UC-NRLF No. 94 Health, Education, Recreation MEASUREMENTS AS APPLIED TO SCHOOL HYGIENE BY LUTHER H. GULICK, M.D. DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILD HYGIENE OF THE RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION REPRINTED FROM AMERICAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION REVIEW, APRIL, 1911 BY THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILD HYGIENE OF THE RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION 400 METROPOLITAN TOWER, NEW YORK CITY 5-11-15 X * FOR Am cal pen ma Th -IOOLS SCHOOLS; AND IRTO RICO .ministration." ^Journal of Edu- OLS DO! Systems iUCO; CO-AUTHOR :R SCHOOLS. his diagrams." id popular, criti- .ure." The Inde- ns that has been I each, postpaid :HOOL HIlUJMNn, AUjjr.iri^BlP^^^mJATION " The book bristles with interesting information and salient quotations."- The Chautauquan. " It is full of definite ideas as to programme and schedules of expense in- volved." The Psychological Clinic. " It is a stirring story." Literary Digest. " An able delineation of one effective means of social advance." Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science. Price, postpaid, $1.25 CHARITIES PUBLICATION COMMITTEE 105 East 22d Street, New York City, N. Y. ;; ; 57733 Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. -1.1908 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY