UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// Plate I. Fig. I. ARMS OF THE BOROUGH OF COLCHESTER as recorded at the College of Arms, August 1558. ANCIENT FORM OF COLCHESTER BOROUGH ARMS as emblazoned on Borough Charter, July 1413. ARMS FOUNDED ON THE ANCIENT ''raven SEAL " OF COLCHESTER. USED AS THE ARMS OF THE PORTREEVE AND OF THE BOROUGH AS A PORT AND HARBOUR AUTHORITY. ESSEX BOROUGH ARMS AND THE TRADITIONAL ARMS OF ESSEX '^''^' AND THE ARMS OF CHELMSFORD DIOCESE. COLCHESTER rOROUGII ARMS. NINE COLOIjKED PLATES AND FORTY OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. By VV. GURNEY BENHAM. Beniiam and Company, Limited High Street, Colc?tester. 1916. INDEX. Admiralty Seal of Maldon, plate 2, description of, 19, 20. Angles, East, see East Anglia. Anne of Cleves, 48. Arthur, King 74. Athill, C. H., Richmond Herald, 13- Atkinson, Dr. J. P., 47. Bacon, Francis 11, 34, Barron, O., 61. Bayne, Baron J. de., quoted, y-], 78- Beaufort badge, 36. Beck, Rev. Mr., 78. Belgium, scramasaxes in, 78. Beowulf, yy, 78. Best, John, 10. Bramston, Francis, 14. Braybrooke, Lord, Hist, of Audley End, 40, 41, Bret, Richd., 20, 21. • Briteyne, Kings of, 75. Brother ton, Thomeis de, lord of Harwich, 34. Brute, King, 74, y:,. Burke's Armory, 64. Bysshe, Sir E., 7, 14, 42, 51. Cecilia, mother of Edward IV., 50. Charles H. at Harwich, 35, 36. Chaucer's reference to Stratford, 60. Chelmer, ford of the, $2^. Chelmsford, Arms of. Coloured illustration, plate 6 ; descrip- tion of, 52-54. Chelmsford, incorporation of, 52. Chelmsford See of. Coloured illustration of arms, • plate 8; description, 7 ; reference to, 52. Christy, Miller, 49. Cimabue, 11. Clacton-on-Sea, Arms, used by. 68, 69; (illus.) 69. Clacton Urban District Council, use of arms of, 08. Clare, Honor of, 49, 50. Clark, Dr. Andrew, 44 note ; 46. Clement, St., ^y. Coe, John, 15. Coel (Coilus) King, 5, 7, 74. Coke, Sir E., 34. Coker, Edwd., 20, 21. Colchester, Arms of. Coloured Illustration. Plate I. (Frontis- piece) ; as shown on Borough Charter, July 1413. ditto ; arms of Portreeve founded on Raven seal, ditto ; account of Borough Arms, I -1 2, recorded on Charter of 1 41 3, 4 ; at Visitation, Aug. 2G. 1558, 4 ; Visitation 1664- -68, 7 ; (illus.) 9 ; ancient tricks of (2 illus.), 10. College of Arms, 7, 13, 61, 64. Cologne, 5 ; arms of, 5. Constantine the Great, 5 6. Cook, Robert, Clarenceux, 15 ; confirmation of Maldon Anns by, 1569, 26 ; y^ note. Crest of West Ham, a rising sun, 60. Crests inappropriate for boroughs, 61. Croye, with masts, 25. Cursor Mundi, 0. Cutlery industry at Thaxted, 49. Danes, raven an emblem of, 9. D'Arcy family and Clacton, 68. Dethick, Sir Gilbert, grant of arms to Maldon, 15 ; strange confirmation by, 23 ; illus. from his ' Guiftes ' 24 ; lists of his grants, 25. Dethick, Sir William, 25. Dovercourt, manor of, 34. East Anglia, arms of, y},, y~^ ; unconnected with Essex, 70. East Ham, Arms of, 4. Des- cription and illus., 62, 63. East Ham, incorporation of, 62. East Saxons, Reputed Arms of. Coloured illus., plate 9 ; des- scription and explanation of, 71-78. East Saxons, shield of, as ines- cutcheon in Southend (former) arms 55, 56 ; Clacton arms, 69. Eastwood (Southend) ^y. Ebblewhite, E. A., 57. Edward III. and Halstead Col- lege, 67 ; his coronal emblems, 67. Edward IV., badge of, 50. Egbert, King, arms of, 73. 134 INDEX. Elizabeth, queen of Henry VII., 50. EUe, arms of, 75. Elliot, Rev. H. L., 2. 7, 19, 32, 64. Erkenwyne, King, 71, 72, 73. Essex and Suffolk ' Insurance Society, old fireplate of ( llus.), 76, 77- ^ . Essex Society, use of East Saxon arms, 76. Essex, County Arms, see East Saxons. Essex County Council, 7O. Essex Militia, use of East Saxon arms by, 77. Essex, suggested arms of, 76. Essex Volunteers, early, use of armorial bearings by, 77. Farrye Clerk at Little Maplestead, .O7. Fetterlock, 50. Fiske, T. H.. 40. Fitch, E. A., 27. Fords in Essex, 53. Fowler, K. C, Oo, 67. Fox-Davics, A. C, 37, 49. Fraire Clerk, 66, 67. Furbank, A. J., 52. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 7.^. Gibbons, Rev. T. G., 05 note ; 66, 67. Gournay, Francis, 14. Grimston, Sir Harbottle, 11. Guild at Saffron Walden, royal licence of incorporation, 15, 14, 46. Hales, Sir Roger, 34 ; Alice, 34 ; Bridget, 34. Halstead, alleged arms of, 64, 67 ; illustrations, 65. Halstead, Bourchiers' College at, 64, 67. Halstead, Fraire Clerk. 66, 67. Halstead mr rket, 65 ; court leet 6() ; Moot hall anrl guild Hall, 66. Halstead Urban District Council seal, 64. Ham, East, see East Ham. Ham, West, see West Ham. Hammers of West Ham, 60. Harlxjltle, T. H., 7-]. Hart, John, 14, 15. Harwich Akms ok, 34-38 ; appear on borough mace, i(j69. 35 ; coloured illus., plate ^ (facmg P- I30.) Harwich, incorporated in 1318, 34 ; its Portreeve, 34, ^^ Charter of, 1604 ; 34, livery buttons at, 38 ; motto, 38. Hastier, E. (Maldon), 14, 20. Helena, St., her connection with Colchester Borough Arms, i ; legends of, 5, 6 ; guild of, 5 ; and Nottingham, 7. Hengist, 72, y}^, 78. Heptarchy, arms of, 73, 74. jj,. Hertfordshire, suggested arm-; of 76. Hervey, William, Clarenceaux, 21, 30. Heylyn, Peter, 74. Hjlman, William, of Halstead, 65, note ; 66. Holme, Randle, 75- Hope, Sir W. H.' St. John, 61. Horsenaile, Thos., 15. Howard, J. J., LL.D., 30, 31, 43, 51- Humphreys, Robt., 48. Humphry, A. P., 49, 51. Isse, EUesen of, 75. Jam2s I., charter to Thaxted, 48. James II. at Harwich, 36 ; char- ter to Saffron Walden, 43. .Jam2s, St., emblem of, 6g. Jennings, John, 15. Kent, arms of, 73; 75. Kings, Three Holy see Magi. Krohn, Aid. H. A., 19 note. Lancaster, borough of, 39. Laurence, St., emblem of, ^^7: Leche, JoHh, of Saffron Walden, 40. Leigh-on-Sea, 37, 58. - London, Maurice, bishop of, 52 ; William, bishop of,' 60 ; Bishops of, lords of Clacton, 68. London-over-the-Border, 60. Lucius, legendary son of Helena, 7. Lyvynge, Christopher, 14, 26. Magi, relics of the, 5. Maldok, Arms of. Coloured illustrations, plate 2 ; Account of 13 — 33 ; at visitation f.f, 1 61 4, 14 ; at Visitation- oi, i6()4, 14, 15 ; corrupt versions of, 21, 21, 22, trick of 1558 (illus.), 21 ; strange version, (illus.) 23 ; drawing, April 30, 1362, 24 ; trick in Harl M.S. INDEX. 2198 (illus.), 26 ; erroneous des- cription of, bv W. C. Metcalfe (■llus.), ly, tri'ck in Harl. M.S., O0O5 (illus.) 28 ; spurious arms in Dr. Howard's Visit of Essex (1888.) Maldon, seals ol, see Seals. Maynard, Guy, 47. Maynard, John, 10. Meantys, Sir Peter, 11. Mercia, arms of, 73, 75. Metcalf, Walter C.^ 27. Middlesex, arms of, 76. Mildmay arms, 52, 53. Monmouth, Duke of, 30. Montfitchct, William de, .59 ; arms of, 59- Moore, Wm., Mayor of Colchester, 9- Morant, Philip, 20, },-], 48. Mottoes : Clacton-on-Sea, 09. Mottoes : Chelmsford, 52. Motto of Southend (discarded) ^^ ; present motto, 5O, 57, 58. Motto of West Ham, 59. Motto of East Ham, 03. Mottoes : Beau forts', }^'j ; Wem- man family, 38 ; Harwich (?) 38. Moulsham, manor of, 53. Nails, the Holy, legends of, 5 ; in arms of Colchester (illus), 10 ; number of, 11 ; part of Col- chester arms in 1558, 12. Northumberland, arms of, "]},, 75. Nottingham, arms of (illus.), 7. Oath Book of Colchester, 9. Osyth, St., Priory, arms of, 75. Parkeston, 38. Parr, Wm., Marquis of^Northamp- ton, 67. Plume, Saml. 15: Portcullis (Harwich), 30. Portreeve and Port of Colchester ; arms in use, Plate i, fig. 3 ; Sea! of (illus.), 8. " Pretensed " arms, 21, 30. Prittlewell church, 56, '^y. Prittlewell, priory at, ^7. Railing, Philip, 14. Raven, John, Richmond Herald, 13 ; his visit of, 1614, 26 ; drawing of Ma.ldon arms (illus.), 26. Raven Seal of Colchester (illus.) 8 ; description of, 9. Robinson, Reuben, 14, 15. Round, J. Horace, LL.D., 18 53, 61. Ruffe, 26, 27. Rutland, Edward, Earl of, his seal (illus.), 19. Saffron culture in Essex. 42 ; Dr. A. Clark's article on, 46, colour of crocuses, 4O. Saffron Walden Abbey, see Walden. Saffron Walden, Apms or. coloured illus. of, plate 4 ; description of, 39-47 ; shown on borough mace (illus.), 44 ; erroneous idea of a crest, 47 ; tinctures. 46, 47. Saffron Walden, charter (1549), 39 ; guild of, 39-41 ; commis- sioners at, 40 ; a borough, 43 ; fanatics at, 43 ; mace of, 43 ; arms on (illus.) 44. Saffron Walden Seals, see Seals. Saixe, a steel tool. yy. Salmon's Hist, of Essex, 26 note, 42, 49. Saxons, name derived Irom Seax, 71, 72, 77- Saxons, South, arms of, y},, yf,. Saxons, West, arms of. yj^. Scramasaxe, weapon of war, yy , 78. Seals : Colchester. Early seal (c, 1189), I ; illus. 3 ; seal of early 1.5th century (illus.) 2 ; Halstead Urban District Council, 64 ; Harwich 34 ; (illus.) plate 3 ; Lord High Admiral (c. 1400) (illus.) 19 ; Maldon (Admiralty), plate 2; Maldon Borough (ancient), 15-19; (illustrations), 16 ; (modern), 28- 33 ; (illus.) (29) ; (ditto) 31, Raven (Colchester) (illus.) 8 ; Saffron Walden : early seal (illus.) 39 ; account of, 39, 40 ; seal of 1549 (illus.) 41 ; account of 41, 42 ; (illus.) 43 ; seal of 1688 (illus.) 45 ; seal of 1836 (illus.), 45 ; Thaxted, 48 (illus.) ; Seaxes, The Three, 71 ; y^,, etc. Sebbi, King, 75 note. Ship provided by Maldon, 18, 19. Smith, Miss C. Fell, 33. Smith, Roach, yy. Smyth, John, 41. Smyth, Sir 'Jhos., 41. Southchurch (Southsea), 57. Southend, Arms of, 55-58 ; dis- carded arms (illus.) 55 ; modern arms (1915) (illus.) 56. INDEX Speed, John. Hist, of Great Britain, -j}, ; his illu.strations of arms ojf the East Saxon Kings, 7y Starling, Jas., 14, 15. Stratford Abbey, owner of East Ham, O3 ; arms of Abbey, 59. Stratford Nunnery, Chaucer's re- ference to. Oo. SupjxDrters of Southend Arms, 58. Sussex, see " Saxons, South." Sussex, arms of, y^. Symonds, Henry, 15. Thames Ironworks, 60. Thaxted, Arms of. Coloured illus., plate 5 ; description of, 48-51 ; borough seal 48 ; (iJus.). 50. Thaxted church, 48, 49, 50. Thaxted, earliest charter of, 48 ; herald's visitation, 48. Tufnell, W. M., 54. Vernon, Wm. 28, 29. Verstegan, Richd., 71, 72, yy. Victoria Docks, Oo. Victoria Hist, of Essex, 47. 33, 60, by. Volunteers, yy. 4y, Walden Abbey, arms of, 47. Warburton, John, Somerset Herald, 30, 31, 43- Ward, A. J. H., Town Clerk of Harwich, 38. Wenman, Viscount, 38. Wessex, see Saxons, West. West Ham, Arms of, 59-61 ; Coloured illustration, plate 0. West Ham, incorporation of. 59. Westminster Abbey, 63. Westminster, Abbots of, 53. Wilkinson, Christopher, y^. Woden, King, 74; 75. Worwood, H. J., S7. Wright, A. G., ly' Wright, Paul. 74. Writtle, 52. Writtle Loyal Volunteers, yy. INTRODUCTORY. The heraldic emblems of Cities and Boroughs contain much interesting history and legend, and are of recognised value and utiUty in association with local government. Unfor- tunately they often suffer mutilation and indignity from a want of knowledge as to their meaning and the correct manner of displaying them. This work is intended to give information on these points so far as the armorial bearings used by Essex Towns are concerned. In regard to the article on the ancient arms of the Borough of Colchester, the following supplementary information will be of interest. Following the advice of many eminent heralds and anti- quaries, the Colchester Town Council unanimously decided on March 3, 1915, to assume and revert to the original arms of the town as shown on the Borough Charter in the year 1413, and as used at the same period— and ever since — in the com- mon seal of the Corporation. The official description of these arms is as follows : — * Gules, between three crowns or, a cross raguly couped, vert, com- posed of four portions joined together in the centre of the cross in the manner shown in the coloured drawing on the Royal Letters Patent of July 7, 1413, the mortising being in the form of a fylfot ; each of the two crowns in chief surnjounting a nail, sable, point downwards, the point ot each nail piercing the arm of the cross beneath it ; the third crown enfiling the vertical staft of the cross in base and surmounting a third nail, also sable, piercing the cross in base diagonally, from dexter to sinister ; the raguly proj?ctions of th'^ arms of the cross all pointing to sinister.' These armorial bearings are shown on the title-page, and also (in colour) in Plate i., fig. 2. In regard to the so-called ' Essex ' arms — the traditional arms of the ancient Saxon Kingdom of Essex — Mr. Wilson Marriage, of Alresford Grange, a member of the Essex County Council, brought forward a proposal, in 1914, that the County Council should consider the question of formally adopting these.— or such variant of them ^s might be authoritatively decided upon as appropriate and correct — as the armorial device of the modern County of Essex. A special Committee was ap])ointed to consider the matter., but the intervention of the European War led to the question being indefinitely postponed. It is to be hoped that it will, in due time, be reconsidered. W. G. B. Erratum.— On pages 7 and 9 for "Sir William Bysshe " read " Sir Edward Bvsshe." ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. I.— COLCHESTER. THE earliest record of the armorial bearings of the borough of Colchester is to be found in a coloured representation of them, on the Charter granted to the town by Henry V., in July 1413. It must be added though, that the arms also figure in the fine old Common Seal ot the Borough of about the same period — probably a year or so later than the charter itself. Whether the arms were first granted at this period cannot be stated, for there is no record of the original grant in the College of Arms, nor amongst the archives of the Corporation of Colches(ter. Presumably the town had no borough arms when its first Comriion Seal was engraved, some time after the earliest of the charters of the town was granted in 1189. A representation of tjiat early seal is given on page 3. It bears inscriptions!. — (i) QuAM Crux insignit Helenam Colcestria gignit (Col- chester gives birth to Helena whom the Cross makes famous) ; and (2) Colcestrensis sum Burgi commune sigillum /l am the Common seal of the Colcestrian borough). It will be seen that it has no armorial bearings upon it. Probably at that remote period very few boroughs or cities possessed any coats of arms. The Colchester Charter of 1413 is elaborately and beautifully illuminated. A reproduction is given in Benham's " Guide to Colchester" (6d.). Under a representation of St. Helena, the arms are given as now reproduced, Plate I., Fig. 2. It will be seen that each of the three crowns surmounts a large nail and each nair pierces the cross, which is formed of two ' raguly ' staves coloured green. Note that this is not a * cross raguly.' If so, the ragged projections from the two arms of the cross would point right and left. In the design on the charter, these projections on the horizontal staff of the cross all point in the same direction, viz., to the sinister side of the shield, which implies that this portion of the cross was of one piece, ^ut ther^ is another puzzling peculiarity about thi? early drawing^. ^ ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS Carefully depicted in the centre of the cross are certain marking? which seem to denote that each of the two staves has been cut into two pieces, and that the four portions have been joined together in the centre. At first glance, heralds are apt to surmise that these markings are intended for that mysterious sign, known as the ' fylfot.' This may be so. On the other hand the markings may be merely COMMON SEAL OF BOKOUC.H OF COI-CHKSTER (KAkLY I5TH CENTURY). meant to show the junction or morticing of the four limbs of a cross. The Rev. Henry L. EHiot, of Gosfield, well known as a high authority on matters heraldic, has kindly given me his opinion. He regards the markings as a fylfot, intended to emphasize the junctures of four pieces of a cross.* •Mr. Elliot adds :' This figure is soinrtimca called a Gainmadion, from the Greek letter gamma (r). This is the way it is carved on thr doorway given on the cover of the /ixs-.r Heview. I do not know whether the drawing of the ' swastica ' on the charier is the more correct, or that 00 the door; or whether it was considered immaterial in which direction be flexure of the limba of this fylfot cross was made.' COLCHESTER. It should be added that the old Borough Seal of the same period shows these projections in the same way, and also shows FlkSr COMMON SEAL OF BOROUGH OF CiLCUKSlER (?I1TH OR I2TH century) OBVERSK. REVERSE OF SEAL. the three nails. It does not show the markings in the centre of the cross, for (as may be seen in the illustration) the desii(n is too small to allow these markings to be represented. 4 AkMs OF Trtfi EfeSEX feOROUGrtS. Before further considering the design of this old version of Colchester's arms, I will give the description of the Borough Arms as in use up to modern times, and as entered in what is known as the Visitation of 1552, though it will be seen that the entry is six years later : — COLCHESTER. THE ARMES OF THE TOWNE OF COLCHESTER. Gules, two staves raguly and couped, one in pale surmounted by the other in fess, both argent, between two ducal coronets in chief or, the bottom part of the staff [in pale*] enfiled with a ducal coronet of the last. Taken in the tyme of John Best and John Maynard Bayly ffes the xxvjth of August 155S. It is not necessary to translate the heraldic terms, as this is the description of the arms shown in Fig. i of coloured Plate I. Why were these arms different from the older form ? Why had the three nails vanished, why had the two staves become argent (silver or white) instead of green, and why were they simply crossed instead of being conjoined ? There is every reason to suppose that the motive for these alterations, or at any rate for two of them, is to be found in the famihar cry of * No Popery.* At the time of the Reforma- tion, the College of Arms had instructions, presumably from high quarters, to purge armorial bearings, when opportunity occurred, of what had become regarded as Romish superstitions. Many cases are on record — notably, the arms of the Merchant Taylors' Company of London — of coats of arms which were ' reformed ' in this way. The movement Lad begun in the reign of Henry VIII. , and had no doubt continued with additional vigour during the time of Edward VI. It need not. therefore, be regarded as strange that the record of the altered arms happens to be dated in the last month but three of the reign of Queen Mary. The alteration was no doubt some years earher, and the entry of 26th August 1558, only professes to be a record of arms existing and recognised at that date. What then was the hidden meaning of the older Arms of the Borough ? It is not at all difficult to elucidate, and it is • Thc»e words have been accidentally omitted. COLCrtESTER. 5 worth elucidation, for those arms are really a beautiful, ingenious, and at the same time decorative specimen of heraldic symboHsm. Clearly they must be considered in conjunction with the repre- sentation of St. Helena which accompanies them both on the charter and on the borough seal. On the charter in a scroll round the figure of Helena is the inscription : ' Sancta Elena nata fuit in Colcestria. Mater Constantini fuit et Sanctam Crucem invenit Elena.' (St. Helen was born in Colchester. Helen was the mother of Constantine and she found the Holy Cross.) There is plenty of other evidence to show that Helena was regarded as the patron Saint of Colchester, and that the legend of her birth in the town (she was reputed to be the daugh- ter of King Coel Godebog) was devoutly believed, and was regarded as the great glory of Colchester: The story of Helen and of her discovery of relics, held in extraordinary veneration throughout Europe, had greatly impressed the imagination of all Christendom. Her chief exploits were the finding of the Holy Cross and of the three Holy Nails, and last, but not least, her discovery of the bodies of the three Holy Kings, otherwise the Magi, whose reputed remains are still magnificently enshrined in Cologne Cathedral. The arms of Colchester seem to have been clearly intended to represent the Holy Cross, the three Holy Nails, and (by means of the crowns) the Three Holy Kings, who are similarly indicated by three crowns in the City Arms of Cologne. No one has hitherto tried to explain the markings in the centre of the ' cross,' dividing it into four portions. The legends about the Invention of the Cross were well known to clerics and laity in all Christian countries, and were doubtless specially well-known in Colchester in medieval times, for Colchester swarmed with ecclesiastics. The cult of St. Helen was an inherited tradition ; there was an important Guild of St. Helen in the borough, and also a church specially dedicated to her. There are many versions of the story of her discovery of the Cross, and it is not necessary here to labour the slight points of difference between them and to show how embelUshments and corruptions varied the original story. As accepted in England in the fifteenth century the story was 6 AkMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. that the cross when discovered, was in four pieces — (i) the upright portion. (2) the cross beam which supported the arms, (3) the socket in which the base of the cross was fixed, and (4) the tablet or inscription board. Thus the actual cross consisted of two beams. The well-known ' Cursor Mundi,' of which numerous manuscript copies were dispersed throughout England, says that the mystic tree from which the cross was originally made (a tree whose curious legendary history is too long to be narrated here) was still in the temple at Jersualem when Helena miraculously found the True Cross. It ' gave out a sweet smell ' which indicated its connection with the cross. A Jew informed Helena of this fact and she prayed for guidance, and especially as to what she should do with the cross. Then (according to the * Cursor Mundi ') an angel was sent to her by our Lord. The angel bade her divide the cross into four parts — one was to be left in the temple at Jerusalem, one to be sent to Rome, one to Alexandria, and the fourth portion she was to take herself to her son, the Emperor Const antine.* This legend of the division of the cross seems to explain sufficiently the partition of the cross in the Colchester Borough Arms into four portions. In fact the designer has contrived to indicate the two legendary details (i) that the cross itself consisted of two separate beams ; (2) that it was divided by Helena into four pieces. These legends were at the time of the Reformation regarded as fantastic superstitions to be rooted out. So the reforming heralds omitted the nails. They chose to call the crowTis ' ducal,* though these were of the form which had always been known as royal. They changed the tincture of the cross from green or ' proper ' to argent (silver) . One excuse for doing this was that it is not correct heraldically for colour to be placed upon colour. The original intention of the green colouring (as of the ragged projections) was presumably to indicate wood. By converting this tincture into metal (argent) the symbolism of the * True Cross ' was partially destroyed. To further destroy *Other versions state that it was the sacred tree in the temple — and not the cross itself — • which Helena by divine guidance cut into four pieces and sent to the four quarters of the world. This seems to be the genuine legend, but that which appears in the ' Cursor Mundi ' was prevalent in England an.i was no doubt generally accepted there. On the other hand it may be an open question whether the cross' in the arms was intended not for the • True Cross ' but for the * Holy 1 ree.' It is more likely, having regard to the inscription on the old Borough seal and the inscription (already mentioned) on the Charter, that the cross wu intended. COLCHESTER. 7 the resemblance the * cross ' was not described as such, but was made into two staves one placed over the other. By this time the heralds no doubt felt that they had purged the design of all the Romish allusiveness. They were not far wrong. For over three centuries the arms have been used in this mutilated condition, and though it was vaguely surmised by Morant and others that the crossed staves were in allusion to Helena, the rest of the symbolism has remained unsuspected and forgotten. Perhaps the time has now come when the ancient design might be safelv restored to use. ARMS OF NOTTINGHAM. Identical with those authorised for Colchester in 1558 except that the staves forming the cross are ' vert ' (green), instead of ' argent ' (whit3 or silver). As to the resemblance between the arms of Nottingham aiid Colchester, it is only necessary to state that there are iwo ancient traditions which connect Nottingham with Coel and Helena. One of these alleges that Nottingham was the burial-place of Coilus, the . British king. The other affirms that Lucius founded Nottingham and that he was son of Helena. Finally it may be added that the proper way of representing the excrescences branching out from the horizontal staff in the arms is as shown in coloured Plate I. (Fig. i), namely, pointing to the sinister side of the shield. The College of Arms has insisted on sending drawings to Colchester in which these projections are made pointing to the dexter. This error is founded on a drawing in Sir William Bysshe's ' Visitation ol Essex,' 1664 — i6b8 (see p. 9), which contains other inaccuracies of drawing (referred to under the account of th^ 8 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. Maldon arms and seal). It is clear that the staff should be laid across the field of the shield in the same way as a sword or other charge of similar kind, pointing from the dexter side to the sinister. Moreover, this direction is correctly observed in drawing the horizontal staff of the cross in the arms on the Colchester Borough Charter of 1413. THE ' RAVEN ' OF COLCHESTER. In his ' History of Colchester * (1823), Thomas Cromwell remarks that * the arms of the town, as a port, are a raven.' This was not strictly correct. The real fact is that the most ancient of all the known seals of Colchester bears an excellent representation of a raven, depicted in somewhat heraldic fashion. The legend on the seal is : * Sigill. Cijstod. Port. Colecestr.' (' Seal of the custodian of the Port of Colchester ' — i.e. of the Portreeve). This seal (shown in the illustration) is appended to a deed of the year 1341. Apparently the seal was of a very much earlier date (nth or 12th century), and was in use in the time when the royal demesne of Colchester had no chartered rights, but was ' farmed ' for the king, the chief officer being known as ' Custos Portus ' or * Portreeve.' That the seal remained in use long after the Charter of Richard I. was granted in 1189 is shown by its being appended to the deed of 1341, and also by an interesting JLatin entry (probably earlier than 1413), in the Re4 Parcb.- COLCHESTER. 9 ment Book (or ' Oath Book ') of Colchester. This entry, still extant, is as follows : — Memorandum quod scriptura in sigillo de le Rayene sic continetur in bordare sigilli predicti : Sigill. custod. port. Colecestr. Et in alio sigillo communi sic continetur in bordar' : Colecestrensis sum Burgi comune sigillum — super le Castelside. Translation : Memorandum that the \mting upon the seal of the Raven is thus contained in the border of the aforesaid seal : ' Seal of the Custodian of the Port of Colchester'. And on the other common seal is thus contained in the border : ' I am the common seal of the Borough of Colchester ' — upon the Castle side of the seal. At various times Colchester was under the government of the Danes, and the Raven is supposed to be an emblem of their rule. At any rate, the Raven, placed upon a gold field, has now been used for many 3^ears as the flag of the Port of Colchester, and as the armorial badge of its modem Portreeve. The Raven is represented, as on the seal, facing to the sinister side. (See Pig. 3 on coloured plate.) CTolcijeftter. COLCHESTER P.OROUGH ARMS. As drawn in Sir William Bysshe's * Visitation of Essex,' in 1664, in the Mayoralty of William Moore. The horizontal staff is here made pointing to the dexter side of the shield, instead of to the sinister side in the ordinary (and correct) manner. lO POSTSCRIPT. On folio 13 of ' Add. MS. 7098 ' (British Museum) is the drawing of the Colchester arms here reproduced. Mr. Metcalfe in his Preface to his Visitations of Essex (Harleian Society, 1878) states that this MS. and Had. MS. 1137 were the sources from whence he took his record of the Visitations 1552-1558. Yet he has no mention whatever of this remarkable drawing, and merely gives the 'ofhcial' coat of arms, which, it appears, the College preferred to record as the correct arms of Colchester. ---ot FROM ADD. MS. 7098. FROM HARL. MS. I484. fo.55. VISITATION OF ESSEX, 1558. Kaih 0/ llicsc (irmi'tiifii has a note slaliuii tlinl it rt'/);vsc»/s ' The anncs of the Toxvne of Col- r. SEAL OF SAFFUON WALDEN, 1 836. Actual size. scale, and it was decided to take no more risks — or liberties — with the Latin tongue. So the inscription was neatly engraved 46 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. in English : ' mayor aldermen & burgesses of the Borough OF SAFFRON WALDEN IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX, 1836.' For some reason or other the engraver made free with the crocuses. One is shown in bud, another is opening, and the third as fully opened. Perhaps it was meant to s^^mboHse the three stages of Saffron Walden's municipal history — first, its incorporation as a mere commonalty in 1549 > second, its * blos- soming forth,' as stated on its mace, as a municipal borough, in 1685 ; third, its re-constitution as a borough under the munici- pal Reform Act of 1835. Strictly, as already stated, there is no authority for using the seal as the arms of Saffron Walden, but there is evidence that the ' town arms ' have been used as such for over 300 years, and the device itself is over 350 years old. So there is some justification for Saffron ^^^alden continuing to show the ' Saffron walled-in ' in armorial fashion. There is of course a difficulty about the tinctures. For these there is no authority and they have varied from time to time. I have chosen to blazon them in the simplest form, namely : Argent, in base a gateway with two towers, and in fess two similar towers, all conjoined with a circular wall embattled, enclosing three saffron flowers slipped and leaved, all proper. In giving the ' proper ' or natural colour of the saffron flowers, I have shown them as mauve, in preference to the yellow of the more ordinary modem crocus. In Dr. Andrew Clark's article on Saffron and Walden (Essex Review, vol. iq), he claims that the saffron plant [crocus sativus), formerly cultivated at Saffron Walden, was the purple or mauve variety. In this article much interesting and curious information is suppHed respecting the introduction of saffron to England, its method of cultivation, and the marvellous medicinal properties which it was imagined to possess. Particulars sho\^^[ng its great commercial value to Saffron Walden are also given by Dr. Clark. Further in- formation on this subject, of much interest and evidencing very full and careful research, will be found in Mr. Miller Christy's article, Saffron Culture, in the Victoria History of Essex, ii. p. 359. Another still stronger reason for showing the flowers as mauve is the fact that the original royal Hcence incorporating the guild of the Holy Trinity at Saffron W^alden, 24th March 1514 (as already stated), is ornamented with drawings of a SAFFRON WALDEN. " 47 considerable number of saffron flowers, all coloured mauve. This very interesting deed is preserved in the Guildhall of Saffron Walden. Mr. Guy Maynard, curator of the Saffron Walden Museum, who is well kno\\'n as an authority on the history and antiquities of the town, informs me that according to some authorities the ' field ' in the coat of arms is shown as ' or ' {i.e, gold or yellow), and according to others ' azure ' (blue). In the latter case the saffron flowers are portrayed as ' or,' but, having regard to the true colouring of the saffron flowers grown at Saffron Walden, this seems an anachronism. I also gather from Mr. Maynard that at one time it was the custom at Saffron Walden to add the embellishment of a crest to the ' borough arms ' and to displa}^ a hon for that purpose. There was certainly no authority for this usage, which may have been due to a praiseworthy desire to keep alive the lion of the earliest and obsolete seal of the town. Later on the lion was discarded in favour of a scallop shell, displayed at the top of the arms as a crest. This seems to have been the result of a funny misunderstanding of a scallop-shaped ornament which surmounts the cartouche on the engraved borough mace (see illustration). It is hardly necessary to say that this con- ventional bit of ornamentation is not a crest and was never intended to be one. Unfortunately the mistake has been perpetuated in the Victoria History of Essex ii., 361, where it is not only affirmed that a ' cockle sliell ' is the crest of the borough, but it is further asserted that this emblem is taken from the arms of the Abbey of Walden, ' azure, on a bend gules, cotised or, between 2 mullets of the last, 3 escallops argent.' The only authority for this use of this alleged ' crest ' is the design on the borough mace of 1685. This is clearly onty a commonplace embellish- ment of a decorative character. If it had been meant for a crest, the usual ' torse ' (or wreath) would have been shown beneath it. I must conclude by acknowledging the very great courtesy and assistance which I have received from Dr. J. P. Atkinson very many times Mayor of Saffron Walden. He has taken great trouble in giving me much valuable information and in supplying me with photographs and other material. v.— THAXTED FROM a remote period Thaxted — once a flourishing manu- facturing and market town — was known and legally de- scribed as a borough. Its earUest charter, as far as can be ascertained, dates from 1554 (i and 2 Philip and Mary). This charter was confirmed by Queen EUzabeth, and. according to Morant. King James I. by a subsequent charter enlarged the liberties of the town. Thaxted remained a municipal borough until the reign of James II., but in 16S4, on a writ of quo warranto being issued against it, the town made no attempt to assert or maintain its chartered privileges. The borough was accordingly dissolved. The fact was that Thaxted had decayed in prosperity and dwindled in population, and had no money to spend upon the forlorn hope of preserving its former -dignity. As early as 1483 or 1484, and probably from a considerably earlier date. Thaxted had been known in legal documents as a borough (burgus). Richard III.'s grant of the town to his mother (1483 or 1484) describes it as ' manerium et burgum de Thaxted.' and the same words were used i^ the letters patent of Henry VIII. (1511) granting £57 ys. annually from this * manor and borough ' to Anne of Cleves. It appears that the town belonged to the lord of the manor until 1554, and that the officers of the so-called ' borough ' were appointed, from time to time, at the manorial courts. Morant (1760) states that the former borough of Thaxted ' had a common seal but no arms.' The borough seal possibly originated soon after the grant of the charter in 1554. As will be seen later on the seal was in existence and used in the year 1617. Morant mentions a * visitation of the heralds * to Thaxted on 20th August 1637, ' when Robert Humphreys was Mayor and Justice of the Peace and Quorum within the Liberty and Borough of Thaxted.' The town also had a Recorder and two Bailiffs and ' about 20 Chief Burgesses ' at this date. In Thaxted church is a framed modern copy of the record of this Plate V ARMS OF THE FORMER BOROUGH OF THAXTEU. THAXTED. 49 visitation. It mentions the same particulars but gives the date as 1634 instead of 1637. It is accompanied b}/ a picture of the seal which shows the fetterlock as a sort of nondescript horse- shoe, with the white rose beneath it. The drawing seems to be an incorrect copy of an original which was perhaps faded or defaced. What has become of the original is not known. At some period (in spite of Morant's assertion to the con- trary) Thaxted seems to have obtained sanction from the College of Arms to use a coat of arms identical with its seal. These arms, stated by Messrs. Fox-Davies and Crookes to be * re- corded at the College of Arms,' are thus described : — Gules, two swords in saltire argent, in chief a rose of the last within a fetterlock or. On making special enquiry at the College of Arms, I learn that the arms are recognised and recorded there in this form. In the days of its prosperity the great industry of Thaxted was cutlery. Mr. Miller Christy records in the Victoria History of Essex (vol. ii., 421) that this trade is said to have been * a large and flourishing industry from the end of the 14th century to the end of the 15th,' and he also mentions a trade token issued in Saffron Walden as late as the latter half of the 17th century, bearing two crossed swords, which may perhaps have meant that the trader who issued it was a cutler. Mr. A. P. Humphry, of Horham Hall, Thaxted, tells me that Thaxted lost its pros- perity owing to the gradual using up of the wood available for the fuel required in the manufacture of cutlery. I am also indebted to Mr. Humphry for pointing out that the two crossed swords (' in saltire ') in the Thaxted seal and arms are evidently derived from the arms of the Cutlers' Company of London, granted 16 Edward IV. (1J76-7), which are : Gules, three pair of swords in saltire argent, hilts and pommels or, two pair in chief and one in base. The fetterlock,* which is a Yorkist emblem and badge, and the white rose of York are accounted for b}^ the lordship of the manor of Thaxted coming into possession, by inheritance, of the royal house of York, as portion of the extensive Clare estates. As to this, Nathanael Salmon [History of Essex, 1740) states that * the Honor of Clare and Gloucester *In Vict. Hist. Essex (ii , 421) there is a rather unfortunate statement that ' the common seal of the mayor, bailiffs and commonalty [of Thaxtedj bore two swords crossed mid a lioisf-shoe in chief.' The eiror is probably due to the incoirect modern drawing in Thaxted church already mentioned. 50 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. was in jointure to Cecilia, mother of Edward IV..' and that she probably had Thaxted as a branch of it. Afterwards (in 1483-4) she had a grant for life of the * Manor and Borough of Thaxted ' from her other son, Richard III. She lived until 1494. After her death Thaxted descended to her grand-daughter Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, and queen of Henry VII. In one of the. carved bosses in the roof of the south aisle of Thaxted church a fetterlock is displayed. Mr. Miller Christy, in his Handbook of Essex (1887). mentions that in the main street of Thaxted is a very ancient timber and plaster house, with projecting upper storeys. Beneath its oriel windows on the first floor are carved the royal arms of King Edward IV., supported by a lion and a bull (the supporters used for the royal arms by that monarch).* The royal arms also appear on the North Porch of Thaxted church, believed to have been built by Edward IV., who also finished the chancel of the church. Morant mentions that ' in the East window at the south end of the cross aisle ' of Thaxted church, there are several golden falcons accompanied by white roses and the motto ' Min Grace/ A white (or silver) falcon within a fetterlock was a badge used by Edward IV. as Duke of York. Thus the to\\Ti possessed some important Yorkist associations, and had good reason to identify itself, in its seal and arms, with the house of the white rose. As far as I can ascertain, there is no perfect impression from the ancient seal of Thaxted in existence. ♦The Rev. Henry L. Elliot reminds nie that the black bull was the badge of the Honour of Clare, and often used as a supporter by members of the House of York. THAXTED. 51 Mr. A. P. Humphry writes to me as follows on this subject : ' I ought to have two impressions of the see^l, on two documents relating to vexed questions between the Lord of the Manor and Borougli and the Corporation, but they have at some time been broken to pieces. Of one of them enough is left to show ' ORIS/ no doubt part of MAIORIS, and part of the hilt of a sword. The other, in a smril silk bag, might be complete, but it is in such small pieces that I have not ventured to open it or to try to unite them.' These two deeds are dated respectively 3rd March 1617 and 20th May 1617. The best representation of the ancient seal is that here reproduced. It is taken from the version of Sir Edward Bysshe's VisUaiion of Essex, 1664, edited and published by J. J. Howard, LL.D., F.S.A., in 1888, as already mentioned. There is no allusion of any kind to this drawing in the text, and no reference to any visit by Sir Edward B3^sshe to Thaxted. In the official record of the Visitation, at the College of Arms, the drawing does not appear, and is not mentioned. Probably Thaxted was visited by the heralds and a drawing or impression of the seal made, but, the town being at this time in a very impoverished state, it is likely that the usual fees were not forthcoming, and that therefore the seal, though included in the rough draft or notes made by the heralds, did not find a place in the final and official record. VI— CHELMSFORD. THE borough of Chelmsford wds incorporated on 19th September 1888, and after the manner of the newly ennobled it lost no time in adopting a coat of arms, a crest and a motto. These were duly settled by the College of Arms, in 1889, within a few months of the granting of the charter. The present writer had some share in suggesting the various charges, but the chief author of the device was Mr. A. J. Fur- bank, solicitor, of Chelmsford, who acted as Provisional Town Clerk of the borough, and who took a leading part in securing the incorporation. He, I believe, was solely responsible for suggesting the admirable motto of the town, ' Many minds, one heart.' The heraldic description of the armorial bearings is as follows : — Argent, in fess a bridge with three arches and with buttresses proper ; in chief two crosiers crossed between two lions ramj)ant azure ; in bast- two bars wavy azure. Crest : A crosier erect between two crossed swords hilted and mounted or, encircled by a wreath of oak leaves i)roper. These arms have been described, N\ithout any intentional word-play, as an ' abridged history of Chelmsford.' The bridge represents the first bridge built over the river Cann, about the year iioo, by Maurice, Bishop of London, Lord of the Manor of Chelmsford. This bridge is reputed to have been the making of the town, for it brought the main traffic from London through Chelmsford, instead of through Writtle, which had formerly been the main thoroughfare. The two blue lions are from the arms ol the Mildma\' familv, whose shield bears Plate VI. ARMS OF THE BOROUGH OF CHELMSFORD. \ CHELMSFORD. 53 argent three lions rampant azure*. The Mildmays obtained the Manor of Chehiislord at the time of the Reformation, by grant from Henry VIII. From the reign of Edward the Con- fessor until that period, the Bishops of London had been Lords of the Manor of Chelmsford, and had been very good friends of the town, securing it a market by royal charter, and otherwise promoting its prosperit}. The Manor of Moulsham, now part of the borough, had belonged to the Abbots of Westminster from pre-Norman times, but the Abbey had to relinquish it at the Reformation, and it was granted to the Mildmays (who appear to have paid a good round sum for it) b}' Queen Elizabeth. The t\\o crossed crosiers, between the two triumphant Mildmay hons, represent the dispossessed manorial lords, the Bishop of London and the Abbot, ^^'hether the heralds intended by crossing these emblems to show the natural displeasure of the disendowed ecclesiastics must remain one of the secrets of the College. The tA\o blue wavy bars in the base of the shield in- dicate, as usual, in heraldry, water. They are intended to de- note the ancient ford of the river Chelmer, from which Chelms- forcl (Celmersford in the Domesday Survey) derives its name. In the Victoria History of Essex Mi. J. Horace Round remarks on the number of parishes in Essex taking their names from fords ■--' Uttlesford Bridge in Wenden preserves the memory of the first of these fords. The course of the great London road is marked by Stratford, Ilford, Romford, ^^Mdford, Chelmsford, Easterford (Kelvedon), Copford and Empford (Stan way Bridge).* (F. C. H. vol. I, p. 406.) In the crest is a second but more compressed edition of the history of the two manors. The crosier represents the Abbot of Westminster. The two crossed swords are the arms of the see of London, the sword (which also figures in the arms of London city) being of courss the emblem of St. Paul. The circlet of oak leaves is the ancient symbol of civic dignity and freedom. It is interesting ^to note that in 1889, when these arms were adopted for Chelmsford, there was no thought of the possibihty of Chelmsford ever becoming a bishop's see. The ecclesiastical emblems were very properly introduced as a memorial of the past, and of the fact that Chelmsford owed very much of its prosperity to the mitred lords of its manors, and especially to The Mildmay crest is also a blue lion rampant. 54 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. the Bishops of London. The constitution of the See of Chekns- ford in 1914, just over a quarter of a century after the incor- poration, makes the arms of the borough additionally appro- priate. Strictly speaking, I believe that in the crest the crozier and swords should be shown as resting on a rock ' proper * or a piece of rock work. This rockwork is said to be in accordance with the grant of the College of Arms, but it certainly spoils the design, has no obvious meaning or use, and is not, I be- lieve, usually shown in the official designs and insignia. It should be added that Chelmsford was indebted for the grant of its arms to Mr. W. M. Tufnell, J.P., of Hatfield Place, Chelmsford, who defrayed the heavy fees payable to the College of Arms. VII.— SOUTHEND»ON»SEA. SOUTHEND was incorporated as a municipal borougli in August 1892, and became a county' borough in 1914. ' Southend ' proper is distinctly a modern creation and the town can boast of a quite phenomenal growth in prosperity and in population. For over some twenty years or more Southend used a PSEUDO-ARMS OF SOUTHEND. Discarded in 11)14. strange device in place of borough arms. This design is here shown. It is hardly necessary to say that it never had any sort of authority from the College of Arms, 56 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. A really heraldic description of this curious design is not possible, but it may be roughly indicated as follows : — Party per pale, on the dexter side a landscape representing a well in a meadow^ on the sinister side a representation of Prittlewell Church, all proper ; in a chief a picture representing a pier and esplanade, also proper ; over all, an inescutcheon with the reputed arms of the East Saxons, namely, gules, three seaxes fessways argent, hilted gold. Crest On waves of the sea a ship of three masts in sail proper. Motto : Forti nihil difficile. (To a brave man nothing is difficult.) These pseudo-arms were the subject of many unfavour- able criticisms, and early in 19 14 a movement was set on foot ARMS OF THE COUNTV BOROUGH OF SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. Granted by Letters Patent, dated i and 2 January igt^;. to obtain a suitable and authorised coat-of-arms for the newly- constituted county borough. After some vicissitudes the proposal received sanction trom the Southend Town Council, and eventually Letters Patent were obtained, dated i and 2 Jan. 1915, from the King of Arms, granting an entirely new coat of arms (as here shown) to the county borough of Southend-on-Sea. SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. 57 The Town Clerk of Southend (Mr. H. J. Worwood) specially interested himself in the subject, and it was due, in con- siderable measure, to his advice that the application to the College of Arms was made. The Southend Town Council were advised in the matter by Mr. E. A. Ebblewhite, barrister - at -law. The heraldic description of these arms is as follows : Arms. — Azure, on a pile argent between on the dexter an anchor erect, on the sinister a gridiron, and in has 3 a trefoil slipped or, a flower vase, issuing therefrom a sprig of lilies proper, Cresr. — Issuant out of a mural crown gules the mast of a ship proper flowing therefrom a flag argent charged with a cross throughout, also gules. Sjipporteis. — On the dexter side a mediaval fisherman trailing a net with his exterior hand, all proper ; and on the sinister side a Cluniac monk proper, holding in the dexter hand a book gules, and in thg exterior hand a staff, also proper. Motto. — ' Per Mare per Ecclesiam ' (By the sea, by the church). I am indebted to Mr. Worwood for the following information explanatory of these bearings. The charges on the shield represent emblematically the four parishes comprised within the county borough of Southend. The vase with the lily indicates the prior}' and the [)arish of St. Mary the Virgin, Prittlewell, and the device is taken in its entirety from the 13th century seal of the Cluniac Priory of St. Mary, Prittlewell, an important religious foundation which had considerable influence in this district. The anchor (gold) is the symbol of St. Clement, who, says the legend, was martyred by being drowned in the sea, with an old anchor attached to his neck. St. Clement is patron Saint of Leigh-on-Sea, now comprised within the borough. The gridiron (also of gold) is the emblem of St. Laurence, patron saint of the ancient parish church ol Eastwood, dedicated jointly to St. Laurence and All Saints. According to tradition St. Laurence was roasted to death on a gridiron over a slow fire. Eastwood (which in 1841 had only 516 inhabitants, and in 1911 had a population of i,6i'/) has also been added to the borough of Southend. The gold trefoil in the base (which is also gold) is emblematical of the Holy Trinity, to whom the ancient parish church of Southchurch (once known also as Southsea) is dedicated. Southchurch was incorporated in the borough of Southend as long ago as i Nov. 1897, and has now a popula- tion of 3,954 against 432 in 1841. 58 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS The mast of an ancient galley, forming the crest, indicates the former reputation of Leigh as a port. The old English flag — the cross of St. George — has been introduced. The former importance of Leigh has been ecHpsed by the modern development of the place. It had in igii a population of 7,713 against 1,271 in 1841. Leigh (or Leigh-on-Sea, as I believe it likes to be called) was incorporated with the borough of Southend by the Southend Corporation Act, 1913, which came into operation on 9 November 1913. The figures of the supporters have been copied from mediaeval illuminated manuscripts in the British Museum, and are intended to indicate the two classes of men who in early days influenced and developed the district now comprised within the county borough. The motto ' illustrates the armorial bearings, and recognises the effect of the proximity of the sea and the influence of the church upon the early history of the borough ' — or rather of the parishes now comprised within the borough. Plate VII. ARMS OF THE BOROUGH OF WEST HAM, VIII.— WEST HAM. ^yHE municipal borough of West Ham obtained its X charter of incorporation in June 1886, and two or three 3^ears later, under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 188^, it became a county borough. Soon after its incor- poration West Ham secured a grant of arms from the College of Arms. The heraldic description of these armorial bearings is as follows : — Per fesse, gules and or, in chief a ship under sail proper and two hammers in saltire of the second ; in base 3 chevronels of the first ; over all a pale ermine, thereon a crosier erect of the second. Crest : On a wreath of the colours in front of a sword in bend dexter point downwards, proper, pommel and hilt gold, surmounted by a crosier in bend sinister or, a sun rising in splendour, proper. Motto : Deo confidimus (We trust to God). These arms have reference to the ancient and famous Abbey of Stratford, otherwise Langthome-at-Bow, founded in 1135 by WiUiam de Montfitchet. The arms of this abbey, which existed up to the Dissolution in the reign of Henry VHL, were : Or, three chevrons (or chevronels) gules, over all a crosier in bend argent. Stratford Abbey had taken its arms (by counterchanging the tinctures) from the coat of its founder. The Montiitchet arms were : Gules, three chevronels or. 6o ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. Chaucer has a well-known reference to Stratford, in the Prologue to The Canterhiiry Tales : Ther was also a Nonne, a Prioresse, That of hir smyling was ful simple and coy ; Her grettest ootli was but by seynt Loy ; And she was cleped madame Eglentyne. Ful wel she song the service divyne, Entuned in hir nose ful semely ; And Frensh she spak ful faire and fetisly, After the scole of Stratford atte Bowe, For Frensh of Paris was to hir unknowe. Here Chaucer is assumed to be referring to the Benedictine nunnery at Stratford, * famous even then for its antiquity.' According to Tanner it was founded by William, Bishop of London, before 1087, whilst Dugdale says it was founded by Christ- iana de Sumery, and that her foundation was confirmed by King Stephen. These statements appear to be erroneous, unless tliere was some smaller and earher foundation than that alluded to by Chaucer. Mr. R. C. Fowler, M.A., in his very careful and authoritative article on the Rehgious Houses of Essex {Vic- toria Hist Essex, vol. ii.), states that the abbey was founded by William de Montfitchet in 1135, as a House for Benedictine nuns. The abbey was at first endowed with the lordship of West Ham and other property, and in 1309 it was further en- riched by the possession of the advowson of East Ham. In 1147 the abbey, which was affihatedto the house of Savigny in Erance, became (Hke its parent Rouse) Cistercian. The ship in the dexter chief of the West Ham arms is in token of the Victoria London Docks, situated in the borough. They were constructed in 1855-6, at a cost of £800,000, and have, of course, materially helped the growth of West Ham and Plaistow. The crossed hammers are not (I hope) intended to allude to the name ' Ham,' but merely to another cause of West Ham's greatness — the Thames Ironworks and Ship- building Company. The crosier on an ermine pale is in honour of the x\bbey already referred to. In the crest this crosier reappears, crossed with a sword, which is presumably meant to indicate the neighbouring City of London. The sword of St. Paul figures in the arms of the City of London, and West Ham is now tlie chief portion of * London-over-the-Border.* The rising sun is meant to typify the rapid rise and growth of the borough. WEST HAM. 6l It wall be seen that the College of Arms bestowed upon Chelmsford a crest very similar to that of West Ham, which may be merely an accidental coincidence, or may be the result of poverty of ideas. To most people, including Sir W. H. St. John Hope, Mr. Oswald Barron, Mr. J. H. Round, LL.D., and other modern authorities on heraldic subjects, the idea of giving a crest to a borough is incongruous, the crest being rather a per- sonal emblem or cognisance. However, there is the ancient })recedent of the City of London crest, and in modern times the College of Arms has always encouraged boroughs in the practice of assuming a crest in addition to the shield of arms. IX.— EAST HAM. EAST HAM was constituted a borough by charter dated 27 August, 1904. It has no grant of arms, but uses a pseudo-heraldic device here shown : It is not a satisfactory design from the heraldic point of view. If an attempt to describe it in heraldic terms were made, this might be done somewhat as follows : Party per pale, in the dexter half of the shield party per fesse, gules and argent, three flaming torches proper and a three-masted ship in full EAST HAM. 63 sail on waves of the sea proper ; on the sinister half of the shield ermine a crosier erect or. Issuant behind the chief of the shield, in lieu of a crest, a sun rising, gules. Motto : Progressio cum populo (Progress with the people). The arms are a somewhat obvious imitation of the arms of West Ham. Presumably the three torches are meant to be torches of progress ; the ship denotes the shipping of East Ham on the Thames ; the crosier may refer to the fact that East Ham ancienth^ belonged to the endowment of Westminster Abbey, or it may be meant to allude to the grant of the Manor of East Ham, in 1309, to Stratford Abbey. The fiery sun in the background, which is not a crest, and has no heraldic justification or significance in such a place, is no doubt intended, like the crest of West Ham, to indicate the spreading glory and greatness of the borough. X.— SOME DOUBTFUL 'TOWN ARMS.' HALSTEAD. I N Sir Bernard Burke's General Armory, 1875 and 1878 editions, there is the following entr\7 : Halsted, Town of (co. Essex) . Az. a coronet composed of one fleur-de-lis and two leaves or. The Halstead Urban District Council, upon its formation some thirty years ago, adopted these arms and placed them in the council seal. The Rev. Henry L. EUiot, vicar of Gosfield, Halstead, subsequently made some enquiries upon the subject, and he received a letter dated, from the College of Arms, 15 May 1903, from the then editor of Burke's Armory, as follows : ' The result of a search here [College of Arms] shows that you are correct in stating that the town of Halstead has no right to arms. . . I cannot understand how the entry crept into Burke's Armory,' In communicating this information to me Mr. Elliot adds that * the only Corporation in Halstead in the past was the College founded by the Bourchiers, and endowed in 141 1. It is possible that this coat belonged to that foundation, but of this no proof has been forthcoming.' For some reason, however, certain heralds of the i7tli century (more than a century after the extinction of the * College of Halstead ') seem to have assigned these arms to ' the town of Halstead in Essex.' Harleian MS. 1370, is a small oblong octavo volume, with an entry at the beginning : ' A Rctorne of Entreys made by me Thomas Wootton from the 5th of November 1647 ^"^ so ^forwards.' SOME DOUBTFDI, ' TOWN ARMS. 65 The entries appear to have been continued up to the year 1660 or thereabouts. In this manuscript, foUo 16, is the drawing here shown. It is given with the arms of many other towns and cities. In Egerton MS. 1073, which is entitled ' Arms of Cities and Famihes,' and which is also of the seventeenth century, there is a similar drawing, here reproduced. It is headed ' Halstead in Essex.' It appears on the same page as a trick of the arms of the borough of Sudbury in Suffolk, and it may be noted that these are given harl ms. 1370, fo. 16. accurately and carefully with the tinctures marked. There is no evidence that Halstead was ever a corporate town, but according to Holman's Halstead * the manor of Hal- stead had considerable and special privileges. Service of processes on behalf of the King in Halstead was not done by the Sheriff, but by * the lord's bailiff of the liberty, who from time to time hath served within the said lordship and taken the fees thereof, without rendering account for the same.' Holman adds that the lord of the manor of Halstead * hath always had the nomination of the coroner.' From a remote period Halstead had a market, which belonged to the King. It also had a pair of stocks, a pillory, and an assise of bread and beer, but I imagine that many small and non-corporate towns possessed these blessings. The kings of England, according to Holman, ' continued lords of this market * '//oZ/nfl/!'."; //a/s/tvirf, being Historical Notes arranged by William Holman, " Pastor of the Church of Protestant Dissenters" in Halstead, Essex, 1700-1730 a.d. Prepared for the press by T. G, Gibbons, M.A., sometime Vicar of Halstead' (1902), EGERTON 073, 66 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. till the reign of Henry III., who in the 35th year of his reign [1250-13 did, by his letters patents, grant unto Abell de Sancto Martino and his heirs for ever that he should have a market on Saturdays at his manor of Halstead, and a fair yearly, to last two days, namely the eve and day of St. Dion3^sius, with all liberties and customs belonging to such market and fair.' Edward III. in the fourth year of his reign (1330-1) granted to Robert Lord Bourchier a Court Leet and also a market every week upon Tuesdays and a fair yearly upon the eve and day of St. Luke — this being in place of the market and fair granted by Henry III., about eighty years earlier. As Colchester had a market on Saturday and a fair on St. Denys's day (the latter granted in 1318), we may guess why the days of Halstead market day and fair were altered. Holman has other references which seem to indicate the existence of some corporate guild or authority. He notes : MooTE Hall. In this town was an house so called, for at a court held 2oth Henry VH. John May, after the death of his father, John May, took up a parcel of customary garden with the appurtenances lately called Le Mote-Hall.' Yeld-Hall. — There was a Guild Hall, alias the Yeld-Hall, in this town, that had a Fraire Clerk belonging to it, as I find by a deed dated loth October, 20th Henry VIII.' A further reference to this Guildhall was unearthed by the industrious Holman, namely Letters Patent of 3 Edward VL, whereby the king ' gave a message in Hawsted called Le Yeld- Hall to William Berners and George Wattes and their heirs. Isaack Metcalf paid a fine for it 20th EHzabeth. Tis the house at the bottom of the town where the widow Clayton liveth.' The widow Clayton was no doubt a most worthy ^personage, but her name alone would not be sufficient to identify Halstead's Guildhall. Local tradition, however, preserves the information. The Rev. T. G. Gibbons appended this note to Holman 's record : ' Fraire Clerk. Morant ii. 283, note, speaks of a " Fanye Clerk " (whose business it was to officiate in divine things). Derived from Feria — a festival, or one who officiates at festivals. This Fraire Clerk acted as chaplain for the members of the Guild. Their Guild House still remains and was occupied as a butcher's shop and dwelling house by Mr. G. D. Green, and he has been succeeded by Mr. Nash, who has cased the old timber structure with brick.' This note seems to clear up, at any rate, the position of the GuildhaU. SOME DOUBTFUL ' TOWN ARMS.' ^7 The derivation of ' Fraire Clerk ' or ' Farrye Clerk ' from the word * feria ' is not Morant's. It is probably a surmise by the Rev. T. G. Gibbons — and a doubtful one. Morant's note was in reference to the preceptory of Little Maplestead : ' To this preceptory belonged a Farrye Clark, whose business it was to officiate in divine things. He had a pension out of several lands and tenements in divers parishes.' With all his research the careful and industrious Holman has no other information likely to throw any light on the use of arms or of a heraldic seal by any official or guild or corporate body at Halstead. Nor does he appear to have been aware of any arms in use by the town or any functionary of the manorial court or of the ' College of Halstead.' His record of this ' College ' is meagre. As it is possible that the arms may have been the seal of this ' College,' it is desirable to quote some particulars relating to that foundation as given by Mr. R. C. Fowler, M.A., in the Victoria History of Essex (vol. ii.) : The College of Halstead. Edward III., on 2 April 1341, granted licence for Robert Bourchier, chancellor of England, to found a college or chapelry of seculars in Halstead and to endow them with lands. . . This licence appears never to have taken effect. On May 2, 1412, Henry IV granted licence for Richard, Bishop of London, to found a chantry of live chaplains to celebrate divine service daily in the parish church of Halstead, for the souls of Sir Robert Bourchier and Margaret his wife [and others of the family] . . . One of the five chaplains was to be the master, and the chantry was to be called Bourchier's chantry. The college was founded accordingly on 12 Nov. in the same year and endowed with 3 tenements in Halstead, etc. The college appears to have existed up to the year 1535, when John Reston was master. In 155 1 (June 24) it was granted to WiUiam Parr, Marquis of Northampton. It will be seen that there is no evidence in these various items of Halstead history to account for the so-called arms of the town. Possibly the future discovery of some ancient seal may elucidate the matter. The crown of fleurs-de-lis and leaves alternately seems to have been first used as a royal emblem in the reign of Edward I. 1272-1307. It was superseded in the reign of Edward III., who, according to Berry's Encyclopcedia Heraldica (ii., 268), ' seems to have been the first sovereign of England who enriched the crown with fleurs-de-lis and crosses pattee.' 68 ARMS OF THE ESSEX BOROUGHS. CLACTON-ON-SEA. CLACTON, like other watering places, has suffered from cheap china. The excessive commercial zeal of British and foreign china-merchants has led them to flood watering- places and other pleasure resorts with small articles of china or earthenware purporting to bear the armorial bearings of the town. Like most modern seaside resorts, Clacton has no right to any armorial bearings at all. Such places present no difhculty to the ingenious manufacturer. He promptly fabricates some strange armorial device — generally absurdly inappropriate and always infringing the elementary rules of heraldry. Fraudulent monstrosities of this sort appeared in Clacton-on-Sea and were bought by innocent visitors in the belief that the designs were really the authentic arms of the town. In self-defence the Clacton Urban Council — ^in the year 191 1 — formally adopted a device which has at least the merit of being correct heraldically and of embodying some local history. The chief fault of the design is that it is overloaded. An Urban District Council has no right to armorial bearings, but Clacton is a growing town, and in course of time will probably become a municipal borough. Its corporation will then be able to claim legitimate arms, and may perhaps induce the College to recognise the coat now adopted without authority — or some variation of it. Meanwhile, as the design has some sort of official status, a description of it — for what it is worth — may be given. Heral- dically this description is as follows : Party per chevron, azure semee of cross crosslets and gules ; in chief two cinquefoils argent ; in base between two escallops or, two crossed swords argent, hilted gold ; over all on an inescutcheon gules, bordure or, 3 seaxes argent hilted gold. Crest. A galley proper with one sail charged with an escallop gules 5 from the mast and from the stern two flags, floating in each case to the dexter. Motto. Lux, Salubritas et Felicitas. (Light, Health and Happiness). The upper portion of the shield is borrowed from the armorial coat of the D'Arcy family. The D'Arcys of St. Osyth held the manor of Great Clacton for some time after the Reformation. The crossed swords in the lower part of the shield are in token of the episcopal see of London, Clacton having been part of the possessions of the Bishops of London from the time of the Norman conquest until 1545. The scallop shells are the emblem SOME DOUBTFUL ' TOWN ARMS.' 69 of St. James, to whom the new district church at Clacton-on-Sea is dedicated. It has also been suggested that, the scallop being used as a badge by pilgrims, these shells have reference to the modern sea-shore of Clacton to which so many pilgrims resort. The inescutcheon is, of course, the traditional shield of the East Saxons, used also to denote Essex. The bordure of gold is ap- parently introduced to enable this inescutcheon to be super- imposed on the tinctures of the shield without offending the laws of heraldry. The crest indicates the maritime importance of Clacton, the escallop being shown on the sail of the galley to distinguish the crest from similar badges, charges, or crests used by other maritime towns and ports. ARMS OF THE SEE OF CHELMSFORD. THE arms of the See of Chelmsford (here shown in colours) were designed, soon after the formation of the Chelmsford diocese, by the Rev. Henry L. EUiot, vicar of Gosfield. The arms were approved and adopted by the newly appointed Bishop of Chelmsford in April 1914. The heraldic description is as follows : — Or, on a saltire gules in bend sinister a sword argent pommelled gold, surmounted by a pastoral staff of the field in bend dexter. The shield is surmounted (in the usual way) by a Bishop's mitre, proper. The design commemorates the various ecclesiastical juiis- dictions under which the church in Essex has at Various times been placed, viz., the sees of (i) London (represented by the sword of St. Paul) ; (2) Rochester (by the red St. Andrew's cross) ; and (3) St. Albans (by the gold of the field, gold being, in the arms of the Diocese of St. Albans, the metal of the saltire there shown). The pastoral staff is added to indicate the episcopal nature of the arms. Plate VIII. ARMS OF THE DIOCESAN SEE OF CHELMSFORD. Plate IX. TRADITIONAL ARMS OF THE KINGS OF THE EAST SAXONS. THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. THERE is a mystery about the three seaxes or Saxon swords, the reputed arms of the East Saxon Kingdom, sometimes used in modern times as being the arms of Essex and known to the irreverent as ' the three fish-knives.' The earUest reference to these traditional * arms ' of the East Saxons, as far as I have been able to trace, is to be found in Richard Verstegan's A Kesiltuiion of Decayed Intelligence, printed at Antwerp by Robert Bruney in 1605. Verstegan was no doubt a deeply-read man, but his book- learning was of the kind prevalent among the learned in those days. He was a ready behever in almost all that he found in ancient manuscripts or volumes. In his unquestioning way he informs us that Erkenwyne, the first King of the East Saxons, bore for his arms three seaxes argent in a field gules. Verstegan gives no authority for this statement, but there is no reason to doubt that he had it from what seemed to him a thoroughly respectable source, and also that it was by this time a well- established heraldic legend. Verstegan's remarks on the subject of these arms are diffuse, but they are also curious, and as his book is difficult of access it may be as well to give the passage in full ; This name then of Saxons they vndoubtedly had (though some hold it vnlykely) of their vse and wearing of a certaine kynd of swoord or weapon inuented and made bowing crooked, much after the fassion of a sythe, in imitation whereof it should seem to haue first bin made. And when of late I conferred with the excellent learned man M. Justus Lipsius about the Saxons true appellation (who I also found to concurr with mee in opinion) hee could presently put mee in mynd that a sythe is yet at this 72 THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. present in the Netherlands called a saisen. Now the swoords of our anceters being made somewhat after that manner (the edge beeing on the contrarie syde) they might wel carrie a like name vnto such an edge-tool as they were made after : albeit wee fynd these kynd of swoords anciently written seaxen. or seaxes, yet is it lyke enough that our anceters sounded the x as s, for the Welshmen wrote them Saison as they yet write vs, which it is lyke they wrote, according as they hard them pronounce there own appellation. Of this kynd of weapon they had two sortes, the one whereof being long were worne for swoords & the other beeing short, as hangers or wood knyues, and these they called hand seaxes, and such they were which after there into Britaine, they had still in vse, and did weare priuately hanging vnder there long skirted cotes ; wherewith at a banket on Salis- bitrie plaine where Hengistus had enuyted King Vortiger, about three hundreth of his nobles, the watch-woord, Nem eour seaxes, that is Take your seaxes, beeing giuen, were all of them suddenly slaine. And as these long seaxes or swoords, were as is said before, made after the forme of a sythe, so might there hand-seaxes as well in fassion & bignes as somwhat in name, agree unto there then vsed manner of sides. Of this kynd of hand-seax, Erkenwyne king of the East-Saxons did beare for his armes three argent, in a feild gules. And the learned Engelhusius, of the kynd of seax and of the name of the Saxons, hath this ensuing Latin rythme Quippe Ireuis gladius apud illos Saxa vacatur, Vnde sihi Saxo nomen traxisse putatur. which may be englished thus. Because a Saxa termed is. The short swoord which they weare, Thcre-of the name of Saxons they May wel he thought to beare. Now then it being manifest that our anceters did affect & vsually beare this kynd of weapon called a Seax, & that we fynrl it not to have bin vsed among the other Germans, vnlesse of such as afterward may haue followed them in that fassion, why may not the peculiar bearers of that kynd of weapon, haue gotten after the same there appellation ? for seeing the name of the weapon & the name of the bearers thereof, is all one, either the weapon was so called of the men, or the men of the weapon : but that men are vsuall}' called according to the weaj)ons which they bearc^ dayly experience doth shew vs, espetially in warre, where by the names of Lances, Carabines, pykes, muskets, &c., the bearers of such weapons rather then the weapons are vnderstood." John Speed, in his History of Great Britaine, Lond., 1611 (p. 285), summarises Verstegan thus : ' lustus Lipsius coniectureth and Engelhusius aflirmeth (as Verstegan saith) that the name Saxon tooke the appellation from the Fashion of the Weapon that vsuallie they wore ; which was a Crooked Bowing Sword ^ somewhat like vnto a Sithe, with the edge on the contrarie side, called by the Netherlanders a Saisen and by themselves Seaxen ; and the shorter of like fashion for hand- w(;a pons, Seaxes ; such as were those that wt-rc hid vnder their Garments in the Massacre of the British Nobilitie vpon THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. 73 Salisbury Plaine when Hengist gaue the watch-word Nem cour Seaxes, that is Take you (sic) Swords : three of which Kniiies Arc^ent in a Field Gules, were borne by Erkenwyne, King of the East- Saxons, vpon his shield of Armes, as some of our Heralds have imblazed.* John Speed seems to have been more doubtful than Verstegan about King Erkenwyne's actual use of these arms. At any rate his statement is guarded by ' as some of our Heralds have imblazed.' However, on page 300, Speed printed at the head of his account of the kingdom of the East Saxons, a neat wood-block show- ing the arms as here reproduced. In like manner Speed gives the other traditional arms of the kingdoms of the ARMS OF THE KINGDOM Saxou hcptarchy, including of course the OF THF. EAST SAXONS ^rms of the Kings of East AngHa. In /row speed's History oj , ... .-, tt ■ , Great liritaiiic (1611) f. 300. the sccond edition 01 Speed s History (1623) the statement about the arms is repeated without any variation, and the arms themselves are again illustrated, this time by a new wood-block copied from the former one, the shield being, however, dis- played on a waving banner. In Siowe MS. 670, folio 1 10, in a hand- wTiting of late 17th century, or early i8th centuiy, is given the following list of the arms of the Saxon kings : K. of Kent, G a Horse saliant A. K. of South Saxons, B 6 martlets or K. ot West Saxons, G a Wiverne Or. K. of East Saxons, G 3 Swords in pale barrywise ppr., hilts & pomells O. K. of East Angles, B 3 Crowns Ducall O. K. of Northumberland, Paly of 6 B.O. K. Mercian, B a X or, K, Egbert, B a -f- flory (alias potency), or. Here is the oldest corroboration of the arms of the East Saxon kings, as described by Verstegan in 1605, and pictured by Sj^eed in 161 1. The description ' Gules 3 swords in pale barrywise proper, hilts and pommels or ' is practically identical with Verstegan 's statement. As already stated Speed also gives a coat of arms for each Front Speed s ' History,' Jiid Edition, 1623. 74 THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. kingdom of the Saxon Heptarchy. All these Saxon ' coats of arms ' are probably spurious. Heraldry cannot be said to have existed in Anglo-Saxon days. But badges and emblematic devices have been associated with nationalities and with sovereigns and chieftains from earhest times, and it may be that here and there some sort of ancient authority may exist for the armorial devices which the Tudor or medieval heralds chose to assign to some of the ancient kings w^ho ruled m Britain before the Norman conquest. In many cases the kings themselves are quite imaginary, and we can therefore dismiss the arms attributed to these per- sonages as inventions. Necessity w^as their mother. The heralds dehghted in making up ' pedigrees,' and great licence was taken in compiling them. The evidence of such an easy- going fabulist as Geoffrey of Monmouth was accepted as quite sufficient. Thus such kings as Coilus of Colchester (old King Cole), King Arthur of many legends. King Woden (apparently of East Anglia), King Brute and other mythical royalties figure in the illuminated genealogies, each with his coat of arms duly emblazoned near his name. The Kings of the East Saxons and the other hues of Kings of earlier periods had to be provided with coats of arms to give the pedigrees proper pictorial effect. This I assume to have been the origin of these traditional devices. The arms of the East Saxons are portrayed in various other works published later than Speed's History. They are shown in Peter Heylyn's Help to English History (copied evidenily from Speed), but there only in the posthumous third edition of 1671, where they are amongst the additions by Christopher Wilkinson. In a later edition (1773) * with Great Additions ' by Paul Wright, B.D., the pictorial illustration is omitted, but this information is supplied : The Kingdom of the East Saxons is the fourth in order of the Heptarchy ; began in an. 527, some five j'ears after that of the West Saxons. It com prehended the counties of Essex, Middlesex, and part of Hertfordshire ; the Kings those that follow. Arms. G. three Seaxes Arg. pomelle O. This was a weapon of the Saxons which they wore under their coats when they slew the Britons on Salisbury-plain. They were called Saxons from the use of tliis weapon. See Verstcgan, p, 21. In the Harleian, Egerton, Stowe and other collections of THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. 75 heraldic manuscripts, m the British Museum, there are many which give descriptions and pictures of reputed arms of ancient British, Saxon and Danish Kings, but as far as I have been able to discover, only one of these [Siowe MS., 670), already cited, corroborates iuUy the arms portrayed by Speed in 161 1. Harl. MS. 1894, fo. 262, has the following list : Oute of a petegree of Mr. Stowes made in Henry the 7 tyme. 1. Woden bare B a cross or formie, florie or patie. 2. The Kinges of Briteyre, B three crownes in pale or. 3. The Kinges of Kente, G iij. faulchens in pale poyntes down. [A small sketch is added showing roughly three swords somewhat of the ' Seax ' pattern with their points downward.] 4. The Kinges of Essex, a shield G. 5. The Kinges of Westsex, B a crosse formie patie florrie between 5 martlets or. 6. The Kinges of Sussex, B iij. trefoyles or. 7. The Kinges of Easte Angle, or iij. crownes G. 8. The Kinges of mercia, B iij. crownes or. 9. The Kinges of Northumberland, G a crosse betweene 4 lions ram- pant or. 10. Elle son of Isse, G iij. crownes or. This MS. has the name of R. Holme on the cover. There were four Randle Holmes, all collectors of pedigrees and heraldic matters, the earhest being born in 1571, and the latest dying in 1707. The handwriting of this particular MS. is of the i;tli century. It will be noticed that according to this authority the arms of Essex were simply a red shield. The other desciip- tions quoted do not tally with the accepted arms of the Kings mentioned. Other manuscripts for instance agree in giving the arms of the kings of East Anglia as * Azure, three ciowns or.' but the arms mentioned in this MS. are : 'Or, three crowns gules.' These were the arms of St. Osyth Priory in Essex, but St. Osyth, though of royal birth, was not descended from the Kings of East AngUa, and was married to a King of the East Saxons.* It may be here remarked that the re})uted arms of East *Harleian MS. Xo. 2161), a Tudor Book of Arms tricked by Robert Cooke, professes to be a copy of a MS. temp. Henry VI. (1422-1471), but evidently there have been additions and some entries from another source. There is, however, another corroborative copy of the Henry VL MS. at the College of Arms (known as L 8). and we may assume that in the isth century, probably about 1450, there were some reputed arms assigned to the various Kings of the heptarchy. The arms of the ' Koy de Essex ' are given in Hai i. 2i6g as ' Gules, three crowns or' and the MS. at the College of Arms adds to this, ' Zebbe, anno 665,' meaning Sebbi or Sebba, King of the Kast Saxons, whose reign commenced about the year 665. The arms of the ' Roy de Kent ' are stated to be ' Gules, three seaxes, vel cutlasses, argent handles or' but the trick shows three clasp-knives erect. Altogether this MS. is too confused to be of much interest. It seems to show that the reputed arms of the Kings of the heptcu-chy had not been definitely ' settled' by the heralds in the reign of Henry VI. 76 THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. Aijglia, or ol the kings of East Anglia, have nothing whatever to do with Essex, although the London vSociety of East AngUans has managed to convey to its members the false impression that they are appHcable to Essex as well as to Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridge. It ought not to be necessary to point out that Essex was never at any time part of East Anglia, and that the East Angles and their kings were from first to last entirely distinct from the East Saxons and the Kings of the East Saxons. On the other hand Essex has, of course, no exclusive claim to make use of the reputed arms of the East Saxon kingdom. They belong equally to Middlesex and ' part of Hertfordshire ' — these territories having formed part of the ancient East Saxon kingdom. Now that counties are ruled by corporate County Councils such councils have a right to a grant of arms for use as the seal and symbol of the county. The Middlesex County Council has obtained such a grant, its arms as sanctioned by the College of Arms being : Gules, three seaxes argent pointing to sinister hilted and pomelled or ; in chief a Saxon crown of the last. It has been suggested that Hertfordshire should be allowed similar arms with two crowns in chief instead of one, and that the Essex County Council should also in like manner use the three seaxes, but with three crowns in chief as the distinguishing addition. For about fifty years or more the Essex Archeeologi- ^ cal Society has displayed upon the covers of its Transactions a shield bear- ing the three ' seaxes ' as shown in our coloured OLD FiKE PL.^TE OK KSSEX INSURANCE illustration. But ouc of the sociETV, ISSUED PREVIOUS TO 1806. earficst examples of the use of these arms as a distinctive emblem of Essex is found upon the early fire-plate of the Essex Equitable Insurance THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. J"] Society. This Society was established at Colchester in 1802. The fire-plate must have been issued before the 3'ear 1806, as after that date the Society became the Essex and Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society. At about the same period as this fire-plate the same armorial device was in use by the Essex Militia and Essex Volunteers. Examples may be seen in the Colchester Museum, One of these is the waist-plate of the Writtle Loyal Volunteers, of about the year t8oo. Here the three seaxes are shown in an oval cartouche, the background being scored with horizontal lines, which heraldically imply blue or azure. Probably, how- ever, the designer did not intend to convey this impression. In conclusion it may be interesting to note how far modern authorities corroborate Speed and Verstegan and the early writers in deriving the word ' Saxon ' from the weapon ' seax.' Tlie 'New English Dictionary gives a guarded etymology of the word : — Saxon. (O.F. Seaxan, Seaxe pi., O.H.G. Sahsun pL, G. Saches.) It has been conjectured that the name may have been derived from sahso, Saxon substantive [a word not actually found but of which the existence is inferred) as the name of the weapon used by the Saxons. Compare the probable derivation of the German tribe-name Cherusci, Original Tentonic heru, sword [heru being also a word inferred to exist but not actually found, 9 In the same dictionary * Sax ' (otherwise seax, saex, sex) is stated to be an obsolete word meaning ' a knife ; a short sword or dagger.' An example is given from Beowulf. It is also mentioned that * saixe ' is a word used for a steel tool, not unlii<:e a large knife, used in building, especially in slating. It is sometimes spelt ' sects ' or * sex ' or ' zax,' and it is ' the hewing instrument of the slaters.' In Baron J. de Baye's standard work The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons (tr. by T. B. Harbottle, 1S93), is the loliowing : The iron knife, sacks, seax, or scvamas-axe, seems, ac we stated in our sketch 01 the origin of the Saxons, to have given its name to the nation (Ducange, Glossarium, article ' Saxa'). We have the testimony of several historians that the ccramasaxe was a weapon of war among the Saxons (Florentius V/igorniensis^ anno 11 30, is cited). Some English authors, misled by the constant presence of the small knife, have thought that thi^ was the true Ssax of the Saxons ; but according to the received idea the seax was a weapon only smaller than the sword. Mr. Koach Smith, refernng to these weapons, which he called sword-knives, considers these 78 THE REPUTED ARMS OF THE EAST SAXONS. cultri validi to be identical witli the scramasaxes mentioned by Gregory of Tours {Histoire des Francs, bk. 4^ ch. ^6 ; and bk. 8, chap. 29). The description given by this historian is quite appHcable to the large knives which are much more common in France, Belgium and Germany than in England. Widukind (bk. i, chap. 6) says that these large knives were included in the ancient Saxon armoury. The best preserved specimens have two long narrow grooves along the back of the blade. These war knives, or seax, are often referred to in the poem of Beowulf. Thus the mother of the demon Grendal in her struggle with Beowulf is represented as drawing her seax, and Beowulf himself, when his sword was broken, turned to the seax which was attached to his coat of mail : Drew his deadly seax, Bitter and battle- sharp, That he on his byrnie bore. Beowulf, line 5400. According to Nenius it was with the scram asaxe that the Saxons were armed when, at the famous feast of reconciliation, the signal was given by Hengist for the massacre ol the Britons : Nimed eure Saxes Anglo-Saxon scramasaxes were occasionally ornamented. The Rev. Mr. Beck describes one, ninety centimetres long, found at Little Bealings, Suffolk (see Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 2nd series, vol. x., No. I, 1883), which is decorated with a band of damascened work throughout its length. Among the scramasaxes found in the Thames the most interesting is one which is ornamented with a runic alphabet, and bears the name of the soldier to whom it belonged, in similar characters. The letters are inlaid in copper and silver (Tb.) Inscriptions on scramasaxes are extremely rare, but in the Prankish Cemetery of Pondrome, Belgium, one of these weapons was found which bore the maker's name. .... UX BERKELEY LIBRARIES