fielding has made some of his engines "compound," by making one pair of the cylinders larger than the other, and ingeniously arranging the valves so as to work these as low-pressure cylinders in the usual way. 65.] DISC ENGINES. 525 joints between b and d and the link c are still used, they have become kinematically unnecessary. The pistons C, and C 2 are simply an expanded form ( 52) of the solid of revolution necessary for the turning pair whose axis is A cd , and similarly the cylinders and pistons connecting known to be that of the point 2 in Fig. 305. 65-] DISC ENGINES. 529 -The resultant pressure acting upon it is at right-angles to the line joining 2 to the centre point O, and is at the same time a line in the plane containing the axis of the shaft d and the line Oz or ON (compare Fig. 300, p. 520). We can make this plane coincide with the plane of the paper by simply turning it about the axis of d. The corresponding position of the point 2 is found at once by drawing iB (Fig. 304) at right-angles to the axis of d, the point B being on the circle. The pressure will then be represented by a line AB in the plane of the paper and at right-angles to OB, which is of course the projection of 6>2. If the effect of the accelera- tion of the different masses is not to be considered the line AB may be set off to represent the pressure on the disc (either total or per square inch) on any convenient scale whatever. If, however, the accelerative resistances are to be taken into account it is most convenient to work them out first, and use the same scale for piston-pressure as has been used for them. In this case the line AB will represent the equivalent to the total pressure on the piston at its peri- pheral radius, or, in this instance, 970 pounds. (The scales used here are all shown on the figures.) We have now to turn back the plane, with AB in it, so that the point B comes to 2, and find where A will come. This is easily done j continue BA until it cuts the axis of d (the line about which the plane was turned) in S, and join ^ to 2. We know then that the projection of A must lie upon the line $2, and we know also that it must lie upon a line through A at right-angles to the axis it is therefore at once found to be A Y The line A \2 is therefore the projection in the plane of the paper in Fig. 304 of the whole steam- pressure with which we are dealing. The plane of the paper is a plane containing the axis of b. What we wish to find is the component of AB at right-angles to that axis ; it M M 530 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. therefore only remains to project A -^2 upon a plane at right angles to that axis, and our problem is solved. The plane of Fig. 305 is, as we know, at right-angles to b. We have already in that figure the projection of the point 2. We know that the real direction of the pressure lies in a plane at right-angles to the radius (92. Its projection in Fig. 305 must therefore be a line at right-angles to that radius, and the position of A 2 can be found at once by projection from A r We have, therefore, as the solution of our problem, that the pressure acting between the sector d and the piston t, when the link , or main shaft, is in the position 2, is equivalent to a force A^z acting at a radius Oz, or (what is the same thing) that the turning moment on <, due to the steam-pressure, is O2 x A 2 2. By precisely similar construc- tion Ci can be found as the turning effort on b for position i, and if the pressure on the piston is constant (as we have assumed for the present) throughout the stroke, the turning effort at 5 is the same as at i, and at 4 the same as at 2. For the effort at position 3 as the lines corresponding to BA and 2A l are parallel to each other and to OS, it only is necessary to set off the pressure magnitude along OS, and project at once to JD$. It is hardly necessary to point out that there is no neces- sity whatever for constructing Fig. 305 separately from Fig. 304, as has been done for clearness' sake. In practice one circle may conveniently be made to serve the purposes of both figures. It may also be noticed that if the pressures at points 4 and 5 differ from those at points 2 and i, it is still not necessary to make separate constructions for them. The construction shown for position 2, for instance, will serve equally for 4, if instead of AB (Fig. 304) there be set off a distance corresponding to the new pressure, and the corresponding point projected into Fig. 305 instead of A Y 65.] DISC ENGINES. 531 A diagram of turning effort, similar to the diagram of crank-pin effort formerly drawn (Fig. 155), can now be made for this engine by setting off a base-line representing on any scale the length of the path of the point JV- i.e. equal to the circumference of the circle in Fig. 305, dividing it into twelve equal parts, and setting up at each one, as an ordinate, the corresponding pressure Ci, A 2 2, D$, &c. This is done in Fig. 306, /, where the similar curve from 6 to 12 is put to complete the revolution. We have seen that we cannot find directly the turning effort on b, due to the steam-pressure between b and c, because that pressure has no direct tendency to turn b, and does so only because it turns d, and this rotation cannot occur without the simultaneous rotation of b. It is unneces- sary to make any further construction to find the turning effort on d due to this steam-pressure in the b space, for it must be precisely the same as the effort on b due to the pressure in the d space, which we have just found. Remembering only that 3 and 9 are now the dead points instead of o and 6 (as can be seen at once from Figs. 299 and 301), we may therefore set out the turning effort on d at once, as in Fig. 306, //, using the same ordinates as those we have just found for the line bb in the same figure. To combine the two diagrams, however, so as to find the total turning effort on b, we cannot simply add the two ordinates together (as we should do if they were diagrams for the two cylinders of an ordinary engine), for the angular velocities of b and d are, as we know, very different, so that a given effort on d may be equivalent to an effort of very different magnitude, although in a corresponding position, on b. We must, therefore, find first the angular velocity ratio between b and d for each of the twelve positions of b, by one of the methods of the last section (p. 508), and it is convenient to M M 2 532 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. FJG. 306. 6 S .] locity Scale, JOJ Units (See. p. 211) per O lOO 2OO Angr Acceleration. Scale, 21000 Units (See, p. 21 r) per inch. ' O 200CO 40000 Force (Pressure) Scale, 1260 pounds per Inch. /COO JtOO 2.0UO 2 SCO JJOO FIG. 307. 2500 founds. 554 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL plot these out in a diagram, as in Fig. 307, 7. Here any height is taken to represent the (assumed constant) angular velocity of b, and the calculated or constructed angular velocities of d are set off on the same scale (the lines in the figure are marked v b and v d respectively). It will be found convenient for some purposes to represent the angular velo- city of b by a length equal to that of four of the divisions 01, 12, 23, &c., on the base line. It will be noticed that only four different values of the angular velocity of d have really to be found, the rest are all duplicates of these, the velocity at 4, 8, and 10 being the same as at 2, that at 5, 7, and ii the same as at i, &c. It would not be right, however, to take now any or- dinate of the d curve, and simply multiply it by the ratio , and add the ordinate so found to the ordinate of L* vel b the b curve directly above it. For although the ordinate of the d curve at o, for instance, gives the turning effort on d which is contemporaneous with the dead point of b y the ordinate of the d curve at i does not give the turning effort on d contemporaneous with the ordinate of b at i, and the angular velocity ratio between the shafts at i in Fig. 307. Contemporaneous points must first be found by the method of the last section (p. 504), and marked on the base line of curve d, /, //, ///, IV, &c. To find the real effort on b at position i, due to pressure transmitted to it from d through c, it is only necessary to take the ordinate of the d curve at /, multiply it by the angular velocity ratio at i, and add the product to the ordinate of the b curve at i. This may perhaps be most rapidly done as follows : Carry the ordinate at / back to i, as iT. Set off along the base line distances equal to the angular velocities iPand iQ in Fig. 307. (If the dimension for the velocity of b has been 65.] DISC ENGINES. 535 chosen as recommended above, it will be unnecessary to measure and set off iP, because it will be always equal to the length of four of the equal base line divisions already drawn. ) 15 in Fig. 306, //, will thus stand for the velocity of b, and iS (=iQ in Fig. 307) for the velocity of d. Drawing SJZ parallel to 5 T we obtain i R, the required pressure on b in position i, for by similar triangles \R = i Z'x = pressure on d x L ' ve -. Carrying out this con- 15 struction for a sufficient number of points in d, we obtain the ordinates which are plotted out as a new curve d\d in Fig. 306, ///. Lastly, adding together the ordinates of b and //j, we get the curve / / (/J 7 ), whose ordinates represent the total turning efforts on b at a radius equal (in this case) to four inches, the pressure scale being, of course, still the same as that used originally in Fig. 305. Going on now to the direct consideration of the effect of acceleration in the engine, we notice at once the general resemblance of the problem to that of 47. We have here again three moving links, one of which rotates with a velocity assumed to be sensibly uniform. Of the other two one (the link d) moves about a fixed axis 1 with certain large changes of velocity, which we have now completely de- termined and diagrammed. The remaining link here, the disc fj has motions analogous in certain important points to those of the connecting rod in an ordinary engine, which corresponds to it in being the link which transmits motion to the main shaft of the engine. Both are links which not only undergo varying accelerations, but for which also the accelerations occur about varying 1 The "reciprocating parts" of an ordinary steam engine are in the same condition, but the axis about which they turn is an infinitely distant one. 536 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL axes. 1 The angular velocity of c relatively to b can be found in precisely the same manner as that in which we have found (p. 508) the angular velocity of d relatively to b. We find, namely, the position of the line A ba which is common to b and c ; choosing any convenient point in that line, we find its distances from A ac and A ab respectively ; we then say that the angular velocities of the two bodies are inversely as these distances. We thus know, without any construction, that for positions o and 6, where A ac coin- cides with A ad , the link c must have the same angular velocity as the link d, and that for positions 3 and 9, where A ac coincides with A ab , the link c must have the same angular velocity as the link b. The former will be the maximum, the latter the minimum, value of the angular velocity ratio of c to b, and the value of the former we already know (p. 508) to be - , or 1*41, while the value of the latter is unity. The intermediate points in the curve on Fig. 307, II. have been found by the following construc- tion, which is analogous to that of Fig. 292, already given. The three virtual axes which we require are A ab , A ac , zx\&A bc . We have already seen (Figs. 286 and 290) how to find the position of each. In Fig. 308 they are respectively re- presented (in position 2 of b} by the lines OP, OQ and OR. These three lines are in one plane (p. 490), and the points Pj Q, and JZ lie all in one circle. The real relative position of the axes is therefore obtained at once by simply turning down the plane about OP until it coincides with the plane of the paper, so that Q comes to Q l and R to 1 The motion of the disc has its most exact representative in plane mechanisms by the motion of the link c in the chain of Fig. 32, sup- posing it converted into a mechanism of which a is the fixed link, a mechanism on which innumerable rotary engines have been based. 65-] DISC ENGINES. 537 We then have at once vel c _ vel b SR^ cos POQ It will be noted that, just as in the upper curve in Fig. 306, the twelve points on the curve of angular velocity of c require only the calculations of four different ordinates, and of these we know one (for positions o and 6) to be equal to an ordinate of the former curve, and another (for positions 3 and 9) to be equal to unity. 1 The two curves of velocity which we have now drawn may be considered as curves drawn on a time base (p. 194), for the equal abscissae 01, 12, 23, &c., correspond to equal motions FIG. 308. c-f a body (b] whose velocity is uniform, and therefore to equal intervals of time. If we take the engine as making 1000 revolutions per minute, one revolution occupies 0-06 second, and each of the twelve divisions of the base line corresponds, therefore, to 0.005 second. Using the method given in 28, p. 194, for finding the acceleration from a given velocity curve on a time base, we can now draw the curves of Fig. 307, ///., of which dd represents the acceleration of 1 For positions o and 6, the angle POQ = (the angle between the shafts) = 45, and cos POQ 0707 ; for position 3 and 9 the angle POQ = o, and cos POQ = I. 538 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. the link d, cc that of the link c, and ss the sum of the two accelerations. Ordinates above the axis are positive, that is, they correspond to SOL increasing velocity, ordinates below the axis are negative, corresponding to a decreasing velocity. We know that acceleration curves can be read off at once as curves of force or (in this case) pressure (p. 339). We have only, therefore, to determine the scale on which our curves may be so read in order to compound them with the pressure curves of Fig. 306. We saw in 3 r that frt=v a l, where/ was the force which, applied at radius rfor a time / could produce an angular velocity v a in a body whose moment of inertia about its virtual axis (from which also r was measured) was / The angular acceleration a = ' so that/r = a /, or/- . r In the diagrams as drawn in Figs. 306 and 307 the angular velocity of b is represented by a height of one inch. The assumed velocity of 1000 revolutions per minute = icooX = 105 angular units (per second), so that the scale of angular velocity is 105 units per inch. Four divisions on the time scale (i.e. the distance 04, &c.) are made equal to one inch, so that the time scale is 0*02 second per inch. Each time interval being -^ second, the acceleration scale l is (105 X 200) = 21,000 units per inch. The value of / for the sector d (the units being feet and pounds) is about .0*02, and r, the radius at which we have assumed the pressure to act, is | foot. We have, therefore,/ = a X 3 X '02 = -06 a, so that the force scale is 21,000 X '06 = 1260 pounds per 1 See p. 199. 65.] DISC ENGINES. 539 inch. 1 It has been already (p. 529) pointed out that it is convenient to calculate this scale before setting off the piston pressures (Fig. 306), and use it for them.. If this has not been done the ordinates ss of the total acceleration curve must be reduced to the scale used for Fig. 306 before being further used. The scale of the accelerations of c differs from that of d because of the different value of /. Approximately the value of the moment of inertia of c is half as great as that of d) or o'oi, so that the acceleration ordinates derived direct from the c curve (Fig. 307, //) have to be halved before being set off in Fig. 307, ///. This has been done before plotting them in the curves shown. It has to be noticed that the value of / for the disc c is not a constant quantity, for the virtual axis (about which / is to be measured) does not occupy a constant position in the body. This case is al- together analogous to that of the connecting rod discussed in 49. The error caused by assuming the value of/ to be constant is too small to be of any importance to us, and we have therefore neglected it. Practically a very reasonable approximation to the result is obtained by making the same assumption about the link c that is commonly made about the connecting rod of a steam-engine, namely, that half its mass shares the motion of the main shaft, and has therefore no acceleration, and that the other half may be taken as part of the mass of the link d, and as sharing its accelerations. If this approximation were used in the present case it would give a total acceleration about y-| as great as that found by our more exact method. The saving of trouble by the 1 It will be noticed that the pressures we are here dealing with are total pressures at aij assumed radius, not pressures reduced to unit area of piston and mean radius. The reduction can easily be done (see p. 527) if required 540 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. omission of the construction of Fig. 308, and the curve Fig. 307, //, is of course considerable. Going back now to Fig. 306, V, we have in the curve mm the sum of the ordinates of the curve // above it, and of the curve ss in Fig 307, ///, (the two curves being supposed to be drawn on the same pressure scale). The extraordinary result of the accelerative resistances we see at once. Whereas, without them the driving effort was fairly uniform, the ratio of maximum to minimum being about 1*5, when we take into account the accelerations at 1000 revolutions per minute this ratio is increased to about 3*4. The dotted curve ^/j shows the variation of nominal driving effort, if the steam were cut off at about J stroke, and nn the real effort under the same conditions at 1000 revolutions per minute, the ratio just mentioned being increased from about two to over twenty. Large as these alterations are, it will be seen, from the table on p. 352, how much larger changes would be produced in any engine of the ordinary type if it were run at anything like the same number of revolutions per minute. The advantage here is no doubt mainly due to the fact that the links which oscillate or swing relatively to each other are both in continued rotation relatively to the fixed link. Thus, although the reciprocating motion is not really done away with, one of its most serious drawbacks is obviated the reciprocating links do not come to rest, relatively to the fixed link, twice in every revolution, as do the piston and rod, &c., of an ordinary engine. As a check on the working and diagramming the mean effective turning effort ought to be measured from the curve in Fig. 306, V. It should be, and in this case is, equal to the known mean steam pressure at 4 inches radius, or here 970 pounds, which corresponds to 2030 ft.-pounds per stroke. 66.] BEVEL GEARING. 541 The working out of a Fielding engine may proceed in precisely the same way as that which has been employed for the Tower engine. It is not necessary here to say anything further than that this engine has the advantage, from the point of view of steady running, that the angle between the shafts is much less than in the spherical engine, 22'5 instead of 45 being used. This makes the ratio of maximum to minimum angular velocity cf the dummy shaft ( ii/r)> on ty 1>]t 7 instead of 2. Supposing the masses of the rotating parts to be the same in both engines, the re- sistances due to acceleration at any given speed will be about } of the amount of those just diagrammed. But at the same time an engine of the Fielding type has a net volume for steam less than that of a Tower engine (both being of the same external diameter) in somewhere about the same ratio. The enormous effective volume of the latter engine depends essentially, as we have seen, on the use of a large angle between the shafts, and this unavoidably entails irregularities of driving effort due to the great accelerative resistances, which have to be rendered as unimportant as possible by the use of sufficiently heavy rotating masses (flywheel or its substitute) upon the driving shaft. 66. BEVEL GEARING. IF we treat the spur wheel chains of Chapter VI. as we have just treated the linkwork mechanisms of the earlier chapters if, namely, we transform the plane into spheric motion, by bringing the point of intersection of the axes to a finite distance, we obtain the type of wheel gearing known 542 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL as bevel gearing. 1 It is possible to reproduce, in this form, all the spur wheel chains, simple, compound, annular, or epicyclic. Practically, however, very little use is made of any of these changed mechanisms, except the simplest of all, which is shown in Fig. 309, and which is directly derived from the spur wheel train of Fig. 58, p. 117, by inclining its shafts at an angle (in this case 45) to each other. We have just the same characteristics here as for- merly with the spur wheel train ; the one shaft drives the other with a constant velocity ratio, but in the opposite sense to that in which it is itself rotating. The portions of the surfaces of the cylindric axodes, which we saw to be FIG. 309. formerly the pitch surfaces, are now replaced by portions of the conic axodes. The motion of the toothed bevel wheels corresponds to that of the rolling of the conic pitch surfaces, just as formerly the motion of the spur wheels corresponded to the rolling of the cylindric pitch surfaces. We form teeth on the former for exactly the same reason as we did on the latter ; and the actual transmission of motion is accompanied by the sliding on one another of these teeth, exactly as we saw formerly. Under these circumstances it is not necessary for us to say more than a very few words about this form of non- 1 If a pair of bevel wheels are of the same size they are often called mitre wheels. 66.] BEVEL GEARING. 543 plane motion. It will be noticed at once that just as the links in the conic chains had no dimensions which could properly be called their lengths (p. 493), so here the wheels have no one special diameter. 1 Wheels of the most various diameters may transmit the same velocity ratio between the same two shafts. Thus let a and b (Fig. 310) be the axes of two shafts intersecting in 0, between which it is desired to transmit a known velocity ratio. Let this ratio be such that ~ = . Draw about the point O any circles with ang. vel. a OB radii OA and OB ; through A draw a parallel to the axis FIG. 310. FIG. 311. a, and through B to the axis b. Call the point where these parallels intersect M, and join MO. Then MO is the line of contact of the two pitch cones, which can, therefore, be at once drawn. Any pair of frustra of these may be used for the wheels, for the ratio MT MS between their radii must OA always be the same, and must always be equal to -. OB The finding of the shape of the teeth for bevel wheels 1 Conventionally the largest pitch diameter of a bevel wheel is spoken of as the diameter of the wheel. 544 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. involves no difficulty. Let O (Fig. 31 1) be the vertex for such awheel, MS its radius, and S S 2 the required depth of tooth. 1 We may treat the spheric surface S 2 SS 1 as ^ ^ were itself a part of a cone with vertex at P (OSP= 90) complementary to the pitch cone. This cone can be developed by drawing circles through S 2 , S, and S 1 with P for a centre. If the circle SS' be now used as a pitch circle, and teeth drawn on it (see 1 8) with the right depth in the usual way, the profiles of these teeth will be the profiles required. The corresponding profiles for the inner sides of the teeth can be found by developing the cone TQ in exactly the same fashion. It is hardly necessary to point out that all lines along the teeth, FIG. FIG. 313. such as S l TV >S 2 T 2 , &c., must pass through O as well as the line STon the pitch surface. Annular bevel wheels, although they are kinematically quite correct, are rarely, if ever, used. They come out at once from the construction of Fig. 310, if only the point A t , at the opposite end of the diameter, be used instead of A. In the event of the angle M^OS l being equal to the angle A^OS-^ the annular wheel becomes a disc or flat wheel, as shown in Fig. 312, which may often be a quite convenient arrangement of gearing. Fig. 313, which corresponds to Fig. 310, shows the double 1 Determined mainly by considerations of strength, &c. , such as will he found discussed in Chap. ix. of Professor Unwin's Elements of Machine Design, c. 6;.] THE BALL AND SOCKET JOINT. 545 construction in this case. It will be noticed that, for any given sense of rotation of b, the shaft a will be driven by the flat wheel in the opposite sense to that in which it would be driven by the cone wheel, which is, of course, the essential characteristic of an annular train. It is comparatively easy to make correctly shaped patterns for the teeth of bevel wheels, and the shape of the bevel tooth, when the wheel is cast, will be fairly near the shape of the pattern. But if it is required that the profiles of the teeth should be really accurate, they must be, as with spur gearing, machined, and this operation is one presenting some practical difficulties. The most recently devised machine for this purpose, a very ingenious one, is probably that of Mr. Bilgram, described in Engineering, vol. xl. p. 21, the principle of which will repay examination. 67. THE BALL AND SOCKET JOINT. . THE familiar combination known as the Ball and Socket Joint is not, as might be at first sight supposed, a pair of elements. It does not constrain any relative motion between the bodies which it connects ; it only permits the one to have spheric motion, in any direction, relatively to the other. It cannot, therefore, be used as the sole connec- tion between two bodies in a mechanism or machine unless the relative motions of those bodies be completely con- strained by what we have called chain closure (p. 410), or its equivalent. In that case it forms, essentially, an example of reduction (p, 403). The links connected by the ball and socket joint could not be directly connected by any one lower pair, but might be connected with the use of lower pairs only if one or more links were inserted between them, N N 546 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL exactly as in the cases examined in 53. The ball and socket joint, however, could not be replaced by plane links ; its motion is spheric, and the links which it virtually re- places would have to form some part of a spheric combina- tion. The ball joint has, of course, surface contact, but as it is not a pair of elements this is no contradiction to the statement on page 57, that none but lower pairs of elements had surface contact. Fig. 314 shows a mechanism which has occasionally found application, and which belongs to a class which will be mentioned- in 70. It is a simple chain, each link having FIG. 314. FIG. 315. FIG. 316. only two elements. It contains seven links, each paired to its neighbour by a turning pair. The axes of three pairs, namely, bf t cd, and de, pass through one point, an arrangement which so constrains the relative motion of b and e that the axes of these two links always intersect, and always intersect in the same point. The motion of b rela- tively to e is therefore a spheric motion about that point. If we wish to dispense with the links c and d we may proceed as in 53, by forming on b a suitable element, and finding its envelope on e. If we choose for the element a sphere whose centre is at the join of the axes of b and e, its 68.] IIYPERBOLOIDAL OR SKEW GEARING. 547 envelope on the latter link will obviously be simply a corre- sponding hollow sphere, and the mechanism, so reduced, will take the form of Fig. 315. The motions of the remaining links are here sufficient to constrain the relative motions of b and ^, and the ball joint becomes in this very special case available for use as a higher pair. The motion of ^relatively to a is also such that a certain line on c (namely, the axis of the pair be) always passes through the same point on a. We might, therefore, omit b, and pair c to a (as in Fig. 316) by a ball joint. By doing this, however, the chain becomes unconstrained, for the link a can be rotated without trans- mitting any motion to the rest of the chain, the ball joint being incapable of transmitting rotation about- its own centre. The investigation of the conditions under which a ball joint can be used in a reduced chain without destroying its con- strainment does not present any great difficulties, but the case is one which occurs so seldom that we shall not here enter into it. 68. HYPERBOLOIDAL OR SKEW GEARING. THERE remains yet to be noticed a class of mechanisms having non-plane motions, but coming under none of the categories hitherto examined in this chapter. These me- chanisms may contain only turning pairs (as for example the one illustrated in the last section), or they may contain also screws or cams or higher pairing of any kind. Their characteristic is that some or all of their links have, relatively to some of the other links, a general screw motion, for which reason we may give them the generic name of general screw mechanisms. By general screw motion is meant a twist which bears the same relation to simple screw motion N N 2 548 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL that rotation about an instantaneous axis bears to rotation about a permanent axis. A body having such a motion is at each instant twisting relatively to (say) the fixed link. But both pitch and axis of twist may, and often do, vary from instant to instant. There is here neither virtual centre nor virtual axis, neither centrode nor axode, cylindric or conic. The motion cannot be represented as a rotation, or by a rolling of two surfaces of any kind. For any two bodies having general screw motion relatively to each other, it is always possible (but sometimes extremely difficult) to find a line that is common to both the bodies for the instant, and about and upon which each is simultaneously turning and sliding, at the instant, relatively to the other. Such a line may be called the axis of virtual twist, or simply the twist-axis, of the two bodies. As an axis, it may be said to be a line common to the two bodies, but it is not a common line in the same sense as the virtual axis of rotation, for as a line in one body it slides along its own direction relatively to the other body. The complete series of twist- axes for the relative motions of two bodies, that is, the loci of these axes, form a pair of ruled surfaces (twist-axodes) which may be properly looked upon as the general case of the simpler axodes of plane and spheric motion. As the bodies move, successive lines on these surfaces come into coin- cidence, and the motion of the one body relatively to the other is always a twisting about the coincident line, exactly as in plane motion there is always a rotation about the coincident line of the two axodes. A detailed study of these mechanisms a subject in which comparatively very little work has yet been done would take up an amount of space altogether out of proportion to their importance, for their applications in practical machinery are comparatively few, and their complexities, from anything 68.] HYPERBOLOIDAL OR SKEW GEARING. 549 like a general point of view, are very great. We shall here not attempt any such complete examination (perhaps we may have some future opportunity of dealing with the sub- ject), but shall merely mention a few of the principal examples which occur in actual work. The simplest of these cases occurs where the twist is the same for each twist-axis, and of these cases the simplest again is no doubt the one FIG. 317. (analogous to spur and bevel wheel gearing) where the twist- axodes are used directly, altered only by being toothed, for the transmission of rotation between shafts whose axes cross, but do not meet, each other. Gearing of this kind (an example of which is shown in Fig. 317) is known as skew wheel gearing, the wheels being often called, from their quasi-conical form, skew bevel wheels. The twist-axodes, frustra of which correspond to the pitch surfaces of the skew 550 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL bevel wheels, are hyperboloids of revolution whose axes are the axes of the shafts and which have always one coincident line or generator in a position corresponding to the coinci- dent line of the pitch surfaces of spur wheels. The position of this line must be such that the distances of every point in it from the two axes must be inversely proportional to the required angular velocities of the wheels, and it can be found in the following manner. Let SA and SB (Fig. 3 18) be projections of two crossed axes a and b, both parallel to the plane of the paper, so that the common normal to the two axes passes through 6* and is normal to the plane of the paper. FIG. 31 Let the angular velocity ratio of b to a be given, and let it be required to find the generator for the (hyperboloidal) pitch surfaces of skew bevel wheels which will transmit this ratio. The angle A SB must first be divided by SV so that YM. ^ ang. vel. ^ w hi c h can be done exactly as described V N ang. vel. a for bevel wheels in 66, Fig. 310. Then SVv$> the projection of the required generator, which lies in a plane parallel to that of the paper as drawn. Drawing through V a line at VA right angles to SV, we have at once ._ as the constant 68.] HYPERBOLOIDAL OR SKEW GEARING. 551 ratio of the distance of every point in the generator from the axes a and b, and therefore the required ratio between the radii (or diameters) of a and b, which are no longer pro- portional themselves to the velocity ratio. It requires now to be proved that skew wheels with this diametral ratio will transmit the required velocity ratio. Draw SA-H SV^ and SB^ at right angles to SA, SV, and SB respectively, and consider the contact between the pitch surfaces upon the normal to the shafts, i.e. upon the line through S and normal to the plane of the paper. The direction of the line of contact is SV, and both wheels must have the same velocity normal to that direction. 1 Drawing A^B^ parallel to SV, we obtain at once SA^ and SB^ as the peripheral velocities of a and b respectively, on any scale on which SV-^ represents their common velocities in its own direction. The angular velocities of the two -wheels must be directly as their peripheral velocities and inversely as their radii, or ^ =! SZ?i ra^SB r jL= ?*L v a SA\' n SA r b VB SA VA_ = VM. SA VB ~ vi\. SB" and ^ - VM ' SA $** _ VM v a VN. SB SA VN' which is the required ratio with which we started. Any pair of corresponding sections of the hyperboloids may be used for pitch surfaces, two pairs being shown in 1 i Or put otherwise, instead of the two wheels having the same peri- pheral velocity, as with spur gearing, they have different peripheral velocities, but these different velocities must have equal components along 552 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL the figure. The directions of the flanks of the teeth on the pitch surfaces must correspond to the directions of the generator. Frequently frustra of tangential cones are em- ployed in this gearing instead of frustra of the hyperboloids. In that case the shape of the tooth profiles is obtained by designing them in the way described for bevel wheels on p. 544- 1 If sections from the throats of the hyperboloids be chosen, the teeth may be made of uniform section right across, like those of spur wheels, but, of course, skewed at the proper angle. The ratio between the numbers of teeth in the wheels must be proportional (inversely) to their in- tended velocity ratio, and not proportional directly to their diameters. The pitch of the teeth on the two wheels, measured circumferentially, is of course different. If SV^ be the normal pitch (i.e. the pitch measured at right angles to the face of the tooth), which is the same in both wheels, then SB must be the circumferential pitch of b and SA of a. If the perpendicular distance between the shafts be /, then the diameters of the two pitch surfaces at the throats, 01 smallest parts, are respectively, VA , , + VB f for a, and t.- for. At any other places the diameters can be found from the data in the figure by the ordinary projective constructions. If the distance SF\ represent on any scale the common peripheral velocity of the two wheels normal to the direc- tion of the twist axis, then the distances V-JB-^ and V^A^ repre- sent on the same scale their velocities of sliding along that axis. The velocity with which each one slides relatively to the other is therefore B^ V^ + V\A V or B^A V This corresponds, 1 A more exact approximation will be found in Der Consh-ucteur, third edition, p. 452, or fourth edition, p. 553. 63.] HYPERBOLOIDAL OR SKEW GEARING. 553 of course, to the axial component of the twisting motion of the axodes. In this, the simplest case of general screw motion which we have in machinery, the magnitude of the twist (which may be expressed conveniently enough as the SV\ ratio - ) is the same for each twist axis, as we have already J noticed. We may consider that spur wheels are the special case of skew wheels where SB coincides in direction with SA, and where, therefore, B^A^ = O. Looking at matters in this way, we see that the teeth of skew wheels must have the same rubbing action in planes normal to their lines of con- tact (i.e. normal to SV) as ordinary spur wheels, and in addition a rubbing action in the direction of those lines. As all such action involves the expenditure of work in over- coming the frictional resistances which the surfaces offer to sliding one on the other, the frictional losses in skew wheel gearing are necessarily considerably greater than in spur gearing. More will be said about this matter in the next chapter. A skew-wheel train may, of course, contain an annular wheel, or it may be made epicyclic by fixing one of the wheels instead of the frame. Practically an annular skew wheel would be so troublesome to make that we are not likely to see one, especially as it is always possible (as we have seen with bevel wheels) to alter the sense of rotation transmitted without the use of an annular wheel. There is no particular difficulty about making an epicyclic skew train, but no occasion seems yet to have occurred for using one. 554 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL 69. SCREW WHEELS. IF we desire to drive two crossed shafts, one from the other, by a pair of wheels whose teeth can always touch each other along a straight line, we have no alternative but to use the skew wheels described in the last section. We must, moreover, use for their pitch surfaces hyperboloids generated by the revolution of one particular line (fixed as we fixed SV in Fig. 318) for each particular angular position of the shafts FIG. 319. and velocity ratio to be transmitted. If, however, we are con- tent to transmit motion through teeth which touch each other on one point only 1 at each instant, we have a much larger choice of possibilities. Thus if in Fig. 319, SA and SB are again projections of the axes of crossed shafts (drawn in the same way as in Fig. 318, 68), we may take any line SV between SA and SB, or in coincidence with, either of them, as the common tangent at S to screw lines drawn on cylindrical surfaces which have a and b as their axes, and 1 In one point (for each pair of teeth), speaking kinematically only. Physically, of course, the point becomes a small but undefined area. 69.] SCREW WHEELS. 555 which touch at some point on the normal through 6*. If on such cylinders, or slices of them, we build up helical teeth corresponding to the assumed tangent, we shall have what are called screw wheels, each wheel being, in effect, a portion of a many-threaded screw. If the tangent SV be taken in the same position as that of the coincident line in skew wheels, the pitch diameters of the screw wheels, for a given velocity ratio, will be the same as those of the throats of the corresponding hyperboloids. In this case the screw wheels will differ very little in appear- ance from the skew wheels. In the former, however, the faces of the teeth will be helical instead of straight, and in actual working, contact between any pair of teeth will begin on one side, pass through the point S, and end on the other side, instead of taking place simultaneously all across the teeth. For any given velocity ratio, whether the common tangent in mid-position be taken as mentioned in the last paragraph or not, the hyperboloids having a coincident generator, as found in 68, will remain the twist-axodes for the motion transmitted by the wheels, no matter what the diameters of the latter may be. These diameters are easy to find in any case. Let V be any point upon the (arbitrarily chosen) common tangent SV, and BA a line through V normal to SV. Then we have already proved (p. 551) that (using the same symbols as before) r a = v h SA = v sin_y_ r b vSB Va siny/ If, then, SV coincide with SB (Fig. 320), y = 90, and y 1 = 90 a, and the ratio between the diameters of the wheels is greater than the velocity ratio, a condition in itself disadvantageous. The teeth on b are here parallel to its axis, as in a spur wheel. If SV bisect the angle A SB (Fig. 321) 556 THE MECHANICS CF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL y = y 1? and the diametral ratio corresponds, as with spur wheels, to the velocity ratio. This is the condition of mini- mum friction. If SV coincide with SA (Fig. 322) the teeth on the a wheel are parallel to its axis, the angle 7 = 90 a and = 90 and the diametral ratio is less than the velocity ratio. Intermediate positions have, of course, cor- responding characteristics. If Fbe nearer B than A, the diametral ratio is greater than the velocity ratio, and vice versa. b-'v FIG. 320. FIG. 321. FIG. 322. In the most common case of screw wheels occurring in practice, the angle a, between the shafts, is a right angle, and the velocity ratio transmitted is large. In this case the combination becomes the worm and worm-wheel (Fig. 323), which we have already looked at in 62 from another point of view. If we were here to make y = 90, the pitch of the helix on a would become = o, and that on b = DO . If we were to make y 1 = 90, the pitch on a would become = oo and on b = o. In neither case, therefore, would the mechanism work. In practice y is made some small angle, and (as y + y l = 90) y L is a much larger one. A very large velocity ratio can therefore be transmitted by a pair of screw wheels (as the worm and wheel really are) of much 69.] SCREW WHEELS. smaller diametral ratio. Thus, for example, if y = 10, y 1 must = 80, the value of-^ 11 -^ = 0-175. I n such a case sm 7l any velocity ratio r can be transmitted by a worm and wheel whose diameters are in the ratio of (0-175 r ) to eacn other. This is, of course, a great practical convenience. If a pair of skew wheels were used under similar conditions, with a value of r of 50, their diametral ratio would have to be 50, instead of 0-175 x 5> or 8*75. In both cases equally the number of teeth in the wheels must be proportional to the velocity- ratio transmitted, but with screw wheels the number of teeth means the number of threads m the screw , for that is the real number of teeth that would be shown by any section of the wheel normal to its axis. A single-threaded screw, such as is often used for a worm, if cut by a plane at right angles to its axis, would show only one tooth and one space it is in reality a one-toothed wheel. A double-threaded screw, similarly, is equivalent to a wheel of two teeth, and so on. The pitch of screw wheels has to be determined in the same way as that of skew wheels. The pitch of the teeth, measured at right angles to the common tangent, must be the same in both wheels, or in wheel and worm, but this quantity must not be confused with the pitch of the screw lines. The real pitch of the teeth in screw wheels is the distance represented by the spaces between the lines in Figs. 320 and 322 of this section. This is determined from the normal pitch exactly as on p. 552, and we do not concern our- selves at all with the relation between this (circumferential) quantity and the (axial) pitch of the helices on which the threads are formed, which is in these cases always a very much larger distance. In the case of the worm of Fig. 323, the case is, however, reversed. Taken as a single-threaded 553 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. screw, or one-toothed screw wheel, the pitch of its tooth is equal to its circumference, while the pitch of the helix, or distance from one convolution to the next, measured axially, is a much smaller quantity. It is the former, or tooth-pitch, which is given by the calculation on p. 552. In this particular case, however, it is the helical pitch which is the visible thing, and the real nature of the worm as a screw wheel is sometimes obscured by the confusion between the two pitches. In this particular case the circumferential FIG. 323. pitch of the worm wheel is equal to the axial pitch of the worm helix if it be single threaded, to half that pitch if it be double threaded, and so on. We have already mentioned (p. 487) the Sellers worm gearing, in which the shafts are set at an angle less than 90 by an amount equal to y, so that y 1 = a, SV coinciding with SA. In this case the teeth of the wheel, like those of the wheel in Fig. 322, lie parallel to its axis ; the wheel in fact simply becomes, or may become, a spur wheel, and its 69.] SCREW WHEELS. 559 construction is correspondingly simplified. The form of the teeth of worm wheels has already been mentioned in 62. We have stated on p. 554 that the tangent line of screw wheels may be taken anywhere between S and SA. Kinematically it may be taken outside these limits also, but in this case the friction due to the sliding of the teeth (see p. 553) becomes excessively great, without counterbalancing advantage of any other kind. Longitudinal sliding of the teeth on one another produces additional friction in screw wheels (as compared with spur or bevel wheels) exactly as in skew wheels, but not to the FIG. 324. same extent, the area of surface in contact being much smaller (see p. 554). In both cases also the obliquity of the pressure causes end thrust in the journals of one or both of the shafts. This is often more serious in screw than in skew gearing, because of the greater obliquity. If the shafts are parallel, this difficulty can be got over by the use of the double-helical wheels of Fig. 324, which were mentioned in 19 (p. 131). These wheels, although they are used with parallel shafts, are real screw wheels ; the contact of the teeth is a point contact only, and not a line contact, and there is always contact in at least one pair of points 560 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL along the pitch line. They present certain practical diffi- culties in manufacture, but these have been long ago over- come, and very large numbers of them are used on the Continent, and also by some English makers. The small sur- face of contact makes them work very " sweetly " if the teeth are reasonably well formed. It will be noticed that their relative motion is represented simply by the rolling of cylindrical pitch surfaces, or axodes, as with spur wheels, and not by the twisting together of hyperboloidal surfaces, as in the case of screw wheels with crossed axes or skew bevel wheels. The cylindrical pitch surfaces here show themselves at once as being a special case of the hyperboloidal surfaces. 70. GENERAL SCREW MECHANISMS. THERE remain to be mentioned general screw mechan- isms (see p. 547) of a much more complex kind than the hyperboloidal or screw wheels of the last two sections. Of such mechanisms two have been already illustrated in Figs. 314 and 3 1 5 in 67, a third is shown in Fig. 325. Of these a modification of Fig. 314 has found actual, if not very practical, application in machines. The other two have not, so far as we know, had any practical applications. A general in- vestigation into their conditions of constrainment, or determination of the twist-axodes of the different links, does not appear as yet to have been made. Such a determination is not very difficult in the case of Figs. 314 and 315, where also the mechanism can be drawn in any position, without any difficulty, by the ordinary constructions of orthographic projection. With Fig. 324, however, these constructions alone do not enable the motions of the mechanism to be ?o.] GENERAL SCREW MECHANISMS. 561 drawn. The case appears to be analogous, among non- plane mechanisms, to the case of the third order in plane mechanisms which was discussed in 59 (p. 458). The extremely limited practical importance of these mechanisms makes it unsuitable that anything in the nature of a general discussion of their properties should be attempted here. It is much to be hoped that some competent geometer will presently take them in hand, and classify and analyse them. ff FIG. 325- We may here summarise briefly the conditions of motion which we have found to exist in the elements of mechanisms and in the mechanisms themselves. The turning pair, first of all, gives us a simple rotation about a fixed and permanent (p. 47) axis at a finite distance, and we saw that the motion of the sliding pair was merely the special case in which the axis of rotation (equally fixed and per- o o 562 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xi. manent) was at infinity. The screw pair gives us motion about a fixed and permanent twist-axis, the magnitude of the twist being also constant. It might be considered to include the former pairs as special cases, the one (turning pair) where the pitch of the twist had become zero, and the other (sliding pair) where the rotation of the twist had become zero. Passing from elements to chains or mechanisms, we find that for mechanisms having plane motion, the virtual motion of every link is a rotation about a fixed (permanent or instantaneous) axis, at a finite distance or at infinity. In this case, also, all the virtual axes are parallel, so that all planes parallel to the plane of motion cut the axode in similar and equal curves or centrodes, and we can always substitute any one of these curves for the axode (that is, deal with the virtual centre instead of the virtual axis)^ without impairing the accuracy or completeness of our solutions. In the case of mechanisms having spheric motion, the virtual motion is still a rotation about an axis, but the axodes are cones instead of cylinders. Plane sections of these axodes are not, in general, of any value to us. A pair of axodes for the relative motions of any two bodies have a common vertex, and represent the motion of the bodies by rolling on one another, 1 exactly as do the cylindric axodes in the former case. Any sphere which has its centre at the vertex of such a pair of axodes, cuts them both in a pair of spheric sections which roll upon one another as the bodies move, and which touch each other in a point (as .Sin Fig. 274), which determines, along with the centre of the sphere, the virtual axis. This point of contact is not, however, a virtual centre, as the bodies do not, virtually or otherwise, rotate about it, and these spheric sections of 1 The proof of the rolling is exactly the same as that given in 9 for plane centrodes, and does not need to be written out again in full. 70.] GENERAL SCREW MECHANISMS. 563 the conic axodes are not, therefore, really centrodes. No virtual centres, in the sense in which we have denned these points, exist for spheric motions, and the sets of lines each containing three virtual centres are replaced by sets of planes each containing three virtual axes. With general screw mechanisms, lastly, neither virtual axis nor centre exist, the virtual motion is no longer a simple rotation of any kind, but as twist is already reduced to its lowest terms. It may be noticed that in dealing with twist as we did in 62, looking separately at its two components, rotation and sliding, we virtually resolved it into a pair of rotations, one about the axis of the screw, and the other about an axis at right angles to it and in the same plane, but at an infinite distance. No particular convenience, however, for our purposes, comes from this way of looking at the matter. We have found three different cases of screw motion to occur ino ur work. The regular twist of the screw pair is the first, where the twist-axis is permanent and where the magnitude of the twist is constant. The cases (skew wheels and screw wheels) examined in 68 and 69 come next, and bear the same relation to the screw pair that the motions of a spur-wheel chain (omitting all consideration of the teeth in both cases) bear to those of a turning pair. The twist-axis, namely (for one or more pairs of links), becomes an instantaneous instead of a permanent axis. But the magnitude of the twist is constant, so that the hyperboloids l being given, and the value of the twist, the motions are as fully, if not quite as simply, determined as those of rotating bodies whose centrodes are known. This determinateness has nothing to do with the hyperboloidal form of the twist- 1 It will be remembered that it is these surfaces, the twist- axodes, and not the helical surfaces or their base cylinders, which really deter- mine the motion of screw wheels (p. 555). 002 564 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XL axodes, but depends on the constancy of the twist. So long as this condition exists, the relative screw motion of two bodies may be geometrically represented by the loci of their twist-axes as completely as the relative plane motion of two bodies can be by their centrodes. In the third case of general screw mechanisms, however, the case specially dealt with at the commencement of this section, the value of the twist differs with each twist-axis, and varies quite in- dependently of the change of position of the axis. The motions of the mechanism do not seem, in this case, to be determinate by aid of the twist axodes alone, geometrically, but to require also for their determination some expression for the rate of change of the magnitude of the twist itself. It is perhaps fortunate for engineers that problems of this kind have not yet made their appearance in practical work. CHAPTER XII. FRICTION IN MECHANISMS AND MACHINES. 71. FRICTION. WHEN two surfaces are pressed together it is found that one cannot be moved along and relatively to the other, without the exertion of some definite effort. The resistance, to balance which this effort has to be exerted, is called the friction between the surfaces. It can be measured as a force acting from one surface to the other in the direction M r FIG. 326. of their relative rrjotion, and with a sense such as to offer resistance to that motion. On this account it is sometimes loosely spoken of, without sufficient qualification, as a force which tends always to oppose and never to produce motion. 1 Let b and ^(Fig. 326) be two bodies touching one another, and let b slide upon c (supposed fixed) under the action of the 1 A proposition somewhat fiercely attacked by Reuleaux, Kinematics of Machinery, p. 594. 566 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. force MN. This force has a component MP pressing the surfaces together and causing friction, and a component PN in the direction of motion. Let the external resistance to the motion of b, independently of friction, be QN. Then, disregarding friction, the body b will be receiving an acceleration of ~ ^ foot-seconds per second, its mass m being supposed to be m. If now Q t Q be the frictional resistance produced by the pressure component MP, the body , , PN-(QN+Q.Q] will be receiving an acceleration only of i-= ^-i^-> m foot-seconds per second, and the difference between these two values is the acceleration caused by the frictional re- sistance. If Q l N=PNt\\& body b will be moving with a uniform velocity, just as it would do if the friction were absent and QN were equal to PN. We do not say in such a case that the resistance QN does not produce motion ; we treat it, on the contrary, as a force in every respect similar to the effort PN, but differing from it in sense. There seems no really sufficient reason for treating frictional resistances in any different manner. A frictional resistance has always a sense opposite to that of the relative motion of the bodies between which it acts. So far, therefore, as the motion of these bodies relatively to each other is concerned, the acceleration produced by it is always negative. But it is often utilised in order to produce positive acceleration of one of the bodies relatively to a third. Fig. 327 illustrates this, where c is not itself a fixed body, but one capable of sliding upon a fixed body d. Suppose that b were fixed to c by bolts whose united resistance to fracture was RN. Then if the effort could exceed this value the bolts would shear and b would move upon c. But so long as the effort PN is less than RN, the two bodies could not move 7I-] FRICTION. 567 relatively to each other, and PN would be balanced by a stress in the bolts (that is, by a portion of RN}, exactly equal to itself, as QN. The stress in the bolts is what may be called a derived force, which has a maximum value RN, but whose actual value is any magnitude less than this which is necessary to balance the external force opposed to it, here PN. This precisely represents the conditions of the case if we substitute frictional resistance between the sur- faces for the shearing resistance of the supposed bolts. The friction is a derived force depending here upon the pressure MP, and upon the state of the surfaces. It has some maximum value (which we may suppose to be RN) entirely- independent of PN. If PN exceed that value the bodies ft k FIG. 327. will move relatively to each other as in Fig. 326. If PN falls short of that value it will be balanced by a frictional re- sistance exactly equal to itself, the rest of the possible frictional resistance being non-existent in the same sense as the balance of possible stress in the bolts. Hence if RN be in this case the maximum possible friction, and PJVthe only driving effort, b will remain stationary relatively to c, under the equal and opposite forces PN and QN. But if c can move relatively to d under some sufficiently small resistance (frictional or other), Q^N^ it will be set in motion, receiving the acceleration ~ ^ ^oot-seconds per second, just as m before. In this case it seems legitimate to say that friction is the cause of positive acceleration and not negative, for it 568 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP, xn is the friction between b and c which transfers the driving effort PJVfiom b to c, and which in that sense is the cause of the positive acceleration of c relatively to d. Both the cases described occur continually in machinery. Wherever two surfaces have to be rubbed together (as in every pin joint or other pair of elements throughout the whole machine), fractional resistances cause negative acceleration, work is expended in overcoming them, they diminish the efficiency of the machine, and it is the object of the engineer to reduce them to the furthest possible extent. In all belt and rope gearing, however (and in a few other cases), the frictional resistance between two bodies (the belt and the pulley) is utilised as the sole means of giving motion to one of them (relatively to a third) and transmitting work to it. It is essential for this purpose that the possible friction between the two bodies (as b and c in Fig. 327) should be as great as possible, and its magnitude only affects the efficiency of the machine if it is too small, so as to permit the relative motion of the bodies which it is intended to prevent. Experiments made upon the friction of bodies caused to slide upon one another without any, or with little, lubrication, at very moderate velocities, and with small intensities of pressure, 1 have established the facts that under these condi- tions the friction is independent of the area of contact and intensity of pressure, and is practically independent of the velocity of rubbing, being for any given pair of surfaces pro- portional simply to the total normal pressure. Under such conditions, therefore, the frictional resistance can be found at once for any known value of the pressure Pby multiply- ing it by some co-efficient p dependent essentially on the 1 By intensity of pressure is meant, as formerly, pressure per unit of area. 71.] FRICTION. 569 nature of the surfaces, so that the value of the friction is written F=pJP. The multiplier /* is called the co-efficient of friction, and is assumed to be fairly constant for given materials with such surfaces as are commonly used. Engineers, however, have seldom to do with unlubricated rubbing surfaces, and they have to deal with surfaces moving often with very high velocities, and under very great and frequently varying pressures. Under these conditions the "laws " of friction, as they have just been stated, not only do not hold exactly true, but fail even to represent approxi- mately the more complex phenomena with which they have to deal. At many speeds and loads which are of daily occurrence in machinery, velocity and intensity of pressure have an enormous effect on the friction, and not only these, but the temperature of the surfaces and the nature of the lubricant. The nature of the rubbing contact also, whether continuously in one sense or continually reversed, whether the surfaces be flat as in a guide, or cylindrical as in a bear- ing, whether contact exist throughout a surface or only along a line, very greatly affects the friction. The actual material of which the surfaces consist forms only one out of an immense number of conditions which determine friction under a given load. In fact, although all the rubbing surfaces in a machine were made of the same material,, and had as nearly as possible the same smoothness, the co-efficient of friction, that is the quantity by which the total pressure on each surface would have to be multiplied to find the friction, instead of being practically constant, might be ten times l as great for some pairs of surfaces as for others. In 1 Often enormously more than ten times. The particular number ten is not intended to have any special significance. 570 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. each particular pair of surfaces, with its own special area, velocity, form, amount of lubrication, and so on, the fric- tional resistance bears a different proportion to the load, and can be estimated from it only by the use of a different co- efficient. Under these circumstances it is perhaps mislead- ing to retain the much-used phrase, " co-efficient of friction," for this inconstant multiplier. The co-efficient of friction has the certain definite meaning which has already been explained, and which limits its use to solid friction under certain simple conditions. It is so thoroughly associated with the idea that friction is proportional to load, that it seems unadvisable to call by its name a mere multiplier which may even itself vary inversely as the load. We shall, therefore, speak rather, in the following sections, of the friction-factor for a given pair of surfaces, meaning by this expression simply the ratio, dependent on all the vary- ing conditions already mentioned, of the frictional resistance of those surfaces to the pressure causing it. We may, there- Tf> fore, write - =/, the friction-factor, so that we still have F=fP but with the condition that /is a quantity whose value has to be separately considered for each set of conditions. In every mechanical combination, from a pair of elements to a machine, some effort is at each instant expended in balancing friction, some work therefore is done, as the machine moves, merely in overcoming frictional resistance. If we call the remaining effort or work, as the case may be, the nett or useful effort or work of the combination, the ratio useful effort or useful work is called the efficiency of total effort total work the apparatus. Where the ratio is between amounts ;i.] FRICTION. 571 of effort only, we have the efficiency simply at the instant and for the position at which the effort has been measured. Where the ratio is between quantities of work, it gives us the average efficiency during the period in which that work has been done. 1 The reciprocal of the efficiency was called by Rankine the counter-efficiency, a name of great value. The counter-efficiency expresses, of course, the ratio in which it is necessary that the whole effort exerted or work done should exceed the nett value of the effort or work required. The older results as to friction rest mainly on the experi- ments of Morin (dating as far back as 1831), which were most carefully conducted, and the results of which, within the limits and under the conditions to which they are fairly applic- able, there is no reason whatever to doubt. 2 But they were made under conditions which, however well they may repre- sent those of ideal solid friction (as they were intended to do), do not at all represent those of ordinary machinery. In spite of the numerous experiments of Thurston and others, of the brake trials of Westinghouse and Galton, and of the recent experiments of a Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers made by Mr. Tower, we have still not 1 The idea of the efficiency of a machine, now so familiar, we appear to owe to Moseley (Phil, Trans. 1841, and Meek. Principles of Engineering, 1843). He called it the modulus of the machine, and worked out its value in an immense number of different cases, including that of toothed gearing, spur and bevel. 2 For Morin's experiments on sliding friction, see the Memoires de F In- stituted 1833, which contain two series. The friction was measured be- tween blocks of various materials and flat rails of the same or of different materials. The blocks were heavily loaded, and the motion (having been first started by special apparatus) was kept up by the pull of a descending weight. In some cases the velocity was uniform, in most accelerated. In no case could the experiment last more than a few seconds. The velocity and the amount of the pull were registered auto- matically. The distance through which sliding occurred was from ten to twelve feet. Morin's experiments on Frottement des axes de rotation were made in 1834. 572 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. nearly sufficient information to enable us to give probable values for the friction-factor under many of the most im- portant cases occurring in practice. Let us take first friction in journals or pin joints generally, assuming that the one surface moves continuously over the other, and does not reciprocate. What we call the "pressure on the bearing " does not here represent the actual pressures between the surfaces, but rather the total value of the com- ponents of those pressures in a certain direction. As it is only this nominal total pressure that forms part of our data in practice, it is sufficient to accept it as a starting point, without troubling ourselves here as to the real dis- tribution of pressure. Engineers often speak of the pressure per square inch upon a bearing, by which they invariably mean the total pressure divided by the area of the bearing upon a plane normal to it, that is, by the product of the length of bearing and diameter of shaft. This nominal "pressure per square inch " is, therefore, an entirely conven- tional unit. Tower's experiments, which were made upon a steel journal four inches diameter and six inches long, give the remarkable result that for a given speed the total friction remains nearly constant for all ordinary loads 1 not too great nor too small for the particular lubricant used, so long as the lubrication was kept "perfect." The friction factor, there- fore, varied inversely as the load. It varied at the same time directly (very nearly) as the square root of the velocity. The formula /= c^ expresses very closely the results of these experiments (so long as the lubrication was kept perfect) for a temperature 1 These experiments did not go below 100 pounds per square inch nominal. Proc. Jnst. A/. Engs. 1883 and 1884. 7I-] FRICTION. 573 of 90 Fahr. v is the peripheral velocity of the bearing in feet per minute, and P the nominal pressure per square inch upon it. c is a co-efficient depending on the lubricant, and has a value of -0014 for sperm oil (up to 300 pounds per square inch pressure), "0015 for rape oil, and -0018 for mineral oil (up to about 450 pounds per square inch), '0019 for olive oil (up to 520 pounds per square inch), and about 003 for mineral grease (between 150 and 625 pounds per square inch). The value of 20 ^- is unity (nearly) at a speed of 250 feet per minute and a pressure of about 310 pounds per square inch, so that c is itself the friction-factor, or co-efficient of friction, for these conditions. It will be noticed how much smaller it is than the value usually taken. When the lubrication was not made "perfect" by the use of an oil bath, but the oil supplied, as regularly as was possible, by a syphon lubricator, the friction-factor was about four times as great as that given. It followed the same law as to variation inversely as the pressure, but its variation with velocity was much less than before, and was irregular. When the lubrication was reduced to a minimum ("so that the oiliness was only just perceptible to the touch "), it was increasingly difficult to get uniform results, but those that were obtained approximated distinctly, as was to be expected, to the usually assumed conditions of solid friction. Between loads of 100 and 200 pounds per square inch the friction-factor diminished as the load in- creased, but much less rapidly, and from 200 to 300 pounds per square inch (at which pressure "seizure" occurred), the factor remained nearly constant, forming a real co- efficient of friction varying only from 'op8 to *oio. The variation with the velocity was larger at the lowest pressures, but smaller and irregular afterwards. 574 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. Temperature was found to affect the friction very greatly. With a load of 100 pounds per square inch, for instance, the friction with lard oil was about double as much at 75 as at 120, and about three times as much at 60 as at 120. No doubt there is a best possible temperature for each lubricant at each load', namely, that temperature which keeps it as thin as possible without making it so liquid as to be squeezed out. Mr. Tower seems to have shown beyond doubt that with perfectly lubricated journals the metal surfaces should be, and are, separated by a film of lubricant, 1 and this fact at once explains the immense discrepancies between the results just stated and those obtained in such experiments as Morin's. Nominal pressures of 200 to 500 pounds per square inch are common in the bearings of machinery, but in certain cases, such for instance as the pin in a piston rod, head pressures of 800 to 1,200 pounds per square inch are constantly used without any ill effects. In these cases, however, the speed of rubbing is slow 2 (quite possibly slower than that to which the friction diminishes with the velocity), the motion is reciprocating, and above all the pressure is alternating in direction, first on one side of the pin, then on the other. We have no experiments on friction under these conditions, but know by experience that bear- ings working in this fashion can carry a very much greater load than those loaded in one direction and revolving continuously under the load. The crank pin of an engine 1 Proc. Inst. M. Ens,, 1883, etc. 2 At excessively slow speeds the experiments of Jenkin and Ewing have shown that friction increases as the velocity diminishes, until (probably) the friction of motion (with which only we concern ourselves here) merges continuously into the friction of rest. But these speeds are much slower than any we have to deal with. 7L] FRICTION. 575 forms an intermediate case, the velocity of rubbing may be about the same as for the shaft, but the pressure is alternately in opposite directions. In the crank shaft of an engine, and still more in ordinary shafting, the weight of fly wheel, pull of belts, etc., cause the general direction of pres- sure to remain comparatively unaltered. Correspondingly the pressure in such cases is made considerably less than in a crank pin, although the velocity of rubbing is about the same. The friction in the ordinary pin joints of linkwork, where the lubrication is not so well attended to as in shaft bearings, must vary enormously. As long as the lubrication is uni- form, even if it is very small, it ought to be possible to work them with a friction-factor of *oio to '015, remaining approximately constant at such loads as they can carry. With freer lubrication a value for the friction-factor of Y. f-~**~r ^ may approximately represent what can be obtained. As to the friction of such lubricated flat surfaces as guide blocks, there appear to be no modern experiments. Those of Morin, already mentioned, give for sliding metal blocks, with " lubricant constantly renewed," a true co-efficient of friction of 0*05,! varying neither with the velocity nor with the pressure. This was at various velocities and at pres- sures averaging 28 pounds per square inch, and sometimes as much as no pounds. Ordinary steam-engine guide- blocks have a velocity (in alternate directions) varying in each stroke from o to 500 or more feet per minute, and under these circumstances it is found that they work best when the maximum pressure upon them is kept under 40 or 1 This figure is given by Morin himself in connection with his 1834 experiments, as representing his very best possible results, but it is con- siderably lower than those results themselves, in which, no doubt, the lubrication was very imperfect. 576 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. 50 pounds per square inch, which points to a friction- factor very much higher than for bearings. On the friction of pivots there is very little experimental evidence. The case is complicated by the fact that the velocity of rubbing varies from zero to a maximum over the surface, from the centre outwards, and that the distribution of pressure varies also (see 75) in a way which we do not know. Here, as in cross-head pins, it is found practically possible to allow often a larger pressure than in ordinary bearings, and an average of 700 and 800 pounds per square inch, and in some cases double as much, can be carried without injury. As to the friction-factor for the rubbing in higher pairs, such as wheel teeth, there is also exceedingly little experi- mental evidence. The brake experiments of Westinghouse and Galton 1 show that at equal velocities and pressures the friction-factor for the wheels skidding on the rails was only about one-third as great as for the wheels rubbing on the brakes. The comparison is between rubbing with line contact (as with higher pairs) and rubbing with surface contact. If these results are applicable to the lubricated, or semi-lubricated, higher pairings which occur in machinery, their friction-factor must be much lower than it would other- wise be assumed to be, and this is probably the case. 2 If the smallness of the surface causes a reduction of the friction where there is no lubrication, it is probable that it may cause still more where even imperfect lubrication exists. In the case of higher pairing, as with toothed wheels, cams, &c., we have seen ( 18) that the relative motion of the surfaces is not pure sliding, but is equivalent to a combina- tion of rolling and sliding, the particular lines which are in 1 Proc. Inst. M. Engs. 1878 and 1879. 2 This conclusion is strongly corroborated by recent experiments by Mr. John Goodman in the author's laboratory at University College. ?i.] FRICTION. 577 contact changing continuously, not only on one but on both surfaces. There is no evidence to show whether this affects the frictional resistance. The " rolling friction " which may occur with it is entirely negligible in comparison to the other quantities. The frictional resistance of belts or straps upon pulleys is further mentioned in 78, and the resistance of ropes and straps to bending, which plays an important part in determining the counter-efficiency of pulley tackle, is looked at in 80. Of the friction in metallic-packed pistons we know very little. In the case of the steam engine much of the work converted into heat here may possibly be recovered through the steam. Some experiments of the author's give 0-80 to 0-85 as the efficiency of transmission through a hemp-packed hydraulic stuffing-box, in ordinary working conditions, at pressures from 250 to 700 Ibs. per square inch. The resistance experienced when one surface is made to roll upon another, which is often called " rolling friction," and which was first fully examined, probably, by Osborne Reynolds, 1 is so small, and so seldom requires consideration in machinery, that we do not examine it here. Before going on to examine quantitatively the frictional efficiency of machines, it is well to point out that there are very few cases in which the forces causing friction are at all completely known, and very few cases, therefore, in which we are able to find (apart altogether from our imperfect knowledge of the friction-factors) the real total efficiency of a machine. In a steam engine, for instance, we can find without difficulty -the efficiency of the machine (within such limits of accuracy as we know the values of/) so far as it 1 Phil. Trans, vol. clxvi. See also CotterilTs Applied Mechanics, Art. cxxii. P P 578 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. depends on the steam pressure, or on the velocities and the weights of the various bodies. But apart altogether from the pressures produced by, or dependent on, these things, there is friction in the machine. It cannot be turned round, empty, without the exertion of effort. This addi- tional friction arises from tightness of " fit " of the various parts, and from resistances due to tightened-up brasses, &c. The magnitude of the pressures caused by fit and by screwing up nuts is practically altogether unknown in any particular case, and the loss of efficiency from these causes remains determinable only by experiment, and may often be very large indeed. 1 72. FRICTION IN SLIDING PAIRS. LET a and b be portions of the two elements of a sliding pair, and let a be acted upon by any force p =- MN in its plane of motion. To find the force in the direction of motion which p can balance, we formerly (p. 276) simply resolved / in that direction and normal to it, as PN and MP 9 the latter component 'passing through the virtual centre. The normal component we formerly neglected ; it was sufficient for us to know that it was internally balanced by 1 Since this chapter was in type a very important experimental paper on the subject of the efficiency of spur, skew, and worm gearing has been published. The paper is by Mr. Wilfrid Lewis, and was written for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Boston meeting, 1885) ; it will be found in extenso in Engineering, vol. xli., pp.. 285, 363, and 581. The results given in it are by no means as concordant as could be wished, and their serious defects are freely admitted by the author of the paper, but as the experiments are practically the only ones of the kind available, they are, in spite of all drawbacks, most valuable. They show that the efficiency is not affected much by amount of pressure (contact was always line or point contact, it will be remem- bered), that it increases rapidly with the velocity, that it increases regularly as the skew of the teeth diminishes, and that within the limits of experiment and of experimental error it was the same for skew as for 72.] FRICTION IN SLIDING PAIRS. 579 stresses within the material (p. 261) and could not cause any alteration in the direction of motion. It is this component which we have now to attend to. Being at right angles to the direction of motion it must be at right angles also to the surfaces of contact, for by hypothesis these must be parallel to the direction of motion. The hitherto neglected FIG. 328. component through the virtual centre, then, is a normal pressure between the surfaces of the elements, and as such produces friction between them. If/ be the friction-factor for the given conditions, then the frictional resistance due to the pressure MP is f.MP. This resistance lessens, by screw gearing. The following table, compiled from a diagram, gives some of the most important of Mr. Lewis's results. These efficiencies appear to include the loss by friction in the pivot or thrust bearings of the worm and screw gearing. Mr. Lewis gives no particulars as to the system of lubrication used ; apparently it was somewhat imperfect. VELOCITY AT PITCH LINE IN FEET PER MINUTE. DESCRIPTION OF GEARING. 10 50 IOO 150 200 EFFICIENCY. S ur wheel and inion 0-940 o 870 0-972 o"935 0*980 '955 0-984 0-963 0*986 0*966 Screw do. ? (45) Do. do. (30) 0-8l5 0*900 0*930 0*941 0*947 Do. do. (20) 0-748 0-855 0*900 o 916 0924 Do. do. (15) O'7OO 0*820 o - 872 0*893 0*902 Do. do. orworm(io) 0*615 0*760 0-820 0*848 0-862 Do. do.) do. (7) Do. do. J do. (5) 0'534 0*445 0*695 0*620 0*765 0*700 0*799 0736 0-875 0*761 P P 2 58o THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. an amount precisely equal to its own magnitude, the external resistance which can be balanced by MN. Thus if we set off P^P = f.MPj or what is often more convenient make the angle P^MP such that its tangent is equal to the friction- factor, we have at once NP^ as the nett external resistance required to balance MN, or against which MN can cause motion. An angle of such magnitude that its tangent is equal to the friction-factor we call the angle of friction, and denote by the letter <. It is sometimes said, loosely, that whereas when there is no friction the pressure between the surfaces is normal to them, when there is friction the pressure ceases to be normal, but is inclined to the normal at the angle of friction. 1 This is not strictly true. The pressure from surface to surface is always normal to the surfaces it cannot be other- wise. The sum of the pressure and of the frictional resist- ance due to it may be rightly described as making the angle < with the normal to the surfaces, and this is no doubt what is meant, although imperfectly expressed, by the statement just quoted. In the figure MP remains in magnitude and direction the pressure between a and b whether or not there be any friction. (MP + PP^ = MP l is the sum of the pressure and the friction, and this line is inclined at the angle to MP, i.e. to the normal to the surfaces. The triangle of forces MNP, which formerly represented three forces only, the effort MN, the external resistance NP, and the pressure PM, now represents four forces, the effort MN, the external resistance NP-^ the frictional resistance P^P, and the pressure PM. In taking the triangle MNP^ to represent the forces in action, that is, in resolving MN"m the directions NP and P^M instead of NP and PM, it must be 1 The general theorem was given first by Moseley, Camb. Phil. Trans. 1834. 72.] FRICTION IN SLIDING PAIRS. 581 always borne in mind that one of the sides of this triangle (here P^M) represents the sum of two forces, and not a single force merely. Following Dr. Lodge it may be con- venient to call this sum the total reaction between the surfaces. The efficiency of the combination is represented by the ratio - , the counter-efficiency by -j~ .* If the problem had been given in the reverse direction, and we had had to find the force necessary to move the block against a given nett resistance NP, we should simply have had to draw PM 1 making the angle with the normal PM, and so have obtained M^as the required effort instead of MN. It is hardly necessary to point out that M-^N = MN X counter- MTV NP efficiency, i.e. * = -7777 nor tnat m tnis * ast case J. VL -/ V J. Vjt-t is the normal pressure between the surfaces, and the frictional resistance produced by it. The point of a and b which is supposed to be the centre of pressure throughout is the point N. If the resistance were not in the direction of motion, but in any such direction as/ x (Fig. 329), we can still apply exactly the same constructions. NP represents the external * Professor R. H. Smith calls the fraction (i - : ^)' or 5^ the inefficiency (see p. 59 1 )* 582 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XTI. resistance balanced by p without friction, NP^ with friction. In the latter case MQ is the normal pressure between the surfaces, in the former MP. The frictional resistance is PiQ (not Pf) and the reaction ; or sum of P^Q and QM, makes, as before, the angle < with the normal to the surfaces. The efficiency is NP The length M^N represents, as in the last case, the total effort required to balance a nett external resistance NP. In this case M^Q l would be the pressure, and JPQ 1 the friction, the efficiency being MN _ NI\ ~~ NP' FIG. 330. Should the resistance be exactly opposite to / (as at /. 2 ), there would, of course, be no friction, and the efficiency would be unity, the points P v P, and Q all coming together mM. Of course it may quite well happen that the driving force does not act in the plane of motion (see 64, p. 512), but obliquely to it as in Fig. 330. Here/ is first resolved into MN in the plane of motion, and QM normal to it. This latter component causes friction in the flanges of the block, at right angles to its plane of motion, quite independently 72.] FRICTION IN SLIDING PAIRS. 583 of the friction caused by MP, the normal component of MN (the letters correspond to those of Fig. 328). In esti- mating the efficiency in such a case as this, assuming the same friction -factor for the block itself and its flanges, it is most convenient to add the two friction-producing com- ponents QM and MP together, and then work out in the plane as if Q^N were the total force instead of MN. The working will give the nett external resistance NP- which can be balanced by the force/ in addition to the friction caused by it both at the surface of the block and of its flanges. It will be sufficient for us, in what follows, to take into account only the component of the total force which acts in the plane of motion. If the force itself is oblique to the plane, its friction-causing equivalent in the plane must first be determined in the fashion just given, and this equivalent used instead of the force itself. Practically it will be found that the construction of Fig. 330 gives both more quickly and (unless a specially good protractor be used) more accurately than a calculation, for in almost every case the angles have to be set off first from other data, and their magnitude then measured. But in case the angles are given directly, the value of the efficiency can be found by calcu- lation from the formula the value of the angles being as marked in the figure. Taken separately the friction in the flanges is ((Wsin a) tan , and the friction on the surface of the block is (QN '. cos a . sin /?) tan . Cases of perhaps greater practical importance arise when the surfaces of contact are not parallel to the plane of motion, although the force may be so. Such cases are 584 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xii. illustrated in Figs. 331 and 332. In each case the direc- tion of motion is supposed to be at right angles to the plane of the paper, and the same force /, = MP, acts in that plane. This force may either be by itself, or may be the normal component (as MP'm Figs. 329 and 330) of other forces acting on a. In Fig. 331 the surface of the block is at right angles to the pressure, there is no friction in the flanges, and the total frictional resistance (its direction of course being normal to the paper) is represented in magni- tude by PP l = p tan <. In Fig. 332 the surface of the /<*> FIG. 331. FIG. 332. block is bevelled or V-shaped. The pressure MP is there- fore not balanced by an exactly equal and opposite force, but by forces in the direction shown by the small arrows, normal to the block surfaces. The amount of friction depends on the magnitude of the normal pressures, and is therefore here not proportional to MP, but to the sum of its components MQ and QP in the given directions. Each of these components is equal to - x - - so that together sn a they are equal to - , and the whole frictional resistance is sin a (shW tan <. The friction in a bevelled block, therefore, whose vertex angle is 2a, is greater than that in a flat block, 72.] FRICTION IN SLIDING PAIRS. 585 other things being equal, in the ratio : i. It is there- sin a fore unadvisable to use bevelled surfaces for sliding pairs in any cases (as piston and slide-rod guides, etc.) where friction is disadvantageous, and advisable to use them in any cases (as brake blocks, rope-pulleys, etc.) where it is desired to make the friction as great as possible. The friction in a wedge is covered by the case of Fig. 332. The wedge in itself represents only a couple of bevelled surfaces like b above, but with the angle a very small, so that the frictional resistance is very large. FIG. 333. * The condition mentioned in 71, that frictional resistance should render motion impossible, is reached when the effort acts so as to make a smaller angle than < with the normal to the surfaces. Thus in Fig. 333 the angle is less than <. The pressure MN is capable of causing friction as great as P^P-, but cannot supply more than the effort PN to cause p p motion. 1 The ratio - 1 - is constant, and independent of the magnitude of MN. In such a case, therefore, no force, however great, in the direction of MAT, can cause the one surface to slide on the other. 1 See p. 567, 71. 586 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. 73. FRICTION IN TURNING PAIRS. THE efficiency of a pin joint, or turning pair, is generally very much greater than that of a sliding pair ; the way in which the equilibrium of forces is affected by friction is, however, a little more troublesome to understand. The construction which we shall use is that first given by Rankine, arid after- wards much developed in its uses by Jenkin, Hermann, and others. Let the circle in Fig. 334 show one element a of a turning pair, its radius being OR. Let f and f be the directions respectively of the effort and the resistance to the motion of a, its sense of rotation being indicated by the arrow, and let /be represented in magnitude by MN. Then apart from friction we know that NP will be the resistance balanced by/ and /Wthe radial pressure, 1 which will act between the pin a and the eye at the point R. The friction at R must, as a force external to #, act in the opposite sense to that in which R is moving, as shown by the arrow f 2 . The direction of the reaction must make the friction angle < with the normal to the surfaces at the centre of pressure, or point at which we may assume the pressure to be con- centrated. But at the same time the reaction, or sum of the friction and the normal pressure, must have such a direction that it will pass through IV, or the system of forces will not be in equilibrium. The centre of pressure cannot, therefore, be any longer at J?, but must be at ^?i, a point such that its radius fi^O makes the angle with the line Jt l N' joining it to IV. The resultant pressure between the 1 This may be more fully described as the sum of the pressures be- tween the surfaces, in the same sense as MP in Fig. 332 is the sum of the pressures on the V block. The actual distribution of true radial pressure we do not know, but it must bear the same relation to PM in all bearings in which there is the same arc of contact. See P. 572, 7J- 73-] FRICTION IN TURNING PAIRS. 587 surfaces is still nidial (it. normal to the surfaces), but its position is R^O instead of RO. The sum of friction and pressure has the direction R^N. If we now draw MP l parallel to JR^ we find at once, exactly as in the last section, the nett resistance NP^ which the given effort can balance in addition to the friction in the bearing. The efficiency is, as before, equal to -~ FIG. 334. By resolving MP l into the components PQ parallel to f* t and QM parallel to ^0, we have in them the magnitudes of the friction and the total normal pressure respectively. (The angle QMP l is equal to by construc- tion.) The forces under which a is in equilibrium are re- presented by the four sides of the closed polygon MNP^QM. If our only object in the construction is to find NP^ or the efficiency of the combination, we draw only the triangle MNP^ but it must not be forgotten that (just as in the last section) P^M is the sum of two distinct forces, and in particular that it does not represent, either in magnitude or in direction, the pressure between the surfaces of the pin and eye, or shaft and bearing. >5.88 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. We have now to see how the point R^ can be practically found. Let OR, the radius of the shaft, = r, and let there be a small circle drawn about O with radius OS= r sin fa 1 Then R l can be found at once as the point in which a line drawn through N touching this small circle, cuts the pin circle. Obviously the angle OR^S is equal to <, for its OS sine is , and this is already made equal to sin by con- struction. The small circle used in this construction has received the name of friction circle, and as such we shall refer to it. If the sense of the effort were reversed, so as to be NM instead of MN^ the construction would have been that of Fig, 335, in which the same lettering is used as in the last figure. Here the sense of rotation is reversed, but the sense of the normal pressure is reversed also (PM changed to MP\ so that the pressure comes on the lower side of the bearing instead of the upper, and the friction, still opposing the motion of a, again acts from left to right. If, however, instead of changing the sense of the effort in Fig. 334, we had reversed the sense of rotation by making NP the effort and MN the direction of the resistance, the line NR^S would have changed its position to the left instead of the right of NR, the sense of the friction being reversed, while it acts still on the same side of the shaft. There need never be any hesitation as to whether NS lies to right or left of NO. The points N, M and P are always given, and NP the point P^ must always lie between N and P, for \ which is equal to the efficiency, must always be less than 1 Under ordinary circumstances $ itself is not given only tan <>, the friction-factor. For any such small angle tan

, and the radius OS made = r tan #, which will save some trouble. 73-] FRICTION IN TURNIN unity. It being thus known how MP^ lies to MP, the relative slopes of their parallels NS and NO are also known. In more complex cases, where this cannot so readily be done, find the sense of the pressure, as a force external to the body or element which we treat as the moving one, and draw it so as to oppose, with this sense, the rotation of the friction circle considered as a part of the moving body. This rule, which must be thoroughly mastered, finds many applications in 77. It will be noticed at once that in the figure, in order to make the construction as clear as possible, the angle has been taken absurdly large. In ordinary circumstances, as we have seen in 71, it is exceedingly small, and the efficiency is, therefore, exceedingly near to unity. If the point TV" were upon the periphery of the shaft or at an equal radius, that is, if it coincided with R, the construction would become identical with that given for a sliding pair. ^?! would coincide with R, the angle ONS would be equal to (f>, and the friction circle would be superfluous. In that case the efficiency of the turning pair would be exactly equal to that of a sliding pair working with the same friction-factor. As the point IV, however, is moved further away, the angle at N becomes smaller than < and continually diminishes, although the angle OR^S remains constant. Thus as the radius of N increases the angle PMP\ diminishes, and the efficiency becomes greater than that of a sliding pair, be- coming more and more nearly unity as N goes further and further off. This corresponds, of course, to the fact that the radius of the friction is constant (and equal to the peripheral radius of the shaft), while the radius of the effort is constantly enlarged, so that a diminishing fraction of it is required at the constant radius of the friction. If in any combination, and the case is quite a possible one, the 592 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xii. 74. FRICTION IN SCREWS. THE necessary treatment for a screw pair as regards friction is in the first instance precisely that which we have used for a sliding pair. The surface of the screw thread of a slides upon that of the thread in the nut b (Figs. 336 and 337). The direction of sliding is taken to be the direction of the tangent to the thread at its mean radius. The resistance PN is taken as axial, the effort NM as at right angles to the axis, and the latter is assumed to be applied FIG. 336. FIG. 337. at a radius equal to the mean radius of the screw thread. MP is the direction of pressure between the surfaces, normal to the assumed tangent. Without friction NM balances PN, the ratio between them being (as on p. 479), NM = tan a pitch of screw thread. With PN circumference friction there is precisely the same change as in the sliding pair. In Fig. 336 the given effort NM \v\\\ balance only the P IV axial resistance P^N t the efficiency being as before. MP\ is the sum of the friction QP 1 and the normal pressure 74-1 FRICTION IN SCREWS. 593 MQ, and is inclined at the angle to the direction of the latter. If the resistance jP/Vis fixed and we have to find the increased effort to balance it, we have it in NM^ Fig. 337, the ratio - being the efficiency, and equal to the ratio J. \ J.VJ. -. P N of the last figure. QP is now the frictional resistance, M-J? the total reaction, and M\Q\ the normal pressure between the surfaces. The great loss by friction in screws, and the small efficiency of a screw pair, is well known and often remarked on. It must not be supposed, however, that this is specifically due to the screw surface or anything connected with it. It is due solely to the particular values of the angles between effort and resistance and direction of motion which happen to be common in screws. A sliding pair working with the same angles would have precisely the same efficiency. It may save misapprehension if this is always clearly borne in mind. The ratio of effort to resistance without friction is equal to tan a. The ratio - \ with friction, (or the equal ratio "W is ec l ual to tan ( a + <) The value of the effi " ciency may therefore be stated algebraically as NM PiN tan a PN tan (a + ), the counter-efficiency being, of course, the reciprocal of this. The small efficiency of screws arises from the fact that in them the angle a is always a small angle, so that although < is no larger than in a sliding pair, (a + <) may be propor- tionately very much larger than a. Enlargement of a would tend to increase the efficiency, but at the same time might QQ 594 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. still faster diminish the "mechanical advantage" of the screw, which is simply the ratio , numerically equal to tan a. Two important limiting cases occur. If a = o, tan a^o and the efficiency = o. The screw becomes simply a series of parallel rings, which we know to represent a screw of zero pitch. If a = (90-^), tan (a + )= tan 90 == oc, and again the efficiency is zero, although for a different reason. In practice tan a varies commonly from 0*05 to 0*15, going occasionally as high as o'2. Tan , the friction -factor, varies more widely. With ordinary screw threads of square section, with surface contact and with no special lubrication it may be 0*1 and even greater. 1 By proper lubrication this will be greatly reduced, and where along with complete lubrication there is point contact (as with well-made worm gearing), the value of tan < may fall as low as 0*01 and possibly less. The following table EFFIC tan a IENCY -tan ( + ,,) TAN a Tan = o'oi Tan = 0*02 Tan = o'os Tan $ = o'io Tan $ o'2i O'OOO O O O O O O*O25 0-713 Q'555 0-458 0-203 0-II2 O*O5O 0-829 0-706 0*622 0-33I 0-196 0-075 0-883 0-741 0*699 0-429 0-270 O'lOO 0-906 0-828 0-766 0-495 0*325 0-125 0-924 0-858 0-805 0-552 0*376 0*150 o-935 0-877 0*829 0*592 0*414 0-175 o-943 0-893 0*849 0*627 0*450 0*200 0-950 0-904 0-865 0*656 0-480 O'225 o-954 0-913 0*876 0*678 0-505 0-250 0-958 0-920 0-886 0-698 0-527 1 See footnote at end of 71. 74-] FRICTION IN SCREWS. 595 gives values of the efficiency of a screw pair, calculated from the formula already given, for a number of probable values of tan a (o to 0-25) and for five different values of tan c/>. The excessively low values of the efficiency for ordinary values of a, when the friction factor- becomes large, is well shown in the table, and the vital importance of thoroughly good lubrication in any screw which is transmitting work needs no further emphasis. The line of axial pressure, PN, does not always lie along one side of the screw parallel to its axis, but maybe distributed over the whole thread equally, its resultant being coincident with the axis of the screw. But as in that case the effort (whether applied to the screw by a single lever or not), dis- tributes itself round the thread in exactly the same way, no error is caused by summing each one up, as we have done, and treating it as if acting at one point only. By the moment of the friction in a screw is generally meant the moment of the additional effort taken up in overcoming the friction, that is A/Mi X r in Fig. 337. The work done against friction in a given time is equal (as with a turning pair) to this moment multiplied by 2 TT and by the number of revolutions of the screw in the given time, or 2 ic r n. MM\. It will be noticed that MM^ is not itself the real frictional resistance, which is represented by Q*P, but is greater than it in the ratio * . In each revolution, however, the cos a frictional resistance is overcome through a distance greater than 2 TT r in the same ratio (a distance equal to the length of one turn of the helix), and therefore the work done against friction is the same whether it be calculated from MM, or from Q^P. We have supposed the screw thread to be of square Q Q 2 596 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. section, so that the profile of the thread (as seen in the nut section of the figures) is at right angles to the direction of axial pressure. In a screw so made, other things being equal, the friction is a minimum. With a screw thread of triangular section, as Fig. 338, there is exactly the same addition to the frictional resistance as we have already noticed with a triangular guide block (p. 584). The normal pressure producing friction is increased from NP to NR (Fig. 338), i.e. in the ratio __, as before. In con cos a sequence of this there is an inward pressure on the screw (and consequently an outward, bursting, pressure from the screw on the nut) of the magnitude RP, which may under some circumstances be very inconvenient. FIG. 339- In practice the force PN does not act directly upon the screw thread, but generally upon the end, or upon some other portions of the worm spindle. At the surface where this pressure is transmitted there is therefore pivot friction, which in practice often causes a further very serious loss of effort, and therefore diminution of efficiency. This will be considered in 75. It is in many cases of great practical importance that a screw should not be able to run back, that is that no axial pressure, however great, should be able to turn it round. If the block in Fig. 339 be part of a screw thread, find /Wthe 75-J FRICTION IN PIVOTS. 597 axial pressure, then the ratio of driving effort to normal pressure must always be equal to ^ = tan a. But the ratio of friction to normal pressure is ^ l ^ = tan <. So Jong therefore as tan a is less than tan <, that is so long as a is less than <, the screw cannot run back, no increase whatever of pressure in the direction PN can in any way move it. 75. FRICTION IN PIVOTS. IT has been pointed out in the last two sections that where there is any axial component of pressure in a turning or a screw pair, that pressure will cause friction separate from, and additional to, the friction proper to the pair. The rubbing surface may in this case be the faces of one or more collars on the shaft of the spindle, or may be formed by the end of the shaft itself. Generically all such surfaces, rotat- ing in contact under axial pressure, may be included under the head of pivots. \P \ p s///////////////' FIG. 340. FIG. 341. FIG. 342. If P be the total pressure upon pivots such as those of Figs. 340 to 342, we may say at once that in the case of the flat- faced pivots the total frictional resistance will be /P, and in p the case l of the coned pivot/ . if / be the friction-factor sin a i See 72, p. 584. 598 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. XH. suitable for the particular case. This information is, how- ever, of no use to us unless we know also the mean radius at which we may assume the friction to act, which we have therefore to find. If we suppose that at first, as is intrinsically probable, the total pressure is uniformly dis- tributed over the whole surface, then the mean radius of the friction must be two-thirds of the radius of the pivot (in the cases of Figs. 340 or 341, where the centre is not cut away). But with such a distribution of pressure wear will at once commence where the velocity of rubbing is greatest, that is at the outer diameter of the pivot, and will gradually extend itself inwards until the surfaces have so adjusted themselves (if this be possible) that the rate of wear is uniform over the whole. If the assumed friction-factor remained still uniform over the whole area, the wear at any point would be in direct proportion to the product of the velocity and the intensity of pressure at that point. If the wear is to be the same at every point, therefore, this product must have a constant value, so that the intensity of pressure at any point must vary inversely as its velocity, or simply as its radius. If, therefore, we suppose the whole surface to be divided into narrow concentric rings of equal breadth, the area of each ring will be proportional to its radius, and the intensity of pressure on each ring will be inversely propor- tional to its radius. The amount of pressure on each ring (intensity of pressure x area of ring) must, therefore, be the same. Under these conditions the mean radius of friction will be the half radius of the pivot, or (in the case of Fig. 342) the arithmetical mean between its inner and its outer radius. The moment of the frictional resistance would, therefore, be/^- P 2 r P or f : , and the work done per minute against friction 2 sin a 75-1 FRICTION IN PIVOTS. 599 would be obtained by multiplying these quantities by 2 TT and by the number of revolutions of the pivot per minute, as p fir r P n or fir r n respectively. sin a This result is generally taken as correct, and probably enough it forms a reasonable working approximation, con- sidering the very wide limits within which the factor f may vary. It involves, however, in the first place, the apparently impossible result that on some small, but not indefinitely small, area at the centre of the pivot, the intensity of pressure must be enormously great, so great as quite to destroy the metal locally. Of this we have no physical evidence in the condition of the surface of pivots after wear. But apart from this difficulty, the method of investigation involves two assumptions of which one is obviously wrong and the other doubtful. The first is the constancy of the friction-factor, and the second the possibility of uniform wear, or wear without alteration of the shape of the surface. As to the first, if we may apply here Mr. Tower's results ( 71), we know that the friction-factor must vary at each point according to its velocity and pressure. If we suppose the whole surface of the pivot divided into equal small areas, the total frictional resistance on each would be about the same 1 for all areas having the same velocity, and otherwise would vary more or less as the square root of the velocity. The wear on each small area will be proportional to its velocity and its total frictional resistance, and therefore to v *Jv or zA The velocity of each small area being propor- tional to its radius, we may, therefore, say that on these assumptions the wear at any point will be proportional to 1 This supposes perfect lubrication, which is not unreasonable, but it applies results of journal friction to a pivot, which it is quite possible \ve are not entitled to do. 6oo THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. the square root of the cube of its radius, or r\. But it is probable that at the extremely slow velocities existing close to the centre of a pivot the friction-factor must be propor- tionately higher than elsewhere, and the wear, therefore, greater than we have assumed. Further, the rapid wear at the periphery of the pivot must speedily reduce dispropor- tionately the intensity of pressure there to such an extent that the constancy of frictional resistance on equal areas is no longer even approximately true. Starting from some simple assumptions, such as those first mentioned, as to the distribution of pressure and the value of the friction-factor, it is of course easy to calculate mathematically the conditions of wear, the best form of " anti-friction " pivot, and so forth. In fact, however, the actual physical conditions under which a pivot wears are only sufficiently known to show that the usual assumptions about them are entirely misleading. Until the physical side of the matter is more completely studied, it does not seem as if further purely mathematical investigation could of itself lead to any useful result. So long as our knowledge of the probable mean friction- factor for a pivot is as uncertain as it is at present, the formulae given on p. 598 for frictional moment, and work done against friction, no doubt give results sufficiently accurate for the rough approximation which is all we can at present hope to obtain. It seems almost certain, however, that the actual mean radius of the frictional resistances is greater than the half radius of the pivot, lying between it and the two-thirds radius. 1 The total axial load on a shaft is often extremely great in proportion to its area, so great that without increase of area it would cause so great an intensity of pressure as to bring 1 The efficiencies given in the table in footnote to 71 include the frictional loss in the pivot as well as in the screw friction. ;6.] FRICTION IN TOOTHED GEARING. 60 1 about inconvenient and probably irregular wear. To obviate this, "thrust collars " (Fig. 343) are often used (as in marine engines to take the thrust of the screw propeller), by multiplying which any required amount of surface can be obtained. In actual pivots the pressure is often distributed through several disks (Fig. 344) placed one below the other. If these be properly lubricated, each will move relatively to the one next it, and the sum of all the relative rotations will FIG. 343. FIG. 344. be equal to the whole rotation of the shaft relatively to its bearing, which is thus (more or less) uniformly distributed among the disks. By this means, although the pressure is not less than it would otherwise be, the velocity of rubbing, and therefore the wear of each pair of surfaces, is much reduced and rendered more uniform. Such bearings work very well in practice under very heavy pressures. 76. FRICTION IN TOOTHED GEARING. IN toothed gearing of all kinds a very considerable amount of work is wasted in overcoming the resistance of the teeth to sliding on one another, as we have seen that they must do. 1 In 1 8 we saw how to obtain the amount of sliding, 1 18 and 71. 602 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xu. or distance through which rubbing takes place, during the whole contact of any pair of teeth. We saw further that the mean velocity with which the teeth slid upon one another might be expressed 1 as = "L. v = T ^L ( + - \ v, ra 4 \ r r^/ The first expression requires measurement of the tooth profiles (for s\ the second does not. The value of ra, the distance moved through by a point on the pitch circle while a pair of teeth remain in contact, requires to be known in both cases. In order that two pairs of teeth may always be in contact ra must not be less than twice the pitch, although in practice it is not uncommonly only i'6 to 1*8 times the pitch. If we insert 2p in the equations instead of ra we get 2p 2 \ r The work lost per second (the velocities being supposed to be in feet per second) by friction between the teeth will be found by multiplying either of these expressions by the frictional resistance// 3 , where /is the friction-factor and P the mean total normal pressure between the teeth. Work lost in friction per second l(l + L\ VfP. The useful work done per second is (very approximately) VP? so that the efficiency of the wheel gearing is i i 2p and the counter-efficiency 1 See p. 128. Note that r and r^ are here written for r^ and r . 2 This assumes the pressure P to be in the direction of motion of the teeth instead of normal to their surfaces. ;6.] FRICTION IN TOOTHED GEARING. 603 2p In either case may be substituted for/ when necessary. Surfaces such as those of wheel-teeth are often enough rough, and work with very imperfect lubrication, so that / is com- paratively large ; but in spite of this the actual loss by tooth friction is comparatively very small, much smaller than it is often imagined to be. Thus, for example, with f taken as much as 0*2, the efficiency of a pair of wheels of 2 and 6 feet diameter, with teeth of 3 inches pitch, is still about 97 per cent., so far, that is, as mere friction between the teeth is concerned. It must be remembered that instead of ( - + ) in the \r rJ above equations, ( - ) must be used if one of the wheels (whose radius is r^) is an annular wheel. We have calculated above the mean value of the efficiency of transmission by toothed gearing. It is important now to see how that efficiency can be found graphically for any single position of the teeth. Let a and b (Fig. 345) be a pair of spur wheels turning about A and B respectively, and in contact at O. Let a^ and b l be the circles with which the teeth have been described ; further, let O l and O 2 be the first and last points of contact, respectively, of a pair of teeth. Let a be the driving wheel and .MA 7 " the driving effort, while the resistance on b is assumed to act at C in the direction CF. Without friction we should find the resistance from the effort, for position of contact at O^ as follows : Join O^O, this gives us the direction normal to the surfaces of the teeth, and therefore the direction of pressure between them. The wheel a is balanced under a known force MN, a 6o2 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. or distance through which rubbing takes place, during the whole contact of any pair of teeth. We saw further that the mean velocity with which the teeth slid upon one another might be expressed l as = s ^v= r ^( L + l\ v. ra 4 \ r 1\J The first expression requires measurement of the tooth profiles (for s\ the second does not. The value of ra, the distance moved through by a point on the pitch circle while a pair of teeth remain in contact, requires to be known in both cases. In order that two pairs of teeth may always be in contact ra must not be less than twice the pitch, although in practice it is not uncommonly only i'6 to i p 8 times the pitch. If we insert 2p in the equations instead of ra we get P . v = ( + 2p 2\ r r^ The work lost per second (the velocities being supposed to be in feet per second) by friction between the teeth will be found by multiplying either of these expressions by the frictional resistance fP, where /is the friction-factor and P the mean total normal pressure between the teeth. Work lost in friction per second = 1 fc/5P-(+ -} VfP. 2p 2 \r rj The useful work done per second is (very approximately) VP? so that the efficiency of the wheel gearing is i i 2p and the counter-efficiency 1 See p. 128. Note that r and r^ are here written for r\ and r 2 . 2 This assumes the pressure P to be in the direction of motion of the teeth instead of normal to their surfaces. 76.] FRICTION IN TOOTHED GEARING. 603 z+l./^+^l+l In either case may be substituted for/ when necessary. Surfaces such as those of wheel-teeth are often enough rough, and work with very imperfect lubrication, so that / is com- paratively large ; but in spite of this the actual loss by tooth friction is comparatively very small, much smaller than it is often imagined to be. Thus, for example, with f taken as much as 0*2, the efficiency of a pair of wheels of 2 and 6 feet diameter, with teeth of 3 inches pitch, is still about 97 per cent., so far, that is, as mere friction between the teeth is concerned. It must be remembered that instead of ( - 4- ) in the 1+1) r rJ above equations, ( - j must be used if one of the Sr rj wheels (whose radius is r^) is an annular wheel. We have calculated above the mean value of the efficiency of transmission by toothed gearing. It is important now to see how that efficiency can be found graphically for any single position of the teeth. Let a and b (Fig. 345) be a pair of spur wheels turning about A and B respectively, and in contact at O. Let a^ and b be the circles with which the teeth have been described ; further, let O l and O 2 be the first and last points of contact, respectively, of a pair of teeth. Let a be the driving wheel and J/^Vthe driving effort, while the resistance on b is assumed to act at C in the direction CF. Without friction we should find the resistance from the effort, for position of contact at O it as follows : Join O^O, this gives us the direction normal to the surfaces of the teeth, and therefore the direction of pressure between them. The wheel a is balanced under a known force MN, a 6o:|. THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. resistance acting along OO^ and the sum of these two, which must pass through A. We find (as on p. 273) the join E of the directions J/TVand OO^ and resolve the force MN in the directions EA and EO. This has been done in the triangle MNR, where RN is the pressure on the tooth surfaces. To find the resistance at C we have only to re- peat a similar operation, resolving RN in the directions FC and FB. This gives us NM^ for the resistance. In this case, of course, there being no friction, and both effort and resistance being assumed to act at the radius of the pitch circles, MN = NM^ Taking now the same position of the mechanism, but assuming a friction-factor = tan < for the rubbing of the teeth, we can set off O^E^ making the angle < with O^E, the normal to the surfaces, and resolve MN parallel to E^A and E&. This gives us SNfor the sum of the pressure and friction at O^. Carrying this on to /;, and resolving ,57V 7 " in the directions F^B and F^C, we get for the net resistance NP instead of NM^ the efficiency NP NP being , which in this case is equal to -- The small .-* arrows at Oi show the direction in which the teeth slide on each other, which determines the position of O^E^. The relative motion of the teeth continues the same in sense (although its velocity diminishes) until O is reached. Here the point of contact of the teeth is also the virtual centre, and there is no sliding and therefore no friction, 1 so at this instant the efficiency of transmission is unity. It is in fact equal to the efficiency of transmission of two plain cylinders rolling on one another without slipping. At any intermediate point NP between Oi and O the efficiency lies between - and 1 The resistance to rolling, which is sometimes called "rolling friction," is here disregarded, as being practically negligible in comparison with the friction proper.' 76.] FRICTION IN TOOTHED GEARING. 605 unity, its value becoming greater as O is approached. After the centre is passed the efficiency again diminishes, but not so rapidly as before, because the sense of sliding of the teeth is now reversed (as shown by the arrows at O 2 ). The line O f2 2 , whose direction is that of the sum of the pressure and frictional resistance, is now more inclined to the line of centres than the normal O. 2 O, whereas before O was reached the FIG. 345. corresponding line (O^-^) was less inclined to the line of centres than the normal. This appears to be the real ex- planation of the statement so often made that the frictional resistance of the teeth as they approach the line of centres is greater than their frictional resistance as they recede from it. This is often expressed by saying that the friction during the " arc of approach " is greater than during the " arc of recess." 606 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. It will be noticed that during approach it is the roots 1 of the driving teeth which act upon the points of the driven teeth, while during recess the conditions are reversed, and the points of the driving teeth act on the roots of the driven. In order therefore to increase the efficiency as much as possible wheels have sometimes been made with only point-teeth upon the driver and root-teeth upon the follower. Such teeth have no contact before reaching the line of centres, and if they are to work well the arc of recess should therefore be made much greater than usual. If EI be the efficiency of a pair of wheels at the commence- ment of contact of a pair of teeth, and 2 at the close of the contact, then an approximation to the mean efficiency E, as close as is generally obtained from the formulas on page 602 above, is given by E = ^ + * + 0-5. 4 1 For most practical purposes E = 1 is quite sufficiently 2 accurate, and can be found of course by the very simplest construction. If it is required at the same time to take into account the frictional resistance of the shafts, nothing more is necessary than the construction of Fig. 334 in 73. Instead of draw- ing the lines from E, E^ F v &c., through A and B, they must be drawn to touch the friction circles which have these points as centres, the side on which they touch being deter- mined as on p. 589. In Fig. 345 they touch to the left of the centres in both cases as dotted. 1 See p. 126. 77-] FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 607 77. FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. THE determination of the whole frictional resistances, or of the total efficiency of transmission in a link or in an entire mechanism, involves no more than the right use and com- bination of the constructions already given, which we shall now illustrate by some examples. Let it be borne in mind, before proceeding, that what we are finding here is only the efficiency of a link or mechanism in one particular position under the action of the given forces. Its efficiency varies as its position changes, and the value of its mean efficiency throughout one revolution, or other complete cycle of changes of position, requires to be found separately. This matter will be considered later on. 1 We have seen how to determine the resultant direction of friction and surface pressure in a pin joint or turning pair. The most important point now before us is the cor- responding determination in the case of a link connected with its neighbours by two such pairs, such for example as an ordinary coupling or connecting rod. The direction of the resultant just mentioned may in this case either cross the axis of the rod or lie parallel to it, and this resultant has in general four possible positions. Its direction line may con- veniently be called the friction axis of the rod, and is always different from its geometrical axis. The four cases just mentioned are shown in Figs. 346 to 349, of which we shall first look at Fig. 346 alone. The link b is the one of which we require to find the friction axis. The mechanism turns in the direction of the arrows on d and c, and c is the driving link. The forces /j and/ 2 acting on b from c and a, 1 Keep in view always, in working out the efficiency of a machine, the remarks at the end of 71. 6oS THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. without friction, would have the sense of the arrows shown, and would coincide in direction with the axis of the link. The angle be is (in the position shown) increasing, and the angle ba is simultaneously decreasing. The rotation of b relatively to c and a is, therefore, represented by the small arrows on ^, contra-clock-wise or left-handed in both cases. The direction line of the sum of the force f^ and the friction at its joint must touch the friction circle of the joint, and touch FIG. 347. FIG. 348. it on such a side as to oppose the rotation of b relatively to c, i.e. to oppose the motion of the pin in the eye, or of the eye over the pin. This direction line must, therefore, lie to the left of/ 1} and by exactly similar reasoning we can see that it must lie to the right of / 2 . But the directions of the reac- tions at the two ends of the link must coincide ; if they did not, there would be an unbalanced moment acting upon b, and the mechanism could not be in equilibrium. Hence the 77-] FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 609 friction axis f can be drawn at once as a line touching the two friction circles, the one to the left and the other to the right of its centre. If the motion of the mechanism had been the same, but with the link a the driving link instead of <:, we should have had the case of Fig. 347. The sense of/[ andy^, as forces acting upon b, would have been reversed. The rotation of b relatively to c and a would, however, have remained un- changed. The friction axis/ would, therefore, have crossed the axis of the link in the reversed sense to that of the last case. Its position is shown in the figure. In the mechanism sketched the link b has the same sense of rotation relatively to a and to c. But in such a mechanism as that of Fig. 348, it has opposite senses of rotation rela- tively to its adjacent links. The angle be is increasing, and the angle ba decreasing. The sense of rotation of b relatively to c is right-handed, and relatively to a left-handed. The link c is the driving link, and the friction axis/ touches both friction circles on the same side, and lies parallel to the geometrical axis of the link. In Fig. 349, the link a is taken as the driving link, everything else remaining unchanged. The change in the friction axis exactly corresponds to that in Fig. 347 above. It remains parallel to the axis of the link, but lies on the opposite side of it. In dealing with a link in this way it is essential to re- member that the sense of the forces must always be taken as that corresponding to their action on the link, and not from it. 1 Similarly the sense of rotation opposed by the friction is that of the link itself relatively to its neighbour in each case, and not of its neighbour relatively to it. If these things are clearly kept in mind in working from link to link through 1 See p. 589, 73. R R 610 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. a mechanism, the necessary constructions will not give any trouble. Before going on to any more complex cases we shall work out completely two examples from those we have just looked at, taking first the mechanism of Fig. 350. A force/ ( = jRS) acts at C '; we require to find its balance at A, taking into account friction at all the four pins. The circles at the joints represent the friction circles, not the pins, which are omitted for the sake of clearness. 1 The given force/ intersects the FIG. 350. friction axis of b in M. We first resolve it in the direction of that axis, and along a direction through M touching the friction circle. of cd at P. The sense of the component in the last-named direction is from P to M, which determines the side on which it shall touch the friction circle. This resolution gives us ST(m the figure separately drawn) as the component of f c acting along the friction axis of b. The required force/ cuts the friction axis in IV, and to find it we As to size of the friction circles see p. 591. 77-1 FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 611 have only further to resolve ST (reversed in sense, as acting on a and not on c) in the directions NA and 1VQ, the last being determined in the same way as MP. This gives us the triangle SUT, of which the side SU represents the required value of/ a . The dotted lines give the correspond- ing construction disregarding friction, so that is the total efficiency of the mechanism for the position sketched. Exactly the same problem is solved in Fig. 351 for the mechanism of Fig. 348. The same lettering is used, so that the force lines do not need to be traced out in detail. In both cases - is the total efficiency of the chain. In both i FIG. 351. cases, it will be seen, the construction is practically identical with that of Fig. 127, 40, with the substitution of P and Q for the two virtual centres, and of the friction axis of the middle link for its geometrical axis.' The more general con- struction of Fig. 128, 40, cannot be applied here with any approach to accuracy. The position of the friction axis of the connecting rod of an ordinary steam-engine undergoes all the four changes of Figs. 352 to 355, during each revolution. From the com- mencement of the forward stroke the angle ft increases and R R 2 612 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. the angle y diminishes, and the friction axis has the position shown in Fig. 352, where the small arrows on b show its sense of rotation relatively to the crosshead and the crank, its two adjacent links. When a becomes 90, i.e. when the crank is in its mid-position, the angle (3 has obtained its maximum value, and while the crank is in its next quadrant it con- tinually diminishes, the angle y still diminishing also. The position of the friction axis is shown in Fig. 353. During the next quadrant of the crank's motion, the angles /? and y both increase, the forces acting on the rod change sign (the engine now making a backward stroke), and the friction 352' FIG. 353. FIG. 354. FIG. 355. axis simply changes sides, remaining parallel to the axis of the rod (Fig. 354). In the last quadrant, y still increases, but y3 diminishes. The friction axis takes the position shown in Fig. 355, which is just reversed (corresponding to the reversal of the force signs) from that of Fig. 352. Had the machine been a pump instead of an engine, so that the crank was the driving link instead of the piston, we should have had each position of the axis reversed. Thus Fig. 356 corresponds to Fig. 352. The forces have the same sense, but the sense of rotation of the crank, now the driving 77-] FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 613 link, is reversed. 1 The angle /? is therefore diminishing and y increasing, and the position of the friction axis is the same as formerly in Fig. 355, that is, reversed from its former position. FIG. 356. As an illustration of the determination of the efficiency of a mechanism containing both sliding and turning pairs, we cannot do better than take the ordinary steam-engine mechanism, such as is sketched in Fig. 357. The direction FIG. 357- of the effort in an engine is always fixed, but the direction of the resistance varies very much, and upon its position in any given case the actual efficiency must depend. In the case 1 If the sense of the crank's rotation were left unchanged, the sense of the forces would have to be reversed, and the result would be the same. 614 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. sketched the direction of the resistance is made such as it would be if the engine were driving machinery by means of a spur wheel or pinion of a radius equal to that of the point A. The circles represent, as before, the friction circles, and not the pins. We draw first the line MP, making the angle (f> with the normal MR, and resolve SM t the piston pressure, in the direction of J/^Pand of MN, the friction axis of the connecting rod. This gives us TM as the force acting in the latter direction. Changing its sign, and resolving it in the directions f a and JVQ, we find at once MR as the required value of/,, the resistance at A. Without friction the resistance balanced would be MR^ ; the efficiency is therefore . If the friction circles have been enlarged in any ratio, on Professor Smith's plan (see p. 591), it must not be forgotten that the value of tan < (the friction angle for the sliding block) must be enlarged in the same ratio. If this is not convenient, the efficiencies of the sliding pair and of the connecting rod and crank shaft must be determined separately, and afterwards multiplied together. The loss of efficiency found by such a construction as this refers only, of course, to the particular forces which have been taken into account. There is no difficulty in finding similarly the losses caused by friction due to the weight of the moving parts. If in such a case as that of the last figure, for example, there be some very large weight, as that of a fly-wheel, upon the bearing, the frictional resistance caused by it may be estimated and allowed for separately. This is probably the most convenient plan, because any such resistance is the same for every position of the mechanism, so that one calculation serves for all. But it can also be found graphically with the greatest ease. Thus let MU (in the last figure) be any such weight, acting vertically down- 77-] FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 615 wards through the centre of the shaft. Adding MUto TM we get TU as the sum of the weight and the connecting rod pressure on the crank, and this sum must pass through the point W, the join of the lines of action of the weight with the friction axis. Through JFdraw WA\ parallel to UT, and resolve UT in the direction of f a and of N^ Q v which gives URc as the new value of the force balanced at A, allowing for the journal friction caused by the weight MU. The donkey-pump mechanism of Fig. 184 affords us a very instructive, but somewhat more complex, example. Let FIG. 358. it be assumed that this mechanism is to be used for a steam- engine (where the main resistance is, as usual, to the rotation of the shaft) and not for a pump, and find its efficiency in the position shown in Fig. 358. Here we start with the given piston pressure f c = RS, acting upon the sliding frame c. This is balanced by a pressure or resistance from the block to the frame, and also by side pressures in the two guides. We have in the first instance to assume the points A and B at which the resultant pressures in the guides act ; these we have no means of determining. The pressure from the 616 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP xn. guide to the link c will be upwards at A and downwards at B, and as we know the sense of motion of c relatively to the guides (as shown by small arrows) we can draw the lines AE and DB, making the friction angle with the normals AE^ and D-J3, at A and B respectively. Without friction the direction of pressure from b to c would be simply the normal D\E-b which line is the real geometrical axis of the link b, which we know to represent (see p. 399) an infinitely long connecting rod. With friction the direction of pressure must be along the friction axis of b. Of this line we know, firstly, that it must touch the friction circle of the crank pin on the under side in the figure, as at P, for exactly the same reason as in Fig. 353 above, which represented the similar position of the slider crank mechanism. Secondly, we know that it must be inclined at an angle = < to the normal to the surfaces of the block and frame. We can therefore at once draw it as PN or DE. We have now the condition that the link c is in equilibrium under four forces, of which one, /, is given completely, and the other three are given in di- rection only, as AE, ED, and BD. We can employ for resolution the construction used formerly in p. 312, 41. Calling the pressures at A, B, and P, f a , / and />, re- spectively, we know that /+/- = -(/* +/,) But the sum of f c and f a must pass through C, the join of their directions, and similarly the sum oif b andj^ must pass through D. To find^ then we have first to resolve^ along AC and DC, which gives us TR (see separate figure) for the component along DC, which is the sum of f b and f p . Next we resolve this component in the directions DN and DB, which gives us TU as the required reaction between b and c. Had there been no friction we should have had to resolve f c along the direction AE^, E^D^, and D^B^ and the 77-] FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 617 force polygon would have been the simple rectangle 7?,SZJ U-^ (see also p. 311). To complete our problem, let f a be the given direction of the resistance upon the crank shaft, whose magnitude we require to find. We find N, its point of intersection with the friction axis of b, just as in Fig. 357, and resolve TU along the direction off a and of NQ, the point Q being found as before. This gives us TV for the resistance which we had to determine. Without friction we should have had to resolve T^U^ in the directions of f a and of N-i O, which gives us T^ V r The efficiency of the mechan- ism as a whole is, therefore, for this particular position, TV FIG. 359. It will be sufficient to take one example with a screw ; for instance the right- and left-handed screw coupling of Fig. 359. The coupling is pulled with a constant tension f a =f bt it is required to find the moment necessary to turn the screw in either direction under this tension. Suppose first that the screw has to be turned so as to tighten up the coupling. Through A and B draw normals to the screw threads, meeting at C r Set off MO=f a =f b . Through O draw OP l \\ BC^ and OQ l \\ AC^ making the direction PiQ 1 normal to the axis of the screw, that is in the direction of the intended 6iS THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. turning effort. Then without friction the effort P^ <2. applied at a radius equal to the mean radius of the screw thread, will be just sufficient to turn it. The moment of the effort will be PiQi x r, if r be the mean radius of the screw. The sense of motion of the screw relatively to the nuts is shown by the small arrows at A and B. With friction therefore the directions C^A and C\B will be changed to CA and CB, the angles CACi and CBC\ being each = . Drawing parallels to these lines in the force polygon we get PQ as the effort required instead of P\Q\, and the moment necessary to turn the screw, including frictional resistance, is PQ x r, if r be, as before, the mean radius of the screw thread. If the screw has to be slackened instead of being tightened up, the friction angle has to be set off in the opposite sense, as C 2 A and C^B. The corresponding effort, greatly less than before, and of course reversed in sense, is shown at P 2 Q.>, the turning moment being P 2 Q 2 x ?' We have already ( 74) noticed the necessary relations between the magnitude of the angles < and in order that the screw may not " run down.' ; Here it will be seen at once that if < = $, C 2 would coincide with S, and the points P 2 and Q 2 in the force polygon would come together, so that the effort required to slacken the screw would be zero. If 6 were greater than <, C 2 would fall above S, and some effort would be required to prevent the screw slackening itself. As this would entirely destroy the usefulness of the couplingj the case is one in which a finely pitched thread (i.e. a small angle 6) is essential, and a too small friction-factor ( = tan <) detrimental instead of desirable. We have already pointed out that the constructions of this section have for their object the determination of the efficiency of a mechanism in one particular position only. In general what is practically required is the average 77-] FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 619 efficiency of the mechanism during one complete cycle of changes of position, as, for instance, the average efficiency of the mechanism of a steam-engine during one complete revolution of the crank shaft. To obtain the efficiency of the mechanism in a number of different positions, and then find the average value of the efficiencies so obtained, would be a long process, because each determination of efficiency requires two complete constructions, one to determine the balanced resistance with and the other without friction, the efficiency being the ratio between these two quantities. But this is unnecessary. In every case we do, or easily can, start with a diagram of work, that is a curve (as Fig. 14.6, p. 321) whose ordinates represent pressures (here efforts), and whose abscissae represent the distances through which these pressures are exerted. All that is necessary to do is to determine by construction the resistances with friction, and plot these out into a diagram whose base represents the distance travelled by the point at which the resistance acts (as A in Fig. 357 above). Apart from work done against friction this diagram would have an area equal to that of the effort diagram, as we have seen in 43. Having, however, taken friction into account, its area will re- present the net work done against useful resistance, and will be less than the area of the effort diagram by an amount corresponding exactly to the work expended in overcoming frictional resistances. The ratio between the areas of the two diagrams will be the mean efficiency of the whole mechanism. It is not necessary that we should give here any detailed example of this determination for a whole mechanism ; all the necessary constructions for it have been given very fully. It will be sufficient to give the simple case of the determina- tion of the work lost in the friction of the guide block of a steam-engine, and the average efficiency of the guides. 620 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. Fig. 360 represents this case (which we have already looked at) for one position, Fig. 361 shows the determination of the average efficiency. AB (Fig. 360) is the known piston effort, balanced at B by a resistance in the direction of the friction axis of the connecting rod, BM, and by a normal pressure and frictional resistance whose sum lies in the direction B B^, making an angle to the vertical. Drawing the force polygon we get BM for the pressure transmitted through the connecting rod, and BA^ for the effort which would be required to balance this pressure if there were no friction. The efficiency is therefore, in this position, ~~ l Jj A * FIG. 360. FIG. 361. If an effort diagram has been drawn, BA will be equal to its ordinate at the point B, which must have been turned down into its present position, and we must now turn up BA^ above B as an ordinate for our new (net effort) curve. But this turning down and up of lines is somewhat incon- venient, and it is much more handy to turn the whole construction through a right angle, and work it as in Fig. 361. Here CADE is the effort diagram (an indicator card drawn to a straight base), BA the effort at B, and NB the direction (as BM in Fig. 360) of the friction axis of the connecting 77-1 FRICTION IN LINKS AND MECHANISMS. 621 rod. Through B draw BM at right angles to BN, and through A draw AM making an angle equal to with the horizontal. Then project M to A l on the line BA^ and the required point on the net effort curve is at once obtained. It will be seen at once that the figure BA^AM in Fig. 361 is identically equal to the similarly lettered figure in Fig. 360. Each of its sides is, however, turned through 90 to suit the direction in which the effort has been originally set out. A similar construction for FD gives us FD for the net effort at D. The shaded area HADED^ represents the work expended in overcoming the friction of the guide block, and the ratio of areas - gives the Cx^Tl I. J I~*4 mean efficiency for the motion from C to E. The plan just used of turning the construction through a right angle is one which the student will find useful in a number of cases, especially where work or energy diagrams are concerned, but it is not necessary to give further examples of it. In finding the mean efficiency of any mechanical com- bination other than the very simplest, it is very desirable that for at least one position the student should make the complete determination of resistance both with and without friction, and should see that at each separate joint there is a loss of efficiency. Without this double determination there exist no ready means of checking possible mistakes in the position of friction axes, &c., which may notably affect the resultant efficiency, without, however, making it so conspicuously wrong as to be otherwise evident. In a very large number of machines, more or less complex in appearance, the friction (so far as it is caused by known and measurable forces) can be quite easily estimated by the methods given by treating them as a sequence of separate 622 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. mechanisms, and graphically or otherwise combining the whole. In really complex mechanisms, however, such as those of Figs. 128 and 240, the determination of the frictional efficiency is much more difficult. Our knowledge, however, of the real value of the friction-factor in any particular case is so very vague that the error of an approximation which is mathematically exceedingly rough may still be much less than the probable error of our estimation of this most essential element in our data. An excellent collection of examples of graphic frictional estimations will be found in the Zttr graphischen Statik der Masckinengetriebe 1 of Professor Gustav Hermann, of Aachen. These include a stone-breaking machine, pulley tackle, screw-jack with worm gearing, geared crane, and various forms of steam-engine. 78. FRICTION IN BELT-GEARING. IT was mentioned in 7 1 that there is a large and im- portant class of cases in which it is desired that the surfaces between which friction occurs shall not move relatively to each other ; and in which the frictional resistance alone is relied upon to prevent this motion. In these cases no work is expended in overcoming friction, because no motion takes place under it; the frictional contact between the surfaces does not affect the efficiency of the apparatus ; and instead of wishing to diminish the frictional resistance as much as possible, it is essential to the working of the machine that it should have at least some definite, and generally very large, amount. 1 Brunswick, Vieweg u. Sohn, 1879. 78.] FRICTION IN BELT-GEARING. 623 The most important case of this kind is that of the trans- mission of work by means of belt-gearing. Let there be given any pulley, as in Fig. 362, with a strap resting upon it, and at each end of the strap a weight. For mere static equilibrium, so long as the pulley works frictionless in its bearings, W^ = W^ and the smallest addition to either FIG. 362. weight will cause it to descend, lifting the other. But sup- pose the pulley to be fixed, so that its rotation is entirely prevented, and that it be desired to make W^ large enough to lift W^. In order that IV 2 may move, it has now not only to balance W^ but also to overcome the whole friction between the strap and the pulley caused by the tensions 7\ and T 2 in the strap. If we call this whole frictional resist- ance F, the condition of possible motion is W 2 = W^ + F, or T; = TI + F, and W^~ W l = T 2 - 2\ = F. The value of ^depends essentially upon (a) the friction- factor for the belt and pulley surfaces, (b) the tension in the belt, and (c) the angle of contact a. It can be shown by integration 1 that for flat pulleys r 2 = *;*> f= TS- Z", = (**- i); 1 The proof is therefore not given. It will be found in all books on the subject which utilise higher mathematics, e.g. Rankine, Machinery 6z.4 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. while if the pulley be grooved with a V^aped groove of angle 20, the power ~~ must be substituted for fa. In sin tf these expressions e is the number 272 (nearly), the base of the natural system of logarithms,/ is the friction-factor, a is the arc of contact / circular measure. In the case sketched in the figure, where motion is to take place in the direction of 7I>, T 2 is greater than T lt and the index in the formula must be used with the positive sign. If it had been required to find to what amount T 2 would have to be reduced before W-^ could begin to move downwards against it, the same formula would be used, but with a negative instead of a positive index. Thus if W^ = 100 Ibs., a = 1 80 = TT, and/ = 0-4, the smallest value of T 2 which will lift Vl\ will be 100 (2'72' 4X7r ) = 351 pounds, and the value to which T 2 must be reduced in order to allow W\ to fall must be 100 (2'72~' 4X ' r ) = 28*5 pounds. Or otherwise, if 71 = 500 pounds, and T 2 = i pound, /remaining as before, we can find the value of a, in order that the system may be balanced, 1 as i . 71 a = -rloge = 15-54. / ^2 This is in circular measure, and is therefore equivalent to = 2 '47 complete turns. Thus with the assumed (very large) friction-factor, two and a half turns of a cord round a fixed pulley would give friction enough to enable i pound to and Millwork, art. 310 A, or Cotterill, Applied Mechanics, art. 123. Professor Cotterill also gives a graphic construction for finding the variation of tension and frictional resistance along the belt. 1 It will be remembered that the natural logarithm, or logarithm to the base e, of any number can be obtained by multiplying its common logarithm by the number 2*30. 7S-] FRICTION IN BELT-GEARING. 625 hold against 500, or in other words to prevent a weight of 500 pounds from running down. The hauling of a rope round a capstan is of course a familiar example of this. We have now to apply these results to movable pulleys, such as those used in belt-gearing. Let us suppose we have a belt pulley such as is shown in Fig. 363, where the resist- ance to the motion of the pulley is a weight W, acting at an arm r, the radius of the pulley being J?. In the first instance suppose the weight to rest on the ground, and that T 2 ( = 7^e A ) is very small. At first the strap will slip round on the pulley and the weight will remain unmoved. But if we con- tinuously increase T 2 we not only increase T lt but increase FIG. 363. also the frictional resistance to slipping, T 2 - At some point the moment of the frictional resistance becomes equal to the moment of the weight, i.e., (T 2 - T,}R - Wr, and after this the pulley turns, lifting the weight, and the strap ceases to slip on the pulley. This is the condition under which all belt pulleys work. With any further increase of tension in the strap we do not increase (T 2 7^), so long as the motion is uniform, as the equality of moments just s s 626 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. stated must always exist. 1 By substitution in our former equations we now have or if we take r = R and write n for I>, the strap is in equilibrium under given conditions 80.] PULLEY TACKLE. as to friction. To obtain this we must make - - 2 b Tl If this were done, P o, so that the smallest possible pressure at P would brake any load. We do not know / accurately enough to carry out these conditions by any means exactly, but even without this a very powerful and handy brake can be made of this type. 1 80. PULLEY TACKLE. 2 THE efficiency of transmission by pulley tackle depends not only on the pin friction of the sheaves, but still more upon the work expended against the stiffness of the rope in bending it round the sheaves and then straightening it again (see p. 629). Physically this is equivalent to an increase of the radius of the resistance (on the bending-on side) and a decrease of the radius of the effort (on the bending-off side), as shown in the sketch, Fig. 370. For a pin link chain the value of the small displacement d?can be easily calculated, and from it the loss of efficiency can be found. This is, however, not possible with a rope ; the necessary data for the calculation do not exist, and the loss of efficiency must be estimated by use of an empirical formula based on experience. According to Redtenbacher, if F be the pull in a rope of diameter d running on a sheave of radius R, the resistance / V2\ to bending on or off the pulley is approximately ( -. )F. 3 ^ The formula of Eytelwein, used by Rankine, gives a larger 1 Descriptions of a number of important brakes will be found in a paper by Mr. W. E. Rich in the Proc. Inst. Meek. Eng. July 1876. See also Zeitschrift d. V. Deutsch. Ing. 1881, p. 321 ; Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. July 1858 and July 1877, the latter containing description of Mr. Froude's turbine dynamometer. 2 The subjects dealt with in 78 to 80 have been perhaps nowhere better handled than by Professor Ritter in his Technische Mechanik, to which we are especially indebted in the present section. 636 THE MECHANICS OF MACHINERY. [CHAP. xn. resistance 2'I We have no means of knowing on what experiments either is based ; the former may perhaps be rightly preferred. FIG. 370. FIG. 371. Let Fig. 371 represent a sheave of any pulley block, turning in the direction of the arrow, f'^ and F 2 the effort and resist- ance, that is the tensions in its two cords or "parts." R is the radius of trie sheave, r of the pin, and fr that of the friction circle. Without friction (and neglecting also the resistance due to the stiffness of the rope) the force S balancing F^ and F zt which is equal in magnitude to their sum, but reversed in sense, would pass through the centre of the sheave, and F[ = F 2 . Allowing for friction we know that .Smust lie at a distance = fr from the centre. Assuming F^ and F