I /U*0 ^ '/ oSS SACRILEGE OF ANTIOCHUS From the Painting Vjy P. J. Loutherbourg, R. A. Engraved by \V. Bromley. COMPLETE WORKS OF JOSEPHUS ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS THE WARS OF THE JEWS AGAINST APION, ETC., ETC. A NEW AND REVISED EDITION BASED ON HAVERCAMP'S TRANSLATION WITH NOTES, COMMENTS AND REFERENCES FROM WHISTON, Dr. HUDSON. RELAND, Dr. BERNARD, PRIDEAUX, LE CLERC, DEAN ALDRICH, GROTIUS, PHILO, SPANHEIM, HERODOTUS AND MANY OTHERS ANCIENT AND MODERN. IN FOUR VOLUMES VOLUME TWO BIGELOW, BROWN h CO., Inc. NEW YORK PRINTED BY C. II. SIMONDS COMPANY BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. VOLUME TAVO. PAGE The Sacrilege of Antioclms Frontispiece The Angel Destroying the Assyrian Camp 7^ Esther Accusing Haman 18-t Heroism of Eleazar 272 ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS. BOOK IX. COXTALVING THE INTERVAL OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- SEVEN YEARS. [FROM THE DEATH OF AHAB TO THE CAPTIVITY OF THE TEN TRIBES.] CHAPTER I. Concerning Jehoshaphat again; how he constituted judges, and by God's assistance^ overcame his enemies. 1. When Jehoshaphat the king was come to Jerusalem, from the assistance he had afforded Ahab, the king of Israel, when he fought with Benhadad, king of Syria, the prophet Jehu met him, and accused him for assisting Ahab, a man both impious and wicked; and said to him. That "God was displea.sed with him for so doing, but that he delivered him from the enemy, notwithstanding he had sinned, because of his own proper disposition, which was good." Whereupon the king betook himself to thanksgivings and sacrifices to God: after which he presently went over all that country which he ruled round about; and taught the people, as well the laws which God gave them by Moses, as that religious worship that was due to him. He also constituted judg-es in every one of the cities of his kingdom; and charged them 1 2 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. " to have regard to nothing so much m judging the multitude as to do justice, and not to ])e moved by bribes, nor by the dignity of men eminent for either their riches or their high birth, but to distribute justice equally to all, as knowing that God is con- scious of every secret action of theirs." When he had himself instructed them thus, and gone over every city of the two tribes, he returned to Jerusalem. He there also constituted judges out of the priests and the Levites, and principal persons of the multi- tude, and admonished them to pass all their sentences with care and justice. And tliat if any of the peoj)le of his country had differences of great consequence, they should send them out of the other cities to these judges, who would be obliged to give righteous sentences concerning such causes; and this with the greater care, because it is proper that the sentences which are given in that city wherein the temple of God is, and wherein the king dwells, be given with great care, and the utmost justice. Xow he set over them Amariah the j^riest, and Zebadiah, [both] of the tribe of Judah: and after this manner it was that the king ordered these affairs. 2. About the same time the Moabites and Am- monites made an expedition against Jehoshaphat, and took with them a great body of Arabians, and pitched their camp at Engedi, a city that is situate at the lake Asphaltitis, and distant three himdred furlongs from Jerusalem. In tliat place grows the best kind of palm-trees, and the ' opobalsanmm. 'Now Jehosha- phat heard that the enemies had passed over the lake, and had made an irruption into that country which belonged to his kingdom; at which news he was affrighted, and called the people of Jerusalem to a * Coiu-cniiiiij llii.s ])rccioii.<5 bal.sani, sec tlic iiulc un Aiiliq. 13. \'11I. ch. vi. sect. (i. Chap. I. OF THE JP:WS. ' 3 congregation in the temple, and standing over against the temple itself, he called upon God, "To aflPord him power and strength, so as to inflict punishment on those that made this expedition against them, (for that those who built this his temple had prayed, that he would protect that city, and take vengeance on those that were so bold as to come against it ) , for they are come to take from us that land which thou hast given us for a j^ossession." When he had prayed thus, he fell into tears; and the whole multitude, together with their wives and children, made their supplications also: Upon which a certain prophet, Jahaziel bv name, came into the midst of the assem- bly, and cried out, and spake both to the multitude and to the king, that God heard their prayers, and promised to fight against their enemies. He also gave order that the king should draw his forces out the next day, for that he should find them between Jerusalem, and the ascent of Engedi, at a place called the Eminence, and that he should not fight against them, but only stand still, and see how God would fight against them. When the prophet had said this, both the king and the multitude fell upon tlieir faces, and gave thanks to God, and worshipped him; and the Levites continued singing hymns to God with their instruments of music. 3. As soon as it was day, and the king was come into that wilderness which is under the city of Tekoa, he said to the multitude. That "they ought to give credit to what the prophet had said, and not to set themselves in array for fighting, but to set the priests with their trumpets, and the Levites, with the singers of hymns, to give thanks to God, as having already delivered our country from our enemies." This opinion of the king pleased [the people], and they did what he advised them to do. So God caused 4 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. a terror and a commotion to arise among the Am- monites, who thought one another to be enemies, and slew one another, insomuch that not one man out of so great an army escaped: and when Jehoshaphat looked upon that valley wherein their enemies had been encamped, and saw it full of dead men; he rejoiced at so surprising an event, as was this as- sistance of God, while he himself by his own power, and without their labour, had given them the victory. He also gave his army leave to take the prey of the enemies' camp, and to spoil their dead bodies; and indeed so thej^ did for three days together, till they were weary, so great was the number of the slain; and on the fourth day, all the people were gathered together, unto a certain hollow place or valley, and blessed God for his power and assistance, from which the place had this name given it, th.e valley of \_Bcr- acliah, or] blessing. 4. And when the king had brought his army back to Jerusalem, he betook himself to celebrate festivals, and offer sacrifices, and this for manv days. And, indeed, after this destruction of their enemies, and when it came to the ears of the foreign nations they were all greatly affrighted, as supposing that God would openly fight for him hereafter. So Jehoshaphat from that time lived in great glory and splendour, on account of his righteousness and his piety towards God. He was also in friendship witli Ahab's son, who was king of Israel: and he joined with him in the building of ships that were to sail to ' Pontus, ' What are here Ponfvs and Thrace, as the phices whither Jehosha- phat's fleet sailed, are in our other copies Ophir and Tarshish, and the place whence it sailed is in them Eziongeber. which lav on the Red Sea, whence it was impossible for any shii)s to sail to Pontus or Thrace; so that Josephus' copy differed froiu our other copies, as is farther plain from his own words, which render what we read, that the ships were broken at Ezionpeber, from their unwieldy f/n'/ituess. But so far we may conclude, that Josephus thought one Ophir to be somewhere in the Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 5 and the traffic cities of Thrace; but he failed of his gains, for the ships were destroyed by being so great [and unwieldy] ; on which account he was no longer concerned about shipping. And this is the history of Jehoshaphat the king of Jerusalem. CHAPTER 11. Conceniing Ahaziah, the king of Israel, and again concerning the prophet Elijah. 1. AxD now Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, reigned over Israel, and made his abode in Samaria. He was a wicked man, and, in all respects, like to both his parents, and to Jeroboam, who first of all transgressed, and began to deceive the people. On the second year of his reign, the king of Moab fell off from his obedience, and left off paying those tributes which he before paid to his father Ahab. Now it happened that Ahaziah, as he was coming down from the top of his house, fell down from it, and in his sickness sent to the ^ Fly, which was the god of Ekron, for that was this god's name, to inquire about his recovery : But the God of the Hebrews appeared to Elijah the prophet, and commanded him to go and meet the messengers that were sent, and to ask them, "Whether the people of Israel had not a God of their own, that the king sent to a foreign god to inquire about his recovery? and to bid them return and tell the king, that he would not escape this disease." And when Mediterranean, and not in the South Sea, though perhaps there might be another Ophir in that South Sea also, and that fleets might then sail both from Phenicia, and from the Red Sea to fetch the gold of Ophir. ^ This god of flies seems to have been so called, as was the like god among the Greeks; from his supposed power over flies in driving them away from the flesh of their sacrifices, which otherwise would have been verv troublesome to them. 6 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. Elijah had performed what God had commanded him, and the messengers had heard what he said, they returned to the king immediately: and when the king wondered how they could return so soon, and asked them the reason of it, they said, that a "certain man met them, and forbade them to go on any farther; but to return and tell thee, from the command of the God of Israel, that this disease will have a bad end." And when the king bid them describe the man that said this to them, they replied, "that he was a hairy man, and was girt about with a girdle of leather." So the king understood by this that the man who was described by the messengers was Elijah; whereupon he sent a captain to him, with fifty soldiers, and com- manded them to bring Elijah to him; and when the captain that was sent found Elijah sitting upon the top of a hill, he commanded him to come down, and to come to the king, for so had he enjoined, but that in case he refused, they would carry him by force. Elijah said to him, "That you may have a trial whether I be a true prophet, I will pray that ^ fire may fall from heaven, and destroy both the soldiers ^ It is commonly esteemed a very cruel action of Elijah's, when he called for a fire from heaven, and consumed no fewer than two captains and a hundred soldiers, and this for no other crime than obeying the orders of their king, in attetnpting to seize iiini. But then we must con- sider that it is not unlikely that these captains and soldiers believed that they were sent to fetch the prophet, that he might be put to death for foretelling the death of the king, and this while they knew him to be the prophet of the true God, the supreme King of Israel (for they were still under the theocracy), which was no less than impiety, re- l)ellii)n, and treason, in the highest degree: Xor would the command of a subaltern, or inferior captain, contradicting the commands of the general, when the captain and the soldiers both knew it to be so, as I suppose, justify or excuse such gross rebellion and disobedience in soldiers at this day. Accordingly, when Saul conmiandcd his guards to slay Ahinielech, and the priests at Xob, they knew it to be an unlawful com- nuind, and would not obey it, 1 Sam. xxii. 17. From which cases both officers and soldiers may learn, that the commands of their leaders or kings cannot justify or excuse them in doing what is wicked in the sight of Ood, or In figliting in an unjust cause, when they know it so to be. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 7 and yourself." So he prayed, and a whirlwind of fire [fell from heaven] and destroyed the captain, and those that were with him. And when the king was informed of the destruction of these men, he was very angry and sent another captain with the like number of armed men that were sent before. And when this captain also threatened the prophet, that unless he came down of his own accord, he would take him and carry him away; upon his prayer against him, the fire [from heaven] slew this captain as well as the other. And when upon inquiry, the king was informed of what happened to him, he sent out a third captain. But when this captain, who was a wise man, and of a mild disposition, came to the place where Elijah happened to be, and spake civilly to him; and said, That "he knew that it was without his own consent, and only in submission to the king's command that he came unto him; and that those that came before did not come willingly, but on the same account: He therefore desired him to have pity on those armed men that were with him; and that he would come down and follow him to the king." So Elijah accepted of his discreet words and courteous behaviour, and came down and followed him. And when he came to the king, he prophesied to him, and told him, that "God said. Since thou hast despised him as not being God, and so unable to foretell the truth about thy distemper, but hast sent to the god of Ekron to inquire of him what will be the end of this thy distemper, know this, that thou shalt die." 2. Accordingly the king in a very little time died, as Elijah had foretold; but Jehoram his brother succeeded him in the kingdom, for he died without children: but for this Jehoram, he was like his father Ahab in wickedness, and reigned twelve years, in- dulging himself in all sorts of wickedness, and impiety 8 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. towards God, for leaving off his worship, he wor- shipped foreign gods: but in other respects he was an active man. Now at this time it was that Ehjah disappeared from among men, and no one knows of his death to this very day; but he left behind him his disciple Elisha as we have formerly declared. And indeed, as to Elijah, and as to Enoch, who was before the deluge, it is written in the sacred books that they disappeared, but so that nobody knew that they died. CHAPTER III. How J Oram and Jehoshapliat made an expedition against the Moahites: As also conceiming the wonders of Elisha; and the death of Jehoshapliat.. 1. When Joram had taken upon him the king- dom, he determined to make an expedition against the king of Moab, whose name was Mesha; for, as we told you before, he was departed from his obedience to his brother [Ahaziah], while he paid to his father Ahab two hundred thousand sheep, with their fleeces of wool. When therefore he had gathered his own army together, he sent also to Jehoshaphat, and entreated him, that since he had from the begin- ning been a friend to his fatlier, he would assist him in the war that he was entering into against the Moahites, who had departed from their obedience, who not only himself promised to assist him, but would also oblige the king of Edom, who was under his authority, to make the same expedition also. When Joram had received these assurances of assist- ance from Jehoshaphat, he took his army with him, and came to Jerusalem; and when he had been Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 9 sumptuously entertained by the king of Jerusalem, it was resolved upon by th.em to take their march against their enemies through the wilderness of Edom; And when they had taken a compass of seven days journey, they were in distress for want of water for the cattle, and for the army, from the mistake of their roads by the guides that conducted them, in- somuch that they were all in an agony, especially Joram; and cried to God, by reason of their sorrow, and [desired to know] what wickedness had been committed by them that induced him to deliver three kings together, without fighting, unto the king of Moab. But Jehoshaphat, who was a righteous man, encouraged him, and bid him send to the camp, and know whether any prophet of God was come along with them, that we might by him learn from God what we should do. And wlien one of the servants of Joram said, that he had seen there Elisha, the son of Shaphat, the disciple of Elijah, the three kings went to him at the entreaty of Jehoshaphat; and when they were come at the prophet's tent, which tent was pitched out of the camp, they asked him, "What would become of the army?" and Joram was particularly very pressing with him about it. And when he replied to him, That "he should not trouble him, but go to his father's and mother's prophets, for they [to be sure] were true prophets," he still desired him to prophesy, and to save them. So he swore by God, that he would not answer him unless it were on account of Jehoshaphat, who was an holy and righteous man, and when, at his desire, they brought him a man that could play on the psaltery, the Divine Spirit came upon him as the nuisic played, and he commanded them to dig many trenches in the valley; for, said he, "Though there appear .neither cloud, nor wind, nor storm of rain, ye shall see this 10 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. valley full of water, till the army and the cattle be saved for you by drinking of it: Nor will this be all the favour that you shall receive from God, but you shall also overcome your enemies, and take the best and strongest cities of the Moabites, and you shall ^ cut down their fruit trees, and lay waste their coun- try, and stop up their fountains and rivers." 2. When the prophet had said this, the next day, before the sun rising, a great torrent ran strongly; for God had caused it to rain very plentifully at the distance of three days' journey into Edom; so that the army and the cattle found water to drink in abundance. But when the Moabites heard that the three kings were coming upon them, and made their approach through the wilderness, the king of IMoab gathered his army together presently, and commanded them to pitch their camp upon the mountains, that when the enemies should attempt to enter their country, they might not be concealed from them. But when at the rising of the sun they saw the water in the torrent, for it was not far from the land of Moab, and that it was of the colour of blood, for at such a time the water especially looks red, by the shining of the sun upon it, they formed a false notion of the state of their enemies, as if they had slain one another for thirst; and that the river ran with their blood. However, supposing that this was the case, they desired their king would send them out to spoil their enemies; whereupon they all ' This practice of cutting down, or ]iliiciving np by the roots, the fruit trees, was forbidden, even in ordinary wars, by the law of Moses, Deut. XX. 19, 20, and only allowed by God in this particular case, when the Moabites were to be punished and cut off in an extraordinary n)anner fur their wickedness. See Jer. xlviii. 11, ]2, i;5, and many the like |)ro|)hecies against them. Nothing could therefore justify this practice but a jiarticular commission from (Jod by his proi)het, as in the ])resent case, which was ever a suffici<-nt warrant for breaking any such ritual or ceremonial law whatsoever. Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 11 went in haste, as to an advantage ah'eady gained, and came to the enemies' camp, as supposing them destroyed already. But their hope deceived them, for as their enemies stood round aljout them, some of them were cut to pieces, and others of them were dispersed, and fled to their own country. And when the kings fell into the land of Moab, they overthrew the cities that were in it, and spoiled their fields, and marred them, filling them with stones out of the brooks, and cut down the best of their trees, and stopped up their fountains of water, and overthrew their walls to their foundations. But the king of Moab, when he was pursued, endured a siege, and seeing his city in danger of being overthrown by force, made a sally, and went out with seven hundred men, in order to break through the enemies' camp with his horsemen, on that side where the watch seemed to be kept most negligently: and when, upon trial, he could not get away, for he light upon a place that was carefully watched, he returned into the city, and did a thing that showed despair and the utmost distress; for he took his eldest son, who was to reign after him, and lifting him up upon the wall, that he might be visible to all the enemies, he offered him as a whole burnt-offering to God, whom, when the kings saw, they commiserated the distress that was the occasion of it, and were so affected, in way of humanity and pity, that they raised the siege, and every one returned to his own house. So Jehoshaphat came to Jerusalem, and con- tinued in peace there, and out-lived this expedition but a little time, and then died, having lived in all sixty years, and of them reigned twenty-five. He was buried in a magnificent manner in Jerusalem, for he had imitated the actions of David, 12 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. CHAPTER IV. J eh Oram succeeds Jehoshaphat: hoxv Joram, liU name- sake, king of Israel, fought tcith the Syrians; and what wonders were done by the prophet EUsha. 1. Jehoshaphat had a good number of children; but he appointed his eldest son Jehoram, to be his successor, who had the same name with his mother's brother, that was king of Israel, and the son of Ahab. Now when the king of Israel was come out of the land of Moab to Samaria, he had with him Ehsha the prophet, whose acts I have a mind to go over par- ticularly, for they were illustrious and worthy to be related,' as we have set them down in the sacred books. 2. For they say that the ^ widow of Obadiah, Ahab's steward, came to him; and said, That "he was not ignorant how her husband had preserved the prophets that were to be slain by Jezebel, the wife of Ahab: for she said that he hid a hundred of them, and had borrowed money for their maintenance; that after her husband's death, she and her children were carried away to be made slaves by the creditors; and she desired of him to have mercy upon her on account of what her husband did, and afford her some assistance." And when he asked her what she ' That this woman who cried to Elisha, and who in the Bible is styled the wife of one of the sons of the prophets, 2 Kings iv. 1, was no other than the widow of Obadiah, the good steward of Ahab, is con- firmed by the Chaldee paraphrast, and l)y the Rabbins and others. Nor is that unlikely which Josephus here adds, tliat tiiese debts were con- tracted by her husband for the sujijwrt of tiiose hundred of the Lord's prophets, whom he maintained bif fifty in a care, in the days of Ahab and Jezebel, 1 Kings xviii. 4, wtiich circumstance rendered it highly fit that the prophet Elisha should provide her a remedy, and enable her to redeem herself and her sons from the fear of that slavery which in- solvent debtors were liable to by the law of Moses, Lev. xxv. 39, Matt, xviii. <2c>, which he did accordingly, with God's help, at the expense of a miracle. Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 13 had in the house, she said, Nothing but a very small quantity of oil in a cruse. So the prophet bid her go away, and borrow a great many empty vessels of her neighbours, and when she had shut her chamber door, to pour the oil into them all; for God would fill them full. And when the woman had done what she was commanded to do, and bade her children bring every one of the vessels, and all were filled, and not one left empty, she came to the proj^het, and told him that they were all full: Upon which he advised her to go away, and sell the oil, and pay the creditors what was owing to them, for that there would be some surplus of the price of the oil, which she might make use of for the maintenance of her children. And thus did Elisha discharge the woman's debts, and free her from the vexation of her creditors. 3. ^ Elisha also sent an hasty message to Joram * Dr.' Hudson with very good reason, suspects that there is no small defect in our present copies of Josephus; just before the beginning of this section, and that chiefly, as to that distinct account which he had given us reason to expect in the first section, and to which he seems to refer, ch. viii. sect. 6, concerning the glorious miracles which Elisha wrought, which indeed are not a few, 2 Kings iv.-ix. but of which we have several omitted in Josephus' present copies. One of these histories, amitted at present, was evidently in his Bible, I mean that of the curing Df Naaman's leprosy, 2 Kings v. for he plainly alludes to it, B. III. ch. si. sect. 4, where he observes. That "there were lepers in many nations who yet have been in honour, and not only free from rej)roach and avoidance, but who have been great captains of armies, and heen in- trusted with high offices in the commonwealth, and have had the priv- ilege of entering into holy places and temples." But what makes me most regret the want of that history in our present copies of Josephus, is this, that we have here, as it is commonly understood, one of the greatest difficulties in all the Bible, that in 2 Kings v. 18, 19, where Naaman, after he had been miraculously cured by a prophet of the true God, and had thereupon promised, ver. 17, that "he would hence- forth offer neither burnt-offering nor sacrifice unto other gods, but unto the Lord, adds. In this thing the I>ord pardon thy servant, that when my master goeth into the house of Himmon to worship there, and he leaneth on my hands, and I bow myself in the house of Rinunon; when I bow down myself in the house of Rimmon, the I>ord pardon thy servant in this thing. And Elisha said, Go in peace." This looks like a prophet's permission for being partaker in idolatry itself, out of compliance with an idolatrous court. 14 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. and exhorted him to take care of that place, for that therein were some Syrians lying in ambush to kill him. So the king did as the prophet exhorted him, and avoided his going a hunting. And when Ben- hadad missed of the success of his lying in ambush, he was wroth with his own servants, as if they had betraved his ambushment to Joram, and sent for them, and said they w^ere the betrayers of his secret counsels; and he threatened that he would put them to death, since such their practice was evident, be- cause he had intrusted this secret to none but them, and vet it was made known to his enemv. And when one that was present said, that "he should not mistake himself; nor suspect that they had discovered to his enemy his sending men to kill him, but that he ought to know that it was Elisha the prophet who discovered all to him, and laid open all his counsels," he gave order that they should send some to learn in what city Elisha dwelt. Accordingly those that were sent brought word, that he was in Dothan: wherefore Benhadad sent to that city a great army, with horses and chariots, to take Elisha; so they encompassed the city round about by night, and kept him therein confined: but when the prophet's servant in the morning perceived this, and that his enemies sought to take Elisha, he came running and crying out after a disordered manner to him, and told him of it; but he encouraged him, and bid him not be afraid, and to despise the enemy, and trust in the assistance of God, and was himself without fear; and he besought God to make manifest to his servant his power and presence, so far as was pos- sible, in order to the inspiring him with hope and courage. Accordingly God heard the prayer of the prophet, and made the servant see a multitude of chariots and horses encompassing Elisha, till he laid Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 15 aside his fear, and his courage revived at the sight of what he supposed was come to their assistance. After this Elisha did farther entreat God, that he would dim the eyes of their enemies, and cast a mist before them, whereby they might not discern him. When this was done, he went into the midst of his enemies, and asked them who it was that they came to seek^ and when they rephed, the prophet Ehsha, he promised he would deliver him to them, if they would follow him to the city where he was. So these men were so darkened by God in their sight and in their mind, that they followed him very diligently; and when Elisha had brought them to Samaria, he ordered Joram the king to shut the gates, and to place his own army round about them; and prayed to God to clear the eyes of these their enemies, and take the mist from before them. Accordingly when the}' were freed from the obscurity they had been in; they saw themselves in the midst of their enemies; and as the Syrians were strangely amazed and dis- tressed, as was but reasonable, at an action so divine and surprising; and as king Joram asked the prophet, if he would giye him leave to shoot at them: Elisha forbade him so to do; and said, that "it is just to kill those that are taken in battle, but that these men had done the country no harm, but without knowing it, were come thither by the divine power." So that his counsel was to treat them in a hosj)itable manner at his table, and then send them away without hurt- ing them.' Wherefore Joram obeyed the jDro^ihet; and M'hen he had feasted the Syrians in a splendid ^ Upon occasion of this stratagem of Elisha's in Josephus, we may take notice that altliou;:;ii Josephus was one of the greatest lovers of truth in the world, yet in a just war he seems to have had no mainuT of scruple upon him hy all such stratagems possible to deceive public enemies. See also Josejiluis' account of Jeremiah's imposition on the great men of the Jews in somewhat a like case. Antiq. B. X. ch. vii. sect, t), and J Sam. xvi. 16, etc. 16 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. and magnificent manner, he let them go to Benliadad their king. 4. Now when these men were come back, and had showed Benhadad how strange an accident had befallen them, and what an appearance and power they had experienced of the God of Israel, he won- dered at it, as also at that prophet with whom God was so evidently present: so he determined to make no more secret attempts upon the king of Israel, out of fear of Elisha, but resolved to make open war with them, as supposing he could be too hard for his enemies by the multitude of his army and power. So he made an expedition with a great army, against Joram, who, not thinking himself a match for him, shut himself up in Samaria, and depended on the strength of its walls; but Benhadad supposed he should take the city, if not by his en- gines of war, yet that he should overcome the Samari- tans by famine, and the want of necessaries, and brought his army upon them, and besieged the city: and the plenty of necessaries was brought so low with Joram, and from the extremity of want an ass's head was sold in Samaria, for fourscore pieces of silver, and the Hebrews bought a sextary of dove's dung, instead of salt, for five pieces of silver. Now Joram was in fear lest somebody should betray the city to the enemy, by reason of the famine, and went every day round the walls and the guards, to see whether any such were concealed among them; and by being thus seen, and taking such care, he deprived them of the opportunity of contriving any such thing, and if they had a mind to do it, he, by this means, prevented them; but upon a certain woman's crying out, "Have pity on me, my lord," while he thought that she was about to ask for some- what to eat, he imprecated God's curse upon her, Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 17 and said, "he had neither threshing-floor, nor wine- press, whence he might give her any thing at her petition." Upon Avhich she said, "She did not desire his aid in any such thing, nor trouble him about food, but desired that he would do her justice as to another woman." And when he bade her say on, and let him know what she desired, she said, "She had made an agreement with the other woman, who was her neighbour and her friend, that because the famine and w\ant was intolerable, they should kill their children, each of them having a son of their own, and we will live upon them ourselves for two days, the one day upon one son, and the other day upon the other: and, said she, I have killed my son the first day, and we lived upon my son yesterday, but this other woman will not do the same thing, but hath broken her agreement, and hath hid her son." This story mightily grieved Joram when he heard it; so he rent his garment, and cried out with a loud voice, and conceived great wrath against Elisha the prophet, and set himself eagerly to have him slain, because he did not pray to God to provide them some exit and way of escape out of the miseries with which they were surrounded, and sent one away immediately to cut off his head, who made haste to kill the prophet; but Elisha was not unacquainted with the wrath of the king against him; for as he sat in his house by himself, with none but his dis- ciples about him, he told them, that Joram, ^ who was the son of a murderer, had sent one to take away his head; but, said he, "when he that is com- * This son of a murderer was Joram, the son of Ahab, which Ahab slew, or permitted his wife Jezebel to slay the Lord's prophets, and Naboth, 1 Kings xviii. 4, xxi. 19, and he is here called by this name, I suppose, because he had now also himself sent an officer to murder him; yet is Josephus' account of Joram's coming himself at last, as repenting of his intended cruelty, much more probable than that in our copies, 2 Kings vi. 33, which rather implies the contrary. 18 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. manded to do this comes, take care that ve do not let him come in, but press the door against him, and hokl him fast there, for the king himself will follow him, and come to me having altered his mind." Ac- cordingly, they did as they were bidden, when he that was sent by the king to kill Elisha came; but Joram repented of liis wrath against the prophet, and for fear he that was commanded to kill him should have done it before he came, he made haste to hinder his slaughter, and to save the prophet: and when he came to him, he accused him that he did not pray to God for their deliverance from the miseries they lay now under, but saw them so sadly destroyed by them. Hereupon Elisha promised, that the very next day, at the very same hour in which the king came to him, they should have great plenty of food, and that two seah of barley should be sold in the market for a shekel, and a seah of fine flour should be sold for a sliekel. This predic- tion made Joram, and those that were present, very joyful, for they did not scruple believing what the prophet said, on account of the experience they had of the truth of his former predictions; and the ex- pectation of plenty made the want they were in that day, with the uneasiness that accompanied it, appear a light thing to them: but the captain of the third band, who was a friend of the king's, and on whose hand the king leaned, said, "Thou talkest of incredible things, O prophet! for as it is impossible for God to pour down torrents of barley, or fine flour, out of heaven, so is it impossi})le that what thou sayest should come to pass." To which the prophet made this reply, "Thou shalt see these things come to pass, but thou shalt not be in the least a partaker of them." 5. Xow what Elisha had tlius foretold, came to Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 19 pass in the manner following: There was a ^ law at Samaria, that those that had the leprosy, and whose bodies were not cleansed from it, should abide without the city; and there were four men that on this account abode before the gates, while nobody gave them any food, by reason of the extremity of the famine: and as they were prohibited from enter- ing into the city by the law, and they considered that if they were permitted to enter, they should miserably perish by the famine, as also, that if they stayed where they were, they should suffer in the same manner, they resolved to deliver themselves up to the enemy, that in case they should spare them, they should live, but if they should be killed, that would be an easy death. So when they had con- firmed this their resolution, they came by night to the enemies' camp. Now God had begun to affright and disturb the Syrians, and to bring the noise of chariots and armour to their ears, as though an army were coming upon them, and had made them suspect that it was coming nearer and nearer to them. In short, they were in such a dread of this army, that they left their tents, and ran together to Benhadad, and said. That "Joram the king of Israel had hired for auxiliaries, both the king of Egypt and the king of the islands, and led them against them, for they heard the noise of them as they ^vere coming." And Benhadad believed what they said (for there came the same noise to his ears as well as it did to theirs), so they fell into a mighty disorder and tmnult, and left their horses and beasts in their camp, with im- mense riches also, and betook themselves to flight. And those lepers who had departed from Samaria, Tills law of the Jews, for the exclusion of lepers out of the cam]) in the wilderness, and out of the cities in Judea, is a well known one, Lev. xiii. 4L', and Num. v. l-i. 20 AXTIQUITIES Book ix. and were gone to the camp of the Syrians, of whom we made mention a httle before, when they were in the camp, saw nothing but great quietness and silence: accordingly they entered into it, and went hastily into one of their tents, and when thev saw nobody there they eat and drank, and carried gar- ments and a great quantity of gold, and hid it out of the camp; after which they went into another tent, and carried off what was in it, as they did at the former, and this did they for several times, without the least interruption from any body. So they gathered thereby that the enemies were de- parted; whereupon tiiey reproached themselves that they did not inform Joram and the citizens of it. So they came to the walls of Samaria, and called aloud to the watchmen, and told them in what state the enemies were, as did these tell the king's guards, by whose means Joram came to know of it; who then sent for his friends, and the captains of his host, and said to them. That "he suspected that this departure of the king of Syria was by way of am- bush and treachery, and that out of despair of ruin- ing you by famine, when you imagine them to be fled away, you may come out of the city to spoil their camp, and he may then fall upon you on a sudden, and may both kill you, and take the city without fighting; whence it is that I exhort you to guard the city carefully, and by no means to go out of it, or proudly to despise your enemies, as though they were really gone away." And when a certain person said, That "he did very well and wisely to admit such a suspicion, but that he still ad\nsed him to send a couple of horsemen to search all the country, as far as Jordan, tliat if they were seized by an ambush of the enemy, they might be a security to your army, that tliey may not go out Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 21 as if they suspected nothing, nor undergo the hke misfortune; and, (said he), those liorsemen may be numbered among those that have died by the famine, supposing they be caught and destroyed by the enemy." So the king was pleased witli this opinion and sent such as might search out the truth, who performed their journey over a road that was with- out any enemies, but found it full of provisions, and of weapons, that they had therefore thrown away, and left behind them, in order to their being light and expeditious in their flight. When the king heard this, he sent out the multitude to take the spoils of the camj); which gains of theirs were not of things of small value, but they took a great quantity of gold, and a great quantity of silver, and flocks of all kinds of cattle. They also possessed themselves of [so many] ten thousand measures of wheat and barlej^ as they never in the least dreamed of; and were not only freed from their former miseries, but had such plenty, that two seahs of barley were bought for a shekel, and a seah of fine flour for a shekel, according to the prophecy of Elisha. Xow a seah is equal to an Italian modius and a half. The cap- tain of the third band was the only man that received no benefit by this plenty; for as he was appointed by the king to oversee the gate, that he might prevent the too great a crowd of the multitude, that they might not endanger one another and perish, by tread- ing on one another in the press, he sufl^ered himself in that very way, and died in that very manner, as Elisha had foretold such his death, when he alone of them all disbelieved what he said concerning that plenty of provisions which they shoidd soon have. 6. Hereupon, when Benhadad, the king of Syria, had escaped to Damascus, and understood that it was God himself that cast all his army into this fear 22 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. and disorder, and that it did not arise from the in- vasion of enemies, he was mightily cast down at his having God so greatly for his enemy, and fell into a distemper. Now it happened that Elisha the prophet, at that time, was gone out of his own coun- try to Damascus, of which Benhadad was informed; he sent Hazael, the most faithful of all his servants, to meet him, and to carry him presents, and bade him inquire of him about his distemper, and whether he should escape the danger that it threatened. So Hazael came to Elisha with forty camels, that carried the best and most precious fruits that the country of Damascus afforded, as well as those which the king's palace supplied. He saluted him kindly, and said. That "he was sent to him by king Benhadad, and brought presents with him, in order to inquire concerning his distemper, whether he should recover from it or not?" Whereupon the prophet bid him tell the king no melancholy news, but still he said he would die. So, the king's servant was troubled to hear it; and Elisha wept also, and his tears ran down plenteously at his foresight of what miseries his people would undergo after the death of Ben- hadad. And when Hazael asked, what was the oc- casion of this confusion he was in^ he said. That "he wept out of his commiseration for the multitude of the Israelites, and what terrible miseries they will suifer by thee; for thou wilt slay the strongest of them, and will burn their strongest cities, and will destroy their children, and dash them against the stones, and will rip up their women with child." And when Hazael said, "How can it be tiiat I should have power enough to do such things?" the prophet replied, "That God had informed him t!iat he should l)e kin;^- of Svria." So when Hazael was come to Benhadad, he told him good news concerning his distemper; Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 23 ^ but on the next day he spread a wet cloth, in the nature of a net over hmi, and strangled him, and took his dominion. He was an active man, and had the good-will of the Syrians, and of the people of Damascus to a great degree; by whom both Ben- hadad himself, and Hazael, who ruled after him, are honoured to this day as gods by reason of their bene- factions, and their building them temples, by which they adorned the city of the Damascenes. They also every day do with great pomp pay their worship " to these kings, and value themselves upon their an- tiquity; nor do they know that these kings are much later than they imagine, and that they are not yet eleven hundred years old. Xow when Joram, the king of Israel, heard that Benhadad was dead, he recovered out of the terror and dread he had been in on his account, and was very glad to live in peace. * Since Elijah did not live to anoint Hazael king of Syria himself, as he was empowered to do, 1 Kings xix. 1.5, it was most prcjhahly now done, in his name, by his servant and successor Elisha: Xor does it seem to me otherwise, hut that Benhadad immediately recovered of his disease, as the proi)het foretold; and that Hazael, upon his benig anointed to succeed him, though he ought to hftve stayed till he died by the course of nature, or some other way of divine punishment, as did David for many years in the like case, was too impatient, and the very next day, smothered or strangled him, in order to come directly to the succession. ^ What ^Ir. Le Clerc pi-etends here, that it is more probable that Hazael and his son were worshijiped by the Syrians, and people of Damascus, till the days of Josephus, than Benhadad and Hazael, because under Benhadad they had greatly suffered, and because it is almost incredible, that both a king, and that king's murderer should be wor- shipped by the same Syrians, is of little force against those records out of which Josejibus drew his history, especially when it is likely that they thought I5enhadad died of the distemper he laboured under, and not by Hazael's treachery. Besides, the reason that Josephus gives for this adoration, and that these two kings had been great benefactors to the inhabitants of Damascus, and had budt them temples, is too re- mote from the political suspicions of I.e Clerc; nor ought such weak suspicions to be deemed of any force against authentic testimonies of antiquity. 24 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. CHAPTER V. Concerning the wickedness of Jehoram king of Jeru- salem. His defeat and death. 1. Xow Jehoram the king of Jerusalem, for we have said before that he had the same name with the king of Israel, as soon as he had taken the gov- ernment upon him, betook himself to the slaughter of his brethren, and his father's friends, who were governors under him, and thence made a beginning, and a demonstration of his wickedness; nor was he at all better than those kings of Israel who at first transgressed against the laws of their country, and of the Hebrews, and against God's worship. And it was Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab, whom he had married, who taught him to be a bad man in other respects, and also to worship foreign gods. Now God would not quite root out this family, be- cause of the promise he had made to David. How- ever, Jehoram did not leave off the introduction of new sorts of customs, to the propagation of impiety, and to the ruin of the customs of his own country. And when the Edomites about that time had re- volted from him, and slain their former king, who was in subjection to his father, and had set up one of their own choosing, Jehoram fell upon the land of Edom, with the horsemen that were about him, and the chariots, by night, and destroyed those that lay near to his own kingdom, but did not proceed farther. However, this expedition did him no service, for they all revolted from him, with those that dwelt in the countrv of Libnah. He w^as indeed so mad, as to compel the peo^jle to go up to the high places of the mountains, and worship foreign gods. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 25 2. And as he was doing this, and had entirely cast his own country laws out of his mind, there was brought him an ^ epistle from Elijah the prophet, which declared that "God would execute great judg- ments upon him, because he had not imitated his own fathers, but had followed the wicked courses of the kings of Israel; and had compelled the tribe of Judah, and the citizens of Jerusalem, to leave the holy worship of their own God, and to worship idols, as Ahab had compelled the Israelites to do, and because he had slain his brethren, and the men that were good and righteous." And the prophet gave him notice in this epistle, what punishment he should undergo for these crimes, namely, "the de- struction of his people, with the corruption of the king's own wives and children, and that he should himself die of a distemper in his bowels, with long tor- ments, those his bowels falling out by the violence of the inward rottenness of the parts, insomuch, that though he see his own misery, he shall not be able at all to help himself, but shall die in that manner." Thus it was which Elijah denounced to him in that epistle. 3. It was not long after this that an army of those Arabians that lived near to Ethiopia, and of the Philistines, fell upon the kingdom of Jehoram, and spoiled the country and the king's house: ^lore- over, they slew his sons and his wives: one only of his sons M^as left him, who escaped the enemy; his name was Ahaziah: After which calamity, he him- self fell into that disease which was foretold by the prophet, and lasted a great while (for God inflicted * This epistle, in some copies of Josephus, is said to come to Joram from Elijah, with this addition, for he was yet upon earth, which could not be true of Elijah, who, as all agree, was gone from the earth about four years before, and could only be true of Elisha: nor, perhaps, is there any more mystery here, than that the name of Elijah has very anciently crept into the text instead of Elisha, by the copiers, there being nothing in any copy of that epistle peculiar to Elijah. 26 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. this punishment uj^on him in his helly, out of his wrath against him), and so he died miserably, and saw Iiis own bowels fall out. The people also abused his dead body: I supjjose it was because they thought that such his death came upon him by the wrath of God, and that therefore he was not worthy to partake of such a funeral as became kings. Accord- ingly, they neither buried him in the sepulchres of his fathers, nor vouchsafed him any honours, but buried him like a private man, and this when he had lived forty years, and reigned eight: And the people of Jerusalem delivered the govermiient to his son Ahaziah. CHAPTER VI. How Jehu was anointed king and slew both Joram and Ahaziah; as also what he did for the punish- ment of the wicked. 1. Now Joram the king of Israel, after the death of Benhadad, hoped that he might now take Ramotli, a city of Gilead, from the Syrians. Accordingly he made an expedition against it, with a great army: but as he was besieging it, an arrow was shot at him by one of the Syrians, but the wound was not mortal: So he returned to have his wound healed in Jezreel, but left his whole army in Ramoth, and Jehu tlie son of Nimshi for their general, for he had already taken the city by force; and he pro- posed, after he was healed, to make war with the Syrians; but Elisha the prophet sent one of his disciples to Ramoth, and gave him holy oil to anoint Jehu, and to tell him, that God had chosen him to be their king. He also sent him to say other things Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 27 to him, and bid him to take his journey as if he fled, that when he came away he might escape the knowledge of all men. So when he was come to the city, he found Jehu sitting in the midst of the captains of the army, as Elisha had foretold he should find him. So he came up to him, and said, that he desired to S23eak with him about certain matters; and when he was arisen, and had followed him into an inward chamber, the yoimg man took the oil, and poured it on his head, and said, that "God ordained him to be king, in order to his destroying the house of Ahab, and that he might revenge the blood of the prophets, that were im justly slain by Jezebel, that so their house might utterly perish, as those of Jeroboam the son of Xebat, and of Baasha, had perished for their wickedness, and no seed might remain of Ahab's family." So when he had said this, he went away hastily out of the cliamber, and endeavoured not to be seen by any of the army. 2. But Jehu came out, and went to the place Avhere he before sat with the captains: and when they asked him, and desired him to tell them, where- fore it was that this young man came to him? and added withal that he was mad: he replied, you guess right, for the words he sjjake were the words of a madman: and when they were eager about the matter, and desired he would tell them, he answered, that God had said, he had chosen him to be king "over the multitude." AVhen he had said this, every one of them ^ put off his garment, and strewed it under him, and blew with trumpets, and gave notice, tfeat Jehu was king. So when he had gotten the army together, he was preparing to set out immedi- * Spanheim here notes that this putting off men's garments and strewing them under a king, was an eastern custom, which lie elsewhere explained. 28 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. ately against Joram, at the city Jezreel, in which city, as we said before, he was heahng of the wound which he had received in the siege of Ramoth. It hapj^ened also that Ahaziah, king of Jerusalem, was now come to Joram, for he was his sister's son, as we have said already, to see how he did after his wound, and this upon account of their kindred; but as Jehu was desirous to fall upon Joram and those with him on the sudden, he desired that none of the soldiers might run awaj^ and tell to Joram what had happened, for that this would be an evident demon- stration of their kindness to him, and would show that their real inclinations were to make him king. 3. So they were pleased with what he did, and guarded the roads, lest somebody should privately tell the thing to those that were at Jezreel. Now Jehu took his choice horsemen, and sat upon his chariot, and went on for Jezreel, and when he was come near, tlie watchman whom Joram had sent there to spy out such as came to the city, saw Jehu marching on, and told Joram that he saw a troop of horsemen marching on. Upon which he immedi- ately gave orders, that one of his horsemen should be sent out to meet them, and to know who it was that was coming. So when the horseman came up to Jehu, he asked him, in what condition the army was? for that the king wanted to know it; but Jehu bid him not at all to meddle with such matters, but to follow him. When the watchman saw this, he told Joram that the horseman had mingled himself among the company, and came along with them. And when the king had sent a second messenger, Jehu commanded him to do as the former did; as soon as the watchman told this also to Joram, he at last got upon his chariot himself, together with Ahaziah, the king of Jerusalem; for, as we said Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 29 before, he was there to see how Joram did, after he had been wounded, as being his relation. So he went out to meet Jehu, who marched ^ slowly, and in good order; and when Joram met him in the field of Xaboth, he asked him, if all things were well in the camp ? but Jehu reproached him bitterly, and ventured to call his mother a witch, and an harlot. Upon this the king fearing what he intended, and suspecting he had no good meaning, he turned his chariot about as soon as he could, and said to Ahaziah, we are fought against by deceit and treachery: But Jehu drew his bow, and smote him, the arrow going through his heart: so Joram fell down immediately on his knee, and gave up the ghost. Jehu also gave orders to Bidkar, the captain of the third part of his army, to cast the dead body of Joram into the field of Xaboth, putting him in mind of the prophecy which Elijah prophesied to Ahab his father, when he had slain Xaboth, that both he and his family should perish in that place, for that as they sat behind Ahab's chariot, they heard the prophet say so, and that it was now come to pass according to his prophecy. Upon the fall of Joram, Ahaziah was afraid of his own life, and turned his chariot into another road, supposing he should not be seen by Jehu; but he followed after him, and overtook him at a certain acclivity, and drew his bow, and wounded him, so he left his chariot, and got ujjon his horse, and fled from Jehu to INIegiddo, and though he was * Our copies say, that this "driving of the chariots was like the driving of Jehu the son of Ximshi, for he driveth furiously," 2 Kings ix. 20, whereas Josephus' copy, as he understood it, was this, that, on the contrary, Jehu marched slowly and in good order. Nor can it be denied, that since there was interval enough for king Joram, to send out two horsemen, one after another, to Jehu, and at length to go out with king Ahaziah to meet him, and all this after he was come within sight of the watchman, and before he was come to Jezreel, the proba- bCity is greatly on the side of Josephus' copy or interpretation. 30 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. under cure, in a little time he died of that wound, and was carried to Jerusalem, and buried there, after he had reigned one year, and had proved a wicked man, and worse than his father. 4. Now when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel adorned herself and stood upon a tower, and said, "he was a fine servant that had killed his master." And when he looked up to her, he asked who she M'as? and commanded her to come down to him. At last he ordered the eunuchs to throw her down from the tower, and being thrown down, she be- sprinkled the wall with her blood, and was trodden upon by the horses, and so died. When this was done, Jehu came to the palace with his friends, and took some refreshment after his journey, both with other things, and by eating a meal. He also bid his servants to take up Jezebel and bury her, because of the nobility of her blood, for slie was descended from kings; but those that were appointed to bury her found nothing else remaining but the extreme parts of her body, for all the rest were eaten by dogs. When Jehu heard this, he admired the prophecy of Elijah, for he foretold that she should perish in this manner at Jezreel. 5. Now Ahab had seventy sons brought up in Samaria. So Jehu sent two epistles, the one to them that brought up the children, the other to the rulers of Samaria, which said, That "they should set up the most valiant of Ahab's sons for king, for that they had abundance of chariots, and horses, and armour, and a great army, and fenced cities, and that by so doing they might avenge the nmrder of Ahab." This he wrote to try the intentions of those, of Samaria. Now when the rulers, and those that had brought up the children, had read the letter, they were afraid, and considering that they were Chap. VI. 01' THE JEWS. 31 not at all able to oppose him, and that he had al- ready subdued two very great kings, they returned him this answer. That "they owned him for their lord, and would do whatsoever he bade them." So he wrote back to them, such a reply as enjoined them to obey what he gave order for, and to cut off the heads of Ahab«s sons, and send them to him. Ac- cordingly, the rulers sent for those that brought up the sons of Ahab, and commanded them to slay them, to cut off their heads, and send them to Jehu. So they did whatsoever tliey were commanded, without omitting any thing at all, and ])ut them up in wicker baskets, and sent tliem to Jezrecl. And when Jehu, as he was at supper with his friends, was informed that the heads of Ahab's sons were ])rought, he or- dered them to make two heaps of them, one before each of the gates, and in the morning he Ment out to take a view of them, and when he saw tliem, he began to say to the people tliat were present, That "he did himself make an expedition against his master [Joram], and slew him, but that it was not he that slew all these: and he desired them to take notice, that as to Ahab's family, all things had come to pass according to God's prophecy, and his house was perished, according as Elijah had foretold." And when he had farther destroyed all the kindred of Ahab that were found in Jezreel, he went to Samaria; and as he was upon the road, he met the relations of Ahaziah king of Jerusalem, and asked them, whither they were going? they replied, that they came to salute Joram, and their own king Ahaziah, for they knew not that he had slain them both: So Jehu gave orders that they should catch these, and kill them, being in number forty-two persons. 6. After these, there met him a good and a right- eous man, whose name was Jchonadahj and who had 32 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. been his friend of old. He saluted Jehu, and began to commend him, because he had done every thing according to the will of God, in extirpating the house of Ahab. So Jehu desired him to come up into his chariot, and make his entry with him into Samaria; and told him, That "he would not spare one wicked man, but would punish the false prophets, and false priests, and those that deceived the multitude, and persuaded them to leave the worship of God Al- mighty, and to worshij) foreign gods; and that it was a most excellent and most pleasing sight to a good and a righteous man to see the wicked pun- ished." So Jehonadab was persuaded by these argu- ments and came up into Jehu's chariot, and came to Samaria. And Jehu sought out for all Ahab's kindred, and slew them. And being desirous that none of the false prophets nor the priests of Ahab's god, might escape punishment, he caught them deceitfully by this wile: for he gathered all the people together, and said, That "he would worship twice as many gods as Ahab worshipped, and desired that his priests, and prophets, and servants might be present because he would offer costly and great sacrifices to Ahab's god, and that if any of his priests were wanting, they should be punished with death." Now Ahab's god was called Baal. And when he had appointed a day on which he would offer those sacrifices, he sent messengers through all the country of the Israehtes, that they might bring the priests of Baal to him. So Jehu commanded to give all the priests vestments; and when they had received them, he went into the house [of Baal,] with his friend Jehonadab, and gave orders to make search whether there were not any foreigner or stranger among them, for he would have no one of a different religion to mix among their sacred offices. Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 33 And when they said that there was no stranger there, and they were beginning their sacrifices., he set four- score men without, they being such of liis soldiers as he knew to be most faithful to him, and bid them slay the prophets, and now vindicate the laws of their country, which had been a long time in dis- esteem. He also threatened, that if any one of them escaped, their own lives should go for them. So they slew them all with the sword, and burnt the house of Baal; and by that means purged Samaria of foreign customs, [idolatrous worship.] Now this Baal was the god of the Tyrians; and Ahab, in order to gratify his father-in-law, Ethbaal, who was the king of Tyre and Sidon, built a temple for him in Samaria, and appointed him prophets, and wor- shipped him with all sorts of worship, although, when this god was demolished, Jehu permitted the Israel- ites to worship the golden heifers. However, be- cause he had done thus, and taken care to punish the wicked, God foretold by his prophet, that his sons should reign over Israel for four generations: And in this condition was Jehu at this time. CHAPTER VII. How AthaUah reigned over Jerusalem for five [^/.r] years, when Jehoiada the high priest slew her, and made Jehoash the son of Ahadah king. 1. Now when Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab, heard of the death of her brother Joram, and of her son Ahaziah, and of the royal family, she en- deavoured that none of the house of David might be left alive, but that the whole family might be 34 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. exterminated, that no king might arise out of it afterward; and, as she thought, she had actually done it; but one of Ahaziah's sons was preserved, who escaped death after the manner following: Ahaziah had a sister by the same father, whose name was Jehosheha, and she was married to the high priest Jehoiada. She went into the king's palace, and found Jehoash, for that was the little child's name, who was not above a year old, among those that were slain, but concealed with his nurse; so she took him with her into a secret ])ed-chamber, and shut him up there, and she and her husband Jehoiada brought him up privately in the temple six years, during which time Athaliah reigned over Jerusalem and the two tribes. 2. Now on the seventh year, Jehoiada communi- cated the matter to certain of the captains of hun- dreds, five in number, and persuaded them to be assisting to what attempts he was making against Athaliah, and to join with him in asserting the king- dom to the child. He also received such oaths from them as are proper to secure those that assist one another from the fear of discovery; and he was then of good hope that they should depose Athaliah. Now those men whom Jehoiada tlie priest had taken to be his partners, went into all the coimtry, and gath- ered together the priests and the Levites, and the heads of the tribes out of it, and came and brought them to Jerusalem to the high priest. So he de- manded the security of an oath of them, to keep private whatsoever he should discover to them, which required both their silence and their assistance. So when they had taken the oath, and had tliereby made it safe for him to sj)eak, lie produced the chikl that he had l)rought up of the family of David, and said to them, "This is your king, of that house which Chap. Yii. OF THE JJ^W'S. 35 you know God hath foretold should reign over you for all time to come: I exhort you therefore that one third part of you guard him in the temple, and that a fourth part keep watch at all the gates of the temple, and that the next part of you keep guard at the gate which opens and leads to the king's palace, and let the rest of the multitude be unarmed in the temple, and let no armed person go into the temple, but the priest only. He also gave them this order besides, that a part of the priests and the Levites should be about the king himself, and be a guard to him, with their drawn swords, and to kill that man immediately, whoever he be, that should be so bold as to enter armed into the temple; and bid them be afraid of nobody, but persevere in guarding the king." So these men obeyed what the high priest advised them to, and declared the reality of their resolution l)v their ac- tions. Jehoiada also opened that armoury which David had made in the temple, and distributed to the captains of hundreds, as also to the priests and Levites, all the sj^ears and quivers, and what kind of weapons soever it contained, and set them armed in a circle round about the temple; so as to touch one another's hands, and by that means excluding those from entering that ought not to enter. So they brought the child into the midst of them, and put on him the royal crown, and Jehoiada anointed him with the oil, and made him king; and the multi- tude rejoiced; and made a noise, and cried, "God save the king." 3. When Athaliah unexpectedly heard the tumult and the acclamations, she was greatly disturbed in her mind, and suddenly issued out of the royal palace with her own army; and when she was come to the temple, the priests received her, but as for those 36 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. that stood round about the temple, as they were ordered by the high priest to do, they hindered the armed men that followed her from going in. But when Athaliah saw the child standing upon a pillar, with the royal crown upon his head, she rent her clothes, and cried out vehemently, and commanded [her guards] to kill him that had laid snares for her, and endeavoured to deprive her of the govern- ment: But Jehoiada called for the captains of hun- dreds, and commanded them to bring Athaliah to the valley of Cedron, and slay her there, for he would not have the temple defiled with the punish- ment of this pernicious woman; and he gave order, that if any one came near to help her, he should be slain also: wherefore those that had the charge of her slaughter, took hold of her, and led her to the gate of the kings' mules, and slew her there. 4. iVow as soon as what concerned Athaliah was by this stratagem, after this manner despatched, Jehoiada called together the people and the armed men into the temjDle, and made them take an oath that they would be obedient to the king, and take care of his safety, and of the safety of his govern- ment; after which he obliged the king to give se- curity [upon oath] that he would worship God, and not transgress the laws of Moses. They then ran to the house of Baal, which Athaliah and her hus- band Jehoram had built, to the dishonour of the God of their fathers, and to the honour of Ahab, and demolished it, and slew ]\Iatan, that had his priesthood. But Jehoiada entrusted the care and custody of the temple to the priests and Levites, according to the appointment of king David, and enjoined them to bring their regular burnt-offerings twice a-day, and to offer incense according to the law. He also ordained some of the Levites, with Chap. Yiii. OF THE JEWS. 37 the porters, to be a guard to the temple, that no one that was defiled might come there. 5. And when Jehoiada had set these things in order, he, with the captains of hundreds, and the rulers, and all the people, took Jehoash, out of the temple into the king's palace, and when he had set him into the king's throne, the people shouted for joy, and betook themselves to feasting, and kept a festival for many days; but the city was quiet upon the death of Athaliah. Xow Jehoash was seven years old when he took the kingdom: His mother's name was Zibiah, of the city Beersheba. And all the time that Jehoiada lived, Jehoash was careful that the laws should be kept, and very zealous in the worship of God; and when he was of age, he married two wives, who were given to him by the high priest, by whom were born to him both sons and daughters. And thus much shall suffice to have related con- cerning king Jehoash, how he escaped the treachery of Athaliah, and how he received the kingdom. CHAPTER VIII. Hazael makes an eocpedition against the people of Israel, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jehu dies, and Jehoahaz succeeds in the government. Jehoash, the king of Jerusalem, at first is careful about the 'worship of God, but afterwards becomes impious, and commands Zachariah to be stoned. When Jehoash [king of Judah] was dead, Amaziah succeeds him in the kingdom. 1. Xow Hazael, king of Syria, fought against the Israelites and their king Jehu, and spoiled the 38 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. eastern parts of the country beyond Jordan, which belonged to the Reubenites and Gadites, and to [the half tribe of] Manassites; as also Gilead and Bashan, burning and spoiling, and offering violence to all that he laid his hands on; and this without im- peaclmient from Jehu, who made no haste to defend the country when it was under this distress: nay, he was become a contemner of religion, and a despiser of holiness, and of the laws; and died when he had reigned over the Israelites twenty-seven years. He was buried in Samaria: and left Jehoahaz his son his successor in the govermiient. 2. Now Jehoash, king of Jerusalem, had an in- clination to repair the temple of God; so he called Jehoiada, and bid him send the Levites and priests through all the country, to require half a shekel of silver for every head, towards the rebuilding and repairing of the temple, which was brought to decay by Jehoram, and Athaliah, and her sons. But the high priest did not do this, as concluding that no one would willingly pay the money; but on the twenty-third year of Jehoash's reign, when the king sent for him and the Levites, and complained that they had not obeyed what he enjoined them, and still commanded them to take care of the rebuilding the temj^le, he used this stratagem for collecting the money, with which the multitude was pleased. He made a wooden chest, and closed it up fast on all sides, but opened one hole in it; he tlien set it in the temple beside the altar, and desired every one to cast into it, through the hole, what he pleased, for the repair of the temple. This contrivance was ac- ceptable to the people, and they strove one with another, and brought in jointly large quantities of silver and gold: and when the scribe and the priest that were over the treasuries had emptied the chest, Chap. Yiii. OF THE JEWS. 39 and counted the money in the king's presence, they then set it in its former place, and thus did they every da3\ But when the multitude appeared to have cast in as much as was wanted, the high priest Jehoiada, and king Jehoash, sent to hire masons and carpenters, and to luiy large pieces of timber, and of the most curious sort, and when they had repaired the temple, they made use of the remaining gold and silver, which was not a little, for bowls, and basons, and cups, and other vessels, and they went on to make the altar every day fat with sacrifices of gi-eat value. And these things were taken suit- able care of, as long as Jehoiada lived. 3. But as soon as he was dead, w^hich Avas when he had lived one hundred and thirty years, having been a righteous, and in every respect, a very good man, he was buried in the king's sepulchre at Jeru- salem, (because he had recovered the kingdom to the family of David), king Jehoash })etrayed his [want of] care about God. The jDrincipal men of the people were corrupted also together with him, and offended against their duty, and what their constitution determined to be most for their good. Hereupon God was displeased with the change that was made on the king, and on the rest of the people; and sent prophets to testify to them what their actions were, and to bring them to leave off their wickedness: but they had gotten such a strong affec- tion, and so violent an inclination to it, that neither could the examples of those that had offered affronts to the laws, and had been so severely punished, they and their entire families, nor could the fear of what the prophets now foretold, bring them to repentance, and turn them back from their course of trans- gression, to their former duty. But the king com- manded that Zachariah, the son of the high priest 40 ANTIQUITIES . Book ix. Jehoiada, should be stoned to death in the temple, and forgot the kindnesses he had received from his father; for when God had appointed him to prophesy, he stood in the midst of the multitude, and gave this counsel to them and to the king, that they should act righteously, and foretold to them, that if they would not hearken to his admonitions, they should suffer a heavy punishment: But as Zachariah was ready to die, he appealed to God, as a witness of what he suffered, for the good counsel he had given them, and how he perished after a most severe and violent manner for the good deeds his father had done to Jehoash. 4. However, it was not long before the king suffered punishment for his transgression; for when Hazael, king of Syria, made an irruption into his country, and when he had overthrown Gath, and spoiled it, he made an expedition against Jerusalem: upon which Jehoash was afraid, and emptied all the treasures of God, and of the kings [before him], and took down the gifts that had been dedicated, [in the temple], and sent them to the king of SjTia, and procured so much by them, that he was not be- sieged, nor his kingdom quite endangered, but Hazael was induced by the greatness of the sum of money not to bring his army against Jerusalem: yet Jehoash fell into a severe distemper, and was set upon by his friends, in order to revenge the death of Zachariah the son of Jehoiada. These laid snares for the king and slew him. He was indeed buried in Jerusalem, but not in the royal sepulchres of his forefathers, because of his impiety. He lived forty-seven years, and Amaziah his son succeeded him in the kingdom. 5. In the one and twentieth year of the reign of Jehoash, Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu, took the gov- ernment of the Israehtes in Samaria, and held it Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. 41 seventeen years. He did not [properly] imitate his father, but was guilty of as wicked practices as those that first had God in contempt: but the king of SjTia brought him low, and by an expedition against him did so greatly reduce his forces, that there remained no more of so great an army than ten thousand armed men, and fifty horsemen. He also took away from him his great cities, and many of them also, and destroyed his army. And these were the things that the people of Israel suffered, according to the prophecy of Elisha, when he fore- told that Hazael would kill his master, and reign over the SjTians and Damascenes. But when Je- hoahaz was under such unavoidable miseries, he had recourse to prayer and supplication to God, and besought him to deliver him out of the hands of Hazael, and not overlook him, and give him up into his hands. Accordingly, God accepted of his repentance instead of virtue, and being desirous rather to admonish those that might repent, and not to determine that they should be utterly destroyed, he granted him dehverance from wars and dangers. So the country having obtained peace, returned again to its former condition, and flourished as before. 6. Xow after the death of Jehoaliaz, his son Joash took the kingdom, in the thirty-seventh year of Jehoash, the king of the tribe of Judah. This Joash then took the kingdom of Israel in Samaria, for he had the same name with the king of Jerusalem, and he retained the kingdom sixteen years. He was a ^ good man and in his disposition was not at all * This character of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, that he was a good man, "and in his disposition not at all like to his father," seems a direct contradiction to our ordinary copies, which say, -2 Kings xiii. 11, that "he did evil in the sight of 'the Lord; and that he departed not from all the sins of Jerohoam, the son of Xchat, who made Israel to sin, he walked therein." Which copies are here tlic truest, it is hard positively to determine. If Josephus' be true, this Joash is the single instance of 42 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. like his father. Now at this time it was, that when Ehsha the prophet, who was ah-eady very old, and was now fallen into a disease, the king of Israel came to visit him; and when he found him very near death he began to weep in his sight, and lament, "to call him his father, and his weapons, because it was by his means that he never made use of his weapons against his enemies, but that he overcame his own adversaries by his prophecies, without fight- ing; and that he was now departing this life, and leaving him to the Syrians, that were already armed, and to other enemies of his that were inider their power: so he said it was not safe for him to live any longer, but that it v^ould be well for him to hasten to his end, and depart out of this life with him." As the king was thus bemoaning himself, Elisha comforted him, ar.d bid the king bend a bow that was brought him; and when the king had fitted the bow for shooting, Elisha took hold of his hands and bid him shoot; and when he had shot three arrows, and then left off, Elisha said, "If thou hadst shot more arrows thou hadst cut tlic kingdom of Syria up by the roots, but since thou hast been satisfied with shooting tlu'ce times only, thou shalt fight and beat the Syrians no more times than three, that thou mayest recover that country wliich tliey cut off from thy kingdom in the reign of thy father." So when a good king o\er the ten tril)es: If tlie other he true, we have not one such example. The account that follows in all eojiies, of Elisha the ])roi)het's concern for him, and his concern for Elisha, greatly favour .losephus' copies, and suppose this king to have heen then a good man, and no idolater, with whom God's jjrophets used not to he so familiar. Upon the whole, since it a])pears even hy Josej)hus' own account, that Anuiziah the good khig of Judah, while he was a good king, was for- l)idden to make use of the 100,000 auxiliaries, lie had of this Joash the king of Israel, as if he and they were then idolaters, .2 Chron. xxv. 0-9. It is nu)st likely that these different characters of .loasli suited the different j)arts of his reign, and that according to our common copies, he was at first a wicked king, and afterwards was reclaimed, and hecame a good one, according to Josephus. Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. 43 the king had heard that, lie departed; and a httle while after, the prophet died. He was a man cele- brated for righteousness; and in eminent favour with God. He also performed wonderful and surprising works by prophecy, and such as were gloriously pre- served in memory by the Hebrews. He also ob- tained a magnificent funeral, such a one indeed as it was fit a person so beloved of God should have. It also happened, that at that time certain robbers cast a man whom they had slain into Elisha's grave, and upon his dead body, coming close to Elisha's body it revived again. And thus far have we en- larged about the actions of Elisha the prophet, both such as he did while he was alive, and how he had a divine power after his death also. 7. Now upon the death of Hazael, the king of SjT'ia, that kingdom came to Adad his son, with whom Joash king of Israel made w^ar, and when he had beaten him in three battles, he took from him all that country, and all those cities and villages which his father Hazael had taken from the kingdom of Israel, which came to pass however according to the prophecy of Elisha. But when Joash happened to die, he was buried in Samaria, and the govern- ment devolved on his son Jeroboam. 44 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. CHAPTER IX. How Amaziali made an ewpedition against the Edom- ites and Amalehites, and conquered them; hut when he afterwards made xvar against Joash, he was beaten, and not long after was slain, and Uzziah succeeded in the government. 1. Now in the second year of the reign of Joash over Israel, Amaziah reigned over the tribe of Judah at Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jehohaddan, who was born at Jerusalem. He was exceeding care- ful in doing what was right, and this when he was very young; but when he came to the management of affairs, and to the government, he resolved that he ought first of all to avenge his father Jehoash, and to punish those his friends that had laid violent hands upon him; so he seized vipon them all, and put them to death, yet did he execute no severity on their children, but acted therein according to the laws of Moses, who did not think it just to punish children for the sins of their fathers. After this he chose him an army out of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin of such as were in the flower of their age, and about twenty years old; and when he had collected about three hundred thousand of them together, he set captains of hundreds over them. Pie also sent to the king of Israel, and hired an hundred thousand of his soldiers for an hundred talents of silver, for he had resolved to make an expedition against the na- tions of the Amalekites, and Edomites, and Gebalites: But as he was preparing for his expedition, and ready to go out to the war, a prophet gave him counsel to dismiss the army of the Israelites, because they were Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 45 bad men, and because God foretold that he should be beaten, if he made use of them as auxiliaries; but that he should overcome his enemies, though he had but a few soldiers, when it so pleased God. And when the king grudged at his having already paid the hire of the Israelites, the prophet exhorted him to do what God would have him, because he should thereby obtain much wealth from God. So he dis- missed them, and said, that he still freely gave them their pay, and went himself with his own army, and made war with the nations before mentioned; and when he had beaten them in battle, he slew of them ten thousand, and took as many prisoners alive; whom he brought to the great rock which is in Arabia, and threw them down from it headlong. He also brought away a great deal of prey, and vast riches, from those nations. But while Amaziah was engaged in this expedition, those Israelites whom he had hired, and then dismissed, were very uneasy at it, and taking their dismission for an affront, as supposing that this would not have been done to them but out of con- tempt, they fell upon his kingdom, and proceeded to spoil the country as far as Beth-horon, and took much cattle, and slew three thousand men. 2. Now upon the victory which Amaziah had got- ten, and the great acts he had done, he was puffed up, and began to overlook God, who had given him the victory, and proceeded to worship the gods he had brought out of the country of the Amalekites. So a prophet came to him and said. That "he wondered how he could esteem these to be gods, who had been of no advantage to their own people, who paid them honours; nor had delivered them from his hand, but had overlooked the destruction of many of them, and had suffered themselves to be carried captive; for that thev had been carried to Jerusalem, in the same 46 AXTIQUITIES Book ix. manner as any one might have taken some of the enemy ahve, and led them thither." This reproof provoked the king to anger, and he commanded the prophet to hold his peace, and threatened to punish him if he meddled with his conduct. So he replied, "That he should indeed hold his peace; but foretold withal, that God would not overlook his attempts for innovation." But Amaziah was not able to con- tain himself under that prosperity which God had given him, although he had affronted God thereupon; but in a vein of insolence he wrote to Joash, the king of Israel, and "commanded that he and all his people should be obedient to him, as they had for- merly been obedient to his progenitors, David and Solomon; and he let him know, that if he would not be so wise as to do what he commanded him, he must fight for his dominion." To which message Joash returned this answer in writing: "King Joash to king Amaziah. There was a vastly tall cypress tree in mount Lebanon, as also a thistle: this thistle sent to the cypress tree to give the cypress tree's daughter in marriage to the thistle's son; but as the thistle was saying this, there came a wild beast, and trode down the thistle: And this may be a lesson to thee, not to be so ambitious, and to have a care, lest upon thy good success in the fight against the Amalekites, thou growest so proud, as to bring dangers upon thyself and upon thy kingdom." 3. When Amaziah had read tliis letter, he was more eager upon this expedition, which, I supj^ose, was by the im])ulse of God. tliat he might be pun- ished for his offence against him. But as soon as he led out his army against Joasli, and they were going to join battle with him, there came such a fear and consternation u])on tlie army of Amaziah, as God when he is displeased, sends upon men, and Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 47 discomfited them, even before they came to a close fight. Now it hap^^ened, that as they were scattered about by the terror that was upon them, Amaziali was left alone, and was taken prisoner by the enemy; whereupon Joash threatened to kill him, unless he would persuade the people of Jerusalem to open their gates to him, and receive him and his army into the city. Accordingly, Amaziah was so dis- tressed, and in such fear of his life, that he made his enemv to be received into the city. So Joash overthrew a part of the M-all, of the length of four hundred cubits, and drove his chariot through the breach into Jerusalem, and led Amaziah captive along with him: by which means he became master of Jerusalem, and took away the treasures of God, and carried off all the gold and silver that was in the king's palace, and then freed the king from captivity, and returned to Samaria. Xow these things happened to the people of Jerusalem in the fourteenth year of the reign of Amaziah, who after this had a conspiracy made against him by his friends, and fled to the city Lachish, and M'^as there slain by the conspirators, w^ho sent men thither to kill him. So they took up his dead body, and carried it to Jerusalem, and made a royal funeral for him. This was the end of the life of Amaziah, because of his innovations in religion, and his contempt of God, when he had lived fifty-four years, and had reigned twenty-nine. He was succeeded by his son, whose name was Uzziah. 48 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. CHAPTER X. Concerning Jeroboam, king of Israel, and Jonah the prophet; and how, after the death of Jeroboam, his son Zechariah took the government. How Uzziah, king of Jerusalem, subdued the nations, that were round about him; and ijdhat befell him when he attempted to offer incense to God. 1. Ix the fifteenth year of the reign of Amaziah, Jeroboam, the son of Joash, reigned over Israel and Samaria, forty years. The king was guilty of ^ con- tumely against God, and became very wicked in worshipping of idols, and in many undertakings that were absurd and foreign. He was also the cause of ten thousand misfortunes to the people of Israel. Now one Jonah, a prophet, foretold to him, that he should make war with the Syrians, and conquer their army, and enlarge the l)ounds of his kingdom on the northern parts, to the city Ha math, and on the southern, to the lake Asphaltitis, for the bounds of the Canaanites originally were these as Joshua their general had determined them. So Jeroboam made an expedition against the Syrians and overran all their country, as Jonah had foretold. 2. Now I cannot but think it necessary for me, ' What I have above noted concerning Jelioash, seems to me to have been true also concerning his son Jeroboam II. viz. that although he began wickedly, as Josephus agrees with our other copies, and, as he adds "was the cause of a vast number of misfortunes to the Israelites," in those his first years, (the particulars of which are unhap})ily wanting both in Josephus and in all our copies), so does it seem to me that he was afterwards reclaimed, and became a good king, and so was en- couraged by the pr()j)hct Jonah, and had great successes afterward, when "God had saved the Israelites by tlie hand of .Feroiioam, the son of Joash," 2 Kings xiv. 2't, which encouragement l)y Jonah, and great suc- cesses arc etjually observable in Josephus, and in the other copief Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 49 who have promised to give an accurate account of our affairs, to describe the actions of the prophet, so far as I have found them written down in the Hebrew books. Jonah had been commanded by God to go to the kingdom of Xineveh; and when he was there, to pubKsh it in that city, how it should lose the do- minion it had over the nations. But he went not, out of fear; nay, he ran away from God to the city of Joppa, and finding a ship there, he went into it, and sailed to ^ Tarsus in Cilicia, and upon the rise of a most terrible storm, which was so great that the ship was in danger of sinking, the mariners, the master, and the pilot himself, made prayers and vows, in case they escaped the sea; but Jonah lay still and covered [in the ship], without imitating any thing that the others did: but as the waves grew greater, and the sea became more violent by the winds, they suspected, as is usual in such cases, that some one of the persons that sailed with them, was the occasion of this storm, and agreed to discover by lot which of them it was. When they had ^ cast * When Jonah is said in our Bibles to have gone to Tafshish, Jonah i. 3, Josephus understood it that he went to Tarshish in Cilicia, or to the Mediterranean Sea, upon which Tarsus lay: so that he does not appear to have read the text, 1 Kings xxii. 48, as our copies do, that ships of Tarshish could lie at Ezion-Geber, upon the Red Sea. But as to Josephus' assertion that Jonah's fish was carried by the strength of the current, upon a storm, as far as the Euxine Sea, it is no way impossible: and since the storm might have driven the ship, while Jonah was in it, near to the Euxine Sea, and since in three more days while he was in the fish's belly, that current might bring him to the Assyrian coast, and since withal that coast could bring him nearer to Xineveh than could any coast of the Mediterranean, it is by no means an im- probable determination in Josephus. ^ This ancient piece of religion, of supposing there was (freat sin where there was (freat m'lscrr/, and of casting lots to discover great smners, not only among the Israelites, but among these heathen mariners, rrems a remarkable remains of tl;e ancient tradition which prevailed of old over all mankind, that prnvulrnce used to interpose visibly in all human affairs, ;;nd r.ever to bring, or at least not long to continue, i.otorious Judgnents but f"r notorious sins, which the most ancient book of Job shows to have been the state of mankind for about the former 3000 years of the 'vorld, till the days of Job and Moses. 50 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. lots, the lot fell upon the prophet; and when they asked him, Whence he came? and what he had done? he replied. That he was an Hehrew by nation, and a prophet of Almighty God; and he j^ersuaded them to cast him into the sea, if they would escape the danger they were in, for that he was the occasion of the storm which was upon them. Now at the first they durst not do so, as esteeming it a wicked thing to cast a man who was a stranger, and who had committed his life to them, into such manifest perdition; but at last, when their misfortune over- bore them, and the ship was just going to be drowned, and when they were animated to do it by the prophet himself, and by the fear concerning their own safety, they cast him into the sea ; upon which the sea be- came calm. It is also related that Jonah was swal- lowed down by a whale, and that when he had been there three days, and as many nights, he was vomited out upon the Euxine Sea, and this alive, and without any hurt upon his body; and there, on his prayer to God, he obtained pardon for his sins, and went to the city Nineveh, where he stood so as to be heard; and preached, That "in a very little time they should lose the dominion of Asia." And when he had published this, he returned. Now, I have given the account about him, as I found it written [in our books]. 3. When Jeroboam the king had passed his life in great happiness, and had ruled forty years, he died and was buried in Samaria, and his son Zechariah took the kingdom. After the same manner did Uzziah, the son of Amaziah, begin to reign over the two tribes in Jerusalem, in the fourteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam. He was born of Jecoliah, his mother, who was a citizen of Jerusalem. He was a good ijislu, and by nature righteous an4 Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 51 magnanimous, and very laborious in taking care of the affairs of his kingdom. He made an expedition also against the Philistines, and overcame them in battle, and took the cities of Gath and Jabneh, and brake down their walls: after which expedition, he assaulted those Arabs that adjoined to Egypt. He also built a city upon the Reel Sea, and put a garri- son into it. He after this overthrew the Ammonites, and appointed that they should pay tribute. He also overcame all the countries as far as to the bounds of Egypt, and then began to take care of Jerusalem itself for the rest of his life, for he re- built and repaired all those parts of the wall which had either fallen down by length of time, or by the carelessness of the kings, his predecessors, as well as all that part which had been thrown down bv the king of Israel, when he took his father Amaziah prisoner, and entered with him into the city. Moreover, he built a great many towers, of one hundred and fifty cubits high, and built walled towns in desert places, and put garrisons into them, and dug many channels for conveyance of water. He had also many beasts for labour, and an immense number of cattle; for his country was fit for pas- turage. He was also given to husbandry, and took care to cultivate the ground, and planted it with all sorts of plants, and sowed it with all sorts of seeds. He had also about liim an army composed of chosen men, in number three hundred and seventy thousand, who were governed by general officers and captains of thousands, who were men of valour, and of unconquerable strengtli, in number two thou- sand. He also divided his whole army into bands, and armed them, giving every one a sword, witli brazen bucklers and breast-])iates, with bows and slings; and besides these, he made for them many 5^ ANTIQUITIES Book ix. engines of war, for besieging of cities, such as cast stones and darts, with grapplers, and other instru- ments of that sort. 4. While Uzziah was in this state, and making preparation [for futurity], he was corrupted in his mind by pride, and became insolent, and this on account of that abundance which he had of things that will soon perish, and despised that power which is of eternal duration (which consisted in piety towards God, and in the observation of his laws), so he fell by occasion of the good success of his affairs, and was carried headlong into those sins of his fathers which the splendour of that prosperity he enjoyed, and the glorious actions he had done, led him into, while he was not able to govern him- self well about them. Accordingly, when a remark- able day was come, and a general festival was to be celebrated, he put on the holy garment, and went into the temple to offer incense to God upon the golden altar, which he was prohibited to do by Azariah the high priest, who liad fourscore priests with him, and who told him that it was not lawful for him to offer sacrifice, and that "none besides the posterity of Aaron were permitted so to do." And when they cried out, that he must go out of the temple, and not transgress against God, he was wroth at them, and threatened to kill them, unless they would hold their peace. In the mean time a great ' earthquake shook the ground, and a rent ' This account of an earthquake at Jerusalem at the very same time when Uzziah usurped the priest's office, and went into the sanctuary to hum incense, and of the consequences of that eartliqualie, is entirely ■wanting in our other copies, though it be exceeding like to a prophecy of Jeremiah's now in Zech. xiv. 5, in which prophecy, mention is made of "fleeing from that earthquake, as they fled from this e;)rthquake in the days of Tzziah king of Judah;" so thnt there seems to have Oeen son.e (onsiderable rc.scml)lan;e Itei^-een these historical and projjhetical earthquakes. Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 53 was made in the temple, and the bright rays of the smi shone through it, and fell upon the king's face, insomuch that the leprosy seized upon him immedi- ately. And before the city, at a place called Eroye, half the mountain broke off from the rest on the west, and rolled itself four furlongs, and stood still at the east mountain, till the roads, as well as the king's gardens, were spoiled by the obstruction. Now, as soon as the priests saw that the king's face was infected with the leprosy, they told him of the calamity he was under, and commanded that he should go out of the city as a polluted person. Here- upon he was so confounded at the sad distemper, and sensible that he was not at liberty to contradict, that he did as he was commanded, and underwent this miserable and terri})le punishment for an in- tention beyond what befitted a man to have, and for that impiety against God which was implied therein. So he abode out of the city for some time, and lived a private life, while his son Jotham took the government; after which he died with grief and anxiety at what had happened to him, when he had lived sixty-eight years, and reigned of them fifty- two; and was buried by himself in his own gardens. 54 ANTIQUITIES Book ix/ CHAPTER XI. How Zechariah, Slicdhim, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah took the govcrnmcut over the Israelites; and hoiv Put and Tiglath-PUeser made an expedi- tion against the Israelites. Ilotc Jotham, the son of Uzziah, reigned over the tribe of Judah: and what things Nahiim prophesied against the As- syrians. I. Xow when Zecliariah, the son of Jeroboam, had reigned six months over Israel, he was slain by the treachery of a certain friend of his, whose name was ShaUum, the son of Jabesh, who took the king- dom afterward, but kept it no longer than thirty days; for IMenahem, the general of his army, who was at that time in the city Tirzah, and heard of wliat had befallen Zechariah, removed thereupon witli all his forces to Samaria, and joining battle with Shallum, slew him; and when he had made himself king, he went thence, and came to the city Tiphsah, but the citizens that were in it, shut their gates, and ])arred them against the king, and M^ould not admit him; ])ut in order to be avenged on them, he burnt the country round about it and took the city by force, upon a siege; and l)eing very mucli displeased at what the inhabitants of Tiphsah had done, he slew them all, and spared not so much as the infants, without omitting the utmost instances of cruelty and barbarity; for he used such severity upon liis own coimtrymen, as would not be pardon- able with regard to strangers, who had ])een con- quered ])y him. And after this manner it was that Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 55 this Menahem continued to reign with cruelty and barbarity for ten years: But when Pul, king of As- syria, had made an exj^edition against him, he did not meet to fight or engage in battle with the As- syrians, but he persuaded him to accept of a thousand talents of silver, and to go away, and so put an end to the war. This sum the multitude collected for Menahem, by ^ exacting fifty drachmae as poll money for every head: after which he died, and was buried in Samaria, and left his son Pekahiah his successor in the kingdom, who followed the barbarity of his father, and so ruled but two years only, after M'hich he was slain with his friends at a feast, by the treachery of one Pclxdh, the general of his horse, and the son of Remaliah, who laid snares for him. Now this Pekah held the government twenty years, and proved a wicked man, and a transgressor. But the king of Assyria, whose name was Tiglath-Pileser, when he had made an expedition against the Israel- ites, and had overrun all the land of Gilead, and the region beyond Jordan, and the adjoining country, which is called Galilee, and Kadesh and Hazor, he made the inhabitants prisoners, and transplanted them into his own kingdom. And so much shall suffice to have related here concerning the king of Assyria. 2. Xow Jotham, the son of Uzziah, reigned over the tribe of Judah in Jerusalem, being a citizen ^ Dr. Wall in his critical notes on 2 Kings xv. 20, observes, "That when this Menahem is said to have exacted the money of Israel of all the mighty men of wealth, of each man 50 shekels of silver, to give Pul, the king of Assyria, 1000 talents, this is the first public money raised by any [Israelite] king by tax on the people; that they used before to raise it out of the treasures of the house of fhe Lord, or of their own house; that it was a poll monev on the rich men [and them only] to raise £353,000, or as others count' a talent £400,000 at tlie rate of £6 or £7 per head; and that God commanded, by Ezckiel, ch. xlv. 8, and xlvi. 18, that no such thing should be done [at the Jews' restoration,] but the king should have land of his own." 56 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. thereof by his mother, whose name was Jerusha. This king was not defective in any virtue, but was rehgious towards God, and righteous towards men, and careful of the good of the city, (for what parts soever wanted to be repaired or adorned, he magnifi- cently repaired and adorned them.) He also took care of the foundations of the cloisters in the temple, and repaired the walls that were fallen down, and built very great towers, and such as were almost impregnable; and if any thing else in his kingdom had been neglected, he took great care of it. He also made an expedition against the Ammonites, and overcame them in battle, and ordered them to pay tribute a hundred talents and ten thousand cori of wheat, and as manv of barlev, every vear, and so augmented his kingdom, that his enemies could not despise it, and his own people lived happily. 3. Now there was at that time a prophet, whose name was Nahum, who spake after this manner con- cerning the overthrow of the Assyrians, and Nineveh: " ^ Nineveh shall be a pool of water in motion; so shall all her people be troubled, and tossed, and go away by flight, while they say one to another. Stand, stand still, seize their gold and silver, for there shall be no one to wish them well, for thev will rather save their lives than their money; for a terrible contention shall possess them one with another, and lamentation; and loosing of the members, and their countenances shall be perfectly black with fear. And there will be the den of the lions, and the mother of the young lions! God says to thee, Nineveh, * This passage Is taken out of the prophet Nahum, ch. ii. 8-13, and is the principal, or rather the only one that is given us almost verbatim, hut a little abridged, in all .losephus' known writings: By which quota- tion, we learn that he himself always asserts, viz. that he made use of the Hebrew original, [and not of the Greek version] ; as also we learn, that his Hebrew copy considerably differed from ours. Chap. XII. OF THE JEWS. 57 that they shall deface thee, and the lion shall no longer go out from thee to give laws to the world." And indeed this prophet prophesied many other things besides these concerning Nineveh, which I do not think necessary to repeat, and I here omit them that I may not appear troublesome to my readers; all which things happened about Nineveh a hundred and fifteen years afterwards; so this may suffice to have spoken of these matters. CHAPTER XII. How upon the death of Jotham, Ahaz reigned iri his stead; against whom Rezin, king of Syria, arid Pekah, king of Israel, made war; and how Tiglath- Pileser, king of Assyria, came to the assistance of Ahaz, and laid Syria waste, and removing the Damascenes into Media placed other nations in their room. 1. Now Jotham died when he had lived forty- one years, and of them reigned sixteen, and was buried in the sepulchres of the kings; and the king- dom came to his son Ahaz, who proved most impious towards God, and a transgressor of the laws of his country. He imitated the kings of Israel, and reared altars in Jerusalem, and offered sacrifices upon them to idols; to which also he offered his own son as a burnt-offering, according to the practices of the Canaanites. His other actions were also of the same sort. Now as he was going on in this mad course, Rezin, the king of Syria and Damascus, and Pekah the king of Israel, who were now at amity one with another, made war with him; and when 58 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. they had driven him into Jerusalem, they hesieged that city a long while, making ])ut a small progress, on account of the strength of its walls; and when the king of Syria had taken the city Elath, upon the Red Sea, and had slain the inhabitants, he peopled it with Syrians, and when he had slain those in the [other] garrisons, and the Jews in their neighbour- hood, and had driven away much prey, he retm-ned with his army back to Damascus. Now when the king of Jerusalem knew that the Syrians were returned home, he supposing himself a match for the king of Israel, drew out his army against him, and joining battle with him was beaten; and this happened because God was angry with him, on ac- count of his many and great enormities. Accordingly, there was slain by the Israelites one hundred and twenty thousand. of his men that day, whose general, Amaziah by name, slew Zechariah the king's son in his conflict with Ahaz, as well as the governor of the kingdom, whose name was Azricam. He also carried Elcanah, the general of the troops of the tribe of Judah, into captivity. They also carried the women and children of the tribe of Benjamin cap- tives; and when they had gotten a great deal of prey, they returned to Samaria. 2. Now there was one Obed, who was a prophet at that time in Samaria, he met the army before the city walls, and with a loud voice told them, "that they had gotten the victory not by their own strength, but by reason of the anger God had against king Ahaz. And he complained, that they were not satis- fied with the good success they had against him, but were so bold as to make captives out of their kinsmen the tribe of Judah and Benjamin. He also gave them counsel to let them go home without doing them any harm, for that if they did not obey God Chap. XII. OF THE JEWS. 59 herein, they should be punished." So the people of Israel came together to their assembly, and con- sidered of these matters, wlien a man whose name was Berechiah, and who was one of chief reputation in the government, stood up, and three others witli him, and said, "We will not suffer the citizens to bring these prisoners into the city, lest we all be destroyed by God: we have sins enough of oin- own that we have committed against him, as the prophets assure us; nor ought we therefore to introduce the practice of new crimes." When the soldiers heard that, they permitted them to do what they thought best. So the forenamed man took the captives and let them go, and took care of them, and gave them provisions, and sent them to their own country, with- out doing them any harm. However, these four went along with them, and conducted them as far as Jericho, which is not far from Jerusalem, and re- turned to Samaria. 3. Hereupon king Ahaz having been so thor- oughly beaten by the Israelites, sent to Tiglath- Pileser, king of the Assyrians, and sued for assistance from him in his war against the Israelites, and Syrians, and Damascenes, with a promise to send him much money; he sent him also great presents at the same time. Now this king, upon the reception of those ambassadors, came to assist Ahaz, and made war upon the Syrians, and laid their country waste, and took Damascus by force, and slew Rezin their king, and transplanted the people of Damascus into the upper Media, and brought a colony of Assyrians, and planted them in Damascus. He also afflicted the land of Israel, and took many captives out of it. While he was doing thus witli the Syrians, king Ahaz took all the gold that was in the king's treas- ures, and the silver, and what was in the temple of 60 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. God, and what precious gifts were there, and he carried them with him, and came to Damascus, and gave it to the king of Assyria, according to his agree- ment. So he confessed that lie owed him thanks for all they had done for him, and returned to Jeru- salem. Now this king was so sottish, and thoughtless of what was for his own good, that he would not leave off worshipping the Syrian gods when he was beaten by them, but he went on in worshipping them, as though they would procure him the victory: and when he was beaten again he began to honour the gods of the Assyrians; and he seemed more desirous to honour any other gods than his own paternal and true God, whose anger was the cause of his defeat; nay, he proceeded to such a degree of despite and contempt [of God's worship], that he shut up the temple entirely, and forbade them to bring in their appointed sacrifices, and took away the gifts that had been given to it. And when he had offered these indignities to God, he died, having lived thirty- six years, and of them reigned sixteen; and he left his son Hezekiah for his successor. CHAPTER XIII. How Pekah died by the treachery of Hoshea, who was a little after subdued by Slialmaneser: And how Hezekiah reigned instead of Ahaz; and what actions of piety and justice he did. 1. About the same time, Pekah, the king of Israel, died, by the treachery of a friend of his, whose name was Hoshea, who retained the kingdom nine years time, but was a wicked man, and a de- Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 61 spiser of the divine worship. And Shahnaneser, the king of Assyria, made an expedition against him, and overcame him, (which must have been because he had not God favourable or assistant to him), and brought him to submission, and ordered him to pay an appointed tribute. Now in the fourth year of the reign of Hoshea, Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, began to reign in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Abijah, a citizen of Jerusalem. His nature was good, and righteous, and religious; for when he came to the kingdom, he thought that nothing was prior, or more necessary, or more advantageous to himself, and to his subjects, than to worship God. Accordingly, he called the people together, and the priests and the Levites, and made a speech to them, and said, "you are not ignorant, how by the sins of my father, who transgressed that sacred honour which was due to God, you have had experience of many and great miseries, while you were corrupted in yoin* mind by him, and were induced to worship those which he supposed to be gods: I exhort you therefore, who have learned by sad experience how dangerous a thing impiety is, to put that immediately out of your memory, and to purify yourselves from your former pollutions, and to oj^en the temple to these priests and Levites who are here convened, and to cleanse it with the accustomed sacrifices, and to recover all to the ancient honour which our fathers paid to it; for by this means we may render God favourable, and he Avill remit the anger he hath had to us." 2. When the king had said this, the priests opened the temple; and when they had set in order the vessels of God, and cast out what was impure, they laid the accustomed sacrifices upon the altar. The king also sent to the country that was under him, and called 62 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. the people to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of unleavened bread, for it had been intermitted a long time, on account of the wickedness of the foremen- tioned kings. He also sent to the Israelites, and exhorted them to leave off their present way of living, and return to their ancient practices, and to worship God, for that he gave them leave to come to Jerusalem, and to celebrate, all in one body, the feast of unleavened bread; and this, he said, was by way of invitation only, and to l)e done of their own good-will, and for their own advantage, and riot out of obedience to him, because it would make them happy. But the Israelites, upon the coming of the ambassadors, and upon their laying before them what they had in charge from their own king, were so far from complying therewith, that they laughed the ambassadors to scorn, and mocked them as fools: as also they affronted the prophets which gave them the same exhortations, -and foretold what they would suffer if they did not return to the worship of God, insomuch that at lengtli they caught them, and slew them: nor did this degree of transgressing suffice them, but they had more wicked contrivances than what have been described: Nor did they leave off, before God, as a punishment for their impiety, brought them under their enemies; but of that more hereafter. However, many there were of the tribe of Manasseh, and of Zebulon, and of Issachar, who were obedient to what the prophets exhorted them to do, and returned to the worship of God. Now all these came running to Jerusalem, to Hezekiah, that they might worship God [there]. 3. When these men were come, king Hezekiah went up into the temple, with the rulers and all the people, and offered for himself seven bulls, and as many rams, with seven lambs, and as many kids Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 03 of the goats. The king also himself, and the rulers, laid their hands on the heads of the sacrifices, and permitted the priests to complete the sacred offices ahoiit them. So they both slew the sacrifices, and burnt the burnt-offerings, while the Levites stood round about them, with their musical instruments, and sang hymns to God, and played on their psal- teries, as they were instructed by David, to do, and this while the rest of the priests returned the music, and sounded the trumpets which they had in their hands: and wlien this was done, the king and the multitude threw themselves down upon their face and worshi])ped God. He also sacrificed seventy bulls, one hundred rams, and two hundred lambs. He also granted the multitude sacrifices to feast upon, six hundred oxen, and three thousand other cattle; and the priests performed all things according to the law. Now the king was so pleased herewith, that he feasted with the people, and returned thanks to God: But as the feast of unleavened bread was now come, when they had offered that sacrifice which is called the Passover, thev after that offered other sacrifices for seven days: When the king had be- stowed on the multitude, besides what they sanctified of themselves, two thousand bulls, and seven thousand other cattle, the same thing was done by the rulers; for they gave them a thousand bulls, and a thousand and forty other cattle. Nor had this festival been so well observed from the days of king Solomon, as it was now first observed with great splendour and magnificence: and when the festival was ended, they went out into the country, and ]jurged it; and cleansed the city of all the ])ollution of the idols. The king also gave order that the daily sacrifice should be offered, at his own charges, and according to the law; and appohited that the tithes, and the first 64 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. fruits should be given by the multitude to the priests and Levites, that they might constantly attend upon divine service, and never be taken off from the worship of God. Accordingly, the multitude brought together all sorts of their fruits to the priests and the Levites. The king also made garners and recep- tacles for these fruits, and distributed them to every one of their priests and Levites, and to their children and wives. And thus did they return to their old form of divine worship. Xow wlien the king had settled these matters after the manner already de- scribed, he made war upon the Philistines, and beat them, and possessed himself of all the enemies' cities from Gaza to Gath; but the king of Assyria sent to him, and threatened to overturn all his dominions, unless he would pay him the tri])ute which his father paid him formerly; ])ut king Hezekiah was not con- cerned at his threatenings, but depended on his piety towards God, and upon Isaiali the prophet, by whom he inquired, and accurately knew all future events. And thus much shall suffice for the present con- cerning this king Hezekiah. CHAPTER XIV. How Slialmanescr took Samaria by force, and how he transplanted the ten tribes into Mediae and brought the nation of the Cutheans into their conntry [in their room~\. 1. When Shalmaneser, the king of Assyria, had it told him, that [Hoshea], the king of Israel, had sent privately to So, the king of Egypt, desiring his assistance against him, he was very angry, and made Chap. XIV. OF THE JKWS. 65 an expedition against Samaria, in the seventh year of the reign of Hoshea; but when he was not ad- mitted [into the city] by the king, ' he besieged Samaria three vears, and took it bv force in the ninth year of the reign of Hoshea, and in the seventh year of Hezekiah king of Jerusalem, and quite de- mohshed the government of the Israehtes, and trans- planted all the people into Media, and Persia, among whom he took king Hoshea alive; and when he had removed these people out of this their land, he transplanted other nations out of Cuthath, a place so called, (for there is [still] a river of that name in Persia) into Samaria, and into the country of the Israelites. So the ten tribes of the Israelites were removed out of Judea, nine hundred and forty- seven years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, and possessed themselves of this country, but eight hundred years after Joshua had been their leader, and, as I have already observed, two hundred and fortv vears, seven months, and seven davs, after thev had revolted from Rehoboam, the grandson of David, and had given the kingdom to Jeroboam. And such a conclusion overtook the Israelites, when they had transgressed the laws, and would not hearken to the prophets, who foretold that this calamity would come \\\w\\ them, if they would not leave off their evil doings. What gave birth to these evil doings, was that sedition which they raised against Rehoboam the grandson of David, when "they ' The siege of Samaria, though not given a particular account of, either in our Hebrew or Greelv Bibles, or in Josephus, was so very long, no less than three years, that it was no way improbable but parents, and particularly mothers, might therein he reduced to eat their own children, as the law of Moses had threatened upon their disobedience, Levit. xxvi. 29, Deut. xxviii. 53-57, and as was accomplished in the other shorter sieges of both the capital cities, Jerusalem and Samaria; the former mentioned, Jer. xix. 9, Antiq. B. IX. ch. -1, sect. 4, and the latter, 2 Kings vi. L>6-i.'9. 66 ANTIQUITIES Book ix. set up Jeroboam his servant to be their king, who, by sinning against God, and bringing them to imi- tate his bad example, made God to be their enemy, while Jeroboam underwent that punishment which he justly deserved. 2. And now the king of Assyria invaded all Syria and Phenicia in a hostile manner. The name of this king is also set down in the archives of Tyre, for lie made an expedition against Tyre, in the reign of Eluleus; and ^Nlenander attests to it, who, when he wrote his Clu'onology, and translated the archives of Tyre into the Greek language, gives us the fol- lowing history: "One whose name was Eluleus, reigned thirty-six years: this king upon the revolt of the Citteans, sailed to them, and reduced them again to a submission. Against these did the king of As- s^Tia send an army, and in a hostile manner overrun all Phenicia, but soon made peace with them all, and returned back : but Sidon and Ace, and Pala?tyrus, revolted; and many other cities there were which delivered themselves up to the king of Assyria. Ac- cordingly, when the Tyrians would not submit to him, the king returned, and fell upon them again, while the Phenicians had furnished him with three- score ships, and eight hundred men to row them; and when the Tyrians had come upon tliem in twelve ships, and the enemies' ships were dispersed, they took five hundred men prisoners, and tlie reputation of all the citizens of T\Te was thereby increased: but the king of Assyria returned, and ])hiced guards at their river and acjueducts, who should hinder the Tyrians from drawing water. This continued for five years, and still the Tyrians bore the siege, and drank of tlie water they had out of the wells they (Kig." And this is what is written in the Tyrian archives concerning Shahnaneser, the king of Assyria. Chap. xiv. OF THE JEWS. 67 3. But now tlie Cutheans who removed into Samaria (for that is the name they have been called by to this time, because they were brought out of the country called Cuthath, which is a country of Persia, and there is a river of the same name in it), each of them, according to their nations, which were in number five, brought their own gods into Samaria; and by worshipping them, as was the custom of their own coimtries, they provoked Almighty God to be angry and displeased at them, for a plague seized upon them, by which they were destroyed; and when they found no cure for their miseries, they learned by the oracle that they ought to worship Almighty God, as the method for their deliverance. So they sent ambassadors to the king of Assyria, and desired him to send them some of those priests, of the Israel- ites whom he had taken captive. And when he there- upon sent them, and the people were by them taught the laws, and the holy worship of God, they wor- shipped him in a respectful manner, and the plague ceased immediately; and indeed they continue to make use of the very same customs to this very time, and are called in the Hebrew tongue Cutheans. but in the Greek tongue Samnrifaus. And when they see the Jews in prosperity, they pretend that they are changed, and allied to them, and call them kins- men, as though they were derived from Joseph, and had by that means an original alliance with them: but when they see them falling into a low condition, they say they are no way related to them, and that the Jews have no right to expect any kindness or marks of kindred from them, but they declare that they are sojourners, that come from other countries. But of these we shall have a more seasonable oppor- tunity to discourse hereafter. BOOK X. CONTAINING THE INTERVAL OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO YEARS AND A HALF. [FROM THE CAPTIVITY OF THE TEN TRIBES TO THE FIRST OF CYRUS.] CHAPTER I. How Sennacherib made an ex'pedition against Heze- kiah; what threatenings Rabshakeh made to Heze- Jdah when Sennacherib was gone against the Egyptians; how Isaiah the prophet encouraged him; how Sennacherib, having failed of success in Egypt, returned thence to Jerusalem; and how, upon his finding Ids army destroyed, he returred home; and what befell him a little afterward. 1. It was now the fourteentli year of the gov- ernment of Hezekiah, king of the two tribes, when the king of Assyria, whose name was Sennacherib, made an expedition against liim with a great army, and took all the cities of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin by force; and when he was ready to bring his army against Jerusalem, Hezekiah sent ambas- sadors to him beforehand, and ])romised to submit, and pay what trilmte he should appoint. Hereupon Sennacherib, when he heard of what offers the am- 68 Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 69 bassadors made, resolved not to proceed in the war, but to accept of the proposals that were made him; and if he might receive three hundred talents of silver, and thirty talents of gold, he promised that he would depart in a friendly manner; and he gave security upon oath to the ambassadors that he would then do him no harm, but go away as he came. So Hezekiah submitted, and emptied his treasures, and sent the money, as supposing he should be freed from his enemy, and from any farther distress about his kingdom. Accordingly, the Assyrian king took it; and yet had no regard to what he had promised; but while he himself went to the war against the Egyptians and Ethiopians, he left his general Rab- shakeh, and two other commanders, with great forces, to destroy Jerusalem. The names of the two other commanders were Tartan and Rabsaris. 2. Now as soon as they were come before the walls, they pitched their camp, and sent messengers to Hezekiah, and desired that they might speak with him: but he did not himself come out to them for fear, but he sent three of his most intimate friends, the name of one was Eliakim, who was over the kingdom, and Shebna, and Joah the recorder. So these men came out, and stood over against the com- manders of the Assyrian army; and when Rab- shakeh saw them, he bid them go and speak to Hezekiah in the manner following: That "Sennach- erib the ^ great king, desires to know of him, on whom it is that he relies and depends in flying from his lord, and will not hear him, nor admit his army into the city? Is it on account of the Egyptians, and in hopes that his army would l)e beaten by * This title of Great King, both in our Bibles, 2 Kings xviii. 19, Isa. xxxvi. t, and here in Josephus, is the very same that Herodotus gives this Sennacherib as Spanheim takes notice on this place. 70 ANTIQUITIES Book x. them? Whereupon he lets him know, that if this be what he expects, he is a foohsh man, and hke one who leans on a broken reed, while such a one will not only fall down, but will have his hand pierced and hurt by it. That he ought to know, he makes this expedition against him by the will of God, who hath granted this favour to him, that he shall overthrow the kingdom of Israel, and that in the very same manner he shall destroy those that are his subjects also." When Rabshakeh had made this speech, in the Hebrew tongue, for he was skilful in that language, Eliakim was afraid lest the multi- tude that heard him should be disturbed, so he de- sired him to sjDcak in the Syrian tongue; but the general understanding what he meant, and perceiv- ing the fear that he was in, he made his answer with a greater, and a louder voice, but in the Hebrew tongue; and said, that "since they all heard what were the king's commands, they would consult their own advantage in delivering up themselves to us, for it is plain that both you and j^our king dissuade the people from submitting by vain hopes, and so induce them to resist: but if you be courageous, and think to drive our forces away, I am ready to de- liver to you two thousand of these horses that are with me for your use, if you can set as many horse- men on their backs, and show your strength, but what you have not, you cannot produce. Why there- fore do you delay to deliver up yourselves to a superior force, who can take you witliout your con- sent? although it will be safer for you to deliver yourselves up voluntarily, while a forcible capture, when you are beaten, must appear more dangerous, and will bring farther calamities upon you." 3. When the ])eople, as well as the ambassadors, heard what the Assyrian commander said, they re- Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 71 iated it to Hezekiah, who thereupon put off his royal apparel, and clothed himself with sackcloth and took the habit of a mourner; and, after the manner of his country, he fell u^^jon his face, and besought God, and entreated him to assist them, now they had no other hope of relief. He also sent some of his friends, and some of the priests, to the prophet Isaiah, and desired, that he would pray to God, and offer sacrifices for their common deliverance, and so put up supplications to him, that he would have indig- nation at the expectations of their enemies, and have mercy on his people. And when the prophet had done accordingly, an oracle came from God to him, and encouraged the king and friends that Avere about him; and foretold, that "their enemies should be beaten without fighting, and should go away in an ignominious manner, and not with that insolence which they now show, for that God would take care that they should be destroyed." He also foretold, that "Sennacherib the king of Assyria, should fail of his purpose against Egypt, and that when he came home he should perish by the sword." 4. About the same time also, the king of AssjTia wrote an epistle to Hezekiah, in which he said, "he was a foolish man in supposing that he should escape from being his servant, since he had already brought under many and great nations; and he threatened, that when he took him, he would utterly destroy him, unless he now opened the gates, and willingly re- ceived his army into Jerusalem." When he read this epistle, he despised it on account of the trust that he had in God, but he rolled up the epistle, and laid it up within the temple. And as he made his farther prayers to God for the city, and for the preservation of all the people, the prophet Isaiah said, that "God had heard his prayer, and that h^ 72 AXTIQUITIES Book x. should not be ^ besieged at this time by the king of Assyria; that for the future he might be secure of not being at all disturbed by him; and the people might go on peaceably, and without fear, with their husbandry and other affairs." But after a little while, the king of Assyria, when he had failed of his treacherous designs against the Egyptians, re- turned home without success, on the following oc- casion: He spent a long time in the siege of Pelusium; and when the banks that he had raised over against the walls were of a great height, and when he was ready to make an immediate assault upon them, but heard that Tirhaka, king of the Ethiopians, was coming and bringing great forces to aid the Egj^p- tians, and was resolved to march through the desert, and so to fall directly upon the Ass^Tians, this king Sennacherib was disturbed at the news, and, as I said before, left Pelusium, and returned back with- out success. Xow concerning this Sennacherib, Herodotus also savs, in the second book of his his- tories, "How this King came against the Egyptian king, who was the priest of Vulcan, and that as he was besieging Pelusium, he broke up the siege on the following occasion; this Egyptian priest prayed to God, and God heard his prayer, and sent a judg- ment upon the Arabian king." But in tliis Herod- otus was mistaken when he called this king not king ^ What Josephus says here, how Isaiah the prophet assured Hezekiah, that "at this time he should not l)e besieged by the king of Assyria, that for the future he might be secure of being not at all disturbed by him; and that [afterward] the people might go on peaceably, and without fear, with their husbandry and other affairs," is more distinct in our other copies, both of the Kings and of Isaiah, and deserves very great consideration. The words are these: "This shall be a sign unto thee; ye shall eat this year such as groweth of itself; and the second year that which springeth of the same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof," 2 Kings xix. 20, Isa. xxxvii. 30, which seem to me ])lainly to design a sabbatic year, a year of Jubilee, next after it, and tlie succeeding usual labours and fruits of therq on the third and following years. THE AN'GEL DESTROYING THE ASSYRIAN CAMP From the Painting by P. T. Loutherbourg, R. A. Engraved by \V. Sharpe. Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 73 of the AssjTians, but of the Arabians; for he saith, that "a multitude of mice gnawed to pieces in one night both the bows and the rest of the armour of the Assyrians, and that it was on that account that the king, wlien he had no bows left, drew off his army from Pelusium." And Herodotus does indeed give us this history; nay, and Berosus, w^ho wrote of the affairs of Chaldea, makes mention of this king Sennacherib, and that he ruled over the As- syrians, and that he made an expedition against all Asia and Egypt; and ^ says thus: 5. "Xow when Sennacherib was returning from his Egyptian war to Jerusalem, he found his army under Babshakeh his general, in danger [by a plague], for God had sent a pestilential distemper upon his army; and on the very first night of the siege, a hundred fourscore and five thousand, with their captains and generals, were destroyed: So the king was in a great dread, and in a terrible agony at this calamity; and being in great fear for his whole armv, he fled with the rest of his forces to his own kingdom, and to his city Xineveh: And when he had abode there a little while, he was treacherously assaulted, and died by the hands of his elder sons ^ Adrammelech and Seraser, and was slain in his own temple, which was called Araske. Now these sons of his were driven away on account of the murder of their father bv the citizens, and went into Armenia, while Assarachoddas took the * That this terrible calamity of the slaughter of the 185,000 Assyrians is here delivered in the words of Berosus the Chaldean ; and that it was certainly and frequently foretold by the Jewish prophets, and that it was certainly and undeniably accomplished, see Authentic. Rec. Part II. p. 858. ^ We are here to t ike notice, that these two sons of Sennacherib, that ran away into Armenia, became the heads of two famous families there, the Arzerunii and Genunii; of which see the particular histories in Moses Chorenensis, p. 60. 74 ANTIQUITIES Book x. kingdom of Sennacherib." And this proved to be the conclusion of this Assyrian expedition against the people of Jerusalem. CHAPTER 11. How Hezehiah was sick and ready to die; and how God bestowed upon him fifteen years longer life, [and secured that promise^ by the going back of the shadow ten degrees. 1. Now king Hezekiah being thus delivered, after a surprising manner, from the dread he was in, offered thank-offerings to God, with all his people, because nothing else had destroyed some of their enemies, and made the rest so fearful of undergoing the same fate, that they departed from Jerusalem, bv that divine assistance: Yet, while he was very zealous and diligent about the worship of God, did he soon afterward fall into a severe ^ distemper, insomuch that the physicians despaired of him, and expected no good issue of his sickness as neither did his friends; and besides the distemper itself, there was a very melancholy circumstance that disordered tlie king, which was the consideration that he was * Josephus, and all our copies place the sickness of Hezekiah after the destruction of Sennacherib's army, because it appears to have been after his first assault, as he was going into Arabia and Egypt, where he pushed his conquests as far as they would go; and in order to despatch his story altogether; yet does no copy but this of Josephus say it was after that destruction, but only that it happened in those days, or about the time of Hezekiah's life. Nor will the fifteen years prolongation of his life after his sickness, allow that sickness to have been later than the former j);irt of the l.Hh year of liis reign, since chronology does not allow him in all above 39 years juk! a few months, whereas the first assault of Sennacheril) was on the litii year of Hezekiah, but the de- struction of Sennacherib's army was not till the 18th jear. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 75 childless, and was going to die, and leave his house and his government without a successor of his own body; so he was troubled at the thoughts of this his condition, and lamented himself, and entreated of God that he would prolong his life for a little while till he had some children, and not suffer him to depart this life before he was become a father. Here- upon God had mercy upon him, and accepted of his supplication, because the trouble he was under at his supposed death was not because he was soon to leave the advantages he enjoyed in the kingdom, nor did he on that account pray that he might have a longer life afforded him, but in order to have sons, that might receive the government after him. And God sent Isaiah the prophet, and commanded him to inform Hezekiah, that "within three days' time he should get clear of his distemper, and should survive it fifteen years, and that he should have children also." Now upon the prophet's saying this, as God had commanded him; he could hardly believe it, both on account of the distemper he was under, which was very sore, and by reason of the sur- prising nature of what was told him, so lie desired that Isaiah would give him some sign of wonder, that he might believe him in what he had said, and be sensible that he came from God: for things that are beyond expectation, and greater than our hopes, are made credible by the actions of like nature. And when Isaiah had asked him. What sign he desired to be exhibited^ he desired that he would make the shadow of the sun, which he had alreadj^ made to go down ten steps [or degrees] in his house, to ^ return again to the same place, and to make it as ' As to this regress of tlie sliadow, either upon a sun-dial, or the steps of the royal palace built by Ahaz, whetlier it were ])hysically done by the real miraculous revolution of the earth in its diurnal motion hack- 76 ANTIQUITIES Book x. it was before. And when the prophet prayed to God to exhibit this sign to the king, he saw what he desired to see, and was freed from his distemper, and went up to the temple where he worshipped God and made vows to him. 2. At this time it was that the dominion of the Assyrians ^ was overthrown by the Medes, but of these things I shall treat elsewhere. But the king of Babylon, whose name was BaJadon, sent am- bassadors to Hezekiah, with presents, and desired he would be his ally and his friend. So he received the ambassadors gladly, and made them a feast, and showed them his treasures, and his armoury, and the other wealth he was possessed of, in precious stones, and in gold, and gave them presents to be carried to Baladon, and sent them back to him. Upon which the prophet Isaiah came to him, and inquired of him, "Whence those ambassadors came?" To which he replied, That "they came from Babylon, from the king; and that he had showed them all he ward from east to west, for a while, and its return again to its old natural revolution from west to east, or whether it were not apparent only; and performed by an aerial phosphorus, which imitated the sun's motion backward, while a cloud hid the real sun, cannot now be de- termined. Philosophers and astronomers will naturally incline to the latter hypothesis. However, it must be noted, that Jose])hus seems to liave understood it otherwise than we generally do; that the shadow was accelerated as much at first forward as it was made to go backward afterward, and so the day was neither longer nor shorter than usual, which it must be confessed, agrees best of all to astronomy, whose eclipses older tlian that time were observed at the times of the clay as if this miracle had never happened. After all, this wonderful signal was not, it seems, peculiar to Judea, but either seen, or at last heard of, at Babylon also, as appears by 2 Chron. xxxii. 31, where we learn, that the Babylonian ambassadors were sent to Hezekiah among other things, to inquire of the wonder that was done in the land. ^ This expression of Josephus' that the Medes, upon this destruction of the Assyrian army, overthrew the Assyrian empire, seems to be too strong, for although they immediately cast off the Assyrian yoke, and set up Dcioces a king of their own, yet it was some time before the Medes «nd 15al)yloniaiis overthrew Nineveh, and some generations ere the Medes and Persians under Cyaxares and Cyrus overthrew the Assyrian or Baby- lonian empire. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 77 had, that by the sight of his riches and forces they might thereby guess at [the plenty he was in], and be able to inform the king of it." But the propiiet rejoined, and said, "Know thou, that, after a little while, these riches of thine shall be carried away to Babylon, and thy posterity shall be made eunuchs there, and lose their manhood, and be servants to the king of Babylon, for that God foretold such things would come to pass." Upon which words Hezekiah was troubled, and said, That "he was him- self unwilling that his nation should fall into such calamities, yet since it is not possible to alter what God had determined, he prayed that there might be peace while he lived." Berosus also makes mention of this Baladon king of Babylon. Now as to this prophet, [Isaiah], he was by the confession of all a divine and wonderful man in speaking truth; and out of the assurance that he had never written what was false, he wrote down all his prophecies, and left them behind in books that their accomplishment might be judged of from the events, by posterity: nor did this prophet do so alone, but the others, which were twelve in number, did the same. And whatsoever is done among us, whether it be good, or whether it be bad, comes to pass according to their prophecies; but of every one of those we shall speak hereafter. 78 ANTIQUITIES Book x. CHAPTER III. How Manasseli 7'eigned after Hezekialt; and how, when he was in captivity, he returned to God, and was restored to his kingdom, and left it to [his son] A 711 on. 1. When king Hezekiah had survived the in- terval of time ah'eady mentioned, and had dwelt all that time in peace, he died, having completed fifty- four years of his life, and reigned twenty-nine: but when his son Manasseh, whose mother's name was Hephzibah, of Jerusalem, had taken the kingdom, lie departed from the conduct of his father, and fell into a course of life quite contrary thereto, and showed himself in his manners most wicked in all respects, and omitted no sort of impiety, but imi- tated those transgressions of the Israelites, by the commission of which against God, they had been destroyed; for he was so hardy as to defile tlie temple of God and the city, and the whole country; for, by setting out from a contempt of God, he bar- barously slew all the righteous men who were among the Hebrews, nor would he spare the j^i'ophets, for he every day slew some of them, till Jerusalem was overthrown with blood. So God was angry at these procee(Hngs, and sent prophets to the king, and to the multitude, by whom he threatened the very same calamities to them, which their brethren the Israel- ites, upon the like affronts offered to God, were now imder. But tlicse men would not believe theii words, by which })elief they might have reaped the advantage of escaping all those miseries, yet did they in earnest learn that what the prophets had told them was true. Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 79 2. And when they persevered in the same course of Hfe, God raised up war against them, from the king of Babylon and Chaldea, who sent an army against Judea, and laid waste the country; and caught king Manasseh by treachery, and ordered him to be brought to him, and had him under his power to inflict what punishment he pleased upon him. But then it was that ^lanasseh perceived what a miserable condition he was in, and esteeming himself the cause of all, he besought God to render his enemy humane and merciful to him. Accordingly, God heard his prayer, and granted him what he prayed for. So Manasseh was released by the king of Babylon, and escaped the danger he was in: And when he was come to Jerusalem, he endeavoured, if it were possible, to cast out of his memory those his former sins against God, of which he now re- pented, and to apply himself to a very religious life. He sanctified the temple, and purged the city, and for the remainder of his days he was intent on nothing Init to return his thanks to God for his deliverance, and to preserve him propitious to him all his life long. He also instructed the multitude to do the same, as having very nearly experienced what a calamity he was fallen into by a contrary conduct. He also rebuilt the altar, and offered tlie legal sacrifices, as Moses commanded. And when he had re-established what concerned the divine worship, as it ought to be, he took care of the security of Jerusalem: he did not only repair the old walls with great diligence, but added another wall to the former. He also built very lofty towers, and the garrisoned places before the city he strengthened, not only in other respects, but with provisions of all sorts that they wanted. And indeed, wlien he had changed his former course, he so led liis life for the time to 80 ANTIQUITIES Book x. come, that from the time of his return to piety towards God, he was deemed a happy man, and a pattern for imitation: when therefore he had lived sixty-seven years, he departed this Hfe, having reigned fifty-five years, and was buried in his own garden; and the kingdom came to his son Anion, whose mother's name was Meshumeleth, of the city of Jobath. CHAPTER IV. How Anion reigned instead of Manasseh; and after Anion, reigned Josiah; he was both righteous and religious. As also coneerning HnJdah the prophet- ess. 1. This Anion imitated those works of his father which he insolently did when he was young: so he had a conspiracy made against him by his own servants, and was slain in his own house, when he had lived twenty-four years, and of them had reigned tv/o: But the multitude punished those that slew Anion, and buried him with his father, and gave the kingdom to his son Josiah, who was eight years old. His mother was of the city of Boscath; and her name was Jedidah. He was of a most excellent disposition, and naturally virtuous, and followed the actions of king David, as a pattern and rule to him in the whole conduct of his life. And when he was twelve years old, he gave demonstrations of his re- ligious and righteous behaviour; for he brought the people to a sober way of living, and exhorted them to leave off the opinion they had of their idols, be- cause they were not gods, but to worship their own God. And by reflecting on the actions of his pro- Chap. IT. OF THE JEWS. 81 genitors, he prudently corrected what they did wrong, Uke a very elderly man, and like one abundantly able to understand what was fit to be done, and when he found they had well done, he observed all the country over, and imitated the same. And thus he acted in following the wisdom and sagacity of his own nature, and in following the laws it was that he succeeded so well in the order of his government, and in piety with regard to the divine worship. And this happened because the transgressions of the former kings were seen no more, but quite vanished away; for the king went about the city, and the whole country, and cut down the groves which were devoted to strange gods, and overthrew their altars; and if there were any gifts dedicated to them by his forefathers, he made them ignominious and plucked them down, and by this means he brought the people back from their opinion about them to the worship of God. He also offered his accustomed sacrifices and burnt-offerings upon the altar. More- over, he ordained certain judges and overseers, that they might order the matters to them severally be- longing, and have regard to justice above all things, and distribute it with the same concern they would have about their own soul. He also sent over all the country, and desired such as pleased to bring gold and silver for the repairs of the temple, ac- cording to every one's inclinations and abilities. And when the money was brought in, he made one Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Shaphan the scribe, and Joash the recorder, and Eliakim the high priest, curators of the temple, and of the charges contributed thereto: who made no delay, nor put off the work at all, but prepared architects, and what- soever was proper for those repairs, and set closely about the work. So the temple was repaired by 82 ANTIQUITIES Book x. this means, and became a public demonstration of the king's piety. 2. But when he was now in tlie eighteenth year of his reign, he sent to Eihakim the higli priest, and gave order, tliat out of Mhat money was overplus, he should cast cups and dishes, and vials, for minis- tration [in the temple]; and besides, that they should bring all the gold and silver which was among the treasures, and expend that also in making cups and the hke vessels: But as the high priest was bring- ing out the gold, he light upon the holy books of JMoses that were laid up in the temple, and when he had In-ought them out, he gave them to Shaphan the scribe, who, when he had read them, came to the king, and informed him that all was finished which he had ordered to be done. He also read over the books to him, who, when he had heard them read, rent his garment: and called for Eliakim the high priest, and for [Shaphan] the scribe, and for certain [other] of his most particular friends, and sent them to Huldah the pro^jhetess, the wife of Shallum, (which Shallum was a man of dignity and of an eminent famih^), and bid them go to her and say. That [he desired] "she would appease God, and endeavour to render him propitious to them, for that there was cause to fear, lest, upon the trans- gression of the laws of INIoses by their forefathers, they should be in peril of going into captivity, and of being cast out of their own country; lest they should be in want of all things, and so end their days miserably." When the prophetess had heard this from the messengers that were sent to her by the king, she bid them go back to the king, and say, that "God had already given sentence against them, to destroy the people, and cast them out of their country, and deprive them of all the happiness Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 83 they enjoyed; which sentence none could set aside by any j^rayers of theirs, since it was passed on account of the transgressions of the laws, and of their not having repented in so long a time, while the prophets had exhorted them to amend, and had foretold the punishment that would ensue on their impious practices; which threatening God would cer- tainly execute upon them that they might be per- suaded that he is God, and had not deceived them in any respect as to what he had denounced by his prophets: that yet because Josiah was a righteous man, he would at present delay those calamities, but that after liis death, he would send on the multitude what miseries he had determined for them." 3. So these messengers upon this prophecy of the woman, came and told it to the king; whereupon he sent to the people every where, and ordered that the priests and the Levites should come together to Jerusalem; and commanded that those of every age should be present also: And Avhen they had gathered together, he first read to them the holy books; after wliich he stood upon a pulpit, in the midst of the multitude, and obliged them to make a covenant, with an oath, that they would worship God, and keep the laws of ]Moses. Accordingly, they gave their assent M^illingly, and undertook to do what the king had recommended to them. So they im- mediately offered sacrifices, and that after an ac- ceptable manner, and besought God to be gracious and merciful to them. He also enjoined the high priest, that if there remained in the temple any vessel that was dedicated to idols, or to foreign gods, they should cast it out: So when a great number of such vessels were got together, lie biu-nt tliem, and scattered their ashes abroad, and slew the })riests of the idols, that were not of the family of Aaron. 84 ANTIQUITIES Book x. 4. And when he had done thus in Jerusalem, he came into the country, and utterly destroyed what buildings had been made therein by king Jeroboam, in honour of strange gods; and he burnt the bones of the false prophets upon that altar which Jeroboam first built. And as the prophet [Jadon], who came to Jeroboam when he was offering sacrifice, and when all the people heard him, foretold what would come to pass, viz. That "a certain man of the house of David, Josiah by name, should do what is here mentioned." And it happened that those predictions took effect after three hundred and sixty-one years. 5. After these things, Josiah went also to such other Israelites as had escaped captivity and slavery under the Assyrians, and persuaded them to desist from their impious practices, and to leave off the honours they paid to strange gods, but to worship rightly their own Almighty God, and adhere to him. He also searched the houses and the villages, and the cities, out of a suspicion that somebody might have one idol or other in private; nay, indeed, he took away the ^ chariots [of the sun] that were set up in his royal palace, which his predecessors had framed; and what thing soever there was besides, which they worshipped as a god. And when he had thus purged all the country, he called the people to Jerusalem, and there celebrated the feast of un- leavened bread, and that called the Passover. He also gave the people for Paschal sacrifices, young kids of the goats and lambs, thirty thousand, and * It is hard to reconcile the account in the second hook of Kings, ch. xxiii. 11, with this account of Josephus, and to translate this passage truly in Josephus, whose cojiies are sup])osed to be here inijierfect: How- ever, tlie general sense of l)oth seems to he tliis, lliat there were certain chariots with their horses, dedicated to the idol of the sun, or to Moloch: which idol must be carried about in procession, and worsiiipped by the people; which chariots were now taken away, as Josephus says, or as the book of the Kings says, burnt with fire bij Josiah. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 85 three hundred oxen for burnt offerings. The prin- cipal of the priests also gave to the priests against the passover, two thousand and six hundred lambs; the principal of the Levites also gave to the Levites five thousand lambs and five hundred oxen, by which means there was great plenty of sacrifices; and they offered those sacrifices according to the laws of Moses, while every priest explained the matter, and min- istered to the multitude. And indeed there had been no other festival thus celel)rated by the Hebrews from the times of Samuel tlie prophet; and the plenty of sacrifices now was the occasion that all things were performed according to the laws, and according to the custom of their forefathers. So when Josiah had after this lived in peace; nay, in riches and reputation also among all men, he ended his life in the manner following. CHAPTER V. How Josiah fought tcith Neco [king of Egypt'\, and was wounded and died in a little afterward: As also how Neco carried Jehoaha:^, who had been made king, into Egypt, and delivered the kingdom to Jehoiakim: And [lastly^ concerning Jeremiah and Ezekiel. 1. Now Neco, king of Egypt, raised an army, and marched to the river Euphrates, in order to fight with the Medes and Babylonians, who had ^ overthrown the dominion of the Assp'ians, for he * This is a remarkable passage of chronology in Josephus, that about the latter end of the reign of Josiah, the Medes and Babylonians over- threw the empire of the Assyrians; or in the words of Tobit's con- 86 ANTIQUITIES Book x. had a desire to reign over Asia. Now when he was come to the city Mendes, which belonged to the king- dom of Josiah, he brought an army to hinder him from passing through his own country, in his ex- pedition against the JNIedes. Now Neco sent a herald to Josiah, and told him. That "he did not make this expedition against him, but was making liaste to Euphrates; and desired that he would not provoke him to fight against him, because he ob- structed his march to the place whither he had re- solved to go." But Josiah did not admit of this advice of Neco's, but put himself into a posture to hinder him from this intended march. I suppose it was fate that pushed him on to this conduct, that it might take an occasion against him; for as he was setting his ^ army in array, and rode about in his chariot, from one wing of his army to another, one of the Egyptians shot an arrow at him, and put an end to his eagerness of fighting: for being sorely wounded, he commanded a retreat to be sounded for his army, and returned to Jerusalem, and died of that wound; and was magnificently buried in the sepulchre of his fathers, when he had lived thirty- nine years, and of them had reigned thirty-one. But all the people mourned greatly for him, lamenting and grieving on his account many days: and Jere- miah the prophet " composed an elegy to lament tinuator, that "before Tobias died, he heard of tlie destruction of Nineveh, which was taken by Xebuciiodonosor tlic Babylonian, and As- suerus tlie Mcde," Tob. xiv. 15 — See Prideaux' Connection at the year 61-3. * This battle is justly esteemed the very same that Herodotus, B. II. sect. 156, mentions, when lie says, that "Xeco Joined battle with the vSyrians [or Jews] at Magdoluin (Mejjriddo,) and beat them," as Dr. Hudson here observes. ^ Whether Jose])luis, from ^ Clu-on. xxxv. 25, here means the book cf the Lamentations of Jeremiah, still extant, which chiefly l)elongs to tV.;* destruction of Jerusalem under X('l)nchadnc/.zar, or to any other like melancholy poem now lost, i)ut extant in tlie days of Joscphus, belonging peculiarly to Josiah, cannot now ))c determined. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 87 him, which is extant till this time also. Moreover, this prophet denounced beforehand the sad calamities that were coming upon the city. He also left behind him in writing a description of that destruction of our nation which has lately happened in our days, and the taking of Ba})yl()n; nor was he the only pr()])het who delivered such predictions beforehand to the multitude, but so did Ezekiel also, who was the first person that wrote, and left behind him in writing two books concerning these events. Xow these two prophets were jiriests by birth; but of them Jeremiah dwelt in Jerusalem, from the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah, until the city and temple were utterly destroyed. However as to what befell this prophet, we will relate it in its proper place. 2. Upon the death of Josiah, which we have al- ready mentioned, his son, Jehoahaz by name, took the kingdom: being about twenty-three years old: He reigned in Jerusalem; and his mother was Hanm- tal, of the city Libnah. He was an impious man, and impure in his course of life; but as the king of Egypt returned from the battle, he sent for Je- hoahaz to come to him, to the city called ^ Hamath, which belongs to Syria; and when he was come, he put him in bonds, and delivered the kingdom to a brother of his, by the father's side whose name was Eliakim, and changed his name to Jelioialdm, and laid a tribute upon the land of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold, and the sum of money Jehoiakim paid by way of tribute: but Xeco carried away Jehoahaz into Egypt, where he died when he had reigned three months and ten days. Now Je- hoiakim's mother was called Zebudah, of the city * This ancieixt city Hamath, which is joined with Arpad, or Aradus, and with Damascus, 2 Kings xviii. IS, Isa. xxxvi. 19, Jer. xlix. 2\i, cities (if Syria and Phenicia near the borders of Judea, was also itself evi- dcntlv near the same borders though long ago utterly destroyed. 88 ANTIQUITIES Book x. Rumah. He was of a wicked disposition, and ready to do mischief: nor was he either rehgious towards God, or good natured towards men. CHAPTER VI. Hotv Nebuchadnezzar, when he had conquered the king of Egypt, made an eccpedition against the Jews, and slew Jehoiakim, and made Jehoiachin his son king. 1. Now in the fourth year of the reign of Je- hoiakim, one whose name was Nebuchadnezzar, took the government over the Baliylonians, who at the same time went up with a great army to the city Carchemish, which was at Euphrates, upon a reso- lution he had taken to fight with Neco king of Egypt, under whom all Syria then was. And when Neco understood the intention of the king of Baby- lon, and that this expedition was made against him, he did not despise his attempt, but made haste with a great band of men to Euphrates to defend himself from Nebuchadnezzar; and when they had joined battle, he was beaten, and lost many ten thousands [of his soldiers] in the battle. So the king of Baby- lon passed over Euphrates, and took all Syria, as far as Pelusium, excepting Judea. But when Neb- uchadnezzar had already reigned four j^ears, w^hich was the eighth of Jehoiakim's government over the Hebrews, the king of Babylon made an expedition with mighty forces against the Jews, and required trilmte of Jehoiakim, and threatened on his refusal to make war against him. He was affrighted at his threatening, and bought his peace with money, and Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 89 brought the tribute he was ordered to bring for three years. 2. But on the third year, upon hearing that the king of the Babylonians made an expedition against the Egyptians, he did not pay his tribute, yet was he disappointed of his hope, for the Egyptians durst not fight at this time. And indeed the prophet Jeremiah foretold every day, how vainly they relied on their hopes from Egypt, and how the city would be overthrown by the king of Babylon, and Jehoiakim the king would be subdued by him. But what he thus spake proved to be of no advantage to them, because there were none that should escape; for both the multitude, and the rulers, when they heard him, had no concern about what they heard; but being displeased at what was said, as if the prophet were a diviner against the king, they accused Jere- miah, and bringing him before the court they required that a sentence and a punislmient might be given against him. Xow all the rest gave their votes for his condemnation, but the elders refused, who prudently sent away the prophet from the court of [the prison] and persuaded the rest to do Jeremiah no harm; for they said, that "he was not the only person who foretold what would come to the city, but that Micah signified the same before him, as well as many others, none of which suffered any tiling of the kings that then reigned, but were hon- oured r.3 the prophets of God." So they moHified the multitude with these words, and delivered Jere- miah from the punishment to which he was . con- demned. Now when this prophet had written all his prophecies, and the people were fasting, and assembled at the temple, on the ninth month of the fifth year of Jehoiakim, he read the book he had composed of his predictions, of what was to befall 00 ANTIQUITIES Book x. the city, and the temple, and the multitude. And when the rulers heard of it, they took the book from him, and bid him and Baruch the scribe to go their ways, lest they should be discoyered by one or other; but they carried the book, and gaye it to the king, so he gaye order, in the presence of his friends, that his scribe should take it, and read it. When the king heard what it contained, he was angry, and tore it, and cast it into the fire, where it was con- sumed. He also commanded, that they should seek for Jeremiah and Baruch the scribe, and bring them to him, that they might be punished. Howeyer they escaped his anger. 3. Xow a little time afterward, the king of Baby- lon made an expedition against Jehoiakim, whom he receiyed [into the city,] and this out of fear of the foregoing predictions of this prophet, as supposing that he should suffer nothing that was terrible, be- cause he neither shut the gates, nor fought against him; yet Avhen he was come into the city, he did not 'ft ft obserye the coyenants he had made, ])ut he slew such as were in the flower of their age, and such as were of the greatest dignity, together with their king Jehoiakim, whom he commanded to be thrown before the walls, without any burial; and made his son Jelioiachin king of the country, and of the city: he also took the principal persons in dignity for cap- tiyes, three thousand in number, and led them away to Babylon; among whom was the prophet Ezekiel, who was then but young. And this was the end of king Jehoiakim, when he had liyed thirty-six years, and of them reigned eleyen: but Jelioiachin succeeded him in the kingdom, whose mother's name was Ne- huslita: she was a citizen of Jerusalem. He reigned three months and ten days. Chap. vii. OF THE JEWS. 01 CHAPTER VII. That the king ■ of Babylon repented of making Je- hoiacJiin king, and took liim axvai/ to Babylon, and delivered the Jringdom to Zedekiah. This king would not believe tchat ica,s predicted by Jeremiah and Ezekiel. but joined himself to the Egyptians; who, when they came into Judea, were vanquished by the king of Babylon: as also ichat befell Jere- miah. 1. But a terror seized on the king of Babylon, who had given the kingdom to Jehoiachin, and that immediately: he was afraid that lie should bear him a grudge, because of his killing his father, and thereupon should make the country revolt from him; wherefore he sent an army, and besieged Jehoiachin in Jerusalem; but because he was of a gentle and just disposition, he did not desire to see the city endangered on his account, but he took his mother, and kindred, and delivered them to the commanders sent by the king of Babylon, and accepted of their oaths, that neither should thev suffer any harm, nor the city; which agreement they did not observe for a single year, for the king of Babylon did not keep it, but gave orders to his generals to take all that were in the city captives, both the youth and the handicraftsmen; and bring them bound to him; their number was ten thousand eiglit hundred and thirty-two; as also Jehoiachin, and his mother and friends: And when these were brought to him, he kept them in custody, and a])pointed Jehoiacliin's uncle Zedekiah to be king; and made him take an 92 ANTIQUITIES Book x. oath, that he would certainly keep the kingdom for him, and make no innovation, nor have any league of friendship with the Egyptians. 2. Now Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when he took the govermiient: and had the same mother with his brother Jehoiakim, but was a de- spiser of justice and of his duty, for truly those of the same age with him were wicked about him, and the whole multitude did what unjust and insolent things they pleased; for which reason the prophet Jeremiah came often to him, and protested to him, and insisted, That "he must leave off his impieties and transgressions, and take care of what was right, and neither give ear to the rulers, (among whom were wicked men), nor give credit to their false prophets, who deluded them, as if the king of Baby- ion would make no more war against them, and as if the Egyj^tians would make war against him, and conquer him, since what they said was not true, and the events would not prove such [as they expected]." Xow as to Zedekiah himself, while he heard the prophet speak he believed him, and agreed to every thing as true, and supposed it was for his advantage; but then his friends perverted him, and dissuaded him from what the prophet advised, and obliged him to do what they pleased. Ezekiel also foretold in Babylon what calamities were coming upon the people, which when lie heard, he sent accounts of them into Jerusalem: But Zedekiah did not believe their proph- ecies, for the reasons following: It happened that the two prophets agreed with one another in what they said, as in all other things, that the city should be taken, and Zedekiah himself should be taken captive; but Ezekiel disagreed with him, and said that "Zedekiah should not see Babylon," while Jere- miah said, to him, Tliat "the king of Babylon should Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 93 carry him away thither in bonds." And because they did not both say the same thing as to this circmn- stance, he disbeheved what they both appeared to agree in, and condemned them as not speaking trutli therein, although all the things foretold him did come to pass according to their prophecies, as we shall show upon a fitter opportunity. 3. Xow when Zedekiah preserved the league of mutual assistance he had made with the Babylonians, for eight years, he brake it, and revolted to the Egyptians, in hopes, by their assistance, of over- coming the Babylonians. When the king of Babylon knew this, he made war against him; he laid his country waste, and took his fortified towns, and came to the city Jerusalem itself to besiege it: But when the king of Egypt heard what circumstances Zede- kiah his ally was in, he took a great army with him, and came into Judea, as if he would raise the siege: upon which the king of Babylon departed from Jerusalem, and met the Egyptians, and joined battle with them, and beat them, and when he had put them to flight, he pursued them, and drove them out of all S\Tia. Xow as soon as the king of Babvlon was departed from Jerusalem, the false ^^rophets deceived Zedekiah, and said. That "the king of Babylon would not any more make war against him or his people, nor remove them out of their own country into Babylon, and that those then in captivity would return, with all those vessels of the temple, of which the king of Babylon had despoiled that temple." But Jeremiah came among them, and prophesied what contradicted those predictions, and what proved to be true. That "they did ill, and deluded the king; that the Egyptians would be of no advantage to them, but that the king of Babylon would renew the war against Jerusalem, and besiege it again, and 94 ANTIQUITIES Book x. would destroy the people by famine, and carry away those that remained into captivity, and would take away what they had as spoils, and would carry off those riches that were in the temple; nay, that, be- sides this, he would burn it, and utterly overthrow the city, and that they should serve him and his posterity seventy years; that then the Persians and the Medes should put an end to their servitude, and overthrow the Babylonians, and that we shall be dis- missed, and return to this land, and ' rebuild the temple and restore Jerusalem." When Jeremiah said this, the greater part believed him, Init the rulers, and those that were wicked#^ despised him, as one disordered in his senses. Now he had resolved to go elsewhere, to his own country, which was called Anatlwth, and was twenty furlongs distant from Jerusalem; and as he was going, one of the rulers met hnn, and seized upon him, and accused him falsely, as though he were going as a deserter to the Babylonians: but Jeremiah said, that he accused him falsely, and added, that he was only going to his own country, but the other would not believe him, but seized upon him, and led him away to the rulers, and laid an accusation against him, under whom he endured all sorts of torments and tortures, and was reserved to be punished; and this was the condition lie was in for some time, wliile he suffered what I have already described unjustly. 4. Now in the ninth year of the reign of Zede- kiah, on the tenth day of the tenth month, the king of Babylon made a second expedition against Jeru- salem, and lay before it eighteen months, and be- * Josephus says here, that Jeremiah prophesied not only of the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity, and this under the Persians and Medes, as in our other c()])ics; but of their rebuilding the temple, and even the city Jerusalem, M'hich do not appear in our copies under his name, see the note on Antici. B. XI. eh. i. sect. -2. Chap. VII. OV 'VllK .IKWS. 95 siegefl it with the utmost application. There came upon them also two of the greatest calamities at the same time that Jerusalem was besieged, a famine and pestilential distemper, and made great havock of them: And though the prophet Jeremiah was in prison, lie did not rest, but cried out, and proclaimed aloud, and exhorted the multitude to open their gates, and admit the king of Babylon, for that if they did so, they should be preserved, and their whole families, but if they' did not so, they should be destroyed, and he foretold, that if any one stayed in the city, he should certainly perish by one of these ways, either be consumed })y the famine, or slain ])v tlie enemv's sword, but that if he would flv to the enemy he should escape death: Yet did not these rulers who heard believe him, even when they were in the midst of their sore calamities, but they came to the king, and in their anger, informed him what Jeremiah said, and accused him, and complained of the prophet as of a madman, and one that dis- heartened their minds, and ])y the denunciation of miseries, weakened the alacrity of the multitude, who were otherwise ready to expose themselves to dangers for him, and for their country, while he, in a way of threatening, warned them to fly to the enemy, and told them that the city should certainly be taken, and be utterly destroyed. 5. But for the king himself, he was not at all irritated against Jeremiah, such was his gentle and righteous disposition; yet that he might not be en- gaged in a quarrel with those rulers at such a time, by opposing what they intended, he let them do with the prophet, whatsoever they would: Whereupon, when the king had granted them such a permission, they presently came into the prison and took him; and let him down with a cord into a pit full of mire, 96 ANTIQUITIES Book x. that he might be suffocated, and die of himself. So he stood up to the neck in the mire, which was all about him, and so continued: but there was of the king's servants, who was in esteem with him, an Ethiopian by descent, who told the king what a state the prophet was in, and said, that his friends and his rulers had done evil in putting the prophet into the mire, and by that means contriving against him that he should suffer a death more bitter than that by his bonds only. When the kinff heard this, he repented of his having delivered up the prophet to the rulers, and bid the Ethiopian take thirty men of the king's guards, and cords with them, and what- soever else they understood to be necessary for the prophet's preservation, and draw him up immedi- ately. So the Ethiopian took the men he was or- dered to take, and drew up the prophet out of the mire, and left him at liberty [in the prison]. 6. But when the king had sent to call him pri- vately, and inquired what he could say to him from God, which might be suitable to his present cir- cumstances, and desired him to inform him of it, Jeremiah replied, that "he had somewhat to say:" but he said withal; he "should not be believed, nor if he admonished them, should be hearkened to; for, said he, thy friends have determined to destroy me, as though I had been guilty of some wickedness: and where are now those men who deceived us, and said that, the king of Babylon would not come and fight against us any more; but 1 am afraid now to speak the truth, lest thou shouldst condemn me to die." And when the king had assured him upon oath, that he would neither himself put him to death, nor deliver him up to the rulers, he became bold upon that assurance that was given him; and gave him this advice, that "he should deliver the city up Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 97 to the Babylonians; and he said, that it was God that prophe'sied this by him, tliat (he must do so) if he would be preserved and escape out of the dan- ger he was in, and that then neither should the city fall to the ground, nor should the temple be burned; but that (if he disobeyed,) he would be the cause of these miseries coming upon the citizens, and of the calamitj^ that would befall his whole house." When the king heard this, he said, that "he would willingly do what he persuaded him to, and what he declared would be to his advantage, but that he was afraid of those of his own country that had fallen away to the Babylonians, lest he should be accused by them to the king of Babylon, and be punished." But the prophet encouraged him, and said, "He had no cause to fear such punishment, for that he should not have the experience of any misfortune, if he would deliver all up to the Baby- lonians, neither himself, nor his children, nor his wives, and that the temple should then continue unhurt." So when Jeremiah had said this, the king let him go, and charged him, "To betray what they had resolved on to none of the citizens, nor to tell any of these matters to any of the rulers, if they should have learned that he had been sent for, and should inquire of him what it was that he was sent for, and what he had said to him? Init to pretend to them, that he besought him that he might not be kept in bonds and in prison." And indeed he said so to them; for they came to the prophet, and asked him, what advice it was that he came to give the kiner relating to them? and thus 1 have finished what concerns this matter. 98 ANTIQUITIES Book x. CHAPTER VIII. How the Mug of Bahijlon took Jerusalem and burnt the temple, and removed the people of Jerusalem, and Zedekiah to Bahijlon. As also, who they were that had succeeded in the high priesthood under tihe kings. 1. Now the king of Babylon was very intent and earnest upon the siege of Jerusalem: and he erected towers upon great banks of earth, and from them repelled those that stood upon the walls: he also made a great number of such banks round about the whole city, whose height was equal to those walls. However, those that were within, bore the siege with courage and alacrity, for they were not dis- couraged, either by the famine, or by the pestilential distemper, but were of cheerful minds in the prose- cution of the war, although those miseries within oppressed them also, and they did not suffer them- selves to be terrified, either by the contrivances of the enemy, or by their engines of war, but contrived still different engines to oppose all the other withal, till indeed there seemed to be an entire struggle between the Babylonians, and tlie people of Jeru- salem, which had the greater sagacity and skill; the former party supposing they should be thereby too hard for the other, for the destruction of the city; the latter placing their hopes of deliverance in nothing else but in persevering in such inventions in opposition to the other, as miglit demonstrate the enemies' engines were useless to them. And this siege they endured for eighteen months, until they Chap. Yiii. OF THE JEWS. 00 were destroyed by the famine, and by the darts which the enemy threw at them from the towers. 2. Now the city was taken in the ninth day of the fourth month, in the eleventh year of the reign of Zedekiah. They were indeed only generals of the king of Babylon, to wdiom Xebuchadnezzar com- mitted the care of the siege, for he abode himself in the city of Riblah. The names of these generals who ravaged and subdued Jerusalem, if any one desire to know^ them, were these, Xergal Sharezer, Samgar Xebo, Rabsaris, Sarsechim, and Rabmag. And when the city was taken about midnight, and the enemies' generals were entered into the temple, and when Zedekiah was sensible of it, he took his wives and his children, and his captains and his friends, and with them fled out of the city, through the fortified ditch, and through the desert: and when certain of the deserters had informed the Baby- lonians of this, at break of day, thev made haste to pursue after Zedekiah, and overtook him not far from Jericho, and encompassed him about; but for those friends and captains of Zedekiah who had fled out of the city with him, wlien they saw their enemies near them, they left him and dispersed themselves, some one w^ay and some another, and every one resolved to save himself: so the enemy took Zedekiah alive, when he was deserted by all but a few, with his children and his wives, and brought him to the king. When he was come, Xeb- uchadnezzar began to "call him a wicked wretch, and a covenant breaker, and one that had forgotten his former words, when he promised to keep the country for him. He also reproached him for his ingratitude, that when he had received the kingdom from him, who had taken it from Jehoiachin, and given it him, he had made use of the power he gave 100 ANTIQUITIES Book x. him against him that gave it, but, said he, God is great, who hated that conduct of thine, and hath brought thee under us." And when he had used these words to Zedekiah, he commanded his sons and his friends to be slain, while Zedekiah and the rest of the captains looked on, after which he put out the eyes of Zedekiah: and bound him, and carried him to Babylon. And these things happened to him,^ as Jeremiah and Ezekiel had foretold to him, that he should be caught, and brought before the king of Babylon, and should speak to him face to face; and should see his eyes with his own eyes; and thus far did Jeremiah prophesy; but he was also made blind, and brought to Babylon, but did not see it, according to the prediction of Ezekiel. 3. We have said thus much, because it was suffi- cient to show the nature of God to such as are ig- norant of it, that it is various, and acts many different ways, and that all events happen after a regular manner, in their proper season, and that foretells what must come to pass. It is also sufficient to show the ignorance and incredulity of men, whereby they are not permitted to foresee any thing that is future, and are, without any guard, exposed to calamities, so that it is impossible for them to avoid the experience of those calamities. 4. And after this manner have the kings of David's race ended their lives, being in number twenty-one, until the last king, who altogether reigned five hundred and fourteen years, and six months, and ten days; of whom Saul, who was their first ' This observation of .TosepTiiis' about the seeming disagreement of Jeremiah, ch. xxii. 4, and xxxiv. 3, and Ezek. xii. 13, but real agreement at last, concerning the fate of Zedekiah, is very true, and very remark- able. See cii. vii. sect. 2. Nor is it at all unlikely that the courtiers and false i^rophcts might make use of this seeming contradiction to dissuade Zedekiah from believing either of those prophets, as Josephus here intimates he was dissuaded thereby. Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. 101 king, retained the government twenty years, though he was not of the same tribe with the rest. 5. And now it was that the king of Babylon sent Nebuzaradan, the general of his army, to Jeru- salem, to pillage the temple, w^ho had it also in com- mand to burn it and the royal palace, and to lay the city even with the ground, and to transplant the people into Babylon. Accordingly, he came to Jerusalem in the eleventh year of king Zedekiah, and pillaged the temple, and carried out the vessels of God, both gold and silver, and particularly that large laver which Solomon dedicated, as also the pillars of brass, and their chapiters, with the golden tables and the candlesticks; and when he had carried these off, he set fire to the temple in the fifth month, the first day of the month, on the eleventh year of the reign of Zedekiah, and in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar; he also burnt the palace, and overthrew the city. Xow the temple was burnt four hundred and seventy years, six months and ten days, after it was built. It was then one thousand and sixty-two years, six months and ten days, from the departure out of Egypt; and from the deluge to the destruction of the temple, the whole interval was one thousand nine hundred fiftv-seven years, six months and ten days; but from the generation of Adam, until this befell the temple, there were three thousand five hundred and thirteen vears, six months and ten days; so great was the number of years hereto belonging. And what actions were done during these years, we have particularly re- lated. But the general of the Babylonian king now overthrew the city to the very foundations, and re- moved all the people, and took for prisoners the high priest Seraiah, and Zephaniah the priest that was next to him, and the rulers that guarded the 102 ANTIQUITIES Book x. temple, who were three in number, and the eunuch who was over the armed men, and seven friends of Zedekiah, and his scribe, and sixty other rulers, all which, together with the vessels which they had pil- laged, he carried to the king of Babylon to Riblah, a city of Syria. So the king commanded the heads of the high priest and of the rulers to be cut off there; but he himself led all the captives, and Zede- kiah to Babylon. He also led Josedek the high priest away bound. He was the son of Seraiah the high priest, whom the king of Babylon had slain in Riblah, a city of Syria, as we have just now related. 6. And now, because we have enumerated the succession of the kings, and who they were, and how long they reigned, I think it necessary to set down the names of the high priests, and who they were that succeeded one anotlier in the high priest- hood under the kings. The first high priest then at the temple which Solomon built, was Zadoc; after him his son Achimas received tliat dignity; after Achimas was Azarias; his son was Joram, and Joram's son was Isus, after him was Axioramus; his son was Phideas, and Phideas' son was Sudeas, and Sudeas' son was Juelus, and Juelus' son was Jotham, and Jotham's son was Urias, and Urias' son was Nerias, and Nerias' son was Odeas, and his son was Sallumus, and Sallumus' son was Elcias, and his son ^ [was Azarias, and his son] was Sareas, and his son was Josadoc, who was carried captive to Babylon. All these received tlie high priesthood by succession, the sons from their father. ^ I have here inserted in l)r;ici there. ^ These 21 years here ascrii>ed to one nanu-d Xohnuloasfr in the first book against A])ion, or to Naliopollassar, the father of the great Nebuchad- nezzar, are also the very same with those giv«'n him in Ptolemy's canon. And note here, that what Dr. Pridcaux says, at the year (il2, that Nebuchadnezzar must haxc l)een a conMiioii name of the other kings of Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 119 one years; and when he was made sensible, as he was in a Httle time, that his father Nebuchodonosor [Nab- opollassar] was dead, and having settled the affairs of Egypt, and the other countries, as also those that concerned the captive Jews and Phenicians, and Syrians, and those of the Egyptian nations, and having committed the conveyance of them to Babylon to certain of his friends, together with the gross of his army, and the rest of their ammunition and pro- visions, he went himself hastily, accompanied with a few others, over the desert, and came to Babylon. So he took upon him the management of public affairs, and of the kingdom which had been kept for him by one that was the principal of the Chaldeans, and lie received the entire dominions of his father, and appointed, that when the captives came, they should be placed as colonies, in the most proper places of Babylonia: but then he adorned the temple of Belus, and the rest of the temples, in a magnificent manner, with the spoils he had taken in war. He also added another city to that which was there of old, and rebuilt it, that such as would besiege it hereafter might no more turn the course of the river, and thereby attack the city itself: He therefore built three walls round about the inner city, and three others about that which was the outer, and this he did with burnt brick. And after he had, after a becoming manner, walled the city, and adorned its gates gloriously, he built another palace before his father's palace, but so that they joined to it; to describe whose vast height, and immense riches, it would perhaps be too much for me to attempt; yet as large and lofty as they were, they were completed Babylon, besides the great Xebuehadnezzar himself, is a proundless mistake of some modem ehronologers only, and destitute of all proper original authority. 120 ANTIQUITIES Book x. in ^ fifteen days. He also erected elevated places for walking, of stone, and made it resemble mountains, and built it so that it might be planted with all sorts of trees. He also erected what was called a pensile paradise, because his wife was desirous to have things like her own country, she having been bred up in the palaces of Media." JVIegasthenes also, in his fourth book of his accounts of India, makes mention of these things, and thereby endeavours to show that this king [Nebuchadnezzar] exceeded Hercules, in fortitude, and in the greatness of his actions; for he saith, that "he conquered a great part of Lybia and Iberia." Diodes also, in the second book of his accounts of Persia, mentions this king; as does Philostrates in his accounts both of India and of Phenicia, say, that "this king besieged Tyre thirteen years, while at the same time Ethball reigned at Tyre." These are all the histories that I have met with concerning this king. 2. But now after the death of Nebuchadnezzar, Evil-Merodach his son succeeded in the kingdom, who immediately set Jeconiah at liberty, and esteemed him among his most intimate friends: He also gave him many presents, and made him honourable above the rest of the kings that were in Babylon; for his father had not kept his faith with Jeconiah, when he volun- tarily delivered up himself to him, with his wives and children, and his whole kindred, for the sake of his country, that it might not be taken by siege, and * These fifteen days for finishing such vast buildings at Babylon, in Josephus' copy of Berosus, would seem too absurd to be supposed to be the true number, were it not for the same testimony extant also in the first book against Apion, sect. 19, with the same number. It thence in- deed appears, that Josephus' copy of Bcmsus had this small number, but that it is the true number 1 still doubt. Josephus assures us, that the walls of so much a smaller city as Jerusalem were two years and four months in building by Nehemiah, who yet hastened the work all he could, Antiq. B_. XI. ch. v, sect. 8. I should think 115 days, or a year and 15 days, much more proportionable to so great a work. Chap. XI. OF TPIE JEWS. 121 utterly destroyed, as we said before. When Evil- Merodach was dead, after a reign of eighteen years, Nighssar his son took the government, and retained it forty years, and then ended his hfe: and after him the succession in the kingdom came to his son Lab- ofordacus, who continued in it in all but nine months; and when he was dead it came to ^ Baltasar, who, by the Babylonians, was called Xaboandelus ; against him did Cyrus, the king of Persia, and Darius, the king of INIedia, make war; and when he was besieged in Baby- lon, there happened a wonderful and prodigious vision. He was sat down at supper in a large room, and there were a great many vessels of silver, such as were made for royal entertainments, and he had with him his concubines, and his friends; whereupon he came to a resolution, and commanded that those vessels of God which Nebuchadnezzar had plundered out of Jerusa- lem, and had not made use of, but had put them into his own temple, should be brought out of that temple. He also grew^ so haughty as to proceed to use them in the midst of his cups drinking out of them, and blaspheming against God. In the mean time he saw a hand proceed out of the wall, and writing upon the ' It is here remarkable, that Josephus, without the knowledge of Ptolemy's canon, should call the same king whom he himself here (Bar. i. 11, and Dan. v. 1, 2, 9, 12, 22, 29, 30,) styles Beltazar, or Belshazzar, from the Babylonian god Bel, Neboanflelus also; but in the first book against Apion sect. 19, vol. iii. from the same citation out of Berosus, Nabonncdon, from the Babylonian god Xabo or Xebo. This last is not remote from the original pronunciation itself in Ptolemy's canon, ya- bonadius, for both the place of this king in that canon, as the last of the Assyrian or Babylonian kings, and the number of years of his reign, seventeen, the same in both, demonstrate that it is one and the same king that is meant by them all. It is also worth noting, that Josephus knew that Darius, the partner of Cyrus, was the son of Astyages, and was called by another name among the Greeks, though it does not appear he knew what that name was, as having never seen the best history of this period, which is Xenophon's: But then what Josephus' present copies say presently, sect. 4, that it was only within no long time after the hand writing on the wall that Beltasar was slain, does not so agree with our copies of Daniel, which say it was the same night, Dan. v. 30. 122 AXTTQUITIES Book x. wall certain syllables: at which sight being disturbed, he called the magicians and Chaldeans together, and all that sort of men that are among these Barbarians, and were able to interpret signs and dreams, that they might explain the writing to him. But when the magicians said they could discover nothing, nor did understand it, the king was in great disorder of mind, and under great trouble at this surprising ac- cident, so he caused it to be proclaimed through all the country, and promised, that to him who could ex2:)lain the writing, and give the signification couched therein, he would give him a golden chain for his neck, and leave to wear a purple garment, as did the kings of Chaldea, and would l)estow on him the third part of his own dominions. When this proclamation was made, the magicians ran together more earnestly, and werp very ambitious to find out the importance of the writing, but still hesitated about it as much as before. Now when the king's ^ grandmother saw him cast down at this accident, she began to encourage him, and to say, that "there was a certain captive who came from Judea, a Jew by birth, but brought away thence by Xebuchadnezzar, when he had destroyed Jerusalem, whose name was Daniel, a wise man, and one of great sagacity in finding out what was impossible for others to discover, and what was known to God alone; who brought to light and answered such questions to Neb- uchadnezzar, as no one else was able to answer, when they were consulted. She therefore desired that he would send for him, and inquire of him concerning the writing, and to condemn the unskilfulness of those that could not find their meaning, and this, although ' This grandmother or inotlior of Baltasar, the queen Dowager of Babylon, (for she is distinguished from liis queen, Dan. v. 10, 23,) seems to have been the famous Xitceris, who fortified Babylon against the Medes and Persians, and in all probability governed under Baltasar, who seems to liave been a weak and effeminate prince. Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 123 what God signified thereby should be of a melancholy nature." 3. When Baltasar heard this, he called for Daniel; and when he had discoursed to him what he had learned concerning him and his wisdom, and how a divine spirit was with him; and that he alone was fully capable of finding out what others would never have thought of. he .desired liim to declare to him what this writing meant: That if he did so, he would give him leave to wear purple, and to put a chain of gold aliout his neck, and would bestow on him the third jjart of his dominion, as an honorary reward for his wisdom, that thereby he might become illustrious to those who saw him, and who in(piired upon what oc- casion he obtained such honours. But Daniel desired. That "he would keep his gifts to himself: for what is the effect of wisdom, and of divine revelation, admits of no gifts, and bestows its advantages on petitioners freely, but that still he would explain the writing to him: which denoted, that he should soon die, and this because he had not learnt to honour God, and not to admit things above human nature, by what punish- ments his progenitors had undergone, for the injuries he had offered to God; and because he had quite for- gotten how Xebuchadnezzar was removed to feed among wild beasts, for his impieties, and did not re- cover his former life among men, and his kingdom, but upon God's mercy to him, after many supplica- tions and prayers; who did thereupon praise God all the days of his life, as one of almighty power, and who takes care of mankind. [He also put him in mind] how he had greatly blasphemed against God, and had made use of his vessels, amongst his con- cubines: that therefore God saw tliis. and was angry with him, and declared by this wi-iting ])eforehand what a sad conclusion of his life he should come 124 ANTIQUITIES Book x. to. And he explained the writing thus; — MAN EH. This, if it be expounded in the Greek language, may signify, a y umber, because God hath numbered so long a time for thy life, and for thy government, and that there remains but a small portion. THEKEL. This signifies, a Weight, and means that God hath weighed thy kingdom in a balance, and finds it going down already. PHARES. This also, in the Greek tongue, denotes a Fragment; God will therefore break thy kingdom in pieces, and divide it among the ^ledes and Persians." 4. When Daniel had told the king, that the writing upon the wall signified these events, Baltasar was in great sorrow and affliction, as was to be expected, when the interpretation was so hea\y upon him. However, lie did not refuse what he had promised Daniel, although he were become a foreteller of mis- fortunes to him, but bestowed it all upon him: as reasoning thus, that what he was to reward was pecul- iar to himself, and to fate, and did not belong to the prophet; but that it was the part of a good and a just man to give what he had promised, although the events were of a melancholy nature. Accordingly, the king determined so to do. Xow after a little while, both himself, and the city, were taken by Cyrus, the king of Persia, who fought against him; for it was Baltasar, under whom Babylon was taken, when he had reigned seventeen years. And this is the end of the posterity of king Nebuchadnezzar, as history informs us; but when Babylon was taken by Darius, and when he, with his kinsman Cyrus, had put an end to the dominion of the Babylonians, he was sixty-two years old. He was the son of Astvages, and had another name among the Greeks. ^Moreover, he took Daniel the prophet, and carried him with him into Media, and honoured him very greatly, and kept him Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 125 with him; for he was one of the three presidents whom he set over his three hundred and sixty prov- inces, for into so many did Darius part them. 5. However, while Daniel was in so great a dignity, and in so great favour with Darius, and was alone intrusted with every thing by him, as having somew^hat divine in him, he was envied by the rest; for those that see others in greater honour than them- selves with kings, envy them: and when those that were grieved at the great favour Daniel was in with Darius, sought for an occasion against him, he af- forded them no occasion at all, for he was above all the temptations of money, and despised bribery, and esteemed it a very base thing to take any thing by way of reward, even when it might be justly given him, he afforded those that envied him not the least handle for an accusation. So when they could find nothing for which they might calumniate him to the king; nothing that was shameful or reproachful, and thereby deprive him of the honour he was in with him, thev souscht for some other method wherebv thev might destroy him. When therefore they saw that Daniel prayed to God three times a-day, they thought they had gotten an occasion by w^hich they might ruin him; so they came to Darius, and told him. That "the princes and governors had thought proper to allow the multitude a relaxation for thirty days, that no one might offer a petition or prayer either to him- self, or to the gods, but that he who shall transgress this decree shall be cast into the den of lions, and there perish." 6. Whereupon, the king, being not acquainted with their wicked design, nor suspecting that it was a con- trivance of theirs against Daniel, said, he was pleased with this decree of theirs, and he promised to confirm what they desired; he also published an edict to 126 ANTIQUITIES Book x. promulgate to the people that decree which the princes had made. Accordingly, all the rest took care not to transgress those injunctions, and rested in quiet; but Daniel had no regard to them, but, as he was wont, he stood and prayed to God in the sight of them all: but the princes having met with the occa- sion they so earnestly sought to find against Daniel, came presently to the king, and accused liim, that Daniel was the only person that transgressed the decree, while not one of the rest durst pray to their gods. This discovery they mrde, not because of his impiety, but because they had watched him, and ob- served him out of en^y; for supposing that Darius did thus out of a greater kindness to him than they expected, and that he was ready to grant him pardon for this contempt of his injunctions, and envying this very pardon to Daniel, they did not become more favourable to him, but desire^^ hr might be cast into the den of lions according to the law. So Darius, lioping that God would deliver him, and that he would undergo nothing that was terrible by the wild beasts, bid him bear this accident cheerfully: And wlien he was cast into the den, he put his seal to the stone that lay upon the mouth of the den, and went his way; ])ut he passed all the night without food, and without slee]), being in great distress for Daniel. But when it was day, he got up, and came to the den, and found the seal entire, which he had left the stone sealed withal; he also opened the seal, and cried out, and called to Daniel, and asked him. If he were alive? And as soon as he heard the king's voice, and said that he had suffered no harm, the king gave order that he should be drawn u]) out of the den. Now when his enemies saw tliat Daniel liad suffered nothing which was terri})le, they would not own tliat he was preserved by God, and by his providence; but they C'liap. XI. OF TITK JEWS. 127 said, that the hons had been filled full with food, and on that account it was, as they supposed, that the lions would not touch Daniel, nor come to him; and this they alleged to the king: But the king, out of an abhorrence of their wickedness, gave order, that they should throw in a great deal of flesh to the lions; and when they had filled themselves, he gave farther order, that Daniel's enemies should be cast into the den, that he might learn whether the lions, now they were full, would touch them or not. And it appeared plain to Darius, aftei- the princes had been cast to the wild beasts, that it was God who preserved Daniel, ^ for the lions spared none of them, but tore them all to pieces, as they had been very hungry, and wanted food. I suppose therefore it was not their hunger, which had been a little before satisfied with abundance of flesh, but the wickedness of these men that pro- voked them [to destroy the princes] ; for if it so please God, that wickedness might, by even those ir- rational creatures, be esteemed a jilain foundation for their punishment. 7. When therefore those that had intended thus to destroy Daniel by treachery, were themselves de- stroyed, king Darius sent [letters] over all the coun- try, and praised that God whom Daniel worshipped; and said. That "he was the only true God, and had all power." He had also Daniel in very great esteem, and made him the principal of his friends. Now when Daniel was become so illustrious and famous, on ac- count of the opinion men had that he was beloved ^ It Is no way improbable tliat Daniel's enemies might suggest this reason to the king, why the lions did not meddle with him, and that they suspected the king's kindness to Daniel had procured these lions to be so filled beforehand, and that thence it was that he encouraged Daniel to submit to this ex]ieriinent. in lio)>es of coming off safe; and that this was the true reason of making so terrible an experiment upon those his enemies, and all their f;iniilies, Dan. vi, 24, though our other copies do not directly take tioiice of it. 128 ANTIQUITIES Book x. Oi God, he built a tower at Ecbatana in Media: it was a most elegant building, and wonderfully made, and it is still remaining, and preserved to this day; and to such as see it, it appears to have been lately built, and to have been no older than that verv day when any one looks upon it, it is ^ so fresh, flourishing, and beautiful, and no way grown old in so long time, for buildings suffer the same as men do, they grow old as well as thev, and bv numbers of years their strength is dissolved, and their beauty withered. Xow they bury the kings of ^ledia, of Persia, and Parthia, in this tower to this day; and he who was entrusted with the care of it, was a Jewish ]:)riest; which thing is also observed to this day: But it is fit to give an account of what this man did, which is most admirable to hear, for he was so happy as to have strange revela- tions made to him, and those as to one of the greatest of the prophets, insomuch, that wliile he was alive he had the esteem and applause both of the kings and of the multitude, and now he is dead, he retains a remembrance that will never fail, for the several books that he wrote and left behind him are still read by us till this time, and from them we believe that Daniel conversed with God; for he did not only prophesy of future events, as did the otlier prophets, but he also determined the time of their accomplishment: And while prophets used to foretell misfortunes, and on that account were disagreeable both to the kings and to the multitude, Daniel was to them a prophet of ' AVhat Josephus here says, that the stones of the sepulchres of the kings of Persia at this tower, or those perhaps of the same sort that are now commonly called the ruins of Persepolis, continued so entire •uid unaltered in his days, as if they were lately put there, "I, says R eland, here can show to be true, as to those stones of the Persian kings' mausoleum which Corn. Bnaiius brake off and gave me." He rtscribed this to the hardness of the stone, which scarcely yields to iron tools, and proves frequently too hard for cutting by the chissel, but oftentimes breaks into pieces. Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 120 good things, and this to such a degree, that by the agreeable nature of his predictions, he procured the good-will of all men, and by the accomplishment of them, he procured the belief of their truth, and the opinion of [a sort of] divinity for himself, among the multitude. He also wrote and left behind him what made manifest tlie accuracy and undeniable veracity of his predictions; For he saith, That "when he was in Susa, the metropolis of Persia, and went out into the field with his companions, there was, on the sudden, a motion and concussion of the earth, and that he was left alone by himself, his frienfls flying away from him; and that he was disturbed, and fell on his face, and on his two hands, and that a certain person touched him, and, at the same time, bid him rise, and see what would befall his countrv- men after many generations. He also related, that when he stood up, he was shown a great ram, with many horns growing out of his head, and that the last was higher than the rest: that after this he looked to the west, and saw- a he-goat carried through the air from that quarter; that he rushed upon the ram with violence, and smote him twice with his horns, and overthrew him to the ground, and trampled upon him: that afterw^ard he saw a very great horn grow- ing out of the head of the he-goat, and that wdien it was broken off, four horns grew up that were ex- posed to each of the four winds, and he wrote that out of them arose another lesser horn, which, as he said, waxed great; and that God showed to him. that it should fight against his nation, and take their city by force, and bring the temple- worship to confusim and forbid the sacrifices to be offered for one thousan 1 two hundred and ninety-six days." Daniel wrot{> that he saw these visions in the plain of Susa; and he hath informed us, that God interpreted the ap- 1^0 ANTIQUITIES Book x. peamiice of this vision after the following manner; "He said that tlie ram signified the kingdoms of the JMedes and Persians, and the horns those kings that were to reign in them: and that the last horn signified the last king, and that he should exceed all the kings in riches and glory: that the goat signified that one should come and reign from the Greeks, who should twice fight with the Persian, and overcome him in battle, and should receive his entire dominion; that by the great horn which sprang out of the forehead of the he-goat was meant the first king; and that the springing up of four liorns upon its falling off, and the conversion of every one of tliem to the four quar- ters of the earth, signified the successors that should arise after the death of the first king, and the parti- tion of the kingdom among tliem, arul that they should be neither his children, nor of his kindred, that should reimi over the habitable earth for many years; and that from among them there should arise a certain king that should overcome our nation and their laws, and should take away their political government, and should spoil the temple, and forbid the sacrifices to be offered for three years' time." And indeed so it came to pass, that our nation suffered these tilings under Antiochus ' Epiphanes, according to Daniel's vision, and what he wrote many years before they came to pass. In the very same manner Daniel also wrote concerning the Roman government, and that our country should be made desolate by them. All these things did this man leave in wi'iting, as God had showed them to him, insomuch, that such as read his prophecies, and see how they have been fulfilled, would wonder at the honour wherewith God honoured Daniel: and may tlience discover how the Epicureans are in an error, who cast ])rovidence out of human life, and do not beh'eve tliat (iod takes care of the Clmp. XI. OF THE JEWS. 131 affairs of the world, nor that the universe is governed and continued in being by that blessed and immortal nature, but say that the world is carried along of its own accord, without 'a ruler and a curator: which, were it destitute of a guide to conduct it, as they imagine, it would })e like ships without pilots, which we see drowned by the winds, or like chariots without drivers, which are overtvirned, so would the world be dashed in pieces by its being carried without a Prov- idence, and so perish, and come to nought. So that, by the forementioned predictions of Daniel, those men seem to me very much to err from the truth, who determine, that God exercises no providence over human affairs; for if that were the case, that the world went on by mechanical necessity, we should not see that all things would come to pass according to his prophecy. Xow as to myself, I have so described these matters as I have found them and read them; but if any one is inclined to another opinion about them, let liim eniov his different sentiments without anv blame from me. BOOK XI. COXTATXIXG THE IXTERYAL OF TWO HUXDRED AXD FIFTY- THREE YEARS AXD FTYE MOXTHS. (FROM THE FIRST OF CYRUS TO THE DEATH OF ALEXAX- DER THE GREAT.] CHAPTER I. How Cyrus, king of the Persians, delivered the Jews out of Babylon, and suffered them to return to their own country, and to build their temple, for which work he gave them money. 1. Ix the first year of the reign of ^ Cjtus, which was the seYentieth from the day that our people were remoYed out of their own land into Babylon, God commiserated the captiYity and calamity of these poor people, according as he had foretold to them by Jeremiah the prophet, before the de- struction of the city; that after they had serYcd Nebuchadnezzar and his posterity, and after they had undergone that serYitude scYcnty years, he would restore them again to the land of their fathers, and they should build their temple, and enjoy their ancient ^ This Cyrns is called God's shepherd, by Xenophon, as well as by Isaiah, Isa. xliv. 28, as also it is said of him by the same prophet, that "I will make a man more precious than fine gold, even a man tTian the golden wedge of Ophir," Isa. xiii. 12, which character makes Xenophon's most excellent history of him very credible. " 132 Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 133 prosperity. And these things God did afford them: for he stirred up the mind of Cyrus, and made him write this throughout all Asia, "Thus saith Cyrus the king, since God Almighty hath appointed me to be king of the habitable earth, I believe that he is that God which the nation of the Israelites worship, for indeed he foretold my name by the prophets, and that I should build him an house at Jerusalem, in the country of Judea." 2. This was known to Cjtus by his reading the book which Isaiah left behind him of his prophecies; for this prophet said, that God hath spoken thus to him in a secret vision; "My will is, that Cyrus, whom I have appointed to be king over many and great nations, send back -my people to their own land; and build my temple." This was foretold by Isaiah one hundred and forty years before the temple was demolished. Accordingly when Cyi'us read this, and admired the divine power, an earnest desire and ambition seized unon him, to fulfil what was so written; so he called for the most eminent Jews that were in Babylon, and said to them, that "he gave them leave to go back to their own country, and to rebuild ^ their city Jerusalem, and the temple of God, for that he would be their assistant, and that he would write to the rulers and governors that, were in the neighbourhood of their country of Judea, ^ This leave to build Jerusalem, sect. 2, 3, and the epistle of Cyrus to Sisinnes and Sathrahuzancs, to the same purpose, are most unfor- tunately omitted in all our co])ies, but this best and completest copy of Josephus, and by such omission the famous prophecy of Isaiah, Isa. xliv. 23, where we are informed, that God said of, or to Cyrus, "He is my shepherd, and shall jierform all my pleasure; even saying to Jerusalem, thou shalt be Imilt, and to the temple, thy foundation shall be laid," could not hitherto be demonstrated from the sacred history to have been completely fulfilled ; I mean as to that part of it which concerned his giving leave or commission for rebuilding the city Jerusalem as distinct from the temple, whose rebuilding is alone permitted or directed in tlie decree of Cyrus in all our copies. 13^ ANTIQUITIES Book xi. that they should contribute to them gold and silver for the building of the temple, and besides that, beasts for their sacrifices." 3. When Cyrus had said this to the Israelites, the rulers of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, with the Levites, and priests, went in haste to Jeru- salem, yet did many of them stay at Babylon, as not willing to leave their possessions; and when they were come thither, all the king's friends assisted them, and brought in, for the building of the temple, some gold and some silver, and some a great many cattle and horses. So they performed tlieir vows to God, and offered the sacrifices that had been accustomed of old time; I mean this upon the re- building of their city, and the revival of the ancient practices relating to their worship. Cyrus also sent back to them the vessels of God which king Neb- uchadnezzar had pillaged out of the temple, and had carried to Babylon. So he committed these things to INIithridates, the treasurer, to be sent away, with an order to give them to Sanabassar, that he might keep them till the temple was built; and when it was finished, he might deliver them to the priests and rulers of the multitude, in order to their being restored to the temple. Cyrus also sent an epistle to the governors that were in Syria, the con- tents whereof here follow: "King Cyrus to Sisixxes and Sathrabuzaxes, scndeth greeting. "I have given leave, to as many of the Jews that dwell in my country as please to return to their own countrv, and to rebuild their citv, and to build the temple of God at Jerusalem, on the same place where it was l)efore. I have also sent my treasurer Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 135 jMithridates, and Zorobabel, the governor of the Jews, that thev may hiy the foundations of the temple, and may build it sixty cubits high, and of the same latitude, making three edifices of polished stones, and one of the wood of the country, and the same order extends to the altar, whereon they offer sacrifices to God. I require also, that the sacrifices for these things may be given out of my revenues. Moreover, I have also sent the vessels which king Nebuchadnezzar pillaged out of the temple, and have given them to Mithridates,- the treasurer, and to Zorobabel the governor of the Jews, that they may have them carried to Jerusalem, and may restore them to the temple of God. Xow their number is as follows: fifty chargers of gold, and five hundred of silver; forty Thericleon cups of gold, and five hundred of silver; fifty basons of gold, and five hundred of silver, thirty vessels for pouring, [the drink offerings], and three hundred of silver; thirty vials of gold, and two thousand four hundred of silver; with a thousand other large vessels. I permit them to have the same honour which they were used to have from their forefathers, as also for their small cattle, and for wine and oil, two hundred and five thousand and five hundred drachma; and for wheat flour, twenty thousand and five hun- dred artaba; and I give order, that these expenses shall be given them out of the tributes due from Samaria. The priests shall also offer these sacrifices according to the laws of Moses in Jerusalem: and when they offer them, they shall pray to God for the preservation of the king and of his family, that the kingdom of Persia may continue. But my will is, that those who disobey these injunctions, and make them void, shall be hung upon a cross, and their substance brought into the king's treasury," *136 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. And such was the import of this epistle. Now the numher of those that came out of captivity to Jeru- salem, were forty-two thousand four hundred and sixty-two. CHAPTER II. How upon the death of Cyrus, the Jews were hin- dered in building of the temple hi/ the Cutheans, and the neighbouring governors: and how Camhyses entirely forbade the Jews to do any such thing. 1. When the foundations of the temple were laying, and when the Jews were A^ery zealous about building it, the neighbouring nations, and especially the Cutheans, whom Shalmanezer, king of Assyria, had brought out of Persia and INIedia, and had planted in Samaria, when he carried the people of Israel captives, besought the governors, and those that had the care of such affairs, that they would interrupt the Jews, both in the rebuilding of their city, and in the building of their temple. Now as these men were corrupted by them with money, they sold the Cutheans their interest for rendering this building a slow and a careless work, for Cyrus, who was busy about other wars, knew nothing of all this; and it so happened, that when he had led his army against the ^ Massageta? he ended his life. But ' Josephus here follows Herodotus, and those that related how Cyrus made war with the Scythians and Massagets, near the Caspian sea, and perished in it; while Xenophon's account, which appears never to have been seen by Josephus, that Cyrus died in ])eace, in his own country of Persia, is attested to by the writers of the affairs of Alexander the Great, when they agree that he found Cyrus' sepulchre at Pasargadae, near Persepolis. This account of Xenophon's is also confirmed by the circum- stances of Cambyses, upon his succession to Cyrus, who, "instead of a Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 137 when Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, had taken the kingdom, the governor in Syria, and Phenicia, and in the countries of Amnion, and Moab, and Samaria, wrote an epistle to Cambyses; whose contents were as follows: "To our Lord Cambyses; we thy servants, Rathumus the historiographer, and Semellius the scribe, and the rest that are thy judges in Syria and Phenicia, sendeth greeting: It is fit, O King, that thou shouldest know that these Jews which were carried to Babvlon, are come into our country, and are building that rebellious and wicked city, and its market places, and setting up its walls, and raising up the temple: know therefore, that when these things are finished, they will not be willing to pay tribute, nor will they submit to thy commands, but will resist kings, and will choose rather to rule over others, than be ruled over themselves. We therefore thought it proper to write to thee, O King, while the works about the temple are going on so fast, and not to overlook this matter, that thou mayest search into the books of thy fathers, for thou wilt find in them, that the Jews have been rebels, and enemies to kings, as hath their city been also, which, for that reason, hath been till now laid waste. We thought proper also to inform thee of this matter, because thou mayest otherwise perhaps be ignorant of it, that if this city be once inhabited, and be entirely encompassed with walls, thou wilt be excluded from thy passage to Celesyria and Phenicia." war to avenge his father's death upon the Scythians and Massagets, and to prevent those nations from overrunning his northern provinces, which would have heen the natural consequence of his father's ill success and death there, went innnediatcly to an Egyptian war, long ago hegun by Cyrus, according to Xennphon, p. G44, and conquered that kingdom, nor is there, that I ever heard of the least mention in the reign of Cambyses of any war against the Scythians and ^lassagets that he was ever engaged in all his life. 138 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. 2. When Cambyses had read the epistle, being naturally wicked, he was irritated at what they told him; and wrote back to them as follows: "Cam- byses the king, to Rathumus the historiographer, to Beeltethmus, to Semellius the scribe, and the rest that are in commission, and dwelling in Samaria and Phenicia, after this manner; I have read the epistle that was sent from you; and I gave order that the books of my forefathers should be searched into, and it is there found, that this city hath always been an enemy to kings, and its inhabitants have raised seditions and wars. We also are sensible that their kings have been powerful, and tyrannical, and have exacted tribute of Celesyria and Phenicia: Wherefore I give order that the Jews shall not be permitted to build that city, lest such mischief as they used to bring upon kings be greatly augmented." When this epistle was read, Rathumus, and Semel- lius the scribe, and their associates, got suddenly on horseback, and made haste to Jerusalem; they also brought a great company with them, and for- bade the Jews to build the city, and the temple. Accordingly, these works were hindered from going on till the second year of the reign of Darius, for nine years more; for Cambyses reigned six years, and within that time overthrew Egypt, and when he was come back, he died at Damascus. Chap. HI. OF THE JEWS. 139 CHAPTER III. How, after the death of Camhyses, and the slaughter of the Magi, hut under the reign of Darius, Zoro- habel was superior to the rest in the solution of problems, and thereby obtained this favour of the king, that the temple should be built. 1. After the slaughter of the Magi, who, upon the death of Cambyses, attained the government of the Persians for a year, those famihes which were called the seven families of the Persians, appointed Darius, the son of Hystaspes, to be their king. Now he, while he was a private man, had made a vow to God, that if he came to be king, he would send all the vessels of God that were in Babylon to the temple at Jerusalem. Now it so fell out, that about this time Zorobabel, who had been made governor of the Jews that had been in captivity, came to Darius, from Jerusalem: for there had been an old friendship between him and the king. He was also, with two others, thought worthy to be guards of the king's body; and obtained that honour which he hoped for. 2. Now in the first year of the king's reign, Darius feasted those that were about him, and those born in his house, with the rulers of the Medes, and princes of the Persians, and the toparchs of India and Ethiopia, and the generals of the armies of his hun- dred and twenty-seven provinces: But when they had eaten and drank to satiety, and abundantly, they every one departed to go to bed at their own houses, and Darius the king went to bed; but after he had rested a little part of the night, he awaked, and not being able to sleep any more he fell into con versa- 140 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. tion with the three guards of his body, and promised, that to him who should make an oration, about points that he should inquire of, such as should be most agreeable to truth, and to the dictates of wis- dom, he would grant it as a reward of his victory, to put on a purple garment, and to drink in cups of gold, and to sleep upon gold, and to have a chariot with bridles of gold, and to sit next to him- self, on account of his wisdom; and, says he, he shall be called my cousin. Now when he had promised to give them these gifts, he asked the first of them. Whether wine was not the strongest? The second. Whether kings were not such? And the third, AVhether women were not sucli? Or whether truth was not the strongest of all? When he had proposed that they should make their inquiries about those problems, he went to rest; but in the morning he sent for his great men, his princes, and toparchs of Persia and Media, and set himself down in the place where he used to give audience, and bid each of the guards of his body to declare what they thought proper concerning the proposed questions, in the hearing of them all. 3. Accordingly, the first of them began to speak of the strength of wine, and demonstrated it thus: "When, said he, I am to give my opinion of wine, O you men, I find that it exceeds every thing, by the following indications: It deceives the minds of those that drink it, and reduces that of the king to the same state witli that of the orphan, and he who stands in need of a tutor, and erects that of the slave to the boldness of him tliat is free, and that of the needy becomes like that of the rich man, for it changes and renews the souls of men when it gets into them, and it quenches the sorrow of those that are under calamities, and makes men forget Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 141 the debts they owe to others, and makes them think themselves to be of all men the richest; it makes them talk of no small things, but of talents, and such other names as become wealthy men only, nay, more, it makes them insensible of their commanders, and of their kings, and takes away the remembrance of their friends and companions, for it arms men even against those that are dearest to them, and makes them appear the greatest strangers to them, and when thev are become sober, and they have slept out their wine in the night, they arise without knowing any thing they have done in their cups; I take these for signs of power, and by them dis- cover that wine is the strongest, and most insuperable of all things." 4. As soon as the first had given the fore-men- tioned demonstrations of the strength of wine, he left off; and the next to him began to speak about the strength of a king, and demonstrated that it was the strongest of all, and more powerful than any thing else that appears to have any force or w^isdom. He began his demonstration after the fol- lowing manner; and said, "They are men who govern all things; they force the earth and the sea to be- come profitable to them in what they desire, and over these men do kings rule, and over them they have authority. Now those men who rule over that animal which is of all the strongest and most power- ful, must needs deserve to be esteemed insuperable in power and force; for example, when these kings command their subjects to make war, and undergo dangers, they are hearkened to, and when they send them against their enemies, their power is so great that they are obeyed. They command men to level mountains, and to pull down walls and towers; nay, when thev are commanded to be killed and to kill, 142 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. they submit to it, that they may not appear to transgress the king's commands, and when they liave conquered, they bring what they have gained in the war to the king. Those also who are not sokiiers, but cultivate the groimd, and plough it, and when, after they have endured the labour, and all the inconveniences of such works of husbandry, they have reaped and gathered in their fruits, they bring tributes to the king. And whatsoever it is which the king says or commands, it is done of necessitv, and that without any delay, while he in the mean time is satiated with all sorts of food and pleasures, and sleeps in quiet. He is guarded by such as watch, and such as are, as it were fixed down to the j)lace through fear, for no one dares leave him, even when he is asleep, nor does any one go away and take care of his own affairs, but he esteems this one thing the only work of necessity, to guard the king, and accordingly to this he wholly addicts himself. How then can it be otherwise, but that it must appear that the king exceeds all in strength, while so great a multitude obeys his injunctions f 5. Now when this man had held his peace, the third of them, who was Zorobabel, began to instruct them about women, and about truth, who said thus: "Wine is strong, as is the king also, whom all men obey, but women are superior to them in power, for it was a woman that brought the king into the world; and for those that plant the vines and make the wine, they are women who bear them, and bring them up: nor indeed is there any thing which we do not receive from them : for these women weave garments for us, and oin- household affairs are by their means taken care of, and preserved in safety; nor can we live separate from women. And when we have gotten a great deal of gold and silver, and Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 143 any other thing that is of great value, and deserving regard, and see a beaiitifid woman, we leave all these things, and with open mouth fix our eyes upon her countenance, and are willing to forsake what we have, that we may enjoy her ])eauty, and procure it to ourselves. We also leave father, and mother, and the earth that nourishes us, and fre(juent!y forget our dearest friends, for the sake of women: nay, we are so hardy as to lay down our lives for them. But what will chiefly make you take notice of the strength of women is this that follows: Do not we take pains, and endure a great deal of trouble, and that both by land and sea, and when we have procured somewhat as the fruit of our la- bours, do we not bring them to the women, as to our mistresses; and bestow them upon them? nay, I once saw the king, who is lord of so many people, smitten on the face by Apame, the daughter of Rabsases Themasius, his concubine, and his diadem taken away from him, and put upon her own head, while he bore it patiently; and when she smiled he smiled, and when she was angry he Vv^as sad; and according to the change of her passions, he flattered his wife, and drew her to reconciliation by the great humiliation of himself to her, if at any time he saw her displeased at him." 6. And when the princes and rulers looked one uj)on another, he began to speak about truth; and he said, "I have already demonstrated hoAv powerfid women are; but both these women themselves, and the king himself, are weaker than truth; for although the eartli be large, and the heaven high, and the course of the sun swift, vet are all these moved according to the will of God, who is true and right- eous, for which cause we also ought to esteem truth in be strongest of all things, and that what is un- 144 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. righteous is of no force against it. Moreover, all things else that have any strength are mortal, and short-lived, but truth is a thing that is immortal, and eternal. It affords us not indeed such a beauty as will wither away by time, nor such riches as may be taken away by fortinie, but righteous rules and laws. It distinguishes them from injustice, and puts what is unrighteous to rebuke." ^ 7. So when Zorobabel had left off his discourse about truth, and the multitude had cried out aloud that he had spoken the most wisely, and that it was truth alone that had immutable strength, and such as never would wax old, the king commanded, that he should ask for somewhat over and above what he had promised, for that he would give it him because of his wisdom, and that prudence wherein he exceeded the rest; and thou shalt sit with me, said the king, and shalt be called my cousin. When he had said this, Zorobabel put him in mind of the vow he had made in case he should ever have the ^ The reader is to note, that although the speeches or papers of these three of the king's guard are much the same, in the third book of Esdras, ch. iii. and iv. as they are here in .losephus, yet that tlie introduction of them is entirely diflferent, while in our Esdras the whole is related as the contrivance of the three of the king's guard themselves: and even the mighty rewards are spoken of as proj:)osed by themselves, and the speeches are related to have been delivered by themselves to the king in writing, while all is contrary in Josephus. I need not say whose accoimt is the most probable, the matters speak for themselves ; and there can be no doubt but Josephus' history is here to be very much preferred before the other. Nor indeed does it seem to me at all unlikely, that the whole was a contrivance of king Darius' own, in order to be decently and inoffensively put in mind by Zorobabel, of fulfilling his old vow for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple, and the restoration of the worship of the One Tkue God there. Nor does the full meaning of Zorol)abel, when he cries out, ;} Esdras iv. 40. "Blessed be the God of truth;" and here "God is true and rigliteous," or even of all tlie people, 3 Esdras iv. 41. "Great is trutli, and mighty above all things," seem to me much different from this, "There is but One True God," the God of Israel. To wliich doctrine, such as Cyrus, and Darius, etc. the Jews' great ])atrons, seem not to have been very averse, though the entire idolatry of their kingdoms made them generally conceal it. Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 145 kingdom. Now this vow was, "to rebuild Jerusalem, and to build therein the temple of God; as also to restore the vessels which Nebuchadnezzar had pil- laged, and carried to Babylon." And this, said he, is that request which thou now permittest me to make, on account that I have })een judged to be wise, and understanding. 8. So the king was pleased with what he had said, and arose and kissed him; and wrote to the toparchs, and governors, and enjoined them to con- duct Zorobabel and those that were going with him to build the temple. He also sent letters to those rulers that were in Syria and Phenicia to cut down and carry cedar trees from Lebanon to Jerusalem, and to assist him in building the city. He also •wrote to them, that all the captives who should go to Judea should be free; and he prohibited his deputies and governors to lay any king's taxes upon the Jews; he also permitted, that they should have all that land which they could possess themselves of without tributes. He also enjoined the Idumeans and Samaritans, and the inhabitants of Celesyria, to restore villages which they had taken from the Jews; and that besides all this, fifty talents should be given them for the building of the temple. He also permitted them to offer their appointed sacri- fices, and that whatsoever the high priest and the priests wanted, and those sacred garments wherein they used to worship God, should be made at his own charges; and that the musical instruments whicli the Levites used in singing hymns to God should be given them. Moreover he charged them, tliat portions of land should be given to those that guarded the city and the temple, as also a determinate sum of money every year for their maintenance: and withal he sent the vessels. And all that Cyrus intended to do 146 AXTIQITITIES Book xt. before him relating to the restoration of Jerusalem, Darius also ordained should be done accordingly. 9. Now when Zorobabel had obtained these grants from the king, he went out of the palace, and look- ing up to heaven, he began to return thanks to God for the wisdom he had given him, and the vic- tory he had gained thereby, even in the presence of Darius himself; for, said he, "I had not been thought worthy of these advantages, O T^ord, unless thou hadst been favourable to me." When therefore he had returned these thanks to God for the present circumstances he was in, and had prayed to him to afford him the like favoiu' for the time to come, he came to Babylon, and brought the good news to his countrymen of what grants he had procured for them from the king; who, when they heard the same,'' gave thanks also to God that he restored the land of their forefathers to them again: So they betook tliemselves to drinking, and eating, and for seven days they continued feasting, and kept a festival, for the rebuilding and restoration of their country: after this they chose themselves rulers, who should go up to Jerusalem, out of the tribes of their forefathers, with their wives and children, and cattle, who trav- elled to Jerusalem with joy and pleasure, under the conduct of those whom Darius sent along with them, and making a noise with songs, and pipes, and cymbals. The rest of the Jewish multitude also besides accompanied them with rejoicing. 10. And thus did these men go, a certain and determinate number out of every family, though I do not think it })roper to recite particularly the name of those families, that I may not take off the mind of my readers from the connexion of the historical facts, and make it hard for them to follow the co- herence of mv narrations; but the sum of thos ■J'v Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 147 that went up, above the age of twelve years, of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, was ^ four hun- dred sixty-two myriads and eight thousand; the Levites were seventy-four: the number of the women and children mixed together was forty thousand seven hundred and forty-two; and besides these, there were singers of the Levites one hundred and twenty-eight, and porters one hundred and ten; and of the sacred ministers three hundred and ninety- two; there were also others besides these, who said thcv were of the Israelites, but were not able to show their genealogies, six hundred and sixty-two; some there were also, who were expelled out of the number and honoiu' of the priests, as having married wives whose genealogies they could not produce, nor were they found in tlie genealogies of the Levites and priests: they were about five hundred and twenty- five; the multitude also of servants that followed those that went up out of Jerusalem were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven; the singing men and singing women were two hundred and forty-five; the camels were four hundred and thirty- five; the beasts used to the voke were five thousand five hundred and twenty-five; and the governors of all this multitude thus numbered were Zorobabel, * This strange reading in Josephus' present copies of 4.000,000 instead of 40,000, is one of the grossest errors that is in them, and oiiglit to he corrected from Ezra ii. 6"4, 1 Esd. v. tO. and Neh. vii. GO, who all ag:-e? the general sum was hut ahout 4x2,3()0. It is also very plain, that Josephus thought, that when Esdras afterwards brought up another company out of Babylon and Persia, in the days of Xerxes they were also, as well as these of the two tribes, and out of them only, and were in all no more than a seed and a remnant, ^hile an immense number of the ten tribes never returned, but as he believed, continued then beyond Euphrates, ch. V. sect. 3, .3. Of which multitude, the Jews beyond Euphrates, he speaks frequently elsewhere; though, by the way, he never takes them to be idolaters, but looks on them still as observers of the laws of Moses. The certain part of the people that now came up from Babylon, at the end of this chapter, imply the same smaller number of Jews that now came up, and will no way agree with the 4,000,000. 148 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. the son of Salathiel, of the posterity of David, and of the tribe of Judah, and Jeshua, the son of Josedek the high j^riest; and besides these there were Mor- decai and Serebeus, who were distinguished from the multicude, and were rulers, who also contributed a hundred pounds of gold, and five thousand of silver. By this means therefore the priests and the Levites, and a certain part of the entire people of the Jews that were in Babylon, came and dwelt in Jerusalem, but the rest of the multitude returned every one to their own countries. CHAPTER IV. How the temple was built, zchile the Cutheans endeav- oured in vain to obstruct the work. 1. Xow in the seventh month, after they were departed out of Babylon, both Jeshua the high priest, and Zorobabel the governor, sent messengers every way round about : and gathered those tliat were in the country together to Jerusalem universally, who came very gladly thither. He then built the altar on the same place it had formerly been built, that they might offer the appointed sacrifices upon it to God, according to the laws of Moses. But while they did this, they did not j^lease the neighbouring nations, who all of them bare an ill will to them. They also celebrated the feast of tabernacles at that tin'ie, as the legislator had ordained concerning it, and after they offered sacrifices, and what were called tlie daily sacrifices, and the oblations proper for the Sabliaths, and for all the holy festivals. Those also tliat had made vows performed them, and offered their sacri- Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 149 fices, from the first day of the seventh month. They also began to build the temple, and gave a great deal of money to the masons and to the carpenters, and what was necessary for the maintenance of the work- men. The Sidonians also were verv wilJinec and readv to bring the cedar trees from Libanus, to bind them together, and to make an united float of them, and to bring them to the port of Joppa, for that was what Cyrus had commanded at first, and what was now done at the command of Darius. 2. In the second year of this coming to Jerusalem, as the Jews were there in the second month, the building of the temple went on apace; and when they had laid its foundations on the first day of the second month, of that second year, they set, as overseers of the work, such Levites, as were full twenty years old; and Jeshua and his sons and brethren, and Codmiel the brother of Judas, the son of Aminidab, with his sons, and the temple, by the gi;eat diligence of those that had the care of it, was finished sooner than anv one would have expected. And when the temple was finished, the priests, adorned with their accustomed garments, stood with their trumpets, while the Levites, and the sons of Asaph, stood and sung liymns to God, according as David first of all appointed them to bless God. Now the priests and Levites, and the elder part of the families, recollecting with themselves how much greater and more sumptuous the old temple had been, seeing that now made, how mucli inferior it was, on account of their poverty, to that which had been built of old, considered with themselves how much their hajjpy state was sunk below what it had been of old, as well as tlieir temple. Hereupon they were disconsolate and not a])le to contain their grief, and proceeded so far as to lament and shed tears on those accounts; but the people in general were con- 150 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. tented with their present condition, and because they were allowed to build them a temple, they desired no more, and neither regarded nor remembered, nor indeed at all tormented themselves with the compari- son of that and the former temple, as if this were below their expectations; but the wailing of the old men, and of the priests, on account of tlie deficiency of this temj^le, in their opinion, if compared with that which had been demolished, overcame the sounds of the trumpets and the rejoicing of the people. 3. But when the Samaritans, who were still enemies to the tribes of Jiidali and Benjamin, heard the sound of the trumpets, they came running to- gether, and desired to know what was the occasion of this tumult? and when they perceived that it Avas from the Jews, who had been carried captive to Babylon, and were rebuilding their temple, they came to Zorobabel and to Jeshua, and to the heads of the families, and desired that they would give them leave to build the temple with them, and to be partners with them in building it; for they said, "We worship your God, and especially pray to him, and are desirous of your religious settlement, and this ever since Shalmaneser, the king of Assyria, transplanted us out of C'uthah and Media to this place." When they said thus, Zorobabel and Jeshua the high priest, and the heads of the families of the Israelites, replied to them, that "it was impos- sible for them to permit them to be their partners, while they [only] had been appointed to build that temple at first by Cyrus, and now by Darius, al- though it was indeed lawful for them to come and worsliip there if they pleased, and that they could allow them nothing but that in common with them, which was common to them with all other men, to come to their temple and worship God there." Cluip. IV. OF THE JEWS. 151 4. AMieii the Cutheans heard this, for the Samari- tans have that appelkitioii, they had indignation at it, and persuaded the nations of Syria to desire of the governors, in the same manner as they had done formerly in the days of Cyrus, and again in the days of Cambyses afterwards, to put a stop to the building of tlie temple, and to endeavour to delay and protraet tlie Jews in their zeal about it. Xow at this time Sisinnes, the governor of Syria and Phenicia,. and Sathrabuzanes, with certain others, came up to Jerusalem, and asked the riders of the Jews, "By wliose grant it was that they ])uilt tlie temjde in this manner, since it was more like to a citadel tlian a temple? and for what reason it was that they built cloisters and walls, and those strong ones too, about the city?" To which Zorobabel and Jeshua the high priest replied, "that they were the servants of God Almighty: that this temple was built for him by a king of theirs, that lived in great prosperity, and one that exceeded all men in virtue, and that it continued a long time, but that because of their fathers' impiety towards God, Nebuchad- nezzar, king of the Babylonians, and of the Chal- deans, took their city by force, and destroyed it and ])illaged the temj^le, and burnt it down, and transplanted the peoj^le whom he had made captives, and removed them to Babvlon: that Cyrus, who after him was king of Babylonia and Persia, wrote to them to build the temple, and committed the gifts and vessels, and whatsoever Nebuchadnezzar had carried out of it, to Zorobabel and Mithridates the treasurer; and gave order to have them carried to Jerusalem, and to have them restored to their own temple, when it was built; for he had sent to them to have done speedily, and commanded Sana- bassar to go up to Jerusalem, and to take care of 152 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. the building of the temple; who, ujDon receiving that epistle from Cyrus, came, and immediately laid its foundations: and although it hath been in build- ing from that time to this, it hath not yet been fin- ished, by reason of the malignity of our enemies. If therefore you have a mind, and think it proper, ^Tite this account to Darius, that when he hath consulted the records of the kings, he may find that we have told you nothing that is false about this matter." 5. When Zorobabel and the high priest had made this answer, Sisinnes, and those that were with him, did not resolve to hinder the building, until they had informed king Darius of all this. So they im- mediately wrote to him about these affairs; but as the Jews were now under terror, and afraid lest the king should change his resolutions as to the building of Jerusalem, and of the temple, there were two j^rophets at that time among them, Haggai and Zechariah, who encouraged them, and bid them be of good cheer, and to suspect no discouragement from the Persians, for that God foretold this to them. So, in dependence on those prophets, they applied them- selves earnestly to building, and did not intermit one day. 6. Xow Darius, when the Samaritans had written to him, and in their epistle had accused the Jews, how they fortified the city, and built the temple more like to a citadel than to a temj^le; and said, that their doings were not expedient for the king's affairs; and besides, they showed the epistle of Cambvses, wherein he forbade them to build the temple; and when Darius thereby understood that the restoration of Jerusalem was not expedient for his afi'airs, and when he had read the epistle that was brought him from Sisinnes, and those that were Chap. lY. OF THE JEWS. 153 with him, he gave order that what concerned these matters should be sought for among the royal records. Whereupon a book was found at Ecbatana, in the tower that was in ^Nledia, wherein was written as follows: "Cyrus the king, in the first year of his reign, commanded that the temple should be built in Jerusalem; and the altar in height threescore cubits, and its breadth of the same, with three edifices of polished stone, and one edifice of stone of their own country: and he ordained that the expenses of it should be paid out of the king's revenue. He also commanded that the vessels which Xebuchad- nezzar had pillaged [out of the temple], and had carried to Babylon, should be restored to the people of Jerusalem, and that the care of these things should belong to Sanabassar the governor and presi- dent of Syria and Phenicia, and to his associates, that they may not meddle with that place, but may permit the servants of God, the Jews and their rulers, to build the temple. He also ordained that they should assist them in the work: and that they should pay to the Jews, out of the tribute of the country where they were governors, on account of the sacrifices, bulls and rams, and lambs and kids of the goats, and fine flour and oil, and wine, and all other things that the priests should suggest to them; and that they should pray for the preservation of the king, and of the Persians, and that for such as transgressed any of these orders thus sent to them, he commanded that they should be caught, and hung upon a cross, and their substance confis- cated to the king's use. He also prayed to God against them, that if any one attempted to hinder the building of the temple, God would strike him dead, and thereby restrain his wickedness." 7. When Darius had found this book among the 154 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. records of Cyrus, he wrote an answer to Sisinnes and his associates, whose contents were these: "King Darius to Sisinnes the governor, and to Sathrabuzanes, sendeth greeting: Having found a copy of this epistle among the records of Cyrus, I have sent it you; and I will that all things be done as is therein written. Fare ye well." So when Sisinnes, and those that were with him, understood the intention of the king, they resolved to follow his directions entirely for the time to come. So they forwarded the sacred works, and assisted the elders of the Jews, and the princes of the sanhedrim, and the structure of the temple was with great diligence brought to a conclusion, by the prophecies of Haggai and Zech- ariah, according to God's commands, and by the injunctions of Cyrus and Darius the kings. Xow the temple was built in seven years' time: And in the ninth year of the reign of Darius, on the twenty- third day of the twelfth month, which is by us called Adar, but by the jNIacedonians Difstnis, the priests and Levites, and the other multitude of the Israelites, offered sacrifices, as the renovation of their former prosperity after their ca])tivity, and because they had now the temple re])uilt, a hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four himdred lambs, and twelve kids of the goats, according to the number of their tribes, (for so many are the tribes of the Israelites,) and this last for the sins of every tribe. The priests also and the Levites set the porters at every gate, according to the laws of INIoses. The ■Jews also built the cloisters of the inner temple, that were round about the temple itself. 8. And as the feast of unleavened bread was at hand, in the first month, which, according to tlie Macedonians, is called Xanthicus, but according to us Nisan, all the people ran together out of the Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 155 villages to the city, and celebrated the festival, having jDurified tlieniselves, with their wives and children, according to the law of their conntry; and the}- offered the sacrifice which was called the Passover, on the fourteenth dav of the sani^ month, and feasted seven days, and spared for no cost, but offered whole burnt-offerings to God, and performed sacri- fices of thanksgiving, because God had led them *igain to the land of their fathers, and to the laws thereto belonging, and had rendered the mind of the king of Persia favourable to them. So these men offered the largest sacrifices on these accounts, and used great magnificence in the worship of God, and dwelt in Jerusalem, and made use of a form of government that was aristocratical, but mixed with an oligarchy, for the high priests were at the head of their affairs, until the posterity of the Asamoneans set up kingly government; for before their captivity, and the dissolution of their polity, they at first had kingly government from Saul and David, for five hundred and thirty-two years, six months, and ten days; but before those kings, such rulers governed them as were called Judges and MotuireJis. Under this form of government they continued for more than five hundred years, after the death of ]\Ioses, and of Joshua their commander. And this is the account I had to give of tlie Jews who had been carried into captivity, but were delivered from it in the times of Cvrus and Darius. 9. ^ But the Samaritans, being evil and enviously disposed to the Jews, wrought them many mischiefs, by reliance on their riches, and by their pretence that they were allied to the Persians, on account that thence they came; and whatsoever it was that they ' The history contained in this section is entirely wanting in all our otlier conies both of Ezra and Esdras. 156 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. were enjoined to pay the Jews by the king's order out of their tributes, for the sacrifices, they woukl not pay it. They had also the governors favourable to them and assisting them for that purpose; nor did they spare to hurt them, either by themselves, or by others; as far as they were able. So the Jews determined to send an embassage to king Darius, in favour of the people of Jerusalem, and in order to accuse the Samaritans. The ambassadors were Zorobabel, and four others of the rulers: and as soon as the king knew from the aml)assadors the accusations and complaints they brought against the Samaritans, he gave them an epistle to be carried to the governors and council of Samaria. The con- tents of which epistle were these: "King Darius to Tanganas and Sambabas, the governors of the Sa- maritans, to Sadraces and Bobelo, and the rest of their fellow-servants that are in Samaria; Zorobabel, Ananias, and Mordecai, the ambassadors of the Jews, complain of you, that you obstruct them in the building of the temple, and do not supply them with the expenses which I commanded you to do for the offering their sacrifices. My will therefore is this, that upon the reading of this epistle, you supply them with whatsoever they want for their sacrifices, and that out of the royal treasury, of the tributes of Samaria, as the priest shall desire, that they may not leave off offering their daily sacrifices, nor praying to God for me and the Persians." AvA these were the contents of that epistle. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 157 CHAPTER V. How Xerxes, the son of Darius, teas tcell disposed to the Jews: As also concerning Esdras and Nehemiah. 1. Upon the death of Darius, Xerxes his son took the kingdom, who, as he inherited his father's kingdom, so did he inherit his piety towards God, and honour of him; for he did all things suitably to his father relating to divine worship, and he was exceeding friendly to the Jews. Now about this time, a son of Jeshua, whose name was Joacim, was the high priest. jMoreover, there was now in Baby- lon a righteous man, and one that enjoyed a great reputation among the multitude; He was the j)rin- cipal priest of the people, and his name was Esdras. He was very skilful in the laws of Moses, and was well acquainted with king Xerxes. He had de- termined to go up to Jerusalem, and to take with him some of those Jews that were in Babylon, and he desn-ed that the king would give him an epistle to the governors of Syria, by which they might know who he was. Accordingly, the king wrote the fol- lowing epistle to those governors: "Xerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the priest, and reader of the divine law, greeting: I think it agreeable to that love which I bear to mankind, to permit those of the Jewish nation that are so disposed, as well as those of the priests and Levites that are in our kingdom, to go together to Jerusalem. Accordingly, I have given command for that purpose r and let every one that hath a mind go, according as it hath seemed good to me, and to my seven counsellors, and this in order 158 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. to their review of the affairs of Judea, to see whether they be agreeable to the law of God. Let them also take with them those j^resents which I and my friends have vowed, with all that silver and gold that is found in the country of the Babylonians, as dedicated to God, and let all this be carried to Jerusalem, to God for sacrifices. Let it also be lawful for thee and thy brethren to make as many vessels of silver and gold as thou pleasest. Thou shalt also dedicate those holy vessels which have been given thee, and as many more as thou hast a mind to make, and shalt take the expenses out of the king's treasury. I have moreover written to the treasurers of Syria and Phenicia, that they take care of those affairs that Esdras the priest, and reader of the laws of God, is sent about. And that God may not be at all angry with me, or with my children, I grant all that is necessary for sacrifices to God, according to the law, as far as a hundred cori of wheat. And I enjoin you not to lay any treacherous imposition, or any tributes, upon their priests or Levites, or sacred singers, or porters, or sacred servants, or scribes of the temple. And do thou, O Esdras, appoint Judges according to the wisdom [given thee] of God, and those such as understand the law, that they may judge in all Syria and Phenicia; and do thou instruct those also who are ignorant of it, that if any one of thy country- men transgress the law of God, or that of the king, he may be punished, as not transgressing it out of ignorance, but as one that knows it indeed, but boldly despises and contemns it; and such may be punislied })y death, or by paying tines. Farewell." 2. AVHien Esdras had received this epistle, he was very joyful, and ])egan to worship God, and confessed that he had ])ecn the cause of the king's Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 159 great favour to him, and that for the same reason he gave all the thanks to God. So he read the epistle at Babylon to those Jews that were there, but he kept the epistle itself, and sent a copy of it to all those of his own nation that were in Media. And when these Jews had understood what piety the king had towards God, and what kindness he had for Esdras, they were all greatly pleased; nay, many of them took their effects with them, and came to Babylon, as very desirous of going down to Jerusalem; but then the entire body of the people of Israel remained in that country, wherefore there are but two tril)es in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Eu- phrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers. Now there came a great number of priests, and Levites, and porters, and sacred singers, and sacred servants, to Esdras. So he gathered those that were in the captivity to- gether beyond Euphrates, and stayed there three days, and ordained a fast for them, that they might make their prayers to God for their preservation, that they might suffer no misfortunes by the way, either from their enemies, or from any other ill accident; for Esdras had said beforehand, that he had told the king how God would preserve them, and so he had not thought fit to request that he would send horsemen to conduct them. So when they had finished their prayers, they removed from Euphrates on the twelfth day of the first month of the seventh year of the reign of Xerxes, and they came to Jerusalem on the fifth month of the same year. Now Esdras presented the sacred money, of the treasurers, who were of the family of the priests, of silver six hundred and fifty talents, vessels of silver one hundred talents, vessels of gold, twenty 160 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. talents, vessels of brass, that was ^ more precious than gold, twelve talents by weight, for these presents had been made by the king and his counsellors, and by all the Israelites that stayed at Babylon. So when Esdras had delivered these things to the priests, he gave to God, as the appointed sacrifices of whole burnt-offerings, twelve bulls on account of the common preservation of the people, ninety rams, and _ seventy-two lambs, twelve kids of the goats, for the remissioif of sins. He also delivered the king's epistle to the king's officers, and to the governors of Celesyria and Phenicia; and as they were under a necessity of doing what was enjoined by him, they honoured our nation, and were assistant to them in all their necessities. 3. Now these things were truly done under the conduct of Esdras, and he succeeded in them, be- cause God esteemed him worthy of the success of his conduct, on account of his goodness and righteous- ness. But some time afterward there came some persons to him, and brought an accusation against certain of the multitude, and of the priests and Levites, who had transgressed their settlement, and dissolved the laws of their country, by marrying strange wives, and had brought the family of the priests into confusion. These persons desired him to support the laws, lest God should take up a general anger against them all, and reduce them to a calamitous condition again. Hereupon he rent his garment immediately out of grief, and pulled off the hair off his head and beard, and cast himself upon the ground, because this crime had reached the principal men among the people, and considering * Dr. Hudson takes notice here, that this kind of brass or copper, or rather mixture of gold and i)rass or copper, was called aurichalcum, and that this was of old esteemed the most precious of all metals. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 161 that if he should enjoin them to cast out their wives, and the children they had by them, he should not be hearkened to, he continued lying upon the ground. However, all the better sort came running to him, who also themselves wept, and partook of the grief he was under for what had been done. So Esdras rose up from the ground, and stretched out his hands towards heaven, and said, that "he was ashamed to look towards it, because of the sins which the people had committed, while they had cast out of their memories what their fathers had undergone on account of their wickedness: and he besought God, who had saved a seed and a remnant out of the calamity and captivity they had been in, and had restored them again to Jerusalem and to their own land, and had obliged the kings of Persia to have compassion on them, that he would also for- give them their sins they had now committed, M^hich, though they deserved death, yet it was agreeable to the mercy of God, to remit even to these the punishment due to them." 4. After Esdras had said this, he left off praying; and when all those that came to him with their wives and children were under lamentation, one whose name was Jechonias, a principal man in Jerusalem, came to him, and said, that they had sinned in marrying strange wives; and he persuaded him to adjure them all to cast those wives out, and the children born of them, and that tliose should be punished who would not obey the law. So Esdras hearkened to this advice, and made the heads of the priests, and of the Levites, and of the Israelites, swear that they would put away those wives and children; according to the advice of Jechonias. And when he had re- ceived their oaths, he went in haste out of the temple into the chamber of Johanai^ the son of Eliasib, 162 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. and as he had hitherto tasted nothing at all for grief, so he abode there that day. And when proclamation was made, that all those of the cap- tivity should gather themselves together to Jeru- salem, and those that did not meet there* in two or three days should be banished from the multitude, and that their substance should be appropriated to the uses of the temple, according to the sentence of the elders, those that were of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin came together in three days, viz. on the twentieth day of the ninth month, which ac- cording to the Hebrews, is called Teheih, and ac- cording to the jVIacedonians, ApcUcus. Now, as they were sitting in the upper room of the temple, where the elders also were present, but were uneasy be- cause of the cold, Esdras stood up, and accused them, and told them that they had sinned in marry- ing wives that were not of their own nation; but that now they would do a thing both pleasing to God, and advantageous to themselves, if they would put those wives away. Accordingly they all cried out, that "they would do so. That however the multitude was great, and that the season of the year was winter, and that this work would require more than one or two days. Let their rulers, there- fore, [said they], and those that have married strange wives, come hither at a proper time, while the elders of every place, that are in common to estimate the number of those that have thus married, are to be there also." Accordingly, this was resolved on by them, and they began the inquiry after those that had married strange wives on the first day of the next month, and continued the inquiry to the first day of the tentli moiitli, and found a great many of the posterity of Jeshua tlie high priest, and of the priests, and Levites, and Israelites, who had Chap. Y. OF THE JEWS. 103 • a greater regard to the observation of the law than to their natural affection, and ininiediately cast out their wives, and the children which were born of them. And in order to appease God, they offered sacrifices, and slew rams, as oblations to him; ])ut it does not seem to me t^ be necessary to set down the names of these men. So when Esdras had re- formed this sin about the marriages of the fore- mentioned persons, lie reduced that practice to purity, so that it continued in that state for the time to come. 5. Xow when they kept tlie ^ feast of tabernacles in the seventh month, and almost all the people were come together to it, they went up to the open part of the temple, to the gate which looked eastward, and desired of Esdras that the laws of Moses might be read to them. Accordingly he stood in the midst of the multitude and read them; and this he did from morning to noon. Xow, by liearing the laws read to them, thev were instructed to be righteous men for tlie present and for the future; ])ut as for their past offences, they were displeased at them- selves, and proceeded to shed tears on their account, as considering with themselves, that if they had kept the law, tliey had endured none of these miseries which they had experienced. But when Esdras saw them in that disposition, he bade them go home and not weep, for that it was a festival, and that they ought not to weep thereon, for that it was not lawful so to do. He exhorted them rather to proceed im- mediately to feasting, and to do what was suitable to a feast, and what was agreeable to a day of joy, but to let their repentance and sorrow for their ' This Jewish feast of tabernacles was imitated in several heathen solemnities, as Spanheim here oliserves and proves. He also fartlier observes jiresently, what gTeat reg-ard many heathens had to the monu- ments of their forefaHiers, as Xeheniiali had here, sect, (i, 164 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. former sins be a security and a guard to them, that they fall no more into the like offences. So upon Esdras' exhortation they began to feast; and when they had so done for eight days, in their tabernacles, theV departed to their own homes, singing hymns to God, and returning thanks to Esdras, for his reformation of wliat corruptions had been introduced into their settlement. So it came to pass, that after he had obtained this reputation among the people, he died an old man, and was buried in a magnificent manner at Jerusalem. About the same time it hap- pened also, that Joachim the high priest died; and his son Eliasib succeeded in the high priesthood. 6. Now there was one of those Jews that had been carried captive, who was cup-bearer to king Xerxes; his name was Xehemiah. As this man was walking before Susa, the metropolis of the Persians, he heard some strangers that ^vere entering the city after a long journey, speaking to another in the Hebrew tongue, so he went to them and asked them whence th.ey came? And when their answer was, that they came from Judea, he began to inquire of them again in what state the multitude was? and in what condition Jerusalem was; and when they replied, that they were in a ' bad state, for that their walls were thrown down to the ground, and that the neighbouring nations did a great deal of mischief to the Jews, while in the day time they overran the country, and pillaged it, and in the night did them mischief, insomuch that not a few were led away captive out of the country, and out ^ This miserable condition of the Jews, and their capital, must have been after the death of Ezra, their former governor, and before Xehemiah came with his commission to build the walls of Jerusalem. Xor is that at all disagreeable to these histories in Josephus, since Ezra came on the 7th, and Xehemiah not till the 25th of Xerxes, at the interval of 18 years. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 165 of Jerusalem itself, and that the roads were in the day time found full of dead men. Hereupon Ne- hemiah shed tears, out of commiseration for the calamities of his countrymen: and looking up to heaven he said, "How long, O Lord, wilt thou over- look oui' nation, while it suffers so great miseries, and while we are made the prey and spoil of all men?" And while he stayed at the gate and lamented thus, one told him that the king was going to sit down to supper; so he made haste, and went as he was, without washing himself, to minister to the king in his office of cup-bearer: But as the king was very pleasant after supper, and more cheerful than usual, he cast his eyes on Xehemiah, and seeing him look sad, he asked him, why lie was sad ? Where- upon he prayed to God to give him favour, and afford him the power of persuading by his words, and said, "How can I, O king, appear otherwise than thus, and not be in trouble, while I hear that the walls of Jerusalem, the city where are the sepulchres of my fathers, are thrown down to the ground, and that its gates are consumed by fire; but do thou grant me the favour to go and build its wall, and to finish the building of the temple." Accordingly the king gave him a signal, that he freely granted him what he asked; and told him that he should carry an epistle to the governors, that they might pay him due honour, and afford him whatsoever assistance he wanted, and as he pleased. "Leave off thy sorrow then, said the king, and be cheerful in the performance of thy office hereafter." So Nehemiah worshipped God; and gave the king thanks for his promise, and cleared up his sad and cloudy countenance, by the pleasure he had from the king's promises. Accordingly, the king called for him the next day, and gave him an epistle to 166 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. be carried to Adeus, the governor of Syria, and Phenicia, and Samaria; wherein he sent to him to pay due honour to Xehemiah, and to supply him with what he wanted for his building. 7. Xow when he was come to Babylon and had taken with him many of his countrymen, whd volun- tarily followed him, he came to Jerusalem in the twenty and fifth year of the reign of Xerxes: And when he had shown the ' epistles to God, he gave them to Adeus, and to the other governors. He also called together all the j)eople to Jerusalem, and stood in the midst of the temple, and made the following speech to them: "You know, O Jews, that God hath kept our fatliers Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in mind continually; and for the sake of their righteousness hath not left off the care of you: Indeed he hath assisted me in gaining this authority of the king to raise up our wall, and finish what is wanting of the temple. I desire you, therefore, who well know the ill-will our neighbour- ing nations bear to us; and that when once they are made sensible that we are in earnest about build- ing, they will come upon us, and contrive many ways of obstructing our works, that you will, in the first 2)lace, put your trust in God, as in him that will assist us against their hatred, and to intermit building neither night nor day, ])ut to use all diligence, and to hasten on the work; now we have this especial opportunity for it." When he had said this, he gave order that the rulers should measure the wall, and part the work of it among the peoj^le, according * Tliis showiriGr king Xerxes' epistles to God, or layinfr them open before God in tlie temple, is very like the laying open the epistles of Sennacherib before him also by Hezekiah, 2 Kings xix. 14, Isa. xxxvii. 14, although this last was for a memorial, to put him in mind of the enemies, in order to move that divine compassion, and the present as a token of gratitude for mercies already received, as Havercamp well observes on this place. Chap. y. OF THE JEWS. 167 to their villages and cities, as every one's abilities should require. And when he had added this promise, that he himself, with his servants, would assist them, he dissolved the assembly. So the Jews prepared for the work: That is the name they are called by from the day that they came up from Babylon, which is taken from the tribe of Judah, which came first to these places, and thence both they and the country gained that appellation. 8. But now when the Ammonites, and ^Nloabites, and Samaritans, and all that inhabited Celesyria, heard that the building went on apace, they took it heinously, and proceeded to lay snares for them, and to hinder their intentions. Thev also slew many of the Jews, and sought how they might destroy Nehemiali himself, by hiring some of the foreigners to kill him. They also put the Jews in fear, and disturbed them, and spread abroad rumours, as if many nations were ready to make an expedition against them, by which means they were harassed, and had almost left off the building: But none of these things could deter Xehemiah from being dili- gent about the work, he only set a number of men about him as a guard to his body, and so unweariedly persevered therein, and w^as insensible of any trouble out of his desire to perfect this w^ork. And thus did he attentively, and with great forecast take care of his own safety, not that he feared death, but of this persuasion, ihat if he w^ere dead, the walls for his citizens w^ould never be raised. He also gave orders, that the builders should keep their ranks, and have their armour on w^hile they were buildins;. Accordingly, the mason had his sword on, as Avell as he that brought the materials for building. He also appointed that their shields should lie very near them; and he placed trumpeters at every five 168 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. hundred feet, and charged them that if their enemies appeared, they should give notice of it to the people, that they might fight in their armour, and their enemies might not fall upon them naked. He also went about the compass of the city by night, being never discouraged, neither about the work itself, nor about his own diet and sleep, for he made no use of those things for his pleasure, but out of necessity. And this trouble he imderwent for ^ two years and four months: for in so long time was the wall built, in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Xerxes, in the ninth month. Now when the walls were finished, Nehemiah and the multitude offered sacrifices to God for the building of them, and they continued in feasting eight days. However, when the nations which dwelt in Svria heard that the buildino^ of the wall was finished, they had indignation at it: But when Nehemiali saw that the city was thin of people, he exhorted the priests and the Levites, that thev would leave the countrv, and remove them- selves to the city, and there continue: and he built them houses at his own expense: and he commanded that part of the people which were employed in cultivating the land to bring the tithes of their fruits to Jerusalem, that the priests and I^evites having whereof they might live perpetually, and might not leave tlie divine worship; who willingly hearkened ' It may not be very improper to remark here, with what an unusual accuracy Josc])hu.s determines these years of Xerxes, in whicli the walls of Jerusalem were built, \\z. that N^ehemiah came with his commission on the ~5th of Xerxes; that the walls were two years four months in building, and that they were finished on the 38th of Xerxes, sect. 7, 8. It may be also remarked farther, that Josephus hardly ever mentions more than one infallible astronomical character, I mean an eclipse of the moon, and this a little before the death of Herod the Great, Antiq. B. XVII. ch. vi. sect. 4, \'ol. III. Xow on these two chronological characters in a great measure depend some of tlie most important points belonging to Christianity, viz. the explication of Daniel's 70 weeks, and the duration of Jesus' ministry, and the time of his death, in corre- spondence to those 70 weeks. Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 169 to the constitutions of Nehemiah, by which means the city Jerusalem came to be fuller of people than it was before. So when Xehemiah had done manv other excellent things, and things worthy of com- mendation in a glorious manner, he came to a great age, and then died. He was a man of a good and righteous disposition, and very ambitious to make his own nation happy: and he hath left the walls of Jerusalem as an eternal monument for himself. Now this was done in the days of Xerxes. CHAPTER VI. Concerning Esther, and Mordecai, and Haman: and how in the reign of Artaocerxes, the whole nation of the Jews was in danger of perishing. 1. After the death of Xerxes, the kingdom came to be transferred to his son Cvrus, whom the Greeks called Artaxeroces. When this man had obtained the government over the Persians, the whole ^ nation ^ Since some sceptical persons are willing to discard this book of Esther as no true history, I shall venture to say, that almost all the objections against this hook of Esther are gone at -once, if, as we certainly ought to do, and as Dean Prideaux.has justly done, we place this history under Artaxerxes I^ongimanus, as doth both the Septuagint interpreters and Josephus. The learned Dr. Lee, in his posthumous dissertation on the second book of Esdras, p. ^5, also says, That "the truth of this history is demonstrated by the feast of Purim, kept up from that time to this very day. And this surprising providential revolution in favour of a captive people, thereby constantly commem- orated, standeth even upon a firmer basis tlian that there ever was sucli a man as king Alexander [the Great] in the world, of whose reign there is no such abiding monument at this day to be found any where. Xor will they, I dare say, who quarrel at this or any other of the sacred histories, find it a very easy matter to reconcile the different accounts which were given by historians of tiic affairs of this king, or to confirm any one fact of his whatever with the same evidence which is here given for the principal fact in the sacred book, or even so much as to prove the existence of such a person, of whom so great things are related, but 170 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. of the Jews, with their wives and children, were in danger of perishing: the occasion whereof we shall declare in a little time, for it is proper, in the first place, to explain somewhat relating to this king, and how -he came to marry a Jewish wife, who was herself of the royal family also, and who is related to have saved our nation; for when Artaxerxes had taken the kingdom, and had set governors over the hundred and twenty and seven provinces, from India even unto Ethiopia, in the third year of his reign, he made a costly feast for his friends, and for the nations of Persia, and for their governors, such an one as was proper for a king to make, when he had a mind to make a public demonstration of his riches, and this for a hundred and fourscore days; after which he made a feast for other nations, and for their ambassadors at Shushan, for seven days. Now this feast was ordered after the manner fol- lowing: he caused a tent to be pitched, which was supported by pillars of gold and silver, with curtains of linen and purple spread over them, that it might afford room for many ten thousands to sit down. The cups with which the waiters ministered were of gold, and adorned with precious stones, for pleas- ure, and for sight. He also gave order to the servants that they should not force them to drink, by bringing them wine continually, as is the practice of the Persians, })ut to permit every one of the guests to enjoy himself according to his own in- clination. Moreover, he sent messengers through the country, and gave order that they should have a remission of their labours, and should keep a festival many days, on account of his kingdom. In upon (granting this hook of Esther, or sixth of Esdras, (as it is placed in some of tlif most ancient copies of the Vulgate,) to he a most true and certain history," etc. Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 171 like manner, did Vashti the queen gather her guests together, and made them a feast in the palace. Now the king was desirous to show her, who exceeded all other w^omen in beauty, to those that feasted with him, and he sent some to command her to come to his feast. But she out of regard to the laws of the Persians, which ^ forl)id the wives to be seen by strangers, did not go to the king; and though he oftentimes sent the eunuchs to her, she did never- theless stay away, and refused to come, till the king was so much irritated, tliat he broke u]) the enter- tainment, and rose up and called for those seven who had the interpretation of tlie laws committed to them, and accused his wife, and said, that he had been affronted by her, because that when she was frequently called by him to his feast, she did not obey him once. He therefore gave order, that they should inform him what coukl be done by the law against her. So one of them, whose name was Memucan, said. That "this affront was offered not to him alone, but to all tlie Persians, who wxre in danger of leading their lives very ill with their wives, if they must be thus despised by them; for that none of their wives would have any reverence for their husbands, if they had such an example of arrogance in tlie queen towards thee, who rulest over all." Ac- cordingly, he exhorted him to punish her, who had ^ If the Chaldee paraphrase be in the right, that Artaxerxes intended to show \"ashti to his guests naked, it is no wonder at all that she would not submit to such an indignity; but still if it were not so gross as that, yet it might, in the iiing's eu]is, l)e done in a way so indecent, as tlie Persian laws would not then bear, no more than the common laws of modesty. And that the king had some such design, seenis not im- probable, for otherwise the principal of these royal guests could be no strangers to the queen, nor unapprized of her beauty, so far as decency admitted. However, since Providence was now paving the way for the introduction of a Jewess into the king's affections, in order to bring about one of the most wonderful deliverances wiiich the Jewish or any nation ever had, we need not be farther solicitous about the motives Ijy which the king was induced to divorce Vashti, and marry Esther. 172 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. been guilty of so great an affront to him, after a severe manner; and when he had so done, to pubhsh to the nations what had been decreed about the queen. So the resohition was to put Vashti away, and to give her dignity to another woman, 2. But the king having been fond of her, did not well bear a separation, and yet by the law he could not admit of a reconciliation, so he was under trouble, as not having it in his power to do what he desired to do. But when his friends saw him so uneasy, they advised him to cast the memory of his wife, and his love for her, out of his mind, but to send abroad over all the habitable earth, and to search out for comely virgins, and to take her whom he should like best for a wife, because his passion for his former wife would be quenched by the in- troduction of another, and the kindness he had to Vashti would be withdrawn from her, and be placed on her that was with him. Accordingly, he was persuaded to follow this advice, and gave order to certain persons to choose out of the virgins that were in his kingdom those that were esteemed the most comely. So when a great number of these virgins were gathered together, there was found a damsel in Babylon, both whose parents were dead, and she was brought up with her uncle Mordecai, for that was her uncle's name. This uncle was of the tribe of Benjamin, and was one of the principal persons among the Jews. Now it proved that this damsel, whose name was Esther, was the most beauti- ful of all the rest, and that the grace of her coun- tenance drew the eyes of the spectators principally upon her: So she was committed to one of the eunuchs to take the care of her: and she was very exactly provided with sweet odours, in great plenty, and with costly ointments, such as her body required Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 173 to he anointed vrithal: and this was used for six months by the virgins, who were in number four hundred. And when the eunuch thought the virgins had been sufficiently purified, in the forementioned time, and were now fit to go to the king's bed, he sent one to be with the king every day. So when he had accompanied with lier, he sent her back to the eunuch: and when Esther had come to him, he was pleased with her, and fell in love with the damsel, and married her, and made her his lawful wife, and kept a wedding feast for her on the twelfth month of the seventh year of his reign, which was called Adar. He also sent cingari, as they are called, or messengers, unto every nation, and gave orders that they should keep a feast for his marriage, while he himself treated the Persians and the ]\Iedes, and the principal men of the nations, for a whole month, on account of this his marriage. Accordingly, Esther came to his royal palace, and he set a diadem on her head: And thus was Esther married, without making known to the king what nation she was derived from. Her uncle also removed from Babylon to Shushan, and dwelt there, being every day about the palace, and inquiring how the damsel did, for he loved her as though she had been his own daughter. 3. Now the king had made ^ a law, that none of his own people should approach him unless he were called, when he sat upon his throne; men, with axes in their hands, stood round about his throne, in order to punish such as approached to him without being called. However, the king sat with a golden sceptre * Herodotus says, that this law [against any one's coming uncalled to the kings of Persia when they were sitting on their thrones) was first enacted hy Deioces, i. e. (by him who first withdrew the Medes from the dominion of the Assyrians, and himself first reigned over them.) Thus also, says Spanheim, "stood guards, with their axes, about the throne of Tenus, Tenudus, tliat the offender miglit by them be punished im- mediately. 174 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. in his hand, which he held out when he had a mind to save any one of those that approached to him witkout being called: and he who touched it was free from danger. But of this matter w^e have discoursed sufficiently. 4. Some time after this [two eunuchs] Bigthan and Teresh plotted against the king; and Barnabazus, the servant of one of the eunuclis, being by birth a Jew, was acquainted with their conspiracy, and discovered it to the queen's uncle; and Mordecai, by the means of Esther, made the conspirators known to the king. This trou])led the king, but he dis- covered the truth, and hanged the eunuchs upon a cross, while at that time he gave no reward to Mor- decai, who had been the occasion of his preservation. He onlv bid the scribes to set down his name in the records, and ])id him stay in the palace, as an intimate friend of the king's. 5. Xow there was one Haman, the son of Amed- atha, by birth an Amalekite, that used to go in to the king; and the foreigners and Persians worship^^ed him, as Artaxerxes liad commanded that such honour should be paid to him; but Mordecai was so wise, and so observant of his own countrv's laws, that he would not ^ worship the man. When Haman ob- served this, he inquired whence he came? and when lie understood tliat he was a Jew, he had indigna- tion at him, and said within himself. That "whereas the Persians, who were free men, worshipped him, this man, who was no ))etter than a slave, does not • Whether this adoration required of Mordecai to Haman were by liim deemed too like tiie adoration due only to God, as Josephus seems here to think, as well as the Septuagint inter))rcters also, by their trans- lation of Esth. xiii. 1:3, 13, It, or whether he thoug-Jit he ought to pay no sort of adoration to an yXmalekite, which nation had been such great sinners as to have been universally devoted to destruction by God himself, Exod. xvii. 14-, 15, \Q, 2 Sam. xv. 18, or whether both causes concurred, cannot now, I doubt, be certainly determined. chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 175 vouchsafe to do so." And when he desired to punish Mordecai, he thought it too small a thing to request of the king that he alone might be punished: he rather determined to abolish the whole nation, for he was naturally an enemy to the Jews, because the nation of the Amalekites, of which he was, had been destroyed by them. Accordingly he came to the king, and accused them, saying, "There is a certain wicked nation, and it is dispersed over all the habit- able earth that is under thv dominion; a nation separate from others, unsociable, neither admitting the same sort of divine worship that others do, nor using laws like to the laws of others: at enmity with thy people, and with all men, both in their manners and jjractices. Now, if thou wilt be a benefactor to thy. subjects, thou wilt give order to destroy them utterly, and not lea^'c the least remains of them, nor preserve any of them either for slaves, or for captives." But that the king might not be damni- fied by the loss of the tributes which the Jews paid him, Haman promised to give him out of his own estate forty thousand talents whensoever he pleased; and he said, he would pay this money very willingly, that the kingdom might be freed from such a mis- fortune. 6. When Haman had made this petition, the king both forgave him the money, and granted him the men, to do what he would with them. So Haman having gained what he desired, sent out immediately a decree, as from the king, to all nations, the con- tents whereof were these: "Artaxerxes, the great king, to the rulers of the hundred twenty and seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia, sends this writing: Whereas I have governed many nations, and obtained the dominions of all the habitable earth, according to my desire, and have not been obliged to do any 176 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. thing that is insolent or cruel to my subjects by such my power, but have showed myself mild and gentle, by taking care of their peace and good order, and have sought how they might enjoy those blessings for all time to come. And whereas I have been kindly informed by Haman, who on account of his prudence and justice, is the first in my esteem, and in dignity, and only second to myself for his fidelity and constant good will to me, that there is an ill natured nation intermixed with all mankind, that is averse to our laws, and not subject to kings, and of a different conduct of life from others, that hateth monarchy, and of a disposition that is pernicious to our affairs, I give order that all these men, of whom Haman, our second father, hath informed us, be destroyed, with their wives, and children, and that none of them be spared, and that none prefer pity to them before obedience to this decree. And this I will to be executed on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month of the present year, that so when all that have enmity to us are destroyed, and this in one day, we may ])e allowed to lead the rest of our lives in 2:)eace hereafter." Now when this decree was brought to the cities, and to the country, all were ready for the destruction and entire abolishment of the Jews, against the day before mentioned; and they were very hasty about it at Shushan, in par- ticular. Accordingly, the king and Haman spent their time in feasting together with good cheer and wine, but the citv was in disorder. 7. Now when Mordecai was informed of what was done, he rent his clothes and put on sackcloth, and sprinkled ashes upon his head, and went about the city, crying out. That "a nation that had been injurious to no m.-m, was to be destroyed." And he went on saying thus as far as to the king's palace. Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 177 and there he stood, for it was not lawful for him to go into it in that habit. The same thing was done by all the Jews that were in the several cities wherein this decree was published, with lamentation and mourning, on account of the calamities de- nounced against them. But as soon as certain per- sons had told the queen that Mordecai stood before the court in a mourning habit, she was disturbed at this report, and sent out such as should change his garments; but when he could not be induced to put off his sackcloth, because the sad occasion that forced him to put it on was not yet ceased, she called the eunuch Acratheus, for he was then present, and sent him to Mordecai, in order to know of him what sad accident had befallen him, for which he was in mourning, and would not j)ut off the habit he had put on at her desire. Then did Mordecai inform the eunuch of the occasion of his mourning, and of the decree which was sent by the king into all the country, and of the promise of money whereby Haman bought the destruction of their nation. He also gave him a copy of what was proclaimed at Shushan, to be carried to Esther; and he charged her to petition the king about this matter, and not to think it a dishonourable thing in her to put on a humble habit, for the safety of her nation, wherein she might deprecate the ruin of the Jews, who were in danger of it; for that Haman, whose dignity was only inferior to that of the king, had accused the Jews, and had irritated the king against them. When she was informed of this, she sent to Mordecai again, and told him that she was not called by the king, rnd that he who goes in to him without being called, is to be slain, unless when he is wilHng to save any one, he holds out his golden sceptre to him; but that to whomsoever he does so, although he go in without 178 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. being called, that person is so far from being slain, that he obtains pardon, and is entirely preserved. Now when the eunuch carried this message from Esther to Mordecai, he bade him also tell her that she must not only j^rovide for her own preservation, but for the common preservation of her nation, for that if she now neglected this ojjportunity, there would certainly arise help to them from God some other way, but she and her father's house would be destroyed by those whom she now despised. But Esther sent the very same eunucli back to Mordecai [to desire him] to go to Shushan, and to gather the Jews that were there together to a congregation, and to fast and abstain from all sorts of food, on her account, and [to let him know that] she with her maidens would do the same; and then she prom- ised that she would go to the king, though it were against the law, and that if she must die for it, she would not refuse it. 8. Accordingly, Mordecai did as Esther had en- joined him, and made the people fast; and he be- sought God, together with them, "Not to overlook his nation, particularly at this time, wlien it was going to be destroyed; but that, as he had often before provided for them, and forgiven, when they had sinned, so he would now deliver them from that destruction which was denounced against them; for although it was not all the nation that had offended, yet must they so ingloriously be slain, and that he was himself the occasion of the wrath of Haman, because, said he, I did not worship him, nor could I endure to pay that lionoiu- to him which I used to pay to thee, O Lord, for upon that his anger hath he contrived this present mischief against those that have not transgressed thy laws." The same supplications did the multitude put up; ancl Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 179 entreated that God would provide for their de- liverance, and free the Israelites that were in all the earth from this calamity which was now coming u^Jon them, for they had it before their eyes, and expected its coming. Accordingly Esther made sup- plication to God after the manner of her country, by casting herself down upon the earth, and jDutting on her mourning garments, and bidding farewell to meat and drink, and all delicacies, for three days' time; and she entreated God to have mercy upon her, and make her words appear persuasive to the king, and render her countenance more beautiful than it Avas before, that both by her words and beauty she might succeed, for the averting of the king's anger, in case he were at all irritated against her, and for the consolation of those of her own country, now they were in the utmost danger of perishing; as also that he would excite a hatred in the king against the enemies of the Jews, and those that had contrived their future destruction, if they be proved- to be contemned by him. 9. When Esther had used this supplication for three days, she put off those garments, changed her habits, and adorned herself as became a queen, and took two of her hand-maids with her, the one of which supported her, as she gently leaned upon her, and tlie other followed after, and lifted up her large train (which swept along the ground,) with the extremities of her fingers: And thus she came to the king, having a blushing redness in her coun- tenance, with a pleasant agreeal)leness in her be- haviour, yet did she go in to him with fear; and as soon as she was come over against him, as he was sitting on his throne, in his royal apparel, which was a garment interwoven with gold and })recious stones, which made him seem to her more terrible, 180 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. especially when lie looked at her somewhat severely, and with a countenance on fire with anger, her joints failed her immediately, out of the dread she was in, and she fell down sideways in a swoon: but the king changed his mind, which happened, as I suppose, by the will of God, and was concerned for his wife, lest her fear should bring some very ill thing upon her, and he leaped from his throne and took her in his arms, and recovered her, by embracing her, and speaking comfortably to her, and exhorting her to be of good cheer, and not to suspect any thing that w^as said on account of her coming to him without being called, because that law was made for subjects, but that she, who was a queen, as well as he a king, might be entirely secure: and as he said this, he put the sceptre into her hand, and laid his rod upon her neck, on account of the law; and so freed her from her fear. And after she had recovered herself by these encouragements, she said, "jMy lord, it is not easy for me, on the sudden, to say what hath happened, for as soon as I saw thee to be great, and comely, and terrible, my spirit departed from me, and I had no soul left in me." And while it was M'ith difficulty, and in a low voice, that she could say thus much, the king was in a great agony and disorder, and encouraged Esther to be of good cheer, and to expect better fortune, since he was ready, if occasion should require it, to grant to her the half of his kingdom. Accordingly, Esther desired that he and his friend Haman would come to her to a bancjuet, for she said she had pre- pared a supper for him. He consented to it; and when they were there, as they were drinking, he bid Esther to "let him know what she desired; for that she should not ])e disappointed, though she should desire the half of his kingdom." But she Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 181 put off the discovery of her petition till the next day, if he would come again, together with Haman, to her banquet. 10. Xow when the king had promised so to do, Haman went away very glad, because he alone had the honour of supj^ing with the king at Esther's banquet, and because no one else partook of the same honour with kings but himself; yet when he saw JNIordecai in the court, he was very much dis- pleased, for he paid him no manner of respect when he saw him. So he went home and called for his wife Zeresh, and his friends, and when they were come, he showed them what honour he enjoyed not only from the king, but from the queen also, for as he alone had that day supped with her, together with the king, so was he also invited again for the next day; yet, said he, am I not pleased to see INIor- decai the Jew in the court. Hereupon his wife Zeresh advised him to give order that a gallows should be made fifty cubits high, and that in the morning he should ask it of the king, that JMordecai might be hanged thereon. So he commended her advice, and gave order to his servants to prepare the gallows, and to place it in the court, for the punishment of Mordecai thereon, which was accord- ingly prepared. But God laughed to scorn the wicked expectations of Haman; and as he knew what the event would be, was delighted at it, for that night he took away the king's sleep; and as the king was not willing to lose the time of his lying awake, but to spend it in something that might be of advantage to his kingdom, he commanded the scribe to bring him the chronicles of the former kings, and the records of his own actions; and when he had brought them and was reading them, one was found to have received a countrv on account 182 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. of his excellent management on a certain occasion, and the name of the country was set down; another was found to have had a present made him on account of his fidelity: then the scribe came to Big- than and Teresh, the eunuchs that had made a conspiracy against the king, which Mordecai had discovered, and when the scribe said no more but that, and was going on to another history, the king stopped him, and inquired "Whether it was not added that Mordecai had a reward given him?" and when he said there was no such addition, he bid him leave off, and he inquired of those that were appointed for that purpose, what hou-r of the night it was? and when he was informed that it was al- ready day, he gave order, that if they found any one of his friends already come, and standing before the court, they should tell him. Now it happened that Haman was found there, for he was come sooner than ordinary to petition the king to have Mordecai put to death; and when the servants said, that Haman was before the court, he bid them call him in; and when he was come in, he said, "Because I know that thou art mv only fast friend, I desire thee to give me advice, how I may honour one that I greatly love, and that after a manner suitable to my magnificence." Now Haman reasoned with him- self, that what opinion he shoidd give it would be for himself, since it was he alone who was beloved by the king: so he gave that advice which he thought of all other the ])est; for he said, "If thou wouldest truly honom* a man whom thou sayest thou dost love, give order that he may ride on horseback, with the same garment on which thou wearest, and with a gold chain about his neck, and let one of thy intimate friends go before him, and proclaim through the whole city, that whosoever the king honoureth. Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 183 obtaineth this mark of his honour." This was the advice which Haman gave, out of a supposal that such a reward would come to himself. Hereuj^on the king was pleased with the advice, and said, "Go thou, therefore, for thou hast the horse, the garment, and the chain, ask for Mordecai the Jew, and give him those things, and go before his horse, and pro- claim accordingly; for thou art, said he, my intimate friend, and hast given me good advice; be thou then the minister of what thou hast advised me to. This shall be his reward from us, for preserving my life." When he heard this order, which was entirely un- expected, he was confounded in his mind, and knew not what to do. However, he went out and led the horse, and took the purple garment, and the golden chain for the neck, and finding Mordecai before the court, clothed in sackcloth, he bid him put that garment off, and put the purj^le garment on: But ^lordecai, not knowing the truth of the matter, but thinking that it was done in mockery, said, "O thou wretch, the vilest of all mankind, dost thou thus laugh at our calamities?" But when he was satisfied that the king bestowed this honour upon him, for the deliverance he had procured him, when he convicted the eunuchs who had conspired against him, he put on that purple garment which the king always wore, and put the chain about his neck, and got on horseback, and went round the city, while Haman went before, and proclaimed, "This shall be the reward which the king will bestow on every one whom he loves, and esteems worthy of honour." And when they had gone round the city, Mordecai went in to the king, but Haman went home, out of shame, and informed his wife and friends of what had happened, and this witli tears: who said, that "he would be able to be re- 184 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. venged of Mordecai, for that God was with hun." 11. Now while these men were thus talking one to another, Esther's eunuchs hastened Haman away to come to supper; but one of the eunuchs, named Sabuchadas, saw the gallows 'that was fixed in Haman's house, and inquired of one of his servants, for what purpose they had prepared it? So he knew that it was for the queen's uncle, because Haman was about to petition the king that he might be punished, but at present he held his peace. Now when the king, with Haman, were at the banquet, he desired the queen to tell him what gift she desired to obtain, and assured her that she should have what- sqever she had a mind to. She then lamented the danger her people were in; and said, that "she and her nation were given up to be destroyed, and that she, on that account, made this her petition: that she would not have troubled him if he had only given order that they should be sold into bitter servitude, for such a misfortune would not have been intolerable; but she desired that they might be delivered from such a destruction." And when the king inquired of her who was the author of this misery to them^ she then openly accused Haman, and convicted him, that he had been the wicked instrument of this, and had formed his plot against them. When the king was hereupon in disorder, and was gone hastily out of the banquet into the gardens, Haman began to intercede with Esther, and to beseech her to forgive him, as to what he had offended, for he perceived that he was in a very bad case. And as he had fallen upon the queen's bed, and was making sup- plication to her, the king came in, and being still more })rovoked at what he saw, "O thou wretch, said he, thou vilest of all mankind, dost thou aim to force my wife?" And when Haman was aston- •;ti^.::,.=^r...-.,.,JI||B '.' .-■ jm^ r :"■ '■'-'-:'■■ \..- ^^^BH l^t, alPP^^^Pil I^K^^^!4 y^BpHl :#■■;;■- bcjmmeF ^EMHM|^BE,j^^^y^^fc|y^ ^^PSBSSl^SSf '"■^"^^''^ p ' ^/^pl' • "^^B ^-^^ : .:^S| ?' I^H '» ■— ' ^^tI^^^^B ^OL^^^^^m ■4 >%^H P^s4j, ; ;- 1 • - n iiMwn M ^«:,.#«^^- _^..^| ::jfc.:., ■ " /. ^ ^^^'■- .:.,4^Mg0 -^"•'J*'*-:- .'"'^^i^n^H ^i?^9 :.--,ic.^ \J ^■IMj^g^^^^*" 1^^ ■# ::,-| a^^^. Jl . ■ ;: -i^^^^^^^^ ESTHER ACCUSING HAMAN From the Painting by W. Hamilton, R. A. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi, R. A. Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 185 ished at this, and not able to speak one word more, Sabuchadas the eunuch came in, and accused Haman and said, "He found a gallows at his house prepared for Mordecai, for that the servant told him so much upon his inquiry, when he was sent to him to call him to supper." He said farther, "that the gallows was fifty cubits high." Which when the king heard, he determined that Haman should be jDunished after no other manner than that which had been devised by him against Mordecai: so he gave order immedi- ately that he should be hung upon this gallows, and be put to death after that manner. And from hence I cannot forbear to admire God, and to learn hence his wisdom and his justice, not only in punishing the wickedness of Haman, but in so disposing it, that he should undergo the very same punishment which he had contrived for another; as also, because he thereby teaches others this lesson, that what mis- chiefs any one prepares against another, he without knowing of it, first contrives it against himself. 12. Wherefore Haman, who had immoderately abused the honour he had from the king, was de- stroyed after this manner, and the king granted his estate to the queen. He also called for Mordecai, (for Esther had informed him that she was akin to him) and gave that ring to Mordecai which he had before given to Haman. The queen also gave Ha- man's estate to INIordecai; and prayed the king to deliver the nation of the Jews from the fear of death, and showed him what had been written over all the country bv Haman the son of Ammedatha: for that if her country were destroyed, and her coun- trymen were to perish, she could not bear to live herself any longer. So the king promised her, that he could not do any thing that should be disagreeable to her, nor contradict what she desired, but he bid 186 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. her write what she pleased about the Jews, in the king's name, and seal it with his seal, and send it to all his kingdom, for that those who read epistles whose authority is secured by having the king's seal to them, would no way contradict Avhat was written therein. So he commanded the king's scribes to be sent for, and to write to the nations on the Jews' behalf, and to his lieutenants and governors, that were over his hundred twenty and seven j^rovinces, from India to Ethiopia. Now the contents of this epistle were these: " ^ The great king Artaxerxes to our rulers, and those that are our faithful subjects, sendeth greeting: many men there are, who, on ac- count of the greatness of the benefits bestowed on them, and because of the honour which they have obtained from the wonderful kind treatment of those that bestowed it, are not only injurious to their in- feriors, but do not scruple to do evil to those that have been their benefactors, as if they would take away gratitude from among men, and by their in- solent abuse of such benefits as they never expected, they turn the abundance they have against those that are the authors of it, and suppose they shall lie concealed from God in that case, and avoid that vengeance which comes from him. Some of these men, when they have had the management of affairs committed to them by their friends, and bearing private malice of their own against some others, by * The true reason why king Artaxerxes did not here properly revoke his former barbarous decree for tiie universal slaughter of the Jews, but only eni})o\vered and encouraged the Jews to fight for their lives, to kill their enemies, if they attempted their destruction, seems to have been that old law of the Medes and Persians, not yet laid aside, that whatever decree was signed i)oth by the king and his lords, could not be chaiii/cd, l)ut remained unalterable, Daniel vi. 7, 8, 9, 1:2, 1,5, 17, P^sther i, 19, and viii. 8. Aiul Hainan having engrossed the royal favour, might perhaps have himself signed this decree for the Jews' slaughter instead of the ancient lords, and so might have rendered it by their rules irrev- ocable. Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 187 deceiving those that have the power, persuade them to be angry at sueli as have done them no harm, till they are in danger of perishing, and this by laying accusations and calumnies: Xor is this state of things to be discovered by ancient examples, or such as we have learned by report only; but by some examples of such impudent attempts under our own eyes, so that it is not fit to attend any longer to calumnies and accusations, nor to the persuasions of others, l)ut to determine what any one knows of himself to have been really done, and to punish what justly deserves it, and to grant favours to such as are in- nocent. This hath been the case of Haman, the son of Ammedatha, by l)irth an Amalekite, and alien from the blood of the Persians, who, when he was hospitably entertained by us, and partook of that kindness which we bear to all men, to so great a degree, as to be called my father, and to be all along worshipped, and to have honour paid him by nil in the second rank after the roval honour due to ourselves, he could not bear his good fortune, nor govern the magnitude of his prosperity with sound reason; nay, he made a conspiracy against me and my life, who gave him his authority, by en- deavouring to take away jNIordecai, my benefactor, and my saviour, and bv baselv and treacherously re- quiring to have Esther, the partner of my life, and of my dominion, brought to destruction; for he con- trived by this means to ^ deprive me of my faithful ^ These words give an intimation as if Artaxerxes suspected a deeper design in Hanian ttian oi)enly ap]ieared, viz. That knowing the Jews would be faithful to him, and that he could never transfer the crown to his own familv, who was an Agagite, Ksth. iii. 1, 10, or of the jios- tcrity of Agag, the old king of tlu- Amalckites, 1 Sam. xv. 8, .'}-', ;}3, while they were alive, and s])read over all his dominions, he therefore endeavoured to destroy them. Nor is it to me improbable, that those 73,800 of the Je\vs' enemies which were soon destroyed by the Jews, on the permission of the king, which must be on some great occasion, were Amalckites, their old and hereditary enemies, Kxod. xvii. 1 i, 1j, 188 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. friends, and transfer the government to others: But since I perceived that these Jews, that were by this pernicious fellow devoted to destruction, were not wicked men, but conducted their lives after the best manner, and were men dedicated to the worship of that God who hath preserved the kingdom to me and to my ancestors, I do not only free them from the punishment which the former epistle, which was sent by Haman, ordered to be inflicted on them, to which if you refuse obedience, you shall do well, but I will that they have all honour paid to them. Accordingly, I have hanged up the man that con- trived such things against them, with his family, before the gates of Shushan, that punishment being sent upon him by God, who seeth all things. And I give you in charg-e, that you publicly propose a copy of this epistle through all my kingdom, that the Jews may be jjermitted peaceably to use their own laws, and that you assist them, that at the same season whereto their miserable estate did belong, they may defend themselves the very same day from unjust violence, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is Adar, for God hath made that day a day of salvation instead of a day of destruction to them; and may it be a good day to those that wish us well, and a memorial of the punishment of the conspirators against us! and I will that you take notice, that every city, and every nation, that shall disobey any thing that is contained in this epistle, shall be destroyed by fire and sword. How- ever, let this epistle be published through all the country that is under our obedience, and let all the Jews, by all means be ready against the day before and that tlicrpl)y was fulfilled Balaam's jtrophecy, "Amalek was the first of the nations, but his latter end shall be, that he perish for ever," Num. xxiv. 20. Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 189 mentioned, that they may avenge themselves upon their enemies." 13. Accordingly, the horsemen who carried the epistles, proceeded on the ways which they were to go with speed: but as for Mordecai, as soon as he had assumed the royal garment, and the crown of gold, and had put the chain about his neck, he went forth in a public procession; and when the Jews, who were at Shushan, saw him in so great honour with the king, they thought his good fortune was common to themselves also; and joy, and a beam of salvation encompassed the Jews, both those that were in the cities, and those that were in the countries, upon the publication of the king's letters, insomuch, that many even of other nations circum- cised their foreskin for fear of the Jews, that they might procure safety to themselves thereby; for on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which ac- cording to the Hebrews is called Adar, but according to the JNIacedonians, Dystrus, those that carried the king's epistle gave them notice, that the same day wherein their danger was to have been, on that very day should they destroy their enemies. But now the rulers of the provinces, and the tyrants, and the kings, and the scribes, had the Jews in esteem; for the fear they were in of INIordecai forced them to act with discretion. Now when the royal decree was come to all the country that was subject to the king, it fell out that the Jews at Shushan slew five hundred of their enemies: and when the king had told Esther the number of those that were slain in that city, but did not well know what had been done in the provinces, he asked her, wliether she would have any thing farther done against them '. for that it should })e done accordingly: Upon which she desired that the Jews might be permitted to 190 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. treat their remaining enemies in the same manner the next day; as also that they might hang ten sons of Haman upon the gallows. So the king permitted the Jews so to do, as desirous not to contradict Esther. So they gathered themselves together again on the fourteenth day of the month Dystrus, and slew ahout three hundred of tlieir enemies, but touched nothing of what riclies they had. Now there were slain by the Jews that were in the country, and in the other cities, seventy-five thousand of their enemies, and these were slain on the thirteenth day of the month, and the next day they kept as a festival. In like manner the Jews that were in Shushan gathered themselves together, and feasted on the fourteenth day and that which folloMcd it; whence it is, that even now all the Jews that are in the ha])itable earth keep these days festival, and send portions to one another. JNIordecai also wrote to those Jews that lived in the kingdom of Artaxerxes to observe these days, and celebrate them as festivals, and to deliver them down to posterity, that this festival might con- tinue for all time to come, and that it might never be buried in oblivion, for since they were about to be destroyed on these days by Haman, they would do a right thing, upon escaping the danger in them, and on them inflicting punishments on their enemies, to observe those days, and give thanks to God on them: for which cause the Jews still keep tlie fore- mentioned days, and call them ' days of Phiirim [or Pun?n.~\ And JNIordecai became a great and * Take liere part of UelaiuTs note on this dis])utecl passage: "In Josephus' copies these Hebrew words days of Pitrhii or Lota, as in the Greek copies of Esther, ch. ix. 26, 28-32, is read days of phurltn, or daiin of jirofccli'Di. lint oiifilit to read dai/K of piiriiii. as in the Hehrew; than wliich emendation, says he, nolliinfi; is more certain." And had we any assurance that .fosci)hus' copy ineiitioiicd the cfi.ifinff of lof.i, as our other copies do, Esth. iii. 7, I should fully agree with Keland, but as it now stands it seems to nic bv no means certain. Chap. VII. or THE JEWS. 191 illustrious person with the king, and assisted him in tlie government of the people. He also lived with the queen: so that the affairs of the Jews were by their means, better than they could ever have hoped for. And this was the state of the Jews under the reign of Artaxerxes.^ CHAPTER VII. How John slew his brother Jesns in the temple; and how Bagoses offered many injuries to the Jews, and what Sanhallat did. 1. When Eliashab the high priest was dead, his son Judas succeeded in the high priesthood: and when he was dead, his son John took that dignity; on whose account it was also that liagoses, the general of -another * As to this whole book of Estlier in the present Hebrew copy, it is so very imperfect, in a case where the providence of God was so very remarkable, and the Septuagint and Josephus have so much of religion, that it has not so much as the name of God once in it; and it is liard to say who made that epitome which the Masorites have given us for the genuine book itself; no religious Jews could well be the authors of it, whose education obliged them to have a constant regard to God and whatsoever related to his worshi]-); nor do we know that there ever was so imperfect a copy of it in the world till after the days of Barcho- cab, in the second century. ^ Concerning this other Artaxerxes, called Mnemon, and the Persian affliction and captivity of the Jews under him occasioned by the murder of the high priest's "brother in the holy house itself, see Authent. Rec. at large, p. 49. And if any wonder why Josephus wholly omits the rest of the kings of Persia after Artaxerxes Mnemon, till he came to their last king Darius, who was eonquered by Alexander the Great, I shall give them Vossius' and Dr. Hudson's answer, though in my own words, viz. That Josephus did not do ill in omitting those kings of Persia with whom the Jews had no concern; because he was giving the history of the Jews, and not of the Persians: [which is a sufficient reason also why he entirely omits the liistory and the book of Job, as not particu- larly relating to that nation.] He justly, therefore, returns to the Jewish affairs after the death of Longimanus, without any mention of Darius II. before Artaxerxes Mnemon, or of the Ochus or Aroarus, as the Canon of Ptolemy names them after him. Xor had he probablv mentioned thi:^ 192 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. Artaxerxes' army, polluted the temple, and imposed tributes on the Jews, that out of the public stock, before they offered the daily sacrifices, they should pay for every lamb fifty shekels. Now Jesus was the brother of John, and was a friend of Bagoses, who had promised to procure him the high priesthood. In confidence of whose support, Jesus quarrelled with John in the temple, and so provoked his brother, that in his anger his brother slew him. Now it was a horrible thing for John, when he was high priest, to perpetrate so great a crime; and so much the more horrible, that there never was so cruel and impious a thing done, neither by the Greeks nor Barbarians. However, God did not neglect its punishment, but the people were on that very account enslaved and the temple was polluted by the Persians. Now when Bagoses, the general of Artaxerxes' army, knew that John, the high j^i'iest of the Jews, had slain his own brother Jesus in the temple, he came upon the Jews immediately, and began in anger to say to them, "Have you had the impudence to perpetrate a murder in your temple!" And as he was aiming to go into the temple, they forbade him so to do; but he said to them, "Am not I purer than he that was slain in the temple?" And when he had said these words, he went into the temple. Accordingly, Bagoses made use of this pretence, and punished the Jews seven years for the murder of Jesus. 2. Now when John had departed this life, his son Jaddua succeeded in the high priesthood. He Iiad a brother, whose name was Manasseh. Now there was one Sanballat, who was sent by Darius, the last king [of Persia,] into Samaria. He was a Cuthean other Artaxerxes unless Bagoses, one of the governors and commanders under him, had occasioned the pollution of the Jewish temple, and had greatly distressed the Jews upon that pollution. Chap. Yiii. OF THK JEWS. 193 by birth; of which stock were the Samaritans also. This man knew that the city Jerusalem was a famous city, and that their kings had given a great deal of trouble to the Assyrians, and the people of Celesyria; so that he willingly gave his daughter, whose name was Nicaso, in marriage to Manasseh, as thinking this alliance by marriage would be a pledge and security that the nation of the Jews should continue their good will to him. CHAPTER VIII. Concerning SanhaUat and Manasseh, and the temple winch they built on mount Gerizzim; as also how Ale^vander made his entry into the city Jerusalem; and what benefits he bestowed on the Jews. 1. About this time it was that Phihp, king of JNIacedon, was treacherously assaulted and slain at Egfe by Pausanias, the son of Cerastes, who was de- rived from the family of Oresta?, and his son Alexander succeeded him in the kingdom, who passing over the Hellespont, overcame the generals of Darius' army in a battle fought at Granicum. So he marclied over Lydia, and subdued Ionia, and overran Caria, and fell upon the places of Pamphylia, as has been related elsewhere. 2. But the elders of Jerusalem being very uneasy that the brother of Jaddua the high priest, though married to a foreigner, should be a partner with him in the high priesthood, quarrelled with him; for they esteemed this man's marriage a step to such as should be desirous of transgressing al)out the marriage of [strange] wives, and that this would be the beginning of a mutual society with foreigners, although the of- 194 • ANTIQUITIES Book xi. fence of some about marriages, and their having mar- ried wives that were not of their own country, had been an occasion of their former captivity, and of the miseries they then underwent; so they commanded JNIanasseh to divorce his wife, or not to approach the altar, the high priest himself joining with the people in their indignation against his brother, and driving him away from the altar. Whereupon INIanasseh came to his father-in-law, Sanballat, and told him, That "although he loved his daughter Nicaso, yet he was not willing to be deprived of his sacerdotal dignity on her account, which was the principal dignity in their nation, and alwavs continued in the same family." And when Sanballat promised him not only to preserve to him the honour of his priesthood, but to procure for him the power and dignity of a high priest, and would make him governor of all the places he him- self now ruled, if he would keep his daughter for his wife. He also told him farther, that he would build him a temple like to that at Jerusalem, upon mount Gerizzim which is the highest of all the moun- tains that are in Samaria, and he promised that he would do this with the approbation of Darius the king. INIanasseh was elevated with these promises, and stayed with Sanballat, upon a supposal that he should gain a high priesthood, as bestowed on him by Darius, for it happened that Sanballat was then in years. But there was now a great disturbance among the people of Jerusalem, because many of those priests and Levites were entangled in such matches; for they all revolted to ]Manasseh, and Sanballat afforded them money, and divided among them land for tillage, and habitations also, and all this in order every way to gratify his son-in-law. 3. About this time it was that Darius heard how Alexander had passed over the Hellespont, and had Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. lOr. beaten his heutenants in the battle of Granicum, and was proceeding farther; whereupon he gathered to- gether an army of horse and foot, and determined that he would meet the ^Macedonians before they should assault and conquer all Asia. So he passed over the river Euplirates, and came over Taurus, the Cilician mountain, and at Issus of Cilicia he waited for the enemy, as ready there to my^ him battle. Upon which Sanballat was glad that Darius was come down; and told Manasseh that he would sud- denly perform his promises to him, and this as soon as ever Darius should come back; after he had beaten his enemies; for not he only, but all those that were in Asia also, were persuaded that the INIacedonians would not so much as come to a battle with the Persians, on account of their multitude. But the event proved otherwise than they expected, for the king joined battle with the INlacedonians, and was beaten, and lost a great part of his army. His mother also, and his wife and children, were taken captives, and he fled into Persia. So Alexander came into Syria, and took Damascus; and when he had obtained Sidon, he besieged Tyre, when he sent an epistle to the Jewish high priest, "To send him some auxiliaries, and to supply his army with provisions; and that what presents he formerly sent to Darius, he would now send to him, and choose the friendship of the INIace- donians and that he should never repent of so doing." But the high priest answered the messengers. That "he had given his oath to Darius not to bear arms against him; and he said, that he would not transgress this while Darius was in the land of the living." Upon hearing this answer, Alexander was very angry; and though he determined not to leave Tyre, which was just ready to be taken, yet as soon as he had taken it, he threatened that he would make an expedi- 196 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. tion against the Jewish high priest, and through him teach all men to whom they must keep their oaths. So when he had with a good deal of pains, during the siege, ..taken Tyre, and had settled its affairs, he came to the city of Gaza, and besieged both the city, and him who was governor of the garrison, whose name was Babemeses. 4. But Sanballat thought he had now gotten a proper opportunity to make his attempt, so he re- nounced Darius, and, taking with him seven thousand of his own subjects, he came to Alexander; and find- ing him beginning the siege of Tyre, he said to him, that he delivered up to him these men, who came out of places under his dominion, and did gladly accept of him for his lord, instead of Darius. So when Alexander had received him kindly, Sanballat there- upon took courage, and spake to him about his present affair. He told him. That "he had a son-in-law, IManasseh, who was brother to the high priest Jaddua: and that there were many others of his own nation, now with him, that were desirous to have a temple in the same places subject to him: that it would be for the king's advantage to have the strength of the Jews divided into two parts, lest when the nation is of one mind, and united, upon any attempt for in- novation, it jDrove troublesome to kings, as it had formerly proved to the kings of Assyria." Where- upon Alexander gave Sanballat leave so to do, who used the utmost diligence, and built the temple, and made IManasseh the priest, and deemed it a great i-eward, that his daugliter's children should have that dignity: but when tlie seven months of the siege of Tyre were over, and the two months of the siege of Gaza, Sanballat died. Now Alexander, when he had taken Gaza, made haste to go up to Jerusalem: and Jaddua the high priest, when he heard that, was in Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. 107 an agony, and nnder terror, as not knowing how he should meet the ^Macedonians, since the king was displeased at his foregoing disobedience. He there- fore ordained that the people should make suj^plica- tions, and should join with him in offering sacrifice to God, whom he besought to protect that nation, and to deliver them from the perils that were coming upon them: Whereupon God warned him in a dream, which came upon him after he had offered sacrifice. That "he should take courage, and adorn the city, and open the gates; tliat the rest should appear in white garments, but that he and the priests should meet the king in the habits proper to their order, without the dread of any ill consequences, which the providence of God would prevent." Upon which, when he rose from his sleep, he greatly rejoiced; and declared to all the warning he had received from God. According to which dream he acted entirely, and so waited for the coming of the king. 5. And when he understood that he was not far from the city, he went out in procession, witli the priests and the multitude of the citizens. The pro- cession was venerable, and the manner of it different from that of other nations. It reached to a place called Sapha, which name translated into Greek, signifies a prospect, for you have thence a prospect both of Jerusalem and of the temple; and when the Phenicians and the Chaldeans that followed him, thought they should have liberty to plunder the city, and torment the high priest to death, which the king's displeasure fairly promised them, the very reverse of it happened; for Alexander, when he saw the multi- tude at a distance, in white garments, while the priest stood clothed with fine linen, and the high priest in purple and scarlet clothing, with his mitre on his head, having the golden plate whereon the name of God was 198 ANTIQUITIES Book xi. engraved, he approached by himself, and adored that name, and first saluted the high priest. The Jews also did altogether, with one voice, salute Alex- ander, and encompass him about: Whereupon the king of Syria, and the rest, were surprised at what Alexander had done, and supposed him disordered in his mind. However, Parmenio alone went up to him, and asked him, "How it came to pass, that when all others adored him, he should adore the high priest of the Jews?" To whom he replied, "I did not adore him, but that God who hath honoured him with his high priesthood; for I saw this very person in a dream, in this very habit, when I was at Dios in ^Macedonia, who, when I was considering with my- self how I might obtain the dominion of Asia, ex- horted me to make no delay, but boldly to pass over the sea thither, for that he would conduct my army, and would give me the dominion over the Persians; whence it is, that having seen no other in that habit, and now seeing this person in it, and remembering that vision, and the exhortation which I had in my dream, I believe that I bring this army under the divine conduct, and shall therewith conquer Darius, and destroy the power of the Persians, and that all things will succeed according to what is in my own mind." And when he had said this to Parmenio, and had given the high priest his right hand, the priests ran along })y him, and he came into the city. And when he went up into the temple, he offered sacrifice to God, according to the high priest's direc- tion; and magnificently treated both the high priest and the ])riests. And when the ^ book of Daniel was showed him, wherein Daniel declared that one of the ^ 'I'lic |)l;iagus, and Philadelphus; as also of the translation of the Pentateuch by seventy-two Jerusalem Jews, in the seventh year of Philadelphus at Alexandria, as }j:i\'<'n us an account of l)y Aristeus, aiui thence by Pliilo and .losephus, vvitli a viiulicfilion of Aristeus' history, see the Ap])eiidix to Lit. Accomp. of Pro])li. at large, pp. 117-152. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 205 thought that Demetrius was very zealous to procure him abundance of books, and that he suggested what was exceeding pro23er for him to do; and therefore he wrote to the Jewish high priest, that he should act accordingly. 2. Now there was one Aristeus, who was amonar the king's most intimate friends, and on account of his modesty very acceptable to him. This Aris- teus resolved frequently, and that before now, to 23etition the king, that he would set all the captive Jews in his kingdom free; and he thought this to be a convenient opportunity for the making that petition. So he discoursed, in the first place, with the captains of the king's guards, Sosibius of Taren- tum, and Andreas; and j^ersuaded them to assist him in what he was going to intercede with the king for: Accordingly Aristeus embraced the same opinion with those that have been before mentioned; and went to the king, and made the following speech to him: "It is not fit for us, O king, to overlook things hastily, or to deceive ourselves, but to lay the truth open; For since we have determined not only to get the laws of the Jews transcribed, but interpreted also, for thy satisfaction, by what means can we do tliis, while so many of the Jews are now slaves in thy kingdom? Do thou then wliat will be agreea])le to thy magnanimity, and to thy good nature; free them from the miserable condition they are in, because that God, who supporteth thy king- dom, was the author of their laws, as I have learned by particular inquiry; for both these people, and we also, worship the same God, the framer of all things. We call him, and that truly, by the name of Z-qva^ [or life, or Jupiter,] because he breathes life into all men. Wherefore do thou restore these men to their own country and this do to the honour of 206 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. God, because these men pay a peculiarly excellent worship to him. And know this farther, that though I be not of kin to them by birth, nor one of the same country with them, vet do I desire these favours to })e done them, since all men are the workmanship of God; and I am sensible that he is well pleased with those that do good. I do therefore put up this petition to thee, to do good to them." 3. When Aristeus was saying thus, the king looked upon him *with a cheerful and joyful countenance, and said, "How many ten thousands dost thou sup- pose there are of such as want to be made free?" To which Andreas replied, as he stood by, and said, "A few more than ten times ten thousand." The king made answer, "And is this a small gift that thou askest, Aristeus?" But Sosibius, and the rest that stood by, said. That "he ought to offer such a thank-offering, as was worthy of his greatness of soul, to that God who had given him his kingdom." With this answer he was much pleased; and gave order, that when they paid the soldiers their wages, tliey shoidd lay down [a ^ hundred and] twenty drachma!? for every one of the slaves. And he prom- ised to publish a magnificent decree, about what they requested, which should confirm what Aristeus had proposed, and especially what God willed should be done; whereby he said, he would not only set those ' Although this number 130 dr.achmae (of Alexandria, or 60 Jewish shekels) be here three times repeated, and that in all Josephus' eopies, Greek and Latin, yet sinee all the eopies of Aristeus, whence Josephus took his rehition, ha\e this sum several times, and still as no more than 20 drachmae, or 10 Jewish shekels; and since the sum of the talents, to be set down presently, which is little above 4G0, for somewhat more than 100,000 slaves, and is nearly the same in Josephus and Aristeus, does better agree to 20 tlian to 120 drachmae: and since the value of a slave of old was, at the utmost but SO shekels, or (iO drachmae, see Exod. xxi. 32, while in the present circumstances of tiiese Jewish slaves, and those so very numerous, Philadelphus would rather redeem them at a cheaper, than at a dearer rate, there is great reason to prefer here Aristeus' c()])ies before Joscpiuis. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 207 free who had been led away captive by his father, and his army, but those who were in this kingdom before, and those also, if any such there were, who had been brought away since. And when they said that their redemption money would amount to above four hundred talents, he granted it. A copy of which decree I have determined to preserve, that the magnanimity of this king may be made known. Its contents were as follows: "Let all those who were soldiers under oiu' father, and who, when they over- ran Syria and Phenicia, and laid waste Judea, took the Jews captives, and made them slaves, and brought them into our cities, and into this country, and then sold them; as also all those that were in my king- dom before them, and if there be any that have been lately brought thither, be made free by those that possess them; and let them accept of [an hundred and] twenty drachmae for every slave. And let the soldiers receive this redemption money with their pay, but the rest out of the king's treasury: for I suppose that they were made captives without our father's consent, and against equity; and that their countrv was harassed bv the insolence of the soldiers, and that, by removing them into Egypt, the soldiers have made a great profit by them. Out of regard therefore to justice, and out of pity to those that have been tyrannized over, contrary to equity, I enjoin those that have such Jews in their service to set them at liberty, upon the receipt of the before- mentioned sum; and that no one use anv deceit about them, l)ut obey what is here commanded. And I will, that they give in their names within three days, after the publication of this edict, to such as are appointed to execute the same, and to produce the slaves before them also, for I think it will be for the advantage of my affairs: And let every one that 208 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. will, inform against those that do not obey this de- cree: and I will that their estates be confiscated into the king's treasury." AVhen this decree was read to the king, it at first contained the rest that is here inserted, and omitted only those Jews that had for- merly been brought, and those brought afterwards, which had not been distinctly mentioned, so he added these clauses out of his humanity, and with great generosity. He also gave order, that the payment, which was likely to be done in a hurry, should be divided among the king's ministers, and among the officers of his treasurv. When this was over, what the king had decreed was quickly brought to a con- clusion; and this in no more than seven days' time, the number of the talents paid for the captives being above four hundred and sixty, and this, because their masters required tlie [hundred and] twenty drachnife for the children also, the king having, in effect, com- manded, that these should be_ paid for, w^hen he said in his decree, that they should receive the foremen- tioned sum for every slave. 4. Now when this had been done after so mag- nificent a manner, according to the king's inclinations, he gave order to Demetrius to give him in writing his sentiments concerning the transcribing of the Jewish books, for no part of the administration is done rashly by these kings, but all things are man- aged with great circumspection. On which account I have subjoined a copy of these epistles, and set down the multitude of the vessels sent as gifts [to Jerusalem] and the construction of every one, that the exactness of the artificer's workmanship, as it appeared to those that saw them, and which work- man made every vessel, may be made manifest, and this on account of the excellency of the vessels them- selves. Now the copy of the epistle was to this Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 209 purpose; "Demetrius to the great king: When thou, O king, gavest nie a charge concerning the collection of books that were wanting to fill your library, and concerning the care that ought to be taken about such as are imperfect, I have used the utmost dili- gence about those matters. And I let you know, that we want the books of the Jewish legislation, with some others; for they are written in the Hebrew characters, and being in the language of that na- tiori, are to us unknown. It hath also happened to them, that they have been transcribed more care- lessly than they ought to have been, because they have not had hitherto royal care taken about them. Now it is necessary that thou shouldest have accurate copies of them. And indeed this legislation is full of hidden wisdom, and entirely blameless, as being the legislation of God: For which cause it is, as Hecateus of Abdera says, that the poets and his- torians make no mention of it, nor of those men who lead their lives according to it, since it is a holy law, and ought not to be published by jDrofane mouths. If then it please thee, O king, thou mayest write to the high priest of the Jews, to send six of the elders out of every tribe, and those such as are most skilful of the laws, that by their means we may learn the clear and agreeing sense of these books; and may obtain an accurate interpretation of their contents, and so may have such a collection of these as may be suitable to thv desire." 5. When this epistle was sent to the king, he commanded that an epistle should be drawn up for Eleazar, the Jewish high priest, concerning these matters; and that they should inform him of the release of the Je\vs that had been in slavery among them. He also sent fifty talents of gold for the making of large basons, and vials, and cups, and an 210 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. immense quantity of precious stones. He also gave orders to those v.ho Jiad the custody of the chest that contained these stones, to give the artificers leave to choose out what sorts of them they pleased. He withal appointed, that a hundred talents in money * should be sent to the temple, for sacrifices, and for other uses. Now I will give a description of these vessels, and the manner of their construction, but not till after I have set down a copy of the epistle which was written to Eleazar the high priest, #vho had obtained that dignity on the occasion following: when Onias the high priest was dead, his son Simon became his successor. He was called ' Simon the Just, because of both his piety towards God, and his kind disposition to those of his own nation. When he was dead, and had left a young son, who was called Onias, Simon's brother Eleazar, of whom we are speaking, took the high priesthood; and he it was to whom Ptolemv wrote, and that in the manner following: "King Ptolemy to Eleazar the high priest, sendeth greeting: There are many Jews who now dwell in my kingdom, whom the Persians, when they were in power, carried captives. These were honoured by my father; some of them he placed in the army, and gave them greater pay than ordi- nary: to others of them, when they came with him into Egypt, he committed his garrisons, and the guarding of them, that they might be a terror to the Egyptians. And when I had taken the govern- ment, I treated all men with humanity, and especially those that are thy fellow * citizens, of whom I have set free above a hundred thousand that were slaves, and paid the price of their redemjition to their mas- * We have a very great encomium of this Simon the Just, the son of Onias I., in the fiftieth chajjter of the Ecclesiastieus, through the whole chapter. Xor is it improper to consult that chapter itself upon this occasion. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 211 ters out of my own revenues; and those that are of a fit age, I have admitted into the number of my soldiers. And for such as are capable of being faithful to me, and proper for my court, I have put them in such a post, as thinking this [kindness done to them] to be a very great and an acceptable gift, which I devote to God for his providence over me. And as I am desirous to do what will be grateful to these, and to all the other Jews in the habitable earth, I have determined to procure an interpretation of your law, and to have it translated out of Hebrew into Greek, and to be reposited in my library. Thou wilt therefore do well to choose out and send to me men of a good character, who are now elders in age, and six in number out of every tribe. These, by their age, must be skilful in the laws, and of abilities to make an accurate interpretation of them: and when this shall be finished, I shall think that I have done a work glorious to myself. And I have sent to thee Andreas, the caj)tain of my guard, and Aristeus, men whom I have in very great esteem; by whom I have sent those first fruits which I have dedicated to the temple, and to the sacrifices, and to other uses, to the value of a hundred talents. And if thou wilt send to us, to let us know what thou wouldest have farther, thou wilt do a thing acceptable to me." 6. When this epistle of the king's was brought to Eleazar, he wrote an answer to it with all the respect possible: "Eleazar the high priest, to king Ptolemy, sendeth greeting: If thou and thy ^ queen ' When we have here and presently mention made of Philadelphus' queen, and sister Arsinoe, we are to remember, with H]>anheini, that Arsiiioe was both his sister and his wife, accordinfj to tlie ohl cuslom of Persia, and of Egypt at this very time; nay, of tlie Assyrians long afterward. See Antiq. B. XX. eh. ii. sect. 1, Vol. III. Whence we have, upon the coins of Philadelphus, this known inscrijition, the divine brother and sister. 212 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. Arsinoe, and thy children, be well, we are entirely satisfied. When we receiAed thy epistle, we greatly rejoiced at thy intentions: And when the multitude were gathered together, we read it to them, and thereby made them sensible of the piety thou hast towards God. We also showed them the twenty vials of gold, and thirty of silver, and the five large basons, and the table for the show-bread; as also the hundred talents for the sacrifices, and for the making what shall be needful at the temple. Which things Andreas and Aristeus, those most honoured friends of thine, have brought us: and truly they are persons of an excellent character, and of great learning, and worthy of thy virtue. Know then, that we will gratify thee in what is for thy advantage, though we do what we used not to do before, for we ought to make a return for the numerous acts of kindness whicli thou hast done to our countrymen. We im- mediately, therefore, offered sacrifices for thee and thy sister, with thy children, and friends; and the multitude made prayers, that thy affairs may be to thy mind, and that thy kingdom may be preserved in peace, and that the translation of our law may come to the conclusion thou desirest, and be for thy advantage. We have also chosen six elders out of every tribe, whom we have sent, and the law with them. It will be thy part, out of thy piety and justice, to send back the law, when it hath been translated; and to return those to us that bring it in safety. Farewell." 7. This was the reply which the high priest made. But it does not seem to me to be necessary to set down the names of the seventy [two] elders who were sent ])y Eleazar, and carried the law, whicli yet were subjoined at the end of the epistle. How- ever, I thought it not improper to give an account of Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 213 those very valuable and artificially contrived vessels which the king sent to God, that all may see how great a regard the king had for God; for the king allowed a vast deal of expenses for these vessels: and came often to the workmen, and viewed their works, and suffered nothing of carelessness or negli- gence to be any damage to their operations. And I will relate how rich they were as well as I am able, although perhaps the nature of this history may not require such a description, but I imagine" I shall thereby recommend the elegant taste and magnanimity of this king to those that read this history. 8. And first I will describe what belongs to the table. It was indeed in the king's mind to make this table vastly large in its dimensions; but then he gave orders that they should learn what was the magnitude of the table which was already at Jeru- salem, and how large it was, and whether there were a possibility of making one larger than it. And when he was informed how large that was which was already there, and that nothing hindered but a larger might be made, he said, That "he was willing to have one made that should be five times as large as the present table, ])ut his fear was, that it might be then useless in their sacred ministrations, by its too great largeness; for he desired that the gifts he presented them, should not only be there for show, but should be useful also in their sacred ministra- tions." According to which reasoning, that the former table was made of so moderate a size for use, and not for want of gold, he resolved that he would not exceed the former table in largeness; but would make it exceed it in the variety and elegancy of its materials. And as he was sagacious in ob- serving the nature of all things, and in having a 214 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. just notion of what was new and surprising, and where there were no sculptures, he would invent such as were proper, hy his own skill, and would show them to the workmen, he commanded that such sculptures should now be made, and that those which were delineated, should be most accurately formed by a constant regard to their delineation. 9. When therefore the workmen had undertaken to make the table, they framed it in length two cubits [and a half,] in breadth one cubit, and in height one cubit and a half; and the entire structure of the work was of gold. They withal made a crown of a hand-breadth round it, with wave-work wreathed about it, and with an engraving imitated a cord, and it was admirably turned on its three parts; for as they were of a triangular figure, every angle had the same disposition of its sculptures, that when you turned them about, the very same form of them was turned about without any variation. Now that part of the crown-work that was inclosed under the table had its sculptures very beautiful, but that part which went round on the outside was more elaborately adorned with most beautiful ornaments, because it was exposed to sight, and to the view of the spec- tators; for which reason it was that both those sides which were extant above the rest, were acute; and none of the angles, which we before told you were three, appeared less than another, when the table was turned about. Now into the cord-work thus turned were precious stones inserted in rows parallel one to the other, inclosed in golden buttons, which had ouches in them; but the parts which were on the side of the crown, and were exposed to the sight, were adorned with a row of oval figures obliquely placed, of the most excellent sort of precious stones, which imitated rods laid close; and encompassed the Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 215 table round about. But under these oval figures, thus engraven, the workmen had put a crown all round it, where the nature of all sorts of fruit was represented, insomuch that the bunches of grapes hung up. And when they had made the stones to represent all the kinds of fruit before mentioned, and that each in its proper colour, they made them fast with gold round the whole table. The like dis- position of the oval figures, and of the engraved rods, was framed under the crown, that the table might on each side show the same appearance of variety, and elegancy of its ornaments, so that neither the position of the wave-work nor of the crown, might be different, although the table were turned on the other side, but that the prospect of the most artificial contrivances might be extended as far as the feet; for there was made a plate of gold of four fingers broad, through the entire breadth of the table, into which they inserted the feet, and then fastened them to the table })y buttons, and button- holes, at the place where the crown was situate, that so on what side soever of the table one should stand, it might exhil)it the very same view of the exquisite workmanship, and of the vast expenses bestowed upon it: but upon the table itself they engraved a meander, inserting into it very valuable stones in the middle, like stars of various colours: the car- buncle and the emerald, each of which sent out agreeable rays of light to the spectators; with such stones of other sorts also as were most curious, and best esteemed, as being most precious in their kind. Hard by this meander a texture of net-work ran round it, the middle of which appeared like a rhom- bus, into which were inserted rock crystal, and amber, wliich, by the great resemblance of the ap- pearance they made, gave wonderful delight to those 216 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. that saw them. The chapiters of the feet imitated the first buddings of lihes, while their leaves were bent and laid under the table, but so that the chives were seen standing upright within them. Their bases were made of a carbuncle; and the place at the bottom, which rested on that carbuncle, was one palm deep, and eight fingers in breadth. Now they had engraven upon it with a very fine tool, and with a great deal of pains, a branch of ivy, and tendrils of the vine; sending forth clusters of grapes, that you would guess they were no wise different from real tendrils, for they were so very thin, and so very far extended at their extremities, that they were moved with the wind, and made one believe that they were the product of nature, and not the representation of art. They also made the entire workmanship of the table appear to be threefold, while the joints of the several parts were so united together as to be invisible, and the places where they joined could not be distinguished. Now the thick- ness of the table was not less than half a cubit. So that this gift, by the king's great generosity, bj^ the great value of the materials, and the variety of its exquisite structure, and the artificer's skill in imitating nature with graving tools, was at length brought to perfection, while the king was very de- sirous that though in largeness it were not to be different from that which was already dedicated to God, yet that in exquisite workmanship, and the novelty of the contrivances, and in the splendour of its construction, it should far exceed it, and be more illustrious than that was. 10. Now of the cisterns of gold there were two, whose sculpture was of scale-work, from its basis to its belt-like circle, with various sorts of stones inchased in the spiral circles. Next to which there Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 217 was upon it a meander of a cubit in height; it was composed of stones of all sorts of colours. And next to this was the rod-work engraven; and next to that was a rhombus in a texture of net-work, drawn out to the brim of the bason, while small shields made of stones, beautiful in their kind, and of four fingers depth, filled up the middle parts. About the top of the bason were wreathed the leaves of lilies, and of the convolvulus, and the tendrils of vines, in a circular manner. And this was the construction of the two cisterns of gold, each con- taining two firkins. But those which were of silver were much more bright and splendid than looking- glasses, and you might in them see the images that fell upon them more plainly than in the other. The king also ordered thirty vials; those of which the parts that were of gold, and not filled up with precious stones, were shadowed over with the leaves of ivy, and of vines, artificially engraven. And these were the vessels that were, after an extraordinary manner, brought to this perfection, partly by the skill of the workmen, who were admirable in such fine work, but much more by the diligence and generosity of the king, who not only supplied the artificers abundantly, and with great generosity, with what they wanted, ])ut he forbade public audiences for the time, and came and stood ])y the workmen, and saw the whole operation. And this was the cause why the workmen were so accurate in their performance, because they had regard to the king, and to his great concern about the vessels, and so the more indefatigably kept close to the work. 11. And these were what gifts were sent by Ptolemy to Jerusalem, and dedicated to God there. But when Eleazar the high priest had devoted them to God, and had paid due .respect to those that 218 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. brought them, and had given them presents to be carried to the king, he dismissed them. And when they were come to Alexandria, and Ptolemy heard that they were come, and that the seventy elders were come also, he presently sent for Andreas and Aristeus, his ambassadors, who came to him, and delivered him the ejjistle which they had brought him from the high j^riest, and made answer to all the questions he i^ut to them by word of mouth. He then made haste to meet the elders that came from Jerusalem, for the interpretation of the laws; and he gave command, that every body, who came on occasions, should be sent away, which was a thing surprising, and what he did not use to do, for those that there were drawn thither upon such occasions used to come to him on the fifth day, but ambassadors at the month's end. But when he had sent those away, he waited for these that were sent by Eleazar; but as the old men came in with the presents, which the high priest had given them to Ijring to the king, and with the membranes, upon which they had their laws written ^ in golden letters, he put questions to them concerning those books; and when they had taken off the covers wherein they were wrapt up, they showed him the mem- branes. So the king stood admiring the thinness of those meml)ranes, and the exactness of the junctures; which could not be perceived, (so exactly were they connected one with another) ; and this he did for a considerable time. He then said tliat he returned them thanks for coming to him, and still greater thanks to him that sent them; and, above all, to that God whose laws they appeared to be. Then did the elders, and those that were present with them, * The Talmudists say, that it is not lawful to write the law in letters Qf gold, contrary to this certain and very ancient example. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 219 cry out with one voice, and wished all happiness to the king. Upon which he fell into tears by the violence of the pleasure he had, it being natural to men to afford the same indications in great joy, that they do under sorrows. And when he had bid them deliver the books to those that were appointed to receive them, he saluted the men; and said, that it was but just to discourse, in the first place, of the errand thev were sent about, and then to address himself to themselves. He promised, however, that he would make this day on which they came to him remarkable and eminent every year through the whole course of his life; for their coming to him, and the victory which he gained over Antigonus by sea, proved to be on the very same day. He also gave orders, that they should sup with him; and gave it in charge that they should have excellent lodgings provided for tliem in the upper part of the city. 12. Xow he that was appointed to take care of the reception of strangers, Xicanor by name, called for Dorotheus, whose dutv it was to make provision for them, and bid him prepare for every one of them what should be requisite for their diet and way of living. Which thing was ordered by the king after this manner: he took care, that those that belonged to every city, wliich did not use the same way of living, that all things should be pre- pared for them according to the custom of those that came to him, that being feasted according to the usual method of their own way of living, they might be the better pleased, and might not be un- easy at any thing done to them, from which they were naturally averse. And this was now done in the case of these men by Dorotheus, who was jnit into this office because of his great skill in such 220 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. matters belonging to common life; for he took care of all such matters as concerned the reception of strangers, and appointed them double seats for them to sit on, according as the king had commanded him to do; for he had commanded that half of their seats should be set at his hand, and the other half behind his table, and took care that no respect should be omitted that could be shown them. And when they were thus set down, he bid Dorotheus to min- ister to all those that were come to him from Judea, after the manner they used to be ministered to: for which cause he sent away their sacred heralds, and those that slew the sacrifices, and tlie rest that used to say grace: but called to one of those that were come to him, whose name was Eleazar, who was a priest, and desired him to ^ say grace; who then stood in the midst of them, and prayed, that "all prosperity might attend the king, and those that were his subjects." Upon which an acclamation was made by the whole company, with joy and a great noise; and when that w\as over, they fell to eating their supper, and to the enjoyment of what was set before them. And at a little interval afterward, when the king thought a sufficient time had been interposed, he began to talk philosophically to them, and he asked every one of them a ~ philosophical question, and such an one as might give light in those inquiries; and when they had explained all the problems that had been proposed by the king about every point, he was well pleased Avith their ' This is the most ancient exani]ile I have met with, of a grace, or short prayer, or thanksgiving before meat; which, as it used to be said by an heatlien priest, was now said by Eleazar, a Jewish priest, who was one of these seventv-two interpreters. The next example I have met with is that of the Essenes, Of the War, B. II. ch. viii. sect. 5, Vol. III. both before and after it. ^ Thev were rather political questions and answers, tending to the good and religious government of maTikind. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 221 answers. This took up the twelve days in which they were treated: and he that pleases may learn the particular questions in that book of Aristeus', which he wrote on this very occasion. 13. And while not the king only, but the phi- losopher Menedemus also admired them, and said, "that all things were governed by providence: and that it was probable that thence it was that such force or beauty was discovered in these men's words," they then left off asking any more such questions. But the king said that he had gained very great advantages by their coming, for that he had received this profit from them, that he had learned how he ought to rule his subjects. And he gave order that they should have every one three talents given them, and that those that were to conduct them to their lodging should do it. Accordingly, when three days were over, Demetrius took them, and went over the causeway seven furlongs long: It was a bank in the sea to an island. And when they had gone over the bridge, he proceeded to the northern j)arts and showed them where thev should meet, which was in a house which was built near the shore, and was a quiet place, and fit for their discoursing together about their work. When he had brought them thither, he entreated them, (now they had all things about them which they wanted for the interpretation of their law) that they would suffer nothing to interrupt them in their work. Accordingly, they made an accurate interpretation, with great zeal and great pains, and this they continued to do till the ninth hour of the day; after which time they relaxed, and took care of their body, while their food was pro- vided for them in great plenty: besides, Dorotheus, at the king's command, brought them a great deal of what was provided for the king himself. But in 222 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. the morning they came to the court, and sakited Ptolemy and then went away to their former place, where, when they had ^ washed their hands, and purified themselves, they betook themselves to the interjDretation of the laws. Now when the law was transcribed, and the labour of interpretation was over, which came to its conclusion in seventy-two days, Demetrius gathered all the Jews together to the place where the laws were translated, and where the interj^reters were, and read them over. The multitude did also approve of those elders that were the interpreters of the law. They withal commended Demetrius for his proposal, as the inventor of what was greatly for their happiness; and they desired that he would give leave to their rulers also to read the law. JNIoreover, they all, both the priest and the ancientest of the elders, and the principal men of their commonwealth, made it their request, that since the interpretation was hapj^ily finished, it might continue in the state it now was, and might not be altered. And when thej^ all commended that determination of theirs, they enjoined, that if any one observed either any thing superfluous, or any thing omitted, that he would take a view of it again, and have it laid before tliem, and corrected; whicli was a wise account of theirs, that when the thing was judged to have been well done, it might continue for ever. 13. So the king rejoiced, when he saw that his design of this nature was brought to perfection to so great advantage: and he was chiefly delighted * This purification of the interpreters by washing in the sea, before they prayed to God every inorninfr, and l)efore they set about transLiting, may l)e comiiared with the like practice of Peter the aj)ostle, in the recognilions of ("lenient, B. W. ch. iii. and B. V. ch. xxxvi. and with the places of the Proseutliae, or of prayer, wliich were sometimes built near the sea or rivers also. Of which matter, see Antiq. B. XIV. ch. x. sect. 23, Vol. TT. and Acts xvi. Vi, IG. Chap. II. or THE JEWS. 223 with hearing the laws read to him, and was astonished at the deep meaning and wisdom of the legislator. And he began to discourse with Demetrius, "How it came to pass, that when this legislation was so wonderful, no one, either of the poets or of the his- torians, had made mention of it." Demetrius made answer, that "no one durst be so bold as to toucli upon the description of these laws, because they were divine and venerable, and because some that had attempted it were afflicted by God." He also told him, that "Theopompouse was desirous of writing somewhat about them, but was thereupon disturbed in his mind for above thirty days' time; and upon some intermission of his distemper, he appeased God [by prayer] as suspecting that his madness proceeded from that cause." Nay, indeed, he further saw in a dream, that his distemper befell him while he in- dulged too great a curiosity about divine matters, and was desirous of publishing them among common men; but when he left off that attempt, he recovered his understanding again. Moreover, he informed him of Theodectes, the tragic poet, concerning whom it was reported, that when, in a certain dramatic rep- resentation, he was desirous to make mention of things that were contained in the sacred books, he was afflicted witli a darkness in his eyes; and that upon his })eing conscious of the occasion of his dis- temper, and appeasing God [by prayer], he was freed from that affliction. 14. And when the king had received these books from Demetrius, as we have said already, he adored them, and gave order that great care should be taken of them, that they might remain uncorrupted. He also desired that the interpreters would come often to him out of Judea, and that both on account of the respects that he would pay them, and on accoiint 224 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. of the presents he would make them: For he said, "It was now but just to send them away, although if of their own accord, they would come to him here- after, they should obtain all that their own wisdom might justly require, and what his generosity was able to give them." So he then sent them away; and gave to every one of them three garments of the best sort, and two talents of gold, and a cup of the value of one talent, and the furniture of the room wherein they were feasted. And these were the things he presented to them. But by them he sent to Eleazar the high priest, ten beds, with feet of silver, and the furniture to them belonging, and a cup of the value of thirty talents; and besides these, ten garments, and purple, and a very beautiful crown, and a hundred pieces of the finest woven linen; as also vials and dishes, and vessels for pour- ing, and two golden cisterns to be dedicated to God. He also desired him, by an epistle, that he would give these interpreters leave, if any of them were desirous of coming to him, because he highly valued a conversation with men of such learning; and should be very willing to lay out his wealth upon such men. And this was what came to the Jews, and was much to their glory and honour, from Ptolemy Philadelphus. CHAPTER III. How the kings of Asia honoured the nation of the Jews, and made them citizens of those cities which they built. 1. The Jews also obtained honour from the kings of Asia, when they became their auxiliaries; for Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 225 Seleuciis Nicator made them citizens in those cities which lie built in Asia; and in the lower Syria, and in the metropolis itself, Antioch; and gave them ])rivi- leges equal to those of the INIacedonians and Greeks, who were the inhabitants, insomuch that these privi- leges continue to this very day: An argument for wliich you have in this, that whereas the Jews do not make use of ^ oil prepared by foreigners, they receive a certain sum of money from the proper officers be- longing to their exercises as the value would have deprived them of, in the last war, ^lucianus, who was then president of Syria, preserved it to them. And when the people of Alexandria and of Antioch did after that, at the time that Vespasian and Titus his son governed the habitable earth, pray that these privileges of citizens might be taken away, they did not obtain their request. In which behaviour any one may discern the " equity and generosity of the Romans, especially of Vespasian and Titus, who, although they had been at a great deal of pains in the war against the Jews, and were exasperated against them, because they did not deliver up their weapons to them, but continued the war to the very last, yet did not they take away any of their fore- mentioned privileges belonging to them as citizens, but restrained their anger; and overcame the prayers * The use of oil was much greater, and the donatives of it much more vahiable in Judea, and tlie neighbouring countries, than it is amongst us. It was also, in the days of Josephus, thouglit unlawful for Jews to make use of any oil tliat was prepared by heathens, perhaps on account of some superstitions intermixed with its preparation by those heathens. When therefore the heatliens were to make them a donative of oil, they paid them money instead of it. See Of the War, B. II. ch. xxii. sect. -2, Vol. III. the Life of Josephus sect. 13, Vol. III. ^ This, and the like great and just characters, of the justice and equity, and generosity of the old Romans, both to the Jews and other conquered nations, affords us a very good reason why Almighty God, upon the rejection of the Jews for their wickedness, chose them for his people. Of which matter, see Josephus here, sect. -2, as also Antiq. B. XIV. ch. X. sect. ^1, 23, B. XVI. ch. 2, sect. 4. 226 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. of the Alexandrians and Antiochians, who were a very powerful people, insomuch that they did not yield to them, neither out of their favour to those people, nor out of their old (^rudge at those whose wicked opposition they had subdued in the war; nor would they alter any of the ancient favours granted to the Jews, but said, that those who had borne arms against them, and fought them, had suffered punishment already, and that it was not just to deprive those that had not offended of the privileges they enjoyed. 2. We also know that ^Marcus Agrippa was of the like disposition towards the Jews: For when the peo- ple of Ionia were very anj.^ry at them, and besought Agrippa, that they, and they only, might have those privileges of citizens which Antiochus, the grandson of Seleucus (who by the Greeks was called the God,) had bestowed on them; and desired tliat if the Jews were to be joint-partakers with them, they might be obliged to worship the gods they themselves wor- shipped: but when these matters were ])rought to the trial, the Jews prevailed, and obtained leave to make use of their own customs, and this under the patronage of Xicolaus of Damascus; for Agrippa gave sentence, that he could not innovate. And if any one hath a mind to know this matter accurately, let liim peruse the hundred and twenty-third, and lumdred and twentv-fourth book of the historv of tliis Xicolaus. Xow, as to this determination of Agrippa, it is not so much to be admired, for at tliis time oiu' nation had not made war against tlie Romans. But one mav well be astonished at the generosity of Vespasian and Titus, that after so great wars and conquests ^\hich they had fi'om us, they should use such modera- tion. But I will now return to that part of my history whence I made the present digression. 3. X'^ow it happened that in the reign of Antiochus Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 227 the Great, who ruled over all Asia, that the Jews, as well as the inhabitants of Celoesyria, suffered greatly, and their land was sorely harassed: For while he was at war with Ptolemy Philopater, and with his son who was called Epiplianes, it fell out, that these nations were equally sufferers, both when he was beaten, and when he beat the others: So that they were very like to a ship in a storm, which is tossed by the waves on both sides; and just thus were they in their situation in the middle between Antiochus' prosperity and its change to adversity. But at length, when Antiochus had l)eaten Ptolemy, he seized upon Judea: And when Philopater was dead, his son sent out a great army under Scopas, the general of his forces, against the inhabitants of Celoesyria, who took many of their cities, and in jiarticular our nation; which, when he fell upon them, went over to him. Yet was it not long afterward when Antiochus over- came Scopas, in a battle fought at the fountains of Jordan, and destroyed a great part of his army. But afterward, when Antiochus subdued those cities of Celoesyria which Scopas had gotten into his pos- session, and Samaria, with them the Jews of their own accord went over to him, and received him into the city [Jerusalem], and gave plentiful provision to all his army, and to his elephants, and readily assisted him when he besieged the garrison which was in the citadel of Jerusalem. Wherefore Antiochus thought it but just to requit the Jews' diligence and zeal in his service: So he wrote to the generals of his armies, and to his friends, and gave testimony to the good behaviour of the Jews towards him, and informed them what rewards he liad resolved to bestow on them for that their behaviour. I will set down presently the epistles themselves, which he wrote to the generals concerning them, but will first produce the testimonies 228 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. of Polybius of ^Megalopolis, for thus does he speak, in the sixteenth book of his history: "Xow Scopas, the general of Ptolemy's army, went in haste to the superior parts of the country, and in the winter time overthrew the nation of the Jews. He also saith, in the same book, that when Scopas was conquered by Antiochus, Antiochus received Batanea and Samaria, and Abila and Gadara: and that, a while afterwards, there came in to him those Jews that inhabited near that temple which was called Jerusalem, concerning which, althougli I have more to say, and particularly concerning the presence of God about the temple, yet do I put off that history till another opportunity." This it is which Polybius relates. But we will return to the series of the history, when we have first pro- duced the epistle of king Antiochus: ''King Axtiochus to Ptolemy, sendeth greeting. "Since the Jews, upon our first entrance on their country, demonstrated their friendship towards us; and when we came to their city [Jerusalem,] received us in a splendid manner, and came to meet us with their senate, and gave abundance of provisions to our soldiers, and to the elephants, and joined with us in ejecting the garrison of the Eg^^^tians that were in the citadel, we have thought fit to reward them, and to retrieve the condition of their city, which had been greatly depopulated by sucli accidents as have befallen its inhabitants, and to ])ring those that have been scattered abroad back to the city. And, in the first place, we have determined, on account of their piety towards God, to ])estow on them, as a pension, for their sacrifices of animals that are fit for sacrifice, for wine and oil, and frankincense, the value of twenty thousand pieces of silver, and [six] sacred artabrae Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 229 of fine flour, with one thousand four hundred and sixty medimni of wheat, and three hundred and seventy- five medimni of salt. And these payments I would have fully paid them, as I have sent orders to you. I would also have the work about the temple finished, and the cloisters, and if there be any thing else that ought to be rebuilt. And for the materials of wood, let it be brought them out of Judea itself, and out of the other countries, and out of Libanus, tax free: and the same I would have observed as to those other materials which will be necessary, in order to render the temple more glorious. And let all of that nation live according to the laws of their own country; and let the senate and the priests, and the scribes of the temple, and the sacred singers, be discharged from poll-money and the crown tax, and other taxes also. And that the city may the sooner recover its in- habitants, I grant a discharge from taxes for three years to its present inhabitants; and to such as shall come to it, until the month Hyperberetus. We also discharge them for the future from a third part of their taxes, that the losses they have sustained may be repaired. And all those citizens that have been carried away, and are become slaves, we grant them and their children their freedom; and give order that their substance be restored to them." 4. And these were the contents of this epistle. He also published a decree, through all liis kingdom, in honour of the temple, which contained what fol- lows: "It shall be lawful for no foreigner to come within the limits of the temple round about; which thing is forbidden also to the Jews, unless to those who, according to their own custom, have purified themselves. Xor let any flesh of horses, or of mules, or of asses, be brought into the city, wliether they be wild, or tame; nor that of leopards, or foxes, or 230 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. Iiares, and in general, that of any animal which is forbidden for the Jews to eat. Nor let their skins be brought into it; nor let any such animal be bred up in the city. Let them only be permitted to use the sacrifices derived from their forefathers, with which they have been obliged to make acceptable atonements to God. And he that transgresseth any of these orders, let him pay to the priests three thousand drachma of silver." Moreover, this Antiochus bare testimony to our piety and fidelity, in an epistle of his, written when he was informed of a sedition in Phrygia and Lydia, at which time he was in the superior provinces, wherein he commanded Zeuxis, the general of his forces, and his most intimate friend, to send some of our nation out of Babylon into Phrygia. The epistle w^as this: "King Antiochus to Zeuxis his father, sendeth greeting. "If you are in health it is well. I also am in health. Having been informed that a sedition is arisen in Lydia and Phrygia, I thouglit that matter required great care: And upon advising with my friends what was fit to be done, it hath been thought proper to remove two thousand families of Jews, with their eff*ects, out of INIesopotamia and Babylon, unto the castles and places that lie most convenient; for I am persuaded that they will l)e well disposed guardians of our possessions, because of their piety towards God, and because I know that my predecessors have borne witness to them, that they are faithful, and, witli alacrity, do what they are desired to do. I will, therefore, tliough it be a laborious work, that thou remove these Jews; imder a promise, that they shall be permitted to use their own laws. And when Chap. IT. OF THE JEWS. 231 thou shalt have brought them to the 2)laces fore- mentioned, thou shalt give every one of their famihes a place for building their houses, and a portion of land for their husbandry, -and for the plantation of their vines; and thou shalt discharge them from pay- ing taxes of the fruits of the earth for ten years: and let them have a proper quantity of wheat for the maintenance of their servants, until they receive bread corn out of the earth: also let a sufficient share be given to such as minister to them in the necessaries of life, that by enjoying the effects of our liumanity, thev may show themselves the more willing and ready about our affairs. Take care likewise of that nation, as far as thou art able, that they may not have any disturbance given them by any one." Now these testimonials which I have produced, are sufficient to declare the friendship that Antiochus the Great bare to the Jews. CHAPTER IV. How Antiochus made a league with Ptolemy; and how Onias provohed Ptolemy Euergetes to anger; and how Joseph brought all things right again, and en- tered into friendship with him; and what other things were done by Joseph and his son Hyrcanus. 1. After this Antiochus made a friendship and a league with Ptolemy; and gave him his daughter Cleopatra to wife, and yielded up to him Celoesyria, and Samaria, and Judea, and Phenicia, by way of dowry. And upon the division of the taxes between the two kings, all the principal men farmed the taxes of their several countries, and collecting the 232 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. sum that was settled for them, paid the same to the [two] kings. Now at this time the Samaritans were in a flourishing condition, and much distressed the Jews, cutting off parts of their land, and carry- ing off slaves. This happened when Onias was high priest; for after Eleazar's death, his uncle Manasseh took the priesthood, and after he had ended his life, Onias received that dignity. He was the son of Simon, who w^as called the Just, which Simon was the brother of Eleazar, as I said before. This Onias was one of a little soul, and a great lover of money; and for that reason, because he did not pay the tax of twenty talents of silver, which his forefathers paid to these kings, out of their own estates, he provoked king Ptolemy Euergetes to anger, who was the father of Philopater. Euergetes sent an ambassador to Jerusalem, and complained that Onias did not pay his taxes, and threatened, that if he did not receive them, he would seize upon their land, and send soldiers to live upon it. When the Jews heard this message of the king's, they were confounded: But so sordidly covetous was Onias, that nothing of this natiu'e made him ashamed. 2. There was now one Joseph, young in age, Imt of great reputation among the people of Jeru- salem, for gravity, prudence, and justice. His father's name was Tobias; and his mother was the sister of Onias the high priest, who informed him of the coming of the ambassador: for he was then sojourning at a village named ^ Phieol, where he was born. Hereupon he came to the city [Jeru- salem], and reproved Onias for not taking care of the preservation of his countrymen, but bringing ' Tiie name of tliis jilncp, Phieol. is the verj' same with that of the chief captain of Al)inielcch's iiost, in the days of Ahrahani, Gen. xxi. '2-2, and might possibly be the place of that Phicol's nativity or abode, for it seems to have been in tl c south part of Palestine, as that was. Chap. ly. OF THE JEWS. 233 the nation into dangers, by not paying this money. For which preservation of them, he told him he had received the authority over them, and had been made high priest: But that, in case he was so great a lover of money, as to endure to see his country in danger on that account, and his countrymen suffer the greatest damages, he advised him to go to the king, and petition him to remit either the whole, or part of the sum demanded. Onias' answer was this, that he did not care for his authority, and that he Avas ready, if the thing were practicable, to lay down his high priesthood; and that he would not go to the king, because he troubled not himself at all about such matters. Joseph then asked him. If he would not give him leave to go ambassador on behalf of the nation? He replied, that he would give him leave. Upon which Joseph went up into the temple; and called the multitude together, to a congregation, and exhorted them not to be disturbed nor affrighted, because of his uncle Onias' carelessness, but desired them to be at rest, and not terrify themselves with fear about it; for he promised them that he w^ould be their ambassador to the king, and persuade him that they had done him no wrong. And when the multitude heard this, they returned thanks to Joseph. So he went down from the temple, and treated Ptolemy's ambassador in a hospitable manner. He also presented him with rich gifts; and feasted him magnificently for many days, and then sent him to the king before him, and told him that he would soon follow him: for he was now more willing to go to the king, by the encouragement of the am- bassador, who earnestly persuaded him to come into Egypt; and promised him that he would take care that he should obtain every thing that he desired of Ptolemy, for he was highly pleased with his frank 234 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. and liberal temper, and with the gravity of his de- portment. 3. When Ptolemy's ambassador was come into Egypt, he told the king of the thoughtless temper of Onias; and informed him of the goodness of the disposition of Joseph; and that he was coming to him, to excuse the multitude, as not having done him any harm, for that he was their patron. In short, he was so very large in his encomiums upon the young man, that he disposed both the king and his wife Cleopatra to have a kindness for him be- fore he came. So Joseph sent to his friends at Samaria, and borrowed money of them; and got ready what was necessary for his journey, garments and cups, and beasts for burthen, which amounted to about twenty thousand drachnice, and went to Alexandria. Now it happened that at this time all the principal men and rulers went up out of the cities of Syria and Phenicia, to bid for their taxes; for every year the king sold them to the men of the greatest power in every city. So these men saw Joseph journeying on the way, and laughed at him for his poverty and meanness. But when he came to Alexandria, and heard that king Ptolemy was at Memphis, he went up thither to meet with him; which hapj^ened as the king was sitting in his chariot, with his wife and with his friend Athenion, who was the very person who had been ambassador at Jerusalem, and been entertained by Joseph. As soon therefore as Athenion saw him, he presently made him known to the king, how good and generous a young man he was. So Ptolemy saluted him first, and desired him to come uj) into his chariot; and as Joseph sat there, he began to complain of the management of Onias. To which he answered, Forgive him, on account of his age; for thou canst Chap. IV. or THE JEWS. 235 not certainly be unacquainted with this, that old men and infants have their minds exactly alike; but thou shalt have from us, who are young men, every thing thou desirest, and shalt have no cause to com- plain. With this good humour and pleasantry of the young man, the king was so delighted, that he began already, as though he had long experience of him, to have a still greater affection for him, inso- much, that he bade him take his diet in the king's palace, and be a guest at his own table every day. But when the king was come to Alexandria, the principal men of Syria saw him sitting with the king, and were much offended at it. 4. And when the day came on which the king was to let the taxes of the cities to farm, and those that were the principal men of dignity in their several countries were to bid for them, the sum of the taxes together, of Celesyria and Phenicia, and Judea, with Samaria [as they were bidden for,] came to eight thousand talents. Hereupon Joseph accused the bidders, as having agreed together to estimate the value cf the taxes at too low a rate; and he promised, that he would himself give twice as much for them: but for those who did not pay, he would send the king home their whole su})stance; for this privilege was sold together with the taxes themselves. The king was pleased to hear that offer; and because it augmented his revenues, he said he would confirm the sale of the taxes to him. But then he asked him this question. Whether he had any sureties that would be bound for the payment of the money? he answered very pleasantly, I will give such security, and those of persons good and responsible, and which you shall have no reason to distrust. And when lie bid him name them, who they were, he replied, I give thee no other j^t^i'sons, O king, for my sureties, 236 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. than myself, and this thy wife; and you shall be security for both parties. So Ptolemy laughed at the proposal, and granted him the farming of the taxes without any sureties. This procedure was a sore grief to those that came from the cities into Egypt, who wxre utterly disappointed; and they returned every one to their own country with shame. 5. But Joseph took with him two thousand foot soldiers from the king, for he desired he might have some assistance, in order to force such as were re- fractory in the cities to pay. And borrowing of the king's friends at Alexandria five hundred talents, he made haste back into Syria. And when he was at Askelon, and demanded the taxes of the people of Askelon, they refused to pay any thing; and affronted him also: upon which he seized upon about twenty of the principal men, and slew them, and gathered what they had together, and sent it all to the king: and informed him what he had done. Ptolemy admired the prudent conduct of the man, and commended him for what he had done; and gave him leave to do as he pleased. When the Sp'ians heard of this, they were astonished: and having before them a sad example in the men of Askelon that were slain, they opened their gates, and willingly admitted Joseph, and paid their taxes. And when the inhabitants of Scythopolis attempted to affront him, and would not pay him those taxes which they formerly used to pay, without disputing about them, he slew also the principal men of that city, and sent tlieir effects to the king. By this means he gathered great wealth together, and made vast gains by this farming of the taxes: and he made use of what estate he had thus gotten, in order to support his authority, as thinking it a piece of prudence to keep what had been the occasion and Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 237 foundation of his present good fortune; and this he did by the assistance of what he was already possessed of, for he privately sent many presents to the king, and to Cleopatra, and to their friends, and to all that were powerful about the court, and thereby purchased . their good- will to himself. 6. This good fortune he enjoyed for twenty-two years: and was become the father of seven sons, by one wife: he had also another son, whose name was Hyrcanus, by his brother Solymius' daughter, whom he married on the following occasion. He once came to Alexandria with his brother, who had along with him a daughter already marriageable, in order to give her in wedlock to some of the Jews of chief dignity there. He then supped with the king, and falling in love with an actress, that was of great beauty, and came into the room where they feasted, he told his brother of it, and entreated him, because a Jew is forbidden by their law to come near to a foreigner, to conceal his offence, and to be kind and subservient to him, and to give him an oppor- tunity of fulfilling his desires. Upon which his brother willingly entertained the proposal of serving him, and adorned his own daughter, and brought her to him by night, and put her into his bed. And Joseph, being disordered with drink, knew not who she was, and so lay with his brother's daughter; and this did he many times and loved her exceedingly, and said to his brother, that he loved this actress so well, that he should run the hazard of his life [if he must part with her,] and yet probably the king would not give him leave [to take her with him]. But his })rother bid him be in no concern about that matter, and told him, he might enjoy her whom he loved without any danger, and might have her for his wife; and opened the truth of the 238 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. matter to him, and assured him that he chose rather to have his own daughter abused, than to overlook him, and see him come to [pubhc] disgrace. So Joseph conmiended him for this his brotherly love; and married his daughter; and by her begat a son, whose name was Hyrcanus, as we said before. And when this his youngest son showed, at thirteen years old, a mind that was both courageous and wise, and was greatly envied by his brethren, as being of a genius much above them, and such an one as they might well envy, Joseph had once a mind to know which of his sons had the best disposition to virtue, and when he sent them severally to those that had then the best reputation for instructing youth, the rest of his children, by reason of their sloth, and unwillingness to take pains, returned to him foolish and unlearned. After them he sent out the youngest, Hyrcanus, and gave him three hundred yoke of oxen, and bid him go two days journey into the wilderness, and sow the land there and yet kept back privately the yokes of the oxen that coupled them together. Wlien Hyrcanus came to the place, and found he had no yokes with him, he contemned the drivers of the oxen, who advised him to send home to his father, to })ring them some yokes; but he thinking that he ought not to lose his time, while they should be sent to bring him the yokes, he in- vented a kind of stratagem, and wliat suited an age older than his own; for he slew ten yoke of the oxen, and distributed their fiesli among the labourers, and cut their hides into several pieces, and made him yokes, and yoked the oxen together with them; by which means he sowed as much land as his father liad appointed him to sow, and returned to him. And when he was come l)ack, his father was mightily pleased with his sagacity, and commended the sharp- Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 230 ness of his understanding, and his boldness in what he did. And he still loved him the more, as if he were his only genuine son, while his brethren were much troubled at it. 7, But when one told him that Ptolemy had a son just born, and that all the principal men of S>Tia, and the other countries subject to him, were to keep a festival, on account of the child's birthday, and went away in haste with great retinues to Alex- andria, he was himself indeed hindered from going by old age, but he made trial of his sons, whether any of them would be willing to go to the king. And when the elder sons excused themselves from going, and said, they were not courtiers good enough for such conversation, and advised him to send their brother Hyrcanus, he gladly hearkened to that ad- vice; and called Hyrcanus, and asked him, whether he would go to the king; and whether it was agree- able to him to go or not? And upon his promise that he would go, and his saying that he should not want much money for his journey, because he would live moderately, and that ten thousand drachmae would be sufficient, he was pleased with his son's prudence. After a little while, the son advised his father not to send his presents to the king from thence, but to give him a letter to his steward at Alexandria, that he might furnish him with money, for purcliasing what should be most excellent and most precious. So he thinking that the expense of ten talents would be enough for presents to be made the king, and commending his son as giving him good advice, wrote to Arion his steward, that managed all his money matters at Alexandria; M-hich money was not less tlian three thousand talents on liis account, for Josepli sent tlie money he received in Syria to Alexandria. And when the day appointed 240 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. for the payment of the taxes to the king came, he wTote to Ai'ion to pay them. So when the son had asked his father ior a letter to this steward, and had received it, he made haste to Alexandria. And when he was gone, his brethren wrote to all the king's friends, that they should destroy him. 8. But when he was come to Alexandria, he de- livered his letter to Arion, who asked him how many talents he would have^ (hoping he would ask for no more than ten, or a little more,) he said he wanted a thousand talents. At which the steward was angry and rebuked him, as one that intended to live ex- travagantly; and he let him know how his father had gathered together his estate by pains-taking, and resisting his inclinations, and wished him to imitate the example of his father: he assured him withal, that he would give him but ten talents, and that for a present to the king also. The son was irri- tated at this, and threw Arion into prison. But when Arion's wife had informed Cleopatra of this, with her entreatv, that she would rebuke the child for what he had done, (for Arion was in great esteem with her) Cleopatra informed the king of it. And Ptolemy sent for Hvrcanus, and told him, that "he wondered when he was sent to him bv his father, that lie had not yet come into his presence, but had laid the steward in prison." And he gave order, therefore, that he should come to him, and give an account of the reason of what he had done. And they report, that the answer he made to the king's messenger was this: that "there was a law of his that forbade a child that was born, to taste of the sacrifice, before he liad been at the temple and sacri- ficed to God. According to which way of reasoning he did not liimself come to him in expectation of the present he was to make to him, as to one who Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 241 had been his father's benefactor: and that he had punished the slave for disobeying his commands, for that it mattered not whether a master was httle or great; so that unless we punish such as these, thou thyself mayest also expect to be despised by thy subjects." Upon hearing this his answer he fell a laughing, and wondered at the great soul of the child. 9. When Arion was apprized that this was the king's disjjosition, and that he had no way to help himself, he gave the child a thousand talents, and was let out of prison. So after three days were over, Hyrcanus came and saluted the king and queen. They saw him with pleasure, and feasted him in an obliging manner, out of the respect they bare to his father. So he came to the merchants privately, and bought a hundred boys, that had learning, and were in the flower of their ages, each at a talent a-piece; as also he bought a hundred maidens, each at the same price as the other. And when he was invited to feast with the king among the principal men in the countrv, he sat down the lowest of them all, because he was little regarded, as a child in age still; and this by those who placed every one accord- ing to their dignity. Xow when all those that sat with him had laid the bones of the several parts on a heap before Hyrcanus, (for they had themselves taken away the flesh belonging to them,) till the table where he sat was filled full with them; Trypho, who was the king's jester, and was appointed for jokes and laughter at festivals, who was now asked by the guests that sat at the table [to expose him to laughter]. So he stood by the king, and said, "Dost thou not see, my lord, the bones that lie bv Hvrcanus? bv this similitude tliou mavest con- jecture that his father made all Svria as bare as he 242 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. hath made these bones." And the king laughing at what Trypho said, and asking of Hyrcanus, "How he came to have so many bones before him?" he rephed, "Very rightfully, my lord: for they are dogs that eat the flesh and the bones together, as these thy guests have done, (looking in the mean time at those guests), for there is nothing before them; but they are men that eat the flesh, and cast away the bones, as I, who am also a man, have now done." Upon which the king admired at his answer, which was so wisely made; and bid them all make an acclamation, as a mark of their approbation of his jest, which was truly a facetious one. On the next day Hyrcanus went to every one of the king's friends, and of the men powerful at court, and saluted them; but still inquired of the servants what present they would make the king on his son's birth- day? and when some said that they would give twelve talents, and that others of greater dignity would every one give according to the quantity of their riches, he pretended to every one to be grieved that he was not able to bring so large a present; for that he had no more than five talents. And when the servants heard what he said, they told their masters, and they rejoiced in the prospect that Joseph would be disapproved, and would make the king angry, by the smallness of his present. When the day came, the others, even those that brought the most, offered the king not above twenty talents; but Hyrcanus gave to every one of the hundred boys, and hundred maidens that he had bought, a talent a-piece, for them to carry, and introduced them, the boys to the king, and the maidens to Cleopatra: every body wondering at the unexpected richness of the presents, even the king and queen themselves. He also presented those that attended Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 2J.a about the king with gifts to the value of a great number of talents, that he might escape tlie danger he was in from them; for to these it was that Hvr- canus' brethren had written to destroy him. Now Ptolemy admired at the young man's magnanimity; and commanded him to ask what gift he pleased. But he desired nothing else to be done for him by the king than to write to his father and brethren about him. So when the king had paid him very great respects, and had given him very large gifts, and had written to his father and his brethren, and all his commanders, and officers about him, he sent him awav. But when his brethren heard that Hvr- canus had received sucli favours from the king, and was returning home with great honour, they went out to meet him, and to destroy him, and that Avith the privity of their father: for he was angry at him for the [large] sum of money that he bestowed for presents, and so had no concern for his preservation. However, Joseph concealed the anger he had at his son, out of fear of the king. And when Hyrcanus' brethren came to fight him, he slew man}' others of those that were with them; as also two of his brethren themselves, but the rest of them escaped to Jerusalem to tlieir father. But when Hp'canus came to the citv, where nobodv would receive him, he was afraid for himself, and retired beyond the river Jordan, and there abode, but obliging the Barbarians to pay their taxes. 10. At this time Seleucus, who was called Sofcr, reigned over Asia, being the son of Antiochus the Great. And [now] Hyrcanus' father Joseph died. He was a good man and of great magnanimity; and brought the Jews out of a state of poverty and mean- ness, to one that was more splendid. He retained the farm of the taxes of Svria, and Phenicia, and 244 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. Samaria, twenty-two years. His uncle also, Onias, died [about this time] and left the high priesthood to his son Simeon. And when he was dead, Onias his son succeeded him in that dignity. To him it was that Areus, king of the Lacedemonians, sent an embas- sage, with an epistle; the copy whereof here follows: "Areus king of the Lacedemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting. "We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacede- monians are of one stock, and are derived from the ^ kindred of Abraham: It is but just therefore, that you, who are our brethren, should send to us about any of your concerns as you please. We will also do the same thing, and esteem your concerns as our own; and will look upon our concerns as in common with yours. Demoteles, who brings you this letter, will bring your answer back to us. This letter is foursquare; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in its claws." ^ "WTicnce it comes that these Lacedemonians declare themselves here to be of kin to the Jews, as derived from the same ancestor Abraham, I cannot tell, unless, as Grotius supposes, they were derived from the Dores, that came of the Pelasgi. These are by Herodotus, called Bar- barians, and perhaps were derived from the Syrians and Arabians, the posterity of Abraham by Keturah. See Antiq. B. XVI. ch. x. sect. 22, Vol. II.' and Of the War, B. I. ch. xxvi. sect. 1. Vol. Ill, and Grot, on 1 Maccab. xii. 7. We may farther observe from the recognitions of Clement, that Eliezer of Damascus, the servant of Abraham, Gen. xv. 2, and xxiv. was of old by some taken for his son. So that if the Lacede- monians were sprung from him, they might think themselves to be of the posterity of Abraham: as well as the Jews who were sprung from Isaac. And perhaps this Eliezer of Damascus is that very Damascus whom Trogus Pompeius, as abridged by Justin, makes the founder of the Jewish nation itself, though he afterwards blunders, and makes Azelus, Adores, Abraham, and Israel, kings of Judea, and successors to this Damascus. It may not be improper to observe farther, that Moses Chorencnsis, in his history of the Armenians, informs us, that the nation of the Parthians was also derived from Abraham, by Keturah, and her children. Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 245 11. And these were the contents of the epistle which was sent from the king of the Lacedemonians. But upon the death of Joseph, the people grew seditious, on account of his sons; For whereas the elders made war against Hyrcanus, who was the youngest of Joseph's sons, the multitude was divided, but the greater part joined with the elders in this war; as did Simon the high priest, by reason he was of kin to them. However, Hyrcanus determined not to return to Jerusalem any more, but seated himself beyond Jordan; and was at perpetual war with the Arabians, and slew many of them, and took many of them captives. He also erected a strong castle, and built it entirely of white stone to the very roof; and had animals of a prodigious magnitude engraven upon it. He also drew round it a great and deep canal of water. He also made caves of many furlongs in length, by hollowing a rock that was o\er against him: and then he made large rooms in it, some for feasting, and some for sleeping and living in. He introduced also a vast quantity of waters which ran along it, and which were very delightful and ornamental in the court. But still he made the entrances at the mouth of the caves so narrow, that no more than one person could enter by them at once: And the reason why he built them after that manner was a good one; it was for his own preservation, lest he should be besieged by his brethren and run the hazard of being caught by them. Moreover, he built courts of greater mag- nitude than ordinary, which he adorned with vastly large gardens. And when he had brought the place to this state, he named it Tijre. This place is be- tween Arabia and Judea, beyond Jordan, not far from the country of Heshbon. And he ruled over those parts for seven years, even all the time that 2^6 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. Seleucus was king of Syria. But when he was dead his brother Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes, took the kingdom. Ptolemy also the king of Egypt, died, who was besides called Epiphanes. He left two sons, and both young in age; the elder of which was called Philomcter, and the youngest Physcon. As for Hvrcanus, when he saw that Antiochus had a great army, and feared lest he should be caught by him, and brought to punishment for what he had done to the Arabians, he ended his life, by slaying himself with his own hand; while Antiochus seized upon all his substance. CHAPTER V. How, upon the quarrels of the Jews one against another about the high priesthood, Antiochus made an ejcpedition against Jerusalem, took the city and jyiUagcd the temple, and distressed the Jews: As also how many of the Jews forsook the laws of their country; and how the Samaritans followed the customs of the Greeks, and named their temple at mount Gerizzim, the temple of Jupiter Hellenius. 1. About this time, upon the death of Onias the high priest, they gave the high priesthood to Jesus' brother; for that son which Onias left [or Onias IV.] was yet but an infant: and, in its proper place, we will inform the reader of all the circumstances that befell this child. But this Jesus, who was the brother of Onias, was deprived of the high priesthood by the king, who was angry with him, and gave it to his younger bi-other, whose name also was Onias, for Simon had these three sons, to each of which the Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 247 priesthood came as we have ' already informed the reader. This Jesus changed his name to Jason; hut Onias was called Menclaus. Now as the former high priest, Jesus, raised a sedition against INIenelaus, who was ordained after him, the multitude were divided between them both. And the sons of Tobias took the part of Menelaus, but the greater part of the people assisted Jason: and by that means INIenelaus, and the sons of Tobias were distressed, and retired to Antiochus, and informed him, that they were desirous to leave the laws of their country, and the Jewish way of living according to them, and to follow the king's laws, and the Grecian way of living: Wherefore they desired his permission to build them a " Gymnasium at Jerusalem. And when he had given them leave, they also hid the circumcision of their genitals, that even when they were naked, they might appear to be Greeks. Accordingly • they left off all the customs that belonged to their own country, and imitated the practices of the other nations. 2. Now Antiochus, upon the agreeable situation * We have hitherto liad but a few of those many citations where Josephus says, that lie had elsewhere formerly treated of many things, of which yet his present books have not a syllable. Our commentators have hitherto been able to give no tolerable account of these citations, which are far too numerous, and that usually in all his copies, both Greek and Latin, to be supposed later interpolations, which is almost all that has been hitherto said upon this occasion. What I have to say farther is this, that we have but very few of these references before, and very many in and after the history of Antiochus Epiphanes; and that Josephus' first book, the Hebrew or Chaldee, as well as the Greek history of the Jewish War, long since lost, began with that very history, so that the references are most probably made to that edition of the seven Books of the War. See several other examples, besides those in the two sec- tions before us, in Antiq. B. XIII. ch. ii. sect. 1, 4, Vol. II. and ch. iv. sect. 6, 8, ch. v. sect. 6, 11, ch. viii. sect. 4, and ch. xiii. sect. 4, 5, and Antiq. B. XVIII. ch. ii. sect. 5, Vol. III. ^ This word G;/77inashi7v. proj^erly denotes a place where the exercises M-ere j^erformed naked, which because it would naturally distinguish cir- cunu'ised Jews from uncircumcised Gentiles, these Jewish apostates en- deavoured to appear uncircumcised, by means of a chirurgical operation, hinted at by St. Paul, 1 Cor. vii. 18, 'and described by Celsus, B. VII. ch. XXV, 248 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. of the affairs of his kingdom, resolved to make an expedition against Egypt, both because he had a desire to gain it, and because he contemned the son of Ptolemy, as now weak, and not yet of abilities to manage affairs of such consequence; so he came with great forces to Pelusium, and circumvented Ptolemy Philometer by treachery, and seized upon Egypt. He then came to the places about jNIemphis; and when he had taken them, he made haste to Alexandria, in hopes of taking it by siege, and of subduing Ptolemy, who reiffned there. But he was driven not onlv from Alexandria, but out of all Egypt, by the declara- tions of the Romans, who charged him to let that country alone; according as I have elsewhere formerly declared. I will now give a particular account of what concerns this king, how he subdued Judea and the temple; for in my former work I mentioned those things very briefly, and have therefore now thought it necessary to go over that history again, and that with greater accuracy. 3. ^ King Antiochus returning out of Egypt, for fear of the Romans, made an expedition against the city Jerusalem; and when he was there, in the hundred forty and third year of the kingdom of the SeleucidcE, he took the city without fighting, those of his own party opening the gates to him. And w^hen he had gotten possession of Jerusalem he slew many of the opposite party; and when he had plundered it of a great deal of money, he returned to Antioch. 4. Now it came to pass, after two years, in the hundred forty and fifth year, on the twenty-fifth * Hereabouts Josephns begins to follow tlic first book of the Maccabees, a most excellent and most autlientic history; and accordingly it is here, with great fidelity and exactness, abridged by him ; lietween whose present copies there seem to be fewer variations tiian in any other sacred Heorew book of the Old Testament whatsoever, (for this book also was origmally written in Hehrew), which is very natural, l)ecause it was written so much nearer to the times of Joseplius than the rest were. Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 249 day of that month, which is by us called Chasleu, and by the Macedonians ApeUeus, in the hundred and fifty-third Olympiad, that the king came up to Jeru- salem, and pretending peac^e, he got possession of the city by treachery:* at which time he spared not so much as those that admitted him into it, on account of the riches that lay in the temple; but led by his covetous inclination, (for he saw there was in it a great deal of gold, and many ornaments that had been dedicated to it of very great value,) and in order to plunder its wealth, he ventured to break the league he had made. So he left the temple bare; and took away the golden candlesticks, and the golden altar [of incense,] and table [of shew-bread,] and the altar [of burnt-offering;] and did not abstain from even the vails, which were made of fine linen and scarlet. He also emptied it of its secret treasures, and left nothing at all remaining; and by these means cast the Jews into great lamentation, for he forbade them to offer those daily sacrifices which they used to offer to God, according to the law. And when he had jDillaged the whole city, some of the inhabitants he slew, and some he carried captive, together with their wives and children, so that the multitude of those captives that were taken alive amounted to about ten thousand. He also burnt down the finest build- ings; and when he had overthrown the city walls, he built ^ a citadel in the lower part of the city, for the place was high, and overlooked the temple, on * This Citadel, of which we have such frequent mention in the fol- lowing history, both in the Maccabees and in Josephus, seems to have been a castle built on a hill, lower than mount Zion, though upon its skirts, and higher than mount Moriah, between them both; which hill the enemies of the Jews now got possession of, and built on it this citadel and fortified it, till a good while afterwards the Jews regained it, and levelled the hill itself with the common ground, that their enemies might no more recover it, and might thence overlook the temple itself) and do them such mischief as they had long undergone from it, Antiq B. XIII. ch. vi. sect. 6, Vol. II. 250 AXTIQUITIES Book xii. which account he fortified it with high walls and towers; and put into it a garrison of Macedonians. However, in that citadel dwelt the impious and wicked part of the [Jewish] multitude, from whom it proved that the citizens suffered many and sore calamities. And when the king had built an idol altar upon God's altar, he slew swine upon it, and so offered a sacrifice neither according to the law, nor the Jewish religious worship in that country. He also compelled them to forsake the worship which they paid their own God, and to adore those whom he took to be gods, and made them build temples, and raise idol altars in every city and village, and offer swine upon them every day. He also commanded them not to circumcise their sons, and threatened to punish any that should be found to have transgressed his injunctions. He also appointed overseers, who should compel them to do what he commanded. And indeed many Jews there were who complied with the king's commands, either voluntarily or out of fear of the penalty that was denounced: but the best men, and those of the noblest souls, did not regard him, but did pay a greater respect to the customs of their country, than concern as to the punishment which he threatened to the disobedient; on which account thev every day underwent great miseries, and bitter torments, for they were whipped with rods, and their bodies were torn to pieces, and were crucified, while they were still alive, and breathed: They also strangled those women and their sons whom they had circumcised, as the king had appointed, hanging their sons about their necks as they were upon the crosses. And if there wei-e any sacred book of the law found, it was destroyed, and those with whom they were found, miserably perished also. 5, When the Samaritans saw the Jews under Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 251 these sufferings, they no longer confessed that they were of their kindred, nor that the temple on mount Gerizzim belonged to Almighty God. This was ac- cording to their nature, as we have already shown. And thev now said, that they were a colony of ]VIedes and Persians: and indeed they were a colony of theirs. So they sent ambassadors to Antiochus, and an epistle; whose contents are these: "To king Antiochus the god, Epiphanes, a memorial from the Sidonians, who live at Shechem. Our forefathers, upon -certain fre- quent plagues, and as following a certain ancient superstition, had a custom of observing that day which by the Jews is called the Sabbath.^ And when they had erected a temple at the mountain called Gerizzim, though without a name, they offered upon it the proper sacrifices. Xow, upon the just treatment of these wicked Jews, those that manage their affairs, supj)osing that we were of kin to them, and practised as they do, make us liable to the same accusations, although we be originally Sidonians, as is evident from the public records. We therefore beseech thee, our benefactor and saviour, to give order to Appol- lonius, the governor of this part of the country, and to Nicanor, the procurator of thy affairs, to give us no disturbance, nor to lay to our charge what the Jews are accused for, since we are aliens from their nation, and from their customs; but let our temple, which at present hath no name at all, be named, The temple of Jupiter HeUenius. If this were once done, we should be no longer disturbed, but should be more intent on our own occupation with quietness, and so bring in a greater revenue to thee." When the Samaritans had petitioned for this, the king sent them ' This allegation of the Samaritans is remarkable, that thoupch they were not Jews, yet did they, from ancient times, observe tlie Salibath- day, and as they elsewhere pretend, the Sabbatic year also, Antiq. B. XII. ch. vii. sect", (i. Vol. II. 252 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. back the following answer, in an ej)istle: "King Antiochus to Xicanor. The Sidonians, who live at Shechem, have sent me the memorial inclosed. When therefore we were advising with our friends about it, the messengers sent by them represented to us, that thev are no way concerned with accusations which belong to the Jews, but choose to live after the customs of the Greeks. Accordingly we declare them free from such accusations, and order that, agreeable to their petition, their temple be named. The temple of Jupiter HeJIeiuus/' He also sent the like epistle to Appollonius, the governor of that part of the country, in the forty-sixth year, and the eighteenth day of the month Hecatombeon. CHAPTER VI. How, upon Antiochus' prohibition to the Jews to make use of the laws of their country, Mattathias the son of Asmoneus, alone despised the king, and overcame the generals of Antiochus' army; as also concerning the death of Mattathias, and the suc- cession of Judas. 1. Xow at this time there was one whose name was iNIattathias, who dwelt at ]Modin, the son of John, the son of Simeon, the son of Asmoneus, a priest of the order of Jcrarib, and a citizen of Jerusalem. He had five sons, John, who was called Gaddis, and Simon, who was called Matthes, and Judas, who was called ]Maccabeus,^ and Eleazar, who was called * That this appellation of ^[acrahpe was not first of all given to Judas Maccabeus, nor was derived from any initial letters of the Hebrew words on his I'anner, Mi Kamoka Be EUm, Jehovah? Who is like unto thee Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 253 Auran, and Jonathan, who was called Apphus. Now this Mattathias lamented to his children the sad state of their affairs, and the ravage made in the city, and the plundering of the temple, and the calamities the multitude were under; and he told them, that it was hetter for them to die for the laws of their .country, than to live so ingloriously as they then did. 2. But when those that were appointed by the king were come to ^Nlodin, that they might compel the Jews to do what they were commanded; and to enjoin those that were there to offer sacrifice, as the king had commanded, they desired that ^lattathias, a person of the greatest character among them, both on other accounts, and particularly on account of such a numerous and so deserving a family of children, would begin the sacrifice, because his fellow-citizens would follow his example, and because such a pro- cedure would make him honoured by the king. But Mattathias said, "he would not do it; and that if all the other nations would obey the commands of An- tiochus, either out of fear, or to please him, yet would not he nor his sons leave the religious worship of their country." But as soon as he had ended his speech, there came one of the Jews into the midst of them, and sacrificed, as Antiochus had commanded. At which oMattathias had great indignation, and ran upon him ^aolently, with his sons, who had swords with them, and slew both the man himself that sacrificed, and Apelles the king's general, who com- pelled them to sacrifice, with a few of his soldiers. He also overthrew the idol altar; and cried out, "If, said he, any one be zealous for the laws of his country, nmoiiff the r/txl.t, O Jfhornh? Exod. xv. 11, as the modern Rabbins vainlj'^ pretend, see Authent. Ree. Part I. pp. 205, 206. Only we may note, by the way, that the original name of these Maccabees, and their posteritj', was Asmouians : which was derived from Asmoneus, the great-grand- father of Mattathias, as Josephus here informs us. 254^ ANTIQUITIES Book xii. and for the worship of God, let him follow me." And when he had said this, he made haste into the desert with his sons, and left all his substance in the village. JNIany others did the same also, and fled with their children and wives into the desert, and dwelt in caves. But when the king's generals heard this, they took all the forces they then had in the citadel at Jerusalem, and pursued the Jews into the desert; and when they had overtaken them, they in the first place endeavoured to persuade them to repent, and to choose what was most for their advantage, and not put them to the necessity of using them according to the law of war. But when they would not comply with their persuasions, but con- tinued to be of a different mind, they fought against them on the Sabbath-dav, and thev burnt them, as they were in the caves, without resistance, and with- out so much as stopping up the entrances of the caves. And thev avoided to defend themselves on that dav, because they were not willing to break in upon the honour they owed the Sabbath, even in such distresses, for our law requires that we rest upon that day. There were about a thousand, with their wives and children, who were smothered, and died in these caves; but many of those that escaped joined them- selves to oNIattathias, and appointed him to be their ruler, who taught tliem to fight, even on the Sabbath- dav; and told them, that "unless thev would do so, they would become their own enemies, by observing the law [so rigorously,] while their adversaries would still assault them on this dav, and thev would not then defend 'themselves, and that nothing could then hinder but tliey must all perish without fighting." Tliis speech persuaded them. And this rule con- tinues among us to this day, that if there be a neces- sity, we may fight on Sabbath-days. So jNIattathias Chap. vi. OF THE JEWS. 255 got a great army about liim, and overthrew their idoJ altars, and slew those that broke the laws, even all that he could get under his power, for many of them were dispersed among the nations round a})out them for fear of him. He also commanded, that those boys which were not yet circumcised should be circumcised now; and he drove those away that were appointed to hinder such their circumcision. 3. But when he had ruled one year, and was fallen into a distemper, he called for his sons, and set them round about him, and said, "O mv sons, I am ffoiuir the way of all the earth, and I recommend to you my resolution, and beseech you not to be negligent in keeping it, but to be mindful of the desires of him who begat you, and brought you up, and to preserve the customs of your country, and to recover your ancient form of government, which is in danger of being overturned, and not to be carried away with those that, either by their own inclination, or out of necessity, betray it, but to become such sons as are worthy of me; to be above all force and necessity, and so to dispose your souls, as to be ready, when it shall be necessarv, to die for vour laws, as sensible of this by just reasoning, that if God see that you are so disposed he will not overlook you, but will have a great value for your virtue, and will restore to you again what you have lost, and will return to you that freedom in which you shall live quietly, and enjoy yom* own customs. Your bodies are mortal, and sul)ject to fate, but they receive a sort of im- mortality, by the remembrance of what actions they liave done. And I would have you so in love witli this immortality, tliat you may pursue after glory; and that, when you have undergone the greatest dif- ficulties, you may not scruple, for such things, to lose your lives, I exhort you, especially, to agree one 256 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. with another; and in what excellency any one of you exceeds another, to yield to him so far, and by that means to reap the advantage of every one's own virtues. Do vou then esteem Simon as your father, because he is a man of extraordinary prudence, and to be governed by him in what counsels he gives you. Take Maccabeus for the general of your army, be- cause of his courage and strength, for he will avenge your nation, and will bring vengeance on your enemies. Admit among you the righteous and religious, and augment their power." 4. When ^Nlattathias had thus discoursed to his sons, and had prayed to God to be their assistant, and to recover to the people their former constitution, he died a little afterward, and was biu-ied at Modin; all the people making great lamentation for him. Whereupon his son Judas took upon him the admin- istration of public affairs, in the hundred forty and sixth vear: and thus bv the readv assistance of his « a.' « brethren, and of others, Judas cast their enemies out of the country, and put those of their own country to death who had transgressed its laws, and purified the land of all the pollutions that were in it. CHAPTER VII. How Judas overthrew the forces of Ajjpollonius and Seron, and killed the generals of their armies them- selves; and how, when a little while afterward, Lysias and Gorgias were beaten, he went up to Jerusalem, and purified the temple. 1. Whex Appollonius, the general of the Samari- tan forces heard this, he took his army, and made Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 257 haste to go against Judas; who met him, and joined battle with him, and beat him, and slew many of his men, and among them Appollonius himself, their general, whose sword being that which he hapj^ened to wear, he seized iij^on, and kept for himself; but he wounded more than he slew, and took a great deal of prey from the enemies' camp, and went his way. But when Seron, who was general of the army of Celesyria, heard that many had joined themselves to Judas, and that he had about him an army suffi- cient for fighting, and for making war, he determined to make an expedition against him, as thinking it became him to endeavour to punish those that trans- gressed the king's injunctions. He then got to- gether an army as large as he was able, and joined it to the runagate and wicked Jews, and came against Judas. He came as far as Bethhoron, a village of Judea, and there pitched his camp: upon M'hic'i Judas met him; and when he intended to give him battle, he saw that his soldiers were backward to fight, because their number was small, and because they wanted food, for they were, fasting, he en- couraged them, and said to them, that "victory and conquest of enemies is not derived from the mul- titude in armies, but in the exercise of j)iety towards God; and that they had the plainest instances in their forefathers, who by their righteousness, and exerting themselves on behalf of their own laws, and their own children, had frequently conquered many ten thousands, for innocence is the strongest army." By this speech he induced his men to con- temn the multitude of the enemy, and to fall upon Seron. And upon joining battle with him, he beat the Syrians; and when their general fell among the rest, they all run away with speed, as thinking tliat to be their best way of escaping. So he pursued 258 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. them unto the plain, and slew about eight hundred of the enemy, but the rest escaped to the region which lay near to the sea. 2. When king Antiochus heard of these things, he was very angry at what had happened; so he got together all his own army, with many mercenaries, whom he had hired from the islands, and took them with him, and prepared to break into Judea, about the beginning of the spring. But when, upon his nuistering his soldiers, he perceived that his treasures were deficient, and there was a want of money in them, for all the taxes were not paid, by reason of the seditions there had been among the nations, he having been so magnanimous and so liberal, that what he had was not sufficient for him, he therefore resolved first to go into Persia, and collect the taxes of that country. Hereuj^on he left one whose name was Lysias, who was in great repute with him, gov- ernor of the kingdom, as far as the ])ounds of Egypt, and of the lower Asia, and reaching from the river Euphrates, and committed to him a certain part of his forces, and of his elephants, and charged him to bring up his son Antiochus with all possible care, until he came back; and that he should conquer Judea, and take its inhabitants for slaves, and utterly destroy Jerusalem, and abolish the whole nation. And when king Antiochus had given these things in charge to Lysias, he went into Persia: and in the hundred and forty-seventh year he passed over Eu- phrates, and went to the superior provinces. 3. Upon this Lysias chose Ptolemy, the son of Dorjmienes, and Nicanor, and Gorgias, very potent men among the king's friends, and delivered to them forty thousand foot soldiers, and seven thousand horsemen, and sent tliem against Judea, wlio came as far as the city Emmaus, and pitched their camp Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 259 in the plain country. There came also to them auxiliaries out of Syria, and the country round about; as also many of the runagate Jews. And besides these came some merchants to buy those that should be carried captives, (having bonds with them to bind those that should be made prisoners), with that silver and gold which they were to pay for their price. And when Judas saw their camp, and how numerous their enemies were, he persuaded his own soldiers to be of good courage; and exhorted them to place their hopes of victory in God, and to make supplication to him, according to the custom of their country, clothed in sackcloth; and to show what was their usual habit of supplication in the greatest dangers, and thereby to prevail with God to grant you the victory over your enemies. So he set them in their ancient order of battle used by their fore- fathers, under their captains of thousands, and other officers; and dismissed such as were newly married, as well as those that had newly gained possessions, that they might not fight in a cowardly manner, out of an inordinate love of life, in order to enjoy those blessings. When he had thus disposed his soldiers, he encouraged them to fight by the following speech, which he made to them: "O my fellow-soldiers, no other time remains more opportune than the present for courage, and contempt of dangers; for if you now fight manfully you may recover your liberty, which, as it is a thing of itself agreeable to all men, so it proves to be to us, much more desirable, by its affording us the liberty of worshipping God. Since therefore you are in such circumstances at present, that you must either recover that liberty, and so regain a happy and blessed way of living, which is that according to our laws and customs of our country, or to submit to the most opprobrious 260 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. sufferings; nor will any seed of your nation remain if you be beat in this battle. Fight, therefore, man- fully; and suppose that you must die, though you do not fight. But believe, that besides such glorious rewards as those of the liberty of your country, of your laws, of your religion, you shall then obtain everlasting glory. Prepare yourselves therefore, and put yourselves into such an agreeable posture, that you may be ready to fight with the enemy as soon as it is day to-morrow morning." 4, And this w^as the speech which Judas made to encourage them. But when the enemy sent Gor- gias, with five thousand foot, and one thousand horse, that he might fall upon Judas by night, and had for that purpose certain of the runagate Jews as guides, the son of ]\Iattathias perceived it, and resolved to fall upon those enemies that were in their camp, now their forces were divided. When they had therefore supped in good time, and had left many fires in their camp, he marched all night to those enemies that were at Emmaus; so that when Gorgias found no enemy in their camp, but suspected that they were retired and had hidden themselves among the mountains, he resolved to go and seek them wheresoever they were. But about break of day, Judas appeared to those enemies that were at Emmaus, with only three thousand men, and those ill armed, by reason of their poverty, and when he saw the enemy very well and skilfully fortified in their camp, he encouraged the Jews, and told them "that they ought to fight, though it were witli their naked bodies, for that God had sometimes of old given such men strength, and that against such as were more in number, and were armed also, out of regard to their great courage." So he com- manded the trumpeters to sound for the battle: and Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 261 by thus falling upon the enemies when they did not expect it, and thereby astonishing and disturbing their minds, he slew many of those that resisted him, and went on pursuing the rest as far as Gadara, and the plains of Idumea, and Ashdod, and Jamnia: and of these there fell about three thousand. Yet did Judas exhort his soldiers not to be too desirous of the spoils, for that still they must have a contest and a battle with Gorgias, and the forces that were with him; but that when they had once overcome them, then they might securely plunder the camp, because they were the only enemies remaining, and they expected no others. And just as he was speak- ing to his soldiers, Gorgias' men looked down into that army, which they left in their camp, and saw that it was overthrown; and the camp burnt; for the smoke that arose from it showed them, even when they were a great way off, what had happened. When therefore those that were with Gorgias under- stood that things were in this posture, and perceived that those that were with Judas were ready to fight them, they also v/ere affrighted, and put to flight; but then Judas, as though he had already beaten Gorgias' soldiers without fighting, returned and seized on the spoils. He took a great quantity of gold and silver, and purple, and blue, and then returned home with joy, and singing hymns to God for their good success; for this victory greatly con- tributed to the recovery of their liberty. 5. Hereupon Lysias was confounded at the de- feat of the army which he had sent, and the next year he got together sixty thousand chosen men. He also took five thousand horsemen, and fell upon Judea; and he went up to the hill coiuitry of Betlisiu', a village of Judea, and pitched his camp there, where Judas met him with ten thousand men; and 262 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. when he saw the great number of his enemies, he prayed to God, that he would assist him, and joined battle with the first of the enemy that appeared, and beat them, and slew about five thousand of them, and thereby became terrible to the rest of them. Xay, indeed, Lysias observing the great spirit of the Jews, how they were prepared to die rather than lose their liberty, and being afraid of their desperate way of fighting, as if it were real strength, he took the rest of the army back witli him, and returned to Antioch, where he listed for- eigners into the service, and prepared to fall upon Judea with a greater army. 6. When therefore the generals of Antiochus' armies had been beaten so often, Judas assembled the people together, and told them. That "after these many victories, which God had given them, they ought to go up to Jerusalem, and purify the temple, and offer the appointed sacrifices." But as soon as he, with the whole multitude, was come to Jerusalem, and found the temple deserted, and its gates burnt down, and plants growing in the temple of their own accord, on account of its desertion, he and those that were with him began to lament, and were quite confounded at the sight of the temple; so he chose out some of his soldiers and gave them order to fight against those guards that were in the citadel, until he should have purified the temple. When therefore he had carefully purged it, and had brought in new vessels, the candlestick, the table [of shew-bread], and the altar [of incense], which were made of gold, he hung up the vails at the gates, and added doors to tliem. He also took down tlie altar [of l)urnt-offcring]. and built a new one of stones that he gathered together, atid not of such as were hewn with iron tools. So on the five and Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 2G3 twentieth day of the month Casleu, which the Mace- donians call ApcUeus, they liglited the lamps that were on the candlestick, and offered incense upon the [altar of incense], and laid the loaves upon the table [of shew-bread,] and oft'ered burnt-offer- ings upon the new altar [of burnt-offering]. Xow it so fell out, that these things were done on the very same day on which their divine worship had fallen off, and was reduced to a profane and common use, after three years' time; for so it was, that the temple was made desolate by Antiochus, and so continued for three years. This desolation happened to the temple in the hundred forty and fifth year, on the twenty-fifth day of the month Apelleus, and on the hundred fifty and third Olympiad: but it was dedicated anew, on the same day, the twenty-fifth of the month Apelleus, on the hundred and forty- eighth year, and on the hundred and fifty-fourth Olympiad. And this declaration came to pass ac- cording to the prophecy of Daniel which was given four hundred and eight years before; for he de- clared that the Macedonians would dissolve that worship [for some time.] 7. Xow Judas celebrated the festival of the res- toration of the sacrifices of the temple for eight days; and omitted no sort of pleasures thereon ; but he feasted them upon very rich and splendid sacrifices; and he honoured God, and delighted them by hymns and psalms. Xay, they were so very glad at the revival of their customs, when, after a long time of intermission, they unexpectedly had regained the freedom of their worship, that they made it a law for their posterity, that they should keep a festival on account of the restoration of their temple worship, for eight days. And from that time to this we cele- brate this festival, and call it Lights, I suppose 264 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. the reason was, because this liberty beyond our hopes appeared to us; and that thence was the name given to the festival. Judas also rebuilt the walls round about the city; and reared towers of great height against the incursions of enemies; and set guards therein. He also fortified the city Bethshura, that it might serve as a citadel against any distresses that might come from our enemies. CHAPTER VIII. How Judas subdued the nations round about; and how Si?non beat the people of Tijre and Ptolemais; and how Judas overcame Timotheus, and forced him to fly away, and did many other things^ after Joseph and Azarias had been beaten. 1. When these things were over, the nations round about the Jews were very uneasy at the re- vival of their power, and rose up together, and de- stroyed many of them, as gaining advantage over them by laying snares for them, and making secret conspiracies against them. Judas made perpetual expeditions against these men, and endeavoured to restrain them from those incursions, and to prevent the mischiefs they did to the Jews. So he fell upon the Idumeans, the jDOsterity of Esau, at Acrabattene, and slew a great many of them, and took their spoils. He also shut up the sons of Bean, that laid wait for the Jews, and he sat down about them, and besieged them, and burnt their towers, and destroyed the men [that were in them]. After this he went thence in haste against the Ammonites, who had a great and a numerous army; of which Timotheus Chap. viii. OF THE JEWS. 265 was the commander. And when he had subdued them, he seized on the city Jazer, and took their wives and their children captives, and burnt the city, and then returned into Judea. But when the neigli- bouring nations understood that he was returned, they got together in great numbers, in the land of Gilead, and came against those Jews that were at their borders, who then fled to the garrison of Dametha; and sent to Judas to inform him that Timotheus was endeavouring to take the place whither they were fled. And as these epistles were reading, there came other messengers out of Galilee, who in- formed him that the inhabitants of Ptolemais, and of Tyre and Sidon, and strangers of Galilee, were gotten together. 2. Accordingly Judas, upon considering what was fit to be done, with relation to the necessity both these cases required, gave order that Simon his brother should take three thousand chosen men, and go to the assistance of the Jews in Galilee, whilst he and another of his brothers, Jonathan, made haste into the land of Gilead, with eight thousand soldiers. And he left Joseph, the son of Zacharias, and Azarius, to be over the rest of the forces; and charged them to keep Judea very carefully, and to fight no battles with any persons whomsoever until his return. Ac- cordingly, Simon went into Galilee, and fought the enemy, and put them to flight, and pursued them to the very gates of Ptolemais, and slew about three thousand of them; and took the spoils of those that were slain, and those Jews whom thev had made captives, with their baggage; and then returned home. 3. Now as for Judas Maccabeus, and his brother Jonathan, they passed over the river Jordan ; and when they had gone three days' journey, they light upon the Xabateans, who came to meet them peace- 266 ANTIQUITIP:S Book XII. ably, and who told them how the affairs of those in the land of Gilead stood; and how many of them were in distress, and driven into garrisons, and into the cities of Galilee: and exhorted him to make haste to go against the foreigners, and to endeavour to save his own countrymen out of their hands. To this exhortation Judas hearkened and returned into the wilderness; and in the first place fell upon the inhabitants of Bosor, and took the city, and beat the inhabitants, and destroyed all the males, and all that were able to fight, and burnt the city. Nor did he stop even when night came on, but he journeyed in it to the garrison where the Jews happened to be then shut up, and where Timotheus lay round the place with his army: and Judas came upon the city in the morning; and when he found that the enemy were making an assault upon the walls, and that some of them brought ladders, on which they might get upon those walls, and that others brought engines to [batter them], he bid the trumpeter to sound his trumpet, and he encouraged his soldiers cheerfully to undergo dangers for the sake of their brethren and kindred; he also parted his army into three bodies, and fell upon the backs of their enemies. But when Timotheus' men perceived that it was ]\Iaccabeus that was upon them, of both whose courage and good success in war they had formerly had sufficient experience, they were put to flight; but Judas followed them with his army, and slew about eight thousand of them. He then turned aside to a city of the foreigners called 3faUc, and took it, and slew all the males, and burnt the city itself. He then removed from thence, and overthrew Cas- peom, and Bosor, and many other cities of the land of Gilead. 4. But not long after this Timotheus prepared Chap. Yiii. OF THE JEWS. 267 a great army, and took many others as auxiharies, and induced some of the Arabians, by the promise of rewards, to go with him in this expedition, and came with his army beyond the brook, over against the city Raphon. And he encouraged his soldiers, if it came to a battle with the Jews, to fight coura- geously, and to hinder their passing over the brook: for he said to them beforehand. That "if they come over it, we shall be beaten." And when Judas heard that Timotheus prepared himself to fight, he took all his own army, and went in haste against Timotheus his enemy; and when he had passed over the brook, he fell upon his enemies, and some of them met him, whom he slew, and others of them he so terrified, that he compelled them to throw down their arms, and fly; and some of them escaped, but some of them fled to what was called the temple at Carnaim, and hoped thereby to preserve them- selves; but Judas took the city, and slew them, and burnt the temple, and so used several ways of de- stroying his enemies. 5. When he had done this, he gathered the Jews together, with their children, and wives, and the substance that belonged to them, and was going to bring them back into Judea: but as soon as he was come to a certain city, whose name was Ephron, that lay upon the road, (and as it was not possible for him to go any other way, so he was not willing to go back again), he then sent to the inhabitants, and desired that they would open their gates, and permit them to go on their way through the city, for they had stopped up the gates with stones, and cut off'" their passage through it. And when the inhabitants of Ephron would not agree to this pro- posal, he encouraged those that were with him, and encompassed the city round, and besieged it, and 268 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. lying round it by day and night, took the city, and slew every male in it, and burnt it all down, and so obtained a way through it; and the multitude of those that were slain was so great, that they went over the dead bodies. So they came over Jordan, and arrived at the great plain, over against which is situate the city Bethshan, which is called by the Greeks ^ Scyihopolis. And going away hastily from thence, they came into Judea, singing psalms and hymns as they went, and indulging such tokens of mirth as are usual in triumphs upon victory. They also offered thank-offerings, both for their good suc- cess, and for the preservation of their army, for " not one of the Jews was slain in these battles. 6. But as to Joseph, the son of Zacharias, and Azarias, whom Judas left generals [of the rest of the forces] at the same time when in Galilee, fighting against the people of Ptolemais, and Judas himself and his brother Jonathan, were in the land of Gilead, did these men also affect the glory of being coura- geous generals in war, in order whereto they took the army that was under their command, and came to Jamnia. There Gorgias, the general of the forces of Jamnia, met them; and upon joining battle with him, they lost ^ two thousand of their army, and * The reason why Bethshan was called ScifthopoHs, is well known from Herodotus, B. I. p. 105, and Syncellus, p. 2ll, that the Scythians, when they overran Asia, in the days of Josiah, seized on this city, and kept it as long as they continued in Asia, from which time it retained the name of Sri)lho])oIis, or the citif of the Scythians. ^ This most j)rovidential jireservation of all the religious Jews in this expedition, which was according to the will of God, is observable often among (iod's j)eo})lc tiie Jews; and somewhat very like it in the changes of the four monarchies, which were also providential. See Prideaux at the years 331, 333, and 334. ■'' Here is aiiotlicr great instance of ])rovidencc, that whei», even at the very time that Simon, and Judas, and Jonathan, were so miraculously preserved, and blessed in the just defence of their laws and religion, these other generals of the Jews who went to fight for iionour, in a v:;in-glorious way, and without any conunission from God, or the family Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. . 269 fled away, and were j^ursued to the very borders of Judea. And this misfortune befell them by their disobedience to what injunctions Judas had given them, "Not to fight with any one before his return." For besides the rest of Judas' sagacious counsels, one may well wonder at this concerning the mis- fortune that befell the forces commanded by Joseph and Azarias, which he understood would happen, if they broke any of the injunctions he had given them. But Judas and his brethren did not leave off fighting with the Idumeans, but pressed upon them on all sides, and took from them the city of Hebron, and demolished all its fortifications, and set all its towers on fire, and burnt the country of the foreigners, and the city Marissa. They came also to Ashdod, and took it, and laid it waste, and took away a great deal of the spoils and prey that were in it, and returned to Judea. CHAPTER IX. Concerning the death of Antiochus Epiphanes. How Antiochus Eupator fought against Judas, and he- sieged him in the teinple, and afterwards made jjeace with him and departed. Of Alcimus and Onias. 1. About this time it was that king Antiochus, as he was going over the upper countries, heard, that there was a very rich city in Persia, called EI//mais; and therein a very rich temple of Diana, and that it was full of all sorts of donations dedicated to it; he had raised up to deliver them, were miserably disappointed and defeated. See 1 Maccab. v. (11, 62. 270 . ANTIQUITIES Book xii. as also weapons and breastplates, wliich, upon inquiry, he found had been left tliere by Alexander, the son of Philip, king of Macedonia. And being incited by these motives, he went in haste to Elymais, and assaulted it, and besieged it. But as those that were in it were not terrified at his assaidt, nor at his siege, but opposed him very courageously, he was beaten off his hopes; for they drove him away from the city, and went out and pursued after him; -in- somuch that he fled away as far as Babylon, and lost a great many of his armj . And when he was grieving for this disaj^pointment, some persons told him of the defeat of his commanders whom he had left behind him to fight against Judea, and what strength the Jews had already gotten: When this concern about these' affairs was added to the former, he was confounded, and by the anxiety he was in, fell into a distemj^er, which, as it lasted a great while, and as his pains increased upon him, so he at length perceived he should die in a little time; so he called his friends to him, and told them, that his distemper was severe upon him; and confessed withal, that this calamity was sent upon him for the miseries he had brought upon the Jewish nation, while lie plundered their temple, and contemned their God, and when he had said this, he gave up the ghost. Whence one may wonder at Polybiu« of Megalopolis, who, though otlierwise a good man, yet saith. That "Antiochus died because he had a purpose to plunder the temple of Diana in Persia;" for the ^ purj)osing to do a thing, but not actually ^ Since St. Paul, a Pharisee, confesses, that he had not knoion con- cupiscence, or desires, to lie sinful, had not tlie tentli commandment said, Than sJialf not cor'cf , Rom. \'ii. 7, tiie case seems to iiave heen mucli the same with our Josepinis, who was of the same sect; tliat he iiad not a deep sense of tlie greatness of any sins that proceeded no farther than the intention. However, since .Toscphus sjieaks liere properly of the Chap. IX. OF THP: jews. 271 doing it, is not worthy of punishment. But it' Polyhius could think, that Antiochus thus lost his hfe on that account, it is much more probable that this king died on account of his sacrilegious plunder- ing of the temple at Jerusalem. But we will not contend about this matter with those who may think, that the cause assigned by this Polybius of Megalopo- lis is nearer the truth than that assigned by us. 2. However, Antiochus, before he died, called for Philip, who was one of his companions, and made him the guardian of his kingdom; and gave him his diadem, and his garment, and his ring, and charged him to carry them, and deliver them to his son Antiochus; and desired him to take care of his education, and to preserve the kingdom for him.^ This Antiochus died in the hundred forty and ninth year: But it was Lvsias that declared his death to the multitude, and appointed his son Antiochus to be king, (of whom at present he had the care,) and called him Eupator. 3. At this time it was that the garrison in the citadel at Jerusalem, with the JeM^ish runagates, did a great deal of harm to the Jews: for the soldiers that were in that garrison rushed» out uj^on the sudden, and destroyed such as were going uj) to the temple in order to offer their sacrifices, for this citadel adjoined to, and overlooked the temple. When these misfortunes had often happened to them, Judas resolved to destroy that garrison; whereupon he got all the people together, and vigorously be- sieged those that were in the citadel. This was in punishment of death, whieh is not inflicted by any law either of God or man for the hare intention, his words need not to l)e s-traincd to mean, that sins intended, Imt not executed, were no sins at all. ^ Xo wonder that Josephus here describes Antiochus Euj)ator as young, and wanting tuition, when he came to the crown, since Appian informs us, Syriac, ]>. 177, that he was then but nine years old. 272 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. the hundred and fiftieth year of the dominion of the Seleucidte. ,So he made engines of war, and erected bulwarks, and very zealously pressed on to take the citadel: But there were not a few of the runagates who were in the place, that went out by night into the country, and got together some other wicked men like themselves, and went to An- tiochus the king, and desired of him. That "he would not suffer them to be neglected, under the great hardships that lay upon them from those of their own nation, and this because their sufferings were occasioned on his father's account, while they left the religious worshij) of their fathers, and preferred that which he had commanded them to follow: that there was danger lest the citadel, and those appointed to garrison it by the king, should be taken by Judas, and those that were with him, unless he would send them succours." When Antiochus, who was but a child, heard this, he was angry, and sent for his cap- tains, and his friends, and gave order, that they should get an army of mercenaries together, with such men also of his own kingdom as were of any age fit for war. Accordingly, an army was collected of about a hundred thousand footmen, and twenty thousand horsemen, and thirty-two elephants. 4. So the king took his army, and marched hastily out of Antioch, with Lysias, who had the command of the whole, and came to Idumea, and thence went up to the city Bethsiu-a, a city that was strong, and not to be taken without great difficulty; he set about this city, and besieged it. And while the inhabitants of Bethsura courageously opposed hhn; and sallied out upon him, and burnt his engines of war, a great deal of time was spent in the siege. But when Judas heard of the king's coming, he raised the siege of the citadel, and met the king, and pitched HEROISM OF ELEAZAR From the Painting by P. T. Del.outherb'ourg, R. A. Engraved by C. Heath. Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 273 his camp in certain straits, at a place called Beth- zachariah, at the distance of seventy furlongs from the enemy; but the king soon drew his forces from Bethsura, and brought them to those straits. And as soon as it was day, he put his men in battle array, and made his elephants follow one another through the narrow passes, because they could not be set sideways bv one another. Xow round about every elephant there were a thousand footmen, and five hundred horsemen. The elephants also had high towers [upon their backs], and archers [in them]. And he also made the rest of his army to go up the mountains, and put his friends before the rest; and gave orders for the army to shout aloud, and so he attacked the enemy. He also exposed to sight their golden and brazen shields, so that a glorious splendour was sent from them ; and when they shouted, the mountains echoed again. When Judas saw this, he was not terrified, but received the enemy with great courage, and slew about six hundred of the first ranks. But when his brother Eleazar, whom they called Auran, saw the tallest of the elephants armed with royal breastplates, and supposed that the king was upon him, he attacked him with great quickness and bravery. He also slew many of those that were about the elephant, and scattered the rest, and then went under the belly of the elephant, and smote him, and slew him; so the elephant fell upon Eleazar, and by his weight crushed him to death. And thus did this man come to his end, when he had first courageously destroyed many of his enemies. 5. But Judas, seeing the strength of the enemy, retired to Jerusalem, and prepared to endure a siege. As for Antiochus, he sent part of his army to Beth- sura, to besiege it, and with the rest of his army he came against Jerusalem; but the inhabitants of 274 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. Bethsurii were terrified at his strength; and seeing that their j)i*ovisions grew scarce, they dehvered them- selves up on the security of oaths, that they should suffer no hard treatment from the king. And when Antiochus had thus taken the city, he did them no other harm than sending them out naked. He also placed a garrison of his own in the city. But as for the temple of Jerusalem, he lay at its siege a long time, while they within bravely defended it, for what engines soever the king set against them, they set other engines again to oppose them. But then their provisions failed them; what fruits of the ground they had laid up were spent, and the land being not ploughed that year, continued unsowed, because it was the seventh year, on wliich, by our laws, we are obliged to let it lie uncultivated. And withal so many of the besieged ran away for want of necessaries, that but a few only were left in the temple. 6. And these happened to be the circumstances of such as were besieged in the temple. But then, be- cause Lysias, the general of the army, and Antiochus the king, were informed that Philip was coming upon them out of Persia, and was endeavouring to get the management of pu])lic affairs to himself, they came into these sentiments, to leave the siege, and to make haste to go again to Philip; yet did they resolve not to let this be known to the soldiers nor to the officers: But the king- commanded Lysias to speak openly to their soldiers and the officers, with- out saying a word about the business of Philip: and to intimate to them, that the siege would be very long: that the place was very strong; that they were already in want of provisions; that many affairs of the kingdom wanted reguhition: and that it was much better to make a league with the besieged, and to become friends to their whole nation, by permitting Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 275 them to observe the laws of their fathers, while they broke out into this war only because they were de- prived of them, and so to depart home. When Lysias had discoursed thus to them, both the army and the officers were pleased w^ith this resolution. 7. Accordingly the king sent to Judas, and to those that were besieged with them, and promised to give them peace, and to permit them to make use of, and live according to the laws of their fathers. And they gladly received his proposals: and when they had gained security upon oath, for their performance, they went out of the temple. But when Antiochus came into it, and saw how strong the place was, he broke his oaths, and ordered his army that was there to pluck down the walls to the ground, and when he had so done, he returned to Antioch: he also carried with him Onias the high j^riest, who was also called 31 en elans; for Lvsias advised the kinsf to slav Mene- laus, if he would have the Jews be quiet, and cause him no farther disturbance, for that this man was the origin of all the mischief the Jews had done them, by persuading his father to compel the Jews to leave the religion of their fathers: So the king sent Mene- laus to Berea, a citv of Svria, and there had him put to death, when he had been high priest ten years. He had been a wicked and an impious man: and, in order to get the government to himself, had com- pelled his nation to transgress their own laws. After the death of Menelaus, Alcimus. wlio was also called Jacimns, was made high priest. But when king An- tiochus found that Philip had already possessed him- self of the government, he made war against him, and subdued him, and took him and slew him. Xow, as to Onias the son of the high priest, who, as ^ve before informed vou, was left a child when his fatlier died, when he saw that the king had slain his uncle 276 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. Menelaus, and given the high priesthood to Alcimus, M'ho was not of the high priest stock, but was induced by Lysias to translate that dignity from this famdy to another house, he fled to Ptolemy, king of Egypt. and when he found 4ie was in great esteem with him. and with his wife Cleopatra, he desired and obtained a place in the Nomus of Heliopolis, wherein he built a temple like to that at Jerusalem: of which there- fore we shall hereafter give an account in a place more proper for it. CHAPTER X. How Bacchides, the general of Demetrius' army, made an expedition against Jiidea, and returned without success; and how Nicanor was sent a little afterward against Judas, and perished, together with his army: as also concerning the death of Al- cimus, and the s^iccession of Judas. 1. About the same time Demetrius, the son of Seleucus, fled away from Rome, and took Tripoli, a city of Syria, and set the diadem on his own head. He also gathered certain mercenary soldiers together, and entered into his kingdom, and was joyfully re- ceived by all, who delivered themselves up to him. And when they had taken Antiochus the king, and Lysias, they brought them to him alive; both which were inmiediately put to death by the command of Demetrius, when Antiochus had reigned two years, as we have already elsewhere related. But there were now many of tlie wicked Jewish runagates that came together to him, and with them Alcimus the high 2:)riest, who accused the whole nation, and partic- Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 277 ularly Judas and his brethren; and said, That "they had slain all his friends, and that those in his king- dom that were of his party, and waited for his return, were by them put to death; that these men had ejected them out of their own country; and caused them to be sojourners in a foreign land; and they desired that he would send some one of his own friends, and know from him what mischief Judas' party had done." 2. At this Demetrius was very angry, and sent Bacchides, a friend of Antiochus Epiphanes, ^ a good man, and one that had been entrusted with all JNIesopotamia, and gave him an army, and committed Alcimus the high priest to his care; and gave him charge to slay Judas, and those that were with him. So Bacchides made haste, and went out of Antiocli with his army; and when he was come into Judea, he sent to Judas and his brethren, to discourse with him about a league of friendship and peace, for he had a mind to take him by treachery: But Judas did not give credit to him, for he saw that he came with so great an army as men do not bring when they come to make peace but to make war. How- ever, some of the people acquiesced in that Bacchides caused to be proclaimed; and supposing they should undergo no considerable harm from Alcimus, who was their countrvman, thev went over to them; and when they had received oaths from both of them, that neither they themselves, nor those of the same sentiments, should come to anv harm, thev entrusted themselves with them: But Bacchides troubled him- self not about the oaths he had taken, and slew three- * It is no way probable that Josephus would call Bacchides, that bitter and bloody enemy of the Jews, as our present copies ha\e it, a good man, or kind and r/entle. What the aiithor of the first book of Maccabees, whom Josephus here follows, instead of tliat character, says of him, is that he was a great man in the kingdom, and faithful to his king: which was very probably Joseplius' meaning also. 278 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. score of them, although by not keeping his faith with these that first went over, he deterred all tlie rest, who had intentions to go over to him, from doing it. But as he was gone out of Jerusalem, and was at the village called Bcthzetha, he sent out and caught many of the deserters, and some of tlie people also, and slew tliem all; and enjoined all that lived in the country to submit to Alcimus. So he left him there, with some part of the army that lie might have where- witli to keep the country in obedience, and returned to Antioch, to king Demetrius. 3. But Alcimus was desirous to have the dominion more firmly assured to him; and understanding, that if he could bring it about that the multitude should be his friends, he should govern with gi-eater security, he spake kind words to them all, and discoursed to each of them after an agreeal)le and pleasant manner, by which means he quickly had a great body of men and an army about him, although the greater part of them were of the wicked, and the deserters. With these, whom he used as his servants and soldiers, he went all over the countrv, and slew all that he could find of Judas' party. But when Judas saw that Alcimus was already become great, and had destroyed many of the good and holy men of the country, lie also went all over tlie country, and destroyed those that were of the other's party. But when Alcimus saw that he was not able to oppose Judas, nor was equal to him in strengtli, he resolved to apply himself to king Demetriw^ for his assistance; so he came to Antioch, and irritated him against Judas, and accused him, alleging that he had undergone a ffreat many miseries by his means, and that he would do more miscliief unless he were prevented, and brought to punishment, wliich must ])e done by send- ing a powerful force against him. Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 279 4. So Uemetriiis, being already of oi^inion that it would be a thing pernicious to his own affairs to overlook Judas, now he was becoming so great, sent against him Nicanor, the most kind and most faith- ful of all his friends; for he it was who fled away with him from the city of Rome. He also gave him as many forces as he thought sufficient for him to conquer Judas \yithal, and bid him not to spare the nation at all. When Xicanor was come to Jerusalem, he did not resolve to fight Judas im- mediately, but judged it better to get him into his power by treachery; so he sent him a message of peace, and said, "there was no manner of necessity for them to fight and hazard themselves; and that he would give him his oath that he would do him no harm, for that he only came with some friends, in order to let him know what king Demetrius' in- tentions were, and what opinion he had of their nation." When Xicanor had delivered this message, Judas and his Ijrethren complied with him, and sus- pecting no deceit, they gave him assurances of friend- ship, and received Xicanor and his army; but while he was saluting Judas, and they were talking together; he gave a certain signal to his own soldiers, upon Mhich they were to seize upon Judas; but he perceived the treachery, and ran back to his own soldiers, and fled away with them. So upon this discovery of his pur- pose, and of the snares laid for Judas, Xicanor de- termined to make open war with him, and gathered his army together, and prepared for fighting him; and upon joining battle with him at a certain village called Capharsalama, he ^ beat Judas and forced him to flv to that citadel which was at Jerusalem. * Josephiis' copies must have been corru])ted when they here give victory to Xicanor contrary to the words following, wliich imply, that he who was benten fled into the citadel, which for ccrtnin liclonged to the city of David, or to .Mount Zion, and m;is in the ])ossession of Xicanor's 280 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. 5. And when Xicanor came down from the citadel mito the temple, some of the priests and elders met him, and saluted him; and showed him the sacrifices which they said they offered to God for the king: upon which he blasphemed, and threatened them, that unless the people would deliver up Judas to him, upon his return he would pull down their temple. And when he had thus threatened them, he departed from Jerusalem: But the priests fell into tears out of grief of what he had said, and besought God to deliver them from their enemies. But now for Xicanor, when he was gone out of Jerusalem, and was at a certain village called Bethhoron, he there pitched his camp, another army out of Syria having joined him: And Judas ^^itched his camp at Adasa, another village, which was thirty furlongs distant from Bethhoron, having no more than one thousand soldiers. And when he had encouraged them not to be dismayed at the multitude of their enemies, nor to regard how many they were against whom they were going to fight, but to consider who they themselves were, and for what great rewards they hazarded themselves, and to attack the enemy courageously, he led them out to fight, and joining battle with Xicanor, which proved to be a severe one, he overcame the enemy, and slew many of them; and at last Xicanor himself, as he was fighting, gloriously fell. Upon whose fall the armv did not stay, but when thev had lost their general they were put to flight and threw down their arms; Judas also pursued them and slew them; and gave notice by the sound of the trumpets to the neighbouring villages, tliat he had conquered the enemy; which, when the inhabitants heard, they put garrison, and not of Judas': As also it is contrary to the express words of Josephus' original author, 1 Maccab. vii. 33, who says that Nicanor lost about 5000 men, and fled to the city of David. Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 281 on their armour hastily, and met their enemies in the face as they were running away, and slew them, insomuch that not one of them escaped out of this battle, and were in number nine thousand. This victory happened to fall on the thirteenth day of that month, which by the Jews is called Adar, and the Macedonians Dystrus; and the Jews thereon cele- brate this victory every year, and esteem it as a festival day. After which the Jewish nation were, for a while, free from wars, and enjoyed peace; but afterward they returned into their former state of wars and hazards. 6. But now as the high priest Alcimus was re- solving to pull down tlie wall of the sanctuary, which had been there of old time, and had been built by the holy prophets, ^ he was smitten suddenly by God, and fell down. This stroke made him fall down speechless upon the ground: and undergoing torments for many days, he at length died, when he had been high priest four years. And when he was dead, the people bestowed the high priesthood on Judas; who hearing of the power - of the Romans, and that they had conquered in war Galatia, and Iberia, and Carthage, and Lybia; and that, besides these, they had subdued Greece, and their kings, Perseus, and Phili]), and Antiochus the Great also, he resolved to enter into a league of friendship with them. He therefore sent to Rome some of his friends, Eupolemus * This account of the miserable death of Alcimus or Jacimns, the wicked high priest, (the first that Mas not of the family of the high priests, and made Ijy a vile heathen, Lysias,) before the death of Judas, and of Judas' succession to him as a high priest, both here, and at the conclusion of this book, directly contradicts, 1 Maccab. ix. 34-57, which places his death after the death of Judas, and says not a syllable of the high priesthood of Judas. * How well the Roman histories agree to this account of the conquests and powerful condition of the Romans at this time, see the notes in Havercamp's edition; only that the number of the senators of Rome was then just 350, is, I think, only known from 1 Maccab. viii. 15. 282 ANTIQUITIES Book xii. the son of John, and Jason the son of Eleazar, and by them desired the Romans that they would assist them, and be their friends, and would write to De- metrius that he would not fight against the Jews. So the senate received the ambassadors that came from Judas to Rome, and discoursed with them about the errand on which they came, and then granted them a league of assistance. They also made a decree concerning it, and sent a copy of it into Judea. It was also laid up in the capitol, and engraven in brass. The decree itself was this: "The decree of the senate concerning a league of assistance and friendship, with the nation of the Jews. It shall not be lawful for any that are subject to the Romans to make war with the nation of the Jews, nor to assist those that do so, either by sending them corn, or ships, or money; and if any attack be made upon the Jews, the Romans shall assist them, as far as they are able: and again, if any attack be made upon the Romans, the Jews shall assist them. And if the Jews had a mind to add to, or to take away any thing from this league of assistance, that shall be done with the common consent of the Romans. And whatsoever addition shall thus be made, -it shall be of force." This decree was written by Eupolemus the son of John, and by Jason the son of Eleazar, ^ when Judas was high priest of the nation, and Simon his brother was general of the army. And this was the first league that the Romans made with the Jews, and was managed after this manner. * This subscription is wanting, 1 Maccab. viii. 17, 19, and must be the words of Joscphus, who l)y mistalut 3000 with 1 Maccab. ix. ^ is very plain, because thoiiirh the main }>art ran away at first even in Josephus, as well as in 1 Maccab. ix. 0, yet, as there, so here 800 are said to have remained with Judas, which would be absurd, if the whole number had been no more than 1000. 284 ANTIQUITIES Book xil themselves, and that when he had gathered his own men together, then he should fall upon the enemy afterwards, his answer was this: "Let not the sun ever see such a thing that I should show my back to the enemy; and although this be the time that will bring me to my end, and I must die in this battle, I will rather stand to it courageously, and bear what- soever comes u]3on me, than by now running away, bring reproach upon my former great actions, or tarnish their glory." This was the speech he made to those that remained with him, whereby he en- couraged them to attack the enemy. 2. But Bacchides drew his army out of their camp, and put them in array for the battle. He set the horsemen on both the wings, and the light soldiers and the archers he placed before the whole army, ])ut he was himself on the right wing. And when he had thus put his army in order of battle, and was going to join battle with the enemy, he commanded the trumpeter to give a signal of battle, and the army to make a shout and to fall on tlie enemy. And when Judas had done the same, lie joined battle with them; and as both sides fought valiantly, and the battle continued till sunset, Judas saw that Bacchides, and the strongest part of the army, was in the right wing, and thereupon took the most courageous men with him, and ran upon that part of the army, and fell upon those that were there, and broke their ranks, and drove them into the middle, and forced them to run away, and pursued them as far as a mountain called Aza; but when those of the left wing saw that tlie right wing was put to flight, they encompassed Judas; and pursued him, and came behind him, and took liim into the middle of their army; so being not able to fly, but encom- passed round about with enemies, he stood still, Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 285 and he and those that were with him fought, and when he had slain a great many of those that came against him, he at last was himself womided, and fell, and gave up the ghost, and died in a way like to his former famous actions. ^Vhen Judas was dead, those that were with him had no one whom they could regard [as their commander,] but wlien they saw themselves deprived of such a general, they fled. But Simon and Jonathan, Judas' brethren, received his dead body by a treaty from the enemy, and carried it to the village of ]Modin, where their father had been buried, and there buried him; while the multitude lamented him many days, and performed the usual solemn rites of a funeral to him. And this was the end that Judas came to. He had been a man of valour and a great warrior, and mindful of the commands of his father INIattathias; and had under- gone all difficulfies, both in doing and suffering, for the liberty of his countrymen. And when his character was so excellent [while he was alive,] he left behind him a glorious reputation and memorial, by gaining freedom for his nation, and delivering them from slavery under the JNIacedonians. And when he had retained the high priesthood three years, he died. BOOK XIII. CONTAINING THE INTERVAL OF EIGHTY-TWO YEARS. [FROM THE DEATH OF JUDAS MACCABEUS, TO THE DEATH OF QUEEN ALEXANDRA.] CHAPTER I. Hoic Jonathan took ilic government after his brother Judas, and how he, together with his brother Simon, waged war against Bacchides. * 1. By what means the nation of the Jews re- covered their freedom when they had been brought into slavery by the JNIacedonians, and what struggles, and how great battles Judas the general of their army ran through, till he was slain as he was fight- ing for them, hath been related in the foregoing book; but after he was dead, all the wicked, and those that transgressed the laws of their forefathers, sprang up again in Judea, and grew upon them and distressed them on every side. A famine also assisted their wickedness, and afflicted the country, till not a few, who by reason of their want of necessaries, and be- cause they were not able to bear up the miseries that both the famine and their enemies brought upon them, deserted their country, and went to the JNIacedonians. And now Bacchides gathered those Jews together 286 Chap. I. OF TIIK JEWS. 287 who had apostatized from the accustomed way of hving of their forefathers, and chose to live hke their neighbours, and committed the care of the country to them, who also caught the friends of Judas, and those of his party, and delivered them up to Bacchides, who, when he had in the first place tortured and tor- mented them at his pleasure, he by that means at length killed them. And when this calamity of the Jews was become so great, as they had never had experience of the like since their return out of Babylon, those that remained of the companions of Judas, seeing that the nation was ready to be destroyed after a miserable manner, came to his brother Jonathan, and desired him that he would imitate his brother, and that care which he took of his countrymen, for whose liberty in general he died also; and that he would not permit the nation to be without a governor, especially in those destructive circumstances wherein it now was. And when Jonathan said, that he was ready to die for them, and was indeed esteemed no way inferior to his brother, he was appointed to be the general of the Jewish army. 2. When Bacchides heard this, he was afraid that Jonathan might be very troublesome to the king and the Macedonians, as Judas had been before him, he sought how he might slay him by treachery: But this invention of his was not unknown to Jonathan, nor to his brother Simon: but when these two were apprized of it, they took all their companions, and presently fled into that wilderness which was nearest to the city; and when they were come to a lake called Aspliar, they abode there. But when Bacchides was sensible that they were in a low state, and were in that place, he hasted to fall upon them with all his forces, and pitching his camp beyond Jordan, he recruited his army: But when Jonathan knew that 288 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. Bacchides was coming upon him, he sent his brother John, who was also called Gaddis, to the Xabatean Arabs, that he might lodge his baggage with them until the battle with Baccliides should be over, for they wxre the Jews' friends. And the sons of Ambri laid an ambush for John from the city ]Medaba, and seized upon him, and upon those that were with him, and plundered all that they had with them: They also slew John, and all his companions. However, they were sufficiently punished for what they now did by John's brethren, as we shall relate presently. 3. But when Bacchides knew tliat Jonathan had pitched his camp among the lakes of Jordan, he observed when their Sabbath dav came, and then as- saulted him as supposing that he would not fight because of the law [for resting on that day:] but he exhorted his companions [to fight:] and told them that their lives were at stake, since thev were en- compassed by the river, and by their enemies, and had no way to escape, for that their enemies pressed upon them before, and the river was behind them. So after he had prayed to God to give them the victory, he loined battle with the enemy, of wliom he overthrew many; and as he saw Bacchides coming up boldly to him, he stretched out his right hand to smite him, but the other foreseeing and avoiding the stroke, Jonatlian with his companions leaped into the river, and swam over it, and by that means escaped beyond Jordan, while the enemy did not pass over that river: but Bacchides returned presently to the citadel at Jerusalem, having lost about two thousand of his army. He alsv^ fortified many cities of Judea, whose walls had been demolished, Jericho, and Emmaus, and Bethlioron, and Bethel, and Timna, and Pharatho, and Tekoa, and Gazara, and built towers in every one of these cities, and encompassed Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 289 them with strong walls, that were very large also, and put garrisons into them, that they might issue out of them, and do mischief to the Jews. He also fortified the citadel at Jerusalem more than all the rest. JNIoreover he took the sons of the principal Jews as pledges, and shut them up in the citadel, and in that manner guarded it. 4. About the same time one came to Jonathan, and to his brother Simon, and told them that the sons of Ambri were celebrating a marriage, and bringing the bride from the city Gabatha, who was the daughter of one of the illustrious men among the Arabians, and that the damsel was to be conducted with pomp and splendour, and much riches: So Jonathan and Simon thinking this appeared to be the fittest time for them to avenge the death of their brother,' and that they had forces sufficient for receiving satisfaction from them for his death, they made h.aste to Medaba, and lay in wait among the mountains for* the coming of their enemies; and as soon as they saw them con- ducting the virgin, and her bridegroom, and such a great company of their friends with them, as was to be expected at this wedding, they sallied out of their ambush, and slew them all; and took their orna- ments, and all the prej^ that then followed them, and so returned, and received this satisfaction for their brother John from the sons of Ambri; for as well those sons themselves, as their friends, and wives, and children, that followed them, perished, being in num- ber about four hundred. 5. However, Simon and Jonathan returned to the lakes of the river, and abode there. But Bacchides, when he had secured all Judea with his garrisons, returned to the king: and then it was that tlie affairs of Judea were quiet for two years. l?ut when the deserters and the wicked saw that Jonathan and those 290 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. that were with him hved in the country very quietly, by reason of the peace, they sent to king Demetrius, and excited him' to send Bacchides to seize upon Jonathan, which they said was to be done without any trouble, and in one night's time; and that if they fell upon them before they were aware, they might slay them all. So the king sent Bacchides, who, when he was come into Judea, wrote to all his friends, both Jews and auxiliaries, that they should seize upon Jonathan, and bring him to him; and, when, upon all their endeavours, they were not able to seize uj^on Jonathan, for he was sensible of the snares they laid for him, and very carefully guarded against them, Bacchides was angry at these deserters, as having imj^osed upon him, and uiion the king, and slew fifty of their leaders. Whereupon Jona- than, with his brother, and those that were with them, retired to Bethagla, a village that lay in the wilderness, out of his fear of Bacchides. He also built towers on it, and encomj)assed it with walls, and took care that it should be safely guarded. Upon the hearing of which, Bacchides led his own army along with him, and besides took his Jewish auxiliaries, and came against Jonathan, and made an assault upon his forti- fications, and besieged him many days; but Jonathan did not abate of his courage at the zeal Bacchides used in the siege, but courageously opposed him: And while he left his brother Simon in the city, to fight with Bacchides, he went privately out himself into the country, and got a great ])ody of men together of his own party, and fell upon Bacchides' camp in the night time, and destroyed a great many of them. His brother Simon knew also of this his falling u^^on tliem, because he perceived that the enemies were slain l)y him, so he sallied out upon them, and burnt the engines whicli the ^lacedonians used, and made a Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 291 great slaughter of them. And when Bacchides saw himself encompassed with enemies, and some of them before, and some behind him, he fell into despair and trouble of mind, as confounded at the unexpected ill success of this siege. However, he vented his dis- pleasure at these misfortunes upon those deserters who sent for him from the king, as having deluded him. So he had a mind to finish this siege after a decent manner, if it were possible for him so to do, and then to return home. 6. When Jonathan understood these his intentions, he sent ambassadors to him, about a league of friend- ship and mutual assistance, and that they might re- store those they had taken captive on both sides. So Bacchides thought this a pretty decent way of retiring home, and made a league of friendship wnth Jonathan, when they sware that they would not any more make war one against another. Accordingly, he restored the captives, and took his ow^n men with him, and returned to the king of Antioch: and after this his departure, he never came into Judea again. Then did Jonathan take the opportunity of this quiet state of things, and went and lived in the city Mich- mash; and there governed the multitude, and punished the wicked and ungodly, and by that means pin-ged the nation of them. 292 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. CHAPTER II. Hoxi) AlcLvander [BaJal^ in his tirir with Demetrius, granted Jonathan many advantages, and appointed him to he high priest, and persuaded him to assist him, although Demetrius promised him greater ad- vantages on the other side. Concerning the death of Demetrius. 1. Now in the hundred and sixtieth year, it fell out that Alexander, the ^ son of Antiochus Epiphanes, came up into Syria, and took Ptolemais, the soldiers within having betrayed it to him, for they were at enmity M'ith Demetrius, on account of his insolence and difficulty of access; for he shut himself up in a palace of his that had four towers, which he had built himself, not far from Antioch, and admitted nobody. He was withal slothful and negligent about the public affairs, whereby the hatred of his subjects was the more kindled against him, as we have else- where already related. When therefore Demetrius heard that Alexander was in Ptolemais, he took his whole army, and led it against liim: he also sent * This Alexander Bala, who certainly pretended to be the son of Antiochus Epiphanes, and was owned for such by the Jews and Romans, and many others, yet is by several historians deemed to be a counterfeit, and of lio family at all, is, however, by Josephus believed to have been the real son of that Antiochus, and by hino always spoken of accord- ingly. And truly, since the original cotemporary and authentic author of the first book of Maccab. ch. x. 1, calls him by his father's name Epiphanes, and says he was the son of Antiochus, I suppose the other writers, who are all much later, are not to be followed against such evidence, though perhaps Ei)i])hanes might have him by a woman of no family. The king of Egypt also, Philometer, soon gave him his daughter in marriage, which he would hardly have done, had he believed him to be a counterfeit, and of so very mean a birth as the later historians pretend. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 293 ambassadors to Jonathan, about a league of mutual assistance and friendship, for he resolved to be beforehand with Alexander, lest the other should treat with him first, and gain assistance from him: And this he did out of the fear he had, lest Jonathan should remember how ill Demetrius had formerly treated him, and should join with him in this war against him. He therefore gave orders that Jona- than should be allowed to raise an army, and should get armour made, and should receive back those hostages of the Jewish nation whom Bacchides had shut up in the citadel of Jerusalem. When this good fortune had befallen Jonathan, bv the concession of Demetrius, he came to Jerusalem, and read the king's letter, in the audience of the people, and of those that kept the citadel. When these were read, these wicked men and deserters, who were in the citadel, were greatly afraid, upon the king's permission to Jonathan to raise an armv, and to receive back the hostages: So he delivered every one of them to his own parents. And thus did Jonathan make his abode at Jerusalem, renewing the city to a better state, and reforming the buildings as he pleased; for he gave orders that the walls of the city should be re- built with square stones, that it might be more secure from their enemies. And when those that kept the garrisons that were in Judea saw this, they all left them, and fled to Antioch, excepting those that were in the city of Bethsura, and those that were in the citadel of Jerusalem, for the greater part of these was of the wicked Jews and deserters, and on that account these did not deliver up their garrisons. 2. When Alexander knew what promises Deme- trius had made Jonathan, and withal knew his courage, and what great things he had done when he fought the Macedonians, and besides what hardships he had 294 ANTIQUITIES Book xmi. undergone by the means of Demetrius, and of Bac- chides, the general of Demetrius' army, he told his friends. That "he could not at present find any one else that might afford him better assistance than Jonathan, who was both courageous against his enemies, and had a particular hatred against Deme- trius, as having both suffered many hard things from him, and acted many hard things against him. If therefore they w^ere of opinion that they should make him their friend against Demetrius, it was more for their advantage to invite him to assist them now than at another time." It being therefore de- termined by him and his friends to send to Jonathan, he wrote to him this epistle: "King Alexander to his brother Jonathan, sendeth greeting: We have long ago heard of thy courage, and thy fidelity, and for that reason have sent to thee, to make with thee a league of friendship and mutual assistance. We therefore do ordain thee this day the high priest of the Jews, and that thou beest called my friend. I have also sent thee, as presents, a purple robe and a golden crown, and desire, that now thou art by us honoured, thou wilt in like manner respect us also." 3. When Jonathan had received this letter, he ^ put on the pontifical robe at the time of the feast of tabernacles, four years after the death of his brother Judas, for at that time no high priest had been made. So he raised great forces, and had abundance of armour got ready. This greatly * Since Jonathan plainly did not put on the pontifical rohes till seven or eight years after tiie death of his hrotiier Judas, or not till the feast of tabernacles in the IfiOth of the Seleucidae, 1 Maccab. x. 21, Petitus' emendation seems here to deserve consideration, who, instead of after four years since the death of his brother Judas, would have us read, and therefore after eight years since the death of his brother Judas. This would tolerably well agree with the death of the Maccabees, and with Josejihus' own exact chronology at the end of the twentieth book of these Antiquities, which the present text cannot be made to do. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 29.5 grieved Demetrius, when he heard of it, and made him blame himself for his slowness, that he had not prevented Alexander, and got the good-will of Jon- athan, but had given him time so to do. However, he also himself wrote a letter to Jonathan, and to the peoj)le; the contents whereof are these: "King Demetrius to Jonathan, and to the nation of the Jews, sendeth greeting: Since you have preserved your friendship for us; and when you have been tempted by our enemies, you have not joined your- selves to them, I both commend vou for this your fidelity, and exhort you to continue in the same disposition, for which you shall be repaid, and receive rewards from us: for I will free you from the greatest part of the tributes and taxes wiiich you formerly paid to the kings my predecessors, and to myself; and I do now set you free from those tributes which you have ever paid; and besides, I forgive you the tax upon salt, and ^ the value of the crowns which you used to offer to me; and instead of the third part of the fruits [of the field], and the half of the fruits of the trees, I relinquish my part of them from this day: And as to the jjoll-money, which ought to be given me for every head of the inhab- itants of Judea, and of the three toparchies that adjoin to Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, and Perea, that I relinquish to you for this time, and for all time to come. I will also that the city of Jerusalem be holy and inviolable; and free from the tithe, and from the taxes, unto its utmost bounds: And I so far recede from my title to the citadel, as to permit Jonathan your high priest to possess it, that he may place such a garrison in it as he aj^proves of ^ Take Grotius' note here: "The Jews were wont to present croicns to the kings [of Syria;] afterwards that gold, which was paid instead of those crowns, or wliich was expended in making them, was called the crown gold and crown tax." On 1 Maccab. x. -21. 296 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. for fidelity and good will to himself, that they may keep it for us. I also make free all those Jews who have been made captives and slaves in my king- dom. I also give order that the beasts of the Jews be not pressed for our service. And let their Sab- baths, and all their festivals, and three days before each of them, be free from any imposition. In the same manner, I set free the Jews that are inhab- itants in my kingdom, and order that no injury be done them. I also give leave to such of them as are willing to list themselves in my army, that they may do it, and those as far as thirty thousand; which Jewish soldiers, wheresoever they go, shall have the same pay that my own army hath: and some of them I will place in my garrisons, and some as guards about mine o^^^l body, and as rulers over those that are in my court. I give them leave also to use the laws of their forefathers, and to observe them; and I will, that they have power over the three toparchies that are added to Judea, and it shall be in the power of the high priest, to take care that not one Jew shall have any other temple for worship, but only that at Jerusalem. I bequeath also, out of my own revenues, yearly, for the ex- penses about the sacrifices, one hundred and fifty thousand [drachma;] and what money is to spare I will that it shall be your own. I also release to you those ten thousand drachma? which the kings received from the temple, because they appertain to the priests that minister in that temple. And who- soever shall fly to the temple at Jerusalem, or to the places thereto belonging, or who owe the king money, or are there on any other account, let them be set free, and let their goods be in safety. I also give you leave to repair and rebuild your temple, and that all be done at my expense. I also allow Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 297 you to build the walls of your city, and to erect high towers, and that they be erected at my charge. And if there be any fortified town that would be convenient for the Jewish country to have very strong, let it be so built at my expenses." 4. This was what Demetrius promised, and granted to the Jews, by this letter. But king Alex- ander raised a great army of mercenary soldiers, and of those that deserted to him out of Syria, and made an expedition against Demetrius. And when it was come to a battle, the left wing of Demetrius put those who opposed them to flight, and pursued them a great way, and slew many of them, and spoiled their camp, but the right wing, where Demetrius happened to be, was beaten; and as for all the rest, they ran away: but Demetrius fought courageously, and slew a great many of the enemy; but as he was in the pursuit of the rest, his horse carried him into a deep bog, where it was hard to get out, and there it happened, that upon his horse's falling down, he could not escape being killed; for when his enemies saw what had befallen him, they returned back, and encompassed Demetrius round, and they all threw their darts at him; but he being now on foot, fought bravely, but at length he received so many wounds, that he w^as not able to bear up any longer, but fell. And this is the end that Demetrius came to when he had reigned ^ eleven years, as we have elsewhere related. ' Since the rest of the historians now extant give this Demetrius 13 years, and Josephus only 11 years, Prldeaux does not amiss in as<;'ril)ing to him the mean number 13. 298 ANTIQUITIES Book xm. CHAPTER III. The friendship that "was between Onias and Ptolemy Philometer; and hotc 0?iias built a temple in Egypt like to that at Jerusalem. 1. But then the son of Onias the high priest, who was of the same name with his father, and who fled to king Ptolemy, who was called Philometer, lived now at Alexandria, as we have said already. When this Onias saw that Judea was oppressed by the ^Macedonians, and their kings, out of a desire to purchase to himself a memorial and eternal fame, he resolved to send to king Ptolemy and queen Cleo- patra, to ask leave of them that he might build a temple in Egypt like to that at Jerusalem, and might ordain Levites and priests out of their own stock. The chief reason why he was desirous so to do, was, that he relied upon the prophet Isaiah, Avho lived above six hundred years before, and foretold that there certainly was to be a temple built to Almighty God in Egypt by a man that was a Jew. Onias was elevated with this prediction; and wrote the following epistle to Ptolemy and Cleopatra: "Having done many and great things for you in the affairs of the war, bv the assistance of God, and that in Celesyria and Phenicia, I came at length with the Jews to Leontopolis, and to other places of your nation, where I found that the greatest part of your people had temjDles in an improper manner, and that on tliis account they bare ill will one against another, which liappens to the Egyptians by reason of the multitude of their temples, and the difference of opinions about divine worship. Xow I found Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 299 a very fit place in a castle that hath its name from the comitry Diana; this place is full of materials of several sorts, and replenished with sacred animals: I desire therefore that you will grant me leave, to purge this holy place, which belongs to no master, and is fallen down, and to build there a temple to Ahnighty God, after the pattern of that in Jerusa- lem, anci of the same dimensions; that may be for the benefit of thyself, and thy wife and children, that those Jews which dwell in Egypt may have a place whither they may come and meet together in mutual harmony one with another, and be subservient to thy advantages, for the prophet Isaiah foretold, that ' there should he an altar in Egypt to the Lord ^ It seems to me, contrary to the opinion of Josephus, and of the moderns, both Jews and Christians, that this prophecy of Isaiah xix. 19, etc.. In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the mid.st of the land of Ecujft', etc., directly foretold the building of this temple of Onias in Egypt, and was a sufficient warrant to the Jews for I)uilding it, and for worshipping the true God, the God of Israel, therein. See Authent. Rec. Vol. II. p. Too. That God seems to have soon l)etter accepted of the sacrifices and prayers here offered him than those at Jerusalem, see the note on ch. x. sect. 7. And truly the marks of Jewish corruption or interpolation in this text, in order to discourage their peo])le from approving of the worship of God here, are very strong, and highly deserve our consideration and correction. The foregoing verse in Isaiah "runs thus in our common copies. In that day shall fii^e cities in the land of Eyypt, [the Hebrew language: shall be full of Jews, wiiose sacred books were in Hebrew,] and sicear to the Lord of hosts. One [for the first] shall be called the city of destruction, Isa. xx. 18. A strange name, city of destruction! upon so joyful an occasion, and a name never heard of in the land of Egypt, or perhaps in any other nation. The old reading was evidently the city of the sun, or Heliopolis; and Onkelos, in effect, and Symmachiis with the Arabic version, entirely confess that to be the true reading. The Septuagint also, though they have the text disguised in the connnon co])ies, and call it Asedek, tlie city of riyhteousuess; yet in two or tliree other copies the Hebrew Mord itself for the sun, Acheres, or Thares, is preserved. And since Onias insists with the king and queen, that Isaiah's prophecy contained many other predictions relating to this place, besides the words by him recited; it is higlily probable that these were especially meant by him; and that one main reason why he applied this prediction to himself, and to his l^refecture of Heliopolis, which Dean Prideaux well proves was in that part of Egypt, and why he chose to build in that prefecture of Helio])olis, though otherwise an improper place, was this, that the same autliority that he had for Inulding this temple in Egypt, the very same he had 300 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. God. And many other such things did he prophesy relating to that place." 2. And this was what Onias wrote to king Ptol- emy. Now any one may observe his piety, and that of his sister and wife Cleopatra's, by that epistle which they wrote in answer to it; for they laid the blame and the transgression of the law upon the head of Onias. And this was their reply: "King Ptolemy and queen Cleopatra to Onias, send greeting: We have read thy petition, wherein thou desirest leave to be given thee to purge that temjDle which is fallen down at Leontopolis, in the Xomus of Heliopolis, and which is named from the country Buhastis; on which account we cannot but wonder that it should be pleasing to God to have a temple erected in a place so unclean, and so full of sacred animals: But since thou sayest that Isaiah the prophet foretold this long ago, we give thee leave to do it, if it may be done according to your law, and so that we may not appear to have at all offended God herein." 3. So Onias took the place, and built a temple, and an altar to God, like indeed to that in Jerusalem, but smaller and poorer. I do not think it proper for me now to describe its dimensions, or its vessels, which have been already described in mv seventh book of the wars of the Jews. However, Onias found other Jews like to himself, together with priests and Levites, that tliere performed divine service. But we have said enough about this temple. 4. Now it came to pass that the Alexandrian for building it in liis own prefecture of Heliopolis also, which he desired to do, and which he did accordingly. Prideaux has much ado to avoid seeing this corruption of the Hebrew, but it being in support of his own opinion about this temple, he durst not see it; and indeed he reasons here in the most weak and injudicious manner possible. See him at the year 149. Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 301 Jews, and those Samaritans who paid their worship to the temple that was built in the days of Alexander at mount Gerizzim, did now make a sedition one against another, and disputed about their temples before Ptolemy himself, the Jews saying, that ac- cording to the laws of Moses, the temple was to be built at Jerusalem; and the Samaritans saying, that it was to be built at Gerizzim. They desired therefore the king to sit with his friends, and hear the debates about these matters, and punish those with death who were baffled. Xow Sabbeus and Theodosius managed the argument for the Samari- tans, and Andronicus the son of jNIessalamus, for the people of Jerusalem; and they took an oath by God and the king, to make their demonstrations according to the law; and they desired of Ptolemy, that whomsoever he should find that transgressed what they had sworn to, he would put him to death. Accordingly the king took several of his friends into the council, and sat down, in order to hear what the pleaders said. Xow the Jews that were at Alex- andria were in great concern for those men, whose lot it was to contend for the temple at Jerusalem; for they took it very ill that any should take away the reputation of that temple, which was so ancient, and so celebrated all over the habitable earth. Now when Sabbeus and Theodosius had given leave to Andronicus to speak first, he began to demonstrate out of the law, and out of the successions of the high priests, how they every one in succession from his father had received that dignity, and ruled over the temple; and how all the kings of Asia had hon- oured that temple with their donations, and with the most splendid gifts dedicated thereto: But as for that at Gerizzim, he made no account of it, nor re- garded it, as if it had never had a being. By this V,()'2 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. speech, and other arguments, Andronicus persuaded the king to ^ determine that the temple at Jerusalem was built according to the laws of Moses, and to put Sabbeus and Theodosius to death. And these were the events that befell the Jews at Alexandria in the days of Ptolemy Philometer. CHAPTER IV. Hon; AleiiYaulcr honoured Jonaihan after an ex- traordinarij manner, and hotc Demetrius, the son of Demetrius, overcame AlecVander, and made a league of friendship with Jonathan. 1. Demetrius being thus slain in battle, as we have above related, Alexander took the kingdom of Syria; and wrote to Ptolemy Philometer, and desired his daughter in marriage; and said, it was but just that he should be joined in affinity to one that had ^ A very unfair disputation this ! while the Jewish disputant, knowing that he could not properly prove out of the Pentateuch, that the place vhich the Lord their God shaU choose to place his name there, so often referred to in the bonk of Deuteronomy, was Jerusalem any more than Gerizzim, that being not determined till the days of David, Antiq. B. VII. ch. xiii. sect. 4, Vol. I. proves only, what the Samaritans did not deny, that the temple at Jerusalem was much more ancient, and much more celebrated and honoured than that at Gerizzim, which was nothing to the present purpose. The whole evidence, by the very oaths of both parties, being, we see, obliged to be confined to the law of Moses, or to the Pentateuch alone. However worldly policy and interest, and the multitude prevailing, the court gave sentence, as usual on the stronger side, and poor Sabbeus and Theodosius, the Samaritan disputants, were martyr'^d, and this so fhr as appears, without any direct hearing at all, which is like the usual practice of such political courts about matters of religion. Our copies say, that the body of the Jews were in a great concern aboiit those men in the plural, who were to dispute for their temple at Jerusalem, whereas it seems liere they had but one disjiutant, Andronicus by name: perhaps more were prepared to speak on the Jews' side; but the first having answered to his name, and overcome the Samari- tans, there was no necessity for any other defender of the Jerusalem temple. Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 303 now received the principaHty of his forefathers, and had been promoted to it by God's providence, and had conquered Demetrius, and that was on other accounts not unworthy of being related to him. Ptolemy received this j^roposal of marriage gladly; and wrote him an answer, saluting him on account of his having received the principality of his fore- fathers; and promising him that he would give him his daughter in marriage; and assured him that he was coming to meet him at Ptolemais, and desired that he would there meet him, for that he would accomjDany her from Egypt so far, and would there marry his child to him. When Ptolemv had written thus, he came suddenly to Ptolemais, and brought his cousin Cleopatra along with him: and as he found Alexander there before him, as he desired him to come, he gave him his child in marriage, and for her portion gave her as much silver and gold as became such a king to give. 2. When the wedding was over, Alexander wrote to Jonathan the high priest, and desired him to come to Ptolemais. So when he came to these kings, and had made them magnificent presents, he was hon- oured by them both. Alexander compelled him also to put off his own garment, and to take a purple garment, and made him sit with him in his throne; and commanded his captains that they should go with him into the middle of the city, and proclaim, that it was not permitted to any one to speak against him, or to give him any disturbance. And when the captains had thus done, those that were prepared to accuse Jonathan, and who bore him ill-will, when they saw the honour that was done him by proclama- tion, and that by the king's order, ran away, and were afraid lest some mischief sliould befall them. Nay, king Alexander was so very kind to Jonathan, 304 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. that he set him down as the principal of his friends. 3. But then, upon the hundred and sixty-fifth year, Demetrius, the son of Demetrius, came from Crete witli a great number of mercenary soldiers, which Lasthenes, the Cretian, brought him, and sailed to Cilicia. This thing cast Alexander into great concern and disorder when he heard it; so he made haste immediately out of Phenicia and came to Antioch, that he might put matters in a safe posture there before Demetrius should come. He also left ^ Apollonius Daus governor of Celesyria, who coming to Jamnia with a great army, sent to Jonathan the high priest, and told him. That "it was not right that he alone should live at rest, and with authority,^ and not be subject to the king; and this thing had made him a reproach among all men, that he had not yet made him subject to the king. Do not thou therefore deceive thyself, and sit still among the mountains, and pretend to have forces with thee: but if thou hast any dependence on thy strength, come down into the plain, and let our armies be compared together, and the event of the battle will demonstrate which of us is the most courageous. However, take notice, that the most valiant men of every citv are in mv army, and that these are the very men who have always beaten thy progenitors; but let us have the battle in such a place of the country where we may fight with weapons, and not with stones, and where there may be no place whither those that are beaten may fly." 4. With this Jonathan was irritated; and choosing ' Of the Severn! ApnUonii about these ages, see Prideaux at the year 148. This ApoUoiiius Daus was, hy his accoiint, the son of that Apollonius who had been inarle governor of Telesyria and Phenicia by Seleucus Philopator, and was himself a oonfi ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. to be circumcised, and to live according to the Jewish laws. He was naturally a man of candour, and of great modesty, as Strabo bears witness, in the name of Timagenes; who says thus: "This man was a person of candour, and very serviceable to the Jews, for he added a country to them, and obtained a part of the nation of the Itureans for them, and bound them to them by the bond of the circumcision of their genitals." CHAPTER XII. How Alexander, when lie had taken the government, made an expedition against Ptolemais, and then raised the siege out of fear of Ptolemy Lathyrus: and how Ptolemy made war against him, because he had sent to Cleopatra to persuade her to make war against Ptolemy, and yet pretended to he in friend- ship with him, when he beat the Jews in the battle. 1. When Aristobulus was dead, his wife Salome, who, by the Greeks, was called Alexandra, let his brethren out of prison, for Aristobulus had kept them in bonds, as we have said already, and made Alexander Janneus king, who was the superior in age and in moderation. This child happened to be hated by his father as soon as he was born, and could never be permitted to come into his father's sight till he died. The occasion of which liatred is thus re- ported: When Hyrcanus chiefly loved the two eldest of his sons, Antigonus and Aristobulus, God appearefl to him in his sleep, of whom he inquired, which of his sf)ns sliould be liis successor? Upon God's representing to him the countenance of Alexander, Chap. XII. OF THE JEWS. 355 he was grieved that he was to be the heir of all his goods, and suffered him to be brought up in ^ Galilee. However, God did not deceive Hyrcanus, for after the death of Aristobulus, he certainlv took the kinff- dom, and one of his brethren, who affected the kingdom, he slew, and the other, who chose to live a private and quiet life, he had in esteem. 2. When Alexander Janneus had settled the gov- ernment in the manner that he judged best, he made an expedition against Ptolemais; and having overcome the men in battle, he shut them up in the city, and sat round about it, and besieged it; for of the maritime cities there remained only Ptolemais and Gaza to be conquered, besides Strato's Tower, and Dora, which were held bv the tvrant Zoilus. Now while Antiochus Philometer, and Antiochus who was called Cyzicenus, were making war one against another, and destroying one another's armies, the people of Ptolemais could have no assistance from them; but when they were distressed with this siege, Zoilus, who possessed Strato's Tower and Dora, and maintained a legion of soldiers, and on occasion of the contest between the kings, affected tp'anny him- self, came and brought some small assistance to the people of Ptolemais; nor indeed had the kings such a friendship for them, as that they should hope for any advantage from them: Both these kings were in the case of wrestlers, who finding themselves de- ficient in strength, and yet being ashamed to yield, put off the fight by laziness and by lying still as long as they could. The only hope they had remain- ^ The reason why Hyrcanus suffered not this son of liis, wliom he did not love, to come to Judea, hut ordered him to he hrought up in Galilee, is suggested hy Dr. Hudson, that Galilee was not esteemed so happy and well cidtivated a country as Judea, ^Nlatt. xxvi. 73, John vii. 5-2, Acts ii. 7, although another obvious reason occurs also, that he was farther out of his sight in Galilee than he would have been in Judea. 356 ANTIQUITIES Book xm. ing was from the king of Egypt, and from Ptolemy Lathyrus, who now held Cyprus, and who came to Cyprus when he was driven from the government of Egypt, by Cleopatra his mother: So the people of Ptolemais sent to this Ptolemj^ I^athyrus, and desired him to come as a confederate, to deliver them, now they were in such danger, out of the hands of Alexander. And as the ambassadors gave him hopes, that if he would pass over into Syria, he would have the people of Gaza, on the side of those of Ptolemais; as also they said, that Zoilus, and besides these the Sidonians, and many others, would assist them, so he was elevated at this, and got his fleet ready as soon as possible. 3. But in this interval Demenetus, one that was of abilities to persuade men to do as he would have them, and a leader of the populace, made those of Ptolemais change their opinions: and said to them. That "it was better to run the hazard of being sub- ject to the Jews, than to admit of evident slavery by delivering themselves up to a master: and besides that, to have not only a war at present, but to exjDect a much greater war from Egypt, for that Cleopatra would not overlook an army raised by Ptolemy for himself out of the neighbourhood, bilt would come against them with a great army of her own, and this because she was labouring to eject her son out of Cyprus also; that as for Ptolemy, if he fail of his hopes he can still retire to Cyprus, but that they will be left in the greatest danger possible." Now Ptolemy, althougli he had heard of the change that was made in the people of Ptolemais, yet did he still go on with his voyage, and came to the country called Sycamine, and there set his army on shore. This army of his in tlic whole, horse and foot to- gether, were a])()ut thirty thousand, with which he marched near to Ptolemais, and there pitched his Chap. XII. OF THE JEWS. 357 camp; But when the people of Ptolemais neither received his ambassadors, nor would hear what they had to say, he was under a very great concern. 4. But when Zoilus and the people of Gaza came to him, and desired his assistance, because their country was laid waste by the Jews, and by Alex- ander, Alexander raised the siege, for fear of Ptol- emy: And when he had drawn off his army into his own country, he used a stratagem afterwards, by privately inviting Cleopatra to come against Ptolemy, but publicly pretending to desire a league of friend- ship and mutual assistance with him; and promising to give him four hundred talents of silver, he desired that, by way of requital, he would take off Zoilus the tyi-ant, and give his country to the Jews. And then indeed Ptolemy, with pleasure, made such a league of friendship with Alexander, and subdued Zoilus; but when he afterward heard that he had privily sent to Cleopatra his mother, he broke the league with him, which yet he had confirmed with an oath, and fell upon him, and besieged Ptolemais, because it would not receive him. However, leaving his generals, with some part of his forces, to go on with the siege, he went himself immediately with the rest to lay Judea waste; and when Alexander understood this to be Ptolemy's intention, he also got together about fifty thousand soldiers out of his own country; nay, ^ as some writers have said, eighty thousand. He then took his army, and went to meet Ptolemy; but Ptolemy fell upon Assochis, * From these and other occasional expressions, dropped by Josephns, we may learn, that where the sacred books of the Jews were deficient, he had several other histories then extant, but now most of them lost, which he faithfully followed in his own liistory. — Nor indeed have we any other records of those times, relating to Judea, that can be com- pared to these accounts of Josephns, though when we do meet with authentic fragments of such original records, they do almost always confirm his history. 358 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. a city of Galilee, and took it by force on the sabbath day, and there he took about ten thousand slaves, and a great deal of other prey. 5. He then tried to take Sepphoris, which was a city not far from that which was destroyed, but lost many of his men; yet did he then go to fight with Alexander, which Alexander met him at the river Jordan, near a certain place called Sappoth, [not far from the river Jordan,] and pitched his camp near to the enemy. He had however eight thousand in the first rank, which he styled Hecaton- tomachi, having shields of brass. Those in the first rank of Ptolemj^'s soldiers, also had shields covered with brass: but Ptolemy's soldiers in other respects were inferior to those of Alexander, and therefore were more fearful of running hazards: but Philo- stephanus the camj) master put great courage into them, and ordered them to pass the river, which was between their camps: Nor did Alexander think fit to hinder their passage over it, for he thought, that if the enemy had once gotten the river on their back, that he should the easier take them prisoners, when they could not flee out of the battle: In the beginning of which, the acts on both sides, with their hands, and with their alacrity, were alike, and a great slaughter was made by both the armies; but Alex- ander was superior, till Philostephanus opportunely brought up the auxiliaries, to help those that were giving way; but as there were no auxiliaries to afford help to tliat part of the Jews that gave way, it fell out that they fled, and those near them did not assist them, but fled along with them. However, Ptol- emy's soldiers acted quite otherwise; for they fol- lowed the Jews, and killed them, till at length those that slew them pursued after them, when they had made them aU run away, and slew them so long. Chap. xiTi. OF THE JEWS. 359 that their weapons of iron were blunted, and their hands quite tired with the slaughter; for the report was, that thirty thousand men were then slain. Ti- magenes says, they were fifty thousand. As for the rest, they were part of them taken captives, and the other part ran away to their own country. 6. After this victory, Ptolemy overran all the country; and when night came on, he abode in certain villages of Judea, which when he found full of women and children, he commanded his soldiers to strangle them, and to cut them in pieces, and then to cast them into boiling caldrons, and then to devour their limbs as sacrifices. This commandment was given, that such as fled from the battle, and came to them, might suppose their enemies were cannibals, and eat men's flesh, and might on that account be still more terrified at them upon such a sight. And both Strabo and Nicolaus [of Damas- cus] affirm, that they used these people after this manner, as I have already related. Ptolemy also took Ptolemais by force, as we have declared elsewhere. CHAPTER XIII. How Alexander, upon the league of mutual defence which Cleopatra had agreed with him, made an expedition against Celesyria, and utterly overthrew the city of Gaza; and how he slew many ten thousands of Jews that rebelled against him: Also concerning Antiochus Grypus, Seleucus, Antiochus Cyzicenus, and Antiochus Pius, and others. 1. When Cleopatra saw that her son was gro^vn great, and laid Judea waste without disturbance, 360 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. and had gotten the city of Gaza under his power, she resolved no longer to overlook what he did, when he was almost at her gates; and she concluded, that now he w^as so much stronger than before, he would be very desirous of the dominion over the Egyptians; ])ut she immediately marched against him with a fleet at sea, and an army of foot on land, and made Chelcias and Ananias the Jews, generals of her whole army, while she sent the greatest part of her riches, her grand-children, and her testament, to the people of. ^ Cos. Cleopatra also ordered her son Alexander to sail with a great fleet to Phenicia: and when that country had revolted, she came to Ptol- emais; and because the people of Ptolemais did not receive her, she besieged the city; but Ptolemy went out of S}Tia, and made haste into Egypt, supposing that he should find it destitute of an army and soon take it, though he failed of his hopes. At this time Chelcias, one of Cleopatra's generals, happened to die in Celes^Tia, as he was in pursuit of Ptolemy. 2. When Cleopatra heard of her son's attempt, and that his Egyj^tian expedition did not succeed according to his expectations, she sent thither part of her army, and drove him out of that country, so when he was returned out of Egypt again, he abode during the winter at Gaza, in which time Cleopatra took the garrison that was in Ptolemais by siege, as well as the city; and when Alexander came to her, he gave her presents, and such marks of respect as were but proper, since under the mis- eries he endured by Ptolemy, he had no other refuge but her. Now there were some of her friends who ' The city, or island Cos, is not that remote island in the Egean Sea, famous for tlie birth of the great Hi])po(T;ites, hnt a city or island of the same name, adjoining to Egj'pt, mentioned both by Stephanos and Ptolemy, as Dr. Hudson informs us. Of which Cos, and the treasures there laid up by Cleopatra and the Jews, see Antlq. B. XIV, ch, vii, sect. 2, Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 361 persuaded her to seize Alexander, and to overrun and take possession of the country, and not to sit still and see such a multitude of ])rave Jews subject to one man. But Ananias' counsel was contrary to theirs, who said, that, "she would do an unjust action, if she deprived a man that was her ally, of that authority which belonged to him, and this a man who is related to us; for, said he, I would not have thee ignorant of this, that what injustice thou dost to him, will make all us that are Jews to be thy enemies." This desire of Ananias' Cleopatra com- plied with, and did no injury to Alexander, but made a league of mutual assistance with him, at Scythopolis, a city of Celesyria. 3. So when Alexander was delivered from the fear he was in of Ptolemy, he presently made an expedition against Celesyria. He also took Gadara, after a siege of ten months. He took also Amathus, a very strong fortress belonging to the inhabitants above Jordan, where Theodorus, the son of Zeno, had his chief treasure, and what he esteemed most precious. This Zeno fell unex]3ectedly upon the Jews, and slew ten thousand of them, and seized upon Alex- ander's baggage: Yet did not this misfortune terrify Alexander, but he made an expedition upon the maritime parts of the country, Raphia and Anthedon, (the name of which king Herod afterwards changed to Agrippias,) and took even that by force, but when Alexander saw that Ptolemy was retired from Gaza to Cyprus, and his mother Cleopatra was re- turned to Egypt, he grew angry at the people of Gaza, because they had invited Ptolemy to assist them, and besieged their city and ravaged their coun- try. But as Apollodotus, the general of the army of Gaza, fell upon the camp of the Jews by night, with two thousand foreign, and ten thousand of his 362 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. own forces, while the night lasted, those of Gaza prevailed, because the enemy was made to believe that it was Ptolemy who attacked them: but when day was come on, and that mistake was corrected, and the Jews knew the truth of the matter, thev came back again and fell upon those of Gaza, and slew of them about a thousand; but as those of Gaza stoutly resisted them, and would not yield for either their want of any thing, nor for the great multitude that were slain, for they would rather suffer any hard- ship whatever- than come under the power of their enemies, Aretus, king of the Arabians, a person then very illustrious, encouraged them to go on with alacrity, and promised them that he would come to their assistance; but it happened, that before he came, Apollodotus was slain, for his brother Ly- simachus envying him for the great reputation he had gained among the citizens, slew him, and got the army together, and delivered up the city to Alex- ander, who, when he came in at first, lay quiet, and afterv/ard set his army upon the inhabitants of Gaza, and gave them leave to punish them; so some went one way, and some wxnt another, and slew the in- habitants of Gaza; yet were not they of cowardly hearts; but opposed those that came to slay them, and slew as many of the Jews; and some of them, when thev saw themselves deserted, burnt their own houses, that the enemy might get none of their spoils; nay, some of them with their own hands, slew their children and their wives, having no other way but this of avoiding slavery for them; but the senators, who were in all five hundred, fled to Apollo's temj^le (for this attack happened to be made as they were sitting,) whom Alexander slew; and when he had utterly overthrown tlieir citv, he retiu'ned to Jeru- salem, having spent a year in that siege. Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 363 4. About this very time ' Antiochus, who was called Grypus, died. His death was caused by Hera- cleon's treachery, when he had lived forty-five years, and had reigned " twenty-nine. His son Seleucus succeeded him in his kingdom; and made war witli Antiochus, his father's ])rothcr, who was called An- tiochus Cyzicenus, and beat him, and took him pris- oner, and slew him. But after a while ' Antiochus, the son of Cyzicenus, who was called Pius, came to Aradus, and put the diadem on his own head; and made Avar with Seleucus, and beat him, and drove him out of all Syria. But when he fled out of Syria, he came to Mopsuestia again, and levied money upon them; but the people of ^lopsuestia had indignation at what he did, and burnt down his palace, and slew him, together with his friends. But when Antiochus, the son of Cyzicenus, was king of Sj^ia, ^ Antiochus, the brother of Seleucus, made war upon him and was overcome, and destroyed, he and his army. After him, his brother Philip put on the diadem, and reigned over some part of Syria; but Ptolemy Lathyrus sent for his fourth brother Demetrius, who was called Eucerus from C nidus, and made him king of Damascus. Both these brothers did Antiochus vehemently oppose, but presently died; for when he was come as an auxiliary to Laodice, ■'"' queen of the Gileadites, when she was making war * This account of the death of Antiochus Grypus is confirmed hy Appian, Syriac. p. 13:2, here cited Ity Spanlieini. ' Por])hyry says, that tliis Antiochus Grypus reigned but -26 years, as Dr. Hudson observes. ^ The copies of Josephus, both Greek and Latin, have here so grossly false a reading, Antiochus and Antoninus, or Antonius Pius for Antiochus Pius, that the editors are forced to correct the text from the other historians, who all agree that this king's name was nothing more than Antiochus Pius. * These two brothers, Antiochus and Philippus, are called twins by Porphyry; the fourth lirother was king of Damascus. Botli which are the observations of Spaiiheini. ^ This Laodicea was a cltv of (iilead bevond .Tordan. Howeverj 364 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. against the Parthians, and as he was fighting cou- rageously, he fell, while Demetrius and Philip gov- erned Syria, as hath been elsewhere related. 5. As to Alexander, his own people were sedi- tious against him; for at a festival which was then celebrated, when he stood upon the altar, and was going to sacrifice, the nation rose upon him, and pelted him with citrons, [which they then had in their hands,] because the law of the Jews required, that at the feast of tabernacles every one should have branches of the palm-tree and citron-tree: which thing we have elsewhere related. They also reviled him, as ^ derived from a captive, and so unworthy of his dignity, and of sacrificing. At this he was in a rage, and slew of them about six thousand. He also built a partition wall of wood round the altar and the temple, as far as that partition within which it was only lawful for the priests to enter, and by this means he obstructed the multitude from coming at him. He also maintained foreigners of Pisidi* and Cilicia, for as to the Syrians, he was at war with them, and so made no use of them. He also overcame the Arabians, such as the Moabites, and Gileadites, and made them bring tribute. Moreover, he demolished Amathus, while ^ Theodorus durst not fight with him; but as he had joined battle with Obedas, king of the Arabians, and fell into an am- bush in the places that were rugged and difficult to Porphyry says, that this Antiochus Pius did not die in this battle, but running away, was drowned in the river Orontes. A])pian says that he was deprived of the kingdom of Syria l)y Tigranes; liut Porphyry maizes this Laodice, Queen of the Calamans — All which is noted by Spanheim. In such confusion of the latter historians, we iiave no reason to jirefer any of them before .Jose])lius, wlio had more original ones before him. ' This rej)roach ujx)!! .Alexander, that he was sprung from a captive, seems only the repetition of the old Pharisaical calumny upon his father, ch. X. sect. V. " This Theodorus was the son of Zeno, and was in possession of Amathus, as we learn from sect. 3, foregoing. Chap. XIV. OF THE JEWS. 365 be travelled over, he was thrown down into a deep valley, by the multitude of the camels at Gadara, a village of Gilead, and hardly escaped with his life. From thence he fled to Jerusalem, where, besides his other ill success, the nation insulted him, and he fought against them for six years, and slew no fewer than fifty thousand of them. And when he desired that they would desist from their ill-will to him, they hated him so much the more, on account of what had already happened; and when he had asked them what he ought to do, they all cried out, that "he ought to kill himself." They also sent to De- metrius Eucerus, and desired him to make a league of mutual defence with them. CHAPTER XIV. How Demetrius Eucerus overcame Alexander, and yet in a little time retired out of the country for fear of the Jews. As also how AlecVander slew many of the Jews, and thereby got clear of his troubles. Concerning the death of Demetrius. 1. So Demetrius came with an army, and took those that invited him; and pitched his camp near the city Shechem; upon which Alexander, with his six thousand two hundred mercenaries, and about twenty thousand Jews, who were of his party, went against Demetrius, who had three thousand horse- men, and forty thousand footmen. Now there were great endeavours used on both sides, Demetrius, trying to bring ofl^ the mercenaries, that were with Alexander, because they 'were Greeks, and Alex- ander, trying to bring ofl' the Jews that were M'ith 366 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. Demetrius. However when neither of them could persuade them so to do, they came to a battle, and Demetrius was the conqueror, in which all Alex- ander's mercenaries were killed, when they had given demonstration of their fidelity and courage. A great number of Demetrius' soldiers were slain also. 2. Now as Alexander fled to the mountains, six thousand of the Jews hereupon came together, [from Demetrius] to him, out of pity at the change of his fortune; upon which Demetrius was afraid, and retired out of the country; after which the Jews fought against Alexander, and being beaten, were slain in great numbers in the several battles which they had; and when he had shut up the most powerful of them in the city Bethome, he besieged them therein; and when he had taken the city, and gotten the men into his power, he brought them to Jeru- salem, and did one of the most barbarous actions in the world to them: for as he was feasting with his concubines, in the sight of all the city, he ordered about eight hundred of them to be crucified, and while they were living he ordered the throats of their children and wives to be cut before their eyes. This was indeed by waj^ of revenge for the injuries they had done him; which punishment yet was of an inhuman nature, though we suppose that he had been ever so much distressed, as indeed he had been, by his wars with them; for he had by their means come to the last degree of hazard, both of his life and of his kingdom, while they were not satisfied by themselves only to fight against him, but intro- duced foreigners also for the same purpose; nay, at length they reduced him to that degree of necessity, that he was forced to deliver back to tlie king of Arabia the land of Moal) and Gilead; which he had su})dued, and the places that vv^ere in them, that they Chap. XIV. OF THE JEWS. 367 might not join with them in the war against him, as they had done ten thousand other things that tended to affront and reproach him. However this barbarity seems to have been without any necessity, on which account he bare the name of a Thracian ^ among the Jews; whereupon the soldiers that had fought against him, being about eight thousand in number, ran away by night, and continued fugi- tives all the time that Alexander hved; who being now freed from any fartiier disturbance from them, reigned the rest of his time in the utmost tranquillity. 3. But when Demetrius was departed out of Judea, he went to Berea, and besieged his brother Philip, having with him ten thousand footmen, and a thousand horsemen. However Strato the tyrant of Berea, the confederate of Philip, called in Zizon, the ruler of the Arabian tribes, and Mithridates Sinax, the ruler of the Parthians, who coming with a great number of forces and besieging Demetrius in his encampment, into which they had driven him with their arrows, they compelled those that were with him by thirst to deliver up themselves. So they took a great many spoils out of that country, and Demetrius himself, whom they sent to Mithridates, who was then king of Parthia; but as to those whom they took captives of the people of Antioch, they restored them to the Antiochians without any reward. Now Mithridates, the king of Parthia, had Demetrius in great honour, till Demetrius ended his life by sickness. So Philip, presently after the fight was over, came to Antioch, and took it, and reigned over Syria. * This name Thrackhi. wliifh tlie Jews gave Alexander, must by the coherence, denote as barbaruug nti o Thracian, or somewhat like it; but what it properly signifies is not known. 368 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. CHAPTER XV. How Antiochus, who was called Dionysus, and after hini Aretas, made eocpeditmis irito Judea; as also how Alexander took many cities , and then returned to Jerusalem, and after a sickness of three years died; and what counsel he gave to Alexandra. 1. After this Antiochus, who was called ^ Diony- sus and was Philip's brother, aspired to the do- minion, and came to Damascus, and got the power into his hands, and there he reigned: but as he was making war against the Arabians, his brother Philip heard of it, and came to Damascus, where Melesius, who had been left governor of the citadel, and the Damascens themselves, delivered up the city to him; yet because Philip was become ungrateful to him, and had bestowed upon him nothing of that in hopes whereof he had received him into the city, but had a mind to have it believed that it was rather delivered up out of fear tlian by the kindness of Melesius, and because he had not rewarded him as he ought to have done, he became suspected by him, and so he was obliged to leave Damascus again; for Melesius caught him marching out into the Hippodrome and shut him up in it, and ke})t Damascus for Antiochus [Eucerus], who hearing how Philip's affairs stood, came back out of Arabia. He also came immediately, and made an expedition against Judea, with eight thousand armed footmen, and eight hundred horse- men. So Alexander, out of fear of his coming, dug ' Spanheim tJikes notice, th;it this Antiochus Dionysus (the brother of Philip, and of Demetrius Eucerus, and of two others) was the fifth son of Antiochus (Jrypus; and tliat lie is styled on the coins Antiochus Epipliancs Diouynun. Chap. XV. OF THE JEWS. 369 a deep ditch, beginning at Chabarzaba, which is now called Antipatris, to the sea of Joppa, on which part only his army could be brought against him. He also raised a wall, and erected wooden towers, and intermediate redoubts, for one hundred and fifty furlongs in length, and there expected the coming of Antiochus, but he soon burnt them all, and made his army pass by that way into Arabia. The Arabian king [Aretas] at first retreated, but afterward appeared on the sudden with ten thousand horsemen. Antiochus gave them the meeting, and fought desperately; and indeed when he had gotten the victory, and was bringing some auxiliaries to that part of his army that was in distress, he was slain. When Antiochus was fallen, his army fled to the village Cana, where the greatest part of them perished by famine. 2. After him ^ Aretas reigned over Celesyi'ia, being called to the government by those that held Damascus, by reason of the hatred they bare to Ptolemy Menneus. He also made thence an ex- pedition against Judea, and beat Alexander in battle, near a place called Adida, yet did he upon certain conditions agreed on between them, retire out of Judea. 3. But Alexander marched again to the city Dios, and took it; and then made an expedition against Essa, where was the best part of Zeno's treasures, and there he encompassed the place with three walls; and when he had taken the city by fighting, he marched to Golan and Seleucia; and when he had taken these cities, he, besides them, took that valley * This Aretas was the first king of the Arabians who took Damascus, and reigned there: Which name became afterwards common to such Arabian kings, both at Petra and at Damascus, as we learn from Josephus in many places, and from St. Paul, 2 Cor. xi. 33. See the note on Antiq. B. XVI. ch. ix. sect. 4, 370 ANTIQUITIES Book xm. which is called the valley of Antiochus, as also the fortress of Gamala. He also accused Demetrius, who was governor of those places, of many crimes, and turned him out: and after he had spent three years in this war, he returned to his own country, when the Jews joyfully received him upon this his good success. 4. Now at this time the Jews were in possession of the following cities that had belonged to the Syrians, and Idumeans, and Phenicians; at the sea side, Strato's Tower, Apollonia, Joppa, Jamnia, Ashdod, Gaza, Anthedon, Raphia, and Rhinoculura; in the middle of the country, near to Idumea, Adora, and Marissa; near the country of Samaria, Mount Carmel, and Mount Tabor, Scythopolis, and Gardara; of the country of Gaulonites, Seleucia, and Gabala; in the country of Moab, Heshbon and Medaba, Lemba, and Oronas, Gelithon, Zara, the valley of the Celices, and Pella; which last they utterly de- stroyed, because its ^ inhabitants would not bear to change their religious rites for those peculiar to the Jews. The Jews also possessed others of the prin- cipal cities in Syria, which had been destroyed. 5. After this, king Alexander, although he fell into a distemper by hard drinking, and had a quartan ague, wliich held him three years, yet would not leave off going out with his army, till he was quite spent with the labours he had undergone, and died ^ We may here, and elsewhere, take notice, that whatever countries or cities, the Asamonians conquered from any of the neighbouring nations, or whatever countries or cities they gained from them, that had not belonged to them before, they, after the days of Hyrcanus, compelled the inhabitants to leave their idolatry, and entirely to receive the law of Moses, as proselytes of justice, or else banish them into other lands. That excellent prince, John Hyrcanus, did it to the Idumeans, as I have noted on ch. ix. sect. 1, already, who lived then in the promised land, and this I suppose justly; but by what right the rest did it, even to the countries or cities that were no part of that land, I do not at all know, This looks too like unjust persecution for religion, Chap. XV. OF THE JEWS. 371 in the bounds of Regaba, a fortress beyond Jordan. But when his queen saw that he was ready to die, and had no longer any hopes of surviving, she came to him weeping and lamenting, and bewailed herself, and her sons, on the desolate condition they should be left in: and said to him, "To whom dost thou thus leave me and my children, who are destitute of all other supports, and this when thou knowest how much ill-will thy nation bears thee?" But he gave her the following advice, "That she need but follow what he would suggest to her, in order to retain the kingdom securely, with her children, that she should conceal his death from the soldiers till she should have taken that place; after this she should go in triumph, as upon a victory, to Jeru- salem, and put some of her authority into the hands of the Pharisees, for that they would commend her for the honour she had done them, and would recon- cile the nation to her; for he told her, they had great authority among the Jews, both to do hurt to such as they hated, and to bring advantages to those to whom they were friendly disposed, for that they are then believed best of all by the multitude when they speak any severe thing against others, though it be only out of envy at them. And he said, that it was by their means that he had incurred the displeasure of the nation, whom indeed he had injured. Do thou, therefore, said he, when tliou art come to Jerusalem, send for the leading men among them, and show them my body, and witli great appearance of sincerity, give them leave to use it as they themselves please, whether they will dis- honour the dead body, by refusing it burial, as having severely suffered by my means, or whether in their anger they will offer any other injury to that body. Promise them also that thou wilt do nothing without 372 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. them in the affaii's of the kingdom. If thou dost but say this to them, I shall have the honour of a more glorious funeral from them than thou couldst have made for me; and when it is in their power to abuse my dead body, they will do it no injury at all, and thou wilt rule in safety." ^ So when he had given his wife this advice, he died, after he had reigned twenty-seven years, and lived fifty years within one. CHAPTER XVI. How Alexandra, by gaining the good-will of the Pharisees, retained the kingdom nine years, and then having done mafiy glorious actions, died. 1. So Alexandra, when she had taken the fortress, acted as her husband had suggested to her, and spake to the Pharisees, and put all things into their power, both as to the dead body, and as to the affairs of the kingdom, and thereby pacified their anger against Alexander, and made them bear good-will and friend- ship to him; who then came among the multitude, and made speeches to them, and laid before them the actions of Alexander, and told them that they had lost a righteous king; and by the commendation they gave him, they brought them to grieve, and to be in lieaviness for him, so that he had a funeral more splendid than had any of the kings before him. Alex- ander left behind him two sons, Hyrcanus and Aris- ^ It seems, by this dying advice of Alexander Janneus to his wife, that lie had himself pursued the measures of [lis father H,vrcanus, and taken jKirt with the Sadducees, who kept close to the written law, against the Pharisees, who had introduced their own traditions, ch. xvi. sect. 2, and thnt he now saw a polilical necessity of suhniitting to tlie Pharisees, and their traditions hereafter, if his widow and family minded to retain their m(jnarci)ial government or tyranny over the Jewish nation. Chap. XVI. OF THE JEWS. 373 tobulus, but committed the kingdom to Alexandra. Now, as to these two sons, Hyrcanus was "indeed unable to manage public affairs, and delighted rather in a quiet hfe; but the younger, Aristobulus, was an active and a bold man; and for this woman herself, Alexandra, she was loved by the multitude, because she seemed displeased at the offences her husband had been guilty of. 2. So she made Hyrcanus high priest, because he was the elder, but much more because he cared not to meddle with politics, and permitted the Pharisees to do every thing; to whom also she ordered the multitude to be obedient. She also restored again those practices which the Pharisees had introduced, according to the traditions of their forefathers, and which her father-in-law, Hyrcanus, had abrogated. So she had indeed the name of the Regent, but the Pharisees had the authority; for it was they who restored such as had been banished, and set such as were prisoners at liberty, and, to say all at once, they differed in nothing from lords. However, the queen also took care of the affairs of the kingdom, and got together a great body of mercenary soldiers, and increased her own army to such a deo-ree, that she became terrible to the neighbouring tyrants, and took hostages of them: And the countrv was entirelv at peace, excepting the Pharisees; for they disturbed the queen, and desired that she should kill those who persuaded Alexander to slay the eight hundred men; after which they cut the throat of one of them, Diogenes: and after him they did the same to several, one after another, till the men that were the most potent came into the palace, and Aristobulus with them, for he seemed to be displeased at what was done, and it appeared openly, that if he had an op- portunity, he would not permit his mother to go on 374 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. so. "These put the queen in mind what great dangers they had gone through, and great things they had done, wherehy they had demonstrated the firmness of their fidehty to their master, insomuch that they had received the greatest marks of favour from him; and they hegged of her, that she would not utterly hlast their hopes, as it now happened, that when they had escaped the hazards that arose from their [open] enemies, they were to he cut off at home, hy their [private] enemies, like brute beasts, without any help whatsoever. They said also, that if their adversaries would be satisfied with those that had been slain already, thev would take what had been done patiently, on account of their natural love to their governors; but if they must expect the same for the future also, they implored of her a dismission from her service, for they could not bear to think of attempting any method for their deliverance without her, but would rather die willingly before the palace- gate, in case she would not forgive them. And that it was a great shame both for themselves, and for the queen, that when they were neglected by her, they should come under the lash of her husband's enemies; for that Aretas, the Ara})ian king, and the monarchs, would give any reward, if they could get such men as foreign auxiliaries, to whom their very names, before their voices be heard, may perhaps be terrible: But if they could not obtain this their second request, and if she had determined to prefer the Pharisees before them, they still insisted that she would place them every one in her fortresses; for if some fatal demon had a constant spite against Alex- ander's house, they would be willing to bear their I^art, and to live in a ]:)rivate station there." 3. As these men said thus, and called upon Alex- ander's ghost for commiseration of those already slain, Chap. XVI. OF THE JEWS. 375 and those in danger of it, all the bystanders broke out into tears: But Aristobulus chiefly made manifest what were his sentiments, and used many reproachful expressions to his mother [saying,] "Nay, indeed, the case is this, that they have been themselves the authors of their own calamities, who have permitted a woman who, against reason, was mad with ambi- tion, to reign over them, when there were sons in the flower of their age fitter for it." So Alexandra not knowing what to do with any decency, committed the fortresses to them, all but Hyrcania and Alexan- drium, and JNIacherus, where her principal treasures were. After a little while also, she sent her son Aristobulus with an army to Damascus against Ptolemy, who was called Menneus, who was such a bad neighbour to the city; but he did nothing con- siderable there and so returned home. 4. About this time news was brought that Ti- granes, the king of Armenia, had made an irruption into Syria with ' five hundred thousand soldiers, and was coming against Judea. This news, as may well l)e supposed, terrified the queen and the nation. Ac- cordingly thev sent him many and very valuable presents; as also ambassadors, and that as he was besieging Ptolemais; for Selene the queen, the same that was also called Cleopatra, ruled then over Syria, who had persuaded the inhabitants to exclude Tigranes. So the Jewish ambassadors interceded with him, and entreated him that he would determine noth- ing that was severe about their queen or nation. He commended them for the respects they paid him * The number of 500,000 or even 300,000, as one Greek copy, with the Latin copies have it, Tigranes' army, tiiat came out of Armenia into Syria and Judea seems much too large. We have had already several such extravagant numbers in .Iose])hus' ])resent copies, which are not to be at all ascribed to him. Accordingly, I incline to Dr. Hudson's emenda- tion here, which supposes them but 40,000. 376 ANTIQUITIES Book xiii. at so great a distance: and gave them good hopes of his favour. But as soon as Ptolemais was taken, news came to Tigranes that Lucullus, in his pursuit of Mithridates, could not hght upon him, who was fled into Iberia, but was laying waste Armenia and besieging its cities. Xow, when Tigranes knew this he returned home. 5. After this, when the queen was fallen into a dangerous distemper, Aristobulus resolved to attempt the seizing of the government; so he stole away secretly by night, with only one of his servants, and went to the fortresses wherein his friends that were such from the days of his father, were settled: for as he had been a great while displeased at his mother's conduct, so he was now much more afraid, lest upon her death, their whole family should be under the power of the Pharisees, for he saw the inability of his brother, who was to succeed in the government: nor was any one conscious of what he was doing but only his wife, whom he left at Jerusalem with their children. He first of all came to Agaba, where was Galestes, one of the potent men before mentioned, and was received by him. When it was day the queen perceived that Aristobulus was fled; and for some time she supposed that his departure was not in order to make any innovation, but when messengers came one after another with the news that he had secured the first place, the second place, and all the places, for as soon as one had begun they all sub- mitted to his disposal, then it was that the queen and the nation were in the greatest disorder, for they were aware that it would not be long ere Aristobulus would be able to settle himself firmly in the govern- ment. What they were principally afraid of was this, that he would inflict punisliment upon them for the mad treatment his house had had from them: So Chap. xvi. OF THE JEWS. 377 they resolved to take his wife and children into custody, and keep them in the ^ fortress that was over the temple. Now there w^s a mighty conflux of people that came to Aristobulus from all parts, in- somuch that he had a kind of royal attendants about him; for in a little more than fifteen days, he got twenty-two strong places, which gave him the op- portunity of raising an army from Libanus and Trachonitis, and the monarchs: for men are easily led by the greater number, and easily submit to them. And besides this, that by affording him their as- sistance, when he could not expect it, they, as well as he, should have the advantages that would come by his being king, because they had been the occasion of his gaining the kingdom. Now the elders of the Jews, and Hyrcanus with them, went in unto the queen, and desired, "That she would give them her sentiments about the present posture of afi^airs, for that Aristobulus was in effect lord of almost all the kingdom, by possessing of so many strongholds, and that it was absurd for them to take any counsel by themselves, how ill soever she were, whilst she was alive, and that the danger would be upon them in no long time." But she "bid them do what they thought proper to be done: that they had many circumstances in their favour still remaining, a nation in good heart, an army, and money in their several treasuries, for that she had small concern about public aff^airs now, when the strength of her body already failed her." 6. Now a little while after slie had said this to them, she died, when she had reigned nine years, and had in all lived seventy-three. A woman she was * This fortress, castle, citadel, or tower, whither the wife and children of Aristobulus were now sent, and which overlooked the temple, could be no otlier than what Hyrcanus I. built, Antiq. B. Xyill. ch. Iv. sect. 3, Vol. III. and Herod the Great rebuilt, and called the Toiver of Antonia, Antiq. B. XT. ch. xi. sect. 5, yd. II. 378 ANTIQUITIES Book xm. who showed no signs of the weakness of her sex, for she was sagacious to the greatest degree in her ambi- tion of governing, and demonstrated by her doings at once, that her mind was fit for action, and that some- times men themselves show the Httle understanding they have by the frequent mistakes they make in point of government; for she always preferred the present to futurity, and preferred the power of an imperious dominion above all things, and in compari- son of that had no regard to what was good, or what was right. However, she brought the affairs of her house to such an unfortunate condition, that she was the occasion of the taking away that authority from it, and that in no long time afterward, which she had obtained by a vast number of hazards and mis- fortunes, and this out of a desire of what does not belong to a woman, and all by a compliance in her sentiments with those that bare ill-Avill to their family, and by leaving the administration destitute of a proper support of great men: and indeed, her manage- ment during her administration, while she was alive, was such, as filled the palace, after her death, with calamities and disturbance. However, although this had been her way of governing, she preserved the nation in peace. And this is the conclusion of tho affairs of Alexandra. BOOK XIV. COxXTAIMNG THE INTERVAL OF THIRTY-TWO YEARS. [FROxM THE DEATH OF QUEEN ALEXANDRA TO THE DEATH OF ANTIGONUS.] CHAPTER I. The war between Aristohulus and Hyrcanus about the kingdom J and how they made an agreement, that Aristobulus should be king, and Hyrcanus live a private life: as also how Hyrcanus, a little afterward, was persuaded by Antipater to fly to Aretas. 1. We have related the affairs of Queen Alexandra, and her death in the foregoing book, and will now speak of what followed, and was connected with those histories; declaring, before we proceed, that we have nothing so much at heart as this, that we may omit no facts, either through ignorance or laziness, for we are upon the history and ex23lication of such things as the greatest part are unacquainted withal, because of their distance from our times; and we aim to do it with a proper beauty of style, so far as that is derived from proper words harmonically disposed, and from such ornaments of speech also as may contribute to the pleasure of our readers, that we may 379 380 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. entertain the knowledge of what we write with some agreeable satisfaction and pleasure. But the principal scope that authors ought to aim at above all the rest, is to speak accurately, and to speak truly, for the satisfaction of those that are otherwise unacquainted with such transactions, and obliged to believe what these writers inform them of. 2. Hyrcanus then began liis high priesthood on the third vear of the hundred seventy-seventh Olvm- piad, when Quintus Hortensius and Quintus ]Me- tellus, who was called ]Metellus of Crete, were consuls at Rome; when presently Aristobulus began to make war against him, and as it came to a battle with Hyrcanus at Jericho, many of the soldiers deserted him, and went over to his brother; upon which Hyrcanus fled into the citadel, where Aristobulus' wife and children were imprisoned by their mother, as we have said already, and attacked and overcame those his adversaries that had fled thither, and lay within the walls of the temple. So when he had sent a message to his brother about agreeing the matters between them, he laid aside his emnity to him on these conditions, that Aristobulus should be king, that he should live without intermeddling with public affairs, and quietly enjoy the estate he had acquired. When they had agreed upon these terms in the temple, and had confirmed the agreement with oaths, and the giving one another their right hands, and embracing one another in the sight of the whole multitude, they departed; the one, Aristobulus, to the palace; and Hyrcanus, as a private man, to the former house of Aristobulus. 3. But there was a certain friend of Hyrcanus', an Idumean, called Antipater, who was very rich, and in his nature an active and a seditious man; who was at enmity with Aristobulus, and had differences Chap. I. OF THE JEWS. 381 with him on account of his good will to Hyrcanus. It is true that Xicolaus of Damascus savs, that Anti- pater was of the stock of the principal Jews who came out of Babylon into Judea; but that assertion of his was to gratify Herod, who was his son, and who, by certain revolutions of fortune, came afterward to be king of the Jews, whose history we shall give you in its proper place hereafter. However, this Anti- pater was at first called ^ Antipas, and that was his father's name also: of whom they relate this, that king Alexander and his wife made him general of all Idumea, and that he made a league of friendship with those Arabians, and Gazites, and Ascalonites, that were of his own party, and had, by many and large presents, made tliem his fast friends. But now, this younger Antipater was suspicious of the power of Aristobulus, and was afraid of some mis- chief he might do him, because of his hatred to him, so he stirred up the most powerful of the Jews and talked against him to them privately; and said, that "it was unjust to overlook the conduct of Aristobulus, who had gotten the government unrighteously, and ejected his brother out of it, who was the elder, and ought to retain what belonged to him by prerogative of his birth." And the same speeches he perpetually made to Hyrcanus; and told him, that his own life would be in danger, unless he guarded himself, and got shut of Aristobulus; for he said, that the friends of Aristobulus omitted no opportunity of advising him to kill him, as being then, and not befoijf , sure to retain his principality. Hyrcanus gave no credit to these words of his, as being of a gentle disposition, ' That the famous Antipater's or Antipas' father was also Antipater or Antipatt (which two may justly be esteemed one and the same name, the former with a Greek or Gentile, the latter with a Hebrew or Jewish termination,) Josephus here assures us, though Eusebius indeed says It was Herod. 382 AXTIQUITIES Book xiv. and one that did not easily admit of calumnies against other men. This temper of his, not disposing him to meddle with public affairs, and want of spirit, oc- casioned him to appear to spectators to be degenerous and unmanly; while Aristobulus was of a contrary temper, an actiye man, and one of a great and generous soul. 4. Since therefore Antipater saw that Hyrcanus did not attend to what he said, he neyer ceased, day by day, to charge feigned crimes upon Aristobulus, and to calumniate him before him, as if he had a mind to kill him, and so, by urging him perpetually, he adyised him, and persuaded him to fly to Aretas, the king of Arabia, and promised, that if he would comply with his adyice, he would also himself assist him, [and go with him.] When Hyrcanus heard this, he said that it was for his adyantage to fly away to Aretas. Now Arabia is a country that borders upon Judea. Howeyer, Hyrcanus sent Antipater first to the king of Arabia, in order to receiye assurances from him, that when he should come in the manner of a supplicant to him, he would not deliyer him up to his enemies. So Antipater haying receiyed such as- surances, returned to Hyrcanus to Jerusalem. A while afterward he took Hyrcanus, and stole out of the city by night, and went a great journey, and came and brought him to the city called Petra, where the palace of Aretas was; and as he w^as a very familiar friend of that king's he persuaded him to bring back Hyrcanus into Judea, and liis persuasion he continued eyery day without any intermission. He also proposed to make him presents on that account. At length he prevailed with Aretas in his suit. More- over, Hyrcanus jjromised him, that when he had been brought thither, and had received his kingdom, he would restoi-e that country, and those twelve cities Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 383 which his father Alexander had taken from the Arabians, which were these, jNIedaba, Naballo, Libias, Tharabasa, Agala, Athone, Zoar, Orone, Marissa, Rudda, Lussa, and Oruba. CHAPTER II. How Aretas and Hyrcanus made an expedition against Aristohuhis, and besieged Jerusalem; and how Scaurus, the Roman general, raised the siege. Concerning the death of Onias. 1. After these promises had been given to Aretas, he made an expedition against Aristobulus, with an army of fifty thousand horse and foot, and beat him in the battle. And when after that victory many went over to Hyrcanus as deserters, Aristobulus was left desolate, and fled to Jerusalem; upon which the king of Arabia took all his army and made an assault upon the temple, and ])esiege(l Aristobulus therein, the people still supporting Hyrcanus, and assisting him in the siege, while none but the priests continued with Aristobulus. So Aretas united the forces of the Arabians and of the Jews together, and pressed on the siege vigorously. As this happened at the time when the feast of unleavened bread was cele- brated, which we call the Passover, the principal men among the Jews left the country and fled into Egj'pt. Now there was one whose name was Onias, a righteous man he was, and beloved of God, who, in a certain drought, had prayed to God to put an end to the intense heat, and whose prayers God had heard, and had sent them rain. ^Diis man had hid himself, because he saw that this sedition would last a great 384 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. while. However they brought him to the Jewish camp, and desired, that as by his prayers he had once put an end to the (h'ought, so he would in like manner make imprecations on Aristobulus, and those of his faction. And when, upon his refusal, and the excuses that he made, he was still bv the multitude compelled to speak, he stood up in the midst of them, and said, "O God, the king of the whole world! since those that stand now with me are thy people, and those that are besieged are also thy priests, I be- seech thee, that thou wilt neither hearken to the prayers of those against these, nor bring to effect what these pray against those." Whereupon such wicked Jews as stood about him, as soon as he had, made this prayer, stoned him to death. 2. But God punished them immediately for this their barbarity, and took vengeance of them for the murder of Onias, in the manner following: While the priests and Aristobidus were besieged, it hap- pened that the feast called the Passover was come, at which it is our custom to offer a great number of sacrifices to God; but tliose that were with Aristobu- lus wanted sacrifices, and desired tliat their country- men without would furnish them with such sacrifices, and assured them tliey should have as much money for them as they should desire; and when they re- quired them to pay a thousand drachmae for eacli head of cattle, Aristobulus and the priests willingly undertook to pay for them accordingly, and those within let down the money over the walls, and gave it them. But when the others had received it, they did not deliver the sacrifices, but arrived at that height of wickedness as to break the assurances they had given, and to be guilty of impiety towards God, by not furnishing those that wanted them with sacrifices. And when the priests found they had been cheated, Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 885 and that the agreements they had made were violated, they prayed to God, that he would avenge them on their countrymen. Nor did he delay that their punish- ment, but sent a strong and vehement storm of wind, that destroved the fruits of the whole countrv, till a modius of wheat was then bought for eleven drachmae 3. In the meantime Pompey sent Scaurus into Syria, while he was himself in Armenia, and making war with Tigranes: But when Scaurus was come to Damascus, and found that Lollius and jNIetellus had newlj^ taken the city, he came himself hastily into Judea. And when he was come thither, ambassadors came to him, both from Aristobulus and Hyrcanus, and both desired he would assist them. And when both of them j^romised to give him money, Aristo- bulus four hundred talents, and Hyrcanus no less, he accepted of Aristobulus' promise, for he was rich and had a great soul, and desired to obtain nothing but what was moderate; whereas the other was poor, and tenacious, and made incredible promises in hopes of greater advantages; for it was not the same thing to take a city, that was exceeding strong and power- ful, as it was to eject out of the country some fugi- tives, with a greater number of Xabateans, who were no very warlike people. He therefore made an agree- ment with Aristobulus, for the reasons before men- tioned, and took his money, and raised the siege, and ordered Aretas to depart, or else he should be de- clared an enemy to the Romans. So Scaurus re- turned to Damascus again; and Aristobulus, with a great army, made war with Aretas and Hyrcanus, and fought them at a place called Papiiron, and beat them in the battle, and slew about six thousand of the enemy; with whom fell Phalion also, the brother of Antipater. 386 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. CHAPTER HI. How Aristobulus and Hyrcanus came to Pompey, in oi'der to argue who ought to have the kingdom: and how upon the flight of Aristohulus to the fortress Alea^andrium, Pompey led his army against him, and ordered him to deliver up the fortresses whereof he was possessed. 1. A LITTLE afterward Pompey came to Damascus, and marched over Celesyria, at whicli time there came ambassadors to him from all Syria, and Egypt, and out of Judea also, for Aristobulus had sent him a great present, which was a ^ golden vine, of the value of five hundred talents. Now Strabo of Cappadocia mentions this j)resent in these words: "There came also an embassage out of Egypt, and a crown of the value of four thousand pieces of gold, and out of Judea there came another, whether you call it a vine or a garden: They called the thing Terpule, The delight. However, we ourselves saw that pres- ent reposited at Rome, in the temple of Jupiter * This f/oldeii vine or fiarden, seen by Strabo at Rome, has its in- scription here as if it were the gift of yVlexander, the father of Aris- tobulus, and not of Aristobulus himself, to whom yet Josephus ascribes it; and in order to prove the truth of that part of tiis history, introduces this testimony of Strabo's; so that the ordinary copies seem to be here either erroneous or defective, and the original reading seems to have been either Aristohulu.t, instead of Alexander, with one Greek copy, or else Arisfobitlus the son of Ah.randcr, with the Latin copies, which last seems to me the most probable — For as to Archbishop Usher's con- jectures, that Alexander made it, and dedicated it to God in the temple, and that thence Aristobulus took it, and sent it to Pompey, they are both very improbable, and no way agreeable to Josephus, who would liardly have avoided the recording both these unconuuon points of history, liad he known any of them; nor would either the Jewish nation, or even Pompey himself, then have relished such a flagrant instance of sacrilege. Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 387 Capitolinus, with this inscription, The gift of Aleoc- ander the king of the Jetvs. It was valued at five hundred talents; and the report is, that Aristobulus, the governor of the Jews, sent it." 2. In a little time afterward came ambassadors again to him, Antipater from Hyrcanus, and Nicodemus from Aristol)idus ; which last also accused such as had taken bribes, first Gabinius, and then Scaurus, the one three hundred talents, and the other four hundred; by which procedure he made these two his enemies, besides those he had before. And when Pompey had ordered those that had controversies one with another to come to him in the beginning of the spring, he brought his army out of their winter quarters, and marched into the country of Damascus; and as he went along he demolished the citadel that was at Apamia, which Antiochus Cyzicenus had built, and took cognizance of the country of Ptolemy ^len- neus, a wicked man, and not less so than Dionysius of Tripoli, who had been beheaded, who was also his relation by marriage ; yet did he buy off the punish- ment of his crimes for a thousand talents, with which money Pompey paid the soldiers their wages. He also conquered the place called Lysias, of which Silas a Jew, was tyrant. And when he had passed over the cities of Heliopolis and Chalcis, and got over the mountain M^hich is on the limit of Celesyria, he came from Pella to Damascus; and there it was that he heard the causes of the Jews, and of their governors Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, who were at difference one with another, as also of the nation against them both, which did not desire to be under kingly govern- ment, because the form of government they received from their forefathers was that of subjection to the priests of that God whom they worshipped, and [they complained,] that though these two were the posterity 388 AXTIQUITIES Book xiv. of priests, yet did they seek to change the government of their nation to another form, in order to enslave them. Hyrcanus complained, that although he were the elder brother, he was deprived of the prerogative of his birth by Aristobulus, and that he hath but a small part of the country under him, Aristobulus having taken away tlie i-est from him by force. He also accused him, that the incursions which had been made into their neighbours' countries, and the piracies that had been at sea, were owing to him; and that the nation would not have revolted, unless Aristobulus had been a man given to violence and disorder: and there were no fewer than a thousand Jews, of the best esteem among them, who confirmed this accu- sation: which confirmation was procured by Antipater. But Aristobulus alleged against him, that it was Hyrcanus' own temper, which was inactive, and on that account contemptilile, which caused him to be deprived of the government; and that for himself he was necessitated to take it upon him, for fear lest it should be transferred to others. And that as to his title [of king,] it was no other than what his father had taken [before him.] He also called for witnesses of what he said, some persons who were both young and insolent: whose purple garments, fine heads of hair, and other ornaments, were detested [by the court,] and which they appeared in, not as though they were to plead their cause in a court of justice, but as if they were marching in a pompous procession. 3. When Pompey had heard the causes of these two, and had condemned Aristobulus for his violent procedure, he then spake civilly to them, and sent them away; and told them, tliat when he came again into their country lie would settle all their aifairs, after he had first taken a view of the affairs of the Nabateans. In the mean time, he ordered them to Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 380 be quiet; and treated Aristobiilus civilly, lest he should make the nation revolt, and hinder his return: which yet Aristobulus did; for without expecting any further determination, which Pompey had promised them, he went to the city Delius, and thence marched into Judea. 4. At this behaWour Pompey was angry; and taking witli him that army which he was leading against the Xabateans, and the auxiliaries that came from Damascus, and the other parts of Syria, with the other Roman legions which he had with him, he made an expedition against Aristobulus: but as he passed by Pella, and Scythopolis, he came to Core^e, which is the first entrance into Judea when one j)asses over the midland countries, where he came to a most beautiful fortress that was built on the top of a mountain called Aleccandmim, whither Aristobulus had fled, and thence Pompey sent his commands to him, that he should come to him. Accordingly, at the persuasions of many, that he would not make war ^^^th the Romans, he came down: and when he had disputed with his brother about the right to the government; he went up again to the citadel, as Pompey gave him leave to do; and this he did two or three times, as flattering himself with the hopes of having the kingdom granted him; so that he still pretended he would obey Pompey in whatsoever he commanded, although at the same time he retired to his fortress, that he might not depress himself too low, and that he might be prepared for a war, in ease it should prove as he feared, that Pompey should transfer the government to Hyrcanus. But when Pompej^ enjoined Aristobulus to deliver up the for- tresses he held, and to send an injunction to their gov- ernors under his own hand, for that purpose, for they had been forbidden to deliver them up upon any other 390 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. commands, he submitted indeed to do so, but still he retired in displeasure to Jerusalem, and made prep- aration for war. A little after this, certain persons came out of Pontus, and informed Pompey, as he was on the way, and conducting his army against Aristobu- lus, that INIithridates was dead, and was slain by his son Pharnaces. CHAPTER IV. How Pompey, when the citizens of Jerusalem shut the gates against him, besieged the city, and took it by force; as also what other things he did in Judea. 1. Now when Pompey had pitched his camp at Jericho, (where the ^ palm-tree grows, and that bal- sam which is an ointment of all the most precious, which upon any incision made in the wood with a sharp stone, distils out thence like a juice,) he marched in the morning to Jerusalem. Hereupon Aristobulus repented of what he was doing, and came to Pompey, and [promised to] give him money, and received him into Jerusalem, and desired that he would leave off the war, and do what he pleased * These express testimonies of Josephiis' here, and Antiq. B. YIII. ch. vi. sect. 6, Vol. I. and B. XV. ch. iv. sect. :3, Vol. II. that the only balsam gardens, and the best ])alm-trees, were, at least in his days, near Jericho and Kngaddi, about the north part of the dead sea (wherea))out also Alexander the Great saw the balsam drop,) show the mistake of those that understand Kusebius and Jerom, as if one of those gardens were at the south part of that sea, at Zoar or Segor, whereas they must either mean another Zoar or Segor, which was between Jericho and Engaddi, agreeably to Josephus, which yet they do not appear to do, or else they directly contradict Josephus, and were therein greatly mistaken; unless that balsam and the best palm-trees, grew much more southward in Judea in the days of Kusebius and Jerom than they did in the days of J()sc|)lnis. Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 391 peaceably. So Pompey, upon Iiis entreaty, forgave him: and sent Gabinius, and soldiers with him, to receive the money and the city: Yet was no part of this performed, but Gabinius came back being both excluded out of the city, and receiving none of the money promised, because Aristobulus' soldiers would not permit the agreements to be executed. At this Pompey was very angry, and put Aristobulus into prison and came himself to the city, wiiich was strong on every side, excepting the north, which was not so well fortified, for there was ^ a broad and deep ditch that encompassed the city, and included within the temple, which was itself encompassed about with a very strong stone wall. 2. Xow there was a sedition of the men that were within the city, who did not agree what was to be done in their present circumstances, while some thought it best to deliver up the city to Pompey: but Aristobulus' party exhorted them to shut the gates, because he was kept in prison. Xow these prevented the others and seized upon the temple, and cut off the bridge which reached from it to the city, and prepared themselves to abide a siege; but the others admitted Pompey's army in, and delivered up both the city and the king's palace to him. So Pompey sent his lieutenant Piso with an army, and placed garrisons both in the city and in the j^alace, to secure them, and fortified the houses that joined to the temple: and all those which were more distant, and without it. And in the first place, he offered terms of accommodation to those within, ' The particular depth and breadth of this ditch whence the stones for the wall about the temple were probably taken, are omitted in our copies of Josephus, but set down by Strabo, B. XVI. p. 763, from whom we learn, that this ditch was 60 feet deep, and 250 feet broad. However, its depth is, in the first section, said by Josephus to be immense, which exactly agrees to Strabo's description, and which numbers in Strabo are a strong confirmation of the truth of Josephus' description also. 392 AXTIQUITIES Book xiy. but when they would not comply with what was desh'ed, he encompassed all the places thereabout with a wall, wherein Hyrcanus did gladly assist him on all occasions, but Pompey pitched his camp within [the wall,] on the north part of the temple, where it was most practicable; but even on that side there were great towers, and a ditch had been dug, and a deep valley begirt it round about, for on the parts towards the city were precipices, and the bridge on which Pompey had gotten in, was broken down; however, a bank was raised day by day, with a great deal of labour, while the Romans cut down ma- terials for it from the places round about: And when this bank was sufficiently raised and the ditch filled up, though but poorly, by reason of its immense depth, he brought his mechanical engines and bat- tering rams from Tjtc, and placing them on the bank he battered the temple with the stones that were thrown against it. And had it not been our practice, from the days of our forefathers, to rest on the seventh dav, this bank could never have been perfected, by reason of the opposition the Jews would have made; for though our laws give us leave then to defend ourselves against those that began to fight with us, and assault us, yet it does not permit us to meddle with our enemies while they do any thing else. 3. Which thing when the Romans understood, on those days which we call Sabbaths, they threw nothing at the Jews, nor came to any j^itched battle with them, but raised up their earthen banks, and brought their engines into such forwardness that they might do execution the following days. And any one may hence learn how very great piety we exercise towards God, and the observance of his laws, since the priests were not at all hindered from \ Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 393 their sacred ministrations, by their fear during this siege, but did still twice a-day, in the morning, and about the ninth hour, offer their sacrifices, on the altar; nor did they omit those sacrifices, if any melan- choly accident happened, by the stones that were thrown among them; for although the city was taken on ^ the third month, on the day of the fast, upon the hundred seventy-ninth olympiad, when Caius Antonius and JVIarcus Tullius Cicero, were consuls, and the enemy then fell upon them, and cut the throats of those that were in the temple, yet could not those that offered the sacrifice be compelled to run awav, neither bv the fear thev were in of their own lives, nor bv the number that were alreadv slain, as thinking it better to suffer whatever came upon them, at their very altars, than to omit any thing that their laws required of them. And that this is not a mere brag, or an encomium to manifest a de- gree of our piety that was false, but is the real truth; I appeal to those that have written of the acts of Pompey: and among them, to Strabo and Xicolaus [of Damascus;] and besides these two, Titus Livius, the writer of the Roman historv, who will bear wit- ness to this thing." 4. But when the battering engine was brought near, the greatest of the towers was shaken by it, and fell down, and brake down a part of the fortifi- cations, so the enemy poured in apace, and Cornelius Faustus, the son of Sylla, with his soldiers, first of * That is on the 23d of Sivan, the annual fast for the defection and idolatry of Jeroboam, \rho made Iftrael to siii : or possibly some other fast might fall into that month, before and in tlie days of Josephus. " It deserves here to be noted, that this Pharisaical superstitions no- tion, that offensive fighting was imlawful to Jews, even under the ut- most necessity, on the Sabbath day; of which we hear nothing before the times of the Maccabees, was the proper occasion of Jerusalem's being taken by Pompey, Sosius, and by Titus, as appears from the places already quoted in the note on Antiq. B. XIII. ch. viii. sect. 1. 394 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. all ascended the wall, and next to him Furius the centurion, with those that followed on the other part, while Fabius, who was also a centurion, ascended it in the middle, with a great body of men after him. But now all was full of slaughter; some of the Jews being slain by the Romans, and some by one another; nay, some there were who threw them- selves down the precipices, or put fire to their houses, and burnt them, as not able to bear the miseries they were under. Of the Jews there fell twelve thousand, but of the Romans very few. Absalom, who was at once both uncle and father-in-law to Aris- tobulus, was taken captive. And no small enormities were committed about the temple itself, which, in former ages, had been inaccessible and seen by none; for Pompey went into it, and not a few of those that were with him also, and saw all that Avhich it was unlawful for anv other men to see but onlv for the high priests. There were in that temple the golden table, the holy candlestick, and the pour- ing vessels, and a great quantity of spices; and be- sides these there were among the treasures two thousand talents of sacred money; Yet ^ did Pompey touch nothing of all this, on account of his regard to religion; and in this point also he acted in a manner that was worthy of his virtue. The next day he gave order to those that had the charge of the temple to cleanse it, and to bring what offerings the law required to God: and restored the high priest- hood to Hyrcanus, both because he had been useful to him in other respects, and because he hindered the Jews in the country from giving Aristobulus any assistance in his war against him. He also cut ' This is fully ronfirmed by the testimony of Cirero, who says in his oration for Flaccus, That "Cneius Pompeius, when he was conqueror, and had taken Jerusalem, did not touch any thing belonging to that temple." -i Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 395 off those that had been the authors of that war; and bestowed proper rewards on Faustus, and those others that mounted the wall with such alacrity: and he made Jerusalem tributary to the Romans; and took away those cities of Coelesyria which the in*- habitants of Judea had subdued, and put them under the government of the Roman president, and con- fined the whole nation, which had elevated itself so high before, within its own bounds. Moreover, he ^ rebuilt Gadara, which had been demolished a little before, to gratify Demetrius of Gadara, who was his freed man, and restored the rest of the cities, HipjDos, and Scythopolis, and Pella and Dios, and Samaria, as also JNIarissa, and Ashdod, and Jamnia, and Arethusa, to their own inhabitants: these were in the inland parts. Besides those that had been demolished, and also of the maritime cities, Gaza, and Joppa, and Dora, and Strato's Tower; which last Herod rebuilt after a glorious manner, and adorned with havens, and temples, and changed its name to Cesarea. All these Pompey left in a state of freedom, and joined them to the province of Syria. 5. Now the occasions of this misery which came upon Jerusalem, were Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, by raising a sed-ition one against the other; for now we lost our liberty, and became subject to the Romans, and were deprived of that country which we had gained by our arms from the Syrians, and were compelled to restore it to the Syrians. Moreover, the Romans exacted of us, in a little time, above ten thousand talents. And the royal authority, which was a dignity formerly bestowed on those that were high priests, by the right of their family, became the property of private men. But of these matters ^ Of this destruction of Gadara here jiresupposed, and its restoration bv Pompey, see the note On the War, B. I. ch. vii. sect. 7, Vol. Ill, 396 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. we shall treat in their proper places. Now Pompey committed Coelesyria, as far as the river Euphrates and Egypt, to Scaurus, with two Roman legions, and then went away to Cilicia, and made haste to Rome. He also carried bound along with him Aristobulus and his children; for he had two daughters, and as many sons; the one of which ran away, but the younger, Antigonus, was carried to Rome, together with his sisters. CHAPTER V. How Scaurus made a league of mutual assistance with Aretas. And what Gabinius did in Judea, after he had conquered AlecVander the soil of Aris- tohidus. 1. Scaurus made now an expedition against Petrea, in Arabia, and set on fire all the places round about it, because of the great difficulty of access to it. And as his army was jjinched by famine, Antip- ater furnished him with corn out of Judea, and with whatever else he wanted, and this at the com- mand of Hyrcanus. And when he was sent to Aretas, as an ambassador by Scaurus, because he had lived with him formerly, he persuaded Aretas to give Scaurus a sum of money, to prevent the burning of his country; and undertook to be his surety for three hundred talents. So Scaurus, upon these terms, ceased to make war any longer: which was done as much at Scaurus' desire, as at the desire of Aretas. 2. Some time after this, when Alexander, the son of Aristobulus, made an incursion into Judea, Ga- Chap. Y. OF THE JEWS. 397 binius came from Rome to Syria, as commander of the Roman forces. He did many considerable actions: and particularly made war with Alexander, since Hyrcanus was not yet able to oppose his power, but was already attempting to build the walls of Jerusalem, which Pompey had overthrown, although the Romans, which were there, restrained him from that his design. However, Alexander went over all the country round about, and armed many of the Jews, and suddenly got together ten thousand armed footmen, and fifteen hundred horsemen, and fortified Alexandrium, a fortress near to Cor^e and INIacherus, near the mountains of Arabia. Gabinius therefore came upon him, having sent Marcus Antonius, with other commanders before. These armed such Romans as followed them; and, together with them, such Jews as were suljject to them, whose leaders were Pitholaus and JNIahchus, and thev took with them also their friends that were with Antipater, and met Alexander, while Gabinius himself followed with his legion. Hereupon Alexander retired to Jeru- salem, where they fell upon one another, and it came to a pitched battle, in which the Romans slew of their enemies about three thousand, and took a like number alive. 3. At which time Gabinius came to Alexandrium, and invited those that were in it to deliver it up on certain conditions, and promised that then their former offences should be forgiven: But as a great number of the enemy had pitched their camp before the fortress, whom the Romans attacked. Marcus Antonius fought bravely, and slew a great number, and seemed to come off with the greatest honour. So Gabinius left part of his army there, in order to take the place, and he himself went into other parts of Judea, and gave order to rebuild all the 398 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. cities that he met with that had been demohshed; at which time were rebuilt Samaria, Ashdod, Scythopohs, Anthedon, Raphia, and Dora; Marissa also, and Gaza, and not a few others besides. And as the men acted according to Gabinius' command, it came to pass, that at this time these cities were securely inhabited, which had been desolate for a long time. 4. When Gabinius had done thus in the country, he returned to Alexandrium; and when he urged on the siege of the place, Alexander sent an em- bassage to him, desiring that he would pardon his former offences; he also delivered up the fortresses, Hyrcania and JNIacherus; and at last Alexandrium itself, which fortresses Gabinius demolished. But when Alexander's mother, who was of the side of the Romans, as having her husband and other children at Rome, came to him, he granted her whatsoever she asked; and when he had settled matters with her he brought Hyrganus to Jerusalem, and committed the care of the temple to him: And when he had ordained five councils, he distributed the same nation into the same number of parts: So these councils governed the people; the first was at Jerusalem, the second at Gadara, the third at Amathus, the fourth at Jericho, and the fifth in Sepphoris in Galilee. So the Jews were now freed from monarchic au- thority, and were governed by an ^ aristocracy. ^ Prideaux well observes, "That notwithstanding the clamour against Gabinius at Rome, Josephus gives him a laudable character, as if he had acquitted himself with honour in the charge committed to him," [in Judea.] See at the year 55. Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 399 CHAPTER VI. How Gabinius caught Aristohulus after he had fled fro7n Rome, and sent him back to Rome again; and how the same Gabinius, as he returned out of Egijpt, overcame Aleocander and the Nabateans in battle. 1. Now Aristobiiliis ran away from Rome to Judea, and set about the rebuilding of Alexandrium, which had been newly demolished : Hereupon Gabinius sent soldiers against him, and for their commanders Sisenna, and Antonius, and Servilius, in order to hinder him from getting possession of the country, and to take him again. And indeed many of the Jews ran to Aristohulus, on account of his former glory, as also because they should be glad of an innovation. Now, there was one Pitholaus, a lieu- tenant at Jerusalem, who deserted to him with a thousand men, although a great number of those that came to him were unarmed; and when Aris- tohulus had resolved to go to Macherus, he dismissed those people, because they were unarmed, for they could not be useful to him in what actions they were going about, but he took with him eight thousand that were armed, and marched on: and as the Romans fell upon them severely, the Jews fought valiantly, but were beaten in the battle and when they had fought with alacrity, but were overborne by the enemy, they were put to flight; of whom were slain about Ave thousand, and the rest being dispersed, tried as v/ell as they were able, to save themselves. However, Aristohulus had with him still above a thousand, and with them he fled to Macherus and fortified the place, and though he had had ill success, 400 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. he still had good hope of his affairs: but when he had struggled against the siege for two days' time, and had received many wounds, he was brought as a captive to Gabinius, with his son Antigonus, who also fled with him from Rome. And this was the fortune of Aristobulus, who was sent back again to Rome, and was there retained in bonds, having been both king and high priest for three years and six months; and was indeed an eminent person and one of a great soul. However, the senate let his children go, upon Gabinius' writing to them, that he had promised their mother so much when she de- livered up the fortresses to him; and accordingly they then returned into Judea. 2. Now when Gabinius was making an expedi- tion against the Parthians, and had already passed over Euphrates, he changed his mind and resolved to return into Egypt, in order to ^ restore Ptolemy to his kingdom. This hath also been related else- where. However, Antipater supplied his army, which he sent against Archelaus, with corn and weapons, and money. He also made those Jews who were above Pelusium, his friends and confederates, and had been the guardians of the passes that led into Egypt. But when he came back out of Egypt, he found Syria in disorder, with seditions and troubles; for Alexander, the son of Aristobulus, having seized on the government a second time by force, made many of the Jews revolt to him, and so he marched over the country with a great army, and slew all the Romans he could light upon, and proceeded to besiege the mountain called Gerizzim, whither they had retreated. • This history is licst illustrated by Dr. Hudson out of Livy, who says, "That A. Gabinius tho proconsul, restored Ptolemy to his kingdom of Egypt, and ejected Archelaus, whom they had set up for king," etc. See Prid. at- the years (i i and 65. Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 401 3. But when Gabinius found Syria in such a state, he sent Antipater who was a prudent man, to those that were seditious, to try whether he could cure them of their madness, and persuade them to return to a better mind, and when he came to them, he brought many of them to a sound mind, and induced them to do what they ought to do, but he could not restrain Alexander, for he had an army of thirty thousand Jews, and met Gabinius, and joining battle with him, was beaten, and lost ten thousand of his men about mount Tabor. 4. So Gabinius settled the affairs which belonged to the city Jerusalem, as was agreeable to Antipater's inclination, and went against the Nabateans, and overcame them in battle. He also sent away in a friendly manner JNIithridates and Orsanes, who were Parthian deserters, and came to him, though the report went abroad that they had run away from him. And when Gabinius had performed great and glorious actions, in his management of the affairs of war, he returned to Rome, and delivered the gov- ernment to Crassus. Now, Xicolaus of Damascus, and Strabo of Cappadocia, both describe the ex- peditions of Pompey and Gabinius against the Jews, while neither of them say any thing new which is not in the other. 402 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. CHAPTER VII. How Crassus came into Judea, and pillaged the temple; and then marched against the Parthians, and perished, with his army. Also how Cassius obtained Syria; and put a stop to the Parthians, and then went up to Judea. 1. Now Crassus, as he was going upon his ex- pedition against the Parthians, came into Judea, and carried off the money that was in the temple, which Pompey had left: being two thousand talents, and was disposed to spoil it of all the gold belonging to it, which was eight thousand talents. He also took a beam, which was made of solid beaten gold, of the weight of. three hundred minas; each of which weighed two pounds and an half. It was the priest who was guardian of the sacred treasures, and whose name was Eleazar, that gave him this beam, not out of a wicked design, for he was a good and a righteous man, but being intrusted with the custody of the veils belonging to the temple, which were of admirable beauty, and of very costly workmanship, and hung down from this beam, when he saw that Crassus was busy in gathering money, and was in fear for the entire ornaments of the temple, he gave him this beam of gold as a ransom for the whole, but this not till he had given his oath that he would remove nothing else out of the temple, but be satis- fied with this only, which he should give him, being worth many ten thousand [shekels.] Now, this beam was contained in a wooden beam that was hollow; but was known to no others, but Eleazar alone knew it; yet did Crassus take away this beam, upon the Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 403 condition of touching nothing else that belonged to the temple, and then brake his oath, and carried away all the gold that was in the temple. 2. And let no one wonder that there was so much wealth in our temple, since all the Jews throughout the habitable earth, and those that worshipped God, nay, even those of Asia and Europe, sent their con- tributions to it, and this from very ancient times. Nor is the largeness of these sums without its attesta- tion; nor is that greatness owing to our vanity, as raising it without ground to so great a height: But there are many witnesses to it, and particularly Strabo of Cappadocia, who says thus: "^Nlithridates sent to Cos, and took the money which queen Cleopatra had deposited there, as also eight hundred talents belong- ing to the Jews." Now, we have no public money but only what appertains to God; and it is evident that the Asian Jews removed this money out of fear of JNIithridates, for it is not probable that those of Judea, who had a strong city and temple, should send their money to Cos, nor is it likelv that the Jews, who are inhabitants of Alexandria, should do so neither, since thev were in no fear of Mithridates. And Strabo himself bears witness to the same thing in another place, that at the same time that Sylla passed over into Greece, in order to fight against Mithridates, he sent Lucullus to put an end to a sedition that our nation, of whom the habitable earth is full, had raised in Cyrene; where he speaks thus: "There were four classes of men among those of Cyrene, that of citizens, that of husbandmen, the third of strangers, and the fourth of Jews. Now these Jews are already gotten into all cities, and it is hard to find a place in the habitable eartli that hath not admitted this tribe of men, and is not possessed by it: And it hatli come to pass that Egypt 404 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. and Cyrene, as having the same governors, and a great number of other nations, imitate their way of hving, and maintain great bodies of these Jews in a pecidiar manner, and grow up to greater pros- perity with them, and make use of the same laws with that nation also. Accordingly the Jews have places assigned them in Egypt, wherein they in- habit, besides what is peculiarly allotted to this nation at Alexandria, which is a large part of that city. There is also an ethnarch allowed them, who governs the nation; and distributes justice to them, and takes care of their contracts, and of the laws to them belonging, as if he were the ruler of a free republic. In Egypt, therefore, this nation is powerful, because the Jews were originally Egyptians, and because the land wherein they inhabit, since they went thence, is near to Egypt. They also removed into Cyrene, because that this land adjoined to the government of Egypt, as well as does Judea, or rather was formerly under the same government." And this is what Strabo says. 3. So when Crassus had settled all things as he himself pleased, he marched into Parthia, where both he himself and all his army perished, as hath been related elsewhere. But Cassius as he fled from Rome to Syria, took possession of it, and was an impedi- ment to the Parthians, who by reason of their victory over Crassus, made incursions upon it: And as lie came back to Tyre, he went up into Judea also, and fell upon Tarich^e, and presently took it, and carried about thirty thousand Jews captives; and slew Pitho- laus, who succeeded Aristobulus in his seditious practices, and that by the persuasion of Antipater, who proved to have great interest in him, and was at that time in great repute with the Idumeans also: Out of which nation he married a wife, who was Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 405 the daughter of one of their 'eminent men, and her name was ^ Cypros, by whom he had four sons, Phasael, and Herod, who was afterwards made king, and Joseph, and Pheroras; and a daughter named Salome. This Antipater cultivated also a friendship and mutual kindness with other potentates but es- pecially with the king of Arabia, to whom he com- mitted his children, while he fought against Aris- tobulus. So Cassius removed his camp, and marched to Euphrates, to meet those that were coming to attack him, as hath been related by others. 4. But some time afterward, Ca?sar, when he had taken Rome, and after Pompey and the senate were fled beyond the Ionian sea, freed Aristobulus from his bonds, and resolved to send him into Syria, and delivered two legions to him, that he might see matters right, as being a potent man in that country: But Aristobulus had no enjoyment of what he hoped for from the power that was given him by Caesar, for those of Pompey's party prevented it, and de- stroyed him by poison, and those of Caesar's party buried him. His dead body also lay, for a good while, embalmed in honey, till Antony afterward sent it to Judea, and caused him to be buried in the royal sepulchre. But Scipio, upon Pompey's sending to him to slay Alexander, the son of Aris- tobulus, because the young man was accused of what offences he had been guilty of at first against the Romans, cut off his head; and thus did he die at Antioch. But Ptolemy, the son of Menneus, who was the ruler of Chalcis, under mount Libanus, took his brethren to him, and sent his son Philippion to Askelon to Aristobulus' wife, and desired her to ^ Dr. Hudson observes, that the name of this wife of Antipater's in Josephus was Cypras, as an Hebrew termination, Ijut not Cypris, the Greek name for Venus, as some critics were ready to correct it. 406 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. send back witli him her son Antigonus, and her daughters: The one of which, whose name was Alex- andra, Philippion fell in love with and married her, though afterward his father Ptolemy slew him, and married Alexandra, and continued to take care of her brethren. CHAPTER VIII. The Jews become confederates with Cccsar when he fought against Egypt. The glorious actions of Antipater, and his friendship with Ccesar, The honours which the Jews received from the Romans and Athenians. 1. Xow after Pompey was dead, and after that victory Caesar had gained over him, Antipater, who managed the Jewish affairs, became very useful to Caesar when he made war against Egypt, and that by the order of Hyrcanus: For when Mithridates of Pergamus was bringing his auxiliaries, and was not able to continue his march through Pelusium, l)ut obliged to stay at Askelon, Antipater came to him, conducting three thousand of the Jews, armed men: He had also taken care the principal men of the Arabians should come to his assistance; and on his account it was that all the Syrians assisted him also, as not willing to appear ])ehindliand in their alacrity for Caesar, viz. Jamblicus the ruler, and T'tolemv his son, and Tholomv the son of Sohemus. who dwelt at mount Lilianus, and almost all the cities. So ]\Iithridates marched out of Syria, and came to Pelusium; and when its inhabitants would not admit liini. he besieged the city. Xow Antip- Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. 407 ater signalized himself here, and was the first who plucked down a part of the wall, and so opened a way to the rest, whereby they might enter the city, and by this means Pelusium was taken: ])ut it hap- pened that the Egyptian Jews, who dwelt in the country called Onion, would not let Antipater and JNIithridates, with their soldiers, pass to Ca?sar, but Antipater persuaded them to come over to their party, because he was of the same j)eoj)le with them, and that chiefly by showing them the epistles of Hyrcanus the high priest, wherein he exhorted them to cultivate friendship with Ciusar, and to supply his army with money, and all sorts of provisions which they wanted: and accordingly, when they saw Antipater and the high priest of the same senti- ments, they did as they were desired. And when the Jews about Memphis heard that these Jews were come over to Cctsar, they also invited Mith- ridates to come to them; so he came and received them also into his army. 2. And when Mithridates had gone over all Delta, as the place is called, he came to a pitched battle with the enemy, near the place called the Jewish camp. Now Mithridates had the right wing, and Antipater the left; and when it came to a fight that wing w^here Mithridates was gave way, and was likely to suffer extremely, unless Antipater had come running to him with his own soldiers along the shore, when he had already beaten the enemy that opposed him: so he delivered Mithridates, and put those Egyptians, who had been too hard for him, to flight. He also took their camp, and con- tinued in the pursuit of them. He also recalled Mithridates, who had been worsted, and- was retired a great way ofl'; of whose soldiers eight hundred fell, but of Antipater's fifty. So Mithridates sei^t 408 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. an account of this battle to Caesar, and openly de- clared, that Antipater was the author of his victory, and of his own preservation, insomuch that Caesar commended Antipater then, and made use of him all the rest of that war in the most hazardous under- takings; he hajjpened also to be wounded in one of those engagements. 3. However, when Caesar, after some time, had finished that war, and was sailed away for Syria, he honoured Antipater greatly, and confirmed Hyrcanus in the high priesthood; and bestowed on Antipater the privilege of a citizen of Rome, and a freedom from taxes every where: and it is reported by many, that Hyrcanus went along with Antipater in this expedition, and came himself into Egypt. And Strabo of Cappadocia bears witness to this, when he says thus, in the name of Asinius: "After Mithridates had invaded Egypt, and with him Hyrcanus the high priest of the Jews." Nay, the same Strabo says thus again, in another place, in the name of Hyp- sicrates, that "Mithridates at first went out alone, but that Antipater, who liad the care of the Jewish affairs, was called by him to Askelon, and that he had gotten ready three thousand soldiers to go along with him, and encouraged other governors of the country to go along with him also; and that Hyrcanus the high priest was also present in this expedition." This is what Strabo says. 4. But Antigonus, the son of Aristobulus, came at this time to Caesar, and "lamented his father's fate: and complained that it was by Antipater's means that Aristobulus was taken off by poison, and his brother was beheaded by Scipio, and desired that he would take ])ity of him who had been ejected out of that principality which was due to him." He also accused Hyrcanus and Antipater as governing Chap. VIII. OF THE JEWS. 409 the nation by violence, and offering injuries to him. Antipater was present, and made his defence as to the accusations that were laid against him. He demonstrated, that "Antigonus and his party were given to innovation, and were seditious persons. He also put Cfesar in mind what difficult services he had undergone, when he assisted him in his wars, and discoursed about what he was a witness of himself. He added, that Aristobulus was justly carried away to Rome, as one that was an enemy to the Romans, and could never be brought to be a friend to them, and that his brother had no more than he deserved from Scipio, as being seized in committing robberies; and that this punishment was not inflicted on him in a way of violence or injustice by him that did it." 5. When Antipater had made this speech, C^sar appointed Hyrcanus to be high priest; and gave Antipater what principality he himself should choose, leaving the determination to himself: So he made him procurator of Judea. He also gave Hyrcanus leave to raise up the walls of his own city, upon his asking that favour of him, for they had been demol- ished by Pompey. And this grant he sent to the consuls to Rome, to be engraven in the capitol. The ^ decree of the senate was this that follows: "Lucius Valerius, the son of Lucius the pretor, referred this to the senate, upon the ides of December, in the * Take Dr. Hudson's note upon this place, which T suppose to be the truth: "Here is some mistake in Josephus: for when he had promised us a decree for the restoration of Jerusalem, he brings in a decree of far greater antiquity, and that a league of friendship and union only. One may easily believe that Josephus gave order for one thing, and his amanuensis performed another, by transposing decrees that con- cerned the Hyrcani, and as deluded by the sameness of their names, for that belongs to the first high priest of this name, (John Hyrcanus,) which Josephus here ascribes to one that lived later, (Hyrcanus the son of Alexander Janneus.) However, the decree which he proposes to set down follows a little lower, in the collection of Roman decrees, that concerned the Jews, and is that dated when Caesar was consul the fifth time." See ch. x. sect. 5. no ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. temple of Concord. There were present at the writ- ing of this decree Lucius Coponius, the son of Lu- cius of the Colline tribe, and Pepirius of the Quirine tribe, concerning the affairs v/hich Alexander the son of Jason, and Xumenius the son of Antiochus, and Alexander the son of Dositheus, ambassadors of the Jews, good and worthj^ men, proposed, who came to renew that league of good-will and friendship) with the Romans which was in being before. They also brought a shield of gold, as a mark of con- federacy, valued at fifty thousand pieces of gold; and desired that letters might be given them, directed ])oth to the free cities and to the kings, that their country and their havens might be at peace, and that no one among them might receive any injury. It therefore pleased [the senate] to make a league of friendship and good-will with them, and to bestow on them whatsoever they stood in need of, and to accept of the shield which was brought by them. This was done in the ninth year of Hvrcanus the high priest and ethnarch, in the month Panemus." Hyrcanus also received honours from the people of Athens, as having been useful to them on many occasions. And when thev wrote to him thev sent him this decree, as it here follows: "Under the Pru- taneia and priesthood of Dionysius, the son of Escu- lapius, on the fifth day of the latter part of the month Panemus, this decree of the Athenians was given to their commanders, when Agathocles was archon, and Eucles, the son of IVIenander of Alimusia, was the scribe. In the month jNIunvchion, on the eleventh day of the Prutaneia, a council of the presidents was held in the theatre. Dorotheus the high priest, and the fellow presidents with him, put it to the vote of the people. Dionysius, the son of Dionysius, gave the sentence; Since Hyrcanus, the Chap. Tin. OF THE JEWS. 411 son of Alexander, the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, continues to bear good- will to our people in general, and to every one of our citizens in par- ticular, and treats them with all sorts of kindness; and when any of the Athenians come to him, either as . ambassadors, or on any occasion of their own, he receives them in an ^obliging manner, and sees that thev are conducted back in safety, of which we have had several former testimonies, it is now also decreed, at the report of Theodosius, the son of Theodorus, and upon his putting the peoj)le in mind of the virtue of this man, and that his purpose is to do us all the good that is in his power, to honour him with a crown of gold, the usual reward accord- ing to the law, and to erect his statue in brass in the temple of Demus, and of the graces; and that this present of a crown shall be jDroclaimed publicly in the theatre, in the Dionysian shows, while the new tragedies are acting; and in the Panathenean, and Eleusinian, and Gymnical shows also; and that the commanders shall take care, while he continues in his friendship, and preserves his good-will to us, to return all possible honour and favour to the man for his affection and generosity; that by this treat- ment it may appear how our people receive the good kindly; and repay them a suitable reward; and he may be induced to proceed in his affection towards us, by the honours we have already paid him. That ambassadors be also chosen out of all the Athenians, who shall carry this decree to him, and desire him to accept of the honours we do him, and to endeavour always to be doing some good to our city." And this shall suffice us to have spoken as to the honours that were paid by the Romans and the people of Athens to Hyrcanus. 412 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. CHAPTER IX. HoxD Antipater committed the care of Galilee to Herodj, and that of Jerusalem to Phasaelus; as also, how Herod, upon the Jews' envy at A^itipater, was accused before Hyrcanus. 1. NoAV when Caesar had settled the affairs of Syria, he sailed away; And as soon as Antipater had conducted Caesar out of Syria, he returned to Judea. He then immediately raised up the wall which had been thrown down by Pompey and, by coming thither, he pacified that tumult which had been in the country; and this by both threatening and advising them to be (j[uiet: For that "If they would be of Hyrcanus' side, they would live happily, and lead their lives without disturbance, in the en- joyment of their own possessions; but if they were addicted to the hopes of what might come by inno- vation, and aimed to get wealth thereby, they should have him a severe master, instead of a gentle gov- ernor, and Hyrcanus a tyrant, instead of a king, and the Romans, together with Caesar, their bit- ter enemies, instead of rulers, for that they would never bear him to be set aside whom they had ap- pointed to govern." And when Antipater had said this to them, he himself settled the affairs of this country. 2. And seeing that Hyrcanus was of a slow and slothfid temper, he made Phasaelus, his eldest son, governor of Jerusalem, and of the places that were about it, but committed Galilee to Herod, his next son, who was then a very young man, for he was Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 413 but ^ fifteen years of age: But that youth of his was no impediment to him; but as he was a youth of great mind, he presently met with an opportunity of signahzing his courage; for finding that there was one Hezekias, a captain of a band of robbers, who overran the neighbouring parts of Syria, with a great troop of them, he seized him, and slew him, as well as a great number of the other robbers that were with him; for which action he was greatly beloved by the Syrians; for when they were very desirous to have their country freed from this nest of robbers, he purged it of them: So thej^ sung songs in his commendation, in their villages and cities, as having procured them peace, and the secure enjoyment of their possessions, and on this account it was that he became known to Sextus Caesar, who was a relation of the great Caesar's, and was now president of Syria. Now Phasaelus, Herod's brother, was moved with emulation at his actions, and envied the fame he had thereby gotten, and became am- bitious not to be behindhand with him in deserving it: So he made the inhabitants of Jerusalem bear him the greatest good-will, while he held the city himself, but did neither manage its affairs im- properly, nor abuse his authority therein. This con- duct procured from the nation to Antipater such resj^ect as is due to kings, and such honours as he might partake of if he were an absolute lord of the country. Yet did not this splendour of his, as frequently happens, in the least diminish in him ^ Those who will carefully observe the several occasional numbers and chronological characters in the life and death of this Herod, and of his children, hereafter noted, will see, that tv-enty-five years, and not fifteen, must for certain have been here Jose])hus' own number for the age of Herod, when he was made governor of Galilee. See ch. xxiii. sect. 5, and ch. xxiv. sect. 7, and particularly Antiq. B. XVII. ch. viii. sect. 1. Vol. III. where about 44 years afterwards Herod dies an old man at about 70. 4U ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. that kindness and fidelity whicli he owed to Hyrcanus. 3. But now the j^rincipal men among the Jews, when they saw Antipater and his sons to grow so much in the good-will the nation bare to them, and in the revenues which they received out of Judea, and out of Hyrcanus' own wealth, they became ill disposed to him: for indeed Antipater had contracted a friendship with the Roman emperors: and when he had prevailed with Hyrcanus to send them money, he took it to himself, and purloined the present in- tended, and sent it as if it were his own, and not Hyrcanus' gift to them. Hyrcanus heard of this his management, but took no care about it: nay, he rather was very glad of it: But the chief men of the Jews were therefore in fear, because they saw that Herod was a violent and bold man, and very desirous of acting tyrannically; so they came to Hyrcanus, and now accused Antipater openly, and said to him, "How long wilt thou be quiet under such actions as are now done? Or doest thou not see that Antipater and his sons have already seized upon the government? And that it is only the name of a king which is given thee? But do not thou suffer these things to be hidden from thee; nor do thou think to escape danger, by being so careless of thyself and of thy kingdom, for Antipater and his sons are not now stewards of thine affairs: do not thou deceive thyself with such a notion, they are evidently absolute lords, for Herod, Antipater's son, hath slain Hezekiah and those that were with him, and hath thereby transgressed our law, which hath forbidden to slaj'^ any man, even though he were a wicked man, imless he had been first ^ con- * It is here worth our wliile to remark, that none could be put to death in Judea, but by the approl)ati«n of the Jewish sanhedrim, there beinf^ an excellent provision in the law of Moses, that even in criminal Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 415 demned to suffer death by the sanhedrim; yet liath he been so insolent as to do this, and that without any authority from thee." 4. Upon Hyrcanus' hearing this, he comphed with them. The mothers also of those that had been slain by Herod raised this indignation; for those women continued every day in the temple, persuading the king and the people, that Herod might undergo a trial before the sanhedrim for what he had done. H;^Tcanus was so moved by these complaints, that he summoned Herod to come to his trial, for what was charged upon him. Accord- ingly he came: but his father had persuaded him to come not like a private man, but with a guard, for the security of his person; and that when he had settled the affairs of Galilee in the best manner he could for his own advantage, he should come to his trial, but still with a body of men sufficient for his security on his journey, yet so that he should not come Avith so great a force as might look like terrifying Hyrcanus, but still such a one as might not expose him naked and imguarded [to his en- emies.] However, Sextus Caesar, president of Syria, wrote to Hyrcanus, and desired him to clear Herod, and dismiss him at his trial, and threatened him beforehand, if he did not do it. Which epistle of his was the occasion of Hp-canus' delivering Herod from suffering any harm from the sanhedrim, fol' he loved him as his own son. But when Herod stood before the sanhedrim with his body of men about him, he affrighted them all, and no one of his former accusers durst after that bring any charge against him, but there was a deep silence, and nobody knew causes, and particularly where life was concerned, an appeal should lie from the lesser councils of seven in the other cities, to the supreme council of seventv-one at Jerusalem. 416 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. what was to be done. When affairs stood thus, one whose name was ^ Semeas, a righteous man he was, and for that reason above all fear, who rose up, and said, "O you that are assessors with me, and O thou that art our king, I neither have ever myself known such a case, nor do I suppose that any of you can name its parallel, that one who is called to take his trial by us ever stood in such a manner before us; but every one whosoever he be, that comes to be tried by this sanhedrim, presents himself in a sub- missive manner, and like one that is in fear of him- self, and that endeavours to move us to compassion, with his hair dishevelled, and in a black mourning garment: but this admirable man Herod, who is accused of murder, and called to answer so heavy an accusation, stands here clothed in purple, and with the hair of his head finely trimmed, and with his armed men about him, that if we shall condemn him by our law, he may slay us, and by overbearing justice, may himself escape death. Yet do not I make this complaint against Herod himself: he is to be sure more concerned for himself than for the laws; but my complaint is against yourselves, and your king, who gave him a license so to do. How- ever, take you notice, that God is great, and that this very man, whom you are going to absolve and dismiss, for the sake of Hyrcanus, will one day punish both you and your king himself also." Nor did Semeas mistake in any part of this prediction; for when Herod had received the kingdom, he slew all the members of this sanliedrim, and Hyrcanus himself also, excepting Semeas, for he had a great honour for him on account of his righteousness, and because, when the city was afterwards besieged by * This account, as Reland observes, is confirmed by the Talmudists, who call this Semeas, Simeon the son of Shetach. Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 417 Herod and Sosius, he persuaded the people to admit Herod into it; and told them, "That for their sins they would not be able to escape his hands." Which things will be related by us in their proper places. 5. But when Hyrcanus saw that the members of the sanhedrim were ready to pronounce the sentence of death upon Herod, he put off the trial to another day, and sent privately to Herod, and advised him to fly out of the city, for that by this means he might escape. So he retired to Damascus, as though he fled from the king: and when he had been with Sextus Caesar, and had put his own affairs in a sure posture, he resolved to do thus, that in case he were again summoned before the sanhedrim to take his trial, he would not obey tliat summons. Hereupon the members of the sanhedrim had great indignation at this posture of affairs, and endeavoured to persuade Hyrcanus that all these things were against him. Which sta.te of matters he was not ignorant of, but his temper was so unmanly, and so foolish, that he was able to do nothing at all. But when Sextus had made Herod general of the army of Coelesp-ia, for he sold him that post for money, Hyrcanus was in fear lest Herod should make war upon him: nor was the effect of what he feared long in coming upon him, for Herod came and brouglit an army along with him, to fight with Hyrcanus, as being angry at the trial he had been summoned to undergo before the sanhedrim, but his father Antipater, and his brother [Phasaelus,] met him and hindered him from assaulting Jerusalem. They also pacified his vehement temper, and per- suaded him to do no overt action, but only to affright them with threatenings, and to proceed no farther against one who had given him the dignity he had: they also desired him not only to be angry that he 4,18 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. was siinimoned, and obliged to come to his trial, but to remember withal, how he was dismissed without condemnation, and how he ought to give Hyrcanus thanks for the same, and that he was not to regard only what was disagreeable to him, and be unthank- ful for his deliverance. So they desired him to con- sider, that since it is God that turns the scales of war, there is great uncertainty in the issues of battles, and that therefore he ought not to exjiect the victory, when he should fight with his king, and him that had supported him, and bestowed many benefits upon him, and had done nothing itself very severe to him; for that his accusation, which was derived from evil counsellors, and not from himself, had rather the suspicion of some severity, than any thing really severe in it. Herod was persuaded by these argu- ments, and believed that it was sufficient for his fu- ture hopes to have made a show of his strength before the nation; and done no more to it: And in this state were the affairs of Judea at this time. CHAPTER X. The honours that were paid the Jews; and the leagues that were made by the Romans,, and other nations^, with them. 1. Now when Csesar was come to Rome, he was ready to sail into Africa to fight against Scipio and Cato, when Hyrcanus sent ambassadors to him, and by them desired that he would ratify that league of friendship and mutual alliance which was between them. And it seems to me to be necessary here to give an account of all the honours that the Romans Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 419 and their emperors paid to our nation, and of the leagues of mutual assistance they have made with it, that all the rest of mankind may know what regard the kings of Asia and Europe have had to us, and that they have been abundantly satisfied of our courage and fidelity; for, whereas many will not believe what hath been written about us by the Persians and JVIacedonians, because those wi-itings are not every where to be met with, nor do lie in public places, but among us ourselves, and certain other barbarous nations, while there is no contra- diction to be made against the decrees of the Romans, for they are laid up in the public places of the cities, and are extant still in the capitol, and engraven upon pillars of brass; nay, besides this, Julius C^sar made a pillar of brass for the Jews at Alexandria, and declared publicly that they were citizens of Alexandria. Out of these evidences will I demon- strate what I say; and will now set down the decrees made both by the senate, and by Julius Caesar, which relate to Hyrcanus, and to our nation. 2. "Caius Juhus Cfesar, imperator and high priest, and dictator the second time, to the magistrates, senate, and people of Sidon, sendeth greeting: if you be in health, it is well. I also and the army are well. I have sent you a copy of that decree, registered on the tables, which concerns Hyrcanus, the son of Alexander, the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, that it may be laid up among the public records; and I will that it be openly proposed in a table of brass, both in Greek, and in Latin: It is as follows: I Julius Ctesar, imperator the second time, and high priest, have made this decree, with the approbation of the senate: Whereas Hyrcanus, the son of Alexander the Jew, hath demonstrated his fidelity and diligence about our affairs, and this 420 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. both now and in former times, both in peace and in war, as many of our generals have borne witness, and came to our assistance in the last ^ Alexandrian war with fifteen hundred soldiers; and when he was sent by me to Mithridates, showed himself superior in valour to all the rest of that army: for these reasons I will, that Hyrcanus the son of Alexander, and his children, be ethnarchs of the Jews, and have the high jjriesthood of the Jews for ever, according to the customs of their forefathers, and that he and his sons be our confederates, and that besides this, every one of them be reckoned among our particular friends. I also ordain, that he and his children retain whatsoever privileges belong to the office of high priest, or whatsoever favours have been hitherto granted them. And if at any time hereafter there arise any questions about the Jewish customs, I will that he determine the same. And I think it not proper that they should be obliged to find us winter quarters, or that any money should be required of them." 3. "The decrees of Caius C«sar, consul, contain- ing what hath been granted and determined, are as follows: That Hyrcanus and his children bear rule over the nation of the Jews, and have the profits of the places to them bequeathed: and that he, as himself the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, defend those that are injured. And that ambas- sadors be sent to Hyrcanus the son of Alexander, the high priest of the Jews, that may discourse with him about a league of friendship and mutual assist- ance, and tliat a table of brass, containing the ^ That Hyrcanus was himself in Egypt, along with Antipater, at tliis time, to whom accordingly the bold and prudent actions of his deputy Antipater are here ascribed, as tiiis decree of Julius Caesar sup- poses, we are farther assured by the testimony of Strabo, already pro- duced by Josephus, ch. viii. sect. 2. Chap. x. OF THE JEWS. 421 premises, be openly proposed in the capitol, and at Sidon and Tyre, and Askelon, and in the temple, engraven in Roman and Greek letters: that this decree may also be communicated to the questors and pretors of the several cities, and to the friends of the Jews: and that the ambassadors may have presents made them, that these decrees be sent every where." 4. "Caius Caesar, imperator, dictator, consul, hath granted. That out of regard to the honour and virtue, and kindness of the man; and for the advantage of the senate, and of the people of Rome, Hyrcanus, the son of Alexander, both he and his children, be high priests and priests of Jerusalem, and of the Jewish nation, by the same right, and according to the same laws, by which their progenitors have held the priesthood." 5. "Caius Caesar, consul the fifth time, hath de- creed, That the Jews shall possess Jerusalem, and may encompass that city with walls; and that Hyr- canus, the son of Alexander, the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, retain in the manner he him- self pleases; and that the Jews be allowed to deduct out of their tribute every second year the land in let [in the Sabbatic period] a corous of that tribute, and that the tribute they pay be not let to farm, nor that they pay always the same tribute." 6. "Caius Ca?sar, imperator the second time, hath ordained, That all the country of the Jews, excepting Joppa, do pay a tribute yearly for the city Jeru- salem, excepting the seventh; which they call the Sabbatical year, because thereon they neither receive the fruits of their trees, nor do they sow their land; and that they pay their tribute in Sidon on the second year [of that Sabbatical period,] the fourth part of what was sown: and besides this, they are 422 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. to pay the same tithes to HjTcanus and his sons, which they paid to their forefathers. And that no one, neither president, nor heutenant, nor ambas- sador, raise auxiharies within the bomids of Judea, nor my soldiers exact money of them for winter quarters, or under any other pretence, but that they be free from all sorts of injuries: and that w^hatso- ever they shall hereafter have, and are in possession of, or have bought, they shall retain them all. It is also our pleasure, that the city Joppa, which the Jews had originally, when they made a league of friendship with the Romans, shall belong to them, as it formerly did, and that HjTcanus, the son of Alexander, and his sons have as tribute of that city from those that occupy the land for the country, and for what they exj^ort every year to Sidon, twenty thousand, six hundred, and seventy-five modii every year, the seventh year, which they call the Sabbatic year, excejDted, whereon they neither j^ lough nor receive the product of their trees. It is also the pleasure of the senate, that as to the villages which are in the great plain, which Hyrcanus and his fore- fathers formerly possessed, Hyrcanus and the Jews have them with the same privileges with which they formerly had them also, and that the same original ordinances remain still in force, which concern the Jews, with regard to their high priests; and that they enjoy the same benefits M'hich they have had formerly by the concession of the peo2:)le, and of the senate; and let them enjoy the like privileges in Lydda. It is the pleasure also of the senate, that Hyrcanus the ethnarch, and the Jews, retain those places, countries and villages, which belonged to the kings of S}Tia and Phenicia, the confederates of the Romans, and which they had bestowed on them as their free gifts. It is also granted to Hyrcanus, Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 423 and to his sons, and to the ambassadors by them sent to us, that in the fights between single gladiators, and in those with beasts, they shall sit among the senators to see those shows, and that when they desire an audience, they shall be introduced into the senate by the dictator, or by the general of the horse; and when they have introduced them, their answers shall be returned them in ten days at the farthest, after the decree of the senate is made about their affairs." 7. "Caius Ca?sar, imperator, dictator the fourth time, and consul the fifth time, declared to be per- petual dictator, made this speech concerning the rights and privileges of Hyrcanus the son of Alex- ander, the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews. Since those ^ imperators that have been in the prov- inces before me have borne witness to Hyrcanus, the high priest of the Jews, and to the Jews them- selves, and this before the senate and jDCople of Rome, when the people and senate returned their thanks to them, it is good that we now also remember the same, and provide that a requital be made to Hyr- canus, to the nation of the Jews, and to the sons of H>Tcanus, by the senate and people of Rome, and that suitably to what good-will they have shown us, and to the benefits they have bestowed upon us." 8. "Julius Caius, pretor [consul] of Rome, to the magistrates, senate, and people of the Parians, sendeth greeting. The Jews of Delos, and some other Jews that sojourn there, in the presence of your ambassadors, signified to us, that by a decree of yours, you forbid them to make use of the cus- * Dr. Hudson justly supposes, that the Roman imperators, or gen- erals of armies, meant both here, and sect. 2, who gave testimony to Hyrcanus' and the Jews' faithfulness and good-will to the Romans before the senate and people of Rome, were principally, Pompey, Scaurus, and Gabinius; of all whom Josephus had already given us the history so far as the Jews were concerned with them, 424 ANTIQUITIES Book xiy. toms of their forefathers, and their way of sacred worship. Xow it does not please me, that such decrees should be made against our friends and con- federates, whereby they are forbidden to live accord- ing to their own customs, or to bring in contributions, for common suppers, and holy festivals, while they are not forbidden so to do even at Rome itself; for even Caius Casar, our imperator, and consul, in that decree wherein he forbade the Bacchanal rioters to meet in the city, did yet permit these Jews, and these only, both to bring in their contributions, and to make their common suppers. Accordingly, when I forbid other Bacchanal rioters, I permit these Jews to gather themselves together, according to the cus- toms and laws of their forefathers, and to persist therein. It will be therefore good for you, that if you have made any decree against these our friends and confederates, to abrogate the same, by reason of their virtue, and kind disposition towards us." 9. Xow after Caius was slain, when Marcus An- tonius and Publius Dolabella were consuls, they both assembled the senate and introduced Hyrcanus' ambassadors into it, and discoursed of what they desired, and made a league of friendship with them. The senate also decreed, to grant them all they desired. I add the decree itself, that those who read the present work, may have ready by them a demonstration of the truth of what we say: the decree was this: 10. "The decree of the senate, copied out of the treasury, from the public tables belonging to the questors, when Quintus Rutilius and Caius Cornelius were questors, and taken out of the second table of the first class, on the third day before the ides of April, in the temple of Concord. There were present at the writing of this decree, Lucius Cul- Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 425 purnius Piso of the Menenian tribe, Servius Pa- pinias Potitus of the Lenionian tribe, Caius Caninius Rebilius of the Terentine tribe, Pubhus Tidetius, Lucius Aj)ulinus, the son of Lucius, of the Sergian tribe, Flavius, the son of Lucius, of the Lemonian tribe, Pubhus Platius, the son of Pubhus, of the PapjTian tribe, ]Marcus Acihus, the son of Marcus, of the Mecian tribe, Lucius Erucius, the son of Lu- cius, of the Stellatine tribe, Marcus Quintius Plan- cillus, the son of JNIarcus, of the PoUian tribe, and Pubhus Serins. Pubhus Dolabella and Marcus An- tonius, the consuls, made this reference to the senate, that as to those things which by the decree of the senate, Caius Csesar had adjudged about the Jews, and yet had not hitherto that decree brought into the treasury, it is our will, as it is also the desire of Publius Dolabella and Marcus Antonius, our consuls, to have these decrees j)ut into the public tables, and brought to the city questors, that they may take care to have them put upon the double tables. This was done before the fifth of the ides of February, in the temple of Concord. Now the ambassadors from H^^•canus the high priest M'ere these, Lysimachus the son of Pausanius, Alexander the son of Theodorus, Patroculus the son of Cheras, and Jonathan the son of Onias." 11. Hyi'canus sent also one of these ambassadors to Dolabella, who was then the prefect of Asia, and desired him to dismiss the Jews from military serv- ices, and to preserve to them the customs of their forefathers, and to permit them to live according to them. And when Dolabella had received Hyr- canus' letter, without any farther deliberation, he sent an epistle to all the Asiatics, and particularly to the city of the Epliesians, the metropolis of Asia, about the Jews, a copy of which epistle here follows: 426 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. 12. "When Artemon was prytanis, on the first day of the month Leneon, Dolabella, imperator, to the senate, and magistrates, and people of the Eij)hesians, sendeth greeting: Alexander, the son of Theodorus, the ambassador of Hyrcanus, the son of Alexander the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, appeared before me, to show that his country- men could not go into their armies, because they are not allowed to bear arms, or to travel on the Sabbath days, nor there to procure themselves those sorts of food which they have been used to eat from the times of their forefathers; I do therefore grant them a freedom, from going into the army, as the former prefects have done, and permit them to use the customs of their forefathers, in assembling to- gether for sacred and religious purposes, as their law requires, and for collecting oblations necessary for sacrifices: and my will is, that you write this to the several cities under your jurisdiction." 13. And these were the concessions that Dola- bella made to our nation when Hyrcanus sent an embassage to him. But Lucius the consul's decree ran thus: "I have at my tribunal set these Jews, who are citizens of Rome, and follow the Jewish religious rites, and yet live at Ephesus, free from going into the army, on account of the superstition they are under. This was done before the twelfth of the calends of October, when Lucius Lentullus and Caius Marcellus, were consuls, of the presence of Titus Appius Balgus, the son of Titus, and lieu- tenant of the Horatian tribe, of Titus Tongius, the son of Titus of the Crustamine tribe, of Quintus Resius, the son of Quintus, of Titus Pompius Longinus, the son of Titus, of Caius Servillius, the son of Caius of the Tcrentine tribe, of Bracchus the military tribune, of Publius Lucius Gallus, the son Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 427 of Publius of the Vetiirian tribe, of Caius Sentius, the son of Caius of the Sabbatine tribe, of Titus Attihus Bulbus, the son of Titus, heutenant and vice- pretor, to the magistrates, senate, and people of the Ephesians, sendeth greeting: Lucius Lentullus the consul freed the Jews that are in Asia from going into the armies at my intercession for them. And when I had made the same petition sometime afterward to Phanius the imperator, and to Lucius Antonius the vice-questor, I obtained that privilege of them also; and my will is, that you take care that no one give them any disturbance." 14. The decree of the Delians. "The answer of the pretors, when Beotus was archon, on the twentieth day of the month Thargeleon, while Marcus Piso the lieutenant lived in our city, who was also ap- pointed over the choice of the soldiers, he called us, and many other of the citizens, and gave order, that if there be here any Jews, who are Roman citizens, no one is to give them any disturbance about going into the army, because Cornelius Lentullus, the consul, freed the Jews from going into the army, on account of the superstition they are under; you are therefore obliged to submit to the pretor." And the like de- cree was made by the Sardians about us also. 15. "Caius Phanius, the son of Caius, imperator and consul, to the magistrates of Cos, sendeth greet- ing: I would have you know that the ambassadors of the Jews have been with me, and desired they might have those decrees which the senate had made about them; which decrees are here subjoined. My will is, that you have a regard to, and take care of these men, according to the senate's decree, that they may be safely conveyed home through yom- country." 16. The declaration of Lucius I^entullus the con- sul: "I have dismissed those Jews who are Roman 428 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. citizens, and who appear to me to have their rehgious rites, and to observe the laws of the Jews at Ephesus, on account of the superstition they are under. This act was done before the thirteenth of the calends of October." 17. "Lucius Antonius, the son of Marcus, vice- questor, and vice-pretor, to the magistrates, senate, and people of the Sardians, sendeth greeting: those Jews that are our fellow-citizens of Rome, came to me, and demonstrated that they had an assembly of their ov,m, according to the laws of their fore- fathers, and this from the beginning, as also a place of their own, wherein thev determined their suits and controversies with one another: Upon their pe- tition therefore to me, that these might be lawful for them, I gave order that these their privileges be preserved, and they be permitted to do accordingly." 18. The declaration of Marcus Publius, the son of Spurius, and of Marcus, the son of Marcus, and of Lucius, the son of Publius: "We went to the pro- consul, and informed him of what Dositheus, the son of Cleopatrida of Alexandria desired, that, if he thought good, he would dismiss those Jews who were Roman citizens, and were wont to observe the rites of the Jewish religion, on account of the super- stition they were under. Accordingly, he did dismiss them. This was done before the thirteenth of .the calends of October." 19. "In the month Quintilis, when Lucius Len- tullus and Caius JNIarcellus were consuls; and there were present Titus Appius Bulbus, the son of Titus, lieutenant of the Horatian tribe, Titus Tongius of the Crustamine tribe, Quintus Resius, the son of Quintus, Titus Pompeius, the son of Titus Cornelius Longinus, Caius Servilius Bracchus, the son of Caius, a military tribune, of the Terentine tribe, Publius Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 429 Cliisius Gallus, the son of Publiiis, of the Veturian tribe, Cains Teiitiiis, the son of Cains, a mihtary tribune, of the Emihan tribe, Sextus Atihus Ser- ranus, the son of Sextns, of the Esquihne tribe, Cains Pompeius, the son of Cains, of the Sabbatine tribe, Titns Appins Menander, the son of Titns, Pubhns Servihus Strabo, the son of Pubhns, Lucius Paccins Capito, the son of Lucius, of the CoUine tribe, Aulus Furins Tertius, the son of Aulus, and Appius JNIenas. In the presence of these it was that Lentullus pronounced this decree: I have before the tribunal dismissed those Jews that are Roman citizens, and are accustomed to observe the sacred rites of the Jews at Ephesus, on account of the superstition they are under." 20. "The magistrates of the Laodiceans to Cains Rubihus, the son of Caius, the consul, sendeth greet- ing: Sopater the ambassador of Hyrcanus, the high priest, hath delivered us an epistle from thee, whereby he lets us know, that certain ambassadors were come from Hyrcanus, the high priest of the Jews, and brought an epistle written concerning their nation, wherein they desire that the Jews may be allowed to observe their Sabbaths, and other sacred rites, according to the laws of their forefathers, and that they may be under no command, because they are cur friends and confederates, and that nobody may injure them in our provinces. Now although the Trallians there present contradicted them, and were not pleased with these decrees, yet didst thou give order that they should be observed, and informedst us that thou hadst been desired to write this to us about them. We therefore, in obedience to the in- junctions we have received from thee, have received the epistle which thou sentest us, and have laid it up by itself among our public records. And as to 430 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. the other things about which thou didst send to us, we will take care that no complaint be made against us." 21. "Publius Servillius, the son of Publius, of the Galban tribe, the proconsul to the magistrates' senate, and people of the Milesians, sendeth greeting: Prytanes, the son of Hermes, a citizen of yours, came to me when I was at Tralles, and held a court there, and informed me that you used the Jews in a way different from my opinion, and forbade them to celebrate their Sabbaths, and to perform the sacred rites received from their forefathers, and to manage the fruits of the land, according to their- ancient custom, and that he had himself been the j)romulger of your decree, according as your laws require: I would therefore have you know, that upon hearing the pleadings on both sides, I gave sentence that the Jews should not be prohibited to make use of their own customs." 22. The decree of those of Pergamus. When Cratippus was prytanis, on the first day of the month Desius, the decree of the pretors was this: "Since the Romans, following the conduct of their ancestors, undertake dangers for the common safety of all mankind, and are ambitious to settle their confederates and friends in hapjiiness, and in firm peace; and since the nation of the Jews, and their high priest Hyrcanus, sent as ambassadors to them, Strato, the son of Theodatus, and Apollonius, the son of Alexander, and Eneas, the son of Antipater, and Aristobulus, the son of Amyntus, and Sosipater, the son of Philip, worthy and good men, who gave a particular account of their affairs, the senate there- upon made a decree about what they had desired of them, that Antiochus the king, the son of Antiochus, should do no injury to the Jews, the confederates of the Romans; and that the fortresses, and the Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 431 havens, and the country, and whatsoever else he had taken from them should be restored to them; and that it may be lawful for them to export their goods out of their own havens; and that no king nor people may have leave to export any goods, either out of the country of Judea, or out of their havens, with- out paying customs, but only Ptolemy the king of Alexandria, because he is our confederate and friend; and that according to their desire, the garrison that is in Joppa may be ejected. Now Lucius Petius, one of our senators, a worthy and good man, gave order that we should take care that these things should be done according to the senate's decree; and that we should take care also that their ambassadors might return home in safety. Accordingly, we ad- mitted Theodorus into our senate and assembly, and took the epistle out of his hands, as well as the decree of the senate; And as he discoursed with great zeal about the Jews, and described Hvrcanus' virtue and generosity, and how he was a benefactor to all men in common, and particularly to every body that comes to him, we laid up the epistle in our public records; and made a decree ourselves, that since we also are in confederacy with the Romans, we would do every thing we could for the Jews, according to he senate's decree. Theodorus also, who brought the epistle, desired of our pretors, that they would send Hyrcanus a copy of that decree, as also am- bassadors to signify to him the affection of our people to him, and to exhort them to preserve and augment their friendship for us, and be ready to bestow other benefits upon us, as justly expecting to receive proper requitals from us: and desiring them to remem])er that our ^ ancestors were friendly ^ We have here a most remarkable and authentic attestation of the citizens of Pergamus, that Abraham Mas the father of ail the Hebrews; 432 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. to the Jews even in the days of Abraham, who was the father of all the Hebrews, as we have [also] found it set down in our public records." 23. The decree of those of Helicarnasus. When Memnon the son of Oristidas by descent, but by adoj^tion of Eunonymus, was priest, on the * * * day of the month Aristerion, the decree of the people, upon the representation of Marcus Alexander, was this: "Since we have ever a great regard to piety towards God, and to holiness, and since we aim to follow the people of the Romans, who are the bene- factors of all men, and what thev have written to us about a league of friendship and mutual assistance between the Jews and our citv, and that their sacred a. ■' offices, and accustomed festivals and assemblies may be observed by them, we have decreed, that as many men and women of the Jews as are willing so to do, may celebrate their Sabbaths, and perform their holy offices, according to the Jewish laws: and may make their proseuchtC at the seaside, according to the customs of their forefathers; and if any one, whether he be a magistrate or private person, hindereth them from so doing, he shall be liable to a fine, to be applied to the uses of the city." 24. The decree of the Sardians. This decree was made by the senate and people, upon the representa- that their own ancestors were, in the oldest time, the friends of those Hebrews; and that the public acts of their city, then extant, confirmed the same; which evidence is too strong to be evaded by our present ignorance of the particular occasion of such ancient friendship and alliance between those people. See the like full evidence of the kindred of the Lacedemonians and tlie Jews; and that because they were both tlie posterity of Alirahani, by a public epistle of those people to the Jews, preserved in the first l)ook of Maccabees, xii. 19-33, and thence by Josephus, Antiq. B. XII. ch. iv. sect. 10, both which authentic records are highly valuable. It is also well worthy of observation, what Moses Chorenensis, the principal Armenian historian, informs us of, p. 83, that Arsaces, who raised the I'nrthian Enijjire, was of the seed of Abraham by Chetura, and that thereby was accomplished that prediction which said, "Kings of nations shall proceed from thee," Gen. xvii. 6. Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. . 433 tion of the pretors: "Whereas those Jews, who are our fellow-citizens, and live with us in this city, have ever had great benefits heaped upon them by the people, and have come now into the senate, and desired of the people that upon the restitution of their law and their liberty, by the senate and people of Rome, they may assemble together, according to their ancient legal custom, and that we will not bring any suit against them about it; and that a place may be given them where they may have their congregations, with their wives and children, and may offer, as did their forefathers, their prayers and sacrifices to God; now the senate and people have decreed to permit them to assemble together on the days formerly appointed, and to act according to their own laws; and that such a place be set apart for them by the pretors, for the building and in- habiting the same, as they shall esteem fit for that purpose. And that those that take care of the pro- visions for the city, shall take care that such sorts of food as they esteem fit for their eating, may be imported into the city." 25. The decree of the Ephesians. When Men- ophilus was prytanis, on the first day of the month Artemisius, this decree was made by the people: "Nicanor, the son of Euphemius, pronounced it, upon the representation of the pretors. Since the Jews that dwell in this city have petitioned Marcus Julius Pompeius, the son of Brutus, the proconsul, that they might be allowed to observe their Sabbaths, and to act in all things according to the customs of their forefathers, without impediment from any body, the pretor hath granted their petition. Accordingly, it was decreed by the senate and people, that in this affair that concerned the Romans, no one of them should be hindered from keeping the Sabbath 434 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. day, nor he fined for so doing, but that they may be allowed to do all things according to their own laws." 26. Xow there are ^ many such decrees of the senate and imperators of the Romans, and those different from these before us, which have been made in favour of Hyrcanus, and of our nation; as also, there have been more decrees of the city, and re- scripts of the pretors, to such epistles as concerned our rights and privileges: and certainly such as are not ill disposed to what we write, may believe that they are all to this purpose, and that by the speci- mens which we have inserted; for since we have produced evident marks that may still be seen, of the friendship we have had with the Romans, and demonstrated that those marks are engraven upon columns and tables of brass in the capitol, that are still in being, and preserved to this day, we have omitted to set them all down, as needless and dis- agreeable; for I cannot suppose any one so perverse as not to believe the friendship we have had with the Romans, while thev have demonstrated the same by such a great number of their decrees relating to; nor will they doubt of our fidelity as to the rest of those decrees, since we have showed the same in those we have produced. And thus have we suffi- ciently explained that friendship and confederacy we at those times had with the Romans. * If we compare Josephus' promise in sect. 1, to produce all the public decrees of the Romans in favour of the Jews with his excuse here for omitting nnnii/ of them, we may observe, that when he came to transcribe all those decrees he had collected, he found them so numerous that he thought he should too much tire his readers if he had attempted it, which he thought a sufficient apology for his omitting the rest of them; yet do those by him produced afford such a strong confirmation to his history, and give such great light to even the Roman Antiquities them- selves, that I believe the curious are not a little sorry for such hig omission. Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 435 CHAPTER XI. How ^ Marcus succeeded SeoctiLS, when he had been slain by Bassus' treachery; and how, after the death of Ccesar, Cassius came into Syria, and distressed Judea; as also, how MoUchus slew Anti pater, and was himself slain by Herod. 1. Now it so fell out, that about this very time the affairs of Syria were in great disorder, and this on the occasion following: Cecilius Bassus, one of Pompey's party, laid a treacherous design against Sextus Cfesar, and slew him, and then took his army, and got the management of public affairs into his own hand; so there arose a great war about Apamia, while Caesar's generals came against him with an army of horsemen and footmen: To these Antipater also sent succours, and his sons with them, as calling to mind the kindnesses they had received from Ceesar, and on that account he thought it but just to require punishment for him, and to take vengeance on the man that had murdered him. And as the war was drawn out into a great length, ]Marcus came from Rome to take Sextus' government upon him: But Cfesar was slain by Cassius and Brutus in the senate house, after he had retained the government three years and six months. This fact, however, is related elsewhere. 2. As the war that arose upon the death of CcTsar was now begun, and the principal men were all gone, some one way, and some another, to raise armies, ^ For Marcus the president of Syria, sent as successor to Sextus Caesar, the Roman historians re(]uire us to read Marcus in Josephus, and this perpetually, both in these Antiquities, and in the history of the Wars, as the learned generally agree. 436 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. Cassius came from Rome into Syria, in order to re- ceive the [army that lay in the] camp at Apamia; and having raised the siege, he brought over both Bassus and ]\Iarcus to his party. He then went over the cities, and got together weapons and soldiers, and laid great taxes upon those cities; and he chiefly op- pressed Judea, and exacted of it seven hundred talents: But Antipater, when he saw the state to be in so great consternation and disorder, he divided the collection of that sum, and appointed his two sons to gather it, and so that part of it was to be exacted by ]\Ialichus, who was ill-disposed to him, and part by others. And because Herod did exact what is required of him from Galilee before others, he was in the greatest favour with Cassius; for he thought it a part of prudence to cultivate a friend- ship with the Romans, and to gain their good-will at the expense of others; whereas the curators of the other cities, with their citizens, were sold for slaves; and Cassius reduced four cities into slavery, the two most potent of which were Gophna and Emmaus; and, besides these, Lydia, and Thamna. Nay, Cas- sius was so very angry at ^Nlalichus, that he had killed him, (for he assaulted him,) had not Hyrcanus, by the means of Antipater, sent him a hundred talents of his own, and thereby pacified his anger against him. 3. But after Cassius was gone out of Judea, INIalichus laid snares for Antipater, as thinking that his death would be the preservation of Hyrcanus' government; But his design was not unknown to Antipater, which when he perceived, he retired be- yond Jordan, and got together an army, partly of Arabs, and partly of his own countrymen. How- ever, IMaliclius, being one of great cunning, denied that he had laid any snares for liim, and made his defence with an oath, l)()th to himself and his sons; Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 437 and said, that while Phasaeliis Iiad a garrison in Jerusalem, and Herod had the weapons of war in his custody, he could never have a thought of any such thing. So Antipater, perceiving the distress that Malichus was in, was reconciled to him, and made an agreement with him; this was when Marcus was president of Syria; who yet perceiving that this JNIalichus was making a disturbance in Judea, proceeded so far that he had almost killed him, but still at the intercession of Antipater he saved him. 4. However, Antipater little thought that by saving Malichus, he had saved his own murderer: for now Cassius and IMarcus had got together an armj^ and entrusted the entire care of it with Herod, and made him general of the forces of Coelesyria, and gave him a fleet of ships, and an army of horsemen and footmen; and promised him, that after the war was over they would make him king of Judea, for a war was already begun between Antony and the younger Csesar; But as INIalichus was most afraid of Antipater, he took him out of the way; and by the offer of money, persuaded the butler of Hyrcanus, with whom they were both to feast, to kill him by poison. This being done, and he having armed men with him, settled the affairs of the city. But when Antipater's sons, Herod and Phasaelus, were acquainted with this conspiracy against their father and had indignation at it, Malichus denied all, and utterly renounced any knowledge of the murder. And thus died Antipater. a man that had distinguished himself for piety and justice, and love to his country. And whereas one of his sons, Herod, resolved immediately to revenge their father's death, and was coming upon INIalichus with an army for that purpose, the elder of his sons, Phasaelus, thought it best rather to get this man into 4-38 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. their hands by pohcy, lest tliey should appear to begin a civil war in the country; so he accepted of iMalichus' defence for himself, and pretended to believe him that he had no hand in the violent death of Anti^iater his father, but erected a fine monu- ment for him. Herod also went to Samaria, and ^\'hen he found them in great distress, he revived their spirits, and composed their differences. 5. However, a little after this, Herod, upon the approach of a festival, came with his soldiers unto the city; whereupon jNIalichus was affrighted, and persuaded Hyrcanus not to permit him to come into the city. Hyrcanus complied; and, for a pretence of excluding him, alleged, that a rout of strangers ought not to be admitted, when the multitude were purifying themselves. But Herod had little regard to the messengers, that were sent to him, and entered the city in the night time, and affrighted Malichus, yet did he remit nothing of his former dissimulation, but wept for Antipater, and bewailed him as a friend of his, with a loud voice: But Herod and his friends thought it proper, not openly to contradict JNIalichus' hypocrisy, but to give him tokens of mutual friend- ship, in order to prevent his suspicion of them. 6. However, Herod sent to Cassius, and informed him of the murder of his fatlier; who knowing what sort of man JNIalichus was as to his morals, sent him back word, that he should revenge his father's death; and also sent privately, to the commanders of his army at Tvre, with orders to assist Herod in the execution of a very just design of his. Xow when Cassius had taken I^aodicea, they all went together to him, and carried him garlands and money; and Herod thought that JNIalichus miglit l)e punished wliile he was there; but lie was somewhat apprehensive of tlie thing, and designed to make some great attempt, and because Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 439 his son was then an hostage at Tyre, he went to that city, and resolved to steal him away privately, and to march thence into Judea; and as Cassius was in haste to march against Antony, he thought to bring the countrj^ to revolt, and to procure the government for himself. But providence opposed his counsels; and Herod being a shrewd man, and perceiving what his intention was, he sent thither beforehand a servant, in appearance indeed to get a supper ready, for he had said before, that he would feast them all there, but in reality to the commanders of the army, whom he persuaded to go out against ]Malichus, with their daggers. So they went out and met the man near the city, upon the seashore, and stabbed him. Where- upon Hyrcanus was so astonished at what had hap- pened, that his speech failed him; and when, after some difficulty, he had recovered himself, he asked Herod, what the matter could be, and who it was that slew ]Malichus? and when he said that it was done by the command of Cassius, he commended the action; for that ]Malichus was a very wicked man, and one that conspired against his own country. And this was the punishment that was inflicted on jNIalichus for what he wickedly did to Antipater. 7. But when Cassius was marched out of S^Tia, disturbances arose in Judea: for Felix, who was left at Jerusalem with an army, made a sudden attempt against Phasaelus, and the people themselves rose in arms; but Herod went to Fabius, the prefect of Damascus, and was desired to run to his brother's assistance, but was hindered by a distemper that seized upon him, till Phasaelus by himself had been too hard for Felix, and had shut him up in the tower, and there, on certain conditions, dismissed him. Phasaelus also complained of Hyrcanus, that altliough he had received a great many benefits from them, yet did 440 ANTIQUITIES . Book xiv. he support their enemies; for ]Mahchus' brother made many places to revolt, and kept garrisons in them, and particularly jNIasada, the strongest fortress of them all. In the meantime Herod was recovered of his disease, and came and took from Felix all the places he had gotten; and, upon certain conditions, dismissed him also. CHAPTER XII. Herod ejects Autigonus, the son of Aristohulus, out of Judea, and gains the friendship of Antony^ who was now come into Syria, by sending him 7niich money; on which account he would not admit of those that would have accused Herod; and what it was that Antony wrote to the Tyrians in behalf of the Jews. 1. Now ^ Ptolemy the son of INIenneus, brought back into Judea, Antigonus the son of Aristobtilu§, who had already raised an army, and had, by money, made Fabius to be his friend, and this because he was of kin to him. Marion also gave him assistance. He had been left by Cassius to tyrannize over Tyre, for this Cassius was a man that seized on Syria, and then kept it under in the way of a tyrant. Marion also marched iiito * In this and the following chapters, the reader will easily remark, how truly Gronovius observes, in his notes on the Roman decrees in favour of the Jews, that their rights and privileges were commonly pur- chased of the Romans with money. Many examples of this sort, both as to the Romans, and others in authority, will occur in our Josephus, both now and hereafter, and need not be taken particular notice of on the several occasions in these notes. Accordingly, the chief captain confesses to St. Paul, that "with a great sum he had obtained his free- dom," Acts xxii. 28, as had Paul's ancestors, very probably, purchased the like freedom for their family by money, as the same author justly concludes also. Chap. XII. OF THE JEWS. 441 Galilee, which lay in his neighbourhood, and took three of his fortresses, and put garrisons into them to keep them. But when Herod came, he took all from him; but the Tyrian garrison he dismissed in a very civil manner; nay, to some of the soldiers he made presents out of the good-will he bore to that city. When he had dispatched these affairs, and was gone to meet Antigonus, he joined battle with him, and beat him, and drove him out of Judea presently, when he was just come into its borders. But when he was come to Jerusalem, Hyrcanus and the people put garlands about his head;- for he had already contracted an affinity with the family of Hyrcanus by having espoused a descendant of his, and for that reason Herod took the greater care of him, as being to marry the daughter of Alexander, the son of Ai'istobulus, and the granddaughter of Hyrcanus, by which wife he became the father of three male, and two female children. He had also married before this another wife, out of a lower family of his own nation, whose name was Doris, by whom he had his eldest son Antipater. 2. Xow Antonius and Caesar had beaten Cassius near Philippi, as others have related; but after the victory, Cfesar went into Gaul, [Italy] and Antony marched for x\sia, who, when he was arrived at Bythinia, he had ambassadors that met him from all parts. The principal men also of the Jews came thither, to accuse Phasaelus, and Herod, and they said, that Hyrcanus had indeed the appearance of reigning, but that these men had all the power, but Antony paid great respect to Herod, who was come to him to make his defence against his accusers, on which account his adversaries could not so much as obtain a hearing; which favour Herod had gained of Antony bv money. But still, when Antony was come 442 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. to Ephesus, HjTcanus the high priest, and our nation, sent an embassage to him who carried a crown of gold with them, and desired that he would write to the governors of the provinces, to set those Jews free who had been carried captive by Cassius, and this without their having fought against him, and to restore them that country, which, in the days of Cassius, had been taken from them. Antony thought the Jews' desires were just, and wrote immediately to Hyrcanus, and to the Jews. He also sent, at the same time, a decree to the Tyrians; the contents of which were to the same purpose. 3. "]Marcus Antonius, imperator, to Hyrcanus the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, sendeth greet- ing: If you be in health, it is well; I also am in health, with the armv. Lvsimachus the son of Pausanius, and Josephus the son of ]Menneus, and Alexander the son of Theodorus, your ambassadors, met me at Ephesus, and have renewed that embassage which they had formerly been upon at Rome, and have diligently acquitted themselves of the present em- bassage, whicli thou and thy nation have entrusted to them, and have fully declared the good-will thou hast for us. I am therefore satisfied, both by your actions and your words, that you are well disposed to us; and I understand that your conduct of life is constant and religious: so I reckon upon you as our own: but when those that were adversaries to you, and to the Roman people, and abstained neither from cities nor temples, and did not observe the agreement thev had confirmed bv oath, it was not only on ac- count of our contest with them, but on account of all mankind in common, that we have taken vengeance on those who have been the authors of great injustice towards men, and of great wickedness towards the gods; for the sake of which we suppose it was the Chap. XII. OF THE JEWS. 443 ^ sun turned away his hght from us, as unwilhng to view the horrid crime they were guilty of in the case of Caesar. We have also overcome their conspiracies, which threatened the gods themselves, which ^Nlace- donia received, as it is a climate peculiarly proper for impious and insolent attempts: and we have over- come that confused rout of men, half mad with spite against us, which they got together at Philippi in ^Macedonia, when they seized on the places that were proper for their purpose, and as it were, walled them round with mountains to the very sea, and where the passage was open only through a single gate. This victory we gained because the gods had condemned these men for their wicked enterprizes. Xow Brutus, when he had fled as far as Philippi, was shut up by us, and became a partaker of the same perdition with Cassius; and now, these have received their punishment, we suppose, that we may enjoy peace for the time to come, and that Asia may be at rest from war. We therefore make that peace which God hath given us common to our confederates also, insomuch, that the body of Asia is now recovered out of that distemper it was under by the means of our victory. I, therefore, bearing in mind both thee and your nation, shall take care of what mav be for your advantage. I have also sent epistles in writing to the several cities, that if any persons, whether free- men or bondmen, have })een sold under the spear by Caius Cassius, or his subordinate officers, thev mav be set free. And I will tliat vou kindlv make use of the favours which I and Dolabella have granted vou. I also forbid tlie Tvrians to use anv violence • * • * This clause plainly alludes to that well known hut unusual and very long darkness of the sun, which happened upon the murder of Julius Caesar, hy Brutus and Cassius, which is greatly taken notice of hy Virgil, Pliny, and other Roman authors. See Virgil's Georgics, B. I. just hefore the end; and Pliny's Nat. Hist. B. II. ch. xxx. 444 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. with you; and for what places of the Jews they now possess, I order them to restore them. I have withal accepted of the crown which thou sentest me." 4. "Marcus Antonius, imperator, to the magis- trates, senate, and people of Tyre, sendeth greeting: The ambassadors of Hyrcanus the high priest and ethnarch [of the Jews] appeared before me at Ephe- sus, and told me, that you are in possession of part of their country, which you entered upon under the government of our adversaries. Since, therefore, we have undertaken a war for the obtaining the govern- ment, and have taken care to do what was agreeable to piety and justice, and have brought to punish- ment those that had neither any remembrance of the kindnesses they had received, nor have kept their oaths, I will that you be at peace with those that are our confederates; as also, that what you have taken by the means of our adversaries shall not be reckoned your own, but be returned to those from whom you took them; for none of them took their provinces or their armies by the gift of the senate, but they seized them by force, and bestowed them by violence upon such as became useful to them in their unjust proceedings. Since, therefore, those men have re- ceived the punishment due to them, we desire that our confederates may retain whatsoever it was that they formerly possessed without disturbance, and that you restore all the places which belong to Hyrcanus the ethnarch of the Jews, which you have had, though it were but one day before Cains Cassius began an unjustifiable war against us, and entered into our province; nor do you use any force against him, in order to weaken him, that he may not be able to dispose of that which is his own, but if you have any contest with him about your respective rights, it shall be lawful for you to plead your cause when we come Chap. xii. OF THE JEWS. 445 upon the places concerned, for we shall alike preserve the rights,* and hear all the causes of our confederates." 5. "Marcus Antonius, imperator, to the magis- trates, senate, and people of Tyre, sendeth greeting : I have sent you my decree, of which I will that ye take care that it be engraven on the public tables, in Roman and Greek letters, and that it stand en- graven in the most illustrious places, that it may be read by all." Marcus Antonius, imperator, one of the triumvirate over the public affairs, made this declaration: "Since Caius Cassius, in this revolt he hath made, hath pillaged that province which belonged not to him, and was held by garrisons there encamped, while they were our confederates, and hath spoiled that nation of the Jews that was in friendship with the Roman people, as in war; and since we have overcome his madness by arms, we now correct by our decrees and judicial determinations what he hath laid waste, that those things may be restored to our confederates. And as for what hath been sold of the Jewish possessions, whether they be bodies or possessions, let them be released, the bodies into that state of freedom they were originally in, and the pos- sessions to their former owners. I also will, that he who shall not comply with this decree of mine, shall be punished for his disobedience: and if such a one be caught, I will take care that the offender suffer condign punishment." 6. The same thing did Antony write to the Sidonians, and the Antiochians, and the Arabians. We have produced these decrees, therefore, as marks for futurity of the truth of what we have said, that the Romans had a great concern about our nation. 446 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. CHAPTER XIII. How Antony made Herod and Phasaelus tetrarchs, after they had been accused to no purpose; and how the Parthians, when they brought Antigonus into Jiidea, took Hyrcanus and Phasaelus captives. Herod's fight; and what afflictions Hyrcanus and Phasaelus endured. 1. When after this Antony came into Svria, Cleo- pak-a met him in Cihcia, and brought him to fall in love with her. And there came now also a hundred of the most potent of the Jews to accuse Herod and those about him, and set the men of the greatest eloquence among them to speak. But ]\Iessala con- tradicted them, on behalf of the young men, and all this in the presence of Hyrcanus, who was ^ Herod's father-in-law already. When Antony had heard both sides at Daphne, he askec^ Hyrcanus who they were that governed the nation best? He replied, Herod and his friends. Hereupon Antony, by reason of the old hospitable friendship he had made with his father [Antipater,] at that time when he was with Gabinius, he made both Herod and Phasaelus tetrarchs, and committed the public affairs of the Jews to them, and wrote letters to that purpose. He also bound fifteen of their adversaries, and was going to kill them, but that Herod obtained their pardon. 2. Yet did not these men continue quiet when they were come back, but a thousand of the Jews came to * We may liere take notice, that espniisah alone were of old esteemed a suflfieient foundation for affinltji, Hyrcanus iieing here called fathcr- iii-lrnn to Herod, because his {i:rand-dauf:;hter Mariamne was betrothed to him, although the marriage was not completed till four years after- ward. See Matt. i. Hi. Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 4^7 Tyre to meet him tliere, whither the report was tliat he would come. But Antony was corrupted by the money which Herod and liis brother had given him, and so he gave order to the governor of the place to punish the Jewish ambassadors, who were for making innovations, and to settle the government upon Herod: but Herod went out hastily to them, and Hyrcanus was with him (for they stood upon the shore before the city,) and he charged them to go their ways, because great mischief would befall them if they went on with their accusation. But they did not acquiesce: whereupon the Romans ran upon them with their daggers, and slew some, and wounded more of them, and the rest fled away and went home, and lay still in great consternation: and when the people made a clamour against Herod, Antony was so provoked at it that he slew the prisoners. 3. Now, in the second year, Pacorus, the king of Parthia's son, and Barzapharnes, a commander of the Parthians, possessed themselves of Syria. Ptol- emy, the son of ^Nlenneus, also was now dead, and Lysanias his son took his government, and made a league of friendship with Antigonus, the son of Aristo- 1)ulus; and in order to obtain it, made use of that commander, who had great interest in him. Xow Antigonus had promised to give the Parthians a thousand talents, and five hundred women, upon con- ditions thev would take the government awav from Hyrcanus. and bestow it upon him. and withal kill Herod. And although he did not give them Avhat he had promised, yet did the Parthians make an ex- pedition into Judea on that account, and carried Antigonus with them. Pacorus went along the mari- time parts. l)ut the commander Barzapharnes, through the midland. Xow the Tyrians excluded Pacorus, but the Sidonians, and those of Ptolemais, received 448 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. him. However, Pacorus sent a troop of horsemen into Judea, to take a view of the state of the countrv, and to assist Antigonus; and sent also the king's butler, of the same name with himself. So when the Jews that dwelt about mount Carmel came to Antig- onus, and were ready to march with him into Judea, Antigonus hoped to get some part of the country by their assistance. The place is called Drymi; and when some others came and met them, the men pri- vately fell upon Jerusalem; and when some more were come to them, they got together in great num- bers, and came against the king's palace and besieged it. But as Phasaelus' and Herod's party came to the other's assistance, and a battle happened between them in the market-place, the young men beat their enemies, and pursued them into the temple, and sent some armed men into the adjoining houses, to keep them in, who yet being destitute of such as should support them, were burnt, and the houses with them, by the people who rose up against them. But Herod was revenged on these seditious adversaries of his a little afterward for this injury they had offered him, when he fought with them, and slew a great number of them. 4. But while there were dailv skirmishes, the enemy waited for the coming of the multitude out of the countrv to Pentecost, a feast of ours so called: and when that dav was come, many ten thousands of the people were gathered together about the temple, some in armour, and some without. Xow those that came, guarded both the temple and the city, except- ing what belonged to the palace, which Herod guarded with a few of his soldiers; and Phasaelus had the charge of tlie wall, while Herod, with a body of his men, sallied out upon the enemy, who lay in the suburbs, and fought courageously, and Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 4i0 put many ten thousands to flight, some flying into the city, and some into the temple, and some into the outer fortifications, for some such fortifications there were in that place. Phasaelus came also to his assistance; yet was Pacorus, the general of the Parthians, at the desire of Antigonus, admitted into the city, with a few of his horsemen, under pretence indeed as if he would still the sedition, but in reality to assist Antigonus in obtaining the government. And when Phasaelus met him, and received him kindly, Pacorus persuaded him to go himself as ambassador to Barzapharnes, which was done fraud- ulently. Accordingly, Phasaelus, suspecting no harm, complied with his proposal, while Herod did not give his consent to what was done, because of the perfidiousness of these Barbarians, but desired Phasaelus rather to fight those that were come into the city. 5. So both Hyrcanus and Phasaelus went on the embassage; but Pacorus left with Herod two hundred horsemen, and ten men, who were called. The free- men; and conducted the others on their journey; and M'hen thev M-ere in Galilee, the governors of the cities there met them in their arms. Barzapharnes also received them at the first with cheerfulness, and made them presents though he afterward conspired against them; and Phasaelus, with his horsemen, were conducted to the seaside: But when they heard that Antigonus had promised to give the Parthians a thousand talents, and five hundred women, to assist him against them, they soon had a suspicion of the Barbarians. JMoreover, there was one who informed them that snares were laid for them by night, Avhile a guard came secretly, and they had then been seized upon, had not they waited for the seizure of Herod by the Parthians, that were about Jerusalem, lest, 450 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. upon the slaughter of Hyrcanus and Phasaelus, he should have an intimation of it, and escape out of their hands. And these were the circumstances thev were now in, and they saw who they were that guarded them. Some persons indeed would have persuaded Phasaelus to fly away immediately on horseback, and not stay any longer: and there was one Ophellius, who, above all the rest, was earnest with him to do so, for he had heard of this treachery from Saramalla, the richest of all the Syrians at that time, who also promised to provide him ships to carry him off; for the sea was just by them: but he had no mind to desert Hyrcanus, nor bring his brother into danger; but he went to Barzapharnes, and told him he did not act justly when he made such a contrivance against them, for that if he wanted money, he would give him more than Antigonus; and besides, that it was a horrible thing, to slay those that came to him upon the security of their oaths, and that when they had done them no injury. But the Barbarian swore to him, that there was no truth in any of his suspicions, but that he was troubled with nothing but false proposals, and then went away to Pacorus. 6. But as soon as he was gone away, some men came and bound Hyrcanus and Phasaelus, while Phasaelus greatly reproached the Parthians for their perjury. However, that butler who was sent against Herod had it in command to get him without the walls of the city, and seize upon him; but messengers had been sent by Phasaelus to inform Herod of the perfidiousness of the Parthians: And when he knew that the enemy had seized upon them, he went to Pacorus, and to the most potent of the Parthians, as to the lords of the rest, who, although they knew the whole matter, dissembled with him in a deceitful way; and said, "That he ought to go out with them Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 451 before the walls, and meet those who were bringing him his letters, for that they were not taken by his adversaries, but were coming to give him an account of the good success Phasaelus had had." Herod did not give credit to what they said; for he had heard that his brother was seized upon by others also: and the daughter of Hyrcanus, whose daughter he had espoused, was his monitor also [not to credit them,] which made him still more suspicious of the Parthians, for although other people did not give heed to her, yet did he believe her as a woman of very great wisdom. 7. Now while the Parthians were in consultation what was fit to be done; for they did not think it proper to make an open attempt upon a person of his character; and while they put off the determina- tion to the next day, Herod was under great dis- turbance of mind; and rather inclining to believe the reports he heard about his brother and the Parthians, than to give heed to what was said on the other side, he determined, that when the evening came on, he would make use of it for his flight, and not make any longer delay, as if the dangers from the enemy were not yet certain. He therefore removed with the armed men whom he had with him; and set his wives upon the beasts, as also his mother, and sister, and her whom he was about to marry, [Mariamne] the daughter of Alexander, the son of Aristobulus, with her mother the daughter of Hyrcanus, and his youngest brother, and all their servants, and the rest of the multitude that was with him, and without the enemies' privity pursued his way to Idumea: Nor could any enemy of his, who then saw him in this case, be so hard hearted, but would have com- miserated his fortune, while the women drew along their infant children, and left their own country, and 452 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. their friends in prison, with tears in their eyes, and sad lamentations, and in expectation of nothing hut what was of a melancholy nature. 8. But for Herod himself, he raised his mind above the miserable state he was in, and was of good courage in the midst of his misfortunes; and, as he passed along, he bid them every one be of good cheer, and not to give themselves up to sorrow, because that would hinder them in their flight, which was now the only hope of safety that they had. Accord- ingly, they tried to bear with patience the calamity they were under, as he exhorted them to do; yet was he once almost going to kill himself, upon the over- throw of a waggon, and the danger his mother was then in of being killed, and this on two accounts, because of his great concern for her, and because he was afraid lest, by this delay, the enemy should overtake him in the pursuit; but as he was drawing his sword, and going to kill himself therewith, those that were present restrained him, and being so many in number, were too hard for him: and told him that he ought not to desert them, and leave them a prey to their enemies, for that it was not the part of a brave man to free himself from the distresses he was in, and to overlook his friends that were in tlie same distresses also. So he was compelled to let that horrid attempt alone, partly out of shame at what they said to him, and partly out of regard to the great number of those that would not permit him to do what he intended. So he encouraged his mother, and took all the care of her the time would allow, and proceeded on tlie way he proposed to go with the utmost haste, and that was to the fortress of Massada. And as he had many skirmishes with such of the Parthians as attacked him, and pursued him, he was conqueror in them all. Chap. XIII. OF THE JEWS. 453 9. Nor indeed was he free from the Jews all along as he was in his flight; for by the time he had gotten sixty furlongs out of the city, and was upon the road, they fell upon him, and fought hand to hand with him, whom he also put to flight, and overcame, not like one that was in distress and in necessity, but Hke one that was excellently prepared for war, and had what he wanted in great plenty. And in this very place where he overcame the Jews, it was that he sometime afterward built a most excellent palace, and a city round about it, and called it Hcrodium. And when he was come to Idumea, at a place called Thrcssa, his brother Joseph met him, and he then held a council to take advice about all his affairs, and what was fit to be done in his cir- cumstances, since he had a great multitude that followed him, besides his mercenary soldiers, and the place ^lassada, whither he proposed to fly, was too small to contain so great a multitude; so he sent away the greater part of his company, being above nine thousand, and bid them go some one way, and some another, and to save themselves in Idumea, and gave them what would buy them provisions in their journey; but he took with him those that were the least incumbered, and were most intimate with him, and came to the fortress, and placed there his wives, and his followers, being eight hundred in number, there being in the place a sufficient quantity of corn and water, and other necessaries, and went directly for Petra, in Arabia. But when it was day, the Parthians plundered all Jerusalem, and the palace, and abstained from nothing but Hyrcanus' money, which was three hundred talenjts. A great deal of Herod's money escaped, and principally all that the man had been so provident as to send into Idumea beforehand: nor indeed did what was in the city 454 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. suffice the Parthians, but they went out into the country, and plundered it, and demohshed the city Marissa. 10. And thus was Antigonus brought back into Judea, by the king of the Parthians, and received Hyrcanus and Phasaelus for his prisoners; but he was greatly cast down because the women had es- caped, whom he intended to have given the enemy, as having promised they should have them, with the money, for their reward: But being afraid that Hyr- canus, who was under the guard of the Parthians, might have his kingdom restored to him by the mul- titude, he cut off his ears, and thereby took care that the high priesthood should never come to him any more, because he was maimed, while the ^ law required that this dignity should belong to none but such as had all their members entire. But now one cannot but here admire the fortitude of Phasaelus, who, perceiving that he was to be put to death, did not think death any terrible thing at all, but to die thus by the means of his enemy, this he thought a most pitiable and dishonourable thing, and therefore, since he had not his hands at liberty, but the bonds he was in prevented him from killing himself thereby, he dashed his head against a great stone, and thereby took away his own life, which he thought to be the best thing he could do in such a distress as he was in, and thereby put it out of the power of the enemy to bring him to any death he pleased. It is also reported, that when he had made a great wound in his head, Antigonus sent physicians to cure it, and by ordering them to infuse poison into the wound, killed him. However, Phasaelus hearing, before he was quite dead, by a certain woman, that his brother * This law of Moses, that the priests were to he without blemish, as to Jill tlie j)arts of their hoclies, is in Lc\it. xxi. 17-24. Chap. xiY. OF THE JEWS. 455 Herod had escaped the enemy, underwent his death cheerfully, since he now left behind him one who would revenge his death, and who was able to inflict punishment on his enemies. CHAPTER XIV. How Herod got away from the king of Arabia, and made haste to go into Egypt, and thence went away in haste also to Rome: and how, by prom- ising a great deal of money to Antony, he obtained of the senate and of Ccesar, to be made king of the Jews. 1. As for Herod, the great miseries he was in did not discourage him, but made him sharp in dis- covering surprising undertakings; for he went to Malchus, king of Arabia, whom he had formerly been very kind to, in order to receive somewhat by way of requital, now he was in more than ordinary want of it, and desired he would let him have some money, either by way of loan, or as his free gift, on account of the many benefits he had received from him; for not knowing what was become of his brother, he was in haste to redeem him out of the hands of his enemies, as willing to give three hundred talents for the price of his redemption. He also took with him the son of Phasaelus, who was a child of but seven years of age, for this very reason that he might be a hostage for the repayment of the money; but there came messengers from Mal- chus to meet him, by whom he was desired to be gone, for that the Parthians had laid a charge upon him not to entertain Herod. This was only a pre- 456 ANTIQUITIES Book xiv. tence which he made use of that he might not be obhged to repay him what he owed him: and this he was farther induced to, by the principal men among the Arabians, that they might cheat him of what sums they had received from [his father] An- tipater, and which he had committed to their iidehty. He made answer that he did not intend to be trouble- some to them by his coming thither, but that he desired only to discourse with them about certain aifairs that were to him of the greatest importance. 2. Hereupon he resolved to go away, and did go very prudently the road to Egypt; and then it was that he lodged in a certain temple, for he had left a great many of his followers there. On the next day he came to Rhinocolura, and there it was that he heard what was befallen his brother. Though Malchus soon repented of what he had done, and came running after Herod, but with no mannei-w of success, for he was gotten a very great way off, and made haste into the road to Pelusium; and when the stationary ships that lay there hindered him from sailing to Alexandria, he went to their captains, by whose assistance, and tliat out of much reverence of, and great regard to him, he was conducted into the city [Alexandria,] and was retained there by Cleopatra, yet was she not able to prevail with him to stay there, because he was making haste to Rome, even though the weather was stormy, and he was informed that the affairs of Italy were very tumultu- ous and in great disorder. 3. So he set sail from thence to Pamphylia, and falling into a violent storm, he had much ado to escape to Rhodes, with the loss of the ship's burden; and there it was that two of his friends, Sappinas and Ptolemeus, met with him: and as he found that city very much damaged in the war against Cassius, Chap. XIV. OF THE JEWS. 457 though he were in necessity himself, he neglected not to do it a kindness, but did what he could to recover it to its former state. He also built there a three-decked ship, and set sail thence, with his friends, for Italy, and came to the port of Brun- dusium; and when he was come from thence to Rome, he first related to Antony what had befallen him in Judea, and how Phasaelus his brother was seized on by the Parthians, and put to death by them; and how Hyrcanus was detained captive by them, and how they had made Antigonus king, who had promised them a sum of money, no less than a thousand talents, with five hundred women, who were to be of the principal families, and of the Jewish stock, and that he had carried off the women by night, and that by undergoing a great many hard- ships, he had escaped the hands of his enemies; as also, that his own relations were in danger of being besieged and taken, and that he had sailed through a storm, and contemned all these terrible dangers of it, in order to come as soon as possible to him, who was his hope and only succour at this time. 4. This account made Antony commiserate ^ the change that had happened in Herod's condition; and reasoning with himself that this was a common case among those that are placed in such great dignities, and that they are liable to the mutations that come from fortune, he was very ready to give him the assistance he desired, and this because he called to mind the friendship he had had with Antipater, be- cause Herod offered him money to make him king, as he had formerly given it him to make him tetrarch, ' Concerning the chronology of Herod, and the time when he was first made iK X\X rn>v T\rv TV(T^ the cvte:h.v>x of tw-jt vx TMAHi [FEOJf THE FTSTSHTyCr OF THE TO£ELE BY H Z " . I 7 BEATH OF ALEXAVDES AXES' ^ "'-""' ~ ~ f >. ;. CHAP THE I. A law of H^TTod dnh&mi thk^ti^ S^etm^ moM P~~ ^ retmrm fir&m R&mt^ /or mT .: Jf. • -^ . ■ trivet. 1. As king" HCTod was «er^ HMiiistratioii of Ms entire gjowt ~^ to pot a stop to pafftKolair aet^ ^ dMBC by f ywnniwwals; alwH".: made a lair, ebo way 1 £r he eoaeted of ImiiseM^ - ejected out of Ms kii]^«iK)i]a; iiot ofibr Hoeroas to be boiiM &v tdo^ LJksos ia Ibe ad- were ■^Sv and conlaiiied in it a disseliili> ^ foiefatiiors; for tMs ^ve:^ as did not Mme afl^r tlie neeessitr that tibeT ware such men ^Mmld commaii cHir idigioQs settlenienl^ to sndi as weie fouond to Ili 'Ae &: an offence a X sock a \ 570 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. ment being avoided in our original laws; for those laws ordain, that the thief shall restore four-fold: and that if he have not so much, he shall be sold indeed, but not to foreigners, nor so that he be under perpetual slavery, for he must have been released after six years. But this law, thus enacted, in order to introduce a severe and illegal punishment, seemed to be a piece of insolence in Herod, when he did not act as a king but as a tyrant, and thus contemptuously, and without any regard to his subjects, did he venture to introduce such a punishment. Now this penalty, thus brought into practice, was like Herod's other actions, and became a part of his accusation, and an occasion of the hatred he lay under. 2. Now at this time it was that he sailed to Italy, as very desirous to meet with Csesar, and to see his sons who lived at Rome: and C^sar was not only very obliging to him in other respects, but delivered him his sons again, that he might take them home with him as having already completed themselves in the sciences; but as soon as the young men were come from Italy, the multitude were very desirous to see them, and they became conspicuous among them all, as adorned with great blessings of fortune, and having the countenances of persons of royal dignity. So they soon appeared to be the objects of envy to Salome, the king's sister, and to such as had raised calumnies against Mariamne; for they were suspicious, that when these came to the government, they should be punished for the wickedness they had been guilty of against their mother: so they made tliis very fear of theirs a motive to raise calumnies against them also. They gave it out that they were not pleased with their father's company, because he had put their mother to death, as if it were not agreeable to piety to appear to converse with their mother's murderer. Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 571 Now by carrying these stories, that had indeed a true foundation [in the fact,] but were only built on probabilities, as to the present accusation, they were able to do them mischief, and to make Herod take away that kindness from his sons which he had before borne to them, for they did not say these things to him openly, but scattered abroad such words among the rest of the multitude; from which words, when carried to Herod, he was induced [at last] to hate them, and which natural affection itself, even, in length of time, was not able to overcome; yet was the king at that time in a condition to prefer the natural af- fection of a father before all the suspicions and calumnies his sons lay under; So he respected them as he ought to do, and married them to wives, now they were of an age suitable thereto. To Aristobulus he gave for a wife Berenice, Salome's daughter, and to Alexander, Glaphyra, the daughter of Archelaus. king of Cappadocia. CHAPTER II. How Herod twice sailed to Agrippa: and how, upon the complaint of the Jews in Ionia, against the Greeks, Agrippa confirmed the laws of the Jews to them. 1. When Herod had despatched these affairs, and he understood that Marcus Agrippa had sailed again out of Italy into Asia, he made haste to him, and besought him to come to him into his kingdom, and to partake of what he might justly expect from one that had been his guest, and was his friend. This request he greatly pressed, and to it Agrippa agreed 572 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. and came into Judea; whereupon Herod omitted nothing that might please him. He entertained him in his new built cities, and showed him the edifice he had built, and provided all sorts of the best and most costly dainties for him and his friends, and that at Sebaste and Cfesarea, about that port that he had built, and at the fortresses which he had erected at great expense, Alexandrium, and Herodium, and HjTcania. He also conducted him to the city Jerusalem, where all the people met him in their festival garments, and received him with acclama- tions. Agrippa also offered a hecatomb of sacrifices to God; and feasted the people, without omitting any of the greatest dainties that could be gotten. He also took so much jDleasure there, that he abode many days with them, and would willingly have stayed longer, but that the season of the year made him make haste away; for, as winter was coming on, he thought it not safe to go to sea later, and yet he was of necessity to return again to Ionia. 2. So Agrippa went away, when Herod had be- stowed on him, and on the principal of those that were with him, many presents; but king Herod, when he had passed the winter in his own dominions, made haste to get to him again in the spring, when he knew he designed to go to a campaign at the Bosphorus. So when he had sailed by Rhodes, and by Cos, he touched at Lesbos, as thinking he should have overtaken Agrippa there, Init he was taken short here by a northwind, which hindered his ship from going to the shore ; so he continued many days at Chios, and there he kindly treated a great many that came to him, and obliged them by giving them royal gifts. And when he saw that the portico of the city was fallen down, which, as it was overthrown in the Mithridatic war, and was a very large and fine build- Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 573 ing, so was it not so easy to rebuild that, as it was the rest, yet did he furnish a sum not only large enough for that purpose, but what was more than sufficient to finish the building, and ordered them not to overlook that portico, but to rebuild it quickly, that so the city might recover its proper ornaments. And when the high winds were laid, he sailed to Mity- lene, and thence to Byzantium ; and when he heard that Agrippa was sailed beyond the Cyanean rocks, he made all the haste possible to overtake him, and came up with him about Sinope, in Pontus. He '.vas seen sailing by the shipmen most unexpectedly, but ap- peared to their great joy; and many friendly saluta- tions there were between them, insomuch that Agrippa thought he had received the greatest marks of the king's kindness and humanity towards him possible, since the king had come so long a voyage, and at a very proper season for his assistance, and had left the government of his own dominions, and thought it more worth his while to come to him. Accordingly, Herod was all in all to Agrippa, in the management of the war, and a great assistant in civil affairs, and in giving him counsel as to particular matters. He was also a pleasant companion for him when he re- laxed himself, and a joint partaker with him in all things: in troubles because of his kindness, and in prosperity because of the respect Agrippa had for him. Now as soon as those affairs of Pontus were finished, for whose sake Agrippa was sent thither, they did not think fit to return by sea, but passed through Paphlagonia and Cappadocia; they then travelled thence over great Phrygia, and came to Ephesus, and then they sailed from Ephesus to Samos. And indeed the king bestowed a great many benefits on every city that he came to, according as they stood in need of them; for as for those that 574 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. wanted either monej" or kind treatment, he was not wanting to them; but he supphed the former him- self out of his own expenses: he also became an intercessor with Agrippa for all such as sought after his favour, and he brought things so about, that the petitioners failed in none of their suits to him, Agrippa being himself of a good disposition, and of great generosity, and ready to grant all such requests as might be advantageous to the petitioners, provided they were not to the detriment of others. The inclina- tion of the king was of great weight also, and still excited Agrippa, who was himself ready to do good; for he made a reconciliation between the people of Ilium, at whom he was angry, and paid what money the people of Chios owed Caesar's procurators, and discharged them of their tributes; and helped all others according as their several necessities required. 3. But now when Agrippa and Herod were in Ionia, a great multitude of Jews, who dwelt in their cities, came to them, and laying hold of the op- portunity and the liberty now given them, laid before them the injuries which they suffered, while they were not permitted to use their own laws, but were compelled to j^rosecute their lawsuits, by the ill usage of the judges, uj^on their holy-days, and were deprived of the money they used to lay up at Jerusalem, and were forced into the army, and upon such other offices as obliged them to spend their sacred money: from which burdens they always used to be freed by the Romans, who had still permitted them to live according to their own laws. When this clamour was made, the king desired of Agrippa that he would hear their cause, and assigned Nicolaus, one of his friends, to plead for those, their privileges. Accord- ingly, when Agrippa had called the principal of the Romans, and such of the kings and rulers as were Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 575 there, to be his assessors, Nicolaus stood up, and pleaded for the Jews, as follows: "It is of necessity incumbent on such as are in distress to have recourse to those that have it in their power to free them from those injuries they lie under; and for those that now are complainants, they aj^proach you with great assurance; for as they have formerly often ob- tained your favour, so far as they have even wished to have it, they now only entreat that you, who have been the donors, will take care that those favours you have already granted them may not be taken away from them. We have received these favours from you, who alone have power to grant them, but have them taken from us by such as are no greater than ourselves, and by such as we know are as much subjects as we are: and certainly, if we have been vouchsafed great favours, it is to our own commenda- tion, who have obtained them, as having been found deserving of such great favours; and if those favours be but small ones, it would be barbarous for the donors not to confirm them to us; and for those that are the hinderance of the Jews, and use them reproachfully, it is evident that they affront both the receivers, while thev will not allow those to be worth v men to whom their excellent rulers themselves have borne their testimony, and the donors while they desire those favours already granted may be abro- gated. Now if any one should ask these Gentiles themselves, which of the two things they would choose to part with, their lives, or the customs of their fore- fathers, their solemnities, their sacrifices, their fes- tivals, which they celebrated in honour of those they suppose to be gods? I know very well that they would choose to suffer any thing whatsoever, rather than a dissolution of any of the customs of their forefathers; for a great many of them have rather 576 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. chosen to go to war on that account, as very sohcitous not to transgress in those matters: And indeed we take an estimate of that happiness which all mankind do now enjoy by your means from this very thing, that we are allowed every one to worship as our own institutions require, and yet to live [in peace,] and although they would not be thus treated themselves, yet do they endeavour to compel others to comply with them, as if it were not as great an instance of impiety, profanely to dissolve the religious solemnities of any others, as to be negligent in the observation of their own towards their gods. And let us now consider the one of these practices: Is there any people or city, or community of men, to whom your government and the Roman power does not appear to be the greatest blessing? Is there any one that can desire to make void the favours they have granted ? No one is certainly so mad: for there are no men but such as have been partakers of their favours, both public and private; and indeed those that take away what you have gi'anted, can have no assurance, but every one of their own grants made them by you, may be taken from them also; which grants of yours can yet never be sufficiently valued; for if they consider the old governments, under kings, together with your present government, besides the great number of benefits which this government hath be- stowed on them in order to their happiness, this is instead of all the rest, that they appear to be no longer in a state of slavery, but of freedom. Now the privileges we desire, even when we are in the best circumstances, are not such as deserve to be envied, for we are indeed in a prosperous state by your means, but this is only in common with others; and it is no more than this which we desire, to pre- serve our religion without any prohibition; which as Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 577 it appears not in itself a privilege to be envied us, so it is for the advantage of those that grant it t6 us; for if the divinity delights in being honoured, he must delight in those that permit them to be honoured : and there are none of our customs which are inhuman, but all tending to piety, and devoted to the preserva- tion of justice; nor do we conceal those injunctions of ours, by which we govern our lives, they being memorials of piety, and of a friendly conversation among men: And ^ the seventh day we set apart from labour; it is dedicated to the learning of our customs and laws, we thinking it proper to reflect on them, as well as on any [good] thing else, in order to our avoiding of sin. If any one, therefore, examine into our observances, he will find they are good in themselves, and that they are ancient also, though some think otherwise, insomuch, that those who have received them, cannot easily be brought to depart from them, out of that honour they pay to the length of time they have religiously enjoyed them, and observed them. Xow our adversaries take these our privileges away, in the way of injustice: they violently seize upon that money of ours which is offered to God, and called sacred money, and this openly, after a sacrilegious manner; and they impose tributes upon us, and bring us before tribunals on holy-days, and then require other like debts of us, not because the contracts require it, or for their own advantage, but because they would put an aft'ront on our religion, of which they are conscious as well as we, and have indulged themselves in an unjust, and, to them, involuntary, hatred; for your govern- ' We may here observe the ancient practice of the Jews of dedicating the Sal>bath-day not to idleness, but to the learning their sacred rites and religious customs, and to the meditation on the law of Moses. The like to which we meet with elsewhere in Josephus, also against Apion, B. I. sect. 2-2. 578 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. meiit over all is one tending to the establishing of benevolence, and abolishing of ill-will among such as are disposed to it. This is therefore what we implorie from thee, most excellent Agrippa, that we may not be ill treated; that we may not be abused; that we may not be hindered from making use of our own customs; nor be despoiled of our goods; nor be forced by these men to do what we ourselves force nobody to do; for these privileges of ours are not only according to justice, but have formerly been granted us by you. And we are able to read to you many decrees of the senate, and the tables that con- tain them, which are still extant in the capitol, con- cerning these things, which it is evident were granted after you had experience of our fidelity towards you, and which ought to be valued, though no such fidelity had been; for you have hitherto preserved what people were in possession of, not to us only, but almost to all men, and have added greater advantages than they could have hoj^ed for, and thereby your government is become a great advantage to them. And if any one were able to enumerate the benefits you have conferred on every nation, which they pos- sess by your means, he could never put an end to his discourse; but that we may demonstrate that we are not unworthy of all those advantages we have obtained, it will be sufficient for us to say nothing of other things, but to speak freely of this king who now governs us, and is now one of thy assessors: and indeed, in what instance of good-will, as to your house, hath he been deficient? What mark of fidelity to it hath he omitted? What token of honour hath he not devised? What occasion for his assistance of you hath he not regarded at the very first? What hindereth, therefore, ])ut that your kindnesses may be as numerous as his so great benefits to you have Chap. II. OF THE JEWS. 579 been. It may also perhaps be fit here not to pass over in silence the valour of his father Antipater, who, when Caesar made an expedition into Egypt, assisted him with two thousand armed men, and proved inferior to none, neither in the battles on land, nor in the management of the navy; and what need I say any thing of how great weight those soldiers were at that juncture? or how many, and how great presents they were vouchsafed by Ctcsar^ And truly I ought before now to have mentioned the epistles which Cfesar wrote to the senate; and how Antij^ater had honours, and the freedom of the city of Rome, bestowed upon him, for these are demonstrations both that we have received these favours by our own deserts, and do on that account petition thee for thy confirmation of them, from whom we had reason to hope for them, though they had not been given us before, both out of regard to our king's disposition towards you, and your dis- position towards him. And farther, we have been informed by those Jews that were there, with what kindness thou came into our country, and how thou ofi^ered the most perfect sacrifices to God and hon- oured him with remarkable vows, and how thou gave the people a feast, and accepted of their own hos- pitable presents to thee. We ought to esteem all these kind entertainments made both by our nation and our city, to a man who is the ruler and manager of so much of the public affairs, as indications of that friendship which thou hast returned to the Jewish nation, and which hath been procured them by the family of Herod. So we put thee in mind of these things, in the presence of the king, now sitting by thee, and make our request for no more but this, that what you have given us yourselves, you will not see taken awav by others from us." 580 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. 5. When Xicolaus had made this speech, there was no opposition made to it by the Greeks, for this was not an inquiry made, as in a court of justice, but an intercession to prevent violence to be offered to the Jews any longer; nor did the Greeks make any defence of themselves, or deny what it was sup- posed they had done. Their pretence was no more than this, that while the Jews inhabited in their country, they were entirely unjust to them [in not joining in their worship,] but they demonstrated their generosity in this, that though they worshipped ac- cording to their own institutions, they did nothing that ought to grieve them. So when Agrippa per- ceived that they had been oppressed by violence, he made this answer: "That on account of Herod's good- will and friendship, he was ready to grant the Jews whatsoever thev should ask him, and that their re- quests seemed to him in themselves just; and that if they requested any thing farther, he should not scruple to grant it them, provided it wan no way to the detriment of the Roman government; but that, while their request was no more than this, that what privileges they had already given them might not be abrogated, he confirmed this to them, that they might continue in the observation of their own customs, without any one's offering them the least injury." And wdien he had said this, he dissolved the assembly; upon which Herod stood up, and saluted him, and gave him thanks for the kind dis- position he showed to them. Agrippa also took this in a very obliging manner, and saluted him again, and embraced him in his arms; after which he went away from Lesbos; but the king determined to sail from Samos to his own country; and when he had taken his leave of Agrippa, he pursued his voyage, and landed at Csesarea in a few days time, as having Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 581 favourable winds, from whence he went to Jerusalem, and there gathered all the people together to an assembly, not a few being there out of the country also. So he came to them, and gave them a par- ticular account of all his journey, and of the affairs of all the Jews in Asia, how by his means they would live without injurious treatment for the time to come. He also told them of the entire good fortune he had met with, and how he had administered the govern- ment, and had not neglected any thing which was for their advantage; and as he was very joyful, he now remitted to them the fourth part of their taxes for the last year. Accordingly, they were so pleased with his favour and speech to them, that they went their ways with great gladness, and wished the king all manner of happiness. CHAPTER III. How great disturbances arose in Herod's fainily on his preferring Antipatcr, his eldest son, before the rest, till Alexander took that injury very heinously. 1. But now the affairs in Herod's family were in more disorder, and became more severe upon him, by the hatred of Salome to the young men [Alex- ander and Aristobulus,] which descended as it were by inheritance [from their mother JNIariamne:] And as she had fully succeeded against their mother, so she proceeded to that degree of madness and inso- lence as to endeavour that none of her posterity might be left alive, who might have it in their power to revenge her death. The young men had also some- what of a bold and uneasy disposition towards their 582 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. father, occasioned by the remembrance of what their mother had unjustly suffered, and by their own affec- tation of dominion. The old grudge was also renewed ; and they cast reproaches on Salome and Pheroras, who requited the young men with malicious designs, and actually laid treacherous snares for them. Now, as for this hatred it was equal on both sides, but the manner of exerting that hatred was different: for as for the young men they were rash, reproaching and affronting the others openly, and were unex- perienced enough to think it the most generous to declare their minds in that undaunted manner: but the others did not take that method, but made use of calumnies after a subtle and a spiteful manner, still provoking the yoimg men, and imagining that their boldness might in time turn to the offering violence to their father; for inasmuch as they were not ashamed of the pretended crimes of their mother, nor thought she suffered justly, these supposed that it might at length exceed all bounds, and induce them to think they ought to be avenged on their father, though it were by despatching him with their own hands. At length it came to this, that the whole city was full of their discourses, and, as is usual in such contests, the unskilfulness of the young men was pitied, but the contrivance of Salome was too hard for them, and what imputations she laid upon them came to be believed, by means of their own conduct; for they who were so deeply affected with the death of their mother, that while they said both she and themselves were in a miserable case, they vehemently complained of her pitiable end, which indeed was truly such, and said that they were them- selves in a pitiable case also, because they were forced to live with those that had been her murderers, and to be partakers with them. Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 583 2. These disorders increased greatly, and the king's absence abroad had afforded a fit opportunity for that increase; but as soon as Herod was returned, and had made the forenientioned speech to tlie mul- titude, Pheroras and Salome let fall words immedi- ately, as if he were in great danger, and as if the young men openly threatened that they would not spare him any longer, but revenge their mother's death upon him. They also added another circum- stance, that their hojDcs were fixed on Archelaus, the king of Cappadocia, that they should be able by his means to come to Cctsar, and accuse their father. Upon hearing such things, Herod was immediately disturbed; and indeed was the more astonished, be- cause the same things were related to him by some others also. He then called to mind his former calamity, and considered that the disorders in his family had hindered him from enjoying any comfort from those that were dearest to him, or from his wife whom he loved so well; and suspecting that his fu- ture troubles would soon ])e heavier and greater than those that were past, he was in great confusion of mind; for divine providence had in reality conferred upon him a great many outward advantages for his happiness, even beyond his hopes, but the troubles he had at home were such as he never expected to have met with, and rendered him unfortunate; nay, both sorts came upon him to such a degree as no one could imagine, and made it a doubtful question, whether, upon the comparison of both, he ought to have exchanged so great a success of outward good things, for so great misfortunes at home, or whether he ought not to have chosen to avoid the calamities relating to his family, though he had, for a compen- sation, never been possessed of the admired grandeur of a kingdom, 584 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. 3. As he was thus disturbed and afflicted, in order to dej^ress these young men, he brought to court another of his sons, that was born to him when he was a private man: his name was Aiitipater; yet did he not then indulge him as he did afterwards, when he was quite overcome by him, and let him do every thing as he pleased, but rather with a design of depressing the insolence of the sons of Mariamne, and managing this elevation of his so, that it might be for a warning to them, for this bold behaviour of theirs (he thought) would not be so great, if they were once persuaded, that the suc- cession to the kingdom did not appertain to them alone, or must of necessity come to them. So he introduced Antipater as their antagonist, and imagined that he made a good provision for discouraging their pride, and that after this was done to the young men, there might be a proper season for expecting these to be of a better disposition: But the event proved otherwise than he intended, for the young men thought he did them a very great injury; and as Antipater was a shrewd man, when he had once obtained this degree of freedom, and began to expect greater things than he had before hoped for, he had but one single design in his head, and that was, to distress his brethren, and not at all to yield to them the pre-eminence, but to keep close to his father, who was already alienated from them by the cal- unmies he had heard about them, and ready to be wrought upon in any way his zeal against them should advise him to pursue, that he might be con- tinually more and more severe against them. Ac- cordingly, all the reports that were spread abroad came from him, while he avoided himself the sus- picion of those discoveries proceeding from him, for he rather chose to make use of those persons for Chap. III. OF THE JEWS. 585 his assistants that were unsuspected, and such as might be believed to speak truth by reason of the good-will they bore to the king; and indeed there were already not a few who cultivated a friendship with Antipater, in hopes of gaining somewhat by him, and these were the men who most of all per- suaded Herod, because they appeared to speak thus out of their good-will to him: and while these joint accusations, which from various foundations sup- ported one another's veracity, the young men them- selves afforded farther occasions to Antipater also: for they were observed to shed tears often, on account of the injury that was offered them, and had their mother in their mouths, and among their friends they ventured to reproach their father, as not acting justly by them; all which things were with an evil intention reserved in memory by Antipater against a proper opportunity; and when they were told to Herod, with aggravations, increased the disorder so much, that it brought a great tumult into the family; for while the king was very angry at imputations that were laid upon the sons of Mariamne, and was de- sirous to humble them, he still increased the honour that he had bestowed on Antipater; and was at last so overcome by his persuasions, that he brought his mother to court also. He also wrote frequently to Cffisar in favour of him, and more earnestly recom- mended him to his particular care. And when Agrippa was returning to Rome, after he had fin- ished his ten ^ years' government in Asia, Herod sailed from Judea; and when he met with him, he had none with him but Antipater, whom he delivered to Agrippa, that he might take him along with him, * This interval of ten years for the dnration of Marcus Agrippa's government in Asia, seems to be true, and agreeable to the Roman history. See Usher's Annals at A, M. 339^. 586 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. together with many presents, that so he might be- come Caesar's friend, insomuch, that things already looked as if he had all his father's favour, and that the young men were entirely rejected from any hopes of the kingdom. CHAPTER IV. How, during Antipaters abode at Rome, Herod brought Alexander and Aristobulus before Ccesar, and accused them. Aleocandefs defence of him- self before Ccesar, and reconciliation to his father. 1. And now what happened during Antipater's absence, augmented the honour to which he had been promoted, and his apparent eminence above his brethren, for he had made a great figure in Rome, because Herod had sent recommendations of him to all his friends there, only he was grieved that he was not at home, nor had proper opportunities of per- petually calumniating his brethren; and his chief fear was, lest his father should alter his mind and enter- tain a more favourable opinion of the sons of Mari- amne; and as he had this in his mind he did not desist from his purpose, but continually sent from Rome any such stories as he hoped might grieve and irritate his father against his brethren, under pre- tence indeed of a deep concern for his preservation, but in truth, such as his malicious mind dictated, in order to purchase a greater hope of the succession, wliich yet was already great in itself; and thus he did till he had excited such a degree of anger in Herod, that he was already become very ill disposed towards the young men; but still, while he delayed Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 587 to exercise so violent a disgust against them, and that he might not either be too remiss, or too rash, and so offend, he thought it best to sail to Rome, and there accuse his sons before Csesar, and not indulge himself in any such crime as might be heinous enough to be suspected of impiety; but as he was going up to Rome, it happened that he made such haste as to meet with Caesar at the ^ city Aquilei: So when he came to the speech of Ctesar, he asked for a time for hearing this great cause, wherein he thought himself very miserable, and presented his sons there, and accused them of their mad actions, and of their attempts against him: That "they were enemies to him; and by all the means they were able, did their endeavours to show their hatred to their own father, and would take away his life, and so obtain his kingdom, after the most barbarous manner; that he had power from Csesar to dispose of it, not by necessity, but by choice, to him who shall exercise the greatest piety towards him, while these my sons are not so desirous of ruling, as they are, upon a disappointment thereof, to expose their own life; if so be they may but deprive their father of his life, so wild and polluted is their mind by time become, out of their hatred to him; that whereas he had a long time borne this his misfortune, he was now compelled to lay it before Casar, and to pollute his ears with such language, while he him- self wants to know wlxit severity they have ever * Although Herod met Augustus at Aquilei, yet was this accusation of his sons deferred till they came to Rome, as sect. 3 assures, and as we are particularly informed in the History of the War, B. I. ch. xxiii. sect. 3, Vol. ni., though what he here says helonged distinctly to Alex- ander the elder brother. I mean his being brought to Rome, is here justly extended to both the brothers, and that not only in our copies, but that in Zonoras also: nor is there reason to doubt but they were both at this solemn hearing of Augustus, although the defence was made by Alexander alone, who was the eldest brother, and one that could speak very well. 588 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. suffered from him? or what hardships he hath evei' laid upon them to make them complain of him< and how they can think it just, that he should not he lord of that kingdom, which he in a long time,. and with great danger, had gained, and not allow him to keep it and dispose of it to him who should deserve it best? and this, with otlier advantages, he proposes as a reward for the piety of such a one as will hereafter imitate the care he hath taken of it, and that such a one may gain so great a requital as that is; and that it is an impious thing for them to pretend to meddle with it beforehand, for he who hath ever the kingdom in his view, at the same time reckons upon procuring the death of his father, be- cause otherwise he cannot come at the government; that as for himself, he had hitherto given them all that he was able, and what was agreeable to such as are subject to the royal authority, and the sons of a king: what ornaments they wanted, with servants and delicate fare, and had married them into the most illustrious families, the one [Aristobulus] to his sister's daughter, but Alexander to the daughter of king Archelaus; and what was the greatest favour of all, w^hen their crimes were so very bad, and he had authority to punish them, yet had he not made use of it against them, but had brought them before CcBsar their common benefactor, and had not used the severity which either as a father who had been impiously abused, or as a king who had been assaulted treacherously, he might liave done, he made them stand upon the level with him in judgment; that, however, it was necessary that all this should not l)e passed over without punishment, nor himself live in the greatest fears; nay, that it was not for their own advantage to see the light of the siiti after what they have done, although they should escape at this Chap. ly. OF THE JEWS. 589 time, since they had done the vilest things, and would certainly suffer the greatest punishments that were ever known among mankind." 2. These were the accusations which Herod laid with great vehemency against his sons before Caesar. Now, the young men, both while he was speaking, and chiefly at his concluding, wept, and were in con- fusion. For, as to themselves, they knew in their own consciences they were innocent, but because they were accused by their father, they were sensible, as the truth was, that it was hard for them to make their apology, since, though they were at liberty to speak their minds freely as the occasion required, and might with force and earnestness refute the accusation, yet was it not now decent so to do. There was therefore a difficulty how they should be able to speak, and tears, and at length a deep groan followed, while they were afraid, that if they said nothing, they should seem to be in this difficulty from a consciousness of guilt, nor had they any defence ready, by reason of their youth, and the disorder they were under; yet was not Ceesar un- apprised, when he looked upon them in the confusion they were in, that their delay to make their defence did not arise from any consciousness of great enor- mities, but from their unskilfulness and modesty. They were also commiserated by those that were there in jjarticular, and they moved their father's affections in earnest, till he had much ado to conceal them. 3. But when they saw there was a kind dispo- sition arisen both in him and in CcTsar, and that every one of the rest did either shed tears, or at least did all grieve with them, the one of them, whose name was AleA'cinder, called to his father, and at- tempted to answer his accusation and said, "O father, 590 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. the benevolence thou hast showed to us is evident, even in this very judicial procedure, for hadst thou had any pernicious intentions about us thou hadst not produced us here before the common saviour of all, for it was in thy power, both as a king, and as a father, to punish the guilty, but by thus bringing us to Rome, and making Ciesar himself a witness to what is done, thou intimatest that thou intendest to save us, for no one that hath a design to slay a man will bring him to the temples, and to the altars: yet are our circumstances still worse, for we cannot en- dure to live ourselves any longer, if it be believed that we have injured such a father; nay, perhaps it would be worse for us to live with this suspicion upon us, that we have injured him, than to die without such guilt: and if our oj)en defence may be taken to be true, we shall be happy, both in pacifying thee, and in escaping the danger we are in, but if this calumny so prevails, it is more than enough for us that we have seen the sun this day; which why should we see, if this suspicion be fixed upon us? Now it is easy to say of young men, that they desire to reign; and to say farther, that this evil proceeds from the case of our unhappy mother. This is abundantlj^ sufficient to j)roduce our misfortune out of the former; but consider well, whether such an accusation does not suit all such young men, and may not be said of them all promiscuously? for nothing can hinder him that reigns, if he have children, and their mother be dead, but the father may have a suspicion upon all his sons, as intending some treachery to him: but a suspicion is not sufficient to prove such an impious practice. Now let any man say, whether we have actually and insolently attempted any such thing, whereby actions otherwise incredible, use to be made credible. Can any body prove that poison hath been Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 591 prepared? or prove a conspiracy of our equals, or the corruption of servants, or letters written against thee^ though indeed there are none of those things but have sometimes been pretended by way of cal- umny, when they were never done; for a royal family that is at variance with itself is a terrible thing; and that which thou callest a reward of piety, often becomes, among very wicked men, such a foundation of hope, as makes them leave no sort of mischief untried: Nor does any one lay any wicked practices to our charge; but to calumnies by hearsay, how can he put an end to them, who will not hear what we have to say? Have we talked with too great free- dom? yes; but not against thee, for that would be unjust, but against those that never conceal any thing that is spoken to them. Hath either of us lamented our mother? yes; but not because she is dead, but because she was evil spoken of by those who had no reason so to do. Are we desirous of that dominion which we know our father is pos- sessed of? For what reason can we be so? If we already have royal honours, as we have, should not we labour in vain? And if we have them not, yet, are not we in hopes of them? Or, supposing that we had killed thee, could we expect to obtain thy kingdom? while neither the earth would let us tread upon it, nor the sea let us sail upon it, after such an action as that: nay, the religion of all your sub- jects, and the piety of the whole nation, would have prohibited parricides from assuming the government, and from ' entering into that most holy temple which ^ Since some prejudiced men have indulged a wild suspicion, as we have supposed already, Antiq. B. XV. ch. xi. sect. 7, that Josepluis' history of Herod's rebuilding the temple is no better than a fable, it may not be amiss to take notice of the occasional clause in the speech of Alexander before his father Herod, in his and his brother's vindic.ition, which mentions the tcuii>le as known by every l)ody to have been built l)y Herod. See John ii. 20. See also another speech of Herod's own to 592 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. was built by thee. But suppose we had made hght of other dangers, can any murderer go off unpun- ished, while Caesar is alive? We are thy sons, and not so impious, or so thoughtless, as that comes to, though perhaps more unfortunate than is convenient for thee. But in case thou neither findest any causes of complaint, nor any treacherous designs, what suffi- cient evidences hast thou to make such a wickedness of ours credible? Our mother is dead indeed, but then what befell her might be an instruction to us to caution, and not an incitement to wickedness. We are willing to make a larger apology for ourselves, but actions never done do not admit of discourse: Nay, we will make this agreement with thee, and that before Ca?sar, the lord of all, who is now a mediator between us, If thou, O father, canst bring thyself by the evidence of truth, to have a mind free from suspicion concerning us, let us live, though even then we shall live in an unhappy way, for to be accused of great acts of wickedness, though falg^ely, is a terrible thing; but if thou hast any fear remaining, continue thou on in thy pious life, we will give this reason for our own conduct, our life is not so de- sirable to us as to desire to have it, if it tend to the harm of our father who gave it us." 4. When Alexander had thus spoken, Csesar, who did not before believe so gross a calumny, was still more moved by it, and looked intently upon Herod, and perceived he was a little confounded; the persons there present were under an anxiety about the young men, and the fame tliat was spread abroad made the king hated, for the very incredibility of the the young men that ])ull('d down liis golden eagle from the front of the temple, where he takes notice, "How the building of the temple cost him a vast sum; and that the Asanioneans, in those 125 years they held the government, were not able to perform so great a work, to the honour of God, as this was." Antiq. B. XVII. ch. vi. sect. 3, Vol. III. Chap. IV. OF THE JEWS. 593 calumny, and the commiseration which the flower of youth, the beauty of body, which were in the young men, pleaded for assistance; and the more so on this account, that Alexander had made their defence with dexterity and prudence; nay, they did not them- selves any longer continue in their former coun- tenances, which had been bedewed with tears and cast downwards to the ground, but now there arose in them a hoj^e of the best: and the king himself appeared not to have had foundation enough to build such an accusation upon, he having no real evidence wherewith to convict them. Indeed he wanted some apology for making the accusation; but Cajsar, after some delay, said, That "although the young men were thoroughly innocent of that for which they were calumniated, yet had they been so far to blame, that they had not demeaned themselves towards their father, so as to prevent that suspicion which was spread abroad concerning them." He also exhorted Herod to lay all such suspicions aside, and to be reconciled to his sons; for that it was not just to give any credit to such reports concerning his own children; and that this repentance on both sides might still heal those breaches that had hap- pened between them, and might improve their good- will to one another, whereby those on both sides, excusing the rashness of their suspicions, might re- solve to bear a greater degree of affection towards each other than they had before. After Ceesar had given them this admonition, he beckoned to the young men. When therefore they were disposed to fall down to make intercession to their father, he took them up, and embraced them, as they were in tears, and took each of them distinctly in his arms, till not one of those that were present, whether freeman or slave, but was deeply affected with what they saw. 594 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. 5. Then did they return thanks to Cassar, and went away together; and with them went Antipater, with a hypocritical pretence that he rejoiced at this reconcihation. And in the last days they were with Ctesar, Herod made hhn a present of three hundred talents, as he was then exhibiting shows and largesses to the peojDle of Rome : and Csesar made him a present of half the revenue of the copper mines in Cyprus, and committed the care of the other half to him, and honoured him with other gifts and incomes: And as to his own kingdom, he left it in his own power to appoint which of his sons he pleased for his suc- cessor, or to distribute it in parts to every one, that the dignity might thereby come to them all. And when Herod was disposed to make such a settlement immediately, Caesar said, "He would not give him leave to deprive himself, while he was alive, of the power over his kingdom, or over his sons." 6. After this Herod returned to Judea again, but during his absence no small part of his dominions about Trachon had revolted, whom yet the com- manders he left there had vanquished, and compelled to a submission again. Now, as Herod was sailing with his sons, and was come over against Cilicia, to [the island] Eleusa, which hath now changed its name for Sebaste, he met with Archelaus, king of Cappadocia, who received him kindly, as rejoicing that he was reconciled to his sons, and that the accusa- tion against Alexander, who had married his daughter, was at an end. They also made one another such presents as it became kings to make. From thence Herod came to Judea, and to the temple, where he made a speech to the people, concerning what had been done in this his journey: "He also discoursed to them about Caesar's kindness to him, and about as many of the particulars he had done, as he thought Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 595 it for his advantage other people should be acquainted with. At last he turned his speech to the admonition of his sons; and exhorted those that hved at court, and the multitude, to concord: and informed them, that his sons were to reign after him; Antipater first, and then Alexander and Aristobulus, the sons of Mariamne; but he desired that at present they should all have regard to himself, and esteem him king and lord of all, since he was not yet hindered by old age, but was in that period of life when he must be the most skilful in governing; and that he was not deficient in other arts of management that might enable him to govern the kingdom well, and to rule over his children also. He farther told the rulers under him, and the soldiery, that in case they would look upon him alone, their life would be led in a peaceable manner, and they would make one another happy." And when he had said this, he dismissed the assembly. Which speech was acceptable to the greatest part of the audience, but not so to them all, for the contention among his sons, and the hopes he had given them, occasioned thoughts and desires of innovations among them. CHAPTER V. How Herod celebrated the games that were to return every fifth year, upon the building of Ccesarea; a7id how he built and adorned many other places after a magnificent manner; and did many other actions gloriously. 1. About tliis time it was that Ccesarea Sebaste, which he had built, was finished. The entire building 596 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. being accomplished in the tenth year, the solemnity of it fell into the twenty-eighth j^ear of Herod's reign, and into the hundred and ninety-second olympiad: There was accordingly a great festival, and most sumptuous preparations made presently, in order to its dedication, for he had appointed a contention in music, and games to be performed naked: He had also gotten ready a great number of those that fight single combats, and of beasts for the like purpose: horse races also, and the most chargeable of such sports and shows as used to be exhibited at Rome, and in other places. He consecrated this combat to Caesar, and ordered it to be celebrated every fifth year. He also sent all sorts of ornaments for it out of his own furniture, that it might want nothing to make it decent: nay, Julia, Ccesar's wdfe, sent a great part of her most valuable furniture [from Rome,] insomuch that he had no want of any thing: The sum of them all w^as estimated at five hundred talents. Now when a great multitude was come to that city, to see the shows, as well as the ambassadors w^hom other people sent, on account of the benefits they had received [from Herod,] he entertained them all in the public inns, and at public tables, and with perpetual feasts, this solemnity having in the day- time the diversions of the fights, and in the night-time such merry meetings as cost vast sums of money, and publicly demonstrated the generosity of his soul, for in all his undertakings he was ambitious to ex- hibit what exceeded whatsoever had been done before of the same kind. And it is related that Cssar and Agrippa often said. That "the dominions of Herod were too little for the greatness of his soul, for that he deserved to have both all the kingdom of Syria, and that of Egy])t also." 2. After this solcmnitv and these festivals were Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 597 over, Herod erected another city in the plain called Capharsaba, where he chose out a fit place, botli for plenty of water, and goodness of soil, and proper for the production of what was there planted, where a river encompassed the city itself, and a grove of the best trees for magnitude w^as round about it: this he named Antipatris, from his father Antipater. He also built upon anotlier spot of ground above Jericho, of the same name with his mother, a place of great security, and very pleasant for habitation, and called it Cyprus. He also dedicated the finest monuments to his brother Phasaelus, on account of the great natural affection there had been between them, by erecting a tower in the city itself, not less than the tower of Pharos, which he named Phasaelus, which was at once a part of the strong defences of the city and a memorial for him that was deceased, because it bore his name. He also built a city of the same name in the valley of Jericho, as you go from it northward, whereby he rendered the neigh- bouring country more fruitful, by the cultivation its inhabitants introduced; and this also he called Phasaelus. 3. But as for his other benefits, it is impossible to reckon them up, those which he bestowed on cities, both in Syria and in Greece, and in all the places he came to in his voyages; for he seems to have conferred, and that after a most plentiful manner, what would minister to many necessities, and the building of public works, and gave them the money that was necessary to such works as wanted it, to support them upon the failure of their other revenues: but, what was the greatest and must illustrious of all his works, he erected Apollo's temple at Rhodes, at his own expenses, and gave them a gi*eat number of talents of silver for the repair of their fleet. He 598 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. also built the greatest part of the public edifices for the inhabitants of ^ Nicopohs, at Actium: and for the Antiochians, the inhabitants of the principal city in Syria, where a broad street cuts through the place lengthways, he built cloisters along it on both sides; and laid the open road with polished stone, and was of very great advantage to the inhabitants. And as to the Olympic games, which were in a very low condition, by reason of the failure of their revenues, he recovered their reputation, and appointed revenues, for their maintenance, and made that solemn meeting more venerable, as to the sacrifices and other orna- ments: and by reason of this vast liberality, he was generally declared in their inscriptions to be one of the perpetual managers of those games. 4. Now some there are who stand amazed at the diversity of Herod's nature and purposes; for when we have respect to his magnificence, and the benefits which he bestowed on all mankind, there is no pos- sibility for even those that had the least respect for him, to deny, or not openly to confess, that he had a nature vastly beneficent; but when any one looks upon the punishments he inflicted, and the injuries he did, not only to his subjects, but to his nearest relations, and takes notice of his severe and unrelent- ing disposition there, he will be forced to allow, that it was brutish, and a stranger to all humanity, inso- much that these men suppose his nature to be dif- ferent, and sometimes at contradiction with itself: but I am myself of another opinion, and imagine that the occasion of both these sort of actions was one and the same: for being a man ambitious of * Dr. Hudson here pives lis the words of Suetonius concerning tin.'; Nicopolis, when Aup:ustus rebuilt it: "And that the memory of tiie victT- " at Actium mip;ht be celebrated the more afterward, he built Nicopolis at Actium, and a])])ointed pul)lic shows to be there exhibited every fifth year, in August." vSect. 18, Chap. V. OF THE JEWS. 599 honour, and quite overcome by that passion, he was induced to be magnificent, wherever there appeared any hopes of a future memorial, or of reputation at present; and as his expenses were beyond his abihties, he was necessitated to be harsh to his subjects; for the jjersons on whom he expended his money were so many, that they made him a very bad procurer of it: and because he was conscious that he was hated by those under him, for tlie injuries he did them, he thought it not an easy thing to amend his offences, for that it was convenient for his revenue, he therefore strove on the other side to make their ill-will an occasion of his gains. As to his own court, therefore, if any one was not very obsequious to him in his language, and would not confess himself to be his slave, or but seemed to think of anv innovation in his government, he was not able to contain him- self, but prosecuted his very kindred and friends, and punished them as if they were enemies; and this wickedness he undertook out of a desire that he might be himself alone honoured. Now for this my as- sertion about that passion of his, we have the greatest evidence, by what he did to honour Cfesar and Agrippa, and his other friends; for with what honours he paid his respects to them who were his superiors, the same did he desire to be paid to himself; and what he thought the most excellent present he could make another, he discovered an inclination to have the like presented to himself. But now the Jewish nation is by their law a stranger to all such things, and ac- customed to prefer righteousness to glory; for which reason that nation was not agreeable to him, because it was out of their power to flatter the king's ambition with statues or temples, or any other such per- formances. And tliis seems to me to have been at once the occasion of Herod's crimes, as to his own 600 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. courtiers and counsellors, and of his benefactions, as to foreigners and those that had no relation to him. CHAPTER VI. An embassage of the Jews in Cyrene and Asia to Ca^sa?', concerning the complaints they had to make against the Greeks: with copies of the epistles which Ccesar and Agrippa wrote to the cities for them. 1. Now the cities ill treated the Jews in Asia, and all those also of the same nation which lived in Lybia, which joins to Cyrene, while the former kings had given them equal privileges with the other citizens; but the Greeks affronted them at this time, and that so far as to take away their sacred money, and to do them mischief on other particular occasions. When therefore they were thus afflicted, and found no end of the barbarous treatment they met with among the Greeks, they sent ambassadors to Caesar on those accounts; who gave them the same privileges as they had before, and sent letters to the same pur- pose to the governors of the pro\dnces, copies of which I subjoin here, as testimonials of the ancient favour- able disposition the Roman emperors had towards us. 2. "Cfesar Augustus high priest, and tribune of the people, ordains thus: Since the nation of the Jews hatli been found grateful to the Roman people, not only at this time, but in time past also, and chiefly Hyrcanus the high priest, under my father ^ Caesar the emperor, it seemed good to me and my counsellors, ' Augustus here calls Julius Caesar his father, though by birth he was only liis uncle, on account of his adoption l)y him. See the same, Antiq. B. XIV. ch. xiv. sect. 4. Chap. Yi. OF THE JEWS. 601 according to the sentence and oath of the people of Rome, that the Jews have Hberty to make use of their own customs, according to the law of their forefathers, as they made use of them under Hvrcanus the high priest of Almighty God; and that their sacred money be not touched, but be sent to Jerusalem, and that it be committed to the care of the receivers at Jerusalem; and that they be not obliged to go before any judge on the Sabbath day^ nor on the ^ day of the preparation to it, after the ninth hour : but if any one be caught stealing their holy books, or their sacred money, whether it be out of the synagogue, or public school, he shall be deemed a sacrilegious person, and his goods shall be brought into the public treasury of the Romans. And I give order, that the testimonial which they have given me, on account of my regard to that piety which I exercise toward all mankind, and out of regard to Caius Marcus Censorinus, together with the present decree, be proposed in that most eminent place which hath been consecrated to me, by the community of Asia at Ancyra. And if any one transgress any part of what is above decreed, he shall be severely punished." This was inscribed upon a pillar in the temple of Csesar. 3. "Caesar to Norbanus Flaccus, sendeth greeting: Let those Jews, how many soever they be, who have been used, according to their ancient custom, to send their sacred money to Jerusalem, do the same freely." These were the decrees of Ceesar. 4. Agrippa also did himself write after the manner following, on behalf of the Jews: "Agrippa, to the magistrates, senate, and people of the Ephesians, ^ This is authentic evidence, that the Jews, in the days of Augustus, began to prepare for the celebration of the Sabbath at the ninth hour on Friday, as the tradition of the elders did, it seems, then require of them. G02 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. sendeth greeting: I will that the care and custody of the sacred money that is carried to the temple at Jerusalem be left to the Jews of Asia, to do with it according to their ancient custom; and that such as steal that sacred money of the Jews, and fly to a sanctuary, shall be taken thence and delivered to the Jews, by the same law that sacrilegious persons are taken thence. I have also written to Sylvanus the pretor, that no one compel the Jews to come before a judge on the Sabbath day." 5. "JNIarcus Agrippa, to the magistrates, senate, and people of Cyrene, sendeth greeting: The Jews of Cyrene have interceded with me for the performance of w^hat Augustus sent orders about to Flavins, the then pretor of Lybia, and to the other procurators of that province, that the sacred money may be sent to Jerusalem freely, as hath been their custom from their forefathers, they complaining that they are abused by certain informers, and under pretence of taxes which were not due, are hindered from sending them, which I command to be restored, without any diminution or disturbance given to them: And if any of that sacred money in the cities be taken from their proper receivers, I farther enjoin, that the same be exactly returned to the Jews in that place." 6. "Caius Norbanus Flaccus, proconsul, to the magistrates of the Sardians, sendeth greeting: Caesar hath written to me, and commanded me not to forbid the Jews, how many soever they be, from assembling together according to the custom of their forefathers, nor from sending their money to Jerusalem: I have therefore written to you, that you may know that both Cfesar and I would have you act accordingly." 7. Nor did Julius Antonius, the proconsul, write otherwise, "To the magistrates, senate, and people of the Ephesians, sendeth greeting: As I was dis- Chap. VI. OF THE JEWS. 603 pensing justice at Ephesus, on the ides of February, the Jews that dwell in Asia demonstrated to me, that Augustus and Agrippa had permitted them to use their own laws and customs, and to offer those their first fruits which every one of them freely offers to the Deity on account of piety, and to carry them in a company together to Jerusalem without disturbance. They also petitioned me, that I also would confirm what had been granted by Augustus and Agrippa by my own sanction. I w^ould therefore have you take notice, that according to the will of Augustus and Agrippa, I permit them to use and do accord- ing to the customs of their forefathers without dis- turbance." 8. I have been obliged to set down these decrees, because the present history of our own acts will go generally among the Greeks; and I have hereby demonstrated to them that we have formerly been in great esteem, and have not been prohibited by those governors we were under from keeping any of the laws of our forefathers; nay, that we have been sup- ported by them, while we followed our own religion, and the worship w^e paid to God: and I frequently make mention of these decrees, in order to reconcile other people to us, and to take away the causes of that hatred which unreasonable men bear to us. As for our customs, there is no nation which always makes use of the same, and in every city almost w^e meet with them different from one another; but natural justice is most agreeable to the advantage of all men equally, both Greeks and Barbarians, to which our laws have the greatest regard, and thereby render us, if we abide in them after a pure manner, benevolent and friendly to all men: on which account we have reason to expect the like return from others, and to inform them that they ought not to esteem 604 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. difference of positive institutions a sufficient cause of alienation, but [join with us in] the pursuit of virtue and probity, for this belongs to all men in common, and of itself alone is sufficient for the pres- ervation of human life. I now return to the thread of my history. CHAPTER VII. How upon Herod's going dotcri into David's sepulchre, the sedition in his family greatly increased. 1. As for Herod he had spent vast sums about the cities, both wathout and within his own king- dom: and as he had before heard that Hyrcanus, who had been king before him, had opened David's sepulchre, and taken out of it three thousand talents of silver, and that there was a much greater number left behind, and indeed enough to suffice all his wants, he had a great while an intention to make the attempt: and at this time he opened that sepulchre by night, and went into it, and endeavoured that it should not be at all known in the citv, but took only his most faithful friends with him. As for any money, he found none, as Hyrcanus had done, but that furniture of gold, and those precious goods that were laid up there; all whicli he took away. However, he had a great desire to make a more diligent search, and to go farther in, even as far as the very bodies of David and Solomon; where two of his guards were slain, by a flame that burst out upon those that went in, as the report was. So he was terribly affrighted, and went out and built a propitiatory monument of that fright he had been in. and this of white stone at the mouth of the sepulchre, and that at great ex- Chap. Yii. OF THE JEWS. 605 pense also. And even ^ Nicolaus his historiographer makes mention of this monument built by Herod, though he does not mention his going down into the sepulchre, as knowing that action to be of ill repute; and many other things he treats of in the same manner in his book; for he wrote in Herod's lifetime, and under his reign, and so as to please him, and as a servant to him, touching upon nothing but what tended to his glory, and openly excusing many of his notorious crimes, and very diligently concealing them. And as lie was desirous to put handsome colours on the death of ^Nlariamne, and her sons, which were barbarous actions in the king, he tells falsehoods about the incontinence of ]Mariamne, and the treacherous designs of his sons upon him; and thus he proceeded in his whole work, making a pompous encomium upon what just actions he had done, but earnestly apologizing for his unjust ones. Indeed, a man, as I said, may have a great deal to say by way of excuse for Xicolaus; for he did not so properly write this as a history for others, as somewhat that might be subservient to the king himself. As for ourselves, who come of a family nearly allied to the Asamonean kings, and on that account have an honourable place, which is the priest- hood, we think it indecent to sav any thino" tliat is false about them, and accordingly we have described their actions after an unblemished and upright man- ner. And although we reverence many of Herod's posterity, who still reign, yet do we pay a greater ^ It is here M-orth our oliservation, how careful Josephus was to the discovery of truth in Herod's history, since he would not follow Xicolaus of Damascus himself, so great a historian, where there was great reason to suspect that he flattered Herod; which impartiality in history Josephus here solemnly professes, and of which impartiality he has given more demonstrations than almost any historian whomsoever: But as to Herod's taking great wealth out of David's sejMdchrc, though I cannot prove it, yet do I strongly suspect it was this very history. 606 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. regard to truth than to them, and this though it some- times happens that we incur their displeasure by so doing. 2. And indeed Herod's troubles in his family seemed to be augmented by reason of this attempt he made upon David's sepulchre, whether divine vengeance increased the calamities he lay under, in order to render them incurable, or whether fortune made an assault upon him in those cases, wherein the seasonableness of the cause made it strongly believed that the calamities came upon him for his impiety; for the tumult was like a civil war in his palace, and their hatred towards one another was like that where each one strove to exceed another in calumnies. However, Antipater used stratagems perpetually against his brethren, and that very cunningly: While abroad he loaded them with accusations, but still took upon him frequently to apologize for them, that this apparent benevolence to them might make him be believed, and forward his attempts against them, by which means he, after various manners, circum- vented his father, who believed that all he did was for his preservation. Herod also recommended Ptolemy, who was a great director of the affairs of his kingdom, to Antipater; and consulted with his mother about the public affairs also. And indeed these were all in all, and did what they pleased, and made the king angry against any other persons, as they thought it might be to their own advantage: but still the sons of jNIariamne were in a worse and worse condition perpetually, and while they were thrust out, and set in a more dishonourable rank, who vet by birth were the most noble, they could not bear the dishonour. .tVnd for the women, Glaphyra, Alexander's wife, the daughter of Archelaus, hated Salome, both because of her love to her husband, and Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 607 because Glaphyra seemed to behave herself some- what insolently towards Salome's daughter, who was the wife of Aristobulus, which eciuality of hers to herself Glaphyra took very impatiently. 3. Xow, besides this second contention that had fallen among them, neither did the king's brother Pheroras keep himself out of trouble, but had a particular foundation for suspicion and hatred; for he was overcome with the charms of his wife to such a degree of madness, that he despised the king's daughter, to whom he had been betrothed, and wholly bent his mind to tlie other, who had been but a servant.- Herod also was grieved by the dishonour that was done him, because he had bestowed many favours upon him, and liad advanced him to that height of power that he was almost a partner with him in the kingdom, and saw that he had not made him a due return for his favours, and esteemed him- self unhappy on that account. So upon Pheroras' unworthy refusal, he gave the damsel to Phasaelus' son: but after some time, when he thought the heat of his brother's affections was over, he blamed him for his former conduct, and desired him to take his second daughter, whose name was Cypros. Ptolemy also advised him to leave off affronting his brother, and to forsake her whom he had loved, for that it was a base thing to be so enamoured of a servant, as to deprive himself of the king's good-will to him, and become an occasion of his trouble, and make himself hated by him. Pheroras knew that this advice would be for his own advantage, particularly because he had been accused before, and forgiven; so he put his wife away, although he already had a son by her, and engaged to the king that he would take his second daughter, and agreed that the thirtieth day after should be the day of marriage; and swore 608 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. he would have no farther conversation with her whom he had put away; but when the thirty days were over, he was such a slave to his affections, that he no longer performed any thing he had promised, but continued still with his former wife. This occasioned Herod to grieve openly, and made him angry, while the king dropped one word or other against Pheroras per- petually; and many made the king's anger an op- portunity for raising calumnies against him. Nor had the king any longer a single quiet day or hour, but occasions of one fresh quarrel or another arose among his relations, and those that were dearest to him; for Salome was of a harsh temper, -and ill- natured to Mariamne's sons; nor would she suffer her own daughter, who was the wife of Aristobulus, one of those young men, to bear a good-will to her husband, but persuaded her to tell her if he said any thing to her in private, and when any misunderstandings happened, as is common, she raised a great many suspicions out of it; by which means she learned all their concerns, and made the damsel ill-natured to the young man. And in order to gratif;^ her mother, she often said, that the young men used to mention Mariamne when they were by them- selves: and that they hated their father, and were continually threatening, that if they had once got the kingdom, they would make Herod's sons by his other wives country schoolmasters, for that the present education which was given them, and their diligence in learning, fitted them for such an employment. And as for the women, whenever they saw them adorned with their mother's clothes, they threatened, that instead of their present gaudy apparel, they should be clotlied in sackcloth, and confined so closely that they should not see the light of the sun. These stories were presently carried by Salome to the king, Chap. VII. OF THE JEWS. 609 who was troubled to hear them, and endeavoured to make up matters: but these suspicions afflicted him, and becoming more and more uneasy, he beheved every body against every body. However, upon his rebuldng his sons, and hearing the defence they made for themselves, he was easier for a while, though a little afterwards much worse accidents came upon him. 4. For Pheroras came to Alexander, the husband of Glaphyra, who was the daughter of Arclielaus, as we have already told vou, and said, that he had heard from Salome, that Herod was enamoured of Glaphyra, and that his passion for her was incurable. When Alexander heard that, he was all on fire, from his youth and jealousy; and he interpreted the instances of Herod's obliging behaviour to her, which were very frequent, for the worse, which came from those suspicions he had on account of that word which fell from Pheroras; nor could he conceal his grief at the thing, but informed him what words Pheroras had said. Upon which Herod was in a greater disorder than ever, and not bearing such a false calumny, which was to his shame, was much disturbed at it: and often did he lament the wickedness of his domestics, and how good he had been to them, and how ill requitals they had made him. So he sent for Pheroras, and reproached him, and said, "Thou vilest of all men! art thou come to that unmeasurable and extravagant degree of ingratitude, as not only to suppose such things of me, but to speak of them? I now indeed perceive what thy intentions are: it is not thy only aim to reproach me, when thou usest such words to my son, but thereby to persuade liim to plot against me, and get me destroyed by poison. And who is there, if he had not a good genius at his elbow, as hath my son, but would not bear such a suspicion of his father, but would revenge himself 610 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. upon him? Dost thou suppose that thou hast only (h'opped a word for him to think of, and not rather hast put a sword into his hand to slay his father? And what dost thou mean, when thou really hatest both him and his brother, to pretend kindness to them, only in order to raise a reproach against me, and talk of such things as no one but such an imj^ious wretch as thou art could either devise in their mind, or declare in their words. Begone, thou that art such a plague to thy benefactor, and thy brother, and may that evil conscience of thine go along with thee; while I still overcome my relations by kinchiess, and am so far from avenging myself of them, as they deserve, that I bestow greater benefits upon them tlian they are worthy of." 5. Thus did the king speak. Whereupon Pheroras, who was caught in the very act of his villainy, said. That "it was Salome who was the framer of this plot, and that the words came from her." But as soon as she heard that, for she was at hand, she cried out, like one that would be believed, that no such thing ever came out of her mouth; that they all earnestly endeavoured to make the king hate her, and to make her away, because of the good-will she bore to Herod, and because she was always fore- seeing the dangers that were coming upon him, and that at present there were more plots against him than usual; for while she was the only person who persuaded her brother to put away the wife he now had, and to take the king's daughter, it was no wonder if she were hated by him. As she said this, and often tore her hair, and often beat her breast, her countenance made her denial to be believed; but the perverseness of her manners declared at the same time her dissimulation in these proceedings: but Pheroras was caught between them, and had nothing Chap. yii. OF THE JEWS. 611 plausible to offer in his own defence, while he con- fessed that he had said what was charged upon him, but was not believed when he said he had heard it from Salome: so the confusion among them was increased, and their quarrelsome words one to another. At last the king, out of his hatred to his brother and sister, sent them both away; and when he had commended the moderation of his son, and that he had himself told him of the report, he went in the evening to refresh himself. After such a contest as this had fallen out among them, Salome's reputation suffered greatly, since she was supposed to have first raised the calumny; and the king's wives were grieved at her, as knowing she was a very ill natured woman, and would sometimes be a friend, and sometimes an enemy at different seasons: so they perpetually said one thing or anotlier against her, and somewhat that now fell out made them the bolder in speaking against her. 6. There was one Obodas, king of Arabia, an inactive and slothful man in his nature; but Sylleus managed most of his affairs to him. He was a shrewd man, although he was but young, and was handsome withal. This Sylleus, upon some occasion coming to Herod, and supping with him, saw Salome, and set his heart upon her; and, understanding that she was a widow, he discoursed witli her. Now because Salome was at this time less in favour wath her brother, she looked upon Sylleus with some pas- sion, and was very earnest to be married to him; and on the days following there appeared many, and those very great, indications of their agreement to- gether. Now the women carried this news to tlie king, and laughed at the indecency of it; whereupon Herod inquired about it farther of Pheroras, and desired him to observe them at supper, liow their 612 ANTIQUITIES Book xyi. ])eha^^our was one toward another; who told him, that by the signals which came from their heads and their eyes, they both were evidently in love. After this Sylleus the Arabian being suspected, went away, but came again two or three months afterwards, as it were on that very design, and spoke to Herod about it, and desired that Salome might be given him to wife; for that his affinity might not be dis- advantageous to his affairs, by a union with Arabia, the government of which country was already in effect under his power, and more evidently would be his hereafter. Accordingly, when Herod discoursed with hiis sister about it, and asked her, whether she were disposed to this match? she immediately agreed to it. But when Sylleus was desired to come over to the Jewish religion, and tlien he should marry her, and that it was impossible to do it on any other terms, he could not bear that proposal, and went his way; for he said that if he should do so, he should be stoned by the Arabs. Then did Pheroras reproach Salome for her incontinency, as did the women much more; and said that Sylleus had debauched her. As for that damsel, whom the king had betrothed to his brother Pheroras, but he had not taken her, as I have before related, because he was enamoured of his former wife, Salome desired of Herod she might be given to her son by Costobarus; which match he was very willing to, but was dissuaded from it by Pheroras, who pleaded, that this young man would not be kind to her, since his father had been slain by him, and that it was more just that liis son, who was to be his suc- cessor in the tetrarchy, should have her: So he begged his pardon, and persuaded liim to do so. Accordingly the damsel, upon this change of her espousals, was disposed of to this young man, the son of Pheroras, the king giving for her portion a hundred talents. Chap. YiH. OF THE JEWS. 613 CHAPTER VIII. How Herod took up Alexander', and hound him: whom yet Archelaus, king of Cappadocia, reconciled to his father, Herod, again. 1. But still the affairs of Herod's family were no better, but perpetually more troublesome. Now this accident happened, which arose from no decent occasion, but proceeded so far as to bring great diffi- culties upon him. There were certain eunuchs which the king had, and on account of their beauty was very fond of them; and the care of bringing him drink was entrusted to one of them, of bringing him his supper to another, and of putting him to bed to the third, who almost managed the principal affairs of the government, and there was one told the king that these eunuchs were corrupted by Alexander the king's son, with great sums of money: And when they were asked, whether Alexander had had crim- inal conversation with them? thev confessed it, but said they knew of no farther mischief of his against his father, but when they were more severely tor- tured, and were in the utmost extremity, and the tormentors, out of compliance with Antipater, stretched the rack to the verv utmost, thev said, that Alexander bare great ill-will and innate hatred to his father: and that he told them, that Herod desj^aired to live much longer; and that in order to cover his great age, he coloured his hair black, and endeavoured to conceal what would discover how old he was; but that if he would apply himself to him, when he should attain the kingdom, which, in spite of his father, could come to no one else, he should quickly have the first 614 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. jjlace in that kingdom under him, for that he was now ready to take the kingdom, not only as his birth- right, but by the preparations he had made for ob- taining it, because a great many of the rulers, and a great many of his friends, were of his side, and those no ill men neither, ready both to do and to suffer Avhatsoever should come on that account. 2. When Herod heard this confession, he was all over anger and fear, some parts seeming to him reproachful, and some made him susjDicious of dangers that attended him, insomuch that on both accounts he was provoked, and bitterly afraid lest some more heavy plot was laid against him than he should be then able to escape from; whereupon he did not now make an open search, but sent about spies to watch such as he suspected, for he was now overrun with suspicion and hatred against all about him; and indulging abundance of those suspicions, in order to his preservation, he continued to suspect those that were guiltless; nor did he set any bounds to himself, but supposing that those who stayed with him had the most power to hurt him, they were to him very frightful; and for those that did not use to come to him, it seemed enough to name them [to make them susj)ected] and he thought himself safer when they were destroyed: And at last his domestics were come to that pass, that being no way secure of escaping themselves, they fell to accusing one another, and imagining that he who first accused another, was most likely to save himself ; yet, when any had overthrown others, they were hated, and they were thought to suffer justly, who unjustly accused others, and they only thereby prevented their own accusation'; nay, they now executed their own private enmities by tliis means, and when they were caught, they were punished in the same way. Thus Chap. Yiii. OF THE JEWS. 61.5 these men contrived to make use of tliis opportunity as an instrument and a snare against their enemies, yet when they tried it, were themselves caught also in the same snare which they laid for others: And the king soon repented of what he had done, because he had no clear evidence of the guilt of those whom he had slain; and yet what was still more severe in him, he did not make use of his repentance, in order to leave off doing the like again, but in order to inflict the same punishment upon their accusers. 3. And in this state of disorder were the affairs of the palace: and he had already told many of his friends directly, that they ought not to appear be- fore him, nor come into the palace; and the reason of this injunction was, that [when they were there] he had less freedom of acting, or a greater restraint on himself on their account: for at this time it was that he expelled Andromachus and Gamellus, men who had of old been his friends, and been very useful to him in the affairs of his kingdom, and been of advantage to his family, by their embassages and counsels; and had been tutors to his sons, and had in a manner the first degree of freedom with him. He expelled Andromachus, because his son Demetrius was a companion to Alexander; and Gamellus, be- cause he knew that he wished him well, which arose from his having been with him in his youth, when he was at school, and absent at Rome. These he ex- pelled out of his palace, and was willing enough to have done worse by them; but that he might not seem to take such liberty against men of so great reputation, he contented himself with depriving them of their dignity, and of their power to hinder his wicked proceedings. 4). Now it was Antipater, who was the cause of all this; who when he knew what a mad and licentious 61G ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. way of acting his father was in, and had been a great while one of his counsellors, he hurried him on, and then thought he should bring him to do somewhat to purpose, when every one that could oppose him was taken away. When therefore An- dromachus and his friends were driven away, and had no discourse nor freedom with the king any longer, the king in the first place examined by torture all whom he thought to be faithful to Alex- ander, whether they knew of any of his attempts against him; but these died without having any thing to say to that matter, which made the king more zealous [after discoveries,] when he could not find out what evil proceedings he suspected them of. As for Antipater, he was very sagacious to raise a calumny against those that were really innocent, as if their denial was only their constancy and fidelity [to Alexander,] and thereupon provoked Herod to discover, by the torture of great numbers, what attempts were still concealed. Now there was a cer- tain person among the many that were tortured, who said, that he knew that the young man had often said, that when he was commended as a tall man in his body, and a skilful marksman, and that in his commendable exercises he exceeded all men, these qualifications given him by nature, though good in themselves, were not advantageous to him, because his father was grieved at them, and envied him for them; and that when he walked along with his father he endeavoured to depress and shorten himself that he might not appear too tall, and that when he shot at any thing as he was hunting, when his father was by, he missed his mark on purpose, for he knew how ambitious his father was of being superior in such exercises. So when the man was tormented about this saying, and had ease given his body after Chap. Yiii. OF THE JEWS. 617 it, he added, that he had his brother Aristobuhis for his assistance, and contrived to he in wait for their father, as they were hunting, and kill him: and when they had done so, to fly to Rome, and desire to have the kingdom given them. There were also letters of the young man found, written to his brother, wherein he complained, that his father did not act justly in giving Antipater a country, whose [yearly] revenues amounted to two hundred talents. Upon these confessions Herod presently thought he had somewhat to depend on, in his own opinion, as to his suspicion about his sons: So he took up Alex- ander and bound him: yet did he still continue to be uneasy, and was not quite satisfied of the truth of what he had heard; and when he came to recollect himself, he found that they had only made juvenile complaints and contentions, and that it was an in- credible thing, that when his son should have slain him, he should openly go to Rome [to beg the king- dom,] so he was desirous to have some surer mark of his son's wickedness, and was very solicitous about it, that he might not appear to have condemned him to be put in prison too rashly; so he tortured the principal of Alexander's friends, and put not a few of them to death, without getting any of the things out of them which he suspected. And while Herod was very busy about this matter, and the palace was full of terror and trouble, one of the younger sort, when he was in the utmost agony, confessed that Alexander had sent to his friends at Rome, and desired that he might be quickly invited thither by CcEsar, and that he could discover a plot against him; that Mithridates, the king of Parthia, was joined in a friendship with his father against the Romans, and that he had a poisonous potion ready prepared at Askelon. 618 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. 5. To these accusations Herod gave credit, and enjoyed hereby, in his miserable case, some sort of consolation, in excuse of his rashness, as flattering himself with finding things in so bad a condition: but as for the poisonous potion, which he laboured to find, he could find none. As for Alexander, he was very desirous to aggravate the vast misfortunes he was under, so he pretended not to deny the accusa- tions, but punished the rashness of his father with a great crime of his own; and f)erhaps he was willing to make his father ashamed of his easy belief of such calumnies: he aimed especially, if he could gain belief to his story, to j)lague him, and his whole kingdom; for he wrote four letters, and sent them to him, that "he did not need to torture any more persons, for he had plotted against him; and that he had for his partners Pheroras, and the most faith- ful of his friends; and that Salome came in to him by night, and that she lay with him whether he would or no; and that all men were come to be of one mind, to make away with him as soon as they could, and so get clear of the continual fear they were in from him." Among these were accused Ptolemy, and Sapinnius, who were the most faithful friends to the king. And what more can be said, but that those who before were the most intimate friends, were become wild beasts to one another, as if a certain madness had fallen upon them, while there was no room for defence or refutation, in order to the dis- covery of the truth, but all were at random doomed to destruction; so that some lamented those that were in prison, some those that were put to death, and others lamented that they were in the expectation of the same miseries; and a melancholy solitude ren- dered the kingdom deformed, and quite the reverse to that happy state it was formerly in: Herod's own Chap. vm. OF THE JEWS. 619 life also was entirely disturbed; and because he could trust nobody, he was sorely punished by the expec- tation of farther misery, for he often fancied in his imagination, that his son had fallen upon him, or stood by him with a sword in his hand; and thus was his mind night and day intent upon this thing, and revolved it over and over, no otherwise than if he were under a distraction. And this was the sad condition Herod was now in. 6. But when Archelaus, king of Cappadocia, heard of the state that Herod was in, and being in great distress about his daughter, and the young man [her husband,] and grieving with Herod, as with a man that was his friend, on account of so great a dis- turbance as he was under, he came [to Jerusalem] on purpose to compose their differences; and when he found Herod in such a temper, he thought it wholly unseasonable to reprove him, or to pretend that he had done any thing rashly, for that he should thereby naturally bring him to dispute the point with him, and by still more and more apologizing for himself to be the more irritated. He went there- fore another way to work, in order to correct the former misfortunes, and appeared angry at the young man, and said, that Herod had been so very mild a man, that he had not acted a rash part at all. He also said, he would dissolve his daughter's mar- riage with Alexander, nor could in justice spare his own daughter, if she were conscious of any thing, and did not inform Herod of it. When Archelaus appeared to be of this temper, and otherwise than Herod expected or imagined, and for the main, took Herod's part, and was angry on his account, the king abated of his harshness, and took occasion from his appearing to liave acted justly hitherto, to come by degrees to put on the affection of a fatlier, and was 620 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. on both sides to be pitied; for when some persons refuted the calumnies that were laid on the young man, he was thrown into a passion, but when Ar- chelaus joined in the accusation, he was dissolved into tears and sorrow after an affectionate manner. Accordingly, he desired that he would not dissolve his son's marriage, and became not so angry as be- fore for his offences. So when Archelaus had brought him to a more moderate temper, he transferred the calumnies upon his friends; and said, it must be owing to them that so young a man, and one un- acquainted with malice, was corrupted, and he sup- posed that there was more reason to suspect the brother than the son. Upon which Herod was very much displeased at Pheroras, who indeed now had no one that could make a reconciliation between him and his brother; so when he saw that Archelaus had the greatest power with Herod, he betook himself to him ill the habit of a mourner, and like one that had all the signs upon him of an undone man. Upon this Archelaus did not overlook the intercession he made to him, nor yet did he undertake to change the king's disposition towards him immediately, and he said, that it was better for him to come himself to the king, and confess himself the occasion of all, that this would make the king's anger not to be extravagant towards him, and that then he would be present to assist him. When he had persuaded him to this, he gained his point with both of them; and the calumnies raised against the young man were, beyond all expectation, wiped off. And Ar- chelaus, as soon as he had made the reconciliation, went then away to Cappadocia, having proved at this juncture of time the most acceptable person to Herod in the world; on which account he gave him the richest presents, as tokens of his respect to Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 621 him, and being on other occasions magnanimous, he esteemed him one of his dearest friends. He also made an agreement with him that he would go to Rome, because he had written to Ctesar about these affairs; so they went together as far as Antioch, and there Herod made a reconciliation between Archelaus and Titus, the president of Syria, who had been greatly at variance, and so returned back to Judea. CHAPTER IX. Concerning the revolt of the Trachonites: How Si/I- leus accused Herod before Cccsar: and how Herod, when Cccsar was angry at him, resolved to send Xicolaus to Borne. 1. Whex Herod had been at Rome, a«id was come back again, a war arose between him and the Arabians, on the occasion following: The inhabitants of Trach- onitis, after Ceesar had taken the country away from Zenodorus, and added it to Herod, had not now power to rob, but were forced to plough the land, and to live quietly, which was a thing they did not like; and when they did take that pains, the ground did not i^roduce much fruit for them. However, at the first the king would not permit them to rob, and so they abstained from that unjust way of living upon their neighbours, whicli procured Herod a great reputation for his care : But when he was sailing to Rome, (it was at that time when he went to accuse his son Alexander, and to commit Antipater to Caesar's protection,) the Trachonites spread a report as if he were dead, and revolted from his dominion, and be- took themselves again to their accustomed way of 622 AXTIQUITIES Book xvi. robbing their neighbours: at which time the king's commanders subdued them during his absence, but about forty of the principal robbers, being terrified by those that had been taken, left the country, and retired into Arabia, Sylleus entertaining them, after lie had missed of marrying Salome, and gave them a place of strength in which they dwelt. So they overran not only Judea, but all Coelesyria also, and carried off the prey, while Sylleus afforded them places of protection and quietness during their wicked 23ractices. But when Herod came back from Rome, he perceived that his dominions had greatly suffered bv them, and since he could not reach the robbers themselves, because of the secure retreat they had in that country, and which the Araliian government afforded them, and yet being very uneasy at the in- juries they had done him, he went all over Trach- onitis, and slew their relations; whereupon these robbers were more angry than before, it being a law among them to be avenged on the murderers of their relations by all possible means, so they con- tinued to tear and rend every thing under Herod's dominion with impunity: Then did lie discourse about these robberies to Saturninus and Volunmius, and required that they should be punished; upon which occasion they still the more confirmed themselves in their robberies, and became more numerous; and made very great disturbances, laying waste the coun- tries and villages that belonged to Herod's kingdom, and killing those men whom they caught, till these unjust proceedings came to be like a real war, for the robbers were now become about a thousand. At which Herod was sore displeased, and required the robbers, as well as the money which he had lent Obodas, by Sylleus, whicli was sixty talents, and since the time of payment -vas now past, he desired Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 623 to have it j^aid him; but Sylleus, who had laid Obodas aside, and managed all by himself, denied that the robbers were in Arabia, and put off the payment of the money; about which there was a hearing before ^ Saturninus and A^olumnius, who were then the pres- idents of Syria. At last, he, by their means, agreed, that within thirty days time Herod should be paid his money, and that each of them should deliver up the other's subjects reciprocally. Xow, as to Herod, there was not one of the other's subjects found in his kingdom, either as doing any injustice, or on any other account, but it was proved that the Arabians had the robbers amongst them. 2. When this day appointed for payment of the money was past, without Sylleus' performing any part of his agreement, and he was gone to Rome, Herod demanded the payment of the monej', and that the robbers that were in Arabia should be de- livered up; and, by the permission of Saturninus and Volumnius, executed the judgment himself upon those that were refractory. He took an army that he had, and led it into Arabia, and in three days time, by forced marches, arrived at the garrison wherein the robbers were, he made an assault upon them, and took them all, and demolished the place, which was called Baepia, but did no harm to any others; but as the Arabians came to their assistance, under Xacebus their captain, there ensued a battle, wherein a few of Herod's soldiers, and Xacebus, the captain of the Arabians, and about twenty of his soldiers, fell, while the rest betook themselves to flight. So when he had brought these to punish- ment, he placed three thousand Idumeans in Trach- ' These joint presidents of Syria, Saturninus and Volumnius, were not perhaps of equal authority, but the latter like a procurator under the former, as the very learned Xoris and Pagi, and with them Dr. Hudson, determine. 624 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. onitis, and thereby restrained the robbers that were there. He also sent an account to the captains that were about Phenicia, and demonstrated, that he had done nothing but what he ought to do, in punishing the refractory Arabians, which, upon an exact in- quiry, they found to be no more than what was true. 3. However, messengers were hasted away to Sylleus to Rome, and informed him of what had been done, and, as is usual, aggi*avated every thing. Now Sylleus had already insinuated himself into the knowledge of Cjesar, and was then about the palace: and as soon as he heard of these things, he changed his habit into black, and went in, and told Caesar, That "Arabia was afflicted with M^ar, and that all his kingdom was in great confusion, upon Herod's laying it waste with his army; and he said, with tears in his eyes, that two thousand five hundred of the principal men among the Arabians had been destroyed, and that their captain Nacebus, his fa- miliar friend and kinsman, was slain; and that the riches that were at Raepta were carried off; and that Obodas was despised, whose infirm state of body rendered him unfit for war; on which account neither he, nor the Arabian army, were present." When Sylleus said so, and added invidiously. That "he would not himself have come out of the country, unless he had believed that Cicsar would have pro- vided that they should all have peace one with another, and that, had he been there, he would have taken care that the war should not have been to Herod's advantage." Caesar was provoked when this was said; and asked no more than this one question, both of Herod's friends that were there, and of his own fi'iends, who were come from Syria, "Whether Herod had led an army thither?" And wlicn they were forced to confess so much, Caesar, without stay- Chap. IX. OF THE JEWS. 625 ing to hear for what reason he did it, and how it was done, grew very angry, and wrote to Herod sharply. The sum of his epistle was this. That "whereas of old he had used him as his friend he should now use him as his subject." Sylleus also wrote an account of this to the Arabians; who were so elevated with it, that they neither delivered up the robbers that had fled to them, nor paid the money that was due: they retained those pastures also which they had hired, and kept them without paying their rent, and all this because the king of the Jews was now in a low condition, by reason of Caesar's anger at him. Those of Trachonitis also made use of this opportunity, and rose up against the Idumean gar- rison, and followed the same way of robbing with the Arabians, who had pillaged their country, and were more rigid in their unjust proceedings, not only in order to get by it, but by way of revenge also. 4. Now Herod was forced to bear all this, that confidence of his being quite gone with which Ca?sar's favour used to inspire him; for Caesar would not admit so much as an embassage from him to make an apology for him: and when they came again, he sent them away without success: so he was cast into sadness and fear; and Sylleus' circumstances grieved him exceedingly, who was now believed by Csesar, and was present at Rome, nay, sometimes aspiring higher. Now it came to pass that Obodas was dead: and Eneas, whose name was afterwards changed to ^ Aretas, took the government, for Sylleus endeavoured by calumnies to get him turned out of his principality, that he might himself take it; with which design he gave much money to the courtiers, ^ This Aretas was now become so established a name for the kinp:s of Arabia, [at Petra, and Damascus,] that when the crown came to tliis Eneas, he changed his name to Aretas, as Havercamp here justly ob- serves. See Antiq. B, XIII. ch. xv, sect. 2, Vol. II, 626 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. and promised much money to Citsar, who indeed was angry that Aretas had not sent to him first before he took the kingdom, yet did Eneas send an epistle and presents to Caesar, and a golden crown, of the weight of many talents. Xow that epistle accused Sylleus as having been a wicked servant, and having killed Obodas by poison; and that while he was alive, he had governed him as he pleased; and had also debauched the wives of the Arabians; and had bor- rowed monev, in order to obtain the dominion for himself: yet did not C^sar give heed to these accusa- tions, but sent his ambassadors back, without receiv- ing any of his presents; but in the meantime the affairs of Judea and Arabia became worse and worse, partly because of the anarchy they were under, and partly because, as bad as they were, nobody had power to govern them, for of the two kings, the one was not yet confirmed in his kingdom, and so had not authority sufficient to restrain the evil doers; and as for Herod, Caesar was immediately angry at him, for having avenged himself, and so he was compelled to bear all the injuries that were offered him. At length, when he saw no end of the mis- chief which surrounded him, he resolved to send ambassadors to Rome again, to see whether his friends had prevailed to mitigate Ca?sar, and to address themselves to Ccesar himself: and the ambassador he sent thither was Xicolaus of Damascus. Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 627 CHAPTER X. How Eurycles falsely accnsed Herod's sons; and how their father hound them and wrote to Ccesar about them. Of Sylleus, and how he was accused by Nicolaus. 1. The disorders about Herod's family and chil- dren about this time grew much worse; for it now api^eared certain, nor was it unforeseen beforehand, that fortune threatened the greatest and most in- supportable misfortunes possible to his kingdom. Its progress and augmentation at this time arose on the occasion following: One Eurycles, a Lacedemonian, (a person of note there, but a man of a perverse mind, and so cunning in his w^ays of voluptuousness and flattery, as to indulge both, and yet seem to indulge neither of then^,) came in his travels to Herod, and made him presents, but so that he re- ceived more presents from him. He also took such proper seasons for insinuating himself into his friend- ship, that he became one of the most intimate of the king's friends. He had his lodging in Antipater's house; but he had not only access, but free conver- sation with Alexander, as pretending to him that he was in great favour with Archelaus, the king of Cappadocia; whence he pretended much respect to Glaphyra, and, in an occult manner, cultivated a friendship with them all, but always attending to what was said and done, that he might be furnished with calumnies to please them all. In short, he be- haved himself so to every body in his conversation, as to appear to be his particular friend, and he made others believe that his being any where was for that 628 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. person's advantage. So he won upon Alexander, who was but young; and persuaded him, that he might open his grievances to him with assurance, and with nobody else. So he declared his grief to him, how his father was alienated from him. He related to him also the affairs of his mother, and of Antipater; that he had driven them from their proper dignity, and had the power over every thing himself; that no part of this was tolerable, since his father was already come to hate them; and he added, that he would neither admit them to his ta])le, nor to his conversation. Such were the comj^laints, as was but natural, of Alexander, about the things that troubled him: and these discourses Eurycles carried to Antipater; and told him, he did not inform him of this on his own account, but that, being overcome by his kindness, the great importance of the thing obliged him to do it: and he warned him to have a care of Alexander, for that what he said was spoken with vehemency, and that, in consequence of what he said, he would certainly kill him with his own hand. Whereupon Antipater, thinking him to be his friend by this advice, gave him presents, upon all occasions, and at length persuaded him to inform Herod of what he had heard. So when he related to the king Alexander's ill temper, as discovered by the words he had heard him speak, he was easily believed by him, and he thereby brought the king to that pass, turning him about by his words, and irritating him, till he increased his hatred to him, and made him imj^lacable, which he showed at that very time, for he immediately gave Eurycles a present of fifty talents; who, when he had gotten them, went to Ar- chelaus, king of Cappadocia, and commended Alex- ander before him, and told him that he had been many ways of advantage to him in making a recon- Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 629 ciliation between him and his father. So he got money from him also, and went away, before his pernicious practices Avere found out; but when Eurycles was returned to Lacedemon, he did not leave off doing mischief, and so, for his many acts of injustice, he was banished from his own country. 2. But as for the king of the Jews, he was not now in the temper he was in formerly towards Alex- ander and Aristobulus, when he had been content with the hearing their calumnies when others told him of them, but he was now come to that pass as to hate them himself, and to urge men to speak against them, though they did not do it of them- selves. He also observed all that was said, and put questions, and gave ear to every one that would but speak, if they could but say any thing against them, till at length he heard that Euaratus of Cos was a conspirator with Alexander, which thing to Herod was the most agreeable and sweetest news imaginable. 3. But still a greater misfortune came upon the young men; while the calumnies against them were continually increased, and, as a man may say, one would think it was every one's endeavour to lav some grievous thing to their charge, which might appear to be for the king's preservation. There were two guards of Herod's body, who were in great esteem for their strength and tallness, Jucundus and Tyrannus; these men had been cast off by Herod, who was displeased at them; these now used to ride along with Alexander, and for their skill in their exercises were in great esteem with him, and had some gold and other gifts bestowed upon them. Now the king having an immediate suspicion of those men, had them tortured, who endured the torture coura- geously for a long time, but at last confessed that G30 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. Alexander would have persuaded them to kill Herod, when he was in pursuit of the wild beasts. That it might be said he fell from his horse, and was run through with his own spear, for that he had once such a misfortune formerly. They also showed where there was money hidden in the stable under ground, and these convicted the king's chief hunter, that he had given the young men the royal hunting spears, and weapons to Alexander's dependents, at Alex- ander's command. 4. After these, the commander of the garrison of Alexandrium was caught and tortured; for he was accused to have promised to receive the young men into his fortress, and to supply them with that money of the king's which was laid up in that for- tress, yet did he not acknowledge any thing of it himself; but his son came in, and said it was so, and delivered up the writing, which, so far as could be guessed, was in Alexander's hand. Its contents were these: "When we have finished, by God's help, all that we have proposed to do, we will come to you; but do your endeavours, as you have promised, to receive us into your fortress." After this writing was produced, Herod had no doubt about the treach- erous designs of his sons against him. But Alex- ander said that Diophantus, the scribe, had imitated his hand, and that the paper was maliciously drawn up by Antipater; for Diophantus appeared to be very cunning in such j^ractices, and as he was after- ward convicted of forging other papers, he was put to death for it. 5. So the king produced those that had been tortured before the multitude at Jericho, in order to have them accuse the young men; which accusers many of the people stoned to death; and when they were going to kill Alexander, and Aristobulus like- Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 631 wise, the king would not permit them to do so, but restrained the multitude, by the means of Ptolemy and Pheroras. However, the young men were put under a guard, and kept in custody, that nobody might come at them; and all that they did or said was watched, and the reproach and fear they were in was little or nothing different from those of con- demned criminals: and one of them, who was Aris- tobulus, was so deeply affected, that he brought Salome, who was his aunt, and his mother-in-law, to lament with him for his calamities, and to hate him who had suffered things to come to that pass; when he said to her, "Art not thou in danger of destruction also, while the report goes that thou hadst disclosed beforehand all our affairs to Svlleus, when thou wast in hopes of being married to him?" But she immediately carried those words to her brother; upon this he was out of patience, and gave command to bind him; and enjoined them both, now they were kept separate one from the other, to write down the ill things they had done against their father, and bring the writings to him. So when this was en- joined them, they wrote this, that they had laid no treacherous designs, nor made any j^reparations against their father, but that they had intended to fly away; and that by the distress they were in, their lives being now uncertain and tedious to them. 6. About this time there came an ambassador out of Cappadocia from Archelaus, whose name was Melas; he was one of the principal rulers under him. So Herod being desirous to show Archelaus' ill-will to him, called for Alexander, as he was in his bonds, and asked him again concerning his flight, whither and how they had resolved to retire? Alexander re- plied, "To Archelaus, who had promised to send them away to Rome, but that thev had no wicked 632 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. nor mischievous designs against their father, and that nothing of that nature which their adversaries had charged upon them was true; and that their desire was, that he might have examined Tyrannus, and Jucundus, more strictly, but that they had been suddenly slain by the means of Antipater, who put his own friends among the multitude [for that purpose]." 7. When this was said, Herod commanded that both Alexander and Melas should be carried to Glaphyra, Archelaus' daughter, and that she should be asked, whether she did not know somewhat of Alexander's treacherous designs against Herod? Xow as soon as they were come to her, and she saw Alexander in bonds, she beat her head, and in a great consternation, gave a deep and moving groan. The young man also fell into tears. This was so miserable a spectacle to those present, that, for a great while, they were not able to say or do any thing; but at length Ptolemy, who was ordered to bring Alexander, bid him say, whether his wife were conscious of his actions? He replied, "How is it jjossible that she, whom I love better than my own soul, and by whom I have had children, should not know w^hat I doT' Upon which she cried out. That "she knew of no wicked designs of his; but that yet, if her accusing herself falsely would tend to his pres- ervation, she would confess it all." Alexander re- plied, "There is no such wickedness as those (who ought the least of all so to do) suspect, which either I have imagined, or thou knowest of, but this only, that we had resolved to retire to Archelaus, and from thence to Rome." Which she also confessed. Upon which Herod, supposing that Archelaus' ill- will to him was fully j^roved, he sent a letter by Olympus and Volumnius; and bid them, as they sailed by, to touch at Eleusa of Cilicia, and give Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 633 Archelaus the letter. And tliat when they had ex- postulated with him that had a hand in his son's treacherous design against him, they should from thence sail to Rome; and that, in case they found Nicolaus had gained any ground, and that Caesar was no longer displeased at him, he should give him his letters, and the proofs which he had ready to show against the young men. As to Archelaus he made this defence for himself, That "he had promised to receive the young men, because it was both for their own and their father's advantage so to do, lest some too severe procedure should be gone upon, in that anger and disorder they were in, on occasion of the present suspicions; but that still he had not promised to send them to Caesar: and that he had not promised any thing else to the young men that could show ill-will to him." 8. When these ambassadors were come to Rome, they had a tit opportunity of delivering their letters to Cssar; because they found him reconciled to Herod; for the circumstance of Nicolaus' embassage had been as follow\s: As soon as he was come to Rome, and was about the court, he did not first of all set about what he was come for only, but he thought fit also to accuse Sylleus. Now the Arabians, even before he came to talk with them, were quarrel- ling one wdth another, and some of them left Sylleus' party, and joining themselves to Nicolaus, informed him of all the wicked things that had been done; and produced to him evident demonstrations of the slaughter of a great number of Obodas' friends by Sylleus, for when these men left Sylleus, they had carried off with them those letters whereby they could convict him. When Nicolaus saw such an op- portunity afforded him, he made use of it, in order to gain his own point afterward, and endeavoured 634 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. immediately to make a reconciliation ])etween Csesar and Herod; for he was fully satisfied, that if he should desire to make a defence for Herod directly, he should not be allowed that liberty; but that if he desired to accuse Sylleus, there would an occasion present itself of speaking on Herod's behalf. So when the cause was ready for a hearing, and the day was appointed, Nicolaus, while Aretas' ambas- sadors were present, accused Sylleus, and said. That "he imputed to him the destruction of the king [Obodas,] and of many others of the Arabians: that he had borrowed money, for no good design; and he proved that he had been guilty of adultery, not only with the Arabians, but Roman women also." And he added. That "above all the rest he had alienated Ca}sar from Herod; and that all that he had said about the actions of Herod were falsities." When Nicolaus was come to this topic, Casar stopped him from going on, and desired him only to speak to this affair of Herod's; and to show that "he had not led an army into Arabia, nor slain two thousand five hundred men there, nor taken prisoners, nor pillaged the country." To which Nicolaus made this answer, "I shall principally demonstrate, that either nothing at all, or but a very little, of those imputa- tions are true, of which thou hast been informed, for had they been true, thou mightest justly have been still more angry at Herod." At this strange assertion Caesar was very attentive; and Nicolaus said, That "there was a debt due to Herod of five hundred talents, and a bond, wherein it was written, that if the time appointed be elapsed, it should be lawful to make a seizure out of any part of his country. As for the pretended army, he said, it was no army, but a party sent out to require the just payment of the money: that this was not sent Chap. X. OF THE JEWS. 635 immediately, nor so soon as the bond allowed, but that Sylleus had frequently come before Saturninus and Volumnius, the presidents of Syria; and that at last he had sworn at Berytus, ^ by thy fortune, that he would certainly pay the money within thirty days, and deliver up the fugitives that were under his dominion. And that when Sylleus had performed nothing of this, Herod came again before the pres- idents; and upon their permission to make a seizure for his money, he, with difficulty, went out of his country with a party of soldiers for that purpose. And this is all the war which these men so tragically describe; and this is the affair of the expedition into Arabia. And how can this be called a war? when thy presidents permitted it; the covenants allowed it; and it was not executed till thy name, O Caesar, as well as that of the other gods, had been profaned. And now I must speak in order about the captives. There were robbers that dwelt in Trachonitis; at first their number was no more than forty, but they be- came more afterwards, and they escaped the pun- ishment Herod would have inflicted on them, by making Arabia their refuge. Sjdleus received them, and supported them with food, that they might be mischievous to all mankind, and gave them a country to inhabit, and himself received the gains they made by robbery; yet did he ^^I'omise that he would de- liver up these men, and that by the same oaths, and same time that he swore and fixed for payment of his debt: nor can he by any means show that any other persons have at this time been taken out of Arabia, besides these, and indeed not all these neither, but only so many as could not conceal themselves. And ^ This oath, hi/ the forlune of Casar, was put to Polycarji, a l)ishop of Smyrna, by the Roman p;overnor, to try whether he was a Christian, as they were tlien esteemed who refused to swear that oatli. ^lartyr, Polycarp, sect. 9. 636 AXTIQUITIES Book xvi. thus does the calumny of the captives, which hath been so odiously represented, appear to be no better than a fiction and a lie, made on purpose to provoke thy indignation; for I venture to affirm, that when the forces of the Arabians came upon us, and one or two of Herod's party fell, he then only defended himself, and there fell Xacebus their general, and in all, about twenty-five others, and no more; when Sylleus, by multiplying every single soldier to a hundred, he reckons the slain to have been two thou- sand five hundred." 9. This provoked Cccsar more than ever: so he turned to Sylleus full of rage, and asked him how many of the Arabians were slain? Hereupon he hesitated, and said he had been im2:)osed upon. The covenants also were read about the money he had borrowed, and the letters of the presidents of Syria, and the complaints of the several cities, so many as had been injured by the robbers. The conclusion was this, that Sylleus was condemned to die, and that CiEsar was reconciled to Herod, and owned his re- pentance for what severe things he had written to him, occasioned by calumny, insomuch that he told Sylleus, that he had compelled him, by his lying account of things, to be guilty of ingratitude against a man that was his friend. At the last, all came to this: Svlleus was sent awav to answer Herod's suit, and to repay the debt that he owed, and after that to be punished [with death] : But still Ca?sar was offended with Aretas, that he had taken upon himself the government, without his consent first obtained, for he had determined to bestow Arabia upon Herod; but that the letters he had sent hindered him from so doing, for Olympus and Volumnius, perceiving that Ciusar was now become favourable to Herod, thought fit immediatelv to deliver him Chap. XI. OF THK JEWS. 637 the letters they were commanded bj'^ Herod to give him concerning his sons. When Csesar had read them, he thought it would not be proper to add another government to him, now he was old, and in an ill state with relation to his sons, so he ad- mitted Aretas' ambassadors; and after he had just reproved him for his rashness, in not tarrying till he received the kingdom from him, he accepted of his presents, and confirmed him in his govermnent. CHAPTER XI. How Herod, by per7nission from Ccesar, accused his sons before an assemhly of judges at Berytus; and what Tero suffered for using a boundless and mili- tary liberty of speech. Concerning also the death of the young men, and their burial at Alexandrium. 1. So Caesar was now reconciled to Herod; and wrote thus to him. That "he was grieved for him on account of his sons: and tliat in case they had been guilty of any profane and insolent crimes against him, it would behove him to punish them as parri- cides, for which he gave him power accordingly; but if they had only contrived to fly away, he would have him give them an admonition, and not proceed to extremity with them. He also advised him to get an assembly together, and to appoint some place near ^ Ber\i;us, which is a city belonging to the ' What Josephus relates Augustus to have here said, that Berytus u-as a city heloiif/inf/ to the Romans, is confirmed by Spanhcini's notes here: "It was," says he, "a colony placed there by Augustus. Whence Ulpian. De cens. bel. L. T. XV. The colony of Bert/tus was rendered famous by the benefits of Casar: And thence it is that, among the coins of Augustus, we meet with some having this inscription: The hapny colony of Auyustus at Berytus." 638 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. Romans, and tc take the presidents of Syria, and Archelaus king of Cappadocia, and as many more as he thought to be illustrious, for their friendship to him, and the dignities they were in, and determine what should be done by their approbation." These were the directions that Cffisar gave him. Accord- ingly Herod, when the letter was brought to him, was immediately very glad of Caesar's reconciliation to him, and very glad also that he had a complete authority given him over his sons. And it strangely came about, that whereas before, in his adversity, though he had indeed showed himself severe, yet had he not been very rash, nor hasty in procuring the destruction of his sons, he now, in his prosperity, took advantage of this change for the better, and the freedom he now had, to exercise his hatred against them, after an unheard of manner; he therefore sent and called as many as he thought fit to this assembly, excepting Archelaus, for as for him, he either hated him, so that he would not invite him, or he thought he would be an obstacle to his designs. 2. When the presidents, and the rest that be- longed to the cities, were come to Berytus, he kept his sons in a certain village belonging to Sidon, called Plat ana, but near to this city, that if they were called he might produce them, for he did not think fit to bring them before the assembly: and when there were one hundred and fifty assessors present, Herod came by himself alone, and accused his sons, and that in such a way as if it were not a melancholy accusation, and not made but out of necessity, and upon the misfortunes he was under: indeed in such a way, as was very indecent for a father to accuse his sons, for he was verv vehement and disordered, when he came to the demonstration of the crime they were accused of, and gave the greatest signs of Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 639 passion and barbarity: nor would he suffer the as- sessors to consider of the weight of the evidence, but asserted them to be true by his own authority, after a manner most indecent in a father against his sons, and read himself what they themselves had written, wherein there was no confession of any plots or contrivances against him. But only how they had contrived to fly away, and containing withal certain reproaches against him, on account of the ill-will he bore them; and when he came to those reproaches, he cried out most of all, and exaggerated, what they said, as if they had confessed the design against him, and took his oath that he had rather lose his life than hear such reproachful words. At last he said. That "he had sufficient authority both by nature, and by Cgesar's grant to him, [to do what he thought fit.] He also added an allegation of a law of their country which enjoined this. That if parents laid their hands on the head of him that was accused, the standers by were obliged to cast stones at him, and thereby to slaj^ him, which though he was ready to do in his own country and kingdom, yet did he wait for their determination: that yet they came thither not so much as judges, to condemn them for such manifest designs against him, whereby he had almost perished by his sons' means, but as persons that had an 023portunity of showing their detestation of such practices, and declaring how un- worthy a thing it must be in any, even the most remote, to pass such treacherous designs [without punishment."] 3. When the king had said this, and the young men had not been produced to make any defence for themselves, the assessors perceived there was no room for equity and reconciliation, so they confirmed his authority. And in the first place, Saturninus, a 640 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. person that had been consul, and one of great dig- nity, pronounced his sentence, but with great mod- eration and trouble; and said, "That he condemned Herod's sons, but did not think they should be put to death. He had sons of his own, and to put one's son to death, is a greater misfortune than any other that could befall him by their means." After him Saturninus' sons, for he had three sons that followed him, and were his legates, pronounced the same sen- tence with their father: on the contrary, Volumnius' sentence was to inflict death on such as had been so impiously undutif ul to their father ; and the greatest part of the rest said the same, insomuch that the conclusion seemed to be, that the young men were condemned to die. Inmiediately after this Herod came away from thence, and took his sons to Tyre, where Nicolaus met him in his voyage from Rome: of whom he inquired, after he had related to him what had passed at Berytus, what his sentiments were about his sons, and what his friends at Rome thought of that matter? His answer was, "That what they had determined to do to thee was impious, and that thou oughtest to keep them in prison; and if thou thinkest any thing farther necessary, thou mayest indeed so punish them, that thou mayest not appear to indulge thy anger more than to govern thyself by judgment; but if thou inclinest to the milder side, thou mayest absolve them, lest perhaps thy misfortunes be rendered incurable: and this is the opinion of the greatest part of thy friends at Rome also." Whereupon Herod was silent, and in great thoughtfulness, and bid Xicolaus sail along with him. 4. Now as they came to Ceesarea, every body was there talking of Herod's sons, and the kingdom was in suspense, and the people in great expectation of Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 641 what would become of them, for a terrible fear seized upon all men, lest the ancient disorders of the family should come to a sad conclusion, and they were in great trouble about their sufferings: nor was it without danger to say any rash thing about this matter, nor even to hear another saying it; but men's pity was forced to be shut up in themselves, which rendered the excess of their sorrow very irksome, but very silent; yet was there an old soldier of Herod's, whose name was Tero, who had a son of the same age with Alexander, and his friend, who w^as so very free, as openly to sj^eak out what others silently thought about that matter: and was forced to cry out often among the multitude, and said, in the most unguarded manner, "That truth was per- ished, and justice taken away from men, while lies and ill-will prevailed, and brought such a mist before pubhc affairs, that the offenders were not able to see the greatest mischief that can befall men." And as he was so bold, he seemed not to have kept him- self out of danger, by speaking so freely; but the reasonableness of what he said, moved men to regard him, as having behaved himself with great manhood, and this at a proper time also, for which reason every one heard what he said with pleasure; and although they first took care of their own safety, by keeping silent themselves, yet did they kindly receive the great freedom he took; for the expectation they were in of so great an affliction, put a force upon them to speak of Tero whatsoever they pleased. 5. This man had thrust himself into the king's presence with the greatest freedom, and desired to speak with him by himself alone, which tlie king per- mitted him to do, where he said this: "Since I am not able, O king, to bear up under so great a con- cern as I am under, I have preferred the use of this 642 AXTIQUITIES Book xvi. bold liberty that I now take, which may be for thy advantage, if thou mind to get any profit by it, before my own safety. Whither is thy understanding gone, and left thy soul empty? Whither is that extraor- dinary sagacity of thine gone, whereby thou hast performed so many and such glorious actions? Whence comes this solitude, and desertion of thy friends and relations? Of which I cannot but de- termine, that thev are neither thv friends nor rela- tions, while they overlook so horrid wickedness in thy once happy kingdom. Dost not thou perceive what is doing ^ Wilt thou slay these two young men, born of thy queen, who are accomplished with every virtue in the highest degree, and leave thyself desti- tute in thy old age, but exposed to one son, who hath very ill managed the hopes thou hast given him, and to relations, whose death thou hast so often resolved on thyself? Dost not thou take notice, that the very silence of the multitude at once sees the crime and abhors the fact? The whole army and the officers have commiseration on the poor unliappy youths, and hatred to those that are the actors in this matter." These words the king heard, and for some time with good temper. But what can one say? When Tero plainly touched upon the bad behaviour and per- fidiousness of his domestics, he was moved at it: but Tero went on farther, and by degrees used an un- bounded military freedom of speech, nor was he so well disciplined as to accommodate himself to the time: So Herod was greatly disturbed, and seeming to be rather reproached by this speech, than to be hearing what was for his advantage, while he learned hereby, that both the soldiers abhorred the thing he was about, and the officers had indignation at it, he gave orders that all wliom Tero had named, and Tero himself, should be bound and kept in prison. Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 643 6. When this was over, one Trypho, who was the king's barber, took the opportunity, and came and tokl the king, that Tero woukl often have per- suaded hnn, that when he trimmed him with a razor, to cut his throat, for that hy this means he should be among the chief of Alexander's friends, and receive great rewards from him. When he had said this, the king gave order that Tero and his son, and the barber, should be tortured, which was done accord- ingly; but while Tero bore up himself, his son seeing his father already in a sad case, and had no hope of deliverance, and perceiving what would be the con- sequence of his terrible sufferings, said, that "if the king would free him and his father from these tor- ments, for what he should say, he would tell the truth." And when the king had given his word to do so, he said that "there was an agreement made, that Tero should lay violent hands on the king, because it was easy for him to come when he was alone; and that if, when he had done the thing, he should suffer death for it, as was not unlikely, it would be an act of generosity done in favour of Alexander." This was what Tero's son said, and thereby freed his father from the distress he was in; but uncertain it is whether he had been thus forced to speak what was true, or whether it were a contrivance of his in order to procure his own and his father's deliverance from their miseries. 7. As for Herod, if he had before any doubt about the slaughter of his sons, there was now no longer any room left in his soul for it; but he had banished away whatsoever might afford him the least sugges- tion of reasoning better about this matter, so he already made haste to bring his purpose to a conclusion. He also brought out three hundred of the officers that were under an accusation, as also Tero and his son. 644 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. and the barber that accused them, before an assembly, and brought an accusation against them all; whom the multitude stoned with whatsoever came to hand, and thereby slew them. Alexander and also Aristo- bulus were brought to Sebaste by their father's com- mand, and there strangled; but their dead bodies were in the night time carried to Alexandrium, where their uncle by the mother's side, and the greatest part of their ancestors, had been deposited. 8. ^ And now perhaps it may not seem unreason- able to some, that such an inveterate hatred might increase so much [on both sides,] as to proceed farther, and overcome nature: but it may justly deserve consideration, whether it be to be laid to the charge of the young men, that they gave such an occasion to their father's anger, and led him to do what he did, and by going on long in the same way, put things past remedy, and brought him to use them so unmercifully; or whether it be to be laid to the father's charge, that he was so hard- hearted, and so very tender in the desire of govern- ment, and of other things that would tend to his glory, that he would take no one into a partnership with him, that so whatsoever he would have done himself might continue immovable; or indeed, whether fortune have not greater power than all prudent reasonings: Whence we are persuaded that human actions are thereby determined beforehand by an in- evitable necessity, and we call her Fate, because there is nothing which is not done by her: wherefore I suppose it will be sufficient to compare this notion with that other, which attributes somewhat to our- selves, and renders men not unaccountable for the ' The reader is here to note, that this eighth section is entirely wanting ill tiie old Latin version, as Spanheim truJy observes; nor is "there any other reason for it, I suppose, than the great difficulty of an exact trans- hition. Chap. XI. OF THE JEWS. 64.5 different conducts of their lives, which notion is no other than the philosophical determination of our ancient law. Accordingly of the two other causes of this sad event, any body may lay the blame on the young men, who acted by youthful vanity, and pride of their royal birth, that they should bear to hear the calunniies that were raised against their father, while certainly they were not equitable judges of the actions of his life, but ill-natured in suspecting, and intemperate in speaking of it, and on both ac- counts easily caught by those that observed them, and revealed them to gain favour; yet cannot their father be thought worthy excuse, as to that horrid impiety which he was guilty of about them, while he ventured, without any certain evidence of their treacherous designs against him, and without any proofs that they had made preparation for such at- tempt to kill his own sons who were of very comely bodies, and the great darlings of other men, and no way deficient in their conduct, whether it were in hunting, or in warlike exercises, or in speaking upon occasional topics of discourse: for in all these they were skilful, and especial^ Alexander, who was the eldest; for certainly it had been sufficient, even though he had condenmed them, to have kept them alive in bonds, or to let them live at a distance from his dominions in banishment, while he was surrounded by the Roman forces, which were a strong security to him, whose help would prevent his suffering any thing by a sudden onset, or by open force; but for him to kill them on the sudden, in order to gratify a passion that governed him, was a demonstration of insufferable impiety; he also was guilty of so great a crime in his older age; nor will the delays that he made, and the length of time in which the thing was done, plead at all for his excuse; for when a man 046 ANTIQUITIES Book xvi. is on a sudden amazed, and in commotion of mind, and then commits a wicked action, although this be a heavy crime, yet is it a thing that frequently happens; but to do it upon deliberation, and after frequent attempts, and as frequent puttings off, to undertake it at last, and accomplish it, was the action of a murderous mind, and such as was not easily moved from that which is evil: And this temper he showed in what he did afterward, when he did not spare those that seemed to be the best beloved of his friends that were left, wherein though the justice of the punishment caused those that perished to be the less pitied, yet was the barbarity of the man here equal, in that he did not abstain from their slaughter also; but of those persons we shall have occasion to discourse more hereafter. 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