THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF CLAUDE JONES BIBLIOTHECA REEDIANA CATALOGUE OP THE CURIOUS & EXTENSILE LIB OK THE LATE ISAAC REED, ESQ. OF STAPLE INN. ueceafeD. Editor of the Lafl Edition of Sbakfpeare. Comprehending a moft Extraordinary Cohesion of Books, in Knglifh Literature ; particularly relating to the Englifti Drama, and Poetry, many of them extremely Scarce, and enriched by his MS. Notes, and Observations. Together with his Manu- fcripts, Prints, Books of Prints, Book Cafes, &c. By Me/rs.KlNGandLOCHEE, AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, 5130, 38, KING-STREET, CO VENT-GARDEN, On MONDAY, NOV. 2, 1807, AND 38 FOLLOWING DAYS, (SUNDAYS UXCEPTED.) AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. May be viewed on Monday, Oft. z6, and till the Time of Sale, and Catalogues had at the Room, iilufira* ted with a Portrait of Mr. Reed, price 55. J. Barker, Printer, GrmRuliel-Street, Covent-Garden Conditions of Sale". j. THE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and, if any Difpute arife? between two or more Bidders, the Lot (o difputed fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d ; above One Pound, is. ; above Five Founds 2*. 6d. and fo on in Proportion. III. The Purthafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down $s. in the Pound in Part ot Payment of the Purchafe- money ; in Default o! which the Lot or Lots to purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold; and all Lot' to be cleared at the Buyer's Expense, at the expiration of one Day alter the SaU. IV. The Books ro prcfumcd to be perfeft, unlefs otheiwile exprefled ; but if upon collating, AT THE PLACE or SALE, any (hould prove defec- tive, the Purchafers will be at Liberty to taie or rcfufe them. V Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofued in Part of Pay- n-.ent fliall be fort cited ; and alt Lots uncleared \\ithin the Time atbrefaid, ftiall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (it any) attending fuch Re-fale Ihall be made good by the Defaulters at ihii Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have theii CommifTions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, KING and LOCHEB. Advertifement. W HAT has been faid of the la f e Dr. Farmer's books, may, in a considerable de- gree, be applied to the following collection ; it-being premifed, that what is further offered concerning Mr. Reed or his Library, relates to both with a view, particularly to Englilh Literature. " For the improvement of Sale Cata- logues, it has been ufual to exhibit fuch manufcript remarks as occurred in volumes that had been the property of diftinguiflied characters. Sometimes, however, the ob- fervations'of the late Mr. Reed, refpedting the rarity of his books, or the authors and fubje&s of them, are fo extenfive, that the introduction of all fuch memoranda would have encreafed the prefent Catalogue per- haps three-fold. Thefe notices, therefore, are cited only on particular occafions j but the reader will, find fuch information at the beginning 6SOS5G i Advertisement. beginning, or in other parts, of many works enumerated in the following pages." Nor will the reader often, if ever, have occafion to complain of a mifplaced confi- dence in the value and authenticity of the telligence, which thefe icmarks afford. Ac- cuftomecl to exercife the minuteft accuracy in afcertaining the hiftory as well as the character of publications, Mr. Reed has recorded circumflances relating to foine, of which the authors were anonymous; to others, of which miftaken notions had been formed \ and to feveral in which erroneous aflertions have been {rated : there are alfo fome, in which he has inferted brief remarks of other writers on the fubjecl:, and the interefling epiftolary correfpondence of au- thors. He had been a judicious collector more than forty years; and few days pafied, in which he was free from illnefs, that did not witnefs, within that period, fjme curious addition of this kind to the literary hiftory of his country. Of his ingenuity and found judgment the world h*s received abundant proof in his notes on the re-publifhed OLD PLAYS Advertisement. 3 PLAYS, which Dodfley had firft collected ; as well as in thofe on SHAKSPBARB $ and the ufeful occupation of his time will be fur- ther exemplified, not only by thefe notices in printed books, but alfo by the contents of a few manufcripts in the prefent collec- tion. And, while thus employed himfelf, he was at the fame time never more happy than in encouraging the literary purfuits of. others. To Mr. Reed no man ever applied in vain for the information which he could give ; and no man retired from an interview of this nature without confeffing himfelf, if not gratified by the immediate acquifition of the knowledge required, at lead improved by the uncommon erudition of the critic, and delighted with the frank and friendly temper of the man. He was, indeed, a mod friendly man ; endeared to all who knew him by his unafluming manners, his inftructive converfation, and his. honeft heart. He was ftern, and juftly ftern, only when he detected in others the violation of truth, and obferved fophiftry affuming the place of argument. With an independent fpirit he difplayed alfo a truly modeft and retired difpofition : 4 Advertisement. difpofition : furrounded with book?, and content with a very moderate income, to him, as Profpero fays, hii library " Was dukedom large enough."- Thb collection, it may be added, confifts, without any intermixture, entirely of Mr. Reed's books; and is clafied in a manner conformable to an opinion on this fubjeft which he had of. en exprefled. To fpecify the rarities in it, would be here unneceflary. They fpeak For themielves. And, upon the whole, it may be affirmed, that, in curious Englifh literature, a more interefting collec- tion has not often been amafied, and will not eafily perhaps be equalled. p^ICTIONARIES, Grammars, Treatifes on Edu- _! J cation, Catalogues, &c. 3vo. page i Ditto, 410. 7 Ditto, folio 10 Latin and French, 8vo. .11 Ditto, 410. iz Divinity, Svo. to Ditto, 410. 18 Ditto, tolio 19 Arts and Sciences, Medical, Botanical, Trade, Coin, &c. Svo. 40 Ditto, 4 to. 38 Ditto, folio 29 Miscellaneous, Svo. 73 Ditto, 410. 38 Ditto, folio 38 Periodical Works, folio 47 Magazines, Svo. i O 8 Englifti and Foreign Hiftory, Voyages and Travels, Svo. 151 Ditto, 410. 147 Ditto, folio 69 Romances 410. ijj Witches, 410. 12 3 Traces, fingle, Svo. 261 Poetry, Svo. 300 Ditto, 410. 305 Ditto, folio 236 Plays, 4 to. 340 finglifh Theatre, Hiftory of the Stage, Svo. 360 Ditto, 4(0. 390 Ditto, folio 393 Manufcripts 393 Prints 40* THE ORDER OF THE SALE. Firft Day, Monday, November 2, A. D. 1807. 8vo. Diclionnaries, Grammars, Catalogue, &r. A. t X 4io. Ditto, A. to W. foJio Ditto, 5. to 7*. page i 10 Second Day, Tuesday, November 3. t?o. Latin and French, A. to Z. 410. Ditto, W, to 7*. - Divinity, A. to D. folio Latin and French, B. toS. page 10 19 Third Day, Wednesday, November 4. |fo. Divinity, A. toN. 410. Ditto Z). to $. folio Arts and Sciences, B. to P. page 19 99 Fourth Diy, Thursday, November 5. gto. Divinity, continued P. to Z 410. Ditto, 5, to W. Arts and Sciences, ^. to B. folio Mifcel- laneout, A. to /?. page 29 40 Fifth Day, Friday^ November 6. 8vo. Arts and Sciences, A. to //. 410., C. to H. Folio Periodical Works, jS. to Z,. page 40 47 Sixth Day, Saturday, November 7. 8vo. Arti and Sciencei, H. to T. including Tracla, 41 . Ditto, H. to M. folio Periodical Works, M. to /T. page 48 57 ( i* } Seventh Day, Monday, November g. Svq. r JVjic~ls. 410, A.r '?6o and Thot. Allen ditto, 179? Andrews (Jas. Pettit) ditto 1797 Bacon (Thos. Sclater) ditto 173$ Barnard (Thos. A'len), 1789. Chas. Channcey, /. /. 1790 Beauclerk (Topham) ditto, fe#. 1781 Beckwith (Thomas) Heraldic MSS. 1791 Bernard (Fr.) Library 1698 Bookfellers marked, viz. White, Eger- ton, &c. Bridges (John) Library, 1. p. 1795 Britift Mufeum Duplicates 1788 Brooke (Zack.) Library 1789 Chrift Church Canterbury, 1743, ditto, as drawn vrp by the Rev. Mr. Todd, 180* 23 College of Phyfieians, /./. 1757 /a4 _ Collins (Anry.) Library^ z parts 1730 Cottonian MSS. 4> $6 - Croft's Library, with the prices printed f '785 //jy D'Eon, 1791. Matt. Duane, 1793. Andrew Coltee Ducarel, 1786 / 3 g Defenfans (Noel) Ptfure igoi jp Dodd {Jas. Wm.) Library, part priced by Mr. Reed 1797 (John) 1792. John Ilenderfon, t 7 86 j / jl Farmer (Rich.) Library 1798 prittt / jj . I. Folkes (Mariin) Library 1756 0,/ju .. Forfter (Rich.) ditto, targe paper ivitb jg . Gems (of) - /J,6 Glynn (Rob.) Library I 37 GuifefSam.) of Oriental MSS. 1792. Geo. Sale, MSS. in Arabic, Sec. Harley, E. of Oxford, 5 vols. 1745 ^ Hobiyn fRobt.} Libr*ry t * parts, /. p. Reufs (Jer.Dav.) Regifter of Authors, Dictionaries, Grammars, &fr. -Oftavo. 5 > 40 Catalogue, Jacob (Edw.) Richard Jcbb, and Samuel Johnfon's Libraries, &c. 7 41 - - - Jekyll (Thos.) Library ', 1775, and 24 / oth*r . 642 - Keate (Geo.) Furniture, 1800, and John Wa-> Glen King, Library 1788 ., / J 43 LorJtMich.) Library, fame prices 1791 ~: /./44 -- Mead (Rich.) Library t Coins, Gtmi, &t. J.64f i Mares (Edw. Rowe) Library 1 779 2 46 -- Paris Xtfrarj - 1791 y 47 ^ - Pearfsn (Thw.) ditto, larg e paptr 1788 48 tbe pricei and portrait < & ^ / 49 -- Ratcliffe (John) irfrafy 1776 V* -- Rawlinfon with Cat. of their Publications Berlin 1791 -- Ritfon (Jofeph) /.iiraiy 1803 Southgate(Rich.) Lilrary t Sec. /54 ; -StocvensCGeo.) */w -- 1806 /. o 55 "^ ""^ i ii u - (* ^ ^5 * ' --- large paper it. a 57 ' ' ' ' ..,,. wil} tbe frictt () 58 ' ' - > ' '" - lergeft paper il. A 59 - "~~" Taylour (John) Library > 1793. Joha i Henderfon, Library, 1786 .f./fio - Tighe (Stearne) Portraits, &c. 1799 / -61 _. - Tutet (Mark Cephas) Library 1786 /./6t --- Tyfen (Sam.) Portrait* -- 1802 2 63 - Various Audion, Edward Wynne, Sec. , and Henley's MSS. the two firft priced, in i vol. . viz. Martin Folkes, .* 1756. Jas. Weft, with prices, 1773. Anty< Afltew and John Campbell, Libraries, in i vol. / 66 ----- James D. of Chandof, 1746. Peter Le Neve, Phil. Cart. Webb. Gregory Sharpe, &c. in i vol. 67 ' -- .- - John Warburton, John Wilkej, Johnlvcs* Robert Hoblyn, &c. in' i voL 4 DifiioMritt, Grammar t, &V. Oftavo, f, 68 Catalogue, by Voght, of rare Books Haml. \ 747 6 tg i Williams (Dan.) Library 1801 2.b 70 Worrall's, of Law Books, 2 vols. 1788 2 71 . Wright (Rich.) Library 1787 71 ii i i *4?3 large papir X/74 ., .... i i i , ivilb $he pricti t it. "2.7$ Chapman (Geo.) Abridgment of Ruddiman's Ru- / diments EJm. 1799 ^76 Rudiments of Latin ^ 1793 /77 Clarke (John) Supplement to the Introduction to the making Latin 1799 2 78 Cleland's Analytic Method to retrieve the An- / cient Celtic 1768^ S.6 79 Corkerarn (Hen.) Englifli Dictionary, ot Inter* / preter of hard Englifli Words 1632 ,?,/8o . . . . 1655 / ,81 Cockins on Reading 1775 . 8z Cole (Elifha) Englifli Dictionary 1713 . (83 Devis (Ellen) Accidence 1803 ^84 Dupre (Wm.) Neological French Dictionary 1801 " 85 Durie (John) Reformed School, and Reformed Librarte Keeper 1651 2 86 Dyche (Thos.) Englifh Dictionary 1737 7/87 Education of a Young Gentlewoman /J88 (Letter on) - 1777 ^(89 . (Maxims of> 178$ (90 Englifli Grammar (Introduction to) >794 ^i Entick (John) Latin and Englifli Dictionary 1771 .<^ 2 9* L'Epee( Abbe) on educating the Deaf and Dumb - 4*/ 1801 /a 93 Faureau (Robt.) on the French Tongue J^A , Oxford 1618 /94 Felton on the Claffics 1713 ^TR^ j i95 Le Fevre, Governefs 1779 ^96 Fordyce on Education, 2 vols. Free (John) Hiftory of the Englifti Tongue Jfc^ Freke (Wm.) on Learning ^93, -^> Gerdil on Education ... 1765 D&itHariet, Grammar t> W<.- ' \IOQ Gibbon (Ed*,) Efiai fur 1'Etude de la Literature 1761 inoi -- " with portrait, and. txtrafii from Newfpapers 1777 / 101 . - Eflay on the Study of Literature 1164 /./ 103 Giles (James) Englifli Parfing Grave/and 1803 *04 Grammar (Short Introdu&ion to) Oxford 1679 105 Grammatical Trails, viz. Sharpe (Gregory) on Language*, and Power of Letters, 1751. Lowth's Englilh Grammar, firft edit, 1762. Cockins Art of delivering Written Language, 1775, in i vol. 106 Grofe's Claffical Diftionary of the Vulgar Tongua 1785 1788 / .6 Provincial Gloflary - '787 ,,--, Harris (James) Hermes 1771 j- no Harwood's Greek and Romsm Clafficks 1781 tin Henley on Univerfity Learning, l?5 6. Ditto ^ / ) Compleat Linguift, No. I. (^j, Compleat Liuguift, No. I. III. and IV. 171910 / jig Hefle (E.) Vocabulary of the German 1794 . /i 14 Hook's Cato's Diftichs, 1749. Homfey's Gram- / mar of the Eigliih Language v L/i/iJJ Johnfon (Sam.) Englilh Dictionary, 2 vol. in one 1786 2 116 Jones (Wm.) fur la Literature Orientale, 1771. et Lettre dans 1'Examen des Livres attribues a Zoroaftre, 1771 / 117 Keegan (Wm.) Commercial Phrafeology 1805 / u Language (Advantages of a Good) to any Na. / / ^4" ' " 119 Latin Language (Elements of the) *79o jiao Law French Dictionary .. ... 1718 \i2i Literature (Eflays upon) ' 1726 //,I22 Lowth's Englifh Grammar 1763 . 4123 1784 / 1124 Lynelfagoge, five Janua Tufculana 1791 [* tf a^ Macdonnel Dictionary of Quotations 1803 DiSinaritf, Gramtars ) fc^ O&ITO. j. /J 26 Macintosh Gaelic Pro rerb <#; 17!?- / J*7 Mair (John) Tyro's Dictionary Edin. 1760- / /ia8 Mafley (Wm.) collection of Barbarous Words, 1755. and Sharpe on the Latin Tongue y ,123 . i on the Origin and Progrefs of Let- /ters i- ~- "" i " 1 7^3 / 130 Mitford (Wm.) on the Harmony of Language / (131 Murray (Lindley) Englifti Grammar Tori 180* * ^32 Exercifea ib. 1803 ^r./ J 33 Nares on the Pronunciation of the Englifti i79 v / / *34 Nicholfon (George) Juvenile Preceptor 1800 /./I35 Nochden (George Henry) German Grammar /W^ / 1800 ;/ 6136 Northmore (Tho.) of Education 1 800 137 Perrin (John) French Grammar 1803 138 Peyton (V. I.) French Grammar . 1765 39 Pointer (John) Mifcellanea in ufum Juventutia /) Acauemix ~- -- 1718 ^140 Prieflley (Jofeph) Englifti Grammar '77* ^ ;' ^41 Reading (Real) made fiafy NewtafiU 178* v /i4t Render on the German Language ibc-f j***Jr> ~ 2 ./I43 Richardfon (John) on Languages, Literature and fafa*/ of the Eaftern Nations Oxford 1777 / / .444 Robertfon on Polite Literature 1781 /*45 Punftuation - 17 146 Robinfon (John) on the Engiim Language 147 RourTeau (S.) Diftionary of Mohammedan Law, f Shanfcrit, Hindoo Words, &c. l8oa> 148 Ruddimann (Thomas) Latin Grammar Edin. 1725 49 Salmon (Nic.) Guide pour la Langue Angloife et pour la Langue Francoife 1797 150 Graramaire Angloife. compares avec la Gram. Francoife - 1797 151 Shaw (Sam.) Grammatical Dictionary 1726 152 Sheridan (Tho.) Eafy Introduction of Grammar Dublin 1714, 153 - " Plan of Education for the No- /. ^169 Williams (David) on Education *774 - /'i7o Willicb, Three Philofophical Eflays 17 . 6 IT i Wolftonecraft on the Education of Daughters /./i 72 Words made Vifible 1679 / 173 Worrall (John) Law Catalogue 1736 //f ?74 Jtenophon on the Education of Cyrus, englifhed by Wylliam Barkar, b. /. 1550 QUARTO. Afcham (Rog.) Schole Matter, printed If jf. Daye Loud. 1570 Alberici Gentilis de Lcgationibus Land. 1585 4./"- i Ames /Jofeph} Typographical Dictionary, aug- mented by Wiiiiarn Herbert, with Remarks, &c. by Mr. Reed, 3 vol. flattt 1 785 Difliotuiriti, GrAiaman, fcta Oftavo. + /f.fobS Sherry (Rychard) Treatife of Schemes and Tropes JifjL. 4 156 Sibfcota (Geo.) Deaf and Dumb Mans Difcourfe 1670 . * /. $,- 7 ~i Stepney (Wm.) Spanifh Schoole Matter 159$ /i^f^ 70158 Tayler (J.) Childrens True Guide 1805 (159 Tocquet Latin Scholars Guide 1800 Xf,/i6o Tooke (John Home) Diver/ions of Parley, Pt. I. 1786 1161 Vox Oculis Snbjefta, or Art of Imparting fpeech r M\ 1783" -^ ^2 Walker (John) Melody of Speaking 1787 3. /1 63 Key to the Ciaffical Pronunciation, c% 165 Webb (John) Language of China the Primitive ^ Q ' - ' * 06 ^^^^^ ^f^fnf^-, /66 Weftminfter Greek Grammmr 1751 #--- hfy Whitchurch on Education 1772 ~ White's Englifh Verb 8 Diflionariei, Grammart, C5V. Quarto. .*// 178 Bibliotheca Norfolciana Load. i68r 179 . Americans Primordia ib, 1713 jPo Brerewood (Edw.) on the Diveffity of Language it. 1635 181 Burrow (James) Eflay on Punftoation ib. 177* 182 Canting Dictionary, and Scoundrel's Dictionary, interleaved, with Additions in Print and MS. fame by Mr, Rttd 183 Catalogue Librorum in Bibliotheca oiler leinfe 1771 . . A. C. Duke of Argyle Glafg. 175! Editionum Horatii quz in Biblioth. J. Douglas adfervantur Land. 1739 Libroium Bibliothecae, Senatu Judicum in Scotia ~ Edin. 1692 Catalogue of Mr. Weft's Mufeum 1773 Monthly, 3 vol. in z, 17*5, 16, 45 of the Piclores in the Sbakefpeare Gallery, with the Prices, by Mr. Reed 1805 2 190 Cowell (John) the Interpreter Lend. 1637 / 191 Coxe (Will) Catalogue of the MSS. in Lord Hardwicke's Library with the Appendix 2 192 Davys (John) on the Art of Decyphering / Land, 1757 / /iQ3 " 1737 2 194 Dodd (Charles) Lift of Eminent Writer* 1724 195 Englifhe and Frenslhe (here beginneth a Lytel Treatyfe for to Jerne) 6. I. tmprynted at Wtfl- ninjiir by me Wynktn dtWordtycuriouifronti/fitet, no date, VERY RARE A/196 Gifford (W.) an Examination of the Striflures of the Critical Reviewers, on the Tranflation of Juvenal Lend. 1803 /97 Hartlib (Sam.) True and Ready Way to learne the Latine Tongue Lond.ib^^. 3 .198 Henlhall (Sam.) the Saxon and Englim Langua- ges illuftrative of each other Lend, 1798 (199 Hampton's Extracts from the Six Books of Poly- bius Lend. 1 764 taoo Holdfworth's Pharfalia and Philippi, in Virgil's s, attempted to be explained It. 1761 s>< ' t.tts'CtKje^* -) Diftionaries, Grammars, ?r. Quarto. 9 /Joi Horace, Diflertation on, 2 Odes, 1789. Baretti's Carmen Seculare. Whitfield on the Tyndaris / of Horace, 1777 o 202 Language (Foundation for a New and Univerfal) . /203 Lemon (Will.) Englifh Etymology, or Derivative Dictionary . Loud-. 1783' ,204 Littleton (Adarn) Latin Dilionary, no title 6 205 Montucci (Antonio) Merits of the Chinefe Lan- guage - - 1801 - 206 Mulcafter (Rich,) Pofitions which are necefiary for training of Children Land. 1581 firft Part of the Elementaria, / /2i8 Thomas (Will.) Rules of the Italian Grammar, b. /. ,.,.. Land. byU. Wyket 1567 219 Ufler (Jacob) Vet. Epift. Hibernicarum Sylloge Dublin 1032 320 Walker (John) Critical Pronouncing Dictionary Land, 1 79 1 C which entreateth chefeiie of the right writing , of our Englifh Tung. . .. ib. \fiz /ao8 Nafmith (Jacobus) Cat. Lib. Manufcript. ia Acad. Cantabrigienfi Legavit, Barker 1777. Tyfon's Account of an Illuminnted Manufcript, bound together 209 Parr. (S.) Difcourfeon Education and on the Plans purfued in Charity Schools Ploicke (Peter) Introduction to the French Tongue, 6.1. I 57 8 Peacham (Henry) Garden of Eloquence, b. I. Land, rjgs 212 Prcy val (Rich.) Bibliotheca Hifpanica, 6. /. 1591, containing a Grammar and Didlionary 213 Saufeuil (Chev. de) Analyfis of French Ortho- graphy 1767 2(4 Sheridan (Tho.) Dictionary of the Engliih Lan- guage, portrait Load. 1789 6 /z\$ Steele, Profodia Rationalis 1779 A/216 Stevens (Don Juan) New Dictionary, Spanijb and , Englijb, and Englijh and Spanijk Land. 1726 ', 0217 Taylor (John) Comment, a L, Decemviralem A*. ID DiGioaarits, Grammar*, 5fr. Folio. j ,".2 1 Withals (John) Short Diftionarie in Lat. and. /*^* Englifli, by Lewis Evans and Abr. Fleming. / . /. by T. Purfoot i $99 2 ;/ Wotton's Short View of Geo. Hickes's Trta- ^> fury of ihe Ancient Northern Languages Land. 1737 FOLIO. Baretti's ( John) Alvearic or Quadruple Diftion- ary, Englijb, Latin, Greek, and Frtnth, b. /. Lend* 1580 Clavei's Catalogue of Bonk", Two Parts 167 j Cotgrave (Handle) Diftionary of the French and Englifh Tongues London 1611 / 227 Cottonian Library (Report from the Committee appointed to view the) Land. 1732 3 az8 Florio (John) a Worlde of Wordes Land. 1598 2 r**() Harleian Collection of Manuscripts (Catalogue / of) z vol. Land. 1759 / 2 ^30 Huloet Diftionarie, newelye corrected, amended and enlarged, by John Higgins Loud. 1572 / J- *3' Junius (Francifca) Etyrnologicum Anglicanum, Cbart Max. Oxon 1743 j- 232 Miege (Guy) the Great French Dictionary Land. 1688 y 233 Minflieu (John) The Guide into Tongues / Lend. 1635 ^ 234. Oratio Dominica in pins centum Linguas jy 23 j Skinner (StephanoJ Etymologicon Lingua: Angli- canz __ . Land. 1671 336 Tanner (Thomas) Bibliotheca Britannico-Hiber- nica five de Scriptoribus qui in Angiia, Scotia, et Hibernia fioruerunt A. Wilkinfon, Loud. /7 / eno OF THE FIRST DAY'S SALS. Second Day's Sale, Latin and French, &c. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT *37 A GRIPPA (Corn.) d& Incertitudine Scienta* ** rum Hag. Com. 1662 :38 AlJatii Romans ^Edificationes Patavii 1644. 239 Analyfe Raifonnee de Bayle, 8 torn. LonJ 1755 340) Anquetil Louis XIV. fa Cour et le Regent, torn. i. (^ r Paris 1789 24I/ Aretino Ragionaraento . . *S39 ^342 Arpe Apologia pro Vanino Cofmopoli ' y243)Arret du Confeil d'Etat du Roy Path 1757 ^244/)Ariltotelis Problemata Parit 1560 24 5> Bacon i (Fr.) Serroones Fideles " ^OT/?. 1662 Ball (Nath.) refte Vivendi Ratio Baptizandi Ordo Lend. 1686 ^248 Bateo (Geo.) Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia 1676 249 - '- - ' with for trait of Chat. I. 1661 ^250 Baxter! Gloffarium Antiq. Britannicarum, cum effigie -n.. I-. *7>9 251 - Reliquiae -- 1726 352 Bellifaire, par Marmontel, eevFowler Opu/cule - 1791 300? Frey Admiranda Galliarum Paris 1628 3oiyFricx Defcription de la Ville du Bruxelles, for' ^ Gamboa fur les Moyens de Retablir les Science* et les Lettres en Portugal - 1762 303 Gaultier Cours de Le&ures po ttr les Enfans, 6 torn. " ' - 1798 ,304) Geffner Mort d'Abel t^&i K-goaGoiiverneur (le) on Eflai fur 1'Education 1768 300 Gixcarum Sententiarum Deledlus 1 798 3O7)Grodus de Veritate Religionis Amft. 1675 3o8v Grotii Annales et Hifteriae de Rebas Belgicis \ Amft. 1658 3O9/Heers Fons Spadanus L. Eat. 1645 310 Herbert Expeditio ia Ream Infulam 1656 HHiftoirede Zulime 1763 - - - M. Benin Parti 1753 313 f -- Amoureufe et Badine 314^ - - des Carapagnes du Suvvorow, 'a torn. '799 315 Hiftorias Anglicje Polydoro Virgilio notisThyfiii L, Eat. 1651 316 Horatii Operas, torn, z, iaterltawtd, with MS. , notct , / / / / 14 Latin, French, fcfr. -Delayer. /j 317 Horatii Animadverftones Cunigamii in nota? Bentleii = Hag. Com. 1721 ^318 Huetiana . Amft. 1723 / 319 L'Ifle Taciturne et I'lfle Enjouee Amft. 1759 ^320 Johnfon AriiUrchus Anti.Bentleanus 1717 ,3i>ifielt de Bello Colonienfi 1584 ^3Z2yJurifprudence Criminelle, traduit du Latin dc Rifi, 1768. Raurici Rem Criminalem, 1777 / 323 JuiHniani Inftitionum L. Bat. 1670 ^324 JulHtia Britannica, 1584. L'Inoculation du Bon 325\Keegan Negociant Univerfel 1799 326/L'Abbe Notitia Dignitatum Iroperii Romani | Paris 1651 3i7/Langueti Epiftote -* L. Bat. 1646 328 Lcttres d'Arilienete . 1739 ^3^9 _ Raynal Reponfe a la Cenfure de la Faculte de fo r Theologie de Paris . 1782 3 70} Reflexions far le Generation, 1751. Reflexions, 1778. Reflexions d'un Francifcain, 1752. Relation de la Maladie da Jafuite Bertier, 1760 Receptes (Baftimens de) 1560 372 Refpublicae, 4 torn. /373) Revolution Francaife Abrege ^3741 Riccoboni Pieces detachees 37^) Hiftoire de Mifs Jenny, 4 torn. Paris 1764 / 376yRidicules des Nations Amft. 1766 du Siecte 175* 378) Rohan (Memoires du Due de) 1693 16 Latin, French, feV. -Oflavo. / 379 Roman Bourgeois par Furetiere 1714 ^380 StJgadoSymbiofis Pupae et Diaboli, Ltt. & Eng. 1681 / 381 Sallufius - - Gl*f. 1749 382 Sarpi il Governo tlella Republica Veneziana / ( >7 88 ^383, --------- * 384) Seldeni de Succeflionibus ad Leges Ebrxorum L. Bat. 1638 Sermon pour la Confolation des Cours 1751 386/Schurfleiichii Hiftoria Civilis, Sacra, atque Lite- / raria 173} 387)Sheringhami de Anglorum Gentio Origine 1670 388\Smith Mifcellania, 1686. Ditto de Republica /! C Anglorum 38oJSocini Faufti et Lzlii i6j4 ^ .2 ^,390 Spedacles de Paris 17 77 ^^91 Strabo de Situ Orbls Amft. 1652 392 Strada de elio Belgico, portraits Roma 1648 L 4^'V Tunftall Epiftola ad Conyers Middleton 1741 401 Twini de Rebus Albionicis 1590 / 43 404) Valeriani pro Sacerdotum Barbis, Apologia 16,39 9 405] Vareni Defcriptio Regni Japoniz et Siam 1673 //' ^406 Vertot Chevaliers de Malthe, 7 torn. Parit 1761 4P7yVeftiaria (de Re) ex Bayfio excerptus Lttgduni 1536 4o8 > )Vitis Stephanorum ab Almeloveen Amft. 1683 409 Vlitii Venatio Novantiqua, morocco, gilt Uavtt 1645 / 410 Virgil, form. mitt. Edin. af. Fretlant 1732 :2 411 Georgicks, tranflated by Sotheby 1801 / / Latin, Frtncl, &fc. Oftaro. 17 412^ Voltaire Vie de Moliere Amft. 1739 ^4 I 3i - Lettres furies A nglois - 1734. ,414) Voyage de Rohan . 1646 y4'5) - des Indes Orientates ..... 1695 ^416 - du Jeune Anacharfis abrege, tmbtlti des planches N 1798 /4i7lWake Rex Platonicus Oxoni* 1663 6*418) Warens (Memoires de Madame) 1786 /4 1 9) Waring Amoris Effigies - 1671 ^45>Wharton Hift. de Epifcopis et Decanis Londinen. 1695 Wieri de Praeftigiis Daemonum 1563 1566 423lXenophon les Ephefiaques Paris 1 736 424} Zouch Elementa Jurifprudentias Oxen. 1629 QUARTO. 425 Apitii de Re Culinaria, &c. Rafil. 1541 Foemata - R omie 1(543 427] Catullus, apud John Wilkes, only 100 copies ' printed 1788 428 Cicero de Amicitia . Paris 1550 ^4*9 Demofthenes, Gr. & Lat. a Taylor, torn, tertius Cant. 1741 ^430 Euripides, Gr. & Lat. notis Valckenari, edidir. F. H. Egerton -~ Oxoa. 1796 431 )Hebenftreit Sermo Academicus, Ruffian & Lat. F p ( Petrepoh 43j Herman! Vulgaria Land, ifig ^433 Livii Hiitoria decadis prims, liber primus Paris 1538 (434 Scaligeri Epiftolae L. Bat. 1594 I ^435 Sigeberti Chronicon. Paris, par Hen. Sttph. 1513 /\ ^436 Theophraftus, Gr. edidit. John Wilkes, only 150 D DIVINITY. 1$ Divinity. Qoartp. Divinity; QJtf A R T O. I ^,437 Articles of Religion, in Elizabeth and James'* Reign 1571, 1607 $\ .438 Barclay (Robt.) Apology, ru/.a Birmingham, by Bajktrville t 1765 / ^439 Berwick (John) Sermon at the Funeral of the Bifhop of Durham, with his Life, rvffia, gilt ^-440 Behmen (Jacob) Signature Rerum 1651 ,441 Berfow (Capel) Theological Differtations 1772 442 Bible (Holy) imprinted by Barker 1579 ^443 Bible-Bearer (The) 1607 444 Blair (John) Leftures on the Canon of the Scrip- tures 1785 j? Bagihaw ( W.) Notices on the Work of God 1702 484)BaTguy (John) on Redemption, 1785. Thomas Balguy Divine Benevolence Aflerted 1781 485 Bale (John) Image of Both Churches, morocco, gilt leaves 486 Bafille (Theodore^ New Years Gift more precious than Goldc, b. /. 1543 f J / :J1 487 Baxter on the Human Sou!, 2 vol. -- - 1737 '488 ' Animadverfions on the Life of, 1696 489 Bayle's Philofophical Commentary on thefe Words of the Gofpel/compel them to-come in* 2 vol. - - 1708 490 Beattie (Jas.) Evidences of the Chriftian Reli- gion, vol. - ' *-- 1788 491 Bede's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of the Englifh Na- tion - - - 4Q9yBifle (Tho.) Beauty of Holinefs 492 )Bedford (Arthur) Remonftrance in Behalf of the > Chriftian Religion 1719 493jBee Hive of the Romifhe Church, 6. /. 1580 ^494 Bennet (Tho.) Effay on the Thirty-nine Articles 1715 495 Benfon (Geo.) Trafls 1748 4g6/Berrow (Cape!) Lapfe of Souls 497] Bernard (Nic.) Death of John Atherton Bp. of Waterford - 1651 ^98)Beveridge (Wm.) Defence of the Book of Pfalms 1710 1716 500 Blackburne Confiderationeon the Controverfy be- tween Proteftants and Papifts - - 1768 501 - -- * - 1772 50* . Confefiional 1770 503 Blacklock (Tho,) Paraclefis Edin t 1767 ^504 Bolde (Sam.) Colleflion of Trafts - 1706 505 Bowen on Coniroverfy vol. i. Douay 1754. 5o6;Bramhall (John) Anfwer to Monfieur de ia I\tfiii- y tiere - - Hague 1653 507^ Browne (Tho.) Ordination of out Firk Bilhops 1731 ^508 Br itifti Thunderbolt, of Pope Sixtus V. 6.1* 1586 ^509 Brooke (Zach,) examination of Dr. Midleton's Free Inquiry 510) Browne (Simon) Letter to the Rev. Tho. Rey. \ nolds I 7 2 5 $nj - .. Defence of the Religion of Na- D/w/W/jr 0lavo. I a 51* Burnet (Tho.) on Departed Souls, by for trait 1739 S '3 --- Faith and D uties of Chiiftians (f by Ditto 1692 and Fhagius trauflated by 514) Burner (Gilbert) of Paftoral Care ^ji/Burnynge of Buc Goldyng, b. /. 516 Capel's Contemplations 1683 1656 Amfl. 1712 Cafaubon (Meric) on Enthufiafme 518 Catechifm (Rational) Catholfcke Apologie, I. I. Chambers (Rob.> Miracles of the Glorious Virgin Marie at Mont-aigu Ant* 1606 521 Chandler'* (Sam.) review of the Hiflory of the Man after God's own Heart 1762 $aa Chubb (Tho.) Tracls 4 vol. 1754 523 Church (Tho.) Vindication of the Miraculous Powers 1750 Clarendon's Defence of Dr. Stiliingflcet 1674 5 n (Henoch) Bibles Briefe Le Clerck Five letters on the Infpiration" of the Holy Scriptures -- 1690 527(Coade (G.) Letter to a Clergyman relating to his f Sermons on the 3Oth of January '747 538 \Collins Scheme of Literal Prophecy \jt-j Ground and Reafons of the Chriftians Religion - 1714 on the Thirty-nine Articles, M.S. Notes, by Mr. Bowyer 1724 531 Confett (Tho.) Regulations of the Church of Ruflia, 2 vol. ^532 Confutations and Canons of the Church '739 533 Conybeare (John) Defence of RevealM Religion Cooke (John) Preachers AffiAant, 2 vol. 535>Cooper (Sam.) on Charity &c. 1764 536] Coventry (Henry) Future Rewards and PuninV- meats 1740 - Philemon to Hydafpes 1753 Cooncellys Holden in Greece, Germania, by j. LcMaire, If, /. - - 1519 Di'wV/f Oftavo. aj 53eJCourayer Declaration of my laft festiments on Religion " . . -- 1787 540jDeifm (the Growth of) in England 1709 5411 Difquifitions (Free and Candid) relating to the / Church 1749 542) Dobbs (Fr.) view of the Great Predictions in the Sacred Writings igoo ^543 Doddridge (Philip) Rife and Progrefs of Religion in the Soul 1761 544 )Dod well (Hen.) Two Letters of Advice for tlie Y Sufception of Holy Orders 1691 S45/' (Wro.) Reply to Mr. Tole's Defence of Middleton's Free inquiry 1751 546yDorrington (Theo.) on the Prefent State of Reli- gion in the Romifh Church . i 699 547J Douglas (John) Criterion, or Miracles examined 75T 548>Duncan to the Rational Advocates for the Church / V of England {* . ._\T..J1 . T ~_J 'N 9 uc ^l e y ^ or< ^ North, Light in the Way to Paradifc 55o)Ecclefia(lical Jurifdiftion of the Kings of Eng- land - 1689 S5ij)Elftob (Eliz.) Englifli Saxon Homily, flattt 1709 Erafmus Commune Crede Erondelle Remonftrance and Exhortation Catho- lick aux Princes Chriftiens 1586 554 Evans (John) Sketch of Denominations of the Chrifhan World, front. iatib portraits 1803 555 Evanfon (Edw.) Diflbnance of the four Evange- lifts . 1701 f .1 / i 55 6 '*- S\ 6>WI F a er (Tho.) Regiment of Lyfe, b. /. 1567 ^4^558 Fell (John) Dzmoniacs - 1779 / 659 Idolatry of Greece and Rome 1785 560 Fifher (Johan) Mornynge Remembrance, and Ser- mon Margaret Countefs of Richmond 1708 Fleuryon die Excellency, &c. of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory 17^1 / 6 f\ ri / g6z Fordyce (Dav.) Theodorus, or Art of Preaching 1755 ^,563 Fothergill (Anthony) Wicked Chriflians practical Athcifts - i i __ 1-5^ ~ &* Frarin (feter) Oration Againft the Unlawful! Injunctions of the Proteftants . Ant. 1566 ^565 Gadbury (John) on the Holy Feaft of Eafter, ntorotto gilt leaves 566 Gavin's Mafter Key to Popery, 3 Tol. 1726 / 5 6 7 ^5 68 Gibfon(Edw.) Vifitations Parochial and General, morocco gilt leavit . - . S 7 f 7 / 569) Gildon (C.) Deifts Manual 1705 ^ 57^) Grotius on the Chriftian Religion, by Le Clerc, engli/hed by Clarke 1761 (7*7 * in Verfe 1686 57*/HaIe's (Matthew) Three Epiftles to hit Children T '759 573> (John) on Schifm 170 ^574 Hall (Joieph) Chriftian Moderation 1640 /575 Hanway (Jonas) Letters on the Importance of Kifmg Generation, 2 vol. l l&7 ^576 Harman Outlines of Commentary on Solomon's 577 Haweis (T.) Hiilory, Declenfion, and Revival of the Church of Chrift, 3 vol. portrait 1800 578 Hawkins (W,) Trafts in Divinity, 3 vol. 1758 /: 580 Heath (James) Glories of the blefled Reftitution of King Charles II. i66 ^581 Hicks (Geo.) Spirit of Enthufiam Exorcifed 1709 ieragonifticon, or Corah's Doom 1672 583(Hildrop's God's Judgment upon the Gentile Apoltatized Church 1713 Hill's Treatifc on the Propagation of the Soal 1667 585 Hiftory of the Man after God's Own Heart, 1762. Letter to Dr. Chandler, on Ditto, 1762 ^586 our Lady of Lorettp 1608 5 8 7 i Religion 1694 sSSJHiftorical Collections concerning Changes of Re- < ligion 1686 ^589 Hobbes (Tho.) of Libertie and Neceffity 1654. ^590 Hody (Humphrey) Hiftory of Englifh Councils 1701 ^591 How (Charles) Devout Meditations 1754 ^592 Hughe (Willyam) Troubled Man's Medicine, b. I, morocco, gilt leaves 593 Hume (David) on Natural Religion, 1779. Hay- ter's Remarks on Ditto, 1780 ^594 Hurdis (James) on the Nature of Pfalm and Pro- phecy , i. 1800 /! 595 Janfenifme (True Idea of) 1669 / ^596 Jefuits (Secret Inftruftions of the) 1713 /$ 597 Inftitution of a Chriftian Man, b. /. *S34 598;Johnfon (John) Ecclefiaftical Laws, Vol. I. } l l z 599) Jones (Edw.) Narrative of the Proceedings againft thcBifhop of St. Aiaph I7OZ ^ b?oo Jortin on the Truth of the Chriftian Religion / / I// 1 601 Remarks on Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, 5 vol. 1751 Kennet (White) Sermon at the Funeral of the Duke of Devonihire, with Memoirs of the , Family of Cavendilh 1 708 603 Kennicott (Ben.) Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MS. of the Old Tefta- ments 1770 ^604 Kenrick (W.) onSoame Jenyns View of the In- ternal Evidence of ihe ChriSiaa Religion 605 Klopftock's Mefliah, vol. % 176? 606 Knox (John) Firft Blalt of the Trumpet againft the Monftrous Regiment of Women, Appella- tion of John Kuox 15:58 E *A 2. ? ^? 6 1 1 Theory of Religion / *6 Divinity. Oftavo. 607 Lacy (John) Cry from the Defart 1707 608 Lavington Enthufiafm of MethodiiU and Papifts compared, 2 vol. 1754 ( 609 Law (Wm.) on Regeneration 1756 Demonftration of Errors, in a Book called the Nature and End of the Sacrament '737 '759 1784 613 Lemoine (Abraham) on Miracles 1747 614 Lcfly's Short and Eafie Method with the Deifta 1699 Letter to Lady Shovell on the Lofs of her Huf- band 1708 616 Levi (David) Rites and Ceremonies of the Jews, portrait 1784 617 Lewis (John) Hiftory of the Tranflations of the Bible, largi plate 1739 &6iS Life of Ambrofe Bonwicke 1729 6ig Silas Told 1786 ^ 620 Loftus Reply to Gibbon on the Truth of Chrif- tianity Dublin 1*78 ^621 Lowman (Mofes) on the Government of the He- brews 1745 ^622 Lupton (Donald) Daily Imployment for the Soul 1634 623 /Madan's Letters to Prieftley 1787 624jMandeville on Religion, morocco, gilt Itarvn '7*9 62$ Mann (Ifaac) Four Gofpels 1783 6626 Mafon (Wm.) Collection of Anthems 1782 ^627 Maffillon's Charges to his Clergy, by the Rev. St. John 1805 628 } May hew (Jonathan) on the Society for propagating f the Gofpel 1 763 639) Meditations Divine and Morall 1655 (^630 ' " collected from the Sacred Books 1750 ,63 1 Melanchton (Phyly p) on J unification by Faith, 6. 1. 1548 /I 632 Melmoth (Wm.) Great Importance of a Rehgi- - ous Life, 2 vol. < ' 1748 4 Divinity. Quarto. 27 ^633 Melmoth (Wm.) Great Importance of a Religious Life, 2 vol. portrait 1798 634 Men before Adam 1656 635>Meriton (G.) Immorality, Debauchery, and Pro. V faneirefs Expbfed 1698 6}6jMiddleton (Conyers) Controverfy with Water- -* land. Sec. 173! 637 Moravians (Account of) by Andrew Fry, Henry Rimius, &c. 638 Mofaical Account of the Human Fall 17 79 ..639 Mount Tabor, or Private Exercifes of a Penitent Sinner 1639 640 Murray (Lindley) Power of Religion' on the Mind 1801 j64i)Mufter Roll' of the Evill Angels embattled againft fi V Sf. Michael 1655 642JNaphtali or the Wreftlingi of the Church of Scotland- 1667 643 Neal (Daniel) Hiftbry of the Puritans, 4 vol. '759 ^,644 . . . ; : _ ., Exami- nation of, by Grey and Maddbx, 4 vol. 173336 & 645 New Teftamem J * Edit,. 1648 \/ QUART61 ^646 Divine Tragedy lately Acled, or God's Judgment on Sabbath-breakers 1636 ^647 Ellys (Anthony) Trafts on Spiritual and Tempo- ral Liberty -^ 1765* 649 Fletcher (Phinees) Way to'Bleifedflefs 1632 ^650 Fofter (James) Difcourfes on Natural Religion, 2 vol. ' '7f* Fowler (Chrift.) Satan at Noon 1655 651 Gataker (Tho.) Spiritual Watch 1619 653 Geddes (Alexander) Profpe&us of a NewTranf- latioo of the Bible, 1786. Ditto General An- fwer to Queries, 1790 6^4 Hale (John) Golden Remains 1673- a8 Diviaitj. Quarto, Harrifon (Threni Hybernici, or Ireland in a fad Lamentation for the Lofs of their Jofeph, in a Sermon on the Death of the Proteilor 1659 656 Heath (Tho.) Verfion of Job 1 756 657 Herbert (Ed w.) deVeritate Loud. 1645 658 Hiftorie of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland 1644 659 Hiftorieet et les fimulchres Faces de la Mort. avec fig. 70* i S3 8 660 Hift. Veteris Inllrumenti Iconti ad wivum txprefie ib. 661 Homilies, ./. 1547 662 Hoper (John) Anfwer to my Lord of Wynchef- ter's Book, the Detection of the Devyl'a So- phiftrye b. /. Zurich 1547 ^663 Hopkins (William) Exodus James (Rich.) Sermons 1630 Leechman (Wm.J Temper, Character, &c. of a , Minifter, portrait 1749 6666 Life (Godly) of Mrs. Katharine Stubbei 1620 (^667 Man of Sin, or a Difcourfe of Popeiy 1677 668 Marryn (Wm.) Youth's Inftruftion ^ 669 Mede (Jofeph) Works 670 Merchant Royall, a Sermon at the Nuptialls of Lord Hay, Jan. 6, 1607 Printtd 1615 Mornay (Philip) Trewnefle of the Chriftian Religion, translated by Sir Philip Sidney, por- trait 1 7 Muggleton (Lodowick) Arts of the Witnefles 1764 673 Naked Truth, or True State of the Primitive Church, 1 67 5, with Three Anfwers to ditto 674 Newton (Tho.) Works, with his Life, 3 vol. 1782 675 i (Life of,) fewtd ib. 676 Nicholas (Henry) Wonderfull Works of God. o. I, Parker (Samuel) on the Pre-exiftence of Son Is, 1666^ No Pre^xiftence of Ditto, by E. W. 1667 4^678 Parr (Samuel) Sp'tal Sermon, with Notes, 1801. and Two Sermons preached at Norwich a 780 4 / ?.'.? '/. f Artf ai Sr/Vwrtf. Folio. 29 ^,679 Sarifburienfis Ecclefiz, Sacra Inftitut. Baptizandi, Matrimonium celebrandi Duaci 1604 680 Sermons at Funerals of Geo. D. of Albemarle, 1670, nvitb portrait, Anne, Countefs of Pem- broke, and Marfhall Turemie 1677 Scicncef. FOLIO. 68 1 Bartholomaeus de Proprietatlbus Rerum Land. ap. T. Btrtbekti 1535 68z Batman (Stephan.) upon Bartholome, his Booke de Proprietatlbus Rerum Lend, by T. Eaft 1585 (-- 683 Brewer (Combrune) Enquiry into Wheat, Malt, &c. Lend. 1768 fa 684 Bulleyn (Will.) Bulwarke of Defence againft all Sicknefle, &c. b. /. land, by T. Marjbe 1579 685 Digby (Kenelme) Treatifes on the Nature of Bo- dies Parit 1644 686 Gefner (Conrad) The Hiftorie of four-footed Beaits, by Edward Toplell, wood-cut t Land. 1607 687 Gibbs (James) Bibliotheca Radcliviana, platet Land. 1747 688 Morris (Corbyn) Plan for arranging Accounts of Landed Eftates Land. 1759 (,-, 689 Plinius, Hiftori* Naturalis in Offuina Frebtniana 1539 EKD OF THE THIRD DAY*S SALE. f Fourth Day's Sale. Divinity: OCTAVO ET INFRA. /6go O ADM AN's Layman's Proteft 1707 ^_ , "O_ 1 _ % i - . A _ x 10T 691 A Paley, (W.) Evidences of Chriftianity, 2 vol. 1794 9z;Parfons three Converfions of England, 2 vol. t" \ 160* 693JPafleran Philofophical Diflertation upon Death / 694 Percy, (Thos.) Key to the New Teftament 695 Perfection againft the Catholike Chriftians in the Kingd^ome of Japonia 1619 696)Phillips, (Thos.) Study of Sacred Literature ( 697JP'lkington, (Mrs.) Scripture Hiflories 1798 698 Pillars of Prieftcraft and Orthodoxy fliaken, 4 vol. 1768 (, 699 Plato Phaedom, by Crawford , 7 74 ^700 Pluralities, (Abolition of) i8oa ^701 Pope, (John) on Divine Worfliip 179* ^702 Preaching, (the Inefficacy of) 1771 703 >Prideaux( Humphrey) on the Original and Right V of Tithes 1735 74> ' Diredions to Church War- dens 1713 70^. Connexion, 4 vol. "749 706 Prieftley (Jofeph) on Revealed Religion 1794 ^707 Pfalms (Join, .ton's) Supplement to the Prefatory Dilcourfe to i i.. 2741 ivini* Odlavo. 6'. 7& Pfalterium ad Ufum Sarifburienfis, //'/. nlgrit 709 yRaftrick (John) Nonconformity of '705 7 10 (Reflections on the Spirit, &c. of Religious Con- troverfy 1804 ; 711) Religio Laici, 1683. Religio Clerici, 1681 7 1 zJReynolds, (Geo.) on the Government of the Church of England '743 713 Revelations, (Expofition of the) *719 714 Ricaut (Paul) State of the Greek and Armenian Churches "679 Rivers, (D.) Beauties of Saurin r i6 Roberts (Peter) Chriftianity Vindicated 1800 / ^717 Rome's Glory, or a Collection of Popifli Mira- cles 1675 / 718 Ruft'a Lux Orientalis, front, by Faitborne 1682 1^719 Rutherforth, (T) Defence of a Charge concern- ing Subscriptions m '7^7 7ZO)Schola Cordis, 1 5 plates 7*iJScott (Thos.) Book of Job, in Englim Verfe 1773 722 Sermons by Abernethy, 2 vol. 723 - Afliton, with portrait / trait Barlowe, (Wm.) at Paule's Croffe 1 60 1 Barrow (Ifaac) of Contentment, par* Bentley, at Boyle's Leclures Cam. 727 i Brown, (John) (3) Burton Oxford 1760 729) , Butler, (Jofeph) " 1749 / 730 i. Clapham (Samuel) 1803 // /73^ - - - Clarke, (Jas. Stanier,) Naval 1798 K 732J- Claude, 2 vol. 1788 i /133) Dalton, (John) 1757 ^ 734) Fordyce (James) 2 vol. 1767 ^735 ' Franckliu (Thos.) 17/0 73oJ Gauden 1 660 73?) Goddard - 1781 7j8 -r Godwin, (Wm.) 1784 ^739 Hurd, at Lincoln's Inn 1776 740 . .; . , ' i ' on the Prophecies, 2 vol. / Dfmrigr. Oftavo. ^74-1 Sermons by Jewel (]ohn) t / Jones (Robt.) Kennett (White) Knox Lever (Thos.) t. L Littleton (Edward) Mainwaring Maty "" Morell(T.) Moir (John) Mudge " Nichols (John) b. I. - Ogden (Samuel) 2 vol. Polwhele (Rich.) ^ vol. Powel(Wm. Sam.) Scougal 158* 1708 179* 1*5 1749 1780 1788 i?37 1776 739 '5*' 1780 1776 Clef. 175 1780 1770 _ 1770 T CQ . OCCUj i un-"' 7 6o/Sermons and Trafts, by Fleetwood, ftc. ; 6l T_ _ (Eight) Wedding 46, J . _ Various, by Parker, &c. '75* H\ m _ . Faft, by Gilbert, &c. , 6 ; __ Various, by Fothergill, &c. - (9) Seeker . 4 vol. Seed, Pofthumous , 6c ^^ by Betty, &c. - , - , i 6 | . Colleaion of, or Domeftic Divinity 7 1791 -6 7 by Sherlock, ^ vol. ; 6 8 Sharpe (Gregory) - ^69 Smith ( Sam. Stanhope) .- Sterne, 7 vol. in 4 _ Two - '747 Stebbing, 3 w>l. (6) Stockdale __, (Eight) with portrait i jl Walker (Anthony) _( 12 ) Whichcot '7 81 LJ 4voh Abtrdttn 1751 . Seleft ^' A '773 Ii _____ White, at Hampton Leftures ^ Serres Sufferings for the Sake of Confc.ence J Divinity. Oftavo. 33 j8i(Sharpe (Gregory) on Chriftianity 1755 7g 2 ( Second Argument on ditto 783) . - 1762 / 78^ (Thos.) on the Rubric in Com. Prayer !753 / 785 Sherlock (Thos.) Vindication of the Teft Ads 1718 786 (Wm,) on a Future State, 2 vol. Glaf. 1764 787 on Death 1731 ^788 Shower (John) Life of Gearing, Sermons, and on Earthquakes 1 703 789 Simon Critical Hillory of Religions 1685 790 Simpfon (David) Plea for Religion and the Sa- cred Writings 1802 /79i Sinclair (Geo.) Satan's Inviiible World cfifcovered Glaf. 1769 792 Smitli (John) Seleft DIfcourfes Edin. 1756 -93 Leftiires on the Sacred Office Glaf. 1798 794 Solomon's Song, newly tranflated 1764 /795 Spelman,?Hen. an the Rights and Refpecls due to .Churches 1616 / 796 Spelman (Hen.) Hiftory of Sacrilege 1698 x 797?.Spence, (Wm.) Effayson Divinity, &c. 179^ v 7 9 8j Spinoza Treatife, partly Theological, &c. 1689 / 799 Squire (Sam.) Indifference for Religion inexcufa- ble ' 1758 8oo)Stackhoufe (Tho.) Miferies of the Inferior Clergy, 1726 8o^)Staveley (Tho.) Romifti Horfelech 1769 802 Stebbing (Hen.) Trafts, portrait 1766 ^ 803 Stedman (Tho.) Letters to and from Doddridge '79 / 804 Stewart (Walter) Colle&ions relative to the Church of Scotland 1770 805 Stillingfleet (Edw.) Eccleiiaftical Cafes, 2 vol. 1702 > 806 Stock (Jofeph) Reply to Dr. Campbell's Vindica- tipn of the f relby terians of Ireland 1 787 34 Divinity, Oclavo. So; Stocker (Tho ) Cautelefe Canon and Ceremcniet of the MafTe 1584 ^809 Swedenburg (Emanuel) Doclrine of the New Church 1789 810 Sykes (Ar. Alhley) Authority of the Clergy 1720 ^8n -- . Credibility of Miracle 174* 812 ----- -------- _. Itrgt pa- per t morocco^ gilt leaves i& 813 -- . on Natural and Revealed Re- ligion 174 8l^ __ -- ____________ -- ~ large pa- per, gilt lea-vet il 815 Taylor (Jer.) on the Liberty of Prophefying 1709 816 -- in-) n Ancient and Modern Creeds Uifc enTo 1788 817 TeftamenTof the Twelve Patriarchs 1647 (New) with Notes by Scarlett, f later 1798 /8ig>Thomas (Rob.) Caufe of Truth Dutiite 1797 ^ SacvTbunifon ^Rob.) C hrillianity the only Theology l8or 811 Thirlwal'sHiftcryof Chrift 1803 Tindal Chriftianity as old as the Creation 1732 Rights of the Chriftian Church 1709 's Letters to Serena 1^704 820 Towne Inquiry concerning th* ^Nature of the Socil - - 1748 8a; - Examination of Principles advanced .in the Bp. of London's Difcoorfes on Prophecy 1756 ^828 Trafts, viz. Fafls relating to White's Bampton Lectures, by Gabriel, &c. 1789 ^829 -- The Notion in the Religion of Nature confidered 1725. Hare on the Study of the Scripture, 1716, &c. - ( 830 - Douwell's Chiiftianity not founded on Ar- gument, 1743. With Reply, Remarks, by Le- Uod, &c. 31 Tradts, viz. Dodwell's Chriftianity, 1743. With Anfwer, by Mole, 1743. Doddridge, 1743. Seavrave, 1743. Leland, 1744, and s other on the fame fubjeft Divatitjt Tracls--Kennicott*s Two Differtations, 1747. Giffbrd's Remarks on Ditto 61833 Fofter on Church Power, 173^ &c. Traces, viz. Woodward's Remarks on Modern Prophets, 1708 &c Conformity between Popery and Paganifm, 1746. Lyttleton on the Converfion of St. Paul, 174-', &c. 836 Whifton's Letter ko the Earl of Notting- ham, on the Eternity of Chriit, 1721. An- fwer to Ditto, &c. 837 The Pfalms by Merricfc, 1766. Talbot's / . Effays, , 7/ * 838 / Stackhoufe on the Miferies of the Inferior Clergy, ditto 1722 on Methodifm, by Dodd, Green, &c. 1760 840 Judging for Ourfelves, or Free Thinking, i7jg* The Refurrecliori confidered, 1744, &c. $4i/Valliere (Dutchefs de la) Meditations 1774 SijajVeron flhon) Huntynge of Purgatcrye to Death, . b. / , /S43 Vicars (John) Sinfullnefs of making the Piclure of Chnfts Humanity 1641 ^844 Vincent's Gods Terrible Voice in the City, title wanting /84$/Unity, the Bond of Peace 1802 846) Wake (Wm.) Epillles of the Fathers 1710 847 Warburton (Wm.) on Grace 1763 / g^g I - Remark on Stebbing and Sykes, relative to the Divine Legation, 174$* and Examination of Ditto, by Morgan, Bott, Sykes, and 2 other, in all 6 vol. 849 jWard (Thomas) Controverfy of Ordination ard and Lardner, on PafTagc-s of Scripture 176* / 851 Warner {Feidipando} on Engli(h Reformation / r s> k(f\ W&tejc]ad : and Sykes 852 Warwick (Atthur) Refolved Meditations 1634 3 Quarto. ^ 854 Waterland on the Eucharift 1737 855-Watfon (R.) Ancient Liberty of the Britannick r Church _ _ 1661 856^ Apology for Chriftianity 1777 857 * the Bible 1799 858 Weft (Gilb.) on the Refureftion, and Lord Lyttel- ton's Letter on the Converfion of St. Paul J747 859 Wefton (James) Hoiae Biblicae 1797* ^60 Wild (Henry) Mahommed's Night Journey ^861 Wilkins (John) on Natural Religion portrait 1734 Jeru/altm 1734 862 Wharton (Henry) on Errors and Defcils, in (n > Burnet's Reformation 1693 863 JWillan (Rob.) Hiflory of the Miniflry of Chrift 1786 fa 864 Witherby (Tho.) on Prejudices concerning the Jewifh Nation 1804 ^865 Withers (Geo.) Hynmes and Songs of the Church 866 Wollafton's Religion of Nature, portrait 1750 867 Woolfton's (Thomas) Life and Tracls, a vol. - . i... i Old Apology for the Truth of the Chriftian Rdigion 1705 Free Gift to the Clergy, &c. 172* 870 Zuinglius Confeffion of Faith, b. /. Denne, Staynoe, Divinity. QUARTO. 871 Sermons, by Aftiburnham, Lucas, &c. in 4x0!. 87* Sermons fingle, before the fons of the Clergy a parcel before both Houfes of Parliament a large Parcel at an Anabaptift Meeting at Wapping, &c. a large parcel .-. Various, a large parcel and Trafts in i vol. at the Funeral of Duke of Albemarle, portrait, 1670* Account of Dr, Hough, 1743, &c. / Quarto": 57 ^877 Stukeley (Wm.) Pabeographiaj Sacra, No. Toleration, Letter on 1689 Torquemeda (Anth.) SpaniQi Mandevile of My- racles, by Walker 880 Trafts, viz. King Edward's Injunctions, 1547. Queen Elizabeth Ditto, 1559. Book of Ca- nons, 1571, &c. (? 881 Queen Elizabeth Injunctions, 1559. Booke of Canons, 1571, &c. " Troubles at Frankfort, abouj the Common Prayer, 1. 1. ^574. Colet's Sermon, before the Convocation, ad. edit. 1701. Hif- torical Eflay, by Andrew Marvel, &c. (f! 883 ' Antonio de Dominis, his Shiftings in Religion, 1624. Barlow's Choice of Books in Divinity, 1699, and 12 other 84 - fingle, a parcel, various, Divinity, the Fourme and manner of making Bilhops, &c. km /. 1559, &C. 85 -' and Sermons, by Pleydell, &c. a par- cel 886 . by and Concerning Dr. Watfon (887 Tunftall (James) Leftures on Religion i;6j 888 Warburton (Wm.) Works, 7 vol. boards, 1788 with 3 original M.S. Letters, by the Bifhop, 889 Wollafton's Religion of Nature, bead and Index 1731 Arts and, Sciences. QUARTO. fgo Agriculture (Communications to the Board of) Vol. HI, Pt. , ; 1802 91 Agrippa (Hen. Corn.) Var.'ub of Arts an-d Sciences, englilhed by Ja. San, b, I. 1569 892) Atwood[G.) Review ot the Statutes and Ordin- V ances of Affize iBor 8Q3J Auiten (Ra.) Treatife on Fruit Trees 1657 // ^894 Bacon (Roger) Mirror of Alchymy 1597 A tf%9S Bainbridge(Joho) Aftronomieal Defcription of t*e ' Comet plate - i6ii J / // 896 Bayfii de Re Veftiarta, mcrtxeo, gilt leevet Bajtl 1526 897 Beaumont (Charles) on the Coal Trade 1789^ Bechcr (John lechim) Philofopher's Stone 1680 899 Belon (Rime) Obfervations et Chofca Memwa- bles, fa. - - Pant 1588 900 Blundevile (Thomas) Horfemanfhip. 6. /. cutt 901 Boyle (Robert) Works, 6 *ol. Itatdt 901 Burncy (Charles) Hiftoryof Mufic, 1772 /d/ 1789 FOLIO. 903 Alem?n (Matheo) the Rogue, or Life of Guzman de Alfarache JLauL 1623 904 Billings (Peter) Folly Predominant, or the Town taken in with the Palpable Deceptions, and Frothy Orations, of Four public Orators, Three of which fuddenly Springing up like Muftuooms, mull as foon Decay with Four Portraits of Mr. Henley, Mr. Foocc, Mr- Macklin, Mr. Stephens Lond. 17^ 905 Brown (Sir Thomas) Pfeudodoxia Epidemica, or Enquiry into Received Tenets and Truths, portrait Lond. 1 686 906 Cervantes (Miguel) ftiftory of Don Quixotte of Mancha, tranflatea by J. Phillips, p/attt 1687 Felhham (Owen) Refolves, Divine Moral and Political . - 1677 908 Fragments of Curious Books Gayton (Edmund) Pleafant Notes upon Don Quixote . ii Lend. 1654* 910 Hobbes (Thomas) Moral and Political Works, portrait Lond. '7$a 911 Honours Academic, or the famous Paitoial of Julietta Lond. .610 Johnfon (Rev.) Sam. Work* Lnd. 1710 fi)ij Montaigne (Michel) Effayes translated by John Florio Loud. 1603 gi 4 . . 1613 (5 Plutarch's Pbilofophie, commonly called the Morals, translated by Holland, 2 vol. Lend 1605 916 Reynolds (John) Triumphs of God's Revenge again ft Murthar Land. 163$ // ( f *] / Fifth Day's Sale. Arts $nd Sciences, Medical, Botanical, Trade, Coin, t3c. OCTAVO ET INFRA. M*T 9170 A IKIN on Natural Hiftory 1777 gi$Tf\. Biographical Memoirs of Medicine 1780 " / 919 Alazonomaflix, fecond Laih of 1651 Alchymy, True Light of ' " 1709 .1 Aldrich Elements Architefturae, fig, fee M. S. note in which it is faid only 10 copies were printed 922 Alexandrine Surveye of the World, englifhed by Twine, b. 7. Algarotti on Painting, and the Opera 1 764 Almanack de la Mufique Paris 1767 Ames Catalogue of hnglifh Heads 1748 926*) Anatomy (Compendium of) i 2 platss 927] Anthropofophia Theomagica 1650 923 Arbuthnot on Air . " 1751 929 Aliments T74, 930 Art of Warre, by the Lord of Praiflac, eutt Lamb, 1639 931 Afliley on the Trade in America - 740 932\Averroexaana, 01 Letters of Averroes 1695 933) Avifon (Charles) on Mufical Expreliiojr 1 775 4? / / ^ / 40 drti and ScitMCti, fcjk. /934 AurifontinaChymica 168 93?lBarbon (Nich.) Difcourfe of Trade 1690 ^936 [Barry (J.) on Painting, morocco, gilt ltavei t portrait , * 775 6 937 the Arts, portrait 1775*83 938 Bafton (Tho.) on Trade 1732 / 939 Bayle Mifcellaneous Reflections on the Comet, a vol. . ' 1708 94o)Bevi (John) on the Waters of Bagnigge Wells 94iyBlafon des Coulcurs, fig. Lyon 94* Blackwell (John) Compendium of Military Dif- cipline, with the plates by Hogarth I 7 2 9 943 Blair (Wm.) on the Venereal 1800 / 94^. Soldier's Friend '803 94<;/Blancard (Stephen) Phyfical Dictionary 1684 946jJBlondcl Therma/ium Aquis-granenftom, fr* 1685 Blount (Sir Thomas Pope) Natural Hiftory ^948 Boate (Gerard) Natural Hiftory of Ireland 1693 /949\Bohun on the Origioe of the Wind 95jBordley on Hufbandry and Rural Affairs 1657 1671 1799 . /9 5 M Botanical Lexicon 1764 95>Bree (Robt.) on Difordered Refpiration 1797 95 3) Browne (John) Anatomick Chirurgical Treatife 1684 (Rich.) Medicina Mufica 1792 - (George) Arithmetica Infinita 1717 ^ Bruce on the Peftilence Edin. 1-759 957'Bulwer Deafe and Dumbe Man's Friend Pont. 1684 958 Burnet '(Thomas) Archaelogiae Philofophiae 1729 959 Theory of the Earth, a yol. ^960 Burney (Charles) State of Mufic in Germany, France and Italy, 3 vol. *77'~3 961 Butler (William) Arithmetical QuelHons 1795 ^962 Cadogan (Wm.) on the Gout -- 177* 963 Campbell (James) on Modern Faulconry // . "* 773 Artt and Scltneti t fcfr. Ofttvo, 41 9&4 Campbell (James) Hermippus Rediviv us 1749 o65tCantillon (Philip) on Trade - 1759 L2 966{Cary (John) Eflay on Trade, Coin, &c. 1695-6 j / 967 -- towards Regulating Trade 1717 .... Cafe of, 1719. Eflay on Trades 1719, and Rights of the Commons, 1718 ^969 Cafe (John) Medical Expoiitor 1698 970) Catalagus Horti Botanici Oxonienfis, Oxen. 1658. Catalogus Plantarum Oxonicnfis, ib. 1648 971) Charleton (Oliver) Randolph, and Summers on Bath Waters 1754 97 a Chefs, Theory of 1799 973 Cheyne (George) on Difeafes of the Body i . i . .1 1 .1 Health and Long Life 17*5 ^,975 Child (Jofiah) on Wool 1694. 976 Trade Glaf. 1751 /977 Chi/holm (C.) on Malignant Fever, 2 vol. 1801 Chymical Nomenclature, t ran fluted from the French, by James St. John 1788 979 Cleland (John) Inftitutes of Health 1761 ^980 Coade (George) on Trade 1747 981 Coin, on Raifing our, 1718* Eflay on Money and Bullion, &c. in genera], 1730. Obfervations on Ditto, by Valla vine, Morris, Clarke, Magens, &c. 983 and Trade 1699 984 Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, Manner of making 168$ Combachius true Salt of the Philofophers 1657 ^986 Contemplative Philofopher, * vol. 1800 ^987 Cook on Englifh Bodiet 1657 988 Corn Trade, Three Trafts on the 1766 989 Legiflalion and Commerce of 1776 ^990 Coruaro on a Sober and Temperate Life 1768 991 Cotton (Charles) Planters Manual 1675 G 4< 4rtiQttdScU*cti t UV. -Oftavo. /, 992/Count of Gabalis 0,93 Country Gentleman's Vade Mecura J / J 7 / / / / ,; 3 / 6 / 994)Coward (W.) Juft Scrutiny 995jCunaberland (Richard) Catalogue of Painting* ' in the King of Spain's Palace at Madrid 1787 Aqecdotes of Eminent Painters, 2 vol. - . - . 1781 997 D'Argens Philofophical Diflertatlons, 2 vol. / 998 Debts of the Nation Stated and Confidered 1712 999 {Debtor and Creditors A ffiftant 1793 loooj Decker (Matthew) Effay on Foreign Trade 1751 ^1001 Derham Phyfico and Aftro-Theology, 3 vol. i8mo 1749 looz Artificial Clock-maker 17^4 Xioo3t Ilmington Waters *68j ^ loo^)Didionarium Rnfticum 1704, loojlDirafdale on Inoculation 1779 (r IOOJ Dodd Synopfis Compendiaria, Lib. H. Grotii xioo8)Dodfley Humana; ViUe CEconomia, Lat. red- (f r dita a Mafley 1754 10097 Douglas (James) Bibliographic Anatomic* 1715 J , joio Drope (Fr.) on Fruit Trees Oxford 1672 2 ion Du Frelnoy's Art of Painting by Dryden _ 1 7 1 ^ / 101 z Duboft (Chriftopher) Commercial Arithmetic i 1013 Edwards (George) Eflayscn Natural Hiftory 1014 Eaft India Trade, Confiderations on 1701 1015 -- Eflay on 1696 1016 Elyot (Thomas) CafteJl of Health, I. I. 1576 Emblems of Rarities 1636 lO'8)Enchyridion Phficae Reftitutae 1651 1019! Englifh Military Difcipline abridged 1676 Arts and Scltncttt &(. Oclaro. 43 /t ^fi02O Eriglifh Medicines for Cure of all Difeafes 3\ IQI\ ConnoifeuT, 2 vol. ^1022 Engravers, Marks of 1023 Everard's Divine Pymander 1024 Virtues of Tobacco ^1025 Falconet (Wm.) on the Paffions 10267, Bath Waters 1027! (John) Art of Secret Information 1685 1028 Fairman (William) Stock examined and Com- pared 1798 1029 Farmer's Calandar 1802 1030 Magazine, z vol. - 1801 1031 Febure on Rawleigh's Great Cordial 1664 io$* Feltham (John) or the Structure of the Human \J Body ic33/ Fencing Mafter* Advice to his 10347 Femar (John) Medical Hiflories 1035 Fletcher Judgment of Urines 1036 Flayer (John) on Cold Bathing 1037 Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds 1038 - " ^1039 Formey Philofophical Mifcellanies ^1040 1803 Scholars 1692 1791 1641 1722 1 80 1 Dublin 1761 '759 ib. 1041 Fortification, or Handfoll of Knowledge in Martiall Affaires, cuts (1042 Foffil Shells (Account of) Coward de Ferment! Volatili Nutritio ^95 ^1043 Fothergill (John) Works " 1 7 Sl h 1044 Fraud Detected, or the Hibernian Patriot, mo- rocco, gilt leaves - ^1045 French (John) Yorkshire Spa\v 1046 Freind's Hiftory of Phyfick, 2 vol. 1047 Fulke (Wm.) Booke of Meteors, b. /. ./i048lFuller (Fr.) Medicina Gymnaftica ^ io49yGafFarel (Jas.) Unheard of Curiofi ties 10^0 Gallini Art of Dancing . . 1 05 > Gamefter, Compleat 1052 Gamefter, Compleat 1680 / 1053 Gaubius on the Paffions 44- 1054 Gee fjofhua) on Trade - C/fl/". 1750 Gerbier Counfel to Builders 1663 ^,057 ---- it. frto$S - on the three Principle* of Building 1 66s ioj9 Gilpin (Wm.) on Pifturefque Beauty 179* Gifbome Principles of Moral Philofophy 1789 Gould (Wm.) on Englifli Ants 1747 Grew (Nath.) on the Nature of Mixture 1675 io63JGoodridge (John) Phoenix 1781 ' 10&4J Goodwin (Tho.) on Hampftead Waters 1804 / 106? Guidott (Tho.) on Bath Waters 1725 / ^"1066 Gurney (Tho.) Short-hand, fecond edition ^1067 Hargrove's Anecdotes of Archery York 1792 1068 Harle (Jonathan) State of Phyfick 17*9 J? ^1069 Harris on Money and Coins 1757 ,/f 1070 (James) Philofophical Arrangements 1775 1071 Harvey (Rich.) Aftrological Difcourfe on the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, April 28, 1583, b. /. 1072 (Gideon) Anatomy of Confumptions, portrait - - 167* 1073; ' '" Family Phyfician 1678 7 i074JHaworth (Sam.) Defcription of the Duke's Bag- 2 fo 1075 Hawes (W.) Tranfaflions of the Royal Humane Society, Vol. I. 1076 Hayes (Rich.) Intereft 1747 j ^1077 Hebcrden (Wra.) Hiltory and Cure of Difeafes i Sot (a 1078 Heydon (C.) New Aftrology 1786 IT 1079 Hippocratis Aphorifmorum Lugduni 1543 1080 Hiftory of the tirlt loventors of ArU in the World 1686 Jewels . 1671 / ,o8 3 /4 / /io8t .. mofl. Manual Arts 1661 1083 -. Pro feflbrs of Painting in Ireland, by Pafquin < 1084 Quadrupeds, cuti, by Bewick 1 790 1085 Hoboes (Tho ) Ten Dialogues on Natural Phi- lofophy i 1678 / / / / Artt and Sciences, sV. Qulrto. 4$ ^1086 Hodges (Nath.) Apology of Phyfick 1666 10 87 - (J.) on Coin and Public Charges 1697 1088) Hooke (Andrew) Eflay on Phyfick 1 734 loSojHoughton (Thos.) compleat Miner 1681 1090 Hoyle's Games, twelfth edition 1091 Huber Notices des Graveurs etdes Peintres Drejte 1787 QyARTO. ^IOQZ Capper (James) on the Winds and Moafoons, 1 80 1 and Thos. Forreft on ditto Calcutta 178* 1093 Carter (Wm.) on the Woollen Manufacture, mo* rocco, gilt iearvts 1689 1094 Catalogues of the Earl of Oxford, 1741 and la- other of Pictures ^1095 Catalogue of the Piflures of Villiers D. of Buck- ingham 175$ 1096 Catalogues, Exhibition from the Commence- ment in 1761 to 1806, not regular 1097 i. half bound, with Ba- retti's Guide to the Royal Academy 176994. 1098 Catalogue by Bonnel Thornton. The Bee, or the Exhibition exhibited in a new Light, 1788. The Ear-wig, or an Old Woman's Remarks, 1781 and three other ^Caraufius and Oriuna, Obfervations on 1756 I Chambers Difiertation fur la Jardinage de 1'Orient 1772 Charnock ( John) Profpectus of a Hiftory of Ma- rine Architecture 1796 Clarke (Wm.) on Coins )Clubbe's Phyfiognomy 1763 [Collins (John) Plea for bringing in Irifh Cattle, and keeping out of Filh caught by Foreigners 1680 Corn Diftillery dated 1785 Decker (Matt.) on the Decline of Foreign Trade 1744 JI07 Dirom (Alexander) on the Corn Laws and J <> rae *. 179$ y 3 6 / J 3 / 46 Art i And St tent ll t fcfr. Quarto. 1 108 Dodoen's New Herbal, or Hiftorie of Plants, A. /. 1109 Electricity, Account of Experiments made at the Pantheon on Conductors 1778 ii 10 Elephant, Anatomical Account of the 1682 nil Evelyn's (John) Silva and Terra, by Hunter, * vol. boards 177687 Exportation (Fraudulent) of Debenture Goods Falconet and Diderot on Sculpture 1777 1116 Folkingham (W.) Surveying ui7^Forfet (Edw.) on Bodies Natural and Potttique ( 1600 :i 1 8/ Gaming, Art and Myftery of 1726 1119 Garnett (Tho.) Zoonornia, or the Laws of Ani- mal Life, portrait \ 804 1 120 Goodall (Cha.) Royal College of Phyficians 1684 1 12 1 Graine, Orders by the Queene, for the Relief and Stay of the prefent Dearth, b. I. 1 586 1122 Green (Val.) Review of the Polite Arts in France 178* ni3/ Hardy (John) Lift of Captains of the Navy '779 1I24/ morotto,giit itavet ib, Hart (John) Anatomic of Urines 1651 1126 Hartlih (Sam ) his Legacy in Hufbandry, 1652. Reformed Virginian Silk Worm, 1655 1127 Harveii (Gul.) Opera Omnia, portrait 1766 1128 Hawkins (John) Hiftory of Mufic, 5 vol. cult 1776 > 1 29 Herelbachius Hufbandry, trar.fla ted by Googe, b. /. - - 157* 1130 Hill (John) Materia Medica 1751 1131 . . Review of the Royal Society 1751 Ptriodual Ptriodical Workt* Folio. 47 Periodical Works. FOLIO. Bingley's Journal, from 1770 to 1772 Briton, Twenty-nine Numbers. The Indepen- dent Whig, Thirty-two Numbers. Freeholder, Number 4 to 54 1134 Britife Journals, 4 vol. r73 to 17*8 /I^ji35 Calcutta Chronicle, or General Advertifer /. x- I7 ^ fa 1136 Centinel, by T. Franklin and G. Steevens, from 1786 to 1787 - 1137 Covent-garden Journal, Sixty-eight Numbers /,\ 138 Craftfman, or Country Journal, by Caleb Dan- vers, 1750 to 1756 1 139 Englifliraan, Seventeen Numbers 1 140 Free Enquirer, by Peter Annet, 1761, vide Note by Mr. Reed 1761 Freeholder's Journal - 1722 113$ Gray's Inn Journal, laft Fifty-two Numbers by A. Murphy 1144 Grub-ftreet Journal, 2 vol. 1730 1 145 How do you do ? Eight Numbers 1146 St. James's Journal, Twenty-fix Numbers 1147 ., Chronicle, 4 vol. 114$ Literary Fly, by Herbert Croft 1779 1149 -.' ' -"" ' < !.. ib 1150 London and Country Journal 1741 11 5 1 - Daily Advertifer and Literary Gazette, fundry Numbers '75 1 5* 1151 Looker-on 1792 4153 Lounger EJittb. 178586 1154 Lounger's Mifcellany, /ar/riz/'f 1789 END OF THE FIFTH DAY*S 8ALF.. I 48 ) / / / / / Sixth Day's Sale. and Sciences, Medical, Botanical, fradc, Coin, f3c. T T JL 1 OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT UET's View of the Dutch Trade Hunter's Georgical Efiays 1771 Hufbandry (.the Bokc of) ./. . 1548 U59)Huygen3 (Chrift.) Celeftial Worlds difcorered \ 1698 n6oj Jamaica, State of Health in the Ifland of 1679 ^ 1 16 1 Jamefon (Thos.) on Cheltenham Waters 1803 ^1162 Jennings (David) on Medals 1764 1163 --- 1775 1 164 Inoculation (Trafb on) by Neal, Burgefs, Mon- ro, Watfou, Baker, Mackenzie, &c. 179267 Jonfton (John) Hiftory of the Conflancy of Na- ture - - 1657 61166 Keill (Jas.) Examination of Burnet's Theory 734 ^1167 Kelly's Elements of Book-keeping 1801 ^1168 King (Chas.) Biitifti Merchant, 3 vol. 1748 1169 Kippax (John) Theory of Commerce, a vol. *75 / 1170 Kirkpatrick on Inoculation - 1761 1171 Lambe (R.) Hiftory of Chefs - 1764 Latham Spaw i 167* Landfcape Painting (Eflay on) 178) I 3 Ait i and Sciencei, fcfa O&ivo. 49 ^1*74 Law (John) on Money and Trade) Glaf. 1760 .I on Trade in Scotland it. 1751 Law, fur le Commerce et fur 1'Argent Haye 1720 1177 Law (The) of Drinking, and the Smoakmg Age 1617 H78Xayard on Diftemper among Horned Cattle T '757 ii7gjLeakeon Englifh Money, plates 1793 1180 Legh's Accedens of Armory, morocco, gilt leaves 156* 1181 Locke (Matti) prefent Practice of Mufick 1673 1182 Lock on lowering of Intereft and raifing the Value of Money - 1696 ^7 1 183 Lockyer (Chas<) Account of , the Trade in India, 1711. Advantages of Eaft India Trade to England, 1710. Collection of Papers re- lating to the Eaft India Trade, 1730 5184 Lowndes on the Amendment of Silver Coins 1696 morocco, gilt leaves ai86./Lyons Thefis, that Motion is not eflcntial to ( Matter . - 1728 1 187; Mackenzie (Jas.) Hiilory of Health Edia. 1758 7188 Malthus (Dan.) Effay on Landfcape 1783 1189 Manchefter Society (Memoirs of the) 2 vol. 178? 1190 Mandeville (B.) on Hypochondriack Difeafes, 1730 irr. 61191 Manillas, containing a Syftem of Ancient Aftro- 1 192 )Marius (John) on Bills of Exchange 1674 Marmet Academical Converfations 1658 Martine (Geo.) on Thermometers Edin. 1780 Mathew (Rich.) Unlearned Alchymid 166* 1196 Mavor (Wm.) Botanical Pocket Book J 1197 Mayerne'(Theod.) Receipts in Cookery ^1198 Mead Oratio Harveiana ^ j 199 Medical Regiftcr for 178083, % rol. (- H 7 $e Art* and Scitneet, &e. -Octavo. 1200 Medical (Biography, viz. Life of Dr. Mead, by Haty, portrait, 1795. Ditto of Dr. Monfey* portrait, t-Sq. Ditto of Zimmerman, 1797 1730 1711 1796 1642 jzocjM-lis (John) Eilay on the Weather 1773 6 1206 Milward (Edw.) Letter to Sir Hans Sloane 1734 1207 Mines (Account of) 1/21. Familiar Difcourfe 6f the Mine Adventure, 1700 1208 Moffet Well in Scotland, Description of 1209 Money (a Difcourfe of) Medley (John) Effay on Matlock Bath ^1202 Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris 1203 Mengs (Ant. RapM.) Works, 2 vol. ' i2O4)Me.chandizes (Rates of 1664 1696 Moffet (Thos.) Health's Improvement 1746 1212 Morbo Gallico (De) or the Wood. called Guia.- carn, that healeth the French Pockes, b. I. '539 / 1 2 1 3^ Mortimer Every Man his own Broker 1 762 ja^Mofely (Ben.) on Coffee 1791 6>l2 1 ^ - Sugar 1799 1216 1800 (1217 Mun (Thos.) England's Treafure Gla/. 1755 1218 Murrel's Two Books of Cookerie and Carving 1219 Murry (Ann) Sequel to Mentoria 1799 1220 Mufeum Tradefcantiutn, with both pariraitt and the A*mt 1656 izaiyNational Merchants '736 i22aj Naudaeus Hiftory of Magick 1657 1223 Newton (Ifaac) Theory of Light and Colour*, 2 vol. .739 J224 2 VOl. 1742 i5 , .1 Tables for Renewing, &c. the Leafes of Cathedrals and Colleges 1742 1226 Nichuifon (Geo.) Short Hand 1806 \^^1 Nickolls (John) on Commerce of France and Grtat Brtain 1754 l2*8/Noahcote (W.) Hiftory of Anatomy 177* Obfonville Philofophic Effays, by Holcroft / /, Science) ', fcfc. Oftavo. 5* Oliver (Wm.)' ' 1784. / 1247) Plantanum circa Harefield 1737 ^ i248)Plantae Woodfordienfis 1771 1249 Price (Uvedale) on the Pifturefque '794- 1250 ' Letter to Repton 1795 2851 Pringle (Sir John) Six Difcoveries J 7^3 1252 Ray (John) fhilofophical Letters, by Derham I a *S J '' Wisdom of God in the Creation '743 a>54 Rece (Richard) Domeftic Medical Guide 1805 1255 Reed (J.) Tradefman's Companion 176* ^ 1256 Richards (J } Practical Arithmetic ' 1257 Richardfon'* Account of Statues, ice, 1754 _ W7& / / a/f / / J / $ vfr//, Stitntt:, teV. Oftavo. 1258 Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, engliftied by Pay noil . /. , 575 179 Robinfon Views of Nature 1260 Rollo (John) Diabetes Mellitus by Feyjoo, 1751. Berkeley on Vifion, 1733. Hales, Jackfon, Berkeley, and Prior on Tar Water, 1744. Flemyng on Corpulency, 1760, &c. 1304 . Pointer on the Weather, 1738. Shepherd of Banbury's Rules for the Weather* by Claridge, 1744. Mills on the Weather, 1770, Sec. ft 1305 TruSt, viz Eflays on the Public Debt, &c. 1755. Eflay on Money, by Hewitt, Con- duit, &c. 1306 . De Malynes Canker of England's Commonwealth, 1601. Locke on Money 169;, &c. *37 Eight, Relative to the Rabbit Woman of Godalming, with M.S. of St. An- dre's Mifcarriage, a Poem, &c. 1308 in Trade, viz. The Spinfter, in Defence of the Woollen Manufactures, 1719 Reafons for improving the Filheries and Linen Manufactures ol Scotland, Sec. ... Account of the African Trade i7t3*c- 1310 Treatife on Trade, 1750. Dif- fertation on Commerce, 1754. Temple on Commerce and the Arts, 1758, &c. 1311 on the Eaft India Trade, 1697. Paxton on Trade, 1704. Considerations on raifmg the Value of Money, 16951 &c. Free, 1622. Oblervatiooe on Ditto, by H. R. 1668 Gee on Trade and Navigation, 1729. True State of England, 1729 QUARTO. Hill (Wm.) lofancie of the Soul, or the Soufe of an Infant 1605 1315 Hiftory of Coffee, Thee, Chocolate, and To bacco , SeieaetJt W^. Quarto. 55 jc' /s$i6 Hogarth (Wm.) Analyfis of Beauty, with Co- pies of the Two Plates 1 753 '1317 Horfley (Wm.) Britilh Merchant, title wanting 1318 Horfemanftiip (a Difcourle of) and the Art of Riding 1584 /& (^1319 Houfholder's Philofophie, b. I 1588 / 1320 Hughes (Wm.) Compieat Vineyard i66f $ i$*i Jones (John) Bathes of Bathes Ayde, 6. /. 1572, and Buckftone's Bathes Benefyte / 132* Jorden (Edw.) on Bathes and Mineral Waters 1631 ^1323 Keppel's Freedom Box (Defcription of) w#ft platei / 1321 King (Edw.) on Stones faid to have fallen from the Clouds - . J 79^ on the Signs of the Times 1798 1326 Langham (Wm.) Garden of Health, . /. 1578 // J 327 Langwith on Arbuthnot's Coins *747 f 1328 Latham's Faulconry, tuts 1633 & 1329 Leather (a Difcourfe of) . 1629 d 1330 Legerdemaine, or the Art of Juggling, by S. R, 1331 Leigh (Valentine) Surveying, ./. 1588 '1332 Lettfom (J. C.) Origin of Medicine, coloured flatet 1778 / 6> *333 " Hiflory of Hard Drinking 1789 / 1334 Levett (John) on Bees 1634. / 3335 Lite of Sir Ifaac Newton, by Fontenelle 1728 1336 Marchant (Nathaniel) Catalogue of 100 gems, plate, by Barte/ozzi 1791 ^1337 Markham (Gervafe) Hufbandry 1631 ^1338 Marfti (John) Decimal Arithmetick 1742 /i 339 Martyn (Thomas) On ^Eroftatick Globes, plate 1784 1340 Mafcall (Leonard) on Cattel, in 3 bookes, b. L 1596 X 1341 ' i Arte of Planting and Graft- ing, cuts, b.l. .1 1592 . 1342 Maffie (J.) on the Poor Laws 1758 ^343 May (Edw.) Relation ot a Serpent found in the Left Ventricle of the Heart of John Pennant. platet 1639 5,6 Artt, Seitnees, ^, -Folio. J344 Mead (Rich.) Medical Works, i vol. portrait 176* 1345 Mercurialis de Arte Gymniftica, fg. Amfi. 167* 1346 Money, (Regulations for the Intereft of) 1785 / 349 * J / / ^'353 1J55 1356 1359 " 1361 1361 1364 FOLIO. Medley, 43 Numbers Middlefex Journal, or Chronicle of Liberty, ait Numbers 1 77* fuit, 1783 Citizen, 1788 Whipping for the Welch Parfon, 1773 Crab Tree, 1757 J/ . Devil, 175$ Spectator, Five Firft Numbers. Entertainer, 1754 Microcofm, 17571 &c. Yorkfhire Freeholder, 1780 . Mercurius Lati. aui, 1 746 Jacobite Joirnal, 1747 Covent 7 ( 57 ) Garden Journal, 1752 Three Papers relative to the Theatres, &c.~ See Note (y 1366 Univeffal Chronicle 1758 1367 Weekly Mifcellany, by R. Hooker, 2 vol. 17327 ^1368 Whig (The Old) 160 Numbers, half-bound, 1734 to 1738 Dauk's New* Letter, fundry Numbers, 1703 -4 The Medler,&Ci ZND OF THE SIXTH DAY*S SAtB. 1 Seventh Day's Sale. Tratts, G?c. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT [ J r '3 6 9 HPRACTS, by Wefley, ^ vol. 17% I j*j 1370 A . Controversial, 4 vol. 1371 Trafts Annett's Conception of Jefus confi- der'd, 1744. Daniel's Prophecy, 1744, &c. in i vol. /j 1372 Immorality of the Moral Philofophers, 1737. Ancient Hiftory of the Hebrews Via. dicated, 1741, &c. in 3 vol. jj73 on Gibfon's Codex 1736 _/|<^J^74 Diflenation on Prophecy, 1749, &c. in J TOl. \ /i 07 5 " '377 1378 379 3 1386 . Afrflj At*?* 7 1389 ^139 4 ^'39' / 6 /J48 Peter Milton's Edicls, 1615. Sir James Ley on Wards and Liveries, 1612, Verncn on the Exchequer, 1642. Brooke Reading on the Statute of Limitations, 1647. Wren Mo- narchy Aflerted, 1660 (Twelve) by and concerning Dennis relative to Dr, Parr, 1792 j Tyers, 1781, &c. 1.422 Fergufon.Ideaof the Material Univerfe, 1754. Defcription of the Solar Syftem, by Ditto, 1753. Baillie on the Sublime, 1747, &c. 1423 Edward Livelie. Chronologic of the Perfian Monarchic, 1597, &c. ? Relation of the Poyfoning of Sir Tho- inas Overbury, 1651. Life of Dr-. Thomas Fuller, 1661. Life of Elias Aflimole, 1717.. Life of John Milton ^1425 - Obfervations on the AfFayres of Hol- land, 1621. True Lawe of Free Monarchies, 1603. Andronicus, by Thomas Fuller, 1646 ^1426 Standard of Equality, 164^. Rights and Prerogatives of Kings, 1611. Rights of the People, 1658. Rule to keep Inferior Courts within their jult Bounds, 1682. Act of Com- mon Council for paving the City, 1671. Recantation of John Nichols, f>. I. 1581. True Lawe of Free Monarchies, 1603 / ^1428 i by Urquhart Edin. 1774 Cotton's Morall Philofophy of the Stoicks, 1671. Loredano's Life of Ad." / ^ I'raflt&c Cflavo. 6r 6 // .450 '434 '435 Trads Rofs Medicus Medicatus, 164-5. Newe Booke of Common Prayer, 164.4., &c. . - An Antiqucdlibet, 1602, &c. Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot of Praife, 1677. Fletcher's Reftauration of Ifrael, 1677, &c. The Hurte of Hering Mafle, b. I. 156?. A Warning againll the dangerous Prad.'fes of Pspiftes, b, I. &c. Arraignment of the Popifh Traiteur Everard Haunce, b. I. 1531. ConfeiBon of the Proteftantes of Scotlande, b. 1. i <;6i Direction or Preparative to the Study of ^'437 1440 ^1442 M45 the Law, 1600. Eellamie Plea for the Com- monalty of London, 1645. Aft of Common Council for paving and cleanfing the City, 1671. Reafons for the Abatement of Inte- reft, 1692 Critical Remarks on Four Piays, by Corinna, 1719. Diflertation on the Ufe and Abufeof Tobacco, 1720. A Wonderful Won- der of Wonders, 1721, &c. Jackfon on Human Liberty, 1730. Re- marks on Wateiland's Defenfe of foms Que- ries, 17231 &c. by Lowth and Edwards 1765 6 Tunbridge Mifcellany, 1712. Ab of Parliament no Infallible Security to bad Peace- Makers, &c. (Six) for and againft Lord Bolingbroke, 1752, &c. Dennis Reflection?, Critical and Saty- rical, Homerides, 171 5. Dennis Remarks on Pope's Homer. Ditto on the Dunaacl, I'-^Q, &c. 1 ' '- 'Six) relative to John Dunnis, &:c. (Sixteen) relative to State Affairs 1712 (Six; by Thos. Hervey ij^z (Eight) \Vhilton's Memoirs of Dr. Clarke . . 1730, &c t 6* 7ta8s t Wf.Oftaro. 1446 Trails (Seven) Genealogical Eflay on the Fa mily of the Hams, 1730. The Petticoat, 1716. Art of Drefs, 1717. Life of a Norfolk Dump- ling, &c. Apology for a late Refignation. Hare on the Study of the Scriptures, &c. in 2 vol. 1148 Nesfield 'a Oration at the Opening the Iron Bridge at Wearmouth, 1796. Diflertation on Anecdotes, 1793. Playfair on the Finances of Great Britain, 1 796. On the Improvement of the Fifliery in the Thames, 1787. The In- dians, a Tragedy, 1 790, in i vol. Tucker's, on enriching the Principality of Wales, 1762 Ditto on the Benefits and Da- mages of Spirituous Liquors, 1751, &c. " Lewis Hiftorical Eflay on the Confecra- tion of Churches, 1719 Life of John Sage, 1714, &c. Life of Henry Compion Dialogue on Kennicott's Method of correcting the printed Hebrew Text, 1760, in z vol. .. Rules of the Maritime School, 1781 Plan for Manning the Navy Sir John Moore Poetical Trifles, 1778. Prieftcraft in Perfection, 1710 Punch (turned Critick, 17 2 True Character of Edm. Grindal), 1709 and feven other <^'454 * Anfwer to the Country Parfon's Plea- Try al between J. G. Biker and M. Morley, 174 1 -Woodman's Ratcatcher of Chelfea Col- lege, 1740, &c. I/a ^* 455 ' on Offian, by Gordon, Warner, Shaw, Clark, &c. 176284 / j\ , 45 6 (Seven) on Mary Tofis, the Rabbet Woman, by Howard, Ahlers, Manningbam, Douglas, Gulliver, Brathwaite with St. An- dre's Cafe / 457 ' b y Maffie "75 57 * 1458 Hiftory of Sir Robert Walpole, 1738 ;r ~-f, / Dittoof Nadir Cha, 1741 Bancks Remarks on ****'* Voltaire's Life of Charles XII. 1741, &c. ^1459 Trafls, or Critical Memoirs of the Times 1460^ Royal Matins 1768, Sec. 146 ij (Eight) by Gibber, Sheridan, and Lord Hervey, on Pope, &c. 1753 relative to Crefwell and Scrope 1749 1462 ^1464 1465 I ^1466 1467 1468 1469 M7 *47 <<47* by Northouck Hiftory of the Man after God's own Heart : 74 &c. - The Confpirators, or the Cafe of Cati- line, 1721 Addrefs to the People of Great Britain, 1745, &c. in 2 vol. ' Truth ftifled, 1741 Survey of the County of Down, 1740 -The Tranfaftioneer, 1700 Hiftorical Account of Mandrakes, 1741, &c. - Confutation of Witchraft, 1712 The Proteft, &c. - Letter to Horace Walpole 1767, &c. ..... -. Several Aflertions proved, in order to create another Species of Money than Gold or Silver .Catalog vie of Knights, &c. 1640, &c* ... Life of Gilbert Burnet, 1 7 1 5 -Sewell's fecond Letter to Ditto, 1713 and Mifcella- neous Works by Addifon, vol. 4, 1750 ' Treatife of Humane Reafon, 1674 Pourtraift of the Politicke Chriftian Favourite, 1647 Difcourfe by Geo. Downing, 1672 Torriano Italian Proverbs, 1642, &c. in 3 vol. '.' '. Gelli, Fearefull Fanfies of the Florentine Cooper, b, 1. 11599 Circes, 6. /. 1557 - Baylie Conference between Charles I. and Henry Earl of Worcefter, 1649 Worcef- ter's Apopthegme,/ro/. 1650 -" Wiftiart on a Holy and Good Life 1753, &c. ' Johnfon (Robt.) Effaies, i6r3 Micro* cofmographia, i6z8 Modern Policies, 165*- Raleigh's Maxims of State, in z vol. . ". ...... {Four) relative to the Police by Denne * . Jortin's Remarks on Spenfer, Collection of Verfes, Eflays, &c. 1728 Bur- ton's Genuinenefs of Lord Clarendon's Hif a i 5'9 ""*' " T<> m Double return'd out of the Country, 1 702. Petticoat Government, &c. ^ Bjao Howard's Letter to Mr. Samuel John Ton, 1692. Difcourfe on Uniting Scotland with Eng- land, 1702, &c. 3 1521- Hiftory of Living Men, 1702. Shorteft Way with Whores and Rogues, 1703. New- ton's Theory of the Moon's Motion, 1702 3 b 2522 - Langbaine's Lives of the Dramaticlc /r t Poets. John Bull in his Senfes 1719 'Arts QJJARTO- /$, *5*3 Montefiore (Joihua) Commercial Dictionary 180$ ^>1 1524 Mudge (Thomas) Defcription of a Time Keeper, / 1545 National Debt (State of) December. 1716, printed 1727 /! ^1526 Naturalift's Journal 1527 Neandri Tabacologia, yjjf. . <# 1626 / <$ a 5*8 Nicola (Thomas) Hiftory of Pretious Stone* , s , Cos*. 1652 j\ 1529 Nicholfii (Fran.) Vita,/. 1780 Norden (John) Surveyor's Dialogue 1610 Norfolk Militia, //a/w 1768 Painting (Du Frefooy's Art of) 1765. By Birch, 1765. Ditto, by "Mafon, in Verfe, 1783 Ditta, by Chiirchey. Hayley's Eflay on Ditto* 1781. Poetical Epiftle to Sir Joihua Rey- nold's, 1777. Keate's Epiftle to Angelica KaufFman, 1781, with portrait/, and extra fit fnniMw/paptrt 1533 reacham (Hen;) Compleat Gentrernari, front. 1534 -- -- 1634 1535 Pecham (H.) Art of Drawing with the Pen, and Limning in Water Colours 1606 1536 Pegge (Sam.) on the Coins of Cunobelin, plate 1769 . ^1538 Penkethman (John) Affizeof Bread, front, fy Marjball - - 1638 ^ 539 --- - #. 1540 Peterkin (Joihua) on Planting, fnmt. St. CBriftspbir's 1790 b 1541 Philofophical Tranfaftions, No. 144, 365, 382, / 3 8 7 fj 1541 Phyfic (Canons of the Art oQ ; Cafr*n* i7g 61 Artt anJ Scientet.' .Quarto. Pinto'aEflay on Circulation and Credit 1774 A >544 PJattes (Gabriel) Difcovcry of Subterranean Treafure - 1679 ^1545 Puckell (Stephen) Table of Fees due to the Bi- fhop of London 1610 >50 Querfitanus Chymicall and Hermeticall Phy- ficke, by Timme i . i6oj 1547 Raper (Matt.) Meafure of the Roman Foot ^1548 Rate* of Marchandizes in King James's Reign ,' 1549 Refta Series of Eminent Painters 1739 ^1550 Rueffi (Jac.) dc Conceptu et Generations Ho- mini - Front* 1587 ^1551 Saviolo(Vincentio) of the Rapier and Dagger, and 6f Honor, and Honorable Quarrels, ctitt, very/carit 1595 1551 Saunders Oratio ex Harveii Inftituto 1797 // ^*'55 2 ) Scot (Reynolde) perfitte Platforme of a Hoppe / /SfTl G art ^ eo * 1* <**' '57* J ^1553] Simon (Jas.) Account of Irifli Coins, 1749 S Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, 743 /J ^1554 -- ~ (Thp.) Medals, Coins, and Great Seals, engraved by Vertue 1780 * 1555 Smith {John) Memoirs of Wool, 2 vol. in i '757 ^1556 Somerville, Farmer's, Grazier's and Butcher's Ready Reckoner ..- 1796 // 6$S7 s P' ces C tne ^> ad Garbelling of) ufed in thefe Daies ^I55 8 S P rat ( Tno -) Hiftory of the Royal Society, plt 1610 Defcription of Bruflels. Paintings at Amflerdam and Antwerp, plain t and of the Glafs Work of Gouda / j6n Travels of Signior Giacomo Baratti in- to Abyffinia, 1670. Adventures of Mr. T. S. an Englifh Merchant, in the Inland Coun- tries of A frica 1 670 /'/ 1612 The Burnynge of St. Pauls Church by Lightnynge, 1561, b. /. imprinttd 1^63. The Legend of the Cardinal of Loraine 1577 f 1613 Trade, Coyn, and Paper Credit, 1697 Haynea'i Great Britain's Glory, 1715 2 1614 i ' (hewing the Grounds and Reafoni of the Increafe, 1680 Brewfter on Trade, 169$ 1615 ) in France, 1736 Ad Viri Reverendi V Con. Midleton, 1727 1616 I and Commerce, with Obfervations on ' Taxes -' 1770 / 1617 Tradefman (Compleat Engliih) 2 vol. 1745 / /fi6i8 Twifs on Chefs, 2 vol. in one 1787 y ^1619 Tytler on the Nurfing and Rearing Children 1797 . 1 620 )Valdin on Fencing 17*9 ' i6xiJVaughan (Rice) on Money 1675 i5 Z 2 ' on Coin and Coinage i'4. Mifctllaniei* 33 // / ?6j Vertue's Anecdotes of Painting, by Walpole, portrait 178* / ^1624 Underbill (John) Account of Briftol Hot- Well 1703 / 1625 )Walker (Sayer) on Nervous Difeafes 1 796 1626; Waller on the Mines of Sir Carbery Price 1698 // ^1627 Walton (Izaak) Complete Angler, by Hawkins, fecond edit, cutt, marblt leavts 1766 1628 Warburton on Prodigies and Miracles 1737 ^ 1629 Weaver on Dancing A 1630 Wefton (R.) Trafts on Agriculture and Garden- ing . i ' | 773 ^1631 Whateley on Gardening 1770 2 1^31 White (Jas.) Anatomy of the Horfe's Foot 1801 2, 1633 Whitaker (To.) Blood of the Grape 1654 6 1634 Wittie (Robt.) Survey of the Heavens 168 1 3 ^'635 Wither's (Fabian) Palmeftry and Phyfiognomy, tuts 1636 Whitlock (Rich.) prefent Manners of the Eng- lifh Anatomizing the Living, front. 1654. ^1637 Wittie (Robt.) Survey of the Heavens 1681 1638 Wood (John) Orders of Columns 1750 1639 Defcription of the Exchange of Mft&Jto _ - I74ST / ^2641 World in the Moon 1638 /Q 1642 Worcefter (Marquis of) Century of Inventions Glaf. ^767 / 1643 Wylde (Zach.) Englifli Matter of Defence 1711 I 1644 Wynter (John) on Baths at Bathe 17^8 Mifcellames. 1645 Academy of Belles Lettres, feleft 'Difcourfes 1741 // ^1646 -" Complements 1650 ^1647 Adamina, 2 vol. 1801 1648 Addilbn (Jofeph) Mifcellaneous Works, with Life, by Tickell, 4 vol. 8vo. 1765 1649 Adventures of Covent- garden^ 1699 1650 < I.. Mr, Geo. Edwards 1751 L 74 Mifcellaniti. / ^i6p Adventures of Alexander the Corrector iftijz/Advertifements respecting the Regulation of Af- .? r femblies 1715 I&53\Aikin's Poems, Mifcellaneous Pieces in Profe, and Devotional Pieces 1773 ^1654 Alciphron's Epillles 1791 2 1655 Allen's Defence of Englifh Catholiques 1584 ^, at 656 Almanacks and Court Regiflers (15) \\ 1657 Alwyn, or the Gentleman Comedian, 2 vol. ^ 1658 Ambaflador (The) 1603 2 '659 Amicable Quixote, 4 vol. 1788 i f 6 *66o Amufements, Serious and Comical, or a New . Collection of Bons-Mots '7' 9 1 01661 Andrews (John) on the Manners, Tafle, and Amufements of the two laft Centuries in Eng- land iy8x ^ i66* n ' . *& ^1663 Analyfisof the Duties of Social Life 1783 * / 1664 Annet (Peter) on Free Thinking 1739 /O 61665 Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius) Meditations, z TO!. G/a/l 1764 / 1666 Argyle's Inftructions to his Son Glaf. 1743 * f 1667 Art of Wheedling, or Proteus Redivivus 1675 / ^1608 Memory, by D'Affigny, front. 1706 ,j ^1669 . ' Cuckoldom, or the Intrigues of the City Wives ! - 1697 1670 Artificial Beauty (Difconrfe of) i66z 16*71 ''' ' front* & 1672 Afchami (Rogeri) Epiftola 159* 1673; Affociation Papers, 2 Parts 1793 (Mrs.) Eflay in Defence of the Female Sex, portrait 1696 ^1676 Atalantis (New) 4 vols. 1720 /j 1677 Atterbury (Francis) Epiftolary Correfpondence, 4 vola. 1783 1678 Aubrey (j.) Mifcellanies 1714 1679 - 4" 6 *68o Auften (W.^ Hac Homo, front, with portrait Mi/cttlaniti, i 1681 Bacon (Fr.) Wifdome of the Ancients, 1619. Father's Bleffing. Hifpanus Reformatus 1621 168* Eflaies, 1598. Corne Wallys Eflaye* . 1600 1683 - 1619 1684 ^ - i6ii ^1685 Bachelor of Salamanca, by Lockman, cutt 1737 Baker (Thos.) on Learning 1708 - 1687 Balzac (Lettrea de) 1656 4 ^1688 Bank Note (Adventures of a) 4 vols. in 2 1771 1689 Baretti (Jofeph) Tolondron 1786 ^1690 Barnes (Jofhua) Good Old Caufe 1703: ^1/1691 Batchelor (Effays from the) 3 vols. Dublin 1772 / ^169* Baudwin (Wm.) Moral Philofophy, 6. /. 1579 (1693 Bazilikon Doron 1603 / 1694 Beau Philofopher 1751 ^ 1695' Beaumont (Robert) Love's Miffives to Virtue 1660 , 1696? Beauties of the Adventurer, Vol. II. 1697] Humo and Bolingbroke i-jSt, '16981 Beauty (of) 1757 1699 Beccaria on Crimes and Punifhments 1767 1700 Bedell's Original Letters 174^ '1701 Behn (Mrs.) Hiftories and Novels 1700 1702 BeKhana (W.) Effays, Philofophical and Moral, 3 2 VOlS. 1799 \ 703 Bellum Erafmi, tranflated into Englifh, b. 1. 1535 1704 Bentley (Richard) on the Epiftles of Phalaris, '777 ^1705 Free-Thinking, gift leaves. 1706 Bentham fjer.) Panoptican, or the Infpeftum Houfe, 3 vols. * 1791 Bentivoglio's Letters 1701 (Geo. Monck) Literary Relicks 1789 Birch (Sam.) Thoughts on feveral Subjefti 1786 1711 Biffet's Lives of the Authors of the Spectator, 17 Blackwell's Letters on Mythology Blount (Chas.) Mifccllaneous Works (Sir Thos. Pope) Effays /' k 76 Am and &/*/. Quarto. Blundeville (Thos.) of Councils and Coonfellors, title J\&i?*l Boayftuau (Peter) Thcatrum Mundi, I. /. tltlt wrote 9 \ ^1718 Boccace's Decameron 1741 /2 ^1719 " ' - 2 vols./.^. 1804 / 1720 Boetius Coufolation of Philofophy 1712 \ , 1 72>Boileau Infernal Obfervator 1684 , ^ 1 723jBolingbroke Spirit of Patriotifm 1 775 / 1724 -- on Parties - 1749 / 17x5 Bol ton's Letters and Tracts 1761 4 /( 1726 ..... (Robt.) Charter of Trinity College, Dublin 1753 - 3 1727 Boke of Wifdome, called the Flower of Virtue, tranflated by John Larke, b. /. 1565 6 1728 Bonafus Vapulans i6-j2. / i7agyBoothby (Brooke) Obfervations on the Appeal \ A ( fro New to the Old Whigs 1791 *73Q/Bofton Orations Boflon 6 1731 Botero (John) Caufe of the Greatnefle of Cities, & 1731 Bouhours Art of Logick and Rhetorick 172 1733^ Criticifm 1705 i73flBoulainvill{rvilKers Hiftory of the Parliaments of France, 2 vols. I ^"735 Boyle (Chas.) againft Bentley's DUTertations on Phalaris 1745 Arts and Sciences. QUARTO. / 1736 Taxation (Principles of) 1790 / 1737 Taxes and Contributions (a Treatife of) 1667 / 1738 (Theory of) and Elements of Commerce '& 6 *7J9 Taylor (John) Drink and Welcome, or Hiftorie of Drinks 1637 1740)' i ii Marmor Sand\ icenfe Cant. 1743 i;4i(.Tract8, (on Trade) by Trevers, 1677. Defence of Trade, in a Lett-r to Sir Thomas Smith, 1615. Againft the high Rateof Ufurie, 1641. Culpeper on Ufury, 1668. Child on Trade, 1668. Manley on the Exportation of WooU Arts and Seierit .-* Quarto. 77 1677. Do. Ufury at t> per Cent, examined, 1669, anc ^ 2 other 174* Tracls, on Coin, by Mark Noble, 1730. Arch- bifhop Sharpe, 1785. By Sir John Barnard, Wm. Shirley, and Sir Wm. Browne, 1771. Lord Mahon on Gold 'Coin, 1775* Bound together 1743 , on the 'Plague, by Browtirigg, 1771. Or- dersfor Stay of further Increafe of Ditto, b. I. *744 " Medical, viz. The Anatomies of the True Phyfition, i6oa. Preiages of Divine Hippocrates, 1611. Jorden on Natural Bathes, 16.31. Pulley on Animal Impregna- tion, 1801. Catalogue Medicorum, Argent. 1530. Madan on the Waters of Tuubridge. 1637, and five other '749 ~ viz, Aftrological Speculation of the late Prodigy, or Comet, by Thomas Jones, 1681, Predictions out of Partridge's Almanack, 1688. The Bloody Almanack, 1655. U(e of Aftro- nomy 1764 1746 viz. Jacob on Broad Wheels. Le&ure on Perpetual Motion, 177 1 . Meafuremeut of a Degree of Longitude and Latitude under the Tropic, 1796; and eight other fingle >9* viz. Hufbandrie in Brabant and Flan- ders, 165*. Digby on the Vegetation of Plants, 1669. Ellis on Seeds and Plants, 1770. Gordon on the Ufe of Cudbear, Haf- fal's View of Agriculture of Carmarthen, 1794. Eflay on the Situation of Gardens, 1774; and three other fingle Tract*, 1 i on Coin, &c. viz. Catalogue -of Coins of Canute, 1777. Montague ou an Antique Bull at Turin, i 763. D'ilertatio de Monu- mentis Romanis in Britannia parte, E ^1798 Cleaveland (Ezra) Genealogical Hiftory of the Family of Courtenay Land* 1735 / 1 199 Coke (Sir Edward J Commentary on Littleton, portrait Land. 1619 j, 1800 . . i by Hargrave and Butler 1775 Inftitutes Third and Fourth Part, portrait 1 669 1802 Cole (Chriftian) Memoirs of Affairs of State, I. p. _ Lond. 1733 1803 Collins (Arthur) Precedents Lond. 1734 i8o4^Commines (Philip de) Hiftory it. 1601 / 6 1801 (Charles) Life of Duke of Efpernon, portrait* n Load. 1670 Ninth Day's Sale. Mifcellanics. OCTAVO. tor 1806 RADLEY (Thomas) Appeal to Czfar JD Yttke i66r 1807 Bright (T.) on Melancholy 1586 /i 808 Briton (The) - 1724 1809 Brooke's Juliet Grenville, 3 vol. 1774 8 1 Brown (H.) Map of the Microcofme 1642 / 1812 - (Thos.) Dialogues 1704 1813) Browne Eilimate of the Manners and Principle! V of the Times, 2 vols. 1760 18147 in-. in i vol. with Defence of Ditto 1758 \ 181$ - Thoughts on Civil Liberty 1765 $\ 1816 Eflays on Lharafleriftickt 1751 ^1^1817 Bruyere's Works, 2 VO!B. 1713 * vols. 1799 i923)D'Argens Lettres Morales Amft, 1750 1924J-- Ocellus Lucanus, Gr, et Fr. Utrecht 1762 19*5 D'Argenfon's Effays 1789 1926 Davies(John) Epiftetus Junior 1760 1927 (Thos.) Mifcellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Vol. III. 1774 1918 Dauncey (John) Englilh Lovers, a Romance 2929>Dawes' Fugitive Pieces, title nuantig 1930) Defence of the Female Sex 1931 De Foe (Daniel) fecret Hifiory of the White Staff 1714 jgjt .. Great Law of Subordination, 17*4 X 935 " Memoirs of a Cavalier >934 ' '* J 93S ' _^ Ufe and Abufe of the Marriage />/. Quarto. 8 5 1936 De Foe (Daniel) Political Hiftory of the Devil $'937 Life of Duncan Campbell O rr* ' 1938 *" Tour through Great Britain. *939 Plan of Englifli Commerce^ ^ *73 1940 Minutes of Mefnager Nego- tiations 6 1941^ Jure Divino I7 ' O 6 _-. Storm, or Collection of Cafu. altjcs 1704 -- ' . Confolidator I7 o s 944 Complete Englim Tradefman, 2 vols. ^ 6 *945 Religions Courtfctp J ^ S94 6 Eff ay on Projefts ,607 ^ ^ 1947 i.i Hiftory of Addrefles I7 OQ V - 948 " Appeal to Honour and Juftice, or Account of his Life, with MS. addition! fa Mn Reed 1949 .1 ^ . Life of, in a Dialogue between. him, Robinfon Crufoe, and his Man Friday, I 95 o i Moll Flanders Hiftory of Roxana i 7 , 4 ' 1 9J2 _ Col.Jaque i 72 | ^'953 Robinfon Crufoe, ad parr, 1719. Serious Reflections in Life of Ditto . 1?2C (: 1954 (Writings of) colled, Vol. II. 6 * 95 5 D C Laune's Plea for the Nonconforrnifts 1718 QUARTO. Capitulations and Articles of Peace betweene the King of England and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Ctnfianti*ple 166* 6 1957 Cafa (J. D.) Galateo, b. /. , 57 | ^1958 Caje (The) is altered. How i Aske Dalio and Caftilio (Baldeflar) Courtier, englilhcd by Heb- by, 6.1. 1508 6 1960 Catalogus Cantabrigienfis, Gradual 1787 /^ 1961 Catterpillars of this Nation Anatomized, in a Difcovery of Houfc-Breakers, Pick- Pockets, 1962 Ceremonies us'd in the Time of Henry VII. for healing the King's Evil Land. 1686 y 6 1963 Cervantes (Michael) Hi (lory of Don Quixottev 2 vols. by Thomas Shelton 1620 , 9 6 4 2 VOls. i I O122O , 9 6 S by T. Smollett, 2 vol. plant after Hajmax and Ceype/, Dt/ignt by Grignion Pitartt and Two original Let ten of Dr. and Anne Smollett '755 1966 Charffanion (John) Merchandises of Popifli Priefts 1629 1967 Charon (Peter) of Wifdome, by S. Lennard 1640 // 1968 Chefterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope) Mifcella- neous Works, 2 vol. portrait* 1778 # 1-969 Choife of Change, containing the Triplicitieof Divinitie, Philofophie, and Poetrie 1598 J? 6 9?o Cibber (Colley) Character and Conduft of Ci- cero 1747 6 1971 Cicero Calo Major. Philadelphia, primed and /old by B. Franklin 3 / 6 *973 Clarendon (Edward Earl of) View of Leviathan OXOH. 1676 /$ J9/4 Cleland (James) Inftitution of a Young Noble- man Oxford 1607 /6 6 *97S Coach and Sedan pleafantly difputing for Place and Precedence, the Brewer's Cart being Mo- / 1976 Collignon (Charles) Mifcellaneous Works Cambridge 1786 ' 1977 Contre-league, and Anfwers to ccitainc Letters fent to the Maifters of Renes 1589 1978 Court Career, Death ihadow'd to Life, or Sha- . // /j dowes of Life and Death, a paiquil Dialogue 1659 7 f, Quarto. 87 6 979 Corbet (John) the Ungirding of the Scottifli Armour Dublin 1639 _ 1980 Court of Good Counfell, b. 1. 1607 / 1981 Cupid's Meflenger, or a trufty Friend ftored with fundry Sorts of Amorous Letters, 6. t. frontifpitce 1982 Dallas (R. C.) Mifcellaneous Works 1797 1983 Dekker (Thos.) Knight's Conjuring done in earneft and difcovered in Jeft, printed by 7". C. 1984 Wonderful Yeare 1603, where- in is (hewed the picture of London being ficke of the Plague, b. L printed by Thos. CreeJe i magnificent Entertainment given to King James, Queen Anne his Wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, on the Day of hii paffage from the Tower through Lon- don, 1603. Impd. by T. C. 1604 3 - 1.986 - - Seven deadly Sinnes of Lon- don, b. /. 1606 Newes from Hell, brought by the Di veils Carrier - - 1606 3 //I 1988 O per fe O, or a new Cryer of Lanthorne and Caudle-Lights Printed for John Bujbie 1 6 1 x 1989 . . - Rod for Run-awayes, with the Run-awayes Anfwer, curious front. 1625 '/ / J 99 Englifli Villanies feven feveral Times preft to Death by the Printers, b. /. Printed by M. Par/on s 1638 J 1991 Devil's Cabinet broke open, or a new Difcovery of the Highway Thieves 1658 \j\6 J 99* D ev ^ to P a X at St. James's, or Account of a horrid and bloody Battle between Madam Fauftina and Madam Cuzzoni, &c. 1727 LfU 1993 Dibdin's Mufical Tour Sheffield 1788 ^ f 1994 Dickenfon (]ohn) Arifbas, Euphries amidft his Slumbers, or Cupid's Journey to Hell, b. /, '594 3 6 *995 Diirenter's Sayings in Requital for L'Eftrange Sayings 1681 / 1*996 Donne (John) on Self-homicide, &. 1648 88 d/i/k///. Folio. 3 7,^*997 Donne (John) Letters, portrait bf Lombart 1651 ' ^1998 Doe (Caleb) Birds of a Feather flock togethur // 1999 Dugdale (Gilbert) Difcourfe of the Practices of Elizabeth Caldwall, &c. b. I. 1604 * " ' " Philofophical 1734 2074}- and Letters 1739 2075; no date 2076] * feleft from the Encyclopedy 1772 ^2077 Effex {John) Young Ladies ConducT: 1722 2078 Evans (John) Sketch of the Denominations of the Chriftian World 1801 /^G79 Evremond (St.) Works., 3 vol. 1728 2080] i " ' Miscellaneous Remains 1708 ^2081 > i- Eflayes 1692 2o82jEugenius, or Anecdotes of the Golden Vale 1786 2083 Exmoor Scolding 1775 /J 2084 Fables from Guliftan, or the Bed of Rofes 1774 2085 Fabliaux of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Cen- turies, by M. Le Grand, Vol. I. 1796 2086 Falconer's Account of the Proceedings againft the Perfon who was (hot in Lincalns Inn Garden, (viz.) himfelf 1742 ^ 2087 Family Biography (Piece of) 3 vol. J 799 6 2088 Feltham (John) Englilh Enchiredion Bath 1799 / 2089^ Felton (Henry) on the Claffics 1718 2O9q)Fergufon (Adam) on Civil Society 1768 2091 Ferriar (John) Illuftrations of Sterne 1708 ^3092 Fielding (Henry) Mifcellanies, Vol. I. 1745 / 2093 ,... Works, 8 vol. i;6j / 2094 (Beauties of) 1782 2095) - Examples of Providence in / Murder . - I7 - 2 2O96/Fitzofborne (Sir Thorcas) Letters on feveral Subjects - i- 2097 ------ . Oclavb. 2103 Fool,* vol. - 1748 2104 Force of Prejudice, z vol. . 1799 ioj Forde (Thomas) Panegyrick on King Charles I. |66* 2106 Formey M. Principles of Belles. Lettres Gla/govj 1767 2107 Fortefcue (Dr.) Differtations, Eflays, and Dif- courfes, a vol. - Oxford 1759 2 108 ^Fragments in the Manner of Sterne 1 798 2iO9jFranklin (Benjamin) Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces Works, 2 vol. 2110 - 21 1 1 {Freeholder 21 1 aJFuller (Thomas) Contemplations /2ii3)Galateo, or Treatife of Politenefs ^ 2 ii4Gallick Reports 1739 1660 "774 >737 Gaultier (Abbe) Amufing Converfations 1700 Gaya's Marriage Ceremonies in all the World 1719 Geddes (James) on Competition Gla/go 1798 ^2131 Gildon (Charles) Letters 1694 - / ai \*) no title 3134; ' /oilman, robbed of his Mail 1134 Gilpin (William) Efay on Prints 1781 /A '/% N Mifctllaniet* Oclavo. 93 i3^)Giphantia, or a View of what has patted, is now ( paffing, and what will pafs 1761 2i36)Gleanings, or Colledion of memorable Paflages 1651 2137 Goethe (Barren) Sorrows of Werter, tranflated by William Render 1801 ^ 2138 Goldfmith (Oliver) Mifcellaneous Works, 4 vol. 2139 2140 2141 Eflaye Bee 3 vol. x 2 142) Goodman (].) Winter Evening Conference 1 2143) Good Things, partly fele&ed, partly original 2, 3) /; 2144 Gordon (Thomas) Tra&s, 2 vol. 31451 Three Political Letters '1765 1798 1759 1720 5)1 I Noble Lord /j 1803 1757 to a 1721 1674 1756 1790 2i46jGovernraent of the'Tongue 2i4X/Gray's Inn Journal, 2 vol. 2148 Groves (Riohard) the Afpiring Plebeian 2149 Greaves (John) Mifcellaueoas Works, 2 vol. 737 2150 Gregory'e Comparative View of Man 1766 2151 Grey Ule (Fulk) Maxims 1756 2152 - - 1757 2153 Grey's Love Letters, 2 vol. 1765 Griffiths (Richard) Pofthumous Works, ^ vol. 1770 "' (Mrs.) Eflays to Young Married Wo- men 1782 s 1 5) Grofe (Francis) Olio 1 793 f ^215? -- - Guide to Health 1785 d 2158 Grove's Dialogues - 1761 6 21 59 Grub Street (Memoirs of a Society in) 2 vol. ^2160 Guide to Domeftic Happinefs 2161 Guiglelmo, or the Villa of Abuzzo 2162 Gulliver revived -~ a 163 Gulliver's Travels, 2 vol. 2164 GuITiveriana '793 1798 1786 J73 1 1738 7 QyARTO. Gallienus Redivivus, or Murther will out 169; 2166 Gaul tier (Abbe) Method of making Abridg- ments, 3 parts 1801 2167 Gerardo the unfortunate Spaniard 1622 ai68 Gladwin (Francis) on the Rhetoric Profody and Rhyme of the Perfians Calcutta igoi 2169 Golden Fleece 1616 2170 Grahame (Simion) Anatomic of Humours Ediit. 1609 2171 Grant (James) E/Tays -- '785 8172 Greene (Robert) Tullies Love, b. L 1628 2173 Ghoft Haunting Conic-catch- ers, 8. /. ' 160* 2 ./J. 6 2174 . Metamorphofis, b.l. 1617 / / 2175 Farewell to Follie, b. /. 1617 /^ ^2176 ' " ' Arcadia, or Menaphon 1616 ^ 2177 .--.... Never too Late, b. /. dtfeftiwt 2178 ' ' - -> - , 2 parts, b. /. ^2179 Pandefto, of Triumph of Time in the Hiftory of Doraftus and Faunia, b. I. 1609 2180 Philomela, the Lady Fitzwal- ter's Nightingale, b /. 1592 3 /4 2181 Spanifh Mafquerade, b. L 1589 London 1737 Liverpool, maps arrngton 1773 237 Equity (Treatile of) London 1737 d 2238 Evelyn (John) Difcourfe of Medals, plant 1697 - 2139 Fabian Cronicle, b. I. wants title ^2 7' / f / Loud, printed by John Rejiies, 1542 97 2240 Fidde's (Richard) Life of Cardinal Wolfey, /. /. , portrait Land. 1724 / ^2241 Fofter (Michael) Reports on Crown Law Oxford 1762 / 3242 Foxe(John) Afts and Monuments of the Church, with wood cuts, b> /. 3 vol. 1631-31 6 2243 France (rnoft remarkable Maflacres of) 1598 /d\ 6 2244 - Portraits (60) of the Kings of 6 2245 Fuller (Thomas) Church Hiftory of Britain, plates Loud. 1655 2246 Fumce (Mart.) Hiftory of the troubles of Hunga- rie - Land. 1600 2 2247 Gage (Thomas) New Survey of the Weft Indias Lend. 1648 3 6 2248 Godwyn (Morgan) Annales of England Load. 1630 2249 Godwin (Francis) de Prsefulibus Anglise com- mentarius, Chart, max. cum effigies & fig. Cantab. 1743 / 8250 Gordon (Alex.) Itlneratlum. SeptentrionaJe, or Journey into Scotland, flutes Land. 1727 225 1 Grimefton (Edward) General Hiftory of the No VI / therlands, continued by W. Crok, 1627 Eleventh Day's Sale. ^Lifcellanits. OCTAVO. IOT i UY (Thomas) Copy of the Will of 1725 Halifax (Marquis of) Mifcellaniea 1701 3 /(> 5? . Mif . i'|l 'TSS ^2311 Explanation of feveral of his Prints, 1785, and 3 other relative to Hogarth 231!} llluftrated, by John Ireland, plates, 3 vol, 1798 ^2313 Holland (Sam.) a Romance on Romances 1660 Holloway (W.) Baron of Lauderbrooke 1800 100 \ Home (Har.) Elements of Criticifm, a ^2317 --- , a Novel, 5 vol. / vol 1769 1802 2318 Hope (John) Thoughts in Profe and Verfe 1780 4 4 ^3319 Horn Exalted, or Roome for Cuckolds ^3320 Home's Letters on Infidelity 2321 Howell (James) Letters 6 2322 Howard (G. E.) Works, 3 vol. 2.313 Huet on Romances ^2324 Hughes (John) Letters, 3 vol. 1661 1-784 < 2326 Human Ation (Freedom of) /23Z7 Hume (David) Eflays . 2328 1 i Diflertations .. 2 3 2 9 i Eflays, a vol. 2330 ' Edin. 2331 Humours and Converfatious of the Town, 1782 1672 1783 1788 1791 1787 757 1764 74* 1693 Remarks oil Ditto, 1673. Ammadverfions on Ditto,. 1673 3332 Humouriil / 2334 Hunter (Thomas) on Tacitns 233; Hurd (Rich.) Dialogues ^ (,. 2336 Letter to Mafon, Bowies' Arfwer, 1 766 2337 . Dialogues, 3 vol. 2338 Hutchefon (Fran.) Thoughts on Laughter / 2339 on Beauty and Virtue 2340 Jacobs (Giles) Mirrour 234'. Jackfon (William) Four Ages / 2342 - Letters 2343 James (Thomas) Philofophie of the Stoics 1771 1758 1738 '733 1798 1784 1598 1787 757 (John) Works, 3 vol. (Soame) on Evil - on theChriftian Religion, 1776 and other Pieces by Jenyns, with Anfwers, in 3 vol. 3347 Jenner (Charles) Placid Man, 2 vol. 1773 /2 ^3348 jewifh Spy, ^ vol. 1766 $ 349 Indepenaent Whig, 4 vol. 1753 // 2350 India Courier, 6 vol. / 2351 Infpeftor Mifcellaniei>< Oft a vo. i c i 2352? Intelligencer 1729 8 3?3) " " ' "' " ' - *' /] 3?4 Jones (Mary) Mifcellanies 1750 - (John) Narrative of the Irifh Rebellion- 35 Jocabella - - 16*0 2357 Johnfon (Robert) Eflaies i6ot 2 35 8 - - (Samuel) Rambler, 4 vol. 1751 2359 - _. -- Works, Vol. XIV. 1788 1788 (Life ofj, with Job nfoniana 2361 --- (Anecdotes of), by Mre. Piozzi j' g 1^63; Letters, 2 vol. . 1788 rf 2364 (Beauties of) '787 /'/ 2365 ' .Table Talk 17,98 .* 2366? - Strictures on Gray ij'-Si * 2367JJohnfcmiana, Vol. I. 1793, &c. / 2368 JohnHone (James) the Death Song of Lodbrog 1782 y 2369 - Reverie, or Flight to the Pa- radife of Fools, ^ vol. 1 763 f 6 3 370 Jortia (John) Trads, 2 vol. 1790 / /3 2371 on Authors, 2 vol. 1731, and Re- marks on Ditto, by Samuel Pegge 1731 / 2372) Julian. (Two Orations of the Emperor) *793 / 0> 2 j7 j\Juhius*s Letters 17 70 / 4 ^ 2374 ^- 2 vol. plates 1799 I y 2375 Juniper Lefture, wherein all Women are def- cribed . - 165* / 2376 Keith (Sir W.) Collection of Papers 1740 ^2377 Kellett (Alexander) Selection 1788 // 2 378 Kelley (James) Scoti(h Proverbs 1721 J /?.. a 379 King (William) Original Work*, 3 vol. morocct gilt leaves '779 2 1380 Kotzebue ^Auguftus Von) Efcape 1796 f 2381 Laconics, or new Maxims of State, &c. 1701 / 83.82 Ladies Dictionary - '694 3 2383 Mufeum,//*/// 6 2384 Latrobe (B. H.) Anecdotes of Frederick II. 1788 .-^. _^_?3 8 5 Lavater's Eflays on Phyfiognomy abridged, fjatet ^ / ^aj.86 Lavater's Aphorifms on Man, frwaifpiuS* 1788 ^ ^3387 Lawfon (John) Ledlures on Oratory 4/- 1759 / 2388 Lay Monaftery jy,^ ^2389 Legal 'Recreations ?/d /] / 2 390 Lc Grand's Tales, a vol. _ 1786 ^3391 of the Minftrels ^3392 Leifure Hours Dublin 1760 3393 Leland (John) againft Bolingbroke 1753 / 2 394 ' (Thomas) on Human Eloquence 1765 /| 3395 Letters from an Old Man to a Young Prince, 3 / 2396) Familiar . '.. 1705 ^3397^ of Themiibcles, by Lord Mountmorris, with Original Letters in MS. 179$ /I 398 . by Hughes, 3 vol. f *399 bv Lady Montague, 4 vol. in 2 n*9 / 2400 . ; vol. 1803 y on Sovereign Power, and Liberty of f ( Confcience . 1781 Machiavel's Works, with notes by Farneworth Mac Mahon Candor and Good Nature of En- glifhmen ^ - 1777 - o'n the Depravity of Human Nature V/J 1774 a^ijjMadan's Thelyphthora, a vol. 1780. and An- fwers to Ditto, By Towerr, Haweis, &e. / / /) *5 1 6 MAGAZINES. American Muleum, 12 vol. # *5 l l Annual Regifter, from the Com- mencement 1758 to 1793, and from 1800 to 1804, with a vol. of Index, 43 vol. 4 /35*8 - - - - . - 1790, &c. and Vol. II. of Index Annual Regifter, New, 1780. 1792 / 2520 -- - i -* Afiatic, //. 6 1800. 1801, 1801. s$2i MAGAZINES. Anthologia Hibernica, 4. vol. 1793-4 ^ ^ 2jzz i Vol. I, and / 2523 Anti Jacobin, fundryNos. 3 3524. __ _ Anti Gallican, or the Standard of Britifh Loyalty 1804 Bee, 4 vol. 1733, and fuadry Nos. / ^2525 Beauties of, 2 vol. 1771 Sf 2526 Boyer's Political State, tj vol. // 2527 Britilh 9 vol S 2538 (North) z vol. 1804 Chriftian 7 vol. " Conftitutional Critical Review from the Com- mencement in 1756 to 1788, Vol. XLIL and XLV1II. and fundry Nos. to 1797* fome wanting Dublin Magazine, Vol. I. II. and IV. Edinburgh Review '755 Magazine, 15 vol. and various Numbers Englifli Review from Commence" 10 vol. and fundry Nos. (Every Man's) 4 vol. 1771 European, Vol. I. II. III. IV. fundry Numbers, many Duplicates from the Commence- ment to 1806, plates, 50 vol. uncut General Review 1752, Jd . - 2541 Gentleman's, from the Commence- ment in 1731, to 1806, Vol, I. in Nos. no. z warning, the reft half bound, uncut to 1791, the other hi Nas. January wanting of \ 798, and October, Newmber and December, of 1797 yy 254* ' " " for 1731 and 32, n numbers " ' - Grand Magazine, 2 vol. and fundry numbers ' Hiftorical Regiller, 24 vol. i i i St James's 5 vol. and fundry nos: Intrepid 1784 * . . Kentifli Regiucr> 2 vol. 79f /S* 2548 3 /, 2549 * / 2550 / " 4551 Mifctllantwi'-' Oftavo. MAGAZINES. Literary, 8 nos. . . Journal, 3 vol. London, various nos. from the Commencement in 173* to 1771, with Index from 1732 to 1758 Review, Vol. I. and fun- dry numbers _ Mertury 1780 Mufeuna, a vol. 1770. 1771 1 Magazine of, 2 vol. 1755 various in 4 bundle* 2558 2560 compleat Mafachufct's, * vol. Maty's Review, 9 vol. Mid wSfe, or Old Womans, 3 vol __-__ fundry \ / 7 2562 2563 Nos. __ Monthly, Vol. I. and II. half bound, and fundry Nos. Epitome, fundry Nos. ,, .. Mercury 175$ _ __ Mirror from the Com- 33/0 *5 6 ^ S67 &/J- *5 / // 6 *s6 9 mencement in 1795, to November 1 806, flattt, Odtober 1 806 'wanting fundry Nos. __. Review from the Com- mencement in 1749. t 1789. with Ayfcough't pMteUWtKMV** M V / ~7 ' Z Index, and the enlarged Series up to 1801, and fundry Nos. to 1806, a remarkable fine Stt Mufeum, by Dodfley, 3 vol. 1746 Naval Chronicle, 97 Nos. Parliamentary Regilter, fundry Nos. and vol. XL Xlf. Xlll. XIV. Political Regifter, n vol. in 6, 9 jTt *W 3 357* //j 6 2573 / as^S JT 2576 // 2577 and fundry Nos. . Controverfy, 3 vol. 176* Herald, 3 vol. 1785 ?, 1780 to 1789 -?> 2579 3 , 6 Repcfitory, 3 vol. and fundry Noi. Royal, Vol. I-'. Sentimental, 2 vol. 1773 ' Thef'/Mii, 4 vol and fundry Nos. , Town and Country, 1709 to 178* Univcrfal " Ill 3'/? *j8o MAGAZINES. Weftminfier, 177310 1785, 14 vol. and fundry numbers /if 58i - Weekly Amufements, 8 vol. 1763 / 2 2582 Mainvvaring (Thomas} Legitimacy of Amicia, 1679. Anfwer to Ditto by Sir Peter Ley- cefter, 1673, and Anfwer to Sir Peter, by T.M. i6 7s / / 2 5^3 Malkin (Ben. Heath) Eflays on Civilization 1795 // 2584 Malynes (Gerard de) of the Canker of England's Common Wealth 1601 ^, 258$ Man of Feeling, fronti/piece - 1775 ^ 2586 Man (Philosophical Effay on) 2 vol. in i 1773 2 2587 in the Moon 1804. / 2588 Man (Henry) Mifcellaneous Works 1802 J 3589 Manners, from the French 1751 J 2590 Mandeville (B.) Fable of the Bees, 2 vol. 1733 J\ 6 3 S9 f - Enquiry into the Caufes of the frequent Executions at Tyburn 1725 j* 2591 ' Virgin Unmaflced 1709, 2593 Manners, his laft Legacy to his Son l ^9^ 2594. Marcus Aurelius (the Golden Boke of) morocco, gilt leaver 1 5 5 9 / 2595 Markland (Jer.) Remarks on the Epiftles of Cicero to Brutus 1 745' /f 2596 Marraude (Leonard) Judgment of Human Ac- tions, front, by Cecili 1629 / / a 597^ Mafters (Mary) Familiar Letters 1755 r 2598) Material World. (Effay on the) 1781 / 2599 Mathews (Tobie) Letters, portrait by Gammon 1660 ^ 2600 Maxims and Obfervations, Moral and Phyiical 1788 ^ 2601 Medleys for 1711 3 3602 Meafure for Meafure 1796 . z6o3>Memoir8 of Michael Claney Dublin i-j jo .-z 6O4.C Memoirs of Signior Gaudentia de Lucca 1 737 ^ 260; . Tovomonthouan, z vol, 1763 / f 2606 Ninon de L'Enclos, 2 vol. MS, notes 1761 8607 - Jane Elizabeth Moore, 2 vol. XI / 1 1 z Mt/tettdniti t Octavo. <^*6o8 Memoirs of ihe Marchionefs of Pompadour, 2 vol. 1766 11609 -- Countefs of Dunois 1699 Inveftive agenfte Treafon, bj. /0./J. - i S3 9 Quarto. 1 1 3 ns (Thomas) Mifcellanies, psrtrait 1791 / 264oMoyle (Walter) Works, ^ vol. 1726 / 3641 --- --- 1727 J\ 2642 Mozeen (Thomas) Young Scarron 1752 y ^643 -- Mifcellanies - 1762 2644 Mulfo (Thomas) CalMhuj, or the Man of Falhion - 1768 a 64S Murdock (John) on the Revolutions of Litera- ture 2646)Murray (Lindley) Englifli Reader 1799 y.6\i( Sequel to the Englifh Reader p 1800 16487 1 Introduction to Ditto 1801 * Romances. QUARTO. / 4 2649 Amidis of Gaule^ Firfl and Second Bookes, b. /. defeQive 3 / 2650 Arnalte and Lucenda, entituled, theEvil-intreat- ed Lover, or the Melancholy Knight, tranf- Jated into Englifh Verfe by Leonard Laus- rena " '6j9 ^ 6 2651 Barclay (John) his Argenis, tranflated by Sir Robert Le Grys and Thomas May, 1629. MS. commendatory Nou t txtraSed from tbt Life ofCoviptr * 3652 Camus (J. P.) Admirable Events, tranflated by Du Verger 1639 -/ 2653 Deftrudlion of Troy, in three hooks, b. /. 1680 2654 Gerardo, the Unfortunate Spaniard, tranflated by Leonard Digges 1622 7 /0 2655 Hiftory (moil ancient and famous) of King ARTHUR and his Knights of the ROUND TABLE, fine copy, b- /. '634 2656 . of the famous EVORDANUS Prince of Denmark, with the ftrauge Adventures of lago Prince of Saxonie, b, /. 160? 6. ; // 114 Romance* Quarto. 5? 2657 Hifiory of Don Quichotte, 2 parts, tranflated by Shelton, front. 2658 Lamberjo (Don |uan) b. I. title wanting 2659 Ly]y (John) Kuphues and hia England and Anatomy of Wit, b. I. Imprinted by Caivood 1584 2660 Mandeville (Sir John) Voyages and Travels, ./. luooJcurt, deftfiwr 2661 Myrronr of Knighthood, Second Part of the Firil Booke, b. I. Imprinted fy Tbomat Efte 1585 266z Painter (Will.) PALACE of PLEASURE, t vol. b. I. rujjia^ ptrftBed in MS. by Mr. Job* Hen- derfon Imprinted by Marjbe and Bymteman 1566-7 2663 PALMERIN of ENGLAND, 2 parts, tranflatedjby Act. Munday, fine copy, b. I. 1639 3664 PALMERIN D'OLIVA, tranflated by A. Munday, b. 1. Imprinted by CbarUiueod 1588 See MS. dcccunt of the Tranjlator 2665 Primaleon of Greese, Son of Palmerin D'Oliva, tranflated by A. Munday, b.l, Printed by Thomas Snodbam 1619 //, ^2666 Parifmus Prince of Bohemia, b.l. 1630 '/ 266-> Pilgrime of C?.fteele 1623 y ft 2668 Quarles (Fr.^ Argalus and P&nhenlz.froKti/fieet // . 26^9 Sidney (Sir Philippe) Countefs of Pembroke's Arcadia,/r/? edit, printed for William Pon/an- bie> 1590. See Dr. Farmer') memorandum in MS. extra&tdby. Mr, Retd 2670 Seven Ch-impior.s of Chritiendome, by Richard Johnfon, Part II. fir ft tdit. b. L Primed far Cutbbtrt Burbu 1597 ///267i Thcophani, 16;^. SeeMS.nale j ^2672 1 at.le- Genet 'ogiques des Hcros des Romans, avec uu Catalogue des prinripaux Ouvrjgea en ce Genre Lottdrtt, cbez Edvaordt *673>Robinfon (Perdita) 1 ctters to John King 2674J Rutherford (Thomab) E flay on Virtue Cambridge 1781 Romance** Folio. 1 1 $ // / 4 ^7 Rych (Barnabe) Honeflie of this Age 1615 ' // ^2670 - Alarm to England, b. I. 1578 2677 Irifii Hubbub, or the EngHflX Hue and Crie 1612 5678 Faultes, Faults, and nothing elfe but Faultes 1606 2679 title wanting 2680 - New Defcription of Ireland 1610 2681 - Adventures of SIMONIDES, z parts, B. /. Imprinted by Robert W alley \ 58 r 2682 Sacke of Rootfie by the Emperor Charles 1590 2683 Samfon's Riddle, or A Bunch of Bitter Worm- wood bringing forth fweet Myrrh sj 3684 Schoolemafter, or Teacher of Table Philofophie, j 2685 Scogins' Jefis, full of Witty Mirth, b. L J ^2686 Scott (Thomas )Trafts 1642 268;)Sharp (John) Relation pour la Liturgie Angli- v cuane ct Prufle 1767 2688) Sheffield (John Duke of Buckingham) Works, 2 \Q\. portrait - 1 7^3 ,3689 Silnayn (Alexander) the Orator 1669 's- ^2690 Svfan's Speculum Mundi '639 / 2691 Swedifh Academy, Select Orations, &c. in 1792 J\ 2692 Sweetnam's Arraignment of Lewd Women, b. I. imper/eft f 2693 -- 2694 _.. _ frontifpiece V l6;:z 2695 Taylor (John) Carriers Cofmographie, or Rela- tion oflnnes Ordinaries Kofteries,&c. 1637 y ft 2656 Taets (Elizabeth) relating her miraculous Rtuto- ration, and ftewing how a Monfter was found in the Belly of a Cow, frontijpitce i6za 3697 Thorn pfon( Robert) Marriage of Lady Fitzgerald and Edward Villiers, Efq. J ^77 2698 Tonftali (Cuthbert) in laudem Oratio Matrimo- nii, ixoodcuts Eafil 1519 2699 Tu' rn eur (Cyril) Laugh and Lie Down, or the World's Folly, b. /. 1605 Hi/lory. FOLIO. 2700) Hey I'm (Peter) Hiftory of the Life and Death of C William Archbiwop of Canterbury T London 1*168 2701) Hill (Aaron) Account of the Ottoman Empire, plates 1710 zyoz HOLINSHED (RAFHAELL) Will Harrifon, &c. ^ Chronicles or England, Scotland, and Ire- land, continued to the year i 586, by John Hooker, alias Vowel, b. /. 2 vol. 1587, fine copy, marble leaves / 3703 Horfroan (Gilbert) Precedents IQ Conveyancing, 7. vol. in i Land. \ 768 J ^2704 Howell (James) Hidory of Naples Lend. 1654. 2705 Survey of Venice, portrait ib. 1651 Difcourfe of Kings ib. 1664 2707 London, portrait 1657 ^ 27 o8 . (William) Hiftory of the World, 3 vol. Land. 1 68; _j^li 2 79 Hutching (John) Hiftory of Dorfet, z vol. //<*/ '774 /I" OF THE TWELFTH DAT's SAL1. Sy fc ./Si ipfotMAS " <% ' / / / /,/* / /' / /*i cX/^^;y/*/r/ *s 2836 - -Thoughts 1768 2837 .. Juge de Jean Jaqvies 1780 2838 Royal Miftreffes of France 1695- 2839 Kegifter, a vol. 1788 3. 2840 8vol. 1780 1-^2841 9 vol. 1784 ^2842 Ruddiman (Thomas) Anti Crifis 1754, J 6- *^43 - Cenfure and Examination '753 y 2844 Rutherford (Thomas) Inftitutes of Natural Law, 2 Vol. 1754 6 2845 Salgado (Jacobi) Intiiinate Converfe of Pope and Devil 1681 S 2846 Sancho (Ignatius) Letters, 2 vol. 1781 / ^ -4847 Sayer (John) Account of the Cafe of 1713 / 2848 (L.) Mifcellanies 180; / 2849 Scarron's City Romance 1671 / 2850 - Comical Romance, 2 vol. 1759 / 28ji Schemer, or Univerfal Satirift 1763 285 2^ School of Man . . . 175:3 Scott (James) Fugitive Eflays '779 Scragg's (C. G.) Beauties of Sentiment, 2 vol. * 1802 Seaton (Thomas) Conduft of Servants 1720 Seduftion (Cafe of/ againft the Abbe des Rues for the Rape of 133 Virgins 1726 7/2857 Selden (John) Table Talk 1716 Seymar (William) Con federations on Marriage 1684 R 72* A/i/W/aw/V/. Oftavo. ?86p Shaftefobury {(Anth. Earl of) 3 vol. 1714. 286' Shaw (Peter} the Refleftor 1750 286* Shebbeare (John) Matrimony, 2 vol. 1766 2863 -- 1 Lydia, or Filial Piety, 2 vol. 1769 ( 2864 i.. Letter to the People of EnglancJ / 2865 Sheridan (Mrs.) Works -- 1763' 2866 Skeffington (Sir John) the Heroe of Lorenzo i6;z 2867 Smith {Captain; Court of Venus 1619 / 2868 (Charlotte) Letters of a Solitary Wander- er, 2 vol. 1800 3 ^869 -- (Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments 1761 ^ 6 2870 Smollett (Tobias) Humphry Clinker, 3 vol. 1771 ' J 2871 Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 2872 Bcderic Random, 2 vol. cuts 1748 2 6 2S "3 - - Sir Launcelot Greaves 1763 6 2874 Society for the Promotion of Induftry / 2875 Solyman and Almena 1762 / /0 2 ^7 / Something New, z vol. - i. d ^287-JSonne of the Rogue 1638 287S)Sophy!e ou je la Philofopbie 1798 / sSyoJSouthey (Robert) the Flagellant i-^z y a8o Spanifh Libertines, tranflated by John Stevens 1707 2881 Speftator, Taller, and Guardian, 13 vol. 1 747-57-9 / 2881 -- by Biflet, Vol. II. 1793 ^2883 --- Vol. IX. 1721 2. 2884 . Tatler, and Guarcian (Mottos of) 2 6 a88j - . --- (General Index of ) 1757 / 2886 Speculift (Adventures of) * vol. 178 &itctet, e^c. Quarto. iij Witches, &c. QUARTO. 2887 Witches of Warboyfe, b. 1. defai Sawdie, pofleft with an unclean Spirit, 1604 2906 Hopkins (Matt.) Difcovery of Witches 1647 2907 Botver (Edm.) Docior Lamb Revived, or Witch- craft Condemn 'd in Arne Bodenham 1653 4' 2908 Relation of one John Tonken, of Penfans in Cornwall, faid to be Bewitched, 1686. Ditto of a Young Woman pofleft with the Devil, by name Joyce Dovey, 674 2909 Sadducifmus Debellatus,or Narrative of the Sor- ceries and Witchcrafts exercifed on Mri. Chriftian Shaw '697 2910 Witch at Greenwich fStrange) 1650 2911 Diabolical Praclifes of above 20 Wizards and Witches, of Renfrew in Scotland 1697 / 2912 Mather (Cotton) Tryals of Witches in New- Engfand 1693 { 1913 it. and Increafe, Mather on Kvil Spirits, 1693 // 2914 Withall (Ben.) Deteaion of Public Frauds 1717 /^ 2915 Women (Apologie for) 1609 f 2916 Wonder of Wonders, being a Relation of a Wo- man of 95 years of age who is now quick with Child 1671 / / 3917 Worming of a Mad Dogge, or a Soppe for Cer- beru?, the Taylor of Hell 1617 .*' Qi8 Wybarne (jcf.) New Age of Old Names 1609 / 2919 Young (Dorothy) Tranflations from the French f, ~ b** '770 Hi/lory t Folio. 125 Uijlory. FOLIO. p' agao James I. and Charles I. (Annals of) Z,<7^. 1681 7 &*9 2i Johnftoni (Robert) Hiftoria Return Britannicanum Amft. 1655 i/^' 2922 Irifli Rebellion /Kiftory of) Dublin 1743 A 6*9*3 Kennet (Bafil) Regifter and Chronicle, Ecclefi-, aftical and civil . Land- 1728 //' 3924 King (Edward; Veftiges of Oxford Caftle, plates 1796 7" *9*5 Kippb I Andrew) Biographic ritattnica t 5 vol. //(? '73$ 3956) Stockdale (John) Trial 1790 (Percival) Mifcellanies 1778 2959 Stubbe's Anatomy of Abufes, 2 parts, b. /. '583 2 . ( 2960 Student, or Oxford and Cambridge Mifcellany 1750 I ^2961 /Suicide (Eflays on) 1783 & 2962]; Swift (Jonathan) Works, Vol. II. and XXV. 1762 A 8963 - Mifcellanies, 2 vol. 1727 2 2964 i ' Art ot" Punning 1719 /\ 2965 i Fourlaft Years of Queen Anne 1758 2966 Political Trails, 2 vol. 1738 8967) i Mifcellaneous Pieces '7^9 .3968^ . Supplement, Vol. XXIV. 1776 // 2969 Works, 27 vol. 6tb wanting .766 297o/Taciturna and Jocunda 1760 '\ 97iJTals, 2 vol. 1769 j 297z Tale (Second) of a Tub, or Hiftory of Powell the Showman, frontifpiece '7*5 / 2973 Tafle of the Town : 1731 / ^*974 Tate(N.) Prefent for the Ladies 1693 297 5) Taller, Vol. V. - 17 iz /4 2976) 6 vol. 1 786 A 2977 Taylor ( Henry) Trafts -^-ii. 1772 397^/ (J.) Summary of Duties 1805 2979) ~ (Jer.) Offices of Frien^fhip, portrait l6 57 / / 3980 Teagueland's Jefts, or Bcgg Witticifnis 1690 1/1^2981 Tears of Senfibility - *773 ^ 2982 Temple (VVm. Johufon) Memoirs J 779 /& 2983 - (Sir Win.) Works, 4 vol. 1757 rf 2984 Terras Filius, or Hiilory of Oxford, 2 vol. 1/26 / 2985 Thelwall (Joha) the Peripatetic, 3 vol. 1793 // 6 2986 Theocritus, by Polwhcle, 2 vol. 1792 188 . Oflavo. /' 9^7 Theophraftui, by Enftace Budgell 1714 , 2988/ , the Englilh 1702 agB^J^Theory of Agreeable Senfations 1774. i / 9vQ/' 'he Earth 1685 ' 299iJThickneffc (Mrs.) School for Fafhion, 2 vol. 1800 3992 Thompfon (Hen. Fred.) Intrigues of a Nabob 1770 / 2993 Thoughts on the Times 1 779 ^2994 Toland John) Pant'ieifticon Co/mepoli 1720 ^2995 - " Land. 17$! 2^96 Mifcellaneous Works 1747 // 997 Tooke (John Home/ Letters 1768 x9g8/Tonr of Valentine 1791 *999JTower ( ) Dialogues concerning the Ladies 1785 / 3000 TRACTS, fingle Webb on Education, 1782, and 14 other on th? > r Me fubjetl / 3001 Efl a y on Oriental Learning, 3002 /# 6 3003 ; 3004 3005 1739, and 2 other Moor on the Greek Prepofi- tions, 1766. Webb on the Chinefe Lan- guage, 1787, 2 copies The Scoundrel's Dictionary, ', 7 other 3006 1754, and 7 o:her . Grammatical Eflays, 1768, and Mafon's Eflays on Elocution, 1761. New Guide to Eloquence, 1762, and 7 other Swift's Art of Punning, 1719. Eflay on the Irifh Language, 1782, and 3 other 3007 . Chartonis Bellovacae Oratio, 1551, and 13 other Latin /# 3008 Relation dune Jeone fille Sue- doife, 1711, and 57 other French 3009 ) D'lvernois Etat des Finances, A 1796* and 3 other by the fame 50icJ ^- -- Voltaire la Taftique, 1714, and 7 other by Voltaire . O&a vo. 129 ,. 3011 TRACTS, fingle, Le Bordel ou le Jean foutre Puni, 1730, and 23 other / 30 1 z Hilchofonthe Second Pfalra, 1742, and 26 other j 3'3 Herries on Suicide, 1781, and 31 other 3\ 3 or 4 Adams' Effay on Hume on the Miracles, 1752, and 22 other 2 <^3'5 """ Bateman on Tythes, 1778, and 8 other on Tythes a, 3016 -. Rotherarn on Faith, 1772, and 9 other by Rotheram 4 3017 Watlon's Charge to the Clergy of Landaff, and 1 5 other b^ and againft Wat- fon ^"3018 Direftions for Young Students in Divinity, 1766, and 7 other on the fame ' fobjeft /\4 3 OI 9 "~ Cafe ^ l ^ e Corporation and Teft Afts, 1736, and u other 3oo,/ Fofter's James) Anfwer to / Stebbing, 1737, and 6 other by fame 3021) -~_^_ Weft on the Conversion of Saint Paul, 7747. Difcourfe of the Chriftian Religion, 1747 / ^3 022 Invocations to the Deity. Complaint againft Mr. Fogg, by the Inhabi- tants of Kew Green, and 28 other ^ 3023 Jones's Hiftory of Religious HouCes, 1779, and 34 other / 3024 Brothers' Prophecies, 1 794, and 1 5 other relative to fame ^ 3025 Bowen on the Neceflity of Mo- ral Difcipline in Prifons, 1797, and 27 other ^"3026 Lindf-y's Examination of Ro- binfon's Cambridge Plea, 1789, andgother by and againft Lindfey 6 y>^^ . Rational Account of the Lord's Supper, 1761 and 67 other / 3 028 Cowe's Religious and Philan- , / thropic Trafts, 1797, and 21 o'.her S Oflavo. ^3 02 9 TRACTS, fingle, Trifl Memoirs of Religious Diffenfion, 1791, and 14 other / 3030 Sykes Innocency of Error, I 729, ai.d 16 other / / Berington's Reflections ad- dreffed to John Hawkins, 1785, and a8 other 3032 Patten's Vindication of King David, 1762. and 14 other ^3033 ___ Holwell on Divine Providence 1786, and 28 ether ^3034 Account of the Converfion of Solomon Duitfet, 1771, and Thirty-four other 3035 __ Wefley, Account of John Fletcher, 1786, and 26 other by and relative to Wefley s 33 U provement of Mankind, 1787, and Twenty- one other Writings 17 Kennicn't's Staff nfthf He- 3039 brew Manufcripts, and 5 other, by Same Thirty-three Traftj by and 339 " Relating to Prieftly Kjo^o __ Ditto Relating to Warbur- ton /3Oii (Five) Relative to the Review of the Liturgy 73041* -" Scotch Prefljyterian Elo quence Difplayed, 1738. Rnglffh Ditto 1720 Sharp and Bate of the Hebrew Words Aohim and Berith 1751 - Keeling on the Harmony of the Evangelills, and Fall of Scepticifm l?8| Life of Gilbert Wakefield, 344 1791, and 14 relating to the fame. j?j_j|044*Sermon& fingle (320) Octavo* 13 K 3045 TRACTS, fmgle, Narrative of the Conduct of the Tea Dealers, 1785, and'j other relating to Tea Claridges Rules to Judge the Weather, 1744, and 15 other Mathema- tical and Philofophical ^ 3047 -< Every Man his own Brewer, Laws again ft Ingrofling, &c. 1765, and 17 other '/J\ 34 8 The London Gardener. Eflay on poor Soils, 79,6 and 1 1 other I 41 3049 . . Inftruftions for Collecting Infedls, 1771. Eflay on the above, 1759, and 9 other p 3050 * Real Improvements in Agri- culture, 1772, and 9 other Aguicultural / 35 l Annals of Agriculture, 9- 1 Numbers L? 35 2 ' . ' Mufsum Ruflicum 25 num, bers /> . 3053 Propofals for mending the Road, 1753, and \^ other relative to Draining Canals and Enclofing //" 3S4 ' Higgins on Bleaching, 1799 Juice of the Grape preferable to Water, 1728. Account of the Beech OH Invention, 1716, and 7 other i 3 73059 Rees' on Short Hand, 1798. Wefton's Ditto, and Williamfon's Ditto 1780 */ 3056 Eflay on Hunting, 1733. Book of Sports, 1733. Hiftory of Eclipfes, 1715. Prophecies of Noftradamus, 1715. Plain Dealing Linen Draper, portrait^ 1698, &c. \,A joj7 Anecdotes of Hogarth, cu- rious MS. nottt by Mr Reed and n other ^ 3658 (Twelve) on Corn and the' Corn Trade /2 joj^ " "' (Four) on the Fisheries TraSt Oftavo. 3060 TRACTS, fmgle, State of Trade in th North- ern Counties, ;748, and '13 other relative to Trade 3061 -- (Sixty-two) oft Coin, Money, and Paper Currency (Thirty-five) on Trade Method ot Tanning with- 3062 3063 out Bark, 1729, and 1 6 other 3064. Prefent State of Brewery, 3065 3066 3067 3068 1757, and 3 other on fame Treatife on Coal Mines, 1769, and 14 other relative to Coals (Twenty-eight) on Wool ' < Comparison between French and Italian Mufick, 1709, and 26 other Mufical Obfervations on the Wafie Lands in Great Britain, 1773, and 16 other relative to Provifions 3069 . (Twenty. five) on the Dear- nefs of Provifions 3070 . (Eighteen) Medical by Dr. Hill 3071 Reflections on the Putrefac- tions of Dead Bodies, 175 r( and 28 other ^307* Core of Mary Maillard, and Elizabeth Savage, and 21 other " Greatrak's Account of 3073 3074 375 Strange Cures performed by him, 1723, and soother - (Twelve) on she Plague On the Ufe and abufe of Tobacco, 1710, and 30 other Cadogan, Hurdy. Baker, / 3077 3078 Sec. on the Gout - (Seventeen) on Inoculation., and 5 on the Cow Pock Foot on Difeafed Bladders, 1798, and y other (Fifteen) on Mineral Wa- ters Tracts -QuartoJ 133 TRACTS, fingle, Effence of Malone, 1800, and 30 other Aniiradverfions of Brown's E flay s on the 'Charafterillics, i75.2> and 30 other 3082 Art of Growing Rich, 1796, and 39 other 383 (Eighteen) On Literary Property, and on the Marriage A& Defcriptioiv of Merry Land with the Map. (Economy of Love, Dil- doides Beautiful Adulterefs, and 28 other QPARTO. 6 6 38S Tradts. Vindication of Mr. BrunfheH's Cafe, 1695. Remonftrance to Parliament, Cafe of the Troopers, &c. in i vol. 3086 Political Cathechifaie, 1643. on Trade, ^645. Prynne on the Common Prayer, ar.d 20 other, in i vol. 5087 Gratulatio Acdemia?, Cantab, ad Car. II. 1660. Narrative of the Differences between Mr. Bufby, and Mr. Ithgfhawe, Firft and Second Matters of Weftminfter School, '659, &c. 3188 Peck's Catologue of Difcourfes againft Poperj , temp. ]ac. II. 1735 Atterbury'* Anfwer to Ltfther, 1687, &c. i vol. //\ 3089 ' Rates for Wharfage, &c. at Bridewell Dock, 1676. Orders, Rules, and Ordinan- ces by the Statioaers Company, b, I. log^. Oppreffions of the Market People, 1720, &c. in i vol. 3090 Lall Will and Teftament of that Mon- ftrous Bloudy, Cruel Parliament, May 1648, Declaration of James Earl of Darby, con- cerning his Refolution to keep the Ifle of Man, 1649, ant ' I2 other, in i vol. J / ' 134 TraBt .Quarto. 3091 Trals. Enquiry into the Duke of Condaft, 1712. Satyry on Old Maids, 1714. Count Damma, Cafe, 17-4. and 9 other in i vol. 3092 Trafts, mifcellaneous, viz. Americans no Jews, 1652. Jews in America, or Probabilities that Americans are Jews, and 3 other in one vol. 8093 " Diary of the Siego of Vienna, by Peter, 1684. Expedition in Hungary, 1684, & c * * n ' v0 '- /J 394 Mercuric* Political, i8s Not. Miftrefs Parliament prefented in heir Bed, by MercuriusMelencholicus, 1648. Loyall Convert, Oxford 1643, &c. in one vol. / 6 39f Webb on Difcharg- ing Mr. Wilkes for being the Author of No. 45 North Briton, 1763, &c. in i vol. /I 3096 ' " Du Moulin, Confor- mity of the Discipline and Government of the Independants to that of the Primitive Chriftians, &c. 1680, &c. in i vol. /& 6 397 ' Life of Wm. Fuller, 1692. Treatife of Wool, 1685. Groan) of the Poor, 1696. Advice to the Com- mons, by Bury, 1685, and thirty-three others in i vol. J* & 39^ ' Petition of Lord Fairfax, 1649. Viftory by his Majeftys Fleet in the Mediterranean, 1670. Pre- pofitions, by the Citie of London for Rai- ling a Million of Money, 1642, &c. in i vol. i / 3090 ' i Dr. King's Apo- logy, or Vindication of Himfelf, 1755. Cafirated Letter of Thomas Hanmsr, 1753. and 7 other, Angle traces x 4 3100 Trafts, viz. Relation of the putting to Death one Matter Boys, a Citizen of London, at Red- ding, 1642. Good and True News from Redding, 1643. Manner of EledVmg and / Enftalling the Knights of the Garter, i66i 7V#f. Quarto* 135 Windfor Caftle, a Poem, by Otway, plate, 1685, and feveral others in i vol. 3101 Tradls, viz. The Jefuit's Loyalty, 1677. De- fence of the Rights and Privileges of the Univerfity of Oxford, 1690. Neceffity of regulating the Prfs, Oxford 1699, and Nine other in i vol. 310* " Randolph de Graecae Linguae ftudio, 1782. Journal of William T)owfing, 1786. Jekyll a polit. Eclogue, 1788, &c. 3103 Pieces pour le Chev D'Eon, 1765. Petition of an Englilhman, 1765. See Note ^ 3104 Certain Paffages at Newport, 1690. Oltimixon's Reflexions, 1732, and Four other Shute de Studio Philofophas, 1698, de Theocratia Civili, 1697, &c. Difpenfary, iftedit. Trial of J. Zenger, 1738. Otway's Windfor Caiile, 1685, &c. / / 3106 3136 Mori (Tbomae) Omnia Latini Opera La^ani'i 156, 6 3'37 Moryfoo- (Fynes) Itinerary, containing Ten Years Travrell through Germany, &c. Loud, 1617 j 0138 Moutraye (Aubry dela) Travels, 3 vol. platfs Lond. 1730-2 T . Oflavp. 339 Nalh's Hiftory of Worcefterfliire, platet 34 Ncve (J ohn L*) *V f ' ^'A* totf""** -* Z,o53 '"' AfgyrsTrafl8(i4) 6 6 3 54 (38; Critical Tradts / ' 3 ! 5S "~~~ ~" ^ cnric k on the Marriage Contrafy 'A / ' l?75 and '3 otn ? f " * * . -Oclavo. jg3'77 Trafts, viz. The Trade to India critically arid calmly confidered, 1720, and 25 other Ditto j> 3178 England and Eaft India inconfiflent in their Manufaclures, 1697, and 43 other Ditto > 5179 Thoughts on the Govern rtientpf the Bfitilh Territorial Pofleffions in the Eaft In. dies, 1780* and 35 other Ditto 3180 T 3 Treatife on the Monfoons in InVlia, by Captain Thomas Forrett, 1783. Accoifnt of the Company of Mifliflipi, 1720. Journal 6f William Daniel to Surat, 1702, and five other 3181 r -v The National Mirror, or Eflays on. , the aft,Ind.ia Company, i 771-. Vinaication of John Braddyll, 174^ X, v cmfiderations on Eait Indfa. Trade, 1701, in 3 voi. 3182 Eflay on 'Eaft India Trade, 1696. England and Ealt liadia incortfitteht in Ma- nutaclures, 169^, and "4. qther, in 2 vol. 3183 - '(id relative to Eaft India, 175010 70, in ore vol. The True. Alarm, 177x3. Memoirs of the Revolution ih 'Bengal, 1 75^7. By Dr. John Campbell, 176^. Scrttftoh on the Government of Indollan, 1763, 2 vol. / 3185 Narrative ot the Mutiny of the Officers in the Army at Bungar, by Strachey, 1-73. Cafe of Sir Robert Fletcher. Me- moirs of the Revolution in Bengal, 1764. Narrative of Mahrattah State, 178., in 2 vol. /0\ ^3 | 86 i , Narrative of the Suftcrings of James Briftow,- 1795. Ditto of the Treatment ot" the English at Bedmcre, 'l>y Captain oakes, 1785. Additions to Ditto. Scrafton on the Government of Indoftan, 1770. Sketches of the Mythology, ifec. of the Hindoos, by George Forfier, 17*5, in two vol. f' 3*^7 -- Short Hiltory of Barbadoes, 1768. Remarks on Ditto. HSftorical Account of the Virgin Iflands, by Suckling, 1780. Hif- tory of Tobago, and 7 other on the Weft Indies . O&avo. 141 *[ 3188 Trafts, fingle. Raynal on' the Revolution of Ame- rica, 1781. Hiftory tff the Infurreftions in Maffachufets, by Minot, Cj$6, and 8 relative to America j, ^3189 Memorial- addrefled to the Sovereigns of America, by Pownall, 1783, and 45 cela live to Ditto / 3150 -- Prefent State of Maryland, 1-787. . Account of the'Provinees of South-Carolina and Georgia, 1733. Difcovery of a large Country in the North America. New Voyage to Georgia, 1737, "and '7 other relative to Ditto Montefiore's Account of trie Ex- pedititfn to Bulam, 1794. Confiderationa on the Trade to Africa, 1 771 s- $19* -- 09) on t^ 6 Slave Trade, by Ram- fey, Loid Sheffield, &c. j 3193 - -- - Stri^tnres and Remarks on the Me- moirs of Baron de Tbtt, 1786, and 13 other / / 3 '94- ...... Voltaire on the Age of Lewis XIV, 1739. Hiftory of the War, 1756. The White Bull, 1774. Hiftoire de Chas. XII. ^32. / 3195 _ - Hiftorical Remarks and Anecdates on the Baftile, i784 and 3 other ^ - ' - ' S' r William Fitzherbert's Short Inquiry into the Nature of the Titles con- ferred at Portfmouth and in the Camps by his Majefty in 1773, 24 copiee. The whole Impreffion except this destroyed 3 6 3*97 ~ i> *^ Smith on the Laws relative to Debtors and Felons, 1777, and 12 other /-. j^g Depofuions taken -t}n the Body -of Duke of Hamilton, 1712. Doe! between Duke of Hamilton and 'Lord Mohun. i De- fence of Mr, Macartney, 1712 The Tocfin"-of" Social Life, by Stewart, 1803, an J 15 other 3200 i Hiftory of the Egyptians, 1730. Ditto of Nadir Cha, 1741, and 13 other mi. - - Memoirs of John Duke of Melfort, 1 7 I 4 Curious Fa4t8 and Aneedotes not . Oftavo. contained in the Memoirs of Philip Thielc- nefle, portrait, 1790, and 10 other Tracls, fmgle. Fears of the Pretender turned into Fears of Debauchery, 1715, and 6 other re- lative to the Pretender 6 3 20 3 ~ w ft on the Origin and Manner of creating Peers, 1782, and 6 other ^3304 i Inquiry into the Bloody Execution at Thorn, by Sir Richard Cocks, 1747, and 7 other 3205 Cafe of Mrs. Frances Shaftoe, 1745. Ditto of Mary Edwards, 1763, and 4 other 3206 Relation of the River Nile, 1791. Dix on the conftrucling and copying all kinds of Geographical Maps. Houftoun's Obfervations on the Coaft of Guinea, 1725 - - (4) by Dr. Francklin. Narrative of the Sufferings and Efcape of Charles Jackfon, 17%, and 4 other Le Neve's Difinterment of Milton's Coffin, 1790, and 3 relative to Mrs. Gun- ning 3209 Narrative of the Reduction of Ma- nilla. Defcription of Pyrmont, 1788, and z other 3410 Critical Hiftory of the Lord Trea- furers of England, 1713, and 5 other 3211 . Uteful Inliruftions for Travellers, 1793, an d 9 other 3212 Hiftorical Account of the Order of the Bath, 1715. Beauties of England, 1776* and 7 other 3213 ( Cafe of the Genoefe, and two other V relative to Genoa 3*i4y Paris in Miniature, 1782, and four other ^3215 Du Halde's Defcription of China, 1740. Travels through Flanders, &c. and 9 other 3116 Hillory of Mennthia, 1715. Ac- count of the Siege of Gibraltar, 1718, and 4 other . Treats. Oflavoi 143 , ^ 3117 Trafts, fingle. Collection of Welfli Travels Sur- vey ot Roman Antiquities, 1726. Defcrip- tion of Towns and Villages, 1782 / / S* 1 ^ ' " Difcoorfe on Witchcraft, 1736. Laird of Cool's Ghoft, 1786. Witch of Walkerne, 1712, and 3 other 3219 Brief Character of the Low Coun- tries 1671 32x0 n Ruffian Catechifm, Elogium of Peter the Great, 1728, and 6 other relative to Ruffia 3221 i . . Hurd's Letters on Romance, 1762, and 6 other 3222 Defcription of the Ifland of Ma- deira, 1783, and 8 other Animadverfions upon Sir Richard ,> Baker's Chronicle, 1672, and 6 other '-- 6 3* 2 4 Myftery of the Good Old Caufe, 1660, and 4 other /, 3225 Succint Chronology of the Aftions and Exploits, Battles, Sieges, &c. 1657. Rela- tion of Rome, 1664, and 4 other /'/ 3*26 ' Fletcher's Account of the Stoppage of the River Severn, 1773. View of Paris, 1701, and 4 other / 32*7 Footfteps'of Blood, or the March of the Republicans, 1803. Horrid Cruelties of the Indians, 1763, and 3 other -, 3228 i Hiftory of the College at Doway. 1713. Account of the Death of Tom Twig, 1710. Phaeton Entertainment, and two other 2 3229 ' Eflay towards the Hiftory of the princi- pal Comets in 1 742, and 16 other 3230 Whimfical Hiftory of the Iron Age, i 727. St< ry of Elizabeth Canning, 1753. Can- ning's Magazine, 1753. Footman's Friendly Advice 3231 Sir R. Manningham's Diary concerning Mary Toft, 1726. Account of a >torm of Thunder and Lightning, 1711. Learned Diflertation on Dumpling, Sic. 323* Remarks on the Voyage in Search of a North- Weft Paifage, 1780, and 6 other 144 Trafls. Ef&y on Bleaching, 1799, and 4 ether 3234. Pliipp's journal ol a Voyage to the North Pole 1774. Jour.nal of the Duke of Cumberland. Captaift Robett Ofborne, 1750. John Taylor's lafl Voyage, intptffeS. Pre- fervatkm of a GenJeinaa from Shipwrack. coraiog from Alton a $ 3*35 - Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins' Voyage to the South, Seas, by Campbell, 1747 '/ 236 Phipps' Journal of a Voyage to the North Pole, 1774. Greathead's Life- Boa . portrait, 1604. Smeatouon Hexhajn Bridge. The Unfortunate, or Vo^-age, &c. of WiHiarjn Morales, 1743. 3257 mi m i Matthew's moft gkrious Star, or Charlqs Waine, with nubole length portrait , and print of bii giving thatks to God? May 29, Bafkfdale's Memorials of Worthy Perfons ~> Reafons for fTfppreffing May-Fair, 1709. Cruel Son, or the Unhappy Mothec, 1707. Tyburn's Worthies > and 3 other 32 j0 Borthwick oa Brittfli Antiqaitlas, 1776. Rigge on Regiftering Wills, &c. 778. En* quiry into the enormous luaeafe of- Attos- niea, 178;, and 9 other ^240 Trial of Humphrey Finnimore, 1779. Ditto of Qeorge Harrington , and 4 other 3241 * of Henry Stan ton, 1816. Trial of Mr. Sav ill, 1800, and 5 other Trials ^3242 : between J.-G. Biker and M. Morley, 1741. Trial ot Branfon for an At- tempt to comniitt hodomy, 1760. Tryals, &c. of John Shepherd, 17^6, and 6 other / t 3243 >' - ofKatherine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie, 1765. Ditto of John Parry, 1754. Ditto of Charles Speckman, 1763. Dittp of Elizabeth Browiirigg, 1767, Ditto of Lord George Savkville 1760 9 / 3244 ' ' of Jofeph Gerrald for Sedition, Edin. 1794. Thonjes Fyfhc Palmct, 1792. , . // . Thomas Muir and Wm. Skir?ing 1 794 .^ J45 / 3-245 Trails, Trial of Mauritius Vale, 1736, and 10 other 5246 i Charles Drew, 1740, and 21 other for Murder ^ 3247 . . . Eugene Aram, 1759, and 17 other ^ 3248 . Thomas Smith and John Ken- nedy, 1787, and 19 other A 6 3249 William Patrick, 1740, and 15 other ^3250 Traite des 3 Impolleurs, imperfcfl '^3251 Travels of the Imagination 1773 3252) Treaties (Collection of) Vol. II. 1 77^ 6 325 jJTrencbard (John) Eflays 1755 /, /, 3254 Trials (Seleftj 2 vol. 174* j^ 3255 between Sir William Manners and Lord A. Fitzroy, for Crim. Con. 1742. Cafe of Mrs. Weld, 1734. Trial of Captain G. 1757 /, 3256 Triumphant Lady, or the Crowned Innocence 1656 3 S 2 57 Triumvirate, or Memoirs of A. B. and C. ? vol. 1764 / 3258 Trublet (Abbe) Effays 1744 / 3 2 J9 Tryon (Thomas) Letters 1700 3160 Tunftall (James) Observations on the Epiftles of Cicero and Brutus " > '744 f ^"3* 01 Turkifli Spy, 8 vol. in 4 1718 /, 3262 Tytler {Eflay on) Tranilation 379* / 3263 Valour (a Moral Treatife on) '694 / 3264 Variety, a Collection of Mays 1*788 3165? Vere (James) on the Caufe of Reftleflhess in Man / 1778 3166) Vertot's Mifcellanies, by J Henley 1723 / ^3267 Veron (John) of Predeftination, i>. /. *SS7 ^3268 Vidim 1800 / /3z69 Vilions and Prophecies concerning England 1661 ^3270 ofQuevedo // 75271 Vives (Lodov.) Office and Duetie of an Huf. band, by J. Payuell, b. I. 4 ^'3272 Voltaire, Candid . 1759 x . 3273 VDlgar Errors , TT *, 6 U f // 1 46 Mifctllanlei.. > 1759 6, 3280 Walpoliana, 2 vol. 3281 Wandesforde (Chrift.) Book of Inftruftions 1777 3282 War burton, and a Warburtonian (Traces by) 1789 j 3283 i Apology for Sir R. Sutton 1733 3284 Waid (John) Syftem of Oratory, 2 vol. 1759 ^3285 ~. (Edw.) Hiftory of Clubs J ?09 3286 Mifcellaneous Writings, 5 vol. '73* 3287 Wafe (Chriftopher) on Free Schools 1678 QUARTO. 388 Trial of the Ladies Hyde Park, May-Day, or the Yellow Books Partner 1655 // J 3189 Triumphs over Death - - - 1595 // 3290 Varchi (Benedetto; Blazon of Jealoufie 1615 ^ 3291 Univerfal Chronicle, or Weekly Chronicle '759 3291 Ufe and Cuftom (Trcatife of) 1638 ^ 3293 Walpole (Horatio Earl of Orford) Works, 5 vi 1 plates . 1797 3294 Wandering Jew telling Fortune to Englifhmen, frontifpitct 6 3*95 Wild Irifh Captain, or Villany Difplayed " 169* , f 3296 Weftminfter Election {Hiltory of) plattt by Rotu- 3x^7 Wing (John) Crowne Conjugal 1725 Eg lifo and Foreign Hiflory^ ^. Quarto. 147 Englifh and Foreign Hijiory, Voyages, and Travels. * QUARTO. 3298 Acofta (Jofeph) Hiftorie of the Eaft and Weft Indies, ruffla . 1604. 3299 Anderfon (./Eneas) Journal of the Forces in Egypt, plate* 2801 3300 Andrews (James Petit) Hiftory of Great Britaia 2 Vol. 1794 3301 Androwes (Lancelot) Apologie for Jurifdiftion Ecclefiaftical 3302 Antiquarian Repertofy, 4 vol. in 2, with plates 9 in boar Jt 1775 3303 Anftis (John) on the Knighthood of the Bath 1725 3304 Ami Duello, or a Treatife on Single Combat, tuitb plate, tbe portrait of Guiye of Warwick 3305 Ajiti- Spaniard, b.i. 1590 3306 Appian's Hiftorie of the Romane Warres, b. /. by Bynniman 1578 4 3307 Ariftotle on Government, by Ellis 1 776 / 3308 Afhley (Robert) Cochin-China 1633 / / 339 Bacon (Sir Fran.) Letters 170* / 3310 Bale's Pageant of Popes, Englifhed by Studley, b. 1. 1574 / 3311 Ballard (Geo.) Memoirs of Ladies Oxford 175* Barriffe (Wm.) Millitary Difcipliae, portrait ^33*3 Barrington (Daines) Obfervations on the Sta tutes 1775 '3314 - Mifcellanies, portrait -781 33*5 B a ttels -'Famous) collected and improved by Bia- neman, b. I. 3316 Battely (Joan.) Antiquitates Rutupins^. Ox>*. 1745 33 ! 7 Beatfon (Alex,) on the War with T-ppooSul- taun, cult . i 1 8eo 148 Englijb and Foreign Uijiory, &c. Quarto. 33*8 33*5 33*6 3327 Bede's Hiftory of the Church of Englande, mo* re. cedency Edin. 1680 334$)- Works, portrait ib. 1716 '/A - 3346 * '~ (George) Lives and Characters of the Scots Writers, 3 vol. ib. 1708 //' rf 3347 Madox (Thomas) Baronia Anglica, Hiftory of Land. Honours and Baronies, vignettes^ elegant inruffia - Land. 1741 if /2. 6 3348 Maidand (William) Hiftory of London, with Continuation, 3 vol. plates, fine copy & 1772 2 6 3549 Mannucius (Paulli) Antiquitatum Romanarum, portrait and front if piece \ Brononieg 1585 /j 3350 Markham (Francis) Booke of Honour Loud, 1625 / 3351 Martyn (William) Hiftorie of Twenty Kings of England * ib. 1615 2 3352 Mayo (Charles) Chronological Hiftory of the European States Bath 1793 / 3353 Mexio (Pedro) Treafurie of Aaucient and Mo- ddrne Times, 2 vol. Lend. 1613 /j fa 3354 Middlefex Antiqaities of 2d part ib. 1706 / / 33.SS MiJlea (Tho. Catalogue of Honor, plates ib. OF THE FIFTEENTH DAY'S S/A Sixteenth Day's Sale. Mifcellanies. OCTAVO. LOT 3356 -KTTATERHOUS (Edw.) Gentleman's Morri- vr tor, portrait 1665 ^ 3357 ^ a X to Promotion, or the Young Man's Guide i68z 3358 Webb (Daniel) Works .. 1761 3359 ' SeledUons from Pauw 1795 ^3360 ------- 1789 ^3361 Weftern Mail - - 180 1 336* Whimzies, or a New Caft of Characters 1631 * 3364Whyte (S.) Mifcellany . 1799 2- 3365 Widow of the Wood - 1755 / 3366 Wieland Socrates out of his Series, a yol. 1771 ^336? Dialogues - 1775 / / SS^S Wilkes ( John) Speeches, with his Autograph 1786 / 3369 - - -- 1777 :2 337O ---- Controverfial Letters 1771 337 1 *~* ~"' Papers and Letters, 1769, and j other Trafts relating to North Briton, a vol. 176$ 3373 ' - - - 3 vo< " t /3374^ ---- - 1769 / 3370 - ' Speeches ^ 1777 f/j^ory, Engifo and Foreign, fcfr. Oftavo; 151 / /3577 Wilkins (Charles) Fables 1787 5378 Williams (Sir C. Hanbury) Trafts 179? C /S379 w 'H n (Tho.) Difcourfe upon Ufurye, by R, Tottel, b. I. 1571 /j 3380 Wit and Morals (Confiderations on) 178!* ^ 3 j8i Wits of France and Italy 167? ^3382 Witchcraft, the Devill of Mafcou 1658 3383 - i. Brinley of thelmpoftures of Witches 1680 ^3384 Difcourfe on Witches 178$ 1 ^3385 of Bugbears, no title 1610 330.3 Gaule's Cafes of Confcience oa Witches j 640 /S393 Hutchinfon on, 1718 's ** / * T^T 11 rt i *H i T *C 11*1 Blow at Modern Saddacifrn 1668 ( f 3387 Wagftaffe the Queftioti of Witch- craft - 1 67 1 / 3j88 Glanvill on Witches 1716 33^9 "~" Worlde poffefled with Devil--, z parts * 1585 3390 Narrative of the Sufferings of a Young Girle molefted by Evil Spirits 1698 ^ 33Q i Perkins Difcourfe of Witchcraft / /S394 Wollafton (George) Life of a Pilgrim 7j 3395 Woman's Worth / ^3396 World, 4 vol. 1782 3397 Wotton (William) on Ancient and Modern Learning 1697 j ^3398 Xenophon's Memoirs of Socrates 176* / 6 3399 Yorke (Hen. Redhead) Elements of Civil Know- ledge ' . 1 800 ^ 3400 Zimmerman on Solitude 1791 Hijlory, Englijb and Foreign. Voyages and Travels. OCTAVO, * 3401 Abbot (Geo.) Defcription of the Whole World 1636 Acls of Parliament relative to the the Colonies I 15* Hijltry, Engitjb and foreign, fcrfr. ^3403 Adarr.s (John) Hittory of Great Britain, map 1803 3404 )Adcrefles (Collection of; to the King 17601070 o v- 3fO5jAdolphus's Biographical Memoirs of the French Revolution, ^ vol. J 799 3406 ./Elian (his various Hiftory) 1665 / 3407 Africa (Short Account of) Philadelphia 1768 / 3408 (Proceedings of the Aflbciation for) 1791 / 3409 Algarotti's Letters, 2 vol. ' 1769 / 3410 Alien Priories, 2 vol. *779 34 1 1 jAlley (Jerom.) on the Government, &c. of Great / [ Britain - Dublin 1791 341 *JAllifon (Thomas) Account of Voyage from Arch- angel in Ruflia _______ 1699 3 34*3 Amboyna (Proceedings againft the Englifli at) 1651 3 <<3414 Ambulator, or Pocket Companion round Lon- don, luitb map 1794 / / 34 ! 5 America (an exact Defcription of) ^5^ ^3416 (Conftitutions of) Philadelphia 1781 / 3417 Anderfon (James) Hiftorical Sflay on the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland Edin. 1701 / /34iS Andrews (Jameb Pettit) Hiftory of Great Britain "* 2 vol. ^34*9 Anecdotes, Antient and 1789 Modern, portrait (John) Letters to a Gentleman on his fetting; out for France '784 3431 Anecdotes ofthelail IB Years of J. J. Rouflean 1798 Emperor Jofeph II. 1777 Peter the Great Dublin 1789 3424 . Henry IV of France 1787 3425 Angeloni (Batilia) Letters on the Englifh Nation, ^3426 Anglcfey (Arthur Earl of) Piivileges of the Lords and Commons 1702 / t 3418 Annals of Europe, 1739 to 1743, 6 vol. ^ 3^19 . King George 1. 6 vol. . -;. il>. 1740 ,-, Englijb and Portion, sfc. Oftavo. 15^ /343 Anfon (George) Voyage round the World, by Rich ml Walter, plates 1761 ^3431) Anfwer to a Book written by W. Petit 1680-81 3432) Anftis (John) Curia MiJitaris, or a Tieatife of the Court of Chivalry - 170:1 ^3433 Apfley (Lord) Theory of Evidence 1761 3434 ArchdaU (Mervyn) Peerage of iie and, 7 vol. 1789 3435 (Arlington (Earl of) Letters 1701 343 6/ Vol. II. '/*. 3437) 3438] Armi of all the Englifti Baronets, arms '757 / 3439 Armstrong 'John) Survey of the Great Pod Road between London and Dover 1777 / ^344 i Hiftory of the Ifhnd of Mi- norca, platet 1752 3 ^3441 Army Lift / 3442 Afhby and White, or Whether an Action lies at Common Law for an Ekclor who is deny'd his Vote -" '. 1705 /J443 Aflicaip (Ant.) Difcourfe of what is particularly lawful during the Confufions and Revolutions of Government i^l'l /3444 Aflimole (Elias) Hiftory of the Moft Noble Or- der of the Garter, plates 17/6 *445 Afiatic Mifcelianies, 3 vol. 1792 ^3446 Refearches, Vol. V. VI. and VII. 1799-1803 3447yAtwood (Thomas) Hiftory and Reafons of the / ( Dependency of Ireland upon ihe Imperial ( Crown 1698 344y' LI -" - Hiftory of the liland of Do- minica '79 r 3449 Ayfcough (G. Edw.) Letter from an Officer in the Guards to hh Friend in lin^land. f ' de Note 1778 345O> Babington (Zachary; Advice to Grand Juiors in ^ Caie of Blood 1677 345 ij Bacon (Francis Lord) Felicity of Queen Elizi- beth and her Times ibsi 1/3452 Law Traces 1741 54 Hiftory, Euglijh and Fortigit 6 3453 -. Oftav*, (Robert) Letters and Journals, z vol. 1775 Balcarras (Earl of) Account of the Affairs of Scotland 1714. 3456 Bale (John) Aflsof the Englyfte Votariei, b. /. Imprinted at London by Jbon T if dale /' 3457 7 ^3459 Brefe Chronycle of Syr Johan Olde- caftell, the Lord Cobhnm 1729 Antiquities of Conftantittople, plain 1729 3460 Baltimore (Lord Frederic) Tour to the Eaft 1767 3461 Baratti (Giacomo) late Travels 1670 3462 Barclay (Robert) Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Wrie, formerly of Mathers Aberdet* 1740 3463 Baretti (Jofcph) Accounts of the Manners and Cuftcms of Italy, 2 vol. I 79 ^ 3464 * Journey from London to Genoa, 4 vol. Barlow (Joel) Advice to the Privileged Orders / 6 '793 346; > )Baronetage of England, 3 vol. 1769 3 6 34^ Barnard (John) Account of the Strange Adven- tures of Phi'ip Afliton 1726 3469 \Barruel (Abbe) Memoirs of Jacobinifm, Parti V. \ Vol. IV. 1798 3470)Bartram (John) Travels from Penfylvania 1751 34 7 1 /Bath (New) Guide 1784 4472/Baudier (Michael) Hiftory of Margaret of Aojoa '737 3473 Bearcroft (Philip) Hiftorical Account of Thoi. Sutton, Efq. and his Foundation of Charter. Houfe 1737 ' 3474 Beatfon (Robert) Political Index, 2 vol. 1788 3475)Beaufoy (Henry) Speech, a8th March 1787 1787 1764 3470) Beauties of England Jjiftory t Englijb aaJ Foreign, &. O&avo. 1*55! x 5477 Beauties of England and Wales, 2 vol. plattt i8or ^ 3478 . . Wiltmire, 2 vol. plates 1801 3479 Beckford (William) Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters 1780 3480 Bedford Level (Petition to the Houfe of Com- monson) 1777 3481 Beeckman (Daniel) Voyage to the Ifland of Borneo 1718 3482 Beeke (H.) on the Income Tax 1800 6 3483 Betagh (William) Voyage round the World 17x8 $484 Belleifle (Duke of) Political Teffament 1762 / 348)Bellendenus' Remarks on the New Edition 1787 * 3486; Tranflation of the Preface 1788 / 3487 Bernard (Governor) Letetrs on America 1774 6 3488 Bernier (F.) Hiftory of the Empire of the Great Mogul, 4 parts compkat 1676 3489 Bertram (Carolusj Britannicarum Gentium Hif toriae Antique Scriptores tres Hauni- ch (Thomas) View of the Negotiations be- tween England and France i?49 3501) Inquiry into the Share King ' Charles I. had in the Earl of Glamorgan's / t Tranfaclions ~ ; 1*7,56 i $6 7/^rjr. Qaarto. 4^3502 Bifiet (William) Modern Fanatick ^3503 Hlackllone (Sir W.) (Appendix to) Commen- taries Amtriea 1771 ^3504. Blake (Sir Francis) Political Trails '795 3505 Blenheim (Guide to) plant 1789 3506 Blome (Richard) Description of the Ifland of Jamaica, pr-r'rait > 1678 357 Bocage (Madame du) Letters concerning Eng- land,, z vol. 1771 ^ 3508 Bodly (Sir Thomas) Genuine Remains 1703 747 QIJARTO. / 3516 Bouquet (Henry) Account of tht Expedition? againft the Ohio Indians, plates 1766 / / 3517 Bower (Archibald) Hiftory of the Popes, 7 vol. 3518 Brand (John) Hiftory of Newcaftle upon Tyne, 2 vol. flata *!%<) 3519 Brewfter (Samuel) Colleflanea Ecclefiaftka 1751 4 35,42 Campion (Edward) Conference with A. Nowell and William Dacie, b. 1. $583 6 3543 Canterbury (Survey and Demand tor Delapiua- tions in the See of) *7 7 j / 354* Capper (James) on the Paflage to India 1783 "" /3S4S Canal (intended) from the Tent to the Merfcy, plaits 6 3,547 Carew s Richard) Survey of Cornwall 1769 // 3S4^ Carleton (George) thankful Rerneirtbrance of I God's Mercy, front, by C. Pa/s 1624 3549 Carftares (William) State Papers Edin. 1774 3550 Cartwright (J.; Preacher's Travels 1611 ?./:- ' Vt tat Charles (Prince) Arrival at Madrid, and Joyful? Returne < ... i6aj (King) the Firft no Man of Blood 1649 3553 - Defended by Holling- worth, 1692. Ludlow's Letter to Ditto, 1692, and 9 other fingle Trafts on the fame S /^3554 Charleton (Walter) Stone-Henge, platt 166$ 35 SS Charmilly, Refutation of Edwards Survey of St. Domingo 1797 /j 3556 Checke (Sir John) True Subjecl to the Rebel 1641 35; 7 Chefliire (Sketch for a new Hiftory of) plttt 1771 Chichele (Hen.) Vita Oxoti. 1617 3559 Clarendon's HiRory of King Charles II. 2 vol. V 3560 Clarke (Edward) Letters on the Spanifh Nation 1763- ^3561 Cplynet (Ant.) Civill Warres of France, b. /. 2-- ^356* Confett (Mathew) Tour through Sweden, cut* 1789- ^ ^3563 Confpiracie by Hocket, Coppinger and Arthing- j* . 3564 Cook and King's Lad Voyage to the So Seas 3 vo\.fi r jl tdit. 1784 f 35 6 5 3 vol. with Atlas vol. o f platti, frft and very fine impnjpont 1784 // 35^6 (J^n) Account of the Earl of Sandwich's Voyage round the Mediterranean, plattt 1799 (Sir John) Proceedings Relative to 749/ _^: 30. /. 3568)Cooper (Thomas) Epitome of Chronicles, I. /. ^3569 England Admonition to the People of 59 ) V FOLIO. / 357 Philoftratus Concerning the Life of Appollonius Tyvaneus, by Charles Blount Lend 1609 j\4\ .3571 Playfair (James) Syftem of Chronology , plattt Edinburgh 17*4 /Jr .357* Plowden (Edmund) Repot ts, portrait Land. 1761 /2, 573 Plutarch's Lives, by Thomas No th Land. 778$ /^ / - 3574- Pococke (Richard) Defcription ofjthe Eaft, z vol. in 3, plates, half^baund^ uncut Land. ^ /^3575 Po^whele ^Richard) "Hiftory of Devonlhire . f Lind 1797 / 357^ Polano (Pretro Soave) Hiftory of the Council of Trent, by N. Brent 1640 A 2577 Pfy " 6 (William) 4th part of the Inrtitutes of the Lawes of England Land. 1669 \/A 35 7 8 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Hiftory of the World 1014 // 3579 R^ph (James) Hiftory of England, 2 vol. 3580 Rapin (de Thoyros) Hiftory of England, by Tzn- dal, z vol. beads - . \ 731 | ^ 3581 Rallall (William) Statues, b I. printed by Ear her, Lottd. ^3582 Reports from Committees of the Houfe of Com- mons, 2 Vol. ^ 3583 Reynold's (John) Triumphs of God's Revenge againft Murder - -635 y 3584 Roe (Sir Thomas) Negociations Loud. 1740 SND OF THE SIXTEENTH DAY'S 8ALF. Seventeenth Day's Sale. Hi/lory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT \*\ 3 / 3585 JoOLTON (Solomon) Peerage of England 3586 Book of Oaths ^3587 Booth (Nath.) God and the King 38g Bos (Lambert) Antiquities oi Greece /6 1769 1689 '77* 3590 Bofman (William) Defcription of the Coaft of Guinea, cuti 1721 3591 Bofwell 'J a mesJ Britiih Effays in Favour of the 3592 Account of CorLca, portrait 1769 3593 ' ' " Journal to the Hebrides, 1785, nvttt by J, Rted *nd psrira it 3594 Bouille (MarqurS) Memoris of the French Revo- lution 1 797 i,' 195/Boulter (Hugh) Letters / 1770 3590v'Boorget (John) hiftory of the Abbey of Bee '779 3597 Bowrrit (T.) Relation of a Journey to the Gla- ciers 1~ Norwich 1775 g5gSyBowdler (Thomas) Letters written in Hollar -1 5788 3599yBowIes (John) Reflections on the Political and Moral State of Society . 1 800 Hiftwj Otfavo. 161 36oo Boyde (Henry) Voyages to Barbary, mapi 1736 j / 3601 Boyfe (Sam.) Review of the Tranfaftions of Eu- rope, 2 Vol. 1747 * 3602 Bradclon (Laur.) on the Partiality of Burnet's Hiftory - i7z$ ^3603 . - Propofal for Relieving the Poor 1722 3604 Brathwaite(CapO Hiftory of the Revolutions of the Empire of Morocco 1729 3605 -------- large paper, elegant in mo rocco 1729 ^3606 Bramh;*II (John) the Confecraiion of Proteftant Bimops 1644 f. A /" 3607 Brand (John) Observations on Popular Autiqui- ties - Neivcaflle 1777 ^3608 -- Alteration of the Conftitution of the Houfe of Commons '793 3609 Bray (Will.) Sketch of a Tour in Derhyfliire and Yorkflure 1783 ^3610 Brett (Thomas) Hiftory of the World i-jz / 3611 Briflbn (M. Do) Account of the Shipwreck and Captivity of 1789 36i2)Briftol (lohnj on tlie Union i6.x 3613^ Britannia Triumphaiis J&?4 361,9 Britifli Parliamentary Regifter 1753 /' 36i5jBritifti Chionologift, 3 vol. 1775 / 3610 Brock well ^Charles) Hiftory of Portugal 17*6 ^3617 Brome (James) Travels 1^07 2 3618 Bromley Remarksin Travels thro France and Italy 3619 --- (Sir G.) Rjgyal Letters, p/atet 1777 gSzojBrome (Ralph) Impeachment of Warren Hafliiigs /J ^750 3621) Brook (Sir Rob.) Reading up'-n the Stat. of Li- mitations . i . 16-7 36az>Browr (T.) Mifcellanea Aulica 1702 (Ed.) of the Coflacks / 3624 (Sir Thomas) Chrillian Morals 1756 >. 3615 ----- Pofthumoua Works, portrait l6j Hiftnry. - j ^3626 Brute (James) Travels 1790 3627)' - (Alexander) Inflitutions of Military Law 4 A l l 17 9 3628^Brydall (John) Short View of London 1676 J it 3 62 9 Brydone (P.) Tour through Sicily and Malta, z vol. - - 1780 ^ /j 3630 Brydfon (Thomas) View of Heraldry 1795 ^ 36jJ Buchanani dejure Regniapud Scotos Edin. 1 580 3632) -- Rerum Scoticarumcurae Jac. Masn 3633)Buchanan (Geo.) Hiftory of Scotland, 3 vol. plata - 1733 / / 3634 --------- < Notes on ) by Crawford Edin. 1708 ^3635 -- (John Lanne) Defence of the Scots, Highlanders 1794 ^3636 Buck'sAntiquitjes (Index Map to) ^3637 Buffier's^irft Traihs 1780 V 6 3638 Bulkeley and Cummins Voyage to the South Seas '74? 3639 Bulfirode (Rich.) on the Reigns of Charles I. and II. - - 1721 364o)Buonaparte in Britain 3641 j - Intercepted Letters, 1799. Hiftory ' of the Deporta 1 ions to Guiana, 1800. New Memoirs of Ditto, 1799. Original Letters from the French Army in Egypt, 1800 3642 Burbury (John) Relation of a Journey of my Lord Howard from London to Vienna 1671 364^Burchett (Jofiah) Tranfadions at Sea 1703 3644] - - --- : -- it. with Juf- 7 4 ' tification of his Naval Memoirs / 3^45 Burges (jas. Bland) on the Law of Infolvency 1783 / 3646 Burke (Edw.) European Settlements in Ametica, a vol. - 1760 B" rn (Richard) Juftice of the Peace, 3 vol. 1764 f 3648 - Ecclcfiaftical Law, 4 vol. 1767 ~ Poor Laws - 1764 . Oclavo. 161 3<550)Bumet (Remarks on) (Gilbert) Effay on Queen Anne 1695 -. Vindication of the Conftitutioa of Scotland . 3653^ - " Effay on Government 1718 36$4J -- Letters on Switzerland 1724. 3655 - own Time, 4 vol. Mca, MS. Notes by J. Reed / 3656 Burr (Thomas Benge) Hiftory of Tunbridge Wells 1770 ^3657 Burrim (Owen) Batavia Illuftrated 1742 ^3658 Burroughs (Samuel) Legal Judicature in Chan- cery 1727 ^ 3659 - -- on the Office of Matter of the Rolls 1722 3660 Burton (Robert) on the Prefent State of London 73 3661 - . . - 1684. ^3662 - ' Court Favourites 1706 ^3663 Bufbegunuis (Aly) Four Epiftles concerning his Embafly in Turkey *794: ^3664 Bufvvell (John) Account of the Knights of the Garter '757 3665 Butler (Charles) on the Legality of Impreffing 1778 3666 -- (Weeden) Memoirs of Mark Hiddefley 1799 ^3667 - > Junior (Weeden) Zimao the African 1800 ,1/3668 Butcher (Richard) Survey and Antiquities of Stamford in Lincoln au$ Tottenham High Crofs 171^ ng (Sir G.) Account of an Expedition to Sicily 1739 3670^ --- - ----- 1739 Sd/iiCalamy (Edmund) Abridgment of Baxter's HiC. / ( tory 1702 3672^) - ..... Letter to Archdeacon Echard 1718 2 ^3673 Calthorp (Sir H.) Reports on the City of Lon- don , '655 4/3674 Cambridge Univerfity Calendar for 180* ' / 3^75 --- (Accurate Defcription of)flatf$ I7TT Bat. 1590 1639 164. Hiftorj. Oftav o. x? 7/3676 Camdea (Guill.) Britannia 3677 Annales I '/ 3678 Campbell (Donald) Narrative of Extraordinary Adventures >79^ 3679 ) (Archibald) on the Government of Eog- > land 1705 3680) t (John) on the Sugar Trade 1763 3681 -- Prefent State of Europe 1761 3682 Cape Breton ( Advantage of ) 1746 3683 Carleton (George) Hiftory of Two Warsagainft France and Spain 1741 3684 Carlifle (Earl of ) Three Embaffies 1669 3685 Caron (Francis) Description of Japan and Siam 1671 /, 3686 Carr (William) on the Government of Germanic 1688 / 3687 Cart (Jane) Copies of the Deeds, Will, and Co- dicil of 1761 ^ ^3688 Carter (Edmund) Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cambridge '753 3689 Cartes (Thomas) Collection of Letters, 2 vol. '739 3690 iCartwright (John) Commonwealth in Danger ( '79J 3691^ - -- JEgis - 1804 3692 Gary (Sir George) Reports in Chancery 1665" 3693)Cafeof the Royal Martyr, 2 vol. 1758 j694/ of not taking the Oaths in Popifh Re- I cufancy 1717 369 j) the Bankers and their Creditors 1675 3696 Cartel (Charles) Political Annals, 2 vol. 1762 3697 Caftlc of Otranto, /lor/raj/ 1715 3698 Caftlemain (Earl) Account of the War between the Englilh and Dutch 167* 3699 __ Venetians and Turks 1666 ^3700 "- " - - 1666 -< 6 37 01 Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen 1655 37O2/- 500 Celebrated Authors 1788 370 \] . i ?88 370} - - - interleaved q ^ in 4 vol. 1788 A Hi/lory. Oftavo. 165 / 575 Catalogue fnevvj of Living Englifh Authors, Vql I. 1799 _^ 3706 -- of all Graduates -in Divinity, Law, and Phyfick Oxford i^t 2*^ 377 - of the Dukes, Marquefieg, Earlcs, &c 1642 ^ 3708 Cantaneo's Strength of the Spirit of Laws 1753 / /379 Catroa's General Hiftory of the Mogul Empire 1709 / ^3710 Caufe between Charles Sturt, Efq. and" Marquis of Blandford 1801 ^3711 Casfaiis (Julii) Portus Iccius Oxen. 1694 2, 37 i a Caefar, tranflated by Golding, b, I. title wanting 2 6 37 '3 Chalon's Hiftory of France, z vols. 175* j 3714 Chamberlayne (Edward) prefent State of Eng- land _. 1669 3 37 >S - ; --- - - Great Britain, third edition 171$ -^. 6 3?i6 -- - 5th edit, 1723 <377 ------- 8th edit. 1738 j?. ^,3718 --- -- 37th edit. 1748 37 >9 Chamberland on the Manners, &c. of the Greeks Oxford 1/84 ^ 3720 Chancel (A. D.) Journey over Europe 1714 ^3721 Ch.pman (Thomas) ou ihe Roman Senate Camb. 1750 (p 3722 Charlevoix's Letters to the Dachefs of Lefdi- guiere 1767 j~ 3723 Charles Stuart and Oliver Cromwell united 1653 .2. 37 Z 4 -- --- --------- '* r f 3725 - the Firft, his Charafter, with portrait 1660 A 37 2 ^ the Second's Prefervation after the Bat- tle of Worcefter 1766 / 37*7 Charter of Confirmation granted by Charles II. to the Ciiy 1769 ^ ^3728 - Romney Marih 1686 / 3729 Chelfum (James) Remarks on Gibbon / 3730 Chevalier's Difcourfe of Duels 1724. 3731 Chevreau's Mirror of Fortune 1676 166 lliftar* Oflavb.' ^ 373Z Chriftoferfon (John) Exhortation againft RebeN- lion, b. 1. 15.54 ^3733 Chronica Juridicialia 168.5 // 3734 Chronicle from Brute to this Day, b. I. 1559 /373S Chronologift of the prefent War 1797 !? 6 3736 Cities great Concern, of Honour and Arms, whether Apprenticefhip cxtingoifheth Gentry -front. 1974 '3 3737 Churchyard (Thomas) Report of the Taking of Macklin in Flanderi, b. 1. IS 80 3738/City Law 1658 ~] 3739y Biography ' *799 ^ 3740 Clancarde's Memoirs, large paper, :nty 250 cofitt printed 172* / f 374 1 Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebellion, 7 vol. Oxford 1705 73741 vindicated by Burton 1744 3743 .- -rr . Wars in Ireland 1721 . -- Valuable Pieces, Vol.1. 1727 / ^3745 - - -- Characters of Eminent Men 1793 ^3740 --- (Henry Earl of) State Letters,* vol. Oxford 1765 J ^3747 Clubbe (John) Hiftory of Wheatfield, &c. 2 vol. /' ^3748 Cockburn (John) Travels >735 / /3 2 49 Colden's Hittory of the Five Indian Nations, 2 vol. !7S5 jf" 3750 Colleftanea Curiofa, 2 vol. 1781 2 ^3751 --- -- Jur;dica, 2 vol. I79 1 ^3752 Cole ^homas) on Luxury, &c. 1761 Hi/lory. QUARTO. 3753 Coryat (Thomas) Crudites, platet and portrait ton 3754 Crambe, or his Colwort twice fodden. The Odcombian Banquet, and Thomas Co- ryate's Traveller from Afmere, original tdit bound in i vol. * 1611 Hi/lory. Quarto. 167 P. j*rtj{ . . Traveller, fat fimile edit, cult 1616 Set the Manufcript Notet in theft three volumes. 3756 Coverte (Robert) Voyages and Travels, b. /. ' 1612 3 "5 7 Court Leet, and Court Baron f Order of) 1650 37 j8 Coxe (Wen.) Memoirs of Lord Walpole, portraits: 1802 3759 Crawfurd (Geo.) Hiftory of the Shire of Ren- frew . Paifley 1782 3760 Cromwell (Oliver) Hue and Cry after, and 6 fingle Trafts relative to ditto ^3761 Crompton on Courts K94 JSJG 2 Crowne(Wm.) Relation of the Travels of Tho- mas Lord Howard, Earl of Arundell $637 ./" 37^3 Cunningham (Alexander) Hiftory of Great Bri- tain, a vol. 1787 rf\ 37^4 Dale (Samuel) Hiftory of Harwich and Dover- Court. Eflex, plates '73- /\ /j 37^5 Danet (Thomas) Continuation of the Hiftory of France 1600 3 37^6 Darley (J^ n ) the Glory of Chelfea Colledge re- vived, curiouifronti/piece, '. /j 37^8 Daunce ^Edward) Briefe Difcourfe of the Spa- nifh State 1590 // 37^9 De Bry (Theo.) Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hifpanos, mult. fig. Set Note. Francf. 1598 A 3770 Deering (Charles) Hiftory of Nottingham, platet Nottingham I 75 1 /& 3771 Deliverance of 266 Chriftians by John Reynard, Englifliman, from the Turks ' 1608 Q. 3772 Dickinfon (William) Hiftorica!, Architeftural, Chronographical, and Itinerary of Southwell and Newark, plates iSoi 3773 Diggs (Dudley) unlawfulnefs of Subjects taking up Armes I0 47 /j 3774- Diaz (Bernal) Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexi- co, tranfkted by Keatinge 1800 & 3775 Difcoyerie of Dr. Allen's Seditious Drifts 1568 1 68 Hi/Jory Quarto. 3776 Dixon (George) Voyage round the World, plain 1-89 // 3777 Dobfon (William) Defign for Draining the Great Level called Bedford Fens 1665 ^3778 Dcnglas (James) on the Celu and other Arms of the Antients 1785 3779 Cafc 3780 Douglas (Robert) Coronation of Charles II. 1660 3781 Downfall of Ambition, Adultery, and Murder, in 3 Sinners, Wefton, Turner, and Franklin, in the Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, frontijpiece / 3782 Dralymont (J- D.) Treatife Prznetical, by a Pil- grim Spaniard - . '. J 59^ / 6 37**3 Dreadful Newes, or Relation of the Eanh-quake at Calabria 1638 e? 3784 Drurie, the Doleful Even Song, or Calamity ' which befell the Preacher, Mr. Drury, a Je- fuite, and the great part of his Auditory, by the Downefalle of the Flcore at an Aflembly in the Black friers 1623 A / 37^ Docarel (And. Coltee) Mifcellaneous Paper on Engiifh Antiquities // <^3786 Hiftoryand Antiquities of Y\ Lambeth and Croydon, plaits ' I'fil-S /j 37^7 Durham (Enquiry into the Sute of) 1719 / ^3788 Dutch Cruelties at Amboyna, (Defence of) with the Reply 163* ^3789 * ' (Second part of) platt J 1665 ^ 3790 Eden (Robert) Jurifprudentia Philoiogica Oxonii 1744. 3791 /Richard) Hifiory of Travayle in the Eaifc and Weft Indies, b. 1. ruj/ia 1577 3792 Edifts for Combats (King of France) ./. i6ij / ^3793 Edmaad- (Thomas) Gangra?na i64r5 j j 3794 Eikon Bafilike 1^90 / 3795 iElia Lasiia Crifpis Palavit 1568 /'' ^ 379^ E'' ot (Thona) Image of Governance, b. L 1541 2 3797 Elly's (Anthony) Trafts on Liberty Spiritual and / * Temporal .Folio. t 3798 Elizabeth (Queen) Progreffes and Public ceflions, 3 vol. plates t hi boardt 1788 4 /t 3799 England and Wales (Names of Parifhes, &c. in) 1668 // 3800 England Illuftrated, 2 vol. plates, with MS. Ac- count of the Author 1764 / ^ 3801 EnglHh Fugitives (Eftate of the) under the King of Spain, toitb Sir William Temple's Autograph FOLIO. / 3802 Salufi, translated by Heywood 1608 ' 3803 Salmon (Mich.) Hiltory of Effex, additional plates jf-^ 3804 ) HertfordJhire, ditto, with ptrtraitt, monuments, jBaq COLLINS (Arthur) Peepge of England, 8 ' V vpl. 779, wilh Longmate's 1784 / 3811 Colquboun (Patrick^ on the Police 1796 ' J./ 3 8 on the Commerce and Police of the Thames / / 3824 Columbus, or Difcovery of America 1799 s 38*5 Cpne/ford (t.) Hiftory of Ireland Dublin 1766 j- 38*6 Coirplai^ ot Roderj.<^ I^pr*, b. I. Gpuve / t 35*7 Condamiae's Journal of Tour to Italy J 3^28 Cqngreye (Thomaj) Propofal for Na.yi^bU Communication 'between the Trent and ^3829 Connexion (The) being choice Collections of Matters in King Jame* his Reign 1681 3830/Conftifation Francaife Pan'i 1791 gSjilCcok's Voyages, abridged, 2 vol. 1784 / 383* Coomb's Narrative of the Britilh Embafly to ~C~tT r 6 China, zd edit, by Auderfon i?95 Uiflory. Oftavo. i$i / 3333 Cooper (George) Letters on the Irilh Nation 1 80 1 / 4 3&34 -- (Thomas) Information relpeUng Ame- rica . *794 / J 3835- Corke (Earl of) Letters from Italy, Notes by Duncombe, MS. Notes by Mr. Reed 1 774. / / 383oVCongrefsat Raftadt .. - 1800 3837JCorrefpondence of Frederic King of Pruffia with U. F. de Suhm 1787 / / 3838 Correfpondence of Sir Robert Cecil ,vfatn James VI. - 1766 ^3839 Corfica (Defcription of } map 1739 / 3840 Cortez, or the Conqueft of Mexico, by J. H. Campe '799 / 3841 Cotton (Robert) Difcourfe of Foreign War 1690 3842 Court ahd Kitchin of Elizabeth, or Joan Crom- well 1664 ^3843 ' - . Character of King James 1650 ^3844 Cowdry (Richard) Defcriptiou of Curiofities at Wilton 1751 (William) Ruffian Difcoveries, portrait 1787 38461 Crawfurd (David) Memoirs of Scotland Edin. IT SJ 73847 ?Crew (Thomas) Debates of the Commons 1707 P 3848JCruicifm of the City of Paris and the French % /3849 Croke (Alexander) Reoort of the Cafe of Hor- ner againft Liddiard 1800 7X3850 Croker (Richard) Travels truough Spain and Portugal 1799 35' ^ r y f : ^ e OppTeKed 3 fronti/fiefe and pletiet 38jz Cumberland (Richard) Letter to Dr. Lowth 1767 ^38^3 . (George) Attempt to defcrbe Hafod 1796 A 3^54. -- Anecdotes of Jolo Bona- foni < 93 (R.) Saachomatho's Pbcenic:an Hiftory 1730 2- 3856 Dagge (Henry) on Criminal Lavr, 3 vol. 1774 " ' .' Oclavo. / ,>. 3857 Dalrymple (Sir John) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vol. 1790 / 3858 -- (Major Will.) Travels through Spain and Portugal 1777 / / 3859 (John) on Feudal Property 1759 J 6 3860 (Sir David) Remarks om Scotland 1773 *' A 3861 .. (Sir James) Colle&ions concerning the Scottifli Hiftory 1705 / /j 3862 Damberger (Chriftian Frederick) Travels in Af- rica 1801 / 6 3863 Danifh Laws (Code of) 1756 y 3864 Daviea (Miles) Hiftory of Oxford and Cam- bridge 1716 j 3865 1716 / 3866 - (J.) Ceremonies on the Pope's Death 1671 4 ^3867 Davis (Henry Edward) Reply to Gibbon's Vin- dication, 2 vol. I 779 3868 Dawfon (Thomas) Memoirs of St. George and the noble Order of the Garter '7*4 38(^9 ./Debate at large between the Houfe of Lords and Commons in 1688 1695 (exaft Collection of) 1689 f 3871 in Parliament, published by Debret, 7 vol. 3872 i (Private) in the Houfe of Commons / ! 7 2 3^73i ^ eoes (Lucas Jacobfon) Defcnptioii of the Ifland j of Foeroe 1676 387^/Debia (James) Account ot the Religion of^the Muscovites 1710 ^3875 Debts of the Nation (Eflay on) 1720 J* 3876 Dccifions in the High Court of Admiralty, Vol. I. 1801 / ^38/7 Defoe (Daniel) Ways for advancing the Nation 170* / J 3878 De la Croix's Review of the Conftitutions of Europe, 2 vol- 179* 3879^6 la Neuville's Account of Mufcovy 1699 I I ^38801 Delaware Indiam. Inquiry into their Alienation \ l759 Hijlory. Oftavo. 173 ^ 3881 Denmark (Account of ) 1739 rf 3882 Denon (Vivant) Travels, by Kendal, 2 vol. 180* ^3883 Derrick (Samuel) Letters , 1767 - 3 884) Defcription of the Seraglio 1650 ' 388$) -Low Countries 1595 A6 5 88 De Wit (John) Political Maxims 1746 2 3887 Dicey (Thomas) Account of Guernfey 1751 3888! Difcourfe upon Giants and Redemptions 1700 /! 3889}- of the Confpiracie of Lord Gowrye 1600 /j 5890 Divae (Petri) de Gallic Religicz Antvyrfr 1584 / 3891 Divernois (Sir Francis) Les 5 Promefiea i8os /I 389* ' 5 Promifes 1805 3>Dobbs (Arthur) Remarks on Capt. Middleton's Defence 1744 'j894)Dobfon ( ) Annals of the War Oxford 1765 J( 3 8 9J Dotor and Student, b. I. If Bertbht 1531 J ^3896 Dodd (J. S.) Hiflory of Gibraltar 178 r 2\ 3&97 -- (W.) Beauties of Hiftory 1795 $_, 5898 Doig (David) Two Letters on the Savage State 179* J /j 3899 Dolemau (R.) Conference about the Succeffion to the Crowne of Ingland 1594 / 3900 1681 y 3901 Dornejr (John) Speeches made on the Election of Officers for Gloucefter ^ 3902 Douglas (Andrew) Notes of a Journey from Berne to England 1797 / 3903 i- (Arichibald) Cafes in the Court of Sef- fioa 1768 2, 394 (William) Summary, Hiflorical and Political, 2 vol. 1760 39O5)Downing (Sir George) Difcourfe in Vindica* /j / t \ tion of the King 1672 39o6 y )Dowu (Antient and Prefent State of) Dublin 1757 ? / 3907 Drake (Captain Peter) Memoirs *755 J 398 Drummond (William) Review ofr the Govern- ments of Sparta and Athens 1794 ^3909 Dryden, Jun. (John) Voyage to Sicily and M*!ta 1776 ii Bourdieu (John) on the Theban Legion ;6y6 / J #9ii|Duchy of Lorraine / 3912 Dugdale (Sir William) Antieot Ufage of Arm 1682 / 39 3 ' #. j? 3914 Duhalde (P.) Hiftory of China, 4 vol. flattt -39'$ Duigenan (Patrick) of the State of Ireland 1799 39i6/Dummer (Jer.) Defence of the New England / / Charters 1721 89i7)Duncombe (John) Antiqaities of Reculver '774 Duppa (Rich.) Journal of Occurrences in Rome 3919 Du Pleffis' Memoirs 3920 Durham (Antiquities of the Abbey of) '767 $yti - (Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Cathedral Church of) - 1672 3922)Dutch (Summary and Phiiofophic Vievr of the) ( 1788 3.923) Drawn to the Life 1664. 39Z4 Barbery (Mat.) Vindication of the Hiftory of Clemency, portrait 1720 3925 Earthquake at Lima, plate* - 1748 3926 Eafton (James) Human Longevity '799 3927 Echard (Lautance) Claffical Geographical Dic- tionary - 1715 39i8/Eden (Will.) 4 Letters to the Earl of Carlifle 1780 3"Qag^ Principles of Penal Law '771 393O)Edift of the Grand Duke of Tufcany for Reform [ of Criminal Law '789 *\ Edinera de Vita Anfelmi Autmerf 1551 fi 3933 Eleftion (Rights of) r.fferted 1769 3934\Elenchus motunm nuperorum in Angliae 6 1649 3935/ElHs (Honry) Voyage to Hudfon's Bay, / 74 8 3936 Elfynge (Hen.) Manner of Holding Parliament O$avo.' 175 ,4, / 3937 Elyot (Thomas) Boke named the Governor, , / 53* ^ ^ I39J8 Emblems of Rarities - 1636 3939 England (Character of) 1659 ^.i (National Excellencies of) 1658 3942) Glory, or a Catalogue of Nobility 1660 / '/ 3943 : ~" anc * Wales (Defcriptioa of) 10 vol. ' iuttrltavtd with M,S. by Mr, Reed 1769 3 3944 (New State of) under Queen Anne 1707 J" 6 3945 an d W-ales Defcribed, by Wm. Telde- rvy, 'tuts 1762 j /t 3946 - Gazetteer, 3 vol. 1 75* Sj 3947 Englifh Adventures 1676 /> 394* Chronology 1696 .-i" 6 3949 Martyrologie 1672 395 395 1^ -- Mens Lives (Security of) 1681 y\ 39J2i Eail India Company (Vindication of) 1688 ^ 3953 Entick (John) Hiftory of the War, 5 vol. cuts 1779 .2 3954 Epiftolae Jacobi Quarti, 2 vol. &c. ^/#. 1722 / 3955 Erdefwicke (Sampfon) Survey of Staffordftiire 1717 / 39.j6 Eile (C.) Journey in the Year 1795, through F!nders, &c. 17^5 / 3957 Evelyn (John) Gardners Almanac and Philofophi- cal Difcourfe of Earth 1676 / /> 395^ .Excurfion to the Lakes n . ! 1774. 2 3959 - - f rom P a " 8 to FontaineWcau j 785 ^ 3960 Feudal Law (-Summary View of) 17^0 / 3961^ Filmer ( Sir Rob.) Patriarchs 1685 ' . v 396^) on Government 1696 3963 Finett (Sir John) Choice Obfervations .1656 y 3964 Fitzherbet (Anthonie) New BokeoTJuftices, b. I. < Oftavo; I 7 6 ,4/3966 Fleckno (Richard) Relation of Ten Years Tra- vels ,-t 3967 Fletcher (G.) Hiftory of Ruffia /; 3968 (Andrew) Political Work* 1657 '737 3969 Fleury ( ) Hiftory of the Ifraelites 1756 / 397 Ford (Simon) Difcourfe concerning the Man whofe Hands and Legs lately rotted of in the Pariih of Kings-Swinford 1678 397 1 Formey, Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, 2 vol. 1 766 397* Forfter (I. R.) Travels through Sicily 1773 3973 Fortefcue (Sir John) de Laudibus Legum An- glias - 1672 3975 of the Politique Lawes of Englande, b.l. 1507 3976 Abfolutc Monarchy 3977) France (Defolation of) 3978) Painted to the Life - (Character of) (State of) '697 1656 1659 1651 Hi/lory, QUARTO. 3981 Enquiry whether St. Peter were ever at Rome 1687 3982 Erondelle's Nova Francia, or Defcription of New France which is One Continent witb America 1609 3983 Europx Speculum 1631 3984 Eflex (Robert Earl of) his G\\c& t printtdi*Para- dife, 1614. PracUfes and Treafons, by Ditto 1601. Etfex's Innocenfy and Honour Vin- dicated, //a/; 1690 / 3985 i Praclifes and Treafons 1601 / t 3986 Falconar^David) Journey from Joppa to Jerufa- lem 1753 3987 Fannant (Tho.) Hiftory of the Memorable Par- liament which Wrought Wonders 1641 Hiftory Quarto. 177 / 3088 Fenn (John) Letten of the Pafton Family, cuts 3 vol. 178-7 / 3989 Ferae (John) Blazon of Gentrie, /. p. 1586 7^399 ~ ' '* ^ 399 1 Flaming .Ifland, or Fire in the Ifland of .Fyal 1672 /j 3992 FIcating Ifland, by Frank Carelefs 1673 _2. 4 3993 Florida (a Difcovery made on the Coaft of) by Wm. Hilten 5664 f 6 5994 Fornication (Eflay on improving the Strength of Great Britain by) 173; / 3995)Forfter (Geo.) Reply to Mr. Wales, Remarks 3 /j , 77 8 39<}6jFox (John) Book of Martyrs abridged 1589 4 6 3997 Frampton (John) Joyfull Newes out of the New Found World, b. I, 1 556 *A 39981 France (Survey of) b. /. 1592. View of France, 1604 ^ 3999 ' (Mutable and Wavering Eftate of) / ^ 4000 i" ' - " and Europe (Review of the Affairs of) 3 voJ. 170$ 4001 Francklin (Wna.) Hiftory of the Reign of Shah- Allum 1798 4002 Fulbecks (Wm.) Law of nations 1602 4003 Funeral of Henry Prince of Wales 1615 '/ / 4004 Gainrforde (Tho.) Hiftory of the Earle of Tirone 1619 4005 ' Glorv of England 1618 4006 -.1 r 1620 4007) Gander (Jofeph) Glory of Queen Anne / 1703 4_ooB)Garnrd (Wm ) Arte of Warre, finiftied by Hich- cock, b I, Kjqi /j 4009 GeofFroy of Monmouth, de Origine et Geliis Britannorum '5*7 4010! German Hiftory continued, the -^h part J 6j4 (F.dwrird) Expofition of the Motives of the Condud of the King of France towards England, Fr. and Eng. 1780 Aa '17* Hiflory. Folio. 401* Gibfon (Matthew) Ancient and Prefent State of the Churches of Door, Home, Lacy, and Hempftead 1727 4013 Gilbert (Thomas) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, cuts 1789 /} /j 4'4 Gillingwater (Edmund) Hiftory of Loweftoft 4015 Glafs (George) Hiftory of the Canary Iflands 1764 4016 Gloucefter (Hiftory of the Military Government of) 1647 4017 Godwin (Francis) Catalogue of Bifhops, b. L . x/40'8 (Thomas) Roman Antiquities i66r / /A 4 OI 9 Gough (Richaid) Britifh Topography, 2 vol* 1780 f 4020 Granger (J.) Biographical Hiftory of England, with Supplement, 5 vol. boardt 1769 FOLIQ. 4021 Speed (John) Hiftory of Great Britain, plant Land. 161 1 4022 Spelman (Johan) ^Ifridi Magni Oxen. 1678 4023 " - (Sir Harry) Englilh Works, portrait Land. 1727 ( 4024 Spon (Ifaac) Hiftory of Geneva, plattt Land. 1687 j 4025 Spotfwood (J.) Hiftory of Scotland, portrait Lo*J. i6j7 > ^4026 Statutes, 6.1. 1327-1483 " 4027 Stephen (Henrie) a World of Wonders LoitJ. 1607 4028 Stillingfleet (Ed.) Origines Britannicae Loud. 1689 Stow fJohn) Annales, or Chronicle of England, t* /. Loud, 1651 C 179 ) ^030 &rad (Famiarius) Hiftory of the Low Countrey," portrait Ldnd. 650 4031 Strype (John) Hiftory of the Reformation, par* trattt : . 1725 4t>3 Life and Afts of John Whitgift, portrait Loud. 1718 4033 - Matthew Parker, portrait /. 1 7 1 1 portrait Edmund Grindall, 1710 Nineteenth Day's Sale ; Hiftory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. OT ABRICIUS (Baron) Genuine Letters 1761 Falkland Review of the Charadters of the Irifll Houfe ot Commons 1789 / 4037 Falle (Philip) Account of the Ifle of Jerfey 1694' / 4038 plant -s. 1734 / 4039 Family of the Butlers 1716 Fardle of f acions, containing the Cuftomes of Affrike and Afie, b. /. ' ' 1555 Farre (Marquis de) Memoirs and Reflections 180 Hifttry. Oftavoi 404ijFarmer (J.I Hlrtory of the Tow and Abbey of Walt ham, flatet 179$ / 41843 Fawket (James) Account of Dr. George Seig- nior 1681 / ^4044 Fell (K.) Tour to the Batavian Republic 1801 f (j 4045 Feitham (Owen) Charter of the Low Coun- ir'es 166* ^ ^ 4046 Feitham (John) Tour to the Ifland of Man 1798 447^Fennell, Review of the Proceedings at Paris "n 4o4t{/Fenwi Garden (Francis) Tnveiliag Memorandums Edinburgh 1791 4062 Geo^Ed.) Jefuits' Memorial 1690 4063) Geneva (Prefent State of) 1681 1730 Gent(T.) Hiftory. of Yorke Gentry (Vindicaticn of rfee Degree of) / ^4*67 Geojgjraphy and F. t kory. f .edted by a Lady, edil, , /^. ^4068 Gerliie, iflakh.) AflkhnxKr to a 1 raveller /7. 6 Oxford 1^65 . Oftavo. 181 4069 /German Politicks * 1744. 4070; War [Confiderations on) 1760 407 1 Germany Preieiu State of) 2 vol. 1738 4072 Gibbons (Tho.nas) Memoir of Ifaac Watt, portrait 1780 h 4073 Gibbon (johan) Introduftio ad Latinam Blafo- niam 1682 ^ 4074 , Hiftory of Rome, abridged, 2 vol. 1789 / 6 4*>T> Gildas (Epiftle of) portrait 1638 ^ 4076 Gildon (Charges) Review of her Royal Highnefs the Princrfs Sophia's Letter ^4077 Giraffi (Alexander ) Hiftorie of the Revolution in Naples, 2 parts 1650 //> 4078 Glad win j'Fr.) Epitome of Mahommedan Law Calcutta 1786 / 4079 Glanville (Ran.) de Lepibus 1604 A 4080 (John) on Elections 177 4081) Goddard (Wm.) Extra& from the Seffions Roll* f V of Somerfet - 176^ 4o87Goodall (Walter) Examination of Letters of Mary Queen of Scots to Earl Bothwell, 2 vo! ^ . 408* Gordon (C. A.) Hiftory of the Houfe of Gordon, morocco gilt leaves J 754 < 4084 (Alex.) Hiftory of Peter the Great, a vol. A&erdteif 1755 / 4084: Hiftory of Amphitheatre,-, cuts id. edit, /p 4085 Goftling ( Wm.) Walk in and about Canterbury, zd.edit.ntti 1 7 77 4o86^Government (Tteatife of) 1703 / 408j(Giay's Supplement to the Tour tlnropgh Great Britain jjooo' - , ** a*. fl 409 1 - - Catalogue of Antiquities. &c. *, i8z Hijlorj. Offovo; 4092 Gray (Robert) Letters through Germany, '794 Greene (George) Relation of Circhm (lances in- Lower Normandy daring the Revolution 1802 4094) (Edward) Spirit of Bankrupt Laws 3 '769- 495J" (Valentine) Survey of the City of Wor- ** cefter, tuti *7^4 j> 4096 Greenland (View of the) Trade 1722 2 ^4097 Gregory (G.) Effays Hiflorical and Moral 1788 ^4098 - (John Mack) Account of the Sepulchert of the Ancients 171* 4099 Grey (Zachary) Defence of the Antient and Mod rn Hiftorians 1725 4100 Grey (Architel) Debates, 10 vol. 1769 4101 Grofe (Francis) Antiquities of England ana Wales, 8 vol. plat ft ^^4102 (John Henry) Voyage to the Eaft Indies, a vol. 1766 4103 Grofley's Tour to London, by Nugent, 2 vol. 177* 4104 Grofvernor (Narrative of the Lofs of)by Carter* 1791, and by Dairy mple, 1783 Grotius (Hugo) Annals, portrait 1665 ^4106 Guillatiere's Account of Voyage to Athens 1676 / ^4107 Gunpowder Treafon, with a Difcoorfe of its Difcovery 1679 4108 Gurdcn's Hiflory of Parliament, a Vol. 1731 4109 Haberci (Elias) Partition of the Dominions of the Popes Calcutta 1790 ,44110 Hagley Envil and the Leafowes (Defcription of) 411 1 )Hakewell (W.) on Holding Parliament* 167 r -? ^4in[-Halc on the Power of Parliaments 1707 4113) (Matthew) Pleas of the Crown, 2 vol. 1778 ^ ^4114 Halifax and its Gibbet Law, front, j- 4115 Hall (J.) on Monarchy < i8j Hamilton (Charles) Tranfaftions daring the Reign of Queen Anne Edin. 1790 / 4117 Hanbury's Hiftory of Charitable Foundation* at Church Langton, 1767, with Sermon at meeting of the Truftees , , 4ii8)Hanger (George) Addrefs to the Army 1789 ' 4ii9)Hanfon's Trial relative to the Railing in the Green Park 1 799 41 20 \Hanway (Jonas) Account of the Society for cn- / couragement of Britifti Troops in Germany *] 4i2i\Hardwick (William) Hiftory of the Third Seflion I of Parliament 1717 4 1 227 Harrington (Sir John) View of the Church in Queen Elizabech's Reign 1653 ^ 4123 i i Nugae Antiquae, 2 vol. 1769 /; 4124 Hartly Houfe, Calcutta, 3 vol. in one 1789 4125 Ha/Tel tJ.) Tour in the Ifle of Wight, 2 vol. platt* in aquatint 1 790 ^ 4126 Haftings (Warren) on the State of India, portrait ^^127 . i Articles of Impeachment again ft 1795 2 4128 Haftings (The) Guide, platti 794. 6 4129 Hatton (Sir Chriftopher) on Acls of Parliament, 1677 4i3o)Hawles (Sir John) Englifhmans's Right 1764 / 413 if Hayes (Philip) Memoirs of William Henry Duke of Gloucefter 1789 /j 413* Hayward (Sir John) Right of Succeflion 1683 /^ ^4 f 33 HEARNE (Thomas) Lite of Alfred the Great, pot trait 1 709 A ^134 : Annales ^Elfridi, a Wife, cum effigiet < Oxon. 1722 /4 ^4135 -' Allurcdi Beverlacenfis An^ na'es ib. 1716 Robert de Avefbury Hiftoria ib. 1720 Caii yindiciae Academiae / Oxonienfis, 2 torn. > ib. 1739 1*4 Hi/lory. / f ^4138 HIARNE (Thomas) Camdeni Annalei, 5 torn. am effigiei ib. 1 7 1 7 7 41^9 Dodwclli de ParmaEqueftri, mo'oett, gilt leaves /'A. 1713 4140 Chronicon, five Annales de Dunftaple, j torn. ib. 1733 4141 Thomat de Elmham, chart. max. ib. 1727 4*42 Fordurv Scotichronicon, 5 torn. ib. 1721 4'45 4146 4143 Johannis Glaftonienfis Chro- nica, 2 torn. . ib. 1726 4144 - Robert of Gloucefter, 2 vol. it. 17*4 i Hemingii Chartularium Ec- clefise Wigornienfis ib. 1723 Lelandi Colleclanea, 6 torn. . . Comment, de Scrip- toribus Britannicis Oxen. 1 709 4148 Leland's Itinerary, 9 vol. in 3 Oxford 1 770 ^4149 i Difcourfes of Emi- nent Antiquaries, 2 vol. 1771 4150 - Livii Fero Julienfis Vita Henrici Quirti Oxon. 1716 4151 Gulielmi Neubrigenfis Hif. toria, 3 torn. _____ Oxon, 1719 Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 torn. max. 4'54 4'55 4156 457 Sprotti Chronica Oxen. 1719 Textns Roffenfis ib. 1720 '" Triveti Annale?, 2 torn. ib. 1721 Johannia de Whethamftedc et Thomas Ot'erburne Chronica, 2 torn. / ib. 1726 Life, Antiquities of Wiridfor, Vindication of the Allegiance, and Clareo- di>n Family vindicated, in one vol. with/r- t rait i, 1731, &c. Heath (Janr.cs) of Loyal Englifh Martyr* . Oftavo. 185 / 4159 Heath (Robert) Account of the Iflands of Scilly 1750 fa 4160 Hell open'd, or the Infernal Sin of Murther Punifhed . 1676 /4i6i) Help to Hiftory . 1711 '4i6z/Henault abrege de L'Hiftoire de France, 3 tont. Pari 1768 7^4163 Herne (Samuel) Account of the Charter-Houfe, portrait 1677 4164 Herbert de Religione Gentilium Amft. 1700 ^4165 Hereford (Defcriptiou of) 1770 7^4166 Herodian's Imperial Hiftory 1635 / 4167 Heron (Robert) Hiftory of Scotland Perth 1794 4>68|- ..... on the Strength, &c. of the / c Powers at War 1794. 4i69JHerport's Eflay on Truths 1768 Heylin (Peter) Voyage of France 1679 Help to Englifh Hiftory, by Wright, platet 1773 4172 Heywood (Thomas) England's Elizabeth 1641 ^^4173 Hibernica Curiofo, plates Dublin 1769 - 2^4'74 ' - or Antient Pieces relating to Ireland, it. 1770 4i75\H>gden (William) View of the Englifh Conftitu- ) tion 1716 ^4i76;Higgons (B.) Remarks on Burnet's Hiftory of V hi own Time 1727 4178 ^ View of Englifh Hiftory 4179 Hi ftorians Guide 4180 Hiftory of Europe, 14 vol. 1701 to 1711 2 4181 the League, large paper, front. 1684 / 4182 - His Majefty's Illnefs 1789 f 4183 - Charles James Fox 1783 /. 4184 Spain, 3 vol. - 1793 '75 y^4i86 - California, z vol. '759 .- the Minority .. 1767 .. of Guiana 1769 O Bb Hijlory. / QUARTO. Green (Cafe of Capt. Thomas) and 1m Crew, for Pyracy, &c. 1705 - (Val.J Hiftory of Worcefter, % vol. platet 1796 Grieve (James) Hiftory of Kamfchatka,./>/u/, 1 764. Voyages from Afia to America, pub- lifhed by Jefferys, maps > 1761 Grimefton (Edward) Hiftory of the Eftate of the Grand Seigneurs 1635 Guard (Theodore de la) frniple Cobler of Ag- gawam in America 1647 Guthrie (William) Englifli Peerage, plain 1763 Geography, maps (olourtd 1786 Guynri (John) London and Weftminfter im- proved, maps coloured* See MS. Note, rela- tive to Dr. Johnfon's Affiftance in this Work 1766 Hai>eas Corpus (Arguments on the Writ of) 1649 Halftead (N. B.) Code of Gentoo Laws 1776 Hamilton (Count) Memoirs of Grammont, ivitb 7 6 portraits, morocco, gilt katuts. MS* Rtmtrkt, T 4^9 /j 4190 / t 49 A 4'9* i 4193 4194 ^4195 4196 ,^497 ^ 4Q8 4199 4200 Hanway (Jonas) Travels, 3 vol. plates 1762 J2OI Hardy (John) Lift of Captains in the Navy 1779 ,4202 Hardwicke (Lord) State Papers, 2 vol. boards /?. 4203 Hargrave (Francis) Law Tracls 1787 ^"4204 Harris ( Walter) Defcriptioa of the King's Palace at Loo 1699 ^ 4205 .. . . ib. /J 4206 Harris (George Owen) Genealogy of King James 1604 V/|_ 4107 Harwood (Thomas) Catalogue of the Provofts of j t Eton and King's College, Cambridge 1797 #/#or/. . Quarto* 187 Hafting's Narrative of the Infurreftion in Bana- ris Calcutta 1782 O - 4109 -- Trial, with additional ///, Ticket of Admifiion, and the following Note by Mr. Reed. This Volume was given to me, at the requeft of Mr. Srwarel, by Mr, Haftings, > 4.246 Tradls, viz. The Happy future State of Eng- land. The Obligation refulting from the Oath of Supremacy 1688 4247 - ___ London Spy, Vols. I. and II. in 17 parts, 1698-9. Sots' Paradife, or Humours of a Derby Alehoufe, 1698. Frolick to Horn- Fair, 1700. Poet's Ramble after Riches. The Rambling Rakes and Infmuating Band, 1700. Walk to Iflington, 1699. ^ ^ Divorce between the Duke of Norfolke and Lady Mordant, and 19 other, in one vol. 4248 - chiefly Political (14) 1744, &c. relating to Ireland, chiefly fingle leave t, andiiery curious, 1689, &C 4 2 5 " ' - Cafe of Monopolies by the Eaft India Company, 1689. Trial of Robert Lowick . for Confpiracy to airaflinate King William, 1696. Examination of the Birth of the Pre- tender, and 20 other, chiefly Political, in one vol. 4251 -y (State) in the Reign of King Charles II. -- - 1689 Rye Houfe Plot, with plate of the heufe 1685 453 r- Sherlock's Option, 1756. Cafe of the Method! fts dated. Vindication of the Dutch Weft India Trade, Amft. 1759, &c. in one vol. 4254, ' on Weights and Meafures, 1744-50 425$ - Trial of Hickeringill, 1681. Confefficm of Lieutenant Stern for the Murder of Thomas Thynn, 1681. and feveral other Tryals, &c. in one vol. i Nicholl's Original Letters, addrefled to Oliver Cromwell, 1743. Morrice's Life and Death of the Earl of Orrery. Depofitions of Titus Gates, with whole length portrait in the fil/ory. Tryal of Lord Byron, 1745. Ditto of Earl Ferrers. Ditto of the Rebel Lord*. Ditto of Elizabeth Canning, &c, in i vol. igo fftfltrj.' Oftaro: 42J7 Trafts, The Naked Truth, 1681. The ErrgUlfr Gazette, No. I, 1680. Smith's Courant In- telligence, No. if. Merc uriut Infer*ut t No. 3. The Mercury, No. 174, 1678. The True Domeftick Intelligence, No. 40, 1679. The Proteftant Domeftick Intelligence, 1679. Poor- Gillian, or Mother Rtdcap't Advice, 1677. En- tertainment of the Duke of York at Merchant Taylors' Hall by the Artillery Men, October 1679. The Petitioning: Cornet. The Tri- umphs of Juftice overUnjuft Judges, 1681. The very Btggar, Petition againlt Popny 9 luriout front, and upwards of iao curious- Trafts, in i vol. Twentieth Day's Sale. Hiftory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 4*5 8 TT ISTOR Y of the Cathedral Church of Salifi Jrl bury 17*3 4159 Hiftory of Salifbury 1771 ^4260 r" Chancery 1726 4261 and Antiquities of Scotland 1769 ^262 Scotland ,> 4*63 Revolt of AliBey 1783 ^264 Europe, by Sir William O'Dogherty 1788 ^65 Modarn Enthufiafm 1757 Mecklenburgh 1762 o, /y. /, f. Odavo. 191 j 4267 Hiftory and Antiquities of the Four Inns of Court 1780 ^4268 Revolution in Ruffia in 1762 London 1797 / 4269 ' (Secret) of the Armed Neutrality 1761 - of William Stephens 1<7 59 the Lower Empire, by Le Beau 1770 6 4272 France, by Velly, tranflated by Nugent 1769 the prefenuParliament 1711 / 4274 the Revolution in Sweden Edin. 1776 3> 4275 and Antiquities of Tewkcfbury 1790 y ^4276 . Long Livers 1722 / 4277 . the Parliament of England, from Ray- nal 1751 ^4278 Hofpitalis St. Elizabetha 1786 / 4279 Sevarambians 1738 A 4280 Cuftoms, Aids, &c. 1 761 /\ 4281 Friar Gerund, 2 vol 1762 ^ 4282 Eaft Indie?, 2 vol. 1757 / 4283 ' a vol. 1744 ^ 4284 the City of York, 2 vol. 1788 j^ 4285; .- Cathedral of York, 2 \Q\* plates 1768 / ^ 4286 Rochefter Cathedral 1717 ^ ^"4287 ' Rochefter, plates 1772 x (4288 Winchester, 2 vol. plates 1773 Parliament 1702 Defigns and Confpiracies againft his Majefties Perfon and Government 1693 ib. Knarefborougb) with Harrowgate, by Hargrove, plates 1 789 Europe, by Gibfon 1727 the City of Exeter, from Hooker, Izacke, &c. Triumvirates 1686 Maurice Count Save, 2 vol. 1753 Scotland, by Drake 1 703 Edin. 1760 Glafgow, by M'Ure, alias Cambel, portrait 1736 . Oftavo. j ^4300 Hiftory of Barbadoe 1768 / /430I Ayder Ali Khan, 2 vol. 1784 j 4302 Bedford Level 1685 * ^4304) the Happy Revolution 1715 * 4305] the latter Tymes of the Jevves, b. /. 1 567 / /j 43QP Genoa, 3 vol. 1751 / 4307 the Tartars 1679 2 4308 - Ch rift in a Queen of Sweden 1766 y^439 T~7TV" 'S 58 . 4310 Cardinals, portrait 1053 Monfieur Berlin Fortunatus Dublin 1778 the Feuds of the Clans in Scotland Glafgonu 1764 j 4314 _ His Majefty's Affairs in Scotland 1649 the Pi els . Edin. 1706 Rebellion in '1745 Edin. 1748 Cardinal Mazarine i?73 ^ French Prophets _ 1709 4119 the Confpiracyof the Spaniards again ft Venice Glafgo 1766 ^4362 - India Trafts 1774. ^4363 Home's Eflays on Briiifli Antiquities E(tin, 1765 ^4364 Homer (Hen.) Traftatus Varii Latin! 1786 ^4365 Hood (Nathaniel) Elements of War 1803 / . 4366 Hooke (Colonel) Negotiations 1760 4367 Hornby (Charles) Three Letters, containing Remarks on Errors in Dugda/e't Baronage, with plate of genealogiet 1 7 3 9 4368 Home (Andrew) Mirroux of Jnftices 1768 4369; Hotoman (Francis) Frauco-Gallia 1721 437cuHoulbrook (William) Account of his Sufferings, portrait 1744 ^ 4371 Ho'-lman (John) Tour to the Lakes, plates iSoc 2 4372 Howel (Thomas) Journal of Paflage from India / ^4373 ; ib ' ' J\ 4374 ^Jamrs) Infractions for Forreme Travel 1642 . Choice Pieces of Sir Robert Cotton 1 67 z /, 4376 - f William) Elements of Hiftory 1700 4377iHalme (Obauiah) on the Englifli Conftitution 43;8 > /Hume (David) Hiftory of Great Britain, 2 vol. '755 ungarian Rebellion 1674 438oHunter (W, ) Account of the Kingdom of Pegu Calcutta 1785 4381 - (Chiiflopher) Durham Cathedral 1733 4382^- (Thomas) Philofophical Character of ( Lord ftolingbroke - 1770 4383JHutchefon's Defence of Amient Hiftorians Dublin : OcUvd.' ig$ 4384 HutcTiinfonSs Hiftory of Maflachufet's Bay 1760 (John) Obfervations (Ben.) Biographia Medica, a vol. 1799 4387 Hutton (W.) Hiftory of the Roman Wall 1 802 ^4388 ------ Derby, platei 1791 4309 Journey from Birmingham to London 43857 <^ #43867 A 3 j 4390 Hiftory of Birmingham, platei 1783 / ^4391 Jamaica viewed 1661 4392Vjames Duke of York. Memoirs of Engliih / / Affairs 1729 J 4393\Jani Anglorum 1680 439V Jardine's Letters from Barbary, a vol. 1788 ' 4395 Idol of the Clownes, or Infurre&ion of Wat Tyler 1654 - 6 4396 Jefferfon (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia 1787 ( / ; /-/'4397 Jeffrey of Monmouth, the Britifh Hiftory 1718 '/ 4398 Jenkins (David) ^Works, portrait 1648 / / 2 $ ,, . 44o6)Internal Policy of Great Britain a fj 4407] Jones (D.) Secret Hiftory of White-Hall, z vol. 1717 4408 (Will.) Effay on the Law of Bailments 1781 4409 (John) Lawyers unmaflted 1655 4410 Judges Judged 1650 / 4411 John St. John ou the Land Revenue 1791 - Directory to the Public Peace 1657 4400 Jerfey (Narrative of the Oppreffions of the Iflanders of; 2 vol. 1771 4401 Impey (bir Elij.) Anfwer to P. Francis 1788 4402]Index to the Records 1739 44O3)Infcriptions on Tombs, Sec. in Bunhill Fields, ! interleaved \vith MS. Notes by Mr Reed i^iy \ 44O4)Infpeftions into the late Long Parliament 1655 44C5jIntiuutes of Hindoo Law Caltutta 1796 J6V Hi/lory. QUARTO. 44 1 xlJndia Company. Candid Rcafons for depriving ( it of the Charter 1779 4413} - (Antient Monuments of) by Gougb, plaits 1785 ,44 14)" (Analyfisof the Political Hiflory of) 1779 (Charters granted to the) 1756 177* Indies (ftrange News from) or Eaft India Paf- fagej further discovered by J. Darell 165 z Inquifmon (fubtile Practices of the) <7 44 '9 Inflations to the Mafter and Counfell of the ' Court of Wards and Liveries 1610 /\ ^'44*0 Jones Hifloire de Nadir-Chah, a torn. 1770 / 4.421 Johnftone (James) Chronicle of Man and the \A Iflea L ,786 44*2)Johnfton (Nathsaiel) King's Vifitatoril Power aflerted 1688 44*3/J or " (Paul!) Defcriptio Brittania, Scotise, Hy- bernise et Orchadum '74^ 2 /j 4424 Ireland (Hiftory of) during the lad two years 1691 (Plots hatched in) front. 1641, La ft Newes from Ditto, 1641. Worfe and Worfc Newes from Ditto, 1641, and fix fingte Traces relative to Ditto /. ^4496 Juftinian's Inilituiions, by Harris, fecond edition /ti ^4427 Kearney (Michael) Leflures on Hiflory 1776 3 ^44ati Kennedy (James) Defcripiion 4520) Eirenarchia 1610 45*nLanhorne (John) on the Republic* of Italy / . I77J 4$22rLanglade (James) Memoirs of the Duke of Bol- v ton and Turenne 1693 4$23jLangle iMarqui:.) Sentimental Journey through Spain 1786 ^4524 Laflels (Richard) Voyage of Italy 1686 ^4525 Langier (Abbe de) Hiftory of the Peace at Bel- grade 1770 / 4526 Lawrence (Richard) Intereft of Ireland 1682 / 45*7 '* 4ji8/Laws concerning Mailers and Servants 1767 45291 Hereticks 1713 4 5 3J* of Honour '7 ! 4 453 1 Lawes and Statutes of Geneva, b. 1. 1 562 453 2 / T- of Jamaica 1683 4533J Leblanc'8 Letters on the Englifh and French Na- tions, 2 vol. in i 1747 j 4534 Lee (Rich) of Captures of War J 759 ^ 4535 Legend of St. Cuthbert 1663 7^4536 - - fronti/pitce it. ^4537 Leigh (Edward) England Described 1659 6 4538 Diatribes, or Difcourfes of Tra- vels, &c. 1671 /j 4539 Obfervations of all the Kings 1661 ^4540 Lempriere (William) Tour from Gibraltar 4541) Le Neve (John) Monumenta Anglicana, 2 vol. /I" ( n'7 4543 Leflie Treatife Touching the Right of Mary Queen of Scots Hijlory. 203 ^4544/ketter to the Earl of Caftlehaven . i6?i 4545J" "" * tom South Carolina 1718 4546) ' ' ' Shewing that Bimops are not Judges 4547) Letters by a Calm Obferver 4548^ 4J49J 4550 45 6 5, 45f]> "4567; 4563 4569 11 4 r 7' 45 7 4573 *793 from an American Farmer 1781 of Valens * 1777 from Several Parts of Europe, 2 vol. '755 and Negotiations of Count B'Eftrades by Sir A. Hal four of Algenon Sydney 1 74 2 from Snowderi 1770 to a Nobleman 1 79 to Dr. Mead concerning a new edition ofThuanus 1728 from a Young Painter, 2 vol. 1709 to Warren Mailings and Negociations of Sir Ralph Sadler 1726 from Several Parts of Europe, and the Eaft, 2 vol. 1753 from Edinburgh 1776 and Negotiations o? Sir R. Fanftiawr, 2 from a Gentleman in Scotland, 2 vol. '759 from Earl Danby 1710 from a Moor at t ondon 1736 by Dr. Henry Moore 1694 from Jofeph II. 17^ of the late Thomas Rundle, 2 vol. '7$o between the Rev. Mr, Granger, and Em- minent Men ' itfOf - of Hu.h Soulte'r', 2 vol 1770 ' j. I. Roufllau '7^9 of a Lady's Travels into Spain- 2 vol. 11 1 in from a Lady at Paris, at Avignon 1716 ao4 Hiflory Octavo. 4574/Letters Concerning the State of Italy 1688 4575( on a Tour thro' Scotland 1794. 4570 Lewis (Thomas; Hiltory of the Parthian Empire 1728 ,4$77? Lex Parliamentaria 6 4578jLeyceiter's Common Wealth, Conceived 1641 // t 4579 " ~: por : 45 8 o Life of Mr. William Whifton, portrait! 1753 I J / t 45 8 Sir Thomas Pope, by T. Wharton '77* 458* Charles II. by William Harris, z vol. 1760 Lady Warner, portrait, by Van Sbuppen elegant in rujfia 1692 Reginald Pole 1766 of Henry II. by Lyttelton, 6 vol. 1769 Count Gravnmont, by Boyer 17*4 Gilbert Wakefield, 2 vol. 1804 T. Reid, by D. Stewart 1803 Erafmus, by S. Knight, portrait andplattt Camb. 1736 Dr. John Collet, by S. Knight,//*"' 1724 Sir T. More 1726 '/^459 2 ^ r Henry More, by R. Ward 1710 4593 Philip Doddridge, portrait 1766 4594 '* ' Lord Lo vat i '785 459$ Burke, by R. Biflet, 2 vol. 1800 4596 T. Crammer, abridged 1715 A 4597 Petrarch, by Dobfon, 2 vol. plates &\ 6 4S9 8 Swift, by Thomas Sheridan 1787 / /4599 - Jonathan Swift, by Deane Swift 1755 ', / 4600 ' Remarks on by Orrery 75.* 4601 Sir John Leake, by Stephen Martin, Leake, only .-o copies were printed 4601 - - Volcaire, by Chaudon 1786 j* 4603 Sir Franci* Bernard 1790 j ^ 4604 John Johnfon 1748 205 4605 Life of Samuel Johnfon, by James Bofwell, g vol. 1793 ' i i -- .. ' by Hawkins 1707 '? 4607 and Writings of Alexander Geddes, by J. Mafon Good, portrait 1803 4608 Robinfon Crufoe, 2 vol. 1785 4609 Edward Earl of Clarendon, 5 vol. Ox ford 17 59 ^4610 Donald Macleod 1791 ^4611 James II. 1704 j ^4612 - Seth Bifliop of Salifbury 1697 / 4613 - Solomon Mafon Birmingham 3 ^4614 Archbimop Williams 1715 9 4615 James Lackington, portrait / ^4616 Henry VIII. by Lewis 1769 $,. ^4617 Ferrar, by P. Peckard 1790 ^ 4618 James I. by W. Harris 177Z ^ 4619 . i. Homer, by Blackwell, platet 1730 . / 4620 St. Wenefriili,/routi/pitce i6jj 4621 -- Lord Chatham, 4 vol. 1792 /f - 4622 Samuel Johnfon, by Bofwell, 4 vol. 1799 ^ 4623 Guftavus Adolphus, by W. Harte 2 vol. 1767 4624 ' the Earl of Chatham, 3 vol. 1797 / 4625 Chriftopher Wagftaffe, 2 vol. In i i;6a / t 4616 Will of Wykehatn (with the Supple- ment) by Lowth . 1758 4627 ' - "--- Captain John Porteus 1737 ^ 4628 ~ Singleton . 1720 Hiftvry. QUARTO. Robert Earl of Eflex, with his Death and Funeral, plates, 1646. Life of Colonel Edward Harwood, 1642 206 ^4631 4632 Life of George Frederick Handel, and John Chriftopher Smith, portrait 1709 i Henry IV, of France, by Grimeftone i6rz - . Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, by Walpole, 1770. Hiftoric Doubts on Richard III. by Ditto, with the Anfwer thereto, by Dickens, bound together William Hinton 1665 Andrewe Hyperios, by Ludharn, b. /. 577 Jackfon, the Highwayman, with his Re- csntation - .. 1674 - John James, with Account of his Execo tion i66t George Lord Jefferies, by Bent Earl of Kellie, by Gleig Edin. 1797 Elizabeth Duchefs of Kingfton, a por- traitt Petef Lambert, executed for killing Thomas Hamden, (hewing the fuccefle of Swaggering, Dicing, Dnirikerinefi, and Whoring ^4645 4646 2 ^4647 / 4648 4649 ^4651 4652 4653 / 46^4 // 4 465 5 ^656 Stephen Marshall 1680 Milton, by Hayley 1796 -^ Thomas Parr, the old, old, my old Man Philip of Miacedon, ^ vol. in i f farirait I 7S S Seganus -^ Paris i6z8 ' Spencer, by Birch Henrv Lord Stafford 1640 -- Colonel James Turner, with Accoant of his Execution i66j Richard Earl of Tyrconnel 1689 -- Monfieur Du Val 1670 Ralph Wallis, Cobler of Glocefter 1670 -- Sir Thomas Wemworth, Earl of Staf- forde, frontifpitct - 1641 --- Sir Wer burgh, Cbtjler 1759 - John \Vhitgift i6ia - William Laud, portrait by Marjball \ 64.5 Sir John Eardley Wilmot, portrait 1802 Hiffory. Quarto. ^ 207 *- 46^7 Life of Alice Duchefs Duddeley, 1669. Life of Margaret, Wife of Richard Baxter 1681 46}8LHio (George) Chronicum Franck. 156; Lincoln (Sheriffs of) 1779 Lin ofay (John) Voyage to the Coaft of Africa, plates '759 4661 ' -' ib, Lifter (Thomas) conduft refpefting the Borough of Clitheroe. Anfwer to /^ ^4663 Lithgow (William) 19 Yeare$ Travayles, pistes and portrait *> 1632 ^ 4664 _______ painfull Peregrination from Scotland to the Kingdomes in Europe, Afia, and Africke 1614 / 4665 Lives of the Popes, and their Dodtrine 1600 / ' /3 46& Nineteen Pyrates, b. /. . 1608 / ^-\66j Living Authors of Great Britain, inter- leaved with large MS. Additions by Mr. Reed 1702 // 4668 Loder (Robert) Hiftory of Framlingham, plaits 1798 ',* 4669 Lloid (Lodowick) Diall of Daies, b. L 1590 /p 46/0 Pilgrimage of Princes, b. I. 1586. Marrow of Hiftory or Pilgrimage of Ditto, corrected by Codrington, 1653 / // 4671 Lodge (Edmund) lliuftrations of Britiih Hiftory, 3 vol. with porttaitt 1791 . ^-672 De Lolme on the Union of Scotland with Eng- land ~ 1787 2ND OF THE TWENTY.PIRST DAY'S SALE. Twenty-fecond Day's Sale. COT #n ' 6 4674" / 4675- 4 6 7 6( t 4677) f 4678 3 /4 6 79 4680 j J 4681) 3 468 z 4683) 4684.) * ^4&8s' A 686 trait Hiftory. OCTAVO. IFE of Dr. Peter Heylyn, by G. Vernon I 1687 Life of James Duke of Monmouth 1685 Fauftus Socinus 1653 King Charles, the Non Such Charles 1651 Sir G. Rook >77 Hugh Peters, by W. Younge Grammont * 1760 Waller . ?7* Alfred, by Powell Peirefcius, portrait 1657 Louis XIV. 7S Sir F. Drake Sufannah Perwich, no title W. Bedell Richard II. Fenelon , - - 1685 >7 3 3 Mary Stewart, Queen of Scotland, por- of David Hume, by various Author* Smollett, by R. Anderfon 1803 Lewis XV. by Juflamond, 4 vol. 1781 4-3.4 . OftaVo. 299 , /[ 4693 Life oFT. Emlyn - ^4694. __-~ Commodus Zimmerman, by Tiflbt -- James Beattie, by A. Bower Theodofius the Great Earl of Shaft/bury __ W. Shenftone - 1788 Samuel Johnfon, by R. Anderfon 1795 Earl of Leicefter 1727 John Kettlewcll 1718 Cardinal Pole - 1766 of Tuomas Day - i ;gi Will Cecil, by Arthur Collins, portrait John Wicliffe, by Lewis 1720 Hai Ebn Yokdhan, pl*tes 1708 George Bull, by R. Nelfon 1713 Nadir Shnh, by W, Jones 1773 General Monk - 1723 Oliver Cromwell, by W. Harris 177Z St. Francis Xavier 1688 Towgood, by J. Manning 1792 Cardinal Pole, by T Neve 1766 2 vol. - 1767 Benvenuto Cellini, by T. Nugent, 2 vol. 1771 47 17 "- " Lord Crewe 4718 Arthur Maynwaring ^4719 Grotius, by De Burigny 4720 Voltaire, by Condorcet 4721 Sir Thomas Cantilupe ^4722 the Earl of Crawford ^ 4723 Cluchele /, 47*5 Robert Price ^ 4726 Agricola, by J. Aikin 4727 Servetus 4718 Vanini 4729 Henry Prince of Wales, by T. Birch' 1760 Spinofa 1 706 4731 _- W. Mo'.rell- W. Bedloe aio & 473? ^ 4734 J ^4'35 *" 473<> /i47 ?Q ^ ^4740 474.1 -2, A74.2 Hlftorj. Oftavo. Life of Daubigne Thomas Ellwood . Richard Lyde - T. Ruddiman, by C. Chalmers __ Count Bruhl Henry Prince of Wales, by Sir Charles Cornwallis l6 4' John Williams, by A. Philips, portrait 1700 .*. Timothy Ginnadrake, a Fidler, 3 vol. 1771 Sir Stephen Fox, 1717, and Sermon at hi Funeral, n\b, rare Henry Chichele, by Duck 1099 Frederick William of Proffia, by Phelips M * *+. 1747 177* 1D7O James Houftoun George W hi tfi eld, portrait William Chillingworth . Thomas Man ton, by Will. Harris, port. 1725 and Philof-.phy of Epi&etus of Mademoifelle de la Sarre Sir Philip Sydney Mr. John Jackfou Nathaniel Lardner Tyaneus, by Tillemont Will. Fuller Lord Bolingbroke, portraits, 1750, Ditto, 1752. Ditt'o by GoldftYiith, 1770 Dr. fiarwick, /. /. Pope Sixtua the V. George Home, by W. Jones Philip Duke of WhaTton, ^ vol. the Emprefs Catharine, 2 vol. by J Mottley, 1744 Emperor Julia a 1652 1764 7 6 9 1702 1724. 1766 1795 173 2 Hyder Aily, by Francis Robfon _ Thomas Ruddiman, by Chalmers John Bernardi Thomas Kerr, portrait Afheton, by T. Watts Gultavus Vafa, the African 1776 1 684 1794 1729 1714, *it / 4768 Life of Mr John Shower - 1716 4769 Thomas Bray 1-46 Mr. Chriftiau Davies i?4 / 4771 -- Thomas Firmin - 1698 4 A7?2 - . Queen Anne, z vol. -- 1721 .2 ^4773 -- Erneftus the Pious, morocco, gilt /eaves 4774 -- Ralph Bathurft, by Thomas Warton, portrait i?6* 79 4811 .11. Thomas Gainlborough 1788 4813 and Reign of King Charles I. (Extracts of) 4814 Alban Butler, portrait '799 48 1 y Robert Robin fon, by George Dyer, portrait '79$ ^4816 William Burkitt 1704 ^4817 Donna Olimpia Maldachini 1667 4818 Daniel de Foe, by Chalmers 1790 48,19 Tillotfon, by Birch, large paptr, portrait J 75 2 ^4820 Dr. Sanderfon, portrait 1678 ^4821 - Father Paul 1651 3 ^4822 'i St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland 1661 / 4823 Dr. Hammond, by Fell 1661 4824). Anthony Earl of Shaftelbury 1683 3 04825) Fenelon, by Hooke 1723 >$ 4820 and Death of Edward V. by Moore 1641 4827 Lind's Letters on Poland 1773 4 8a8) Tradls 1727 / ^4829]' Letters to Price 1 77& on the Colonies 1775 483 ij . on the American Congrefs, iitter- itaved ^4832 Lindfay (Robert) Hiftory of Scotland 1778 ^4833 Linguet's Memoires of the Baftile 1 783 4834 Lifle (Francis) Legend of the Cardinal of Lor- raine . 1577 ^4835 Lifter (Martin) Journey to Paris 1699 * 4836^111 of Offices, Civil and Military 1697 4 83 7) Littleton's Tenures, b /. 1604. f. /. /j ( 2I 3 ) Hiflory. QUARTO. LONDON. Brief Defcription of the Royal Ex- change. London's Gate to Piety. Ditto Remains, in Latin and Englifh, 1667 ^4839 a True Account of Informations rela- tive to the late Burning of the City, 1667, Aft for preventing Fires in Ditto, 1668. Fumifugium, or Smoke of London diffipated, 1661. London's Flames, 1679 4840 Order for preventing the Plague, by the Lord Mayor. Difcourfe on Ditto, by Harvey and Garencieres. London's Com- plaint againft her Children, 1665. The Countrie Ague, or London her Welcome Home to her retired Children, frontifpute^ 1625. London's Complaint againft her Chil- dren in the Country, 1634 4841 (Charter of) 1680. Dangers and Mifchiefs from the Bank of England, 1707* Apologies for the Builder, 1685 4842 . . Relation of the Devil's appearing to Thomas Cox, a hackney coachman, who lives in Cradle Alley, in Baldwin's Gardens, 1684. Great and wonderful Miracie,wrought on George Brokingham, who had fold his foul to the Devil for 22 years, 1663. Infor- mations relative to the Burning of the City, 1667 ^4843 i ii Lift of Prifoners of the Upper Bench. Prifon, 16^3. Second Attempt of Prifoners in the Compter, 1670. Livery Man's Rea. fons why he did not give his Vote for a cer- tain Gentleman to be Lord Mayor or Parlia- ment Men for London, 1701, and 2 other 4844 Orders and Ordinances for the Go vernment of the Hofpitall of Bartholomew. Orders for Orphans, and Difcourfe of the / laudable Cuflomes of London, 1652 J , / , 214 ^4845 4846 447 .> Quarto. London. Lifts of the Liveries of the fifty-fir Companies, 1701. Aft of Common Council for regulating the Election of Sheriffs, 1683 1 Explication of the King's Diall, at London, by Hall, Liegt 1673. Cafe of the Free Scriveners, 1749. Commiffion for com- pounding for Wards, Idiots, and Lunatick, 1618. Propofals for extending the Public Keys and Wharfs, and 2 other Trap ad Crucem, or the Papift's Watch Word, 1670. Papift's Plot of Firing difcovered, in a perfeft Account of the Fire in Fetter Lane, 1679. Account of dreadful Fire at Mr. Seaton's,Whitecrofc Street, 1687. Aft for preventing Fires in the City, 1668. Obfervations on the Burning of London, 1666 Troia Redeviva, or the Glories of // 4849 London furveyed. an Heroick Poem, 1674. London's Remains, and Conflagration, poe- tically defcribed, 1667. London's Refur- reclion, 1669 Orders, &c. of the Company of Sta. tioners, 1692. Will of Sir Thomas Grelham, Kalender of Prifoners committed to the Cuf- tody of Sir John Lenthall. On extending the public Keys and Wharfs of London. Lambe's Account of Charity School of St. Katherine Cree Church, 1718. Arraignment, Tryall, &c. of Francis Deane, a Slater, and of John Faulkner, aftrong Water-Man, 1643 i Vox Civitatis, or London's Com- plaint again ft her Children in the Country, 1625. City Law, 1647. Proceedings of the College of Phyficians relative to the Sick Poor, 1697. Informations relative to the late Burning of the City, 1667 Orders for fetting Roges and Idle Perfons to Worke, b. I. Aft of the Com- mons for Reliefe of the Poor, 1652. Cheap- fide Croffe cenfured and condemned, 1641. News from Puddle Dock, in London, 1674 / /r Quarto. 215 4852 London, Modeft Enquiry concerning the Elec- tion of the Sheriff's of London, 1682. Vefm, and his Mermydons, or the Linen Draper Ca- potted, 1679. Charter granted to the Apo- thecaries, 1695. Hunt's Defence of the Charter of London. Dialogue between a Liveryman and a Freeman. 1695. Salomon's Peft Houfe, or Toure Royall 1635 4853 -in. Decree of Starre Chamber, concerning Inmates, and Divided Tenements in London 1636. Widfmore Enquiry into the Firft Foundation of Weftminfter Abbey, 1743. Reges, Reginas, Nobiles et alii Sepulti in Ec- clefla Weftmii. 1606 // 4854 Lord (Henry) Difcoverie of the Sett of the Ba-' nians, front. . - 1635 lie (John) Euphues, and his England, b. i. V defefii've at the end 4856^ i i ' Anatomic of Wit, and Euphues and his England, b. I. - " i6o& 4857 Lyfon's (Daniel) Environs of London, 4 vol, with the Middlefex Parishes, i vol. with plates in boardt -. 1792-1800 4858 Macallefter (Oliver) Letters 1767 /2 4859 Macaulay (Catherine) Hi (lory of England, 5 vol. 1763 3 / 4860 ' Remarks on Hobbes, &c. ^^4861 Mac Cormick (Charles) Memoirs of Edmund Burke, portrait 170*8 ^ 4862 Mackenzie (Roderick) Sketch of the War with. Tippo Sultan, 2 vol. Calcutta 1795 / /j 4863 Maclaurin's Arguments and Decisions in the Courts of Scotland 1774 4864 Macpherfon (James) Introduction to the Hiiiory of Great Britain and Ireland 1773 4865 Introduction to the Hiltory of the Anglo Saxons 1772 4866 Madox (Thomas) Hiftoryofthe Exchequer, z vol. large paper '769 4867 Magna Brittannia, 6vol. maps 1720 4868 Malcolm (James Peller) Antient Hiftory and Modern Defcription of London, platet 1802 2l6 Hi//ory.< Folio. Malta 1 80 1 or Account of Differences between / ^4869 Malta (Defcription of) 487o)Manifefto, or Accoun / the King of Denmark, and Duke of Holfteiu /J i677 487 v Maurice (H.) Account of John Mafon, 1695. Cafe of the Officers under Count Naflau /$"' ^ 4872 Manfion of Magnanimitie, b. /. 1608 j ^4873 Manwood (John) Laws of the Fore ft 1598 f 4874 1615 4875 Maps (Ten) of Countys, on Canvafs, in Cafes, Berkefture, Bucks, Hants, Herefordfhire, Lancafhire, Stafford (hire, Surry, Warwick- (hire, Wiltfhire, and Thirty Miles round Lon- don 4876 Marbecke (John) Lyves of Holy SainAes, b. /. '574 j? ,^4877 Marketman (John) Penitence for Murthering his Wife 1680 4878 Martine (George) Hiftory of St. Andrews, flat/s '797 JQ Matters (Robert) Hiftory of Corpus Chrifti College, Cambridge, platei, 1753. Tyfon's Account of Illuminated Manuscripts 1770 Mathieu (P.) Heroyk Life and Deplorable Death of Henry IV. of Prance, by Grimefton, portrait 1611 488i?Meares*s Voyage (Remarks on) by Dixon 4882) Memorial of Charles Howard, of Greyftock, and Mifs Frances Howard, of the Family of Norfolk FOLIO. 4.883 Tacitus, tranflated by Gordon Land. 1728 4884 Thorefby (Ralph) HiHory ofLeedes, platei, no title /488C De Thou ( ) Hiftory of His own Time, by Wilfon, Vol. I. Loud. 172.9 ( *? ) Townfliend (Heywood) Hiftorical CollecVion* of the 4 laft Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth Land. 1680 ^4887 Trial of Admiral Byng, taken by Charles Fearne Land. 1757 ^4888 Turquet (Lewis de Mayerne) General Hiftorie of Spain e - Lond* 1612 f 4889 Walker (Sir Edward) Hiftorical Drfcourfes Land. 1709 4890 i Sufferings of the Clergy i*. 1714 4891 Walfingham (Thomas) Ypodiguia neuftria; vel. Mormannias Loud. 1574 ? 4892 Ward (John) Lives of the Profeffors of Grefham portrait ib. 1746 4893 Warner (Ferdinand) Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of England, 2 vol. .. ib. 1757 g* 4894 Webfter (John) on Witchcraft Land. f 4895 Weftminfter (Proceedings Relating to) 1744 Twenty-third Day's Sale. Hijiory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 4896 JL^IVES of the Admirals, by Campbell, 4 vol. '744 4897 Emminent Antiquaries, Le- land, Hearne, andWood, avoi. large paptr, pfati -' Oxford 1772 F f Hiftory. O&avo. 4898 5000 5001 - 5002 J- 5003J- Clerc / /' 5005 5006 ^5007 5008 50P0 AQimole and Lilly 1774 John Wiclifte, &c. by Gilpin 1766 the Ladies of France, by Ann Thickneffe 1780 Englifh and Foreign, i vol. 1704 > Clemens Alexandrinus. by Le 1696 John Lord Somers, 1716. and Charles Duke of Shrew (bury 1718 " Handel and Nafh, portrait 1760 Illuftrious Men from Plutarch, by Rowe 1728 . the Bifhops, by Le Neve, i vol. in i 1720 " Thomas More, and John Fifher Dublin 1765 Sir Matthew Hale, Karl of Rochefter, and Queen Mary, by Burnet 5012 and Writings of Fletcher, of Salt- on, portrait 1792 Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c. by Walton . i 1670 Scotifh Authors, by Irving Edin. 1801 (lluftrious Men Oxon 1684 and A^ions ot Notorious Coun- terfeits, fronnfpiece , with fortraitt 1686 6 5015 - ' Regicides 1661 < joi - Alexander, Casfar, Scipio 1602 & 5017 - -- Arrie, Paulina, &c. 1639 ^ ^018 -- ----- Henry Duke of Gloucefter, and Mary Princefc of Orange 1661 5019 Living Authors (Literary Memoirs of) 2 vol. 1/98 $020 Livius Roman Hillory, b. L title wanting MS, note, by Dr. Fa-mer .-r / 5 02t '--Joyd ^Davidj State Worthies, 2 vol. 1766 Lofco ^Jerome) Voyage to Abyffinia 1735 f J J./4. /> fl^ory. OclaVO. -219 3023 Logan and the Earla of Cowry, Confpiracies againft James VI. //. 1713 5024) (George) on Government ib. 1746 5O25\ London Regifter, for i?6z 5016 and Weftminfter Account of, with Afts of Common Council, 3 vol. 50*7 Inltruttions for the Executors and Ad- miniftrators of Freemen, Sec. ti. t. 1682 ^028 and its Environs Defcribed, 6 vol. cuts 1761 ^50*9 Long (Thomas) Hiftory of Plots, Ac. 1684. / 5030) Lord's Proieft'of Ireland Dublin 1772 " 503 tj Low Countries (Prefent State of the) 1609 / ^5031 Ludlow {Edmund) Memoirs, 3 vol. Edin. 1751 / 5033 LufTman (John) Account of Antigua 7 8 9 5034 Lupton (Donald) Hiftory of the Proteftant Di vines, portraits 1637 503; Lyndewode Conftitutiones AngHe *JS7 / / ^036 Mably (Abbe de) on the Manner of Writing Hiftory 1783 / $037 " Romans 1751 ,5038! Remarks on America 1784 S039)Macaulay (Kenneth) Hiftory of St. Kilda 1764. (. 5040 Macdonald (John) Travels in Europe, Afia, and Africa . 1790 5041) (Thomas) on Civil Imprisonment ih . *i England . 1791 5042) Mackerell (B.) Antiquities of Kings Lynn 1738 / 5043 Mac Nicol (Donald) Remarks on Dr.\Johnfon's Tour '779 5044 Macpherfon (James) Introduction to the Hiftory of Great Britain - 1771 ^ 6 545 - Hiftory of Great Britain, a vol. 1775 S / 546 State Papers, 2 vol. ! 775 / 5047 Macqueen (Dr.) Letters on Hume's Hiftory 17156 / 5048 Madden (Mar tin) Thoughts on Executive Jaftice < .' /. '/, 1785 20 // 5049 Maguillans (Gabriel) Hiftory of China 1688 ^5050 Mahumedifm (Firft State of) - 1670, 5051 Maiden (Henry) Account of King's College Chapel, portrait - 1769 Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 2 vol. 1770 5053 Malynes (Gerrard) of the Canker of England's Commonwealth 1601 / 5054 Mandeville's Enquiry into Honour - 1732 / 5<>55 '* / 5056 Mangaloref Account of the Defence of) 1786 2 5057 Manley (Sir Roger) Hiftory of Rebellions from 1640.101685 - 1691 ^058 (Mrs.) Life 1725 / /5S9 Manuell of Rights and Priviledges of Parliament 1647 .5069} Man Trade (2 Dialogues on) 1760 <* ^ 5o6i)Manufcripts in the Library of the Kings of France, z vol. . 1789 / 6 56* March (John) Commonwealth's Friend 1651 '/ 5063 Marcus Flaminius, by C. Knight, 2 vol. 1792 5o64)Marloorough (Conduct of the Duke of) 1712 ' 5065) Marriot (James) Cafe of the Dutch Ships Confi- 5066) C ? 1. 7 ( i6 ' 5067) Mar fhall (Jofeph) Travels, 4 vol. '77* 5068) Martial Review 1765 5069) Martin (SamueJ; Plan for the National Militia '745 5070 Martin (Martin) Conqueft of China 1654 5071 Maflachufet's historical Society (Collections of) Boflon 1 8oi 5071 Mafley (James) Travels - '" 1741 7^5073 Maft.n (John) Hiftory of Nfely Cambridge 1791 7/5074 Mathews (John) Voyage to Sierra Leone 1788 5075 Mathifon (Fred.) Letters on the Continent, by Anne Plumptrec 1799 tUftorj. Oftavo. 22* ^5076 Mauduit (Ifrael) Apology for General Wolfe ^ 1765 Maundeville (Sir John) Voyage and Travaile 5078 Maundrell (Henry) Journey from Aleppo, to Jerufalem, platet > Oxford 1740 /; 5079 Mavvman (J.) Excurfion to the Lakes, plaits 1805 2 5080 May (Thomas) Hiftory of the Parliament i5 ^5081 Meadovve (Philip) Wars betwixt Sweden and Denmark .. . - 1677 / 5081 Meifter (Henry) Letters 1-759 rf 5083 Melcombe's Diary by Wyndham, portrait 1784 ^ (084 Memoirs of the Revolution in 1688 . ^5086 - Monfieur Deageant 1^90 / 5087 Relating to the Royal Navy 1690 / 5088 . --- James Lord Audley, Earl of Caftle- haven __. - . / 5089 - the Family of the Boyles Dublin / / 59 Affairs of Scotland, by Moyfea Edinburgh 175.5 / $091 -P- Nicholas Gabrini de Rienzi 2 5092 - - the Houfe of Braudenburgh,a vol. 1758 / 593 Albert Haller, portrait 1783 ^ / 594- - a Social Monfter, portrait 1786 // 595 - - Cardinald de Retz, 4 vol. portrait 1723 S96 -- Guyjoli, 3 vol. - , 775 597 the D. and Ds. of O. by Madam Dauuoy - ,708 5098 -- Gue-Trouin - 1 74 j James II. - . I7O2 Thomas Comber, Dean of Durham, 2 zz Hiftory. Oftavo. / 5101 Memoirs of John Ker. 2 vol. 17*6 / 75102 a Cavalier ^ ' 5 , 03 _ Mark Noble - i?95 y , 104 the Court of England in King Charles II. Reign i?<> 8 John Froiflart Baron de Tott. (Appendix to) 1786 ,, 07 Henry Gathroy late BHhop of Dun- keld Glaf. 1747 /, s i O 8 Charles Lee 7Q2 .. - I09 . the Reverend Thomas Baker, by * Robert Matters 1784 2 5UO _ Arthur Afhley Sykes, by Difney 1785 , - tll . the Twentieth Century 1733 Balhaw Count BOD neval 1750 Matquis of Torcy, 2 vol. 1757 Count D' Eftrades, 3 vol. 1711 North Britain 1715 TJenzil, Lord Hollis, portrait '699 Britifh and Foreign \1\z 75118 Jofeph Borufelfki 1788 /rug Marquis de Gmfcard 1705 /ci2o -- the Dutcheis Mazarine 1676 ' 5 i 2I Two laft Years of the Reign of King Charles I. 1711 Ladies of Great B'itain, by Amory '755 Duke of Rohan 1660 Vifcount Dundee n 17:4 Major Alexander Ramkins 1719 the Court of France and Paris 1702 Thomas Chubb 1747 jiao, in a Journey through China, by Le 1. 2. Duke of Berwick, a vol. 1779 Wars of the Cevennes 1726 3. i. 6 Kiitory. Oftavo. 223 Memoirs of Dumourier, and Letters to Pache, 2 vol. 1794 5 '33 John Macky 1733 5134 the Four lali Years of Queen Anne 1742 <^5'35 Impeachment of Earl of Danby 1710 Count de Rochefort 1696 5137 Firft Settlement at Barbadoes '743 /^5 I 3^ Monmouthfliire 1708 5139 John Nichols, partrait, and Anec- dotes of William Bowyer, j 778, N. B. only 1 2 fopiet printed Ireland . 1716 the Life and Writings of Sir Rich. 1731 Campaign in Sweden 1788 Philip Thickneffe, Vol. III. 1791 5M4 James Graham, Marquis of Mont- rofe, portrait Editt. 1756 Denmark. 1700 ^5146 the D' de Ripperda 1740 /5'47 Duke of Shrewfbury 1718 5148 Denzil, Lord Hollis 1699 5 1 49 Marquis de Hautefort 1763 5 'S<> a late Eminent Advocate, by Mel- moth, portrait 1796 i 5151? . Relative to the Campaign of 1788 5 i52)Memoire fur la Population 1768 ^ 5155 Memorialls for the Governments of the Royall Burgh's in Scotland . Abtrdetn 1685 / ^5 f S4 Memorials of Occurences in the Family of Sir George Sondes and Letters Relating to the Hiitory of Britain Glajgoiu 1766 ^5156 ^5157 of the Family of Tufton 1800 Menin Defcription of the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of France 3 K Quarto. i ^5159 Mercurius Rufticus,/"^*?. i 1/546 /5t6o Mctamorphofis Anglorum 1660 QUARTOs Mendoza Theorique and Praltifes of War 597 (Copie of a Letter fent out of Eng- land to Don) b. 1. 1588 Merbury (Charles) Difcource of RoyaJl Monar- chic 1581 Middlefex, Petition of the Inhabitants of Ifle- worth againft William Grant, 1941. Ma- lice Defeated, or Tryal of the Reverend Mr. Richardfon, 1712. Murther of Sir lid. mondberry Godfrey, 1678 . Strange and Wonderful Relation from Shad well, or the Devil vizible, 1674* The Witch of Wapping, or Relation of the life and Devilifh Practices of Joan Peterfon, 1652. Declaration in Anfwer to Lying Pamphlets, Concerning the Witch of Wap- ping, 1652. Zealous Expreffioos of Sir Bal- thazer Gerbier < Defign for bringing a Navigable River from Rickmanfworth. 1720. Rules and Orders lor Afcertaming the Right of every Proprietor at Ranelagh 1754 Mildmay (Sir Win.) Trafts 1763 Millar (John) Hiftoricai View of the Englifli Government 1790 Milles (Jer.) Obfervations on the Wardrobe Ac- count I 77 Milton (John) Tenure of Kings 1649 Mmadoi (John Thomas) Warrcs of the Turkes and Perflans 1595 Minfhull (Rich.) Vienna 6 5168 tw 5171 ffijlory. Quarto. 225 .^5173 Moll (Herman) Atlas Ma,nju ale 1:723 -2 5173* Maps of England arid Wales ! 749 / ^5174 More (Sir Thomas) Utopia 1624 ^5175 Mores (Edw. Rowe) Nomina et InfignJe Genti- iitia 1749 ^5176 Morgan (J.J Phoenix Britannicus 1731 5177 Munday (Ant.; Watch Word to Englande, b. I. 1584. 5178 Narrative of the Late Parliament 1657 /I79 Navy 'Eflay on the) 1702 5180 Nevylli (Alex.) De Furoribus Norfolcienfium Ketti Duce 1575 5181 Newcaftle (Duchefs of) Life of Cavendifhe Duke of Newcaftle 1675 5i8z Newcome (Peter) Hiftory of the Abbey of St. Alban's, plates 1795 5183 Newton (Sir Ifaac) Chronology 1770 5184 Nicolfon (William) Englifh, Scotch, and Idto, H i ilorical Libraries 1776 ^5185 Nifbet (Alex.) Eflay on Armouries, cuts Edin. 1718 51-86 Noble (Mark) Genealogy of the Stuarts *795 5187 Norden (John) Speculum Brittanniai, 1723. Ralphe Brooke's Errour in Norden's Brittan- niz, portrait 1723 ^5188 Norfolk (State of Fafts in Defence of the King's Right to) Fee Farm Rents in ^5189 North (Roger) Examen./or/ra// 1740 5190 Life of Francis North, Lord Guildford, portrait 1742 5191 Sir Dudley North, por- trait . 1744 /j 5192 Noue (de la) Politicke and Militarie Difcourfes, b.L 1587 ^ 5193 Nottinghamfhire (Trafts Relative to) Rook'o Account of Oaks at Wclbeck, &c. 1790 5194 Nugent (Thomasj Hiftory of Vandalia,z vol. 1769 ! /S ! 95 Orange (The Apologia of Princo Wm. of) / //y Dil/t. 1581 G E Folio. 5'9 5200 5201 5202 /5 2 3 /5 2 4 5 2 5 f206 / 5 2 <>7 /t, 5^08 5209 3\ ' tile's Military Tranfadlions in Indoftan, 3 vol. plates in boards 1/99 'erreich Defcription, Des Deux Palais DC, Sans Souci - 1773 erbury (Sir Thomas) Obfrrvationi 16*6 )wen (Lewis) Running Regifter . 1616 tf)urolde j Walter) Varietie of Memorable and Worthy Matters 1605 Oxford f Hiftory of the Univerfity of) 1773 (Vindication of) from the afperfions of Mr. Gibbon ' : ; the Hiftoriographer of. 'g* 6 93 Oxonienfis (Notitia Academias) LnJ. 1675 Packe (Chriftopher) Chart of Eaft Kent 1743 Pagitt (E.) Herefiography, front. 1654 Park (Mango) Travels in Africa, platei 1799 Farke (Robert) Hiftorieofthe Kingdomeof Chi- na, b.l. 1588 Parker's Evidence of Tranfaftions in the Eaft Indies 1782 Parliamentary Tranfaflions, tntt Parliament (One and Thirty new Orders of) 1659. Phillip's Long Parliament Revived i6i ' (Diurnal! of) No. 243. to 894 Parry (William) Declaration of Horrible Trea- ions Pradifed by. b.l. 1584. Earle of Nor- thumberland's Tieafon 1585 I M. /. /,-. FDL1Q. Weever (John) Funeral Monuments of Great Briain, Ireland, &c. portrait, Lend. 1731 Se- gar on Honour, 1602 Wilford (John} Memorials and Lives of Worthy Perfons < Loud. Whitworth (Rob.) Report on the Cac; from Waltham Abbey , Wilkes( John) Englith Liberty 1762 /52i8 Wicquefort on EmbaiTadors, by Dig Loud. 1 740 5219 Wilfon (Arthur) Hiftory of Great Britain par- trait Land 1653 ^5220 Windwood (Sir Ralph) Memorials of Affairs of State, portrait, 3 vol. Loud. 172$ 5221 Wood (Anthony) Atben* Qxtmien/it t z vol. in i Land. 1711 j 5*22 Wright (Mich.) Account of the Erabaffy of Lord CafUemaine, portraits Land. 1688 5223 Xenophon Cyropedia Lend. 163* 5224. (Hiftorie of) by John Bingham Land. 1623 iu enty-fourth Day's Sale. Hiftory. OCTAVO. LOT A ^5225 iVllTCHELL (Charles) Principles of Leglf-' lation 1796 jk 5226 Middleton (Chriftopher) Vindication of the Conduft of 1743 ^5227 Mildtaay (Sir Wil!ian) on Eleftions 1743 3 - < a8 Hi/lory. O&&VQ. .;* - - '< ^5228 Military Hiftory of Great Britain, for 1756, ami . 757 .5x29 Millan's Lift of hit Majefly's Forces. Lift of the Flag Officers, 1 782 , / 5230 < Arms of the Englifh Nobility 1752 ^5231 Milton (John) Hiftory of Mufcovia i68x- 523*^ Mirabeau, Speeches of 1.791 i $. 5233] Mirabile Pecce, or the Wonder of the Peak ^5234 Miflbn's Memoirs and Observations in his Tra- vels -- 1719 3J 52.35 Model of the Province of New Jerfey i68f ^ 5236 Modeft Plea for an Equal Commonwealth " -JJ ' 1659 ' / 5237 Molefworth (Lord Vifc.) Standing Rules for the Army *744 ^5338 Moleville (Bertrand) Annals of the French Re- volution, vol. I. " 1800 7x5939 Molloy (Charles) De Jure Maritime- J 744 5240; Molyneux (Wm.) Cafe of Ireland 1725 1725 3660 1650 1721 ^5242 Monarchy Aflerted ^5243 ..... - Grounds and Reafons of a / j- /5*44 Monafticon Hibernicum, f/> 5251 Moritz (Charles) Travels in ir8 1795 /5 a S3 Morris (Valentine) Narrative of the Official Conduct of 1787 3 6 5*54 Mortimer |Thos.) Student's Pockt Dictionary, Mottley (John) Life of Catherine II. 777 1744 Hi/lory. -Q&avo. tt<) ^ C26 Motraye (de la) Remarks on the Hiftory of Charles XII. 1752 5157 Muret Rites of Funeral - 1683 A / 5259 Mufcovy, Ancient and Prefent State of i6o,S * v " 5260 Mufgrave (Wm.) Hiftory of Sir Robt. \Valpole, 17 p 4 5261 Narrative of what patted at Killala, Dublin,, 1800 ^"5262 the Ruffian Expedition againft the Turks 1772 / / 5*^3 i Converfion and Death of Count Struenfee, portrait 177 j / 5264 Nature. Brevium, 6. /. . 1540 1. 5*65 Naylor (F. Hare) Hiitory of Helvetia, 2 vol. 1801 / /5*66 Neck ar on Executive Power, 2 vol. 1792, an.4 Review of the Adminiftratlon of Ditto 5267^ Nedham's Excellency of a Free State 1767 o 5268/Neubrigenfis (GuL) Rerum Anglicarum, A*t. ^5269 Newton (R.J Rules for Gentlemen of Hertf ore. College Oxford 1747 7 ^ S*T Nicholfon (Wm.) Border Laws 'J ^ f 5271 Nimmo^Wm.) Hiflory of Sterlingshire, KI^, 527* Noble (Mark) Memoirs of the Houfe of Cro'm- well, 2 vol. plates, 1787. Richard's Review of m^4 Ditto, 1787 // 5*73 ' Lives of the Regicides, 2 vol. // ^ 5 2 74 Norden (Fred. Lewis) Travels in Egypt and Arabia, platei 1757 /<^ 5*75 " " (Jhn) NonhainptonQiire 1720 2 5 2 ?6 Norfolk Town , Noriuitb 1786 A 5*77 North Wales, Account of. Romantic Parts of 4 /j 5278 Nova Scotia, with an Account of Canada, * 1787 ^ / 5 2 79 Norwich (Defcription of) Norfolk Furies, Ef- fay on the Antiquity of Norwich I7z8 * / 5280 Noy (Wm.) Compleat Lawyer, portrait 1674 * Noy (Wm.) Grounds and Maxirni of Law 757 5283 Nugent (Thos.) Travels through Germany z >'* // 5^83- *"" Obfervations in Italy, 2 vol. * ' >7*9 1 5284 O'Beirne (Thos. Lewis) on the Englifh Catholics / $285 Obfervations on fome Points of La\r, Edmb, < 759 JL I ^5286 - ' ' " the Office of Lord Chancel- p^l lo f " 1651 d 5287 " ' the Affairs of Holland 1622 / ^5288 i" ' - the Report of the Board of Trade. Account of the Grenada Laws 1770 /> 5*89 Oakley (Simon) Hiftory of the Saracens, 2 vol. '757 -* /. 5316 Patten (Robert) Hiftory of the late Rebellion J 7'7 1 5327 )Paul f s Rights of Sovereigns 1725 4^ 5328JPaufanias's Defcription of Greece, 3 vol 1794 5 329} Peace of Nimiegueu 1679 , to 53 3( Peerage of England $33y / / 5336 Penhallow (Samuel) Wars of New England / / 5337 Perm (Wm.) Accpunt of Travails '* 1694 4 ^5338 Pennant (Thos) Tour in Scotland, platet 1773 5339 Addition^ to the 410 edit. ' 5332!- (Pocket) of Great Britain 1778 5333J Ireland, vol. I. 1768 533^) Scotland 1767 5335 Pe'iier (Jahn) Trial 1803 v*- i| z HiJ)ory Octavo. 5340 Peregrine de Turcarum '$98- Perkins (John) Traft. 1541* Magna Charta /. /, *54<> 534* ;Perrault Characters 1704, / 5 343 >Perry (John) State of Raffia 1716 A 5345 " Account of the Stopping of Dag- genham Breach, with tbt map 1721 5 3467 Peterborough (Earl of) Conduct in Spain 1703 5347j)Petty (Sir W.) Tracts relating to Ireland 1767 5348 - on the Commons of England 1680 ^5349 Prefidents- 1680 /53S P e y tol (Sir Edward) Kingly Family of the Stu- arts 1652 5351 Phenix or Solemn League and Covenant / 535 2 Philipps (J. T.) Conititutions of Seven States 175* 5353 on Families who have been raised by Law - 1686 S3 5354 (Morgan) Right of Mary Queen of. Scotland - 1571 /C? Account of Malabar 1717 Voyage to Botany Bay, plant 1790 5357lPhilofophical Sketches on Government 1795 / 53 58jPhilpot (Thos.) of Heraldry 1672 /2- 6 5359 Pickering's Statute at Large, 31 vol. and part 2 of 32, with index /> 5300 Pierreville (George) State of Denmark 1683 2. 5361 Pilkington{(Mrs ) Hiftorical Beauties for Young Ladies . - 1798 / 4 / 53^* P inckar o 2. d 54 2 Piazze (H. Bartholomew) Account of the Inqai- fition of Italy, Frtocb and Englifli, moioccf gi't leaves I"] it / 543 Peking on ,'John Carterei) Real Story, with portrait of ^ Mr . P Ikington 1760 J / S44 P' lman 'HemyJ Stranj e Adven'ures 1689 / S45 P CO k (R-0 Hilio'y ol Gravefena and Milton, /j 5406 Pocket Guide to the Eng'ifli Traveller, or Roads of England, on ice p'atet '7 19 5407 Pompomus Mela, englifhed by Golding, b. /. 1590 54o8| Pomponii Mel* de Situ Orbis 1711 5409! Palimanteia, or M^ans to Judge of the Fall of a Con mon Wraith *S95 5 54 1 o/ Polcnia; (de Pa.e> ttoj -"i[ Polwhele Hiftorical Views ot D^vonmire Exeter (793 Poor (Collection of Pamphleis concerning the) ^ . Hifiory. Qnarto. .435 Portlock (Nathaniel) Voyage Round the WoMd, plait i ' 1 789 /. 54-4 Proceedings of His Majefty's Fleet under Earl Howe '796 ^TS4 Z 5 Positions and Proceedings in Britaine under Pre- tence of Reformation '593 5416 PownalPs Antiquities of Provincia Romana of Gaul ,//*/ . 1788 5417 Preftwich's Refpublica - 1787 Prideaux (Humphrey; A Ward of King Charles I. Selling 2s, in the Pound of Houfes in Norwich for Maintenance of the Clergy there 1707 roceedings of His Majefty's Ecclefiaftical Com. moncrs againft the Bifliop of London and the Fellows of Magdalen College 1688 -- Againft Gat net the J fa : t and Con- federates * 606 Proclamation for Reformation, publilhed by Philip JV. of Spain 162$ Prynne (William) Declaration againft the New Tax of Excife 1^54 ' Demurrer to the JPWS 16^6 ^t^-iwi - Sword of Chriftian Magif- tracy Supported, and 8 other Trads by Ditto 641 Soveraigne Power of Par- xoilkdravov Hameats, and 1 1 other TraSs, with Catalogue of his Books - 1643 Soveraigne Power of Par- liaments $418 PublickRegifter, or Weekly Magazine 1741 y Poetry. FOLIO. 5429 Ariofto (Lad.) Orlando Furiofo, by Harrington, wood {utt, beft edit. 1634 5430 additional plat ft it. 5431 Du Bartas (Sylvefter) his Divine Weeks, fn*tif- piete by Elftratke 543* Chaucer (Geoffrey) Works, by Urrey, plattt ^5433 (Gloflary to) /. p. fol. The Mar- fin full of Manufcript Additions. Collected y the late Learned Mr. Bowyer, as Mr. Reed informed the Rev. Mr. Todd ^5434 Daniel (Samuel) Works Loud. 160* 5435 Drayton (Mat.) Works, no titlt 5436^Ueorgi Secondo Acadcmias Cantabrigienfit 6 [- Cantab. 1748 5437) Homer, tranflated by G. Chapman 3 /, 543 8 Battaile of Frogs and Mice, &c. by G. Chapman, no title 5439 Kiligrew (Mrs. Anne) Poems Land. 1686 5440 Lucan Phaifalia, by Sir Arthur George's Lend. 1614 5441 Manillas (Marcus) the Sphere tranflated by Edw. Sherburne 5441 Montemayor (George) Diana, tranflated by Bar- tholomew Young Laid, i ,98 ^5443 Settle (Elkanah) Hanover Succeffion, anHerokk Poem, Land. 1705. Thalia Triumphant 734 -> 5444 Spenfer (Edward) Faerie Queen Loud. 1611 2 S445 Sydney (Sir Phil.) Counted of Pembroke's Ar Twenty-fifth Day's Sale. Hifiory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. X.OT 5446} I OL IT Y of England (Eflay on the) 17^5 54467Poncet (Monfieur) Voyage to Ethiopia 1709 j?, /y 5447 Poole (R.) Journey from Holland, a vol. plattt 1750 / 5448/Pope's Supremacy confuted 1682 5 44,9) Porter jSir James) Obfervations 1771 & 54-5 Po'togal (Prefent State of) 17>) ^'5451 Poflevini de Re Mofcovia Antou. 1587 /# ''if' 545* Potter (John) Antiquities of Greece, x vol.//a//f 1764 ^5453 Povvel! (Manfell) Proceedings in Equity again (t "750 / 44 J4 Pwnal (Thomas) of the Britiih Colonies, t vol. 774 5455 yPraftife of the Court of Chancery . 1652 j/ 5456r Exchequer 1658 54*7) Pratt (Thomas) Gleanings, 4 vol. 179; A?" / 5458 "" ' in England 1801 5459 Prefidents (Booke of) b. /. 1569 5-560 Price (John) Myftery of His Majefty's Reftoura- t\on,po trait """ 1680 ^ 5461 Prince (Thomas) New England Annals 1736 ; ^468 (Dan.) Debates in the Commons, i vol. -T'- 1766 5463 Prior (Matthew) Mifcellaneous Works, t ToT. 1740 5464 Proceedings in the Houfe of Commons agatnft Lord Clarendon 1 700 ^5465 Protefts of the Lords of Ireland, 1634, to 1770 5466 Proteftants of Holland (Rehcarfal of the Viftory of the) 6. 1. t$7J ^5467 Pruflia (King of) Campaigns 1763 ^ 5468 Pfalmanazar (George) Description of Formofa J 5470 1704 , .- .. . en- qniry into the Objeftions Againft Do.flart 705 Eflayg, 1753, and Dialo- f 6471 //J gue between a Japanefeand a Formofao 1707 ..... (Memoirs of) portrait 1764 547* Public Characters from 1798, to 1805,7 vol. 5473 t'uffendoif's Hiftory of Europe, by J. Sayer, * vol. 1 764 / 5474 Qointus Curiiui, tran dated by John Bremll 1591 6 '4 ij47O)Rabaud de St. Etienne Revolution of France 6 79 5477\Rabutin fRoger de) Hiftory of the GamU 1725 ^5478 Hack (Ed.) fcflays 1781 / /S479 Ra^clifFe (William) Introduction to Univerfal Hiftory 1787 3 1^548 " (Anne) Journey thro Holland, a vol. 795 7/5481 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Hiftory of the World 1701 f 5481 ' " Eflays 1650 /. S4 8 3 Ralph (James) Ufe and Abufe of Parliament*, a vol. - 1744 ^5484 Ramble (a Fortnight's) to the Lakes 1792 5485 __ . 179$ 5486 Ramfay (Chev) Effay on Civil Government i7 3 fc . Qftavo. /r $487 Rapin's Hiflory of England, 21 vol. portrait!, SK Ruffla 1 7 V7 ^- 5488 Rayn.l (Abbe) Hiftory ofthe Eaft and Weft In- dies, by Juftamond, 8 vol. 178$ 5488* Ray (John) Travels thro' the Low Countries, z vol. 1738 / / ^ 2 / Seleci Remains, by Scott 1760 5490 Raymond (Hen Aug.) Hiftory of Guftavus King of ^weden ~ 7bi 5491 Rayner ( j.) Biographical Hiftory of Sir William Blackftone 1782 5492 Reeves (John) Hiftory of Newfoundland 1795 5493 ' on Navigation 1792 5494 Review ot Public Buildings, platei 1756 |47? Regicides no Saints, nor Martyrs 1700 $4g6 Regulations of His Majefty's Forces 1798 ; 5497 Remarks upon the Reigns of Several of our En- gliih Princes . 1709 5498 ) on the Manifeftos 1779 5499\ Encroachments ofthe Thames near Durham Yard 1711 ' 550 Liberty and Neceflity 1763 5501 Renaudot (Eufebius) Accounts of India and < hina ~ 1 73S / / 5502 Report of the Lords Committee's to View the Records 1719 ^ 5joz*ReIation of the French King's Expedition into the Spanish Netherlands 1669 553 that Unfortunate Expedition of Kent, Eflex, and Colchefter no title ' ^ 550; - the Embafly of de Chammont 5506 late Horrid Rebellion / 5507 " <" Rome, as to the Government J 5508 Remembrancer of Excellent Men / 5509 Remarkable Providences, no title / 5510 Report from the secret Committee 5511 - of 'he i.ommiffioners for Fees // 5511 Rerefby ; fo n) Memo'rs 55.3 Revolution in France (Letters on the) r. Oflavo.' 5914 Ricaut (Sir Paul) Hiftory of the Ottoman Empire 5S } 6 Richard (John) Tour from London to Peterf- burgh 1778 55id/Richer's (Tho.) Genealogy of Spain, portrait 17*4 55 7) Ridlt y (Gloucefler) Review of the Life of Pole 1766 55'8)Right of Suceeffion to the Crown of England 5519) Roads (Tables of) from Calcutta 1778 Roberts (George) Four Years Voyages, //a 1726 7 /t 552O*Rohetfon Parian Chronicle 1788 ^ 5531 Robinfon (Robert) on the Law of Inheritance /5$2i Robinfon (Thomas) on the Natural Hiftory of Wcilmorland and Cumberland 1709 55*3 - ; Gavelkind 1741 / 5524 Robfon (Jofeph) Six Years Refidence in Hud- fon's Bay i?j / 5525 Roch (Thomas) on the Abufe of Corporation Government 1760 5fi6/Roeque (J.) Traveller's Affiflant 1763 55 37 (Rogers (Robert) Account of North America / // 5528 Rohan of the Intereft of Provinces 1641 5,29 Rolle , Samuel; on the Burning of London 1667 5S3 ^^ (Rhard) Hiftory 01 the War, 1739, 4 vol. '754 553 1 Roman Law (Summary of) J 77* / 5532 Hiftory (Diflertttion on the Uncertainty of) 1740 / 5 33 Rome's Rarities 1684 / 5534 and London Compared 1710 4 / 55 35 Rofs ( Alex O View of all Religions in the World 1696 Animadverfions on Sir Walter Ra- leigh / $5 37 Ruffian Empire (Anecdotes of the) 1734 . Oflavo. 241 / 5$j8 Raffia" Empire (Prefent State of) f J539 Rufle Commonwealth, by G. Fletcher / 5540 Ruflia (Prefent State of) 1711 /554* Rutty (John) of the County of Dublin, z vol. '77* 554* Rye Houfe Plot ^Declaration of the Confpiracy of) 1686 Saunders (Robert) on the Poor Laws 1799 5 561? Scbomberg (Alexander] Hiitorical and Chronolo- gical View Oxford 1784 5561 (laac) Naval Chronology, 5 vol. Ii r. OUve 442 /( / 5 $63 Scott (George) Memoirs of Sir James Mclvil Edin. 1735 A 5464 r i John) Staggering State of the Scott Statefmeu for One Hundred Yf;*rs Edinburgh 1754 fiS^S Scots (The Defign for Colony at Darien 1699 5566 Scotland (Memoirs of) 1714 55*7 -- (Short Account of) by Mofer i ~O2 5568 ~~" - ' ' """.'. ' moroteo, gilt leaves ib. M ' \i 5469 -- - The lateExPBDicioN in> made by the Kyngei Hyghnys Army, undei the conduit of the ryght honorable the Erie of Htrtfordt, the Year of our Larde God 154+. b I. See Note, in which is aid a t^opy of this Book fold at \Voodhoyfe's fale for OJXTEKM GUINKAS. Impartial Account of Affairs in (Inureft of, considered '733 , 1736 Proceedings in the Parliament of 1704 Prefent State of = 1481 Sovereignty Aflerted, by Ridpath Principles of the the Law of ft**. 1764 Scottifn Regifter for 5579J Seaman. (Wm.) Reign of Orchan King of the X Turks 1795 5580 Searcn (Edward) Free Will and Fate -6j " Seward Anecdotes of Difting'uiihed Perfons, 5 ib. 'Anna) Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Dar- win 1804 5584 Sh.rp (Samuel) I et'ers frorr Italy 1766 5S 6 S) " ( -' r nv ^ e on C'lown Law J 773 j{86)Shaw (J>.) Toui to the Weil oi England \ ' '789 Quarto. z ^j ^55 S 7 Shelvocke (George) Voyage Round the World 1757 588 Sheridan (J R.) Account of the Revolution ia Sweden 178* 55*9 -- (C. F Revolution in Sweden 1783 5590 Sherlock (Martin) Letters from an Englifh Tra- veller, 2 vol. - 1802 Shirley (William) on the Commerce of the Kingdom _ ._ , 77I 4 SS9 2 sh < wer vjohn) Reflections on the iate Earth- quakes i !6gj 5593 Sicily and IVWta Prefent State of, 1788* 559* Siege of Antwerpe, no title 5595 ~ - Vienna, Account of the nt Eton. 1774 5607 Relation of the State of Religion in the World / I6 5 ^ j6o8 Remonstrances, Declarations, &c. 1641 / , Quart*. Reply (P. U's) Reply, to the Perfon of Quality'! Answer to the Duke of Ormond '664 5610 Report of the Proceedings in Error, Harrifon againft Alexander 1768 5611 Richanifon (Robt ) ftate of the Evidence in the Caofe of D. Hamilton, &c. 1769 5612 Ridley (Glo.l Life of Nicholas Ridley 176$ ^5613 Rimiu* Memoirs of the Houfe oi Brunfwick 175 // 5614 River (Defign for a Navigable) from Rickmanf- worth to St. Gyles in the Fields 1641 j" 6 S 6l 5 Robertfjn's (Win.) Hiftory of Scotland, 2 vol. 1760 ^^5616 Rowe (John) Tragi Comedia or Wonderful Hand of God at Witney 1653 / 5617 Royal Legacies of King Charles I. to his Perse- cutors and Murderers 1649 5618 Robinfon (T.) Anatomy of the Englifh Nunnery atLiflbon i6* ,/ ^5^19 Rowland (Hen.) Antiquities of the Ifleof An- glefey,//a/ 1766 5620 (Supplement to) with Memoirs of Owen Glendour 1775. Short Account of Holyhead. Depofitions againft Dr. Bowles, to remedy the grievance of perfons not un- derftanding the Britifti Language, holding Livings in Wales 1773 56*1 Ryther (A ) Difcourfe concerning the Spanilh Fteet invading England in 15^8, ^./. ' / 5622 Salgado (James) defcription of the Market place of Mad i id, and the Bull-baiting there 1683 J 5623 Sallufl on the Confpiracie of Catiline, tranflated by T. Paynell, 6, /. ruffia 1541 5624 Scotland (Certa n Matters concerning) Genea- logy of the Kings, &c. 1603 Troe and Newr Intelligence from 1679. Hiftory of his Majefty's Affairs under Montrofe 1648 - (Account publiflied by the Affembly of) 1641. Difcovcrie of a Plot in Scotland, Inhuman Crnclties by the Rebels, 1679. T\ .Quarto. 245 Difcovery of a bloody Confpirade . at Edin burg, related by Mr. Pym, 1641, with/or/ rtatt, and 5 other ^fal ) Scheme for augmenting the (Upend of // f the Clergy of) Ediit. 1751 $6*8J Scots Scouts Discoveries, 2 parts 1642 /4 5629 Scottifh Hiftory (Fragments of) Edin. 1 798 // 5630 Seffion Papers and Dying Speeches, 4 vol. 1/46 to 65 //? ^ 5^3' viz. Tryals of London Apprentices for pulling down Bawdy-houfes, i6*>8. Trial of feveral Perfons, 1678. Trial of John Co. myn and Chadwick Chambers, 1 707. Ditto of perions for the to murder Mrs. Bridget Hyde, Confeifion and Execution of 7 Prisoners, r6-7. 5652) Sherlock (Martin) Letters 56j3(Sherley (Sir Anthony) Travels into Perfia, 5634 Shute 'John) Two Commrntaries, of the Otto, man Empire, and Wars againft Sanderbeg ( l.i. - ' 156* J&35 Simplicitie's Defence againft feven-headed Po. 5636 ^Sinclair (John) Appendix to the Hiitory of the ^ Public Revenue - 1789 5637) Sleiden {John) Chronicle, b. 1. '5^3 / 5638 Smith (John Choir Gaur 1771 2 ^ 56^9 Smith (L. F.) Account of Mahratta War, plattt cultured, Calcutta /: ^ 5640 Smollett (T.) Hiftory of England continued, t vol. i 7 66 & 5641 Smith (Thomas) de Republica Anglorum, b /. 1583 /# 5^4* ' ' Certain Difcourccs on the Forms of Weapons, 1590, and Orders Mylitarie it* $ ,/5&44 Solomon (Temple of) with flattt, mrvuo gilt '- 1724 FOLIO. // 1. 5645 Taflb (Trog.) Godfrey ofBullogne, tranfiated by Edward Fairfax, MSS. notes, Lend. 5646 Taylor rjohn) the Water Poet, all the Worket, front. Land. 1630 5647 Tillet (Titon) Defcription da Parnafle Francois. 2 torn, Parii 1760 5648 Trafts, Political Hamilla to Cesario and iz other in i vol. 5649 TickcITs Poem on the Lord Pri- vy Seal, and 14 other, i vol. Thoughts OB the Four Lad Things. PopeYEflay on Man. Pope's Cha- rafters of Women, 1735. Epiftle to Lord Cobham, fire. .. Ode on the late SnccefTes at fea, 1745. Advice to Mr. L n, 1740. Lords Lamentation, Plaid Hunting, Richmond, &c. 6cz ..- Dodington's Friendly Adviceto a 7 o 6 Child unborn. Epiille from John Moore, and 1 8 other iu i vol. Twenty-fixth Day's Sale Hiftory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. M EATON (John) Report on Ramfgate Harbour < Oftavo. 247 , / *6 55 SmelUe (William) Livei of John Greogry David Hume, &c. 5656 Smith (Alex.) Lives of the raoft noted Bayliffs '723 * 5657 (Wm.) Annals of Univerfity College, 1728 J j/i 5 s u Natural Hiftory of Nevis, Cant. 1745 / j 59 , (Charles) State of Kerry Dublin 1756 / 5660 rr Cork z vol. it. 1750 Watejford /i. 1746 $662) (Thos. on the Turks - 1673 ^663J -- (Sir Thos.) the Commonwealth of Eng- land 1633 566(4 Smollett (Tobias) Travels thro' France te Italy, ^ vol, - 1766 566f)Snelgtave ^William) Account of Guinea 1734. '' ^ 5666y Soldier's Journal - J 77 ^667) bolicitors Practice in Chancery . J"58 566$ Somner (William) of the Roman Forts Ox/ortt 1695 5^70 ---------- -. ib. - ^671 Sorbier's Voyage into EngUnd(Observations on) / / // 2 567* '^93 5673 Solis (Anthony) Conquest of Mexico, 2 vol. platet 1738 5674 Soofa(Man) Hiftory of India, 3 torn. 16}$ 3675 bouthey Robert) Letters on bpain and Poitugal '799 5676 Souttioufe ^Thomas) of the Monaftery of Faver- (ham 1671 ^5677 Spain (Account of) 1700 5678^ Papers Relative to thf Rupture of 1765 Enquiry into the War of 1712 Spalding (John) Troubles in Scotland, 2 vol. 74* 564_Spaniard6 Confpiracy of againft Venice 1769 4* Hifoy.O&Avo. 568aJSpanifli Empire in America 5683 ^Speech of his Majefty, Feb. 6th 1747 1684 68jiSpirit of Legislation . / jipr o / 686 -- A i?7* 5686) Nations * 175$ 5687>Spotifwood (John) Procefs before the Lords ot > the Council 1718 5683JSquire (oamucl) of the Englifh Conftitution '753 56891 Staehlin (J.) Account of the New Northern Archipelago '774 5690^ Stanhope (P. Dormer) Memoirs of Afiatkui, 1714 (Charles Earl) the Rights of Jurie* \ '79* 5692 'Stanyan (Temple) Grecian Hiftory, s v3| Account of Switzerland 1 7 14 5694) State Papers, Collection of j 794.' 5695 State Prifoners, dying fpeeche* of >73<> ^'5696 Papers ^ 171* / 5697) Statute Law of Scotland 1757 ffoty -'s relating to HighTreafon 1746 3 ^5699 Stavety (Thos.) on Churches 177} ^ |700 Stebbing (Shaw) Tour in 1787 to the W. If- lands 5701^ Steele (Sir R.) Hiftory of Late Years 1714 -^' ^570*) Stephens (John) Hiftory of Perfia ^ *7. I 5 - /;573 Stewart (Gilbert) on the Englifh Confiitution 1770 ^ 5^04 . - Critical Observations on Buildings 1771 /57$lS ockdale (John) Parliamentary Guide 1784 ^57o6)Stone (John; on Bankrupts 1695 5707 Stow (John) Chronicles, b. I. impirftB 5708 Strange (Sir John) Cafe* relating to Evidence, 754 f709)Sutberland (J.) Letter to the Electors of Great ( Britain 1791 5710) Suworrow (Alex.) Campaigns, a vol. 1799 5711 Symes (Michael) Embaify to Ava, 3 vol. with 57 tt Symrnon* Reftitutus 1695 ^.// Hiftory. Oftavo. 243 f~ 57 1 3/Sympfon (William) Voyage to the Eaft Indies f f ^5714 (David) Account of the Name of Stuart 1712 f~ 57 '5 Tacitus, tranflated by Aikin 1777 / 5716 Talbot (Sir R.) Letters, 2 vol. 1771 / 5717 Talma (J.; on the French Revolution / 5718 Tangier, Prefent State of 1676 57i9)Taubman (Nath.) Memoirs of the Fleets in LA \ i7 o8 -'79 J 7o 57acy Taylor and Skinner's Maps of the Roads of Ire- land ' 1777 g* 5721 -rr. (John) Travels, 3 vol. 1761 /572Z Temple (Launcelot) Ramble thro' France and Italy 1771 ^57*3 Tench (Major) Letters in France 1796 / 5724 Terry (Edward) Voyage to the Eaft Indias |6 55 4 4 57 2 5 Thickneffe (Philip) a Years'* Journey thro' the Netherlands, 2 vol. - 1786 / 6 57*6 : on the French Nation 1766 *A ^5727 - Memoirs and Anecdotes, * vol. f?88 5728 Thomas (Pafcoe) Voyage to the South Seas '74? / 5729 Thorn fon (Henry) Intrigues of a Nabob 1780 $ 5730 " (Edward; Sailors Letters, ^ vol. 1767 .2 ^573' ' ( rhoma) Account of 2 Miffionary Voyages, 1750 // 5732 Thorefby (Ralph) Hiftory of the Church of Leedes, plates 1714 ^ 5733 Thoughts on Executive Juftice 1785 4 / 5734 Throfby 'J.) Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicefter, 3 vol. 1777 /ft 5735 Thocydides by Will Smith, ft vol. 1781 / J 5736 Thynn (Fran.) Concerning Arabafladors 168? 3 5737 Todd (Henry John) Account of the Deansf' Canterbury 1793 i / 5738/Toland (John) Anglia Libera 1701 ' 5739J Mifcellaneous Vvorks Hiftory Oclavo. 5-74 Tolendal (Comte de Strafford) 5741 Tooke's Account of Rulfia, 4 vols 5742 Topographer, 4 vol plates 5743 Topographical Letters t 1780 1789 '757 1719 1746 1760 1769 1781 1772 o 4804 1780 178} 5753) Towers (Jofeph) Traces, 3 vol. 1794 w 5754 Tracts, A moft Curious ColleSicn of, viz. Ad- to Parliament impr. at Savoy 1545. written by the King of Na- A true Re- 5744 Torr (James) Antiquities of York 5745 Tour through Ireland 5746 , " Great Britain. 4 vol. to the Caves of Holland 5750 in Teefiiale France and Flanders al Cheltenham vice A Letter varre to the French King 1585. port of Three firangt Wtllt lately found at Rtunham Regis, in the Countie of War-iuicke, & t '579* An Example ofGtd's Judgment on two Children born in high Dutch Landt in the Citie of Lutt/ioloff, tranflated by Cornelius Pet, b. I. cuts. A detection of dammablt Dri/tes pradifed by three Witches at Cbelmis- forde, b. I. \ 579. FaQs of Witchcraft ap- proved on Margaret Hatkett, of Stanmore t b. /. 1585. A Propbesie uttered by the daughter of an honed Countryman called Adam Kraubc, b. L 1580. Antwerpes Unitye, b. I. 1579. George Buchannan, againft Mary Queen of Scots aud Earl Bothvvel!, b. /. The Second Part of the painefull Jorntj of the poore Pilgrim into Afia, and the ftrangt -won- ders thai he faw, b. I. 1579. A Plea/ant Dia- logue between a Lady called Lifter and a Pil- grim, b. 1. 1 579. A T ue Report of the great ' to\vne and Caliele of Polotzko, by the King, of Polonia, b. L 1579. A true Report of the general Imbarrefments of all the Englilh C$1 fhippes, &C. t. /. 1589. A Prayft and Report of Muifter Marty ne Ferboi/hirs Voyage to Terra Incognito by Tbomat Church yarde, b. I. 1578. A true Reporte of the laft Voyage into the Weft, by Captain frobijherl> b. /. 1577. The mod true Reporte of Jams Fitz-Maurice Death, by Thomas Cburcb-yardt, b. I. Reply to Ste- phen Goflbn's School of Abufe, b. I. i579> &c. 3 fmall vol. 18 mo. / // ^ S755 Trafts, The Hurt of Sir John Cheeke b. /. j6g. A difcourfe of the affault of the Prince of Orange, b. I. 58z. Life of Jafper Colignie, Admiral of France, b.l. $ 5756 ' Direction for the ftudy of the Law 1620. Bird's Magazine of Honoorr 1642. Sir John Davies on Tonnage, Poundage, &c. 1656 / 5757 Memorials of Thoina* Lord Fairfax 1699 May's Breviary of the Hiftory of the Parlia- ment 1680. 2. 5758 on Patronage Edin. 1770 5759) A Letter to Sir I. B. by Mr. Benfon. /* Titles of Honour by Simon Stager, &c. 57607 Some Reflections on the Adminiftration of Government, by Lord Paget 1740, and 5 other on the fame fobjeft, by Tho. Barnett, Owen Ruffhead, &c. /] 5761 - Memorials between the Czar and Geo. I. 1720. Letters and Memorials which pafied between the Courts of Great Britain, France and pain, 1727, &c. y\ 5762 Laurence on Eftates upon Lives & Years, whether in Lay or Church-hands, 1730,, Newton's Tables for renewing and purcha- fing Leafes, 1735, arwl 8 other on College Leafes, &c, by Hen. Gaily, Dr. Colbatch, Roger Long, Sec. JT~ 5763 Four relative to Captain Inglefield, and his Narrative of the Lois of the Centaur 5704 5765 5766 A/j 57*7 577 s Hiftory. Oftavo. Tracls, Cafe of the Hanover Forces, by Lord Chefterfield 1743. Mifcellaneous Thoughts by Lord Hervey, and 6 other. General Hiilory of all the Rebelli- ons in Kngland 1717. Some Account of the two night's court at Greenwich 1716. Collections of original Letters relat- ing to the Rebellions 171; - . Four on the Difpute between the Eng- lifli and Irifh House of Lords, on the extent of Judicature, 1720, &c. - J. Gardner's Tour to Manheim 1791. T. F. Hill's Journey from Spa to Paris in 1791. Twifs's trip to Paris in July and Au- guft 1792 four on Vefuvius, by Sir Wm. Hamilton Fordyce, Abbe Wincklesman, &c. Five on Botany Bay, by Capt. Tench, Geo. Thompfon,&c. Seven on Rebellion, viz. Account of the Behaviour of Simon Lord Lovat 1747. Forfter's Account of Lord Kilmar- nock 1746. Dying declarations of Lord Balmerino, &c. Gabriel Thomas, Hiflorical and Geo- graphical Account of the province of Pen- fylvania 1968. French and Indian cruelty, in the Life of Peter Williamfon GI*[. 1758 L .// Rife an 3 prefent State of the Inqui 1101181730. Hiftory of the fucceffioii to the Countries of Juliers and Berg 1738. Hif- tory of the Revolutions in Perfia 17*7. Rcuflet on the Sea or Pile Worms, plattt, 1733. Cafe of Mifs Cadiere 1732, &c Rouflet's Hiftorical Account of the great Revolution in Holland, in 1747. Authentic Hiftory of the late Revolution at Amftcr- dam, 1748. S3 5774. Trafts, Hiftory of the Confpiracy againft King William, by Sir Richard Blackmore 1723. Memorials of State Affairs during the latter end of the reign of King William 1730. N.B. This laft is a very fcarce pamphlet. 4 1 & 5775 " Six relative to Warburton and Louth 1765 67. 5776 mi Nine on the Game Laws 1753-84 5777 Plain Account of the Tranfaftions between Captain Roche and Lieut. Fergu- fon 1775. Cafe of Nicholas Migert, 1776, &c. T 57?8 Four on the German war, by Horace Walpole 1760-61. Vuefur la Juftice Criminelle par Let - roone Parit 1777. Plan de Legislation, Amft. 1779 Parliamentary and Political by Sir Robt. Atkins 1741. Life of Dean Lynch 1748. Suffer, ings aud Death of Henry Roberts, Dublin 1748. Memoirs of an Inquifition begun at Exeter 1743* and continued to 1749, in England, printed 1748. See note, in which the above is ftated as a fcarce and curious collection of Scandal. / f 5782 Relative to the Public Accoutns of the Kingdom i7ii,&c. Nine Relative to Ld. Sackville 1760, &c. 5774 -Letters from Lord Shaftefbury to Robt. Molefworth 1721. Ditto to aYoung man at the Univerfity 1761 5775 """ Three Letters to the People of Ireland on Tythes 1758. Precedency of Peers of Ire- land in England 176 . Caldwell on the Queftion whether Papifls mould be enaoled to take real fecnrities foi money which they may lend 1764, &c. J4 Hiftory, 5786 Traclfi, Life of General Dumourier, 1793. Anecdotes of General Pichegru. Life of Abbe Sieyes, 179$ ^5787 (Fifteen) on Libels 1764-71 5788 Addifon's Present ftateof the Jews, 1675. Ditto Weft Barbary, 1671. Ockley Sooth- Well Barbary, 1713 ^789 on the Poor Laws, by Burn, North, toe, in 3 vol. d 579 Conflitutional viz. Trial of the Dean of St. Afaph,&c. 1783-4 5791 . . .. Wood on the Study of the Laws of England, 1727. Sadler on Parifli Fees, 1741. Carriers Guide and Companion, 1760. The Coroners Guide, 1756. Bohun's Tithing Ta- ble, 1715. Cellet on the Laws of England, 754 &c- ^579* "" (Four) relative to the Duke of Port- land, and Sir James Louther 1768 / 5793 flight) on Earthquakes, by Dr. Stake- ley, Zachary Grey, Stephen Hdles, John Fiamftead, &c. // 5794 '" Geographical Defcription of the Coafts, &c. of the Spaniih Weft Indies, 1740. Poin ti's Account ot Carchgena, 1740 5795 Verfes on the Death ot'D. Swift, 1741. Cyder, a Poem 1708. Homer Traveftie, 1720 Cymbalum Mundi, 1712. Hiftory of bagun- tum, i 727. No Fool like the Old Fool, 1731. Genealogical Eflay ea the Family of the Hams, 1780, &c. 5756 ' Copies of Buonaparte's Letters, in 3 parts _ . 1798-1801 5797 __ Letter to Two Great Men. Burke's Remarks on Ditto. Franklin's Intereft of Great Britain Confidered, 1760. Minilteiial Usurpation Difplayed, by Rufthead, 17^0, &c. 5 7 c8 Political, viz. (Fifteen) The Preten- ders Declaration, 1755, &c. 2 55 75799 Trails, Thoughts on Money, Circulation and fM.v Paper Currency, Edinburgh 1758. Pitcairn on the Scots Fisheries, 1785* Cooper on the Slave Trade, 1787, &c. 5 goo Relation of the Death of David Rizzi, 1699. Mifcellaneous Remarks on Tytlers En- quiry, 1784 Sonnet fuppofed to have been written, by Mary Queen of Scots to the Earl of Bothwell, 1790, &c. Tour through Holland and Flanders, by Cayley. Short Ramble through France^ and Italy, by Dr. Armftrong. Relation of a Voy- age toBuenos Ay res, 1716, &c. / j8oz . New Bath Guide. Defcription de L'Ho- tel de Ville D'Amfterdam Violet on Gold and Silver Coin, 1650. Whateley on Trade in General, 5804 Relative to the Scots Settlement at rien Edin. 1699 5805 . Condamine Journal of a Tour in Italy, 1763. Somis's Hiltorical Narrative of the De- liverance of Three Women who were Buried 37 Days in the Snow, 1765 5806 Mercurius Ruilicus, 1647. QuerelaCan- tabrigienfis, 1647 (Three) by Ben Robins, viz. Narrative of what pafled in the Common: Hall for the Election of Lord Mayor, 1739, &c. 5807^ Fowler's Account of the Calamities, by Hurricanes and Earth quakes in the Weft India Iflands 1781. Account of the Lofsofthe Deal Caftle, 1787 by Thomas Erflcine, Reflections on Ga- ining, 1778, &c. 5809 Irwin's Enquiry into the Feafibility of the fuppofed Expedition of Buortap a r^ to trie Eaft, 1^98 Buonaparte in Egyyt Morier's Memoir of a Campaign with the Ottoman Hiflory* Oftaro Army in Egypt, 1801. Importance of Malta, byGeo. Orr. 1803. &c. 5810 Trafts, Shift's Advantagci by Repealing the Teft, 1732. Ellis Practical Farmer* 17)2. EiTay on Inclofing Commons, 1731. City Cries, 1732* Humours of the Court, 1731, &C. 5811) Letter to the People of Great Britain / from the Delegates of the American Con- 7 grefs, 1774, &c. 2/ (12) Political (to) Ditto (10) on Slavery and the Slave Trade 1764-73 Hay wood (Mrs.) Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 1725. Letters of Ditto to the Earl ofBothwell, 1726. Lord Molefworth's Nar xative Count Patkul, 1717, &c. QUARTO. /i 5816 Sommers (Lord) abridged 1795 ,A 58i7 ' }26)Statutes (Ruffhead) Appendix to the / 5827? - - of the Order of the Bath 1744 $8a8/Staunton (Sir George) Account of Lord Macart- ney's Embafly to China, 2 vol. large paper^ boards, with Atlas, vol. of flatetjine imprej/ions '797 58 2 9 Staunford (Sir William) on the King's Preroga- tive !$7 5830 Strahlenberg (John) Hiftory of Siberia, plates , /533 1 Story (George) Wars in Ireland 1693 Stuart (Gilbert) on the Reformation in Scotland 1780 -- (Andrew) Letters to Lord Mansfield '773 ..... - (James) Pidureftjue Tour through part of Europe, Afia, and Africa, plates 1793 Stubb's Jultificationof War in the Netherlands, tuts 1672 5836>Succeffion (Broken) of the Crown of England 5837/Sutcliffe, Againft Parfons, or a Defence of Queen Elizabeth, &c. 1604 / ^5838 (Mathew) Practice and Lawesof Arrr. ,5839) Swedifti Intelligencer 16,2 * #5840] Swinden (Henry; Hillory of Great Yarmouth Norwich 1771 5841 Sydney (Algernon) on Government, rwj/ia mar- ble leaves Hdiit edit. I 763 Taibot (John) (Robbery and Murder of) iC6y "7, LI Hiftoiy.~ Quarto. Tarbat (George Vifcoont) Vindication of Ro- bert III. King of Scotland, mereeeo gilt letmtt Tarlcton's Campaigns in America 1780-81 5 845^ Tatifcheff (Michaei) tyew Code ot Law for the r Ruffian Empire 1768 584$) Tayl'jf (John) Elements of Civil Law Cambridgt $ /^5^47 " ' (Silas- on Gavelk;nd 1663 5 8,g i jj. 5849 Temple (Sir John ; Irifh Rebellion 1713 58 co Thomas (Win.) Hiftorie of Italie, b. 1. tvjfia 5851 Thompfon (George) Defcription of the Efcurial, plates, MS. letters to Mr. Dodjlty, relative to the Book > - 1760 f 5851 Timme (Thomas) Commentaries of the Civil Warres of France, 3 parts, b. /. 1574 tA 5853 Tindal (Sir John) Relation of the Murder of, fronti/fitte 1766 5854 Tovey's Hiilory of the Ipns in England Oxford 1 738 5855 Trafts relative to Prynne, Burton, and Baft wick, viz. Archbifhop Laud's Speech in the Star Chamber, i4th. of June 1633, only 35 fofiet printed. Briefe relation of Paflages and Spee- che^ in the Starre Chamber, printed abroad t 1638. Life of Henry Burton, 1643, in i vol. viz. True relation of the Faction at Wifbich, by Fa. Edmonds, alias Wefton, a Jefuite, 1595, and other trafts relative to the Jeiuits, 1.6 1 0, in i vol. ^ 5^57 "" Robi rt Paterfon en the Greatnefs of Cities, 1606. Cont^reno's Commonwealth of Venice, i j_,g ^ ^858 Dejure Regni apud Scotos, a?d T| Defence of Liberty againft Tyrants, 1680, s ^^/'t vol. Poetry.'^ Folio, 2 99 / 5859 Trails'; viz. Allarme to Englande, by Barnabe Riche, b. t. 15; 8. Digges Stratiocos, 1590. Di Graffi his True Arte of Defence, with Dedication by Churchyard, platei, i vol. 1594. / 5860 - .1. -i Bridge of Roman Hiftories, 1608. Beginning, Continuance and Decay of Efta- tes, by De Lufmg 1606. The Travailer, by Thomas Palmer, r6o6, i vol. j{l6i)~ Digitus Dei, exemplified in the Life - / { and Death of James Duke of Hamilton. 1649, ' vol. Briefe Defcription of the Whole World, 1617. Relations of the moft Famous. Kingdom*, 1630, i vol. Modern Demagogue, Modefty, and Honefty, Letter from General Ludlow* 1691. ' Sam, Sutler's Plagiary expofed, 1691. Vindica* tion and Defence of King Charles I. 1697, &c. in i vol. 5864 Survey of the Kingdome of Sweden, portrait, 1632. New Star of the North, 1632 and Two Famous Battels of Lypfich, aadLut- zen. by Ruffel, 1634 POLIO. 3 /5*45 Tracls, Poetical. Manfell's Poem on the Coron- ation of King James JI, and one o k her fingle -66 Single fteets Ballads, &c. with- wood cut; /amt curious / 5867 Ditto in Portfolio by and relative to Alexander Pope . Folio. , 58 70 YTrafts Poetical. Gideon on the Restoration of L Jfrael. Epigrams in DiftSch, 1^40. Poeti- \ cal Novels, 1705. Ma well's Poems, 1681 $868/ - Sir John Harington's Wittie 5871 A 8 7* 5873 5874> 5875 5877 Epigrams, 1633. Dryden's Tears of the Bri- tim Mufes . 1700 Thomas Redivus, or life ol Thomas Thumb Caledonia, a Poem 5874) 1726 1706 Theatrical, Killigrew's Siege of Urbin, Tr. Cam. 1666. Green Room laid open, 1767, and feveral other Carmina ad Thomam Holies >755 , ift. ode of, by Orrery, 1741. An Imitation of Horace, 17^9. Are thefe things fo, 1740. Yes they are, 1740 Stag Chace, 1739, &c. Life of Swift, and a parcel of fingle Anftey's Election Ball, and a parcel Ditto 5878 Virgil, tranflated by Gawin Douglas, Edin 1710 with his Life, by T. Ruddiman y /j S 8 79 Withers (George) Emblems, no titlt BND OF THE t\BNT Y^X DAT't SAtl. Twenty-feSfe Day's Sale. Hiflory. 10T |^ 5 88o \ 5 881 5881 OCTAVO ET INFRA. RACTS, jurifdidUoii of the feancerY 1736. Stock Holders Lawyer, Hiftorical, by Sir Jo les in 1787 Narrative Sequel to by Alex. 5883 - Commodore Byron's of the Lofs of the Wager, 1768. Bulkeley and Cummins Voyage, Campbell, 1747. Narrative of the Dangers and Diftrefies of Ifaac Morris, and Seven, other of the Crew of the Wager N B. See Note ia which the E laft are faid to be ery fcarce Account of the Kingdom of Pegu, by Hunter, 1789. Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Ifleof Cape Breton, by S W Prenteis 1783. Ditto of the Lofs of che HalfeweK 1786 Myftery of the Good oW Ca-ufe, brcfly onfolved, 1660. a very -furious and Catalogue of the Lords, Knights &c. who have Compounded for their .Ellates, 1651;. A New Catalogue of Dukes, Mar- quifles, Sec. 1668. Catalogue of the Nobility fince the Reftoratiou, $/j ^ . .Oclavo. 5885 Tracts, Inquiry into the Manner of Creating Peers, 1719. Animadverfions on Ditto, 1724. Difcourfe on Treafons, Sec. Conduft of the Alies, and of the late Miniftry, 1711. Propofal for Correcting, Improving, &c. the Englifti Tongue, 1712, &c. Defcription of Hawkilone, 1784. Poc- ket Vade Mecum through Monmouthflrire, platt, 178$ 5888 i Difcourfe on the Bookland, and Folk- land of the Saxons, 1775. Three Differta- tions on the Folklande and of the Saxons, with Notes, by Ibbetfon 1782 $" 5889 Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, by John Deane, 1726, and 8 other on the fame fubjeft / 5890 - The Works of William Thomas, 1774. New Lights thrown on the Hiftory of Mary Queen of England, 177$ - Military Difcourfe, by Wilford. Mant. '9 Hammond's Letters, 1764. 3a, vile's Character of King Charles II. 1750 //597 The Antidote, or Enquiry into the Merits of D* Auteroche's Journey into Sibe- ria, 1772. Wraxall's Tour through Europe, / 5908 (i) relative to Frederick III. King of Pruffia, 1758,820. fj 6 599 ' Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke, by Whiftou 1748. Eloge of Boerhaave, and Difcourfe on Biography, front. 1749. Patching's 4 Topographical Letters, 1757. Life of Tho. Chubb, 1747, &c. 5910 (3) relative to Ireland, by Walter Harris and Charles Lucaj, '749 53 Tour in Ireland in 1775. Hibernica \3 Curiofa, plates / 5912 11 Proceedings c"' e Commons in Ireland &c. 1744 /. 59'3 " Trip to Kilkenny, 1778. Month's Tour in North Wales, Dublin and its Environs, '*".+*- 1781 264 Hiflory Octavo. A /59'4 Tracts, relative to the French Revolution, by J /J Price, Burke, Mackintosh, Prieftley, Rous, in 3 vol. 1789, &c. 2 5515 relative to Do. and the Deportation! to Guiana, a vol. 1800 5916 V (4) on France, by Corbyn Morris, Hor- / Aey, &c. * (*) OB * b y ho * ra kz, 1735* DO* \ Jefferys, &c. J" on Do. by Louvet, Briffot,and Defmou- X i " lint /599 -- (Eig^ 1 ) relative to the African Trade 1746-78 59* ~ ' " (3) Ditto to America, viz. Sir Hen. Clinton's Narrative. Reply to Ditto, &c. '783 (6) on America, viz. Journal of Major George Washington. Clarke's Observations on the Conduit of the French, 1755, &c. Importance of Gaining Friendship, of the Indians, 1752. State of Penfylvania, i7cs,&c. / rqzi Raynal on the Revolution of America, Philadelphia 1728. Paioe's Letter to Ditto, 1742. Adams on theDifpute with America, 1784. &c. /.o,*4 . Importance of the Britifh Plantations in America, to this Kingdom, 1731. Account or the Pro vincesf South Carolina and Geor- gia, .732. Cafe of t,he Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, i'33- Enquiry into the Methods to Retrieve the Sugar Trade, 1733. State of the Sugar Planteis ot Barbadoes and Le'- ward Jflandf, 1732, &c. J?./^S9 a 5 Coxe' Dtfcripnon of Carolina, mapt 1741. Voyage to Georgia, (737- Ditto, by Francis More, 1744. Defcription of South Carolina, 196 ij Ace. Travels through the Middle Setlements in North America, by Burnaby, 177^. Me- moirs of Lieutenant Henry Timbeilake, r. Oftavo. 165 176$. Some Account of the North Ameri- can Indians. Bartram's Obfervations, 1751 &c. Traces, Poems chiefly written in the Weft Indies Kingfton 1792. Bryan Edwards on the Slavt Trade, it. 1789 ^5928 Condamine's Abridgement of a Voyage made in the Inland Parts of South America 1747. Prefent State of Louifiana *744 ^5929 on the Aifiento and other Affairs of Ja- maica, 1716. Memorial of the Council of Do. 7716, &c. \2- 59 J Tobago, or a Geographical Defcriptioa, Natural and Civil Hiftory, Account of the Prsfent Flourifhing State of the Colony of Tobago, 1774 J\ v 593 ! ' ' (Nine) relative to the Weft Indies, viz. The Privileges of the Ifland of Jamaica vin* dicated, 17 6. Thoughts on the Trade to the Weft India Iflands, by Brian Edwards 1789, &c. 5931 (Eight) relative to Sugars and Rum, 1783, &c. 5933 TaACTs.fingle. a large and cnriout collection of Political and Mtfctllaneoui, from 1698 to 1796, Chronologically arranged, by Mr. Reed, 770 in number (Fifteen) relative to the Riots at Birmingham 5935 '" (Eight) ditto to Burke and Haf- tings (Twenty- four) ditto to the Po- / /I lice ^5937 i. - Fielding on the Increafe of Rob- bers, 1791. Welch on the Office of Confta- ble, 1758. Leroux on Prifons, and Four other (Seventeen) on the Poor, and Poor Laws ^5939 (Ten) by David Williams. Ef- fays on Public Worftrip, &c. M m 2, 266 594 ft 594* * 5944 5946 5947 Trafts, (ingle. (Nine) by Home Tooke, Herbert. Croft, and Cartwright, telative to thePrince'0 Debts, Regency, Sec. . . _ (Nine) Philip Withers, Philo Theodofius, &c. 1790 " (Seventeen) by Dr. Price, Effay on the Population of England 1780 ' ' (Ten) by Henry Fielding, The Plain Truth, 1741, &c. (Eighteen) relative to the Poor, by Applegarth, Howlet, Le Brocq, &c. State Anatomy of Great Britato. and 54 Political Confiderations on the Elections for Weftrainfter and Middlefex, 1802, and 31 other Linde'sj Lettetfto Dr. Pricr, 4 JS94* 2. j 5949 i J 595 . /J 595 Edin. 1793, and 66 other '- - Eflay on Government, 1751, and 79 other Collection the Lawi of England Burke 5953 1754. and 39 other (Twenty-fix) by and Againft Ed. A few Days in Paris 1 802, and Price on Civil Liberty 1770, and 57 other 28 other U ^5955 Tocker's 4 Letters on National fubjecls 1783, and 31 other " Grellier's Terms of the Loans 1799, at *d 38 other Nairative of the Events of ihe fiege of Lyons 1794, and 51 other Du Pan's Dangers which threat 5 - en Europe, and 48 other Parliamentary Portraits 1795, & 5959 73 other Baker on the Cuftomi and Man* ners of the Turks 1 796, and 3 1 other . Oftavo. 267 4 5960 Trafts, Jingle, Price on the Population of Eng- land 1780, and 24 other 2 59 6i .-. Sheridan (Ch. Fr.) Eflay on Civil Liberty 1793. and 33 other J $962 - Tontines calculated 1791, and 54 other 5963) (4) by Dr. Shelbeare, Appeal to / / the People 1 756, &c. 5964)- - __ ._ (4) by Miles, conduct towards Great Britain examined, 1793* &c. 5^65 - -- (11) relative to the Jews, by Han way, &c, ^5966 ----- fiutke's Thoughts on' the regi- cide Peace 1 796, and 5 other ^^5967 --- ( 1 1) relative to Thomas Paine ^ / 5968 -- Mackworth on Payment of the Public Debts, for relief of the South Sea Company, and 31 other f 5969 - Letter to a noble and learned Lord, by Diogenes 1805, and 29 other 970 -- Peacock on the flrufture of the Houfe of Commons 1794 and 29 other 597 i . --- ___ Another Sketch of the reign of Geo. III. 1791* and 26 other f 597Z - --- Loft on the effeft of a diflblution of Parliament 1791, and 37 other // 5973 - Price on the defence of Property 1797, and 8 5 other - Henderfon's Letter to Samuel Johnson, and 71 other Johnfon's Falfe Alarm 1770, & 50 other - . Subflance of the fpeeches of Ld. ^ Auckland 1800, and 49 other 5977 . _ ~_ Wales on the Population of Eng. land and Wales 1781, and 26 other 50,78 -- Obfeivations on the high price of Corn 1795 and 35 other 5979 - - Trial of Waddington, i Boo, and a i other - . Humours of the Old Bailey, and 3 other 368 Hiftory Oclavo. lx 5981 Trafts, fingle, Reid on the Rife and Diflblution of the Infidel Societies 800 and 40 other . Hill on the means of reforming the Morals of the Poor 1801, and 42 other 5983 Trails, Biographical, viz. Life of Sir Thomas Deveil 1748. Life of James Nailer 1719. Life of Dr. Swift. Memoirs of John Mur. ray. Life of Duncan Forbes 1748. Memoirs of Baron Frenck 1 747 Life of Dr. Dodd 1777. Ditto of Richard Scrop 1722. Ditto of Dr. Nathan Alcock 1780. Ditto of John Shower, 1716. Ditto of George Berkeley 1776. Ditto of John Roberts 1 746, and 3 other .. Life of Griffith Jones 1762 Ditto of Henry Grace 1 764. A. B. C. Dario Mufico 1780, and 6 other Life of Jeb, by Bluet 5984 >9 8 5 IX" 1734. Ditto of Anthony Wro. Bochm 173?. Ditto of Dr. Burnet 17 15. Ditto of Bifhop Sprat 1715. Ditto of Sir Ifaac Newton 1718* and 6 other Life of John Wilkes 177$ Ditto of Lord Irnbam 1769. Ditto of Geo. Lord Carpenter,/or/r/f 1736. Ditto of Lord Kenyon 1802 / /59 88 ~ Life of Matt. Parker, 6. /. imptrJeB. Ditto of Bifhop Ufher 1712. Ditto of Richard Cumberland 1720. Ditto of R. 5989 ///5990 Bentley 1712, and 6 other Life of Dr. Mead Ditto Ditto of John Philip Barsetier 1744. of Dr. Goldfmith 1774, and 3 other Life of Lord George Car- penter portrait 1736. Ditto of Philip Duke of Wharton portrait 1731. Ditto of the D. of Somerfet. Ditto of the Earl of Barrymore portrait 1793. and 2 other Life of Daniel de Fo 1719. Ditto of John Lord Faverfham. D tip Thomas Marqnis of Wharton 1715. Ditto of Lewis Maximilian Mahomet 1727. Diuo . Olovo. sog of Nicholas Hart 1711. Memoirs of Father Richard Wai pole 1733, and i other _ Memoirs of Sir Walter Raleigh 1 710. Life of John Ld. Faverlhara, and 2 other Life of Wm. Somers 1 794. Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Bailey 1771. Ditto of Dennis O'Kelly 1788. Adventures of Charles Cartwright 1741. Life of JohnMac- naughten 1762 and i other f /S37 Three ditto to Wa- terbeachj by Mailer's 1795, &c. in i vol. 6 QUARTOi 6038 Traits, viz. Tragicall Hiftorie of the Wares of the Low Countries, tranflated by Sticker, . /. 1583. Hiftorie of the Governors in the Ne- therlands, b. I. 1602. Siege of Oftend, trant- lated by Grimefton 1604, I vol. Goulart Admirable Hiftories tranfl. by Grimeflon 1607. The Forefte or collec- //V&>4 tion of Hiftories, tranflated by T. Fortefcue, b. L 1571, i vol. MachiavePs Arte of Warre, by Withorne, b. I 1573. Politicke and Mili- taire Difcources of the Lorde de la Noue, b. /. 15-7, &c. in i vol. /fr/j 6041 Vox Czli, or News from Heaven 1624. Vo- tiva? Angliae 1624. Sir Walter Raleigh's Ghoft 1626. Aphorifms offtate by Thomas A & Hift r ry*~ Quarto. 367 Scott 1624. Spanifh practices ad part 1624, &c. in t vol. 042 Difcourfe on the Prefent State of France i$S3. Roger Afcham on the ftate of Germany, b I. 15,2 Certayne matters concerning the Realme of Scotland 1603. Wadfworth's Prefent State of Spayne 1630. Survey of the Great Duke's Eltate of Tuf- c?ny 605, &c. in r vol. /6o43 i -~ Milton againft Prelacy, and Apo- logy for Smeetymnecus 1*54. Anfwer to ditto 164.'. Relation of the death of Laud Archbiftiop of Canterbury 1614, &c. 6044 Practices of thelnquifn ion in Spayne I. I. .568. Spanifh Colcnie or Chronicle of the Ailt and Geffes of the Spaniards in the West Indies, b I 1583. Short Admonition pq the Dettftable Trffifin of Sir Wm. Stanley ' & Rowland Trkt t portrait, b I 1587. hu-Jifh, Spanifli Pilgrine 1629 A new Southern Difcoverie 1617, and four other relative to Spain in i vol. 6045 .-_ London's Flames Revived 1689. Earthquake in Sicily ibg$* Allen's killing no murder 1689, i vol. 6046 The Stage of Popi(h Toyes, b. I. 1581. Subtilitie of ihe Italians, b. I 1591. Variance between the Pope and Segniory of Venice (606. Holy Bull and Crufado, b.l. 1588, in i vol. 6047 True Relation of the mod Inhuman and bloody Murther of Mafter James in Npr- folke 1609. Nairative of the State of the Cafe oi John Cromwell, Ac. 1652, I vol. 6048 -! The way to be rich, according to the praftite of the great Audley 1662. Poor Robin's Perambulation from Saffron- Walden ?6;8, in i vol. # 6049 Tryals of Tonge, Geo Phillips, &c. 166?. Narrative a/ the Tryals of Th^o. _. Sadler, &c. 1676-7. Sadler's Memoires or * 9 Life and Death of Tho$. badler, the famous Thief, Sec. i vol. Nn / / // / ir Quarto. ^6050 Trafts, viz. Journal of the Breft expedition 1694. The Juftification of the Aflertion of the Senate, &c. of Amfterdam, &c. in 2 vol. 6051 - Hiftory of the Inquifition by Se- rvita 1639 Difcourfe of cr.e Refolution ta- ken in the Valteline againft the tyranny of the Grifons 1628, i vol. Remonftrance of the ftate of the Kingdom, by Elfing 1641. A Winter Dreame 1649. RoyaH Apologie 1648, in i vol. Parliament Cenfure to the Jefuites 1642. Relation of the Eaileof Manchefter's fervices and fuccefles, 1644; & c< * n 4 vo ' Tuke againft Painting and Tinc- turing of Men and Women 1616. bmith's Wonder of Wonuers,/rof. 1642 Voyage and Travail of Csefar Fre- derick into the Ball India, b. /. 15*8. Re port of the Kingdom of Congo, bv Lopez, cuts, 1 (.97. Hiftory of the Court of the King of China Memorable Tranfaftions in Parlia- ment in 1078. Debates in ditto relative to bribery ana corrupt practice-, 1695, i vol. An Hour Glafle of Indian News, by John Nicholl, 6. /. 1607. Ha-coim' Voyage to Guinea iboo,. Henry Nichols Epiftle ferit to two Daughters of Warwick 1 6o. Defcription of the Whole World 1608. &c. in i vol. 6058 " Sir Edward Herbert Account of the Authorities m Law i68. Free Cuftoms of Stepney and Hackney '675. Paris relation of the Battle of Linden 1693. Campbell on the Tiade with lu.key, map, 1754. Ram- bling Fuddle Caps 1706. 6elecl Maxims, portrait, 1 7 jo Lite of Mr. Locke > 06. Eflay on Wool 6^3, and 16 other MI j vol. The Simple ol Aggauanim in America 1647. Baiting of the Pope's -^ Qyatto. Bull />*/. Afinus Ctuftus 1642, &c. In I vol. A 6060 - ' Brerewood on Languages 1635. Relation of the late fiege and taking of Babylon by the Turks 1639, an< * 3 other in i vol. 6061 Pagitt's Herefiagraphv/rew/. 1648. The Engl'lh Romagne Life, plate, b. I 5*2. The Volcanos ':r burning and fire vomiting Mountains 1669 A Ward-Word to Haft- ing's Witch- Word 1590.. Leycefter's Com- monwealth, &c. in i vol. 6062 - Lewkenor on Univerfities 1600. Hiftory of the fiege of Ottend 664. The Low Countries Commonwealth, 1606, &c. in t vol Pownall's principles of Polity Account of Doomlday Book, by P. C. Webb, Account ol'Da-negeld by ditto 1756, Sec. in t vol // / 4>o64 - Chiefly unpublished ones, viz. The Cafe of John Tennant, M D. 1743. Ditto ot' Henry Roberts, Maria Swordfea^er, &c. in i vol. / /; 6065 --- Burges on rte Roman Senate 1729. Letters between Lord Hervey and Dr. Mid- diet n portrait of Lord Hervey .778. Hooke on the Roman Senate .758. in i vol. Law of Lihe-s 1765. Rayner's Readings on the Statutes 1775, &c in i vol. ^ 6067 *> ' Beaver on Jurifprudenre and Civil Law ^766. Enquiry into the ufe and prac- tice of June- a .< t-ng the Greeks anci Romans, by Pettingall 1769. Diffcrtation on the Ju- dicial Cuttoms of t+ie Saxon and Norman age, by Jame- Ibbetfon 17 o. Ditto on the Nati nal Aflemblies under ditto 1781, in i / vo '* " * 6068 - - . Relative to India 17^7 ^ 6*369 -- Hitfory of the Britifh Plantation^ j~ America by Keith, maft t 1738. Account / 6070 a 6071 6071 6074 / / 6075 .Quarto. of the Glacieres or Ice Alps in Savoy 1744, i vol. Big'and on Marriages, Sec- 1764. Stemmata Chichcieana 176,, i vol. Pegg's Memoirs of Roger de Wcf- cham i";6i. Hampton on Ancient and Mo- dern Hiltor7 1746. Launer's Letter to Douglas 1751. Clubbc Phyfiognomy 1763, with original Letters by the Author. Ske- leton of Human Bodies difcovered in France, flate, 1760. Diflertation on Barley Wine, and on Decency 1750 51, and 24 other in i vol. Bibliotheque Univerfelle des Hifto- ieres par Du Pin, Amft. 1708. Proceedings in the Univerfity of Cambridge againft Dr. Bentley, &c. in I vol. Catalogue of Lords of Sefllon 1798. Private Correfpondence of Biihop Atterbury 1768. Canons of the Church of Scotland 1 769. Duke of Newcaftle's Letter 1753, &c. in 2 vol. Gardiner's Account of th Expedi. tion to the Weft Indies, printed by Bajkerville 1761. Roberts Account of the firft Difcovery of Florida 1763. Batram's defcription of Eaft Florida 1766, in i vol. Ditto Rebus Geftis Richards An- glas Regi, in Palcfline edidit. P. J. Burns, Oxon. 1780. Anales Eliae de Trickingham, edidit. Samuel Pegge 1789. Extracts from the MS. Journal of Sir Simon Dowe 1783* Hiftory of the Spaniih Armada 1759. Inflruc- tionsby Henry VII. to hi Embaffadors 1761. in i vol. DURHAM, relative to the County, Life of Richard Trevor, portrait, 1776, in i vol. BEDFORDSHIRE, containing the Pa- rifties of Reddington, Luton, and Dunltable, and parifh of Wimmington 1785. WESTMINSTER, critical examiaa- iftiry Quarto." , atji nation of thofe two Paintings in the Banquet- ing Houfe, by J. Highmore 1754, and 5 other in i vol. 079 DERBYSHIRE, Hiftory of the Ma- nor of South Winfield, by Thomas Blore, plates. 1793. Sketch of the Hiftory of Bols- v" over and Peak Caftles 1785, &c. with fome MS. additions by Mr. Reed, in i vol. 6080 BERKSHIRE, Collection towards a Parochial Hiftory of, by J. Nichols 1783. Account of the Parifh of Great Coxwell 1783. Wife on the White Horfe ; &c. 1742, in i vol. V 6081 Trafts, fingle Account relating to the nature of the Englifn Government 1690) and a parcel chiefly political J" 6083 _ . confiderations on the advantage of free Ports 1794, and a parcel ditto. 4 /j 6083 Ives feleft Papers relative to B*i- tifli Antiqu. 2 nos. 1773 6084 * Kearney's Leftures concerning Hiftory 1776. Carolina, a defer iption of 1682. Firft fettlement of Virginia, &c 17 3 j. Tour through Normandy 1754, and differ- tation on the Government, &c. of Afia, /\ ^085 relative to Scotland and Ireland, viz. Modern Account of Scotland 1679. Ca- ledonia, or the Pedlar turned Merchant, a tragic-comedy 1700. Maflacre of Glenco 1703. Griffith Villaire Hibernicum 1690, &c. V fo86 . Topographical, viz. Chorogra- phic, or a Survey of Newcaftle 1 649. De- fcription of the Lake of Kefwich 1772. Hauksmoor on the Buildings at Greenwich Hofpital 1728 and 8 other. . on Coins and Trade, viz. Raper on Greek and Roman Money 1772. Hough- ton on the Alteration of Coyn 1695, and 11 tther Quart*. 6088 Tracts, viz. Rafpe on Oil-Pamting 1781, Needham on the generation, denomination, &c. of Animal ana Vegetable fubftances 1749 Boyle on the degradation of Gold 1739. Stracha on different ft.-ata of Earths and Minerals 17*7 6089 Traces, fmgle, viz. Higginfon Floating Ice 1776 Pringleon Attraction of Mountains, and the Torpedo, on Air, and prefer ving the health of Mariners. Brownrigg on the Plague 1771- Daines Barrington on dinging Birds 1773^ Four Letters on Che ("nut Trees, 1771, &c. / 6oQO/ various by Wm. Paynne 6091) ' Michell on Earthquakes 1760, * and a parcel of odd nos. Philofophical Tranf- actions <5og 2 . ___ relative to Eaft India Affairs, a parcel $093 on Medical Snbjefts, by Charles Efte 1776, and a parcel fogi Extraft from the books of Mayor and Aldermen of Hertford, relating to the Navigation of River Lea 1734. Eltlob's re- port on the (late of the Navigation between Clayhitheand Denver Sluice 1778. Remarks on the Canal intended to be made from Chefter to join the Trent 1778, &c. Topographical, viz. Effex on Brick and Stone buildings in England 1775. Ditto Obfervations on Lincoln Cathedral 1776. Clarke on the Funnel under the Thames 1799. and 5 other 5^5 The Great Law of Marlh Land and 10 Topographical 6097 . Addifcn on Ancient and Modern 1739. Manwaring Stichology 1737. Learning Burrows EiTay on Painting 1771. Woodward on the wifdom of the Egyptians 1777, and 5 other Pounall'a defcription of Sepul- chral Monument at New Grange near Dro gheda 1772. Defcription of K illarney 1 776. Quarto. Remarks towards a defcription of Lougli Erne 1751. Leflie's Killarney and Park, i 72 099 > I. Smeaton's report of the expence in joining th river* Forth and Clyde 1768. Letters on the mode of Living, Trade, &c. of Edinburgh 1788, and 5 other relative to Scotland 6100 Arguments relative to the griev- ances of the King's Bench and Fleet Pnfong, 1699. Hamilton on the actions of Innif- killing Men 1690. Herlackenden aniraad- verfions on Sir Nath. Powel relation of the upper Leve's lying in Kent and SufTex 1663, . and 5 Topographical 4 fJ 6oi i -m Thirteen (by) and concerning J ~ Dr.Dodd $ $ Twenty- eighth Day's Sale. Hiflory. OCTAVO. I LOT I / 6102 TRACTS, CHESHIRE, Nixon's Chefhire Pro- peecyi74o. Hiftory of Chefier 6103 - CORNWALL, Laws of the Stannaries, and date of the convocation of ditto ^ Oftavo. \ /( 6104 Tracts, Price's Plan of Mineralogfe Corna- pienfis. Account of Dickory Cronke 17 ig. and Laws of the Stannaiies. 6105 . DERBYSHIRE, the Wonder* of the Peak 1683. Cotton's Wonders of ditto 1683, and Hunters Buxton Manual 1787 // 6106 i Cotton's Wonders of the Peake 1694. Account of the twelve months falling of Martha Taylor the Derbyfliire Damoifelle4to 1669, and 12 other in 410 nd octavo DEVONSHIRE, and DORSETSHIRE, (4) relative to ESSEX, Perry's Account of the flop- ping of Daggenham Breach, and account of frauds and abufes of die ;o 1717. C'onfider- ation, on the unhappy accidents that at* tended the laft Undertaker at ditto 1723. 6109 - " Carter's re'ation of the expedition of Kent, Effex, ai d Colchetfer 1650* New Charter ot Colchefter 1 764. Narrative of an evil fpi it in Canary Iflands 1709. Frauds and Abufe.^ at Dagenham Breach GLOUCESTERSHIRE, the Cheltenham Guide 1781, and 5 other Tour to Cheltenham Spa 1786. Rules, &c. for the Gaol and Penitentiary Houfe 1 790 HA Mr SHIRE, (j) relative to, 1713- Abftraft of the Claims on the New Forelt, in the county of Southampton 1776, and i other f 6u^ Hiftory of the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghoft 1742. Two Hiftorical Accounts of the making the New Fcreftin Hampfhire, Defcription of Porttmouth 1748. The Hamp- fhire Wonder, or the Groaning Tree,/rrf, 1742, and 2 other 5dj . Hiitory of the Blacks ofWaltenham, 1723. Trial of John the Painter, portrait. Hoyland, or a Defcription of Hampfhire, a Poem 1728. Outlines of a plan for malt.* .Oflavo. 27? ing the Traft of Land, called the New Fo- teit, a real Fore ft 17941 and ? other 6116 Trafls, HEREFORD and HEREFORDSHIRE, Tolbot on the Infirmary at Hereford 1774. Poll for Hereford 1720, 54, and 84 117 , HERTFORDSHIRE, the Hertford Let- ter on the Murder of Mrs. Sarah Stout 1699 Cafe of the Hertfordlhire Witchcraft, in 4 Tracls 1712, and 4 other, in i vol. Poll for. . Hertford 1754 # 6n8 HUNTINGDON, Account of the So- merfliam Water 1767. Cafe of John Ames Andrews / 6119 ' KENT, Tunbridge Wells, or Direc- tions for Drinking the Waters 1725. Tun- brigilia 1707. Tunbridge Mifcellany for 1712, 13, 19, 22, 37, 8, q * g! 20 The Canterbury Patriot 1773. Short Trip into Kent, in Hudibraftic Verfe 1743. Hiftory of the Kentifh Petition. Charter of Romney Marfli 1686 46x21 .. Canterbury preferved, or a Plot dif- covered. The Canterbury Patriot 1773. Canterbury Wells 1702, and 3 other A fi 6122 Defcription of the Cathedral of Can- terbury 1778. DuccarePs Repertory 1782. Catalogos Lib. Bib. Ecclefiae Chrifli Can- tuarenfis 1743 6133 Pocock's Gravefend Companion 1798. and 3 other Smeatcm's Account of Ramfgate Har- bour //arr, 1791 and 3 other .. . Jacob's Hiftory of Faver(ham plates 1774, Arden of Faverfliam, by Lillo 1762" 1770 and 4 plates of Faverfham Abbey /j / t 6126 Newton's Hiftory and Antiquities of Maidftone, /// i74, and 4 other relative to ditto, in i vol. 0127 ~ The Tunbridge Wells Guide 1780. ~T / ~ Defcriptioa of ditto ib Water Poetry, in i '2../J vnl. Oo . OcUvo, 6128 Trafts, The New Margate and Ramfgate Guide. Defcription of the Ifle of Thanet 1768. Hittory of Dover Caftle 1787, and 2 other in i vol. 6129 LANCASHIRE, Remarks on the Hi 1- tory of Manchefter 1771. View of Agri- cuhure in the County of Lancaller 1795 and 10 other LEICESTERSHIRE, Macaulay's Hif- tory and Antiquities of Clay brook, p!atei t 1691 6131} LINCOLNSHIRE and MONMOUTH- SHIRE, &c. Hiftory of the Antiquities of St. Mary Lincoln. Defcriptive Accounts of Persfield and Chepftow 1793, and 3 other 6132 .i LONDON and WESTMINSTER,* Pro- pofals for eltabliftiing a Charitable Fund in the City oi London 1706. Smith's (late of the Gaols 1 776, and 9 other 6133 New Review of London 1722. Hif- tory of the Sheriff-room of Dittp 1703. Act for Paving and Cleaning the City 1671, and 3 other / 6134 Gny Grefham, and Bancroft's wills, $ 6 6135 " New Review of London 1928. Trip through ditto ib. View of London tc Weft* minfler, or the Town Spy 1705 6136 i Reafon* for the punctual limiting of Bartholomew Fair 1708, and 6 other 6137 r Remarks on the ancient and present ftate of Lor.don 1723. Hiftory of the Tower of London 1771. Warburton London and Middlesex 1749, an ^ 3 other 6138 Miferies of the Marfhalfea, White- chapel and other inferior prifons. Defcrip- tion of Newgate. Remarks on the Fleet 17 -.3. Prefent ftate of the Prifon of Ludgate and 2 other 6139 * London's Gratitude 1783. Charter of the Stationers' Company 1741, and 6 Oftavc, i;? 6146 Trafts, (15) relative to the Lord Mayors and Corporation $141 Plan for rendering the Militia ufeful and refpeftable, by Bernard Turner 1782, & 4 other 6142 (3) on the Bridge of Blacktriars 1757* and 2 other 6143 i Observations on the Report relative to building a Manfion Houfe 17 j6, and 6 Other 6 1 44 London what it is, not what it was, Public Nuifance considered. Observation* on the buyers or receivers of Stolen Goods 1756 Cafe of the Patron of St. Andrew's Holborii 1723, aad 4 other, relative to St. Andrew's (4J by Jofaiah Durmford to the Livety, Sic. (6) on St. Paul's Cathedral 1712-16, in i vol. i Computation of the increafe of Lon- don 1719. Critical Review of Public Build- ings 1734* Public Nuifance confidered, Morning Walk, or City encompafled, a Poem 17$!, and i other, with MS. notes, by Mr. Reed, in i vol. $149 Critical Review of the Public Build- ings, plattt added 1783. Hiftory of the Tower 4787, in i vol. 6ijo (6) on the Wet Docks, by Vaughan, &c. with />/a/*j 1797. $151 Letter* on the Britifh Mufeum 1767. Inftruftions by the Burgefles to the Annoy- ance Jury 1 763. Weftminller Abbey, a Poem, 1721, and 6 other 6152 Account of the Election of Members of Parliament for Wellminfter 1741, and 5 other relative to the fame '- Gibfon's CoLftitutional Pamphlet to the Inhabitants of Covert Garden ^754- The felecl Vettry juftifisd 1754, and . Oclavo. yf 6tj4 Trafts, Obfervations on the Weftminfter Pav- ' ' ing Adi 1771, and 5 other relative to Paving and Cieanfing ditto 6155 Langley's DeCgn for a Bridge at New Palace- yard, plate 1736. Reafons againft building a Bridge from Lambeth to Weft- rninfter 1722. The Wellminfter Bubble, a Merry Tale, in a Dialogue between an Old Bridge and a New 171*. Langley's furvey of Weftminfter Bridge 1743. Labalye on ditto 1739-51, and 5 other MIDDLESEX, Ifle worth's Syons Peace 6156 6157 6ij8 6159 1657 reprinted. Hampftead Wells, by Soanae, 1734, and 26 other -- NORFOLK, Records of Norwich 1736, The Noi folk Tour. Brown on Urn Burial 1736. The Lynn Magazine 1768 Hiftorycf Norwich 1728. Appendix to the Chronological Hiftory of Ditto 1728. Description of the Diocefs of Norwich 1735. Hiftory of Kelt's Rebellion in 1549 and 7 other NORTHAMHTON &NoKTHUUBBR 6161 616* 6163 A /j IAND Itatutes of the County Hofpital in Northampton 1743. Description of Aln wick Caftle Northumberland 1776. Eflay en the Charter of Newcaftle 1777 and i other - OXFORDSHIRE, Pointer's Account of a Roman Pavement found at Sturnfiel A> plate 1713. Account of the Oxford Riots 1715. Depofitions concerning ditto 1716. Memoir* of Ofney Abbey 1769. Account of Earth- quakes at ditto 1750, and 3 other Wharton (Thomas) Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion, Mercurius Cxonienfis 1707. Acadamie, or the Humours of Oxford 1716. The Legend, a Poem Oxford Honefty, and 42 other relative to the Univerfiiy -- Piclura Oxonienfis, and 10 other in I vol. 1768-9 Hifary Oftavo. 279 / 6164 Trails, (6) relative to the Coanty 1737-61 x? 6,65 -. Hiftory of the Univeriity 1772. Cata- logue of/!/ 6167 Delman's Contemplations amongft St. Vincent's Rocks 1755. ^The Brillol Riot 1714.. Goldwin's Detcription of the City of Briflol, a Poem 1751 and 6 other 4.10. and oftavo // 6168 - Briftollia, or Memoires of the City, by Andrew Hooke 1748. Randolph on Brif. tol Water 1745. Defcription of Penpark- Hole 1792. Life of Jonathan Britain 1772, and 3 other in i vol. Bath and Brifiol Guide, New Bath Guide po; trait of Nafh. New Prote Bath Guide for 1778. Hiftory of the Church 1778, in i voL 6170 - Narrative of the extraordinary cafe of Geo. Lukins, ofYatton, poflefled of evil spirits for near 18 Years 1 788. Relation of the Cafe of Edmund Miilard of Langpoit, 172$, and 6 other (4) on Bath and Briftol Waters 5172 " - Saunders on the Curiofities of Glas- tonbary 1781, and 3 other 6173 SHROPSHIRE & SUFFOLK, Shrewf- bury Quarry, a Poem 1769. Statutes of the Salop Infirmary 1753. Defcription of Bury St. Kdroonds 1782 hi-ft SURRY, Hiflory and Antiquities of St. Saviour> Southwark 1765. Life and death of John Overs 1774, and j other 6175 SURRY, Defcription of Eplbm 1711. Ditto of. Richmond Gardens, and Narrative of the tranfa&ions at Stockwell 1772 6176 - - Hiftory of Gildford 17/7. Life of Geo. Abbot, with Defcription v f the Hof- pital at Guilford 1777. Popifh Intrigues,&c. /e, 8o Hi/lory .Oclava. in the cafe of Mrs. Shaftoe 174$, &c. and i other in i vol. 6177 Trafts, SUSSEX, fcort Hiftory of Brighton, by Relhan 1761. Medical Properties, &c. of the Sea, &c. by Loftus Wood 1782. Cafe of Richard Thomas, Brighton Directors, in i vol. 6178 Paflage of the Hurricane from Bexhill 1730. Antiquities of Arundel 1766. Hif- tory of Chichefter, and 4 other in i vol. 6179 WARWICKSHIRE, Salin's Defcription of the Church of St. Mary. Hiftory of Ke- nilworth Caftle 1777. Swinney's Birming^ ham Directory. Account of benefactions to Coventry 1733, &c. 6180 - ' WILTSHIRE, Antiquities of the De- vizes 1794.. Difiertation on the Antiquity of Stone Hedge 1730, and i other 6181 YORKSHIRE, Hiftory of the Cathedral of St. Peter, piatet 1768. Defcription of part of the County of York. Defcription of Buxton 1795* Tour to the Caves 1780 6181 - Historical Guide to Scarborough The Rarities of Richmond 1736. The York* (hire Spy, and 3 other 6183 ! Hiftory of Karesborongh 1775. Dittoi by Hargrove 1782. Tryal of Eugene Aram in i vol. / a 6184 '- Index to Towns, &c. in York(hir 1768. Account of the taking Pontefraft Cattle 1747. Scarborough Mifcellany 1731- 3, 4, and 9 other in i vol. 6185 WALES, Doddridge' Hiftory of Wales, &c. 1714. Journey to Llandridod Wells 1746 6186 Propofals for enriching the Principa- litity 1762. Journey to Llandridod Wells, 1746. On fortifying Milford Haven, piates, 1759, and 3 other 5x87 The Head of the Rock, a Welch La n&. fcape, by Williams 1775. Caermarthenftme a Sketch of, 17921 in i vol. Hiflery Oclavo. 181 Trafts, Owen's Britifh Remains '1777. Mal- colm's Letters and Trails 1 744 6189 .. SCOTLAND, Ruddiman on the com- petition between Bruce and Baliol for the Crown 1748. Animadversions on ditto 1749. Laws and Judicatures of Scotland 1718. Borthwick on the Feudal Dignities of Sept- land '7/5, and i other jj ^6190 Letters on the Trade and Manufac- tures of Scotland 1774, and 8 other relative to The Highland Vifions 1712. Strange news from Scotland 1712. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien 1699, and 3 other / 6192 Hiftory of the King's Majeftie's Af- fairs 1644. Account of the Proceedings at Perth 1716. Difcourfe on uniting Scotland with England 1702 and > other Free Difquifition on the Law of En- tails in Scotland 1765. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Prefent State of the Peerage of Scotland 1771, and 6 other Chronology of the King's ofScotland 1773. Short Account of Scotland 1706. Mo- dern Account of Scotland. Hiftorical Re- marks on the City of St. Andrew's 1728. Caledonia, a Poem 17707. Defcription of the Parifti of Melrose 1743 / 6195 - Hiftory of Caledonia, or the Scots Colony in Darien, and 5 other relative to 9\ 6t96 Bachan's Defcription of St. Kilda 1752. Account or the Chapel of Roflin 177^. Defcription of the Parifh of Melrose 1709, in i vol. ^6197 Cant's Mules Threnodie, 2 vols in i, Perth 1794 6*98 ' Martin's Voyage to St. Kilda 1753. Knox on the Northern Filheries 1786. Fea on the Fifheries in the Scotch Iflands 1787. M'CulJagh on the Herring Fifheries 1788, in i vol. . Oclavo Trafts, Hiftory of the Ifle of Man 1773, a d 3 other, in i vol. 6200 IRELAND, Defcription of Dublin 1732 Survey of the County of Down 1740. The Irifli Rebellion 1679, and 3 other 6201 Lucas, Magna Charta Civitatis Wa- terford 1752. Pollock's Letters to the In- habitants of Newry 1 703 6202 : Stock's Narrative of Killala 1800. Whateley on the Irifti Fimery 1803. Prefent ftate of Ireland 1730, and 4 other Cursory obfervations on Ireland 1779 Lift of the abfentees in Ireland 1769, and 6 other Ferman on the Courage, &c. of the Irifli Nation 1767, and 6 other Hiftory of Limeiick 1767. Defcrip- tion of Killarney 1776. Perry's An fwcr to objections againft making a bafon for better- ing the harbour of Dublin 1721 and 2 other ^-6206 - Dobbs Eflay on the trade, &c. of Ire- land 1729. Survey of the County of Down 1740, and 3 other / 207 Warton's defcription of Winchefter. Defcription of the Ifle of Thanet 1765. Wind lor and its Environs 1768, in i vol. Four Topographical Leiters, by Rafta Patching 1757, and a fhort Tour in the Mid- land Counties 1775, in * vol. Thickneffe's Guide through France, Letter from South Carolina 1732. Scheffer's Hiftory of Lapland 1751, and 7 other J 6aio Travels of Anacharsis, the younger, in Greece, 797 6211 Edw. Brown, 2 vol. 1753 / /6zia before the Flood, 2 vol. 1796 / 6213 ' ' into France and Italy, 2 vol. 1771 ^6214 of a Philofopher 1769 j 6215 Treafon againft Queen Elizabeth, b. /. 1572. 62 1 61 Treaties of Peace and Commerce 1772 / 62171 Trial between Lockyer and Bream 1796 $218) of Henry Yorke ?: .O&avo. 283 / 6219 Trafts, Richard Patch, 1806 / 6220 - Warren Ha flings, *79<5 ,)"/^622i for Murders, &c. a vol. 1742 / 6222 of Sam. Petrie. Efq 1782 6223) Tiiennial A&, Speech on the 1782 y / 624(Trip to Paris * 179$ 62151- < Portugal . I. 1704 6iz6/ . Holland, 2 vol. . . . 1786 6227 Troil's Letters to Iceland 1780 y 6228 True Causes of the great troubles in England 1592 / 6229 Trufler* Voyages j- 1778 6230 Tryals, 3 vol. 1710 / 623 1 Tucker ^ Jonah ) Treatife on Governments 1781 ^'6232 Turkim Empire, a new Survey of i66j 6233 Turier (Jerome) the Traveller 1575 6z34>Turreau (Lewis) Memoirs of La Vendee 1770 623 5J Tyranny (Difplay of) 2 parts 1689 ^'6230 Vallancey (Charles) de Rebus Hibernicis 1770 / 6237 Vanuttart (Henry) Tranfaftions in Bengal, 3 vol. 1766 6238 Varamund (Emert) of the outrages of France 62^9 )Varillas (Per.) Hiftory of the Houle of Medicis /) 1686 64O)Vaughan (Sam.) Appeal 1773 h 6241 Velleius Paterculus, by Le Guys 1632 J ^6242 Newcomb 1724 6243! Venice, City and Republic of 1 699 / 6244.1 the Fall of ^04 . / 62451 Vertot (Abbe) Revolutions in Portugal 1754 /\r 6a46j"- - "< the Roman Repub- lic, 2 VOl. " - 1735 / 6247 Viaud (Pierre) Shipwreck and Ad ventures 1771 ^ 6248 Vie v 6 to 6303^ News from Wales, 1652. Buihell on the Mines Roy all, 1642, and 3 other 6904 (Tweatyfcven) relative to Ireland ass Quarto; ^ / 6305 TRACT j finglc, viz, Narrative of the /? i, 6306 hending, Execution, &c. of John James, 1662. Life of William Morrel 1692. Do* of William Fuller, 1692. Hiftory of Col. Chartres, portrait Wine, Beer, Ale, and Tobacco contending for Superiority, front* Book of Sports, 163-5 Good and True Newei, from Bedford, 1643, and 14. other i Letter of Comfort to Richard Cromwell, 1659. aud fundry rela- tive to the Commonwealth 6309 .1 i ' i Journal of Lord Edward Cecyl on the Coaft of Spain, 1626. Cata- logue of Dukes, Marquifles, Earls, &c. 1634 Treatife on the Election of Popes, 1605. Death of the Duke of Mecklenburg 1634; and 10 other / $ 3 , MI, Relation of Wicked Plots and Praftifes of the Spaniards in the Ne- therlands, 1624. Stubbe's Juftificatiori of the War in the Netherlands, platti, 1672, and 1 7 relative to Low-Countries ,, 6311 The Duke of Mayennes Ghoft, 1722. Gee New Shred of the Old Snare, containing the Apparitions of ^ Fe- male Ghofts, &c. 1624. Three Tracts con- cerning Zachary Crofton, charged with Whipping his Maid Servant, 1657 _ .. , Treatife on Wool and / 4 6313 6314 2./3,/j Cattel, 1677. The Royal Filhinj Revived^ 1670. on the Manufactory of Linen Cloth, 167 7, and z other M.I Strange Predictions of James Uflier, 1678. Lilly'* nftrologicall Prediction, 1648-9-50 ., The York Buildings Dragons, 1726. A Murder, by Thoma^ White on the Body of his Wife, "682. Newet from Gaunt, or a moft Bloody Murder, '678, Barbarous Murther. by Henry Joaes, and Hiftory, Quarto. 389 Mary Jones on the Body of their Mother, 1672. Murder of the Duke of Hamilton, 1712, and i other 6315 TRACTS, fingle, viz. True relation of th late Commotion in Hereford fhi re, 6. I. 1605. Strange Newes indeed from Mitcham, ,664.- True relation of John Leech who lived in Huntingtonmire, who was carried iz Miles an the Ayre by two Fairies, 1662, Tryal and Examination of Mary Morders, the German Princefs, 1663. Narrative of a College of Jefuits at Come, in Hereford, 1697, and i other 6316 ___ Mifcheif of Persecution in the Life and End of Mr. John Child, 1688. The York Buildings Dragons, 1726. Varieties of Villainy, 1698. Condud of Re- ceivers and Thief Takers in London, 1718, and i other / j^ 6317 Relation of the Journey of Charles Earl of Nottingham to Spain, 1605. Converfion of a Noble Lady of France, Madame Gratiana, 1608. The Tufkes Secretarie, 1607, and 4 other *>, 6318 New Plot Difcovered in Ireland, 164.1. News from Sea, or the Tak- ing of the Cruel Pirate, Captain Ceuficke, 1674. Relation of the late Dreadful Tern- pelt, 1704, and 3 other /* 6319 . Injunctions, by Queen Elizabeth, 1559- The Favourite's Chronicle 1621. Duke Hamilton his Cafe, 1649. and 4 other ^ 63*0 Sir Thomas Overbury, Obfervationsj 1626. Four for a Penny, or Poor Robin's Character, 1678, Poor Robin's Intelligence Revived, 1678. Dangerfield's Memoirs, 1685. Speculum Crape Gouno- rnm, 1682, and 3 other / .z Twenty-ninth Day's Sale. Hijlory. OCTAVO ET INFRA, I.OT ^6321 V IE W of the Real Grievances Coafta of the South Sea Com. pany .. . 1711 6323 Vigow (Mrs.) Letters from Raffia 1777 6324 Vincent (T.) God's Terrible Voice in the City 1668 /j 63*5 Voltaire, Age of Lewis XIV. z vol. 1751 / } 6326 . Letters on the Englifh Nation 1735 / 6327 . on the Civil Wars of France 1731 ^6333 V OD Low en on Nobility . 1754 / / 6329 Voyage to North America in 1768, and 1769 '777 <>33 the Weft Indies . 1762 Golph of Mexico, by De la Sale 1714 2 _, - .... North i 1706 Round the World 1795 / 6334 - to the Levant 170* j 6336 -- Ifle of France - 1800 2 / 6337 -- Ruffia ' - '739 ^5jjg - the Mauritius 1775 2 (,j JQ ! Beogala - ~ Hiftory. Octavo 291 6j4O/Voyage of the late King of Sweden 1698 6341) to Arabia, the Happy, 17 ?o ^6342 of Captain Sharp 1684 6343 Udal ap Rhys Account of Spain and Portugal ^6344 Unclaimed Dividends, Names of Proprietors / ^6349 Uncertainty o/ Death, platet 1746 ^6346 Univeifities( Advice to the) 1783 ^ 6347) Union, Difcourfe on i70z * 6348) Wafer (Lionel) Voyage to America 1704 /^349)Wake (Ifaac) Political Difcoveries IO 55 635O)Wakefield (Prifcilla) Juvenile Travellers i8or 6351 Waldron (George) Defcriptions of the Ifle of Man < T 744 ^6351 Wales (William) Remarks on Forfter's Account of Cooke's laft Voyage 1 778 6353 Walker (Hovenden) Expedition to Canada 17*9 6354 (A.) Tour to the Lakes 1792 ^6355 Wall Parliamentary Characters i?77 ^635^ Waller (Sir William) Vindication of the Cha- racter of '' 1793 6357 Wallace on the Numbers of Mankind 173 7J/6J58 Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of Noble Authors, 2 vol. 1759 /6359?War in America (Enquiries into) 1778 ^6360) ACa Memoirs of from 1780, to 1784, 1789 ^6361 Difguife 1805 6362 Warmftry (Thomas) the Baptifed Turk 16^8 6363 Warner (Rich.) Tour round Lymington 6364 . 6368 Warning againft Papiftes, 6. 1. 6369^^ arren (Borlafe) View of the Marine Force 1791 637oyWarwick (Sir Phil.) Memoirs of Charles I. / Watkinfon (John) Survey of Ireland 1778 6375 Watfon (Richard) Hittory of Affairs in Scot- 6375*Warton (Thos. ) Companion to the Guide, and Guide to the Companion 6376 Weeks (J. Eyre) Gentleman's Hour Glafs 1750 (Ifaac) Travels through America 1799 9 Hiftory.'OfavQ. 6371 Waterhoufe (Edward) of Arms and Armoury 1660 / 6372 Watkins John) Hiftory of Bideford 1792 / 6 ' 4 6379 Wells (Edward) freatife on Geography 17x6 ^6380 -- --- - -- 1716 / 6381 Well wood (James) Memoirs of England 1751 /# 4 638* Wentworth (Peter) Pithie Exhortations 1598 J 6383 ------ Pleadings, 7 vol. ^63 4 Weil (Rich,) on Treafons *- 1716 ^^6385 - -- Guide to the Lake* 1784 / 6386 Whitaker Hittory of the Britons 177* 6387 -------- 1783 3 ^388 . -- (John)Courfe of Hannibal, 2 vol. '794 ^ /6j g 9 -- Hiftory of Manchefter, 2 vol. 1773 / 6390 - -- Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated 1789 / 6391 Whitworth (Charles) Lift of Nobility 1765 639* V -- Collection of the Supplies <763 ' !'.' - Succeflion of Parliaments Wilcox (Jofeph) Roman Converfation, 2 vol. '797 639 )Williams (Walter) Jus Appeilandi 1684 / 6j96yWillian III. Oi ginal Letters 1703 fa*?/ Wilton Houfe (Defcription of) - j?88 |&398)Wtndfor Guide - - - 1783 6j99)Wi(hart (A.) Commentaries on the War in Italy 7S3 6409^ Wood (John) Choir Gauge (i. e.) Stonehenge / . O&avo. 393 ^6401 Wood (Hatton) Decrees in the Exchequer, 2 vol. 79 8 -6402 . -- (John) Defcription of Bath, 2 Vol. 1768 \2\ 6403 Woodward (David) Narrative of Four Seamen 1804 6>43 ' 2 vol, : *. 6544 - : .. , and Foundling Hof- pital of Wit, *9 vol. 1785-1786 6545 Atterbury (Bilh) Selefta Poeroata 1684 / 6546 Aviary or Magazine of Britifli Melody 3 6547 Ayres (Philip) Lyric Poems 1687 J / ^48 Bacchus and Venus, or the Harmony of Love & Wine j /M 6549 Baker (Dan.) Poems / 4 6 55 (Hen.) Poems _ f \A4 ^55* Medulla, z vol. ft /j 6552 Ballads (Old) vol. III. 4 /$ 6^53 Bancks (John) MifceUatues ^ vol. 65:54 Bancroft (Tho.) Heroical Lover 6555 Barber's Poems 6556 Barbour (Sir John) the Bruce, or Hiftory of Ro- bert I. 3 vol. 1790 6557 Barnaby (Drunken) four Jonrnies to the North of England, Lat. & Eng. cuts 1723 it. 6559 Beattie (James) Poems 1776 6560 Beamont (Sir John) Bofwcrth field 1629 6561 .1 (Francis) Poems ~ 1653 6562 Beedome (Thomas) Poems 1641 2- 6563 Behn (A.) the Lover in falhiori 1688 6564 Bell Fugitive Poetry, 18 vol -- 1797 6565 . Poets containing Churchill, Cunningham, Dcnham, Rofcommon, and Armftrong, 9 vol. OUvo, A /6j66 '6 S 6 7 . 6 5 68 / 6 6569 .? 6570 S 6571 / 6572 6<573 / 6; 7 4 / 657? ^ ^7 "$?6 ^ / 6 57T 6578 / Beloe(WilJ) Poems and Translations Bennett (John) Poems Benfon (Jofcph; Battle of Floildenfield Bidlake (John) Country Parfon Summer's Eve Blacklock's Poems, 2 vol -- Blackrn >ie (Sir R.) Poems Poems Paraphrafc on Job- -___ Creation Prince Arthur 1788 '774 774- 797 1800 -1762 >7 2 3 1718 1716 1783 6579 6580 / 6511 7/j 6 5 s 1800 1712 , 6584 / 6585 *. 6586 % ^ 6^88 7/6590 6591 / / 6593 / 6594 Blake's Poetical Sketches Blondet's Cornparifon of Pindar and Horace, 1696 Bloomfield (Rob.) Farmer's Boy Boileau Works with his Life by C the Lutrin, by N. Roue Bold (Henry) Latine Songi Booker (Luke the Hop Garden Boffu of the Epic Poem, a vol. Bofworth (Will) Chafte and loft Lovers Bontler (Hugh) a Panegyrical Poem Bounden (Jofeph) Fatal Curiofity Bowden (Sara ) Poetical Eflays Bowles (W. L.) Sonnets Boyd (Henry) the Penance of Hugo Boys (John ) JEneas his Errours Boyse (S.) Poems (Edward) Idyls A 6 SS 6 //6597 3 6598 4^6599 /66oo 1685 1719 i 6 S5 745 - 1733 Bttb 1794. 1809 1661 1738 1800 Brooke (Henry) Poeais and Plays, 4 vol. 1789 Brome (Alex.) Songs and other Poems 1661 Browne (liaac Hawkins) the Immortality of the Soul ' *795 (Mofes) the Works and Reft of the Cre- ation - Poems 4 (Will) Work*, 3 vol. - (John) on Poetry and Mufic 6601 Buchaunan (G.) Psalmotum <>602 Burns (Rob.) Works, 4 vol. 6603 --- Poems 1739 I77Z 1789 ^ / 6604 Bu(he (H.) Socrates - 1801 Poetry -Oflavo. 305 Butler (Samuel) Hudibras, 2 parts 1663-1664. ^ 5606 - ---- ib. il>. ,.... i i- -- zd part 1664, 775 ^669 Byfshe (Kdw.) Arc of Poetry 1737 / ^ 66ao Caledama, 3 vols 1775 //j 66ai Callander (John) two ancient Scottiih Poems, Edin. 1782 /J~~ 6622 Cambridge Prize Poems, fine paper, only 12 copies printed - 1775 ^ 6623 Carew (Thos.) Poems 1772 J 66z 6681 Baldwin (Wm.) Myrrour for Magtftrates, b. I. 6682 Baltimore (Lord) GARDI A POETICA, Lat. et Gallica, with plates, extremely rare, fee note 6683 Coelefles et Infern, cuti, Vent, 1771 684 Bancroft (Thomas) Two Books of Epigrams & Epitaphs - 1639 ,' ._ 3&S Poeirj Quarto. /j* /Q\ 6685 Battlefield'* Aff 73* whole Workes 1613 6735 Dante, tranflated by thai. Rogers, with 2 par- traits 1782 6734 Darwin'* Botanic Garden, 2 vol. p/attt, 1791 // 6735 Davies (John) Microsmos, the Difcovery of the little World Oxf. 1605 6736 Deftroction of Jerusalem green turkey ^6737 D'lfraeli (J.) Narrative Poems 1803 6738 Donne John) Poems l &33 6739 Dover (Robt.) Olimpic Games upon Cotswold Hills 7/n/3779 ' (Hugh) Rodondo, or the State Jug- lers 1 763 6780 Daniel (Sam.) Delia and Rofamond augmented, Cleopatra ! 594 6781 small Poems, with the Tragedie of Philotas, and a defence of Ryme 1603-5 . no more published 1727 ///679O Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry , mncco t gilt leavet 1 70 1 67^1 "" Mifcellany Poems 1697 S 6792 ' ' ' Britannia Triumphans 1704 /, 6"93 Diarium, or Journal divided into 12 Jornadas in Burleque Rhyme 1656 > 6794 Diftiunoarum Pocticum morocco, gilt leaves Parti ap H. Stepbani 1,5^0 ^ ^6795 Dodd (William) Thoughts in prifon, portrait . / 1789 Ptttry~ O&avo, 3 1 * 796 Dodd (William) Poems, portrait 1767 6797 Dodfley's Collection of Poems, 6 vol. 1758 6 6798 --- and Pearch's Poems, 10 vol. bound, 1768 /" 6799 Donne (John) Satyr i66z /68oo - -- Poems 1719 / } 6801 - - - ib. 2, 6802 - 1669 ^6803 Downmon (Hugh; Poems to Thefpia, Exeter 1792 3* /j 6804 Drayton (Mich.) Poems . 1610 ^ ^6805 --- - 1612 f 6806 Works, 4 vol. 1753 2, 6807 - England Hereoical Epiftle* 1788 6808 Drollery (Grammatical) 1682 7/^6809 Drurnmond (Wm.) Poems 1656 6810 -- " portrait 1791 jT'^8n Dryden (John) Mifcellany Poems, 6 vol. 1716 /68ia -- - --- - vol. I. ib, $ ^6813 - _ Year of Wonder* 1667 ^ 6814 Duck (Stephen) Poems i;j6 7^6815 Duffett (Thos.) Poems, Songs, &c. 1676 4 ^6816 Dunkin (William) Poetical Works, * vol. Dublin 1769 3 6817 Durfey (Thomas) New Opera's Poems, comical Stories 1721 6818 -- New Ballads, gilt leaves 1715 Pills to purge Melancholy, vol.i 1719 / 68to Dwight (Timothy) Conqueft of Canaan, Hartford 178; / 6821 Dyer (John) Poems 1761, many particular! in MS relating to bim t and original Itittr from him la Dodjliy // /6822 Echoes from the Sixth Trumpet, imp. in rtie fear LorD baVe MerCle Upon Ut y ^6823 Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces 1791 ^6824 Ekins (J.) Medea and Jafon 1772 4 ^6825 Elegant Extracts in \^erse 1791 '; /68ao Ellii (John) Surprize, or the Gentleman turned ^ Apothecary, front. " / < Si* //68*7 Elwood (Thos.) Davideis 6828 Elphinftone (Js.) Education in 4 books 1763 6829 " ~~ Religion, a Poem *754 6830 England's ParnafTus 1600 6831 ib. 683* Epictetus, by Walker 1697 6833 Epigrams, (collection of) with mamtteript xotts, 1694 6834 1735 6815 Epitaphs, Ancient and Modern, in 4 parts / 6836) Efprit de L'Hiftoire de I'Europe 1793 v 6837] Evans's Old Ballads, t vol. 1777 6838 Evans (Thomas) Oedipus three Cantoes 16 5 7^6839 Falconer (Wm.) Shipwreck, with his Life, by Clarke,/.^. 1804 ^6840 Farrago *739 6841 Fawkes (Francis) Poems and Tranflations 1761 6842 Fenelon, Adventures of Telemachus, in blank verfe, by J. Youde, 3 vol. Cbefiet 1791 6843 Fifher (John) Valley of Llanherne 1801 / 6844 Fitzgerald (Gerald) Poems . 1797 6 6845 (Thomas) ditto, //#& Gtafgoiv 1769 6877} portrait 1738 j 6878 . - Athenaid 3 vol. 1787 6879 Gomerfall(Rob.) Poems, with Tragedie of Lod. Sforza, front. 1633 /| 6880- . fronti/piecet^ by Cecil < #. /4 8881 Gould (Robt) Works, a vol. 1709 ^ ^ 683i Graves Euphrofyne, i vol. J 77& ^ 6883 Gray's Poems ' , , i 768 / 6884 it. j 688b with Notes, by Wakdield 1786 / t 6887 Greene (Edward Barnaby) Poetical Eflays {771 6888 Griffith (Amya?) Woiks 1763 6889 Grub-itreet Memoirs, by Bavius -6i Legend of Capt. Jones, front. 1648 Lclandi (Joan.) Cygnea Cantica, &c. London i 546 6963 Leoline and Sydaris, an Heroick Romance, by Sir Edward Kinafton - 1^41 6964 Lilli's Prophetical! HUtcry 1642 6965 Lithgow (W.J Guflii' g Tears of Godly Sorrow Edin. .'^40 ^6966 Lloyd ^E.) Powers of ;he Pen, and other Poems f Piflry Qo ar to. 317 j~ 6 0967 London Artillerie X2 6968 London King Charles his Augufta, or City Roy- all -- 1648 6969 Love (the) of Glory 1806 6970 Lovely ng's Latin and EnglHh Poems 1738 6971 Lucas Poems <- - 1779 6971 Lyfe, and Hiilory of iJayrit Worburge> b. L /- printed by Pya/on - 1521 ^ 6973 JMacgiloray (John) Poems - :*1&'} * '* dy74JMacpherfcn (Js ) Fingal and TemPfS, i Vol. 1762-3 ^975) Manning (Francis) Poems 1752 ? .j976JMarloe (Chriftopher) Hero and Leander 1609 / 6977 Maurice (Thos.) Poems . 1779 ^'^978 -- Elegiac on Sir William Jones '795 2 ^9"9 Merryman (Dofler) or Nothing but Mirth 1637 6980 Mickle(Wm. Julius) Poems - 1794 ' ^ ,P 6981 Miller's Mil'cellaneous Works 1746 6982 Middle con (Chriftopher) Hiflorie of Heaven 1596 6 983^ Milton (John) Paradife Loft, Boot I. I A G/a/gatv 1750 ^9 3 4) -- notes, by Capel * Loft, Book I. Burji 1792. Paraphrale on the firft Book, 1738 / ^ ^985 - - ' - - - firft Book, Lat. and fcnglifh, by Michael Bold 1736 / // 6986 - * ' in 10 books, with portraits, fine cofj 1669 4 6 6987 - -- in 12 books, by Bentley - 1732 /;> 6988 --- Paradife Regained, by Charles D under, with p,rtroit t fro*t* and map /\A 6589 - --- L'Allegro et le Penferofo, Fr.and Eng. - _. 1766 tf 6990 Moallakat (the) tranflated by William Jones 1783 // 6991 Moore (Edward) Poems, Fables, and Plays 38 Pottry Quarto. More (Hannah) Ode to Dragon, 1777. Florio, a tale, 1787 /\ 6993 Mudge (Zachary) Eflay towards a New Verfion ofthePfalnu 1 744 <$99j. Mufeus, the Loves of Hero and Leander, Gr. et Eng. 1797 / /)6995 Naboth's Vineyard 169; 6996 Naogeorgus ( Thomas) Popiftt Kingdome, cr Reigne of Antichriil, by Barnabe Googf, b.l. 1570 6997 NarcirTn, - Fable from Ovid, tranftated into Englyfh Metre, b. /. 1^60 Nautical Odes 1801 // t /J Newcomb (Tho.) Poems 7000 Nofce Teipfum 7001 Obfequies to the Memorie of Mr. Edward King, 1638, in which the Lycidai oi Milton firft ap- peared, very/caret 7002 Oclando (Chriftopher) Anglorum Prxlia ^7003 Oxford and Cambridge Verfes, on the Death of Henry Prince of Wales, 1660. Princefs Mary, 1668. Monck D. of Albemarle, 1670 &c. 1 8 parts 7004 Ovid's Metamorphofis, 15 Bookes tranflated by Arthur Golding, b. /. 1575 7005 Palingenius Zodiakc of Life, by Googe, b. /. 1576 7006 Parkhurfti (Johan.) Luciicra, five Epigrammata Juvenilia 1573 7007 Peacham (Henry) Period of Mourning 1613 / ^7008 Perfian Literature (Flowers of) by Koufleau 1801 * /j 7009 Petowe (Henry) Eliza's Fonerall 1603 J./3 7010 Pierce Plowman (The Vifion of) b. I. imprinted by Cro Thirty-fecond Day's Sale. Poetry. OCTAVO. 10T j? | 70 1 2 HoLLWA Y (William) Peafants Fate, front. 1802 7013 Homer a laMode Oxford 1665 ^7015 Iliad Difcourfe on, by Theobald, 1714. Do. by Fiddes 1714 J # 7016 Batracomyomechia, Fr* and Eng* by Co- hen 1797 /V7 01 7 (Traces on) by Kedington, &c. 1759, fie note by Mr. Reed J /t 7018 Tiaveftie, 2 vol. . 1767 >> ,/ 7019 and Vi:gil not to be compared with the two Arthur's 1700 J. 7020 _ / 7021 Horace Odes and Epodes, by Henry Rider with J 7022 --- -- - - Tr. of Nero 1644 R*6 Poems Neweafilt upixTynf 165* Hughes (John) Poems, 2 vol. 1725 Hume (J.) Poems 1719 Honnis (William) Seven Sobs of a Sorrowful! boule for Since " 1615 Hunt(J.H L ) Juvenilia,/ri/. 1801 Huibands (J.) Mifcellany of Poems Oxford 1731 Hutton (Henry) Follie's Anatomie, or Satyret and Satyricall Epigiams, rare 1619 ^7052 7053 7056 7^57 f ' Oflavo. 321 Hyftorie of the Famous Princes of the World, Afltanax and Polixena, and the Worthie Hy- ftorie of the mod Noble and Valiaunt Pla- fida$, gathered in Englifh Verfe, by John Partridge, b. /. improved by Htttry Denbam 1566 7059 James (Charles) Poems, 2 vol. portrait 1789 7060 the Firft, King of Scotland, Poetical Re- mains, with Life, by Win. Tytler,/0r/r(Mi by Mr* Ried 7069 4. vo!. interleaved with MS. additiont, by Mr. Rted 1779 77 Jnes (Mary) Poems Oxford 1750 JQJI (Sir William) Poems from the Aiiatick i&. 177* ^ 7072 (T.) Poems, with Phantorrs, or the Jrilh. man in En gland, front. 1803 3 ^773 Jonfon (Ben)Poems 4 1672 / 774 Jordan (Tho.) Rofary of Ra/ities //) ^7075 - - Piftures of Paffions, &rc. / ^7076 Ifc!a (Agoflino) Pieces from the Italian Foers Cum. 1784 7077 Juvenal and Perfius, by Dryden, iSmo. 1-713 7078 - Satyrs, by Stapylton, /tout and portrait 1647 /s 779 Kape : ion, or Political Ordinary 7cBo KenJal (Wm.) Poems - 1703 7081 Kenuftt (Bafilj L'vesof the Grecian Pcet?, />:r- . Oltavo. 3 ^7082 Kenrick (VVm.) Poems 1770 / 7083 - <.__ Epiltles 1759 Kidgell (John) Original Fables, z vol, in i rw/* / /3 / / 78? Kirkpa trick (J.) Sea Piece, a poem 1750 J 7086 Lachrymz Mufarum, the Tears of the Mules, in Elegies on the Death of Henry Ld. Haf- tillgs, front, rart -r 1650 f b 7087 Lanfdowne (Lord) Works, 3 vol. 1736 / 7088 Leapor (Mrp.) Poems 1748 7089 Legend of Captain .Tones, front* with 'port rait J 7090 Leflie (John) Killam^y Dublin 1772 709 1 Lefly (George) Divine Dialogues 1684 7092 Letters from an Englifh Traveller in Spain, on the Origin and Progref* of Poetry, portrait 1781 7093 Leveridge's Collection of Songs 17*7 7094 Lewis (D.) Miscellaneous Poems 1726 7095 Life of Edward II. front. 1721 7096 Lindfay (Sir David) Works, b. /. Gla/gfw '68 7097 Llewellyn Men Miracle. 1656 7098 7099 Lloyd and Charles Lamb, Blank Verfe 1798 j ~/j 7100 (Kobt.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. ftt MSS. note at tht beginning of vol. I 1 774. 7101 Love (James) Poems Edin. 1754 7102 Lovelace (Rich.) Lucafta *^59 7103 front. 16^9 7104 Loviband (Edw.) Poems 1785 Lucan, englilhed by May ^frentiffieci by Uuljius 1627 ib. 1 6} I ^7107 continued till the Death of Cjefar,i6j7 7108 by Rowe, vol. 1751 / f 7109 Luck (R ) Pcems 1793 ^7110 1733 Lucretius, by Evelyn 1657 7112 translated by Creech, ^ vol. '7*4 7113 Lytehon (George Lord) Poetical Wo/ks 1706 71(4 Macpherion, the Highlander, a Poem, 1758, J2,/ef Mr. MS. note * Poetry* Oclavo* 323 r 7115 Mallet (David) Works, 3 vol. 1759 7116 Vf a t love lEdwardi Divine Contentment 1667 Ma men of the Age, in Thirteen Satires 1733 8 Maj>.,aeus translated by J. Ellis 1758 9 Margate Guide 1797 7120 M.'.:i^!, Epigrams, by W. Hay 1755 7121 Mafon (Wm.) Po^ms 1764 Englilh Garden, 1783. on Gar- 2 J A dening, 1768 7*23 Mathias (Thomas James) Odes 1798 6 71-4 Maurice (Thomas) Poems, Epiftolary, &c. 1800 7 1 2} May (T. ( " Reigne of Henry II. 1633 7126 May (Thos.) Poems, Himey^ and King Asa, z vol. 7127 Mayne (John) Glafgow, a Poem 1803 ^7128 Medea and Jafon, by J.iikins 177 z 7129 Meditations i?$o 7130 Mendez (Moses) Collection of Poetry 1767 7131 Menins (J.) Mufes Recreation 1655 7132 Merry Mufician - 1716 _ _ Fellow 754 ^1^7134 Metiftafio, by John Hoole, 2 vol. 1767 7135 Mickle (W. J.) Poetical Works 1806 7136 Mills (Harvey) Bagatelles 1 T^7 ^7137 Milton (John) Paradife Loft, Lat. &*. Book lit. I7oz /j 7138 - plates and portrait t 9 171 1. and Regained, z vol. 1713 7159 1 1 no st-ccJt, 7 of / ^7140 Paradife Lpft, cut! 1707 cu 1771 7'4* - Poetics I \VorItSj 2 vol t <$*. 1 755 by Newton, 4 and MS. notes, by H. J, Todd, 7 ! 43 vol. plates with Additions, by Reed 7145 f 7146 !'l I At , A 1 1645 ib 7 '47 TT .- fVf 4-/ - Uu 324 Pottry Oftavo. $> 7148 Milton (John) Poems by T. Wharton 1786 f 7149 1791 3tf! f s / 7152;" Remarks on Paradife Lofl, by Maney ( 1761 7154 . . byPaterfon '.744 7155 Confederations on his Early Reading, by Charles Dunfter 1800 1\$&) Paraphrafis Poetica autore, G S Hogaeo 1690 7'57)*~ .. Trafts on, by Benfon, Lauder, / Richardfon, Meadowcourt, Douglas, &C. z vol. /7158 Deleclus Auftorum Sacroruma Laudero 2 torn. 1753 7159 . Life of by Dr.Johnfon, Blackburnes Re- marks on Ditto 1700 7160 ' Life of, by Toland 1761 7161 Minor (Lawrence) Poems . 1795 ^7162 Mitchell (Jofeph) Poems, 2 vol. 173* Monk (Mrs. } Poems 1716 Montague (Lady Mary) Poetical Works 1768 7165 Montgomery (Alexander; Poetical Works 1754 7160 Moore (James) Columbiad '79^ J 7167 More (Henry) Poems 1647 / 7168 Morrice (Bezaleel) Mifcellanies in Verfc and profe ^7169 Mufaj Britannicas ^ 1711 7170 MufesMirrour, 2 vol. in i 1788 QUARTO. / // rf 1*11 Poems, fingle, viz. The Diaboliad, by Mr. Combe, 1777, and iz other by the fame Author 7172 Geddes Ver Vert, or thePar- : / rot of Nevers, 1793 & a large parcel poetical ./is, o Pottryi Quarto. 32$ J?. /7'73 Poems* fi"gle, viz. Smith (Charlotte) Elegie Sonnets, 1786, and a parcel Do. $ 7,74. ----- Epiftle of Paul the Parfon to the Romans, 1716, and a parcel Ditto 1771 The Caledonian Heroine, and a parcel Do. 7 176 ----- Weft Indian Eclogues, 1787, and a Parcel Do. 7177 ----- Amufement, by Henry James Pye, 1790. and a parcel Do. 7178 ----- The Force of Preaching. or St. John in the Defart, 1745, and a par- eel Do. 71 70, Fables for Grown Gen- tlemen, 1770, and a parcel Do. J 7180 ---- The Diaboliad, by Mr. Combe, 1777, an< ^ a parcel Do. j 7181 ------ Fables for Grown Gen- tlemen, i 770, and a parcel Do. y / 7181 ---- . Manners of Paphos, 1777 and a parcel of Do. 7183 --- -- Sir Eldred of the Bower 1776, and Do. 7,184 ----- Alonzo, or the Youthful Solitaire, and Do. byJas.Woodhoufe r;88 and Do. 7 186 ----- Purfuits of Literature, 1794, and a parcel Do. 7187 -- Solomon's Song, by Hodgfon, 1786. Evelina, a Sacred Elegy, 1774. Humanity, 1788 7188 - ......... -: - An Elegiac Poem Sacred to the (Memory of Sit William Jones, 1795* and a parcel Do. 7189 .-- -- Ode to the Genius of the Lakes, 1780. Anna and Edgar, by Mrs. Inglis, 1781, & the Maid of Arragon, by Mrs. Cowley, 1780 7'9O ' Amana, a Dramatic Poem, & / i?64> and a parcel political 326 Poetry.* Qnarto. / 7 .2 ^ 3 S 7194 7'94 795 ^7'9^ 7*97 7198 799 ^7200 7201 7202 7203 ^7204 7205 7206 -^7207 ^7208 Poems, fingle, viz. Hayley's Occafional Stanzas 1 788, and a parcel ditto Oxford i 777, and ditto Hill \ 757, and 9 by and relative to Pope (Alex.JSupremacyj&c. examined, fronti/pitce 1729, and a parcel ditto Britain compared, 8 copies 1793 1792. Llangollen Vale 1796, and Original Sonnets 1799, by Mifs Seward Jacobinifm, a Poem 1801. Triumphs of Po- etry, by Hubbard 1803. Sotheby's Poems 1790 and 5 other Sir Thomas Mount 1774, and 5 other by Eyles Irwin - by Peter Pindar (13) - Hermit of Warkworth 1771, and a parcel poetical Ode to the Genius of the Lakes, by W. Cockin, and a parcel ditto The Diftrefled Keate 1787, and 7 other - New Book of the DiMiciad, by Dr.Dodd 1750. The old Woman's Ditto, by Ken- rick 1755; Golden Age from Virgil 1703, and 5 other relative to Horace, &c. ' Waiton^Tho.) 5 Palloral Eclogues 1745. Anftey's Election Ball, front. 1776. Pye's Carmen Seculare 1800, &c. -*. Hardykute da/go, 1748,31^ a parcel poetical Academie, or the Humours of Oxford 1691, and ditto to the memory of Waller 1688, and a parcel ditto Quarto. 327 Poems, Young Rofciad i8oj, and a parcel ditto 7210 Hackwood Park i?6j. Clito 1702. Verdifts of the learned 1697 Mandeville's Mfop drefled 1704. Ty- phon, or Wars of the Giants 1704. in on* vol. 72,2 _ - fingle, Wit and Loyalty Revived 1682. The reftored Maidenhead 1691. Midfuramer Moon 682. and a parcel political 7213 *- War Horns make room for the Bucks with green bowes 1682, and 12 fatyrical ditto Elegieon the Death of Geo. Pitt 1658, Moonfhine 1682, and a parcel ditto j 7 2ij Battle of the Genii 17651 and a large par- cel political 7216 - Barley Breake, or a Warning for Wan- tons by W. N. defeat 1607. The Parlia- ment Lotarie 1647. Turn over and read 1642 Vifion of Henry VII. 16313. Legend of D; Humphrey, and 5 other Nicoduno Trinainae Speculum Poeticum 1651. Abfolem and Achiiophei, Carolina Lat. Oxon. 1682, and 7 other in i vol. Eflay on Poetry 1682. Seneca's Troas 1686, and 13 other in i vol. 7219)" Original on feveral occafions by C. R. 1769 7220} Norden (Jo.) Labyrinth of Man's Life 1624. Chloris, or the Complaint of the fa/- Jionate de/pifed Shepherd, by Wm. Smith 1596. Loculla vei Pietas Jefuitica, Lfoline & Sydanit by Sir Francis KynaRon 1646. Satyrs and Elegies, from Arioito 1611, bound in i vol, Russia, fine copy ^221 ,., ,. Sandys (Geo.) on the Song of Solomon 1641. The Pope's Advice to his fons 1678. The Proteclor 1655, and 30 other in one kvol. 722* -" Young (Edward) on Job 1719. Col- -%/ leftion of the neweft Poems, Satyrs. Songs ~. & .. , Qaarto.' againft popery 1689. The Pulpit Fool 1707. Iter Lufitanium, or the Portugal Voyage, with Lift of Contents, in the band-writing of Alex. Pope 7123 Poems, Alcilla Pigmalions loving folly, Love of Arms and Laura. Epigrammes by Sir J. H. 1628. Thon as Bancroft two Books of Epigrams and Epitapbt 1639, 7224 The Poet, by Stockdale 1773. Poetica excurfion in the Ifle of Wight 1777. ^' ne Traveller 1778, &c. in i vol. 7225)" The Chace, by Somervile 1735. Satires f of Perfiu?, 6 parts, &c. in i vol. 7226) with a Dramatic Entertainment b/ Mrs. Penny j 2t7 Saint Peter's Complaint, with others '595 7228 " by Henry Jones Dublin 1756 7229 Wenfley Dale 1771. Verbelia or Wharf- dale, York 1782. Viator or Journey from London to Scarborongh 1782. Northern Tour, Efiay on Halifax 1761. Humours of Harrogate 1763, &c.relative to Yorkfhiie, 10 i vol. 7230 ' Ode by Samuel Johnfon to Mrs Thrale 1784. Epiftle to James Boswell 1790. Bozzy and Piozzi 1786, and feveral other relative to Dr. Johnfon, with a burltfyue print t fup- pofed to be defigned by G. Steevens n7 2 3* Callimachu?, by Dodd 1755. The Sugar Cane by Grainger 1764. Banifliment of Cicero by Cumberland 1761. Eleftra by Shirley 1765. Telemachus by Graham 1763. Gray's Odes, Strawberry Htll 1757* and 6 other in i vol. 7232 by Samuel Wefley.on feveral occafions, 1736. Thomas Blackbook <7$6, with MS* letter from David Hume to Mr. Dodfley. Poems by the Rev. Mr. Canthorne I77i,with MS. Letter from him to Mr. Dodfley in t vol. .Quarto. 3*9 y/ ^7233 Browne de Animi Jmmortalitate 1754, & 4 Tranflations by Hay, Gray, Granville and Byrom, Fribleriad, by Garrick 7761. Two Palloral Eulogies by Thomas VVarton 1745* and 33 other in i vol. / S2. 7 2 34 ~~ Heroic Epiftle to Sir Wm. Chambers 1 773 w * 1 ^ ^' s Differtation on Oriental Gar- dening, front, by Bartoloxzi 1772. Travellers and Deferted Village by Goldsmith. The Minftrell by Dr. Beattie 1771.' St. Martyn by Mickle 1777. The prieft diflected, by Chrift. Anfty 17/4. Note, this Pamphlet may be efteemed a curiosity, as \ht publication of it w a? fupprested by the Author, on finding that he was miftaken in the Poems he hadya- tyrized, and 10 other in i vol, 7235 Poeta de Triflibus, or the Poet's Com- plaint 1682, and 13 other by Dryden, hi i vol. y_?. / 7236 i St. Peter's Complaint, and other Poems. Marie Magdalen's FaneraH Tear 1609 in i vol. 7237 i Abfolem and Achitophel, the Medall, &c. by Dryden i68z. The Hind and Pan. ther 1687. Auctio Davisio Oxonii Nabita 1689. The Ephefian Matron 1793 in 2 vol. ,7238/Pope (Alex.) Dunciad - 1729 '7*39?Pope (A.) excerpta quaedam Lat. redidit, per Kirkpatrick 1 745 7240 Porfon (Rich.) Eloifa en Diihabille i8or 7241 Pratt, Bread or the Poor, with notes ib. 7242 Psalms of David, b. I. 1584 7243 _____ (firft fifteen) by Dr. Gibbs^ L^J/7244 Psyche, in imitation of Spencer, 10 copies folded f 7 2 45 Puttenham's Art of Poetry, title wanting /:2 7246 Pye (H. J.) Commentary illultrating the Poetry ofAriftotle i 179"* ^3 re (J W. Naocratia, or Naval Dominions front 530 Pgefry Quarto. 7248 Quarles (Fran.) Hiftorie of Sampfon if)%T 7249^Raynor (William) Mifcellanies, iptiuicb 17^7 725OJRidley (Gloiler) Melampus, with notes 1781 7 z s , r #. Thirty-third Day's Sale. Poetry. OCTAVO ET INFRA. tOT /7 2 s* TVT ill EEDLER (H.) Works 1724 / 7253\Neville (Tho.) Imitations of Juvepal and Per- / fius *79 72S4( ib. y 2 -jj_ _ - Georgics of'VirgU 1767 ^ 7250 New burgh (Thomas) Eflays Moral and Critical 1769 // / 7257 Nicholls (J.) Colleflion of Poems, 8 vol. 1780 ^7258 Nichol (Alex.) Poems, Edinburgh 1766 7259jOcland ,Chrill.) Anglorum Praslia 1758 7260] Odes on peace and war 1795 7261 Ogilvie (John) Poems, ? vol. 1769 7262 Oldham (John) Competition in Profe and Verse 3 vol. 1770 Olciif worth Loyal Mourner 171 / Poetry, -Oftavo. 331 / 7*64 Oppian Halieuticks, or the Nature of Fifhes, Oxford 1722 /7z6slOtway Sy'vefter) Poems 1789 ^ 7 266) Ovid Heroids, by James Ewen E!^g'es oy . Marlow, Middleburgb Path by M alley . i?57 ^"7269 Feitivals, or Romance Callendar by John Gower - 1640 6 7 Z 7 .-.- i . 10. 7271 - Banquet --: 1639 7*72 Epittles by George Twrberviile, b. /. . - .... Join ->herburne 16^9 " 1 680 ^7275 Ovid Art of Love ^7*77 '709 7278 *7 r 9 ^7279 Paraphrased 1747 7180 Met?morphofes, by Garth, 2 vol. plattt 7281 Owen /Wil.) on the Welch Bards, no title 7282 (John) Epigraiamatum Amft. 1647 7283 Epigrams 1677 ,47284 Oxford Sausage 1777 .7285 Verfes 1751 ^7/7286 Palingenius (Marcellus) Zodiac of Life, b. /. translated by Barna&y Googe 1 j6o yaS; ' . b. /.by H. D- bam 1^65 /I/72S8 Park (Thomas) Sonnets sind other Poems 1797 ,/ 7289 P arnaflus (the Shrubs cf) 1760 ,^7290 Parfons (Wm.) Pocoas 1787 ^^"7291 Patch Work or the Comprehenfion in four Can- tos / 7292 Patti/on (William) Poetical Works, z vol 17*8 194 Pearch's Collection of Poems, 4 yo| i vol. tmper* 1768 Xx 33* PottrjO&wo. Penn (Robt.) Poetical Works, 2 vrl. 721,6 Pennewick (Alexander) Streams from Helicor, J, 72,07 Percy (Dr. ) Sorg of Solomon 7298 Fiv^ Pieces of Runic Poerry 7299 . .1 - Relicks and Ancient .klngalh Po etry, 3 vol. 17 94 7300 Perfect (W.) the Lauicl Wreath. 2 vol in i, 1700 7301 Poetical Effufioni '"9^ 77302 PCI fiu- by W. Drr.mmoud *799 /73 C 3 * T ' Sheridan 17-9 ^7404 Barttn Holyday 1 &35 < /73 : ] ~*~~ Satires o TV. imitated 1/79 7ic6)P*'.rarch S -nnei- and OJes '777 7307) Phillips ^Katherme) Poems 1710 7308; (Ambrofe) Paliorals 1748 7309 (Edvard) Thtatrum Poetarum 1670 /73io (J'.hn) Poems 176* 7 gu .. Cyder, by Ch,,iles Dunfter / (Edwar*.) Theatrum Poetarum 1660 x ^73-3 fhilon.el a Colleclion of Englifli Songs 1744 f 73'4 Pieces of -Antient Engliih Poefie i 764 '3 /7?5 Pilk:Dgton (Matt ) Poem-, moiot;o t gilt itavei, Dublin 1730 Pindar Odes, by Jamet. Banifter 1791 Gilbert Well, 2 vol. Pinkerton Rimes 7320 Deleft Scottifli Ballads, 2 vol. 1783 7321 Pifcatory Eclogue, by Fletcher 1771, and Mofes Browne '773 7322 - Fletcher 1771 73 z 5 Plantagenet's Tragical Sto} of the Death of Edward [V. - 1649 7334 Poetic Trifles - 1 79 Poems, Maniage 1738, and 4 other by Sam. Derrick 1755, Mifs Whateley 1764. Patriotism 1705, by J. WoodhoulG 1766 Poetry Oftavo. 333 / 7327 Poems, Mifcellaneous, by feveral Hands, 2 vol. 1730 2. 7ji8 .. by Samuel Bowden 1755, and Myles Cooper -1761 2 ^7319 by Pearch, vol. II. '7* ^ 733 o Se'eft '775 .7/7331 by Jerningham 1767. Union Oxford / Savage Original . i8ot Virtue the Source of pleafure, &c. - Univerfe, the Deity 1739. Ogle on Happinef-, &c. '7j8 Elfrida 175?. Pteafures of Imagina- tion 1744. (Economy of Love, &c. 1736 Windfor Foreft 1708, 1720, &c. by Dr. Marriott 1760. Whatel y 1764 by Hughes 1737. Triumph of Love, New Bath Guide 1766. The Shipwreck 1764, &c. / 734 ~~ * Mifcellaneous 17*4 y/734i ~ Cyder 1708. The Apparition, &c. / 7342 Village Curate 1788. Ad-iano 1790 j Ariolto's Satires 1759. Anlianetas 1771. Medea and Jafon 77 j, &c. _- _ Rich Jigo 178^, by Jofeph Giles 1-771 7345 Collection of '089 ^ 734 6 the Loyal Mourner 1716. Prior's Poems ib. ^^7347 Paftorah of Pumey 1717. ^f'P at Battle 169^. Steeleids 1714. Stinking Fi(h, &c. ^7348 : fudith 1733. Song of Three Children 1728, &c. / 7349 Mary Collier 1762, by J. 1774, by B'-yant 1787 -/735 on the Conflagration 1720 Defcriplion of Hogland 1709, and \ ?, other 2 73 5 t Foundling Hofpital for Wit and Abufe in Livery 1731, &c. 7352 /' 7363 73 6 4 7365 7366 7 7368 6 7369 9 7370 7 7376 7377 7378 //7379 Poitry Octavo. Poems, Mifcellaneous by H. Headley ^7354 ^7355 ^7357 7359 '740 1786 Frag. the Cherry and the Sloe 1751. menu of Ancient Poetry 1760 by Rich. Crafhaw 1670. By .1. Milton* 1673. The Wonders of the Peak 1678 by Anthony Pafquin z vol. A Tale 1685 and Ballads - by Eminent Ladies, i vol. '?>? Durfey's Songs, 2 parts, Crafhavvs Poems 1670 TurkiQi Tale 1770. Vernons Glory, parts 17^0. New Mm'utry 3 parts Sacred, 1751, &c. Songs at Court and in the Theatres 1675. Ditto 1673. Tory Pills 1715. Mug- boufe Diverfion '7 '7 . Epiftle to the Chevalier 1717. Proteftant Popery 1718, &c. - on feveialoccafions 1710 - Reigne of Edvvard III. 1635. Battailes of Creffey i633 t Hiftory of Henry VII. par- trait 1638 i Ancient Scottifti, 2 vol. . 1786 - ' by Dodfley, &c. 7 vol. l/is&ecls . n Oxford and Cambridge the Grove 1721. The Petticoat 1716, &c. in 3 vol. Jovial - 1682 Delights of the Mufes 1738 State, 2 vol. 6o,? Mifcellaneous 1692 by Gentlemen of Devonftiire, & Corn- wall, 2 vol. containing John the Baptift Malcolm and Alia en feveral occafions Mifcellaneous 1792 Sir 1696 168? ^ /^./^! ^ f. lower ot' Babel 1718. Court Poems 1717. Beads in Power 1709 foetry O&avo. 535 , 7380 Beauty and Virtue 17 6, Songs and i Sonettes, by Henry Haward, late Earl of Surrey 17 1~, &c Mifcellaneous, 13 in i vol. Military 17.6 Sacred and Moral, on the Deity 1789 7385 or Epigrams, Satyrs, Elegies, and Son- nets 1658 and Songs, a new Collection 1674 7387 State Songs 1716 7388 by Jerningham, Potter, Pye,and Shaw, 1767, 1774, and 1770 / / 7}8g relative to State Affairs *705 3 ^739 "' Vifions in Verfe y5$. The Anglers by Scott 1758. Grave oy Blair 1761, and Cooper's Poems 1764 2 73^ l ' '" by Pope and Wycherly /< 739* Garth's Difpensary and 5 other ^ 7393 """ Cadenus and Vanefa, and 7 other 7394 Brufiad I76q. Chriltiad 1771 Collection of Scots 1766 J, Hawkins Browne and Mich. Wodhull vrith^Azto, fee note, a few copiet \ only printed, none for fale, the plaies de- figned by Sterne 7397 Battle or the Sexes 1723. Mandragora 1718. Mufcipuia 1709, and 6 other 7398 ; by James Beattie 1760, Minftrell by T. Warton 177^, by W. Smythe 1786 7399 on various Subjeft by T. Sadler J 7^00 several Occafions, 2 vol. 1730 and 1740 ^7401 n Mi.'cellaneous . . . 1712 740* '' a piteous plarforme of an cpprefled mynde, b. /. Paffit>ns of the Spirit i yc g. Butlokar of the Pailion of our Saviour, 1622, &c, 7403 finale, Horace of the Art of Poetry 173^ and <5<,ther relative to Horace 7404 Merry Thoughts, or the Glafs , Window and Bog Houfe Mifceilan}', and 4 '' other .rV/r> Quarto. / other 7406 - Aiiofto's Satires, 1759, and ij other Old Maids Fortune, 1727, & 35 other 7408 Irifh Hudibrafs, 1758, and Six other 7409 - Battle of the Nile, i?95> and 35 other by Wm. Rumble, 1765, and other -j^ir . Quarles Kingly Meeting, 1649, & 48 other 7412 rDeliciae Poeticae, 1706, and 49 other 74 , 3 _ Pieces of Familiar Poetry, 17 89, & 31 other .74.14 The Anglers, 1758, and various other 7415 Count Gabalis, 1714, & 40 other relating to Pope Laft Guinea, 1720, & a8 other '?. /Y7417 Cabinet for Wit, 1751, and 44 other ^ 7418 . Tales of Sir Gregory Gander, 1778, & a bundle 7410, - Fragmenta Poetica, 1650, Ulte- 1 man Vale, 1608, & 4 other 7420 . Crown Gar'and, 1692. Metam- orphofis of Pigmalions Image, 1698, and * other QUARTO. Rogers (Samuel) of Memory, 1792, with MS. Letter, &c. 7421 i Epiftle to a Friend, 1798, totV MS. Letter from the Author Poetry Quarto. JO) 74*3 Rowland (Samuel) Tis Merrie when Goffipt 7-nere^^ O y // 74*4 Diogenes Lanthorne, front. -62! 425 Rowley /Thomas) Poems, with Commentary, by Dean Milies, ruffia t 1781. with Two Origin- aPLetters of Iho.Chatterton and Mary his Sifter 7426 Ruffe! (John) Two Famous Battels of Lypfich and Lntzen '634 7427 Salmagundi or Mifcellaneous Combination of Original Poetry 1791 7428 Satyre Menippized, 1595, with MS. note by Mr. Reed 7429 Say (bam.) Poems '745 7430 Science Revived, or the Vifion ot Alfred,/ror. 1802 7435 Shippen (William^ Moderat'on Difplayed 1704 743 2 Sidney (Sir Philip) Defence of Poefie, difec- / tive 7413 - ----- - -- 7434 - ' Apolojrie for Poetrie / 743$ Singleton (John) Defcription of the Well Indian Jflands 1767 / 7436 Slow (Jonathan) Gibraltar Monkies 1792 / 743 7 Smart (Christopher) tranflation of the Pfaltns of David 1765 / 2 743S Song of Mary the Mother of Chrift 1601 / 7439 Sophocles tranflated by Francklin, 2 vol. 17^8 /r 7440 Scuffle (Kings Bench) front. 1675 Counter Scuf- fle, with the Counter Rat, 1648. State Scuffle 1663 XT < 7441 Spenfer (Edmund'! Faerie Queene,,by Upton, z vol 1758 Complaints containing Sun. drie fmall Poems of the Worlds Vanuie I 59 I 7443^ Stratford's Fontenoy 1783 7444^Strong (James) Joanereidos, or Feminine Valour 1645 7445 Stuart (George) Joco Serious Difcourfe 1686 7446 Tailor (Robert) Sacred Hymns 1615 // t. / / -7 3 4$. Quarto. 7447 Taffo (T^rquato) Godfrsy r,f Ru'Iiigne, Ital, 2nd ii^g b} R. C. >;/, 644 7450 " Feareiull Surrirrer, frontifpiect 1636 7451 Great Britain all in Black ?*> 2 7452 Teltroths (Tom) MdtLge and h s fens Lonv loot /j'7453 Terence, engliflied by Richard Bernard Cant. I co, 8 7454, Thamefcidas, by E. W. in 3 Bo 1^.00 74J5 Thomfon (Janmsj Works, with his f if.?, by Murdoch, * vol. portrait, A/5. */, printed papers, Letters. &c. i"6j 7456 Tr.^cls, viz. Muisus tranflated by Bally, Slade, and Green, 1747. ?^ ?2 T^^ 6 Concubine, 1767. 'I he PhiJofophic Whim, or Aft o- noroy, a Farce, 1774. Caledonij, 1778, & 12 other 7457 .j.- . .. An Eclog Treating of Crounes, and of Garlands, by Sir George Bock, 605. King Jamt- his Welcome to London, '603. Adam.Btti.b. I. Poetical Varieties, by Tho. Jordan, 1637. The Holy Road, or thrill's Crofie, by John Davies A 7458 The Valiant Acles, and Victorious Eattailcs ,oi the Englilh Nation, by Jchn Shurrock, b. 1. Elizabeth Queene, or Peace- able State of England under her Govern- ment, by Ditto, b. 1. 1^85. The Vlctuer of Fame, by Ulpian Folvvell, b. I. 1575 7 7459 Travaiies of the Three Knglifli Brothers, Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, and Mr. Robert Shirley a,n old- play 1607 7460 Trefham's Sea Sick Minftrel, Six Cantos front- ifpieci Tioilus and Crcflida Amor-.ini, Latin and Englijb Poetry. Qnarto. 33f 7462 Tufler (Thomas) Five Hundred Points of Good Hufbandrie, i I. '580 7463 Vertues (Torver) Cardynall, b. /. imp. ly Pjnfott no date 7464 Virgil's ^Eneidos, in i 3 Books, by Phaer and Twyne, b. 1. . 1584 7465 Mil vuim ' I62O 7466 Georgies, Holdfworth's Differtation on Eight Verfes of the 2d. Book 1749 7467 -' Bucolik, engiUhed by A. F. b. I. 1 1589 7468? Wakefiekl (Gilbert) Poemata Cant. 1776 7^69) Waller (Edmund) Works, publi/hed by Fenton, Manu/cript note, by Mr. Reed, and Original Letter from Waller to Hobbes I l~9 7470 War Horns make Room, for the Bucks, with Green Bowes 168* 7471 Warner (William) Albions England 1687 747* / /I 7*73 Warren (Arthur) Poore Man s Paffions, and Po- verties Patience i6of 7474 Warton (Thos.) Hiftory of Englifh Poetry, 3 vol. boardt 1774 7475 , Vol. IV. fragment of, with Index, and Ritfon's Obfervations on the 3 firftvol. portrait 178* ^/ 7476 Index to 7477 Watfon] iTho6.)Amintaj Gaudia 159* '/ 7478 Well met Goflip, or tis Merry whea Goffips meet/fff/. = 1673 7479 Whetftone (George) Mirror of True Honour and Cbrijiiat: Nobilitie, Expofing the Life, Deatjj and Druinf Vertues of Francis Earl of Bedford, b, 1. 1585 7480 Whitehead (Paul) Poems and Miscellaneous Compofitions, Mith his Li/e, by Thomplon, Mavuftrift notes, by Mr. Reed, and portrait 1777 y ,4* 7481? - . . Life of, by Thorn pfon 1777 7482) Whitney (Geffrey) Choice of Emblemes,;>/cr* Yy 34O X*layi.-~ 'Qnarto. )Williatm(Anna) Mifcellanies y 4 8a)Williatm (Anna) Mifcellanies 176* J 6- j^A VV hyte (Samuel) Shamrock Dublin 1774 / QUARTO. ANONYMOUS, Lady Alimony, or the Alimony Lady, Com. , - - Amorous Old Woman, Com. 1674 Apollo and Daphne, an Opera 1634. - g- Battelof Alcajwr, with the Death ofCapt Stukeley 1594 Bioody Duke, 7r. Ccw. 1690. Caledonia, or the Pedlar turned Merchant, Tr. Com. 1700 caffandra, or the Virgin Pro- phetefs, Optra, 170*. Courtney Earl of De. v 01- (hire, Tr. f -loo Cinita's Confpiracy, Tr. 1713. Corftant Nymph, Paftoroi, i6;. Courtnay Earl of Devonlhiie, Tr. ; Critic Cromwell, or ' Ordering our New State, frag. Com. 164.8 y , AO , Death of the Black F ce, A J j /. 1664 749S < . , y .> 74Q 8 ---- Luminalia, or the Feftival of ' 6 38 nton Light, M-/y. ' 6 3 /4 ?4&9 _ The Merry Devill of Edmonton . Quarto. 341 7300 ANONYMOUS, Mucedorus, Com. '5^9 ot Mercurius Britannicm, Tr. Com* at Paris, 1641. Mercurios B'ltannicos Lot. / 75O* Monfieur de Pouiacaugnac, or Squire Treelvoby, 1704. Mercurius BriU annicus, Tr. Com. Lot, 7503 The Mall, or the Modifli Lovers Com. 1674. Tha Miffion from Rome, in Great Britain 7504 Nero ^* r 1633 title, 1607. gle&ed Virtue, 1696 ^ 7506 Neglefted Virtue, 1696. Poeta Infamis, or a Poet not Worth Hanging* 1692 757 ~ Porfmouth Heirefs, Com. 1704.* Revelter, Tr. Com. 1687. Reformation, C*. 1690. Rival Brothers, TV. 1704 7S9 * Ri yal Brothers, TV. 1704. Royal Flight, Faret, 1690 7510 Rome's Follies, or the Amorous Fryars, Cam. 1681. Romulus and He/fili, TV. 1683 7511 Swetnar*, the Woman Hater, arraigned by Women, Com. 1620 BKD OF TMB THIRTT-THIIID OAT'i SAtl. \/ Thirty-fourth Day's Sale, Poetry. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 7512 Jf OEMS, The Story of Al Racul, 1799, & 3$ other - Hawkins Poems, chiefly Paftoral, 1786. Life of Alexander Pope, 17441 The Windfor Medley, 1734, and Bother Johnftone's Death Song ofLodbrog, 1782. Crazy Tales, and 22 other 7515 The Speculum, 1806. Windermere, 1798, and 37 other ._ Ovid de Triftibus, tranflated by Cal- lin, 1639. Perfius his Satyres, by Holyday, 1617. and 7 other Ethelfton's Suicide, a Poem, with other, 1803. Huddefford's Bubble and Squeak, 1799. Do. Toply Tuivey, 1793^ and 3 other Portal's Poems, 1781. Walter's Do. 75'7 7518 1780. Abbey of Kilkhampton, 1788 .' ^75*9 Poetical Magazine / 3 75 20 - Calendar, 12 vol. 104 7521 Regifter, for iSot ^522 Amufements at Bath, 3 ?ol 7513 Mifcellany, 2 vol. 7524 Tour - 752? Poets (Curfcry Remarks on ) 7526 (The Seffion of) 1696 1764 1763 1776 754 1787 Potlrj. Ofltavo; 3 /i 75*7 P ets (Minor,) 2 vol. /j 7528 Poetry (The Laws of) 171! , 7529 _ . Various, -by R. Fergufon, &c. 3 vol. I78S 7530 of the World, 2 vol. 1788 /'j 7532 Anna Matilda 1788 *\7 ' /) 7533 Polignac (Melch) Anti Lucretius, x ton. 7534 Political Merriments, 2 parts 1714-5 7535) Polwhele Grecian Profpefts *799 7536) ' ' of Local Attachment, 2 vol. 1798 7537 ** 7538 Old Englifti Gentleman 7539 Pomfret 1751 7540 Pope (Alexander) Works, by Warburtoii, uv/ addition in plates, and many notes printed^ MS. V Jl 9 vui. , V5* o. plates '757 Wat ton, 9 797 Wakefield 754* 754* - , Gilbert 1794, iuitb Mr. Steevens M5, notes 7544 nt to 1715 French - C4 g(. 754^ 9CA7J - .. - ...... - Efiav on Man. in / 6 7549 755 1736 '74? Commentary on 1738 Miscellaneous Poems, 2 vol. 1721 ' / i / ^ S/ISS 1 /75S* ^7553 /7554 _ ^idd'tions t 3, I VOl. 1776 1769 Wri- 174? 1728 77* Rufi'head the Life & 1782 ^7556 /7557 7558 6 7559 tings of, by Ayre, i vol. Pott (Jofeph Holden), Elegies, Pratt Harveft Home, 3 vo], Prefent State of the Nation . 'Oclavo. ^7560 Prefton (Wm.) Poems 178* 7561 Preftwick (Edmund) Hippolitus 1651 Prince of Loire i6tc Prior (Maihew) Poems, ivol.//4fo 1779 7564^ Prior ^Math.) Poems .n '7*7 7565! no tit It 7560 Propertius \j%t 6 7567 Pye (H. J.) Sketches . 1796 Poems, a vol. 1787 & t // / ^7569 (Mrs.) Poems 177* / 7570 Quarlei (John) Kingly Bed of Mifery 1659 4 757' |6 79 /l^ 757* (Francis) Argalus and Paithenia 1621 /J 6 7573 Divine Poems 1669 / 7574 RadcliiFe (Alex.) Works 1696 Ralph (James) Poems 1727-9 // 7577 Ramfay (Allen) Poems, 2 vol. 1800 3 6 t$7 8 Gentle Shepherd 1790 S, 4 7579 ------ Poems. 2 vol. 1751 A 7580 - (Charlotte) Poems 1747 j6 7S& 1 Randolph (Thomas) Poemi 1640 ^^7^81 --- --- 1668 / 7583^ Rapia Sufferings of Chrift 1710 7584)-' Reflexions on Ariftotles Treatifc of Posfie 1694 r 758; Recreation Head Pieces, or a JPleafant Grove nyrerfiai |66/ ^7586 Relph (Jofiah) Mifcellany of Poems 1747 /^ 7587 Repofitory of Fugitive Pieces, 4 vol. 1777 /7/758S Richards (Nathaniel) Poems 1641 jr 7589 (George) Poems, 2 vol. 1804. I 7/^7590 Richardfon (J.) Remarks on Milton, portrait 734 7591 i Poems 1781 759* - Morning Thoughts '77^ 7S9S R'tfon (jofeph) Biftiopric Garland 1784 759* -- Enghih Songs, 3 vol. 1783 Antient Popular Poetry 1791 759 - " " Robin Hood, 2 vol. tfit 7597 Specimens of Early EngHft Poets, by G. Elli, x vol. i8ci . OAavo. , 345 Ritfon (Jofeph) Ancient Metrical Romances, 3 ' I vol. 1802 // x^7S99 ' Bibliographia Poetica, fortrait 1802 2. 7600 Roberdeau (John Peter) Puem^, 2 vol. 1804. /\& 76' Robert* (Dr.) Judah Reftored, 2 vol. *774 / 7602 ~- Poems 1/7& / 7603 Robertfon (J.) Poems 1773 ^7604 1780 / 7605 Robinfon (Mary) Sapho and Phaon "79^ /<< ' /y6o6 Poems. z vol. portrait 1793 ^ 7607 Rochcfter (Earl of) Works 1714 / ft 7608 Rcgers (S.) Poems, 2 vol. 178* j' 7609 Rolliad, Criticifm on J 7^7 / 7610 Rofs (Alexander) The Fortunate Shepherded 1768 // 7611 * Mel Heliconium or Poetical Honey > - j 7612 Rcus ( Francis Thule or vertue Bifiorie / -^ 7^'3 Rowe {Henry) Poems, a vol. - /| 7614 Works 4 vol. 1796 Rogeley (Rowland) Poems 1763 Rump, or an Exaft Collection of Poems 1662 Rymer Prophecies 17 iS 7619 Ryves (Eliz.) Poems 1777 7620 Sabbath (The) Edinb. 1805 ^ 7621 Sannazirius on the Birth of our Saviour, by Edward Wai pole 1736 7622 Satires (Remarkable) interleaved *]6z$ Savage (Rich.) Mifcellaneous Poems 1746 7624 Works, 2 vol. 1777 7625 Savillon's Elegies ^79^ 76*6 Sawyer (Anna) Poems ittor ,7627 Sayers (T.) Poems 4^03 ^7628 Scot (Eiiz.) Alonzo and Cora i8o 7629 (Thomas) Philomythie it, 6 ^7630 Scots Poems 1706 763, 1? . 3 7PJ3 Scot (John) Poetical Works Critical ZW/rf Octavo. '/ t 7 6 35 Scottifh Poems '7630 . of the Sixteenth Century, 2 vol. iBor 7637 ~ . Tragic Ballads 1781 j? 7638 Scribleriad (The) , 1752 // 7639 Sedley (Sir Charles) Works, 2 vol. 1722 7640; i 1722 7641^ Senfibility, a Poem 1789 7642)Seward (Mifs) Poems 7643\Shee (Martin Archer) Rbymeson Art 1705 ^7644 Shenltone (Wm,) Poems '737 /T/7 6 *5 Works, 3 vol. 1704. / ^7646 Shepherd (Richard) Mifcellauies, 2 vol. in i 177$ 7647 Sherburne (Edward) Poems 1651 7648 Shipman (Thomas) Loyal Poems 1683 7649 Shirley (James) The Triumph of Beautie 1646 7650 Simpkin (The Second) Letters from, 1792 7 651! Singleton (J.) Defer iption of the Weft Indies '777 7652JSkelton (Master) Pilhy Workes >73^ f 7 6 $3/ Sk ene (George) Donald Bane 1796 7654] Smart (ChriUopher) Poems, 2 voj. 1791 ^.^7655 Smedley (Jonathan) Poems 1721 ^7656 Smith Poems - J 7'3 //7957 Eaglesfield Poetical Works 1802 '7658 (MO the Vifion 1702 7659 Sophocles Philoctetes 7660 Songiler, the Convivial 7661 Newelt Colledion of 7662 Sorrows of Sedudion 7064 Sputhey (Robert) Poems ^pencei (Juhn) Herroas, or the Acadian Shep- herdes . 1772 Sparke Small Poems, intnleaed, or Anna Bullen, TV. 1682* Definition of Troy, TV. 1679. Rival Kings TV. 1677 Innocent Usurper, 9V. 1694. //> j y Unhappy Favourite, TV. 1704. Albion Queens, TV. 1704. Cyrus the Great, TV. 1696 7698 BARNES (Barnaby) Divils Charter, TV. 1607 . 7699 ... Battle of Hexham in ma~ nuftript 7700 BEAUMONT & FLETCHER, The Woman Hater, Com. 1649 neral ^7701 Loyal Subject, or Faithful Ge- . Monf. Thomas, Com. The Two Noble Kinfmen 1634 titlt wanting Thierry and Theodoret, TV. 1649 _ Cupid's Re- venge 1635. 1641 The Maid's Tragedie,/rofff. A King and no /&. K\ng,front. 1619 .. . . Woman Hater, v Com. 1649. A King and no King 1655 P/j/. Quarto. 349 7705; BEAUMONT & FJ.ETLHKR, Philafter, or Love lies a Bleeding, front. .620 fi 7706 . Philafter, 165* Knight of the Burning Peftle 1635 // 777 "~ ~" Woman Hater, Com. 1649. Knight of ihe Burning peftle l6 35 2 & 778 BBHN 'Aphra) Dutch Lover, Caw. Falfe Count 1612. Town Fop, f 'om. 1677 7709 Forced Marriage ' Tr. Com. 1688. Amorous Prince, Cow. 1671. Roundheads Com. 1632. Widow Ranter, Tr. Com. 1690 7710 The Young King 1648. Luck. ey Chance, Com. 168*. Emperor of the Moon, Farce 1688. City Heirefs, Cam. 1682, 7711 the Rovers, 2 parts, 1677-81. Abdelayzer, Tr. i 692. Feigned Curtizans, Com. 1679 ^7712 I. Rovers 1709. Forced Marriage, Tr. Com. 1690. Abdelazer, Tr. 1677. Feign- ed Curtizans, Com , 679 / ^77' 3 ' Sir Patient Fancy, Com. 1673. The Younger Brother, Com. 1796. The Ro- ver 1677 / 7714 BWTLEY, Philo-damus, Tr. 1767 'J TJ 1 5 BlCKERSTAFF Judith, facrtd Drama, Magic Girdle. Burlette '770. Noble Pedlar, ditto 1771. i'ht Magnet / 77'6 BLADES (Martin) solon. Tr. Com. 1705. y 7717 " " Solon, Tr. Com. 1705. /# ^ 7718 BOOTHBY (Mrs. F.) Marcella, Tr. Com. 1670 /f 77 '9 R YCE (Thomas) Harold. Tr. '786. 2 77*0 BOYER, Achilles, or Iphigenia in Aulis, Tr. I-CQ Marcella, by Mrs. Boothby . 7721 BREV L. The Play is the Plot, Com. 1718 2\6 772* *- two copies 1718 f f' d 77 2 J BRB WER (Anthony) Lingua, Com. 1647. Love- fick. King, Tr. i6cc, in i vol. // 6 350 P/tfj/i Quarto. BROMB (Rich.) Royall Exchange, Com. 1661 Sparagus Garden, 1640, title wanting Northern Lafs, or the Neft of Fools, Com, 1706 '//^77? ~" Northern Lafle, Com. Spara- gus Garden, Com. 1640. The Antipodes, Com. 1640. Jovial! Crew, Com. 1652. Queen's Exchange, Com. 16,7, in i vol, A ^ 7726 -- (Alexander) Cunning Lovers, Com. 1654. l6 54 7727 BROWN (Thomas) Stage Beaux toflfd in a Blan- ket, Com. 1 704 7758 BUCKINGHAM (Duke) Rehearfal, i67?-83-7ii 7729 BULLOCK (Chriftopber) Woman is a Riddle, Com. '7*7 / 7730 BURNABY, Reformed Wife, Com. 1700 / g 7731 CALIDAS Sacontala, or the Fatal Ring, an Indian, Drama '79 / 7732 CAREW (Thomas) Coelum Britannicum aMa/yue J / // 7733 CAREY (Henry) Dramatick Works, portrait 1743 7734 CARLELL (Lod.) Deferving Favorite 1629 7735 Paffionate Lovers, Tr.Cam. / 773^/ Favorite, titlt wanting 7737} CARLILE (James) Fortune Hunters, Com. 1689 / 773^ ib. / 7739 CARRBLL (S.) Perjured Hufband, TV. 1700 -* 7740 CARPENTER (Rich.) Pragmatical Jefuit, Com. 7741 CARYLL (John) Englifh Princefs, Tr. 1673. Sir Solomon, or Cautious Coxcomb, Com. 1671 ^7742 CENTLIVRE, Garoefter, Com, 170?. Stolen Heirefs, Com. Love at a Venture, Com. 1706. Platonick Lady, Com, 1707. Marplot Co. 1711 ^7743 CHAFMAN (George) Confplracie and Tragedie of Biron, 2 parts 1608 7744 -. Bufly D'Ambois, Tr. The ~7 Revenge of Do. 1613 r, -Quarto. 351 7745 CHAPMAN (George) Alphonfus, 'Tr. i6?4. Bufiy D'Ambois, Tr. 1641 , //> 7716 Monfieur D'Olive. Com. / / is I t * f ^ 1606 / // 7^47 - - Gentleman Uflfcr 1606 //f 7748 ~"~~"" Humorous Dayes Mirth, Com. title wrote. 1599, AH Fooles, Com. 1605. Andromeda Liberata, 1614 ? 6 7749 Alphonfus, Tr. i6?4, Andromeda Liberata, 1614. Free and Of. fetcelefs Juftification of Andromeda 1614 2 77 5 AND SHIRLEY, The Ball, Com- 1639. Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France 1639 s> 7751 i The Ball, Com. 2 co. pies J ^39 // 7751 All Fooles, Com. 1605 ? / 7753 AND MARLOB, Hero and Leander 1637 BEN JOHNSON and MARSTON, Eall- ward Hoe 1605 7755 CHETTLE (Henry) Tragedy of Hoffman 1631 7756 GIBBER (Colley) Xerxes, Tr. i6gg. Comical Lovers, Com. Perolla and Izadora, Tr* Love makes a Man, Cam. 1700. Ladys Laft Stake, Com. Double Gallant, Con. Rival Fools, Com. 2 7757 .1 ____ Carelefs Hufbaad, Com. 1705* Perolla and Izadora, Tr. Xerxes. Tr. i6';g. Love's Laft Shift, Com, 1702. Love make* a Man, Com. 1701 J 4 7757 Plays, 2 vol. 1711 j> 77^8 (Theodore) Harlot's Progrefs, 1733. Triumph of Peace, by R. Dodfley, &: choice of Apollo 2 / 77^ COCKAYN (Sir Alhton) Obftinate Lady, Com. 1657 J 7761 CONOREVE, Old Batchelor. Double Dealer. -- -" Way of t,he World. Mourning Bride. Love r ^7 " for Love ~ 1707 ( 35* ) 776* COENBILLE, Heraclius, TV. englifhed by L, Carlell, 1664. Nicomeda, Tr. Cam. Ditto, by John Dancer g6 7 i 7763 Nicomeda, Tr. Com. by Do. 1671 and The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, acted _. 1680 7764 CO*YE (John) Generous Enemies, Com. 1672. The Guaidian, byCowley, Com. 1650 Thirty-fifth Day's Sale. Poetry. OCTAVO. LOT ^7765 QTATIUSa Stephen! 7766 ^Statius Tranflated by Lewis t 2 vol. Cantab, 1651 vol. 1773 7767 Eflay on, with portrait 1648 7768 Stapylton (Sir.) Mufaeusor the Loves of Hero & Leander 1647 ^7769 - ib. 7770 Sterling (James) Poetical Works 77711. _ Speech of Lucifer 7771] (Jofcph) Poems 3 1789 ib. 7774 Stevens (Geo. Alex.) Songs, Comic & Satyrical 177* 777$ Stevenfon (M.) Poems, no tith 7776)Stockdale (Percival) on the Nature of Poetry 1778 7777 iStruan (Alex.) Poems ' /VJ Petty. Oftavo. jjj 7778 Suckling (Sir John) Poems 1646 7789 ' 2 vol. 1770 7780 Surrey (Henry Earl of) Poems 1717 '^7781 Sweets of Society 1801 ^7782 Swiney (J.M) Juvenile Mufe 1781 7783 Tansille ^Luigi) the Nurfe, by Rofcoe 1802 77M Tasker (Wm,) Odes and Letters, of Pindar and Horace, 4. vol. 1790 ^77^5 Taffo (Tor.) ferufalcm delivered, by Hoole, 2 vol. 1767 . 7786 Aminta, by John Dawer 1660 ^7787 by Will Ayre 77^8 ' Rinaldo by Hoole 1792 77**9 -~ Jerufalem delivered by Hoole, 2 2 vol. 1797 <^779 j by Doyne, z vol. 1761 /779 by Fairfax. /, 7792 Tate(Nath.) Art of Angling 1697 3 7793 Taubman (Mat.) Loyal Poems 1685 / 7794 Taylor (John) Verfes -*- 1795 / 7795 Merry Bill of an uncertaine Jour- ney by Land with his Aqua Mufa, n titlt ^^7796 Theocitus by Francis Fawkes 1767 / 7797 'Creech 1713 / 7798 Theodcfia's Poems 1760 ^7799 Theophraftus Imitations of *774 / 7800 Thomas (Elizabeth) Poems 1726 f J 7801 Thomfon (Edward) Court of Cupid, 2 vol. in i, 1770 / 7801 - Mfaac) Poems ,/78o3 . (Will) Poems 1757 7804 (James) Seafons 1726 7805 .1 " Striftures on, by More 1777 7806 ... Seafons 1744 / 7 8o7 Liberty 1776 7808 Thortius (Raphael) Poem in honour of Tobacco 3 4~fa*~4--~*~7 f ^ f / / 7 3^4 Pottrj Octavo. 7809 Thorius (Raphael) Poem in honour of Tobacco 1651 7810 Thurfton (Jofeph) Poems 1737 // 7811 Tibullus, by James Grainger, 2 vol. 1759 * / 7812 Tobacco battered and the pipes mattered about their ears, that idly idolize fo bafe and barba- rous a weed /? 7813 Tolderoy's Epitaphs, 2 vol. 1755 / 7814 Toilet (Eliz.) Poems 1755 ^ 781? Tovern (H.) Poems 1731 7816 Trumpet of Fame or Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins farewell, b. I. 1595 7817 Tryphiodoris Deihultion of Troy by Merrick Oxford 7818 Tumftall (J.y Notes on Hadibras 1751 7819 Turberville's Songs and Sonnets, b. /. no titlt 7820 Tuffer(T) 500 Points of Hufbandry defected 744 7821 Tutchin (John) Poems 1685 7822 Typhon, or the Gyants War with the Gods 166; 823>Vernon (Wm.) Poems . * 1758 7824? Verfe* Spoken at St. Pauls i8o 7825 Vida (Marcos Hieron) the Chrifliad 1768 7826 Game of Chefs 1570 78127 Art of Poetry 1742 7828 Violenta, or the Rewards of Virtue '704 7829 Virgil, Twelve ^Eneids, by J. Vicars 1631 7830 - Eclogues 1628 7831 - Paftorals, by James Hamilton 1745 7832 Georgics, by Ogilby 1684 7833 .ffineid, by Pitt, 2 vol. 1743 4 & 7834 by Lauderdale, 2 vol. /, 7835 Hufbandry, by Benfon 1725 3 6 7836 by Brady 1716 3 6 7837 Georgics, by Sotheby 1800 7838 Works, by Jofeph Warton, 4 vol. tuitb portrait of Warton 1778 7839) ^Eneid, by W. Hawkins 1774 7840) trafts relating to 7841 (notes on Dryden's) by Wilbourne 1698 " Diflertation upon the Eneids of, by John Marty n 1770 3 ^784* Virgil, (the Passion of Dido as expreft by) 1650 -?. 7843 ' OWervations on the 410. Eclogue, by S. Henley i 7 88 ? jg 44 Traveftie, by J, Phillips 1672 4 7845 ; l67 8 7^7846 Vocal Mifcellany 1734 / / 7847 Ueedale (Thomas) Remedy of Love 1734 ^7848 Waldron (T. G.) 11 Luttuoso ' 1801 j 7849 Wallace, or the Vale of Ellerflie 1804 /: 7856 Walbech (Will.) Fables 177- /A 7851 Waller (Edm.) Works ' ~ ,645 ^7852 . Poems .. it t 7853 Walfti (E.) Bagatelles I 7 gj / 785:4 Walter (John) Poems 1760 3 7 8 si Warburtoh'jW.) Tranflations 1724 /^7$5 Ward (Edward) Nuptual Dialogues 1723 3 ^7857 Britifli Hudibras 17 n j- 7858 (Thomas) England's Reformation 1716 / ^ 7859 Poems ~ 1706 3 6 7 8 o Warren /M.) Poems ... ' i 79 o if 78^1 Ware (Chri ft.) Cynegeticon 1654 dg 7662 Warton (Thomas) Poetical Works, a vol. 1802 7863 . Poems 1748 7864 on the Faerie Queene 1754 / 7865 . (Jofeph) Sir P. Sydney's Defence of Poetry 1787 Eflay on the Writings of Pope, 2 vol. 1772, firfl vol. full of Manufcripts notet 7867 Watts (Ifaac) Beauties of 1782 7868 Webb (T ) Epitaphs, 2 vol. 1775 7869 - Amufements i 7 8 7 7870 Weekes (J. Eyre) Poems 1745 7871 Welfted (Leon.) Works 1787 / 787 z Weft (Mrs!) Miscellaneous Poems 1791 J 7873 Wefley (Samuel) Maggots, or Poems sr 78^4 Weltminlter 'Quibbles 1672 7875 Whaley (John) Poems ' i 732 7876 / ^7877 Whitehead (William) Poems, i 7 >>8 / 7878 " ---- 2 vol. 1774. ~ Aa * 356 Pe/fry Octavo. / 7879 Vhiteh^ufe (John) Poems 1787 /^^?88o Whyte (^amue 1 ) Poems, 3 vol. 1795 / 7881 W;gnei< (J.) Original Pieces 1762 3.6 7882 Wi.d (E and R ) Rome Rhjrm'd to Death 1683 Iter Boreale 1668 / 7885 Wilkie (William) Epigoniad 1757 4 ' 7887 William (Earl of) Pembroke Poems, 1660 ,$ 7888 .-! 1780 3 6 7 8 89 Williams (Sir Charles Hanbury) Odes 1660 / 7890 ~ -- : 1748, *- terleaiJtd with MS. notes / 7891 (Helen Maria) Poems, 2 vol. 1786 "789* Winchelfea's Poems 1713 789 3 ;W initanley , John) Poems , 1751 078.94! : .. '75' ^ 7895 - Mufes Cabinet 1656 -^ 7896 Withers (George) Protestor 1655 J 7807 Abufe Stript and Whipt 1622 g / 7898 ' ' ' < Pfalm* of David 1632 / igqn ^ . _ Verfes to the King*s Majefty it t ++ * f 1662 // t IQOO .. A Memorandum to London 166; j 6 79 l i Fides Anglicana 1660 7 & 79 l ~ Britain** Remembrancer 1620 - 7903 Wit's Interpreter 1671 / / 7904 Wolferfton, (Francis^ Ovid's Art of Love 1661 ^ 2 795 Wollaflen Erclefiaftes 1691- j 7906 H ..I. ill. / 7907 Woodward (Geo.) Potfms Oxford 1730 7908 Woty (Wm.; Bloflbms of Helicon 176 3 / 7 Q Cg , Poetical Works, 2 vol. 1770 Amufements 1789 Poems 1780 //7 9 , 2 Fugitive Poems 1786 /XT 79 ! 3 w y ntown (Andrew) Cronykil pf Scotland, 2 vol, M 7914 Yearfley (Ann) Poems 17^6 __~ . it. C 357 ) / ^ 791? Yorkfhire Ale, thePraifeof ~ 1697 /.? ^ 7918 Young (Edward) Works, 6vol. 1757 Plays, QUARTO. 79 19; CRAWFORD (David) Love at Firft Sight, Com. 792o(CROWJJE, Married Beau, Com. 1694. City Pb- ' litiques, Com. 'f>88. Sir Courtly Nice, Com, 1685. Deftrudtton of Jerufalem 1703 7921 _ Darius, Tr- 1688. Hiftory of Charles VIII. 1672. Married Beau Com. 1694. City Politiques, Com. 1688 The Countrey Wit, Com. 1603. Charles VIII. 1671, Married B^au, Com. 1694. City PoHtiques, Com. 1688. De ftru&ion of Jerufalem, 1677 7923 i Ambitious Sta efmau, 1679. Cajifta, a Mafqat, 1675, Charles VJII, 1672. Mar- ried Beau, 1694-. City Politiques, Com. 1688 ^ 7924 CROXHALL (Samuel) Fair Circaflian, Com. 17*0 ^.7925 CuTTs(John; Rebellion Defeated, or the Fall of Desmond, Tr. J 745 /$ ^ ,7926 Cupids Whirligig, by E. S. l&io / 79 2 7 DABORN (Robert) Chriftian turn d Turke 1612 ' 7928 DA YEN ANT (William) Circe, TV. 1703, 2 copies 7929 - .lull Italian 1630 7930 Triumphs of Prince D Amour, a Majque 1635 //; 7931 c Comedies, Tr. Com. and Tragedies, (8) in i vol. 165 i ^7932 DAVBNPORT (Robert) City Night Cap, TV. Com. 1661. King John and Matilda. TV. 7933 DAY (John) Ifle of Gulls - 1633 793 4 -_ _ i^ 358 Play$. Quarto. 7935 DEKKBR (Thomas) Hoheft Whore, 2 parts 1630-5 7936 . ' ii Match Mee in London, TV. Com. 1631. Honelt Whore, 2(1. part 1630 / 7937 i AND WEBSTER, North-ward Hoe 1607 7938 DENNIS, Rinaldo and Armida, 7V. 1699. A Plot & no Plot, Com. 7939 A Plot & no Plot, Com. Remarks on Cato, 1713 / / 794 - Works 1701 / 7941 DIDEROT, Father, Com. 1770 / 7942 DIGBY (Lord) Elvira, Com. 1667. Pretenders, by Dilke, 1693 7943 DILKE, City Lady, Cow. 1697. Pretenders, Com. 1698. Lovers Luck, Com* 1696 7944 DRYDEN (John) Hufband his own Cuckold, Com. 1696, and Seventeen fingle plays, by Ditto J 7945 * Conqueftof Granada, 2 parts morocco gilt leaves 1672 //, 7946 ; Pteys, a vol. 1 684 '/ / 7947 DRUE (Thomas) Life of tire Dutchefs of Suf- folk 1631 //j 7948 DRUUMOND (Gul.) Polerno Middiana, Carmen Macaronicum Oxoni 1691 /, 7949 DUFFBTT (Thomas) Spanifh Rogue 1674 ? 7950 DUNSTER. (C.) Frogs, Com. Oxford / j 7951 Dua FEY (Thomas) Marriage Hater Matched, Com. 1692. Love for Money, Com. 1691. Injured Princefs, 1682. Modern Prophets, Com Virtuous Wife. Cow. 1680. Fond Hut band, Com. The Bath, Com 1701. Siege of Memphis, TV. 1676. Madam Fickle, Comedy 7952 A Fools Preferment, Com. 1688. The Campaigners, Com. 1698. Love for Money, Com. 160,1, a cop'es. The Roy. a'ift,Coxi 1682. Madam Fickle, Com. 682 7953 ESTEVURT. Frir Example, Com. 1706. Pru- nella, an Interludt . Quarto. 359 X"/954 EtHBtEGE (George) Man of Mode, Com. 1676 Faithfull Genera!, 1r. by a Young Lady, z copies 1706 7955 FAKE (Francis) Love in the Dark, Com. 1675. The Sacrifice, TV. 1687 7957 FARQUMAR (George) Sir Harry Wildair, Com. 1701 c^g - Love in a Bottle, Com. i6qg. Inconftant, Com. 1702. Sir Harry VVildair. Com. 1701, Conftant Couple, Gw*. 1700 7959 Fit LO (Nathaniel) Amends for Ladies, Com. 1633 79?9*FiLMER (Edward) Unnatural Brother, z copies 7960 FLETCHER (John) Elder Brother, Cam, 1637. The Coronation, Com. 1640 7961 -- Two Noble Kinfmen. Rule a Wife, Co. 1697 7962 - - Elder Brother, Com. (2) 7963 - - (Phinea8)Sicelide, a Pifcatoryi6|i f 7964 FORD (John) Broken Heart, imp* Tis a Pity She's a Whore 1633 // 7965 Love's Sacrifice, 7V. 1633. Lovers Melancholy 1629 . - Fancies Chaft and Noble, 1638. Chronicle History of Perkin Warbecki634 a P 1 7 Shee's a Whore, 1633. The Suns Darling, a moral Mafque 1657 7968 FREEMAN (Ralph) Imperiale, Tr. 1655 J 79^9 GAY (John) Wife of Bath, Com. 1713. Love's Viftim, Tr. by Gildon, 1701 3 7970 GH.DON (Charles) Patriot, TV. Love's Viftim, 1701. Meafure for Meafure .TOO Sf 7971 GLAFTHORNE (Henry) Hcllander. Com. 1640. Ladies Priviledge, 1640. Wit in a L'oiift .b.'e Com. 1 6 9 7972 GOFFE (Ttioma-) Raging Turk**, TV. ^31. -- /4 t Comagioui Turke, Tr. 163^. Oicitcs, TV. 1633 360 PAyi Quarto. / // 7973 GREEN (Robert) Hiftory of Frier Bacon, and Frier Bungay, front 5 79 7 4 GRIMSTON (Lord) Lawyers Fortune, Com. / / 7975 GUARIM Faithtull Shepherd, a Paftorall, trans- lated by Fanfliaw, pa trait 1647 GWINNE /Mathew) Vertumnm 1607 " 7977 HARRISON (W.) Pilgrims, or the Happy Converts 1701 / 7978 HARRIS (Jofeph) Miftakes, TV. Com. 1691 7979 HAYNES (Jofeph) Fatal Miftakes, 7>. 1692. AW. Account of the Author, by Mr. Reed 7980 HEMINS (Wm.) Eunuch; Tr. 1687. Fatal Con- traft. Jr. 1653 tb. 2 copies HETWOOD (Thomas; Royali King & Loyal jel 1637 - --- Silver Age 1613 <^79 8 4 -- Iron .Age, 2 parts 1632 79^5 - ir "" ..... "" If you know not Me, yoa know Nobody, front. 1639 / 7986 -- Wife Woman of Hogfdon Com. J6J8 j? /, 7988 Firft and Second part of King Edward IV. contayning his Merry Paf- time, with the Tanner of Tamworth 1626 Fayre Maide of the Ex- change 1625 7990 ib. c 7991 Maydenhead Well Loft, 1654, the title drawn and written by John Mender fon 7992 Englifli Traveler 1633 J~^7993 " "" Loves Miftrefle 1540 /V7994 ib. 3 J 799$ AND R WLEY Fortune by Land and Sea, TV. Com. 1 ^5S . 7996^HicGONs (Bevill) Generous Conqueror, 7V. 3 } 1702 7997J HOPKINS, Pyrrhus, 7*r. 1995* Boadica, 7r. 1667. Freind (hip Improved, TV. 1700 7998 HOLIDAY (Barten) Marriage of the Arts, Com. *f 8000 Honeft Lawyer, by S. S. 1616 j 8001 HOWARD (Edward) Man of Newmarket, 1678. Womens Conqneil .Tr, Com, 1671. Ufurper, Tr. 1668 800* Englifti Mounfieur, Com. 1674. All Miftaken, Com. 1710 8003 in , .. . it. Thirty *-lixth Day's Sale, Englifh Theatre, Hifiory of the Stage, &c OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 8004 j{\ CTOR, orTreatife on the Art of Playing f 8005 - *.-~ -- - ------ 17 5 /) 8006 AdcHfon (Jofepb) Cato, Lalin and Englijb 1764 ^ 8008 Algaroui on ihe Opera 1767 // 8009 Artienrl Kaverlham, Tr. reprinted 1770 8010 Ar;t ( r lho. Aug ) Guardian Outwitted, 1764., & $ othe: b> the fame Sou Ariftophanes Clouds iy^,p 8oiz Aiuologer, Com. 1744. 8013 Bailiie (Joanoa) Mifcellareou^ Plays 6804 801^ -- - Series of Plays, z vol. 1799-^02 8015 Baker (Sir Richard) Difcourfe on Plays 1670 362 EttgHJb Theatre, ^. / 8oi(J Baker (David Erfkine) Companion tothePlay- houfe, edited by Mr. RttJ z vol. 1781 4 6 8017 ---- . 2 vol. Jt/effivt j / 8018 Barker CJames) Continuation of Egerton's Thea- trical Remembrancer 1801 ? 8019 Earon (Robert) Minza, TV. and the Cyprian Academy, front. 8020 Beaumont and Fletcher Works, 10 vol. 1750 8021 ----- - -- laftedit. with a Double Set of plate! fine topy 1778 8022 Bedford (Arthur) on the Englifli Stage 1719 8023) Bellamy (George Anne) Memoirs, 1785, and Apology for her Life, Vol. I. 1785 8024) Sellers (Fettiplace) Injured Innocence, TV. 8025 Betterton (Thomas) Hiftory of the Engliih Stage, and Life of Mrs. Oldfield, portrait* 1 74 I 80*6 Bickerftaffe Plays (18) I76;,&c. 8037 Brand (Hannah) Plays apd Poems Nerwifb 1798 8028 Brome (Alexander) Plays I vol. title wanting 8029 (Richard) Plays, 2 vol. i6i3*9 / ^ $030 Brown and Do\v's Plays 1770 ^ 8031 Brounfmith (J.( Dramatic Time Piece 1767 /# 6 8032 Buckingham (VilliersDuke of) 2 vol. portrait 775 /2 8033 Capell (Ed.) Prolufions 1760 8034 *35 Carlifle (Fred. El. of) Tragedies & Poems, por- trait 1801 // 6 8036 Cartwright (William) Comedies, portrait 1651 7 J 2037 Catalogue of Plays, inttrlea. 1782 /*, Davy (Mrs.) Works 1791 Dennit> (John) Remarks on theConfcious Lovers 1753 Ufefulnefs of the Stage, &c. 1698 Seled Works, 2 vol. 1721 DiWin (Charles; n Plays Do.fl y (Robert) Cleone, wiih MS. alterations, by Mr. Shenllone 1758 Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. corrected by Mr. Reed for a new edition '744 ___ . 2d. edit. 1 2 vol. 1780, with MS. addition by Mr. Reed id. j*\ 6 edition, it vol. large paftr, boards* only fix iuktn off on tbit Paper 1 780 8iOi Etherege (Sir Geo.) Works 1735 ^ ^f 8102 Eugenia, TV. by Samuel Hayes and Robt. Cart 1766 /"V 8103 Euripides SelecT: Tragedies, by Banifter 1780 >> 8104 - 19 Tragedies, by Woodhull, 4 vol. i78a /4 J 8105 Farces collection of, in 4 vol. Edin, 1786 yy 8106 Farquhar /George) Works, plater, and Life of the Author 1714 /^ 8107 " - 2 vol. 1760 /j 6 8(08 ....... ..i.-- - 3 vol. Dublin 177^ /* 8^09 Fielding (Hen.) 10 Plays ,r 8 no - . Tom Thumb thgjfr/? tdit.jge note on 1730 /J 8: li Filmer (Edward) Defence of Plays, print af the Holland Arms, by Hogarth I 77 S2. 8112 Flecknoe (Richard) Love's Kingdom 1664 /& 8113 ---- --- ib. // 8114 Foote (Sam ) 17 Plays 17152-7* ^? 8115 Francklin (Tho.) g Plays 17^6-76 / /j 8116 Gambold (John) Martyrdom of Ignatius Tr //]/8tl7 Garrick (Dav.) Lethe, ift./Jff<-& account by Mr. Reed Xj 8n8 ----- 1- a Plays / 81/9 -- ^ 2 tracts for 8c Ag.inft /.? /^ 8120 German Theatre, 20 nos. large paper, with platet ~ 366 Eiiglijh Tbtatrtt fcf*. Oftavo* /8m German Mifcellany, confiding of Dramas, &c* Perth 1796 812* Goffe (Tho.) Raging Turk 1656 ,/ 8123 Goldoni (Charles) Plays, Italian and Enghjb '757 / y 8124 Goldfmith (Oliver) Plays and Poems, with Ori- ginal Letter of the Author, and portrait '777 / 812; Goodhali (Js.) Florazene Stamford 1754 >7* 8126 Green Room (Hiftory of the) 2 vol. '79* /O 6 8127 Griffiths (Eliz.) 5 Plays, & Variety, by Richard Griffiths, I765.&C. /^8ia8 Guarini, Faithful Shepherd, by Grove 1782 f> 8229 Havard, 3 Plays 1733 8130 :Hawkins (Thos,) Origin of theEngli(h Drama* 3 vol. Oxford 1773 8131 Haywood (Eliza) Wife to be Let, &c. 1729 /^8>32 4 P'ays, 17* ' &c. Henderfon (John) Letters and Poems with Life, by John Ireland, 1786. Davies Life of Do. 1777. Pilon on Ditto in the character of Hamlet, 1 779. Catalogue of his Library, with the/rww, 1786. and Extrafts relative to Ditto, from Newfpapere, &c. in MS. by Mr. Reed in i vol. / 8134 Hill (Aaron) Dramatic Works, 2 vol. l.f. moroc- co gilt leaves J 760 ^^8135 Hilton (William) Poetical Works & Plays, Vol. II. 1776 // (^8136 Hiftory ^Secret) of the Green Room?, 2 vol. 1790 8137 of the Theatres of London, 2 vol. 1796 / J' ^138 Hitchcock (Rob.) Hiftory of the Irifti Stage, s vol. . 1794 ^ ^8139 Hodfon's 3 Plays 1775 3 / 8140 Home (John; Dramatic Works, portrait 't 1760 'J 1 /8i4i Hoole and Hartfon's 4 Plays in i vol. 8142 Howard (Sir Robert) Dramatic Works, portrait 172* / 8143 Hughes Calypfo and Telcmachus, an Opera /. ( Ptajt.*~ Quarto.' 367 Hughes (Mrs.) Moral Dramas 1790 J//? * ! 45 fr'^ 1 Stage (Familiar Epiftles on the) 1804- Anfwer co Do. Few Reflexions on Do* Theatrical Tears on Do. 4 vol. jf 8146 Jacobs (Giles) Lives of the Englifli Dramatick Poets, 2 vol. 1723 ^8147 Joddrell's 6 Plays 1787 /< 8 M 8 Johnfon (Ben) 3 Plays, with Catalogue of flays to 1732 / ^8149 i GlaSgow 1751 / 8150 i Every Man in his Humour, with Remarks on 3 Plays 1749 j y 8151 Works, by Whalley, 7 vol. with MS. note of B. J. 'writing 1756 ^ 8154 Keefe (John O) 11 Plays f 8153 Kelly (Hugh) ii Do. s, 8154 Killigrew (Thomas) Prkbners and Claracilla 1641 ^ 8155 Kotzebue (Augaftus Von) 9 Plavs Plays. QUARTOi JESUIT'S Play at Lyons, in France, b. /. 8157 JOHN (Wm.) Traitor to Himfelf, a moral Inter- lude Ox/erJi6l* // 8158 JOHNSON (Saml.) Hurlothrumbo 17x9 / / 8159 -- (Chas.) Love in a Cheft, Farce. For- tune in her Wits, Com. Force of Friendfiiip, Tr. 1710. Gentleman Cully, 1702 // 8160 -- Gentleman Cully, Com. 1702. Wife's Relief, Com. Injured Love, Com. Intriguing Widow, Com. 1705 4 8161 JONES (John) Adrafte, or Woman's Spleen, Cam. 816* JOHNSON (Ben) Sejanus, his Fall 1605 8163 JORDAN (Thos.) Walks of Ifllington and Hogf- / oen, Com, 1657 * 368 Plays Qoart*. // 8164. KEATE (Geo.) Monument in Arcadia 1775 /' 8165 KELLY (Hugh) Works, portrait 1778 J 8166 KILLIGREW (Henry) Confpiracy TV. 1638 // 8167 King and Queen's Entertainment at Richmond, a Mafqut Oxford 1 636 8168 KIRKE (J.) Seven Champions of Chriftendome 1638 ( 8169 Knave in Graine new Vampt, Cm by J. D. 1640 8170 KNYVETT (R.) Rhodan and Iris,a P aft oral 163* 8171 KYD (Thos.) Spanifh Tragedie 1610 (8171 LACY (John) Dumb Lady, 1672. Sauny the Scot, Com. 1708. The Old Troop, 1672 8173 LEE (Nathl.) Princefs of Cleves, 1697. Theo- dofius, TV. 1678. Rival Queens, TV. 1677 8174 - ' Sophonilba, 1697. Lucius Junius Brutus, TV. 1708. Princes of Cleves, 1697. Theodofios, TV. 1708, Csfar Borgia, Tr. 1711 Theodofius, TV. 1680. Gloriana, J 1696. Caefar Borgia, TV. 1691. Oedipus, TV. 1479 8176 - Plays, m 2 vol. 1692 8177 LODGE (Thos.) Wounds of Civil War, TV. 1594 8178 LOWER (Wm.) Phcenix in her Flames, TV. 1639 Polyeuftes, Tr. 1655. Horatius, TV. 1656 " 8179 LUCAS (Hen.) Earl of Somerfet, TV. with Poems *779 /j 8180 MACKLIN (Chas.) Man of the World, Com. port r ait t 1793 (- 8181 portrait /. / 8182 MAIDWELL (L.) Loving Enemies, Com. 1680 .9 78183 MAINB (Jafper) City Match, Com. Amorous Warre, TV. Com. 1658 j 8184 MANLiY,Almina, TV. 1707. Lucius, TV. 1717; Lift lover, Com. 1 694 / 8185 . Lucius, Tr. 1717. Almyna, TV. 1707 / 8186 MANNING, Generous Choice, Com. 1700, 3 copies 8187 MAR M YON (Shackerley) Holland's Leaguer, Com. 1632. Farie Companion, 1633. An- / tiquary, Com. 1641. Holland's Leaguer* an Difcourfe, //. 1631 .^.Quarto. 369 3t88 MARKHAM and SAMPSON, Herod and Antipa- ter 1622 m,o (Chriftr.) Jew of Malta, Tr. 1633. Ditto, title wanting J 8190 MARSTON (John) Malcontent 1604. 66 8191 ib. / 8192 MASON (John) Mulleafts the Turke 1632 / 8193 Ditto, written title ib. 6 8194 MASSINGER (Phil.) New Way to pay Old Debts, Com. * *633 2- 6 8195 MAY (Thos.) Heire, Com. 1633 // 8196 MEAD (Robt.) Combat of Love and Friendship, Com. 1684. 6 8197 Mercurivfs Britanicus, Tr. Com. /# 6 8g8 MERITON (Thos.) Love and War, Tr. Wan- dering Lover, Com. 1658 8199 MERMION (Shackerley) Antiquary, Comi title wrote 1641 ,:" 8200 MIDDLETON, Game at Chefs, imperf. The Changeling, 1668 8201 Michaelmas Terme, 1630. Game at Chefs, title wanting 8202 Mayor of Quinborough, Com. 1661 8203 Mad World my Matters 1608 8204 World toft at Tennis, front. ( } 8203 < and Rowey, Faire Quarrell, 2 copies 1599.1622 / / 8ao6 MOLIERE, Love's Contrivance, Com. 1703 The Metamorphofis, Farce 1704 /^ 8207 MOIRE (Edwd.) Plays, Poems, and Fables, 1756 4 S 8208 MOTTBUSE, Beauty in Di/lrefs^ 1698. Love's a Jeft, 2 copies, titles wanting. The No- velty, 1697 - Arfinoe, an Opera, 1707. Tho- myris, Opera, 1707. Britain's Happinefs, Interlude, 1707. Love's a Jeft, Com. 16961 The Novelty, 1697. 8210 NABBFS (Thos.) PJayes, Marke, &c. in i vol. 1639 . Quifto. gat i Nero, Trrgedy, newly Written 1624 82 ? 2 NORTON, Paufanius, TV. 2 copies 1696 8213 OLDMIXON, Grove, or Love's Paradice, an Opera 1 700 8214 Oratorios, Entertainments, &c. a parcel 8215 ORRERT (Ld.) Mark Anthony, Com. 1690, and The Ragged Uproar, or Oxford Roratory 8216 OTWAT (Thos.J Souldier's Fortune, 2 parts, 1681.4 Heroick Friend/hip, Tr. 1719. Don Car- los, Tr. 1704. Orphan, TV. 1705 8217 Oxford Roratory, or the Ragged Uproar 8218 PAINE (Nevil) Siege of Conflantinople, TV. / 8219 Morning Ramble. Com. 1673. Siege of Conflantinople, TV. 1675 8220 PEAPS, Love in its Ectafie, 164^ ^ 221 PERABO (Ant.) Valfei offia L'Eroe Scozzexe, Parma ^8222 PHILIPS (Ambrofe) Diftrefl Mother, TV. 2 co- pies 8223 Fix (Mrs.) Conqueft of Spain, TV. Deceiver Deceived, Com. 1698. Ibrahim, TV. 1696. Adventures of Madrid, Com. Spanifh Wives, Com. 1696. Queen Catherine, TV. 1698. Innocent Miftrefs, Com. 1697 J_ 8224 Ibrahim, TV. 1696, Double Diftrefs, TV. 1701. Czar of Mufcovy, TV. 1701. Falfe Friends, TV. 1696. Queen Cathe- rine, 1698. Innocent Miflrefs, Com. 1697. Spanifh Wives, Farct, 1696, 2 copies / ( 8225 Plays, imperfect, viz. Heywood's Iron Age, 2 parts, &c, /< 8226 Mifcellanies. The Maid the Miftrefs, Com. Conqueft of Spain, TV. 1705. Love and Friendfhip, a Sfftaata, 1734. Lycida, a Ma/que, 1762. Inilitution of the Order of the Garter, 1742, &c. / 8227 Siege of Rhodes, 2 parts, 1633. Hamlet, TV. in i vol. 1677 / /// 82*8 The Baflard, Tr. 1612. The Loyal Lo- " i vers * Tr. Com. by Manuche, 1652. The * 3 . v Playi Quarto. 371 The Juft General, TV. Com. by Ditto, 1652. Alphonfus, TV. by Chapman, 1654. The Heclors, Com 1456. The Changeling, by Middleton and Rowley, 1655. The Spanilh Gipfie, by Ditto, 1653. The Widow, Com, by Ben Johnfon, J. Fletcher, and T. Mid- dleton, 1652, in x vol. $230 Edgar, TV. by Rymer, 1678. Tamerlane, TV. by Saunders, 1681. Valentine, TV. 1685. The Traytor, Tr. by Rivers, 692, in i vol. 8231 She-Gallants, Com. 1696. Heroick Love, Tr. by George Granville, 1698. jew of Ve nice, Com. 1701. Britifti Enchantes, Tr. 1706, in t vol. 823* by John Leonard., in i vol. 8233 -. John Barnaby, in i vol. 8234 " " Corey, in i vol. / /}' 8 *35 Plays, (39) by Crown, Durfey, Brown, Bet- terton, &c. in 3 vol. uniformly bound, and No. vol. 20, at, >3 8236 (26) by Wilfon, Dryden, Steele, Dur- fey, &c. in 3 vol. 8*37 - - (20) Beaumont and Fletcher, in 4 vol. ' , . / ' 8238 '(9) by D' Avenant, Dryden, and Joyner, in yol morocco, gilt iceruet 1 663 8239 (za) by Cowley, Porter, &c. in 2 vol. 8x40 Pleafant Comedie, called a Woman will have her Will - - ,63, EMD OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH DAY** 8ALE. Ccc Thirty-feventh Day's Sale, Tbeatrft Hiftfry of tbe Stage, &f. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT ' '6 8 *4 JLlANGBAINE (Gerard) Lives of Englilh Dramatick Poets, continued by Gildon 4> < 8142 . - moroc co t gilt leavet, Oxford 1691 8*43 Lee (Nathaniel) Works, 2 vol. 1713 // 8244 Lewis (David) Philip of Macedon 1727 8*45 Life of James Haynes 1701 8246 -- Robert Wilks, portrait 173} 8*47 - - Thomas Betterton, portrait ^710 6 8248 -- William Co^revCv with his Last Will and Characters of his Writings ' 1730 8249 - - George Anne Bellamy, 6 vol. in 3 1785 8150 David Garrick, by Davit, a vol .1784 8251 - - by Murphy, 2 vol. fr- irait 1801 8152 Lillo (George Works, a vol. 1775 f 8*53 Lilly (John) fixe Court Comedies 1632 //> 8254 Love and Honour, a Dramatick Poem, 1742* Cure for Love, a Comedy, 1739. i 825; Me Donald (A.) Plays and Mifcellaneous Works 1791 8256 Matkiin (Charlej) Memoirs of, portrait 1804 y 8257 ' -- Life of, by Kirkmaa, 2 vol. portrait 1799 /)' g2$8 9 Plays, with Catalogue of bis Books Englijb Tbeatrt t #r. Oftavo. 8259 Mackliniana, as felefled from the European Magazine, 2 vol. /, 6 8260 Marfli (Charles) Amafis, King of Egypt 1738 8261 Marfton (John) Workes ~ 1635* - 8262 Mafon's Elfrida, with Remarks on Ditto, ia i vol. 5 8263 Mafiengef (Philip) Three New Playes, Rufta Roman Aflor 2V. 1722 - ' ' - - Works, by Coxeter, with critical Reflections on old Dramatic Writers* by George Colman, 4 vol. with portrait 9 1761 8266 - i Works, with notes, by W. Gifford, 4 vol. portrait 1805 8267 - Life, with Account of his Writings 1779 8*68 May (Thomas) Agripina fr. 1639 8269 Meilan (Mark Ant.) Dramatic Works 8270 Memoirs of Hippolite Clairon, in 2 vol. 1800 817 1 Samuel Foote, 3 vol. with portrait 1805 8272 Memoires de Jean Monnet, 2 torn. 177* 8273 Men (Humours of) an Interlude at a Country School 1691 8274 Middleton (Thomas) more Diffemblers befides Women, Cam. 1637 8275 Middleton (Thomas) Witch, Tr. Coat. rtfriattJ by Mr. Reed, 16 copies folded 1778 8176 < - * 20 do. do. 8277 . 20 do. do. / 8278 20 do. do. / 8279 ' ' lodo. &o*fint paper y {. 8280 " 10 do. do. do. ^ & 8381 8 do. do. / / 8282 Numbered b$,fue paptr,ftwtd / 8,83 Do. 66, do. / ^ 8284 . 67, do. ^ 8285 68, do. / 8286 -. 69, do. 8334 t> 8335 /) do. do* to 1740 The Fatal . 1723- All w. Ilurlo- hree Hours (47) do, 8vo. and J2mo (72) do. 8vo. and imo (24) Anonymous, from 1730 (21) Do. 1752 101769 r - (29) Do. Svo The TVaih of Adam. 1*764. Prophecy, 1765. Old Bachelor Vows kept. Amorous Wido thrumbo, Eurydice hifs'd. T after Marriage, &c. in 3 vol. 8344 The Quakers Wedding, 1723. Ignoramus, front. 1736. Lawyer's Fortune,/roa/. 1736. Philota?, &c. in i vol. 8345 - Country Lafies. Perplexed Couple. The Doubting Lovera. The Gotham Election. Fortune Hunters Matches in Newgate. The Lucky Prodigal, &c. in 3 vol. A /j 8346 Fair CVcaffian. Abra Mule. Sir Walter Raleigh, portrait. Ajax. Elecla, Oedipus, . /a & &c. z vol, 376 Englijb Tbeatrt, &V. Oftavo. 8347 Plays, Love and Duty. The Comproraife, Sefoftris. Female Fop. Rival Mode?. The School Boys Mafk, Les Fan tomes ek Le Jaloux, in 2 vol. 8348 Virginia. Appius, Serairamii. Sir Tho- Overbury, j vol. 8349 . Humours of Oxford. Mother in Law. Man of Tafte. Hofpital for Fools. Bath Unmaflted. Capricious Loveri. FateofViU lany. Modifti Couple, Diflembled Wanton &c. 2 vol. 83?o in Latin, Loiola, Stoicus Vapulans, Cancer et Paria, in i vol. 1648 8351 Love's Dominion, by Fleckno, Mariamne, &c. i vol. / 6- 8352 Lady's Triumph, 1718, City Ramble^ by Knipe, 1715, I vol. School for Scandal, Duenna, Sec Dublin 1786 Secret Plot, 9>. by Rupert Green, 1776. Redowald, 1767. Oroonoko alter 'd by r r. Gentleman, Glafgwo 1760 c?' 8356 The Sailor's Daughter, by Cumberland, and the Soldier's Daughter, by Cherry in i vol. /' k 8357 The Chambermaid, 1730. Author's Farce 1730. Hurlo Thrumbo, 1729. Tom Thumb the Great, 1731. The Slips, a Farce, & 2 vol. 8358 Four, by Francis and Glover, in i vol. gjjo, Twenty-fcven Tragedies, viz. Antonio, by Godwin, 1800. Arminius, by Murphy, 1798. Panthea. The Siege of Crezeo, &c. 8vo. /' 8360 (Five) Juvenile Friendfhip, 1801. The Fair Quaker, &c. 8vo. 7 g^6i - (Twenty-one) Deafand Dumb, i8o'. The Indifcreet Lover, 1768. Tne School for In- gratitude. &c. in 8vo. 836* {forty five) 1 he Point of Honor, 1800. Crois Parnaflun Bagateiies, 1791. The CoU takers, &c. EnglijbTbeatre, &fc. Ofttvo* 377 2, $36$ Thirty-four) The King caimot Err. The Hermit convened. The Capricions Lad/, &c. in 8vo. 3 364 (Twenty.fix) The Royal Academicians, 1 786. Barnaby Brittle, &c. / IP 8365 (Thirty-eight) The Tr agedie of Cleopa- tra, by Thomas May, 1639, &c. in 12 mo. ( Six ) A S ri PP in8 ^* r Cleopatra, 7> by Thomas May, 1654. The Cid, 1650. The Fool would be a Favourite, by Lod. Carlell, 1657. Love's Labyrinth, by Tho- mas Forde, 1666. Bellum Grammaticale 1729 8367 --. by Robert Jephfon, Julia, Tr. 1787 8368 (Nine) by Jofeph Reed, The Superannua- ted Gallant, 174$. Tom Jones, 1766. The Reg ifter Office, 1761, &c. 8369 (Five) by Mr. Jobnfon. The Cobler of Prcfton, 1716. Love in a Foretl, 1723) &c. 4 -8370 (Nineteen) various, by Morton, Macken- zie, Macnally, Martin, Miles, More, Mo* Tell, Mottley, Murray, &c. J 8371 - (Six) by Newton, Neville, Odell, and Og borne '? 6 *37* Oftara, The Golden Pippin, faid by Mr. Reed to be a Curiofity, &c. in i vol. (Eighteen) by Phillips, Paterfon, Pottinger Porrett, Pratt, &c. 8374 (Eleven) by Pitcairne, Richardfon, Roome Rafpe, Rogers, &c, ( (' 837$ (Twenty-one) by Smythe, Taverner, Toofcy, Thompfon, Thurmond, &e 8376 Waldron, Weddell, Wood, Walwyn, Wallace, Warwick, &c. 8?77 The Tufcan Treaty, Tr. 1733, and Por- traiture of Socrates nt -'fi <- n j / (- 8378 Playhoufe Pocket Companion 1779 / 6 8 379 Polyxena SO 8380 Prologues and Epilogues a Collection of 4 vol. / /j 8381 Ralph's 3 Plays I A 88x Ramfay (Allan) Gentle Shepherd, &c. i vol. /] 8383 Randolph (Thomas) Mufes Looking Glaffe 3 8384 Relapfe and Provoked Wife (Vindication of) ' '79* } 8385 Riccoboni'a Hiflory of the Stage 1754 < 8387 8388 Plays. QJJARTO. PORTER (T.) Villan, Tr. 1663. The Carnival Com. 1664 iuanti tit It POWELL (George) Treacherous Brothers, Tr. 1696, 2 copies /, 8390 ^-8391 >>8393 ' ^8394 // 8396 A very Good Wife, Com. 1693. Friend/hip Improved, Tr. Impofture Defeated, Com. 408 QUARLES (Fr.) Virgin Widow, Com. 1656 RANDOLPH (Thomas) Jealous Lovers, Com. 1632. Hey for Honefty. Com. 1651 1 Aciftippus, 1635. Hey for Honefty 1651 RAVE MS CROFT (Edward) Italian Hulband, TV. 1698. Dame Dobfon, Com. 1684. Canter- bury Guefts, Com. 1695. Titus Andronicus, Tr. 1687 Wrangling Lovers, 7^8398 ^ 8399 Carelefs Lovers, Com. 167;. Scara- mouch, Com. 1677. Citizen turn'd Gentle- man, Con, 1672. Titus Audronicus, Tr. 1687 R A wLi N s (Thoma*) Rebellion, Tr. 1640 RHODES (Richardj Flora's Vagariei, Com. 1670 RIDB* (W.) Twins, Tr.Com. 1655 . Qutrto. 349 8399 ROWB (Nich.) Jane Shore, TV. * copies. Lady Jane Gray, TV. 1715. Ambitious Step Mo- ther, 1702. Tamerlane, Tr. 1703. Fait Penitent, TV. 1703. The Biter, Com. 1705. Ulyffes, TV. 1706. Royal Convert, 1708 8400 ROWLBY (Samuel) Nobte Souldier. Tr. 1634, - 8401 - When you fee Me, You know Mee, front. 1631 8402 - (William) New Wonder, a Woman ne- ver vexed, Com. 1631 8403 RYMER (Tho.) Edgar, or the Englifh Monarch,, 1678, & 9 other 8404 SAMPSON (Wm.) Vow Breaker, or Faire Maide of Clifton ' 1636 - 8405 SAUNDERS (C.)Tamerlane the Great, TV. 1681 8406 SCOTT, Mock Marriage, Com. 4 copies 1696 8407 Sedley (Charles) Anthony and Cleopatra, TV. 1677 8408 Seneca's Troas, TV. 1686. Thebais Hippolitus b. i. impt 8409 Odavia, b. 1. imprinted fy Henry Dtnbam * 8410 his 10 Tragediea, b. I. 1581 " 8411 S^IMT SERFB (Thomas) Tarago's Wiles, Com. 1668 8412 SETTLE (Elkanah) Emprefs of Morocco, TV. 1698. City Ramble, Com. World in the Moon, Of era, 1697. Cambyfes, Tr. 1699. Virgin Prophetcfs, Ofera, 1701. Paftor Fido 1677 8413 _ ! 1673 Ambitious Slave, TV. 1694. Herod and Ma- riamne, TV. 1673. City Ramble. Female Prelate, TV 1680. Diftrefi'd Innocence, Tr. 1691 2 copies. Female Prelate. Paftor Fido, and City Ram- ble 8415 SHADWKLL (Thomas) Amorous Bigot, Com. 1690. Pfyche, TV. 2 copies, 1675. Royal Shepherdefs, TV. Com. 1069. Epfom Wells Csm. 1676. Bury Fair. Com. 1686 Odd Play i. Quarto. ^8419 8*20 (Thomas) Works, itt i vol. contain* ing 17 Plays 1693 SHAKESPEARE (William) Hamlet, Tr. 1676. Mealare for Meafure, 1700. Biith of Merlin 1662 . . - . Loves Labour Loft, title luavting) 1631. Birth of Merlin, i66z. Meafure for Meafure, 1700. ChronicIeHiftotie of King Leir, reprinted on 1. p. from 1605 ' ' ib. Merry Wives of Wind- . 1619 for, Com* 7 / / 1630 SHARPE (Lewis) Noble Stranger 1640 SHIPMAN (Thomas) Henry III. of France 1678 SHIRLEY (James) Conftant Maid, Com. 1640. The Gamefter, 1637. The Graleful Servant Com. 1630 ' Martyr'd SouWfer, 1638. Conftant Maid, Com. 1640. TheFleine, title wanting 6;o . .. , . The Opportunitie, Com. The Martyr'd Souldier, 1638, Gratefull Servant, Com, 1637 Triumph of Peace, a Mafque, 1633. The Wedding, 1629 Young Admirall, 1637. Tri- of Peace, a Mafqut, 1633 SMITH (Edmund) Phaedra and Hippelitus, i co- pies SOMMER (Henry) Orpheus and Eurydice 1740 SOUTH ERNE (Thomas) Oroonoko Tr y 1669. Fatal Marriage, 1694. Fate of Capua, TV. 1700 i 1696. Sir Antony Love, Com. i6<;8. Wive's Ex- cufe, Con. 1692. Maid's Laft Prayer, Com. 1693 /.Quarto. 381 STAPLETON (Robert) Step Mother, TV. Cow. 1664. Slighted Maid, title wanting Slighted Maid, Cam. 1663 , 8436 STKO^E (Wm.) Floating Ifland '^55 437 TASSO Arainta, 1628, 2 copies. Amintas 1698 8438 TAT E (Nahum) Injured Love, TV. 1707. Ifland Princefs, 1687. Duke and no Duke, 1685. Brutus of Alba, 1697. Loyal General, Tr. 1680. Duke and no Dake, 1663. Ingrati- tude of a Com. Wealth 1682 8439 TATEHAM (John) Scotch Figgaries, no title Diftrafted State, Tr. i6;i. Rump, Com. 1660 A $440 TAVERNER (Wm.) Fatal Bride 1704 j 8441 THEOBALD ^Lewis) Perfian Princefs, TV. 1717. Perfius and Andromeda, 1730, 4 copMf. Perfidious Brother 8441 TOMKIS Albumazar, Com. 2 copies, 1634. At- heifts Tragedie, by Cyril Tournier, 161* 8443 TRAPP (Jofeph) Abra Mule, Tr. 1704 8444 TROTTER (Catharine) Revolution oi Sweden, TV. 1706. Fatal Friendship, Tr. 1693, & t other Plays (5) in one vol. 1696 8446 Tragedie of King Charles ift. 1649. Shuffling, Cutting and Dealing in a Game at Pickquet from 1653 to 58 8447 Two Merry Milke Maids, by J. C. 1620 . 8447 T USE (Samuel; Adventures of 5 Hours, Tr. Com. 1664. /" 8449 Valiant Scot, by J, W. 1637 f / 8.1 o ^- "~~ '^* * 8451 - Welfhman, front. 1663 / 8451 VANBURGH (John) Falfe Friend, Com. i7 5 z- ^Efop, Com. 1701. Confederacy, COM. 1705 Miitake, Com. 1706 84 rj ^Efpp, large paper, morocio 1697 X / 84S4 WALKER (T.) Wit of Woman, 1705. Viftori- ous Love, by W. Walker, 1698 / // & 3 / 8455 WES STBR Devil's Law Cafe, TV. COM. 1625 - 2 8456 /*. ^ 8457 "" Dutchefle of Malfy, 1678. Unfortu- nate Ditto, TV. 1706. Appiusand Virginia 1654 - 3 8458 . _ Tr. 1613 - /j 8459 WEST (Rich.) Hecuba, STr 17*6 8460 WILD, Benefice, Com. 1689 8461 WILKIKS (George) Miferies of Intoril Manage 1607 ^ 1462 . . ib. /&'& Thirty-eighth Day's Sale. EngUJh Theatre. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT f, 8463 RICHARDSON (Wiiii m ) Maid of Lochn. 1801 / 8464 Roach'i Hiftory of the Stage 1 796 8465 ' ittttrlta-vtd with MS. additions by Mr. Reed / 6 8466 Robinfon's Intriguing Milliners and Attornies / 8467 Ro It'a Scleel Piece* 1772 3.6 8468 Rowe (Nicholas) Works, t vol. 1747 i /! 8469 Roxana, 21r. a Gul Alabaftro,/rc/. 1652. Tbeatrt, y*.~ O&avo. 383 ^ (78470 Ruggie's fgnoramus,/rarf. 1630 y ^8471 1737. Ignoramus Lamen- tatio f 847a ' " by Hawkins, frtttti/pitce 3 *U73 Rymer and Gildon View of the Stage 1693 8474 Saul et David, ?>. 1760 8475 Seneca's Thyeftes, Tr. 1674 8476 Serre, Tho. Morus Paris 1657 8477 Settle (Elkanah) Siege of Troy, a Barthlomew Droll ^8478 Schiller Don Carlos, TV. 1798 / 8479 i -* Fiefco, Tr. 1796 8480 Robbers, Tr. The Minifter, Tr. 1798 8481 Shadwell (Charles) 5 new Plays 1720 / ^ j? ///j 8510 T L. L ~ 2 VOl. . * Englijb Theatre, &?c. Oflavo. 385 SHAKESPEARE (William) Malone's Supplement to 2 vol. imperfeS 3 3 / ? 3 // v^oncoraance to 1770 (Index to) by Ayf- 84.14. - cough 2 vol. 1805 Catalogue of Capell, in the Gallery 1779 the edit' in 15 vol. Catalogue of Capell, Rape of Lucrece 1655 (Beauties of) 5th. /i Rcifi - 1777. Ditto of Pictures and Gloflarial Index to 4 copies A Setft - edition 4/ i*9 * Dodd, 2 vol. by '757 Illuftrated by Mrs. T , '758 ' Modern Characters for 1778, by Illuflration of fome of the Remarkable Charaders ' 1774 8513 Eflay on the Hiftori- cal Plays of, with Origin of the Englifh Stage 1793 - Notes on Obfcure Paflages, by Lord C bed worth I 8oj > Critical Remarks on, by Seymour, 2 vol. ig o Z 8526 " - Learning of by Far. m, with portrait Cambridge 1767 Commentary on, by Whiter , 7g4 8 5 z8 ' Notes on, by Grey, 2 vol. '754. (.. 8529 ^ Morality of, by Mrs. Griffith, fsrtrait . f --- Eflay on, by Rich- ardfoii - - I79? 386 Engli/h Theatre t &k. Oftavo, j> ^ 8531 SHAKESPEARE (William) Obfervations on, by Upton 1748 X ^ 8532 Comments on, and on Beaumont and Fletcher, by Mafon 1798 2 8533 '" I... Fragment on, by Sher- lock, 1786. Parr's Story of Othello, with remarks on. PI umpire Appendix to Obfer- vations on Hamlet, 1797. Dirrill'a remarks on the Tem pert, 1797. Fin negan Attempt to llluftrate a few pallages in, 1802. Re- marks on Come of the Characters 1785 8534 ... Curfory Critic! fms on, as publiihed by Malone, 1792, Malone's Letter to Farmer relative to the Edition of, 1 790. Macbeth reconfidered in an EfTay to Malone *5J5 - Curfory Criticifms on as publifhed by Malone, 1 1 copies 8536 Shakfperiana, a large Affemblage of Traft, by various Authors, relative to Shakfpeare, neatly bound in 9 vol. N. B. this Article muft be a mod Dcfirable acquifuion to any Gentleman wiihing to compleat his Collec- tion 8537 Shakfpeare Papers, as published by Ireland, 9, Trafts on 8538 . Ireland's Vindication of his conduct relative to, 1796, with Vortigern Henry II. and Precious Relics, or Vortigern rehearfed, 1796 William Hen. Ireland Con ttffions relative to 1805 Farmer on the Learning of, 1767 Dennis on Ditto, 1712, and Twenty-one other 8541 Papers, Chajrr.ers Apology for the Believers in, 1797. Supplemental Apology for Ditto, 1794. Appendix to Do. 1800 " ' - 2 VOl. Eng litb Theatre ', toe . Oaavo. 3*7 SHAKESPEARE Papers, Malpne's Enquiry into, 1796 8544 lar jg 8545 ..-. (Another Eflence of Malone, or the Beauties of an editor, 2 parts 1801 (^8546 Seneca's Tragedies by Sherburne i? 02 V. -O&ava. 2\ 8566 Terence, a new Tranflation of the Self-Tor- rhentor and the Brothers Oxford . 777 / 3 856? ' de Dacier, 3 torn, avec fig' mtrocct Amfl. ,717 /} 8568 by Colman, t vol. 1768 '/6 8569 Ternary of choice Englifli Plays 1661 < 8570 Theatre (Britifh) * vol. with additions in MS. Dublin 1750 857i/ in i vol. 175* 8573 in France, England, and Italy 1760 8574 Francois, t torn Amft. 1735 8575 Theatres of London, by Oulton, 2 vol. 1796 i- 8576 Theatrical Portraits ( 138) 8577 Review, z vol. 4 d 8578 Biography, 2 vol. in one '3 8579 Records, 1756. Ditto part of . 8580 Dictionary /* g^g j Remembrancer, by Egerton v 177* '77* Diftionary 179* 2 vol. . . -^ vol. I, inttrltwed, MS.additimtt by Mr. Reed 1788 8^83 i . Tras, viz Mfmuirs of the Life of Samuel Poote Life of iJarion Booth, ^73^. DC., of Robert Vilkb, '73?. Memoirs of Thomas W>itcn, 1706. i3o. of the Coun- tefa of Derby, 1797* -0 f Thomas the- i idan. Do- cj Mrs. Bil'ington, 1 792. Beauties of .IV: Siudons, 1786, and other i Duncan on the I *wtalneis of the Sta^s, 178;. Kolciub Anglicanus, 1769, and it othe' 8585 l' H o ^"'^t * nc H gh Road to hi;'., 'i . 54 oiher - I. fe of Barton Booth, 1733, and if Ctrl'- -^~ , .) ; r> / vol. 8584 8, (2i) 111 2 VOl. Nunibcr t aoJ 5 Engtifi cxatrt, &*. OAaVo* 389 y j $589 Theatrical Tracts, Sketch of the Theatric alLife of John Palmer i 788, and < 3 oiHer Sjgo - Statement of the Differences be- tween the Proprietor* of Govern Garden, 1800. Eflay on Play a and Mafquerzdes, and 50 other X J* & 9* oi rhe Scottlm St;tge 1795 // /j ^59* Viz - The Life of James Qoi, 1766. Rofalind, or an Apology for Mrs. Danrer, 1759- / 8593 Effay OR T^gedy, bj Outline" Life oi Thomas Betterton, ^749, Sec. 9594. Relative to Douglas, in i vol. 3 $609 Wiiincop (Thomas) Scanderbeg, wim Lift of Dramatick Authors, plates 1-47 ' -^ 1^8610 Whitehead (Wm.) P'ay .774 / ^8611 Whyte (Samuei) Theatre, a didaftic Effay, Stc plant Dublin i -,qz 6 e . 8635 Shakesppare. Farmer's Eflay on . iute rlta nif'r another edition 1767 ^ 8636 . ^Contes Moraux tiree's; par Perria ^ 8637 (a Fragment on) by Sherlock, 1786. A Letter to Ge,rge Hardinge jn a Paflage, in Mr. Steven^s P/ef^ce, 1717 (MS. Papers relative to) Reltored by Theobald iTt6 Traftson, bv baamel Felton, &i, with Account of Captll, in MS. by Mr.: R^ed f and his acknowledgiug the Book a. TTeient from David Gtrrick (various readings on) by CapeH, part ist portrait by Bart : r mi an . v !".c .iany, Lv r Waldron, por- trait i I go 2 // 8644. Theatres, Francois, par Beauchamps Paris 1735 / / $645 Theatrical Trufs, viz Momus Tnumphans, by Langbame, if>88, The Stage Defended, by Dennis, 1726, and 25 other, in i vol. , 39* E*gliTl*atrt t ^. Oaaro. / // /j 8646 Traftj (47) Poetical relative to the Theatrc1 3 vol. 8647 viz. Dennis, Impartial Critick, 1693, and 25 relative to the Theatres 2 / 8648 Winftanley (Wm.) Lives of the Poett, large MS. additions . 1687 8649 Walker on Italian Tragedy, platet 1799 8650 Play Bills (Country) including a large collection of Stirbitch Fair. Winftay Theatre, &c 8651 Drury-lane, C oven t-gar den, and Hay- market, from 1794 to 1806 --' curious, fome in the time of Garrick, and Advertifements from the Newspapers in the time of Cibber, Quin, &c* 8653 Sadler's Wells, Aftley's Circus, &c. 8654 > Advertifements from the Newfpapen Jr6f2j in the time of Cibber, Barry, Quin, &c. FOLIO. 8655 Beaumont (Francis) and John Fletcher, Come- dies and Tragedies Lend. 1647 8655* . ~~- beft tdit. portrait . *979 /ftf 8656 C and Country, a Play of 7 Acls, with Downfall of Sejanus, wood enti, rare 1735 8657 Davenaut (G William) Works, portrait Land. 1767 8658 Hill (John) Orpheus, an EngiiOi Opra Land. 1740 /r / 8659 Kiligrew (Thos.j Comedies and Tragedies London 1664 4 ^8660 (Will.) 4 Newe Plays Ofta 1666 f 8661 Newcaftle (Lady Marchionefs) Playes Land. 1 66 a 8662 Plays* City Match, 1 639. Queen of Arrcgan. The Sophy, 1642 8663 SHAKESPEARE (WitL.) Comedies, HiAoriesand Tragedies, rft edition, bound in 3 vol. ihfant in Rujfia, and beautifully inlaid by tbt late Mr. Htntter/ba, additional portrait^ Load. 162^ Mattvfcriptt* 395 f 664 SHAKESPEARE (WILL.} Comedies, Hiftories and Tragedies, ad. edition, additional plates t fame printtd and manujiript referenctt ad. edition, iutpf. 3 8665 - . Hi- as pub- IHhed by Bo\ 8694 MS. Plays anon, in 2 fmall 4to. vol. 2 ,j 8695 Madrigal and Trulletta, a Mock-Tragedy, 410- y 8696 Green-Koom Chit Chat, a Prelude, 410. J ^8697 The Schemers, a Farce of two Afts, 410. f 8698 The Ifland of Fools, a Farce of two Afts, 410. 896 Manufcripti. s, // /# 8699 Tbt original copy of part of Graft Potmi, in bit oiun band-writing. 8700 The Gofpel of the Infancy, or the Apocryphal Book of the Infancy of our Saviour. Tranf- lated from the Latin Verfion of Henry Sike, from the Arabick MS. 8vo. Note by Mr. Reed. This MS. it by old Elln, the /crivtner, and in his hand writing. See an Account of him in the Europ. Mag. He was a deter- mined unbeliever in the Scripture^ which, 1 fu;pofe, was his inducement to this traaf- lation 8701 Odes and Imitations from Horace, &c. 410. 8702 Letter of David Girrick againft Mr. Steevens, with Observations and Explanations, by Mr. Heed, MS. and printed 8703 A MS. of Dr. Goldfmith, in his hand- writing, given to Mr. Reed by Mr. Steevens, fol. Catalogue of Mr. Cape! s Shakefperiana, pre- icnied by him to Trinity College, Cam- brioge, 410. Given to Mr. Reed by Mr. Steevens, by whom the MS. is written 8joj Brief Hints and Memoranda concerning EnglHh Poets, 410. Mr. Reed's hand-writing. 8706 The Beauties of Modern Poetry, containing a felettton or trie mcft beautiful and (hiking paflages from the works of Akenfide, Anfty, &c. apparently intended ts 397 to its authenticity, that he gave implicit credit to it, and hath himfelf put down the perfon's name in whofe pofleffion the ori- ginal books were fuppofed to be. J. Reed, 1780 Ambler and Birtha, or Drollery fung to the foolifh Loves of two County Turtles, billing in an odd Hundred in Eflcx, iz-no. 710 Obfervaaons Hiftoficall and Ch.-onologicall on the Conftitution, Cuftoms, >. ul Ufage of the Middle Temple, Charles Worfley, May 10, 1734, 410. conft. p. 217 87 u Poems on feveral Ocr-afions, fol conft. p. 398 8712 A Note of all Matter's Prizes, Provo;t Prizes, Schollers Prices, and other neceflary Mat- ters, &c. Tranfcript by Mr, Reed. SwJ and Dagger prizes, 16 pages 410. ends with Theatrical Memoranda in 410. MS. and printed. Note at the beginning. * Thefe Theatrical Me-noranda will be ufeful to any perfon who may be inclined to write a Hiftory of the Stage. J. Reed The Earle of Leycefter's Ghofte, fol. A Poem, printed in 1641. 8715 A Difcourfe on Tragedy by Vfncenzio Grayina, to his Moft Serene Highnefs, Prince Eugene of Savoy. Enjrlifh Tranfl M. fs cs *6j J 8716 Poetry on a few folio (heets / 8717 A Play in ^- Enter Antenor and Learchus 8718 Theatrical Duplicity : or a Genuine Narrative of the Conduct of D. Garrick, F,fq, to Jo- feph Reed, on his Tragedy of Dido, con- taining all his Letters, &c- 410. pages 107. Note, ' The Author's Original Copy given to me by his fon John Watfon Reed, Ifeac Reed." Here fo!oweth how a merchonde d>d hys wyfe betray. Tranfcript by Mr. Steeveos. frc Univeifity Library, Cambridge, Ff. a. 3 Metrical 39* Mamifcriptt 8820 L r ft of Roger Bacon's Works, in different Li* braries, on a half Iheet of paper 88ti Infcriptionson Monuments in Churches, &C. on 2 or 3 leaves 82* Nttes by Mr. Steevens and Mr. Pegge, on DoofleyV old Plays 8823 The Precedency ot the Peerage of England, great Officers, &c. icmo. / / 8824 Dernan* es Jovous, 1511. Tranfcrtpt by Mr. Stevens from D. 5, 2. Univerluy Library, (Cambridge, 4to. ^ 8825 ExtracU quaedam e Regiltro Prioratus Caftleacre in Com. Norfolk, olim Bibliotheca Dueve. fiana nunc A Dni 1721, in Bib. Marl. 410. 7/41 char uc. conft. p. 90 8826/Poems on .: Tr, 1:1. '.tions, on a few folio leaves 8827 Obituary ot literary Men. Mr, Reed's own 8828 MS. Extracts by Mr. Steevens, from a MS. be- longing to King's College Library, Cam- bridge, 01 which Mr. Bryant gives the fol- account ** Jt feems to be written in the provincial dia- leCl of one of the weftern Counties, and in many refpects fimilar to that of Pierce Plow- man. The mbjeft of the Poem is the Hiftory of William, a Royal Foundling and of Wer- woir, uy rti, .... i.v -'-! the Sta^e, zmo. Mr, Heed's own hand- writing. 8832 Ditto, of Phys and Authors, 4to. Mr. Reed's own MS. 8833 Notitia Dram-'ici, both printed and manufcript. Containing! a C n ro-.: Account of the chic* mc:dents reLtiug to the Engliih Theatre?, from Nov. 1734, to 3ift Dec. I7'<5_ Coilet?' i re .71 various fourc^s, but chiefly the PuMick Advertizers which were lent me by Mr, Woodfall, for the purpofe. This volume contains the moft material fails re- lating to the Theatres for the la ft fifty years, and will be ofeful to any perfon who may with to compile a Hi^orv of the Stage. ISAAC REED, Staple' t-Inn, Aug. 6, 1784. 8834 Notitia Juridica; or Account of eminent yers, w i$h fine Portraits, MS. by Mr. Reed, large *to. with a few p r in:ed papers 8835 The Country Gambol, a Comic Opera, in three Acts, .in - diHinc\ books, 410. 8836 Theatrical Obituary, 410. Mr Reed's own MS. alphabetically arranged 8837 Mr. Read's Lilt and Remarks of Englifh tranf- lations of the Ciaffics, 410. ^.^ 8838 Tranfl^tion of the Iliad, 3 parts, 2 * fi" in 410. Eng'ifh Blank verle 3 8839 Notes on bh,kefpeare, +to. anon / ^ 8840 Coins, weights and Meafures of Bengal, fol. 3 884r Sundry Law ^alet, Wilts, &c. 8841 Articles against Dr. Richard Bentley, &c. 8843 The Angler's Affiftant, or the Epitome of the whole Art of Angling, written on Vellum, and fundry Mifcelhnie , on paper 8844 Lett rs, relating to Articles that have appeared in the European Magazine. Anecdotes of Dr Johnfon, and funury Articles relating to Biography 8845 The GeneaL gie of the Matkenzies, preceding the Year 1601. Sti-nge and Wonderful Pre- dictions of Chriiiopher Love, &c. 400 Manufcripti. P /, 8846 Grammatical and Mathematical (a parcel of) 8847 Extracts from the Books of the Stationers' Com- pany, copied by Mr. Reed 8848 Lift of the Matters and Fellows of Emanuel College, from 1584 to 1787, copied by Mr. Reed 8849 Effay on Witchcraft, Three Slight Eflays on Mafic Ex planation of a Prophecy luifajah, O n Free Will, Teft Laws, &c. 885O*Bury St. Edmunds (An Account of) with plate. Hiftory of St. Paul's, School and a Ceremo- nial for the Reception (of His Majefty Kine William 8851 Hiftory of Tobago, Various Eflays in Verfe and Profe, &c. 8851 Collection of Old Songs fet toMufic, with the Initial Letters ornamented with Drawings 8853 Treatife of Lordihips Marchers in Wales Sir Walter Raleighs Inftruftions to his Sonne, &c. 8855 Narrative of a Journey from London, to Ant- werp, by Scott. Whitelockes Hiftorie of the Parlement, &c. 856 Inscription in Bath Cathedral, and 7 other 8857 Gvids Epiftles, tranflated by John Ellis, 5 vol. 8858 Quippes for Upltart Newfangled Gentlewomen. Account of Mr. Buchinger, with Drawing 8859 Recueil des Ana, 2 i om . 8860 Anecdotes of the Timoa. K y Charles Allcftree 8861 Obfervations, Moral & Historical 8862 Remarks on feveral parts of Italy in 1701. Me- moire du Gouvernement de la Ville de Ge. neve 8863 Life of Hyder Ally, Defcription of the Fort of Gualiot 8864 Sermons (4) by the Rev. Mr. Sterne in his own Hand-writing 886; Letter, whearein part of the Entertainment onto the Queen's Majefty at Killingworth Cattle in Warwick-lheer in this Soomers Progrefc is fet forth 1575 Manufcript t* 401 1 /# 866 Pope (Alexander) relative to, in Manufcript and Print 3 8867 Killigrew's Abftraft of Title to the Play-Houfe, from 14. Car. II. to 1684. Letters fromKil- ligrew, and other Papers relating to him and his Family, folia jji 8869 Burnett on Education. D. of Newcaftle Eleftion Inftallation as Chancellor of the Univerfity of Cacr.bridge, and 6 other // /j 8870 Sandes (Sir George) Narrative, Manufcript and Print, curious Account of the prefent Tem- ple Church ^ //j 8871 Poetry, a large parcel of, chiefly fingle fheets y 8872 ' The Squire of Dames, by John Ellis, in the (tile of Spenfer, and 4 other ' : ^8873 Stanza's on the Death of Dr. Johnfon, & feveral other 8874 ..! TheMufes upon the Banks of the Forth with a collection of Monkim Epitaphs, from an Ancient Manufcript at Strawberry Hill, i I vol. 8875; Chronologia Dramatica, ia it parts, by Mr. Reed /) 8876 Plays (>i) 8877 Coventry and Chefter Myfteries, copicdby Geo. Steevens 8878 Hamlet alter'd /lorn snaKeipeare 8879 Middleton rTho.) Witch, Tr. Cogt. copied by G. Steevens 8880 Bufiris, Tr. morocco gilt leaves, and four other 8881 Shakefpeare (propofed Emendations to) Supple- ment to the Comment on Shakefpeare, by I . Monck Mafon, & a parcel relative to the Stage 8882 Blank Paper book in tujfia, in which are inferted Three curious I.e'ters, of David Garrick, John Ellis, and Edw. Wortley MourUgue, with Print of Church at St. Man 1 Leuelter 888; Deeds various (14) Privy Seal of King Henry VIII. &c. 40* Manufcripti. 8884 Deeds relative to the Appointment of Samuel Browne as one of the Governors of the Charter-hon.'?, with the Autograph of va- rious Noblemen, &c. 164?. Ditto grant of Arms to Anthony Jenkinfon, tmblaxnned 36 8r3{ Seals r B"t m WB* * Mcurt 3 /$' - SfcS' 1 Roman Coirs and Maaals, 200 In No. 'n EXCELLENT GoLf> WATCH; by 2. 8883 Gft(> : ,-y, < r Lineal! />*//, of the Family of the SKJPUITH s, in the County of ftrt, about the lime of Ht-nry I. or Stephen, col- lefted out of the Ch rter,, in the Cuftody or Willi tm Skipwith, Efq. a large Manuf^ript roll en velluiftf with the Armt beautifully tm blazoned 3 6 88 9 ^ /J 8890 J tj 88 9 3 8894 8895 ^ 8896 ^ 6 8897 6 8898 // 8899 Prints. Six, A Moonlight after Vandernttr, by MMtr. Turkilh Mofqne, by Walker, &c. Nine various, Two by Catiot, of Sea Engage- ments, &c. Six, by Effete, Antiquarian Prints Two. by Hogarth, Portrait of Ben. Hoadley, and The laif nece Twelve, Views in Venice, ft c. a **lettt Seven, various, Mnficiens Ambulaos, by Cool, a proof. Henpeck'd Hu(band, &c. Ten of Shakfpeare's Characters, by Mortimer, fine Four after Titia*, Triumphis Mortis, &c. Six, by Morghen, Antichita diPefto Seven, after Salvator Ro/a Five, Englifh Topography, View of London and Southwark, &c. Six Ditto, C'hirk Caftle Dcnbighftnre, by Tomt t Haflar Hofpital, &c. Eight, Plans and Elevations of Kookby Houfe, &c. Prints. 403 $8902 Seven of the Lakes, &c. by Smith, Btxaift, and Rolnrtt 'i 8903 Six large Views, by 1". Smith 8904 Seven Ditto, in Cambridge, by Logman, &c 8905 Nine various Virws, &c. by Rooter, &t. 8906 Four of Stanton Harcourt by Neivnham 8907 Eigeteen Views of Noblehiens Seats, by Kip, 8908 Nine Portraits, Sir Tho. More, Archibald D. of Argyle, Sec. 1^ 8909 Two Thomas Tyrwhitt, mez. by J net, Drummond of Hawtbornden, mez. by Fin. layfon 8910 Five in William Lord Ruffe!, by Hou&ra- km, J. "Wilkes. by Milltr, Ld. Geo. Gordon &c. 8911 Three -Robert Matters, by Facing David Home, mez. by Martin, proof % Chas. Rogers, by RylanJ 8919 Eight Grinlin Gibbons, mez. by J. Smith, Arcangellus Corellius, mtz. by Do. Eyle Irwin, Ac. 8913 Four Hon. Mr. Juftice Wilfon, by Mur* phy, Peter Ld. King, & Tho El. of Macclef- field, by Vertut 8914 Seven Sir James Burrow, by Bajire, Sir Jofeph Jekyll, Sir Francis Page, by Ptrtue, &c. ^ 891 5 Five John Taylor, by Haulraktn, Rich. Smalbroke, by Verlue, &6. ^8916 One .. Dr. Buyce, after Hudfou, by Brom- /fj, fine proof 8917 Three Mifs Catley, as Euphrofyne, mez, by Dnktrton, Mr. Woodwatd as the Fine Gentleman in Lethe, mez. by Me Ardtll^ and Mifs Kemble, by Jonet 8918 Eight .- of Ladies, various A- 8919 Eleven George I. by Cbereau, William III. mtz. by y. Smith, Mary II. mtz. by y. Smith, Frederick Prince of Wales, mtz by Smith, Queen Anne, mtx, by Sm th 8920 Ons of Jn. Henderfon in Macbeth, by Joats, Ji*t proof 404 * intt. '/At 4 t 8921 Two, A View of the Temple Gardens in 1671. and the Portrait of Cumberland, nuz, proof 8921 One Hundred and Fifty-five Portraits to Smol- lett's Fngland, *c. 8923 Mifcellaneous Prints, fcveral from .European Magazine, &c. 8924 Forty- three Portraits, publifhed for European Magazine chiefly proof 832 Ditto 8927 S 9 i8 - 8950 Topographical Prints, a large parcel 8931 One Hundred and One Portraits, to Ditto many Duplicates 803* Portraits and Prints, various, fome curious 8933 Prints to the European Magizine, a large parcel 8934 Supplement to Grofe's Antiquities (Part of the) 935 Hollar's Habits of Engiiih Women, a.6 prints 1640 8936 Biographical Mirroqr, No. I Bellamy'* Piftur- efque Magazine, 3 No. Antiquaries Mufeum No. , Defignstoa Series of Ballads, by Hay* ley, engraved by Blake, z No, 1802, &c. S3 937 6 8938 8939 8940 8941 894 9 + 3 6 9*4 of Prints. Churches in London (A Cata'ogneof) built by Sir Chrift. Wren, from 1668, to 1718, en- graved by Hulfterg Lewi* Dtfigns on Arvhitefiure, 12 p/atet |-go Portfolio with leaves, bound in rough calf Antiquitie* of Jonia, by the Society of Dilett* anti, part jd. p'attt ! 797 HOGARTH original Workt,on 10$ piatti, publi- Jbtd by Roydetl J 79S Venuti Frofpecls in Italy, Aeneas Vico Gems, Sec. pei Ue Rubeis, upr'mtt Views in England, by Rooker, Grignion, &c. of Churches (50) from Defigns of Chate- lain Prinit. 405 /# 8945 Caricatures, by Bretherton, 38 Etchings with their Names, by Mr. Reed / 6 894.6 Watts collection of Views of Noblemen and Gentlemen'* Seats, jff imprtffiont 1 779 Prints t framed and glaztd. /> 8047 Three Portraits, Two in Oil Colours, One in Pencil, I. Reed, Mrs. Gibber / 8048 Portrait of David Gar rick, after Pond, by Wood & 949 Ditto in the Character of Richard III. by Ho- garth 8950 Four, The EleAion Prints, by Hogarth 8951 Two, The Repeal of the Teft Aft, and Tet- bur Church Struck with Lihtenin / ghtening /j 8951 One, by Scott, Taking of Porto Bello 8g$J One, King John's Magna Charta, by Pine 3 ^ *9S4 Two, The Medley of Portraits for the European Magazine, with Index 8955 A Deal Painted Bookcafe, 5 ft. 10 in, wide 7 ft. high, the upper part green wired 8956 A Ditto, 4 ft. wide, 8 ft. 10 inches high with Drawers 8957 A large Mahogany LJbrary Bookcafe, 8 ft. wide, 7ft 10 inches high, with Chinefe glazed Doors, in the upper part, and Wardrobe in the under middle Compartments FINIS. J. Barker, Printer, Great-Ruffe! ft. Caveat Garden. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 903 821 7