J!#^^ffet UC-NKLh I I $B 13D ^53 'I '^ f'^. % w IS-*.- % % \ ■^ LIBRARY ■■ tRBifty-scHoot i CaMlofiifei-^ftt^-JLibrarv. mr,.,.,^r^:^ EXTRACT From "^An Act defining the Duties of State Libfari-an and prescribing Rules for Vic Government of the State IMrari/,'* passed April 9, 1850. § 3. Books may l)e taken from tl>e Stale Library by the Members of the Legisla- tur. ami its oni.cis during the Sessions of the same ; and at any time by the Gover- r^ of the Executive Department of this State, who are required to I the . till! ■ thiv shall be So issued orreturned: and none of the book8,"except the I Keports of this S*tate, whleh may be taken from the Library by :-lature, or its OHicers. durins; the Session shall be retained more 1 all the books taken by the Membere of the Legislature, or its I 1, glial! be returned at the close of the Session. .11 injure or fail to return any book. «i taken from the Library, witJi- ,1 in tl..> tor.'>,'olnft Section, he shall forfeit and pay to the Libr.i- V, three times the value thereof, or of the set to Controller shall issue his warrant in favor of any .,. ..iiure, or of this State, fnr his per diem allowance, or .1 iliat such Member or Officer lia.s returned all Iwoks tiken ., and has settled all accounts for injuring such Ixjoks or iccruinK under and by virtue i-f ' any Justice of the Peace t)r C- ,.. I\.,.,.i.. ..iD.-'it.weorCaliforn ■ liibrarian. f «f the book , , .. ;:j-ovision» of ill '! be re- irisdic- • of the n liere 1 of the . execu- :ill itijmiej doiK- 1'> toe Library, aud for all peniUiei un ler this Act. C. T. BOTT!- •^ ^^ y/^/. C- ^^, ^t/^z^ c -^ y ^ .(^^^, 4^. ^r^-^^^^r ^x.y , .^^u. /^ -^Z. ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with fundjig from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/alpliabeticalanalOOunivrich .^'^ ^ ALPHABETICAL AND ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF THB LIBRARY "^ OF THB UNIYERSITY OF VERMONT, BUBLINGTON. ^ - ^ • »- BURLINGTON : * IREE PRESS 0V7ICZ. 1854. UBPAHY ^OBQOT* PREFACE In issuino- a new edition of the Catalogue of the Library of the Uni- o VERSiTY OF Vermont, it seems proper to offer a few words on some points touching the History and Character of the Library, and the plan on which the Catalogue is arranged. 1. The origiTial Library, which had been made up by donations of benev- olent individuals and friends of the University, was mostly destroyed by fire when the college edifice was burned in 1824. 2. The present Library, therefore, may be regarded as having had its be- ginning in the year 1836, when the sum of $10,000 was appropriated by the Corporation for the purchase of a Library. The Faculty of the Univer- sity having been authorised to expend the money for that purpose, proceeded immediately to make up such a list of Books, in the different departments of learning, as, in their opinion, would be the best that could be had for the sum appropriated. Prof. Torrey was the Agent of the Faculty in effecting the purchases, and went to Europe the same year, for this purpose, with power to vary the list at his discretion. The following Catalogue, although it contains many valuable books ob- tained by purchases and donations since, is mainly the fruit of those efforts. How far the character of the Library corresponds with what it was intended to be, the Catalogue itself will show. But it may not be improper to say, that in the judgment of many, whose opinions are entitled to weight, a bet- ter Library, on the whole, for the purposes of a College, is not to be found in the country, considering the number and cost of the books. And yet there is felt an urgent want of additions to all the departments, and it is earnestly hoped that a collection so well begun, and so good, so far as it goes, will not be suffered to remain much longer without a reasonable degree of growth and enlargement. The whole number of volumes contained in the Library, exclusive of loose Pamphlets, Maps, and Charts, is found by actual counting to amount to 8108. 698 IV PREFACE. 3. The resources for the increase of the Library are at present confined to the following : 1. The fund of the "Wheeler Library;" yielding forty- Jive dollars annually, to be expended in the purchase of books in English Literature and History, $45,00 2. The "Strong Fund;" yielding thirty dollars SiinmaWy to be expended in the purchase of Periodicals, 30,00 3. Students' Fees; expended partly in keeping the books , in repair — say, 150,00 4. Books are also received by donations to an annual amount of at least 100,00 4. In the first Catalogue of this Library which was prepared with great pains and published in 1836, the books were arranged and classified by sub- jects; but the impracticability of classifying in this way, without considera- ble repetition, works which comprise several distinct subjects, has led to a different arrangement in the present edition. The books, as will be seen, are now arranged by the names of the Authors in alphabetical order ; and an Index of Subjects has been appended, to facilitate its use by the Students, whose wants were chiefly had in view in its preparation. The haste with which it has been necessary to prepare the edition for the press, has been the occasion of several errors, most of which, it is hoped, will be found corrected in the list of " Errata " at the end. That such errors are so few is chiefly due to the care of Mr. Tutor Buckham, under whose criti- cal eye the proof-sheets passed. Our acknowledgements are due also to the Publisher for the handsome manner in which the work has been got up. P. University oe. Vermont, March 7, 1854. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. The Asterisk {^) prefixed to a Title denotes that the hook cannot he taken from the Library vnthout special leave frorm the President. Abbt, Thos. Yermisclite Werke. 3 vols, in 2. 12mo. Berlin. 1772. Abdullah. Journal. 8vo. Singapura. 1838. Abipones, of Paraguay. Account of, from the Latin of Dobrizhofer. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1821. Aborigines of America. Traits of. A Poem. 8vo. Cambridge. 1822. AccuM, Fredrick. Practical Essay on the Analysis of Minerals. 12mo. Phila. 1809. Achilles Tatius Alex. De Leucippes et Clitophontis Amoribus Libri octo. Ed. Jacobs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1821. Acts of the Apostles in Modern Greek. Malta. 1827. Adam, Alexander. Roman Antiquities. Ed. by Wilson. 8vo. New York. 1814. Adam, Alexander. The same. 8vo. New York. 1823. Adam, Alexander. The same. 8vo. New York. 1826. *Adam, R. Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. Fol. London. 1764. Adams, George. Astronomical and Geographical Essays. 8vo. Phila. 1800. Adams, George. Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 4 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1806. Adams, John. Defence of the Constitution of Government of the United States of America. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1787. Adams, John. Works, with a life of the Author by C. F. Adams. Vols. ii-viii. 8vo. Boston. 1850-1853. 2. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Adams, John Quincy. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1810. Adams, John Quincy. Letters on the Masonic Institution. 8vo. Boston. 1847. Adams and Smith. Latin Tutor. 12mo. Newburyport. 1813. Adanson. Histoire Naturelle du Senegal. 4to. Paris. 1757. Addison, Joseph, AVorks, with notes by Hurd. 6 vols. 8vo. Loudon. 1811. Adviser, or Vermont Evangelical Magazine. Vols, i-vi in 3 vols. 8vo. Middlebury. 1809-1814. JElianus, Claudius. Varia Historia et Fragmenta. Ed. Kiihn. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1780. JElianus, Claudius. De Natura Animalium Libri xvii. Ed. Schneider. 8vo. Lipsife. 1784. ^scHiNES SocRATicus. Dialogi Tres, Graece. Ed. Fischerus. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1786. , - , ^scHYLus. Tragoediae et Fragmenta. Ed. Schiitz. 5 vols. 8vo. Halis. 1809. ^SCHYLUS. Eumeniden, von K. 0. Miiller. 4to. Gottingen. 1833. iEsoPus. Fabulae. Ed. De Furia. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1810. ^sopus. Eaedem Graeco-Latinae. 12mo, Etome. 1807. ^sopus. Eaedem Graeco-Latinae. 12mo. Bostoniae. 1812. African Repository. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1826-1827. Agnesi, Donna M. G. Analyticallnstitutions.- 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lon- don. 1801. Agriculture. Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society. 11 vols. From 1841-1852. 8vo. Albany. 1842-1852. Agriculture of Massachusetts. Second Report on, by H. Coleman. 8vo. Boston. 1839. Third Report. On AVheat and Silk. 8vo. Boston. 1840. Fourth do. 8vo. Boston. 1841. Agricultural Tracts. Sec Pamphlets. Agriculturist, Southern. Vols. i-vi. Charleston, S. C. 1841-1846. Agriculture Fran^aise. Department de 1' Is^re. 8 vo. Paris. 1843. Department de la Haute Saronne. 8vo. Paris. 1843. Department des Cotes du Nord. 8vo. Paris. 1844. Department du Tarn. 8vo. Paris. 1845. . ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 8 Agriculture (de la), des Manufactures et du Commerce, Conseils Gene- raux. 4 vols. 4to. Paris. 1845-1 840. AiKiN, Arthur. Manual of Mineralogy. 12mo. Phila. 1815. AiNSWORTH, Henry. Annotatious on Genesis. Fol. London. 1639. AiNSWORTH. Dictionary, English and Latin. Ed. by G. Morell. 2 copies. 8vo. Phila. 1825. Airy, G. W. Mathematical Tracts on Physical Astronomy. 8vo. Cam- bridge, Eng. 1826. Akber, Emperor. Institutes of, transl. from the Persian by Francis Glad- win. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1800. Alciphron, Rhetor. Epistolae. Ed. Wagner. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1798. Alden, Timothy. Collection of American Epitaphs. 5 vols. 12mo. New York. 1814. Aldrich. Artis Logicae Compendium. 18mo. Oxoniae. 1696. Ales (or Hales) Alexander. Super Tertium Sententiarum. Fol. Yenetiis. 1475. Alison, Archibald. Essay on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Alison, Archibald. History of Europe from 1798-1815. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1842. Allen, Ethan. Reason the only Oracle of Man. 8vo. Bennington, Yt. 1784. Allen, Ethan. Narrative of his Captivity, by himself. 12mo. Burlington. 1838. Allen, Ira. Natural and Political History of the State of Yermont. 8vo. London. 1798. Allen, Ira. Capture of the Olive Branch. 8vo. Burlington. 1802. Allston, Washington. Lectures on Art, and Poems. 12mo. New York. 1851. Ambrose, Isaac. Complete Works. Fol. London. 1682. America. History of, in Modern Greek. By G. Bentote. 12mo. Yienna. 1792. America. Men and Manners in. 2 vols. 12mo. Phila. 1833. America in 1655. By " N. N.," Gent. o2mo. London. 1655. American Academy. Yol. i. Memoirs of the, to the end of the year 1783. 4to. Boston. 1785. Yol. n. Part 1st. 4to. Boston. 1793. Yol. II. Part 2d. 4to. Charleston. 1804. Yol. III. Part 1st. 4to. s. 1. et a. 4 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUB. American Academy. Vol. iv. Part 1st and 2d. 4to. Cambridge. 1818. New Series Vol. i. 4to. Cambridge. 1833. American Almanac, 1830 to 1839 inclusive, and 1843. 8vo. Boston. American Annual Register for the year 1825-1826. 8vo. New York. 1827. American Annual Register for the years 1827-1828-1829. 8vo. New York. 1835. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings of. 8vo. "Worcester. 1820. American Archives. Ed. by Peter Force. 4th Series. Vols. i-vi. 4to. Washington. 1837-1846. 5th Series. Vols, i, ii, and iii, 4to. Washington. 1848. American Association. Proceedings of, at 2d meeting, 1849, 8vo. Boston. IboO. American Board C. F. M. Annual Reports. Nos, 14, 17, 19, 22, 23, 40, and 41. 8vo. Boston. 1823-1849. American Institute of Instruction. Lectures and Journal for the years 1840-1848 inclusive. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1841-1848. American Journal of Education. 2 vols, 8vo. Boston, 1826-1827. American Journal of Science, from 1819-1853. 66 vols, with Index to the first fifty. 8vo. Hartford. American Jurist. Vol. i. Nos. for Jan, and April, 1829. 8vo. Boston. 1829. American Missionaries formerly connected with the Society of Inquiry at Andover. Memoirs of, and History of the Soc. 12mo. Boston. 1833. American Preacher. 4 vols. 8vo. Elizabethtown. 1791, and New Haven. 1793. American Quarterly Register, and Journal of Amer. Education Soc. 15 vols. (Two copies of x.) 8vo. Boston. 1827-1842. American Quarterly Review. 22 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1827-1837. American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture and Science. Vols, i and II in one. 8vo. Albany. 1845. American State Papers. 21 vols, viz : Class i. Foreign Relations. 4 vols. Fol. Washington. 1832- 1834. Class ii. Indian Affairs. 2 vols. Fol. Washington. 1832- 1834. Class iii. Finance. 3 vok. Fol. Washington. 1832-1834. Class iv. Commerce and Navigation. 2 vols. Fol. Washington. 1832-1834. ALPHABETICAL CATAIX)GUK. 9 American State Papers — Continued. Class v. Military Affairs. 2 vols. Fol. Washington. 1832- 1834. Class vi. Naval Affairs. Fol. Washington. 1834. Class vii. Post Office. Fol. Washington. 1834. Class viii. Public Lands. 3 vols. Fol. Washington. 1832-1834. Class ix. Claims. Fol. Washington. 1834. Class x. Miscellaneous. 2 vols. Fol. Washington. 1834. Ames, Fisher. Works. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Analecta Vet. Poetarum Gr.ecorum. Ed. Brunck. 3 vols. 8vo. Argen- torati. 1795. Anatomy, Treatise on. 12mo. Title page wanting. Anderson, A. See Commerce, Anderson, Henry J. Mathematical Investigation of the Motion of Solids. 4to. Phila. 1828. Anderson, Wm. System of Surgical Anatomy. Vol. i. 4to. New York. 1832. Andral, Gt. Clinique Medicale. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Andrews and Stoddard. Grammar of the Latin Language. 8vo. Boston. 1837. Andry, Felix. Diseases of the Heart 8vo. Boston, 1846. Anecdota Gr^ca. Ed. Be Villoison. 2 vols, 4to. Venetiis. 1821. Anecdota Gr.eca. Ed. Im. Bekker, 3 vols. 8vo. Berolini. 1814. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, me Serie. Botanique. 12vols. vii- XVIII. 8vo. Paris. 1847-1852. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. me Serie. Zoologie. 12 vols, vii- XVIII. 8vo. Paris. 1847-1852. Annales d' Industrie Nationale et Etrangere (1819). 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1819. Annales d' Industrie Nationale et Etrangere (1820). 3 vols, and 3 Nos. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Annales du Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle. 6 vols. 4to. Paris. 1802. Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of New York. Vol. I. 2 Parts. 8vo. New York. 1824-1825. Vol. II. 8vo. New York. 1828. Vol. III. 8vo. New York. 1828-1836. Vol. IV. Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4. 8vo. New York. 1837. Annuaire du Bureau de Longitude pour 1' an 1835. 24mo. Paris. 1834. Annuaire du Bureau de Longitude pour 1' an 1836. 24mo. Paris. 1835. ft ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Annual of Scientific Discovery, or Year-book of Facts. 8vo. Boston. 1850. Anselmus. Opera. Fol. Parisiis. 1721. AxsoN, George. Voyage round the World. With Plates. 4to. London. 1749. Anstice, J. Selections from the Choric Poetry of the Greek Dramatists in English Verse. 8vo. London. 1832. AxTAR. A Bedoueen Eomance, Transl. by T, Haniilton. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Anthologia Grjbca. See Jacobs. Axtiquitates American.e. Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septen- trionalium. 4to. Hafniae. 1837. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Meditations. By Graves. 8vo. Bath. 1792. Apollodorus Atheniensis. Bibliothecae Libri tres et Fragmenta. Ed. Heyne. 8vo. Gottingae. 1805. Appollodorus Atheniensis. Observationes ad Bibliothecam. Heyne. 8vo. Gottingae. 1803. Apollonius Alexandrinus. De Constructione Orationis Libri iv. Ed. Bekker. 8vo. Berolini. 1817. Apollonius Ehodius. Argonautica. Ed. Wellauer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1828. Apollonius E-hodius. Argonauticorum Libri iv. Ed. Shaw. 8vo. Oxo- niaj. 1779. Apollonius Pergjius. Conicorum Libri octo, Graoc.etLat. Fol. Oxoniai. 1710. Apollonius Perg.eus. Conicoriim Libri iv, cum commentariis R. P. C. Richardi. Fol. Antverpiic. 1055. Apollonius Sophista. Lexicon Homericum. Ed. Bekker. 8vo. Berolini. 1833. Apollonius Tyanensis. See Philostratonira quae, &c. Appianus, Alkxander. Ilistoriarum Romauarum qua) supersunt. Ed. Schweighauser. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1785. Appleton, Jesse. Works. 2 vols. 8vo..Andover. 1837. Apuleius, Lucius Madaurensis, Platonicus Philosoi)hus. Opera. Studiis Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti. 1788. Apuleius, L. M. Opera. 32mo. Arastelodami. 1G23. Arabic Grammar. By J. Richardson. 4to. London. 1801. Arabic. Gospels in. 8vo. s. 1. et a. Aratus. Cum Scholiis. Ed. Bekker. 8vo. Berolini. 1828. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 7 Arbogast, F. a. De Calcul des Derivations. 4to. Strasbourg. 1800. Arch.eolooia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Anti([uarian Soc. Vol. iii. Part i. 8vo. Cambridge. 1850. Arist-enetus. Epistolae, Graece. Ed. Pauw. 12mo. Traj. ad Rhenum. 1837. Aristauchus, or the Principles of Composition. 8vo. London. 1832. Aristophanes. Comediae. Ed. Invernizius. 13 vols. 8vo.^ Lipsiae. 1794. Aristophanes. Comedies translated. 8vo. London, 1812. Aristoteles. Opera, Graece. Ex reccns. Bekker. 4 vols. 4to. Berolini 1831. Aristoteles. De Arte Poetica. Ed. Hermann. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1802. Aristoteles. Meteorologica. Ed, Bekker, 8vo. Berolini. 1829. Aristoteles. De Generatione Animalium Libri quinque. 8vo. Ber. 1829. Aristoteles. Organon. Becens. Jul. Pacius. 12mo. Hanoviae. 1611. Aristotle. Metaphysics transl. by T. Taylor. 4to. London. 1801. Aristotle. Treatise on Poetry transl. by T. Twining. 4to. Lon. 1789. Aristotle. Rhetoric, Poetic, and Nichomachean Ethics transl. by T. Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1818. Aritumetica Universalis. 12mo. London. 1722. Arsienia. History of, by Chamich from B. C. 2247 to A. D. 1780. 2 vols. Transl. by Avdall. 8vo. Calcutta. 1827. Arnim und Brentano. Des Knaben Wunderhorn. 3 vols, 8vo. Heidleberg. 1819. Arrianus. Historia Indica. Ed. Schmieder. 8vo.[Halis. 1798. Arrianus. Expeditionis Alexandri Libri septem. Ed. Schmieder. Lipsise 1818. ^Art Union, and Apollo Association. Engravings publishedby, from 1840- 1847 inclusive. Ascham, Roger. Works, and life by Dr. Johnson. 12mo. London. 1815. Ashmun, Jehudi. Life of, by R. R. Gurley. 8vo. New York. 1839, Asiatic Dissertations. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1792. AsTLE, Thos. Origin and Progress of Writing. 4to. London. 1893, AsTRONOMiE des Marins. 8vo. Avignon. 1766. Athanasius, Archiepiscopus Alex. Opera omnia. 2 vols. Fol. Coloniae. 1686. Athenaeum. Vols, x and xi. Second Series Vols, n, iv, and vii. 8vo. Boston. 1821-1825. Athen^us. Deipnosophistarum Libri xv. Ed. Schweighauser. 14 vols. 8vo. Argentorati. 1801. e ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Athkxiax Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1792. Atlas of Ancient and Modem History, by J. W. Tyson. 4to. Phila. 1845. Atlas, A new Universal. 4to. Brattleboro'. 1842. Atwood, G. On Rectilinear Motion and the Rotation of Bodies. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1784. Auciier, Paschal. Annenian and English Grammar. 8vo. Venice. 1819. AuDUBOX, J. J. Oniithological Biography. 4to. Phila. 1831. AuGUSTixus IIipPOXENSis Episc. Opera omnia. 11 vols, in 7. Fol. Parisiis. 1637. Ausoxius, D. Magnus Burdigalensis. Opera. Stud. Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti. 1785. Austin, Saml. Economy of the Church of God. 8vo. Worcester. 1807. Austin, Saml. Dissertation on Christian Theology. 8vo. Worcester. 1820. Austin, Wm. Letters from London, 1802-1803. 8vo. Boston. 1804. Ayeen Akbery. See Akber. Ayre, Joseph. Practical Observations on the Treatment of Marasmus, &c. 18mo. Northampton. 1822. Baber, Muhammed. Memoirs written by himself and transl. by Leyden. London. 1826. Babrius. Fabularum Choliambicarum Libri iii. Ed. Berger. 18mo. Monachii. 1816. Backus, Isaac. History of the Church of New England. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1777-1796. Bacon, Francis. Works. 4 vols. Fol. London. 1740. Bacon, Roger. Opus Majus. Fol. Venetiis. 1750. Baoay, V. Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques et Hydrographiques. 4to. Paris. 1829. Baggesex. Blandede Digtc. 12mo. Kiobenhavn. 1807. Bailey, M. Universal English Dictionary. 8vo. London. 1731. Bailey, M. The Same. 8vo. London. 1776. Baillie, E. M. Traite des Fi^vres Intermittentes. 8vo. Paris. 1825. Baillie, Joanna. Metrical Legends. 8vo. London. 1821. Baillie, Joanna. Poems collected by. (Bound with above.) 8vo. London. 1823. Baillie, M. Morbid Anatomy. 8vo. Albany. 1795. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 9 Bailly. Histoire de 1' Astronomie Ancienne. 4to. Paris. 1781. Bailly. Histoire de 1' Astronomie Modcrne. 3 vols. 4to, Paris. 1785. Bailly. Traite de 1' Astronomic Indiennc ct Oricntalc. 4to. Paris. 1787. Baker, Sir Hichard. Chronicle of the Kings of England, Fol. Lond. 1674, Bakewell, Robt, Introduction to Geology. 8vo. London. 1815. Baldvinus, Frid. Epistolae prior et posterior ad Timotheum illastratae. 4to. Wittebergae. 1630, Baldwin, S. See Yale College. Balguy, Tnos, Divine Benevolence Asserted. 8vo. London. 1803, Ballou, Hosea. Candid Review of a Candid Reply. 12mo. Portsmouth. s. a. Bally, Francois, Pariset. Histoire Medicale de la Fievre Jaune en Es- pagne, 8vo. Paris. 1823, Bamba, N. Stoicheia. Graece. 2 Parts in one vol. 12mo. Venet. 1818. Bancroft, George. History of the United States. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1837-1852. Bandini. See Vespucci. Bank of the United States. Documentary History of, by Clark and Hall. 8vo. Washington. 1832. Barbauld, a. L. Works. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1826, Barbauld, a. L. a Legacy for Young Ladies. 12mo. Boston. 1826. =*Barbault, M, Les plus beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne. Fol. Rome. 1761. =^Barbault, M. Recueil de Divers Monumens Anciens. Fol. Rome. 1770. Barclaius, J. Argenis. 18mo. Amstelodami. 1659. Barclay, James. English Dictionary. 8vo. London. 1782. Barclay, John. Without Faith, without God. 12mo. London. 1836. Barclay, Robt. Apology for the True Christian Divinity. 8vo. Phila. 1805. Barclay, Robt. Life and Writings. 12mo. Phila. 1805. Barclay, Robt. General Assembly's Catechism and Faith. 12mo. New York. 1813. Bardwell, H. See Gordon Hall. Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus. A Poem. 8vo. Hartford. 1787. Barlow, Peter. Theory of Numbers. 8vo. London. 1811. Barlow, Peter. New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary. 8vo. London. 1814. Barlow, Peter. Essay on the Strength of Timber. 8vo. London. 1826. 2 10 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Barnwell, Wm. Physical Investigations and Deductions. "1 copies. 8v©. Phila. 1802. Baiirett. See Ximenes. Barrow, Isaac. Geometrical Lectures. 8vo. London. 1735. Barrow, Isaac. Mathematical Lectures. 12nio. London. 1734. Barrow, John. Travels in China. 4to. London. 180G. Barrow, John. Travels into the Interior of South Africa. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1806. Barruel. See Jacobinism. Barry, James. Works. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1809. Bartuelemy, J. J. Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece. 7 vols.- 8vo. Paris. 1822. Barthelemy, J. J. Oeuvres Diverses. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1823. Bartuoldt, F. W. Georg von Frundsberg, oder das Deutsche Kriegeshand- werk zur zeit der lleformation. 8vo. Hamburg. 1833. Barton, W. P. C. Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States. 2 vols. 4to. Phila. 1817. Bartram, Wm. Travels in North and South Carolina. 8vo. Dublin. 1793. Bateman, Thos. Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases. 8vo. Phila. 1818. Bates, Wm. Works. Fol. London. 1723. Batuta Ibn. Travels transl. from the Arabic by Samuel Lee. 4to. London. 1829. Baudin, N. Voyages de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes. 3 vols. 4to Paris. 1815. Baumgarten, a. G. Acroasis Logica. 12mo. Halis. 1761. Baumgartp:n-Crusius. De Honiine Dei conscio. 4to. Jcnae. 1818. Baxter, Ricuard. Practical Works. 4 vols. Fol. London. 1707. Baxter, Richard. Reliquiae Baxterianae, or Life and Times, by himself. Fol. London. 1696. Bayle. Dictionaire llistoriquc et Critique. 3 vols. Fol. Rotterdam. 1715. Baylies. See Plymouth. Bazin. Rapport sur une Version Chinoise des Fables d' Esope. (Pamphlet.) Beasley, F. Search of Truth in the Science of the Human Mind. 8vo. Phila. 1822. Beaufort, M. de. La Republique Romaine, ou Plan General de 1' Ancien Gouvernemcnt de Rome. 2 vols. 4to. A la Haye. 1766. Bealjour, Chev. Felix. Aper<;u des Etats Unis dcpuis 1800 jusqu'cn 1810. 8vo. Paris. 1814. ALPHABETICAL CATAIXKIUE. 11 ♦Beaumont, Albanis. Travels through the Lepontine Alps from France to Itiily, with Maps and Plates. Fol. London. 180G. Bkaumont and Flctcheu. See Ben Jonson. Beaumont, Joseimf. Psyche, a Poem. 4to. Cambridge, Eng. 1702. Bebelius, B. Ecclesiae Antediluvianae, Vera et Falsa. 4to. Argentoratj. 1706. Beccaria. See Voltaire. Becke, David vox der. Naturalium Rerum Principia. 12mo. Hamburgi. 1083. Beckwitu, -GEOiioE C. Peace Mantial. 18mo. Boston. 1847. Becqumiel, M. Traite de Physique, dans ses Rapports avec la Chemic etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1842. Becquerel, M. Des Engrais Inorganiques en general et du Sel Marin en particulier. 8vo. Paris. 1848. Beeciiy, F. W. and H. W. Proceedings of the Expedition to explore the Northern parts of Africa from Tripoli eastward. 4to. London. 1828. Beechy, F. W. and H. W. Narrative of a A^oyage to the Pacific and Beer- ings Straits. 8vo. Phila. 1832. Beiimen, Jacob. AVork^ 4 vols. 4to. London. 1764. Behmen, Jacob. Memoirs of, by Okely, 12mo. Northampton. 1780. Belknap, J. See New Hampshire. Bell, Charles. Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1827. Bell, John. Travels from St Petersburgh to various parts in Asia. 8vc). Edinburgh. 1806. Bell, John.- Discourses on the Nature and Cure of Wounds. 2 vols. 8vo. Walpole,N.H. 1807. Bellamy, Joseph. Millennium. 8vo. Elizabeth town. 1794. B*:llamy, Joseph. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1811. ^J^Bellorius, J. P. Ichnographia Veteris Romae. Fol. Roniae. 1764. Beloe, Wm. Translation of Herodotus. 3 vols. 16mo. New York. 1836. Belsham, Thos. Vindication of Certain Passages in a Discourse. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Belzoni, Gr. Narrative of Operations and recent Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. London. 1822. Benedict, T. F. Observationes in Sophoclis Septem Tragoedias. 8vo. Lip- siae. 1820. 12 ALPIUBETICAL CATALOGUE. Benson. See Vocabularium. Bentuam, Jeremy. Introduction to Morals and Legislation. 8vo. London. 1823. Bentiiam, Jeremy. Rationale of Judicial Evidence. 5 vols. Svo. London. 1827. Bentham, Jeremy. Bationale of Punishment. 8vo. London. 1830. Bentley, John. Beply to Apeleutheros. 8vo.. London. 1819. Bentley, Richard. Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, with An Answer to Boyle's Objections. 8yo. London. 1713. Bentley, Richard. On Free Thinking. Svo. Cambridge, Eng. 1743. Bentley, Richard. Life by J. H. Monk. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1833. Bentote. See America. Benyowsky, Count M. A. Memoirs and Travels. 2 vols. 4to. Lend. 1790. Bergman, Torberni. Dissertation on Elective Attractions. 8vo. Lend, 1785. Bergman, Torbernl Opuscula Physica et Chemica. 5 vols. '^8vo. Lipsiae. 1788. Berington, Joseph. Literary History of the Middle Ages. 4to. London. 1814. Berington, Joseph. Lives of Abelard and Heloisa. Svo. Phila. 1819. Berkely, George. Works. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1820. Berkshire. History of the County of. Svo. Pittsfield. 1829. Bernardus. Opera omnia. Fol. Parisiis. 1640. Berni, Francesco. Orlando Innamorato. 4to. Venezia. 1545. Berni, Francesco. The same transl. by Rose. 12mo. Edinb. and Lond. 1823. Bernoulli, Danielus. Hydrodynamica. 4to. Argentorati. 1738. Bernoulli, Jacobus. Ars Conjectandi, ct Tractatus de Seriebus Lifinitis. Svo. Basileae. 1713. Bernoulli, Johannes. Opera omnia. 4 vols. 4to. Lausannae et Oenevae. 1742. Bertuollet, C. L. Essay on Chemical Studies. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1804. Berthollet, C. L. and A. B. Elements of the Art of Dyeing, transl. by lire. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1824. Beveredge, W. Private Thoughts. 12mo. Phila. 1796. Beverly. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of, from 1630 to 1842. Svo. Boston. 1843. Bezout. Equations Algebriques. 4to. Paris. 1779. Bible. The Holy. 4to. Brattleboro. 1816. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUE. lil Bible. The Holy. 4to. Brattlcboro. 1824. Bible, La Sainte. Fol. Geneve. 1G38. Bible. La Sainte, selon 1' ed. de Paris de 1' annee 1805. 18ma. New York. 1815. Biblia al Espagnol, de S. Miguel. 8vo. London. 1824. Biblia Hebraica, Sebastiani Munsteri. Fol. Basileae. 1534, Biblia Hebraica, Kennicotti. 2 vols. Fol. Oxford. 1776. Biblia Hebraica, Ed. Boothroyd. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. et Edinb. s. a. Biblia Hebraica, ab Van der Hooght. 2 vols. 8vo. Amstelodami. 1705. Biblia Hebraica. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1814. Biblia Hebraica. The same. Cum Novo Testamento. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Biblia Hebraica, ex recens. Hahnii. 12mo. Lipsiae. 1834. Biblia Latina, Hieronymi. Vol. i. Fol. Venetiis. 1506. Biblia Latina. Vol. ii. Fol. Coloniae. 1475. Biblia Latina. Vulgatae Editionis cum Interpretatione Germanica. 2 vols. Fol. Augsburg. 1748. Biblical Repository. Vol. iii, iv, v, vi, vii, ix, xi, xii, 2d series. Vols. I, II, III, 3d series. 8vo, Bibliothbca Americana. See also Catalogues. O. Bich. 8vo. Paris. 1831. Bibliotheque Italique, ou Histoire Litteraire de I'ltalie. Vols, xiii-xviii. 18mo. Geneva. 1732, Bibliotheque Universelle et Historique. 24 vols. 32mo. Amsterdam. 1687-1693. BiCHAT, Xavier. Physiological Researches upon Life and Death, transl. by Watkins. 8vo. Phila. 1809. BiCHAT, Xavier. Treatise on the Membranes in general. Transl. by Coffin. 2 copies. 8vo. Boston. 1813. BiCHAT, Xavier. Pathological Anatomy. 8vo. Phila. 1827. BiELBY, Bishop of London. Evidences of Christian Revelation. 12mo. New Bedford. 1802, Bierdemann, a. Anfangsgriinde der Arithmetik. 12mo. Leipsig. 1833. BiGELOw, Jacob. Elements of Technology. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1831. BiGLAND, J. History of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston and New York. 1814. BiQNON, M. Histoire de France, depuis 1799 jusqu'a 1807. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1829-1830. Bingham, Joseph. Origines Ecclesiasticae. 10 vols. 8vo. Londiui. 1710. 14 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. BiOGRAPHLA. Brittanica, OF the LivGs of the most Eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland by Andrew, Kippis, and others. 5 vols. Fol. London. 1788-1793. Biographical Dictionary, American. By W. Allen. Svo. Boston. 1832. BiOT, J. B. Traite de Physique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1816. Bishop, Thos. Eight Sermons. Svo. London. 1726. Blackall, Joiix. On the Dropsy. Svo. Phila, 1820. Blackstone, Sir Wm. Commentaries on the Laws of England, with Noteg by Edward Christian. 4 vols. Svo. Portland. 1807. Blackstone, Sir Wm. The same, with additional Notes by J. F. Archbold. Svo. Phila. 1825. Black WALL. See Homer. Blainville. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1743. Blair, Hugh. Sermons. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1792. Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters. 2 vols. Phila. 1799. Blair, Hugh. The same. Svo. Boston. 1802. Blair, Hugh. Life and Writings, by John Hill. Svo. Phila. 1808. Blake, J. L. Conversations on Natural Philosophy. 12mo. Boston. 1838. Bland, Robt. Collections from Greek Anthology, by Merivale. Svo. London. 1833. Blondeau. Chrestomathie pour un cours Elementaire du Droit Prive des llomains. Svo. Paris. 1830. Bloomfield, S. T. Greek Testament, with English Notes. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1836. Bluemenbach, J. F. Decas prima Collectionis suae Craniorum diversarum gentium. 4to. Gottingae. 1820. Bluemenbach, J. F. Manual of the Elements of Natural History. Svo. London. 1825. Bluemenbach, J. F. Ueberden Bildungstrieb. 12mo. Gottengen. 1791. Bluemner, H. Ueber die Idee des Schiksals in den Tragodien des Aeschylus. Svo. Leipsig. 1814. ]5lume, D. F. Iter Italicum. 3 vols. 12mo. Halis. 1830. Blunt. See Nautical Almanac. Boaden, James. See Kemble and Siddons. BocACCio, G. II Decamerone. 4to. A'incgia. 1546. Bockshammer. Freedom of the Human Will. By Kaufman. 12nio. And. lfe'35. ALPUADETICAL CATALOGUEr 15 Bode, J. E. Allgcmcinc Beschreibung und Nachwcisung der Gcstirno. Fol. Berlin. 1801. *Boi)E, J. E. Uranographia, viginti tabulis incisa. Fol. Berolini. 1801. BoECKU, August. Philolaos des Fythagoreers Lehren. 8vo. Berlin. 1819. BoECKii, August. Die Staatshaushaltung der Athener. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1817. *Tafeln der Inschriften dafiir. 4to. BoETiiius, A. M. S. Consolationes Fhilosophiae. 18mo. Lugduni. 1056. BoETTiciiEii, GuiL. Lexicon Taciteum. 8vo. Berolini. 1830. BoGUE AND Benxet. History of Dissenters. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1808. BoiLEAU Despkeaux. Oeuvros, avec des Eclaircissements Historiqucs par lui memo. 2 vols. Fol. Amsterdam. 1729. Boileau Despreaux. Oeuvi-cs completes precedes des Oeuvres de Malherbe, et suivies des Oeuvres poetiques de J. B. Bousseau. 8vo. Paris. 1825. BoLiNGBROKE, LoRD. Works, with a Life. 4 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1841. "^Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. American Ornithology, or Natural History of Birds in the U. S. A. not given by Wilson, with colored plates. 4 vols. Fol. Phila. 1825. Bopp, Franz. Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Lithauischen, Gothischen, und Deutschen. 2 vols. 4to. Berlin. 1833. Born, Ignatius a. Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis. Fol. Vindobo- nae. 1780. Bos, Lambertus. Ellipses Graecae. Ed. Schiiffer. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1808. BoscHius, H. Parerga Horatiana. 8vo. Halis Sax. 1818. BoscoviCH, R. J. De Lentibus et Telescopis Dioptricis Dissertatio. 4to. 4to. E-omae. 1755. Boscovicn, R. J. Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria. 4to. Viennae. 1759. BoscoviCH, R. J. Opera Pertineutia at Opticam et Astronomiam. 5 vols. 4to. Basileae. 1785. Bossuet. Exposition de la Doctrine de I'Eglise Catholique. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Bossut, John. History of Mathematics transl. from the French. 8vo. London. 1803. BossuT, M. l'Abbe. Traite d'Hydi'odynamique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1786- 1787. Boston Recorder. Vols, i, ii, iii, and iv. Fol. Boston. 1816-1819. Boston, Tuos. Fourfold State. 12rao. Phila. 1814. BoswELL, James. Life of Saml. Johnson. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1831. 16 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. BoswoRTH, James. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8vo. London. 1823. BosAvoiiTii, James. Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language. 8vo. Lond 1838. BoTTA, Charles. American War of Independence. 3 vols. dupl. of Vol. i. 8vo. Phila. 1820. BoTTA, CuARLES. Storia d'ltalia continuata da quella del Guicciardini dal 1530 al 1789. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1832. BoTTA, Charles. Storia d'ltalia dal 1789 al 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1832. Bo ttiger, C. a. Sabina, oder Morgenszenen im Putzzimmer einer Heichen llomerin. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsig. 1806. BocCHARLAT, J. L. Elemcns de Calcul Differentiel et Litegral. 8vo. Paris. 1830. BoucHETTEy J. Geographical Description of Lower Canada. 8vo. London. 1815. BouDiNOT, E. Star in the West, 8vo. Trenton, 1816. Bougainville, Lewis de. Voyage round the World. 4to, London. 1772. BouLAY Paty. Cours de Droit Commercial Maritime. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Boullenois, Fred. de. Vers a. Soie. 8vo. Paris. 1842. BouRDALOUE. Ocuvrcs. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Bourdon. Application de I'AJgebre a la Geometric. 8vo. Paris. 1831. Bourdon. Algebre. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Bourdon. Arithmetique. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Bourne, Vincent. Miscellaneous Poems, Original and Translated. 4to. London. 1762. Bouterwek, F. Aesthetik. 2 vols. 8vo. Gottingen. 1824. BouTERWEK, F. Ideen zur Metaphysik des Schoncn. 12mo. Leipsig. 1807. BouvARD, M.A. Tables Astronomiques. 4to. Paris. 1821. Bowden, John. Apostolic Origin of Episcopacy. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1808. BowDiTCH, Nathaniel. Practical Navigator. 8vo. (Title page wanting.) Bower, Archibald. See Popes. Bowles, W. L. Controversy on Pope. 12mo. London. 1819. BoYER. French Dictionary. 8vo. Boston. 1836. BoYER. Nouvcau Dictionaire Fran^ais-Anglais. 8vo. Paris. 1831. Boyle, Charles. Examination of Dr. Bentley's Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris and the Fables of iEsop. 8vo. Loudon. 1699. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUB. 17 Boyle, Robt. Philosophical Works. Comprising Physics, Statics, Pucu- matics, Natural History, Chemistry, and Medicine. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1738. Bracciolini, Francesco. Lo Scherno degli Dei. 8vo. Milano. 1804. Bradbury, Tnos. Duty and Doctrine of Baptism. 12mo. New York. 1810. Bradford, A. See Massachusetts. Bragge, Francis. Miraclesof our Savior. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1710. Braiie, Tyciio. Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica. Fol. Noribcrgao, 1611. Brand, John. Observations on Popular Antiquities. 8vo. London. 1810. Brande, W. T. Dissertation on the Progress of Chemical Philosophy. 8vo. s. 1. et a. Brantome. Oeuvres. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1787. Brewster, Sir David, Treatise on new Philosophical Instruments. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1813. Bridges, Matthew. The Roman Empire under Constantine the Great. 8yo. London. 1828. Brieglib, J. A. De Momentis Moralibus Religionum Graecarum et Ro- manarum. 4to. Gottingae. s. a. Brigham, Wm. Compacts, Charter and Laws of New Plymouth. 8vo Boston. 1836. Brisson. Une Theorie des Ombres et de la Perspective, extraite des papiers de Monge. 4to. See Monge. British Essayists. Collected by Chalmers. Including Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Advertiser, World, Connoisseur, Idler, Mirror, Loun- ger, Observer, and Looker-on, with Index. 45 vols. 18mo. Lond. 1808. British Poets. Works, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical. By An- derson. 13 vols. 8vo. London. 1795. Vol. 1. Chaucer, Surrey, Wyat, Sackville, and a complete Glossary. 2. Spenser, Shakspeare, Davies, Hall. 3. Drayton, Carew, Suckling. 4. Donne, Daniel, Browne, P. Fletcher, G. Fletcher, B. Jonson, Drummond, Crashaw, Davenant. 5. Milton, Cowley, Waller, Butler, Denham. 6. Dryden, Rochester, Roscommon, Otway, Pomfret, Dorset, Step- ney, Philips, Walsh, Smith, Duke, King, Sprat, Halifax. 7. Parnell, Garth, Rowe, Addison, Hughes, Sheffield, Prior, Con- greve, Blackmore, Fenton, Granville, Yalden. 8. Pope, Gay, Tickell, Somerville, Pattison, Hammond, Savage, Hill, Broome, Pitt, Blair. 3 18 ALrnABETICAL CATALOGUE. British Poets — Continued. 9. Swift, Thomson, Watts, Hamilton, Mallett, Akenside, Harte. 10. Young, Gray, B. West," Lyttleton, Moore, Boyse, Thompson, Cawthorne, Churchill, Falconer, Lloyd, Cunningham, Green, Cooper, Goldsmith, P. Whitehead, Brown, Grainger, Smollet, Armstrong. 11. Wilkie, Dodsley, Shaw, Smart, Langhorne, Bruce, Chatterton, Graeme, Glover, Lovibond, Penrose, Mickle, Jago, Scott, Johnson, W. Whitehead, Jenyns, Logan, Warton, Cotton, Blacklock. 12. Pope's Iliad and Odyssey, West's Pindar ; Dryden's Virgil, Per- sius, and Juvenal ; Pitt's ^neid, Rowe's Lucan, Homer's H}Tnn to Ceres, Pye's Olympic Odes. 13. Cook's Hesiod ; Fawkes' Theocritus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, Musaeus, and Apollonius Rhodius ; The Rape of Helen of Coluthus Lycopolites by Mr. C, Creech's Lucretius, and Grainger's Tibullus, British State Papers, viz : Domesday Book. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1783. Additamenta. Fol. London. 1816. Parliamentary Writs. 2 vols, bound in 4. Fol. London. 1827-1834. Foedera. 6 vols. Fol. London. 1816-1830. Liquisitionum retornatanim Abbreviatio. 3 vols. Fol. London. 1811- 1816. Inquisitionum in Offic. Rot. Cane. Hiberniae. 2 vols. Fol. Dublin. 1826-1829. Calend. Rotulorum, etc. Cane. Hiberniae Hen. ii-Hen. vii. Fol. Dub- lin. 1818. Rotuli Literarum Clausarum. Vol. i. Fol. London. 1833. Rotuli Scotiae. Edv. i-Hen. viii. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1814-1819. Rotuli Hundredorum. Temp. Hen. iii-Edv. i. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1812-1818. Nonarum LK^uisitiones in curia Scaccarii. Fol. London. 1807. Liber Foedorum in curia Scaccarii. Fol. London, 1807. Rotuloriun Originalium in curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1805-1810. Rotuli Literarum Patentium. Vol. i. Part i. Fol. London. 1835. Rotuli Chartarum. Fol. London. 1837. Registrum Magni Sigilli Rogiun Scotorum. Fol. London. 1814. Calendar of the l*roeecding in Chancery during the Reign of Elizabeth. 3 vols. Fol. London. 1827-1832. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUB. 19 British State Papers — Continued. Ducatus Lancastriae, Calendar to Pleadings from the Reign of Hen. vii to the end of the lleign of Eliz., also Calendariuni Inciuis. post mor- tem, &c. Edv. i-Carol. i. 3 vols. Fol. London. 1823-1834. MSS. in the Harleian Collection. 4 vols. Fol. London. 1808-1812. Catalogue of the Lansdowe MSS. in the British Museum. Fol. Lond. 1819. Placitade Quo Warranto. Fol. London. 1818. Placitorum Abbreviatio. Eic. i-Edv. ii. Fol. London. 1811. Calendariiun Inquisitionum post mortem. Hen. iii-Ric. ii. 4 vols. Fol. London. 1806-1828. Yalor Ecclesiasticus, Hen. viii Institutus. 6 vols. Fol. London. 1810- 1834. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Also Monumenta Eccles. Angl. Fol. London. 1840. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales. Fol. London. 1841. Record Commission. Report to the King on the Public Records. Fol. London. 1837. Record of Caernarvon. Fol. London. 1838. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, Vols, ii-xi, from 1424-1707. 10 vols. Fol. London. 1814-1824. Statutes of the Realm. 9 vols, in 10. From 1235 to 1713, with the Original Charters of Liberties in Vol. i. Fol. London. 1810-1828. Alphabetical Index from Magna Charta to the end of Anne's Reign. Fol. London. 1824. Chronological Index for the same. Fol. London. 1828. General Introduction to Domesday Book, with Indexes by Sir H. Ellis. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. Original Authority of the King's Council by Sir F. Palgrave. 8vo. London. 1834. Papers and Documents relating to the evidence of certain witnesses in relation to the Record Commission. 8vo. London. 1837. Excerptae Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1836. Rotuli Curiae Regis. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. Rotuli Xormanniae in Turri Londinensi. 8vo. 1835. Rotulus Cancellarii. 8vo. London. 1833. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati. 8vo. London. 1835. Fines. 8vo. London. 1835. Calendar and Inventories of his Majesty's Exchequer. Ed. by Palgrave. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1836. Rotuli select! ex Archivis. 8vo. London. 1834. 20 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGrX. British State Papers — Continued. Documents and Records illustrative of the History of Scotland. Yol. i. 8vo. London. 1837. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. 7 vols. 8vo. London. 1834-1837. Rotulus Magnus Pipae. 8vo. London. 1833. Brocchi, G. Conchiologia Fossile Subappenina. 2 vols. 4to. Milano. 1814. Brodie, D. C. Diseases of the Joints. 8vo. Phila. 1821. Brogniart, a. Histoire Naturelle des Crustaces Fcssiles. 4to. Paris. 1822. Brogniart, a. Tableau des Terrains qui composent I'Ecorce du Globe. 8vo. Paris. 1829. Bronson. See Pamphlets. Brosse, Charles de. Histoire de la Republique Romaine. See Saluste. Broussais, F. J. Y. Histoire des Phlegmasies. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Broussais, F, J. Y. Treatise on Physiology applied to Pathology. 8vo. Phila. 1832. Brown, D. Contrast between Christianity and Calvinism. 12mo. Fredo- nia. 1824. Brown, John. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. 4to. Boston. 1824. Brown, John. Right Understanding of the Oracles of God. 12mo. Alba- ny. 1783. Brown, J. W. See Da Yinci. Browne, S. Defence of the Religion of Nature and Revelation. 8vo. Lon- don. 1732. Browne, Thos. Works. Fol. London. 1686. Brownson, 0. A. The Laboring Classes. 8vo. Boston. 1840. Brownson, 0. A. Quarterly Review. Sec Pamphlet Case 34. Bruce, James. Travels to the Source of the Nile. 7 vols. 8vo. Edin. 1813. Atlas to the above. 4to. Edinburgh. 1813. Bruckerus, Jacobus. Historia Critica Philosophiae. 6 vols. 4to. Lipsiac. 1767. Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Brunet, J. C. Nouvelles Recherches bibliographiques pour supplement. 3 vols. 8 vo. Paris. 1834. Bruno, Giordano. Opcre. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsia. 1830. Bruno, Giordano. Scripta quae Latine confecit. 8vo. Stuttgardiae. s. a. Bryant, Jacob. Analysis of Ancient Mythology. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1807. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 21 Bryant, Jacob. Observations on the Poems of Rowley. 8vo. London. 1834. Bucii, Leopold vox. Reise durch Norwegen iind Lapland. 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin. 1810. Bucii AN, Earl of. See Fletcher. Buchanan, Charles. Christian Researches in Asia. 8vo. New York. 1812. Buchanan, G-. Opera omnia, Historica, Chronologica, Juridica, Politica, Satirica, et Poetica. 2 vols. Fol. Edinburgh. 1715. Buchanan, James. Regular English Syntax. 18mo. Phila. 1792. BucKLAND, Wm. Reliquiae Diluvianae. 4to. London. 1824. Bdffier. Cours de Seances sur des Principes nouveaux et simples. Fol. Paris. 1732. B UTILE, J. G. Geschichte der Kiinste und Wissenschaften, 8 vols, in 7. 8vo. Berlin. 1800-1805. Bull, George. Primitive Christianity, in Sermons. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1810. Bulwer and Forbes on the Water Treatment. 12mo. New York. 1849. Bulwer, E. L. L'Etudiant, Contes Nouvelles et Esquisses Litteraires. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Bulwer, H. L. France, Social, Literary, and Political. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1824. BuNYAN, John. Works. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1768. BuNYAN, John. Pilgrim's Progress. 12mo. Phila. 1811. BuRCKHARDT, J. L. Travcls in Syria and the Holy Land. 4to. London. 1822. Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Nubia. 4to. London. 1822. BuRCKHARDT, J, L. Travcls in Arabia. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. Burckhardt, J. L. Pteisen in Syrien, Palaestina, und der Gegend des Berges Sinai. 2 vols. 8vo. Weimar. 1823. Burckhardt, J. L. Notes on the Bedouins and the Wahabis. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1831. Burckhardt, M. Tables Astronomiques. 4to. Paris. 1812. Burder, Samuel. Oriental Customs. 8vo. Phila. 1804. Burgerdicus, F. Institutiones Metaphysicae. 18mo. Lugduni. 1740. BuRGESSE, Anthony. Original Sin. Fol. London. 1658. Burgh, J. Political Disquisitions. 8vo. Phila. 1775. Burke, Edmund. Works, with a Memoir. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1836. BuRKiTT, W31. Expository Notes on the New Testament. Fol. Phila. 1796. 22 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. BcRLAMAQUi, J. J. Principles of Natural Law. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1776. BoRNAP, Gr. W. Lectures on the Doctrines of Christianity. 12mo. Boston. 1828. BuRNAP, G. "W. Popular Objections to Unitarian Christianity answered. 12mo. Boston. 1848. BuRNAP, U. C. The Youth's Etherial Director. (Astronomical.) 12mo. Middlebury. 1822. BuRNES, Alexander. Travels into Bokhara, and a Voyage on the Indus. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. BuRNES, John. Dissertation on Inflammation. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Albany. 1812. Burnet, Gilbert. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Burnet, Gilbert. The same. 2d Part. Fol. London. 1681. Burnet, Gilbert. The same.. Vol. hi. Fol. London. 1715. Burnet, Gilbert. History of his own time. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1823. Bcrnet, Tiios. The Sacred Theory of the Earth. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1759. Burns, Robert. Works and Life. By Allen Cunningham. 8vols. 18mo. London. 1834. Burr, Col. Aaron. Reports of Trials of, for Treason, by Robinson. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1808. Burton, Asa. Principles of Ethics, Metaphysics, and Theology. 8vo. Portland. 1824. Burton, Robt. Anatomy of Melancholy. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1813. Burton, Tuos. Cromwellian Diary. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. Boiler, Charles. Philological and Biographical Works. 5 vols. s. l.eta. Butler, J. D. See Pamphlets, Antiquarian. Butler, Joseph. Fifteen Sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel. 8vo. London. 1749. Butler, Joseph. Analogy of Religion. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Butler, Joseph. Works. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1817. and Cambridge, E. 1827. Butler, Samuel. Hudibras with Notes by Grey. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1764. Butler, Samuel. Poetical Remains, with Notes by Thayer. 8vo. London. 1827. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 23 BcTTMAN, Philip. Lcxilogus, oder Beitrage zur Griechischen Worterklar- ung, hauptsiichlich fiir Homer und Hesiod. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1825. BuTTMAN, PuiLiP. Gricchischc Sprachlchre. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1830. BuxTORFius, J. Epitome Grammaticae Hebraicae. 12mo. Lugd. Batav. 1672. BuxTORFius, J. Lexicon Hebraicum ct Chaldaicum. 12mo. Basileae. 1676. Byron, Lord. AVorks, with a Sketch of his Life, by Lake. 8vo. Phila. 1836. Byzantine Historians. See Corpus, &c. Cabaxis, p. J. G. Essay on the Certainty of Medicine. 8vo. Phila. 1828. Cadell, W. a. Journey in Carniola, Italy, and France. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1820. C^DMON. Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures in Anglo- Saxon, with an English translation, Notes and Verbal Index, by Thorpe. 8vo. London. 1832. C^SAR, J-uLius. Quae extant, in usum Delphini. 8vo. London. 1794. CiESAR, Julius. Commentarii. Ed. Oudendorpius. 2 vols. 8vo. Stuttgar- diae. 1822. Caille, Rene. Travels through Central Africa and Timbuctoo. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Caldwell, C. See Greene. Calepinus, Ambrosius. Dictionarium Octolingue. Fol. Coloniae. 1609. California. Reports on Cases before the Supreme Court, by Bennett. Wilson's Edition. Vol. i. 8vo. San Francisco. 1853. Callet, Francois. Logarithmes. 8vo. Paris. 1795. Calmet. Dictionary of the Holy Bible. 4 vols. 4to. Charlestown. 1812, Sacred Geography to accompany, by Wells. 4to. Charlestown* 1817. Calvin, John. Commentarii in Epistolas Pauli. 4to. Genevae. 1557. Calvin, John. Commentarii in Novum Testamentum. Ed.Tholuck. 8vo, Berolini. 1833. Calvin, John. Institutio Christianae Religionis. Ed. Tholuck. 2 vols, 8vo. Berolini. 1834. Cambden, Wm. Brittania, transl. into English by Gibson. Fol. London, 1695. 24 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Cambridge Mathematics. Algebra and Geometr3\ 8vo. Cambridge. 1825. Cambridge Mathematics. Trigonometry and Topography. Svo. Cam- bridge. 1825. Cambridge Physics. Electricity and Magnetism. Svo. Cambridge. 1826. Cambridge Physics. Optics. 8vo. Cambridge. 1826. Cambridge Physics. Astronomy. Svo. Cambridge. 1827. Cambridge (Eng.) Classical Examinations. Svo. Cambridge, Eng. 1830. Campanella, Thos. De Sensu reriim et Magia. 4to. Francofurti. 1620. Campbell, Colin. History of the Balearic Islands. Svo. London. 1716. Campbell, Duncan. Life and Adventures. 12mo. London. 1720. Campbell, George. Philosophy of Rhetoric. 2 copies. Svo. Boston. 1823. Campbell, George. On Miracles, with Sermons and Tracts. Svo. London. 1834. Campbell, George. The four Gospels, with Notes. 2 toIs. Svo. Andover. 1837. Campbell, Tnos. Specimens of British Poets, and an Essay on English Poetry. 7 vols. 12mo. London. 1819. Campbell, Thos. Poetical Works. ISmo. London. 1836. Camus. Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels, Pinions, &c. Svo. London. 1806. ^Candolle, a. p. De. Meraoire sur la Famille des Melastomacees, avcc dix planches. 4to. Paris. 1828. Candolle, a. p. De. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni vegetabilis. 4 vols. Svo. Parisiis. 1824. Candolle, a. p. De. Organographie vegetale. 2 vols. Svo. Paris. 1827. Candolle, a. p. De. Physiologic vegetale. 3 vols. Svo. Paris. 1832. Candolle and Sprengel. Elements of the Physiology of Plants. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. 1824. Canning, George. Political Life from 1822-1827, by Stapleton. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1831. Cantemir, Demetrius. Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire. Fol. London. 1766. Capefioue. Histoire De Philippe Auguste. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. 1829. Caradoc. See Wales. Carey, M. Miscellaneous Essays. Svo. Phila. 1830. Carlyle, J. D. Specimens of Arabian Poetry. 4to. Cambridge, Eng. 1796. Carlyle, J. D. Poems suggested by scenes in the East. Bound with the above. 4to. London. 1805. Carmina Quadrigesimalia. Svo. Oxoniae. 1723. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 25 Carnot, L. N. M. Geometrie de Position. 4to. Paris. 1803. Carnot, L. N. M. De la Defense des Places fortes. 4to. Paris. 1811. Oarnot, L. N. M. Principes de L'Equilibre et du Mouvement. 8vo. Paris. 1803. Carnot, L. N. M. Reflexions sur la Metaphysique du Calcul Infinitesimal. 8vo. Paris. 1813. Carpenter, Wm. B. Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors. 18mo. Boston 1851. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1829. Cartwrigiit, John. Appeal on the Subject of the English Constitution. 8vo. London. 1799. Cartwrigiit, John. English Constitution produced and illustrated. 8vo. London. 1823. Cartwright, John. England's -^gis. 12mo. London. 1804. Cartwright, John. Life and Correspondence. Edited by his Niece. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. Carver, J. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. 8vo. London. 1781. Carcs, C. G. Traite Eleraentaire d'Anatomie comparee. Trad, par Jour- dain. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles. 1838. =^ Atlas de 31 Planches. Carus, F. a. Psychologic der Hebraer. 8vo. Leipsig. 1809. Caryl, Joseph. Exposition on the Book of Job. 2 vols. Fol. Lond. 1676. Casaubon, Isaac. De Satirica Graecorum Poesi et Bomanorum Satira Libri duo. Ed. Bambach. 8vo. Halis. 1774. Casiodore. La Vie. 18mo. Paris. 1685. Casti, G. B. Gli Animali Parlanti, Poema Epico. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1802. Catalogues of Books, viz : Of the U. S. Library. 4to. Washington. 1815. Of the Mercantile Library Association, New York. 8vo. New York. 1837. Of the Library of Andover Theological Seminary. 8vo. Andover. 1838. Of the Library of Congress at Washington. 8vo. Washington. 1840. Of Books relating to America. 8vo. London. 1832. Of the Library of Harvard University. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1830. Of the Law Library of do. 8vo. Cambridge. 1846. Of Maps and Charts of do. 8vo. Cambridge. 1831. Of Boston Athenaeum Library. 8vo. Boston. 1827. 26 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Catalogues of Books — Continued. Coleman's, of rare and curious Books. 8vo. New York. 1825. Of Books on the Masonic Institution. Boston. 1832. Of Books in the Theological Library of the town of Boston and in the Library of the late Eev. J. S. Buckminster. 8vo. Boston. 1812. Bibliotheca Theologica. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1833. Strakers's, of British and Foreign Theology. 8vo. London. 1835. 0. Rich's, Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Vol. ii. 8vo. London. 1846. H. G. Bohn's, of Books. Vol. i. 8vo. London. 1847. John Bohn's, of English Books. 8vo. London. 1820. John Bohn's, of Books in French, Spanish, &c. 8vo. London. 1833. John Bohn's, of Books in Natural History. 8vo. London. 1835. Vogel. Lexicon Literaturae Academico-Juridicae. 2 vols. 8vo. Lip- siae. 1835. T. E. Friedrich. Bibliotheca Historico-Geographica. 8vo. Berolini. 1825. C. G. G. Theile. Thesaurus Literaturae Theologico-Academicae. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1841. Of the Library of John Fleming. 8vo. Montreal. 1833. Of the University Institute Society of the U. V. M. 8vo. Burlington. 1851. Bibliotheca Dissertationum et Minorum Librorum. J. A. G. Weigelius. Svo. Lipsiae. 1837. The same. Pars secunda. Lipsiae. 1839. The same. Partes tertia et quarta. Lipsiae. 1840. Catalogues of the principal Booksellers and Publishers in this Country, Great Britain, France, and Germany. Cateciiisme, ou Abrege de la Doctrine Chretienne (Catholique). 18mo. Baltimore. 1809. *Catesby, Mark. Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1731. Caussinus, N. De Eloqucntia Sacra et Humana Libri xvi. 4to. Lugduni. 1643. Caussinus, N. De Sapientia ^gyptorum. 18mo. s. 1. et a. Cavallo, T. Theory and Practice of Electricity. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1786. Caylus, Comte de. Recueild'Antiquit6s." 7 vols. 4to. Paris. 1771-1777. Cecil, Richarp. Works. 4 vols. Svo. London. 1811. Celestial Comforter, a Collection of Scriptural Promises. ISmo. Phila. 1814. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUE. 2? Cella, Paolo Della. Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli to the Western frontier of Egypt. 8vo. London. 1822. Cellarius, Chuistopiier. Notitia Orbis Antiqui. 2 vols. 4to, Lipsiae. 1773. Cellier, N. H. Cours de Radaction Notarialle. 8vo. Paris. 1840, Cellini, Benvenuto. Vita, da Carpani. 3 vols. 8vo. Milano. 18CG. Cellini, Benvenuto. Memoirs of, by himself, transL by Roscoe, 2 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1823. Celsus, A. C. Dv) Medicina, cum Notis, 2 vols. 8vo. Argentorati, 180G. Census of the U. S. A, Report of the 5th Census, 1830. FoL Washing- ton. 1832. Census of the U. S. A. Statistical View of the Population of the U. S. A. 1790-1830. Fol. Washington. 1835. Census OF the U. S. A. Report of the 6th Census, 1840. FoL Washing- ton. 1841. Census of the U. S. A. Statistics of the above. Fol. Washington. 1841. Census of the U. S. A. Compendium of the Returns of the above. 2 copies. Fol. Washington. 1841. Census of Pensions for Military Services under the 6th Census. Fol. AVash- ington. 1841. Centennial Celebration at Danvcrs, Mass, 8vo. Boston. 1852. Ceremonial du Sacre des Rois de France. Paris. 1775. Cervantes. Don Quixote de la Mancha. 4 vols. 18mo. Burdeos. 1804. Chalkhill, John. Thealmaand Clearchus. 18mo. Chiswick. 1820. Chalmers, Thos. On Political Economy. 8vo. New York. 1832. CiiAMBAUD, Lewis. Exercises in French Speech. 12mo. London. 1795. Chambers, E. Cyclopsedia. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1751. Chambers, E. Supplement to the above. Fol. London. 1753. Chambers, Sir Wm. Treatise on the Decorative part of Civil Arohitecture. Fol. London. 1791. Chambers, Sir Wm. Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. 4to. London. 1772. CiiAMiCH, Father Michael. See Armenia. Champlain, Sieur be. Voyages, ou Journal et Decouvertes de la N. France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1830. Champollion le Jeune. Systeme Hyeroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens. 8vo. Paris. 1828. Planches et Explication a cela. Svo. Paris. 1829. 28 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Champollion le Jeune. Lettres ecrites d'Egypte et de Nubie en 1 82 8-1 829. Svo. Paris. 1833. Chancellerie de l'Angleterre. Lettres sur la cour de, par Roger Collard. Paris. 1830. Chandler, R. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1817. Channing, Wm. Ellery. Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Channing, Wm. Ellery. Works. 6 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1847. Channing, Wm. Ellery. Memoir of, with Extracts from his Correspon- dence and MSS. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1848. Chaplin, Ebenezer. Sacraments. 12mo. Worcester. 1802. Chapman, George, Hymns ©f Homer. 12mo. Chiswick. 1818. Charactere der vornehmsten Dichter aller Nationen nebst Kritischen und Historischen Abhandlungen, liber Gegenstande der Schonen Kiinste nnd Wissenschaften von Einer Gesellschaft von Gelehrten. 8 vols 8vo. Leip- sig. 1792. Charas, Moyse. Pharmacopee. 2 vols. Lyons. 1753. Chardin, Chevalier. Voyage en Perse et autres lieux en Orient. 10 vols. Svo. Paris. 1811. =*«= Atlas of Plates to the above. Fol. Paris. 1811. Chardon de la Rociiette, S. Melanges de Critique et de Philologie. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1812. Chardon, Z. Du Pol et de la Fraude. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1838. Charnock, J. History of Marine Architecture. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1800. ^Charnocke, Stephen. Discourses on the Existence and Attributes of God. Fol. London. 1682. Chart of Narragansett Bay, surveyed in 1832 by Capt. Wadsworth. Chart of George's Shoal and Bank, by Lieut. Wilkes. 1832. Chastellux, Marquis de. Travels in North America, in 1780-1782. 8vo. New York. 1827. Chateaubriand. Oeuvres completes. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Chateaubriand. The Martyrs, or the Triumph of the Christian Religion.. 3 vols. 12mo. New York. 1812. Chatterton, Thos. Works and Life, by Gregory. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1803. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Life, by William Godwin. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S04. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUK. 29 Chauceu, Geofkiiey. Canterbury Tales, by Tyrwhitt. 5 vols. 12mo. Lon- don. 1822. CiiAUNCY, Charles. Twelve Sermons. 8vo. Boston. 1765. CiiAUNCY, Charles. A compleat view of Episcopacy. 12mo. Boston. 1771. Chevalier, Charles. Sur I'usage des Chambres obscures et des Chambres claires. 8vo. Paris. 1833. Cheyne, Dr. George. Essay on Health and Long Life. 8vo. Loud. 1745. Chiabrera, Gabriella. Opere. 3 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1807. Chili. Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of, from the Italian of Mo- lina. 2 vols. 8vo. Middletown, Ct. 1848. Chilling WORTH, W. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Chinese Repository. Vols, iii and iv. 1834-1836. 8vo. Canton, China. Chipman, Nathaniel. Principles of Government. 8vo. Burlington. 1833. Chipman, Nathaniel. Life and Writings, by Daniel Chipman. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1846. Chipman, Nathaniel. The same. 12mo. Rutland. 1793. Chipman, Nathaniel. Reports and Dissertations. 12mo. Rutland. 1793. Chladni, F. F. Traite d'Acoustique. 8vo. Paris. 1809. CiiORON. Methodes d'Harmonie de Albrechtsberger, traduit. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1830. Christian, M. Traite de Mecanique Industrielle. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1822. Planches a cela. 4to. Chrysostomus, Johannes. Opera, Graece. 8 vols. Fol. Etoniae. 1613. Chubb, Thos. Collection of Tracts on various subjects. 4to. London. 1730. Churchman, John. Magnetic Atlas. 4to. New York. 1800. Cibber, Colley. Life, by himself, with notices of his Theatrical Contempo- raries and the Stage for forty years. 8vo. London. 1822. Cicero, M. Tullius. Dialogi tres de Oratore. Ed. Smith. 8vo. AValpole. 1804. Cicero, M. Tullius. Orationes quaedam Selectae. Ed. Campbell. 8vo. NoviEboraci. 1804. Cicero, M. Tullius. Orationes quaedam Selectae et de Senectute et de Amicitia. 8vo. Phila. 1815. Cicero, M. Tullius. De Natura Deorum, Libri tres. Ed. Creuzer. 8vo, Lipsiae. 1818. Cicero, M. Tullius. Orationes quaedam Selectae. Ed. Smart. 2 copies. 8vo. Phila. 1826. 80 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Cicero, M. Tullius. Selectae quaedam Epistolae. Ed. Hurlburt. 8to. Phila. 1836. Cicero, M. Tullius. De Officiis, Libri tres. Ed. Beierus. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1840. Cicero, M. Tullius. Opera quae supersunt omnia. Ed. Schiitz. 28 vols. 12mo. Lipsiae. 1814-1821. Cicero, M. Tullius. Letters, transl. by Wm. Melmoth. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon- don. 1753. Cicero, M. Tullius. Cato and Laelius, transl. by Wm. Melmoth. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1785. Cicero, M. Tullius. Select Orations, transl. by Duncan. 8vo. London. 1796. Ciocci, Raffaele. Narrative of barbarities practiced at Rome in the 19th century. 12mo. Phila. 1845. Clairaut. Theorie de la Figure de la Terre. 8vo. Paris. 1808. Claius, Johannes. Graecorum Poematum libri tres. 4to. Wittebergae. 1570. Clare, John. Poems descriptive of Ftural Life and Scenery. 18mo. Lon- don. 1820. Clarendon, Eeward, Earl of. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1731. Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. Life, by himself, and a Continuation of his History of the Rebellion. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1827. Clarendon, Edward, Earl or. Collection of several Tracts. 12mo. Lond. 1727. Clarendon, Henry Hyde, Earl of. Correspondence, and Diary from 1687- 1790. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1828. Clark, Rev. John. Remarks on his Character, and a Narrative by W. Jay. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Clarke, E. D. Life and Remains, by Otter. 8vo. New York. 1827. Clarke, E. D. Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 3 vols. 12mo. New York. 1815. Clarke, Samuel. Discourse on Ihe Being and Attributes of God. 8vo. London. 1732. Clarkson, Tiios. Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1806, Claudianus, C. Quae extant. Ed. Gessner. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1759. Claudius, Matthias. Werke. 4 vols. 12mo. Hamburg. 1829. Clavigero. See Mexico. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. <8}. Clay, Henry. Obituary Addresses on. 8vo. Washington. 1852. Clemens, Alexandrinus. Opera, Graece et Latine. Fol. Paris. 1641. Cleveland, C. D. First Lessons in Latin. 12mo. Boston. 1831. Cleveland, John. Works. 18mo. London. 1687. Cloquet, Jules. Anatomic de Thomme. 6 vols, Fol. Paris. 1831. Coast Survey. Sketches accompanying Annual Report of the Supt. 1851. 4to. CoBBETT, Wm. Lc Tuteur Anglais. 8vo. Phila. 1805. CoBBETT, Wm. French Grammar. 8vo. London. 1835. CoBDEN, Edward. Poems. 12mo. London. 1748. Cochrane, J. D. Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey in Russia and Tartary. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1825. CoCKERELL, C. R., and others. Antiquities of Greece, supplementary to Stewart. Fol. London. 1830. CoDDiNGTON, Henry. Elementary Treatise on Optics. 8vo. Cambridge. Eng. 1825. Code d'Instruction Criminelle Expliquee. J. A. Rogion. 12mo. Paris. 1839. Code Penal, Expliquee par des Motifs, par des Examples, et par la Juris- prudence. J. A. Rogion. 12mo. Paris. 1840. Codes, Les Six. 12mo. Paris. 1829. CoGAN, T. Philosophical Treatise on the Passions. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Coleman, Lyman. Antiquities of the Christian Church. 8vo. Andover. 1841. Coleridge, S. T. The Friend. 8vo. Burlington. 1831. Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Litteraria. 8vo. New York. 1834. Coleridge, S. T. Statesman's Manual. 12mo. Burlington. 1832. Coleridge, S. T. Letters, Conversations, and Recollections. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1836. Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works. 3 vols. 18mo. London. 1835. CoLLECTio Epistolarum Graecarum. Ed. Orellius. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1815. Collier, J. Payne. Poetical Decameron, or his Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, of the reigns of Elizabeth and James i. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1820. CoLLiNGwooD, LoRD. Selections from his Public and Private Correspondence, with Memoirs of his Life, by G. L. N. Collingwood. 8vo. New York. 1829. CoLLiNsoN. See Thuanus. 32 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. CoLMAN, B Moses a Witness, with a Discourse by Judah Monis. 12mo. Boston. 1722. Columbia. Notes on, by a U. S. Ofi&cer. 8vo. Phila. 1827. Columbian Preacher. Vol. i. 8vo. Cattskill. 1808. Columbus, Christopher. Memorials of. 8vo. London. 1823. Columbus, Christopher. Personal Narrative of his first Voyage. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Combe, Andrew. Observations on Mental Derangement. 8vo. Boston. 1834. Combe, Andrew. Physiology of Digestion. 18mo. Boston. 1834. Combe, George. A System of Phrenology. 8vo. Boston. 1837. Combe, George. The Constitution of Man. 12mo. Boston. 1836. Combe, George. Lectures on Moral Philosophy. 12mo. Boston. 1836. . Combe, George. Testimonials in behalf of, as a Candidate for the Chair of Logic in the University of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1836. CoMiWES, Philippe de. Memoirs, par Godefroy. 4 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles. 1706. Commerce, Origin of. By Anderson. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1764. Commercium Epistolicum de varia re Mathematica. 8vo. Londini. 1725. Common Prayer, The Book of. 12mo. New York. 1813. Comptes Rendus des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences. Vols, xvin- XXVII. Paris. 1844-1848. CoMSTOCK, Cyrus. Essays on the Duty of Parents and Children. 12mo. Hartford. 1810. *=Conchyliologie, qui traite des Coquillages de Mer, de Riviere et de Terre. 4to. Paris. 1757. Conder, Josiah. Protestant Nonconformity. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1818. CoNDORCET. Moyens d'apprendre de compter. 12mo. Paris. 1799. Conferences on the Idolatry of the Romish Church. 12mo. London. 1679. Confucius. Works, in Chinese, s. 1. et a. Congressional Documents, viz : Report of the Sec. of the Treasury for 1813. Fol. Washington. 1814. Statement of unsettled Accounts from the Sec. of the Treasury for 1813. Fol. Washington. 1813. Report of the Sec. of the Treasury for 1814. Fol. Washington. 1814. Annual Report of do. for 1814. Fol. Washington. 1814. Reports, &c., of the 13th Congress, 3d Session. Fol. Washington. 1815. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 33 CONQRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS Coiltiuucd. Letter of the Sec. of the Navy in relation to Contracts for 1815. Fol. Washington. 181G. Annual Report of the Sec. of the Treasury, for 1816. Fol. Washing- ton. 1816. Treasurer's Accounts for 1816. Fol. Washington. 1816. Report of the Comptroller of the Treasury. Fol. Washington. 1817. Congressional Globe. Vol. xxi, Parts 1 and 2. 4to. 2 vols. Washing- ton. 1850. Congressional Globe. Appendix Vol. xxii. Parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 4to. Washington. 1850. Congressional Globe. Vol. xxiii. 4to. Washington. 1851. Congressional Globe. Vol. xxiv. Parts 1, 2, 3. 3 vols. 4to. Washing- ton. 1852. Congressional Globe. Appendix Vol. xxv. 4to. Washington. 1852. Congressional Globe. Vol. xxvi. 4to. Washington. 1853. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey for 1851. 8vo. Washington. 1852. Maps accompanying the above. 2 copies. 4to. Patent Office Report for 1848. 2 copies. 8vo. Washington. 1849. The same for 1849. Part 1st, Arts and Manufactures. Part 2d, Agri- culture. 8vo. Washington. 1850. The same for 1850. Part Ist, Arts and Manufactures. Part 2d, Ag- riculture. 8vo. Washington. 1851. The same for 1 852-1 853. Part 1st, Arts and Manufactures. Part 2d, Agriculture. 8vo. Washington. 1853. Plates to Magnetic and Meteorological Observations made at Girard College, Phila., and reported to the Senate of the U. S. Dec. 1844. 8vo. Washington. 1845. Annual Message and Accompanying Docs., 32d Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. Washington. 1852. Abstract of the 7th Census of 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1853. Register of the Naval Officers of the U. S., 1852. 12mo. Washington. 1852. Journals of Congress. 1774-1778. 13 vols. 8vo. Secret Journals of Congress. 1775-1778. 4 vols. 8vo. (One vol. Domestic Affairs.) (Three vols. Foreign Relations.) Journal, Acts, and Proceedings of the Convention of 1787. 8vo. Journal of the 5th Congress, 3d Session. 1798-1799. 8vo. 5 34 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Congressional Documents — Continued. Journals of the Senate. Of the 14th Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. Of the 15th Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. Of the 16th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 2 vols. 8vo. Of the 17th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 2 vols. 8vo. Of the 18th Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. From the 19th Congress, 1st Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session, inclusive. 29 vols. 8vo. Journals of the House of Representatives. Of the 14th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 2 vols. 8vo. Of the 15th Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. From the 16th Congress, 1st Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session, inclusive. 35 vols. 8vo. State Papers. From the 14th Congress, 2d Session, to the 21st Con- gress, 1st Session, inclusive. 115 vols. 8vo. (Wanting, Vol. x of the Series, for the 16th Congress, 2d Session, and Vols, i, iv, vi, vii, X, XI, xii, and xiii of the Series, for the 17th Congress, 1st Session.) Executive Documents. From the 21st Congress, 2d Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session, inclusive. 157 vols. 8vo. Executive Papers. Of the 17th Congress, 1st Session. Vols, i, it, v, VI, and VII. 8vo. Commercial Relations. 18th Congress, 1st Session. 1 vol. 8vo. Senate Papers. For the 17th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 4 vols. 8vo. Senate Documents. From the 18th Congress, 1st Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session, inclusive. 172 vols. 8vo. (Wanting Vol. ii for the 32d Congress, special Session, and Vol. xiv for the 32d Con- gress, 1st Session.) Senate Reports. Of the 30th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 2 vols. 8vo. Of the 31st Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 2 vols. 8vo. Of the 32d Congress, 1st Session. 2 vols. 8vo. Senate Miscellaneous. From the 30th Congress, 1st Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session, inclusive. 7 vols. 8vo. House Miscellaneous. From the 30th Congress, 1st Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session, inclusive. 5 vols. 8vo. Index to House Documente from 1831 to 1839. Reports of Committees. From the 17th Congress, 1st Session, to the 32d Congress, 1st Session. 84 vols. 8vo. None for the 25th Con- gress, l*t Session, and for the 27th Congress. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 35 Congressional Documents — Continued. Acts of the 14th Congress, 1st Session, and of the 15th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. 3 vols. 8vo. Duplicates. State Papers. 15th Congress, 1st Session. 11 vols., with a triplicate of the 2i of the above series read before the House. Reports of Committees, on the Georgia Controversy. 19th Congress, 2d Session. 8vo. Executive Docs, of 22d Congress. 2d Session. 3 vols. 8vo. House Journals of 22d and 23d Congresses. 4 vols. 8vo. Senate Journals of the 22d Congress, 2d Session. 8vo. Connecticut Colony. Acts and Laws. 1710-1753. Fol. New London. 1753. Connecticut Evangelical Magazine. July 1800-June 1803. 3 vols. 8vo. Hartford. Connecticut. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of, from 1630 to 1764, with an Appendix containing the original Patent of New England. By Trumbull. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1818. Connecticut. Letters from the English Kings and Queens to the Governors thereof, with answers thereto and other Antiquities. By Hinman. 8vo. Hartford. 1836. CoNON. Narrationes Ptolemaei Historiae. Ed. Teucherus. 12mo. Lipsiae. s. a. Constance. Histoire du Concile de, par L'Enfant. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam. 1727. Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church in the United States. 12mo. New York. 1793. Conybeare and Philips. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales. 8vo. London. 1822. Conybeare, J. J. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Cooke, Capt. James. Voyages by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cooke. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1773. Cooke, Capt. James. Voyage toward the South Pole and round the World. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1779. Cooke, Capt. James. Voyage to the Pacific. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1785. Cooke, Capt. James. Life, by Andrew Kippis. 4to. London. 1788. Atlas of Plates to Voyages. Fol. London. 1788. CooKE, Rev. P. The Divine Law of Beneficence. 12mo. New York. s. a. Cooke, Rev. P. The same, and Scripture Plan of Benevolence. 12mo. New York. s. a. 36 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Cooper, Sir Astley. Series of Lectures on Modern Surgery. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Cooper, Sir Astley. Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Cooper, Charles P. Reports of some Cases in Chancery in the years 1837- 1838. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1838-1841. Cooper, Saml. Dictionary of Practical Surgery. 8vo. London. 1813. Coos County. Historical Sketches of, by Grant Powers. 12mo. Haverhill. 1841. Coote, Charles. History of Modem Europe. 8vo. Phila. 1811. Copernicus, N. Astronomia Instaurata. 4to. Amstelodami. 1617. Corneille, p. Oeuvres completes, suivies des Oeuvres Choisies de Th. Corneille. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Cornelius, Elias. Memoir of. By B. B. Edwards. 12mo. Boston. 1834. Cornelius Nepos. De Vita Excellentium Imperatorum. Ed. Bremi. Zurich. 1827. Corpus Juris Civilis. 2 vols. 4to. Lugduni. 1662. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. Editio consilio B. G. Niebuhrii Instituta. 23 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1828. Agathias, Historiarum Libri v. Ed. Niebuhr. 8vo. Bonnae. 1828. Cantacuzenus, Hist. Libri iv. Ed. Schopenus. 3 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1828. Constantinus Porphyrog. Rec. Reiskius. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1829. Chronicon Paschale. Ed. Dindorfius. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1832. Dcxippus, Eunapius, Petrus Patricius, Prisons, etc. Ed. Bekker ct Niebuhr. 8vo. Bonnae. 1829. Ducas, Hist. Byzantina. Ed. Bekker. 8vo. Bonnae. 1834. Georgius Pachymeres. Recogn. Bekker. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1835. Joannes Cinnamus, Nicephorus Bryennius. Rec. Mcineke. 8vo. Bon- nae. 1836. Joannes Malalas. Ex reccns. Dindorfii. 8vo. Bonnae. 1831. Georgius Syncellus. Ex recens. Dindoi-fii. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1829. Leo Diaconus. Ed. C. B.Hasius. 8vo. Bonnae. 1828. Nicephorus Grcgoras, cura Schopeni. 3 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1829. Nicetas Choniata. Ed. Bekker. 8vo. Bonnae. 1835. Procopius. Ex recens. Dindorfii. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonnae. 1833. Theophylactus Simocatta, Genesius. Recogn. Bekker. 8vo. Bonnae. 1834. CouREGio. Memorie Istoriche. 3 vols. 8vo. Parma. 1817-1821. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 37 Cotes, Hoger. Lectures on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. 8vo. London. 1775. Coulomb, C. A. Theoriedes Machines simples. 4to. Paris. 1821. CouRS DE Redaction. Oeuvres dc Platon. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1 822. Cousin, Victor, llapport sur I'etat de I'lnstruction Publique. 8vo. Paris. 1833. CousTOS, John. SuiFerings of, at the Inquisition of Lisbon. By Gavin. 12mo. Hartford. 1820. Cowley, Abraham. Poems. 4to. London. 1656. CowPER, Wm. Poems. (Incomplete.) 18mo. New York. 1814. CoxE, J. R. Philadelphia Medical Dictionary. 8vo. Phila. 1817. CoxE, Tench. View of the United States. 1787-1794. 8vo. Phila. 1794. CoxE, Wm. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon from Philip V to Charles iii. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1813. CoxE, Wm. History of the House of Austria from 1218-1792. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Crabb, George. History of English Law. 8vo. Burlington. 1831. Cramer, J. A. Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1828. Cranmeb, Thos. Remains. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1832. Cranz. See Greenland. Cremer, Bern. Sebastianus. Prodromus Typicus. 4to. Amstelod. 1727. Crenius, Thos. Fascis exercitationum Philologico-Historicarum. 3 vols. 16mo. Lugduni in Batavis. 1697. Creuzer, F. Dionysius, sive Commentationes Academicae de rerum Bac- chicarum Orphicarumque Originibus et Caussis. 4to. Heidelbergae. 1808. Creuzer, F. Abbildungen zu Symbolik und Mythologie, mit Tafeln. 4to. Leipsig. 1819. Creuzer, F. Mythologische Schriften Schellings, &c. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1817. Creuzer, F. Symbolik und Mythologie der Alton Volker, besonders der Griechen. 6 vols. 8vo. Leipsig. 1819. Creuzer, G. F. Die Historische Kiinstder Griechen. 8vo. Leipsig. 1803. Crisis. A Weekly Journal. Jan. 1775 to Oct. 1776. Fol. London. Croly, George. The Apocalypse of St. John, being a new Interpretation. 12mo. Phila. 1827. 38 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Cbombie Alexander, Gymnasium, sive Symbola Critica. 2 vols. S\o. London. 1830. Cromwell, Oliver. Life and Times, by Thos. Cromwell. 8vo. London. 1822. Cud WORTH, Ralph. Intellectual System of the Universe. 4 vols. 8 vo. Lon- don. 1820. Cddworth, Ralph. Eternal and Immutable Morality. 8vo. Andover. 1838. CuLLEN, Wm. First Lines of the Practice of Physic. 3 vols. 12mo. Wor- cester. 1790. CuLLEN, "Wm. Synopsis Nosologiae Methodicae. Ed. altera, redacta. 18mo. Londini. 1816. CuLLUM, George W. Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U. S. Military Academy. 12mo. New York. 1850. Cumberland, Richard. Memoirs written by himself. 4to. London. 1806. Cumberland, Richard. Anecdotes of Eminent Painters in Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1787. Cumberland, Richard. Calvary, a Poem. 8vo. Morristown. 1815. Curtis, J. H. Physiology and Diseases of the Ear. 8vo. London. 1826. CuRTius, RuFUS Q. Historia Alexandri Magni. 8vo. Lugduni. 1658. CoRTius, RuFUS Q. Do rebus gestis Alexandri Magni. 8vo. Argentorati. 1801. Cutter, Calvin. Anatomy and Physiolygy. 12mo. Boston. 1846. ^CuviER, Baron G. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 7 vols. 4to. Paris. 1825. ^CuviER, Baron G. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. 12 vols, avec plan- ches. 4to. Paris. 1828-1837. CuviER, Baron G. Histoire du Progres des Sciences Naturelles. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1817. CuviER, Baron G. Regno Animal. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1817. CuviER, Baron G. The same transl. by McMurtrie. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1831. Cyprianus, C^cilius. Opera. Fol. Paris. 1666. Cyprian. Genuine "Works. Fol. London. 1717. Da Costa, E. M. Elements of Conchology. 8vo. London. 1776. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 39 Dagley, R. Death's Doings. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Dale, A. Vax. DeOraculis Vetcrum Ethnicorum. 4to. Amstelod. 1700. D'Alembert. Trai!e de Dynaraique. 8vo. Paris. 1796. D'Alembeut. Oeuvres. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1821. Dalrymple, Sir John. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles ii, to the Battle off La Ilogue. 2 vols. 4to. London and Edinburgh. 1771-1773. Dalzell, Andreas. Analecta Graeca. Minora. 8 vo. London. 1808. Damoiseau, Baron de. Tables de la Lune, formees par la geule Theorie de I'Attraction. Fol. Paris. 1828. Dana, Freeman and Samuel. S^e Geology. Dana, James. Sermons to Young People. 8vo. New Haven. 1806. Dana, James D. System of Mineralogy. 2d Ed. 8vo. New York and London. 1844. Dana, Kichard H. Poems and Prose Writings. 18mo. Boston. 1823. Daniell, J. F. Meteorological Essays and Observations. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Dante, Alighieri. Opere. 5 vols. 4to. Venezia. 1758. Dante, Alighieri. Inferno, Transl. by J. C. Wright. 8vo. Lond. 1833. D'Anville. Compendium of Ancient Geography. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1814. D'Argens, Marquis. Timee de Locres, en Grec et en Francois. 12mo. Berlin. 1763. Darius et Hidarne. Les Families. 2 vols, in one. 18mo. Lyons. 1770. Daru, p. Histoire de la Republique de Venise. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1819. D'Arvieux, Chevalier. Memoires. 6 vols. 18mo. Paris. 1735. Darwin, Dr. Erasmus. Phytologia. 8vo. Dublin. 1800. Darwin, Dr. Erasmus. Zoonomia. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1800. Darwin, Dr. Erasmus. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Daubund Creuzer. Studien. 6 vols. 8vo. Frankfort. 1806. D'AuBiGNE, J. H. Merle. History of the Reformation in Germany, France, and Switzerland. 8vo. Phila. 1843. D'AuviGNY. Les Vies des Hommes illustres de la France. Yols. vii and VIII. 18mo. Amsterdam. 1743. Davanzati. See Tacito. Davenport, John. Dictionary, English, Italian, and French. Vols, ii and III in one. 8va. London. 1828. Davies, Edward. Celtic Researches on the Origin, Traditions, and Lan- guage of the Ancient Britons. 8vo. London. 1804. 40 ALniABETICAL CATALOGUE. Davila, D. M. Catalogue systematique et raisonne des Curiositesdc la Ma- ture et de I'Art. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1767. ^Da Vinci, Leonardo. Trattato della Pittura. 8vo. Milano. 1804. Da Vinci, Leonardo. Life, with a Critical Account of his Works. By J, W. Brown. 8vo. London. 1828. Davis, Jacob S. Evolution of Powers. Bound with Gill's Mathematical Miscellany. Cincinnati. 1839. Davis, John. New England's Memorial, by Morton. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Davy, Sir Humphrey. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. Part i. Vol. i*; 8vo. London. 1812. ;] Dawesius, Ricardus. Miscellania Critica. Ed. T. Kidd. 8vo. LondiniJ.] 1827. M Dawson, Joan. Lexicon Novi Tcstamenti Alphabeticum. 8vo. Londini-.' 1797. ' I Day, Jeremiah. Navigation and Surveying. 8vo. New Haven. 1817. Dean, Amos. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence. 8vo. Albany. 1815. Dean, Amos. Lectures on Phrenology. 12mo. Albany. 1834. De Boyne, Charle. Du Cheval en France. 8vo. Paris. 1843. De Callieres. De la Maniere de negocier avec les Souverains. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1750. i)E Foe, Daniel. Novels. 12 vols. 18mo. Edinburgh. 1810. De Foe, Daniel. Memoirs of Life and Times, with a Review of his Writ- ings, by Walter Wilson. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. De Genlis, La Comtesse. Memoires sur le dix-huitieme siecle ct la Revch lution Fran^aise. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1835. r Degerando, Le Baron. Self-Education. 8vo. Boston. 1830. De Guignes. Histoire generale des Huns, des Turcs, et des Mogols. 5 vols. 4to. Paris. 1756-1758. De Guignes. Voyage a. Peking, Manille, et Pile de France. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1808. =^ Atlas to the above. Fol. Paris; 1808. De Kay. Sketches of Turkey. 8vo. New York. 1833. Delafond, 0. Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrine du gros Detail. 8vo- Paris. 1844. De Lambre, J. B. J. Methodcs analytiqucs pour la determination d'un arc du Meridicn. 4to. Paris. 1709. De Lambre, J. B. J. Tables Astronomiqucs. 4to. Paris. 1806. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUR 41 J)e Lambre, J. B. J. Ilistoirc do I'Astronomio Modernc. 2 voIh. 4to. Paris. 1812. De Lambue, J. B. J. Ilistoirc de 1' Astronomic Anciennc. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1817. De Lambre, J. B. J. Histoire de rAstronomie du Moyen age. 4to. Paris. 1819. De Lambre, J. B. J. Histoire de I'Astronomie du 18me Siecle. 4to. Paris. 1827. De Lambre, J. B. J. Astronomic Theoretique et Practique. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1814. Delano, Amasa. Voyages and Travels. 8vo. Boston. 1817. Delille, J. Oeuvres, avec des Notes. Svo. Paris. 1835. De Lolme, J. L. On the Constitution of England. Svo. London. 1822. De Luc, J. A. Reclierclies sur les Modifications de I'Atmosplierc. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1784. De Luc, J. A. Ideessur la Meteorologie. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1786. De Moivre, a. Doctrine of Chances, or the Method of calculating probabil- ities in play. 4to. London. 1756. De Montgon, Abbe. Memoires. 8 vols. 18mo. Lausanne. 1750-1753. Demosthenes. Vide Oratores Graeci. Demosthenes. Apparatus Critici, Wolfius et Taylor. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiac. 1774. De Mountfort, Denys. Conchyliologie Systematique. 2 vols. Svo. Paris. 1808. Denham and Clapperton. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1828. Denham and Clapperton. The same. 1 vol. Boston. 1826. Denman, T. Midwifery. Svo. Brattleboro. 1807. Denon, Vincent. Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte. 2 vols. Syq. Paris. 1829. Atlas de Planches a cela. Pol. Paris. 1829. Dens, Peter. Synopsis of Moral Theology of, by Berg. Svo. Philji. 1842. De Retz, Cardinal. Memoires. 4 vols. 12mo. Geneva. 1777. Derham, W. Physico-Theology. Svo. London. 1754. Desault, Xavier. On Fractures, Luxations, and other Diseases of the Bones. Svo. Phila. 1805. Des Campes, J. B. La vie des Peintres Flamands, AUemands, et Hollan- dais. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. 1753-1764. 6 42 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Des Gampes, J. B. Voyage pittoresque de la Flandre et du Brabant. 8vo. Paris. 1769. Des Cartes, K. Principia Philosophiae. 4to. Amstelodami. 1677. Des Cartes, R. Oeuvres par Cousin. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1824. Deshayes, M. G. p. Description des Coquilles charact^ristiques des Ter- rains. 8vo. Paris. 1831. Desmahis. Oeuvres divers. 12mo. Geneve. 1762. =^Desmarest, a. G. Considerations generales sur la classe des Crustaces. Svo. Paris. 1825. De Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1841. De Vega, Lope Felix. Life and Writings, by Lord Holland. 8vo. Lon- don. 1806. Deveze. Sermons. 12mo. Autrecht. 1690. Dewees, Wit. Treatise on Diseases of Females. 8vo. Phila. 1828. Diaz, Burnall. True History of tho Conquest of Mexico. Transl. from the Spanisli by Keatinge. 4to. London. 1800. DiBDiN, Tnos. F. Reminiscences of, and of Theatres Royal, &c. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. New York. 1828. DiBDiN, T. F. Biographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. ^DicniARAzioNE dei Desegni del Reale Palazzo di Caserta di Carlo Re di Napoli. Fol. Napoli. 1756. Dickinson, Baxter. Prize Letters to Students. 12mo. New York. 1831. Dickinson, R. Elements of Geography. 8vo. Boston. 1843. Dictionaire Universel, Contenant tous les Mots Francais. Par A. Fure- tiere. 3 vols. Fol. Rotterdam. 1690. Dictionarium Hebraicum. Fol. Bisileae. 1557. Dictionary, English. Fol. s. 1. et a. Dictionary, English-German, and German-English. 2 vols, in one. Svo. Phila. 1835. DiCTYS Cretensis et Dares Phrygius. De Bcllo Trojano, cum Interpreta- tionc Annae Daceriae. Svo. Amstelodami. 1702. DiEZ, PniLippus. Sermones Quadrigesimales. (Incomplete.) s. 1. et a. DiGBY, Sir Kenelm. Nature of Bodies and Man's Soul. 4to. Lond. 1645. DiLLWYN, L. W. Descriptive Catalogues of recent Shells. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1817. ALPnABETICAL CATALOGUE. -13 Dio Cassius Cocceianus. Historiamm llomanarum quae supersunt. Ed. Sturz. 8 vols. 8yo. Lipsiae. 1824. Dio Chrysostomus. Orationes. Ed. Rciske. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1798. DioDORUs SicuLus. Bibliothccae Historicae Libri qui supersunt. Ed. Ey- ringius. 11 vols. 8vo. Biponti. 1793. DioQENES Laertius. Dq Vitis Philosophorum. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1759. DiONYSius Halicarnassensis. Opera omnia, Graece et Latino. Ed. Reiske. 6 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1774. Diophantes Alexandrinus. Arithmeticorum libri sex, et de Numeris Mult- angulis liber unus. Graece et Latino. 4to. Paris. 1621; Dioscorides, p. De Materia Medica. Ed. C. Sprengel. 2 vols. 8vo. Lip- siae. 1829. Disney. See Sykes. Dispensatory, Edinburgh New. 8vo. Phila. 1796. Dispensatory, Eclectic and General. 8vo. Phila. 1827. DOBRIZHOFFER. SoO AbipOUOS. Doctrine of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. 12mo. Phila. 1811. Doddridge, Philip. Works. 10 vols. 8vo. Leeds. 1802. Doddridge, Philip. Family Expositor, Abridged. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1807. Doddridge, I^hilip. Correspondence and Diary. 5 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1829. Doddridge, Philip. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. 12mo. Brookfield. 1810. Doddridge, Philip. The same. 18mo.- New York. 1812. DoDWELL, E. Classical Tour through Greece. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1819. DoDSLEY, J. Collection of Poems. 6 vols. 12mo. London. 1775. DoDSLEY, J. See Old Plays. DoMAT. Les Lois Civiles, le Droit Publiquc, et Legum Delectus. 2 vols, in one. Fol. Paris. 1756. Draco Stratonicensis. De Metris Poeticis. Ed. G. Hermann. 8vo. Lip- siae. 1812. Drake, E. C. Universal Collection of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels, from the Earliest Accounts. Fol. London. 1768. Drelincourt, C. Abrege des Controverses. 12mo. Rotterdam. 1736. Drummond. See Herculanensia. Dryden, John. Prose Works, Critical and Miscellaneous, by Malone. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1800. 44 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Dryden, John. Poetical Works, with Notes by the Wartons. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1811. DcANE. Hand Book for Infantry. 8vo. Phila. 1813. Dv Bos. Reflexions Critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture. 3 vols. ISmo. Paris. 1750. DuBUAT. Principes d'Hydraulique et de Pyrodynamique. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1816. DucAS, Theodore. Travels, by Mills. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1822. Du Fief, M. G. Nature displayed in teaching Man Language. 2 vols, in one. 12mo. Phila. 1804. Du Fief, M. G. Universal and Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Languages. 3 vols. 12mo. Phila. 1810. Du Fbesnoy, Abbe L. Chronological Tables of Universal History. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1762. DuHalde, J. B. Description Geographique et Historique de I'Empire de Chine et de la Tarterie Chinoise. 4 vols. 4to. Hague. 1736. Du Hamel Du MoNCBAtJ. La Physique des Arbres. 2 vols, 4to. Paris. 1755. Du Hamel Du Monceau. Trait6 des Arbres et Arbtistes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1755. Du Hamel Du Monceau. Elemens de I'Architecture Navale. 4to. Paris. 1758. Du Hamel Du Monceau. Des Semis et Plantations des Arbres. 4to. Paris. 1760. Dumas, M. l'Abbe. Methodes pour resoudre les Equations. 8vo. Riom. 1815. Dumas, M. J. Memoires de Chimie. 8vo. Paris. 1843. Dumesnil, G. Synonymes Latins. 8vo. Paris. 1813. DuMONT, Baron. Military History of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough. Fol. London. 1736. Du^iONT, E. See Mirabeau. Du Moulin. Dc la Vocation des Pasteurs. 12mo. Sedan. 1618. Duncan. Translation of Caesar. 2 vols. 16rao. New York. 1833. DuNLAP, W. History of the American Theatre. 8vo. New York. 1832. DuNLOP, John. History of Roman Literature. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1827. Dunn, H. Guatimala. 8vo. New York. 1828. Duperron, a. Oupnek 'hat, sive Theologia et Philosophia Indioa. 2 vols. 4to. Argentorati. 1801-1802. ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. 45 DuPiN, Charles. Voyages dans la Grand Bretagnc cntrcpris rclativcmcnt aux services publics de la Guerre, de la Marine, ct des Ponts ct Chaussecs. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1820. =^Planclies aux Voyages. Fol. Du PoxT, S. F. Report on the National Defences. "Washington. 1852. (See Pamphlets.) Doppa. See Michael Angelo. DuviviER, C. P. G. Grammaire des Grammaires. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1819. D WIGHT, Dr. Timothy. Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. 8vo. New Haven. 1821. D WIGHT, Dr. Timothy. Theology explained and defended in a series of Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo. New Haven. 1836. Dyce, Alexander. Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions of Shak- spcare. 8vo. London. 1845. Dymond, Jonathan. Inquiry into the Accordance of Wars with the Prin- ciples of Christianity. 8vo. Boston. 1842. Eaton, Amos. Manual of Botany for the Northern and Middle States. 12mo. Albany. 1818. Eaton, Amos. Botanical Dictionary. 12mo. New Haven. 1819. Eaton, Amos. Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 12mo. Troy. 1820. Eaton, Amos. Chemical Instructor. 12mo. Albany. 1822. Eaton, Amos. Zoological Text-Book. 12mo. Albany. 1826. Eaton, Gen. Wm. Life. 8vo. Brookfield. 1813. Eckermann, N. G. C. Observationes Criticae in obscuriores quosdam IIo- ratii et Sophoclis locos. 4to. Berolini. 1813. EcKHEL, M. l'Abbe. Choix des pierres graves. Fol. Vienne. 1788. Edinburgh Eno YCLOPiEDiA. By David Brewster. 1 8 vols. 4to. Phila. 1 832. Edinburgh Review. See Reviews. Edmonstone, Sir A. Journey to the Oases of Upper Egypt. 8vo. London, 1822. Edwards, Bela B. See Cornelius. Edwards, B. B., and Park. Selections from German Literature. 8vo. Andover. 1839. 46 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Edwards, Bryax. History of the British Colonics in the West Indies. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1801. Edwards, Bryan. See St. Domingo. Edwards, Jonathan. Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will. Svo. Wil- mington. 1790. Edwards, Jonathan. The same. 12mo. Andover. 1840. Edwards, Jonathan. On Liberty and Necessity. 8vo. Worcester. 1797. Edwards, Jonathan. Thoughts on a Revival in New England. Svo. Wor- cester. 1808. Edwards, Jonathan. Original Sin. 8vo. Worcester, s. a. Edwards, Jonathan. On Religious Affections. Svo. Phila. 1821. Edwards, Jonathan. Works. 10 vols. Svo. New York. 1830. Edwards, Jonathan. Miscellaneous Observations on Theological Subjects. 12mo. London. 1793. Edwards, Jonathan. Life. 12mo. Northampton. 1804. Edwards, Peter. Candid Reasons for renouncing Anti-Psedobaptism. 12mo. Wilmington. 1806. Egede, Hans. Description of Greenland, with Historical Introduction and a Life of the Author. Svo. London. 1818. EiCHHORN, J. G. Allgemeine Geschichte der Cultur und Litteratur des neueren Europa. 2 vols. Svo. Gottingen. 1796. Elemens de Chymie, pour servir aux cours publics dc 1' Academic de Dijon. 4 vols. 12mo. Dijon. 1777. Elgin, Earl of. Memorandum on his Pursuits in Greece. Svo. London. 1815. Ellesmere, Earl of. Guide to Northern Archaeology. Svo. Lend. 1848. Ellis, George. Specimens of the Early English Poets, with Sketch of the rise and progress of the English Poetry and Language. 3 vols. 12mo. London. 1811. Ellis, George. Specimens of Early English Romances, with an Introduc- tion. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1811. Ellis, Henry. Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China. Svo. Phila. 1818. Ellis, Henry. Original Letters illustrative of English History. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1825. Ellis, Henry. The same, second series. 4 vols. Svo. London. 1827. Ellis, J. Historical Account of Coffee. 4to. London. 1774. ^Ellis, J. Natural History of Zoophytes, arranged by Dr. Solandcr. 4to. London. 1786. ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. 47 Ellis, Sir Henuy. Account of Caodmon's Metrical Paraphrase. 4to. Lon- don. 1833. Elmes, James. Dictionary of the Fine Arts. 8vo. London. 1826. Eloquence of the United States. By E. B. Williston. 5 vols. 8vo. Middle- town. 1827. Elton, C. A. Specimens of the Classic Poets. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1814. Ely, Ezra Stiles. Ecclesiastical Proceedings of a Church in Philadelphia. 12mo. Phila. 1814. Emerson, J. Letters from the ^gean. 8vo. New York. 1829. Empedocles Aqriqentinus, Carmina Reliquiae, Graece. Ed. Sturz. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1805. Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge. 8vo. Brattleborough. 1836. Encyclopedia Metropolitana. Nos. 18, 19, 20, and 21, on Heat, Light, and Chemistry. 4to. London. Enfield, Wm. History of Philosophy from the Earliest Periods to the be- ginning of the present Century. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1791. Enfield, Wm. Institutes of Natural Philosophy. 4to. London. 1799. England and America. Social and Political State of. 8vo. New York. 1834. Ennius, Q. Animalium Librorum xviii Fragmenta. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1825. En TICK. New Latin-English Dictionary. Ed. Crakelt. Baltimore. 1832. Epictetus. Dissertationum Libri IV. Graece etLatine. Ed. Sch weigh au- ser. 5 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1799. Epicurus. Physica et Meteorologica, Graece. Ed. Schneider. 8vo. Lip- siae. 1813. Epicurus. Fragmenta Librorum ii et xi de Natura, Graece et Latine. Ed. Orellius. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1818, Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum. 18mo. s. 1. 1556. Ersch, J. S. Literatur der Philosophic, Philologie, und Padegogik. 8vo. Leipsig. 1822. EsCHEMAYER, C. A. Die Hegel'sche Religions-Philosophic, verglichen mit dem Christlichen Princip. 8vo. Tubingen. 1834. Espy, James P. Reports on Meteorology. (2d and 3d.) 4to. s. I. et a. EssAis de Morale. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1682. Etymologicon Magnum. Ed. Sylburgius. 4to. Lipsiae. 1816. Etymologicum Gudianum Graecae Linguae. Ed. Sturzius. 4to. Lipsiae. 1818. Etymologicon, Orionis Thebani. Ed. Wolfius. 4to. Lipsiae. 1820. 48 ALrnABETICAL CATALOGUE. Etyjiologicon Magnum. An English Work. Cambridge, Eng. s. a. EucLiDE. Oeuvres, en Grec, en Latin, et en Fran^ais. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1813-1818. Eugenie, Jeune. Report on tlie case of, by Mason. 8vo. Boston. 1832. EuLER, Leonard. Mechanica. 2 vols. 4to. Petropoli. 1736. EcLER, Leonard. Tentamen Novae Theoriae Musicae. 4to. Petropoli. 1739. EuLER. Methodus inveniendi Lineas Curvas. 4to. Genevae. 1744. Euler. Opuscula. 2 copies. 4to. Berolini. 1746. EuLER. Opuscula et Conjectura physica circa propogationem Soni et Lu- minis, una cum aliis Dissertationibus Analyticis. 4to. Bero. 1 746-1750, Euler. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lau- sannae. 1748. Euler. Scientia Navalis. 2 vols. 4to. Petropoli. 1749. Euler. Institutiones Calculi Differcntialis, et ejus usus in Analysi finitorum ac doctrina Serierum. 4to. Petropoli. 1765. Euler. Dioptricae. 3 vols. 4to. Petropoli. 1769-1771. Euler. Construction des Vaisseaux. 8vo. Paris. 1776. Euler. Elemcns d'Algebre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1807. Euripides. Tragoediae et Fragmenta, Graece. Ed. Matthias. 9 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1813. Euripides. Iphigenia in Aulide. Ed. Hermann. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1831. Euripides. Hecuba. Ed. Hermann. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1831. Euripides. Translation of, by Potter. 3 vols. 16mo. New York. 1836. EusEBius, Pamphilus. Evangelica Praeparatio et Demonstratio, Graece Fol. Paris. 1544-1545. EusEBius, Pampiiilus. Historia Ecclesiastica. Coloniae Allob. 1612. EuTROPius. Breviarium Historiae llomanae, cum Metaphrasi Graeca Pi anii. Ed. Havercampus. 8vo. Lugduni Batav. 1729. Evelyn, John. Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest Trees. 4to. York. 1786 Evelyn, John. Memoirs, Diary from 1641-1706. 5 vols. 8vo. London 1827. EvBNBMENS MiLiTAiRES. 2 vols. 8vo. Hamburgh. 1769. Everett, A. H, Europe. 8vo. Boston. 1822, Everett, A. H. New Ideas on Population. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Everett, A. H. America. 8vo. Phila. 1827. Ewell, Tnos. Elements or Principles of Modern Chemistry. 8vo York. 1806, I ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 49 EwiNG, Alexander. Practical Astronomy. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1797. ExcERPTA quaedam c Scriptoribus Latinis probatioribus. 8vo. Bostoniac. 1810. Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the South Parish of Glasgow. 12mo. Glasgow. 1751. Exley, Thos. Principles of Natural Philosophy. 8vo. London. 1829. Exposition des Produits de I'lndustrie Fran^aisc. (1844.) Vol. iii. 8vo. Paris. 1844. Faber, B. Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae. 2 vols. Fol. Francofurti. 1749. Faber, George S. View of the Prophecies. 2 copies. 8vo. Boston. 1809. Fabliaux, ou Contes du xiime et du xiiime Siecle, par Le Grande D'Aus- sy. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1779-1781. Fabricius, J. A. Bibliotheca Latina. Ed. Ernesti. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1773. Fagnani, Prosper. Commentarii in Secundum Librum Decretalium. Fol. Colouiae. 1681. Fagnani, Prosper. Jus Canonicum. Fol. Coloniae. 1681. Fagnani, Prosper. Commentarii in Quartum Librum Decretalium. Fol. Coloniae. 1682. Faireax. See Tasso. Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. 18mo, New York. 1800. Faraday, Michael. Chemical Manipulations. 8vo. London. 1830. Faraday, Michael. Experimental Researches in Electricity. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1839. Farmer, John. Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England. 8vo. Lancaster. 1829. Farmer's Encyclopedia. 8vo. Phila. 1844. Farrar, Timothy. Report of the Case of the Trustees of Darimouth Col- lege. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1819. Fawcett, Joseph. Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1801. Feder, J. G. Ueber Raum und Caussalitat. 12mo. Gottingen. 1787. Federalist. On the New Constitution. 8vo. Hallowell. 1831. 7 50 ALrUABETICAL CATALOGUE. Felibien. Entretiens sur les Vies et sur les Ouvrages des plus excellens Peintres anciens et modernes, avec la Vie des Architects. 6 vols. 18mo. Trevoux. 1725. Felltham, Owen. Resolves ; Divine, Moral, and Political. 8vo. London. 1820. Felt, Joseph B. Massachusetts Currency. 8vo. Boston. 1839. Fenelon. Oeuvres, precedes d'Etudes sur sa vie par M. Aime-Martin. vols. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Fenn, Joseph. Elements of Numerical Arithmetic. 4to. Dublin, s. a. Fenn, Joseph. System of Algebra. 4to. Dublin, s. a. Ferguson's Astronomy explained on Newton's Principles, with notes by Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1811. ^Plates to the above by Brewster. 4to. Edinburgh. 1811. Ferguson, Adam. Institutes of Moral Philosophy. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1785. Fessenden, Thomas. Science of Sanctity. 8vo. Brattleboro. 1804. FiCHTE, J. Gr. Ueber die Bestimmung des Gelehrten. 12mo. Jena. 1794. FiCHTE, J. G. Ueber das Wesen des Gelehrten. 12mo. Berlin. 1806. FiCHTE, J. G. Leben und Litterarischer Briefwechsel. 2 vols. 12mo. Sulzbach. 1830. Fielding, Henry. "Works, with Introductory Essay by Murphy. 10 vols. 8vo. London. 1821. FiLiCAiA, ViNCENZODA. Pocsio Toscauc. 2 vols. 18mo. Firenze. 1827. FiORiLLo, J. D. Geschichte der Zeichnender Kiinste. 4 vols. 8vo. Han- over. 1815. FiSK, Nathan. 22 Sermons. 8vo. Worcester. 1794. FiTZ-OsBORNE, Thos. Letters, by Melmoth. 8vo. London. 1773. Flavel, John. The Whole Works of. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1740. Flaxman, J. Lectures on Sculpture. 8vo. London. 1839. Fleming, Robert. Fulfilling of the Scripture. 12mo. Boston. 1743. Fleming, Robert. Epistolary Discourse, as Assistance to the Christian's Faith. 18mo. London. 1G92. Fletcher of Saltoun, and the Poet Thompson. Essays on the Lives and Writings of, by David Stuart, Earl of Buchan. 8vo. London. 1792. Fletcher, William. Twenty Sermons. 8vo. Dublin. 1772. Flinders, Matthew. Voyage to Terra Australis. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1814. *Atlas to the above, Fol. ALPHABETICAL CATALOOUI. 51 Flint, Abel. System of Geometry, Trigonometry, and Surveying. 8vo. Hartford. 1813. Flint, Timotuy. History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1832. Flogel, C. F. Geschichte der Romischen Litteratur. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1784. Florus, L. a. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Amstelo- dami. 1702. Florus, L. A. Idem, ill. Anna T. Fabri filia. 8vo. Londini. 1714. Florus, L. a. Idem,et LuciiAmpelii Liber memorialis. 8vo. Argentorati. 1810. Flower, B. French Constitution. 8vo. London. 1792. FoNTENELLE. Ocuvres. 8 vols. 8vo. 1790-1792. FooTE, W. H. Historical and Biographical Account of North Carolina. 8vo. New York. 1846. FoRCELLiNus, Aegidius. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. 4 vols. Fol. Schnee- bergae. 1831-1835. Ford, John. Dramatic Works. Ed. by Henry Weber. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1811. FoRDYCE, George. Five Dissertations on Fever. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Fordyce, J. Addresses to Young Men. 12mo. Boston, s. a. Fornmanna Sogur. 8vo. Kaupmannahofn. 1828. FoRSKAEL, Petrus. Dcscriptioncs Animalium, Avium, Insectorum, et Ver- mium quae in Itinere Orientali observavit. 4to. Hanniae. 1775. FoRSKAEL Petrus. Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica. 4to. Hanniae. 1775. FoRSTER, Thos. Researches about Atmospheric Phenomena. 8vo. London. 1813. Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, made during an Excursion into Italy. 8vo. Boston. 1818. FoRTEQUERRi, NiccoLO. II Ricciardctto. 3 vols. 18mo. Yenezia. 1789. Foster, John. Essay on Accent and Quantity. 8vo. London. 1820. Foster, M. Report of the Trial of the Rebels of 1746. 8vo. Lond. 1776. Fox, John. Book of Martyrs. Fol. London. 1732. Franceson, C. T. Essai sur Homere. 12mo. Berlin. 1818. Fbancia, Dr. Reign of, in Paraguay. 8vo. London. 1827. Francoeur, L. B. Goniometrie. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Francoeur, L. B. Astronomic Praetique. 8vo. Paris. 1830. Frankius, Johannes. Tenebrae Lucidae. 4to. Lipsiae. 1710. 5a ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Fbanklin, Benjamin. AV^orks and Life, by J. Sparks. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1837. Fkanklin, John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea. 4to. London. 1823. Fhanklin, John. Narrative of Second Voyage to the Shores of the Polar Sea. 4to. London. 1828. Phaser, J. B. Tour through the Himmalaya Mountains. 4to. Lond. 1820. Freemasonry, by a Master Mason. 8vo. New York.. 1828. Freemasonry. Letters on. 8vo. Boston. 1849. Fries, Jacob. Logik. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1811. Fries, Jacob. Die Mathematische Natur-Philosophie. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1822. Fries, Jacob. Metaphysik. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1824. Fries, Jacob. Kritik derVernunft. 3 vols. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1828. Fries, Jacob. System der Philosophie. 12mo. Leipzig. 1804. Frisbie, Prof. Miscellaneous Writings, and Life by Norton. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Frommiciien, C. H. Philosophia Academica. 4to. Gottingae. 1770. Frontinus, Sextius Julius. Opera. Stud. Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti. 1788. Fuelleborn, G. G. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie. 10 vols, in 9. 8vo. Jena. 1799. Fuller, Andrew. Works. 8 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1820. Fuller, Andrew. Defence of a Treatise on the Gospel of Christ. 12mo. Phila. 1810. Fuller, Thos. Church History of Great Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ to the year 1648. 4to. London. 1655. Fuller, Thos. History of the Worthies of England. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1811. Fuller, Thos. Introduction to Prudence. 18mo. London. 1815. FuNCCius, John Nic. De Pueritia Latinae Linguae. 4to. Marburgi. 1720. FuNCCius, John Nic. De Origine et Pueritia Latinae Linguae Libri duo. 4to. Marburgi. 1735. FuNCCius, John Nic. De imminente Latinae Linguae Senectute. 4to. Marburgi. 1736. Furlong, Lawrence. American Coast Pilot. 8vo. Newburj-port. 1804. FusELi, Henry. Life and Writings, by John Kuowles. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 53 Gableii, G. a. System der Theoretischen Philosophic. 8vo. Erlangcn. 1827. Gaius ET JusTiNiANUS. Institutioiics Juris lloiiiani. 4to. Ecrolini. 1829. Gale, Tiieopiiilus. Court of the Gentiles. 4 vols. 4to. Oxford. 1G69. Galenus. Adhortatio ad Artes. Ed. Willet. 8vo. Lugduui. 1812. Galileo Galilei. Mathematical Discourses. 4to. London. 1730. Galileo Galilei. Opere. 13 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1808-1811. Galley. Dissertations against Greek Accents. Bound with J. Foster. Gallup, J. A. Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in Vermont. 2 copies. 8vo. Boston. 1815. Gardiner, Col. James. Life, by Dr. Doddridge. 12mo. Pliila. 1795. Gardiner, John. Inquiry into the Cause and Cure of the Gout. 12mo. Phila. 1793. Gassendus Petrus. Opera omnia. 6 vols. Fol. Lugduni. 1658. Gassendus, Petrus. Institutio Astronomica. 12mo. London. 1653. Gauss, C. F. Recherches Arithmetiques. 4to. Paris. 1807. Gauss, C. F. Theoria Motus Corporum Celestium in Sectionibus conicis Solem ambientium. 4to. Hambergae. 1809. Gauss, C. F. Determinatio Attractionis. 4to. Gottingae. 1818. Geddes, Alexander. Memoirs of Life and Writings, by J. N. Good. 8vo. London. 1803. Gell, W. Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca. 4to. London. 1807. Gell, W. The Itinerary of Greece. 4to. London. 1810. ^Gell, W. Pompeiana. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. Gellert, C. F. Schriften. 10 vols. Vols, i and iii wanting. 12mo. Keuttlingen. 1786. Gellius, Aulius. Noctes Atticae. Ed. Lion. 8vo. Gottingae. 1825. Genesis of the World. Divine History of. 4to. London. 1670. Genlis, Madame de. Le Siege de la Bochelle, ou le Malheur et la Con- science. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1823. Geological Report on the elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. By Featherstonhaugh. 8vo. Washington. 1835. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. Fol. Phila. 1852. Illustrations of the above. Fol. Phila. 1852. Geological Survey of the District adjoining the Eric Canal. Part i. 8vo. Albany. 1824. 54 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. GEOLoaiCAL Survey of New York. Reports to the Assembly for years 1837-1841 inclusive. 5 vols. 8vo. Plates to the above. 4to. GEOLoaY. Lectures on, by Dr. J. Van E-ensalaer. 8vo. New York. 1825. Geology. Of South Carolina. Report by M. Tuomey. 4to. Columbia. 1848. Of Connecticut. Report by J. G. Percival. 8vo. New Haven. 1832. Of Massachusetts. Report by Edward Hitchcock. 8vo. Amherst. 1835. Of Massachusetts. Economical, Reexamination by Hitchcock. 8vo. Boston. 1838. Of Massachusetts. Final Report, by Hitchcock. 2 vols. 4to. North- ampton. 1841. ^Plates illustrative of the Geology and Scenery of Massachusetts. 4to. Of Maine. First Report, by C. F. Jackson. 8vo. Augusta. 1837. Of do. Second Report, do. 8vo. Augusta. 1838. Of do. Third Report, do. 2 copies. 8vo. Augusta. 1839. Of Aroostook County, by E. Holmes. 8vo. Augusta. 1839. Atlas of Plates for Geol. of Maine. 4to. Ob Maine and Massachusetts Lands. Second Annual Report by C, F. Jackson. 8vo. Augusta. 1838. Maps and Charts accompanying the above. Of Green Bay and AVisconsin Territory, by G.W. Featherstonhaugh. 8vo. Washington. 1836. Of Michigan. Second Annual Report of the State Geologist, D. Houghton. 8vo. Detroit. 1839. Of New Jersey. Final Report of H. D. Rogers. 8vo. Phila. 1840. Of Vermont. First Annual Report by C. B. Adams. 8vo. Burling- ton. 1845. Second do. 8vo. Burlington. 1846. Third do. 8vo. Burlington. 1847. Geology and Mineralogy of Boston and Vicinity, by F. and S. L. Dana. 8vo. Boston. 1818. Georgia Historical Society. Collections. 3 vols. 8vo. Savannah. 1840- 1848. ^ Gera, Dr. F. de Conbqliano. La Fabrication du Fromage. 8vo. Paris. 1843. Gerard, G. Institutes of Biblical Criticism. Svo. Boston. 1823. ALPHADETICAL CATALOGUE. 55 CrERVAiSE, D. Lettrcs d'un Theologicn. 5 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1724. Gesanobuch der Ev. Reformirtcn Gcmcinen in den V. S. von America. 12mo. Germautaun. 1818. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1821. Gibbons, Tuos. Juvenilia. (Poems.) 12mo. London. 1750. GiBBS, JosiAH. A Manual Hebrew and English Lexicon. 8vo. Andover. 1828. Gibson, Edmund. Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani. 2 vols. Fol. Ox- ford. 17G1. Gibson, Robert. A Treatise of Practical Surveying. 8vo. New York. 1803. GiFFORD, William. Baviad and Maeviad. 18mo. London. 1800. GiLBERTUS, GuLiELMus. Tractatus de Magneto. Sedini. 1628. Gil Blas. Aventuras. 4 vols. 32mo. Paris. 1826. Gill, C. Mathematical Miscellany. Vols, i and ii, bound in one. 8vo. New York. 1836-1839. Gillies, John. History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies and Conquests till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East, including the History of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1814. (Vol. Ill wanting.) *GiLPiN, W. On the Highlands of Scotland. 8vo. London. 1792. *Gilpin, W. Observations on the River Wye. 8vo. London. 1800. =^GiLPiN, W. Essay on Prints. 8vo. London. 1802. =^GiLPix, W. Observations on the Coast of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent. 8vo. London. 1804. ^Gilpin, W. Two Essays on Landscape Drawing. 8vo. London. 1804. =^GiLPiN, W. Three Essays on Picturesque Beauty. 8vo. London. 1808. ^Gilpin, W. Observations on the Western Parts of England. 8vo. Lend. 1808. "^Gilpin, W. Observations on Cumberland and Westmoreland. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1808. ^Gilpin, W. Forest Scenery. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1808. "^Gilpin, W. Observations on the Counties of Essex, Sufifolk, Norfolk, and South Wales. 8vo. London. 1809. < rTRARD, Stephen. Arguments and Judgment on the Will of. 8vo. Phila, 1844, 5G ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. GiSBORNE, Tuos. Christian Survey of the Christian Keligion. 12mo. New York. 1807. Glanville, Joseph. Scepsis Scientifica. 4to. London. 1665. Gnomici Poetae Graeci. Ed. Brunck. 12mo. Argentorati. 1784. GoDDARD, Thomas H. General History of the Banks in Europe. 8vo. New York. 1831. GoDMAN, J. J). American Natural History. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1826. Godwin, Wm. Enquiry concerning Political Justice. 8vo. London. 1796. Godwin, Wm. Essays on Education, Manners, and Literature. 8vo. Lend. 1797. Goethe. Memoirs, written by himself. 8vo. New York. 1824. Goethe. Faust, a Dramatic Poem, transl. by Hayward. 8vo. London. 1834. Goethe. Werke. 55 vols. 12mo. Stuttgart und Tubingen. 1827-1834. Goethe. Inhalts-und Namen-Yerzeichnisse iiber Goetheschen Werke. 12mo. Stuttgart und Tubingen. 1835. Goethe, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, transl. by Carlyle. 3 vols. 18mo. Boston. 1828. Goguet. De rOrigine des Lois, des Artes, et des Sciences. 3 vols. Paris. 1758. GoLDONi, Carlo. Commedie Scelte. 4 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1821. Goldsmith, Rev. J. Geographical Yiew of the World. 12mo. New Yoi 1826. Good, John M. Book of Nature. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1826. Goodrich, C. A. Elements of Greek Grammar. 8vo. Hartford. 1828. Gordon, P. Geographical Grammar. 8vo. London. 1741. GoRHAM, John. Elementsof Chemical Science. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1811 Goring and Pritchard. Microscopic Illustrations. 8vo. London. 1830. GoRRES, J. Altteutsche Yolks und Meisterliedcr. 8vo. Frankf. a. M. 181* Gozzi, Gasparo. Opere Scelte. 5 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1821. Graham, James. The Sabbath, a Poem. 18mo. New York. 1805. Graham, James D. Observations on Magnetic Dip. 4to. Phila. 1846. Graham, Wm. S. Remains, with a Memoir by Prof. Allen. 12mo. Phila. 1849. Grant, Robert. History of the East India Company. 8vo. London. 1813. Grattan, Henry. Speeches. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1822. Gravina Yincenzo. Delia Ragiou Poetica Libri due, ct della Tragedia Li- bre uno. 4to. Ycnczia. 1731. ▲LPUABETICAL CATALOG UB. 57 Gray.Alonzo. Elements of Chemistry. 12mo. New York. 1841. Gray, J. Priesthoods of Jesus Christ and Melchisedeck. 12mo. Phila. 1810. Greece, Modern. History of, with Geography, Antiquities, and present Condition. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Green, Richard W. The Scholar's Companion. 12mo. Phila. 1836. Greene, Gen. Nathaniel. Life, by Caldwell. 8vo. Phila. 1819. Greeneway, K Annals of Tacitus. Fol. London. 1612. Greenhow, Robert. Memoir, Historical and Political, of the North-west Coast of North America. 8vo. Washington. 1840. Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon, California, and other North-west Territories. 8vo. Boston. 1844. Greenland. History of, and of the Mission carried on there for thirty years by the Unitas-Fratrum. By David Crantz. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 176T. Green Mountain Gem, 1843. 4to. Bradford, Vt. Green Mountain Gem, 1846-1849. 8vo. Bradford, Vt. Green Mountain Repository for the year 1832. Ed. by Z. Thompson. 12mo. Burlington. Greenough, G. B. Critical Examination of the first Principles of Geology. Fol. London. 1819. Gregoire, H. Enquiry into the Intellectual and Moral Faculties of Ne- groes. 8vo. Brooklyn. 1810. Gregoire, H. Histoiredes Sectes Religieuses. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1810. Gregorius Gorinthus, et alii Grammatici. Libri de Dialectis Linguae Graecae. Ed. Schaffer. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1811. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Omnia quae reperiuntur. Fol. s. 1. 1550. Gregory, George. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Physic, with Notes by Peixotto. 8vo. New York. 1830. Gregory, Olinthus. Mechanics. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. Plates to the above. 8vo. London. 1826. Grj:llmann, H. M. G. Dissertation on Gypsies. Transl. from the Ger- man by Raper. 4to. London. 1787. Gresset. Oeuvres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1811. Greswell, W. p. Annals of Parisian Typography. 8vo. London. 1818. Grey, Richard. Memoria Technica. 12mo. Dublin. 1796. Grimke, T. S. Character and Objects of all Science and Literature. 12mo. New Haven. 1831. 8 5S ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Grimm et Diderot. Correspondance litteraire, philosophique, et critique, depuis 1753 jusqu'a 1790. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1829-1831. Grimm et Diderot. Correspondance inedite, et Kecueil de Lettres, Poesies, Morceaux, et Fragmens retranches par la Censure Imperiale. 8vo. Paris. 1829. Grosvenor, Benjamin. The Mourner. 18mo. Andover. 1838. Grotius, Hugo. Opera omnia Theologica. 3 vols. Fol. Amstelodami. 1679. Grottos, Hugo. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. 8vo. Amstelodami. 1679. GuALTiERUs, NicoLAUs. ludox Tostarum Conchyliorum. Fol. Florentiae. 1742. GuERARD, A. Essai sur I'Histoire du Droit prive des Eomains. 8vo. Paris. 1841. GuicciARDiNi. Historie of the Warres of Italie, reduced into English by Geffray Fenton. Fol. London. 1718. GuicciARDiNi. Storia d'ltalia, dal 1490 al 1534. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1832. Guilford, Baron ; Francis North ; Sir Dudley North j and Dr. J. North ; Lives, by R. North. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. GuioN, Lady. Life, and Lives of Fenelon, Molino, and Ste. Teresa. 8vo. New York. 182L GuiscHARD, C. Memoires Militaires sur les Grecs et les Eomains. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyons. 1760. Gummere, John. Surveying. 8vo. Phila. 1814. GuRNEY, Jos. J. On the Sabbath, with notes by M. Stuart. 12mo. Ando- ver. 1833. Guthrie, Wm. Christian's great Interest. 12mo. Andover. 1815. GuTZLAFF, Chas. Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient and Modern. London. 1834. GwiLT, J. On the Equilibrium of Arches. 8vo. London. 1826. I Hackett, H. B. Chaldee Grammar by Winer. 8vo. Andover. 1845. Hackett, H. B. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. 8vo. Boston. 1852. Hackett, H. B. Plutarch de Sera Numinis Vindicta, with notes. 12mo. Andover. 1844. Hackett, H. B. Exercises on Hebrew Grammar. 12mo. Andover. 1847 I ALPUABETICAL CATALOQUB. 59 Hawh, James. The Dyer's Assistant. 12mo. Phila. 1810. Hakluyt, Richard. Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels, and Discov- eries of the English Nation. 5 vols. 4to. London. 1809. Hales, Stephen. Statistical Tables of Vegetables. 8 vo. London. 1731. Halfdanasaga Bronufostra. (Incomplete.) 8vo. Hall, Gordon. Memoirs by Bardwell. 12mo. New York. 1841. Hall, Joseph. Memoirs of Life and Writings, by Jones. 8vo. London. 1826. Hall, Joseph. Satires. 12mo. Chiswick. 1824. Hall, M. Principles of Diagnosis. 8vo. New York. 1835. Hallam, Henry. The Middle Ages. 4 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1821. Hallam, Henry. Constitutional History of England from Henry vii to George ii, inclusive. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. Halley, Edmund. Astronomical Tables. 4to. London. 1752. Halyburton, Thos. Principles of Modern Deists. 8vo. Albany. 1812. Hamann. Schriften, von Roth. 7 vols. 12mo. Berlin. 1821. Hamilton, Francis. An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal. 4to. Edin- burgh. 1819. Hamilton, Wm. History of Medicine, Surgery, and Anatomy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1831. Hammond, Henry. Works. Fol. London. 1684. Hampden, John. Some Memorials of, by Lord Nugent. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. London. 1832. Hancock, Thos. On Peace. 12mo. Boston. 1843. Harbor Maps. Of Oyster Bay, Long Island. 1847. Of Holmes' Hole and Tarpaulin Cove. 1847. Of New London, Conn., by Lieut. Blake. 1848. Harlan, Richard. Fauna Americana ; being a description of the Mammif- erous Animals of North America. 8vo. Phila. 1825. Harleian Miscellany. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1808-1814. Harles, T. C. Introductio in Historiam Linguae Graecae. 2 vols. 8vo. Altenburgi. 1792. Supplementum. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Genae. 1804. Harles, T. C. Brevier Notitia Litteraturae Romanae. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1789. Supplementa. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1799. Harmon, D. W. Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America. 8vo. And over. 1820. 6^ ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Harmony of the Gospels in Greek, by Wm. Newcomb, 4to. Andover, 1814, HARBiNaTON, James. Works. Fol. London. 1737. Harris, James. Miscellanies. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1783, Harris, John. Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1744, Harris, T. M. Discourses on Free Masonry. 8vo. Charlestown. 1801. Harris, T. M. Journal of a Tour into the Territory North-west of the Alle- ghany Mountains. 8vo. Boston. 1805. Hart, Nathaniel C. Documents relative to the House of Refuge. 8vo. New York. 1832. Hartly, David. Observations on Man. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1801. Hartshorne, C. H. Ancient Metrical Tales. 12mo. London. 1829, Hartung, J. A. Lehre von den Partikeln der Griechischen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen. 1832. Harvard University. Annnal Report of the President to the Overseers for 1825. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1827. History of, by B. Pierce. 8vo. Cambridge. 1833. History of, by Josiah Quincy. 8vo. Cambridge. 1840. Haskel, Daniel. Gazeteer of the U. S., and Maps, Haskins, R. W. History and Progress of Phrenology. 12mo. Buffalo. 1839. j Haslewood, Joseph. Ancient Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy, edited by. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1811-1815. Containing : I. The Arte of English Poesie, by George Puttenham. Lond. 1589 II. Certayne Notes of Instruction concerning the making of Verse or Byrne in English, by George Gascoigne. London. 1575. III. A Discourse of English Poetrie, by William Webbe. Lond. 1586 IV. A Treatise of the Airt of Scottis Poesie, by King James. Edinb 1584. V. An Apologie of Poetrie, by Sir John Harrington, s. 1. 1591. VI. A comparative Discourse of our English Poets with the Greeke, Latine, and Italian Poets, by Francis Meres. London. 1598. VII. Observations in the Art of English Poesie, by Thomas Campion. London. 1602. VIII. A Defence of Rhjnme, (against the above "Observations,") by Sa: D. London. 1603. IX. Hypercritica, or a Rule of Judgment for writing, or reading our History's, by Edmund Bolton. Oxford. 1722. I ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUB. 01 Haslewood, Joseph — Continued. X. Three proper, and wittie familiar Letters, (between Edmund Spen- ser and Gabriel Harvey). London. 1580. XL Two other very commendable Letters of the same mens writing. London. 1580. Hauy, M. l'Abbe. Traite de Cristallographie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1822, Haweis, Rev. T. History of the Church of Christ. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore. 1807. Hawks, F. L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the U, S, A. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. New Y'ork. 1836. Hay, Bishop. The pious Christian instructed. 12mo. Phila. 1800. Haydex, Horace H. Geological Essays. 8vo. Baltimore. 1820. Haeen, Edward. Panorama of Professions and Trades. 4to. Phila. 1820. Hazlitt, Wm. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 8vo. Phila. 1819. Head, Capt. F. B. Journey to the Pampas and the Andes. 8vo. Boston. 1827. Hearne, Saml. Journey to the Northern Ocean ia the years 1769-1772. 4to. London. 1795. Hearne, Thomas. Works. See Langtoft and Robert of Gloucester. Heber, Reginald. Narrative of a Journey through the upper Provinces of India. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. Heber, Reginald. Life and Writings, by his Widow. Vol. i. 8vo. New York. 1830. Hebrew Grammar. By I. Lyons and R. Grey. 8vo. Boston. 1763. Heerebord, a. Meletemata Philosophica. 4to. Neomagi. 1665. Heeren, a. H. L. Geschichte des Studiums der Griechischen und Romi- schen Litteratur. 2 vols. 8vo. Gottingen. 1801. Heeren, A. H. L. Ideen Ueber die Politik den Verkehr und den Handel der Yornehmsten Volker der Alton Welt. 5 vols. 8vo. Gottingen. 1824. Heeren, A. H. L. Commentatio de Fontibus Geographicorum Ptolemaei. 4to. Gottingae. 1827. Heeren, A. H. L. De iisdem et auctoritate Vitarum parallelarum Plutar- chi. 8vo. Gottingae. 1827. Heeren, A. H. L. Manual of the History of the Political System of Eu- rope and its Colonies. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1834. Hegel, G. W. F. Werke. 13 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1832-1836. Hegewisch, D. H. Einleitung in die Historische Chronologic. 8vo. Al- tona. 1811. 62 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Heine, H. Romantische Schule. 12mo. Hamburg. 1836. Hellanicus Lesbius. Fragmenta. Ed. Sturz. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1826. Hennicke, J. F. Commentatio de Geographica Africae Herodotea. 4to. Gottingae. s. a. Henry VII. Histoire de, par Marsolier. 18mo. Paris. 1700. Henry, Robert. History of Great Britain. 12 vols. 8yo. London. 1805- 1806. Henry, T. Charlton. Letters to an anxious Inquirer. 8vo. Charleston. 1827. Henry, William. An Epitome of Chemistry. 8vo. New York. 1808. Henry, William. Elements of Chemistry. (Title page wanting.) Hepiiaestion Alexand. Enchiridion. Ed. Gaisford. 8vo. Oxoniae. 1810. Heraclides Ponticus. Fragmenta de rebus publicis. Ed. Koler. 8vo. Halae. 1804. Heraclides Ponticus. AUegoriae Homcricae. Ed. Heyne. 12mo. Got- tingae. 1782. Heraclitus, et Anonymus. De incredibilibus libellis, Graece. Ed. Teuch- erus. 12mo. Lemgoriae. 1796. Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Psychologie als Wissenschaft, neugegriindet auf Erfahrung, Metaphysik, und Mathematik. 2 vols. 8vo. Konigsberg. 1825. Herbart, J. F. Lehrbuchzur Einleitung in die Philosophic. 8vo. Konigs- berg. 1834. J Herbelot, M. Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictioimaire Universel de I'Ori- ent. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1781-1783. Herculanensia, or Archaeological and Philological Dissertations, by Drum- mond. 4to. London. 1810. Herder, J. G. Philosophy of the History of Man. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1803. Herder, J. G. The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, transl. by James Marsh vols. 12mo. Burlington. 1833. Hericart de Tuury. Description des Catacombes de Paris. 8vo. Paris.' 1815. Hermann, Godfrey. Elemcnta Doctrinae Metricac. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1816. Hermann, Godfrey. Epitome ejusdcm. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1818. Herodes Atticus. Quae supcrsunt. Ed. Heyne. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1801. Herodianus. Historiarum Libri viii. Ed. Bekker. 8vo. Berolini. 1820 Herodoteae Commentationes. Creuzer. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1819. 1 ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. 63 IIerodoteum Lexicon. Ed. Schweighauser. 2 vols. Londini. 1824. Herodotus. Musae, sivc Historiarum Libri ix. Ed. Schwcighiiuser. 12 vols. 8vo. Argent. etParisiis. 1816. Herodotus. Historiarum Libri ix. 2 vols, in one. 18mo. 2 copies. Lipsiac. 1839. Herodotus. Geographical System of. Ed. G. J. Rennell. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1830. Hermelus, a Poem in Modern Greek. 12mo. s. 1. et a. Herschel, J. F. W. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Phi- losophy. 12mo. London. 1833. Herschel, J. F. W. Treatise on Astronomy. 12mo. Phila. 1835. Hervey, James. Character of, by John Ryland. 8vo. London. 1791. Hesychius Milesius. Opuscula duo quae supersunt. Ed. Orellius. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1820. Hevelius, J. Selenographia, sive Lunae Descriptio. Fol. Gedani. 1647. Heydenreich, K. H. Natur und Gott nach Spinoza. Ersten Band. 12mo. Leipzig. 1789. Heydenreich, K. H. Mann und Weib. 12mo. Leipzig. 1789. Heyne, C. G. Opuscula Academica. 6 vols. 8vo. Gottingae. 1785. Heyne, C. G. Yorlesungen iiber die Archaologie der Kiinst des Altcr- thums. 8vo. Braunschweig. 1822. Hezel, "W. F. Greichenlandes aelteste Geschichte und Sprache. 12mo. Leipzig. 1797. Hierocles. Comment, in Aurea Carmina, de Providentia et Fato. Graece et Latine. Ed. Needhamus. 8vo. Cantabrigiae. 1709. Hieronymus Sanctus. Opera omnia. 12 vols, in 2. Fol. Francofurti. 1684. HiLDEBURTUs. Opera. Fol. Paris. 1708. Hillhouse, James A. Hadad, a Dramatic Poem. Svo. New York. 1825. HiLLHOUSE, James A. Complete Works. 2 vols, in one. 12mo. Boston. 1839. Himerius Sophista. Eclogae et Declamationes. Ed. Wemsdorf. 8vo. Gottingae. 1790. HiNDMARSH, James. Dictionary of Correspondences. 12mo. Lond. 1794. HiNDOOSTAN. History of, from the earliest time. Transl. from the Persian, with a Dissertation on the Religion and Theology of the Brahmins, by Al- exander Dow. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1768. HiRSCHE, Meyer. Tables of Integral Formulae, transl. from the German. Svo. London. 1823. 64 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. HiRT, A. Geschichte der Baukunst bei den Alten. 3 vols. 4to. Berlin. 1821. Tafeln zur Geschichte. Fol. HiSTOiRE Generale de la Compagnie de Jesus. 4 vols. 12mo. s. L 1761. HiSTORIAE AUGUSTAE SCRIPTORES SEX, viz : Aelius Spartianus. Vulc. Gallicanus. Julius Capitolinus. Trebellius PoUio. Aelius Lampridius. Flavins Vopiscus. 2 vols. 8vo. Biponti. 1787. Historical Collections. Ed. by Farmer and Moore. Vols, ii and iii. 8vo. Concord. 1823-1824. HiSTORicoRUM Graecorum Antiquissimorum Fragmenta. Ed. Creuzer. 8vo. Heidelbergae. 1806. History, Universal, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from orig- inal Authors, and illustrated with Maps, &c. 20 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1745. Hitchcock, Edward. See Geology of Mass. HoARE, R. C. Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819. HoBART, J. H. Posthumous Works. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1833. Ho BART, J. H. Professional years of, by Dr. McYicar. 12mo. New York. 1836. HoBBES, Thomas. Moral and Political \yorks. Fol. London. 1750. HoBBES, Thomas. Translation of Thucydides. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 181i Hoffman, David. Legal Outlines. 3 vols. 8vo. Baltimore. 1829. Hoffman, S. F. G. Lexicon Bibliographicum. 3 vols. 8vo. (Incomplei Lipsiae. 1832-1836. Hogarth, George. Musical History, Biography, and Criticism. S^ London. 1835. HoLBROOK, John E. North American Herpetology. 5 vols. 4to. Phila. 1825. i HoLLis, Thomas. Memoirs. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1780. Holmes, A. Annals of America from 1492-1826. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. Holmes, J. Greek Grammar. (Defective.) 12mo. 1733. H6lty,L.H. C. Gedichte. 8vo. Carlsruhe. 1814. Holyoke, Edward A. Memoir. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Home, Henry, Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism. Vol. ii. Svo. Edirf burgh. 1763. I ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 05 Home, Joun. Works, by Henry Mackenzie. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1822. IIoMEK. Inquiry into the Life and Writings of, by Blackwall. 8yo. London. 1736. IIoMERUS. Ilias, Gracco ct Latino. Ed. Clarke. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1768. HoMERUs. Hynmi et Epigrainmatica. Ed. Hermann. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1806. IIoMERUS. Carmina. Ed. Heyne. 9 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1811. HoMERUs. Opera omnia. Ed. Ernesti. 5 vols. 8vo. Glasguae. 1814. HoMERus. Ilias, cum Comment. Eustathii. Ed. Miiller. 2 vols. 8vo. Misenae. 1829. HoMERus. Odyssea. Ed. Baumgarten-Crusius. 3 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1832. IIoMERUs. Odyssea. 2 vols, in one. 18mo. Lipsiae. 1839. HooGEVEEx, Henricus. Doctriua Particularum Linguae Graecae, 8vo. Lipsiae. 1836. Hooker, Richard. Lawsof Ecclesiastical Polity. Fol. London, s. a. Hooper, IIobt. Examinations in Anatomy and Physiology. 18mo. New York. 1811. HooRNEBECK, JoHN. Thcologia practica. 2 vols. 4to. Ultrajecti. 1666. Hoosack and Francis. American Medical and Philosophical Register. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1814. Hopkins, Ezekiel. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1809. Hopkins, Samuel. Nature of true Holiness. 8vo. Newport. 1773. Hopkins, Samuel. System of Doctrine. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1793. Hopkins, Samuel. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1811. HoRATius, Q. Flaccus. Opera. Ed. Doring. 8vo. Oxoniac. 1831. HoRATius. Poemata. Ed. Min-Ellius. 18mo. Londini. 1726. HoRATius. Opera. Ed. Weisc. 18mo. Lipsiae. 1843. HoRATius. Satiren. Ed. Heindorf. 8vo. Breslau. 1815. Horn, Franz. Poesie und Beredsamkeit der Deutschen. 4 vols. 8vo. Ber- lin. 1822-1829. HoRNE, George. Commentary on the Psalms. 8vo. Phila. 1822. HoRNE, Thomas. A Foreigner's Opinion of England. 8vo. Boston. 1832. HoRNECK, Anthony. The Crucified Jesus. 8vo. Edinburgh, s. a. HoRSELEY, Bishop S. Sermons. 8vo. London. 1824. Horticulture, Annales de. Vols. xvm-xLi. 8vo. Paris. 1836-1850. HosKiNS, Nathan. History of Vermont from its Discovery to the year 1830. 12mo. Vergennes. 1831. 9 66 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. HouEL, Ephrem. Traite du Cheval en Bretagne. 8vo. Avrenches. 1842. Howard, John. Memoirs, compiled from his own Diary. 4to. London. 1818. Howe, John. Works. 8 vols. 8vo. London. 1822. HoYT, E. Practical Instruction for Military Officers. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass. 1811. ■ HoYT, E. Antiquarian Researches, or History of Indian Wars about the Connecticut River, to 1760. 8vo. Greenfield. 1824. Hubbard, Wm. Indian Wars in New England from 1607 to 1677. 12mo. Brattleboro. 1814. Huet, Peter. On the Weakness of the Human Understanding. 8vo. London. 1725. Hug, J. L. Die Erfindung der Buchstabenschrift. 4to. Ulm. 1801. Hug, J. L. Introduction to the writing of the New Testament. Transl. by Wait. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1827. Hug, J. L. The same translated by Fosdick. 8vo. Andover. 1836. Huqenius, Christianus. Opera Varia. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Amstelodami. 1724. Hugenius, Christianus. Opera Reliqua. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Amstelodami. 1728. Hughes, Rev. T. S. Travels in Greece and Albania. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Hull, Gen. Wm. Revolutionary Services, and Civil Life, by his Daughter, Mrs. Campbell ; and the Campaign of 1812, by J. F. Clarke. 8vo. New York. 1848. Humboldt, A. Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. 2 copies of Vol. i. Fol. Paris. 1811. Humboldt, A. The same translated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1811. Atlas Geographique et Physique du R. de la N. E. Fol. Paris. 1812. Humboldt, A. Researches copcerning the Monuments of the Ancient In- habitants of America. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1814. Humboldt, A. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. 7 vols. 8vo. London. 1822. Hume, David. History of England. 8 vols. 8vo. London. 1789. Humphrey, Heman. Miscellananeous Discourses and Reviews. 12mo. Amherst. 1834. Humphreys, Colonel. Miscellaneous Works. 12mo. New York. 1790. Huns. Histoire generalc des. Sec Do Guigncs. ALPHABETICAL CATALOOUS. C7 Hunt, Leiqu. Feast of the Poets. 18mo. London. 1814. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. See Pamphlet Cases lOG-108. HuRD, Richard. Works, containing : Sermons and Charges, Moral and Political Dialogues, Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies, Letters on Chivalry and Romance, and Criti- cal Works and Dissertations. 8 vols. 8vo. London. 1811. HuRD, Richard. Ars Poetica of Horace, with Notes. 2 vols. 12mo. Cam- bridge, Eng. 1757. HusKissoN, Wm. Speeches. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1831. Hutcheson, Francis. Inquiry into our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. 8vo. London. 1826. Hutcheson, Francis. Introduction to Moral Philosophy. 16mo. Glasgow. 1747. Hutchinson, J. Works. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1748. HuTiN, P. Manual of the Physiology of Man, from the French. 12mo. Phila. 1828. HuTTON, Charles. Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary. 2 vols, with plates. 4to. London. 1795. HuTTON, Charles. Mathematical Tables. 8vo. London. 1804. HuTTON, Charles. Course of Mathematics. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1810. Hymns, Watts' and Select. Worcester's ed. 6 copies. 16mo. Boston. 1849. The same. 6 copies. 32mo. Boston. 1849. *IcoNOGRAPHiE Ancienne, ou Rccueil des Portraits Authentiques des Em- pereurs, Rois, et Hommes illustres de I'antiquite, par E. Q. Visconti : Iconographie Grecque. 3 Tomes. 4to. Paris. 1811. Iconographie Romaine. 4 Tomes. 4to. Paris. 1817. =^Planches de I'lconograpjiie Grecque. Fol. Paris. 1811. ^^Planches de I'lconographie Romaine. Fol. Paris. 1817, Ilgen, C. D. Scholia, hoc est, Carmina Convivalia Graecorum. 12mo. Jenae. 1798. Indian Biography, by Thatcher. 2 vols. 16mo. New York. 1832. Infantry Exercise of the United States Army, abridged. 12mo. Montpelier. 1820. 68 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Infernal Conference, or Dialogues of Devils, by a Listener. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1795. Ingersoll, G. G. Sermons and Discourses. 8vo. Burlington. 1830-1844. Innes, John. Short Description of the Human Muscles. 8vo. New York. 1818. Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul. (Imputed to A. Baxter.) 3 vols, with the Appendix. 8vo. London. 1745. Irish Rebellion. History of (Title page wanting.) Irving, Edward. Orations for Missionaries. 8vo. New York. 1825. Irving, Edward. Four Orations on the Oracles of God. 12mo. Phila. 1824. IscANUs, JosEPHus. Dc BcUo Trojano Libri sex. Bound with Dictys Cre- tensis. IsLANDE. Voyage en, par ordre de S. M. Danoise. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1802. Atlas a cela. 4to. Paris. 1802. IsoCRATES. Orationes et Epistolae cum Scholiis antiquis, Graece. 8vo. Parisiis. 1807. IsocRATES. Orationes cum Versione Latina. 12mo. s. 1. et a. Italian Poets. Lives, by Henry Stebbings. 3 vols. 12mo. London. 1832. Italy. Journal of a Tour in, by an American, in 1821. 8vo. New York. 1824. Jablonskius, p. E. Opuscula, de Lingua et Antiquitate iEgyptionim. 4 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1804-1813. Jackson, John. The Existence and Unity of God ; a Vindication of Dr. Clarke's Demonstration. 8vo. London. 1734. Jackson, Robert. Treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica. 12mo. Phila. 1795. Jackson, Wm. Book-Kceping, by Double Entry. 8vo. New York. 1804. Jacobi, F. H. AVerke. 6 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1812. Jacobi, F. H. Vermischte Schriften. !12mo. Breslau, 1781. Jacobi, F. H. Von den Gottlichen Dingen. 12mo. Leipzig. 1811. Jacobinism. Memoirs of, from the French of Barruel. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1797-1798. Jacobs, F. Anthologia Graeca. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1813. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 69^ Jacobs, F. Greek Keader. 8vo. Boston. 1823. Jacobs, F. The same. Ed. Patterson. 8vo. New York. 1827. Jacobs, F. The same. Ed. Patterson. 8vo. New York. 1829. Jaiin, J. G. Hebrew Commonwealth, by C. E. Stowe. 8vo. Andover, 1828. Jaiin, J. G. Biblical Archaeology, by Upham. 8vo. Andover. 1833. jAnRBUECHER dcr Wissenschafttiche Kritik. 4to. Berlin. 1835. Jamblichus Chalcidensis. Adhortatio ad Philosophiam. Ed. Kiessling. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1813. Jamblichus Chalcidensis. De Vita Pythagorica Liber, Graece et Latine. Ed. Kiessling. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1825. Jamblichus Chalcidensis. See Taylor. James, Col. Thos. History of the Herculean Straits, now called Straits of Gibraltar, with copper plates. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1771. Jameson, Mrs. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1827. Jamieson, John. Hermes Scythicus, or the radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin Languages to the Gothic. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1814. Jamieson and Weber. Northern Antiquities from the earliest Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances. 4to. Edinburgh. 1814. Japan. History of, by Kaempfer. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1728. Jardine, G. Outlines of Philosophical Education. 8vo. Glasgow. 1825. Jay, John. Life and Writings, by his son. 8vo. New York. 1833. Jay, William. Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War. 12mo. Boston. 1849. Jefferson, Thomas. Works and Life, by Thos. J. Randolph. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Jeffreys, Judge. Memoirs, by Woolrych. 8vo. London. 1827. Jenisch, D. Vorlesungen iiber die Meisterwerke der Griechischen Poesie. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1803. Jenkyn, Wm. Exposition of the Epistle of Jude. 4to. London. 1652. Jenner. See Ogilvie. Jerment, George. Parental Duty. 12mo. Phila. 1794. Jewett, J. A. Passages in Foreign Travel. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1838. Joannes Salisberiensis. Polycraticus. 4to. Paris. 1513. Johannes Grammaticus Philoponus. Commentarii in priora Analytica Aristotelis. Ed. Wineavelius. Fol. Venetiis. 1536. Johnson, A. B. Treatise on Language. 8vo. New York. 1836. 70 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. JoETNSON, Laura. Botanical Teacher for N. America. 12mo. Albany. 1834. Johnson, Samuel. Works. 11 vols. 8vo. Oxford and London. 1825. Johnson, Rev. Samuel. Works. Fol. London. 1710. Johnson, Stephen. Everlasting Punishment of the Ungodly. 8vo. New London. 1786. Joli, Guy. Memoires de, et Memoires de la Duchesse de Nemours. 2 vols. 12mo. Geneve. 1777. JoMiNi, Baron de. Histoire Critique et Militaire des Guerres de la Revolu- tion. 14 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820-1824. ^Atlas a cela. Fol. Paris. JoMSViKiNGA Saga. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. 1829. Jones, John Paul. Life and Correspondence, by Miss Janette Taylor. 8vo. New York. 1830. Jones, Sir William. Poeseos Asiaticae Commentariorum Libri sex. 8vo. Londini. 1784. Jones, Sir William. Works, with Life by Lord Teignmouth. 13 vols. 8vo. London. 1807. Jones, William. History of the Waldenses. 8vo. London. 1812. Jonson, Ben. Dramatic Works. 4 vols, including the Dramatic Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. 8vo. London. 1811. JoPLiNG, Joseph. Practice of Isometrical Perspective. 8vo. Lond. 1834. JoRTiN, John. Works, viz : Sermons, Ecclesiastical History, Dissertations, Discourses, Life of Erasmus, and Tracts. 11 vols. 8vo. London. 1810. JosEPHUs, Flavius. Opera, Graece et Latine. Ed. Oberthiir. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1782. JoSEPHUS JuDAEUs. Opera. 4to. Parrhisiis. 1514. Journal, Boston, of Natural History, from 1834. Yols. i-vi. 8vo. Boston. 1838-1850. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vols, i-viir. 9 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1817-1839. Journal of the Society of Arts at London. Nos. 1-31. 8vo. London. 1852-1853. See Pamphlet Case 53. Journal of the Franklin Institute. See Pamphlet Case 101. Journal. See Congressional Documents, and the several States. Julianus Imperator. Opera quae supersunt omnia, et C3rrilli Animadver- sioncs contra Julianum. Graece et Latine. Ed. Spanhcmius. 2 vols. Fol. Lipsiae. 169G. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 71 Jurisprudence. Elemens de, par M. R. 12mo. Paris. 1762. JusTiNiANUs. See Gaius. JusTiNUS, M. JuNiANus. Historiae Philippicae. 8vo. Argentorati. 1802. JusTiNus, Philosophus et Martyr. Opera. Accedunt: Athenagorac Apologia pro Cliristianis, Ejusdem de Resurrectione Mortuorum, The- ophili contra Christianae Religionis Calumniatores, Tatiani Oratio ad Graecos, et Ilermiae Gentilium Philosophoriini Irrisio. Fol. Paris. 1G15. JuvENALis, Decimus Junius. Satirae. Ed. Achaintre. 2 vols. 8vo. Parisiis. 1810. Kane, Robert. Elementsof Chemistry. Ed. by J. Draper. 8vo. New York. 1843. Kanngiesser, p. F. Die alte Komische Biihne in Athen. 8vo. Brcslau. 1817. Kant, Immanuel. Yermischte Schriften. 4 vols. 8vo. Halle. 1799. Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. 8vo. Berlin. 1799. Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der practischen Vernunft. 8vo. Leipzig. 1827. Kant, Immanuel. Ein Denkmal von Bouterwek. 18mo. Hamburg. 1808. Keill, John. Introduction to the True Astronomy. 8vo. London. 1760. Keill, John. The same. 6th Edition. 8vo. London. 1768. Keith, Isaac S. Sermons, Addresses, and Letters. 8vo. Charlcstown. 1816. Kelly, Michael. Reminiscences of the King's Theatre and Druiy Lane. 8vo. New York. 1826. Kelsall, Charles. Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino. 8vo. Geneva. 1820. Kemble, J. P. Memoirs of, with a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick to the present, by Boaden. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Phila. 1825. Kendall, E. A. Travels through the Northern parts of the U. S. A. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1809. Kendall, Geo. Wilkins. The War between the United States and Mexico illustrated. Fol. Phila. 1851. Kenrick, Wm. Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language. 8vo. London. 1784. 72 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Kent, James. Commentaries on American Law. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1882. Questions and Answers on the same, by A. Kinne. New York. 1840. Keppel, George. Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1827. Kepplerus, Johannes. Harmonices Mundi. Fol. Lincii Austriae. 1619. \ Kepplerus, Johannes. Epistolae suae aliorumque. Fol. Lipsiae. 1717. Kepplerus, Johannes. Dioptrice. 4to. Augustae Yindel. 1611. Kepplerus, Johannes. De Cometis Libelli tres. 4to. Augustae Yindel. 1619. Kepler. Account of his Astronomical Discoveries, by Small. 4to. Lend. 1804. Ketts, Henry. Elements of General Knowledge. 2 vols, in one. 2 copies. 8vo. Baltimore. 1812. Keysler, J. G. Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorraine. 4 vols. 4to. London. 1756. Kingsbury, Harmon. The Sabbath. 8vo. New York. 1840. •KiRBY, William. Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the creation of Animals, and in their History, Habits, and Instincts. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. KiRBY AND Spence. Introduction to Entomology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1818. KiRCHER, Athanasius. Muudus subterraneus. 2 vols, in one. Fol. Amstel- odami. 1778. Kir WAN, Richard. Logick. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1807. KiRWAN, Richard. On Manures. 12mo. London. 1808. Klaproth, J. Lcttrc sur la Decouverte des Hieroglyphes. 8vo. Paris. 1827. Klein, G. M. Beitrage zum Studium der Philosophic als Wissenschaft des All. 8vo. Wiirtzburg. s. a. Klein, J. T. Naturalis Dispositio Echinodermatum. 4to. Lipsiae. 1788. Klopstock, J. Werke. 12 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1798-1817. Knight, R. P. Principles of Taste. 8vo. London. 1805. Knight, R. P. Prolegomena ad Homerum. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1816. Knoop, J. H. Pomologie, avec Planches. Fol. Amsterdam. 1771. Knox, John. History of the Reformation in the Church of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Paisly. 1791. Knox, John. Life, by Thomas M'Cric. 2 vols. 8yo. Edinburgh. 1818. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUK. jTf Kong Olaf Tryggveson. Oldnordiske Saga. 3 vols. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. 1836. Koran, with a Preliminary Discourse by Sales. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1801. KosTER, Hermann. De Cantilenis popularibus veterum Graecorum. 8vo. Berolini. 1831. KoTZEBUE, Augustus. Herinneringen uit Lijfland, Eome en Napels. 3 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1805. KoTZEBUE, Otto von. Voyage of Discovery into the South Seas and Beer- ings Straits. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1^21. ELrug, W. T. System der Practischen Philosophic. 3 vols. 8vo. Konigs- berg. 1830. Krug, W. T. System der Theoretischen Philosophic. 3 vols. 8vo. Konigs- berg. 1833. Krusenstern, a. J. VON. Voyage round the World. 2 vols, in one. 4to. London. 1813. Kusterus, L. De vero usu Verborum Mediorum apud Graecos. Ed. Wolle. 12mo. Lipsiae. 1752. Lachmann, F. De Fontibus Historiarum T. Livii. 4to. Gottingae. 1822, Lacroix, I. Amelot de. Field Exercise of the French Infantry. Vol. i. 12mo. Boston. 1810. Lacroix, P. See St. Domingo. Lacroix, S. F. Traite du Calcul Differentiel et Integral. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1810-1819. Lacroix. Traite Elementaire du Calcul des Probabilites. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Lacroix. Elemens d'Algebre. 8vo. Paris. 1825, Lacroix. Complement des Elemens d'Algebre. 8vo. Paris. 1825. Lacroix. Elemens de Geometric. 8vo. Paris. 1825. Lacroix. Complement des Elemens de Geometric. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Lacroix. Traite Elementaire d'Arithmetique. 8vo. Paris. 1826. Lacroix. Traite Elementaire de Trigonometric et d'Application de I'Alg^- breala Geometric. 8vo. Paris. 1827. Lacroix. Traite Elementaire de Calcul Differentiel et Integral. 8vo. Paris. 1828. 10 74 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Lacroix. Essais sur rEnseignement. 8vo. Paris. 1828. Lacboix. Arithmetic, transl. from the French. 8vo. Cambridge. 1821. Laennec, R. T. H. On Diseases of the Chest. 8vo. Phila. 1823. La Fontaine. Fables. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1813. La Grand Nef des Folz du Monde. 4to. Lyon. 1530. La Grange, J. L. Mechanique Analytique. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1811- 1815. • La Grange, J. L. Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques. 4to. Paris. 1813. La Harpe, J. F. Lycee, ou Cours de Literature Ancienne et Moderne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Laing, Malcom. History of Scotland from the Union of the Crowns to the Union of the Kingdoms, with a Dissertation on Mary's share in the Mur- der of Darnley. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1804. Lamarck. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Yertebres. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1815. Lamarck. Le memo. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Lamartine, Alphonse de. Souvenirs d'un Voyage en Orient. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. 1835. Lamballe, Princess. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France durii the Revolution. 8vo. Phila. 1826. Lambert, Cesar. Traite d'Arithmetique. Svo. Paris. 1836. Lane, B. J. Mysteries of Tobacco. 12mo. New York. 1845. Langlois, E. H. Essai sur la Peinture sur Verre. 8vo. Rouen. 1832. Langtoft, Peter. Chronicle, by Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1725. Lanzi, Abate Luigi. History of Painting in Italy, transl. by Rosco( 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. La Place. Exposition du Systeme du Monde. 4to. Paris. 1813. La Place. Mecanique Celeste, transl. with a Commentary by N. Bowditcl 2 copies. 4 vols. 4to. Boston. 1829-1839. Lard, Rebecca. Miscellaneous Poems. 18mo. Woodstock. 1820. Lardner, Nathaniel. "Works. 10 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. L'Art de verefier les Dates. Fol. Paris. 1770. Las Casas. Oeuvres, et sa vie par Llorente. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Las Casas. Account of the First Spanish Voyages and Discoveries America. 12mo. London, 1699. Las Cases. Journal of the Private Life and Correspondence of Napoleon a< St. Helena. 2 vols. 12mo. New York. 1823. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. , Xft Latham, John. General Synopsis of Birds. G vols. 4to. London. 1781- 1785. Latham, John. Supplement to the above. 4to. London. 1787. =*Latham, John. Index Ornithologicus. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1790, Lathrop, Joseph. Sermons. 8vo. Worcester. 1793. Latimer, Hugh. Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1758. Laurentius Valla. Opera. Fol. Basileae. s. a. Lavoisier. Elements of Chemistry, transl. by R. Kerr. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1793. Law Tracts, Historical. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1761. Law, "William. Works. 9 vols. 8vo. London. 1762. Lawrence, W. Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and Natural History of Man. 8vo. Salem. 1828. Lawson, J. New Voyage to Carolina. 4to. London. 1709. Lawson, Thomas. Meteorological Register for twelve years, from 1831 to 1842 inclusive. 4to. Washington. 1851. Lays of the Minnesingers. 12mo. London. 1825. Leake, W. M. Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor, with Map. 8vo. Lond. 1824. LE90NS de la Sagesse sur les defauts des Hommes. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1747. Led YARD, John. Life, by J. Sparks. 8 vo. Cambridge. 1828. Lee, Charles. Memoirs. 12mo. New York. 1792. Lee, Edward. Critica Sacra. 4to. London. 1650. Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the U. S. A. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1812. Lee, Henry. Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas. 8vo. Phila. 1824. Lee, R. H. Life, by his Grandson. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1825. Lee, T. J. Tables and Formulae useful in Surveying, &c. 8vo. Washing- ton. 1853. Legendre, a. M. Dissertation sur la Question de Balistique. 4to. Berlin. 1782. Legendre, A. M. Analyse des Triangles traces sur la surface d'un Sphero- ide. 4to. Paris. 1806. Legendre, A. M. Recherches sur divers sortes d'Integrales definies. 4to. Paris. 1809. Legendre, A. M. Memoires sur la Methode des moindres Quarres. 4to. Paris. 1811. Tff ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Lbgendue, a. M. Exercises de Calcul Integral sur divers ordres de Trans- cendants et sur les Quadratures. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1811-1816. Legendre, a. M. Traite des Fonctions Elliptiques, et des Integrales Eu- leriemies avec des Tables. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1825-1828. Legendre, A. M. Theorie desNombres. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1830. Legexdre, a. M. Memoire sur I'Equation 4(x"— l)=(x — 1) (y^ ± nz^). 4to. Paris. 1830. Legh, Thos. Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the Country beyond the Cataracts. 8vo. London. 1817. Le Grand, See Fabliaux. Leibnitz, Gr. G. Opera omnia. 6 vols, 4to. Genevae. 1768. Leigh, Edward. Critica Sacra, Fol. London. 1650. Leighton, Robert. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Leland, John. View of Deistical Writings, with Observations and Answers. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1755. Leland, John. Advantage alid Necessity of Christian Revelation, 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow. 1819. Leland, Thos. Dissertation on the Principles of Human Eloquence. 4to. London. 1764. Leland, Thos, History of Philip of Macedon. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1775. Lempriere. Classical Dictionary. Ed. byAnthon. 8vo. New York. 1825. L 'Enfant. See Constance. Lenhart, William. Tables relating to Cube Numbers. Bound with Gills' Mathematical Miscellany. 8vo. New York, 1838. Lepelletier, Alm. Traite de Physiologic Medicale ct Philosophique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1832. Lerminier, E. Audela du Rhin. 2 vols. Vol. i, La Politique. Vol. n, La Science. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Lesbonax. Declamationes duo, Graece et Latine. Ed. Orellius. 8v( Lipsiae. 1820. Leslie, John. Experiments and Instruments relating to Heat and Moistun 8vo. Edinburgh. 1813. Leslie, John. Geometry and Plane Trigonometry. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1817. Leslie, John. Geometrical Analysis. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1821. 1 Lessing, G. E. Sammtliche Schriften. 27 vols. 12mo. Berlin und Stettin. 1796-1809 Letters on Unitarianism by Drs. Woods and Ware. 8vo. Boston. 182 1821. I ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 77 Lettres, Negociations, et Pieces secretes. 2 vols. 18mo. London. 1744. Leyrourne, Tiios. Mathematical Questions proposed in the Ladies' Diary from 1704 to 1810. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1817. LiBANius SoPHiSTA. Epistolac, Graece et Latine. Ed. "VVolfius. Fol. Amstelodami. 1738. LiBANius SopiiisTA. Orationcs et Declamationes, Graece. Ed. Rciske. 4 vols. 8vo. Altenburgi. 1791. LiBES, A. Histoire Philosophique des Progres de la Physique. 4 vols. 8vo Paris. 1810. LiCHTENBERG, G. C. Vcrmischtc Schriften. 9 vols. 12mo. Gottingen. 1800. LiEBiG, Justus. Organic Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiology. 12mo. Boston. 1841. LiEDER-Sammlung der vereinigten Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pennsylvanien. 12mo. Germantaun. 1812. Lincoln, J. L. Selections from the first five books of Livy. 8vo. New York. 1852. LiND, James. Diseases in Hot Climates. 8vo. Phila. 1811. LiNDLEY, George. Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden. 8vo. Lond. 1831. LiNDLEY, John. Introduction to Natural System of Botany. 8vo. New York, 1831. Link, H. F. Die Urwelt und das Alterthum, erlaiitert durch die Natur- kunde. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1834. Link, H. F. Elementa Philosophiae Botanicae. 8vo. Berolini. 1824. Linn, Dr., and others. Essays on Episcopacy. 8vo. New York. 1806. Linn, Wm. Discourses on the Signs of the Times. 12mo. New York. 1794. Linnaeus, Carolus A. Philosophia Botanica. 8vo. Coloniae Allob. 1787. Linnaeus. Systema Naturae per Begna tria Naturae, cura Jo. Frid. Gme- lin. 10 vols. 8vo. Lugduni. 1796-1799. Linnaeus. Lachesis Laponica, or a Tour in Lapland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Linnaeus. Systema Vegetabilium (Vols, iii and iv). 8vo. Stuttgardiae. 1818. Linnaeus. General View of his Writings, by Pulteny ; also his Diary. 4 to. London. 1805. Lippi, Lorenzo. II Malmantile Bacquistate. 8vo. Milano. 1807. 78 ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. Lipsius, Justus. Opera omnia. 2 vols. 8vo. Yesaliae. 1675. Literary World, by C. F. Hoffman. Vols, i and ii. 4to. New York. 1847-1848. LiVERMORE, A. A. War with Mexico reviewed. 12mo. Boston. 1850. Livius, T. Patavinus. Historiarum A. U. C. libri qui supersunt omnes, cur. Drakenborch. 7 vols. 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1738. Livius, T. Patavinus. Libri qui supersunt. 6 vols. 18mo. Lipsiae. 1848. Llorente, J. A. Histoire Critique de I'lnquisition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1828. Locke, John. Works. 3 vols. Fol. London. 1755. Locke, John. Life and Correspondence by Lord King. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Locke, John. Essay concerning the Human Understanding. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1803. Locke, John. Keasonableness of Christianity. 12mo. Boston. 1811. Lodge, Edmund. Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners from Henry viii to James i inclusive. 4to. London. 1791. Lodge, Thomas. Glaucus and Silla, with other Poems.. 18mo. Chiswick. 1819. London Dissector. 12mo. London. 1804. Long, S. H. Narrative of a Journey from Pittsburgh to the Bocky Moun- tains. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1823. Long, S. H. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1823. Long, S. H. Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter's River. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1824. Longinus, Dionysius. De Sublimitate, Graece et Latine. Ed. ToUius. 4to. Traj. ad Bhenum. 1694. Longinus, Dionysius. Idem. Ed. Weiske. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1809. LoNGUS. Pastoraliura de Daphnide et Chloe libri iv. 8vo. Parisiis. 1778. LooMis, Justin R. Elements of Geology. 12mo. Boston. 1852. LoRiNO, James Spear. Hundred Orators of Boston. 8vo. Boston. 1853. Lorris, G. See Rommant de la Rose. LoRTiE, Andre. Traite de la Sainte Cene. s. 1. 1681. *=Loudon, J. C. On laying out Farms, illustrated by forty Plates. Fol. London. 1812. Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of Gardening. 8vo. London. 1835. Lovelace, Richard. Lucasta and Postume Poems. 2 vols. 18mo. Chis- wick. 1817-1818. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 79 Lowe, Joseph. Present State of England. 8vo. New York. 1824, LowiG, Carl. Principles of Organic and Physiological Chemistry, transl. by Breed. 8vo. Phila. 1853. Lowndes. Modern Greek Lexicon. 8vo. Corfu. 1827. LowTH, R. Isaiah, a new Translation. 4to. London. 1779. LowTH, R. Letter to Warburton. 8vo. London. 1766. LowTH, R. Praelectiones dc Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1815. LowTH, R. Short Introduction to English Grammar. 12mo. Dublin. 1786. LuCANus, M. Annaeus. Pharsalia. Ed. Weber. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1821. LuciANUS, Samosatensis. Opera, Graece et Latine. Ed. Hermsterhusius et Reitzius. 10 vols. 8vo. Biponti. 1789. Lucretius, T. Carus. De Rerum Natura. Text, and transl. by John Mason Good. 4to. London. 1805. LuLLY, Raymond. Opera quae ad inventam ab ipso Artem Universalem pertinent. 8vo. Argentorati. 1597. Luther, Martin. Colloquia mensalia. Fol. London. 1791. Luther, Martin. Loci Communes ex ipsius Scriptis coUecti a T. Fabricio. 4to. London. 1651. LuTELER, Martin. Commentary on Galatians. 8vo. Phila. 1801. Luther, Martin. Werke. 10 vols. 12mo. Hamburg. 1827. Lutheran Hymns and Liturgy. 12mo. Phila. 1814. Lycophron. Cassandra. Ed. Reichard. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1788. Lyell, Charles. Principles of Geology. 3 vols. London. 1830. Lyon, G. F. Travels in Northern Africa, 1818-1820. 4to. London. 1821. Lyttleton, George, Lord. History of Henry ii and his Age. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1773. Lyttleton, George, Lord. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1776. Macaulay, T. B. History of England from the Accession of James ii. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1849. Maccovius, J. Tractationes Theologicae. 4to. Amstelodami. 1659. Macculloch, John. Geological Classification of Rocks. 8vo. Lond. 1821. 80 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Macculloch, J. R. Dictionary of Commerce. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. Machiavelli, Niccolo. Opere. 8 vols. 8vo. s. 1. 1796-1799. Machiavelli, Niccolo, Art of War. 8vo. Albany. 1815. MacKenney, Tiios. L. Tour to the Lakes and CKippeway Indians. 8vo. Baltimore. 1827. Mackenzie, Alex. Voyage from Montreal to the Northern Ocean. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1802. Mackenzie, Henry. Works, viz : Man of Feeling, Man of the World, Julia de Roubigne, Papers from the Mirror and Lounger, Miscellanies, Poems, and Dramas. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1808. Mackintosh, Sir J. Progress of Ethical Philosophy. 8vo. Phila. 1832. Mackintosh, Sir J. History of the Eevolution in England. 8vo. Phila. 1835. Mackintosh, Sir J. Discourse on the Laws of Nature and Nations. 12mo. London. 1835. Maclaine, a. Letters to Soame Jenyns. 12mo. Dublin. 1777. Mac Laurin, Colin. A Treatise of Fluxions. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1742. Mac Laurin, John. Sermons and Essays. 12mo. Phila. 1811. Macleod, Alex. Lectures on the Prophecies. 2 copies. 8vo. New York. 1814. i Macleod, Norman. Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Mafpei, Scipione. Yerona Illustrata. 5 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1825 Magendie, F. Summary of Physiology. 8vo. Baltimore. 1822. Magendie, F. The same, 2d ed. 8vo. Baltimore. 1824. Magendie, F. Precis Elementaire de Physiologic. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1825 Magendie, F. On the Use of Prussic Acid in Pthisis Pulmonalis, by Per cival. 12mo. New Haven. 1820. Magnetic Observations by Levering and Bond. 4to. Maine. History of, by James Sullivan. 8vo. Boston. 1795. Maine. History of, from 1602 to 1820, by Williamson. 2 vols, Hallowcll. 1832. Maire et Boscovich. Voyage Astronomiquc ct Geographique, dans I'Etat de I'Eglise. 4to. Paris. 1770. Malcom, Sir John. ' History of Persia. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1815. Malebranche. Treatise on the Search after Truth. Fol. London. 1700. Malebranche. De la Recherche de la Verite. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris. 171 Malherbe. Sec Boileau. L825. Per- 4 svo.m ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUB. SI Mallet, P. II. Northern Antiquities, or Description of the Manners, Cus- toms, lleligion, and Laws of the Ancient Danes and other Northern Nations, with Translation of the Edda and other pieces. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1770. Malpiguids Marcellus. Opera omnia, Fol. London. 1686. Maltiius, T. R. Essay on the Principle of Population. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806. Maltuus, T. R. Political Economy. 8vo. London. 1820. Malthus, T. R. Definitions in Political Economy. 8vo. London. 1827. Malus. Traite d'Optique. 4to. Paris. 1807. Mandeville, Bernard de. Fable of the Bees. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1755. Manilius, M. Astronomicon. Interp. Mich. Fayus. 4to. Parisiis. 1679. Manley, Thomas. Interpretation of Terms in Common and Statute Laws. Fol. London. 1672. Mann, James. Medical Sketches during the War of 1812-1814. 8vo. Dedham. 1816. Mann, Joel. Exposition of the Apocalypse. 12mo. New York. 1851. Mannert, Konrad. Geographic. 14 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1829. Mansfield, J. Essays Mathematical and Physical. 8vo. New Haven, s. a. Manual on the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane. 8vo. Washington. 1833. Mamuel pour les Ecoles d'Enseignement Mutuel. 8vo. Geneve. 1827. Map of the Upper Portion of the Mississippi and of St. Peter's River. 18mo. Map of London, by Edward Mogg. 18mo. Map, Post and Travelling, of Germany, (Post-und Reise-Karte). 8vo. Maps. Series of Ancient and Modern, published by the Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge. Fol. London. Mariguy, Abbe. History of the Arabians under the Caliphs. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 3758. Marloratus, Augustinus. Novi Testamenti Catholica Expositio Ecclesias- tica. Fol. s. 1. 1620. Marlowe and Chapman. Hero and Leader. 18mo. Chiswick. 1821. Marsden. See Sumatra. Marsh, George P. Grammar of the Old-Northern or Icelandic Language. 12mo. Burlington. 1838. Marsh, James. Life and Remains, by Joseph Torrey. 8vo. Boston. 1843. Marshall, H. History of Kentucky. 2 vols. 8vo. Frankfort. 1824. 11 §31 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Marshall, Walter. Gospel Mystery of Sanctification. 12mo. Kilmar- nock. 1778. Martin, Benj. Philosophical Grammar. 8vo. London. 1769. Martin, Benj. Young Gentlemen and Ladies' Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1781-1782. Martin, Montgomery. History of the British Colonies. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Martin del Rio. Adagialia Sacra Vet. et Nov. Testamenti. 4to. Lugd. 1614. Martyrs, Book of; an Abridgment. 8vo. New York. 1810. Marvel, Andrew. Works. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1776. Mason, John. Select Remains. Brattleboro. 1810. Mason, John M. Apology for the Apostolical Order. 8vo. New York. 1807. Mason, William. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1811. Mason, William. Spiritual Treasury. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1809. Massachusetts Astronomical and Trigonometrical Survey, Tables on, by J. G. Palfrey. Boston. Massachusetts Bay Colony. Acts and Laws of the General Court, from 1692 to 1735. Fol. Massachusetts Bay. History of, from 1748 to 1765, by G. R. Minot. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1798-180S. Massachusetts Bay. History of, from 1749 to 1774, comprising the Origin and Early Stages of the American Revolution, by Gov. Hutchinson. 8vo. London. 1828. Massachusetts. History of, from 1628 to 1750, by Gov. Hutchinson. 2 vols. 8vo. Salem. 1795. Massachusetts. History of, from 1620 to 1820, by Alden Bradford. 8vc Boston. 1835. Massachusetts Reports. On the Fishes and Reptiles, by J). H. Storer ; and on the Birds, by' W. B. O. Peabody. 8vo. Boston. 1839. On the Herbaceous Plants, by Chester Dewey, and on the Quadrupeds by E.Emmons. 8vo. Cambridge. 1840. On the Invertebrate Animals, by Aug. W. Gould. 8vo. Cambridge,^, 1841. fl On the Insects injurious to Vegetation, by T. W. Harris. 8vo. Cam- bridge. 1841. On the Trees and Shrubs by G. B. Emerson, 8vo. Boston. 1846. 2 I ALrnABETICAL CATALOQDE. 81 Massachusetts. Senate of 1838. Documents. 8vo. Boston. 1838. Massachusetts House of Rep. of 1838. Documents. 8vo. Boston. 1838. Massachusetts. Acts and Resolves for 1839-1842. 8vo. Boston. 1839- 1842. Massachusetts School Returns. Abstract of, for 1838-1839, 1839-1840, and 1840-1841. 8vo. Boston. Massachusetts. Statistics of different branches of Industry for 1845. 8vo. Boston. 1846. Massby, W. Origin and Progress of Letters. 8vo. London. 1763. Massillon. Oeuvres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1836. Massinger, Philip. Dramatic Works. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1779. Mathematical Diaky, conducted by R. Adrain. (Incomplete.) 12mo. Mather, Cotton. Life, by Saml. Mather. 8vo. Boston. 1729. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford. 1820. Mattaire, Michaelis. Graecae Linguae Dialecti. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1807. Matthisson, Frid. von. Schriften mit sein Leben. 9 vols. 12mo. Zurich, 1825-1833. Maundrel, Henry. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalaem in 1697. 18mo. Boston. 1836. Maupertius. The Figure of the Earth determined by Observations made at the Polar Circle. From the French. 8vo. London. 1728. Maury, M. F. Astronomical Observations made in 1845 at the National Observatory at Washington. 4to. Washington. 1846. Mawe, John. Treatise on Diamonds. 8vo. London. 1823. Maximus, Philosophus. De Principiis, Graece. Ed. Gerhardius. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1820. Maximus, Tyrius. Dissertationes. Ed. Reiske. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1774. Maxwell, James. Version of the Psalms in Metre. 12mo. Glasgow. 1773. Mayer, Tobias. Tabulae Motuum Solis et Lunae. 4to. Londini. 1770. Mayo, Robt. View of Ancient Geography and History. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Phila. 1813. Mazois. Le Palais de Scaurus. 8vo. Paris. 1822. Meckel, J. F. System der Vergleichenden Anatomic. 5 vols. 8vo. Halle. 1821. Meierotto, J. H. L. Ueber Sitten und Lebensart der Romer. 2 vola. 12mo. Berlin. 1814. 84 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. MEitLEuii, J. B. Cours abrege de Lemons de Chymie. 8vo. Montreal. 1832. Meilleur, J. B. On the Pronunciation of the French Language. 12mo. Montreal. 1841. Melmoth. See Cicero's Letters, Cato and Laelius. Melyille, Andrew. Life, by Thomas M'Crie. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh. 1819, Memnon. Historiarum Heracleae Ponti Excerpta Servata a Photio, Graece. Ed. Orellius. 8vo, Lipsiae. 1816. Memoires de Litterature tirez des Registres de I'Academie Royale des In- scriptions et Belles-Lettres depuis I'annee 1701 jusqu'a 1793, avec une Histoire de I'Academie depuis son Establissement en 1663 jusqu'en 1717. 50 vols. 4to. Paris. 1717-1808. Menander, Rhetor. Commentarius de Encomiis. Ed. Heeren. 12mo. Gottingae. 1785. Mendelsohn, Moses. Phadon oder iiber die Unsterblichkeit der Seele. 12mo. Berlin. 1821. Mennais, L'Abbb de. Essai sur I'lndifference en Matieres de Religion. 4 vols. Svo. Paris. 1817. Mercator, Gerard. Atlas, sive Cosmographicae Meditationes. 3 v Fol. Amstelodami. 1619. Mercure de France. 12mo. Paris. 1759. ins^H Messinger, R. Resignation. 12mo. Portsmouth. 1827. Methodist Preachers. Experiences of several eminent, written by them^ selves to John Wesley. 12mo. Barnard, Vt. 1812. Mexico. History of, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historiai From the Italian of Clavigero. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1787. Mezeray, Sieur de. Chronological History of the Kings of France, transl. by John Bulteel. Fol. s. 1. et a. ^—: Michael Angelo Buonarroti. Life by R. Duppa. Svo. London. 1816. ^U Michaelis, J. D. Commentary on the Laws of Moses. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. Michaelis. Recueil de Questions proposees a une Societe de Savants, qui font le Voyage de PArabie. (Bound with Niebuhr's Description de J I'Arabie.) H Michelet, M. Spiritual Direction and Auricular Confession. 12mo. Phila. 1845. MiDDLETON, CoNYEES. Miscellaneous Works, 5 vols. 8yo. Lond. 1755. ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. 85? MiQXET, F. A. Histoiro de la Revolution Fran^aise dcpuis 1789 jusqu'a 1814. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1833. 3I1LLAR, John. Historical View of the English Government. 8vo. Dublin. 1789. Miller, Col. J. P. Condition of Greece in 1827-1828. 8vo. New York 1828. Miller, J. S. Natural History of the Crinoidea. 4to. Bristol. 1821. Miller, Samuel. Brief Retrospect of the 18th Century. 2 vols. 8vo, New York. 1803. MiLLiN, A. L. Galerie Mythologique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1811. MiLLOT, Abbe. Elements of General History. Vol. iv. 8vo. Salem. 179G. Mills, Charles. History of Chivalry. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Mills, Charles. History of the Crusades. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1825. Mills, Charles. See Ducas. Mills, James. History of British India. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. MiLMAN, Henry Hart. Samor, a Heroic Poem. 8vo. London. 1818. MiLMAN, Henry Hart. Fazio, a Tragedy. 8vo. London. 1821. MiLMAN, Henry Hart. Belshazzar, a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. Lond. 1822. MiLMAN, Henry Hart. Fall of Jerusalem, a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. Lond 1831. MiLMAN, Henry Hart. Nala and Damayanti, and other Poems, translated from the Sanscrit. 8vo. Oxford. 1835. Milton, John. Paradise Lost, by Bentley. 4to. London. 1732. Milton, John. Prose Works and Life by Charles Symmons. 7 vols. 8vo. London. 1806. Milton, John. Treatise on Christian Doctrine. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Milton, John. Poetical Works, with notes, by Todd. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Milton, John. Life, by Toland. 12mo. London. 1761. Mirabeau. Recollections of, by Dumont. 8vo. London. 1832. Miranda. History of his Attempt at a Revolution in South America, with a Life. 12mo. Boston. 1811. MiRANDULA, J. F. P. De Rerum Praenotione Libri novem. 4to. Argento- rati. 1511. Miscellaneous Observations on Authors. Vol.11. 8vo. London. 1832. Missionaries. Thoughts on a new Order. 12mo. New York. 1838. Missionary Herald. Vols, xvii-xl. Duplicate of Vol. xxx. See also Pamphlet Cases 68 et seq. 86 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. MiTCHEL, O. M. Sidereal Messenger, (Periodical). Vols, i and ii. 4to. Cincinnati. 1847-1848. MiTEORD, William. History of Greece. 8 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1823. MoGG. See Map of London. MoHNiKE, G. C. F. Geschichte der Litteratur der Griechen und Romer. Erster Band. 8vo. Greiswald. 1813. MoLiERE, J. B. Oeuvres. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Molina. See Chili. =^MoLLER, Georg. Denkmaler der Deutschen Baukunst. Fol. Leipzig und London, s. a. Moller, Georg. Memorials of German-Gothic Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1836. MoNBODDo, Lord. Ancient Metaphysics or the Science of Universals. 6 vols. 4to. Edinburgh. 1779. MoNBODDO, Lord. Origin and Progress of Language. 6 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1774. MoNGE, G. Geometric Descriptive. 4to. Paris. 1820. Monro, Alexander. Structure and Functions of the JNervous System, with Tables. Fol. Edinburgh. 1783. Monro, A. System of Anatomy and Physiology. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1801. Montaigne, Michel de. Essais. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1818. MoNTEFiORE, J. Commercial Dictionary. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1804. Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws. 2 copies. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester. 1802. Montesquieu. Oeuvres completes, avec des Notes. 8vo. Paris. 1835. MoNTFAUCON, Bern. DE. Palacographia Gracca. Fol. Paris. 1708. =^MoNTFAUCON, Bern. DE. L'Autiquite expliquee et representee en Figures.] 10 vols, in 9. Fol. Paris. 1719. MoNTUCLA, J. E. Histoire dcs Mathematiques. 4 vols. 4to. Paris. 1799- 1802. MooRE, Edward. Poems. 18mo. Easton, Penn. 1811. Moore, J. H. The Practical Navigator. 8vo. London. 1791. Moralists Fran^ais. Pensecs de Blaise Pascal ; Beflexions, Sentences, et Maximes de La llochefoucauld ; Caracteres de La Bruyere ; Oeuvres completes de Vauvenargues. 8vo. Paris. 1834. More, Hannah. Practical Piety. 8vo. Burlington, N. J. 1811. More, Henry. Theological Works. Fol. London. 1707. More, Henry. Collection of Philosopical Writings. Fol. London. 1712. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 87 ^ More, Sir Thos. Utopia, with Notes and a Biographical and Literary In- troduction by Dibdin. 4to. London. 1808. Morris, Gouvekneur. Life and Writings, by J. Sparks. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1832. Morris, Joseph. Sermons. 8vo. London. 1743. Morse, Jedediaii. American Geography. 8vo. London. 1792. Morse, Jedediah. American Universal Geography. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1801-1805. Morse, Jedediah. Report on Indian Affairs. 8vo. New Haven. 1822. Morton, N. See Davis, John. Moses Choronensis. Historia Armeniaca, cum Praefatione de Litteratura et Versione Sacra Armeniaca et Epistolis duabus Armeniacis. 4to. London. 1736. Moses Maimomdes. More Nevochim a Buxtorf. 4to. Basil. 1G29. Mudge, "W. Trigonometrical Survey of England and "Wales. 4to. London. 1801. Mueller, C. G. De Cyclo Graecorum Epico et Poetis Cyclicis. 8vo. Lips. 1829. Mueller, K. 0. Denkmaler der Allen Kunst. Fiinf Heften. Mueller, K. 0. Geschichten Hellenischer Stamme und Stadte Orchomenos und die Minyer. 8vo. Breslau. 1820. Mueller, K. 0. Die Dorier. 2 vols. 8vo. Breslau. 1824. Mueller, K. 0. Die Altere Geschichte des Makedonischen Yolks. 8vo. Berlin. 1825. Mueller, K. O. Die Etrusker. 2 vols. 8vo. Breslau. 1828. Mueller, K. 0. Handbuch der Archaologie der Kunst. 8vo. Breslau. 1835. Mueller, K. 0. History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1830. Mueller, Johann von. Geschichten Schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft. 5 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1822-1826. Mueller, 0. F. Vermium Terrestrium et Fluvialium succincta Historia. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsiae. 1773. =^Mueller, William. Elements of the Science of War, illustrated by Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1811. MuENTER, Fr. Antiquarischen Abhandlungcn. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. 1816. MuLiERUM Graecarum, Fragmenta et Elogia, Graecc et Latine. Ed. Wol- fius. 4to. Hamburgi. 1735. 8© ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. MuRATORi, L. A. Annali d'ltalia, dal principio dell Era volgare sino all anno 1500. 12 vols. 4to. Milano. 1744-1749. Murrey, Lindley. Key to the ^Exercises adapted to English Grammar. 12mo. New York. 1814. Murrey, Lindley. Power of Religion on the Mind. 12mo. New York. 1808. Musae Anglicanae. 2 vols. 12mo. Londini. 1761. MusAEUM Criticum, or Cambridge Classical Researches. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1826. MusAEUs, Grammaticus. De Herone et Lcandro Carmen. Ed. Schaffer. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1820. McsAEUs, J. A. Yolksmarchen der Deutchen. 5 vols. 16mo. Gotha. 1826. MuscuLUS, W. Commentarium in Matthaeum. Fol. Basileae. 1543. Museum of Foreign Literature. Yols. x-xvii. 8vo. Phila. 1840-1842. MusEE RoYALE. Noticc do Tableaux. 12mo. Paris. 1833. Musee Royale des Antiques. Description par Clarac. 12mo. Paris. 1830. Nadir Siiaii. History of, by Frazer. 12mo. London. 1742. Napier, Col. F. W. P. Peninsular AYar. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828-1834. Nardini, Famiaxo. Roma Antica. 4 vols. 8vo. Roma. 1818. National Preacher. See Pamphlet Cases 31, 32. Nautical Almanack for the Year 1812. American impression. 8vo. New Brunswick, N. J. Nautical Almanack published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, for the years 1836 to 1850. 14 vols. 8vo. London. Nautical Almanack. Blunt's eds. for the years 1811, 1812, 1813, and 1814. 4 vols. 12mo. New York. Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States, by Wm. James. 8vo. Halifax, N. S. 1816. Navigation. Internal, of the U. S. A. 8vo. Phila. 1826. Neal, Daniel. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of New England, to 1700. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1720. M Neander, Aug. Church History of the first three Centuries, translated by Rose. Vol.1. 8vo. London. 1831. Neele, Henry. Literary Remains. 8vo. New York. 1829. ALPUABETICAL CATALOG UB. Otf Necker. Importance of Religious Opinions, from the French. 12mo. Boston. 1796. Neff, Felix. Memoir, by Gill j. 12mo. Boston. 1832. Negro Plot. History of, in New York in 17-11 and 1742, J^y Horsmanden. 8vo. New York. 1810. Neilson, William. Greek Exercises. 12mo. New York. 1810. Nelson, Lord Viscount. Memoirs, by J. Charnock. 8vo. Boston. 1806. *=Neralco. I tre Ordini d'Archetettura, Dorico, lonico, e Corintio. Fol. Roma. 1744. Neuman, Henry. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 2 vols. 8yo. Phila. 1823. Neveu-Derotrie. Les Lois Rurales Fran^aises. 8vo. Paris. 1845. Newcomb, William. Harmony of the Gospels, in Greek. 8vo. Andover. 1814. New England. Compendious History of, by Drs. Morse and Parish. 12mo. Newburyport. 1809. New Hampshire. History of, for one Century from the Discovery of the Piscataqua, by Belknap. 3 vols. 8vo. Dover. 1812. New Ipswich. History of, with Genealogical Notices. 8vo. Boston. 1852. New Jersey. History of the Colony of, to 1721, by S. Smith. 8vo. Bur- Ungton, N. J. 1765. Newman, S. P. Elements of Political Economy. 8vo. Andover. 1835. Newman, S. P. System of Rhetoric. 12mo. Andover. 1839. Newton, Isaac. Opticks, and two Treatises on the Species and Magnitude of Curvilinear Figures. 4to. London. 1704. Newton, Isaac. Lectiones Opticae. 4to. London. 1729. Newton, Isaac. Opera quae extant omnia. Ed. Horsley. 5 vols. 4to. London. 1785. Newton, Isaac. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, transl. by De Motte. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1803. Newton, Isaac. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasguae. 1822. Newton, John. Olney Hymns. 8vo, New York. 1810. Newton, Thomas. Dissertations on the Prophecies. 2 copies. 3 vols, 8vo* Phila. 1813. Newton, Thomas. Life. See Edward Pococke. New Testament. Printed at Rhemes. 4to. 1582. New Testament in an improved Version. 8vo. Boston. 1800, 12 90 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE, New Testament by Wm. Tyudale, 1526. 12mo. Andover. 1837. New Testament, Sandwich Islands. 12mo. Oahu. 1835. New Testament in Chinese. Svo. New York. D«cumentary History of the State by E. B. O'Callaghan. 2 copies. 4 vols. Svo. Albany. 1849-1851. New York Historical Society. Collections for 1809. Vol. i. Svo. New York. 1811. Collections for 1814. Vol. n. Svo. New York. 1814. Collections. Second Series. Vol. i. Svo. New York. 1841. Constitution and By-Laws. Svo. New York. 1844. Proceedings for 1843. Svo. New York. 1844. New York. History of. Svo. (Title Page wanting.) New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. 32d Annual Keport. Svo. Albany. 1851. New York. Laws, from 1691 to 1751. Fol. New York. 1752. New York. Laws, from 1777 to 1809. 5 vols. Svo. Albany. 1807. =^New York Natural History. 14 vols. 4to. Albany. 1842-1847. Part I. Zoology, by James E. De Kay. 5 vols. II. Botany, by John Torrey. 2 vols. III. Mineralogy, by Lewis C. Beck. IV. Geology, by James Hill, E. Emmons, Wm. M. Mather, and Lardner Vanuxem. 4 vols. V. Agriculture, by E. Emmons. VI. Paleontology, by James Hall. New York Spectator, from 1840 to 1853. 13 vols. Fol. New York University. Regents' Reports, for 1833, 1835, 1843, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, and 1853. 9 vols. Svo. New York. Nicander, Colophron. Theriaca, Graece. Ed. Schneider. Svo. Lipsiae 1816. NiCEPnoRus Callistus. EcclesiasticaeHistoriaeLibrixviii. Fol.Basilei 1553. Nicholson, W. First Principles of Chemistry. Svo. London. 1792. NicoDEMUs Aqioreitus. Synaxaristes. 3 vols, in 2. 2 copies. Fol. Benetii 1819. NicoLAUS Damascenus. Supplementum Editionis Lipsiensis. Svo. Lipsiae. 1811. Nicole. Essais de Morale. S vols. 12mo. Paris. 1782. NicoLLE, Abbe. Geographic Modemo. 2 vols. ISmo. Paris. 1753. ALPIUBETICAL CATALOGUK. 91 NiEBUHR, B. G. Romische Geschichte. Vols, i and iii. 8vo. Berlin. 1823. NiEBUUR, B. G. Kleiue Ilistorischo und Philologische Schriftcn orstc Sammlung. 8vo. Bonn. 1828. NiEBDUR, B. G. Epitome of his History of Rome, by Twiss. 8vo. Oxford. 1836. NiEBUHR, C. Description de I'Arabie. 4to. Amsterdam. 1774. NiEBUHR, 0. Voyage en Arabie, avec Planches. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam. 1780. NiLES, Samuel. Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin. 12mo. Boston. 1757. NiLEs' Weekly Register. 50 vols. 1811-1836. By H. Niles. 8vo. Bal- timore. NiLEs' Weekly Register from 1836 to 1844, by W. 0. Niles and Hughes. 15 vols. 4to. NiLEs' Weekly Register from 1844 to 1849. 7 vols. (Vols, xviii and xix wanting.) 4to. Baltimore. Index to the first 12 vols. 8vo. Baltimore. NiTzscn, C. L. De Discrimine Revelationis. 2 vols. Svo. Wittebergae.. 1830. Noble, S. Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Noel, M. Nouvelle Grammaire Frangaise. 12mo. Paris. 1834. NcinDEN, G. H. Grammar of the German Language. 8vo. London. 1830. NoNNus Panopolitanus. Dionysiacorum Libri XLvni. Ed. Grafe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1819. NoRRis, John. Miscellanies. Svo. Oxford. 1687. NoRRis, John. Ideal or Intelligible World. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1701- 1704. North. See Guilford. NoRTHCOTE, James. Conversations of, by Wm. Hazlitt. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Northern Light. 3 vols, in one. Fol. Albany. 1841-1843. Norton, Jacob. Sermons on various Occasions. Svo. Boston. 1810-1816. NovALis. Schriftcn. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin. 1826. Novum Testamentum, Graece. Ed. J. J. Griesbach. Svo. Cambridge. 1809. Novum Testamentum, Graece. Ed. Bloomfield. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1836. Idem. 12mo. Wigorniae, Massachusettensi. 1800. Idem. 12mo. London. 1827. Novum Testamentum, Syriace. 4to. Cothenis. 1622. 92^ ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. NoYES, Geo. R. New Translation of the Hebrew Prophets. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Notes, Geo. R. New Translation of the Book of Job. 12mo. Boston. 1838. NoYES, Geo. B. New Translation of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canti- cles. 12mo. Boston. 1846. Nugent, Lord. See Hampden. NuTTAL, TnoMAS. Joumal of Travels into Arkansas Territory. 8vo. Phila. 1820. NuTTAL, Thomas. Genera of North American Plants. 2 vols. 12mo. Phila. 1818. NuTTAL, T110LA.S. Manual of the Ornithology of the U. S. A. and Canada: On Land Birds. 12mo. Boston. 1832. On Water Birds. 12mo. Boston. 1834. Observations Physiques sur PAgriculture, &c. 12mo. A la Haye. 1765. OcKLEY, S. History of the Saracens. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1708-1718. Odiorne, J. C. Opinions on Speculative Masonry. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Oehlenschlaeger, Adam. Nordiske Dighte. 12mo. Kiobenhavn. 1807. Oersted, H. C. Recherches sur I'identite des Forces Chemiques et Elect-] riques. 8vo. Paris. 1813. Ogden, Samuel. Sermons. 8vo. London. 1805. Ogilvie, John. Poems. Also, Jenner's Poems bound with do. 4to. Lond, 1764. Old English Drama. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1825. Oldham, John. "Works and Remains. 12mo. London. 1703. Old Plays. Select Collection, by Dodsley. 12 vols. 12mo. London. 1825- 1 1827. Old Whig, or the Consistent Protestant. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1739. Oliver, B. First Lines of Physiology, 8vo, Phila. 1840. Oliver, B. L. Rights of an American Citizen. 8vo. Boston. 1832. *Olivi, G. Zoologia Adriatica Ossia. 4to. Bassanae. 1792. Olmsted, Denison. Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven. 183i Olshausen, D. J. W. Prolegomene zu einer Kritik aller sogenanntenj Bewcise fiir und wider Offenbanin'ren. ]2mo. Kiobenhavn. 1791. ALPHAnKTICAL CATALOGUE. DJJ Olsiiausen, D. J. W. Lelirbuch der Moral unJ Religion, 12mo, Schles- wig, 1799. Olsiiausex, D. J. W. Genuineness of the Writings of the New Testament. l:2mo. Andover. 1838. Oppianus. Cynegetica et Halientica. Ed. Schneider. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1813. Orations Commemorative of the 5th of March, 1770. 8vo. Boston, 1807. OiiATORES CrRAECi, Ed. Rciskc. 9 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1770. Vols. I, II. Demosthenes. III. Aeschines. IV. Dinarchus, Lycurgus, Demades, Andocides. V, VI. Lysias. VII. Isaeus, Antiphron. VIII. Lesbonax, Herodus, Antisthenes, Alcidamas, Gorgias. IX. Indices. Oriqenes. Hexaplorum quae supersunt, Graece et Latine. Ed, Bahrdt. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1769. Orme, Robt. Military Transactions of the British in Indostan. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1780-1788. Orme, Robt. Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire. 4to. London. 1805. Orosius. Anglo-Saxon Version by Alfred the Great, with an English Translation. 8vo. London. 1773. Orphica. Rec. G. Hermann. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1805. Orton, Job. Exposition of the Old Testament. G vols. 8vo. Charlestown. 1805. Osborn, Mrs. Sarah. Memoirs of, by Dr. Saml. Hopkins. 12mo. Catskill. 1814. Osborne, B. Truth Displayed. 8vo. Rutland. 1816. Osgood, David. Sermons. 8vo. Boston. 1824. OssiAN. Poems, transl. by James Macpherson, Esq. 8vo. Phila. 1790. OssiAN. The same, ed. by Malcom Laing. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1805. Osterwald, J. F. Compendium of Christian Theology. 8vo. Hartford. 1788. Ottlet, W. T. History of Engraving on Copper and Wood, with an Account of Engravers and their Works. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1816. Otway, Thomas. Plays, Poems, and Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1812. Ouseley, W. G. Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the U. S. 8vo. Phila. 1832. 94' ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Ovid. Tristia, transl. by N. Bailey. 12mo. London. 1740. OviDius, Pdblius, Naso. Opera e Textu Burmanni. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxoniae. 1825. Owen, John. Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1811. Owen, John. Works, ed. by Russel. 21 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. Owen, Robert. New View of Society. 12nio. New York. 1825. Paine, Martyn. Letters on Cholera Asphyxia. 8vo. New York. 1832. Paine, Martyn. Medical and Physiological Commentaries. 3 vols. 8vo. New York. 1840. Paine, Martyn. Institutes of Medicine. 8vo. New York. 1847. Paine, Martyn. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 12mo. New York. 1848. Paine, Martyn. Discourse on the Soul and Instinct. 12mo. New York. 1849. Paine, Robert Troupe. Memoir of, by his Parents. 4to. New York. 1852. Paine, Thomas. Life, by Cheatham. 8vo. New York. 1809. Palaephatus. De Incredibilibus. Ed. Fischer. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1786. Paley, William. Horae Paulinae. 8vo. Dublin. 1790. Paley, William. Moral and Political Philosophy. 8vo. Phila. 1794. Paley, William. The same. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Paley, William. The same. 8vo. Cambridge. 1830. Paley, William. Evidences of Christianity. 8vo. Phila. 1795. Palfrey, John G. Chaldaic, Syriac, Samaritan, and Rabbinical Grammj 8vo. Boston. 1835. =^ Pallas, P. S. Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Em- pire. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1802. Pamphlets Bound in Volumes. 67 vols. 8vo. Theological and Controversial Pamphlets, containing papers by DextefjH Allyn, Eddy, Feltus, Sewall, Lowell, Norton, Upham, Jarvis, Holmes, Ballou, Stetson, Little, Bailey, Hogan, Gray, Pierpont, Cuming, Deane^^ , Spring, Murdock, Richardson, Ware, Pearson, Stuart, Worcestei^B Channing, Parkman, Belsham, I*crkins, Brockway, Ely, Spooney, Worral, Haven, Wood, Cornelius, Bcecher, Kimball, Bartlett. 8 vols. I ALrnABETICAL CATALOQUB. 95 Pamphlets Bound in Volumes — Continued. Ordination Sermons, by Withington, Ripley, "Ware, Brainerd, Backus, Beocher, Worcester, Colman, Woods, Humphrey, Williams, Hosmcr, Young, Pierce, Willard, Flint, Osgood, Porter, Bancroft, Harris, Holmes, Thurston, Thayer, Braman, Sprague, Tuckerman, Chauncey, Furness, Lowell, Brazer, Greenwood, Walker, Channing. 3 vols. Election Sermons, (Mass.) by Gay, Prince, Eaton, Thayer, Dewey, Sharp, Stuart, Walker, Channing, Withington, Harris, Baldwin, Gray, Froth- ingham, Greenwood, Pierpont, Upham. Occasional Discourses, by Pierce, Greenwood, Ware, Frothingham, Wain- wright, Putnam, Channing, Stone, Pierpont, Dana, Emerson, Lincoln, Storrs, Barry, Colman, Everett, Deane, Rogers, Bancroft, Noah, Upham, Farley, Palfrey, Furness, Mason, Willard, Damon, Chauncey. 2 vols. Occasional Addresses, by Frisbie, Story, Everett, Norton, Ware, Sprague, (Poem), Quincy, Oliver, White, Philip, Eames, Lord, Humphrey, Pal- frey, Channing, Bartol, Gray, Hopkins, Dewey, Pierce, Francis, Leland, Hawley, Green, Boyd, Field, Colman. 2 vols. Doctrinal and Practical Discourses, by Channing, Pierce, Murdock, Fur- ness, Pierpont, Palfrey, Lowell, Bigelow, Sprague, Emerson, Cornelius, Bancroft, Waterman, Bartlett, Gay, Wood, Worcester, Kippis, Norton, Chandler, Lamson, Tuckerman, Eaton, Deane, Ware, Howe, Perry, Harris, Dewey. 3 vols. Funeral Discourses, by Upham, Palfrey, Sprague, Colman, Putnam, Greenwood, Frothingham, Brooks, Channing, Young, Kirkland, Web- ster, Everett, Ware, Whitney, Pierpont, Story, Cary, Brazer. 2 vols. Anniversary Addresses, by Woodbridge, Ware, Flint, Sprague, Story, Ripley, Quincy, Upham, Pierce. Fast and Thanksgiving Discourses, by Prince, Mayhew, Willard, Osgood, Freeman, Thayer, Harris, Morse, Porter, Turner, Thurston, Bancroft,. Colman. Occasional Sermons, by Wayland, Porter, Lowell, Tuckerman, Harris^ Beecher, Pearson, Sprague, Fisk, Dwight, Keep, Strong, Kimball,, Brazer, Forbes, Ware, Holmes, Bancroft, Thacher, Sharp, Gray, Allen,, Flint, Hawes, Wheelock, Kendall, Eddy, Richardson, Wisner, Bcntley, Barton, Willard, Whitney, Gay. 2 vols. Seven Sermons, by Moses Hemmenway. Locke on Government, The Ass or the Serpent by Thos. Bradbury, Hart's Dialogue, Tracts by Smalley, Pemberton, Cleaveland, View of Wesley's Conference at Bristol. U6 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Pamphlets Bound in Volumes — Continued. Milton's Old Looking Glass, Tracts by Dr. Bellamy, Pike's Thoughts on the Assembly's Catechism. Tracts by Dr. Chauncey, Farmer's Letters, Armstrong's Poem on Health. Wigglesworths's Discourse on Eternal Punishment, Wheelock's Narrative of the Ind. Charity School, Hart's Letter to Dr. Whittaker, Tracts by Hart, Fish, Cleveland, Dickinson. Tracts by Elliot, Wigglesworth, Hopkins, Mayhew, Barnard, Mather, Eoxcroft. Tracts on Future Punishment. Tracts by Dickinson, Emlyn, &c. Anti-Slavery Papers, containing Reports, Addresses, Periodicals, Memo- rials, Resolutions, &c. 4 vols. African Colonization Papers. Reports and Periodicals. Peace Papers, containing Addresses, Reports, &c., and Friend of Peace. Temperance Tracts, containing Reports, Periodicals and Addresses. 3 vols. Missionary and Bible Society Pamphlets, containing Reports, Addresses, &c. Fourth of July Orations, by J. Q.Adams, G. W. Adams, Bassett, Cod- man, Quincy, Lincoln, Everett, Colman, Gleason, Wright, Phillips, Bodman, Webster, Whitcomb, King. Political Speeches and Discourses, by Webster, Appleton, Choate, Se\ ard. Gushing, Binney, J. Q. Adams, Holmes, Frelinghuysen, Sprague" Everett, Barton, Vinton, Johnson. 2 vols. Political Tracts, containing Addresses, Speeches, Journals of Conventions, Memorials, Reports. 2 vols. Papers on Internal Improvements, containing Lectures, Speeches, Repoi Bills, Surveys, Memorials, &c. 2 vols. Papers on Steam Carriages and Steamboats. Washington. 1832. Papers on Rail Roads. Public Documents; Reports, Petitions, Opinions, &c. Papers on Banks and Banking. Papers on Prison Discipline, Pauperism, and Crime. 3 vols. Miscellaneous Tracts. 8 vols. Pamphlets in Cases : 1-10. Laws of Vermont. See Vermont State Papers. 11-20. Journals of Vermont Lcgislatui-c. See Vermont State Papers. 1 i.LPUAB£TICAL CATALOQUB. 97 Pamphlets in Cases — Continued. 21. Addresses pronounced at the University of Vermont. 22. Literary Addresses. 23. Inaugural Addresses. 24. Fourth of July Orations. 25. 2G. Medical Documents. 27. Monthly Journal of Medicine. Vols, v and vi. Hartford. 1825. 28. Literary and Theological Review. Nos. 10, 11, 17, 18. New York. 1836-1838. 29. The same. Nos. 19, 20, 21. New York. 1838-1839. 30. Antiquarian Papers. 31. National Preacher. Vols. i-iv. 32. The same. Parts of Vols, viii, xr, xvr. 33. Christian Sentinel. Vol. i. The Sabbath. 34. Brownson's Quarterly Review. Vol. i. Brande's Encyclopaedia. (Defective.) 36. New York Review. No. 40. Southern Quar. Review. No. 27. Lit. and Theol. Review. Nos. 8 and 9. 37. American Missionary. Vols, ii, iii, iv, v, vii. 38. Religious Tracts. Marsh's Theological Lectures. 39. AVestminster Review. Nos. 201-203. North British Review. Nos. 11-13. Boston. 1844. 40. Lit. and Phil. Repertory. Nos. 1, 2, 3. Middlebury. 1814- 1815. American Review. No. 1. Protestant Review. Nos. 2, 3. New Eng. Mag. Nos. 42, 43. 41. American Biblical Repository. Nos. 1, 4, 16, 22. 42. Peace Documents. Advocate of Peace. Jay. 43. Masonic Papers. Trials. U. S. Law Mag. Vol. iii. No. 1. 1851. 44. Reports of American Tract Soc. Nos. 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20. 45. Papers on Political Economy, Banks, Roads, &c. 46. Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol. i. Nos. 1, 2, 4. 47. The same. Vol. ii. 48. The same. Vol. iii. 49. 50, Eulogies. 51. College Documents. U. Vt. System of Instruction. Dartmouth, Union, West Point, Harvard Pamphlets. 52. Record Commission. Vattemare's Exchange. 53. Journal of the Soc. of Arts. Nos. 1-31. London. 1852-1853. 54. Education. Vt. State Supt. Reports. 56. Socialism. Raymond and Greely, &c. 57. Christian Examiner. Nos. 24, 27. For. Quar. Review. Nos. 27, 31. Blackwood. No. 6. 13 98 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Pamphlets in Cases — Continued. 58. Maps. Univ. of Vt. Mss. 59. Common School Documents. 60. Vt. State Docs. Reports on Geology of Mass. 61. Education. Art Union. Answer to " Six Months in a Convent." 62. Slavery. 63. Walton's Vt. Register. 1831-1846. (1842 wanting.) 64. Missionary Papers. 65. 66, 67. Miscellaneous. 68-72. Missionary Herald. Vols, xl-xlix. (Vol. xli wanting.) 73. Quarterly Review. Nos. 150, 154. 74. French Tracts. 75. Asylum Reports. Gait's Essays. 76. Proceedings of Brit. Soc. of Nat. Hist. 77. Lumley's Biographical Advertiser. 78. Baptist Documents. 79. Educational Reports. 80. Religious. Andover Course of Study. 81. Christian Review. No. 21. Lamartine's Memoirs. Correspon- dence between Adams and Cunningham. The Seventh Vial. 82. Missionary and Fast Sermons. 83. Doctrinal Sermons. 84. Vermont Election Sermons. 85. 86. Sermons. 87. Papers on Hartfbrd Convention and Indian Relations. 88. Foreign Quarterly Review. Nos. 66, 71. 89. Edinburgh Review. No. 127. 90-94. Museum of Foreign Literature. Vols. x-xv. (Vol. wanting.) Phila. 1827-1829. 95. Horticultural. 96-98. American Agriculturist. Vols, in, iv, v. New York. 18^ 1846. 99. Agriculture Fran^aise. 100. Agriculture. British Farmer's Magazine. 101. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 102. Literary. Phonetic Magazine. 103. New York Quarterly Review. No. 4. Education in Upper Canada. 104. American S. S. Union. 105. Reports of Vt. Benevolent Societies. 106-108. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. Vols, x-xii. New York. 1844-1845. 109. Seaman's Friend. Colonization. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 99 Pamphlets in Cases — Continued. 110. Deaf and Dumb Papers. 111, 112. Prison Discipline Soc. Reports. Nos. 13-27. 113. Theological Pamphlets. 114. Colonization Papers. 115. Educational Tracts. Mass. Reports. 116. Tracts on Nat. History ; Profs. Hitchcock, Adams, and others. 117. Coleman's European Agriculture. 2 vols. 118. 119. Temperance Pamphlets. 120. Home Missionary Tracts. 121. Episcopal Documents. Trial of Bishop Onderdonk. 122. Episcopal Papers. Diocese of Vermont. 123. Election and Funeral Sermons. 124. Papers of Bible Soc, and American Home Miss. Soc. 125. Catalogues of the Univ. of Vt. 126-128. Catalogues of different Institutions. 129. Mathematical Tracts. Steam Engine. 130. Agriculture Fran^aise. 131. Agricultural. 132. Papers of Smithsonian Institute and American Agricultural Soc. 133. Non-Resistant. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. Boston. 1839. 134. Reports of American Education Society. 135. Unitarian Papers. Duplicates of Pamphlets. Prison Discipline Society's Annual Reports. Nos. 1-12, exc. 4tli and 8th, also Nos. 24, 25, 27, and a triplicate of the 2d. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. Nos. 73, 74. 1845. Panoplist. Vols. 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. (Duplicates of Vols. 12, 13.) From 1807-1819. New Series, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, with Duplicates. 1809- 1813. Papillon, J. M. Traite Historique de la Gravure en Bois. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1761. Parecbolae, sive Excerpta e Corpore Statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis. 12mo. Oxoniae. 1794. Pareus, David. Commentarius in divin. Epistolam ad Romanes. 4to* Heidelbergae. 1620. Pareus, David. Doctrinae Christianae. 12mo. Hanoviae. 1651. Paris, Matthaeus. Historia Anglica. Fol. Tiguri. 1589. Parish, E. Sacred Geography. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Park, Mungo. Journal of Mission to the Interior of Africa. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1815, 100 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Park, Mungo. Travels in the Interior of Africa. 8vo. Phila. 1800. Parkinson, James. Organic llemains of a former World. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1820. Parr, Samuel. Works, and Life by John Johnstone. 8 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1828. Parris, J. A. Pharmacologia. 2 vols. 8vo. Novi Eboraci. 1824. =^Parry, Wm, E. Journal of Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage, 1819-1820. 4to. London. 1821. ^Parry, Wm. E. Supplement to the Appendix to the above. 4to. Lond. 1824. ^Parry, Wm. E. Journal of Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North- west Passage, 1821-1823. 4to. London. 1824. =^ Parry, Wm. E. Journal of Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North- west Passage, 1821-1825. With Plates and Charts. 4to. Loud. 1826. Pascal, Blaise. Oeuvres. 5 vols. 8vo. La Haye. 1779. Pascal, Blaise. See Moralists Francois. Passow, Franz. Handworterbuch der Griechischen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1831. Pausanias. Graeciae Descriptio, Graece. Ed. Siebelis. 5 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1822. Pauw, M. de. Kecherches Philosophiques sur les Grecs. 2 vols, i Berlin. 1787. Payne, John. Universal Geography. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1798. Pearce, Saml. Memoirs of, by Andrew Fuller*. 12mo. Newark. 1809. Pearce, Zachary. Life. See Edward Pococke. Pearson, T. S. Catalogue of the Graduates of Middlebury College. S^ Windsor. 1853. Pecchio, Giuseppe. Storia della Economia Publica in Italia. 8vo. Lugai 1829. Pellico, Sylvio. Opere complete. 2 vols. 12mo. Parigi. 1838. Pelloutier. Ilistoire des Celtes. 8 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1770-1771. Pemberton, C. R. Practical Treatise on various Diseases of the Abdominal Viscera. 8vo. Worcester. 1815. Penn, William. Select Works. Fol. London. 1771. Penn, William. No Cross, no Crown. 8vo. Phila. 1807. Penn, William. Memoirs of, by Thos. Clarkson. 2 vols. 12mo. PhiL i 1814. « Pennsylvania. History of, to 1742, by R. Proud. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1798. J ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 101 Pensees Di verses ecrites a un Docteur de Sorboniie. 4 vols. 18mo. llot- tcrdam. 1781. Pepys, Samuel. Memoirs. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. Percy, Tuomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3 vols. Phila. 1823. Perkins, William. Works. Fol. London. 1626. Perrin, John. Exercises in French Syntax. 12mo. London. 1780. Perron, M. F. Voyage et Decouvertes aux Torres Australes. 3 vols. 4to. Paris. 1807. =^ Atlas de Planches. Fol. Paris. 1807. ^Atlas, Partie Navigation et Geographic. Fol. Paris. 1812. Perry, Charles. View of the Levant. Fol. London. 1743. Perseus, Aulus Flaccus, Satirae. Ed. Achaintre. 8vo. Parisiis. 1823. Persoon, C. H. Synopsis Plantaruni. 2 vols. 12mo. Parisiis. 1805. Pervigilium Veneris, cum Notis Pithoei et Justi Lipsii. 8vo. Hagae Com. 1712. Pestalozzi, Heinrich. Wochenschrift f iir Menschenbildung. 2 vols. 8vo. Aarau. 1809-1815. Petavius, D. a. Rationarium Temporum. 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1710. Petrarca. Opera. Fol. Venetiis. 1501. Petrarca. Opera quae extant omnia. 2 vols. Fol. Basileae. 1554. Petrarca. Sonnetti e Canzoni. 4to. Vinegia. 1558. Petrarca. Memoires par de Sade. 3 vols. 4to. Amsterdam. 1664-1667. Petronius, T. Satiricon : accedunt Veterum Poetarum Catalecta. Stud. Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti. 1790. Peeffel. Abrege de I'Histoire et du Droit public d'Allemagne. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1777. Pela.edrus, Aug. Fabulae Aesopiae. 8vo. Argentorati. 1810. Phaxodemus. Demonis, Clitodemi, etc., Fragmenta. Ed. Siebelis. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1812. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Act of Incorporation and Library Catalogue. 8vo. Phila. 1836. Philips, Wm. Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy. 8vo. New York. 1818. Philo Judaeus. In Libros Mosis, Graece. Ex Bibliotheca Eegia. Fol. Parisiis. 1552. Philochorus Atheniensis. Fragmenta. Ed. Siebelis. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1811. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society from 1665 to 1842, with an Index from 1781-1820. 61 vols. 4to. London. 1809-1842. 102 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Philostratorum quae supersunt omnia. Accessere : Appollonii Tjanensis Epistolae, Eusebii Liber adversus Hieroclem, Callistrati Descriptio Statuarum. Fol. Lipsiae. 1709. Phipps, Joseph. Original and Present State of Man. 8vo. Trenton. 1793. Phorboeus, Joannes. Nova Via docendi Graeca. 12mo. s. 1. 1684. Photius. Bibliotheca. Ed. Schotus. Fol. Genevae. 1611. PrfOTiDS. Lexicon. Ed. R. Person. 2 vols. 8vo. Londini. 1822. PiCARD, L. B. Oeuvres Choisies. 24mo. New York. 1830. Pike, Samuel. A compendious Hebrew Lexicon. 8vo. Cambridge. 1802. PiNDARUS. Opera quae supersunt, Graece. Ed. Boeckhius. 4 vols. 4to. Lipsiae. 1811. PiNGRE, A. G. Cometograpbie. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1783. Pinkerton, John. Enquiry into the History of Scotland prior to 1056. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1814. Pinkerton, John. Dissertation on the Goths. Bound with Vol. n of the above. Pinkerton, John. Literary Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Pinkerton, John. Select Scottish Ballads. 6 vols, in 3. 12mo. London. 1783-1792. Pinkerton, Robert. On the Greek Church. See Platon. Pinkney, Wm. Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of, by Henry Whcaton. 8vo. New York. 1826. Piscator, Johannes. Commentarium in Vetus et Novum Testamentum. i vols. Fol. Herb. Nov. 1638. Placita in Domo Capitulari "Westmonasteriensi asservata : abbrev. Temp. Bio. i-Edv. II. Fol. London. 1811. Placita de quo Warranto. Temp. Edv. i, ii, iii. Fol. London. 1818. (Omitted from British State Papers.) Planck, G. F. Geschichte der Christlich-Kirchlichen Gesellschafts-Yer- fftssung. 5 vols, in 6. 12mo. Hanover. 1803. Platner, Ernst. Anthropologic. 8vo. Leipzig, s. a. Plato. Opera, Graece. Ed. Ficinus. 4to. Yenetiis. 1577. Plato, Quae extant Opera. Ed. Astius. 11 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1819, Plato, Be Ideis Libellus. Ed. Richter. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1827. Plato. Leben und Schriften, von Ast. 8vo. Leipzig. 1816. ALPUABETICAX CATALOGUB. 103 Platon. Present State of the Greek Church in Russia, transl. from the Slavonian by Pinkerton. 12mo. New York. 1815. Playfaiu, Joun. Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1802. Playfair, John. Works. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1822. Plinius, C. Sec. Historia Naturalis, cum Commentariis et AdnotationibuB. 10 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1788. Plinius, Junior. Epistolarum Libri x et Panegyricus. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1805. Pliny's History of the World, transl. by Holland. Fol. London. 1734. Plotinus. See Thomas Taylor. Plowden, Francis. History of the British Empire during the last twenty months. 1792-1793. 8vo. Phila. 1794. Plutarch's Lives, transl. by Wrangham. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1819. Plutarch's Morals, translated. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1704. Plutarchus. Quae supersunt omnia, Graece et Latine. Ed. Reiske. 12 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1774. Plymouth. Memoirs of, by Bailies. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1830. Pococke, Dr. Edward. Life by Dr. Twells : Lives of Z. Pearce and Thos. Newton by themselves : Life of Philip Skelton, by Mr. Burdy. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1816. PoESis Philosophica. Reliq. Empedoclis, Parmenidis, Pythagorae, etc. By R. W. 1573. 12mo. s. 1. 1635. PoETAE Latini Minores. Ed. Wernsdorf. 2 copies. 8 vols. 8vo. Alten- burgi.1780. PoETAE Minores Graeci. Ed. Gaisford. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1814. PoETAE Minores Graeci. Ed Winterton. 12mo. Oxoniae. 1635. Poetry, Ancient Popular. 12mo. London. 1791. PoissoN, S. D. Traite de Mechanique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1811. PoissoN, S. D. Le meme. 2de Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1833. PoLANUS, Amandus. Dc Vcrbo Dei Didascalia. 12mo. Basileae. 1593. Pole, Reginald. Life by Thomas Philips. 4to. Oxford. 1764. PoLEMON, Laod. Soph. Funebres Laudationes ii, Graece. Ed. Orellius. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1819. Pollux, Julius. Onomasticon decern Libris constans. Ed. Siberus. 4to. Francofurti. 1608. PoLus, Matthaeus. SjTiopsis Criticorum. 4 vols, in 5. (Dupl. of Vol. iii.) Fol. London. 1669-1676. 104 ALPnABETICAL CATALOGUE. PoLYBius. Historiarura quicquid superest. Ed. Schweighauser. 8 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1789. PoLTBics. Supplementum. Ed. Id. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1818. PoLYBius. History, translated by Hampston. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1773. PoLYDORUs. De Rerum Inventoribus Libri viii. 12mo. Basileae. 1563. PoMPONATius, Petrus. Tractatus de Immortalitate Animae. Fol. Bono- niae. 1519. Popes. History of, by Arch'd Bower. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1748. Poppo. See Thucydides. , Population. Nouvelles vues sur. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1763. PoRNEY. Syllabaire Fran^aise. 12mo. Phila. 1822. PoRNY, M. A. Elements of Heraldry. 8vo. London. 1795. Porta, D. G. B. Dei Miracoli e Maravigliosi Effetti dalla Natura pro- dotti. 12mo. Venezia. 1588. PoRTALis, J. E. M. L'Usage et I'Abus de 1' Esprit Philosophique durant le dixhuitieme Siecle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Porter, E. The Young Preacher's Manual. 8vo. Boston. 1819. Porter, E. Analysis of the Principles of Rhetorical Delivery. 8vo. Ando- ver. 1831. Porter, E. Rhetorical Reader. 8vo. Andover. 1833. Porter, E. The same. 8vo. Andover. 1841. Porter, E. Lectures on Eloquence and Style. 8vo. Andover. 1836. =^PoRTER, Sir R. K. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, &c. 2 vols. 4< London. 1822. Port Folio. Vols, v and vi. 8vo. Phila, 1815. Port Royal Greek Grammar, transl. by Nugent. 8vo. London. 1757. PoTHiER. Oeuvres. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1827. Potter, R. Aeschylus translated. 16mo. New York. 1836. Powers, Grant. Influence of the Imagination on the Nervous Systc 12mo. Andover. 1828. Practical Reflections for every day in the year. By a Jesuit. 18mo. New York. 1808. Prejuoes Legitimes centre TEncyclopedic. 5 vols, in 4. 12mo. Bruxell 1758. Pbescott, W. H. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vol 8vo. Boston. 1838. Prescriptions of Eminent Physicians. 8vo. Now York. 1818. I ALPUABETICAL CATALOaUfi. 97 Pamphlets in Cases — Oontinucd. 21. Addresses pronounced at the University of Vermont. 22. Literary Addresses. 23. Inaugural Addresses. 24. Fourth of July Orations. 25. 26. Medical Documents. 27. Monthly Journal of Medicine. "Vols, v and vi. Hartford. 1825. 28. Literary and Theological Review. Nos. 10, 11, 17, 18. New York. 1836-1838. 29. The same. Nos. 19, 20, 21. New York. 1838-1839. 30. Antiquarian Papers. 31. National Preacher. Vols. i-iv. 32. The same. Parts of Vols, viii, xr, xvi. 33. Christian Sentinel. Vol. i. The Sabbath. 34. Brownson's Quarterly Review. Vol. i. Brande's Encyclopaedia. (Defective.) 36. New York Review. No. 40. Southern Quar. Review. No. 27. Lit. and Theol. Review. Nos. 8 and 9. 37. American Missionary. Vols, ii, in, iv, v, vii. 38. Religious Tracts. Marsh's Theological Lectures. 39. Westminster Review. Nos. 201-203. North British Review. Nos. 11-13. Boston. 1844. 40. Lit. and Phil. Repertory. Nos. 1, 2, 3. Middlebury. 1814- 1815. American Review. No. 1. Protestant Review. Nos. 2, 3. New Eng. Mag. Nos. 42, 43. 41. American Biblical Repository. Nos. 1, 4, 16, 22. 42. Peace Documents. Advocate of Peace. Jay. 43. Masonic Papers. Trials. U. S. Law Mag. Vol. in. No. 1. 1851. 44. Reports of American Tract Soc. Nos. 2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20. 45. Papers on Political Economy, Banks, Roads, &c. 46. Bibliotheea Sacra, Vol. i. Nos. 1, 2, 4. 47. The same. Vol. ir. 48. The same. Vol. in. 49. 50, Eulogies. 51. College Documents. U. Vt. System of Instruction. Dartmouth, Union, West Point, Harvard Pamphlets. 52. Record Commission. Vattemare's Exchange. 53. Journal of the Soc. of Arts. Nos. 1-31. London. 1852-1853. 54. Education. Vt. State Supt. Reports. 56. Socialism. Raymond and Greely, &c. 57. Christian Examiner. Nos. 24, 27. For. Quar. Review. Nos. 27, 31. Blackwood. No. 6. 13 106 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUB. Ptolemaeus ET Theon. Tables Manuelles Astronomiques, seconde partie, trad, par Halma. 4to. Paris. 1823. PuFPENDORF, Baron. Law of Nature and Nations. Fol. London. 1729. Puissant, L. Methode generale pour obtenir le resultat moyen d'une Serie d'Observations Astronomiques. 4to. Paris. 1823. Pulci, M. L. Morgante Maggiore. 3 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1806. PuRCHAS, S. His Pilgrimes. 3 vols. Fol. London. 1625. PuRSH, Frederick. Flora of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1814. Pursuits of Literature, a Satiric Poem. 8vo. Phila. 1810. Pye, H. J. Commentary on the Poetic of Aristotle. 4to. London. 1792. Pythagoras. See Poesis Philosophica. Quarterly Christian Spectator. Vol. x. 8vo. New Haven. 1838. Quatremere de Quincy. Histoire de la vie et des Oeuvres des plus celebres Architectes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1830. Quatremere de Quincy. Canova et ses Ouvrages. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Quatremere de Quincy. Histoire de la Yie et des Ouvrages de Kaphael. 8vo. Paris. 1835. Quatremere de Quincy. Essai sur I'ldeal dans les Arts du Dessin. 8vo Paris. 1837. Quatremere, Etienne. Recherches Critiques et Historiques sur la Langue et la Litterature de I'Egypte. 8vo. Paris. 1808. QuiNTiLiANus, M. Fabius. Institutiouum Oratoriarum Libri xii. 8vo. Venetiis. 1521. ] QuiNTiLiANUs. De Institutione Oratoria Libri xii. Ed. Spalding. 6 vols 8vo. Lipsiae. 1798. QuiNTiLiANus. Idem. 2 vols, in one. 18mo. Lipsiae. 1829. QuiNTiLiANUS. Capita quaedam ex Libris. 12mo. Glasguae. 1796. QuoY ET Gaimard. Voyagc d' Astrolabe. Zoologie. 6 vols. Paris. 1830- 1833. =»<= Atlas de Planches de Mollusques. 91 Planches. *' Mammiferes. 28 " Oiseaux. 29 " Poissons. 16 " Zoophytes. 19 *» Vers Apodals. 1 I i ALPUABETICAL CATALOOUl. 107 Rabelais, Fran(joi3. Oeuvrcs. 2 vols. 8vo. London et Paris. 1788. Racine, Jean. Oeuvres. 8vo. Paris. 1835*. Raffles, SirT. S. History of Java. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Rafx, C. C. Fareyinga Saga. 4to. Kiobenhavn. 1832. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Works, with Lives by Oldys and Birch. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxfoid. 1829. Rambacii, J. Meditations on the Sufferings of Christ. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1811. Ramsay, David. History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Tren- ton. 1811. Ramsay, William. Elegiac Extracts from TibuUus and Ovid. 8vo. Glas- gow. 1840. Rapin de Thoyras. History of England to the Death of James ii. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1732-1733. Rask, R. Vejlednig til Akra-Spronget. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. 1820. Rask, R. Singalesisk Skriftlare. 8vo. Kolombo. 1821. Rask, R. Rasonnent Lappisk Sproglare. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. 1822. Rawle, W. Constitution of the U. S. A. 8vo. Phila. 1829. Raynal, G. T. Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes. 4 vols. 4to. Geneve. 1780. Raynal, G. T. The same translated. Vols, ii, iv, v. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1782. Atlas de I'Histoire. 4to. Geneve. 1780. Record Commission. Report to the King on the Public Records. See Brit. State Papers, and Pamphlet Case No. 52. Redfield, W. C. On Whirlwind Storms, with Replies to Dr. Hare. 8vo. New York. 1842. Rees, Abraham. Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. 41 vols. 4to. Phila. 22 vols, of Plates to the above. 4to. Modern Atlas to the above. 4to. Refutation of the Calumnies against the Lord Chancellor in the Quarterly Review. 8vo. London. 1834. Reqnault, M. Y. Elements of Chemistry transl. by Betton. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1853. Regulations for the Field Infantry of the U. S. 8vo. Phila. 1812. 108 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Ketd, Br. Titos. Essays on the Active Powers of Man. 4to. Edinburgh. 1788. Reid, Dii. Tiios. Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Com- mon Sense. 8vo. London. 1785. Reid, Dr. Thos. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of the Human Mind. 8vo. London. 1827. Reinhard, F. V. Plan of the Founder of Christianity, transl. by Taylor. 8vo. New York. 1831. Reinhold. Aenesidemus, oder Elementar-Philosophie. 8vo. Jena. 1792. Reland, Hadriax. Palaestina ex Monumentis veteribus illustrata. 2 vols. 4to. Trajecti Rata v. s. a. Religious Conference, in four Dialogues, 12mo. New York. 1818. Rennel, James. Topography of the Plain of Troy. 4to, London. 1814. Rennel, James. History of the Expedition of Cyrus. 4to. London. 181G. Rennel, James. Geographical System of Herodotus examined and ex- plained. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Rennel, James. Treatise on the Comparative Geography of "Western Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Rensselaer. See Geology. Rbnwick, James, Treatise on the Steam Engine, 8vo. New York. 1830. Repertory, Literary and Philosophical. Vol. i, 8vo. Middlebury. 1812. See also Pamphlet Case 40. Requijo. Thesaurus Hispano-Latinus utriusque Linguae. (Title page wanting.) Reviews. American Quarterly. Vols, i-xxii. 8vo. Phila. 1827-1837. Archiv fur Philologie und Paedagogik, Vols, xiii-xvii. 8vo. Leipz. 1847-1850, Boston Quarterly. Vol. i, 8vo, Boston, 1838, Brownson's Quarterly. See Pamphlet Case 34. Democratic, Vol, xiv. 8vo. New York, 1844, Edinburgh. Vols, i-lxii. 8vo, Edinburgh. 1802-1835, Also Vols. Lxxx-Lxxxiv. Edinburgh, 1824-1826, ^ Index to the first 20 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1813, Index to Vols, xxi-xl. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1832, Foreign Quarterly. Vols, xxxiv, xxxv. 8vo, London, 1845. Nos. 66, 71. See Pamphlet Case 88, London Quarterly. Vols, i-liii. 8vo, London. 1809-1835, Vol. XX. Index to the first 19 vols. 8vo, London. 1820. Vol. XL. Index to Vols, xxi-xxxix. 8vo. London. 1831. ALPIIABETTCAL CATAI.OGUE. 109 Ueviews — Continued. Neue Jahrbvieher fiir Philologie und Pacdagogik. Vols, l-lxvii. 8vo. Leipzig, 1847-1853. New York. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. New York. 1837-1838. Also No. 40. See Pamphlet Case 36. North American. A^ols. xxvi-xxxix and Vols. Lviii-Lxiir. 8vo. Boston. 1827-1847. North British. Nos. 11-13. See Pamplet Case 39. Quarterly. Vols, lxxiv, lxxvi, lxxviii. 8vo. London. 1844-1 840. Also Nos. 150, 154. See Pamphlet Case 73. Retrospective. 16 vols. 8vo. London. 1820-1828. Westminster. Nos. 201-203. See Pamphlet Case 39. Southern. Vols, i, ii. 8vo. Charleston, S, C. 1828. Southern Quarterly. Vols, viii-xiil 8vo. Charleston, S. C. 1845- 1848. Puplicates, N. American. Nos. 58, 70--73. Lit. and Theol. Nos. 10, 18. Reynolds, Edward. Works. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. Reynolds, Frederick. Life and Times, by himself. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Phila. 1826. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary Works, and Life by Malone. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Rhode, J. Gr. Die heilige Sage und das gesammte Religions System des Zendvolks. 8vo. Frankfurt. 1820. RiCARDi, David. Principles of Political Economy, 8vo. London. 1817. RicciARDETTO. From the Italian of Forteguerra, by Lord Glenverbie. 8vo. London. 1822. Richard, Achille. Nouveaux Elemens de Botanique et de Physiologie Vegetale. 8vo. Paris. 1833. Richardson, John, (Assisted by Swainson.) Fauna Boreali- Americana. 2 vols. 4to, London. 1831. RiCHTER, Jean Paul. Das Kampaner Thai, oder iiber die Unsterblichkeit der Seele. 16mo. Erfurt. 1797. RiCTER, Jean Paul. Titan. 4 vols. 16mo. Berlin. 1800. Richter, Jean Paul. Vorschule der Aesthetik. 3 vols. 16mo. Stuttgart. 1813. Richter, Jean Paul. Levana. 3 vols, 16mo. Stuttgart. 1814. Riedesel, Madame. Letters and Memoirs. 8vo. New York. 1827. 110 ALPHABETICAL CATALOaUE. RiTSox, Joseph. The Caledonian Muse : a Selection of Scottish Poetry. 12mo. London. 1821. RiTTER, D. Geschichte der lonischcn Fliilosopbie. 8vo. Berlin. 1821. RiTTER, H. Abriss der Philosophischen Logik. 8vo. Berlin. 1829. Robert or Gloucester. Chronicle by Hearne. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1724. Robertson, John. Treatise on Mathematical Instruments. 8vo. London. 1775. Robertson, William. History of Scotland. Vol. ii. 8vo. Phila. 1811. Robertson, William. History of Charles v. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1812. Robertson, William. Works. 8 vols. 8vo. London. 1827. Robinson, Edward. Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament. 8vo. Andover. 1825. Robinson, Samuel. Catalogue of American Minerals, with their localities. 2 copies. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution. 8vo. Phila. 1820. Rochefoucauld. See Moralistes Francois. Rochester, Earl of. Correspondence and Diary. See Clarendon. RoDD, Thomas. Ancient Spanish Ballads. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. London. 1821. Rodgers, John. Memoirs of, by Dr. Miller. 8vo. New York. 1813. Roget, p. M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. ■ Rohault's System of Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1723. " Roland, Madame. Memoirs, par Borville et Barriere. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Roll and Book sent forth by the Lord God of Heaven. 2 vols. 8vo. C terbury, N. H. 1843. Rollin. Method of Teaching and Studying Belles-Lettres. 4 vols. 12mo Edinburgh. 1778. Romances. Popular, with introductory Dissertations by Weber. 8v< Edinburgh. 1812. Rome. 'Histoire de, ou Histoire Romaine traduite sur le Grcc par M. Cousin. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris. 1686. PiOMMANT de la Rose, par Guil. do Lorris et Jean de Meun. 18mo. Paris. 1529. RoxGE, John. The Holy Coat of Treves. 12mo. New York. 1825. Roquefort, J. B. B. Glossaire de la Langue Romaine. 2 vols. 8vo 1808. ris. I 0. I ALFHABlSTIt'AL CATALOOUK. Ill RoscoE, Thomas. Memoirs of Scipio de llicci. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. RjscoE, William. The same. 2 vols. Svo. Phila. 1842. RoscoE, William. Life of Lorenzo di Medici. 2 vols, 8vo. Phila. 1803. RoscoE, William. Life and Pontificate of Leo x. G vols. 8vo. London. 1806. Rose, H. J. Inseriptiones Graecae Vetustissimae. 8vo. Cantab. 1825. Rose, Hexry. Manual of Analytical Chemistry, transl. by Griffin. 8vo. London. 1831. Rose, Wm. S. Orlando Liamorato of F. Berni transl. 12mo. Edinb. and London. 1823. Rose, Wm. S. The Court and Parliament of Beasts, a Poem transl. from the Italian. 18mo. London. 1823. RosENMUELLER, E. F. C. Institutioncs ad Fundamenta Linguae Arabicae. 4to. Lipsiae. 1819. RosETTi, Gabrielle. The Anti-Papal Spirit which produced the Reforma- tion, in its Influence on the Literature of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. Ross, James. Latin Grammar. 12mo. Phila. 1814. Rossi, M. P. Traite du Droit Penal. 3 vols. 8vo. Geneve. 1829. RosT, V. C. F. Kleine Grammatik des Attischen Dialects. 8vo. Gottin- gen. 1834. Roth, F. Ueber Thucydides und Tacitus. 4to. Miinchen. s. a. RocssEAU, J. B. See Boileau. Rousseau, J. J. Oeuvres. 11 vols. 18mo. Paris. 1822-1825. RowE, Elizabeth. Devout Exercises of the Heart. 18mo. Harrisburg. 1811. Rowley. History of, by Thos. Gage, with an Anniversary Address by Bradford. 12mo. Boston. 1840. RowNiNQ, J. Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1765. RoYER, C. E. Administration des Richesses. Svo. Paris. 1843. RoYER, C. E. Des Institutions de Credit Foncier en Allemagne et en Bel- gique. Svo. Paris. 1845. RuEPPEL, Edward. Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan, und der petraischen Ara- bien. Svo. Frankfurt a. M. 1829. RuHNKENius, David. Opuscula. 2 vols. Svo. Lugd. Batav. 1823. Rules and Articles of War, &c. Svo. Burlington. 1813. IluMFORD, Count. Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical. 2 vols. Svo. Boston. 1799. 112 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Rumour, C. F. Italienlsche Forschungen. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1827. Rumour, C. F. Hans Holbein der Jiingere. 8vo. Leipzig. 1836. RuMPiiius, Geo. Everiiardus. D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer. Fol. Am- sterdam. 1705. Rush, Benjamin. Diseases of the Mind. 8vo. Phila. 1835. Rush, Jacob. Charges on Moral and Religious Subjects. 18mo. Lenox. 1815. Rush, James. Philosophy of the Human Voice. 8vo. Phila. 1833. Rush, Richard. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. 8vo. Phila. 1833. RussEL, J. Tour in Germany. 8vo. Boston. 1825. RussEL, Lord William. Life by Lord John Russel. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Rutherford, John. The Principle Orations of Cicero transL, with Notes. 4to. London. 1781. Rutherford, Samuel. Joshua Redivivus, or 352 Religious Letters. 8vo. New York. 1826. Sabatier, R. B. De la Medicine Operative. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1821 1824. Sachse, Carl. Geschichte und Beschreibung der Alton Stadt Rom. 2 vols. 12mo. Hanover. 1824. ~ Saga Herrands ok Bosa. 8vo. s. 1. et a. Saga af Hrolfi Konungi Sautrekssyni. s. 1. et a. Saqan af Niali Porgeirssyni. 4to. Kaupmannahofu. 1772. Sageret. Pomologie Physiologique. 8vo. Paris. 1830. Saint Croix, G. Examen Critique des Anciens Historiens d'Alexanc Grand. 4to. Paris. 1804. Saint Domingo. History of, by Bryan Edwards. 4to. London. 1797. Saint Domingo. Mcmoircs de la Revolution de, par Lacroix. 2 vols. 8i Paris. 1819. Saint George, Arthur. Examination of Candidates for Holy Orders. St London. 1706. Saint Pierre, J. H. Bernardin de. Beauties of the Studies of Nat\ 8vo. London. 1799. ALPHABETICAL CATALOOUB. 113 Saint Pierre, J. H. Bernardin de. Studies of Nature transl. by H. Hunter, and ed. by G. Barton. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1808. Saint Simon. Memoires Bur le R^gne de Louis xiy. 7 vols. Lend. 1789. Saladin. Vita ct Res Gestae, ab Abulfeda. Fol. Lugd. Batav. 1755. Salmasius. De Transubstantiatione. 12mo. Hagiopoli. 1746. *Salt, Henry. A^oyage and Travels to Abyssinia. 4to. London. 1814. Saluste. Histoire de la Republique Romaine dans le Cours du viime Si^- cle. 3 vols. 4to. Dijon. 1777. Salustius, Caius Crispus. Quae extant. Ed. Gerlach. 2 vols. 4to. Basil. 1823. Salustius, Caius Crispus. Idem in Usum Delph. Ed. Crispinus. 8vo. Phila. 1804. Salustius, Caius Crispus. Idem. 2 copies. 8vo. Phila. 1814. Salustius, Philosopuus. Libellus de Diis et Mundo, Graece et Latine. 12mo. Turici. 1821. Salvator Rosa. Satire, con Notizie della sua vita. 8vo. Londra. 1828. Salvator Rosa. Life and Times by Lady Morgan. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1824. Sanderson, Robert. 34 Sermons. Fol. London. 1671. Sandeord, D. K. Rules and Exercises in Homeric and Attic Greek. 12mo. London. 1831. Saumarez, Richard. Dissertation on the Universe in General. 8vo. Lon- don. 1795. Saumarez. New System of Physiology. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1798. Saumarez. Principles of Physiological and Physical Science. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Saunders, J. C. Anatomy of the Human Ear. 8vo. Phila. 1821. Saurin, J. Sermons. Vols, iv, v, vi, vii. 8vo. New York. 1805-JL807. Saurin, J. 11 Select Sermons. 8vo. Concord. 1806. Saussure, H. B. de. Voyages dans Ics Alps, precedes d'un Essai sur THis- toire Naturelle des Environs de Geneve. 4 vols. 4to. Neuchatel. 1779. Savigny, Fried. Beruf unsrer Zeit fiir Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissen- Bchaft. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1828. Savigny, Fried. Geschichte des Romisches Recht. 6 vols. 8vo. Heidel- berg. 1834. Sawyer, F. W. Plea for Amusements. 12mo. Phila. 1847. Saxby, HENftT. British Customs. 8vb. London. 1757. 15 114 ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUB. Saxe, Maurice, Comte de. Reveries or Memoirs concerning the Art of War. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1759. Saxe- Weimar, Buke or. Travels in North America. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Phila. 1828. Saxius, Christophorus. Onomasticon Litterarium. 8 vols. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhenum. 1775. Say, J. B. Treatise on Political Economy. 8vo. Phila. 1827. Say, Thomas. American Entomology. 3 vols, with colored Plates. 8vo. Phila. 1824. Say, Thomas. Explanation of terms for the above. 8vo. Phila. 1828. ScHABALiE, J. P. Die Wandlende Seele. 12mo. Germantaun. 1805. ScHARPius, JoHAN. Cursus Thcologicus. 4to. Aurel. Allob. 1622. ScHEiNER, C. Oculus, hoc est, Fundamentum Opticum. 4to. Londini. 1652. ScHELLiNG, F. W. J. Denkmal der Schrift von der Gottlichen Dingen. 8vo. Tubingen. 1812. ScHELLiNG, F. W. J. Die Gottheiten von Samo-Thrace. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1815. ScHELLiNG, F. W. J. Vorlesungen liber die Methode des Academischen Studium. 12mo. Stuttgart. 1830. ScHEPELERN, J. B. Skaudiuavische Bibliothek, eine Zeitschrift. 8v( Kiobenhavn. 1835. ScHLEGEL, Aug. W. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, transl. by Black. 8vo. Phila. 1833. ScHLEGEL, Aug. W. Shakspeare's Dramatische Werke. 9 vols. 12m( Berlin. 1825. ScHLEGEL, Friedrich. Sammtliche Werke. 10 vols. 12mo. Vienna. 182: 1825. Schiller und Goethe. Briefwechsel zwischen, in den jahren 1794 bis 1805. 6 vols. 12mo. Stuttgart und Tubingen. 1829. d ScHLEiERMACHER, F. Uebcr die Religion-Reden an die Gebildeten unt«r ihren Verachtern. 8vo. Berlin. 1831. ScHLEiERMACHER, F. GrundHnicn einer Kritik der bisherigen Sittenlehre. 8vo. Berlin. 1834. I >y ScHLiCHTHORST, H. Gcographia Africae Herodotea. 8vo. Gottingae. 178 ScHLiPE, J. A. Manuel populaire d' Agriculture. 8vo. Paris. 1844. ScHLossER, F. C. Universal Historische Uebersicht der Geschichte de: Alten Welt und ihrer Cultur. 9 vols. 8vo. Frankfurt a. M. 1826- I JlLPHABETICAL OATALOaUH. 115 Schmidt, J. A. E. Russich-Deutsches und Deutsch-Russiches Hand-Wor- terbuch. 12mo. Leipzig, s. a. Schmidt, Sebastian. Commentarii in Librum Judicum. 4to. Argentorati. 1706. Schneider, Gdlielmus. De Originibus Comediae Graecae. 8vo. Vratis- laviae. 1817. Schneider. Da Origiuibus Tragoediae Graecae. 8vo. Vratislavie. 1817. * Schoolcraft, H. R. History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Parts i, ii, iii. 3 vols. 4to. Phila. 1850- 1853. ScuooLCRAPT, H. R. Travels from Detroit North-west. 8vo. Albany, 1821. ScHREiBERs, Carl VON. Beltrage zur Geschichte und Kenntniss Meteoris- cher Stein-und Metall-Massen. Fol. Wien. 1820. ScHREVELius, Cornelius. Lexicon Manuale. 8 vo. Phila. 1808. Schubert, G. H. Ahndangen einer Allgemeinen Geschichte des Lebena. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Dresden. 1807. Schubert, G. H. Altes und Neues aus dem Gebiet der Seelenkunde. 3 vols, 8vo. Leipzig. 1825. Schubert, G. H. Ansichten von der Nachtseite der Naturwissenschaft. 8vo. Dresden. 1829. ScHULZE, G. E. Encyklopadie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. Gottingen. 1823. ScHULTz, C. F. Geschichte der Romer von der Betreibung des Tarquin bis zar Erwahlung des ersten plebeischen Consuls. 12mo. Leipzig. 1809. ScHULTz, OiTO. Lateinische Grammatik. 8vo. Halle. 1834. ScuwARz, F. H. C. Erziehungslehre. 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. Leipzig. 1329. ScHWEiGHAUSER, JoHANNES. Opuscula Acadcmica. Argentorati. 1806. SciENTiA Biblica, a Collection of parallel passages. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1824. ScLATEiius, W. Explicatio utriusque Epistolac ad Corinthios. 4to. Oxo- niae. 1633. ScoLiA. See Ilgen. ScoRESBY, William. Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1822. Scott, John. Inquiry into the EflFect of Baptism. 12mo. New York. 1817. ScoTT, Thomas. Letters and Papers. 8vo. Boston. 1825^ 116 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE, Scott, Sir Walter. Miscellaneous Prose Works : Containing Life of Dryden, Life of Swift, Biographical Memoirs, Paul's Letters to his Kins- folk, Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama. 6 vols. 8vo. Ed- inburgh and London. 1827. Scott, Sir Walter. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 copies. 3 vols. Phila, 1827. Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical Works. 12 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1833- 1834. ScoTUS, J. Erigena. De Divisione Naturae Libri v. Fol. Oxoniae. 1681. ScoTus, R. R. Commentarius in Evangelium Secundum Johannem. 12mo, Edinburgh. 1607. ScRiBANUs, Carolus (Jesuit). AmoT Diviuus. 18rao. Lugduni. 1617. ScRiPTORES Physiognomiae Yeteres, Graece et Latine. Ed. Franzius. 8vo. Altenburgi. 1780. ScRiPTORES Rei Rusticae : Cato, Yarro, Columella, Palladius, Yegetius, et Gargilius Martialis. Ed. Gessner. 4to. Lipsiae. 1735. ScRiPTORDM Yeterum Nova CoUectio. Ed. A. Mains. Yol. ii. 4to. Romae. 1827. Seaman, Yalenttne. Dissertation on the Mineral Waters of Saratoga. 12mo. New York. 1809. Second Advent, by an American Layman. 8vo. Trenton. 1815. Seed, Jeremiah. Posthumous Works. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1750. Segur, Count. Memoir and Recollections, by himself. 8vo. Boston. 1825. Seidler, Augustus. Do Yersibus Dochmiacis Tragicorum Graecorum. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1811. Selden, John. De Jure Naturali et Gentium. 4to. Argentorati. 1665. Semple, R. B. History of the Baptists in Yirginia. 8vo. Richmond. 1810. Seneca, L. Annaeus. Opera omnia quae supersunt. 5 vols. Svo. Lipsiae. 1797. Seneca. Tragoediae. Ed. Bothc. 3 vols. Svo. Lipsiae. 1819. Septoaqint. Ed. Mills. 2 vols. 12mo. Amstelodami. 1725. Serenus Antissensis. Do Sectione Cylindri et Coni Libri duo, Gracce et Latino. Bound with Apollonius Pergacus. Fol. Oxoniae. 1710. Seringe, N. C. Le Petit Agriculteur. 18mo. Lyon. 1841. I Sermons by a number of American Ministers. Yol. ii. Svo. Stockbridgc. 1812. Sermons. CoUeotion of. Glasgow. 1741. Sermons on particular Occasions. Svo. Boston. 1812. ALPHABJmCAL CATALOQCU. 117 SfiRViud, Maurus. Commontarii in Virgilium. Ed. Liou. 2 vols. 8vo, Gottingae. 1826. Sewal, Thomas. Examination of Phrenology. 8vo. Boston. 1839. Sextus Empiricus. Opera, Graece et Latino. Ed. Fabrius. Fol. Lipaiae. 1718. Seybert, A. Statistical Annals of the U. S. from 1789 to 1818. 4to. Phila. 1818. * Seyffarth, Gustavus. De Hieroglyphica Aegyptiorum Scriptura. 4to. Lipsiae. s. a. SiiAFTSBURY, Anthony, Earl OF. Characteristics of Men, Manners, and Times. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1837. Shakspeare, William. Plays, edited by A. Chalmers. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Shakspeare, William. Poems. 2 vols, 18mo. London. 1804. Shaler, William. Sketches of Algiers. 8vo. Boston. 1826. * Shaw, George. General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History, with Plates. 14 vols, in 28. London, 1800-1826. Vols. I, II. Mammalia. Ill, Amphibia. rV, Y, Pisces. VI. Insecta. VII-XIY. Aves. Shaw, John. Manual of Anatomy. 12mo. Troy. 1828. Shaw, Thomas. Travels and Observations in Barbary and the Levant. Fol. Oxford. 1738. Shay's Rebellion in 1786, by G. R. Minot. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Shee, M. a. Rhymes on Art. 18mo. London. 1805. Sheffield, John, Lord. On the Commerce of the American States. Bound with Sinclair's Hints, &c. 8vo. London. 1784. Shepard, Thomas. Parable .of the Ten Virgins. 2 copies. Fol. London. 1695. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Dramatic Works. 12mo. Leipsic. 1825. Sheridan, Thomas. Lectures on the Art of Reading. 8vo. London. 1775. Sheridan, Thomas. Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language. 12mo. Phila. 1783. Sherlock, Bishop Thomas. Works. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. Shirley, James. Dramatic Works and Poems, edited by Gilford. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. 118 ALPHABETICAL CATALOQCK, Shuckford, Saml. Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, 4 vols, in 2. 8vo. Phila. 1824. SiCAiiD, Abbe. Cours d'Insruction d'un Sourd-Muet. 8vo. Paris. 1800. SrcARD, Abbe. Theorie des Signes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1808. SiDDONS, Mrs. Memoirs, by James Boaden. 8vo. Phila. 1827. Sidney, Algernon. Discourses concerning Government. Fol. Lond. 1698. Sidney, Sir Philip. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by Thos. Zouch. 4to. York. 1808. Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke. Version of the Psalmes of David. 18mo. Chiswick. 1823. Siebelis, C. G. Hellenica, sou Antiquissimae Graecorum Historiae Rea Insigniores. 12mo. Lipsiae. 1800. Siebelis, C. G. Symbolae Criticae et Exegeticae ad graviores Graecorum Scriptorum locos. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1803. SiLius Italicus. Punicorum Libri xvii. Ed. El-nesti. 2 vols. 8vo. Lip- siae. 1791. SiMPLicius. Commentarius in Enehyridion Epicteti. 4to. Lugduni. 1640. Si-MPSON, James. Necessity of a Popular Education. 8vo. New York. 1834. SiMSON, Robert. Elements of Conic Sections. 8vo. New York. 1804. SiMSON, Robert. Elements of Euclid. 8vo. Phila. 1811. ^H Sinclair, Sir John. Hints on the State of Finances. 8vo. London. 17o5T Sinclair, Sir Joiin. Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1831. Singer, G. J. Elements of Electricity and Electro-Chemistry, 8vo. Loi 1814. Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de. Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen Age. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1826. ^ SiSMONDi. Histoire des Fran^ais. 21 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1821-1836. V Sismondi. La Litterature du Midi de I'Europe. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1829. SiSMONDi. Battles of Cressyand Poictiers, translated. 12mo. Boston. 1823- Skelton, Philip. Life. See Edward Pococke. Slade, William. See Vermont. Slavery. Poems on, by Montgomery, Graham, and Benger. 18mo! York. 1810. Smalley, John. Sermons. 8vo. Hartford. 1803. S3IELLIE, William. Philosophy of Natural History. 8vo. Boston. }^^ ALPHABETICAL CATALOOUK. 119 Smirke, Robert. Review of a Battalion of lufimtry. 8vo. New York. 1810. Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations. 2 vols. Svo. Hartford. 1804. Smith, Adam. Theory of Moral Sentiments. Svo. Phila. 1817. ^'^Smith, James Ed. English Botany ; figures by James Sowerby. 8 vols. Svo. London. 1790-1797. ^Smith, James Ed. Introduction to Physiological and Systematic Botany. Svo. Boston. 1814. Smith, John. Select Discourses. Svo. Cambridge. 1673. Smith, John P. Letters to Rev. Thomas Belsham. Svo. Boston. 1809. Smith, R. A Complete System of Optics. 4to. 2 vols. Cambridge, Eng. Smith, S. S. Essay on the Causes of the Variety in the Complezion and Figure of the Human Species. Svo. New Brunswick, N. J. 1810. Smith, S. S. Lectures in the College of New Jersey. 2 vols. Svo. Trenton. 1812. Smith, Ely, and H. Gr. 0. Dwight. Researches in Armenia. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1833. ^^Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. I. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. 4to. Washington. 1847. Vol. II. Researches relative to the Planet Neptune, by S. C. Walker. The Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgeman, by Francis Lieber. Microscopic Examination of Soundings, by S. W. Baily. Physical Geography of the Mississippi Valley, by Charles EUet, Jr. Memoir on Mosaurus, &c., by Robt. W. Gibbs. Classification of Insects, by Louis Agassiz. Memoir on the Explosiveness of Nitre, by Robert Hare. Microscopical Observations made in S. C, Ga., and Fla., by J. W. Bailey. Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, by E. G. Squier. 4to. Washington. 1851. Vol. III. Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism, by John Locke, M. D. Researches on Electrical Rheometry, by A. Secchi. Nat. Hist, of the Fresh Water Fishes of N. A., by Charles Girard. Part i : Monograph of the Cottoids. Nereis Boreali- Americana, by W. H. Harvey. Part i : Mel- anospermeae. Plantae Wrightianae Texano-Neo-Mexicanac, by A^a Young. Parti. 120 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. * Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledgf — Continued. Law of Deposit of the Flood Tide, by C. H. Davis. Descriptions of Ancient Works in Ohio, by C. "Whittlesey. Occultations in 1852, by John Downey. 4to. Washington* 1851. Vol. IV. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language, by S. R. Riggs. 4to. AVashington. 1851. Vol. V. Flora and Fauna within living Animals, by J. Leidy. Memoir on the Extinct Species of American Ox, by J. Leidy. Anatomy of the Nervous System of the Rana Pipiens, by J. Wyman. Nereis Boreali- Americana. Part ii. Rhodospermeae. Plantae Wrighteanae, &c. Part ii. 4to. Washington. 1853. Smollet, T. Continuation of Hume's History of England from the Revolu- tion to the Death of George ii. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1790. Socrates. See Collectio Epistolarum G-raecarum. SoLis, Antonio de. Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. Fol. Bruxelles. 1741. * SoMMERiNG, Sam. Thomas. Icones Embryonum Humanarum. Fol. Fran- cofurti. 1799. * SoNNiNi, C. S. Voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypte. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1799. ^Atlas to the above. 4to. * SoNNiNi, C. S. Voyage en Grece et Turquie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1801. ''^ Atlas to the above. 4to. Sophocles. Tragoediae septem. Ed. Brunck. 4 vols, in 3. 8vo. Argen- torati. 1786. Sophocles. Dramata et Fragmenta. Ed. Bothe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1806. Sophocles translated by Thos. Francklin. 16mo. New "^ork. 1836. SoTHEBY, Wm. Iliad and Odyssey translated, with Designs by Flaxman. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. SouRD-MuETS, Quatrieme Circulaire de I'lnstitut Royal des. 8vo. Paris. 1886. SoDTHEY, Robert. History of the Peninsular War. 4 of the 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. Spanqenbero, Ernesti. De Vcteris Latii Religionibus Domesticis Com- mentatio. 4to. Gottingae. s. a. SpANfiEMiUs. Dissertationes de Praestantia ct Usu Nutnismatum x\i rum. 4to. Amstelodami. 1671. ALPUABJBTICAL CATALOQUE. 121 Sparks, Jared. Diplomatic Correspondence of the AmeHcan Revolution. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Sparks, Jared. Letter to Lord Mahon. Svo. Boston. 1852. Sparks, Jared. Reply to Strictures of Lord Mahon and others. 8vo. Cambridge. 1852. Sparks, Jared. Remarks on a Reprint of the Original Letters from Wash- ington to Jos. Reed. 8vo. Boston. 1853. Sparks, J ared. See Jefferson, Franklin, Gouv. Morris, Washington. Speeches, Congressional. Webster and others. 8vo. 1838-1848. ^Spence, Joseph. Polymetis, or an Enquiry concerning the Agreement between the Works of Roman Poets and the Remains of the Ancient Artists. Fol. London. 1747. Spence, Joseph. Anecdotes relating to Books and Men. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Spence, Joseph. Essay on Mr. Pope's Odyssey in five Dialogues. 12mo. London. 1747. Spence, Joseph. Observations on the Greek and Roman Classics. 12mo. London. 1753. Spence, W. Logarithmic Transcendents. 4to. London. 1809. Spinoza, Benedictus. Opera quae supersunt omnia. 2 vols. Svo. Jena. 1802. Spitzner, Franz. De Versu Graecorum Heroico, maxime Homerico. Svo. Lipsiae. 1816. Spohr, F. a. G. De Agro Trojano in Carminibus Homericis Descriptio. Svo. Lipsiae. 1814. Spon et Wheler. Voyage d'ltalie, de Dalmatie, de Grece, et de Levant. 2 vols. 12mo. La Haye. 1724. Sprengel, Kurt. Der Bau und die Natur der Gewachse. Svo. Halle. 1812. Sprengel, Kurt. Einleitung zur Kenntniss der Gewachse. 3 vols. 12mo. Halle. 1817. Sprengel, Kurt. Neue Entdeckungen in der Pflanzenkunde. 3 vols. 12mo. Leipzig. 1820. Spring, Gardiner. Dissertation on Native Depravity. Svo. New York. 1833. Spurzheim, J. G. Anatomy of the Brain. Svo. Boston. 1826. Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology in connection with the Study of Physignomy. Svo. Boston. 1833. Spurzheim, J. G. On Insanity, with Appendix by A. Brigham. Svo. Boston. 1836. 16 122 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology, or the Doctrine of the Mental Phenomena. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1836. Spurzheim, J. G. Elementary Principles of Education. 12mo. Bo&ton. 1833. Spurzheim, J. G. Examination of Objections against the Doctrines of Gait and Spurzheim. 12mo. Boston. 1833. Spy. a Newspaper, by J. Thomas. Vols, xii-xx (vol. xvi wanting) in 6 vols. Duplicate of Vol. xvii. Fol. Worcester. 1783-1791. Stackhouse, Thomas. History of the Holy Bible. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1817. Stael, Mme. la Baronne de. Oeuvres completes, publiees par son Fils. 17 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Stahl, G. E. Opusculum Chyinico-Physico-Medicum, cum Tractatu de Cupri Origine et Usibus a Melchiore Vendriese. 4to. Halis. 1715. Standlin, C. F. Geschichte und Geist des Scepticismus. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1794. Stanhope, John S. Topography of the Plain of Olympia. Fol. London. 1824. Stapleton. See Canning. State Trials, English. From Richard ii to the 16th year of George iii. 11 vols. Fol. London. 1776. Statius, p. Papirius. Opera, stud. Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Biponti. 1785. Steele, Miss Anne. Works. (Incomplete.) Vol. ii. 8vo. Boston. 1808. Steepens, Heinrich. Anthropologic. 2 vols. 8vo. Breslau. 1822. Stephanus Byzant. De Urbibus et Populis, Graece et Latine. Ed. Burke- lius. Fol. Lugd. Bat. 1688. Sterne, Lawrence. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1808. Steuart, James. Political Economy. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1767. Stewart, Dugald. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1793. Stewart, Dugald. The same. 3 vols. 8vo. Brattleboro. 1808. Stewart, Dugald. Works. 7 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1829-1833. Stiles, Dr. Ezra. Life by Holmes. 8vo. Boston. 1798. Stillingfleet, Edward, Bp. Origines Sacrae, or a rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith as to the Truth and Divine Origin of the Scrip- tures. Fol. Cambridge, Eng. 1702. Stobaeus, Joannes. Florilegium, Graccc. Ed. Gaisford. 4 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1823. ^TOiCHEiA Linguae Hellenicae. A^ol. ii. 12mo. Vicnnae. 1815 > ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE. 128 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of tho United States. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1833. Strabo. Rerum Geographicarum Libri xvii, Graece et Latine. Ed. Sieb- enkees. 7 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1796-1818. Strauchius, Giles. Treatise on the Terms, Periods, and Epochas used in Chronology. 12mo. London. 1704. Strong, Caleb. Speeches. 8vo. Newburyport. 1808. Struensee, Count. Conversion and Death, by Dr. Munter. 8vo. London. 1822. Strutt, Joseph. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 8vo. London. 1834. Strype, John. Annals of the Reformation in England in the time of Eliza- beth. 4 vols, in 7. 8vo. Oxford. 1824. Stuart, James, and Nicholas Revett. Antiquities of Athens. 3 vols. Fol. London. 1762-1794. Stuart, Moses. Granmiar of the Hebrew Language. 8vo. Andover. 1828. Stuart, MosES. Course of Hebrew Study. 2 vols. 8vo. Andover. 1829- 1830. Stuart, Moses. Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 8vo. Ando- ver. 1833. Stuart, Moses. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 8vo. Ando- ver. 1835. Stuart, Moses. Letters to Channing. 12mo. Andover. 1829. Stuart, Moses. On Greek Accent and Quantity. 18mo. Andover. 1829. Stuart, Moses. Cicero on the Immortality of the Soul. 18mo. Andover. 1833. Stud-book Francais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1838.] Sturlangs Saga Starfsama. 12mo. s. 1. et a. Sturzius, F. G. Dc Dialecto Macedonica et Alexandrina, 8vo. Lipsiae. 1808. Suetonius, C. Tranquillus. Opera, Stud. Soc. Bipont. 8vo. Argentorati. 1800. SuiDAS. Lexicon. Ed. Aemilius Porta. 2 vols. Fol. Coloniae Allob. 1619. Sully, Due de. Memoirs of, transl. from the French. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1761. Sumatra. History of, by Wm. Marsden. 4to. London. 1784. Sumner, J. B. On the Creation, and the Moral Attributes of the Creator. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. 124 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. SwAiNSON, Wm. The Naturalist's Guide for preserving Shells. 12mo. London. 1822. SwAiNSON, Wm. Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals. 12mo. London. 1825, SwAiNSON, Wm. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History. 12mo. London. 1833. SwATNSON, Wm. Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds. 12mo. London. 1835. SwEDENBORG, Emanuel. The Wisdom of Angels. 8vo. Boston. 1796. SwEDENBORG. The True Christian Religion. 8vo. Boston. 1833. SwEDENBORG. Heaveuly Arcana. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1837. SwEDENBORG. Indox to the above. 8vo. Boston. 1848. SwEDENBORG. Heavon and Hell. 8vo. Boston. 1837. SwEDENBORG. Posthumous Philosophical Tracts. 8vo. Boston. 1848. SwEDENBORG. Worship and Love of God. 12mo. Boston. 1832. SwEDENBORG. Apocalypso Revealed. 12mo. Boston. 1836. Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church. 12mo. Boston. SwEDENBORG 1838. SwEDENBORG. Doctriue of the New Church. 12mo. Boston. 1839. SwEDENBORG. The Earths in our Solar System. 12mo. Boston. 1839. SwEDENBORG. Now Jerusalem Tracts. 12mo. Boston, s. a. SwEDENBORG. Doctrino of Life. 18mo. Boston. 1821. SwEDENBORG. On the Lord. 18mo. Cambridge. 1821. SwEDENBORG. Divino Lovc. 18mo. Boston. 1828. SwEDENBORG. Doctrino of Faith. 18mo. Boston. 1828. SwEDENBORG. On the Intercourse between the Soul and the Body. 18mo' Boston. 1828. SwEDENBORG. On the Athanasian Creed. 18mo. Boston. 1828. The Sacred Scriptures. 18mo. Boston. 1829. Internal Sense of the Prophetical Books. 18mo. Bi SwEDENBORG. SwEDENBORG. 1833. SwEDENBORG. ?fflS^ The New Jerusalem. 18mo. Boston. 1838. hI Sweet, Robert. Hothouse and Greenhouse Manual. 8vo. London. 1831. SwEETSER, William. On Cynanche Trachcalis, or Croup. 8vo. Bostoi 1823. SwEETSER, William. On Consumption. 8vo. Boston. 1836. SwiETEN, Gerard. Commentaries on the Aphorisms of Boerhave concei ing Diseases. 17 vols, ii-xviii. 8vo. London. 1744. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 125< Swift, Jonathan. Works, by Hawkesworth. 25 vols. Lond. 17^8^-1776. SwiNBORNE, Henry. Travels in the two Sicilies. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin.. 1783.. Sykes, Arthur A. Memoirs by Disney. Svo. London. 1785. Synopsis Metaphysicae. 12mo. Glasguae. 1780. Syntagma Theologiae Christianae. (Incomplete.) Taciti Annales, Commentarius in, a Rupert. 2 copies. 8vo. Londiai..l825. Tacito, Cornelio. Opera tradotti da Da A^anzati. 2 vols. ISmo.. Paris.. 1760. Tacitus, C. Cornelius. Opera. Ed. Bekker. 2 vols. Svo. Lipsiae. 1831. Tacitus. Opera quae extant omnia. 4 vols. 12mo. Glasguae. 1743.. Tacitus. Five Books of the History of. 12mo. Hartford. 1826. Tanner, John. Narrative of Captivity and Adventures by Jamess. 8vo. New York. 1830. Tasso, Torquato. Opere. 4 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1804. Tasso, Torquato. Lettere inedite. 8vo. Pisa. 1827. Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem Delivered, done into English by Sflward. Fairfax. 8vo. London. 1749. Tassoni, Alessandro. Secchia Rapita. 18mo. Venezia. 1788. Taxidermy, or the Art of preserving Animals. 12mo. London. 1820:, Taylor, Brooke. New Principles of Linear Perspective. 12mo. London. 1719. Taylor, Jeremy. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. Taylor, John. Records of my Life. 8vo. New York. 1833. Taylor, John, of Norwich. Hebrew Concordance. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1754. Taylor, 0. A. Views of the Savior. 12mo. Andover. 1838. Taylor, Thomas. Philosophical and Mathematical Commentaries of Ph)clus on Euclid's Elements, translated, with Life by Marinus, and a Disserta- tion on the Platonic Doctrine of Ideas. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1788. Taylor, Thomas. Six Books of Proclus on the Theology of Plato. 2. vols. 4to. London. 1810. Taylor, Thomas. Commentaries of Proclus on the Timseus of Pla*o. 2: vols. 4to. London. 1820. 126 ALPUABETICAL CATALOGUE, Taylor, TifOM AS. The Metaphysics of Aristotle translated. 4to. London. 1801. Taylor, Thomas. Select Works of Plotinus. 8vo. London. 1817. Taylor, Tiiojias. Life of Pythagoras by Jamblichus. 8vo. London, 1818. Taylor, Thomas. Jamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians. 8vo. Chiswick. 1821. Taylor, Thomas. Ancient Pythagorean Fragments. 8vo. Chiswick. 1822. Two Treatises of Proclus. 8vo. London. 1833. Ocellus Lucanus on the Nature of the Universe. 8vo. Translations from the Treatises of Plotinus, 8vo. Lond. Vols. I, II. 8vo. Lond. Taylor, Thomas. Taylor, Thomas. London. 1834. Taylor, Thomas. 1834. Taylor, W. Historic Survey of German Poetry. 1830. Tegner, Esaias. Smarre Dikter. 8vo. Stockholm. 1832. Temminck, C. J. Manuel d'Ornithologie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1820. Temple, Sir Wm. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1754. Temple, Sir Wm. Memoirs of his Life, Works, and Correspondence, by Courtenay. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1836. Tennemann, W. G. Geschichte der Philosophic. 11 vols, in 7. 8vo. Leip- zig. 1798-1819. Terextius, Publius, Afer. Comoediac. Ed. Bothe. 8vo. Berolini. 1806. Terextius. Andrea et Adelphi. Ed. Dillaway. 2 copies. Phila. 1850. Tertullianus, Q. S. F. Opera. Fol. Paris. 1641. Testament, Het Nieuwe. (Dutch.) 18mo. Amsterdam. 1691. Testamentum Vetus. Incomplete. 12mo. s. 1. et a. Thatcher, James. Military Journal during the Revolutionary War. Boston. 1823. Thacheti, James. American Medical Biography. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Boston. 1828. Thayer, Elihu. Sermons, 8vo. Exeter. 1813. Theatre of the Greeks. 8vo. Cambridge. 1830. Thenard, L. J. Traite de Chymie. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1827. Theocritus. Reliquiae, Graece et Latine cum Scholiis Graecis. Ed. Reis 4to. Vicnnac. 1765. Theodorus Metochita. De Politia Cyrenaeorum et Corinthionim. 8i Lipsiac. 1811. ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 127 TiiEODORUS Metochita. Miscellanea Philosophiea ct Historica, Graeco. Ed. Muller. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1821. Theologie suppliante aux pieds du Souvcrain Pontife. 18mo. Cologne. 1756. Theophrastus Eresius. Quae supcrsunt Opera, Graece et Latine. Ed. Schneider. 5 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1818. Theophrastus. Characteres Ethici, Epicteti Manuale, et Cebetis Tabula. 18mo. Lipsiae. 1826. Theopompus Chius. Fragmenta, Graece. Ed. Wichers. 8vo. Lugduni. 1829. Thibert, Felix. Musee d' Anatomic Pathologique. 8vo. Paris. 1844. Thierry, A. Histoire de la Conquete de I'Angeterre par les Normands. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1826. Thiers, M. A. Histoire de la Revolution Fran^aise. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Thiersch, D. Fr. Griechische Grammatik. 8vo. Leipzig. 1818. Thiersch, D. Fr. Greek Tables. 8vo. Andover. 1818. Thiersch, Fr. Epochen der bildenden Kunst. 8vo. Miinchen. 1829. Thom, David. Assurance of Faith. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. Thom, R. Aesop's Fables written in Chinese. 8vo. Canton. 1840. Thomas, Antoine. Oeuvres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1819. Thomas a Kempis. Opera. Fol. s. 1. 1523. Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ. 12mo. London. 1769. Thomas Aquinas. Super Quartum Sententiarum. Fol. Yenetiis. 1481, Thomas Aquinas. Summa totius Theologiae. Fol. Paris. 1615. Thomas, Bp. oe Sodor and Man. Christianity made easy. 12mo. Lond. 1754. Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America. 2 copies. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester. 1810. Thomas, R. Modern Practice of Physic. 8vo. New York. 1822. Thome and Kimball. Emancipation in the West Indies. 12mo. New York. 1838. Thompson, D. P. The Shaker Lovers. See Pamphlet Case 57. Thompson, Zadock. History of Yermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical. 8vo. Burlington. 1842. Thompson, Z. Appendix to the above. 8vo. Burlington. 1853. Thompson, Z. Gazetcer of Yermont. 12mo. Montpelicr. 1824. Thompson, Z. History of Yermont, to 1822. 12mo. Burlington. 1833. 128 ALPnABETICAL CATALOGUE. TflOMPsa N, Z. Geography and History of Lower Canada. 16mo. Stanstead, 0. E. 1835. TuoMSQM, A. P. Lectures on the Elements of Botany. 8vo. London. 1822. Thomson, James. Essay on the Life and Writings of. See Fletcher of Salteun. THOJiseN, Robert. Divine Authority of the Bible. 12mo. Boston. 1807. Thomscx, Thos. History of the Royal Society. 4to. London. 1812. TuoMsas, Thos. Attempt to establish the first Principles of Christianity by Experiment. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1825. Thorbuust, Grant. Forty Years' Residence in America, by himself. 12mo. Bostan. 1834. TuoRESiY, Ralph. Diary and Correspondence. 4 vols. 8vo. 1830-1832. Three Years in the Pacific by an Oificer in the U. S. Navy. Svo. Phila. 183^ TnuANUS. Life, with an Account of his Writings by CoUinson. Svo. Lond. i8a7, Thucyeides. De Bello Peloponesiaco Libri octo, Graece et Latine. Ed. Baverus. 2 vols. 4to. Lipsiae. 1790. - Thucymdes. Observationes Criticae, a Poppo. Svo. Lipsiae. 1815. TiCKNcsL, Caleb. Treatise on Medical Philosophy. 12mo. New York. 183«, J TiEDEMiNN, D. Griechenlands erste Philosophen. Svo. Lipsiae. 1780. Tiedemjlnn, D. Geist der Speculativen Philosophie von Thales bis Socrates. 6 vdils. Svo. Marburg. 1791-1797. Tiedemann, D. Idealistiche Briefe. 12mo. Marburg. 1788. TiEDEMiNN, D. System der Stoischen Philosophie. 3 vols. ISmo. Leipzig 1770, TiLENUE, D. SiLESius. Syntagma Disputationum Thcologicarum in Aca demia Sedanensi. 12mo. Genevae. 1618. i TiLLOTBftN, Dr. John. Works. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1735. TiRABOBcni, G. Storia dclla Letteratura Italiana. 10 vols. 4to. Modena 1772-1782. TiTTMABiN, J. A. H. LibriSymboliciEcclesiaeEvangelicae. Svo.Misenae. 1827. ToLAND, John. History of the Druids. Svo. Montrose. 1814. ToLAND.JToHN. Life of M ilton. See Milton. ToPLADX, A. Doctrine of Absolute Predestination. 12mo. Phila. 1793 I J I ALPHABfiTICAL CATALOQUB. 129 ToRREY, JoHX. Compendium of the Flora of the Northern and Middle States. 12mo. New York. 1826. ToRREY, Joseph. Neander's Church History, translated. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1847-1854. ToRRiCELLius. Opera Geometrica. 4to. Florentiae. 1644. TouRNEFORT, PiTTON DE. Vojago du Levant. 3 vols. 8vo. Lyon. 1717. Tracts. Scientific, by J. Holbrook and others. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston. 1830. Transactions of the Royal Society at Edinburgh. Vols, i, ii, iv, vii, ix. 4to. Edinburgh. 1788-1821. Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the year 1843. Parti. 4to. London. 1843. Transactions of the Philosophical Society at New York. Vol. i. 8vo. New York. 1815. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia^ New Series. Vol. i. 4to. Phila. 1818. Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society from 1842-1851. 11 vols. Duplicates of Vols, ix and x. 8vo. Albany. Travanet, M. le Marquis. Preservatif d'Agronomie Empirique. Premi- ere partie. 8vo. Paris. 1845. Tredgold. Thomas. On the Steam Engine, ed. by Woolhouse. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1838. Tredgold, Thomas. Tracts on Hydraulics. Svo. London. 1826. Tredgold, Thomas. Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals. 8vo. London. 1831. Tredgold, Thomas. On Rail Roads and Carriages. 8vo. London. 1835. Trent. Historia del Concilio, di Pietro Soane Polano. 4to. s. 1. 1629. Trollope, Mrs. Belgium and Western Germany. 8vo. Phila. 1824. Trotter, Thomas. View of the Nervous Temperament. 2 copies. 12mo. Troy. 1808. Troubadours. Litteraire Histoire des. 3 vols. 18mo. Paris. 1774. Troxler, Dr. Versuche in der Organischen Physik. 8vo. Jena. 1804. Trumbull, B. Twelve discourses. 12mo. Hartford. 1795. Tucker, Abraham. Light of Nature pursued. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1834 Tcckey, J. K. Narrative of Expedition to explore the River Zaire now called Congo, in 1816. 4to. London. 1818. TuERK, VON. Erfahrungen hinsichtlich des Deutschen Seidenbaues. Svo. Leipzig. 1827. Turkish Psalter. 6 copies. 12mo. s. 1. et a. 17 ISO ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Turkish Spelling Book. 2 copies. 12mo. s. 1. et a. Turkish Spy. Letters of. 8 vols. 18mo. London. 1754. Turkish "Version of the New Testament, incapable of Defense. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Turks. History of, from 1679-1699, by Rycaut. Fol. London. 1700. Turner, Sharon. History of the Anglo-Saxons. 8vo. London. 1820. Turner, Sharon. History of England during the Middle Ages. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1825. Turner, Sharon. History of the Reign of Henry viii. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Turner, Sharon. History of the Reigns of Edward vi, Mary, and Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1829. TuRNBULL, Capt. Drawings in the Construction of the Alexandria Aque- duct. 4to. Washington. 1819. TuRRETiNus, F. De Satisfactione Christi. 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1696. Tychsen, T. G. Der Luxus der Atheniener. 12mo. Gottingen. 1782. Tyndale, Wm., and John Frith. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1831. Tyrwhitt, Thomas. Vindication of the Appendix to Rowley's Poems. London. 1782. Ukert, Fr. Aug. Geographie der Griechen und Romer. 4 vols. 8vo. Weimar. 1816. Universal History. See History. Union College. Report of the Majority of the Commissioners appointed to examine the Affairs of. 8vo. Albany. 1853. Upham, C. W. Letters on the Logos. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Upham, T. C. Manual of Peace. 12mo. Boston. 1842. UssERius, Jacobus. Annales Veteris Testamenti. Fol. London. 1650. Usteri, Leonhard. Entwickelung des Paulinischen Lehrbegriffes. 8vo. Zurich. 1834. i I I Valadb, F. X. Guide de I'lnstituteur. 12mo. Montreal. 1858. ALPHABETICAL CATALOQUI. 131 Valckenaerius, L. 0. Opusculu Philosophica, Critica, et Oratoria. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1808. =^Valextia, Geo. Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-1806. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809. Valerius Maximcs. Dictorum Factorumque memorabilium Libri ix : accedunt J. Obsequentis Opera. 2 vols. 8vo. Argentorati. 1806. Valpy, R. Elements of Greek Grammar. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Van Til, Solomon. Commentaria analytica in Libros Propheticos. 3 vols. 4to. Lugd.. Batav. 1744. Varlo, C. a New System of Husbandry. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1785. Varro, M. Terentius. De Lingua Latina Librorum quae supersunt. Ed. C. 0. MuUer. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1833. Vater, J. S. Practische Grammatik der Russichen Sprache. 8vo. Leipzig. 1814. Vattel, E. de. Law of Nations. 8vo. New York. 1796. Vattel, E. de. The same. 8vo. Northampton. 1815. Vauban. De I'Attaque et de la Defense des Places. 4to. La Haye. 1737. Vaudoncourt. Histoire des Campagnes d'Annibal en Italie pendant la deuxieme Guerre Punique, avec Cartes, par Frederic Guillaume. 4 vols. 4to. Milan. 1812. Vauvenarques. See Moralistes Francois. Vegece. Institutions Militaires. 18mo. Paris. 1743. Vegetius, Flavius Renatus. De Re Militari Libri v. Ed. Schwebelius. 8vo. Argentorati. 1806. Velleius Paterculus, C. Quae supersunt Historiae Romanae Libris duo- bus. Ed. Ruhnkenius et Krausius. 8vo. Argentorati. 1811. Venturoli, Giuseppe. Mechanics, transl. by Creswell. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1822. ^Venuti, R. Descrizione topografica della Antichita di Roma. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Roma. 1824. Verdict upon the Dissenters' Plea. 8vo. London. 1681. Vermont Sentinel. Vol. vr. Fol. Burlington. 1806. Vermont State Papers. Journals of the General Assembly for the years 1789, 1790, 1793-1796, 1799, 1801, 1803-1818, 1820-1835. Journals of the Senate of General Assembly for the years 1836-1852. Journals of the House of General Assembly for the years 1836-1851. 132 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Vermont State Papers — Continued. Journals of the Council of Censors for the years 1820, 1827, 1834. Address of the Council of Censors for 1800. Journals of the Constitutional Convention for the years 1814, 1822, 1828, 1836, 1843, 1850. Constitutions of 1777, 1786, 1793 (two copies), 1836. See Revised Statutes of 1839 for the last. Charter of Cumberland County, 1768. See Pamphlet Case 2. Acts and Laws passed in the years 1779, 1782, 1787, 1792-1846, 1850. Laws of Vermont revised and passed in 1797. 8vo. Rutland. 1798. Laws of Vermont digested and compiled to the year 1807. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Randolph. 1808. Laws of Vermont to the close of the Session of 1816. Vol. iii. 8vo. Rutland. 1817. Laws of Vermont to 1824 inclusive, compiled by William Slade. 8vo. Windsor. 1824. Laws of Vermont to 1834 inclusive, by D. P. Thompson. 8vo. Montpelier. 1835. Revised Statutes passed 1839. 8vo. Burlington. 1840. Vermont State Papers. 8vo. Middlebury. 1823. Practical forms, by Asa Aikens. 12mo. Windsor. 1836. Duplicates of the Journals of Gen. Assembly for 1801, 1804, 1805, 1806, of the Senate of 1836, of the House of 1836, 1844, 1849, 1851, of Acts and Laws for 1787, 1801, 1804 (tripl.), 1809, 1813, 1815, 1819, 1822, 1844 (tripl.), 1845, and of the Journal of the Constitutional Convention for 1850. Vermont Reports. Of the Supreme Court, by R. Tyler. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1809. Of do. by W. Brayton. 8vo. Middlebury. 1821. Of do. by D. Chipman. Vol. i. 8vo. Middlebury. 1824. Digest of all Cases decided in the Supreme Court, by P. T. Washburn. 8vo. Woodstock. 1845. Of Cases argued before the Supreme Court. 21 vols. 8vo. 1829-1850. Vbrpligtingen van eenen braavon Huisvader. 12mo. Amstelodami. 1795J Vespucci, Amerigo. Vita e Lettere. 8vo. Firenze. 1745. Vial, Andre. Traite du St. Sacrement de I'Euchariste. 18mo. Grenobl< 1676. il I ALPHABETICAL CATALOG Ul!. 133 Vico, G. Principi d'una Scienza nuova. Vol. i. 8vo. Napoli. 1744. Views in Tueology, (by D. N. Lord). 8vo. New York. 1824. ViGERus, F. De praecipuis Graecac Dictionis Idiotismis. 8vo. London. 1824. ViGERus,.F. De praecipuis Graecae Dictionis Idiotismis. Ed. Hermann. Lipsiae. 1834. ViLLEMAiN. Lascaris, ou les Grecsdul5eme Siecle, suivi d'un Essai His- torique sur Tetat des Grecs depuis la Conquete Musulmane. 8vo. Paris. 1825. ViNCE, S. Complete System of Astronomy. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1823. ViNCE, S. Elements of Astronomy. 8vo. Phila. 1811. ViNCE, S. Principles of Fluxions. 8vo. Phila. 1823. Vincent, Thomas. Explicatory Catechism. 12mo. Northampton. 1805. Vincent, Dr. Wm. Voyage of Nearchus, and Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. 4 vols. 4to. London. 1797-1800. Vincentids Burgundus. Speculum quadruplex, Naturale, Doctrinale, Mo- rale, Historiale. 4 vols. Fol. Duaci. 1624. ViRGiLius Maro, Publius. Opera. Ed. Heyne. 4 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1788. ViRGiLius. Opera. Ed. Staughton. 8vo. Phila. 1825. ViRGiLius. Opera, in usum Delphini. 8vo. Phila. 1827. ViscoNTi, E. Q. See Iconographie. ViscoNTi, E. Q. Opere. 7 vols. 8vo. Milano. 1818. ^'ViTRuvius, Marcus. DeArchitecturaLibri Decern. 4to. Berolini. 1800. *=ViTRUvius, Marcus. Formae ad explicandos Vitruvii decern Libros, curaRode. Fol. Berolini. 1801. ^'ViTRUvius, Marcus. Civil Architecture, with an Introduction on the Architecture of the Greeks, by Wm. Wilkins. 8vo. London. 1812. Voltaire. Beccaria on Crimes and Punishment, with a Commentary at- tributed to Voltaire. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1778. Vossius, G. J. Latina Grammatica. 12mo. Amstelodami. 1644. Voyage en Suisse Occidentale, Historique et Litteraire. 2 vols. 12mo. s. L 1787. Voyages of the Disciples of Linnaeus. 11 vols. 8vo. viz: Voyages and Travels in the Levant by Hasselquist. London. 1766. Travels in Louisiana by Bossu. 2 vols. London. 1771. Voyage to China and the East Indies by Osbeck. 2 vols. Lond. 1772. 134 ALPUABBTICAL CATALOG UE. Voyages of the Disciples of Linnaeus — Continued. Travels into N. America, by Kalm. 2 vols. London. 1772. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, by Thunberg. 4 vols. London. 1795. Waddington, G. History of the Church. 8vo. New York. 1834. Waldegrave, James, Earl. Memoirs from 1754 to 1758. 4to. London. 1821. Wales. History of, from the old British of Caradoc, by Dr. Powell. 8vo. London. 1774. Walker, John. Elements of Elocution. 8vo. Boston. 1810. Walker, John. Uhetorical Grammar. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Walker, Timothy. Litroduction to American Law. 8vo. Phila. 1837. Wallace, J. New Treatise on the Globes and Practical Astronomy. 8vo. New York. 1812. Wallenstein, Hertzoq von Friedland. Briefe. 8 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1828. Waller and St. Evremond. Letters, and a Biographical Sketch. 18mo. Baltimore. 1809. Wallis, John. Mechanica, sive de Motu. 4to. Londiui. 1670. Walpole, Horatio, Earl oe Oreord. Works. 5 vols. 4to. London. 1798. Walpole, Horace. Private Correspondence. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Walpole, Horace. Letters to Sir Horace Mann. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Walsh, Robert. Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain as to the U. S. A. 2 copies. 8vo. Phila. 1819. Walton, Brian. Memoir of the Life and Writings of, by H. J. Todd. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. Walton, Izaac. Complete Angler. 12mo. London. 1775. Wang Keaou Swan, a Chinese Tale by K. Thorn, Esq. 4to. Canton, ll War oe 1812, Sketches of. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Rutland. 1815. Warbdrton, Wm. Works. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1811. Warburton, and a Warburtonian. Tracts. 8vo. London. 1789. ALI'UABETICAL CATALOOUB. 135 Ward, II. D. Antimasonic Review and Magazine. 8vo. New York. 1828. Ward, John. Introduction to Latin Grammar. 12mo. London. 1793. Ward, Nathaniel. Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1843. AVard, Robert. Law of Nations in Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1795. Wardlaw, Ralph. Discourses on the Socinian Controversy. 8vo. Ando- ver. 1815. Wardlaw, Ralph. Christian Ethics. 8vo. New York. 1835. Ware, Henry. Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists. 8vo. Cambridge. 1820. Ware, Henry. Inquiry into the Foundation, Evidences, and Truth of Re- ligion. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1842. Warren, J. C. The Mastodon Giganteus. 4to. Boston. 1852. Warren, J. C. Physical Education. 2 copies. 12mo. Boston. 1846. Warton, Joseph. Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1806. Warton, Thomas. Observations on Spenser's Faerie Queene. 8vo. Lond. 1754. Warville, J. P. B. DE. New Travels in the U. S. A. in 1788. 12mo. Boston. 1797. Washburn, Emory. Judicial History of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1 840. Washington, George. Life, by Ramsay. 8vo. New York. 1807. Washington, George. Life, in Latin Prose, by Francis Glass. 8vo. New York. 1835. Washington, George. Life, by John Marshall. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1836. Atlas to the above. 8vo. Phila. Washington, George. Life and Writings, by Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1837. Waterland, David. Sermons. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1720. Watson, Richard. Anecdotes of his Life, by himself. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1818. Watson, Richard. Apology for the Bible. 12mo. New York. 1796. Watts, Isaac. Works. 6 vols. 4to. London. 1810. Watts, Isaac. Logick. 12mo. London. 1745. Wayland, Francis. Elements of Moral Science. 8vo. Boston. 1837. Webb, Daniel. Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting. 12mo. London. 1760. 136 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Webb, E. Philosophy of Medicine. 8vo. Phila. 1833. Webber, Samuel. Mathematics. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1801. Webster, Daniel. Works, by Everett. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1853. Webster, J. W. Description of the Island of St. Michael. 8vo. Boston. 1821. Webster, Noah. Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. New York. 1828. Webster, Noah. The same. 12mo. Hartford. 1806. Webster, Noah. Dissertation on the English Language. 8vo. Boston. 1789. Webster, Noah. History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. 8vo. Hartford. 1799. Wedekind, Georg von. Der Pythagorische Orden. 8vo. Leipzig. 1820. Wells, W. C. Two Essays : one on Single Vision with two eyes, the other on Dew. 8vo. London. 1818. Welsh Grammar. 12mo. London, s. a. Wendelinus, M. F. Contemplationes Physicae. 4to. Cantab. 1648. Werner, A. G. New Theory on the formation of Veins, with its applica- tion to the Art of working Mines, transl. by Anderson. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1809. Werner, A. G. Traite des Caracteres exterieurs des Fossiles, trad, d^ I'Allemand. 12mo. Dijon. 1790. ^ Wesley, John. Life, with Rise and Progress of Methodism, by R. Southey. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1829. West, Gilbert. Dissertation on the Olympic Games. 12mo. Lond. 1766. Westman, H. 0. The Spoon. 8vo. New York. 1844. Whately, R. Elements of Rhetoric. 12mo. Cambridge. 1834. Whately, R. Elements of Logic. 8vo. New York. 1836. Wheatley, Thos. Observations on Modem Gardening. 8vo. Lond. 1777. Wheaton, Henry. History of the Northmen from the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England by William. 8vo. Phila. 1831. Wheelock, Eleazer. Memoirs by Dr. McClure. 8vo. Newburyport. 1811. Whewell, William. Dynamics. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1823. Whewell, Wilijam. Mechanics. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1824. Whiston, Wm. New Theory of the Earth. 8vo. London. 1755. Whiston, Wm. Translation of Josephus. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1826. , 1766. i 1777. 3 to the . 1811. 4 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 137 Whiston, Wm. Astronomical Lectures. 12mo. London. 1715. WmsTON, Wm. Astronomical Principles of Religion. 12mo. Lond. 1717. Whitaker, Gul. De Sacramentis. 4to. s. 1. et a. Whitaker, Gul. Tractatus de Peccato Originali. 12mo. Cantab. 1600. White, Charles. On the Management of Pregnant and Lying-in Women. 8vo. Worcester. 1793. White, Gilbert. Works in Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1802. White, W. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. 8vo. New York. 1836. Whitgift, John. Life and Acts, by John Strype. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford. 1822. Whitman, Samuel. Key to Justification. 8vo. Boston. 1814. Whitney. See Worcester County. WiCKLiFFE, John. Life and Opinions, by Vaughan. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1731. WiELAND, C. M. Neues Attisches Museum. 8vo. 4 vols. Zurich. 1805. WiELAND, C. M. Attisches Museum. 3 vols. 8vo. Zurich. 1806. WiELAND, C. M. Werke. 8 vols. 12mo. Troppau. 1785. WiQGERS, G. F. Historical Presentation of Augustinianism and Pelagianism, transl. by Emerson. 8vo. Andover. 1840. WiLBERFORCE, WiLLiAM. Practical View of the prevailing Religious Sys- tem of professed Christians. 12mo. Boston. 1803. WiLCKE, W. F. Geschichte des Tempelherren Ordens. 8vo. 3 vols. Leip- zig. 1826. WiLKEN, F. Geschichte der Kreuzziige. 9 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1807-1832. WiLKiNS, John. Mathematical and Philosophical Works. 12mo. London. 1708. WiLLARD, Emma. Journal and Letters from France and Great Britain. 12mo. Troy. 1833. Willard's Body of Divinity. First 16 pages wanting. Fol. Williams, Roger. Memoir of, by Knowles. 12mo. Boston. 1834. Williams, Samuel. Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 8vo. Walpole, N. H. 1794. Williams, Samuel. The same. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington. 1809. Williams, T. Song of Solomon, with Notes. 8vo. Phila. 1803. Williams, T. S. English and German Dialogues. 12mo. London. 1835. Williamson, T. Oriental Field Sports, with Plates. 4to. London, s. a. 18 138 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. *WiLSON, Alexander. American Ornitliology, or History of tlie Birds in the U. S. A. 9 vols, including a supplementary Vol. 4to. Phila. 1808- 1825. Wilson, H. Account of the Pelew Islands. 4to. London. 1788. Wilson, James. Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean. 4to. London. 1799. Wilson, J. French and English Dictionary. 8vo. Paris. 1834. Wilson, John. Illustrations of Unitarianism. 8vo. London. 1846. Winckelmann, J. Werke, von Fernow. 9 vols. 8vo. Dresden. 1808-1820. WiNTHROP, John, (Gov.) History of New England from 1630 to 1649. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1820. Winthrop, John. Lectures on Comets : also, an Essay on Comets by Oliver. 12mo. Boston. 1811. Wirt, William. Life of Patrick Henry. 8vo. Phila. 1836. WiSTAR, C. Anatomy. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1823. Wither, Gteorge. Hymns and Songs of the Church. 18mo. London. 1815. Wither, George. A Satyre. 24mo. London. 1616. Wither, George. Brittan's Remembrancer. 24mo. London. 1638. Withering, Wm. Botanical Arrangement of British Plants. 4 vols. Birmingham. 1787, and London. 1801. WiTHERSPOON, John. Works. 4 vols. 8vo. Phila. 1802. Wittenhall. Latin Grammar. 18mo. Phila. 1773. WiTTMAN, Wm. Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt. 8vo. Phila. 1804. Wolf, F. A. Prolegomena ad Homerum, sive de Operum Hom. prisca et genuina Forma, Mutationibus, etc. 8vo. Halis, Sax. 1795. Wolf, F. A. Litterarische Analekten. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1817. Wolf, F. A., und Buttmann. Museum der Alterthums-Wissenschaft. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. 1807. Wolf, F. A., et Buttmann. Museum Antiquitatis Studiorum. 2 vols 8vo. Berolini. 1808. WoLLASTON, Wm. Religion of Nature delineated. 4to. London. 1725. Wollebius, J. Compendium Theologiae Christianae. 2 copies. 12mo. London. 1760. Wollstonecraft, Mary. Vindication of the Rights of Women. Vol. 8vo. London. 1796. Wood, Anthony. Athenae Oxonienses. 2 vols. Fol. London. 1721. Wood, James. Mechanics. 8vo. Cambridge. Eng. 1818. 8vo.fl I ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. 189 Wood, Robert. Essay on the Genius and Writings of Homer. 4to. Lond. 1775. WooDHOUSE, Robert. Principles of Analytical Calculation. 4to. Cam- bridge, Eng. 1803. WooDnousE, Robert. Treatise on Astronomy. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, Eng. 1821. Woods, Leonard. Letters to Unitarians and Reply to Dr. Ware. 8vo. Andover. 1822. Woodward, John. Natural History of the Earth and Terrestrial Bodies. 8vo. London. 1723. Woodward, John. Attempt at a Natural History of the Fossils of Eng- land. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. London. 1729. WooLHOusE. See Tredgold. WooLMAN, John. Works. 18mo. Phila. 1806. WooLSEY, Cardinal. Life, by Cavendish. 8vo. London. 1708. Worcester County, Mass. History of, by Peter Whitney. 8vo. Worces- ter. 1793. Worcester, J. E. Gazetteer of the U. S. 8vo. Andover. 1818. Workman, Benjamin. Gauging. 8vo. Phila. 1788. WoRLAKSSYNi, JoNi. Paradisar Missir. 8vo. Kaufmannahofn. 1828. WoTTON, Wm. Reflections on Ancient and Modern Learning. 12mo. Lond. 1697. WoTTON, Wm. Reliquiae Wottoniae. 24mo. London. 1657. Wrangham, Francis. Sermons, Dissertations, and Translations. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1816. Wright, J. M. F. Commentary on Newton's Principia, with a supplemen- tary volume. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1828. Wright, J. Currencies of the British Colonies in America. 8vo. London. 1761. Wyman, Jeffries. Anatomy of the Nervous System of the Rana Pipiens. 4to. Washington. 1853. Wyttenbach, Daniel. Animadversiones in Plutarchi Opera Moralia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1820. Wyttenbach, Daniel. Opuscula. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1820. Xenophon. Oeconomicus, cum fragmentis Oeconomicorum Ciceronis. 8vo. Oxoniae. 1693. 140 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE. Xenophox. Quae extant. Ed. Schneider. 6 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1828. XiMENES, Cardinal. Life, by B. Barrett. 8vo. London. 1813. Yale College. History of, by Baldwin. 8vo. New Haven. 1841. Yates and Moulton. History of New York. Vol. i. 8vo. New York.| 1824. Young, Edward. Night Thougbts. 18mo. New York. 1796. Young, Thomas. Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanic Arts. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1807. Young, Thomas. Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities. 8vo. London. 1823. Young, Sir Wm. History of Athens, with a Commentary on Republican Grovernment. 8vo. London. 1804. Young Minister's Companion. 8vo. Boston. 1813. Zabarella, J. Be rebus naturalibus Libri xxx. Fol. Coloniae. 1590. Zimmerman, J. Gr. Reflections on Men and Things, 8vo. London. 1799. *ZoEGA, G-EORGius. Be Origine et Usu Obeliscorum. Fol. Romae. 1797. Zollikofer, Gr. J. Sermons on the Bignity of Man. Vol. ii. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1807. ZoucH, Thomas. Works. 2 vols. 8vo. York. 1820. ZsCHOKKE, H. Bie Greschichte des Schweizerlands. 8vo. Aarau. 1834. ZuMPT, C. G. Lateinische Grammatik. 8vo. Berlin. 1834. ZwiNGLE, Ulrich. Life, by Hess, transl. by Lucy Aiken. 8vo. London. 1812. BOOKS OMITTED, OR RECEIVED SINCE THE CATALOGUE WAS PUT TO PRESS. Bache, a. D. Maps of the Coast Survey. Bache, a. D. Report of Coast Survey for 1851. 8vo. Washington. 1852. Sketches accompanying the above. 4to. Washington. 1853. Census of the U. S. for 1850. Statistics, by J. D. B. De Bow. 4to. Washington. 1853. Coi^ERiDGE, H. N. Introduction to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets. 12mo. Phila. 1831. Coleridge, S. T. Works, by Prof Shedd. 7 vols. 12mo. New York. 1854. Bavies, Charles. Shades, Shadows, and Linear Perspective. Svo. New York. 1832. Emmons, G. T. Statistics of the U. S. Navy, from 1775 to 1853. 4to. Washington. 1853. Grote, George. History of Greece. 11 vols. 12mo. New York. 1850- 1854. Hamilton, Alex. Works. 7 vols. 8vo. New York. 1851. Lee, T. J. Tables and Formulae for Surveying, &c. Svo. Washington. 1853. Map of Massachusetts, Topographical and Geological, compiled from Astro- nomical, Trigonometrical, and Local Surveys. 1844. Map of the Town of Woodstock, Vermont. Message and Documents for the 33d Congress, 1st Session. Part i. 2 copies. 8vo. Washington. 1853. North American Review. Vols, i-lxxvi. 8vo. Boston. Norton, C. B. Literary Register for 1854. New York. 1854. PooLE, W. T. Index to Periodical Literature. 8vo. New York. 1853. Smith, J. C. Map of the United States. 1845. Stansbury, Howard. Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. Svo. Washington. 1853. Sketches accompanying the above. Svo. Washington. 1853. SYNOPSIS TO THX ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. Page Sacred Scriptures, 145 Church Fathers, 146 Iheologt. Critical Theology, Researches, and Evidences, 145 Dogmatic Theology, 145 Practical Religion, 146 JURISPRCDEKCE. J Law, Politics, Political and Social Economy, 146 146 ' Philosophy and Metaphysics, 147 Logic, 148 Moral Philosophy and Ethics, 148 Philology, 148 Mathematics, 149 Natural Sciences, General Treatises, 150 Geology and Mineralogy, 150 SCIKSCBS AND AbTS. Zoology, 161 Botany, 151 Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, 152 Anatomy and Physiology, 163 Medicine, 153 Education, 163 Fine Arts and Theories of Art, 154 Useful Arts, 154 Encyclopaedias and Scientific Journals, 154 ■ Rhetoric and Oratory, 155 Poetry, 155 Fiction and Essayists, 155 Belles Lettbes. Criticism, 156 Letters and Diaries, 156 Anecdotes, Conversations, «tc. 156 Periodicals, 156 Geography and Topography, 157 Voyages and Travels, 167 Chronology and Statistics, 158 Antiquities, 168 Mythology, 168 History. Ancient History, Middle Ages, 159 169 Modern, 159 Universal, 160 Ecclesiastical History, 160 Literary History and Bibliography, 161 _ Biography, 161 AMLYTICAL CATALOGUE. THEOLOGY. SACRED SCRIPTURES. Acts, in Modern Greek. Arabic Gospels. Blooinfield's Greek Testament. Bible, Holy. Bible, La Sainte. Biblia al Espagnol. Biblia Hebraica. Biblia Latina. New Testament, Rhemes. Improved Version. Tyndale. Sandwich Islands. In Chinese. Novum Testamentum, Graeco. Syriace. Psalmorum Liber Ileb. Psalter, Arabic. Pseaumes do David. Septuagint. Testament Het. Nieuwe. Testamentum Vetus. Turkish Psalter. CHURCH FATHERS. Athanasius, Augusfeinus, Bernardus, Clem. Alexandrinus, Chrysostomus, Cyprianus, Busebius Pamphilus, Gregorius Xazian., Hieronymus, Justinus Martyr, Origenes, Tertullianus. CRITICAL THEOLOGY, RESEARCHES, AND EVIDENCES. Ainsworth, Allen, Baldvinus, Barclay, Baumgarten, Bellamy, Boudinot, Bentley, Biblical Repository, Bielby, Brown J., Browne S., Bruno, Burkitt, Burnet, But- ler C, Caedmon, Calmet, Calvin, Camp- bell G., Caryl, Colman B., Croly, Dale, Doddridge, Faber G. L., Fagnani, Flem- ing R-, Gale Theo., Genesis of the World, Gerard, Grotius, Ilackett, Halyburton, Hammond, Harmony Newcomb's, Herder, Hierocles, Hindoostan, Home G., Hug, Hurd, Jahn J. G., Jenkyn, Julianus Im- perator, Kirby, Koran, Lardner, Leigh, Leighton, Leland, Locke J., Lowth R., 19 Luther, McLeod, Malebranche, Mann J., Martin del Rio, Mason J. M., Moses Choronensis, Musculus, Micbaelis, New- ton I., Newton T., Nitzsch, Noyes Geo. R., Olshausen, Orton, Owen J., Paley, Parens, Parr, Pensees Diverses, Philo Judaeus, Piscator, Polus, Pomponatius, Reinhard, Roget,Schleiermacher, Schmidt, Sclaterus, ScotusR. R., Second Advent, Spangenberg, Stackhouso, Staudlein C. F., Stillingfleet, Stuart Moses, Swedenborg, Taylor John, Thomson R., Tucker A., Turkish Version, Usserius, Jacobus, Van Til Commentaria, AVarburton, Ware, Hen- ry, Watson R., AV'histon Wm., Williams, Song of Solomon, Wollaston. DOGMATIC THEOLOGY. Alesius, Ambrose Isaac, Anselmua, Apple- ton Jesse, Austin Samuel, Balguy, Bal- lon, Barclay R., Bates Wm., Bossuet, Boston, Bellamy, Belsham, Bradbury, Brown D., Brown J., Bunyan, Burgosse, Burnap G. W., Burton A., Butler J., Calvin, Catechisme, Connecticut Evang. Magazine, Cooke P., Cranmer, Cudworth, Dens P., Derham, Doctrine of Baptism and the Supper, Doddridge P., Dwight T., Edwards Jon., Edwards P., Encyclo- paedia of Religious Knowledge, Fenelon, Fessenden, Flavel, Fuller Andrew, Ger- vase. Gray J., Gurney J. J., Hammond H., Hildeburtus, Hobart J. H., Hopkins E., Hopkins S., Horsely, Howe J., Irving, Jackson J., Johnson T., Johnson Steph- en, Kingsbury H., Law Wm., Leibnitr, Letters on Unitarianism, Lortie Andre, Luther Martin, Maccovius, Marloratua, Marshall, Mason J. M., Mason W., More Henry, Milton John, Niles S., Noble, Olshausen, Ostcrwald, Owen John, Pam- phlets, Panoplist, Parens, Pascal, Penn, Perkins W., Phipps, Polanus, Quarterly Christian Spectator, Reynolds^Ed., Ronge, Salmasius, Scharpius J., Seed, Sherlock, Smalley J., Smith John, Smith J. P., Spring Gard., Stuart Moses, Sumner J. B., Swedenborg, Syntagma, Theo-Chria- ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. tianae, Taylor Jeremy, Theologie sup- pliante &c., Thomas Aquinas, Thomson Thos., Tilenus, Tillotson Dr. J., Toplady, Turretinus F., Tyndalc and Frith, Usteri L., Verdict on the Dissenter's Plea, Vial Andre, Views in Theology, Vincent Thos., "Wardlaw 11., Ware Henry, Waterland D., AVhitaker, Whitman S., Wickliffe's Life and Opinions, AVillard, "Wilson J., Witherspoon, "Wollebius, Woods Leonard. PRACTICAL RELIGION. Adviser, American Preacher, Barclay J., Baxter 11., Beveridge Bishop, Blair Hugh, Behmen J., Bourdaloue, Bull Bp., Bunyan, Cecil R., Celestial Comforter, Columbian Preacher, Common Prayer, Comstock, Dana J., Deveze, Diez P., Doddridge, Du Moulin, Edwards Jon., Exhortation, Fawcett, Felltham, Fish X., Flavel, Fleming, Fletcher, Fordyce, Ful- ler A., Fuller T., Genlis, Gisborne, Gra- ham J., Guthrie, Hay, Heber, Henry T. C, Hoornebcck, Horneck, Humphrey H., Hurd, Hymns Watts' and Select, Inger- soll, Irving E., Jerment, Jortin, Keith, Lathrop, Latimer, Law W., Linn AV., Luther, McLaurin, Marsh J., Mason AV., Massilon, Maxwell, Morris, Murray L., Methodist Preachers, Michelet, Mennais, Missionaries, More H., National Preach- er, Necker, Norton J., Olney Hymns, Og- den S., Osborne, Osgood, Pamphlets, Prac- tical Reflections, Price R., Rambach, Roll and Book, Rowe Eliz., Rush Jacob, Rutherford, Saint George, Sanderson R., Saurin J., Scott J., Scott T., Scribanus, Sermons by American Ministers, Sermons Collection of, Sermons on Particular Occa- sions, Shepard T., Struensee Count, Thayer E., Thorn D,, Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Bp., Trumbull, Upham's Letters, AA'atts Isaac, AVilberforce AY,, AVither Geo., AVrangman, Young Ed., Young Minister's Companion, Zimmerman, Zol- likoflFer, Zouch, Zwingle's Life by Hess. JURISPRUDENCE LAAV. Akber. Laws of Hindostan. American Jurist. American State Papers. Bacon. A^arious. Bentham. On Legislation and Punishment. Blackstone. Comm. on Eng. Law. Blondeau. Roman Law. Boulay Paty. Maritime. Brighatn. Laws of New Plymouth. British State Papers. Burlamaqui. Natural Law. Burr's Trials. Butler, C. Grecian, Roman, Feudal, and Canon Law. California Reports. jChancery of England. Chardon. On Fraud. •Codee, the Six, Criminal, and Penal. •Congressional Documents. Connecticut Laws. Cooper. Reports in Chancery. Corpus, &c. Civil Law. De Lolme. Eng. Constitution. English Law, Hisitory of. Gaius et Justinianus. Institutes. Gibson. English Eccl. Law, Girard Case. Goguet. Origin of Tjiws. Grotius. Laws of War and Peace, Guerard. Private Roman Law. JIofiFman. Legal Outlines. Kent. Comm. on American Law. La^w Tracts. Leibnitz. A^arious. Mackintosh. Law of Nature and Nations. Manley. Terms of Law. Massachusetts. Laws, &c. Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws. New York. Laws. PfeffeL Publip Law of Germany. Pothier. AA^orks. Parecbolae. Oxford Statutes. Puffendorf. Law of Nature and Nations. Rossi. Penal Law. Savigny. Roman Law. Selden. Law of Nature and Nations. State Trials. (English.) Vermont. Reports and Statutes. POLITICS, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ECONOMY. AMERICAN. Adams, J. Works. Adams, J. Q. Masonic Institution. American State Papers. Ames. AVorks. Bank of the United States. Beaujour. U. S. from 1800-1810. Beckwith. »0n Peace. Burgh. Political Disquisitions. Chipman . Principles of Government. Congressional Documents. Coxe, T. A'iew of the United States. Everett. America. Federalist. Felt. Mass. Currency. Franklin. AVorks. Hamilton, Alex. AVorks. Hancock. On Peace. Humboldt. New Spain. Jay. Mexican AVar. Livermore. Mexican AVar. Newman. Political Economy. Oliver. American Citizen. Ouseley. Remarks on U. S. Owen. \4ew of Society. Prize Essays. Congress of Nations. Rawle, Constitution of U. S. Rumford. Political Essays. Sheffield. American Commerce. J Sparks.. Diplomatic Correspondence. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 147 Story. On the Constitution. l^pham. Manual of Peace. "\''ci-mont State Papers. AValsh. Appeal from Groat Britain. War of 1812. AVasliburn. Judicial History of Mass. AVajihington. AVorks. Webster. Works. Hacon. Various Treatises. IJoaufort. Roman llepublio. Beccaria. On Crime. Eoeckh. Polit. Economy of the Athenians. Bolingbroke. On Parties, atin-En{^lish Dictionary. Etymoloj^icuin Magniuu. (!r. Etym()l()<;iciim (Judiimuni. atin. Vater. J. S. Russian. Vigerus, F. Greek Particles. Vossius, (J. J. Latin. Ward, .1. Latin. Welsh Grammar. Wittenhall. Latin. Zumpt, C. G. Latin. COMMEXTARIKS AND MISCELLANEOUS. Adams & Smith. Latin Tutor. Aeschylus. Mijller's Eumenides. Anecdota Graeca. Ed. A'illoison. Anccdota Graeca. Ed. Bekker. Apollodorus Athenicnsis. Benedict, T. F. On Sophocles. Bentley, R. On Phalaris. Boyle, C. On Bentley's Phalaris. Cambridge Classical Examinations. Casaubon, I. Satiric Poetry and Satire. Chardon de la Rochette. Melanges. Cleveland, C. D. Latin Lessons. Crenius, T. Philological Dissertations. Dalzell, A. Anal. Gr. Minora. Dawesius, R. Miscellanea Critica. Funccius, J. N. Ages of Latin Language. Hej'ne, C. G. Academical Works. Jacobs, F, Anthologia Graeca. Jamieson, J. AflBnities of Gr. and Lat. to Gothic. Johnson, A. B. On Language. Roster, H. Ancient Greek Songs. Lachmann, F. Sources of Livy's History. Laurentius Valla. Miscellaneous. Lessing, G. E. Miscellaneous. Lipsius, J. Works. Memoires de 1 'Academic des Inscriptions. Museum Criticum. Niebuhr, B. G. Philological Writings. Pindarus. Ed. Bockh. Quatremere, E. Egyptian Language. Ruhnkenius, D. Works. Saint Croix, G. Historians of Alexander. Schneider. Greek Comedy. Seyffarth, G. Hieroglypical Writers. Smithsonian Contributions. Spence, J. Essay on Pope's Odyssey. Spohr, F. A. J. De Agro Trojano. Turkish Version. Webster, N. English Language. Wieland, C. M. Miscellaneous. Wolf, F. A. Miscellaneous. Wyttenbach, D. Works. MATHEMATICS. Agnesi. Analyt. Inst. Arbogast. Calcul des Derir. Arith. Universalis. Barlow. Theory of Numbers. Math. Diet. 150 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. Barrow. Lectures. Berkley. Works. Vol. ii. Bernoulli. Opera. Bezout. Equations. Bierdemann. Arithmetik. Bossut. Math. History. Boueharlct. Calcul, etc. Bourdon. Arith., Alg., etc. Bowiitch. Navigator. Brisson. Theorie dcs Ombres. Callet. Losarithincs. Cambridge Mathematics. Carnot. Geometrie, etc. Commercium Epistolicum. Condorcet. D'apprendre de compter. Davies. Shades and Perspective. Davis. Powers. Bay. Navigation and Surveying. Be Lambre. Dcterm. d'un arc du Merid. De Moivre. Doctrine of Chances. Diophantcs. Arithmetica. Dumas. Equations. Euclide. Oeuvres. Euler. Oeuv., Alg., Calc. Diff. Fenn. Arithmetic, Algebra. Flint. Geom., Trig., Surveying. Furlong. Coast Pilot. Galileo. Discourses. Gauss. Arithmetic. Gibson. Surveying. Gummere. Surveying. Hirsche. Tables of Integ. Formulae. Hugcnius, Opera. Ilutton. Math. Die, Math. Course. Tables. Jopling. Perspective. Lacroix. Arith. ,Alg.,Geom.,Trig.,Calc. Dif. La Grange. Fonctions Analyt. Lambert. Arithmetic. Lee. Tables, &c., for Surveying. Legendre. Cal. Int.,Fonc. Ellipt.,Nomb.etc. Lenhart. Cube Numbers. Leslie. Geom,, Trig., etc. Ley bourne. Math. Questions. McLaurin. Fluxions. Massachusetts Survey. Monge. Geom. Descript. Montucla. Math. Hist. Moore. Navigator. Mudge. Survey of England. Miiller. Science of War. Newton. Opera. Pascal. Oeuvres. Play fair. Works. Ptolcmaeus. P-obertson. Math. Instruments. Sercnus. Do Sectione Coni. Simson. Conic Sections. Euclid. Sponcc. Log. Transcendents. Taylor. Porspcctive. Taylor. Proclus on Euclid. Torricellius. Opera. Vauban. La Defense dcs Places. Vince. Fluxions. Webber. Mathematics. Wilkins. Works. Woodhouse. Analyt. Calculations. Workman. Gauging. NATURAL SCIENCES. American Academy. Memoirs of. American Association, Proceedings of. American .Journal of Science. American Quarterly Journal. American Quarterly Review. Annalcs des Sciences Naturelles. Annales du Museum National. Annals of the Lyceum of New York. Annual of Scientific Discovery. Aristotcles. Becke, David von der. Principia. Boyle, Robert. Philosophical Works. Buck, Leopold von. Chili. History of. Molina. Comptcs Rendus. I Davila, D. M. Catalogue Systcmatique. ' Denham and Clappcrton. Travels. ! Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Edinburgh Review. Good, .John M. Book of Nature. Journal, Boston, of Natural History. Journal, Academy of Natural Sciences. Linnaeus, C. A. Systema Naturae. Massachusetts Reports. New York Natural History. Pallas, P. S. Travels in Russia. Philosophical Transactions, Royal Society. Plinius, C. Sec. Historia Naturalis. Proceedings of American Association. Rees, Abraham. Cyclopaedia. Reviews. Saint Pierre. Studies of Nature. Sausure, H. B. de. Voyages dans les Alps. Thompson, Z. History of Vermont. Transactions of Royal Society of Edinburgh. j Transactions of Royal Society of London. I Transactions of Philosophical Soc. of N. 1". I Transactions of Philosophical Soc. of Phila. I Voyages of the Disciples of Linnaeus. Bossu, Osbcck, Thunberg, Hasselquist & Kalm. White, Gilbert. Natural History. Williams, Samuel. History of Vermont. Woodward, J. Natural History of the Earth. Zabcrclla, J. De Rebus Naturalibus. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Accura, F. Analysis of Minerals. Aikin, A. Manual of Mineralogy. American Journal of Science. Bakewell, R. Introduction to Geology. Buckland, Wm. Reliquiae Diluvianae. Burnet, T. Sacred Theory of the Earth. Conybearc &, Philips. Geology of England. Cuvier, Baron G. Ossemens Fossiles. Desbaycs, M. G. P. Shells characterizing Formations. Eaton, A. Geology of the Northern States. Geological Report. Featherstonhaugh. Geological Survey. District of Erie Canal. Geological Survey. Iowa, Wise. Minnesota. Geological Survey. New York. Geology. Lectures by J. Van Rensalaer. Of South Carolina, by Tuomey. Of Connecticut, by Percival. Of Massachusetts, by Hitchcock. Of Maine, by Jackson. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 151 Geology of Aroo^sook Co., by Holmes. | Of Maine and Alassi. Liinils. Jackson. | Of \Vi.sconsiu Tcr. I'\'atlicr.stouhaugh. Of Micliijjan, by Iloiiglitou. Of Now Jersey, by 11. D. Kogers. Of Vcriuont, by Adauis. Geology and Mineralogy of Boston and Vicinity. Grcenough, G. J3. Principles of Geology. Hauy, M. Traite do Cristallographie. Hayden, II. 11. Geological Essays. Hitchcock, E. Geology of Massachusetts. Loomis, J. R. Elements of Geology. Lyell, C. Principles of Geology. Macculloch, J. Classification of Rocks. Mawe, J. Treatise on Diamonds. New York Natural History. Mineralogy, by L. "C. Beck. Geology, by Hall, Emmons, Mather, and Vanuxera. Paleontology, by Hall. Parkinson, J. Organic Remains. Philips, \Vm. Introduction to Mineralogy. Robinson, S. Catalogue of Amcr. JNlinerals. AVerner, A. G. Theory of Veins. Fossils. "Whiston, Wm. Theory of the Earth. ZOOLOGY. Adanson. Ilistoire Naturelle du Senegal. Aelianus, C. De Natura Animalium. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie. Aristoteles. De Generatione Animalium. Arrianus. Historia Indica. Audubon, J. J. Ornithological Biography. Bliimenbach, J. F. Elements of Nat. Hist. Bonaparte, C. L. American Ornithology. Brocchi, G. Conchologia Fossile. Brogniart, A. Crustaces Fossiles. Catesby, M. Natural History of Carolina. Conchyliologie. Sea, River, and Land Shells. Cuvier, Baron F. Osseraens Fossiles. Cuvier, Baron G. Histoire jN'aturelle des Poissons. Cuvier, Baron G. Regne Animal. Cuvier, Baron G. Progres des Sciences Xat. Da Costa, E. M. Elements of Conchology. De Mountfort, D. Conchyl. Systematique. Dcsmarest, A. G. Crustacea. Dillwyn. Descriptions of Recent Shells. Eaton, A. Zoological Text Book. Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Edinburgh Review. Ellis, J. Natural History of Zoophytes. Forskael, Petrus. Descriptiones Animalium. Franklin, John. Narratives. Godman, J. D. American Natural History. Guattierus, N". Index Testarum Conchyl. Harlan, Richard. Fauna Americana. Hearne, S. Journey to the Northern Ocean. Holbrook, J. E. X. American Herpetology. Kirby & Spence. Introduction to Entomol. Klein, J. T. Echinoderms. Lamarck. Histoire Naturelle. Latham, J. Synopses of Birds. Latham, J. Index Ornithologicus. Lawrence, W. Lectures. Long, S. H. Narratives. Massachusetts Reports. Fishes and Reptiles, by Storer. Massachusetts Reports — Continued. Invertebrates, by Gould. Insects, by Harris. Miller, J. S. Natural History of Crinoidca. Mijller, C. F. Historia Vcrmium. New York Natural History, Part i. Quad- rupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusks, and Crustacen. Nuttall,Tho8. Manual of Ornithology. Jour- nal of Travels. Olivi, G. Zodogia Adriatica. Parry, Wm. E. Voyages. Perron, M. F. Voyages. Pritchard, A. Microscopic Cabinet. Quoy et Gaimard. Voyage d' Astrolabe. Mollusques 91 Planches. Mam mi feres 28 " Oiseaux 29 «« Poissons 16 •* Zoophytes 19 " Vers Apodals 1 •* Rees, Abraham. Cyclopaedia. Reviews. Say, Thos. American Entomology. Scoresby, "\Vm. AVhale Fishery. Shaw, Geo. General Zoology. Vols. I, II. Mammalia. III. Amphibia. IV, V. Pisces. VI. Insecta. VII-XIV. Aves. Smellie, Wm. Philosophy of Natural Hist. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Swainson, Wm. Naturalists' Guide. Swainson, Wm. Classification of Animals. Swainson, AVm. Classification of Quadrupeds. Swainson' Wm. The Study of Natural Hist. Taxidermy. Temminck, C. J. Manuel d*Ornithologie. Thompson, Z. History of Vermont. Part r. Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, and Mollusks. Walton, I* Complete Angler. Warren, J. C. Mastodon Giganteus. Wilson, Alex. American Ornithology. BOTANY. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Botanique. Candolle, A. P. De Famille des Melastoma- ces. Candolle, A. P. Prodromus Systematis Nat. Candolle, A. P. Organographie Vegetale. Candolle, A. P. Physiologic Vegetale. Candolle & Sprengel. Physiology of Plants. Descorides, P. Do Materia Medica. Du Hamel Du Monceau. Arbreset Arbustes. Du Hamel Du Monceau. La Physique des Arbres. Du Hamel Du Monceau. Des Semis et Plan- tations des Arbres. Eaton, A. Manual of Botany. Eaton, A. Botanical Dictionary. Evelyn, John. Discourse on Forest Trees. Forskael, P. Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica. Franklin, John. Journey and Voyage. Hales, Stephen. Tables of Vegetables. .Johnson, Laura. Botanical Teacher. Lindley, John. Natural System of Botany. Link, 11. F. Elem. Philosophica Botanicae. 152 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. Linnaeus, C. A. Philosophia Botanica. Linnaeus, C. A. Sy:?teina Naturae. Linnaeus, C. A. Tour in Lapland. Linnaeus, C. A. Systoma Vegctabilium. Long, S. H. Narratives. Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of Gardening. Neyr York Natural History. Botany, by J. Torrey. Agriculture, by E. Emmons. Nuttall, T. Travels in Arkansas. Nuttall, T. Genera of N. American Plants. Parry, Wm. E. Vo3'ages. Persoon, C. H. Synopsis Plantarum. Pursh, F. Flora of North America. Richard, A. Elemcns de Botanique. Smith, James. English Botany. Smith, James. Introduction to Botany. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Sweet, R. Greenhouse Manual. Thompson, Z. History of Vermont. Torrey, J. Flora of the Northern and Mid- dle States. Voyages of the Disciples of Linnaeus, 11 vis. "Withering, "\Vm. British Plants. l^ATURAL PHILOSOPHY & CHEMISTRY. Adams. Astronomical Lectures, Essays, Lavoisier. Chemistry. Legendre. Balistique, etc. Leslie. Heat, &c. Libes. Histoire de la Physique. Liebig. Organic Chemistry. Lowig. Organic Chemistry. Maire et Boscovich. Voyage Astronomiqi Mains. Optique. Manilius. Astronomicon. Mansfield. Essays. Martin. Philosophy. Maupertius. Figure of the Earth. Mayer. Tabulae. Meilleur. Chymie. Newton. Principia. Oersted. Forces Chem. et Elect. Olmsted. Natural Philosophy. Pascal. Oouvres, Tom iv. Pingre. Cometographie. Poisson. Mecanique. Priestly. Air. Ptolemaeus. Epoques des Planctes, etc. Puissant. D 'Observations Aet. etc. Redfield. Storms. IV'gnault. Chemistry. Renwick. Steam Engine. Rohault. Natural Philosophy. Rose. Chemistry. ANALYTICAL CATALOOUK. 153 Rowning. Xatural Philosophy. Soheiner. Oculiis. Singer. Electricity. Smith. Optics. Stahl, (i. E. Opusculum Chem. &o. Thenard. Traitc do Chymie. Tredgold. Steam Engine, &c. Venturoli. Mechanics. Vince. Astronomy. "Wallace. Globes, Astronomy. Wallis. De Motu. Wells. Vision, Dew. "NVendelinus. Contemplationes, etc. Whewell. Mechanics. Whiston. Astronomical Lectures. Wilkins. Works. Winthrop. Comets. Wood. Mechanics. Woodhouse. Astronomy. Wright. Newton's Principia. Young. Lectures. AXATOMY AND PUYSIOLOGY. Anatomy. Treatise on. Anderson, W. Surgical Anatomy. Aristoteles. Various Treatises. Baillie, M. Morbid Anatomy. Bell, C. Anat. and Phys. of Human Body. Bichat, X. Life and Death. Membranes. Bliimenbach, J. F. CoUectio Craniorum. Candolle, De. Organographie, et Physiologio Vegetale. Cloquet, J. Anatomic de I'homme. Combe, A. Physiology of Digestion. Combe, G. Constitution of Man. Curtis, J. H. Physiology of the Ear. Cutter, C. Anatomy and Physiology. Cuvier, Baron de. Ossemens Fossiles.' Darwin, E. Phytologia. Zoonomia. Du Hamel. Physique des Arbres. Haskins, R. W. Phrenology. Hooper, R. Examinations in Anat. and Ph. Hutin, P. Manual of Physiology. Innes, J. Human Muscles. Lawrence, W. Lectures on Physiology. Lepelletier, A. Physiologic Medicale. Magendie, F. Precis dc Physiologic. Meckel, J. F. Vergleichende Anatomic. Monro, A. Nervous System. Monro, A. System of Anatomy. Oliver, B. First Lines of Physiology. Paine, M. Physiological Commentaries. Powers, G. Imagination on Nervous System. Sagerct. Pomologie Physiologique. Saumarez, R. System of Physiology. Saunders, J. C. Anatomy of the Ear. Sewal, T. Examination of Phrenology. Shaw, J. Manual of Anatomy. Smith, J. Physiological Botany. Smith, S. S. Variety of Complexion in Man. Sommering, S. T. Icones Embryonum. Sprengel, K. Bau der Gewachse. Spurzheim, J. G. Anatomy of the Brain. Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology. Troxler, Dr. Organische Physik. AVarren, J. C. Mastodon Giganteus. Wells, W. C. Single Vision with two Eyes. Wyman, J. Anatomy of Rana Pipicns. 20 MEDICINE. Andral, G. Cliniquo Modicalo. Andry, F. Diseases of the llcart. Ayre, J. Treatment of Marasmus. Baillie, E. M. Fi«}vres Intermittenfes. Bailly, F. P. Fievre jaunc on Kspagne. Barton, W. P. C. Vegetable Materia Medica. Bateman, T. Cutaneous Diseases. Bell, J. Nature and Cure of Wounds. Blackall, .7, On Dropsy. Boyle, R. Essays on Medicine. Brodic, D. C. Diseases of the Joints. Broussais, F. J. V. Phys. applied to Path. Broussais, F. J. V. Phlegmasies. Bulwer & Forbes. On the Water Treatment. Burncs, J. On Inflammation. Cabanis, P. J. G. On Certainty of Medicine. Celsus, A. C. De Medicina. Charas, M. Pharmacopie. Cheyne, G. Essay on Health and Long Life. Cooper, Sir A. Modern Surgery. Cooper, Sam. Practical Surgery.* Coxc, J. R. Philadelphia Medical Diet. Cullen, W. Practice of Physic. Cullen, W. Synopsis Nosologiae. Dean, A. Medical Jurisprudence. Denman, T. Midwifery. Desault, X. Fractures and Diseases of Bonei. Dewees, W. Diseases of Females. Dioscorides, P. De Materia Medica. Dispensatory, Edinburgh. Eclectic.^ Fordyce, G. On Fever. Gallup, J. M. On Consumptions. Gardiner, .J. On Gout. Gregory, G. Theory and Practice of Physio. Hall, M. Principles of Diagnosis. Hamilton, W. History of Medicine. Hoosac & Francis. Am. Med. Register. Jackson, R. Fevers of Jamaica. Laennac, R. T. H. Diseases of the Cheat. Lind, J. Diseases in Hot Climates. Magendie, F. Use of Prussic Acid. Paine, M. Institutes of Medicine. Paine, M. Cholera Asphyxia. Paine, M. Materia Medica. Parris, J. A. Pharmacologia. Pemberton, C. R. Diseases of Viscera. Prescriptions of Eminent Physicians. Prout, W. On Diabetis Calculus. Rush, B. Diseases of the Mind. Sabatier, R. B. Mcdecine Operatoire. Sweetser, W. On Consumption. Sweetser, W. On Cynanche Trachealis. Swieten, G. Commentaries on Boerhaavo. Thibert, F. Anatomic Pathologique. Thomas, R. Practice of Physic. Ticknor, T. Medical Philosophy. Webster, N. History of Epidemics. EDUCATION. American Institute of Instruction. American Journal of Education. Ascham. The Schoolmaster. Cousin. Public Instruction in Germany. Fenelon. Sur I'E. des Filles. Godwin. Essays on Education. Green. Scholar's Companion. Grimke. Objects of Science and Literature. 154 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. Jardine. Philosophical Education. La Croix. Essays on Instruction. Locke. Thoughts concerning Education. Manual for Schools. Milton. Tractate on Education. New York Institute for Deaf and Dumb. New York Regents' Reports. Parr. Lectures. Phorboeus. New Method of teaching Greek. Kousseau, J. J. Projet sur I'Education. Schelling. Academical Studies. Schwarz. System of Instruction. Sicard. Instruction for Deaf-Mutes. Simpson. Popular Education. Valade. Guide de I'Instituteur. Warner. Physical Education. FINE ARTS AND THEORIES OF ART. Alison, A. Taste. Allston, W. Lectures on Art. Aristotle. Poetics. Barres, J. Works. Bouterwek, F. Aesthetik. Brown, J. W. Leonardo da Yinci. Burke, E. Sublime and Beautiful. Chambers, Sir W. Architecture. Charactere der Vornehmsten Dichter. Cockerell, C. R. Architecture. Coleridge. Lectures on the Drama. Corregio. Life of. Cumberland, R. Spanish Painters. Daub