• ■ #B ■ K3ffi»& imfffi wbsb ■<■•■• fc Bg$i ■ HI $&»& m m m m Hi ffi^fSSsEstii ..■■■ •'■'■'..'."■■$ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES HSNRIK IB SEN'S PLATS LITTLE EYOLF Translated from the Norwegian by WILLIAM ARCHER. Small \to, cloth, with Portrait, $s. THE MASTER BUILDER Translated from the Nonvegian by EDMUND GOSSE and WILLIAM ARCHER. Small 4 to, with Portrait, $s- Popular Edition, paper, is. *** Also a limited Large Paper Edition. Price 21s. net. HEDDA G ABLER Translated frotn the Nonvegian by EDMUND GOSSE. Small ^to, cloth, with Portrait, 5s. Vaudeville Edition, paper, is. *»* Also a limited Large Paper Edition Price 21s. net. BRAND Translated in the Original Metres, with an Introduction and Notes, by C. H. HER FORD. Small 4 to, cloth, 7 s. dd. THE LIFE OF HENRIK IBSEN By HENRIK JsECER. Translated by CLARA BELL. With the Verse done into English from the Nonvegian Original by EDMUND GOSSE. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s. A COMMENTARY ON THE WORKS OF HENRIK IBSEN. By HJA L MA R HJOR TH BO J 'ESEN, A uthor 0/ " Goethe and Schiller," "Essays on German Literature," &C. Crown Svo, cloth, ys 6d. net. LONDON: WILLI AM HEINEMANN THE POCKET IBSEN A COLLECTION OF SOME OF THE MASTER'S BEST-KNOWN DRAMAS CONDENSED, REVISED, AND SLIGHTLY RE-ARRANGED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE EARNEST STUDENT BY F. ANSTEY AUTHOR OF "VICE VERSA," "VOCES POPULI," ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY BERNARD PARTRIDGE NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN 1895 \_All rights reserved] First Edition, May iSgj ?R in ax ERRATA For "Rosmersholm" read " Rosmersholm " P. 143, 1. 9, for "My father's sight failing !" read " Old Werle's sight failing ! " 1 626001 PREFATORY NOTE "Pill- Doctor Herdal" is, as the observant reader will instantly perceive, rather a reverent attempt to tread in the footprints of the {Norwegian dramatist, than a version of any actually existing masterpiece. The author is conscious that his imitation is painfully lacking in the mysterious obscurity of the original, that the vein of alle- gorical symbolism is thinner throughout than it should be, and that the characters are not nearly so mad as persons invariably are in real life — but these are the faults inevit- able to a 'prentice hand, and he trusts that due allowances may be made for them by the critical. In conclusion he wishes to express his acknowledgments to {Messrs. Bradbury and dgnew for their permission to reprint the present volume, the contents of which tnade their original appearance in the pages of" Punch." CONTENTS PAGE ROSMERSHOLM I nora; or, the bird-cage • 35 HEDDA GABLER .... • 79 THE WILD DUCK .... • 125 PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL • 155 LITTLE MOPSKMAN .... . 211 ROSMERSHOLM A R O S M E R S H O L M ACT FIRST Sitting-room at Rosmersholm, with a stove, flower- stand, windoios, ancient and modem ancestors, doors, and everything handsome about it. Rebecca West is sitting knitting a large antimacassar which is nearly finished. Noiv and then she looks out of a window, and smiles and nods expectantly to someone outside. Madam Helseth is laying the table for supper. Rebecca. [Folding up her work slowly '.] But tell me precisely, what about this white horse ? [Smiling quietly. 4 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Madam Helseth. Lord forgive you, Miss ! — [fetching cruet-stand, and placing it on table'] — but you're making fun of me ! Rebecca. [Gravel i/.] No, indeed. Nobody makes fun at Rosmersholm. Mr. Rosin er would not understand it. [Shutting window.] Ah, here is Rector Kroll. [Opening door.] You will stay to supper, will you not, Rector, and I will tell them to give us some little extra dish. Kroll. [Hanging up his hat in the hall.] Many thanks. [Wipes his boots.] May I come in? [Comes in, p>uts down his stick, sits doivn, and looks about him.] And how do you and Rosmer get on together, eh ? Rebecca. Ever since your sister, Beata, went mad and jumped into the mill-race, we have been as happy as ROSMERSHOLM 5 two little birds together. [After a paxise, sitting dovm in arm-chair.] So you don t really mind my living here all alone with Rosmer ? We were afraid you might, perhaps. Kroll. Why, how on earth— on the contrary, I shouldn't object at all if you — [looks at her meaningly] — h'm ! Rebecca. [Interrupting, gravel)/.] For shame, Rector; how can you make such jokes ? Kroll. [As if surprised.] Jokes ! We do not joke in these parts — but here is Rosmer. [Enter Rosmer, gently and sojtly. Rosmer. So, my dear old friend, you have come again, after a year's absence. [Sits dovm.] We almost thought that 6 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN KllOLL. [Nods.] So Miss West was saying — but you are quite mistaken. I merely thought I might remind you, if I came, of our poor Beata's suicide, so I kept away. We Norwegians are not without our simple tact. RoSMER. It was considerate — but unnecessary. Reb — I mean, Miss West — and I often allude to the incident, do we not ? Rebecca. [Strikes TdndsticJcor.] Oh yes, indeed. [Lighting lamj).] Whenever we feel a little more cheerful than usual. Kroll. You dear good people ! [II 'anders up the room.] I came because the Spirit of Revolt has crept into my School. A Secret Society has existed for weeks in the Lower Third ! To-day it has come to my know- ledge that a booby trap was prepared for me by the ROSMERSHOLM 7 hand of my own son, Laurits, and I then discovered that a hair had been inserted in my cane by my daughter Hilda ! The only way in which a right- minded Schoolmaster can combat this anarchic and subversive spirit is to start a newspaper, and I thought that you, as a weak, credulous, inexperienced and impressionable kind of man, were the very person to be the Editor. [Rebecca laughs softly, as if to herself. Rosmer jumps top and sits down again. Rebecca. [With a look at Rosmer.] Tell him now ! ROSMER. [Returning the look.] I can't — Some other evening. Well, perhaps [To Kroll.] I can't be your Editor — because [in a low voice] I — I am on the side of Laurits and Hilda ! Kroll. [Looks from one to the other, gloomily.] H'm ! 8 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN ROSMER. Yes. Since we last met, I have changed my views. I am going to create a new democracy, and awaken it to its true task of making all the people of this country noblemen, by freeing their wills, and purifying their minds ! Kroll. What do you mean ! [Takes up his hat. Rosmer. [Bowiny his head.] I don't quite know, my dear friend; it was Reb I should say Miss West's scheme. Kroll. H'm ! [A suspicion appears in his face.] Now I begin to believe that what Beata said about schemes no matter. But under the circumstances, I will not stay to supper. [Takes up his stick, and walks out. ROSMERSHOLM 9 RoSMER. 1 told you lie would be annoyed. I .shall go to bed now. I don't want any supper. [lie lights a candle, and goes out; presently his footsteps are heard over- head, as he undresses. Rebecca r pulls a bell-rope. Rebecca. [To Madam Helseth, who enters with dishes.] No, Mr. Rosmer will not have supper to-night. [In a lighter tone.] Perhaps he is afraid of the nightmare. There are so many sorts of White Horses in this world ! Madam Helseth. [Shaking.] Lord ! lord ! that Miss West — the things she does say ! [Rebecca goes out through door, knitting antimacassar thoughtfully, as Curtain falls. ACT SECOND Rosmer's study. Doors and windows, bookshefces, a VJriting -table. Door, with curtain, leading io Rosmer's bedroom. Rosmer discovered in a smoking jacket cutting a pamphlet with a paper- knife. There is a knock at the door. Rosmer says " Come in." Rebecca enters in a morning wrapper and curlpapers. Site sits on a elm it- close to Rosmer, and looks over his shoulder as he cuts the leaves. Rector Kkoll is shown up. Kroll. [Lays his hat on the table and looks at Rebecca from head to Joot.] 1 am really afraid that I am in the way. ROSMERSHOLM u Rebecca. [J$urprised.~] Because I am in my morning wrapper and curl-papers ? You forget that I am emancipated, Rector Kroll. [>She leaves them and listens behind curtain in Rosmeh's bedroom. ROSMEU. Yes, Miss West and I have worked our way forward in faithful comradeship. Kroll. [shakes his head at him slowly.] So I perceive. Miss West is naturally inclined to be forward. But, I say, really you know However, I came to tell you that poor Beata was not so mad as she looked, though flowers did bewilder her so. [Taking off his gloves meaningly^ She jumped into the mill-race because she had an idea that you ought to marry Miss West ! 12 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN RoSMER. [Jumps half upfront his chair.] I? Marry — Miss West ! My good gracious, Kroll ! I don't under- stand, it is -most incomprehensible. [Looks fixedly before him.] How can people? [Looks at him for a moment, then rises.] Will you get out ? [Mill quiet and self restrained.] But first tell me why you never mentioned this before? Kroll. Why ? Because I thought you were both orthodox, which made all the difference. Now I know that you side with Laurits and Hilda, and mean to make the democracy into noblemen, and accordingly I intend to make it hot for you in my paper. Good morning ! [He slams the door icilh spite as REBECCA enters from bed-room. Rosmer. \As if smyrrised.] You — in my bedroom ! You have been listening, dear ? Bui you are so emancipated. Taking off his gloves meaningly." ROSMERSHOLM 1 5 Ah, well ! so our pure and beautiful friendship has been misinterpreted, bespattered ! Just because you wear a morning wrapper, and have lived here alone for a year, people with coarse souls and ignoble eyes make unpleasant remarks ! But what really did drive Beata mad ? Why did she jump into the mill-race ? I'm sure we did everything we could to spare her ! I made it the business of my life to keep her in ignorance of all our interests — didn't I, now ? Rebecca. You did. But why brood over it ? What does it matter ? Get on with your great beautiful task, dear — [approaching him cautiously Jrom behind] — win- ning over minds and wills, and creating noblemen, you know—; joy fid noblemen ! Rosmer. [Walking about restlessly, as if in thought.] Yes, I know. I have never laughed in the whole course of my life — we Rosmers don't — and so I felt that 16 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN spreading gladness and light, and making the demo- cracy joyful, was properly my mission. But now — I feel too upset to go on, Rebecca, unless [Shakes his head heavily.] Yes, an idea has just occurred to me [Looks at her, and then runs his hands through his hair] — Oh, my goodness ! ISTo — I can't. [He leans his elbows on table. Kebecca. Be a free man to the full, Rosmer — tell me your idea. Rosmer. [Gloomily. \ I don't know what you'll say to it. It's this : Our platonic comradeship was all very well while I was peaceful and happy. Now that I am bothered and badgered, I feel — why, I can't exactly explain, but I do feel that I must oppose a new and living reality to the gnawing memoiies of the past. I should perhaps, explain that this is equivalent to an Ibsenian proposal. ROSMERSHOLM 17 Rebecca. [Catches at the chairback with joy.] How ? at last — a rise at last ! [Recollects herself.] But what am I about ? Am I not an emancipated enigma ? [Puts her hands over her ears as if in terror.] What are you saying ? You mustn't. I can't think what you mean. Go away, do ! Rosmer. [Softly.] Be the new and living reality. It is the only way to put Beata out of the Saga. Shall we try it ? Rebecca. Never ! Do not — do not ask me why — for I haven't a notion — but never ! [Nods slowly to him and rises.] White Horses would not induce me ! [With her hand on door-handle. ] Now you knoiv ! [She goes out / Rosmer. [Sits up, stares, thunderstruck, at the stove, and says to himself] Well — I — am Quick Curtain. ACT THIRD Sitting-room at Rosmershblm. Sun shining outside in the Garden. Inside Rebecca West is water- ing a geranium with a small watering-pot. Her crochet antimacassar lies in the arm-chair. Madame Helseth is rubbing the chairs with furniture-polish from a large bottle. Enter Rosmer, ivith his hat and stick in his hand. Madame Helseth corks the bottle and goes out to the right. Rebecca. Good morning, dear. [A moment after— crocheting.] Have you seen Rector Kroll's paper this morning ? There's something about you in it Rosmer. Oh, indeed ? [Puts down hat and stick, and takes ROSMERSHOLM i 9 up paper]. H'm ! [Reads — then walks about the room.] Kroll has made it hot for me. [Beads some more.] Oh, this is too bad ! Rebecca, they do say such nasty spiteful things ! they actually call me a renegade — and I can't think why ! They mustn't go on like this. All that is good in human nature will go to ruin if they're allowed to attack an excellent man like me ! Only think, if I can make them see how unkind the) have been ! Rebecca. Yes, dear, in that you have a great and glorious object to attain — and I wish you may get it ! Rosmer. Thanks. I think I shall. [Happens to look through window and jumps.] Ah, no, I shan't — never now, I have just seen Rebecca . Not the White Horse, dear ? We must really not overdo that White Horse ! 20 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN ROSMER. No —the mill-race, where Beata— -[Puts on his hat — takes it offagain.l I'm beginning to be haunted by — no, I don't mean the Horse — by a terrible suspicion that Beata may have been right after all ! Yes, I do believe, now I come to think of it, that I must reallv have been in love with you from the first. Tell me your opinion. Rebecca. {Struggling with herself, and still crocheting^ Oh — I can't exactly say — such an odd question to ask me ! ROSMER. [Shakes his head.] Perhaps ; [ have no sense of humour — no respectable Norwegian has — and I do want to know- — because, you see, if I vas in love with you. it was a sin, and if I once convinced myself of that {Wanders across the rooii>. ROSMERSHOLM 21 Rebecca [Breaking out.] Oh, these old ancestral prejudices! Here is your hat, and your stick, too; go and take a walk. [Rosmer takes hat and stick, first, then yoes out and takes a walk ; presently Madam Helseth appears, and tells Rebecca something. Rebecca tells her something. They whisper togetlier. Madam Helseth nuds, and shows in Rectok Kroll, who keeps his hat in his hand, and sits on a char. Kroll. I merely called for the purpose of informing you that 1 consider you an artful and designing person, but that, on the "whole, considering your birth and moral antecedents, you know — [nod--< at her] — it is not surprising. [Rebecca walks about w. inging her hands.] W)>y, what is the matter? Did you really 2 2 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN not know that yon had no right to your father's name ? I'd no idea you would mind my mentioning such a trifle ! REBECCA. [Breaking out.] I do mind. I am an emancipated enigma, but I retain a few little prejudices still. I don't like owning to my real age, and I do prefer to be legitimate. And, after your information — of which I was quite ignorant, as my mother, the late Mi*s. Gamvik, never once alluded to it — I feel I must confess everything. Strong-minded advanced women are like that. Here is Rosmer. [Rosmer enters with his hat and stick.] Rosmer, I want to tell you and Rector Kroll a little story. Let us sit down, dear, all three of us. [The]/ sit down, mechanically, on cltairs.] A long time ago, before the play began — [in a voice scarcely audible] — in Ibsenite dramas, all the interesting things somehow do happen before the play begins ROSMERSHOLM 23 RoSMER. But, Rebecca, I know all this. Kroll. [Looks hard at her.] Perhaps I had better go '( Rebecca. No — I will be short* This was it. I wanted to take my share in the life of the New Era, and march onward with Rosmer. There was one dismal, insur- mountable barrier — [to Rosmer, ivho nods gravely]- Beata ! I understood where your deliverance lay— and I acted, /drove Beata into the mill-race. . . . There ! Rosmer. [After a short silence]. H'm ! Well, Kroll — [takes u]) his hat] — if you're thinking of walking home, I'll go too. I'm going to be orthodox once more — after this ! Kroll. [Severely and impressively, to Rebecca.] A nice sort of young woman you are ! [Both go out hastily, with- out looking at Rebecca. 24 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Rebecca. [Speaks to herself, under her breath.] Now I have done it. I wonder ivhy. [Pulls bell-rope.'] Madam Helseth, I have just bad a glimpse of two rushing White Horses. Bring down my hair-trunk. [Enter Madam Helseth, with large hair- trunk, as Curtain Jails. ACT FOUR Late evening. Rebecca West stands by a lighted lamj>, with a shade over it, packing sandwiches, <£c, in a reticule, with a faint smile. The antimacassar is on the sofa. Enter Rosmer. ROSMER. [Seeing the sandwiches, &c!\ Sandwiches ? Then you are going ! Why, on earth — 1 ca^Ct understand ! Rebecca. Dear, you never can. Rosmei>holm is too much for me. But how did you get on with Kroll ? Rosmer. We have made it up. He has convinced me that the work of ennobling men was several sizes too large for me — so I am going to let it alone 20 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Rebecca. [ With her faint smile.] There I almost think, dear, that you are wise. Rosmer. [As if annoyed.] What, so you don't believe in me either, Rebecca — you never did ! [Sits listlessly on chair. Rebecca. Not much, dear, when you are left to yourself — but I've another confession to make Rosmer. What, another? I really can't stand any more confessions just now ! Rebecca. [Sitting close to him.] It is only a little one. I bullied Beata into the mill-race — because of a wild uncontrollable [Rosmer moves uneasily.] Sit still, dear — uncontrollable fancy — for you I ROSMERSHOLM 27 ROSMER. [Goes and sits on sofa.] Oh, my goodness, Rebecca — you mustn't, you know ! , [He jumps up and, down as if embarrassed. Rebecca. Don't be alarmed, dear, it is all over now. After living alone with you in solitude, when you showed me all your thoughts without reserve — little by little, somehow the fancy passed oft'. I caught the Rosmer view of life badly, and dulness descended on my soul as an extinguisher upon one of our Northern dips. The Rosmer view of life is ennobling, very — but hardly lively. And I've more yet to tell you. Rosmer. [Turning it of.] Isn't that enough for one evening ? Rebecca. [Almost voiceless.] No, dear. I have a Past — behind me ! zb MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN ROSMER. Behind you i Row strange. I had an idea of that sort already. [Starts, as ij in fear.] A joke ! [Sadly.] Ah, no — no, I must not give way to that! Never mind the Past, Rebecca ; 1 once thought that 1 had made the grand discovery that, if one is only virtuous, one will be happy. I see now it was too daring, too original — an immature dream. What bothers me is that I can't — somehow I can't — believe entirely in you — I am not even sure that I hare ennobled yon so very much — isn't it terrible ? Rebecca. [Wringing her hands.] Oh, this killing doubt ! [Looks darkly at him.] Is there anything /can do to convince you i ROSMEK. [As if impelled to speak against his will.] Yes, one thing — only I'm afraid you wouldn't see it in the same light. And yet I must mention it. It is like this. " Oh, my goodness, Rebecca — you mustn't, you know ! ROSMERSHOLM 31 I want to recover faith in my mission, in my power to ennoble human souls. And, as a logical thinker, this I cannot do now, unless — well, unless you jump into the mill-race, too, like Beata ! Eebecca. [Takes up her antimacassar, with composure, and puts it on her head.~\ Anything to oblige you. ROSMER. [Springs up.] What ? You really will ! You are sure you don't mind ? Then, Rebecca, I will go further. I will even go — yes — as far as you go yourself ! Rebecca. [Boivs her head towards his breast.] You will see me off? Thanks. Now you are indeed an lbsenite. [Smiles almost imperceptibly. ROSMER. [Cautiously.] I said as far as you go. I don't commit myself further than that. Shall we go ? 32 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSES Rebecca. First tell me this. Are you going with me, or am T going with you. ? RoSMElt. A subtle psychological point — but wo have not time to think it out here. We will discuss it as we go nlonsr. Come ! [Rosmer takes his hat and stick, Rebecca her reticule, with sa 1 1 ih riches. They go out hand-in-hand through the door, which they leave open. The room (as is not uncommon with rooms in Xorvay) is left empty. Then Madam IIeeseth enters through another door. Madam Helseth. The cab, Miss — not here ! [Looks out.] Out to- gether — at this time of night — upon my — not on the garden seat ? [Looks on >,t of window. 1 My goodness! what is that white thing on the bridge — the Horse at last ! [Shrieks aloud. "] And those two sinfid creatures running home ! ROSMERSHOLM 33 Enter Rosmer and Rebecca, out of breath. Rosmer. [Scarcely able to get the words out.] It's no use, Rebecca— we must put it off till another evening. We can't be expected to jump off a footbridge which already has a White Hoi'se on it. And if it comes to that, why should we jump at all ? I know now that I really have ennobled you, which was all / wanted. What would be the good of recovering faith in my mission at the bottom of a mill-pond ? No, Rebecca— [Lays his hand on her head] — there is no judge over us, and therefore Rebecca. [Interrupting gravely.] We will bind ourselves over in our own recognisances to come up for judgment when called upon. [Madam Helseth holds on to a chair-back. Rebecca finishes the antimacassar calmly as Curtain falls. NORA; OR, THE BIRD-CAGE (ET D1KKISVOET) NORA; OR, THE BIRD-CAGE (ET DIKKISVOET) ACT FIRST A room tastefully Jilled with cheap Art-furniture. Gimcracks in an etagere : a festoon of chenille monkeys homging from the gaselier. Japanese ferns, skeletons, cotton-wool spiders, frogs and lizards, scattered everywhere about. Drain-pipes with tall dyed grasses. A porcelain stove decorated with transferable pictures. Showily -bound books in book-case. Window. The Visitor's bell rings in the hall outside. The hall-door is heard to open, and then to shut. Presently Nora walks in with parcels; a porter carries a large Christmas- 38 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN tree after her — which he puts down. Nora yives hvm a shilling — and he goes out grumbling. Nora hums contentedly, and eats macaroons. Then Helmer puts his head out of his Manager's room, and Nora hides macaroons cautiously. Helmer. [Playfully.] Is that my little squirrel twittering— that my lark frisking in here ? Now A. Ess ! \To herself.] I have only been married eight years, so these marital amenities have not yet had time to pall ! Helmer. [Threatening with his finger.'] I hope the little bird has surely not been digging its beak into any macaroons, eh? Nora. ! Hotting one, and wiping her mouth.] No, most certainly not. [To herself.] The worst of being so NORA ; OR, THE BIRD-CAGE 39 babyish is — one does have to tell such a lot of tara- diddles ! [To Helmer.] See what 7've bought — it's been such fun ! [litems. Helmer. [Inspecting parcels.] H'm — rather an expensive little lark ! [Takes her playfully by the ear. Nora. Little birds like to have a flutter occasionally. Which reminds me— [Plays with his coat-bitttons.] I'm such a simple ickle sing — but if you are thinking of giving me a Christmas present, make it cash ! Helmer. Just like your poor father, he always asked me to make it cash — he never made any himself ! It's heredity, I suppose. Well — well ! [Goes back to his Bank. Nora (joes on humming. 40 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Enter Mas. Linden, doubtfully. Nora. What, Christina — why, how old you look! But then you are poor. I'm not. Torvald has just been made a Bank Manager. [Tidies the room.~\ Isn't it really wonderfully delicious to be well off? But of course, you wouldn't know. We were poor once, and, do you know, when Torvald was ill, I — [tossing her head] — though I am such a frivolous little squirrel, and all that, I actually borrowed ^300 for him to go abroad. Wasn't that clever ? Tra-la-la ! 1 shan't tell you ivho lent it. I didn't even tell Torvald. I am such a mere baby 1 don't tell him everything. I tell Dr. Bank, though. Oh, I'm so awfully happy I should like to shout, " Dash it all ! " l\[us. Linden. [Stroking her hair.] Do — it is a natural and innocent outburst — you are such a child ! But I am NORA; OR, THE BIRD-CAGE 41 a widow, and want employment. Do you think your husband could find me a place as clerk in his Bank i [Proudly..] I am an excellent knitter ! NORA. That would really be awfully funny. [To Helmer, icho enters.] Torvald, this is Christina ; she wants to be a clerk in your Bank — do let her ! She thinks such a lot of you. [To herself'.] Another taradiddle ! Helmer. She is a sensible woman, and deserves encourage- ment. Come along, Mrs. Linden, and we'll see what we can do for you. [lie goes out through the hall with 31j;s. Linden, and the front-door is heard to slam after them. Nora. [Opens door, and calls.] Now, Emmy, Ivar, and Bob, come in and have a romp with Mamma — we will play hide-and-seek. [She yets under the table, 42 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN smiling in quiet satisfaction ; Krogstad enters — Nora pounces out upon him.] Boo ! . . . Oh, I beg your pardon. I don't do this kind of thing generally — though I may be a little silly. Krogstad. [/'olitelg.] Don't mention it. I called because I happened to see your husband go out with Mrs. Linden — from which, being a person of considerable penetration, I infer that he is about to give her my post at the Bank. Now, as you owe me the balance of ^300, for which I hold your acknowledgment, you will see the propriety of putting a stop to this little game at once. Nora. But I don't at all — not a little wee bit ! I'm so childish, you know — why should I ( [Sitting upright on carpet. Krogstad. i will try to make it plain to the meanest capacity. When you came to me for the loan, I naturally Boo ! " NORA ; OR, THE BIRD-CAGE 45 required some additional security. Your father, being a shady Government official, without a penny — for, if he had possessed one, he would presumably have left it to you — -without a penny, then — I, as a cautious man of business, insisted upon having his signature as a surety. Oh, we Norwegians are sharp fellows ! Nora. Well, you got papa's signature, didn't you ? Krogstad. Oh, I got it right enough. Unfortunately, it was dated three days after his decease — now, how do you account for thai ? Nora. How? Why, as poor Papa was dead, and couldn't sign, I signed for him, that's all ! Only somehow I forgot to put the date back. That's how. Didn't I tell you I was a silly, unbusiness like little thing ? It's very simple. 46 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN KltOGSTAD. Very — but what you did amounts to forgery, not- withstanding. I happen to know, because I'm a lawyer, and have done a little in the forging way myself. 80, to come to the point — if / get kicked out, I shall not go alone ! \He botes, and ologet%cally^\ There shoxdd have been a luncheon- party in this act, with Dr. Relling and Molvik, who would have been in a state of comic " chippiness," after his excesses overnight. But, as it hadn't much to do with such plot as there is, we cut it out. It came cheaper. Here comes your father back from his walk with that lunatic, young Werle — you had better go and play with the "Wild Duck. [Hedvig goes. THE WILD DUCK 141 HlALMAR. [Coming in.'] I have been for a walk with Gregers ; he meant well — but it was tiring. Gina, he has told me that, fifteen years ago, before I married you, you were rather a Wild Duck, so to speak. [Severely.] Why haven't you been writhing in penitence and remorse all these years, eh ? Gina. [Sensibly.] Why ? Because I have had other things to do. You wouldn't take any photographs, so I had to. HlALMAR. All the same — it was a swamp of deceit. And where am I to find elasticity of spirit to bring out my grand invention now ? I used to shut myself up in the parlour, and ponder and cry, when I thought that the effort of inventing anything would sap my vitality. [Pathetically .] I did want to leave you an inventor's widow ; but I never shall now, particularly i 4 2 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN as I haven't made up my mind what to invent yet. Yes, it's all over. Rabbits are trash, and even poultry palls. And I'll wring that cursed Wild Duck's neck ! Gregers. [Coming in beaming.]. Well, so you've got it over. Wasn't it soothing and ennobling, eh ? and ain't you both obliged to me ? Gina. No ; it's my opinion you'd better have minded your own business. [Weeps. Gregers. [In great surprise.] Bless me ! Pardon my Nor- wegian naivete, but this ought really to be quite a new starting-point. Why, I confidently expected to have found you both beaming ! — Mrs. Ekdal, being so illiterate, may take some little time to see it — but you, Hialmar, with your deep mind, surely you feel a new consecration, eh ? THE WILD DUCK 143 HlALMAR. [Dubiously.] Oh — er — yes. I suppose so — in a sort of way. [Hedvig runs in, overjoyed. Hedvig. Fathei', only see what Mrs. Sorby has given me for a birthday present — a beautiful deed of gift ! [Shows it. HlALMAR. [Eluding her.] Ha ! Mrs. Sorby, the family house- keeper. M^ — father ^ sight failing ! Hedvig in goggles ! What vistas of heredity these astonishing coincidences open up ! / am not short-sighted, at all events, and I see it all — all ! This is my answer. [He takes the deed, and tears it across.] Now I have nothing more to do in this house. [Puts on over- coat.] My home has fallen in ruins about me. [Bursts into tears^] My hat ! Gregers. Oh, but you mustn't go. You must be all three dM h/e*Xe 4 i 4 4 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN together, to attain the true frame of mind for self- sacrificing forgiveness, you know ! H.IALMAR. Self-sacrificing forgiveness be blowed ! [He tears himself array, and goes out. Hedvig. [With despairing ei/es.] Oh, he said it might be blowed ! Now he'll never come home any more ! Gregers. Shall I tell you how to regain your father's con- fidence, and bring him home surely? Sacrifice the Wild Duck. Hedvig. Do you think that will do any good ? Gregers. You just try it ! Curtain. ACT FOURTH Same Scene. Gregers enters, and finds Gina retouching photographs. Gregers. [Pleasantly.] Hialmar not come in yet, after last night, I suppose? Gina. Not he ! He's been out on the loose all night with Eelling and Molvik. Now he's snoring on their sofa. Gregers. \Disappointed?\ Dear ! — dear ! — when he ought to be yearning to wrestle in solitude and self-examina- tion ! K 146 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Gin a. [Rudely.] Self-examine your grandmother ! [She goes out ; Hedvig comes in. Gregers. [To Hedvig.] Ah, I see you haven't found courage to settle the Wild Duck yet ! Hedvig. No — it seemed such a delightful idea at first. Now it strikes me as a trifle — well, Ibsenish. Gregers. [Reprovingly.] I thought you hadn't grown up quite unharmed in this house ! But if you really had the true, joyous spirit of self-sacrifice, you'd have a shot at that "Wild Duck, if you died for it ! Hedvig. [Slowly.] I see ; you mean that my constitution's changing, and I ought to behave as such ? THE WILD DUCK i 47 Gregers. Exactly, I'm what Americans would term a " crank " — but I believe in you, Hedvig. [Hedvig takes down the jnstol from the 'mantelpiece, and (joes into the garret with flashing eyes ; Gina comes in. Hialmar. [Looking in at door with hesitation ; he is unwashed and dishevelled.] Has anybody happened to see my hat? Gina. Gracious, what a sight you are ! Sit done and have some breakfast, do. [She brings it. Hialmar. [Indignantly.] What ! touch food under this roof ? Never ! [Helps himself to bread-and-butter and coffee. .] Go and pack up my scientific uncut books, my manu- scripts, and all the best rabbits, in my portmanteau. I am going away for ever. On second thoughts, I 148 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN shall stay in the spare room for another day or two — it won't be the same as living with you ! [He takes some salt meat. Grbgers. Must you go ? Just when you've got nice firm ground to build upon — -thanks to me ! Then there's your great invention, too. HlALMAR. Everything's invented already. And I only cared about my invention because, although it doesn't exist yet, I thought Hedvig believed in it, with all the strength of her sweet little shortsighted eyes ! But now I don't believe in Hedvig ! [He pours himself out another cup of coffee. Gregers. [Earnestly.] But, Hialmar, if I can prove to you that she is ready to sacrifice her cherished Wild Duck ? See ! [He pushes back sliding-door, and discovers Hedvig aim in;/ at the "Wild Duck with the butt-end of the pistol. Tableau. THE WILD DUCK I49 UlNA. [Excitedly. "\ But don't you see? It's the pigstol — that fatal Norwegian weapon which, in Ibsenian dramas, never shoots straight ! And she has got it by the wrong end too. She will shoot herself ! Gregers. [Quietly. .] She will ! Let the child make amends. It will be a most realistic and impressive finale ! CtINA. No, no — put down the pigstol, Hedvig. Do you hear, child ? Hedvig. [Still aiming.] I hear — but I shan't unless father tells me to. Gregers. llialmar, show the great soul I always said you had. This sorrow will set free what is noble in you. Don't spoil a fine situation. Be a man ! Let the child shoot herself ! 150 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN HlALMAR. [Irresohttelt/.] Well, really, I don't know. There's a good deal in what Gregers says. H'm ! Gina. A good deal of tomfool rubbish! I'm illiterate, I. know. I've been a Wild Duck in my time, and I waddle. But for all that, I'm the only person in the play with a grain of common-sense. And I'm sure — whatever Mr. Ibsen or Gregers choose to say — that a screaming burlesque like this ought not to end like a tragedy — even in this queer Norway of ours ! And it shan't, either ! Tell the child to put that nasty pigstol down, and come away — do ! HlALMAR. [Yielding.] Ah, well, I am a farcical character myself, after all. Don't touch a hair of that duck's head, Hedvig. Come to my arms and all shall be forgiven ! [Hedvig throws down the pistol — which goes off' and kills a rabbit — and rushes into her Put that nasty pigstol down ! THE WILD DUCK 15 Jatker's arms. Old Ekdal comes out of a corner with a foul on each shoulder, and bursts into tears. Affecting family picture. Gregers. [Annoyed.] It's all very pretty, I daresay — but it's not Ibsen ! My real mission is to be the thirteenth at table. I don't know what I mean — but I fly to fulfil it ! [He yoes. Hialmar. And now we've got rid of him, Hedvig, fetch me the deed of gift I tore up, and a slip of paper, and a penny bottle of gum, and we'll soon make a valid instrument of it again. [He ]xt>stes the torn deed together as the Curtain slowly descends. PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL [Prefatory Note. — The original title — Mester-PjU-drogster Herded — would sound a trifle too uncouth to the Philistine ear, and is therefore modified as above, although the term " drogster," strictly speaking, denotes a practitioner who has not received a regular diploma]. ACT FIRST .4?? elegantly furnished drawing-room at Dr. Herdal's. In front, on the left, a console-table, on which is a large round bottle full of coloured, water. On the right a stove, with a banner-screen made out of a richly-embroidered chest-protector. On the stove, a stethoscope and, a small galvanic battery. In one corner, a hat and, umbrella stand, : in another, a 158 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN desk, at which stands Senna Blakdraf, making out the quarterly accounts. Through a glass-door at the back is seen the Dispensary, where Rvbub Kalomel is seated, occupied in rolling a pill. Both go on working in perfect silence for four minutes and a half. Dr. Haustus Herdal. [Enters through hall-door ; he is elderly, with a 'plain sensible countenance, but slightly weak hair and expression.] Come here Miss Blakdraf. \Hangs up hat, and throios his mackintosh on a divan.] Have you made out all those bills yet ? [Looks sternly at her. Senna. [In a low hesitating voice.] Almost. I have charged each patient with three attendances daily. Even when you only dropped in for a cup of tea and a chat. [Passionately.] I felt I must — I must/ PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 159 Dr. Herdal. [Alters his tone, clasps her head in his hands, and whispers^] I wish you could make out the bills for me, always. Senna. [In nervous exaltation.] How lovely that would be ! Oh, you are so unspeakably good to me ! It is too enthralling to be here ! [Sinks down and embraces his knees. Dr. Herdal. So I've understood. [With suppressed irritation.'] For goodness' sake, let go my legs ! I do wish you wouldn't be so confoundedly neurotic ! Rt BUB. [Has risen, and comes in through glass-door, breathing with difficulty ; he is a prematurely bald young man of fifty -five, ivith a harelip, and squints slightly.] I beg pardon, Dr. Herdal, I see I interrupt 160 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN you. [.4s Senxa rises.] I have just completed this pill. Have you looked at it ? [He offers it for i aspect ion, diffidently. Dr. Hebdal. [Evasively.] It appears to be a pill of the usual dimensions. Rubub. [Cast down.] All these years you have never given me one encouraging word ! Can't you praise my pill? Dr. Herdal. [Struggles with himselj.] I — I cannot. You should not attempt to compound pills on your own account. RfrBUB. [Breathing laboriously.] And yet there was a time when you, too Dr. Herdal. [Comjjlacently.] Yes, it was certainly a pill that came as a lucky stepping-stone — but not a pill like that ! "% "For goodness' sake, let go my legs! PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L 163 RtJBUB. [Vehemently] Listen! Is that your last word? Is my aged mother to pass out of this world without ever knowing whether I am competent to construct -an effective pill or not ? Dr. Herdal. [As if in desperation.'] You had better try it upon your mother— it will enable her to form an opinion. Only mind — I will not be responsible for the result. RtJBUB. I understand. Exactly as you tried your pill, all those years ago, upon Dr. Ryval. [He bows and goes out. Dr. Herdal. [Uneasily.'] He said that so strangely, Senna. But tell me now — when are you going to marry him ? 164 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Senna. [Starts — half glancing up at him.] I — I don't know. This year — next year— now — never f I can- not marry him ... I cannot — I cannot — it is so utterly impossible to leave you ! Dr. Herdal. Yes, I can understand that. But, my poor Senna,, hadn't you better take a little walk ? Senna. [Clasp>s her hands gratefully .] How sweet and thoughtful you are to me ! I will take a walk. Dr. Herdal. [With a suppressed smile.'] Do! And — h'm ! — you needn't trouble to come back. I have advertised for a male book-keeper — they are less emotional. Good- night, my little Senna ! PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L 165 Senna. [Softly and quivermgly.] Good-night, Dr. Herdal ! [Staggers out of hall-door, blowing kisses. Mrs. Herdal. [Enters through the window, plaintively.] Quite an acquisition for you, Haustus, this Miss Blakdraf ! Dr. Herdal. She's — h'm — extremely civil and obliging. But I am parting with her, Aline — mainly on your account. Mrs. Herdal. [Evades him.'] Was it on my account, indeed, Haustus ? You have parted with so many young persons on my account — so you tell me ! Dr. Herdal. [Depressed.] Oh, but this is hopeless ! When I have tried so hard to bring a ray of sunlight into your desolate life! I must give Riibub Kalomel notice too — his pill is really too preposterous ! 166 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mrs. Herdal. [Feels gropingly for a chair, and sits dovm on the floor.~\ Him, too ! Ah, Haustus, you will never make my home a real home for me. My poor first husband, Halvard Solness, tried — and he couldn't ! When one has had such misfortunes as I have — all the family portraits burnt, and the silk dresses, too, and a pair of twins, and nine lovely dolls. [Chokes with tears. Dr. Herdal. [As if to lead her away from the subject.] Yes, yes r yes, that must have been a heavy blow for you, my poor Aline. I can understand that your spirits can never be really high again. And then for poor Master Builder Solness to be so taken up with that Miss Wangel as he was — that, too, was so wretched for you. To see him topple off the tower, as he did that day ten years ago PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 167 Mrs. Herdal. Yes, that too, Haustus. But I did not mind it so much — it all seemed so perfectly natural in both of them. Dr. Herdal. Natural ! For a girl of twenty three to taunt a middle-aged architect, whom she knew to be con- stitutionally liable to giddiness, never to let him have any peace till he had climbed a spire as dizzy as himself — and all for the fun of seeing him fall oft* — how in the world ! Mrs. Herdal. [Laying the table for supper with dried fish and punch.] The younger generation have a keener sense of humour than we elder ones, Haustus, and perhaps after all, she was only a perplexing sort of allegory. Dr. Herdal. Yes, that would explain her to some extent, no doubt. ■ But how he could be such an old fool ! 1 68 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mrs. Herdal. That Miss Wangel was a strangely fascinating type of girl. Why, even I myself Dr. Herdal. [Sits down and lakes some fish.~\ Fascinating ? Well, goodness knows, I couldn't see that at all. [Seriously.] Has it never struck you, Aline, that elderly Norwegians are so deucedly impressionable- mere bundles of overstrained nerves, hypersensitive ganglia. Except, of course, the Medical Profession. Mrs. Herdal. Yes, of course ; those in that profession are not so inclined to gangle. And when one has succeeded by such a stroke of luck as you have Dr. Herdal. [Drinks a glass of punch.] You're right enough there. If I had not been called in to prescribe for Dr. Ryval, who used to have the leading practice PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 169 here, I should never have stepped so wonderfully into his shoes as I did. [Changes to a tone of quiet chuck- ling merriment.] Let me tell you a funny story, Aline ; it sounds a ludicrous thing — but all my good fortune here was based upon a simple little pill. For if Dr. Ryval had never taken it Mrs. Herdal. [Anxiously .~\ Then you do think it was the pill that caused him to ? Dr. Herdal. On the contrary ; I am perfectly sure the pill had nothing whatever to do with it — the inquest made it quite clear that it was really the liniment. But don't you see, Aline, what tortures me night and day is the thought that it might unconsciously have been the pill which Never to be free from that ! To have such a thought gnawing and burning always — always, like a moral mustard plaster ! [He takes more punch. 170 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mrs. Herdal. Yes j I suppose there is a poultice of that sort burning on every breast — and we must never take it off either— it is our simple duty to keep it on. I too, Haustus, am haunted by a fancy that if this Miss Wangel were to ring at our bell now Dr. Herdal. After she has been lost sight of for ten years ? She is safe enough in some sanatorium, depend upon it. And what if she did come ? Do you think, my dear good woman, that I — a sensible clear-headed general practitioner, who have found out all I know for myself — would let her play the deuce with me as she did with poor Halvard ? No, general practitioners don't do such things — even in Norway ! Mrs. Herdal. Don't they indeed, Haustus ? [The surgery-bell rings loxtdhj?^ Did you hear that ? There she is ! I will go and put on my best cap. It is my duty to show her that small attention. PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L 171 Dr. Herdal. [Laughing nervously.] Why, what on earth ! • It's the night-bell. It is most probably the new book-keeper! [Mrs. Herdal goes out; Dr. Herdal rises with difficulty, and opens the door.] Goodness gracious ! — it is that girl, after all ! [Hilda Wangel enters through the dispensary door. She wears a divided skirt, thick boots, and a Tain 0' Shanter with an eagles wing in it. Somewhat freckled. Carries a green tin cylinder slung round her, and a rug in a strap. Goes straight up to Herdal, her eyes sparkling with happiness.] How are you ? I've run you down, you see ! The ten years are up. Isn't it scru captiously thrilling, to see me like this? Dr. Herdal. [Politely retreating.] It is — very much so — but still I don't in the least understand 172 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Hilda. [Measures him ivith a glance .] Ob, you will. I have come to be of use to you. I've no luggage, and no money. Not tbat that makes any difference. I never have. And I've been allured and attracted here. You surely know bow tbese tbings come about ? [Throics her arms round him. Dr. Herdal. What the deuce ! Miss Wangel, you mustn't. I'm a married man ! There's my wife ! Mrs. Herdal enters. Hilda. As if that mattered — it's only dear, sweet Mrs. Solness. She doesn't mind — do you, dear Mrs. Sol- ness? Mrs. Herdal. It does not seem to be of much use minding, Miss Wangel. I presume you have come to stay ? FILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 173 Hilda. [In amused surprise.] Why, of course — what else should I come for ? I always come to stay, until — h'm ! [Nods slowly, and sits down at table. Dr. Herdal. [Involuntarily.] She's drinking my punch ! If she thinks I'm going to stand this sort of thing, she's mistaken. I'll soon show her a pill-doctor is a very different kind of person from a mere Master Builder ! [Hilda finishes the punch with an indefin- able expression in her eyes, and Dr. Herdal looks on gloomily as the Curtain falls. ACT SECOND Dr. Herdal's drawing-room and dispensary, as before. It is early in the day. Dr. Herdal sits by the little table, taking his own temperature with a clinical thermometer. By the door stands the New Book-keeper; he wears blue spectacles and a, dis- coloured white tie, and seems slightly nervous. Dr. Herdal. Well, now you understand what is necessary. My late book-keeper, Miss Blakdraf, used to keep my accounts very cleverly — she charged every visit twice over. PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 175 The New Book-keeper. I am familiar with book-keeping by double entry. I was once employed at a bank. Dr. Herdal. I am discharging my assistant, too ; he was always trying to push me out with his pills. Perhaps you will be able to dispense ? The New Book-keeper. [Modestly.'] With an additional salary, I should be able to do that too. Dr. Herdal. Capital ! You shall dispense with an additional salary. Go into the dispensary, and see what you can make of it. You may mistake a few drugs at first — but everything must have a beginning. [As the New Book-keeper retires, Mrs. Herdal enters in a hat and cloak with a watering-pot, noiselessly . 176 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mrs. Herdal. Miss Wangel got up early, before breakfast, and went for a walk. She is so wonderfully vivacious ! Dr. Herdal. So I should say. But tell me, Aline, is she really going to stay with us here ? [Nervously. Mrs. Herdal. [Looks at him.] So she tells me. And, as she has brought nothing with her except a tooth-brush and a powder-puff, I am going into the town to get her a few articles. We nmst make her feel at home. Dr. Herdal. [Breaking out.] I will make her not only feel but be at home, wherever that is, this very day ! I will not have a perambulating Allegory without a portmanteau here on an indefinite visit. I say, she shall go — do you hear, Aline ? Miss "Wangel will go ! [It nps with his fist on table. PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 177 Mrs. Herdal. [Quietly. ~\ If you say so, Haustus, no doubt she will have to go. But you must tell her so yourself. [Puts the watering-pot on the console table, and (joes out, as Hilda enters, sparkling with pleasure. Hilda. [Goes up straight to him.] Good morning, Dr. Herdal. I have just seen a pig killed. It was ripping — I mean, gloriously thrilling ! And your wife has taken a tremendous fancy to me. Fancy that ! Dr. Herdal. [Gloomily.'] It is eccentric certainly. But my poor dear wife was always a little Hilda. [Nods her head slowly several times.] So you have noticed that too ? I have had a long talk with her. She can't get over your discharging Mr. Kalomel — he is the only man who ever really understood her. M 178 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Dr. Herdal. If I could only pay her oft' a little bit of the huge, immeasurable debt I owe her — but I can't ! Hilda. [Looks hard at him.] Can't I help you ? I helped Ragnar Brovik. Didn't you know I stayed with him and poor little Kaia — after that accident to my Master Builder ? I did. I made Ragnar build me the loveliest castle in the air — lovelier, even, than poor Mr. Solness's would have been — and we stood together on the very top. The steps were rather too much for Kaia. Besides, there was no room for her on top. And he put towering spires on all his semi- detached villas. Only, somehow, they didn't let. Then the castle in the air tumbled down, and Ragnar went into liquidation, and I continued my walking- tour. Dr. Herdal. [Interested against his icill.] And where did you go after that, may I ask, Miss Wangel ? PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 179 Hilda. Oh, ever so far north. There I met Mr. and Mrs. Tesman — the second Mrs. Tesman — she who was Mrs. Elvsted, with the irritating hair, you know. They were on their honeymoon, and had just decided that it was impossible to reconstruct poor Mr. Lovborg's great book out of Mrs. Elvsted's rough notes. But I insisted on George's attempting the impossible — with Me. And what do you think Mrs. Tesman wears in her hair now ? Dr. Herdal. Why, really I could not say. Vine-leaves, perhaps. Hilda. Wrong — straws ! Poor Tesman didn't fancy that — so he shot himself, w?i-beautifully, through his ticket- pocket. And I went on and took Kosmersholm for the summer. There had been misfortune in the house, so it was to let. Dear good old Rector Kroll acted as my reference ; his wife and children had no 180 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN sympathy with his views, so I used to see him every day. And I persuaded him, too, to attempt the impossible — he had never ridden anything but a rocking-horse in his life, but I made him promise to mount the "White Horse of Rosmersholm. He didn't get over that. They found his body, a fortnight afterwards, in the mill-dam. Thrilling ! Dr. Herdal. [Shakes his finger at her.] What a girl you are, Miss Wangel ! But you mustn't play these games here, you know. Hilda. [Laughs to herself.'] Of course not. But I suppose I am a strange sort of bird. Dr. Herdal. You are like a strong tonic. When I look at you I seem to be regarding an effervescing saline draught. Still, I really must decline to take you. PILL-DOCTOR HERBAL 181 Hilda. [A little sulky.] That is not how you spoke ten years ago, up at the mountain station, when you were such a flirt ! Dr. Herdal. Was I a flirt ? Deuce take me if I remember. But L am not like that now. Hilda. Then you have really forgotten how you sat next to me at the table d'hote, and made pills and swallowed them, and were so splendid and buoyant and free that all the old women who knitted left next day ? Dr. Herdal. What a memory you have for trifles, Miss Wangel ; it's quite wonderful ! i82 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Hilda. Trifles ! There was no trifling od your part. When you promised to come back in ten years, like a troll, and fetch me ! Dr. Herdal. Did I say all that ? It must have been ajter table d'hote ! Hilda. It was. I was a mere chit then — only twenty- three ; but / remember. And now / have come for you. Dr. Herdal. Dear, dear ! But there is nothing of the troll about me now I have married Mrs. Solness. Hilda. [Lookuuj sharply at him.] Yes, I remember you were always dropping in to tea in those days. PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 183 Dr. Herdal. [Seems hurt.] Every visit was duly put down in the ledger and charged for — as poor little Senna will tell you. Hilda. Little Senna ? Oh, Dr. Herdal, I believe there is a bit of the troll left in you still ! Dr. Herdal. [Laughs a little.] No, no ; my conscience is perfectly robust — always was. Hilda. Are you quite quite sure that, when you went indoors with dear Mrs. Solness that afternoon, and left me alone with my Master Builder, you did not foresee — perhaps wish — intend, even a little, that H'm? Dr. Herdal. That you would talk the poor man into clambering up that tower ? You want to drag Me into that business now ! 184 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Hilda. [Teasing I i/.] Yes, I certainly think that then you went on exactly like a troll. Dr. Herdal. [With uncontrollable emotion.] Hilda, there is not a corner of me safe from you ! Yes, I see now that must have been the way of it. Then I was a troll in that, too ! But isn't it terrible the price I have had to pay for it ? To have a wife who No, I shall never roll a pill again — never, never ! Hilda. [Lays her head on the stove, and answers as if half asleep.] No more pills ? Poor Doctor Herdal ! Dr. Herdal. [Bitterly.] No — nothing but cosy commonplace grey powders for a whole troop of children. Hilda. [Lively again.] Not grey powders! [Quite seriously.] I will tell you what you shall make next. Beautiful "Beautiful rainbow-coloured powders that will give one a real grip on the world!" PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 1S7 rainbow-coloured powders that will give one a real grip on the world. Powders to make every one free and buoyant, and ready to grasp at one's own happi- ness, to dare what one would. I will have you make them. I will — I will ! Dr. Herdal. H'm ! I am not quite sure that I clearly under- stand. And then the ingredients- ? Hilda. What stupid people all of you pill-doctors are, to be sure ! Why, they will be poisons, of course ! Dr. Herdal. Poisons ? Why in the world should they be that ? Hilda. [Without answering him.] All the thrillingest, deadliest poisons — it is only such things that are wholesome, nowadays. iSS MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Dr. Herdal. [As if caught by her enthusiasm.] And I could colour them, too, by exposing them to rays cast through a prism. Oh, Hilda, how I have needed you all these years ! For, you see, with her it was impossible to discuss such things. [Embraces her. Mrs. Herdal. [Enters noiselessly through hall-door.] I suppose, Haustus, you are persuading Miss Wangel to start by the afternoon steamer ? I have bought her a pair of curling-tongs, and a packet of hair-pins. The larger parcels are coming on presently. Dr. Herdal. [Uneasily.] H'm ! Hilda — Miss Wangel I should say — is kindly going to stay on a little longer, to assist me in some scientific experiments. You wouldn't understand them if I told you. PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L m 9 Mrs. Herdal. Shouldn't I, Haustus ? I daresay not. [The New Book-keeper looks through the glass door of dispensary. Hilda. [Starts violently and points — then in a whisper. ,] Who is that ? Dr. Herdal. Only the new Book-keeper and Assistant — a very intelligent person. Hilda. [Looks straight in front of her with a far-away ex- pression, and ivhispers to herself] I thought at first it was .... But no — that would be too frightfully thrilling ! Dr. Herdal. [To himself] I'm turning into a regular old troll i 9 o MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN now — but I can't help myself. After all, I am only an elderly Norwegian. We are made like that . . . . Rainbow powders — real rainbow powders ! With Hilda ! .... Oh, to have the joy of life once more ! [Takes his temperature again as Curtain falls. ACT THIRD [On the right, a smart verandah, attached to Dr. Herdal's dwelling-house, and communicating with the drawing-room and dispensary by glass doors. On the left a tumble-down rockery, with a headless plaster Mercury. In front, a lawn, with a large silvered glass globe on a stand. Chairs and tables. All the furniture is of gal- vanised iron. A sunset is seen going on among the trees. Dr. Herdal. [Comes out of dispensary -door cautiously, and whispers.] Hilda, are you in there ? [Taps with fingers on drawing-room door. 192 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Hilda. [Comes out loith a half-teasing smile.] Well — and how is the rainbow-powder getting on, Dr. Herdal ? Dr. Herdal. [TF^A enthusiasm.] It is getting on simply splen- didly. I sent the new assistant out to take a little walk, so that he should not be in the way. There is arsenic in the powder, Hilda, and digitalis too, and strychnine, and the best beetle-killer ! Hilda. [IFi^A happy, toondering eyes.] Lots of beetle- killer And you will give some of it to her, to make her free and buoyant. I think one really has the right — when people happen to stand in the way ! Dr. Herdal. Yes, you may well say so, Hilda. Still — [dubiously] — it does occur to me that such doings may perhaps be misunderstood — by the narrow-minded and conven- tional. [They go on the lawn, and sit down. PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 193 Hilda. [With an outburst.] Oh, that all seems to me so foolish — so irrelevant ! As if the whole thing wasn't intended as an allegory ! Dr. Herdal. [Believed.] Ah, so long as it is merely allegorical, of course But what is it an allegory of, Hilda ? Hilda. [Reflects in vain.] How can you sit there and ask such questions ? I suppose I am a symbol — of some sort. Dr. Herdal. [As a thought flashes upon him.] A cymbal ? That would certainly account for your bra Then, am / a cymbal too, Hilda ? Hilda. "Why yes — what else ? You represent the artist- worker, or the elder generation, or the pursuit of N 194 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN the ideal, or a bilious conscience — or something or other. You've all right ! Dr. Herdal. [Shakes his head.] Am I ? But I don't quite see Well, well, cymbals are meant to clash a little. And I see plainly now that I ought to prescribe this powder for as many as possible. Isn't it terrible, Hilda, that so many poor souls never really die their own deaths — pass out of the world without even the formality of an inquest ? As the district Coroner. I feel strongly on the subject. Hilda. And, when the Coroner has finished sitting on all the bodies, perhaps — but I shan't tell you now. [Speaks as if to a child.] There, run away and finish making the rainbow-powder, do ! Dr. Herdal. [Skips up into the dispensary.] I will — I will ! Oh, 1 do feel such a troll — such a light-haired, light- headed old devil ! PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 195 Rt T BUB. [Enters garden-gate.] I have had my dismissal — but I'm not going without saying good-bye to Mrs. Herdal. Hilda. Dr. Herdal would disapprove — you really must not, Mr. Kalomel. And, besides, Mrs. Herdal is not at home. She is in the town buying me a reel of cotton. Dr. Herdal is in. He is making real rain- bow powders for regenerating everybody all round. Won't that be fun ? Rubub. Making powders ? Ha ! ha ! But you will see he won't take one himself. It is quite notorious to us younger men that lie simply daren't do it. Hilda. [With a little snort of contempt^ Oh, I daresay — that's so likely ! [Defiantly.] I know he can, though. I've seen him ! 196 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN RtJBUB. There is a tradition that he once — but not now — he knows better. I think you said Mrs. Herdal was in the town ? I will go and look for her. I understand her so well. [Goes out by gate. Hilda. [Calls.] Dr. Herdal ! Come out this minute. I want you — awfully ! Dr. Herdal. [Puts his head out.] Just when I am making such wonderful progress with the powder. [Comes down and leans on a table.] Have you hit upon some way of giving it to Aline ? I thought if 3'ou were to put it in her arrowroot ? Hilda. No, thanks. I won't have that now. I have just recollected that it is a rule of mine never to injure anybody I have once been formally introduced to. PILL-DOCTOR HERDAL 197 Strangers don't count. No, poor Mrs. Herdal mustn't take that powder ! Dr. Herdal. [Disappointed.'] Then is nothing to come of making rainbow powders, after all, Hilda ? Hilda. [Looks hard at him.] People say you are afraid to take your own physic. Is that true ? Dr. Herdal. Yes, I am. [After a pause — with cawlour.] I find it invariably disagrees with me. Hilda. [With a half-dubious smile.] I think I can under- stand that. But you did once. You swallowed your own pills that day at the table d'hote, ten years ago. And I heard a harp in the air, too ! Dr. Herdal. [Open-mouthed.] I don't think that could have been me. T don't play any instrument. And that was 19S MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN quite a special thing, tou. It's not every day I can do it. Those were only bread pills, Hilda. Hilda. [With flashing eyes.] But you rolled them, you took them. And I want to see you stand once more free and high and great, swallowing your own pre- parations. [Passionately.] I will have you do it ! [Imploringly.] Just once more, Dr. Herdal ! Dr. Herdal. If I did, Hilda, my medical knowledge, slight as it is, leads me to the conclusion that I should in all probability burst. Hilda. [Looks deeply into his eyes.] So long as you burst beautifully ! But no doubt that Miss Blakdraf Dr. Herdal. You must believe in me utterly and entirely. I will do anything — anything, Hilda, to provide you PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L 199 with agreeable entertainment. I will swallow my own powder ! [To himself, as he goes gravely up to dispensary. \ If only the drugs are sufficiently adulterated ! [Goes in; as he does so, the New Assistant enters the garden in blue spectacles, unseen by Hilda, and follows him, leaving open the glass door. Senna. [Gomes wildly out of drawing-room.] Where is dear Dr. Herdal ? Oh, Miss Wangel, he has discharged me — but I can't — I simply can't live away from that lovely ledger. Hilda. [Jubilantly.] At this moment Dr. Herbal is in the dispensary, taking one of his own powders. Senna. [Des2xtiringly.~\ But — but it is utterly impossible! Miss Wangel, you have such a firm hold of him — don't let him do that ! 200 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Hilda. I have already done all I can. [Rubub appears, talking confidentially with Mrs. Herdal, at gate. Senna. Oh, Mrs. Herdal, Rtibub ! The Pill-Doctor is going to take one of his own prepai^ations. Save him — quick ! RtTBUB. [With cold politeness.'] I am sorry to hear it — for his sake. But it would be quite contrary to pro- fessional etiquette to prevent him. Mrs. Herdal. And I never interfere with my husband's proceed- ings. I know my duty. Miss Blakdraf, if others don't ! Hilda. \Exulting with great intensity.] At last! Now I see him in there, great and free again, mixing the PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L 201 powder in a spoon — with jam! .... Now he raises the spoon. Higher — higher still ! [A gulp is audible from within.] There, didn't you hear a harp in the air? [Quietly.] I can't see the spoon any more. But there is one he is striving with, in blue spec- tacles ! The New Assistant's Voice. [Within.] The Pill-Doctor Herdal has taken his own powder ! Hilda. [As if petrified.] That voice ! Where have I heard it before ? No matter — he has got the powder down ! [Waves a shawl in the air, and shrieks with wild jubilation.] It's too awfully thrilling ! My — my Pill- Doctor ! The New Assistant. [Comes out on verandah.] I am happy to inform you that — as, to avoid accidents, 1 took the simple precaution of rilling all the dispensary-jars with camphorated chalk- — no serious results may be anti- 202 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN cipated from Dr. Herdal's rashness. [Removes spec- tacles.] Nora, don't you know me ? Hilda. [Reflects.] I really don't remember having the pleasure And I'm sure I heard a harp in the air ! Mrs. Herdal. I fancy, Miss Wangel, it must have been merely a bee in your bonnet The New Assistant. [Tenderly.'] Still the same little singing-bird ! Oh, Nora, my long-lost lark ! Hilda. [Sulkily.] I'm not a lark — I'm a bird of prey — and when I get my claws into anything ! The New Assistant. Macaroons, for instance 1 I remember your tastes of old. See, Nora ! [Produces a paper-bag jrom his coat-tail pocket?] They were fresh this morning! " My, my Pill-doctor ! PILL DOCTOR HERDAL 205 Hilda. [Waverixr/.] If you insist on- calling me Nora, I think you must be just a little mad yourself. The New Assistant. We are all a little mad — in Norway. But Torvald Helmer is sane enough still to recognise his own little squirrel again ! Surely, Nora, your education is complete at last — you have gained the experience you needed ? Hilda. [Mods slowly.] Yes, Torvald, you're right enough there. I have thought things out for myself, and have got clear about them. And I have quite made up my mind that Society and the Law are all wrong, and that I am right. Helmer. [Overjoyed.] Then you have learnt the Great Lesson, and are fit to undertake the charge of your 206 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN children's education at last ! You've no notion how they've grown ! Yes, Nora, our marriage will be a true marriage now. You will come back to the Dolls' House, won't you ? Hilda-Nora-Helmer-Wangel. [Hesitates.] Will you let me forge cheques if I do, Torvald ? Helmer. [Ardently.] All day. And at night, Nora, we will falsify the accounts — together ! Hjlda-Nora-Helmer-\V angel. [Throws herself into his arms, and helps herself to 'macaroons.] That will be fearfully thrilling ! My — my Manager ! Dr. Herdal. [Comes out very pale, from dispensary.] Hilda I did take the I'm afraid I interrupt you ? Helmer. Not in the least. But this lady is my little lark, PILL-DOCTOR HERD A L 207 and she is going back to her cage by the next steamer. Dr. Herdal. [Bitterly.'] Am I never to have a gleam of hap- piness? But stay — do I see my little Senna once more ? Rubub. Pardon me — my little Senna. She always believed so firmly in my pill ! Dr. Herdal. Well — well. If it must be. Riibub, I will take you into partnership, and we will take out a patent for that pill, jointly. Aline, my poor dear Aline, let us try once more if we cannot bring a ray of bright- ness into our cheerless home ! Mrs. Herdal. Oh, Haustus, if only we could — but why do you propose that to me — now 2 208 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Dr. Herdal. [Softly — to himself.] Because I have tried being a troll — and found that nothing came of it, and it wasn't worth sixpence ! [Hilda-Nora goes off to the right with Helmer ; Senna to the left with Rubub ; Dr. Herdal and Mrs. Herdal sit on two of the galvanised-iron chairs, and shake their heads disconsolately as the Curtain falls. LITTLE MOPSEMAN PERSONS Alpeed Feuyseck {Man of Letters). Mrs. Speeta Feuyseck (his wife). Little Mopseman (their Pudeldachs, six years and nine months old). Mopsa Beovik (alittle less than kin to Alpeed). Sanitary Engineer Blochdeahn. The Vaemint-Blsk. LITTLE MOPSEMAN [Translator's Note.— The word "blok," like the analogous Norwegian " geyser," implies merely an individual — not necessarily a shady one. Cf. Elen and Chevalier, imssim.] THE FIRST ACT A richly upholstered garden-room, full of art-pots and other furniture. Mrs. Spreta Frtjyseck stands beside the table, U7ipacking the traditional bag. Shortly after, Miss Mopsa Brovik enters by the door ; she carries a pink parasol and a rather portly portfolio with a patent lock. Mopsa. [As she eriters.] Good morning, my dear Spreta ! [Sees the bag.] Why, you are unpacking a travelling- 212 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN bag on the drawing-room table ! Then Alfred has actually come home ? [Takes of her things. Spreta. [Turns and nods with a teasing smile.] As if you didn't know I When you have never been down in these parts all the time he has been away ! [ Unpacking a flannel vest and a respi- rator.] Yes, he turned up last night, quite unex- pectedly. Mopsa. Then it was that that drew me out here ! I felt I must. My poor dear muther, 3£aia — she that was a Miss Fosli, you know — was like that. She always felt she must. It's heredity. Surely you can under- stand that 1 Spketa. [Takes out a bottle of cough mixture, and closes t/ie bag with a snap. I am not quite a fool, my dear. LITTLE MO PS EM AN 213 But really, when you have such a firm admirer in Mr. Blochdrahn ! Mopsa. He is such a mere bachelor. I never could feel really attracted to any unmarried man. All that seems to me so utterly unmaidenly. [Changing the subject.] How is dear Alfred ? Spreta. Dear Alfred is tired, but perfectly transfigured by his trip. He has never once been away from me all these years. Only think ! Mopsa. That would account for it certainly. And I really think he deserved some little outing. [With an out- burst of joy.] Why, I shouldn't wonder if he has positively finished his great big book while he has been away ! Spreta. [TFtfA a half smile.] Shouldn't you? / should. 214 MR- PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN But he has not mentioned it — perhaps he was too tired. And he has been trying to teach that miser- able Little Mopseman tricks ever since he came back. I never did care about dogs myself, and really Alfred is so perfectly absurd about him. Oh, here he is. [Alfred Fruyseck enters, followed by Little Mopseman on his hind legs. Alfred is a weedy, thin-haired man of about thirty-five {or thirty-six) with tinted spectacles and limp side-whiskers. Mopseman wears a military tunic and a shako very much over one eye, and is shouldering a small toy musket. He is bandy-legged, with a broad black snout and beautiful intelligent eyes. His tail is drooping and has lost all its hair. Alfred. [Beaming.] Just see what really wonderful pro- gress Little Mopseman has made already with his LITTLE MOPS EM AN 215 drill. Why, my dearest Mopsa ! [Goes up and kisses her with marked pleasure!] You have come here the very morning after my return ? Fancy that. Mopsa. [Gazes fixedly at him.'] I couldn't keep away. You are looking quite splendid ! And how have you got on with your wonderful large book, Alfred ? I felt so sure it would go so easily when once you had got away from dear Spreta. Alfred. [Shrugging his shoulders.] It did — wonderfully easily. The truth is my thick fat book on Canine Idiosyncrasy — h'm — has gone — entirely out of my head. I have been trying thinking for a change. It's easier than writing. Spreta. Yes, Alfred, I can understand that. And then, when }'ou had never really got farther than the title ! 216 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Alfred. [Smiling at her.] No farther than that. Some- how, none of the Friiysecks ever do. My family is a thing apart. And now I have determined to devote my whole time to Little Mopse'man. I am going to foster all the noble germs in him, create a conscious happiness in his mind. [With enthusiasm.] That is my true vocation. Spreta. You shouldn't have dressed the poor dog up like that. It does make him look so utterly ridiculous ! Alfred. [Speaking lower and seriously^] Only in the eyes of the Philistines who couldn't see any pathos in poor Mrs. Solness and her nine dolls. The truly reverent have no sense whatever of the ridiculous. Still, it would certainly be better in future to keep Little Mopse'man indoors, because if the dogs in the streets LITTLE MOPSEMAN 217 saw him in those clothes — [clenching his hands]— and after he has had that unfortunate accident to his tail, too ! Spreta. Alfred, I won't have you bringing up that again ! There's some one knocking. Come in. The Varmint-Blok. [Enters softly and noiselessly. He is a slouching, sinister figure, in a fur cap and a flowered comforter. He has a large green gingham in one hand, and in the other a bag which ivrithes unpleasantly.] Humbly beg pardon, your worships, but you don't happen to feel in the humour to see how this little wounded warrior here — [points to Mopseman] — would polish off the lovely little ratikins, do you ? Alfred. [With suppressed indignation.] We most certainly do not. He is intended for higher things. Get out, you have frightened him under the sofa. 218 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN The Varmint-Blok. He'll come round right enough There, didn't I tell you ! See how he sniffs at my legs. It's wonderful what a fancy dawgs do seem to take to me — follow me anywhere, they will. [With a chuck- ling laugh.] Seems as if they'd got to. Spreta. There is certainly no accounting And what becomes of them when they do ? The Varmint-Blok. [With glittering eyes.] Oh, they've safe enough, the sweet little creatures, lady. I'm very kind to 'em. And if I could only induce you to let your lovely poodlekin tackle a dozen rats, which 'ud be a holiday to a game little sportin' dawg like him Not this mornin' ? then here's a loving good-day to you all, and thank ye kindly for nothing. [He backs out cringingly, as Spreta retires to the verandah, fanning herself elegantly " He backs out cringingly. . . . Mopscman slips out after him. LITTLE MOPSEMAN 221 xoith her pocket-handke7*chief ; Mopseman slips out after him, unnoticed by all. Alfred sees Mopsa's portfolio. Alfred. [To Mopsa.] And have you positively lugged this thing all the way out here. Wasn't it heavy ? Mopsa. [Abcfe.] It had to be. It contains all the letters written to my poor dear mother — by Master-builder Solness, you know. My mother had such a rich, beautiful past. I thought, Alfred, we might look them through together quietly some evening, when Spreta is out of the way. [Looks attentively at him. Alfred. [Uneasily, to himself. ~\ Oh, my good gracious ! [^4 loud.~\ It would certainly have to be some evening when But on the whole, perhaps, I — I really 222 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN almost think we had better It isn't as if you were really my second cousin ! Spreta. [Re-entering from verandah.] Has that horrible person with the rats gone ? He has given me almost a kind of turn. Alfred. He is a sort of itinerant Trope, I suppose. Talking of turns, did I tell you that I, too, have experienced a kind of inward revolution away up there among the peaks? ... I have. Spreta. Oh, heavens ! Alfred, was it the cookery at those high mountain hotels ? Alfred. [Soothingly, patting her head.] Not altogether — be very sure of that. But it is rather a long story. I should recommend you to sit down. [They sit doion LITTLE MOPSEMAN 223 expectantly.] I will try to tell you. [Gazing straight before him.] When I look back into the vague mists that enshroud my earliest infancy, I seem almost to Spreta. [Slaps him.] Oh, for goodness' sake, Alfred, do skip the introduction ! Alfred. [Disappointed.] It was the most interesting part ! But the long and short of it is that I have resolved to renounce writing my wonderful work on Canine Idiosyncrasy! I am going to act it out instead — on Little Mopseman. [With shining eyes.] I intend to perfect the rich possibilities that lie hidden in that rather unprepossessing poodle. There ! Spreta. [Holding aloof from him.] And is that all ' Alfred. H'm, yes, that's all. But you never did properly appreciate poor Little Mopseman ! p 224 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mopsa. [Pressing his hand] She never did, Alfred. But / do. And we will teach him the loveliest new tricks together. • [Fixes her eyes on him] Just you and I. Spreta. Alfred, I won't have the dog taught any tomfoolery. You shall not divide yourself up like that. Do you hear ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [Enters by the door] Aha ! so you've got your hus- band thoroughly in hand, as usual, eh, Mrs. Friiyseck ? [To the others] I bring glorious news. I have just been called in to see to the Schoolhouse drains again ! I onlv laid them last Autumn ; but there seems to be a leakage somewhere. Quite a big piece of work, really ! Mopsa. And are you beaming with joy over that ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. I am indeed. And afterwards I have several LITTLE MOPSEMAN 225; important drains to disconnect at the great new hotel in Christiania, and the most tremendous scientific safeguards to grapple with and overthrow. What a glorious thing it is to be a plumber and make a little extra work for oneself in the world ! Miss Mopsa, can I persuade you to to take a little turn in the garden ? Do ! [Offers his arm. Mopsa. [Takes it.] Oh, I don't mind — provided you don't talk shop or sentiment. [They go out together. Spreta. [Looks after them.~\ What a pity it is that Mopsa can't take more to that Mr. Blochdrahn, isn't it, Alfred ? [Looks searchingly at him . Alfred. [Wriggles.] Oh — er — I don't know. For then we should see so much less of her. Spreta. [Vehemently.] Oh, come ! So much the better ! 226 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN [Clutching him round the neck.] I want you all to myself, Alfred. I love you so much I could throttle you. I've a good mind to, as it is ! Alfred. [Choking.'] You are. My loyal, proud, true- hearted Spreta, d-don't ! [Gently releases himself. Spreta. You have ceased to care for me. Don't deny it, Alfred ! [Bursts into convulsive weeping. Alfred. I will frankly admit that, like most married Norwegians, I am — h'm — subject to the Law of Change. Spreta. [With increasing excitement.] I saw that so plainly last night. I sent out for some champagne, Alfred, expressly for you. And you didn't drink a drop of it ! [Looks bitterly at him. LITTLE MO PS EM AN 227 Alfred. I knew the brand. [With a gesture of repulsion.] Gooseberry, my dear, gooseberry. Spreta. You never even kissed me, either. But you can kiss Mopsa ! Alfred, if you imagine / am the kind of person to play gooseberry Alfred. Need dramatic dialogue descend to these sordid details ? Really this is verging on mere vulgar logger- heads ! And when you know, too, how I have always regarded Mopsa almost as a sort of sister ! Spreta. I know that sort of sister, Alfred. She comes from Norway ! But I am none of your fish-blooded Mrs. Solnesses, or half-witted Beata Rosmers, and I'm not going to stand it ! I decline to share you with any- thing or anybody — whether it's a thick fat book that 228 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN never gets even begun, or a designing minx that helps 3 T ou in your precious " vocation," or a gorging little mongrel, with his evil red and green eyes, that I'm often tempted to wish at the bottom of the fiord ! [Confused cries and barks are heard outside. Alfred. [Shocked.] Spreta ! When am I going to bring all his desires into harmony with his digestion ! How unkind of you ! [Looks for a moment.] What in the world are all the dogs barking at down there ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [Re-entering with Mopsa, by glass door.] Only some organ-grinder's monkey. They have just frightened it into the fiord. Such fun ! Alfred. [In an agony of dread.] Can it be our Little ? But he is burying bones in the back garden. And he is not a monkey, either. And if he were, monkeys LITTLE MOPS EM AN 229 can all swim. . . . What are they saying now ? , . . Hush ! Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [Leans over verandah railings.] They say, " He is still shouldering the little musket ! " Alfred. [Almost paralysed.] The little it is Mopseman ! I taught him to do it so thoroughly ! [With out- stretched arms.] He cannot shoulder a musket and swim too ! [Glancing darkly at Spreta.] Woman, you have your wish ! Henceforth my life will be one long rankle of remorse ! [Sinks down in the armchair. Mopsa. [With an affectionate expression in her eyes.] Not alone, Alfred ! We will rankle together — just you and I. Alfred. [Rises half distracted.] Oh my gracious goodness ! [He rushes down into the garden. THE SECOND ACT A little narrow glen, with a slope in the background, belonging to Alfred. Under the drijtying trees a table and chairs, all made of thin birchstaves. Everything is sodden with wet, and mist- wreaths are driving about. Alfred Fruyseck, dressedj in a black mackintosh, sits dejectedly on a chair. Presently Mopsa Brovik comes down the slope cautiously behind, and touches his shoulder; Alfred jv/m/ps. Mopsa. You shouldn't really sit about on damp seats in such miserable weather, Alfred. I have been hunting for you everywhere. [Closing her umbrella with quiet significance. LITTLE MOFSEMAN 231 Alfred. [To himself.} Run to earth ! Oh, Lor' ! [Aloud. If you would only be kind enough to search for Mopseman instead ! I cannot unravel the mystery of his disappearance. There he was, just entering upon conscious intelligence — full of the infinite possibilities of performing poodlehood. I had charged myself with his education. After having been an usher at so many boarding-schools, I felt peculiarly fitted for such a task. And then a shady scoundrel has only to come his way with rats in a bag Mopsa. But we don't in the least know how it really all came about. Alfred. That infernal Varmint- Blok is at the bottom of it, you may depend upon that ! Though what motive in the world [Quivering .] It's not as if Mopseman would ever have faced a rat. He used to bolt at the 232 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN mere sight of a blackbeetle even. The whole thing is so utterly meaningless, Mopsa. And yet, I suppose the order of the universe requires it. Mopsa. Have you indulged in these abstruse philosophical speculations with Spreta ? Alfred. [Shakes his head hopelessly.] She is so utterly inca- pable of [Mopsa nods.] I prefer discussing them with you. There is something unnatural in imparting confidences to a mere wife. What on earth have you got there ? Mopsa. [Takes a little housewife from her pocketi] Spreta said you had lost the button off the back of your collar. I thought I would sew it on for you. May I? [With quiet warmth.] I'll try not to run the needle into you. LITTLE MOPSEMAN 233 Alfred. [Absently. Do; it may distract my thoughts a little. Where is Spreta, by the way ? Mopsa. Only taking a little walk with Blochdrahn. [Sewing. | Perhaps it is hardly the weather for a stroll ; but then he was always so perfectly devoted to — h'm — to Little Mopseman, you know. Alfred. [Surprised.] But Spreta wasn't. She never liked him — not even as a puppy. And now tell me — don't you think you could take a fancy to Blochdrahn — h'm? Mopsa. Oh, no! please ! [Covers her face with her hands. You mustn't really ask me why. [Looks at him through her fingers.] Because I know I should tell you ; you have such an irresistible influence over me ! Oh dear ! oh dear ! what will you think of me ? [Moves 234 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN close up to him.] There's a button off your shirt-front now ! Alfred. [Plaintively.'] Am I to have that one sewn on too ? Mopsa. Yes, it's the right thing to do. Though how Spreta can let you go about like this, I can't think ! Alfred. [With a half smile.] When I have you to look after me. This is quite like the dear old days ! Mopsa. Yes. [Sewing.] I remembered I mended all your things, like a sister. Even then you never had quite all your buttons, had yon, dear ? Alfred. [Patting her head.] Not even then. And do you remember how you used to follow me about, just like a little dog ? And I used to call you " Little Mopse- LITTLE MOPSEMAN 235 man," because your name was Mopsa ; and if I had had a dog I should have called him Little Mopseman. And then how you used to sit up and hold a biscuit on your nose, my dear faithful Mopsa ! Mopsa. I wonder how you can be so childish ! [Smiling involuntarily.'] It teas a rich beautiful time; but it was all over when you married. I hope you have never mentioned all that nonsense to Spreta ? Alfred. I may have. One does tell one's wife some things — unintentionally. [Clutching his forehead.] But oh, how can I sit here and forget Little Mopseman so completely ? Have I no heart ? Mopsa. If you have lost it, I think I know where it is. And your must surely give you grief a rest occasion- ally, too. 236 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Alfred. I mustn't. I won't. I will think of him By the way, are we to have dried fish for dinner again ? . . . Oh, there I go once more — in the very middle of my agony — just when I want to be torturing my- self unspeakably with this gnawing crushing regret! What a wonderfully realistic touch it is, though, eh ? So dramatic ! But after all, I have you, Mopsa. I'm so glad of that ! Mopsa. [Looking earnestly at him.] Surely you mean clear Spreta — not me, Alfred ? Alfred. What relation is a wife to her husband? None whatever. Now you, Mopsa, you are very nearly a second cousin once removed, not quite — because our family is a thing so entirely apart. We have always had vowels (the very best vowels) for our initials, and the same coloured spectacles, and poor relations we LITTLE MOPSEMAN 237 invariably cut and great thick works we never get really on with. You take after your mother, Kaia. Mopsa. And my aunt — she that was a Miss Kebecca West. I feel so irresistibly drawn to disturb other people's domestic harmony. But you must really forget me, and try to care for poor Spreta a little. Alfred. [Vehemently.] It's no use. I can't. You've en- tranced me so thoroughly. [Helplessly .] I knew you would ! Do let me remain here with you ! [Seizes her hand. Mopsa. [Looks warmly at him.] Of course, if you really mean that, I cannot pretend that such comradeship is Hush ! let go my hand — there's somebody coming ! Spreta and BlochdrIhn enter in waterproofs, sharing the same umbrella. 238 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN. Alfred. [Annoyed.] Why do you come bothering here ? Surely you must see that such an interruption is most ill-timed. SFRETA. [With a cutting laugh.} We did gather that, Alfred. I came to see what you were about. Alfred. Mopsa was simply sympathising with me over Little Mopseman's disappearance — that was all. Sfreta. Sympathising and philandering, Alfred, are synony- mous terms in the Norwegian Drama. And I may be allowed to observe that other people can philander if they're driven to it. [Glances at Blochdrahn. Mopsa. [Taking h>r umbrellx quickly, to Blochdrahx.] We seem to be somewhat de trop here. Suppose we with- draw ? [They do. LITTLE MOPSEMAN 239 SPRETA. Doesn't it strike you, Alfred, that all this morbid harping on that missing mongrel may be just a little ' monotonous — for a popular audience, I mean ? Alfred. [Gloomily] They'll have to sit through another Act and a half of it — that's all. I shall harp if I choose. I like harping. And you always detested Mopseman. You said he ate too much, and had evil eyes. Spreta. So he did — so he had ! And you never really and truly loved him either, or you would never have made such a fool of the dog as you did ! Alfred. I had renounced my wonderful thick book. 1 needed something to fill up my life. Spreta. You might have chosen something better than a miserable little poodle with no hair on his tail ! Q 2 4 o MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Alfred. [Turns pale.] It is you — you, who were the guilty one in that. [Harshly and coldly.] It was your hand that spilt the hot water over him as he lay comfort- ably on the hearthrug. It was ! And you know it ! Spreta. [Terrified, yet defiant.] Better own at once that you came behind me and jogged my arm ! Alfred. [In suppressed desperation.] Yes, that is true. You looked so entrancingly beautiful as you were putting the kettle on for tea, that I was irresistibly impelled to kiss you ! Spreta. [Exasperated.] Alfred ! This is intolerable of you. Do I deserve to be reproached for looking en- trancingly beautiful ? Alfred. [ With sarcasm?] Not in the least — now. You are LITTLE MOPSEMAN z\\ subject to the Law of Change. Bat what does all that matter ? "We have both sinned, if you like. While we had him, we both shrank in secret from him — we could not bear to see the tail he dragged about after him ! Spreta. [Whispers. ~\ You were so perpetually putting paraffin upon it, Alfred ! Alfred. \C aimer. ~\ Yes, that. I tried to perfect its possi- bilities. But it was no use — I could never, never make it good again. And after that I dressed him up in military uniform, and then he had to remain too much indoors, so, of course, he followed the Varmint-Blok, and then the street curs chevied him over the pier. And after I had trained him so thoroughly to shoulder a musket, he was so totally unable to swim. Oh, it all works out into quite a logical Retribution. And I must go away into the solitudes and writhe with remorse — by myself. 242 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Spreta. [Bitingly.] Unless, of course, you can induce Mopsa to 1 think you mentioned once that she used to follow you about like a little dog ? Alfred. [In a hollow voice.] I did. I remember now. Thi-t time when the tea-kettle Retribution ! [lie staggers into the thinnest birchstave chair, which collapses under him. Spreta. [Menacingly standing over him.] Yes, Alfred, Retri- bution ! [Mopsa and Blochdrahn return. Mopsa. [Pleasantly.] Well, my clear Spreta, have you and dear Alfred talked things thoroughly out ? Spreta. Oh, yes ; quite thoroughly enough. I really will not be left alone with Alfred any more ; he is too depressing ! " Yes, Alfred, Retribution ! " LITTLE MOPSEMAN 245 Alfred. [On the ground.] One cannot be expected to rollick when one is being gnawed with remorse ! But perhaps Blochdrahn would be a more cheerful companion for you ; go on with him, while Mopsa helps me up again. We'll follow you — presently. [Spreta and Blochdrahn go off together ; Mopsa tenderly assists Alfred to rise. Mopsa. Oh, dear me ! it does seem such a pity ! But Spreta always was peculiar. It must be so trying for you, dear ! Alfred. So much so that I can't stand her any longer. I must get away, anywhere — quite alone. Mopsa, will you come too ? Mopsa. [Shocked.] Alfred ! How can you ? What have I said or done to encourage such a proposal ? So utterly unexpected ! 246 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Alfred. [Feebly.] I really couldn't help it. It's the troll inside me. What am I saying? That belongs to another Norwegian drama ! Mopsa. All this part belongs to several other Norwegian dramas, dear. But we must see if we can't get out of the old groove this time ! Alfred. But why in the world ? When you showed such a wonderful preference for my society, too ! Mopsa. [Gently.] I know, dear. But that was before Let me tell you something. [Slow music ; Alfred sits down, cautiously.] I've just been looking through my big portfolio, and I've discovered — what do you think ? [Alfred shakes his head hopelessly.] I'm not Kaia's daughter at all, really. I'm only adopted ! LITTLE MOPSEMAN 247 Alfred. But what difference does that make in our rela- tions ? Practically, none whatever ! Mopsa. All the difference, Alfred. I always pursued you about with reluctance, and under protest. Being, as I supposed, descended from Kaia Fosli, and related to Rebecca West, it seemed so utterly the right thing to do. But I know now that I am nothing of the sort, and that if my real mother ever possessed such a thing as a Past at all, it was Plu-perfect. So heredity doesn't come in, and, rather than interfere between you and poor dear Spreta, I have decided to go right away and never see you again. I really mean it, this time ! [She opens her umbrella and runs off up the slope. Alfred. [Takes up his hat sadly.] Isn't this play going to 248 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN end pessimistically after all, then ? [Shudders.] Are we actually going to be — moral? [More hopefully.] After all, there's another Act left. There's a chance still ! [He follows hastily after Mopsa. THE THIRD ACT An elevation and rockery in Fruyseck's back-garden, from which— but for the houses in between — an extensive view over the steamer-pier and fiord could be obtained. In front, a summer-house, covered with creepers and wild earwigs. On a bench outside, Mops A is sitting. She has the inevitable little travelling bag on a strap over her shoulder. Blochdrahn comes up in the dusk. He, too, has a travelling bag, made of straw, con- taining professional implements, over his shoidder. He is carrying a rolled up handbill and a small paste-pot. Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [Catching sight o/Mopsa's hand-bag .] So you really are off at last ? So am I. Fm going by train. 250 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mopsa. {With a faint smile.] Are you? Then / take the steamer. Have you seen Alfred anywhere about — or Spreta ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. I have been seeing a good deal of Mrs. Friiyseck. She asked me to come up here and paste one of these handbills on the summer-house. To offer a reward for Little Mopse'man, you know. I've been sticking them up everywhere. [Busied with the paste-pot.] But you'll see — he'll never turn up. Mopsa. [Sighing.] Poor Spreta ! and oh, poor dear Alfred ! I really don't know if I can have the heart to leave him. Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [Pasting up the bill.] I shall not believe it myself until I actually see you do it. But why shouldn't you come along with me, if you are going — h'm ? LITTLE MOPSEMAN 251 Mopsa. If you were only a married man — but I have to be so careful now, you know ! Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. It tortures me to think of our two handbags each taking its own way; it really does, Miss Mopsa. And then for me to have to plumb all by myself, Though, to be sure, one can always get round the district surveyor alone. Mopsa. Ah, yes, that you can surely manage alone. Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. But it takes two to connect the ventilating shaft with the main drainage. Mopsa. [Looking up at him.] Always two ? Never more ? Never many ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. Well, then, you see, it becomes quite a different 252 MR, PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN matter — it cuts down the profits. But are you sure you can never make up your mind to share my great new job with me ? Mopsa. I tried that once — with Alfred. It didn't quite answer — though it was delightful, all the same. Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. Then there really has been a bright and happy time in your life ? I should never have suspected it! Mopsa. Oh, yes, you can't think how amusing Alfred Avas in those days. When he distinguished himself by failing to pass his examinations, and then, from time to time, when he lost his post in some school or other; or when his big, bulky manuscripts were declined by some magazine — with thanks ! Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. Yes, I can quite see that such an existence must " It takes two to connect the ventilating shaft with the main drainage." LITTLE MOPS EM AN 255 have had its moments of quiet merriment. [Shaking his head.] But I don't see what in the world possessed Alfred to go and marry as he did. Mopsa. [With suppressed emotion. ] The Law of Change. Our latest catcliphrase, you know. Alfred is so subject to it. So will you be, some day or other ! Sanitary Engineer Bloohdrahn. Never in all my life ; whatever progress may be made in sanitation ! [Insistently.] Can't you really care for me ? Mopsa. I might — [looking down~\ — if you have no objection to go halves with Alfred. Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. I am behind the times, I daresay; but such an arrangement does not strike me as a firm basis for a really happy home. I should certainly object to it, most decidedly. R 256 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Mopsa. [Laughs bitterly.'] What creatures of convention you men are, after all ! [liecollecting herself.] But I quite forgot. I am conventional myself now. You are perfectly right ; it would be utterly irregular ! Alfred. [Conies up the steps.] Is it you, Blochdrahn, who posted up that bill ? On the new summer-house ! Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn, Yes, Mrs. Friiyseck asked me to. Alfred. [Touched.] Then she does miss Little Mopscman, after all ! Are you going ? Not without Mopsa ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [Shaking his head.] I did invite her to accompany me, but she won't. So I must do my jobs alone. Alfred. It's so horrible to be alone ; or not to be alone, if LITTLE MOPSEMAN 257 it comes to that ! [Oppressed — to himself.] My troll is at it again ! I shall press her to stay ; I know I shall, and it will end in the usual way ! Spreta. [Comes up the steps, plaintively.] It is unkind of you all to leave me alone like this. When I'm so nervous in the dark, too ! Mopsa. [Tenderly.] But I must leave you, Spreta, dear. By the next steamer. That is Well, I really ought to ! Alfred. [Almost inaudibly, hitting himself on tJie chest.] Down, you little beggar, down ! No, it's no use ; the troll will keep popping up ! [Aloud.] Can't we per- suade you, dear Mopsa? Do stay — just to keep Spreta company, you know ! Mopsa. [As if struggling u)ith herself] Oh, I want to so much ! I'd do anything to oblige dear Spreta 258 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. [To himself, dejectedly.] She is just like that Miss Hilda Wangel for making herself so perfectly at home ! Spret i. [Resignedly.] Oh, / don't mind. After all, I would rather Alfred philandered than fretted and fussed here alone with me. You had better stay, and be our Little Mopse'man. It will keep Alfred quiet — and that's something / Mopsa. No; it was only a temporary lapse. I keep on forgetting that I am no longer an emotional Cuckoo heroine. I am perfectly respectable; and I will prove it by leaving with Mr. Blochdrahn at once — if he will be so obliging as to escort me ? Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn. Delighted, my dear Miss Mopsa, at so unexpected a bit of good luck. We've only just time to catch the steamer. LITTLE MOPSEMAN 259 Mopsa. Then, thanks so much for a quite too delightful visit, Spreta. So sorry to have to run away like this ! [To Alfred, ivith subdued anguish."] I am running away — from you ! I entreat you not to follow me — not just yet, at any rate ! Alfred. [Shrinking back.] Ah ! [To himself.] If it depends upon our two trolls whether [Mopsa goes off ivith Sanitary Engineer Blochdrahn.] There's the steamer, Spreta By Jove, they'll have a run for it ! Look, she's putting in. Spreta. I daren't. The steamer has one red and one green eye — just like Mopseman's at mealtimes ! Alfred. [Common-sensibhj.] Only her lights, you know. She doesn't mean anything personal by it. 260 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Spreta. But they're actually mooring her by the very pier that How can they have the heart ! Alfred. Steamboat companies have no feelings. Though why you should feel it so, when you positively loathed the dog. Spreta. After all, you weren't so particularly fond of him yourself ; now were you, Alfred ? Alfred. H'm, he was a decent dog enough — for a mongrel. I didn't mind him ; now you did. Spreta. \Nods slowly \] There is a change in me now. I am easier to please. I could share you with the mangiest mongrel, if I were only quite sure you would never again want to follow that minx Mopsa, Alfred ! LITTLE MO PS EM AN 261 Alfred. I never said I did want to ; though I can't answer for the troll. But I must go away someiv/iere ; I'm such a depressing companion for you. I shall go away up into the solitudes — which reminds me of an anecdote I never told either you or Mopsa before. Sit down and I will tell it you. Speeta. [Timidly.] Not the one about the night of terror you had on the mountains, Alfred, when you lost your way and couldn't find a policeman anywhere about the peaks ? Because I've heard that — and I don't think I can stand it again. Alfred. [Coldly and bitterly.] You see that I have really nothing to fill up my life with, when my own wife refuses to listen to my anecdotes ! Now Mopsa always What is all that barking clown there in the town ? 262 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Spreta. [With an outburst^ Oh, you'll see, they've found Little Mopseman ! Alfred. Not they. He'll never be found. Those handbills of yours were a mere waste of money. It is only tha curs fighting in the street — as usual. Spreta. [Slowly, and with resolution.] Only that, Alfred. And do you know what I mean to do, as soon as you are away solitudinising up there in the mountain hotels? I will go down and bring all those poor neglected dogs home with me. Alfred. [ Uneasily.] What — the whole lot of them, Spreta ? [Shocked.] In our Little Mopseman's place ! Spreta. [Firmly and decidedly.] Every one. To fill Little LITTLE MOPSEMAN 263 Mopseman's place. They shall dig up his bones, lie on his mat, take it in turns to sleep in his basket. I will try to — h'm — lighten and ennoble their lot in life. Alfred. [With growing uneasiness.] When you simply detest all dogs ! I don't know any one less fitted than you to manage a Dog's Home. I really don't ! Spreta. I must fill the void in my life somehow — if you go and leave me. And I must educate myself to under- stand dogs better, that's all. Alfred. Yes, that you would have to do. [As if struck with an idea.] Before you begin. Suppose I take up my big fat book on Canine Idiosyncrasy once more, eh ? That would teach you how to purify and ennoble every poodle really scientifically, you know. Only you must promise to wait till I've got it done. s 264 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN Spreta. [With a melancholy smile.} I am in no hurry, Alfred. Only to write that you would have to remain at home. Alfred. [Half evasively^ Not necessarily. I might, of course— for a while, that is. But I shall have many a heavy day of work before me, Spreta, and you will see, now and then perhaps, a great slumberous peace descend on me as I toil away in my brown study — but I shall be making wonderful progress all the same. Spreta. I shall quite understand that, Alfred. Oh, dear, who in the world's this ? The Varmint-Blok appears mysteriously in the gloom. The Varmint-Blok. Excuse me, Captin, and your sweet ladyship, but I just happened to drop my eye on one of those lovely LITTLE MOPSEMAN .265 little hand-billikins here, and took the liberty to step up, thinking it might so happen that you'd been advertising the very identical dawg what followed me home the other day. You may remember me passing the remark how wonderful partial dawgs was to me. So I brought him up on the chance like. [He produces Little Mopseman — in mufti — from a side-])OcJcet. Spreta. It is our Little Mopseman ! So you are not some supernatural sort of shadowy symbol after all, then ? The Varment-Blok. [Hurt.] Now I ask you, lady — do I look it ? Here's my professional card. And if you should have the reward handy [As Alfred ^a^/s him.] Five Rix dollarkins — correct, my lord, and thankee kindly. [As he departs.] You'll find I've learned that sweet little mongrel a thing or two ; take the nonsense out of any rat in Norway now, he will. 266 MR. PUNCH'S POCKET IBSEN And just you ask him to set up and give three cheers for Dr. Ibsen — that's all ! [lie goes out, chuckling softly. Alfred. [Holding out Little Mopseman at arms' length.] H'm ; it will be a heavy day's work to purify and ennoble this poodle after all he has been through, eh, Spreta ? I think, as you seem to have developed quite a taste for such tasks, I shall allow you to undertake it — all by yourself. Spreta. [Turns away with her half-teasing smile.] Thanks ! the end. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. London and Edinburgh. Uelegrapbic Bfcoieas, S unlock*. London. 2t Bedford street, w.c. March 1895 A LIST OF Mr WILLIAM HEINEMANN'S Publications The Books mentioned in this List can be obtained to order by any Book- seller if not in stock, or will be sent by the Publisher on teceipt 0/ the published price and postage. 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