THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TU5CAL008A IUMARV WMOIRV CERTIF\tD A t JOSEPH BAMETTO, Junior. VO : L. FIRST. CALCUTTA; BV S. G REENWAy , INDJA GAZETT]E 1804. To MAMOUESS WELLESLEY,K. P. *W GOVERNOR GENERAL, CAPTAIN GENERAL, &el OF INDIA; THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED WITH THE HIGHEST SENTIMENTS OF RESPECT AND GRATITUDE, BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S MOST DEVOTED AND >*s MOST HUMBLE SERVANT^ JOSEPH BARRETTO, Junior. 184 Of i PREFACE, rr HEN I fast entered 'upon this Work, I- intended ta confine myself to tk f e Compilation of a Dictionary of the. Persian Language : tut, reflecting that there is no, Persian, Author of eminence) in whose writings Arabic wprds do not occur in almost every line, I early foresails that tits, result of my labours luouldle very imperfect,, and fallf far short of the attainment of that claim to Utility to */ J I > * \\ ababcel, A kind of bird, an owl, oU el it, Declaring, segregation. ^jbi alaiir, A recluse, a retired devout persoi|* &L1 elasiif, Enquiring, examining. J.AS.L! abcLJeer, plural of ^ Ifjir. \t\ elahy To serve, to oblige. ibLi et&het, To permit, to illustrate^ *i.L! ebcikhut, Extinguishing. ;IT dZ'd^, A cultivated inhabited place, bravo ! /JM ab^dan f The same as [ s J kl T alkdtLny, An habitation, cultivation, l^tT alidbneedun^ To inhabit, abound, ^J^ <^&<^m/tf7?, To praise, applaud. aU cladet, To kill, to murder. 5)11 al'atfee, Abundance, plenty: ^OT hlidced, Preterite of iM/u^VT abadeedun, To be scattered, dispersed; , Thyme, or marjoram, an herb. , A nest pf Birds, fleas. aukreek, Plural of uU^\ lazy Leaping, springing, rushing upon. >\ al;izee?* t Aromatics spices, &c. \ abizccm, The buckles, buttons or clasp!? of* belts. , A rendezvous of different Or nations, c. U i L^ nlas, Plural of ^, Plural of ^^ ulz. fl/;a/, The interior parts beneath the wings, alateel, Plural of .ytU latel, ] ul^fet, A kind of cloth. 6LJ e/.a^, Withdrawing, absconding. l\i\ ab\l> riur. of 3o\ el' I. *JU cta^A A large bundle of wood, hay, t 5 1 &c. a crowd. "UN^UI elhleece, Plur. of ^JLl j,Ll alam, Debt, a tower. ,lU a&i#, The eighth month of the Persian year. Cob I alcinet, To declare, to make known, ^Ut alauxen-, Plur. dt ti^W Eycwafi. j& L J al&her, The feathers or quills of birds. SfLl eia-ut) To cause one to return, or come back ; To contrive the death of another. ulJii> (in construction for Aba) Father, tt&e^ Hot, sultry, wariA. ?//'/a, Whole-, all, universal. ^k;T bllaleh, An ewer, a water pot. * oUj! eZ^ajfi Docking, chopping off. rUjl eltdr, Cutting off the tail, depriving of posterity, fc lx* t C&/& -^ Declaring-, advertising, tautology^ O * ebteh&s, To question, examination. cltedk, Commencement the first j-art of a Book. jjl eltedbd, To approachi draw near. /(<>Ajf eltedar, Running, hastily (to arms.) gfouul elted&a, To invent, to contrive, i^jo:.^ ebi6Ko,x, Receiving what is due. I 1 t *^f ' eltezhl, Base, vile conduct, contempt. w&/er, Superlative of ^ lu?r t \ ubter, Worthless, a serpent with a short tail. ^\ ubterad, Bathing in, or drinking cold water. allereli, A camel disabled by age, galling, or other infirmity. clterbz, Ravishing, seizing. eltesam, To smile, a smile. elteghh, t Seeking, wishing, coveting. cbtekar, To rise early, to deflower, eltelb, To attempt, try. eltelcy, The dawn, or opening of day. eltclda, Devouring, consuming, eutclalt Timid, fearful. ebten ^lyOf elteyaz, Wearing a helmet, xXj \ ebtceya, Buying, selling, trafficking. Col a('cs, Intoxication, to make merry, jocose. elsbs, To reveal, propagate, divulge. doj t Eternity. C (djar, Plural of* T aljarce, A stream, rivulet. e/7?, To content, to satisfy. V. k'janwht A washing tub, bowl, a large earthen pot, where liquor is kept. abjil, A vein in the forefoot of a camel .or horse, aljo, A rill, a brook. fT alijour, As above, also y^fT ctMho. ukcheen, A towel or, cloth, with which they wipe the bodies of the dead. <'/>//&, Disjunction, disunion, iibh\s t Plural of ^=? ebhah, To please, to gratify, tibhar, Plural of^^s; luh'r. zither, Plural of j~? father. hlihayht, The water of life: by a Mahomedan tradition, it is situated in a dark unknown region of the east, and will give iiHmortality to whosoever drinks ofit. \ Mhar, Making the breath to smell. elkhxz, To abridge in conservation, to speak in a laconic or concise manner, B t 6 ] Jul lirl el)JfhaJ 3 Discovbring one to be covetous. ,U;'T ^kaneh, A water closet. i\ zt'kher, One whose breath is offensive. T alkhoreh, A water glass. , The rain in winter. isr \ alkhuk, A one-eyed or blind man. .1.^ fltMor; See by^T [spouh iz : , A Sprine; or waier> a wave; Ju o ', An age> eternit}-. ,) uled-py-ivondy Eternally, inSiiitely. el'J&j, generosity; liberality. did&J, To divide among, to partition: ji! J>) ald&dan, Sick; infirm; weak. JI>T bldar, Moist; humid; keeper rif water. f.\^>\ cldaa, Wonderful, marvellous. O * Mjs.l 'cld&l, To exchange, to barter. !;U bld&n, a glass, bottle, &c. a pond, lakej a vessel. ' 1.x- 1 uldan, Plural of jo ludun. () . I j V* : >^ I tt{)it(^ }lilj,1l) oCC /*J'V>^' w '! c) alfdcLNce-, See .JULT y y * g; - DM ali'dd, A wild beast, fable, apologue. n itldiist, An ablution, previous to or V devotion. I 7 1 iij>T &])duri) Se~e /yJ>J [tilde, a pear. *]!>>! aVdundan, Weak; infirm, base* vile, or obscene talk. ,>1 al'r, A kind of Persian harp 5 a cloud, or mist, ebr, punctured; \j*\ air a, Convalesdencei discharging a debt. c,! -,! alr&st A lairi> level, soft ground. ~*\ S\ alr&j, Pluf. 6f ^ ior/. c ^j\ eltrah', Smiling with self complacency^ proud, coiiceited> vain, affected, a \j* ! el. a,/, Refreshing, recreating. ili ulrkd, Adamantine, hard. ,.\.\ alrcii^ Plur. of ^ lur. j / -^ 1^1 eZ>/'i2, Tb publish, declare, proclaim^ .^^i it&?-asf, Plur. of jf>\ iilrez. yjl)! alrazdan, a pepper box-. lj.J ^s Bringing forth a leprous chilcL drab, To terrify or frighten. alr&k, Plur. of ^ lurk. elrxm, Solicitation, urgency, entreating'. t dbrj.n-, Morning and evening. 3 alrah, A vwatcr way, a canal, a conduit, T qlrahi&h, As above, rivulet, [thing, elret, A needle ,the sting or point of any alrej, Having fine beautiful eyes, I qlrcjcn, a bracelet, alrch, Superlative of 7 j lereh, ^/y glrrekh, One whose back bends in wantty. aired Excessively cold, showering hail tone, [occasioned by cold. i*r,\ alredet, A disease creating impotency, j^l alniz, Juice of grapes, Madeira wine. J J airczan, The same as above. 1 ulerush) A pie bald, a dapple-gray horse, variegated in colours. ' j.\ alrcshim, Sewing sil^, or silk. f.\ alreslictjiee, A si-ik worm, silken' alres, Leprosy. [the current. ,3 blrufteh, Any thing carried down by 3j*\ alrek, Sandy, stony grounds. &j** ulrek, Pie bald, any thing varied, black and white, variegation, L/ tf j,\ ubrekakea, A cobweb, ,f| \\,\ abrd~m fader an, a kind of sweet- meat, made of honey or sugar. alrenjeen, See elrenskak, To rejoice, to flourish. ubre-nisan, Rain in the beginning of winter. [plexion. aleroo, Dignity, honor, a ruddy com* abrood, The hyacinth. ulrwzitdun, To permit, allow, alroocenum, The mandrake. , The outside of a garment. \ elsctU) To collect, to expose to sale, el)t y The arm pit. &, To trouble, to destroy, [contradict. &/, To speak foolishly, prate, c. to ulteli, Drain, a canal, where water and small ships pass. [way. ju m ubtureek, A very wide street, an liigh- Uj \ ebtun, A vein in the lower part of the leg of a horse. ijj{ euzer, Uncircumcised. -a, To lend, a loan, I 3 *' eb-ad, To remove to a distance* el-b,z, Plur. of ^^ l>a-az. e&-ctf, Pride,, ignorance, e^'-^f, Distant, far off. rib-ad, Plur. of x*j lo-ad. \i>\ elgh&, Seeking one another. g^a?J, To hate, or dislike. J^ ulghes, Dusty, of a dusty colour. ulgliuset, Plur. Kites, vultures, and other birds of prey. 1 aleft, A kind of cloth. [ledge, o^ic^:, A man of consummate know- ilM, EstabUshment, settlement. 6UL^ ilk&k, Loquacious, prolifick. ^Uut e^M/, Plur. of 3Jb ^wA:7. 3Li zilca, Piebald, bkck and white, diver- sified in colour. jVjol ulkour, Oxen, beeves. *,\ dlta, May he live, or be preserved (when used in prayer, after the name of any Prince). \ aldk, Measle, quicksilver, mercury. >\ alek, A mercenary> selfish man. t allfar, A water carrier, a sprinkler, a wine merchant, a drinker of wine. 4 \ ulkar, Plur. of C /'ecre. illa,l, Murmuring, muttering, &c. -Kjl itl/iant, Silencing, abstaining from coha- bitation with a wife, , UI ! blkameh, A kind of gruel or drink, prepared in different manners, for creat- ing appetite, or assisting digestion. GT oJjgah or (>i &T) A watering place, cis- tern, reservoir, bason of a fountain, [ferry. .-*'- algozar, A ford, passage of a river or ^* f ^ i/X'T abgozer, A canal, /J^ifii also. v I /*/) A"?// 1 il 11T* O I vC * /] PK* ^* -%^A>l alkitshecn, A bracelet. ^/** * K^IJ^ libitum, Mute, dumb. uX/F alkund, (or e^uXT) An v hollow Cavern . excavated by the rushing of a torrent. ,jyCT al.'goon, Azure, glass, ice. ^^ *^s * abgir, A hollow place, where water collects and stagnates, [glass. &l*gineh, A mirror, liquor, diamond, z///, A camel, uUl, Plur. of Jb 1 ellzd, Gathering together, adhering to the D ground, signs, marks. y^ULJ ell&s, To despair or despond. cllas, Melancholy, sad. [Mecca., ellbt, Absolved from the pilgrimage to cllaa, To swallow. elfogh,To conduct, to lead. elelet, Heaviness or oppression of spirits, from indigestion or bad air, a fault, a petition. [dent. allij, Having distant eye-brows, resplen- ellekh, A proud man. [lent. elhd, Having distant eye-brows, corpu- ulleck, Piebald. eblem, Having swelled lips. allooj, Sugar-candy. allook, A hypocrite, dissembler. uUcll, Foolish, vain, arrogant. Jj] ullcli'chmJi m, A pearl, or white speck on the eye. ulleh, A pimple, bile, small pox. ) ulleh-ocool, Simple (from bashful- ness) yet intelligent. cllee, A Christian monk. t dleecc, The devil, the deceiver. [ IS I elleesa, Plain, smooth. . X ! elleceh, A husbandman, a sower. > *vlj1 elleem, Honey, ambergris. [sound. *jj elemm, The bass, a bass-voice, viol, deep, tj*jc 1 elmeek, Ploughing oxen. ^\ nlen, Suspicion, traduced, ^t\ elri , Son. dj\ alnh, Plur. of ^\ eln. i),at;jj elna-durzet, Mean, ignoble men. y uij abnhc-jent, Equal companions. * ' wl alnad-khoon, A tortification, castle." ? lol alncL6-zumcLn, Cotemporaries. \ elnet, A daughter, a vice, an inhuman man, fraud, a knot in wood, the throat of a camel. alnocrch, Quick silver, liquid silver. alnoos, Ebony- wood. alnosheedun, To be stupified, be* numbed, when in two words, al-noshee- dim, Then it signifies, to drink water. ebneyeh, Plur. Edifices, fabricks. aloo, Education, father. aloo, Water-lilly. , Plur. of w t i 16 I , Plur. of ;L lax. yo\jj\ clwas or ^\^\ elwaa, Sheep, (thoste particularly that give milk) honor, high- ness. 6-^1 cluah, Plur. of # $\j*\ Many, urine. ^l^! ulwan, Dual of ^\ a Father. alLiliin or ^\j+>) A penitent. ulwilet, Plur. of v lj .^^1 aloof y Warmth, sultriness. ^LJ^J aloojulsrn , Bugloss. \ aboocl, Durability, lastingness. ^\ alco*., To leap, to bound. j3^ i \ cloos, Swift, rleot. ^t eloo'&y Very swift, (horse). -J^l aloo-cuti, A dutch. coin current in Egypt, &c. somewhat inferior in value to a Span. Piaster (4s. 8d.) v J aloolkonjul, Any thing novel, or a- grecable, facetious, witty, a buffoon. also. 1 alooman, see r eZ'oow, Plur. of V J ,0 L y 1 alooyan, See , *f L y I yj^ alwec?i, (Oblique, dual) the parents. [ 77 ] &J\ dlefi, Attention, recollection. ebha, Superlative of l^ lehk. ) elhbi, Plur. of v t ub. -/Way, To be joyous, to please, &c. j elh&l, Letting water into a sown field, coaxing, flattering, encouraging. fl ilkam. The thumb, the great toe, doubt, Mchut, Magnificence, glory. V I e?r^{Jr, The axillary vein, the back* ^j]elhel, The sabine tree, (Vl elliem, Dumb, fluttering." i t i ty $>\ elha, Superlative of ^ jl alee, AYatery, moist, humid. !'j| dley, A peculiar kind of grapes ^j e^/e. Paternal, fatherly. oUjJ ulyat, Plur. of c^/o ;L>f alyar, A sprinkler. [a species of dove. X **t J alyaree, A kind of thin linen cloth* alyet, Pride, magnificence, greatness. alieda, Sempiternal, without end. elidad, Tyranny, injustice. uleer, A small needle, ale^, (or >j| or fy\ ) Sparks of fire. \ y.iv > epeez, (or t^-yj ) An urn, pitcher, a crook- E r is ] ed billet, with which water is drawn. ! abeesh, (or ^^ i) The bridegroom's shirt, alishem, The flue of raw silk, the silk worm's cone. ,\ ulyez, Superlative of ^x, :/u! alyezcin, The two veins, one of which brings water, and the other milk, into the udder of the camels, also two days, ^ \ ulyezan, Plur, of ^ [two months. uliker, Diminutive of jaj lacre, [staff. w I elect, Sad, melancholy, a thick batoon or eleelet, A bundle of hay, or grass, tlil-ul-el'eeloojj, The chief of chiefs, ^A^I e!'et/e?2, Superlative of A , [Jesus Christ.) U/jJ aleyna, (Plur.) Manifest, evident. f^U-jf iibyoan, Opium. c,l utt; Overcoming, the flesh of a horse, b'l itk t Any thing produced by a tree, (bios- \j\ eta, Blessing, benediction, [soms, &c.) v ljl utal, Short breeches, drawers, &c. ciU atat t Grandeur, splendour, &c, ;,1 atad, A rope with which they tie the legs of a cow when milking. j\ ataref, Beholding, striking with a stick. 1*1 ) Reiterating, 1 ! ithkut, Drawing the arrow to the head, li'i itciket, Plucking out (hairs, feathers.) ,'t J etcilet, Pottage, gruel, l itamet, Bearing twins, j etan, A she ass, a seat at the mouth of a well, the seat in the camel's saddle. ataneen, Plur. of ^l [bribery. \ itaiueh, (or ^Ui ) Tribute, corruption, l eta wee, Futurity, a guest, stranger, tra* veller. , A kind of long jacket, the wrist." i&, Debilitating, enervating, [nure. A kind of earth, serving for ma.- itlaa, Following any one. [flamed. ' \ \ ittijkj, Burning, warm, hot, (day) in*- ittijah, To be attentive. ittehad, Union, concord. it-haf, Present, donation, gift. et-hum. Black. \ et-hamee (or x**0 A kind of striped cloth, (manufactured in Arabia Felix.) -"\ ittikhaz,A receipt, acceptance, assump- tion, election, *'&/;, Companions, equals. vtjjl flfr*aZ>, Becoming rich, to throw dust upon any one pr on any thing. _ c ^l etrah y Plur. o j~\jS\ etras, Plur. of 'T atushiikk, As above. JU^J-'T citishncha,!, A fire of fagots. j'T htusJiee, Belonging to fire, burning, hot* afusheereh, Nocturnal, heat. atusheen, Fury, hot. Ji/-- ^JD'T atuslieen-sall, Red wine* ittisaff, Describing, praising, excellence* jl itztia, Humiliation, abjectness, i 1 ? ettesalf Conjunction, joining. v bj'! zV-a?j, Fatigue, lassitude. fcUJI it-iz, Receiving admonition. tjijki4tgh$lt, Fatigue, weariness. ui 6Uu^ ittifak, To be introduced or presented, HI 6U:M cttifac, Chance, lot. UJ W oli'ULi'l etfifacat, Plur. of oUui cttifac^ , Rejoicing, joy. F t 22 I t j! ittika, Avoiding, fearing, abstracting from, lul c/c or tripod. asa I, Glory, nobility. asalet, Rooted, constant, firm. asbm, Plur. of ^! esscm. i! ashncen, The second day, Monday, *\ esawct, Murmuting, muttering, carry- ing, or citing before a judge. l esaivelet, A tedious old man. SI arayes, Plur. of [corroboration, i^ eslat, Confirmation, proof by witnesses, eslas, To reveal a secret. Hump-backed. , Trampling under foot, subjecting, %a, To reveal a secret, to disclose. eyw, Thick, broad. vsjcl, Abdominous, punch-bellied. , An impression, a bright sword, a col* ion of traditions relative to the ac- and sayings of Muhummud. [ 25 ] asret, The remains of any thing, build* ing, ruins, &c. \ as-ab, A beautiful face. iS! es-albn, Plur. of ^i-j as-al, Having snagged teeth, * hsaf, Firm, constant. asfar, Plur. osfeeyet y see 2S/&/, To make ponderous, or heavy. ,} US! uskal, Plur. of ^iii [unripe fruits. 3 1*=-. j i iislihl, A branch of a palm, bearing ti> ^a5l uscoon, As above, also the stalk of a bunch or cluster of dates, jil as I) A tamarisk shrub. islab, Plur. of osXi sw/Z'. islhj, Victory, success. a/, To ask advice or counsel. ; , A root, stock, origin, esteem, honor, glory, a fund, chance. [ed. r X$l as!e??i, Broken in the edge, pierced, crack- j \ aseerct, A beast of burthen, whose foot makes a deep impression in the ground. asseel, Radical, of a noble race, solid. assee m, A sinner, wicked, heaping crime 27 ]' upon crime. asseemet, Flagitious, atrocious. 1 asscen, Of illustrious descent, noble. _ ! o/y, A gourd, pumpkin, aje, desire, the ta.r marisk, ejj t stimulating, running. CoUl ij&lett or V UJ To answer, accept* ijaf, Bringing, protecting. [consent, ifaj, Heats. vjaj, Salt and undrinkable v/ater, qjeret, Platforms on the tops of houses., ajah, A veil, covering, [narrow arch, ejctd, Any thing resembling a smal\ ijadet, To benefit any one, to speak, devoutly. ddy Plur. of ^\& janel. *, A stone bottle, phial, cup, pit- cher, bucket, washing tub, c. U. 1 ajaneert, Oblique, Plur. of the above. v \ ajel, (A woman) having flat breasts and lips. \ ijl'ar, To force, compel, constrain. ajl al, Plur. of 3^. jnlcl. tjlan, To be affronted, to abhor, [tiger. I itjl'ch, Having a large front, or face, a fijjet, Fcn r or, ardor, inflammation, &c. confusion. ijtela, Electing, accepting, choosing, to answer indirectly, or contrary. &\ ijtelat, Stealing contrary. ijtci'a, Boldness, endeavor. ; ijtef.fci, To argue, debate, dispute. ijtwk, Boldness, endeavor. - \j^. \ ijteraJi, Profession, calling, occupation. f\ J^> I ijterka, Lopping or cutting. ijtewba, AssembUng, meeting. ij tenet, Gathering, collecting, plucking. ijtcnal, Declining, flying, shunning, ijtenkn, Concealing, flowing. ijtcliad, To solicit, request. ajsh, Hunch-backed, crooked. ujsas, Carving, sculpture. ajhar, Plur. of ^o juher. tfftfyff Affliction, grief, oppression, ijhafat, Plur, of the above. (tjkem, Having large red eyes. ajhha,, Lean, extenuated, (thighs.) ijd, A prohibitory word used to camels, robust, compact of body. ijdad, Making -any thing extraordina* ry, .any thing never before seen. ! of dad, Plur. of ^^. judd. l ajdar, Plur. of ^ ^ jider. ajcddcin, Night and day. ujdeb, A desert, desolate, wgste, ujder, A 4ragon, ujdur, Worthy (any thing) deserving, ijdaa, Amputated (nose, &c.) cut off. ajdel, A species of hawk. [periously, a. \ ijzal, To impose silence, to order im- H [ 30 ] ejzal, To be pleased, satisfied. afcztim, Mutilated in the hand. ^ x> I ajza, Three years old (with respect to horse, ass, ox;) five years old (to camels,) two years old (to sheep.) [tion or dowry. 'j ] afr, Reward, hire, rent, a marriage por- ^l of or, Brick, tile. [count.) i^s. \ ijra, Bringing forward, examining (ac- /^>*^ lf rar > Liberty, freedom, to re-pay di- lj.a.1 ijra%, Barren years. [rectly. u~ ^^ qfras, Plur. of ^^ jurs. aclircly Scabby, mangy. ajram, Plur. of /^ jarem, and Jorom. ojrcty Price, hire. \ ujred. Bald, a barren field. 1 ajroori) A brick, tile. ajree, Custom, manner. L^l ajrya, Plur. of ^^ jurey. ^\ ajitx, Reclining, lolling. \ - -a. \ ijzh, Ungrateful, unthankful. \f\ aj*b, Plur. of ^.;o*. j I ?) ijzul, Charitably, liberally. . \ ajsbd, Plur. of S*^jlt8mtd. . \ ujstm, Plur. of ^ jcsm, C 31 1 \ ij&am> To solicit, to entreat. ajustun, To plant a tree. ajesh, A man of strong vice, ajsha,, Plur. of , J& jesh. \ aj slier, Labouring under a hoarseness,- and pain in the breast, i ajsherut, Corn-sacks, quivers. iff, A word made use of in driving cattle. ij-ul, Doing, causing to be done. /Hlb'l ujfhn, Eye-lashes, eye-brows, the long ajfelel, A herd, flocks, [bows of the vine. ijfeel, Pusillanimous, meanspirited. i ujul, The hour of dea th, the end of any thing, fate, hickup. ajel, The next world. $.*>] afle. Quarrelsome (man,) Irrascible, eittl A. kind of wild oxen, ?, ajilla, most worthy, glorious. ajlab, Those who drive camels for sale from country to country. ijlat, Solicitation, importunity, ejlad, The body, person. ajlad, Plur. of ,xL=. jeld. ijlas, To cause one to sit c t 32 ] 5*1 Mean, ignoble, a tyrant. Magnificence, honor, dignity. , Eternity, future life, or whatever , Bald, a camel litter, [relates to it. ujlcd, hard (ground, &c.) ajlaa, Having the lips wide open, so that the teeth appear. ajilehj Bald, a bull without horns, ajullch, eminent, ajelh. the next world. vjla, More splendid, more bright. a;jama, A young kid, a kid without horns. ajem, Loathing, detesting. ojm, A square room or apartment. ejnia,j, Paradise, the blissful regions* ajma,d y Plur. of A*^. jmniinid, U&.J ijmad, To collect, assemble. JU?1 ijmal, An abridgement, synopsis. ajitial, Plur. of ^ joml. 1 cjemet, A reed bed, a pool, den of a lion, &c. a forest. 1 ajmayeen, All, whole, universal. njmel, Superlative of ^U^ ajmood, Parsley. ajmeh, Reeds. ujcn, Changing of situation, metamor- ijnh. Ripe fruits. [phosed, &r. final, Polluted, to go to the southward. s.1 jfnat, To satisfy one's self, humble,, submissive, satisfied. iijnas, Plur. of ^^ jens. X? 1 ujncb, A Foreigner, stranger. ajnet, or ijnet, The cheek, particularly the upper and more prominent part. ajennehety Plur. of ^.i;^ jennali* ajnud, Obsequious, obedient. ijnef, Acting unjustly. ijneece, Stupid, dull, indolent man. >\ ajuad, Plur. of $*z* jood. *\ ijwcLZ, To drive (camels, horses, &c.) .1 ajtvar, Plur. of j\^jewQ,r, ,\ ijwa-Zj Plur. of ^ *\ ajual, Plur. of ^ \ ajwdm, Plur. of ..Ls, \ ajiuebcli, Plur. of v lj*. jiiii'&b- >\ ajives, An arch, arched work, j ctjooj, Red, resplendent, bright. ^ w/or, The setting of a broken or sprain- ed limb, .ajur, Brick, nosegay. [ 34 , (Plur.j Beams. tt-wef t Concave, hollow, a class of Arabic verbs so called. [tenance. ajwclf, A down cast, or distorted coun- afoul, Dusty, a dusty day. ajoom, Severe, oppressive. ^ ajoon, Corrupted, or putrid water. t*?] cijiri'h or ojooJi, Plur. of j?^ of eh. ajher, Squint or goggle-eyed. ! ajhereh, A kind of prickly shrub. . ajhux, Marriage portion, wedding appa- rel, paraphernalia of brides, pudenda muli- jftel 9 Superlative of y^jith't. [erum. ajhee, Bald, a house without a roof. , z I ijee, The passover, easter. j? \ ichec, A kind of hawk, a vizier, a Us. t a-jy&dy 1*1 ur. of j^> jced. g.^\ajeej s Burning. ajycd, Having a long and beautiful neck. ajcer, A mercenary, hireling. ojcez, Cheap. ftjeel, Slough, mire. ajeern, Heat, fervor, warmth, inflaming. r \ ah- ha, To take out, draw* c Ul (jjU.l alialitsli, Plur. of ^^ halush, (jixjb*! ahalccsh) Plur. of ^A> liulsli. X5U.1 ihaset, Digging up earth, and sifting or examining it. [%=^=*J ^Ui ahajee, Plur. of ^.SN-* lieja, i ss<**\ and C U\ ahah y Thirst, rage, anguish, indignation. a^Ul elihdut, Bringing, protecting. .iU5 cltadecce, To inherit, to possess. i^U.! ahkdeeee, Plur. of c^.jv^ hadeece* ^-Ui iharef, Answering, replying. -U,! eJ.ass, Seeing, understanding. iU.i il.ashet, Ensnaring animals. *> U>! il&zet, Comprehending, surrounding. IcU! el kief, Holding, comprehending, excu- sing one's self. [year old, sagacious. JUJ chalet, Leaping on horse back. One , Plur. of^.1 uhmer. ji, Angry, enraged, bearing grudge, 1 ', Superlative of <_*> 7??^^, ihlab, To make friendship. alilab, Plur. of *_*=> liol. alilar, Plur. of ^^ heb'r. alilciS, Plur. of ^A^ hubs. [astray, , Any thing without a master, M*1 elilciz. To shoot an arrow through a mark, to act unjustly. tthlesh, Plur. of ^^ finish, nlilen, (Plur.) Hydropical. i nhboosh, Plur. of *= fi-ulsfi. eklaty To contradict, deny. ahilleh, Plur. of u^, hoi. ihta, Sewing, twisting, making firm. illicit, To do evil, to be bashful. ihtar, Giving sparingly, fastening closely. \ iJitas, To assault (a Fort.) i uhta.ii) Plur. of (J x=> htttc/i. ihtelax, Retaining, arresting. ihtetam, Putting an end, breaking. ihtejal, Seclusion, taking the veil. ihtejaj, Pleading a cause, bringing proofs, litigating. ihtezar, Avoiding, shunning. ih feral, To fight (a duel.) [docking. \jZ*\ ihtcraz, Abstaining from, avoiding, ih fctai, Preserving, guarding, to steal. i chtcras, To tell a lie, story. chtes&f, An artist. ehtcrac/i, Conflagration, ardor* [ 37 ] ihtcram, Veneration, honor, esteem, iktetbb) Counting, esteeming. ihtesliCLtn* Magnificence, pomp* ihtesham, Shameful, reproachful. ihtisar, A housing for a camel,, a, horse cloth. [tizcn, 4 ihtiixar, Appearance, galloping, a ci- ihtefar, Digging, excavation, [studying. ihtefaz, Taking care, guarding against* intefkn. To eradicate. ihtekap, Contempt, dispised* ihtekar, Storing grain in a granary. L'=> \ ilitehan, Taking or guiding, an injection or glister. :M ihtilal, Reposing, restraining anger, Hit el am, Nocturnal pollutions. ^\ ehtelat, To be impatient, to grieve. r^J ehtemctsht Enraged, rushing to battle, '^\ external, See ^Uu^^ ihtefh,n. '^>\ ehtenak, Thinking, depriving of pos- terity, conquering. [containing, i ehtewee, or \^\ Comprehending, 1 ehteyoj) Indigence, want, necessity. ehteyaz* To assemble, conrene. K t 33 ] \ elitcyht, Caution, care, scrupulousness. ihteyal, Machination, artifice. ah/a Flur. of Us^ hay a. i ehjal, Concealing, secreting. of <_,Ls\=, liejkl. j ahjur, Plur. of ; rs\^ ^c/'e; 1 . \ihjar, To go to a levee, to pay respects, to \vait u])f>n any one (of a higher rank.) ihjdf, To spoil, damage, to approach, ihj&m, To return, keep up. aJijcl, IVtters, shackles. ihjeni, Retiring, receding from an agrreiucnt or purpose. [nosed. t ch/cff, < 'rooked, hump-backed, hawk- ithjoo, An enigma or pu/ .-.!<-, also ^s aha/, One, only, (jod. ihtlkt, Sharj), keen. /hdcift, An invention, contrivance. ahdas, J'hn:. of C.A.- finds, ahildj, Pliir- of ^..x* Imdje. ihdar, To descend, to go down. , To surround, encompass, o ^ x> ' r///r/(/ //, PI 1 1 r of tS <.\= hndlft'h. "I'hir. of ahdul, Humpbacked, crooked. dhdel. Acting unfairly, having one der higher than the other. ctliez, Thin plumaged (bird,) small or thin tailed (animal,) small headed man, slender bodied. hzctk ) Plur. of <^So^ hezcut, ahztd, Any thing tasteless, insipid. j^\ ahur, Superlative of ^ hitrr. ^\ chrks, (Horse or Bull, &c.) emacia- ted by much use or running. ~\^\ ihriij, To commit a sin or crime, to " cause the commission of a crime. ,-UoJ ahrah, Pudenda mulierum. C^ <* ')\}**\ ahrar, Plur. of j.= lum\ [ward. j!^=>< ehraz, To be protected, to obtain a re- j^l ahraz, Plur. ofj^. herx. u ^\^\ ihrks, Established. ^\j^\ ahra?, Plur. of ^'^ Tiers. ^\j^\ ahraz, Corruptions of the body, at the point of death, sick persons. ehrkk, Burning, setting on fire, ehram> Causing despair. ahram, Plur. of * hurrem. [ 40 ] ufired, (A camel) having the tendon of the fore-foot relaxed. uhreshy Asper (coin) the murrain ot plague among cattle. ihrvf) Plur. of 6^* Imrf. ehrunjem, Tumultuous, selection, harry, haste. three*) A species of saffron. akzbl, Plur. of v jp. huzb. akz&ni, Plur. of ^^ huzm. ehy&m, Sorrowful, doleful. ehzan, To grieve, ahza,?i, Grief, dolour. chzu/Ji, To finish, to put an end. f-j\ ahzum, Thick in the middle of the bo- dy, high and rugged ground. ahzeen, See ^^l aliis. Bold, haughty. elisa, Drinking. ehriu', Fatigued* wearied. clisus, Perception, sight, feeling. chsul, Plur. of 3.^ hussel. chskn, Benefit, favor. uhsel, Superlative of c uhsun, Superlative of ^^ hosn or hussen, ! userihti, Well done, bravo ! &c, uhsenib,, Inheritance, possession. a.! eksh&xhi (A woman) having a decayed foetus in tlie womb, foddering. usha?n, Plnr. of +**> husJim. [abash'il. \ eh&h&m, To enrage, to abash, enraged, ahuss. Unfortunate, unlueky. akiissa, (A man) having thin hair. [lity. ehsa, Numeration, calculation, power, abi* ! ihsa,n, To court or make love, iksar Counting, bringing. thskSf Sharing or dividing. [ahorse. fear, Presenting, producing, galloping ehzxn, Plur. of ^^ hyzn. \ ahizzet, r fhe lower part of any thing. , \ akt:il, Plur. of ^a hutub, \ ahtzl, Plur. of jja^ /2?/f7. li ^ ahfcid, Plur. of ^ia. hafad. li=. ^ ah/ash, Plur. of ^jb* Iwfsh, ahfas, Plur. of (ja& ^/5, ahf~i%, Plur. of ^jb. ^?{/%. [watching. ahfaz, Keeping any thing carefully L t , Plur. of ^i ahutrk or ahkij,, Superlative of ahkad, Plur. of ..vU hiiktuL ihfcar, Despising, contemning. ahcaff, Plur. of ^*= ^w/y. [tv. ehcb. k y Discernment, propriety, eertain- ahk-ilj Plur. of j/;^ httkuL nlili-ub, A wild ass. uhkur, Superlative of j.A> liakecr. akuJik, Crooked, or bandy legged, [into. h/taf, Perplexed, searching or diving akkkm, Plur. of -f^^ hfifr'm. [ting- cJil-a,m. t Fortifving, defending, rrgula- /, Feeble in the legs, buying off, or getting clear of a bargain or agreement. ihla, Dulcified, Sweetened. ihfabet or v y<*.\ ihla' , Assisting in milking, and sending milk to different quarters. b*! Mas, Saddle cloths, or any thing on a camel's back to prevent galling. ahlaf, Plur. of oU^. hulf. eJil.if, To swear, to make oath. ahrifahj Plur. of i;^ hunusli. .*y&.t eJtlaw, Dreaming, imagining. . jb*1 iriiles, Red and black. uft lee, or c- 5 ^.r> luila.uet, Superlative of jLJU.1 uhlcyt, Sweetness. j>.'^! elded, Foramen penis et uberts, The urinary and lacteal passages. *^J ahumiii, Black (horse,) near, neighbouring* LJ-! ihma,, To warm., Flur. of ^Iniwm. l ehmash, To enrage, to affront. ahmal, Flur. of j^. Jmml. \S~\ ehmbl, Encouraging, inciting. ^^ ahmer, Red. (reddish colour. j\^\ ehmerar, Being red, any thing of a fovt, Fiur. of ^! uliner-moitt, Violent death. alttnc%, Pricked, tart (\vine.) dimes, Strong, bold, constant, barren (year) a hero, iilnnesli, Slender limb'd. \ ahmez, Bitter, any thing bitter. ahmiik, Foolish, stupid, dull, ignorant. alum, Hatred, anger. \ dlwa-n, Flur. of ^ been, c' W"* > To be enraged, wishing revenge* uhnef, Bo\v-legg'd, bandy legg'd. alma,, Crook-backed. \ ahwaz, Plur. of ^^ houz. ahwal, Plur. of ^u hal. \ ahwazee, Alert, ready, clever, dexterous. ahww, Having beautiful eyes. 1 iiJiiucrct, A Sucking camel's colts. aJiicercc, Having soft arid shining skin. akwaiee, Nimble, swift. uliii'cs, Bold, undaunted, intrepid. ufavcs, Having the angle of the eye very acute. ukwet, Tying round, surrounding, iihtuel, Crafty, blind of an eye. ifavewb,, Of a ruby colour. ulna, Black, dusky. ulweyct, A kind of arabian tent made of wool or goat's hair. uhya, The diminutive: of ^^\ akwa. ahya, To revive tribes, families, living. ahyad, Eminences, or prominent parts ahybz, Plur. of ^ liyaz. [of a mountain. ,^\ ahyan, Plur. of ,,*-, ^\ . . & ^^** t ahyanh, or aliyanun. Sometimes, time to time, now and then. ahyef, A country, field, or any other place where it does not rain. \ aliycl, Superlative of ^ hyel. \ akh, Ah! a sigh, ukh f praise, fye, I ukh, A brother, friend. Ui ekhct, Fraternal, brotherly. v^Ui bkhbbeer, see r [* a,t, Plur. of t^A. khiilt. [p a ny ^ ekllas, Corrupting, keeping bad com- eklil hr, To notify, inform, acquaint. ukhlar, Plur. of ; ^ kheler. ukhlcs^oi c+*j^\ Plur. of C*AA=S- khuleece. \ oklSt, A sister, female friend, compa- nion, (*. congenial, To frighten, to terrify, [sovereign. tiifitbjt A feudatory vassal to anotlier aklitaii, The bride's nearest kindred, as father, brother, &c. . U;'5.< ikhtctbm, End, conclusion, completion, - ikhtcacLin, Service, servitude. ) aklitcr, A star, constellation, good for- f 47 1 time, a standard, flag. t ckhterat, To draw (sword.) ikhteraa, Inventing, fancying, deciding, defrauding, tearing into pieces, separating. i \ ikhterkk, Tearing, blowing with violence* ikhteza,!', To colour the beard. ikhtesar, Shortening, abridging, eMtcs&Sj An intimate friend, special, peculiar, Mlesam, Enmity, disputing, quarelling. flthtetal, To retain a man in order to marry his daughter, ikhtelhf, Seizing, carrying, taking. ikhtefa, Concealed, covered. [tainer. ikhtel A vein in the neck, to which the cupping glass is applied. okhdood, A furrow or trench. akliei, An inn 1 animation in the eyes, (milk) beginning to turn sour, stagnated waters, akliz, Seizing, taking, resembling, an unanimous punishment. akhaz, A camel's colt. akhezet Rigidity, Stiffness; a disease occasioning a stiffness in the joints. i. i akhuT) Another, a second, otherwise, finally, > ! o j ;hor> A bason, reservoir, a stable. b>\her> Last, posterior, final, finally, af- terwards, the end, latter part, yes, surely. atkrbt) Plur. of c.^. khorut. akhrhj, To draw forth, to produce. akhrbjat, Plur. of *\jr kherbj. \ ekhruk, Confounding, deterring, tear- ing to pieces. ^. \ uklirW , Plur. of v ^ khurl. ^\ ekhral. Spoiling, doing ilL *ul> Superlative of c-.^ khnib. . \ akhurleen> Prudent, provident. ^t \ hfcheret*, Posterior, last* \ dkhrej) Variegated with black and white. akhrijet, Plur* of _.j^ khurj* i&herdust, The end of any thing, the day of judgement, (at chess) men. ukhres, Mute> silent. akhirsliub> The dawn. akhruk, Pierced in the ear, mangled in the operation. okhrek, Second, a Small stable. N 3 tt&hrum, Having the lips chapt (by cold,) pierced in the ear, nose, &c. akhurnomks, Silent, also ^u^U akhroon, Plur. of ^\ akhir. \ akhroQiuy, Relating to another world, akhree, orl^i Fern, of^i akhcr. akhuria, At length, in detail. \ dkhunjhty Plur. of $ f~\ akherb. akhreybn, Household furniture, uten^ sils, an ignorant stupid fellow. f ifchrit, Peajed, barked, skinned. &khereen, The last, the latest comers, posterity. 1 ikh%bi, To shame, to use tyranically. akhzur, Having small twinkling eyes, dim-sighted, purblind. \\ aihzum, A male serpent, blew, ukhzb) Superlative of ^^ khuzb. akhes, Superlative of {Jtf ^ khuss. akhusteh, The Jpwer lintel of a door, the threshold. [or injury. akhsur, Expending, suiTering any loss akhsvffut, Wells dug in a rock. , A wine or spirit made from [ 51 ] Plur. of ^ khufi*, ukhtcl, One who rpeats best the prayer cajje4 *^L^ , p. species of greerj magpye, a sppcies of blaclt and whitQ eagle with a Jargc head >vh;ch hunta sparrpws. J akhtuf, Seizing, carrying off by fofc"e akhtid, Flap eared. akhtum, Having a long nose. ikhfa, To conceal, cover, &c. atftfuj) Having crooked legs, a trem* bling in the limbs, (a distemper incident to camels.) [bald* ukhfesh> Having small weak eyes, pye ukhfeeh> Having crooked legs. akhkar, Burning coal, spark of fire. akhakundt (o^xXX^I or jt&\ of >Xvl) A child's rattle, a timbrel, an instrument tnade of two brass plates, or bones, caa* tanets k l&\ akhgol, A beard or ear of corn, chaff. J akhtem, The rim of a drum, sieve, &c. a fillet, or wreath for the head. j*\ akhkemr> The crupper of ahorse. akhkuleli, (^y&\ or v;^fe!) A button hole or loop* aMoor, A wild pear, unripe, sour fruit as dates, plumbs, a button hole. akhkuzch, Tie same as the preceding, also, a weaver's shuttle, a button. [ 53 ] **' akktoosh, (Also aknkuk, akhkukush, the same as akhkur,} unripe fruit. akhkoon, A button-hole, loop, a button, akhel, More or most indigent. ikhlct, To empty, discharge. -J akhlfcb, Plur. of ^jl^ /W. [truth. ikhlas, Candour, piety, purification, ikhlasmund, A friend, ally. [edly. i&hlaskor ikhlasun, Sincerely, unfeign-^ akhfat, Plur. of kU ^7/e/#. ekhlat, A mixture, mixing together, hu* mours of the body. akhlaf, Plur. of <_iX>- ^/z^/f. ekWif> Depravity, corruption. ukhlak, Plur. of t_jU. khulk. eklilakj Being old, worn out (clothes.) ekhlal, Exhausting, impoverishing. akhfam, Plur. of ^ khulm. akhlut, Plur. of ^^u. khalal. akhles, Superlative of uaX^i ^^M/6'. akhlef, Foolish, labouring in mind, mending a (garment,) restoring, renewing. ukhluck, Superlative of L_XX^- kliulk. akhleyh, Plur. of J U khbley, and ^Vs. khdey, o aklileej, An excellent swift horse, i akhmas, Plur. of akhma,a, Plur. of uJilunur, Drunk, intoxicated. qthmurui Plur. of ^ khnmitr. akmeSy Hardj (place) extremely religious. ukhmusa, Plur. of jj^ Jihums, also 5u,^.|. ^ uklimcsehi Spirits or wine made from barley; ukhmes, The hollow part of the pot, slender in the middle. Uf \ akhunncii Speaking thro' the" nose. ikhna, To abuse, to speak non-sense, to use tyranicaliy. ikhnalf The ham or hough. akhnas, Plnr. of cJj. khuns. u 1 lines t Superlative of ^j^. khuns. (jM^.1 uklmcsi Flat nosed. \&\ akhwigul, A sword. ^\ akhnec, A striped garment. l i ^\akJinyet > A kind of stuff mixed with silk, made in Egypt. [friendly. Ui akha, ^\ or *^\ akhot, brotherly, Plur. o t , Plur g. ohhwet, Brother-hood. \tkhwct t \wr. of c^t okJtt. [&c. akhoor, A stable, stall, a cistern, bason okhooz, Growing sour (milk.) 1 ukhwes, Dimness of sight. aklnvef, Superlative of o^ khoof* akhwek, One-eyed, deep (well.) akhwelet) Plur. of .JU. khal. hfrhon> A theologian, a preacher. ] akhoon, Plur. of \ obh 1 ukhwenet, Plur. of ^ U. /2&?2. fther. ! ukwee) Brotherly, belonging to a bro- akhey> A brother, grateful. i akhey&r, Plur* of j^>. khcer. ai < akhyhs, Piur. of ,JMX^ fihecce* aL ! afrhy&sh, Plur. of ji^ khishe. L ) akhyat, Plur. of la/jd. Mile. i i aktybf, Plur. of ous. Mi/b and ^j I V .\ akheya,l> Plur. of J^ 7rAz7e. akhyam, Plur. of *Arf. khyem* ukhyet, A stake, rope or any thing, with which, and to which cattle are fastened, a stall, a tent rope, protection, clientage. =H a&hifthet, A kind of broth made of flour, butter, oil, &c. l akheez, A captive. [posterior, after. ukhyer, Superlative of ^ kheir, akheer, J?\ akheer or 0*H) The foundation of ahouse, cement, plaster, clay, the incrustation of a wall, an unburnt brick, an arch. akhizgur, A plasterer. [perfect. akhecseh, A march-stone, defective, im- akhyes, (Aram) having one horn bro- ken, (a goat) having one horn erect, the other inclined to the head, having one ye larger than the other. Ji^J akheef, (A man or a horse) having one eye grey, the other black. ^1 akhcely Horses, having many moles (on the face, &c.) the name of a bird. \ akhyeh. Praise, spittle. il udd, Surprised, or oppressed by any unex- pected misfortune, difficult affair, danger. ) J (id i, Payment, voice, pronunciation. V 1^? adkl, Plur. of _ol adult, edhl, To hurt, offend. ud&lcr, One who has an aversion to J liia kindred, who listens to or cares for no body. obi kdi.t, An instrument, tool, utensil, ap- paratus, whatever is necessary in forming or compleating of any thing, obi at! at, A particle. ^b! adad, Tower, also sec ^ udd. ciljb! adiiraltcc* A kind of indian medicine of an acrid and deadly quality. Zj\\ idaret, Turning round, rotatory. 6b! udaf, Menibrum virile, the ear, ^fr^l ftt/a^ An island. -b! ad&m, A tanner, carrier. ^!j) adatn, The celestial globe, JllJ idanril, A pension, tribute. c^ob! idamct, Constant observation, contirxu- ing, residing, dwelling. j>\*\ adanee, Fhir. of ^^\ udnse. &\)\*\ adawkt, Plur. of obi adbt, * s \*\ idawet, An ewer or vessel. tf_5 b \, Plur. of 2 ^ b 1 idawet, v .>t 0^2/6, Civilization, humanity, politeness, respect, a law, rule, institution. ij ) 1 ^ > ' ) I adub-dadun, To correct, chastize civilize, teach, t 58 ] v*J L^ udela, (Plur.) humane, learned, polite. jlo 1 Mar, or 5^ La i idlarut, A reverse of for- tune, calamity. J^L-st, Finally, in the end. JOj! adlanelj, With reverence, respect, ci- vily, courteously, <-OA! adltl, Hairy, also having little hair. 3uil ad'cf, An entertainment to which one is invited. ^.U*%i cdel&hancJj,' A school, necessary. j.,1 ac??-cr, Ulcerated, galled (cattle.) u t*\adlcs, Chesnut coloured, (horse &c.) variegated. ^il adilec, Polite, courteous, learned, [adelee oUil adelcybt, fern. Plur. v of ^t fl^/u or ^o! adleer, A species of serpent. i"i wWc/, Adversity, grief, wonderful, a diffi- cult, or wicked thing. cfcer, Perishing, mined, careless, [lour, l adjbn, (A camel) of an ugly black co- l adjbn, Cloudy, dark, rainy. [hair, i <7r//'oo, Hairy, (a goat) having tangled *I flK/M/ or j^M Plur. of ^^ r/t'/zc/. il adhowety or ^-^i^ The place where the ostrich lays her eggs, expanded. [ 59 1 e< ) I adaWi, Good, elegant. [tible. *\ idkhar, Vilifying, rendering contcmp- *\ adJthel, Interior, more or most inti- mate, familiar. [smoaky colour. *\ ctdkhen, (A sheep) of a dirty black t cdkhinet, Plur. of ^Uo doMan. ad r, The rupture, il edraj, Picking out, selecting. *\ idrar, Giving liberally and continual)-, a heavy -shower of rain. ^it adras, Phir. of LWji dara$< il adras, Plur. of ^^ ders, s! adraa, Plur. of j ^ dcra. *\ edi act, Wearing coats of mail. *\ idrak, Comprehension, understanding. U> vi Ls> ^ i idrcukat-sadckut, True> just, conception. ))\ adram, or * I \ ^ \ A packing needle. A ! adrcjct, The step of a ladder. j adred y Toothless. adrd, (An animal) having a blackhead, and white body, (a sheep) having a white breast, and black thighs, (a night) when the moon does not appear till near sun rise. r i adrcm, A covering for a horse, anus, levelling ground. adroon, A manger, or any place \vhere they put food for cattle, c. adcrch, The rupture, afflicted with her- nia or rupture. adsek, Having a large mouth. **ol adscm, Ash-coloured, [dopted as a son. U^J itd-a t A bastard, causing one to be a- Ui^ id-a, Glorying or boasting, (of family,) c,Ui^ ad-as, Plur. of c, i de-us. ^Ui^ cd-bs, Purchasing very cheaply, ma- king cheap bargains. ad-as, Plur. of ^0-*] dc-as, ad-ul, Foolish, imprudent. ud-uj, Black (man,) a negro. ad-ar, To send forth, to spoil. | ud-owct, An enigma, a riddle, ud-eya, Plur. of ^i da-cy. \ lid-yet, Plur of o^i da-wet. ad-glut I Plur. of JXA dugltuL cdghal, Interrupting, corrupting. edgham, Conjunction, union. adgham, A horse, a kid. J>J adgher, A summer or country house. *is\ adgham, (Horse or sheep,) having the head and lips black. l adef, A Nephew (by the brother.) cd/a, To oblige any one. adfa,, Plur. of UA daffa. ^l adfan, Covered up, buried, hid. \adfer, Fetid, rusty (arms, &c.) j ^ \ adje, Superlative of a duf&< j ^ ^ adfee, A large tree, an eagle. [thin, oil e?, Very fine, more or most slender, *i'ij adk&> Vehement, keen, hunger. +S*\ adkem, Having three teeth broken* s\ adeklt, Broad-backed (horse,) without a bunch (camel,) plain, level. 1*=^ i \ edkcL 3 Preparing troops for war, to ask protection, to notify. ;j i ] idly Having a pain in the neck, milk, thick and sourish, (proper for making butter,) any thing which gives rise to quarrels. 9 i \ idla, Throwing, sending or letting down, dropping, drawing (water, &c.) u> *J ^ \ adillet, Plur. of ^ * duhel. CL. [ C2 1 r>' (jeJsl adlcs, (An ass) producing new hair, bald, (a camel) having lost its hair. ^} i 1 lid-lea, (fJii or ^ a Penis, verctrum crassum et longum. -Jil ad lent ^ Swarthy, blackish (man or ass) tawny, a lion. *\ adlce, Plur. of ^ Moo. * i \ &dum, Man, mankind, mortal. - i \ adcm, Plur. of ^ , ^ I adeem. U A 1 adnia, (Fern.) white deer, a white camel. U A I cdmb,, Covered with blood, to make out. c. U i I adcmat, Plur. of +j*\ adeem. Q U ^ I ademan, Plur. of f ^ ! fadum. ^ U i ? idman, Continual practice. ;vo a ^ ede-met, The skin. [extremities. u-c^oJ admes, Having eye-brows thin at the ** j> \ ud-me, Plur. of ^ ^ :>t cdhau, Plur. of ^A^ doliun and dehen. &$\ adkur, Plur. of ^i Je/i7\ adhes, Reddish, inclining to black, (earth, &c.) of a mild gentle disposition, soft sand. t adhem, (A horse) of a black colour, any mark, sign, &c. iron chains. &iha, Superlative of &*d&ha, l adhyet, Plur. of ^ deha. [ones self. adee, An instrument of war, preparing , Plur. of L>* rfcrt/^. & n or edyan, Fat cattle (in motion.) r 6-t ] adyan, Pltir. of ^a *&rw. [eel. , Courteous, polite, well bred, learn- */, A spring of water, [of the earth. +j* 1 adim, Goat's leather perfumed, the stirface X 2 1 adeem, The face. [ oj: iffy azres, A salaman- -j*\ azra> Plur. of ^i j&eraa. [ty. * i J I avrum, Equity, justice, reverence, civili- R hzrung, Bright, shining, red, flame coloured, difficult, misfortune, [ship fire. bzernoosh, A place where they wor- A kind of cloth made by a a man of the name of axer, from -which the name of the cloth is derived. ,*.;', ;}f azrcen, Any thing erected in the manner of a canopy on account of a public solemnity. iy*yJ'T bzcryoon, Red, flame coloured, any Lower of such a colour, the rose, ane- mony, myrtle, marsh-mallows. [gence. ^Ui? cs-att, Obedience, submission, intelli- u\.9*\ itz&atr, Plnr. of ^i'i z%a,, Superlative of cztar, Remembering, thinking of, a woman being brought to bed. ; U=,i! fl%^/*, riur. of j^> i 2C^er. J"i^ ezkrr, Superlative of ^^,i zeker. U=>^1 c%kyh> I'lnr. of ^^ji zaee\ f///oi, Plur. of ^i zo/. [cdncsp. ?%/a/, Contempt, depression, wretch- 631 rjsr^, Pointed (spear,) eloquent. czmar, Plur. of ^ zemer. L 67 3 . Sucil ezimmct, Plur. of ^j, zemmet. , ^\ uzn, An ear, tip of the ear, handle, czn, permission, dismission, ezin, one while he recites or reads the Alcoran, the keeper of the king's closet. 15 il eznk, (Fern.) having long ears. v lJi\ eznctl, To commit sins. V l5i1 aznal, Plur. of ^Ji xomib. oUii eznbt, or xSi^Anear or blade of corn. A^iJ czwcid, Plur. of i_ji sToor/, kljil ezwbt, Plur. of t 5 3 zoowet. V3 il . L^i^ e%wd > Having a short chin or beard. f ^ i I azoom, Adhering, attached (to any per- son or thing) champing the bit, (a horse) hard, severe, adverse, barren, [to go. uta^l izlihJ', Going, ordering or permitting v U>i^ ezhab, Plur. of c-_^3> %ohul. \&*\ ezhan, Plur. of ^ i zahcn. [a loss. c.- j> \ azee, Vexed, hurt, exceedingly afflicted^ azio, Web. ezycul, Plur. of ^ i 25y/e. ^L>! azyfol, To be thin, nimble. ^e> ^ czeyet, Oppression, injury, damage, hurt, t 68 ] f '& if atieesJi, A piece of wood fastened to the- threshold, fire. j*\ azeen, or (&.>! ) A little handle, or ear, exen, publication by a crier. *j^ J axeen, Custom, common usage* ^jj\ azeenek) Friday. f J arcbj (in construction for arfci, embel* lishing, adorning,) an ornamentor. u\ r \ aralj Plur. of _,,! fl'/v/t, * V *j\j\ araleli, (for AAJ .c) A carriagCj chariot, waggon, or ca-rt^ &c. c. l^l Vfl/, Showing, exhibiting. c\j\ii as, Fire, fewel. g\f\ eraj, A liar, whisperer, tale-bearer. rajely Plur. of t >^ / rq/'w/. t ) erajech, Plur. of gv^j rajeeh. arajeeis, Plur. of ^ r rujuz. \j] irakli, A wild ox, a deer. -rl^J erakh, See ^^T t*J^^j^ arakheechni, To- cease, desist, rest. .M^y^jlyl irhdet-kurdun, to wish, to desire. ,5 i ! 7 1 irazil, Low, mean, rude people. ^iJj.1 arazil, Plur. r of ^3^. rasa/. U! era/ 1 , A sound made use of to call cattle, C twig or a small branch softened by the aspersion of salt and water, and in.* jected in the uterum of a came}. zs, PJur. of ^^ rais. ara$tek, Swallow, arastegi, Ornament, order,. krkstun. To adorn^ ornament, pplish, dress out, prepare, put in order. !^T arksfeh, Preterite of */>^;J' the roots and branches of which they make tooth picks. [mulierum. / arbkeyet, Menses of women, pubes ^l qrbka, A kind of nut perhaps thesairu? s [ 70 J tS wiihthe beetle rrut which when chewed together with the beetle leaves and a kind of lime strengthens the stomach and gives an agreeable flavor to the breath. * 1 arcm, A white deer, arem-ai, or arem- maliy a lunar month. [sleep, a dream. T ararn, Rest, tranquillity, peace, quiet, ~ U;T arhmaneediM , To quiet, still, pacify, content, set at rest, establish. kramaitn, To rest, repose, settle. aramish, Quiet, repose, rest. ^ 1C lyT aramkar, A lazy person, one who does not work unless asked or ordered, one who does a thing slowly and diliberately. [peaceable secure dwelling. arhmgah, A place of rest, a calm er.unul, (Fern. xU>/ I ) widowed, in a single state, (bachelors and maids.) ^J^T aramecy Tranquillity, peace. ..f>^! ,T bramcedun, See /M>1;' ^-*!^T arameedor o ? >A>4jf Preterit of ^>^*lyJ ti ^! era/i, Lively, joyful, boasting, a bier, coffin, the den of a wild beast, a sword.^ aranel', Plur. of ^ j J \yi\j\ ufariee, A kind of grain- which' is put in milk to make 1 it curdle. ilo ]j. V araneyet, (A tree,) having a tall trunk, if^ljl erawec, '(Three) mountain goats. S A \ j. \ erahetj Plur. of b&... rofint. jj a) ayaneedan, To cause to adorn. arayesk, An ornament. arayeet/tm, To> adorn, ornament. arayendeh, The ornamenter, adorner. ! , Industrious, diligent. zl'i Plur. of ,_,, sl*{\ urlaz, Plur. of ^ ibyi erlaz, Being very hot (sun,) to quench thirst, to wet (ground.) \ij\ ericia) Having child. Ly.\ erlba, Plur. of *j , i^-, Plur. of uJu^ , Skilful, doubt. ', Of the colour of dust, (an ostrich.) jij,J erlesh) Various or changing colours. > A erla, Four. 2&s.>r\ erla-ashera, Four and ten, fourteen. LJU..I erlea, Thursday, a tent pole* arlaoona, or ^ K ^ \ Forty. C .<> 1 ; j ^u / l arla-ecnet, Forty, being forty. :>^/' urloon, Earnest mo^ey, the price of any thing bought and sold. [an evil. ij\ urla> A misfortune, a vexatious affair, ^U^t irleykn, A kind of wjhite fish coins- mon at Bussora, j. \ iret, A fy-e pjace, x^himAey. t/*y*P/ 1 ^vr *\ TTl-TTl ^*-T*i nor /CV Cc t j V^Lvll llllJ v^l II J ti .c? rUj-l er/4ff, A mjaltitude, a croud. i erteloit, A ligament, connection, chain, friendship, the equipment of a hor&e (of battle. f^ S&'^'j I ertd)at-%urduii, To make acquaint tance, cultivate friendsJiip, form a con* nectio-n, enter i^ito an alliance, "j \ crfeja, Hope^ expectation. i crte^al, Saying any ,thing carelessly, tmpremiditated.. [Jy, &c. i irtrjalb, Unthinkingly, inconsiderate. t irtehal, Emigration, departure, death. ertakh, Dry parched.. ! irtedad, Apostatizing, refusing. 3f\crtesh,m, To acknowledge the com- mand, order, vain, a distinguishing mark* whatever is eminent or remarkable. I 73 ] - ~;1 j 1 irtishk, Corruption, subornation, bribery, Uaj'^l irtizb, Acquiescing, approving. v Ujy! irfehl, Frightened, succeeded. A UJy. ! irtcqd, Trembling, shaking, frightened, yiUy/t trtefysk, Trembling, trepidation. Ujj I irtiffc, Going. cUjri irtif a, Elevation, ascent, carrying ofr. ijij.I irtifrx, Addition, accession, increase. 4 jxlxjy! irtikcish, An engagement, joining OJE mixing in battle, . \ irtiko,, Confidence, trust. j | irtik&l), Undertaking. Worn, consumed. erteng, A shop, library. X3 r t wr^, The crest of a camelion, j (jil^Jrl irtehash, (Ahorse) cutting one foot with the other. [the joints. ,*JUj 1 irtehak, A weakness or looseness ii^t / i vlfti'/J trteyW, Doubt, uncertainty. r lj,l irtcydht Gladness, chearfulness. [part. i / l irs, Inheritance, right, a root, the principal &\$ f \ irsbs, A worn-out garment. [border. V ^>*;l urset, A limit, march, boundary, confine, 7. J \ er j> Price, value, esteem, honour. T j en/, Fragrant, odoriferous. 1 er/&, Plur. of U^ re; a. .rt erjaa, Side, part, shore. .^1 erjalt Intestines, the seventh month of the inahommetan year. \ arjhfy Plur. of ^i^ fujtof* y To march, to travel y Plur. of ^^ rojuL -j-i erejan, An attempt to sow dissen- sion, erjbn, a species of wild olive. 1 wr/z, A camel whose limbs tremble when wa.,5 erjeat. Halters for camels. [he rises. arjel, (A horse) marked with white on one feet, (a man) with long feet. J arjilet, Infantry. erjimend, Excellent, noble. erjen, A fabric, edifice, arjewan, Purple, deep red. arjcuanee, Very red. crjooltef, A small image Or portrait, jj^/l cr j* c t> A po em ^n tn e measurc % called rejz, where there are six pauses or cesu- ras in the line. r A crchht Broad or large footed. t ir 3 ' CJ I Upl arhb, Pluf. of jus^i erheyet [one Ujl 0r^& Reserving some victuals for any. *Ujt erh:im, Plur. of ^.^ ruluini* J^^.\ erk&m-liakkee, The right of propin- quity, whatever is due to relations. '\> f \ arJmly'PlnY. of 3^, rekul. 7 ^ ! erhem, Superlative of ^ f rchum. 5U=v 1 erheyet, A mill, mill stone. , A bullock. . U I erHa, Giving the reins, relaxing, 3L^t efkliet, A heifer. ^y, i arkhel, (A horse) having the back white. ^l erkhi.1, Plur. of ^^ rekhuL erkhem, (A horse or sheep) having a white head and black body. crkhendeli, A tincture powder with which they tinge the nails and other parts of the body, of a beautiful red, some nations mixing it with vinegar, dye the manes and tails of their horses. \ erklwyct, The loose or pendulous part ot \ erdti, To kill, to murder. [any thing. f\ erdba, To finish, to put an end to. \ irdaft Following, going or coming c behind, causing one to ride 'behind on the crupper. y v' ar dau'> A demon, evil genius, magician, t^j ardbh,, A kind of pottage or gruel, fcji^l irdebet, An aqueduct of earthen pipes, a great reservoir of water formed of clay. r y j il erdulor, A kind of beautiful green co- u . 1 1 ardbeez or >j * J (irdbccz, A sieve, flour, > // >"V '/ * ^r^l ardij, Juniper. J^^l ardihhleh, A kind of milk pottage. J^ v' wrdtdwd&h, e^l and o^jl ^ e 'V^ ^i^l ardcm,K skilful seaman. I erdan, A cullender or strainer, a kind of ! erdunj, Black leather, vitriol, [raw silk, erdoOy A camp, [flour bread. ardeh, A mill stone, a mill, flour, meal, ;! ardehbleh, A kind of milk-pottage. 1 crdeyet, Plur. of I ^ r^/d. j adeeneh, A kind of gruel or pottage. i crzel, Superlative of^\'^razal. crz, Price, value, quantity, honor. arut, Rice. crza, Plur. ? -^ rath. . | a/'%di, Plur. of o ; 1;jt irzhm, Murmur, roar, rattle, noise, crash, a clap or peal (of thunder.) / 1 1 /* / ! arzcin, Of small value, cheap, lowpric'd. t/ / / -t CJ^Cj^)^ arzan- shod tin, To be cheap. ,)\)j\ arzanee, Cheapness. arzaneedun, To be esteemed, to be of value, to be bought at a low price. erzaybneedun, To render valuable^ to make cheap. ^.,1 irzel, Short, complex, thick, large. 3L . | irzelet, A large mallet with which, they break clods of earth or make bricks :.\ erzet, Cedar, pine. &c. [from the rude clay o . p,jA erzcsh, Price, value, &c. .<:,) erzun, Millet. ,!J*if ertshun, A species of bitter almond. tJjj! erteneen, Bread made of millet, [petite. i ? iT hrzoo. Desire, will, resolution, affection, ap- hrzookerdun, Tp desire, wish, &c. iT aszoosheJcmt, The breach of a resolution, change of mind, &c. / hriooshelmn, Breaking the resolution, preventing the execution of any design, brzoomund, Desirous, eager. t - brzooMnndee, Desire, propensity, erteey,, (or^J^I) Tin lead, [wish, want. er * eez > -A- trembling, tremor; erteesli Price, value, esteem, honor. jfi et'zetdtMf To be worth. ares, The sabine or juniper tree. , Immoveabie, rendering firm. [head. a?'5a^', Having the eyes sunk in the arsugh, Plur. of *,j. rusvgh. [ing. v sa An embassy, sending, dispatch- arsan, Plur. of ^^ resew. ^- Barest. The upper or higher part of pack-saddlesj dorser, &c. T arestedun t See ^< bonnet. ^j.^ rrs^, To mulct, fine. A jT are s&, A yard, cubit . [rope to a bucket U ersha, To give a bribe, to fasten / t iij.1 //\sM, A rope which is 1 tied to a pot> in order to take water from a well. i l^ / \ ersh&d, Directing, shewing the right way-, xy! ershed, Superlative of ,>,. rashud. erskuk, A soporifick herb, a fault, crime* arshun, A cloud." [having the teeth shut. ! er%, Having the thighs close together, f \ ersad, Observations of the stars, of roads (through deserts, &c.) j] ersa, Having lean meagre thighs or hips, digging deep, plunging a spear or sword up to the hilt. [of a melon. ersoositt, A Cap> hat> &c. in the form , The earth, ground, soil, country, re* gion, the four feet of a horse. [* ,\ ery&t Satisfying, gratifying, ,l*rl erz&t, Plur. of c J \ erez. xj\ erezet, A worm that eats into ships> corrupted, eaten by worms or rust. '**>, I iria, milking, sucking, giving milk, e&A erzee, Terrestrial, earthly, earthy. ig* f \ erzeen, Plur. of ^\ erez. [the camels. i? \ aret, (Ground) producing trees, feeding -kjl erit, Of a reddish colour, like to the fruits t 80 and roots of the tree jo f \, tanning leather with its bark. I irth, Marriageable, (woman.) artal, Plur. of. ^ rutuL urtely Superlative of <- r -4>, reteb. ertawee, (A camel) griped in the bel- ly by eating too much of the fruit of erta. crtayoon, Intelligent, acute, cunning, sly, er-h%, Plur of &sj. re-at. * f\ er-bl, Bodies of horses from 2o to 25. t/ 1 er-ul, Foolish, a withered weak, or ten- der plant. er-uri, Loose, lax, languid, foolishly, a- dorning, setting forth, shewing, commend- ing or thinking much of one's self, (an army) confused from its multitude. ur-oosct, A stone placed near a well upon which those who drink sit down. [The bank of a river, (or wx*py) and lp^!(/ f j^|) ^Ip^J argJihj, Yarn, the woof of a web. [ury. A U * I irglikd, Amusingone's self with great lux- * ^if\ ergh&ihihi, A web or pin in the eye, which in the extreme parts of the iris, looks red, in the interior white. urghel, Superlative of &*j rugUet, l ergJmj, Pellitory of the wall, orparieta^ 1 arghachee, A long rope or thread. [ria. w **/! wgft&d* Superlative of j^r rugliud. arghedeh, Covetous, greedy, attentive to business, enraged, [of a round flat form. erghefet, Honey- cakes, a kind of bread $,\ urghul, An easy agreeable life, j\ urghumcli, A long thread. * erghumchee, A long rope, a thread twenty cubits long fit for weaving. , S' j\ erghun, A musical organ. [angry. arghund) Covetous, desirous, wishful, erghundeh) As above, also drunkenness. - / 1 arghunli, A shop, library. jUp.l crgheivan, A tree whose fruit and flower are of a beautiful red. j ! J> , I erghewanee, Purple red. [horse* T*J ^> ^ argho&n, An organ, an unmanageable J crgheedun, To quarrel, dispute, scold* arghees, The bark of the box-thorn. , Plur. of cJ^.1 arc/ 1 , f/i Land-mark, or march, [protection, Lj I itf&t Bringing, drawing near, to take. t * 1 6,1 t\*.\ irfad, Assisting one another. if.V>,\ irfash, Luxury, intemperance. 2U / 1 crfat,, Plur. of u oi / ?v//v/2. [wicked. [$j\ crfagli, Plain, level, smooth (ground,) Uyl >/u#, Plur. of Jio / ?' 1 ?/>//, A boundary limit, land-mark, a j \ arfi, Superlative of ^>/ raft. V erfegh, Enjoying the comforts 'of life. J crfck, A camel distorted in a limb and leaning on one side. [awkward manner. . \ erfd. Dressing or doing any thing in an *j\ urfee, Milk of a doe, good. ! crJi, A canal, weak, eruk or ar\k y watchfulness, sleepless, lying awake. \S.\ trbh, Causing (tears, perspiration, c.) u__>U^J erIM, A legacy. oU^! zVA-o/i Tremor, trembling, terror. *\3j\ er&ain, Tying a knot (in handker- chiefs or any thing else) in order tc remember something. f\S-j\ arkam, Plur. of *s f rukum. ^U'yl eralan, (for ^li'^.) 'Blasting of corn; mildew, a disorder or sickness. t 8S erkel), A lion, honor. erkush, (A serpent,) speckled with black and white spots, an -insect like a palmer or canker worm. la,l erJfet, (A panther, goat, sheep, &c.) vaV riegated with black and white spots. erketkt, To be black and white. t erkam, (A serpent) speckled with black and white (of a dangerous species.) arek, Worthy, fit for, apt, erek, (camels) having the belly-ache from eating the fruit of the tree erak', erik, the leaves and fruit of that tree. [horse- r \ ercuk, To sit down, to saddle a \t s\ crkah, Plur. of -J" re&eh. \ ark fan, Dew, drizzling rain, 1 erkan, Plur. of t ^ / rekun. [lum. /<\ erkeneh-kun, Inaccessible, an asy- erkoob, A troop riding upon camels. erkom, Plur. of ^^^ rokun. Superlative of ^^3 ^ ^'a. [era^. \ erkyet, (Camels) feeding on the tree irm, Paradise, I 84 ] fj' eremy A flag, a sign, a directing post. ermciy To throw, propagated, desart, l ermas, Old, worn-out. [empty. 1 ermah, Plur. of ^^ romcli* ,l ermas, Plur. of i^^ romus. jl ermaz, Enraged, in despair either from grief or passion. [sons. ermaky The last breath of dying per,. ^Uyl ermal, A species of cinnamon, small rains. -U,l ermcmiy To appoint in any business, to * U / ! armam^ Old, rotten, old ropes, [be silent. ermany Desire> a sigh, the anguish of yJ armaniden, To sigh. [repentance. ^Uyi irman, Strong, to drink wine always^ ts U , 5 ermal, A Syrian. 5u> / ! ennet, Atooth> a lane. A-*^l ermedy Of an ash colour, labouring un- der a pain in the eyes. *M>u ,T curmcdun, To rest, &c. crmes, Plur. of ^a^j rcmes. ermctet, Plur. of Li*. . crmzhan [ney. , j Uy* J armaghan, A present, gift, ofFering, mo- aremgah, See olCl^T [poor. .^ ermul, Widowed in a state of celibacy, &rmentjteh, &est, peace, a promoter o peace, one who grants or brings peace. urmenee, An Armenian. ermoon, Earnest, a pledge, stipulation, any thing by which a promise or bar- gain is confirmed, thebeginning of any thing. armeedgce, Rest, quiet, modesty. See j krmeedeh, Preterite of , i ^u*'^ T , [bow- l*jj\arunor ^ j\ arunj, A cubit the el- dljy! irnkf, (A camel) drooping his ears from fatigue, making a peculiar motion ,with his head when travelling. ^ LJ j. I email, Resounding, making a noise, crying out. [of ornament, a kind of grass. *-f\ ernel, A hare, a heap of sand, a kind iojy,} ernebet, The tip or ridge of the nose. >J i ) erneleez, A kind of herb, dragon, wort. & A urnet, "New cheese, any thing drinkable. *# ' \\ erunj, The elbow, the arm from the wrist to the elbow. ] arundek, A porter, carrier. [like. j 1 aruwg, Colour, mode, form, manner, eroo, Deception, fallacy, imposture. [ 80 ] i! aroo (or (/ y ) arce,) A honey-bee, c,^,! erwcts, Plur. of j rowes. *\jrl erwah, Plur. of ^ rooA. I erooz, Firm, steady, fixed, collecting or contracting one's self, avaricious, covetous. urooz, Plur. of ^ \ er%. [belching. 4^1 aroogh or eroogh, Yawning, stretching, erweJi, (A camel) haying long teeth,, black and white. [doors, &c. ,r\ cnccket, Curtains or hangings before \ c room, An origin, stock, root (of a tree, horn, &c.) oroam, a sign, mark, direction, posts or mile stones. y ! aroon, Choleric, irascible. eroon, Cheerful, active, poison, the brain ., 15 j ,] erweimn, Sound. [of an elephant. 5oU^ \ erwenanet) Severe, painful, [beautiful. erwend, Care, caution, prudence, price, arvendeedun, To be lazy, dull, in- $jf\ crwa, Drink, pure water. [dolent. ji*=, T t erehJtish, A sawyer. [drink. \j>s\ irhct, Supplying another with meat and V U,J erW>, Plur. of ^y rc/irl. gUj.^ irJiaj, Exciting, raising (dust,) raining I 87 plentifully, a house full of vapours or smoke;. uo U / \ irhas, Laying a. foundation of large stones,, using lime mortar or cement m building. [a sword.. c5 [&j 5 e?7?<7/, Making thin, giving an edge to- oU^J erliak, To be in the flower of youth, bringing near, uneasy, troubled, imposing a heavy oppressive burden, dilatory in saying prayers, deferring those prayers which among the Mahometans ought to be said at one hour till the next hour of prayer comes, [confirming, fixing, -UO irham, Pledging, pawning, establishing, 4_* r ! arhel, To fear, to dread. j *jt> , \ erhum, Superlative of +* ^ rchem. )*s\ Mr ^ w Menstruis laborans. & A eree or aree, A stake or rope to or with / which they tie up cattle, (a bee) making honey, to be angry. [bee, if 1 1 aree (or o !) Yes, so, also, likewise, a L \ eryali, Plur. of ^^ reeh. jiL IT \ eryhsh, Plur. of ^^ reesh. \jj\ eryka, Plur. of ^ f reeya. ^ cr y^f> Well cultivated, planted, im- proved (grounds,) plentiful (countries.) [ 88 1 *->' tj\ m/,U, Plur. of juj recft. <-o , T ereeb, Intelligent, sagacious. xj,l ereyet, A large capacious kettle. #vj\ creej, Plur. of^i a?r/. [sound, noise, ereer, ^ shout of victor)-, any loud erccz, Frost, hoar-frost, rime. [men ! crcece, A plowman, husbandman, far- ercesoojia (or m^ f \) Plur. of l? ^ J \ ereecce, See (JMr!/ , A'y) ar&sh, The warp of cloth, a palm, span, cubit, yard, ell. ^.,,.1 ercez, (for ^ c ) Broad, wide, large, worth, pure, clean, coarse, humble, modest. k> ,) erect, Unfruitful ness, (a man) begetting no children. [indignation, rage. 5Uy! arcegli, Aversion, abhorrence, detestation, ui>j\arcek, The diminutive 6^/1 &> r \ ereek (or CXfejVO A throne, an orna- .. j \ .. j mented sopha or couch. <=, . t crcckct, Health, the healing or clo- sing of a wound, any place raised above the ground, to recline on an alcove, sopha. *A) ,! creek eh, A throne. crccw, One, any one, the last moon. j^l ereen, Plur. of ^ f \ urn. ;\ azi, Moving, collecting, shaking, the mo- tion or beating of the pulse, [out of, with. j\ uz, To desire earnestly, from, of, for, by, j*l axsh, Ingenious, sagacious, learned, rest- s\j\ etau, Likely, equally, [ing, reposing. \ j\ aza, Whatever tends to support life, a situation or place. . [life. ^M^i \ezh-ol-eyesh, The conveniencies of ijj\t\i\ cza-ol-harl, He who begins or sup- ports a battle. .J il azab, A bachelor, an unmarried man. X ,jlXwjl;l azalistau, An assembly in which none but unmarried men are enrolled. g]j\ azaj, Plur. of ^t ezej. iUI -\ izahet or Z- j\ Performing, remov- * \ ing any thing from its place, adverting. JjT azad> Free, liberated, delivered, noble, excellent, renowned. [in body or mind. hulJi , Free men, unblemished. , ? , /I) jT az'id-kerdun, To set at liberty, re- lease, make free, dismiss, allow to go away. j ^ J jf bzad-shodun, To be liberated, dismis- e A ! jT azadeh, Free, excellent, noble, [sed^ &c. [ 90 ] tji , Liberty, freedom. 1 ezar, A trowser, a cloth which the Bengal men tie round them. [vexation. , Trouble, affliction, sickness, grief, f kzbrdun, To hurt, ofFend, injure. bzarmundy A sick or infirm person. azhree, The same with b,zar, also a sick person. [purling stream, &c. 'f\j\ ezhty The bubbling noise of a boiling pot 9-\ \\ azagh, Any thing whose inside is black, \>\f\ a%al, Plur. of ^\ uzul. $\j] ezal, Shaking, to oblige, to do good. CJ \j \ izalet, Removing, driving a way, to destroy, - \f\ a*a,m, Plur. of iLc^l a%mut. [ruin, spoil. >^J \\ azkmund, A miser, covetous person. uufc 1/1 arhlieek, A Swift fleet horse. \r A;ljl az&ycsh, A trial, proof, endeavour. L/ " ^ v ; I ^2^, Hare, a camel's sickness. v -\ ezelb, Hairy, luxuriant or fruitful, in grain, of Vy ; zulba. [herbage, &c. , Calamity, adversity, penury. * j'] uzber, Having any thing by heart. .*! ezlcz, (or vj!) Ingenious, sagacious. azalec, Croud, mob, a company. t 91 I \ SJ 1 f\ e%ej, A kind of oblong arched edifice like a portico. [nected with each other. c yj ezej, Long eye-brows, but not con- ^/l <**juj, Piur. of zf * U JJ- &j\ ezjky More or most ready, skilful or . expeditious in finishing any thing. j\ azch, Ah, alas, a sigh. U*^! a%hb, Yellow and red, pride. -^ j \ azitkh, or ~ j'j A scar, a mole, &c. \ ezkhesh, Lightning, a thunder-bolt, l ezda, Acting equitably, deserving well, to be protected, [mob, multitude. sy!l izdehxm, A concourse, croud, press, uzder or ^| A dragon. * f\ ezder, Shoulder, arm. [dignation, \j*j\ v&dera, Scorn, contempt, disdain, in- .J ,i i\ ezdercin, Plur. of ,i;^ ezder. CJ V \/ * /1 ewrb., To spoil, destroy. f\j ;t e^r^r To button the garment. , Plur. of j\j) zarar. l czrcih-lerdun, To carry or lead out of the roud, to seduce. [another. .'>j|.j ,*T &zerdh?iecdun, To make one injure jo jjj uzcrdun, To injure, molest, harrass. awrdgy, Grief, pain. jT aturdeh, Afflicted, grieved. j\ aznd", Blue coloured, having the eyes like those of a cat, clean water, &c. i j )T aze?*goon, Flame coloured, yellow, /x o * bright, shining. 'T azirm, Modesty, bashfulness, courtesy, respect, civility, esteem, probity, justice. ,;^ 1 j * \j\ azrttm-dcLshtun, To honor, respect. , /I czrem, A cat, a kind of saddle cloth, f&c. ' X . j \f /"] J iizscrfturdun, To seduce, to grow mad, ja ;\ azett, Having a crooked jaw, or cheek- bone, having a thin beard, beardless, ha- ving a smooth chin. .o ;j az-ubj Of a short mean appearance. ^.^ic ^ az-akee, Short, mean, contemptible. 9- j]'azugh, Any thing lopped off (as the primings of vines and other trees,) cor- rupted, rotten. [ricious. ilp!) azghar, Ignoble, mean, vile, abject, ava- \\ tegKbL Flo wing (blood from a wound,) JO O \ voiding (by stool or urine,) feeding, (as a bird does her young ones by putting her bill into their mouths .) f\ azi/f, To approach, to haste or hasten, z [ 94 /t/t azfar, Plur. of^ **/l a *fet, The day of judgment. i ^ I azfelet, A croud, troop, body. ^jl a-zfendkk, Rainbow. ttg/ft, Haste, expedition, celerity, alacrity. atuck, Short, to shorten. sl czkcbok, Plur. of oy %^-A 1 . ^ li- y;^ azftan, Assisting, aiding. ui SSji\ azikket, Plur. of olsy zukak. i*jKl\ azkan, Grief, anguish, sorrow. ^^ ^\ izken, Teaching, causing to learn, gues- sing, conjecturing the truth. y j*l azshken, Sloping from a vine or palm, (any thing,) lazy, slow, indolent, dull. j\ azshgihan, The same with the foregoing, \ azheya,, Plur.of ^a j zckee. [also vain,false. ^1 cult Distressed, eternity. $j\$j\ czcl ezel, extreme poverty, indigence, barren, ^ j,\ azlaiii, Plur. of j^ xulum. [scarce. t _ j ;\ ezlef, Having a small straight nose. f\ azeli, God, eternity, eternal, eternally. 3uJy< azcleyet, Life everlasting, eternal. f ^l i%e//i, Holding with the teeth, biting off, barren, (year) returning, abstaining from, M yj [ 95 3 ' ^'.x twisting, avoiding, (evil) keeping carefully, U ; 1 azma, Skilled, experience, tried. [&c, ^Uyl azmbn, Plur. of ^y zumun. *'L)I o%mhn, Penitence, repentance, regret. j I ;'T ctzmanee, An experiment, proof, trial. /*/>^l)T azmbneedun, To regret, to grieve, tq cause to regret. 5 / A l> ' &&*&$&" or / ^. L> ' azmxyee, See j LjT 'i^j,\a%emct > A gate, port, door, one meal, eating, calamity, adversity, scarcity. azmordeh, Desirous, covetous, lazy, lost, left, dismissed, thrown, dropped or let down. [many, much, universal. \ e%mel, Sound, murmur, confused noise, zmun, Plur. of ^ j, zumun. yW^l azmend, Desirous, covetous. **j\ a&menet Plur. of ^ ^ %mnun. f^y+j) azmoodegee, Experience, skill. Cj ) ytfi azmoodun, To make an experiment, c ^ y*j\ azmoodeh, Pret. of //;^*)T [endeavor. $j*j\ ezmool, Bleating. .> v*jT azmoon, See /Al/T jU^^ ezemmet, Plur. of *Loy5 zumam. k?*s\ azmeel, A shoe-maker's paring knife, a r 96 j i kind of halbert or pike, with which they hunt wild oxen, a mallet, [ing one to mount. jj\ cznh, Causing one to fly for refuge, mak- >U -\ cznad, Plur. of ^ izencd. r -' { j\ azshunj, Rheums or gummy substances about the eyes. f j\ atunkh,'& pendant band-roll^ little flag or streamer at the top of a spear. fi'j\ itsukundi Mortar, parget, cement, a plas- tered wall, an incrustation, crooked, bent. >M X U !>jj') titsh&ndaneecfun. To cause one to sew, hem or prick with a needle. * { jj}j\ azsnenaxsheh) Bruised, broken small, bored through, perforated, pierced. /* jyoj'l azslicndun, To prick, pierce, to sew. <^Jjj\ azshcnk, Anger, rage, passion. J >! c&sheneh, A fore-tooth, a loose hanging or fallen-out tooth. .! fj f ;\ a%slineh-%urdun, To cover a table. \j i f / \ s j\ a%uh, Plur. of jfzaiv. [wojch. jr^;^ ewubj, Plur. of ^j, ^ s ji zo.'/je or $\j :\ azwal, Elegant, ingeniorus, nimble, ac- tive, powerful, strenuous, wonderful. )) a%u^i t A species of black, bitter, In- x> * t 97 ' 1 earth which draws the noxious hu- mours from sores and swellings. z\ azooh, RestifF, one who fails in or departs from acts of liberality. ) axoodtndan, The grinders, the ca- nine teeth or fangs' which- in some ani- mals project beyond the jaws, \ azwer, An army, ) azshoor, ingenious, learned, lazy. azwesh, Proud, conceited. c- ' 4 'l a% shoogh, Mouldiness, hoariness, froth, c_J^ :\ uzqf, Approaching, hastening. f _j 7 1 azoom, Adhering, attached. tj I azeh, Lime, clay, plaster, mortar, [guess. aU^l izhad, Conjecturing, estimating by /.I* /? cz-har, To light a candle, to bud, * I* i\ az-har, Plur. of ^ .; zeJiur. V / >^ yb^l az-hur, White, bright, splendid, shining, ,^J a%h-hcn, Lazy, indolent, a trifling thing. c _ 5 ; j azee, Vehement, excessively warm, sul- b -\ azya, Plur. of [try, shrunk. \ azy'f, Clipt or bad (monies.) [bastard. azeeb, Alacrity, terror, an adopted son, a Aa t 93 < 3 Ul atsJieekh, Gummy exudations from the iXjhetr, Intelligent, learned, docile, [eyes, czcerk, (for f^j) Because. [mcr. azeerch, A mattock, beetle, smith's 1mm-? l axec%, Thundering, crashing, creaking. \ uzla, A sign, ensign, standard, flag. 1 a%eegh, Aversion, indignation, a malady arising from melancholy. \ ezyem, (a camel) having no voice. JO 1 1 axeeneh (or Jo H) A hammer, mallet. t y \ # y ^l d, Pointed ,mill, rubbish. U! 5^, Gaping, yawning, stretching, like- o^UI ask-uf, An offence, crime, sin. [ness. c_,U ! flsit, Plur. of u AjU! a&bkel, Plur. of 2>ou.! ashleea, Plur. 2JJU1 asatcxet, or jyjUl or* jo'U? Plur. of U, J isktccr, Plur. ofy^ aa/er. [i U^ ! a^a. l ashjtea, Plur. of ^x- so/Vi, o i/, Plur. of **.] asd. iskdcty A cushion, pillow. jf^U astidee, One of the tribe of Asad. [ing. 7 U I isar, Binding with chains, captivity, ty- lUJ ashrb or gjUJ, Plur. of / U) war. t 9 U Ul isbret, A leathern belt or girdle. lwl eshrcer, Plur. of^^ serer. Jers&s or JL.1, A foundation, basis f U I as&tem, Plur. of .^k* setem. \,\ asateer, Plur. of ^^ 5c/er. jbU|a^e^rt,Plut.of (;i> U^ setoon. [stroying. L. ! ish-uty Proposing, causing to observe, de- U 1 ashf or xj U \ Thin light soil, barren. ! asajet, Grief, pain, servitude, clientshirj, ,\ astijil, Plur. of jjui asfil. ^ asbfaif, Plur. of asakee, Plur. of ^i' ! as&fcefuti Plur. XJUl asalet, Projecting, prominent, [ing, ishleh, DifFuskig, causing to flow, grant-* aakleeb, Plur. of v .)u! asloob. - or *^,U1 askmeh, Plur. of *^ 3UU! ashmet, A lion. ^xU! ashma, Plur. of j.jL.1 cbaw, Plur. of jjUT fahn, Easy, convenient, commodious. ^ UT hshneh, Easily, conveniently. '.JUT hsanee, Facility, ease. * UT asbneed, Pret. of ,O>LJ UT C "! &sa,ncedun, To facilitate, case, &c. asbiuet, Medicine, remedy, the medical fshived, Plur. of ^*J eswcJ. [art. asawer, Plur. of ^. seivcr. csaivee, Grieving, sad, melancholy. asaee, Like, resembling, ease, quiet. /M>JOUT as-iyhneedun, To give rest^ pacify, to praise, to lift or hokl up. j U ) a&yer, To seize, a prisoner* *& UT asaycsli, Tranquillity, peace, repose. ^y^ ) ^ , A; U T bsayesh-dashtun, To enj o,y tranquillity, &:c. to abide, dwell, stop. t>vb U-T bsayeshkedeJi, A place of rest. [aA f ,H^ U ! eshyooji or , ly L^ 1 Plur. of ^ ) o UT asayecd, Pret. of //>^t^T bsayecdi(n. l bsayecdun, To. rest, to cease, &c. fl^ or ^^"i, A horse, ?W?, an endea- V , The fundament. [vour, hoof, nail. nslal t Plur. of *^A^ sclel. islht, Sleeping, resting, staying. t Plur. of ^A , Plur. of ^A* , Plur. of , Compleating, ftnishing, weak* ) islaa, Plur. of *,SA* sela. aslak, Plur. of fl^'dw, Plur. of aslut, Plur. of c^~ sclut. asleth??, Seed of the wild rue. [ass, aseljhneh> A horse-colt, a foal, a wild ispurd, Coagulated, curdled, jelly, [tion. csperesh or (/ x^l Compleat, perfec- ispereeshoduji, To be compleat, to be finished &c. [for horses, compleat. . f~l^\ asperecce> A course, a running place . >~~*\ ospits, A louse, a small worm. / V^*l aslek, Plur. of / v^^ svlck. w w ^^ ^\ ospoost, The last month of autumn. g^>*l aslooa, A week. aspeh, A colt, a jounghorse under oneyear l ispccd or >^ or X u2^ White. [old. l ispecdlh, A kind of broth made of the juice and small pieces of meat toge- ther with spinnage flour vinegar &c. isperioosJi or ,(*^^) Indierestion, ^ C/ ""'* ] ast, Is. [-fatigued. istci, The warp in the loom, languid, es/a o^i, Praise. Bb ! ~ ta* ! isf&frJi, Irnpudent, audacious, unblush- ing, bold, a bucket. [lessor. * (a*- 1 oslhd or ^ k> I A master, teacher, pro- istad'incedun, To constitute, fix, lv f ostadgeC) Trade, commerce, [to stand. ^) istadun or ^M^ulx^) or ,f> To stand, stop, dwell. istadeh, A stander, es/&f7, Pret. of ,f * tx ostadeeand ostazee, An art, trade, &c, ostbzoon, Plur. of i u^ ^ 05/a. [skill. Plur. of ^ seter. C-3U-! fl5/^ Scented, perfumed. istakoos, A kind of long sea crab, osthker or ^ ^ lx^ I A skilful artist. * > ost'im, Confidence, faith, pillar, [trance. .tft^T hsthn or J Is^T A thresh-hold, en- istanef, Renewing, beginning. istelahut) Permitting one to pursue his own inclinations. istela.-ut, Buying, exposing to sale. isteldad, Stubbornness, obstinacy, ab- solute dominion. isteldal, Changing, desiring to change. istelcr, Thick, great, 103 istelra, Being discharged from prisofj or debt. istelrar, Desiring the employment of Vizier. [to produce. /O'/J**' istclraZ-kcrdun, To exhibit, istelrak, A kind of thick changing coloured satin. [good news, .XvJ tstebshax, Rejoicing at or announcing .UiAX*J istelsar, Looking, considering with jf^- /a, Low, lazy, delaying, [attention. istelka> To keep, remain, isteskhlj Heaviness, oppression. istcsnh, Exception, praise. J istcjkl', To be worthy. ! isteffybet, Receiving a petition, hearing, istej&rch, Asking assistance, hiring. istejlab, Attraction. istefmha, Assembled, collected. isteihkisch, Avoiding, flying from. istehzl-shodtm, Impossible. } Choosing, contracting friend- istehsan, Pradsing, approving, [ship. istehsaf, Confirmed, a stitch. istehzar, Summoning before. [ 104 J itfehffa, Remembering, desiring one to remember or take care of any thing. utchkar t Treating with contempt, &c. ittehkhk, Worthy, ability. istefdam, Securing, defence. tehlhrLi Prescribing a clyster. i&ehfo, Appearing sweetly, happening a- istehlctf, Swearing solemnly, [greeably. istehlal, Considering or making lawful.. t uthmbl, Desiring to bear, or take ! istehmbm, Bathing, [upon one's self. 'istchya,' Leaving alive. aste/ih, A goat, uiekkar, Praying for the blessing of God, desiring any thing that is good. , Interrogating, desiring advice, , Employing. istelhcr, Ditch, pool. \ isiekhrbj, Drawing out, extracting. istelihfaf, Holding in contempt. istckhlas, Sincerity, setting at liberty. itelihlaf, Appointing successors. ostekhan, Household furniture, bone. istcdareh, Round, circular, surrounding. [ 105 1 IfcMMM istedkmet, Everlasting, eternal, istedbneh, Desiring to borrow, ask See /M}^) istezfal, Submissive, dishonored. 1 aster, A kind of coarse thin stuff fqy lining garments, ester, A mule. gster abet, Quiet, rest, pausing, estgrak, Stealing. z*\ ester I'k, A muleteer, i&terjb, Petitioning desiring. . ..XVM! isterjka, Taking back the whole or part of any thing once given, returning to wterkhb, Loose, languid. [the place, t z\ isterdad, Repelling, demanding resti- tution of any thing given, making any utterdun, To sliave. [thing. Cc t 106 ] isterdeya, Ah oyster. [please. isterzb, Wishing or endeavouring to isterfah, Remaining quiet or in peace. istcrkak, Condoling, captivity, sillyj osterlalt An astrolabe. [weak; isterma,m> Desiring to amend; ! isteroon, A barren woman. ustoreh, A razor. [adding. istezad, Desiring an augmentation* iste%1h,l, Stumbling, being ready to slip or fall, wishing to have a child. istesdtid, Shut, right, straight. istes-a, Obliging a manumitted servant to labour strenuously at any thing iri consequence of which he may obtain full i>\x*3~\istes-(id, Desiring happiness, [liberty. istesfbf, Taking in the hand. isteshci, Desiring water, to drink, [nother. I istesfam, Subm itt ing to the authority of a- istesh-/iarct,Coi}suitn\i!;, askingadrice. m/w iatcshfba, Asking, begging, Intercession^ -U^M.1 isteskmam, Smelling> perceiving-, get- ting scent of. [ing witnesses. istcsh-l&d, Taking evidence, summon* | isicsli-liar, Wishing for fanje, publishing. isfes-h:d>, Associating with, wishing for the company of any person. 3Z~l istesghar, Despising, holding in low- estimation, [of any thing. iste&jfa, Choosing, taking the best part &ljt Approving, esteeming, right. isteswbl-frurditft, To approve, k) Laughing at, ridiculing. [&c. istetklet, Ajpprobation> taking well. istetar. Delineating, drawing, writing^ istetaret,. Dispersing, diffusing, [ing. istela-ut, Power, possibility, submit- istefhfet, Extension, extolling one's self. \ istetlcia, Sight, perception, penetration. isfczfal, Setting in the shade. istezhar, Remembering, instructing, im- ploring assistance or protection, [precating. tstefti, Asking pardon or absolution, de- i iste-adet, Begging one to repeat or do any thing over again, turning back. SlUx,t iste-hzet, Flying ffom evil to good, asking protection. [temper. K j \sZ~\iste-aret, Borrowing, catching, a dis- [ 103 ] ute-bnet, Asking assistance, to clean,, iste-tkd, Receiving into sen ice, subject- ing- [favour. istctal, Reprehending, requesting a istejal, Hastening, dispatching. istcjkm, Stammering,stuttering,speak- ing an unintelligible jargon. [^ n 7- istcdcid, Skill, genius, capacity, wor- isterfyl, Speaking badly, with im- propriety, mixing unskilfully two Ian- guages together as the Persian and Arabic. istetb, Begging, asking a present. ! istetaf, Conciliating the favor of any one, obtaining their good graces, insinu- ating one's self into other's good opinion. istezbm,, Becoming proud, wishing for or aiming at, greatness. [one's self. c5 lix>u J istcfaf, Abstaining from, restraining iste-lk, Superiority, desiring. iste-l&w, Asking information, advice. i \ste-lhiiy Divulged, made public. \ iste-mal, Use, usage, custom, [sistance. l i$fa-oom, Putting in practice, asking as* utcghhseh, Calling for help. [merit isteghral, Great admiration, amaze- isfe-ghrbfr) Immerged, compleatly contained or comprehended; [ness. \ isteglifar, Repentance, asking forgive- \ j UX~ ] isteglifa>roHah, May God pardon, hea- ven avert, God preserve, [wanting nothing. istegknb, Acquiescing, being contented, istcgheh, Pregnant. [fruit, giving. l istcfadet, Profit, advantage^ reward, istefazaneh, Profusely, &c. [rality. isteficzet, Profusion, generosity, libe- istef&n, A garland, crown, wreath (us- ed at marriage ceremonies.) [on. X3UXM.V istefa&et, Recovering from indispositi- istefbch, A pregnant woman of animal. istefta, Consulting (a learned man, &c.) istcftali, Asking assistance^ demanding the surrender of a castle, the opening of agate. JUM, V istefdah. Finding a thing to be dif- , ficult or intricate. istefrbd, Solitary, fond of solitude, singular in any thing, choosing one out of a greater number arid using that only. Dd t no ] istefragli, Vomiting, evacuating, re- jecting. [forming one's self, enquiring. j istcfsar, Asking an explanation, re- * l$ju*t istef-h&w. An interrogation. -lyu*J isteflibm-enkar, A negative inter- istefyeli, See ,-jb^f [rogation. SJ Uu~'l utektilet t Wishing to speak, desiring one to recant an argument. &*1 istek&met, Rectitude, sincerity, inte^ grity, fidelity, truth, [proving, abhorring. isteklah, Detesting, hating, disap- isteklal, Futurity, time future, op- position, meeting, preventing, going against. istcklb,lee y Belonging to futurity. istekd&m, Preceding, excelling, wish- ing to excel or get before. [to place. Jiz~l istekra, Following, passing from place AM, I istekrar y Confirmation, stopping, staying. ii/filrfcr. Borrowing, asking to lend. istek&am, Demanding one's portion, swearing or desiring to be sworn, istekb, Curiosity, the most earnest en deavour after any thing, curiously prying, or using every effort to get to the know- Jedge of any thing. t Diminishing, abbreviating Fining* mulcting, &c. i$fe%za>. Demanding payment judicially. istektar; Distilling, dropping, raining, istekla,!, Sovereign; authority, absolute dominion-.. [commissary. Having full authority, p a, t, Subim'ssion,humiliU'. , Arrogance,prcstimption,pride, istektcim, Keeping a secret, desiring. one to keep a secret, [much. isteksar, Adding, encreasing, asking \ istekrah, Abliorrence, abomination. istekshhf, Discovered, cleared, up x wishing any thing to be made manifest or laid open. [perfection, perfected,. istekmkl, Cocnpletipn^ bringing- to istc&nati, Concealed, hid, covered up. istefa, Boiling, liquifying, melting,, pu- rifying (butter, &c.) by melting. Uwt istelkli Seizing, carrying away by force, ravishing, istefol, Drawing (a sword, &c.) istel&m, Submitting to another's opi- nion, surrendering, to take in the bosom. [ 112 3 Soothing, using gently. Asxj istefaki, Seeming or considering as delicate, elegant, agreeable, delighted, [sary. istehkm-, Necessity, rendering neces- telka,) Lying supine Upon the back, facing or meeting another, wishing to see. istemha> Listening, hearing. l isfcmhlet, Caressing, comforting, sooth- ing, encouraging. [of, being delighted. xJ istemtha, Enjoying, reaping the fruit ^J istemdad, Asking supplies, subsidies or assistance. [persisting. istemrar, Perseverance, continuation, istemhal, Asking a delay, wishing for an opportunity. \jZ~\istenhd, Supporting one's self or de- pending upon any thing, wishing for proof or undoubted authority. istenh-ut, Inventing, going before. isteribb. Enquiring, informing one's self. istenb&t, Extracting, drawing out. istenjh,, Washing, cleaning, [against. istenjfa, Attacking, leading forth istenjahf wishing for success. [ 113 ] \ istcnjad, Asking assistsnce or protec- tion, recovering after an indisposition. *J istensh,, Desiring one to wait. *;!* \ istenshkli, Correcting, describing, co- istemhak, Snuffing up the air. [pying. . \ istensar, Soliciting aid against an enemy. \ istenzar, Wishing to see, desiring one \ istenfar, To runaway. [to wait, &c. istcnkhs, Desiring or endeavouring to lessen the price of any thing. '^U;^! istenk&z, Strong, vigorous being strong. -K : ^-^ istengkah, Marrying, desirous of marri- .\>&uX,\i&tenkar t Refusing to acknowledge, [age. istenkkf, Rejecting, disdaining, de- clining. [rise up to do any thing. \ istenli&Zt Exciting, desiring one to istcivci, Equal, being at the : summit, pre- ostowar, Brave, strong. [vailing. (/;!y>) ostwv&ree, Firmness, strength, &c. / j . 1 1 x- 1 ostoivan, Secure, firm, strong. ?\> f^<\ ostolaj for ? lyU^l White lead. istewee, Being parallel, equality. ostoon, A beam, a column. A kernel or stone of fruit. E e [ 111 ] iZXwl istehdb. Directing, desiring presents. istehza, A jest, laughing at. [anyone. ,t istehlbk, Destroying, wishing death to istehlal, Appearing (as the new moon,) drawing a sword, giving the first cry (an infant.) ' s I astee, The sleeve of a garment, a heap. gvJul osteej (or ^U^O A weaver's shuttle. isicejal'y Judging necessary, worthy. isteejar, Hiring, renting. isteedun, To begin, to stand. istecde}}, Pret. of the above. isteedctn, Asking leave, liberty. isteer, The lining of a garment. isteczcli, Contumacious, perverse. ;'~J istcesar, Easy, in a good train, well arranged, in good order. P n g istecsal, Pulling up the roots, destroy- ..Ik^? n f Residing, [taking the whole. i_,lx/^, \ istcehl, Extirpating,asking fora present, U^l w/ee/&,Paying or receiving in full, satis- ui^l istcekad, Lighting, [fying completely. isteekbz, Watching. I isteela, Conquest, power. asteem, Lining, sleeve. isteemar, Consulting. isteembn, Begging, protection, j./^! astecn, A sleeve. MI/AXM.! isteenas, Intimacy, sympathy. ^M esjali, Sparing, pardoning. l^sr 1 asjhd, Tribute, (particularly that paid by Christians and Jews to the Mahometans.) asjaa or c*s. ^\ Plur. of *^- saja. asjeli, Fine, well proportioned (face.) asjem, Dry in the mouth (a camel.) ish&t, Extirpating, destroying, [or coming. ishar, Fatiguing, to be tired, early going ishah, Ragged (garment,) rubbing. eshql, Plur. of 3^ seheL +*\ as-hem, Black horn, ^^.s^ usliewin or i^^l os-hoob> A glutton. asJilia, Superlative of ^ seJthee. askhyb, Plur. of ^ se&kee. ased, A lion, going the right way to work. isdafy Opening (door,) to let in light, growing dark (night,) throwing aside or isda, /,To let. [lifting up a veil (a woman.) I U6 ] jl, Plur. of ^j^ scdcl. cisdbn, Plur. of ^ j^, sedim. cisdut, An enclosure, fold for sheep, c. isderan, Shoulders. asdef, Black. <7^'/t'/, Pendulous, hanging. csdeh, A lioness. asdee, A kind of cloth or garment. j*J aser, Taking prisoner, binding. j,] oscra, Plur. of^wl^^'/-. [night. ^! M^;-A, Noctivagant, wandering in the ^J wrflr, Concealing, discovering. ui ^1 asrar, Plur. of ^ semz. 1^.1 aVfl/J Prodigality. [intricate. ' '/^' israJicedmit To surround, make lj-iJ csrdtm, Plur. of f ^ sercm. osrul, Lead. , An impenetrable coat of mail. , Superlative of M.^ ^^ sorut or osntf, Lead. To weaken, enervate. isrenfi Vermilion, red-lead. c//, The vowel point hesre(') or i. asra, Plur. C "? 3 *A* I . fy .^J asrecsh, A course or place for any kind of exercise. feu* 1 asat, Beardless, having long feet. astar or as/er, Plur. of ^k*, sefer. istaret, A fable, any thing trifling. isfelet, The refuse of cotton, flax* vj.kwl istal'r, Thick. , * estall, A stable, stud. w ! usturldl, An astrolabe. istefeen, A carrot, long-necked. intakes, Principle, an element. astaksat, Plur. of (jjikwJ istd&es. ustum or ustum& f Any place where bees swarm, the sea, right, t ostoivaneh, A column. ustoreh, Fabulous, history, istoon, See ^.kwl istefeen. [perous. *-1 25-ac?, Assisting, making happy or pros- is-ar, To value, to estimate. [sihess. is-af, Promoting or finishing any bu- as-ed, Superlative of &* sa-d. is-er, Angry, lean. [mouth. es-ef, (A camel) scabby about the asghedeh, A fire-brand. Ff [ 118 ] I asef, Chagrin, anger, indignant, sad. isfa,y To compel, cause. isfar. Praying, playing in the light. asfar, Plur. of^u, sefer. csfat, Plur. of Li* sefet. ascftch or o>i^! A firebrand, a rag somewhat burnt, burnt. asfel, Superlative of jjiw sefcL , Spinage., t A sponge, a kind of dumpling. isjund, A kind of drink. Ufendmund, The twenty- first day of spring. [seeds &c. of grapes. asfunt, A kind of drink made of the mfour, Modesty, honor, a badger. isfaid, White, splendid. ivfioosh, Indigestion. 1 ia/i'a, Sprinkling. iskal, Approaching, coming near. iskad, Extenucited, lessened. lsliu.1 isAktt Miscarrying, causing one to fall, ^Uu.1 iskhl, A shrimp. -Uu.1 asliktn, Plur. of .ju, sckem , Polishing a sword. UL1 .yj^l as&iw, Plnr. of OJL < iju.1 a?,i-tf Tall (man,) crooked. iskenleh, Latan, devil. is&oufoon, Dross of any metal. Are/, A prawn. , Having no ears. A Shoenjaker. .', Silencing, pacifying. zVA/I A shoemaker. s^a/, A kind of large black fish. iskkn, To remain, causing one to stay, isffateh, The fleshy part of the foot. e Us*.l isketan. The two lips or sides of the matrix or womh. i ] $ I usfcedar, Ambassador, courier. **=-,^\ asher, Dinmk, intoxicated. uskereh, A little plate. ! us\ejet, The threshold. uskon, Superlative of ^C* se&oon, askund, A rope dancer. iskeneh, The thigh, [face of the earth. li,. Lightning, flashing, the sur- a*lb, Plur. of ^U or ^^ sclz. , Plur. of aslaf, Plur. of c_iX~ sclcf. slaky Plur. of cJ()u se/e. is/d/, Extracting, theft, [sulman, faith* -, &,*t as/a/;? or isl&m, Of or belonging to a Mus- eslegh, Hard tough flesh of old cattle, un- eslcm, Sup. of Ju, sclem. [fit for cooking. Ju,? oslool', AVav, order, mode, a tiger. osloofct, That affinity which one man bears to another who has married his islcch, A species of herb, [wife's sister. esm, A name, noun. ?2a or ^j U^T Heaven, high. \.*~\ usmb, Plur. of ^^ esm. [blage. jU*J esmar, Nocturnal conversation or assem- jl^\ asmar, Plur. of j** seiner. asmat, Plur. of k*~ sewief . [^4-> sema. esmba, To hear, audience, also Plur. of esmbl, A rag, linen, to advise, taking out mud from a well. asmal, Plur. of j*-* semeL asmer, Dusky, brown. asmcn, Superlative of (jr ** semen. uKiiiend, A lie, falshood, *4^ \ esmeyet, To name. I 121 ] .,-wt or&sww, Corrupted water, osun, dis- position, habit. k, Exalting, remaining a whole year. 2/ a (A rich man but of mean birth) , marrying a noble lady without fortune. l'*\ es?iaM)lur. of ^\J*M senckh. U** \ isiikd, Attributing, accusing, an cjlegat tiqn on the authority of another. U*! as7ia?i, Plur. of ^ senna* \ esna, Tall, long. \ esnemet, Plur. of ^ scncm* esennefj. Plur. of ^^ seneh. \ a$n&, Superlative of U>w scnct. asoo y Curing, healing, composing diiFe- CSIL a, To equal. [rences, 9500, a b.oat, ,\ asiuar, Plur. of j ^ sour. \ asiuat, Plur. of ]Q ^ scwef. \y\aswa>k, Plur. of eJf^* soolt* . \ eswet or oswet, A chief, leader, comforter. \ eswed, Superlative of *\^ sewad. eswedetj The female large black serpent. asoodgee, Repose, tranquillity, &c. t J *** I .j j c^T ksoodun, To rest, to repose. o**^T asoodch, Peaceable, tranquil. 2 v"T asoodch-Jial t Calmness, drc. * ~" I asoodchlck, Leisure, quiet. aswcret, Plur. of jl^ scwar* I cs^/i Sad, tender-hearted. 1 eswck, Plur. of 6Lw- 5^^. osd/, Flagging, pendulous (belly.) aswckt, Plur. of ^^ seual. asoon, Stinking. cswcyh, Plur. of x, ^ sewcych. iseh, Stretching, yawning. [sort. is-l;al, Talkativeness, going into a de- is-7tad, Lying awake. is'har, Waking one from sleep. islial, Opening, loosening, purging. cslian, Plur. of ^^ sehen. \ cs-licran, (Dual) the nose and penis, two veins in the eye, and two in the nose. ^yj < Superlative of ^ sehd. t *\ ash,, Superlative of ^ set. L^l aseyh, or >^^L^1 A mill. " . \ d L^ ) aseybban, A miller, plur. of above* .j!;L-*l asiyazbn, A mill-wright. 123 asydhy Plur. of ^^ seeli. asy&f, Plur. of t_JU, sife. s^&Ti, Mournful, lamentable. asycinoon, Plur. of ^U^l asyan. \ aseyanch, Whet-stone, [dy of men, misery. I aseeb> The shock or confusion of a bo- aseyety Grieving, repining. aseer, A prisoner, the stoppage of urine. aseeree, Captivity, slavery. JJMA*. \ asees, A substitute, [ful, servant, lean. ( _ if.\asyef, A hired labourer, subject, sorrow- aseefct, (Fern.) grief, servitude. aseel (or *Jut } Equal, even. ^ aseelem, The vein running between the middle or ring finger. ! eseenet, A strong tough cord, hardness. , & I ash, Yv^hen added to a noun or verb signifies his, him, &c. ash, meat soup. .*]*.) , &J ash-kerduji, To boil, &c. asha, Like, likel\ r , resembling. I- It 1 ashalkt, Plur. of ^o l^) ash&bet. ; A sign, mark, t cslbreh, Plur. of c/ Li sharch. Li| esh&reer, Plur. ofj^i^i eshrkrct. \ e&lash. Mirth, jollity. t eshfc-er, Plur. of^jt^ shq-ir. I ishb-eh, Publication, [sy*shouw. bshkm, A drink, asham, Superlative of (^ ) ashbmendeh, A drinker. *_jUJ a&b&weh] Sheep. ^^Li^ ashau'cc, Plur. of ^S sliawce. voUi cshayol, Plur. of jU\ aslialet. '*j Is 1 esliayom, Plur. of ^.i shyom. ^ a^AcZ', To amend a relation by genffe expression, to backbite. A ^ eslilali, Plur. of ^A>^ sJiclceh. ^ ishlar, Giving (money,) a sword. &J islilha, Dying (cloth.) aslilbl, Plur. of 3^ s^cic/. fg 6 ^* ^ aslilah, Plur of AA 'sJieleh, to be ima- 1 ishlct, A wolf. ' * ^ ishlekhun, Vomiting. [ "3 -1 , \ asJipcx, A cook. t ^A uslipus, A louse. t/~?jj fc^Cv* 1 ishpek. Roes or eggs of fish, c IC ) cishelgah.,. A privy. J> ) eslil>oli Plur. of ^y^i shelul % cslital, To go to meet. cslileh) Superlative of .^ shobeJi, isjitbd, The 26th day of the month, vt ) ishthftiuit To perceive, hear, U^I IslitcLlunJi y The leg, ankle, lx- ) cshtah, Appetite, desire, ishtelotlt, A mixture. \isJitelah, Doubt, uncertainty, ishtedid, Fortifying, strengthening, \ oslitor or & A camel. \ ashtcr, Having inverse eye-lids. isjitera, Buying, selling. \j&\ ishterak, Partnership. M I j& 1 osTitorlbn or ^j yi^ A camel keeper, isliterat, To bargain, &c. ishtera, To purchase, buy. ishtc-hl, Lighting a fire or candle, isJiteghal, Attention. ishtefb, Recovering health, Hh 12(3 o ISui I islitekak, The derivation of one name &^l Ishtekb,, A complaint. [from another. U *:xvXil tshfclhoonb, A sceptre. ushtelum, Force, taking by force. iislitclitm-kurdcn , To force, tak- ing by force. [take in the bosom. istttem&l, To wear linen, to ascend, to ishtem&?n, Smelling. [deous place. ashlengah, A private apartment, hi- \ oshten knch, A ring for the finger. \^\ Mtehb or j KM Hunger, desire. .1^1 ixhtcharJTo publish, to declare. j& 1 ashler.. Peace. [absent person, or thing. islitcytik, A longing desire to see any ishjb, Strangling, distressing. ashjar, Plur. of ^s^a shcjcr. asJy'fai, Plur. of ^^=0-;; shcjcn. ashjer, Abounding in trees, [the hand. cshja, The joint of the finger next to \ ashje-ut, Plur. of ljsxi shajba. ish -Ibn, To be angry. [to backbite. ^ cshhfibs, To send any thing, to derive, ash-klibs, Plur. of (ja^i sliekhcs. aslikhem, Shining, resplendent. t .* /fl*? 1 isltklioan, A flower, vomiting. tshkwes> The white camelion. ashed J, Superlative of j^i shedd. ashcdda, Plur. of j^ shedd. eshdak, A large mouth. eshzal, Plur. of ^ Js;; shezel. i v i I ashcr, Superlative of ^ slierr, also raising ji,\ esherb, Filling (a dish, &c.) [the head. \j2, \ iskrhl, Drinking, one mixed with another, giving notice, dying (cloth,) \^\ ishralet, Plur of v ^i sherul. [claiming. 1 ; I aslirbj, tlur. of ^.y; sherj. l^ii i-ahrad, Driving away. ,1^1 ashrar, Plur. of^i 5^er. j^j-i^ ishrkref, A perforated wooden vessel into which is put cream or sour milk. *\jz\ ishrks, An ill natured (man,) an herb, \j.Z ] eshr&f, Plur. of ky& sheret. esliraf, Receiving news, to cast the eyes upon the ground from a high place, to become eminent. ljjsi ashra/at, Plur. of ojy:! ashrbf. &\ ishrak, Beauty. [of^jy; sherfc* &\ ashrafc, Entering into partnership, pltuf- y \j2\ esihrhn, Exulting with joy. Su^ \ eshrcbct, Plur. of jb^i shcrlcf. isliret, Any thing notched, [the other. eshrcj, Having one testicle larger than ^J asliordun, To knead, to break. cslires, Unevenness of temper. csliret, Superlative of ^ ^ slicrt. [a door. ishra, Making the way clear, opening *s.*\ cslicr-ut, Plur. of ^ \j& sheraa. o^\ cslircf, Superlative of o^i slier cf. 5 5* ! aslierfcc, A gold coin. [way. j\\~\ aslizar, Twisting a cord the wrong c.U^^ eshsaa, Spreading the lustre of a sabre. . islish,, Looking up. cshshl, Plur. of ^XA^ slicsel. cshsar, Plur. of ^j^ sheser. ishsas, Going to a distance, (a camel or she goat,) giving little and thick milk. tk, Plur. of & shetb,. , Ua \ ishlkn, Plur. of ^i sheten. cshtur, Plur. of j^ shefcr. i^ eshtbt, To force, to become more than enough. [with a crooked billet, iii 1 ishxte, Fastening the mouth of a sack t 129 ] csJictef, Plur. of JSA csh-a> To flame, (fire.) I ish-al'> Being separated from friends, csh-ar> Plur. of ^ shear* 1 'ish-al, Setting on fire. &\ ish-hn, Catching by the forelock. 1 esli-al, (A goat) having the horns dis- tant from each other. [ed with dust. \ esh-as, Dispersed, dishevelled (hair,) spiU J esli-ar, Superlative of ^ shar, esh-iret, Plur. of jU^ sliea,i\ eshah, Plur. of ** shock, , L usghar, A badger* eshghal, Plur. of jjbfc sheghel. ? ushghooreh, A kind of animal which carries off the dead bodies from burying ij eshgha, In redundance. [grounds, UJ ishja, Recovering (health.) j\J&\ eshfar, Plur. of yii shefer or^/JLii shefeer. 6Ujs^ ishf&i, To favour, to fear, [disturb^ .) >J l^&T ashufthneedun, To confound, to ^"^ /^^ /* .AxA^T ashuftegi, Disturbance, confusion. *.x$&T ashoftun, To be disturbed, to disturb, j\jj#j.\ishjitrar, Separation. I i'so J Superlative of ~1 eshfyet, Plur. of ^ K'I cshuk, Long. Uu; J islikah, Removing to a distant place. iJ ish&bz, Repelling, driving away. ishkcukel, A species of wild carrot. iMhlenk, The middle joint of the leg. eslikeh. Of a clear bright red. l esMer, A horse, with a red mane and tail the rest of a reddish colour, a camel /j( j& 1 isfykerek, To sigh, [of a very red colour. cshJriyh, Plur. of ^ shckee. [grass. eshk, A tear, dew remaining on the 1 ishkci, Complaining. ishkad, Bestowing. cshkhl, Plur. of 3^3^ shekel. isMhl, Difficult, hard. i cshklar, Expressing sorrow for the loss of some thing, weeping. aslikereh, A hunter, a hunting hawk. uslikoz, A bolt. - 1 islikcstun or .^u-C- To break. ishkek, A rope, ligament or chain. ) w^^e/, Superlative of jj^ shekel. *-w I \ esMelet, Propounding any thing difB* ashkem or f" The belly. [cult. iVisMefl, The extremity of any thing. X^ " ) ish&enj, The bone of the arm from the elbow to the wrist. islikenjeh, Torment, pain. \shkendun, To oppress, to break. ashkool, Any building on the top of a house for the use of taking air. asJikoor, The seventh heaven. asMoofeh, Bud. asligooneh, Fear, the cause of fear. vC-| ishkee, Vinegar. * eslil, A measure of Bussora, about forty cubits, eshel, paralytick hand. \ eshlci, Members of the body. I eshemm, Aquiline nosed, a high moun- tain, respectable (lord.) [tune of another. ^Ut ishmat, Receiving pleasure at the misfor- ^Icc;^ ishmar f Making one to proceed. u* lt Plur. of x^ seta. ishd, A morass or bog. ashdcJi, Plur. of 6*x*> sedk. sar, A short rope for fastening the in- ferior parts of the tent to the tent poles t\>o\ is&ret, Filling with desire. [orpins. asarern, Plur. of- f ^ sorem. asbtel, Plur. of ^a\ estel. asbghcr, Plur. of *> segher< asal, Plur. of 3^ 1 ascL iMety Constancy, a state of mind free from doubts or changes. asalcf, Plur. of UL* sclfh. [one. eslabf To be quiet, intending to hurt aslah, Plur. of ^\>*p solch, eslah, to re- jl> f ,\islar, To speak, wait, delay, [turn, dawn. .l>x>\ aslar, Plur. ^ of scler. ', (A man,) ambidextrous. asbagh, Plur, of ** t 135 ,J t-vw! f^yx>\ eslek, Red, beautiful, K>^5 i$a (OT usla,) A finger, to sign, oslohet, Dawn, morning. aslee (or LAX^J ) Plur. of i ^ Ja selee, ustomet, A confluence, the middle. aselih, Superlative of ^VASA? selieeli. es-ha, Heaven, a clearing up of the clouds, as-hal or u^A=.L3^ Plur. of c^ ! as-holet, White inclining to red. <:'5- k I ft, d, Basking in the sun, asda,, Plur. of \j^ secli^ isdad, Hindering. isdar, Producing, making appear, asdagh, Plur. of jv* sedeh*. , . asdaf, Plur. of c _ ? sedef. asdak, Plur. of c_jJ^ $ede%* oscfe?, Plur. of A^ sedet asder, Having a large breast. asdeky Superlative of OXA 5e^, a&dekcL, Plur. of o^l> skdefc. 5^/a, Skilful in camels, conversant in every thing belonging to them. aser, Returning, breaking, obliging, in- , Sin, agreement, [eluding. t 136 ] .-**' isral, Bestowing, giving* imar, Persisting in any thing bad* l asrbf, Plur. of uJj^ seref. israft Superfluous expence. *a I isram, Poor, destitute, the approach of the season for cutting the palms. asram, Plur. of-^ serein, isret, Affinity; isret, favor, grace. , A poor man, having no family. asrcmaii, Night and day. istclar, Patience. istolet, Hemp. ittclel, See 3^1^ asiclcl. ustur, A pound troy. istoreR, A sweet gum called storax. ustereh, A troy balance. istifo, Electing, choosing. isti&a&, Collision. [ashes. astekmet, Bread baked under the istilah, A correct elegant way of speak- ing or writing, term, idiom. ilklibt , Plur. of ^^a\ istilah. ustumef, The greater or middle part of any thing. cUk*)} Istinha, A favour, receiving favour, [sist* CJ 1/f ^*^ ' istinaa-fcurduti, To favour, toas- V U*>1 as-al, Superlative of _***, sa&. [ground, A U^l is-bd, Distilling, to ascend upon any high U*J ?Var, Turning the face obliquely, (a ca- mel) having his head turned backward by sickness. [understanding. ^U*?! is-ati, Having a small head and a weak xy\ as-w, Wry necked or mouthed. isghah or, Uu^l Hearing, diminishing. asglier, Superlative of x& segher. [side^ asgha, Having the head inclined to one isfkt Cliusing, wanting, making clear. isfah, Refusing a petitioner, to widen. ftsfuf, Plur. of < i^ scf. isfak, Standing or appearing for an- other, assisting, agreeing, milking, shutting j^J asfbn, Plur. of ^yu* sefan. [the door. asfer, Yellow, pale, black. U Lyn^ I 'isfehsular, The general of an army. ( asfya, Plur. of (5 L^ se/ee. ! cskal, Approaching softly, stealing upon game in order to seize it. isfcfra, Covered with hoar frost* r us ] J asil or asl, A cause, root, foundation, /ww, To cast upon the fire. [principle* eslat, Drawing (a scymitar.) islah, Correcting, reconciling. \ islhd, Hard. W/&1, Sounding loud, croaking. csl&l, Plur. of 3^ 5e/a/. aslun, A lion. aslub or v tt*J Plur. of cJ^ *o7o?'. aselet, Having a wide forehead (a man.) aselet, Universality. , Bald, deaf. , Superlative of ^>JL^ *c/e^. [plants. , Bald (man,) (ground) producing no \ aslem, Having the ears cut close to the head. [good family. aslee, Original, noble by birth, of a .iUU>J asleyhn, Plur. of J^l aslec. ^\ asm, Deaf, a dreadful kind of serpent. asmflr, Plur. of ^ s^wrr. asmet, oU*>J Silent, tacit. \ asmekliet, Plur. of ^ U*, semakh. [sword. \ asma, High, elegant in plumage, sharp I 139 1 asme-hn, Dual, bold of heart, arkd pene- trating in mind. [art and acquiring it. U* \ isnha, Applying to the learning of any ^s.\Zj,o\asna,-ee, Plur. of ^> sena. asnaf, Plur. of c_i;^ sewe/I asn&m, Plur. of ^^ sencm. isnan, Looking proud, disdainful. o U0 I isnhky Taking care of the stocks &c. of asnukh, Plur. of ^ M senukh. [another, astra, Plur. of \^a sewh. astvat, Plur. of ^^ sewef, asw af, Plur. of o^*, soof. ttswelj Superlative of ^\ya sewab. \ asweletee, Improvement. asiuer, Desirous, eager. \ (tsooret, Plur. of 'i jito sooref. \ asooS) Stout (camel,) asoof, Bearing or producing wool, usool, Plur. of j^t asel, a tone. is-ha, Galling or wounding (ahorse) on the middle of the back. as-'har, Plur. of ^ sehr. \ asycif, Plur. of cJU^ syef. ascyet, A decree of fate, necessity, tendency to danger, mortality. 140 ] 5 jug* \ asecctct, A pen for sheep. 2 \ ascer, Near, neighbouring. ased, Original, inborn, the evening. 13*^1 ascehir-rbe, Sound in judgment. asiyeh, A kind of gruel or pottage made of flour, almonds &c. [water flows. , \ aw, A low gravelly place into which ,\,o\ azat, Kindling, lighting. jUl \ izmamcf. izj?i> Abounding in sheep. ozoll, Plur. of ^\ azubl. izba, Appearing rising (stars,) oppressing the spirit, by concealing any thing. azlks, Plur. of +**> zeles. [of books. *- izlaret, A collection of writers, a pile r .' 3 azlety An ambidexter, a knave, lion, azlu, Plur. of *A^ zclb. a \ itjar, Provoked, plagued, feeble, weak. \ izjaa, Making one to recline on the ground on a bed, &c. [band. at/jet, Wife having an aversion to a hus- azjem, Distorted in any member, parti- cularly about the head. J izha, A solemn festival (which they call a sacrifice^ celebrated on the tenth day of a^ji zofhijv, the last month of the Arabian year, which is dedicated to religious 1 a%ha,l, Plur. of ^ %zlicl. [ceremonies. l azliooket, Any thing ludicrous, a joke. azhiyet, (A night) serene without a axltlicm, Bulky, big, gross, fat. [cloud. a%da,d, Plur. of ^a zed. I izral, Turning the face, to order to izrah, Removing, corrupting. [beat, azrar, Plur. of y,^ %eret\ \ izrks, Astonishing, confounding. izrat, Destroying. e\ far(i(i> Making one submissive, being near, bringing forth a colt (a camel) and giving milk a little while before the birth. Mm 142 } izrbm, Kindled, set on fire. izreej, A kind of yellow garment es- pecially of silk. [ed with meat. izreerb, Having the stomach overload- \'i%tirbl, Tormenting, troubling. izterar, Conjuring, being forced. iz-af, Doubling. a \ az-cf, Superlative of c_ix*i zaf. izgJi&> Forcing one to cry out, complain. azglihs, Plur. of ^J^ zcghes. izgliagli, Having plenty of provision (chit fly of corn and other annual produce >o \ azbcl, Naked. [of lands.) azzcll, Superlative of ^> zelL axlba, Plur. of ^b zela. izlal, Seduction into error, spoiling. azla, Strong, powerful. l uzloolet, Mistake, blunder, fault, sin. azwn, Passion, rage, inflammation. azmaty Plur. of ^b\ aziim. wnar, Hiding, covering. l izmamet, A crowd, a flock. izmchlhl, Vanishing, disappearing. \ azmk, Having black lips. [ 143 ] ^< _ iznk, Having many children, destroying, azu'ci, Plur. of^i o^. [desire. zwhj, Plur. of s> *> %ewoj. \ azwcia, Plur. of^^ 20^0. [silly, j azwet, Void of understanding, ridiculous, J izhhd, Oppressing, overpowering. izlial, (A palm) bearing ripe dates. azyaf, Plur. of (^SA>^ %ee/! azyhk, Narrow. [words, l it abet, Speaking soothingly, giving good a 5 itahet, Setting the hair, a-flowing, destroying. [another. \ itar, A circle, any thing that surrounds ll I itaret, Putting to flight, causing to ^ ^ itatet, Sound, hunger. [move rapidly. U^ ita-ut, Subjecting one's obedience. s! ii&fet, Going round, stealing upon any animal softly in order to catch it. J italiet, Able, capable, i atal, Plur. of $b\ etel. *\\}o\ italet, Extending, prolonging. * \3o \ itcLin, Costiveness from indisposition. 5U 110 1 itanet, Covering any thing with mud. 4-0 Us \ itb-yeb, Plur. of ^a^ ateel, t 144 ] ilia, Removing, turning from. j a/&ia, Plur. of *b tela. , Plur. of , Plur. o 3ULJ 0fce/, Plur. of ^ tel. atlekh, Foolish, stupid. atliket, Indiscreet, ridiculous, unrca- , Copious, abounding. [sonable* it-hdh, Letting fall, throwing. 'it-har, Circumcising. i atcd, Box- thorn wood. atr, Bending (a bow, &c.) surrounding. \ itra, A hyperbole, exaggeration, ampli- fication, immoderate praise, renewing. \jb \ itrbl', To gladden. ' itrah, Throwing. itrkd, Proceeding one after another. atrar, Plar. of ^^ tcrer. itr&s; Plur. of ^ > ters. a^/,Plur. of O^D teref. [on the ground. itrak, Lending, silencing, fixing the eyes itram, Contracting, a dirty colour (teeth.) ifred, Casting away, erasing. atntJi, Plur. of (-Jo^Jb t creek. t l43 1 ! ntrmvan, The higher part of any run-* utroosJi, Deaf, [ing water or body of water. - LJs ! iisbm, Having food undigested, the flow- ^J atshee, A flint stone. [ing of the sea. it-am, Giving food or meats, eating. at-emet, Pltar. of *Ub ta-am. [into mistake. itgJia, Drawing aside, debauching, leading iffa, Extinguishing a fire, &c. itjah, Filling till the liquor runs over, itfar, flaking a horse to leap. atfal, Plur. of jj^ tcfcl. atfaz, Plur. of jJLIa tefez. if I, The rib-part of animals, an edge. iila, Rubbing the body with oil &c. Toil), Being far off, seeking, finding. \ itlali, Tiring, wearing (camel.) atlas, Plur. of y^Jik telus. itlaa, To make known, to vomit, ittelaa t to ascend on a high place. 'lak, Releasing, dismissing, sending away, opening (the hand, )beingliberal, &c. b ! atles, Satin, bald, wolf, kid, (money) unstamped with a lawful impression. \ it limb, Sweating all over the body N n t "6 \ itlmtk&t Removing from one place to \ it Unfa, Fixed to the ground, [another. 1 atlch, Plur. of *)& teleh. \ alum, To be angry, otom, a castle of stone, any square edifice with aflat roof. o \ itwha, Inspiring, creating. itmzl, Erasing, writing. \itmeenh,n 9 Repose, rest, &c. I ihia, Poisoning, killing. itn&l', Plur. of ^\sio tanb.1. iinhlet, An umbrella, shade, shelter. \ itnakh, Having indigestion. \ ilnbft To ascend upon mountains. \ itnhn, To make a sound as ducks, &c. l atu'b,d> Plur. of i 3 b ^ozi'c^. Plur. of JS ^ tucer. Hur. of^^ teu-oos. \, Plur. of 6^ towk. atwel, Superlative of ^ fool. b\ aioom, A sea-tortoise, turtle or its thick- it, \ z/-M, Diligent, skilful. [er shield. , Plur. of ^^ \il-hbf, Lightening. ^ Ul= J aty&l>, Plur. of [ 147 I l aiyctr, Plur. of ^> teer. \ atycly Superlative of t ^ teelr. \ a teer, Sin, crime. \ ateet, Making a noise, the noise made by a camel's colt, rattling of the belly. j \]o \ azzar, A nurse. jf3\&\ azafecr, Plur. of yfc 5;e/er. ^li i azlce, Plur. of ^li seee. v-_, 1-^fe ! czrkl, Plur. of v ^& cre^. zoliri. uzloofet, Ground covered with sharp rugged stones. [ an 7 thing. ^\ izmh, Making thirsty, panting after <]o\ azma, Black (cloud or shadow,) brown 19 \j]o !?zwfif72,Mistrusting,doubting. [wither'dlip. \^o \ c%-har,~Plur. ofzotte?*, ?z/?w, revealing, d!s- jjo \ czhcr, Superlative of y> \& xaher. [covering. U! e-d, A chest, purge, sheath. OoU \ a-hled Plur. of [ H8 ] *1 U 1 a-hjem, Plur. of ^ of em. a-ajeel, Plur. of ^^s. ajeel. :i f-drf, Reducing, recalling. U \ i-adeh, Returning, bringing back. U \ abdee, Plur. of ^ j^ c^/oo. 5 i U 1 i-bzet, Flying for refuge. . lc ^ i-hret, Lending, a loan. acirez, Plur. of i u ^ ahslieer, Plur. of ^ & U ^ i-kshet, Living. 5 . u j i-azct, Indigent, poor. 1^*0 U I aciselj Plur. of Co>^ U 1 i-hset, Entangling, reducing to want. vw*, U ^ auseer,luT.of*jj*. aseret.[for another. M ic I i-hzet, Giving one thing in return '+& U 1 aazeniy Plur. of ^ a%w?/?. J U i a-^/ee, Plur. of ,_ c/ee. *3 U ^ i-kneh or CJU ! i-bnet, Help, assistance. 1 f . /3 IP 1 i-anee-kurdun, To support, to fa- u \ a&wer, Plur. of .^ ae^er. [vour. -? 3 Uc | ft -/^, Like, resembling. r , Purchasing, as a captive. r , Plur. of j G^WC/, Plur. of t \ a~ld t Plur. of j Uc alhl. [ing, . Us 1 f-fa&i Making one to consent, content- Us \ i-tad, Causing to number. Uc! i-tak, Bestowing freedom, giving leave. i-tam, Becoming dark (night.) si i-tan, Being severe (to a debtor,) i-telcid, Reducing to slavery. i-tclar, Respect, honour, reasoning or computing by comparison,being astonished. , Mischief, wrong. [sameness. iiedal, Right, honesty, uprightness, ) i-tedbl-kitrdun, To temper, to ;= \i-tczar, To excuse, an apology, [moderate. \jiz\i-tcrb, t A contagion, transmitting, [review. u&\jZs. \i-tcr ax, To oppose, pride, disobedience, ttUMjXcl frter&zbl, Plur. of ^^Xs? i-fer&z. I JAC I i-terhf, Acknowledgement, waiting, asking, acquainting, [on another in battle. I J^i i-terak, Compression, pressing one up- \.Xs^ i-te%a%, Becoming beloved. i-tczhl, Abdicating, schism, [deavour. i-tezhm, Application of the mind, en- i-tesam Preserving one's self from sin. i-tesad, Being in the middle, going right, o y J I 150 ] C*\ Zc I i-teykd, Supporting, assisting. i-tetitd. Confidence, faith. ^i-tekad-lordun or ^ mad-kurdun, To place confidence. i-teka,lj Seizing (a horseman.) Making lame, a-rhj, PJtir. of ^^ ~^l a-rbs, I'lur. of tj.j* oroos, i-ras, the married state, accompanying with women. \js. t a-rash, Plur. of j^^ aresh. jo\js.\ a-rbs, PJur. of JL^^C arest. oljs.\ a-rax, Plur. of ^ c arex, i-raz, turn- ing away the face, to be published, hap- \ a-raf, Plur. of o ^* aref. [pening, 1 a-r&&, Plur. of 6^.c are^. -re;', A cripple from birth. a-aref, Superlative of o^c aref. z-zh, Plur. of ^c z%. v !^! a-zbl, Batchelor. [veneration, jl^fil -^%, Honor, respect, magnificence, t > *j^ji\y i \i-Z(iz-kurdun t To honor, to respect, ^jri /z-^a/, Plur, of lyt] azel. ^yt\ i-zcin> Sharing, partitioning. f l*MX^ i-s*un, Having the limbs stiff and mo- tionless from an aridity in the joints. ^\ a-%el, Unarmed (person,) rainless clouds, a horse lashing his hips with his tail. vc | a-axet, Superlative of ys. a%. , Running away (the wolf.) ] i~sar, Meeting with difficulties. =. \ a-ser, Sinister, left handed. i-slia, Making purblind-, giving or receiv- I i-shcib, Grassy (ground.) [ing a supper. a-shar, Plur of ^&c aslier, i-shar, being \ a-shash, Plur. of ^s. ush. [ten in number. i-s/ Going backwards and forwards. a-fct, Indiscreet, stupid, heavy. t \ a-fes, One who exposes himself to danger. l a-&a, Very bitter, spitting out any thing on account of its bitterness. Uc \ i-&bl, Alternately with another, a~kb,l, . \ i-kcid, Making thick, [plur. of cJb akeb. fr, Making water bitter. lie I i-fol> Obtaining intelligence, wise. Us ' i-fcbm, Rendering the womb incapable of a-kel, Plur. of v lxc o^a^'. [conception. a-ked, Plur. of jju a^'c?. a-^e/, Superlative of jJ?U a-kel. < ?'-&, To thicken, to condense. t i-'kor, Having a troop of camels (from 5o to loo,) making any thing dirty. , Changing the colour of the hair, , Plur. o a-kkm, Plur. of - 5 a-kbn, Plur. of icl -^^, Dead (a horse,) having the root of his tail strong and thick. l a-la, High, i-la, exalting, being superior, being in the upper part of any thing, [up. rt a-lakurdun, TQ raise, to elate, to lift i- lfrs, Mixing together, [ 15(3 ] Plur. of gvXs feeble, vile, cursed. \ a-u'cs, Lustre, polish, the instrument with which any thing is polished. \ a-u'Cs, Difficult verses, &c. [to cattle. Lt ] i-hk, Affected by a distemper incident o Le \ i-lihli, Doingany thing with chearfulness. Uc \ a-vb,, A man having an impediment in a us 1 a-yacl, PJur. of .v^ ?W. [his speech. ^U-. ^ a-yar, Plur. of ^x ^Url a-?/a5, Plur. of e Us 1 a-^7/, Plur. of ^ IP! ^-^-//a or toi, (In the Mogul and Khou- arasmian dialect,) head master, &c. S3U1 igtifoet, Relief, succour. ^ IP ). ,g//r, Wetting, moistening. g^ U I igli&ret, Flowing down upon land (water,) mending the space, marrying a second wife. [of a door, an entrance. t , U> 1 aghkreh, A kind of loose shoe, a step Ui (/;U>) agharee, A vessel -. [solved, i x u J(P 1 aghareedwi, To moisten, to be dis- UM aghaz, A commencement, beginning. 1 j(f 1 agJiaza, A slipper, an entrance, [mence. S t ' j. /yT hghaz-licidtm, To begin, to coin- , -i^lpT hghaaJi, Recorded, accumulated. .'&(?JagJi&shtun, To heap up. ighhzet, INIaking water to decrease. igka^etf Increasing, raising, indignation^ aghkfet, Making one to stoop, or sub-* aghal) More than enough. [miU aghalet, (A woman) giving suck to a child while cohabiting with a man, (a man) exposing a child to danger, by co- habiting with the mother whilst giving suck. aglialesli, Inducing a foolish person to do any thing that is bad, accumulation. .y&JUl aglialeshtun, To accumulate. ..OvAJUJ agkaleedun> To stir up, to wake, to rouse, inflame, animate (to battle, &c.) to aghblet, Plur. of ^u glielet. [put to flight. aghbmet, Cloudy (sky.) aghanet, Immersed in grief or love, j U V aghbnee, Plur. of Ui g UM VO U i agltkyesh, Corruption. i*/(^&J fighayan, Plur. of U>T. ag/*&. Uil ighla. Raining slightly. j Ul i vglilar, Plur. of ^ ghclcr. ., Provoking, enraging. %//2^/, Making wet, wetting. i \ aghzb,dun To invert. [cotton ighzbf, Cloudy, dark night, being soft /g^ifd^ Dark night, makingdark. [eyed. ughtef, Comfortable, easy life, large aglitiyct, Plur. of Uu [ 163 ] IjuJ aghfh, Plur. of Ui j lir \ aglifar, Plur. of 'j& gkefur, iglifar, covering, laying up any' thing in a repo- JlI ogftjW, Plur. of jjic ghefcl. [sitory. ^u 1 oghfe-r, Covering, &c., LP ) aghel-, A sheep-cote. [price. &cl iglila, Growing high herbage, of great ti'il igMat, One single ebullition. ^ ^\ ig/u&t, Making to mistake, wrong. & 5Vc I ighl&z, Using coarse or opprobrious Ian- iglaft Sheathing. [g ua g e aghfak, Plur. of c^Xi ghelefc. aghfal, Plur. of Ji #/*//. ighl'nn, Inflaming with desire, provok- ing to venery, making friendship. ! aghleby Superlative of ^\.z gliclb. [bdrn. aghlef, Sheathing (sword &c.) hard, stub- aglilemet, Plur. of f ^ gliolam. whhntcL, Superior, over-powering. vgldocj, A small branch. ugliloot, To err. [to err. ttghlootet, A question, any thing liable \ iglwia, Fainting. igh?nbd, Plur. of j* gfiemcd. t 164 ] ft! aghmar, Plur. of ^ gliemrct. ighmht, Blaming. \ ighmbv, Sharpening (the edge of the sword,) winking (the eyes,) ighmat, Continuing. \ aghmera, Plur. of^A. ghcmeer. ighna, Enriching, become wealthy. hnam, Plur. of +j gJicnuin. M Ur I aghncLUy Filled (a bottle.) ^I aghcndun, To fill, to cram. aghendeh (or X UP I) Pret. of the above. aghneyJL, Plur. of ^ ghenec. / " * aghncyet, Musick, a song. ighwa, Deceiving. l agliawaty Plur. of ui \ aghwar, Plur. of ^ U \ aghwat, Plur. of fcjU ghayet. [crying. $\j*\ aghu'al, Plur. of ^ g/?oo/, iglucal, . JtS ' J> | aghosh; The bosom, an embrace. ,;& 4^1 bghoshtun. To take in the bosom, to w ^ embrace. [ly or unexpectedly. i >* ^ aghwel, Rushing upon any thing violent- ughiriyct, Danger, evil. aghyar, Plur. of Li t j$l:yum, Cloudy (sky.) [to cut, to hang, '~-^ I anhsecJitun or ,j x u.^ I To embrace, /il Gglccl, A down-cast look from bashful-. agJieemut, Plur. of ,A ghelcem. [ness, ?{/) Pho ! fy ! for shame, fl/a, The master of a family or his eldest son. t i/ Making clear. J afa %el> Plur. of J^l5 fa%el. [ting news, 1 rfateliy Expanding, publishing, transmit- afateer, Plur. of ^' 9 feter. Ul ifazf't, Killing, murdering. lil cface, Plur. of ^\ efee. \ tfkf, Timidity, time. J hfhk, Plur. of uXi'i S s I 166 ] *1 *i*AJ1 ifaftet, Recovery from a distemper. .^ U \ nf a kee, Horizontal watch, or time-piece. efb,}eyb, or LJ l# 1 A kind of liquid flow- ing from minerals or pressed from acid A liar. [substances. j>^,U! cfal'd, Plur. of^^jl afkd. + \s\ tfdm, Debt. ifa?t, Time, opportunity. ^ 3 U? cfcuLUCj or^J^S! Plur. of &t\j\ afaycli, Tlur. of ^JU^ Col 0/d/, \Vretchedness, misfortune. xjl iftb, Tiring, resolving a question in law. tel o//a, A fall, &c. also ^ll. w^ l^T aftab, The sun. J-'Ul-tJ-T afta.ll;li\neli, A summer house. J)Wl oftadun or >i/>i or .* I To fall, , Appearing from clouds (the sun or fiftahediin,Totezir, tocleave. [moon.) i/tew, Trying, vexed with misfortune. iftctah, Opening, beginning. iftehar, Delivering an opinion or ad- vice which no body follows. t ifteh&s, Investigation, information. eftekhy Having soft and limber palms of iftefchar, To glory, to honor, [the hand. .. / (? ) iftefrhar-kerdun, To glory in any thing, to boast of, &c. /7cd, A wonderful thing, strange. iftera, Calumny, unjust, imputation. ) iftcrad, Single, being alone. iftcray, or ^L^3l To separate, to divide. kt J3! iftercit, To be strengthened. o^Xil iftcrak, Separation. /^ly^l ifterbfiari A slanderer. LoJot ifte%ak t Disgrace, ignominy. efterce, Blasphemy. \ rftekar, Poverty, becoming poor. tekbl* Turning the mind to. ifteybt, Dying suddenly, sudden death. ,UA.*I iftenhn, Love, losing one's senses j \ rfsa, Weary. [from love, grief, &c. e fj ee j> A channel, a valley. , PJur. of Us , Plur. of /, Departing from any design. [ 163 ] ! if hash, Speaking scandalously. efhal, Plur. of ^ fhel. iffiam, Silencing. efhul, Plur. of ^s^fchuL .\ rfkhax, Pluo of &L\fckhez. r cflhcw, Superlative of ^L fekhcm. \ cfd, Making haste, hastening. I tfd or jjk ! A nephew bj brother or sifter. j \ ifi'Ct, Exacting ransom from a captive. (4 >il ifdestj,, 'Praising, clearing. I efczhn, An unfledged bird. , Plur. of jo f<-%, - nfcr, To be fat, rejoicing. ifra, To cut, to tear, to spoil. 3 I if raj, Discovering a murder. 51 efiah, Plur. of -^ fereh. ifrah-kurdun, To rejoice. ifrakh, Plur. of ^.y ferchh, bringing, forth or hatching (beasts, birds,) undaunted. 5! efr&khtun, To exalt, to celebrate, to cfrad, Plur. of ' *>y* ford. [spread. ifrar, Putting to flight. ifraz, Dividing, parting, separating. h3l 4- i JlyjJ cffi&zrofth, Having large cheeks, efrazee or Jj& I 3 J Exaltation. efrfc&ttdun, To en crease, &c. u-ljil 6/r^, Plur. of y-H y I cfrhsli, Plur. of i f >j & ! 3 ) efraslianeedun, To cause to exalt. ^^ / -l^j cfrhshtuii, To exalt. 3 1 efr&shteh, Preterit of the above. [&c.) ^ !y ! i//'as, Assisting, favouring, (as fortune, o^ 'jj 1 $?&%> Ordering any thing to be ob- served (in point of religion, law, &;c.) LljJi afrht, Plur. of bjj furt, if fat, making haste, filling a bag. , Being at the top, descending a hill. ^\ ifragh, To kill, murder, to fill (vessel,) pouring out (water) upon any. body. , ** \ 7 TT^l f* **Jf* 7 jj \ ejra/i, 1 Jur. or o o Jark. f s \ if rah, Kipe for rubbing (an ear of corn.) 5 1 if ram, Filling (a vessel.) 'j- 5 *jfrb>n> Extremely cheerful. \ uforet, A crowd, sorrow. JyJl qfertek, Young. efrokh, Plur. of ,y 9 f&reft. , Plur. of is Tt [ 170 ] ^1 jfreghet, Plur. of ^ \jsferaghel. cferkk, Plur. Qf&jijfar&eh. [ed sword. if rend, A sword, the lustre of a polish-. ttstikht Dispelling grief, removing cfrenk, Adorning. [sickness. J&p jf \cfroklitegecy Lightning. !*/&}/ ) efrokhtw, To light, kindle. ^ * 5 ) efrohhteh, Pret. of the above. [&c. J3) tfroz, Burning, inflaming, polishing, j^J 1^3 I cfrozbneedun, To cause to burn. *J> ) */ t efro%cedun t To burn, inflame, &c. i^^j 3T ffreedktar or hfrccdgar, The cira- .| x o 3T qfrcedun, To create. [tor, God. afrcedeh, Pret. of the above. bftcen, Creating, praising. fifreenush, Any thing created by God. jl ^/2, Assaulting. \f\ (f%h, Increasing. j\-^\ if%ar, To trade, art. ^tyi ^%az, Removing from a place. \yt ifzaa, Frightening, succouring. cfzuneedun* To multiply, to add, to efzaeedun, To add. [propagate. . A*J/' ffzkyesJi, Addition, abundance. Cj)Jj?^ (fzcrdun or (M^^J To throw ef?,en&, Adorning, [away, reject, &q. efaoodun, To add* to increase. , Greater, \%oon > Superlative of /M/l vf* jj p\ Increase, augmentation. La\ (/*'a,Havingahollo.wbackora protuberan -U.51 if$ah> Large, spacious (place.) [breast, , Corrupting, tainting, ef scar dun t To Squeeze, aJ, Plur. of ^fcsL ^^^3\ ef&u, A whet-stone. J LJ 1 cfsaneh, A history, manuscript^ ~j ) efser, A crown. .*/ 4 -vJ ) aftordun, To freeze, to grow faint* o * -vJ 1 ofsordehy Fret, of the above. ( _ x^s^ cfsek, Superlative of JUS jTc^. /r^A^J I efsoos, Irritation, ah! alas! .| ^vJ 1 efsoon, Enchantment, ^J 1 cfsoonkon, An enchanter. if aha, Publishing. [to squeeze, lii j ifslibdun or /v'^ ; t^ !> To sweep, tij ! ifslihgh, Striking (with a whip.) jl ljj I efohbn, Dispersing, scattering. /l>u U)l efshancethm, To cause, to shed. l*j| efshandun, To disperse, shed. /$(7,, Ceasing (rain,) retiring (as summer.) ?/sfl^, Explaining clearly, dawning (the ifs&hitn, Clearly, distinctly, [morning. ifskdy To spoil, to corrupt. ifsks, Bringing or drawing out. ifsam,. Ceasing (as rain, as a fever.) t$ l qfseli, Superlative of ^a^ feseh. cfsem, Broken> (bracelet.) ?Tz&, Going out into the fields, open- ing one's mind, communicating a secret. oj! ifzbkh, Beginning to be ripe, (bunches of dates or grapes.) [favor. efzal, Plur. of J^j ezel, if%JLl> to cfxeliy Of a whitish colour, /ie/, Superlative of 3,^ fczcl. 1 ef&deyet, Pre-excellence. [ed all day. if tar, Breakfasting late after having fast- f lk>! tfthm, Ready for weaning (a colt.) k> } Lame, crippled. cftes, Flat-nosed. t 173 1 gUSjt ifzaa, Troublesome (business.) *.! if-om, Filling, putting in a rage. 0X* \ ef~ee, A large venomous serpent. j\.ty\ ifghar 9 Opening the mouth. /v/i*i!" efghctn, Groaning. [ment. M )/i\) U?l efgli&n-kurdun, To groan, to la- \ efefy A small matter. \ ofiiii, The horizon, tfek, travelling. ifkad, Destroying, running. ifkar, Becoming poor. Uwi iftdh, To understand, to know. Jisl efker, Superlative of yij off-cm, jis \ tefa-%ee,Qne who has visited many climates. ^5 I c/yJ", Inverting, diverting from any pur- cfkar, Plur. of ^^^5 e/^'". [pose, a lie. e fg ar > Wounded, fatigued. [separate. i efkbk, Plur. of ^ /eA\ {fkak, to Sl qfk&needuri, To cause one to throw. c//i7//, Trembling. [away. ] ^/Z'072, To lay up for future use, casting cfkendegij, A falling off, objecting. efkendun, To throw. [edges', e/e//, A sword, broke or notched in the d^, Setting at liberty, U a L >\ eflhj, Plur. of ^ felj. \ af/kz, Plur. of j&felz. | e/Vsi5, A bankrupt. [ing suddenly. ?/7&/, Surprizing, coming upon or attack- < ?/?a^, Plur. of jiU /e/cA*. > Having a cut on the under lip. i\ efn, Impairing (the understanding.) 1 ifnh> Corrupting. *\ ijnad orux^=A r l Telling a He, a story. , Plur. of ji;5 fcnck. il cfniikt Plur. of 3 fends. un tfnttu, Pliir. of ^j? fenn. ^y (/?^a/, Pliir. of ojj /oo/I iW/^'a-h riur. of t_3^ /oc-^. l cftt'uh, Plur. of *^ /oo/!. ' t'fuor, Leaping, swift, active. ^ 2//60/, Setting (as the sun or stars.) t Large mouthed. \if/nU', Filling. [plaining. ! t/^^. U> ! afraseece, Plur. of ^^i' bysseh. g& U \ o^a^o'jPlur. of f k; keteea, [contract^ X! U ? iJialet, Imputing to any one, breaking a *J U ! akaleem, Plur. of ^Xi* ! aklcem. i^^ UM ikhmet, Standing still> stopping. ^ U \ ^a ncem, Plur. of ^iM uJcnoom. + .}\S\ ttnvwem, Plur. of -^5 ^yw. ,)jjUM aJiCLii'cd, Plur. of ^^ Rcnvhl. US' 1 Mali, Acting shamefully, basely. US' I #flr, Causing to bury. [knife. u* Uj* ! ^Adx, Making a handle to a sword or ^ Ui' ! iklal) Good fortune, turning (the face towards any person or thing,) approaching. ,*vo \ iklch, Superlative of ^i* ftdeh* t- * 4.* 1^0 I akt, A fixed hour. V^SJ alcthl, Plur. of C__AA$ fteteb. a U5 \ aktcid, Plur. of ^3 ketcd. j\&\ aktar, Plur. of^xs keter. [to death. $ U \ a ft i a,l, Plur. of y hutul, iktal, exposing ^lol ikthn> Scarce, emaciated. Uxi' J iktilh, Dressing, &c. iktilal, Cutting off (the hand.) *h;*$ \ ikiitat, Eradicating. [of the fingers. JL lixi' ! iktishs, Tearing, plucking. ^Isij'i Utih­ Enquiring. JjJoM iktid&i Imitation. j \ JO* ! \ktidar, Power, excellence, boiling. ^ \y3 \ iktirali, An extemporary composition, delivery (in prose.) , \jXS \ ikterar, A camel becoming fat by feeding on herbage or grain, washing in cold ikteran, Joining. [water. ! ikteshm, Dividing, an oath. iktesar, Abbreviating. ifttczb, Receiving (a debt,) importuning. J iktetaf, Pulling, plucking. Uui'i iktefti, Following, chusing. iktenb, Acquiring, gaining. r 177 1 ;x5i ffifctrfa, Hunting, ch. icing. I&&, Abounding in cucumbers. ifcb?n t Giving one a large share (of any a-kcheJ), Money, coin. [thing bail.) liy Piur. of g\s toli-ha. [draught. M ilhJLt t Penury, scarce of provisioiis a c5UcvJ akhaft Plur. of c-i*w kelnf, ^ae&\ ihh'il, Withered. c-ssuM aJilittd, PJur. of scVs^' ftehedct. ^3\ akudu, Plur. of j3 ^ \ ikzu.%, Putting wings to an arrow, \$S\ akzar, Filth. \*3\il%ka, Traducing, reproaching. &>\ aktelct, Plur. of $ &s bezel. [to read, J Plur. of ij5 kerb,i&rb t ordering tj-l ukral, Plur. of Vj j> kercl, ikr/ll, fil- ling, sheathing (a sword,) near delivery (a woman.) [tiog(eyes.) ^'t ilrah, Ulcerating, raising (head,) shut^ \jS\ it ratl, Resting, akrad, Plur. of $ ^ JtcrctL \jS\ i 7 rar, Confession, promise, refreshing. J^ ) ^/' ikrar-lturdun, To promise, &c. -l^i'l Writs, Congealing. a^M ikrasli, Speaking ill of any one. il^i'J ikraz, Lending, giving credit. \yi \ ikiba, Casting or drawing lots, hiring out a camel, stallion, returning (o that \\hich is right, submitting, abstaining ikraf> Accusing, being n(?arer. [from. Hit\iiH, Becoming master, honouring. akrim, Plnr. of ^ hcrcn. tikn'l), Superlative of u jS herd. uJircba, Plur. of u^v korl\. ikrn, J'ccoming hard, strong. akrem, A stallion, camel. ^3 \ akrrn, One \\ lu.^ Plur. of f v> kezem. \ akzel, A wolf. ?'&>&, Hardening (the heart.) U..V I ?'sa, To equal. 5dw> Plur. of ^j; ftesm. iksnk, Becoming poor, from being rich, Ia^Zi^ Plur. of t-Jivi' keshel* iM iksnksV, Recovering from sickness. i&sJ&a, Dispelling, driving away. &>' i ikslia, To exalt> becoming illustrious. Laj>| zl^'a, Removing far off. v Lai* \ aft sab, Plur. of c^aS kesub. a 1^23 1 iksad, Endeavouring to break. ^UU1 ^ar, To abstain, becoming deficient, (a woman) bearing children. jjcUsj'i iksas, To kill the murderer, to release, at the point of death. < ifaa\ akscf, Having the teeth broken in the \ aJfsa, Superlative of tyta s kesa, [middle. ikzaz, Cleansing, following bad habits. ik%am, Giving grain to a horse. ak%a, Superlative of ^> ke%a, \ akzeyet, Plur. of ISO } S'f alt> Dressing victuals prepared with tyre or curdled n: i'5 akthl, Plur. of .*!.:; / '! ik-h, Setting upon the hands (as a deer,) having his fore-feet perpendicular io ir.e i& is, To lavish. fgrosmd* US I z'/i-d^, Desiring one to sit, to lame. '-flr Digging deep (a well.) 'lz'^-as, Opulence. ycUS I ?'#-#.?, Killing suddenly. Is US! ik-ctt, Obscure (in conversation), ik-al, Expanding. ik-GM> Biting, killing. ak-ul, Plur of t^ii ka-db. ak-nd, One who is very distantly cd to the head of the family. 3 +*y\ i&-em, Flat nosed, [a woman. tyxy \ afc-a> Having slender legs and thighs alfci or XxiiM Plur. of US' kef a. akfkl or jisi Plur. of $&. kofl* a 7 ' fed, Walking on tiptoe, iftjilal, Wrinkled. A"e/, Superlative of 3^ ketta. a&fol, Piur, cf uJL ^e/eJ, ik-la!> t turning i^/at, Destroying, releasing, [revolving. iklhd, Overwhelming. art, Diverting (from any business), go- ing with full sails. o iVj; 1 iMbf, Locking. si iklcjt> A distemper. Ma,m y Plur. of ^x? Jtelcm. 1 ?^ 7^/j The skin which covers t!\e glands. iMeed or ^VJLS Key. v *4i'! iklccm, A country, kingdom, &c. [fat. Ui ?^wi, Despising, having cattle, becoming c l^ ikmali, Raising the head, shutting the eyes, a 131 iKw&d, Exalting (the neck). .IjH a%ma.r 9 Plur. of^j* fcemer, ikmar, Having bright moon-light (a night.) [any thing. zy Possessing, taking up ahand full of y y t 182 ] r'> u*UM ikmb,s, Dipping into water. alos^i i&mihd&d, Holding up the head, dwel- w^USJ iknkb, To perfume, to enrich. [ling. c> US j i/;nht, Being earnest in prayer. \i \iknka, Rendering content, having the eyes intently fixed upon any thing, the praying to god by lifting up the hands. oUi't ikiiaf, Able in business. to U3l uknhn, Plur. of ^ cuvn. *3 \ uknct, A structure of stone, a nest built in stone, (by a bird of prey.) * y* \ al:noom t A principle. is jji\ alnhy Roman or hawk nosed. \ \ ikwh, Uninhabited, poor. v 1 \ aJtwal, Plur. of ^ ^; fraivol. c, \j9\ afrfcht, Plur. of & 3 frewct. j \jS\ dkn'h%, Plur. ofjj^ keivez. y.^51 aliU'b.s, Flur. of ^^ frewes. ]*\\ aJtwht, Plur. of \s^i kewct. *\*s\ aht'bn, Plur. of ^^v kaiua. }lj\ ahral, Plur. of ^ cowl. ^\ akwbm, Plur. of f> > co^wi. -1. jS t t^tttror, Altered, fat. , Difficult, high hill of sand. $, A lion, tyger, panther. akivt, Plur. of : >i' kowa. aJcivcm, Superlative of .. I . f r -> afcich, Superlative of & 2 * y ahviyk, Plur. of tfyf ftowee. tt-har, Finding one conqueror, [concern. it-halt Interfering in what one has no ,UH ik-ham, Serene (the sky.) ol VTyd, Making one to vomit. US \ aki/ad, Plur. of j^s ^/We. >U\ akijktt Plur. of t/j> yfz^g. I UiM tfiybl, Speaking, ordering. 1 J e^-^, A sultry day, .1 *!&, Frightening, dreading. ^3 ! aftctler, Plur. of j^a, ft deer. *z{^=>\ ikahet, Conquering in battle, given. jls>! ^'''> One who digs or tills the ground. i' ,ls>J at are f, Walking fast, 1 ekhris, Plur. oi etard, Plur. of atarem, Plur. of jw ^> tireem. ikaset, Having ingenious children. dkhsem, Plur. of f >v *^> tesoom. Plur. of js> J fl^z7. & ls 1 inanef, Humiliating, submitting. e lr T afi#, Intelligent, vigilant. .'j^clT T agahxhoduti/Fu be informed, &r. x ^ i*j)/t J \ agahtwdtt/ifTo inform, to certify. sVjhgciJ&e or J T Knowledge, care. V 2^5^, Vexing. a} lady Plur. of ^ys^ Kcled. iklar, Becoming great, [any subject.) l iklan, With-holding (the tongue upon eltleh, Strong (camel.) uftler, Superlative of ^^ Jciler. \ iklerit, The nearest kindred. \ dklrt&h, Having a preposterously shaped ekke.t, Warttith. [fore-head. eh tad, Plur. of ^xs, ^e/co?. ^ ?^/r, Having a great bunch (a camel.) 1 iK filial t Rubbing the eyes with a :^:1 i& final', Acquisition. infifay Enough, pleasure. extern, Full bellied, saturated. [thing. iRtcnahf Getting to the bottom of any i&tett'b, To stain, to spit. [ 185 ] " =>J &&?, (A man) having a thick beard. i&sar, Increasing, enlarging. i/tsj.??i, Tilling. aiseT) Superlative of ^=3 kcscer. ctl:sa, (A man) having red lips. [way. aJtsem-) A large bellied (man,) wide akejt A hook. ikdah , E n d ea v o u r i ; akdar, Plur. of , j^=s &edeh s^ akdk", Plur. of ^ ^ - ikdatn, Family bound by agreement. ^7'?A 7 ', Compelling o;ie to lie, ukzolei, A lie, story. '/!/% Digging. g-ge/-, If. [}et,' &c ) uggerchek) Altho, notwithstandioe O O O ikrh, Hiring. ikrbl, Afflicting, distressing. iftras, Giving pain. afsrah, Plur. of ^^ kercli. iu rQf> Plur. of ^ kerra. abbs, Plur. of ^ ^^ ^e^. iltr&f, A rotten egg, smelling. krbm, Honor. [ 186 *1 Ik rah, Aversion. I itkrct, A well, ditch. , Plur. of j^ akrem, Plur. of ^y kcreem. s\ ?%&z, Ailected by intense cold. ikzam, Eating till loathing. clcseh, Lame, weak. eksa, Better dressed. ikseer, An elixir. ikn/i&t Dressing meat till it is dry. akshad, Purit'ying (butter.) ~zJ \akishteh, Strong, chained. fii=s\ ckshein, A kind of wolf. iksbs, Flying. i, Plur. of pk^ kczcin. i'iur. of s.ot^r ^-?/&. Ufisi ik-ar, A boy bccoiiiing swag-bellied. *Usl ik-aa, Wearing, retraining. L ra K e - c_Jl*~j^ ik-hf> Going ;>. liint; with . .Uj&l ik-un, Remission of alacrity. iu~ a \ iJijb, T.- uo\\n in order to empty u vessel, ukfa, Plur. of yu^? //// ^\ ikfah, Bridling a horse. t Afiliction. el Jit, Eating, devouring, baek-biting. ikkel, Turning the face. ^ \ iklal, Enraging. 1 iklah, Restoring. eklul, Plur. of ^ kelcl. \ AiK \ iklendfa, Refusing. 3*K \ iklcel, A crown. .i .J^) akleydon, A. kind of stuff made- tirelv of silk, worked with flowers, &c. ciiUTJ ifankt, A horse of a dark reddish CQ^- -ItJ"^ ifcmah, Pulling the reins. [lour* iim$$h, Pride, loftiness, Msmtil, Accomplishing, perfecting. UH a j 'mh,m, Plur. of ^T kumm. UT i iktncuH, Laying snares. eJfmet, A hill, a rising ground, [perceived. J el'inus, Anything that can hardly be < ckmel, Superlative ofj^" Jtamd. ?/i7/A, Expressing any thing by a word which has naturally another meaning. ;==J i fatal', Growing hard, (hand,) error. ikuash. Ordering one to make haste, c ur \ i&naa, Contracting the wings, assembling 6 U^= \ cknhf, Plur. of uJuS* ftencf. [the people. t 188 ] / g ! ikubit, Concealing in one's mind, aknan, Plur. of ^^ henna, [any thing, 5 \ iknuk, Arriving at the last stage of ok net, Kest. ogonj, Sausage, fiock of \\ool. ,->j J tigundiin, To fill, also ,|>JJ ). U I aendeh, Prct. of /* r-\ Lazj , unfit for business. ,*'.*J I cknoon, Kovv, for, at present. ly 1 z'?ra, Intimidating. , Plur. of Vj .^, ^ooA. , Plur. of ^^s kookh. aZf Plnr. of KJ^^ toozeh. x ^y 1 agoosh, The bosom, embrace. .j, /// V 1 kgooshkurduto) To embrace. ^^jl eroo/, Gluttonous. f *.> ^ eJitrem, High. .^ j 1 e^cV/, Intelligent, careful!. U^ i c?;ii(tr, Plur. o^USs^ ekyks, Plur. of ^^b ^^<". afyksh, Wool or silk twice spun. iijaly Plur. of 3^9, kilt. \ ckyeh, Rough, gross. l akeekhy A nerve. A^ 1 ekeed, Strong, brave, MA^I cftyes, Prudent. :~,t ekcck, A sultry day. (.keel, Eater, *\^i eftcclct, food. /* I agueen> Filling. [a family. w " j ! <7/, Offspring, e//, God, acknowledge, swear, jl /, Fiery, red, ol t that. 10 $\ ilia, Except, unless, &c. &y\ alat, Plur. of 53 5 aid. 2U^I ilahet, Shining, arising, ayo;'Ii;-g s 5U^? ilaset, Trembling. /, Plur. of cJin /t/! j y i z7d^, Shining, lighting. M ilaket, Sending. ilalet, Beginning the night* * If J alum, Plur. of /) J leled, ilbbd t loading, c/^a^-, Plur. of y^J /e/;^. iHb&, An error in speech. , Plur. of yj /c'^ew. uJ _p , Plur. of ^ loll. diet, Desire, anguish. ) alletteh, Necessarily, certainly, undoubt- clleset, Plur. of ^ /t'tc'5. [edly. , An instrument, harness, tool, &c. [day. //a/', Necessary, eating only opce in the iltelas* Wearing, to be distressed, ultet, Perjury. [mixing. I ilteshm, To kiss. > To take protection* iltelib, Becoming bearded. [garment. sU 1 iltchaf, Clothed with any kind of upper f la=U i ilteh&m, (A wound) filled up with f lyi I iliczciin, Taking upon one's self, [flesh. o UxJ { iltefot, Benevolence, turning. c lixl J iltifaki Covering. UUJ 5 iltika, Interview, meeting, ip liu! i iltikat, Gathering. - IKx! ! iltikam t Swallowing. ^ Ux1 1 iltimas, Praying, respecting, f. UA! ! altimacL, Shining, changed colour, i Jib, Tribute, tax. , Fold. vVc**! ilt'chab, Burning fire* ^xi I dice, Who, which- 3 UxJ I iltiykz, Flying to. f Ux! I iltiykm, Submission, agreement, courtesy, U! \ lisa, Wet (a garment). cij Ul 1 ilsas, Pressing, remaining in a place. o UJ ! ilskk, Moistening. [tation, a 1 e/5<2, Pronouncing the letters with hesi- li ^ *{/'^j Compelling. d li 5 eljaf, Plur. of c^LsvJ %^/i * lal \ Hi am', Bridling. r d *^ 3 eljimet, Tlur. of f U \ f ! elcliee\ An ambassador, an envoy. IJ. 1 z77;a, Becoming bearded. V U.1 UJihlt Striking (with a sword.) g-Lii f'/A-T/, Compelling. ..y.^ ilhaht Urgency, desiring. a li i *"///&X 1 elfertge&hin or , 1 1 >Jbu I To gain, ,'t^^uRJ! elfendeedun, Km \ ing. w *JC J G/^, Mad, furious, insane, e]rl; t a wolf, UJl e/^A, Throwing, ])H)ject ion. [a she- wolf, cjlxl I elkal, Plur. of v^ lekeb* ^r ^ UJ J ettaJi, 1'nriching, covering, jo uj 5 c/^a/, Straggling. [ o IxJ \ elJfaf, Plur. of -U! \ilhm, Making one to swallow, [easily. J.J UJ ! ilkhn, Learning quickly, understanding Iclil, A she wolf, a bold woman. dkcss'cli, Upon the whole, in a word, J&\ ilkh* To meet, to inspect. [to be brief. *Ai'J 1 vlkeyet, A question for solution. ^XJ ! elik, Helpless, sending a message. &=A \ clkcil, Fixed. jj-jSaJ \Mun, A stammerer, [paint for the face. J yO ) algoonch or d3 ^ i Rose-coloured, a 7, Fy, groaning. V7?> God Almighty. J ! clew, Distress, affliction-, trouble, U. ! ?*/;// i> Going away privately. ~ IU ilmali, Glancing at, appearing (star.) ^ lii clmas, Sharp, diamond, brilliant. ^lU ilniaa, Shining. [olfence. f U | ilw&w, Descending, committing a slight j fc^vM el&nzshedch, Good news. ^J. ^ e//?? j* 'Joii't Failing, becoming proud. lit-.) J J 1 ihrj ^M uhfcnil, Height. 3UA ^J ^ olooliiyct, The duly, >,! ^ j/t7/, sec *)J\ Ul ////d, Employing. V UH /Z//a/', Flaming, running a horse. IrUJl z///a/, Laving and washing (viiivam su- o^l ?'Z//af, Lamenting. [am aqua.) p l^J I illikw, Inspiration. [ing from a journey. :j ilhtt?i, Present, offering to a person com- [ 197 S,jj \ aHJiet,Th\r. of *I J *&&. ^,1 t ilehee, see t ilhi'-yet, A Goddess, j i z7<7, untill. xJ J elcyct, An oath, negligent. c ^' ! aletfittun, To lake ill. /iyJ I alcwlun, To commit a fault. ! eL'ece, Is it Hot ? l>, Stammering. i-' Painful. *A\ alceli, a large tail. >J * efyoom, To day. [head* ew/M, To. endeavor, Wounding in the f 1 7^72, A mother, root, cm, whether. [y- > j ?^m, I am, (when added to nouns it signifies) Sorrow. umta-lu'k, A calamity. umtcl-hct, A louse. .^Afifl um-(i oor, Misfortune. . C 3 j-- r ^ ttm-merzeM, The north wind, boreas. - > I i-mrcx, To-day, this-day. I, j umina, However, but, nevertheless, unless. -oUi ummat, Plur. of f u/?. 3jUi amasd, Plur. of jjui flwse/, [row. -- t! a//2i/, Butt for shooting at with an a^ [ 198 3 UJ JP If amhjed; Plur. of ^*! awjcd. /M)IT cimulun, To prepare, to fill. o ^ I ) bmbdeh, Pret. of the above. jUi emar, Mark, sign, an account book. xi* IT hmhs, Swelling, am&seedun, to swell. /2-U amash, Roasting, a spit. xbUi imhtet, Removing. ^.= U1 ema-i%z> Plur. of j s ^ ! um-o%x. *sL I imciket, Bursting into rage. cm\ten, Plur. of ^ i^a^ makhn. amhl, Plur. of J^J awtf/. 'wa/e/, Binding. -Ll emam, before, cliicf. U \emamet, Being before the office of a priest. U imamehy A tobacco-pipe. ^ Li CTTZ^T?, pro- U^ em&nef, A deposit, security. [tection. jj I ) amhndun, To be ready. ! amanee, Assistance, defence, l emaycin, Blows upon the head. emlerood, A pair, couple, [pie, nation. , A maidservant, j^i ommut, apeo- , Walking ungracefully. initaa, Superseding. initcsbl, Dutifulness, submission. imtck'hbn. To search by trial, attempt, [ i DO 1 *!AXI 1 imtedad, Lengthening, extension, imtex\j t Mixture, concord, living to- miict, Plur. of ^ mcla* [gcther. &; 1 .,! imtelj, To be filled. f. UA.O 1 imfenaa> Forbearance. rrefrain, / t*J)/ wt^l iinten&a-kerdan, To forbear, to ^Ux*! imtenkn, Being obliged to one for a )U)Lc! imteyfcz, Separating, [favour received. ^ UU 1 amshl, Plur. of 3.L mcssel. [heat. ! umsool, A verse, sentence. ^ 5 emef, 9 \ imjhjt Travelling. \ cmjad, Plur. of AA^,^ mejeed. ["hand. y ; . . t/ L ! imjhtl, Contracting a hardness in the \ emjed, An excellent man. cmehy Causing a beating pain (a wound.) t imliah, Weaving thread. [heat. imhksh, Burning, being burned by the \ imh&s, Shining-as the sun after an eclipse. , Demonstrating sincere love. , Perishing. emkbk, Surly, morose. [ren ground. imhal, Want of rain, want of food, bar- s?.*\ emhes, Receiving the excuse of ano- ther without examining into its truth or fallacy. 2QO ] M0' .1-^* ~?rJ:cczet, FJ - admonished. ]?&%, (Milk) properly prepared for making butter. [- ; - n g it pierce. ^Uto*l *#*&& Shooting an arrow and ma~ . z/* I amokhlun, To learn. /**T &n;ud, pret. ^l x (^l i/mdad, Aid, assistance. [of ,j x uT ,) I y/^ I amtlhn, Very salt water. J )/ | <27//c~ *su-c\ umdat, The rest. [danch, accidental. *'>T bmdun, To come, to arrive. IJ^c^ .l CJitzar, Stinking. ^ ^ 1 cw%eh, Business, action, [to command, / ^- ! *?/? er, Command. ))/s*l emer-kvrdun> \j*\ omrtt, Plur. of^x\ //<'j x^T Forgiver* i*jSl t j y -T amorzcedtm, To forgive. 5> y >< 1 amrogk^ Little;, a few. y y^ 1 imroz, To-day, tliis-dav. (/y^/*1 inirozcti) Any thing relating to this- x^^.-o 1 umro-at, Cultivated. [^ a j* ^ rc ' JP .y^ I cmroogJi, High, exalted. \~s ^ \y* \ imtah, Making pleasure. Lj ^^\ cms, Yes- l>w^ ! iv/sa, Saucv, in the evening. [terday. c l^^^ ewsah, Plur. of ^ w >o match. [saving. imskSt Touching. i***\ imsb,\, Miser, j iniskl or , [tx'.j 1 This year. L/ Cx" em&ilct, Plur. of 3.^^, mcscl. imshh,, Ordering, one to march or walk, \ imshkj, Mixing, mixture. ,1 imli-isht (A bone) full of marrow. 5 emshat, To comb, anisli&t, plur. of k:'--^ iinsho,k t Lashing. D 4 t ] -'' or . r ,.j ! This night, ! iiu-ak, To \ im-hl, Diverting from a purp. I im-an t Being far advanced in any bu- am-er, Dropping oil 7 (hair jccj [si.. imghfrd, Sucking a child. ^ULo! iutghci/t Bearing a child every year. r, ](e T( '^ss-e 1 vinkun, It may be. l;^^\ am?:c? ir. of O $*\ wad, Hope, desire. [:r~, <77;< n , a 1 s o (>a A.U \ CTd lecce-. &* 1 inlfaa, Skinning a sheep, Avalkin.g fast.. W> imlkgk, Mucking. t-^^Uwte^ Fovci:- ty, becoming poor. eJ tiU1 ir;ii:k. Giving a. wife, appointing ^ king, amlaJs or amlQok> plur. of dV\x mele/i, Z t' i .o ! imfcil, To tire, a tedious journey. v^o I imlah, (A girl) arriving ut the age of Xi rv;7^;, Poor. r ; -liberty. ! cmlet, Hairless (body,) an arrow having ro ] cmlegh, Immodest (in discourse.) [feather. u^L, \ emleecc, A barren, desert. *^s 1 cm cm, Approaching, small. ^ \ eweri, Repose, rectitude. k*\ linn it t Coming out. [her young. t (A camel) near bringing forth t 20-1 \ imrbn, Pa ligiiing (journey.) \ wiriicyct. Wish) desire. amooy Swelling, jealousy. . [of * \ \ eniitc-J, Plur. of ^^ unrjct. r \ (??;;&/, Piur. df ^ >io .'-.',";/. 1 cinwakt -Plur. of 6^* 11100%-. \ emu'kl, Plur. of j ^ ewirah) Plur. of i* cmiret, Plur. of A ; x I muict. or ,* * jjj +<< T To iearn, read., i'ii, To j>rcp;ire. J3 ^o i anwor or otiioor-, Plur of ^1 <^ j y*i kmook, I.curning (boy.) i'.x*T a. f.v, Learning. >j ' * *^ I a;//. '//////, To teach. ^ X x- ..^T (un(:(.^ ir, stature. Xw^l awwruct, Maternal. .i ,^ I cn.wn, Steady (camel.) i?^! r/// .-<:'/ - (r, Servile in the station of a x l c//;cA, iSIaid-scrvnnt. [maid-scn-ant. , Sharpening, making (milk) watery, itmmehet, Plur. of f i ww. [ruining. Plur. of o^^, inched. , Plur. of^^< z7 1 imyk,*, Distinguishing, ^u^^ emyel, plur. /^* 1 aineeknfuii) To mix, to mingle. yW*J omced, Expectation, hope. [^ L1 g e - c ^> r> x* ) cmmeedgah, A place of hope or re- 'j \ }j*f* I umcedivar y A succession. [bleman. ^A^O ^ ameer, A prince, emperor, governor, no- -^1 ameer, A glutton. Jl x-^*) amcerhneh, Princely, imperial, nobly. 8^1 emeerct, A queen. '{/ ***] emeeree, prin- . >/*) ameex, A mixture, mix. [cipality. >^*f bmeezclneedun* To cause to mix: ^ T bmeezesh A mixture. ameezeh, Pret. of /M,/J y^*' .j x c ^ T hmeezeedun, To mix, to mingle. :?Lvf ameegJi, Mixed, copulation. ^ emyel, Having neither sword nor shield, &c. sitting badly on a saddle, (a tree) having no full branches. [ 206 ] Jf"-' \ cinec?n, Wounded in the head. ^ awecn, So let it be, secure, free, fliitlifut. -Xs/*t amccnec, Security. ^A* 1 amceyce, A young servant, a girl. [o. ,*f T &/?, He, that. ^ t c??-, time, hour, he, if, U! awa, I. ollii inaat, delay, slowness. u^Ul en\l>, Perfume. ^U1 cnilet, repentance. *.*.> ti\ enaycb, Plur. of <_-v. 13 nciyel. SU1 c;?a/, Slow, delay, beating slowly. j/o.13} enhjed, Plur. of ^xaeM f/{/>cA ^ LJ ^ inakh, Pitching a camp before a city. ^iUl anhcler, Plur. of^,xji endcr. [granate. ov.o>U^ CTiadced, Dispersed, j ! f/iar, Pome- ^Ul ew^tr, May God illuminate ! .t Iv'^O ) cnarestan, A pomegranate garden. .^ i I enarccn, Rust. ^U! cnas, plur. of ^U iL=.u\ inbset, Choice. [nas. a\J\ wazet, Betraying ignorance by looks. anhzcem, Plur. of ^ nczm. U! flw^/i Plur. of o^j 1 Gtff. XiUl inbfet, Increasing, appearing above, ;Uf ?>*&/> Having a large nose. ^AiUl en k feet, Plur. of (J aj^ ncfcx. i'UI inkfat, Elegance. [ 207 ] tt] inakt, Bestowing, swearing by God. f t>! enam, The world, mankind, a giant, 3UU1 inumet, A sleep, killing, [every being, ^*LJ enbmel, Plnr. of 3^1 anmel. to U 1 a/z&?2, To mourn with a hoarse noise. Soli ! enbniyet, Myself. cJu 13 1 anbyeft, Plur. of * u nci&eh, Ui \ ?W;&, Telling news. /^P: 1J ) cnl^klivon, A castle. D^ (J I e \t/e7/, i L*j I enl-0,%, Plur. of jo>3 nclex. [glorious. ljil anlar, Plur. of^xi neiei\ J I? ^ U 1 enl&khhnehi A magazine. ,f>u j U* I enl)irccdun, To fill. }U3| en1\z t a ^ / /x>1 / y (/ j U5 ! enlhttCy Partnership. [partner. ^jojUS^ enluzecditn, To become a partner. .4J&U1 enlashtun, To fill, to soften. W / ^ tJ 1 enlbshteh, Preterit of the above. * k UJ 5 cnlat, Getting water from a well by dig- l>)! enl-ba, Sweating. fei 1 ^- c^ U ! enlbgh, A concubine, ^L>j^ enlbgh, Making one to lay down. ijfU) cnbak, A cuckold. ^ Ujt enlbl, plur. of ./ U I enlbn, A bag, a purse. [3^ nelcl. .* U ! enlhnck, A kind of purse concealed, .[ 208 ] Cold, stiffness. [the belly. L>J I enlety (A horse) having a whiteness on jl>U>jJ inle-as, Proceeding. [tube. _>>^ i cnlool, A knot, the root of an herb, ,.% a ^3 ! triboodun f To become abortive, i jsJ } enleroor, Pincers. o *J ) enloh, Large, many a very great quantity. x _ r ; tl. *J ) enlohnakj Veiy broad. ,w *J 1 enlohee, Mob, bustle. (> " %/>,j^jl enloyccc luji, To scatter, perfume. U>J I enlcyh, Plur. of ^j 7zt&ee. [hardness. enlcsteh, Any thing frigid, col d,causing j I cnet, Thou, i ?;//a, Returning or remaining behind. intkj, Producing, bringing forth. tnt&gh, Smiling. il inthkt Carrying an umbrella, fasting during the month of Rumzan. ^IAJI intan, Stinking, offensive. iUZSJ intelfaz, Retiring to one side. d Uxs \ intelak. Being published, being eminent. UX3 1 intibah, Forbearance of sleep. i_, UaJ i mtiJihl, Crying out, lamenting. J Lsu i intihkl, Safely, assuming to one's sel v lisfu 1 intlklikliy Selection, choice. g^y:j^ intezha, Taking out. v UJj 5 intcsal, Having respect to. [(clouds.) lKJit intishar, Dispersed, scattered, appearing It *S \ intizcw, An anxious wish to see any thing or person. f IIJAJ \ inteza.'m, Arranging* .j ^ j ^( ! inte%(!im-loodu?7, To be arranged. ^ Ui'j I inte-ash, Recovering, getting up. [ling. U l intyfa, Removing. ^. UX3! intefakh, Swel- ^ Uu5 ^ intefaa, A profit. ^ Uxi i intekal, Trans- f Ui3 \ intykkm, Revenging. [porting. cJl^aX3\ intikaf, Turning the face. * \ intom, (Plur.) you. [bling. \ entomb,, You two (dual.) intemk, Resem- \ wttfih, The end, extremity. intehal. Plundering, UU! in fit/ash, Attacking one another (ene-. ) 1$X5 \ inieJ:b f :, Infringement of honor, respect, iJ 1 onos, Plur. of JX nesa or USI mutti. j \ insa, V r onr*an, female s 'J3l a/wvy, purging. ISSlCTWflT, Piur. ofrjiiJ wwor, [vvhicli. U3J JTZ^dfl, Vomiting. ^ ! a?//, (for ^f'' ! ) That J 7 ^/y'.'i, In that place, there, thither. . ?"*! irja, Retiring, recovering. f/2/& A , Plur. of w.^sO nrjecl. 2?{;a /^, Frosperi ng. 1 injad, Defending, advancing. 1 injar, '\ he roof of a- house, l info.*, Ful/illing a promise, [to s^uck. \ ?>/ : /5, Impurity. ^ ^ j i//jda, Alia wing ^Jl.-s>jl rnjotk, Hasten thou, ,i xJU'') enjkleedun, To fill, to Fatbf-/. ^ M x i/ j en jaw, Conclusion, the end, Phir. of *^a I wjbtncjt, 'i he' ciui of any thing. eni^msed, Preterit of .^U"-'I ^/ ^\ mjbnieedun, 'Jo jiaish, &c. wjelai', To joint after having broken. 1 wje'.ht, Desire. * enjekhtun> To desire, to wish. f<>r in %&?, Allurement jaaj\ enjer, J injetW) Protraction. [anchor.. enjeufcecdun, To. return, to bridle* jkcedwi Ta return, to restrain,. * y j 1 e/i/e/, Having large eyes, [huld in. \ enjel&t Shining appearance^ \ cnjani, Plur. of ^^o nejoin,., iin, An assembly,. congregntoi3. -^ ) cinchenau, Thus, in this manner,. anjkneedun,. To l^e broken. ^ su 1 unjoofi The wood of the aloe tree-. i 1 e?yoo%h> Changed in colour, (face or body) wrinkled. [wrinkled. , enjobkhtun or ^ ^ I To become- & */ \ enjooghi A sigh, a fold, epilepsy. cmche> That, which, whoever, when. anjeJun, That world, .*i >^ ) anjccdun,. To be broken to pieces, y^f' ^ anjeereTi, Beaten. ^-=0 \ hijccl,. Art *O < ce^, Breathing hai^d. [evangelist. , Turning (the face.) ^ ijs^ 1 inhax* aZ, Macerating. [Plur. of ^ t 212 ] ul iriherbf, Turning, inversion. enhez, A disease (in the camels lungs.) ciihcfteenh, Pomegranate flower. inlielal, Unbinding, loosening, [ism. inltena, Reverence. v Ucol ijlkhafc hero- \ inJthas, To make lean, to macerate. tnkhbf, Resounding. J inkhezhl, Breaking, terminating. enkha, Causing mischief, loss. ! inkhelbsht Relaxation. >* 1 und, Plur. , Making mud. [of ^^\ y Exposing one's self to danger. , Travelling fast (abody of horses.) cvdh^htun, To throw, to inject, to reject, scatter, disperse. j\ endbd, (Plur.) like, resembling, [ing. U7idci%, A throw. )j J>) I end&zci, Throw- lyJl cndizeh, An ell, a measure. [value. ^y ojl^l endhxehkenw, To measure, to end&zccdun, To make a measure. jt indha, Being far ofF, being returned. jJt indbgh, Doing well. [furiously, jJ I im/itf, Driving violently, (a horse) riding \/)\ endj,m, Stature, form of the body. I 213 ] *!>jJ cndaitieli, Remembrance. [Plaster* /M f^ J eiicLrn, Manner, yard. ^!>u) andauot \*)M.j\JJ J cndaivecdiin, To plaister. [vithin. oJ j endekh) Doltish man. ^ >; 1 ender, In, into, (j-^jol ender&s, To erase any writing, to de- stroy or efface from the memory. u>*~lj<-vJt cndcrasyoon, A perfume. t) \jw\J! endrknee, A large money-bag. i & ijj } cnderkhoor, Worthy, convenient. $ 1 iendcrz,' A testament. enderoo, Together, all at once. cndcrdo% f An explorer, mortar. underwit, Within the heart. i .^j I cndezr, Doctrine. indej'ha, Carried off, going to the jj \ undue!;, Small, little. [right way. endekee, Littleness. x>'T andem, Then. indcmal, Recovering, getting well of a wound. [ly. \ endemeht Warning, repeating distinct- andolihtun, To collect, to gain. dndokhteh, Pret. of ,,^7^^) a?.' cfcot/, Plaster, ointment. iJ> *i^l ondoodun, To plaister, to incrust. ^ ' t 00 \ j*,^ andooz, Collected, gained. e^Y>") wfep!SC^> An ell, a measure. Cj>!.}*^^ endoozeeditn, To collect, to gain. *^/ yuJ endoot: or o >*f Grief, trouble, me^ i' xtv^>* J ctoaooheeattn', To mourn, [lancholy, c>>j cndch, Grief, trouble, anxiety, f rW^, Particularly, t endeedun, To be disturbed, l endecsh, Considering, thinking, [think. M/J l^j x c*j endcesJihneediin^ To cause one ta j\ cndccslnnund, Thoughtful. cndeeslicli, Jealousy, consideration. > I endecshecdiiitt To consider, &c. inzar, Putting in fear. 3 I oJ I ?V?%4/> Piur. of ^ oo ncxcl. ^\j^\ cn-zeruneCy Very white salt. ^ oJ ! inzclkgli, Ripening (datesO )y T anrk, Him, to him, that, to that, [ing, JjJ I iuza, To sprinkle. c 5 y ^ iwsa^, Exhaust- Jy \ inzar, Giving little or sparingly. j \y \ inzbz, Nourishing. o \y i inz\f, Exhausting, pouring. [to start. o \y \ inwk, (A horse) raising the feet for aleap> t 215 Sending down, causing to des- ? 1= y J in%e-ctj t Emotion, motion, debate, [cend. ^ vj ^ anzd, Descend thou. [century, &c. ,*/L !jf inzeman, At that time, in that age, Vj yl inzewh, A solitary life, y*^ m?, Mankind. UJ I *tts&, To forget,, making one tQ forget, v LJ \ ens&L't. Flur. of (^^j nescb, cUJi ensaa, Plur. of ^.; ne^a. ^U.j^ inshgli, Beating severely. 6 L*J ^ insb,k t Speaking in rhyme, , Plur-. of 3,^3 ncsel. ! LJ ) z?z5a/, Changing feathers or hair. [ing. f UJ i insam, Restoring, comforting, discharg- ins\n, Man, mankind, human being. ^ (.j U*S \ insanol^een, The pupil of the eye. enseb, Superlative of ^^15 nfoeb, enscla, Of a noble race. /f, Cheerfulness^ mankind. insejcim, Shedding (tears.) inseduh, Falling upon the back. insedkfch, Expanded, al^jt insedfad, inscdar, .Walking fast. [Shut, locked. enser, Plur. of ^o ncscr. \ imitttf. Dropping or falling out. axe >\ bnsoo, Thither, from the other, on that j ! unseet, Acquaintance. [side. UJ \ inshci, Creating, beginning. c__,UjI ins1M t Firing* g-Ujl cnshaj, Plur. of ^viJ neskej* [persing. j\j\ inshar, -Recovering, recalling to life, dis- j'-iJi inshiz, Joining, anshhz, Plur. of yti ?ic- &z, To lessen, to be diminished, [shez. , Making cheerful, untying a knot. ^Ixv.'! inshha, Putting any thing into the ^^3! iii.shiruh, Gladness, joy. [mouth or nose. &KJI mshi&bk, Divided, cleft. insal, Plur. of ^*aJ ncsel. cnsar, Plur. of^a3 wwer. [opened. Ua3! mshti, Disarra; ing, going swiftly, being irtshf, Granting justice, taking the half. 7w.'.A/, Taking off the head of an arrow insvia, Plur. of ^AASJ ncscth. [or spear. ... OJ \ inzcth, Cleft, shining (the moon.) * UaJ I envbd, Plur. of ^5 ?ic j zc/. ^Ua3l intor, Beautiful (colour or countenance) flourishing (tree.) insibad, Poured out. [Sv/ooning away. J 2?we/'fl/,Returnin^,retiring. 3 1 ensnl, Plur. of ^ nesuL inzh, Becoming lean. [bow* f inzhl, Pulling towards you, drawing a in%hj, Cooking. j inzhf, Camel's colt (sucking.) ,5 U&j \ inzal, Fatiguing (a camel.) [^ n g* >& \ anzer, Gold, silver. k U.^5 ) imeghht, Faint- - U* \ cnzem\m, Adjoining. L3 \ enet, Distant, its * infa, 'Giving a donation. d Uai i intaf, Making notorious for any thing <_J> Uaj \ intcik, Making one to speak. [bad. Lk> ^ intel&gh, Obedience. UJaiU/efa,Quench- ^VkJ I inielbk, Going away. [ed. U53 i inzar, Delaying, anzar, Plur. ^Ii5 nc%er. LJ\ inzarn, Putting in order, arranging. internet, Plur. of. Jb; ?iezem. ^ zw-d^, A beautiful shape, ^u^ in-bs, d^ljui in-&s, Pouring down (riches,) [Hea\y. yiUJJ in-&sh, Lifting (the eye.) [tain., o bu I in-hf, Sitting on the declivity of a moun- in-&l, Shoeing (ahorse.) [gratuity, &c. an-bm, Plur. of ** neutn. in-frm, a gift, in-hmkt, Piur. of f U3i in-am \ in-e-tbf t A convert, turned. [ 218 J a" aUuut in-ekkd, Firmly bound. +yt\ en-em, Plur. of **> ne-arn. U5 1 ingha, Speaking intelligibly. uolij \ ixgh&S, Making life painful. ^ UJI inghbz, Moving the bead. [ther, &c.. $ U5 \ inghcil t Altering the appearance of lea- <_JC>\ cnf, The nose. A U3j infud, Exhausting. iULM in fat, Causing any thing to pass. jUuj enfar, PJur. of yLJ ncfer. [tryitsgoodncss. jUSl enfaz, Turning an arrow upon the nail, to ^ U3 \ ejtjas, Plur. of ^ mifs* &\\ enfusli, Allowing (horses or goats) to pasture at night without a goat-herd. Is Uui infkt, Having pustules upon the hand from hard labour. *UJ! infoa, Selling walking-sticks, olju^ inf&k, Expending, becoming poor. I lii \ enfal, Plur. of ,yu "nefcL [ing. US I enftw, Large nosed. CJu \ enfet, Disdain- <5\&>\er)fctak, Breaking. gSl^iSi wfejbnee, Im- gv.i \ infekh, Inflating. [pudent (in speech.) , ^ 1 cnfetht, Gain, any thing collected. I cnjethtun, To gain, to collect. enfsdeh, A vain-boaster, iiyui w I inferaj, Glad, an interval. [See [ 219 I uiJI jiJ .\ infer&d, Being alone, singularity^ s, Superlative of y^ij mfees.. e??fest, A spider's web, I infes&l, To separate, to settle, iqfes&fit, A breach. X mfe%h,%, Scattered, [to be separated. Lsli, Broken. &\ eufa, Plar. of xij i'J )J 5* ^ ^ cn fi- e lkh r d Hn > To be ashamed. ^ \ cnjiiij, Glue. ? fi \ enfoj, Contracted. - l^ij \ it/fiham, Apprehending. ^Ju\ unck, To US \ inJth, To clean. [mock, u-jUut enka.l t Plur. of ^ ncfreb. [c. - Uu ! enkhh, Extracting marrow from a bone, > U3i inJthd, (A tree) shooting forth leaves. bx, Setting at liberty. _, UuJ Mar, To inkhz, To kill an enemy. [recal, cii/ias, Plur. of yJG w^. enkasli, Plur. of ^Kj ncksh. inkbs, To lessen, to decay, to decrease. inJihz, Putting a heavy burden on the back of beasts. [the sound. - U3 \ Mba, Hanging, spoiling, going towards 3 lju \ Maf, Cutting an apple and taking the d/, Plur. of ^ne/ieL [core out. * 220 ] Uul 1*3 1 ink ah, Restoring to health. UxJ ! inkelaz, Impediment (in speech.) enJted, An hedge-hog. T ankede) , So many, as much as that. uJ in&eikz, Conclusion, to be gut. ) anker dy^., A sob, -to sigh, u 1 ankesy A bondman, plur. of ^Jo 72^5. , Finished, terminated. bij I iii&eta, A cutting off. [Plur. of & ncfra. > I er^flr, Drinking more than enough, anka, ljy Altering. & ! onkoo-at, Any place into which wa- ter flows from a channel. Ufci cnkcya, Plur. of ^ ?^~ee. inheyad, See cULj^ inkccz, A sweet smelling aromatic. ', Behold, ^u I c'??c^, Lead, tin. cnkhs, Untwisted rope, ^ ! inlmhy 'leaking a wife. i> I inkar, Denying, rejecting. j. U* ) cjigar, An account book, an opinion, glue, narrative, an event. . &^ tC ) cngarcshj Computation, [stretch out. wgareedun, To think, to paint, to [ 221 ] &\ ^jyU5l engarec: *?, Numeration, computation, ii book of receipts and disbursements. j 1C 1 engh%, A wearer's comb. l^ojt inlih,*, Emptying. y* li5 1 6W 15, Plur. Of y*^ 72es. Z7&$, b<3W- ing the head, recalling. kl^aJt ink 2, Ordering one to make haste. c iSaj \ ivkcia} Repelling, removing quickly. oljSaJt in/iaf, Setting at liberty. ^ L&jt enkal, t tv T angah, Then, at that time. [Plur. of j^J engleen, Honev. * enkehet, Plur. of l^a> nek all. cngikhlun, To produce, create. enlid, Covetous, ^.^ij ? cnker, Superlat. & j e7^^er (orengir,) An anchor, [of ^^=-.; neker, /^? \ ungraiz or >XC} J The English, flish. J . D L (/Ji/v ) unpraizee, Any thing relative to the eng- .y-^A; I engasoo?i, A cloth or garment of , ^fi T a?i}es, He, that person, [many colours. ^ I 43 ) c?)gi$k t Assafoetida. [Defeating, rupturing, J 1 enkisbf, An eclipse. ^UuSJl inkisar* i ^ inkislihf, Revelation eclipse d. ZJv } engoshpeh, Magnificence, a farmer. i 2X31 ) cnJrislit, Coal, en gosh f, Finger. ciigoshfeh or ^ ^^.^Xj 1 The thumb., engoshtercen, Ring, [the great toe. eTig'islitti'h,, Bread baked upon the coals, ! engoshtevanek, A ring worn upon the 3 \enka, Pale, red, blushing, [thumb, thimble, 3 \ ink Has, Superiority, courage, [der cloud, J i in&ilal, Transparent, splendor of a tlma- I engoleh, A button, a button-hole. \ enkeleece> A n ell. [goor, A grape. . f JU^ I irtganeediWi To feel, to cram. ^^yy^l engoorck, Diminutive pf XX .*| J*yk) ( engoos1icediiii> To embrace. jy^l cngooll> A lounger, an idler. ^ f hnhehy That, which, he, who. angih, Then, at the same time. >^.) cngaikhivn, To raise, to excite. ^1 cngaiJihfch, Preterit of the above. I*/ >-Xj I engiJun, To feel, to seize. /^ /J' >>v) cngiz, Exciting. ./> !^v ) ej/gixandun, )}\ cngized, Roused. [To cause to excite. I 1 cngitccclim, To raise, to excite. l^XJ ) cngishyeh, Modesty, slowly, by de? jy ! inmaa, To increase. [grees. Ujl enmar or ^si Plur. pf^j newer. yllijl inmbsh, Calumny. ^UJl i?\mas, To bud, ^Uii enma.t, Plur. of k^ nemet. [to sprout. 3U31 intrkl, Slandering privately. enmcs, Brown, tawny, [type, example. ! cnincht, A finger, z *^'^ unnwodcj, A inmeldhl) Temperate, just, Cj^uiett *j\ unrhce, A cushion, a pillow. J cnoo or . j.| Time, an hour. r ! ?y?^^a, Rilling, murdering. . ^j \ imrcifi, Lamenting, j] ^\ amvar, Plur. \^\ mub,%t Plur. of l^jj cmvht, Plur. of k !J! cnwha, Plur. of c y <~> Ji emvafy Plur. of 1 cmckl, Plur. of ^ 1 emuhirit FJtu*. of f ^ emu hn, Plur. of ^ ^ noon. \enwek, To sigh, grieve. cnii'er, Superlative of ^^ Jioor, \ cnoos t Familiar, tame. , I 224 1 y Jl anooslieli, Fortunate, luck}', happy. *j! cnoof, PJur. of (_JL>\ ewo/\ Jiy! enook, Plur. of o^; wop*. -^5! cmvcm, ^\ cnooJi, Breathing hard. [Sleepy. .j l z'tf/za, Announcing, advertising. aniici, riur. of ,)! u_> l^j 5 iiih'il, Seizing, j ! inltnj, Worn out, shewing the way. US \inhiid t Extolling, filling, l^j ! enJmr, Plur. of ^ veher. inJi&x, Rousing, calling up. inlmk, Punished or tormented severely. inhedk.n, Ruin. ^ ^ cuhcr, Serene day. enhex&ntf Defeat, route. [danger. inhelakt. Precipitating one's self into inhelal, .Pouring -\vith vehemence (rain) inJiefnfcf, Diligence. [shedding tears. ittliemhit Taking time, delaying. e, Time, a proper time. a//cr, Under- inyal, Plur. of v tj ;/4^. [standing. ya^i Phjr. of cjio ?ztr'-. ??ee, To groan, to cnv\ r . *+>\ cnces, wJi c?icer, Superlative of ^o 7/fc/\ [Soft iron. r;?ce*, A friend, comrade. ,H l~~J 1 eneeshn, enccseh, Cold, freezing. [Joking, false. [ 525 J ^ . j*J ! eneesli, A vineyard, a little garden. ^j \ cneez, (Meat) raw or half dressed, [groan, i^i/j'i zneef, Pain on the nose, ( ^\ eneen, A ^ i o, Ke, she, it. ^ ao or co, Whether, or. I ^ I aw(t, Sound, voice. Jj, \aw&,Tp choose a place c-1 5 J aw&}, A sincere penitent. [of retreat. j*.\3\ awakhcr, Plur. of ^5 akher. * a Ij ' awada^i, Plur. of f i i h,dem. j\ 2\ aivar, Warm, heat (of the sun, fire, thirst.) ^ y 1 ^ I aivarcheh, Cash-book, a book of re- ceipts and disbursements, account book, c. o^l^J awbreh, Harrass, waste. *})/ & ;-^^ awhrchkurdun, To harrass. i*jSi;}}} aw&reedun, To walk, to wander, j\ jJ awa%, A sound, voice, noise, &c. [ramble. tj \ 2\ awazeh, Clamour, sound. [noise. )S*J^y awazeedun, To cry out, to make a k*J^f awasef, Plur. of \s.^^\ owsct. ^a\2\ eivh,%zli> Laying many eggs. ^\^\ iwhl, Returning, arriving. J,\ 5 \ cwalee, Plur. of ^\ awel. f\ j\ awhuij Borrowing, lending. [string. Violent thirst, smoke, a bow* ;r, Plur. of ^ Q\J\ tf?r '/?;, Plur. c.f w^ -. ; (j ' cn'clareedun, To. snare. , l-J vuJ'hsli, A soldier, champion. ^! ore/, Shewing rrj<\rks of pjricf, alas! ^ * ) Alj 5 !ft/^ac?,Plur. of j'u^^ o?//ar, Plur. of ^j- 5 ^ civic], Drink. [lainrJ;,-.>! t To sleep, j' . ! oivfec, Hot iron. [Tho 1 op. ^ IS _ ^ rw-'C$<;.ji, PI u r. of ^ ^ ?/-r.s'?/?7. % s \ awcj^ Cj)SZ J uinykcnluu, To lay a \vagcr. V^*' wrjcl'i Superlative of w^.<, ?rrjcl'. fe.*\ otrifl, Afraid, ^^ojr/'cnt, A large track *^ J ni.-ytV/, Plur- of **.; wejeli. [of wood. I , Plur. of ^1=.^! wrh&j, Plur. of X ,SU.jJ Plur. of 3.=^ wejicl. [alas? 4X2-5 \ Otfhed, Singular, only. ^^owftJ}, Ah!= fU.^1 Otoihami Plur. of ^ 3 wekhcm. [angry. ^5 o?^'t^, Becoming crooked, heavy Burthen., ^- Ij^l wvdbgli) A tent of a circular form. i * ) oivder, A nephew, either by the brother- o i,^l owdntgJi,Ti'9st> [or sister. 5 . ! owdttn, Soft, i < ) ou'j&CT) A part, a side. -? / s *> , , ! o?/'^,. Certainly, hard, awer, another. 1 j . I orA,Her, him, to him. ^r, .! oicrad, Plur, }|!M 1 Q^'/'tis, Exalting, [of i ^5 , 3 ? onraa, Plur. of g ; ^ u^r<7. oK\ OU'jqk, Plur. of 6 wereft* , Plur. of - J3 wcrc-n. ^ j ! our / eh, A casli -book, journal, &c x ^i.) oii'orcl, A battle, engagement. c &, i *f bwerdgyh, A field of battle. .! ,^T awordnn^ To bring, to induce, t& confer, to move, to throvr. . j * i *T bwordenee, A gift, &c. worthy of being l\y T aWQrdch, Preterit of //;; *T. [brought. il^ y )$ \ aivergoosh, The hard part of the .jt /! awerman, Difficulty, trouble. [ear. [ 228 ] .*y/ J owrenjen, See /r^l r,l QWrend, A throne, glory, dignity. owreng, A throne, honor, power. ,-) owroond, Caution, prudence, experi- ^ I owreJt, A canal. fence, information. JlJ)? awrcedim, To cause to bring. l ou's;, Calculation (especially of the mo- \ iwezz, A drake, a duck, [tionsofthemoon.) %a?\ Plur. of ,^ wezcr. owzkgh, Plur. > Plur. of ^^/^ wczen. iwczzet, A goose, a duck. oivzwi, Superlative of ^^ wcgcn. !!*] owzsJien, Strong, brave. >u ? ! cwzend,^Yai'} ike accoutrements, [remove. ,'/J.^J owzshooneedun, To rouse, to fill, to i/>y^l wvzeedun, To suspend, to hang. ^, A wolf, giving, a gift. , Plur. of ^\AVJ wesi'kh. Plur. of kw^ ?rv/.sY. [&c. J osV, (In poetry for ,j^-J^O He is, J cwcstb,kh> Bold. ^Ix^l osibil, Anarti- ) ost&m, Confidence, support, chief, [ficer. osi&n, The threshold y k~j \ oivset, The puddle, mpderatioia, g3\ vwsa, Superlative of ^^ wesa. i^U^l owshab, Plur. of t.. .*,.;; ^ wesheb^ ^UjJ owshul, Plur. of j^^ wqshel* .*} & * 1 owsh^n, Plur. pf ^ ! ow. , f>J 12^ | owshhneedun, TQ scatter, tp spread, t-_> L_j I owsab, Piur. of - v^^ wesejj, U*^ 1 owsif, Plur. of *.j \ owsoo, Grief, mourning. [Higb ground? U j ! 01^24^ Pi u r of^^efe^. [milk^fat, &c.) o^J owzar, Putrid or corrupted (meat, \sroter, l*tf^ ! QU'zaa, Plur. p.f ^^ ^^s;a. U^l owzzm, Pluy, of ^_j wezem. jjox,. 5 i oiuzeya, Plur, of L** lls*^ ozu/^^, Plur. of s^^ owtar, Plur. o }\ uwtagh, A can or jug ^ Us j 1 owthn, Plur. pf (^ ^ u wila^J owtef t Hairy about the eyes and eye- j\*s\ aw-ar, Plar, of ^U^l ow-bly Plur. of ow-er t Ruggedj rough (road.) -jUji awghal', Plur. of ^J^ L i \ 280 ] ^ , Plur. t)f o* 3 owghen, An a'queduct, a canal. uvfod, Plur. of jjjj wefcd^ ^J owfaz, Plur. of y 3 tuefez. \j j \ oufaX, Haste, a crowd. ) Ij5 ^ j if fa-dun, See rM ) ^ f >J 1*5 ^ I ofthneedun, To cause to fall, &c. owfefc, Superlative of l oiwfr, A burden, weight. U j I ow&kt>, Plur. of ^Jj ?/- U^! ow&ht, Plur. of di j^ oukar, Plur. of ^ weher. [tation, a mob. ^I owkas, Profligate, (people) of bad repu- \S s\ ovutash, An adventure, a stroller, a l j.1 ow&as, Plur. of u^' ^ we&es. [crowd. Uj i owkhf, Plur. of <_ ^ tfe^/1 ^s^owkel, l owket, An assembly. [Lustful. oti;te, Having a short neck. owktyet, Announce. ^^ ! owgar, Drunk. ! owket, Anger, malice, affliction. J aw&eh, Earth, sand. . o^^s, A bad man, of the worst class, owkcn, Plur. of ^^ tvekcn. A> ) I ow&endun or ^|>xXTl To throw. ] } \ owfreet, The chain, string. J s \ owl, Re- $2 I euwe/,Beginning, first, [turning, governing. w^V biulat, (A woman) endowed with vh> ^ s\ owloij , Plur. of ^ tttf/e/. [tue. i^_j! owlad, Plur. of jj^ weled. jy_5 ^ ewwelet, The beginning, principle. 4^X^! cuwlok, Madness. J^t owlem, Is it not? j! ^ i owloo, Plur. of J^ welee. &* \ otvloojeh, A little more. V^LAJ^} owloveyet, Majority, superiority. *J^l owleh, A blister, an eagle> a brute. J^ \ owlee, Superlative of j^ u>e/tf. Li^ ! owleya, Plur. of ^ 3 ly^/ee. s*J 3 - 1 owleyet, ^ s \ ewweleen, Plur of ^| ewwel. [Primacy. f ^^ owem, Misfortune, gjt^l awmaj, A mark, S^**\ owmeed, See ^^1 [a butt- jt ou^/z, Peace, gentleness, quiet i 0^ ) ownar, Burning, 0. ) ownancedun,Torest, to sleep, to hope. awend, Furniture, a club, a field of battle. ! awenk, A mortar. /*! & 2 1 Qwengbri, Hanging, awnecdun, To slumber, to expect, [ly. , (A camel) moving the feet quick- t 232 ] 33 i^ i awod, Weighing down, becoming crooked, 6 j J whai> Plur. of k ^ weheL xtf>^l Qwhedy PJur. ofj^^ wehed. \&j\ oivhez, Walking gracefully. ^ 5 1 mr ^ hweewcdun, To bang up. ou>ees t Wolf. ..^ *! awcMhun, Sight. U;.l aweena, Juice (of fruit, &c.) V ijt1 i^a^, A skin, (a hide) not tanned. 5L*.U>1 ihhjet, (Wind) withering or drying plants, (ground) producing dry plants. [ 233 ] U 1 \ I ahar, Warm, 'glue, a border of cloth. **iUY ekk~t,eel> Rain. SUJ ikalcf, Fat, marrow, corpulency. ek&leCf Plur. of ^U*! -ah la,. f*/t1 fl/'-TW, GUie, fringe, contamination. Co la i ah met, Disdain, treachery, enmity. f*jyX 1 7/V& 7 ', Tearing, rousing, waking from l>l ^/Au%, Running, making haste, [a dream, ,'^*>\ Mar, Git>wing very fat. [' n S ^U^.! iJil> it, Throwing down, abating, dedact- ^U^l i/'lal, Depri\ r ed of offspring. alie ct, Plur. of c__^i> /zc'?;. \ chler, (A camel) full of flesh. ahet, Showing signs of grief, prono-anc- ehla, Crook-backed. [ing ah! alasJ I ihfar, Talking incoherently. i/itilhz, Running;, flying. O' < O ihtidb, Finding the right way. ihtezhl, Moved, rejoicing. mtif&f, Humming in the ear, * y^> \ ihtilam, Going away. MX [ 234 ] &m. Diligence, care, endeavour. j7//,7, Giving to eat, satiriziiiLT. z'/^'d^, Sleepii.g, causing to sleep. ihjar, Lopping, speaking obscenely. l f'7// \ uh \ : . : s^s>\ elijcera, Custom, mcde, state, fashion. ahifthtun, To hang, to draw (a s\vord.) &, Presenting, finding the right way. Plnr. of Vk x^ hcdeb. , Flying, befalling. Plur. of *&* hedcni. ^o^^ iJict&n, Making lean (a horse). ^^ >1 ihdcl, Having long eye-lashes. eTider, Swelling (belly). eJidcl, Having a long Up (a camel.) iic, Cleaning, adjusting. *& \ eher, Becoming rich. v \yM ihr&l, Compelling, putting to flight. elerkt, Plur. of ^^\ ehcr>'t. ihrtj, Throwing a load upon a camel's. ihrar, Making (dog) to bark, [back, &c, ehrbt, Ilur. of ^ A I 235 } hraa, Waking the way clear, ihrkf, Increasing in wealth. [fast, ihrafc, Pouring oat (water.) l efchm, Plur. of *$> hcrem. ehrety Household furniture, shape. tobcrmunt A. demon, giant. l : ^M ihreyb 1 ', Diffusing, pouring out. [muchv ^ i ?7^x, Impelling. 6^y>l ?7??Af, Laughing- hhesfer, Gentleness, slowness, &c. j^vl hhetieh, Slowly, whispering. ijtv^T bkestehrow, Going; softlv, &c. ' ' i 1 ^r/wii, Modulation. jUiAi z'A^i/, Raining ehz&m, Plur. of *., hezem. [abundantly. /,3i?w,Conspicuous. ILA !2^^ IL L ) elile-i&at, Faithful, obedient to (Jl \ *& L I elile-cltool, Prudent, judicious. [Goc', elilitn, God be with you, heaven bless yon, - ihl&J, Concealing, hiding, [welcome* - V*. To weaken, smiling. I i/.'la/c, Continuing his speed (a Uprsc.) I ihfak, To kill-, to murder. chic,/ , Hairy, rainy. [citizen. *Xjt> ) e'Jilft, A master, husband and v\ lie, a ?////oor, Kind, soft, fraud, delay. r^/t'e. Gentle, tame, domestic, l thleyet* Experience, possession. ihfra, Tearing, wearing {a garment.) 1 ?V////a/, Laughing or speaking, ilitHad, flest, remaining in a place, haste, l ihmak, .ICnraged. 1 ihmaly Deferring, negligence, delay. ihwaw^ Making unhappy. \ uhwoow, Having a large head. khoiy Iron. (/ 1^,.,/T ahen-ibee, A file. LA /mi, Bestowing, giving. l ehnad, Plur. of JJA 1 ahncd. I alenj, Casting, safety, a draught. , ( >J l/^ ! akenjbneedun, To cause to drink. I ahenjeh, An iron ring, a weaver's comb f>r keeping the threads distinct. aimed, An Indian woman. L I aliendcelc, An iron ring at a gate. T alien^ Concord, purpose, a sweet voice* [ 237 ] *' ahenger, A blacksmith. tt , (AfeJ tfkenfaskt Attracting iron, a loadstone, JL T aJiengif Harmony, design, singing ahengidun, To design, [sweetly, sound- ) eheneen, Made of iron. ^ T d^oo, A deer* zfc&, To throw, to cast, [stain, a vice- 5 ehwar, Plur. of j ^ Jiowr^ \ ehwal, Plur. of 3^4 ^oo^. [A fawn. I ahwan or & j, ^ I bhoolreli or ? ehwes, Consuming, devouring. ahwel, Superlative of $^t> hewel* ] ahoon, A hole in the wall or earth, 1 ehweti, Superlative of ^yt lieen. jyM chwq,, Clearer, brighter. **}t>\ *> \ aliee, A sigh, sighing. [Plur. of ^ .o L, I aheyhn, The crown for the head, ^ ' , aliikhtun., See /*r^t 1 aheex, Modesty, y^xA i ahees, Strong, bold, juj> I ahyek, Having a long neck. 4* I dheyely Spread, scattered (sand.) *.A4> \ eheem, Dark night. #.^ ! ahecn, See w } H ^ ^ , Yes, indeed, tf ! e?yo, Whoever, who- L \ eyb, O ! ho ! [soever, whatsoever. ^ L, \ iycil, Returning, the setting of the sun. N i 38 V- I *^i^> Plur. of bl when? ^^j ! aycim, Root, debt. ^^Li fj/av?, Time; ^lj ? eyaivel, Plur. of ^ 5 ^ ewwel. l eyaween, Plur. of ^^1^,^ eywan. cij iyci, A particle of exclamation, [finger. V?i, Disgusting, making a sign with the eel&d, Separating (from the flock.) [ing. \ eeZ'^s, Drying, withering, j-, (^ \ Hasten- i1}';$, Shining or flashing (lightning.) ! eelcuk, Destroying, ruining. elhh, Understanding, taking care of. j I hyet or by eh, A sign, an individual, a verse of the alcoran, a crowd. ,! eeyet, Compassionating, condoling. ,j cetci, A present, gift, [ 239 ] eetcih, Bringing a little present (a poor eetcikh. Conquering, excelling. [man,) slAjJ cctad, Driving or fixing firmly (a peg.) _j Uj \ eetar, Doing any thing separately, stretch- ing the bowstring and bending the bow. ili'jl eet&gh, Ruining, corrupting (one's reli- f \Zj\-eetam, Plur. of r *xj eeteem. (gion by sins,) _,l*Jol eetelar, Digging a well. [See a urt jlxAjl edesar, Sadness, trouble, il^s\.,? eetejhfyd, zisZj \ eetekhaz, Fighting, receiving, beginning, p ^>;j^ eetedhin, Joined, reviving (a tree.) \j,j\ eeterar, Hastening, hazarding. \f.i\ eeterhsh, Demanding or taking any thing as a compensation for an injury. t, &ol eetilaJth, Growing tall (herbage.) [ship. ! eejalij Rendering or becoming respect- Is^ \ ec/ici, Suggesting, revealing, [able. $l:sxjt eehhd, Leaving single or alone. $ !=?..> \celia,l, Plunging into or thro wing amongst eekhiSy Sinking and rising, [inud v ? eekhhf, Reproaching, striking. eekfi(im\ Being indisposed from indi-. gestion orcrudities in the stomach, [to a feasU j^j \ ced, Power, strength v \ jo \ eedol, Inviting \<^\ eedah, Submitting, humbling one's self, being obsequious. [secret.) -loot e.eilba, Intrusting or communicating (a. o Uvj \ ecdak, Raining. ^ ,v t I ceder, Always, time, c. ju! eeda, Saffron, f ^ I eedom, Thus, in this. eedch, Following. [manner. eedee, Plur. of \j yed. eczh, Whether ? when ? I ^\ izb, Oppress^ 2jjan, Explaining. [on, injury, w \ eir> The north wind. ^ ] ayer, Hot wind. [ 241 ] * j.j \ cyir, A hard stone. \ ^ \ eerae, Burning, hiding, w^ 1^1 \ eerht, Driving to destruction, [afflicted, o \jj ! ccrcik, Producing leaves, getting UQ plunder, rich (a soldier), growing. l|^/j eeral, Round about, although. ,*j I ' j I eermbn, One who remains in the place of another by way of hostage or substi- ,i j ! ceroon, Now, here. [tute. Supporting, bedaubing the walla r, Wandering, [of a house with clay. ^,^j\ eezar, Assisting, preserving. tfjiv^l eezbree, An handkerchief, a towel. gtv^l eezha, Division, exciting. l^l ee%agh, Voiding by little at a time (urine,) sprinkling, dropping (blood from <_J I v \eezbf, Causing to make haste, [a wound.) 6! vJ eezhk, Desiring- or causing one to leap. y I eezed, God almighty. [sake. (/o I eezedee, Any thing bestowed for God's y^ v I eesoor, Now. y^j\ ew, Despairing. o /.$&, Despairing of conception (a wo- man) whose courses are stopt. L^ \ ecskl, Producing herbage (ground). j \ eesar, Being rich. j\ esaa, Capable, exceeding, enriching. ees&k, Loading (a camel). [bilitr. I eesta, Standing, f <, tu^ I ' eestadgi, Sta- ^ (z~j t I eestcudun, See ,* I ^ ^ ! or /l>^l *tuvj! cestbdeh, Pret. of /I)^C^f ecstancediin, To cause to stand. \ eiser, Left, the left hand. [health. liol ecslth, Breatning, exercising, restoring U;^ eeshha, Flourishing (a tree or herb). o Ui> t eeshhk, Adhering tenaciously. d Lij ^ eeshbk. Making haste. ^\\ ccslihl, Procuring a little (water) drop ,*fljf eeshan, Plur. of .;J ee;z. fby drop. C/ (j eeshefj, A spy, a procurer of intelligence. , Admonishing, making a testament. Continual, constant. , Shutting (the door). \ eesaf, Being fit for service, e^/, Sending, coming in the evening. ! eiz, Returning, repeating. [ 243 ] fljJ c'nun, Again, fresh, &c. Uaj ! eezahy Explanation, elucidation. Uaj I eeta~hun t Clearly, evidently. Us> ! eczha, Shooting (an arrow), consent- ing, agreeing, coming out. [horse back.) Uijj eeffat, Consenting, putting (one upon ILjl eet&n, Applying the mind, [membered. j \ ee-h, Preserving, keeping in mind, re- Uj 1 ee-d,l>, Taking the whole, heaping up,as- Uj 1 ec-b,d, Threatening. [sembled. U> I ee-hz, Making a signal, excelling. olxjf ee^^, Travelling with difficulty through soft and sandy plains, [infeiming with anger. Ub ^ eegkar, Becoming warm or passionate, liji eeghbf, Eating enough, running, walk- tj^ eegher, A stallion (horse or mare.) [ing fast. j I cefa, Performing a promise, praying. bul eefht, Prayer, intreaty. [Increasing. \*i\ eejkd, Sending, walking fast. j\Ju\ eefar, U^ eefaz, Hastening, accelerating. \?j \ ecfk%y Causing one to make haste. eef&k, Fitting the notch of the arrovr properly to the bow string when shooting. Uu I eebkb, Starving, hungry, I 2-14 ] eJu \ \j'j] eekah, Imprudent, impudence. ^ Uu I eekady Inflaming, lightning. iUu! eekbz, Leaving one indisposed. ^Ijb! eekar, Reducing one to poverty, [ing, &c. uelKj \ eekbzy Short necked. ]b \5j\ eekciz, Awak- gljoi cekha, Causing to happen, inspiring with cJUut eekhf t Stopping, restraining, [a desire. ^Uui eekbn, Piercing, [any thing to recline upon. jt ceka, Reclining, raising up or placing jJ eekah, Refusing to give (present,) de- sisting (from business). eek&d, Fixing, establishing, binding. eekar, Filling, jl cckhs, Spending, wasting (money). eckba, Giving strength, firm, j! eefrrif, Distilling, dropping. [eat. eekbl. Giving of offering any thing to jjo! ccly God. eyil, A deer. ^y^\ eclaj, Introduc- ing. *&, \ eelad, (A woman) being near de- livery, bearing (a child). uttjt eel&s, Deceiving, circumventing. $j\ eclaa, Exciting, inspiring with. oiU celbf, Learning, making up one thousand. * ^ \ celajjif Tormenting. I. 245 z, Setting at liberty, assisting. .< -1 eelchce, An ambassador. [emperor. -1 ceVihhn, A commander in chief, an ilX Unmarried, single (man or woman.) U-t cenih t A s gn, gnal. ^J ec-mct, We, our. _,. esmar> Multiplying. ^ U^ eemas t Impu- j ccmaZ) Shining. [dent, shameless,, Tlnr. of ^.^x*^ yancen. cunet, Plur. of f ut imam. twined, A plough, a pi ougli- share. > cinicn, Tree, void of care. rt^T k'/een or ,^ T j^ftritc. custom, law in-* L/'" U M " ^ r , ee??^, V-'here? [stitutioit, ^.jj ^;?, This, he. l;,>\ ee??A, Fatiguing, detain- djU! cenis, Brought to bed of a girl. ,[ ^ U-^ eenas, Familiarity, society. cUjl eenka, Maturity. 61;^ cenaf, Making the cjrUj \ cenhk, Pleasing, delighting, [nose sore. . j (!J M r -yc?ian, Plur. of ,^). . L j I ^1'fl/ 1 or iU*< ! This time. v * / * ^. In this place, here. [sunder. / I wjecdmif To wound, to be cleft a-> PJ 246 ] Numeration. ^^JO I eenust, For 60tfOO,Hither. [.j^J ,^l this is, this is it. 'J eenuk, Lebold. ^x>i cinema, wherever, ^' ( I ccnund, Plur. of ^^ JU I [every where. eenha y Plur. of ^ I. ^ 1^1 eiwar, Evening. ^ t ! eiwbn> A hall, a court, an open gallery or balcony on the top of the house, ! e^'or, The east wind. > \ ciyom, Losing a wife, marrying. *f\ ee-hch, Well done! come on! [family. ^\ v jl ^eAa/, Marrying, being admitted into a * LJ! ih&m, Ciuising a blunder or mistake. .My.oJ ayccdtin, To come. ,4-j 1 ayeesliek, A spy, informer, intelligencer. ZrJ, The second letter of the alphabet, it expresses two in arithmetick, Monday as the second <1ny of the week; by way of abbreviation it is put likewise for the month lie-job, (the seventh month of the lunar y^ar) especially in the dates of letters. W, (The inseparable Arabic preposition) with, in, because, for, on account of, by. ,V, With, possessed of, endowed with, a kind of r,ruel. pb, The foot. jl f laufy Any place to which people tuni aside in travelling for repose, an, inn, &G-. v lj lh!', A gate,, a door, chapter, father, oer* 1 1? lalh, Father,, ancestor, fuua business.. * * &'./>&, A camel. b$.L fo.-,. Intelligent, sa- il^* lj laal&, Saying papa. c,LU Iblat, Happy, powerful. [f (j f ^Llj Iblaree, Pepper.. ,*j 1 lalayan, Plur. f jl> l labbi/hn, Plur. of L /d/)d. 4^/ " v * v JO 00 laLbycineh, Like a father, according ta - 6^ t paltOO$, j lulooncj, Camomile. [Shoe, sandal. ^ I [a^e/i, A father. A*, L M'yet, A wonderful . c- lj I at, Weak, lean, a fool. [thing. V UL latal, Like, opposition, jtid patalek* ,j I} 4 patan, Together, with. [A short stocking, >^li'lj fataweh, A kind of cushion. ^* pdtckldeh, Nearer, a throne. V ^ ly /-a/er, A sharp sword, cutting. 248 1 L li-ittifkfc, By ngn.vrr.enf, in concert. ^L v l' pateieh, A cauldron, kettle* potofcoppen c, L to, Dispersed here and there. ~ t io/, Tribute, duty, impost. 4j^ ,~Lfl/, Kind, sort, manner, [workman's shop. I \p () pachal) The treadle ol'u weaver's loom, a ,| x ^lj lajdar> Inhabitant. i! y U?t' frajgozar) Tributary, taxed. lajgir, A collector of the revenue. J^-L //'/, Very iiit, in good condition. ^J&>\* l:ijMig, A small garret window. ,; > I^- 4 '; ! J lachtingel"giriften t To trickle, to twitch, to search with the fingers. ',?(: lajeh, A window. *P\> pacheh, Foot (of a- XS.L ffaJief, A gulph, a whirlpool, [niinals.) j.L luher, Foolish, stupid, blood. :> lakhttr, The west. [ ;^ / 4 r ^ , W/ * ^0 lahhtun, To pkiy. ^l laknteh, Pret. of laMier, Atlcugth. ^^L, lakhes, Deficient* small. ^*^ t 1 , pu&hisd, AVorn, trampled or trodden under foot, also ,^' ! & V x' ( j lakhudd, By himself. ^ ^6/, Let it be, so be it. v y' ; ^ ladleliar, The gale of the * ( v> lad-sccmwm, A sultry air. [spring. a L , Let it be, be it so. ^)^0 ladad, With justice. [venge. i^r ; ^. P&diLsh or / A J / J ; ^ Reward, re- Jy^l^O 1-b.dcfrh, Punishment, chastisement, y I ^ u phdhm, A place of prayer. /!y.*J ^O lad-anicdun, To congratulate, [king. ,jUO ladh.)i, Crying, ^{i pctd, Inspector, a 0*0 Ladpa, Swift, fleet as the wind (a horse). , La Li badlar or vj A fan. [of affarment. > > ..,> x L ^.jL A L lad? an, The sail of a ship> the collar j ^ I fadler, A board shingle, lath. [The east \vind. c j , Ifcdbcreh, A splinter. .**rj s'j badbereen, >V / (^'V ^ .>f~^^ l)h.dpeseGn t Future; happening hereafter. J (p^ \)kdkhkneh t Tlie ridge, top. siunrnit. i^^O b\dklior, A window'. , i *^ ^ bhd'.hoon, r lhe flowing of water, household furniture, [casioned bv the wind. L ^ fj)) ladedezshem, A species of disease oc- * ( ) I / kdykwend, Strong, powe-r. [A talconer. > jl /tV/m/, Openly, conspicuous. y jl Ikdeer, A pillar, a support. ,- jl fad y eh, A desert, an earthen vessel in which MJ /a?., 7r>.l /^f/r, Burden, baggage, a time, oace, /(>/l bdi'dar, Pregnant. i^L la rex, Stretched out, prominent. djj\-i jflTisrf, The interval of time accord-^ ing to the alcoran, between the death of man and the resurrection, before which period the Mahometans do not imagine that the departed spirits receive either their rewards or punishments. U-, I Ifarsa, Pure, chaste, skilful in business. jlf Weighing loads. [jealous. ' i t pkrsliek, Honourable, powerful, brave, , Excelling in virtue, serene, *J t jL 1krcJc> Flashiflg (clouds,) a bright sword, i*,li bbrteh) Lighting, bbarp (sword.) Izrck, Thin, small. [t-n.ce, &c. largoh, A king's court, a hall of audi- *,;} ; I Ibrgtrifiurit To become pregnant. Ibrkcsh, A porter. larkcshee, Carrying of loads. ^/ I Ikrgih, See o 1^ 1 lar y t ft a. rood, Gun- J -I parooleli, A hoard, splinter, f j>owder, c. 6 A pbrt'Ji, A ])icce, a portion, a morsel. yl o- y I pareh-pare/t, In pieces, piece-meal. ?^^o,l phrelidoz, A mender of garments. o^l Kirch, Once, a pait, true, [ker of malts. J A la//n, IMur. of y t /^/'- (/;L Ibrct.', A ma- (/ y l litre, God, the divine creator. [rain. ^ t Rain. /!>L I'arcciluH, TO ' 253 -yl lar-ecz, The autumn. *j[ t lareek, Slen- ' .'1%, Again, new, open, clear, [der, subtle. */L laz-'h, Tribute, revenue.- X jljL I'-uzar, A tj a bargain, [tradesman. il Ifj) )t l&zhr&an or /*'j o i'Tt A merchant, a ^/ / x ^/ / > I jl lktqffan,' A piece, a fragment. >! ]0 laza/rti, A swing. |i! , v l^izaT?, . brazen vessel, a bason. tone which is an antidote , D^yt/^ "> utter-fly, [against poison. . *J *l IP ihe remains of any tiling. ; . <> ^Jl I- nick?), High, exalted, r f I p %(.'fch 3 ^ I -n V'j"j\ uazgozar, Returning,. agreeing, ..;j^J ^ t IcizgushtiiVj To .return, to retire. XJj'o Mzlet, Any thing, some what, [player. , A cuckold. 0,/u *t \}b,%endfch } A JR-i I Itizciij, A swing, a curtain thrown over a cradle, in order to sol a child to sit- j I Ihzoo, The arm, strength, power. fj}l pazooYfl, Meat, food. oj'l pbtshutk, c -\ I Ijhzeh, A hawk. [A wart, a knob. &H l&zsJteh, Revenue, impost. (/,' L laxee^Plzv, X i X 1 1 j t Ixwyar, Labourer, plowman, [sport, &c. X' j L lazeej, The watch of the night, a collar. ^ y 'l' Idzeecheh, Play. [p^y- /'xV.>li Ifa&dqn, To play, to cause one to * , ' t l&zeereJi, An hour, a lover of women. >* / x IK I ^5, Adversity, boldness, tearfulness, x *< L ^a^, A guard, defence. /; U- L kbsan, The palm tree. iJ L-^ L p-islciji, A guard, night watch. ^ Ur-t paslauce, Keeping watch. I phseleh, Swift of foot. [in order. ^ L pasiladvh, Standing on foot, ready L lastar, Equal, like. [watch. l pusehh, An answer. />^ L t pasdar, A L Iksiret, Of an ugly appearance, hav- ing a deformed detestable look. I &&se/, One who spreads carpets. pasck, Yawning. [ 255 ] u* ^ f;ci>v7, A hero, a strong intrepid man. l&sinet, A plough-share, coulter. , A cane, ^t Ibsen, A little, a bird. laseef, A swallow. * rMx^l 1'CiScedun, To guard, to preserve. , &l pfah, Spreading, scattering. (2*1 basJia, f & L l).iskani,A.n. inner garden. [Existing, being. J '^'- 1 Ihshkneh, Fat, the oil of nuts, chosen. ^/y^l Ikshtirik, A starling or star, [tunate. ^ \> pfcshteh, The heel. j^L laslur, Happy, for- / V'- v L .7*/isrf'or^L phsliecdun, To scatter, to sprinkle, vy * % /MyU^t basheedun, To be, to stand, stay* fc>-^ I pSsJieedehj Preterit of .tfjut'l ... -* C/ " v r phshceneh, The heel. , Seeing, jij^lj laseret, A sight, a or ^L, Keen (sword). [show. t :' "t, A troop, herd or flock (of ca- Ikteseli, Afield, a plain, [raels, -xc.) jJbL M/t J /, FaJse, vain, absurd, ignorant, yk U lh,ten\ Interior, the inward part. [less *> L I'-iteyeh, An earthen or other vc ' in v^ Iticli \\ine is kept. ^l, /a-/, A certain measure, an ell. ,;rd. *i'^L 6 :-'', A gutter on the house top, c V ~ \j Ih-gliczeyct, A garment made of a eoarse kind of silk, called ^ / Ihghistkri, A vineyard. /' /- 1 ?/', Small rain, mist. t Speaking iu a modest low voice. [ 25? J ^ l&ghenrfficls&d, teazed or corded cotton, & X UP I- baghc?ideh, Lined with or made of cot- ^ I, l-rghee,K. tyrant, oppressor, a rebel, &c. [ton. ^3 I leaf tun, To weave, to twist. [Last, the end. ^ (i hcifteh, Pret. of * I Ihftun. fjfd lafdem, (*f. /\ 1>-f c ^j un > A garter, a weaver's treadle. 1? I lafely Ignorant man, slandering. o>^ bkfcndeh, A. weaver. 6 L Z'o^"> Injuring, surrounding, rushing in. Xi'b laket, A bundle of odoriferous herbs, [large. jS lj lafter, A herd of oxen with their keeper, 3U5L lake-lit, An evil, misfortune, sagacious. laklct, A bean, y t Ihkoo, A strong man. f lakoor, An herd of oxen, [der, the rest. bkkee, Durable, fund, firm, the remain- Ikkeeyht, Plur. of j ^ Ibkce. [holy, neat. Ihlt, Fear, care, ^^t ^^A% Pure, chaste, , Quite pure, neat, clean. An honourable lover. X pkWooe, Chaste. Mmal, Perfectly exquisite. L> ia^er, Early in the morning. Ifhkeret, An unblemished virgin. ^/V I phkcnd, A ruby. S x [ 258 ] 4*4 i I phkcob, Dancer, jumper. .s>lj lakoor, The first rain in the spring. *jy I, lafroorch, First fruit, the first of rniy e ^U l&kee, Weeping, shedding tears, [thing. , Purity, chastity. / L^ phkeedun, To purify, &c. .JO lal, Arm, condition, state, heat. , Above, upward, high, great. , A cullinder or strainer made of brass or earth for washing rice and draining the juice of grapes from the stone stalks, &c. .10 1/0 Iblblul, Firm, strongly. JU phlpW, Swift, rapid. yl/O lalater, Superlative of tfO. [mous. oUu'NL lil-ittifak, With one concent, unani- J & !/ l>blhkh\neh, An upper chamber, gal- lery or balcony on the top of a house, a L lalakhecr, At length, family, [parlour. &^/&d, A draught or baggage house. phlhd, A led-horse, a horse of state. , The roof, the pillar. phlkrenft or (/y 11 1 Indian iron or steel. I! Idlas, A kind of fine silk. lil-faterkr, Unwillingly, by force. [ 259 1 W Ihlhftun, To strain, to press, to turn, j lil-iktczb, From necessity. /M U l&lkn, A beam, rafter, fish. //t'O phlan, A pack-saddle, a dorser. iMxuiMj Ihltwdun, To make high, to grow. j^>5 If palhndoz, A maker of pack-saddles, /#j i 1 b&ianeshecn, Sitting highest, occu- pying the chief seat. [bonnet. *i/G falknee, A covering for the head, a itfjgVv lalzneedun, To extol any person. J H 4 pblineedun, To strain. [vourable. i/ bafa-hernmet, Magnanimous, most fa- M b p&fahepifct A rein, halter, [led-horse. /0 Z-a/az, Above, upward, rffytjj&fr&i, A Ut phtiyccdun, To extend, to equal, 4:o ripen, to roll, to become muddy. tfO Ihlayccn, Above, superior. [edly. ** ! t phldem, The crupper leather. OjISJlj bczx&t, By himself. g^l it lafaen, Moving the wings, flying. ^J d ,&) lalesh, A pillow, a cushion. [To bless. ^> I Ihlcshclteh or^^/iJ L A small pillow or * V i^_> l^o! L lis-shii'til, Properly, justly. [cushion. ;.^*oJij liz-zeroareh, From necessity. IJA^lif-tool, Extended. ^ L Iblegh, Arriving, happening, a kind of cup made of wood used to put wine in. t-**ii) b ItT-ghfizci) In anger, with indignation. U Mlfch.l, Now, at this liour, presently, ji! b lif-kcscJ, By design, on purpose. phlek, A shoe, a slipper. lalghnclt, A lattice- window. lj biT-kcrn&l,, perfectly. lillch, By god, forms of swearing, lj IfFviMishfc-fehehoT jys. l^lL- Before. Urmknee, Mysteriously, truly. I- p'.k'u&, A kind of rustiek shoe made 7;d7oo, A letter, a cheny. [of cow's leather. />'i/oo, A wart, the leprosy, left. [ 261 J y- , A disorder affecting the Hails (making them drop off.) [Winged. \J L liC-wajUtt Necessarily. ; iy I bal^ar, t> j J J L balwh'zeh, A swing, see-saw, [disc. J) y L tiilw&neh, A sparrow, bird of para- j t I y L b&lw&yeki A swallow, a martin. I bilood oi'palood, A garment made of iamb- paloodun, To squeeze, to turn. [skin. ^ paloodee, See ^ y L [Winged. D j y I phloozeh, Clear, smooth, /y t balwcr, . fj yt laloorguec or . JT/^J L A cullender or o i J I palooreh, A pustule,an ulcer,boil. [strainer* ^ y t palooseh, Grief, sickness. , 4 y L laloosh' , &y t p&luosh,'he dregs of camphire.[Camphire J L Ia/t7*, A box, a vessel for holding per- t lalhenk, A halter, a bridle. [fumes, ^x/ee, An old garment. j U I patya/,Alwaj'S, perpetual, [come muddy, ,j>J t lahedun, To extend, to enlarge, to be- palccdun/^o become high, to strike. JL baltedeh, Pret, of ,*j x tJ I ^Jt plleez, A /^ ^ pzkexban, A gardener, [kitchen garden. I I>a,leet?, A bed, pillow. L ^'4^ or ; ly<^L The morning, aurora* t . J I L 4 partial, Trodden under foot. I lamlereh, Dignity, degree. laindun, To enter, to come in. f, An assistant. ^ v t pamczd) Gains. , Sweet. pames, Fortification, important, lazy. lameskenet, In a halL [See ^ t L la-rrf&ditii, Justly. & (*(, Lawgali, t> ' y* I fcimoon, A scoundrel. [g ate - t i'aincerc/1, A step, a little window in a t'anef, An interval, distinction. l&nja. There, p U"' t Paiuhh, Fifty. L fanzdeli, Fifteen. X 5 v I pznzJclom, V f X> v , /-V7/A", A. sound, voice. [The fifteenth. j$**Ji\ ] angi-nc'ma%, The call to prayer by the crier, from the minarets or tow- \ ers of the mosques. [voice. t^jU^l lanmteedun, To cry with a loud ^/ [ lanoo, A princess, lady, wine. [like, ly L lanwa, Having a sw r eet voice, rich, war- /*) 'i f f> > I panehadehkerdun, To place, the W "'' ' ( V : L lanee, A builder, maker. [foot. ^L lav, Becoming proud, boasting. S 3 ^^L In j 2 I lawer, True, creditable, faith. [Jiving. 1 jj( t lawerkerdun, To believe, to give g j *L bjiverjee, A cook. [credit, ,* j l bciwers, Game with dice or C)J^) l Izwcrdedtw, See ,j ^/ , t y ! * I pfaJtJzhrtht. A weaver's t / A^ i I l&wesxee, The wife of a hust / * > may have another wife an. ..... 'j $j I lawe&ar, With dign: ,/' I pbtvenf&ri, A clasp a buckks^ >* . t pawend, A fetter. [or terus. L lah, A large area, surrounded by houses & L ^/', Adultery, o I p^//, Meat, victuals. t L pkha,. Meat of different kinds. j^L ba/iar, Conquering, greater, open. ^A L . To fchiae, "to be bright, [clen.. .i X - L I'Sherkerden, To make manifest and ^/ > y J\, t tji L l&/icz, Difficult, troublesome. j*TXl bahemameedun, To fall into a pas- y t bbhoo, A crook, a stout walking stick. ~ tf^ ^\>cfL 1\-ye-lial, In whatever condition. (/I pai, The foot. [servoir of water. ^ ' 1 1 payhl, Power, any shallow stone, a re- l*j I I laybn, The end, extremity. [ m g ^o L layet, Being in the night time watch- Srsvjlj layejet, A misfortune. ^ t pbkheht The feet of sheep or calves rca- t, * -^j L layeh, Fatigued. [dy dressed. ^M ^^ j ^/ L paifchisf, Any thing swallowed down, trodden down, trampled upon, 'ji L l&yed, It is necessary it should he. [kicked. l x o L poldar, Firm, strong, long-lived. , V/Cf'j U',1; paidaree-fardujj, To tread firm- ly, to do any thing often. % X .- 1^ t paidast, Eternal, continuance. i*J ) x V f t pafdkn, Perpetual, [ceases not to flow. > *- ' ' t*J ' ^ ^ pkidaHab, Running water which At layer, Astonished, confoui>4ed. -li phuet. The autumn. >~j faycst, See >-0 >M .,, * I/ , / - JU,^ layestun. To be necessary or requisite. -;iwjl> p&yestun, To wait, expect, ^b laye-*, ^.L ^^flf, A seller, buying. [A cock. uX; L layck, Calamity, an injury. XiuL (-aycfc.'f, A misfortune, fraud. A, L layek, She camels of a fine shape. [ 265 ] e & L phighh, A vestibule, a stable, an inn V J Ut Ptymh>l, Destroyed, trodden under foot, CJ Is L J \d\ Pty matter dun, To destroy, ruin* * / I paymerd, An assistant, assistance. [&c, f J * | ( ^L layen, Divided, clear. i*j J>* L pbyendan, A security, sponsor. D yW t pti-t/siiuc/i,!? ITIYI } solid jSUDstantiaI,continu " V /J [ pbywend, A fetter, [al, always, hardness. ^ L phyeh, The step of a stair or ladder, dignity. J (y3 t l t paihal, Contemptible, the sole of the *syi L laihet, Lean (sheep.) [foot. i\) ^ t t baycedunt To be requisite. /M^CJ L pbyeedun, To stand firm, to trample w,L P^yee%,Ste ^l t [upon, to become fatigued, f *i# J * ,^1 payeen, The bottom, the foot of a moun^ (,/" V L> ^e^a, How many? in what manner? [tain, if LJ lelalcu, Above, upward. *> lellet, The voice of an infant, a fool. ($ j** lebedee, vYickedly. [parrot, a nightingale* sj leler, A tyger, a leopard. U^/ Meghb, A ele&, The pupil of the eye. lelles, A louse, a tumour, [is taken, ^ pepenoo, Sour milk, from which the butter ^ leLoor, Plur. of ^ lefer. v [ 26(3 ] Co ^J Irpeesh, Before, in presence of. [drake. j bet, lit or pet, A weaver's glue, a duck, or j ,put, A wormwhich pierces ship's bottoms. ts> lot) An idol, image, a beautiful woman. *^o ldt t Cutting, breaking off. ta leth> Till when ? how long ? (J ) l~, pttcidtk, Thunderingly, with a crash. j Uj ketar, A sharp sword, cutting. j b Istazguee, Recently, lately. [Misery. j bo loth,nj, A wife, a spouse, j (^ butlar, /~- 1 lufperest, A worshipper of images, of letkha, "Bird's dung. [idols. v ! x Lretraheug, A covering, shelter. {fi.ltot%h$Lndt t The temple of an idol. , Having a long neck, wine. bvte\', A smith's hammer, also an anvil. AJ let ft, Cutting, catching hold of any thing. . letlet, A part, a portion, the beginning c >XS lotfredch, An idol. [of the night. ^ ^e/, Cutting. lb pet-lhd, A bar or lever for keeping a door shut. [quinces, &c. letlow, A confection made of nuts, t Entirely, altogether. I 26; ] &4 ~J letentik, Sole, separate. *J y* t letooK, A j& Affliction, a demon. 3 Uij lefyal t j lj^ peteyhn, An enemy, a giant, wretched- leteer, Unleavened bread. fness. * X^i' beteeleh or peteeleh, The wick of a candle, L^ leteeneh, Repentance. , Situation, scattered. , Plain, soft ground. ^ lesa, (A lip) protuberant from much blood, iij Leseg/i, Blood ready to burst from the skin. iL ?;es,Tearing,overflowing(a river,) breaking ,Fame,renown.[down banks,dikes,&c. ij lesnet, Plain, level and soft ground, a beautiful woman with a soft skin. O^AJ lesook, Plur. of vJiL ^*yf. JU lesee, Lavish in the praise of others. xij leseer, Many, much. 5uA>> leseenut, A beautiful woman. [ter. g\ lej or fej, The cheek, the jaw-bone, wa- ^ lejj, Bursting (a bile or other sore,) pierc- ing (a spear,) [ 26s ] IP ) V* lejk-amedun or /M^T U*. To accomplish, to execute. lej&d, A kind of Arabian cloak or upper garment, tapestry. [ful man. r //&/, A great lord, 'a prince, a power- *T ,j (A lejan-amedun, To be tired, &c, bejbnel, Towards. Uar Icjlhjy A man whose flesh shakes on account of his corpulency. ^=c lejlejeh, Any kind of song, dandling or amusement, with which infants are coaxed : lejeh. Joy, gladness, [into good humour. lejed, Diligent, urgent, importunate. [ejodo,, Separately. : lajdek, The herb, flea, wort. [affair, lojr, Misfortune, danger, an important lujjcsy (Cloud) pouring down rain, lejsliak, A farrier. lejesheft, A measure of dry goods. lechegan or U Plur. of -^ lecheh. \jj &> leehefr&ndiin, To drop, to distil. X/ 4 lejfam t A kind of stone seat in the por- ches of houses. [tion; lojcl, A false imputation, dishonest accusa* +& lejem, Being quiet, delaying, contracted. >f lechcm, Disposition, train, order. rf t < Icchthy An infant, a young animal. lechelighw, A calf. ^^ lejehet, Because. lecheech, A whisper, any thing spoken se- becheedun, To collect, to involve, [cretly. Ifjeel, Chief, honoured. lehalek, Plur. of x^x^ Jieloolict, ehar, Plur. of^ ^eto. r lehhreen, Critical period of a distemper. lehlehet, A multitude. T lehlehee, Being gay and plentiful. ? leJwolet, The middle of a house. , Pure, unmixed (wine or water.) lehket or Jb*^ Hoarseness. lehter, Having a short aijd compact body. lehes, Dispute, controversy, argument. : lelidelet, Agiility, lightness of step. leher, The sea, a gulph, a great river. fahroler, The sea and land. lehr&n, The crisis of a disease. - bclirhnee, Pieddish, blood. W 5 yjsr Icliret, Manifest, a territory, .sr lehre.ii, Abounding in water. j& lehrec, Maritime, marine. Ichrecf, A pure unsullied thing. ; lehzej, A calf, a dwarf, a camel's colt, r lehesl, According to, in the ma: ; lehsel, Thick, corpulent. r lehzcj, Leaping, frisking about like mice. ? fahekk, By, for (in swearing). lehcl, A strong impulse. [('. lehn(i> A great body of men living togo- lehwtet, Pure, unmixed. chcor, Plur. of ^ lehcr. lelioonet, A woman of a small size. ^, Well done! excellent! lekhbtcj, Plur. of ^- it^/i/c;. r lekhbtcc, Plur. of jjXu? tokthee* lokhar, A vnpour, exhalation. lakhlia, A vein or nerve in the loins, r IckW-aklt, A camel. Ifkhltkht, Crying brave! well done! , Striking, [boiling with heat or rage.- or y Fortune, luippirr. ^ IMtncser, A fortune of victory. r. 271 ( V kr! M'JitaJt t Ahelmet cask.^li'ar Icft r loklitej, Boiled, cooked. [Happy, rich, -^f&* belihh'k, Diminutive of ^/^i bcL'ut. '^ lelihter, The east, the sun. t ; fexr'i lelchlcJtareh, Levity, suspended. *Xs^ lekhtloo, Fortune, happy, ,<^ po&ktttn,To boil, ripe, cook. *^ . J&^v poklitenee, Fit to be boiled. ** y*y le&hfoo, Thunder, lightning. # * ^v pokhteh, Preterite of ^^v [two bunch ^ lekhti'-c, A large, strong, hairy camel, \vit-U U/ Icthtei/ar or . /. Fortune, rich. / ., * lekh-hcj, A nest, -jvir Ickhdej, Fat, swelled (camel's colt.) lecher, Stinking, a bad breath or other IcJiliC'rcd, Wise, intelligent, [foetid smell. CJ ^/^ lekherdbn, Plur. of y Ji lekhcrccL ar Icnhs, Deficient, small, sown land which produces grain without being watered. C pj\ I Anguisl) of mine', ^ting away with grief or malady. .*iL^ lekkshn, Melting, diminishing, [quid. ^*^ * l .j/.j ( lefrhshneediin, To melt, to become li Vs-x -^- lifrhscl, Snoring in sleep. * *) *J ^s^j* Ickhcst, Pretrrite of ,,x~/' *J ^v .)>.,; Ix^y* lekliesthneedun, To cause to spoil. /-*^ IcJthsturt, To spoil, to want. ^"^ * \ *;^w^ Icfrhcstoo, Confessing guiit. .j>*Ty^/ lekh&too-kmedvn, To confess guilt, to be' confessed. [reap. rM %**' lethtoodtui, To beat, to bruise, to jj*Jr* lekhseedun, To melt, to be distracted mind, to become angry. . .*, ,/?, Fortune, lot, part, a giver, [ly. \J f A^, pwhsh, Letting down one's self gradual- U^ btikhskh, A givtr, presenter. [pardon. luihsh&needun, To cause to present, I liJ luthslibyk, Forgiving. .j ^ l::./ lukhsktyditn, To forgive, to pity. ^^ * ( ' ^^-5^^ye5/i,Compassion, a present, &c, c>A; 4 L:>' lukshbyendeh, Most merciful (God.) -*^:'- hsh&k, A gift, a present, gratuity. LV lubhsliendeh, A giver, [ 273 ] j-". luJtJisJieh, A portion. ) A giver, a paymaster. , s+**j* IruJk/isheedunot ,*/ j? or o 5 *^' To ^x ** *^ bestow, to pardon, to grant, e.u.l/' lukhsheedeh or a< e,J* Pret. of above. XX 3^^. lekhsel, Thick, corpulent. J^vj lokkcl, . Ickhci, Dying, pin ing with grief. [Miserable /jf/i le&he&, To make blind, blind of an eye.. j J/' IcJMefool, A kind of hard nut. le&hkelcn, A walnut, or walnut tree. [ser. j & p lekldkliasiiin, Attentive to, mi- lofchla, Plur. of 3^ lokhul. ?> lekhelwet. Apart. J^' Ic&hleh, A bean. &f^/!/e^, Purslain. ^.^^ leJilm, Tall, long. lekhendbt, A woman full grown, having the finger joints firmly knit. ui:^ lekhnck, A kind of cloth which the arabian women put roand their heads and pin under the chin, &c. a kind of garment. i > *X/ Ickkneweeduu, To thunder, lighten, >, Dates, of a bad sort. khwhreedun, To labour, work. ^ ^ lekliood, To, with, by one's self. [Perfume. M * v lekkodeC) By one's self, i ^/ Ichhoor, t 274 -] >^* I'Moorjcc, .A perfumer. Zbwdkfy A. censer for incense. lefthooreti, A musk-bag. le%liooa, Confessing a debt. lekliccz, A dangerous place. i *j Jxir bekheel or U' Miserable, a miser. *+? : lukhiyeh, Very thick and strong sew. i*J ) j -^* butkiyeJizedun, To sew thick and strong. [out g;mm-?it. ^w Lw^7, Bad, wicked, an evil, a torn or vvorn- ^ pcd, A guard. ^ IcclJ, Fatigue, lidd, Like, ^ loci, An idol, .image, separatj.-n. \*j*led'a, Beginning, clepartiii )> irrf./, \^ ickedness, improper, [corpulency. ^ o Icddci, (Fern.) corpulent, straddling from Icdat, At first, in tiie beginning. >/, r FLc l.c^inning, the /ir^t time. *^\j ledali, A wiii- ded track of country. > bed-ukhter, I nfortunatej ^ ' ul. A ! jo iedad, Sally ing forth to battle, going down -^tjw lciL'n\im, A knave, a Is; j?ocrite. [to light. * '> ledo,*, A bboe maker's wedge. Lf )> /f d-^scr/ff, The sail of a wind-mill, or the toolh of a water-mill- wheel. l*ed-asat, From a bad race, of mean de- edal, Changing, afflicted. [scent. T 7 7 \ "VX 1 " 1 1 , cy bt'd-amooz VV ickea. XX ., P^J31> led-andccsli, Malicious. .jij>)}> led-andish&n, Plur. of , ,&>j l> -w C/ ' SjlJo leddtvet, Living in tents, vehemence. tf 3 !x.) Icdau'ce, Rural, rustick. [Malignant. net, An accident. , + T> 7 cd- alioosfu t/ "t * ^.jljsj led-ayett A principle, beginning. *< l ^ licday ^, . Plur. of *, PS & cdcca. ,^jT> led-ayeeii. Perverse. V^ '" * /*t> ledlaz, A jester, amimick, X "f ^^^> l'cdlu l lit, Bad fortune, unhappy, i'jvj leiddet, Power, portion, lot. ; U*> bedtelar, Of mean birth. *" / > LedpertoWt Unfortunate, of a wretched y> ledter, Superlative of> Z^7. [character. X"^* > ledcJieslicm, Having a bad or unlucky eve, of a malignant aspect. .<>,, ledeli, An uncultivated land. ! l?> led-kal, In a bad situation. > ^^/ 5b> o ledfrJiesal, Of a bad exposition. i, Bad temper, vicious. t 2?8 J 5* ^i > ledkliali, Invidious, malevolent. Icdkha-hee, Malevolence, hatred. < /J > ledfrhoyee, Vice, a bad habit. A jo faded. Power, ability, g js, Icddof, Tltir. of L<> lad* dob, An imprecation. [<>,. Z>t't/J. . J %> leddcl, Of a bad heart, silly. j *> leddeen, Irreligious, impious. v " ' * J4 >j iecCr, The full moon. ^ > 7;^';', Out! .! . !;} ! . > tedTr-oftadurt, To fall out. ,f - j >^ beder-lordun, To lead or cany out. ^, x> . / i > peder, A father. J > pcdcr-a?i(!uror jj* >, A step-father, [den. j > Icdram, A pleasant elegant place, a gar- ,i !/> bcd/ur?, A kind of dish, a sort of herb. J I i ^ pedni'/ich. Paternal, fatherly. c';> ledraht Deviating from the right path. (/ I . > Having villainous opinions. ^<. ! > > Itfdrayeheh, Having a bad smell. *2s i > ledret, A brisk e)-e. i*J v ; > peifer-zvn, A father-in-law. [lj r , &c. ^ , > lea'orosfee, Certainly, indeed, correct* ^_^- . > leder-shcl, Full moon night. ' 1 1;3 , > icclrcftar or *.!/> Going badly. Jf y > ledritch, A guide, a patient person. *j j* ledroo, A pack-horse. [say farewell. CJ ) / ) *) ^ pedroodfcerdun, To bid adieu, to tf^ * ) >, ledroosh, A pass, a narrow pass (/;> pederee,Seej )^/> [on an enemy's confines. f*i L ) > ledzalaii, Ill-tongued, reproachful. ^ ^ x u j > bed-zindeg&nee, Vicious, v/icked. j K^> led-sigal, Malignant. I ^>. Icd-suwar, Cruel, a bad horseman. w led-sceret;, Of a bad disposition. led-shekl, Deformed, ill-shaped, cju (;ot/c?, Invention, surprising. ^.sju li-duf,A. bad innovation, heresy. U P x u led-arnel, Injury. x yp>- Led-ahed, A liar. ejo ledegli, Contaminated. f U/ >' bedferjam, Ill-intended. [Jy. U;>' bedfial, Doing mischief, operating bad- *\2.s^.lcdkctet, Scattered, household furniture. i ls>' ledkar, Perfidious, ill-tempered. *X i ! ^ / x u ^ea^eraar,AshatDeful, infamous action. *j ^C^ bcdgoman, A scoundrel, a malefactor. [&c. /vi>^/v)^' > fadgoriianshodun, To be jealous, jtfjul&Elgund, Stinking. , A&XlyU ledkonesh, / w /j ledgo, Detractor. [Bad, depraved. [ 273 3 sJ Ju //, IcJguJier, Ill-natured, base or mean. v , j&J >> Icdkeeslt, Impious, inhuman. ^/ j yu Jecfc/, Exchange, foote/, A religious y^ ledela, Plur. of >^ LY//. [man, &c. A!JU ledleli, Change, exchange. ^Y > ledlehjeh, Ill-tongued, malignant. CA^V^J^ licdmczhel, Of a bad religion. j *" sU ledme-a$h, Of a bad life, \vicked. [cy. cden, The body, ledefi, fatness,corpulcn- >j Icdnain, Infamous, of a. bad reputation. ^> l*>> Icdnamec, End reputation, infamy. 5'^*>. Icdiiezsliad, Base-born, descended from mean ancestors. [having a bad voice. ' ^ > ; lednefi, Having a depraved mind, C^/ Jj >, lednegar, Seeing badly. > leJnoma, A bad sign, a mark of infamy. ^U A lednclmd, A perfidious man. ^ Icdow, Commencement. C ^AJ lodooli, Plur. ,^^4 Icdoor, Plur. of ^ ..Vj Icdcr. [of ^^ Icdch* , y, .>. ledoos, Good-will, aflection. C/ x . * *> pedoos, Hope, expectation. ^ A ledewce, Untractable, wild, [pectedly. o ^f/c'//, Coming suddenly, happening unex- , Jafe&Hidden, concealed. ^ >, bedJtiyefa Ug , ledee, The first, a misfortune, a quarrel, pedcejeh, The scale of a fish, [malignity, pcdeed, Public, open. [manifest. ,(>!> > pedeedamedeii, To appear, to be W V " '/ . f - /y !> > pedeedar tier duii) To awake, to excite, to publish. *j^j ledcca, Wonderful, rare, astonishing. Icdecl, A good, just, religious man, ader- > Itcdeen, Corpulent. [vise, ledyeh, A wine-butt or jar. ^j LedeeJiaHj Suddenly, extempore. .Ju ledcelict, An unexpected event, impe- tuosity of disposition. Icdecliec, Unpremeditated, extempore, ^esss, Rotten (dates), worn out, wicked, victory, conquer. leza, Obscene, treating with contempt. lezaz, Becoming old, being in a bad Iczlar, A jester, a buffoon. [state. e#e^, A part. '^ lezj, A lamb weaned Iczeh, To crack, [and able to eat grass* lezekli, Becoming proud. lesser, Sowing, scattering. ^a Iezert 9 Contemptible, abject. [ iso ] J*i / jju tczergvr, A fanner, a so\Ver. b; jy lezcriJi, A talent. er, &. le%ree, Idle, foolish. ^^/J Iczest, A * Jsj foztf, Frightening, terror. [span,, o jo ie%^, A leader, small, ^ jxj lc%l> A gift, present, expence. JJO It'zleh, Joke, jest, [himself (in anger*) - Cxj &ra/?/, Intelligent, in full possession of 5 Jsj Lczooh, riur. of ^ ow Iczeh. ret. .. jo Iczoor or ^ ^ One \vho cannot keep a j*}jpczoor t Mint, spear-mint. l<'.%wJi 9 ^_5 Jo b % t> I^^^ 1 '' 1 ^ a donor. [Small, slight. cJO Iczcli, A barren tree used as fire- wood. t5 jvj Iczee, Impudent, despised. j Ju ptzuer, Receiving, admitting, accepting. -^ J '-,/' pC9ewger%ftv n >To assume the appear* \^' * ' * 1-5 ,; >.' /yc'zct'/yfar, Receiving, accepting, [ance. L*/ ( :y (fjte^jjpezecreft&reeterduii, To bear patiently. A,s':.P c * ccr( -ft" rcc d tfn ' To take upon one's self, to be security for another. . pezcercftw* To receive, to accept. iM^Jy^ pezeerehthodufa To encounter. er, The earth, fruit upon, ^, por, Full, compleat. ^ ler, Earth, contl- )j> lorh, Sharp, cutting. [nent, globe. 'i s \js Iferat'f, Free (from faults, crimes, disease, ^ I ^ lcr&}', A field sown and watered. [&C.) j\ ^ Icraler, Equal, resembling, opposite. /) ;/ ^ \/ leraljer-kerdun, To equal, to op- S, \ s P er ^ l P er > To fill to the brim, [pose, &c. ^ s} S. l> er &?-' erce > Equality. j I j lera&eh, A pen-knife, [wheat and milk. t j t -j )^ leraleer, A kind of dish made of old CL> \jj I'crat, A letter, epistle. *s J - Icrat, A night in the eighth month, ,--. 5^. f leras> Plur. of cL-x ^ere^. [called Sahi&n. ,o,^j lerajem,Th middle joint of the fin* gers, nearest to the first joints, any joints I - lerajeel, Parsley. [of the fingers. ' lerah, Ending, deserting, a wide extend- \ _, ler ad, Cold (water.) [ed desert. ^Uj leradet, Filings, saw-dust. ^ ! ^ lerciihr jj]/,orj \\ ^ lerazer, Brother. \^ lerar, Peace,' extract. [acceptor. Jj i]^ lerhrendeh, An extractor, a carrier, an f ,! A lerhree, Desert. j ju ij f. lerareedun, To cause to extract. / " / j t 32 ] *j.' '^jj Icj'az, A \vide extended plain, going out 1 1^, perky. t Scattering, plough-harness, [to fight. + j\ ^ berated, Graceful, fit, an ornament, a *) } ^ S* 1> era *d e h A mass of paste, [companion. Cj ' *-j \ r. P er ^ %Wan > The lower part of a sword - sheath, surrounded with a ferrule of silver, iron, &c. [to agree, to dobcrvo. > To behave with decency, , P eras > Perfection, deliver} 7 , expansion. leram, A body of men. Iv-l^j l'cras/a, lerhstek, A building of bricks. [Right. .:^ ] ^ perastun, To clean. Cjiy^S* oer&sodttn, To quiet, console, &r. *^i \j, lerashcM, Seeing clear, a quick eye. [or. CJ ^ '^: l&btf&cdun or /* 0^^. To ask, questi- lwa%, A little, scarcity of water. > leralc.m, Swelled or blubber-lipped. Leraz//,Excellence, pre-eminence, [flight. ^j >J (p* !^. leraghtLleeduntTo instigate, to put to ,,^'-15 1 y. lerafr&shtun, To raise, to erect. .^- 4 } I x lerafrbkhtun, To inflame, to kindle. 2*/'y: 1>< ra f ro d> Topsy-turvjr, pell-mell. 31 j lerqfrosecdiui, To excite, to desire, i^, Shining^ flashing. t 283 } sM;j Icrak, Plur. of ^ lark. ]jj\j* lera-k-lcr.ifi, Courage! courage' (an animating ejaculation to one another V\x leraka, Firmness in battle, [in battle.) f * ^ K "^ ^ /. pcrakendiguee, Scattering, dispersion. 'O (x '^. pcra,kendun,-To disperse, to send eve- fi x^ ) y, perakindeh, A bribe, a gift, [ry where, ^)> x u; )^- peraJicndeeden, To dissipate, &c. (5 ^. P er(L ^ cc > A helmet, a scull-cap. jUs> ^j Icrakcyet, A kind of vessel or boat* i*J>ylf/( leramahecdun, To swell. ,i >^ t ^y, beramasecdiw, To swell, to blow up paste, &c. [pass through, to be replete. /J>Tx leriimedun, To rise, to surprise, to ^^/ / .; )^ peran, Flying. [defeat. *& \Jj\ f, lerandaklitiin,To throw out, &c. . j:/^ ; \ j, lerangekhtun, To rouse, awake, to pull up, to tare out, to learn. j !^ leranee, A vessel of earth or glass. Cj ^ ' 'y beranecdun, To kiss or be kissed, to agree, to put to flight, [restore, to accept. ^ lera-iverdiin, To extract, to exalt, to * x, l&rhweekhtun, To suspend, [forth. I y> lerahnejeedun, To draw, to bring tar&keeH,.ttef' of ^u lerai or !^ For, because, for the sake of, \j\jj lerayi, Plur. of Xjj., Icryet. [on account. ^L,!^ lertyek, Plur. of ^ k'/v/fr. Jul^j Icrayet) A chip, lath, shaving, paring, scrapes (of wood, a pen, the nails, &c.) ,j >jj ! - pcrayecdun, r lo adorn, to dress the ivl;^'ly* Icrpaloodun, See /);->' [hair. . i % / t - "berpbfrerdun, To erect, to fix. *b - lerlad, Destroyed, ruined. .j v .1 y lerlhdloodini, r lo be undone, o J . j Icrladdadeh, Given to the wind, jU^ Icrlnr, Murmuring, angry. [ruined. . 1 A- j lerlarlni, A field sown in the time of rain, a sown field watered by rain. tr 1 O J lei-las, A deep- well. ^.^ lerlefth, A canal, an aqueduct, j j Icrler, A barbarian. ^ ^ lorhtr, Noisy. S^j^j lerlcret, The muttering of an angry f S. S P er P erurn > A young partridge, [man. CJ ^ */ S lerleroosha7J, People of the .same V S'P er P ere ^> ^ g^ en ^ ucat - [religion. +:j lurpezeh, A plumb, the root of the ear. ,**> f'M'lcstun, To prepare, get ready. 1 ^ 1 I'crlet, A kind of harp or lute. [ 285 ] ,,- /*jj^j lerlolend, Very high, on high, ^.o per pen or ^.^ Porcelain. ,jj) lerlend, A horse collar, j^i^i berboor, Barley-water or gruel. uii.f> berpoon, The itch, s^ leret> A garter, c.^ lz/?^, A guide, a hatchet. [tumbling. v^O'^ pertaL, A leap, a throw, spinning, ;:? l) % j berfoftun, To turn, to twist. . 0'^ pcrtuo, A bow-shoot, an arrow that flies a great way, a spring, brightness. T^y berter, Superlative of j ^J5 x bertek,(A. horse) swift, strong and sure of fr, [er/c/,Great, tremendous, [foot oppression, ^j'y, lerteleh, A gift, a present. />-^ x. lerteineedun, To tumble, to throw t let-ten}, The bittern, [down, togrow fat. fififU? x pertbWt A rn r . [ ground, to over-turn. ,! x u y "w pertekeedun, To throw upon the c,j.j /-e?'es, Soft smooth level grounaT" yS^j Icrseriy The top of the finger. laj^.5 j Lersootet, Dangerous place. ~ v, ^er/, A cylinder, a rolling-pin, T H ^ 3? I/ A castle, bulwark, 2- -r j, t lorjihtarfi The highest degree of ij, Finn. [dignity and prospe; xjbkerdun, To be firm, [side, c.) /yl?y. Lcrjas, A heap of stones (by the way ^U^ lerjameh, A rich nnd valuable dress, x^ lorjod, A | nt of ?. thick hairy stuff. { Jy~pj. Icrjesteguee, An eruption, pustule. , ;u~^y, lerjeitun, To have any pustulous com- plaint (as the small pOXj &c.) to leap. t * );<**& * perjeseedun, r - !:e, to drive. * f S t f>crtldjn,. A lock of hair (especially wav- ing over the forehead.) lerjooshccdti?i,To grow hot, ferment. r*j^Cfy ferjeh&needun, To cause to leap. /V'x^/ l>ercJieedun, To collect, to gather. , M ,L& j t pcrtheedun t To beat down the point of I'^A pGChecn, Curvedj bent, tapi.^i.iy. [a nail. '. erchecncL, A collectr. ,tr. ; li . l, To collect, to rcai), to v y. , Aiitrtior*, di j'jH rl. jb*^, lerhct, An nt she- cam rl. ["with pity. r* ( >* )vj>> y lLrclii)ie.t~(i,KC(hin l r i'o be moved fJ A=^ farheen. Difficulty, Plur. of _ r crti, A little, an edifice, a cavern, a lot, prosperity. [the neck or back , larkh, dew. ^ 1-e.rkh, Increase, slenderness, weakness of fApGrtk A little, fortune, [sist, to increase. ,1^1? j lerfrh&tun, To rise, to stir up, to de- & / IcrklfCLSteh or .MV" IP- xJ Pret. of ,^l^ ^ j* j* (^/ s* ^/ lerkhash, A battle, engagement, a tumult, violence, distress. fyjperkh&shjoo, Warlike, brave. ijj lerkhdkt, A woman of a delicate form, lerkhefejt The night mare. fij pcrkhoo, A granary, victuals, cheerful- ? \ & y lerkhetvkj, A spindle, a whirl, [ness, j \f berfchewar, Good fortune. il^^ y j lerhhodar, Happy, glorying. lerklior, Glory, prosperity, a companion. jf/ t lerkliordar, Enjoying long life, and prosperity. [tune, reputation, &rc. ljjps lerkliwdaree, Glory, good for- lerkhoot, A large earthen vessel used by shepherds, [to be, &c. l&rkhosh) Right, very well, as it ought p j lerJthee, Some, a little, an offering. A berkheedun, To extract, to pluck, to 83 ] shave, to fortify, to he changed, to resolve, to reap, to invent, to magnify. skfJ perkheedun, To pull up the roots (hair, herbs,) to shave. ;. -< t'crkhcez, Ris- > > V Icrkccza, An insurgent. [ing. >J I ^ j lerkheez&needun, To erect, to con- j/ j t > lerkhcezesh, Arising. [stitute, &c. lerkheen, A ramcm, a small portion. d, Cold, cooling, hail, sleep. lerdooshtb, Cold, \\inter. , Pret. of | ^ Iwdun. Z-trJ, An enigma, stand off, take care, be- gone, dread, prisoner of war, hanging. f, P or d or \-f* / pcrdvl:, Diflicult, an enigma. ^ pcrda or 1 ^5 Tp-morrow. ! ,yJ t perdaJilif, Pret. of ,;^ ! ^ j .;^K perdbfkhtun, To finish, to com^loat, bring to perfection, to spend, to deliver. J&N/ lerdkfthtun, To be addicted to any thing, to sing melodiously, to finish or leave offany thing. , Hanged, lifted up. [port. dbrdeditn, To raise up, to sup- ) ^ )/., pcrdav, Performing, compleating, adorn- ing [ 239 0} J Vv P&Jfa&t Completion, Elegance, orna- ment, perfection. 'd)^ lerdaslitun, To exalt, to assume, to move, to bear up, to offer, to % for refuge, to CJ ^/i P er d& n * Full of wisdom, prudent, [drink. ol^ Icrdbn, Cold, patient. J^ perdaxec,A. j I ^ lordlar, Suffering, a t'earer. [wise man. (j j Lj / lordlhrce, Patience under burdensor op- 2-i^j lcrdof,A capture. prisonerofwar.fpressicn. j )jj I erder, Ihe lintel over a door. [pect. (j-yi^-j lerdes, A supercilious man, of an ugly as* Xjei^j lerde-ui, A cloth stuffed with wool. ^E ^ Icrda-ee, A maker of saddle cloths, &c. *" ^ ij)f perdeguce, A modest woman, one who \j> ** is confined at home. [ous. j ^ psrdcl, A plate, a dish; pordit, courrge- -i^.j berdem, A moment. [duct, to take. ,f^ j lorduH, To carry (a burden,) to con- + \j*jt Icrdowam, Continually, always. ^-ol^i^j lerdowamce, Perpetuity. 0))A berdoon, A gelding. [y ^ A e ) vt l' or d e h> -A- prisoner of war, a slave, pret. of 3 ^ ^ perdeh, A curtain, tapestry, a veil, [the veil. 1 4 c^ ^ perdeJtder, Revealing a secret, tearing B 2 t 290 ] ($ \ S t IcrJeCj A masquerade, jesting, r"'.;/; IcrdceJf, Ignorant. >- j berdeeri,T\ltb, or the refuse of any lirxown, A horse, a beast. [To - ler-restu?i, To raise. ,.;:? t - I r-rnflun^ ft (^ / ./, ' o^;^ ler-reek, Lightning, flashing, t^ Zcr2, Corn, grain,* seed, 7or, stature, tallness of shape, exalted, entire, [nourable. ',, A respectable intelligent man, ho- A wide plain without lr . A young nuui of ai : constitution, full. [destly \viuh men, *j j-f I't'wtj -^ woman who converses 1110- - /* ^ lerzcj, The roaring of a lion. -, yj Icrzef, A kind of herb. t- J *s * *S rjj? lwxc*'h> An interval, a partition. i*j*jS Icrzcdini, To beat, to raise. ^^ le-rzegh, Cheerfulness, full, crammed. J> \ ; lernegheh, A saddle or pannd rloth. ^J] * Iwzek, The seed of lint or hemp. 'f\ , I'rexper, A farmer, a ploiigliman. ^j^i l>n'zel, A heavy corpulent man. 1rezun t A street, a field. x Irexcndun, To sow, to agree totally, > * t*J *} A t' er * 00}7 > & turkish horse, [ly dwelling. s'j leixeli, Seed, a ploughing ox, a prince-. * ;V ptm&fah, A fringe, the pile of new cloth, i*J J> } S t I'crzecdun, To sow, to quadrate. ,i > j jf, perwduni To repair a well on the uL.\j.-; bcrzeek, A society. [inside. f^jj^ Iwzt't'n, A cup or bottle made of a branch of the palm tree, bud. Inrs, A bridle, halter. lurscL, An assembly of men. x U^ litrsam, Madness, the night mare, a pain in CJ ^A ^^^^^'^^^^n.fthebreastjfetiCorpulent. /*J ^V, P^rsan, Interrogating, enquiring, [tive. /Mx^/v'^y/. porsansJiOodun, To be interroga- , j x w U j pursannedun, To interrogate, to in- C^^y, pwrest, A worshipper, [form one's self j ^ / percstai\ A. servant, male or female. .*! btxy pcrestiin, Speculative, visionary peo- ple, jealous, Plur. of ^^ j perlust. . f&^ j peresteskt Adoration, worship. } v * ^ pcfgf'4shkh&neh,< A temple, mosque, /, pereste&f A swallow. (W&tegaree, Slavery, servitude. 292 pewstcndeli, A worshipper, adorer, ( x ^v^ ( peresteedun, To worship. j, porsesh, A question, a demand. (*/"V fa'wn, A ring or nose jewel worn by the ladies in the east. j +s ., persoz, Full of line flaming. i ^^ j luemeedun, To be finished, complcat, i*\j^j; t porscedun or /*/>/^/A^y- To ask, &c. * Z'e/'/?, A disorder in the bowels, the ii: passion, small spots or hairs upon ahorse. LK^J Icrsla, A crowd. [a sharp dart. / 1> rs h&m> Having a sharp piercing eye, jj lerslihn, Bread used bj the caster chi in the eucharist. lirshef, A white speck upon the nail. ' ^ leritsliiun, To roast or boil, &c. to fry in a pan. J& ^IcreshtcJiipret. of .*j&f Jipt }irsli, A corpulent man, a fool, mad ' j IcrsheJc, A wine or oil press, a belt. lenheiht A veil. [steadfastly. lershcmct, A sharp piercing eye, looking lershun, Ivy. [gi n - n, People of the same reli- /.. p^sJieisdun, To shallow, to salt* bcrcs, G'oing before, flight. ^ lersky (Ground) when the corn or other produce is cut down, (a serpent! having ^jj lerz. Giving sparingly, [a shining skin. ^z&j* Icrzoom, A leather case for a glass bot> ftb^ lerf.ani, Having swelled lips, [tie, &c* o^ls^j a. p. lertertft A side, a part. Cj ) *y w^/V 1 berterefneliaduni To set apart, to reject, to conclude, to dismiss, [stone. ., lortc/, A high cap, mitre, lertil, a long .lertcleh, A cap worn undef the turban a. p. lerteel, A bribe, [or other head-dresses. lerfemetf Swelling with rage, ^s^ ler-vs, Abounding in milk, (a camel) . /*A*y Icr- uks, On the contrary, [finely shaped. ^^ Icr-um, A bud. [water stagnates. ^ leregh, A dam, bank, a low place where jU^ lerghaz, A calf when able to foilo \vthe ,j x tJlp^, To satisfy. [cow. ^^ bergliesk, A lund of gnat. r j Icrghuly The \vhel p of an hysena. .! >j 1U ,/ lerghelaneedun, To coax, fof them. ^/ - > . i j liTcrJiool, Wheat, barley, a dish made '(a/ ' / ' [ 2 'fl, A district sit i* near water or between. an inhabited country ana a desert. /, Snow, ice. [thcr. ; Oy Icrfan, A gitrraent made of j>kia or lea-* , ' U ,' -f o/vtz, Full ot" sorrow. tx /. * ^ ,;l> a y l^refd^n. An icc-liou?c, the gullet. 1 j terferood, Downward, below. x J 7 y s *" ~ ^ W y lerfenjt Rough, difficult, any thing new. j> y le?;ft'7i$ ,. lerfendeh) A clothes-press. ojj dVv^-, Lightning, a thunderbolt, flashing, clouds, fearing. [ing of different colours*. U w If.rkij., An eye, (as shining, glossv, and be- ^ jS+j lerkcrar^ Firm, uniform, solid. ^U'^ lerkkn, Lightning, glittering (a sword,) blinking. [sand, &c. X> j lerket, Coarse ground, consisting of clay, iXi*j'>^ \jC?ke$hct t Painting 9,ny thing with vari- -j ltrfta t A la*y lcrI;QQk t An aprirot. [the eyes are seen. jj i ^^v/5 1 , A troop ot camels. r^/rheleafofatrcei anornament,adoru* , power, a work, erg^ehesm, The e}*e-lid. , of c^^.., ler&et. j ^ / P pr g ar * A l >;nr of compasses, a circle macta by thorn, oy (: / pergarcJi, Diminutive (;f f *i^* ^/ per%a$ktu) To &o\v. [the abo\e, J!^ j pergklch, A rag, ci little bit of cloth. foljj btr&'w or l^aj^ A kind of black gown HL^ / / tiert&'kyeedurii To behave xno * Jy lergird; /Hound about. [destly. (, /y beffterdun, To pull, to pluck. r>^'. 4< /V I'Tg^'deedim, To be turned or in- f ;sy y fergireftun, To seize, to take, [verted. C *j Jy lerkrcexelencL, The autumn of mor- tality, the decline of life. lergv%eediin, To select, to rhuse. / ' (wgoxeedeh, Preterite of , )M.W ? ler&esf, Flying to god, may god forbid, .o f f~* J lerJcestoiViin, The girth or surcin- gle of a liorse, together v/ith his armour, covered on both sides, ? J j> lergeshti Returning. j lergeslilun, To return, to retire. ^ ^ Icrgeshtch, Preterite of the abc !> ; .:':J y : Icriesfaedun, To extract, to d: yJ I'crkem, A refusal, an impediment. . , > /.pcrkcu, A count rv comb. [/wd/ : " t A kind ofsweet-m< / ', A present, a bri : ;c. ; x u/ ^ Icrfteiulun, To dig, &c. ^^/y- lerkendeh, Preterite of the above. 3 .s^.> Iw/rooa, A veil for the face. J^T S* bertoohh*, Melody of voice, har- mony of instruments. ^^' >aofa fountain, apoiid. S pcrkcev, .\ a or PTute. 'v . /;' b l ' r & C7ii 'h> A kind of electuary which promotes eliecrh /-f/v;/, Vexation, fatigue, refusing to go partner \vith gamesters. [mine. * lemi&seedun, To enquire, to exa- t A kind of sweet- meat. . " ^ l?rm&7teJj,AngCT. \y\*s. ^rw&yoow, Akind ;j>: lermmeteJt&, All, the whole, [of silk. *zf? j> I'crmcjeedun, To try, to feel, to ex- amine by the hand. [rents. . .. ^ Icrmc'ihccdun, Disobedient to pa- . * I / ^^* j fyermeseedun, To examine, to handle, La^S-y* l>cnnQtez'j, According to. [to touch. .A* x ' / :', A hero, a noble, liberal man. j y* '/, pwwoozeJi, A swing. ^ -'. permcJi, A song, an air. *"* <. pcrmcyoo, The strangury, heat of wine. ,y ; Isrn, A drinking cup of earth, metal, &c. CJ / P er ' J i The pleiades, the moon, when c-hi- (J j ?'er;?f) or pernb,, A youth. [ning bright. ^ - 1crncim-h t A sample. ./ - p^rnzirt, Mouldiness of bread. [Rice. \j j, f j - j J - lernobor, A child's game, /f ' y* lerenj, ,X x fef 7?/e;z, A bracelet,any female ornament. U -^ . J ,u /l^/ lerenjek-berdwi, To torment, [silk. /; y, perend, A messenger, expectation, plain >Uy, lorend, Cutting, shaving. ^^I^Uy, pernedbmet, Penitent. j y j . lerendun, To compress, to squeeze, I- pertndooshf Flying. l&rendeh. Cutting, a sharp sword, [mal. perefideh, Flying, a bird, any winged ani- f ^* lernes or , .5 * Thechclic, gripes. \*S ** */ " *Y .S UJ vj lerncsa, A woman. ^jC5 ^ l>crne?> A bell. j* j* ,*\ *(j ., lernehzdun, To place high or above. \J s f Ji *L j x Icrnce, An earthen or gbss vessel in which W' " / * they preserve flowers, &c. ^'Jjj.pcrncyi'ii, A kindof fine painful silk cloth. i.\:-^j Icrncyetj A v-?so. of earth or glass in v, i ed. ^^C^ IcnictJc, A delicious fruit, akindof date. . ~Jy- lernccSf Large shears. ^^ taroo, Creating. + jr pcrco, The sun or sun-shine, the moon or moon- shine, the pleiadrs. !. * pcnva, Cessation from labour, shvxgth, ^ affection, eagerness, care. ; ! v : ( pcru'ar, To breed, j ^^j pcrwaz, Flying, cj ! ^perit'CLZchik nuptial entertainment, [flight. , r ! ^ ' pcTivas, Fc-cling, touching. ^/ ^ A- .''j^'nj 6envaseedun, To touch, to feel. ^ ' -- .'/: - ^ pcrwtish, Negligent, secure, the end. lcru'a,%: Shoe-maker's or v/eovcr's glue, i t penvh%> A watch; centinel. peru>z7i t A parrot, a crime. [ 299 3 >x .M !^ lenvhn, An handkerchief, along How- ing robe. [ger, proclamation, &c. )^ j ferwaneh) A moth, a candle, a messen* tfljyj perwayee, Easy, nimble, plump, care. mxtf, Whiskers. ui. 5J j Isrocs, Plur. of lerooj, Plur. of SJ ., &or?/. [5^ ^7'c'6\ ^^ ^Twejeti s In the same manner, [ness. > lerood, Cold, frigid, o i^^-j leroodet, Cold- pcrwcr, A maintainer, a protector. )/)/ pcrwerdegar, God, the creator. ; ^ -"' perwerdan or ,sX ^v* / To non- / x y y * ^/JJT.s/J stf rish, to educate. [ed, &c. iJ>^ c^ y ^ x 1 . perwerdcshcdini, To be nourish" if )5 S jioiii nutrton. &i/&>4 ptvu-cresh-Iterdun, See ^;;;^ y *r, pwwereh, Preterit of /J);^ -/ * (/^* J pcriveree, Fattening, education. ,i x c . v perwereedun, To begin, to nourish, )<- peitvez, A place of retreat, [to create, c, )& )S leroslian, A prince, a chief. L?xV, t'WM'efc, Shiiiing, glittering. leromend, A man cf fortune. /j beroon, Abroad, out of doors, [nastiness. >J lerwft, Firm and solid. ,!*/ percent Filthj a W - ''v [ 300 ] jj , - /?erar72^,Murderer,asassin. [clothes-press. 6 x u A - penvendeh, A bundle of cloth or silk, a (f - lenvee, Upon, above, to him or it. r *'' j v a - pcriveezun, A sieve made of hair. ,;/- per ween, The pit iacles, c . Icrch, A lamb, a f;- [lock. bolt of a door, the bolt of the .i iy lerhbn, Gladness. [ruent, a sign. Q\J>J> lerhan, A proof, an indispir -gn- jj; - Icrkknee, Demonstrative. [ever. * lerJict, A. long space of time, \\hatso- lerho&htun, To wound. lefflcrhet, A beautiful woman. X .- lerhcm, Entangled, confused, [the eje. j* lerJiemct, Looking steadfastly, fixing lerhemcn, A brahman, the brahmas from the first tribe or cast among the gentoos or original natives of Hindostan. JL x lerchneh, Naked. [naked. i- 1 CJ )/ ^i/* lerclmch-kcrdun, To unveil, make *,j. lerhood', Foolish, absurd, burning. l\)) ? A lerhoodun, To burn, &c. [orbit. *o .- IcrliGzn, The disk of the sun, the sun's [ 302" ] V* [r^v; lerheekhtun, To teach good manners, to, '-w^ perhecz, Abstinence, continence, [wound* ,'b'j-w/- perheez&at, Abstinent, sober, chaste. / >. % y v * o perli&ezeedun+TQ restrain one's self, * ^ li-rhyoon^ A circle made by compas^ ses, the disk of the sun., ?, Clear, free from, far off. (/ j> peree, A good genius, a beautiful spe- cies of imaginary creature, neither man nor woman, angel nor devil, but answering in many respects to that beneficial little be- ing to whom our ancestors paid so much attention, called the Fairy, which, from the name and many other circumstances, was in all probability of eastern attraction. if , poree, Fullness. *? "{ ,*j(i t S bereytw, Roasted or baked in the oven. . 1 1 j, peryan, Plur. of ($ j perce. [The back. Zjjs lereyet, A field, a creature. v.^ lerce&h, Oy^j lereed,A messenger, ameasupeof three para- sangs or twelve cnglish miles, plur. of /*!>!/ . jyu < - percedar, A magician, a necromancer, (jf lyu -. pcrcdaree, Necromancy, inagick. /* IA. / P&fcdufy ' fty> to ta ^- e flight. W " v v - [ 302 ] #X , ' loreedun, To cut, to cleave. V "' A,S P ct ' ccr > ^ h day before yesterday, i L^y C/ ^ peree-rokhtart Angel- cheeked, hav- ing fine rosy cheeks. ui* Fairy or angel -fact 'i [main. , Golden, bread baktd upon the j ] , pereereench, Of the daj befoix*} estci ^SS P erec z&d> ^rn of a pcrcc, or aei-ial spirit, a beautiful person. [female. x pereestar, A servant, a slave, male or * s>> * P erccs h> Disturbed, perplexed. \ { ^i j pereeslia n, Disordered, disturbed, vexed, melancholy, disgusted. JU/*'^,/; pereeshanhMj In a melancholy ruined state. [be afflicted, disturbed. VJ^/H? L*J \fyj'pGr ee *fiQ' n ~%h&te r ~ s h du7f, To . i ^ yQH - -;'. / pciishcin-kcrduji) To dissipate, to otleml, &c. U- ,i ^-' (> T / ;tv eesnbns&Zt Scattering, strc^ving. .*l^ x /H i /-fL's/t(iiit'( i . Dissipation, distraction, O " Jt f A^ disgust, sorrow. /^ ^ lereesheem^cc ft" A * s* iv'x^-^ pereesheedun, To be dispersed. j^ I'crecff, Bunch of grapes. JL^ farcc/i, Brilliancy dazzling reflection. [ 303 ] tf- Abundance, a blessing. **jjj Icrci'mct, A ship-worm. , f U: ^ pcrecnhn, The hide of a camel. CJf-S. P erc y on > A distemper about the nails, making them drop off. ^ lex. Habit, a rich dress, lot, a she-goat. \*j> lcz(i, Huw-tack. pe%sl$,d, A venerable old man. [green colour. if 2 I v lc%adee, A precious stone of a faint sea jKj lezzz, A dealer in cloths, a trader, H l^-j !v lezhzestan, A market place. . l^j lozka, A jester, a shameless old man. *c!^.j lezh-ut, Wealth. <_3'!%j lez\/f, Spittle. >.^ /A' V pensile-mend, The bar of a door or gate* /My^jJ >' pczaneedun, To cook. J I >' lezlat, Mace. 2^ lezet,Artn t armour. v. Iczej, Roasting, contending for pre-emi- ^*U>' petjam^h f Rich dress. [rnice. 4. vj lezefth, Protuberant breast, hollow back. O pezcd, Acknowledgement. ezer, Ray, light, flame. [Bald. jy Iczr, Lint or pot-herb seed. ^ pezsher f jj-i bozeroj, Great, large, magnanimous. **\0}\ Iczer-fthanehf An oil mill. [ 304 ] jtf lerzeft, A small seed, lint-seed. t'Ozorg, Great, immense, elder, grand. ,)#;' lozorgan, Flur. of ^T,^ lozurg. J j!/ I wo/'ganeh, Grand, magnificent. ^ ' /^ //y loiiorgter, Super!, of^/^v /, v lizeiker, A farmer, sower. fmrin. j / j . L i I y' j / lozorgrrar, Powerful, noble, a learned ^/y l'ov.oi'guee, ('randeur, strength, v/ '\ j lexerwfr, Employed, ,M k-"yf te*eithn t A marketplace or square. ^jC-*> Icwsliek, A physieian, ahorse doctor. . Z'i.xnf, Augmented, increasing. % ^ * ^ v, A frog, a dam, a pond.

v lexghalek, A kid. [herb, o* i*; lezshghardeh, A rolling pin, a kind of ^^^v lewghrtmch, A water lentil, [wheat, &c. U ' 'n- ' fjefsfigJich, A \ ^IH V prop orarbor. [zy, weak. y v (; v A( r/iV, A roK-wonn. >^- Ir-r.fcnd, Idle, la- ,. r > v v l<'%ck~ln'rJtt.H> To spit. L' - ' ^ >f c'l, Th'* ^rolopendrion, a rose-worm, V *; y lez-hohee, A mountain goat, [a cricket. ' A 305 f < . si f' *% ce * Quickness of puce, V Zy* lezl, Liberality, y . , lezlk, Admonition. J^ bczleli, A jest. *y lezern, A banquet, as- > jy t pexsliem, Frost, a fog, a cloud, [sembly. /*/ I jy pezshmhn, Sad, mournful. )J.j^s } P&shtobtoGrdt -A dish made \vith eggs, &c. a present brought by a guest. ^M^ ;; lezmei, Eating only once a day. (.*' ^y^y-- P^shmordtin, To faint, tobecomelean. *) / '') 1 t . petehihorckhftet. of /vf ; x^j^ [company. t&s*jj lezemgkh, A banqueting house, a jovial 0" r*/?. pezshntooe, Pitted with the small pox. , A harrow. us, ^ . ,"> ifezshen, The bottom or end of a street. \f/j't >#, pczshend, A necessary, very little, a spe* i & *> pe%shengar,Jk carpenter .[cies of cucumber. /^/J. pc^slienglr t A tanner, a currier. /**" A 4-1 t jC} *j pewingir&h, A rabbit. 3 ^., D^KOO, Aoalanre. j . tczwbt (A woman) havingapouting breast. , An echo. i, An assault, impetuosity. lS) * e} lezoodee, Expeditiously, diligently. fj> *> lezivesli, Goatish. [stars. 9- * ;< lezoogli, The rising of the sun, mqon or W* F a [ 306 ] (A camel) having a fore or side tooth projecting from the gums. 1 }/, />2w7/t30/, A game at dice, the ancle, [breasts. :lx~j J v)f, pc%shool-~lcstan, Having plump .j ^J j* t pexsJiooIeedun, To provoke, to move. lezooui, Any kind of thread or wire upon which pearls c. are strung for necklaces, c. a bundle of pot herbs. pexshivend, A sparrow. ,^/ pezshweh, An examiner, investigator. .i>y^ */ pe^shGoheedun,To enquire, to examine. ,,:'/ pc%$hweeti> Nasty, dirty, unclean. {ry L'czch, A crime, sin. [die, grief, rhime. c*> pezsheh, Armour, a staff, associate, a nee- y v ^w* DJ lcze,hnnmd, A sinner, a criminal. . j i; */ pe%s'h-'han 9 Rivalship, jealousy. [ful. ^o-^j beiecj, One who returns benefits, grate- ..(>.' :: l\ow,l'oxccdu}}, topulloiF A (hair, wool, &c.) to tickle. /**>ly v p&tshecdunfTopookt to be cooked, [wool. j tj bezeer, Downward, y j^- lexsheer, A wing, pexcerefiun, To accept, to receive, to pttterehf Meal, flower. [be grateful. lezeca, Ingenious, intelligent (youth), i 307 3 o* *jvj Jj.' ; 3f?fli, Fragments. I'J f'-s* P c ^'y n > A large ship. . ^j Ics, Enough, many, very much* indeed. ~j pcs } After, then, at length, but, for this \J V reason, the latter part, &c. ^j less, A gentle stimulative, impelling, driv* ing a camel gently, anointing, mixing. L Lesa, Becoming habituated, familiar. L,< lesz, Somewhat, some, many. LJ Lw lesalesa, Many, in great numbers* ^ LJ lesiajt Depravity, wickedness. LJ pcsadest, Borrowed, credit^ , A boy, a young man. ,iJ iLj lesardidun, To plough, iLj Icshrool), Gleaning after harvest. j tea/, A bed, covering, carpet, cushion. ^> Is Uw lesztekoonomalthn, The sur- face of the globe, the world, the universe. ^vj^kX; Jb U*j lesateeshterenj, A Chess table. 6 Uj lesak, Spittle. y\^^lesai, Powerful, strong. -Uo lesbm, One who laughs too much, .j LLj tesambn, A good just man. ,jLj les&n, Like, resembling;, tx pe*ki&end 9 Rhime, verse. * pe$&htnkt A nail, horse- shoe. M lesayet, Plur. ot ta^ I e sect. *t Lcsuas, The herb fennel, [of the nutrr ^e/j, Mace, the llov.-er and bark -tpespbye, Sitting cross-legged, [count. of. ^^*~> J esebeb, Therefore, for that reason, on ac* * U~A~J leslts, \ desert, uncultivated ground. ^^^ lest or ^^-^o Twenty, lesf, a lover, a ^^^' />jf, Humble, abject, avaricious, [turban. i*))/*&~~ i P^t^erdun, To render miserable. ,* . V' '' * j '^^j Instance, A gardener, belonging to a jf*** lestej, Frankincense. [garden. >:c^ posted, Red coral, small pearl. '^j pester, Superlative of .^^ pes. [frost. y^vj 7x^^r, A bed, &c. ^/ ' M pester cn t Ice, . ^ y ;:_r pwtcrneskeen, Sitting, lying on a bed, / j f iJ-X^j lesle^, A servant, a minister. lZw . lestekan, A gardener, one who watches fi*) " X-w lesteguec, Ligature, lisping, [sown fields, j^i ^'5/om or >'^' The twentieth. ,.'Uvj te/?/??, To bind, lie, to oblige. ), A. small liquor jar or jug. [ sop ] lesteJi, Preterite of . I . /jtwj lestcli-kerdun, To bind, to plant, .< x ^ ju~' lestch-shod&ft, To be bound, obliged. .i ( v> ,* ^:~~' Lesfeh-zelan> Stuttering. ,ju-: Icstee, A gardener, any thing relat'n . ^ .f*^ pcstce' Meanness. [gardening. ,^~v lesc/ieen, A hard wood for making bo\vs. .MXU^'"'- besfthenduttt To leave. yl*^"% pesfrhtvar, Fragments of meat or drink, le&edd, Coral, also its root. Icsr, The beginning of any thing, laying bare the scar of an unheeded wound. ^ pcscr, A son, a body, a youth. pcserJik'indeh, An adopted son. Icsref, One single unripe date, the sua pescrce, Infancy, childhood. [just rising. V $z*j lest, Extension, widening. ,j *y 1:^,1 lest-fcerdun,To expand, [the wir-gS: t\) )/ -7 U? k~j lerJjcnhh-kerdun, To expand J^MKJ lesetct, Simplicity, cheerful nccs. :iwj lesegh, A high apartment snrrou with windows. p/Xwj leseglicdeh, Prepared, ;'ea^y. I 310 ] u*j lesk, Spitting, emitting saliva. ) Icsuk, An epitome of the evangelists. ?, pesky Curling hair, a lot which is cast, JC* pe&kotteh, The bolt or bar of a door. , ' > :> J$Lj Icskcleedun, To tickle, to titilate. peskoolieli, The back part of the saddle. ' lesgoyee, Prating, talkative. , Unlawful. *^o lesm,AsmilG, a simper. pesman, A wager. j> Icsmel, Sacrificed, half killed. /*/)/lJV* & csmc l~% crc t un > To sacrifice, &c. >^ lesmeh, A medicine for the eye, a gold or gilt thread, [hide or conceal from view. , -^*" ; lesenjeedun, To draw a curtain, to \ IcsJiliendini, To leaven, to ferment. pesend, Approbation, agreeable, admi- ration. [prove, to praise, to admire, &c, / ) A+^ pcsendun or ,M > >^^ > To ap- 6 > A*~*S pesendecdeh, Pret. of // > J^^ v w v *^ ^^^ lescnk, Ayoungunmanageablehorse. ^^ t lesnch, The same as lesenk, A heifer. j Icsoo, Tame, (especially a she camel when * , Sharp, crabbed. [milking.) [ 811 j t*J ) *--^ lesoodun, To handle, to feel, to repel, to throw from the hand, to abolish, to swallow, to mingle. 6 AJ lesook, A sheep with long udders, [wards. $JHJ lesool, Strong, bold. (/ ^_^/ Icsooye, To- ; ^>-^ lesyar or < ^ - ^/ Many, a multitude, &c. i*j )y j ^~~ lesyarloodun, To be numerous. >" * Leseej, Armour, apparatus for a journey, an enterprize. . j xV-f""^ leseejcedun, To arm ,to prepare for, &c. SA^A*^ leseeset, Flour of wheat or barley toasted LA*J It'sect, Extended, superficial, [orfryed, &c. SLA^J Leseetet, A simple thing, surface. JA^J Icseel, Ugly, hideous. *XA*J Icscelet, The remains of wine left in a cup of wine after drinking. *AM.J leseem, Smiling, cheerful. . ^_J pcsecn, Posterior, last, the afternoon. C/- v . & pesh, Before, towards. 1 1 / -Jl^ ficslider, The bar, bolt of a door. ' '(^ v *- ^ lesli, Glad, polite, humane. [with gold. (^S beshqr, Scattering (money,) interwoven tjlij lesharet, Cheerfulness, elegance of shape. tX U ; leshashet, Jovial ty,laughing, cheerfulness. 813 1 j leshaa, Any thing which disagrees with the stomach or the rnind. StUfcj lesha-ut, Unwholesome or disagreeable i3 UL' lcshcL&, A liar. [meat, sour, morose. y^~^ /?cw/, The back, shoulders, a support, pro- tector, pannel. [nals, drains, &c. ^**^j Le&ht, A distribution of water into ca- / /'-^-^, posthercgJj, A cup, a pot. [pox. r" ?-**S peshferem, Apimple, wheal, the small* i /^ " J|l ^Uxij lestekek, A tumulus, aiittle hill. ^d-^Ay froslttcnekf A surcingle, a girth. il y^^ posh t war, A burden. ^^J^/ poshteh, Arising ground, a heap, [pillow. { C^ / t posh fee, A protector, carpet, a large \^ * ,*H L^- t poshtcvbzLn, The bar of a gate. J LoshcJiecj\ A mountain tree of which they make bows arrows, c. 1 ^, teeJikhkdeh, Squeezed, made level, extended, a present, [a vessel after drinking. ! y r """^, Icslihhar, The remainder of water in .t ^ *^""" v feshktiooduiif To squeeze, strain, &c, .; *^"" J V peshk'hwn, A br:;; h, i table. ^^ y .'. l*\ j^~if peshkheedun, T<- dazzle* ^ . " i race, [ 213 ] syio lesherct, The v skin, the cuticle, [manity, IffsMeedun, To explore, to touch, to leshcm, Indisposition arising from iii- ?**' >t pesfymrWool, feathers. [dignation. tU^j Icshmaf, Biscuit, bread twice baked. >*J U-^f, peshmagund, Stuffed with wool, a i) Ir^l peshman or .H tn^^ Penitent. [cheek. ?, Woolly, woylkn, H a [ 314 ] (3"-i Kj leshnet, A species of millet, [equipage, * * leshevj, Business, endeavor, a traveller's pcshevf, A furrow. J^v peshnedeli, A Persian dish made of flour, dressed with dates, &c. - peshenlty A mattock, a ship-worm. >j'l-^/ leshotun, Of bad principles. t&'leshoor, A man, mankind. [shake. i*}^9 >-i^ leslioolaneediin or ,M>J *^j To t <~^ pesliee or^j^, Any thingsmall. v " lesheej, Equal, death, destruction. * y pesheej, Many, apparatus for a journey. pcslijcedini, To be armed. pcshcekh, Circular (as money), many. ]eshccr, A messenger of good news, beau- tiful, [vel, the calculus of a date. 6 t^*^ pcslicczeli, The scale of a fish, the na- J . 4 . \ f* y^s* pesheezehkkormh) The calculus of a date, resembling a navel where it adheres >j LOJ Icsarct, Seeing, perceiving, [to the stalk. Uaj lesasct, The eye, sight. j leshyer, Plur. of ^^.^ lesceret. *ij Leslies, Indefatigable, s\\ ift. I 315 j &es&ese/,Flattering, fawning, waggi ng the tail (a dog,) [derstanding, science. Icscr, Discerning, the sight, the eye, un- les-a, (Fem.) All, universal, foolish. > dcskct, The higher street of a, city. lesel, Onion, garlick, an iron helmet. Icsm, An interval, distance between the extremities of the ring and little ringers. j leseeret, Sight, prudent. Cutting in pieces, bleeding, quench- ibt^ lez-at, A part, a section. .*; letooa t Becoming tired, loathing. lezook, A sharp sword. lezzeex, (Water) flowing slowly. let or A^J A goose, a duck, lw left, A cup, a, Slowness, delay. [p ot * f 816 ] Uaj lct\ket, The pupil of the ere. &/a/, Idle, obsolete, suppressed, erased. Icfalet, Idleness, courage.. ., let'iTi, A surcingle, a girth, a small ship. j lethmt, The lining of a garment, a sin- aj Ictayeli, Plur. of \k> letch, [cere friend, j Z'e^, A canal, ditch, desert, j let-licit Any large open place for exercises, a horse-course, a race ground. SU^j let-ket, The stature of man. [joy, insolence. Js f foter, Dividing, cleaving, insolent with jtj , tjj lytreek, A patrjcian, noble, chief pa- . lehfeekeyet, The patriarchate, [triarch. , Carrying a^-ay by force, c. j letshet, Power, making a violent attack. 3-Jb^ letel, A brave man, a .champion. c . ^Vk> letl&it Idleness,, vanity. Idem, The turpentine- tree and fruit, a greenish ?ore which breaks out upon the Li leten, TIic belly, the pauncli. [leg. to U^ lelnan, Plur. of ^ L ^a/c. [gluttony. letnet, Indulging the belly, a slave to ^/oo, Slowness, compact, ^k, Z/;/oo/, Plur. of t^ lett.ij** letool, Long. t 317 I of Slow in motion. *=j It'tGetiht A melon. J:^ leteesh) Severe, stern, powerful. k.4:j lefect, A wonderful thing, a IFe. j^j leteen, Gore-bellied, far, distant, remote. Us lez%, Tuning a musical instrument. B^USj lezaret, The smack of the lips in kissing, ijjl'j Iczret, Having little hair under thearm- .jki lezrern, A seal ring. [pits, >u /, Remaining, fixedin one place (a cloud.) > Uj le-hd, Distance, remote. j-U-j be- as, An emaciated midkloss camel. & Uj la-ita, Household furniture. , Raining, drenching (the earth,) lo-fak, a cloud pouring down rain, a deluge, bu le-al, Sporting, tyings with a spouse (et .>Uj la-ayces t Plur. of ^U, le-fas. [coitus ipse.) *j Ic-at, A camel's colt, clorj ^e-a5, Rousing, awaking, dispatching. [resurrection. ^x?j i'crst^, A mission, embassy, detachment, /A.-J laserct, Exciting, rousing, a dirty colour, i*., i^c'/, The middle of any place, the navel. 1 a I 318 ] lasefcet, (Water) flowing or leaking from a pond or cistern through any broken part. le-aj, Cutting open (the belly with a knife,) tormenting (love.) l>a-ad, After, afterwards, then . [far, removed. la-adehofr, After which or that, [vcrty. lc-azr, Removing. j>* la-ar t Extreme po- varan, Plur. of^xau layer. laret, The wrath (of god.) le-a%d, Rousing, exciting, destroying. laze&et, Scattering, dispersion. La-as, Leanness of body, agitation. le-soos, Slender, thin. Jja-soosef, A white shining insect. La-ass, Some, a part, [tie, may-bug or chafer. xj la%oo%et, An insect resembling the bee- a-r/, Killing, slaughtering. ^^J/c/, Small in size, a dwarf, [making clear. l>a-k, Killing (a camel,) digging a well, la-k, Striking (with a sword). la-kcr, Cutting, amputating. le-al, A high ground, a husband, a wife. la-es, A foolish girl. Jflt-oo, Committing a crime, acting, ing, darting a malignant look. j la-oos, An army, a body of men. ^j la-oos, An extenuated milkless camel. a-ooz, A gnat. *^*> ??a-ooes/, A fly, 21 XJ **j la-oolef, Plur. of j^ #-/. ['gnat* gv_Rj la-cej, Burst in the belly. Oy,?j la-ecd, Distant, absent, remote. eg}ihy\ 9 Plur. of ^ legliee. [gently. Uj leghsyef, Very much, extremely, dili v beglilenj, A serpent, [sacrifice is offered. legldioor, A stone or altar upon which ffeghtet, Suddenly, unexpectedly. leghsj,, A crowd, a mob. ^Uju leghs'+n, Plur. of 6Ub Icghas. [tcr. /* 1 >^ f /^-' Ivghscraneedun, To cause to scat- Icghsercc, After this or that. I egh screed tin, To sow, to scatter. Icghset, Small gentle rain. fogker, A disease incident to camels from excessive thirst, (rain) moistening the y*J fogfokw. Noise, clamour. [earth. ftt&hftf* Violent rain, a thunder, shower. fagh* Eagerness, agility, beating with a I'eghcsh, Dew, small misling rain, [stick. j legl.z, Hatred. x^'Ju legltazct, Hating, beghaxk, Excessive hatred. [hatred. U.- Icglfl, The arm-pit. ^ Icghel, Fatigued, 1U; leghlk, Marriage. [slow ^jf v"Ai; leghelt\fi, Speech, discourse. j^ij leg he ni, An ambiguous speech. ; t^w legh/nar, A wedge. [ 321 z%, Circumference, a wedge. *Ju legliend, A -river, an inquiry, a creek, leghoo, Obstruction, consideration. ij leghwa, Worthy of consideration. ,Ju a. p. lea-hee. Prevarication. CP 0*1 legJice, Injustice, defection, immoderate? begging, raining hard. [pet- jujj legheyet, A maid servant, a whore, strum- CSAJU leghees, Wheat. ^ leghier, Except, un- U^AJL Legheez, Hated. [less,, without, pcfj A puff, a blast of wind, breathing. leflenj, A serpent without venom. left, See Ikfteh* leftereh, A lure for a hawk. I; lefte.ree or o jl> The yarn beam, also any instrument belonging to weaving, ^ lcjjem,7bluch, many. ^ ^L leforood, Down. .jyji J!^ lefcshrhneedun, To cause, to sow. rM : 'ju> J&&J I>efcshrecdun, To sow, to disperse. ju ?e^"', A fly, a, gnat. [on eternity. U'j Ic^-^, Permanency, remainder, looking up- jU., Ickar, Plur. of y*'j Ze^er, lekkar, A deal- er in cattle, a black-smith. K 2 t 322 ] IL jl*V Maree, A misfortune, an evU, a lie. , Talkative, [ney, grapes, pulse, &c. , An oil merchant, a vender of ho- u lekam, Weak in mind, coarse wool. ^Uij lechwat, Expecting, considering. j lekayz, Plur. of ^L Za^cc. [on of. a. p. Ittedr, According to, in considerati- leker, Cow, bull, ox. syu lekcret, A cow, /, Separating, household furniture, [an ox. , Provoking by opprobrious words and false imputation, various coloured. left-lit, A place, division, a building, [beam ^ju ee/, Herbage, xbi^ leklet, A pot-herb, a i > 5 leftem, Wood resembling brazil wood. 5^ leku>et, Regarding, observing. Ic&oor, Plur. of ^ ^e^er. or j,ju Kur. of JJL ^cW. i, The remainder. , Stability, observing, remainder. LH; lekeyar, A kind of black carpet made wL lekeyet, See ^ L [of camel's hair. Lekeer, Split (particularly having the bel- ly burst,) a shift or inner garment slit and without sleeves, [ 323 & A JU leJieclet, Meat boiled of dressed with broth* leg, A prince, chief, frog. [pease, &C. pejf, Here and there, lean, utensils, beau- V a, Crying, weeping, lamenting, [tiful. ij )/ & lofca-fteeditn, To cry, weep, lament. \^j bekar, Unmarried, bachelor.^w lekaret, A virgin, virginity. sJLSij leka,k> A dwarf* [goats, spoil, booty. X! I^DJ Malet, A mixed flock of sheep and uK,&eMwief, Dumb, abstaining (from a wife.) // fej lekcun, The den of a wild beast, idling , K 1 pet&n, A trotting place, [away the time. . j K left&uret, A cup-bearer to a prince. o fei legaTi, The morning, the da\vn. [another. Su.^aj lekeeket, Throwing one thing upon *^j /;^/, Whipping, receiving ungracefully. JiXT lekter, A coat of mail. , ^ |>Xj lekodhmeen, How ? in what manner? r, A girl, a virgin. ^ Jj left era, Early. I xv lekerbt, Plur. of D xv left er eh, &c. > / ,i ! ^ lekran, The inside of a pot. [cow. if xv lekrewee, Intoxicated, o A lekreh, A *i X > > le&ree, A drunkard. 324 ] t^ ]jleg%hdeh 9 The son of a prince, a gen- / lefts, Subduing (an adversary.) [tlcman. le\set, A playing ball. lokscreli, A desolate place, fa strong man. 9 * L O CLvX pckcscleliy Beauty, laziness, impostor, , Mixture, booty, speaking confusedly. , leklct, Nature, form. [ease.) ?>ekem, Dumb (either from nature or dis- ^X- luckmar, A conqueror. : ^XT left mix, Freedom, agreeable society, wine. ,)^v 1'ukman, Conquering, subduing. Jy=y 1ekor t Dawn, rising early in the morning. ju^^u It'koreyct, Primogeniture . ^^/ X7 Z'^o/r or pcliokt A hammer, a butt. X- pckoolek, Beauty, elegance, deformity. fTo whom, legih, In time, seasonably, having little milk. [silent. Alefae, Ready tp weep, crying, (a camel) =* Mcer, Ripe dates. ^^^ lekccju, Dumb. Id, pel, But, yet, however, therefore, vic- tory, recovery of health. L pil, The heel, pol or lei, or 1 j A bridge. jj [>c//, Recovery from indisposition,moistening. It lel%, Old, corrupted, a difficulty, violence. iL 1-C/&, Misery, grief, tempting, conferring a &j //a, Beyond, without [favour. ^^J* - II 1 Materteeb, Irregular, disorderly. ,**' * cJti &; lelcisek, Stagnated water extending a great way over the surface of the ground. A^y* lelijood, A black ox or cow. [dence. t^.j'i^'&j lelajiiowcjliun, Liberty, safety, confi- / It- belahem, A purse, a sling. t &> lelakheyet, A "&J lelhdy Plur. of ^ leled. [A nobte Lady. * Db lilikh, (A woman) having large hips. * 10 lel&d, Praised, lolad, a malefactor, [folly. ^ \L t pold or ^ H ^ Steel, o ^LU lel&det, Stupid, t ^ HJ beladch, Foolish, vain. [ly, rash. 9 ) l^ 4 peladeh, A man, speaking blasphemous- jiiiL. lelazer, A kind of Indian fruit, in shape* and colour resembling the heart. j y^ lelarej, A stork, [shelter with another. ^ j 1L- pelkrghoo, Flying from one and taking j^j lelbz, Stubborn (youth,) grass>satan, short. , A sword of the finest polish, or pdbs, A large sack for holding h belaaeedun^o wither, to shrivel, [straw. La t 326 ]. lefat or kJttj Level ground, a smooth pavement of stones, bricks, &c. DO pefater, A window. x c y^lulla-ut, Acom- Jc Uu lda-uk, Wide, open, [mon sewer or drain, 9- & lelhgh, Whatever is brought, enough. ^ y^ lelaghet, Eloquence, fluency of words. ', ffo>lelb,k&h\ Unfortunate, unhappy. ^ . ^ it, lelakel, Indian steel. 11 pel&lefr, The habit of a dervise. v lelaleet, Level ground, pavement. MJ Idalccky Hur. of o^L lelook. , A green salsuginous plant. lelamcdar, Afflicted, wretched. d?i, A cold or hot bath. J IL pelaneh, A bad or indecent action. 11 pelaw, Rice or sometimes barley boiled in water, upon which is poured a rich kind of sauce made with rich spices, &c. lel&w, Idaltct, Doating. [To try. 10 pelahenk, A rein, bridle, [woman, c. A whore, an impudent man or a/, Anxiety, vexation. Idlol, Light, superficial (man,) active, lotto/, nightingale. [ 327 ] J~l pclpel or JJo Pepper. *LJu p. a. lollel&h, A drinking vessel with % , > *Jv Iclloos, A wild onion, garlick,. [spout. cJu I,elf, Cutting, wise. [beneficent. XL frettet. Moist, (wind; bringing rain or dew, L:X> lellat, Splitting, dividing. [pedant. x^'Xj ^c7/, Cunning, crafty. ^ laXX^ Idtcocuiee, A * ^iL lelta-ee, Bold, eloquent. *j.L leltcrn, Stammering. JC.U ?else%, See cjii IL. g\Xj lelej, S}iining forth, separation of the eye*- brows, the space between 'them. Jj^Xj lei jet, Light, the latter part of the night. ,c\L Icleh, Dry, (a man) in want of every tiling. rfdjsvL Idehleh, A dish without a bottom. Mekh, Exalting one's- self, elated, [sling. \ j IclklrL, A foolish woman, +d+ leHhein, A W or jjtj A city, town, district, pro- b'ddam, A blunt sword. [vincc, I,eldam, Plur. of oJ^ 7/e/^. oJL> Ijddet, A city, province district, c. oJ-j leldch, Fat, corpulent (woman.) - V \L leldcni, 1'he most prominent part of the breast and throat. [ 328 ] telex, Plump. Ides, Wicked (man,) a kind of white fig i; The pleurisy. [or a frnit. bekan, The balsam tree. ^^J^ lelest, Mesk, An iron spit, a span. [A span. j I else ^ A lentil, or any thine; of the pulse kind similar to it. pelc'sht, Impure, unclean. 5, A bird that lavs green eggs. lelesoos, Plur. of u^L Z-c/e*. , Stowing or paving with stone. leltety A pavement stone, a house. I eld, Swallowing, absorbing, piercing. lei-tit, Tlie foramen in the centre of a mill stone, pulley, &c. j lel-us, A fat, lelttset, A Fat woman. j lelak, A she camel having loose flesh, old / gross, stooping. Mala 9 A bird with a long neck. bolam, The gullet, a glutton, &c., Devouring grecdilr. liilghar, Bulgaria. 5iL lulghct, A little. iL lelgherad, Belgrade. +&> p. a. le/ghem or *^0u Phlegm. [a clothes press* MgfanJeh, A servant (male or female,) Lelghoor, Bruised barley or \\ heat. Megfieen, Danger, perfection. j belfonser* Cubebi, a kind of drug.. , See JLV1 l *k belka. Fern, of jiJU IcX- lelkXL a. p. Idlowroi jjkt Crystal, [being moist. i) f v pelmordeli, Languid, pendulous. .y^Jw/i behneleedun, To murmur, mutter to one's self. >v pelvieh, The bason, scale of a balance, j> lelmeli, Great, diffused, prolix. t -A- tumour on the lips. M i t 330 ] i f < J& lelmclfree&h, A long beard, [exalted. fc*r bjejtja, A high place, jjjj lolcnti, High, *J xV. j >^ lokiid-deedun, To look respectful- ly, to honour. .! . y>Jo lolendkerdun, To elevate, raise, &c. )l;0tf! >*X- I'olend-elttedar, High in power. ,jL >jj lolendphyeh, Placed in a high station. v * (XytjUj Itilendhemmett Mafinanimous. ^-^ Jl XAJ I'olend-ciwh'z, A loud sonorous voice* - jaJj Idtendeh, Short of stature, fat. ^ >vlj or .j^^u/L' Super- {Js^'-i lolendee. Height, sublimity. [lative o if x;'j hlendee, Broad. [alt. ,t> ( >Ajo lolendgediin, To be exalted, to ex- w -endcefl't The band of a door, the lintel. . i-elciit, A kind of coarse marble. clenkes, An open spacious way. ^wj pelejtor, A tyger, a leopard, a panther. l*),^^ t pulengeedu7i, To halt, to limp. JL^XA, pelengueeneh, A kind of royal vest. ^ Lcloo, Trying, making clear. tj ! ^j lelw.zeli, The extremity of a beam, or joist projecting beyond the vail. t 331 ] }v , Glass, a glass vessel. ~ yd lolooj, Impotent, clearness, manifesting. jL lelwjti, Evidently. *L Mood, Antiquity, dwelling. Vyj f'elooz, A large table cloth. ,.y Jj Z>6'/oos or peloos, Smooth, a robber. ^L teloot, An oak, ear of corn, t c_j.L Mooa, Voracious, open. ft r L fre/Ioout, A hole in the middle of a house or court into which all lilth is thrown. ^L lelooghj Arriving at any place, obtaining . peloogh, Milking. [an object. z >Xj lelooglieyet, Puberty, the age of reason. Ju Ivlook, Making haste. >.j lelooket, A desert, bare ground, produc- ing nothing but marble. [butt for arrows. sJ^L lelwek, A small body of men, a mark or f j Jb l)".loon, A chaplet, garland handkerchief, Mwa,, Worn, temptation. lekh, Ignorant, bashful, except, &c. peleh, The round or step of a ladder. Idha, (Fern.) simple, silly. ?, peUwnJi, A bridle, a rope. j [ 332 ] ^ ^ a. p. lalciy or Itlcx,, Surely, indeed, certam- CL, LJb ?>;'/eyaf, Piur. of ttj -/a. [ly, yes. e IJL beleyblit One who departs nobody knows t^Jij leleet, Ahare, hesitating in speech. [\vhcre. ^uX< pdeeteh, The match, the wick, the young uX- peleed, Impure, unwashed, [of any animal. c leleeshdel, Tranquillity of mind. ^' ( pule&lidun, To abhor, to be nasty. 4Jj I'dceg/i, Copious, effectual, eloquent. ^j leleel, A rain y season, liumid wind, eold, &-c. JlJo pt'lbicli, Candles, the wick of a candle, w V * the match of a lamp, the young of any a- ^ a. p. ^c//2 or lemm, See *j 1 [nimal. ^ lomm, An owl. U: ^c/?2a, So that, who. Ulr. lemzzkt In which, to which, why. tf U:^r Ldiieshtae; In winter quarters. j distress. * lemegeedurit To be afflicted, to perish. ,; ^w, Foundation, bottom, [of any thing. But, a son. ^ Z-ow, A root, end, tip , To eradicate. Cji , A root, an edifice, construction. i To construct. [ 333 6j - Uj lenhljercen, Therefore, because, in con* o Uj ewa^, Plur. of CJj lent, [formity, to which, sjiUu lenhdcrct, Plur. of^ljjj lendar. oaljj lenhdek, Plur. of 6^ X ^ ta lenfcrenj, A shepherd, pastor. .^^^ lo lenxsel, The gum mastich, turpentine, "'i-' * & pcvagh, A thread of silk covered with gold or silver. ,; (X- pcn&ftun, To stop a water-course, to w }ltj lenafcr, An architect. [hinder. t b x ^penagah or e feCUj Shelter from danger or T ll- lenagir, A builder, a mason, [distress. (yty Icnagoosh, The cavitj behind the ear, or the lower part of the ear. vUj ( penhm, A castle, a silk thread. s> (!j lenhm, Fame, celebrated. iMy^tv- penhmeedun, To prohibit, avert, y (X- lenbn, The finger. 2U Uj lenhnet,^ pleasant mead. [foundation,basis. .Ui leniwer, Any thing radical, having a o a U; penhweh, Confidence in god, resigna- t U 1 . penah, Protection, refuge. [tion. , To take refuge, to take [ 334 ] care of one's-self, to be defeated. JJU lumlek,A fish resembling; a hh;irk. [Cotton. Cj ?. pemloon, Walking-, going. ^ pe : .-J-t>h t , I ,* ^ pembehzar. A cotton field. / X v * Cjj e?//, A daughter, a girl. [mud, cl v>j 3M cj lento* lerzi, (The daughter or" tl. ^liJCJu lento 1 Fman, The daughter of the sea, &c. '^'lennct, Smell, flavour, asking. * X &0W; ,Scattering, a face. ^*peHj,\ Ive.fdung;. * \\PV penyahiorgli, A bird's beak, bird's "" * ^^ *. * i ali or X^ v Fifty, /i^'".., ppnjahem, penjpayek,-^ crab. [The fiftieth. V ^^-' t fi> pevfereh, A window, a balcony. x *j / j^^pe^jcsli, An exercise. ^J^f' ., penj&hek, ,JL/^ peujslicn, A good word. [A sparrow. JLiy J penjshemfieh, Thursday. [fingers. jyuA^ petij sliced mi, To squeeze or tickle wi t h penjgbn, Five, ^pcnjom or ^^ penjcli, A heap, a bear, a ball. [The fifth. fv penclieh, Tlie inside of the thigh, the fist, the palm of the hands. [assist. v//>#/ii, To be familiar, friendly, to , Division into parts. [ 335 } [strength.) peiMe&teh, Impotent, deficient, (ia len&hovshsh, The stalk of grape or of corn. [bound, knee, impostor. x u,- lend, A band, chain, ligament, a knot,. ^ lend, A large standard, a legion. ,& p-:nd, Advice, counsel, doctrine, rite, ^x ! >l' lenda(>,-An island, a joint. ./ J ^>j p^nd-Jctdun, To give advice. i ! /O lundar or lundar, Fundamental, esta- blished, firm, intelligent, rich. h'. pendar, Judgment, thought, thinking. To c'ause to un^ / X v derstand, consider, &c. ' >^. pcndaree, Understanding, &c'. [sidep. ' J x wO t pendashtttn, To think, understand, con-* /Jf I >^J lendak, A kind of high mitre. .#^X ) x u; Lend^heneen, An iron chain. B^ t L >^ lendelctlzsheh,ThQ stalk wheat, barley, an. eye or hole in a tent, into which the. pole enters. [ing town. j^j Lender or ^j^j A city, a port, a trad-. ) ) >*i fender ez, Yello wness , / [ 336 ] AS* [a dam, dike, >, bendroogh, A large kneadiugthrough, cnderehy A block-head, a bastard. bendo^ t A musket, a cannon or musket ball, any ball which is shot from cross-bow. lendeheh, A round stone, a little ball. ,& bendegan, Plur. of o >o lendeh* lendgah* A joint of the body. Jj lendcfteslieh, A bolt, bar. X> bendeguse, Servitude, ministry. j lendun, To design, desire, to bind, tie. lendoo or pc?jdoo, The like, an animal Icndewh,, Acid. [which infests cattle. j lendoodcf, Podex et pudenda viri. & pendooreliy See p d lendooz or pendooz, A packing needle. v lendeh, Bound, fixed, chained, shut up, in- \ y o/^ IwidenewhfyKind to servants, [eluded. ^j 1'endee, Captured, bound. yU^JO lendeedun. To confine, to bind. * '/^ lenr&n, Groin. lenesh, ^egligent. jxt* tenser, The ring ^ f enter, Proud, [finger. , U*;j lenteyan, A shrew, a bad woman. _ X*" lenqfesejt A violet, of the colour of the *ju_, lenefseh, Himself, in person. [violet. J $* pei a small dish enKeii', A sieve with wide meshes, a fan for winnowing grain. & lenekooli, The basis or foot of a moun- b lenlad, A foundation, basis. [tain. ^TZOO, Plur. of ^ to. ^ ^j lenwet, Plur. u lejwod, Plur, of jju ^W. [of *^^JL, /'e/i/. o tenoofc, Warmth, with festivity, glad- ness,, walking briskly. .M a [ 338 ] lenoon, Plur. of^ lev* c?^ lenooi, Filial. JL 1 Idfieh, A dunghill, soil, odour, smell (good or bad), lonneh, Household furniture. J yjO penhaleh, A confection of almonds. /V/ V~, penlib.ii, Concealed, clandestine, [secret. -Q tl' t penhangir, Doubt. ^ Lw pcnhanee, A <> , x ij LJo Jpenhhneedun, To abscond, lie, hid. -j iJO lonyhd, A foundation, basis, wall. j 4 J\ LJ lony \nlke.r dun, To lay a foundati- .f*^ lenyhdker, A builder. [on, to build. . i IJL- bent/an, A wall, building, inclosure. [body. jbjL, lenyet, A structure, the constitution of -Jv- psneer 9 Cheese, j L^ peneermtyeh, Rerv- riet for curdling milk /[kind of herb fumitory. neez or ^^JO Ever, never, o >X- ftneezelhA. ^/ r .. v y.. v x yoon, Walking, going away. , See _j.j ^ j ^>, Fragrance, perfume. , Light, slight, running about. l rJ Icwa, EquaUt/,retaliation. [fire of a porter. v^j bsww^lt A porter. *j l^ leW&let, The of- ^j 1^ leivwalee, Belonging to a gate, &c. l^i^j /<'?ra//o?/,()pcnly,publickly. [from friends. , rcribhing, going away, departing J\fi le.war, Destruction, ruin. v '^ leivareli, Hot wind. ^ t ^ bewhrelt, Plur-. J;l^ lewazel, Plur. of ^ fe/. [of 6^ &>'tf. >v^ 1 v lewkseer,, Distressed, a malady which causes blood to come out of ^ \ ^ Itwhien* Plur. 'of ^ jS\jj lewhker, Plur. of^i ^Ssl^j lewfokee, Plur. of ^'> ; ' lew die, Plur. of *b ^o/a> [well. JlXT X" I v lowalkenj, Curious, a man who lives /M I y leivan, A narrow pass between moun- l_jj bewhn, A tent pole. [tains. s^ v pool or ^oo/;, Tapestry, any thing spread by L^J /ooZ;a/,Adesert,solitude.[way of ornament. ^*^ y loolesh, A lapwing, desire. jj j looloo, The pupil of the eye, glory, a IP * jj lowef, A hawk, falcon, &e, [nobleman, &e. J'y looteh or foot eh, A crucible, melting pot. ^ \fj y Iroofeemar, Sorrow, a heron, a miser, a d^j lewes, Dispersing, enquiring, [monument, ^ x lewej, Flashes of lighting, the dawn. ^ ^ leweh, Appearing,being evident, disclosing secrets, looh, origin, the sun. [ 3-10 ] r ) pookh, Gumminess about the eves. C " ^ [onJtJi, Quieting, pacifying, fatigued, l>ooJih t *jj loud, A well. [confusion in business. ^j i^or, Ahorse. i .x poor, A son. [fruitless, corrupted, c. ^ ^'/^r, Perishing, uncultiyated (ground,) fj.< j y bootlek, A portico. > l'rvf> A ditch, a pit. ^ loorctj, A cas- j ' I'oorenlf, Balis royal, ocimum, [tie, * j 4. looroo or Jp i v A trumpet, a hunting-horn. c^/ v looreh or pooreli, Salt-petre, borax. iV/jyC/jy looreezedun, To sound a trumpet. t;>* I'ooreya, A mat made of split reeds, & ;t I ;*.- Iwreyblhf, A market of mats. >' ,, / s, 9 ** ' I 34! ] , A fire-stone. Jl< t jj> t'ooreeneh or ~Xj J ^ An ape. jy loot, A goat. z, The mouth, the lip, the leg, the beak , The leg, the calf. [on,price> a request. $; poozesh, An excuse, pretence, intercessi- )//}+-. poozeshlierdun, To excuse, make an apologji [ask leave. "}% poozccden, To excuse one's-self, to > An excuse, apology, pretext. lovs> An evil, misfortune* los^needun or ,t>.v^y To -kiss. L/ " ^ or ^^v A kiss. &c. ^1^*; *05/, A ^ ^ Tr" yy i .*; Iv^; losl&n, A garden, [skin, untanncd skin. &/Ut*y postpkrehj A tanner, tanned leather. .u^ ^postguec, Resembling skin. .fL^y lostiyhn, An ox. f. postccdun, To conceal, dress, &c . posfeedeh, Preterite of /v/>^^ J> y bosfeen, Vice, \\'ickedness. y n posteen, A leathern garment, [bird. - Z'ose, Dim. of , ^ also the wing of a , Calamity, loss, misfortune. poseedun, To rot, spoil. N 3 342 ] v^v- poseedeJi, Preterite of the above. ,/v * / A*; losh, An ornament, a. ^..lotishoi crowd, the noise made by a mob. , fc, poush, A veil, garment, covering. vv posh, Mantle, clothing, dressing, [cern. vly losha, Meditation, thoughtfulness, con- 1^^ 4 posha, Concealing covering, ali^ loshad, The rope-root, [clothe, cover, &c. .i ^Jli'^.' posh:meedun, To hide, to cause to poshesh, A covering, garment. i poslieft, A coat. [ly. Icivshee* A poor- man with a large fami- < posheetfun, To cover, &c. - 1 osheedeh or ^-' v *^ Pret. of the above, or oos, Preceding, going before, making haste, flying. [kind of play, j lowsa, (A woman) having large hips, a J loosee, A little boat, ^^j 003, Standing, Ui Us ^ lot&neyet, A black vine. [beautiful. , A melting-pot. ingfat. [out when giving money. j looc, Expanding the hand, stretching it c. y boogh, Any outward covering or wrapper. [ 543 J i* ? y Iboghh, Friable earth, confusion, loophrj, A kind of food. y logliclffien, Bugloss, borage. s? *.} logttcnj, Black pepper, the- seed of tj v look, A trumpet, clarion, [melanthion. o^j I'Ooh, False, foolish, lowk, injuring, sur- wli'^i t'Oukat, Plur. of 3^ l>ool> [rounding. ^Uf ^ luokal A tankard without a handle. SKjj looket, Violent rain, thunder, a shower. JL"J.J p. a. lokclem, A canielion, various coloured stuff or habit, a variable capricious man. &\#- look, By chance, perhaps, a poker. t pook, Fuel for fire, any thing combusti- ble as lath, chip, &c. [Just, now, ^J low&fy, Mixture, confusion. nf*>bGkcreh, l)oheli % Would it \vere, perhaps it may. ^^ loivl, Urine, multitude. \\? y lolhar, Afield of battle, a place where plenipotentiaries meet to settle a treaty of Looles, A Christian. [peace. Lolkenhek, Any thing new or won- J v poleh, A melon. [derful. * f loom, A country, kingdom, a garrisonj an owl. [ 344 ] f# ,.,*; lomehen, An earthquake. M;;?, Excelling, loon, difference, an in- terval between two things. loon, Utility, any thing useful, the foun- . \ ^ poon, Felt cloth. [dation. jo^j lowneti A little dwelling. rj^ lowoeh, One who reveals his secrets to others, iooweli, Discovering, manifest, fati- ty loo/i, A large owl. [g" ue d. , v I'jo/ich or j *^ Desire, perturbation of mind. ^ 7. x, (jfy Zoe, Perfume, odour, hope, wish. ^ (/^ />o-etf or I *j t Meandering, wandering. . gfj lawj, Unlawful desire, malevolence, dis- L v Zo///, Fragrant, stinking, [position, silly. , 3 y /./ ^ *-' pooyhn-loodun, To meander. ; I ^ booyhneli, Parsley. /M^ ^ looydan, A A 1 y loycsh, Smelling, odour, [perfume-box. 2 loi-feroosh, A perfumer. .ofeo^ Iwgkn, The womb, belly. y />oy^, Wandering, running. CJ^ ? Ivyeedun, To smell, to have a smell. L*J ^. X poyctdun, To make haste, to wander, to run over. [ 345 ] AJ \i k'Ji, Good, better, safe, elegant, a quince* ** leh> Well done! brave! excellent. (: a. p. I'cJict, Price, beauty, dear, precious, c,l; [chliht, A calumniator, slanderer. ;i A j leliatcr, Plur. of ^ lehter. [hero. ^\j ladder, Brave, bold, strong, a soldier, lahadcrcin, Plur. of /,U lehader. char, The spring, the beginning of sum- .i I ,U leKhrkn, Plur. of .L- Ichar. finer. w y J % ( C1^;U leh'ircf, Advantage. Jy L 1 lehar-khanehi An idoUtemple.. .i l^y-U leJiaristan, The spring season. (jy^ 'lehhrec, Vernal, ^ji^ lehazer, Plur. or *lj Iclihm, Plur. of lehem. lehzer. lehaneh, A pretence, excuse. *.., l^ Idh&yem, Plur. of A** V J lelieemeh. [der. y lelilood, Healthy, excellent, in good or- (/)*V lehloodee, Health, vigour, goodness. ^U^ a. p. lohtan, A lie, slander, false accu- sation. [stature. ^ lehter, A lie, Super, of ^ W, short in /, Cheerful, glad. c^s\,^ lehejet, Glad- [ness, grace. [ 10 ] "^YJ 2 h r a> e > Prudent, fit for business. *jtf lehretj The middle (of the night of a C"^ lehrej, Fruitless, base, [ring circle, &c.) *-*^vf Icnrcjct, Wamjering from the highwav. ; ^ leherguee, Wealth, rich. *^ Mircm, A. letoeh, A part, gain, prosperity, [bastard. )*'*; %ekreh4ar t A partner, enjoying one's lehrce, A little, any thing. [\vibhes. li'liz, Removing, thrusting a way. l?hzer, Active, intelligent. ^ ., /,. IclicsJ i, Cheerful, benevolent. [Boldn ^Jy l\'.'tt'skt t Paradise. [Thirst/ sneezing. .; v/ IvJiesclet, (Fein.) short in stature, \\hite. , Rice drcsocd with milk and butter. fa'ht'z, Aillicfing, {^iiguin^, /tc. /f/i', '1'iie leprosy, a letter, a ring- worm. . j leb&etet, Quickness. lehkd> Full of health. [or liberty. [^ Ishel, Let alone, give over, L- Leave XX , Ichlet, A malediction. [patient. uiXr bohlofc, A ruddy woman, chattering, im- UJt. j lehh'kci, Saying any thing openly. 3X H J lehlcket, Y.Qmty,', traducing, evil. .*/ L/U pehcleujan, Hero, champion, a general of an army. [nother, rage, .ff* Icliem, One with another, one against ar- iLt lehmar, Many, a multitude. . i Ix^y Ichmetan, A white or red lilly. ^ lehnien, A king, sovereign, the middle month of winter answering to our January, lehmeli, Inestimable, invincible. j%* lehmee, Some or little. \jj.peheQQf J ^x. or J^-yt. latitude, wide,broad, W(, * j (y} >t pelmciyee, Amplitude. ilx^v-. peliendar or ^ Broad, having width. ^.j lefaca,, Familiar, acquainted with. j^ lehwer, A lion. ie^ep, Beautiful, precious, elegant, valua- ^A V J leheer, Breathing hard, fatigued, [ble. I 343 ] entf , lelicerct, A woman of a slender sk ^ lclieem> Of one colour, [beautiful, deli S^ lcheanet> An animal wild or t ; - &<7?/, (A privative particle or prcpusi; v* \vithoutj when prefixed to words it is < 'cut to less, in, im, ir, c. [tallow. A- trace, the heel, a pretence, pec, ^ ^r, peyu1>> Power, a fishpond, depi h of water. leuciban or ,/ ! L- Desert, &c. \j . ... t/ 1 v . Av peyupce> Successively, step 1-y stop. ^ " o l w l)Cyht t A nocturnal invasion, a hostile stu- ^Lu ley ah i A species of iish. f prise by niglit. IV'^IAJ <7/d/?6'/, A fish net. [pawn at chi tL pcyhdeliy A foot man, a foot-soldier, a s V t x '^ f peybrth, A foot-man, foot sen-ant or mi- > V.i pcyuty Onion. [nister. \%f p<-'ya,z ignorant. f ^. peyaiiH, News, intelligence. 4.^ U lieybmeiegfi, MuscuMr, sinewy flesh} a V^" ^_ "' iM U{i fa'&M&n* Cruel, pitiless, [piece of ilesiv ,^l t . peyh,i}iber, A messenger, pro^liet. j I > w pikmuaun, To enter. ^Lj ley an, Declaration, eloquence. li-cntehci or olyt^S^.j Infinite, immense* U''lj lien jam i End less, boundless, infinite. * tiLWiirdun, To become irritated, to L /2a/z^?z^,Discrepant, unprepared. [bring, " lj 'libhenliee, Discord, [pond, well, &c. " leel>, A canal, the pipe or conduit of a j lelak or I ^j Fearless, bold, intrepid, lipeder, Fatherless. [careless. j^u^ 1 Medel, Incomparable, unequalled. [tain, liperdeh, Open, without a veil or cur- ^^' liperwashodun, To be bold, to have ^ > v [no fear, &c. P a J 350 ] v, s^j bherliez. Wicked, an adulterer. >!,>/ r ~~., ( p?cbcs, Dry mouldy bread, a tumour, a v/r.srr, Improvident, imprudent, [louse. ?7'// &, Without .foundation, frail, j It'tlcn, A species of willow. >~vj lipe.nd, ' ile/irt. li, Unfortunate, destitute. [A fetter. fg beebee, A lady, a matron, good, a saint. w'*"* j bict, A house, a verse, a bed-chamber, a family, the floor or pavement of a house, a sepulchre, noble, a treasury. UAJ bitkb or ^SN;, Feeble, impotent. *J /~J bilcrti'eb, Disorderly, inordinate. y Zf, plte.rkliainch, An answer, lightning. fpich, Twisted, rolled up, curvature, screw, a bottom. [circle or heap. ~~,' '^., pidia-pcech, Involved, rolled in a C ^ \?Zt pichhcL, A gem, variegated, coral. ' 1-ichareJt, Hopeless, destitute, miserable. ^ Ut. J v f'ljak, Tough, any thing difficult to f ( ^ ;1 ., piclial or ' '*& The dungof birds, [chew. ,il<- bijiin, Inanimate, without a soul. %* / * Cj l^vP/cMnjCdmplicatqdi involved, wreathed. v plchuneedun t To twist, involve, &c. 351 CVAJ picJtbinbf, The contortion of the navel, an excruciating pain incident to ,The ship- worm, [women in labour. / v pichend, A fillet for a woman's hair. ,j ^ lechoon, Incomparable, pure,eternal,&c. . i >jfv peicheedun, To associate or keep com- pany with, distort, bend, to assemble, &c. * plcheedeli, Preterite of ^i >^,,, bihejzl, Impudent, shameless. v liked, Boundless, immense, excessh r e. leM, Origin, root. [spreading roots. ;U leckhciiver, A tree -with many wide- / s .,^M leekhtun oipeyhhtunJ^Q take prisoner, to enslave, to deprive of motion. v pi'&Jiteh or belhtehj, A helpless prisoner, behherd, Stupid, deprived of judgment. *^.' IcfrJioodtOut of senses, besidehimself, mad. OSAJ ^^, Perishing, besides, unless, because, a >o iet A willow. [species of plant. LW peida, Openly, clearly, discovery, [discover. . ^ f \^ t pid&Rerdun, To declare, to invent, .tt ,& )^ pephodun, To become publick, to [shew one's-self. [ 352 ] * lidad, Unjust, injustice. lidar, Watching, attentive, awake, [timid. lidareh, Inflamed with love, a lover, ledash, The constitution pf the world, t Unjust, injustice. n, Because, that. ^> led j.n jeer, A shrub called ricinus. " AJJ^W UdkncBh, Ignorance. ifd^j tidpiii, Friendship. [tread out corn, tl V " J4 x^ lider, A barn in which they thresh or *^V. >uj lidlerk, A spear. ,j l;xW lidcrman, See cy 1 ^ ^Jy\j lidrenk, \ithout delay, quick, brisk. ^..jy^ tedereeph, Undeniable, incontestable. O" ^j" .i b^ >j ledestan, A willow ground. OJ^AJ ledefc, A pawn at chess, unmarried. 1 j >j p^'^/fi/, Pusillanimous, heartless. /1> J tedembgk, Having no brains, [wealthy. >i ^J>j liduwlet, Unhappy, unfortunate, un- ^.^ fa'zhz, A babbler. o^Jju; lazareh, Fraud, ^ Her, A well, spit. [deceit. . Lightning, thunder, a bed, bed cloth. ecr or An old man. [ 353 ] [writes with elegance* j p-Jra, One who decorates, polishes, or ,^vl vj perkstun, To adorn, ornament, to ^-J xo per&steh, Preterite of above. [prune. (J I xJ leerhk, A standard, ensign, a company. y*!^ peramen, A circuit, a round, the skirt tV '/^, P^ er ^ n > P^ur. of vJ t j5eer. [of a garment. J )^v peeT\nJi, Elderly, like an old man, a , f x u/ ) .j piercLncedun, To cause to adorn, [hunter. &),,,; l>cerah, A wanderer, anger. ,f>^^X leer&hsJiodun, To wander, deviate. fc '/:i $& ah, Tanner, currier. ,J ^ peralien, A / Deviation, error. [shirt. t*J x ^ ^/tt. peraheedun, To tan. or dress lea- ($\^ Ural, A fool> idol. [ther. , Ornamented. , x^ ornament, adorned., a cradle, // ^ ^x pierdun, Abroad, out of doors. ^ Xv /.. v ^ O'ly^, pirray An imprudent maii. [thority;. ^)/ti. pewzhd, (Old born) an old man of au- C))s> P' ir * en or Cj) *jtt. ^ n ^ woman. [toys, &c. p" t -v, pirzsliee, Different sorts of merchandize, ,A toy-merchant ; &c. > .-j leercslJi, Unambitious, without jea- /; ^ iclrcli, A standard, flag, banner [lousy. bcircm, A carpenter's hatchet, [picture. x w lirenfc, Colourless, the out-line of a j " P c "i r o> A follower, a dependant. P' iroo ^ ar > r H ]G most high, God. lerooz, Unfortunate. eroo%) A conqueror, a victory, superior, - ;w lerooxej, A conqueror, turkuois. %^ x x> " }J*^ V peroozed, Thought, a medicine. ,* \j ^ liroozen, A precious stone. beroozeh, A garment for daily wear. peroozeh, A land of blue gem, a con- pe/roozce, Triumph. [qucror. V J & roon > Outside, from without. ,u xJ liroonsJiodeli, Expanded, &c. Icroonce or ,t-j .^.' External, a shift. - (/ rawri, A consequence, a train. f.v^/?, An auger. ^ peerch, Bald, sugar, perrehen, A shirt, a tunick. [virgin honey. r. /- rr ' vr > ^ tl 11 S C - L"; fotrty"* Ingenuous, leered, Doubtless. [binccrity. lireen, Foetid water. ;-J tec*, Sifting. ' ' * [ 35S v ^2, Oppression, injury. j 'y- pizshat\ Winter, a bridle. e , \*sj liKzrc/i, A lover, magnanimous. (/ 1 1 v llzkree, A letter of manumission, a char-*- y ^ * /M I tJ ^'%^a,Dumb.[teroflibertj,exemption. ; v lizer, A miser, avaricious. / >-. /vJ>y.A, J ^^edujij To sift. ,j^ t pees, The le- ^.^ feetr, Misery, distressed, [prosy, a \vinclow, / l5 ^ a ^ Useless. [stupid. Hscu.ncin, Wicked, disproportioned, bisupurshodun. To be trodden do \vn . 7 .*+ j lispes, A bishop, /bu^u listar, Redun-' Ay V * / Cybw^j lisit&rek, Unfortunate, [dant. /*j ^r: 1 , pistan, The past, *'l^'^v^' fjistiganee, A monthly pension, [nity, JjL^j listcgiiee or .^j The leprosy,' imp ti- ^*/^(J leseroopci, Without head or feet, to^ tally destitute, &c. , J^' llsefthen, Dumb, speechless. lisa-del et, "Unfortunate, unlucky. ^x lisek, Also, fy ! pho ! ^X^ lisekee, Youth. w *^x> 'llscm, A small species of oak. r ^j liseh, Spotted, a magpie. [herb. j leesh, The name of an Indian poisonous pish, Before, an example, commander, vJ /Ax ptthJtesheedun, To attract, [leader. /r~ ptshdeste.e, Pre-eminence, pre-excel- ^~x pukbpeeth, Equal, before, [lence. ^cr, pisbadesf, Ready money. ^.x pishadenft, The vanguard, one that walks before his master. ~ pishlideh, A. kind of cake. pishar, Piss, urine. [sicians. ,/ /y L^ pisharatt, Tlie prescription of phy- xi l&^ t plshan, The best side of cloth. jliL- ( pishanec, The front, forehead. l^--.: piskcLiveiik , Forlorn hope. l&.-j y pishahentt A general, the vanguard. w/i^ofr, A mid -wife. pishlaz, .Meeting in opposition, [from. ,0 > Tj iJL^ pisltUiKnnedini, To run to and leshobhch or ^.jCLj AVithout doubt. . ' ^L-j peeshtar, He, such a one, somebody. *'~~v pish t,h1i teh, A port-leiulle, a writing- pishter, Greater, before, prior. [box. -ww^x *> lishter or ^ x-'t^ Superlative of , ^ w. v " f pishfrJiord, Parched corn or grain of different kinds toasted. hdhd, A legislator. ^ >&*J P^hdesf^ Before the hands, i. e. be- fore the eyes, whatever is clear and evi- ~ pishder, A frontispiece. [dent/ &c. ]>^-cf P^^6 j /,Deliberatipn. [guard, apreamble. jpishrow, A chief, leader, the advanced ^ fishtah or & !x^j A vestibule, a hal 1 ^ ^ lisheflet, Pitiless, severe. ** pishbar, A collector of duties, a chest. y pislikcireli, A midwife, a tapestry or p!skgkn t Imprudent. [carpet, pishker, An arlincer. tt pislikesli, A magnificent present, [brow. t pixlikoolieh, The front part of the eye- .^ i pishgeh, The principal seat for the most noble of the company. [A towel. ^d t J lisheftecl, Impatient. vG^ pishkeer, * " " * ^ A/j t pishmozJ, Randsel. lXi^' pis/mar, Some one, he, any one, oy Itis or [;j/5, Adversity, difficulty. R [ 353 ] ^j lisedb, or ^ Ujj Dumb. [bare, raining* i.Aj le.ix, Whiteness, splendor, laying an ' AJ leizz, Bright, white, the sun, a calamity. ixj leyzet, An egg, a helmet, a margin, [tent. ; UaAj leitar, A Farrier. ^3 Iko lituket, Impo- !SAJ 7-m, Aqua spermatica, uterus mulicris. *AJ leia, Commerce, buyer, seller, [a bargin. ciLwtAj ley (it 9 Inauguration, &c. Hat, A temple, AJ leigh. Ebullition. [messages. * ULvj peighbm, Fame, report, an embassy, i*J)/ f\*. peighamfterdan, To explain the cause of an embassy, &c. [messenger, &c. feigh&mler, A prophet, an ambassador, lighayeh, Infinite. [an angle. j- peigholeh, The middle, a narrow street, Lj peigliemler or y^a-^f. A prophet, &c. J JL f< peighoolch, A corner, the side of a house. Jw ligheh, Fuel, fire-wood. [pulse or pease * ^ l% fdft, A trumpet, j^ Z-j/^d/, A kind of j \jsu likerar, Unsettled, impatient, &c. ($ j \jSLrj likeraree, Inconstancy, restlessness. i *^t.' lifresoor, Compleatly, entirely. .-UL- llkyks, Immense, inexplicable. [ 359 3 i ft, A footman, carrier. i. peikar> A battle, an engagement, a con- test, an army. [a spear, arrow, e, ^y p^kan, A dart, an arrow, the point of ? s few lighnegee, The situation of a stranger^ or person unknown, being incognito, j tiganeh, Unknown, stranger. j bigah, Untimely, ill-timed. peiker, The face, form, 'image. .*) ! Xj liver un,- Infinite, precious, r ^ ^Co ^?^C5, Destitute, an orphan. X~ peifcen, An instrument for pulling up by the roots. & IX/G ligoonah, Guiltless, innocent. ^.yuXvJ peikeedun, To run, (as water from the mouth) to sprinkle slightly. [spade. LJ peel or L3 An elephant. LJ ke/ 3 A 54 il^ pil&dgJi, Whatever is given above the llw pilaiv, See HL- t [hire, by way of present. .*i LL-v 4 peellhtiy An elephant driver or keeper. , Making water. . pf^deniiiTi r A large furious elephant. feefesteh, Ivory. [ ^ J J~ , jXc peekgJioosh, Flourishing, .elephant's . jlL r< peilkun> Thick, fat. [cars- 'J-efc, The iron point of an arrow. fZf pdhm, The pod in \\hich the cotton grows, a wimhle. J^j peileli, A root, a kind of plant, a silk worm. /^' &6'erJi,Fear, danger. >^v peem, A messenger, l^. P e y ni ^ A measurer, a M-eigher. [rumour. ^j lifiiar or e^^ Sick, afilicted, infirm. J \& jlf-i Umar&k&nefi, A hospital, [valescence. f )^ litnar'hcez, Recovering health, con- ,i */J^j [jiinargoon, Pale, [ease, infirmity, &c. *j lgsj limareh, Fern . of ^ ^j . (/ ; t^ 1 farriaree, Dis- t*J tcr. Pey"ri n > A, promise, pledge. >^L"(5 lifnanend, llnparalleJled 1 . J^ pcytnanch, A cup, a measure, either for ; plmai, A measurer. tl^d linicJsa" k, Disrespectfully. ^> /J limeded, Destitute, unassisted. Limerkcmet, Pitiless. iiHUroowe.t, Rude. titr&shMet, Without trouble. t 361 ] r* linianee, Void, absurd, foolishly. J&/J limekbl, Dumb, silent. , Itmekdar, Powerless, weak. s limennet, Without the necessity of llmend, The mill-clapper. [asking. . ^-J pijfioodun, To measure. ^ lein, Distance, an interval, union, [whilst. (Xy leeni, Seeing. \j*> lemh> In the meantime, ol>Aj foynat,1?lur.of X^a beiyenet. [ripg-finger. ^ llj Icenhm, Unknown, famekvss, &c. the r ^**Cn fonkmoos, Without law or religioa. 5 /J Iw leenbyeh) Strength of sight or mind. xLj lee.yenet, Demonstration. >t,j Le&ider, Spurious, an illegitimate son. - x vUx pecndoo, Any noisy instrument by which X **V birds, are frightened from gardens. J* 5 /VM P L 'i ner d 00 %> ^ ne who repairs any thing , ,^JUj leenesh, Vision, providence. [ld. ^^^oA-o leneseel, Poor, unfortunate. U;^ lecnet y A weaver. y^a^ ( linezeer, Incompa- LJA, l&ncmi, Whilst, in the meantime, [rable. ^X^Xj Imemek, Saltless, insipid. ~ linoo, A dairy-house, butter-milk. s a [ 362 ) *J i j liitoor, Without light, blind. linook, A saddle-cloth. ^ tcinoonetf An interval, chink. ** Mnooween or phioottin, A kind of food made of butter- milk, [match of a lamp. JU.' t peenehf A piece, a patch (of cloth) the Cj )j -*c?. pww&fc^WB, To mend clothes. A^ Unthhyet, Infinite. x ... r leenee, The nose, the snout. JU> leeneeder, The curtain of "the door of a chamber or tent, .[in want of nothing. ^ leneykz, Without prayers, or entreaty, 1 einees, The fish called bonito. [dung. lihoner, Slothful. ^> lioo or pioo, A moth, piyoo, Abride, a bride-maid, an aunt by the D i\*> t pkvareh t A foreigner, [mother's side. ,/>' J~ f p'nvareedun, To answer. ^/ / xv * ,*! ^ />:^ %, Receiving, [in good part, to grant. .I . \ 7 rf 11 j ,1 i .. x/i i j * i A v /'/^xr * / >"> I /A r^/* t^l^'tc/*/! T/\ T'lL''/* / * I xW / ' -fc/M- / ullVCL%LL(l Lin , J U DC IJlCclb'^Q, LO latvC ^/ x ^'/ >-V r ,i U,j LiivjUf Leave, plwiin, a thousand. 0*0 Icii/ovt, Plur. of c^j ^^/. *^" / *^?^;J Ihuojood, Without existence, vilei ^ yj Ivi/oct, Perishing, departing from one's ^ liiuer, Sixty thous;ind. [friends. j+~ t piwer, Ten thousand. [thousand. t ^ j ~ fewardefi, (In the pehlevi dialect) a ^.xj liyoo%, Injury, oppression. *jyz. pwuv&li, Large, a patch of cloth under o jv; pewu%shehi Magnanimity, [the arm-pit. j t poyoos > Humility, hearkening, hope. - ^ ( peiwesan, Hope. ywest* Conjunction, arrival, meeting* V~** ^. Py^ssfhin^ To join, tie, to cause to meet or adhere, to be wrapped up, to hope, to ~ peywesteh, Preterite of ^x^.^ [break. \ >v ^ r poyooseedun, To submit, to expect, ,i>Jl^^j loyooshkneedun, Subject, humble, to cause to submit. [tended* (VAr'^'. fyoosheedun, To hasten, to be ex- l? ^y liwef^y Faithless, ungrateful, deceitful. /J I? ^.-j I ewefayee, Ingratitude. ^^ /j^ liwekt, " / ' ' .* i+J y%> Ptywck* A bride. Untimely. ,i (^ ^ ( pcywelan, A bridegroom, a bride. (V ^ ^ loyooleedun, To consider, to hope, jj *^ peywetnd, A chain, connection, bound. fjjjjfii pegwendun, To join, to connect, 9 ^ li-ivcli, A widow. & ^ fft^J leweliguee or f+j Widow-hood. ^^ ^^ ' ~J t pcchy Tallow, grease. [false* f A ; J leehedelt, Vain, impertinent, ridiculous, \jihefbs, Fearless. A, Icihes, A strong courageous man, a lion. ^ pechhest, A small crow. ^; lehemmet, Lazy, mean. ^C' fehftyfo* Incomparable, super^excellent. /??, Ill-timed. [ous. ^ ichoodeh, Futile, absurd, foolish, villain- *y^ t befiofwh', Insane, mad, distracted. -\' ^ bihooshce, Insanity, fainting. ^; \)ehecn t Better, swift-paced. Perishing, noxious. c$, Stern, severe. ^.^ leil, Small, weak. />., Is the third letter of the Arabic and Per- n alphabets; it denotes 400 in arithme- , tic ; when affixed to Persian words, it supplies the place of the personal and pos- \~c pronouns of the second person. . I}' fa I, Then, multiplicity, distil, inflaming, lustre, splendor, power,torment, rage, twist- [ing. [363 ] V U t 0* thla or ^0* A frying-pan. j t 0* tapal, Stature, shape, a wing. ,i 1 1)' talan, Light, shining. CJ )?:CJ ^ ^ talcinloodun, To shine, c. M>3 ^' I)' tat'zncedun, To cause to shine. So LJ 'talet, Repentance. [bath, &c, ^ U ti:tal%haneh, A summer house, a warm 'j* tiibdadun, To inflame, to shine. ( ^' taldar, Fervent, hot, bright. *<>olj t aid eh, A. spinner, &c. j U~j 'J talfsthn, The summer. , ^ 0* talesh, Sependor, heat, a span. *jlj /6^/, Dependant, subject. .ij^y-^O* tcilikerdun, To subject. yi f U tale-con, Plur. of j u /aZ'/. >B> / X U; I)' t^nak, Resplendent, brilliant, intri- , ^'0* taloot, A coffin, a wooden box. 1 [cate.' U talool, The betel leaf. ^ 0* jfa&cd, Light. 0' tcileedtin, To twist, to glitter, to make * tabees, Oppressing. [hot. d" tat, Until. [infant, li- U /a^, Stammering, the tottering gait of an y 0* 0* /a/ar, A tartar, a scythian. T a 3<36 ] w Li' tatareeb, A ring-dove. CfO* 0* /a/a?, Equal, like. Jj' 0' /a/t j /d, A table z ^j U tatooret, About to* give. [napkin. * U /flser, Following, sadness, jj U /ase/, Noble, firm, taking the best part. ,Ajlj taseer, Penetration, making an impression, passing through. ttl^tt thseerat, Plur. of ^5 (3 taseer. ^U tciseel, Of a noble family, being rich. [bird. ... U a. p. /a/', A crown, a crest, the comb of a d* o vadiJLogVj taj.C'rtiefthercf, A crown of glory. SUSjrlj tkji&eybnee, A royal crown. "<:/ Inflamed, burnt. J/P 0* tajdar, ?0 4 tajdarec, The royal dignity. [A king. ^U /<7/er, A merchant, a wine shop, clever. . ! j? 0' /:/jt'ra?i,'Plur. of a.* ffl/tr. /d/<:^, Dimunitive of ^0' ' %^J> Burning. ^> U tajeer, Making U /j^'cW, Delaying, curing a malady, [bricks, li- tahhcd, Uniting. ^ \3 t&hetn, A Weaver. U t&liee, The possessor of a garden. lalieed, Declaring united. U ttikh, Having no appetite. [acceptation. - 1)' tukh, A veil, darkness. il>- U thkhii%, Receipt, tbJiht, Spoil, prey. [pursue, to spin- , 0* takhtun ,To hasten, run, to rush upon, to (5* takhteh, Preterite of ,y^ takhor, Delay, postponed. ^^ tj&hee,>ro- V i lj /aflk/,, Institution, instructed. [therly. AilJ /faded, Happening, increasing. [ing at. cf a (j thdee, Preparing to do any thing, arriv* i.^., i lj tcideel, Erudition, chastisement. 3L ^ U ihdeyet, Causing to arrive, dispatching, performing, ^j i LJ fbzeen, A promise, a cause, striking one upon the ear, rubbing all over. it)' tar, The top, vertex, the wrap of a web in the loom, a bow string, a thread. *\fi taraj, Plunder, the sacking of a city. ..lj thret, A time, a turn, once, sometimes, / .Ly thret, Hard, dry, spiritless. \j -tares, Armed with a shield. or helmet. ti t&resh, Light, levity (of behaviour.) , lj threk, Leaving, deserting. )' tarem, Any building of a circular form, the vault of a heaven, the roof, the top of -?L* , I)' tarmeegli, A cloud. [any thing, * ,; i (i taroolood, Existence. tj(? larch, The wrap of a cloth, the scale. v^ U tareeJth, A history, the date of a letter, [$ fared', Cloudy, dark. [event, &c. fawekee or (J^L Darkness, obscurity. fi tax, A career, an assault. ft tazsh, Apavillion. JljO'or J I *l5* A scourge, CljO* tazana, Pursuing closely. [whip, -c. C)^j I ti&kneedun, To cause to run at. /jl tazguee, Youthfulness, freshness. cjt tfaeht Fresh, youth, new. ftj.l tazehzehoor, Newly born. ee,Anarabian, anarabick.[spin,tobencf. .) ,*t ta%eedu?i, To run, to set on fire, to t tazeezelzn, The arabick language. f fazeetareh, A knife for butchering camels. Og ler - U /?, A cup, porringer. ) I ^f /as^d^ A >J U f tataneedun, To strangle. U /ct^c-, The mouth. i7 tci-nssof, To grieve^ to sigh, bemoan. U /^sao/, The ninth-day of the month. /d*e//, Disquietude, solicitude, distress. 7a5e^ConcealiDg,recommending,patience. u~'J tciseedun, To be sad> &c. j tksees, Foundation, confirmation. C* /&-e$, Dying, trembling> remote* f I &g^i A pomegranate, the elm, a tree. *& ^i I taghcosh, Plunging the head into wa- Jo u tctfe.t, Vice, delay, vile, necessity. [ter. M ,^t ta-ftun, To burn, to be warm, to shine, jj Li' ^q/^r, Dirty, a squalid fellow. ^;Li ! tbfeehf A little, small, mean, insipid. c_j u ^/^, Filled (a bottle,) full (of grief,) burn- ?t, Excess of anger, [ing (with rage.) thk, A fresh vine plant. [of ruin. ;, This, t&k, foolish, thin, on the brink takd&neh, Twisted thread. =, \j takoot, The gum euphorbium. t&fah, Whither, so that. f\ takee, A vine, when, hov, r long, whither. ^A^jlj' thkeed, Constitution, confirmed. ^^ If ( taltil, A lake, a ditch, a pond, u* y \s talas, A wave, a billow. fp> I/ 1 talash, A voice, sound, tumult, flame. l*\$\j talan, Depredation, pillage, until, ,*U i\j talaneJt, An apricot. t 370 ] w , talaneh, A fniit 'resembling the peach. CA(j tklct, A wound, -4 bracelet, a p'jach. w^f* C th IjeJt, Cox- co m b . / jti\ talcsl;, The wing of an arrow. ^^ w 4 ii Lj ta-dl'if, Union, friendship, connected, -.5 U t a- idem, r rorment,'grief. JU talce, Follow* C.LJL; talyat, Plur. of JU /d/6^. [ing, reading. M rM >J L taIcedi(ti,To cry, to weep, [mel's bunch. -Ij -iitire, compleut. ^U timek, A ca- . tj\y+^ tkmtoareh, A water-pot, an ewer. ,^-0 U ic,wodr, Any tbing, some one, the spi- rit, blood, saffron, [um, a lion's den, water, cj^ ^ lj tamooret, The tower, the pericardi- t^v; Li 1 tautmek, Considering attentively. p ^ t taneh t Whether, last. ^UU t&nek, (Fern, dual) those two. 1 J L tanool, The environs of the mouth. ; ; - nee, Delay, slowness, skill. ^- f . cs, In the feminine gender. ,H>J v tamrttttH, 'J'o prevail upon. [Admiration, y^jlj- ^ ing hi mi liar. ii'o'-J' ta * * il ; y -I taw-kcrditn, To drink a health. I * I /ut^'a, A frying-pan. [reciprocal assistanc i* /M t ^ t tciwhn, Debt, payment of debt, a loan, $2 u taivel, A calf. ^ u taweh, A skillet, a tile-. * /vf> }t taweedun, To- burn, to shine, to twist, ol f&A, A plait, fold, somewhat, y thheb, Arranged. f L L t&hetterdun, To marry, to contract,, *A U taheel, Proper, worthy, satisfying. * (j[ tcii, Resembling. ^\3 t&yej, Crowned^ \.U tayod, Corroborated. j,[-j layer, Setting seriously about any thing. " 5 yto t l tayeed, Aid, help. a. tayed, confirmation^ corroboration, assisting. ^ JVAJ lj tayeedit, Plur. of .XAJ li' taycd'. /M>w, I tby&Bdun, To resemble. JJMAJ lj tayces, Softening, making desperate, fjli' fay em, Single, unma,rrie'd .(man.) ^^ /ei, A fever, a ^e^ or telel, loss, damage, * t)' ^e6a, T>et alone, meddle not. [destruction. t-U5 tclab, Injury, detriment, ruin, perdition* 3-AilAj telabeel, Hatred. ^. Uj Je/>as, Solicitude, sadness. j A Uj tdxider, Out-running, striving, emulating. 1 a Uj tebbdet, Changing^ conversion. t s?3 3 ^ ? fcto, A people, nation, family, [togef tj^tclkret, Pei-ib'.ilng. iS^Us ielkree, Striving cb,a, A consequence, continuation. c< ^L^ Uj te]):i-ut, Following, attendance. &t. lxi - telaud, Distance, retiring. 4josUj- tefoghet, Reciprocal hatred. ^5 IAS tel-atee, Remainder. t? ^ ) us telakee, Pre- y Us tclalut, Fencing. [tending to cry. #JUj tobhltih, Pretending ignorance. clj teldh, Corruption, a mischief, bad, pcrdi- j&(J ttbfchkar, A destroyer. [tion. ,v lJ telfahcli, A light kind of food made of cucumbers or pumkins, with a preparation of sour milk and herbs. jUs t&jaya, Dealing, trafficking. D ^ f j ^^j* feleb&dchi Trembling, jus fefo/, An af- ,*f f .xj* f titan, Short breeches. [ilicted condition. ^^AXAS ie.lfeer, Ruining J-U'AJ telteel, Returning from the world, to de- dicate one's self to religious duties. /jfo, Melancholy, sad. U5 telsbk, Lacerating, bursting (into tears.) t 373 ] s > Dispersing. AiAj telseea, (A wound) swelled with blood. ^**" * ^scy tele j foil, Overjoyed. ch, Exhilarating, giving joy. c te&eftor or ^o- Profoundly learned, V::s\j telhceli, Dwelling in a place, ^.saj telckher, Perfuming one's self. J-A^VJ- iMlieer, Diffusing odour, raising a smoke. us u A o^fel'eddoc!,DispeTSQd. 3^ telcddel, A change id w ^\J' tebeddefat, Plur. of ,5 JVAJ telcddel. at tf Axi' lelteddee, Going to live in the desert, be- AJ XAJ teldeed, Dispersion, scattering, [ginning. JkJU.ouJ tcldeela, In disguise. ^..XA? teldeel, Change. CiSV.JuJ teldeelat, Plur. of ^^tcldeel. j \ o<>J telzar, A prodigal. ^ JK>J tebezzoh, Rain- ^ xj telezzekh, Becoming proud. [ing. 3 ^ tcle&zol, Liberal. j>**s telzeer, Spending prodigally, lavish'mg j.>j telcr, Breaking. [away, j ! /$ telrat, A vapour exhaled by the sun. ji^xi' telret, A particle of native gold, &c. )) ) /? telerdar, A hatchet bearer, a soldier so ^i telerroz, Being published. [armed* w r 374 j j j3 tclerxun, One who strikes with a mace, A J /J fd-erzeen, An iron mace or battle one, a wooden club. [living poorly. IU t'e'rex, Receiving by little and little, ^xj' telertow, Becoming angry, swelling with j te'erra, Doing voluntarily. [passion. Aj tc'ler-as, Agitation, anguish. Sj*3 telerka, Hiding the face with a veil or other covering. t_jf /* tebrek, The top of a drum, &:c. a. teterrok, Bened iction, the blessing of God, &c. 'iZjl3f*j tele-rrcJtht, 1'lur. of ^ ^ telerrot. 'l*J jy J tj'erkeedun, To split the hoof or the r LJ=!^J tefakgk**, A bridle, rein. [nail. j telerom> A great lady, a matron. telercyet, A receipt. te j >ereej, Displaying of one's merit. telreeh, Injuring, vexing. ' li-eeth, Humbling one's self. ju #3 forced, Refreshing, permitting to grow v .J* te teez, A table, a sofa. [cold. JAJ telrccs, Softening ground for culture. AJ telrees, Resembling leprosy, making tiling look spotted. >j>J tjtreekt Threatened with, danger, gazing. -jj* 5 tclreeli, Giving a blessing, wishing joy. telreem, Turning (a spindle.) *j telezzel, Cloven, split. j' lelezcej, Beautifying. [ech J teiest, A spider's web, corrupted., ~? telcstun, To be pregnant. J' ttlestcli, A fringed carpet or cushion. AJ- tclesser, Being cold (a day.) [ger, xi' telessol> Contracting the visage from an*, >j telessom, A smile, a simper. // x^>^ (4 telseedun^ To have the lips cracked with heat, to be fainting or uneasy, &c. , ^5* fe^5^ or , ^J 1 , Warmth . t> * w v yiU&xj tclesJibesh, Shewing gladness. (JOAAAXJ telesles, Adulation, cajoling. UJ " ^JMUJ- telesser, Considering with attention, per- MO** telseer, She wing, demonstrating, [ceiving. ^3 /eZ-e%^,Sweating. ^IaAj/d^^fl,Cominglate. .kjo teletten, Penetrating into the heart or in^ S telteel, Abolishing, [ner part of any thing, j tela, Attendance, a follower. O tela-os, Moving, twisting. .j ^ / (0*^* tela-ozsliodun, To be cut in pieces. t 7j telregh&n, Crying with a loud voice, ^jbj teleghce, Asking, searching. ui;Aj telgheez, Rendering odious. ^fjk^i telgheeTHy Speaking ambiguously. 3 telekkor, Preceding. [ing. t elk el, Speaking perplexedly, conquer- telliooby Growing sour, a confection made of nuts, cloves, of garlick, &c. telkeyet, Weeping, causing to bemoan, tclkeet, Reproaching. telkeer, Making haste. telkeeci, Cutting in pieces, departing. Z^"^/,^Iixing. jAi telel, Sickness, weak- j telclloj, Laughing, dawning, [ness, hatred. tclelldi, Fatigued. \Us teldlokli, Super- j- ttldlucl, Dullness. [cilious, proud. Joj telelerxeJi, The paroxysm of a fever- xi tcbelles, Coveting, asking any thing pri- teldlcgli, Arriving at content. [vately. teMloh, Behaving simply, ignorant, stray- ing without a guide, or enquiring the way, telteet, Consuming, wearing. [ 277 1 r 3*s \Jui* telteed, Throwing one's self upon the ground, careless (of promises.) oaA>j teblees, Receiving all, leaving nothing. laxUj tellett, Scattering stones, fatigued. jJUs telleeghj Sending letters, complements, jJus teMee'l, Bathing. [&c, relaxing the veins. -JUs te.lleem, Rendering deformed. ^ tln, Straw, noble, generous, lord or ma &A3 telnet, A, bit of straw, [a wolf. o>lJ ( ' telendsh, Shining. [window. telenet, A mould, a crucible, a small j' fepjngoo, A casket, a granary, a com- mon sewer. AJ telennee, Adopting or calling one son. XA/XJ telncct, Building, construqtion. V _JAJ febbwwob, Making or being made a porter. o *AJ telowwutj A desert, a dangerous place, -.yj telowwuj, The flashing of lightning, ^i a >j tekoddeR, Seller of livers, gizzards, &c. *Xj , w teloorblt, A tabor, drum, [of fov / X aJ^f> tebook, A large dish. ^xj' teiowwol, Making water, Plur . of 3^ te'-eL ^ teleh, Annihilation/ruin, an ..." man. ^\ lf vj tebehhoj, Rejoicing, cheerful. . *AJ J iclclilior, Bright, fitted. , ' .'Jihosl. a^- telekle& 9 A lie, lying, [sembimg. *? tcbeh/ioni, Doubtful, concealed. SuyAj telheet, Making wide, enlarging-. J^AJ tMeem, Sv :i a place, -\veaning. c ^Uxi' ttfyzn 9 A declaration, making clear. ^v^O* tz l eeleh or JL^O* A spider's web. ... ^j telcct, Loss, destruction. ^Jj^'tsleedjun t To bore, to warm with fire, to blush, to tremble. [in great agitation. CJ ^ tsfte.dini, To stumble, to put one's self * s-3 telccrrfi, A kettle drum, a large pipe or flute in pieces. j ti'lecJieli, A baker's instruments, * teleehh, A fruit basket. ^.AJ teleyon, Making clear, distinct. CILAA>JJ etyet, Invading or surprising an enemy oa.^ ie j ycv/ro whiten, evacuating, [by night, ^AAxi' iebycn, Explanation, separation. rjUi 1 tetaltt, Uoiotcrrupl .iiinualion. 3 ^ idnr, Successively, a.Tart^r, a Scythian. V.^xy tttt't'eJ-, Ruining in j-aU te!f' ^iy iesnicem, Trampling upon. .^ 4 *j tcsmeen, An octagon, eight- fold. iesncyct, The dual number, doubling. yi testirtrer, Being in commotion, boiling. \.i-j tt'SOiiwo'1, -Getting the better, insulting. VJ^AJ tcsivct'l, Recompensing, rev/arding. SJ^AJ tcsiveet, Detaining, .causing to stay. ^./j- tesweer, Exciting (rebellion,) examining. ^ tcsee, Fruit, ^i lac" te/ksoo, Sitting with join- la?- /e/aAo/,Fencingfoil6or3ticks ^sd knees, i lac" tcjcida or s {=* motejada, Fighting, opposing one another. [ing together, v ^ U?" tejaxel or v i UK^ motejbzel, Contend- j UT tojjar, Plur. of ^ 13 f&/e/\ o j Isr" tejkret or ^s?" Merchandize, commerce. is ,U?" tejaree or tf^USLo motejaree, Meeting, agreeing together, dealing. [ing a debt. jU?' tejazee or ^jUR* motej azee, Demand- ^ Isc" tejkser or ^ l^sU motejaser, Boldness, striving. [or reward. ^c lar" teja-ol or ^ l^U moteja-el, Fix-ing a price, jlas?" tejafee or J ! =^ motejhfee. Separated, in- congruous. *x! Lsr" tejaled or ^[^'inotejaled, Fighting, striking one another upon the shield. tjJUs" tej&les or-^jl^Lc mote/ales, Setting to- gether, [carrying one's self haughtily. J^lsr" tcjalol or jHscU motejalel, Disdaining, jL=c" tejalee or JlasU motejalee, Disclosing. OSA! U?~ tejhleed or ^ laiu c. ^A la?" tej&hed or *>A l;s=u, rnofrjaha!, Labour- jU La?" te/bhet, An opposition to. [ed ignorance, ^ W' tejalwl or ^ UcU wotcjhhel, Pretcnd- j^-" tejeller or^^U wojejcller, Haughty con- tumacious. [pompously. >a=?" tejellcs or yM^sU inotejel-lis, Walking tejclLon or (.j^U motejellon, Curdled ^MsT tejLeeb, Fl/ing (from battle). [(milk),&c. *s?" tejbeeh, Treating with contempt, turn- ing away the head. S" tejheem, Looking steadfastly. s?" tejeddeb or ^ >oa^ motejeddcl, Barren from draught, (a season,) (ground) without produce. [on, novel 13'. =r" ttjedded or A jv-cU molcjcddcd, Innovati- ae" tejdced, Renewing. " tejdcer t Attacked by the small- pox. [ 333 * te'deea, Mutilated. sr" tejdeef, Ungrateful for the blessings of God, blaspheming whilst enjoying them* as" fejded, Levelling with the ground. &:" tejzeer t Extirpating. ^ &sT tejxeem, Am-* sr" tejerilet, Experience, a proof, [putating. r" tejerred or i^^Lo wotejerrid, Giving in-^ tense application, drawn out; unmarried. af tejerres or ^^srU motejerris, Speaking. ?" fejerra, INIitigating anger, devouring. " tejerrim or -^^sU Motejerrim, CompleaN ed (a year,) accusing falsely of a crime. tejrceh, Wounding dangerously, >u aE?' tejreed, Separation, drawing a sword, ^j ,?* tejreer, Drawing or painting well. u-O^" %' ?W5 ' Proving, speaking. *., js? tejreea, Making one to forget grief, c. pjss" tejreem, Condemning. j vac* / /^e^f, Cutting in pieces (meat.) +t -js=' tejzeem, Filling, silent. " tejesscd, Becoming corpulent, [imploring. :" tojessos or motejeseis, Searching carefully, tejeshha, Desirous, [ing hard. tejeskshom or ^^fU imt$jc$him t Labour-^ 384 K^" tfjcsJislwo or ^reU motcjesTice, Ercct- s?" tejsheer, Emptying. [ing, belching. &t^xs' tejsees, Plastering. [the ground. xxs?" tefk-ol or CA'=J=U> mofejbilt, Prostrate on isv*s=:" tefitja or ^csvs^U motejaja, Throwing one's self upon the ground from excess of grief. [beard.) ors:" iejood orjsxscvx motejaid, Curled (locks or ' tej-yd, Curling (the hair.) [a soldier. tejfaf, The armour of a horse, also of i _ fcacf tejeffof, Dried, a washed garment. MX:" tcjfeet, Injuring, vexing. cJuisr" tcjfeef, Drying properly a garment, arm- ing a horse or a soldier. [murmur. ?r tefellol or uJi^U motejeH'tfi, flaking a .tejjelel or 3^).^ motejeljtt, Agitated, shaken, tumbling down. " tejellod, Stubborn, stern. s?" tffjellos or uJiiarLo nwtcjel/ix, Setting down. ^Jbc"', Crying out, carrying together. yjis?' /^;?r^/,Polishing ; explaining one's thought 5, revealing. [thing. \A\:=r" tejlech, Giving steady attention to any juU?" tejleed, Binding a book in leather, pul- ling oifthe skin (from a slaughtered camel.) I 1 &* .-ST' icjfeez, Folding or wrapping round inoi> der to strengthen, laying down. tefetnma or <;s:Lo motejemma, collected carefully. [joying. *he luxuries of life. ?" tejeinniolormotcjemmel, Conveniency, en- x' tej&tfijffiel&t, Household furniture, a col- lection of whatever tends to comfort, con- venience, luxury, &c. [gealing. -ss' tejemlioor, Oppressive. <\.vs:' t^j meed, Con" B n tejmeilsk, Helping, assisting. [money. ' tcj-niea, Collecting with care, counting s" tejtneel, Adorning, applauding. " fcjcnno 7 ' or ^j^ motefennel) Retiring, be- ing absent, removing. ?" tejcnnos or oJ.^> motejennis, Loving, co- vering, [one side. tejennoli or ^^U motej 'ennlh , Inclining to .Jo?" tcjannon or u ;^ motejtnnen, Seemiug mad, being furious. is? tcjennce, Accusing falsely, seeking a pre- text to injure another, [causing to abstain. uAAlae' tejnetl) t Being remote, putting away, y/sc" tejneezt Laying a corpse upon a bier. ss' tejnees, Resemblance. [ 380 [prostr Gtrn 'or or ^ ^=sC v?ot( 3 Jewwcr,OveY{ h n > vv n, " tejcwii'tnt or-j,3pic wotejcwwez, Speaking metaphorically, doing business slightly, &c. ?" tejmuwa or ^ ,-sK^ nwlrjauwa, Starving one's self, abstaining, purposely. xT tcJL'irwof or c.J^*L . vwtf*. Hol- low, penetrating into the middle or cavity, lying hid. [bled, sr" tejowwu^or oj^U wotejawwdk, Assem- tejivcer, Accusing of injustice, beating, throwing away. ., .a=r" ti'ju ei'%, Permission, approbation. j a=' te.jwaca, Starving one to death. j ys:' tejwe.ef, Hollowing, making concave* sr" tejivcek, Collecting, assembling. sr" tejwet'l. Surrounding, going round. tejliat oi'^a.=e\^ motajhcz, Prepared, adorned. tcjchhe n or +^* wotcjchlicni, Receiving one ungraciously. ==:" ti'jhcet, Enlarging, extending. r~" tejcyosh or ^/.^ r t iott\eylsh> Greatly a- gitatcd(ininind,) embodied (army.) [bodies. ice" ti'jcyafw ^f^ motejcyif, Putrid (died [ 337 (j^AAsr' tejy?sli> Leaving an army. g teli, A foundation, bottom. v !sr" telt'iii or v UH,x> motcfial, Mutual love, 2 Is:" fe/j \7J' or ^ l;U mMiUj[ , Disputing, gating. [reconciliation, v^, la?* teli ji'% or v^, l^U mctehcijiz, Opposition, ^ LSE-" t(t/ A la?" tchadcs or c, ^ Lacv^j motehadis, Convers-;. ing, telling stories, [iogt-ther. v Lsr" tchcLrob or v Isiv^ mctelibrib, Fighting: ... ,. !sr*' tcharecr, Tiur. of ^^" tehereer. >u Us?" tclhsed or A* lssx< Moteha&id, Eiivjing _yw la?" tehasoo, Drinking together, [one another,. ^Isr" teh&shce or ^ ia=u w^eftqshce, Excep- tion, separation. [describing. us U?" ^e//a,s or-qa U*U wo/eZ a ?, Dividing among, ^Ls?' tehh%% or ^l^Lc moteTiqzZj Stimulating one another. [juring. " /^' teliM'd' or c^^v, 77/0; , Sliowing love. nt, continence, Imprisoned, ^xar" te>ieR*is or (pMA+'nieteKell'is, Improve- ^A^T" <" /7 ^ or (jfijsix* WQtehellish, ISIet, collected. [grain. v>*" fyfefoeh Making one a friend, bearing .s?" tche l ccr, Brautifyi^ ing good. --=" tehd'Cftp, Retaining, bequeathing to pi- tcLt, The inferior part. [ous uses. {[ s\sr" tehteehet, Motion, sound, *"=&' tehtecsh, Exhili rating. ,AAs?" telisees, Stimulating, instigating. [Vlose. r" tehejjooor,^ _js^U motehejjee, Acting t^ j yy * C3 with firmness, pre- occupying, keeping pos- session. [lent, friendly: * teheddoj) or v j-rcU moteJieddil;, Benevo- ' telieJdes or cL, .xsiU moteheddes, Narrat- ed, produced. r" tehedder or .jo^u motehedder, Having a tumour, swelling, descending, slipping, examining, endeavouring to. do privately. ielicdoo or cfjcc\.^ vioteh.dee, Opposing, contending for superiority or victory. " te.hdetl, Having a hump-back. T" tehdeis, Relating, producing. ?^ tchdeed or ^^s?' Sharpening. B?' tehdceb, Seeing clearly, penetrating. te.liteer, Threatening, admonishing, pro- , Being soft (bread or meat.) teh.rroj or ^^^ inoteherrej, Abstaining [from wickedness. A 3 t 390 ] [of cue's sg/!f f sT teherros or ^ ;3 eU mofeherris, Taking care " teherro/or o^asU motelierrif, Inverted, de- clining, [flamed with rage. c teherro} or 6j^sU moteherrik, Burnt, in- s?' teh&rrom or *^U mvteherrim, Prohibit- ed, robbing, [the best, intending, trying. c?* teherree or f ^^U tnoteherree, Choosing ;/?W/,Keducing to straits or difficulties. KJ .ar* tjirecd, Putting in a passion, rearing high (a house.) [on. *ja? tehreer, Writing accurately, manumissi- t.ehreerun t Written. teher ee%i Preserving carefully, [any thing. cr" tc/ircesh, Inducing one fraudulently to do s?' tehrces, Inflaming. fefireez, Instigating, provoking. a' tehrcczht, Plur. of ^^" tehreez. z' telireef, Changing, mending a pen. B?' tehreefotg Plur. of U^.j^' tehreef. *' tehreeff, A commotion,- movement. ?"* tehre&n, Interdicting, tying fast, a scourge x" tehreemee, Prohibited by law. [or lash. w \ac" iehezzol, Assembled tumultuously. t 801 f(>J)e%?oz or j yasL, motebei&iZt Cut, notched* -" telie%%un or ^^iU motehezzin, Grief. tehzeel, Distributing. [sorrowful. ^sees, Notching, <-ja}" tehzeen, Making r tehessol) or c^^svo motekessil, Procuring o intelligence. tehessor or ^*U moteliessir, Condolence^ r" tehessos OT^J^^S^ motehessis, Exploring, c' tehsee\ Giving enough, r tehseel, Doing less than one ought. ? tehseen, Approbation. [^ n S' r teheshshed or o^siU moteheshid, Conven- px? teheshshem or ^s=u> moteheshem, Blush- ing, ashamed, [ment with fringe, lace, &c. " tehsheytt, Trimming the edge of a gar- -" tehsheetn, Vexing. [collecting. " teliessul or ^^ motehessil, Illustrating, " tehesson, Retiring to a fortress. c" tekessee or ..Aas^U moteliessee, Takino; care tj ^j of one's self. " telieseel, Strewing with gravel ?' teliseel, Collection, given. t6A$\ igteas tthseen, Fortifying, preserving chaste," ^A^C" tclizce*, Stimulating, provoking. J s? /etisttom or ^l^u> mofehctlini, Broken. ^s? tolcfj Plur. of Uss" tolfe*. Slar" toltfet, A present, excellent, rare, worthy of being "presented. [tious. lax? tefieffbt or I'iasLo motehcfffe, Vigilant cau- y.s? tehefful or y=&* mctehcffil, Meeting, polish- ed, weeping bitterly. {5 rrc v tj/nffcc, Beneficent, doing good. ooft."T telifccz, Betting down, throwing away. iJiiW teye.H*ot t Discovering, appearing evident, .V, Contempt. ^ !^.o-sr' teh^kee,TUn t Contemptuously. J' lt'./i''-e r .'i Certainty, profession. UA-'S?" tehfaefuto, Certainly, doubtless. Plur. of vjuiv teMecfc. ^\Lr" telietfkoh oriX,Qv f&otehekkik t Struggling, fighting. [ing, ruling. *^r" /<7/t;{ ^/?7 or ^<^Lc motehe&Rem, Command- ratching, scrubbing. ^N^at." if' Put ting in authority, [ing (tears.) i^Var* tehellul' M^\x\Amotehelli&, Sweating,flow- 3u)-sr" tel/ecl'ct, A slie-goat having milk flowing in her dugs (before conception; 93 1W tdiellet, Making lawful, &c. [cularljr. tehellok or jftasU tnotefiettih, Setting cir- tthelittl or jlsU motefoflil, Making an exception (when swearing.) " teltcllom or-.?^U moteheUini, Patient, mild, becoming fat and corpulent (a child.) ?' tehellee or ^rsU nutfehellee, Adorning with bracelets and other female ornaments. C^.A.W (effleef. Exacting an oath. [circles.^ uiUW tel'ihe*:, Shaving the head, marking with J^Var' tebs'Ce*, J3escending and remaining in a place. *>X^' teh'eeffij Rendering patient, tractable. tehmet, A deep black colour. [ing, *,s?' foftemhein or -^sv^U motehewhim, Neigh- ?" tehmmed or x3^U motchemmed, Praised by others. ' tehmes, An owl. 3.*^" teli^l, Patience. ?' tehmeyet, Making hot. ?' tehmeed, Praising, thanking God, ?' telimcer, Causing to blush. tehmeesh, Inflaming with rage, s' tehmeex. Diminishing. ' tehmeek, Foolish, reproving folly. B3 I 394 J " tclimeel, Aloud, ^s? Mine en, A conjec- teheneh, Showing an old grudge. [ture. :* teheunos or 6JU motehcnnis, Shunning " tehennafor ^is^> moteliennif, Following the true religion. [p^y- " teJicnnun or ^'scU vtiteJicnnin, Affection, tehennee or ^a^* motehennee, Curved, in love. [fore feet (a horse ) ?' tehcneel', Curved or bent in the back and ?" tehencyet, Tinging (the beard) wiih tl:e Cyprus, &c. [ing from (crimes.) teJiau'WcboT ^js\ vnotcJimru'H', EeiYaia- ?* tehoot t An abject mean man. [ar. teliaiuwor or ;> ^U wqtehawwir, Celerity, r" tehklVWUV or ^ ^^U Collected, rising slow- ly. [ing intrepedity, " tehawwusor ^ t &* motehatvwis, Display- ?' tehawwiish or ji ^^ moteha wish, Distant, ' tehctwwol, Moving from place to place. " tehfiwwe or ^^asU moteliciwwec, Collected round. [ing one to return. T tehwecr, Making white and bright, caus- ' tehweez, Making a pond. D n g' ' /WiU'^SuiTounding with a fence, revolv* I 395 1 ?7, Change, return, revolution, o^sp" tehweclat, Plur. of 30^" tchwil. CjU*?' teheyat, Plur. of JUST" teheyet. [do^x jUs?" tehiyet, A salutation, complement, a king- ^*s?' teheiyer, Astonishment, [ing each other. jj'U?" tekhktd or jji^ou motckh^ieli Deceiv-? jja. Is?" tekhajoo, Walking slowly. i is?" tekhadoa or ^ ^ IsiLo moteliliadefi, Pre^ tending to deceive. [mutual assistance. ^ j, Us-" /SDU mofe&helles, Seizing V tehhcJlet or L^-sfCc tnotckhMet, Becoming insane or silly. A>^-" te&hleelr Destroying, reducing. ^xsr" te\lileer, Giving information, advising. k**?" lehJilecl, Becoming silly, mad. C JT" tekht, A royal throne, the royal residence. /*jN; ^^- tekhtrawan, A travelling bed, lit- ^ Uir" tekhtctnee, Inferior, lower (part.) [ter. Ai."jr" ff'/.-lcl-hch, An inarticulate word. j?" tekhetter or^xipU motefc/ietter, Delirious/ nagging, In- o fek^' tekhtig&h, The royal residence, thecnpi- *k& teklitilch, Shoes, a walking staff, [tal, city. +z~e" tekhMcm or pZxi* motekhettlm, Dissemb- ling, weaving, silent. ^ tefthieh, A table, a plank. '*" ^l^j^ tefthteijkmeh) A large press, a callen- e'er, an instrument of torture made like a *.*k" jft v, Making broad. [liorse. =-" tekhjeelt Causing to blush. [vercd. i?' tekhedder or js^Lo motels edder, Reptco- ^Air" tekhdeed, Emaciated, shrivelled. , Keeping (a woman) conceal* ed, having a torpor in the limbs. iekhdeGBh, Scratching. >&&' tekhdeca, A remarkable deception. " te/iltzcca, Mincing, circumcising. ?" tM%eel, Despising, disgracing. s?" telihzcem, Cutting well. ?" teftherloot, A superior species of ca- mel which travels very fast. [voice. .-" tftftherred, Bashful, speaking in a low Zff" tekherrej or ^ ; ==C motckhcrrej, Iniqui- ty, acquiring learning and politeness. s? % tekhcrres or ^^s^ motek/terris, False- ir" tebhcrrek, Torn, inventing a lie. [hood. te&herremor f ^L^ iJiotekhemm,%ro1Len, split, pierced. i? % te&hroor, Thin or soft skinned (man.) . c [ 398 } ^ i Devastation^ [liteiv ) instructing in learning and p<>- ' tckhrevsh, (Corn) shooting forth the r" te*:hre.ct, Loosening the belly. [first' sr" tckhreek, Tearing, telling many i ir" tekliezzil or ^ysti* mote&hezzel, S- ling. [ing behind. or \&&'mote&hez%o t !\ysr' f^^efitf,De- ?" IcZhes, A dolphin. [setting, hindering;. r" tc&hscycf, Playing at nuts. [h- ^' tckhseer, Reeined. / A-"' tekhsht A <. " te&he$hthesh or jji-sxiijaCo motekhesh* , Rustling. or ^srCx. toiote&JieshshoqjHum* blcl. [jeeled. or 3.^.^,0 motekhcshshil, Re- r' /''' tit Jte&+M0tekhesh8htm,( rupted, .smelling (meat,) r' fakheshshen or ^ cJihesl. Rough, (in habit, face, cor: on, or in o lie oi life, c.) -c tekhshcyet, Striking with terror, [ing. &" tekh&heem t Corrupted (meat.) S? tekhsheen, Making rough or thick* ?" tekhsees, Appropriating, determining. sr' tiJihscef, Sewing well. T' tckhseel or g+t&sz Cutting in pieces. s? tt'fr/isecm, Attacking legally, [subdued. ' tcklizeer, Making green. :==:' ijtkzcea, Cutting in pieces! " tekhter or ^.laisC-o motefchtter, Alienating. r* tethettefoT ou^Co Jttote&hettef, Seizing, c arrying off. [ing, blundering. " tekJieltee o/ jasaiAinotskliettee, Transgress* S?" tekhtcett Blaming another for a fault. :' tckhted, Writing, painting. [&c.) sr' tekhtccin, Fastening to a stake (as vines, ?" tekhefferor j^s^ motckkeffir, Ashamed, imploring protection from a patron, [down. x? tekheffes or y^i^:^ motekhefes, Thrown. i?" tvkhefftf or ^ijs^^ motekheffef, Booted, " tekheffeer, Protecting, patronizing, exces* sive modesty. t ^ 3 * . [with the ground. -C tekl Throwing down, levelling tekhftez, Doing any thing gently, &c. " te&hji\f, Making light/raising, abb te&h&ekol, A walnut-tree. fating. tekliMem, A. country dwelling. tckhellos or ^\~sZ* motckhellis, Seizing, snatching. tefihelles or uo.UsiU motcJiheUis, Pure. tckliello or ^v, motekheUht, Disjoined, separated. [ing behind, opposing. " te&hell4^" tetbmeenurt, Bj conjecture or guess, a-. %.^" te%h$ntte* of limber. ^ 1 " tefthsfwes or ,jji^u woiefcheftttis, Sland-, ir" tekhentee or ^^C? tpoiethewtee, Behav- .'isr'^'^?2^^,Bending,t\vrstH)g. [ing indecent) y,. sf" tMttcen, Cutting witb a hatchet. Strangling, gprtuding or co,~- r ering almost entirely ovci\ ij^sr' tekhewwet or c. ^i^Co vtotefthewwet, I)i-. minished (wealth) suffering a loss. ^sr' tekhewwuz oi'.ji^isx^ motekhnwwovr, For* cecl, or feigning to be tbrrt-d, to pass a ri- ver. [nishing, vomiting, -sr* tMewwo or >s^^ Motefcheivwo, Dimi- D 3 ' t. // or o^fsJU mote' f, Ter- ri{;. filing. J^i?" tekhewit'uk, Enlarged, amplified. ff" tekhewicolox $jtssi.riiotekhciMVol, Observ* ing, repeating. [ing perfidiously. " tckhewtvun or ^fss^vnotekhawun, Act* c ttkhiveyet, Ruined, tumbled do\\ n, t.j^ tefchweesh, Diminishing. " te - htvees, Accepting (a present.) [river.) " ( '%, Plunging into and crossing (a " tctihwctf, Terrifj'iDg, threaten! i.-" tellnceek, Enlarging, writing at length. ! t Giving possession, granting a request. . [nishing. r" tt '>i, Accusing of treachery, di j^s? tefchcyor, Chusing, left to one's own elicit e, gun to grow grey-haired* L ^ar" /*, C.' hanged. ' tekhtyul, I magi nation, supposing, li.'i/olat, Plur. of ^^' tekheyul* ioni, Pitching a tent. ***.- . Prohibiting, depriving (of hope.) jeer, Choice, election. , Subduing, forcingi [ 403 1 [buting. cJu/jrs:' tekliyefi Reiiring (to an} r place,) clistri- ^se" telrfnjeel, Fancying) suspicion, any thing frightful. [it. *A.VS="" tMycem, Ktching a tent and going jnto - UAJ tedam, A crowd, a heap. ^tjo' tsdaler or ,j ^\^ fnotedaler, Reciprocal, desertion, or apposition. v.,3 ^ xi' icd&leer or !^j ^j- Plur. of j*j*3 tedleer. ^ \ AJ tedbkhel or 3.^, 5 AX^ motedbfthel, Pene- trating or penetrated, reciprocally, occur- ig gradually. ^ jo tedarcs or U J ? ^xu mote dares, Studying under another, teaching by lecture. xi 1 tedarefr or f^^jvAA) inotedarek, Prepara- tion, comprehending. [litigating. jj tcda-uk or ^ i ,x^ motedfc-ufa Fighting, jj tedufoo or ^s t jsXx> motedafoa, Thrusting one another back. [back. ^ Jo tedafef. Riding or lolling upon another's jj tedafen or ^5 \ jo:^ mottdbfen, Doing any thing privately together. [iy. ^ jO' tedakeJc, Computing together mimite- Jv tedkoo, Thrusting, bruising or pressing one upon another. t 404 ] , Assisting reciprocally, 3 fedamcl cr ^i^xx* motedbftiel, Being reconciled. finer a \\ -ay. ^ 1 ^ tecfbwol or \^ \ _\A^ ntOtedgwol, Doing a- riy thing alternatefy, frecpiented. giving in perpetuity, surrounding. ljJ tt'da.wcc or t^^t.MU inottJuwit', P ing a rxiedicine. [mutual credit. 4>J tedayon or ^ ! .\Vx, motcdayon, Gi\ ing fedlcr, Meditation, conjecture. 6' tedMok or ^.'Q AX^ niQtedellik, T;ikeu with bird-lime. [intention, opinion. tedleer, Disposition, order, deliberation, *3 fedbccs, Concealing, lying hid. tedleeli ladling into a lump. ledtif, Fixing firmly (a etake.) , Wrapping one's self in a cloafc, on lior^-hark. tcdsci'r, I>uilding a nest (a bird.) ^,>j tedejej or gv*jj* motedejijt Armoji. . j- fcdejdeji Dark (night.) [monr. icdjccj, (Jiutid (sky,) covered v, ith ar* _vj 405 [gilding, mounting, Vvs> jj fedjeeJ-t Covering a false appearance, _ .a.\j tedherj, Turned, revolved. &+ jO' tedekhjdekh or ^ j^ ^^ motedek/idifch, Humbled, contracted. j^-jj tedefthfihelor j^oo:.* motede&h^tel, Con- strained to enter, getting in by degrees, in- troduced. t->j &j tederrol, Exercising patience in war. ~j jj tedroy or ^.^ oou motedrij, A pheasant, ^jAj' fedrroo, Deceiving, circumventing. ^V^ xj tedreej, Advancing by degrees. bssjj jj tedreejun, By degrees, softly, JJMJ^^O tedrees, Teaching. yMAft xj' ted-fes, Pierci ng withaspear. [skulk 1 ng. ^ oJ tedcffan or ^5 j.x^ motedeffwn, Concealed^ 2^5 4>J tedfeea. Thrusting, repelling. vJio<>J ted fee 1 :, Pouring out properly, [nutely. vJlo jo* tedkeeft. Making thin, considering mi- ^5 jj tedek, The heath poult. [disdaining. ^VT osi 1 tcdekftol, Carn r ing one's self haughtily, J tedkeew, Putting one thing in another. AJ tech'Uof or < JJ'jou motcdeWf, Step by step, approaching. E 3 [ 408 ] ^ Jo [sing. JJ jj fedeltif or jj jOL* ?no/ <&////, Toying, cares- 2J jj tedltet, Putting, sending down, bringing a man into any disagreeable prcdir and keeping him there. [on sale. UMA.J j.v f edict's f Concealing the faults of goods L vr*l jj /a/7* VtO'o polish a coat of mail, [credit or. i'J jj tedleek. Rubbing strongly, putting off a ^J ^j- tetUcc.l, Fondling, toying (as lovers.) A/J jj fed lech, Kcndering one careless or fran* tick (lovers ) j* ^'j fcdcmmur, Perishing, scorning. [ in g' M J6 - tedetnmoa or g> M* motedemmoa, Weep- j*ojxi' tedcinmol j:^ motedemmin t Defil- jj -tedmccs, Making a bed smooth and soft, jj tadinedt, Bending the neck. o tcdmecr, Perdition, ruin. JJ tcdmees, Retiring, burying. jj tedmeea, Weeping, lamenting. jj tedmce'Ji, Making a sop in the pan, put- ting fat amongst Cashed meat. j j ted meek > Inserting one thing in another, sprinkling a mass of leven with flour. I so; ] I p i>U *M j.jr fedmeetot Crushing, anointing the out* side of a chile's eyes. [necessary. ..AX >-> tcdmeen, A ccumulating, covering, being <**; jj iedennos L wJjoi motedennis, Contamina- ted, dirtied* [p roach ing neareri ^5 jj tedennoo, Sliding, condescending, ap- 3uj jj / dneyet, Causing one to approach or bring any thing nearer, infirm, wretched. ;t\J jj teddeekh, Humbling, or letting one's self down, becoming abject, weak. J..OJ.J tediiesr, Shining (countenance,) rich. LW .ojvj h iining, profaning. ^ tahrcek, Fixing the eye steadily, sunk in the socket (an eye.) lj^s ledwar, Revolving in a circle Or orbit, jjo ted&vwom or + S &LO motedewwim, Ex- pecting, [petency, content. *3 tcdewwun or c ^ 3 *z* motedeivwin,Com- <>j' tedweyet, Sick, entertaining an ill will, humming, thundering. ^' tedweer, Making round, surrounding, uaj.jjj ted&ees. Descending, letting one's self down from a height by art. j tedu'ccm t Pacifying, stilling. 408 ] JJ motedehdih, Rolled i> J> JO' tedehdem, TVilir [^a stone.) *.O> jo* tedeltkein, Precipitatl *3 tedeJiwer, Turning from. XJ tzJchye.t, Becoming vicioub. c\j tedheesh, Confpundii j tcdhceniy Becotning black (u pot 1)y fire.) Xj tedheen, Anointing, besmearing. )/ J^-,^> ' r-lcn, To plav the bawd, *xi tediyon, Borrowing. tNj tcdyis, Rendering abject, enslaving. , NJ tedyeekh, Subduing a country. OJ tedyid Troubled with worms. .JJ tedyeen, Allowing one to enjoy his re- ligion undisturbed, [one another's throats. io tcvalioh or ^-JjoCo moiezbMh, Cutting 1 5J tezator or y < ;sx^ mvtezakir, Mutual remembrance. *-5>j tezawoni or *^ ^ js^ motazkntim, Reci- procally blaming. '.ing, wasting. o 5 ! jj - o 5 t 5J:. atf/^ , I'a st i 1 1 g, ^tjj 1e%h,yol <>r 3o^;\^< . ^7, Slighted, humbled (state.) t 409 ) >zol> or c_ jo j^Vo nwietelzL, Palpi- talion, uncertainty. [jestically. Jj jj te.-zelbcl or jo jou motezellil, Stepping ma- gyj jo* te&beeh, Slaughtering (many cattle.) ^.AJ 30' tezl-eer, Writing, inditing. j JO' tezerro or ^ &Lmotezerro, Talkati^'e, mea~ suring by the cubit, connected. 2j oO' tezrow, A cock, a pheasant. [Ventilating. t-*jj*J tezreel, Making sharp. Sj^^j texrset, .., >j tezria, Strangling, confessing, cjo^ ^' tezreef, Increasing, augmented. J.E jJ tetaur, Terrified. [the memory. jo* tefcekkur, Remembrance, impressing on 5 jT 3u tezkeret, Memory, a billet. JUToj tezkeyet, An old man, slaughtering, jj tezkeer, Commemoration, ju! ovj tezleek, Making sharp or pointed. J/J oo fez/eel, Abasement, depression. ^ oj tcztmmor, Slighting, threatening, v^ oO' teznool, Plur. of c^j jj te&iieeb. <^ OG- tezneel, Fixing or adorning with a train or tail, ripening at the stalk (a date.) o j J-'' ly teraslieedun, To shave, scalp, scrape, to cut, hew, engrave. [together. yeijj f eras or fja \jjit nwteras, Standing close 'ite \ teraset, Being firm, compact, [sparrows. *K>\ ; j terbscom **> \j'^*motera soothe billing of ^*a\jS terazekh, Throwing stones, [tisfaction. c ^> l^j terazee or *o ly;^ vnoter&zee, Mutual sa- ^j t err ah A door-keeper, porter* [another* jj lj.j terafod or^xi \jZ* mot era fad, Helping one ^j terafoz, Flowing, bursting, (tears.) *lji f terafo or ^^ wolerafo, Referring any- thing to a judge by mutual agreement. u\jS terbfolr or ju ^x rfioter\fok, Travelling 1 yj terak) Let alone, meddle not. [in company. t 412 ] ^ ' s terb.%, Split, cleft. ra'tol, Joined together, ri vetted. aS\j3 or ^ \ ju motemUvz, Run- ning together, towards. [another. \jj terbtel or ^\^ moteratel, Kicking one *E> \jj tcrhkem, Compact, heaped together, a tera&ee&Jtiur. of ^v^ ^ terkeel. [crowd. ' 't&bfeedun, To cleave, to be spilt, to makeanoiseinsplitting. [well made camel, ^j teramez or ^, t^ niot-rkmcz, A strong terames, Globes, &c. similar to silver. terhmee or ^o ^Lo mofer&mee, Darting, terbnguibiny Manna, [railing, remiss-. ^ fy terbnch, Modulation, a trill, a shake. L*J ^ ^/ t er Q> nec d an > r ^ be in pain. ^_j^y ter&wogh. Wrestling, struggling. )y* terhw&needun, To cease to flow, ^j teraweeli, Plur. of ^v>^ ?^ye/?. . V tw&weedun, To drop, to distil. /e/aA, Timidity, terror. &< l^j terayefc, Any thing abandoned, [radish, w*/ y /g?*^ or w^ y^ rnotcrl', Torture, ///, a by tcrlhy Earth, dust, j^j terebbed or *>o JU motereblid, Clouded UG, y terebbos or (j^ ^ moterellis, Expecting, seizing* j3 terebbo or ^^ moterrebbo, Quadrangu- lar, tattening with winter grass. tJU p- terrMeb or ji> j: x ycioterrelbik, Hang- ing round the neck. A ^ J tereboot, Obedient, tractable. *_*AJ^ terleeb, Educating, making sweet. Syujj terbeet, Causing to depart, carrying off, 3Lo/j terleyet, Education, instruction, r terl'ih, Gaining by merchandise. 3 terbees, Filling. [drangular. XAJ^J terbya, Dividing into four, making qua- t^j' ^ tertob, Perpetuity, a bad servant. *xi' JT tertulbeh, Similitude of way, or manner. *3 J terte, Stuttering, stammering. x j3 ,'j terterehJSotice, languor in body or speech. terettol or jj ju moterettil, Singing or speaking withasweetdistinctmusical voice, pi'^j' terreitetn or *s f* wotsmtfaM, Having a string tied round the finger, as a memo* randum. [revenue, j^j'yj' t r.'oor, The turtle dove, a collector of w.j' jj ttrttcl, Order, disposition, ,5*3 j> tertee.1, Reciting with a clear voice. y> terejjeh or ^v*-/^> i&Qterejjiht Prevail*- ing over, excelling. j ttrejjoz or ^^ ntQterejjit, Rumbling. Uj- t&*jfrf' OT U jL* moterejjtf, Moved. terejjel or JM=>^ moterejjU, Walking. . .j' tsr-uincin, An interpreter, a durgoman. yj ierjecl- Reviving, ^.^ f terjih, Prcpon- ^^^- tt>.rjeea t Reducing. [derating. k*f terjeel Combing the hair. [passion. \ U j- icr/w/, A journey. ^.^ ^/://dw,Pity, com- ^3 terehhet or ^^^ uwtcrchlice., Coiling up (as a Berpent.) ^.o* y terhecl, Welcoming a guest. k*f* tclied, Sending, ordering to part. +&.", terleem, Mankind, r : J^ y terekhfenj, The night-mare, [mitting. ^y; terkhcm, Mankind o^y; terkhees, Per- /^j-i' tei'khecnt, Causing a hen to sit. .j LU ; fcrdaman, A whore, courtezan. U " a AJ.J terreddiid, Hesitation, wavering, refusal, -ij-j' tereddom or **. motereddim, Having an affection, worn, torn. [a well. ^ 3 ,-j tercddee or t5 A ^ motereddie, Falling into 5v. i ^j terdeyet, Cloathing, throwing into a well. iXj^o terdeed, Repelling, opposing. UMJA^J terdees, Attacking with stones. i tjO^j te.rdc(f, Following. A.J A j-j tercle.em, Shutting the door. (tJA^j terdeen. Putting sleeves to a garment, ^ijj' terzeelt Despising. ^^ ter-z, Hunger. e* j 7 terzedeh, Any deed, /y^ y y tcrzeck, A lie. . j terzeem, Collecting; in a heap. \:-) J , * y ters, Fear, terror. U-y terscu, A Christian. c) ^/" ^ ers ^ n > T*ou4* .H>J Uy tersaiieedun, To frighten. p terist, A kind of measure, j tcressol or ^^ motercssii, Easily. j teressom or ^.^ moteressiih, Beholding* j tcrseedun, To fear, j terseea, Having sore eyes. 3 1erseel> Sending a great deal, j terseem-, Distinguishing properly* ji j tcresh, Brevity in words or action. .j >J li-y tershbneeduto, To grow sour, trtft a? tersfi&shj Sprinkling. ciLu; i torosht, A weeding hook, a hoe. j^vi v te.reshshah, Sweating, exsuding. [acid* t tf} ,./^ ifr/ t ercs h s hee rcen > Sourish, a pleasant ^jLi 3 tc/'eshshof, Sipping, sucking. j5- y tursheh, A kind of sorrel. J5y lorshee, Sorrowful, crabbed. lorsheediin, To become sour. -, iercssod, Observing with attentive eyes, 4 expecting, joining closely, pitching. ttrseea, Adorning with jewel?, gold, &c. j- terrevzel*, Licking the lips lasciviously. tereztoh, Bruised, pounded, j teriteyet, Satisfying, contenting. , Breaking in large pieces. S- terted', Moistening, eating fresh dates. jj ter/ect, Rendering any thing limber and soft by anointing with oil, weighing. tera, Full, replete, filling. U s ter-a-tift, God preserve you. ^' ter-at, A gate, a door, a face, a step. j ter-as or c, = / t* moter-as, Putting in enr* , Feeding, going to pasture, [rings. *^ A - /; far-eel', Springing with terror. * s / lixt J ter-ecz. Rendering languid and lazy. c^xc 3 ter-ecf, Bleeding at the nose, .ordering to /j IP y terglhZ, A duty, a traveller, [make-haste. ^ v tcrcglignom or ^i^i'-c motcreghghim, Put in a rage, braving (as a camel.) C~ terxhvo. Foaming (a camel.) 4j J> y terglioov, A royal mandate. ^vi J tergheeli, Wishful. :"" v IV jS tergl-iyct, Foam ing, 'frothy (niilk.) ^ /' torf, A raddish, sour clotted milk. /jl?y tc.rfa,}, A sword-bearer. [per lip. cV, : terfcl, Beautiful, a tumour upon the t*p- Lsij ,3 tereffoz or &* f* njtotereffiz, broken. H 3 oy; [ing the great r ? o or ^ ^ niotereffia, J Jousting, j j j> tereffoffhof ii ju iiiotcnif^l^ Li vino- de-. C* v v J lightfully. [friend I v% JBj) tereffbk or Ui* >'x> motercffik, Benevolent, JJ ^ tereffbl oi- fc jji wotereffil, Walkipg pom- jf* j/t terfe.nj, A narrow "dilficultway. [pously. J& J terfand, A falsity, fraud, a wild cucum- *? j t erf oo. A dish made of milk and flour, fber. S J -S L juj j- tefti/et, Congratulating new married peo- ple by saying " with condord and children." /J^ tcrfeea, Exalting, carrying off, tJ>J ,j ferfeeft, Using kindly, taking as a travel- ing companion. ^5 zterfeel, Possessing dominion, magnifying. *o j> terfeelif Peace, setting at rest. ^ v ierekftol, Contemplating, expecting. > j* terekkos or ooi' .i^ moterekfiis, JNIoved up II V and down. [ing, pitying. > j tei\ >! ikok or uJtS AX) tiioterekkik, Condul- ^jtcrekRvn or ^3^ moterekkw, -laying the palms of the hands, the nails, hair, &c $yV fferoo/,The collar-bone, shoulder-blade, , j j' twekkee or ,,i' JU vnoterekkce, Increase, \f< V / promotion, making a progress (in learning, &U5 ^ tere&kiykt, Plur. of 9^ terekftee. [&c.) *u>'_i' ter&eeh, Making a right use of riches. {*>' _j terkeesh, Adorning, marking with white or black points, [heap. A^J ter&eest Dandling an infant, ordering to terkcea, Patching a garment. ui'jj terkeek. Reducing to servitude, soften- ing, speaking with propriety. +j 3 terfaew, Writing, pointing orthographi- callv, &c. an agreement, [ing with black. . ,A w tcrfteen, Dying (the beard, &c.) mark^ , Abandoning^ forsaking. ' terk-kerdun, To abandon, desert, vj' a. p". /or/? 1 , A beautiful woman, matron^ lady, handsome man, cuckold, mendicant. - / ' torkan, Plur. of ^J Jf tork. terekkol, Composing. tor&bz, An inroad for the sake of plunder and devastation. [like a Turk, S torJtcJieh or ,**=> l * ^ Turkish, ,i j /// iert&dun, To moisten, to sprinkle, w, / terfoz, A field sown with seeds and reaped. t terfosfi, A quiver. [ 420 ] j terMel or 3^3^ moterMd, Puttirfr, the foot upon any thing (as a spade) and digging upon the ground. y/ ter&-har, A wooden platter. ~+>Sjj tcTriccI, Composition, compost, cement, an adjective compounded and composing a compounding particle. terfaedinit To cleave, to split. j terked, Kicking, s ^ term, A cloud. jj teremrom, Silent, muttering. j ic.i'cvwioz or y* +* moteremwiz, Confound- ed by a blovi r , in commotion, tumultuous. Xw^ J tenneset, A place constructed under ground tor cool air or for preserving pro- visions. [berry-tree. w > . *f,*j, termosh or . >,*;. A bramble, a rriul- j tcrcinnto or -,iV moterennna, Tremb- ling with rage. [ing (milk or water.) J tci cnnnoJi or uJC J+ t vnoterenJimk t Drink - ^y; fercifunolor ^^ vioteremmel, Becoming a widow, stained with blood. i c. y* * far women, A swing, a see-saw*. ,v tcrt'tnwecor ^.ji* nioteremmee, Shooting, throwing at a mark. ,A^J terrneed, Reducing to ashes, &c. to milk, j>v* 7 t/ermeedun. To throw, shoot, hurl. / " j j..^ 2 terineet, Tarrying for another sometime, and then proceeding, [round, sipping milk. u* 3 termeek, Turning the face, looking all 3**^ termed, Besmearing with blood. pA-eyJ termeem, Mending (a garment), Repair- ^ 2 teren, Filth, nastiness. [ing (a house.) i (f 1 S toronjan, Balm-parsely. ^ y toronj> t t tf ^ J ^ tvwj^een, Manna. [An orange. A* 3 terenjce, Squeezing with the tips' of the lingers, and the impression left by them, teronjee, orange-coloured. ,j x u^ J y ter&iji edun, To squeeze, to compress, to bind with a belt. ^ ^ terennuh, Staggering (with drink, &e.) ju v terennok or ^ v^ moiercnmk, Disturbed, (T / muddy (water.) x^y terend, A very small yellow bird. ^^0* '/ terenk, The twang of a bow-string. ,*jyu,0y' terenkeeditn, To twang or tingle, &c. >*' y terennom or X ^ moter^nnim, Singing. *AJ j ferncyet, Writing words to musical notes, a shrill voice. * 3 + 3 toroo, Thin, frail, slender. __>_5 J torQoL, A radish. _5 .s iereu'U'oh or }f* moterewwih, Ventilat* ing, travelling in the night. [iing. A^ JP iefOwwod or ^.x* inoterawund , Tremb- 3>> teroor, Cut, remote, fat, juicy. u*^ i toroos, A shield, target. ^- y toroohseh* A kind of wild sorrel, [rubbed. 3J J ferrmcira or c_jyU nwterrawwa, Worn > *& * 2 tcrn:':cii, The clangor -of a trumpet. >J y tenucnJ, A false promise, vain, idle., o /? tetwj/, A difficult road, unequal, full of heights, b^J tenct/a, Considering with attention. SL^ j tcnuiyetf Unequal, difHcult (read,) com- pelling. [making them to be sc ' nt'ey* Placing a value upon ,^ 7 tcrwceh, iVrfonring any thing, 002.3 ii' teru'iz, Laying out a garden. [i. -ij J tertrct'Z, Straining oil, making clear. kijS t-jrti'ed, Spreading butter upon bread. otA j - torrehkt, 1'lur. of *^^p t&rehet. h't J'tioi, Devoting one's self to religion; .3 torrehet, A -foolish word, -A trLtle, a Jane. '[ 423 ] S > J ' tereJihos, Moved, agitated. [flesh. j lerehhol or 3,4^ uioterehhil, Soft, loose ,y^ / tcrheshtim, Disturbed, chiding, beating. L^jt s terliect, Devouring voraciously, tf^y ftwra, An anijMitated band, exhausted. ^ Oy* fenjaf> Tlie root of an herb. c_}i L jj' tcrycil;, Treacle, antidotes of every land against poison. v?.j-? tercel, The breast, the breast bone. ^?r- t cr y e t> Vestigium ex menstruis reliquum* ^j : 3 tereej t Violent (wind) strong (man.) 00^' feree.d, Mortar, plaster, cement. ( x o 7, To ex tract; draw out, produce, w " y .>jj tereua, Plunging into, or entering upon. iij^.j' terecfc, A bunch.*tereeJtt'f. Alielmcjt4 o *, }' fereeweh, An up-and-down hilly road. L^AJJ teryees, Giving authorily. , }' te%, A small bird of an ash colour. *3 tetsli? Hoarseness. [battle. < j> \*jS tezbhefoT J.^\y^ motczahif, Going to r^)y tezahotn or ^ly** motezahim, A con- course, a crowd. j3\y tezau'or or^^iy^o motctawir, Visiting one another. [perishing together. or ^ \^ motez&U'il f Declining, d, Augmentation. tezellod, Foaming, hastening. tczelboa or g-Ji* motezdzia, Malignant, of a bad disposition. ; tezleel', Drying grapes. tezl'eed, Separating \vith the bow, card* ing or teazing cotton. j tercel, Dunging land. X*jy' tezteet, Adorning (a bride.) tezjeej, Extending in length, tinning ' tezed, A black locust. [the eye-bro\vs. te.zclltkher, Abounding, filled. tezer, A summer-house. e y te%reh } r i lie iron axle of a mill-stone. + ,y tezrco, A. pli<\isant. tezsrrea n* gjy* motewrce, Defaming - > Dropping. [(a brother.) tszzshoo, Vermillion. ftion. L - tevuzo or cvc^Xx motexazia, (.'ommo- e^ctoin or ^= yxx> 9not&ta~it/i, A lie. fcza-ccl, i>risk. [ing in a p;ission. tezerrhgkom or ^ uu motezeghgiin, -Sp v tezghoo t to a country to IK- e [blished. [ 425 ] , Having down or small yellow hair (young unfledged birds.) [ing meat. +.9 vs tezekkorn or *s -jo* moteZebkim, Swallow- r ^ r r- j fez eft > Dung. [augmented. r j* tezeMcc or ^^y^ tnotezqkkee, Growing, S y iezkeet, Filling. '&*^y tezkiyet, Sanctity* by tezkeem, Afflicted with a rheum, j tez&een, Resembling. fi T* ^- t * VV U} f^T /^*y /> / /^> /7 I i o ^* i *^ rf Ul -srv) VAJ l/tl/i CfrcHcllj JL clbting. or 3 -5 IA^O mtitezefail, Agitation. ^s tezellbjoit tjU^u motezeUif, Proceeding. ^S fe'&itoi or LJU^UXJ motezellik, Sliding, falling* Jyj tezleej. Leading a frugal life, ^j texleeni) Filling (a lake or cistern.) -y tezemzorn or .. ^ j* motezemzim, Bray- V "J V * ing, murmuring (af camel.) y tezemmol or J^x* motcze?nmil, Wrapping up, or hiding one's self in a garment, i? tezmeer, Psalmody, singing. [proudly. p tezentor or ^f^> motezentir, Walking j 1 tezneed, Lying. s tezneer, Girding with a cord (a monk.) j tezw&jt A conjunction. tezhwwod or i^^xx motezaWwid, Marrying. K 3 [ 426 ] ' fezweej, Joining, marrying. J fezehhod or && ^ motezthliki, Being ab- stinent and devout. J. tezlieed, Making abstinent and devout. ; 1 tezeiyok, Ornamenting, j^y tezeiyof, Se- eeii, Adorned, [paratcd. *>f tezyeef, Adulterating (coins, c.) [ing. texeedun, To break wind backwards, tesa-ol, Asking one another. Jo lj tesaltok or Ju L^L mOte*M& f R.unning. ,yjU*j tesatol or jj u.;u moteshtel, Connected. J^U,j tescijol or JO.LJ^O motesajil, Boasting a- mong themselves. [one another. jUL*i" tesahob or iJi^Lju inotesahift, Rubbing ,_J? LJ* teshbkheen, Boots. [ther's secrets. ) \ Mt s tcsar orjlMJue motesar, Telling one ano- Li'UJ tesaket, 1'alling or throwing one's self into any thing. js L*3 tesakee or J \~z* motcsakee, Prinking to one another, giving drink reciprocally. <& UJ teskker or ^ uj^ tHote&ker, Feigning drunkenness. tesatofor Uo teshma, Pretending to hear. ^ \^3 tesamee, Contending for pre-eminence. oG t,*J tesanod or j^; I^MJLO mote sanid, Leaning upon, endeavouring. [insulting one another. j s UJ tesau'or 01^ ^ l-.^jiu niolesawor, Attacking or t_3_5 Uj tesawok or <_Jj ^ Uux, niotesa,wik, Fol- lowing one another. t*_5 lo teshtvee, Equality, neutrality, [pardoning. $J> (**3 tesahol or ^> l*^x^ motes&Ml, Remitting, >j L*o teshyor or ^ l^^JU wotesayir, Travelling together. c-v. L*J tesay(>f or i_JL>. l*-^'- motesayif, Fighti ng. ^ Uj tesayol or j... l^x^ ?7/o^a7/z/,Flowing( wa- ter) flocking from all quarters (soldiers, &c. ) g\**i' tesellobh or gv^^ mQteselbikh, Smoothing. v***j' tesleeb, Causing. eeh, A hymn, the praise of god. j tesleehbt, Plur. of ^\.^*-^' te&eeh. 'j iesbeekh, Retiring, despising, erasing a sellable or a letter. ted-eedun, To strangle, to grow hot. [ 428 j >/*J iesleet, Bringing forth an abortion. *>**j iesleea, Dividing into seven parts. AA*J tcsleegh, Causing an abortion. UA^J tesleek, Excelling (in learning.) ++~^ttsleek, Melting (gold or silver.) ++~*j tesleel, Consecrating to God. ^^^j test, )\ ^~ ' testekhan, A table, bason. [A cup. tesettor or ^.x^^ mctesetter, Covered, hid- ^AA^O testeer, Covering, concealing. [den. tesjecs, Corrupting (water.) J> te.sjeen, Speaking or writing in rhyme. rming.[an aversion, (lovers.) ' tesehhol) or *_ t Muzzling biting animals. j' teserrob or WrJ ,***.<, moteserrib, Entering. j' tfserror or ^ *ju Jnotesewir, Keeping pri- vately (a female slave as a concubine.) teserrooa or ^ ^jc^ moteserria, Hastening. teserrcfoi v _ 9^*j^ moteserrif t Gnawing, eating into. [breeches. j*j tcserwolo? \* *^^ moteserwil, Putting on .A*:' teserrce or ^ ^joc tyioteserree, Pluming one's self on liberality. ^i 1 tesrtyet, Stripping bare or naked. . r*o tesreeb, Sending in crowds (camels.) tesreej, Lighting a candle, dressing. tesreeh, Combing hair, distinguished. .^3 tesreed, Sewing, speaking fluently. ji ,j iesfeeft, Calling one a thief. tw; tesettor or >^x^ motesetter, Speaking idly,, g\.4a**j testeeh, Equalling, making level, [vain, tesieer, Writing, delineating. J tesieen, Strengthening (a p too, ISiue fofc?, a ninth p=irt. J- 3 430 -_ fcs-cr or r -~z* nicfe-ar, indled, mad- ness, [ing old and deer; j tes-hsooa or f^r^.. ^-asia, BecoiUf ie,s-oon, ^Ninety. #uj' tc?-eer, Kindling (fire,) ilxing a price. AJIAK^ tes-eef, Mixing perfumes. [ AvJ-' tesfeedun, To be split, gold [ing a uois\ C'' ^AJUO, Putting a haher upon a camel and sending him upon a journey. L/i^j te-feet, Bedaubing with clay (a cistern.) tufted, Intensely hot, (sun,) burning fiercely, (fire.) j- tesfeet, ])fpirsing, resounding. Icsfeesh, Folly, madness, j teaelkut orLx^^ wotesekkit, Searching for the worst part of any thing, hunting for an error. , Giving to drink, watering. . Covering (a hou::e) with a roof, '- Making sick, [creating a bishop. ckku or 2-Cx^ muttsekkia, Contending tn;ics, [ 431 ^A-S^' teskeer, Shutting the eyes, drunk, [ed. .,/-*:> (esRectij Pacifying, dying with thirst. tesulLb or uJ.**Xx> WiStfesellif}, Putting on black or mourning. [from the middle, u-j lend lot or CV.UA.O motetellit, Dropping ^.: l&selloj or gvUX^ inViCsvllij, Drinking to excess. tcsdloh or ]NIade bald. [si/ iesmctt, Silent, fastening with a gi;-- . ' tesmeea, Ordering one to listen, defan/ J tcsennom or ( .; M JU motesen :ing on the top (of any thing,) small. j testieyet, I ning a knot. [seed. j tu>?iect t Dressing meat with cummin [ 433 ] cV^ iesneed, Propping (a wall.) +** temean, Making a convex grave, nectar. wvj tcsoo, The- thirty-sixth part of a dram. ^J I *J* teswak, The weight of a carat or fouf grains. > motesaweh, Falling into the mud, subsiding to the bottom. -j tcsawwod or * ^^L* molesawwid, Marrv- ing. [* n g' traficking. 3^**5 tesawwoR or (_3^z* moi^sawwik, Trad- ii j.^j' iesawwok or ^i >v ^u vioiesawwik, Rubbing, emaciated, and staggering (cattle.) l^4j tesweya, Equality, chiding any one, ere* ~*oU* r rf*^" -' ating anew, vitiating. y , Allowing to go free, giving. - tesyetj , Fencing a wall with thorns. J tesy^.h, Making water to flow. tesyeer, Sending, driving, [short straw. >/**; tesyeea* Bedaubing walls with mud and $*r> tesyecl, Letting water flow. . 1 tesh, A saw, a hatchet, fire. - 5 u-j tesha-Offi, Considering as ominous. ^ LKJ teslialor or ^jUJi moteshhlir, Advanc* ing close to one another in battle array. ^3bUj tesJMok, Intricate. *jLKJ teshaloh, Similar, resembling, fjlij teshatpm, Scolding, mutual reproach. teslicijor, Contending, opposition. sltoJihy Displaying avarice or selfishness. lte tesliUihos, Split (the head,) uneven (teeth,) yawning. t, Society, company. [ 435 ] Lj( tf^Lij teshhree, Irritating one another, js. lj fcsM-oror^U&c motesha-ir, Becoming hairy, professing or pretending to be a poet. Ji lj teshaghol or ^ i.^ moteshaghil, Seizing one another. c_5 UiJ teslibf or <_J Liz* motesJiaf, .Diligent, accurate, drinking all that is in a vessel. cJj U.j tesliak or ej> uj^ wotesh&, Distress- ing one another. [tual opposition. ^s l^J teshhkos or ^^ Liiu vnotesha&is, Mu- J^ Uj tesJiakol or ^ lijj^ nioteshafril, Mutual re- semblance, [one another. *^, l^i 1 teshakoh or **=, l^^o inoteshbkeh, Like ,.^r liij teshbkee or /e ^2^x^ moteshafree. Com- t-> L-- plaining of each other. _^ LKJ' ^5/? a noo, Reciprocal hatred, [ing together. j l^y teshawor or j ^ Liju motesh&wir, Conspir- ^ ^ U,j teshtiwus or ^ 5 ls&* moteshawis, Look- ing through half-shut eyes from pride or anger. [i^g? fearing. ciJ _. UJ teshatt'ofor cJ^ UL moteshbwif, Slight- ijli^ teshawul or ^ l^.^, moteshh'wU, Attack- ing one another. 4 Us teshtyo or ^j Ujju moteslihye, Associating. 1 436 t Seizing, holding firmly, ij teshdlok or &&;* moteshellift, Mixed, one. teshelloh or *>;o, moteshelleh, Resembling, teshbecl, Praising the beauty of a \\ o- / xx~j' teihleeh, Expanding, extensive, [num. tcshleeJc, Twisting, plaiting. Ljij* tcshlecl, A. fish-hook. *>xij teshl&eh, Comparison, a simile. eela,t> Plur. of JAA^J tcsllceh. ^^J tesht, A bason. >">' tesliteh, A watch, a cloth, a basket, ?. dish, *AXiJ tesktett, Separating, dispersing, [thirty. p&> teshtcer, Reproaching. j' tcshejjo or s\Z'^* moteshejjea, Roasting of or displaying strength or courage. j* teshjecr, Making in the form of tree. A^cv^j teshjcca, Making or calling bold. ^sviJ teshjecn, Afflicted, tormented, sj teshch, Boldness, avidity, wickedness, ij tesh-hot or k*\^^ moteshhit t Wallow- ing (a boy,) weltering in his blood (a wounded man.) tesh-hecz, Sharpening, pointing. tcsh-licct, Besmearing with blood. j tcslMe?s> Distinguishing perfectly. \&'j te$heddo%h or <*."* moteshedd'M, Bro- ken (head.) " fborated. J ieshecMtid or * .x&r,* wioteslieddid, Corro* *>i-j' t&shdcekfi, Breaking any thing. L>^J tcshdeed, Corroborating, putting thevor- thographical 'mark (*) over letters which denotes that they should be doubled; also the name of the character itself, j && teslizee?>> Pruning, imbarking (a tree,) ^^ tesha&ez, Dividing. [impel! ing, J ; j 'teshrcib or _^ 5 Drinking, a draugf.t. j tesherrod, Suddenly taking flight through fear, singular. [nowned, ornamented. ^ teshcrrof or c9^*^ motesherrif, Ke- ^BJ tesherrok or uJ? j-^i'x, motesherrik, Sitting, walking in or being exposed to the heat of the sun. [ing with another. t teslierrok or ^K-ijU inQt&herrffi, Participate *v motesherree', Irritating 4-0 Jsj teshrcel), Drinking, imbruing, staining, 'g\j^j tcshreej, Shutting a purse, -mixing, N 3 [ 438 ] VAWJ ;&> to*hteh, Declaration,. cutting (meat,) ^' teshrced, Defaming. [anatomy. j' teshreer, Drawing a sword, flourishing it, J teslirecz, Ruqishing. [raining plentifully.. : jZ3 teslireca, Leading cattle to water. l teshreef, Enobling, dignifying, visiting, -j^ij- teshreefat, -Plur. of tjij^ teshreef. j tes/ireek, Drying flesh in the sun, tend- ing towards the east. [i n g j5 teshreek, Associating with, commuriicat- J' teshreeni) Tearing, returning. 2 \ ^.jjjXj teshrcen-cuvu'el, A syro-macedonian month, answering to October. tvsliczzor or^ytx* moteshezzor, Enraged, preparing for battle. [i n g> (in l^ivv, &c.) yij- teslieiwon or ^^jsju Tnpte*bezzw t Oppos- .3 teshseea, Putting latchets (to shoes.) &J tcshe&tee or ^L^^o motcshezzee, Split in- to shivers. [pagated. ? teshe-ob or <_^iJU motcsJic-il, Divided, pro- j teshe-osh or L jui;i moteihe-ith, Stained, scattered. [to grow. j teshe-or or ^KL* moteshe-ir, Causing hair sj tcshc-ol or JA^U wol#ffie-H f Burning, in- flamed. ^j tesh-e(d>, Divided into branches, repair- ing a broken vessel. AJ tesh-eer, Becoming hairy. j te'shgheet', Raising a tumult, exciting any thing ruinous to another. J tesheffb, Interceding, deprecating. j tesheffee, Pacified, x/JU; j tethfiyet, Curing. KJ. teshfeea, Admitting the intercession of one person for another. 3 teshfeek) Weaving in the worst manner. teshekto% or u&zz motesliekkok, Divided. teshkeyct> Rendering miserable. teshkeeh, Beginning to redden (dates.) teshkees, Dividing amongst partners. f* tosh}, Extreme cold. teshelkor or j.^s.XLe moteshekkir, Return- ing thanks for favours. [i n g- teshekkok or ^jSaxwi* moteshekkik, Doubt- teshekkol, Half-ripe, beautiful. teshekkee, Lamenting. [Forming, figuring. *shkeek, Creating doubt. ^s=^3teMeel $ teshelshol, Coming drop by drop. ^JUKJ ieshleej, A cushion for kneeling at pray- ers, making bare. [ 440 ] icshcnimot or c^z* motesJiemmif, Ex* communicating, marking with ignominy. z izshemmor or ^ii* moteshemmir, Lilting the lappet of a garment. j- texlnnekhet, Pride, loftiness. w-iJ teskemmo* or v^sjxx'-o moJeshemmix, Con- tracted, knit (brow.) [ed. p^x. nwteshemmil, Conceal- tesJiejitmom or *^Z* inotesheinn<.itUt Dis- covering the cause of a smell, [hopeless. ^'S teshmect, Blessing any one, collecting, j tesh nicer, Diligence, tucking up the gar- ment, ready, walking haughtily. KJ teshweek, Inflaming with desire. io te&hwee* t Thorny (trc(!) sharp teethed (camel.) [rnel without milk.) teshweel, Shrivelled (as the udders of a ca- iij tesfrehhod or jyiA motcshekhrd, Making a profession of religion. j teshdihol or 3^^;^ tnotfthehtolt Fiuling (complexion.) [eagerly. t&ihehhet or c ^.Xx) mQte$Kek1tee 3 Wishing, Sf^j teah-kcyet, Full of desire, wanton, [pine, J^j tesh-heel, Injuring. ^ teshte, A porcu- [ 441 ] 3uj tcsldyet, Willing, making willing. p*~i tebMyekh or Q*^ moteshiyikh, Shewing AJ tesheer, A shady place. [old age, JcxiJ teslriyet or L^^c mote-sh yit, Burnt. ,,k^-J teshetun or , J3A2* motesheetin, Proud. U : o : iij tesheerb or */ju, molesheen^ Resembling one's father, walking. w&J tashyekhi Growing aged. [brick.) J" txshyett, Confirming, raising high (a fa,- ^s teshyet, Emaciated, burning up* *AJ fe$hyeea Accompanying. j tesabe.: or ^j Uaxx. ynofesblee, Inflaming with love, deceiving (a woman.) [terin'g. tesadofvr c_j i Lo^, motesxdif, Eucoun- tc&bdole or (.Jj^Lfl^ motesbdi'; t Cult;-? vating sincere friendship. te.sadom or * ^ Uaxx inoteshdim, Collision. _? IU i' tdszrij or < i^Uttj Plur. of J^j" or i 1 tesreef. [another. * j Uaj tesarom or *_, U^, moteshrim, Cutting one tesi-ol or ^^ USA^ motesaib, Hard, trou- tesa-od, Superior, difficult. [blesome. tesfcghor or^Laxx, motes&ghir, Displeas- ing, debasing one's self. o UsJ [hands* v '**j fesafofi, Taking by the hand, shaking jb Uaj tes&fok or i__I; UwU motesafik, Joining hands on a ba'ga n. [ly to each other. W; texafee or ^ U)U mo esafee, Acting sincere- i*aj tcsaloh or 1 UaZ< TKoteMih, Reconciled to- gether, [deaf. tesbin or * UaZ* motesam, Feigning to be ej fes&nccf, PJur. of ol/jAoi' tesnecf. jj tcsaireer, Plur. of ^yJ tesweer. i- tes&yoh, Calling to another. [elapsed. j' tescbbob or ^Ajtaju nwtcscllib, Poured out, t&ebboh'GS ^\'^i< uwtescttla, Going back- wards and forwards, coming naked. t 443 ] 'AOJ fesettotn or ^'^ux mot&settiin,, Springing ra- pidly- [ror in reading or writing. J teschliof or eJLs\AaV-o motcsekkif, An er- j tesheeh, Amending, arranging. j tes-heef, Also see c-i^*J D teseddor or^ A*aju mbt&seddir t Taking pre- 1 cedence. [dissipated. teseddoa or ^ jy*^ motesaddia, Cleft, split, J i&eddof'OT ( _ 5 AAOX^ moteseddif, Declin- ing, averted. [giving alms. -^^flj teseddok or c^osxaxx moteseddif , Alms,, J teseddec, Presuming, undertaking, oppos- J> tesdiyet, Clapping with the hands, [ing. j te^deed, Drawing up an army. j. niolesellia, Bursting fr- in behind a cloud (the sun, &f.) fconading. i ^&* motesclljf', Boasting, gas- [ 445 ] aJ' iesellok or (a woman in labour.) [ed. tesdlee or ^^W., motesellee, Burnt, scorch- j teselleyet, Becoming hot (fire.) J tesleel, Crucifying, making the sign of the cross, &c. making hard. j tese.mmo or +&*.* motesemmia, Stained j tcsmeet, Silent. [(with blood, &c.) j fest'ieea, Getting to the summit. tesmeem, Resolution, .constancy. J' tesenno or ^Aa^ moteseniHa, Ostentation of art, adorning one's self, [ed, discoloured. tesennofor LJ;a)U motesennif> Excoriat- tesneea, Dressing elegantly (a girl.) yAAi 1 tesneef, Invention, putting forth leaves (a tree.) [ing (rain, &c.) AOJ tesetvwulor^juz';.* motesewwib, Descend- j teseivwoh or ^^z* motesewwih, Divided (hair in ringlets.) [don, reflection. j tesaivivur or .^L>, motesawwir, I m agin a - tesawwo or f.^z motesawwi, Dispersed, withered (plant.) oJ tesawwufor o ^'^ motesawwifor oijyaj* Contemplation, speaking an obscure jar- [ 446 ] gon (as the eastern sophs or religions de- j tesawu'un, Self-preservation, [voices.) t e sic eel, Approving. J teswcet, Resounding, exclaiming. i' tesweeh, Drying, withering, an (herb ) j tcswecr, A picture, image. [round. tesweea, (Wind) drying plants, making tcswecl, Carrying any thing by water. J tesseh, Grief, sorrow. J teseiyud or ^aZ* moteseiyid, Hunting. teseiyefor U^a^ moteseiyif, Having sum- mer weather. [ter. tesyer, Effecting, returning, confining wa- j- tez&joniorp*. L^u moiezajini, Controver- sy, obliquity. [ing at one another. Uii tezahuk or &> l^L motezahik, Laugh- j- tciMir or^U;^ motezzur, Injuring onea- nother. [motion. j tetarui or <__, ,Ui* iwfa&nb, In com- f ^ro6- or ^ j l^u mote%aria t Unequal, making war. /esjd-ofor olc [*ji,inoteza-if, Doubling. iJ texbghot or kl^U motezaghit, Croud- ing, pressing. UaJ* [al hatred, aj tezaghon or ^ Usi* motezxg/iin, Mutu- t j Ixaj tezhjf oi'o I*AA^J woto&^Pressing, crowd- ing, [uthe-r. jj l*aj tczafor or 5 Ui^, motexbjir, Helping each ]as\jtezdifot or fa IxiiU motezajit, Compact, firm (in flesh.) oj tezhfon or (3 ; l^i^ nwtez&fin, See ^5 Us tezam or f UaX^ motc%hm, Joined, accu- mulated, [(mind or place.) Ju Ucu iezhyok or ju i^u motezayi/t, Narrow cx&eclt Shutting the door, fatness. aS tezejjr> Agitation, perturbation. tezehhok or ^Vs^e^ wotezMifi, Laugh- ing, mocking. [ing a sheep. ij texheyet, Proceeding slowly, sacritic- i&rob or v^*aX^ motezerrib, Beating, raised. [blood,) expending. s ^>oj ttxerroj or - ^o* motezerrij, Stained ( with . - >aj tezerrom, Kindling (fire or rage.) KJ&UOJ tezfizo, Destruction, desolated, depress- ed, humbling one's self. Ljij tezeef, Doubling, multiplying, weak. SJ tcvfccr, Twisting (ha>^ [ 448 ] [meat and drink.) tezello or ^a^> motexellia, Satiated (with aj tezaleea, Cutting in slices (a melon,) painting the sides (of a vest.) tezleel, Causing to err, destroying. J tczemmoJth or ^V^XA, mote%cmmikh i A- nointing, (the body.) tezemmod ortX-^Xx mote^emraid, Binding up, dressing with a plaster (a wound.) -A^i' tezcmmor or ^az* motezemmir, Slender, becoming lean and withered (in the face.) A.-V^' le&neer, Making lean. .j^AoJ tezween, Repairing damage, becoming security, lending upon interest. [man.) ^*e tetennec or ^/^ motezcnnce, Prolific (wo- , j*as texetwvor OT j*aZ* motezeivivir, Exclaim- ing, a complaint, hunger. [fumed. tczawivooa or yaZ* niotezawwia, L\:r- j tezweyet, Pellucid, turning aM'ay from. s tezweyet, Meeting, assembling. _ j tczheeb, Broiling upon a hot stone. jiA^ tevcjyofor ^^^> motezciyif, Being a fol- lower or sectary, met. [to straits. iuaj tczefyox or o>^cuU 'niotczciyifc, Reduced -A/ij texyeeh, Diluting milk with water. ^ii' te-zyeea, Losing, consuming. uAAA^ tezyeef, Causing to incline or decline. vjuAAAi 1 tetycck, Restraining, arguing closely. jUaj telalo, Agreeable to nature, [deafness, ji itaj tetaroshoi' ( ^ J \.] a ^ motetarish, Feigning ft ILj teia-om or *.t Uaxxi nioiet tetellob or t.JJ^u motet ellib, Enquiring. tetellos or ^jjoju motetellis, Erazed^ defac- ed (writing.) [ 451 ] M. ; tetello or ^Xtx* motetelli, Filled (a mea- sure,) considering, staggering. tetcllok or uJiXkXx, motet ellik, Flying ra- pidly (a doe,) uncovered. j tetellee or xtu^ motetellee, Bedaubed with oil, pitch, &c. addicted to pleasure. j tetleet, Morbid, anointing. j tethch, Fatiguing (a camel.) [Lifting up. tetlees, Brazing (writing.) *U(J tetleea, cJLXU tetleef, Superadding. [loosening. j tetleek, Dismissing, repudiating a wife, ; tetleem, Baking bread under the ashes. tetemmos or ^^Li^c motetemmis, Oblite- rated. [loosing a veil, j tetmeer, Folding together, dropping or j* tetmeem, Alighting upon a branch (a bird.) tetneet, Curing one of a distemper, &c. ju;laJ tetneef, Suspecting, applying the mind to, teleweh or c> t^ motetewih, Wandering at random. jfej tetewwod, Going round mountains. 3 tetewwes, Dressing gaudily (a woman ) -jtetewwo or *!*** motetawwi, D^ing a good action to which one is not obliged* t S tetow-hej, Voluntary, a pilgrimage. i* tetewwqf or o ^L^ mofctewwif, Going round (in procession.) [with a collar, &c. j' tctoivuk or 6^l*A-o tnutetowik. Adorning tetewwelor ^^SM mot, Favouring. tetewtvee or tf^x^ motetetvwee. Coiling up, writing spirally (a serpent.) sj tctwecli, Destroying, forcing to love. J ietweect, Permitting, pardoning the mur- derer of a brother. .ki' /c j tov<'/i Causing one to go round. ojfcj tetweek, Granting. [ing. j tetweely Extending, prolonging, prorogu- S tetweelan, Prolixly. i tetehhor or jJLsZ* motetclthir, Purification, washing (with water, &c.) [iriiecled, J tetehhol or ^^kXx, vwteiehhil, .Corrupted, j tetehhom or ^t^ Wtotttgkhirft, Loathing, J Ict-ii-cr, Purification. [abhorring. ?j telyal, Complaisance, agreeableness. xJeJ- teteyol: or ^^Lz^ moieteiyil, Embalmed, perfumed with aromaticke or svvccl. herbs. j teteiyor or ^LiU mo/c/^ir, C'onsidering as a bad omen. [ 453 J b*AAtaj tetyeel, Making beauti ful, fragra n t, sooth- ing, pleasing. [pidity, impregnating, .^kj tetyeer, Causing to fly or move with ra- ^AAki' teiyeen, Bedawbing with clay. J its tezalorn or J l&u motezalim, Injuring one another, acting unjustly. ,A U-j t&tbhor or J>\M vnotczahir, Assisting and defending one another, appearing. ^IsAlii' te%et>Xo& or <^&*&U motezebzil>, Falling . . o easily. d .^j' teicrrof m j Ja*-o mofezerrif, Affecting. t-o.Iij tezreel, Hard (nail, &c.) ^itj tezqffbr or .iisx* motezfffir, Triumphing, ^xilij' tezfeer t Making victorious, wounding with the nails. ,}JiIs5 tezettol or 3JJL motezellil, Shaded. JjAisj tezleel,. Holding an umbrella above any person. [without reason. fAX? tevle&m, Exclaiming against oppression tezmeet, Affected with extreme thirst. j tezennon or y&Z* motczennin, Thinking, suspecting. tezehhor or ^SOM motetehlior, Protected. Axisj- tezyeet, Vexed, distressed. ^ ta, Langour. t 454 UJ or t-oUL mota,-atil>, Expostu- .**. UJ tOrbjeel, Plur. of v^s tajik, [lating. > Uj tn-ad or a ux^, mota-id, Exceeding in num- ber 1000> JaUj 1 ta-adol or ,\iUx^ mota-hdil, Equality. iUJ 1a-.idee or g^Ui* inota-bdce, Carrying on mutual hostilities. [disobedience. UJ ta-a,7-oz or ^^ UXx> mota-kri%, Opposition, $j UJ ta-rirofnr cJijLx^ mota-arif, Knowing one another. [each other. \ 3 UJ ta-azol or 3 j Ux* mofa-azil, Retiring from t^j Ui' la-hzcc or ^ j UX^. moto-azee t Consoling. ^.Uj la-ksor or ^UX^o inota-fislr, Perplexed. a lJ ta-aihee or ^ l*x< mota-bshee, Purblind. ujtlo I J / fctof or u9 UXx mota-atif, Having a mutual affection, [thing to eat or drink. t5 lUJ la-htce or ^tUx^ mota-htee, Taking any (JoUj la-\zom, Behaving pompously. .olju ta-a.'.ol>, Succeeding one another. oo UJ ta-akod or jj Ux^ mota-ciKid, Forming con- federacies, [killing each other. j* UJ ta-aor or ^s UXx motd-b&ir, Wounding or ^'Ijj ta-akol, Pretending knowledge. l-j ta-afcor or ^s> VtX- mota-kldi') Squab- ) bling, litigating. ' [ 455 ] t UJ [sion, Inversion. 3 ta,-&,los or UM^UZ* iiwta-kkh, Conver- ia-CLko?, or t^UiU 77/o/fl-a'^, Contend- ing for glory, [known. ^J Uj ta-ahm or J UJU tnota-alim, Universality, ^5 us fa-alec, Approving, conspicuous, acceding, the third person preterite; ta-&I& is often joined to the name of God and signifies the most high. fgether. ^ l*j ta-amol or ^ \^nw!a-am?l, Dealing to* j^ (jGia-bmee or ^ UAX rriota-toe^Blind, feign- ing blindness. [tual embrace. Jo bj ta-ano} or ^ 3CH;u mota-knifr, A mil' ki 1 ta-awod or i^UXxi mota-hivid, Running in a tumultuous manner to the general (an army.) [conspiring. Iw ta-hiven or ^.^^ I z mota-a?.vin, Assisting, Ijo ta-ahod or XAUX* wota-aliid, Confede- rating, conspiring. I Js3 Us to-ahodat, Plur. of jyt <3//c?. Ixj ta~b,yu1j or u^.UiCo mota-ayil, Plur. of .*** o^"6. [each other. o ta-hyur or ^., Uz inota-hyir, Reproaching 16, Lassitude, trouble, labour. [ 453 ] xsi' tall'ol* Given to wine, [tion, distinction. i' tealeet, Arranging, accustomed, composi- i' talced, Reducing to slavery, delaying, ho* sitating. [praise. talecr, An explanation, transmitting, AAXJ talees, Austere, knitting the brows. LA*J' ta-tbl, Reprehension, hopping on one foot (a man,) &c. -^ or j^jo:. mot a- tit, Inconstant. ta-tod or mota-seil, Having in- tangled branches (a palm-tree.) [bad habit. ta-selob or ^au^.inota~i^Ul t Lean, in a Uj ta-scenor yu^B^Struck v\ ith admiration. ta-0'jol or ^^CUAX mota-ojjd, tion, wondering. [ 457 ] u ta-ajjoj, Filled with smoke (a house.) j ta-ajjor or j^sxs mota-ajjir, Covering one's self, wrinkled in the belly from fat- ness. u ta-ajrof, Troublesome, importunate, t j ta-ajjoz, Mounting upon. C j ta-ajjol or J^SA^ v\ota-ajjU, Hastening. / j ta-ajjoln or :*ASSWC? In haste, hastily. u ta-ajjah or ^asvou mota-ajjih, Intricate, (business.) u' tajeez, Growing old (a woman.) o ta-jeefi Eating to excess, restraining tajeel, Haste- [one's self, rf tajeem. Translating into Persian, o tajeeli, Endeavouring by sarcasms to promote, a quarrel between two men. u tadad, Number, computation, jj ta-addod, Plurality, variety, exceeding (10,000,) ready. ' [to pass. u tadcyct, Turning away the face, causing Oy. JOG tadeed, Numbering, disposing in order, ^j &-3 tadeel, Equation, considering as lawful (witness proofs.) *jjgu tadeem, Annihilating, destroying, tadecn, Dunging (ground.) j ta-azzor, Difficulty, stained, making an apology. [prehension. ta-azzol or ^ 5^ mota-azzil, Bearing re- taxed, Punishment, torment. j> tazeer, Advancing a false excuse, be- smearing with dung, destroying. orJ tazcck, Lopping the branches (of a palrn,} /xee/, Blame> reprehension. taar, Heat of war or battle. 'S ta-arroj or 7 *^ wota-arrij t Having aa irregular form (a building ) arrororjjxZ, mot a- an rV,Scabby,mangy. i ta-arroz or jyX^o mLta-arriz, Obdurate, painful (business ) [love (for a wife.) 3 ta-arros or u-^JLo viotu-arrix, Showing j ta-arrosh or JL ^M rnoia- a n ish, Fixing a residence. j fa-arm* or ^xiu wo d-nrr<%, Opposi- tion, loss, happening, exposed [knowing. c_J JTJ /a-r/m>/'or X^ mola-arri , Stripping the bark from a tree or the flesh from the bone. * >J^ * *O*j' tarcet, Laying bare. ^ ^3 ia-rcej, Intent x>j*j* ta-rced, Flying, taking refuge. [upon. ^sj tareer, Dunging (land,) afflicting. vjj*j tarecz, Hiding, corrupting. L OJJSJ t arees, Alighting (travellers, &c.) (ja>j.j tarces, Drying (meat, &c.) lycujt* tarecz, Enlarging, rendering obnoxious. cJujjrf taretf, Affirmation, explanation. ju j*s tareek, Diluting wine with a little water. ^Jbyj {Gre-efct Pinching, squeezing. f j tareem, Mixing. tarecn, Fixing the point on a spear. ta-a.%zol) or ^yt^ niofa-azzil, Celibacy, ivjsj ta-azzox, or ^y'M inota-azzlz, Rendered powerful, firm in flesh. ^YXJ ta-azzol or ^sOU ruota-azzil, Removed from office, revolting. v*j ta-azzee bt > .g^U~tttofa--(i22e, Belonging. _*j VRJ' lazes?', Desisting long, pasturing at night in the deserts. tXi vxj taw yet. Consolation, condolance. fing. oyJ tazeer, Correction, &c. honouring, load- jj yu tazeez, Moistening the earth sufficient!/ (raia.) [ 460 ] fazed, Residing. tazeem, Reading verses of the alcoran as preventatives against inchantments. tas or u**^ mot as, Perdition. 'j ta-assor, Difficulty. [oppression. *,*2 ta-assof or c-i**xL mota-assif, Iniquity, ta-assok or UUA. mola-assik, Assiduous, diligent. [diligently. * ta-asson or j.^*^ mota-assin, Searching J taseer, Rendering difficult. , Uv-*)' taseel, Dressing victuals, or making sweemeats with honey. ta-ashshoJi or Jucjou Tnota^asJisM^, Mak- ing or falling in love, [ing up, withering. j ta-aslishoni or -ijO* inotcHa&hihim, Dry- j ta-ashshec or ^,^010 inota-ashshee, Supping. J ta-sJieel, Luxuriant in herbage (fields.) tasJieet, Giving or receiving a supper, proceeding gently. tasheer, Decimating, dividing into ten. j* ta-as> A spasm, cramp or contraction. ta-assd> or 4_**3jt;u mota-assii', Partiality, pbstinacy. [(grapes,) taking refuge. x3 ta-assor or ,*i*;o. mota-assir, Pressed [ 46 1 ] (V3JU . , [protected. j fa-asso.n or ^RAX. mota-assim, Defended, & ta-dssce or CJ Aa*x^ inota-assee, Beating olF, or drawing out, rebelling. J hisccf', Pruning trees, reducing people to misery (a scarce year.) i 1 taxed, Having a difficult painful birth. ,ta*5 ta-attor or u^^, mota-attir, Fragrant. -atfosh, Feigning thirst, wishful. j' ta-attof or < iUxxx) mota-attif, Commise- rating, putting on a cloak. J ta-attol or ^LxX* moia-aUil, Idle, vacant, u' ta-attee or ^LyOU mota-attee, Making haate, begging any thing in a present, ^kc tateer, Lxj tatees, Causing to sneeze. [Perfuming, asj tafeesh, Keeping long from drink. *j tateet, Spliting, cleaving, [ccnce, pride. is ta-a%%0iii or .Jsjt*^ mofa-azzim, Magnifi- j tazeem, Reverence, resj^ect. tazeeman, In honour of. [liquelv. ta-qffoj or ^irX^ mota-qffij , Going ob- JLxj ta-qffbr or j.*;u iriota-etffir, Soiling with dust. [pi et y? chaste. owy ia-qffbf or L^^XX) mota-affbf, Showing T 3 ixj tafces, Tinging with gall-apples. eJuiiJ tafeek, Repelling. cjiaj ta-akkol or ^oixx^ mota-akliib, Consider- ing the end or tendency of any thing. OsXjo ta-akkodor*S*i mota-akk : id> Bound, heap- ed together (as sand.) [curved. \J5*3 ta-dkkof or ^joixX^ rtota-a%fcif t Crooked, jjixj ta-akTiol or jjix^ mota-akJiil, Foreseeing, giving information. [conversation. Juo ta-akkom or ^j^-Tnota-akkirn, Apposition, .IA&U iakeelj Following, delaying. vJiju takcer, Wounding desperately. u-i/Juo tdkeef, Making crooked. $j&sj takcel, Rendering intelligent. [upon a sticki v^axj' tQ-tkkw or -jZjuio mota-akkiz, Leaning ^^ajj ta-akkos or u ^^i^ mota-akkis, Crawling. (iXxj ta-akkosli or J&^rnrtOr&itlfah, Contracted, intangled hair. [far distant, ta~akkoz oriLSaxc inota-ctktyx t Perplexed* [ 463 [hair. j ta-akfrofor t__i.SaxL mota-akkif, Curled t a- a/don or (: fju^ mota-akkin, Wrinkled j takeer, Making dirty, soiling, [(from fat.) i' takeez, Leaning upon a stick, directing one's self by any thing. takcesh, Becoming musty (bread.) ; takeef, Curled hair. 1 ta-al, An inflammation in the jaws. j td-cdlokj Parentage, relationship, con> o liXiti' ta-allokbt, Plur. of jaau ta-allok. [merce. ^j ta-allol or ,)JLjtz mota-allil, An excuse, refusal, comforting one's self. [taught. A.XJG ta-allom or Jisou ?o^-a//z?w,Teaching, being ta-allee or ^x^ mota-allee, High, recover- ing (from child bed labour, &c.) j taleel>, Signing, cutting, crazing. taleet, Elevating, hoisting up. UM/JUIO' t a lees, Giving to taste, recovering health. taleef, Feeding well (with fodder.) j taleek, Suspension, suspended, captivat- ed by love. taleek, Making a proper use of money. taleel, Causing one to make an excuse, quieting, 4(34 iulccm, Erudition, instruction. fa-ftnimoj or ^3.^ mota-tnn ////', Oblin; ty, \vrirhing> as a serpent. j ta-amrnod or .x^X* mota-a-nunid, Giving serious attention to an} thing. S-.aj.-ii/ J ta-ammos or u^^Xx mota-arnmix, Perpler- ed, uncertain, [deeper far into any thing) 3tc) i*j ta-ammofc or .ji^x^ wofa-aniini&, (>oiiig ta-dniwol or $+*n7iLo/a-j ta-awiuok or o ^ niota-aivwib. Averted, 2oyj taweet, Barking, howling. [delaying, j taweej, Bending, perverting. >u t a- weed, Training a dog for hunting, &c. becoming old (a camel,) [gainst evil, xj' taw^ez, Having recourse to the deity a, : j taweer, Depriving of an eye, carrying ofF, refusing, lending. [of a verse, &c.) 3 tawees, Understanding with ease (the sense s ta-wee%, Rewarding, j taweek, Delaying, hindering, j^s taweel, Placing confidence, howling, 3 taween, A matron, helping, v 3 [ -46G ] >J j ^sj tawceJt, Stopping on a journey. x$*j ta-ahhod or j^jou mvta-ahhid, Promise, a greement. [ ni g litigating. _*A>J ta-aiyol or 4-^jtX^ mota-aiycb, Reproach* ta-aiyosh or ^A*^ toiota-aiy&h', Procur- ing a livelihood by labour. ta-aiyot or Luu-o mola-myot, Watery exsu- dations from wood or stone, [gracefully. j ta-aiyol or -^^x-o viota-uiycil, Walking ^j^o ta-aiyon, Visibility, existence, bringing to light, conspicuous. UAJU ta-aiyonat, Plur. of ^nj ta-aiyun. ^u^xj toy eel, Fixing a stigma, reproaching, jiuxotj tayces, Searching> groping for any thing xwu tayeed, Celebrating a festival, [in vain. J tayeer, Putting to the blush, disgracing. ju taycesh, Supporting, maintaining. J-.YA;XJ tciyee\~, Vociferating, crying out. 3.XX3IJ- tayccl, Taking into a family, setting a horse loose in a field. o tegheddee or ^ j^u motegheddee, Eating 'i^ xij teglidect, Causing to dine. jucXxj teghdeed s Receiving one's portion. * ooU tcghexzom or - jou^ inotcghezzim, Mag- nificence, pride. [ed. tehhezice, or t? .xiiu triotegh&xee, Nourish- ij teghezzeet, Maintaining, retaining, urine, spurting out blood (a vein.) ^I^RJ tegfierun, -Boiling (pot.) wj JG teglierrol) or v jj^ motegherril, Being oy becoming foreign, going towards the west, ijK thcgherrodor $ j^ mote gher rid, Thewarb; ling of birds, [a dangerous situation, boiling. J.& tegherror or^ix* motegherrir, Being in, Ji JVj tegherghor or J ^ -WQtegherghar, Garg^ ling the throat. Xj.ij teghreet, Anointing, gluing. *-*i,x3 ieghveeb, Remaining at a distance, bar nishing from a place, going towards the west. o yx3 teghrecs, Starving, allowing to starve, ^j Jo teghreer., Exposing one's self to danger, y^ j** tcgkffies, Planting a tree, [filling a bottle. uajJo te?hree%, Exhausting, eating tender, fresh, or young meat. ['*"> tJu^iJ teghreek, Immerging, drowning, throt- pjjju teghreeni, Compelling one to pay unjustly, mulcting. [to go upon an expedition. JL -Ju leghzcet, Sending or compelling (people) 1 3-ij teghessol or 3^xxxs iiiotegliessil, Washing X/^j teghsheet, Covering, hiding, [the bodv, Ju teghsheesh, Distracting. [to anger ajb 1 teghezzolor t^ix* woteghezzil', Provoking teghezzor or ^ix* moteghezzir, J5eclining a receding. [nished. oxj tcghe.zzoz or (ji^ix^ rnoteghizziz, Dimi- teghezglioz or (jii^Ax, moieghey>gliiz> Di- minished, deficient. [ruined, favourable, iy tegliezzof or u^cAi^ inut^g]tezz[f\ Loose, i' ieghei%on or^xii^ mpteghe%ian } Wrinkled. teg/iL'zecz, Eatiiig any thing fresh or ju tcg/tzeef, Making loose, [green, delicate. j teghzcen, Enraged, wrinkled. teghdros or^^laix^ w^o^7^///^ Inflam- ed with anger or pride. oii teghetrosh, Blind, seeing badly. ( 5 lai,- teghctrofor^JjkxZ* nwteghe.trif, Proud, self-important. [obscure (night.) tegkettosh or ^jiL^u moteghetttsJi, Dark, RV teghct'ghot or laikiXx. iiwteghetghit, l^ag* ing (as the waves ) xJaij ieghteet, Involving in darkness. faee&ht Open, patent (road,) contriv- ing to do any thing. vu tegheffok, Drinking the whole day. t ^*j tegJieffol or ^jux, motegltrffil, Careless. J^wb' leghfeet, Reproving for negligence, mak- ing stupid, jju tegliel, A squint, an oblique look, f subjecting. tJ&J te ghcttol or ^Itii'x. nwtcgJielli? { , Oppression, " CLvUj tcgliellot or cJouU wvieghcllit, Receiving any thing with indifference. [quitous. g\sj teghe lloj or ^Xii^ mofeghellij, Unjust, ini- t-AAJiij; tegnfeel, Rendering superior. X>JUJ teghleet, INfaking boil* laxXxJ* teghleet , Causing to err, schooling. txUj teghlcez, Exaggerating, treating one in- humanly by word or action. ghjeefc) Shutting the door. ij teghemmod or j^iZc jnoteghemmid, (God) covering (sins with mercy.) j teghemmor or ^ix* motegJiemimr, Tinging' the face with saffron or other linemen t, drinking little. [unintelligible .speech. i**j iegfienigheni or M&* moiegherrigHein, An A^XJ ieghmeed, Keeping one's secrets, having X^JU teghmees, Plunging. [any thing hid. j leghmecz, Blinking. teghenme or ^xi;u moteghe.nnee, Singing, .celebrating a lady in verse. A;J tegtneem, Giving voluntarily. or^^fcu moteghawdir, Retir- ing to a cavern. [deep (a vrell ) j teghatvwot or i,y& mefeglQWwit, Sunk ij tegfiAwwolor ^ix^, woteghawtvil, Various coloured, assuming different shapes. uyli' teghtt'eel, Seducing^ making milk thick. .yo teghweer, Putting to flight, travelling at Biggingdeep(a well. )[noon- day, b' teghh, A loud burst of Jaughter. AiJ teglieiyob or i_*Ai^ tnotegheiyflt, Absent. js3 fegheyor or ^*iX WQtegheyir, Alteration, corruption. - ^AJ fegkcer&t, Plur, of ^jtf fe^hiyor. [rage, t*ij te~hee*or $j&+iM>tegheet t Inflamed with r \Jt*Z mottghccf, Nodding, in dining to one side (a horse, &c ) yty teglieek or uJujt.x^ moteghetf, Blinding. 30 tegheelor v>i>^ ntotegkeel, Thick, intangU ed (trees.) [burying. ***5 tcghyecl, Causing to absent, removing, ij teiheer, Alteration, change. f*& tegfiyeez, Diminishing, restraining (tears.) , Provoked to anger, furious. uJltAXj tegheef, Cowardly. [ing uuftij? tegheeki Confused, inconstant, squander- ^j tef, Flame, vapour, spittle. Uj tef a,, Enraged, flying in a passion, toff an, pho! fy! for shame. [flamed. A#UJ tefa-ud or *ti;u mote/b-id, Burnt, in- J# liu fo/&o/ or 3 , Uiu motefa-il, Taking a good omen from a name or other circumstance. 9 liJ tefi-olan, Prognosticating well. ^O' lij' tcfatoh or ^\j f Li^ inotefctUh, Holding private conversation. [man. ^j lii' tefatoo, Generous, appealing to a wise ^ Uu tefaj or ^ lix^ motefaj, Straddling in walk- ing, [tant (space or time.) ^ U: 1 ttfbjee. or ^^ UuU MOlefitjee, Wide, dis- c UuT toffzh, An apple.- UJ toffahosh or ^^ ljuLo moioff&hish, Abus- ing one another, speaking obscenely, x? tcfakhor or^l*x motefa&hor,. Boasting among one selves. Uj tefadee or tf ^ UuU motefzdee, Rescuing or ransoming one another, avoiding. tefaros or ^^U;^ motefaris, Doing alternately. [ 474 ] UJ lij tefarot or ^ Uuu vwtcfaret, Preceding, affected by sudden and heavy afflictions. jUu tef&reek,Plur. of cJjy ferek. Uu tefasoh or ^u, U^u motef&tih, Extending, making room (as people in an assembly.) lju tefasod or j^Ux** motejasid, Violating friendship. lii- tefkseer, Plur. of^**j[j tefocer. UJ tefashogh or Ui- ffioteffohigh, Mani- fest, numerous. lij tcfasoh or ^v^Ux* motefasih, Dipplay- ing eloquence, rhetorically affected, to tcf&seel, Plur. of ,>Aaii- tefiseef, u tefazol or > Ui^ motefaxil, Pre-eminence. tejkgh, The skulL [other by the hair. Uu tefakos or ^ liXx motefakis, Pulling each *J ULy tef&fcom or *. ii)u motcjafam, An impor- ,JUj ^//, Spittle, froth, foam. [lant, affair, lii* teffan, A seasonable time. j' tef&ivot, Distance, difference. Uj tcjawoz or ^UuU motefawiz, Consult- ing together, dealing. [another. ij tefayod or jy.Uu^ wot c fay id, Helping one left, Warmth, melting, spinning a web [ 475 ] (a spider,) running swift, swinging. 6 lj trftaf, A tatler. [pieces. CJ3 tefettot or ci*xix^> tnotefettit, Broken to grt&j trfcttoh or grvfliiu motefettih, Open, un- lii' tefter, A book, journal, &c. [locked. ju'iJ tefettok or juiuU mottfettiZ, Split, cleft. jjSj 1 tefettol or jj&u mottfetiil, Twisted (rope.) ^^^i 1 teftun> To burn, twist, &c. s}' tefichj Quick-lime, a spider's web. fc tefettee or t5 ojiXx, motffdtee f See ^ lij xAij tefieet, Considered as a youth, and prohi- bited from boyish amusements. vJuui tefteeh, Opening, unbarring, &c. i^ii* teffeer, Weakening, breakfasting. xXij tefteesh, Inquiry, examination. LXiJ tefteek Splitting, breaking, loosing, iij tefteek, Carding cotton. AAZJ t eft eel, Twisting (a rope.) yAXij tefteen, Exciting sedition (a woman,) se- ducing or infatuating (a man,) scorching. j tefes, Having neglected hair, [pidly (water.) evj tcfejjor or ^^ju'x> nwtefejjir, Flowing ra- tefejjos or ^se*'** motefejjis, Lofty, [proud. [476 ] or s&* moteftjjia, Showing marks of grief, condoling. tssvJ tefjser, Causing to burst forth. vij 1 tefjeea, Lamenting, affected. & tcfehhojor g&J&* motefihhij, Sitting with the legs open. > [ing obscenely. ij tgfekhosh or j^scJ^ moteft/iltiah, Speak- j' ttfehhos, Investigation, disquisition. lov^^i^ motefeliliil, Living well, looking like a stallion. ju tefheet, Meaning, having a tendency to- wards, pointing to any thing (a speech.) ij tefeJihkhot or Css.\jU^ moteftkhkliit, Led by admiration. [procrastination. sij' tcfe \ lilihte or jv-i\jux) mot$ekkkhixt Delay, jju iefelMhor or ^^ui^ motdftklikhir, Proud, boasting. . *\ij ttfkheer, Excelling another in glory. ***AJ tefkhcem, Magnifying, honouring. ij ttfJeett Saying to another. J ttfdeed, Walking, proudly, calling out. t *x*j tefdc'cr, To become languid. ij tefdeck, The steam of a pot. ij tefdeem, Covering the mouth. f.jj ,siJ tefdeen, Extending a great way (abuild- jju- fc/er, Dirty looking (man.) [to the upper-lip. 2j,ii' tefreet, The small furrow from the nose iJ teferes or Jbj.iX* inoteferis t Dispersed. .13 teferroj, Relaxation of mind. j..j tefrejet, An opening or rent in a gar- ment, [nacious of an opinion. ,j ieferrod or i^ixx. woteferrid, Singular, te- j teferroz or ^^^ motcfcrm, Chosen, se* lected. [physiognomy. ii" tcferros or ^ ^i^ moteferris, Judging from As tvferrosk or j- ^ii* moteferrish, Hoveri ng. u ttftrroa or ^ j^ motefe-rria, Propagated (branches,) marrying the chief woman of a tribe. iu teferrogli or ;JuU wofifcrrigh, At lei- sure, applying the whole attention to any thing. [with the fingers. o* teferkoa or ^i'y&c moteferhia, Smacking ij tefrtket:, Division, interval. ^ j teferruk or j*JU mote fen ifr, Trembling. . Ju tefrook, The stalk of a date or grape. jis tcferree or c5yu^ mot(ferree, Split, cut, Y 3 r j tefrett, Lining a garment with skin. j teffetf, Relaxing the mind, retiring from one another. * Exhilerating, rejoicing. t Hatching (birds.) 'j trfrecd, Retiring, incomparable. >j>u tefreedwn} To fry, to dry. \s tefreez, Prescribing a mode to any one. fc tefrees, Breaking, tearing in pieces, [stone. j ; A; tcfrecsh, Spreading, paving a house \vith 1ejreez> Cutting. Lu^ij tefreet, Acting ; lefrcea, Producing branches, [carelessly. z tffree^h, Evacuating, eJu/j tefi'ce.k, ^e- UOjJu tefrcekun, Separately, [paration. jealousy. djjti ftfreek, Rubbing with tlie hands. juytj tefreet, Bearing a lively colt (a camel.) j tefzcea, Striking with terror. [place. u tefdssoh or ^uJu^ tifctef&sihi Capacious i.3 tefessokh or ^i^ motefewkh, Dissolv- ed, overboiled (meat.) [person. tefsweh, Inspecting the urine of a sick tcf*yet, Tearing by over-sTOtchiog. tfseed, Destroying. ii 1 ttfiecdun. Warming 'before the fire. [ 479 *MJJ tcfsecr, A paraphrase, an interpretation , &ti hfsh, Peat, foam. [of the coran. iy.&' tqfsfareftt March-pane. [A reproach. &3 tefeshshog, Full (of blood.) JL&' fcfsheh, JJ tffeshshee or ^^iJiA* motefeshshee, Propagat- ed (as a contagion.) 4^ij tefsheegh. Overcoming. [eloquence. fefessoh or gv^iL motefessih, Displaying tefcssod or j^i^ mptejvssid, Flowing, [ed. /tfS/05, Assembling. **a&tefe.ssoin, Bruis^ tefessee. or ^^ju^, mottfess'e, Liberated. tefseyet, Ser^rating. AJ t*f$eed, Dividing, trenching. ti tefseea, Drawing or leading out. [&c. 'j tifseel. Distinction, prolixity in discourse, j trfseelua, Distinctly, full length. tzzoj or g^i^ nwtefezzij, Covered with fat (a carcase extended.) & tefcztoh, Exposed, disgraced. rtzcz or y&joii* motcfezziz, Tearing, breaking (the seal ot a letter.) [rogant. ax3 tefezzol or b J ai*mQtGfevzit, Excelling, ar- o*4ati taix* niotefezzia* Shameful. iiJ tefeghghom or ^iix^ motcfegligliini, Ex- Aiij tefgheein, Kissing. [panding. jijij tcfMoh or ^JUL* irwtefekkih, Expanding, blown (a rose ) u.J ttfehkodur xii^ mot ef Mid, Searching for. juj ttfekkor or^i&u mutsfekltir, -Digging a ditch (for palm.) [ed. tefekkos or yjii^ wiotefMis, Overturn- yiij tffekfooi Separated from, [vine subjects. *X*J tefttikbh or ^jii^o mot efek kill Studying di- X/juLi- tef/ieet, Tearing out the eve. xiju tcfkeer, Rendering poor, piercing beads. *AJ 'ttf.kew, Striking on the palm of the hand, making it sound. [Reflecting. *ooj ttfkee.h, Teaching the law. ^& ttfekkor, &^JL> tefeMok or j\^ju^ wotcfekkik, Disjoin- ed, dissolved. [admiration. L;' ttf^kkon or^^aj^. mottfekkin, Penitence, or x^x^ motefekkih. Admiring, penitent. [agreeably. /o//, Spittle, froth, foam, tefil> smelling dis- s tefdloj or gvXix*, motefellij, Cut, cleft, torn uk motefellil,l$\unted (asword.) i' teJJee/, Opening, imposing tribute. ii' tefieez. Cutting in pieces. [Liberating,, j teflezs, Indigent, insolvent. uaxXiu tejiees t teficea, Dividing, breaking. :* tefleek, Having swelled breasts (a virgin.) tefleel, Broken^ notched (sword.) >' tefleen, A charm, amulet, spell. ii' tfneekh, Conquering, j' iefneed, Accusing of falsehood. aj tefneek, Treating indulgently. jjj ttfneen, Dividing into diiferent sorts. tefoo, Pho! fy! for shame. u tefewwot or ^y& motefewwit, Putting to flight, going beyond. ! tefoor, A stone or earthen vessel. Li' tefaiuwok, Doing any thing by degrees. ij' tefeivwal or 3 y motefewwil, Presaging happily. 482 ] [delivering (a speech.) tefewwuh or ^t motefeitiuik, Speaking, wyuf tffwir> Causing to boil or ferment. yyi'j tefwi-z, Leading to the desert, departing. '4 tcfwecz, To recommend to marry a wife tefth, Hatred, a button, [without a fortune, *j trfMior or^juU motefeliliir, 'Ample, weal thy. ^ij tefehhoJf or c-Ji^tfx nwtrfM$ t Spread- ing or. extending wide, abundant. li' tefehkoWt or ^^ motcfclihini, LVrceiving, AXJ tt'fheer, Fatigued. [undorstandiug. >/^ii' tcfheem. Teaching, instructing. Aj ttfheeh, (God) making speechless. Jtf ttftedun, Warming in the sun- or fire. j tifeero,, A white crumbling stone. ' tvju' tefeyoz or Ir-ju^ mottfeyvt, Breathing forth the soul. [dering in the mind. jJu iefdyol or J.AJUX motefeiyil, Weak or wan- t-Ji^j t frtaiol orjJUUU fltotetbt3 t Contending, j tetfofoa or ^iUix^ motel hdia t Piercing one another with spears in battle. lSj tekadum or . sUx* motek&dini, Ancient, old, preceding. li's tekadeer, Piur. of^j^Sj teldeer, /^ar or ^ Li^c mofe&zr, Fixing or agreeing, standing firm. [ing one another, 'Ju' tekb.r<$> or Vj I5uu motekbrib, Approach^ Uj te&krosh or ^ I5uu motuk-irish, Mixing in battle, &c. pure. [mutually. ULj tefart* or ^U^ motefrhriz, Partaking fcjlij /cMro^orlj^lJuu motok^m, Praising one another. * j Uu tek(iroa or ^^ u& wioteftaria, Casting lots, ^j j \S3 t electron or ^ v Uu, inolekarin, Associat- ing, following. *\j 3 Uj tek&zeehy Seasoning victiTals. ^Uij* teftbsom or ^utu motefrasifn, Dividing among each other. P yeUj tekciss or joUDU mote&ass, Retaliating. ^ Uj tefasor or ^ Uuu mrtekfair, Pretending inability. [ 484 ! \$S [dashed to pieces. io liu teftasof or U^> UuU moiekasif, Broken, ttj' tefrazee or ^ liu* motekhzee, Necessity, forcing, exacting. Uij tekblor, Distilling drop by drop, ifc tehhtoa or ^fc liu^ wotekatia, Disunitet', alienated (friendship.) [willing to proceed. & telsci-od, Desisting, departing from, un- Us tekaos, Delaying, receding (from busi- ness, &c.) [small or trifling, or $ Uix mot $k bl> Considering as eel, Plur. of _*) //e?r. or ^-dju^ mote&amir, Playing at the game of chance, wagering. ^ Uu tekau'ol or 3 ^ uo:^ mvtek&wil, Convers- ing together. [an enemy. jUj tei&tvom or + s \&* motekawim, Opposing .U'j tekbyoloi >.. UuU moteJiayil, Dissolving a contract, releasing each other from an a- greement. [vaulted place, AXj' tekclloi or t^KXx) motekMd, Entering any Xj' tekelloz or UOAAX* motekMiz t Collected, drawing one's self together, u tckMol, Receiving favourably, accepting. [ 485 5j tekdloo, Putting on the garment, US -AAA*J teftl eel, Making an arch or cupola. gAAAJij teftleeh, Reproof, treating with abusive MSje&leert Burying, [language. (j&Aftj tekbeez. Collecting in a heap in a corner, giving away money. [Swift, rapid. ^xSj tekleel, A kiss, kissing. cJJixij tekta,K, jjLj iel:etlor or J:XAX. mote&ettir> Preparing for battle, dropping, enraged. X*A tekteket, A hard trot, uneasy motion, ^iu tekettol or jxiu^ woteiettil, Accommodating one's self to others. JAXSJ tekteel, Slaughter, killingnumbers.[rudely. vaaSj tcZehhoz or ^aaj& wotekehhiz, Speaking J tekelihol or 4 ).s^^^^ mote&eJihil, Withering, having withered flesh upon the bones (an old man.) tekehlwm or ^s^jux mote 7 ;eliliim, Rushing violently, depreciating any thing. e%h-heeb, Coughing, j. t$i~keet t Spitting out rheum. VAacvSj telt-lieet,, Striking with a stick. cvLT te&eJizon or ^^fcu motekehz-on, Fal- ling down when struck. [ 480 ] *M.*v3u n, Thrusting one thing suddenly i'jou teMet, Coriander-seed. finto another. A jJc; te.keddod or a joi^ motckeddid, Divided and dispersed (people,) dry. Ooi> tettddor or jjviu* vnotekeddir, -Predestin- ed, measured, proportioned. - JOG tekeddom, Precedence, exceeding in bold- ness or strength of mind, prefixed, proposed, o U .x*j tekeddumoit, Plur. of * jJij tekdeem. ij- tekdemetf The proposition of a sylogism, jot; (ekdomeyet, Precedence, [government. j fekeddoo, Imitating, following. Ju' tekdeeh, Sunk in the socket (an eye.) ju' teJidced, Drying in the air or smoaking (meat.) -iOvSj leftdeer, Predestination, divine will. 'j tekduraty Plur. of jxiii' tekdeer. tckdees, Sanctity, magnifying. SS tetdeem, Giving precedence, proposing, causing or standing before. [dirty. jij tefcezzor or ^ oOCU motekeztir, Abhorring, giotf tekczzoa or joix^ motdezwa, Preparing 3L, jji5 fe^wd/, Cleaning the eyes. [mischief. tekzeer, Soiling a garment, ,1^-ju tekrar, Stability, a firm constitution. V^AJ" tekerrol, Access, union (with God) pro- pitiou?, by sacrifices. i'yij' tekeret, Dear, precious. c; jij tekerroh or jx* mtekerrih, Suppurat- ing (a sore) corroded with ulcers, [taxes.) Jo tek error, Fixed, imposed (as tribute or oijjij' tekerrosh or ^ JOU moteherrish, Met, as- sembled, [ear-rings. js &> tekerrot or ^ jou motekerrit\ Adorned with ^ Jij tekerroa or ^^Ju^ mote&erria, Turned, con- verted. JU te&errofor cJ ,AAX) rnotefterrif, Unbarked (a tree) laid bare (a wound or sore.) Sj tekreel, Approaching, appearance, pre- tekreelun, Near to, about. ftence, ^ j Jlj tekreer, Confirmation, a narrative, a con- ^M^ Jti tehrees, Congealing, cooling, [fession. ^j^ 1 tekreesh, Acquiring, irritating. yaj ^ tekrees, Making up paste into balls, ^cjjjLy tekreez, Exalting with praise, [die, &c. LjJij tekreet, Bridling a horse, snuffing a can- ]&<> Jij' ^^reex, Praising (a companion.) A AJ tekreQa, Reviling, breaking the head. [ 488 ] te tekreen, Associating, joining together many captives with one chain, spreading. ^& tekezzoz or j\&* mottkezmz, Hating im- purity. [the course (a horse.) tekezzoa or yj:^ motekezzla, Trained for tekzceh, Seasoning pot with herbs. jytf tefaeea, Making a horse leap, running with vehemence. XJ tekessos, Listening, hearing. 3 tekessom or ( ^;^ mQtefcssirn, Dividing (fortune,) dissipated, [buting. teftsezm, Division in arithmetick, distri- J&j tekeshshor or -ijuU motekeshshir, Peeled, un- barked. [led, separated. XXJLJ lekcslishoa or ^iJu^ motekeslisMa, Dispel- wi^^i' tck^slishof or u^'i;:^ mQtckeslishif, Living poorly. [poisonous smell of any thing. t-AA.i/ij ieksheeb, Corrupting, affecting one, the *A>iJij tekshce.t, Unbaking or chipping (wood) hindering (one from business.) [lecting. r^jti teksheer, Excoriating. ^^J^ tcshecsh,Col- iu teksar, Adorning with a collar or neck- lace. [ken in pieces (a spear.) tekcssod or jua Dissolving, tekctloO) Slow, turning away the face. ett'. Mixing wine, looking austere. tc&teer, Distilling. [stature of man. J trftccrr, The ccsura or pause in verse, the fektetf* Gathering grapes, scratching. Aj te&lwn, Putting forth shoots (a vine.) , Hunger. [willing to do. ' a-o<^/ or ^*X nwteka-id, Preventi ng, n n- jtju t&ka-or or j*&i*Moteka-ir, Deep (well, &c.) , ijui; tea-qfw t*Jut5i* motska'ifc Removing. iijuu tekakoa or ^Ju^> viotekakia, Removed (with noise.) -oaj tek-w> Penetrating to the bottom. la^jutek-etf, Obscene in conversation, [steps, &c. jjii- tckffor or yju^ ttiotekeffir, Following the iij- teksflM, Tinging the hands, feet, c. [ping. u^iXi 1 tekeffos or yjLSX^ inotehffls, Leaping, skip- va or ^^ wolekeffify Contracted, wrinkled. lg. chattering (the teeth.) USj tckefttf or iJULXL. wot-kfjkif, Trombl- j-i 1 tettJfolvT 3J^ wotdtffil, 1'olting or lock- ing a door. r, Collecting, heaping (earth, &c.) i Locking the doors. v^xr tekcllol or ^.li'z* mote&cMib, A revolution. c, uv?j Itktlldbte, Plur. of c^Uj tetellol?. ju iel&Uod or ovkJliu m-otehdlid, Involving one thing in another. [cap or coif.' Ju tetrellos or ^VX;:* Moteftetlis, Putting on a ju iekdlos or (jcXju^, moie^ellis, Drawing to- gether. [.up. *JlXj tekdl6 Qt&Ktnote%ell{a t Removed, torn vyJ^j tekleel, Revolving, skilled in affairs. \xXju tMeeh, Washing the teeth. oeJiStf teklees, Hulling in a heap. [nishing. *xXVj te/ttia, Tearing up. ^^us Uldeel, Dimi- *A)LXJ tekheTn? Paring the nails- [dice. ,^ji> iefammor or^joL molekemmir, Gaining at j^ fekciiiinvsor ^i^motc^emmis, Putting on a garment. [best part of any thing. orjEu motekemmia, Taking the *.JUi tefreniirioni or ^Xx examining things. '-^Ss lekcmnwn or ing (to accommodate one's self to the hu- mour of others.) xj 1 tefrmeer, A change of the moon. tAt'jJ tekmeesli, Eating any thing, however bad. A^'J tckmeet, Binding the hands and feet of a captive. A+fc tekmeea. Taking the stalk from a date, ^ tikn, Nature, skillful (man.) (jcjjtj teketinos or ^aiix^ motekennu, Hunting. ^u iekennoa or ^*^. motekennia, See ^ij' Xx;Xj tckncet, r l inging with a very red colour. Jytf tcfrtta, Piety. [ated, peeled, broken. v >& teticiuwol or v>^* motekcwwib, Excori- oyVj tekewivot or o^'ix^ rnotekcwwit, Nourish- ed, supported. [serpent.) wiL'oror jjZ'L* moteewwir t Coiling (a tt te 1 eivwos or ^^JLL, moiekewivis, Crook- ed, arming with a bow. u tefreivwot or ^^v^ motehewunt, Demo- lished, going and coming. [to one side. wwoaor j&i,iri0tefawW2a, Inclining *j t ko-us ory^c^ji^, moteko-us, Dccrepid (old man.) yij' te&ewwqfa? o^i^ motekcicwif, Check- ing, desiring one to say this or that. tektwwol or $}*** motekcwwil, Telling a lie of another. t M&Wvom or ^yU* mofetewttwn, Consti- tuted, confirmed. [p^ el y* abstinence. ij ientva, or c?yi;u mote/Ma. The fear of God, yij tefaveel, Djgging, tearing up. [pagating. ooyL? iekiveed, Leading (many horses.) jj^ytf tekwees, Decrepid (old men.) ^jaj^XJ 'tekwiz, Demolishing a structure. jjyij' tetweevn, A calender, almanack. *jytf tekweeh, Calling, driving wild beasts into any place (as a net, &c.) JO* /oie//, A button, buckle, clasp. iekehliol Drying (the skin,) ungrateful. tekeJikor^r^i^ motektl'ktr, Retiring back. j*> tek-hccr, Conquering, taming. ^3 tehee or ^sx^ motefoe, Pious, fearing God. tekeiyoh or ^A^ motektiyih, Purulent (wound.) [plication. ttkciyod or iX>ju^ motckeiyid, Attention, ap- &te&eiyOZOT ^a^'^ motekeiyiz, Broken, deter- mined. [summer habitation. *5j tekciyoz or EA^LO moteteiyig, Having a -Ji; tekeiyol or ^A^ moteft&yil, Imitating, re- sembling one's father. C 4 [one to vomit. jJu tekeiyoo, Vomiting. U^AAAJU tckeyet, Causing gvxjij teftyech, Making purulent (a wound.') ^AAJU tekyir> Pitching, tarring (a ship.) ^o/Ju tety&tz, Breaking, demolishing (a house) determinating. $+&> lefty eel, Giving drink at mid-day. (.JAAAJ tekyeen, Adorning or dressing a bride. +^W tek, One, unique, quiet, provided that, on this pretence. [perciliously. 2* Ki' tekblor or ^ &u motekklir* Behaving su- (/ ^ te 1 tckapooy t Diligent, enquiry. Sto /d'a^, A prop^a -walking stick, a pillo\v. v^' fc tckitol or ^ KiU motefutil, Writing to one another. '}'&' i&iia or ^j'KiU inntc&afa* Continuation. fJ Kj' tekHtom or ^ KXx> mote/falhn, Dissembling mutually. [multiplying, jj ko tekksor or ^ V3u motek&sir, A multitude, ^,ifo teftador or^^feuU mutch adir, Fixing the eye stedfastly. [cciving each oth< i r. ;^ ^ ^j lekkzol or ^_, i ICu viotekazib, Lying, de- _,!<; tekar, Running, a swift horse. f- , KJ it'.kkrom or f 7 &u motdkbrim, Honourable, disdaining any thing mean. 2j VS tek&roo, Hiring, bargaining for. [indolence. ^ & tcJihsol or ^ j^x-c motefcasil, Negligence, cJi V^u motekamil, Entire, per- fect, [one another ill. 3 \&' tekayid or ^ &u motetbyid, Deceiving one another. [other. \ tekbcr, A spider's \veb. *y Jjjy tMeraniyct, The lieiglit of glorv. ^*.O te&ebtoo, 'Ihrowing prostrate. T~>J teklecly Giving application to any thing. SUA& teklect, Perfuming (garments,) covering. 4X/A& tekleed, In the meridian, above the horizon, ^AA& tebleer, Aggrandizing. [(a star.) $*& teklecl, Fettering (a captive.) [troops, i-ofc' teftetlol or i.o5jCx n\.oiekcttib y Drawn up in l^aj feHet, A breeches string. ^^Jj teket, Black gum mastick. [a dwarf. $Z=i3 tefattol or jx^Eax^ viotefretfil, Going like *^^^=.J fekleeb, Drawing up an army in divi- *+^= tekfeett, Cutting small, chopping, [sions. Ea3 fefcteef, Hooping a barrel, Sec. mino ti'kteem, Concealing,covering.[ing meat. tektssor or JJCx^ ' motefassir, Multiplied, enriched. [sl^ort, retiring, lurking. 'ssorn or *!^=I:LO mvtcktss'mi, Stopping j tekseet, Milk, gathering cream. : tekseer, Augmenting, j tekscef, Rendering thick, condencing. I [the 5 tefcehh&loi 3>:s=v.^aX* tnotekehlnl, Tinging 3 tek-hees, Erazing, defacing (a book.) j tck-hed, Becoming Terdant (ground.) te.keddohor ^ &&iZmote%eddih, Scratch- ing with the nails. J tekeddor or j t \^^ nwtekeddir, Impure (colour, liquor, &c.) unfortunate. J" tekeddos or ^ .x^u motekeddis, Tra- velling wearily (a horse, camel, &c.) ;, (Cold) nipping (a plant.) ieftdeefoi Scratching violently. J tchLed, Driving away. .7 tckdeer, To render turbid, oppressing, J tekdees, Putting up corn into stacks. efcckefni Without herbage. ^EiJ tMeeh, Scratching the face, wounding. k^!J- kkezzob or <__, xV ttkreh or oyOi/* mofefrrch, The rind, also *f ^^aj tokerree or ^^Saiu ino.tefrerree, A gene- va ( ^=ai- tekrcel', Eating dates. [ral, leader, j lekrvcj, Corrupted, mu$ty (bread.) j tekreer, Repetition, reply, renewal. ^^LayiJigthefoundatlQnof.a house. y tekreetHi Honour, respect, salutation. j tckreembt, Plur. of ^^&J t '' lekreehi Hateful abominable. tekess.ol or ^ y *=-^ moteftessil, Gaining^ stud) ing to gain. [spent. tehssor or ^^x, tnoielcessir, Broken, LvV fe.fozV, A grape- stope or husk. 's tckessoo^ Cloathed, invested. tehcel, Gaining, causing to gain. tekseet>. Investing with a rope, &c. - tefcseer, Breaking to pieces. teTiseff, Cutting in pieces, eclipsing. cum muliere. j te&eshshoj of U&&vi* tnotekeshslnf. Re- vealed, illuminated (the heavens with light- ning.) ' teJceshoo, ^Eating (meat) roasted dry,nlledo Y tekthtek, Applying the cautery under, - . '**'.' 3 the short ribs,. N ^s tehhepf, Disclosing, revealing. ^3.j ickaJia pr ^^'^ viotekqka, T|mid^ weak., checked, remauaing behind. j teZannosh or ^Jbt^x^, yioteftaqnish, Plung- ing, catching a : bir4 in a net. j teJfeffofor uJU^uU viotekeffijj, Holding in, the palm of the hand, 500 j teheffol or j^ix^ motekeffil, Becoming security, undertaking* aj tekeffoo, Walking in a stately manner. =aj tekeffee or ^i^X'.* match effee, Growing ieffier, Covering, guiltless* tetfcel, Maintaining, putting trust in* : i*=-. 7 teJifeen, Shfouding, burying the head. ^X <=-<" fetch Madness, drunkenness. " te/.el or tegul, A wether sheep; iigul, a handsome unbearded youth. j tallan, Confid'ence in God* to teMet, Trusting affairs to others, [austere. \X^aj tcJfcUoh or g\k=>A, motefteUih, Looking j tclfellod or J,KA^ niotckeilid, l^hick, hard. tekelloa or *),Met, assembled. iK; tekellof, Inconvenience, ceremony. i teftellol or 3.)^ motekcllil, Crowned, put- ting on a crown. i^ tcfollom, Conversation, eloquence. ,- tekclloo, Expecting, taking upon credit. J& teh'llcc -or J^ motekellee> Being in the *i rear. [in port. tcklcet, Getting in shore, keeping a vessel leMeed, Gathering, accumulating, VAJ&' tekhez, Collecting, assembling. UM J& fe&es,Making an attack, assault. [burdeiV. j tekleef, Ceremony, the imposition of a tekleel, Crowding, unable to do any thing. telcleem, Wounding, speaking. [ment- j UkertiJtQm, Wrapping one's self in a gar* *.*;aj tekemmomor+.+^vi4 mo^^d^i??zzw,Covered, fainting. [in ambush, betraying. ^S tekemmon or ^^aX^ motekemmnn, Lying J teftemmoo, Gathering mushrooms, averse, keeping hid in a cavern. tckemmee or ^.^^b^ motefremmee, Co- vered, armed, overwhelmed with suddeu J teftrneesh, Spurring, impelling.[aijiiction, ? tekmeel, Perfecting, performing. tekmecn, Laying snares, absconding, yu tekin, A fruit-tree, % {j*^aj tekemws er ^i^^iU motekennis, Lurking in a cavern, entering a tent (a man.) vrc=-.v tekennoa or ^i^aiu motekennia, Shru-nk, kept closely chained (a prisoner,) connec- tion, [figure, metonymy, y Making use of the rhetorical 4 tr iekneea, Maiming, by disjointing or mu- tilating the hand, &c. i^^ai' tekneef, Surrounding, fencing. j tckncen, Preserving, keeping shut up in one's bosom (knowledge, &c.) ) tefcoo, Bruised, wheat or barley. (/ I -v teboopbi, Run, search, enquiry. tekeivtvor or } ^s.'^?tio:'e 7 ieiL'U'ir t Distill- ing, thrown down, setting about any thing. tefauwos or ^^.^ motekeiuwis, In- verted. [ed in the wrist. d (as a heap of sand, a crowd,) going towards j Drunkenness, madness, [(sand.) il, Assem- bled (against any one,) overwhelming with blows or reproaches. [moved. tffceiiwon or C!j> aa^ moiekewiuin, To be tekaio w ce or c? fsZ* motekawiuee, Draw- ing close, husband and wife, for reciprocal tefavih, Conquering, repelling, [warmth. v tekwecd, Accumulating, collecting. tefavees, Throwing down upon the head. j tekwcea, Wounding with a sword, j tefaveef, Cutting (leather.) S tekweem, Heaping up. j tekween, Creating, producing, +J5 lekeh, The string of the breeches. tekelihof or ^.^aiU wotekehhrf, Having caverns and grottos (a mountain.) [i n g- tekehhon or tj^SiJU mote&ehhin, Predict- tekehlionat, Plur. of ^j^aJ' .tekelthon. - tek-lieed, Ordering to make haste. iek~heen> Presaging, predicting. tekeett A place of repose, a monastry. 1 tekeeduriy To run up and down, to rock, s or yM^^aiU motekees, Showing sa- Jj tekeeseh, Saddle-bag, [gacity or cunning. J' tekeiyof or Uu^av, motekeiylf, Defined, blamed. [the rear, tekeiyol or .VA^J^ motekeiyil> Standing in tekeen, A lady, brave. ^tk j tekyit, Filling a purse, preparing. " tckyts, Making wise. -j teky?f, Describing, stature, the cholicfc. ^(j tal, A taylor's bag for (needles, &c.) t fa ielb, A treaty, protection. $$$ telkoloo> * sy& telitum, Returning to favour. [Flashing. 10* telbl, The diffusion of water, &c. 10* tdhktliy The guard of an army. faMAfeM) A well-ordered thing. r w o*j iVj tefaleedttn, To ring, to cackle (a fowl,) j 10* tefa'tof, Dirty, nasty, [to cry (a boy.) 10' telktooTii Abstinent, clean, pure. 11)' /c/Ay, A noise, mob. [lating. fe/-iA or ^ iVL. motefoh, Contending, emu- yj telbhot or -^ iU* inotelahi*, Vying in re- citing verses* [at one another. tdtilio* or lsfi i)^u mvtdah\%, Looking back j tMhok, Following successively. ^fr ^ teltihiew^ 5Wuto/e/A//e,MutuaLIy blam* telhdee, Vernacular, domestic. [ing. ^/eMs^ee,Dispersion,annihilation. [waves.) uj tel&tos or i^ i^u wvtelatis, Dashing (as iLJ telatffox *-& i^ motelatif, Benevolent, J telatiw, Fighting, bufFetting. [favourable. j telb-on or ^ ^JU matela-in, Cursing one 10' teluftoon, Extollingone'sself. [another, ^ /c/o/b^ or uU iU* moteltyik, Touching, Ending, taking, reconciled. [ 60S 1 III [ing to obtain, telafee or ^ $x+ moteikfee, Obtaining, try- telhkt Meeting, intercourse. f I? taL *J telccJf,- A .bagnio boy. j *to telal, Plur. of X! M telklct, An error. 5 ^?^j' Jefomixeli, Plur. / . , au /e/d, Now. fof OSAXJ telmeet. V -' ! >.,- , \^ . ^j 1 telawet, Reading, meditation, &tclciWQin or^iU^j tnotelawim; Mutual accusation. tdhwee or cf^^x^ motelawee, Agreeing. or y^j iVx^ motelais, Of an excellent , Loss, damage, [disposition, merciful. -*^ ' tehllol or cxxXXx inotelellib, Girdwig one's- self. j- ^-4 [ing. telellos or u^xXx^ motclellis^ Cloathing one's self. [ing. telellot ; or kj,kx^ motelellit, Running, tend- Xj teleblon or ^^moteleU'in, Delaying. tell)eh, A wallet. ^ r AjJa telleel), Seizing by the collar. X5 telleet, (Saying) what is your command? A^XJ tettees, Delaying, retarded, [here I am. ixJj tetteefc, Softening (paste with soup.) xAi.j telleefc, Mixing wheat, &c. with honev. F4 [ 506 ] Ujj teJlrneJ?, A beverage of honey, milk, &c. Xj tellet, State, indolence. [ed, hardship. j tel tto'7>,Contaminated. i^teletlef^Iov- j teleslos or c^UUx, moteleslis, Inconstant, thrown down or rolled in the dust. ielessom or JtXz* motekssini, Kissing. j telseek, Bedewing, [vindicate one's self. j telejjoj or g\^XAx> motelejjij, Wish ing to j telejjof or cisvX^ motelejjif, Digging or'dug (a well.) [hesitating. tekjloj or g\st*.\':* motelejlij, Agitated, tehjjom or ^^Xx^, motefejjim, BridliQg (a lj teJjecty Forcing against the will, [horse.) Ulj tel/ L ej, Going out to sea (a ship.) j teljeef, Digging in the sides of a well. 3 teljeem, Marking a horse, bridling. telehhoz or^dx* motekhhiti Avaricious, retiring. [with a sheet, c. telMofor c-xsvliU motel Mjf, Covering ' telheed, Burying the dead. [affairs. tclhees, A report or abstract of state j telheef, Digging (a well.) telheen, Speaking badly, speaking meloJ teWi, Bitter, bitterly. [diouslj. tettftet*, A declaration, a report of state- tcled, An eaglet. [affairs, telcddod or * .xXiu moteleddid, Looking to, the right and left. tele.ddom or - jJLz moteleddtm, Tearing ^ garment, mending, interpolating, [deferred^ tekddon or ^ jsXx^ moteleddin, Delaying, feldeed y Dispersed, dissipated, teldeem, Mending a garment. i' telJeen, Moistening cloth, making a shear ttle%w% Taking pleasure. [limber, teZezjeoq or ^ jsU'^ tnotelezxia, Walking ele* gantly and expeditiously. j telezzoj, Limber, viscous plant, washing without cleaning (the head.) ij tehee]), Finn, adhering firmly, intricate, j tekeet, Giving, feeding camels well. [wine. ^'j telessonm^^Aj^motelessin, Acrid, pricked lelseen, Teaching, rendering eloquent. j- telahee.t, Abolishing, annihilating, [dering. J telessosor ^a^XA^ moteZessis, Robbing, plua-^ 'j tel'sezs, Plastering, cementing. j' tetdtokh, Contaminating, staining. telcttot or kkJju nwttlettit , Denying a debt equally due. 608- [age. telet factor ^^wofclctiin, Toothless from ttofor { j&'^ motcktiij, Blandishment, j telettofan, By favour. [favouring. o UkJLJ tekttofat, Plur. of ^ys tckttof. tekttom or j*y;u motekttini, Apostatizing. tckttce or ^^ motelcftce, Waiting for an J telleef, Caressing, comforting, [enemy. teltcem, Burfetting, sealing (a letter.) iJ. tele-dot or UiLxx) motel&tlix, Rage. telexzeem ^JU vHotelt#zee t Burning, flam- , Looking about. L U] &' j tela-al, Playing, sporting. y tel-alet* Sportive, given to play, [toying. j tela-ol or u^xlx^ motela-ib, Playing, trifling, j tel-at, High ground. j* tcla-som or Jijt!;^ iiiGtela-sim, Hesitating, not daring, deficient, attentive, [vouring. tela-%om or f joiJx* inotelaxim, Eating, de- J tela-os or oaJX^ motela-is, Becoming, dif-r ficult. [plants. . lj tefa-o or ^^ motela-i, Pulling buds ofF J teld-of or ujWx* motela-if, Preparing to leap in, on, over, &c. t [tient, deficient. telh-lom or ^Xx* motela-lim, Delaying, pa- j* tela-ee or ^U'^ motela-ee, Concreting (ho- ney.) [joke> s P 01 't (t-AAjcXs tela-yl t Salivation, flowing of the saliva, ^.AxJu tela-yn, Cursing, tormenting. ootXj telegkghod or ,xiX;u motdleghghid,, Enrag* ed, indignant. [ing to leap* judj' telegliglxf or^joax^ nwteleg/hghif, Prepar- -jdj* tekghghom,, Pronouncing, [clay or mud. u *Xj teleghghen or ^Ja^ moteleglighin, Black telgliecb, Fatiguing. e/) Ruin, prodigality, expence. LXj teleffot or CL.*I tnotelejfit, Bending. iiXJ* telcffo* or laiXx^ moteleffiz, Pronunciation. ffofoi^J^M mvtdeffif, Wrapping one's self up. [lowing one another. teleffok or uJiiXXx. moteleffik, Joined, fo-K telfeef, Involving, covering up. 3u&i telfeek, Collecting; sewing together. tetta, Arriving at, meeting with, [surname. telekkob or v^KXXx. motelckkib^ Assuming a g-viXj telebkoh org^uu moteleMih, Accusing false- JO-J telekkot or Ljaxw motelekklt, Collecting, [ly. G 4 [ 510 ] '*xJLJ telektuOt Prating, blabbing. jily tehkkff QV cJoiXx* motslefrfcrf, Swallowing. ^jOj tdekket or ^xUx mot clek free, Accepting, en- countering, conceiving (woman), repre- ir^xjilj telkceb, Giving a surname. [bending. 3ujilj tdkcci, Adding, connecting. ci^xXij telkees, Mixing, mixture. cAxJilj tdfrecf, Causing to swallow, giving one a mouthful of meat. ^Xlj tclkcen. Instructing, informing. slU telky She, that. [compact, fleshy, grass. .xj^U tdckJiod or A robust young man. [eating. LJ tetemmee or ^XLo motetemmee, Changed, vanished (colour.) -C\A!J tcltneeh, Indicating, showing, o^ju lelmeex, A scholar, student. ^A 4 Lj felmeez, Giving to taste or eat. X;Ju telonnet, Delay, any thing necessary. t ^J^j tcle.ngobeen, A beggar, poor, lazy, ^te talonnce, Lazy, a drone, [(as a calf the cow.) ^Xj teloo, Thin, any thing following another, ^ !*A)' telwaseh, Commotion, astonishment. X^LJ telwet, A kid straying from the flock. CL)^\.j telewwos or c^.^X^o motelewwis, Conta- mination, stained. [heritage, stopping. - i^.)u talood, An old possession, descending by ^ Jj* telooscli, Percussion. ' .x *A7 telwus, The bud of a flower, [inverted, U telewwos or (j^^Xx^ motelewwis, Twisted^ j telewwot or ^ > Xg motelewwti, Sinijirig a* gainst nature. t * j\z telewwom or - ^Lu motelewwim, Tedious> )\ ^> toloomlax, A tambourin, [sluggish, ^^Jj telewwun, Coloured, adorned. j telewwunht) Pluf. of ^ jj- telaivwun. telcivwoh or ^XiU motdewwili, Shining, e/oo/, A sluggish horse, camel, &c. [moved. * teloomeh, The bud of a tree. j teloon, J)elay, any thing necessary. j teleuwee or if^Ju.* viotelewwee, Distorted* Xj 1 telwib, Mixing, perfuming. j telwii, Twisting, shaking the head. j tehuis, Staining, .muddying (water.) j telwyhy Causing to.cliange colour. j telwi%, Stuffing with almonds. uojjij telwis, Eating pure honey. [butter. Ju^XJ telivik, Preserving or dressing (meat) with'im, Reprehending, accusing. [ing. ^Ju' telwin, Colouring, adorning, distinguish- telleh, A gin for catching birds, a taylor s goose. [flaming. lj telelilio 1 ' or i-^^JoCo motehhMl, Burning, J' tetehhofor uJ^Xx^ mottlehJtif, Lamenting, crying ah! alas! [not shining, j tdcMmk or ji^ou motclelihik, AV'hite t but 513 ] telehJiom or ^U motelehhim, Gulping up. j telehhon or ^$U* motelekhin, Breakfast- ing, taking a whet. gjs telhee or ^U'^ motelhee, Playing,unbending, *- -VA^U telheeb, Burning, inflaming. j telheet, Loving, delighting, dismissing. j telheej or ^^Xj telheen, Giving breakfast. J telhecd, Pushing away in contempt. ' telheeZt Striking (on the breast.) s lelheef, Crving out in anguish, oh! Jj* telee, A blackberry bramble, wealthy. ** , r r i- j et, Reading, remainder. L^Xj teleiyos or t^LvJU.* moteleiyis, Bold, stre* jJis teleed, Hereditary wealth. [nuous 4 teleeset, A sack, a testicle. Ju telecseh, A fine Persian carpet, [thing lost. Jj te'leea, A handsome man. 'ti.A'iteleefet, Any e?e/, Prostrate, the neck. . jj tekiyon or ^l^motdenjiri, Softened, ca- txJL; telyit, Joining, gluing. [ressed, gentle. ^\3 tclyim, Mitigating, repairing, bringing a- ^\-i fe'/5/^,Softening,cajolmg [gain into favour. If'iem, A disease in the eye. * Uj 1 temb-ur, Boasting among themselves, H 4 [ 514 ] Ui" >5 temblor, Flying (sparks of /Ire,) dragging I? fc7?i&Ste/,Plur. of jjj* temseel. [one an other. . I? tdmajod or ^ U** rtotetflkfid, Contend- ing for glory* [impudent, talking obscenely. .l? te-niajoa or^U&o inotemajia, Sneering, l^ te.mahofc, Litigating with one another. l? tembdo&h or ^. : l*^, moteutbiiikh, Iniquity, lr 'temhdee, Perse verance,[injastice, rebel lion. temar or ^UiU mvtemfti*, A date -seller, temarr> Endeavouring to throw one upon .the ground. [ed among themselves. l? te/naros pr^jlju moteiithns, Distract* tertitirot or ^l^ mofernariz, Feigning a disease. r temaron, Losing her milk (a she camel.) temane or ^UL* mtcm'aret, J)ouhting. 'femkz or j l*~ ^p^^J|pppyal, interval, distance, [gcther. lc tern'aoh or j Uu motemkzih, Jesting to- or u-Uu motem\s, Touching one another. [coniidcnce, a dealing toother] lr femasoh'or ^^ Uu wotem&sik, 'Mutual * l^ temcisok or iU Uu inotemasifc, Adhering, able. [ 515 ] l? temhslih, A show, theattical representati- on, walking, [ing from one another, l? ternaskok or Ju; Uu motcmT.slnfc, Snatch- ^ Lc tcmbshee or ^ I** motcTnashec, See'Ul? t? Itmhsoa or ^ i^, moteiribsia, Fighting ^^ ^T together. &!c /fmax or tl^ motcrnhz, Opposing, con- tending. D n g' ^^5 1^ Ornate or ^^ lu wfitcwkifa, Litigat- ji? ttmhloft or )j Uu motefdhM ', Being able, having it in one's power, refraining from. ytr titfialoo, Mutually agreeing and aiding. -lc Uwaw-, En tire, com pleat, safe, untouched, accomplished, conclusion. U l^ /ftnawi-i, Wholly, entirely. [mainder. , The end, completion, the re- , Feigning to be dead. U 1 1 Vf temihoftQr &[f^'ffiote'rfla,hi& t Litigating, g,*\? tcvn&yoh or ^v.Uu Tno^wde/z'/z, Stagger- ing, [friendship, 2> t? tcmcryor or ^_, i^c tnotcmayir, Disturbing k,l? tifticiyot or la..lvi ifiotcm.i'yit, Far distant, absent, disturbing the friendship of u, 9 tembyol or ^.Uu motcmayil, Inclin; stooping. [made of camel's hair. t emmet t A charm against enchantment?, timlam, Stuttering. ? temt&n, The seam or sewing of a tent. teinettodt Gaining, using, enjoying. pX^ tcmttm, The plant, shumack. ^Ai> icmteen, Confirming, strengtheninga bow, a bottle, a tent, &c. i-lS? Comparison, a parable. j^ tem'.ssol or jji^ motemesvtl, Assuming the form of, resembling, applying a fable. temscel, An allegory, parable. temseelat, Plur. of jxi> temscel. temsjjod or ovr5D.$-* motcmehhik, JNJorose, temchhol or jjsgu motcmehhil, Deceiving, endeavouring to recover a debt. * fcniJteet, E razing, defacing. ? fcmhecft Proving, choosing, lessening, ^^ temheen, Taking off the bark or any thing similar, smoothing leather. temcklikhokh or ^^\-^ C-' Extracting marrow, Sue- also * tctfiekLkhoY or^-cx^ mottf^'kliklur, Catch- ing the wind (as at sea), observing from what quarter it blows. z temekhkhoz or ^^^ rdoie'^Mkhh, A- gitated (milk in. churning), conceiving. iemekhkhot or ksvju mot&rftck.kkhit, Blow- ing the nose [beral, excellent, abstaining, &c. or .,3^cLo in^ttfiicfc/tftliec, Li- ^ .y&joinofemcddin, Assembled, I 4 [ 518 ] x? tcwlyh) Praising greatly. T temdeed, Extending, prolonging. ? temdeer, Covering with clay, cementing the chinks of a bath or pond. $ temdcen, Building cities. [(sheep.) ? tcMzzzoh, Rising, affronting, becoming fat temez/ier, Corrupted, foetid (water.) ? temzeet, Sending a horse to pasture. temzeer, Dispersing. [or giving dates. temr, A ripe, dry, or preserved date, eating . timrbd, A pigeon-house, a dove's hest. temeret, A knot upon a whip. temerrod, Refractory, stubborn, continuing beardless beyond the usual time (a youth,) temerros or ^^u tnolemeriis, Rubbing a- gainst. temerros or fjo^c motenterriSy Ilnbarking any thing. [i"g> weak. temerro* or ^^ motenterriz, Languish- temerrot or t^u motcmerrit, Dropping off (hair.) [trembling with rage. temerrod or ^u mrieruarria, Hastening, femerrogh or ^ ^u motewerrigh, Tumbled, writhing one's self from agony, remaining long at pasture, pressing. } ? tetfierron, Behaving elegantly, excelling, accustomed. [ m g tottering. j temenner or ^o j.u moternermer, Trembl- es j.j temerree or #^u motemerree. Adorning, embellishing. j tevnreeh, Filling a leathern bottle with water, to close up the holes or stitches. j temreekh, Anointing (the body with oil.) 3 te,nreed, Smoothing, stripping the leaves ing sour, bitter. [fromabranch. j temreet, Pulling hairs (from the body.) j> temryugh, Allowing to wallow (a horse.) 5 temreek, Singing. j tetnreen, Softening, smoothing. tetnzeden, To keep a modest silence. -j$*'W>Qtemezzir, Sipping y suck- ing, [or garment.) - temez%o% or 3 'j&* moteifrezzifc.Torn (cloth y \.f,j temeznioz orj^^ju motemezfniz, Moving up and down, driving here and there, pre- paring to rise. oV -temzsheh, A flot roof or plat-form. temzeet, Bestowing praise, o temzuej, Turning yellow (corn.) [ 520 ] l), Putting forth fruit (the vine.) S tewzeedcn, To be silent. tcw.%10, Dispersing, teazing (cotton.) ttmzeek, Tearing. tewsah, A lie, a liar. ftion, receipt, ? tentcssnk or ^ju Mofcmessik, An obliga- A^.-^ tewvyet, A salutation. te.nscck, Perfuming \\ith musk. J temhci, Walking, stepping. or or ^-^.x motcwcshshir, Becom- ing or appearing rich. >sh&hjsh or,j^f^ motemeslisliishfj na w- ing the end of a bone, and sucking out the marrow. ui*J temeshshok or oi^c viivtewslislnlf, Torn. ^^sJ temsliiyet, Promotion, preferment, caus- ji-^i.-o tcmshccsh, Taking out marrow, [ing to go. ^O lemslieek, Tinging with vermilion. #h Giving little milk (a camel.) sen. Giving milk unwillingly (doe.) s hmsssor or^*a or^o^iu itw/finessis, Sucking, sip- t cm seer, Giving little milk. [ 521 ] [raged. tnotefftezzir, Inflamed, ea- ir tetnezmoz or ya^^ inote'tticz'niiz, Falling asleep, Washing or performing the sacred tevnzeer, Afflicting, [ablution of the mouth. tewteez, Drinking sour milk. temzla, Fighting fiercely with another. - temettor or^k;<^ mott"ftiettir t Raining, expos- ing to the rain. tcmettol or UL^x rriDteinettil, Diffusive in dis- course, becoming thick (water.) t<. : mettnkeek> Hungering domestics. ? tertiaWo^ or cLv^u 1HtieW$k&t* t Tedi- ous, slow. [with vermilion. tettieJikor or ^.^cU moteme/dir, Tinged tt'fli;'.%kok or .jX^tiu W6'^7?i^l?^, Severe to a debtor, plundering him, taking his all. temikkon, Inhabiting, power. tern >kliee> Wet with sweat, [tribute, &c. etfikeeS) Bidding for goods, collecting temtecn, Majesty, authority, power. temello r IiQr ^ju nwte/nelli&h, Tearing out, removing. [with another. tenielloz or ^UJU molemelliz, Going along [ 523 ] J' te-meflos or ^Uz* Tnofewe/#s,Polishing,1ay- j temeUos, Escaping. [ing bare. J teniellot or u.ju wotemeltit, Un feathered (an arrow.) [taking possession. j teweUok or dCx^u motemeUik> Conquering, 3JU3 temellol or ji^Vc motemellil, Restlessness. ^ temelloo, Filled, swelling with rage. tomfool, A species of wild olive. or ^^ moternelke, Enjoying long the society of a friend, inditing a book. \i3 tetnl&t, Filling, full; temliyet, enjoying, possessing. temlech, Moderately fat (a camel.) temleed, Softening leather. temleez, Setting at liberty. xJ^ femlees, Smoothing, extricating. x^ temket, Plastering a wall, shaving. 1 temleek, Levelling ground. temleek, A possession, property. temleekee, Hereditary. tetnleekiyet. Hereditary fight. J/.X<= temhel, Causing haste, 'causing restlessness, *^ tcwnem, An amulet of camel's hair. 4. *js tomen, Ten thousand. . [ 524 ] :' fomennd,, Asking, Mashing. tomzndeli, Stammering, hesitating. *jf tetnenno or JUX motcineiiflia, Strong, in- accessible, hindered. [Causing to request. temennee, A prayer, request, iu;* temncet, f tevcima, Hindering, driving away. )t temawwitj, The agitation of the waves. teimoor, Piur. of ^ tenir. f tomooret, Some person, any one. ternooz, Name of a Syrian month (July.) tcvd-ook, A butt for archers, [coming rich. tevnswwol or ,5 ^^> motcinewwil, Rich, be. temeu'la, Greatness. tctfiweet, Killing, causing death. lemivees, Cleaning cloth, selling figs. tcvuwej, Making wealthy. temweh or *,,: temeh, Corrupted. - teifreJihod or J^A^ vn.ote'niMul, Gain, idle. tcmehhor oi'^ic motcine/i/iir, Tenetratujg, ingenious. teinelihok, Drinking often of wine. Uwihhol or >^ou inotcmehhil, Surpassing, proceeding slowly, asking a delay. or **$vU motcjnehmih f Desisting. [ 525 ] *+5 temheet, Sharpening a knife. temheed, Disposition, arrangement. v -< temhee.k, Drinking much milk, [by , Giving time. &^? temeis,Softemng *e temeed, Perpetual [broken, temeix, Separated, distinguished, discerned* tcmeis or ^^^ motcmeis, Walking 6 aun,t-- femeileft, An animal like a cat* temeem, Well formed* temeemet, An amulet or cnarm>% A^? ferny-fa, Judgment, prudence. ? temyil, Doubtful, persuading another^ :* tinn, Alike, equality. fen, The body, the whole man, this, that, Uy tenk-ash or ji^Ux^, motena-isli, Receiv- ing, absent. j tenb-at, A mansion, inhabited, [flowing. ljj tenatof or cJLfU^ mofenbtif, Torn np, j tenatol or ^ UA-* motevatil, Thick (her- bage.) [ly, perishing by disease and death. :' tenhsor or ^ Ux^ motenasir, Flowing, loose- 3 tenasol or j.51;;:^ mtfenasil, Rushing up- on or into any thing, running out in crowds, L 4 [ 526 ] j tcnhjos or c:^. UX* motenhjis, Stabili- ty, "firmness. [dream verified* UJ tenhjoh or ^>\j^ motenajih, Having a 'l y Fighting among themselves. Ui' tenajolor 3o.UX^ motenfyil, Fighting to- gether, disputing, [eating secrets, checking. te t&nkjee or ^^U^ nwtenajee, Communi- * IJU f^w iW^ or i -*a.UJLo motenbhib, Fixing a time (for battle.) [ror, dispersed. U3 /ewac? or * ux> mofen&d, Struck with hor- A Uy tenftdos, Reviling one another. a Uj ten adorn or * ^ UAX motenadim, Convers- ing familiarly. [one another. *Uj tenadee or tf ^ ux^ mofenadte, Calling to * Uj fe ; ^'^^> S cat tered birds, [admonishing. SUj tc.vti?>r*' or ^iUX.c motenbzir, Mutually Us ?ewa,r, A builder of furnaces: ^Uj tenojuxi or ^jUiU motenbzia, Litigating. Uj teiifitok or cjjj Ux jiiotenkzik, Blaming. ,- ) j UJ tenfank or iJ j U)U motenkxik, Piercing wi.h spears, [horse-back in order to fight. j T;J lenazol or ^ j UA^ mottmitil. Leaping from M* i,.,- lencisob or ^^ UxV mtitencLsib, Kesernbling, related, the succession of ages. [ "527 ] U> Uj fenksoth, Death, inheritance. Uj tentisof or 'cJUU^ motenasif, Communi-p eating privately. [arranged. UJ tenhsok or jujULo niotenasib, Adhering, j tenasol or j^l;x moienhsil, Begetting, s tenasee or ^^Ux^ motenbsee , Pretending to be forgotten. Uj' tenasholor ^ Uz wo/ew^^^,Connected. j tenhshod or oci UL* ytiotenasliid, Rapte- ing verses together, satirizing. j tencisliee or ^U^ moienbshee, Smelling (odours,) drunk. [ing mutually. UJ tenbsoh or ^? Ux* rnotenhsih, Admonish- jj ten&sor or jM9 Ui motenhsir, Assisting one another. [acting equitably*. J ten&sof or < i^UX- motenhsif, Halving, J tencwol, Throwing or darting at one ano- ther, [(extremes.) UJ tencttoh or g^b uz motenhtih, Meeting ^ UJ fenc/fee .or ^ uxo motenatee, Fighting, changing. [another,contending(in exercises.) Jo UJ tentiior or ^Js l;^, rrtotenbzir, Facing one p U5* /o??da, The stirrup cup, the last bottle. \^ ^. UJ tenaghor or ^i i;^ motenaghir, Showing or feigning dislike. [ 528 ] txJ UJ tenkfot or oj UXx motenafa, Going to law. ; tenafor or^jU^o motcnafir, Flying from one another in a panic. UJ lenafoz, Leaping together. ^U:* tenafos, Wishing for, seizing. oiUJ 'tenhfot or kiUx-o motenafit, Casting up scum (a broiling pot.) UJ tenfifce or ^ ux^, motenafee, Pursuing. 5li5 /(?w 7^02, Contradiction, discordant. 5 tenalos or cLv^D Ux^ niotenhkis> Discord- . ant, inimical. [one another. Uj" tenhkod or j^, ixx^ motenakid, Severe to l>j tenkJior or ^U motenafcir, Pretend- ing ignorance, discord. [discourse. L:j tenkfofor u*s l^^ motenakif, Changing .; x tJ U5* teiMLlecdun, To pour, to clean by wash- ing, polishing. ^^l^r tenbn, A wolf, a resemblance. ,j >j U;' tetianeedun, To weave, [ing rotations. v__, ^Us tendwol) or V ^UAX> tnotenaivU:, Observ- S 3 lij tcnawut, Neglecting sacred things. C ^U: tenawoh or ^jtcu inoien\wih> Opposite (mountains,) weeping, lamenting, i U)' tenawur, Corpulent (men.) Uj ten&iuosh, or ^Uz* tiiotenhu>is?Ji, Ap* proaching, attacking. 3 ^ Uj tenliiVQl or 3 5 1;^ mctfe?2<:to7,Eating,cirmk ing, giving and receiving presents. * jto teno,wom or * 5 u^ Tnrfenhwim, Feigning to be asleep. [(a camel.) j tevbholor ^A [ijUtfiotencthti, Raising dust U; tenahod or o^ Uju fliotenbhtd, Dividing o equally. Ui tcnrifioz or ybUiL* molenculuz, Preventing* j tenahoz or ^A U motenahiz, Rushing against, assaulting. [prohibiting, ^ ljL5 tex&hee, Finishing^ arriving (intelligence,) 3L)Ui- tcnayit, Neglecting things sacred. ^bUj' tenayok or ^jUx'^ motcn^yik, (People) overcome by sleep. [from one another, ^jUJ tenayee or ^Ux-o mvtencujez, Retiring far ,)lJj 4 fcin r >b,n, Short breeches, (ing (water.) c^ojj teneWob or wuuL motenellil, Set a flow* /*xJl? tenperwar, Nourishing the body, [rility* VAJLi- tencU)(rz, or v>JX motenMiz, Reviling, scur* la^-j tenelbot or L^JLXx moteaeblit., Causing wa- ter to flow or spring up. [coming by degrees. >;j feneU'oa or >j;u iftotetiellia, Flowing or , A crucible, a melting-pot. M 4 Ljtf temlel or U~* moteinlel, Lazy, a knave. .ylLX'tentleljLn, Lazy, luxurious. [prophet, i' tenel'joo or^jj;^, motenelloOt Commencing , Betel or paun. AAJU to^'ee(/e??,Twisting,loosing [ing to grow. AAJui temleeq, Throwing away. [quick. *x tewlect, Keyiling* u~**x temlecs> Speaking AA^J tcmlccs, Speaking with a weak voice, /A^J temlcet, Making water to flow, ' temleck, Planting trees in a straight line, j ten I'd, A dwarf. tentecf> Pulling off 'much hair. J tenteen t Rendering fetid, [tercd. tenessor oryJLL* yioteiiessir, Dispersed, scat* temeer, Dispersing, diffusing. [Expression. . *M /(?wj, A collection, e^p^essiori. J l^ tenjhleht **i/ \ > /^ iknfa'meh', A garment, vest. [ed. L-sAj* tcnejj'os or cL-s^'^ moteiiejjis, Exam in* ; teuejjoh or ^p^* wotenejjih, Expediting properly. \: tencjjod or o^^o motenejjld, Carried off. tenejjcx or >x iMJeti&fjitf, Expediting. jf tcuejjos or ^xU^ wotenejjis, Polishing, cleaning away. r [a malighant eye- & tenejjoa or *x\Xx mo'enejjia, Looking with u tenejjoh, Repulsing, affronting.' y tenqfjce QV ^s^ motenejjee, Seeking the highest ground. ^KU tenjeetj Setting free, raising a mound p earth, Sec. against inundations. UJPU tenjeeh, Prospering, promoting. ^sdj 1 ten feed, Ornamenting a. house, [mented. : .. tenjeeden, Drawing light the girdle, tor* , Rendering wise (experience.) ia, Agreeing with Qpe (victuals) sa ^yj tenjeew* Astrology, [lutary. tenehhos or (jMacUU WQtenehhls, Examining, fasting, abstaining from flesh (in lent.) tenehkoo, Removed, leaning upon, [water. tenheel, Diligent (in business,) being nea ^i- Lnheet, Removing. tenheel, Giving a present, [ting, raining,^ ecu- tenekhkhoa or ^=^* viotenekiikhia, Spit* y tenekhkhol or ^xv, motewthfthil, Chus- ing the beat, [ing austere, blowing the nose B teneM&hom or tenehhnokh or (a oftmei. [ . 532 ] , Boasting. ?% Speech, discourse [rough, austefe. j tend, Joined eye- brows, dispersed ; tone?, 3 temddoh or . *&* niotencddik, Becoming fat (sheep.) i- teneddokh or ^ AJJU rtioto^MW, Vaift, at* y tondor, Thunder. [rogant. /XJ* lendorost, Healthy, vigorous, <&' tendorosttc, Good health, vigour. Jj- o^;; teneddos or ^ *xcu mofenedJis, Interring, > tendorood, Butter not purified, [self. olor 3 ^^ wAentddil, Wiping one*s -AO tefieddoni or ^ViU moteneJJ'iifl,, Penitent, yu) 1 iendoOy A spider. [repenting. ^ juJ tondee or ^ xxx-c tfrotondee, M oroseness, im t *j> tomloor, A kind of stove, [pettious, severe. j tended, Making wet, soaking. j tendeed, A loud, defaming, dispersing. tondceden, To thunder, tomurmer, to out, to chide. >)' tendceseh, The human shape. *0sjj tcndeegh, Sprinkling with flour. J tene-xzor or^, 3a j tenezzor, Becoming small or few, eKtol or yy& l jnotene%%il, Descending slowly, humility, deigning. 3 tenezzoh or y;Cc w ed (from water, &c.) pure, modest. yj tenwyet, Wishful, inspiring with leaping upon. j ten%ee$, Removing,, nourishing. j ten%ia, Causing to remove or tear up, 'J teu%eef, Drunk, emitting blood, tjy^ tcn*eek, Raising the feet to leap ^a horse. ) nwi'l, Revelation from heaven, the uU j teiweh, Purifying, cjean'ing. [coran, ^j fenshs, A quick pace, [to relationship. tcuessvb or t^w..;*-* WQii'tiessib, Pretending enewor -ov ;~+x wQ! tenesw or ^*;*,o wafmessui, Loose (teeth-) * 1 teiiessof or v^*;^ wotciiQSsif, Throwing down, wessok or t^j{~;>u wotenessift, Arrange4 (an oration J disposed in order, connected tP-^ gether. 0lop44^ wo^^5^/i,Devout, plop a,,' j- teneswm or ^^o> w assembline anv thine frair j' tcnkehy A carpet, tapestry. 3 tenseet, Causing to forget. ? tenseedtn, Tormented, strangled. tensia, Loose (teeth ) j tenseef, Throwing down (wrestling.) u*;j tenseek, Arranging, disposing in order (a speech,) stringing pearls, &c. tenseel, Moulting, changing hair, feathers, &c. (quadrupeds and birds.) p^jj temeem. Beginning. &tfrshfti or <~&x* totoleficshshil, Fixed in the iiiind. [ing. X3 tenneslishod, Enquiring for news, publish- ten?ieshshor or^iax- moteneshsftij-, Unfold* ing, divulging, scattered. *AJ tefteshshoz, Showing severity. Ufijj teneshshot or kij:^ mtitetieshshit, Brisk, active, cheerfully doing any thing. '*&3 teneshshoghor ^juU moteneshshigh, Groan* ing inwardly [ing, sucking up. uJLaJi' teneshshofor ULiUJU moteneshshif, Imbib* iijj teneshshom or *&* moteneshshim, Making u teneshshoo, Rising up to begin, [a beginning. rf ^A7 tenshue, A common shore, dirty water. v * ~}3 tenshecl, Blowing gently, fixing. [ 533 ] t't Causing to grow. Jj tensheeden, To-be suffocated, [another* j*&3 .tensheer, Displaying, diverting evil from lapsus tcnseet, Making cheerful, fastening. $A&J t&iOlfadi Giving breakfast (to a guest.) *&t$ tensee m, Attacking, appearing, beginning to corrupt (meat). Unessobot ^;A, wibten ess&, Rising on the feet, giving close attention. [any one, tf tenessnh, Taking advice, wishing well to 5 tenessor or JJ&ZL, motenessir, Becoming a Christian, attempting to assist another. tcnessos or ya^Lo motenessis, Informing by letter. [vant. j fe nessofot cJuaii-* tnoienessrf, Being a ser* i tenessol or ^aiz^ 'itiotenessil, Drawing out, producing, chusing. [a noble tribe* jj tenessee or ^i** mot enessee, Marry ing into J tenseeb, Laying snares, opposing any ene* my, erecting the ears (a horse.) j tenseer, Converting one to Christianity. 'j tenstes, Harrassing a. debtor, affirming, writing. [mid-day, middle-aged. AAaU tenseef, Dividing into two equal parts, j ienezzok or ixiu moivnei&fh, Sunk in 53G ] thesockcts (eyes,) vindicating himself (from a crime.) [ing business, praising, i tenezzot or U^ASA^ wten&r&iz, Dispatch* ;j tenz..ej, Boiling or dressing sufficiently. tM&Q(k Laving in order one on another, tevzcer. Blessing with beauty and every ornamental excellence. ;j. tetwttottor yjc*;* wofeneftis, Curious, nice* ly attentive to dress, speech, victuals, &q. ;j tenet ta or ^la^-c W'tlenettiLi, Industrious, speaking mysteriously, [considering. j tenetjtof or u-i^^o WQteiiett)f t Suspecting, j tencttok or 0^.^ W)lcnvtti J t Putting on a girdle or belt. [tant, retiring far. j 1 tenet not. or lo^u motenctnit, Beinr t Beholding, resembling. u^j ten%eijf, Making clean. *!? tenzeem, Ordering, arranging, governing. t&n-bb, The croaking qf ravens, &q. 537 Utt tenet- al or j U;^, moteria-il, Putting on shoes or slippers. iJ tenh,-uin, Happiness, enjoyment. tena-na or ^x;^ motena-ni, Distant, shak* 15 ten-ysh, Exalting. [ing, nodding, wy/, Shoeing a horse or a camel. j tenym, Bestowing, abundance. ^ feneemeh, A kind of tree. tenegliglior or ^.i;^ mofeneghgMr, Boiling with rage, having an aversion. ing, nodding. [ na PP y > distracted life. teneglighcs or (J^XAX^ mpteneghghis, An un- juj' tenegKgw* or ya&jx moteneghghiz, Nod* ding in approbation, tortering. *,5;j tejieghgJtotn or ^i;x moteneghghiin, Read- ing, or singing low. j tengJieer, Calling, tickling a child, ten ghees. Making life wretched. > teneffbj or ^iisx inoteneffij. Boasting vainly. [returning to a place. i' teneffoh or ^\ixx^ mofeneffih, Intervening, ; teneffokh or g\iMU moteneffikh, Blowing with the mouth. [voiding, teneffbr or ^^i^x* moteneffir, Aversion, a* [ 538 teueffbs or.,j&z+ motenefils, Breathing, drinkingat three draughtSjdillusing ( water.) Uj tenfcsch or J&' A small carpet, long hair. tetieffosh or yii;;:,* muttuuffish, Bristling from fear. tencffoz or (jil^ motcneffiz, Exploring. juj tenefful or Li;*x> moteniiff'it. Having pus- tules on the hand, sneezing. ijuj- teneffogh or iux^ motentffigh, Swelling of having pustules (the hand from hard labour ) teneffok or Juix* moteneffJt, Dragging out from a hole, [than the law requires. tcneffol cr jjux^ motenejfil, Doing more tenfiikt Grumbling (the belly.) [sador. xijJ tenfce%, Transmitting, sending an ambas- w^6r,Terrifying, preferring [Comforting. oUj- tenftex, Dandling an infant. (JH ^i tenfies, ji4Jj tenfiesh, Teazing cotton or wool. tix tenfeez> Shaking trees, beating cloths. tenfeeb* Selling fust (goods.) $*j tenftel, Presenting with a gift, adjourning. AAJUJ tenfeeh, Fatiguing (a camel.) yoViju? ten' as, Detriment, tleficiency. - Uli tenkcim, Punishment, [the face with ayeil. c-cu? tenskkub or u^oU^* matenekk'fa- Covering or \j motoeHfo'//, Becom- ing lean (a camel.) [presenting money. uJ tenekkod or ooL^ vnbt&Aefifid Paying or &jwu tenekko% or &*;;;.<> motenekkiz, Liberated, escaping. famined. 3 tene(kor or yi;^ motenekkir, Searched/ex- x;j tcnekkos or ^ju;^ moteiiekkis, Deficien- cy, diminution, disgrace. [ed, broken. JO tene&fcoz or ^aji;^ motenekkit, Coritipt- juj' tenekkol or jjuX* motene.kktt, Travelling, eating sweet cakes with wine. [lected juj' tenekkee or t5 *;x < . motenekkee, Chosen, se- .A*jCj tvjtketb, Going from place to place as merchants, flying for refuge. L$ta tenkiyet, Cleaning, winnowing grain. iL'>?Vj tenkces, Conciliating the affections of a woman, making haste. u3i;j tenkeeh, Extracting marrow, polishing. oy.xo tenke% Freeing one from another, pul- ling one out of a ditch. ^j;j tenkcer, Enquired into, building a nest. ^SUj tenkees, Putting ink into a standish. ish) Painting in colours, engraving. JUJ tenkeet, Marking with points. A&i- ten&eel, Transporting. t 540 ] ferc^, A strait defile, narrow pass. j tenekkol or ^.ts^ix* motenekkib t Turning out of the way, shunning, tenklar, A package. [ing;. .v *=-!. tenekkod or 4X^01* fnoienekkid) Griev- tenkdost, Helpless, poor. n\doste?, Poverty, misery, contempt, tenkdily Afflicted at heart, compassion. /^ J>w tenkdilce, Grief, compassion. ' teiiebkor or ^&j. txotenefr&ir, Disguising. j LvW foufcszl, Scarcity, a barren season. 0* UXB' tenknhi, A difficulty, a narrow silken vw' tenkoo> A case^ a chest. [Vest. r "**^L*. J^l tenkeli, Gold, mone$*W tenkees, Turning upside down. tenbeez, Accelerating. ia, Removing quickly, repulsing. ;j tenkeel, Conquering, tormenting, giving an example. [&c. t Pulling the hairs from the face, [threatening*, tenemmor or^A*u motenmwi\ Angry, laud tencmmQs or oa*l motenemmis,. I? huirs from the face and other parts. tenemmol or J.^JMU motsjiemwli Ho,ving to and fro like ants. [(a hawk.) emmee or^^:^ ?/2o/g^?nt^,Soa.ring about 3u+;j tenineet> Adulterating, iatelligeace, eaus* *+ij tenmeer, Of a bad disposition, [ing to,swe!L ^' tenmecs, Imposing upon. *>j tenmeek, Writing, describing, inditing $ U? tenendoo, A spider, a cob- web. fbo.o^ *7 tenoo, Power. t*lj+}\y3 tenwaneeden, To twist, weave,, i* tennool, The peach-tree, [ed, torturing, tenewwosh or c ^^u iiwtenewuisli, Agitat- j teneivwokh or ^>Xo motenewwikhi Forcing (a she camel) to lie down. V teneivwod or iyx^ rnotenewwid, Agitated (a branch.) [the back, put to. flight, shining. tenetvwor or j^z* wotem&vwir, Turning *j tennooreh, A travelling or camp furnace, f tcneivwot or Jb^>u fflQlenewwit> A kind of bird. [gating before, tenewivva, Shaken (branches by the wiad,) Rj^Xj hnoofet, A dangerous desert. [thing. j^ij' tcneivtuiift, Fixing the mind upon any j tenoomend, Healthy, contented. ju yj temuend, Dispersed, 'distracted. 3u>w temveet, Executing (business,) throwing a- way (date-stones.) terttueetfi, Suhduing, throwing down. emveeT) Illumination. ij tcnwec%, Making or doing a little. j tenwees, Remaining in a place. *y5 tenweez, Dying cloth. [(wind.) tj^> tenweea, Distinguishing, shaking branches .^3 ttfiweel, Giving, bestowing. i' lenweeni, Lulling to sleep. tenween, Nunnation or marking the final letters of nouns with t , which gives them the sound of an, in, un. ^y:; tenti'eeh, Praising, exalting, calling, [vate. teneh, A web, cloth. \yj tctiha, Alone, pri- tenhhycc, Solitude, retirement. *f , . . . , *XAJU tenehnccn, Abstaining, desisting. ' '*'* ii^x'*- r" t L nJ;ce, Uc, himself, the self-same. ' t S^j tcnhiyet, Prohibiting, reaching the bottom or summit, a lake, a dish. TT 3 tenkeca, Having round plump breasts. uf tenheek, Torments, punishments. E 543 ] S*AJ ieneet, Half doing. >JD* teneed, A web. /M/^' tcnecden, To twist, weave, involve. ij tenccn, Equal; tenneen, a large serpent, a Ju;:- tenriyid',J$\CQ in dress or victuals, [dragon. _Ax;j teneeb, Sprouting (a plant.) j teneeh, Making pallid. ^ tenccr, Illumi- u;j teneef, Seeming superior. [nating. tetv, Heat, a pool, an axe, a grain; to, thou, l^j' teteit'ob, Penitent, repenting, [yours, &c. \jS te.wb.tor, Continuation, succession. s?\j3 tewajuli, Looking back on each other. J^j tew&juhkn, Opposite, over against, [ship. \j3 tewhd or ^]^a t moteivad, Mutual friend- A \j3 teWadoa, Making peace, releasing or for- giving one another. *\jS tewadee, Plu'r. of x> i taivdeet. [nother* *j^ 1 j I J tewhraneedtin, To lay one upon a- ^^l^j tewkros or jlyU motetvaris, Possess- ing by inheritance. j \ jj tewbrod, Corresponding by letter. j\f> tewarofc, Leaning to one side. j ^ tew&we* Disappearing, lying hid. tewareekh, Plur. of ^^ U> tareekh. tetvbzofor oj ^^ mbteibazif, Balanc- tew&zon, Equal in weight, [ing eipeiices, [(lines.) jj or^jl^u motcu'&zee, Parallel : 'j tetvashot orlai SyU motewasliii, Meeting. ^ tewasofor < i* \ * motewasif, Mutu- ally praying, describing* ^j- tewasol, Enjoying, \ ieiuasee or is ^\,^ > mctewcisee, Com* manding* instructing, united. l^j tewazoa, Humility, submission, \ tew&toli or g& \y* wotavatih, Fighting, ]js tewatos or ^^ ]^ motewatis, Rushing, dashing (waves.) [ing, agreeing, Jbl^j tewatee or ^!yU motetchtie, Consent* <)gt^j tewcif-ad or Ar^jZo motewk-id, Missing one another, appointing a time or place. y 1> tew&far or ^3!^ motewojir, Abundance, a multitude. [conspiracy. vJtfljj' tewafok or JuJyU motewajift:, Concord, ^l^i* tewafee or ^s^^x* motewq/ee, Coming in great numbers. t^J tewaA, Having a strong desire. \jj tewafah or g\i' !yL motewukih, Behaving proudly and insolently. [over another. iewkoa or ' )yu motckia, Tumbling one J^s tewkkqf or ^o)^u motewakif, Facing [one another. J [ing, changing, tewa&oforiji^ \^ motew \klf, Decline teivbbol or j^tyu mo ewlfril, Mutual !y tewal, The end, return. [confidence. ) Wild (or tame) ass's colt. \jio rnotewalut, Generation,, succession. ^tyf tewalee, Continuation, succession. f\j3 tewhm, A twin, ^vy tewan, Power. U 1 y tew&nk, Omnipotent (God) powerful, j I y tew&nayi, Power, strength. .V^XvJ ! y fewinisten, To be powerful, to be able, >C I y tew&nger, Rich, opulent, [to be equal to, i j ^0 1 y tew&nger&n, The rich and great. y tcwhngeree, Richness, greatness, power- tew&lecdun, To prick, to vex. [fulness,. js tewbnee or ^ 1y^ motewanee, Delay, lan<- CJ fy tewaneeden,To torment, to vex. [guor ^J tewahos or ^^x'^ motewcihis, Quici;-* f T 'T ening the pace. ^j tewahok or LJ5J>Uz ihct ewahib , Doing any thing alike, travelling together the same pace. ,Jtx*jj7 tewayestcn, To be powerful or abld. t or x.,^ Repentance, cgnversion? t 546 ] V.5 7 .*? f j y fsr/av, Wrestlers breeches. , .-a. ,j tati'ltf-kir. Penitent, restrained by a vow. (/ y & y tciVL'c&aree, Penitence, rerhorse. f j y tolcr^oo, Pastry, unleavened bread. tjj y tobreh, A beggar's wallet. ^.^A; y /o/-d^, A fuller's beetle. L y /w/c/, Bald on the forehead. Xo^j- tt'iu ct>f, Arranging, drawing up.'; j, , A reproach. i, Jn reproach. [dering. j tew' etr, Running upon hard ground, wan- >J te/rb&'sh, Mixed ot all ranks (people,) applying .to any tiling. jjj teaJH'es, Opening the eye (a whelp.) \ ^j tc.iMiiy Broking wind backwards. > trw'-ecgh, Upbraiilingi affronting. toot, A mulberry; U'uwet, An hour. tt>iVft/vh or g-">^ :iHotti>u>Qti]i, Drinking a ] i 1 1 io ( w i nev) > uM{a;jn?rye> &c. - favjtlor or>?^ motewcttvr, Hard, ; stifF, y totiguee^.AL coiri, formerly current,-^ *'/ y /o/oo, Covering each other (as the coats of an onion, &c.) - y" 'tbotdhi'A. mole on the skin, a weevil. tewteekh, Making a small present. r jj tcwtced, Fixing firmly (a stake:) r xi-y tewfeer, Putting on a bow-string, repeat* ing prayers separately. t*3 jj> tewessol or *-o> : '" wotewessil, Rising up with a sudden spring. [lector of the revenue. ,^$y; toosor, A lictor or officer under the col- AJ^J fetfWdr,Softening by beating, [rest satisfied. * > tewnetk, Establishing, desiring one to 3*S tewted. Joining, strengthening,acqui.ring * water unwillingly. '' ' T) C rji/Vj? ,f**f t\t* '. " luft'4*?l)* J -111'? i fT*t"O1*Tn^ * ^, ^j I'JLUi //*'' '* T^* %x^ IHv ^otewejjee, Striking with the hand or a knife. ^'js-t&ejj,oh, Conversion, turning to go ^ny where, proceeding towards. toachel!. An endeavour, ajourney. [the hoof. ' ^^i' tewcjjee or ^jZ* motewejjee, Pained iii [ 548 ] 3 t ft jy^ A torrent, flowing of water P' t* w J e d'> Rendering necessary, fatigued (camels.) jS lewjeet, Finding (a well) without water. ' teWjeeh, Turning, mixing, joining toge- ther, [remaining separate. > tewelihod or jo* 3 iLc motewehhid, Singular, > tewehhosh, Aversion, hunger, desolate-. ^j tcwehhom or ^^> moleivehhim, Grow- ing hot (cattle.) [haste. j tewelihee or ^ ^ nioteweJihce, Making j tewheed, Unity. j tewheesh, Terrified, making desolate. UJ/^^/iStriking with a stick,ly ing down. yy' tokhien, Paying a debt, acquiring. 7 J* tofchej, The sound (made in coughing.) tebhjch, The top of a wall. [healths. j tewekhkhom or *jtic motcwekhkhim, Un. ^^j tew%he^i J Sending towards, [ing chusing. 5 teivkheeshj Giving little, casting.// ; teweddvd or A^JU moteweddui, i.ove, af- fection. [one's self to porcrty. teiveddor or .aU inoteivcddir, Rcduchjg (/ ^ i J* toderee. An herb. [ing young grass* A ^j fetitaft&i or ^ ^ ^ moteweddis, Produc- ^j tewcddea or ^* ^ moteweddia, Deposit- ing in a chest, neglecting, shunning. j teiteddoj or (__j ^ ^Xx> rnofeweddif, Enquir- ing ^news, &c.) [smooth (hide.) 1 ^ * ^ teweddon or LL ^ * yU mot eweddin, Soft and c^y tooden, A hillock, a heap (of sand.) 3u ^ ^' tewdeet, Short of stature, a dwarf. ^ ^ ^5 teuudeerfiriving one into danger, seducing, *j A ^j teivdia, Bidd ing adieu, placing, [prodigal, ^ji^j tewdeen, Dissolving in water. j teweztof, Walking fast, but proudly. tewzeer, Cutting in pieces (meat.) 3 J tew%cef, See ^_J i ^ tewzeefft* Exceeding fifty. ten'r> An internuncio, a mediator. 3 i' tewral, Earth, dust, p' tcwrat, The mosaic law, the pentateuch. tew&rrokh> Soft and thin (a mass of paste,) moistened (the earth ') [water. tewerrod, Blushing like the rose, going into tewerzee, A battle-axe. ^ torsh, Acid, j' tewerrot, Falling into misfortune, [sour. teuverroa or J5 from, restrained. R 4 [ 550 ] or t Sj^ iboiewerrifc, Reclin- ing on the right side, riding on one hip of a camel. [a swelling or tumour. f , fetuerromor -^ ^ moteiverrim, Seized with jf* i y torortj, An orange. t i 3 iorwali* A sack, a wallet. [rant. *j te.werroh or *j* motwverrih, Stupid, igno- ^ j 5 j tewerree. or cf^yu wotewerree, AVithdraM'* ing, lurking. 1 teu'reel't Withd rawing, avoiding, j teivreet, The bible. [intelligence, j tewriyel, To dissemble, receiving private j tewrees, Appointing an heir. tewrceftK, Putting the date (to a letter.) j tewreed, Blossoming, a tree, painting the cheeks with a rose colour, tewrees, Dying cloth yellow. [tions, ' tewreesh, Instigating, inciting dissen > ttwrcez, Going in quest of forage. j teivreet, Precipitating to destruction. * tewria, Prohibiting, abstaining. , Ample. tewreck, "Full of leaves (a tree.) j teivreek, Being equal to any business, sue* J teurecm, Proud, angry, swelling, [ceeding. t 551 ? '/ fooz, Nature, an origin, family. j tetvezzor or J ^ > .u motei&faiOr, Being chev gen to, or exercising the office of vizir or minister, [among themselves. j' teiuezzoa or ^J>AX moteuuezzia^ Dividing j /(?ut,' j y toozeeden, Showing, displaying^ xjj^j tewzia, Division. i.j p- tewzeegh, Moving, being formed, in the * Disposition, origin. tewessokh or gv-y^ motewessi&h, ing. (clothes,) tewessod or JS^^.AX inoteiDessid y Learning^ putting any thing under the head for a piU low. [becoming a mediator, j teivessot or kww^ motetvessit t The middle, ^ y? tewcssua, Sitting with ease, not crowded, ^jU^j tewessof or o^-^ motewessif. Becoming fat. [composition. '\>i' fawessolof $** motewessil, Conjunction, ^ tewessorti or ^^ motewessijn, Discover ing by physiognomy, and prognosticating good. [horse. toosen, A young unbroken horse, a plump ^j tewseekh, Dirtying (clothes ) [on, &c. ^J teii'secd, Leaning, reclining on, a cushi- ^j tewscet, Placing in the middle, acting as mediator. tewsia, Enlarging, investing with power. ^J tewseah, Collecting into loads, (corn.) ^AAM^J tewseel, Copulation, having recourse to, resigning one's self to God. , b J tewish, Warmth ; toosh, Power, vigour, a lion, manifest hunger. ^^ J lewshet, A mattock, [ler's provision bag. ^j \ ,& y toshddn, A beggar's wallet, a travel- i j3 iewesJishoz OT^ ^ moteweshshiz, Prepar- ing for misfortune. [ing a mountain, xi^j t eweshshua or ^i * moteweshshta, Climb- j teweshshov or jxiyU moteweshshig, Dis- gracing one's self by any thing base (as a lie, &c.) [revenue, p tooshmal, A commissary, a collector of J looshm&n, A sign, the middle area, or court of a palace or house. or j ^ ^ mofewesJtoosJi, Mix* ed, agitated, in corqrnotion, muttering to- gether. , Ay tuoshec, The last breath or convulsion, .vi_y tewsheet, Dying cloth well. [quity.) VA>J iewsheej, Connecting firmly (bypropin- *^j' tewsheeh, Girding with a sword, putting on a vest. j tewshia, Winding wool up into clews, fit for weaving, or spinning, marking cloth, ap* pearing as grey hairs. ix ^j leu-sheegh, Staining garments with blood. ' teitisheek* Drying, parboiled flesh (of ca- mels, &c.) cut into oblong slices. xi^j tewsheek, Swift, expeditious, [sicfc, ailing, teiuessol or _^r^ motewessib, Being eu'tsscfoTtjL&.z* motewessif, Describee^ (any thing.) t j* tewessol or 3^ * motewtssU, Joining, form* ing a connection by marriage, &e. tewessom or **.$x* motewessim, Broken down (by a fever.) [ment, J tewseet, Recommending, making a testa- jsekd, Striking with horror. [i"g tewsecf, Description, agreeing with, sell S 4 [ 554 ] tevxeel, Connecting closely. tewseem, Indisposed. [exhibiting. tewev&oh or ^c ^ motewezzih, Manifest, S tewextoo, Performing the ablutions before fj tewzeeh, Publishing, illustrating, [prayer; J tewzia, Depositing something with ano- ther for preservation. 3 iewetto?ij Fixing residence any where. ja ^motewetlee, Kicking, tread* ing upon, agreeing. .' tewteet, Expanding, making a bed. j tewteed, Joining firmly together. j tewteesh, Repulsing, stretching out, giv* ing away something. &j3 tewteen, Chusing a place of residence, habituating the mind to any thing. tewzeef, Paying a stipend or daily pay, tewa-od or ^cyU motewa-id, Terrifying, rushing upon. j tewa-or of ^*^x* motewa-ir, Difficulty, a rough way, a morose man, confused. - tewa-ol or y^ molewa-il, Climbing or standing on a hill. s tewa-oW* or ^ ^ rnct^wa-iin, Taking the , Preventing, making thick, [whole. [nother to do any thing. J tew-y%, Commanding, making a sign to a- ji*jj tevo-yk, Calling one morose, refractory. * io gh> Wood, the tamarisk. ij3 teweghghor) Burning with rage, i^j t weghghol, Going far. ) Irritating, enraging* n, Intripidity in battle. >? tewghetr, Stimulating to hatred. xi^J tewgheez, Filling (a vessel.) toof, Echo, clamour, a wheal. tewfet, Languor, a blunder, a crime. &9}3 teweffod or jo^ tnotaWeffid, Overtopping, excelling. [abundance, respecting. ffjS t&ueffor or ^5^ moteweffir, A concourse, %9}'3 teweffbz or y^ motcweffiy, Preparing to resist evil. [ a cl van * a g eous jy^j' teweffok or jy^ motewejfflk, Convenient, ^j^j teweffee, Paying or receiving the whole of what is due, giving up the ghost. Sui^j ttu'feet, Giving, returning the whole, xxiy teivfeed, Sending. [creasing. j+3 jZ tewfeer> Making corripleat or perfect, in- Ji/j^i 1 tewfeeJf, The guidance, grace of God. _J'y' ^it'^-, Desire, concupiscence. C^U^' tookat, Piety, abstinence. i^Ujj' tew&an, Desire, inordinate passion. *} tewfret, Recovering from indisposition. ewtkkoh or <\* * rnotcwckk'ihy Overbear* ing, tyrannical, [burning, kindling a flame. tewekkod or *s ^ wtcwekkidy Ardour, j$ tewekftor or ^^ nwtewMir, Respected, (jii'^: tewe.k%osh, Moved, agitated. [modest, tjai'^j tewebkos or ^di * motewehtts, Going a 'jjf tewekkua, Begging, [hard pace (a horse ) ijjj tewMofy Delay, tediousness, stopping, ^j'^j tewekftol or 35 yu motewekkil, Ascending, standing on a hill, [(game,) threatening. *.5j3 tewekkom, or *ay^o viotewekkim, Killing ^ ^j teivekkon or ^'yu nwtewekkin, Ascending, standing on a hill. [tious. JSjj iewekkee or ^yLc -moteivekkee, Timid, cau- 3US^j teivkeet, Appointing a time (for any thing.) vi'^J tevokeeh> Repairing a pond or well with turf, boards, &c. xVjj tew'eed, Setting on fire, burning. ?^ tewkeev, Leaving one indisposed, [grave* Jjj tewkcer, Honouring, revering,, making ~*$j5 tcickccs, Having scabby camels. zj3 tewkcesh, Moved, agitated. t S tewhees, Throwing billets on the ure. . tetvkceft Retaining, prohibiting. jj tewkcif, Dropping, [ed, drawn together. tewek&od or ^S ^ moteweftkid, Confirm. - ? tewekkor or ^.^u moiewekkir, Building a nest. tewefcZoz or^,^ motewe'kH?,, Filled. u*^^' tetvekfcofoT ^i^a * m&tewekkif, Expect- ing (a person, &o.) [God. jj tewekkol, Resignation or confidence in teivekkon or ^s^Xo mateivekldn, Resid- ing, dwelling. ^j tewekkoo. Leaning on a staff*. j teivfteeb, Blackish (as ripe date^ J tewfteet, Beginning to redden (dates.) J tewkeed, Making a league, confirming. teiukeer, Giving an entertainment on th$ finishing of a building. j tewftees, Reproaching, reproving. [&c.) tewftecf, Putting dorsers (on a camel, J tcwkeel, Appointing a lieutenant, depu- ty tool, Gum, cement. [tv or agent, II y /oo/a, A liquid composition, used bv bleach- ers, &c. for whitening linens. j towelat, Plur. of cJ^j towelet* [ 558 ] * y toolbj, In one piece, unseamed. i_j jj tewlel, An ass's colt. i^J^ tewelet, A misfortune. [heat, power. ^ y teivelled, Broad faced. , &) y tewtesli, A ray, *J^j* tcwelloh or aJ^z* motcwellih, Disorder of mind, distraction, amazed. J^? teiuellee, Retiring, flying, shunning. iU^j tewliyet, The prefecture or superinten- dancy of the affairs of mosques, &c. &Aj5 tewleed, Generation, procreating. .j>Jy tooleeden, To prick, to revile, [spots. fJ^j tewlia, Speckling with white and black cJUJj tewleef, Putting down both feet at once in running (a horse ) auS^j tewkeh, Distracted (especially with love.) toonia, A twin, ^ly' tooman, A myriad, j toomsree, Somt?, any one. [ 10,000. ^-g^j tewemmoz, Springing forward. iL^ feti'niect, A nod, making a sign. ,fy /GOT?, The stove of a bath, the furnace of a glass-house. [no home, a beggar. j J toonce, One who comes from afar and has- LO^J tewneel, Reproaching, accusing. SUJy tcwneet, A tunick, a waistcoat. j tewehhos or &&>* motewehhiSi, Reflex- ion, attention. or g.> }L* mctcwelilnj, Moved, kindled (fire,) burning, strong (perfume.) ifc^j teivehhod or jo^x* motewehhid, Low (ground.) tewekiior or ^^su ibotewelihir, Disturbing one in prayer, beginning to abate in dark- ness (night.) [heavy. tewehhoz or ^A-^U mofewehhiz, Treading S tewehhos or ^4^* motewehhis, Travel- ling fast and well. [making equal* j tewehhot or tx^^x-o, Sunk in clay, td^j tewehhok or ol^yu ifiotewelih'rt, Burning with the heat of the sun (gravel or pebbles.) i' tewehhol or k*jZ* motetvehhil, Causing to err, prone to err. [imagination. teweJihon? or ^^ moteweJihim, Suspicion/ JI tewhe.em. (pausing to err, making believe, j tewheen, Enervating, relaxing. towmo Cream, o 'y tofi> A fold. tewee, One who perishes or falls." : j y torn 1 , The beak of a JDird. , \t J /oet'/, The forehead ; tewed y Bald. Tt-his, he. ^7 2 .teh, A fold, simple, a vestige." *3 tih,^Sh$ } ji'Lj tehhtor or j> l^ motehatir, Dispufpng a , bout, 560 tehbteh, Vain. [separating. gj> tehkjor or ^l^x* moteh&jir, Disjoined, ^s tehhjee or ^I$A.* mote/tajee, Satirizing one another. l$3 teh&dor or ^ A l$z motehbdir, Boiling. a l$j' tehadon, Right, arranging well, al$j teh&dee or ^al^u motehhdee, Walking with a light fluttering step (a woman.) W 3 teharosh or ^l^U motehkrish, Fighting (dogs.) [another, ^s tehfrrot or b^ \^Hc mot etorit, Reviling one $j teharom or *, l^u motehkrim, Feigning ex- treme old age, [after another, l^j tehhfoi or CJ l^X motehbjit, Rushing one f tehkkol or ,^1^ motehakil, Straining. l^j tehalok, Running head-long (to ruin.) l^f tehafflet, Mecca, and an Arabian province in the neighbourhood, l^f tehamosh or ^ l^u mQtehkvnish, Mixing one with another, making a loud clamour. l$J tehanefor ^ l^u motehanif, Smiling iro- nically (a woman.) 5 tehbnee, Plur. of cv^j teheniyef. lj tehbwosh or ji^l^u motehuivish, Mixing together (people.) 6Bi or ^jl^A* moieliawin, gcncc, contempt. [after another. ^ ; tchani or jtiX^ th&tcL&uve, Fading one lfla iehiwil, An apparition* a ghost. j /// yo; or ^ 3 I^TBO r&atyh&yiji Stirring up, fighting, hand to hand. [together. j ieh&yot or Lj-l^x* motcLayit, Assembling j- ieliellob or *-<^ motehelbil, Worn, rag- ged (garment.) [swellings. gvp tehelloj or -c\oi moh^ieblij y Troubled with ft *x>^o moteheboid, Taking away, breaking. j tche 7 'ioshof ' ** mofeMlisJi, Collected. . Lj* tehellel or I ^ ?/?o 'ehM:/ t Voracious. L/r; L/r or *-^AfX. motehcLhi'', Tottering, \/A^J lehLeej, Swelling. [trembling. AA^J teltleer, Cutting meat so as that part falls. (/r>>^7 Mfy&ikt Gaining industriously. . ^A^J tehl-eel, Oppressed with corpulence. (^ 1x^3 tehthn Raining incessantly, [(garment.) ^XA^J teheitjuk or ^ix^^ tnoteheitik, Worn iout iX^j tehjmet) Pronouncing Arabic improperly. $s tjiteer, Reviling. [Lampoooing. ^J ti>hteem>. Disabling by blows. \ss^ -t e j tehejjod, Walking at night. y 4 [ S62 ,,,. 3 telisjjoo, Spelling, hot (day.) J' fchjeet, Spelling, satirizing. j tehfeed, Causing to sleep, to awake. s tehjecr, Walking in the heat of the sun. jr tehjia, Inviting to sleep. 3 tehjeel, Slandering, reviling. J tehjeen, Disgracing. j (ekdbr, Hot (wine,) cooing (dove ) j^j tehcddoj or ^ &* mofeheddij, Crying to her colt in a shrill and affectionate tone (4 camel.) [ing. j tehcddod or *^* moteheddid, Threaten- P ieheddok or j j^iu moteheddifr, Reproach- ing, reviling, [ing upon. j^j tshcdkor or ^9 J^x motehedkir, Rush- 7 leheddol or .Jj^ moteheddil t Hanging down. [upon in a threatening manner. teheddom or * .xaZ* moteheddim, Rushing f tehcddee or csj^x*^ moteheddee, Conduct- ed (by God) into the path of righteous- &Q5 lehdeet, Pacifying ; tehdcyet, Separating,. xp tekfleed, Terrifying, [throat, roaring lion. f trfideer, Making a muttering noise in tfre 5 tehdecw, Destroying. [ 563 } V tehdeen, Soothing (an infant,) tehe%kor or ^ ^^ motelieikir, Rejoic- o^s tehezzo, Corrupted (an nicer.) [ing, enX&fr, Purifying, adorning. teJierror or Jg j$3U Yiioteherrir y Snarling (a dog.) [away a (cloud.) s teherrosh or JL^M tnoteherrish, Cleaning j tefierroa or ^^^U motelierria, Levelling (a spear at a foe.) firigf) j teherroo, Taking the cool air (in theeven^ j.3 tcherree or ts^ju tnoteherree, Beating with ^vJ' tehreel-, Putting to flight. [a stick. j tehreet, Dissolving meat by boiling. i- tehreej, Overcoming a man. (wine,) fright^ ning (a wild beast.) j tehreed. Boiling till soft (meat.) ^ tehreesJi, Setting by the ears. tehret*, Tearing (cloth.) tehreea, See g^g teherroa. telireef, Producing early (a palm-tree.) 5 tehreem, Cutting in small pieces, raising. ing (as a bow-string.) j tehetzoz or jjv*^ mQtehezziz, Moved, sha- ken (a tree by wind.) [austere, being swift, or f or ^ v x\ mrtteficuzJui, Depress- ing, falling with noise (rain.) j tehziej, Warbling, roaring (lion.) > tehzra, Bruising, breaking. j telizecl, Extenuating, emaciating. fehesscm or^^yU iwtek*9#&. Broken, spl'f* i te hes- hos, Grumbling, rustling. [vNe.ik* tcheshshtm or ,^^ motshesJib/tim, Broken^ iyr telisheesh, Pleasing, making pleasure. ) tehsheel, Giving little milk (a camel ) j' tehsheeW', Breaking, praising* s tthsees, Having bright eves, [dismissing* or p^v* motehezziin, Compelling, J tehettor or^la^ mofehettir, Failing to ruins.. j telettol or ^L^;:^ iiioteLe'/il, Curing. ^/? !^fl or ^ji v x fflvid/u'fcn la, Behaving fool- ishly or proudly, acting basely. tJ.e\k m or ^x^^ mfjtehekki/n, Subduing, te/nfc, Naked, empty, [swallowing (meat.) tehekkor or^x* mAeJ^kir, Stupified with wonder. [pride, repentance. or ^i* mo?ehc&]irn, Mockery, i telehkon or ^^ molehcttin, Penitence. t diked, The pace of a war- horse. s teklecm, Singing to one in deri&ion. [ 565 ] [infected. J teltellos or yJL^ motehdlls> Extenuated, j tfhlee&ch, A place of danger, perdition. tehellol, Gladness, transparent (cloud) tear- J^V$3 tehtlhol or j^l^ moiehelhil, Foolish, [ing. w^r? tehleeb, Fulling hairs, satirizing. iX/A^j tehteefc, Destroying, ruining. [parable. ^Aflj tehleel, Praising God. X" tehern> Incom* j tehemet, Fetidness. [^ n g J tohomet, A crime, fault, ignominy, accus- teheinmoali or jiw^ inotehemnrish, Flow- ing softly. [violence. 7 te hem not or L^^ moteJiemmit, Seizing by 3 tehemmoa or *^iU inotehetnmia, Running, weeping. [with a sword (the head.) tehcmnwin or JM^ typtefofpmitti, Striking - teherninon, A. hero, brave. tghzmiiioo, Worn (garment.) s te/tmeem, Hushing an infant to- sleep, hmeen, Sleeping, ; & V telunbos, Enquiring after news. j tehe.nnoj or ^U.^ motehennij, Quicken, making haste, [ing well, adapting properly. J tehendom or -.xx^o wotehendi'tti, Dress- tthennoo> Comforted with wholesome food. W 4 [ 566 ] J teJiniyet, Congratulation. [reviling. teh need, 'Ravishing the senses, unequal to, j (ehneef, Being swift. tehwad, Low, gentle (voice or speech.) tehwash, Tumult. J tehewwod or *f$z* motehewwid, Convert- ed to repentance, turning jew. i teJiewwor, Ruined, oppressing, rage. j tehewivosh or ^^ wote/iewwish, Meet- ing, conjunction. [to vomit. s teheiwwoa or 5 L* motehewwia, Feigning tehewwol or ^^ vwtehewwil, Adorning one's self, terrified. j teftetvivom, or - ^^ motehewwim, Nodding l^e head (a drowsy man,) asleep. ' tehweed, Singing with a soft voice. tehweer, Killing, tossing one thing upori tekweex, Djing. [another. j teJiwees, Giving to eat. tehweesh, Confounding, complicating. J tehweel, Adorning herself (a woman.) j tehweern, Suspicious. j tehwcen, Despising, making easv Jt tihce, Naked, vain, variety. teheat, Plur. of y^ teheet. J A$J tcheiyol or t .^^ motelieiyil , Dreading, ter- rifying. [order. 3L$j fefo'e/, Preparation, provision, disposing in >ehehjos or cl<^ inoteheiyis, Bestowing* gv>j teheiyoj or ^^u inbteheiyij, Raised, moved. jM>y teheeden, Vacant, loose. [tended. *$j teheiyoa or ^A^ moteheiyia, Expanded, ex- olxy* tehigah, The reins or lows, [poured out. ^^y teheiyol or ^^u moteheiyily Imprecating, *^. - teheiywii or ^^ jhbteheiyfifl, Astonished, t*>^j tehyib, Formidable, venerable, [thirsty, ^_*A^j tehyit, Crying out. jiyij. Exciting, raising a commotion. ^J tehyikh, Putting fat into pottage, j' tehyidy Being swift, prohibiting. j tehylr, Falling down (part of bulwark,) J teliyighy Watering plentifully (the earth, Pouring. [with rain.) j tee, Vacant, empty. JT j^ltSteyijer, Forsaking to another, including, - Uj teiyah, Waving from side to side with an air. Uj teiyar, Wave, flowing quick (blood from .IJ teybr, Ready, &c. [a vein.) j Us teiyhz, A dwarf. [passion, u* Uj tiyhs, Training a goat, * Ui f - tiyksct, t 568 ] A^j feilees, Drying, placing to dry. ^_^j tedf: Insane, stubborn. Fni^bf. * " . L O l : *j teebb., Contumacy, the fourth watch of the f^*i teiteui, Making orphans. ^ teej, Acrown. ^xj- tech, Predetermined. [a sprightly air. ^U^j 'eihaii, Waving from side to side with XAJ teiJ, Lenity. ^xO' teezen, Liberty, leaving. ,3 teer, An arrow, darkness, chance. ^AJ tt'cr, Proud, elevation. *j]jJ t.eerbrekt The rain-bow. [A quiver. j\js \j3 teerundaz. An archer, ^j I^J 1 teerdan> 3 teergir, An arrow- maker. [arrows. $ teerfresh, A quiver, a case for bow and f ,3 teerguee, Darkness. *,j. tettreW, A great Viy*J teermar, A viper, teeth of the viper, [lady. 6 1 / tfWM'Q'h, The first summer month of the Persian year. , .J tetrinan, A baker's rolling pin. tecrnishbneh, A butt for archers. Jj^j J* teernesh&nkefy A place for exercise. w !H t ^^ ieerwan, A quiver. [ness. if.^j a. p. teereh, Obscure^ a beam, butter, sad- I j o^' teertd'il, Sick at heart, sorrowful. ^ l;e /n }' teeredMHagh, Disturbed in the brajn. ^JU i a J* teerelirung, Muddy-coloured, a bay vf /? teereej, The gore of a garment, [horse. >)' teez, Sharp, the edge, tart, bitter, vehement. f~*/$ teczcheshm, Quick-sighted. *3 teezsh, Rumbling of the belly, a declivity. .*~~>\fi teez-al, Aquafortis. \ yj teiz&n, Dying. J j tj teez-del, Bold of heart. o^J* teezeh, An aunt on the mother's side. o jw teezslich, A joist, beam. ,i ^ >" teezeeden, To. make haste, to be angry. teezecr, A side, the waist. ^^ teis, A he j teish, A she goat. [goat. AJ tewoosiyet, Goatish, of a bad disposition. /e^5rt, A particle expressive of contempt. tceseir, Facility, rendering easy. teesheh, A hatchet, a spade, an axe. xJ teisces, Opening the eyes (a \vhelp,) as- saulting. *AJ teia, Vomiting, bein^ swift, seizing. 3Uxi' ttyat, A herd or rlock. LA*AJ teyit, Crying. sJ* teegh, A sword, dagger, the top of a moun- " 7/ee^za/)fa^,Theraysof the sun. [tain. teegar, A water-pot. c_J> UAJ te'tfdk, Conve- wUi- teiffua, Enlarged, climbing a hill, [nient. l*Aj teikar, Modesty, gravity. X 4 [Rousing. (\liuj telkhn, An impetuous man. kXxj teikez, ^j tcitn, Aservant. f teem, An inn, a mar- UAJ teima, A desert, an open plain, fket place. s U*j' teenibj, Goat's leather. [sion. j UAJ tee mar, Indisposition, care, a military pen- *f& ) )i \gj te.emardhsfiten, To take care of, &c. ^ (^j teema*, A forest, a grove of oaks. C^ x.>j tee met t A sheep. , .4^7 tefmew,Noon, the south. *^ . i HJ ; *^AJ telmeem, Teaching another, intending, ^/j te'-meen, Blessing, praying for prosperity. ^ /t'e/z, A fig. UAJ /de/;a, Mounting, [grain. UAJ' teenan, A wolf. , * *Ufteenoos, Aheap of C^ ; ^ ^/ J *i A *IAJ teen eh, A spider's web. +,2liou, Learned, warlike. ! *.j teiwh, Stud v r . love. ^ x * j >? tceivdr, Bring back. **j teish, Being proud, astonished. 4 1 1 !yJ' te.ihk- arxi, A deserted country. LA: teihcui, Proud, haughty. ^J* (eehoo, Empty. : k " j END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. i 'IF Form It UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBRJRY FACIL |Y