507 1175 Burke Two Speeches at Bristol THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Lewis F. Lengfeld MR. B U R K E's TWO SPEECHES A T BRISTOL. [Price Six Pence.] MR. EDMUND BURKE's SPEECHES A T His ARRIVAL at BRISTOL, A N D A T The C O N C L U S I O N of the P O L L. THE SECOND EDITION. LONDON: Primed for J. D O D S L E Y, in PALL-MAU.. MDCCLXXV, m DA 5^ EDITOR'S ADVERTISEMENT. W E believe there is no need of an Apology to the Publick for offering to them any genuine Speeches of Mr. Burke : the two contained hi this publication undoubtedly are fo. The general approbation they met with (as we hear) from all parties at Briftol, perfuades us that a good Edition of them will not be un- acceptable in London ; which we own to be the inducement, and we hope is a j unification, of our offering it. We do not prefume to defcant on the merit of thefe Speeches ; but as it is no lefs new, than honourable, to find a popular candidate, at a popular election, daring to avow his diflent to certain points that have been confi- dered as very popular objects, and maintaining himfelf on the manly confidence of his own opinion ; fo, we muft fay, that it does great credit to the people of England, as it proves to the world, that, to infure their confidence, A it 88988 [ vi ] it is not neceflary to flatter them, or to affeft a fubferviency to their paffions or their pre- judices. It may be neceflary to premife, that at the opening of the poll the candidates were Lord Clare, Mr. Brickdale, the two laft members; and Mr. Cruger, a coniiderable merchant at Briftol. On the fecond day of the poll Lord Clare declined ; and a considerable body of gentlemen, who had wimed that the city of Briftol fhould, at this critical feafon, be re- jprefented by fome gentleman of tried abilities and known commercial knowledge, immedi- ately put Mr. Burke in nomination. Some of them fet off exprefs for London, to apprife that gentleman of this event ; but he was gone to Malton in Yorkshire. The fpirit and active zeal of thefe gentlemen followed him to Malton. They arrived there juft after Mr. Burke' s election for that place, and in- vited him to Briflol. Mr. Burke, as he tells us in his firft Speech, acquainted his conilituents with the honourable offer that was made him ; and, with their confent, he immediately fet off for Briftol on the Tuefuay at fix in the evening ; he arrived at Briftol at half paft two in the afternoon on Thurfday the i3th of October, being the fixth day of the poll. 2 He [ vii ] He drove directly to the mayor's houfe, who not being at home, he proceeded to the Guild- hall, where he alcended the huftings, and having faluted the electors, the fheriffs, and the two candidates, he repofed himfelf for a few minutes, and then addrefled the electors in a Speech which was received with great and univerfai applaufe and approbation. Mr. Mr. EDMUND BURKE's SPEECH AT His ARRIVAL at BRISTOL; iJi. Mr. EDMUND B U R K E ' s E E C H. GENTLEMEN, I AM come hither to folicit in perfon,. that favour which my friends have hitherto en- deavoured to procure for me, by the moft obliging, and to me the moft honourable, ex- ertions. I have fo high an opinion of the great trufl which you have to confer on this occafion ; and, by long experience, fo juft a diffidence in my abilities, to fill it in a manner adequate even to my own ideas, that I mould never have ventured of myfelf to intrude into that awful [ 12 ] awful fituation. But fince I am called upon by the defire of feveral refpectable fellow- fubjects, as I have done at other times, I give up my fears to their wifhes. Whatever my other deficiencies may be, I do not know what it is to be wanting to my friends. I am not fond of attempting to raife public expectation by great promifes. At this time, there is much caufe to confider, and very little to prefume. We feem to be approaching to a great crifis in our affairs, which calls for the whole wifdom of the wifeil among us, without being able to affure ourfelves, that any wildom can preferve us from many and great inconve- niencies. You know I fpeak of our unhappy conteft with America. I confefs, it is a matter on which I look down as from a precipice. It is difficult in itfelf, and it is rendered more intricate by a great variety of plans of con- duct. I do not mean to enter into them. I will not fufpect a want of good intention in framing them. But however pure the inten- tions of their authors may have been, we all know that the event has been unfortunate. The means of recovering our affairs are not obvious. So many great queftions of com- merce, of finance, of conftitution, and of po- licy, are involved in this American delibera- tion, that I dare engage for nothing, but that I (hall give it, without any predilection to former opinions, or any fimfter bias whatsoever, the [ '3 ] the moft honeft and impartial connderation of which I am capable. The publick has a full right to it ; and this great city, a main pillar in the commercial intereft of Great- Britain, muft totter on its bafe by the {lighteft miftake with regard to our American mea- fures. Thus much, however, I think it not amifs to lay before you; That I am not, I hope, apt to take up or lay dwn my opinions lightly. I have held, and ever fhall maintain, to the beft of my power, unimpaired and undimi- nifhed, the juft, wife, and neceffary conftitu- tional fuperiority of Great-Britain. This is neceffary for America, as well as for us. I never mean to depart from it. Whatever may be loft by it, I avow it. The forfeiture even of your favour, if by fuch a declaration I could forfeit it, though the firft object of my am- bition, never will make me difguife my fen- timents on this fubjec~t. But, I have ever had a clear opinion, and have ever held a conftant correfpondent con- duct, that this fuperiority is confident with all the liberties a fober and fpirited American ought to defire. v I never mean to put any colonift, or any human creature, in a n*tu- ation, not becoming a free-man. /To reconcile Britifh fuperioty with American liberty fhall be my great object, as far as my little faculties 5 extend. [ H J extend. I am far from thinking that both, even yet, may not be prefer ved. When I firft devoted myfelf to the public fervice, I confidered how I mould render my- felf fit for it i and -this I cid by endeavouring to difcover what it was, that gave this country the rank it holds in the world. I found that our profperity and dignity