Buto$rapb Collection of jfreberick TIXH- jfrencb C. tf. Xibbie & Co., auctioneers, Boston, flDass. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/autographcollectOOfreniala War Department, Washington, April 20, 1865. £« $100,000 MAR])! Of our late beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, IS STILL AT LARGE. $50,000 REWARD Will be paid by this Department for his apprehension, in addition to any reward offered by " Ax " Municipal Authorities or State Executives. $25,< REWARD Will be paid for the apprehension of JOHN H SURR AT, one of Booth's Accomplices. during illness. Play bill of her Benefit, " Drury Lane, May 9, 1814." Rare. • 3o I o / f 80 Beard, John, English singer and actor, ornamented ticket for his Benefit, signed, 1 page 8°, at Drury Lane. 4 Printed in color. Rare and curious. 81 Beckett, Harry, Comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. I, T" ■3 r 10 CATALOGUE. 82 Bedford, Paul, English comedian and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Islington, July 11, 1838," to Benjamin Webster, offering a MS. play called "The Queen's Command." Play bills of Covent Garden, 1829, and of Theatre Royal, Liverpool, 1827. 83 Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, Author and orator, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Brooklyn, Nov. 24, 1869 "; — Rev. George H. Houghton, and Rev. Samuel Barrett, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Noted American clergymen. (3) 84 Belgarde, Adele, Actress, a. L s. 1 page 8°, to Mrs. Ed- wards, also a. /. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, April 7, 1886," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portraits. (2) 85 Bell, Edward Hamilton, Actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards; — Frederick P. Barton, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Sept. 23, 1883," in regard to Mr. John Mason's election to the "Lambs." (2) 86 Bell, Harry B., Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards, in regard to an engagement; — Mrs. H. B. Bell (Katie Gilbert), a. 1. s. 2 pages 8°, " Dec. 10, 1886." Wood- cut portrait. (2) 87 Bellew, Harold Kyrle, English actor, leading man in Mrs. Browne-Potter's Company, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Evans- ville, March 25, 1888," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. 88 Bellew. a. I. s. 14 pages 8°, "Los Angeles, April 23, 1888," to Harry Edwards, giving all the stage directions >S~" and details of Mrs. Potter's new play of Cleopatra, to be produced at Wallack's. Wood-cut portrait. 89 Benedict, Sir Julius, German musical composer, long resi- dent in England, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " London, Feb. ' ^ 7, i860." 90 Benedict, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "June 7, 1878," to D. Band- ,J~ mann, speaking of his own engagements. 91 Bergh, Henry, Founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Headquarters of Society, Nov. 9, 1881," to Mr. Wallack. 92 Berlioz, Louis Hector, French musical composer, a. L s. 2 pages 8°, "Paris, Sept. 28, 1853," to M. Schmidt, on musical matters. Rare. 2— / CATALOGUE. n 93 Bernard-Beere, Mrs. Frances, (Mrs. C. W. Olivier), Eng- lish actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Howard Paul, • ^ telling him her plans for acting in Paris. 94 Bernard-Beere. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to J. B. Buckstone, offering to take part in his benefit. 95 Bernard, Harriet, Comedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Cin- cinnati, Aug. 31, 1853," to L. J. Cist. • ^° 96 Bernhardt, Sarah, (Rosine Bernard), French actress and tragedienne, a. 1. s. 2 pages 12 , 1881, with monogram on the paper, to M. Farney. Etched portrait from the /•/ painting by Bastien-Lepage. Play bill of the " Gaiety Gfr&r3>f*JU Theatre, London, 1887." 97 Betty, Henry, (Master Betty), " The Young Roscius," a. /. s. 2 pages 8° and address, u Jan. 21, 1845," to Mr. West, giving terms for his appearance at the London theatres. Fine proof portrait, and one in character. &>-} Play bill of " Theatre Royal, Sept. 29, 1806." Rare. 98 Beveridge, James, English actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " March 15, 1883," to Harry Edwards; — Edward Hamilton Bell, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, also to Mr. Edwards. (2) 99 Billington, John, English actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " March 10, 1867," to Benjamin Webster, protesting against roles which he has been forced to play, to his own disadvan- , ^~~ tage. Play bill of the u Adelphi Theatre, 1867." 100 Billington. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " March 8, 1867," to Benjamin Webster, regarding a part in a new play; — . p- George Alexander, a. I. s., portion of, 1 page 8°. Eng- lish actors. (2) 101 Birch, William, (Billy Birch), Minstrel and comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, Jan. 18, 1883," to Harry . Edwards; — also d. s. signed "Billy Birch." 8 pages 4 , "Minstrelsy then and now." Rare. (2) 102 Bishop, Charles Ball, Comedian, a. I. s. 10 pages 8°, "San Francisco, Jan. 12," to Harry Edwards. A long gossip. /^ ing theatrical letter. Wood-cut portrait. 103 Bishop, a. I. s. 10 pages 8°, "San Francisco, March 26," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portrait and one in char- -34 acter. tr-O i I'- ll CATALOGUE. 104 Bishop, Mme. Anna, (Schultz), English vocalist, and wife of Sir Henry R. Bishop, a. L s. 4 pages 8°, asking news of a delayed letter. 105 Bishop, Sir Henry R., English musical composer, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "March 15, 1819," resigning the office of Di- rector of the Philharmonic Society. Engraved portrait. 106 Bishop, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, speaks of his opera "Clari "; — Mme. Anna Bishop Schultz, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Dec. 15, 1873," to Harry Edwards. (2) 107 Bishop, Leicester, Actor, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Dec. 26, 1882 "; — also Harry Edwards; Joseph Murphy; Thos. S. Bellair; and A. D. Billings, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors and managers. (5) 108 Black, William, Scotch novelist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Brighton, Jan. 28, 1890," to James R. Osgood. A full ^ .— intimate personal letter, speaking of mutual friends. Rare. " P. S. This shaky writing is not due to drink — but to Indian clubs." 109 Black, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Brighton, 1887," to James /,2_sf""~ R. Osgood, speaking of an instalment of a new serial. 1 Rare. no Black, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Brighton, Jan. 16, 1889," to James R. Osgood. A familiar letter. Rare. 1 1 1 Blake, William Rufus, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Dec. 9, 1858," on business. Rare. 112 Blanchard, E. L., English author and dramatic critic for the Daily Telegraph, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Oct. 26, 1879," to George F. Rowe " ; — also Harry Becket, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, signed "Harry," "London, July 29," to Arthur Wallack. (2) 113 Blitz, Signor Antonio, Prestidigitateur, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Cincinnati, Feb. 24, 1844," to Mr, L. J. Cist. Signed carte de visite. 114 Boaden, James, English dramatist and critic, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 , "Sept. 28, 1827." A letter of condolence upon the death of Mr. Capon. CATALOGUE. 13 115 Bochsa, Robert Nicholas Charles. French harpist and musician, second husband of Mme. Anna Bishop, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, asking Mr. Mapleson for the overture of the . J opera M Which is the Bride "; — and /. s. 1 page 4 and address. "T. R. D. L. Feb. 1824," to Mr. Winston. (2) 116 Boker, George H., Foet and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Philadelphia, Aug. 26, 1866," to R. J. Powell, speak- ing of his ballad " The Cumberland "; — znd a. d. s. 4 /• lO pages 4 , " Dramatic Fragment from the unpublished tragedy of Francesca da Rimini, by George H. Boker." Engraved portrait. (2) 117 Booth, Mrs. Agnes Rookes, (Mrs. John B. Schoeffel), Favorite actress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards, asking how many of his company would sign a request to Mme. Bernhardt, inviting her to act for them. Cabi- net photograph signed. /t^W 118 Booth, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Manchester-by-the-Sea, July 26, 1880," to Miss Gilder. Declining to give the ad- dress of Mrs. J. B. Booth (the elder) as she is too much broken in health to be able to see even " a gentle inter- viewer." 119 Booth, Edwin, Tragedian and theatrical manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Chicago, Sept. 21, 1877," to Harry Ed- wards, regarding a member of the company, and ending with warm personal feeling and expression. Engraved portrait, satin play bill of " Brooklyn Academy of Mu- sic, April 4, 1891," and newspaper cuttings. A r- •uonnnsstssv s.ujcoun P }i|SiN *II!9 A *«ld l^uiSuo jo 9\\w$~ye£ -6zi -otf »0 «ff 'afrgaftrtji JredLP^«®l0 J T0 ss9,I CI OO'IS ■- • Bjjseiiojo - -MOI^SIJAEGL V dCO S3 QIHJ 3EUX A1N0 SXHOW 3A13MX HOd swvav NiAvaa 'Nviaa-jvax NVDiaanv boumnlowj* »u»uwSv2ua *it iudy to|MMji a»i«ta iviMOfraittfflr »m pumess. '«t 1IHdV 'ONINHAE AVCranXVS AyiHQOO R 8«IK — * SMTAS 'H T '"J! JtHVH If "IK tfYK&AHX *H "IR ' izzaw *h «h iVIHflOO T ««JJl KOSKHOf 'T P«« 18HnHXH7J 'V '0 - ■ wins - "'"aditus — »TTtl2l09£) • •- - - •~"*«ttn8nv ao}3ir|8saqDiunon "KJl pj»qou»jtx ^r«H -*■• • - «»in*a • axocui; * 'jsdgrjj a9ndpj»S tr "'je^opi^i, uriof • ■ »»I*A ■ 'qaioojppng; • •*••« X»uu?g 'f nooff »a tn»>d«Q ••••••• ^j ^ 'noujoA >wra»>n»|'i ■ ^exuo»y '»iXoo '*ll — Xwaapund pjo»i pwiouajy; pxvjipx ijg p j-Bqono j j, WTV JN33X VHnTI SSIK" (IHVHONaHJi KOKSSOttl MIS AM Avuoa«a'Tf BKVAH H JT-— tvadS'O'o suraiff: *o"- Noeaoaaa t 'av 8MHHXXVR *f NOSHHJia t *a IV1HQ00 '0 'X IAU*H a"jj*bh" \oSq_ uqof ••• FORD'S THEATRE TENTH STREET, ABOVE E." SEASON II -~m WEEK XXXI.-. . .-.-. NIGHT I9f WHOLE NUMBER OF NIGHTS, 495. JOHN T. FORD ~...~ ..PROPRIETOR AND MA NAG* CAlso at Hollid*jr St. Theatre, Baltimore, aad Academy of Mtuio, Phil'a. ) Stage Manager M M i,„. „, lm m J. B. WRIGHT Treamrer „.^ „ „._ H. CLAY FORD Friday Evening, April 14th, 1865 BENEFIT! — AND LAST NIGHT THE DISTINGUISHED MANAGERESS, AUTHORESS AND ACTRRSS, Supported dj MR. JOHN DYOTT AND MR. HARRY HAWK. TOH TAYLOR'S CELEBRATES ECCENTRIC COMEDY, As originally produced In America lfr MiM Keene, and performed by her npir/irda of *haS * -V W T -«-V 1 "» r '■ ■ «lk -m- *~. - _ Cj CATALOGUE. 15 130 Booth. Poster issued by the War Department, "Wash- ington, April 20, 1865," offering a reward of $50,000 for the "apprehension of the murderer of the late be- ' • loved President Abraham Lincoln." The poster gives d-y— JL*- a description of Booth; and also of Surrat and Harold, with a reward for each. 18 x 12. In perfect condition, backed with fine muslin. Exceedingly rare. i3o*Booth. Reprints of the Play Bill of Ford's Theatre, April . J~~o 14, 1865, the night of the assassination of President Lin- ^ a r coin. Exact size and fac-simile. (2) . • 131 Booth, Marion, Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " April 10, 1884," wood-cut portrait; — Alice Brown; Ida Water- man; Jean Burnside; and Rose Evans, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) 132 Booth, Sarah A., (" Sally "), English actress, descendant of Barton Booth, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, " Nov. 10, 1815," to Mr. Henry Brevoort, acknowledging the letter of introduction brought by Washington Irving. Speaks of Charles Kemble, John Howard Payne, Talma, and other theatrical celebrities. A very fine letter. 135 Boucicault, Aubrey, Actor and son of Dion Boucicault, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Baltimore, 1892," giving the date of his approaching marriage; — Dion Boucicault, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Vining on theatrical affairs. (2) *Te 133 Boothby, Lady, (Mrs. John Alexander Nisbett, Miss Louisa C. McNamara), English comedienne, the original "Constance" in the Love Chase, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, signed " L. C. Boothby, theatrically L. C. Nisbett." Writing of terms for herself and her sister Miss Jane Mordaunt. Wood-cut portrait as Constance. 134 Boston Merchants' Bills. A 4 volume containing bills, lottery tickets, advertisements, and accounts by Boston . merchants, from 1760 to 1852, and signed by Gen. Ben- jamin Lincoln, as Collector; Thomas Melville, and Lin- dall Pitts, of the " Tea Party "; — Henry Newman, sex- ton of Christ Church; Moses Grant; Nath. Willis; Thos. Wigglesworth, etc. (Lot) A 6 ■;■ 16 CATALOGUE. 136 Boucicault, Dion, English actor, manager, and drama- tist, a. L s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Rowe with criticism of a new play; — and a. I. s. initials. 1 page 8°. Cabinet photograph. (2) 137 Boucicault. a. /. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 18, 1873," to George F. Rowe; — William D. Howells, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Nov. 10, 1889." Cuttings. (2) 138 Boucicault. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. George F. Rowe, telling him that if the character in his new play suits, he will take it. Caricature wood-cut portrait; — and a. d. s. 1 page 8°, an order to the printer. Play bill of "Arch St. Theatre, May, i860," and hand bill, list of Irish political prisoners. (2) 139 Boucicault. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 26, 1872 "; — and a. I. s. initials, to Mr. Moss, 1 page oblong 8°, on theat- rical business. Hand bill of " Star Theatre," and wood- cut portrait of Mrs. Boucicault. (2) 140 Boughton, George H., Noted American artist, long resi- dent in England, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Kensingto^ March 23, 1876," to Mr. John Durand. Rare. 141 Boutwell, George S., Secretary of the Treasury, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Washington, Jan. 26, 1874"; — Gen. Ben- jamin F. Butler, cabinet photograph signed. Governors of Mass. (2) 142 Bowers, Mrs. David P., (Miss Elizabeth Crocker Brown), Tragedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " June 21, 1868," to Mr. Edwards, regretting that she will not be able to play at his benefit. Play bill of Mrs. Bowers' last night in California. 143 Bowers, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, May 13, 1889," in regard to her religious belief; — and d. s. 1 page 4 , "Feb. 23, 1858." The contract with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Conway, for the Walnut St. Theatre, signed twice. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 144 Boycott, C. C, Irish gentleman, from whose name the word "Boycotting " was taken, signature, 1 page oblong 8°, " Lough Mask House, Ballinrobe, County Mayo, Jan. 14, 1882." Rare and curious. CATALOGUE. 17 145 Bradley, Albert Davis, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , no date, to Harry Edwards, telling his unfortunate ,/y financial condition; — Mrs. Edith L. Bradley, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Oct. 12, 1883," speaks of her husband's ill- ness. Cuttings. (2) 146 Braham, John, (Abraham), English actor, composer and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Jan. 24, 1838," « ^O to Mr. Fletcher, giving terms for an engagement. Play bill of ''Theatre Royal Drury Lane, Jan. 27, 1806." .To 147 Braham. a. d. s. 1 page oblong 8°, " St. James Theatre, July 30, 1855." A theatre pass. Engraved portrait. 148 Bright, John, M. P., English statesman and reformer, a. d. s. 1 page 8°, "June 11, 1867," an order for ad- mittance to the House of Commons. Folio portrait by Pound; — Col. Alfred Paget, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Howard Paul. (2) 149 Brignoli, Pasquale, Italian tenor, and actor in opera, auto- sentiment signed, 1 page 4 , "Baltimore, Feb. 15, 1881." Lithograph portrait and carte de visite signed. 150 Brooke, Gustavus Vaughn, Irish actor and tragedian, lost in the wreck of the steamer "London," 1866, while en route to Australia, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Tremont House* Dec. 23, 1852," finding much fault with the way in which his name has been presented in the newspapers, and on the play bills. Three engraved portraits in character, wood-cut portrait and cuttings. 151 Brooke, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "London, Nov. 12, 1834," to Mr. Turnbull, giving an account of his first appearance in London, as Virginius. A very inter- /• ^ esting letter. Two engraved portraits in character, play bill of "The National Theatre, Boston, Dec. 9, 1852," and cuttings. 152 Brooke, Mrs. F., Mother of G. V. Brooke, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° and address, to Mr. Turnbull, asking to be advised to what theatrical manager to send her son; — and a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, of "Master Brooke," accept- ing Mr. Turnbull's invitation to dine. (2) 18 CATALOGUE. 153 Brooks, Rt. Rev. Phillips, P. E. Bishop of Mass., a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, April 28, 1882"; with cabinet photograph signed. , 1 4 /la** 154 Brooks, Virginia, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "June 1, 1885 " ; — Eleanor Cary ; Jennie M. Beaman ; Ida Water- • / ' man; and Jean Burnside, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) 155 Brougham, John, Author, actor, editor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Feb. 15, 1851," to Fred B. Con- way. Wood-cut portrait. "... I have lost severely by expenses. I have put the prices down to the original scale, and am now giving them the garbage of the drama, which they seem to swallow with a much keener relish. I produced King John superbly well, it cost me more than I care to think about, but 16 string Jack fills the house. . . ." 156 Brougham, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Bowery Theatre, Nov. 22." Wood-cut portrait. "... The staple of the " Bowery " at the present lamentable time is Melodrama of the most sanguineous and appalling character. I tried vainly, to engraft a somewhat more intellectual branch upon the old tree, but the . . . dead stuff killed my attempted vitality, and nearly killed me. . . ." /, %r- . J 157 Brougham, Mrs. John, (Miss Emma Williams, later Mrs. Robertson), English actress, a. I. s. signed " Emma Robertson, late Mrs. Brougham," 2 pages 8°, " April, 1864," to the Count Joannes; — also John Brougham, auto, verse signed, 1 page 8°. (2) / 158 Brown, Alice, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "June 25, 1887"; — Virginia Brooks; Emma Latham; Jean Burn- side; and Carrie Coote, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) 159 Brown, Capt. John, of Ossawattomie, Liberator, and anti- slavery agitator, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " Bur- gettstown, Pa., April 12, 1850," to his wife and children, giving directions about the farm work. In perfect condition, and very rare. 160 Brutone, John W., Actor and comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Oct. 5, 1869"; — Mrs. Julia Brutone, % 1^-" d. I. s. 2'pages 8°, 1885. (2) CATALOGUE. 19 161 Brutone, Mrs. Julia, (Mrs. John W. Brutone), Come- dienne, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Aug. 29, 1890," to Mr. . *i-° George Fawcett Rowe; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Nov. si, 1882." (2) 162 Bryant, Daniel, Irish comedian and minstrel, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, introducing his friend Mr. Williamson to Mr. Edwards. Lithograph 4 portrait and cutting; — and Mrs. Ellen Bryant, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mrs. Edwards. (») 163 Bryant, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Chicago, Jan. 25, 1868," to Mr. Edwards telling of his theatrical engagements; < j — Mrs. Dan. Bryant, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Jan. 29, 1873," to Mr. Nichol on business. (2) 164 Bryant, William Cullen, Author and editor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, March 29, 1876," to Jarret and Palmer, declining an invitation to the performance of " Julius Caesar." A C 165 Bryton, Frederic, Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, wood-cut portraits; — also Harry St. Maur; J. P. Burnett; B. F. » Lowell; and Milton Wellings, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Ac- tors and authors. (5) 166 Buchanan, McKean, Tragedian, father of Virginia Bu- chanan, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Albany, Nov. 15, 1851," to John B. Wright. Play bill of "National . Theatre, Sept. 10, 1850." "... I am pronounced unanimously by the press here, the best Shakespearean actor now in America . . . my vanity leads me to be- lieve they are sincere. . . ." 167 Buchanan, Robert, English poet and dramatist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " London, June 10, 1884," to Harry Ed- wards, on dramatic subjects. Programmes and cuttings. 168 Buchanan, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Howard Paul, in regard to a new play. 169 Buchanan, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , to Arthur Wallack, giving his opinion and endorsement of Mr. Walter Reynolds' . i~ J abilities as an actor. 170 Buchanan, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards, asking about a part in "Lady Clare," and also for Mr. Ed- wards' criticism in another new play for Mr. Wallack. 20 CATALOGUE. 171 Buckingham, Leicester, English author and dramatic writer, /. s. 3 pages 8°, "April 13, 1867"; — also C. Howell Poole; George F. Rowe; Bram Stoker; John H. Wilton; R. H. Cox; and Henry Arthur Jones, a. I. s. 8°, of each. English dramatists. (7) 172 Buckley, Edward J., Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Sacra- mento, March 16, 1868," to Harry Edwards, on theatri- cal matters. 173 Buckley. a.Ls. 1 page 4 , "Sacramento, Nov. 9, 1867," accepting Mr. Edwards' offer of an engagement for him- self and his wife; — and a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Stockton, Sept. 27, 1867," also to Mr. Edwards on theatrical busi- ness. (2) 174 Buckstone, John Baldwin, English comedian, manager, and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, " T. R. Haymarket, May 21, 1843," to Mrs. Davidge, on theat- rical business. Engraved 4 portrait, by Pound. 175 Buckstone. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " T. R. Haymarket, Aug. 10, 1857," to Mr. Massingham, asking for a box to see Mr. Kean. Play bill of " Paul Pry, Oct. 23, 1839." 176 Buckstone. a. I. in 3d person, 3 pages 8°, "Sept. 3, 1851," to the painter of his house who had left part of the work unfinished. 177 Buckstone, John C, English actor, a. I. s. 8 pages 8°, "London, Feb. 28, 1886," giving an account of theatri- cal business in London; — Mrs. John C. Buckstone, (Miss Adela Measor), a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, Chicago, to Mr. Edwards, protesting against the way in which she has been treated professionally by Mr. Arthur Wallack. (*) 178 Buckstone, Mrs. John C, (Miss Adela Measor), London actress, a. L s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, April 5, 1884," to Mr. Edwards, asking for what role she had been cast in "Moths." Wood-cut portrait. 179 Buhot, Felix, French artist and etcher, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, and addressed envelope, " Dinard, Dec. 28, 1889," in regard to the illustration of an edition of " Poe's Tales." I— .<^* 7 7 CATALOGUE. 21 180 Bull, Ole Borneman, Norwegian violinist, a. I. s. 1 page 4° and address, " New York, Oct. 16, 1844," to E. N. Scherr, in German. 181 Bulwer, Sir Edward Lytton, (Lord Lytton), English nov- elist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, Dec. 29, 1840, to Benjamin Webster, of the Haymarket Theatre. 182 Bunn, Alfred, English theatrical manager and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Dieppe, Aug. 10, 1831," -77e^ &Y rffcis f*& -b~**^r fjU& fsr*.J. 4fp*j!rr ^TA*** J^in^i 0.c^~r vAsjuuM lt>y\-Ls~tZ COcth. /& £cr-nf r «_f.Afc*n. $A*fJ**' % dramas. Wood-cut portrait and cutting; — Geo. Clarke; and C. A. Chizzola, a. /. s. 8°, of each. Actors and dramatists. (3) 234 Clark, Lillian Cleaves, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, May 1, 1883," to Mr. Edwards, in pencil. Wood- cut portrait; — Georgia Cayvan, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " March 12, 1886," to Arthur Wallack. (2) CATALOGUE. 27 235 Clarke, Creston, Actor, son of J. S. Clarke and nephew of Edwin Booth, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "April, 1887," to Lester Wallack explaining his absence from rehearsal; . J * — George M. Ciprico, a. L s. 1 page 8°, 1886. Play bill of Creston Clarke's first appearance, "Wallack's, Oct. i 3) 1886." (a) 236 Clarke, George, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, u July 15, 1886," to Col. Milliken, sending a list of his plays. Wood-cut portrait ; — Nathaniel Childs, a. /. s. 3 pages 8°, " Boston, Nov. 4, 1888," to Wm. R. Eyre, on theatrical business. (2) 237 Clarke, John Sleeper, Comedian and manager, brother-in- law of Edwin Booth, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Budd. • ^ 242 Claxton, Kate Cone, (Mrs. Charles Stevenson), Melo- dramatic actress, famous as Louise in the "Two Or- phans,"/, s. "July 16, 1878," to Mr. Davidge; — Lizzie Hudson Collier; and Anna Warrington, a. I. s. 8°, of each. (3) 243 Clearv, Edwin, Actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " London, Feb. 24, 1888 "; — George M. Ciprico, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Sept. 26, 1884," sending a new MS. for Mr. Edwards to read. Dramatists. (2) / *- 238 Clay, Cecil, English dramatist, husband of Rosina Vokes, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Edwards; — John Clayton; and Thomas F. Clark, a. L s. 8°, of each. Dramatists. (3) 239 Clay, Henry, Statesman and orator, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Ashland, Aug. 6, 1829," to Mr. Daniel Little. In perfect condition. 240 Clayton, Estelle, Actress and authoress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait and play bill of , / 4" " Favette "; — Lizzie Hudson Collier, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1888. (2) 241 Clayton, John, (John Alfred Clayton Calthrop), English actor and manager, husband of Eva Boucicault, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Booth's Theatre, Aug. 8, 1879"; — J. s - . J~° Clarke, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Theatre Royal Hay- market," to Mr. Edwards. Cuttings. (2) .J ±S I £T0 . V-4 2 8 CATALOGUE. 244 Clemens, Samuel L., (Mark Twain), Author and humor- ist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Hartford, April 9, 1886," to Harry Edwards; — Brander Matthews, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "March 28, 1887." American novelists. (2) 245 Clemens, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Hartford, Dec. 3, 1872," signed " Mark Twain." A letter to the newspaper, an appeal for aid for Capt. Ned Wakeman. Cutting; — Lau- rence Hutton, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Dec. 25, 1885." (2) 246 Clemens, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Hartford, Feb. 23, 1887," to Mr. Edwards, excusing himself for not being present at the " Lambs " dinner: — also a. I. s. on the reverse of another letter, to the Editor of the " Alta." Cut- tings. (2) 247 Clements, Frank, (Robert Minty), English actor, leading man with Modjeska, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Stamford, Oct. 1, 1885," asking an engagement for his daughter; — Charles Hayden Coffin, actor and singer, /. s. 2 pages 8°, " Nov. 29, 1887," to Mr. Howard Paul. (2) 248 Coghlan, Charles F., English actor, a. L s. 3 pages 8°, "London, April 9, 1881," to Lester Wallack, introduc- ^_ ing Mr. Eric Bayley, of the Prince of Wales' Theatre, 1 jj who is bringing Mr. Burnand's comedy " The Colonel " to America. 249 Coghlan, Rose, (Mrs. JohnT. Sullivan), English actress, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " New York, May 23, 1886," to Mr. Edwards, saying she is too ill to act. Wood-cut portraits and play bill of " The Honeymoon, Miss Coghlan's Benefit, May 21, 1885." 250 Coghlan. /. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, May 24, 1891 "; — and auto, quotation signed, from Peg Woffington, 1 page 8°, 1891. Wood-cut portraits and hand bill of the Grand Opera House. (2) 251 Cole, J. W., English author, " Life of Charles Kean," etc., a. I. s. 1 page 8°; — Andrew Lang, author and critic, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1888, to James R. Osgood. (2) 252 Coleman, Edward, Actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Ed- wards, asking for theatre seats; — George M. Ciprico, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1886, also to Mr. Edwards, regarding his play. (2) *2-S~ CATALOGUE. 29 253 Coleman, John, English actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Theatre Royal, Leeds, June 11, 1870," to Mr. Edwards; — and Mrs. Maria J. Coleman to Mrs. Edwards, both letters thapking them for kindness shown their sister, Annie Coleman Lockhart, (Wilson). (2) 254 Collier, J. Payne, English author, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Dec. 22, 1841 "; — Horace Howard Furness, a. /. s. O 4 pages 8°, "April 17, 1887," to Mr. Harry Edwards. Noted Shakespearean scholars. (2) 254*Collier. Auto. MS. of the " History of the Stage," 469 pages small 4 , sheets, closely written, with notes and ^ <> _ emendations, covering the period 1656-1723. Probably never published. Rare and interesting. (Lot) 255 Collier, James W., Actor and manager, a.l.s. 1 page 8°, " March 24, 1880," to Miss VVyatt, giving notice of re- hearsal. Wood-cut portrait; — Lizzie Hudson Collier, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1888, asking Mr. Edwards to excuse her from rehearsal. (2) 256 Collins, John, Irish comedian and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, "Chicago, Nov. 10, 1852," to John B. Wright, mak- «J-> ing inquiries as to date of engagement. Play bill of "St. Charles Theatre, Nov. 2, 1869." 257 Collins, Wilkie, English novelist and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Broadstairs, Sept. 16, 1862," to Baron Renouf, thanking him for his kind and generous review in the "Revue Contemporaine. " "... my next book after " No Name " is finished is already £ / Lr^*c-A-* / £ bought before I myself have the least idea what the book is to be. ..." A very fine letter. }_,0-o 258 Collins, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, June 10, 1878," to G. F. Rowe, regretting that he cannot give him the /, ^~© right to the acting version of "No Name," as he has already conveyed it to Mr. Wybert Reeve. 259 Colman, George, the Younger, English actor, manager and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Piccadilly, April 7, 1796," on theatrical matters. Engraved portrait, and play bill, " Dec. 6, 1837, Theatre Royal, Liverpool." Rare. 30 CATALOGUE. 260 Colman. a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8° and address, " Sept. 15, 1815," to James Winston, on theatrical business; — William T. Moncrieff, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. E. Price, on literary matters. English dramatists. (2) 261 Colville, Samuel, Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, Feb. 20, 1868," on theatrical matters. Cuttings; — Sheridan Corbyn, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Co- lumbus, Dec. 4, 1884." Managers. (2) 262 Comer, Thomas, Actor, composer, and conductor for years of the orchestra at the Boston Museum, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Feb. 9, 1857," to Mrs. M. W. Tyler, giving her the thanks of the Dramatic Fund Soc, for her aid in erecting a monument to Mrs. Anne Jane Barrett. 263 Comer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Jan. 18, 1859," to John B. Wright, asking if he had received the orchestral • parts of "Midsummer Night's Dream." 264 Compton, Edward, English comedian and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " London, Dec. 28, 1883," to Prof. Plumptre; — Percy Compton, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Comedy Theatre, London, March 21, 1886," to Lester Wallack. (2) 265 Conner, Edmon S., Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page -~ 8°, "Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1879," giving the date of his first appearance on any stage, March 23, 1829. 266 Conway, Frederick B., Actor and manager, a. L s. 1 page 8°, " May 6, 1864," to the Count Joannes; — Mrs. Sarah Crocker Conway, actress and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 7, 1870," questioning Mr. Wallack's right to the ownership of " Romance of a Poor Young Man." (2) 267 Conway, Mrs. Frederick B., (Miss Sarah S. Crocker), Ac- tress and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, acknowledging receipt of $500 for Mrs. Bowers, (her sister); — Mary • "■ J. Chippendale, (Snowdon), English actress, wife of W. H. Chippendale, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Sept. 30, 1876," to Mrs. Buckstone, speaking of her son. (2) 268 Conway, Minnie, (Mrs. Osmond Tearle), Favorite actress, daughter of F. B. Conway, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, " Boston, July 21, 1883," to Harry Edwards; — George Osmond Tearle, a. L s. 8 pages 8°, 1885. Wood-cut portrait. (2) CATALOGUE. 31 269 Conway, Moncure D., Author, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Jan. 18, 1876," to James R. Osgood; — Jared Sparks, a. 1. s. /<$ 1 page 8°; — Horace Mann, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1842. ^f^ ~7*P Cuttings. American authors. (3) 270 Cooper, Thomas Abthorpe, English tragedian and man- ager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "June 30, 1831," to Nicholas Biddle, Pres. of the U. S. Bank, wishing to borrow $1000, for four months. Engraved portrait ^ i^$' in character, and play bill of "The Benefit of Mr. Cooper, Sept. 22, 1804, and last appearance in this Country." Rare. 271 Cooper, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Charleston, Feb. 23, 1835/' to Sol. Smith, in regard to his taking an engagement at i^. t> 4' Mobile. Two engraved portraits in character. Rare. 272 Coote, Carrie, Popular actress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°; — and a. I. s. 8 pages 8°, "Aug. 18, 1887," letters to Mr. Ed- . i^4" wards. Play bill of Wallack's Theatre, and cuttings. (2) 273 Coquelin, Constant, Celebrated French comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, paper with monogram. Cabinet photograph signed. Rare. iJ(HU*J*A TTuav^ 274 Coquelin, Ernest, (Cadet), French comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "March 13, 1874," to M. Lafargue, asking for seats; — and Constant Coquelin, a. d. s. 1 page 8°, . t * "Paris, July 25, 1862," authorizing the publication of his portrait. (2) 2 75 Corinne, La Petite, Actress, daughter of Mrs. Jennie u ,. Kimball, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " May 21, 1891," on paper with her monogram. 276 Costa, Sir Michael, Italian musician and composer of oratorios, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " London, June 19, i860." Regretting that he cannot give a letter of Meyerbeer, at present, in French. 277 Costa, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Her Majesty's Theatre, 1840." sending a theatre box. In French. 278 Cotton, R. F. , English actor, at the Lyceum Theatre, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Feb. 28, 1888," to Harry Edwards; — VV. J. Constantine, English actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Sept. 6, 1882." (2) A Y-o 32 CATALOGUE. 279 Couldock, Charles W., English actor, a. /. s. 3 pages 8°, "July 18, 1883," to Harry Edwards, in respect to au- >lS~ tumn engagements; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Programme (illustrated) of the " Star Theatre, Complimentary Tes- timonial to Mr. Couldock, May 10, 1887." (2) 280 Couldock. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Feb. 19, 1890," * ^-i to Mr. J. H. Brown; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1892, to T. H. Morrell. (2) 281 Cowell, Mrs. Anna, (Cruise), Vocalist and actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, asking for copies of some comedies. Play bill of "Boston Museum, Aug. 7, 1854"; — Miss Sarah Cowell, elocutionist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards, declining to appear at an entertainment. Wood-cut portrait, and cutting. (2) 282 Cowell, Sydney, (Mrs. Holmes), Actress, and grand- daughter of Joseph Cowell, a. I. s. 2 pages 8, " New York, Sept. 17, 1885 "; — and a. /. s. 2 pages, 8°, 1886, both letters to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 283 Crabtree, Charlotte, " Lotta," Actress, comedienne, and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Drayton, Oct. 5, 1869," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portrait, and cutting. 284 Crane, William H., Comedian, vocalist, and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Providence, May 14, 1886," to Mr. Edwards in regard to a copy of "The Merry Wives." Wood-cut portrait. 285 Crane, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, " New York, April 22, 1889," giving his views upon the religious life, among actors as a profession. A remarkably fine and interesting letter. Wood-cut portrait. 286 Craven, Henry T., English dramatist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "London, Dec. 18, 1869," to Lester Wallack, and offer- ing a new comedy just cast for the Haymarket Theatre; — Thomas F. Clark, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, 1886. (2) 287 Creswick, William, English actor, manager, and Shake- spearean scholar, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to R. Reece, accept- ing a drama for the "Surrey." Engraved portrait, and play bill of old " Tremont Theatre, April 29, 1842." CATALOGUE. 33 288 Croizette, Sophie, Celebrated comedienne of the The'atre- > J D Francais, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Verteuil, asking for tickets. 290 Cruikshank, George, English artist and caricaturist, a. I. s. portion of, 1 page 8°. Cabinet photograph. Rare. 291 Cunningham, Peter, English writer, author of "Nell Gwynne," etc., a. /. s. 3 pages 8°, "St. Alban's, Jan. 15, 1863." An interesting personal letter. _-* 292 Cunningham, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Kensington, April 15," to John Timbs; — Westland Marston, a. I. s. 2 . »6 pages 8°. English authors. (2) 293 Curtis, George William, Author and editor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Aug. 28, 1867," to Theodore Tilton; — William D. Howells, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to James R. Osgood. Noted authors. (2) 294 Cushing, Caleb, Attorney-General, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, . "Newburyport, Dec. 16, 1863"; — Gen. John A. Dix, /. s. 1 page 8°, 1 861; — Robert T. Lincoln, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Cabinet officers. (3) 295 Cushman, Charlotte, Tragedienne, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Chicago, Feb. 12, 1875," declining to give a reading, j_ %.£ on account of other engagements. Engraved portrait, and play bill of " Theatre Royal, Hull, Sept. 4, 1845.'' "^h/jf^ 296 Cushman. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, Oct. 4, 1851," to J. B. Wright, arranging the series of plays with which she will open the first week of her Boston engagement. Engraved portrait as Katherine. fAr^J^ 297 Cushman. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Rome, May 12," to a very intimate friend. Cabinet photograph as Meg Mer- rilies. "... You and I think entirely alike in the matter of my art, and you may say what you will of me. You have been of infinite good to me, dear, in the very matter of this art of mine. My only two very IAj~^***^ intimate friends of the last 18 years have looked disprising upon my art, and this has always hurt me altho' I have not said much. Your honest tender appreciation of it, and me in it, has done me more good than you can think. . . ." 34 CATALOGUE. 298 Cushman. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Kensington, Feb. 16, 1854," to Mr. Wilton, regretting that she cannot meet his wishes regarding an engagement, as she is leaving England for an indefinite period. Engraved portrait as Lady Macbeth. 299 Cushman. a. I. s. i page 8°, "Feb. 13, 1876," to John McCullough, written in pencil, as she is too ill to sit up. X , (00 Cabinet photograph as Meg Merrilies. On the note is an endorsement by William Winter: "This must be the last letter that she ever wrote." Miss Cushman died Feb. 18, 1876. 300 Cushman, Major Pauline, Actress, scout, and spy, a. I. s. M^— 1 page 8°, "San Francisco, May 25, 1872," to Mr. Eberle, recommending a young actor. Cuttings. Rare. 301 Cushman, Susan, (Mrs. James Sheridan Muspratt), Ac- tress, younger sister of Charlotte Cushman, a. I. s. 3 . 7^~" pages 8°, to Mr. Planchd, asking Mr. Webster's address, and if she must gain his permission before playing " Grist to the Mill." Very rare. 302 Cutter, William F., Actor and comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, "St. John, July 17, 1865," to J- w - Lanergan; — G. W. Dane, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Sept. 5, 1869." (2) 303 TP\AHLGREN, John A., Rear-Admiral in U. S. Navy, —— - \_J a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Washington, Dec. 14, 1869"; • O' — Madison Rush, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Philadelphia, April 18, 1856," to Admiral Foote. Naval officers. (2) 304 Darley, Felix O. C. , Artist and illustrator, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Claymont, Oct. 24, 1876," to James R. Os- good, on the subject of the re-production of his illustra- tions of "The Scarlet Letter," by a new process. 305 Daintry, Laura, Authoress and dramatist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "June 9, c888," to Mr. Edwards, thanking him for a copy of his book. M' 306 Daly, Augustin, Dramatist and theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Feb. 18, 1888," to Harry Ed- wards, inviting him to take part in Hamlet which is to 2, ., C , // be produced for Mr. Wallack's Benefit. Large and V^^ small^wood-cut portraits. \-S / 345 Dickens, a. 1. s. 2 pages 8°, "June 8, 1845," to Mr. W><—- esSt/yesTzesz^, (^c^Z&^/Z^Jj^^J^^ 4pM **>*U S&7*/ 'ZZrfrrtjL 0/fZ*,^ Sfc^lr* /&■ 0Ze> &-*t* 6l^+>C. , N ». 560. Autograph Letter Signed by John Hancock. CATALOGUE. 63 567 Harris, Sir Augustus, English manager of Drury Lane Theatre, /. s. 2 pages 8°, "April 21, 1886," to Howard Paul; — Maurice Grau, manager and impresario, a. I. s. on correspondence card, "Oct. 26, 1882." Wood-cut portrait. (2) 568 Harris, Thomas, English dramatist, a. L s. 1 page 4 and address, to David Garrick, thanking him for a Prologue to his new farce. Endorsed by Garrick. 569 Harte, (Francis) Bret, Poet, novelist, and diplomatist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, Nov. 12, 1876," to James R. Osgood, in regard to a contest with Mr. Stuart Robson over the copyright of a play. A very long and interesting letter. 570 Hastreiter, Helene, (Mme. Burgunzio), Vocalist and actress in opera, a. L s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Howard Paul, sending him tickets for " La Favorita." 571 Hatton, Joseph, English author and lecturer, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Chicago, Jan. 18, 1884 "; — Robert Bu- chanan, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " March 30," both letters to Harry Edwards. English novelists. (2) 572 Hauk, Minnie, (wife of Chevalier Ernst de Hesse-Wartegg), Vocalist and prima donna, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Howard Paul, speaking of her success in " Carmen." 573 Hauk. d. s. 1 page folio, signed in pencil, "Early Mar- riages not beneficial.'* 574~Haworth, Joseph S., Tragedian, long favorite actor at the Boston Museum, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "April 24, 1886," to Mr. Edwards; — William Herbert, a. L s. 1 page 8°, 1886, introducing Mr. Coote to Mr. Edwards. (2) 575 Hawthorne, Julian, Novelist and author, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "New York, Feb. 28, 1872," to James R. Osgood, making appointments for himself and for his sister to meet Mr. Osgood. Rare. 576 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Celebrated novelist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Concord, May 14, 1844," to Geo. S. Hillard. A business letter in regard to one of his books. Very rare. "... I wish the Devil had the books — for I suppose he is a mem. ber of the ' Trade.' . . ." 64 CATALOGUE. 577 Hay, John, Secretary of State, poet, and diplomatist, a. 1. s. i page 8°, to James R. Osgood; — Robert Bu- chanan, a. I. s. i page 8°, to Harry Edwards, asking for a loan. Poets. (2) 578 Hayes, Catherine, (Mrs. W. A. Bushnell), Irish vocalist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, signed "C. Hayes Bushnell." En- graved 4 portrait. 579 Heller, Stephen, Celebrated German pianist and com- poser, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Paris, July 12, 1851." In German. 580 Henderson, Alexander, Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 2 pages, 8°, "Boston Theatre, Sept. 21, 1876"; — J. H. Haverly, /. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, Nov. 25, 1882." Wood-cut portrait. Managers. (2) 581 Henderson, Mrs. Ettie, (Henrietta Lewis), Actress, mana- ger, and dramatist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, Jan. 24, 1884," to Mr. Edwards, asking him to listen to a new play she has just finished; — and a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Jan. 23, 1884," also to Mr. Edwards. (2) 582 Henderson, Grace, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Palmer, in praise of his setting of "Elaine"; — Alice Harrison, a. I. s. signed "Alice," 4 pages 8°, "Boston, June 18, 1876." Wood-cut portrait. (2) 583 Henley, Edward J., English actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards. Play bill of " Wallack's Theatre, May 5, 1887, Deacon Brodie." 584 Henschel, George, German musical composer, vocalist, and conductor, a. I. s. "Kensington, Jan. 9, 1892," to Plunket Greene on musical matters. 585 Herne, James A., Actor, manager, and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Oct. 29, 1873," to Harry Edwards; — Bar- ton Hill, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " San Francisco, Dec. 25, 1873." (2) 586 Heron, Bijou, (Mrs. Henry J. Miller), Child actress daughter of Matilda Heron, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, April 24, 1884," to Lester Wallack, wood-cut por- traits; — Matilda Heron, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°. Cutting. (2) CATALOGUE. 65 587 Heron, Matilda, (Mrs. Robert Stoepel), Irish actress and tragedienne, a. 1. s. 3 pages 8°, 4< San Francisco, Nov. 17, 1872," to Mr. R. M. Eberle. Lithograph portrait. "... The brainless moving logs of living clay whom they call hu- manity, by whom cruel fate has surrounded me through life, call me eccentric . . . they cannot see that eccentricity is a plethora of brains — a disease none of them will ever be troubled with. . . ." 588 Herring, Fanny, Comedienne, a. L s. 2 pages 8°, "Sims- bury, Conn., March 4, 1895." Giving dates of her mother's career; — Agnes Herndon, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Massett. (2) 589 Higgie, Mrs. Maria, (formerly Fawcett), English actress, sister of Mrs. Orger, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Sept. 16, 1837," to Mr. Harley, asking for a position in the St. James's Theatre. Play bill of "Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, Nov. 10, 1794." 590 Hill, C. Barton, English actor and manager, son of Chas. Hill, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "San Francisco, Aug. 18, 1875," to Harry Edwards, giving him the list of plays for the coming engagement. Play bill of "Philharmonic Hall, June 14, 1883." 591 Hill. a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Sept. 14, 1885," to Harry Ed- wards, telling him of a wonderful " Moth." Programme of " Reading of Barton Hill, Steinway's Hall, July 30, 1880." 592 Hill, George H., "Yankee Hill," American comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Boston, Feb. 1, 1847," asking for a copy of his "parts." Play bill of "National Theatre, Sept. 21, 1848 " Rare. 593 Hillard, George S. , Author and orator, auto, sentiment signed, 1 page 8°, "Boston, Feb. 3, 1854"; — Nathaniel I. Bowditch, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, 1828. Noted jurists. (2) 594 Hilliard, Robert C, Actor, manager, and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, Jan. 19, 1887," to Lester Wallack, asking permission for Harry Edwards to play at his Benefit. Wood-cut portrait; — Barton Hill, a. L s. 1 page 8°, " San Francisco, Oct. 1, 1873." (2) 66 CATALOGUE. 595 Hilson, Thomas, (real name Hill), English actor and comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 4° and address, M Charleston, June 3," to Mr. Demler, on leaving the South for Vir- ginia. Engraved portrait. Rare. 596 Hinckley, Sallie A., Actress and comedienne, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " San Francisco, May 6 "; — and a. I. s. 1 page i2mo, both orders for salary. (2) 597 Hoey, George C, Actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Aug. 16. 1871"; — also Robert McWade; J. P. Bur- nett; F. G. Kerr; and Henry Neil Warner, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 598 Holcroft, Thomas, English novelist and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " Dec. 25, 1844," to W. Jerdan ; — Sir Rod- erick Murchison; Dr. Dion Lardner; T. Phillipps, etc., a. I. s. of each. English authors. (5) 599 Holland, Edward M., Favorite actor and comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, May 24, 1880," speaking of his own success; wood-cut portrait; — George Holland, Jr., a. I. s. 1 page 8°, offering to help in the " Lingham Benefit." (2) 600 Holland, George, (the Elder), English comedian and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, " New York, Feb. 27, 1845," to Benjamin Webster. Wood-cut por- trait and view. Very rare. A long and confidential letter, giving an account of his return to the stage, and his reasons ; also asking if he has a chance in London. "... I like Billy Shakespeare very well, but I don't want to show off in any of his stuff and nonsense. I go in for making people laugh without their knowing what it's all about. . . . Should there be any chance for you to make use of my ugly mug next summer ... I should like to pay you a visit. . . ." 601 Holland, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "New York, Sept. 25, 1841," to Benjamin Webster, on business. Speaks of Celeste, his voyage from England, etc. Wood- cut portraits, play bill of Wallack's Theatre, and " Report of the Holland Benefit Testimonial Fund." Very rare. 602 Holland, Geo., (the Younger), Actor and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, Aug. 24, to Harry Edwards, Shepherd of the Lambs," on Club business; — Edward M. Holland, a, I. s. 1 page 8°, "Nov. 21, 1882." (2) CATALOGUE. 67 603 Holland, Henry, Actor, a. /. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Ed- wards, agreeing to be at a rehearsal the next day; — Joseph W. Holland, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Oct. 28, 1892." w 604 Hollingshead, John, English dramatic critic, author, and manager of the Gaiety theatre, London, a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8°, "Oct. 18, 1871," to Mr. Strahan, regarding a new edition of his works; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1872. (2) 605 Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell, Poet and author, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Boston, Dec. 8, 1880." To William Winter, in praise of a volume of verse just received from him. A very good letter. 606 Holmes, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Jan. 20, 1893," to Peabody and French in regard to some ordered tomb- stones. 607 Holt, Clarence, English actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages folio, " Melbourne, April 18, 1862," to Harry Ed- wards, a long and intimate letter. Wood-cut portrait. 608 Holt. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Hull, April 25, 1865," to Harry Edwards; — and a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " June 28, 1888." (2) 609 Holt, May E., Actress, daughter of Clarence Holt, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Feb. 1862," to Mrs. Brooke; — Clarence Holt, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Nov. 24, 1890," to Mrs. Rowe. (^) 610 Home, Rev. John, English clergyman and dramatist, au- thor of " Douglas," a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address; — Frederic Reynolds, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° and address. Eng- lish dramatists. (2) 611 Hook, Theodore Edward, English humorist and novelist a. I. s. 2 pages 8°; — and a. I. 2 pages 8°, unsigned. (2) 612 Hopkins, Miss Ann, English actress, d. s. 1 page folio, "July 24, 1795." Receipt for her salary at Covent Gar- den, a leaf from the ledger. Engraved portrait in char- acter; and on reverse Mary Morris, receipt for the same. Rare. Two Play bills of Covent Garden, 1794, 1796, with Miss Hopkins and Miss Morris both in parts. 68 CATALOGUE. 613 Hopper, DeWolf, Comedian, manager, and actor in comic opera, a. d. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, May 17, 1892." A comical verse. 614 Horn, Charles E., English musical composer and vocalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8° and address, " July 15, 1835," to W. T. Porter, in regard to a musical criticism. Play bill of "Theatre Royal, Liverpool, 1827." 615 Horne, Richard Henry, English poet and critic, a. I. s. 8 pages 8°, "Jan. 10, 1883," a long and interesting letter; — Stephen Massett, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1888, (2) 616 Howard, Joseph, Jr., Journalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, and hand bill; — William Winter; William T. W. Ball; H. P. Stephens; Deshler Welch; Edgar Fawcett; Augustus Pitou, etc., a. I. s. 8°, of each. Journalists and drama- tists. (10) 617 Howard, May, (Mrs. Victoria Sutherland), Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 5, 1874"; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, both letters to Mr. Edwards. Cutting. (2) 618 Howard, Samuel, Australian comedian and manager, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Auckland, Dec. 6, 1870," to Harry Ed- wards. Play bills of " Prince of Wales' Theatre, 1870." 619 Ho wells, William D., Editor and novelist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Boston, Feb. 24, 1873," to R. H. Stoddard. Cut- tings and wood-cut portrait. 620 Howson, Frank A., Musician and composer, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "New York, May 19, 1881," asking for the position of Musical Director at Wallack's Theatre; — Sir Henry R. Bishop, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, on musical mat- ters. (2) 621 Howson, John, English comedian and vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Pittsburgh, March 2, 1885," to Mr. Heckler, on business; — Mrs. Bertha Howson, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mrs. Edwards. Photograph of Mr. Howson in " Pa- tience." (2) 622 Howson. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Aug. 18, 1883," to Mr. Edwards in reference to a position for the coming season; — Mrs. Bertha Howson, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Edwards. (2) CATALOGUE. 69 623 Hughes, Mrs. Ivy Grace, English society actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, 1884, to Mr. Edwards, asking for an engage- ment at Wallack's. Cuttings. 624 Hughes, Thomas, English lawyer and author, "Tom Brown's School-Days," a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " House of Commons, April 11, 1867," to James R. Osgood, rela- tive to an American edition of " Tom Brown." 625 Hughes, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " House of Commons, June 13, 1867"; — Edmund Yates, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Lon- don, Nov. 12, 1881." English novelists. (2) 626 Humby, Mrs. Anne, English actress and vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "London, June 2, 1845," to Robert Ashton. 627 Hunt, Leigh, English poet, editor, and essayist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Chelsea, Feb. 13, 1840." A personal letter. Engraved portrait, 8°. 628 Hunt. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Hammersmith, April 28," to John B. Buckstone. A complimentary letter. 629 Hunter, David, Major-General in the Civil War, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Kansas, Jan. 21, 1862." 630 Hunter, Mrs. Maria, English actress, d. s. 1 page folio, "June 7, 1783." A receipt for her salary, on a leaf from the Covent Garden ledger. Two engraved por- traits in character. On reverse of the page, Mrs. Mary Morton, d. s. receipt for the same. Rare. 631 Huntington, Enid, Vocalist and actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Feb. 18, 1892," to Mr. Frankenstein, telling him of her illness; — Helene Hastreiter, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Howard Paul. (2) 632 Hutton, Mrs. Ann, English authoress, sister of John Philip Kemble, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Swansea, Dec. 26, 1825," on business. Wrote under the pseudo- nym of " Ann of Swansea." 633 Hutton, Lawrence, Author and dramatist, a. L s. 2 pages 4°, "Oct. 31," to Harry Edwards; — William D. How- ells, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "March 11, 1881," to James R. Osgood. American authors. (2) 7 o CATALOGUE. 634 TNCE, John E., Comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " March JL 14, 1884," play bill of " Confusion," and wood-cut por- trait; — Frederic Bryton; E. L. Walton; Edmund D. Leathes; and George B. Waldron, a. /. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 635 Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth, (Simpson), English novelist, dramatist, and actress, auto. MS. 20 pages 4 , "Beat- tie's evidence of the Christian religion." Very rare. 636 Ingersoll, Col. Robert G., Lawyer, author, and lecturer, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Jan. 12, 1888," to Harry Edwards. Colored caricature, and newspaper cuttings. 637 Ireland, Joseph N., Historian of the New York stage, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Jan. 4, 1887"; — also 3 other a. I. s. all on theatrical matters. (4) 638 Ireland, Samuel William Henry, English novelist and dramatist, the originator of the Shakespeare forgeries, d. s. 1-2 page 4 , "March 2, 1805." A receipt for money. Fine, rare, old engraved portrait, 8°, 1798, and cuttings. Rare. 639 Irving, Sir Henry, (Brodribb), English tragedian and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "June 26, 1887," to Howard Paul, on a personal misunderstanding. En- graved portrait, list of invitations to the Irving Break- fast, and newspaper cutting. 640 Irving, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "April 19, 1870," a dinner invitation. Wood-cut portrait, and play bill of " Star Theatre, Oct. 29, 1883, Initial performance." 641 Irving, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, March n, 1884," to Harry Edwards, sending a contribution to a charity. Wood-cut portrait, and play bill of " Star Theatre, Oct. 29, 1883." 642 Irving. /. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, March 14, 1884,'' accepting the privileges of the Puritan Club. Cabinet photograph signed, and play bill of " Star Theatre, Nov. 20, 1883." CATALOGUE. 71 643 TACKSON, Andrew, President of the United States, \9 d. s. double folio, "Washington, May, 6 1836"; signed also by John Forsyth, Sec. of State, and B. F. Butler, Atty.-Gen. Letters Patent. On vellum. 644 Jackson, Harry, English actor, a. I. s. 7 pages 8°, "Thea- tre Royal, Aug. 1861," to Harry Edwards. Play bill of " Drury Lane." 645 Jaell, Alfred, Musical composer and pianist, auto, musi- cal score, signed, 1 page 4 , "Nov. 30, 1853," portrait; — M. Jullien, /. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 23, 1888." Cele- brated musicians. (2) 646 James, Henry, American novelist, a. I. s. 5 pages 8°, "London, Feb. 12, 1890," to James R. Osgood, speak- ing of h;s book, "A Little Tour in France," which he wishes to present to Lawrence Barrett. 647 James* Louis, Favorite actor and comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Nahant, May 7, 1886." This, and three other letters, each 1 page 8°, and all written to Harry Ed- wards, are signed merely "Louis." Wood-cut portraits. (4) 648 Janauschek, Mme. Francesca, (Mme. Frederic Pillot), Bohemian tragedienne, auto, sentiment signed, 1 page oblong 8°, "November, 1883." Four cabinet photo- graphs, one signed, no duplicates. 649 Jansen, Marie, (Johnson), Comedienne, long with Francis Wilson, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Feb. 2, 1887," to Lester Wallack. Cabinet photograph signed. 650 Jarbeau, Vernona, (Mrs. Jefferson D. Bernstein), Vocal- ist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards. Signed cabi- net photograph; — Marie Jansen, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, (signed " Jansen "). Comic opera actresses. (2) 651 Jefferson, Joseph, Artist, actor, and comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Tasmania, April 25, 1864"; — and a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Melbourne, Sept. 23, 1862 "; both letters to Harry Edwards. Portraits and cuttings. (2) 72 CATALOGUE. 652 Jefferson, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date, to Mr. Moss, on business; — also auto, copy signed, of the celebrated toast from Rip Van Winkle, " Here's your good health, and your family's, and may they all live long and pros- per." Wood-cut portrait, and play bill of Rip Van Winkle. (2) 653 Jefferson, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Hokokus, Oct. 10," to Mr. Osgood, speaking of the proofs of the pictures sent, and expressing his disappointment at the result. Circular of the Century Co., and wood-cut portrait. 654 Jefferson, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Hokokus, Sept. 7, 1880," to James R. Osgood, sending some drawings and pict- ures for publication. "... As these are the first drawings of mine that were ever pub- lished, I have been severely critical of my work, destroying much of it, in order that the pictures might be as poetical and artistic as my poor skill could make them. . . ." 655 Jefferson, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1880," to James R. Osgood, in regard to the mounting of a set of sketches. Photograph as Rip Van Winkle, and cuttings. 656 Jefferson, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Bartlett, asking him to "come over and cast a fly" with him. News- paper cuttings. 657 Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. of the United States, signer, etc., d. s. double folio, "Dec. 23, 1807"; and signed also by James Madison and David Gelston, both M. O. C. A ship's paper. Large and small seals. 658 Jennings, Madeline, Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Lester Wallack ; — Vernona Jarbeau, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " March 11, 1884." Cabinet photograph signed. (2) 659 Jerdan, William, Scotch journalist, a. L s. 1 page 8°, "Literary Gazette Office, Oct. 14"; — William Godwin, a. d. s. 1-2 page 4 , "Jan. 31, 1814. " A note of hand. English authors. (2) 660 Jerome, Jerome K., Author, editor, and humorist, a. d. s. 1 page 4 . Autograph sentiment signed; — Archibald C. Gunter, a. L s. 1 page 8°, " New York, Jan. 14, 1884," to Harry Edwards, sending the MS. of a new drama. (2) CATALOGUE. 73 661 Jewett, Sara, Popular actress and authoress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards; — also a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 662 Jewett, Sarah Orne, Authoress and novelist, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, no date, to Miss Wales, thanking her for flowers sent. 663 Joachim, Joseph, German violinist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, re- gretting that his remaining in London is so uncertain that he cannot engage to play at the Concert for the Benefit of the Female Musicians. Rare. 664 Johnson, Andrew, President of the United States, d. s. double folio, "Washington, March 20, 1866"; signed also by Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Military commission as Lieut-Colonel, to George Rex. Rare. Vellum. 665 Johnson, Col. Guy, Loyalist and superintendent of Indian affairs, manager of the old John St. Theatre, N. Y., a. I. s. 1 page folio and address, " New York, Oct. 8, 1771," to Sir William Johnson, and endorsed by him. On public matters. Rare. Fine wax seal. 666 Johnson, Reverdy, Attorney-General, /. s. 1 page 8°, "Baltimore, Nov. 29, 1869"; — Daniel Webster, /. s. 2 pages 8°, 1850, portrait; — Robt. C. Winthrop, (Speaker), a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1869. Cabinet officers. (3) 667 Jones, Miss Avonia, (Mrs. G. V. Brooke), Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "April 7, i860," to Mr. Edwards in regard to an engagement; — Mrs. Melinda Jones, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Melbourne, May 28, 1861," introducing Mr. Edwards. Play bill of Avonia Jones at " Boston Theatre, May 21, 1857." (2) 668 Jones, George, (The Count Joannes), Actor and trage- dian, the original " Claude Melnotte " in Boston, 1838, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, " Stratford-on-Avon, Dec. 10, 1835," to W. L. Cliffe, discussing his plans for an engagement in London. A very full and confidential letter. Play bill of Lyceum Theatre. 669 Jones, a. d. s. (name in the heading of the document), 8 pages 8°, " George Jones's History of Ancient Amer- ica." Cabinet photograph signed. 74 CATALOGUE. 670 Jones, Henry Arthur, English dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Dec. 27, 1885," speaking of his new play " Hood- man Blind"; — Arthur W. Pinero, a. L s. 1 page 8°, "London, Nov. 2, 1888." English playwrights. (2) 671 Jones, Mrs. Melinda, (Miss Topping), Wife of George Jones and mother of Mrs. G. V. Brooke, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Melbourne, Aug. ir, i860." An intimate letter full of theatrical gossip. 672 Jones, Mrs. William G., (Mrs. Julia A. Deane), Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, Nov. 4, " returning thanks for kind inquiries during her illness; — Mrs. E. F. Keach, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Aug. 20, 1868," to Harry Edwards. (2) 673 Jordan, Mrs. Dorothea Bland, English comedienne and actress, and mistress of the Duke of Clarence, (William IV), a. I. s. 3 pages 4 , "May ye 3d." Engraved por- trait and one in character. Play bill of " Theatre Royal, Sept. 18, 1809." Rare. Very interesting letter, declining, in consequence of ill health, a very satisfactory theatrical engagement. 674 Judic, Mme. Anna, French actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, re- gretting that she had been unable to read a MS. sent her; — Mme. R6jane, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, asking for seats at the Gymnase. (2) 6ye ^f ARL, Tom, Vocalist and actor in comic opera, a. I. s, JX^ 2 pages 8°, " Feb. 21, 1883," to Harry Edwards; — Alfred Klein, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1885, asking for an en- gagement. Singers in comic opera. (2) 676 Kean, Charles John, English actor and manager, son of Edmund Kean, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " April 1, 185 1," de- clining to use a new play; — also a. d. 2 pages folio, "Melbourne, April 23, 1864," being a speech delivered by Mr. Kean in answer to an address from the mayor of Melbourne, authenticated by Mr. Edwards. Engraved portrait. (2) 677 Kean. a. L s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Massingham, respecting some theatre tickets for Gen. Grey. Engraved 4 por- trait as King John. CATALOGUE* 75 678 Kean. a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Baltimore, April 11, 1840," to Benj. Webster, making arrangements in regard to his engagements on his return to England, and his objections to acting at the Haymarket with Mr. Macready. A very good theatrical letter. Portrait. 679 Kean, Mrs. Charles, (Miss Ellen Tree), English actress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Coles, inviting him to join Mr. Kean and herself at Osbourne for a short stay. En- graved portrait in character, and play bill of the " The- atre Royal, Liverpool, July 29, 1828." 680 Kean. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Aug. 14, 1871," to a friend starting upon a voyage, sending her Coleridge's Poems. 681 Kean, Edmund, English tragedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address franked, to Mr. G. Wynne; — with letter from Mr. Wynne. Engraved portrait in character, and two play bills, June and November, 1816. A most vehement letter, in regard to a quarrel which took place the night before. "... If you assure me that the very serious injury I received from you last night was the effect of accident and not in- tent, I will readily apologize for what took place afterwards. I cer- tainly acted under feelings of great irritation. . . . You found your- self unable to parry my thrusts & was determined to make up by vio- lence what you could not do by skill. ... I therefore say I'm sorry for the blow. . . ." 682 Kean. /. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " July 5, 1816," to Henry Lee, appointing dates and characters for his ap- pearance. The letter purports to be in the hand of Kean himself, but is written by Mrs. Edmund Kean. 683 Kean. a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address franked, " Jan. 11, 1830," to Mr. J. Smith, to make arrangements about playing in Norwich. Speaks of bringing out "Henry the 5th, much depends on him. . . ." Fine stipple folio portrait by Meyer, as Macbeth, and play bill of " Drury - Lane, Feb. 29, 1816." 684 Kean, Mrs. Edmund, (Miss Mary Chambers), English actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, to Miss Porter, speaks of Mr. Kean, etc. "... The Committee of Drury & Mr. Kean are not on the best terms {but this is a secret) & I know nothing would tempt him to ask a Favor where he is sure of being refused — this is his last year at Drury, unless they accede to his terms. . . ." 7 6 CATALOGUE. 685 Keeley, Robert, English comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 4° and address franked, " March 28, 1838," to Charles Elliston, asking to have costumes sent him. Engraved portrait, and two play bills, " July 7 and 8, 1831." 686 Keeley, Mrs. Robert, (Mary Anne Goward), English ac- tress, comedienne, and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Webster, asking for seats at the theatre; — Robert Keeley, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "July 10, 1827." Play bill, "Sept. 6, 1838." (2) 687 Keene, Laura, (Mrs. Lutz), Actress and manager, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Xmas Day, 1865," to Mr. Booth, entirely upon theatrical matters, her plans, and engagements. A remarkably good letter. 688 Keene. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, no date, to Mr. Dyott in re- gard to his part in a new play, to be produced in Balti- more. Carte de visite portrait. 689 Keene, Thomas W., Shakespearean tragedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 24, 1879," to Harry Edwards. Four wood-cut portraits and cutting. 690 Kelcey, Herbert, Leading English actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "May 1, 1883," to Arthur Wallack, declining an engagement; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1884, to Harry Edwards. (2) 691 Kellogg, Clara Louise, (Mme. Max Strakosch), Actress and vocalist, d. s. (5 lines autograph), 12 pages folio. A typewritten MS. with auto, corrections, "People I Have Met." Cabinet photograph, and cuttings. 692 Kelly, Michael, Irish musical composer and vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° and address, " Mays, 18 11, "to Alex. Clugstone, in regard to his approaching Benefit. En- graved portrait. 693 Kemble, Adelaide, (Mrs. Frederick U. Sartoris), Younger daughter of Charles Kemble, vocalist and authoress, famous as " Norma," a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mrs. Lane. Engraved portrait. CATALOGUE. 77 694 Kemble, Charles, English actor, manager, and author, a. L s. 1 page 4 and address, 44 T. R. C. Garden, Oct. 29, i83i,"to Miss Bone, sending tickets for the theatre. Engraved 4 mezzotint portrait as Cromwell, and play bill of "Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh, March 28, 1829." 695 Kemble. d. s. 3 pages folio, " T. R. Covent Garden, June 21, 1828." Articles of Agreement, signed by Charles Kemble and Louisa Perry. Engraved portrait as Orestes. 696 Kemble, Frances Anne, (Mrs. Butler), Eldest daughter of Charles Kemble, actress and authoress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Charles Sumner, asking him to go to Cambridge with her. Engraved 4 portrait. 697 Kemble. a. L s. 3 pages 8°, from Tunbridge Wells, to a friend, speaking of her readings, and her engagements for the coming week. Engraved portrait in character, proof. 698 Kemble, John Philip, English tragedian and theatrical manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "Toulouse, April 15, 1820," to Sir Thomas Lawrence; with a. I. s. 4°, of Mrs. Kemble on the last page. Engraved por- trait 4 , as Hamlet; and colored print 4 , as Pizarro. Congratulating Sir Thomas upon his election to the Presidency of the Royal Academy. An exceedingly intimate and charming letter. 699 Kemble. a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, to Mr. John Taylor. Engraved portrait from the " Universal Maga- zine," and play bill of the "Theatre Royal, Benefit of Mr. Kemble." "... everything between Mr. Sheridan and me is settled to our perfect satisfaction." 700 Kemble, Mrs. Polly, (Miss Polly Hopkins), Wife of John Philip Kemble, Favorite English actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° and address, "Lausanne, Feb. 9, 1825," to Mr. Mur- ray. Speaks of her late husband, of Mr. Kean and Miss Foote. A very interesting letter, and very rare. 701 Kemble, Stephen George, English actor and manager, celebrated for his " Falstaff," a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " New- castle, Aug. 10, 1806." A very interesting and amusing letter on the birth of his first grand- child. Very rare. 78 CATALOGUE. 702 Kendal, William H., nom de the'&tre, (William Hunter Grimston), English actor and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "St. James's Theatre, May 31, 1887," to Howard Paul. 703 Kendal, auto, sentiment signed on a correspondence card; also Genevieve Ward; Cora Urquhart Potter; Geo. M. Ciprico; Mary E.Hill; JohnHowson; Isabelle Evesson; etc., correspondence card from each, and most of them written to Mr. Edwards. (12) 704 Kendal, Mrs. Madge Robertson, (Mrs. W. Hunter Grim- ston), English actress, a. d. s. 2 pages 4 , a Christmas greeting to American women. Cabinet photograph. 705 Kent, Charles, English author and editor of "The Sun," a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, Nov. 11, 1870," to Mr. S. C. Hall. 706 Kerr, Frederick G., (Frederick Grinham Keen), English actor and manager, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards; — Charles Kent; J. P. Burnett; Hans Meery; and Fred- eric Bryton, a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 707 Key, James Barton, Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, "Dec. 1, 1887 '*; — Henry E. Abbey; Sheridan Cor- byn; Charles Poole; Frank W. Sanger; B. N. Jones; Max Strakosch; Albert M. Palmer; Orlando Tomp- kins; Eugene Tompkins, etc., a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Managers. (12) 708 Kidder, Kathryn, Actress, the original "Dearest" in Little Lord Fauntleroy, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "June 27, 1887," to Mr. Edwards; — Madeline Jennings, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Lester Wallack, on theatrical matters. (2) 709 Kiralfy, Imre, Comedian and manager, a. /. s. 1 page 8°, ** New York, Feb. 21, 1876," on theatrical business; — and a. I. s. on correspondence card. (2) 710 Kirkland, Joseph, First Mayor of Utica, and one of the most prominent men of Oneida Co., a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Utica, Nov. 6, 1815 "; — Marshall P. Wilder; James Wadsworth, etc., letter of each. Authors. (4) J*t/#f <&£J/** irfi-y £"-/-. Jt*^ J? -4 j S *+ «*• e*^ t n. No. 720. Autograph Letter Signed by Charles Lamb. CATALOGUE. 79 711 Knight, Charles, English historian and publisher, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Aug. 27, 1867 "; — J. Payne Collier, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 17, 1865." English authors. (2) 712 Knight, George S. , (real name Sloan), Comedian, hus- band of Sophie Worrell, a. d. s. 1 page small 4 , includ- ing a poem 3 pages 4 , "The Mule, a parody on Casa- bianca." To George F. Rowe; — also Mrs. Sophie Wor- rell Knight, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , 1888, to Mr. Edwards. (*) 713 Knight, Mrs. Sophie Worrell, (Mrs. George S. Knight), Actress and opera bouffe vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Orange, Dec. 11, 1888," to Harry Edwards, speaks of her husband's illness, and of a play which she wishes to bring out. 714 Knowles, James Sheridan, Irish actor, author and drama- tist, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, " T. R. C. G., June 19, 1832," to Charles Kemble, asking better terms for " The Hunchback." A very interesting letter. 715 Knowles, a. I. s. i page 8°, "Glasgow, June 6, 1862," to Mr. F. Calvert. A personal letter. Play bill of his benefit, "Theatre Royal, Liverpool, Nov. 13, 1835." 716 "]j ABLACHE, Fanny, English vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages I J 8°, consenting to sing at a concert. 717 Lackaye, Wilton, Actor, d. s. 1 page folio, "Actors should not Marry"; — Harry Lacy, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards. (2) 718 Lacy, Walter, English comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Dec. 11, 185 1," to Mr. Massingham, asking for theatre tickets. 719 Lafayette, Gilbert Motier, Marquis de, Major-Gen. in the American Revolution, etc., a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, " May 4, 1831," to the Bishop of Blois. 720 Lamb, Charles, Celebrated English author and essayist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, " London, Feb. 5, 1834," to Miss Betham, speaks of his sister. Very rare. "... My sister keeps very bad, but I save up your letters to please her when she recovers, etc. . . ." 80 CATALOGUE. 721 Lamb. a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, " Islington, Feb. 6, 1826," to Mr. Oilier, wishing to have MSS. returned to him, that he may " convert them into essays." Very rare. 722 Lambert, J. C, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 3, 1862"; — T. H. Lacy; Hans Meery; James W. Lanergan; and Robert W. Lawrence, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 723 Lander, Mrs. Frederick W., (Miss Jean Margaret Daven- port), Tragedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Aug. 24, 187 1," to Mrs. Harry Edwards. 724 Lander, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Washington, Dec. 12," to Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, regretting not having seen them while they were in Washington. 725 Lander, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 20, 1879," to Mrs. Edwards, inviting her to make a visit at Lynn. Wood- cut portrait. 726 Lang, Andrew, English editor and critic, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 8, 1889," to James R. Osgood; — Tom Tay- lor, editor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 27, 1868," cuttings. English authors. (2) 727 Lang. Auto, poem signed, 2 pages 4 , "Ballade of the New Woman." Rare. 728 Langdon, Lena, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards, thanking him for his book; — also Anna War- ren Story; Ethel Gordon; Carrie Coote; and Amelia Glover, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) 729 Langtry, Mrs. Lillie, (Miss Lillie Le Breton), English society actress, and professional beauty, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, making an appointment. 730 Langtry. a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, "Aug. 5," to Mr. Lester Wallack, asking if he would part with his rights in " Im- pulse," that she might include it in her repertoire. 731 Langtry. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Howard Paul, regretting that she cannot play for him that season. • CATALOGUE. 81 732 Lasalle, Jean, Noted French opera singer, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Paris, July 31, 1880," on business to Mr. Pittman. Cabinet photograph signed. 733 Latham, Emma, Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 24, 1884"; — also Helen Tracy; Norah Bartlett; Jennie Beaman; and Mary Poindeville-Corse, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) 734 Lawrence, Abbott, Statesman and diplomatist, a. I. s. 3 pages 4°, "Boston, Feb. 16, 1833," a fine political letter. Engraved portrait; — Edward Everett, a. /. s. 1 page 4 . Ministers to England. (2) 735 Leathes, Edmund D., Actor and author, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "London, May 16, 1873"; — a ^ so John E. Ince; F. G. Kerr; J. P. Burnett; and Robert McWade, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 736 Le Clercq, Carlotta, (Mrs. John Nelson), English actress, and leading lady in Charles Fechter's Co. in America, a. 1. s. 3 pages 8°, " Boston, May 27, 1873," to Mr. H. W Bryant; — also a. I. in 3d person, "Jan. 11, 1870," to Lester Wallack. (2) 737 Le Clercq. a. I. s. 7 pages 8°, " New York, March 29, 1874," to Mr. Harry Edwards. Play bill of "French Theatre, May 30, 1870." 738 Lee, Henry, Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " March 16, 1882," wood-cut portrait; — John Sutherland; Harry M. Pitt; Daniel Leeson; and T. H. Lacy, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors and authors. (5) 739 Lee, Jennie, (Mrs. J. P. Burnett), English actress, noted as " Jo," in Bleak House, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " London, Dec. 5, 1875," to Harry Edwards, telling of her success in London and Liverpool; — also a. 1. s. 4 pages 12 , to Mr. Hill. (2) 740 Lee, Robert E., Commander-in-Chief of the C. S. Army a. I. s. 1 page 8°, and addressed envelope, "Lexington, Feb. 29, 1868." 741 Leeson, Daniel, Actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "June 8, 1885"; — Henry Lee; J. W. Pigott; C. W. Barry; and J. H. yinson,tf. /. s. 8°, of each. Actors and authors. (5) 82 CATALOGUE. 742 Leland, Charles G., (Hans Breitmann), Author and hu- morist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1867"; — and auto. MS. 1 page folio, (in pencil), bio- graphical notes. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 743 Leman, Walter M., Author and actor, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Salem, Dec. 15, 1852," giving the date of his return to the theatre. Play bill of "Boston Theatre, March 11, 1867." 744 Leman. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "San Francisco, Oct. 8, 1886," sending copies of his " Memories " ; — also a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Jan. 15, 1877," giving date of his birth. Play bill "Feb. 4, 1868." (2) 745 Lemon, Mark, English author and dramatist, signature, 1 page 8°, "Punch Office, Feb. 16, 1865 "; — Tom Taylor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Lester Wallack. Noted English journalists. (2) 746 Le Moyne, Wm. J., Comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Chicago, July 2, 1886," to Harry Edwards, thanking him for a book. Play bill of " Madison Square Theatre." Wood- cut portrait. 747 Lennox, Frederick, Actor and vocalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Boston, Nov. 13, 1894." Cabinet photograph signed. 748 Lennox, Lord William Pitt, English author, son of the Duke of Richmond, and husband of the famous vocalist Miss Mary Anne Paton, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address franked, " Jan. 3, 1830," to Mr. Bellamy, giving the list of songs which Miss Paton will sing. Rare. 749 Leslie, Enid, (Mrs. E. M. Roberts), Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Edwards, asking for a seat in her opera box; — and a. I. s. signed " Enid Leslie Roberts," 2 pages 8°, also to Mrs. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. (^) 750 Leslie, Frederick, (Hobson), English actor, comedian, vocalist, and dramatist, leading actor in burlesque and opera bouffe, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, Nov. 7, 1883." Biographical sketch. CATALOGUE. 83 751 Leuville, Guillaume Ren£, Marquis de, French author and elocutionist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, no date; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, both letters to Harry Edwards. Col- ored folio lithograph portrait, (caricature), and cuttings. (*) 752 Lever, Charles, Irish novelist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan- uary 31, 1845," to Mr. Hayman, on the death of a mutual friend. 753 Lever, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, May 8, 1869," to Mr. Achil'e Vogue. 754 Le Vert, Mrs. Octavia Walton, (Mrs. Henry S. Le Vert), Authoress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Stephen Massett. 755 Levick, Milnes, Actor and manager, auto, sentiment signed, 1 page 4 ; — Edward S. Stokes; John Gilbert; James W. Wallack; Fred. C. P. Robinson; Wilson Bar- rett, John Hollingshead; Tom. Comer; Madge Kendal; Harry Siddons; Maud Granger; Maggie J. Farjeon, etc., signature, or small document of each. (20) 756 Lewis, Estelle Anna, " Stella," English actress and dra- matist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, signed "Stella," to M. Laird Simons, "London, Dec. 20, 1873." Rare. 757 Lewis, Catherine, (Mrs. Robertson), Vocalist and comic opera actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Jan. 25, 1893," to Stephen Massett; — Louisa Vaughn, (Mrs. W. A. Mes- tayer), a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, also to Mr. Massett. (2) 758 Lewis, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " March 25, 1895," to Stephen Massett; — Sophie Worrell Knight, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Oct. 7, 1888." (2) 759 Lewis, James, Comedian, for many years leading comedian at Daly's theatre, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Feb. 25, 1886," to Lester Wallack. Wood-cut portraits. 760 Lewis, William Thomas, Famous English comedian, sig- nature, engraved portrait, and play bill of " Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, May 9, 1796." Rare. 761 Lincoln, Abraham, President of the United States, /. s. 1 page 8°, "Springfield, Nov. 21, i860." Cabinet pho- tograph. 84 CATALOGUE. 762 Lincoln, d. s. portion of, signed in full " Abraham Lin- coln," and signed also by William H. Seward. With seal; — Gen. U. S. Grant, signature, in pencil on card. Presidents. (2) 763 Lincoln, Frank, Actor and humorist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 7, 1885," consenting to take part in the Benefit for Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin ; — Marshall P. Wilder, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1892. (2) 764 Lincoln, Levi, Governor of Massachusetts, d. s. 1 page folio, "Nov. n, 1833." An official document, signed as Governor; and signed also by Edward D. Bangs, Secretary of State. 765 Lind, Jenny, (Mme. Otto Goldschmidt), Swedish vocalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, signed "Jenny Goldschmidt," to Miss Riicker, "Jan. 5, 1865," declining an invitation to dine. Two engraved portraits. 766 Lind. a. I. s. 1 page 8° and addressed envelope, " Edin- burgh, Sept. 29, 1848," to Dr. Sigismund Wallace. En- graved portrait, and wood-cuts. 767 Lingard, Mrs. Alice Dunning, English comedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "April 21, 1872," to Mrs. Harry Edwards; — also William Horace Lingard, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° 1879. Wood-cut portrait of Mrs. Lingard. (2) 768 Lingard. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, wood-cut portrait; — William Horace Lingard, a. /. s. 4 pages 4 , "New York, Dec. 27, 1878," to Harry Edwards on theatrical business. (2) 769 Lingard, Dickey, (real name Harriet Sarah Dunning, Mrs. Dalziel), Comedienne, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Sept. 27, 1872," to Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. Lithograph por- trait; — William H. Lingard, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , 1879. (2) 770 Lingard, William Horace, English comedian and drama- tist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "New York, Nov. 15, 1872 "; • — Alice Dunning Lingard, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, 1872, signed "Alice." Wood-cut portrait. (2) 771 Linton, William J., English wood engraver, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "March 19, 1884," to Mr. Rowe; — Mrs. E. Lynn Linton, (Mrs. W. J. Linton), novelist, a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8° and address, to J. R. Osgood. (2) CATALOGUE. 85 772 Liston, John, English comedian, famous as "Paul Pry," a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " London, Feb. 7, 1828," to Mr. Mur- ray, asking terms for an engagement in Edinburgh. Engraved portrait in character, and play bill of " Thea- tre Royal, Edinburgh, April 17, 1830." 773 Listz, Franz, Hungarian musical composer and Abbd, a. 1. s. 3 pages 8°, " Weyman, Dec. 25, 1850," to Alex- ander Dumas, agreeing to write the music for an opera of Faust. 774 Livingston, Flora, (Pinney), Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "May 3, 1883"; — and a. /. s. 2 pages 8°, signed " Flora Pinney." (2) 775 Lloyd, Edward, English tenor vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 26. . . . I was very much pleased to hear that I am chosen as the successful Candidate for the Chapel Royal. . . ."; — also Alfred Wilkie, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Noted tenors. (2) 776 Locker, Frederick, English poet and author, added the name of Lampson upon his marriage, (Locker-Lampson), a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 21, 1875," to Mr. James Rice, thanking him for "Harp and Crown"; — and MS. 2 pages 8°, of biographical notes. (2) 777 Locker, a. I. s. 1 page 8° "London, March 22, 1887," to James R. Osgood. 778 Lockhart, Annie Colman, (Mrs. Lockhart Wilson, later Mrs. Harry Jackson), English comedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July, 1861 "; — also a. I. s. 9 pages 8°, signed " Annie," to Harry Edwards. (2) 779 Loder, George, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1862, to Harry Edwards, on theatrical affairs. 780 Logan, Celia, (Mrs. James H. Connelly), Actress, auth- oress and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, Feb. 9, 1885 "; — and a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, signed " Celia Logan Connelly." (2) 781 Logan, Eliza, (Mrs. George Wood), Actress, daughter of C. A. Logan, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, " Boston, April 3, 1857 "; — Celia Logan Connelly, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Miss Gil- der. (2) 86 CATALOGUE. 782 Logan, Olive, (Mrs. William Wirt Sykes), Actress and authoress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " London, Oct. 31, 1887," to Mr. Howard Paul; — Celia Logan, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards, offering him her new play, " An Ameri- can Marriage," for Wallack's theatre. (2) 783 Logan, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " New York, Aug. 9, 1886," signed "Olive Logan Sykes," to Mr. Wallack, offering her new version of the play "Enemies," for his theatre; — Celia Logan, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1885. (2) 784 Longfellow, Henry W., Celebrated poet, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Cambridge, Dec. 27, 1854," to T. H. Morrell, giv- ing an account of the writing of " Excelsior." Cuttings and illustrations. A very fine specimen. 785 Longfellow, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Cambridge, May 18, 1870," to Bayard Taylor in regard to a new translation of " Faust." Portrait. 786 Longfellow, a.l.s. 1 page 8°, ■' Cambridge, July 5, 1874," to Harry Edwards, thanking him for a "bronze." Il- lustrations. 787 Loraine, Henry, English actor, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, " Liver- pool, Sept. 8, 1886," to Lester Wallack, asking for pro- posals for an engagement " in the States." Play bill of " The Face in the Moonlight." 788 Loveday, Henry J., English musician and manager, stage manager to Sir Henry Irving, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, Nov. 11, 1883," to Harry Edwards. Cutting. 789 Lovell, W. Thomas, English actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " July 3, 1888 "; — Hans Meery; J. C. Lambert; James Young Leslie; and Frank Little, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 790 Lowell, James Russell, Poet, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to John G. Palfrey; — John Boyle O'Reilly, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, M Boston, March 8, 1888," to James R. Osgood. (2) 791 Lucca, Pauline, (Baroness Rohden), German prima donna, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "April 12, 1866," in German. Rare. 792 Lucette, Madeline, (Mrs. J. H. Ryley), Opera bouffe actress and vocalist, a. 1. s. 2 pages 8° ; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Arthur Wallack. Wood-cut portraits. (2) CATALOGUE. 87 793 Lumley, Benjamin, English operatic manager and author, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Aug. 10, 1868." Speaking of Jenny Lind. 794 Lussan, Zelie de, Vocalist and prima donna, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, " Dublin, Aug. 25, 1893," to Stephen Massett, thanking him for a new song, " My "Darling's Face." Lithograph portrait. 795 Lyde, Elsie Leslie, Juvenile actress, the original " Little Lord Fauntleroy," a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to the Editor of the New York Herald, denying the item in the paper. "... that I was bord on Monday night when I was watching Mr. Booth. I love Mr. Booth very much . . . and I am very sure if you knew . . . how much I liked it all you would not say I was bord- n 796 Lyman, Theodore, Author and philanthropist, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, (initials), " London, April 14, 1814," engraved portrait; — Josiah Quincy, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1854; — Josiah Quincy, Jr., Bank-check signed. Mayors of Boston. (3) 797 Lyster, Frederick, Author, manager, and journalist, a. l.s. 1 page 8°, "New York, April 12, 1886"; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1886; — also William Saurin Lyster, manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1864. Programme for Mr. Lyster 's benefit, 1887. (3) 798 Lyster, William Saurin, Operatic manager and director, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "June 7, 1862"; — also Frederick Lyster, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1872; — a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1886. Programme and cuttings. (3) 799 Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, Lord, (Owen Meredith), English poet and diplomatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Kneb- worth, May 29, 1882"; — also his father, Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, (the 1st Lord Lytton), a. I. s. 1 page 8°. English authors. (2) 800 1% JW ACAULAY, Mrs. Barney, (Miss Rachel Johnson), 1VX Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Louisville, Feb. 7, 1875," to Mr. Cist; — Mathilde Denison, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. (2) 88 CATALOGUE. 801 McClellan, George B., Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Army, in the Civil War, a. L s. i page 8°, " Hoboken, March 17, 1869." 802 McCullough, John Edward, Tragedian and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "San Francisco, Aug. 25, 1871," to Harry Edwards, in regard to his illness. Wood-cut portrait, with auto, theatre pass, signed, attached. 803 McCullough. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New Orleans, Nov. 30, 1874," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portraits. "... You will be pleased to learn that I have been received here with very great favor. The • houses ' are fine and the ' Press ' and 1 People ' most kind to me. . . ." 804 McCullough. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Hot Springs, Ark., June 23, 1882," to Gen. P. H. Sheridan, making arrange- ments for joining him in Chicago. Printed address at the obsequies of John McCullough, by Harry Edwards, and several letters and telegrams on the occasion. Very interesting collection. 805 McDonough, John Edwin, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Eberle, asking about John P. Addams; — Frank McDonald, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Feb. 7, 1885," to Harry Edwards. (2) 806 McDonough, Thomas B., Actor and manager, a, I. s. 1 page 4 , "June 12, 1880"; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1884, to Harry Edwards. (2) 807 McFarland, Mrs. Abby Sage, Actress and authoress, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, " Boston, April 12, 1867," to William Stuart, speaking of her troubles, and apologizing for having been obliged to leave the theatre so suddenly. 808 McGowan, Lachlan, Australian actor and comedian, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards, written from New Zea- land, and asking information in regard to professional prospects in America. Play bill of The Prince of Wales' Theatre. 809 Mackay, F. F., Actor, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, "Jan. n, 1884," introducing an actress to Mr. Edwards; — W. McLain, a. /. *. 3 pages 8°, "Jan. 13, 1854." (2) CATALOGUE. 89 810 Mackaye, James Steele, Author, dramatist, actor, and manager, author of "Hazel Kirke," a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, April 2, 1887," to Harry Edwards. Wood- cut portrait, and play bill of " Hazel Kirke " at Madison Square Theatre. 811 Mackaye. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, March, 1880"; — and a. I. s. 1 page 4 , (signed " Steele "), " March 2, 1883." Both letters written to Harry Edwards. Two play bills. (2) 812 Mackenzie, R. Shelton, English author and editor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Liverpool, June 16, 1835," to Harper Brothers; — Capt. Felix MacDonough, a.l.s. 1 page 4 and address, "Feb. 28, 1825." English authors. (2) 813 McKinstry, Mrs. Kate, Actress, with Robson and Crane, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards;— Pauline Markham, (Mrs. Randolph M. McMahon), a. l.s. 4 pages 8°, "May 2,1893." (*) 814 Macklin, Charles, (McLaughlin), Irish actor and drama- tist, played at the age of 90, auto. MS. 3 pages 4 , " Dublin, Dec. 22, 1772," et seq. List of letters written and their dates, with Macklin's name frequently written in. Engraved portrait, from the European Magazine. Rare. 815 Macklin, F. H., Actor with Mary Anderson Co., a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Louisville, Feb. 20, 1886," to Harry Ed- wards. Speaks of the great dissatisfaction in the com- pany; — W. B. Maclay, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Nov. 12, 1875," to T. H. Morrell. (2) 816 Macklin. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, Feb. 3, 1887," to Arthur Wallack, introducing a new actor; — John T. Malone, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Sept. 17, 1882," sending a beetle to Mr. Edwards. (2) 817 Macready, William Charles, English tragedian and man- ager, a.l.s. 4 pages 8°, "Sept. 23, 1859," to Mr. George S. Hillard. Folio portrait, (by Pound), and play bill, "Aug. 22, 1831." "... Who can tell, if the Great Eastern should achieve her triumph over waves and against winds, whether you may not yet meet us on the Common some fine Autumn morning. . . ." 9 o CATALOGUE. 818 Macready. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Bristol, Jan. 14, 1850," to James W. Wallack, arranging theatrical details for a performance. A very good letter. 819 Macready. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "May 31, 1848," to Mr. Brookfield, accepting an invitation to dine. Engraved portrait as Henry IV. 820 Macready. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Dec. 9, 1844, to Mr. Poor. Engraved portrait as Brutus. "... I have no concern whatever in the conduct of the Theatre, therefore cannot from myself give any answer to your request. . . ." 821 McVicker, James Hubert, Actor, comedian, and man- ager, father of Mrs. Edwin Booth, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Chicago, May 17, 1885," to Harry Edwards, giving details of roles, and other theatrical business; — also a. L s. 2 pages 8°, 1884. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 822 McVicker. a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, "Chicago, May 29, 1885," to Mr. Edwards, making arrangements for rehearsals for the new company, etc.; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, also to Mr. Edwards, in regard to reproducing some of the old plays. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 823 McWade, Robert, Dialect comedian and early Rip Van Winkle, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Syracuse, Oct. 19, 1879," asking for an early engagement as he intends soon to sail for Australia; — T. Mead, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1883. M 824 Maddern, Minnie, (Mrs. Harrison Grey Fiske), Actress and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 29, 1888"; — Julia Melville, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, "June 11, 1874." Both letters written to Mr. Edwards. (2) 825 Madison, Mathilde, (nom de theatre of Mathilde Deni- son), Society actress, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°. Both to Mr. Edwards, on professional mat- ters. (2) 826 Maeder, Frederick G., Actor, dramatist, and manager, son of Mrs. Clara Fisher Maeder, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "San Francisco, April 19, 1876"; — Julian Magnus, a. I. s, 1 page 8°, 1883. Both letters to Mr. Edwards. (2) CATALOGUE. 91 827 Maeder, Mrs. James G., (Miss Clara Fisher), English vocalist and comedienne, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Detroit, March 1, 1884." Early engraved portrait, and late cabi- net photograph. Play bill " Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, March 15, 1823." 828 Maginley, Benjamin, Irish comedian and character actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Louisville, Feb. 22, 1887." Theatre bills. 829 Mai, Edith, Vocalist and actress, a. 1. s. 2 pages 8°. Wood- cut portrait; — Alice Mansfield, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "New York, June 2, 1880," both letters to Mr. Ed- wards. (2) 830 Majilton, Frank, Actor and comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, asking for an engagement; — Ignacio Martinetti, a. I. s. last page of, 1 page 8°, "Los Angeles," arranging for an engagement. (2) 831 Manchester, William A. D. Montagu, Duke of, written while Lord Mandeville, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, in pencil, and signed " Mandeville." 832 Mansfield, Alice, Soubrette and comedienne, a. /. s. 3 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards, hoping for an engagement. Wood-cut portrait; — Helen Mar, a. /. s. 2 pages 8°, ask- ing an introduction to Mr. Palmer. (2) 833 Mansfield, Richard, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, "New York, Oct. 4, 1884," to George Fawcett Rowe, in regard to a new play soon to be produced. A very good letter. 834 Mansfield, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, May 24, 1889," to Mrs. Buckstone, making suggestions in regard to her Benefit. 835 Mansfield, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Palmer, with a small pen and ink sketch of a u boat in the ice "; — also a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, no date. This is an imperfect letter the first half sheet being missing, but the remainder, with signa- ture, perfect and interesting. (2) 836 Mantell, Robert Bruce, English actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, Jan. 1, 1891," written in reply to the query "Should Actors Marry?" Portrait at the head of the sheet. 9 2 CATALOGUE. 837 Mantell. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, 1890; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8° ** Philadelphia, May 7, 1891," to order photographs. (2) 838 Mapleson, Col. Henry, English manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Boston, Oct. 12, 1891," to announce to the papers that Mme. Schirmer-Mapleson makes her first appear- ance in America, the next day; — James Steele Mackaye, a I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Dec. 8, 1886," to Arthur Wallack, offering a new drama. (2) 839 Mar, Helen, Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Sept. 27, 1886"; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, both to Mr. Edwards. (2) 840 Marble, Danforth, Yankee comedian, married a sister of William Warren, a. I. s. 1 page folio, "Buffalo, June 25, 1844," to William T. Porter, asking for some letters of introduction to use in England. Rare. "... Macready opened here last night in Hamlet, to a fair house. Forrest comes next month, and goes also to Detroit. ... I shall play an engagement there also. . . ." 841 Marble, Edward, Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Ed- wards, asking for tickets to see " Lady Claire." Wood- cut portrait; — Frank Matthews, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. (2) 842 Mario, Giuseppe, (Marchese di Candia), Italian vocalist, husband of Mme. Grisi, signature, 1 page 8°, "Oct. 6, 1853 "; — upon the same sheet are signatures of Giulia Grisi; Maria Doria; Charlotte Dreyfus; J. L. Hatton; and J. B. Cinbatta. A fine group of musicians. 843 Markham, Pauline, (Mrs. Randolph M. McMahon), Eng- lish burlesque actress, came to America with Lydia Thompson, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " March 23, 1893 "; — and a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " May 27, 1893," both to Col. Milliken. (2) 844 Markham. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Sept. 1, 1886," to the authoress of a new play, making the terms for it. Cut- ting. 845 Markham. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, (signed Pauline), to Mr Stuart; — also a. d. s t 1 page 4 , "Brooklyn, March 30, 1892," an article on "Burlesque." Photograph. (2) CATAI/OGUE. 93 846 Marlowe, Julia, (Mrs. Robert Tabor), Shakespearean ac- tress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to her manager, Mr. Stinson. Cabinet photograph signed, play bills and cuttings. (Lot) 847 Marlowe. Cabinet photograph signed, 1893 ; — also Rob- ert Tabor; Lottie Collins; Eugene D'Albert; Emma C. Thursby; Belle Archer; Lucy Guerrier; Walter Hale; Marie Burroughs; Florrie West; etc. Cabinet photo- graph signed, of each. Theatrical celebrities. (12) 848 Marlowe, Owen, Actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Sept. 30, 1872," to Harry Edwards; — Virginia Marlowe, actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Aug. 17, 1884,", also to Mr. Ed wards. (2) 849 Marlowe, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, April 26, 1874"; — Mrs. Marlowe, a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, 1886; — Virginia Marlowe, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, all three letters to Mr. Edwards. (3) 850 Marsh, Robert G., Actor and manager, " Marsh Juvenile Comedians," a. I. s. 1 page folio, "June 8, 1874," to Harry Edwards, on theatrical matters; — John H. McCabe, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "San Francisco, Nov. 20, 1880." Theatrical managers. (2) 851 Marshall, Wyzeman, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Boston, Feb. 13, 1863," to John B. Wright, asking him to engage Mr. Forrest for Boston Theatre; — also a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1857. Play bill of " Howard Athe- naeum, March 1, 1852, Mrs. Mowatt's Engagement." (2) 852 Marston, Dr. Westland, English author and dramatist, a. L s. 4 pages 8°, " Brighton, Aug. 30, 1856," in respect to obtaining the services of Mrs. Jameson, for an out- coming Journal. 853 Martinot, Sadie, Actress and comedienne, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "May 24, 1888," to Mr. Hilliard, asking about his arrangements for the next season. Photogravure por- trait on the corner of the paper; — and signed cabinet photograph. (2) 854 Mason, Lowell, Musical teacher and composer, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Boston, Feb. 9, 1837," to L. J. Cist; — also musical score signed, 1 page 8°. Signed photograph, and cuttings. (2) 94 CATALOGUE. 855 Massett, Stephen, Poet and song-writer, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "San Francisco, Jan. 23, 1877," to Harry Ed- wards; — with auto, poem, 3 pages 8°, "An Impromptu to Harry Edwards." Cuttings. (2) 856 Massey, Gerald, English poet and lecturer, a. I. s. 11 pages 8°, " Chicago, Feb. 24," in regard to the price of his lectures, and his plans in this country; with prospec- tus of his lectures. 857 Massey. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " London, July 15, 1883," to Harry Edwards, making inquiries as to the prospects of a second lecture tour in the United States; — with a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, of Mrs. Gerald Massey, also to Mr. Edwards. Cuttings. (2) 858 Mather, Margaret, (Mrs. Gustavus C. Pabst), Shake- pearean actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, April 3, 1891." Giving her views in reply to the question " Should actors marry? " 859 Mathews, Charles, English comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, making an appointment. Engraved portrait, and two play bills of the "Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, March 20, and 28, 1828." Rare. 860 Mathews, a. I. s. 1-2 page 8°, no date; — also orna- mented ticket for " Mr. Mathews' night," and signed by him; with allegorical design. Rare and quaint. En- graved portrait in character, and play bill of " Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, March 22, 1828." (2) 861 Mathews, Charles James, English comedian, dramatist, and manager, husband of Mme. Vestris, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Gore House, Sept. 25, 185 1," sending the "Appeal to the Public." Play bill, "March 16, 1871, Califor- nia Theatre." 862 Mathews, a. L s. 4 pages 8°, "Feb. 21, 1871," to Lester Wallack, telling of his troubles with Thorne, and mak- ing out a list of plays and people for his New York en- gagement. A remarkably good private letter, and unusually full of details. Engraved portrait in charac- ter, with Mme. Vestris. CATALOGUE. 95 863 Mathews, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, "T, R. Hay market, Feb. 24, i860," asking a friend to come to the theatre and meet him. Wood-cut portrait. "... I am on and off with considerable waits during the piece, so that you would not be kept waiting. . . ." 864 Mathews, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 14, 1869," to Henry Leigh. Play bill of "Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, En- gagement of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews." 865 Matthews, Brander, Novelist and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Dec. si, 1885 "; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "March 31, 1883," both to Harry Edwards, on theatri- cal matters. (2) 866 Matthews, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Dec. 5, 1884"; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Sept. 27, 1888," both to Harry Edwards, on literary matters. Cutting. (2) 867 Maude, Cyril, English actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, Dec. 22, 1884," to Harry Edwards; — James C. McCollom, a. I. s. (in pencil) 3 pages 8°, "March 15, 1868." (2) 868 Maxwell, Mrs. John, (Miss Mary E. Braddon), English novelist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Buckstone. Rare. 869 Mayo, Frank, Actor, dramatist, and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, April 7, 1879," to Mr. Edwards. Lithograph portrait, and play bill, 1886. "... My engagement here at the ' Grand ' has been a success, to- night we opened with the ' Streets ' to a Whacker, and the play I believe has made a very fine impression, call after call. . . ." 870 Mayo, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, "Canton, Pa., Aug. 2, 1878," to Mr. Edwards. Illustrated play book of " Nordeck," and hand bill. "... Australia is so far away and the risk is so great ... I open in San Francisco, Sept. 30, and have as yet no time beyond that, so that I am not indisposed to go if I can see anything like a certainty of a fair success. . . ." 871 Mayors of Boston. Frederick W. Lincoln; Alexander H. Rice; Josiah Quincy, Jr.; and Otis Norcross, signature of each. (4) 96 CATALOGUE. 872 Meade, George G., Major-General in the Civil War, sig- nature, 1 page 8°, "Head Quarters, A. P., Nov. 28, 1864"; — Gen. Robert C. Schenck, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Washington, Dec. 20, 1869." ( 2 ) 873 Meadows, Drinkwater, English comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, "T. R. Drury Lane, Oct. 5, 1855," offering the position of prompter in Mrs. Sanford's theatre. Play- bill of the "Benefit of Mrs. Davison, July 19, 1826." 874 Meadows, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Plymouth, Sept. 1, 1835," in regard to an engagement in Brighton. 875 Meery, Hans, Celebrated German actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 4°, "Orange, Feb. 13, 1885," to Harry Edwards; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Feb. 23, 1883," also to Mr. Ed- wards. (2) 876 Melba, Mrs. Nellie, (Mrs. Charles Armstrong), Australian prima donna, a, d. s. 2 pages 8°, sentiment signed, on paper with monogram. Cabinet photograph signed. 877 Melville, Emelie, (Mrs. Thomas Derby), Actress and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 26, 1873"; — also Thomas Derby, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1872. Wood-cut por- trait. (2) 878 Menken, Adah Isaacs, (Mrs. John C. Heenan), Actress and authoress, a. I. s., (signed "Adah"), 1 page 5 , "Nov. 19, i860," to Stephen Massett, in a most de- pressed and discouraged state of mind. Rare. 879 Menken. Auto, poem, with added signature, 2 pages folio, M Dreams of Beauty, Inscribed to Emma Hard- inge. " Wood-cut portrait, and cuttings. Rare. 880 Mentges, Col. Francis, Actor and dancer in the theatre in Philadelphia before the Revolution, but enlisted, and rose to the rank of Colonel, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and ad- dress, "Philadelphia, July 21, 1781," to Gen. Hand. Very rare. 881 Mestayer, Charles H., Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Edwards, introducing a friend; — William A. Mestayer, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " San Francisco, Dec. 9, 1869." (2) CATALOGUE. 97 832 Mestayer, William A., Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, " Nov. 12, 1883," regarding his dues to the "Lambs," written on reverse of a " Madam Piper " colored adver- tisement; — Mrs. Grace Mestayer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1878. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 883 Mestayer. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "San Francisco, July 15, 1878," to Harry Edwards, a humorous invitation to breakfast; — and auto, poem, 3 pages 4 , signed " Bill." (*) 884 Meyerbeer, Jacob, German musical composer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Paris, Jan. 3, 1863," sending a subscription for " la petite Euge'nie." In French. 885 Millais, Sir John Everett, English artist, President of the R. A., etc., a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Kensington, Jan. 18, 1881," to J. B. Buckstone, asking permission to paint his daughter. 886 Miller, Mrs. Annie (Jenness), Dress reformer and au- thoress, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Feb. 12, 1887," to Mrs. Harry Edwards. Cutting. 887 Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner, ("Joaquin"), Poet and dra- matist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " April 3, 1872," to Harry Ed- wards. Cutting. 888 Miller, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 7, 1874," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portrait, and cuttings. 889 Miller, Mrs. Minnie Myrtle, (Mrs. Joaquin Miller), Au- thoress and lecturer, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "New York, March 18, 1873," to Charles Warren Stoddard. Rare. Cuttings. 890 Millward, Jessie, Favorite actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Star Theatre, Nov. 19, 1884," to Arthur Wallack. Wood-cut portrait; — also H. S. Millward, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1887, to Harry Edwards. (2) 891 Mitchell, Margaret Julia, "Maggie," (Mrs. Henry Pad- dock), Actress, a. d. s. 1 page 8°, "April 10, 1883," a quotation from "The Little Savage." -Carte de visite signed. 98 CATALOGUE. 892 Moessard, Simon Pierre, Celebrated French comedian at the theatre of La Porte St. Martin, d. s. 1 page 4 , 11 May 22, 1822." A receipt for money. Rare. 893 Modjeska, Mme. Helena Opido, (Mme. Charles Bozenta Chlapowski), Polish actress and tragedienne, /. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Jan. 26, 1886";— C. Bozenta Chlapowski, a. L s. 2 pages 8°, 1888, both letters to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portraits, photograph, and play bill of Star Theatre. (2) 894 Modjeska. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Nov. 9, 1887," to Mr. Stinson, asking for some change in the repertoire, so that Mr. Owen could stay behind for a few days, as his wife is ill; — also C. Bozenta Chlapowski, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1887. Wood-cut portraits, play bill, and invitation to meet Mr. Wilson Barrett at supper. (2) 895 Moncrieff, William Thomas, English dramatist, author of more than 180 plays, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Feb. 17, 1837." I n regard to some of his dramas. Play bill of the "Boston Theatre, Dec. 22, 1823." 896 Monroe, James, President of the United States, M. O. C, etc., a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Philadelphia, July 5, 1795." 897 Montague, Henry J., Favorite English actor and man- ager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Henry. Play bill of Prince of Wales's Theatre. 898 Montague, a. I. s. 3 pages 12 , " Sept. 19, 1867," to J. Kinlock, regretting that the terms of the offer from Mr. Webster, prevent his accepting the engagement. 899 Montez, Lola, Countess of Landsfeldt, Irish actress and danseuse, a. 1. s. signed " Lola," 3 pages small 8°. In French. 900 Montgomery, Walter, nom de theatre, (Richard Tomlin- son), English tragedian and elocutionist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4°, "Honolulu, April 21, 1869," to Harry Edwards, making arrangements for coming to Australia. Cuttings in regard to his death. "... I have no photos, & find it a splendid advt. Every body wants them & cannot get them, the result is, nobody knows me off the stage, & the most remarkable differences of opinion exist as to my appearance. . . ." CATALOGUE. 99 901 Montgomery, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, signed "Walter M.," to Harry Edwards, wishing a paragraph omitted in an ad- vertisement. Cuttings; — Harry Edwards, a. l.s. 3 pages 8°, " Virginia City, Jan. 28, 1870," to Walter Montgom- ery, arranging theatrical plans. (2) 902 Montgomery, Henry W. , English comedian, a. l.s. 2 pages 8°, "Prince's Theatre, Sept. 5, 1867," to Benja- min Webster, on the subject of engagements. 903 Montgomery, a. I. s. 4 pages 4 , "March, 1853," signed "Dick Tomlinson," to Harry Edwards, on his leaving England for Australia. Very rare in this form. Cuttings. 904 Moore, John, Actor, and stage manager at Daly's Theatre, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, Nov. 21, 1890 "; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1886. (2) 905 Morant, Fanny, (Mrs. Charles Smith), English actress and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "San Francisco, March 19," ordering 100 copies of her "last Lithograph." Rare. 906 Morris, Clara, (Mrs. Frederick C. Harriot), Melodramatic actress and author, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to George Fawcett Rowe, giving an appointment when she can hear his play; — Alice Mansfield, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. (2) 907 Morris, Robert G., Editor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Feb. 7, 1884," cuttings; — also Laurence Hutton; Joseph Howard, Jr.; William Winter; Pliny Miles; Brander Matthews, etc., a. I. s. 8°, of each. Journalists and dramatists. (10) 908 Morrison, Lewis, Actor, manager, and tragedian, a. I. s. 1 page8°, "Chicago, Dec. 12, 1883," to Harry Edwards; — also a. d. s. 1 page 4 , a quotation from "Faust," with head-piece of " Mephisto " (2) 909 Morse, Salmi, Author, actor and dramatist, author of the "Passion Play," a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "San Francisco, June 23, 1879," to Harry Edwards, in regard to the production of the play. Cuttings. 910 Morse, a. 1. s. 3 pages 4 , "San Francisco, May 17, 1879,' to Mr. Edwards, giving a history of his " Passion Play.' An interesting letter. Cuttings. ioo CATALOGUE. 911 Morton, John Madison, English dramatist, author of " Box and Cox," etc., son of Thomas Morton, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "London, Feb. 12, 1859," to Benjamin Web- ster, alleging a breach of contract in regard to some of his plays. 912 Morton, a. I. s. 2 pages oblong 8°, to Benjamin Webster, respecting a new play. "... If Mathews & wife, or Mathews only, would play the part, I am confident the piece would go gloriously ! . . ." 913 Motley, John Lothrop, Historian and diplomatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, Nov. 20, 1869," with monogram; — Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, 1880. Distinguished American authors. (2) 914 Mountain, Mrs. Rose, (Miss Rose Wilkinson), English comedienne and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, "May 24, 1841," to Mrs. Bydn, speaking of her own illness. Engraved portrait and one in character. Play bill of " T. R. Drury Lane, Dec. 13, 1805," with Mrs. Jordan in the cast. 915 Mowatt, Mrs. Anna Cora, (Mrs. William F. Ritchie), a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Richmond, April 13, 1857," to Gov. Henry A. Wise. Engraved 4 portrait. "... Should our country be afflicted with a Seward for its next President, as you predict, you shall claim from me some heavy (liter- ary) penalty, as a punishment for my temerity in entering the lists and assailing your prophecy. . . ." 916 Mowatt. a. I. s. i page 8°, "Richmond, Dec. 10, 1854,"; — William F. Ritchie, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Richmond, Nov. 7, i860." Engraved portrait 4 , of Mrs. Ritchie. («) 917 Mowbray, Thos., English actor, and manager of the Soho Theatre, London, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " London, April 24, 1891," a letter of introduction; — Alfred Bunn, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , to Mr. Planche. London managers. (2) 918 Murdock, James Edward, Actor, manager, and elocution- ist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Louisville, Nov. 24, 1852," to John B. Wright, asking if there is an opportunity for him to produce " De Soto " at the National Theatre. Play bill of " National Theatre, Oct. 28, 1850." CATALOGUE. 101 919 Murphy, Joseph, Irish comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Charlotte, N. C, March 1, 1880," to Mr. Edwards on business. Hand bill, with wood-cut portrait. 920 Murphy, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, Ont., April 4, 1878," in regard to an engagement in Australia. Wood-cut portrait and hand bill. 921 Murray, Dominick, nom de theatre, (Morogh), Irish com- edian and manager, a. 1. s. 1 page 4 , " April 9, 1884,'' wishing to resign from the "Lambs Club." Wood-cut portrait. 922 Murray, Leigh, English actor and comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Nov. 2, 1846," to Benjamin Webster, relative to an engagement. 923 Murray, William H., Scotch actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, Oct. 15, 1847," to Benjamin Webster; — John Gartside Neville, a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8°, " July 20, 1867." Play bill. (2) 924 I^TALDI, E., Italian vocalist, noted for his "Figaro," _L II a. I. s. 1 page 4 , to Charles Kemble, in English. 925 Nast, Thomas, Artist and cartoonist, signature on card; — Richard Frothingham; Joaquin Miller; Com. John A. Winslow; Florence Marryat; Henry Ward Beecher, etc. Signature of each. (8) 926 Neafie, Andrew Jackson, Actor and tragedian, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "New York, Aug. 17, 1851," to John B. Wright, making final arrangements for an en- gagement; with draft of Mr. Wright's answer on second page. Play bill of " National Theatre, March 9, 1846." 927 Neafie. a. I. s. signed "Neafie," 1 page 8°, "June 4, 1883," to J. C. J. Langbein, thanking him for a book. 928 Neilson, Adelaide, (Mrs. Philip H. Lee), English Shake- spearean actress, /. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, May 17, 1880," to Mr. Edwards, regretting that she cannot take part in the Testimonial to Mr. Floyd. Wood-cut por- traits. io2 CATALOGUE. 929 Neilson. a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, " Queen's Theatre, Sept. 16, 1872." Lithograph portrait and wood-cuts. 930 Neilson, Julia, (Mrs. Fred. Terry), English actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°; — Genie Norreys, actress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Miss Measor, consenting to take part in her Ben- efit. (2) 931 Neville, Henry G., English actor, dramatist, and dra- matic teacher, a, I. s. 1 page 8°, ''Boston, Dec. 13, 1890," to Stephen Massett; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Olympic Theatre," sending Box tickets for a friend. (2) 932 Newton, Eliza, (Mrs. Frederick Lloyd), English actress, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, May 2, 1868," to H. M. Bates, offering to make an engagement at his theatre, as she is going to San Francisco. 933 Nicholson, Renton, "Chief Baron," English journalist and hotel keeper, a well-known character, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " May 7, i860." Cutting. 934 Nilsson, Christine, (Mme. August Rouzaud, later Coun- tess di Miranda), Swedish vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Cincinnati, Feb. 4, 1872," with monogram. In French. Photograph, phototype, and copy of the French paper " L'Orchestre, Aug. 18, 1867." 935 Nilsson. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Paris, Oct. 10, 1867." Cabinet photograph signed, and wood-cut portraits. 936 Noah, Miss Rachel, (Mrs. Shirley H. France), Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, April 5, 1881," to Mr. Edwards, asking for a theatre pass; — Sara Neville, a. L s. 1 page 8°, 1886. (2) 937 Nordica, Mme. Lillian, Cabinet photograph signed, 1893; — also Teresa Carreno; Wm. H. Crane; Mary Hamp- ton; Pauline Hall; Belle Archer; Adelaide Neilson; Clara Louise Kellogg; Marie Burroughs; etc. Cabinet photograph signed, of each. Theatrical celebrities. (12) 938 Norton, Prof. Charles Eliot, Author and art critic, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Cambridge, May 9, 1868," to J. R. Os- good; — William D. Howells, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 30, 1879." Cuttings. American authors. (2) CATALOGUE. 103 939 /"VCONNOR, James Owen, Tragedian, a. I. s. i page V^/ 4 , " Star Theatre," accepting a proposed testimonial. Hand bill, and cutting. 940 O'Connor a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "July 18, 1888," to Mr. Fostell. Wood-cut portrait. 941 Offenbach, Jacques, French musical composer, origina- tor of " opera bouffe," a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Theatre des Bouffes, Aug. 23, 1865." Rare. 942 O'Reilly, John Boyle, Poet and editor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " March 29, 1882," to Harry Edwards. Cutting. 943 Orger, Mrs. Thomas, (Miss Mary Ann Ivers), English comedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° and address, " Nov. 17, 1820," to Mr. Kent, calling him to prescribe for her mother, who is ill. Engraved portrait, 18 16, and play bill of "T. R. Drury Lane, Oct. 3, 1827." 944 Osgood, James R., Author and publisher, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "March 14, 1884," to Harry Edwards; — William Winter, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "New York, Oct. 17, 1870," to James R. Osgood, on literary matters. (2) 945 Overton, Charles, Actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1884" ; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, both to Mr. Edwards in regard to the new play "A Ring of Iron." (2) 946 Owen, William F., English actor and comedian, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, " Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1884," to Harry Ed- wards, requesting an engagement at Wallack's; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1884. (2) 947 Owens, John E. , Comedian and manager, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, " Towsontown, July 26, 1879," t0 Harry Edwards, agreeing to sail for Australia, and accept an engage- ment. Wood-cut portrait in character. 948 Owens, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, "Towsontown, March 25, 1879," to Harry Edwards, asking for terms for an en- gagement in Australia. Colored lithograph portrait in character. 949 Owens, a.l.s. 1 page 8°, " Towsontown, April 9, 1879," to Harry Edwards, correcting some details in the contract for an engagement in Australia. Wood-cut portraits. io 4 CATALOGUE. 950 Oxenford, John, English dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, Oct. 29, 1847," on theatrical subjects. 951 Oxenford. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Shirley Brooks; — Wilkie Collins, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Dec. 24, 1886," to J. R. Osgood. (2) 952 TJADEREWSKI, Ignace Jan, Polish pianist and cora- X poser. Cabinet photograph signed. 953 Paganini, Nicolo, Italian violinist and composer, /. s. 1 page 8° and address, "Paris, Nov. 25, 1837," an invita tion to the opening of the " Casino-Paganini." Litho- graph view of the building. Rare. 954 Page, Thomas Nelson, Novelist, cabinet photograph signed; — Henry W. Longfellow; F. Nicholas Crouch; Fred. Douglass, and F. E. Spinner, signed cabinet pho- tograph of each. (5) 955 Palfrey, Rev. John G., D. D., Clergyman and author, a. d. s. 1 page 8°, " Cambridge, Sept. 11, 1875," senti- ment signed; — James Parton, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " New York, Feb. 16, 1867." American historians. (2) 956 Pallen, Dr. Montrose A., Surgeon and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards in regard to a new play; — and Condd B. Pallen, author, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "St. Louis, Nov. 19, 1886." (2) 957 Palmer, Albert M., Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " July 8, 1883." Wood-cut portrait and cuttings; — J. Barton Key; Sheridan Corbyn; Tracy Titus; Fred. Williams; Daniel Daly; Orlando Tompkins, etc,, a. I. s. 8°, or 4 , of each. Managers, (ro) 958 Pardoe, Julia S. H., English novelist and historical writer, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " March 10, 1845," t0 Miss Cooper. Rare. 959 Parepa, Euphrosyne, (Mme. Carl Rosa), English vocalist a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Faulkner, asking him to read the tragedy of a friend. Wood-cut portrait. 960 Parepa. a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, signed " Parepa Rosa," to Mrs. Bowditch, accepting an invitation; — also Carl Rosa, a, l. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Strahan. (2) CATALOGUE. 105 961 Parry, John, the Younger, English pianist and comic vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° and address, " Jan. 28, 1837," giving his terms for singing at a concert. 962 Parry, Thomas, English actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, "Oct. 23, 1826," to J. Winston, asking for theatre tickets. Rare. 963 Parsloe, Charles T., English actor and pantomimist, came to America 1829, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "June 28, 1854,'' to Thomas McKeon; — Antonio Pastor, (Tony), clown, minstrel and manager, d. s. 1 page folio, his views on the subject of marriage for actors. (2) 964 Pasta, Signora Giudetta, Italian vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° and address, "Paris, Nov. 6, 1821." Engraved 4 portrait. 965 Paton, Mary Anne, (Lady William Lennox, and later Mrs. Joseph Wood), English vocalist and actress in opera, a. I.s. 3 pages 8°, and address, "Nov. 19, 1825," to Charles Kemble, asking if she is to be paid for if not, she withdraws her name from the play bills, and enters into other engagements. Engraved 4 portrait. 966 Paton. /. s. 3 pages 4 , " Nov. 22, 1825," to Charles Kemble, detailing all the discomforts and injustice she has received from him, and resigning her position at Covent Garden; — also Mme. J. G. W. Patey, vocalist, a. I.s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 5, 1871." (2) 967 Patti, Mme. Adelina, (Mme. Ernesto Nicolini), Italian vocalist and prima donna, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " May 7, 1884," to a friend Photograph, and programme of con- cert, "Sept. 9, 1852," the first public appearance of Patti, when only 8 years old. 968 Patti. a. I. s. correspondence card, signed with initials, " June 7, 1885" and carte de visite signed; — also Ern- esto Nicolini, signature. Photograph, and libretto of Traviata. (2) 969 Patti, Carlotta, (Mme. Ernst de Munck), Italian vocalist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, no date, to Mr. Uhlman. Very rare. 970 Patti. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Oct. 22, 1873." 1° Italian, speaks of Ristori. 106 CATALOGUE. 971 Paul, Howard, Actor, dramatist, and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Gaiety Theatre, Feb."; — Mrs. Isabelle How- ard Paul, (Featherstone), English actress and vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " July 5, 1865." (2) 972 Paulding, Frederick, Actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Aug. 4, 1884," wood-cut portraits; — also Robert W. Law- rence; Herbert Ayling; Benj. A. Baker; and Henry George Carleton, a. I. s. of each. Actors and dramatists. (5) 973 Paullin, Louise, (Mrs. Ogilby), Vocalist and actress in comic opera, a. I. s. 5 pages 8°, "Oct. 5, 1879," to Harry Edwards, announcing her return to the stage. Wood- cut portrait; — and James R. Paullin, father of Mrs. Ogilby, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1887. Cuttings. (2) 974 Payne, John Howard, Poet, actor, and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " London, Aug. 26, 1829," to John Fawcett, C. G. Theatre, in regard to his comedy of " Procrasti- nation." Engraved 8° portrait. Rare. 975 Payne, a. L s. 1 page 4 and address, "May 25, 1837," to Rev. J. M. Matthews, Chancellor of the University of New York, asking information in regard to rooms. Rare. 976 Peake, Richard Brinsley, English dramatist, a, I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Chelsea, Oct. 2," to Benj. Webster, in re- gard to the drama of "Monte Cristo," and arranging the different roles for the company of the Adelphi; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. George Daniel. (2) 977 Pelby, William, Actor and theatrical mananer, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Boston, June 27, 1847," to John B. Wright, agreeing to Miss Gunn's terms. Heliotype portrait 4 , and play bill of "Warren Theatre, April 20 1836." 978 Pennie, John Fitzgerald, English tragedian and author, a. L s. 2 pages folio and address, "Sept. 31, 1821," to William Jerdan, Editor of the Literary Gazette, com- plaining bitterly of the neglect with which his tragedy of " Ethelwolf," has been treated by the reviewers. Rare. CATALOGUE. 107 979 Pennoyer, Mrs. M. A., Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Sept. 12, 1886," applying for a position in Wal- laces company; — Agnes Perring, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. (2) 9S0 Perugini, Giovanni, nom de theatre, (John Chatterton), Vocalist and husband of Lillian Russell, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Nov. 3, 1885," to Lester Wallack. Wood-cut portrait. 98 1 Perry, Harry, Actor and tragedian, first husband of Mrs. J. B. Booth, a. L s. 2 pages 4 , M New York, Feb. 12, 1856," to P. C. Cunningham. Rare. "... I shall continue I presume to be ' putting my foot in it,' all my life. I have been successful, very, pleased manager and audience, am well and happy and above all sober. . . ." 982 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, (Mrs. Herbert D. Ward), Novel- ist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Andover, Dec. 2, 1869"; — Mary A. Dodge, ("Gail Hamilton"), a. I. s. 3 pages 12 , " Dec. 3, 1869." American authoresses. (2) 983 Phelps, Fanny Morgan, Irish actress and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Portland, June 20, 1874," to Harry Ed- wards, asking him to come to Australia on an engage- ment; — also a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 4, 1874." (2) 984 Phelps, Samuel, English tragedian and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date. Sending "proofs." Rare. 985 Phillipps, Adelaide, Celebrated contralto singer and ac- tress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mme. Rudolphson, asking her to sing at a concert. Rare. 986 Phillips, Mrs. E., English actress and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Feb. 24, 1863," to Mr. Edwards, on theatrical business; — and a. L s. 1 page 8°, "Jan. 17, 1863." (2) 987 Phillips, Henry, English actor, vocalist, and composer, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Paddington, Sept. 4, 1856," cutting; — Courtice Pounds, vocalist, a. L s. 1 page 8°, " March 15, 1886." (2) 988 Phillips, Watts, English author and dramatic writer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°; — also Henry Arthur Jones; John Coleman; B. Charles Stephenson; Bram Stoker; and Geo. F. Rowe, a. I. s. of each. English dramatists. (6, 108 CATALOGUE. 989 Piccolomini, Maria, Italian prima donna and actress, a. I. s. i page 4 and address, " Rome, Jan. 31, 1855," to Sig. Luigi Ronzi. A very fine specimen. 990 Piercy, Samuel W., Actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4°, ''June, 1878," play bill;— also Herbert Ayling; C. W. Barry; Benj. A. Baker; and George Osbourne, a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 991 Pigott, James W., Actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "April 22, 1888"; — Benjamin A. Baker; Walden Ramsay; Samuel W. Piercy; and Herbert Ayling, a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 992 Pike, Marshall S., Poet, actor, and composer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Fayville, Feb. 16, 1891," to James H. Brown; — Dexter Smith, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Boston, Sept. 28, 1878." Song-writers. (2) 993 Pinero, Arthur W., English dramatist, actor, and author, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Gravesend, Nov. 6, 1882," to Ar- thur Wallack, respecting an engagement. Programme of Madison Square Theatre. 994 Prrou, Augustus, Actor, dramatist, and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Feb. 14, 1887"; — also Sheridan Corbyn; Rudolph Aronson; G. W. Presbrey; John T. Caine; Phil. Goacher; John H. McVicker; A. M. Palmer; Or- lando Tompkins, letter, 4 , or 8°, of each. Managers. (10) 995 Pitt, Henry Maeder, English actor and manager, son of Charles Dibdin Pitt, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, Oct. 27, 1882," to Mr. William Davidge, engaging him for the coming season. Play bill of "Grand Opera House, Brooklyn, June 7, 1886." 996 Pitt. a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, "New York, Aug. 21, 1882," speaking very strongly as to the management of the "Lambs Club," and suggesting various changes. Wood- cut portrait. 997 Pixley, Annie, (Mrs. Robert M. Fulford), Melodramatic actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Omaha, April 20, 1886, '' to Mr. Edwards, thanking him for sending her a new play; — also a. L s. 1 page 8°, 189 1, to Mr. Milliken, declining a comedy as unsuited to her. Wood-cut por- traits and cutting. (2) CATALOGUE. 109 998 Pixley. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Jan. 3, 1891," in reply to some queries. "... I ana not prepared to answer your questions, as my only experience has been with my hus- band who is my manager. . . ."; — also a. /. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait, and hand bill. (2) 999 Placide, Henry, Comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, May 10, 1865," apologizing for delay in answer- ing a letter. Signed cabinet photograph. Rare. 1000 Placide, Thomas, Comedian and manager, brother of Henry Placide, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Feb. 7, 1874." 1001 Pi.ANCHit, James R., Somerset Herald, archaeologist and dramatist, a.l. s. 2 pages 8°, "Chelsea, July 7, 1870"; — Dion Boucicault, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " May 16, 1869," to James T. Fields. English dramatists. (2) 1002 Playfair, Sir Lyon, (Lord Playfair), English chemist and statesman, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Edinburgh, Jan. 15, 1873"; — Petty Vaughn; Dr. Dion. Lardner; Prof. Parker Cleaveland; etc., a. I. s. of each. English and American scientists. (5) 1003 Plympton, Eben, Actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Oct. 24, 1880," telling of Harry Beckett's death and burial; — also C. W. Barry; Harry M. Pitt; J. W. Pigott; and T. W. Robertson, Jr., a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors and dramatists. (5) 1004 Poe, Edgar Allan, Poet and author, a. I. s. (signed " Poe "), 2 pages 4 and address, " New York, Sept. 8, 1844," to F. W. Thomas. A personal letter, speaking with great bitterness of Thos. Dunn English, and of Robert Tyler. " I have left Philadelphia, and am living, at present, about five miles out of New York. For the last seven or eight months I have been playing hermit in earnest — nor have I seen a living soul out of my family — who are well, and desire to be kindly remembered. . . . " You said to me, hurriedly, when we last met on the wharf in Phil- adelphia, that you believed Robert Tyler really wished to give me the post in the Custom House. This I also really think ! and I am con- firmed in the opinion, that he could not, at all times, do as he wished in such matters, by seeing Dunn English at the head of the " Aurora " — a bullet-headed and malicious villain who has brought more odium upon the Administration than any fellow (of equal littleness) in its ranks — and who has been more indefatigably busy in both open and secret villification of Robert Tyler, than any individual, little or big, in America." no CATALOGUE. 1005 Poeana. — Whitman, Sarah Helen, original MS. of Poem, 44 The Lost Church," from the German of Uhland. Signed in full "Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman." Eight 8-line stanzas, 2 pp. folio. " In yonder dim and pathless wood Strange sounds are heard at twilight hour, And peals of solemn music swell, As from some Minster's lofty tower. From age to age those sounds are heard, Borne on the breeze at twilight hour, From age to age no foot hath found A pathway to the Minster's Tower." 1006 Poeana. — Poe, Neilson, a. I. s. 44 Baltimore, Nov. 1, 1849," to Dr. Griswold, with address and postmark. Neilson Poe was the Poet's cousin and the " Mr. Poe of Baltimore,*' who is referred to by Rosalie Poe. The letter is an interesting one as the following extracts will show : " The history of the last few days of his life is known to no one so well as to myself, and is of touching and melancholy interest as well of the most admonitory import. I think I can demonstrate that he passed by a single indulgence from a condition of perfect sobriety to one bordering upon the madness usually occasioned by long continued intoxication. ... I have opened his trunk and find it to contain very few manuscripts of value. The chief of them is a lecture upon the poetic principle and some paragraphs prepared apparently for some literary journal. There are, however, a number of books his own works which are full of corrections by his own hand. These ought undoubtedly to be placed in your hands." 1007 Poeana. Power of Attorney signed by Maria Clemm, Poe's mother-in-law, " Oct. 15, 1849," one week after Poe's death. Extremely interesting piece in perfect state. " Whereas I, the undersigned Maria Clemm, am the sole owner and lawful possessor of the writings and literary remains of the late Ed- gar A. Poe. . . . And whereas, it was the express wish and injunc- tion of the author before his death that Dr. Rufus W. Griswold. should compile and edit the same in case of their publication . . . I have placed said writings in the hands of the said Dr. Rufus W. Griswold." 1008 Pomeroy, Mrs. Louise Ryder, (Mrs. Mark M. Pomeroy), Actress, manager, and authoress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 17, 1884," (signed 44 Louise Pomeroy Elliot"), to Stephen Massett; — Baronne Nadia de Rotchkoff, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1885, to Mr. Edwards. (2) CATALOGUE. in 1009 Pond, Col. James B., Theatrical agent and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " New York, Feb. 8, 1888," to Mr. Edwards, inviting him to hear Mr. Charles Dickens; — also/, s. 2 pages 4 , 1887, regarding Mr. Arthur Mow- bray's lectures. Colored lithograph portrait. (2) 1 010 Ponisi, Mtne., (Mrs. Elizabeth Ponisi Wallis), English actress, for many years leading lady at Wallack's The- atre, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "New York, Dec. 26, 1884," to Mrs. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. 1011 Poole, Charles, English actor and manager in England, Australia, and America, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Sept. 8, 1864," to Harry Edwards, regarding Mrs. Poole's en- gagement; — Mrs. Amelia Poole, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Nov. 13, 1878," to Harry Edwards. (2) 1012 Poole, a. I. s. "Boston Theatre, Sept. 11, 1870," to Harry Edwards, giving him all the theatrical news, and a list of the Stars who are to come to him at the Bos- ton Theatre; — Mrs. Amelia Poole, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, " Sept. 10, 1878," to Mrs. Edwards. (2) 1013 Poole, John, English humorist and dramatist, author of " Paul Pry," a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " Paris, Jan. 10, 1822," to R. W. Elliston, respecting the terms of their ar- rangement for " Deaf as a Post." Engraved scene of Liston as Paul Pry. Rare. 1014 Pope, Charles, Tragedian and manager, a. I. s. to Harry Edwards, sending a saddle of venison to the " Lambs. " Rare. 1015 Pope. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards. 1016 Porter, Fitz-John, Major-General in the Civil War, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " New York, Dec. 27, 1866," to Wil- liam Swinton, asking for the reports of the Confederate Commanders relating to Bull Run. 1017 Post-cards, written to Harry Edwards by various the- atrical people, viz., Mrs. Jean M. Lander; George F. Rowe; Hans Meery ; George M. Ciprico; L. J. Vincent; Harry Watkins, etc. (11) ii2 CATALOGUE. 1018 Potter, Mrs. Cora Urquhart, (Mrs. James Brown Pot- ter), Society actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards, asking information in regard to a new actor; — also Mrs. A. Urquhart, (Mrs. Potter's mother), a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1019 Potter, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards, offering him an engagement; — also James Brown Potter, a. I. s. (in pencil), 2 pages 8°, 1887, to Mr. Edwards. Wood- cut portraits. (2) 1020 Povey, John, English theatrical manager and actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " New York, June 21, 1848," to Benjamin Webster, respecting a new comedy by John Brougham, which he is sending to be produced in London. Rare. Engraved portrait of Miss Povey, and play bill, 1825. 102 1 Power, Tyrone, Irish comedian, lost in the wreck of the steamer "President," a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address franked, "Sept. 1, 1840," to Benjamin Webster, and mailed "by S.S. President." Engraved portrait in char- acter, and two play bills, one the "Park Theatre, N. Y., Last night of the Farewell Engagement of Mr. Power, prior to his departure for England, March 8, 1841." "... Opened last night to a glorious house and with every way as warm a reception as ever actor met with. . . I hope to be with you Nov. 30th, or at latest, Dec. 14. I acted last week in Boston just 3 weeks after making my bow of adieu at Haymarket. This is worth a Paragraph, and when one thinks of the distance it is almost incred- ible. ..." 1022 Power, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, "March 12, 1826," to Capt. Dolbyn, asking him to come and act Rolla for his Benefit. Engraved portrait in character, and two play bills, 1835, 1839. 1023 Powers, James T., Comedian, /. s. 1 page 4 , an answer to the question " Should actors marry? " — Sol. Smith Russell, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Actors and comedians. (2) 1024 Pratt, Thomas, (Mowbray), English actor, and manager of Royal Soho Theatre, London, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "London, Jan. 15, 1853." A familiar letter, giving the- atrical gossip and news. CATALOGUE. 113 1025 Pratt, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "London, March 19, 1853," giving details of coming theatrical performances. 1026 Price, Edwin H., Actor and manager, husband of Fanny Davenport, a. I. s. "Canton, Pa., June 20, 1881," to Mr. Edwards, consenting to examine a MS. ; — Mark Price, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards. (2) 1027 Price, S., Manager of Drury Lane Theatre, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " T. R. D. L., Nov. 6, 1829," to James W. Wallack, thanking the leading actors of the theatre for the offer to relinquish one-fourth of their salaries, in order to assist him in financial diffi- culties. 1028 Proctor, Joseph, Manager and tragedian, noted for his "Nick of the Woods," a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Norfold, March 15, 1865," to J. B.Wright, making final arrange- ments for the plays in his Boston engagement. Play bill of " The Howard Athenaeum, Nov. 5, 1877." 1029 Proctor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to John T. Raymond, ask- ing the loan of the MS. and music of " Dot," as he wishes to reproduce it; — Annie E. Proctor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " April 28, 1887," to Harry Edwards. (2) 1030 Purday, Alexander H., Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "March 20, 1 881," to Miss Julia Daly, dis- missing her from his company, for incompetency and refusing to play a part assigned to her. 1031 Putnam, John, English actor and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, no date. Rare. "... Having experienced great injustice from Mr. Winston, the Manager of the Haymarket Theatre, ... I now offer you my ser- vices. . . ." 1032 Pyne, Louisa, (Mrs. Frank Bodda), English vocalist and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date, explaining why her sister will not be able to sing at a concert. Play bill of Covent Garden Theatre. 1033 Pyne. a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, to Mr. Charles Kean, asking for a box at the theatre. ii 4 CATALOGUE. Q 1034 /^\UARITCH, Bernard, Celebrated English book- seller, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " London, Nov. 29, 1894"; — also a. I. s. folio (2) of Joseph Haslewood; and G. Butt. English authors. (4) 1035 T^ ACHEL, Elise Rachel Felix, French tragedienne, XX. a. /. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Verteuil, asking for a box at the theatre. 1036 Rachel, a. d. s. 1 page 8°, "March 19," a pass for three persons. 1037 Rand, Rosa, Actress and elocutionist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " May 23, 1880 "; — and d. s. 1 page 4 , her view on the subject " Should actors marry?" Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1038 Rankin, Arthur McKee, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Oct. 8, 1883," to Lester Wallack; — and a. L s. 2 pages 8°, 1885, to Mr. Edwards, thanking him for taking part in ^his Benefit. Play bill, "May 30, 1887." (2) 1039 Rankin, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, "Third Ave. Theatre, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1885," to Harry Edwards, making arrangements for a Benefit; — also Mrs. McKee Rankin, (Kate Blanch- ard), a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Oct. 13, 1887," to Stephen Massett. Wood-cut portraits. (2) 1040 Ravel, Antoine, French actor and pantomimist, one of the famous "Ravel Family," a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8°, "Nov. 5. 1841." Play bill of the "Boston Theatre, Jan. 31, 1857." 1041 Raymond, John T., (John O'Brien), Actor, comedian, and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "March 5, 1877"; — and a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, signed " Johnny," to Harry Ed- wards, "New York, Nov. 29, 1871." Also a. I. s. of Mr. Palmer, asking Mr. Edwards to act as pall bearer at Mr. Raymond's funeral. Wood-cut portrait, and play bill. (2) 1042 Raymond, a. I. s. 2 pages 12 ; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 4°, signed "Johnny," to Mr. Edwards, "Salt Lake City, March 13, 1874," on theatrical business. Wood- gut portraits, and hand bill, 1870. (2) CATALOGUE. 115 1043 Raymond, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, in pencil, an order for seats at the matinee; — and a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, signed "Johnny," to Harry Edwards, "Varieties Theatre, New Orleans, Dec. 12, 1872," on theatrical business. Wood-cut portrait in character, and play bill of the "Globe Theatre, Feb. 25, 1872." (2) 1044 Raymond, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, " Globe Theatre, Boston, Feb. 21 "; — and a. I. s. 10 pages 8°, "Oct. 30, 1871," both to Harry Edwards, and both signed "Johnny." Also auto, sentiment signed, 1 page 8°, 1882. Litho- graph portrait. (3) 1045 Reade, Charles, English author, dramatist, and novelist, a. d. s. 1 page 8°, a theatrical recommendation for George Pearce. "... the original Sam Cole in my drama, ' Put Yourself in his Place,' and played the part to perfection. . . ." 1046 Redmund, William, Actor and manager, with Mrs. Barry, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " March 2, 1886," to Lester Wallack. 1047 Redmund. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Redmund and Barry's Romantic Drama Co., Nov. 12, 1883." Wood-cut. 1048 Reed, Roland, Comedian and manager, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "March 31, 1889," embodying some biographical notes. Cabinet photograph signed. 1049 Reed. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Chicago, April 5, 1891." Cabinet photograph signed. 1050 Reeves, John Sims, Celebrated English tenor, and actor in opera, a. I. s. 4 pages 8° and addressed envelope, "Birmingham, Dec. 18, i860," to R. Farquharson, speaks of Mr. Santley, and other musical matters. 1051 Reeves, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Kensington, March 24, 1864." Cutting. 1052 Rehan, Ada, (Crehan), Comedienne and leading lady in Daly's Company, auto, sentiment signed, 1 page oblong 8°. A quotation from Shakespeare. Cabinet photograph signed. 1053 Rehan. a. I. s. correspondence card, signed "Ada"; — and auto, quotation signed, 1 page 8°, 1891. (2) n6 CATALOGUE. 1054 Reignolds, Kate, (Mrs. Erving Winslow), Actress and elocutionist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Boston, Feb. 14," offering a new play to Mr. Edwards; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°. Both letters signed "Kate Winslow." (2) 1055 Rejane, Mme. Gabrielle Rdju, French actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, no date, on business. 1056 Remenyi, Edouard, Hungarian violinist, auto, musical score signed, 1 page oblong folio; — and auto, concert list, 1 page 8°, in pencil. Heliotype, and wood-cut por- trait. Cuttings. (2) 1057 Reszke, Edouard de, Hungarian basso and actor in opera, a.l.s. 4 pages 8°, "June 12, 1887," to the Editor of the London Courier, telling of his brother's debut in Paris and London. Cabinet photograph signed; — also Pol Plancon, cabinet photograph signed. (2) 1058 Reszke, Jean de, Hungarian vocalist and actor in opera, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, July 30, 1893." In French. Cabinet photograph signed. 1059 Revolutionary Petition. A memorial addressed to Gen. Heath, from a Committee of the Massachusetts officers, in regard to the wants of the army, and the neglect of the State to provide for its troops; with plans for a better regulating of military affairs, " Highlands, Aug. 1779," 9 pages folio. A contemporaneous copy. 1060 Rh£a, Hortense, French comedienne and melodramatic actress, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, "Montreal, Nov. 10, 1882." Cabinet photograph signed. 1061 Rhea. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Omaha, April 7, 1891 "; en- closing MS. 3 pages 8°, 1891, signed. Cabinet photo- graph signed. (2) 1062 Richards, Brinsley, English musical composer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Jan. 15, 1874"; and auto, musical score signed, " God bless the Prince of Wales," 1 page 8°, 1874. (2) 1063 Richardson, Leander, Journalist and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Oct. 29, 1885," to Mr. Moss, in regard to new drama. Wood-cut portraits; — Dr. Montrose A. Pallen, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, sending a MS. " Upon the Honor of a Marquis." (2) CATALOGUE. 117 1064 Richings, Caroline, (Mrs. P. Bernard), Actress and man- ager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, on operatic matters; — Peter Richings, (Puget), a. I. s. signed "Richings & Co.," 2 pages 8°, "Washington, Dec. 21, 1856." (2) 1065 Rickaby, Mrs. John, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "March 29, 1886," to Lester Wallack; — Ethel Gordon; Emma Samuel; Nellie Thorne; etc., a. I. s. 8°, of each. Ac- tresses. (5) 1066 Riddell, H. S., Theatrical manager, a. /. s. 1 page 8°; — also John H. McVicker; Rudolph Aronson; G. W. Presbrey; Leon J. Vincent; Engene Tompkins; John T. Caine; C. R. Gardiner; A. M. Palmer, etc., a. I. s. 4°, or 8°, of each. Managers. (10) 1067 Riddle, George, Actor and elocutionist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "March 27, 1887"; — J. W. Pigott; Harry M.Pitt; Eben Plympton; and Benjamin A. Baker, a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 1068 Riggs, Thomas Grattan, Comedian and dialect actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Cincinnati, Jan. 4, 1870," to Harry Edwards; — and a. I. s. 1 page 4 , both on theatrical affairs. (2) 1069 Riggs. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Chicago, Jan. 21, 1889"; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, both to Harry Edwards, on the- atrical matters connected with his engagement. (2) 1070 Rignold, George, English actor, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "June 6, 1874," regarding a new role, to Mr. Rice; — and William Rignold, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Howard Paul. (2) 107 1 Ring, James H., English comedian, long connected with the National Theatre, and with the Boston Museum, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, March 28, 1880," to Mr. Barrymore. 1072 Ristori, Adelaide, (Marchesa del Grillo), Italian trage- dienne, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Rome, July 18, 1891," to the editor of a magazine sending her article, " How I became an Actress." Written in English. Engraved portrait in character. 1073 Ristori. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Rome, March 21, 1887," to an intimate friend. In Italian. n8 CATALOGUE. 1074 Ristori. Auto, sentiment signed, " Rome, Feb. i8 ( 1882 "; — Mme. Therese Tietjens; Neil Burgess; Clara Barry; Dion. Boucicault; Mme. Re'jane; Lotta; Barton Hill; Mme. Adelina Patti; Mrs. Clara Rousby; Jean M. Lander; etc., signature, or small document of each. (20) 1075 Ritchie, Mrs. William F., (Mrs. Anna Cora M owatt) Actress and authoress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Twicken- ham, Dec. 29, 1869," to Mr. Stoddard, asking him to mail her copies of the newspapers which contain her London letters. A very good letter. Engraved portrait as Beatrice. 1076 Roach, James C, Irish actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " San Francisco, May 20, 1882," offering the play "Michael Stroggoff," to Mr. Edwards. Hand bills. 1077 Robe, Annie, English actress, long at Daly's Theatre, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, signed "Annie." Wood-cut portraits. (2) 1078 Robe. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Edwards; — and Eliza Robe, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portraits. (2) 1079 Roberts, E. M., Stage manager, and husband of Enid Leslie, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " Buffalo, June 27, 1884," to Mr. Edwards on theatrical business; — and Enid Leslie Roberts, a. /. s. 3 pages 8°, "Dec. 26, 1885," written shortly after her husband's death. Wood-cut portrait and cutting. (2) 1080 Roberts, Sir Randall Howland, English soldier, author, and actor, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, Feb. 24, 1883," to Harry Edwards, in regard to his election to the " Lambs." 1081 Roberts, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Boston, Sept. 18, 1879," to Harry Edwards, in regard to his new play " The Iron Master." 1082 Robertson, Ian, English actor and stage manager of the Modjeska Co., a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "March 11, 1884"; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards, both in reference to his new play. (2) CATALOGUE. 119 1083 Robertson, Thomas William, English dramatist, a. /. s. 6 pages 8°, " Dec. 31, 1870," to Lester Wallack, giving some suggestions in connection with his new drama, "Birth." Speaks of " Caste," " Ours," and of Mr. Sothern's plays. A very fine letter. 1084 Robertson, a./.s. 2 pages 8°, " Prince of Wales's Theatre, June 5, 1869,"; — and T. W. Robertson. Jr., Actor and manager, a./.s. 1 page 8°, " Scarboro', Sept. 12, 1890." M 1085 Robinson, Frederick C. P., English actor, the original ''Jim the Penman," a. /. s. 2 pages 8°, "Philadelphia, Sept. 9, 1880," to Harry Edwards, concerning some of his pupils. Photograph. 1086 Robinson, a./.s. 2 pages 8°, "July 11, 1880," to Harry q ^f- , Edwards on business. Wood-cut portrait. 1087 Robson, Henry Stuart, Comedian and manager, a. /. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Dec. 13, 1882," to Mr. Edwards, declining a dinner invitation. Colored lithograph in character. 1088 Robson. a. /. s. 1 page 8°, " Cohasset, June 25, 1889," %~S~ regarding an article sent to a newspaper; — and signa- ture, 1 page 8°. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1089 Roche, James Jeffrey, Poet and author, /. s. 1 page 8°, " Dec. 16, 1884"; — also Clinton Stuart, William Win- ter; Deshler Welch; Joseph Arthur; David D. Lloyd; Brander Matthews; Lawrence Hutton, etc., a. /. s. 8°, of each. Dramatists and journalists, (ro) to 1090 Rogers, Katherine, Comedienne, a. /. s. 1 page 8°, to ask if Miss Eytinge is to retire from her position; — May # t i^o Robson, a. /. s. 1 page 8°. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1 09 1 Rosa, Mme. Parepa, (Euphrosyne Parepa), English vocal- ist, a. /. s. 1 page 8°, " May 29, 1868," returning thanks for music; — also Carl Rosa, a. /. s. 2 pages 8°, "June 30, 1884," in regard to producing the opera of "Es- meralda." (2) 120 CATALOGUE. 1092 Rosenfield, Sydney, Author of "The Senator," etc., a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Jan. 20, 1884," wood-cut portrait; — also George M. Ciprico; Thomas B. Clark; A. G. Lancaster, George C. Barrett; H. Wayne Ellis, Julian Magnus; Alfred Thompson, etc., a. I. s. of each. Dram- atists and journalists. (12) 1093 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, English artist and poet, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, " Chelsea, Sept. 15, 1876," to Mrs. Sumner. A delightfully personal letter and very rare. 1094 Rossetti. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Kelmscott, June 22, 1873," to Dr. Huffer, in regard to an edition of his works by Tauchnitz. Very rare. 1095 Rossetti, William Michael, English author and critic, a. 1. s. 4 pages 8°, on literary matters; — Andrew Lang, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to James R. Osgood. English authors. (2) 1096 Rossi, Ernesto, Italian tragedian, the rival of Salvini, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Paris, March 1, 1876," in French. Wood-cut portraits. 1097 Rossi. Auto, sentiment signed, on correspondence card; — and /. s. 3 pages 8°, to the members of the Lambs' Club. Wood-cut portraits. (2) 1098 Rotchkoff, Nadia de, Baroness, Russian actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Feb. 4, 1885," to ask Mr. Edwards if she can rehearse at Wallack's Theatre. Play bill of " Ca- mille, March 12, 1885," and cutting. 1099 Rowe, George Fawcett, English actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°. no date, to Harry Edwards; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mrs. Edwards. (2) 1 100 Rowe. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Dec. 26, 1879," to J. Steele MacKaye, discussing their mutual interests in "Two Lives "; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards. (2) 1101 Roze, Marie, (Mrs. Henry Mapleson), French prima donna, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Miss Smith. 1 102 Roze. d. s. 2 pages folio, no date, MS. " Ch.istmastide." Signed cabinet photograph. CATALOGUE. 121 1 103 Ruby, J. H., Actor and clergyman, committed suicide in San Francisco, in 1878, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, M San Fran- cisco, Oct. 30, 1877," t0 Harry Edwards. 1 104 Rudersdorff, Mine. Erminia, Vocalist and teacher, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Boston, April 26, 1873, "and inclos- ing her auto, prospectus of lessons. Cuttings. 1 105 Rushton, Lucy, English actress and manager, a. I. in 3d person, 3 pages 8°, "Chelsea, Feb. 3, 1864," to Mr. Edmund Falconer, asking for an engagement. 1 106 Ruskin, John, English author and art critic, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Brantwood, May 18, 1876," to Mr. Robert Rawson. Rare. Wood-cut portrait. "... don't fear my deserting the writing class I — I shall desert this world first. . . ." 1 107 Russell, Helen, Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Ed- wards; — Annie Robe, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Jan. 13, 1886," to Mr. Wallack, apologizing for having offended him unintentionally. (2) 1 108 Russell, Henry, Vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Mas- singham, asking for a theatre pass; — J. H. Ryley, actor in comic opera, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 25, 1882." (2) 1109 Russell, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Boulogne, Oct. 7, 1880," to Stephen Massett, " Jeemes Pipes of Pipesville"; — Signor F. Runcio, Italian vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1882. (2) 1 1 10 Russell, Lillian, Vocalist and actress in comic opera, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Garden Theatre, Dec. 4," to E. F. Hoyt, declining to sing at a musicale, as her work in La Cigale is so hard. mi Russell, d. s. 1 page 4°, "Marriage is a Blessing." Cabinet photograph signed; — Giovanni Perugini, a. l.s. 1 page 8°, 1883. (2) 1 1 12 Russell, Tommy, Child actor, " Prince and Pauper," and " Little Lord Fauntleroy," a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "May Wood, July 5, 1890," to a boy friend. 122 CATALOGUE. 1 1 13 Ryder, John, English tragedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "March 2, 1880," to G. R. Simms; — Edward Fitzball, a. d. s. 2 pages 8°, "Sept. 14, 1854, Monody on the Death of Mrs. Fitzwilliam." (2) 1114 Ryley, J. H., Actor and singer in comic opera, "Bun- thorne " in Patience, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 21, i88i,"toJ. L. Logan of the Lambs' Club; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Aug. 9, 1886," to Harry Edwards, asking for Californian introductions. Wood-cut portraits, and hand bill. (2) 1 1 15 OADLER, Josie, Vocalist and comic opera actress, O a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Boston, Nov. 12, 1894." Cabi- net photograph signed; — Lillian Russell, cabinet pho- graph signed. (2) n 16 St. John, Florence, English actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Gaiety Theatre, May 22, 1889," to Mr. Buckstone, regretting that she cannot take part in his Benefit; — Marion Terry, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°. (2) 11 17 St. Maur, Henry, Actor and author, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards; — also J. C. Lambert, W. Thomas Lovell; Hans Meery; and J. R. Long, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 1 118 St. Quinton, Lizzie, English actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, July 8, 1886," to Lester Wallack, in re- spect to a position in his company; — and Mena St. Quinton, a, /. s. 2 pages 8°, 1884. (2) 1 1 19 Sala, George Augustus, English author and journalist, signature on a dinner menu; John McCullough; Mary F. Scott-Siddons; Otero; Walter Montgomery; John Gilbert; Julius Eichberg; Caterina Marco Smith; Jo- seph Proctor; Mme. Albani-Gye; Edward L. Daven- port; Marie Prescott, etc., signature or small docu- ment of each. (20) 1 121 Salvini, Alexandre, Favorite actor, son of Tommaso Salvini, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Madison Square Theatre, Nov. 22, 1886," to Harry Edwards, thanking him for words of praise. Cabinet photograph, and wood-cut. CATALOGUE. 123 1122 Salvini. Cabinet photograph signed, 1892; — also John- stone Bennett; Sandow; Annie M. Clarke; Camille Darville; Milton Nobles; Carl Zerrahn; Henry R. Jewett, etc. Cabinet photograph signed, of each. The- atrical celebrities. (12) 1 1 23 Salvini, Tommaso, Italian tragedian, a. d. s. 1 page 4 , "Brooklyn, Feb. 8, 1883." A quotation from Macbeth in Italian. Wood-cut portrait, and hand bill. 1 1 24 Salvini. /. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, Oct. 22, 1882," sending autographs for a charity; — also a. d. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Oct. 22, 1882." Wood-cut portrait and hand bill. (2) 1125 Salvini. I. s. i page 8°, " New York, Nov. 6, 1885," to Mr. Edwards, declining an invitation from the " Lambs." Cabinet photograph signed, and other por- traits. 1 126 Santley, Charles, English vocalist and actor in opera, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " St. John's Wood, Dec. 26, 1869," declining to be present at the dinner to Charles Mathews. Photograph. 1 1 27 Santley. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Oct. 5, 187 1," accepting an invitation to the Lotus Club. 1 1 28 Sardou, Victorien, Celebrated French dramatist and au- thor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Rare. 1 1 29 Sargent, Epes, Poet, author, and journalist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Boston, Jan. 22, 1855," to T. H. Morrell, in regard to his early tragedy of " Velasco," and the date of its production. Rare. 1 130 Saxe, John G., Poet and humorist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Burlington, May 19, 1854"; — William Winter, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, July 20, 1866," to James R. Osgood. A good literary letter. (2) 1131 Saunders, Charles H., Comedian and dramatist, a. I. s. x page 4 and address, "Boston, Dec. 29, i85i,"to John B. Wright, asking "an honorable discharge from the National Theatre." i2 4 CATALOGUE. 1 132 Savage, John, Editor and poet, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "May 31, 1883, cuttings; — I. G. Reed; Thomas F. Clarke; A. G. Lancaster; George C. Barrett; Leonard F. Grover; F. A. Harris; Robert S. Hill; H.Wayne Ellis; etc., a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Dramatists and journal- ists. (10) 1 133 Scanlan, William J., Irish comedian, d. s. 2 pages 4 , in reply to the query " Should actors marry? " 1 134 Schoeffel, John B., Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Oct. 19, 1888 *'; — Charles Frohman, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , 1884. Both letters to Harry Edwards. (2) 1 1 35 Schonberg, James, Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 , to Mr. Edwards, concerning a new role; — William Stuart, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1896, to Arthur Wallack, respecting a sketch of his father's life. (2) 1 136 Scott, John R., Tragedian, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Cincinnati, May io, 1838," to John B. Boyd. Rare. 1 137 Scott, Sir Walter, Famous Scotch novelist and poet, a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, 1803, to Charles Kirk- patrick Sharpe; with rare portrait of Sharpe. Very rare. 1 138 Scott, Winfield, Lieut. -General U. S. A., a. L s. 1 page 4 , "Augusta, Me., March 22, 1839," to Col. J. B. Cross, thanking him for a " rare weapon of self-defence." Rare in this form and date. 1 1 39 Scott, Siddons, Mrs. Mary F., English actress, great grand-daughter of Mrs. Sarah Siddons, auto, sentiment signed, 1 page oblong 8°, "July, 1891." Photograph. 1 140 Seebach, Mme. Marie Niemann, Celebrated German tragedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Leipzig, Aug. 13, i860." A personal letter. Photograph. 1 141 Sefton, John, English comedian and manager, a. I. s 1 page 4 and address, "Walnut St. Theatre, Oct. 12," to Mr. Furzman, asking for an offer for Clara Fisher and himself. Rare. 1 142 Sefton. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Hill, asking him to send the new drama, act by act, as he finishes it. CATALOGUE. 125 1 143 Seguin, Mrs. Anne Childe, (Mrs. A. Edward S. Seguin), English vocalist, the original "Arline"in the Bohe- mian Girl in its production in America, 1844, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "May 3, 1868," tO'L. J. Cist; — and a. d. s. 1-2 page 4 , "July 17, 1845," an order for her book of costumes. (2) 1 144 Seguin, Arthur Edward Sheldon, English actor and vo- calist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address franked, "Charles- ton, Dec. 10, 1848," to Mr. Cist, asking his opinion as to the advisability of bringing his opera troupe to Cin- cinnati. Photograph. 1 145 Selwyn, John H., Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Selwyn's Theatre, Feb. 6, 1869," declining a new play; — Willie Seymour, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston Museum, April 22, 1885." (2) 1 146 Selwyn. a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Wallack's Theatre, Feb. ig, 1867"; — James Simmonds, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards, on theatrical business. (2) 1 147 Sembrich, Marcella, German prima donna, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Dec. 31, 1882"; — Sofia Scalchi-Lolli, Italian vocalist, cabinet photograph signed. (2) 1 148 Setchell, Daniel, Comedian, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Wash- ington, June 25," to Ben Perley Poore, asking him to give a notice about his Benefit. A very good letter. "... My domestic virtues are nothing to brag of, and my personal beauty has never been the subject of poet's pen — but I can tell good whiskey when I drink it, and some people tell me I resemble Burton about the feet — anyhow I can play Jeremiah Beetle in ' Babes in the Wood,' and 1 was the original of the part in this country. ... I leave my cause in your hands, hoping you will not forget a citizen of the old Bay State, and a judge of old rye. . . ." 1149 Setchell. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, signed "Setchell," to J. A. Smith, (Smithy), "New York, July 25." A very good letter. "... I am coming to Boston. Mark Smith & myself have taken the Howard for a couple of weeks ... to produce ' Lear the For- sook ' which is now having a splendid success. . . ." 1 150 Shannon, Effie, Popular actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " March 27, 1892 "; — Kittie Blanchard Rankin, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Feb. 10, 1892," to Stephen Massett. (2) 126 CATALOGUE. 1 151 Shaw, Mrs. Alice J., Whistler, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° "Feb. 17, 1887 "; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1887, both to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait, and cutting. (2) 1 152 Shepard, Jesse, Musical prodigy, a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, " San Francisco, May 2." Lithograph portrait. 1 153 Sheridan, Amy, English comedienne and burlesque ac- tress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " March 13, 1867," to Benja- min Webster, asking if she may accept an engagement in Paris, in June. Play bill of the "Alhambra Theatre, Jan. s, 1874." 1 154 Sheridan, Emma V., (Mrs. Alfred B. Fry), Comedienne, and journalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " Boston, April 14, 1892 "; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1886. (2) 1 155 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Irish dramatist, manager, orator, and politician, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address franked, "June 1, 1814." Small engraved portrait. 1 156 Sheridan, a. I. s. (initials), 1 page 4 and address with full frank, "April 7, 1800," to Mr. Peake on theatrical business; speaks of Siddons, Kemble, etc. Engraved 4° portrait. 1 157 Sheridan, William Edward, Tragedian, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " May 13, 1873." Wood-cut portrait, and one in char- acter. 1 158 Sherman, William T., Lieut. -General of the U. S. Army, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Cincinnati, Dec. 24, i863,"toLarz Anderson, inclosing papers for the use of the Sanitary Com. Fair. 1 159 Sherrington, Mme. Lemmens, Famous vocalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Brussels, March 31, 1862," to Mr. Sala- man; — Madeline Shirley, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Col. Milliken. (2) 1 160 Sherwin, Ralph, English actor and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, "Theatre, Brighton, Sept. 6, 1825," to Mr. Winston. Engraved portrait in charac- ter, and play bill of " Drury Lane Theatre, June 26, 1823." Cuttings. CATALOGUE. 127 1 161 Shewell, L. R., Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, April 11, 1869." Photograph and play bill of "Boston Museum, Oct. 26, 1866." 1 162 Shillaber, Benjamin P., (Mrs. Partington), Editor and author, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, April 6, 1861 "; — Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain), a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Hartford, April 6, 1883," to James R. Osgood. American humorists. (2) 1 1 63 Shirley, William, Colonial Governor of Massachusetts Bay, d. s. 2 pages folio, with six lines autograph, "Given at the Council Chamber in Boston, March 25, 1748." A proclamation for a General Fast day. 1 164 Siddons, Henry, English comedian and character actor, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " April 13, 1886," to Harry Edwards, thanking him for kind help in enabling him to leave New York ; — with other letters upon the same subject, and subscription lists raised by Mr. Edwards, all relat- ing to Mr. Siddons' illness and death. (Lot) 1 165 Siddons, Mrs. Sarah, (Kemble), The Greatest English tragedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 18 13, to the Duchess of , thanking her for her subscription to readings. Colored portrait, 4 , " Drawn, Etched & published by Dighton, Dec. 14, 1799." Very rare. 1 166 Siddons, William, English actor, husband of Mrs. Sarah Siddons, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, in regard to readings and lessons. Play bill of "The Last Night of Mrs. Siddons' Engagement, June 23, 1797." 1 167 Sigournev, Mrs. Lydia Huntley, Poetess, a. I. s. 3 pages 4° and address, " Hartford, Feb. 10, 1844," to Munroe, her publisher, on literary business. 1 168 Sigourney. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Hartford, March 26, 1855 "; — Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. American poetesses. (2) 1 169 Silsbee, Joshua S., Noted "Yankee" comedian, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Theatre Royal Adelphi, London, Sept. 24, 1852," to John B. Wright, telling him of his arrange- ments for the coming season, which he passes in Lon- don. Playbill of the "National Theatre, Nov. 8, 1843." Rare. i 2 8 CATALOGUE. 1 1 70 Simpson, Edmund, Actor and manager of the Park The. atre, N. Y., a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date. Rare. 1 171 Simpson, J. Palgrave, English dramatist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "London, April 30, 1879," to Lester Wallack; — J. Payne Collier, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Sept. 10, 1880." English authors. (2) 1 172 Sinn, Col. William E., Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4°, " Jan. 1, 1885 "; — Wesley Sisson, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , 1886, to Mr. Wallack. (2) 1 1 73 Sisson, Wesley, Theatrical manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, April 1, 1884 "; — John B. Schoeffel, a. /. s. 1 page 4 , 1888. Both letters to Mr. Edwards. (*) 1 1 74 Skerrett, Rose, (Mrs. Frank Hardenburgh), Actress, a. 1. s. 2 pages 8°, "Boston, June 1, 1859," to J. B. Wright, regarding the terms of an engagement. 1 1 75 Smith, E. T m English actor and manager, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Drury Lane Theatre, Nov. 8, 1854," to J. H. Wilton, thanking him for his efforts and services during the G.N. Brooke engagement. 1 1 76 Smith, Joseph Alfred, (Smithy), Popular actor, long a member of the Boston Museum Stock Co., a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Boston, Feb. 23, 1890," writing of Mr. Lawler's illness. 1 1 77 Smith, Dr. Jerome V. C, Physician and author, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Boston, July 24, 1855 "; — Josiah Quincy, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1832; — Josiah Quincy, Jr., Bank- check signed. Mayors of Boston. (3) 1 178 Smith, Marcus, Comedian and manager, son of Sol. Smith, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " May 1, 1873," on his departure for Europe; — Caterina Marco, daughter of Mark Smith, vocalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "April 2, 1886," to Lester Wallack, asking for the loan of his theatre, for a con- cert. (2) 1 1 79 Smith, Mrs. Mary Sedley, (Mrs. Sol. Smith, Jr.), form- erly Mrs. Sedley Brown, and daughter of W. H. Smith, Actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " March 4, 1G84 "; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1884. (2) CATALOGUE. 129 1 180 Smith, Rev. Samuel Francis, Clergyman and poet, a. d. s. 2 pages folio, 1884, a full copy of "America." 1 181 Smith, Solomon Franklin, "Sol," Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page folio and address, " Theatre Mobile, May 1, 1836," to William T. Porter, Editor of Spirit of the Times, introducing his partner, N. M. Ludlow. Rare. 1 182 Smith, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, " St. Louis, Aug. 30, 1839," to his partner, N. M. Ludlow. "... We had a tremendous fire last night . . . Mr. Brewer, our curtain man, whom you must remember, is one whose remains has just been found. . . . Old Cowell & daughter are becoming great favorites — that was an excellent engagement. . . ." 1 183 Smith, Solomon Franklin, Jr., " Sol," Actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, March 10, 1871," to Mr. Wallack ; — also his wife, Mary Sedley Smith, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "May 20, 1884." (2) 1 184 Smith, William H. Sedley, (Sedley being his real name), English actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Boston, April 6, 1861 "; — Lucy E. Sedley, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. (*) 1 1 85 Smith, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, March 19, 1857"; — and a. d. 3 pages folio, " Last scene, and stage in- structions of ' Formosa,' " in the handwriting of W. H. Smith. (2) 1 186 Smith, Mrs. W. H., (Mrs. Lucy E. Sedley), Widow of W. H. Sedley Smith, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1872; — also other papers and letters relative to the death of W. H. Smith, and of the Benefit for his widow. (Lot) 1 187 Solomon, Edward, Author, singer, actor, and musical composer, husband of Lillian Russell, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Union Square Theatre, June 25, 1886," to the Dramatic Editor of the N. Y. Herald, giving the details of his new Comic Opera, "The Maid and the Moon- shine." 1 1 88 Sontag, Mme. Henrietta, (Countess Rossi), German vocalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Boulogne, Aug. iz, 1828," in German. Engraved portrait, and wood-cut in char- acter. Rare in this form. i 3 o CATALOGUE. 1 189 Sontag. a. I. in 3d person, 1-2 page 4 , "Aug. 3, 1829," to Mr. Parry, thanking him for concert tickets. En- graved portrait. 1 190 Sothern, Edward Askew, English comedian, the original "Lord Dundreary," a. /. s. 1 page 8°, "Nov. 1852," to J. B. Wright, and signed " D. Stewart," he first play- ing as Douglas Stewart. Very rare in this form. Also play bill "Howard Athenaeum, Dec. 13, 1852, Sir Charles Coldstream, Mr Douglas Stewart." 1191 Sothern. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, signed " Ned," Detroit. A good letter, full of his theatrical tour, speaks of " Lytton " playing for the first time, etc. Photograph as Lord Dundreary, and cuttings. 1 192 Sothern, Edward H., English comedian, son of E. A. Sothern, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Lester Wallack, declin- ing an invitation to the "Lambs." Playbill of the " Lyceum Theatre." 1 193 Sothern. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Philadelphia, April r6, 1 891 "; — also d. s. 1 page folio, an answer to the query " Should actors marry?" Play bill of the "Lyceum Theatre." (2) 1 194 Sothern, Eva, English actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, to Mr. Wallack, asking for an engagement at his theatre, as she wants to "come over "; — E. H. Sothern, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date, (2) 1195 Sothern, Lytton E., English actor, eldest son of E. A. Sothern, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, Jan. 13, 1887," to Mr. Howard Paul; — also theatrical agreement, writ- ten and signed by Lester Wallack, and signed also by Edward H. Sothern, 2 pages 8°, 187 1. (2) 1196 Spear, George G., "Old Spear," Comedian, a.l.s. 2 pages folio, "Buffalo, July 25, 1848," to John B. Wright, on the subject of a contested engagement. Play bill of "National Theatre, Boston, May 19, 1848, Old Spear's Benefit." Rare. 1 197 Spohr, Louis, German musical composer, auto, musical score signed, 1 page oblong 8°, " Cassel, Jan. 31, 1854.' CATALOGUE. 131 1 198 Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Prescott, (Mrs. Richard S. Spof- ford), Authoress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Newburyport, May 9, 187 1," to James R. Osgood. A long and inter- esting letter, consulting him upon publishing an edi- tion of her " New England Legends." 1 1 99 Stamwitz, Liska von, Actress, leading lady in the play " Nita's First," a. I. s. 1 page 4 , on reverse of a hand bill of the play; — and a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, 1884. Wood- cut portrait. (2) 1 200 Stark, Mrs. James, (formerly Mrs. Kirby), Actress and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " San Francisco, Oct. 30, 1873," to Mr. Edwards, inviting all the theatre Com- pany to a surprise party, to be given on Mr. Bassett's seventy-sixth birthday. 1 201 Staudigl, Joseph, Celebrated German basso, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Covent Garden, April 28, 1843," in German. Wood-cut portraits in character, and play bill of " Prin- cess's Theatre." Cuttings. 1202 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, Banker and poet, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, Sept. 25, 1868," to James R. Osgood, on literary business; — James R. Osgood, au- thor and publisher, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Ed- wards. (2) 1203 Sterling, Mme. Antoinette, (Mrs. J. Mackinlay), Eng- lish contralto vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " London, Sept. 26, 1877," to James Cowper, declining a new song. 1204 Stevens, John A., Actor, author and dramatist, a.L s. 1 page 4 , " London, Oct. 16, 1887 "; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1886. Wood-cut portraits. (2) 1205 Stirling, Mrs. Arthur, (Miss Louisa Cleveland), English actress, a. I. s. 8 pages 8°, " London, May 15, 1876," to Mr. Edwards. 1206 Stirling, Mrs. Fanny Hehl, (Miss Fanny Clifton), Eng- lish comedienne and elocutionist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "May 29, 1886," in regard to an engagement. Foiio engraved portrait, (by Pound), and one in character. 132 CATALOGUE. 1207 Stirling, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, promising to read a new play. Engraved portrait, and play bill of the " Olympic Theatre, Feb. 3, 1868." 1208 Stoddart, James H., Actor and comedian, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Rah way, N. J., May 19," to Lester Wallack, ask- ing to cancel his engagement, as Sothern and Raymond will take all his characters. Wood-cut portrait. 1209 Stoddart. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Mr. Edwards, in answer to a request for a subscription; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, declining a dinner invitation. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1 2 10 Stokes, Edward S., New York broker, shot James Fisk, Jr., a.l.s. 1 page 8°, M New York, May 31, 1886," send- ing $100 to pay for a box for Mr. Edwards's Benefit; — also Col. James Fisk, Jr., /. s. 1 page 8°, 1869. Illus- trated paper with portraits of Stokes and Fisk. (2) 12 1 1 Story, Anna Warren, Actress, a.l.s. 2 pages 8°; — Marion Booth; Jean Burnside; Emma Latham; and Anna M. Quinn, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) 1212 Story, Joseph, Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, a.l.s. 1 page 8°, to John G. Palfrey; — Caleb Cushing, a.l.s. 1 page 8°, "Jan. 28, 1829"; — David Paul Brown, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Jan. 5, 1855." Cele- brated jurists. (3) 1 213 Strakosch, Max, Impresario and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "Sept. 11, 1879." Wood-cut portrait, and cut- tings; — also Orlando Tompkins; A. M. Palmer; John T. Caine; Leon J. Vincent; Charles Poole, etc., a.l.s. 8°, of each. Theatrical managers. (10) 1214 Stuart, Clinton, (Walsingham), Actor and journalist, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, 1887, to Lester Wallack; — William Winter; William T. W. Ball; Deshler Welch; David D. Lloyd; Laurence Hutton; A. G. Lancaster, etc., a. I. s. 8°, of each. Journalists and dramatists. (10) 1 215 Stuart, Colin, Noted Scotch actor and vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Boston, Sept. 3, 1855," to Thomas McKeon, wishing an engagement in New Orleans. Rare. CATALOGUE. 133 12 16 Sugden, Charles, Noted English actor and dramatist, leading man with Miss Fortescue, etc., a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Lester Wallack, in regard to Miss Vane's illness and payment; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1886. Play bill of the Lyceum Theatre. (2) 1217 Sullivan, Sir Arthur S., English musical composer, a. I. 5. 3 pages 8°, " Jan. 3, 1888," to Mr. Wheatleigh. A very interesting letter, speaks of his new opera. Very rare. 1218 Sullivan, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, Nov. 22, 1871," thanking an author for some verses, which he will set to music, when he is not quite so much pressed with work. 1 219 Sullivan, Barry, English tragedian and manager, a. l.s. 3 pages 8°, " London, July, 1873," to Harry Edwards. 1220 Sullivan, a. 1. s. 1 page 8°, " T. R. Drury Lane, March 11, 1867," to Achille Vogue. 1221 Sutherland, John, Actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " June 20, 1883 "; — Daniel Leeson; C. W. Barry; Henry Lee; and Edward Lamb, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actors. (5) 1222 Swanborough, Mrs. Ada, English actress and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Strand Theatre, Feb. 26, 1867." Play bill of "Strand Theatre, Oct. 2, 1876." 1223 Swinbourne, Mrs. Charlotte E., (Miss Vandenhoff), Eng- lish actress, daughter of John Vandenhoff, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Louisville, March 29." Speaking most bitterly of her brother George, and of their own unfortunate tour in America. 1224 fTT^AGLIONI, Marie, (Countess de Voisins), Italian A danseuse, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " Dec. 30, 1832," to Mr. Laporte, on theatrical business. 1225 Taglioni. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to M. Desarbres, thanking him for a theatre box. 1226 Talma, Francois Joseph, French tragedian, a. /. s. 1 page 4° and address, " Bruxelles, April 30, 1829," to M. Maurice. Very fine and rare. Engraved 4 portrait as Hamlet. i 3 4 CATALOGUE. 1227 Talma, a. I. 1 page 8° and address, " Paris, 1825," to John Howard Payne. Rare. 1228 Tamberlick, Enrico, Celebrated Italian tenor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date. In French. 1229 Tamburini, Antonio, Celebrated Italian basso, d. s. 1 page 4 , " Paris, Nov. 30, 1834 "; — and d. s. 1 page 4°, " Paris, Dec. 31, 1835." Both documents are re- ceipts for the payment of his salary at the Theatre Royal Italien. Rare. (2) 1230 Tanner, Cora, (Mrs. William E. Sinn), Melodramatic actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Brooklyn, June 12, 1891 "; — with auto, sentiment signed, 1 page oblong 8°, a quotation from "Alone in London." (2) 1 231 Taylor, Bayard, Poet, author, and traveller, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Sacramento, June 5, 1870," in regard to his California lecturing tour. Engraved early portrait, and cuttings. 1232 Taylor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Oct. 15, 1855, in regard to lecture appointments; — Henry Wikoff, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "New York, Feb. 5, 1868." Ameri- can authors. (2) 1233 Taylor, Mary Cecilia, (Mrs. W. Ogilvie Ewen), Cele- brated actress and vocalist, a. I. s. 1 page 8° and ad- dress, "New York, Aug. 4, 1846," to Mr. Chippendale; with rare stamp of Boyd's Express. 1234 Taylor, Tom, English author, editor, and dramatist, a. I. s. 4 pages 8° and addressed envelope, " London, Aug. 10, i860." Cuttings. 1235 Taylor, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "March 25, 1864," wood. cut, and cuttings; — Andrew Lang, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Nov. 7, 1888," to James R. Osgood. English au- thors and editors. (2) 1236 Taylor, Gen. Zachary, President of the United States, /. s. 1 page 4 , "Headquarters Western Division, B. Rouge, La., Nov. 2, 1848," to Mrs. C. B. Brower, re- fusing to give leave of absence to her husband, Lieut. Charles B. Brower. Rare. CATALOGUE. 135 1237 Tearle, Edmund, English actor, leading support with Mme. Ristori in her American tour, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , " Oct. 5, 1885," to Harry Edwards, wishing to buy the right to play "Hazel Kirke " in England; — J. G. Taylor, a. L s. 1 page 8°, 1885. (2) 1238 Tearle, George Osmond, English actor, a. I. s. 15 pages 8°, " Jan. 6, 1886, ' to Harry Edwards, giving accounts of his tour; — and a. I. s. 7 pages 8°, signed " George," 1886. Colored lithograph portrait. (2) 1239 Tearle. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Manchester, June 29, 1886," to Harry Edwards; — and Minnie Conway Tearle, a. I. s. 12 pages 8°, 1885, to Mrs. Edwards. Wood-cut por- trait. (2) 1240 Tempest, Marie, Burlesque actress and vocalist in comic opera, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Howard Paul; — and a. d. 1 page 4 . Signed cabinet photograph, and cutting. (2) 1 24 1 Templeton, Fay, Actress, a. I. s. correspondence card, to Harry Edwards; — also Dion Boucicault; Isabelle Evesson; H. St. Maur; Marie Jansen; Edward Harri- gan; John E. Owens; etc., correspondence card of each, written to Mr. Edwards. (12) 1242 Terriss, William, nom de the'&tre, (William Lewin), Eng- lish actor and manager, came to America with Sir Henry Irving, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, to Mrs. Wallack, sending MS. to her husband, and asking details of con- tract. 1243 Terriss. a. 1. s. 1 page' 8°, to Lester Wallack ; — and a. I. s. in pencil, 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards. (2) 1244 Terry, Edward, English actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, Nov. 29, 1887," to Mr. Howard Paul; — Charles G. Allan, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "July 9, 1888," to Harry Edwards. (2) 1245 Terry, Ellen Alice, (Mrs. Charles Kelly Wardell), Lead- ing English actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, no date. Cabi- net photograph. "... I've a Matinee tomorrow & am sure to be very nearly dead by the time it is over. . . ." •'3) 136 CATALOGUE. 1246 Terry, Kate, (Mrs. Arthur Lewis), English actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Sept. 28, 1862," to Mr. C. J. Stone; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1890, signed " Kate Lewis." (2) 1247 Terry, Marion, English actress and musician, a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, "Nov. 12, 1890"; — also Edward Terry, actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Sept. 8, 1890." (2) 1248 Testa, Fanny Natali, Operatic artiste, a. I. s. 2 pages 8° " New York, May 8, 1869," returning thanks for a copy of Wallace's Lurline. 1249 Thackeray, William M., Celebrated English novelist and satirist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Kensington, Feb. 5, 1863." Wood-cut portrait. 1250 Thackeray, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Kensington, Monday," to Mrs. Jameson. 1 25 1 Thaxter, Mrs. Celia, (Laighton), Poetess, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Appledore, 1873," t0 James R. Osgood, speaking of the illustrations for a new book; — Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, to Harry Edwards. (2) 1252 Thayer, Edward N., Famous old time comedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Harry Edwards; — Pierpont Thayer, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "San Francisco, May 17, 1867," also to Mr. Edwards, on theatrical affairs. (2) 1253 Thomas, Brandon, English comedian and vocalist, lead- ing man in Rosina Vokes Co., a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "May 18, 1887," to Howard Paul, regarding an en- gagement; — and a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1886, to Arthur Wallack. Hand bill of Rosina Vokes Co. (2) 1254 Thompson, Alfred, Artist and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8°, to Harry Edwards, asking a position for his son (Ernest Tarleton), at Wallack's theatre; — and Ernest Tarleton, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, countersigned by his father. (2) 1255 Thompson, Denman, Character actor, manager, and comedian, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "New Yo.*k Aprli 17, 1891." Cabinet photograph. 1265 Thursby, Emma Cecilia, Vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , "Chicago, Feb. 19, 1880," to Mr. Seward, in regard to the opening of the new Hall in Orange. Cabinet pho- tograph signed. sy CATALOGUE. 137 1256 Thompson. Signature, "Dec. 30, 1883"; — also Betty Rigl; RosinaVokes; Enid Huntington; John Gilbert; Lester Wallack ; Jean M. Lander; Henry Vandenhoff; f !*> Mrs. Rousby; Adelaide Phillipps; Pauline Markham; Carlotta Patti; etc., signature, or small document of each. (20) 1257 Thompson, Lydia, (Mrs. Alexander Henderson), English danseuse, burlesque actress, and manager, a. I. s. 2 /& pages 8°, to Sarony, breaking an appointment. Cabi- net photograph signed. 1258 Thompson, a. d. s. 1 page oblong 8°, " Brooklyn, April 12, 1891 "; — and d. s. 12 pages 4 , "Burlesque." En- graved portrait, by Pound. (2) 1259 Thorburn, Grant, Author and florist, a. I. s. 1 page 8° 11 March 28, 1855 " ; — Thomas Appleton ; Caleb Stark ; Jared Sparks; S. R. Koehler; John R. Bartlett; -Wil- liam Everett, etc., letter of each. American authors and statesmen. (14) 1260 Thorne, Blanche, Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " May 12, 1884"; — also Jennie Beaman; Maude Banks; Norah Bartlett; and Sadie Bigelow, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Act- resses. (5) 1 26 1 Thorne, Charles Robert, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " San Francisco, Sept. 16," to Harry Ed- .vfl wards, to announce his marriage. 1262 Thorne. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "San Francisco, Oct. 9," to Harry Edwards. Wood-cut portrait of his son, C. R. Thorne, Jr. 1263 Thorne. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, asking about theatres. Wood-cut portraits of his two sons. M* 1264 Thorne, George, Actor and opera bouffe artist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Nov. 9, 1885," to Harry Edwards, apologiz- .£-« ing for neglect in answering a letter. /• > Ay fl o o *7 o 138 CATALOGUE. 1266 Tietjens, Mdlle. Theresa, Hungarian vocalist and prima donna, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, and addressed envelope, "London, Jan. n, 1867," to her nephew. Wood-cut portrait, and cuttings. 1267 Tiffany, Annie Ward, (Mrs. Charles H. Greene), Irish comedienne, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Philadelphia, April if 1891," with portrait at head of the paper. 1268 Tilton, Edward Lafayette, Old time actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " New York, April 22, 1886," speak- ing of the first appearance of E. L. Davenport at the Walnut St. Theatre. 1269 Tompkins, Dr. Orlando, Theatrical manager, a.l.s. 3 pages 8°, "Aug. 2, 1878," cutting; — also Eugene Tompkins; Charles J. Abud; Fred. Williams; Charles R. Gardiner; Edward E. Kidder; A. M. Palmer; H. S. Riddell, etc., a. I. s. 4 , or 8°, of each. Managers and dramatists. (12) 1270 Toole, John Lawrence, English comedian and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Folly Theatre, Aug. 9, 1880," to Howard Paul. "... If you are not better engaged tomorrow evening, will you come to the Green Room Club at half past 11, and have a chop. Johnny Raymond is coming, his last night in town. . . ." 1 27 1 Toole, a.l.s. i page 8°, "Liverpool, March 30, 1887." Wood-cut portrait in cb?~ o cter. 1272 Tosti, F. Paolo, Italian musical composer and song writer, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, declining some verses, to set to music. 1273 Tracy, Helen, Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°. Wood-cut portrait; — also Jennie Beaman; Blanche Thorne; Kate Pattison; and Norah Bartlett, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Act- resses. (5) 1274 Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, English actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Haymarket Theatre, June 3, 1892." 1275 Tree. /. s. 1 page 8°, " Haymarket Theatre, Nov. 17," to Howard Paul, sending theatre tickets ; — also a. d. s. 1 page 8°, " June 3, 1892." A quotation from Shake- # *i C spcare. (2) CATALOGUE. 139 1276 Tuckett, Mrs. Maria P., English actress and manager, a. 1. s. 3 pages 8°, " Baltimore, May 8, 1855," to Thomas , sPoT" McKeon, wishing him to engage a stock company for her. Rare. 1277 Turnbull, Julia A., Actress, danseuse, and pantomimist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " Albany, Dec. 27, 1852," to Leonard & Wright, of the National Theatre, Boston, offering for an engagement. 1278 "I TRQUHART, Isabelle, Vocalist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, VJ "Jan. 2, 1886"; — and a. I. s. 1 page 8°, both to Harry Edwards, offering her services at his Benefit. (2) 1279 Urso, Camilla, (Mme. LueYe), German violinist, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "New York, Dec. 31, 1866," sending her photograph to the Philharmonic Society. 1280 T7AN BUREN, Martin, President of the United V States, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address franked, "Washington, Oct. 16, 1840," to Major A. Daveson. 1 281 Vandenhoff, Charles H., Leading actor with Mrs. Scott- Siddons, son of George Vandenhoff, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Wallack, in regard to an engagement. 1282 Vandenhoff, Charlotte E. , English actress, daughter of John M. Vandenhoff, and the original "Lydia," in the . £» ° Love Chase, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edmund Fal- coner. Engraved portrait. 1283 Vandenhoff, George, English actor, son of John M. Van- denhoff, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Baltimore, March 16, 1858." „^*"& 1284 Vandenhoff, Henry, English actor and elocutionist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, April 28, 1887"; — also Mrs. Henry Vandenhoff, (Miss Elsie Decourcey), a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Feb. 20, 1888." (2) 1285 Vandenhoff, Mrs. Henry, (Miss Elsie Decourcey), Bur- lesque actress, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, Feb. 12, 1888 "; — Flora Livingston, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°. Both letters to Mr. Harry Edwards. (2) 1286 Vandenhoff, John M., English tragedian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "London, March 26, 1845," to Fred'k C. Cooper, ac- cepting an engagement for himself and daughter. Rare. .£>r i 4 o CATALOGUE. 1287 Vanderfelt, Edwin H., English actor, at one time lead- ing man with Modjeska, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " David Garrick Car, Cleveland, O., April 5, 1886," to Lester Wallack. 1288 Vanderfelt. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Globe Theatre, Bos- ton, March 1, 1886," to Lester Wallack, requesting an engagement. 1289 Vane, Helen, English actress, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Lon- don, Feb. 3, 1887," to Mr. Edwards; — also her sister Giulie Abel, (Lady Abel), a. l.s. 3 pages 8°, " Dec. 29, '1886." (2) 1290 Van Zandt, Marie, (Mme. Petrovich Tscherinoff), Prima donna, granddaughter of Signor Blitz, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Oct. 28, 1882." 1 29 1 Veneta, Mme. Mathilde, Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " San Francisco, Jan. 6, 1872," on affairs connected with her first appearance. 1292 Verdi, Giuseppe, Italian musical composer, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Genoa, May 3, 1868." Rare. 1293 Ver Planck, Mrs. Julia C, (Miss Julia Campbell), Dram- atist, author of " Sealed Instructions," a. /. s. 3 pages 8°, "Nov 5, 1885 " to Arthur Wallack, sending the first scene of a new play; cutting; — Mrs. B. W. Dore- mus, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. (2) 1294 Vestris, Mme, (Mrs. Charles J. Mathews, maiden name Lucia Elizabeth Bartolozzi), English vocalist, actress, 7 and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "July 30, 1832." Wood- l~^^S~ cut portrait, and play bill of " Drury Lane Theatre, Dec. 11, 1822." 1295 Vestris. a. I. s. 5 pages 8°, "Jan. 30, 1854," to her niece, and signed "Eliza Mathews." Engraved portrait in character. Rare with this signature. 1296 Vezin, Hermann, English actor, born in America, famous for his Shakespearean personations, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Pimlico, April 29, 1867," to Benjamin Webster, ask- ing him to read and produce a new drama. Photograph and play bill of " St. James's Theatre, Jan. 27, 1877.' .if ¥° CATALOGUE. 141 1297 Vezin. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 7, 1886 "; — and auto, quo- tation signed, 1 page 8°, " Glasgow, July 30, 1877." (2) 1298 Viardot-Garcia, Mrae. Michelle Pauline, French vocal- ist and prima donna, a. 1. s. 3 pages 12 , "Dublin, *$^* Sept. 9," to a friend. 1299 Vickery, Mrs. J. G., (Miss Mary Richardson), Actress, the original " Nancy Sykes," a. I. s. 1 page 8", " Mel- •-(— * bourne, Nov. 5, i860," to announce to the management that she had recovered from her accident. £,vT* 1300 Vincent, Charles, (Charles Panrucker Viner), English actor and manager, husband of Miss Cleveland, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Sydney, May 31, 1864," to Harry Ed- wards. Cuttings. 1301 Viner, Mrs. Charles, (Miss Louisa Cleveland), English actress, a. /. s. 2 pages 8°, "April at, 1870"; — and If a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " June 1 1, 1870," both letters written to Mr. Edwards. 1302 Vining, Frederick, English actor and dramatist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Aug. 24, 1863," to Mr. Moss; — Robert B. Brough, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " March 17, i860," to J. B. Buckstone. (2) 1303 Vokes, Rosina, (Mrs. Cecil Clay), English vocalist, act- ress, and manager, one of the famous " Vokes Family," a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " New York, Jan. 26," to Col. Mil- liken, declining to use a new play he has submitted to her. 1304 Volume of Autographs, largely signatures, but containing some letters, and other documents. There are speci- mens of J. Q. Adams; and Mrs. Adams; Frank Pierce; James Buchanan; D. Webster; Edward Everett; S. P. Chase; H. Hamlin; Henry Wilson; Charles Sumner; Schuyler Colfax; Gen. James Clinton; JohnLangdon; Gen. John Burgoyne; John C. Fremont; N. P. Banks; Joseph Hooker; RufusChoate; Charles Francis Adams; O. W. Holmes; H. W. Longfellow; N. P. Willis; D. G. Mitchell; Bayard Taylor; Rembrandt Peale; Dr. George Parkman; Nath. Bowditch; E. E. Hale; R. W. Emerson; Edwin Booth; Rarl Formes; Theodore Par- ker; and many others. (Lot) . r 4 2 CATALOGUE. 1305 TI 7ADE, Florence, English actress and manager, W a. l.s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards; — also Henry X-f Alleyne, leading man with Miss Wade, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, 1887, in regard to some changes in their play. Printed notices. (2) ,-- 1306 Wagner, Richard, Celebrated German composer, a. I. s- J3* A- 2 pages 8°, "Sept. 2, 1868." Engraved 4 portrait. 1307 Walcot, Charles Melton, the Elder, English comedian, manager, and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 , •' June 9, 1 X , I ^S7/' t0 Mr. Stuart upon the termination of their business connection. Rare. 1308 Walcot, Charles Melton, Jr., Leading actor and comed- ian, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, May 14, 1889," to T. H. Morrell, giving him some information regarding a print of John Nickinson. A^ ,S 1309 Waldron, F. G., English actor, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , " May 23, 1803." With curious engraved card of invitation, with allegorical design, to Mr. Waldron's funeral, " May 8, 1806." Rare. 13 10 Wall, Harry H., Actor, manager, and tragedian, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Sacramento, April 2, 1868," with rebus monogram upon the paper; — also a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1868. Both letters to Harry Edwards, and expressing strong dislike of Sacramento. (2) 131 1 Wallace, William Vincent, English musical composer, a. l.s. 1 page oblong 8°, "London, May 26, i860." A t J" money order. 1 312 Wallack, Arthur, Manager and dramatist, a. l.s. 8 pages 8°, " Lambs, Aug. 2, 1887," to Harry Edwards. A most intimate and confidential letter, giving his plans • for the coming season. 1313 Wallack. a./.s. 4 pages 8°, "June 14, 1888," to Harry ^ Edwards, on his departure for England; — also a. I. s. Ji 1 page 4 , 1884, signed "Arthur." (2) 1314 Wallack. a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " April 20, 1884," written from London to Harry Edwards, and giving theatrical * a' news; — also two other letters 8°, signed "Arthur." (3) CATALOGUE. 143 1315 Wallack, Henry J., English tragedian and manager, brother of James W. Wallack, a. L s. 1 page 8° and ad- 1 — dress, " Dec. 27, 1832," on business. Engraved portrait in character and play bill of " Drury Lane Theatre, April 23, 1832." 1 3 16 Wallack, James W., English tragedian and manager, a I. s. 1 page 4 , " New Orleans, Dec. 30, 1836," to Lud- low & Smith, announcing his arrival in N. O., and ar- v . wo ranging programme for his opening night. Title-page of " Life of James W. Wallack," with portrait. 131 7 Wallack. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Liverpool, July 7, 1832. . . . Tomorrow I sail for New York for the fifth time. . . ." 1318 Wallack. a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, " Astor House, March 20, 1870," to Lester Wallack. Tells him that Selwyn & Cheney wish him to come to Boston at $300.00 a week, and asking if he (Lester Wallack) will give the same salary if he stays in New York. 1 31 9 Wallack. a. I. s. 1 page small 4 , no date; — also a. I. in 3d person, t page 8°, giving a list of a new play. Cuttings. (2) 1320 Wallack, James W., Jr., Tragedian, son of Henry J. Wallack, and nephew of James W. Wallack, a. I. s. 1 1 ^A' page 8°, "Boston, Oct. 28, 1870." Photograph, and play bill of "Arch Street Theatre, Dec. 17, 1863." 1 32 1 Wallack, Mrs. James W., Jr., (Miss Anne Waring, Mrs. Sefton), Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. Wood-cut portrait. 1322 Wallack, John Lester, (real name John Johnstone Wal- lack), Actor, manager, and dramatist, son of J. W. Wallack, first acted under the nom de the'atre of Allan Field, and later as John W. Lester, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " Sept. 25, 1828," to his father. Written at the age of eight years. A very early letter and signed in full " John Johnstone Wallack "; — also a. l.s. 1 page 8°, 1886, in pencil. Wood-cut portrait in char- acter. (2) *fo AH' i 4 4 CATALOGUE. 1323 Wallack. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Wallack's, March 28," to Mr. Massett; — also pay roll of Wallack's Theatre, 3 pages 8°, "Jan. 16, 1878," and signed by all the members of the Company. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1324 Wallack. a. 1. s. 2 pages 8°, " May 5, 1888," to Harry Edwards, in pencil, and telling of the illness of his son's children; — also a. I. s. (initials), 2 pages 8°, on theatri- cal business. Wood-cut portrait in character. (2) 1325 Wallack. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "Wallack's, July 21, 1882," to Harry Edwards, refusing to allow him to play in another theatre; — also Harry Edwards, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, in pencil, " Oct. 17, 1882," to Lester Wallack, objecting to parts given him at the theatre. Wood-cut portrait of Wallack in character. (2) 1326 Wallack. a. I. s. 2 pages 8 C , "Dec. 17, 1881," to Charles Mathews, regarding some theatrical arrange- J, ~L*f~ ments. Copy of the Lester Wallack testimonial pro- gramme, with etched portrait of Mr. Wallack. 1327 Waller, Mrs. Emma, (Mrs. D. W. Waller), Tragedienne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " New York, Feb. 13," to Mr. Pugn, on theatrical matters. 1328 Waller, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, no date, to Robert Eberle, saying that she is not well enough to go to rehearsal. 1329 Waller, T., English actor, a. l.s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Aug. 18, 1823," to James Winston, complaining of being unjustly dismissed from Drury Lane. 1330 Walpole Horace, (Lord Orford), English author and antiquary, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, " Strawberry cro Hill, Dec. 9, 1776," to Mr. George Allan, sending thanks for some engravings, and speaking of his Col- lection of Antiquities. Rare. 1331 Walsh, Blanche, Leading lady in the Frederic Bond Comedy Co., a. I. s. 1 page 8°, sending a theatre box ,3 J""* to a friend; — Ida Waterman, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. (2) 1332 Walton, Henry E., English character actor, a. I. s, 2 pages 8°, " March 21, 1887," to Arthur Wallack, giving some details of his professional career; — Mrs. Henry E. Walton, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1885. (2) If CATALOGUE. 145 1333 Ward, Genevieve, nom de theatre, (Lucia Genoveva Teresa, Countess Guerbel), Vocalist, actress, and man- ager, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "London, July 12, 1879," to Harry Edwards, discussing her plans for going to Aus- tralia. Wood-cut portrait as Queen Catherine. "... I have taken the Lyceum Theatre for some weeks to pro- duce my play " Zara," if it proves, as I hope, a success, I shall bring it over with me ; if not, I must get another. . . ." 1334 Ward. a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "May 17, 1887," to Miss Measor, appointing a meeting with her. Play bill of the "Star Theatre, Sept. 27, 1886." 1335 Ware, Rev. Henry, Jr., D. D., Author and editor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "July 5, 1834"; — Rev. E. E. Hale, D. D., a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Boston, April 24, 1869." Cabinet photograph signed. Unitarian clergymen. (2) 1336 Warner, Charles Dudley, Author and editor, a. /. s. 4 pages 8°, " Hartford, June 3, 1883," to James R. Os- good, in regard to the MS. of a young friend ; — Edgar Fawcett, a. I. s. 3 pages 8°, "Feb. 12, 1888." Ameri- can novelists. (2) 1337 Warre, Frederick, English actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, "Washington, April 17, 1862," to William Stuart. 1338 Warren, Dr. John C, Celebrated surgeon, a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, "Dec. 5, 1835," to Mr. Guardenier in €> £ regard to binding some books. Rare. 1339 Warren, William, the Elder, English actor and manager, a.l.s. 1 page 4 and address, "April 15, 1827," to Mrs. Anne Francis, on business. Very rare. 1340 Warren, William, Comedian, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, "Bos- ton, Aug. 2, 1862," to a relative. An admirable letter. Wood-cut portrait, and cuttings. " . . .1 look at it alas ! through glasses — not liquid glasses, or the medium of spirits, but dandy gold fellows, which however jauntily they may dangle in ribbon and glitter in spring, are but spectacles in -7 &-t> disguise. The old gentlemen with his property-scythe and hour-glass will not be denied his marks, as he passes, upon feature, form, and faculty ; but Heaven willing, it is my intention always to keep a corner of my heart young. . . . We all rode to Mt. Auburn on Wednesday to bury poor Tom Comer, who died so suddenly, that he was about on Tuesday and dead on Sunday. . . ." 146 catalogue. 1341 Warren, a. L s. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Oct. 30, 1882." J* ( O Steel portrait, 4 , engraved by Wilcox; before letters. Cutting. 1342 Warren, a. Us. 1 page 8°, "Boston, Feb. 24, 1875," to Ben Perley Poore, thanking him for sending the "Congressional Record," containing the resolutions passed on the death of John B. Rice. Cabinet photo- graph, and cutting. J 343 Warren, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "Oct. 31, 1883," to James R. Osgood, accepting an invitation to meet Mr. Irving at dinner; — Mrs. Mary Anne Vincent, cabinet photo- graph signed. Old Boston actors. (2) 1344 Warren, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Springfield, Feb. 18, 1879," t0 Mrs. Mary Durang, declining to read a MS. play. Wood-cut portrait, and cuttings. '• . . . Though for more than thirty years a member of the Mu- seum, I am but a stock-actor and have no need to own plays. . . ." J 345 Washington, Gen. George, Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Army, a. I. s. 1 page folio and address, "Valley-forge, May 3, 1778." To his nephew Capt. George Lewis. Inclosing him a letter he wishes sent " to thank Mr. Turner for an elegant pair of pistols and furniture which he obligingly made me a present of. ..." A very good date. Injured but repaired; with a letter of Mr. Henry H. Lewis, presenting it to Hon. G. W. Geddes. [346 Washington, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address franked, "Philadelphia, March 10, 1794," to Mr. John Gwinn, asking: about the record of a deed at Annapolis. In very good condition. 1347 Washington, d. s. double folio, "Mount Vernon, Jan. 1, 1789." A diploma of the Society of the Cincinnati, is- fi-far^fr-O sue d to the Chevalier de Fleury, and signed by Wash- ington as President, and by Gen. Knox as Secretary. On vellum. ffZ. *3"c ffij&^Lfi^***^ 7348 Washington. Signature, and small colored lithographic 0'; ®~^ t -^ portrait. {^ [349 Waterman, Ida, Actress, a. I. s. 1 page 4 , "March 9, 1884"; — Genevieve Beaman; Lena Carey; Emma Latham; and Mary Poindeville Corse, a. I. s. 8°, of each. Actresses. (5) CATALOGUE. 147 1350 Waylett, Mrs. H., English vocalist and comedienne, a. I. s. 1 page oblong 8°, asking for a box at the The- atre; — Mrs. M. P. Arbuthnot, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and * address, "Dec. 12, 1833." English actresses. (2) 1 35 1 Weber, Lisa, Burlesque actress and vocalist, 2 pages 8°, "March 25, 1869," to Mr. Stewart, accepting an en- gagement to sing. Cabinet photograph signed. 1352 Webster, Benjamin, English comedian and manager, President of the Royal Dramatic College, a. I. s. 4 pages 8°, " Haymarket Theatre, Nov. 5, 1852," to Col. Phipps, in protest against the arrangements for the theatricals at Windsor Castle; — also Col. Phipps's let- ter, 3 pages 8°, "Windsor Castle, Nov. 5, 1852," to // * r ~ t * Mr. Webster, announcing them. Very curious and in- teresting. Folio engraved portrait, (by Pound), and play bill, "Theatre Royal, Liverpool, Oct. 30, 1839." (2) 1353 Webster, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, no date, to Wilkie Collins, in regard to a new play he wishes to produce; — also . — subscription ticket to the "New City Theatre, ' signed. Engraved portrait in character, play bill, 1839, and cutting. (2) 1354 Webster, Daniel, Statesman and jurist, a. I. s. 4 pages 4°, " Boston, April 31, 1850," to Prof. Stuart. A fine political letter. ^y^yA-—. 1355 Webster, a. I. s. 1 page 8° and address, to John G. Pal- frey. Engraved portrait;— Edward Everett and Rob- ,*-%> ert C. Winthrop, (Speaker), a. I. s. 1 page 8°, of each. Cabinet officers. (3) ^JU^^. 1356 Wehli, James M., Celebrated pianist, signature, 1 page 8°, "Feb. 24, 1866"; programme of Miss Kellogg's Concert; — also August Wilhelmj, auto, musical score signed, 1-2 page 4 , "New York, Jan. 9, 1881." Musi- cians. (2) 1357 Wemyss, Francis C, Actor, manager, and dramatist, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 , "April 13, 1852," to John B. Wright, in p^ reference to the Dramatic Fund, and filled with de- light and enthusiasm at the result of the late Banquet. A very fine letter and rare. 148 CATALOGUE. 1358 Wemyss. a.l.s. 1 page 4 and address, "Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1835," to Sol. Smith, in regard to terms for an engagement. Rare. 1359 Wentworth, Maude, Leading actress, a. I. s. 6 pages 8°, X& "Feb. 12, 1888," to Lester Wallack ; — also a.l.s. 4 pages 8°, 1888, to Mr. Edwards. Wood-cut portrait. (2) 1360 Weston, J. M., Actor, comedian, and manager, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 and address, " St. Louis, April 14, 1844," to L. J. Cist. "... The people of St. Louis do not exactly discover that Mac- ready is a great actor! God give me patience ! their thorough research c r— in the literary world, and familiarity with Shakespeare has been shown in several of the critical notices of Macready in the papers. Several of them were so deep as to discover that in ■ Hamlet ' Mac- ready did not adhere to the advice he so eloquently gave the ' Player/ to say no more than is set down for him in the part . . . because Macready restores a few lines from the original text, and does not go by the acting edition. . . ." 1361 Weston, Mrs. M. A., English actress and comedienne, a.l.s. 1 page 8°, to Benjamin Webster; — Mrs. H. Waylett, a. I. in 3d person, 1 page 8°, "Jan. 7, 1825." An order to Mr. Dunn to pay her salary. English act- resses. (2) 1362 Wetherell, Mrs. Samuel, (Miss Nellie Milhr), Actress, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, to Mr. Edwards. Play bill, and cut- tings ; — Maude Wentworth, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, 1888. (2) 1363 Wheatcroft, Nelson, English actor and elocutionist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Baltimore, May 23, 1884," speak- ing of his part in " The Dead Heart." Wood-cut por- trait. 1364 Wheatcroft. a.l.s. 1 page 8°, " Albany, Feb. 27, 1887," 3'. to Mr. Edwards, speaks of his engagement with Froh- man at the Lyceum. 1365 Wheatleigh, Charles, English actor and manager, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Sacramento, Feb. 28," to Harry Edwards; — Mrs. Wheatleigh, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, also to Mr. Ed- wards. (2) 1366 Wheatley, William, Actor and manager, a. I. s. 1 page 4 and address, " New York, April 14, 1851." A busi- ness letter. CATALOGUE. 149 1367 Wheatley. a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1861," to Thomas McKeon, extending the term for which he wishes to take the "Academy." 1368 White, Richard Grant, Author, editor, and art critic, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, Aug. 9, 1871 "; — Hor- ace Howard Furness, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, "April 26, 1887." Noted Shakespearean scholars. (2) 1369 Whitman, Frank, Favorite old Boston actor, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Boston, Nov. 29, 1858." Speaks of a num- ber of theatrical people, J. A. Smith and others, and ~f -J mentions that he shall go the next day to the Asylum to visit Mr. Spear. 1370 Whittier, John G., Poet, signature, 1 page 12 , "Bos- ton, April, 1871 "; — Henry W. Longfellow; and Bret «^ Harte, signature of each. All three of the same size and written for the French Fair. (3) 137 1 Wigan, Alfred, English comedian, dramatist, and man- ager, a. I. s. 3 pages 4 , to Benjamin Webster, protest- ing bitterly against an injustice done to him by Mr. Webster. Play bill of the " Queen's Theatre." 1372 Wigan, Mrs. Alfred, (Miss Leonora Pincott), English comedienne, niece of James W. Wallack, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°; — and Alfred Wigan, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " Kensing- ton, June 15, 1871," in regard to an engagement. Cut- ting. (2) 1373 Wilcox, Mrs. Ella Wheeler, Poetess and authoress, auto. poem signed, 3 pages 8°, " Solitude"; — Mildred Aid- rich, a. I. s. 1 page 8°. (2) 1374 Wilde, Oscar, English poet and dramatist, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, no date, to Harry Edwards. Portraits and cuttings. Rare. •J- ° J. 1375 Wilder, Marshall P., Humorist and lecturer, a. I. s. r page 4 , " New York, March 10, 1886," to Lester Wal- • • ^"' lack. Wood-cut portraits, programmes, and cuttings. (y\~*^^^ 1376 Wilder, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "London, May 26, 1889," to Mr. Buckstone. Wood-cut portrait, programmes, and cuttings. i 5 o CATALOGUE. / -> 1377 Wilhelmj, August, German violinist, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, " May 11, 1879," to Mr. Graum. 1378 Wilkie, Alfred, English tenor singer, with Mme. Anna Bishop, a. /. s. 5 pages 8°, "New York, Feb. 4, 1874," / (*— to Mr. Harry Edwards, giving his musical experiences in America. 1379 Wilkinson, Tate, English actor and comedian, Lessee and manager of the York Circuit, a. I. s. 2 pages 4 and address, " Dec. 24, 1798," to Mr. Hill. Engraved portrait in character. Rare, and an unusually good letter. "... I have been at the last Gasp for six Weeks, Gout & Bilious at my Stomach, but so much better that I amuse Myself 'by Myself, have gone through Tragedy, Comedy, Opera, Farce, etc., for my own Entertainment vol full force for three Hours, a Proof that my Breath- ing is not so difficult as in the Six Weeks Past. . . ." 1380 Willard, Edward S., English actor, a. I. s. 1 page 8°, "New York, April 14, 1891." Speaks of Lawrence Barrett. Cabinet photograph signed. /S7.vrvJk6^<) '^^ ******'**£ WP-^j™f Am*wie_» *~*^*]^*fif£'** X£!J3>U J* 5* A~^rilo*lJt*p r£L $ Jazz, UEkf4fr& •f AfOAM+r* 1 " +* fiy>~*^f> ■ <^v &/- <#4t- £-&} *™ wA>t noyf/Lr^ l*-i^V5 &»»*-»*> <~^^ ^<^/ 1427 Younge, Richard W., English actor and manager, lessee of the Tyne Theatre, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, a. I. s. 2 pages 8°, " May 15, 1887," to E. D. Ward. //,tn> 1428 Boston Theatre. Original Play Bill of the Opening Night, Sept. 11, 1854, presenting Mr. John Gilbert in "The Rivals." In oak frame. The rare original play bill of the First Night of the present Boston Theatre. 1429 Dickens Broadside. "The Great International Walking Match on Feb'y 29, 1868." The Articles of Agreement, and the Sporting Narrative, signed in ink by Charles Dickens and James T. Fields, as Umpires, Starters and Declarers of Victory, and by James R. Osgood of Bos- Oj. ^.^ ton and George Dolby of England, Contestants in the Walking Match, and also by A. V. S. Anthony as wit- ness to the other signers. Large folio, sheet, 20 by 13 inches, framed. Only 15 copies of this Broadside were printed, each having the signatures of the above named persons. This was A. V. S. Anthony's copy. For a full account of this curious and interesting Walking Match, see /antes T. Fields' " Yesterdays with Authors." CATALOGUE. 157 The following; articles are from the Home of the late WILLIAM WARREN, OF THE BOSTON MUSEUM, and were purchased at the sale of his collection, 1894. 1430 Warren, William. Portrait of Warren, engraved on steel by H. B. McClellan, from a picture by Sarony. India proof, folio. Presentation copy from the engraver to William Warren, with the inscription. 1 43 1 Warren. Lithograph Portrait. Small 4 , old gilt frame. With inscription on back, " This portrait of William Warren, be- , J £» longed to Mr. Warren." Signed " Bessy Curran." 1432 Warren. Old Faded Photograph of William Warren. Framed. J 433 Warren. Original Certificate of Membership of William Warren in the American Dramatic Fund Association, Nov. 19, 1849. Signed by John Gilbert, John Brougham and W. P. Chapman. In original frame. 1434 Warren. Pair Carved Wooden Nutcrackers, with wooden hand screws. (2) Rare and curious, used constantly by William Warren. 1435 Warren. Old Blue Pitcher, (cracked). The pitcher used by Mr. WarTen every night, and carried to his room by Bessy Curran, with her identification. 1436 Warren. Carved Tobacco Box. An exaggerated char- acter, the head forms the box: marked "John Reed." With this identification, Dec. 22, 1894. " The Tobacco Box ' John Reed,' was Mr. Wm. Warren's property and called by him 'John Reed.' " Signed " Bessy Curran." 1437 Warren. Bronzed Iron Candlestick. 1438 Warren. Iron and Plush Pin Cushion. 1439 Warren. Glass Paper Weight. With identification. " This paper weight belonged to William Warren." Signed " Betsy Curran." X , *~D IS ^-* 158 CATALOGUE. 1440 Jones, George, (Count Joannes). Original Drawing. Narrow gold frame. With the following inscription, preserved under glass at the back, " The within Original Drawing by The Count Joannes, ' George Jones,' is presented by him to Miss Amelia B. Fisher as a Memento of Respect, Boston, Sept. 15, i860." 1441 Jefferson, Joseph. Composite portrait of Joseph Jeffer- son as Rip Van Winkle. In narrow frame. A curious composite photograph of birch bark, hair and pencil drawing. With the following identification: "Dec. 22nd, 1894, I know the composite picture of Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle to have been the property of Mr. Warren." Signed, " Betsy Curran." 1442 Setchell, Dan, Comedian. Full length, in female cos- tume. Small folio, photograph. 1443 Richings, Peter, and Caroline M. Oval photographs, 4 . w Presentation copies to Amelia Fisher, with inscriptions. 1444 Wallack, J. W. Large 4 photograph. Presentation copy, with inscription, "To Amelia B. Fisher from her sincere Friend, J. W. Wallack." 1445 Wallack, Anne D. Lithograph portrait by H. C. M. Oval. Small folio. Presentation copy, with inscription in ink, " Amelia B. Fisher from her friend Anne D. Wallack." 1446 Murdock, James. Lithograph by F. D'Avignon, New York. 4 lithograph. India Proof. Presentation copy, with inscription, " To Amelia B. Fisher from her sincere friend J. E. M." /2-3 C 7£/ 7fr^ ^^.^jyi C flu**; ^ ■ WERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles