^^ ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES WHO'S THE AUTHOR? A GUIDE TO THE AUTHORSHIP OF NOVELS, STORIES, SPEECHES, SONGS AND GENERAL WRITINGS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE BY LOUIS HARM AN PEET NEW YORK THOMAS Y. CROWELL & CO. PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1901, By T. Y. CROWELL & CO. PREFACE. This book has been compiled to meet a demand for a handy reference guide to the writings of American authors. So far as the author knows, there is no other work along similar lines, and it was through the need of such a book that its com- pilation was suggested. As a wide range of entries in a limited space natu- rally implies brevity, the author has endeavored to recognize the fact by giving such items only as, in his judgment, are deemed necessary. The aim throughout has been to make for the general reader a brief but comprehensive guide to the authorship of the various writings in the great body of American literature. Valuable assistance in the compilation of the book has been derived from the following standard works of reference: AUibone's "Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors," Appleton's " Cyclopedia of American Biog- IV PREFACE, raphy," Adams's "Dictionary of American Authors," Duyckinck's '• Cyclopedia of American Literature," Stedman and Hutchinson's "Library of American Literature," Stedman's " American Anthology," "Century Cyclopedia of Names," Harper's "Book of Facts," Warner's " Library of the World's Best Literature," Emerson's "Parnassus," Bryant's "Li- brary of Poetry and Song," Dana's " Household Book of Poetry," Richardson's " American Litera- ture, 1607-1885," Tyler's " History of American Lit- erature, 1606-1676," Tyler's "Literary History of the American Revolution, 1763-1783," Watkin's "American Literature," Pattee's "History of Ameri- can Literature," Pancoast's " Introduction to Ameri- can Literature," Eggleston's " American War Bal- lads," Clarke's "Songs of the South," Nicholson's "Famous Songs," Johnson's "Familiar Songs," Mitchell's " American Lands and Letters," " The Bookman," " The Book Buyer," and many others. L. H. P. Brooklyn, 1901. WHO'S THE AUTHOR? A GUIDE TO AMERICAN LITERATURE. Siboc A. Gordon Pym. Prose tale. July, 1838. E. A. Foe. Full title. Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. It is a short story in twenty-four chapters. The first portions of it appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger, January and February, 1837. Abbot Paphnutius, The. Poem. \'&10,u\ Scrihner's Monthly for December. Helen (Hunt) eJackson. Abbotsford. One of the selections of the "Crayon Miscellany," q.v. Washington Irving. About Old Story Tellers. Juvenile. 1877. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Abraham Davenport. Poem. l^QQ,m. the Atlantic Monthly for May. J. G. Whittier. Abraham Lincoln. Ode. 1865. R. H. Stoddard. Abraham Lincoln. Poem. Written April, 1865, Xew York. W. C. Bryant. Abram ]Morrison. Poem. 1884. J. G. Whittier. Absalom. Poem. 1827, in the Christian Watch- man. N. P. Willis. Account of the Late War in England, 1689. Nathaniel Byfield. Across the Street. Poem. 1875, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. T. B. Aldrich. Ad Aniicos. Poem. 1876. O. W. Holmes. Adams and Jefferson. Eulogy, delivered in Fan- euil Hall, Boston, Aug. 2, 1826. Daniel Webster. Adams and Liberty. Poem, patriotic. 1798. R. T. Paine. First line : " Ye sons of Columbia icho bravely have fought " Adams, Life of John Quincy. Biography. 1858. Josiah Quincy (1772-1864). Address to Black Hawk. Poem. Edward Sanford. Address to a Mosquito. Poem. Edward Sanford. Address to the Armies of the United States. Poem. AVritten 1782. David Humphreys. Address to the People of Great Britain. A noted State paper. 1774. John Jay (1745-1829). Adelheid. Poem. About 1847. A. G. Greene. Adirondack Stories. 1880, Boston. Philander Deming. Adjustment. Poem. 1885. J. G. Whittier. Admetus. Poem. 1871. Emma Lazarus. Adsum. Poem. About 1871. R. H. Stoddard. Written to the memory of Thackeray. Adventures in Fairyland. Juvenile. 1853. R. H. Stoddard. Adventures of Ann. Novel. 1886. Mary E. Wilkins. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Narrative. 1837. Washington Irving. A story of adven- ture in the Rocky Mountains, full of thrilling frontier pictures. Adventures of Captain Horn, The. Story. 1895. F. R. Stockton. Adventures of Robin Day. Novel. 1839. Robert M. Bird. Adventures of Tom Sawver, The. Novel, juvenile. 1876. S. L. Clemens." " Tom Sawye'r Abroad " is its sequel. -SJsthetic Papers. 1849. Edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody. iEstivation. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Afara, or the Belles of Broadway. Poems. 1829. who's the author ? 3 MacDonald Clarke, an eccentric versifier, often styled " The Mad Poet." Afloat and Ashore. Novel. 1844. J. F. Cooper. Africa and the American Flag. 1854. A. H. Foote, Rear Admiral, U. S. N. After a Tempest. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literary Gazette for October 1. W. C. Bryant. After All. Poem. 1860-1864. William Winter. First line : " The apples are ripe in the orchard.'' After All, Not to Create Only. Poem. Recited at the opening of the Fortieth Annual Exhibition of the American Institute, Sept. 7, 1871. Walt Whitman. After His Kind. Novel. 1886, New York. J. W. Palmer. It was written under the pseudonym of "John Coventry." After the Accident. Poem. 1873, in the January issue of Scribner's Monthly. F. Bret Harte. After the Ball. Song. 1892. C. K. Harris. After the Ball. Song. 1859, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. Nora Perry. This popular song often appeared under the title "Maud and Madge." First line : " They sat and combed their beautiful hair." After the Rain. Poem. About 1859. T. B. Aldrich. First line : " The rain has ceased, and in my room." Aftermath. Novel. 1896. A sequel to "The Kentucky Cardinal." James Lane Allen. Aftermath. Poem. 1873. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " When the summer fields are mown." Afternoon in February. Poem. 1845, in Graham's Maffazine for September. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " The day is ending." Agatha Page. A parable. 1888, Boston. Isaac Henderson. 4 who's the author? Age of Chivalry, The. Mythology. 1858. Thomas Bulfinch. Age of Fable, The. A well-known work on mytho- logical subjects. 1855. Thomas Bulfinch. Age of Reason. Treatise. 1791-1795. Thomas Paine. Aged Stranger, The. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Harte. First line : '" / ivas with Grant ' — the stranger sa'id.'" Ages, The. Poem. 1821. _ W. C. Bryant. This poem was originally delivered before the Har- vard Phi Beta Kappa Society. Agnes. Poem. 1861. O. W. Holmes. Agnes of Sorrento. A story. 1862. H. E. Beecher Stowe. Begun as a serial May, 1861, in the Atlantic Monthly. Airs of Palestine. Poem. 1816, Baltimore. John Pierpont. Al Aaraaf. Poem. 1829. E. A. Poe. A star, dis- covered by Tycho Brahe, appeared suddenly in the heavens, attained in a few days a brilliancy that surpassed that of Jupiter, then suddenly disappeared and has never been seen since. Album Verses. Poem. 1857. O. W. Holmes. Alderbrook. Collection of stories. 1816. Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forester). Algerine Captive, The: or The Life and Adven- tures of Doctor Updike Underhill : Six Years a Prisoner among the Algerines. 1799. Royall Tyler. A narrative of fictitious adventures. Algic Researches. 1839. H. R. Schoolcraft. This work, together with his " History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States" (1851-1855) and the "Myth of Hiawatha" (1856), were some of the chief sources on which Longfellow drew for the " Song of Hiawatha." Alhambra, The. 1832. A collection of Moorish and Spanish tales. Washington Irving. Alice Lee. Song. About 1848. G. W. Bethune. First line : " She's fresh as breath of summer morn.''' Alice of Monmouth : An Idyl of the Great War. A poem. 1864. E. C. Stedman. Alice of Old Vincennes. JSfovel, historical. 1900. Maurice Thompson. Alice Ray : A Romance in Rhyme. Poem. 1846. Sarah Josepha B. Hale. Alide. Romance in prose. 1874. Emma Lazarus. All Here. Poem. 1867. O. W. Holmes. All Quiet along the Potomac. See "Picket Guard." All the Year 'Round : Verses from Sky Farm. A collection of poems. 1880. Elaine Goodale (Eastman) and Dora Read Goodale. Allegra. Poem. 1843. J. R. Lowell. Airs Well. Poem. 1850. J. G. Whittier. Almanac for the Year of the Christian Account. 1687. Printed and sold by W^illiam Bradford near Philadelphia. Daniel Leeds. This is said to be the first book printed in Pennsyl- vania. Almanac for 1639. Calculated for New England. Published 1639. William Pierce. Said to be the first almanac published in the colonies. Alnwick Castle. Poem. 1827. Fitz-Greene Hal- leck. Alone : A Tale of Southern Life and Manners. 1854, Richmond. Mary V. Terhune. This was her first novel. Alone. Poem. 1878, in LippincoW s Magazine for January. Celia Thaxter. Along the Way. A volume of short poems. 1879. J\Iary M. Dodge. 6 who's the author? Alphonso of Castile. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. Alpine Sheep, The. Poem. About 1855. Maria (White) Lowell. Amalfi. Poem. Written Feb. 8, 1875. H. W. Longfellow. Amber Gods. Seven tales. 1863. Originally con- tributed to the Atlantic Monthly. Harriet E. P. Spofford. Ambitious Guest, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Ambitious Woman, An. A novel. 1886. Edgar Fawcett. Ambrose. Poem. 1848. J. R. Lowell. America. National hymn. 1772. T. Dwight. First line : '• God bless our native land ! " America. National hymn. W^ritten at Andover, Mass., in the winter of 1831-1832. S. F. Smith. The air was taken from a selection called " God Save the King " which the author found in a German song book. It was first sung in public, July 4, 1832, at the Park Street Church, Boston, by Sunday school children. First line: "J/^ country 'tis of thee." America, Commerce and Freedom. Poem. 1804. Susanna H. Rowson. First line : " How blest a life a sailor leads." America Free or America Slave. Pamphlet. 1867. John Jay (1817-1894), son of John Jay (1745- 1820). American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. An annual. 1830-1861. American Anthologv, An. 1787-1899. Published 1900. E. C. Stedman. American Archives. A compilation of thirty years' labor, forming a documentary history of the WHO S THE AUTHOR ( 7 American colonies. It was begun in 1833. Peter Force. American Bards. Satire in verse. 1820. Robert Wain (1794-1825). American Biographical Dictionary. 1809. William Allen. This work is said to be the earliest of its kind in the United States. American Biography, Dictionary of. F. S. Drake. 1872. It was incorporated in " Appleton's Cyclo- pedia of American Biography." American Biography, Library of. 1834-1838, and 1811-1848. Jared Sparks. American Birds, List of. See "List of American Birds." American Claimant, An. Romance. 1892. S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain). American Coast Pilot, The. A noted work on practical navigation. 1796. E. M. Blunt. American Comedies. A volume of plays, issued in 1847 by James K. Paulding and his youngest son, William Irving Paulding. It comprised "The Bucktails," "The Noble Exile," "Mad- men All," and " Antipathies." J. K. Paulding wrote the first. These plays were written just after the close of the War of 1812. American Conflict, The. History. 1864-1866. Hor- ace Greeley. American Democrat, The : or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. 1838, Cooperstown, N. Y. J. F. Cooper. American Farmer in England : Walks and Talks of an. An account of agricultural observations. 1852. F. L. Olmsted. American First Class Book. A noted school reader. 1823, Boston. John Pierpont. American Fish and Game Laws. 1886. Henry Austin. 8 American Flas^, The. Poem, patriotic. 1819, in the N.Y. Evenimj Post of May 29. J. R. Drake. First line: ^'-When Freedom from her mountain height.'" It was originally pnblished over the signature of Croaker ^- Co. The last four lines of the poem were written by Halleck. American Football. Treatise. 1891. Walter Camp. American Herd Book, The. 1855-1863. A well- known work. L. F. Allen. Wrote also " Ameri- can Cattle," " Rural Architecture." American Hero, The. Ode. Written October, 1775, at Norwich, Conn. Nathaniel Niles. It was quite popular, locally, as a ballad. American Ideals. Social and political essays. 1897. Theodore Roosevelt. American Independence. Oration. Pronounced before the inhabitants of Boston, July 4, 1825. Charles Sprague. American Journal of Science. Periodical. Estab- lished 1818. Up to 1846 it was a quarterly, when it then became a bi-monthly, and continued such until 1871, when it was issued as a monthly, in which form it is still published. It is the oldest scientific periodical in the United States. American Journalism, Forty years of. 1877, Phila- delphia. J. W. Forney. American Lands and Letters. Literary sketches, written in a most entertaining, chatty stvle. 1899. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). American Literature, 1607-1885. Published 1886- 1889. C. F. Richardson. American Literature, 1607-1765, History of. 1878. M. C. Tyler. American Literature. 1887. E. P. Whipple. American Literature. Encyclopedia of. See " Ency- clopedia of American Literature." who's the author? 9 American Literature, Library of. An extensive compilation of the selected writings of American authors, edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman and Ellen Mackay Hutchinson. Eleven vol- umes. 1888-1890. American Magazine, The : or A Monthly view of the Political State of the British Colonies. Be- gun by John Webbe, 1741, at Philadelphia. Three numbers were issued. American Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Pe- riodical (monthly). Established September, 1743. Issued until December, 1746. American Monthly Magazine. Established 1829 by Nathaniel Parker Willis. It continued about two years, and then became the Neiu York Mirror. American Museum, The. Periodical. Established 1787. American Ornithology. 1808-1814. Alexander Wilson. It was continued and finished by C. L. Bonaparte, and comprised nine volumes. American Poetry, Specimens of. Anthology. 1829. Samuel Kettell. American Political Ideas from the Standpoint of L^niversal History. 1885. John Fiske. American Politician, An. Novel. 1884. F. M. Crawford. American Politics, The History of. 1879, New York. Alexander Johnston. American Practical Navigator. A well-known sail- ing guide of standard reputation. 1800. Na- thaniel Bowditch. American Printer, The. A well-known standard work on typography. 1866. Thomas MacKellar. American Quarterly Review. Periodical. Estab- lished 1827 and continued to 1837. American Question, The. A series of Letters in 10 who's the author? the London Daily Neivs, December, 1861, defend- ing the Union cause. W. W. Story. American Rebellion ; Reflections on the. Pamphlet. 1780. Joseph Galloway. American Rebellion, The. Speeches. 1864. H. VV. Beecher. American Republic, The. A consideration of its constitution, its possibilities, and destiny. 1866. Orestes A. Brownson. American Review, The. A Whig journal. Estab- lished 1815. Its later title was the American Whig Review. American Revolution ; Observations on the. Gouv- erneur Morris. American Revolution, 1761-1783, Reader's Hand- book of the. A valuable reference book. 1880, Boston. Justin Winsor. American Revolution, The. History. 1891. John Fiske. American Revolution ; The Literary History of the. A standard work. 1897. M. C. Tyler. American Scholar, The. Also known by title of " Man Thinking or the American Scholar," q.v. American Spelling Book. See " Grammatical Insti- tute of the English Language." American Taxation. Ballad of the Revolution. See "Taxation of America." American Teacher's Assistant. 1826, Charleston. This is said to be the first work, of a compre- hensive character, on arithmetic published in America. John Mackey. American Tears upon the Ruins of the Greek Churches. 1701. Cotton Mather. American, The. Novel. 1877, Boston. Henry James. American Theatre, History of the. 1832, New York. William Dunlap. who's the author ? 11 American Village, The. Poem. 1845, Boston. C. W. Denison. American Weekly Mercury. Periodical. Estab- lished Dec. 22, 1719, at Philadelphia, and ran until 1747.^ American Writers. A series of articles in Biack- icoocVs Magazine. 1824. John Neal. Amir Khan. Poem. 1829. Lucretia M. Davidson. Among My Books. Literary essays. 1870. J. R. Lowell. A Second Series was issued in 1876. Among the Hills. Poem. 1868. J. G. Whittier. This poem was, in its original form, entitled " The Wife; an Idyl of Bearcamp Water," and appeared in the A tlantic Monthly for January, 1868. When it was published in volume ^'Among the Hills," December, 1868, Whittier expanded the prelude and the story. First line : '■''Along the roadside, like the Jiowers of gold" Among the Isles of Shoals. Beautiful descriptive sketches, prose, which first appeared as a series of papers in the Atlantic Monthly, beginning with the issue of August, 1869. They were afterward collected in a small volume, 1873. Celia Thaxter. Among the Pines. A story of slave days. 1863, New York. J. R. Gilmore (Edmund Kirk). A notable story in its time. Among the Trees. Poem. 1869, in Putnam's Maga- zine for January. W. C. Bryant. Amos Kilbright : His Adscititious Experiences. Short story. 1888. F. R. Stockton. Amran's AVooing. Poem. About 1854. Bayard Taylor. Amy Wentworth. Poem. 1862, in the Atlantic Monthly for August. J. G. Wliittier. First line : ^'- 1 J er fingers shame the ivory keys.'' Anarchiad, The. A series of satirical poems con- 12 who's the author? tributed about 1786 to the Hartford and New Haven newspapers. They were published in book form about 1861, and made a i>lea for an effec- tive federal constitution. Lemuel Hopkins, with Joel Barlow, Trumbull, and Humphreys. Anathemata. Poem. F. B. Sanborn. Ancient Prophecy, An. War ballad. Revolution, about 1786. Philip Freneau. First line :" TFAeu a certain great king, ivhose initial is G." And Is there. Lord, a Rest? Hymn. Written at Bath, Maine, 1813. Ray Palmer. Andrew Rykman's Prayer. Poem. 1863, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. J. G. Whittier. Angels of Buena Vista, The. Poem. 1847. J. G. Whittier. Angelus, The. Poem. 1868, in the Overland Monthly for October. F. Bret Harte. First line : " Bells of the Past ivhose long-forgotten music." Angler, The. One of the selections of the "Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Angling, The Pleasures of. Descriptive sketches, delightfully written. 1876, New York. George Dawson. Annabel Lee. A Poem. First appeared in the New York Tribune, October 9, 1849. E. A. Poe. First line : " It loas many and many a year ago." Anne. Novel. 1882. Constance F. Woolson. It ran as a serial in Harper's Monthly, 1879. Anne Boleyn. A tragedy. 1850. G. H. Boker. Annette Delarbre. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Annie in the Grave-yard. Poem. About 1848. Caroline Howard Gilman. Annie Kilburn. Novel. 1888, in Harper's Monthly, June-November. W. D. Howells. Annoyer, The. Poem. About 1837. N. P. Willis. First line : '■'■Love knowest every form of air " who's the author? 13 Anti-apis. Poem. 1851. J. R. Lowell. Antipathies. Comedy. 1847. W. I. Paulding. Antiquity of Freedom. Poem, patriotic. 1842, in the Kriickerhocker Magazine for February. W. C. Bryant. Anti-slavery Hymns. 1842. New London, Conn. G. S. Burleigh. Antony and Cleopatra. Poem. Written, 1857. AV. H. Lytle. First line: "/ am dying, Egypt, flyinr/." Appeal'for the "Old South," An. Poem. 1877. O. W. Holmes. Appeal in Behalf of that Class of Americans called Africans. 1833. Lydia Maria F. Child. This was a strong work which aroused great interest. It was the first anti-slavery work to appear in book form in this country. Apple Blossoms. Poems. 1878. Elaine Goodale (Eastman) and Dora Read Goodale. April Day, An. Poem. Written 1824. H. W. Longfellow. April Hopes. Xovel. 1887, in Harper\'^ Magazine, P'ebruarv-Xovember, Boston. W. D. Howells. Arab to the Palm, The. Poem. About 1854. Bayard Taylor. Arab Welcome, An. Poem. 1862, in the Atlantic ^^on1llh| for October. T. B. Aldrich. Archbishop and Gil Bias, The. Poem. 1879. O. W. Holmes. Archibald jMalmaison. Romance. 1879. Julian Hawthorne. Arctic Lover, The. Poem. 1833, in the Knicker- hocker Magazine for January. W. C. Bryant. Arctic Vision, An. Poem. 1860-1868. F.BretHarte. Ardis Claverden. Novel. 1890. F. R. Stockton. Areytos : or Songs and Ballads of the South. Poems. 1846. W. G. Simms. 14 who's the author? Argonauts of North Liberty, The. 1888, Boston. F. Bret Harte. Ariadne's Farewell. Poem. About 1874. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Aristocracy. Play. Produced at Palmer's Theatre, New York City, 1892. Bronson Howard. Arithmetic, Intellectual. A noted school book. 1821. Warren Col burn. Arithmetic, North American. 1834, Boston. Fred- erick Emerson. Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal. 1729. Isaac Greenwood. Arm-chair, From My. Poem by H. W. Long- fellow, written to the children of Cambridge who presented him on his seventy-second birth- day, Feb. 27, 1879, with a chair made of the wood of the " Village Blacksmith's Chestnut Tree." To this present seven hundred public school children contributed. The idea of the gift was due to E. N. Horsford and his wife. Army and Navy Series. Juveniles. W. T. Adams (Oliver Optic). Army Hymn. Poem. 1861. O. W. Holmes. Army Life in a Black Regiment. Sketches of the first slave regiment (First S.C. Volunteers) mustered into the U.S. Service. 1870. T. W. Higginson. Around the Hub : A Boy's Book about Boston. 1881. S. A. Drake. Arrah-na-Poke. Travesty on Dion Boucicault's Arrah-na-Pogue. 1865. C. H.Webb (John Paul). Arrow and the Song, The. Poem. Written Oct. 16, 1845. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " / shot an arrow into the air" Arsenal at Springfield, The. Poem. 1844, in Graham's Magazine for April. H. W. Long- fellow. First line : ^^ This is the Arsenal. From Jioor to ceiling." who's the author? 15 Art. Essay. ISAl. R. W. Emerson. This essay is grouped with his first series. Art. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. One of the collection, "Society and Solitude," q.v. Art of Book-making, The. One of the selections in the " Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Art Out of Doors. 1893. Mariana (Griswold) Van Rensselaer. This is a work on gardening. Artemus Ward : His Book. Humorous sketches. 1862, New York. C. F. Browne (Artemus Ward). Wrote also: "Artemus Ward: His Travels among the Mormons. " 1865, New York. "Artemus Ward in London." 1867. "Artemus Ward's Lecture at Egyptian Hall." 1869. New York. Arthur Bonnicastle. Novel. 1872. Begun as a serial in Scribner's Monthly, November. J. G. Holland. Arthur Clenning. Novel. 1828, Philadelphia. Timothy Flint. Arthur Mervvn: or Memories of the Year 1793. Novel. 1800. C. B. Brown. A story of the yellow fever plague in Philadelphia, 1793. Artist of the Beautiful, The. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free. Poem. 1872. AValt Whitman. As it is in Heaven. Essays. 1891. Lucy Larcom. As it was Written. Novel. 1885, New York. Henry Harland (Sidney Luska). A Jewish musician's story. As We Go. Sketches. 1893. C. D. Warner. As ^ye Went Marching On. A story of the war. 1885. G. W\ Hosmer. As We Were Saying. Sketches. 1891. C. D. Warner. [i^ 16 who's the author? Aspects of Fiction. A collection of articles about novelists and fiction writing. 1896. Brander Matthews. Aspiring Miss De Laine. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Astor, Life of John Jacob. Biography. 1865. James Barton. Astoria. A history of the fur-trading settlement, Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia River, written by request of John Jacob Astor. 1836. Washington Irving. Astrcea. Poem. 1840-1817. R. W. Emerson. Astraea : the Balance of Illusions. A poem, deliv- ered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Yale. 1850. O. W. Holmes. Astronomical Diary and Almanac. 1725-1764. Nathaniel Ames. This was quite popular in its day, and was a mixture of shrewd humor and pointed philosophy. At Greenwood Cemetery. A sonnet. 1898. W. P. Garrison. At Home and Abroad. Travel sketches. 1859- 1862. Bayard Taylor. "At midnight in his guarded tent." See "Marco Bozzaris," of which poem this is the first line. At Port Royal. Poem. 1862, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. J. G. Whittier. First line : " The tent lights glimmer on the land." At Rest. Poem. About 1856. R. H. Stoddard. At Sea. Poem. About 1869. J. T. Trowbridge. At Sundown. Poem. 1890. J. G. Whittier. This poem is dedicated to E. C. S. (E. C. Stedman). First line : " Poet and friend of poets, if thy glass." At Teague Poteet's. Short story. 1884. J. C. Harris. A sketch of the Hog Mountain Range. At the Beautiful Gate. Poem. About 1868. Lucy Larcom. who's the author ? 17 At the Hacienda. Poem. About 1874. F.BretHarte. At the Mercy of Tiberius. Novel. 1887, New York. A. J. E. Wilson. At the Sign of the Savage. Short story. About 1881. W. D. Howells. Atalaiitis : A Story of the Sea. Poem in three parts. 1832. W. G. Simms. Atlantic, The. Literary periodical. 1824-1825. It afterward became the New York Review, with W. C. Bryant, editor. Atlantic Essays. Miscellaneous papers, written 1858-1870. Published 1871. T. W. Higginson. Atlantic JMonthly. A literary periodical, begun November, 1857, with J. R. Lowell as editor- in-chief. It was published by Phillips and Sampson, the originators of the enterprise. Many of the DiaVs old contributors wrote for it. Atlantic Souvenir, The. First American annual of a literarv character. 1826-1833. Edited by H. D. Gilpin. Atlantis : The Antediluvian World. 1882. Ignatius Donnelly. Attorney, The. Novel. It first appeared in the Knickerhncker Magazine, 1842, over the signature "John Quod." J. T. Irving. Auf Wiedersehen. Poem. 1854. J. R. Lowell. Aunt Fountain's Prisoner. Short story. About 1888. J. C. Harris. Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag. Juvenile. 1871-1879. Louisa May Alcott. Aunt Phillis's Cabin. This story was written as a reply to " Uncle Tom's Cabin." Published 1852. Mary H. Eastman. Fully 18,000 copies were sold shortly after it appeared. Aurelian : or Rome in the Third Century. 1868. A popular historical novel. It originally ap- peared with the title " Probus, or Rome in the 18 who's the author? Third Century," 1838, New York, as " Letters from Lucius M. Piso from Rome to Fausta, the daughter of Gracchus, at Palmyra." William Ware. Author of Bretraffio, The. Short Story. 1885. Henry James. Author's Farewell, The. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. See "Franklin." Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Conversational essays in the form of a monologue, begun in the "Atlantic Monthly in 1857. O. W. Holmes. Although the "Autocrat" in its present form began in the first number of the Atlantic, its real beginning, as Holmes states, was in two ar- ticles contributed some twenty-five years before to the New England Magazine published by J. T. and E. Buckingham of Boston. These articles appeared in this magazine November, 1831, and February, 1832, with the title " The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table," and they then attracted but little attention. Autumn. Poem. AYritten 1845. H. W. Long- fellow. This poem was afterward included in the collection entitled " The Belfry of Bruges." Autumn. Selections from the journal of H. D. Thoreau, by H. G. O. Blake, editor. 1892. Autumn in the West. Poem. W. D. Gallagher. Autumn Song. Poem. About 1867. Forceythe Willson. Autumn Woods. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literary Gazette for October 1. W. C. Bryant. It was written, 1824, at Great Barrington, Mass. Autumnal Reflections. Poem. About 1818. Sam- uel Woodworth. who's the author? 19 Ave Roma Immortalis. Studies from the chronicles of Rome. 1898. F. M. Crawford. Avery Glibun : or Between Two Fires. Novel. 1867, New York. R. H. Newell. The title Avery Glibun (a very glib un) is characteristic. Avis. Poem. 1858. O. W Holmes. A true story. Avitor. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. " Away from earth my spirit turns." Hymn. 1833. Ray Palmer. Awkward Age. Novel. 1899. Henry James. Aylmere : or the Bondman of Kent. Play, tragedy. Written 1835. Produced May 24, 1841, Park Theatre, New York. R. T. Conrad. In this Edwin Forrest, the famous actor, played the role of its chief character, "Jack Cade." Azalia. Short story. Century, 1887. J. C. Harris. Azarian : An Episode. 1864. Harriet E. P. Spofford. Babes in the Woods, The. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. Babie Bell. See " Ballad of Babie Bell." Babyhood. Poem. See " AVhat is the Little One Thinking About?" ' Babylon is Fallen. War ballad. 1861-1864. H. C. Work. Bachelor Bluff: His Opinions. Essays. 1881, New York. O. B. Bunce. Bachelors. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.V. Bachelor's Hall. Poem. 1731. George Webb. Back Country Poems. 1892. S. W. Foss. Backlog Studies. Essays, begun in Scribner^s Monthly, July, 1871. "Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight." First line of " Rock Me to Sleep, Mother," q.v. Backwoodsman, The. Poem. 1818. J.K.Paulding. 20 who's the author? Baddeck and That Sort of Thing. Travel sketches. Begun in the Atlantic Monthly for November, 1874. C. D. Warner. Balaam and His Master. Short story. 1891. J. C. Harris. Balaklava. Poem. About 1857. A. B. Meek. First line : '' 0, the charge at Balaklava /" Ballad of Babie Bell. l^em. 1856, Boston. T. B. Aldrich. First line : " Have you not heard the poet a tell." Ballad of Bunker Hill, The. Poem. 1856, in Har- per's Monthly Magazine for June. George Lunt. Ballad of Lager Bier, The. Poem. New York Tribune, 1859. E. C. Stedman. Ballad of Mr. Cooke, The. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Ballad of Sir John Franklin, A. Poem. About 1856. G. H. Boker. Ballad of the Boston Tea Party. Poem. 1884. O. W. Holmes. Ballad of the Emeu, The. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Harte. Ballad of the Oysterman, The. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. Ballad of the Tempest. Poem. About 1818. J. T. Fields. Ballads of Good Deeds. Poems. 1872. Henry Abbey. Banker's Daughter, The. Play. Produced 1878. Bronson Howard. Banner of the Jew, The. Poem. 1882-1888. Emma Lazarus. Banner of the Stars, The. War poem (Civil War). R. W. Raymond. First line: '^Hurrah! boys, hurrah ! fling our banner to the breeze ! " Barbara Dering. Story. 1892. Amelie Rives (Chanler) Troubetzkoy. Barbara Frietchie. Poem*^of the Civil War. 1863, who's the author? 21 in the Atlantic Monthly of October. J. G. Whittier. First line: " Up from the meadows rich with corn." Barclay of Ury. Poem. 1847. J. G. Whittier. First line : " Up the streets of Aberdeen.'' Barefoot Boy, The. Poem. 1855. J. G. Whittier. First line: "Blessings on thee, little man." "Barnevelt" Papers, The. See "Marcellus." Barnum, Life of P. T. Autobiography. 1888, Buffalo. Barnum's Parnassus. A poetical squib which was very popular. 1850. W. A. Butler. Baroness of New York, The. Romance in verse. 1877. Cincinnatus Hiner Miller (Joaquin Miller). Baron's Last Banquet, The. Poem. About 1847. A. G. Greene. Barriers Burned Away. Novel. 1872. E. P. Roe. Barton's Experiment, The. Novelette. 1876. John Habberton. Base Ball Manual. 1874. Henry Chadwick. Basic Outline of Universalogy. 1872. S. P. Andrews. In this work he advocated the use of a universal language termed Alicato. He is said to have originated phonographic re- porting. Battle Autumn of 1862, The. Poem. 1862, in the Atlantic Monthly for October. J. G. Whittier. Battle Cry of Freedom, The. War song. 1861. G. F. Root. First line: "Yes, tce'll rally round the flag, hoys, ive'll rally once again." Battle Field, The. Poem. 1837, in the Democratic Review for October. W. C. Bryant. Battle Flag of the Republic. A popular title of the poem " Union and Liberty," q.v. by O. W. Holmes. Battle Hymn of the Republic, The. 1862, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. Julia Ward 22 who's the author ? Howe. First line : " Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord." Battle of Charleston Harbor. Poem, Civil War. About 1864. P. H. Hayue. First line: ''Two hours, or more, beyond the prime of a blithe April day." Poem refers to the bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 7, 1863. Battle of King's Mountain, The. Poem. 1880, in Harper's Monthly Magazine for November. P. H. Hayne. Battle of Lake Erie, The: or Answers to Messrs. Burges, Duer, and Mackenzie. 1843, Coopers- town, N.Y. J. F. Cooper. Battle of Lookout Mountain, The. Poem. 1861. G. H. Boker. Battle of Lovell's Pond, The. Poem. 1820. H. W. Longfellow. This is said to be Longfellow's first printed poem. It was published in the Portland Gazette of Nov. 17, 1820, when he was thirteen years old. First line: " Cold, cold is the north wind, and rude is the blast." Battle of Niagara, The. Poem. 1818. John Neal. This poem appeared over the pseudonym of Jehu O'Cataract, a nickname given to the author by a club to which he belonged. Battle of the Ivegs. Ballad of the Revolution. 1778. Francis Hopkinson. First line : " Gallants attend and hear a friend." Kegs charged with gun- powder were floated down the river to harass the British shipping then at Philadelphia. The British discovered the presence of the danger and, striving to destroy them, discharged every available firearm at them as they floated down the river. The humorous side of such a "bat- tle " is amusingly told by the ballad. Battle Summer, The: or Paris in 1818. Narrative of personal observations. 1849. D. G. Mitchell. who's the author? 23 Battle Summers, The. War lyric. Written Octo- ber, 1863. H. H. Brownell. Battlefields of Virginia. (Civil War.) 1867, New York. William Allan. Bay Fight, The. Poem of the Civil War. 1864, in Harper's Monthly Magazine for December. H. H. Brownell. The poem refers to the Battle of Mobile Bay, Aug. 5, 1864. First line : " Three days through sapphire seas ice sailed." Bay of Seven Islands, The. Poem. 1882. J. G. Whittier. First line: '■'■From the green Amesbury hill which hears the name." Bay Path, The. A tale of New England colonial life. 1857. J. G. Holland. Bay Psalm Book. A joint production by several divines, principally John Eliot and Richard Mather. Cambridge, 1640. It was a metrical version of the Psalms of David for church use. Beacon Lights of History. Lectures. 1883, New York. John Lord. Beatitudes, Sermons on the. 1718. Increase Mather. Beatrix Randolph. Novel. 1883. Julian Haw- thorne. Beau Brummell. Play. Produced May 19, 1889. William Clyde Fitch. Beauchampe : or The Kentucky Tragedy. Novel. 1842. Sequel to " Charlemont," q.v. W. G. Simms. Beautiful Dreamer. Song. 1847-1849. S.C.Foster. Beautiful Isle of the Sea. Song. George Cooper. Beautiful Ladder, The: or The Two Students. Poem. 1881. Philadelphia. Sidney Dyer. Beautiful Snow. Poem. 1858, in Harper''s Weekly for November 27. John W. Watson. First line : " Oh the snow, the beautiful snow ! " Beauty. One of the selections of " Conduct of Life," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Beaver Brook. Poem. 1849. J. R. Lowell. 24 who's the author? Becky Sharp. Play. (Dramatization of Thack- eray's " Vanity Fair.") Produced 1899 at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York City. Lang- don E. Mitchell. Bedouin Song. Poem. 1854. Bayard Taylor. First line : " From the desert I come to thee." It was written October 29, 1853. Bedtime Stories. Juveniles. 1873. Ellen Louise (Chandler) ]\Ioulton. Bee Man of Orn, The. Short story. 1887. F. R. Stockton. Bee, The. Poem. 1877, in Lippincotfs Magazine for October. Sidney Lanier. Beechenbrook. A story of the Civil War in verse. 1865, Baltimore. Margaret J. Preston. Beecher, Life of Henry Ward. Biography. 1883. Lyman Abbott. Before Sunrise. Poem. 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. Celia Thaxter. Before the Curtain. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Before the Rain. Poem. About 1859. T. B. Aldrich. First line : " We knew it icould rain, for all the morn." "Before Thy throne with tearful eyes." Hymn. 1834. Ray Palmer. Beginners of a Nation, The. History. 1896. Edward Eggleston. Beginnings of New England, The. History. 1889. John Fiske. Begum, The. Opera. 1887. H. B. Smith. Begum's Daughter, The. Novel, historical, which first appeared as a serial in the Atlantic Monthly, 1889. E. L. Bynner. It is a story of old Knickerbocker days in and about New York. Behavior. An essay. One of the selections of ''Conduct of Life," q.v. R. W. Emerson. 25 Being a Boy. StoiT, juvenile. 1877. C. D. Warner. Beleaguered City, The. Poem. Finished Sept. 19, 1839. H. W. Longfellow. This poem is one of the collection " Voices of the Night." Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems, The. Dec. 23, 1845. '' The Belfry of Bruges " itself was first published in Grahains Magazine, January, 1843. H. W. Longfellow. This collection of poems contains besides " Belfry of Bruges," " Arsenal at Springfield," "Nuremberg," "The Norman Baron," " Rain in Summer," " The Bridge," " To the Driving Cloud," " The Day is Done," " Afternoon in February," " The Old Clock on the Stairs," " The Arrow and the Song," " Curfew," and others. Belfry Pigeon, The. Poem. About 1837. N. i?. Willis. First line : " On the cross-beam under the Old South belW Bell Ringer of Angels, The : And Other Stories, 1894. F. Bret Harte. The collection also contains "Johnny Boy," "Young Robin Gray," "The Sheriff of Siskyou," " Rose of Glenbogie," " Mystery of the Hacienda/' " Chu Chu," " My First Book." Belle of Prairie Eden. A once poj)ular romance. 1844. George Lippard. Belles of Williamsburg, The. Vers de Societe, 1777. James jNIcClurg. Williamsburg was a capital of Virginia until 1780, when the State's seat of government was transferred to Richmond. Bell's Biography, A. One of the selections of " The Snow Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Bells of Lynn, The. Poem. Written July 29, 18.59, on hearing them at Nahant. H. W. Long- fellow. Bells of San Bias, The. Poem. Finished March 26 who's the author? 15, 1882. H. W. Longfellow. This poem is of special note as being the last one which the poet wrote. He died on March 24, 1882. First line : " What smj the Bells of San Bias ? " Bells of Shandon, The. Play. 1861-1868. Henry Morford. Bells, The. Collection of juvenile poems. 1855. T. B. Aldrich. Bells, The. Poem. 1849, in Sartain's Uriion Magazine for November. E. A. Poe. First line : " Hear the sledges with the bells." Ben Bolt. Popular song. First published 18-43, in the New York Weekly Mirror. T. D. English. Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ. Kovel. 1880. Lew [is] Wallace. JJenton, Thomas Hart. Biography. 1886. Theo- dore Roosevelt. Bernicia. Xovel. 1895. Amelia E. Barr. The celebrated preacher Whitefield figures in this story. Bethel. War poem. About 1861. A. J. H. Duganne. First line : " We mustered at midnight, in dark- ness we formed." Poem refers to Theodore Winthrop, killed at Big Bethel, June 10, 1861. Betrayal. Poem. 1875, in Lippincotfs Magazine for December. Sidney Lanier. Betrothal, The. Play. 1856. George H. Boker. Betsey and I Made Up. Poem. About 1873. Will Carleton. Betsey and I are Out. Poem. 1872, in the Toledo Blade and afterward reprinted in Harper's Weekly with illustrations. Will Carleton. Better than Gold. Popular song. 1896. C. K. Harris. Betty Alden : The First-born Daughter of the Pil- grims. A historical romance. 1899. Jane G= Austin. who's the author ? 27 Between-Whiles. Short stories. 1887. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. (H. H.) Contains " The Inn of the Golden Pear," " The Mystery of William Rutter," "Little Bel's Supplement," "Dandy Steve," and others. Beulah. A story, once quite popular. 1859, New York. A. J. E. Wilson. Beyond the Gates. Novel, really speculative essays strung together hi story form. 1883. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps AVard. Bianca Visconti : or The Heart Overtasked. Play, tragedy. 1837. N. P. Willis. Bible and its Teachings, The. A little volume of letters. 1850, Auburn. John Quincy Adams (1767-1818). These letters were written from St. Petersburg to his son, and were published after his death. Bible, Complete Analysis of the. 1869, Philadelphia. K. D. Hitchcock. Bible, Commentary on the. Widely popular. 1834, Brattleboro, Vt. William Jenks. This was in five volumes, and fully 120,000 were sold. Bible, the Church, and the Reason, The : The Three Fountains of Divine Authority. A theological essay. 1892. C. A. Briggs. Bibliolatres. Poem. 1849. J. R. Lowell. Big Bonanza. Play, adapted from the German Comedy " Ultimo." 1875. Bartley Campbell. It brought a theatre of San Francisco a profit of .$16,000. Biglow Papers, The. A series of humorous poems in Yankee dialect, purporting to be written by ]\Ir. Hosea Biglow, and edited with introduc- tion, notes, glossary, and index by "Homer Wilbur, A.M., Pastor of the First Church in Jaalam and (prospective) Member of IMany Literary, Learned, and Scientific Societies." 28 who's the author? The first series, which ran in the Boston Courier, June, 1846-181:8, satirized the jNlexican War and its political makeshifts. The second series, issued in the Atlantic Monthly, 1862-1867, lev- elled their satire against secession and slavery. Both series were issued in book form ; the fij'st, 1848 ; the second, 1867. J. R. Lowell. Bill Xye and the Boomerang. Sketches. 1881. E. W. Nye. Wrote also "Bill Xye's Blossom Rock," "Bill Xye's Thinks," "Baled Hay," " Forty Liars," " The Cadi," and others. Biographical Stories for Children. 1842. ISTathan- iel Hawthorne. Contains "Benjamin West," "Sir Isaac Ne^^i;on," "Samuel Johnson," "Oliver Cromwell," "Benjamin Franklin," and "Queen Christina." Birch Tree, The. Poem. 1847. J. R. Lowell. Birds about Us. Nature Sketches. 1895. C. C. Abbott. Birds and Poets. Essays. 1877. John Burroughs. Birds, Key to North American. 1872, Salem, Mass. Elliott Coues. An extensive work. Birds of America, The. 1830-1838. J. J. Audubon. The prospectus of this great work was issued in 1827. The work was published by subscrip- tion in numbers, each part of which contained five plates. The whole, 89 parts, 445 plates, made four folio volumes, and the price of each copy was $1000. The entire cost was fully $100,000, and the undertaking proved a success. Birds of Killingworth, The. Poem. 1863. H. W. Longfellow. This is Poet's Tale in the first part of " Tales of a Wayside Inn." Birds of Passage. Collections of poems, in five parts or "Flights." H. W. Longfellow. Fliglit the First, 1863, contains, among others, " The Lad- der of St. Augustine," " Phantom Ship," " War- who's the author? 29 den of the Cinque Ports," "The Ropewalk," " Daybreak," " Sandalphon." Flight the Second, 1863, "The Children's Hour," "Enceladus," "The Cumberland," "Snow Flakes," "A Day of Sunshine," " Something Left Undone," "Weariness." Flight the Third, 1873, "Fata Morgana," " The Haunted Chamber," " The Meeting," " Vox Populi," " The Castle Builder," " Changed," " The Challenge," " The Brook and the Wave," " Aftermath." Flight the Fourth, 1876, " Cadenabbia," " Amalfi," " Belisarius," "Songo River." Flight the Fifth, 1878, "Re- venge of Rain-in-the-Face," "The Leap of Roushan Beg," " Haroun al Raschid," " A Wraith in the Mist," and others. Birthmark, The. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse " (^q.v.). Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Bison Track, The. Poem. About 1855. Bayard Taylor. Bitter Sweet. Narrative poem of New England life. 1858. J. G. Holland. Bivouac of the Dead, The. Poem (Mexican War). Written August, 1847. Theodore O'Hara. Composed for the occasion of the dedication of a monument to Kentucky soldiers who fell at Buena Vista. First line : " The muffled drum's sad roll has heat." Black Cat, The. Tale. 1843, in the U. S. Saturday Post, Aug. 19. E. A. Poe. Black Hawk, Address to. See " Address to Black Hawk." Black Hawk. Autobiography (dictated). 1834. Indited by J. B. Patterson. Black Mountain in Bearcamp Lake. Sonnet. 1870, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. Lucy Larcom. 30 who's thp: author? Black Regiment, The. (Port Hudson, ^lay 27, 1863.) Poem. 1864. G. H. Boker. First line : " Dark as the clouds of even." Blameless Prince, The. Poem. About 1869. E. C. Stednian. Blanche of Brandy wine. A once popular romance. 1816. George Lippard. It is a story of the Revolution. Blandiord (Church, Petersburg, Ya. ; Lines Written on the Walls of Old. Poem. About 1820. E. L. Hening. "Blessed are They That Mourn." Poem. Writ- ten 1820 at Great Barrington, Mass. W. C. Bryant. "Blessed Saviour, Thee I love." Hymn. 1851. George Duffield. Blind Bartimeus. Poem. Written Xov. 3, 1841. H. W. Longfellow. Blind Bartimeus, or the Sightless Sinner. 18.59, Xew York. W. J. Hoge. This had a wide circulation, and was translated into many lan- guages. Blind Girl, The. Poem. Caroline M. Sawyer. Blithedale Romance, The. 18.52. Xathaniel Haw- thorne. This story was founded on his "Brook Farm " experience. Blood is Thicker Than Water: A Few^ Days Among Our Southern Brethren. Sketches of the New South. 1886. Henry Martvn Field (1822-). Bloody Tenet of Persecution for Cause of Con- science, Discussed in a Conference between Truth and Peace. Pamphlet. 1644. Roger Williams. Bloody Tenet Washed and Made AYhite in the Blood of the Lambe, The. Pamphlet. 1647. John Cotton. who's the author? 31 Bloody Tenet Yet More Bloody, by Mr. Cotton's Endeavor to Wash it White in the Blood of the Lambe. Pamphlet. 1652. Roger Will- iams. Blue and the Gray, The. Poem. 1867, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. F. IVI. Finch. First line : " By the Jioiu of the inland river." This widely known poem was inspired by the fact that the Columbus (Miss.) women placed flowers, on their Decoration Day, on the graves of northern and southern soldiers alike. Blue and the Gray, The. Poem (Civil War). Ellen H. Flagg. First line : " Two soldiers lying iL'here they fell" Blue Dave. Short story. 1884. J. C. Harris. Blue Jackets of 76 : A History of the Naval Battles of the American Revolution. Juvenile, popu- lar. 1888. W. J. Abbot. Wrote also " The Blue Jackets of 1812 " and " The Blue Jackets of '61." Blue Grass Region, The. Miscellaneous articles descriptive of the life and manners of the coun- try. 1892. James Lane Allen. Bluebells of Xew England, The. Poem. About 1859. T. B. Aldrich. Boanerges : A Short Essay to Strengthen the Im- pressions Produced by Earthquakes. 1727. Cotton ]\Iather. Boar's Head Tavern, Eastcheap, The. One of the selections of the " Sketch Book," q.v. Wash- ington Irving. Bobolink, The. Poem. 1835-1860. Thomas Hill. Bohemia: A Pilgrimage. Poem. About 1860. E. C. Stedman. Bold Hawthorne; or the Cruise of the Fair Ameri- can, commanded by Capt. Daniel Hawthorne (Nathaniel Hawthorne's great-grandfather), 32 who's the author? written by the surgeon of the vessel. This is a noted colonial ballad. 1777. Bonaventure : A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisi- ana. 1888, New York. G. W. Cable. It con- tains "Carancro," "Grand Point," "Au Large." Bonifacius : An Essay upon the Good that is to be Devised and Designed. 1710. Cotton Mather. An abridgment of this work became familiarly known as the '• Essays to do Good," which Franklin declared had had great influence upon shaping his life. Bonnie Blue Flag, The. Southern song of the Civil AVar, first sung 1861 at the Varieties Theatre, Xew Orleans. By many authorities ascribed to Henry ^IcCarthy; by other authori- ties to Annie C. Ketchum of Kentucky. First line : " We are a band of brothers and native to the soil." First line of chorus : " Hurrali, hurrah^ for Southern rights, hurrah .'" Book Lover, The : A Guide to the Best Reading. 1884. James Baldwin. A well-known and valuable work, compiled with careful judgment. Book of the Dead, The. Poem. 1882. G. H. Boker. Book of the East, The. Poems. 1871. R. H. Stoddard. Books. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See •• Society and Solitude." Booth, Edwin. Biography. 1893. William Win- ter. Border Beagles : A Tale of Mississippi. 1840. AV. G. Simms. This is a sequel to " Richard Hur- dis," q.v. Borderland of Czar and Kaiser, The. Descriptions and observations of travels in Germany and Russia. 1894. Poultney Bigelow. Boston Centennial Ode. See " Centennial Ode." who's the author? 33 Boston Dip, The. Poem. About 1871. F. W.Loring. Boston Gazette, The. Periodical. Established 1719. In 1741 it merged into The New Eng- land Weekly Journal. Boston Hymn. Eead in Music Hall Jan. 1, 1863. Pv. W. Emerson. First line : " The Word of the Lord hy night." Boston Magazine. Monthly. 1785. (January to December.) Boston Massacre, On the. Oration printed by the order of the Town of Boston, 1772. Joseph Warren. Boston Massacre, The. Historical monograph. 1870. Frederick Kidder. Boston Monday Lectures. A series of addresses delivered on Monday mornings at Tremont Temple. 1878-1884. For a time they were very popular. Joseph Cook. Boston News Letter. Started 1704. It was issued once a week, and has been styled the first news- paper in America. Bostonians, The. Xovel. 1886. Henry James. Botany of the Northern L^nited States. 1848. Asa Gray. Wrote also " Elements of Botany," 1836 ; "Genera of the Plants of the United States," 1848-1849; "New Flora of North America," 1887. Bound Together : A Sheaf of Papers. A volume of miscellanies. 1884. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Bow of Orange Ribbon. A story of colonial Knickerbocker life. 1886, New York. Amelia E. Barr. Boy Brittan. War ballad (Civil War). Forceythe Willson. First line : " Boy Brittan — only a lad, a fair-haired hoy — sixteen." Incident of the battle of Fort Henry, Tenn., Feb. 6, 1862. 34 who's the author? Boyhood. Poem. Washington AUston. Boylston Prize Dissertations. Medical essays, ISoS. O. W. Holmes. Boys. Poem. 1846, in the Knickerbocker Magazine for February. J. G. Saxe. Boy's Froissart, The. Juvenile. 1878. Sidney Lanier. Boy'sKing Arthur, The. Juvenile. 1880. Sidney Lanier. Boys of 76, The. Juvenile. 1883, New York. C. C. Coffin. Boy's Percv. The. Juvenile. 1882. Sidnev Lanier. Boys. The.' Poem. 1859. O.W.Holmes. First line: ''Has there any old fellow got mixed with the hoys?'' Boy's Town, A. Juvenile. 1890, in Harpers Young People, April 8-Aug. 26. W. D. Howells. Braoebridge Hall, or The Humorists. 1822. A collection of sketches. Washington Irving. The characters of the '-Christmas Sketches" appear again in this book. Brahma. Poem. Published in Atlantic Monthly of November, 1857. R. W. Emerson. First line : " If the red slayer thinks he slays." Brainerd, Life of David. Biography. 1749. Jona- than Edwards. Brant and Red Jacket. Story. 1879. Edward Eggieston, with his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Seelve. Brave at Home, The. Poem. 1860-1865. T. B. Read. Brave Boys are They. Song. Civil War. H. C. Work. First line : " Bj-ave boys are they, gone at their country's call" Bravo, The. Novel. 1831. J. F. Cooper. Brazil and the Brazilians. Travels. 1857. J. C. Fletcher, with D. P. Kidder. This work be- came quite popular, and in eleven years reached its eighth edition. Bread and Breadmaking. Treatise. About 1840. who's the author? 35 Sylvester Graham, the noted advocate of un- bolted wheat or " Graham flour." Breadwinners, The. Novel. 1883. Its author- ship has been generally ascribed to John Hay. Break the News to Mother. Popular song. About 1898. C. H. Harris. " Breathe, trumpets, breathe." First line of " A Requiem for One slain in Battle." 1862. George Lunt. Bressant. Romance. 1873. Julian Hawthorne. Briar Cliff. See "Brier Cliff." Brick Moon, The. A series of sketches begun in the Atlantic Monthly, October, 1869. E. E. Hale. Bricks Without Straw. Novel. 1880. A. W. Tourgee. Bridal of Pennacook, The. Poem. 1844. J. G. Whittier. First line : " We had been icandering for many days" Bride and Bridegroom. A series of letters on mar- riage. 1873. Julia C. R. Dorr. Bride of Genoa, The. Play. Written 1836. Pro- duced at the Tremont Theatre, Boston. Epes Sargent. Bridge, The. Poem. Written Oct. 9, 1845. H. W. Longfellow. The j^oem originally referred to the bridge over the Charles River between Bos- ton and Cambridge. First line : " / stood on the bridge at midnight.'" Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians. 1670. John Eliot. Briefless Barrister, The. Poem, humorous. About 1849. J. J. Saxe. Brier Cliff. Drama. Written 1825. Produced at the Chatham Theatre, New York City, 1837. G. P. Morris. Bright Skies and Dark Shadows. Travel sketches. 1800. Henry Martyn Field (1822-). 6b WHO S THE AUTHOR / " Bring the good old bugle, boys ! we'll sing another song." First line of the famous war ballad, *' Marching through Georgia," q.v. British Prison Ship, The. Poem in four cantos. 1781, in Francis Bailey's Freeman's Journal. Philip Freneau. It was written at the close of 1780. First line : " Assist me,, Clio ! while in verse I tell." Brook and the Wave, The. Poem. Written Oc- tober 18, 1819. H. W. Longfellow. Brooks, Life and Letters of. Biography. 1901. A. V. G. Allen. Brooksiana. Writings of a noted controversy on the question of church property between Erastus Brooks and John Hughes, collected and pub- lished by the latter. 1855, New York. Broomstick Train, The. Poem. 1890. O. W. Holmes. First line: ^^ Look out! Look out, boys ! Clear the track ! " Brother Jonathan's Lament for Sister Caroline. Poem. Written December, 1860. Published 1861. O. W. Holmes. This poem was written when South Carolina seceded. First line : ^'' She has gone, — she has left us in passion and pride." Brother to Dragons, A. Short story. 1886, in the Atlantic Monthly for March. Amelie Rives (Chanler) Troubetzkoy. Brotherhood of Thieves, The : A True Picture of the American Church and Clergy. Pamphlet. 1843. S. S. Foster. Brothers, The. Poem. About 1841. Charles Sprague. First line : " We are but two — the others sleep." Brown Dwarf of Rugen, The. Poem. 1888. J. G. Whittier. Brown, Life and Letters of John; Liberator of Kansas and Martvr of Virginia. Biography. 1885, Boston. F. B. Sanborn. who's the author? 37 Brown of Calaveras. Short story. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for March. F. Bret Harte. Brown of Ossawatomie. Poem. 1859. J. G. Whittier. Brueton's Bayou. Novelette. 1886. John Habberton. Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin. Play. 1820. John Howard Payne. Bryan Maurice, or the Seeker. Novel. 1867, Phila- delphia. Walter Mitchell. Bryant, Life of William Cullen. Biography. 1879. G. W. Curtis. Bryant, Life of William Cullen. Biography. 1883. Parke Godwin. This is the standard biography of Bryant. Buccaneer, The. Poem. 1827. P. H. Dana. First line : " The island lies nine leagues away.'' Bucket, The. See " Old Oaken Bucket." Buckeye Abroad, A : or Wanderings in Europe and in the Orient. Travels. 1852, New York. S. S. Cox (" Sunset Cox," so called on account of an oratorical description of a sunset which he wrote). Bucktails, The : or Americans in England. Comedy. 1817. J. K. Paulding. Buds and Bird Voices. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Plawthorne. Buena Vista. War ballad (Mexican w^ar). Albert Pike. First line : " From the Rio Grandees ivaters to the icy lakes of Maine.'" Buena Vista. War ballad, written on the field after the battle. G. W. Cutter. First line : " Buena Vista ! thou hast smiled." Building of the City Beautiful, The. Romance, poetic. 1893. C. H. Miller (Joaquin Miller). Building of the Ship, The. Poem. Begun June 18, 1849; finished Sept. 22, 1849. H. W. Long- 38 who's the author? fellow. This poem was the leading one in the collection *' Seaside and Fireside," published November, 1849. First line : " Build me straight, worthy Master I" Bundle of Letters, A (Reprinted from the Parisian). Romance. 1880. Henry James. It first ap- peared in the Atlantic Monthly, May, 1859. Bunker Hill: An Ode on the Celebration (June 17, 1825) of the Battle of. Poem. Grenville Mellen. It contains "The Lonely Bugle Grieves," begin- ning, " The trump hath blown." Bunker Hill Monument. An address delivered at the laying of the cornerstone of the Bunker Hill M"^onument at Charlestown, Mass., June 17, 1825. Daniel Webster. His second " Bunker Hill oration " carries the title " The Completion of the Bunker Hill IMonument." This address was delivered on the occasion of the completion of the monument, June 17, 1843. Bunker Hill, the Command in the Battle of. 1849, Boston. Richard Frothingham. Bunker's Hill. Poem. 1776. H. H. Brackenridge. Buntling Ball, The. Satire (anonymous) in verse. 1884, New York. Edgar Fawcett. Burgoyne''s March. Poem, read at Bemis Heights, 1877, on the occasion of the Saratoga County Centennial celebration. R. T. S. Lowell. Burial of Latane, The. Poem of the Civil War (Southern). J. R. Thompson. First line: " The combat raged not long, but ours the day." Captain Latane was one of Stuart's Confederate cavalry. He was killed, 1862, in the Pamunkey expedi- tion. Burial of Love, The. Poem. 1854, in Graham's Magazine. W. C. Bryant. Burial of the Minnisink. Poem. Written 1825. H. W. LongfeUow. who's the author? 39 Burial Place, The. Poem. Written at Great Bar- rington, Mass., 1818, and published in the col- lective edition of poems, 1832. W. C. Bryant. Burning of Schenectady, The. Poem. 1842. A. B. Street. Burns. Poem. 1827. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Burns. Poem. 1854. J. G. Whittier. Burr, Life and Times of Aaron. Biography. 1857. James Parton. Bur-well Papers, The. Manuscripts often alluded to by this name because they were first made public by the Burwell family of King William County, Va. They were first printed in the Second Mas- sachusetts Historical Collections, I., 27-80, and related to Nathaniel Bacon and his stormy re- bellion. Bury Them. War lyric. About 1863-1864. H. H. Brownell. A memory of the engagement at Fort Wagner, July 18, 1863. Busybody Papers, The. A series of moral essays, begun, 1728, in the Philadelphia Mercury. Ben- jamin Franklin. Busy Man, The. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. But Yet a Woman. Romance. 1883. A. S. Hardy. Butterflies of North America, The. An extensive and authoritative work on the subject. 1868- 1888. W. H. Edwards. By Shore and Sedge. Short stories. 1885. F. Bret Harte. Contains " An Apostle of the Tules," " Sarah Walker," " A Ship of '49." By the Waters of Babylon. Poem. 1828-1888. Emma Lazarus. By Their Works. Poem. 1881. J. G. Whittier. Byways and Birdnotes. 1885. Maurice Thompson. Byways of Europe. Travels. 1869. Bayard Taylor. 40 who's the author? Cadet Grey. Poem, dramatic. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Calavar: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico. Xovel. ISol. Robert M. Bird. Tliis was his first novel. Calaynos. Tragedy. 1848. G. H. Boker. Caldwell of Springfield. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Caleb Krinkle. Story of American life. 1875. C. C. Coffin. California and Oregon Trail, The. See "Oregon Trail." California, History of. 1885-1897. T. H. Hittell. California Madrigal. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Calm on the List'ning Ear of Xight. Poem of Christmastide. About 1874. E. H. Sears. First line: " Calm on the list'ning ear of night comes heaven's melodious strains." Camp and Outpost Duty for Infantry. Manual. 1862. Daniel Butterfield. Campaign of the Northwest Army. 1824. William Hull. In this work the general, court-martialled, 1812, for surrendering Detroit to the English, makes a defence of his act. Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas, The. Historical. 1824. Henry Lee (1787-1837). Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva. A noted narrative of travels made by the author in connection with the Russian expedition against Khiva in 1873. Published, 1874, New York. Januarius Aloysius MacGahan. Camptown Races. Song. 1850. S. C. Foster. Canada and the Indian Territories between the Years 1760 and 1776 ; Travels and Adventures in. 1809, XewYork. Alexander Henry. Cannibals All, or Slaves without Masters. 1857, Richmond. George Fitzhugh. who's the author? 41 Canoe and the Saddle, The : Adventures among the Northwestern Rivers, and Forests, and Isth- muses. Travel sketches, graphically told. 1862. Theodore Winthrop. Canonchet. Ballad. Published in Updike's " His- tory of the Narraghansett Church." 1847. A. G. Greene. Canterbury Pilgrims, The. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Cape Cod. Miscellaneous sketches of that place. 1865. H. D. Thoreau. Cape Cod Folks. Novel, very popular. 1881, Boston. Sarah Pratt (McLean) Greene. Cape Cottage at Sunset. Poem. W. B. Glazier. Captain Bonneville, Adventures of. See "Adven- tures of Captain Bonneville." Captain Chap : or The Rolling Stones. Story, juvenile. 1882. F. R. Stockton. Captain, My Captain. See " O Captain, My Captain." Capture, Prison-Pen and Escape. Narrative. 1865, Albany. Willard Glazier. Over four hundred thousand copies of this work were sold. Cardinal Bird, The. Poem. W. D. Gallagher. Caricature and other Comic Art in all Times and in Many Lands. An elaborate work on the progress of caricature from its beginning to modern times. 1877. James Parton. Carillon. Poem. Prelude of the Belfry of Bruges, q.v. H. W. Longfellow. Carl Werner : an Imaginative Story. 1838. W. G. Simms. Carmen Bellicosum. Noted ballad. 1849, in the Knickerbocker Magazine. G. H. McMaster. First line : " In their ragged regimentals." It 42 who's the author? is familiarly known by the title, ''The Old Continentals." Carolina. Poem. About 1860. Henry Timrod. First line : " The despot treads thy sacred sands.'''' Carrier Pigeon, The. Song. J. G. Percival. Carriers' Addresses. Many early periodicals inaugu- rated a custom of printing in verse a salutation on New Year's Day, addressed to those who delivered the papers. This custom became widely prevalent and continued for a long time. Notable among those early to employ the custom were Aquila Rose, in 1720, and William Bradford, of the Pennsylvania Journal, 1776. Cartier to Frontenac. A work of historical re- search. 1891:. Justin Winsor. Cartoons. Collection of poems. 1875. Mar- garet J. Preston. This collection contains : "Cartoons from the Life of the Old Masters," " Cartoons from the Life of the Legends," " Cartoons from the Life of To-day." Casa Braccio. Novel. 1895. F. M. Crawford. A story of Italian life. Case of Major Andre, The. Essay, vindicating Washington's action. C. J. Biddle. Cask of Amontillado, The. Prose tale. 1846, in Godev's Ladifs Book for October. E. A. Poe. Casket, The. Periodical. 1821-1839. Published at Philadelphia. Succeeded by Graham's Magazine, q.v. Caspipina's Letters. Observations on literary, moral, and religious subjects. 177-4, Philadel- phia. Jacob Duche. Cassandra South wick. Poem. 1843. J. G. Whit- tier. Relates to the Quaker persecutions. First line: '' To the God of all sure mercies, let my bless- ing rise to-day," who's the author? 43 Cassique of Accabee : A Legend of Ashley River. roem. 1853. W. G. Simms. Cassique of Kiawah, The: A Colonial Romance. 1859. W. G. Simms. Cast Aside. Popular song. 1896. C. K. Harris. Castilian Days. Travels. 1871. John Hay. Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Humorous tale. 1886. F. R. Stockton. Castle by the Sea, The. Poem. 1852. R. H. Stoddard. Castle Dismal: or The Bachelor's Christmas. Story. 1845. W. G. Simms. Castle Xowhere: Lake Country Sketches. 1875. Constance F. Woolson. Castle St. Angelo and the Evil Eye: Being addi- tional chapters to "Roba di Roma." 1877, PhUadelphia. W. W. Story. Castles. Poem. 1865, in the Atlantic Monthly for May. T. B. Aldrich. Catawba, The. Poem. 1850-1860. W. W. Fos- dick. Catena Dominica. Poems, religious. J. H. Alex- ander. Cathedral, The. Poem. 1870, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. J. R. Lowell. It was written during the summer of 1869. After its appearance in the Atlantic it was enlarged and issued in book form. First line: '■^ Far through the memory shines a happy day.^' Catholic Church in America, The. 1886. J. D. G. Shea. Cavalry Charge, The. Ballad of the Civil War. F. A. Durivage. First line: " With hi^ay of the trumpet.'' Cavalry Ciiarge, The. Poem of the Civil War. B. F. Taylor. First line: "■Hark! the rattling roll of the musketeers." 44 who's the author? Cavalry, History of the United States. 1865, New York. A. G. Brackett. Cavalry Song. Ballad of the Civil War. R. W. Raymond. First line : " Our bugles sound gayly. To horse and away." Cavalry Song. A spirited little lyric, which occurs in Part XI. of " Alice of Monmouth," q.v. E. C. Stedman. It is of three stanzas, and is one of his best-known poems. First line : " Our good steeds snuff the evening air." Cecil Dreeme. Novel. 1861. Theodore Winthrop. Celestial Passion, The. Poem. 1887. R. W. Gilder. Celestial Railroad, The. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Centennial Hymn. 1876, Atlantic Monthly for June. J. G. Whittier. It was written for the Inter- national Exhibition's opening, May 10, 1876. First line : " Our fathers God ! from out whose hand." Centennial Ode. Pronounced at the Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Boston. Sep- tember, 1830. Charles Sprague. Centennial Ode. Written for the Second Centen- nial Celebration of Boston's Settlement, Sept. 17, 1830. John Pierpont. First line: ''Break forth in song, ye trees." Centennial Ode to Columbia. Read at opening of the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. Sidney Lanier. Central Africa. Travels. 1854:. Bayard Taylor. Century Magazine. Established 1881. Editor, R. W. Gilder. It succeeded Scribner's Monthly, q.v. Century of Dishonor, A : A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with some of who's the author? 45 the Indian Tribes. 1881. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Chain Gang, The. Melodrama. C. H. Foster. Chainbearer, The. Novel. 1845. J. F. Cooper. Chambered Nautilus, The. Poem. 1857, in the "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." O. W. Holmes. First line : " This is the ship of pearl, ic h ich, poets fe iy n." Champions of Freedom, The. 1816. Samuel Wood- worth. This was an attempt to write a history of the War of 1812 in the form of a romance. Chance Acquaintance, A. Sketch. 1874, Boston. AV. D. Howells. It originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly as a serial in 1873. Changeling, The. Poem. 1865, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. J. G. Whittier. Changes of Home, The. Poem. 1827-1833. R. H. Dana. Chanting Cherubs, The. Poem. 1827-1833. R. H. Dana. Chapel of the Hermits, The. Poem. 1851. J. G. AVhittier. First line: "/ do believe, and yet, in grief." Characcae Americanse. 1880, Boston. T.F.Allen. Character. Essay. 1844. R. AV. Emerson. Character and Characteristic Men. Essays. 1866. E. P. AA'hipple. Character and AVritings of John Milton, Remarks on the. Series of articles in the Christian Ex- aminer, 1826. AA^ E. Channing (1780-1842). Character of AA^ashington, The. Speech delivered at a public dinner in the city of AA^ashington, Feb. 22, 1832, the centennial anniversary of AA'ashington's Birthday. Daniel AA-'ebster. Charcoal Sketch of Pot Pie Palmer, A. Satirical prose sketch. First published in the New York Mirror. Edward Sanford. 46 WHO'S THE AUTHOR? Charcoalman, The. Poem. About 1869. J. T. Trowbridge. Charge by the Ford, The. War ballad (Civil ^Yar). T. D. English. First line: ^'■Eighty and nine with their captain.'" Charlemagne. Poem. H. W. Longfellow. This is the third PoeVs Tale of " Tales of a Wayside Inn." Charlemont: or The Pride of the Village. 1856. A story of Kentucky. W. G. Simms. This is a sequel to " Beauchampe," q.v. Charles Elwood, or The Infidel Converted. A novel in form, but really a psychological study. 1840. O. A. Brownson. Charlotte Temple. Xovel. Published in England about 1790. Susanna H. Rowson. Said to be the first work of American fiction. This sad story of betrayal was written from a true original. The original was Miss Stanley, a grand-daughter of the Earl of Derby. Her body lies in Trinity churchyard, Xew York City. Charming Woman, A. Poem. 1875, in Harper's Magazine for March. J. G. Saxe. Chickadee, The. See " Titmouse, The," by R. W. Emerson. Child Life. Compilation of poems. 1873. J. G. Whittier. Childe Roeliff's Pilgrimage. Tale. Contributed to the Glauber Spa, q.v. J. K. Paulding. It bur- lesques fashionable journeys. Childhood. Poem. About 1847. W. W. Story. Childhood Songs. Poems. 1874. Lucy Larcom. Children in the Wood, The. Verse. 1865. R. H. Stoddard. Children of Isis, The. Poem. About 1871. R. H. Stoddard. who's the author? 47 Children of the King, The. Novel. 1893. A tale of southern Italy. F. M. Crawford. Children, The. Poem. About 1860-1868. C. M. Dickinson. First line : " When the lessons and tasks are all ended." Children's Hour, The. Poem. 1863. H. W. Long- fello^Y. First line: ^'■Between the dark and the daylight." This poem occurs in Flight the Second of "Birds of Passage." Chimney Corner, The. Essays and sketches of domestic life. 1865 and 1866, in the Atlantic Monthly. Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher) Stowe. Chippings with a Chisel. One of the selections of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Chiquita. Poem. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for March. F. Bret Harte. Chita: A Memory of Last Island. Story. 1889. Lafcadio Hearn. The tale of an island in the Gulf of Mexico, swept away by a hurricane. Chocorua. Sonnet. 1870, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. Lucy Larcom. Choir Invisible, The. NoveL 1897. J. L. Allen. A story of Kentucky a hundred years ago. Chosen Valley, The. Novel. 1892. MaryH.Foote. Choy Susan. Story. 1884. W. H. Bishop. Christian Commonwealth, The. A treatise on government, for converted Indians. This work is rare because it was suppressed by the authori- ties on the ground of containing "seditious principles and notions." 1659. John Eliot. Christian Panoply. A reply to Paine's work, "The Age of Reason." 1799, Philadelphia. Moses Iloge. Christianity and Positivism. Series of lectures. 1871, London and New York. James McCosh. Christianity and Social Problems. Collection of 48 who's the author? papers embodying the themes of lectures and articles contributed to various periodicals. 1896. Lvraan Abbott. Christianity the Logic of Creation. Collection of letters on spiritual themes. 1857. Henry James, Sr. Christmas. One of the selections of the " Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Christmas Banquet, The. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Christmas Day. One of the selections of the ''Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Christmas Bells. Poem. Written Dec. 25, 1864. H. W. Longfellow. Christmas Dinner, The. One of the selections of the "Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Christmas Eve. One of the selections of the " Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Christmas Every Day. Story, juvenile. 1893. W. D. Ho wells. Christmas Xight in the Quarters. Poem in Scrih- ners Monthly, January, 1878. L'win Russell. Christmas Shadrach. Short story. 1890, in the Ceniuni Magazine for December. F. R. Stockton. Christmas' Wreck, The. Short story. 1886. F. R. Stockton. Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery. Historical research. 1892. Justin Winsor. Christus : A Mystery. Dramatic poem. 1868- 1872. H. W. Longfellow. This work is a trilogy made up of " The Divine Tragedv" (Part One), 1872, "The Golden Legend" (Part Two), 1851, and " The New England Tragedies " (Part Three), 1868. Chronicles of the City of Gotham from the Papers who's the author? 49 of a Retired Common Councilman. 1830. James K. Paulding. Chronological History of New England, in the Form of Annals. First vol., 1736. Second (two numbers only), 1755. Thomas Prince. It was his intention to narrate the occurrences in New England, 1602-1730, but the work comes down to 1633 only, its main purpose over- whelmed by a long introduction which began with the creation of the world and led tediously up to the annals of New England. Church in the Wilderness, The. Poem. 1840, Nashville. A. L. P. Green. Church, The. Poem, religious. A. B. N. Haven. Church's Quarrel Espoused. A pamphlet. 1710. John Wise. "Cicely." Poem. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for October. Bret Harte. Cigarette-maker's Romance, A. Novel. 1890. F. M. Crawford. Circles. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Circuit Rider. Novel. 1874. Edward Eggleston. It is a story of itinerant life in the West. Circumstances Favorable to the Progress of Lit- erature in America. Oration. 1824. Edward Everett. Circumstantial Evidence. Legal treatise of note. 1856. A. M. Burrill. City Ballads. 1885. Will Carleton. City and the Sea, The. Poem. Written May 12, 1881. H. W. Longfellow. City Festivals. Ballads. 1892. Will Carleton. City in the Sea, The. Poem. It first appeared in its revised form in the American Whig Review, April, 1845. E. A. Poe. This poem was an enlargement of its earlier form, i.e. " The Doomed City" of the 1831 edition. 50 who's the author ? City Legends. Ballads. 1889. Will Carleton. City of Success. Poems. 1883. Henry Abbey. City of the Silent, The. Poem. Delivered on the occasion of the consecration of Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, Nov. 19, 1850. W. G. Simms. Civil Government in the United States. A concise study in the development of our government. 1890. John Fiske. Civil War. Poem. Charles D. Shanly. See "Fancy Shot." Civilization. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. This is one of the collection "Society and Solitude." Civilization during the Middle Ages. History. 1883. G. B. Adams. Clam, Sonnet to a. About 1818. J. G. Saxe. Clara Howard : or The Enthusiasm of Love. Novel. 1801. Charles Brockden Brown. This was re- printed in England with the title " Philip Stan- lev." Clari," the Maid of jNlilan. Opera. 1823. John Howard Payne. In it occurs the well-known song "Home, Sweet Home," q.v. Clarel, a Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. Poem. 1876. Herman Melville. Clay, Life of Henry. Biography. 1831. G. D. Prentice. Clay, Life of Henry. Biography. 1887. Carl Schurz. Clear Sunshine of the Gospel Breaking Forth upon the Indians in New England, The. Tract. 1648. Thomas Shepard. Cleopatra. Poem. xVbout 1847. W. W. Story. Clever Stories of Many Nations, in Rhyme. 1864. J. G. Saxe. Clift Dwellers, The. Novel. 1893. H. B. Fuller. Clio. Play. AYritten 1877-1878. Bartley Campbell. who's the author? 51 Clio. Pamphlet on the plan of Dana's " Idle Man," made up of essays and poems. The first part was issued, 1822, at Charleston, S.C. ; the second part the same year at New Haven, Conn. ; the thh'd part, 1827, at New York. J. G. Percival. Clocks of Rondaine, The. Short story. 1892. F.R. Stockton. Closed Gentian, The. Poem. 1872, in Scribner's Monthly for November. A. D. T. Whitney. Closing Scene, The. Poem. About 1867. T. B. Read. Closing Year, The. Poem. About 1848. G. D. Prentice. Cloth of Gold. Poem. About 1859. Boston. T. B. Aldrich. Cloud on the Waj^ The. Poem. 1860, in the New York Ledger for February. W. C. Bryant. Clouds on Whiteface. Sonnet. 1870, in the Atlantic Moyithly for September. Lucy Larcom. Cloven Foot, The. Burlesque adaptation of Charles Dickens's "Mystery of Edwin Drood." 1870, New York. R.H. Newell. ^ Clovernook : or Recollections of our Neighborhood in the West. Series of prose sketches. First series, 18.52; second, 18.53; third, 1855, "Clover- nook Children." Alice Cary. Clubs. Essay. 1870. R.W.Emerson. See " Society and Solitude." Clump of Daisies, A. Poem. 1827-1833. R. H. Dana. Coast of Bohemia, The. Novel. 1893. W. D. Ilowells. Cobbler Keezar's Vision. Poem. 1861, in the Atlan- tic Monthly for February. J. G. Whittier. First line : '■'•The heaver cut his timber." Cockney, The. Poem. 1850-1861. J. G. Saxe. Coeur d'Alene. Story. 1894. Mary H. Foote. 52 who's the author? Coliseum, The. Poem. First appeared in the Baltimore Saturday Visitor, 1833. E. A. Poe. First line : "• Type of the Antique Rome ! Rich reliquary." Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Novel. 1891. F. Hopkinson Smith. It was begun as a serial in the Century Magazine, November, 1890. Colonel's Daughter, The. Novel of military life. 1883. Charles King. Colonel Starbottle's Client. Short story. 1892. F. Bret Harte. Colorado : A Summer Trip. Travels. 1867. Bayard Taylor. Columbia. National hymn. Timothy Dwight. It was written when the author was army chaplain, 1777-1778. First line : " Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise." Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean. Hymn, patriotic. D. T. Shaw. First line : " Oh, Columbia, the gem of the ocean! " Columbian Orator. A well-known school book. 1797. Caleb Bingham. Columbiad. Poem. 1807. Joel Barlow. In this lengthy poem he incorporated much of his "Vision of Columbus," q.v., and many of his other poems. Columbian ^lagazine, or Monthly Miscellany. Es- tablished 1786, at Philadelphia. '• Columbus " Papers, The. See " Marcellus." Columbus, Pictures of. Poem. About 1788. Philip Freneau. Columbus. Poem. About 1838. Lydia H. Sig- ourney. Come up from the Fields, Father. Poem. About 186.5. Walt Whitman. Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming. Song. About 1859. S. C. Foster. who's the author? 53 Comet, The. Poem. 1832. O. W. Holmes. Comly's Speller. This spelling book was compiled by John Comly, a native of Pennsylvania, and had a wonderful sale in its day, reaching well up in the millions. He was the author also of a primer, a grammar, and a reader, all of which were popular. Commanders, The. Poem. 1887. G. H. McMaster. Commemoration Ode. Recited at the Harvard Com- memoration, July 21, 1865. J. R. Lowell. First line : " Weak winged is song." Common Sense. Pamphlet. 1776. Thomas Paine. Common Sense in the Household. Manual of practical housewifery. 1871, Xew York. Mary V. Terhune. Communion of Churches, The : or The Divine Man- agement of Gospel Churches by the Ordinance of Councils, Constituted in order according to the Scriptures. Tract. 1665. John Eliot. Compensation Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Compensation. Poem. 1840-1847. R.W.Emerson, Complaining Millions of Men, The. Novel of social conditions. 1893. Edward Fuller. Complete Coiffeur, The : or An Essay on the Art of Adorning Natural, and of Creating Artificial, Beauty. By J. B. La Foy, M. D., Ladies' Hair Dresser. 1817. Contained several of Samuel Woodworth's poems. Completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, The. See " Bunker Hill Monument." Concepcion de Arquello. Poem. 1872, in the At- lantic Monthly for May. F. Bret Harte. Concord Days. Papers on literary subjects, under headings of the months from April to September. 1872. Amos Bronson Alcott. Concord Hymn, The. Sung at the completion of the Battle Monument, April 19, 1836, on the 54 who's the author? occasion of the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. R. W. Emerson. First line: ^'- By the rude bridge that arched the flood ." Concord Ode. Sung in the Concord Town Hall, July 4, 1857. R. W. Emerson. First line : '^ tenderly the haughty day." Concord Ode. April 19, 1875. J. R. Lowell. See " Three Memorial Odes." Condensed Novels. Humorous burlesques on popu- lar novels. 1867. F. Bret Harte. Conduct of Life. Essays. 1860. R. W. Emerson. Contains the essays : "Fate," " Power," "Wealth," " Culture," " Behavior," " Worship," " Beauty," " Illusions," " Considerations by the Way." Conductor Bradley. Poem. 1873. J. G. Whittier. Bradley was a conductor who lost his life in a Connecticut railway accident, ]\Iay 9, 1873. Cone Cut Corners. Temperance story of note. 1855. Its title-page declared its author to be Beuauly, which word was made up of the first syllables of the real authors' first names, viz. Ben]2imi\\ V. Abbott, ylustin Abbott, Lynmn Abbott, three brothers. Confederate Flag, The. See " Conquered Banner." Confession : or The Blind Heart. A domestic story. 1811, Philadelphia. W. G. Simms. Confessions of a Frivolous Girl. Novel. 1880, Boston. Robert Grant. Conflagration, The. Poem. About 1744. Mather Byles. Conflict of Ages. Theological essays. 1853, Boston. The conflict is raged between good and evil. It will not end with this life but, in the long struggle of the ages, will eventually result in everlasting concord. Edward Beecher. Congressional Globe, The. Periodical. Established 1834. who's the author? 56 Congressional Government. Treatise. 1885. Woodrow Wilson. Connecticut, The History of. Vol. I., 1797 ; Vol. IL, 1818. Benjamin Trumbull. Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court, A. Humorous story, burlesquing the manners and customs of the days of chivalry. 1890. S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Connel and Flora. Song. About 1789-1791. Alex- ander Wilson. Conquered Banner, The. Poem. Written soon after the surrender of Lee. Father A. J. Ryan. First line : " Furl that banner, for 'tis iceary." Conqueror Worm, The. Poem. First appeared in Graham's Magazine, January, 1843. E. A. Poe. First line : "Zo/ 'tis a gala night.'" Conqueror's Grave, The. Poem. 1854, in Pw/nam's Magazine for January. W. C. Bryant. Conquest of Canaan, The. A rather heavy epic. 1785, Hartford. Timothy Dwight. It consisted of eleven books. Conquest of Granada, The. A historical account of the overthrow of the Mohammedan power in Spain, written with the charm of a romance. 1829. Washington Irving. Conquest of Louisburg. Narrative poem. 1758, Boston. John Maylem. Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes; History of the. 1843, New York. William H. Prescott. Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas; History of the. 1847, New York. William IL Prescott. Conservative; The. Lecture delivered at Masonic Temple, Boston, Dec. 9, 1841. R. W. Emerson. 56 who's the author Considerations by the Way. One of the selections of " Conduct of Life." q.v. R. W. Emerson. Considerations on Behalf of the Colonists. Pam- phlet. 1765. James Otis. Conspiracy of Pontiac, The. Historical narrative. 1851. Francis Parkman. See also '• France and England in North America." Constitution a Pro-Slavery Compact, The: or Extracts from the Madison Papers. 1844, Boston. Wendell Phillips. Constitution of the United States of America; History of the Formation of the. 1882. George Bancroft. Constitution, Writings on the Federal. Collec- tion of noted decisions by John Marshall, made while he was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. 1839, Boston. Consummation. Poem on the Atlantic cable. 1858. A. D. T. Whitney. Contemplations. Poem, moral and descriptive. 1678. Anne Bradstreet. It has touches of a genuine expression of the love of nature. Continuity of Christian Thought, The: A Study of Modern Theology in the Light of its History. Boston, 1884. A. V. G. Allen. Contrast, The. First American play ever acted by a regular company of comedians, and the first in which Yankee dialect was used. RoyaU Tyler. It was played at the old John Street Theatre in New York under the direction of Hallam and Henry, April 16, 1786. Convent, The. Poem.*^ About 1854. William Winter. Conversations in a Studio. 1890. W. W. Story. Conversations on Some of the Old Poets. Essavs. 1844. J. R. Lowell. Convert, The : or Leaves from My Experience. 1857. O. A. Brownson. who's the author? 57 Copperhead, The. Poem. About 1871. F.BretHarte. Copyright, A Treatise on the Law of. 1847. G. T. Curtis. Copyright, Treatise on. 1879, Boston. E. S. Drone. Its full title is " Treatise on the Law of Property in Intellectual Productions in Great Britain and the United States, Embracing Copyright in Works of Literature and Art, and Playright in Dramatic and Musical Compositions." It is a standard work on the subjects treated. Coquette, The : or The History of Eliza Wharton. Novel, very popular in its day. 1797. Hannah (Webster) Foster. Coral Grove, The. Poem. About 1823. J. G. Percival. First line : " Deep in the wave is a coral grove." Coral Insect, The. Poem. Before 1848. Lydia H. Sigourney. Corda Concordia. Poem, read at the opening of the Summer School of Philosophy, Concord, July 11, 1881, and published in the Atlantic Monthly, August, 1881. E. C. Stedman. Cordelia's Aspirations. Play. Produced at Harri- gan and Hart's Theatre, Broadway, New York City, 1881. Edward Harrigan. Corea : The Hermit Nation. A standard work of travel and research. 1882. W. E. Griffis. Corleone : A Tale of Sicily. Novel. 1897. F. M. Crawford. Corn. Poem. 1875, in Lippincotfs Magazine for February. Sidney Lanier. Corsair, The. A weekly journal. Established 1839, by N. P. Willis and W. T. Porter. Cotton Boll, The. Poem. About 1860. Henry Timrod. Cotton Kingdom, The : A Traveller's Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American Slave 58 who's the author? States. 1861. F. L. Olmsted. This volume summed up the results of his three former tours through the slave states of the South, i.e. "Journey in the Seaboard Slave States," '•Journey Through TexavS," "Journey in the Back Country." Count Frontenac and Xew France under Louis XIY. A historical narrative. 1877. Francis Parkman. See also " France and England in North America." Count Julian : or The Last Days of the Goth. 1815. ^V. G. Simms. Counterfeit Presentment, A. Comedy. 1877, Bos- ton. W. D. Howells. It originally appeared in the Atlantic Month! ij, July-October, 1877. Countess, The. Poem. ISQ'o, in the Atlantic Monthly for May. J. G. Whittier. Country By-vrays. Descriptive sketches of nature. 1881. Sarah Orne Jewett. Country Church, The. One of the selections in the •• Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Country Doctor, A. Novel. 1881. S. O. Jewett. Country Living and Country Thinking. 1862. Mary A, Dodge (Gail Hamilton). Country Lovers : or jSIr. Jonathan Jolthead's Courtship with Miss Sally Snapper. Poem, satirical, 1806. T. G. Fessenden (Christopher Caustic). First line: "^ merry tale, I will rehearse." Country Printer, The. Poem. 1786-1795. Philip Freneau. Country Sleighing. Poem. E. C. Stedman. Coupon Bonds. Novelette. 1871. J. T. Trow- bridge. Courage. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See " Society and Solitude." Court of Fancy, The. Poem. 1763. Thomas God- who's the author? 59 frey. It has suggestions of being modelled on Chaucer's " House of Fame." Courtin', The. A well-known selection, in verse, from J. R. Lowell's " Biglow Papers," in the in- troduction to the First Series, and afterward, in a revised and enlarged form, in the introduction to the Second Series. Courtship of Miles Standish, The. Poem. Septem- ber, 1858. H. W. Longfellow. Begun Dec. 2, 1856. First draft was finished March 22, 1858. First line : " In the Old Colony days, in Plymouth, the land of the Pilgrims." Coyote. Poem. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for Julv. F. Bret Harte. Crater, "The. Novel. 1847. J. F. Cooper. The scene of this story is laid on the shores of the Pacific, in a Utopian community, where Cooper set forth his theories of government. Crayon Miscellany, The. A collection of sketches. 1835. Contains " A Tour on the Prairies," " Abbotsford," " Newstead Abbey." Washington Irving. Credit System in France, Great Britain, and the United States, The. A noted work on finance. 1838. H. C. Carey. Creoles of Louisiana, The. A historical account. 1881. G. W. Cable. Cressid. Poem. 1874-1886. Nora Perry. Crime Against Kansas, The : The Apologies for the Crime ; The True Remedy. Speech, in the United States Senate, May 19 and 20, 1856. Charles Sumner. Crisis, The. Series of patriotic tracts. The first number appeared Dec. 19, 1776, and the last, April 19, 1783, when peace was established. Thomas Paine. Critic, The. Literary periodical. Established 1881. 60 who's the author? Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 1859-1891. Samuel Austin Allibone. Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. An extensive treatise. 1861. W. R. Alger. Critical Period of American History, 1783-1789. 1888, Boston. John Fiske. Criticism and Fiction. Critique. 1891. W. D. Ilowells. Croaker Papers, The. A series of satirical poems contributed to the New York Evening Post from March to June, 1819, and intermittently after- ward, by J. R. Drake and Fitz-Greene Halleck. They were signed Croaker ^ Co. Crockett, David. Autobiography. 1834. Cross of Snow, The. Sonnet. Written July 10, 1879. H. W. Longfellow. In this poem Long- fellow beautifully refers to the memory of his wife, Frances Elizabeth Appleton, who perished by fire July 9, 1861. It was suggested to him by seeing a picture of Mount Holy Cross in an illustrated book of western scenery. Croton Ode, The. Poem, written at the request of the corporation of the city of Xew York. G. P. Morris. First line : " Gushing from this living fountain." The Croton aqueduct was finished 1812. Crowded Street, The. Poem. 1843, in Graham's Magazine for JNIarch. W. C. Bryant. Crowing of the Red Cock, The. Poem. About 1888. Emma Lazarus. Crucifixion, The. Poem. 1834. J. G. Whittier. Cruise of the Mystery, The. Poem. 1886. Celia Thaxter. Cruises with Captain Bob on Sea and Land. 1880, Boston. B. P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington). Crumbling Idols. Essays. 1894. Hamlin Garland. 61 Crumbs from the Land of Cakes. Travel sketches of Scotland. 1851, Boston. Peter Carter. Crusade of the Excelsior. Novel. 18S7. F. Bret Harte. Cry to Arms, A. War ballad. 1861-1864. Henry Timrod. Fh'st line : " Ho, tcoodsmen of the mountain-side ! " Cudjo's Cave. Stor}^, juvenile. 1863. J. T. Trow- bridge. Culprit Fay, The. A poem. Written August, 1816. Published 1819. It describes with delicate fancy the story of a fairy condemned to penance for having loved a mortal. J. R. Drake. First line: "'TVs the middle ivatch of a summer's night." Culprit, The. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Culture. One of the selections of "Conduct of Life," q.v. P. W. Emerson, " Cumberland," On Board the. See " On Board the ' Cumberland.' " Cumberland, The. Poem of the Civil War. Writ- ten 1862. H. AV. Longfellow. First line: "^^ anchor in Hampton Roads ice lay.'' Curfew Must Not Ring To-night. Poem. Written at Litchfield, Michigan, April 3, 1867, and was first published in the Detroit Commercial Advertiser, November, 1870. Rose (Hartwick) Thorpe. Curiosity. Poem. Delivered 1829, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard. Charles Sprague. By many admitted to be his best poem. Currents and Counter-currents. A medical essay. 1861. O. W. Holmes. Curse Entailed, The. Novel of slave days. 1856. Harriet H. Bigelow. Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Economy and of the Political History of the United States. 62 who's the author ? A very valuable and authoritative work of reference. 1881-1884. Edited by J. J. Lalor. Cypress Tree of Ceylon, The. Poem. 1841. J. G. Whittier. Daisy Miller. A study. 1878. Henry James. This character sketch set forth the follies of an American girl who put at naught European rules of propriety. The work was criticised as being untrue to the American type. Daisy's Xecklace and What Came of It. Story, juvenile. 1857. T. B. Aldrich. Damnation of Theron Ware, The. Novel. 1896. Harold Frederic. Danbury Boom, The. Humorous sketches. 1880. J. M. Bailey (The Danburi/ Xeivs Man) also wrote " Life in Danbury," 1873. " They All Do It." 1877. " England from a Back Window." 1879. "Mr. Phillips's Goneness." 1879. Dance to Death, The. Poem, dramatic. 1882. Emma Lazarus. It represents the persecution of the Jews in the twelfth century. Dancin' Party at Harrison's Cove, The. Sketch. 1878, in the Atlantic Monthly for May. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock). This was her first published story, and attracted immedi- ate attention. Danites in the Sierras, The. Story of a mining camp. 1877. C.H.Miller (Joaquin Miller). This was first brought out about 1871 in London with the title of the " First Families of the Sierras," and its story was dramatized and produced successfully as "The Danites." Darby and Joan. Poem. About 1801. St. John Honeywood. Darby's Return. An interlude. 1789. William Dunlap. who's the author? 63 Darius Green and His Flying Machine. Poem. 1867 J. T. Trowbridge. Darling Xelly Gray. Song. 1861-1865. B. R. Hanby. Darwinism and Other Essays. 1879. John Fiske. Dashes at Life with a Free Pencil. 1845. N.P.Willis. Daughter of Fife, A. Novel. 1886. A. £. Barr. Daughter of the Philistines, A. Novel. 1883, Bos- ton. H. H. Boyesen. David Haruni. Story of American life. 1898. E. N. Westcott. David Swan. One of the selections of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Davila. See "Discom'ses on Davila." Day. Poem, About 1839. Jones Very. Day Breaking, if not the Sun Rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England, The. Tract. Published anonymously and accredited as the probable work of John Wilson, of Boston. Day Dream, A. Poem. 1861, in the New York Ledger of January 5. W. C. Bryant. Day in Melting Purple Dying. Poem. Maria (Gowen) Brooks. Day is Done, The. Poem. 1844. H. W. Long- fellow. This well-known poem was written as a proem to "The AVaif," in the fall of 1844. "The Waif" was a little volume of selected poems published at Christmas time, 1844. First line : " The day is done, and the darkness." Day of Doom, The. Poem. 1662. Michael Wig- glesworth. This unique poem had in its day an immense popularity. Its full title gives its theme. "The Day of Doom, or A Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement, with a Short Discourse about Eternity." Day of their Wedding, The. Novel. 1895, in Harper's Bazar, Oct. 5-Nov. 16. W. D. Howells. 64 who's the author? Day Which the Lord has Made, The. 1703. Cotton Mather. Daybreak. Poem. ^Vritten 1857. H. W. Long- fellow. First line : ''A wind came up out of the sea." Daybreak. Easter poem. 1882. J. C. R. Dorr. Daybreak. Poem. 1827-1833. R. H. Dana. Daybreak. Poem. 1804. Susanna (Haswell) Rowson. Days. Poem. First appeared in Atlantic Monthly, November, 1857, p. 47. R. W. Emerson. First line: ^^ Daughters of time, the hypocritic days." Days and Nights on the Battlefield, My. Sketches. 1864, Boston. C. C. Coffin (Carleton). Days Oat of Doors. Essay on Natm-e. 1889. C. C. Abbott. De Bow's Review. Periodical. Established 184.5. De Sheepfol'. Poem. 1882. Sarah Pratt (Mc- Lean) Greene. First line: "Z)e 7Jiassa oh de sheepfoV ." De Willoughby Claim, In Connection with the. Novel. 1899. Frances H. Burnett. Deacon's Masterpiece, The, or The Wonderful '•One-HossShay." Poem. 18.58. O.W.Holmes. First line : " Have you heard of the wonderful one-hoss shay." Deacon's Week, The. A story. 1885. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Dead Cannoneer, The. See "John Pelham." Dead Christ, The. Poem. Julia Ward Howe. Dead Feast of the Kol-Folk, The. Poem. 1879. J. G. Whittier. Dead Letter. Poem. 1871, in Harper's Magazine for November. J. G. Saxe. Dead Master, The. Poem. 1871-1880. R. H. Stoddard. Dead Ship of Harpswell, The. Poem. 1866, in the Atlantic Monthly for June. J. G. Whittier. who's the author? 65 Dead, The. Poem. About 1856. R. H. Stoddard. Death and Cupid. Poem. 1850-1861. J. G. Saxe. Death-Bed, A. Poem. About 1840. James Al- drich. First line: "i/er suffering ended with the day." Death Made Easy and Happy. Tract. 1701. Cot- ton Mather. Death of Absalom. See "Absalom." Death of an Infant, The. Poem. About 1838. Lydia H. Sigourney. Death of Slavery, The. ' Poem. 1866, in the A tlantic Monthly for July. W. C. Bryant. Death of Stonewall Jackson, The. Poem of the Civil AVar (Southern). May 10, 1863. H. L. Flash. First line: ^'- Not 'mid the lightning of the stormy fight." Death of the Flowers. Poem. 1825, in the Neio York Revieiu for November. AV. C. Bryant. Death of AVarren. Poem. About 1849. Epes Sargent. Declaration of Independence, The. This famous document, one of the greatest state papers ever produced, was written for the most part by Thomas Jefferson, who was chairman of the committee of five (Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston), appointed June 10, 1776, to draft it. It was submitted to the Continental Con- gress, July 2, 1776, and debated upon until the evening of the 4th, when it was adopted. Jef- ferson's original draft is given in Niles's Weekly Register for July 3, 1813. Declaration of Independence, A Compendious History of the Signers of the. Nathaniel Dwight. Declaration of Independence, Biography of the Signers of the. 1820-1827. John Sanderson. 66 who's the author? Deed of Gift, The. Comic opera. 1822. Samuel "Wood worth. Deephaven. Novel. 1877. Sarah O. Jewett. This, as the author states in her preface, is a story of "out-door life and country people." Deerslayer, The. Novel. 1841. J. F. Cooper. This novel, the first of the series of the "Leather-Stocking Tales" (q-v.), in point of time, was the last one written. Defence of Christianity against the Work of George B. English, entitled, " The Grounds of Christian- ity Examined by Comparing the New Testament with the Old." Theological essay. 1814, Boston. Edward Everett. Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. Vol. L, 1787. Vols. II. and III., 1788. J. Q. Adams. This work was called forth by a letter of Turgot's appended to Richard Price's " Observations on the Impor- tance of the American Revolution." Deliberative Assemblies : Rules of Proceeding and Debates. 1854, Boston. L. S. Cushing. Very well known as " Cushing's Manual of Parlia- mentary Practice." Demagogue. The. Political novel. 1890. D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). Democracy. An address delivered, 1884, at Bir- mingham, England. J. R. Lowell. Democracy Unveiled : or, Tyranny Stripped of the Garb of Patriotism. A vehement attack on the Jeffersonians (in verse). 1805. T. G. Fessenden. Democratic Vistas. Essays and observations. 1870. Walt Whitman. Demon of the Study. Poem. 183.5. J. G. Whittier. Denver Tribune Primer. Sketches. 1882. Eugene Field. 67 Departed, The. Poem. Park Benjamin. First line: " T/fe departed! the departed!" Dermot MacMorrogh : or The Conquest of Ireland. A long historical tale of the twelfth century in four cantos. 1832, Boston. J. Q. Adams. Descent into the Maelstrom, The. Prose tale. 1842, in Grahams Magazine for May. E. A. Poe. Desert Hymn to the Sun. Poem. About 1855. Bayard Taylor. Deserted Bride, The. Poem. 1838. G. P. Morris. Deserted Wife, The. Poem. About 1823. J. G. Percival. Deserter, The. Story of military life. Novelette- 1887, in Lippincott's Magazine for May. Capt. Cliarles King. Despot of Broomsedge Cove, The. Novel. 1888. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock). Destiny. Poem. 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for .Alay. T. B. Aldrich. Destiny of Man Viewed in the Light of his Origin, The. Treatise. 1881-, Boston. John Fiske. Destruction of Gotham. Story of Xew York. 1886, New York. C. H. Miller (Joaquin Miller). Detmold. Romance. 1879. W. H. Bishop. Deus Homo : God-Man. Theological Essays. 1867. Theophilus Parsons (1797-1882). Development of English Literature. 1879. P. F. Mullany (Brother Azarias). Devil in Manuscript, The. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Devirs Ford. Novelette. 1887. F. Bret Harte. Dial, The. A famous literary quarterly. Published at Boston. It voiced the Transcendentalists, and was edited by ^Margaret Fuller, Ripley, Emer- son, and others. It began July, 1810, and con- tinued until April, 1844. 68 who's the author? Diamond Lens. Story. 1858, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. Fitz-James O'Brien. Diamond AVedding, The. Poem. 18.59, in the New York Tribune. E. C. Stedman. Dickens in Camp. Poem. 1870, in the Overland Monthlij for July. F. Bret Harte. Dictionary of Americanisms. 1860. A valuable work of reference. J. R. Bartlett. Dictionary of the English Language. First edition 1828, second edition ISiO. Noah Webster. Dictionary of the English Language. 1860. J. E. Worcester. Didier's Letters from Paris. 1821, New York. F. J. Didier. Dies Xatalis Christi. Poem. 1871-1880. R. H. Stoddard. Dirge. Poem. About 1848. C. G. Eastman. Dirge. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. Dirge for a Soldier. Poem. 1864. G. H. Boker. Written in memory of General Philip Kearney, killed Sept. 1, 1862. Dirge for a Young Girl. Poem. About 1848. J. T. Fields. First line : " Underneath the sod, low lyingr Dirge for Two Veterans. Poem. Walt Whitman. Dirge of a Sailor. Poem. 1864. George H. Boker. Disappointment, The : or The Force of Credulity. Comic opera. 1767, New York. Andrew Barton. Discourse Concerning Paper Money. Tract. 1741. John AVebbe. Discourse on the Character of Washington. 1800. Timothy Dwight. Discourses on Davila: A Series of Papers on Political History. 1790, in the Gazette of the United States, at Philadelphia. John Adams. These were a sequel to his " Defence of the who's the author? 69 Constitutions of Government of the United States." Discovery of America, The. A work of historical research. 1892. John Fiske. Discovery of the Great West, The. See " La Salle." Disenchantment of Death, The. Poem. About 1889. M. J. Cawein. Disquisition on Government, A. Essay. J. C. Calhoun. Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law. Papers in the Boston Gazette, 1765. John Adams. Distillation. Treatise. 1815. Harrison Hall. Dithyrambic on Wine, A. Poem. About 1765. Thomas Godfrey. Diverting History of John Bull and Brother Jona- than. Satire. 1812. J. K. Paulding. Dividing Line, History of the. One of the " West- over Manuscripts," q.v. Fkst published, 1811. William Byrd, Divina Commedia. H. W. Longfellow. Six sonnets which were published as prologues to the three parts of his translation of Dante's "Divina Com- media." These also appear in his collected poems under the title, " Divina Commedia," as part of " Flower-de-Luce." They were written at vari- ous times in the progress of his work in trans- lating Dante's great poem. Divine Guidance. 1881. Mary A. Dodge (Gail Hamilton). Divine Tragedy, The. Dramatic poem. At the end of 1871. H. W. Longfellow. "The Divine Tragedy " makes up Part I. of '' Christus : A Mvsterv," q.v. Divorce. Plav. Produced Sept. 5, 1871. J. A. Daly. Dixie. Ballad of the Civil War (Xorthern). T. M. Cooley. First line: '■'■Away down South where grows the cotton,'" 70 who's the author? Dixie. Ballad of the Civil War. Very popular through the South. It was composed in 1859. D. D. Emmett. This song, which became one of the great battle songs of the South, was originally composed as a " walk-around " for Bryant's minstrels, who were performing in New York City at Mechanic's Hall. First line : " / wish I tvas in de land oh cotton, old times dar are not forgotten.'' The chorus was especially popular, and began, ^^ Den I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! hooray!" Dixie. VVar ballad (Civil War. Southern). 1861, in the Natchez Courier, May 30. Albert Pike. First line: ^^ Southrons, hear your country call you ! " Do They Miss Me at Home? Popular song. Caro- line Atherton (Briggs) Mason. It first appeared in a newspaper of Salem, Mass. Dobbs, His Ferry. Poem. 1868, in Putnam's Maga- zine for January. W. A. Butler. Doctor Breen's Practice. Novel. 1881. W. I). Howells. It originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, August-December, 1881. Dr. Claudius. Novel. 1883. F. M. Crawford. Dr. Grimshaw's Secret. Romance (posthumous). 1883. Nathaniel Hawthorne. It was edited by his son, Julian. Dr. Heidegger's Experiment. One of the selections of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Dr. Heidenhoff's Process. Story. 1880. Edward Bellamy. Dr. Johns. Novel. 1866. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters. Romance, his- torical. A story of the old colony. 1890. Jane G. Austin. who's the author? 71 Doctor Sevier. Novel. 1884. G. W. Cable. A storv of New Orleans life. Doctor Zay. Novel. 1882. Elizabeth S. P. Ward. Doleful State of the Damned, The. Sermon. 1710. Samuel Moody (1676-1747). Deliver Romance, The. This unfinished romance was found among the author's effects after his death, and the first part was published in the Atlantic Monthly, July, 1864. It was also called "Pansie." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Dolly Yarden. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. Dolores. Poem. 1876, in Lippincott's Magazine for June. Emma Lazarus. Dolph Heyliger. One of the stories of " Bracebridge Hall." Washington Irving. Domestic Life. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See " Society and Solitude." Domesticus : A Tale of the Imperial City. 1886, New York. William A. Butler. Dominie's Daughter, The. Play. Produced, 1886. David Demarest Lloyd. Donald and Dorothy. Juvenile. 1883. Mary M. Dodge. Don Diego of the South. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. Don Orsino. Novel. 1892. F. M. Crawford. Don't. Small book on etiquette. 1883. O. B. Bunce. Yery popular for a time. Don't Bet Your Money on the Shanghai. Song. 1861. S. C. Foster. Don't Kill the Birds. Poem. D. C. Colesworthy. Doomed City, The. See " City in the Sea." Doorstep, The. Poem. 1869, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. E. C. Stedman. Dorchester Giant, The. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. Dorothy Q. Poem. 1871. O.W.Holmes. Dorothy 72 who's the author? Q(uincy) was the daughter of Judge Edmund Quincy, and niece of Josiah Quincy, Jr. Double-headed Snake of Newbury, The. Poem. 1859, in tlie Atlantic Monthly for March. J. G. Whittier. Double Runner Ckib, The. Sketches. 1881, Bos- ton. B. P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington). Double Witness of the Church, The. A theological treatise of note. 18i4. W. I. Kip. " Down in de corn field." First line of the chorus of " Massa's in de Cold Ground," q.v. S. C. Foster. Down the Hill. C. E. Abbott. Down the Ravine. Juvenile. 1885. Mary N. Mur- free (C. E. Craddock). Downeasters. Xovel. 1833. John l^eal. Dow's Flat. Poem. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for June. F. Bret Harte. Drafted into the Army. Song of the Civil War. H. C. Work. Drake, Ode on the Death of. See " On the Death of J. R. Drake." Dream Life : A Fable of the Seasons. Sketches. 1851. D. G. Mitchell. Dream of a Day, The. Poem. 1843. J. G. Percival. Dream of Thanksgiving Eve, A. Poem. 1864. G. H. McMaster. Dred : A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Novel. 1856. Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher) Stowe. Dressing the Bride. Poem. About 1862. T. B. Aldrich. Drift: A Seashore Idyl. Poem. 1866. George Arnold. Drift from Two Shores. Collection of short stories. 1878. F. Bret Harte. Drifting. Poem. 1859, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. T. B. Read. * Driftweed. Poems. 1878. Celia Thaxter. who's the author? 73 Driftwood. A collection of prose papers contributed at various times to the magazines and other peri- odicals by H. W. Longfellow. The collection comprises "Ancient French Romances," reprinted from the Select Journal of Foreign Periodical Literature, January, 1833 ; " Frithiof's Saga," from the North American Review, July, 1837; review of Hawthorne's "Twice-Told Tales," from the same issue of the North American Review; review of James Grant's "The Great Metropolis," from the North American Review, April, 1837; "Anglo-Saxon Literature," North American Review, July, 1838; "Paris in the Seventeenth Century," lecture delivered 1838. Driving Home the Cows. Poem of the Civil War. 1865, in Harper's Monthly Magazine for March. Kate P. Osgood. First line : " Out of the clover and blue-eyed grass." Drovers, The. Poem. 1847. One of the " Songs of Labor." J. G. Whittier. Drowne's Wooden Image. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Druid, The. Social, literary, and political essays. 1781. John Witherspoon. Drum Taps. Collection of poems. 1865. Walt Whitman. Drunkard's Child, The. Poem. 1866. Sidney Dyer. Dukesborough Tales, The. Sketches. 1871, Balti- more. R. M. Johnston. These sketches of Georgia first appeared in the old Southern Magazine and were signed "Philemon Perch." Dulce Domum : or The Burden of the Song. Poems. 1884, Chicago. B. F. Taylor. Dum Vivimus Vigilamus. Poem. C. H. Webb. First line : " Turn out more ale, turn up the light." 74 Dusantes, The. Tale. 1888. F. R. Stockton. This is a sequel to " The Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine," q.v. Dusky Philosophy — In Two Expositions. Short story. About 1888. F. K. Stockton. Dust. JsTovel. 1889. Julian Hawthorne. Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, The. His- tory. 1899. John Fiske. Dutch Lullaby. Song. About 1889. Eugene Field. First line : " Wynken, Bbjnken, and Nod, one night:' Dutchman's Fireside, The. Story of the old Dutch settlers. 1831. J.K.Paulding. It is generally admitted to be his best work. Dutch Republic, The. See "Rise of the Dutch Republic." Duyckinck's Encyclopedia of American Literature. See ''Encyclopedia of American Literature." Dying Indian, The. Poem. About 1795. Philip Freneau. Dying Raven, The. Poem. 182.5, in the New York Review. R. H. Dana (1787-1879). E Pluribus Unum. Poem. 1845-1857. G. W. Cutter. First line: '■'■ Tho' many and bright are the stars that appear." Each and All. Poem. 1840-1847. R.W.Emerson. First line : " Little thinks, in the field, yon red- cloaked clown." Eagle's Pleart, The. Story of the West. 1900. Hamlin Garland. Early Jesuit Missions in North America. A work of historical research. 1846. W. I. Kip. Early Rising. Poem, humorous. 1850-1861. J. G. Saxe. Early Spring in Massachusetts. 1881 . H. D. Thoreau. A volume of extracts from his journal. who's the author? 75 Earth. Poem. "Written, 1834, at Pisa. Published, 1835, in the Xew York J/i'rror for March. W. C. Bryant. Earthly Paragon, An. Novel. 1892. Eva AVilder (McGlasson) Brodhead. Earthquake as it was in Boston and other Places, An Account of the. 1727. Thomas Prince. This was appended to a volume of his sermons. Earth Song. Song in the poem " Hamatrya," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Earth Spirit, The. Poem. W. E. Channing. Earth's Holocaust. One of the selections of '' Mosses from an Old Manse." q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Earth's Odors after Rain. Poem. 1855-1857. P. H. Havne. East and West. Poems. 1871. F. Bret Harte. East Angels. Novel. 1886. Constance F. Woolson. Eastford: or Household Sketches, by Wesley Brook. Novel. 1854. George Lunt. This is a story of New England life. Ebb and Flow. Poem. G. W. Curtis. First line: '' / icalked beside the evening sea." Eben Holden. Novel. 1900. Irving Bacheller. Ecce Ecclesia. On the church in all ages. 1868, Nashville. Richard Abbey. Echo of Passion, An. Novel. 1882. G. P. Lathrop. Echo. The. Poem. 1850-1861. J. G. Saxe. Echo, The. A series of papers contributed to The American Mercury by the so-called "Hartford Wits" (Alsop. Dwight, Hopkins, Trumbull, and others), 1791-1807. They consisted of parodies, satires, travesties, and witty lampoonings of topics of the time. They were cast for the most part in pentameter verse. Echo. The : or Borrowed Notes for Home Circula- tion. A collection of poems. 1844. C. F. Hoffman. 76 Echoes of the Foothills. Poems. 1874, Boston. F. Bret Harte. Economics : An Account of the Relations between Private Property and Public Welfare. Treatise. 1896. A. T. Hadley. Economics, Quarterly Journal of. Periodical. Established 1886. Edgar Huntley : or The Memoirs of a Sleep Walker. Xovel. 1801. (London, 1801.) C. B. Brown. Generally admitted to be Brown's best work. Its scenes are laid in the wilds of early Penn- sylvania. The Indian is portrayed with con- siderable skill. Editha's Burglar. Story, juvenile. 1888. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Education, Lectures on. 1845. Horace Mann. Edward Fane's Rosebud. One of the selections of ''Twice-Told Tales," q.v. ^Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Edward Randolph's Portrait. One of the selections of •• Twice-Told Tales," 9.1;. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edwards, Life of Jonathan. Biography. A. V. G. AUen. Edway and Elgiva. Play, tragedy. Produced 1810, Philadelphia Theatre. C. J. Ingersoll. Edwin Brothertoft. Novel. 1862. Theodore Win- throp. Egotism, or The Bosom Serpent. One of the selec- tions of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Xathaniel Hawthorne. Egypt and Iceland. Travel sketches. 1874. Bay- ard Taylor. Egyptian Lotus, The. Poem. About 1888. A. W. H. Eaton. Eight Cousins. Juvenile. 1874. Louisa M. Alcott. Ekkoes from Kentucky. Sketches. 1868. D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). who's the author? 77 Eldorado. Travel sketches. 1850. Bayard Taylor. Elegy on the Death of Dr. Channing. Poem. 1842. J. R. Lowell. Elegy on the Much-to-be-Deplored Death of that Xever-to-be-Forgotten Person, Rev. Mr. Xathan- iel Collins; An. 1685. Cotton Mather. Elegy on the Times. Poem in some sixty odd stanzas on the Port Bill and other colonial topics. 1774. John Trumbull. Elegy upon that Pattern and Patron of Virtue, Anne Bradstreet; A FuneraL 1678. John Norton. Elegy upon the Death of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Shepard. 1677. Urian Oakes. Elevator, The. Farce, 1884, in Harper's Magazine for December. W. D. Howells. El Fureids. A tale of Palestine. 1860. Maria S. Cummins. Eli Perkins at Large : His Sayings and Doings. Humorous sketches. 1875. New York. M. De Lancey Landon (Eli Perkins) wrote also, in the same vein, " Eli Perkins's Wit, Humor, and Pathos." 1883. Eliot. Poem. 1885. W. E. Channing. Ellen Bayne. Song. About 1860. S. C. Foster. This song, it is claimed, gave the theme for the well-known " John Brown's Body," etc. Eloquence. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See *• Society and Solitude." Elsie Venner. Novel. 1861. O. W. Holmes. This first appeared in the Atlantic MontJil// as "The Professor's Story," beginning as a serial January, 1860. Elsket. Short story. 1891, in Scribner's Magazine for August. T. N. Page. Embargo, The. Political satire. 1808. W. C. Bry- ant. Written in his thirteenth year. 78 who's the author? Ember Picture, An. Poem. 1867. J. R. Lowell. Emerson, Memoir of Ralph Waldo. Biography. 1887. J. E. Cabot. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Biography. 1884. O. W. Holmes. Emerson's Essays. First Series, 1841. — "His- tory," ''Self Reliance," "Compensation," "Spir- itual Laws," " Love," " Friendship," " Prudence," " Heroism," " The Over-Soul," " Circles," " Intel- lect," "Art." Second Series, 1844. — "The Poet," "Experience," "Character," "Manners," " Gifts," " Nature," " Politics," " Xominalist and Realist," "New England Reformers." R. W. Emerson. Emigrant's Story, The. Poem. 1875. J. T. Trow- bridge. Emigravit. Poem. 1870-1886. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Emotions, The. Treatise. 1880. New York. James McCosh. Empire State. History. 1887. B. J. Lossing. Empty Crib, The. Poem. T. L. Cuyler. Enceladus. Poem. Written Feb. 3, 1859. First appeared in the Atlantic Monthly for August, 1859. H. W. Longfellow. Encyclopedia of American Literature. First issued 1855. Compiled by E. A. Duyckinck and his brother G. L. Duyckinck. End of the World, the. Love story. 1872. Ed- ward Eggleston. It first appeared as a serial in Hearth and Home. Endicott and the Red Cross. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.i\ Nathaniel Hawthorne. England Without and Within. Descriptive sketches. 1882. R. G. White. ]\Iany of these had appeared as separate papers in the Atlantic Monthly, 1878- 1881. who's the author? 79 English Cathedrals. Papers on the various cathe- drals of England, very entertainingly written. 1892. Mariana (Griswold) Van Rensselaer. English Lands, Letters, and Kings. Literary sketches. 1895. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). English Language, Dissertations on the. 1789. Noah Webster. English Notes. Papers by Nathaniel Hawthorne, published, 1870, by his wife, after his death. English Novel: A Study in the Development of Personality. 1883. A volume of critical essays (originally a series of lectures delivered, 1881, at Johns Hopkins University) tracing the develop- ment of personality from its formative lines in ^schylus to its clear and definite expression, as a literary art, in George Eliot. Sidney Lanier. English Traits. Descriptive sketches and essays. 1856. R. ^Y. Emerson. Enigma, An. Poem. 1848, in the Unio7i Magazine for March. E. A. Poe. First line: '''Seldom ice find,' says Solomon Don Dunce." Entertainment for a Winter's Evening. Poem, sa- tirical. About 1749. Joseph Green. Entrance of Columbus into Barcelona. Poem. About 1833. Greenville Mellen. Epimethus. Poem. 1855, in Putnam's Magazine for February. H. W. Longfellow. See also " Prometheus." Epithalamium. Poem. About 1825. J. G. C. lirainard. First line : " / saw two clouds at morning" Equality. A story. 1897. Edward Bellamy. This is a sequel to " Looking Backward." Errata. Novel. 1822. John Neal. In this story the author develops the theme that personal de- formity does not imply a deformity of character. 80 Esmeralda. Play. Produced 1881. W. H. Gillette in collaboration with Frances H. Burnett. Essay on Persian Poetry. 1858, in Atlantic Monthly, April. R. W. Emerson. Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies of America. 1774. John Dickinson. Essays on Practical Politics. 1888. Theodore Roosevelt. Eternal Father, Thou Hast Said. Hymn. 1860. Ray Palmer. Ethan Brand. One of the selections of " The Snow- Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Etowah. A romance of the Confederacy. 1887, Atlanta, Ga. Francis Fontaine. Eugene Pickering. Short story. 1875. Henry James. EulaUe. Poem. First appeared in the American Whig Review, July, 1845. E. A. Poe. First line : '' / dwelt alone." Euphorion. Poem. Bayard Taylor. Eureka : An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe. 1848. E. A. Poe. This remark- able essay was delivered as a lecture at the Society Library, in New York City. It was written at the Fordham (N.Y.) Cottage. Europeans, The. Novel. 1878. Henry James. Eutaw. Novel. 1856. W. G. Simms. This was a sequel to " The Forayers," q.v. Eutaw Springs. War ballad (Revolution). 1786. Philip Freneau. This was written to the mem- ory of Americans (under Greene, in South Caro- lina) who fell at Eutaw Springs, Sept. 8, 1781. First line : ".4/ Eutaw Spj^ings the valiant died." Evangeline. Poem, 1847. H. W. Longfellow. This poem was begun, 1845; finished, 1847; and who's the author? 81 published Oct. 30, 1847. First line: ''This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks." Evening Hymn. 1824. G. W. Doane. First line: " Softly 7101V the light of day." Evening : By a Tailor. Poem. 1830. O.W.Holmes. Evening Dress. Farce. 1892, in the Cosmopolitan Magazine for May. W. D. Howells. Evening Mirror. See " Mirror." Evening Post. Established 1801. Evening Reverie, An. Poem. 1841, in the Knicker- bocker Magazine for January. W. C. Bryant. Evening Song. Poem. 1877, in Lippincotfs Maga- zine for January. Sidney Lanier. Evening Wind, The. Poem. 1830, in the Talisman. W. C. Bryant. Everybody's Friend. Humorous sketches. 1876, New York. H. W. Shaw (Josh Billings). Every-Day English. Criticism. 1880. R. G. White. Evidence : Treatise on the Laws of. A noted work on the subject, which has been through some fifteen editions. 1842-1853. Simon Greenleaf. Evidences of Christianity. Lectures before the Lowell Institute, January, 1844. Published 1846. Mark Hopkins. Evolution. Poem. J. B. Tabb. Evolution and Religion. Sermons. 1885-1886. H. W. Beecher. Excelsior. Poem. 1841. H. W. Longfellow. Written Sept. 28, 1841. First line: ''The shades of night were falling fast." The seal of the state of New York, with the rising sun and the motto, " Excelsior," on one of the New York journals, gave Longfellow the suggestion of this poem. Excursions. Nature sketches. 1863. H. D. Thoreau. 82 who's the author? Excursions of an Evolutionist. Essays. 1883. John Fiske. Exiles, The. Poem. 1841. J. G. Whittier. Expeditions of Captain John Lovewell and His Encounters ^Yith the Indians. Historical mono- graph. 1865. Frederick Kidder. Experience. Essay. 1814. R. AV. Emerson. Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health and Their Preservatives. Tract. 1652. Roger AVilliams. Expiation. Novel. 1872. Julia C. R. Dorr. Expiation. Novel. 1890. Alice French. Eye Spy. Nature sketches. 1897. W. H. Gibson. Eyes and Ears. Originally, a series of papers in the Neio York Ledger, under the title, " Thoughts as They Occur : By One AVho Keeps His Eyes and Ears Open." Later they were collected and issued in book form. 1862, Boston, with the title "Eyes and Ears." H. W. Beecher. Fabius, Letters of. A series of letters, signed FabiuSj on the Federal Constitution. 1788. John Dickinson. Another series followed in 1797, "On the Present Situation of Public Affairs," dealing with the relations of this country with France. Fable for Critics, A. Poem. 1848. J. R. Lowell. This was a general review, full of his sprightly humor, of the status of American literature at the end of the first half of the nineteenth century. Fables and Legends of Many Countries Rendered in Rhyme. 1872. J. G. Saxe. Face Against the Pane, The. Poem. T. B. Aldrich. Face Illuminated, A. Novel. 1878, New York. E. P. Roe. Factitious Life. Poem. 1827-1833. R. H. Dana. who's the author? 83 Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. Prose tale. 1844. Ill the Whig Review for September. E. A. Poe. Faded Hope, The. Poem. 1852. Lydia H. Sigour- iiey. This was a memorial, written on the death of her only son. Faded Violet," The. Poem. About 1859. T. B. Aldrich. Fair Barbarian, A. Novel. 1881. Frances H. Burnett. Fairfax, or Life in the Sunny South. Play. 1879. Bartley Campbell. Fair God, The. Historical novel. 1873. Lew [is] Wallace. A story of the conquest of Mexico by Cortes. Fair Harvard. College song. Samuel Gilman. Fairy Land. Poem'. 1829. E. A. Poe. Faith. Poem. 1869, in the Overland Motithly for July. Edgar Fawcett. Faith. Hymn. 1830. Ray Palmer. This hymn was translated into a score of languages. First line : " My faith looks up to Thee." Faith Doctor, The. Novel. 1891. Edward Eggleston. Faith Gartney's Girlhood. Juvenile. 1863. A. D. T. Whitney. Falcon, The. Poem. 1846. J. Pv. Lowell. Falconberg. Novel. 1879, New York. H. H. Boyesen. Falconry. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Living. Fall of the House of Usher. Prose tale. About 1839. E. A. Poe. Fallen. Popular song. 1896. C. K. Harris. False Friend, A. Play. 1880. Edgar Fawcett. Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers. 1833. Benjamin Franklin. Familiar Quotations. Noted reference work. 1855. John Bartlett, 84 who's the author? Family Meeting, The. Poem. About ISil. Charles Sprague. Family Servants. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," ^.i". Washington Irving. Fancy Shot, The. Civil War ballad. First pub- lished in Once-a-Week, London, under title "Civile Bellum." C. D. Shanly. First line: ^' Rijlemaji, shoot me a fancy shot" Fancy's Show Box. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Fanny. Poem. 1819. Fitz-Greene Halleck. A satire on the manners of the time. Fanshawe. Romance. 1828. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. This was his first story, and was pub- lished by him at his own expense. 8100. He greatly disliked it, and afterward destroyed all the copies he could get hold of. Farewell Address to the People of the United States. Sept. 19, 1796. George Washington. Farm Ballads. Collection of poems. 1873. Will Carleton. Farm Festivals. Collection of poems. 1881. Will Carleton. Farm House, The. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Farm Legends. Poems. 1875. Will Carleton. Farmer's Allminax, The. Published annually. 1869-1880. Henry Shaw (Josh Billings) . This is a travesty on the old Farmer's Almanac, pub- lished by the Thomases for many years. It had a wide sale which reached up in the hundreds of thousands. Farmer's Letters, The. A noted series of essays which appeared in the latter part of 1767 in a Philadelphia newspaper, vindicating with dis- passionate logic the rights of the colonies. They were issued anonymously, but were soon who's the author? 85 recognized as the work of John Dickinson. In 1768 they were issued in London, and in 1769 at Paris, in French. Farmer's Manual, The. 1821. Frederick Butler. Farmer's Museum. Literary periodical, published at Walpole, N.H. 1793-1799; by Isaiah Thomas and David Carlisle. Farming. Essay. 1870. R. VV. Emerson. See "Society and Solitude." Farmingdaie. Novel. 1854. Julia C. R. Dorr. It was published under the pseudonym of " Caroline Thomas." Farmyard Club of Jotham. Sketch of New Eng- land life and farming. 1876. G. B. Loring. Farrago, The. Series of essays on literature and life. Written 1775. Joseph Dennie. Farragut. Poem. 1890, in the Centw^y Magazine. AV. T. Meredith. Farrier Lass o' Piping Pebworth. Short story. 1887, in LippincoWs Magazine for July. Amelie Rives (Chanler) Troubetzkoy. Fatal Deception, The. Play, tragedy. Produced 1794, printed 1807. William Dunlap. It was also known by the title "Leicester." Fate. Poem. 1810-1844, in the Dial. R. W. Emerson. Fate. Poem. 1868, in the Overland Monthly for November. F. Bret Ilarte. Fate. One of the selections of " Conduct of Life," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. Story. 1884. R. G. White. It was also published in Edinburgh under the title "Mr. Washington Adams in England." Father Abbey's Will. Humorous poem, very popu- lar in its day. 1732, in the Gentleman's Maga- zine for May. John Seccomb. 86 who's the author? Father Abraham's Speech. A famous speech which Benjamm Franklm in "Poor Richard's Al- manac," 1758, put into the mouth of an old man "Father Abraham." Franklin as "Poor Richard" Saunders, pretended that the old man had heard it at an auction. Father Brighthopes. Story. 1853. J. T. Trow- bridge. Father, The: or American Shandyism. Comedy. Produced September, 1789. William Dunlap. It was later published under the title " The Father of an Only Child." Fearful Responsibility, A. Short Storv. 1881. W. D. Howells. Feathertop : A Moralized Legend. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Federal Government, History of the. 1810, Boston. Alden Bradford. Federal Procedure. Treatise. 1881. O. F. Bump. Federalist, The; or The Federalist Papers. These were a famous series of essays on the Constitu- tion of the United States, which were published under the signature, first, of " A Citizen of Xew York," but shortly afterward changed to "Publius." Their first number appeared in the New York Independent Gazette, October 27, 1787, and they continued to be issued, semi-weekly, for about a year. Of these papers it is estimated that Alexander Hamilton wrote fifty-one, Madi- son twenty-nine, and Jay five. In their col- lected form they were first issued in 1788 by J. and A. McLean, under title "The Federalist," the first volume appearing March 22, 1788, the second volume May 28, 1788. Female Patriot, The. Farce. 1894. Susanna H. Rowson. who's the author? 87 Female Poets of America, The. Compilation. 1848. Pv. W. Griswold. Female Quixotism. Novel, satirical. About 1808. Tabitha Teuney. Ferdinand, and Isabella, the Catholic ; History of the Reign of. 1838, Boston. W. H. Prescott. Ferns of North America, The. An authoritative work on the subject. 1879. D. C. Eaton. Few Memories, A. Autobiographical sketches. 1896. Mary Anderson (Navarro). Fiammetta: A Summer Idyl. 1885. W. W. Story. Field of the Grounded Arms, The. Poem. About 1827. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Fifty Years with the Rod and Gun. 1880. Sports- man's sketches. D. W. Cross. Fight of Paso del Mar, The. Poem. About 1855. Bavard Taylor. Fire of Driftwood, The. Poem. Written 1848. H. W. Longfellow. First line: "TFe sat icithin the farm-house old" Fire Worship. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. "Fired the shot heard round the world, And." A famous line from Emerson's "Concord Hymn." q.v. Fireside Education. Manual for home instruction. 1838. S. G. Goodrich (Peter Parley). Fireside Travels. Essays. 1864. J. R. Lowell. First Families of the Sierras. See "Danites." First Flowers, The. Poem. 1857. J. G. Whittier. First of the Knickerbockers : A Tale of 1673. An historical romance, popular in its day. 1848. P. H. Myers. First Ripe Fruits. Collection of tracts. 1803. J. M. Mason. First Settlers of New England, Genealogical Regis- ter of the. 1829. John Farmer. 88 who's the author? First Snow, The. Poem. About 1856. R. H. Stoddard. First Snowfall, The. Poem. 1849, in the Ajiti- Slavery Standard. J. R. Lowell. First line : " The snow had begun in the gloaming.'" Fisherman's Luck and Other Uncertain Things. Outdoor papers. 1899. Henry Van Dyke. Fishermen. Poem. 1845. One of the " Songs of Labor." J. G. Whittier. Fishers Boy, The. Poem. 1840-1844. H. D. Thoreau. Fishing Song, The. Poem. About 1860. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Fitz Adams' Story. Poem. 1867, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. J. R. Lowell. This was one of the poems which he intended to incorpo- rate in that larger poem " Xooning," which was planned as far back as 1849, but which was never completed. Five Acres Too Much. A satirical reply (1869) to " Ten Acres Enough," q.v. R. B. Roose- velt. Five Books of Song. Poems. 1894. R. W. Gilder. This collection contains " The New Day." *' Lyr- ics," " The Celestial Passion," " Two Worlds," " The Great Remembrance." Five Hundred Dollars. Short story. 1887. H. W. Chaplin. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Juve- nile. 1880. Harriet Mulford Stone Lothrop (Margaret Sidney). Five O'clock Tea. Farce. 1887, in Harper's Maga- zine for December. W. D. Howells. Flag of the " Constellation," The. Civil War poem. Written at Florence, Italy, May, 1861. T. B. Read. First line : " The stars of our morn on our banner home." who's the author? 89 Flag of the United States, A History of the National. 1853, Philadelphia. Schuyler Hamilton. Flag, The. Poem. 1860. Julia (Ward) Howe. Flesh and the Spirit, The. Dialogue. 1678. Anne Bradstreet. Flight of the Wild Geese, The. Poem. W. E. Chanuing. Flight of Years, The. Poem. 1830-1840. G. D. Prentice. Flight of Youth, The. Poem. About 1856. R. 11. Stoddard. It has been familiarly known by the title "Never Again," from the last line of its first stanza, '■'■And it never comes again." First line, " There are gains for all our losses." Flip. Short story. 1882. F. Bret Harte. ••Floating away like the fountain's spray." First line of a famous smoking song, "Smoking Away," q.v. F. M. Finch. Flock of Girls and Their Friends, A. Juvenile. 1887. Nora Perry. Flood of Years, The. Poem. 1876, in Scrihner's Monthly for July. W. C. Bryant. Flora of the Northern United States, Canada, and the British Possessions, from Newfoundland to the Parallel of the Southern Boundary of Vir- ginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the 102d Meridian, An Illustrated. 1896. N. L. Britton and A. Brown. Florence Vane. Poem, in the Gentleman's Maga- zine. 1839-1810. P. P. Cooke. First line: " / loved thee long and dearlij." Flower and Thorn. Poems. 1877. T.B. Aldrich. Flower de Luce. Poems. 1867. H.W.Longfellow. This collection was published, 1867, with the above as the title poem which was written March 20, 1866. 90 who's the author? Flo^ver Fables : or, Fairy Tales. 1855. Louisa M. Alcott. Flower of Liberty, The. Poem, patriotic. 186L Oliver Wendell Holmes. Flower of the Family, The. Juvenile. Elizabeth (Pavson) Prentiss. Flower' Queen, The. Cantata. 1852. G. F. Root. Flowers. Poem. Written Oct. 3, 1887. Published in the KnickerhocJcer December, 1837, with title " Floral Astrology." H. W. Longfellow. First line : " Spake full loell in language quaint and olden" Flute and Violin. Short stories. 1891. James Lane Allen. Folks from Dixie. Stories. 1897. P. L. Dunbar. Foors Errand, A. Xovel. 1879. A. W. Tourgee. Footprints. Collection of poems. 1819. R. H. Stoddard. Footprints on the Seashore. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Footsteps of Angels. Poem. 1839, in the Knicker- hocker for May. H. AV. Longfellow. The first title of this poem was "Evening Shadows." First line : " Wlien the hours of day are nuinbered." Footsteps on the Seas. Poems. 1857. Adeline D. T. Whitney. For a Woman. Novel. 1885. Nora Perry. For Charlie's Sake. Poem. Before 1867.' J. W. Palmer. For Congress. Play. Produced 1882. D. D. Lloyd. For the Country. Collection of patriotic poems. 1897. R. W. Gilder. For the King. Poem. 1874, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. F. Bret Harte. For the Major. Novel. 1883. Constance F. Woolson. who's the author? 91 Forayers, The : or the Raid of the Dog Days. Story. 1855. W. G. Simms. Foregone Conclusion, A. Romance. 1875, Boston. W. D. Ilowells. It originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, July-December, 1874. Forest Buds from Maine. Collection of poems. 1855. Elizabeth Akers. Forest Hymn, A. Poem. Written 1825, at Great Barrington, Mass. Published in the United States Literary Gazette April 1, 1825. W. C. Brj^ant. Forest Rose, The : A Pastoral Opera. 1825. Sam- uel Woodworth. Foresters, The : An American Tale. 1792. Jer- emy Belknap. Foresters, The. Poem. 1809, in the Portfolio. Alexander Wilson. Forlorn, The. Poem. 1842. J. R. Lowell. Fortune-Telling. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Forty-Nine : or the Gold Seekers of the Sierras. 1884. C. H. Miller (Joaquin Miller). Forum, The. Periodical. Established 1886. Found at Blazing Star. Short story. 1882. F. Bret Harte. Fount of Everlasting Love. Hymn. 1832. Ray Palmer. Fountain, The. Poem. 1839, in the Democratic Review for April. W. C. Bryant. Fountain, The. Poem. 1843. J. R. Lowell. First line : " Into the sunshine." Fountain, The. Poem. 1837. J. G. Whittier. Fountainville Abbe v. Play. Produced 1795. Printed 1807. William Dun lap. Four Elements, The. Poem. 1650. In it, water, fire, earth, air, argue as to which is most im- portant. Anne Bradstreet. 92 Four blasted Catboat, and Other Truthful Tales. 1899. C. B. Loomis. Four Monarchies, The. A history of Assyria, Per- sia, Greece, and Rome, in rhyme, and founded on Sir Walter Raleigh's " History of the World." 1650. Anne Bradstreet. Four Seasons, The. Poem. 1650. Of agricultural character. Anne Bradstreet. Fourth of July Ode. 1799. Roy all Tyler. France and England in Xorth America. A series of historical narratives, begun 1864, finished 1892, including, as separate volumes, the fol- lowing : " Pioneers of France in the Xew World," "The Jesuits in North America," "La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West," " The Old Regime in Canada," " Count Fronte- nac and New France under Louis XIV.," " A Half Century of Conflict," " Montcalm and Wolfe." " The Conspiracy of Pontiac," al- though issued in 1857, is really a sequel to these works. Francis Parkman. Francesca da Rimini. Play, tragedy. 1856. G. H. Boker. Franklin as a Man of Letters. Biography. 1887. J. B. :McMaster. Franklin, The Boyhood and Youth of. Oration. 1829. Edward Everett. Franklin, Eulogv on. 1792.. William Smith (1721- 1803). Franklin in France. Biographical sketch. 1887- 1888. E. E. Hale, in collaboration with his son, E. E. Hale, Jr. Franklin, Life and Works of Benjamin. Biogra- phy. 1836-1840. Jared Sparks. Franklin, Life and Writings of Benjamin. Written by himself. ^Nlore familiarly known by the title " Franklin's Autobiography." It tells the who's the author? 93 story of his life to the year 1757. It was begun and the first five chapters written during a visit to the bishop of St. Asaph at Twyford, Eng- land, 1771. It was then laid aside, and after an interval resumed in 1781 in France, laid aside again and taken up once more, 1788-1789. An edition of it (incomplete) appeared in French, 1791, and an English edition from this incomplete French edition was brought out in England, 1793. Many .spurious and incomplete editions followed. It was not until 1868 that an authoritative edition appeared. In 1817 his grandson, William Temple Franklin, brought it out in a misshapen form in a collected edition of Franklin's writings. Franklin, Life of Benjamin. Biography. 1875. John Bigelow. Franklin, Life of Benjamin. Biography. 1864. James Parton. Free America. Poem. 1774. Ascribed to Joseph Warren. First line : " That seat of Science, Athens." Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches. 1888. J. C. Harris. Free Love. Poem. 1842, in the Dial for October. 11. D. Thoreau. Free Trade and Finance. Series of essays. 1779- 1785. Pelatiah Webster. Freedom. Poem. 1848. J. R. Lowell. Freedom in Brazil. Poem. 1867, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. J. G. Whittier. Freedom of the Will. See " On the Freedom of the Will." French Poets and Novelists. Critical essays on Alfred de Musset, Gautier, Beaudelaire, George Sand, and others. 1878. Henry James. Fresh Fields. Essays on out-door subjects. 1884. 94 John Burrows. Delightful narratives of obser- vations of Nature. Fresh Gleanings : or A New Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental Europe. Travel sketches. 1847. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Fresh Hearts that Failed Three Thousand Years Ago. Poem. 1860. R. T. S. Lowell. Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. Poem. 1864, in the Atlantic Monthly for August. T. B. Aldrich. Friar Pedro's Ride. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Friends : A Duet. Story, 1881. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Friendship. Essay. 1811. R. W. Emerson. Friendship. Poem. 1811, in the Dial for October. II. D. Thoreau. Fringed Gentian. See " To the Fringed Gentian." Froissart Ballads, The. Poems. 1817. P. P. Cooke. From Jest to Earnest. Novel. 1875, New York. E. P. Roe. From Ponkapog to Pesth. Sketches of travels. 1883. T. B. Aldrich. Ftom Sunset Ridge. Poems. 1898. Julia (Ward) Howe. Frontenac, or the Atotarho of the Iroquois. A metrical romance of several thousand lines. 1819. A. B. Street. Frost, The. Poem. 1832-1841. Hannah F. Gould. Frost Spirit, The. Poem. 1830. J. G. Whittier. Frozen Harbor, The. Poem. About 1869. J. T. Trowbridge. Fudge Doings : Being Tony Fudge's Record of the Same. In forty chapters. Papers. 1854. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). These originally came out in the Knickerbocker as sketches, and were afterward interwoven with, as the author states, *' The shadow of a plot." who's the author? 95 Fuit Ilium, Poem, See " Ilium Fuit." Fun in a Green Room, Play. Written 1879. Bron- son Howard, Funeral Tree of the Sokokis. Poem. 1841, J. G. Whittier. Further Account of the New England Witches, A. Pamphlet, 1692, Increase Mather. Further Language from Truthful James. Poem. 1871, in the Overland Monthly for January. F. Bret Harte. Future Life, The. Poem. 1839, in the Democratic Revieto for March. W. C. Bryant. Future, The. Poem. 1846. W. A. Butler. Gabriel Conroy. Novel. 1876, F, Bret Harte. Gala Days. Sketches. 1863. Mary A. Dodge. Gallatin, Life of. Biography. 1879. Henry Adams (1838—). Gallegher. Short story. 1891, in Scribner's Maga- zine for August. R. H. Davis. Galley Slave, The. Play. Produced 1879. Bartley Campbell. Gallic Perfidy. Poem. 1758. John Mavlem. Gallows Goers. Poem. T. D. English. This poem grew rapidly in popular favor at the time (1845-1850) when the question of capital punishment was widely discussed. Gallows, The, Poem. 1842. J. G. Whittier. Gandelfo. Tragedy. Richard Hovey. Garfield, Life of. Biography. 1880. J. M. Bundy. Garnaut Hall. Poem, narrative. 1865, in the At- lantic Monthly for February. T. B. Aldrich. Garrison of Cape Ann, The. Poem. 1857. J. G. Whittier. Garroters, The. Farce. 1885, in Harper's Maga- zine for December. W. D. Howells. Garth. Novel. 1877. Julian Hawthorne. 96 who's the author? Gathered Leaves. A volume of prose contributions to various periodicals. 1846. Hannah F. Gould. Gates Ajar. Hymn. About 1872. Lydia Baxter. Gates Ajar. Novel (really essays on the future life, strung together on the thread of a story). 1868. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Gates Between, The. Novel (similar to " Gates Ajar," (/.v.). 1887. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Gayworthys, The : A Story of Threads and Thrums. Novel. 1865. Adeline D. T. Whitney. Geehale. Poem. H. R. Schoolcraft. Gems and Precious Stones of North America. A description. 1890. G. F. Kunz. General Average. Poetical satire on the sharp ways of mercantile life. 1860. W. A. Butler. General Gage's Soliloquy. Poem. Written and published in New York. 1775. Philip Freneau. General Magazine and Historical Chronicle for all the British Plantations in America, The. Note- worthy as being the first attempt to establish in America a literary magazine. It was begun in 1741, by Benjamin Franklin, and was published for six months (February-July). Genevieve Ward. Biographical sketch. 1882, Bos- ton. Zadel Barnes Buddington Gustafson. Genius of Oblivion, The. Poem. 1828, Concord. Sarah J. B. Hale. Gentility. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Gentle Annie. Song. 1847-1850. S. C. Foster. Gentle Boy, The. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Gentleman of Leisure, A. Novel. 1884. Edgar Fawcett. Gentleman Vagabond and Some Others. 1895. F. Hopkinson Smith. Geography and History of the Western States : or The Mississippi Valley. 1828. Timothy Flint. who's the author? 97 Geography, Elements of. Early text-book. 1819. Joseph Worcester. Geography of the World. Pictorial. 1831. S. G. (Goodrich. Geological Madrigal, A. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Geology, Manual of. Noted text-book. 1863. J. D. Dana. George Fox Digg'd Out of His Burrowes. Contro- versial pamphlet. 1676. Roger Williams. The title of this is a pun on the names of two Quaker leaders, George Fox and Edward Bur- rowes, against whom this controversial pamphlet was written. Fox replied to it with the " New England Firebrand Quenched." George, Life of Henry. Biography. 1900. Henry George (son). George Mason, the Young Backwoodsman. Novel. 1830. Timothy Flint. Georgia Gazette, The. First newspaper in the state. Established 1763, at Savannah. Georgia, History of. 1811-1816. Hugh McCall. Georgia Scenes. Humorous sketches. 1835. A. B. Longstreet. Georgia Spec, The : or Land in the Moon. Comedy, in three acts. 1797. Royall Tyler. It satir- ized a craze for wild speculation in the Yazoo lands. Georgia Volunteer, A. Poem of the Civil War. ]Mary A. Townsend. First line : " Far up the lonely mountain side." Germanic Origin of New England Towns, The. Treatise. H. B. Adams. Gettysburg Address. Delivered at the dedication of the National Cemetery on Gettysburg battlefield, Nov. 19, 1863, by Abraham Lincoln. Gettysburg. Poem, delivered (1872) before the 98 who's the author? Society of the Army of the Potomac at its re- union, Cleveland, Ohio. E. C. Stedman. First line : " Wave, wave your glorious battle flags, brave soldiers of the North" Ghost that Jim Saw, The. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. Ghost-seer, The. Poem. 1845, in the Broadway Journal of March 8. J. R. Lowell. Gift of Tritemius, The. Poem. Atlantic Monthly, November, 1857. J. G. Whittier. First line : " Tritemius of Herhipolis one day." Gift, The. Poem. 1878, in LippincotC s Magazine for November. Celia Thaxter. Gifts. Essay. 1844. R. W. Emerson. Gilded Age, The. Novel, satirizing society and politics. 1873. S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain), in conjunction with C. D. Warner. Giovanni Sbogarro. A Venetian tale. 1820, New York. It tells of piratical adventures. Peter Irving. Ginevra da Siena. Poem. 1866, in Blackwood's Magazine for June. W. W. Story. Girls Who Became Famous. 1886. Sarah (Knowles) Bolton. Give All to Love. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. Give Me the Old. Poem. 1838, in the New York American of April 26. R. H. Messinger. This was suggested by Alphonso's (of Castile) saying, " Old wine to drink, old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to converse with." Gladiator, The. Play. About 1830. R. M. Bird. Glance from Behind the Curtain, A. Poem. 1843, in the Democratic Review for September. J. R. Lowell. Glauber Spa, Tales of the. A series of literary sketches, edited by R. C. Sands. 1832. Catha- who's the author? 99 rine M. Sedgwick, Bryant, Legget, and Paulding contributed to them. Glimpses of Three Coasts. Sketches of travels in California and Oregon, Scotland and England, Norway, Denmark, and Germany. 1886. Helen (Hunt) Jackson (H. H.). Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. Sketches. 1894. Lafcadio Hearn. Glooms of Ligonier, The. Poem, which had consid- erable popularity in its time. 1759. Joseph Shippen. " Glory ! glory Hallelujah." First line of the chorus of " John Brown's body lies a mould'ring in the grave," q.v. " Glory, Hallelujah ! " By this title several famous battle songs beginning "John Brown's body," q.v. were familiarly known from the chorus " Glory, glory, hallelujah ! " Go Sleep, Ma Honey. Poem, first issued in the Chicago Record. E. D. Barker. First line : " Whipp'iviirs smgin' to de moon." Goblet of Life, The. Poem. January, 1842, in Graham's Magazine. H. W. Longfellow. "God bless our native land!" See " America," by Timothy Dwight. God Save the State. Poem. J. S. Dwight. God Save the Flag ! Poem, patriotic. 1865. O. W. Holmes. Godey's Lady's Book. Magazine. Established 1830. Philadelphia. God^s Acre. Poem. Written Oct. 23, 1841. H. W. Longfellow. God's Controversy with New England. Poem. 1 662. ]\Iichael Wigglesworth. God's Protecting Providence Man's Surest Help in Times of Danger. Narrative of adventure. 1699. Jonathan Dickinson. 100 who's the author? Goethe. One of the selections of " Representative Men," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Gold Bug. Prose tale. 1843. E. A. Poe. With this story Poe took a prize of f 100 in the spring of 1813. It was published in the Dollar News- paper of Philadelphia. Gold Fish of Grand Chiinii, The. Story of adven- ture in Peru. 1895. C. F. Lumniis. Gold Foil Hammered from Popular Proverbs. Prac- tical suggestions on social subjects. 1859. J. G. Holland. Golden Age, A Story of the. Juvenile. 1886. James Baldwin. Golden Dagon, The : or Up and Down the Irra- waddi. 1853, New York. J. W. Palmer. Golden House, The. Novel. 1891. C. D. Warner. Golden Justice, The. Novel. 1886. W. H. Bishop. Golden Legend, The. Poem. 1851. H.W.Long- fellow. This is Part II. of " Christus : a Mys- tery," of which '' The Divine Tragedy " is Part I., and " The New England Tragedies," Part III. Goldsmith, Life of Oliver. Biography. 1819. Washington Irving. Gone with a Handsomer Man. Ballad. About 1873. Will Carleton. Good, Essays to Do. See " Bonifacius." Good Lessons for Children. Poems. 1706. Cotton Mather. Good Newes from New England. Narrative (really a report) of the affairs of the Plymouth Colony recounted to September, 1623. 1624. Edward Winslow. Good Newes from Virginia, Sent to the Council and Company of Virginia Resident in Eng- land. 1613. Alexander Whitaker. He baptized Pocahontas, and solemnized her marriage to Rolfe. who's the author? 101 Good Xews. Poem. 1872, in the Overland Monthly for November. E. R. Sill. Good News from Home. Ballad, of the Civil War. P. S. Gilmore (Louis Lambert). Good Night. Poem. C. T. Brooks. Good Samaritans, The. Poem. 1867, Cincinnati. T. B. Read. Good Time Going, A. Poem. 18.58. O.W.Holmes. Good Will to Men : Narrative. 1861, London. E. P. Hammond. Good Word for Winter, A. One of the essays in " My Study AYindows," q.v. J. R. Lowell. Goodbye. Poem. Written 1823. Published 1840. R. W. Emerson. First line: ^'- Goodbye, proud icorld ! Till going home.'" Goodbye, My Fancy. Poems. 1891. Walt Whitman. Goose-Quill Papers. Essays. 1885, Boston. Louise Imogen Guiney. Gospel for an Age of Doubt, The. Lectures to Yale divinity students. 1896. Henry Van Dyke. Gossip with Readers and Correspondents. A col- lection of L. G. Clark's popular comments while editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine. A selection of these was published, 1852, in volume form, with the title " Knickknacks from an Editor's Table." Grace Truman. Novel. 1857. Sallie (Rochester) Ford. Gradatim. Poem. About 1873. J. G. Holland. Graham s Magazine. 1841-1858. This periodical was, for a time, one of the most popular in the United States. It succeeded the Casket. It ■was begun by G. R. Graham, and numbered among its contributors Bryant, Cooper, Long- fellow, Poe, and Bayard Taylor. Grammar, Institutes of English. 1823. Goold Brown. Grrammar of English Grammars. A noted refer- 102 ence book. 1850-1851, New York. Goold Brown. Grammar of the English Language. 1795. Lindley Murray. Grammatical Institute of the English Language [In three parts : Part L (Speller), Part II. (Gram- mar), Part III. (Reader)]. 1783-1785. Noah Webster. Grandfather's Chair, Series of sketches for chil- dren. 1841, Boston. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Grandfather's Clock, INIy. Popular song. 1875. II. C. Work. Grandissimes, The. Novel. 1880. G. AV. Cable. This was his first novel. Grandmother Tenterden. Poem (^lassachusetts Shore, 1800). 1872, in the Atlantic Moiithly for January. F. Bret Harte. Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle. Ballad, historical. 1875. O. W. Holmes. Grant. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Autobiography. 1885. Grave by the Lake, The. Poem. 1865, in the Atlantic Monthly for May. J. G. Whittier. Gray Champion, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Gray Chief, The. Poem. 1859. O. \V. Holmes. Gray Days and Gold. Descriptive sketches of journeys in England and Scotland. 1891. William Winter. Grayslaer. Novel. 1810. C. F. Hoffman. Graysons, The. Novel. 1888. Edward Eggleston. Founded on a legendary incident of Lincoln's early life. Great Carbuncle, The. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Great Cathedrals of the World. Descriptive work. 1886. F. H. Allen. who's the author? 103 Great Conspiracy, The : Its Origin and History. 1886, New York. J. A. Logan. A review of the causes which led to the Civil War and of the war itself. " Great God, Thy works our wonder raise." First line of " Hymn Written during a Voyage," 1744. Mather Byles. Great Lawsuit, The. See "Women in the Nine- teenth Century." Great Remembrance, The. Poem. 1893. R. W. Gilder. Great Stone Face, The. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Great Supper, The. A long poem, popular in its day, defending Calvinism. 1822-1854. A. G. Fairchild. Great War Syndicate, The. Story. 1889. F. R. Stockton. Great West, The. A work of historical research. 1853. Henry Howe. Greater Inclination, The. Short story. 1899. Edith (Jones) Wharton. Grecian Temples at Paestum, The. R. W. Raymond. Greece and Russia. Sketches of travel. 1859. Bayard Taylor. Greek Emigi-ants' Song. Poem. About 1823. J. G. Percival. First line : " Now launch the boat upon the wave." " Green be the turf above thee." First line of the ode " On the Death of Joseph Rodman Drake," (/.K. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Green Mountain Boys, The. Poem. 1836, in the New York Mirror for November. W. C. Bryant. Green Mountain Boys, The. Historical romance of early Vermont. 1840. D. P. Thompson. Green River. Poem. Written at Great Barrington, 104 who's the author? Mass., 1819; published in Dana's Idle Man, 1820. W. C. Bryant. Greene, Life of Natbanael. Biography. 1867-1871. G. W. Greene. Greenfield Hill. Pastoral poem. 1794. Timothy Dwiglit. Greenwood Leaves. Series of letters originally contributed to the Min-or over the signature "Grace Greenwood," and afterward issued in volume form. 1849. Sarah Jane Lippincott. Greifenstein. Novel. 1889. F. M. Crawford. Grey Forest Eagle. Poem. About 1845. A. B. Street. First line : " With storm-daring pinion, and sun-gazing eyeJ" Greyport Legend, A. Poem (1797). 1871, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. F. Bret Harte. Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Frank- lin. A personal narrative. 1853. E. K. Kane. This is the account of the United States Grinnell Expedition of 1850, consisthig of the ''Advance," and the " Rescue," which set sail May 22, from New York. The Second Grinnell Expedition started from New York May 31, 1853, and returned October 11, 1855. The account of its hardships was published in two volumes, 1856, Philadelphia, with the title "Arctic Explorations in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55." This was also written by Dr. Kane. Grist Mill, The. Poem. 1849, in the Knickerbocker Magazine for April. R. H. Stoddard. Grizzly. Poem. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for September. F. Bret Harte. First line: " Coivard, — of heroic size." Groomsman to his Mistress. Poem. T, W. Parsons. Grosvenor : A Tragedy. 1838. Sarah J. B. Hale. Grouped Thoughts and Scattered Fancies. Sonnets. 1845. W. G. Simms. who's the author? 105 Guardian Angel, The. Novel, begun as a serial in the Atlantic Monthly, January, 1867. O. W. Holmes. Guendolen. Poem. 1872, in Scribner's Monthly/ for November. Celia Thaxter. Guenn. Novel. 1883. Blanche Willis Howard. A story of artist life in Brittany. Guerillas, The. Poem of the Civil War. S. T. Wallis. First line: ^^ Awake! and to horse imj brothers." Guerndale. Novel. 1882. F. J. Stimson. A story of Guy on Guerndale's life told by his friend John Strang of Dale (J. S. of Dale). Guild's Signal. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. William Guild was an engineer on the Stonington and Providence Railroad. His "signal" was two whistles to his wife. He was killed in a disaster at Meadow Brook before he could sound them as usual. The poem is full of the heroism and the pathos of the incident. Gulf Weed. Poem. About 1846. C. G. Fenner. Gunboat Series, The. A popular series of juveniles. C. A. Fosdick. Gunnar. A tale of Norse life. 1874. H. H. Boyesen. Guy. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. First line : '■^Mortal mixed of middle clay." Guy Rivers: A Tale of Georgia. Romance. 1834. W. G. Simms. Gypsies. One of the selections of "Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Hadad. Drama. Written 1824, published 1825. J. A. Hillhouse. Hagar, a Story of To-day. Novel. 1852. Alice Gary. Hail Columbia. National song. Written in the summer of 1798. Sung for the first time, 1798, 106 who's the author? Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia. First line: ^^Hail! Columbia, happy land!" The music of the song was first known as "Gen. Washington's March," later " The President's March." Joseph Ilopkinson. Half an Hour Before Supper. Poem. 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. F. Bret Ilarte. Half Century of Conflict, A. Historical narrative. 1892. Francis Parkman. See also "France and England in Xorth America." Hall of Fantasy, The. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Ha^Ythorne. Halleck, Life and Letters of Fitz-Greene. Biography. 1894. J. G. Wilson. Hallo, My Fancy! Poems. 1887. C. H. Luders with S. D. Smith, Jr. Hamatreya. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. Hamilton, Life of. Biography. 1882. H. C. Lodge. Hamilton, Oration on the Death of Alexander. 1804. J. M. Mason. Hammer and Rapier. Novel. 1870. J. E. Cooke. Hampton Beach. Poem. 1843. J. G. Whittier. Hancock, Life of General. Biography. J. W. Forney. Hanging of the Crane, The. Poem. 1874, in the New York Ledger of March 28. H. W. Long- fellow. Robert Bonner gave $3000 for the poem. First line : " The lights are out, and gone are all the guests." Hannah Binding Shoes. Poem. About 1868. Lucy Larcom. Hannah Jane. Poem. 1882, Boston. D. R. Locke. Hannah Thurston. Novel. 1868. Bayard Taylor. who's the author? 107 Hans Breitmanivs Part j, with other Ballads. 1868. C. G. Leland. Hans Brinker : or The Silver Skates. Story of life in Holland. 1876. Mary Mapes Dodge. Hans Pfaal, Adventures of one. Prose tale. 1835, in the Southeryi Literary Messenger for Jnne. E. A. Poe. Story of a trip to the moon. Happiness of America, A Poem on the: Addressed to the citizens of the United States. 1786. David Humphreys. This contains a versifica- tion of " AVashington's Farewell Address to the Army. Happy Dodd : or She Hath Done What She Could. Story. 1878. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Hard Cider Melody, A. Political squib. Edward Sanford. Hard Times Come Again No More. Song. 1854. S. C. Foster. Harlequin of Dreams, The. Poem. 1878, in Lippin- cotfs Magazine for April. Sidney Lanier. Harp of a Thousand Strings, The. W. P. Brannan (Vandyke Brown ) . Harper's Bazar. Periodical. Established 1867, with ^lar}^ L. Booth, editor. Harper's Cyclopedia of United States History. 1876. B. J. Lossing. Harper's Monthly. Magazine. First of the illus- trated magazines. It was begun 1850. Harper's Weekly. Periodical. Established 1857. Harpe's Head, a Legend of Kentucky. 1833. James Hall. Harry Guy, the Widow's Son, a Story of the Sea. Poem. 1848. S. J. B. Hale. Harry H arson : or The Benevolent Bachelor. Novel. It first appeared in the Knickerbocker Maga- zine, 1813, over the signature, "John Quod." J. T. Irving. 108 who's the author? " Hartford Wits, The." See " Echo, The." Harvard Commemoration Ode. J. R. Lowell. See " Commemoration Ode." Hasty Pudding. Humorous poem, in three can- tos, written January, 1793, at Chamberry, Savoy, and dedicated to Martha AVashington. It was published 1796 at New Haven. Joel Barlow. Hat from the Earliest Ages, A History of the. 1817. J. N. Genin. Haunted Hearts. Story. 1861. Maria S. Cummins. Haunted House, The. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Haunted Mind, The. One of the selections of ''Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Haunted Palace, The. Poem. First appeared in the Baltimore Mtiseuyn, April, 1839. E. A. Poe. First line : '' In the greenest of our valleys." Hawkeyes. Humorous sketches. 1880. R. J. Burdette, " The Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye Man." Hawking. One of the selections of "Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Hawk's Nest, The. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Hawks of Hawk Hollow, The. Novel. 1835. A legend of Pennsylvania. R. M. Bird. Haworth's. Novel. 1879. Frances H. Burnett. Hawthorne. Biography. 1879. Henry James. Hawthorne, Nathaniel; and His Wife. Biography. 1881. Julian Hawthorne. Haymakers, The. Cantata. 18.57. G. F. Root. Hayne, Reply to. See " Reply to Hayne." Hazard of New Fortunes, A. Novel. 1889. W. D. Howells. Haze. Poem. 1810-1814. H. D. Thoreau. who's the author? 109 Hazel Blossoms. Poems. 1875. J. G. Whittier. First line : " The summer warmth has left the sky." Hazel Dell. Poem. About 1847. Thomas Buchanan Read. Hazel Dell. Song. 1853. G. F. Koot. He and She. Dialogue. 1883. W. W. Story. Headsman, The. Novel. 1833. J. F. Cooper. Health, A. Poem. 1825. E. C. Pinkney. Written in compliment to Mrs. Rebecca Somerville of Baltimore. Heart and Hearth. Poem. 1867, in the Atlantic Monthly for May. T. B. Read. Heart of Maryland, The. Play. David Belasco.' Heart of New England Rent at the Blasphemies of the Present Generation, The. Tract against the Quakers. 1659. John Norton (1606- 1663). Hearts of Oak. Play. Produced 1878, at San Francisco. J. A. Heme and D. Belasco. Heart's Summer, The. Poem. Epes Sargent. Heartsease and Rue. Collection of poems. 1886. J. R. Lowell. Heathen Chinee, The. The popular name of F. Bret Harte's famous lyric, " Plain Language from Truthful James," q.v. Hebe. Poem. 1847. J. R. Lowell. Hedged In. Novel. 1870, Boston. E. S. P. Ward. Heidenmauer, The. Novel. 1832. J. F. Cooper. "Heigh! Nelly, Ho! Nelly." First line of the chorus of "Nelly Bly," q.v. S. C. Foster. Height of the Ridiculous, The. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. Heir to Millions, An. Novel. 1892. Edgar Faw- cett. Heiress of Red Dog, An. Short story. About 1879. F. Bret Harte. 110 who's the author? Held by the Enemy. Play. Produced 1886, at the Madison Square Theatre, New York City. W. H. Gillette. Helen Gardner's Wedding Day. Novel. 1867, New York. Mary V. Terhune. Helen Ilalsey : or The Swamp State of Conelachita. A story of the borders. 1845. W. G. Simms. This was afterward republished in INIunro's Fireside Companion, under the title " The Island Bride," 1869. Helen's Babies. A very popular sketch of two chil- dren. 1876. John Habberton. This story was rejected at first, but sold 300,000 soon after it was published. Heliotrope. Poem. About 1860. E. C. Stedman. He'll See It When He Wakes. Poem of the Civil War (Southern). Frank Lee, First line : " Amid the clouds of hatde-smoke." A letter from his sweetheart, found on a dead soldier, at the suggestion of one of the burial party, was buried with him. Helvidius. Over this signature, James Madison replied in a series of essays to Hamilton's letters, signed Pacijicus, on neutrality. Henrietta. Play. Produced at the Union Square Theatre, New Y'ork City, Sept. 23, 1887. Bron- son Howard. Henry Hobson Richardson and His Work. Biog- raphy. 1888. Mariana (Griswold) Van Rens- selaer. Henry, Patrick; Life, t!orrespondence, and Speeches of. Biography. Begun 1804. Published 1817. W. W. Henry. Henry, Life of Patrick. Biography. 1817. Will- iam Wirt. Her First Appearance. Short story. 1891, in Harper's Magazine for December. R. H. Davis. Ill Her Letter, Poem. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for December. F. Bret Harte. First line: "/'?« sitting alone by ihejire." Heralds of Easter. Poem of Eastertide. 1887. Dora Read Goodale. Here She Goes — There She Goes. See <' Old Clock, The." Hermes Trismegistus. Poem. Written Oct. 5, 1881. H. W. Longfellow. Heritage, The. Poem. About 1843. J. R. Lowell. Hermit in America on a Visit to Philadelphia, The : Edited by Peter Atall, Philadelphia. 1819. This mimicked a then popular English work entitled " The Hermit in London." Robert Wain (1794-1825> Hermit in Philadelphia, The. Second Series. (A continuation of the " Hermit in America.") Ed- ited by Peter Atall. Robert Wain (1794-1825). Hermitage, The. Poem. 1866. E. R. Sill. Herod and Mariamne : Drama. 1888, in LippincotCs Magazine for September. Amelie Rives (Chan- ler) Troubetzkoy. Heroes of the Pen. Poem. Read before the Ohio Editorial Convention at Cincinnati, Jan. 10, 1854. Coates Kinney. Heroism. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Hesper and Other Poems. This was the first book copyrighted by the government of the Confed- erate states. 1861, Raleigh, N. C. T. H. Hill. Hester Stanley at St. Mark's. Juvenile. 1882. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. Hetty's Strange History. Novel. 1877. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Hiawatha, The Song of . Poem. 1855. H.W.Long- fellow. It was l)egun June 25, 1854 ; finished March 29, 1855; published Nov. 10, 1855. First line : " Should you ask me, whence these stories? " 112 who's the author? Hidden Path, The. Story. 1855. Mary V. Terhune. Hills of the Shatemuc. Novel. 1856. Susan Warner. Hillside Cot, The. Poem. W. E. Channing. (1818-). Hireling Ministry None of Christ's. Tract. 1652. Roger Williams. His Answer to Her Letter. Poem. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for December. F. Bret Harte. His Level Best. Short story. 1872. E. E. Hale. His Sombre Rivals. Story. 1883. E. P. Roe. Historian, The. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Historic Handbook of the Northern Tour. 1885. Francis Parkman. Historical and Statistical Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. 1851-1857. H. R. Schoolcraft. From this, and from other works by the same author, especially from his " Myth of Hiawatha," Longfellow drew largely for his " Song of Hiawatha." Historical Literature, Manual of. See -'Manual of Historical Literature." Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church. 1867. H. C. Lea. Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. Description of the country. 1618. William Strachey. History. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. History. Poem. 1871-1880. R. H. Stoddard. History, First Book of. 1831. S. G. Goodrich. History of All Nations. 1849. S. G. Goodrich. History of American Industries. 1878. B. J. Lossing. History of Charles the Bold. 1863-1867. J. F. Kirk. who's the author? 113 History of Frederick the Great. 1871. J. S. C. Abbott. History of Harvard University. 1840. Josiah Quincy (1772-1864). History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1855. J. S. C. Abbott. History of New England. 1859-1864. J. G. Palfrey. History of New England, The. 1630-1649. John Winthrop. First published in complete form 1825-1826. Part of it was published in 1790 by Noah Webster, with the permission of the Winthrop family. History of New York, A : From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, by Diedrich Knickerbocker. 1809. Washington Irving. History of Plymouth Plantation, The. 1630. William Bradford. He was the first Ameri- can historian. History of Rhode Island, A Short. 1877. G. W. Greene. History of Spanish Literature. 1849. George Ticknor. History of the American Revolution. 1789. David Ramsay. History of the American Revolution, by Paul Allen. Paul Allen was a Philadelphia journalist (1775- 1826), who had announced the undertaking of this work, and had received subscriptions for it, but wrote only the preface, and gave it over to his friends, John Neal and Watkins, who finished it. It was published 1819. History of the Civil War in America. 1863-1866. J. S. C. Abbott. History of the Civil War in America. 1867-1870. J. W. Draper. History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay from 114 its First Settlement in 1628 to the Year 1750. Thomas Hutchinson. This was in three vol- umes, the first published in 1764 ; the second, 1769; the third (posthumous, published by his grandson, John Hutchinson, bringing the ac- count down to 1774), 1828. History of the Constitution of the United States. 1855-1858. G. T. Curtis. History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. 1747, Williamsburg, Va. William Stith. History of the Five Indian Nations. 1727, New York. Cadwallader Colden. History of the Inquisition. 1887-1888. H. C. Lea. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 1863. J. W. Draper. History of the Last Quarter Centurv in the United States (1870-1895). 1896. E. B. Andrews. History of the Navy of the United States. 1839. J. F. Cooper. History of the Pacific States. First volume issued 1883. H. H. Bancroft. It comprises a series of forty volumes. History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. 1883-1900. Vols. I., 1883; II., 1885; III., 1892; IV., 1895; V., 1900. J. B. McMaster. History of the Pequot War. 1677. John Mason. This was published in Increase Mather's " Rela- tion of the Troubles in New England by Reason of the Indians." History of the State of New York (1609-1691). 1853-1871. J. R. Brodhead. History of the United Netherlands, The. 1860- 1868. J. L. Motley. History of the United States. 1891. Henrv Adams. History of the United States to 1789. 1834-1884. who's the author? 115 George Bancroft. Vol. I. appeared 1834; Vol. IL, 1837; Vol. III., 1810; Vols. IV.-XII., 1854- 1874. History of the United States. 1888. Edward Eg-gleston . History of the United States. Published 1848-1851. Richard Hildreth. It was first published in two series of three volumes each. The first series narrating events, 1497-1789, was issued 1848- 1849 ; the second series, 1788-1821, issued 1850- 1851. History of the United States under the Constitution. 1783-1865. Published 1880-1899. Six volumes, as follows: Vol. I. (1783-1801), published 1880; Vol. II. (1801-1817), 1881; VoL III. (1817- 1831), 1885; Vol. IV. (1831-1847), 1889; Vol. V. (1847-1861), 1891; Voh VI. (1861-1865), 1899. James Schouler. History of the United States. 1884. Horace Scudder. History of Western Massachusetts. 1855. J. G. Holland. Hitherto: A Story of Yesterdays. Novel. 1867. Adeline D. T. Whitney. Hobomok : A Tale of Early Times. A historical novel of early New England. 1824. Lydia Maria Child. Hollow of the Three Hills, The. One of the selec- tions of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Home as Found. Novel. 1838. J. F. Cooper. Home Economics. 1880. W. H. De Puy. Home Journal, The. A family periodical. Founded in 1846 by Morris and Willis. Originally it was the National Press and Home Journal, which was begun in 1845. Its title was changed to the Home Journal, Nov. 21, 1846. 116 Home of My Careless Infancy. Poem. 1824. G. W. Doane. Home, Sweet Home. Popular song. 1823. J. H. Payne. Originally a song in his play, " Clari, or The Maid of Milan." First sung at Covent Gar- den Theatre, London, May 8, 1823. First line : " ''Mid pleasures arid palaces though we may roam.'' Homeopathy and its Kindred Delusions. A discus- sion. 1842. O. W. Holmes. Homeward Bound. Novel. 1838. J. F. Cooper. Honorable Peter Stirling, The. Novel. 1894. Paul Leicester Ford. Hoosier Schoolboy, The. Story. 1883. Edward Eggleston. Hoosier Schoolmaster, The. Novel. 1871. Edward Eggleston. It first appeared as a serial in Hearth and Home. Hoosier's Nest, The. Poem. About 1865. JohnFinley. Hope Leslie : or Early Times in Massachusetts. Novel. 1827. Catharine M. Sedgwick. Hopefully Waiting. Poem. About 1866. A. D. F. Randolph. Horace Chase. Novel. Begun in Harper's Monthly, January, 1893. Constance F. Woolson. By many considered her best. Horace Mann and American Systems of Education. N. M. Butler. Horsemanship. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Horse-Shoe Robinson : A Tale of the Tory Ascen- dency. Novel. 1835. J. P. Kennedy. Hospital Sketches. 1863. Louisa ls\. Alcott. Hot Ploughshares. Novel. 1883, New York. A. AV. Tour gee. House at High Bridge, The. Novel. 1886, Boston. Edgar Fawcett. House Beautiful, The. Essays on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. 1878. C. C. Cook. who's the author? 117 House Boat on the Styx, A : Being Some Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades. Humorous tale. 1895. J. K. Bangs. House by the Sea, The. Poem. 1856. T. B. Read. House of a Merchant Prince. Novel. 1883. W. H. Bishop. House of Martha. Short story. 1890, in the Atlantic Monthly for November and December. F. R, Stockton. House of Night, The: A Vision. Poem. 1786. Philip Freneau. House of the Seven Gables, The. Novel. 1851. Nathaniel Hawthorne. This \\as his second great romance. House that John Built, The. Story of adventure, juvenile, which originally appeared in The River- side. F. R. Stockton. "How are you. Sanitary?" Poem of the Civil War. 1860-1864. F. Bret Harte. First line: " Down the picket-guarded lane." How Old John Brown Took Harper's Ferry. Poem. Written November, 1859, and published in the New York Tribune. E. C. Stedman. First line: '^ John Broivn in Kansas settled like a steadfast Yankee farmer." How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar. Short story. 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for March. It was afterward embodied in the collection of short stories entitled "JMrs. Skaggs's Husbands." F. Bret Harte. How the Old Horse Won the Bet. Poem. 1876. O. W. Holmes. How the Women Went from Dover. Poem. 1833, J. G. Whittier. How to Listen to Music. Hints and suggestions to untaught lovers of the art. 1896. H. K. Krehbiel. 118 who's the author? How to Make Money and how to Keep It. 1866, Xew York. T. A. Davies. Howadji in Syria, The. Sketches of travel, full of rich coloring and the dreamy air of the Orient. 1851. G. W. Curtis. Ho-we's Masquerade. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Ilavrthorne. Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of. Storv, juvenile, 1885. S.L. Clemens (Mark Twain/. Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker, Sometime Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel on the Staff of His Excellency General Washington. Historical novel. 1897. S. AV. :\Iitchell. Huguenots. The. Romance. 1850. W. G. Simms. Human Intellect, The. Xoted work on psychology. 1868. Noah Porter. Human Vanity, Essay on. 1735, in the Pennsyl- vania Gazette. Benjamin Franklin. Humble-bee, The. Poem. R. W. Emerson. This poem was first published in the Wef^tern Messen- ger, 1838 or 1839, with slight variations from its present form. First line : " Burly, dozing humble- bee." Humble Romance, A. Short story. 1887. Mary E. Wilkins. Humbugs of the World. 1865, New York. P. T. Barnum. AVrote also "Lion Jack or How Menageries are Made," 1876; "Struggles and Triumphs, or Forty Years' Recollections." 1869. Hundred Years Ago, A. Song. 1850-1865. G. F. Root. Hundredth Man, The. Story. 1887. F. R. Stock- ton. Hunter of Calawassee: A Legend of South Carolina. Poem. 1853. W. G. Simms. Hunter of the Prairies, The. Poem. 1834, in the Xew York Mirror. W. C. Bryant. who's the author? 119 Hunting Adventures of a Ranchman. Sketches. 1885. Theodore Roosevelt. Hunting Song. About 1820. Robert Wain (1794- 1825). Hurricane, The. Poem. 1828, in the Talisman. W. C. Bryant. Husband's and Wife's Grave, The. Poem. 1825, in the New York Review. R. H. Dana. Hush, Little Baby, Don't You Cry ! Song. M. H. Rosenfeld. Huskers, The. Poem. 1847. One of the " Songs of Labor." J. G. Whittier. Hylas. Poem. About 1851. Bayard Taylor. Hymn of the Dunkers. Poem. 1877. J. G. Whittier. Hymn of the Moravian Nuns of Bethlehem at the Consecration of Pulaski's Banner. Poem. Written 1825. H. W. Longfellow. Hymn of the Reapers. Poem. 1832-1841. Han- nah F. Gould. Hymn of the Sea. Poem. 1842, in the Christian Examiner for September. W. C. Bryant. Hymn to Death. Poem. 1825, in the New York Reciew for October. W. C. Bryant. Hymn to the Beautiful. Poem. About 1851. R. H. Stoddard. Hymn to the iSTight. Poem. Written in the sum- mer of 1839 while sitting at his window one night. H. W. Longfellow. This beautiful poem, one of his very best pieces, begins with a cool sweep of rhythm that preludes the very si)irit of the summer night and breathes it on through the w^hole hymn. First line: "/ heard the trailing garments of the night." Hymn to the Stars. Poem. 1824, in the Christian Examiner. O. W. B. Peabody. First line : "/l^/, there ye shine, and there have shone." Hymn to the Waldenses. Poem. 1824, in the 120 who's the author? United States Literary Gazette, for September 1. W. C. Bryant. Hymn Written During a Voyage. See " Great God, Thy works our wonder raise." Hymns to the Gods. Poems. First appeared, 1831. They were later republished in Blackwood's Magazine for June, 1839. Albert Pike. Hyperion. Prose romance. 1839. H. W. Long- fellow. Hypocrisie Unmasked : A True Relation of the Proceedings of the Governeur and Company of the Massachusetts against Samuel Gorton (and his accomplices), a Notorious Disturber of the Peace. Pamphlet. 1646, London. Edward AVinslow. Hypothesis for Explaining the Several Phenomena of Thunder Gusts ; Opinions and Conjectures Concerning the Properties and Effects of the Electrical Matter, and the Means of Preserving Buildings, Ships, etc., from Lightning. Treatise. 1750. Benjamin Franklin. I am dying, Egypt, dying." First line of W. H. Lytle's " Antony and Cleopatra," q.v. I cannot count my life a loss." Poem. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for October. Ina D. Coolbrith. I cannot forget wdth what fervid devotion." A poem. 1826, in the New Yoi^k Review for February. W. C. Bryant. I don't want to play in your yard." Song. H. W. Petrie. I love Thy kingdom, Lord." Hymn. About 1800. Timothy Dwight. A version of the hundred and thirty-seventh psalm. I love to steal awhile away." Hymn. 1824. It was written in 1818. Phoebe (Hinsdale) Brown. who's the author? 121 " I saw two clouds at morning." First line of J. G. C. Brainard's poem " Epithalamium," q.v. <' I see her still in my dreams." Song. 1847-1850. S. C. Foster. "I see thee still." Poem. About 1841. Charles Sprague. " I was a stranger and ye took me in." Poem. 1875. J. G. Whittier. " I would not die in springtime." Song. 1847-1849. S. C. Foster. "I would not live alway." Hymn. June 3, 1824, in the Philadelphia Episcopal Recorder. W. A. Muhlenberg. Ichabod. Poem. 1850. J. G. Whittier. This poem was called forth by Webster's support of the "Compromise" and the "Fugitive Slave Law." First line : " So fallen ! so lost ! the light withdrawn.'" Ida May. Novel of slave days, which had a wide sale. 1854. Mary Hayden Green Pike (Mary Langdon). Fully sixty thousand copies were disposed of in eighteen months. Idea of God as Affected by Modern Knowledge. Treatise. 1885, Boston. John Fiske. Identity. Poem. 1875, in ihQ Atlantic Monthly for July. T. B. Aldrich. Idle Man, The. Periodical begun by R. H. Dana, 1821, in which appeared poems, tales, essays, papers, and sketches. It was short-lived, and was discontinued after its sixth number, in 1822. Several of Bryant's poems first appeared in it. Idolatry. Romance. 1874. Julian Hawthorne. Idomen : or The Vale of Yamuri. Prose romance, believed to be partly autobiographical. 1843. Maria Gowen Brooks (Maria del Occidente). Iduna. Short story. 1886, in the Century Magazine tor May. G. A. Hibbard. 122 who's the author ? Idyl of Battle Hollow, The. Poem (War of the Rebellion, 1864). 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. F. Bret Harte. Idyl of Red Gulch, The. Short story. 1869, in the Overland Montlihj for December. F. Bret Harte. Idyls and Lyrics of the Ohio Valley. Poems. 1884-1893. J. J. Piatt. Idyls of Norway. Poems. 1882. H. H. Boyesen. If I but Knew. Song. Amy Leigh. If I Should Die To-night. Poem. 1873, in the Christian Union of June 18. Belle E. Smith. If, Yes, and Perhaps. Stories. 1868. E. E. Hale. Ike Partington's Stories : or The Adventures of a Human Boy and His Friends. 1879. B. P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington). Iliad of Sandy Bar. Short story. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for November. F. Bret Harte. Iliam Fuit. Poem. 1868, in Putnajn's Magazine for February. E. C. Stedman. Ilka on the Hilltop. Novel. 1881. H. II. Boyesen. Illusions. One of the selections oi " Conduct of Life," q.v. R. W. Emerson. First appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, November, 1857. Illustrated Natural History. 1842. S. G. Goodrich. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Con- ditions of the North American Indians: Written during Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and Most Remarkable Tribes Now Existing. 1841, London. George Catlin. rm Growing Old. Poem. 1850-1861. J. G. Saxe. I'm With You Once Again, My Friends. Song. 1844-1858. G. P. Morris. Immortality. Poem. R. H. Dana. First line: '■'•And do our lives all perish ivith our frames?" Imp of the Perverse, The. Prose tale. 1845, in Graham's Magazine for July. E. A. Poe. who's the author? 123 Impending Crisis, The. A discussion. 1857. H. R. Helper. This was a famous work just be- fore the beginning of the Civil War, and fore- told with remarkable accuracy the end to which slavery was leading. It had a very wide circulation. Imperative Duty, An. Novel. 1891. In Harper's Magazine, July-October. W. D. Howells. In a Cellar. Sketch. 1859, in th^ Atlantic Monthly for February. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spof- ford. In a Hollow of the Hills. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Harte. In Absence. Poem. 1875, in LippincotV s Magazine for September. Sidney Lanier. In Berkshire with the Wild Flowers. Poems. 1879. Elaine Goodale (Eastman) and Dora R. Goodale. In Careless Childhood's Sunny Hours. Poem. 1824. G. ^V. Doane. In Exile. Poem. 1882-1888. Emma Lazarus. In Exile. Short story. 1894. Mary Hallock Foote. In His Name. Story. 1874. E. E. Hale. In Louisiana. War ballad (Civil War). Written March, 1863. J. AV. De Forest. First line: *' Without a hillock stretched the plain." In Ole Virginia. Collection of tales or sketches. 1887, New York. T. N. Page. Among them are, "Unc' Edinburg's Drowndin', " " Meh Lady," "Ole 'Stracted," "No Haid Pawn," "Marse Chan." In Primrose Time. Poem. 1886. Sarah M. B. Piatt. In School Days. Poem. 1870. J. G. Whittier. In State. Poem. About 1867. Forcythe Willson. In Summer Nights. Poem. About 1882. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. In Sunshine Land. Poems for children. 1894. Edith M. Thomas. 124 who's the author? In the Belfry of the Nieuwe Kerk. Poem. 1883, in Harper's Magazine for April. T. B. Aldrich. In the Carquinez Woods. iS'ovel. 1883. F.Bret Harte. In the Clouds. Novel. 1887. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock). In the Harbor. Collection of poems. 1882. H. TV. Longfellow. Contains, among others, " Be- calmed," " The Poet's Calendar," Autumn Within," "Victor and Vanquished," "Moon- light," " The Children's Crusade," " Sundown," " Chimes," " The City in the Sea," " Hermes Tris- megistus," "My Books," "The Bells of San Bias." In the Lena Delta: Narrative of the Search for Lieutenant Commander De Long and his Com- panions, followed by an Account of the Greeley Relief Expedition and a Proposed Method of Reaching the North Pole. 1885, Boston. G.W. MelviUe. Edited by M. Philips. In the Levant. Sketches of travel. 1876. C. D. Warner. In the Mission Garden. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. In the Palace of the King. Novel. 1900. F. M. Crawford. A love story of old Madrid. In the Porch. Poem. 1879, in Lippincott" s Magazine for July. Paul H. Hayne. "In the prison cell I sit." See "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp." In the " Stranger People's " Country. Novel. 1891. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock.) In the Tennessee Mountains. Collection of stories. 1881. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Crad- dock). These stories, contributed to the Atlantic Monthly, attracted almost immediate attention. In the Tunnel. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. In the Twilight. Poem. 1868. J. R. Lowell. who's the author? 125 In the Wilderness. Sketches of the Adu'ondacks. 1878. C. D. Warner. In War Time. Poems. 1863. J. G. Whittier. Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters. 1810. C. J. Inger- soil. This work, which created a considerable sensation in its day, was published anonymously. It pretended to be a packet of letters from a Jesuit, Inchiquin, by name, to friends in Europe, describing (at times in a somewhat satirical vein), the manners, literature, and state of so- ciety of the United States. Incident in a Railroad Car, An. Poem. 1842. J. R. Lowell. Incidental Poems. 1828. Robert Dinsmoor, often referred to as " The Rustic Bard." His verse imitated that of Burns. Independent Farmer, The. Poem. 1804. Susanna H. Rowson. First line : " When the bonny grey morning just peeps fro7n the sky." Indian at the Burial Place of His Fathers, An. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literary Ga- zette for August 1. W. C. Bryant. It was writ- ten at Stockbridge, Mass., 1824. Indian Burying-Ground, The. Poem. About 1788. Philip Freneau. First line : '^ In spite of all the learned have said." Indian Death' Song. Poem. 1788-1795. Philip Freneau. Indian Girl's Lament, An. Poem. 1825, in the Neio York Review, January. W. C. Brj^ant. Indian Story, An. Poem. Written 1824, at Great Barrington, Mass. Published 1842, in the United States Literary Gazette, July 1. W. C. Bryant. Indian Student. Poem. About 1788. Philip Freneau. Indian Summer. Novel. 1885, Boston. W. D. Howells. 126 who's the author? Indian Summer Reverie, An. Poem. 1846. J. R. Lowell. Indians, The. Poem. About 1S41. Charles Sprague. Indoor Studies. Essays. 1889. John Burroughs. Inez: A Tale of the Alamo. Story. 1856, Xew York. A. G. E. Wilson. Infelice. Novel. 1876, Xew York. A. J. E. Wilson. Infidel, The : or The Fall of Mexico. Novel. 1835, Philadelphia. R. M. Bird. The time of the story is that of the Spanish Conquest. It is a sequel to " Calavar," q.v. Infinite and the Finite, The. Essays. 1872. The- ophilus Parsons (1797-1882). Influence of Sea Power upon History. 1600-1783. Published 1890. A noted work on the subject. A. T. Mahan. Also wrote " The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire," 1783-1812, published 1892; and "The Life of Xelson : The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain," 1897. Ingham Papers, The : Some Memorials of the Life of Captain Frederic Ingham, Li.S.X. 1889. E. E.Hale. They comprise: "The Good-Xatured Pendulum," '• Paul Jones and Denis Duval," "Round the World in a Hack," "Friends' Meeting," "Did He Take the Prince to Ride?" "How Mr. Frye Would Have Preached It," "The Rag-Man and the Rag- Woman," "Dinner Speaking," "Good Society," "Daily Bread." Inn Kitchen, The. One of the selections of the " Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Iiwing. Innach Garden, The Story of. Comic sketch in verse in Hawkeyes, 1879. R. J. Burdette, " The Burlington (Iowa) Haickeye Man." Innocents Abroad. Humorous sketches of travel who's the author? 127 of a party of excursionists to the Mediterranean and the Holy Land. 1869. S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain). This widely popular book had at once a great sale. Inquiry into the Qualifications for Full Com- munion. Treatise. 1749. Jonathan Edwards. Inscription for the Entrance of a Wood. Poem. 1817. W. C. Bryant. This poem was written at Cummington, Mass., 1815, and appeared first in the North American Review of September, 1817, under the title of "A Fragment." Inspiration. Poem. 1810-1844. H. D. Thoreau. Intellect. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Intelligence Office, The. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. International Episode, An. Romance. 1878. Henry James. Intuitions of the Mind Inductively Investigated. Treatise. 1860. James McCosh. Invention of Letters, The. Poem, delivered in Cam- l)ridge, Commencement Day, 1795. R. T. Paine. Invitation to the Country, An. Poem. 1857, in Harper's Weekly for May. W. C. Bryant. Inward Morning, The. Poem. 1842, in the Dial for October. H. D. Thoreau. Irene. Poem. 1840. J. R. Lowell. Iris, Her Book. Poem. 1859. O. W. Holmes. Iron-Gate, The. Poem. 1879. O. W. Holmes. Read Dec. 3, 1879, at the breakfast given Dr. Holmes on his seventieth birthday, by the publishers of t\\Q Atlantic Monthly. First line: " Where is this patriarch you are kindly greeting." Iron Grays. Ode addressed to Swartwout's corps of the " Iron Grays." Written in the autumn of 1814. Fitz-Greene Halleck. He was a member of the corps. 128 who's the author? Irving, Life of Washington. Biography. 1862- 1863. P. M. Irving. Irving, Washington. Biography. 1881. C. D. AVarner. Irvington Stories. Juvenile. 1864. Mary Mapes Dodge. Island Garden. An account by Celia Thaxter of her struggle and success in establishing a garden on one of the Isles of Shoals. 189-4. Isle of the Long Ago, The. Poem. About 1840- 1850. B. F. Taylor. Fb'st line : " Oh, a won- derful stream is the river Time." Israfel. Poem. 1831. E. A. Poe. First line: " I?i heaven a spirit doth dwell." It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. Poem of Christ- mastide. About 1874. E. H. Sears. First line : " It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old." It Is Xot Always May. Poem. Written 1840. H. W. Longfellow. It Is Xot Death to Die. Poem. About 1848. G. W. Bethune. It Never Comes Again. See "Flight of Youth." It Snows. Poem. 1832-1841. Sarah J. B. Hale. Italian Journeys. Travels. 1867. W. D. Howells. Ivory Carver, The. Poem. 1856. G. H. Boker. First line : " Silently sat the artist alone." Jack, the Fisherman. Short story. 1887. Eliza- beth Stuart Phelps Ward. Jack Tier. Xovel. 1848. J. F. Cooper. Jackson, Life of Andrew. Biography. 1859-1860. James Par ton. Jackson, Life of "Stonewall." Biography. 1863. J. E. Cooke. Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, from Nov. 4, 1861, to June 17, 1862 ; History of the who's the author? 129 Campaign of Gen. T. J. (Stonewall). 1880, Philadelphia. William Allan. Jainis' Daughter. Poem. Caroline H. Oilman. Jan Vedder's Wife. Novel. 1885. Amelia E. BaiT. This is a story of Shetland. Jane Field. Novel. 1893. Mary E. Wilkins. Jane Talbot. Novel. 1801. Charles Brockden Brown. Janice Meredith. Popular novel, begun as a serial in the Bookman, March, 1899. Paul Leicester Ford. Jay, Life and Writings of John. Biography. 1832-33. William Jay. Jeannette, Narrative of the. 1882. J. AV. Danen- hower, second in command of the ill-starred De Long arctic expedition, 1879. Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography. 1890. Jefferson, Joseph. Biography. 1891. William Winter. Jefferson, Life of. Biography. 1831, Boston. B. L. Rayner. Jefferson, Life of Thomas. Biography. 1858. H. S. Randall. Jefferson and John Adams, Oration on. 1826. William Wirt. Jefferson, Life of Thomas. Biography. 1874. James Parton. Jennie Juneiana : Talks on Women's Topics. 1864. Jane C. Croly (Jennie June). Jephthah's Daughter. Poem. About 1827. N. P. Willis. Jericho Road. Story of Western life. 1876. John Habberton. Jerry, the ^Miller, Little. Poem, 1858, in Harper's Magazine for December. J. O. Saxe. Jesuits of North America, The. Historical nar- rative. 1867. Francis Parkman. See also "France and England in North America." 130 who's the author? Jesus, Lamb of God, for Me. Hymn. 1863. Ray Palmer. Jim. Poem, dialect. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for February. F. Bret Harte. Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle. Poem, dialect. About 1871. John Hay. This is one of his " Pike County Ballads." First line : " Wall, no ! I can't tell ichar he lives." Joan of Arc, Personal Recollections of. Story, based on the history of Joan of Arc, which pre- tended to be a translation, by Jean F. Alden, of Sieur Louis de Conte's (Joan's page and secre- tary) unpublished French manuscript from the national archives of France. It first came out in Harper's Monthly, beginning April, 1895, and was issued 1896 in book form. S. L. Clemens. John Bode win's Testimony. Novel. 1886. Mary H. Foote. This is a story of a mining claim, *' Eagle Bird " by name, in the western part of Arkansas. John Brent. Novel. 1862. Theodore Winthrop. John Brown and the Heroes of Harper's Ferry. Poem. 1886. W. E. Channing (1818-). John Brown, Life and Times of. Biography. W. M. Clemens. John Brown Took Harper's Ferry, How Old. See " How Old John Brown Took Harper's Ferry." " John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave." First line of several famous battle songs of the Civil War. The earliest is ascribed to a quartet of the Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry stationed at Fort Warren, spring of 1861. It soon devel- oped into the longer form of the song attrib- uted to C. S. Hall, of Charlestown, Mass. Another one was written by H. H. Brownell, beginning " Old John Brown lies a-moulcVring in the grave"; and still another by Edna D. who's the author? 131 Proctor, beginning ^' Jo/ui Broicn died on the scaffold for the slave.'" The last stanza of this song has for its first line : " John Brown's body lies mouldering in the grave." Tlie origin of the tune of " John Brown's Body " is ascribed to William Steffe of Philadelphia, who in 1856 was asked by a fire company of Charleston, S.C., to compose an air for a song w hose chorus began " Say, hummers, ivill you meet us ? " This tune later was fitted to " Say, brothers, will you meet us?" a favorite hymn of the Y.M.C.A. John Bull. One of the selections of the "Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. John Burns of Gettysburg. Poem of the Civil War. F. Bret Harte. First line: "Have you heard the story that gossips tell?" John Godfrey's Fortunes. Novel. 1864. Bayard Taylor. John Gray: A Kentucky Tale of the Olden Time. Xovel. 1893. James Lane Allen. This story the author later developed into the beautiful "Choir Invisible." John Inglefield's Thanksgiving. One of the selec- tions of " The Snow-Image and Other Twice- Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. John March, Southerner. Xovel. 189-4. G. AY. Cable. John of Barneveld. See " Life and Death of John of Barneveld." John Paul Jones. Sketch. 1843, in Graham's Maga- zine for July and August. J. F. Cooper. John PauPs Book. Humorous sketches. 1874. C. H. Webb (John Paul). John Pelham. Ballad, Civil War. J. R. Randall. This poem is also known by the title of " The Dead Cannoneer." John Pelham, of Major- General J. E. B. Stuart's staff, was killed March 17, 1863, at Kelly's Ford. 132 who's the author? John Underbill. Poem. 1873. J. G. Whittier. John Ward, Preacher. Xovel. 1888, Boston. Mar- garet Deland. This story, constructed on lines similar to '' Robert Elsmere," attracted wide interest when it appeared. Jolly Old Pedagogue, The. Poem. About 1860. George Arnold. First line : " 'Twas a Jolly old pedagogue, long ago." Jonathan to John. Poem. J. R. Lowell. This poem occurs in the second paper of the Second Series of the "Biglow Papers," and refers to the famous " Trent Affair." First line : " It don't seem hardly right, John." Jones, Life of Paul. Biography. 1831. R. C. Sands. Joseph and His Friend. NoveL 1870. Bayard Taylor. A story of Pennsylvania. Josh Billings's Sayings. Humorous sketches. 1866, Xew York. H. W. Shaw (Josh Billings) also wrote "Josh Billings's Trump Cards," 1877, "Josh Billings's Spice Box," 1881. Josiah xVllen's Wife as a P.A. and a P.I. (Samantha at the Centennial). Humorous sketches. 1878. Marietta Holley (Josiah Allen's Wife.) See also " Samantha at the World's Fair." Journal and Letters of the Late Samuel Curwen. 1812. Samuel Curwen. Journal of Life and Travels in the Service of the Gospel. 1774, Philadelphia. John Woolman. Whittier in his essay on " The Beautiful " refers to this journal as "a simple and beautiful record of a holy life." Journey in Brazil, A. Travels, 1867. J. L. R. Agassiz. Journey in the Back Country, A. Narrative of travels in the Slave States. 1860. F. L. Olmsted. Journey from Philadelphia to New York, by Robert who's the author? 133 Slender, Stocking Weaver. 1787. Repub- lished, 1809, under title, " A Laughable Poem, or Robert Blender's Journey from Philadelphia to New York." Philip Freneau. Journey of Life, The. Poem, written at New York, 1826. Published in the collective edition of 1832. W. C. Bryant. Journey to Central Africa, A. Travels. 1854. Bayard Taylor. Joys That We've Tasted. Poem. About 1867. G. AV. Patten. Jucklins, The. Novel. 1896. Opie Read. Judas Hung in Chains. Sermon. 1714. Samuel Moody. Judge Not. See "Keep Cool." Judgment, The: A Vision. Poem. 1812. J. A. Hillhouse. Judith. Poem, in three parts. 1865. 1. Judith in the Tower. 2. The Camp of Assur. 3. The Flight. T. B. Aldrich. Judith. Poem. 1820. Maria (Gowen) Brooks. Judith at the Tent of Holof ernes. Poem. 1829. J. G. Whittier. Julian: or Scenes in Judea. Story of the Holy Land in the time of the Roman Empire, told in letters. It closes with the crucifixion of the Saviour. 1841, New York. William Ware. Jumping Frog, The Celebrated. Sketch. 1867. S. S. Clemens (Mark Twain). June. Poem. Written at Great Barrington, Mass., 1825. Published in the Atlantic Souvenir, 1826. W. C. Bryant. Jupiter Lights. Novel. 1889. Constance F. Woolson. Just Before the Battle, Mother. Song of the Civil War. 1863. G. F. Root. Justification by Faith. Sermons. 1652. Richard Mather. 134 who's the author? Kaloolah, or Jounieyings to the Djebel Kumri: An Autobiography of Jonathan Romer. 1849. W. S. Mayo. Katherine Lauderdale. Novel. 1894. F. M. Craw- ford. Katherine Walton : or The Rebel of Dorchester. Historical romance. 1851. W. G. Simms. This is a tale of South Carolina in the time of the Revolution. Kathrina: Her Life and Mine: In a Poem. 1867. J. G. Holland. The story of a life struggle and its fruits of experience. It went through many editions. Kavanagh. Prose romance. 1849. H. W. Long- fellow. Kearney at Seven Pines. Civil War poem. E. C. Stedman. First line: ^' So that soldierly legend is still on its journey.^' Kearsarge, The. Poem. About 1887. J. J. Roche. Keenan's Charge. Civil War poem. G. P. Lathrop. Refers to the action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863. First line : " By the shrouded gleam of the icestern skies." Keep Cool. Novel. 1817. John Neal. It was written as a protest against duelling, and was originally called " Judge Not." Kentucky Babe. Poem. R. H. Buck. First line : '■'■'' Skeeters am a hummin' on de honeysuckle vine" Kentucky Belle. Poem. First appeared in Apple- ton's Journal, September 6, 1873, with the title " Told in a Farm-House." Constance F. Woolson. Kentucky Cardinal, The. Novel. 1895. J.L.Allen. Keramos. Poem. 1877, in Harper's Monthly for December. H. W. Longfellow. For this poem on the potter's wheel, written when his attention who's the author? 135 had been aroused by the new interest in ceram- ics, he received ^ 1000. First line : " Turn^ turn my tvheel ! Turn round and round." Kerr Papers. See " Orpheus C. Kerr Papers." Khaled: A Tale of Arabia. Novel. 1891. F. M. Crawford. King Noanett : A Story of Old Virginia and the Mas- sachusetts Bay. Novel. 1896. F. J. Stimson. King of Folly Island, The. Story. Begun in Harper's Monthly, December, 1886. Sarah O. Jewett. King Robert of Sicily. Poem. Written 1862. H. W. Longfellow. It occurs in " Tales of a Wayside Inn," Part I., q.v. First line : " Robert of Sicily, brother of Pope Urbane" Kingdom Coming. Civil War ballad, very popular. II. C. Work. King's Bell. Poem, narrative. 1863. R. H. Stoddard. King's Missive, The. Poem. 1880. J. G. Whittier. First line : " Under the great hill sloping bare" King's Quest, The. Poem. About 1852. Caro- line Atherton Briggs Mason. Kinsmen, The: or The Black Riders of the Con- garee. Novel. First published at Philadelphia, 1841. Republished as " The Scout," New York, 1854. W. G. Simms. Kismet. Novel. 1877, Boston. Julia C. Fletcher (George Fleming). Kiss and Let's Make Up. Popular song. 1897. C. K. Harris. Knickerbocker, The. Literary periodical estab- lished 1833, with C. F. Hoffman as first editor. This was the first of the American magazines to take definite form. It continued until 1858, Knickerbocker's History of New York. See "His- tory of New York by Diedrich Knickerbocker." 136 who's the author? Knick-knacks from an Editor's Table. Sketches. 1852. Contributed to the Knickerbocker Maga- zine. L. G. Clark. Knight of the Black Forest, The. Romance. 1885. Grace Denio Litchfield. Knight of the Golden Melice, The. Historical tale. 1856, New York. J. T. Adams. Knight of the Nineteenth Century. Novel. 1877. E. P. Roe. Knights of the Horse Shoe, The : A Traditionary- Tale of the Cocked Hat Gentry in the Old Dominion. 1845, Wetumpka, Ala. W. A. Carruthers. Knitters in the Sun. Short stories. 1887. Alice French. Knowing. See " Thought," by C. P. Cranch. Konigsmark. Poem. 1869. G. H. Boker. Koningsmarke, the Long Finne. Novel. 1823. Its title was changed later (1835) to " Old Times in the New World." J. K. Paulding. It tells of the early Swedish settlers on the Delaware, and, in a satirical vein, in the course of the story, parodies Cooper's Indian, and Scott's '" Noma of the Fitful Head " in " Bombie of the Frizzled Head " (an old colored termagant). Ku Klux. Poem. About 1890. Madison Cawein. La Belle Russe. Play. After 1886. David Belasco. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. Historical narrative. 1869. Francis Parkman. See also "France and England in North America." Ladder of St. Augustine. Poem. Written 1850. H. W. Longfellow. One of the poems of Flight the First, " Birds of Passage." Lady Annabel, The. Romance, once very popular. 1842, Philadelphia. George Lippard. who's the author? 137 Lady Eleanore's Mantle. One of the selections of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Lady Jane, The. Novel, humorous, in rhyme. 1844. N. P. Willis. Lady of the Aroostook, The. Romance. 1879. W. D. Howells. It originally appeared as a serial in the AtlanticMonthly, 1878-1879. Lady or the Tiger ? The. Short story. 1884. F. R. Stockton. Lady Wentworth. Poem. Written 1871. H. W. Longfellow. This is the second Poet's Tale in " Tales of a Wayside Inn." Lake Country Sketches. See " Castle Nowhere." Lament of Anastasius. Poem. W. B. O. Peabody. Lamplighter, The. Novel. 1854, Boston. Maria Susanna Cummins. This story had extraordi- nary popularity for a time. Land Ho ! Poem. 1844-1858. G. P. Morris. Land of Dreams, The. Poem. 1847, in Graham's Magazine for January. W. C. Bryant. Land of Poco Tiempo, The. Sketches of Life in New Mexico. 1893. C. F. Lummis. Land of the Lingering Snow. Nature sketches. 1891. Frank Bolles. Landing at Plymouth, The. Speech delivered Dec. 22, 1843, at the New England Society's dinner in commemoration of the Landing of the Pilgrims. Daniel Webster. Landlocked. Poem. 1861, in the Atlantic Monthly for March. Celia Thaxter. By many accredited to be her best poem. Lands of the Saracen, The. Sketches of travel. 1854. Bayard Taylor. Landscape Gardening, Theory and Practice of. 1841. A. J. Downing. Lanmere. Novel. 1856. Julia C. R. Dorr. 138 who's the author? Lantern, The. Comic paper. Established 1852 by John Brougham. Laocoon. Essay. 1798. Fisher Ames. Written to incite the'^ Federalists to oppose the aggres- sions of France. Lars : A Pastoral of Norway. 1873. Poem. Bayard Taylor. Last Blossom, The. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Last Charge, The. Poem. 1864. O. W. Holmes. Last Fare^Yell, The. Poem. 1820-1834. E. B. Emerson. Last Leaf, The. Poem. 1831. O. W. Holmes. The poem refers to Major Thomas Melville (an ancestor of Herman Melville, the novelist), familiar to Bostonians, about 1830, as "The Last of the Cocked Hats." First line : ^^Isaw him once before." Last Leap of Uncas. Poem. 1842, in Graham's Magazine for August. Park Benjamin. Last of the Foresters : or Humors of the Border. 1856. J. E. Cooke. Last of the Mohicans, The. Novel. 1826. J. _F. Cooper. This novel is the second of the series of the "Leather Stocking Tales," q.i\, both in point of time of story and publication. Last of the Valerii, The.*' Short tale. 1875. Henry James. Last Sheaf from Sunnyside. 1853, Boston. Eliza- beth Stuart Phelps. It was brought out under the pseudonvm of "H. Trusta." Late English Poets, The. Criticism. 1865. R. H. Stoddard. Late Mrs. Null, The. Novel. 1886. F.R.Stockton. Later Lyrics. Poems. 1866. Julia (Ward) Howe. Latest Chinese Outrage, The. Poem. F. Bret Harte. Latest Literary Essays and Addresses. 1891. J. R. Lowell. who's the author? 139 Latter-Day Warnings. Poem. 1857. O. W. Holmes. Latter Rain, The. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. Launcelot and Guenevere. Poem, dramatic. 1891. Ricliard Hovey. It was later republished under the title of "The Marriage of Guenevere." Laura Lee. Song. About 1849. S. C. Foster. Laurel Hill Cemetery, near Philadelphia, Lines Written at. W. G. Clark. First line: ''Here the lamented dead in dust shall lie." Laus Deo ! Poem. 1865. J. G. Whittier. Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, The. Treatise. 1869, New York. O. F. Bump. Law, Commentaries on American. 1836. The- ophilus Parsons (1750-1813). Law, Commentaries on American. A famous work of standard authority. 1826-1830. James Kent. Law Dictionary and Glossary. 1850. A. M. Burrill. Law of Business for Business Men. 1857. The- ophilus Parsons (1797-1882). Laws of Discursive Thought. Treatise on formal logic. 1869, New York. James McCosh. Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. 1813. J. K. Paulding. Parody on Sir Walter Scott's " Lay of the Last Minstrel." Lay Preacher, The: or Short Sermons for Idle Readers. Essays in The Farmer's Museum about 1795. They were published in collected form 1797. Walpole, N.H. Joseph Dennie. Lays of Love and Faith. Poems. 1848. G. W. Bethune. Lays of the Hudson. Poems. 1846. C. F. Hoffman. Lays of the Palmetto. Poems. 1848. W. G. Simms. Lazarus and Mary. Poem. About 1827. N.P.Willis. Le Bossu. Story. 1832. Catharine M. Sedgwick. 140 who's the author? This was one of the tales contributed to the Glauber Spa, a collection of literary sketches edited by K. C. Sands, and which had for other contributors Bryant, Paulding, and William Leggett. Leah and Rachel : or the Two Fruitful Sisters, Vir- ginia and ^Maryland. Description. 1656, Lon- don. John Hammond. Leap of Roushan Beg, The. Poem. Written 1877. H. W. Longfellow. Occurs in "Bii'ds of Pas- sage," Flight the Fifth, q.v. Learn to Say No. 1856, Philadelphia. A. W. Loomis. Leather Stocking Tales, The. Series of five novels in which the American Indian has been depicted with a power that has put him in our literature for all time, along with the inimitable ''Leather Stocking or Xatty Bumpo." These novels are: "The Deerslayer," " The Last of the Mohicans," "The Pathfinder," "The Pioneers," "The Prairie." See also under the individual titles of these novels. Leavenworth Case, The : " A Lawyer's Story." Xovel. 1878. Anna Katharine (Green) Rohlfs. Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, 1678-1699. 1849. J. G. Whittier. Leaves from the Diary of a Recluse. 1845, in The Gift (an annual). Anne Charlotte Botta. Her weekly receptions, which were of the nature of salons, were notable events of the Xew York City of her time. Leaves of Grass. Collection of poems. 1855. Walt Whitman. Lecture on the Times. Address, read at the Masonic Temple, Boston, Dec. 2, 1841. R. W. Emerson. Lectures on Rhetoric. 1810. J. Q. Adams. Lectures to Young Men on Various Important Sub- who's the author? 141 jects. 1844, Indianapolis. H. W. Beecher. These subjects embraced "Idleness," "Dissipa- tion," "Dishonesty," "Gambling," "Popular Amusements." Led-Horse Claim, The. Story of mining life. 1883. Mary H. Foote. Lee, Life of Robert E. Biography. 1871. J.E.Cooke. Lee, Life of General Robert E. Biography. 1868, Atlanta, Ga. J. D. McCabe. Lee to the Rear. Civil AVar poem (Southern). J. R. Thompson. Poem refers to the occasion when General R. E. Lee in the Wilderness Cam- paign of 1864 tried to lead an assault in person, and the troops raised the cry " Lee to the Rear ! " First line : '■'■ Daicn of a pleasant morning in May.'''' Leedle Yawcob Strauss. Poem, humorous. 1878. C. F. Adams. Left on the Battle-Field. Poem. About 1865. Sarah T. B. Bolton. First line: ''What, was it a dream ? am I all aloneV Legend of Brittany, A. Poem. 1843. J. R. Lowell. Legend of St. Mark, The. Poem. 1849. J. G. Whittier. Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The. One of the selec- tions of the "Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Legend of the Delawares, A. Poem. 1872, in the Nero York Ledger, November 9. W. C. Bryant. Legendary, The. Periodical. Established 1828. Legends of Charlemagne : or Romance of the Middle Ages. 1862. Thomas Bulfinch. Legends of New England in Prose and Verse. Series of tales. 18;U. J. G. Whittier. Leicester. Play, tragedy. 1794. William Dunlap. It was also known by the name of " The Fatal Deception." This is said to be the first Ameri- can tragedy which was regularly produced. 142 who's the author? Leisure Day Rhymes. Poems. 1875. J. G. Saxe. Lenore. Poem. It originally came out with the title " A PiBan," in 1831. Appeared in its revised form in the Pioneer, February, 1843. E. A. Poe. Leonatus. Poem. About 1851. R. H. Stoddard. Leonor de Guzman. Play, tragedy. 1856. G. H. Boker. Leper. The. Poem. About 1827. X. P. Willis. Lesson of Life, The. Poem. 1847. G. H. Boker. Let us Alone. War ballad. About 1863. H. P. H. Brownell. Written in satirical reply to an anti- war outburst. Letters and Social Aims. Essays. 1875. R. W. Emerson. Letters from New York. Series of letters contrib- uted to the Boston Courier, and afterward issued in volume form. First series, 1843; second, 1844. Lydia M. Child. Letters from Palmyra. See " Zenobia." Letters from Under a Bridge. 1840. N. P. Willis. Letters of a British Spy. 1803, in the Richmond Daily Argus. William Wirt. There were ten of these which purported to be papers left by a member of the British parliament at an inn, while travelling in Virginia. Letters of a Traveller in Europe and America. 1852. W. C. Bryant. Letters of Mrs. Abigail Adams (wife of President John Adams). Edited by C. F. Adams. 1840. Letters on Campbellism. About 1815. Thomas Cleland. Letters on Silesia : Written during a Tour through that Country in the Years 1800 and 1801. Series of descriptive and statistical letters published first in the Portfolio, collected and issued in book form 1804, London. J. Q. Adams (1767-1848). Letters to Arthur Young. 1801. George Washington. who's the author? 143 Liberator, The. Anti-slavery Journal. Established Jan. 1, 1831, by W. L. Garrison, editor. Liberty and Necessity, Dissertation on. 1725, Lon- don. Pamphlet. Benjamin Franklin. Liberty and Property, The Excellent Privilege of. Pamphlet. 1687." William Penn. Liberty Bell, The. Poem. 1862. W. R. Wallace. Liberty Song. Ballad. 1768, in the Boston Gazette, July 18. John Dickinson. First line : " Come join hand in hand, hrave Americans all.'' Liberty Tree. War ballad of the Revolution. Thomas Paine. 1775, in the Pennsylvania Magazine. First line : " /n a chariot of light from the regions of day." Library of American Literatm'e. See "American Literature, Library of." Library, The. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. Bio- graphical Sketch, in the Christian Examiner, 1826-1829. W. E. Channing (1780-1842). Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland; With a View of the Primary Causes of the Thirty Years' War. History. 1874. J. L. Motley. Life and Death of that Deservedly Famous Man of God, Mr. John Cotton. Eulogy. Written at Boston, Nov. 6, 1657. 1658, London. The full title begins, " Abel being dead, yet speaketh : or The Life and Death of that Deservedly " etc., as above. John Norton (1606-1663). Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, The. 1828. Biography. Washington Irving. Life and Works of John Adams. Biography. 1850- 1856. C. F. Adams. Life Beyond the Veil. Song. About 1875. H. C WoVk. 144 who's the author? Life Here and There. Sketches. 1850. N.P.Willis. Life in the Iron Mills. Novel. 1861. Rebecca H. Davis. Life in the Open Air. Sketches of travels. 1863. Theodore Winthrop. Life Lesson, A. Poem. J. W. Riley. First line : '• There ! little girl, don't cry." Life of . For works of biography with this title, see under name of the individual. Life on the Mississippi. Sketches. 1883. S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Life on the Ocean Wave. Poem. About 1849. Epes Sargent. Life Thoughts. Gathered from the extemporaneous discourses of H. W. Beecher by Edna D. Proctor. 1858. Lifetime, A. Poem. 1876. W. C. Bryant. Liffith Lank. Travesty on Charles Reade's " Grif- fith Gaunt." 1867, New York. C. H. Webb (John Paul). Ligeia. Prose tale. About 18:t0. E. A. Poe. Light of Home, The. Poem. Sarah J. B. Hale. Light of Stars, The. Poem. H. W. Longfellow. Published in the January number of the Knicker- bocker, 1839, with title " A Second Psalm of Life." First line : " The niqht is come, but not too soon." Light that is Felt, The. Poem. 1884. J. G. AVhittier. Likely Story, A. Farce. 1888, in Harper's Magazine for December. W. D. Howells. Lilith : The Legend of the First Woman. Poem. 1885. Ada (Langworthy) Collier. Lily and the Totem, or the Huguenots in Florida. Series of sketches of the colonies of Coligni. 1562-1570. Published 1850. W. G. Simms. Lily Dale. Song. 1861-1865. H. C. Work. Lily's Quest, The. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. who's the author? 145 Lincoln, Life of. Biography. 1865. J. G. Holland. Lincoln, Life of Abraham. Biography. 1890. John Hay with J. G. Nicolay. It was first issued in the Century Magazine, 1887. Lincoln, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham. Biography. 1891. W. H. Herndon. Lines in Pleasant Places. Sketches. 1874, Boston. B. P. Shillaber. Lines to a Wild Honeysuckle. See "Wild Honey- suckle." Lines Written in a Lady's Album. Poem. Edition of 1856. Daniel Webster. Linwoods, The : or Sixty Years Since in America. Novel. 1835. Catharine M. Sedgwick. Lionel Lincoln : or The Leaguer of Boston. Novel. 1825. J. F. Cooper. Lise. Poem. 1860-1888. Rose (Terry) Cooke. First line: "/// were a cloud in heaven." List of American Birds. About 1790. William Bartram. Literary Antiquary, A. One of the selections of "Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Literary Ethics. Oration delivered before the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838. R. W. Emerson. Literary Gazette. Established 1840, by James A Id rich. Literary History of America. 1900. Barrett Wen- dell. Literary Interpretation, Essays in. 1892. H. W. Mabie. Literary Landmarks. Series of papers which ajp- peared in Harper's Magazine (later published in book form) with the titles, " Literary Landmarks of London, 1885 ; of Edinburgh, 1891 ; of Jeru- salem, 1895; of Venice, 1896; of Florence, 1897; of Rome," 1897. Laurence Hutton. 146 who's the author? Literati of Xew York. Literary and critical sketches. 1846, in Godey's Lady's Book. E. A. Poe. Literature and Art, Papers on. 1846. Sarah Mar- garet Fuller Ossoli. Literature and Life. Literary criticism. 1849. E. P. Whipple. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. Literary criti- cism. 1869. E. P. Whipple. Literature, Short Studies in. Essays. 1891. H. W. Mabie. Little Alabama Coon. Song. Hattie Starr. Little Beach-Bird. Poem. About 1827. R.H.Dana. First line : " Thou little bird, thou dweller by the sea." Little Book of Profitable Tales, A. 1889. Eugene Field. Little Book of Western Verse, A. Poems. 1889- 1890. Eugene Field. Little Boy Blue. Poem. About 1889. Eugene Field. First line: " TAe little toy dog is covered icith dust." Little Breeches. Poem, dialect . John Hay. This is one of his "Pike County Ballads," q.v. First line : "/ don't go much on religion." Little Britain. One of the selections of the "Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Little Brown Hands. Poem. Mary H. Krout. Little Church Around the Corner, The. Song. George Cooper. Little Cloud, The. Poem. About 1830-1840. J. H. Bryant. Little Compton. Short story. About 1888. J. C. Harris. Little Daffvdowndillv. One of the selections of "The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Little Foxes. Essays, written over the signature "Christopher Crowfield." 1865. H. E. B. Stowe. 147 Little Frenchman and His Water Lots. Collection of prose pieces. 1838. G. P. Morris. Little Giffen of Tennessee. Poem of the Civil War. F. O. Ticknor. First line: "Ouf of the focal and foremost y?re." Little Journey in the World, A. Romance. 1889. CD. Warner. Little Lord Fauntlerov. Story, juvenile. Begun as a serial in the November, 1885, issue of St. Nicholas. Frances H. Burnett. Little Mack. Poem. About 1889. Eugene Field. Little Men. Juvenile. 1871. Louisa M. Alcott. Little Ones at Home. Ballad. Written 1856. W. S. Hays. This was his first published ballad. Little Peach, The. Song. About 1889. Eugene Field. Little Preacher, The. Juvenile. 1867, New York. Elizabeth P. Prentiss. Little Rivers. Series of nature sketches. 1895. Henry Van Dyke. Little Saint Elizabeth and Other Stories. Juvenile. 1890. Frances H. Burnett. Little Tin Gods on Wheels. Satire. 1879. Robert Grant. Little Tour in France, A. Series of sketches. 1884. Henry James. These originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, 1878. Little Women. 1868. Novel, juvenile. Louisa :M. Alcott. Little Words of Kindness. Poem. 1841, in the Portland Tribune of September 25. D. C. Coles- worthy. Living Temple, The. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Locusts and Wild Honey. Nature sketches. 1879. John Burroughs. Logan. Novel. 1821. John Neal. A story of Indian life. 148 WHO'S THE AUTHOR? Long Ago, The. See "Isle of the Long Ago." Long Look Series. Juveniles. Edward Abbott. Long Run, The. Novel. 1886. Rose E. Cleve- land, sister of Ex-President Cleveland. Longfellow, Life of Henry AV. Biography, by his brother, Samuel Longfellow. It is the best biography of the poet which has been written. Published 1886. Longing. Poem. 1817. J. R. Lowell. Look From Thv Lattice, Love. Poem. 1844-1856. G. P. Morris. Looking Backward, 2000-1887. Xovel. 1888. Edward Bellamy. This widely known story purported to be a forecast of government socialism in the year 2000, into which the world had developed by economic evolution. Looking Glass for the Times, A. Ballad which made an appeal for religious toleration. 1676. Peter Folger, grandfather of Benjamin Franklin. Lord, Thou on Earth Didst Love Thine Own. Hymn. 1864. Ray Palmer. Lord, With Glowing Heart I'll Praise Thee. Hymn. 1823. F. S. Key. Lorgnette, The: or Studies of the Town by an Opera Goer. 1850. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Mar- vel). These papers, familiarly known as the Lorgnette Papers, were issued first in weekly numbers, then brought out afterward in book form. They were light satirical sketches, like the Salmagundi papers of Irving and Pauld- ing. Loss and Gain. Poem. Nora Perrv. Lost Earl, The. Poem. 1888. J. T. Trowbridge. Lost Galleon. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Lost Hunter, The. Poem. About 1845. A. B. Street. First line: '■^NumVd by the piercing, freezing air." who's the author? 149 Lost Hunter, The. Story. 1856. J. T. Adams. Lost Occasion, The. Poem. 1880, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. J. G. Whittier. Lost Tails of Miletus, The. Poem (parody). About 1874. F. Bret Harte. Lotus Eating: A Summer Book. Series of letters contributed during the summer of 1852 to the New York Tribune, of a reflective, poetical, and descriptive character, written from Saratoga, Lake George, and Newport, which were after- ward collected and published in book form. G. W. Curtis. Lotus Flowers. Poems. 1878. Annie C. Ketchum. Louisburg: God's Wonder Working Providence for New England in the Reduction of. Tract, in verse. 1747. Samuel Niles. Louisiana. Novel. 1880. Frances H. Burnett. Louisiana Belle, The. Song. 1815-1846. S. C. Foster. Love. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Love Against Love, Poem. D. A. Wasson. Love Among the Gamins. Poem. About 1877. D. L. Proudfit (Peleg Arkwright). Love and Liberty. Poem. Royall Tyler. Love in a Cottage. Poem. About 1844. N. P. Willis. Love in Idleness: A Tale of Bar Harbor. 1894. F. M. Crawford. Love in Old Clothes. Collection of stories. 1896. H. C. Bunner. Love in '76. Comedy. 1856. O. B. Bunce. Love-Knot, The. Poem. 1874-1886. Nora Perry. Love Rejected. Song. William Leggett. Love Songs of Childhood. Poems. 1894. Eugene Field. Love Symptoms. One of the selections of "Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. 150 who's the author? "Love, the leaves are falling round thee." Song. About 1826. R. S. Coffin. Lovers, The. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Loves and Heroines of the Poet. Criticism. 1860. R. H. Stoddard. Loves of the Shell Fishes, The. Poem. Edward San ford. Loves She Like Me ? Poem. 1818-1825. Samuel AVood worth. Lowell, Letters of James Russell. Edited by C. E. Norton. 1893. Lower Twenty, The. Play. T. B. De Walden. Loyal Little Redcoat, A : A story of child-life in New York one hundred years ago. Juvenile. 1890. Frances O. O. Ide (Ruth Ogden). Loyal Woman's No, A. Poem. About 1868. Lucy Larcom. Luck of Roaring Camp, The. Short story. August, 1868, in the Overland Monthly. F. Bret Harte. Lucky Lover. Romance. 1892. John Habberton. Lucy Books. Juveniles, for girls. Jacob Abbott. Lucy Hooper. Poem. 1811. J. G. Whittier. Lucy Temple : One of the Three Orphans. Novel. 1828, Boston. Susanna H. Rowson. This is a sequel to ''Charlotte Temple," q.v. It was pub- lished after the author's death. Luke. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. Lulu's Library. Juvenile. 1885. Louisa M. Alcott. Lumbermen, The. Poem. 1845. One of the '' Songs of Labor." J. G. Whittier. Lyon. Civil War Ballad. Henry Peterson. First line: " Sing, hird, on green Missouri's plain." Lyra. Poem. About 1852. Alice Cary. Lyrics of Lowly Life. Poems. 1896. P. L. Dunbar. Mabel Martin : A Harvest Idyl. Poem. 1875. J. who's the author? 151 G. Whittier. The material of this poem first appeared in the National Era, in 1857, under title "The Witch's Daughter." In 1875 Whit- tier enlarged and altered it to its present form. First line: "/ call the old time hack: I bring my lay." Mabel Vaughan. Novel. 1857. Maria S. Cum- mins. McArone Papers. A series of miscellanies con- tributed, 1860-1865, to Vanity Fair and other journals. George Arnold. McFingal. Poem. 1775-1782. John Trumbull. A famous satire on the Tories, after the manner of " Butler's Hudibras." The first canto appeared in 1775, and the whole poem was completed in 1782. McKinley, Life of William. Biography. 1896. Murat Halstead. McSorley's Inflation. Play. Produced Nov. 27, 1882, at Harrigan and Hart's New Theatre, Broadway, New York City. Edward Harrigan. Madame de Mauves. Short story. 1875. Henry James. Madame Delphine. Novel. 1881. G. W. Cable. Madison, Life of James. Biography. S. H. Gay. 1884. Boston. Madison, Life of James. Biography. 1854. J. Q. Adams. Madison Papers, The. Collection of the writings of James ]Madison, in 3 vols. 1840. Madmen All. Comedy. 1847. W. I. Paulding. Madonna of the Future, The. Short tale. 1875. Henry James. Madonna of the Tubs, The. Short story. 1886. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Madrigals and Catches. Poems. 1887. F. D. Sherman. 152 who's the author? Madrono. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Magnalia Christi Americana : or, The Ecclesias- tical History of Xew England. 1702. Cotton Mather. Mahomet and His Successors. Historical narra- tive. 1850. Washington Irving. In two vol- umes. Vol. I. sketches the life of Mahomet to his death, a.d. 622. Vol. II. narrates the progress of Moslem rule from Mahomet's death to the invasion of Spain, a.d. 710. Maid of Saxony, The : or, Who's the Traitor. Opera, first performed at the Park Theatre, N.Y., May 25, 1812. It (the libretto) was written by George Pope Morris. Maiden in the East, To the. Poem. About 1837. H. D. Thoreau. Maidenhood. Poem. January, 1842, in the Southern Literary Messenger. H. W. Longfellow. Main Street. One of the selections of '' The Snow- Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Xathan- iel Hawthorne. Main Travelled Roads. Six Mississippi Valley Stories. 1891. Hamlin Garland. The collection contains : " A Branch Boad," " Up the Coule," " Among the Corn Rows," " The Return of the Private," " Under the Lion's Paw," " Mrs. Rip- ley's Trip." Main Truck, The : or, A Leap for Life. Xautical ballad. George Pope Morris. First line : " Old Ironsides at anchor lay." In Morris's poems a footnote states that this poem was founded " on a well-known tale from the pen of the late William Leggett, Esq." This explains why the poem has sometimes been ascribed to William Leggett. Maine Woods, The. An account of a journey. 1864. H. D. Thoreau. who's the author? 153 Maize, The. Poem. 1850-1855. W. W. Fosdick. First line : " A song for the plant of my own native west.'" Making of New England, The. (1580-1643.) His- torical manual, 1886. S. A. Drake. Wrote also, of similar character, " The Making of the Great West, (1512-1883)" 1887; "The Making of the Ohio Valley, (1660-1837) " 1894; and "The Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies, (1578-1701) " 1893. Malbone : An Old Port Romance. Story. 1869, in the Atlantic Monthly. T. W. Higginson. Malmiztic, the Toltec. Novel. 1851, Cincinnati. W. AV. Fosdick. Man in the Boiler, The. Sketch. 1846-1848. C. F. Hoffman. Man in the Reservoir, The. One of C, F. Hoffman's "Sketches of Society" contributed to the Liter- ary World, 1846-1848. Man of Adamant, The : An Apologue. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Man of Ninety, The. Poem. About 1788. Philip Freneau. Man of Uz and Other Poems. 1862. Lydia H. Sigourney. Man the Reformer. Lecture read before the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Association, Boston, Jan. 25, 1841. R. W. Emerson. Man Thinking : or The American Scholar. Essay. R. W. Emerson. Originally an oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Cambridge, Aug. 31, 1837. The new edition was entitled "Man Thinking: An Oration." The oration was also entitled the " American Scholar," under which it is best known. "Man who frets at worldly strife. The." Poem, 154 who's the author? from '• The Croakers," in the Xew York Evening Post of March 19, 1819. J. R. Drake. Man ^vho Married the Moon, The. Folk-lore stories of the Pueblo Indians. 1891. C. F. Lummis. Man with the Hoe, The. Poem. 1899, in the San Francisco Examiner of January 8. Charles Edwin Markhara. This widely known poem was written after seeing Jean Francois Millet's picture entitled '' The Man with the Hoe." Man without a Country, The. Short story. 1863, in the Atlantic Monthly for December. Edward Everett Hale. The story of a man condemned to pass the rest of his life at sea, on some ship of the U. S. navy, and never to hear his country mentioned. Everything he read was inspected, and anything relating to his country cut out. Manassas. Civil War ballad (Southern). Catherine A. W. ^Yarfield. First line : " They have met at last — as storm clouds." Maniac. The. Poem. 1819, Phila. G. S. Burleigh. Mannahatta. Poem. About 1888. Walt Whit- man. Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes West of the Mississippi. 1823, Philadelphia. A work of note in its day. J. D. Hunter. Manners. Essay. 1814. R. W. Emerson. Manners of the Time, The. Satire. 1762. Thomas Godfrey. Manual of Historical Literature. Valuable criti- cal reference work. 1882. C. K. Adams. Manuscript, The. One of the selections of " Brace- bride Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. MS. Found in a Bottle. Prose tale. 1833. E. A. Poe. This tale won a prize of §100 from the Baltimore Saturday Visitor. Map of Virginia, with a Description of the Country, 155 the Commodities, Government, and Religion. Capt. John Smith. 1612, Oxford. Marble Faun, The. Romance. 1860. Nathaniel Hawthorne. This story also appeared under the title " Transformation." Its motif is the transforming power of sin. Marble Prophecy, The. Poem suggested by the Laocoon group in the Vatican at Rome. 1872. J. G. Holland. Marcellus. Over this signature John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) contributed, about 1793, to the Boston Centiriel, a series of articles stanchly advocating Washington's policy of neutrality. This series was followed by another signed '' Columbus," and by still another signed " Bar- nevelt," arraigning the French minister Genet in his attempt to Jacobinize America. Marching Along. Civil War ballad. W. B. Brad- bury. First line : " 21ie army is gathering from near and from far." Marching Througli Georgia. Very popular ballad of the Civil War. Written soon after Sherman began his famous "March to the Sea." The great march commenced about Nov. 16, 1864. H. C. Work. First line : " Bring the good old bugle, boys.'" Marco Bozzaris. Poem. 1825, in the Neio York Review. Fitz-Greene Halleck. First line : ''At midnight in his guarded tent." Marco Bozzaris was a Greek patriot, born 1788, and killed near Missolonghi, Greece, while leading an attack on the Turks there, August 20, 1823. Mardi : And a Voyage Thither. Story of adventure. 1848. Herman Melville. Mare Rubrum. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Margaret : A Tale of the Real and the Ideal, Blight and Bloom. 1845. A story of old New England 156 who's the author? days, intermingled with descriptions of nature. Sylvester Judd (1813-1853). Marion Darche. Novel. 1893. F. M. Crawford. Marion Moore. Song. J. G. Clark. Marjorie Daw. Short romance. 1873, in the At- lantic Monthly for April. T. B. Aldrich. Marm Lisa. Story. 1896. Kate Douglas (\Yiggin) Riggs. Maroon, The : A Legend of the Caribees. Tale. 18.55. W. G. Simms. Marquis of Carabas, The. Romance. 1882. Har- riet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. Married, not Mated. Story. 1856. Alice Cary. Marse Chan. Tale. 1883, Scrihner's Magazine. T. N. Page. Marsh Island, A. Story. 1885. Sarah O. Jewett. Marshes of Glynn. Poem. Written 1878, and ap- peared in " The Masque of the Poets," 1879. Sidney Lanier. Martha. Poem. 1861. O. W. Holmes. Martin Faber. Story. 1833. W. G. Simms. Maruja. Novel. 1885. F. Bret Harte. Mary Dow. Poem. 1832-1841. Hannah F. Gould. Mary Garvin. Poem. 1856. J. G. Whittier. Maryland, A Character of the Province of. 1666. George Alsop. A rare work. Maryland, My Maryland ! See " My Maryland." Mary's Lamb. Poem. Sarah J. B. Hale. Marzio's Crucifix. Novel. 1887. F. M. Crawford. Mason and Slidell : A Yankee Idyl. Second paper of the second series of the Bigloio Papers. 1862, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. J. R. Lowell. Masque of Pandora, The. Poem, dramatic. 1875. H. W. Longfellow. This poem was adapted for the stage, and produced in 1881 at the Boston Theatre. who's the author? 157 Masque of the Gods. Poem, dramatic. 1872. Bayard Taylor. Masque of the Red Death. Prose tale. 1840. E. A. Poe. Masquerade. Poem. 1866. J. G. Saxe. Massachusettensis. Series of letters defending England's policy in her treatment of the Amer- ican colonies, written by Daniel Leonard over the signature " Massachusettensis." These letters were replied to by John Adams in a series in rebuttal, signed " Novanglus," q.v. Massachusetts Colony, Anno 1628, with the Lord's Signal Presence the First Thirty Years ; A Nar- rative of the Planting of the. Pamphlet. 1694. Joshua Scottow. Massachusetts, History of the Province of. 1764. Thomas Hutchinson. Massachusetts, its Historians and its History : An Object Lesson. 1893. Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Massachusetts Line, The. Civil "War ballad, May 7, 1861. Robert T. S. Lowell. First line : " Still Jirst, as long and long ago" Massachusetts Spy, The. Periodical. Established 1770. Massacre at Scio, The. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literarij Gazette, June 1. W. C. Bryant. Massa's in de Cold Ground. Song. 1852. Stephen C. Foster. First line : " 'Round de meadoivs am a-ringing." Master Johnny's Next-Door Neighbor. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Master William Mitten. Story. 1864. A. B. Longstreet. Mate of the Daylight, The. Short story. 1882, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. Sarah O. Jewett. 158 who's the author? Under this title, in 1883, a collection of her short stories was brought, containing, among others, " The Landless Farmer," " An Only Son," " Tom's Husband," " The Confession of a House Breaker." Mather, Life of Cotton. Biography. 1729. Samuel ]\Iather. Mather, Life of Cotton. Biography. 1891. Bar- rett Wendell. Matrimony. Play. Written in the winter of 1879- 1880. Bartley Campbell. Matthew Caraby. Novel. Brought out by the Ab- bott brothers under the pseudonym "Benauly," which pen name was made up of the first syl- lables of their first names, benjamin; Austin; i?/man. Maud and IMadge. See " After the Ball." Maud MuUer. Poem. 1854. J. G. Whittier. First line : " Maud Muller on a summer's clay" May Blossom. Play. After 1886. David Be- lasco. May-Day. Poem. About 1819. R. W. Emerson. May-Day, or Xew York in an Uproar. Comedy. 1787. Royall Tyler. It was produced in May, for the benefit of the actor Wignell. May-Day Customs. One of the selections of " Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. May Dreams. Poems. 1862. Henry Abbey. May Evening. Poem. 1869, in Appleton's Journal for May. W. C. Bryant. May-Pole of Merry Mount, The. One of the selec- tions of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. May to April. Poem. About 1788. Philip Freneau. First line : ^'■Without your showers." Mayflower Compact, The. Written 1620. The Pilgrim Fathers. who's the author? 159 Mayflower : or Sketches of the Descendants of the Pilgrims. 1849. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. Meat Out of the Eater : or Meditations Concerning the Necessity, End, and Usefulness of Afflictions Unto God's Children. Tract. 1669. Michael Wigglesworth. Medical Essays. 1883. O. W. Holmes. Melanie. Poem. About 1835. N. P. Willis. Mellichampe : A Legend of the Santee. Story. 1836. W. G. Simms. Memoir of Josiah Quincy. Biography. 1825. Josiah Quincy (1772-1864). Memoirs of De Witt Clinton. Biography. 1829. David Hosack. Memoirs of John Lothrop Motley. Biography. 1879. O. W. Holmes. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. Biography. 1849. J. P. Kennedy. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Written 1809. Published 1812, at Philadelphia. Henry Lee (1756-1818). Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions. Treatise. 1689. Cotton Mather. Memoranda during the War. Miscellanies. 1867. Walt Whitman. Memorie and Rime. Fragments from a journal. 1884. C. H. Miller (Joaquin Miller). Memory. Poem. W. E. Channing (1818-) Men of the North. Poem. John Neal. Men of the North and West. War poem. First appeared in New York World April 17, 1861. Richard H. Stoddard. First line : ''Men of the North and West." Men, The. Poem of the Civil War (Southern). Maurice Bell. First line : " In the dusk of the forest shade" 160 who's the author? Men, Women, and Ghosts. Collection of stories. 1869. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Mercedes. Poem. 1883. T. B. Aldrich. Mercedes of Castile. Novel. 1810. J. F. Cooper. Mercy Philbrick's Choice. Novel. 1876. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Merrimac, The. Poem. 1841. J. G. Whittier. Merry Chanter. Short story. 1890, in the Century Magazine, January-March. F. R. Stockton. Merry Mount : A Romance of the Massachusetts Colony. Novel, unsuccessful. 1819. John Loth- rop Motley. This was his second attempt at novel writing. Its failure caused him to turn his attention to history. Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of Gotham. A satire on Owen's socialism, on phrenology, and i]iQ\Qg?i\ caveat emptor. 1826. James K. Paulding. Messiah's Throne, The. Noted sermon. 1802. J. M. Mason. Metamora. Play, written for Edwin Forest. Pro- duced 1829. J. A. Stone. Metempsychosis of the Pine. Poem. About 1851. Bayard Taylor. Method of Divine Government, Physical and Moral. Treatise. 1850. James McCosh. Method of Nature, The. Oration delivered before the Society of the Adelphi in Waterville College, Maine, Aug. 11, 1841. R. W. Emerson. Methods of Study in Natural History. 1863. J. Louis R. Agassiz. Metzengerstein. Prose tale. 1836, in the Southern Literary Messenger for January. Edgar Allan Poe. Michael Angelo : A Fragment. Poem, dramatic. 1883. H. W. LongfeUow. Mid the Green Hills of Virginia. Popular song. 1899. Charles K. Harris. who's the author? 161 Midnight. Hymn. 1824. George W. Doane. Midnight Mass for the Dying Year. Poem. Writ- ten Sept. 17, 1839, at Cambridge, Mass. Pub- lished in the Knickerbocker, October, 1839, with title " The Fifth Psalm." H. W. Longfellow. Miggles. ShoA story. 1869, in the Overland Montlily, July. F. Bret Harte. Mikado's Empire, The. Studies and observations of travels in Japan. 1876, New York. W. E. Griffis. This is an authoritative work of note. Miles Wallingford. Novel. 1844. J. F. Cooper. Military Dictionary. 1810, Philadelphia. William Duane. Militia Muster, The. Poem. About 1847. Albert Gorton Greene. Milk for the Spiritual Nourishment of Boston Babes in either England. Tract. 1646, London; 1656, Cambridge, Mass. John Cotton. Mill Mystery, The. Novel. 1886. Anna Katharine (Green) Rohlfs. Million £ Bank Note, The. Sketch. 1893. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Millionaire of Rough and Ready, A. Short story. 1887. F. Bret Harte. Mind Among the Spindles. A paper. 1849, Lon- don. Harriet Farley. Mineralogy and Geology. Treatise. 1816. Parker Cleaveland, often spoken of as " The Father of American Mineralogy." Mingo. Short story. 1884. J. C. Harris. Sketch of life in Middle Georgia. Minister's Black Veil, The. One of the selections of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Minister's Charge, The : or The Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. Novel. 1887, Boston. W. D. Ho wells. 162 who's the author? Minister's Wooing, The. Novel. 1859. Begun as a serial, December, 1858, in the Atlantic Monthly. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. By many critics declared to be her best work. It is a story of New England village life. Minute Philosopher, The. An entargement of the satirical poem, "Terrible Tractoration " (^.t'.), by T. G. Fessenden. Miracle of Padre Junipero, The. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Harte. Miriam. Poem. 1870. J. G. Whittier. First line : '' One Sabbath day my friend and /." Mirror and Ladies' Literary Gazette. Literary periodical begun at New York Aug. 2, 1823, by George P. Morris and Samuel Woodworth. It continued till Dec. 31, 1812, when its publication was suspended. It was revived April 8, 1813, with title of the New Mirror, which was pub- lished weekly. Again its publication was inter- rupted, and it became The Evening Mirror, a daily, which began Sept. 28, 1811. Miss Blanche Says. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Miss Cadogna : A Romance. 1885. Julian Haw- thorne. Miss Edith makes Another Friend. Poem. 1871- 1871. F. Bret Harte. Miss Edith makes It Pleasant for Brother Jack. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Miss Edith's Modest Request. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Miss Gilbert's Career : An American Story. Novel. 1860. J. G. Holland. Miss Low. Novel. 1888. E. P. Roe. Miss Ludington's Sister : A Romance of Immortality. 1884. Edward Bellamy. Mississippi Basin, The: The Struggle in America who's the author? 163 with France, 1697-1763. A work of historical research. 1895. Justin Winsor. Mississippi, Recollections of Ten Years passed in the Valley of the. 1826, Boston. Timothy Flint. Mississippi Valley in the Civil War, The. History. 1900. John Fiske. Mist. Poem. 1840-1844. H. D. Thorean. Mistress of the Manse. Poem. 1874. J. G. Hol- land. Mliss. Short story. F. Bret Harte. Moby Dick : or, The Whale. Story of adventure. 1851. Herman Melville. Mocking Bird, The. Poem. 1878, in LippincotC s Magazine for July. P. H. Hayne. Mocking Bird, To the. Poem. 1836, Philadelphia. Albert Pike. First line : " Thou glorious mocker of the world! I hear.'' Mocking Bird, To the. Poem. Written 1809. J. R. Drake. Mocking Bird, To the. Poem. Richard Henry Wilde. First line : " Winged mimic of the woods ! Thou motley fool ! " Modern Chivalry : or, The Adventures of Captain Farrago, etc. 1796. H. H. Brackenridge. Modern Instance, A. iSTovel. 1882. W. D. Howells. Modern Italian Poets. Essays and versions. 1887. W. D. Howells. Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Xecessity of a Paper Currency. Pamphlet. 1729. Benja- min Franklin. Mogg :\Iegone. Poem. 1834. J. G. Whittier. Mollie Darling. Popular song. About 1860. W. S. Hays. Monaldi. An Italian tale. 1851. Washington Allston. It was written in 1821. Money King, The. Poem. 1859. J. G. Saxe. 164 who's the author? Monikins, The. Novel. 1835. James Fenimore Cooper. A political satire. Monsieur Beaucaire. Novel. 1900. Booth Tar- kin gton. Monsieur du Miroir. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Montaigne. One of the selections of " Representa- tive Men," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Montcalm and Wolf. Historical narrative. 1884. Francis Parkman. See also " France and Eng- land in North America." Monte Cassino. Poem. Written Oct. 30, 1874. H. W. Longfellow. Monterey. Mexican War ballad. Charles Fenno Hoffman. First line : " We were not many — we who stood." Montezuma. Historical narrative. 1880. Edward Eggleston, in collaboration with his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Seelye. Monthly Anthology and Boston Review. Estab- lished 1803. It continued until 1811. Monthly Magazine and American Review. Estab- lished 1799 by Charles Brockden Brown. It died before the year was ended. Monument Mountain. Poem. Written 1824, at Great Barrington, Mass. First appeared Sept. 15, 1824, in the United States Literary Gazette. W. C. Bryant. Moods. Novel. 1865. Louisa M. Alcott. It was her first novel. Moods. Poem. 1875, in Lippincotfs Magazine for September. Emma Lazarus. Moon Hoax, The. Articles which originally ap- peared (1835) in the Neio York Sun with the title Great Astronomical Discoveries lately made by Sir John Herschel, and which fictitiously pre- who's the author? 165 tended to have discovered at Cape of Good Hope, by a powerful telescope, that the moon was popu- lated by human beings. They made a great sen- sation at the time. Published 1859. Richard Adams Locke. Moonlight Boy, A. Xovel. 1886. E. W. Howe. Moorish Chronicles. An account of the campaigns of Count Fern an Gonzalez of Castile and Fer- nando III. of Leon. 1833. Washington Irving. Moral History of America's Life Struggle, The. 1872. p. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). Moral Monitor, The. Collection of essays which, as a school reader, w^as once widely popular. 1801. Nathan Fiske. Moral Uses of Dark Things. Essays. 1868. Hor- ace Bushnell. Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. 1875, Boston. D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Xasby). More Wonders of the Invisible World. A reply (satirical) to the " The Wonders of the Invisible World" by Cotton Mather. 1700. Robert Calef. Morgan and His Men, Raids and Romance of. 1863, JNJobile. Sallie (Rochester) Ford. Morituri Salutamus. Poem. 1875. H. W. Long- fellow. This poem was written for the fiftieth anniversary of the class of 1825 (Longfellow's class) in Bow^doin College. Morning. Hymn. 1824. G. W. Doane. Morning Glory, The. Poem. About 1853. Maria (White) Lowell. Morning Light is Breaking, The. Hymn. 1831. Samuel Francis Smith. Morris, Life of Gouveneur. Biography. 1832. Jared Sparks. Mortal Antipathy, A. A psycho-medical novel. 1885. O. W. Holmes. 166 Morton's Hope: or, The Memoirs of a Provincial. Novel (unsuccessful). 1839. John Lothrop Motley. Mosquito, To a. Poem. 1825, in the New York Review for October. W. C. Bryant. Moss Side. Novel. 1857. Mary Mrginia Terhune. Moss Supplicateth for the Poet, The. Poem. About 1830. R. H. Dana. Mosses from an Old Manse. Tales and sketches. 1816. Nathaniel Hawthorne. The "Old Manse " is in Concord, Mass., and was built about 1765. Moth and the Flame, The. Plav. Produced Feb. 13, 1898. William Clyde Fitch. Mother Goose for Grown Folks. 1860. Adeline D. T. Whitney. Mother Margery. Poem. About 1819. George S. Buvleigh. Mother Would Comfort Me. Song of the Civil War. C. C. Sawyer. Mother's Dream. Poem. Hannah Flagg Gould. Mother's Wail, A. Poem. 1860-1873. Henry Timrod. Mount Vernon. Ode. Written August, 1786, at ]\lount Vernon. David Humphreys. First line: ^^ By broad PotowmacFs azure tide.'' Mount Vernon Papers, The. 1860. Edward Ever- ett. These comprised a collection of his ora- tions, essays, and articles which he had written for various lectures and periodicals, in aid of the fund for preserving forever the estate of Mount Vernon as a memorial of Washington. Mountain and the Squirrel, The. Poem. R. W. Emerson. Mountain Heart's-Ease, The. Poem. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for November. F. Bret Harte. who's the author? 167 Mountain Pictures. Poems. I. Franconia from the Pemigewasset, in the Atlantic Monthly, March, 1862. II. Monadnock from Wachuset, in the Atlantic Monthly, April, 1862. J. G. Whittier. Mountain, The. Poem. W. E. Channing (1818). Mountains of California, The. Descriptions of wanderings among them. 1894. John Muir. Mournful Lamentation for the Sad and Deplorable Death of Mr. Old Tenor. Poem, satirical. 1750. Joseph Green. It was written at Boston, 1744. Mourt's Relation. By this name the journal kept by William Bradford and Edward Winslow, of the Mayjiower, was long known. It cov- ered the period from November, 1620, the day on which land was first sighted, to the return to England in the ship Fortune, Dec. 18, 1621. Mouse Trap, The. Farce. 1886, in Harper's Magazine for December. William D. Howells. Moving Finger Writes, The. Novel. 1900. Grace Denio Litchfield. Mr. Barnes of New York. Story. 1887, New York. A. C. Gunter. Mr. Blake's Walking Stick. 1870. Edward Eggle- ston. Mr, Cotton's Letter, lately Printed, Examined and Answered. Pamphlet. 1644, London. Roger Williams. This refuted the grounds of his ban- ishment. Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe. One of the selec- tions of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Mr. Incoul's Misadventure. Novel. 1887. E. E. Saltus. 168 who's the author ? Mr. Isaacs. Novel. 1882. F. M. Crawford. A romance of India. Mr. Potter of Texas. Story. 1888. A. C. Gunter. Mr. Thompson's Prodigal. Short story. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for July. F. Bret Harte. Mrs. Bullfrog. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," g.v. Xathaniel Haw- thorne. Mrs. Gainsborough's Diamonds. Story. 1878. Julian Hawthorne. Mrs. Judge Jenkins. Poem. 1870-1874. F. Bret Harte. Mrs. Limber's Raffle: or A Church Fair and Its Victims. Short story. 1876. William Allen Butler. An arraignment of the morality of church fairs. Mrs. Partington, Life and Sayings of. Humorous sketches. 1854. B. P. Shillaber. Wrote also '• Partingtonian Patchwork," " Ike Partington's Stories." Mrs. Peixada. Novel. 1886, New York. Henry Harland (Sidney Luska). Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands and Other Sketches. 1872. Francis Bret Harte. The other sketches comprise " How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar," " The Princess Bob and Her Friends," " Iliad of Sandy Bar," " Mr. Thompson's Prodigal," " The Romance of Madroiio Hollow," " The Poet of Sierra Flat," "The Christmas Gift that Came to Rupert," " Urban Sketches," '• Legends and Tales." Mummies and Moslems. Sketches of travel. 1876. CD. Warner. Municipal History of Boston. 1852. Josiah Quincy (1772-1864).^ Murders in the Rue Morgue. Prose tale. 1841. in Graham's Magazine for April. E. A. Poe. 169 Museum of Foreign Literature. Periodical. Estab- lished 1822. In 1844 it became " The Eclectic Museum." Music in Camp. Civil War ballad. John R. Thompson. First line : " Two armies covered hill and plain." Music of the Night. Poem. John Neal. Musketaquid. Poem. 1840-1847. R.W.Emerson. Must We then meet as Strangers. Song. George Cooper. Mutability of Literature, The. One of the selec- tions of the "Sketch Book," q.v. Washington Irving. My Ain Countrie. Poem. Mary Augusta L. Demarest. My Autumn Walk. Poem. 1865, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. W. C. Bryant. My Aviary. Poem. 1878. O. W. Holmes. My Babes in the Wood. Poem. Sarah M. B. Piatt. My Bird. Poem. About 1848. Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forester). My Books. Poem. 1874, in Harper's Magazine for October. John G. Saxe. My Captain, O my Captain ! See " O Captain ! My Captain ! " My Child. Poem, 1840, in the Monthly Miscellany for October. John Pierpont. First line : " / cannot loake him dead!" My Childhood. Song. 1852. Sarah Roberts. My Country. 'Poem. 1887, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. G. E. Woodberry. " My country, 'tis of thee." First line of " Amer- ica," q.v. Samuel Francis Smith. My Cousin and I. Juvenile. 1879. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. My Double and How He Undid Me. Short story. 170 who's the author ? 1859, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. E. E. Hale. My Faith looks up to Thee. Hymn. Written 1830. Ray Palmer. My Farm of Edgewood. Sketches. 1863. Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel). My Garden. Poem. Published in Atlantic Monthly for December, 1866. R. W. Emerson. First line \ '■'- If I could put my ivoods in song." This poem was enlarged from his poem " Walden." My Garden Acquaintance. One of the essays in " My Study Windows," by J. R. Lowell. My Kinsman, Major Molineux. One of the selec- tions of '"The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. My Lady Pokahontas. Historical romance. 1885. J. E. Cooke. My Life is like the Summer Rose. Poem. 1815. Richard Henry Wilde. This song is part of " The Lament of the Captive," a fragment of an unfinished epic. My Life on the Plains. Biographical narrative. 1874. George Armstrong Custer. My Literary Passions. Autobiographical sketches. 1895. W. D. Howells. My ^Maryland. A famous battle hymn of the South. James Ryder Randall. It was written in 1861 at Poydras College, La., and first appeared in the Daily Delta of Xew Orleans, April, 1861. First line : '" The despot's heel is on thy shore." My Mother's Bible. Song. 1844-1858. George P. Mor- ris. First line : " This hook is all that's left me now." My Native Village. Poem. 1826, in the United States Review. John H. Bryant. My Old Kentucky Home. Song. 1850. Stephen Collins Foster. First line : " The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home." who's the author? 171 My Partner. Play. 1878-1879. Bartley Campbell. My Playmate. Poem. First appeared in the Atlan- tic Monthly, May, 1860. J. G. Whittier. Writ- ten under the title " Eleanor " ; first printed under the title " The Playmate." First line : " The pines were dark on Ramoth Hill" My Psalm. Poem. 1859, in the Atlantic Monthly for August. J. G. Whittier. My Soul and I. Poem. ^ 1847. J. G. Whittier. My Springs. Poem. Sidney Lanier. Lines to his wife's eyes. My Study Fire. Essays. 1890. Hamilton W. Mabie. My Study Windows. Literary essays. 1871. J. II. Lowell. My Summer in a Garden. Sketches. 1870. C. D. Warner. These delightful papers of amateur gardening experiences first appeared in the Hart- ford Courant in the spring and summer of 1870. My Trust. Poem. 1880. J. G. Whittier. My Winter on the Nile. Travel sketches. 1876. CD. Warner. My Year in a Log Cabin : A Bit of Autobiography. 1893. W. D. Howells. My Young Master. Novel. 1896. Opie Read. Myrtle and Steel, The. Song. About 1844. C. F. Hoffman. Mystery of Marie Roget, The. Prose tale. Sequel to " Murders in the Rue Morgue." November and December, 1842, and February, 1843, in Snowden's Ladies' Companion. Edgar Allan Poe. Mystery of Metropolisville, The. Novel. 1873. Edward Eggleston. Mystery of the Locks, The. Novel. 1885. E.WMIowe. Myth of Hiawatha, The. 1856. Henry Rowe School- craft. Longfellow drew upon this source (among others) for his famous '' Song of Hiawatha." Myths and Myth-makers : Old Tales and Supersti- 172 who's the author? tions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology. 1872, Boston. John Fiske. Myths of the New World : A Treatise on the Sym- bolism and jMytholog'y of the Red Race of America. 1868. D. G. Brinton. Nameless Nobleman, A. Romance. 1881, Boston. Jane G. Austin. Nameless Pain. Poem. About 1862. T. B. Aldrich. Napoleon, Life of. Biography. 1855. John S. C. Abbott. Napoleon. One of the selections of " Representative Men," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Narrative and Critical History of America. His- tory. 1884-1889. Justin Winsor. Narrative of Captivity, A. 1779. Ethan Allen. Narrative of John Tanner. 1830, Xew York. Edwin James. Narrative of the Late Massacre, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, of a Number of Indians, Friends of the Province, by Persons Unknown. Pamphlet. 1764. Benjamin Franklin. A vig- orous arraignment of the assault by the " Paxton Boys " on the Moravian Indians. Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the Earliest Settlement to the Year 1677. First published 1677, Boston and London. William Hubbard. Nasby in Exile. Sketches. 1882. David Ross Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). Nasby Papers, The. Humorous sketches, largely political, which appeared from time to time, in the form of letters, in the Toledo Blade. They began about 1860, and continued until the close of the war. They were collected and issued in book form as follows : The Nasby Papers, Let- ters and Sermons, Containing the Views on the who's the author? 173 Topics of the Day, of Petroleum V. Nasby, Pas- tor. 1864, Indianapolis. Divers Views, Opin- ions and Prophecies of Yours Trooly, Petroleum V. Nasby, Lait Paster in the Church of the Noo Dispensashun. 1865, Cincinnati. David Ross Locke. Nathan Hale. Play. Produced Jan. 31, 1898. William Clyde Fitch. Nathan Hale. War ballad. Francis M. Finch. First line : " To drum-heat and heart-heat" Nation, The : The Foundations of Civil Order and Political Life in the United States. Treatise. 1870. Elisha Mulford. Nation, The. Periodical. Established 1865. National Ode, The. Independence Square, Phila- delphia, July 4, 1876. Bayard Taylor. First line : "5'im of the stately Day" National Press, The. Periodical. Commenced 1845 by G. P. Morris. It afterward (Nov. 21, 1846) became the Home Journal. Native of Winby, A. Short story. 1893. Sarah Orne Jewett. Native Races of the Pacific States. Historical Re- searches. 1875. Hubert Howe Bancroft. 5 vols. Nature. An essay in eight chapters (really essays) which Ralph AValdo Emerson wrote in the same room of the " Old Manse " in which Hawthorne later penned his matchless " Mosses." It was published September, 1836, and its eight "chap- ters" comprised: 1, Introductory chapter; 2, Commodity ; 3, Beauty ; 4, Language ; 5, Disci- pline; 6, Idealism; 7, Spirit; 8, Prospects. Nature. Essay. 1844. R. W. Emerson. One of the "second series " of his essays. Nature. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. Nature and Elements of Poetry, The. Criticism. 1892. E. C. Stedman. 174 who's the author? Nature and the Supernatural, as Together Constitu- ting the One System of God. Treatise. 1858. Horace Bushnell. Nature of Evil. 1855. Henry James, Sr. Nature's Serial Story. Novel. 1844, New York. E. P. Roe. Naughty Brier Rose. Poem. H. H. Bovesen. Naval War of 1812, The. 1882. Theodore Roosevelt. Nazarene, The. Poem. 1884. George Henry Cal- vert. Near Home. Poem. 1858, Boston. "W. E. Channing. (1S18-). Near the Lake. Poem. 1844-1858. George P. Mor- ris. First line : ''''Near the lake where drooped the willow." Near to Nature's Heart. Novel. 1876, New York. E. P. Roe. Nearer Home. Poem. Written 1852. Phoebe Cary. First line : " One sweetly solemn thought" Necklace of Pearl, The. Poem. 1874, in Lippin- coiCs Magazine for January. R. H. Stoddard. Ned Myers. Novel. 1843. James Fenimore Cooper. Negative Gravity. Shortstory. 1886. F.R.Stockton. Neighbor Jackwood. Story. 1857. J. T. Trow- bridge. Nellie Braden. Novel. 1855. Annie (Chambers) Ketchum. Nelly Bly. Song. About 1850. Stephen Collins Foster. First line : ''Nelly Bly ! Nelly Bly ! bring de broom along." Nelly Gra^^ See " Darling Nelly Gray." Nelly Was a Lady. Song. 1849. Stephen Collins Foster. Nero : An Historical Play. Written in the summer of 1872 and published 1875. W. W. Story. Nests at Washington, The. Poem. About 1864. John J. Piatt with Sarah M. B. Piatt. who's the author? 175 Never Again. See " Flight of Youth." Never or Now. Poem of the Civil War. 1862. O. W. Holmes. First line : " Listen, young heroes ! your country is calling !'' New Adam and Eve, The. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Mause," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. New and the Old, The. Song. John K. Mitchell. New Birth, The. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. New Day, The. Poem. 1876. R. W. Gilder. New England. Poem. About 1820. J. G. Percival. New England Almanac. Compilation, begun 1773. Nathan Daboel. New England Boyhood, A. Narrative. 1893. E. E. Hale. New England Canaan, The ; Containing an Abstract of New England in Three Bookes. Printed 1637, at Amsterdam. Thomas Morton. This was a coarse work which ridiculed Puritan customs and beliefs. Morton, " with his roystering crew," settled at Mount Wollaston, now Brain- tree, Mass., christened the hill Merry (Ma-re) Mount, set up a May-pole there, and held revels which became so offensive to the neighboring Puritans that the pole was cut down by Miles Standish and Morton was sent back to England. Hawthorne's " May-Pole of Merry Mount " was founded on this incident. New England Charters, A Defence of the. 1728. Jeremiah Dummer. This was published in London when a bill to annul the charters of the New England colonies lay before the House of Commons. New England Courant, The. Periodical, established by James Franklin, 1721. Boston. New England Firebrand Quenched. Pamphlet. 1694-1706. A bitter reply to Roger Williams's 176 who's the author? pamphlet " George Fox Digg'd Out of His Bur- ro wes," q.v. George Fox. New England Girlhood, A. Narrative. 1889. Lucy Larcom. New England Legends. Collection of old stories about Charlestown, Newburyport, Dover, Salem, and Portsmouth. 1871. Harriet Elizabetli Prescott Spofford. New England Legends and Folk Lore. Collection of sketches. 1883. S. A. Drake. New England Reformers. Essay. 1844. R. W. Emerson. New England Tale, A. Novel. 1822. Catharine M. Sedgwick. New England Tragedies, The. Poem, dramatic. 1868. H. W. Longfellow. This is Part III. of " Christus : A Mystery," q.v. New England's Crisis. Poem, on King Philip's War. Written 1670-1675. Benjamin Tomp- son. New England's Dead. Poem. About 1832. Isaac McLellan. First line: ^^ New EnglancVs dead ! New England^s dead ! " New England's Memorial : or A Brief Relation of the Most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, Manifested to the Planters of New England in America. Annals. 1669. Nathaniel Morton. New England's Prospect. Description, in verse, said to be the first published account of Mass- achusetts. 1634. William Wood. New England's Salamander, Discovered by an Ir- religious and Scornful Pamphlet called "New England's Jonas Cast Up at London." Sermon. 1647. Edward Winslow. New England's Teares for Old England's Feares. Sermon. 1640. William Hooke. who's the author? 177 New Ezekiel, The. Poem. 1882-1888. Emma Lazarus. New Hampshire Gazette. Periodical. Established 1756. New Haven. Poem, satirical and sentimental. 1809. Samuel Woodworth. New King Arthur, The. Opera libretto. 1885, New York. Edgar Fawcett. New Mexico David, A. Sketch. 1891. C. F. Lummis. New Moon, The. Poem. Written March, 1826, at New York. Published in the New York RevieWj March, 1826. W. C. Bryant. New Organ, The. Poem. Will Carleton. New Pastoral, The. Poem. 1855. T. B. Read. This long poem comprises thirty-seven sketches of domestic and rural life. New Pilgrims Progress, The. Prose. 1828. J. K. Paulding. New Portfolio, The. Essays. 1885, in the Atlantic Monthly. O. W. Holmes. New Priest in Conception Bay, The. Novel. 1858. R. T. S. Lowell. A clerical story. New Rape of the Lock, The. Poem. 1847-1848. J. G. Saxe. New Roof, The. Allegory, embodying the argu- ment of debate in 1787 convention of Pennsyl- vania. Francis Hopkinson. His famous song, " The New Roof : A Song for Federal Mechan- ics," expressed its spirit in verse, many of its stanzas ending with the refrain : — " For our roof we will raise, and our song still shall be, A government firm, and our citizens free." New Views of Christianity, Society, and the Church. Treatise. 1836, Boston. O. A. Brownson. Notable for its negation of Protestantism. 178 who's the author? New Year, The. Poem. 1839. J. G. Whittier. New York, A Brief Description of the Province of. 1670. Daniel Denton. Said to be the first printed account of the city and the state. New Y^ork Gazette. Periodical. Established 1725. First in New Y'ork City. New York Gazetteer. See " Rivington's New Y^ork Gazetteer." New York, History of the Province of, from its First Discovery to the Y^ear 1732. 1757. Will- iam Smith. (1728-1793.) New Y^ork, The History of the City of. 1877-1881. A valuable work, the result of extensive re- search. Martha J. Lamb. New York Tribune. Established Nov. 29^1872, by Horace Greeley. Newburg Letters, The. These letters or addresses, as they were entitled, were wTitten anonymously from Newburg, N.Y., in 1783, by John Arm- strong. They were addressed to the American army, and detailed the complaints of the soldiers, setting forth especially the chief one of arrears of payment. They became famous, and were generally spoken of as " The Newburg Letters." Newes from Virginia: The Lost Flocke Triumphant. Ballad. 1610. R.Rich. First Une: ^' It is no idle, fabulous tale, nor is it faijned neices." Newport Romance. Poem. 1868-1874. F. Bret Harte. News, The. Poem. G. H. Clark. Newstead Abbey. One of the selections of the " Crayon Miscellany," q.v. Washington Irving. Niagara. Poem. 1827-1848. Lydia H. Sigourney. Niagara, The Fall of. Poem. About 1832. J. G. C. Brainerd. Nick of the Woods : or, The Jibbenainosay. Novel. 1837. R. M. Bird. who's the author? 179 Nicodemus the Slave. Song. About 1860. H.C.Work. Night. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. Night Sea, The. Poem. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. Night Sketches. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. " Night was dark and fearful, The." First line of the well-known song, "The Watcher," q.v. Sarah J. B. Hale. Night Wind. Poem. About 1854. T. B. Aldrich. Nights with Uncle Remus. Collections of Negro folklore stories. 1882. J. C. Harris. Nile Notes of a Howadji. Sketches of travel. 1850. G. W. Curtis. Niles' Weekly Register. Established 1811 by Heze- kiah Niles. No : A Story for Boys. 1886. Rose (Terry) Cooke. No Love Lost: A Romance of Travel. Poem. Writ- ten at Venice, and descriptive of a tourist's life there. 1868, New York. W. D. Howells. No Time Like the Old Time. Poem. 1865. O. W. Holmes. Noble Exile, The. Comedy. 1847. W. I. Paulding. Nominalist and Realist. Essay. 1844. R. W. Em- erson. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. De- scriptive and Historical Sketches. 1875. S. A. Drake. Noon. Hymn. 1824. G. W. Doane. Nooning. A poem which J. R. Lowell planned, but never completed. It was his intention to gather under this head many poems which he wrote at different times, especially the following : " Fitz Adam's Story "; "June Idyl," afterward renamed "Under the Willows "; the description of Spring in " Biglow Papers " ; " Voyage to Vinland " ; " Pictures from Appledore." 180 Norsemen, The. Poem. 1841. J. G. Whittier. North American Review, The. Periodical of wide literary reputation. Established May, 1815, at Boston, with William Tudor its first editor. To November, 1818, it was issued bi-monthly, when it became a quarterly and continued as such until 1877. It then became bi-monthly again to 1879. when it was changed to a monthly, in which form it has since been issued. North American Silva. 1817-1819. F. A. Michaux. An early work on the trees and shrubs of the country. North American Silva : or A Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. A. Michaux. 1842-1849. Thomas Xuttall. North Carolina, History of. 1812. Hugh Williamson. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, Travels through. 1791. William Bartram. North Carolina State Anthem. See "Old North State Forever." North Shore Watch, The. Poem. About 1890. G. E. Woodberry. Northern Lights^, The. Poem. About 1873. B. F. Taylor. Northern Travel. Sketches. 1857. Bayard Taylor. Northwood. Novel. 1827, Boston. Sarah J. B. Hale. Norwood: or Village Life in New England. Novel. 1868, New York. Henry Ward Beecher. Not Knov>-ing. Poem. 1869, in the Congregational- ist. Marv G. Brainard. Not of Her Father's Race. Novel. 1891. W. T. Meredith. Not Yet. Poem. 1861, in the New York Ledger of Aug. 17. W. C. Bryant. who's the author? 181 Notes on the New Testament. Commentaries, which were very popular. 1848-1859. M. W. Jacobus. Notes on the State of Virginia. 1787, London. Thomas Jefferson. Originally made for M. de Marbois, of the French legation in Philadelphia. Nothing to Wear : or An Episode in City Life. A very popular poetical satire which was first pub- lished anonymously in Harper's Weekly^ Febru- ary, 18-57, and afterward in volume form. AV. A.Butler. First line: '^Aliss Flora M'Flimsey, of Madison Square." Nova Anglia. An elaborate poem in Latin, with a paraphrase in English pentameter, descriptive of New England. 1625. William Morrell. Novanglus : A History of the Dispute with America from 1754-1774. John Adams. These were a series of political essays in the Boston Gazette, 1774, in reply to Daniel Leonard's "Massachu- Novel, The : What It Is. 1893. F. M. Crawford. November Boughs. Poems and prose papers. 1888. Walt Whitman. No-w and Then. Poem. G. H. Clark. '•Now launch the boat upon the wave." First line of J. G. Percival's well known " Greek Emigi-ant's Song," q.v. Nugae. Collection of poems. 1854. Albert Pike. Nurse Crumpet Tells the Story. Short story. 1887, in Harper's Monthly Magazine for September. Amelie Rives Chanler Troubetzkoy. O, Boys, Carry Me 'Long. Song, plantation. 1853. S] C. Foster. O, Captain ! My Captain ! Poem on the death of Lincoln, 1865. Walt Whitman. First line : " O. Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done!" O, Lemuel. Song. 1858. S. C. Foster. 182 who's the author? O, Little Town of Bethlehem. Poem. Written 1865-1866. Sung for the first time, Christmas, 1868. Phillips Brooks. O, Soft Spring Airs. Poem. About 1882. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. O, Sweetly Breathe the Lyres Above. Hymn. 1843. Ray Palmer. O, Think Not that the Bosom's Light. Poem. A. G. Greene. O, Wrap the Flag Around Me, Boys. Civil W^ar bal- lad. R. S. Tajdor. Oak Openings. jSTovel. 1848. J. F. Cooper. Oath of Freedom, The. Civil War ballad. J. B. Hope. First line: "■Born free, thus ice resolve to live.'' Observations on the Boston Port Bill. Pamphlet. 1774. Josiah Quincy (1744-1775). Occultation of Orion. Poem. 1845, in Graham's Magazine for November. H. W. Longfellow. Ocean, The. Poem. About 1841. Charles Sprague. Octave to Mary, An. Poem. J. B. Tabb. October. Poem. 1826, in the United States Review for October. W. C. Bryant. Ode for the Consecration of Sleepy Hollow Ceme- tery. B. F. Sanborn. Ode on the Occasion of Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead at Magnolia Cemetery, Charles- ton, S. C. About 1860. Henry Timrod. Ode to Fortune. Poem, from " The Croakers." Appeared in New York Evening Post June 9, 1817. Halleck and Drake. First line : " Fair lady with the bandaged eye ! " Ode to France. Poem. 1848. J. R. Lowell. Ode to the Departed. Poem. Written 1844, in Cuba. Maria G. Brooks (Maria del Occidente). Ode to Shakespeare. See " Shakespeare Ode," by Charles Sprague. who's the author? 183 Ode Written for the Celebration of the Introduction of the Cochituate Water into the City of Boston. Poem. 1848. J. R. Lowell. Off Shore. Poem. 1862, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. Celia Thaxter. " Oh, a wonderful stream is the River Time." See '' Isle of the Long Ago." " Oh, Mother of a Mighty Race." Poem. 184:7, in Graham's Magazine for July. W. C. Bryant. "Oh, river far flowing." First line of B. F. Taylor's poem. " Rhymes of the River," q.v. " Oh, Susannah ! " Song. About 1817. S. C. Foster. Ohio, Historical Collections of. A notable work of considerable research. 1847. Henry Howe. Ojibway Conquest. Poem. 1850. George Copway (Kahgegwagebow). Wrote also the "American Indian," a work of considerable note in its day. Old Abe, the Wisconsin War Eagle. F. A. Flower, Old Age. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See " Society and Solitude." Old Apple Dealer, The. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Old Bachelor, The. Series of essays modelled on the Spectator plan, begun 1810, in the Rich- mond Enquirer, and continued in it for some thirty odd numbers, written by William Wirt in conjunction with several of his friends, among them being Dabney Carr, Frank Carr, R. E. Parker, and Dr. Girardin. The papers were published, 1812, in volume form. Old Battle Ground, The. 1859. J. T. Trowbridge. Old Bible, The. Poem. 1850, in the Knickerbocker Magazine for January. R. H. Stoddard. Old Black Joe. Song. 1860. S. C. Foster. Old Burying Ground, The. Poem. 1858, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. J. G. Whittier. 184 Old Chapel Bell, The. Ballad. About 1849. J. G. Saxe. First line: '■'Within a churchyard's sacred ground." In an edition of Saxe's poems a footnote says that this ballad is a paraphrase of a prose tale written by Alice B. Neal and pub- lished anonymouslv as a German translation. Old Church Bell, The.^ See "Old Chapel Bell." Old Clock on the Stairs, The. Poem. Written November, 1845. H. W. Longf ello\Y. First line; " Somewhat back from the village street." Old Clock, The. Poem. James Xack. Through it runs a refrain : " Hei'e she goes — and there she goes," which has given it its more popular title, i.e. that of the refrain. Old Continental, The : or. The Price of Liberty. Story of the Revolution. 1846. J. K. Paulding. Old Continentals. See " Carmen Bellicosum." Old Cove, The. Poem. H. H. Brownell. Old Creole Days. Sketches. 1879. G. W. Cable. These first came out in Scribner's Monthly and were afterward collected under above title. Old Cruiser, The. Poem. 1869. O. W. Holmes. Old Doctor, The : A Romance of Queer Village. Storv. 1885. J. V. Chenev. Old Dog Tray. Song. 1847-1850. S. C. Foster. So popular did this song quickly become, 125,000 copies were sold in eighteen months. Old English Dramatists, The. Essavs. 1892. J. R. Lowell. Old Esther Dudley. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Xathaniel Hawthorne. Old-Fashioned Girl, An. Novel. Juvenile. 1870. Louisa M. Alcott. Old Fogv, The. Poem. R. H. Messenger. Old Folks Are Gone, The. Song. G. F. Root. Old Folks at Home. A famous plantation song. Published 1850. Written before the author was who's the author? 185 twenty years old. S. C. Foster. He received for this $15,000. First line : " Way down upon de Swannee Ribber." Old Friends and New. Short stories. 1879. Sarah Orne Jewett. Old Garden and other Verses. 1886. Boston. IMargaret Deland. Old Grimes. Poem and popular song. About 1820-1830. A. G. Greene. First line: ''Old Grimes is dead : that good old man." Old Home by the River, The. 1874. J. C. Dutcher. Old Ironsides. Poem. Sept. 16, 1830, in the Boston Daily Advertiser. O. AV. Holmes. This poem was inspired by the announcement that the old frigate Constitution was to be dismantled. First line: ''■Ay, tear her tattered ensign doum!" " Old Ironsides at anchor lay." First line of " Main- Truck." q.v. Old Kaskaskia. Romance, historical. 1893. Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Old Kentucky Home. See "My Old Kentucky Home." Old Landmarks and Historic Fields of Middlesex. Historical colloquial rambles. 1873. S. A. Drake. Old Love Letters. A one-act comedy. Produced at the Park Theatre, New York City, Aug. 31, 1878. Bronson Howard. Old :Maid, The. Poem. About 1844. Amelia B. Welbv. Old Major Explains, The. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Old Man's Calendar, The. Sermon. 1781. Ebenezer Gay. Old Man of the Sea, The. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Old Man's Funeral, The. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literary Gazette, May 1. W. C. Bryant. 186 who's the author? Old Men's Fears for their own Declensions. Tract. 1691. Joshua Scottow. This was a vigorous protestation against the imagined degeneracy of his age. Old Mill, The. Song. T.D.English. First line : " Here from the brow of the hill I look." Old Navy and the New, The. Narrative. 1891. Daniel Ammen. Old News. One of the selections of " The Snow- Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Old North State Forever. North Carolina State An- them. AVilliam Gaston. First line : '^Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's blessing attend her."' Old Northwest, The : With a view of the Thirteen Colonies as constituted by the Royal Charters. Historical sketch. 1888, New York. B. A. Hinsdale. Old Oaken Bucket. Song. Written in the summer of 1817. SaraueMVoodworth. This widely popu- lar song originally appeared under the title of "The Bucket." First line: ''How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood." Old Pennsylvania Farmer, The. Poem. Bayard Taylor. Old Potomac Shore, The. Song._ G. F. Root. Old Regime in Canada, The. Historical narrative. 1874. Francis Parkman. See also '* France and England in North America." Old Sergeant, The. Civil War poem. Forceythe Willson. Written for the Louisville Journal, Jan. 1, 1863. First line : " Come a little nearer, Doctor, — thank you! — let me take the cup.'"' Old Sexton, The. Song. Park Benjamin. First line : " Nigh to a grave thai ivas neioly made." Old Ship of Zion, The. Song. John Alfred Macon. First line : " Oh, eb'ry thing's ready." who's the author? 187 Old Soldier, An. One of the selections of " Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Old Song Reversed, An. Poem. 1871-1880. R. H. Stoddard. This refers to his earlier " Flight of Youth," famous for its line, '■'■And it never comes again." Old South, The. Social and political essays. 1892. Thomas N. Page. Old Story-Tellers. 1877. D. G. MitcheU. Old Swimmin' Hole. Poem, in the "Hoosier" dia- lect. 1883. James Whitcomb Riley. It origi- nally appeared in the Indianapolis Journal, over the signature " Benj. F. Johnson of Boone." Old Ticonderoga : A Picture of the Past. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image and other Twice-Told Tales." ]SI^athaniel Hawthorne. Old Town by the Sea, An. 1883. T. B. Aldrich. A description of his birthplace, Portsmouth. Old Town Folks. Story of New England village life at a time just after the Revolution. 1869. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. Old Tree, The. Poem. About 1825. E. C. Pink- ney. Old Uncle Ned. Song, widely popular. 1847. Stephen Collins Foster. First line : " There was an old darkey and his name loas Uncle Ned." Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. History. 1897. John Fiske. Oldport Days. Sketches. 1873. T. W. Higginson. Oliver Goldsmith. Biography. 1849. Washing- ton Irving. Olivia Delaplaine. Novel. 1888, Boston. Edgar Fawcett. Ollapodiana. Essays, observations, and anecdotes, contributed to the Knickerbocker Magazine. Wil- lis Gay lord Clark. Omoo. Story of adventure. 1847. Her nian Melville. 188 On a Cone of the Big Trees. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. On a Travelling Speculator. Poem. Philip Freneau. On Board the " Cumberland." Poem. 1864. George Henry Boker. First line : " ' Stand to your guns, men ! ' Morris cried.'' On Horseback. Travel sketches. 1888. C.D.Warner. A tour in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennes- see, with notes of travel in Mexico and Cali- fornia. On receiving an Eagle's Quill from Lake Superior. Poem. 1849. J. G. Whittier. On the Capture of Fugitive Slaves near Washington. Poem. 1845. J. R. Lowell. On the Death of a Friend's Child. Poem. 1844, in i\\e Democratic Reviewior October. J. R. Lowell. On the Death of Joseph Rodman Drake. Ode. 1820. Fitz-Greene Halleck. First line : " Green he the turf above thee." On the Freedom of the Will. Treatise. 1754. Jonathan Edwards. This is generally admitted to be his best work. Its full title runs, " A Careful and Strict Inquiry into the Modern Pre- vailing Notion that Freedom of Will is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency." On the Frontier. Collection of short stories. 1884. F. Bret Harte. The collection contains : " At the Mission of San Carmel," "A Blue Grass Pen- elope," and "Left out on Lone Star Mountain." On the Memorable Victory. Poem. First published in Francis Bailey's Freeman's Journal, Philadelphia, August, 1781."^ Philip Freneau. Refers to the victory of Capt. Paul JoneS of the Bon Homme Richard over the Serapis under Capt. Pearson. Fought off Flamborough Head. Sept. 23, 1779. On the Righi. Poem. About 1873. Josiah G. Holland. who's the author? 189 On the Ruins of a Country Inn. Poem. Philip Freneau. On the Suwannee River. Romance. 1895. Opie Read. One Fair Woman, The. Romance. 1876. Cincin- natus Hiner Miller (Joaquin INIiller). Scene is on the shores of the Mediterranean. One-Hoss Shay, The. See ''Deacon's Masterpiece." One I knew the Best of All, The. An autobio- graphical tale. 1893. Frances H. Burnett. One Night in June. Popular song. 1899. Charles K. Harris. One of Our Girls. Play. Produced 1885. Bron- son Howard. One Summer. Story. 1875. Blanche Willis How- ard von Teuffel. "One sweetly solemn thought." First line of Phoebe Cary's " Nearer Home," q.v. Only Waiting. Poem. About 1854. Frances Parker Mace. Open Polar Sea, The. Narrative. 1867. Isaac Israel Hayes. Open thy Lattice, Love. Song. First appeared 1842, in Baltimore, Md. Stephen Collins Foster. Said to be his first published song. Open Window, The, Poem. 1849, in the Southern Literary Messenger for November. Henry W. Longfellow. First line: " The old house hy the lindens'' The house referred to was the Lech- mere House, Brattle Street, corner Sparks Street, in Cambridge. Opening of a Chestnut Burr. Novel. 1874. E.P.Roe. Optimist, The. Poem. 1884. J. R. Lowell. Oregon Trail. Historical narratives. 1849. Fran- cis Parkman. Originally appeared as a series of papers in the Knickerbocker Magazine, 1849; afterward issued in volume with title " The Cali- 190 who's the author? fornia and Oregon Trail," 1849, and in later editions changed back again to title '' The Ore- gon Trail." Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Report. 1864, Xew York. George Brinton McClellan, geueral-in-chief of the Fed- eral armies, 1861-1802. This report, submitted to the War Department, and issued first in 1864, was afterward (1887) published in a revised form with the title " McClellan's Own Story." Oriental Harp. Poems. 1826, Boston. Robert S. Coffin. Original Belle, An. Xovel. 1885. E. P. Roe. Original Sin. Treatise. 1757. Jonathan Edwards. Ormond: or. The Secret Witness. Novel. 1799, Xew York. Charles Brockden Brown. Ornithological Biographies. 1831-1839. John James Audubon. 5 vols. Orpheus C. Kerr Papers: Being a Complete Contem- poraneous Military History of the Mackerel Brigade. A series of humorous letters on the Civil War and afterward. 1862-1868, New l'"ork. R. H. Newell (Orpheus C. Kerr). Orta Undis and other Poems. 1848. James Mat- thews Legare. Orthodoxy : Its Truths and Errors. Treatise. 1866. James F. Clarke. Other Girls, The. Novel, juvenile. 1873. Adeline D. T. Whitney. Other Side Letters. A series of articles, widely reprinted, which were contributed 1876 and 1877 to the Steuben Courier. Guy Humphrey Mc- Master. Other Woman, The. Short story. 1891, in Scrib- 7ier's Magazine for March. R. H. Davis. Otis, Life of James. Biography. 1823, Boston. William Tudor. 191 Our Colonial Homes. Descriptive and historical sketches of noted dwellings. 1894. S. A. Drake. Our Country. Poem, patriotic. 1865. O. W. Holmes. First line : " Our country ! Treason's lorithing asp." Our Country. History. 1873. B. J. Lossing. Our Country's Call. War poem. 1861, in the Neio York Ledger of Nov. 2. W. C. Bryant. First line : '"'■ Lay down the axe,Jiing by the spade." Our Friend from Victoria. Play. 1865. C. H. Webb (John Paul). Our Home — Our Country. Poem. 1880. O. W. Holmes. This poem was written for the semi- centennial celebration of the settlement of Cam- bridge, Mass., Dec. 28, 1880. First line : ''Your home was mine, — kind Nature's gift." Our Hundred Days in Europe. Sketches of travels. 1887. O. W. Holmes. Our Italy. Sketches of California. 1891. C. D. Warner. Our Moral Nature : Being a Brief System of Ethics. Treatise. 1892. James McCosh. Our Old Home. Series of sketches from notes made during his consulate at Liverpool. 1863. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Our AVild Indians. Studies of Indian life. 1882, Hartford, Conn. R. I. Dodge. Out-Door Papers. Sketches. 1863. T.W. Higginson. Out-Doors at Idlewild. Sketches, as the author states, "Of an invalid retirement to the high- lands of the Hudson, written in letters to the Home Journal." 1885. N. P. Willis. Out of His Head. Romance in prose. 1864. T. B. Aldrich. Out of the Deeps of Heaven. Poem. About 1871. R. H. Stoddard. 192 who's the author? Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan. 1895. Lafcadio Hearn. Out of the Foam. Novel. 1869, New York. J. E. Cooke. Out of the Hurly Burly : or, Life in an Old Corner. Humorous sketches. 1871. C. H. Clark (Max Adeler) . Out of the Old House, Nancy. Ballad. About 1873. Will Carleton. Out of the Question. Comedy. 1877, Boston. W. D. Howells. It originaliy appeared in the Atlantic Monthly^ March and April, 1877. Out of the Silence. Poems. 1897. J. V. Cheney. Out-of-Town Places : A Revision of Rural Studies. Sketches. 1881. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Outcast, An. Novel. 1861. F. C. Adams. Outcast, The. Poem. 1836. S. G. Goodrich. Outcast, The. Poem. About 1869. J. W. Watson. Outcasts of Poker Flat, The. Short story. 1869, in the Overland Monthly. F. Bret Harte. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, based on the Doc- trine of Evolution, with Criticisms on the Posi- tive Philosophy. 1871, Boston. John Fiske. Outre Mer. Prose sketches. 1835. H. W. Long- fellow. Over-Soul, The. Essay. 1811. R. W. Emerson. Over the Hill to the Poor House. Ballad. About 1873. Will Carleton. Over the Ocean. Travels. 1871, Boston. Curtis Guild. Over the River. Poem. About 1870. Nancy A. W. P. Wakefield. First line : " Over the river they beckon to me.'' Over the Teacups. Conversational essays. 1890. O. W. Holmes. Overland Monthlv. Periodical. Established July, 1868, with F. Bret Harte, editor. who's the author? 193 Ox Tamer, The. Poem. Walt Whitman. Pace that Kills, The : A Chronicle. Novel. 1889. E. E. Saltus. Pacificus. Over this signature Alexander Hamilton wrote, in the summer of 1793, a series of letters on neutrality, to which JNIadison replied in a series of essays over the signature " Helvidius." Paddle Your Own Canoe. Poem. 1854, in Har- per's Magazine for ]\lay. Sarah Tittle Barritt Bolton. First line : '■'■Voyager upon life's sea" Pages from an Old Volume of Life, 1857-1881. Collection of essays. 1883. O. W. Holmes. Pain in Autumn. Poem. About 1856. R. H.Stod- dard. Palabras Carifiosas. Poem. About 1862. T. B. Aldrich. Palatine, The. Poem. 1867, in Atlantic Monthly for January. J. G. Whittier. Palingenesis. Poem. l^Q^,'mihQ Atlantic Montlily for July. H. W. Longfellow. Palm and the Pine. Poem. About 1851. Bayard Taylor. Palmetto Leaves. Sketches of life in Florida. 1873. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. Pampinea. Poem. 1861, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. T. B. Aldrich. Pan in Wall Street. Poem. 1867, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. E. C. Stedman. Pandora. Short story. About 1885. Henry James. Panorama, The. Poem. 1856. J. G. Whittier. First line : " Through the long hall the shuttered ivindoics shed." Paper City, A. Novel. 1878. David Ross Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). Paquita. Play, produced, 1885, at the Fourteenth Street Theatre, New York. Bartley Campbell. 194 who's the author? Para Papers : or France, Egypt, and Ethiopia. Travels. 18.58. George L. Ditson. Parable, A. Poem. 1852. J.R.Lowell. First line : "Afi ass munched thistles, while a nightingale." Parable of the Ten A^irgins, Opened and Applied. Sermon. 1660. Thomas Shepard. Paris Papers, or Mr. Silas Deane's Late Intercepted Letters to his Brother and Other Friends. 1871, New York. Silas Deane. Parliamentary Practices. See " Deliberative Assem- blies." Parlor Car, The. Farce. 1876, Boston. W. D. Howells. It first appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, September, 1876. Parnassus. Collection of poems of American and British authors. December, 1871. K. W. Emerson. Parrhasius. Poem. About 1837. X. P. "Willis. Story of a slave put to death by torture, in order that an artist might paint his agony. Parson Turell's Legacy. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Partial Portraits. Essays. 1888. Henry James, Jr. Parting and a Meeting, A. Story. 1891, in the Cosmopolitan Magazine for December. W. D. Howells. Parting Glass, The. Poem. About 1786. Philip Freneau. Partingtonian Patchwork. Humorous sketches. 1873, Boston. B. P. Shillaber (Mrs. Parting- ton) . Partisan, The : A Tale of the Revolution. Romance. 1835. W. G. Simms. Passage to India. Poem. 1870. Walt "Whitman. Passages from a Relinquished Work. One of the selections of '- Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v, Nathaniel Hawthorne. who's the author? 195 Passe Rose. Romance. 1889. A. S. Hardy. Passing Away. Poem. 18i0. John Pierpont. Passion Flowers. Poems. 1854. Julia (Ward) Howe. Passionate Pilgrim, The. Short tale. 1875, Boston. Henry James. Past, The. Poem. 1829, in the Talisman. W. C. Bi-yant. First line : " Thou unrelenting Past ! '■' Patent Laws of all Nations. 1886. B. V. Abbott. Path, The. Poem, written at Roslyn, L. I. 1863. W. C. Bryant. Pathfinder, The. Novel. 1840. J. F. Cooper. This novel, the third in the series of the " Leather- Stocking Tales," q.v., was the fourth in order of publication. Patience Strong's Outings. Story, juvenile. 1868. Adeline D. T. Whitney. Patrins. Essays. 1897. Louise Imogen Guiney. Patriot Schoolmaster, The : or. The Adventures of the Two Boston Cannon, the "Adams " and " Han- cock." Juvenile. 1894. Hezekiah Butterworth. Paul Fane. Novel. 1856. N. P. Willis. Paul Felton. Prose work, included in "The Idle Man," q.v. R. H. Dana. Paul Patoff. Novel. 1887. F. M. Crawford. Paul Revere's Ride. Poem. Written 1860. H. W. Longfellow. This poem is The LandlorcVs Tale in Part First of " Tales of a Wayside Inn." First line : " Listen, my children, and you shall hear." Peach Blossom. Poem. 1877, in the Atlantic ^fonthly for June. Bayard Taylor. Pearl of Orr's Island, The. Story of New England village life about the Coast of Maine. 1862. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. It first ap- peared in the Independent. Peep at Number Five, A. Story of clerical life. 1851, Boston. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. This 196 who's the author? story was very popular in its day. Its author was the mother of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Pelayo : A Story of the Goth. Romance. 1838. \V. G. Simms. Pelican Papers, The. Satires. 1879, Kew York. J. W. Gerard. Pembroke. Novel. 1894. Mary E. Wilkins. Pen Portraits of Illustrious Abstainers. Biographi- cal sketches. 1881, New York. G. W. Bungay. Pencillings by the Way. Travel sketches. 183.5. N. P. Willis. These originally appeared as let- ters in the Neio Yoi^k Mirror. Penelope. Poem, in dialect. 1870, in the Overland Monthly for August. F. Bret Harte. Penelope. Poem. About 1860. E. C. Stedman. Penelope's Progress: Being such Extracts from the Commonplace Book of Penelope Hamilton as Relate to her Experiences in Scotland. Travel sketches bound with the thread of a story. 1898. Kate Douglas Wiggin Riggs. Pennsylvania. A Brief Account of. 1682. Will- iam Penn. Pennsylvania, A Brief Account of the Province of. William Smith (1721-1803). Pennsylvania and New Jersey; An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Coun- trv of. 1698. Gabriel Thomas. Pennsylvania, History of, 1776-1780. 1797. Rob- ert Proud. Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser. Estab- lished 1781. This was the first daily newspaper in the United States. Pennsylvania Pilgrim, The. Poem. 1872. J. G. Whittier. First line : " / sing the Pilgrim of a softer clime.'''' Pension Beaurepas. Short serial. 1878. Henry James. who's the author? 197 Pentucket. Poem. 1838. J. G. Whittier. People I Have Met. Sketches. 1850. N. P. Willis. Pepaeton. Essays on Nature. 1881. John Bur- roughs. Percy's Masque. Drama. 1820. James A. Hillhouse. Perfect Day and Other Poems, A. 1881. Ina Donna Coolbrith, Perfect Life, The. Sermons, posthumous. 1872. William Ellery Channing (1780-1842). Peril. Play. Bartley Campbell. Personal Reminiscences of Carlyle. Biographical essays. 1881. Henry James. Personally Conducted. Travel sketches, juvenile. 1889. F. ,R. Stockton. Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure. One of the selec- tions of "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Peter Parley's Almanacs for Old and Young. John Downes. Peter Parley's Universal History. 1837. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Peter Patrick. Novel. 1887, Boston. Sarah Pratt (McLean) Greene. Peter Pilgrim. Collection of tales and sketches. 1838. Robert Montgomery Bird. This is note- worthy for its early description of the Mammoth Cave. Peter Rugg : The Missing Man. Sketch. It appeared (1824-1826) in the New England Galaxy, and was a great favorite in its day. William Austin. Peter Stuyvesant's New Year's Call. Poem. E. C. Stedman. Petrified Fern, The. Poem. Mary (Bolles) Branch. Pewee, The. Poem. About 1869. J. T. Trowbridge. Phantom Ship, The. Poem. Written Oct. 11, 1850. Henry W. Longfellow. First Ime : " In Mather's Magnalia Christu'' 198 who's the author? Philip Nolan's Friends. Novel. 1876. E.E.Hale. Philip of Pokanoket. One of the selections of the -Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Philip the Second, King of Spain, History of. 1855, Boston. William H. Prescott. Philo : An Evangeliad. Poem of a didactic charac- ter defending Unitarian doctrines. 1850, Bos- ton. Sylvester Judd. Philosopher Toad, The. Poem, satirical. Rebecca S. Nichols. Philosophic Solitude. Poem. 1747. William Liv- ingston. Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded. 1857, London. Delia Salter Bacon. The first to advance the Baconian theory of the authorship of the plays of Shakespeare. Philothea. Classical romance of the time of Pericles and Aspasia. 1836. Lydia Maria Child. Phoenixiana. Humorous sketches. 1855. G. H. Derby (John Phoenix). Phonography, Manual of. 1860. Benn Pitman. Phyllis of the Sierras, A. Story. 1888. F. Bret Harte. Physical Geography, Eclectic. A concise and au- thoritative work. 1888. Russell Hinman. Physical Geographv of the Sea. Treatise. 1855. :\latthew F. Maury. Piazza Tales, The. ' Collection of stories. 1856. Herman ]\lelville. Picket Guard, The. Poem. First appeared in Harper's Weekly, November, 1861. Ethelinda Beers (Ethel Lynn). This poem also appeared later under the title " All Quiet Along the Potomac." It had many claimants of author- ship. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. History. 1852. Benson J. Lossing. who's the author? 199 Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812. History. 1868. Benson J. Lossing. Pictorial History of the Civil War. History. 1866- 1869. Benson J. Lossing. Picture of St. John, The. Poem, dramatic. 1866. Bayard Taylor. Pictures of Edgewood. Sketches. 1869. Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Pictures of Memory. Poem. About 1850. Alice Gary. Piece of Land, A. Short story. About 1884. J. C. Harris. Pierre : "or The Ambiguities. Story. 1852. Herman Melville. Pietro Ghisleri. Novel. 1893. F. M. Crawford. Pike County Ballads. Poems. 1871. John Hay. Pilgrim Fathers, The. Poem. Written for the anniversary of the Pilgrim Society at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1824. John Pierpont. First line: " The Pilgrim Fathers — where are theyV Pillar of Fire, The. Popular religious romance. 1859. Joseph H. Ingraham. Pills : Poetical, Political, and Philosophical. Satiri- cal poem. 1809. T. G. Fessenden. Pilot, The. Sea tale. 1823. James Fenimore Cooper. This was the first of his many sea novels, and in it he drew that strongly individualized charac- ter. Long Tom Coffin, as clearly cut as Natty Bumpo, of the " Leather Stocking Tales.'' Pilot's Story, The. Poem. 1860, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. W. I). Howells. Pine-Tree, The. Poem. 1846. John G. AVhittier. Pine's ^Lystery, The. Poem. Paul Hamilton Hayne. Pioneer, The. Literary and Critical Magazine. Established January, 1843. Edited by J. R. Lowell. Three numbers were issued. Among those who contributed to it were Neal, Dwight, Hawthorne, Poe, and Parsons. 200 who's the author? Pioneers of France in the New World. Histor- ical narrative. 1865. Francis Parkmau. See also " France and England in North America." Pioneers, The. Novel. 1823. James Fenimore Cooper. This novel, in the order of publication, was the first of the famous '* Leather Stocking Tales," but in point of time of story, it is fourth in the series. Pious Editor's Creed, The. Sixth paper of the First Series of the " Biglow Papers," q.v. J. R. Lowell. Pipes at Lucknow, The. Poem. 1858. J. G. Whittier. Pique. Play. Produced Dec. 14, 1875. John Augustin Daly. Piscataqua River. Poem. About 1856. T. B. Aldrich. Pit and the Pendulum, The. Prose tale. 1843, in the The Gift. Edgar Allan Poe. Plague of Darkness, The. Poem. 1824. George \Y. Doane. Plain Fishing. Short story. About 1888. F. R. Stockton. Plain Language from Truthful James. Poem. September, 1870, in the Overland Monthly. F. Bret Harte. This famous poem is more familiarly known by the title " The Heathen Chinee." First line : " Which I wish to remark." Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. Series of popu- lar lectures. 1865. J. G. Holland. Plain Truth : or Serious Considerations of the Present State of the City of Philadelphia and Province of Pennsylvania. Pamphlet. 1747. Benjamin Franklin. Planting of the Apple-Tree, The. Poem. 1864, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. W. C. Bryant. Planting the Wilderness. Popular story of frontier who's the author? 201 adventures, juvenile. 1869, Boston. James D. McCabe. Plato. One of the selections of " Representative Men," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Plato to Theon. Poem. About 1795. Philip Freneau. Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. A volume (prose and poetry) of reminiscences of a European tour. 1842. Lydia H. Sigourney. Pleasure Boat, The. Poem. About 1833. R. H. Dana. Pliocene Skull. See " To the Pliocene Skull." Ploughman, The. Poem. 1849. O. W. Holmes. An anniversary of the Berkshire Agricultural Society, Oct. 4, 1849. Plymouth Collection of Hymns. 1855. Compiled by Henry Ward Beecher. Pocahontas. Poem. 1841. Lydia H. Sigourney. Pocahontas and Powhatan. Historical narrative. 1879. Edward Eggleston, in collaboration with his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Seelye. Podesta's Daughter, The. Poem (dramatic sketch). 1856. G. H. Boker. Poe, Life of Edgar Allan. Biography. 1885. George E. Woodberry. One of the best biogra- phies of Poe. Poems for Children. 1883. Celia Thaxter. Poems of Places. 1876-1879. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. These comprise thirty-one volumes. Poems of the Orient. 1855. Bayard Taylor. Poems of the War. 1864. G. H. Boker. Poems of Two Friends. 1860. J. J. Piatt and W. D. Howells. Poems on Slavery. 1842. H. W. Longfellow, Comprised the following: "To William E. Channing," "The Slave's Dream," "The Good Part," " The Slave in the Dismal Swamp," " The 202 who's the author? Slave Singing at Midnight," " The Witnesses," " The Quadroon Girl," " The Warning." Poet and the Master, The. Poem. 1878. R. W. Gilder. Poet at the Breakfast Table, The. Conversational essays. 1872. O. W. Holmes. Poet of the Sierra Flat, The. Short story. 1871, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. F. Bret Harte. Poet, The. Essay. 1844. R. W." Emerson. Poet. The. Poem. 1864. W. C. Bryant. Poetic Principle, The. Essay. 1850, in Sartain's Union Magazine for October. E. A. Poe. Poetical Meditations : Being the Improvement of Some Vacant Hours. Poems. 1725, Xew Lon- don. Roger Wolcott. Poetry : A Metrical Essay, read before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Harvard University, Au- gust, 1836. O. W. Holmes. First line : " Scenes of my youth ! Awake its slumbering Jire ! " Poetry of Tennyson, The. Criticism. 1890. En- larged edition, 1895. Henry Van Dyke. Poetry of the East. 1856. W. R. Alger. Poets and Poetry of America. Compilation. 1842, Philadelphia". R. W. Griswold. Poets and Poetry of Europe. A volume of selected poems (translated) representing the various literatures of Europe. 1845, Philadelphia. H. W. Longfellow. Poet's Calender, The. Poems. Written 1878-1881. H. W. Longfellow. These were written at dif- ferent times between the years given above, with each month's name for title of each poem throughout the year. Poet's Hope, The. Poem. W. E. Channing (1818-). Poet's Journal, The. 1862. Bayard Taylor. Poets of America. Literary criticism. 1885. E. C. Stedman. who's the author? 203 Poet's Tale, The. See "Birds of Killingworth," the poet's first tale, in " Tales of a Wayside Inn " ; " Lady Wentworth," poet's second tale ; " Charlemagne," poet's third tale. Politian, Scenes from. Drama. 1835, in the South- ern Literary Messenger. E. A. Poe. Political Essays. 1888. J. R. Lowell. Political Science Quarterly. Periodical. Estab- lished 1886. Politics. Essay. 1844. R. W. Emerson. Ponkapog to Pesth. See "From Ponkapog to Pesth." Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man. Story. 1836. Catharine M. Sedgwick. Poor Richard. Short serial- 1867. Henry James. Poor Richard's Almanac. A famous almanac begun 1733 by Benjamin Franklin, in which, under the pseudonym of Richard Saunders (Poor Richard) Philomath, Printer, he put forth his pithy proverbs and moralities. It was issued 1733-1749, and from 1758 to 1796, but Franklin, it is thought, had little connection with it after 1748. Popular Science Monthly. Periodical. Established 1872. Popular Superstitions. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Porcupiniad, The: An Hudibrastic Poem. 1799. ^Matthew Carey. Portala's Cross. Poem. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for August. F. Bret Harte. Portfolio, The. Literary periodical of consider- able note in its day. 1801-1827, Philadelphia. Joseph Dennie was its first editor, and continued as such until his death in 1812. Up to 1809 it was a weekly, when it became a monthly. It contiuued until December, 1827. 204 who's the author? Portrait of a Lady, The. Character study of an American woman newspaper correspondent. 1880-1881, in the Atlantic Monthly. Henry James. Potiphar Papers. Light satirical sketches on society. 1852, in Putnam's Monthly. G. W. Curtis. Pott's Painless Cure. Short story. Edward Bel- lamy. Power. One of the selections of " Conduct of Life," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Prairie, The. Novel. 1827. James Fenimore Cooper. This novel is the last (in point of time) of the " Leather Stocking Tales," q.v., but in order of publication it was thu'd. Prairie Songs. Poems. 1893. Hamlin Garland. Prairies, The. Poem. 1833, in the Knickerbocker Magazine for December. W. C. Bryant. Pray for the Dead. Poem. A. W. H. JEaton. Prayer, A. Poem. 1887, in the Overland Monthly. George j\1. Upton. Precaution. Novel. 1821. James Fenimore Cooper. Preexistenoe. Poem. P. H. Hayne. Prenticeana: or, AVit and Humor in Paragraphs. 1859. G. D. Prentice. Present Crisis. Poem. 1844. J. R. Lowell. President Garfield. Poem. 1881, in the Indepen- dent for Oct. 6. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " These words the poet heard in Paradise." Pressed Gentian, The. Poem. 1872. J. G.Whittier. Pretty Polly Pemberton. Story. 1878. Frances H. Burnett. Pretty Story, The. Pamphlet. 1774. Francis Hopkinson. It represented England as a noble- man, with many children and grandchildren, who made various compacts for their govern- ment. Parliament was made his wife. who's the author? 205 Previous Engagement, A. Comedy. 1897. W. D. Howells. Pride of the Valley, The. Poem. About 1818. Samuel Woodworth. Pride of the Village, The. One of the selections of the " Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Priestess, The. Play, tragedy, produced March, 1855, Boston Theatre. Epes Sargent. Prince and the Pauper, The : Tale for Young People of all Ages, 1882. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (^lark Twain). Prince Deukalion : A Lyrical Drama. Poem, dra- matic. 1878. Bayard Taylor. Prince of India. Novel. 1893. Lew Wallace. Prince of Parthia, The. Tragedy. Written about 1759. Played 1767, Philadelphia. Thomas Godfrey. Said to be the first dramatic work written in America. Prince of the House of David, The. Religious ro- mance, very popular at one time. 1855, New York. Joseph H. Ingraham. Prince's Ball, The. Poem. E. C. Stedman. It is descriptive of the reception of the Prince of Wales by New York's society. Princess Bob and Her Friends, The. Short story. 1871, in the Atlantic Monthly for December. F. Bret Harte. Princess Casamassima, The. Novel. 1886. Henry James. Principles of Political Economy. Treatise. 1837- 1840. HenryC. Carey. Principles of Social Science. Treatise. 1858-1859. Henry C. Carey. Printing in America, History of. 1810. Josiah Tliomas. Prismatics, by Richard Haywarde. Sketches in prose and verse. 1853. Y. S. Cozzens. 206 who's the author? Prisoners of Hope : A Tale of Colonial Virginia. Novel. 1898. Marv Johnston. Problem, The. 18i0, in the Dial for July. R. W. Emerson. First line: "7 like a church ; I like a cowl." Probus. See " Aurelian." Procession of Life, The. One of the selections of '•^losses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Professor at the Breakfast Table, The. Conversa- tions. 1859, in the xitlantic Monthly. O. W. Holmes. Professor, The. Play. Produced, 1881, at the Madison Square Theatre, Xew York City. William Hooker Gillette. Professor's Sister, The. Romance. 1888. Julian Hawthorne. Progress. Poem, satirical. 1816. John G. Saxe. Progress and Poverty. Noted work on economics, especially on the subject of taxation. 1879. Henry George. Progress of Dulness, The. Satirical poem which assailed the methods of education of its time. 1772. John Trumbull. Progress of Literature in America. Oration. 1824. Edward Everett. Progress of Religious Ideas, The. An extensive work on the historical development of religious beliefs. 1855. Lydia M. Child. Prometheus. Poem. 1813, in the Democratic Review. J. R. Lowell. He declared in a letter to G. B. Loring, June 15, 1843, that this was the longest and best poem he had ever written. Prometheus. Poem. 1855, in Putnam's Magazine for February. H. AV. Longfellow. This, with the poem " Epimetheus," were originally con- ceived as one poem, " Prometheus and Epime- who's the author? 207 theus," and they were printed together in the magazine mentioned above. Prometheus. Poems. 1820. J. G. Percival. Prompter, The. Collection of maxims and famil- iar sayings. 1795. Noah Webster. Prophecy of Samuel Sewall, The. Poem. 1859. J. G. Whittier. Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, The. Novel. 1885. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Crad- dock). Prophet, The : A Tragedy. Dramatic poem. 1874. Bayard Taylor. Prophetic Pictures, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Prophetic Voices concerning America. Oration. 1871. Charles Sumner. Prose and Poetry of America. Compilation. 1842. Philadelphia. Rufus W. Griswold. Prose Writers of America, The. Compilation. 1846. Rufus W. Griswold. Prospect of Peace, The. Poem. 1778. Joel Bar- low. Proud Miss McBride. Poem. 1848. J. G. Saxe. Prudence. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Prudence Palfrey. Romance. Begun in the Janu- ary, 1874, Atlantic Monthly. T. B. Aldrich. Prue and I. Series of sketches and essays strung together with the thread of a story. 1856. G. W. Curtis. These were republished from Put- nnm's Monthly, in which they originally appeared. P.'s Correspondence. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Psalm of Life, A. Poem. October, 1838, in the Knickerbocker Magazine. H. W. Longfellow. It was written July 26, 18.38. First line^ " Tell me notf in mournful numbers." 208 who's the author? Psalm of the West, The. Poem. 1876, in Lippin- cotfs Magazine for July. Sidney Lanier. Public Debts : An Essay in the Science of Finance. 1887. H. C. Adams. Public Occurrences. Small periodical, begun Sept. 25, 1690, Boston. This has sometimes been styled the first American newspaper. The intention was to issue it monthly, but the gen- eral court suppressed it. Publicola. Over this signature John Quincy Adams (1767-1818) contributed, 1791, to the Boston Centinel a series of papers taking exception to some of the arguments of Paine's " Rights of Man." These papers were later published in Eng- land, and were by many ascribed to his father. Publius. Over this signature Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison each contributed papers to the Federalist, q.v. Hamilton wrote papers 1, 6-9, 11-13, 15-17, 21-36, 59-61, 65-85; Jay, papers 2-5, 64; Madison, 10, 14, 18-20, 37-63. Pudd'nhead Wilson. Story. 1894. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Pumpkin, The. Poem. 1844. J. G. Whittier. Punch, Brothers, Punch. Humorous sketch. 1878. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Puritan and his Daughter, The. Xovel. 1849. James K. Paulding. The scene is laid partly in England and partly in this country. Purloined Letter, The. Prose tale. 1845, in The Gift. Edgar Allan Poe. Putnam the Brave. 1869. R. H. Stoddard. Putnam's Monthly Magazine. Established 1853. Pythagoras. Poem. ISQO, in the Atlantic Monthly/ for June. T. B. Aldrich. Quabbin: The Story of a Small Town, with Out- who's the author? 209 looks upon Puritan Life. 1893. F. H. Under- wood. Quadrupeds, General History of. 1804. Alexan- der Anderson. He was the first wood engraver in the United States. Quadrupeds of North America. 1850. John James Audubon. Quaker Widow, The. Poem. 1860. Bayard Tay- lor. First line : " Thee finds me in the garden, Hannah." Quakers, An Account of the People Called. 1780. Anthony Benezet. QuaUty of "Mercy, The. Novel. 1892. W. D. Howells. Queechy. Novel. 1852. Susan Warner. Queen of Sheba, The. Romance. 1877. T. B. Aldrich. Queen Titania. Short story. 1881. H. H. Boyesen. Queen's Heart, The. Comedy. J. W. Palmer. Questionings. Poem. F. H. Hedge. Quick or the Dead, The. Novelette. First pub- lished, 1883, in Lippincott's Magazine. Amelie Rives (Chanler) Troubetzkoy. Quod Libet, The Annals of. Political satire. 1840. John P. Kennedy. This was inspired by the vigorous "log cabin and hard cider" canvass of the Harrison and Tyler election. Rachel Dyer. Novel. 1828. John Neal. This is a story of Salem witchcraft. Rag Man and Rag Woman, The. One of the " Ing- ham Papers," q.v. E. E. Hale. Rail, The. Poem. George H. Clark. First line: " / met him in the cars." Rain-Dream, A. Poem. 1855, in the Crayon for January. W. C. Bryant. Rain in Summer. Poem. 1845, in Graham's Maga- 210 zine for August. Henry W. Longfellow. First line : " Hoiv beautiful is the rain ! " Rain on the Roof, The. Poem. First appeared in the Cincinnati Columbian, about 1855. Coates Kinney. First line: " When the humid shadows hover." Rainbow, The. Essays. 1801, in the Richmond Enquirer. William Wirt. Rainy Day, The. Poem. 1812. H. W. Longfel- low. Written at his old home at Portland, Me. First line : " The day is cold, and dark, and dreary." " Rally 'round the flag, boys." First line of J. T. Field's " Stars and Stripes," q.v. *' Rally 'round the flag, boys." See ''Battle-Cry of Freedom." Ralstons, The. Novel. 1891. F. Marion Crawford. Ramon. Poem. 1871, in the Atlantic Monthly for October. F. Bret Harte. Ramona. Novel. 1881. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. Narrative of sport and adventure. 1881. Theodore Roosevelt. Randolph. Novel. 1822. John Neal. Randolph, Life of John. Biography. 1882. Henry Adams. Rangers, The : or The Tory's Daughter. Historical romance. 1851. Daniel Pierce Thompson. Rape of the Lock, The New. See "New Rape of the Lock." Rappaccini's Daughter. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Rationale of Verse, The. Treatise on versifica- tion. 1818, in the Southern Literary Messenger, October and November. Edgar Allan Poe. Raven, The. Poem. 1815. Edgar Allan Poe. First line : " Once upon a midnight dreary, while who's the author? 211 I pondered weak and weary'' The poem first ap- peared in the New York Mirror, Saturday, Feb. 8, 1845, from advance sheets of the February Whig Review. Its popularity was great and instantaneous. Reader, English. 1806. Lindley Murray. Ready. Poem of the Civil War. Phoebe Gary. First line : ^''Loaded with gallant soldiers.'' Ready Reference, History for. 1894. An extensive and valuable work of reference. Compiled by Josephus Nelson Larned. Real Folks. Juvenile. 1872. Adeline D. T. Whitney. Real Life in New York. Series of papers contrib- uted, 1860, to the New York Independent. W. A. Butler. Reaper and the Flowers, The. Poem. 1839. H. W. Longfellow. This was printed in the Knick- erbocker for January, 1839. First line : ^^ There is a Reaper, ivhose name is Death." Reaper's Dream, The. Poem. 1864, in the Atlantic Monthhj for INIay. T. B. Pvead. Rebellion Record, The. Collection of historical data relating to the Civil War. 1861-1865. 12 vols. Frank Moore. Rebels, The. A tale of the Revolution. 1825. Lydia Maria Child. Recollections of Eminent Men. Biographical Essays. 1886. E. P. Whipple. Records of Living Officers of the U. S. Navy and i\Iarine Corps. Compilation. 1890. L. R. Ilamersley. Red Badge of Courage, The. Historical romance of the Civil War. 1894. Stephen Crane. Red Book, The. A fortnightly established by J. P. Kennedy, 1818, devoted to light social topics and verse. It was continued 1818-1819. 212 who's the author? Red Jacket. Poem. 1827. Fitz-Greene Halleckc Red Letter Days. Mary Abigail Dodge (Gail Ham- ilton). Red Rock. Novel, on the Reconstruction Period. 1899. Thomas N. Page. Red Rover, The. Sea tale. 1827. James Feni- more Cooper. Red, White, and Blue, The. See " Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." Redburn. Story of adventure. 1848. Herman Mel- ville. Redskins, The. Novel. 1846. James Fenimore Cooper. Redwood. Novel. 1824. Catharine M. Sedgwick. Reflections of a Married Man. Episodes of a mod- ern married couple recounted in a gently humor- ous w^av. 1892. Robert Grant. Register, The. Farce. 1884, Boston. W. D. How- ells. Originally appeared December, 1883, in Harper's Magazine. Regular Singing Defended, and Proved to be the Only True Way of Singing the Songs of the Lord. 1728. Nathaniel Chauncy. Reign of Law, The : A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields. Novel. 1900. James Lane Allen. Relation of Literature to Life, The. Essay. 1896. C. D. Warner. Relation of the Troubles in New England by Reason of the Indians. Narrative. 1677. Increase :\lather. Relief of Lucknow. Poem. 1858, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. Robert T. S. Lowell. First line : " Oh, that last day in Lucknow fort:' Religion and Philosophy of Swedenborg, Outlines of the. Treatise. 1876. Theophilus Parsons (1797-1882). who's the author? 213 Religious Affections, A Treatise Concerning the. 1746. Jonathan Echvards. Remarkable Wreck of the Thomas Hyke, The. Short story. About 1886. F. R. Stockton. Remarks on a National Literature. 1823. W. E. Channing (1780-1842). Remarks on the Life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1828. W. E. Channing (1780-1842). Remember — Forget. Poem. 1855. O.AV. Holmes. Remember the Alamo. Historical romance. 1888. Amelia E. Barr. Rencontre. Poem. 1876, in the Atlantic Monthly for November. T. B. Aldrich. Reply to Hayne. Second speech on "Foot's Resolu- tion," delivered in the United States Senate, Jan. 26 and 27, 1830. Daniel Webster. Representative Men. Essays, originally a series of lectures. 1850. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Com- prised : " The Uses of Great ^len " ; " Plato, or the Philosopher " ; " Swedenborg, or the Mystic " ; " Montaigne, or the Skeptic " ; " Shakspeare, or the Poet " ; '• Napoleon, or the Man of theAVorld " ; " Goethe, or the Writer." Republic of God: An Institute of Theology. 1881. Elisha Mulford. Republic of the United States, The. Historical work referring especially to the jSIexican War. 1848, New York. Nahum Capen, a publisher, and postmaster of Boston, who was noted for having introduced the street letter-box collection system. Resignation. Poem. 1848. H.W. Longfellow. Writ- ten after the death of his daughter Fanny, in the fall of 1848. First line : " There is no flock, how- ever tvatched and tended.''^ Rest of Empires, The. Poem read, 1826, before the Peace Society of Maine, at Portland. Grenville Mellen. 214 who's the author? Return of Belisarius, The. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Ilarte. Return of the Birds, The. Poem. 1864, in the At- lantic Monthly for July. W. C. Bryant. Return of Youth, The. Poem. 1842^ in Grahaiii's Magazine for October. W. C. Bryant. Reuben and Rachel : or Tales of Old Times. Story of Maine. 1798. Susanna H. Rowson. Rdve du Midi. Poem. About 1860. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Reveille. Ballad of the Civil War. Michael O'Con- nor. First line : " The morning is cheery, my hoys, arouse!''' Reveille, The. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Harte. First line: " Hark! I hear the tramp of thousands." Revenge of Hamish, The. Poem. Written 1878. Sidney Lanier. Revenge of Rain-in-the-Face, The. Poem. Writ- ten 1876. H. AV. Longfellow. Reveries of a Bachelor : or A Book of the Heart. Sketches. 1850. Donald G. Mitchell. Reversible Landscape, The. Short story. About 1888. F. R. Stockton. Revolution in France, The. Pamphlet. 1794. Noah Webster. Rhode Island Almanac. 1728. James Franklin. It was the first published in the state. Rhode Island to the South. Civil War poem. F. AV. Lander. First line : " Once, on New England's bloody heights." Rhodora, The. Poem. AVritten about 1823. Ralph AA^aldo Emerson. This was written "when he kept school in Boston and lived in a corner of Roxbury called Canterbury." First line: "/?i May, when sea-winds pierced our solitudes." Rhoecus. Poem. xVbout 1843. J. R. Lowell. who's the author? 215 Rhyme of the Master's Mate. Poem. About 1867. Forceythe AVillson. Rhyme of the Rail, The. Poem. About 1849. John G. Saxe. It is also familiarly known by the titles " Riding on the Rail " and " The Railroad Rhyme." Rhymed Lesson, A. Poem, delivered before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, Oct. 14, 1846. O. W. Holmes. Rhymes of the River. Poem. 1840-1850. B. F. Taylor. First line : " Oli, river, far flowing ." Rhymes with Reason and Without, 1853. B. P. IShillaber (Mrs. Partington). Richard Edney and the Governor's Family. Novel. of New England life. 1850. Sylvester Judd. Richard Hurdis : or The Avenger of Blood. Story. Philadelphia, 1838. W. G. Simms. Riding Down. Poem. 1874-1886. Xora Perry. Riding on the Rail. See " Rhyme of the Rail." Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. A well-known work on these subjects. 1855, Philadelphia. AV. J. Plardee. "Rifleman, shoot me a fancy shot." See "Fancy Shot." Rights of British America, A Summary View of the. Pamphlet. 1774. Thomas Jefferson. Rights of Man, The. First part, 1791 ; second part, 1792. Thomas Paine. This was a reply to Burke's "Reflections on the French Revolution." Rights of Neutral Nations in Time of War. Pam- l.hlet. 1802. Noah Webster. Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Ap- proved. Pamphlet. 1765. James Otis. Rights, Wrongs, Power, and Policv of the United States. Pamphlet. 1808. C. J. Ingersoll. Rill from the Tow^n Pump, A. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 216 who's the author ? Rip Van Winkle. Play. First produced about 1859- 1860 at Carusi's Hall. Washington. Joseph Jeffer- son. It was adapted from Irving's famous sketch. Rip Van Winkle and His Wonderful Xap. Poem. 1870. E. C. Stedman. Rip Van Winkle : A Posthumous Writing of Died- rich Knickerbocker. One of the selections of the famous " Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. History. 1881. Jefferson Davis. Rise and Fall of the Mustache. Humorous sketches and other " Hawk-Eyetems." 1878. Robert Jones Burdette, "The Burlington (Iowa) Hawk- eye Man." Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. An extensive work. 1872-1877, Boston. Henry Wilson, assisted by Samuel Hunt, who carried the work to completion after Wilson's death. Rise of Silas Lapham, The. Novel. 1884. W. D. Howells. Originally appeared as a serial in the Century Magazine. Rise of the Dutch Republic, The. History. 1856. J. L. Motley. Rising Glory of America, The. Poem. Published in Philadelphia, 1772. Philip Freneau. First line: '^ Now shall the adventurous Muse attempt a theme." Hugh H. Brackenridge has been accred- ited with joint authorship of this poem, which is positively stated as fact in E. A. Duyckinck's prefatory memoir to Freneau's poems. Rising, The. Part YI. of the poem. " The Wagoner of the Alleghanies," q.v. Thomas B. Read. First line: " Out of the North the wild news came." Ritualist, The. Poems. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Rivals, The : A Tale of the Times of Burr and who's the author? 217 Hamilton. Xovel. 1859, Philadelphia. Jere- miah Clemens. River by Night, The. Poem. 1858, in Harper's Magazine for June. AV. C. Bryant. River Fight, The. Civil War ballad. Written April 24, 1862. Henry Howard Brown ell. First line : " Do you know of the dreary land" Refers to the brilliant engagement of I'arragut and Porter when they passed the forts at the mouth of the Mississippi and took New Orleans, April, 1862. River Song. Poem. F. B. Sanborn. River Time. See " Isle of the Long Ago." Riverby. Essays on Nature. 1894. John Burroughs. Riverdale Series. Juveniles. William Taylor Adams (Oliver Optic). Rivington's New York Gazetteer : or The Connecti- cut, New Jersey, Hudson's River, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser. Established 1773, by James Rivington. INIajor Andre was a contributor of verses to this periodical, and the last canto of his " Cow Chase," a satire, was printed in it the day he was captured at Tarry town. Rivulet, The. Poem. Written 1823, at Cumming- ton. Published 1824, in the United States Lit- erary Gazette, May 15. W. C. Bryant. Rizpah. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literary Gazette, i\Iay 1. W. C. Bryant. Rizpah with Her Sons. Poem. About 1827. N. P. Willis. Rob of the Bowl. Novel. 1838. J. P. Ken- nedy. The scene of the story is in Maryland, in the days of Calvert. Rob Roy. Opera. 1893. H. B. Smith. Roba di Roma. Miscellanies on things Roman. 1862. W.W. Story. These papers appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, 1859, 1860, 1861. 218 who's the author? Robert of Lincoln. Poem. 1855, in Putnam's Maga- zine. W. C. Bryant. Robin, The. Poem. 1871, in the Atlantic Monthly for June. J. G. Whittier. Robin Hood. Opera. 1891. H. B. Smith. Robin Redbreast. Poem. George Washington Doane. First line : " Sweet Robin, I have heard them satj.'" '- Rock me to sleep, Mother." A very popular song, written in the spring of 1859, at Portland, Me., and first printed. May, 1860, in the Philadelphia Saturdaij Evening Post. Elizabeth Akers (Flor- ence Percy). First line : ^^ Backward, turn backward, O Time, in gourjlight." Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. Poem. About 1830. Emma (Hart) Willard. Rockweeds. Poem. 1868, in the Atlantic Monthly for March. Celia Thaxter. Rocky Mountain Series. Popular series of juve- niles. 1868-1871. Charles A. Fosdick (Harry Castlemon). Rocky Mountains in 1812, and to Oregon and North California in 1813 and 1811, Report of the Exploring Expedition to the. 1815. John C. Fremont. Roderick Hudson. Xovel. 1875, Boston. Henry James. Rodman the Keeper. Sketch. 1877, in the Atlantic Monthly for March. Constance F. Woolson. In 1880 this was published in book form with several other Southern sketches, embracing "Sister St. Luke," " Felipa," " Bro," "King David," "Up the Blue Ridge," "In the Cotton Country," " Old Gardeston." Rodolph. Poem. 1825. E. C. Pinkney. Roger Malvin's Burial. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. who's the author? 219 Rogers. Humorous sketch. 1878. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Roland, The Story of. Juvenile. 1883. James Baldwin. RoU-Call. Poem of the Civil War. N. G. Shep- herd. First line : " ' Corporal Green ! ' the orderly cried.'' Roll on, Silver Moon. Song. 1847. To Joseph W. Turner of Charlestown, Mass., is generally given the credit of bringing together the words and music of this old song into its present form. The air is of English origin. First line : " As I strayed from my cot at the close of the day" It is the first line of the chorus, ''■Roll on, silver moon, point the traveler his way," which has given the song its title. RoUo Books, The. Juveniles. A series of twenty- eight volumes. Jacob Abbott. Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem. Poem. 1870. W. W. Story. Roman Singer, A. Novel. 1885. F. M. Craw- ford. Romance and Re very. Poems. 1888. Edgar Fawcett. Romance of Dollard, The. Historical romance. 1889. MaryH. Catherwood. Romance of Madrono Hollow^ The. Short story. 1871, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. F. Bret Harte. Romances and Realities. Tales, sketches, and pa[)ers. 1872, New York. Amelia E. Barr. Romany Girl, The. Poem. First appeared in No- vember, 1857, issue of Atlantic Monthly. Ralph Waldo Emerson. First line : " The sun goes down, and with him takes." Rookery, Tiie, One of the selections of " Brace- bridge Ilall," q.v. Washington Irving. 220 who's the author? Root Bound. Sketch. 1885. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Ropewalk, The. Poem. "Written May 20, 1854. H. W. Longfellow. This is one of the poems of " Birds of Passage." Flight the First. Rosalie. Poem. About 1813. Washington All- ston. Rosalie Clare. Poem. About 1842. C. F. Hoff- man. Rosalie, the Prairie Flower. Song. 1855. G. F. Root. Rosalind Newcomb. First appeared as a serial in Harper's Magazine, 1859-1860. Nora Perry. Roseof a Hundred Leaves, A. Story. 1891. Amelia E. Barr. Rosedale. Play. 1863. John Johnstone Wallack (Lester Wallack). Roughing It. Sketches. 1872. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain). Roundabout Rambles. Sketches, juvenile. 1872. F. R. Stockton. Row upon the Stanislaw. See " Society upon the Stanislaus." F. Bret Harte. Roxy. Novel. 1878. Edward Eggleston. Royal Adventurer, The. War ballad (Revolution). About 1786. Philip Freneau. First line : ^'•Prince William, of the Brunsicick race.'' Ballad refers to the visit, 1781, of Prince William Henry (later William lY.) to New York as midshipman with Admiral Digby. Royal Gentleman, The. Henry Churton (Pseudo- nym of A. yV. Tourgee). This is the same as " Toinette," q.v. Royal Law of Love, The. Sermon. 1875, New York. James McCosh. Royal Poet, A. One of the selections in the ''Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Royalty. Poem. David A. Wasson. who's the author? 221 Ruby's Husband. Story. 1868. Mary Virginia Terhune (Marion Harland). Rudder Grange. Story, full of humor. 1879, in Scrihnefs Monthly. Frank R. Stockton. In this he created the inimitable character Pomona. Ruling Passion, The. Poem, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Cambridge. 1797. Robert Treat Paine. Running the Batteries. Civil War poem. Herman Melville. First line: "^ moonless night — a friendly one." The "Batteries" were those at Vicksburg, April, 1863. Rural Letters. Collection of letters and papers. 1849. X. P. Willis. It embraced " Letters from Under a Bridge," " Open Air Musings in the City," " Invalid Rambles in Germany," " Letters from Watering Places," and others. Rural Life in England. One of the selections in the " Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Rural Studies, with Hints for Country Places. 1867. Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Ruth Elder. Novel. About 1831. John Neal. Rutledge. Popular novel. 1860, New York. ]Miriam C. Harris. Saadi. Poem. 1864. R. W. Emerson. First line : '• Trees in groves." Sabbath Evening Hymn. 1830. Lydia H. Sigour- nev. Sabbath Scene, A. Poem. 1853. J. G. Whittier. One of the anti-slavery poems. First line : " Scarce had the solemn Sahbath-bell." Sabbath of the Year, The. Poem. W. L. Shoe- maker. Sacred Fount, The. Novel. 1901. Henry James. Sacred Minister, The. Poem. 1773. Samuel Mather. 222 who's the author? Sacred Poems. See "Scriptural Poems." N. P. Willis. Sacrifice of Abraham. Poem. 1826, in the Boston Recorder. N. P. Willis.^ Saga of King Olaf. Series of poems. H. W. Longfellow. This series makes up The Musi- cian'' s Tale of Part First of "Tales of a Way- side Inn." St. Elmo. J^ovel, which was once quite popular. 1866, New York. Augusta Jane (Evans) Wilson. St. Mark's Eve. One of the selections of " Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. St. Twel'mo : or The Cuneiform Cyclopedist of Chat- tanooga. Charles Henry Webb (John Paul). This was a travesty on Mrs. A. J. E. Wilson's "St. Elmo." Salmagundi. Fortnightly periodical established 1806 by Washington Irving, in conjunction with William, his brother, and James Kirke Paulding. It aimed to be like the English Spectator, but fell far below it in finish of style. It ran for about twenty numbers and stopped in the midst of success. The word Salmagundi is Italian, and means " mixture," or " medley." Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories. Sketches of New England life. 1871. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. Samantha at the World's Fair. Humorous sketches. 1893. Marietta Holley (Josiah Allen's Wife). Wrote also " Samantha in Europe," 189.5 ; "Samantha at Saratoga," 1887; "Samantha among the Brethren," 1890; "Samantha at the Centennial," 1878. San Francisco. (From the Sea.) Poem. 1868, in the Overland Monthly for July. F. Bret Harte. Sanctum Sanctorum : or An Editor's Proof Sheets. 1870. Theodore Tilton. who's the author? 223 Sandalphon. Poem. Completed Jan. 18, 1858. H. W. Longfellow. Sandpiper, The. Poem. About 1872. Celia Thaxter. Sands at Seventy. Poems. 1888. Walt Whitman. Sanitary Message, A. Poem. 1868-1874. F. Bret Harte. Sant' Ilario. Novel. 1889. F. M. Crawford. Santa Filomena. Poem, Published in the Atlantic Monthly for November, 1857. H. W. Longfel- low. First line : " Whene'er a noble deed is zcr ought." Sara Crewe. Story, juvenile. 1888. Frances H. Burnett. Saracinesca. Novel. 1887. F. M. Crawford. Sarah, the Exemplary Wife : or Sincerity. 1802. Susanna H. Rowson. Saratoga. Play. Produced 1870. Bronson Howard. Satanstoe. Novel. 1845. J. F. Cooj^er. This story, the first of a series along the same line of purpose, was written to denounce the anti- rent doctrines which had attracted public atten- tion about this time. Saturday Afternoon. Poem, about 1829, in The Token. N. P. Willis. First line : " / love to look on a scene like this." Saunterings. Reminiscences of a European tour. 1872. Charles Dudley Warner. These had previously appeared in the Hartford Courant and the Old and New of Boston. " Saxe Holm " Stories. Two series of short stories. First, 1874 ; second, 1878. Authorship of these stories is generally ascribed to Helen (Hunt) Jackson (H. XL). First series comprised: "Draxy ]\Iiller's Dowry," "The Elder's Wife," "Whose Wife was She?" "The One-legged Dancers," " How One Woman kept her Husband," " Esther Wynn's Love Letters." Second series : " A Four- 224 Leaved Clover," " Farmer Bassett's Romance," "My Tourmaline," "Joe Hale's Red Stockings," "Susan Lavvton's Escape." Scarlet Letter, The. Novel. 1850. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. This study in the subtle analysis of hu- man passion has for its theme the blighting power of a single sin. It was w^onderfully suc- cessful, and placed Hawthorne at once in the foremost rank of romance writers. Scarlet Poppy, The. Short story. About 1884. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spoiford. Scenes from Politian. See " Politiau." School, The. One of the selections of "Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Schoolmaster, The. One of the selections of '• Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Schoolmaster's Assistant, The. An old and, in its time, a widely used text-book on arithmetic. 1799. Nathan Daboll. He also began, 1773, the compilation of the New England Almanac, q.v. Schoolmaster's Dream. See "Teacher's Dream." Science. Poem. 1762. Francis Hopkinson. Science of English Verse. A study of the technique of versification. 1880. Sidney Lanier. This is a profound treatise, as scholarly as it is mas- terly, in which the fundamental element of music in poetry is developed with great skill. Scottish Philosophy. Treatise. 1874. James McCosh. Scout, The. Romance. 1811. W. G. Simms. This was originally entitled " The Kinsman : or The Black Raiders of the Congaree." Scribner's iSIagazine. Established 1887. Scribner's Monthly. Magazine. Established 1870. J. G. Holland, first editor. In 1881 it became The Century Magazine. Scriptural Poems. 1827, Boston. These w^ere who's the author? 225 often spoken of as the " Sacred Poems " of N. P. Willis, and comprised, among others, the following : " Hagar in the Wilderness," " The Sacrifice of Abraham," " Jephthah's Daughter," " David's Grief for His Child," ^^ Absalom," "Rizpah with Her Sons," "The Widow of Nain," " The Leper," " Lazarus and Mary," " Scenes in Gethsemane." Sculptor Boy, The. Poem. 1824. W. C. Doane. Scurrilous Scribe, The. Poem. 1785-1795. Philip Freneau. Sea Bird's Song, The. Poem. About 1825. J. G. C. Bra-inard. Sea Change, A: or Love's Stowaway. A lyrical farce in two acts and an epilogue. 1888. W. D. Howells. SeaLions,The. Novel. 1849. James Fenimore Cooper. A story of adventures in the Antarctic Ocean. Sea Song. Poem. William Ellery Channing (1818-). Sea, The. Poem. About 1856. R. H. Stoddard. Search for Persephone. Poem. About 1856. R. H. Stoddard. Seaside and the Fireside, The. Poems. Novem- ber, 1849. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Contained : " The Building of the Ship," " Sea- weed," "Chrysaor," "The Secret of the Sea," "Twilight," "Sir Humphrey Gilbert," "The Lighthouse," "The Fire of Driftwood," " Resignation," " The Builders," " Sand of the Desert in an Hour Glass," " The Open Window," "King AVitlaf's Drinking Horn," "Caspar Becerra," "Pegasus in Pound," " Tegner's Drapa," "The Singers," " Suspiria." Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. Sermon. 1743. Directed against Whitefield and the Revival School. Charles Chauncy. 226 who's the author? Seat of Empire, The. Sketches of travels in the West. 1870. C. C. Coffin. Seaweed. Poem. 1845, in GraTiani's Magazine for January. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " Wheyi descends on the Atlantic.'" Sebastian Strome. Novel. 1879. Julian Haw- thorne. Secret of Swedenborg, The. Essay. 1869. Henry James, Sr. See-Saw: or Civil Service in the Departments. Novel, political. Cynthia E. Cleveland. See that My Grave's Kept Green. Song. George Cooper. Select Party, A. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Self Culture. Address, delivered 1838, at Boston. William Ellery Channing (1780-1842). Self-Reliance. Essay. 1811. R. W. Emerson. Selim, the Friend of Mankind. Tale contributed to the Glauber Spa, q.v. James K. Paulding. Sella. Poem. Written 1862, at Roslyn, L. I. W. C. Bryant. Selling of Joseph, The. Tract against negro slavery. 1700. Samuel Sewall. This is thought to be the first arraignment of slavery in America. Seminole's Reply, The. Poem. Before 1867. G. W. Patten. First line : " Blaze with your serried columns." Senator, The. Play. Produced 1889. David Demarest Lloyd, with Sydney Rosenfeld. Seneca Lake. Poem. About 1823. J. G. Percival. September Gale, The. Poem. About 1836. O. W. Holmes. Poem refers to the hurricane of Sept. 23, 1815. Septimius Felton : or The Elixir of Life. Romance. 1872, Boston. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Serenade. Poem. About 1824. E. C. Pinkney. who's the author? 227 The poem was written in compliment to Geor- giana McCausland, whom he married. Serenade, The. Song. J. G. Percival. First line: '^ Softly the jnoonlight." Serious Thoughts on Slavery. Essays. 1775. Thomas Paine. Settler, The. Poem. About 1842. Alfred Billings Street. First line : " His echoing axe the settler siciing.'" Seven Deadly Sins, The. Sermons preached in Trin- ity Chapel, New York City, during Lent, 1888. Thev were published the same year. Morgan Dix.*^ Seven Letters to Elias Hicks. About 1830. Robert Wain (1765-1836). These were extensively read at the time they appeared. Seven Spanish Cities and the Way to Them. Sketches of travels. 1883. E. E. Hale. Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic, The. Tales of travels. 1864. Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel). Seven Vagabonds, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Sevenoaks. Novel. 1875. J. G. Holland. Seventy-Nine. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Seventy-Six. Poem, patriotic. 1835, in the Neio York Mirror for May. W. C. Bryant. Seventy-Six. Novel of the Revolution. 1822. John Xr-al. Sexton's Tale, and Other Poems, The. 1867, New York. Theodore Tilton. Sforza: A Story of Milan. 1889. W. W. Astor. Shadow of a Dream, The. Story. 1890, in Har- per's Magazine for March, April, ]\Iay. AV. D. Howells. " Shadows lay along Broadway, The." First line of poem, " Unseen Spirits," q.v. N. P. Willis. 228 who's the author? Shadovo's of Shasta, The. Poem. 1873, m the Over- land Monthly for May. C. H. Miller (Joaquin Miller). Shaker Bridal, The. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Shakespeare, JNIemoirs of the Life of William. Biograpiiy. 1865. Richard Grant White. Shakespeare Ode. Delivered at the Boston Theatre, 1823. Charles Sprague. Shakespeare. One of tlie selections of " Represen- tative Men," q.v. R. AV. Emerson. Shakespeare's England. Sketches. 1886. William Winter. Shakespear's Plays, Variorum editions of. Exhaust- ive and scholarly editions of Shakespeare's plays, by Horace Howard Furness, which have become widely known. First volume was issued in 1871. Sharp Eyes : A Rambler's Calendar of Fifty-two Weeks Among Insects, Birds, and Flowers. Na- ture sketches. 1892. AVilliam H. Gibson. Many of its articles previously appeared in Harper's Magazine, accompanied with beautiful illustra- tions by the author. She Loves Him Yet. Song. About 18i0-1850. Frances S. Osgood. Shells and Shell Guns. Treatise. 1856. J. A. Dahl- gren, made admiral in 1863. Shenandoah. Play. Produced at Proctor's Thea- tre, New^ York City, 1889. Bronson Howard. Shepherd, The. Song. Translated from the French. David Humphreys. Sheridan's Ride. Poem. 1864. Thomas Buchanan Read. Sheridan's army, as it lay encamped on Cedar Creek, in the Valley of the Shenandoah, was surprised at break of day by General Early's Confederates, Oct. 19, 1864. Sheridan, twenty miles away, heard the din of battle, rode to the who's the author? 229 scene of action, and arrived in time to rally his troops and turn a rout into a victory. First line : '■'•Up from the south at break of day " Sherman's in Savannah. Poem. 1865. O.W.Holmes. Sherman's ]March to the Sea. Poem of the Civil War. Samuel H. M. Byers. First line : " Our camp-fires shone bright on the mountain.''^ "She's fresh as breath of summer morn." First line of George W. Bethune's song, "Alice Lee," q.v. Ship-Builders. 1846. One of the " Songs of Labor." John G. Whittier. Ship in the Desert, The. Poem. 1875. C. H. ISIiller. Ship of Earth, The. Poem. 1876. Sidney Lanier. Ships at Sea. Poem. R. B. Coffin. Shoemakers, The. Poem. 1845. One of the " Songs of Labor." J. G. Whittier. Shore Acres. Plav. Produced 1892. J. A. Heme. Short History of Rhode Island. 1877. G. W. Greene. Short Historv of the English Colonies in America. 1881. H. C. Lodge. Short Sixes. Humorous stories. 1890. H. C. Bunner. Wrote also "More Short Sixes," 1894. Short Studies of American Authors. 1879. T. W. Higginson. Shoshonee Valley, The. Romance. 1830. Timothy Flint. Siberia. Play. Bartley Campbell. Siberia and the Exile System. This work, which attracted world-wide interest, first appeared as a series of articles begun in the Century Magazine, May, 1888. They were afterward collected and issued in book form. George Ken nan. Sibyl Huntingdon. Xovel. 1869. Julia C. R. Dorr. Sic Vita. Poem. 1841, in the Dial for July. H. D. Thoreau. Sicilian Vespers, The. Poem. 1828. J. G. Whittier. 230 who's the author? Sick Bed, The. Poem. 1859, in the New York Ledger. W. C. Bryant. Sidney. Novel. 1890. Margaret Deland. Siegfried, The Story of. Juvenile. 1882. James Baldwin. Sights from a Steeple. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Signal Fires : or The Trail of the Pathfinder. 1856, New York. G. S. Burleigh. Signs and Seasons. Essays on Nature. 1886. John Burroughs. Silence Dogood Papers. 1722, in the New England Courant. Benjamin Franklin. Silent .Melody, The. Poem. 1878. O. W. Holmes. First line : " ' Bring me my broken harp,' he said" Silent Partner, The. Novel. 1870. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. It set forth the hardships of cotton mill operatives. Silent South, The ; [also] Freedman's Case in Equity and the Convict Lease System. 1885. Three papers on Southern topics, contributed to the Century Magazine. G. W. Cable. Silver Bridge " and Other Poems, The. 1866. Elizabeth Akers. Simple Cobler of Agawam in America, Willing to help mend his Native Country, lamentably tat- tered both in upper Leather and Sole, with all the honest Stitches He can take. Satire. Written 1645. Published 1647, England, under pseudo- nym of Theodore de la Guard. Agawam is now Ipswich. Nathaniel Ward. Simplicitie's Defence against Seven-Headed Policy. Tract. 1646. Samuel Gorton. Singular Life, A. Novel. 1895. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Sinless Child, The. Poem. About 1841. Elizabeth O. P. Smith. who's the author? 231 Sinner Called, The. Poem. 1824. George W. Doane. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Sermon. 1741, Jonathan Edwards. Sir Pavon and Saint Pavon. Poem. Sarah H. Palfrey. Sir Rohan's Ghost. Romance. 1859. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. Sister Years, The. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Sisyphi Opus: or Touches at the Times. Poem. 1820. Robert Wain (1794-1825). Six Nights with the Washingtonians. See " Tem- perance Tales." Six to One: A Nantucket Idyl. Novel. 1878. Edward Bellamy. Skeleton in Armor, The. Poem. First published in the Knickerbocker, January, 1841. Henry W. Longfellow. This famous poem originally had marginal notes like Coleridge's " Ancient Mari- ner," but they were abandoned when the poem was reprinted in volume collection. First line : " Speak ! speak ! thou fearful quest /" Sketch-Book, The. 1819-1820. Washington Irving. The first number, consisting of six sketches, was published in 1819. The second and third num- bers quickly followed. Their success was great and instantaneous. The series was not finished until September, 1820. Sketches from a Student's Window. 1841. Samuel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley). Sketches from Memory. One of the selections of "Mosses from an Old Manse," ^.y. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Skipper Ben. Poem. I'^Qb, in tliQ Atlantic Monthly for July. Lucy Larcom. Skipper Ireson's Ride. Poem. 1857, in the Atlantic 232 who's the author? iT/onfA/?/ for December. John G. Whittier. First line : " Of all the rides since the hirth of time J^ Slain in Battle. Poem. 1865. Margaret J. Preston in her " Beechenbrook." Slave Singing at Midnight, The. Poem. Written 1842. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " Loud he sang the psalm of David ! " Slave States, A Journey in the Seaboard : With Remarks on their Economy. 1856. A noted work of observations made on a tour through the slave states of the South. Frederick Law Olmsted. This volume was made up of a re- vision of letters previously sent to the Neio York Times, with the addition of observation notes of a second tour. Slave, The. Richard Hildreth. See " White Slave." Slave Trade, The : Domestic and Foreign. Trea- tise. 1853. H. C. Carey. Slavery Considered. Poem, anti-slaver}^, in blank verse. 1775. Aaron Cleveland, the great-grand- father of ex-President Cleveland. Slavery Discussed in Occasional Essavs, from 1833 to 1816. Published 1816. Leonard Bacon. Slavery in the United States, A View of. Written in support of the Southern view of the institu- tion. 1836, New York. J. K. Paulding. Slavery, Miscellaneous Writings on. William Jay. A collection of his various addresses and pam- phlets on the subject. 1854, Boston. Slavery on Morals and Industry, The Effect of. Tract. 1793. Noah Webster. Slave's Dream, The. Poem. Written 1842. H. W. Longfellow. Slaves of Algiers, The. Opera. 1794. Susanna H. Rowson. Slaves of Martinique, The. Poem. 1848. J. G. Whittier. who's the author? 233 Sleeper, The. Poem. First appeared in the Philadelphia Saturday Museum, March 4, 1843. Edgar Allan Poe. Sleeping-Car, The. Farce. 1883, Boston. W. D. Howells. It originally appeared in Harper's '- Christmas," 1882. Sleepy Hollow. Poem. W. E. Channing (1818-). Sleigh Ptide, The. Poem. About 1860. E.C.Sted- nian. Sleighing Song, A. Poem. About 1810. John Shaw. First line : '' When calm is the night, and the stars shine bright." Smack in School, The. Poem. AV. P. Palmer. Smith, Captain John. Biography. 1881. C. D. Warner. Smoke. Poem. 1840-1844. H. D. Thoreau. Smoked Glass : A Comic History of the Recon- struction. 1868, New York. R. H. Newell. Smoking Away. Song. Very popular. Francis ]M. Finch. First line: '^Floating away like the fountain's spray" Smooth Divine, The. Selection from Timothy Uwight's " Triumph of Infidelity," q.v. Snow, Beautiful. See " Beautiful Snow." Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl. Poem. 1866. John G. Whittier. First line : " The sun that brief December day." Snow-Bound at Eagle's. Story. 1886. F. Bret II arte. Snow-Flakes. Poem. Written 1859. H.W.Long- fellow. First line : " Out of the bosom of the air." Snow-Image, The, and Other Twice-Told Tales. 1851. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Snow-Shower, The. Poem. 1855, in the Knicker- bocker Gallery. W. C. Bryant. Snow Storm, A. Poem. C. G. Eastman. 234 who's the author? Snow-storm, The. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. First line: ^^ Announced by all the trumpets of the sky." Snowflakes. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Social Customs. Papers on etiquette. 1887, Bos- ton. Florence (Howe) Hall. Social Science, Journal of. Periodical. Established 1869. Society and Solitude. Essays. 1870. R. W. Em- erson. These comprise : "Society and Solitude," "Civilization," "Art," "Eloquence," "Domestic Life," " Farming," " Works and Days," " Books," "Clubs," "Courage," "Success," "Old Age." Society the"Redeemed Form of Man and the Earnest of God's Omnipotence in Human Nature : Af- firmed in Letters to a Friend. 1879. Henry James, Sr. Society upon the Stanislaus, The. Poem. 1862- 1866. F. Bret Harte. First line : " / reside at Table Mountain, and my name is Truthful James.'' " Softly now the light of day." First line of hymn '• Evening," q.v. Solar Spots and Terrestrial Temperature. Treatise. Cleveland Abbe. Soldiers of Fortune. Novel. 1897. R. H. Davis. Soliloquy of a Young Poet. Bayard Taylor's first published poem. It appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, 1841. Solitudes of Nature and of Man, The: or The Loneliness of Human Life. Essays. 1866. William R. Alger. Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes. Tract. 1753. John Woolraan. Some Strange Corners of Our Country : Wonder- land of the Southwest. 1892. C. F. Lummis. Somebody's Darling. Poem of the Civil War 235 (Southern). Maria La Costa. First line: " Into a ivard of whitewashed walls." Somebody's Neighbors. Short stories. 1881. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Something Left Undone. Poem. Written 1863. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " Labor with what zeal we will." Song and Story. Poems. 1884. Edgar Fawcett. Song of Fatima, The. Poem. 1860, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. T. B. Aldrich. Song of Harvest, A. Poem. 1858. J. G. Whittier. Song of Lightning, The. Poem. About 18-48. George W. Cutter. Song of Marion's Men. 1831, in the New York Mirror for November. W. C. Bryant. First line : " Our hand is few, but true and tried." Song of Nature. Poem. January, 1860, in the Atlantic Monthly. R.W.Emerson. First line: ^^ Mine are the night and morning." Song of Pitcairn's Island, A. Poem. 1825, in the iVew York Review for June. W. C. Bryant. Song of Steam. Poem. About 1848. George W. Cutter. First line : '''■Harness me down with your iron bands." Song of the Camp, The. Poem. About 1851. Bayard Taylor. First line : " ' Give us a song! ' the soldiers cried." Song of the Chattahoochee, The. Poem. Written 1877, and first appeared in Scott's Magazine, Atlanta, the same year. Sidney Lanier. First line : " Out of the hills of Habersham." Song of the Earth, The. Poem. 1856. G. H. Boker. First line : " O vex me not, ye ever- burning planets." Song of the Steeple, The. Song. Monroe H. Rosenfeld. Songs by the Way. Poems. 1824. G. W\ Doane. 236 who's the author? Songs from the Southern Seas. Poems. 1872. John Boyle O'Reilly. Songs of a Semite. Poems. 1882. Emma Lazarus. Songs of Doubt and Dream. Poems. 1891. Edgar Fawcett. Songs of Exile. Poems. 1896. Herbert Bates. Songs of Fair Weather. 1883. Maurice Thompson. Songs of Italy. Poems. 1878. C. H. Miller. Songs of LalDor. 1848. Poems, including " Ship Builders," ''Shoemakers," "Drovers," "Fisher- men," " Huskers," and " Lumbermen." J. G. Whittier. Songs of Mexican Seas. Poems. 1887. C. H. INIiller. Songs of Summer. Poems. 1856. R. H. Stoddard. Songs of the Desert. Poems. 1875. C. H. Miller. Songs of the Golden Gate. Poems. 1895. Ina D. Coolbrith. Songs of the Sea. Poems. 1847. Epes Sargent. Songs of the Sierras. Poems. 1871. C. H. INIiller. Songs of the Silent World. Poems. 1884. Eliza- beth Stuart Phelps Ward. Songs of the South. Anthology. 1895. Jennie Thornley Clarke. Songs of the Sunlands. Poems. 1873. C. H. Miller. Songs without Sense. Poems. 1868-1874. F. Bret Harte. "Soon with angels I'll be marching." First line of the chorus of " Who Will Care for Mother Now?" q.v. Charles C. Sawyer. Sot- Weed Factor, The : or A Voyage to INIaryland. Poem, satirical. 1708. Ebenezer Cook. The "Sot- Weed Factor " referred to the " tobacco agent." Soul's Defiance, The. Poem. 1811-1820. Lavinia (Stone) Stoddard. Soul's Humiliation, The. Sermon. 1640. Thomas Hooker. who's the author? 237 Sound and Silence. Essay. December, 1838. H. D. Thoreau. Soundings from the Atlantic. Essays. 1863. O. W. Holmes. South Carolina, History of the Revolution of. 1785. David Ramsay. South Seas, Four Voyages to the. A noted narra- tive. 1832, New York. Benjamin Morrell. South Side View of Slavery, A : or Three Months at the South in 1854. Sketches. 1854. Nehe- miah Adams. Southern California. Sketches. 1891. C. D. Warner. Southern Literaiy Messenger, The. Literary periodical of note. 1834-1864, published at Richmond. Poe contributed largely to it. Southern Passages and Pictures. Poems. 1839. W. G. Simms. Southern Quarterly Review, The. Established 1842. Southern Review, The. Established 1828. Southward Ho ! Romance. 1845. W. G. Simms. Spagnoletto. Play, tragedy. 1876. Emma Lazarus. Spaniard's Graves, The. Poem. About 1874. Celia Thaxter. Spanish Pioneers, The. Historical sketches. 1894. C. F. Lummis. Spanish Student, The. Comedy. 1842. Henry W. Longfellow. It first appeared as a serial in Graham's Magazine, September, October, No- vember, 1842 ; was revised and published in book form, 1843. Spanish Voyages of Discovery. Historical research. 1831. 'Washington Irving. This is really a sequel to his " Life of Columbus." "Sparkling and bright in liquid light." Poem. About 1842. C. Y. Hofeman. 238 Sparks from the Anvil. 1848. Elihu Burr itt, often spoken of as " The Learned Blacksmith," be- cause he educated himself while at work at his forge at Worcester, jNIass. Sparks, Life and Writings of Jared. Biography. Edited by Herbert B. Adams. 1893. Sparrowgrass Papers, The. Humorous sketches. 1856. F. S. Cozzens. Special Pleading. Poem. 1876, in LippincotVs Magazine for January. Sidney Lanier. Specimen Days and Collect. Various papers and memoranda. 1882. Walt Whitman. Spectacles for Young Eyes. Popular series of travels. 1862-186.5. Sarah W^est Lander. Spectre Bridegroom, The. One of the stories of the " Sketch-Book," q.v. W^ashington Irving. Spectre Pig, The. Ballad. 1830. O. W^ Holmes. Speculative Philosophy, Essays in. 1842. Fran- cis Bowen. Speculative Philosophy, Journal of. Established 1867. Speech of Love, The. Poem. 1853, in the Knicker- bocker Magazine for October. R. H. Stoddard. Sphinx, The. Poem. 1841, in the Dial for Janu- ary. R.W.Emerson. First line : '^ The Sphinx is drowsy." Sphinx's Children and Other People's, The. Short stories. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Spinning. Poem. 1874. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. ^^ Like a blind spinner in the sun.'"' Spinning-Wheel Stories. Juveniles. 1884. Louisa M. Alcott. Spirit Land, The. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. Spirit of Life. Poem. Read before the Franklin Society of Brown University, 1833. W. G. Clark. 239 Spirit of Poetry, The. Poem. Written, 1825, at Portland. H. W. Longfellow. Spirit Rapper, The. Novel. 1854. O. A. Brownson. Spiritual Laws. Essay. 1841. R. W. Emerson. Spring. Poem. About 1859. Henry Timrod. Spring Has Come. Poem. 1858. O. W. Holmes. Spring Miracles. Poem. 1877, in the Atlantic Montlily for May. Elizabeth Akers. Springfield Republican. Newspaper. Established by Samuel Bowles, March 27, 1844. This peri- odical had been a weekly from the time of its establishment in 1824 by his father, Samuel Bowles. Spy, The. Novel. 1821. James Fenimore Cooper. Scene of the story, about 1780, in southeastern New York. Squatter Sovereignty. Play. Produced at Harri- gan and Hart's New Theatre, Broadway, New York City, 1882. Edward Harrigan. Squibob Papers. Humorous sketches in prose and verse. 1865. G. H. Derby (John Phoenix). Squirrel Inn, The. Short story, begun 1890, in the Centurij Magazine for May. F. R. Stock- ton. Stage Coach, The. One of the selections of the " Sketch-Book," q.i\ Washington Irving. Stage Driver's Story, The. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Stamp Act, Letters Relating to the. Pamphlet. 1766, New Haven. Jared IngersoU. Stamp Act, The Repeal of the. Sermon. 1766. Jonathan INIayhew. Stand up for Jesus. Hymn. 1858. George Duf- held. Standard of Liberty, The. Political Address. 1795. Susanna H. Rowson. 240 who's the author? Standish of Standish. Historical romance. 1895. Jane G. Austin. A story of the Pilgrims. Stanzas on Freedom. Poem. 1843. »J. R. Lowell, Star in the West, The. Elias Boudinot. This work attempted to identify the American Indian with Israel's Ten Lost Tribes. The author was the first president of the American Bible Society. Star of Bethlehem, The. Poem. 18.30. J. G. Whittier. Star of Calvary, The. Poem. About 1845. Na- thaniel Hawthorne. Star Papers, The. Henry Ward Beecher. These were a series of papers on art and nature which Beecher wrote for the Independent, of which periodical he was one of the founders, and for twenty years an editorial contributor. They were signed with an asterisk, hence the name " Star " papers. They were published in book form, 1855, with title " Star Papers, or Experi- ences of Art and Nature." A second series followed in 1858 with title " New Star Papers, or Views and Experiences of Religious Sub- jects." Star-Spangled Banner, The. National hymn. Sept. 13, 1814, in the Baltimore Patriot, with title, " The Defence of Fort McHenry." Fran- cis Scott Key. When the British fleet bom- barded Fort McHenry, below Baltimore, 1814, the author was held on one of the British ships and watched the engagement through the night. At dawn the " Stars and Stripes " were seen still floating over the fort, and the poet, inspired by the sight, wrote the lines which have be- come national. First line : *' say, can you see by the dawn's early light.'' The air to which the song was written was " Anacreon in Heaven," who's the author? 241 and was composed by John S. Smith about 1770-1775. The hymn as written by Key was first sung, it is said, at a tavern near the Holiday Street Theatre, Baltimore, by F. Du- rang. Starry Flag Series. Juveniles. W. T. Adams. Stars and Stripes, The. Civil War ballad. James T. Fields. First line : " Rally round the flag, hoys" State Rights and the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the United States. Treatise. 1860, Beloit, Wis. J. M. Bundy. Steadfast. Novel. 1889. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Stealing from the World Away. Hymn. 1834. Rav Palmer. Steamboat, The. Poem. 1840. O. W. Holmes. Steeds of Apollo, The. Poem. 1809. R. T. Paine. Stephen Dane. Novel. 1867. Amanda M. Douglas. Stepping Heavenward. Juvenile, popular. 1870. Elizabeth (Paj^son) Prentiss. First published 1869, in the Chicago Advance. Stethoscope Song, The. Poem. About 1848. O. W. Holmes. "Still, still with Thee." Hymn. 1855. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. Stillwater Tragedy, The. Story. 1880. T. B. Aldrich. Stolen White Elephant. Sketch. 1882, Boston. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain). Stonewall Jackson. Poem of the Civil War. Her- man Melville. Jackson was fatally wounded at Chancellorsville, May, 1863. Stonewall Jackson's Death. See " Death of Stone- wall Jackson." Stonewall Jackson's Grave. Poem. 1865. Mar- garet J. Preston. This occurs in her " Beechen- brook : A Rhvme of the Civil War." 242 who's the author? StoneTvall Jackson's Way. War ballad, written Sept. 17, 1862, at Oakland, Md., within sound of the guns of Antietam. J. W. Palmer. First line: " Come, stack arms, men ! Pile on the I'ails." According to William Gilmore Sinims, this poem was found on the body of one of Stone- wall Jackson's dead soldiers after one of the Shenandoah Valley battles. Stops of Various Quills. Poems. 1895. W. D. Howells. Stories Mother Nature Told, The. Juvenile. 1889. Jane Andrews. Storm-Ship, The. One of the selections of " Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Storms, The Philosophy of. Meteorological treatise of note. 18il. James P. Espy, often styled " The Storm King." Story Hour, The. Collection of stories for the kindergarten. 1890. Kate Douglas (Wiggin) Riggs, in collaboration with her sister, Nora Archibald Smith. Story of a Bad Boy, The. Story, juvenile. 1869. T. B. Aldrich. Story of a Country Town, The. Novel. 1884. E. W. Howe. Story of a Mine. Novel. 1877. F. Bret Harte. Story of a New York House. Novel. 1887. H. C. Bunner. Story of Avis, The. Novel. 1877. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. A careful study of a woman's soul experiences. Story of Boon, The. Poem. 1874. Helen -(Hunt) Jackson. Story of Ida, The. Poem. 1884. J. G. Whittier. Story of Keedon Bluffs. Novel. 1887. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock). Story of Keunett : A Tale of American Life (after who's the author? 243 the Revolution). Novel. 1866. Bayard Tay- lor. Story of Little Red Riding-Hood. Verse. 1865. R. H. Stoddard. Story of Patsy, The. Juvenile. 1889. Kate Douglas (Wiggin) Riggs. Story of Sevenoaks. Novel. 1875. J. G. Holland. Story of Tonty. Historical romance. 1890. Mary H. Catherwood. Story-Teller's Pack, A. Collection of humorous stories and sketches. 1897. F. R. Stockton. Stout Gentleman, The. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Strange Disaj^pearance, A. Novel. 1880. Anna Katharine (Green) Rohlfs. Strangers, The. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. Stratford-on-Avon. One of the selections of the " Sketch-Book, " q.v. Washington Irving. Stray Arrows. 1851, iS^ew York. Theodore L. Cuyler. Stray Leaves from Strange Literature : Stories from the Anvari-Soheili, Baital-Packisi, Mahabharata. 1884. Lafcadio Hearn. Stream of Life, The. Poem. 1845, in Graham's Magazine for July. W. C. Bryant. Street Lyrics. Poems. 1865. G. H. Boker. These include " The Grocer's Daughter," "A Mystery," " The Two Birds," and " Flowers at the Win- dow." Streets of New York, The. Tales and sketches. About 1860. Henry Bergh. Stringtown on the Pike. Novel. 1900, in the Bookman. J. U. Lloyd. Stripes and the Stars, The. War ballad. Edna D. Proctor. First line : " O star-spangled ban- ner ! the flag of our pride ! " Studies in German Literature. 1879. Bayard Taylor. 244 who's the author? Studies in Shakespeare. Essays. 1885. Richard Grant White. Studies in the South and West, with Comments on Canada. Observations and sketches. 1889. C. D. Warner. Stumbling Blocks. Essays, religious and moral. 1870. Mary Abigail Dodge (Gail Hamilton). Substance and Shadow : or Morality and Religion in Their Relation to Life. Essay on the Physics of Creation. 1863. Henry James, Sr. Suburban Sketches. 1871, New York. W. D. Howells. Success. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See " Society and Solitude." Summer. Extracts from the journal of H. D. Thoreau. 1881. Summer in a Canon, A. California story. 1889. Kate Douglas (Wiggin) Riggs. Summer in Arcady, A: A Tale of Nature. Novel. 1896. James Lane Allen. A love story of Kentucky. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life, A. Novel. Adeline D. T. Whitney. The first of "The Real Eolks Series." The others are " We Girls," " Real Folks," and " The Other Girls." Summer on the Lakes. Narrative of an excursion to Lake Superior, 1843. Published 1844. Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Summer Rain. Poem. About 1860. E. C. Sted- man. Summer Ramble, A. Poem. 1826, in the Neiv York Mirror for August. W. C. Bryant. Summer Wind. Poem. 1824, in the United States Literary Gazette, July 15. AV. C. Bryant. Summons, The. Poem. 1860, in the Atlantic Monthly for October. J. G. Whittier. Sun and Shadow. Poem. 1857. O. W. Holmes. who's the author? 245 Sunday at Home. One of the selections of " Twice- Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Sunny Side. Story. 1851, Andover. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1815-1853). This delightful story of a country parsonage was widely read in its day, fully 100,000 copies being sold in a year. The author was the wife of Austin Phelps and mother of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. Sunset on the Bearcamp. Poem. 1876. J. G. Whittier. Sun'thin in the Pastoral Line. Sixth paper of the Second Series of the " Biglow Papers," q.v. J. R. Lowell. Supernatural in Relation to the Natural. Treatise. 1862, London. James McCosh. Supernaturalism in New England. 1847. J. G. Whittier. Superstition and Force. 1866. Henry Charles Lea. Supply at St. Agatha's, The. Short story. Eliza- beth Stuart Phelps Ward. Surly Tim's Trouble. Short story. 1872, in Scrih- ner's Monthly. Fiances H. Burnett. Sursum Corda. Poem. 1840-1847. R.W.Emerson. Sut Lovengood : Yarns Spun by a " Nat'ral Born Durned Fool." Humorous sketches. 1867. George W. Harris. Swabian Stories. Eighteen romantic stories in verse. 1882. Theodore Tilton. Swallow Barn : A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. Sketches of life and manners in old Virginia. 1832. J. P. Kennedy. Swallow Flights. Poems. 1892. Ellen Louise (Chandler) Moulton. Swamp Fox, The. Poem. AVilliam Gilmore Simms. First line: " We follow lohere the Swamp Fox Guides." 246 who's the author? Swan Song of Parson Avery, The. Poem. 1858, in the Atlantic Monthly for July. J. G. Whittier. Swannee Ribber, Way down upon de. See "Old Folks at Home." S-wedenborg. One of the selections of " Represen- tative Men," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Sweet Bells Out of Tune. Story. 1893. Con- stance (Cary) Harrison. Sweet By and By, In the. Hymn, very widely known. First published in The Signet Ring at Elkhorn, Wis., just after the Civil War. S. F. Bennett. Sweet Echo Dell. Song. About 1875. Henry Clav Work. Sweet Fern. Poem. 1884. J. G. Whittier. Sweet Genevieve. Song. George Cooper. Sweet is the Pleasure. Poem. John Sullivan Dwight. Sweet Nora O'Neal. Song. About 1860. Will S. Hays. Sweetheart Bird-Song, The. Poem. William Lukens Shoemaker. This w^as quite popular, and was set to music by Michael Balfe. Swingin'' Round the Cirkle. Humorous sketches in the form of letters from " Confedrit X Roads which is in the Stait uv Kentucky." 1866. David Ross Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby). Sword-Bearer. Civil War poem. George H. Boker. First line : " Brave Morris saiu the day was lostr Sword of Bunker Hill, The. Song, patriotic. William Ross Wallace. First line : " He lay upon his dying bed.'' Sword of Robert Lee. Poem. Abrani J. Ryan (Father Ryan). First lines : — '■^ Forth from its scabbard pure and bright, Flashed the sword of Lee." 247 Sybaris and other Homes. Describes the laboring men's homes, what they ought to be, and what they should not be. 1869. E. E. Hale. Sycamores, The. Poem. 1857. J. G. Whittier. Sylph Etherege. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Sylphs of the Seasons. Poems. 1813, published in London. Washington Allston. Sylvan Secrets in Bird-Song and Books. 1887. jNlaurice Thompson. Sylvia : or The Lost Shepherd. Eclogue. 1857. T. B. Read. Symbolic History of the Cross of Christ, A. 1881. W. R. Alger. Sympathy. Poem. 1840-1844. H. D. Thoreau. Symphony, The. Poem. 1875, in LippincoW s Magazine for June. Sidney Lanier. System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether, The. Prose tale. About 1840-1845. Edgar Allan Poe. System of Doctrines Contained in Divine Revela- tion Explained and Defended. Theological treatise. 1793, Boston. Samuel Hopkins. Table Talk. 1877. Amos B. Alcott. Tablets. Discussions on various topics. 1868. Amos B. Alcott. Tacking Ship Off Shore. Poem. Walter Mitchell. Take me, O my Father! Take me! Hymn. 1864. Ray Palmer. Tale of a Lonely Parish. Novel. 1886. F. M. Crawford. Tale of a Pony, The. Poem. 1860-1868. F.BretHarte. Tales from Two Hemispheres. Short stories. 1877. H. IL Boyesen. Tales of a Traveller. Sketches. 1824. Washing- ton Irving. Murray of London paid fifteen hun- 248 who's the author ? dred guineas for this before he had seen the manuscript. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Poems. 1863, First Series. 1872, Second Series. 1873, Third Series. This is a collection of poems in three Series or Parts. Part I. contains " Paul Revere's Ride," " The Falcon of Ser Federigo," " The Legend of Rabbi Ben Levi," " King Robert of Sicily," " Saga of King Olaf," " Torquemada," " Birds of Killing- worth." Part II. contains " The Bell of Atri," " Kambalu," " The Cobbler of Hagenau," " The Ballad of Carmilhan," " Lady Wentworth," "The Legend Beautiful," " The Baron of St. Castine." Part III. contains " Azrael," " Charlemagne," "Emma and Eginhard," "Elizabeth," "The Monk of Casal-Maggiore," " Scanderbeg," " The Mother's Ghost," " The Rhyme of Sir Christo- pher." The " Wayside Inn " was at Sudbury, Mass., and was long known as the " Red Horse Tavern." Tales of Peter Parley about America. 1827. Sam- uel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley). Tales of the Argonauts. Sketches. 1875, Boston. F. Bret Harte. Tales of the Glauber Spa. See " Glauber Spa." Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Prose tales. 1810. Edgar Allan Poe. Tales of Three Cities. Stories. 1884. Henry James. This collection embraces " The Im- pressions of a Cousin," " Lady Barberina," " A New England Winter." Talisman, The. Literary annual for which Sands, Verplanck, and Bryant wrote. It was short- lived, dying after its third appearance. Pub- lished 1828-1830. Talks on Women's Topics. See " Jennie Juneiana." Tallulah. Poem. 1850. Henry Rootes Jackson. who's the author? 249 Tamerlane. Poem. 1827, Boston. Edgar Allan Poe. First line : " Kind solace in a dying hour." Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys : Being a sec- ond Wonder Book. 1853. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Tauler. Poem. 1853. J. G. Whittier. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Second Series, V.-VI. Henry Carter Adams. Taxation of America. War ballad of the Revolu- tion. 1765, according to some authorities, but references in the ballad indicate a later date. Peter St. John. First line : " While I relate my story." Teacher's Dream, The. Poem. 1870-1880. W. H. Venable. Tecumseh. Historical narrative. 1878. Edward Eggleston, in collaboration with his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Seelye. Telemachus versus Venter. Poem. 1868-1874. F. Bret Harte. Telling the Bees. Poem. 1858, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. John Greenleaf Whittier. First line : " Here is the place ; right over the hill." Temperance, Six Sermons on. 1842. Lyman Beecher. Temperance Tales : or Six Nights with the Wash- ingtonians. 1848. T. S. Arthur. Temperance Tales. About 1855. Thurlow Weed Brown. Tempest Tossed. Novel. 1873. Theodore Tilton. Temple House. Novel. 1867. Elizabeth D. B. Stoddard. Temple of Wisdom, The. Compilation. 1688, Philadelphia. Daniel Leeds. Temple Rebuilt, The. Poem of Christian Faith. 1872. F. R. Abbe. 250 who's the author? Ten Acres Enough. Narrative of a business man who became a successful farmer. 1864. Ed- mund Morris. This book had a wide sale when it appeared. Ten Great Religions. A noted work. J. F. Clarke. Part I. An Essay in Comparative Theology, 1871; Part II. A Comparison of all Religions, 1883. Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. Temperance sketches. 1855. T. S. Arthur. Ten Times One is Ten : or The Possible Refor- mation. A story in nine chapters. 1870. E. E. Hale. Four admonitions formed its bases of reformation, i.e. " To look up, and not down ; to look forward, and not back ; to look out, and not in ; and to lend a hand." This story, it is also said, suggested the idea of circles of ten in the Association of the King's Daughters. Ten Years in Washington : Life and Scenes at the National Capitol as a ^Yoman Sees Them. A series of letters. 1871, New York. Mary Clem- mer Hudson. They originally came out in the New York Independent. Tennessee's Partner. Short story. 1869, in the Overland Monthly for October. F. Bret Harte. Tent Life in Siberia. A graphic account of a jour- ney across Russian Asia, made with a party prospecting (1865-1867) for a route for the Russo- American Telegraph Co. promulgated by the Western Union Telegraph Co. The enter- prise, however, was abandoned. 1870. George Kennan. Tent on the Beach, The. Poems. 1867. J. G. Whittier. Tenth Muse, The. Poems. 1650, in London. The first book of American poems ever printed abroad. Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet. Its full title is an exceedingly long one, of fully eighty who's the author? 251 words, and begins, " The Tenth Muse lately- sprung up in America, or General Poems com- piled with a great variety of Wit and Learning, full of Delight," etc. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground. Song of the Civil War. Written 1863. Published 1864 by Ditson, of Boston. Walter Kittredge. First line: " We'j^e tenting to-night on the old camp gi'ound." Terminus. Poem. Published in Atlantic Monthly for January, 1867. R. W. Emerson. First line : " It is time to be old." Terrible Tractoration, The. Poem, satirical. 1804. Thomas G. Fessenden (Christopher Caustic). This was, in general, a satire on the medical profession, and in particular on the "metallic tractors " of one, Perkins, by name, for the application of galvanism in the treatment of disease, especially yellow fever. Texas, A Journey through : or A Saddle Trip on the Southwestern Frontier. A noted volume of observations made on a tour. 1857. Frederick Law Olmsted. Thanatopsis. Poem. 1817. W.C.Bryant. Writ- ten in the summer of 1811, while living with his parents at Cunmiington, Mass. Published in the North American Review, September, 1817. Thankful Blossom. A romance of the Jerseys, 1779. 1877. F. Bret Harte. Thankless Muse, The. Collection of poems. 1878. H. A. Beers. That Lass o' Lowrie's. Novel. 1877. Frances H. Burnett. A tale of mining life in Lancashire, England. That New World. 1876. Sarah M. B. Piatt. Their Pilgrimage. Novel. 1886. C. D. Warner. Their Story Runneth Thus. Poem. Edition of 1880. Abram J. Ryan (Father Ryan). 252 who's the author? Their Wedding Journey. Romance. 1871, Boston. W. D. Ho wells. This was his first novel. Then. Poem. About 1860. Rose (Terry) Cooke. Theodosia Ernest : or The Heroine of Faith. Novel. 1866. Amos C. Dayton. Theology Explained and Defended. A series of theological discourses. 1818. Timothy Dwight. This is generally admitted to be his best work. It ran through more than one hundred edi- tions. Theophilus and Others. Tales and talks. 1876. Mary Mapes Dodge. Theory to Out-Do England Without Fighting Her. Essay. 186.5. Henry C. Carey. " There are gains for all our losses." See "Flight of Youth." " There is a land immortal." Hymn. AVritten about 1815. Thomas MacKellar. " There is an hour of peaceful rest." Hymn. W. B. Tappan. "There is ever a song somewhere, my dear." Poem. About 1887. James Whitcomb Riley. "There is no death." Poem. 1872, in Appleton's Journal, July 20. J. L. McCreery. "There! little girl, don't cry." First line of "Life Lesson, A," q.v. James Whitcomb Riley. There'll Come a Time. Popular song. 1895. Charles K, Harris. There's a Xew Grave. Poem. About 1851. R. H. Stoddard. There's Life in the Old Land Yet. Civil War poem (Southern). First appeared in the Pdchmond Examiner. James R. Randall. The author wrote it when he was in prison. First line: *^By the blue Patapsco's billowy dash." There's Music in the Air. Song. 1847-1857. George F. Root. who's the author? 253 Thief in the Night, The. Novel. 1872. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. Thine Eyes Still Shined. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. Thinking Bayonet, The. Novel. 1865, Boston. J. K. Hosmer. Thirty Years Ago : or The Memories of a Water Drinker. Novel. 1836. William Dun lap. This was dedicated to " All Temperance Socie- ties." Thirty Years' View, or A History of the American Government from 1820-1850. A famous work on the politics of the country. 1854-1856. Thomas Hart Benton. Thirty Years' War, View of the Primary Causes and Movements of the. History. 1874. John Lo- throp Motley. Thistle-Drift. Poems. 1887. J. V. Cheney. Thompson of Angel's. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Thora. Poem. About 1882. H. H. Boyesen. It is contained in his " Idyls of Norway." Thoreau, Life of Henry D. Biography. 1882. F. B. Sanborn. Thoreau's Flute. Poem. lSQZ,mthe Atlantic Mont Jdy for September. Louisa M. Alcott. Thou and I. Poems. 1880. Theodore Tilton. Thou Art the AVay. Hymn. 1824. George Wash- ington Doane."^ First line: " Thou art the Way — to Thee alone." Thou, Saviour, from Thy Throne on High. Hymn. 1864. Ray Palmer. Thou Wilt Never Grow Old. Poem. About 1868. Ellen Clementine (Doran) Howarth. Thou Who Roll'st the Year Around. Hymn. 1832. Ray Palmer. Thought. Poem. 1840, in the Dial. Christopher 254 who's the author? P. Cranch. First line : " Thought is deeper than all speech."" Thought. Poem. About 1870. Helen (Huut) Jackson. Thoughts for a Young Man, A Few. Lecture. 1850, Boston. Horace Mann. Thoughts on the Soul. Poem. 1827-1833. Rich- ard Henry Dana. Thousand and One Stories. 1857. Samuel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley). Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America: Over the Pampas and the Andes. Travels. 1869, Boston. Nathaniel Holmes Bishop. Three Bells, The. Poem. 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for September. J. G. Whittier. Three Books of Song. Collection of poems. 1872. H. AV. Longfellow. Contained " Tales of a Wayside Inn" (Second Day), "Judas Macca- bseus," and " A Handful of Translations." Three Fates, The. Xovel. 1892. F. M. Crawford. Three Hours : or, The Vigil of Love. Poems. 1848, Philadelphia. Sarah Josepha (Buell) Hale. Three Hundred Thousand More. Civil War ballad. 1862, in the New York Evening Post of July 16. James Sloan Gibbons. First line : " We are com- ing, Father Abraham." Three Memorial Poems. 1876. J. R. Lowell. These were : 1. Ode, read at the hundredth anniversary of the Fight at Concord Bridge. 2. Under the Old Elm, read at the hundredth anni- versary of Washington's taking command of the American armv, July 3, 1775. 3. Ode for the Fourth of July; 1876. Three Years of Arctic Service. Narrative. 1886. Adolphus Washington Greelv. An account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-1881. Threefold Destiny, The. One of the selections of who's the author? 255 "Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Threnodia. Poem. \d>^Q,mi\\Q Knickerbocker Maga- zine for May, where it first appeared with the title, " Threnodia on an Infant." J. R. Lowell. Threnody. Poem. Written about 1842. R. W. Emerson. First line : " The South-wind brings.'' This poem was a lament for the death of his first-born child. Throne of David, The. Popular religious romance. 1860, Philadelphia. Joseph H. Ingraham. Through One Administration. Novel. 1883. Frances H. Burnett. Tide-Mill Stories, The. Juveniles. J. T. Trow- bridge. Tides, The. Sonnet. Written Sept. 4, 1874. H. W. Longfellow. Tiger Lilies. Poem. About 1874. T. B. Aldrich. Tiger Lilies. Novel. 1867. Sidney Lanier. Founded on his experiences at Lookout Prison, in the Civil War. Tilden, Samuel J., Life of. Biography. Theodore P. Cook. Tim, the Scissors Grinder. Harriette Newell Baker. Time-Piece and Literary Companion, The. Peri- odical. First number issued March 18, 1797. Begun by Philip Freneau. Times, The. Poem read before the Boston Mer- cantile Library Association, Nov. 14, 1849. John G. Saxe. Timon's Soliloquy. Poem. 1867, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. T. B. Read. Timothy Titcomb's Letters to Young People. 1858. J. G. Holland. These letters were signed Timothy Titcomb, the pen name of J. G. Holland. Timothy's Quest. Story. 1891. Kate Douglas (Wiggin) Riggs. 256 who's the author? Timrod, Life of Henry. Biography. 1873. Paul H. Hayne. Ting-a-Liiig Stories, The. A series of fairy tales originally written for The Riverside, and pub- lished in book form 1869. F. R. Stockton. Tinkling Cymbals. A tale of New York. 1884. Edgar Fawcett. " Tippecanoe and Tyler Too ! " Political song, very popular. About 1840. Alexander Coffman Ross. It was written to the tune of " Little Pigs." First line: " O^, ivhat has caused this great commotion, — motion, — motion" "'Tis but a little faded flower." Poem. Written 1869. Ellen Clementine (Doran) Howarth. "'Tis said that absence conquers love." Song. Ap- peared about 1830. Frederick William Thomas. Titcomb Letters, The. See " Timothy TitcomVs Letters to Young People.'' Titmouse, The. Poem. May, 1862, Atlantic Monthly. R. W. Emerson. First line : " You shall not he over-hold." To a Blank Sheet of Paper. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. To a Caged Lion. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. To a Caty-Did. Poem. About 1795. Philip Fre- neau. To a Honey Bee. Poem. 1786-1795. Philip Fre- neau. First line : " Thou, horn to sip the lake or spring." To a Persian Boy. Poem. Written at Smyrna, October, 1851. Published 1854. Bayard Tay- lor. To a Sea-Bird. Poem. 1868, in the Overland Monthly for August. F. Bret Harte. To a Waterfowl. Poem. 1818. in the North Ameri- can Review. William Cullen Bryant. The thought which inspired this came to him while who's the author? 257 walking over the hills to Plainfield, Dec. 15,1816, when his future seemed forlorn. It was at sun- set, and the solitary bird travelling steadily on suggested the lesson of faith that marks the poem. It was written at Bridgewater, when he was twenty years old. First line : " Whither, ^midst falling deiv." To an English Friend. Poem. 1852. O. W. Holmes. First line : " The seed that wasteful Autumn cast." To an Insect. Poem. 1831. O. W. Holmes. To Canaan : A Puritan War Song. Poem. 1862. O. W. Holmes. To Have and to Hold. Historical novel. 1900. Mary Johnston. To Helen. Poem. 1836, in the Southern Literary Messenger for March. Edgar Allan Poe. First line : " Helen, thy beauty is to me." To Helen. Poem. First appeared in the Union Magazine, November, 1848. Edgar Allan Poe. " Helen " was Sarah Helen Power, a daughter of Nicholas Power, of Providence, R. I. In 1828 she married John W. Whitman, a lawyer of Boston. First line : '^ I saw thee once — once only — years ago." To Labor Is to Pray. Poem. Frances Sargent Osgood. To Leeward. Novel. 1883. F. M. Crawford. To j\Iy Companions. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. To My Mother. Poem. 1849, in the Flag of Our Union. Edgar Allan Poe. To One in Paradise. Poem. First appeared in the Philadelphia Saturday Museum, March 4, 1843. Edgar Allan Poe. First line : " Thou wast that all to me, love." To Rhea. Poem. 1843, in the Dial for July. R. W. Emerson. 258 who's the author? To Science. Poem. 1836, in the Southern Literary Messenger for May. Edgar Allan Poe. To the Dandelion. Poem. 1845. J. R. Lowell. To the Defenders of New Orleans. Poem. About 1835. J. R. Drake. To the Fringed Gentian. Poem. Written 1829 at New York; published in the edition of 1832. W. C. Bryant. First line : " Thou blossom bright with autumn deic." To the Mocking-Bird. See "Mocking-Bird." To the Painted Columbine. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. To the Pliocene Skull. Poem. 1860-1868. F. Bret Harte. Toadstool, The. Poem. 1830. O. W. Holmes. Tobacco and Alcohol. Treatise. 1868. John Fiske. Tobias Wilson : A Tale of the Great Rebellion. Novel. Jeremiah Clemens. Toiling of Felix and Other Poems, The. 1899. Henry Van Dyke. Toinette.' Novel." 1874. Albion W. Tourgee. Token for the Children of New England, A. 1700. Cotton Mather. Token, The. An annual. Established 1829. Issued until 1842. Edited by E. G. Goodrich. Some of Hawthorne's "Twice-Told Tales" first ap- peared in it. Toll-Gatherers' Day, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Haw^thorne. Tom Sawyer. See " Adventures of Totn Sawyer." Tom Thornton. Story, included in "The Idle Man," q.v. Richard Henry Dana. Tonelli's Marriage. Short story. About 1881. W. D. Howells. Tony, the IVIaid. Novelette. 1887, New York. Blanche Willis Howard von Teuffel. who's the author? 259 Too Late. Poem. Fitzhugh Ludlow. Torn Hat, The. Poem. 1829, in The Youth's Keep- sake. N. P. AVillis. Tortesa : or The Usurer Matched. Play. 1839. N. P. Willis. Tour on the Prairies. 1835. This narrative is em- bodied in the " Crayon Miscellany," q.v. Wash- ington Irving. An account of a month's journey from Fort Gibson, up the Arkansas, to a spot near the present boundary of Kansas. Toussaint L'Ouverture. Lecture delivered Decem- ber, 1861, in New York and Boston. Wendell Phillips. Towhead. Novel. 1882. Sarah Pratt (McLean) Greene. Town and Country Poems. 1856. R. H. Stoddard. Tract to Prove that Indians are Descendants of the Jews. 1660. John Eliot. Tragedy of Nero. See "Nero." Tragedy of the Unexpected, and Other Stories, The. 1880. Nora Perry. Tragic Muse, The. Novel. 1890. Henry James. Trailing Arbutus. Poem. About 1860. Rose (Terry) Cooke. First line : '■^ Darlings of the forest." Traits of the Aborigines. Historical poem of five cantos. 1822. Lydia Huntle}^ Sigourney. Tramp Abroad, A. Sketches. 1880, Hartford. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Tramp Across the Continent, A. Sketches. 1892. C. F. Lummis. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. Civil War ballad. 1864. George Frederick Root. First line : " In the prison cell I sit." " Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching." The first line of the chorus of "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," q.v. Trancadillo. Song. Caroline Howard Gilman. 260 who's the author? First line : " Oh, come, maidens, come o'er the blue rolling wave" Transatlantic Sketches. 1875. Boston. Henry James. Transcendentalist, The. Lecture read at the Masonic Temple, Boston, January, 1842. R. W. Emerson. Transferred Ghost, The. Short story. About 188i. F. R. Stockton. Traveller from Altruria, A. Romance, in the Cos- mopolitan Maqazine. November, 1892, to Octo- ber, 1893. W. D. Howells. Travelling. One of the selections of "Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Travelling Bachelor, The. Novel. 1828. James Fenimore Cooper. Travels in a Treetop. Nature sketches. 1894. C. C. Abbott. Travels in Arabia. Sketches. 1872. Bayard Tay- lor. Travels in Greece and Rome. 1859. Bayard Taylor. Travels in New England and New York. 1821- 1822. Timothy D wight. Treadmill Song, The. Poem. 1830. O.W.Holmes. Treason's Last Device. Civil War ballad. E. C. Stedraan. First line : " Sons of New England in the fray." Treasures in Heaven. Poem. John G. Saxe. Treatise on the Religious Affections. A. 1746. Jona- than Edwards. A theological work written in a lighter and gentler style than his other writings. Tree Burial. Poem. 18^2, in the New York Ledger of August 17. AV. C. Bryant. " Trembling before Thine awful throne." Hymn. 1822, in The Christian Spectator for April, at New Haven. It was written about 1816. Augustus L. Hillhouse. who's the author ? 261 Trials of the Human Heart, The. Novel. 1795. Susanna (H.) Rowson. Trippings in Author Land. Sketches. About 1847. Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forester). Tristia Ecclesiarum. An account of the churches of New England. 1745. Samuel Niles. Triumph of Infidelity, The. Poem, satirical. 1788. Timothy Dwight. Triumph of Love, The. Poem. 1878. Ella Maria (Dietz) Clymer. Triumphant Democracy : or Fifty Years' March of the Republic. Discourse. 1886. Andrew Carnegie. Trouble on Lost Mountain. Short story. About 1888. J. C. Harris. Trout Culture. Treatise. 1870. Rochester, N. Y. Seth Green. Truce of Piscataqua, The. Poem. 1860, in the Atlantic Monthly for February. J. G. Whittier. True George Washington, The. Biographical study. 1897. Paul Leicester Ford. True Grandeur of Nations, The. Oration. Charles Sumner. It was delivered before the authori- ties of the City of Boston, July 4, 1845. True Relation of such Occurrences and Accidents of Noate as both happened in Virginia since the first Planting of that Collony, which is now resi- dent in the south part thereof, till the last Return from Thence, A. 1608, London. (Captain) John Smith. A narrative account of the colony at Jamestown. Notable as being the first book written on this continent. True Repertory of the Wracke and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, upon and from the Bermudas. 1610. AVilliam Strachey. It is said that Shakespeare got the hint of the "Tem- pest " from this work. 262 who's the author? True Sentiments of America, The. Contained in a collection of Letters sent from the Massachu- setts House of Representatives to persons of rank in England. 1768. Although the author- ship of these documents has been widely de- bated, it is generally conceded that most of them were written by Samuel Adams. True Story of Lady Byron's Life. Biography. 1869. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. True Womanhood. Novel. 1859. John Neal. Trumbull, Life, of John. Autobiography. 1841. Trumpet Sounded out of the Wilderness of America. A work against the Quakers. Printed by Will- iam Bradford. 1699, New York. Daniel Leeds. Trumps. Novel. 1862. G. W. Curtis. It origi- nally appeared in Harper's Weekly, 1858-1859. Truth Vindicated. Series of letters signed " Yin- dex." About 1821. William Gibbons. This work was a remarkably clear enunciation of the principles of the Friends. Truthful James to the Editor. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria. A noted series of letters originally issued in the London Daily News, and published in book form, 1876, at London. J. A. MacGahan. " Turn out more ale, turn up the light." First line of " Dum Yivimus Vigilamus," q.v. Charles H. Webb. Tuscan Cities. Sketches. 1885. W. D. Howells. '"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house." First line of Clement C. Moore's '' Visit from St. Nicholas," q.v. T'wrelfth of April, The. War poem. First appeared in the Neio York World of April 16, 1861. E. C. Stedman. First line: " Came the morning of that day." 263 Twenty Years. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. Twenty Years of Congress : From Lincoln to Gar- field, with a Review of the Events which led to the Political Revolution of 1860. 1884. James G. Blaine. Twice-Told Tales. Collection of various stories contributed to newspapers and magazines. First series, 1837 ; second series, 1842. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Twilight, To. Poem. 1818, in the New York Evening Post of October. Fitz-Greene Halleck. This was one of his earliest poems. 'Twill Soon be Dark. Poem. tV. L. Shoemaker, Twins of Table Mountains, The. Short story. 1879, Boston. F. Bret Harte. Two Admirals, The. Novel, sea tale. 1842- James Fenimore Cooper. Two Angels, The. Poem. Written 1854. Pub- lished, 1854, in Putnam's Magazine for April. H. W. Longfellow. This beautiful poem was written on the occasion of the birth of the poet's younger daughter and the death of his friend's (Lowell) wife. First line : " Two angels, one of Life and one of Death J' Two Angels, The. Poem. 1875. J. G. Whittier. Two Bites at a Cherry. Short story. 1886, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. T. B. Aldrich. Two Brides, The. Poem. About 1851. R. H. Stoddard. Two Cities. Poem. Written October, 1871. W. A. Butler. Two Graves, The. Poem. 1826, in the United States Literary Gazette for August. W. C. Bryant. Two Little Confederates. Story, juvenile. 1888. T. N. Page. Two Loves, The. Poem. 1884. J. G. Whittier. 264 who's the author? Two ^len. Novel. 1865. Elizabeth Drew (Bar- stow) Stoddard. Two Meii^of Sandy Bar. Drama. 1877, Boston. F. Bret Harte. Two Millions. 1858. Poem, satirical. William Allen Butler. This poem was written for the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale, and delivered before it July 28, 1858. Two Rivers. Poem, in the Atlantic Monthly for January, 1858 R. W. Emerson. First line: " Thy summer voice, Musketaquit.'' Two Rivulets. A collection. 1873. Walt Whit- man. This included " Democratic Vistas," " Memoranda During the War," and " Passage to India." Two Salomes, The. Novel. 1893. Maria L. Pool. Two Travellers, The. Poem, 1877, in the Atlantic Monthly for Februarv. W. C. Bryant. Two Villages, The. Poem. About 1860. Rose (Terry) Cooke. One of her best poems. Two Women. Poem. 1S77, in A ppleton's Journal, ior January and February. Constance F. Woolson. Two Years Before the Mast. Narrative. 1840. Richard Henry Dana, Jr. An account of a voyage, by way of the Horn, to California. Typee. Story of adventure. 1846. Herman Mel- ville. Typical Forms and Special Ends of Creation. Trea- tise. 1856. James McCosh. Typography, The Practice of. A standard work on the subject. 1900. Theodore L. DeVinne. Uhland. Poem. About 1871. William Allen But- ler. Ulalume. Poem. First appeared in the Ameri- can Whig Review for December, 1847. Edgar Allan Poe. who's the author ? 265 Ultima Thule. Poems. 1880. H. W. Longfellow. Unc' Edinburg's Drowndin'. Short story. About 1887. T. N. Page. Uncle Ned. See " Old Uncle Ned." Uncle Remus : His Songs and Sayings. Sketches of negro life. 1880. J. C. Harris. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Novel. 1851-1852. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe. This novel became world-famous. It was first published in the National Era ot Washing-ton as a serial, beginning iu June, 1851, and running until April, 1852. It was then published (1852, at Boston) in book form and had a marvellous sale. Five hundred thousand copies were sold in America in five years. It was translated into fully twenty languages. Under the Breath. Poem. About 1882. Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford. Under the Daisies. Song. Very popular. About 1877. Harriet (Tyng) Griswold. Under the Evening Lamp. Essays on modern Eng- lish poets. 1892. R. H. Stoddard. Under the Gaslight. Play. Produced 1867, at the New York Theatre. John Augustine Daly. Under the Lilacs. Juvenile. 1878. Louisa M. Alcott. Under the Northern Lights. An account of the Arctic expedition of 1875 undertaken by Capt. Allen Young, in the Pandora, to seek for the remains of the Franklin expedition and, if possible, to find a northwest passage. J. A. MacGahan. Under the Old Elm. Poem read, 1875, at Cam- bridge, INIass., on the hundredth anniversary of Washington's taking command of the American army, July 3, 1775. J. R. Lowell. See '' Three Memorial Odes." 266 who's the author? Under the Shade of the Trees. Poem of the Civil War (Southern). Margaret J. Preston. First line : " What are the thoughts that are stirring his breast?" Poem refers to Stonewall Jackson, whose last words were, " Let us pass over the river and rest under the shade of the trees," Under the Snow. Ballad. 1835-1860. Robert Collyer. Under the Trees and Elsewhere. Essays. 1891. H. W. Mabie. Under the Violets. Poem. 1859. O. TV. Holmes. Under the Violets. Poem. About 1859. Edward Young. First line : " Under the violets, blue and sweet." Under the Willows. Poems. 1868. J.R.Lowell. The " willows " which gave the title to this volume of poems made a favorite clump of trees, beneath whose shade Lowell took great delight. They were not far from Elmwood, his home. Underbrush Sketches. 1877. James T. Fields. Undertow of a Trade Wind Surf. Humorous and sentimental sketches. George Hunt Clark. Undiscovered Country, The. Romance. 1880. W. D. Howells. Undiscovered Country, The. Poem. E. C. Sted- man. Unexpected Guests, The. Farce. 1893, in Har- pers Magazine, January. W. D. Howells. Union and Liberty. Poem, patriotic. 1861. O. W. Holmes. "Union forever! Hurrah, boys, Hurrah! The." First line of the well-known chorus of " The Battle Cry of Freedom," q.v. George F. Root. Union Forever, The. Poem. About 1865. Sarah T. B. Bolton. Union, The. Poem. About 1860, George Lunt. who's the author? 267 United Netherlands, The. See "History of the United Netherlands." Unknown Way, The. Poem. 1846, in Graham's Magazine for December. W. C. Bryant. Unseen Spirits. Poem. 1843, in the New York Mirror of July 29. N. P. Willis. First line: " The shadows lay along Broadway ." Unseen World, The. Essays. 1876, Boston. John Fiske. Until Death Us Do Part. Story. 1867, New York. A. J. E. Wilson. Untimely Thought, An. Poem. 1873, in the Atlantic Monthly for January. T. B. Aldrich. Unwritten History : or Life Among the Modocs. 1873. C. H. Miller (Joaquin Miller). Upland and Meadow. Observations and Essays on Nature. 1886. C. C. Abbott. Upon the Hill before Centreville. Civil War poem. George H. Boker. First line: "/7Z tell you what I heard that day" Upon the Mountain's Distant Head. Poem. 1829, in the Talisman. W. C. Bryant. Upper Ten, The. Play. About 1854, at Burton's Theatre, New York City. Thomas B. De Walden. Upshot Family,The. Poem, serio-comic. H.C.Work. Urania: A Rhymed Lesson. Poem, delivered 1846, before Boston Mercantile Library Association. O. W. Holmes. Urban Sketches. Short stories. 1872. F. Bret Harte. They comprise, among others : " A Ven- erable Impostor," "From a Balcony," "Melons," " Surprising Adventures of Master Charles Sum- merton," " Sidewalkings," "A Boy's Dog." Uses of Great Men, The. One of the selections of " llepresentative Men," q.v. R. W. Emerson. Utterance : A Collection of Home Poems. 1852, Boston. Caroline A. B. Mason. 268 who's the author? Vacant Chair, The. Song. First printed in the Worcestei' Spy, November, 1861. Henry Steven- son Washburn. The song was inspired by news of the death of Lieut. John William Grout, of the 15th Mass. Vol. Infantry. First line: "PFe shall meet, but loe shall ??}iss him." Vagabonds, The. Poem. 1863. J. T. Trowbridge. Vagrom Verse. 1889. C. H. Webb (John Paul). Valley Brook, The. Poem. J. H. Bryant. Van Gelder Papers, The. Sketches. 1887. John Treat Irving. Vanishers, The. Poem. 1864, in the Atlantic Monthly for December. J. G. Whittier. Vanity Fair. Play. John Brougham, Varuna, The. Civil War poem. George H. Boker. First line: " Who has not heaj^d of the daimtless Varuxa ? " The " Varuna," commanded by Capt. Charles Stuart Boggs, was sunk after ex- tremely gallant conduct in the attack on Forts St. Philip and Jackson, April 2-1, 1862. Vassall Morton. Novel. 1856. Francis Parkman. Velasco. Play, tragedy. Produced Nov. 20, 1837, at the Tremont Theatre, Boston, with great success. Epes Sargent. Venetian Life. Sketches of travel. 1866, London. W. D. Howells. Venus of Milo, The. Poem. 1883. E. R. Sill. Veteran and the Child, The. Poem. 1832-1841. Hannah F. Gould. Veteran, The. Play. 1859. John Johnstone Wallack (Lester \\''allack). Via Crucis : A Romance of the Second Crusade. Novel. 1899. F. Marion Crawford. Victor Durand. Play. 1884, at Wallack's Theatre, New York City. H. G. Carleton. Victorian Poets. Criticism. 1875. E. C. Stedman. Victories of Peace, The. Poem, delivered 1878, who's the author ? 269 before the Army of the Potomac at Springfield, Mass. R. H. Stoddard. Views Afoot : or Europe Seen with Knapsack and Staff. Sketches of travel. 1846. Bayard Taylor. Vigil of Faith, The. Poem. 1842. C.F.Hoffman. Village Blacksmith, The. Poem. H. W. Longfellow. First appeared in the Knickerbocker, November, 1840. Written Oct. 5, 1839. The famous chest- nut tree of the poem was cut down in 1876. First line : " Under a spreading chestnut tree." Village Merchant, The. Poem. 1794, Philadel- phia. Philip Freneau. Village Politician, A. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Village Uncle, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Village Worthies. One of the selections of " Brace- bridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Vindication of the British Colonies, A. Pamphlet. 1769. James Otis. Vindication of the Conduct of the House of Rep- resentatives of Massachusetts Bay. A noted pamphlet. 1762, Boston. James Otis. Vindication of the Government of New England's Churches. Treatise. 1717. John Wise. This was an enlarged and more complete develop- ment of the theme advanced in his " Church's Quarrel Espoused," q.v. Virginia, A History of. 1705. Robert Beverley. Virginia and Her Neighbors. See " Old Virginia," etc. Virginia Gazette, The. Established 1736. This was the first newspaper issued in that state. Virginia, Historical Collections of. 1844, Charles- ton. Henry Howe. Virginia, History of. 1883. John E. Cooke. Virginia, History of. 1804. John Daly Burk. Virginia Comedians, The. Novel. 1854. John 270 who's the author? E. Cooke. It gives a picture of society at Williamsburg, the old capital of Yirgiiiia. Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, The General History of. 1624. John Smith. Virginia of Virginia. Short story. 1888, in Harper's Monthly Magazine for January. Amelie Rives (Chanler) Troubetzkoy. Virtuoso's Collection, A. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Vision of Columbus, The. Poem. 1787. Joel Barlow. Vision of Cortez. Poem. 1829. W. G. Simms. Vision of Echard, The. Poem. 1878. J. G.Whittier. Vision of Sir Launfal. Poem. December, 1818. J. R. Lowell. First line : " Over his keys the mus- ing organist." Vision of the Fountain, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Visit from St. Nicholas, A. A well-known Christmas poem. Written 1822, and published anony- mously in the Troy Sentinel, Dec. 23, 1823, with- out the author's knowledge. Clement Clarke Moore. First line : '■'■'Twas the night before Christ- mas, luhen all through the house." Visit to India, China, and Japan, A. Travels. 1855. Bayard Taylor. Voice of Autumn, The. Poem. 1851, in Graham's Magazine for January. W. C. Bryant. Voice of Rama, The. Poem. 1824. George W. Doane. Voice of the Grass, The. Poem. Sarah (Roberts) Boyle. Voice, The. Poem. About 1866. Forceythe Willson. Voiceless, The. Poem, 1858. O. W. Holmes. Voices of Freedom. Poems. 1849. J. G. Whittier. Voices of the Night. Poems. 1839. Henry Wads- worth Longfellow. These comprise the follow- who's the author? 271 ing poems, most of which appeared originally in the New York Knickerbocker: " Hymn to the Night"; "A Psalm of Life"; "The Reaper and the Flowers " ; " The Light of Stars " ; " Foot- steps of Angels"; "Flowers"; "The Beleaguered City"; "Midnight Mass for the Dying Year." Voltaire, Life of. Biography. 1881. James Parton. Voluntaries. Poem. \^Q?>,m the Atlantic Monthly for October. Ralph Waldo Emerson. First line: ^^ Low and mournful he the strain.'' Volunteer Soldier of America, The. 1888, Chicago. John A. Logan. Volunteers, The. Farce. 1793, Philadelphia. Susanna H. Rowson. Founded on the whisky rebellion in western Pennsylvania. Voyage to Boston. Poem. 1774, at New York. Philip Freneau. Voyage to the Fortunate Isles. Poem. 1874. Sarah M. B. Piatt. Voyages of the Companions of Columbus. Histori- cal papers, 1831. Washington Irving. Wabash. Poem. 1877, Lippincott's Magazine for February. Maurice Thompson. Wagoner of the Alleghanies, The. Poem. 1862, Philadelphia. T. B. Read. Waif of the Plains, A. Novels and tales. 1890. F. Bret Harte. Waiting for the Verdict. Novel. 1867, New York. Rebecca H. Davis. Wake Thee, O Zion, Thy Mourning is Ended. Hymn. 1862. Ray Palmer. Wakefield. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Wake-Robin. Essays on nature. 1871. John Burroughs. Waldeinsamkeit. Poem. October, 1858, in the 272 who's the author? Atlantic Monthly. R. W. Emerson. First line: " / do not count the hours I spend." Walden. Account of a two years' experience of solitude on the shore of Walden Pond. 1854. II. D. Thoreau. Walden. Poem. R. W. Emerson. The thoughts in this little poem he afterward expanded into the poem, " My Garden," q.v. Walk at Sunset, A. Poem. 1821, in Dana's Idle Man. W. C. Brvant. Walker of the Snow, The. Poem. 1859, in the Atlantic Monthly for May. C. D. Shanly. Wanderer, The. Poem, colloquial. 1872. '^WiUiam Ellery Channing (1818-). Wandering Recollections of a Somewhat Busy Life. Autobiography. 1870. John Neal. Waning Moon, The. Poem. 1814, in Graham's Magazine for July. W. C. Brvant. Wanted — A Man. Civil War poem. E. C. Sted- man. First line : " Back from the trebly crim- soned field." Wants of Man, The. Poem. About 1848. John Quincy Adams. Written on being informed by General Ogle that several young ladies had asked for his autograph. War and AVashington. Ballad of the Revolu- tion. Jonathan Mitchell Sewall. First line : " Vain Britons, boast no longer with proud indignity." Warden of the Cinque Ports, The. Poem. 1853, in Putnam's Magazine for January. H. W. Longfellow. Written October, 1852. The War- *den referred to was the Duke of Wellington, who died Sept. 13. First line : " A mist was driving down the British Channel." Warp and Woof. Poems. 1870. S. A. W. Duf- field. who's the author? 273 Warren, Life and Times of Joseph. Biography. 18ti5. Richard Frothingham. Warren's Address to the American Soldiers. Poem. About 18i0. John Pierpont. First line : " Stand I the grounfVs your oivn, my braves ! " Washers of the Shroud. Poem. 1861, in the Atlantic Monthly for November. J. R. Lowell. Washington, Life and Writings of George. Biog- raphy. 1834-1838. Jared Sparks. Washington, Life of. Biography. 1801. David Ramsay. Washington, Life of. Biography. 1800. Mason Locke Weems. Washington, Life of. Biography. 1855-1857. Washington Irving. Vol. I. appeared 1855, Vols. II. and III., 1856, IV., 1857. Washington, Life of. Biography. 1801. John Marshall. Washington, Life of. Biography. 1835. James K. Paulding. Washington, Life of. Biography. 1834, Charles- ton. This was written in Latin. William Lance. Washington Square. Story of New York life. 1880, in Harper's Magazine, and simultaneously in the Cornhill Magazine. Henry James. Watch and Ward. Novelette. 1871. Henry James. Watch Fires of '76, The. Historical stories and sketches. 1895. S. A. Drake. Watch of Boon Island, The. Poem. 1872, in the Atlantic Monthly for March. Celia Thaxter. Watcher, The. Song, very popular. Sarah Josepha (Buell) Hale. First line : " The night was dark and fearful.'" Watching. Poem. About 1852. Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forester). First line: ^^ Sleep, love, sleep ! " 274 who's the author? Watchmaker's Wife, and Other Stories, The. 1893. F. R. Stockton. This collection con- tains also "Asaph," "My Terminal JNloraine," "The Philosophy of Relative Existences,'' "The Knife that Killed Po Hancy," "The Christmas Shadrach," and "Reverend Ezekiel Crump." Waterfowl, To a. See " To a Waterfowl." Water- Witch, The. Novel, sea tale. 1830. J. Feni- more Cooper. Waters of Marah, The. Poem. 1824. George W. Doane. Watty and Meg. Poem, narrative. 1792. Alex- ander Wilson. " 'Way down South where grows the cotton." See "Dixie (Northern)." " 'Way down upon de Swannee ribber." See " Old Folks at Home." Ways of the Hour. Novel. 1850. J. F. Cooper. " We are coming, Father Abraham." First line of the famous Civil War ballad, " Three Hundred Thousand More," q.v. J. S. Gibbons. We Girls. Juvenile. 1870. Adeline D. T. Whitney. We Were Boys Together. Poem. About 1846. George P. Morris. Wealth. One of the selections of " Conduct of Life," q.v. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Wealth and Worth. Tale, juvenile. 1840. Epes Sargent. Wearing of the Gray, The : Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of the War. 1867. John E. Cooke. Weaver, The. Poem. First appeared in the New York Mirror of March 22, 1845. Emily Chub- buck Judson (Fanny Forester). Webster, Life of Daniel. Biography. 1883. H. C. Lodge. who's the author? 275 "Webster's Spelling Book. See " Grammatical In- stitute of the English Language." Wedding Knell, The. One of the selections of " Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers, A. Nature sketches. 1849. H. D. Thoreau. Weekly Inspector, The. Periodical. Established 1805 by T. G. Fessenden. It lived two years. Weekly Rehearsal, The. Periodical. Established 1731. This later became the Boston Evening Post, which continued until 1775. "Weeping, sad and lonely." First line of the chorus of " When this Cruel War is Over," q.v. Charles C. Sawyer. This was the original title of this famous M'ar ballad. Well- Worn Roads of Spain, Holland, and Italy : Travelled by a Painter in search of the Pic- turesque. 1887. F. Hopkinson Smith. Wensley: A Story without a Moral. 1854. Ed- mund Quincy. Wept of Wish-ton-Wish, The. Novel. 1829. J. Fenimore Cooper. West Wind, The. Poem. 1821, in Dana's Idle Man. W. C. Bryant. Westminster Abbey. One of the selections of the " Sketch-Book," q.v. Washington Irving. Westover Manuscripts, The. Journals. 1841. William Byrd. They were written 1728-1736. West-ward Ho ! A story of Virginia and Kentucky. 1832. J. K. Paulding. Wet Days at Edgewood. Sketches. 1865. D. G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel). What Can She Do ? Novel. 1873. E. P. Roe. What Cheer : or Roger Williams in Exile. Poem, in nine cantos. 1832. Job Durfee. What I Know About Farming, Series of articles on practical agriculture. 1871. Horace Greeley. 276 who's the author? What is that, Mother ? Poem. 1829, in The Token. George Washington Doane. First line : " What is that,^ Mother?" — '' The lark, my child" " What is the little one thinking abont ? " Cradle Song from " Bitter Sweet." J. G. Holland. What Might Have Been Expected. Story. 1874. F. R. Stockton. What the Bnllet Sang. Poem. Abont 1871. F. Bret Harte. What the Chimney Sang. Poem. About 1874. F. Bret Harte. What the Engines Said. Poem. 1869. _ F. Bret Harte. This was written on the opening of the Pacific Railroad. What the Wolf Really Said to Little Red Riding- Hood. Poem. 1871-1874. F. Bret Harte. What's to Be Done? or The Will and the Way. Juvenile. 1841. Epes Sargent. When Downward to the Darksome Tomb. Hymn. 1842. Ray Palmer. When Dreams Come True : A Story of Emotional Life. Novel. 1895. E. E. Saltus. When Johnnie Comes Marching Home Again. Bal- lad of the Civil War. Written 1863. Patrick S. Gilmore (Louis Lambert). When Knighthood Was in Flower. Histori- cal romance. 1898. Charles Major (Edwin Caskoden). When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed. Poem. About 1865. Walt Whitman. When Other Friends Are 'Round Thee. Song. 1846. George P. Morris. When the Sultan goes to Ispahan. Poem. About 1859. T. B. Aldrich. When This Cruel War is Over. Ballad of the Civil War. Charles C. Sawyer. First line : " Dear- who's the author ? 277 est love, do you remember." Its original title was " Weeping, Sad and Lonely." Where Shall the Baby's Dimple Be. Poem. About 1873. J. G. Holland. Where the Battle Was Fought. Novel. 1884. JNlary Noailles Murfree (Charles Egbert Crad- dock). This refers to the battle of Murfrees- boro, which was fought December 31, 1862- January 2, 1863, near the author's home. Whig Almanac, The. Established 1838, by Horace Greeley. It afterwards became the Tribune Almanac. While the Dance Goes On. Popular song. 1897. Charles K. Harris. Whip-poor-will, The. Poem. 1853. George Pope Mor- ris. First line : " Why dost thou come at set of sun?" Whippoorwill, The. Poem. About 1855. W. W. Fosdick. White Heron, The. Short story. 1886. Sarah Orne Jewett. White Jacket: or The World in a Man-of-War. A story of adventure. 1850. Herman JNIelville. White Old Maid, The. One of the selections of '' Twice-Told Tales," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. White Rose, The. Poem of the Civil War. Joseph O'Connor. First line : " It is a ivithered rose." White Slave, The. Novel. 1852, new enlarged edition. Richard Hildreth. Originally it ap- peared as The Slave: or A Memoir of Archy Moore, 1836. White Slave, The. Play. After 1880. Bartley Campbell. White Umbrella in Mexico, A. Sketches. 1889. F. Hopkinson Smith. Whitman, Walt: A Study. Biographical and critical estimate. 1897. John Burrouglis. Who Knows? Poem. 1874-1886. Nora Perry. 278 who's the author? "Who that has mmgled in the fray." Poem. 1824. George W. Doane. Who Will Care for Mother Now ? Song, very popu- lar during the Civil War. Charles C. Sawyer. First line : " Whrj am I so weak and weary ? " Why This Longing? Poem. 1835-1860. Harriet (Winslow) Sew all. Wide Swath. Poems. 1882. B. P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington). Wide, Wide World, The. Novel, very popular. 1850. Susan Warner. It appeared under the pseudonym of Elizabeth Wetherell. Widow, The. One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Widow Bedott Papers. Humorous sketches. 1855, New York. Frances Miriam Whitcher. First appeared in NeaVs Gazette. Widow Guthrie. Novel. 1890. R. M. Johnston. Widow of Nain, The. Poem. About 1827. N. P. Willis. First line : " The Roman sentinel stood helm'd and tall." Widowed Heart, The. Poem. Albert Pike. First line: '■^Thou art lost to me forever ! — / have lost thee, had ore." Widow^s Marriage, The. Play. 1856. G.H.Boker. Wieland : or The Transformation. Novel. 1798. Charles Brockden Brown. A wild story, full of ghastly incident. Wigwam and Cabin : or Tales of the South. 1845- 1846. W. G. Simms. Wild Honeysuckle, Lines to a. Poem. About 1795. Philip Freneau. First line : "FfaV Jioiver, that dost so comely cp'ow." Wild Roses of Cape Ann. Poem. 1880. Lucy Larcora. Wilderness Hunter, The : An Account of the Big Game of the United States, and Its Chase with who's the author? 279 Horse, Hound, and Rifle. 1893. Theodore Roosevelt. Will Nobody Marry Me? Song, comic. 1842, in Graham's Magazine. G. P. Morris. Willie We have missed You. Song. 1845-1847. S. C. Foster. Willis, Life of N. P. Biography. 1885, Boston. H. A. Beers. Willows, The. Poem. 1871-1874. F.BretHarte. Wind and Stream, The. Poem. 1857, in the Atlantic Monthly for December. W. C. Bryant. Wind Flower, The. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. First line : " Thou lookest up with meek, confiding eye.'" Wind of Destiny. Novel. 1886. A. S. Hardy. Winds, The. Poem. 1839, in the Knickerbocker Magazine. W. C. Bryant. Wing and Wing. Novel, sea tale. 1842. J.F.Cooper. Winged W^orshippers, The. Poem. About 1841. Charles Sprague. This poem v^^as written about two swallows that flew into the Chauncey Place Church, during service. First line : " Gay, guilt- less pair J' Winning His Way. Story. 1865. C. C. Coffin. Winning of the West, The. Historical narrative. 1889. Theodore Roosevelt. Winter in the West. Sketches of adventure. 1835, New York. C. F. Hoffman. Winter Piece. Poem. 1821, in Dana's Idle Man. W. C. Bryant. Winter. Selections from the Journal of Henry David Thoreau by H. G. O. Blake, editor. 1887. Winter Song. Charles T. Brooks. Winter Sunshine. Essays upon nature. 1875. fJohn Burroughs. Winter Woods. Poem. 1870, Atlantic Monthly. George Cooper. 280 who's the author? Witch of Prague, The. Romance. 1891. F. M. Crawford. Witches Whelp, The. Poem. About 1851. R. H. Stoddard. With all Her Faults, I love Her Still. Song. Mon- roe H. Rosenfeld. With Fate Against Him. Novel. 1870. Amanda M. Douglas. With the Immortals. Novel. 1888. F. M. Craw- ford. With the Procession. Novel. 1895. H. B. Fuller. With Trumpet and Drum. Poems about children. 1892. Eugene Field. Within the Gate. Poem. 1881. J. G. Whittier. Witnesses, The. Poem. Written 1842. H. W. Longfellow. Wives. Comedy, adapted from the French of Moliere. Produced at Daly's Theatre, New York City, Oct. 18, 1879. Bronson Howard. Wives . One of the selections of " Bracebridge Hall," q.v. Washington Irving. Wives of the Dead, The. One of the selections of " The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales." Nathaniel Hawthorne. Wolfert's Roost. 1855. Washington Irving. This series of papers originally appeared in the Knick- erbocker Magazine. 1839-1840. Woman Hater, The. Play. Produced 1885. Da- vid Demarest Lloyd. Woman in Armor. Story. 1875. Mary Hartwell Gather wood. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Essay. 1844. A plea for Woman's Rights. ' Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli. This essay was expanded from an article published in the Dial, July, 1843, en- titled "The Great Lawsuit — Man versus Men; Woman versus Women." who's the author? 281 Woman of the War, A. Poem of the Civil War. Rossiter Johnson. First line : " Through the som- bre arch of that gateway toiuer." The poem is founded on a true story. Margaret A. Peterson, a nurse of St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, N. Y., who died Sept. 1, 1864, is its heroine. Woman Who Dared, The. Poem. 1869. Epes Sargent. Woman's Letters from Washington, A. See " Ten Years in Washington." Woman's Reason, A. Novel. 1883. W. D. How- ells. It originally appeared in the Century Mag- azine. Women Must Weep. Novel. 1892. Edgar Fawcett. Wonder Book, The. Tales, juvenile. 1851. Na- thaniel Hawthorne. Wonder- Working Providence of Zion's Saviour in New England. A history of New England from 1628 to 1652. Published 1654, in London. Re- printed in the Second Series, Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections. Edward Johnson. Wonderful One-Hoss Shay, The. See "Deacon's IMasterpiece." Wonderful Sack, The. Poem. About 1869. J. T. Trowbridge. Wonderful Spring of San Joaquin, The. Poem. About 1871. F. Bret Harte. Wonders of the Invisible World. Treatise. 1692. Cotton ]\Iather. Wood-Blooms. Poems. 1888. J. V. Cheney. Wood Sprite, The. Poem. 1885, in the Century Magazine. Roger Riordan. Wooden Booksellers. Poem, satirical. About 1823. T. G. Fessenden. Woodman, Spare that Tree. Poem. 1830. George Pope Morris. First line : " Woodman, spare that tree ! " 282 who's the author? Woodman, The. Poem. 1849. William EUery Channing (1818-). Woodnotes. Two noted poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The first appeared in the Dial, October, 1840 ; the second, in the Dial, October, 1811. Woods in Winter. Poem. Written 1824. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " When luinter icinds are piercing chill.'' Words and Their Uses. Criticism. 1870. R. G. White. Words for the Hour. 1856. Julia Ward Ho^ve. •■ Work, for the night is coming." Hymn. 1854. Sidney Dyer. Works and Days. Essay. 1870. R. W. Emerson. See " Society and Solitude." World, The. Poem. About 1839. Jones Very. World of Chance, The. Novel. 1892, in Harper's Magazine, March-November. W. D. Howells. World-Soul, The. Poem. 1840-1847. R. W. Emerson. Worship. One of the selections of " Conduct of Life," 7-1'. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Wreath of Wild Flowers from New England, A. Poems. 1839. Frances S. Osgood. Wreck of the Hesperus, The. Poem. First appeared in Park Benjamin's periodical, The New World. Written Dec. 29, 1839. H. W. Longfellow. First line : " It was the schooner Hesperus." Wreck of the Pocahontas, The. Poem. 1868, in the Atlantic Monthly for April. Celia Thaxter. Wreck, The. Poem. About 1823. J. G. Percival. Wyandotte : or The Hutted Knoll. Novel. 1843. J. F. Cooper. A story of the settlement of an English family in the vicinity of Otsego Lake about the time of the opening of the Revolution. Wyndham Towers. Poem. 1889. T. B. Aldrich. who's the author? 283 " "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod." See " Dutch Lullaby." Ximena. Poems. 1844. Bayard Taylor. Yamoyden : A Tale of the Wars of King Philip. Poem, in six cantos. 1820. J. W. Eastburn and R. C. Sands. Yankee at King Arthur's Court. See " Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court." Yankee Doodle. Song. First appeared in America about 1785, having been brought into the camps of the American army by Richard Shuckburgh or Shakburg, a surgeon of the British army. The air has been traced back, it is said, to Charles the First's time, of England. The song (not the air) came into vogue originally with the title " The Yankee's Return from Camp." First line : " Father^ and I loent doicn to can^p." Yankee from the West. Novel. 1898. Opie Read. Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. Sketches. 1866. H. D. Thoreau. Yankee in London. Comedy. 1809. Roy all Tyler. Year's Life, A. A collection of poems. 1841. J. R. Lowell. Yellow Violet, The. Poem. Written at Cumming- ton, Mass. Published 1821. W. C. Bryant. Yemassee, The: A Romance of South Carolina. 1835. W. G. Simms. This is generally con- sidered his best work. Yesterdays with Authors. Personal recollections of famous writers. 1872. J. T. Fields. Yield Not to Temptation. Hymn. Written 1868, and published in the National Sunday School Teachers' Marjazine. Horatio R. Palmer. Youma: The Story of a West Indian Slave. 1898. Lafcadio Hearn. 284 who's the author? Young America. Poem. 1864, in the New York Ledger for January. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Young America Abroad. Series of popular juve- niles. W. T. Adams. Young American, The. Lecture read before the Mercantile Library Association, Boston, Feb. 7, 18iL R. W. Emerson. Young Girl's Wooing, A. Novel. 1884, New York. E. P. Roe. Young Goodman Brown. One of the selections of " Mosses from an Old Manse," q.v. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Young Mrs. Winthrop. Play, produced 1882. Bronson Howard. Youth's Companion, The. Periodical. Estab- lished 1827. Zadoo Pine and Other Stories. 1891. H. C.Bunner. Zenobia: or The Fall of Palmyra. This popular historical novel originally appeared m the KnicJc- erhocker Magazine, 1836, with the title " Letters of Lucius M. Piso from Palmyra to his friend Marcus Curtius at Rome." These " Letters " were then published in two volumes, 1837, New York, and were later republished as " Zenobia," 1868. William Ware. Zeph : A Posthumous Story. 1885. Helen (Hunt) Jackson. Zig-Zag Journeys. Series of juveniles. 1876-1890. Hezekiah Butterworth. Zizendorf. Poem. 1836. Lydia Huntley Sigourney. Zophiel: or The Bride of Seven. Poem. First canto, 1825 ; completed, 1833. Maria (Gowen) Brooks. This poem was inspired by the " Book of Tobit " of the Apocrypha. Zoroaster. Novel. 1885. ^ F. M. Crawford. Zury. Novel. 1887. Joseph Kirkland. LIST OF AUTHORS N. M. p. Abbe, Cleveland, born Dec. 3, 1S3S, at New York, N.Y. Abbe, Frederick Randolph, born 1827, in Connecticut ; died 1889. Abbey, Henry, born July 11, 1842, at Rondout, N.Y. Abbey, Richard, born Nov. 16, 1805, in Genesee Co., N.Y. ; died Oct. 23, 1891, at Yazoo City, Miss. Abbot, Willis John, born March 16, 1363, at New Haven, Conn. Abbott, Austin, born Dec. 18, 1831, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 19, 1896, at New York, N.Y. Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan, born June 4, 1830, at Boston, Mass. ; died Feb. 17, 1890, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Abbott, Charles Conrad, born June 4, 1843, at Trenton, N.J. Abbott, Charles Edward, born 1811, in Maine ; died 1880. Abbott, Edward, born July 15, 1841, at Farmington, Me. Abbott, Jacob, born Nov. 14, 1803, at Hallowell, Me. ; died Oct. 31, 1879, at Farmington, Me. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, born Sept. 18, 1805, at Brunswick, Me.; died June 17, 1877, at Fairhaven, Conn. Abbott, Lyman, born Dec. 18, 1835, at Koxbury, Mass. Adams, Charles Follen, born April 21, 1842, at Dorchester, Mass. Adams, Charles Francis, born Aug. 18, 1807, at Boston, Mass.; died Nov, 21, 1886, at Boston, Mass. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., born May 27, 1835, at Boston, Mass. Adams, Charles Kendall, born Jan. 24, 1835, at Derby, Vt. Adams, Francis Colburn, fl. about 1850. Adams, George Burton, born 1851, in Vermont. Adams, Henry, born Feb. 16, 1838, at Boston, Mass. Adams, Henry Carter, born 1851, at Davenport, la. Adams, Herbert Baxter, born April 16, 1850, at Amherst, Mass. Adams, John, born Oct. 31, 1735, at Braintree (now Quincy), Mass.; died July 4, 1826, at Braintree, Mass. Adams, John Quincy, born July 11, 1767, at Braintree, Mass. ; died Feb. 23, 1848, at Washing- ton, D.C. Adams, John Quincy, born Sept. 22, 1833, at Boston, Mass. ; died Aug. 14, 1894, at Quincy, Adams, John Turvill, born 1805, at Demerara, British Guiana; died 1882. 286 286 LIST OF AUTHORS. Adams, Nehemiah, born Feb. 19, 1806, at Salem, Mass. ; died Oct. 6, ISTS. Adams, Samuel, born Sept. 27, 1722, at Boston, Mass. ; died Oct. 2, 1S03, at Boston, Mass. Adams, William Tavior (Oliver Optic), born July 30, 1822, at Medway, Mass. ; died March 27, 1897, at Boston, Mass. Agassiz, Jean Louis Kudolphe, born May 2S, ISO", at Metier, Canton Fribourg, Switzerland; died Dec. 14, lS73, at Cam- bridge, Mass. Akers, Elizabeth Ann Chase (Florence Percy), born Oct. 9, 1832, at Strong, Me. Alcott, Amos Bronson, born Nov. 29, 1799, at Wolcott, Conn. ; died March 4, 183S, at Boston, Mass. Alcott, Louisa May, born Nov. 29, 1832, at Germantown, Pa. ; died March 6, ISSS, at Boston, Mass. Aldrich, James, born 1810, at Mattituck, L.L ; died October, 1866, at New York, N.T. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, born Nov. 11, 1836, at Portsmouth, N.H. Alexander, John Henrv, born June 26, 1812, at Annapolis, Md.: died March 2, 1867, at Baltimore, Md. Alger, William Rounseville, born Dec. 30, 1822, at Freetown, Mass. Allan, William, born 1837, in Vir- ginia ; died 1889. Allen, Alexander Viets Griswold, born Mav 4, 1841, at Otis, Mass. Allen, Ethan, born Jan. 10, 1737, at Litchfield. Conn. ; died Feb. 13, 1789, at BurUngton, Vt. AUen, Fred Hovev, born Oct. 1, 1845, at Lyme, N.H. Allen, James Lane, born March 3, 1848, at Lexington, Ky. Allen, Lewis Fally, born 1*799, in New York ; died 1890. Allen, Paul, born Feb. 15, 1775, at Providence, R.I. ; died Aug. IS, 1826, at Baltimore, Md. Allen, Timothy Field, born April 24, 1S3T, at Westminster, Yt. Allen, William, born Jan. 2, 17S4, at Pittsfield, Mass. ; died July 16, 186S, at Northampton, Mass. AUibone, Samuel Austin, born April 17, 1816, at PhUadelphia, Pa. ; died Sept. 2, 1889, at Lucerne, Switzerland. AUston, Washington, born Nov. 5, 1779, at Waccamaw, S.C. ; died July 9, 1843, at Cambridge, Mass. Alsop, George, born 1638, in Eng- land ; died after 1666. Alsop, Richard, born Jan. 23, 1761, at Middletown, Conn. ; died Aug. 20, 1815, at Flatbush, N.Y. Ames, Fisher, born April 9, 1758, at Dedham, Mass. ; died July 4, 1808, at Dedham, Mass. Ames, Nathaniel, born 1703, at Bridgewater, Mass; died July 11, 1764, at Dedham, Mass. Ammen, Daniel, born May 15, 1820, in Brown Co., Ohio; died July 11, 1898, at Washington, D.C. Anderson, Alexander, born April 21, 1775, at New York, N.Y. ; died Jan. 17, 1870, at Jersey City, N.J. Anderson, Mary. See "Navarro, Mary Anderson." Andrews, EUsha Benjamin, born Jan. 10, 1844, at Hinsdale, N.H. Andrews, Jane, born 1833, In Massachusetts ; died 1837. Andrews, Stephen Pearl, born March 22, 1812, at Templeton, Mass. : died May 21, 1886, at New York, N.Y. Armstrong, John, born Nov. 25, 1758, at Carlisle, Pa. ; died AprU 1, 1848, at Red Hook, N.Y. Arnold, George, born June 24, LIST OF AUTHORS. 287 1834, at New York, N.Y. ; died Nov. 3, 1S65, at Strawberry Farms, N.J. Artemus Ward. See "Browne, Charles Farrar." Arthur, Timothy Shay, born 1809, near Newburgh, N.Y. ; died March 6, 1SS5, at Philadelphia, Pa. Astor, William Waldorf, born March 81, 184S, at New York, N.Y. Audubon, John James, born May 4, 17S0, near New Orleans, La. ; died Jan. 27, 1851, near New York, N. Y. Austin, Henry, born Dec. 21, 1858, at Boston, Mass. Austin, Jane Goodwin, born Feb. 25, 1831, at Worcester, Mass. ; died March 30, 1894, at Boston, Mass. Austin, William, born March 2, 1778, at Charlestown, Mass. ; died June 27, 1841, at Charles- town, Mass. Bacheller, Irving, born Sept. 26, 1859, at Pierpont, N.Y. Bacon, Delia Salter, born Feb. 2, 1811, at Tallmage, Ohio; died Sept. 2, 1859, at Hartford, Conn. Bacon, Leonard, born Feb. 19, 1802, at Detroit, Mich. ; died Dec. 24, 1S81, at New Haven, Conn. Bailey, James Montgomery (The " Danbury News " Man), born Sept. 25, 1841. at Albany, N.Y. ; died March 4, 1894, at Danbury, Conn. Baker, Harriette Newell Woods, born 1815, in Massachusetts ; died April 26, 1893, at Brook- lyn, N.Y. Baldwin, James, born Dec. 15, 1841, at Westfield, Ind. Bancroft, George, born Oct. 3, 1>>00, at Worcester, Mass. ; died Jan. 17, 1891, at Washington, D.C. Bancroft, Hubert Howe, born May 5, 1832, at Granville, Ohio. Bangs, John Kendrick, born May 27, 1862, at Youkers, N.Y, Barker, Edward D., fl. 188-. Barlow, Joel, born March 24, 1755, at Redding, Conn. ; died Dec. 24, 1812, near Cracow, Poland. Barnum, Phineas Taylor, born July 5, 1810, at Bethel, Conn. ; died April 7, 1891, at Bridge- port, Conn. Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston, born March 29, 1831, at Ulver- ton, Lancashire, Eng. Barry Gray. See " Coffin, Robert Barry." Bartlett, John, born June 14, 1820, at Plymouth, Mass. Bartlett, John Russell, born Oct. ' 23, 1805. at Providence, R.I. ; died May 28, 1886, at Provi- dence, R.I. Barton, Andrew, fl. 1767-. Bartram, John, born March 23, 1699, near Darby, Pa. ; died Sept. 22, 1777, at"Kingsessing, Pa. Bartram, William, born Feb. 9, 1739, at Kingsessing, Pa. ; died July 22, 1823, at Kingsessing, Pa. Bates, Herbert, born 1868, at Hyde Park, Mass. Baxter, Lydia, born Sept. 2, 1809, at Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. ; died Jan. 23, 1874, at New York, N.Y. Beecher, Edward, born Aug. 27, 1803, at East Hampton, L.I. ; died July 28, 1895, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Beecher, Henry Ward, born June 24, 1S13, at Litchfield, Conn. ; died March 8, 1887, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Beecher, Lyman, born Oct. 2, 1775, at New Haven, Conn.; died Jan. 10, 1863, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Beers, Ethelinda Eliot (Ethel LIST OF AUTHORS. Lynn), born Jan. 13, 182T, at Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. ; died Oct. 10, 1879, at Orange, N.J. Beers, Henry Augustin, born July 2, lS4f, at Buffalo, N.Y. Belasco, David, born .July 25, 1S5S. at San Francisco, Cal. Belknap, Jeremy, born June 4, 1744, at Boston, Mass. ; died June 20, 1793, at Boston, Mass. Bell, Maurice, fl. about 1S60. Bellamy, Edward, born March 26, lS50,"at Chicopee Falls, Mass. ; died May 22, 1S93, at Chicopee Falls, Mass. Benezet, Anthony, born Jan. 31. 1713, at St. Quentin, France ; died May 3, 17S4, at Philadel- phia, Pa! Benjamin, Park, born Aug. 13, 1809, at Demerara, British Gui- ana; died Sept. 12, 1S&4, at New York, N.Y. Bennett, Sanford Fillmore, born June 21, 1S36, at Eden, Erie Co., N.Y. Benton, Thomas Hart, born March 14, 1732, near Hillsbor- ough, Orange Co., N.C. ; died April 10, 1S53, at Washington, D.C. Bergh, Henry, born 1823, at New York, N.Y. ; died March 12, 18SS, at New York, N.Y. Bethune, George Washington, born March, 1S05, at New York, N.Y. ; died April 27, 1362, at Florence, Italy. Beverley, Robert, born about 1675, in Virginia ; died 1716, in Vir- ginia. Biddle, Charles John, born 1819, at Philadelphia, Pa ; died Sept. 23, 1373, at Philadelphia. Pa. Bigelow, Harriet Hamline, fl. 1856. Bigelow, John, born Nov. 25, 1317, at Maiden, N.Y. Bigelow, Poultnev, born Sept. 10, 1855, at New Y"ork, N.Y. Bill Nye. See " Nye, Edgar Wil- son." Bingham, Caleb, born 1757, at Salisbury, Conn. ; died April 27, 1317^ at Boston, Mass. Bird, Eobert Montgomery, born 1303, at Newcastle, Del. ; died Jan. 22, lS5i, at Philadelphia, Pa. Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes, born 1537, in Massachusetts. Bishop, William Henry, born Jan. 7, 1847, at Hartford, Conn. Black Hawk (Ma-ka-tae-mish-kia- kiak), born 1767, at Kaskaskia, 111. ; died Oct. 3, 1S3S, at a camp on Des Moines Kiver. Blaine, James Gillespie, born Jan. 31, 1330. at West Brownsville, Washington Co., Pa. ; died Jan. 27, 1893, at Washington, D.C. Blake, H. G. O., fl. 1S3-. Blunt, Edmond March, born June 20, 1770, at Portsmouth, N.H. ; died Jan. 2, 1362, at Sing Sing, N.Y. Boker, George Henry, born Oct. 6, 1823, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Jan. 2, 1890, at Phila- delphia, Pa. Bolles, Frank, born Oct. 31,|1356, at Winchester, Mass. ; died Jan. 10, 1384, at Cambridge, Mass. Bolton, Sarah Knowles, born Sept. 15, 1841, at Farmington, Conn. Bolton, Sarah Tittle Barritt, born Dec. 13, 1820, at Newport, Ky. ; died Aug. 4, 1393, at Indian- apohs, Ind. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent, born May 24, 1303, at Paris, France ; died July 30, 1857, at Paris, France. Booth, Mary Louise, born April 19, 1831, a"t Millville, now Yap- hank, N.Y. ; died March 5, 1389, at New York, N,Y. Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch, LIST OF AUTHORS. 289 born Nov. 11, 1820 at Benning- ton, Vt. ; died March 23, 1S91, at New York, N.Y. Boudinot, Elias, born May 2, 1T40, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Oct. 24, 1821, at Burlington, N.Y. Bowditch, Nathaniel, born March 26, 1778, at Salem, Mass. ; died March 16, 1838, at Boston, Mass. Bowen, Francis, born Sept. 8, 1811, at Charlestown, Mass. ; di^d Jan. 21, 1890, at Cam- bridge, Mass. Bowles, Samuel, born Feb. 9, 1826, at Springfield, Mass. ; died Jan. 16, 1S7S, at Spring- field, Mass. Boj'esen, Hjalmar Hjorth, born Sept. 23, 1848, at Fredericks- voern, Norway ; died Oct. 4, 1895, at New York, N.Y. Boyle, Sarah Roberts, born 1812, at Portsmouth, N.H. ; died 1869, at New York, N.Y. Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, born 1748, near Campbelton, Scot- land ; died June 25, 1816, at Carlisle, Pa. Brackett, Albert Gallatin, born Feb. 14, 1S29, at Cheery Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y. ; died June 25, 1896, at Washington, D. C. Bradbury, William B., fl. 1860. Bradford, Alden, born Nov. 19, 1765, at Duxbury, Mass. ; died Oct. 26, 1843, at Boston, Mass. Bradford, William, born March, 1588, at Austerfield, Yorkshire, Eng. ; died May 9, 1657, at Plymouth, Mass. Bradstreet, Anne Dudley, born 1612, at Northampton, Eng. ; died Sept. 16, 1672. Brainard, John Gardiner Calkins, born Oct. 21, 1796, at New Lon- don, Conn. ; died Sept. 26, 1828, at New London, Conn. Brainard, Mary Gardiner, born 18-. Branch, Mary Lydia Bolles, born June 13, 1840, at New London, Conn. Brannan, William Penn (Van- dyke Brown), born 1S25; died Aug. 9, 1866, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Briggs, Charles Augustus, born Jan. 15, 1841, at New York, N.Y. Brinton, Daniel Garrison, born May 13, 1837, at Thornbury, Chester Co., Pa. ; died July 31, 1899, at Atlantic City, N.J. Britton, Nathaniel Lord,born Jan. 15, 1S59, on Staten Island, N.Y. Brodhead, Eva Wilder McGlas- son, born 18 — . Brodhead, John Romevn, born Jan. 2, 1814, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died May 6, 1873, at New YorR, N.Y. Brooks, Charles Timothy, born June 20, 1813, at Salem, Mass. ; died June 14, 1883, at Newport, R.I. Brooks, Erastus, born Jan. 13, 1815, at Portland, Me. Brooks, Maria Gowen (Maria del Occidente), born 1795, at Med- ford, Mass. ; died Nov. 11, 1845, at Matanzas, Cuba. Brooks, Phillips, born Dec. 13, 1S35, at Boston, Mass. ; died Jan. 23, 1893, at Boston, Mass. Brother Azarius. See"Mullany, Patrick Francis." Brougham, John, born May 9, 1814, at Dublin, Ireland ; died June 7, 1880, at New York, N.Y. Brown, Addison, born Feb. 21, 1830, at West Newbury, Mass. Brown, Charles Brockden, born Jan. 17, 1771, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Feb. 22, 1810, at Phil- adelphia, Pa. Brown, Goold, born March 7, 1791, at Providence, R.I.; died March 31, 1857, at Lynn, Mass. Brown, Phrebe Hinsdale, born 178.3, at Canaan, N.Y.; died Oct. 10, 1861, at Henrj', 111. 290 LIST OF AUTHORS. Brown, Thurlow Weed, died May 4, 1866. at Fort Atkiuson, Wis. Browne Charles Farrar (Artemus Ward), born April 26, 1S34, at Waterford, Me. ; died March 6, 1S67, at Southampton, Eng. BrowneU, Henry Howard, born Feb. 6, 1820, at Pro\'idence. li.I. ; died Oct. 31, 1ST2, at East Hartford, Conn. Brownson, Orestes Augustus, born Sept. 16, 1803, at Stock- bridge, Vt.; died April 17, 1876, at Detroit, Mich. Bryant, John Howard, born July 22, 1807, at Curamington, Mass. Bryant, WiUiam CuUen, born Nov. 3, 179-i, at Cummington, Mass. ; died June 12, 1878, at New York, X.Y. Buck, Richard Henry, born 1869, at Philadelphia, Pa. Bulfinch, Thomas, born July 15, 1793. at Boston, Mass. ; died May 27, 1867, at Boston, Mass. Bulreigh, George Shepard, born March 26, 1821, at Plainfield, Conn. Bump, Orlando Franklin, born 1841, in New York; died 1881. Bunce, Oliver Bell, born Feb. S, 1828, at New York, N.Y. : died May 15, 1890, at New York, N.Y. Bundy, Jonas Mills, born April 17, 1835, at Colebrook, N.H. ; died Sept. 8, 1891, at Paris, France. Bungay, George Washington, born July 22, 1818, at Walsing- ham, Suffolk, Eng. ; died July 10, 1892, at Bloomfield, N.J. Bunner, Henry Cuj'ler, born Aug. 3, 1855, at Oswego, N.Y.; died May 11, 1S96, at Nutley, N.J. Burdette, Robert Jones (The Burlington (Iowa) Ilaukeue Man), "born July 30, 1>44, at Greensborough, Pa. Burk, John Daly, born 17— in Ireland; died April 11, 1808, near Campbell's Bridge, Va. Burhngton (Iowa) HaivA-eye'Man. See "Burdette, Robert Jones." Burnett, Frances Hodgson, born Nov. 24, 1849, at Manchester, Eng. Burrill, Alexander Mansfield, born 1807, in New York ; died Feb. 7, 1869, at Kearney, N.J. Burritt, Elihu, born Dec. 8, 1811, at New Britain, Conn. ; died March 9, 1S79, at New Britain, Conn. Burroughs, John, born April 3, 1837, at Roxbury, N.Y. Bushnell, Horace, born April 14, 1302, at New Preston, Litch- field Co., Conn. ; died Feb. 17, 1876, at Hartford, Conn. Butler, Frederick, born about 1766 ; died 1843. Butler, Nicholas Murrav, born April 2, 1862, at Elizabeth, N.J. Butler, William Allen, born Feb. 20, 1825, at Albanv, N.Y. Butterfield, Daniel, born Oct. 81, 1831, at Utica, N.Y. Butterworth, Hezekiah, born Dec. 22, 1837, at Warren, R.I. Byers, Samuel Hawkins Marshall, born July 23, 1838, at Pulaski, Pa. Byfield, Nathaniel, born 1653, at Long Ditten, Surrey, Eng, ; died June 6, 1733, at Boston, Mass. Byles, Mather, born March 15, 170(3, at Boston, Mass. ; died July 5, 17SS, at Boston, Mass. Bynner, Edwin Lassetter, born Aug. 5, 1842, at Brooklyn, N.Y.; died Aug. 5, 1893, at Boston, Mass. Bvrd, William, born March 16, "1674, at We stover, Ya. ; died Aug. 26, 1744, at Westover, Va. Cable, George Washington, born Oct. 12, 1844. at New Orleans, La. LIST OF AUTHORS. 291 Cabot, James Elliot, born June 18, 1821, at Boston, Mass. Calef, Robert, born 164S, in Massa- chusetts ; died April 13, 1719, at Eoxbuiy, Mass. Calhoun, John Caldwell, born March IS, 1782. in Abbe\ille District, S.C. ; died March 31, 1850 at Washing-ton, D.G. Calvert, George Henry, born Jan. 2, 1S03 in Prince George Co., Md. ; died May 24, 18S9, at Newport, R.I. Camp, Walter, born April 7, 1859, at New Haven, Conn. Campbell, Bartley, born Aug. 12, 1843, at Allegheny City, Pa. ; died July 30, 1SS8, at Middle- town, N.Y. Capen, Nahum, born April 1, 1804, at Canton, Mass. ; died 18S6, at Dorchester, Mass. Carey, Henry Charles, born Dec. 15, 1793, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Oct. 13, 1879, at Philadel- phia, Pa. Carey, Matthew, born Jan. 28, 1760, at Dublin, Ireland ; died Sept. 16, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. Carleton, Henry Guy, born June 21, 1856, at Fort Union, New Mexico. Carleton, William (Will), born Oct. 21, 1846, at Hudson, Len- awee Co., Mich. Carlisle, David, fl. 1799. Carnegie, Andrew, born Nov. 25, 1835, at Dunfermline, Scotland. Carr, Dabney, born 1773 ; died Jan. 8, 1837, at Richmond, Mass. Carr, Frank, fl. 1810. Carruthers, William Alexander, born 1800, in Virginia; died 1850, at Savannah, Ga. Carter, Peter, born July 19, 1825, at Earlston, Berwickshire, Scot- land. Cary, Alice, born April 20, 1820, near Cincinnati, Ohio ; died Feb. 12, 1871. at New York. N.Y. Cary, Phoebe, born Sept. 24, 1824, near Cincinnati, Ohio ; died July 31, 1871, at Newport, R.I. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, born Dec. 16, 1847, at Luray, Ohio. Catlin, George, born July 26, 1796, at Wilkesbarre, Pa. ; died Dec. 23, 1872, at Jersey City, N.J. ^ ^' Cawein, Madison Julius, born March 23, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. Chad wick, Henry, born 1824, at Exeter, N.H. Chandler, Joseph Ripley, born Aug. 25, 1792, at Kingston, Mass. ; died July 10, 1880, at Philadelphia, Pa. Chanler, Amelie Rives. See " Troubetzkoy, Am61ie Rives Chanler." Channing, William Ellery, born April 7, 1780, at Newport, E.I. ; died Oct. 12, 1842, at Benning- ton, Vt. Channing, Wilham Ellery, born Nov. 29, 1818, in Boston, Mass. Chaplin, Heman White, born 1847, in Rhode Island. Charles, Egbert Craddock. See "Murfree, Mary Noailles." Chauncy, Nathaniel, born Sept. 26, 1681, at Hatfield, Mass.; died Feb. 1, 1756. Cheney, John Vance, born Dec. 29, 1848, at Groveland, N.Y. Child, Lydia Maria Francis, born Feb. li. 1802, atMedford, Mass.; died Oct. 20, 1880, at Wayland, Mass. Christopher Caustic. See "Fes- senden, Thomas Green." Clark, Charles Heber (Max Adel- er), born 1841, in Maryland. Clark, George Hunt, bom 1809, at Northampton, Mass.; died Aug. 20, 1881, at Hartford, Conn. Clark, James Gowdy, born June 28, 18:30, at (^onstantia, N.Y. ; died September, 1897, at Pasa- dena, Cal. Clark, Lewis Gaylord, born Marcli 292 LIST OF AUTHORS. 5, 1810, at Otisco, Onondaga Co., N.Y.; died Nov. 3, 1ST3, at Piermont, N.Y. Clark, Willis Gaylord, born March 5, iSlO. at Otisco, Onondaga Co.. N.T. ; died June 12, 1841, at Philadelphia, Pa. Clarke, James Freeman, born April 4, 1810, at Hanover, N.H.; died June 8, ISSS, at Jamaica Plain, Mass. Clarke, Jennie Thornley, fl. 1S8-. Clarke, MacDonald, born June 18, 1798, at Bath, Me. ; died March 5, 1842, at New York, N.Y. Clay, Henry, born April 12, 1777, in Hanover Co., Va. ; died June 29, 1852, at Washington, D.C. Cleaveland, Parker, born Jan. 15, 1780, at Rowlev, Mass. ; died Oct. 15, 1858, "at Brunswick, Me. Cleland, Thomas, born May 22, 1778, in Fairfax Co., Va. ; died Jan. 31, 1858. Clemens, Jeremiah, born Dec. 28, 1814, at Huntsville, Ala. ; died May 21, 1865, at Huntsville, Ala. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain), born Nov. 30, 1835, at Florida, Monroe Co., Mo. Clemens, William Montgomery, born 1859, in Ohio. Cleveland, Aaron, born Feb. 3, 1744, at Haddam, Conn. ; died Sept. 21, 1815, at New Haven, Conn. Cleveland, Cynthia Eloise, born Aug. 13, 1845, at Canton, N.Y. Cleveland, Eose Elizabeth, born 1846, at Fayetteville. N.Y. Clvmer, Ella Maria Dietz, born 1856, at New York. N.Y. Coffin, Charles Carleton, born Julv 26, 1823, at Boscawen, N.H. ; died March 2, 1896, at Brookline, Mass. Coffin, Eobert Barry (Barrv Gray), born July 21, 1826, at Hudson, N.Y. ; died June 10, 1886, at Fordham, New York, N.Y. Coffin, Eobert Stevenson, born July 14, 1797, at Brunswick, Me. ; died May 7, 1827, at Eow- ley, Mass. Colburn, Warren, born March 1, 1793, in Walpole, Mass. ; died Sept. 15, 1833, at Lowell, Mass. Golden, Cadwallader, born Feb. 17, 1688, at Dunse, Scotland; died Sept. 28, 1776, on Long Island. Colesworthy, Daniel Clement, born Julv 14, 1810, at Portland, Me. ; died April 1, 1893, at Chelsea, Mass. Collier, Ada Langworthy, born 1843, in Iowa. CoUver, Eobert, born Dec. 8 1823, at Keighly, Yorkshu-e Eng. Comly, John, born 1774, in Penn^ sylvania ; died Aug. 17, 1850 at Eyberr}-, Pa. Conrad, Eobert Tavlor. born June 10, 1810, at Philadelphia, Pa. died June 27, 1858, at Philadel- phia, Pa. Cook, Clarence Chatham, born Sept. 8, 1828, at Dorchester, Mass. ; died June 2, 1900, at Fishkill Landing, N.Y. Cook, Ebenezer, born 16— ; died 17—. Cook, Joseph, born Jan. 26, 1838, at Ticonderoga, N.Y. Cook, Theodore Pease, born Dec. 21, 1844. at Boston, Mass. Cooke, John Esten, born Nov. 3, 1S30, at Winchester, Ya. ; died Sept. 27. 1886, near Boyce, Clarke Co., Ya. Cooke, Philip Pendleton, born Oct. 26, 1816, at Martinsburg, Va. ; died Jan. 20, 1850, near Boyce, Va. Cooke, Rose Terry, born Feb. 17, 1827. at West Hartford, Conn. ; died July 18, 1892, at Pittsfleld, Mass. LIST OF AUTHORS. 293 Coolbrith, Ina Donna, born 1S4- near Springfield, 111. Cooley, T. M., ti. 1860. Cooper, George, born May 14, 1840, at New York, N.Y. Cooper, James Fenimore, born Sept. 15, 1789, at Burlington, N.J. ; died Sept. 14, 1851, at Cooperstown, N.Y. Copway, George, or Kah-ge-ga- gah-bowh, born August, 1820, in Michigan ; died 1869, at Pon- tiac, Mich. Cotton, John, born Dec. 4, 1585, at Derby, Eng. ; died Dec. 23, 1652, at Boston, Mass. Coues, Elliott, born Sept. 9, 1842, at Portsmouth, N.H. ; died Dec. 25, 1899, at Baltimore, Md. Cousin Alice. See " Haven, Alice Bradley Neal." Cox, Samuel Sullivan, born Sept. 30, 1824, at Zanesville, Ohio; died Feb. 22, 1889, at New York, N.Y. Cozzens, Frederick Swartworth, born March 5, 1818, at New York, N.Y. ; died Dec. 23, 1869, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Cranch, Christopher Pearse, born March 8, 1813, at Alexandria, Va. ; died Jan. 20, 1892, at Cambridge, Mass. Crane, Stephen, born Nov. 1, 1871, at Newark, N.J. ; died June 5, 1900, at Baden weiler, Baden, Germany. Crawford, Francis Marion, born Aug. 2, 1854, at Bagni di Lucca, Italy, Crockett, David, born Aug. 17, 1786, at Limestone, Greene Co., Tenn. ; died March 6, 1836, in Texas. Crolv, Jane Cunningham (Jenny June), born Dec. 19, 1S31, at Market Harborough, Eng. Cross, David Wallace, born Nov. 17, 1814, at Kichland (now Pu- laski) N.Y. ; died April 9, 1891, at Cleveland, Ohio. Cummins, Maria Susanna, born April 9. 1827, at Salem, Mass. ; died Oct. 1, 1866, at Dorchester, Mass. Curtis, George Ticknor, born Nov. 28, 1812. at Watertown, Mass. ; died March 28, 1894, at New York, N.Y. Curtis, George William, born Feb. 24, 1824, at Providence, E.I. ; died Aug. 31, 1892, at Staten Island. Curwen, Samuel, born Dec. 28, 1715, at Salem, Mass. ; died April 9, 1802, at Salem, Mass. Gushing, Luther Stearns, born June 22, 1803, at Lunenburg, Mass. ; died June 22, 1856, at Boston, Mass. Custer, George Armstrong, born Dec. 15, 1839, at New Rumley, Ohio; died June 25, 1876, in Montana. Cutter, George Washington, born 1801, in Massachusetts ; died Dec. 24, 1865, at W^ashington, D.C. Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, born Jan. 10, 1822, at Aurora, N.Y. DaboU, Nathan, born about 1750 ; died March 9, 1818, at Groton, Conn. Dahlgren, John Adolph, born Nov. 13, 1809, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died July 12, 1870, at Washington, D.C. Daly, John Augustin, born July 20, 1838, at Plymouth, N.C. ; died June 7, 1899, at Paris, France. Dana, James Dwight, born Feb. 12, 1813, at Utica, N.Y. ; died April 14, 1895, at New Haven, Conn. Dana, Richard Henry, born Nov. 15, 1787, at Cambridge, Mass. ; died Feb. 2, 1879, at Boston, Mass. Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., born Aug. 1, 1815, at Cambridge, Mass. ; died Jan. 7, 1882, at Rome, Italy. 294 LIST OP AUTHORS. Danbury News Man, The. See " Bailey, Jacob Montgomery." Danenho'wer, John Wilson, born Sept. 30, 1849, at Chicago, 111. ; died April 20, 1887, at Annapo- lis, Md. Davidson, Lucretia Maria, born Sept. 27, 1808, at Plattsburg, N.Y. ; died Aug. 27, 1S24, at Plattsburg, N. Y. Davies, Thomas Alfred, born Dec. 3, 1809, at Black Lake, St. Law- rence Co., N.Y. ; died Aug. 19, 1899, at Black Lake, N.Y. Davis, Jefferson, born June 3, 1808, in Christian Co. (now Todd Co.), Ky. ; died Dec. 6, 1889, at New Orleans, La. Davis, Rebecca Blaine Harding, born June 24, 1831, at Wash- ington, Pa. Davis, Eichard Harding, born 1864 at Philadelphia, Pa. Dawson, George, born March 14, 1813, at Falkirk, Scotland ; died Feb. 17, 1883, at Albany, N.Y\ Dayton, Amos Cooper, born Sept. 4, 1813, at Plainfleld, N.J. ; died June 11, 1865, at Perry, Ga. Deane, Silas, born Dec. 24, 1737, at Groton, Conn. ; died Aug. 23, 1789, at Deal, Eng. De Bow, James Dunwoody Brownson, born July 10, 1820, at Charleston, S.C. ; died Feb. 27, 1S67, at Elizabeth, N.J. De Forest, John William, born March 31, 1S26, at Humphreys- ville (now Seymour), Conn. Deland, Margaret Wade Camp- bell, born Feb. 23, 1S57, at Alle- gheny, Pa. Demarest, Mary Augusta Lee, born June 26, 1838, at New York, N.Y. ; died Jan. 8, 1888, at Los Angeles, Cal. Deming, Philander, born Feb.je, 1829, at Carlisle, N.Y. Denison, Charles Wheeler, born Nov. 11, 1809, at New London, Conn. ; died Nov. 14, 1831. Dennie, Joseph, born Aug. 30, 1768, at Boston, Mass. ; died Jan. 7, 1812, at PhUadelphia, Pa. Denton, Daniel, born 16—; died after 1686. De Puy, William Harrison, born 1821, at Penn Yan, N.Y. Derby, George Horatio (John Phcenix), born April 3, 1S23, at Dedham, Mass.; died May 15, 1861, in New York. De Vinne, Theodore Low, born Dec. 25, 1S2S, at Stamford, Conn. De Walden, Thomas Blaides, born ISll, at London, Eng. ; died Sept. 26, 1873, at New York, N.Y. Dickinson, Charles Monroe, born Nov. 15, 1S42, at Lowville, N.Y. Dickinson, John, born Nov. 13, 1732, in Maryland; died Feb. 14, 1808, at Wilmington, Del. Dickinson, Jonathan, born April 22, 16SS, at Hatfield, Mass.; died Oct. 7, 1747, at Elizabeth- town, N.J. Didier, Frankhn James, born 1794, at Baltimore, Md. ; died 1840, at Baltimore, Md. Dinsmoor, Robert, born Oct. 7, 1757, at Windham, N.H. ; died March 16, 1836, at Windham, N.H. Ditson, George Leighton, born Aug. 5, 1812, at Westford, Mass. Dix, Morgan, born Nov. 1, 1827, at New Y'ork, N.Y. Doane, George Washington, born May 27, 1799, at Trenton, N.J. ; died April 27, 1859, at BurUng- ton, N.J. Doane, William Croswell, born March 2, 1S32, at Boston, Mass. Dodge, Mary Abigail (Gail Hamil- ton), born 1833, at Hamilton, Mass. ; died Aug. 17, 1896, at Hamilton, Mass. Dodge, Mary Mapes, born 1838, at New York, N.Y. Dodge, Eichard Irving, born May 19, 1S27, at HuntsviUe, N.C. ; LIST OF AUTHORS. 295 died June 16, 1895, at Sackett's Harbor, N.Y. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault, born May 23, 1S42, at Pittsfield, Mass. Donnelly, Ignatius, born Nov. 3, 1831, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Jan. 2, 1901, at Minneapolis, Minn. Dorr, Julia Caroline Ripley, born Feb. 13, 1825, at Charleston, S.C. Douglas, Amanda Minnie, born July 14, 1837, at New York, N.Y. Downes, John, born Sept, 4, 1799, at Brooklyn, N.Y. ; died Sept. 30, 1SS2, at Washington, D.C. Downing, Andrew Jackson, born Oct. 30, 1S15, at Newburgh, N.Y. ; drowned July, 28, 1852, near Yonkers, N.Y. Drake, Francis Samuel, born Feb. 22, 1S2S, in Northwood, N.H. ; died Feb. 22, 18S5, at Washing- ton, D.C. Drake, Joseph Eodman, born Aug. 7, 1795, at New York, N.Y. ; died Sept. 21, 1820, at New York, N.Y. Drake, Samuel Adams, born Dec. 20, 1S33, at Boston, Mass. Draper, John William, born May 5, 1811, at St. Helen's, near Liverpool, Eng. ; died Jan. 4, 1882, at Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. Drone, Eaton Sylvester, born Jan. 25, 1842, at Zanesville, Ohio. Duane, WiUiam, born 17G0, near Lake Champlain, N.Y. ; died Nov. 24, 1835, at Philadelphia, Pa. Duche, Jacob, born 1737, at Phila- delphia, Pa. ; died Jan. 3, 1798, at Philadelphia, Pa. Duffield, George, born Sept. 12, 1816, at Carlisle, Pa. ; died July 7, 1888, at Bloomfield, N.J. Duffield, Samuel Augustus Wil- loughbv, born 8ei)t. 24, 1843, at Brooklyn, N.Y.; died May 12, 1887, at Bloomfield, N.Y. Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey, born 1823, at Boston, Mass. ; died Oct. 20, 1884, at New York, N.Y. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, born June 27, 1872, at Dayton, Ohio. Dunlap, William, born Feb. 19, 1766, at Perth Amboy, N.J. ; died Sept. 28, 1839, at New York, N.Y. Durfee, Job, born Sept. 20, 1790, at Tiverton, R.I. ; died July 26, 1847, at Tiverton, R.I. Durivage, Francis Alexander, born 1814, at Boston, Mass. ; died Feb. 1, 1881, at New York, N.Y. Dutcher, Jacob C, born about 1820. Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, born Nov. 23, 1816, at New York, N.Y. ; died Aug. 13, 1878, at New York, N.Y. Duyckinck, George Long, born Oct. 17, 1823, at New York, N.Y. ; died March 30, 1863, at New York, N.Y. Dwight, John Sullivan, born May 13, 1813, at Boston. Mass. ; died Sept. 5, 1893, at Boston, Mass. Dwight, Nathaniel, born Jan. 31, 1770, at Northampton, Mass. ; died June 11, 1831, at Oswego, N.Y. Dwight, Timothy, born May 14, 1752, at Northampton, Mass. ; died Jan. 11, 1817, at New Haven, Conn. Dyer, Sidney, born Feb. 11, 1814, at Cambridge, Mass. Eastburn, James WaUis, born Sept. 26, 1797, at London, Eng.; died Dec. 2, 1819, at sea. Eastman, Charles Gamago, born June 1, 1816, at Frveburg, Me. ; died 1861, at Burlington, Vt. Eastman, Elaine Goodale, born Oct. 9, 1863, at Mt. Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass. Eastman, Mary Henderson, born 296 LIST OF AUTHORS. 1818, at "Warrenton. Fauquier Co., Va. Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Ham- ilton, born Dec. 10, 1:>49, at KentN-ille, N.S. Eaton, Daniel Cadv, born Sept. 12, 1834, at Fort Gratiot, Mich .; died .June 29, 1895, at New Haven, Conn. Edmund Kirke. See " Gilmore, James Roberts." Edwards, Jonathan, born Oct. 5, 1703, at East Windsor, Conn. ; died March 22, 1758, at Prince- ton, N.J. Edwards, William Henry, born March 15, 1822, at Hunter, Greene Co., N.T. Edwin Caskoden. See "Major, Charles." Eggleston, Edward, born Dec. 10, 1837. at Vevay, Ind. Eliot, John, baptized Aug. 5, 1604, probably In Widford, Hertford- shire, Eng. ; died May 21, 1G90, at Roxbury, Mass. Eli Perkins. See " Landon, Mel- ville De Lancey." Elizabeth Wetherell. See " War- ner, Susan." Emerson, E. B., fl. 1S20-1S34. Emerson, Frederick, born Nov. 28, 1783, at Hampstead, N.H. ; died 1857, at Boston, Mass. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, born May 15, 1803, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 27, 1882, at Concord, Mass. Emmett, Daniel D., born Oct. 29, 1815, at Mt. Vernon. Ohio. English, Thomas Dunn, born June29,1819,at Philadelphia, Pa. Espy, .James Pollard, born Mav 9, 1785, in Westmoreland Co.", Pa. ; died Jan. 24, 1860, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Ethel Lynn. See " Beers, Ethel- inda Eliot." Everett, Edward, born April 11, 1794, at Dorchester, Mass. ; died Jan. 15, 1865, at Boston, Mass. Fairchild, Ashbel Green, born Mav 1, 1795, at Hanover, N.J. ; died 1864, at Smithfield, Pa. Fanny Forester. See " Judson, Emily Chubbuck." Farley, Harriet, born about 1815, at Claremont, N.H. Farmer, John, born June 12, 1789, at Chehnsford, Mass. ; died Aug. 13, 1838, at Concord, Mass. Father Ryan. See " Ryan, Abram Joseph." Fawcett, Edsar, born May 26, 1847, at Ne\v York, N.Y. Fenner, CorneUus George, born Dec. 30, 1822, at Providence, R.I. ; died Jan. 4, 1847, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Fessenden, Thomas Green (Chris- topher Caustic), born April 22, 1771, at Walpole, N.H. ; died Nov. 11, 1837, at Boston, Field, Eugene, born Sept. 2,1850, at St. Louis. Mo. ; died Nov. 4, 1895, at Chicago, 111. Field, Henry Martvn,' born April 3, 1822, at Stockbridge, Mass. Fields, James Thomas, born Dec. 31, 1817, at Portsmouth, N.H. ; died April 24, 1881, at Boston, Mass. Finch, Francis Miles, born June 9, 1827, at Ithaca, N.Y. Finley, John, born Jan. 11, 1797, at ' Brownsburg, Rockbridge Co., Ya. ; died Dec. 23, 1866, at Richmond, Ind. Fiske, John, born March 30, 1842, at Hartford, Conn. ; died July 4, 1901, at East Gloucester, Mass. Fiske. Nathan, born Sept. 9, 1733, at Weston, Mass. ; died Nov. 24, 1799. at Brookfield, Mass. Fitch, William Clvde, born May 2, 1865, at New York, N.Y. Fitzhugh, George, born .July 2. 1807, in Prince William Co.. Ya. ; died Julv 30, 1881, at Hunts\ille, Walker Co., Tex. Flagg, EUen H., fl. about 1860. LIST OF AUTHORS. 297 Flash, Henry Lynden, born Jan. 20, 1835, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Fletcher, James Cooley, born 1S23, at Indianapolis, Ind. Fletcher, Julia Constance (George Fleming), born 1S58, at Eio Ja- neiro, Brazil. Flint, Timothy, born July 11, 1780, at Reading, Mass. ; died Aug. 16, 1840, at Salem, Mass. Florence Percy. See "Akers, Elizabeth Ann." Flower, Frank Abial, born May 11, 1854, at Cottage, Cattarau- gus Co., N.Y. Folger, Peter, born 1617, in Eng- land ; died 1690, Nantucket, Fontaine, Francis, fl. 1860. Foote, Andrew Hull, born Sept. 12, 1806, at New Haven, Conn. ; died June 26, 1863, at New York, N.Y. Foote, Mary Hallock, born Nov. 19, 1847, at Milton, N.Y. Force, Peter, born Nov. 26, 1790, near Little Falls, Essex Co., N.J. ; died Jan. 23, 1868, at Washington, D.C. Ford, Paul Leicester, born March 23, 1865, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Ford, Sallie Rochester, born 1S2S, at Rochester Springs, Boyle Co., Ky. Forney, John "Weiss, born Sept. 30, 1817, at Lancaster, Pa. ; died Dec. 9, 1881, at Philadelphia, Pa. Fosdick, Charles Austin (Harry Castlemon), born Sept. 6, 1842, at Randolph. N.Y. Fosdick, William Whiteman, born Jan. 28, 1825, at Cincin- nati, Ohio ; died March 8, 1862, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Foss, Samuel Walter, born June 19, 1858, at Candia, N.H. Foster, Charles Hubbs, born March 3, 1833, at Jericho, N.Y. ; died Aug. 5, 1895, at New York, N.Y. Foster, Hannah Webster, born 1759, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 17, 1840, at Montreal, Canada. Foster, Stephen Collins, born July 4, 1826, at Pittsburg, Pa. ; died Jan. 13, 1864, at New York, N.Y. Foster, Stephen Symonds, born Nov. 17, 1809, at Canterbury, N.H. ; died Sept. 8, 1881, at Worcester, Mass. Fox, George, born July, 1624, at Drayton-in-the-Clay (now Fenny Drayton), Leicester- shire, Eng. ; died Jan. 13, 1691, at London, Eng. Franklin, Benjamin, born Jan. 17, 1706, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 17, 1790, at Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin, James, fl. 1721-. Frederic, Harold, born Aug. 19, 1856, near Utica, N.Y. ; died Oct. 19, 1898, at Henley, Ox- fordshire, Eng. Fremont, John Charles, born Jan. 21, 1813, at Savannah, Ga. ; died July 31, 1890, at New York, N.Y. French, Alice (Octave Thanet), born March 19, 1850, at Ando- ver, Mass. Freneau, Philip, born Jan. 2, 1752, at New York, N.Y. ; died Dec. 18, 1832, near Freehold, N.J. Frothingham, Richard, born Jan. 31, 1812, at Charlestown, Mass. ; died Jan. 29, 1880, at Charles- town, Mass. Fuller, Edward, born June 30, 1860, at Syracuse, N.Y. Fuller, Henry Blake, born 1857, at Chicago, 111. Fuller, Margaret. See "Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller." Furness, Horace Howard, born Nov. 2, 1833, at Philadelphia, Pa. Gail Hamilton. See "Dodge, Mary Abigail." Gallagher, William Davis, born 298 LIST OF AUTHORS. Aug. 21, 180S, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died 1S94, at Louisville, Ky. Galloway, Joseph, born about 1729, near "West Kiver, Anne Arundel Co., Md. ; died Aug. 20, 1S03, at Watford, Eng. Garland, Hamlin, born Sept. 16, 1560, at West Salem. Wis. Garrison, Wendell Phillips, born June 4, 1S40, at Cambridgeport, Mass. Garrison, William Lloyd, born Dec. 10, 1S05, at Xewburvport, Mass.; died May 24, 1S79, at New York, N.Y.' Gaston, William, born Oct. 3, 1820. at Killingly, Conn. ; died Jan. 19, 1S94, at Boston, Mass. Gay, Ebenezer, born Aug.26, 1696, at Dedham, Mass. ; died 17ST, at Hingham, Mass. Gay, Sydney Howard, born 1S14, at Hingham, Mass. ; died June 25, 1S5S, at New Brighton, Staten Island. Genin, John Nicholas, born Oct. 19, 1S19, at New York, N.Y. ; died April 30, 1878, at New York, N.Y. George Fleming. See " Fletcher, Julia Constance." George, Henrv. born Sept. 2, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Oct. 29, 1S97, at New York, N.Y. George, Henry, born Nov. 3, 1862, at Sacramento, Cal. Gerard, James Watson, born 1822, at New York, N.Y. ; died Jan. 28, 1900, at New York, N.Y. Gibbons, James Sloan, born July 1, 1810, at Wilmington, Del.; died Oct. 17, 1S92. at New York, N.Y. Gibbons, William, born Aug. 10, 1781, at Philadelphia. Pa. ; died July 25, 1845, at Wilmington, Pa. Gibson, William Hamilton, born Oct. 5, 1850, at Sandy Hook, Conn. ; died July 16, 1896, at Washington, Conn. Gilder, Eichard Watson, ' born Feb. 8, 1844, at Bordentown, N.J. Gillette, William Hooker, born July 24, 1853, at Hartford, Conn. Oilman, Caroline Howard, born Oct. 8, 1794, at Boston, Mass. ; died Sept. 15, ISSS, at Washing- ton, D.C. Gilman, Samuel, born Feb. 16, 1791, at Gloucester, Mass. ; died Feb. 9, 1S5S, at Kingston, Mass. Gilmore, James Roberts (Edmund Kh-ke), born Sept. 10, 1823, at Boston, Mass. Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield (Louis Lambert), born Dec. 25, 1S30, nearDubhn, Ireland ; died Sept. 24, 1592, at St. Louis, Mo. Gilpin, Henry Dilwood, born April 14, 1801, at Lancaster, En?. ; died Jan. 29, I56O, at Philadelphia, Pa. Girardin, Louis Hue, fl. 1810. Glazier, Willard, born Aug. 22, 1541, at Fowler, N.Y. Glazier, William Belcher, born 1527, at HaUowell, Me. Godfrev, Thomas, born Dec. 4, 1736,' at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Aug. 3, 1763, near Wilmington, N.C. God«-in. Parke, born Feb. 25, 1516, at Paterson, N.J. Goodale, Dora Eead, born Oct. 29, 1866, at Mount Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass. Goodale, Elaine. See ''Eastman, Elaine." Goodrich, Samuel Griswold (Peter Parley), born Aug. 19, 1793, at Ridgefield. Conn. ; died May 9, 1860, at New York, N.Y. Gorton. Samuel, born about 1600, at Gorton, Eng. ; died 1677, in Rhode Island. Gould, Hannah Flagg, born Sept. 3, 17S9,liat Lancaster, Mass. ; died Sept. 5 ,1865, at Newbury- port. Mass. Grace Greenwood. See "Lippin- cott, Sara Jane Clarke." LIST OF AUTHORS. 299 Graham, George Eex, born Jan. IS, 1S13, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died July 13, 1894, at Orange, N.J. Graham, Sylvester, born 1794, at Suffield, Conn. ; died Sept. 11, 1S51, at Northampton, Mass. Grant, Robert, born Jan. 24, 1852, at Boston, Mass. Grant, Ulysses Simpson, born April 27, 1822, at Point Pleasant, Ohio; died July 23, 18&5, at Mount McGregor, near Sara- toga, N.Y. Gray, Asa, born Nov. 18, 1810, at Paris, Oneida Co., N.Y. ; died Jan. 30, 1SS8, at Cambridge, Mass. Greeley, Horace, born Feb. 3, ISll, at Amherst, N.H. ; died Nov. 29, 1872, at Pleasantvllle (near New York), N.Y. Greely, Adolphus "Washington, born March 27, 1844, at New- buryport, Mass. Green, Alexander Little Page, born June 6, 1S06, in Sevier Co., Tenn. ; died July 15, 1874, at Nashville, Tenn. Green, Anna Katharine. See " Eohlfs, Anna Katharine Green." Green, Joseph, born 1706, at Bos- ton, Mass. ; died Dec. 11, 1780, at London, Eng. Green, Seth, born March 19, 1817, at Eochester, N.Y. ; died Aug. 20, 1888, at Eochester, N.Y. Greene, Albert Gorton, born Feb. 10, 1802, at Providence, E.L ; died Jan. 4, 1868, at Cleveland, Ohio. Greene, George Washington, born April 8, 1811, at East Green- wich, E.L; died Feb. 2, 1883, at East Greenwich, E.I. Greene, Sarah Pratt McLean, born July 8, 1858, at Simsbury, Conn. Greenleaf, Simon, born Dec. 5, 17S3, at Newburyport, Mass. ; died Oct, 6, 1853, at Cambridge, Mass. Greenwood, Isaac, born May 7, 1702; died Oct. 22, 1745, at Charlestown, Mass. Griffis, William Elliot, born Sept. 17, 1843, at Philadelphia, Pa. Griswold, Harriet Tvng, born Jan. 26, 1S42, at Bos'ton, Mass. Griswold, Eufus Wilmot, born Feb. 15, 1815, at Benson, Yt. ; died Aug. 27, 1857, at New York, N.Y. Guild, Curtis, born Jan. 13, 1827, at Boston, Mass. Guiney, Louise Imogen, born Jan. 7, 1861, at Boston, Mass. Gunter, Archibald Clavering,born Oct. 25, 1847, at Liverpool, Eng. Gustafson,Zadel Barnes Budding- ton, born 1841, at Middletown, Conn. Habberton, John, born Feb. 24, 1842, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Hadlev, Arthur Twining, born April 23, 1856, at New Haven, Conn. Hale, Edward Everett, born April 3, 1822, at Boston, Mass. Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, born Oct. 24, 1788, at Newport, N.H.; died April 30, 1879, at Philadel- phia, Pa. Hall, Florence Howe, born 1845, in Massachusetts. Hall, Harrison, born Nov. 5, 1785, at Octorara, Ind. ; died March 9, 1866, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall, James, born Aug. 22, 1744, at Carlisle, Pa. ; died July 25, 1826, at Bethany, N.C. Halleck, Fitz-Grecne, born July 8, 1790, at Guilford, Conn.; died Nov. 19, 1867, at Guilford, Conn. Halstead, Murat, born Sept. 2, 1829, at Paddy's Eun, Butler Co., Ohio. Hamersley, Lewis Eandolph, born 1847, in District of Colum- bia. 300 LIST OF AUTHORS. Hamilton, Alexander, born Jan. 11, 1757, at Island of Ne\is, West Indies ; died July 12, 1S04, at New York, N.Y. Hamilton, Schuyler, born July 25, 1S22, at NeV York, N.Y. Hammond, Edward Pavson, born Sept. 1, 1S31, at Ellington, Conn. Hammond, John, born about 1600 ; emigrated to Virginia from England about 1635; 11. 16;35-1656. Hanby. B. R., fl. 1S60. Hans Breitmann. See " Leland, Charles Godfrey." Hardee, William Joseph, born 1815, at Savannah, Ga. ; died Nov. 6, 1873, at Wytheville, Va. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, born Aug. 13, 1847, at Andover, Mass. Harland, Henrv (Sidney Luska), born March 1, 1861, at St. Petersburg, PLUSsia. Harrigan, Edward, born 1845, at New York, N.Y. Harris, Charles K., born May 1, 1865, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Harris, George Washington, born March 20, 1814, at what is now Allegheny City, Pa. ; died Dec. 11, 1S69, "near Knoxville, Tenn. Harris, Joel Chandler, born Dec. 8, 1848. at Eatonton, Ga. Harris, Miriam Coles, born July 7, 1834, at Dosoris, L.I. Harrison, Constance Cary, born April 25, 1846, at Yaucluse, Fairfax Co., Ya. Harry Castlemon. See " Fosdlck, Charles Austin." Harte, Francis Bret, born Aug. 25, 1839, at Albany, N.Y. Haven, Alice Bradley Neal (Cousin Alice), born Sept. 13, 1828, at Hudson, N.Y.; died Aug. 23, 1863, at Mamaroneck, N.Y. Hawthorne, Julian, born June 22, 1846, at Boston, Mass. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, bom July 4, 1804, at Salem, Mass. ; died May 18, 1864, at Plymouth, N.H. Hay, John, born Oct. 8, 1838, at Salem, Ind. Haves, Isaac Israel, born March 5-, 1832, in Chester Co., Pa. ; died Dec. 17, 1881, at New York, N.Y. Hayne, Paul Hamilton, born Jan. 1, 1830, at Charleston, S.C. ; died July 6, 1SS6, at Augusta, Ga. Hays, William Shakespeare, born July 19, 1S37, at Louisville, Ky. Hearn, Lafcadio, born June 27, 1850, in Ionian Islands. Hedge, Frederic Henry, born Dec. 12, 1805, at Cambridge, Mass. ; died Aug. 21, 1890, at Cambridge. Mass. Helper, Hinton Rowan, born Dec. 27, 1829, near Mocksville, N.C. Henderson, Isaac, born Feb. 13, 1850, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Henry, Alexander, born 1739, at New Brunswick, N.J. ; died April 4, 1824, at Montreal, Can- ada. Henry, Patrick, born May 29, 1736, at Studlev, Ya. ; died June 6, 1799. at Red Hill, Va. Henry, William Wirt, born Feb. 14, 1831, at Red Hill, Va. ; died, Dec. 15, 1900, at Richmond, Ya. Herndon, Wilham Henrv, born Dec. 28, ISIS, at Greensburg, Ky. ; died March 18, 1891, at Springfield, 111. Heme, James A., born Feb. 1, 1S39, at Trov, N.Y. ; died June 2, 1901, New York, N.Y. H. H. See "Jackson, Helen Hunt." Hibbard, George Abiah, born 1858, at Buffalo, N.Y. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, born Dec. 22, 1S23, at Cam- bridge, Mass. Hildreth, Richard, born June 22, 1807, at Deerfield, Mass. ; died LIST OF AUTHORS. 301 Julv 11, 1S65, at Florence, Italy. Hill, Theophilus Hunter, born Oct. 31, 1836, near Ealelgh, N.C. Hill, Thomas, born Jan. 7, 1818, at New Brunswick, N.J. ; died Nov. 2, 1891, at Waltham, Mass. Hillhouse, Augustus Lucas, born Dec. 9, 1791, at New Haven, Conn. ; died March 14, 1859, at Paris, France. Hillhouse, James Abram, born Sept. 26, 1789, at New Haven. Conn. ; died Jan. 5, 1841, at New Haven, Conn. Hinman, Eussell, born Jan. 23, 1S53, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron, born March 31, 1837, at Wadsworth, Ohio; died Nov. 29, 1900, at Atlanta, Ga. Hitchcock, Koswell Dwight, born Aug. 15, 1817, at East Machias, Me. ; died June 16, 1887, at Somerset, Mass. Hittell, Theodore Henry, born April 5, 1830, at Marietta, Lan- caster Co., Pa. Hodge, Charles, born Dec. 28, 1797, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died June 19, 1878, at Princeton, N.J. Hoffman, Charles Fenno, born 1806, at New York, N.Y. ; died June 7, 1884, at Harrisburg, Pa. Hoge, Moses, born Feb. 15, 1752, in Frederick Co., Va. ; died July 5, 1820, at Philadelphia, Pa. Hoge, William James, born 1821, near Hampden Sidney College, Va. ; died July 5, 1864, at Petersburg, Va. Holland, Josiah Gilbert (Timothy Titcomb), born July 24, 1819, at Belchertown, Mass. ; died Oct. 12, 1881, at New York, N.Y. Holley, Marietta (Josiah Allen's Wife), born 1844, at Eilisburg, Jefferson Co., N.Y. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, born Aug. 29, 1809, at Cambridge, Mass. ; died Oct. 7, 1894, at Boston, Mass. Honeywood, Saint John, born Feb. 7, 1763, at Leicester, Mass. ; died Sept. 1, 1798, at Salem, N.Y. Ilooke, William, born 1601, at Southampton, Eng.; died March 21, 1678, at London, Eng. Hooker, Thomas, born 1586, at Markfleld, Leicestershire, Eng.; died July 7, 1647, at Hartford, Conn. Hope, James Barron, born March 23, 1827, at Gosport navy yard (near Norfolk, Va.) : died Sept. 15, 1887, at Norfolk, Va. Hopkins, Lemuel, born June 19, 1750, at Waterburv, Conn. ; died April 14, 1801, at Hartford, Conn. Hopkins, Mark, born Feb. 4, 1802, at Stockbridge, Mass. ; died June 17, 1887, at Williamstown, Mass. Hopkins, Samuel, born Sept. 17, 1721, at Waterburv, Conn. ; died Dec. 20, 1803, at Newport, R.I. Hopkinson, Francis, born Sept. 21, 1737, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died May 9, 1791, at Philadel- phia, Pa. Hopkinson, Joseph, born Nov. 12, 1770, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died Jan. 15, 1842, at Philadel- phia, Pa, Hosack, Da^id, born Aug. 31, 1769, at New York, N.Y. ; died Dec. 22, 1835, at New York, N.Y. Hosmer, George Washington, born 1804, at Canton, Mass. ; died July 5, 1881, at Canton, Mass. Hosmer, James Kendall, born Jan. 29, 1834, at Northfleld, Mass. 302 LIST OF AUTHORS. Hovev, Eichard, born May 4, lS6i, at Normal, 111. ; died Feb. 24, 1900, at New York, N.Y. Howard, Blanche Willis. See "Teuffel, von." Howard, Bronson, born Oct. 7, 1842, at Detroit, Mich. Howarth, Ellen Clementine Do- ran, born May 20, 1827, at Cooperstown, N.Y. ; died Dec. 23, 1899, at Trenton, N.J. Howe, Etlgar Watson, born May 3, 1854, m Wabash Co., Ind. Howe, Henry, born Oct. 11, 1816, at New Haven, Conn. Howe, Julia Ward, born May 27, 1819, at New York, N.Y. Howells, William Dean, born March 1, 1837, at Martin's Ferry, Ohio. Hubbard, William, born 1621, at Tendring, Essex, Eng. ; died Sept. 14, 1704, at Ipswich, Mass. Hudson, Mary Clemmer Ames, born 1839, at Utica, N.Y. ; died Aug. 18, 1884, at Washington, D.C. Hughes, John, born June 24, 1797, in Annalogham, Ireland ; died Jan. 3, 1S64, at New York, N.Y. Hull, William, born June 24, 1753, at Derby, Conn. ; died Nov. 29, 1825, at" Newtown, Mass. Humphreys, Da%id, born July, 1752, at Derby, Conn.; died Feb. 21, 1818, at New Haven, Conn. Hunt, Samuel, born March 18, 1810, at Attleboro, Mass. ; died July 23, 1878, at Boston, Mass. Hunter, John Dunn, born 179S, west of the Mississippi ; died 1827, near Nacogdoches, Te.x:. Hutchinson, Ellen Mackav, born 18—, at Caledonia, N.Y.' Hutchinson, Thomas, born Sept. 9, 1711, at Boston, Mass. ; died June 3, 1780, at Bromptou, near London, Eng. Button, Laurence, born Aug. 8, 1843, at New York, N.Y^. Ide, Francis Otis Ogden (Ruth Ogden), born 1853, on Long Island. Ik Marvel. See " Mitchell, Don- ald Grant." IngersoU, Charles Jared, born Oct. 3, 1782, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died Jan. 14, 1862, at Phila- delphia, Pa. IngersoU, Jared, born 1722, at Milford, Conn. ; died August, 1781, at New Haven, Conn. Ingraham, Joseph Holt,born 1809, at Portland, Me. ; died Decem- ber, 1866, at Holly Springs, Miss. Irving, John Treat, born Dec. 2, 1812, at New York, N.Y. Irving, Peter, born Oct, 30, 1771, at New York, N.Y". ; died June 27, 1838, at New York, N.Y. Irving, Pierre Munroe, born 1803, in New York ; died Feb. 11, 1876, at New York, N.Y. Irving, Washington, born April 3, 1783, at New York, N.Y. ; died Nov. 28, 1859, at Sunny- side, Tarry town, N.Y. Jackson, Helen Maria Fiske Hunt, " H. H.," born Oct. 18, 1831, at Amherst, Mass. ; died Aug. 12, 1885, at San Francisco, Cal. Jackson, Henry Eootes, born June 24, 1820, at Athens, Ga. ; died May 23, 1898, at Savannah, Ga. Jacobus, Melancthon Williams, born Sept. 19, 1816, at Newark, N.J.; died Oct. 28, 1876, at Allegheny City, Pa. James. Ed\%in, born Aug. 27, 1797, at Wevbridge, Vt. ; died Oct. 28, 1861, at Burlington, la. James, Henry, Sr., born June 3, 1811, at Albany, N.Y. ; died Dec. 18, 1882, at Cambridge, Mass. James, Henrv, born April 15, 1843, at New York. N.Y". Janvier, Thomas Allibone, born LIST OF AUTHORS. 303 July 16, 1849, at Philadelphia, Pa. Jav, John, born Dec. 12, 1745, at New York, N.Y. ; died May 17, 1S29, at Bedford, N.Y. Jay, John, horn June 23, 1817, at New York, N.Y. ; died May 5, 1S94, at New York, N.Y". Jay, William, born June 16, 1789, at New Y'ork, N.Y'.; died Oct. 14, 1858, at Bedford, N.Y. Jefferson, Joseph, born Feb. 20, 1829, at Philadelphia, Pa. Jefferson, Thomas, born April 2, 1743, at Shadwell, Va. ; died July 4, 1826, at Monticello, Va. Jenks, William, born Nov. 25, 1778, at Newton, Mass. ; died Nov. 13, 1866, at Boston, Mass. Jennie June. See " Croly, Jane Cunningham." Jewett, Sarah Orne, born Sept. 3, 1849, at South Berwick, Me. Joaquin Miller. See "Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner." John Coventry. See " Palmer, John Williamson." John Paul. See " Webb, Charles Henry." John Phihp Varley. See " Mitch- ell, Langdon Elwyn." John Phcenix. See " Derb}', George Horatio." Johnson, Edward, born 1599, at Heme Hill, Kent Co., Eng.; died April 23, 1672, at Woburn, Mass. Johnson, Eossiter, born Jan. 27, 1S40, at Eochester, N.Y. Johnston, Alexander, born April 29, 1849, at Brooklyn, N.Y. ; died July 21, 1889, at Prince- ton, N.J. Johnston, Mary, born Nov. 21, 1870, at Buchanan, Botetourt Co., Va. Johnston, Richard Malcolm(Phile- mon Percli), born March S, 1822, atPowelton, Hancock C!o.,Ga.; died Sep\. 23,1898, at Baltimore, Md. Josh Billings. See" Shaw, Henry Wheeler." Josiah Allen's Wife. See " Hol- ley, Marietta." J. S. of Dale. See " Stimson, Frederick Jesup." Judd, Sylvester, born July 23, 1813, at Westhampton, Mass.; died Jan. 26, 1853, at Augusta, Me. Judson, Emily Chubbuck (Fanny Forester), born Aug. 22, 1817, at Eaton, N.Y'. ; died June 1, 1854, at Hamilton, N.Y. Kane, Elisha Kent, born Feb. 20, 1820, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died Feb. 16, 1857, at Havana, Cuba. Kennan, George, born Feb. 16, 1845, at Norwalk, Ohio. Kennedy, John Pendleton, born Oct. 25, 1795, at Baltimore, Md.; died Aug. 18, 1870, at Newport, K.I. Kent, James, born July 31, 1763, in Putnam Co., N.Y.; died Dec. 12, 1847, at New York, N.Y. Ketchum, Annie Chambers, born Nov. 8, 1824, in Scott Co., Ky. Kettell, Samuel, born 1800, at Newburyport. Mass.; died Dec. 3, 1855, at Maiden, Mass. . Kev, Francis Scott, born Aug. 9, 1780, in Frederick Co., Md. ; died Jan. 11, 1843, at Baltimore, Md. Kidder, Daniel Parrish, born Oct. 18, 1815, at Darien, N.Y.; died July 29, 1891, at Evanston, lU. Kidder, Frederick, born April 16, 1804, at New Ipswich, N.H.; died Dec. 19, 1885, at Meh-ose, Mass. King, Charles, born Oct. 12, 1844, at Albany, N.Y'. Kinney, Coates, born Nov. 24, 1826, near Penn Yan, Yates Co., N.Y. Kip, William Ingraham, born 304 LIST OF AUTHORS. Oct. 3.1811, at New York, N. Y.; died April 7, 1S93, at San Fran- cisco, Cal. Kirk, John Foster, born March 22, 1824, at Fredericton, New Brunswick. Kirkland, Joseph, born Jan. 7, 1330, at Geneva, N.Y. ; died April 29, 1894, at. Chicago, lU. Kittredge, Walter, born 1832, at Merrimac, N.H. Knox, Thomas Wallace, born June 26, 1835, at Pembroke, N.H. ; died Jan. 6, 1896, at New York, N.Y. Krehbiel, Henrv Edward, born March 10, 1854, at Ann Arbor, Mich. Krout, Mary H., born IS—, at Crawfordsville, Ind. Kunz, George Frederick, born Sept. 29, 1856, at New York, N.Y. La Coste, Marie, fl. IS—. La Fov, J. B., fl. 1817. Lalor,'john J., fl. 1S51. Lamb, Martha Joan Eeade Nash, born Aug. 13, 1829, at Plain- field. Mass. ; died Jan. 2, 1893, at New York, N.Y. Lance. William, born 1791, at Charleston, S.C. ; died 1840, in Tt'xas. Lander, Frederick West, born Dec. 22, 1S22, at Salem, Mass. ; died March 2, 1862, at Paw Paw, Va. Lander, Sarah West, born Nov. 27, 1810, at Salem, Mass. ; died Nov. 15, 1572, at Salem, Mass. Landon, Melville De Lancev (Eli Perkins), born Sept. 7, 1&39, at Eaton, N.Y. Lanier, Sidney, born Feb. 3, 1842, at Macon, Ga. ; died Sept. 7, ISSl, at Lynn, N.C. Larcom, Lucv, born 1826, at Bev- erly, Mass."; died April 17, 1893, at Boston, Mass. Earned, Josephus Nelson, born May 11, 1836, at Chatham, Ont. Lathrop, George Parsons, born Aug. 25, 1851, at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands ; died April 19, 1898, at New York, N.Y. Lazarus, Emma, born July 22, 1849, at New York, N.Y. ; died Nov. 19, 1887, at New York, N.Y. Lea, Henry Charles, born Sept. 19, 1S25, at Philadelphia, Pa. Lee, Frank, fl. 1S60. Lee, Henry, born Jan. 29, 1756, at Leesburg, Ya. ; died March 25, 1S15, at Cumbei'land Island, Ga. Lee, Henry, born 1787, in West- moreland Co., Va. ; died Jan. 30, 1837, at Paris, France. Leeds, Daniel, born 1652, in Eng- land ; died Sept. 28, 1720, at Burlington, N.J. Legare, James Matthews, born Nov. 26. 1S23. at Charleston, S.C. ; died March 30, 1859, at Aiken, S.C. Leggett, WilUam, born 1802, at New York, N.Y. ; died May 29, 1S.39, at New Pvochelle, N.Y. Leland, Charles Godfrey (Hans Breitmann), born Aug. 15, 1824, at Philadelphia, Pa. Leonard, Daniel, born May 29, 1740, at Norton, Mass. ; died June 27, 1829, at London, Eng. Lester Wallack. See " Wallack, John Johnstone." Lincoln, Abraham, born Feb. 12, 1S09, in Hardin Co., Ky. ; died April 15, 1S65, at Washington, D.C. Lippard, George, born April 10, 1822, near Yellow Springs, Pa. ; died Feb. 9, 1854, at PhUadel- phia. Pa. Lippincott, Sara Jane Clarke (Grace Greenwood), born Sept. 23, 1823, at Pompev, N.Y. Litchfield, Grace Denio, born Nov. 19, 1849, at New York, NY. Livingston. Eobert R., torn Nov. 27, 1746, at New York, N.Y. ; LIST OF AUTHORS. 305 died Feb. 26, 1813, at Clermont, N.Y. Livingston, "William, born Nov. 30. 1723, at Albanv. X.T. ; died July 25, 1790, at Elizabethtown, N.J. Lloyd, David Demarest, born Sept. 1, 1851, at New York, N.Y. ; died Sept. 4, 1889, at Hoboken, N.J. Llovd, Henry Demarest, born May 1, 1847, at New York, N.Y. Lloyd, Jobn Uri, born April 19, 1849, at West Bloomfield, N.Y. Locke, David Ross (Petroleum V. Nasby), born Sept. 20, 1833. at Vestal, Broome Co., N.Y. ; died Feb. 15, 18SS, at Toledo, Ohio. Locke. Richard Adams, born ISOO, in New York ; died Feb. 16, 1871, on Staten Island. Lodge, Henry Cabot, born May 12, 1850, at Boston, Mass. Logan, John Alexander, born Feb. 9, 1S26, in Jackson Co., 111.; died Dec. 26, 1886, at Washington, D.C. Longfellow, Henry Wads worth, born Feb. 27. 1S07, at Portland, Me. ; died March 24, 1SS2, at Cambridge, Mass. Longfellow, Samuel, born June 18, 1819, at Portland, Me. ; died Oct. 3, 1892, at Portland, Me. Longstreet, Augustus Baldwn, born Sept. 22, 1790, at Augusta, Ga. ; died Sept. 9, 1870, at Ox- ford, Miss. Loorais, Augustus W., fl. 1856. Loomis, Charles Battell, born 1861. on Long Island. Lord, John, born Sept. 10, 1809, at Berwick, Me. ; died Dec. 15, 1894, at Stamford, Conn. Loring, Frederic Wadsworth, born Dec. 12, 1848, at Boston, Mass. ; died Nov. 5, 1871, near Wickenburg, Ariz. Loring, George Bailey, born Nov. 8, 1817, at North Andover, Mass. ; died Sept. 14, 1891, at Salem, Mass. Lossing, Benson John, born Feb. 12, 1813, at Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. ; died June 8, 1891, near Dover Plains, N.Y. Lothrop, Harriet Mulford Stone (Margaret Sidney), born June 22, 1844, at New Haven, Conn. Louis Lambert. See "Gihnore, Patrick S." Lowell, James Russell, born Feb. 22, 1819, at Cambridge, Mass. ; died Aug. 12, 1891, at Cam- bridge, Mass. Lowell, Maria White, born July 8, 1821, at Watertown, Mass. ; died Oct. 27, 1853, at Cambridge, Mass. Lowell, Robert Traill Spence, born Oct. 8, 1816, at Boston, Mass. ; died Sept. 12, 1891, at Schenectady, N.Y. Liiders, Charles Henry, born 1858, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died 1891, at Philadelphia, Pa. Ludlow, Fitzhugh, born Sept. 11, 1836, at New York, N.Y. ; died Sept. 12, 1870, at Geneva, S\vitzerland. Lummis, Charles Fletcher, born March 1, 1859, at Lvnn, Mass. Lunt, George, born Dec. 81, 1803, at Newburyport, Mass. ; died May 17, 1885, at Boston, Mass. Lytle, William Haines, born Nov. 2, 1826, at Cincinnati, Ohio; died Sept. 20, 1863, at Chicka- mauga, Tenn. Mabie, Hamilton Wright, born Dec. 18, 1845, at Cold Spring, N.Y. McCabe, James Dabnev, born July 80, 1842, at Richmond, Va. ; died Jan 27, 1883, at Germantown, Pa. McCall, Hugh, born 1767, in South Carolina ; died July 9, 1824, at Savannah, Ga. McCarty, Henry, fl. 1860, in Scot- land. 306 LIST OF AUTHORS. McClellan, George Brinton, born Dec. 3, 1826. at Philadelphia. Pa. ; died Oct. 29, 1885, at Orange, N.J. McClurg, James, born 1T4T, at Hampton, Va. ; died July 9, 1825, at Richmond, Va. McCosh, James, born April 1, 1811, at Carskeoch, Aj-rshire, Scotland ; died Nov. 6, 189-t, at Princeton, N.J. MacCreerj', J. L., fl. 1850. Mace, Frances Parker Laughton, born Jan. 15, 1836, at Orono, Me. ; died Aug., 1899, at Los Gatos, Cal. MacGahan, Januarius Aloysius, born June 12, 18i4, near New Lexington, Perry Co., Ohio ; died June 9, 1873,' at Constanti- nople. Turkey. MacKellar. Thomas, born Aug. 12, 1>12. at New York, N.Y. ; died Dec. 29, 1899, at Philadel- phia, Pa. Mackey, John, born 1765, at Charleston, S.C. : died Dec. 14, 1831, at Charleston, S.C. McLellan, Isaac, born Mav 21, 1806, at Portland, Me. ;' died Aug. 20, 1899, at Greenport, L.L McMaster, Guy Humphrey, born Jan. 31, 1829, at Clyde, N.Y. ; died Sept. 13, 1837, at Bates, N.Y. McMaster, John Bach, born June 29. 1852, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Macon, John Alfred, born 1351, in Alabama. Madison, James, born March 16, 1751, at Port Conway, Ya. ; died June 28, 1836, at 'Montpelier, Orange Co.. Va. Mahan, Alfred Thaver, born Sept. 2", 1840, at West Point. N.Y. Major, Charles (Edwin Gaskoden), born July 25, 1856, at Indian- apolis. Ind. Mann. Horace, born May 4. 1796, at Franklin, Mass. ; died Aug. 2, 1859, at Yellow Springs, Ohio. Margaret Sidney. See"Lothrop, Harriet Mulford Stone." Maria del Occidente. See "Brooks, Maria Go wen." Marion Harland. See " Terhune, Mary Virginia." Mark Twain. See " Clemens, Samuel Langhorne." Mai-kham, Charles Edwin, born April 23, 1852, at Oregon City, Ore. Marshall, John, born Sept. 24, 1775, at Germantown, Va. ; died July 6, 1835, at Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Langdon. See " Pike, Mary Haj'den Green." Mason, Caroline Atherton Briggs, born July 27, 1823, at Marble- head, Mass. ; died 1890. Mason, John, born 1600, in Eng- land ; died Jan. 30, 1672, at Nor- wich, Conn. Mason, John Mitchell, born March 19, 1770, at New York, N.Y. ; died Dec. 26, 1829, at New York, N.Y. Mather, Cotton, born Feb. 12, 1663, at Boston, Mass. ; died Feb. 13, 172S, at Boston, Mass. Mather, Increase, born June 21, 1639, at Dorchester, Mass. ; died Aug. 23, 1723, at Boston, Mass. Mather, Pachard, born 1596, at Lowton. Lancashire. Eng.; died April 22, 1669, at Dorchester, Mass. Mather, Samuel, born Oct. 30, 1706. at Boston, Mass. ; died June 27, 1785, at Boston, Mass. Matthews, James Brander, born Feb. 21, 1852. at New Orleans, La. Maury, Matthew Fontaine, born Jan. 14, 1806, in Spottsylvania Co., Va. ; died Feb. 1, 1873, at Lexington, Va. Max Adeler. See " Clark, Charles Heber." Mavhew, Jonathan, bom Oct. 8, 1720, at Martha's Vineyard ; LIST OF AUTHORS. 307 died July 9, 1766, at Boston, Mass. Maj'lem, John, born 1G9-, grad- uated at Harvard, 1715, died after 1758. Mayo, WUliam Starbuck, born April 20, 1812, at Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; died Nov. 22, 1S95, at New York, N.Y. Meek, Alexander Beaufort, born July 17, 1814, at Columbia, S.C.; died Nov. 30, 1865, at Columbus, Miss. Mellen, Grenville, born June 19, 1799, at Biddeford, Me. ; died Sept. 5, 1841, at New York, N.Y. Melville, George Wallace, born Jan. 10, 1841, at New York, N.Y. Melville, Herman, born Aug. 1, 1819, at New York, N.Y. ; died Sept. 28, 1891, at New York, N.Y. Meredith, WilUam Tuckev, born June 16, 1839, at Philadelphia, Pa. Messenger, Eobert Hinckley, born 1811, at Boston, Mass. ; died Oct. 1, 1874, at Stamford, Conn. Michaux, Franpois Andre, born 1770, at Versailles, France ; died Oct. 23, 1855, in France. Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner (Joa- quin Miller), born Nov. 10, 1841, in the Wabash District, Ind. Mitchell, Donald Grant (Ik Mar- vel), born April 12, 1822, at Nor- wich, Conn. Mitchell, John Kearsley, born May 12, 1798, at Shepherds- town, Va. ; died April 4, 1858, at Philadelphia, Pa. Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn (John Philip Varley), born 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa. Mitchell, Silas Weir, born Feb. 15, 1S29, at Phlladeli)hia, Pa. Mitchell, Walter, born Jan. 22, 1826, at Nantucket, Mass. Moody, Samuel, born Jan. 4, 1676, at Newbury, Mass. ; died Nov. 18, 1747. Moore, Clement Clark, born July 15, 1779, at New York, N.Y, ; died July 10, 1863, at Newport, E.I. Moore, Frank, born Dec. 17, 1828, at Concord, N.H. Morford, Henry, born March 10, 1S28, at New Monmouth, N.J. ; died May 5, 1881, at New York, N.Y. Morrell, Benjamin, born 1795, in Worcester Co., Mass. ; died 1839. Morrell, William, born 15—, in England, came to Plj-mouth Colony, 1623, fl. 1625—. Morris, Edmund, born Aug. 28, 1804, at Burlington, N.J. ; died May 4, 1874, at Burlington, N.J. Morris, George Pope, born Oct. 10, 1802, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; died July 6, 1864, at New York, N.Y. Morris, Gouverneur, born Jan. 81, 1752, at Morrisiana, N.Y. ; died Nov. 6, 1816, at Morrisiana, N.Y. Morton, Nathaniel, born 1613, at Leyden, Holland ; died June 16, 1685, at Plymouth, Mass. Morton, Thomas, born 1575, in England ; died 1646, at Aga- menticus. Me. Motley, John Lothrop, born April 15, 1814, at Dorchester, Mass. ; died May 29, 1877, near Dor- chester, Eng. Moulton, Ellen Louise Chandler, born April 5, 1835, at Pomfret, Conn, Mrs. Partington. See " Shillaber, Benjamin Penliallow." Muhlenberg, William Augustus, born Sept. 16, 1796. at Philadel- phia, Pa. ; died April 8, 1877, at New York, N.Y. Muir, John, born April 21, 1838, at Dunbar, Scotland. Mulford, Elisha, born Nov. 19, 1833, at Montrose, Pa. ; died 308 LIST OF AUTHORS. Dec. 9, 1S85, at Cambridge, Mass. Mullaney. John, born 1S4T. Mullany, Patrick Francis (Brother Azarias). born June 29, 1847, in County Tipperarv, Ireland ; died Aug. 20, 1S93," at Platts- burg. N.Y. Murfree, Mary Noailles (Charles Egbert Craddock), born 1S50, at Grantlands, near Murfrees- boro, Tenn. Murray, Lindley, born April 22, IT-io^ at Swantara, Pa. ; died Feb. 16. 1S26, near York, Eng, Myers, Peter Hamilton, born Aug. 4, 1812, at Herkimer, N.Y. ; died Oct. 30, ISTS, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Navarro, Mary Antoinette Ander- son de, born July 2S, 1859, at Sacramento. Cal. Neal, John, born Aug. 25, 1793, at Falmouth, Mass., now Port- land, Me. ; died June 21, 1S76, at Portland. Me. Newell, Eobert Henrv (Orpheus C. Kerr), born Dec.'lS, 1836, at New York, N.Y. ; died July, 1901, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Nichols, Eebecca S. Reed, born August, ls20,at Greenwich.N. J. Nicolay, John George, born Feb. 26, 1S32, at Essingen, Bavaria. Niles. Hezekiah, born Oct. 10, 1777, in Chester Co., Pa. ; died April 2, 1839, at Wilmington, Del. Niles, Nathaniel, born April 3, 1741, at South Kingston, R.I. ; died Oct. 31, 1828, at West Fairlee, Yt. Niles, Samuel, born May 1, 1674, on Block I.sland. R!I. ; died May 1, 1762, at Braintree. Mass. Norton, Charles Eliot, born Nov. 16, 1827, at Cambridtre. Mass. Norton. John, born May 6. 1606, at Stortford, Hertfordshire, Eng. ; died April 5, 1663, at Boston, Mass, Nuttall, Thomas, born Jan. 5, 1786. at Long Preston, Settle, Yorkshire, Eng. ; died Sept. 10, 1859, near Liverpool, Eng. Nye, Edgar Wilson (Bill Nye), born Aug. 25, 1850, at Shirley, Me. ; died Feb. 22, 1896, near AshvlUe, N.C. O'Brien, Fitz- James, born 1828, at Limerick, Ireland ; died April 6, 1862, at Cumberland, Md. O'Connor, Joseph, born Dec. 17, 1&41, at Tribes Hill, N.Y. O'Connor, Michael, born 1837, at East Chester, N.Y. ; died Dec. 28, 1862, at Potomac Station,Ya. Octave Thanet. See "French, Alice." O'Hara, Theodore, born Feb. 11, 1820, at Danville, Ky. ; died June 6, 1867, near Guerryton, Ala. Oliver Optic. See "Adams, Will- iam Taylor." Olmsted, Frederick Law, born AprU 26, 1822, at Hartford, Conn. O'Eeillv, John Boyle, born June 28, 1844, at Dowth Castle, County Meath, Ireland : died Ang. lO, 1890, at Hull, Mass. Orpheus C. Kerr. See "Newell, Eobert Henry." Osgood. Frances Sargent Locke, born June IS, 1811, at Boston, Mass. ; died May 12, 1850, at Hingham, Mass. Osgood, Kate Putnam, born 1841, at Fryeburg, Me. Ossoli, " Sarah Margaret Fuller, born May 23, ISIO, at Cam- bridgeport. Mass. ; died July 16, 1850. off Fire Island beach. Otis, James, born Feb. 5, 1725, at West Barnstable, Mass ; died May 23, 1783, at Andover, Mass. Page, Thomas Nelson, born April 23, 1853, at Oakland, Hanover Co., Va. LIST OF AUTHORS. 309 Paine, Kobert Treat, born Dec. 9, 1773, at Taunton, Mass. ; died Nov. 13, ISU, at Boston, Mass. Paine. Thomas, born Jan. 29, 1737, at Thetford. Norfolk, Eng. ; died June 8, 1809, in New York. Palfrev, John Gorham. born May 2, lt96, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 26, 1881, at Cambridge, Mass. Palfrev, Sarah Hammond (E. Foxton), born Dec. 11, 1823, at Boston, Mass. Palmer John Williamson (John Coventry), born April 4, 1825, at Baltimore, Md. Palmer, Horatio Eichmond, born AprU 26, 1834, at Sherburne, Chanango, Co., N.Y. Palmer, Bay, born Nov. 12, 1808, at Little 'Compton, E.I. ; died March 29, 1SS7, at Newark, N.J. Palmer. William Pitt, born Feb. 22, 1805, at Stockbridge. Mass. ; died Mav 2, 1884, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Parker, Eichard E., born 1777; died November, 1840. Parker, Theodore, born Aug. 24, 1810, at Lexington, Mass. ; died May 10, 1860, at Florence, Italy. Parkman, Francis, born Sept. 16, 1S23, at Boston, Mass. ; died Nov. 8, 1893, at Boston, Mass. Parsons, Theophilus, born 1750 ; died 1813. Parsons, Theophilus, born May 17, 1797, at Newburvport, Mass. ; died Jan. 26, 1882, at Cambridge, Mass. Parsons, Thomas William, born Aug. 18, 1819, at Boston, Mass. ; died Sept. 3, 1892, at Scituate, Mass. Parton, James, born Feb. 9, 1822, at Canterbury. Eng. ; died Oct. 17, 1891, at Newburyport, Mass. Patten, George Washington, born Dec. 25, 1808, at Newport, E.I. ; died April 28, 1882, at Houlton, Me. Paulding, James Kirke, born Aug. 22, 1779, at Nine Part- ners, Dutchess Co., N.Y. ; died April 6, 1860, at Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Paulding, William Irving, fl. 1847. Payne, John Howard, born June 9, 1792, at New York, N.Y. ; died April 10, 1852, at Tunis, Africa. Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, born May 16, 1804, at Billerica, Mass. ; died Jan. 3, 1894, at Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. Peabody, Oliver WiUiam Bourne, born Julv 9, 1799, at Exeter, N.H. ; died July 5, 1848, at Burlington, Vt. Peabodv. William Bourne Oliver, born 'July 9, 1799, at Exeter, N.H. ; died May 28, 1847, at Springfield. Mass. Peleg Arkwright. See " Proudfit, David Law." Penn, William, born Oct. 14, 1644, at London, Eng. ; died July 30, 1718, at Euscombe, Berkshire, Eng. Percival, James Gates, born Sept. 15, 1795, at Kensington, Conn.; died May 2, 1856, at Hazel Green, Wis. Perry, Nora, born 1841, at Dud- ley, Mass.; died May 13, 1896, at Dudley, Mass. Peter Parley. See "Goodrich, Samuel G." Peters, Phillis Wheatley, born 1753, at Senegal, Africa; died Dec. 5, 1784. at Boston, Mass. Peterson, Henrv, born Dec. 7, 1818, at Philadelphia. Pa.; died Oct. 10. 1S91, at Philadelphia,Pa. Petrie, H. W.. fl. 1S6-. Petroleum V.Nasby. See "Locke, David Eoss." Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, born Aug. 13, 1815, at Andover, Mass.; died Nov. 30, 1868, at Boston, Mass. 310 LIST OF AUTHORS. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See "Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps." Philemon Perch. See "Johns- ton, Richard Malcolm." Phillips, Wendell, born Nov. 29, ISU, at Boston, Mass.; died Feb. 2, 1SS4, at Boston, Mass. Piatt, John James, born March 1, 1835, at James Mills (now Milton), Ind. Piatt, Sarah Morgan Bryan, born Aug. 11, 1836, at Lexington, Ky. Pierce, William, born 1740, in Georgia; died 1S06. Pierpont, John, born April 6, 1785, at Litchfield, Conn.; died Aug. 26, 1866, at Medford, Pike, Albert, born Dec. 29, 1809, at Boston, Mass.; died April 2, 1891, at Washington, D.C. Pike, Mary Hayden Green (Mary Langdon), born Nov. 30, 1825, at Eastport, Me. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, born July 31, 1812, at Charles- ton, S.C; died 1898. Pinckney, Edward Coate, born Oct. 1," 1802, at London, Eng.; died April 11, 1828, at Balti- more, Md. Pitman, Benn. born July 24, 1822, at Trowbridge, Wilts, Eng. Poe, Edgar Allan, born Jan. 19, 1809. at Boston, Mass. ; died Oct. 7, 1849, at Baltimore, Md. Pool, Maria Louise, born August, 1841, at East Abington (.now Rockland), Mass.; died May 19, 1898, at Rockland, Mass. Porter, Xoah. born Dec. 14, 1811, at Farmlngton, Conn. ; died March 4, 1892, at New Haven, Conn. Prentice, George Denison, born Dec. 18, 1802, at Preston,Conn.; died Jan. 22, 1870, at Louisville, Ky. Prentiss, Elizabeth Pavson, born Oct. 26, 1818, at Portland, Me.; died Aug. 13, 1878, at Dorset, Vt. Prescott, William Hickling, born May 4, 1796, at Salem, Mass.; died Jan. 28, 1859, at Boston, Mass. Preston, Margaret Junkin, born 1820, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died March 28, 1897, at Baltimore, Md. Prince, Thomas, born May 15, 1687, at Sandwich, Mass.; died Oct. 22, 1758, at Boston, Mass. Proctor, Edna Dean, born Oct. 10, 1838, at Henniker, N.H. Proud, Robert, born May 10, 1728, at Yorkshire. Eng.; died July 7, 1813, at Philadelphia, Pa. Proudfit, David Law (Peleg Arkwright), born Oct. 27, 1S42, at Newburgh, N.Y. ; died Feb. 23, 1897, at New York, N.Y. Quincy, Edmund, born Feb. 1, 1808, at Boston, Mass. ; died May 17, 1877, at Dedham, Mass. Quincy, Josiah, born Feb. 23, 1744, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 26, 1775, at sea, off Gloucester, Mass. Quincy, Josiah, born Feb. 4, 1772, at B'oston, Mass. ; died July 1, 1864, at Quincy, Mass. Ramsay, David, born April 2, 1749," in Lancaster Co., Pa.; died May 8, 1S15, at Charleston, S.C. Randall, Henry Stephens, born 1811, in Madison Co., N.Y.; died Aug. 14, 1876, at Cortland, N.Y. Randall, James Ryder, born Jan. 1, 1839, at Baltimore, Md. Randolph, Anson Davies Fitz, born Oct. IS, 1820, at Wood- bridge, N.J.: died July 6, 1896, at Westhampton, L.I. Raymond, Rossiter Worthington, born April 27, 1840, at Cincin- nati, Ohio. LIST OF AUTHORS. 311 Rayner, B. L., fl. 1834. Kead, Opie, born Dec. 22, 1852, at Nashville, Tenn. Eead, Thomas Buchanan, born March 12, 18S2, in Chester Co., Pa.; died May 11, 1872, at New York, N.Y. Eepplier, Agnes, born 1859, at Philadelphia, Pa. Eich, E., 1i. about 1610. Eichardson, Chai-les Francis, born May 29. 1S51, at Hallowell, Me. Eiggs, Kate Douglas Wiggin, born 1S57, at Philadelphia, Pa. Eiley, James Whitcomb, born 1853, at Greenfield, Ind. Eiordan, Eoger, born May 21, 1847, in Cappoquin, Waterford Co., Ireland. Eipley, George, born Oct. 3, 1802, at Greenfield, Mass.; died July 4, 1880, at New York, N.Y. Eivington, James, born about 1724, at London, Eng. ; died July, 1802, at New York, N.Y. Eobefts, Sarah, born July 26, 1812, at Portsmouth. N.H. ; died March 16, 1869, at New York, N.Y. Eoche, James Jefirey, born May 31, 1847, at Mountmellick, Ireland. Eoe, Edward Payson, born March 7, 1838, at Moodna, New Wind- sor, N.Y.; died July 19, 1888, at Cornwall, N.Y. Eohlfs, Anna Katherine Green, born Nov. 11, 1846, at Brook- lyn, N.Y. Roosevelt, Eobert Barnwell, born Aug. 7, 1829, at New York, N.Y. Roosevelt, Theodore, born Oct. 27, 18.58, at New York, N.Y. Root, George Frederick, born Aug. 30, 1820, at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. ; died Aug. 6, 1895, at Bailey's Island, near Portland, Me. Rose, Aquila, born 1695, in Eng- land ; died Aug. 22, 1723, at Philadelphia, I'a. Rosenfeld, Monroe H., born 1861, at Kichmond, Va. Rosenfeld, Sydney, born Oct. 26, 1855, at Eichmond, Va. Ross, Alexander Coffman, born May 31, 1812, at Zanesville, Ohio; died Feb. 25, 1883, at Zanesville, Ohio. Eowson, Susanna Haswell, born 1762, at Portsmouth, Eng. ; died March 2, 1824, at Boston, Mass. Eussell, Irwin, born June 8, 1853, at Port Gibson, Miss. ; died Dec. 23, 1879, at New Orleans, La. RuthOgden. See " Ide, Frances Otis Ogden." Ryan, Abram Joseph (Father Eyan), born Aug. 15, 1839, at Norfolk, Ya. ; died April 22, 1886, at Louis^^lle, Ky. St. John, Peter, fl. 1765, Nor- walk. Conn. / Saltus, Edgar Evertson, born June 8, 1858, at New York, N.Y. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, born Dec. 15, 1831, at Hamp- ton Falls, N.H. Sanderson, John, born 1783, near Carlisle, Pa. ; died April 5, 1844, at Philadelphia, Pa. Sands, Eobert Charles, born May 11, 1797, at Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; died Dec. 17, 1832, at Hoboken, N.J. Sanford, Edward, born July 8, 1805, at Albany, N.Y. ; died Aug. 28, 1876, at Gowanda, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y. Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson, born Feb. 22, 1838, at New Eochelle, N.Y. Sargent, Epes, born Sept. 27, 1813, at Gloucester, Mass. ; died Dec. 31, 1880, at Boston, Mass. Sawyer, Caroline Mehetable Fisher, born Dec. 8, 1812, at Newton, Mass. ; died May 19, 1894, at College Hill, Mass. 312 LIST OF AUTHORS. Sawyer, Charles Carroll, born 1883, at Mvstic, Conn. ; died Oct. 3, 1S91, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Saxe, John Godfrey, born June 2, 1816, at Highgate. Yt. ; died March 31, 1887, at Albany, N.Y. Schoolcraft, Henry Eowe, born March 2S, 1793. in Albany Co., N.Y. : died Dec. 10, 1864, at Washington, D.C. Schouler, James, born March 20, 1839, at West Cambridge (no\v Arlington), Mass. Schurz, Carl, born March 2, 1829, at Liblar, Germany. Scottow, Joshua, born 1615, in England ; died Jan. 20, 1698, at Boston, Mass. Scudder, Horace Elisha, born Oct. 16, 1S3S, at Boston, Mass. Sears, Edmund Hamilton, born 1810, at Sandisfield, Mass.; died Jan. 14, 1876, at Weston, Mass. Seccomb, John, born April 25, 1703, at Medford, Mass. ; died January, 1792, at Chester, Xoya Scotia. Sedgwick, Catherine Maria, born Dec. 28, 17S9. at Stockbridge, Mass. ; died July 31, 1867, near Roxbury, Mass. Seelye, Elizabeth Eggleston, born 1858, Minn. Sewall, Harriett Winslow, born June 30, 1S19, at Portland, Me. ; died February, 1889, at Wellesley, Mass. Se\yaU, Jonathan Mitchell, born 174S, at Salem, Mass. ; died March 29, 1808, at Portsmouth, N.H. SewaU, Samuel, born March 28, 1652, at Bishopstoke, Eng. ; died Jan. 1, 1730. at Boston, Mass. Shanly, Charles Dawson, born March 9, 1811, at Dublin, Ire- land ; died Aug. 15, 1875, at Arlington, Fla. Shaw, David T., fl. 18—. Shaw, Henry Wheeler (Josh Bill- ings), born April 21, 1S18, at Lanesborough, Mass. ; died Oct. 14, 1885, at Monterey, Cal. Shaw, John, born May 4, 1778, at Annapolis, Md. ; 'died Jan. 10, 1S09, at sea. Shea, John Dawson Gihnary, born July 22, 1824, at New York, X:Y. ; died Feb. 22, 1892, at Elizabeth, X.J. Shepard, Thomas, born Xov. 5, 1605, at Towcester, Eng. ; died Aug. 25, 1649, at Cambridge, Mass. Shepherd, Nathaniel Graham, born 18:35, at New York, N.Y.; died May 23, 1869, at New York, N:Y. Sherman, Frank Dempster, born May 6, 1S60, at Peekshill, N.Y. Sherman, Roger, born April 19, 1721, at Newton, Mass. ; died July 23, 1793, at New Haven, Conn. Shniaber, Benjamin Penhallow (Mrs. Partington), born July 12, 1814, at Portsmouth, N.H."; died Nov. 25, 1890, at Chelsea, Mass. Shippen, Joseph, born Oct. 30, 1732. at Philadelphia. Pa. ; died Feb. 10, 1810, at Lancaster, Pa. Shoemaker, William Lukens, born July 19, 1822, at George- town, D.C. Sidney Luska. See " Harland, Henry." Sigourriey, Lydia Huntley, born Sept. "l, 1791, at Normch, Conn. ; died June 10, 1865, at Hartford. Conn. SUl, Edward Rowland, born April 29, 1S41, at Windsor. Conn. ; died Feb. 27, 1887, at Cleve- land, Ohio. Simms, William Gihnore, born April 17, 1806, at Charleston, S.C. : died June 11, 1870, at Charleston, S.C. Smith, Belle E., fl. 1873. LIST OF AUTHORS. 313 Smith, Elizabeth Oakes Prince, born 1806, near Portland, Me. ; died 1S93. Smith, Francis Hopkinson, born Oct. 23. 1S38, at Baltimore, Md. Smith, Harrv Bache, born 1860, at Buffalo, N.Y. Smith, John, born Januar^y, 1579, at Willoughby, Lincolnshu-e, Eng. ; died June 21, 1631, at London, Eng. Smith, S. D. Jr., fl. 1887. Smith. Samuel Francis, born Oct. 21, 1808, at Boston. Mass. ; died Nov. 16, 1S95, at Boston, Mass. Smith, William, born 1721, near Aberdeen, Scotland ; died May 14, 1803. at Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, WiUiam, born June 25, 1728, at Xew York, N.Y. ; died Nov. 3, 1793, at Quebec, Canada. Sparks, Jared, born May 10, 1789, at WUlington, Conn. ; died March 14, 1866, at Cambridge, Mass. Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Pres- cott, born April 3, 1835, at Calais, Me. Sprague, Charles, born Oct. 26, 1791, at Boston, Mass. ; died Jan. 22, 1875, at Boston, Mass. Starr, Hattie, born 18—, atEome, N.Y. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, born Oct. 8, 1833, at Hartford, Conn. Stimson, Frederick Jesup (J. S. of Dale), born July 20, 1855, at Dedham, Mass. Stith, William, born 1689, in Vir- ginia ; died Sept. 27, 1755, at Williamsburg, Ya. Stockton, Francis (Frank) Rich- ard, born April 5, 1834, at Phil- adelphia, Pa. Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew Bar- stow, born May 6, 1823, at Mattapoisett, Mass. Stoddard, Lavinia Stone, born June 29. 1787, at Guilford, Conn. ; died 1820, at Blakely, Ala. Stoddard, Eichard Henry, born July 2, 1825, at Hingham, Mass. Stone, John Augustus, born 1801, at Concord. Mass. ; died June 1, 1834, at Philadelphia, Pa. Story, William Wetmore, born Feb. 12, 1819, at Salem, Mass. ; died Oct. 7, 1895, at Yallom- brosa, Italy. Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, born June 14, 1812, at Litch- field. Conn. ; died July 1, 1896, at Hartford. Conn. Strachej-, William, born 1585, England ; died 16 — . Street, Alfi-ed Billings, born Dec. IS, 1811, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; died June 2, 1881, at Albany, N.Y. Sumner, Charles, born Jan. 6, 1811, at Boston, Mass. ; died March 11, 1874, at Washington, D.C. Tabb, John Banister, born March 22, 1845, in Amelia Co., Ya. Tappan. William Bingham, born Oct. 29, 1794, at Beverly, Mass.; died June 18, 1849, at West Needham, Mass. Tarkington, Booth, graduated at Princeton, 1893. Taylor, Bayard, born Jan. 11, 1825, at Kennett Square, Ches- ter Co., Pa.; died Dec. 19, 1878, at Berhn, Germany. Taylor, Benjamin Franklin, born July 19, 1819, at Lowville, Lewis Co., N.Y.; died Feb. 24, 1887, at Cleveland. Ohio. Taylor, Eobert Stewart, born May 22, 1838, in Boss Co., Ohio. Tenney, Tabitha Oilman, born 1762, at Exeter, N.H. ; died May 2, 1837, at Exeter, N.H. Terhune, Mary Virginia (Marion Harland), born Dec. 21, 1831, in Ameha Co., Ya. Teuffel, Blanche Willis Howard von, born July 21, 1847, at Ban- gor, Me. ; died Oct. 7, 1898, at Munich, Germany. 314 LIST OF AUTHORS. Thaxter, Celia Laighton, born June 29, 1S86, at Portsmouth, N.H. ; died June 29, 1894, at Appledore Island, N.H. Thomas, Edith Matilda, born Aug. 12, 1S54, at Chatham, Medina Co., Ohio. Thomas, Frederick William, born Oct. 25, ISOS, at Charleston, 8.C. ; died Sept. 80, 1S66, at Washington, D.C. Thomas, Gabriel, born 16— ; died about 1697. Thomas, Isaiah, born Jan. 19, 1749, at Boston, Mass. ; died April 4,1S31, at Worcester, Mass. Thompson, Daniel Pierce, born Oct. 1, 1793, at Charlestown, Mass. ; died June 6, 1S68, at Montpelier, Vt. Thompson, John Reuben, born Oct. 23, 1823, at Richmond, Va. ; died April 30, 1S73, at New York, N.Y. Thompson, Maurice, born Sept. 9, 1844, at Fairfield, Franklin Co., Ind. ; died Feb. 15, 1901, at Crawfordsville, Ind. Thoreau, Henry David, born July 12, 1817, at' Concord, Mass. ; died May 6, 1862, at Concord, Mass. Thorpe, Rose Hartwick, born July 18, 1850, at Mishawaka, Ind. Ticknor. Francis Orrerv, born 1S22, in Baldwin Co., Ga. ; died 1874, at "Torch Hill," near Columbus, Ga. Ticknor, George, born Aug. 1, 1791, at Boston, Mass. ; died Jan. 26, 1871, at Boston, Mass. Tilton, Theodore, born Oct. 2, 1835, at New York, N.Y. Timothy Titcomb. See " Holland, Josiah Gilbert." Timrod, Henry, born Dec. 8, 1829, at Charleston, S.C. ; died Oct. 6, 1867, at Columbia, S.C. Tompson, Benjamin, burn July 14, 1642. at Braintree, Mass.'; died April 13, 1714, buried at Roxbury, Mass. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, born May 2, 1838, at Wilhamsfield, Ohio. Townsend, Mary, Ashley van Voorhees (Xariflfa), born 1836, at Lyons, N.Y. Troubetzkoy, Amelie Rives Chan- ler, born Aug. 23, 1863, at Rich- mond, Va. Trowbridge, John Townsend, born Sept. 18, 1827, at Ogden, N.Y. TrumbuU, Benjamin, born Dec. 19, 1735, in Hebron Co., Conn.; "died Feb. 2, 1820, at North Haven, Conn. Trumbull, John, born April 24, 1750, at Westburj- (now Water- town), Conn.; died May 10, 1831, at Detroit, Mich. Tudor, William, born Jan. 28, 1779, at Boston, Mass. ; died March 9, 18;30, at Rio Janeiro. Turner, Joseph W., born July 9, ISIS, at Charlestown, Mass. Tyler, Moses Coit, born Aug. 2, 1835, at Griswold, Conn. ; died Dec. 28, 1900, at Ithaca, N.Y. Tyler, Royall, born July IS, 1757, at Boston, Mass. ; died Aug. 16, 1826, at Brattleboro, Vt. "Uncle Esek." See "Shaw, Henry Wheeler." Underwood, Francis Henry, born Jan. 12, 1S25, at Enfield," Mass.; died Aug. 7, 1894, at Edin- burgh, Scotland. Upton. George, born Oct. 28, 1S61, at Sutter Creek, Amador Co., Cal. Vandyke Brown. See " Bran- nan. William Penn." Van Dyke, Henry Jackson, born Nov.'lO, 1S52, at Germantown, Pa. Van Rensselaer, Mariana Gris- wold, born Feb. 23, 1851, at New York, N.Y. Venable, WiUiam Henry, born LIST OP AUTHORS. 315 April 29, 1836, in Warren Co., Ohio. Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin, born A ug. 6, 1786, at New York, N.Y.; died March 18, 1870, at New York. N.Y. Very, Jones, born Aug. 23, 1818, at Salem, Mass.; died May 8, 1880, at Salem, Mass. "Wakefield, Nancy Amelia "Wood- bury Priest, born Dec. 7, 1S36, at Eovalston, Mass.; died Sept. 21, 1870, at Winchendon, Mass. Wallace, Lewis (Lew), born April 10, 1S27; at Brook\alle, Ind. Wallace, William Ross, born 1819, at Lexington, Ky.; died May 5, 1381, at New York, N.Y. Wallack, .John Johnstone (Lester Wallack), born Jan. 1, 1820, at New York, N.Y.; died Sept. 6, 1883, near Stamford, Conn. Wallis, Severn Teackle, born Sept. 8, 1316, at Baltimore, Md.; died April 11, 1894, at Balti- more, Md. Wain, Robert, born Feb. 22, 1765, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died Jan. 24, 1836, at Philadelphia, Pa. Wain, Robert, born Oct. 25, 1794, at Philadelphia, Pa.; died July 4, 1325. at Providence, R.L Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, born Aug. 31, 1&44, at Andover, Mass. Ward, Nathaniel, born 1530, at Haverhill, Suffolk, Eng.; died 1652, at Shenfield, Eng. Ware, William, born Aug. 8, 1797, at Hingham, Mass. ; died Feb. 19, 1852, at Cambridge, Mass. Warfield, Catherine Anne Ware, born June 6, 1316, at Natchez, Miss.; died May 21, 1877, at Pewee Valley, Ky. Warner, Charles Dudlev, born Sept. 12, 1329, at Plainfleld, Mass.; died Oct. 20, 1900, at Hartford, Conn. Warner, Susan (Elizabeth Weth- erell), born July 11, 1819, at New York, N.Y. ; died March 17, 1835, at Highland Falls, N.Y. Warren, Joseph, born June 11, 1741, at Roxbury, Mass. ; died June 17, 1775, at Charlestown, Mass. Washburn, Henry Stevenson, born June 10, 1813, at Provi- dence, R.I. Washington, George, born Feb. 22, 1782, at Pope's Creek,West- moreland Co., Va. ; died Dec. 14, 1799, at Mount Vernon, Va. Wasson, David Atwood, born May 14, 1823, at West Brooks- ville. Me.; died Jan. 21, 1887, at West Medford, Mass. Watson, John Whittaker, born Oct. 14, 1824, at New York, N.Y.; died July 19, 1890, at New York, N.Y. Webb,Charles Henry (John Paul), born Jan. 24, 1834, at Rouse's Point, N.Y. Webb, George. Native of Glouces- ter, Eng. Emigrated to Phila- delphia. Fl. about 1731. Webbe, John, fl. 1741. Webster, Daniel, born Jan. 18, 1782, at Salisburv (now Frank- lin), N.H.; died'Oct. 24, 1862, at Marshfield, Mass. Webster, Noah, born Oct. 16, 1758, at Hartford, Conn.; died May 28, 1S43, at New Haven, Conn. Webster, Pelatiah, born 1725, at Lebanon, Conn. ; died Septem- ber, 1797, at Philadelphia, Pa. Weems, Mason Locke, born 1760, at Dumfries, Va.; died May 23, 1825, at Beaufort, S.C. Welby, Amelia B. Coppuck, bom Feb. 8, 1819, at St. Michael's, Md. ; died May 8, 1852, at Louisville, Ky. Wendell, Barrett, born Aug. 23, 1855, at Boston, Mass. Westcott, Edwai'd Noyes, bom 316 LIST OF AUTHORS. Sept. 24, 184T, at Syracuse, N.Y.; died March 31, 1898, at Syracuse, N.Y. "Wharton, Edith Jones, born 1S6-, at New York. N.Y. Wheatlev. Phillis. See " Peters, Phillis'Wheatley." Whipple, Edwin Percy, born March 8, 1819, at Gloucester, Mass. ; died June 16, 1886, at Boston, Mass. Whitaker, Alexander, born 15S5, at Cambridge, Eng. ; died after 1613, in Henrico Co., Va. "Whitcher, Fi-ances Miriam Berrv, born Nov. 1, 1811, at Whites- town. N.Y. ; died Jan. 4, 1852, at Whitestown, N.Y. White, Richard Grant, born May 22, 1821, at New York, N.Y. ; died April 8, 1835, at New York, N.Y. Whitman, Walter (Walt), born May 31, 1819, at West Hills, L.I. ; died March 26, 1892, at Camden, N.J. Whitney, Adeline Button Traine, born Sept. 15, 1824, at Boston, Mass. Whittier, John Greenleaf, born Dec. 17, 180T, at Haverhill, Mass. ; died Sept. 7, 1S92, at Hampton Falls. N.H. Wiggin, Kate Douglas. See "Riggs, Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin." Wigglesworth, Michael, born Oct. 18, 1631, in England ; died June 10, 1705, at Maiden, Mass. Wilde, Richard Henry, born Sept. 24. 1789, at Dubhn, Ire- land ; died Sept. 10, 1847, at New Orleans, La. Wilkins, Mary Eleanor, born 1862, at Randolph, Mass. Willard, Emma Hart, born Feb. 23, 1787, at Berlin, Conn. ; died April 15, 1870, at Troy, N.Y. Williams, Roger, born 1599, in Wales; died 1683, in Rhode Island. Williamson, Hugh, born Dec. 5, 1735, at West Nottingham, Pa. ; died May 22, 1819, at New York, N.Y. Willis, Nathaniel Parker, born Jan. 20, 1806. at Portland, Me. ; died Jan. 20, 1867, near Corn- wall-on-the-Hudson, N.Y. Willson, (Bvron) Forcevthe, born April 10,' 1837, at Little Gen- esee, Allegany Co., N.Y. ; died Feb. 2, 1867, at Alfred, N.Y. Wilson, Alexander, born July 6, 1766, at Paisley, Scotland ; died Aug. 23, 1813, at Philadelphia, Pa. Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans, born May 8, 1835, at Columbus, Ga. Wilson, Henry, born Feb. 16, 1S12, at Farmington, N.H. ; died Nov. 22, 1875, at Wash- ington, D.C. Wilson, James Grant, born April 28, 1832, at New York, N.Y. Wilson, John, born 1588, at Windsor, Eng-. : died Aug. 7, 1667, at Boston, Mass. Wilson, Woodrow, born Dec. 28, 1856, at Staunton, Va. Winslow, Edward, born Oct. 18, 1595, at Droitwich. Eng. ; died May 8, 1655, at sea. Winsor, Justin, born Jan. 2, 1831, at Boston, Mass. ; died Oct. 22, 1897, at Cambridge, Mass. Winter, William, born July 15, 1S36, at Gloucester, Mass. Winthrop, John, born Jan. 22, 1588. at Edwardston, Eng. ; died March 26, 1649, at Boston, Mass. Winthrop, Theodore, born Sept. 22, 1828, at New Haven, Conn. ; died June 10, 1861, near Great Bethel. Va. Wirt. William, born Nov. 8, 1772, at Bladensburg, Md. ; died Feb. IS, 1834, at Washington, D.C. Wise, John, born August, 1652, at Roxbury, Mass. ; died April S, 1725, at Ips%vich, Mass. Witherspoon, John, born Feb. 5, LIST OF AUTHORS. 317 1722, at Gifford, Scotland ; died Sept. 15, 1794, near Princeton, N.J. "Wolcott, Roger, born Jan. 4, 1679, at Windsor, Conn. ; died May 17, 1767, at East Windsor, Conn. Wood, William, born 15S0, in England; died 1639, at Sand- wich, Mass. Woodberry, George Edward, born May 12, 1855, at Beverly, Mass. Wood worth, Samuel, born Jan. 13, 17S5, at Scituate, Mass. ; died Dec. 9, 1842, at New York, N.Y. Woolman, John, born August, 1720, at Northampton, N.J. ; died Oct. 7, 1772, at York, Eng. Woolson, Constance Fenimore, born March 5, 1838, at Clare- mont, N.H. ; died Jan. 24, 1894, at Venice, Italy. Worcester, Joseph Emerson, born Aug. 24, I7fc4, at Bedford, N.H. ; died Oct. 27, 1865, at Cambridge, Mass. Work, Henry Clav, born Oct. 1, 1832. at Middletown, Conn. ; died June 8, 1884, at Hartford, Conn. Xariffa. See "Townsend, Mary Ashley van Voorhees." Young, Edward, born Nov. 25, 1818, at Bristol, Eng. ; emi- grated to United States about is;32. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 2m-6,'52(A1855)470 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY llllllllllllllllllillllljlll "017 552 1 Z 1225 P3li