d+ **o GIFT OF (/ LABORATORY PRACTICE FOR BEGINNERS IN BOTANY W*t>^ 'L- :.' - ~ i J'^t^-?- ' A^J" Qtl-^L ^ / ' /,V LABORATORY PRACTICE BEGINNERS IN BOTANY BY WILLIAM A. SETCHELL, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON : MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1900 All rights resided LIBRARY G COPYRIGHT, 1897, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped March, 1897. Reprinted May, December, 1897; August, 1899; July, 1900. Nortoooli 3P8B J. S. Cmhing & Co. - Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. PREFACE THE writer has been frequently asked to express to others his ideas on the subject of the teaching of botany in the schools. He has been led to consider the problem from a number of different points of view and to try a number of different methods in attempting a satisfactory solution. After experimenting with a number of classes of beginners both in the preparatory schools and in the university, he has arrived at the following conclusions : Botany in the preparatory schools should be taught 1. As a science, to cultivate careful and accurate observa- tion, together with the faculty of making from observations the proper inferences ; and 2. As a means of leading the mind of the student to inter- est itself in the phenomena of nature for its own further development and profit. In order to make the study of botany more effective under the first head, it seems best to bring the student into imme- diate contact with the object itself, in the laboratory ; and not only that, but to avoid interposing apparatus, as far as possible, between the student and the object to be studied. ^f '.,, PREFACE For this purpose, the writer has practically confined his attention to the larger plants. Desiring also to cultivate, as far as possible, the ability to draw correct inferences from exact observations, the writer has deemed it best to consider the subject from a somewhat different point of view from that usually adopted, and has attempted to make the morphological study bear fruit in this direction. The great difficulty in most laboratory work is to make the students realize the significance of the morphological details. They may observe accurately and record their observations carefully, but what of that? The physiological significance is overlooked even in many cases where experiments are used to illustrate physiological phenomena. That the plant is a living thing, is a fact that must be borne actively in mind, both by teacher and by student. The plant must obtain the materials for its support, and to do this it must compete with other plants ; it must protect itself against or seek the aid of animals ; it must obtain the energy and materials to reproduce its kind, and endeavor to place its offspring where they may have a proper chance for development ; and, destitute of a mind as it is, it exercises an ingenuity, so to speak, that is of no mean order. We must, then, think of the plant as a living, working, struggling being with a single object in life, viz. to reproduce its kind ; and every variation in structure, be it great or little, is to be examined to determine, if possible, its use or history. The writer has had the teachers particularly in mind in PREFACE vii arranging the order of study. The seed is taken up first, because it is not only readily obtained, readily studied, and its meaning clear, but it is also one of the most con- venient starting-points for a study of the life-history. After a few studies to show how the plants start upon an indepen- dent existence, typical stems, roots, and leaves are consid- ered, both as to their structure and as to their usefulness to the plant. Then follows the study of the modification of these organs, especially in plants which store away nourish- ment, which protect themselves from grazing animals, which climb up above their neighbors for light and air ; of plants which are robbers or huntsmen, taking their food from other plants or by capturing animals ; and finally, a glance at the different ways in which plants propagate their kind. If both teacher and student can conceive of the plant in this way, an abundant harvest of interesting and instructive phenomena will be presented to view, and both will have come into far closer communion with nature than is possible in any other way. In conclusion, the writer wishes to say that this sketch is intended for beginners, either in the higher grades of the primary schools, or in the secondary schools. It is not intended to hamper the teacher with too explicit directions, but to assist in directing attention to certain details and leave the teacher free to suggest farther work and thought upon each subject. In the second appendix, especial hints and suggestions are given to teachers, and references through which the writer hopes to convey to the teacher viii PREFACE the point of view which he himself takes in the particular exercise. It remains to the writer to thank his colleagues in the University of California for their valuable aid in the prepara- tion of this guide, and especially to Willis L. Jepson, who has made valuable suggestions at every point. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CAL., Sept. i, 1896. CONTENTS CHAPTER PACK INTRODUCTION xi I. SEEDS i II. SEEDLINGS 11 III. ROOTS 17 IV. STEMS 19 V. LEAVES. I 25 VI. LEAVES. II 33 VII. PHYLLOTAXY 39 VIII. BUDS 46 IX. PR/EFOLIATION 51 X. PROTECTION 55 XI. STORAGE 58 XII. CLIMBING PLANTS 64 XIII. EPIPHYTES, PARASITES, AND SAPROPHYTES ... 68 XIV. INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS 73 XV. REPRODUCTION 76 XVI. VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION 77 XVII. SEED REPRODUCTION 81 XVIII. A TYPICAL OR PATTERN FLOWER .... 82 XIX. FERTILIZATION 87 CONTENTS XX. IMPERFECT, INCOMPLETE, IRREGULAR, AND UNSYM- METRICAL FLOWERS 90 XXI. COALESCENCE AND ADNATION 93 XXII. WIND- AND INSECT-POLLINATION .... 95 XXIII. SELF-POLLINATION 100 XXIV. ANTHOTAXY 101 XXV. METAMORPHOSIS 106 XXVI. FRUITS 109 XXVII. FLESHY FRUITS in XXVIII. DRY DEHISCENT FRUITS 116 XXIX. DRY INDEHISCENT FRUITS 120 XXX. SEED DISPERSAL BY ANIMALS . . . . .121 XXXI. SEED DISPERSAL BY WIND 123 XXXII. SEED DISPERSAL BY WATER 125 XXXIII. SPORE REPRODUCTION 126 APPENDIX I. SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS . . . .131 APPENDIX II. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS . . . .137 INDEX 183 INTRODUCTION BEFORE we begin to study plants in any way, we may, with profit, consider what sort of things are to be the objects to which our attention will be given. In taking a general sur- vey of the objects we know in nature, and inquiring as to how we separate the plants from the rest, we consider, roughly at least, the following subjects : 1. Life. We readily separate, as far as most things are concerned, the members of the mineral kingdom from those which belong to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, distin- guishing the two latter from the former by the fact that they are living. We need not undertake to investigate the nature of life, i.e. what life really is ; we may be content with con- sidering it as a certain kind of force which manifests itself in certain ways through matter, and that upon the cessation of this force what we call death ensues. 2. Plant and Animal Life. We distinguish, popularly, animal life from plant life in that the animal life is animated while the plant life is not. The ordinary animals exhibit various movements which they can control, they eat, etc., and we do not question their living activities ; but the plants, with few exceptions, do not appeal to us as being xi xii INTRODUCTION actively alive. We do not observe directly efforts that they are making to accomplish their life work. It is only by careful watching and observing that we can even begin to obtain any conception of their actual activities. On this account, it is especially necessary to keep in mind the fact that the plant is a living thing. 3. Life-History. Each and every living thing has what is called a life-history ; /. Y dying down to the ground (as the Sunflower and Indian Corn do) are either shrubs or trees. A shrub is smaller than a tree and does n vA? " possess a distinct trunk. Give some examples. The stem of a shrub is said to be fruticose, suf- fruticose or suffrutescent. How do the stems to which V* these terms are applied, differ from one another ? ^ **" > : . CHAP, iv STEMS 23 The stem of a tree is said to be either arboreus / * f / or arborescent. What is the difference? ju/^ t j /&* ^4; , XII. Examine the surface of a branch of Walnut or But- ternut which has been cut across with a sharp knife (or razor), and with the aid of the lens notice : 1 . The central pith. 2. The ring (or rings notice the number in different twigs) of wood (xylem) about the pith. 3. The fine white lines radiating out from the pith through the wood. These are the medullary ra\s. 4. Outside the rings of wood, a narrow whitish ring, the inner part of which is the cambium, the outer part the soft bast. 5. Outside of this a ring of dots, the hard bast. 6. Then a fairly wide, yellowish green ring, the cortex, and finally 7. A narrow brown ring, the corky bark. 8. Make a sketch, representing and labelling the parts. XIII. i. Is the stem just studied, exogenous or endoge- nous ? Why ? 2. How old was the branch you were studying? 3. How may we tell the age of a tree? 4. Can you name any tree or trees possessing the other kind of stem? 5. The trunk and branches of exogenous trees increase in girth through the activity of the cambium ring which forms new wood or xylem on the inner side and new bast or phloem on the outer side. Most endogenous stems, having no cambium ring, do not increase very much in girth. LABORATORY PRACTICE XIV. Reviewing the work done upon both roots and stems, write the answers to the following questions in your note-book : 1. What differences exist between the growth of roots and stems as regards gravity? 2. What differences as regards light? 3. What differences as regards the possession of leaves? 4. What differences as regards nodes and internodes? 5. How, then, may we always tell a stem from a root? XV. Considering the different stems studied and exam- ined, either in connection with the book or in addition to those mentioned there, answer the following : 1. How do we classify stems according to their structure? 2. How do we classify stems according to their consistency and duration? 3. In what different directions may stems (i.e. those above the ground) grow? XVI. Having considered the structure of several different characteristic stems, we may examine them to see of what service the stem is to the plant. We notice : (i) that the upper part of the stem bears the leaves and carries them up into the light and air; (2) that the lower part bears the roots which make their way down into the ground. The stem serves not only to support the leaves, but also as a pathway by which whatever the roos absorb from the earth may be transported to the leaves and also for the transfer of whatever the leaves may manufacture to the roots ; in other words, it connects these two important sets of organs. - u $L\JL. '. LEAVES CHAPTER V LEAVES. I ^M , J I. Take a piece of stem of the Japanese Quince which has several leaves attached to it. Examine the leaves and notice that : 1. They are all borne on the sides of the stem (i.e. that they are lateral structures} . 2. They are broad and thin (i.e. they are also expanded structures). 3. Their color is green. (This is not true for all leaves, e.g. examine the leaves of some common red Coleus of the garden or greenhouse, in which another coloring- matter is present and hides the green.) 4. They are borne at the nodes of the stem. (We may con- sequently separate that portion of the plant above the root into a number of similar parts, each of which may be called a phytomer or plant part. Each phy- tomer will consist of an internode, and a node with its leaf or leaves. Sketch a phytomer of the Japanese Quince and label it.) 5. They grow only to be of a certain size and then stop / (being flnlike stems or branches in this respect). 6. Notice that each leaf has a small bud in its axil, i.e. in the angle between its upper surface and the stem. 7. We may define a leaf as being an expanded, lateral struc- ture of limited growth, borne on the stem and usually LABORATORY PRACTICE with a bud (or branch} in its axil. (This definition, while a good working definition, will not apply in a few exceptional cases. But the same thing will be found true of almost any definition of any natural object.) 8. Make a sketch to show these points. II. Remove one leaf carefully so as to retain all the parts, and notice : 1. The broad expanded portion, the blade or lamina. Notice its outline. 2. The slender stalk or petiole. 3. The pair of small expanded structures, the stipules, at the base of the petiole. 4. Make a sketch to show these parts and label carefully. 5. This leaf is a good type of a simple leaf (i.e. of a leaf with a single blade} having all the three parts represented; viz. blade, petiole, and stipules. III. Examine the blade of the leaf of the Japanese Quince (or better, that of some thinner leaf such as the Mock Orange or the Pittosporum) and notice the venation or method of arrangement of the veins or ribs. 1. A prominent midrib. 2. Side veins or ribs running outward toward the edge and obliquely upwards. 3. These in turn branch, and then these branches branch again, and so on, the finer branches anastomosing or joining to form a fine network. Such a leaf as this is said to be netted-veined. 4. Make a sketch to illustrate this. LEAVES IV. Take a leaf of the common " English Ivy," which is also netted-veined, and compare it with the one just studied, noting the similarities and differences. Notice also : 1. The different shape of the leaf blade. It is said to be palmately-lobed. 2. Make a rough sketch. V. Take a leaf of the Lily of the Valley and study the venation, noticing : 1. The central stouter vein. 2. The other veins running approximately parallel to it. 3. The absence of conspicuous anastomosing veins to form a network. 4. Such a leaf as that of the Lily of the Valley is said to be parallel-veined. 5. Make a sketch to show this kind of venation. VI. Take a leaf of the Calla Lily and study the venation. Notice : 1. The central vein or rib. 2. The side veins running out from it. 3. This leaf is also said to be parallel-veined and represents simply a different arrangement. 4. Draw a sketch to illustrate this method of venation. VII. Netted-veined leaves are usually associated with ex- ogenous stems, dicotyledonous embryos, and the parts of the flower arranged in fours or fives. Parallel-veined leaves are usually associated with endoge- nous stems, monocotyledonous embryos, and the parts of the LABORATORY PRACTICE flower arranged in threes. (See also VI and X of the preceding chapter.) VIII. Take a leaf of the Five- Finger (or the Garden Strawberry), examine carefully, and notice : 1. The stipules. 2. T&z petiole. 3. The blade composed of several pieces or leaflets (3 to 8). 4. Make a sketch to show these parts. IX. The leaf just studied is called a compound leaf, be- cause the blade consists of more than one piece. It is also called a palmately compound leaf because the leaflets radiate out from one point, as the fingers do from the palm of the hand. X. Take a Rose leaf, examine, and notice : 1. Ite stipules. 2. '\\itpetiole. 3. The compound nature of the blade consisting of several leaflets. 4. The differences between this and the last leaf studied, as regards the position of the leaflets ; viz. that in the Rose they arise from different points along what cor- responds to the midrib of the simple blade. 5. Such a leaf as that of the Rose is said to be pinnately (from pinna, a feather) compound. 6. Make a sketch of the Rose leaf. XI. Examine a Parsley leaf and notice : r . That it is several times compound, or decompound. 2. That the parts are arranged in a palm ate fashion. 1. Sftetch. CHAP. v. LEAVES 29 XII. Take as many different simple leaves as you can. Examine them as regards the following points : 1. Parts present or absent ; i.e. blade, petiole, and stipules. 2. General outline of the blade. In this respect they may be classified as follows : (a) Of the same width throughout = linear or oblong, (b} Broadest at the base = lanceolate, ovate, or ovate- lanceolate. (f) Broadest at the middle = elliptical, oval, or or- bicular. (() Broadest at the apex = spatulate, oblanceolate, obovate, or cuneate. ( , t- O Ol^< t*&**- CHAPTER XVIII A TYPICAL OR PATTERN FLOWER I. Take a flower of some species of Crassula and notice : 1. Its size, shape, color, etc. 2. Its structure : (a) A circle of green, leaf-like pieces on the very outside. These are called sepals and the circle of sepals is called a calyx. () How many sepals are there ? (*) Are they all alike ? ( y ' 1 Protandry. 6. Examine a flower cluster of a species of Figwort (Scrophularia) or of the common Plantain, and notice : (a) That in the upper flowers the stigmas are pro- truded while the anthers are still unopened. () In the lower flowers, the anthers are opening, but the stigmas are withered. (<:) Is this protogyny or protandry? 7. Examine the flower clusters of a Geranium or some kind of Mallow (Malva, Lavatera, Abutilon, or Hibiscus} and notice : (a) That in the upper flowers, the anthers are shed- ding their pollen, but that the stigmas are not opened, while () In the lower flowers, the anthers are empty and the stigmas are open. CHAP, xxn WIND- AND INSECT-POLLINATION 99 (r) Is this protogyny or protandry? 8. Heterostyfy. (a) Examine flowers of a number of different plants of the Bluet (Houstonia coerulea) or of some species of Primrose, and notice : 1. The fact that some flowers have long styles and stamens inserted about half-way up the tube of the corolla, while 2. Others have short styles and the stamens inserted near the top of the tube of the corolla. 3. Explain, if you can, how this structure serves the same purpose as a separation of the sexes in these flowers. 4. (Examine, also, the stigmas and pollen of both kinds of flowers under the compound microscope.) 9. Examine the Purple Loosestrife (Ly thrum Salicaria) or the Swamp Loosestrife (Nesaa or Decodoti) in the same way, and notice that there are three kinds of flowers, representing three lengths of filament and three lengths of styles. What is the use of this ? 10. Examine flowers from a number of plants of Esch- scholtzia and notice : (a) The fact that in some flowers two of the four styles are longer than the other two. What advantage does the plant derive from this ? LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxm CHAPTER XXIII SELF-POLLINATION CROSS-POLLINATION seems to be the rule. Many flowers, however, are so constructed that x if they fail to be cross- pollinated, they are self-pollinated. But such flowers pro- duce fewer and less vigorous seeds than the cross-polli- nated flowers. But some flowers are especially constructed for self-pollination alone. They are called cleistogamous flowers. I. Examine the greenish flowers (produced close to the ground) of the Fringed Polygala (P. paucifolia and P. pofygama, of the East or any Pacific Coast species) and. notice : 1. The contrast in color between them and the upper flowers. 2. The fact that fertilization takes place when the flowers are very small, for the ovary begins to enlarge very soon. 3. The fact that the flowers never open. (Dissection to demonstrate the floral organs is rather too difficult for beginners.) 4. Make sketches and notes. ANTHOTAXY/;, \ .J lot'. CHAPTER XXIV ANTHOTAXY ANTHOTAXY treats of the arrangement of flowers upon the stem. Flowers are borne either singly or in clusters. The advantage of flowers being brought together into clusters is, that the same pollinating agency, bringing pollen to one flower, may benefit the rest or at least some of them. In this way the flowers " club together," as Grant Allen says, to share favorable pollinating influences. We shall study a few of the more important common arrangements. I. The Raceme. Examine a flower cluster of the Lily of the Valley, Red-hot- Poker Plant, Zygadenus, Currant, or similar plant and notice : 1. The general shape of the cluster (elongated}. 2. The main stem with 3. The flowers arranged at different heights. 4. The order of blossoming, beginning at the base and pro- ceeding towards the top. 5. Examining each flower, notice : 6. The short stalk, of nearly the same length in each flower. 7. The small leaf (or leaf scale) in whose axil each flower is borne. (Notice that consequently all the flowers are lateral structures.) 8. Make a sketch and diagram to show these points and label the parts, as follows : (a) Peduncle, the main axis or stem. 102 cj iLABQK;ATaRY PRACTICE CHAP. xxiV (&} Pedicels, the stalks of the individual flowers. (f) Bracts, the leaves or scales subtending each flower. II. The Corymb. Examine the flower cluster of a Haw- thorn and notice : 1 . The general shape of the cluster {flat-topped} . 2. The peduncle. 3. The pedicels of different lengths, so as to bring all the flowers to the same level. 4. The order of blossoming. Compare it with that of the raceme. 5. That all the flowers are lateral axillary structures. 6. Make a diagram to show these points. III. The Umbel. Examine the flower cluster of an Onion or a Pelargonium (the so-called Geranium of the gardens) and notice : 1. The pedicels of equal length. 2. The fact that they all spring from the same point. 3. Make out the order of blossoming if you can. 4. Make a diagram of an umbel. IV. The Compound Umbel. Examine the flower cluster of a Carrot, Parsnip, Fennel, Caraway Seed, or Poison Hem- lock and notice : 1. The fact that a number of small umbels are themselves arranged after the fashion of an umbel. 2. Study one umbellet (small umbel) as directed in III. 3. Notice the circle of bracts at the base of the umbel (called an involucre}. 4. The circle of smaller bracts (bractlets} at the base of each umbellet (called an involucel}. CHAP, xxiv ANTHOTAXY 103 5. Make a diagram to show these points. V. The Spike. Examine the flower cluster of one of the various species of Plantain and notice : 1. Its general shape. 2. The order of blossoming. 3. The long peduncle. 4. The sessile (i.e. without pedicels) flowers. (Lateral, axillary structures here also.) 5. Make a sketch to show this. VI. The Spadix. Examine the flower cluster (often erroneously called a flower) of the Calla and notice : 1. The broad white bract (called in this case, a spathe) at the base of the flower cluster. 2. The general shape of the flower cluster. 3. The peduncle. 4. Whether the flowers are sessile or not. (Lateral and axillary ?) 5. The order of blossoming (noticing that the flowers are imperfect with pistillate below and staminate above). 6. The fleshy consistency of the whole cluster. 7. What is the spathe for ? Why is it so conspicuous ? 8. Make a sketch of the Calla. 9. Compare it, if possible, with the Flamingo Plant or Anthurium of the greenhouse and notice the same parts, but also noting the very different color of the spathe. VII. The Head. Examine the flower cluster of a Red Clover, Lantana, or Verbena and notice : 1. The general shape of the cluster. 2. The insertion of the flowers. 104 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxiv 3. The order of blossoming. 4. Whether the flowers have pedicels or not. 5. Make a diagram of the cluster studied. VIII. Indeterminate and Determinate Anthotaxy. The order of blossoming in all the clusters studied thus far, has been practically the same ; that is, from below upward or, in the flattened clusters, from without inward. All arrange- ments having this order of blossoming are classed under the head of indeterminate anthotaxy. But in some clusters, the order of blossoming is just the opposite ; that is, from above downward, or in the case of flat- topped clusters, from within outward. Such arrangements fall under the head of deter- minate anthotaxy. The cyme is the most common example. Another distinction, and the one upon which the order of blossoming depends, is that, in indeterminate anthotaxy, the flowers are all lateral, while, in determinate, they are all terminal. IX. The Cyme. Selecting a Begonia (preferably one of the " tuberous " species with lax flower clusters and large flowers), examine several clusters of different ages and notice : i.. That the central flower blossoms first. 2. That the two axes (one at each side) next the central flower, elongate, bear clusters of buds and that the central bud of each cluster blossoms. 3. That the two axes adjacent to each of these central flowers repeat the same process and so on regularly for several times. 4. Make diagrams to show this. 5. Notice also that all the flowers are terminal upon short branches. ANTHOTAXY 105 X. In reviewing the work on flower clusters, be careful to consider the following points : 1. The exact difference between the determinate and inde- terminate anthotaxy. 2. What characters have-the following indeterminate clusters in common : raceme, corymb, and umbel? 3. How may they be distinguished from one another? 4. What characters have the following indeterminate clusters in common : spike, spadix, and head? 5. How may they be distinguished from one another? 6. How may the group of clusters mentioned in 2 be dis- tinguished from those mentioned in 4? 7. Write out concise (i.e. using no unnecessary words) defi- nitions of all the flower clusters you have studied. XL Many flowers are not in clusters at all, but occur singly. They may be : 1 . Terminal in some cases, as in the Rose, but mostly 2. Axillary, at least if considered very carefully. 106 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAPTER XXV METAMORPHOSIS THUS far everything that we have studied has been either root, stem, or leaf, or a combination of these. The flower itself is nothing more than an altered branch, and we may consider briefly the arguments for considering the various floral organs to be simply leaves, modified to perform the special duties of reproducing the plant by seed. I. Position of the Flower upon the Stem. Looking back over our study of anthotaxy, we find that the flowers are either terminal (either solitary terminal flowers or in deter- minate clusters) or lateral and axillary (either solitary axil- lary flowers, or in indeterminate clusters). Turning back to our study of buds, we find that they were either terminal or lateral structures and that the ordinary lateral buds were axillary. From leaf buds grow branches ; from flower buds grow branches with their leaves altered to form the various parts of the flower. Consequently we see that the flower occupies exactly the same position upon the stem which an ordinary branch does, II. The parts of the flower follow the laws of phyllotaxy in their arrangement. The parts of the flower are arranged in whorls, with the whorls alternating in most flowers, and consequently follow the cyclical arrangement (see Chapter METAMORPHOSIS 107 VII, III), even where the phyllotaxy of the plant in gen- eral is spiral. But we have in many plants a change from the one arrangement to the other upon the same plant evi- denced even by the ordinary foliage leaves. III. The parts of the flower grade into one another ; that is, give evidence that they are all modifications of the same kind of structures. The evidence here is of two kinds. 1 . (a) Examine the flower of a white Water-Lily (Nymphaa) . Passing from the outside, the sepals are partly green and partly white ; the white petals grow narrower and begin to show small anthers at their tips ; the white portion becomes narrower and narrower until the typical stamens are found. (3) The Sweet-scented Shrub ( Calycanthus) shows sepals gradually passing into petals, petals into stamens, and stamens into pistils. It is difficult to tell in some cases whether we are examining stamens or pistils. 2. In double flowers such as Roses, stamens are transformed into petals by cultivation, and in the double Althaea (Hibiscus Syriaca) even the stigmas become petaloid ; and, upon opening the ovary, the ovules are often found to be changed to petal-like bodies. (The pupil should examine all double flowers for evidence and make notes.) IV. Green Flowers. Occasionally Roses, Trilliums, Fig- worts, Buttercups, and other flowers are found, in which some or all of the floral organs are changed into green leaves. Examples of such flowers are to be sought and examined. This is called "reversion to a primitive condition," io8 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxv V. These four kinds of evidence support the doctrine called the doctrine of the metamorphosis of parts, which holds that the flowering plant has only three kinds of structures, root, stem, and leaf, and that it produces structures to do all its work by altering (or modifying) one or more of these three parts. We found this to be true in studying the bud scales (Chapter VIII), Protection (Chapter X), Storage (Chap- ter XI), Devices for Climbing (Chapter XII), Epiphytes, Parasites, and Saprophytes (Chapter XIII), Insectivorous Plants (Chapter XIV), Vegetative Reproduction (Chap- ter XVI) ; and now we find that the complicated structures necessary for seed reproduction form no exception. FRUITS CHAPTER XXVI FRUITS AFTER the two nuclei, the one from the pollen tube and the one in the ovule, have united, important changes take place in the ovule. From the resulting nucleus and the parts immediately surrounding it, the embryo is formed while the rest of the ovule is transformed into seed-coats, endo- sperm, etc. But the ovary surrounding the ovules, also grows and undergoes changes, and, gradually, the ripened structure called the fruit is formed. The fruit is, strictly speaking, the ripened ovary ami its contents. In many cases, the petals and stamens fall away soon after fertilization is accomplished or remain in a withered condition, but do not undergo any further changes.. The calyx often remains without further change during ripening, but may fall away also. But in many cases, also, one or more of the circles of structures outside the pistils may remain, undergo further growth, and form with the altered ovary and its content of seeds a complex body which is also commonly spoken of as the fruit ; even the receptacle is sometimes enlarged and made a part of the fruit in this looser sense. Consequently we find a considerable variety of kinds of fruits. The fruit serves two purposes : 1. It protects and helps nourish the ripening seeds. 2. It assists in the scattering or dispersal of the seeds. LABORATORY PRACTICE It is especially from this latter point of view that we shall study fruits. It is very necessary that the seeds should be scattered in such a way that the plants produced from them may not grow so near to one another as to be limited for space in which to grow. Some fruits are evidently so con- structed as to send their seeds only a short distance, others so as to scatter them to a considerable distance. Some simply expel their seeds to a comparatively small distance from where they were produced, while others make use of animals, of the wind, and of water to send their seeds a greater distance away. Fruits are classified according to their consistency into fleshy and dry fruits. Dry fruits are classified into dehiscent and indehiscent, according to whether they split open or not. CHAP. XXVII FLESHY FRUITS CHAPTER XXVII FLESHY FRUITS WE shall be able to find many fruits in which all or a por- tion of the ripened ovary wall (called in these cases, as well as in those of dry fruits, the pericarp} is soft and fleshy. The fruits help to disperse the seeds they contain by being eaten by animals (particularly by birds). In such cases the outer fleshy portion is digested, and the seeds, protected by their own resistant coats or by a hardened portion of the pericarp, remain undigested, pass from the intestine of the animal with the other excreta, and are thus left at a greater or less distance from the places where they were produced. In studying fleshy fruits we distinguish two general classes : 1. Berries, in which the entire wall is fleshy and 2. Drupes or Stone Fruits, in which the outer portion of the pericarp wall is fleshy, but the inner wall is hard and resistant. We shall study the stone fruit first. I. The Drupe. Take a ripe Peach, Apricot, Cherry, or Plum, examine it carefully and notice : 1. The general shape, size, color, odor, etc. 2. The point of attachment. 3. The small protuberance at the other end (where the base of the style joined the ovary). ii2 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxvn 4. Make a sketch of the fruit studied. 5. Why do these fruits remain hard and green until the seeds are nearly ripe and then become soft and bright- colored? II. Cut a ripe Peach, Cherry, or Plum into two longitudi- nal halves and notice : 1. The outer skin of the pericarp. 2. The fleshy middle portion of the pericarp, called the sarcocarp. 3. The inner stony portion of the pericarp, the putamen, enclosing 4. The seed, whose seed-coats are thin and delicate. 5. Make a sketch of one of the cut surfaces. III. The drupes just studied are all formed from the ovary of a simple pistil, whose ovary was one-celled and one- seeded. Drupes occur also in the Huckleberries, Bear- berries, Manzanitas, etc., but contain several putamina. In such cases they are distinguished from berries with some difficulty, the putamina looking much like seed-coats. IV. The Berry. Take a Cranberry, examine it care- fully, and notice : 1. The general shape, size, and color. 2. The short stalk (or the place where it was attached). 3. The four blunt teeth surrounding a hollow at the opposite end. (These are the tips of the sepals which are adherent to the ovary and help to form the pericarp of the fruit.) 4. Make a sketch to show these characters and label. V. Cut the berry being studied across at the equator and, examining one of the cut surfaces, notice : CHAP. XXVII FLESHY FRUITS 113 1. The fleshy pericarp enclosing 2. Four spaces (the cells) > in each of which are 3. Several seeds. 4. Make a sketch of one of the cut surfaces and label. VI. Gooseberries, Currants, Bananas, Tomatoes, and Grapes are also good typical berries (in the last two the pericarp consists of the changed ovary wall simply, while in the others, as in the Cranberry, the pericarp is the ovary wall plus the adherent calyx-tube), but the seeds appear buried in fleshy material. There are also several kinds of fruits that are really berries and yet have certain peculiar- ities. Such are i\\epome, the hespcridium, and \h& pepo. VII. The Pome. Examine a ripe Apple and notice : 1. Its general size, shape, color, and odor. UJ^-N 2. The stalk at one end. 3. The five} sepal-lobes in the depression at the other. 4. Make a sketch and label. VIII. Cut the Apple across at the middle and, examining the cut surface carefully, notice : 1. The outline of the section. 2. The five openings (cells) each with a papery wall. (This can be demonstrated by prying it away from the flesh. It represents the wall of the ovary and forms with No. 3 the "core" of the apple.) 3. The fleshy portion outside of No. 2, bounded by a greenish lineJrom 4. The outer flesh bounded upon the outside by : 5. The outside skin. 6. Make a sketch of the section and label the parts. 7. (Notice the tough seed-coats.) II 4 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxvn IX. Cut the pome being studied into two halves (length- wise) and, examining one of the crt surfaces, notice : 1. The general shape of the surface. 2. The cells and the seeds. 3. The papery core. 4. The irregular core flesh. 5. The outer flesh. 6. The outer skin. 7. Make a sketch of the cut surface and label. X. The Hesperidium. Take a Lemon or an Orange, examine, and notice : 1. The general shape, size, color, and odor. 2. The point at which it was attached. 3. The protuberance at the other end representing the Ib^ef "end x of the style. 4. Make a sketch of the fruit studied. XI. Cut the Lemon or Orange across the middle and, examining one of the cut surfaces, notice : 1. The outer rather thick " rind." 2. The inner fleshy portion separated into several distinct portions by walls (septa), running from the rind to the centre. (These are the cells of the fruit.) 3. The juicy pulp filling the cells, in which (in most Lemons and Oranges) may be found 4. The seeds. Notice the character of the seed-coats and the attachment of the seeds. 5. Make a diagram of the cross-section and label the parts. XII. The Pepo. Take a Cucumber, Melon, Gourd, or Pumpkin, examine carefully, and notice : CHAP, xxvn FLESHY FRUITS 115 1. The general shape, size, color, and odor. 2. The point of attachment. 3. Make a sketch of the fruit being studied. XIII. Cut the pepo being studied across the middle and, examining one of the cut surfaces carefully, notice : 1. The outer, tougher portion of the "rind." 2. The softer inner portion. 3. The seeds imbedded in a pulpy mass. 4. The attachments of the seeds. 5. The resistant seed-coats. 6. Make a sketch of the section studied. XIV. Have you ever seen animals eating fleshy fruits? If so, write down what kinds of animals were doing the eating and what kinds of fleshy fruits were being eaten. How does this help the dissemination of the seeds ? n6 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxvm CHAPTER XXVIII DRY DEHISCENT FRUITS DEHISCENT fruits are those which split open to release or even expel the seeds. We may distinguish two classes : 1. Explosive Fruits, which forcibly expel some or all of their seeds, sending them out into the air. 2. Those which simply open and allow the seeds to fall out, leaving them to be dispersed by other means. EXPLOSIVE FRUITS I. Take the ripening pods of some member of the Pea Family, such as Wistaria, Pea, Bean (with less fleshy pods), etc., and, leaving them in a dry place, examine them from time to time. Sooner or later, they will be found to have split longitudinally, each half or valve of the pod will be found to have twisted itself and to have thrown most of the seeds to some distance. Make sketches and notes to illustrate this. II. Take also the ripe pods of some species of Violet and watch them in the same way. III. Take plants of the garden Balsam (Impatient}, or of Oxalis, and touch the ripe fruits. Notice how they suddenly open and eject the seeds. Make notes and sketches. CHAP, xxvin DRY DEHISCENT FRUITS 117 METHODS OF DEHISCENCE The fruit produced by the ripening of a compound pistil is called a capsule, if dry and dehiscent. The capsules open to release the seeds in several different ways. IV. Loculicidal Dehiscence. Take capsules of Iris, Funkia or Day Lily, Althaea, Hibiscus, Gerardia, etc., which have split open and notice how the splitting has taken place. 1. The splitting is longitudinal. 2. The split is directly along the middle line of the outer wall of one of the cells (loculi) of the capsule. 3. The partitions remain coherent with the outer walls and separate from one another at the centre. 4. Make a diagram or rather a ground plan to show this method of dehiscence. V. Septdcidal Dehiscence. Take capsules of Azalea Rhododendron, Turtle Head ( Chelone) , or St. John's Wort, which have split open and notice how the splitting has taken place. 1. The splitting is longitudinal. 2. Each partition (septum] is split into two thin pieces. 3. The partitions remain adherent to the outer walls and separate from each other at the centre. 4. Make a ground plan of this method of dehiscence and show how it differs from the loculicidal method. VI. Septifragal Dehiscence. Take capsules of the Morning Glory which have become thoroughly dried, but which are either just splitting or which are still whole, n8 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxvm and using a pin or needle, gently pry off the outer parts. Notice : 1. That the splitting is longitudinal. 2. That the splitting is directly along the line of the par- titions. 3. That the three partitions {septa} are left standing (by the complete falling away of the valves) . 4. Make a diagram to show this method of dehiscence and contrast it with each of the methods just studied. VII. Circumscissile Dehiscence. Take plants of the Common Pimpernel (Anagallis), the Portulaca of the gar- dens, or the Purslane, which have ripe, dry capsules and examine the method of splitting. 1. The splitting is horizontal (at the equator, so to speak, of the capsule) . 2. The upper part falls off, leaving 3. The lower portion as a sort of cup still holding most of the seeds. 4. Make sketches to show this method of dehiscence. VIII. Dehiscence by Pores. Examine dry capsules of some Poppy and notice : 1. The general shape. 2. The swollen portion. 3. The terminal discoid portion with scalloped edges (the remains of the stigmatic portion) . 4. The row of small holes or pores at the top of the swollen portion and just under the edge of the disk. 5. Make sketches. 6. How do the pores arise ? (For determining this, examine, if possible, ripe capsules just forming pores.) CHAP. XXVIII DRY DEHISCENT FRUITS 119 IX. Determine, wherever possible, what advantage each method of dehiscence has for the particular kind of plant in which it is found. X. Write out concise and clear definitions for the kinds of dehiscence you have studied. LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxix CHAPTER XXIX DRY INDEHISCENT FRUITS THE dry fruits (that is, those whose pericarp at maturity is not fleshy) which do not open, remain to be considered. If we were to go into the classification of such fruits, we should need to consider in each case whether it resulted from the ripening of a simple or of a compound pistil, dis- tinguishing two classes as follows : 1. Nuts, dry indehiscent fruits from compound pistils. 2. Achenes, dry indehiscent fruits from simple pistils. But without considering this matter too carefully, we shall devote our attention to the different methods and agencies employed by these fruits to travel abroad and to carry the seeds contained within them to some more or less distant place. The three different agencies most commonly employed are : 1 . Animals of various kinds. 2. The wind. 3. Water. SEED DISPERSAL BY ANIMALS CHAPTER XXX SEED DISPERSAL BY ANIMALS WE have seen how fleshy fruits may be dispersed or scattered abroad by animals, but they do not as a rule eat dry fruits unless it is for the sake of the seeds, in which case, of course, the seed is crushed and digested, and ceases to exist. But most dry fruits, achenes or even dry fruits dehis- cent only after a considerable interval of time, have appen- dages of various kinds which catch hold of animals and are transported by them. I. Take a fruit of the Common Clotbur (Xanthium) and notice : 1. Its shape, size, color, and consistency. 2. The two strong spines or hooks at the top. 3. The smaller hooks thickly placed upon the sides. 4. Make a sketch of this "fruit," or more properly bur. 5. The involucre (enclosing two achenes) is modified to form the bur. A similar case is the Common Burdock. II. Examine an achene of the Beggar-ticks (Bidens) and notice : 1. The body of the achene, its shape, etc. 2. The terminal bristles (varying in number in different species) provided with LABORATORY PRACTICE 3. Small downward-pointing hooks or barbs (readily visible under a lens) . 4. Make an enlarged sketch to show these points. III. Examine the fruit of the Common Bedstraw or Goose Cleavers and notice: 1. The two small rounded portions (called mericarps). 2. The hooked bristles with which each is provided. 3. Make a sketch of this fruit. IV. Gather and study all the specimens of fruits which you can find provided with organs for attachment to animals. V. But some fruits possess spines which do not appear to serve the purpose of aiding dispersal by animals. The Chestnut, Chinquapin, Beechnut, and Thorn Apple {Datura) are provided with spines surrounding the fruit, but the cov- ering opens, and the seeds drop out. The spines in these cases probably protect the seeds, while ripening, from squir- rels and such animals. (Some ripening berries have spines which fall off when the seeds are mature.) VI. Small animals, such as squirrels, store away nuts and grain in the ground and forget the place or are killed. The seeds of these fruits may germinate. This is a very effec- tive means for seed dispersal in some regions, but of rarer occurrence than the other methods. Ants, too, store seeds and fruits in their underground homes. SEED DISPERSAL BY WIND 123 CHAPTER XXXI SEED DISPERSAL BY WIND IN order that seeds may be carried any appreciable dis- tance by the wind, they must be rendered buoyant. The structures existing for this purpose may, for the most part, be classed under three heads, wings, tufts of hairs, and blad- ders. These are more often, perhaps, attached to the fruits, but may, also, be attached directly to the seeds. I. Samara, or Key Fruit. Examine dry, ripe fruits of Ash, Elm, Ailanthus, or Maple and notice : 1. The swollen seed-bearing portion and 2. The flattened wing. 3. Throw up some specimens into the air and notice the twirling motion which helps to support them for some distance. 4. Make a sketch of the fruit studied, to show the parts and describe the motion in the air. II. "Winged Seeds. Examine some of the dry seeds of Catalpa, Yam (Dioscorea), Butter-and-Eggs (Linaria), Trumpet Creeper, Day Lily (Funkia), or of the Pine or Cypress, and notice : 1. The compressed seed-bearing portion, with 2. The broader or narrower wing. 3. Make a sketch tp show these characters. \ 124 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxxi III. Fruits with Tufts of Hairs. The achenes of many of the Composite Family, particularly such as those of the Dandelion {Taraxacum) , or the western Troximons {Agose- ris), are provided with parasol-shaped tufts which act after the fashion of a parachute. The student should examine and draw as many of these as possible. (Examine also ripe Thistle Heads.) IV. Seeds with Tufts of Hairs. Examine the dry seeds of the Milkweed or of Cotton and notice the arrangement of hairs and how they assist the seed in being carried by the wind. Make sketches. V. Bladdery Fruits. Examine the ripe and dry fruits of the Bladder Nut (Staphylea), of Isomeris, or of some Astragalus species with swollen pods and notice : 1. The general size, shape, color, etc. 2. The much distended ovary wall. 3. The buoyancy of the fruit. 4. Make sketches. VI. Examine the dry, ripe fruits of the Hop, Hop Horn- beam, or of the Ground Cherry (Physalis) and notice : 1. The bladdery portion, either an enlarged investing bract (Hop) or the enlarged calyx {Physalis}. 2. Make sketches and notes. VII. Tumble Weeds. Many species of plants which are annuals dry up entirely upon the ripening of the seeds, break away from their attachment, and are rolled about from place to place by winds. They drop seeds as they travel and thus often disperse their seeds over a very wide area. CHAP, xxxn SEED DISPERSAL BY WATER 125 CHAPTER XXXII SEED DISPERSAL BY WATER MANY marsh plants growing near running or even quiet waters, upon the margins of the ocean, or in the water itself, depend in most cases upon the currents of water or upon the breezes at the surface of the water for their dispersal. They are usually, therefore, rendered buoyant in some way or other. I. Examine a Cocoanut, still retaining its husk, and notice : 1. The general shape, size, color, etc. 2. The attached end. 3. The opposite pointed end. 4. The three blunt angles (longitudinal). 5. Make a sketch to show these points. II. In a Cocoanut which has been cut into two longitu- dinal halves, examine one of the cut surfaces and notice : 1. The outer thin, firm, smooth skin. 2. The fibrous portion of the husk. 3. The shell (seed-coats) of the nut. 4. The " meat " (endosperm) of the seed. 5. The small embryo under the " soft eye " at one end. 6. Make a sketch of one of the cut surfaces. III. Examine the bladdery fruits of some Sedge or the seeds of the Water-Lily, if obtainable and notice their buoy- ancy in water. 126 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxxm CHAPTER XXXIII SPORE REPRODUCTION THE plants possessing reproduction by spores are usually much more simple than those which reproduce by seeds. Many of them are decidedly microscopic and hardly, if at all, visible except under the lenses of the compound micro- scope. But others, such as the ferns and the mosses, are larger and more complicated plants, approaching very nearly to the seed-plants in the degree of the complexity of their structure and their size. The principal groups of plants which reproduce by spores are the Ferns (in the broadest sense of the word), the Mosses, the Sea-weeds or Algae, the Lichens, and the Fungi (including Toadstools, Puff-balls, Mildews, Rusts, Smuts, and Moulds) . Spores are of several kinds, and need extended study with the compound microscope and more complicated methods than we have been using. We may, however, study several kinds in a rough sort of way. I. Examine a Fern Plant removed from the soil, and notice : 1. The stem (usually underground). 2. The leaves, their shape, size, etc. 3. The dots upon the backs of the leaves. These are the son, which are of different shapes in different Ferns and which, in some cases, are covered partially by a thin skin, called the indusium. 4. Make a sketch of the Fern Plant to show these points. CHAP, xxxill SPORE REPRODUCTION 127 II. Selecting a leaf upon which the sori are growing, remove a few sori and examine them under the lens of the dissecting microscope. Notice : 1 . The small stalked bodies, sporangia or spore cases, most of them split open at one side. 2. The very small brown bodies scattered about, which are the spores. (These points will show much more plainly under a compound microscope. Simply place the sporan- gia, spores, etc., upon a glass slide, moisten with strong alcohol, add a drop of water, and cover with a cover glass.) III. Examining the fruiting plants of some Moss such as the Hair-Cap Moss (Poly trie hum) or Funaria, notice : 1. The rooting portion. 2. The stem with 3. Its leaves. 4. The capsule upon its stalk or pedicel. 5. Make a sketch of the Moss Plant. IV. Examine the capsule more carefully with the aid of the lens and notice : 1. The calyptra (hairy in Polytrichum but smooth, thin, and hyaline in most Mosses). Remove it and examine 2. The operculum, a small cap, which may be picked or pried off, and then appears 3. The peristome, a row of teeth about the mouth of the capsule proper. 4. Make sketches of these various parts. Take a thoroughly dry capsule and, removing, if necessary, the calyptra and operculum, tear open the 128 LABORATORY PRACTICE CHAP, xxxiu body and examine the fine, dust-like, greenish spores (with the compound microscope, if possible) . V. Take fresh specimens of the Common Mushroom (or any Toadstool with gills) which has thoroughly expanded and notice : 1. The stem or stipe. 2. The expanded top, the pileus, upon the under side of which are found 3. The gills or lamella, numerous thin plates, colored, and radiating from the stipe outward. 4. Make sketches. VI. Removing the stipe, place the pileus, with gills downward upon a piece of white paper and cover with a bell glass or cake cover. After several hours a " spore print" will be found upon the paper resembling the arrangement of the gills. Examine the spores of this print with a lens, or with the compound microscope. Notice the color and minute size of the spores. Make a sketch of the spore print. VII. Examine again, or review, the Bread Mould (confer Chapter XIII, VIII), and notice the sporangia and- spores. VIII. Our study of spores has necessarily been very slight and fragmentary. We find, however, that they differ from seeds in two principal respects : 1. Their minuteness. (Of course, some seeds are very small for seeds and some spores are very large for spores, yet their very much smaller size will usually distin- guish spores from seeds.) 2. The fact that the spores are simple practically homoge- neous bodies without an embryo. This can be seen under a compound microscope and when the spores CHAP. XXXIII SPORE REPRODUCTION 129 germinate. Such spores as those of the Bread Mould and of the Mushroom might not be expected to con- tain an embryo, but when we find no embryo in those of mosses and ferns, we see the necessity for distin- guishing* spore from seed reproduction. If we could pursue the subject further, we should see further reasons for emphasizing this distinction. IX. Spores are never preceded by any structures which can be called, botanically, flowers, that is, by structures containing stamens, or pistils, or both. K APPENDIX I SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS Spirit of Study. The students should attempt to get at the reasons which lead to the selection of a natural science as a portion of their course of study. It is not only a matter of acquiring a certain amount of information which will be a source both of profit and of pleasure in the future, but also to train certain faculties to act in an orderly and effective manner. To learn to observe carefully is a matter of the utmost importance in all the ordinary things of life. Many of our mistakes are the direct result of hasty observation and inference. Without accurate observation, we can have no certainty as to the accuracy of our inferences and whenever we think -it over we realize that even the simple matter of recognizing an object, its shape, etc., is really a matter of inference. But after we make out what the shape and general structure of an object is, we have still to infer from these details its use, relations to other objects, etc. Consequently, in laboratory work of any kind, the name of the object or of its parts are purely matters of convenience, to assist the memory and to enable us to talk to others con- cerning these things, but the principal matter in hand is to notice every detail and variation in form both of the object being studied and of its parts; then, from this as a basis, to reason out why the object and its parts are constructed as they are ; and finally to make a permanent record, both of the 132 APPENDIX I observations and of the conclusions arrived at, in such a way that the memory may be readily refreshed concerning them. Students should look to the teacher for inspiration as to the proper spirit with which to regard their work. Many times the reason why particular attention is paid to certain things may not be apparent, but this should furnish no excuse for not carrying the work through thoroughly as directed. If the reason is obscure at the time, we should have perfect confidence that it will be revealed later on ; as the work proceeds, the plan underlying it will unfold itself, and we shall finally find ourselves in possession of the whole and recognize the value of each of its parts. We should en- trust ourselves to the teacher's guidance with perfect faith that all which now seems dark and hidden will be cleared away before the course is completed. Instruments. Few instruments are absolutely necessary for the work planned in this book. The pupil should, how- ever, possess the following : Laboratory note-book, Pencils and eraser, Pair of small forceps, Scalpel or penknife, Pocket lens or dissecting microscope, Pair of needles in handles. Note-Book. The note-book should be of fair size. One with a page about 10 inches long and 6 to 8 inches wide is preferred by the writer. The paper should be white, un- ruled, fairly heavy, and with sufficient gloss to take the mark of the pencil readily, but not so much so, as to make erasing difficult. Pencils. A fairly hard pencil should be used, certainly hard enough so that it will be possible to keep it well APPENDIX I 133 sharpened. Some students will need to use a harder pencil than others and each will need to experiment a little per- haps. The teacher can advise in such matters. Eraser. A good soft rubber eraser will answer very well, but students may consult their own tastes in this matter. Forceps. For handling small objects, even very slender fingers are too large and clumsy, and the student should possess a pair of small forceps for this purpose. Steel ones are the best, but brass ones may be used. The tips of the forceps should be fairly slender, and the points should be roughened (not toothed) upon the inside so as to grasp the object firmly. The " spring " of the forceps should be fairly but not too strong. Too strong a spring tires the fingers unnecessarily, while too weak a spring (so that the forceps do not open promptly) renders them practically useless. Scalpel. A small scalpel is most useful for cutting small objects. A penknife, provided the blades are kept sharp, will do very well. A small razor with one side ground nearly flat is perhaps even more useful at times than either the penknife or scalpel. Pocket Lens. A pocket magnifying-glass mounted in metal or hard rubber (or better a series of two or three mounted lenses) is indispensable for the examination of small parts. Almost any of the common ones in the market will do. A simple dissecting microscope is, however, very much more effective. Some of the cheaper ones will answer very well, but the only really satisfactory one, is one possess- ing besides a good stage (upon which the object may be placed) and a good adjustable arm for carrying the lens, also a mirror, adjustable to any angle. (Such a model as the " Educational Dissecting Microscope " of the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company of Rochester, N.Y.). Dissecting Needles. For use with the dissecting micro- 134 APPENDIX I scope the student will need a pair of needles with handles. They may be purchased already made, or they may be pre- pared readily by forcing the " eye " end of a needle into some such object as the wooden portion of a penholder. The needles should not be either very coarse or very fine. Drawing. The student should not begin to draw the object until he is sure that he knows what he is to represent. Examine the object thoroughly, make out the points called for in the directions and then draw the object in such a position that these structures or details asked for may be brought out most clearly and advantageously. It is the greatest of all mistakes to start to draw the object before it has been thoroughly examined. The size of the drawing depends partly upon the size of the object and partly upon the number and nature of the details to be represented. Large objects must be reduced in the drawing in order to be represented at all, while smaller objects must be enlarged or the details of structure either cannot be represented at all or will be so small and crowded together as to make their recognition difficult. The outline of the object and of its parts must be sharp and clear. The drawings made in this course are to repre- sent the objects, and not to suggest them. Consequently, shading should be avoided as a usual thing unless the student has considerable skill in that line of work. The shading done by the student usually obscures the details of structure without adding anything either to the scientific or the artistic worth of the drawing. Good, continuous, bold lines are the best. Sketchy, disconnected, indefinite out- lines are to be avoided and yet these are the ones which the student usually draws unless a special effort is made to avoid them. While the size of the drawing may suit the details to be APPENDIX I 135 represented and the area of the page used, the relative pro- portions of the object should be represented as accurately as possible. Especially this matter needs attention, when the drawings are either enlarged or reduced copies of the object. The relative curvature of the different lines and the accuracy of the angles go hand in hand with proper general proportions, and if the student will try to keep these points carefully in mind, his success in drawing will be greater than it could possibly be otherwise. Labelling and Notes. Drawings and notes are for future use, it must be remembered, and not introduced simply to give the student something to do, as is sometimes thought. He should represent accurately, concisely, and clearly the results of his study and be able to recall the work in its detail to his mind at any time, as well as to make his results comprehensible to another. Each drawing should be made large enough and its parts distinct enough, to call up a mental picture, perceptible, in most of its details at least, at a glance. This must be borne in mind, also, in labelling the drawings. 1. Label the entire drawing, stating what it represents; how much enlarged or reduced. 2. Label each of the parts so distinctly that you may not get two names mixed ; nor apply them to the same part ; nor have to turn the drawing round one way to read some names, and other ways to read others. 3. Leave a space about the drawing with its labelling and place your notes near to it, but not crowded up to it. As to notes, the questions asked in the book should be answered in regular order and anything shown by the speci- men, but not by the drawing, should be written down. I 3 6 APPENDIX I Say what you have to say in as few words as possible con- sistent with clearness and completeness. Let your notes be concise but to the point, but do not let conciseness interfere with the completeness of your statement. See to it, that your note is worded in such a way as to convey to others whatever it should to you. APPENDIX II SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS INTRODUCTORY THIS little book was written perhaps more for the teachers than for the pupils. Many teachers ask to have some book recommended which will give to them a definite idea of what to do in an elementary course in laboratory practice suitable for the secondary schools. Many teachers are troubled about the method of teaching to be pursued, the amount of ground to be covered, and the materials to be used. The writer has attempted to indicate these in the outline for the student, but feels that he may be able to help many teachers by adding, in this appendix, certain additional directions not to be incorporated into the outline without confusing the student. Method and Spirit of Instruction. The teacher may read what is said to the student under the head "Spirit," and also what has been said in the preface upon this point. The ideal way is to teach the student without any book, giving him the object, requiring him to work out the struct- ure and make the proper inferences, aiding him by means of questions designed to stimulate his thoughts and to lead him in the proper direction. But many teachers have too many students and too little time to apply this method, and must use the outline. The outline needs a good teacher to be really effective. The teacher should be enthusiastic, that is, should enter 138 APPENDIX II thoroughly into the spirit of the nature-study proposed. The plant should be to the teacher, a living thing whose life- history is a reality and he must contrive to raise the minds of his pupils above the drudgery of the work to the lessons to be drawn from it. No book can take the place of the teacher ; it can only assist and counsel. The outline will admit of much amplification in most subjects, and the teacher will find, even in using it, much chance for original methods and subject matter. Material. The selection of material has been made with much care by the writer and he believes that he has suc- ceeded, in almost every case, in recommending something available throughout the more populous portions of this country, from ocean to ocean. On account of the wide diversity in flora, the writer has recommended garden plants wherever possible. The teacher should become acquainted with the local flora, however, and study it with reference to the particular needs of the laboratory instruction. Such a knowledge will enable the teacher to introduce mate- rial, often more suitable than that recommended or to substitute one thing for another which is not accessible for the time being. Preserved material must necessarily be used, instead of living, in many cases. Many things, such as leaves, twigs with buds, dry fruits, etc., may be simply dried, and laid away ; but flowers, fleshy fruits, etc., must be preserved in liquid. One of the best preservatives is Formalin * or For- malose, a 40 % solution of Formaldehyde. It is a clear liquid with a penetrating and irritating odor, and is prepared for use by mixing one or two parts (by measure) with 100 parts 1 Any druggist can readily obtain the Formalin, Formalose, or 40% Formaldehyde, all three being practically the same article under different trade names. APPENDIX II 139 of water (distilled water is best, but any clean water will do). The best jars in which to store materials, are, in the writer's estimation, the "Lightning" or the "Hero " preserve jars which come in half-gallon, quart, pint, and half-pint sizes. In such jars specimens of flowers, fruits, buds etc., may be preserved for dissection, or insectivorous plants, parasites, etc., may be stored for class demonstration. A collection of material put up in these ways, either dried or in liquid, especially of things likely to be unobtainable at the time when they are wanted, will greatly facilitate the teacher's work and, in the suggestions concerning the par- ticular chapters, certain farther suggestions will be given. Living material is, in general, much preferable if it can be obtained. Reading. The teacher should do as much reading as possible to broaden his horizon and a list of books is given below with comments. Under the notes upon each chapter which are to follow, special references will be given and it will be well to recommend some of these particular refer- ences to the pupils ; but usually after their laboratory work upon the special object is completed. Every teacher should have ready access to, and make full use of, the following : Kerner and Oliver . l The Natural History of Plants. 2 vol- umes (4 parts). Henry Holt & Co. New York. 1895. Lubbock (John). Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves. Macmillan & Co. London and New York. 1894. Lubbock (John). A Contribution to our Knowledge of Seed- lings. 2 volumes. Kegan Paul, French, Trlibner, & Co. London. 1892. 1 This, although an expensive book (about $15.00), is really indispen- sable. The abundant and excellent illustrations greatly increase its useful- 140 APPENDIX II Gaye (Selind). The Great World's Farm. (2d Edition.) Macmillan & Co. London and New York. 1894. Hardinge (E. At.). With the Wild Flowers. The Baker and Taylor Co. New York. 1894. Allen (Grant). The Story of the Plants. D. Appleton & Co. New York. 1895. Weed (Clarence Moores). 1 Ten New England Blossoms and their Insect Visitors. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Boston and New York. 1895. There is much more to be gained by having a few good books and making their contents thoroughly familiar to ourselves, than having a whole library simply for superficial acquaintance. The writer has recommended these few books because of the spirit in which they are written, as well as the subject matter. The teacher may look to them for inspiration, and not only inspiration in a general way, but also in a particular way, with reference to special objects for his own study and that of his class. They, also, of themselves will indicate farther reading. The teacher will do well to have access to a certain num- ber of text-books, especially those treating the subject wholly or partially from a laboratory standpoint. Some of the more recent and most suggestive are the following : Spalding (Volney M.). Guide to the Study of Common Plants. An Introduction to Botany. D. C. Heath & Co. Boston. 1894. Darwin (Francis). The Elements of Botany. Macmillan & Co. New York. 1895. Bergen (J. K.). Elements of Botany. Ginn & Co. Boston and London. 1896. 1 Although this refers to New England blossoms, yet plants very nearly related to several of them being found in most parts of the country, its usefulness is not confined to that particular corner of the United States. APPENDIX II 141 For various morphological questions and especially, for definitions, both teacher and students should consult Gray's well-known text-books with the glossaries. The writer fully believes that the students should be taught to define and to interpret definitions, and that it is well for them to consult several glossaries and dictionaries ; comparing and selecting the good definitions. Beyond these books are many others, but the writer believes that this list will be sufficient for a beginning and that by these books others will be suggested. Reviews. The teacher should try to review the work of each chapter with the students at the close of the work upon it. Quizzing upon the special points brought out and any questions bearing upon them, help in this. Each chapter should be a sort of unit in the minds of the students, and the inter-relationships of the various units making up the book should be brought out and emphasized. Time. Each laboratory session should be at least an hour and a half long. Two hours is about the best labora- tory period for beginners. Three times a week is about the proper frequency for laboratory exercises. If a course is to run through the year, it should begin, of course, at the begin- ning of the year, i.e. in most cases in the late summer or early autumn. By properly preparing certain materials ahead, the course as laid out in this volume may be given at almost any time of the year and a considerable portion of the material be procured in a living condition. Laboratories. If the laboratory can have tall, wide win- dows facing mostly to the north, it will possess more advan- tages than any other. But almost any airy and well-lighted room will serve very well for students beginning in this simple way. Laboratory Equipment The laboratory should possess I 4 2 APPENDIX II tables and chairs conveniently proportioned and arranged so that each pupil's place may be as well lighted as possi- ble. If dissecting microscopes such as those recommended on page 133 can be supplied by the institution, the work will be much facilitated. Each institution should possess at least one compound microscope with powers ranging from 65 to 500 diameters, for demonstrating points un- satisfactorily brought out under the lenses of the simple microscope. However, most of the details called for in the laboratory directions may be fairly satisfactorily demon- strated under the lenses of a good dissecting microscope. CHAPTER I SEEDS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 420-427. Gray, Elements of Botany, pp. 15-26 and 125-128; Text- book, pp. 9-27 and 305-314. Lubbock, Seedlings, Volume I, pp. 4-8. THE teacher should allow the laboratory work upon seeds to proceed very slowly, taking care that the students make their observations very carefully, finishing the work called for by one paragraph before proceeding to that demanded by the next. Very careful attention should be paid to the manner in which the drawings of the different seeds and their contents are made. They are very easy objects for the most part; each detail can be plainly indicated and labelled. If the student begins his work properly, the future study will be made easier and better. APPENDIX II 143 I. If a Bean pod is not available, any leguminose pod resembling it will do. II. Beans should be soaked six to twelve hours, until fully swollen out. The larger " colored " Beans are the best ones for study ; but Lima Beans show all parts, especially the plumules, very well. 4. Strophiole; read Gray's Text-book, p. 308, 596. 3, 5, 6, etc. Hilum, Rhaphe, Chalaza, Micropyle ; read Gray's Text-book, p. 305, 588. VII. Castor Bean. Read Bastin, Laboratory Exercises in Botany (Philadelphia, 1895, W. B. Saunders), pp. 235- 239 (with figures). 1. The Castor Beans in the market are of two kinds, large and small. The larger ones are better. They do not need soaking as a usual thing. 2. Read Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 93-95. IX. Read Gray, Elements, p. 21, or Text-book, pp. X. Read Gray, Elements, pp. 25, 26, and Text-book, pp. 25, 26. Corn should be soaked in warm water at least thirty-six hours, to become well swollen. XIII. Read Gray, Elements, p. 24. XV. Read Gray, Elements, pp. 23, 24, and Text-book, p. 23. " Pine Nuts," of the Pinon or Digger Pines, may be ob- tained from the markets of many western and Californian cities in the autumn, and even from the New York markets APPENDIX II at times. But teachers may obtain, through seedsmen, the seeds of Pinus Pinea, P. Cembra, P. Lambertiana, P. edulis, or /*. Sabiana, all of which are large and good. The seeds do not need soaking at all in water. They are better without it. XVIII and XIX. The teacher should not confine him- self to the tables, summaries, and lists of questions appended to various chapters, but should ask all sorts of questions to develop and implant the subject in the student's mind. XIX. As supplementary work, the students may examine thin sections of the Bean, Castor Bean, etc., under the com- pound microscope, and learn to apply simple tests for starch, cellulose, proteids, oils, etc. CHAPTER II SEEDLINGS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 598-623 (and p. 650 under hypocotyl = caulicle). Lubbock, Seedlings, especially Volume I, pp. 8-77. Gray, Elements, pp. 15-26; Text-book, pp. 9-27. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 277-299. I, II, III. Early Peas are soaked over night, then placed upon cotton which is slightly dampened, covered, and kept in a room at about 70-75 F. The caulicle will begin to protrude in about three days. Beans need about five days. Corn (soaked thirty-six hours) needs about five days. APPENDIX II 145 Morning Glory (soaked over night) needs about three days. Onion (soaked over night) needs from eight to ten days. The caulicle is the first organ to protrude beyond the seed-coats in almost all ordinary seeds. A detailed con- sultation of Lubbock's Seedlings will show this. IV, V. It is well to plant in loose soil (or sawdust) about three lots of well-soaked Beans and Peas. The first lot should be planted about three weeks before they are needed ; the second lot a week later ; the third lot about a week before they are needed. In regard to such matters as having seed- lings in good condition, i.e. particularly in the right stages for class work, a little experimentation on the part of the teacher will afford a much more satisfactory basis for the teacher than anything else. Seeds vary and conditions vary. A good florist, to advise with the teacher, or even to undertake the work of supplying the materials, will be a great help. The student, however, should have a chance to watch the seedlings as they develop. VI. Castor Beans should be soaked in warm water for about twenty-four hours, sown in pots or a box of loose earth, about four weeks before they are wanted. They usually start growing one or two at a time, so that after three or four weeks, all stages in germination may be repre- sented in the same pot. The teacher should request the students to compare the caulicle and cotyledons in a well- grown seedling with those organs in the embryo, as regards both size and color. The adult leaf mentioned under 8, may be a pressed leaf, if fresh ones are not available. VII. What was said of Peas and Beans, applies as well to Indian Corn. 146 APPENDIX II VIII. Onion Seedlings need about twenty days for the cotyledon to develop well and to pull the seed-coats out of the ground, and a week or two longer before any plumule will show. IX. Pine Seedlings are not very easy to obtain. The smaller seeds (of such species as Pinus Laricio and P. Aus- triaca}, after soaking for about forty-eight hours, were planted and began to appear in eighteen to twenty days ; but the larger seeds (of P. Lambertiana and P. Pinea) did not appear until after thirty (P. Pinea) to fifty-three days (P. Lambertiana}. Pine seeds may be obtained from the larger seed dealers, but few out of many sown are likely to germinate. CHAPTER III ROOTS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 749-767 ; I, Part i, pp. 82-99. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 53-63. Gray, Text-book, pp. 27-33. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 124-148. I. This use of " secondary root " and of " adventitious root" is contrary to that of Gray's Text-book, but is more in accord with the general usage of secondary and adventitious. II. Squash Seedlings are not always easy to raise within doors. Care should be taken to get " sound " seed and not to keep the soil too damp. A few good seedlings preserved APPENDIX II 147 in formalin solution will furnish a proper safeguard against the failure to grow. III. The " base of the adult cornstalk " may simply be dried and the same specimens used year after year. IV. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 86- 91. The student may examine the root-hairs under the lenses of the compound microscope and even study the finer structure of the whole root from the point of view of the function of each of the different tissues. CHAPTER IV STEMS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 710-723, and 724- 736; also 465-482. Gray, Text-book, pp. 45-51 (top) and 69-85. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 161-182. I. Cosmos stem will do equally well. The pieces may be dried and kept in that condition until a few hours before using, when they should be placed in boiling water and allowed to stay there until it becomes cool. Formalin material, however, is better, and a supply in this fluid for smaller classes does not occupy much space. II. It is well for the teacher or the assistant to prepare thin sections for the class. Very thin and uniform sections may be cut with a sharp razor in such a hand microtome as that designed by Professor Bastin (Bausch and Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N.Y., No. 2550, fifteenth edition of their 148 APPENDIX II Catalogue). Very thin sections may be placed in strong alcohol to bleach, and kept there indefinitely. They should, however, be placed in water for about an hour before being examined. If compound microscopes are available, the study of the histology of the stems of the Sunflower, Cosmos, Corn, Wal- nut, etc., may be carried on more thoroughly, and several exercises devoted to it. VI. The teacher should explain thoroughly the signifi- cance of the ordinary association of these three kinds of structures. VII. Indian Corn stem may be preserved in the same way as the Sunflower or Cosmos stem. VIII. Sections may be cut in the same way as in the case of the stem of the Sunflower. X. To be contrasted with the statement in VI. XII. The Basswood or Linden and the Sycamore or But- tonball are excellent stems for this purpose. Sections may also be cut of these stems upon the hand microtome. CHAPTER V LEAVES. I General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 593-597, 626-640. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 33-53. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 97-147. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 157-176. Gray, Text-book, pp. 85-106; Elements, pp. 49-59. APPENDIX II I, 7. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, p. 595 (the italicized portion), for a definition of a leaf, and then the discussion leading up to it upon pp. 593 and 594. I. Any simple leaf with an unlobed blade, a good petiole, and stipules will do. Apple leaves, Pear leaves, Quince leaves, etc., are good. The round-leaved Pelargoniums also have good leaves for this purpose. In all the work upon leaves in I-XII the specimens may be dried and even glued to paper. Fresh living specimens, however, are better. III. The Pittospomm eugenioides (with yellowish foliage and black twigs) occasionally grown in greenhouses East, but a fairly common ornamental shrub in middle California, is most excellent for showing the netted venation. Species of Cherry, etc., are also very good. V. Besides the Lily of the Valley, the leaves of Scoliopus Bigelovii of California, of the Belhvorts (Oakesia, etc.), Cypripediums (native sp.), etc., are fairly good. XII. The teacher may emphasize the descriptive terms as much as may be thought best under the circumstances. It is excellent drill to make the students apply terms with accuracy. At the same time, suggestions as to the reasons for the various shapes will be found in the reference to Lub- bock's book given at the beginning of the notes upon this chapter, and for matters of the same kind concerning the different character of different leaf surfaces, read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 307-325. XIII-XIV. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 279-283; and Gray, Text-book, pp. 85-90; Ele- ments, pp. 142-144. It will be well for the student to make a careful study of the internal structure of the leaf, with the ISO APPENDIX II aid of the compound microscope. The function of each of the different tissues should be emphasized. XV. Read the reference in Grant Allen's The Story of the Plants, given above. The various kinds of work done by the leaves should be very decidedly emphasized by the teacher. CHAPTER VI LEAVES. II General Reading Gray, Text-book, pp. 106-110; Elements, pp. 60-62. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 117-147. I. Various species of Aster, Solidago, Flax, Butter-and- Eggs, etc., will do ; in fact, any species with well-developed sessile leaves. II. Plants with good perfoliate leaves are not at all com- mon, and at present the writer can recommend only this species of the eastern portion of the United States, and the European Bupleurum rotundifolium. III. Eupatorium perfoliattim, the common Thoroughwort or Boneset of the eastern half of the United States, is also excellent. Likewise the Fuller's Teazel common in many parts of the country. IV. Acacias with phyllodia are commonly grown through- out middle and southern California and are very frequently met with in the greenhouses in the rest of the country. Seed- lings are not uncommon in California. Read Gray, Text-book, p. no, 217; Elements, p. 61, 162 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 120, 121. APPENDIX II 151 V. Lathyrus Aphaca is a European species and not acces- sible, as far as the writer knows, to students in this country. The student may be shown pictures of this, and the rela- tionship to the forms with imparipinnate and cirrhiferous pinnate leaves brought out. Read Gray, Text-book, p. 109, 216, and pp. 100, 101, 195 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 137, 138. VI. Read Gray, Text-book, p. 109, 215 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 106, 107. VII. Read Gray, Text-book, pp. 108, 109. VIII. Read Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 119, 121, and 122, Figs. 76 and 77 ; Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 326 (under " Australian Proteaceae "), 335 (bottom line), 336, and II, Part i, p. 471. The Eucalyptus species are abundant in California and are occasionally found in greenhouses in other parts of the country. Dried and pressed specimens may be used where fresh material is not available. IX. The so-called " Smilax " of the greenhouses (Myrsi- phyllum asparagoides or Asparagus medeoloides} is very gen- erally accessible all over the country. In studying this plant, it is well to emphasize the fact that we consider a structure borne in the axil of a leaf as a branch structure, and a struct- ure bearing another structure in its axil as a leaf structure. These points cannot be emphasized either too strongly or too often. Read Gray, Text-book, pp. 65, 66, 127; Elements, pp. 61, 62, 164. XI. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, p. 339 (under Oxalis). 152 APPENDIX II Read also Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 338 (bottom) and 339. XII. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 532-539- XIII. Read Gray, Text-book, p. 102. XIV. Read Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, p. 123. Live Oaks are excellent for Californian students. Leaves of the so-called Laurel of the East (Kalmia\ of Rhododen- drons, Azaleas, Hollies, etc., are also excellent. XV. Pressed specimens, illustrating the different methods of defoliation, may be mounted upon sheets of Bristol board. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 355-361. CHAPTER VII PHYLLOTAXY General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 396-400 ; Part 2, pp. 401-430. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 97-118. Gray, Text-book, pp. 119-131 ; Elements, pp. 67-71. I. Almost any plant with opposite leaves will do just as well as Fuchsia. It is recommended because it is usually very readily obtainable. Erect branches are desirable. III. Any plant with whorled leaves may be used. Certain Lilies (Lilium sp.) are good. The Galium species, how- ever, occur almost everywhere. APPENDIX II 153 IV. Elms, Basswoods or Lindens, Indian Corn, and various Grasses are good. But Iris, Hemerocallis (Day Lily), etc., while showing the two ranks excellently, do not allow the insertion of the leaves to be determined with sufficient readiness. VII. Three-ranked arrangements are by no means com- mon. Those who live in the eastern portions of the United States may obtain the Veratrum in the spring, and no more excellent object can be found. The upright shoots of Alders, Hazels, and Beeches sometimes show it very distinctly, and teachers who have not access to Veratnim should seek suitable materials from these plants. VIII. The upright wand-like shoots, lighted equally or nearly so from all sides, of young plants or of branches from the roots or bases of the plants mentioned should be used. Sumachs, Willows, and Oaks are excellent. Where Willows have been pollarded, the adventitious vertical branches which spring out make excellent objects, especially in the case of the broader leaved S. discolor, S. cordata, and S. lucida. IX. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, p. 400, for further cases. XI. Cones of Larch, Sequoia gigantea, Sugar Pine, etc., are excellent. Read carefully the references to this subject in Kerner and Oliver and in Gray, recommended above. The numbering of the scales of cones is an excellent task for students to perform outside of the laboratory. XIII, XIV. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 414-417 and 419, 420, especially compare Figs. 106 and 109 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 108-111. 154 APPENDIX II XV. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 405 (bottom line)-407. XVI. Another view is frequently expressed ; for which read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, p. 402. Read Gray, Text-book, p. 127. The latest writers disagree with Sachs, however, and con- sider these spirals as secondary and the number of ranks as greater than three. CHAPTER VIII BUDS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 25-45. Gray, Text-book, pp. 40-45 ; Elements, pp. 27-32. MATERIAL, consisting of branches with buds, may be tied up into bundles and dried. If placed in boiling water and allowed to remain there until the water is cool, all the parts will swell up to their normal size again and will serve the same purposes as fresh material. V. The large-leaved Maple of California and the Red or the Silver Maple of the East are excellent. VI. Material should be fresh or preserved in formalin. Read Gray, Elements, p. 63, 166 (Buckeye); Text- book, p. 116, 227 (Buckeye). The scales of large specimens of the Buckeye or of the Red Currant may be carefully picked off, pressed, and the series of transitions from scales to leaves pasted upon cards and given to the students in that form. APPENDIX II 155 The teacher should explain homology and analogy at this point and emphasize all cases hereafter. VII. The Pittosporum is the P. eugenioides, common in cultivation in California, with yellowish green foliage and black-stemmed twigs. The winter bud is pronounced and the homology between the bud-scale and the blade of the leaf is readily demonstrated. Series of scales pressed and mounted upon cards may be made in either of these cases or the class may work from fresh or formalin material. VIII. The same recommendations apply also to this paragraph. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 351-353, Fig. 91 (Tulip Tree) and Fig. 92 (Beech). IX. Compare Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, Fig. 90, 3 and 4 (p. 349) (Walnut). XII. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 25-28, 29, 30, 37-45. CHAPTER IX PRJEFOLIATION General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 347-355. Gray, Text-book, pp. 132, 133 (also 134-140 for flower buds especially). FORMALIN or fresh material is necessary for the study of praefoliation. The buds should be taken as they are just opening if winter buds, but the vegetative buds also furnish good demonstrations. If opening winter buds are not avail- able, large quiescent buds will do, but they are not so easily manipulated. 156 APPENDIX II CHAPTER X PROTECTION General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 430-451. Hardinge, With the Wild Flowers, pp. 217-258 (Poisonous Species) . Gray, Text-book, pp. 55 ( 112, 113), 117 ( 227 a) ; Ele- ments, pp. 41 ( 101, 102), 64 ( 167). Croupin, The Thorns of Plants (Popular Science Monthly, Volume 46, pp. 498-501 (with figures), 1895). I. The Orange, Lemon, or any of the Cratcegus sp., i.e. Scarlet Thorn, Hawthorn, or Cockspur Thorn, are ex- cellent. Leafless branches may be dried and soaked out again as recommended under Chapter VIII. II. In the Eastern Barberry (Herberts vulgaris}, after the leaves have appeared in the spring, a complete series of gradations from leaves to spines may be traced in many instances. Read Gray, Elements or Text-book, referred to above. III. The long, slender, upright shoots from the base of Robinia Pseudacacia show these spines beautifully. The Acacia armata or Spiny Acacia is fairly commonly grown in California and to some extent in the greenhouses East. The stems of the Euphorbia splendens, common in green- houses all over the country, is also armed with spines occupy- ing the places of stipules. The spines in Xanthium spinosum, a frequent weed in California, are also stipular. APPENDIX II 157 IV. The prickles of Roses and of Brambles are in many cases especially adapted more for climbing than for protec- tion. Read Kerne r and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 671 (bottom line)-673. VIII. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 441-443. XL Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 307- 346, 347-355 ; and Volume I, Part 2, pp. 548-552. CHAPTER XI STORAGE General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, p. 749 (bottom), 750, 751 (bottom), 752, 624. Gray, Text-book, pp. 31, 32, 57-64, 115, 116, and 14-26; Elements, pp. 35, 36, 43-48, 62, 63, and 17-26. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 68-72. THE materials for illustrating storage are generally acces- sible. Small specimens of Cacti, Agaves, Aloes, etc., may be obtained from the florist in pots. Corms, bulbs, etc., can be obtained from the florist at certain seasons, when it is well to preserve a supply in formalin. Radishes, Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, etc., can be obtained in the market at almost any time. Besides the rough morphological study outlined, the student may with advantage study thin sections of the thick- ened parts and test for the particular reserve materials as recommended in the case of seeds (see p. 144). II. Species of Live-for-ever are also good. 158 APPENDIX II III. The root-stocks of the Solomon's Seal are also excel- lent for this purpose. IV. The Jerusalem Artichoke has excellent tubers. The teacher should provide, if possible, a young plant of the Potato or Artichoke, with as much of the underground portion as possible, showing at least the slender under- ground branches with the tubers at the ends. V. The Corms of the Crocus and of the Indian Turnip or Jack-in-the-Pulpit are excellent. Gladiolus is usually readily obtainable from the florist at the proper season for planting. Various Brodiaeas are common throughout California. VII. Scaly bulbs are not always readily obtainable. One of the best is that of Lilium auratum, obtainable in the spring from the florist, but they are somewhat expensive. The Bermuda or Easter Lily is cheaper and may be ob- tained usually during the winter. The native Lilies are good. Californians may generally obtain excellent Lilium bulbs in Chinatown, at any rate in the larger cities. The Chinese use them for food. IX. The Ornithogalum, or Star-of-Bethlehem, has also very good tunicated bulbs. CHAPTER XII CLIMBING PLANTS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 669-710. Gray, Text-book, pp. 34, 35, 51-53, 54, 55> 117-118. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 178 (bottom)-iSo. Darwin, Climbing Plants. APPENDIX II 159 THE hints contained in the introductory paragraph should be emphasized by the teacher and illustrations suggested or called forth from the class. The struggle for light and air thus illustrated will not be easily impressed upon their minds in any other way. It is important that these points should be made plain in order that the student may under- stand why it is that plants take to climbing. I. Manettia is a common plant with the florist. Small ones, trained about slender stakes, may often be obtained in pots, and in this condition are readily available for observa- tion in the laboratory. II. Any species of Ipomxa will do. Several species are grown in the greenhouses. 7. purpurea, the common Morn- ing Glory, may be readily raised from seed in pots and allowed to twine about slender stakes. IV. Especially Beans, Cypress Vines, Dutchman's Pipes, Yams, etc. V. The Grapevine also has excellent tendrils, but their homology with branches is not easily made out. Ampelop- sis sp., i.e. the Virginia Creeper and the Japanese Creeper, have tendrils which form suckers at the ends and attach themselves to flat surfaces in this way. VI. Peas can be raised very easily in boxes in the labo- ratory. Five to six weeks will generally be sufficient for their growth. VIII. Solatium jasminoides may often be obtained from florists, during the winter, in small pots and will climb about slender supports. Compare Gray, Text-book, p. 117, Fig. 235. IX. Pressed specimens often show the habit very well. APPENDIX II CHAPTER XIII EPIPHYTES, PARASITES, AND SAPROPHYTES General Reading EPIPHYTES : Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 115 (bottom) -117; Part 2, pp. 753, 754. PARASITES : Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 171-215. SAPROPHYTES : Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 99-1 19. As the laboratory work proceeds, the relationships exist- ing between epiphytes, parasites, and saprophytes should be brought out and the gradations between the various kinds. I. These Aerial Orchids, as they are called, are generally obtainable, and may perhaps be borrowed or hired of the florist. II. The Rock Lichens are also good examples. The " symbiosis " character of the Lichen may be explained by the teacher if desirable. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 243-248. III. Mistletoes are fairly readily obtainable in California and in the southern portion of the United States from the Rocky Mountains eastward, from oaks, etc. Pieces of the branches upon which they grow should be taken with them. In other parts of the country, supplies must be drawn from correspondents or from the florists who have supplies about Christmas time, but such specimens usually lack any portion of the host plant. APPENDIX II IV. Compare Kerne r and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, p. 209, Fig. 48. VI. Species of Dodder (Cuscuta} are common all over the country. Material is best when fresh or preserved in formalin, but may also be dried and soaked out again. VIII. The Bread-Mould is a very good example of a saprophyte and also of a group of plants of which we have, as yet, had no example in our work ; viz. of flowerlcss- or spore-plants. The Coral Roots (species of Coral- lorhiza) are fairly widely distributed and may be studied. The Indian Pipe (Monotropa) is perhaps more properly a parasite upon a mould. The insectivorous plants treated under the next chapter are also saprophytes, but as they obtain their organic materials in an entirely different way, they are not included here. The teacher, however, should call the attention of the students to this fact. IX. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 213-215. CHAPTER XIV INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part i, pp. 119-158. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 63-68. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 149-151. Gray, Text-book, pp. 110-115 ; Elements, pp. 64-66. Darwin, Insectivorous Plants. I. In the eastern United States, both to the north and to the south, some species of Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia) APPENDIX II may be obtained. Other districts must needs be supplied by friends or by some botanical supply company. (The Cambridge Botanical Supply Co., Cambridge, Mass., adver- tises that it will obtain botanical materials for teachers.) Plants may be kept growing in the laboratory if the pots are kept immersed in several inches of water. Dried leaves may be kept from season to season, being soaked up in water when needed. Species of Nepenthes are often grown in conservatories. II. The Darlingtonia is difficult to obtain except occa- sionally from florists who deal in native plants. 1 It is easily grown in the same way as Sarracenias are. IV. The Venus Flytrap is very restricted in its range, but is fairly readily grown in sand in a pot immersed in a few inches of water. It may be obtained through dealers in native plants. 1 VII. The teachers in the eastern United States can obtain Drosera species. Others may sometimes obtain them from florists. They should be grown in peat and Sphagnum, but do not flourish as well as the plants previously mentioned. The Bladderworts (Utricitlaria sp.) may also be used if accessible to the teacher, as they are in much of the country east of the Rocky Mountains. If laboratory material is unobtainable, the teacher will lect- ure upon this chapter and show specimens or illustrations. i Such as Edward Gillett, Southwick, Mass., or F. H. Hosford & Co., Charlotte, Vt. APPENDIX II 163 CHAPTER XV REPRODUCTION IN beginning to consider the matter of reproduction, it must be borne in mind that it is to this end that the plant works. It strives first to build up a strong healthy body or vegetative portion, and to accumulate proper materials, both in kind and in quality, in order that the provisions made for reproducing its kind and perpetuating the species may be adequate. It is for the purpose of providing for this that some plants find it advantageous to protect themselves against unfavorable conditions and animals which would otherwise prey upon them, to store up nourishment to be expended for this purpose, to adopt the habits of epiphytes, parasites, saprophytes, or insectivorous plants, to grow high, to remain low, or to climb up over their neighbors. In fact, every variation in plant structure and habit is probably explainable upon the idea that the plant has to struggle to maintain itself in a condition to reproduce its kind. That some plants adopt one set of methods, and others, another, leads to the infinite variation in plant life which we find. I6 4 APPENDIX II CHAPTER XVI VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 25-45 and 452-463. Gray, Text-book, pp. 43 ( 73, 74), 45 ( 77), 53 ( ">$- 108), 56-60 ( 115-117), 63 ( 123, 124). I. Lilium tigrinum, or Tiger Lily, is in common cultiva- tion in the East, and may be obtained through florists there or elsewhere. Cicuta bulbifera, of the East, has also very excellent axillary bulblets. Some species of Calochortus, or Mariposa Lily, have subterranean axillary bulblets. III. In the eastern United States many Wild Onions produce bulblets instead of flowers. IV. Cultivated species of Dwscorea, obtainable from florists. CHAPTER XVII SEED REPRODUCTION THE general reading is so extensive and the number of subjects so great that the references will be given under the heads of the several succeeding chapters. It has seemed simplest and best in this little guide to distinguish seed and spore reproduction, since we shall have no means of examin- ing the finer details of the embryology of the forms either APPENDIX II 165 higher or lower. They are related to one another some- thing as oviparous and viviparous reproductive methods in the animals, i.e. they are not different in kind, but in spore reproduction the reproductive body (the spore) is separated from the parent while still in a very simple and very primi- tive condition ; while in seed reproduction, it is retained longer in connection with the parent until it has developed within it a rudimentary plantlet, with provision for rapid development of root, stem, and leaf. A number of plants possess a kind of reproduction intermediate between the two. CHAPTER XVIII A TYPICAL OR PATTERN FLOWER General Reading Gray, Text-book, pp. 176-179 ( 323-325); Elements, pp. 81, 82 ( 239, 240). _ . I. Crassula species are to be obtained from the green- house, and it will be best to preserve a quantity in formalin solution. If Crassula is not available, some species of Sediim may be obtained. Sedum has two circles of stamens, and the alternation of the circles seems to be disturbed. With a little foresight the teacher can usually obtain the flowers of some species either of Sedum or Crassula, either fresh or preserved in fluid. VIII. The teacher will do well to study the floral dia- grams or ground plans given in Gray and also in Kerner and Oliver under various paragraphs. Compare Gray, Text-book, p. 176, Fig. 327; Elements, p. 82, Figs. 225 and 227. 166 APPENDIX II CHAPTER XIX FERTILIZATION General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 401-420. Gray, Text-book, pp. 215-218 and 283-285. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 73-86. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 190-207. THE distinction between pollination and the descent of the pollen tube upon the one hand and fertilization upon the other is one demanding much emphasis, and the teacher must not only impress it upon the pupil, but must constantly guard against the misuse of the terms both upon his own part and upon that of the pupil as well. Fertilization refers to the whole process upon which the development of the embryo depends. This technical use must be guarded from confusion with the fertilization of the soil either natural or artificial. The process of pollination is the process which may be studied with the facilities open to the ordinary student, and must be studied in the field to be comprehended in its variety of interests. Some typical examples may be brought into the laboratory, but excur- sions with the view of examining the plants in their natural habitat, and encouragement to the pupils to make excur- sions for themselves, to watch and attempt to make out the details of the fertilization in as many different kinds of flow- ers as possible, is very necessary. Such work as this is far better than any laboratory work which can be conceived of. APPENDIX II 167 CHAPTER XX IMPERFECT, INCOMPLETE, AND UNSYMMETRICAL FLOWERS IMPERFECT FLOWERS: Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 291-299. Gray, Text-book, pp. 193 ( 353) and 218 ( 405). Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 105 (bottom line)-lO9. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 208-212. I. 6. In this case it is intended to call attention to the more complete crossing in dioecious plants than must neces- sarily take place in monoecious plants. Read, also, Kerner and Oliver, Vol. II, Part i, pp. 300 (section at bottom of the page), 301; and Gray, Text-book, pp. 215 (note under Kerner's " Flowers and their Unbidden Guests"), 216, for the terms Autogamy, Allogamy, Geitonogamy, and Xenogamy. II. The perianth, i.e. the floral envelopes (calyx and corolla), serves two separate kinds of functions. First, it protects the maturing essential organs until they are in a condition to perform their functions. Second, it serves, in insect-pollinated flowers, to attract insects both by its color, and by the nectar which it secretes. It is by no means easy to determine in most cases why one or both circles of the perianth are absent. Read Gray, Text-book, pp. 187-195. III. IV. Irregtilarity is generally explainable after more or less careful study upon the basis of adaptation to insect- pollination. The papilionaceous flower in its various forms, and the flowers of the Larkspur, Monkshood, Pansy, etc., are excellent examples and worthy of detailed study. APPENDIX II Read Kerne r and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 228, 260, 261, 267, 268; Gray, Text-book, pp. 184-189, 225-229 ; Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 90-98 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 27-30. V. Orchids of various kinds may generally be obtained from the greenhouses. The pollen masses may be demonstrated and the method of their withdrawal. Certain native species, especially of Habenaria, may often be obtained. The material used should be alive and a pencil tip or a bristle be employed to represent the proboscis of an insect. Read Kerne r and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 254-257, 269, 270; Gray, Text-book, pp. 230-234; Weed, Ten New England Blossoms, pp. 72-89 ; also Darwin, On the Fer- tilization of Orchids by Insects. Species of Milkweed (Asclepias) have pollinia, and living material may be introduced into the laboratory whenever possible and the process of pollination be demonstrated. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 257-260 ; Gray, Text-book, p. 233 (bottom). VI. The lack of symmetry is usually connected more or less directly with irregularity and is brought about by the suppression of parts of different circles. Read Gray, Text-book, pp. 187-190. CHAPTER XXI COALESCENCE AND ADNATION COALESCENCE and adnation are directly concerned in the same way as irregularity, in devices to ensure insect pollina- tion. They modify the structure of the flower so as to exclude insects of no use for this purpose, and to cause the APPENDIX II 169 proper insects to enter the flower in such a fashion as to benefit it in the most satisfactory way. Hints of this may be obtained by reading from this point of view Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 221-243 an d 243-276. I. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, p. 249. III. Read Gray, Text-book, pp. 259-268; Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 72-84. V. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, p. 247, Fig. 266. CHAPTER XXII WIND- AND INSECT- POLLINATION. I. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 129-151. Gray, Text-book, pp. 217, 218. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, p. 7 (top). Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 124-135. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 208-214. Hardinge, With the Wild Flowers, pp. 47-55. Weed, Ten New England Blossoms, pp. 1-17. The Indian Corn is certainly a most excellent example of a wind-pollinated plant, and may usually be obtained or, at least, explained, as its general arrangement is known to all. The feathery stigmas of other Grasses are also extremely instructive, taken into connection with the versatile anthers. II. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 152-167. Gray, Text-book, pp. 218, 219. i. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 182-198. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 13, 14. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 86-96, 103, 104. Allen, The Colors of the Flowers. 170 APPENDIX II 2. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 198-209. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, p. 43. 3. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 167-182. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 32-42. 4. (a) Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 280 (bot- tom line), 281, Fig. 280. 4. (ti) Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 263 (bot- tom paragraph), 264. 4. (c) Gray, Text-book, p. 229 ( 419, Figs. 455-457)- The Special Devices, however, are not limited to these examples which are introduced here especially to show auto- matic movements of the essential organs. The teacher after carefully studying the various devices described in the first part of Kerner and Oliver's Natural History of Plants, and Gray's Text-book, will doubtless be able to provide a number of interesting forms and to demonstrate the working of the particular mechanism or structure. Attention may be called, however, to two cases, viz. : Salvia. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 262, 263. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 20-22 ; and Composite, Gray, Text-book, pp. 223, 224. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 25, 26 ; as being easily obtainable and demonstrable. Composite are readily obtainable everywhere, the common Sunflower and Cosmos are good, and species of Salvia are commonly culti- vated. 5. Dichogamy. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 306-317 ; Gray, Text-book, pp. 219-225 ; Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 101, 102 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 16-19. 6. Scrophularia nodosa and S. Calif or nica are equally suit- able and allow the use of this plant in almost any APPENDIX II 171 portion of the United States. Plantains are common. The species with the longer spikes are preferable. Specimens in formalin solution may be used when fresh material is not available. 7. Some Pelargoniums, also, are excellent, but others are not. For Geranium, compare Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, p. 8, Figs. 5 and 6. The various Mal- lows are excellent, for the stigmas of most species remain within the stamen tube until the anthers have shed their pollen, then emerge and expand. The larger flowered Willow-herbs (Epilobium species) are excellent also, as may be seen from Gray, Text-book, p. 222, and Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, p. 309, Fig. 293. Preserved material will answer very well, but the teacher will find that a very large num- ber of different species of flowers are protandrous and a considerable number protogynous. 8. Heterostyly. Read Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 302, 303, 396-399, and 405 ; Gray, Text- book, pp. 234-239 (under Hcterogonous Dimor- phism and Trimorphisin) ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 30-33 ; Weed, Ten New England Blossoms, pp. 1832 (Mayflower, Epigcea repens). The Bluets are well adapted for the demonstration of heterostyly, but are available for the most only east of the Mississippi River. Other species of Houstonia extend some- what west of that. The blossoms of the Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens) and of the Mayflower {Epigcea repens} are also excellent, but the range of these plants is limited and Eastern. The Primroses of the gardens and greenhouses do very well, but very frequently one can find only one " length of I 7 2 APPENDIX II style." Teachers will do well to obtain supplies of preserved material either by their own efforts or those of their friends, or purchase them from the " Botanical Supply Co." at Cam- bridge, Mass. 9. The Purple Loosestrife is occasionally planted and seeds may be obtained through the larger florists. Other species of Lythrum may do fairly well, such as the western and Pacific coast species. Nesiza occurs in the United States east of the Mississippi River. 10. Read the reference in Kerner and Oliver given above. Some Eschscholtzias have four long styles, and some two long ones, but the majority have two long ones and two short. The Eschscholtzia is easily obtained in California and is frequently cultivated elsewhere in the United States. Protection of Pollen. The teacher may read and call the attention of the students to the various devices (such as opening and closing, possession of glutinous coverings etc.) for protecting the pollen from unfavorable weather and from undesirable insects. Many cases illustrative of these points will suggest themselves from the following references : Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 104-129, and 230-243 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 37-42. APPENDIX II 173 CHAPTER XXIII SELF- POLLINATION General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 331-401. THESE pages give a review of the general subject of self- pollination or Autogamy which results in close- fertilization, a phenomenon of much more frequency than has been gen- erally supposed. Gray, Text-book, pp. 240-242. I. Weed, Ten New England Blossoms, pp. 90-98 ; Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, p. 393. Species of Polygala with cleistogamous flowers occur over nearly the whole of the United States. Pressed specimens may be used as well as fresh ones. P. polygama is one of the best species, since the cleistogamous flowers are numer- ous and may be obtained in all stages. In regard to the cleistogamous flowers of Violets, read Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 53-57. APPENDIX II CHAPTER XXIV ANTHOTAXY General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 736-749. Gray, Text-book, pp. 141-162. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 135-149. THE general work upon the flower clusters is morphologi- cal and comparative. It shows how practically the same result is obtained by the different plants in very different ways. Besides those flower clusters mentioned in the guide the following may be studied : HELIOTROPE. Gray, Text-book, pp. 153 ( 280-155. DOGWOOD. Species of Cornus, such as C. Canadensis, C.florida, and C. Nuttalliana. Gray, Text-book, pp. 152, 153 ; Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 183, 184, 231, Fig. 260. CHAPTER XXV METAMORPHOSIS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume I, Part 2, pp. 594-597 Gray, Text-book, pp. 5-8, 167-174. AT the close of this chapter, it will be well for the teacher, assuming that three primary organs, root, stem, and leaf, are modified in one way and another to do all the work of the plant, to review all the previous chapters from this point of APPENDIX II 175 view, showing how one plant modifies one of these three organs to do a certain kind of work, and another plant another one of the three to do the same kind of work, and so on. CHAPTER XXVI FRUITS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 426 (bottom)-436. Gray, Text-book, pp. 285-287. THE teacher will need to emphasize the distinction be- tween the popular and the scientific uses of the term fruit. Fruit is used as a household term in a loose way to designate those fruits which are ordinarily eaten raw, while such fruits as Tomatoes, Egg-plants, etc., which are cooked, are classed with Cabbages, Potatoes, etc., under the general head of " vegetables." CHAPTER XXVII FLESHY FRUITS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part I, pp. 427, 428 ; Part 2, pp. 862-866. Gray, Text-book, pp. 297-303. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 73-75. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 270-276. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 154-158. FLESHY fruits may usually be obtained in the market. Some kinds are sold dried and may be soaked out before 176 APPENDIX II being given to the class. Formalin solution also preserves them well. I. Preserved Cherries are useful when no fresh ones are obtainable, and Prunes may be soaked over night. I. 5. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part 2, p. 865 (top). IV. Cranberries remain in the market for a considerable time, but it is well to preserve a quantity in formalin solution. XIV. The Rose-hip and the Fig may be studied if time and material allow, to show fruits in which the receptacle enclosing the real fruits becomes fleshy, while the Strawberry is a good example of dry fruits (achenes) borne upon the outside of a very fleshy and succulent receptacle. CHAPTER XXVIII DRY DEHISCENT FRUITS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 429-432; Part 2, pp. 833-840. L^ibbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 53-65. I-III. The references given above apply especially to fruits which are noticeably explosive. Perhaps all dehiscent fruits are more or less explosive, but the evidence is not so plain in the majority of cases. In the paragraphs that fol- low, more attention is paid to the method of dehiscence. III-VIII. Gray, Text-book, pp. 288-293 ; Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, p. 65, Fig. 46. APPENDIX II 177 Materials for explosive fruits may be dried and the explo- sive character may be inferred after explosion. Occasion- ally the phenomenon may be observed in the laboratory, or the student may keep the fruits under observation at home until it occurs. For methods of dehiscence, the plants rec- ommended are generally accessible at the right season (i.e. after flowering) and the dried, opened capsules may be stored in pasteboard boxes until needed. Care must be taken to obtain a suitable Poppy. The smaller red or white garden species are usually excellent. CHAPTER XXIX DRY INDEHISCENT FRUITS General Reading Gray, Text-book, p. 294 ( 562). Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part I, p. 429. IN addition to the reading recommended in the following chapters, it will be well for the teacher to read what is said in Kerner and Oliver's " Natural History of Plants " upon Creeping Mechanisms (Volume II, Part 2, pp. 843, 844). CHAPTER XXX SEED DISPERSAL BY ANIMALS General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part 2, pp. 866-876. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 75-80. V. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 442-450. VI. Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part 2, pp. 866, 867. I 7 8 APPENDIX II THE carrying of seed, even from one continent to another, by water-birds in the mud adhering to the feet or feathers should be brought to the notice of the class by the teacher, and the pupils induced to be upon the lookout for any cases which they can find, of dispersal by animals. CHAPTER XXXI SEED DISPERSAL BY THE WIND General Heading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part 2, pp. 848-862. Lubbock, Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves, pp. 79-82. Hardinge, With the Wild Flowers, pp. 202-204. Allen, The Story of the Plants, pp. 149-154. Gaye, The Great World's Farm, pp. 253-256. Gray, Text-book, pp. 294, 295. MATERIALS of the fruits necessary for the work under this chapter may be procured at various times during the season and preserved dry in paper bags or boxes. The different powers and styles of sailing through the air should be tested in the laboratory. CHAPTER XXXII SEED DISPERSAL BY WATER General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part 2, pp. 845-848. WATER dispersal is neither so common nor so frequently observed as that by wind or animals. Yet the students will find in the autumn that the quieter portions of brooks, and APPENDIX II 179 especially of ponds, contain larger or smaller quantities of small floating fruits, mostly of the dry and indehiscent class. I. Cocoanuts with the husks on, may often be obtained through the wholesale dealers in fruits. CHAPTER XXXIII SPORE REPRODUCTION General Reading Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 8-25 and 49-70. THE subject of spore reproduction, even in the narrower and limited sense in which the writer has used it, is so com- plex that it should really be considered in a course of study devoted especially to it, and requiring the use of the com- pound microscope and more complicated methods of ma- nipulation than the writer considers best for beginners in botanical observation. At this point, however, the students may, with profit, if time and the facilities allow, take up a short course devoted entirely to the cryptogams. Spores are of two kinds, as may be seen from the refer- ences above. They may be the result of a sexual process, i.e. of fertilization ; or they may arise without any sexual process whatever. The spores recommended in the guide are all of the latter kind. They are introduced here simply to illustrate this kind of reproductive body, and the examples recommended are chosen first because they are fairly readily obtainable, and second, because they represent several of the more conspicuous and important groups of spore-plants. If compound microscopes are available, the spores and sporangia, at least, may be examined more care- APPENDIX II fully, and a few other forms such as Spirogym, Fatiilieria, Peronospora or Cystopus, Pucdnia, Uredo, and sEcidiutn added. FARTHER STUDY When the student shall have finished a careful study of the morphology of the more conspicuous plants, and has seen some of the more important modifications of the dif- ferent organs to perform different services to the plant, it will be well for him to study as many species as are readily accessible in suitable condition, with especial attention to the consideration of the life-history. It will be well to use some suitable manual of the botany of the region from which the name and the relationships of the species may be obtained. But the teacher should prevent this searching out of the name and the practice in the use of the analytical key from absorbing the principal portion of the attention. The prac- tice in using the key is excellent logical discipline of a cer- tain kind, but the training of the powers of observing correctly, and of making the proper inferences, should not be subordinated to it. The name should not be the end for which the work is done. The name serves two purposes : first, it furnishes a convenient designation to be used when studying, talking, or writing of the plant ; and second, it enables the student to find out what others have written or think about the subject. The principal attention of the student should be directed towards the morphology of the plant in as many of its dif- ferent stages of development as possible. This study of the life-histories of the different species forms as profitable work as can be recommended for the student. Teachers may obtain suggestions in this direction from the chapter upon APPENDIX II 181 Some Plant Biographies of Grant Allen's little book, " The Story of the Plants." It is well, also, at this time, to introduce the student to some idea of species, genera, orders, etc., from the point of view of descent or phylogeny. Read Gray, Text-book, pp. 315-331 (especially 657- 662) ; Kerner and Oliver, Volume II, Part i, pp. 486, 487, and 495, 496 ; Part 2, pp. 497-600. INDEX AND SUMMARY Abutilon, dichogamy, 98. Acacia, phyllodium, 34, 150. Acacia armata, protection, 156. Achene, definition, 120. Acuminate, 29. Acute, 29. Adnation, 89, 93, 94, 168, 169 ; Even- ing Primrose, 94; Fuchsia, 94; GEnothera, 94. v^Ecidium, reproduction, 180. Agave, storage, 59, 157. Agoseris, seed dispersal, 124. Ailanthus, samara, 123. Alder, buds, 46; defoliation, 38; phyllotaxy, 153 ; pollination, 95. Allogamy, 167. Aloe, storage, 157. Althsea, capsule, 117 ; double flowers, 107. Ampelopsis, climbing, 159. Anagallis, capsule, 118. Anemone, flower, 91. Annual, definition, 58. Anther, cells of, 83 ; Crassula, 82. Anihotaxy, Anthurium, 103; Bego- nia, 104 ; bractlets, 102 ; Calla, 103; Caraway Seed, 102; Carrot, 102; Corymb, 102; Currant, 101 ; Cyme, 104, definition, 101 ; deter- minate, 104 ; Fennel, 102 ; Haw- thorn, 102 ; indeterminate, 104 ; involucel, 102; involucre, 102; Lantana, 103 ; Lily-of-the- Valley, 101; Onion, 102; Parsnip, 102; Pelargonium, 102; Plantain, 103; Poison Hemlock, 102; raceme, 101 ; reading upon, 174 ; Red Clover, 103 ; Red-hot-Poker Plant, 101 ; spadix, 103 ; spathe, 103 ; spike, 103 ; umbel, 102 ; umbellet, 102; Verbena, 103; Zygadenus, 101. Anthurium, spadix, 103; spathe, 103. Apple, phyllotaxy, 41; leaf, 149; pome, 113, 114. Apricot, drupe, in. Arborescent, 23. Arboreus, 23. Arbor Vitse, leaves, 35. Aristate, 29. Artichoke, storage, 158. | Asclepias, pollinia, 168. Ash, samara, 123. Asparagus medeoloides, cladophylla, 151 ; leaves, 151. Aster, leaves, 150. Astragalus, seed dispersal, 124. Auricle, Bean seed, 3. Auriculate, 29. Autogamy, 167 ; reading upon, 173. ! Axil, definition, 25, 46. ; Axillary, buds, 46. Azalea, capsule, 117; leaves, 152; praefoliation, 53. Balsam, pod, 116. Banana, fruit, 113. Banner, Bean, 91; Locust, 91 ; Pea, 91 ; Wistaria, 91. Barberry, protection, 55, 156 ; sta- mens, 97 ; leaf, 37. INDEX AND SUMMARY Bark, Butternut, 23 ; corky, 23 ; outer, 19 ; Walnut, 23. Basswood, phyllotaxy, 153 ; stem, 148. Bean, auricle, 3 ; buds, 49 ; caulicle, 3 ; chalaza, 2, 143 ; climbing, 159 ; cotyledons, 3 ; embryo, 3, 4 ; flower, 91; hilum, i, 143; kernel, 2; micropyle, 2, 143; pod, i, 116, 143, 144 ; plumule, 3 ; primary root, 12 ; rhaphe, 2, 143 ; root hairs, 18 ; secondary roots, 17 ; seed, i ; seed-coats, 2 ; seed-leaves, 3; seedling, n; strophiole, i, 143. Bearberry, drupes, 112. Bedstraw, phyllotaxy, 39 ; seed dis- persal, 122. Beech, buds, 46; bud scales, 48; phyllotaxy, 153; protection of fruit, 122. Beet, storage, 62, 157. Beggar-ticks, seed dispersal, 121. Begonia, cyme, 104 ; flower, 90 ; phyl- lotaxy, 40 ; stigma, 83 ; vegetative reproduction, 79. Bellwort, perfoliate leaf, 33, 149. Berberis vulgaris, protection, 156. Bermuda Lily, storage, 158. Berry, Banana, 113; cells of, 113; Cranberry, 112; Currant, 113; Gooseberry, 113; Grape, 113; hes- peridium, 113; pepo, 113; peri- carp, 113; pome, 113; seeds, 113; spines, 122; Tomato, 113. Bidens, seed dispersal, 121. Biennial, definition, 58. Birch, buds, 46; pollination, 95. Bladder Nut, seed dispersal, 124. Blade, leaf, 26 ; Darlingtonia, 74 ; Pitcher Plant, 73; Sarracenia pur- purea, 73 ; Sundew, 75 ; Venus Fly- tra P. 75- Blackberry, protection, 56. Bluet, heterostyly, 99, 171. Boneset, leaves, 150. Books, list of, 139, 140. Bract, definition, 102. Bractlet, Caraway Seed, 102 ; Carrot, 102; definition, 102; Fennel, 102; Parsnip, 102; Poison Hemlock, 102. Bramble, climbing, 157; protection, 56. IS7- Bread Mould, hyphae, 71 ; review of, 128 ; saprophyte, 71, 161 ; sporan- gia, 71 ; spore, 71. Brodiasa, storage, 158. Bryophyllum, adventitious buds, 49; vegetative reproduction, 79. Buckeye, buds, 47, 154 ; bud scales, 48 ; defoliation, 38. Budding, 80. Buds, accessory, 47 ; adventitious, 49, 50 ; Alder, 46 ; axillary, 46, 47 ; Bean, 49 ; Beech, 46 ; Birch, 46 ; Buckeye, 47, 48, 154; Butternut, 46, 47, 48; classification, 50; col- lateral, 47 ; contents, 50 ; cover- ings, 50 ; Currant, 47, 154 ; defini- tion, 46; flower, 49; Fuchsia, 49; grass, 79 ; in axil of leaf, 25 ; lat- eral, 46; leaf, 48; Lilac, 48; Maple, 47, 48, 154; material, 154; Mint, 79; mixed, 48; naked, 48; on underground stems, 79 ; parasitic in grafting, 71 ; Pea, 49 ; questions upon, 50; Red Maple, 154; rela- tion to leaf, 46; scaly, 47; Silver Maple, 154 ; Sunflower, 49 ; su- perposed, 47 ; Sweet Potato, 49 ; ' terminal, 46 ; Walnut, 46, 47, 48 ; winter, 49 ; Witch Hazel, 48 ; vege- tative, 49. Bud scales, Beech, 48 ; Buckeye, 48 ; Butternut, 48; Currant, 48; Fig, 48; Hazel, 48; homologous with leaves, 48 ; Lilac, 48 ; Pittospo- rum, 48 ; Tulip Tree, 48 ; Walnut, 48 ; Witch Hazel, 48. Bulb, Gladiolus, 60; Hyacinth, 62; Lily, 61 ; Onion, 62 ; scaly, 61 ; solid, 60; tunicated, 62. Bupleurum rotundifolium, leaves, 150. Butter-and-Eggs, winged seeds, 123. INDEX AND SUMMARY 185 Buttercup, green flowers, 107 ; nec- tar, 96 ; protection, 56. Butterfly flower, Pea, 92. Butternut, buds, 46 ; bud scales, 48 ; cambium, 23 ; corky bark, 23 ; cor- tex, 23 ; hat d bast, 23 ; internodes, 22; medullary rays, 23 ; nodes, 22; pollination, 95 ; pith, 23 ; rings of wood, 23; soft bast, 23; stem, 22; xylem, 23. Buttonball, stem, 148. Cactus, storage, 58, 157. Calico Bush, stamens, 97. Calla Lily, breathing pores, 30; epi- dermis, 29 ; green pulp, 30 ; leaf, 27; praefoliation, 53; spadix, 103; spathe, 103; stomata, 30; woody framework, 30. Calochortus, vegetative reproduction, 164. Calycanthus, flower, 107. Calyptra, Funaria, 127; Moss, 127; Polytrichum, 127. Calyx, Crassula, 82 ; Evening Prim- rose, 94 ; Fuchsia, 94 ; in incom- plete flowers, 91; CEnothera, 94; Pea, 93 ; synsepalous, 93. Cambium, Butternut, 23 ; Sunflower, 20 ; Walnut, 23. Capsule, definition of, 117; Funaria, 127; Moss, 127; Polytrichum, 127. Caraway Seed, umbel, 102. Carpel, definition, 94. Carrion Flower, odor, 96. Carrot, storage, 62, 157 ; umbel, 102. Caruncle, Castor Bean, 4. Castor Bean, caruncle, 4 ; caulicle, 5 ; chalaza, 5 : cotyledons, 5, 13 ; em- bryo, 5; endosperm, 5; hilum, 5; kernel, 5 ; rhaphe, 4 ; seed, 4, 143, 144; seed-coats, 5; seedling, 13; tegmen, 5, 13 ; testa, 5, 13. Catalpa, winged seeds, 123. Caulicle, Bean, 3, 4 ; Castor Bean, 5 ; Corn, 7, 14; Onion, 8, 15; I'inf, 8,15- Century Plant, storage, 59. Chalaza, 143; Bean, 2, 4; Castor Bean, 5. Chelone, capsule, 117. Cherry, drupe, in, 112, 176; leaf, 149 ; praefoliation, 52. Chestnut, protection of fruit, 122. Chinquapin, protection of fruit, 122. Choripetalous, corolla, 93. Chrysanthemum, leaf, 33. Clcuta bulbifera, bulblets, 164. Circumscissile dehiscence, 118 ; Ana- gallis, 118; Pimpernel, 118; Portu- laca, 118; Purslane, 118. Cirrhiferous, pinnate leaves, 151. Cladophyllum (plural cladophylla), Myrsiphyllum, 36 ; Smilax, 36. Cleavers, phyllotaxy, 39; seed dis- persal, 122. Cleistogamous, flowers, 100 ; Fringed Polygala, 100 ; Polygala paucifolia, 100 ; P. polygama, 100. Cleft, 29. Clematis, clasping petioles, 66 ; climb- ing, 66. Climbing, Ampelopsis, 159; Bean, 159 ; Bramble, 157 ; by aerial root- lets, 67 ; by clasping petioles, 66 ; by tendrils, 65, 66; Clematis, 66; Cypress Vine, 159; direction of twining, 64, 65 ; Dodder, 70 ; Dutchman's Pipe, 159 ; Grape Vine, 159; Hop, 64; Ipomcea, 159; Ipomcea purpurea, 159; Ivy, 66 ; Japanese Creeper, 159 ; Jas- mine-flowered Nightshade, 66; Manettia, 64, 159 ; Morning Glory, 65; Pea, 66, 159; plants, 64; reading upon, 158 ; Rose, 157 ; Solanum Jasminoides, 66, 159 ; Squash, 65; twining, 64, 65; Vir- ginia Creeper, 159; Virgin's Bower, 66; Yam, 159. Clotbur, seed dispersal, lai. Clover, flower, 96; head, 103. Coalescence, 89, 93, 168, 169; Co- 1 86 INDEX AND SUMMARY rolla, 93 ; Ipomoea, 93 ; Morning 5; Corn, 7, 14; Onion, 8, 14; Glory, 93. Pine, 8, 15. Cockspur, Thorn, protection, 156. Cranberry, berry, 112, 176; pericarp, Cocoanut, embryo, 125 ; endosperm, 113 ; seeds, 113. 125; "eyes," 125; fruit, 125; husk, Crassula, alternation in the flower, 125 ; seed-coats, 125 ; seed dis- 85; anther, 82; anther cell, 83; persal, 125, 179. calyx, 82; corolla, 82; filament, Color of flowers, 95, 96 ; change of, 82 ; flower, 82 ; number of parts 96 ; variegated, 96. in the flower, 85 ; ovary, 82 ; Columbine, flower, 96. ovary cell, 83 ; ovule, 83 ; pattern Compositas, pollination, 170. flower, 85, 165; petal, 82; pistil, Compound leaves, Barberry, 37 ; de- 82; placenta, 83; pollen, 82; re- foliation, 38 ; Five-Finger, 28 ; ceptacle, 84; sepal, 82; stamen, Orange, 37; palmately, 28; pin- 82; stigma, 82; style, 82; typical nately, 28; Rose, 28; Strawberry, flower, 85. 28 ; unifoliolate, 37. Crataegus, protection, 156. Cones, American Larch, 43; Nor- Crenate, 29. way Spruce, 42 ; phyllotaxy, 42. Crocus, storage, 158. Corallorhiza, saprophyte, 161. Cryptogams. See Flowerless Plants. Coral, Root, saprophyte, 161. Cucumber, pepo, 114. Cordate, 29. Cuneate, 29. Cork, Butternut, 23 ; Walnut, 23. Currant, berry, 113; buds, 47, 154; Corm, Gladiolus, 60. bud scales, 48; praefoliation, 52; Corn, adventitious roots, 14, 18 ; protection, 55 ; raceme, 101. caulicle, 7, 14; cotyledons, 7, 14; Cuscuta, parasite, 161. embryo, 7; endosperm, 7, 14; in- Cuspidate,. 29. ternodes, 21; nodes, 21; phyllo- Cyme, Begonia, 104. taxy, 153; pith, 21, 22; plumule, Cypress, Lawson's, leaves, 35 ; lon- 7, 14 ; pollination, 95, 169 ; pri- gevity of leaf, 37 ; winged seeds, mary root, 14 ; rind, 22 ; root hairs, 123. 18; seed, 6, 143; seed-coats, 6; Cypress Vine, climbing, 159. seedling, n, 13 ; stem, 21, 22 ; vas- Cypripedium, leaf, 149. cular bundles, 21, 22. Cystopus, reproduction, 180. Cornus, anthotaxy, 174. Cornus Canadensis, anthotaxy, 174. Dandelion, seed dispersal, 124. Cornus florida, anthotaxy, 174. Darlington ia, blade, 74; insectivo- Cornus Nuttallii, anthotaxy, 174. rous, 74, 162 ; leaf, 74 ; petiole, 74 ; Corolla, choripetalous, 93 ; Crassula, " windows," 74. 82; Morning Glory, 93; papilio- Datura, protection of fruit, 122. naceous, 92 ; sympetalous, 93. Day Lily, capsule, 117; phyllotaxy, Cortex, Butternut, 23 ; Sunflower, 19; 153; winged seeds, 123. Walnut, 23. Decodon, heterostyly, 99. Corymb, Hawthorn, 102. Decompound, leaf, 28 ; palmately, Cosmos, pollination, 170; stem, 147, 28 ; Parsley, 28. 148. Decussate leaves, 43. Cotton, seed dispersal, 124. Defoliation, 38, 152 ; Alder, 38 ; Cotyledon, Bean, 3, 4 ; Castor Bean, Buckeye, 38; compound leaves, INDEX AND SUMMARY 187 38 ; Elm. 38 ; Grape Vine, 38 ; 123; Water Lily, 125; Yam, 123; Hazel, 38; Horse Chestnut, 38; Xanthium, 121. Japanese Creeper, 38 ; Locust, 38 ; Divided leaf, 29. Rose, 38; simple leaves, 38; Wil- Dock, praefoliation, 53. low, 38. Dodder, leaves, 70 ; pale parasite, Dehiscence, advantages of, 118 ; by 71, 161 ; suckers, 70 ; twining stem, pores, 118 ; circumscissile, 118 ; 70. loculicidal, 117 ; methods of, 117, Dog-tooth Violet, storage, 62. 118; septicidal, 117; septifragal, Dogwood, anthotaxy, 174. 117. See also circumscissile, lo- Drawing, 134. culicidal, septicidal, and septifra- Drosera, blade, 162 ; glands, 162 ; gal. leaf, 162 ; petiole, 162. Dehiscent, fruits, no, 116. Drupe, Apricot, in ; Bearberry, Dentate, 29. 112; Cherry, in; definition, in ; Denticulate, 29. Huckleberry, 1 12; Manzanita, 112; Deodar, phyllotaxy, 45. Peach, in; Plum, in; putamen, Determinate, anthotaxy, 103. in ; sarcocarp, 112. Dichogamy, Abutilon, 98; definition, Dry fruits, no, 116. 98; Geranium, 98; Hibiscus, 98; Dutchman's Pipe, climbing, 159. Lavatera, 98 ; Mallow, 98 ; Malva, 98; Plantain, 98; reading upon, Easter Lily, storage, 158. 170; Scrophularia, 98. Elliptical leaf. 29. Dicotyledonous, embryo, 21, 27. Elm, defoliation, 38 ; longevity of Dimorphism, heterogonous, 171. See leaf, 37; phyllotaxy, 153; samara, Heterostyly. 123. Dioecious, definition, 90. Emarginate, 29. Dioscorea, vegetative reproduction, Embryo, Bean, 3, 4; Castor Bean, 5 ; 164; winged seeds, 123. Cocoanut, 125 ; Corn, 7 ; dicotyle- Dispersal, Agoseris, 124 ; Ailanthus, donous, 21 ; essentials of, 81 ; 123; Ash, 123; Bedstraw.122; Beg- monocotyledonous, 22 ; Morning gar-ticks, 121 ; Bidens, 121 ; Blad- Glory, 6 ; Onion, 8 ; Pine, 8 ; poly- der Nut, 124; Butter-and-Eggs, 123 ; cotyledonous, 21. by animals, 121 ; by tumble weeds, Endogenous, stem, 22, 27. 124; by water, 125 ; by wind, 123 ; Endosperm, Castor Bean, 5, 13; Catalpa, 123 ; Clotbur, 121 ; Cocoa- Cocoanut, 125 ; Corn, 7, 14 ; nut, 125, 179 ; Cotton, 124 ; Cy- Morning Glory, 6 ; Onion, 8, 14 ; press, 123; Dandelion, 124; Day Pine, 8, 15. Lily, 123; Dioscorea, 123; Elm, Entire leaf, 29. 123 ; Goose Cleavers, 122 ; Ground Epidermis, Calla, 29 ; leaf, 27 ; stem, Cherry, 124 ; Hop, 124 ; Hop 20; Sunflower, 20. Hornbeam, 124 ; Isomeris, 124 ; Epigaa. repens, heterostyly, 171. Linaria, 123; Maple, 123; methods Epilobium, dichogamy, 171. of, 120; Milkweed, 124; of fleshy Epiphyte, aerial roots, 69; Lichen, fruits, ill ; of seeds, 109 ; Physalis, 69, 160 ; Orchid, 68, 69, 160 ; read- 124; Pine, 123; Sedges, 125; ing upon, 160. Staphylea, 124; Taraxacum, 124; Equipment, laboratory, 141. Troximon, 124 ; Trumpet Creeper, Eraser, 133. 188 INDEX AND SUMMARY Eschscholtzia, heterostyly, 99, 172 ; 169; color, 95, 96; Columbine, 96; protection, 56. complete, 84; Composite, 170; Eucalyptus, horizontal leaves, 35 ; Cosmos, 170; Crassula, 82, 165; leaves, 151 ; torsion of internodes, Currant, 101 ; Decodon, 99 ; defi- 44 ; vertical leaves, 35. nition, 85; diagrams, 165; dioe- Eupatorium perfoliatum, leaves, 150. cious, 90 ; essential parts, 85 ; Euphorbia splendens, protection, 156. Eschscholtzia, 99; Fennel, 102; Evening Primrose, adnation in, 94 ; Figwort, 107 ; Geranium, 98 ; flower, 94. ground-plan, 85, 165 ; green, 107 ; Exogenous, stem, 21, 27. Habenaria, 168 ; Hawthorn, 102; Explosive fruits, 116; Bean, 116; Hepatica, 91 ; Hibiscus, 98 ; Hibis- Balsam, 116; Impatiens, 116; Ox- cus Syriaca, 107 ; Houstonia cceru- alis, 116; Pea, 116; Violet, 116; &a, 99 ; imperfect, 90 ; incomplete, Wistaria, 116. 91; intergradation of parts, 97; irregular, 89, 167 ; Kalmia, 97 ; Fascicle of leaves, 45. Lantana, 96, 103 ; Larkspur, 92, Fennel, umbel, 102. 96; Lavatera, 98; Lily-of-the- Fern, indusium, 126; leaves, 126; Valley, 101 ; Locust, 91 ; Lythrum pragfoliation, 53 ; sori, 126 ; sporan- Salicaria, 99 ; Mallow, 98 ; Malva, gia, 127; spores, 127; stem, 127. 98; Mimulus,97; Monkey Flower, Fertilization, agencies, 89 ; close, 88 ; 97; monoecious, 90; nectar, 96; cross, 88 ; dichogamy, 98 ; essen- Nesaea, 99 ; numerical plan, 85 ; tials of, 87 ; of flower, 87 ; proter- Nymphasa, 107 ; odor, 96 ; Orchid, andry, 98 ; proterogyny, 98 ; read- 96, 108 ; Pansy, 92, 96 ; papiliona- ing upon, 166 ; steps in, 88. ceous, 92; Parsnip, 102; parts of, Fig, bud scales, 48 ; fruit, 176. 82 ; pattern, 82 ; Pea, 91 ; perfect, Figwort, dichogamy, 98 ; green 84 ; perianth, 167 ; Plantain, 98, 103 ; flowers, 107. Poison Hemlock, 102; Primrose, Filament, Barberry, 97 ; coalescence 99; Prince's Feather, 91; Purple of, 93 ; Crassula, 82. Loosestrife, 99 ; reading upon im- Five-Finger, leaf, 28 ; leaflets, 28 ; perfect, 167; reading upon irregu- petiole, 28 ; stipules, 28. lar, 168; reading upon typical or Fleshy fruits, no, in. pattern, 165 ; Red Clover, 103 ; Flower, Abutilon, 98 ; adnation, 89, Red-hot-Poker Plant, 101 ; regular, 168 ; alternation of parts, 84 ; Al- 84; Rose, 107; Salvia, 170; Scro- thaea, 107 ; Anemone, 91 ; Anthu- phularia, 98; Sedum, 165; sessile, rium, 103 ; arrangement of, 101 ; 103 ; Smilax herbacea, 96 ; spur, arrangement of parts, 106 ; Ascle- 92 ; Sunflower, 170 ; Swamp Loose- pias, 168; axillary, 105; Barberry, strife, 99; Sweet-scented Shrub, 97 ; Bean, 91 ; Begonia, 90, 104 ; 107; symmetrical, 84; terminal, Bluet, 99 ; buds, 48 ; Buttercup, 96, 104; Torenia, 97; Trillium, 107; 107; butterfly, 92; Calla, 103; Trillium erectum, 96 ; typical, 82 ; Calico Bush, 97; Calycanthus, unsymmetrical, 89, 92 ; variegated, 107 ; Caraway Seed, 102 ; Carrion 96; Verbena, 103; Violet, 92; Flower, 96 ; Carrot, 102 ; change White Water Lily, 107 ; Wistaria, of color, 96 ; cleistogamous, 100 ; 91 ; Zygadenus, 101. Clover, 96 ; coalescence in, 89, 168, Flowerless Plants, 69 ; yEcidium, 180 ; INDEX AND SUMMARY 189 Bread Mould, 71; Cystopus, 180; Fern, 126, 127 ; Lichen, 69 ; Moss, 127; Mushroom, 128; Perono- spora, 180; Puccinia, 180; Spiro- gyra, 180 ; Uredo, 180 ; Vaucheria, 180. Forceps, 133. Forsythia, torsion of internodes, 44. Fringed Polygala, cleistogamous flowers, 100. Fruit, achene, 120 ; Agoseris, 124 ; Ailanthus, 123 ; Althaea, 117 ; Ana- gallis, 118; Apple, 113, 114; Apri- cot, in, 112 ; Ash, 123 ; Astragalus, 124; Azalea, 117; Balsam, 116; Banana, 113; Bean, 116; Bear- berry; 112; Bedstraw, 122 ; Beech- nut, 122; Beggar-ticks, 121; Berry, in, 112; Bidens, 121; Bladder Nut, 124 ; bladdery, 124 ; capsule, 117; Chelone, 117; Cherry, in, 112; Chestnut, 122; Chinquapin, 122; circumscissile, 118; Clotbur, 121 ; Cocoanut, 125 ; Composite Family, 124; Cranberry, 112; Cu- cumber, 114; Currant, 113; Dan- delion, 124; Datura, 122; Day Lily, 117; definition, 109; dehiscence, 117; dehiscent, no, 116; dehis- cent by pores, 118; dispersal, 120; dry, no, 116, 120 ; drupe, in ; Elm, 123; explosive, 116; fleshy, in ; Funkia, 117 ; general reading upon, 175; Gerardia, 117; Gooseberry, 113; Goose Cleavers, 122 ; Gourd, 114; Grape, 113; Ground Cherry, 124; hesperidium, 113: Hibiscus, 117 ; Hop, 124 ; Hop Hornbeam, 124; Huckleberry, 112; Impatiens, 116 ; indehiscent, no, 120: Iris, 117 ; Isomeris, 124; key, 123; Lemon, 114; loculicidally dehiscent, 117; Manzanita, 112; Maple, 123; ma- terials of explosive, 176; Melon, 114; Morning Glory, 117: nut, 120; Orange, 114; Oxalis, 116; Pea, 116; Peach, in, 112; pepo, | 113; pericarp, in ; Physalis, 124 ; Pimpernel, 118; Plum, in, 112; pome, 113; Poppy, 118; Portulaca, 118; protection of, 122 ; Pumpkin, 114; Purslane, 118 ; putamen, 112; reading upon dry dehiscent, 176; reading upon dry indehiscent, 177 ; reading upon fleshy, 175 ; Rhodo- dendron, 1 17 ; samara, 123; sarco- carp, 112 ; sedges, 125 ; septicidally dehiscent, 117; septifragally de- hiscent, 117; Staphylea, 124; St. John's Wort, 117; storage by animals,- 122; Taraxacum, 124; Thistle, 124; Thorn Apple, 122; Tomato, 113; Troximon, 124; Turtle Head, 117; Violet, 116; Water Lily, 125; Wistaria, 116; with tufts of hairs, 124 ; Xanthium, 121. Fruticose, 22. Fuchsia, adnation in, 94; flower, 94; phyllotaxy, 39; vegetative buds, 49- Funaria, calyptra, 127 ; capsule, 127 ; operculum, 127; peristome, 127"; spores, 128. Funiculus, Bean, i. Funkia, capsule, 117; winged seeds, 123. Galium, phyllotaxy, 39, 152. | Geitonogamy, 167. 1 Genus, xiii. Geranium, dichogamy, 98, 171. Gerardia, capsule, 117. Germination, conditions of, 15. Gills, Mushroom, 128. ! Glabrous, 29. '. Gladiolus, corm, 60, 158 : storage, 60. ' Glands, Sundew, 75. Glaucous, 29. I Gooseberry, berry, 113 ; protection, 1 55- I Goose Cleavers, seed dispersal, 122. Gourd, pepo, 114. | Grape, berry, 113. INDEX AND SUMMARY Grape Vine, defoliation, 38 ; tendrils, 159- Grafting, 80. Grass, phyllotaxy, 153; pollination, 95, l6 9- Ground Cherry, seed dispersal, 124. Habenaria, fertilization of, 168. Hard bast, Sunflower, 20; Walnut, 23- Hastate, 29. Hawthorn, protection, 156. Hazel, bud scale, 48 ; defoliation, 38 ; phyllotaxy, 153. Head, Lantana, 103; Red Clover, 103 ; Verbena, 103. Heliotrope, anthotaxy, 174. Hemerocallis, phyllotaxy, 153. Hepatica, flower, 91. Herb, 19. Herbaceous, 19. Hesperidium, Lemon, 114; Orange, 114; pulp, 114; rind, 114; seeds, 114; septa, 114. Heterogonous, dimorphism, 171 ; tri- morphism, 171. Heterostyly, Bluet, 99 ; Decodon, 99 ; Eschscholtzia, 99 ; Houstonia cceiu- lea, 99 ; Lythrum Salicaria, 99 ; Nesaea, 99 ; Primrose, 99 ; Purple Loosestrife, 99. Heterostyly, reading upon, 171 ; Swamp Loosestrife, 99. Hibiscus, capsule, 117; dichogamy, 98. Hibiscus Syriaca, double flowers, 107. Hickory, pollination, 95. Hilum, Bean, I, 4; Castor Bean, 5 ; Onion, 7. Hirsute, 29. Hispid, 29. Holly, leaves, 152; phyllotaxy, 41. Honeysuckle, connate perfoliate leaves, 34. Hop, climbing, 64; seed dispersal, 124. Hop Hornbeani, seed dispersal, 124. Horse Chestnut, defoliation, 38. Houstonia, heterostyly, 99, 171. Huckleberry, drupe, 112. Hyacinth, pistil, 94; storage, 61, 62; tunicated bulb, 62. Imparipinnate, leaves, 151. mpatiens, pod, 116. mperfect (flower), definition, 90. ncomplete (flower), definition, 91. ndehiscent, fruits, no. ndeterminate, anthotaxy, 104. ndian Pipe, saprophyte, 161. ndian Turnip, storage, 158. ndividual, definition, xiii. Indusium (plural indusia), Fern, 126. Insectivorous Plants, 73; Darling- tonia, 74, 162 ; Drose penthes, 162 ; Pitche 161 ; reading upon, cenia, 161 ; Sarracen 73 ; Sundew, 75 ; Utri a, 162 ; Ne- Plant, 73, 61 ; Sarra- a purpurea, ularia, 162 ; Venus Fly-trap, 74, 75, 162. Insect-pollinated flowers, Barberry, 97 ; Buttercup, 96 ; Calico-Bush, 97 ; Carrion Flower, 96; Clover, 96; color, 95 ; Columbine, 96 ; Kalmia, 97 ; Lantana, 96 ; Larkspur, 96 ; Mimulus, 97 ; Monkey Flower, 97; nectar, 96; odor, 96; Orchids, 96 ; Pansy, 96 ; Smilax herbacea, 96; Torenia, 97; Trillium erec- tum, 96. Instruments, 132. Internodes, 12, 25; Butternut, 22; Corn, 21 ; Grass, 79; Mint, 79; Sunflower, 19 ; torsion of, 44 ; Wal- nut, 22. Involucre, Caraway Seed, 102 ; Car- rot, 102; definition, 102; Fennel, 102; Parsnip, 102; Poison Hem- lock, 102. Ipomoea, climbing, 159; corolla, 93- Ipomaaa purpurea, climbing, 159. Iris, capsule, 117 ; leaves, 35; phyllo- taxy, 153 ; reproduction, 79 ; stor- INDEX AND SUMMARY 191 age, 59; vegetative reproduction, Darlingtonia, 74; definition of, 25, 79- 149; defoliation, 38; Deodar, 45; Irregularity, of flower, 91 ; reading Elm, 37, 38; English Ivy, 27; Eu- upon, 168. calyptus, 35, 44, 151 ; Evpatorium Isomeris, seed dispersal, 124. perfoliatum, 150; fasciculate, 45; Ivy, aerial rootlets, 67 ; climbing, 67 ; Five-Finger, 28; Forsythia, 44; cuttings, 79 ; leaf, 27. Fuchsia, 39 ; Fuller's Teazle, 150 ; function of, 28, 29; Galium, 39; Jack-in-the-Pulpit, storage, 158. Grape Vine, 38 ; Hazel, 38 ; Holly, Japanese Creeper, climbing, 159 ; de- 41, 152; Honeysuckle, 34; Horse foliation, 38. Chestnut, 38 ; imparipinnate, 151 ; Japanese Quince, leaves, 25 ; midrib, Iris, 35 ; Japanese Creeper, 38 ; 26; prsefoliation, 53; venation, 26. Japanese Quince, 25 ; Kalmia, 152 ; Jasmine-flowered Nightshade, clasp- Larch, 45 ; Lathyrus Aphaca, 35, ing petioles, 66 ; climbing, 66. 152 ; Laurel, 152 ; Lawson's Cy- Jerusalem Artichoke, storage, 158. press, 35; Lily-of-the- Valley, 27; Live Oak, 37, 152; Locust, 38; Kalmia, leaves, 152 ; stamens, 97. longevity of, 37; Maple, 37, 38, Kernel, Bean, 2; Castor Bean, 5; 43,44; midrib, 26; Mistletoe, 69; Onion, 8. Mock Orange, 26 ; mosaic, 44 ; Key-fruit, Ailanthus, 123; Ash, 123; Myrsiphyllum, 36 ; Myrsiphyllum Elm, 123; Maple, 123. asparagoides, 151; netted- veined, 21 ; Norway Spruce, 35, 37 ; Oake- Labelling, 135. sia, 149; Orange, 37; Oxalis, 36; Laboratory, 141. palmately compound, 28 ; pal- Lanceolate, 29. mately decompound, 28 ; Panda- Lantana, flower, 96 ; head, 103. nus, 44; parallel-veined, 22; Pars- Larch, phyllotaxy, 43, 45, 153. ley,28; Pear, 41, 149; Pelargonium, Larkspur, flower, 92; nectar, 96; 149 ; perforate, 33, 150 ; petiole, spur, 92. 26; Pine, 35, 37, 45 ; Pitcher Plant, Lathyrus Aphaca, leaf, 35, 151; stip- 73; Pittosporum, 26, 41; Pittospo- ules, 35 ; tendrils, 35. rum eugenioides, 149; questions Laurel, leaves, 152. upon, 31; Quince, 149; reading Lavatera, dichogamy, 98. upon, 149, 150; relation to bud, 46; Leaf, 25; Acacia, 34, 150; Alder, 38; relations to light, 36; Rhododen- Apple, 41, 149; arrangement, 39; dron, 152; Rose, 28; Sarracenia Arbor Vitae, 35 ; as foliage, 30 ; purpurea, 73 ; scar, 46 ; Scoliopus Aspara/nis medeoloides, 151 ; Aster, Bigelovii, 149 ; Screw Pine, 44 ; 150 ; axil of, 25 ; Azalea, 152 ; Bar- Sensitive Plant, 36 ; sessile, 33 ; berry, 37 ; Bedstraw, 39 ; Begonia, shapes of, 29, 149; simple, 26; 40; Bellwort, 33, 149; blade, 26; sleep of, 36 ; Smilax, 36, 151 ; Soli- Boneset, 150 ; Buckeye, 38 ; Bupleit- dago, 150; stipules, 26; Straw- rum rotundifolium , 150 ; Calla Lily, berry, 28 ; structure of, 27, 28, 149 ; 27, 29; Cherry, 149; Chrysanthe- Sundew, 75 ; unifoliolate, 37 ; vena- mum, 33 ; cinhiferous pinnate, 151 ; tion, 26 ; Venus Fly-trap, 74, 75; Cleavers, 39 ; connate-pet foliate, Veratrum viride, 41 ; vertical, 34, 34 ; Cypress, 37 ; Cypnpedium, 149 ; 35 ; White Hellebore, 41 ; Willow, I 9 2 INDEX AND SUMMARY 37. 38 ; without distinction of parts, 37; phyllotaxy, 43, 44; prsefolia- 35- tion, 52 ; samara, 123. Leaflets, Five-Finger, 28 ; Rose, 28 ; Mariposa Lily, vegetative reproduc- Strawberry, 28. tion, 164. Lemon, hesperidium, 114 ; protec- Material, preservation of, 138. tion, 156. Mayflower, heterostyly, 171. Lens, 133. Mayweed, protection of, 56. Lichen, epiphyte, 69, 160; rock, 160. Medullary rays, Butternut, 23 ; Wal- Life, xi ; animal, xi ; plant, xi. nut, 23. Life-history, xi ; reading upon, 181. Melon, pepo, 114. Lilac, bud scales, 48 ; prsefoliation, Mericarp, Galium, 122. S 1 - Metamorphis, of flower parts, 106, Lilium auratum, storage, 158. 108 ; of plant parts, 108 ; reading Lilium tigrinum, vegetative repro- upon, 174. duction, 164. Micropyle, 143; Bean, 2; Castor Lily, pistil, 94; scaly bulb, 61 ; stigma, Bean, 4 ; Onion, 7 ; Pine, 8. 83 ; storage, 60. Microscope, dissecting, 133. Lily-of-the- Valley, leaf, 27; raceme, Milkweed, seed dispersal, 124. IOI. Mimulus, stigma, 97. Linaria, winged seeds, 123. Mistletoe, green parasite, 69, 70, 160 ; Linden, phyllotaxy, 153 ; stem, 148. leaves, 69; roots, 70; stem, 69; Linear, 29. suckers, 70. Live-for-ever, storage, 157. Mitchella repens, heterostyly, 171. Live Oak, leaf, 37, 152; phyllotaxy, Mock Orange, leaf, 26 ; midrib, 26 ; 152. venation, 26. Lobed, 29. Monkey Flower, stigma, 97. Loculicidal, dehiscence, 117; in Al- Monocotyledonous, embryo, 22, 27. thaea, 117; in Day Lily, 117; in Monoecious, definition, 90. Funkia, 117; in Gerardia, 117; in Monotropa, saprophyte, 161. Hibiscus, 117; in Iris, 117. Morning Glory, capsule, 117; climb- Loculus (plural loculi), capsule, 117. ing, 64 ; embryo, 6 ; endosperm, 6 ; Locust, defoliation, 38 ; flower, 91 ; seed, 5 ; seed-coats, 6 ; sympetalous protection, 56. corolla, 93. Longevity, of leaves, 37; Cypress, Moss, calyptra, 127 ; capsule, 127 ; 37; Elms, 37; Live Oaks, 152; operculum, 127; peristome, 127; Maples, 37 ; Norway Spruce, 37 ; plant, 127 ; spores, 128. Pine, 37 ; Willow, 37. Mucronate, 29. Lythrum, heterostyly, 172. Mullein, protection, 57. Lythrum Salicaria, heterostyly, 99. Mushroom, gills, 128; pileus, 128; spores, 128; stipe, 128. Magnolia, prasfoliatum, 52. Myrsiphyllum, cladophyllum, 36, 151; Mallow, dichogamy, 98, 171 leaves, 36, 151. Malva, dichogamy, 98. Manettia, climbing, 64, 159. Nectar, flower, 96. Manzanita, drupe, 112. Needles, dissecting, 133. Maple, collateral accessory buds, 47 ; Nepenthes, insectivorous, 162. defoliation, 38 ; longevity of leaf, Nesasa, heterostyly, 99. INDEX AND SUMMARY 193 Nettecl-veined, leaves, 21, 27. Ovate-lanceolate, 29. Nettle, pollination, 95 ; protection, 57. Ovule, Crassula, 83 ; nucleus in, 87. Node, of stem, 12, 25 ; Butternut, 22 ; Oxalis, leaf, 36; pod, 116. Corn, 21 ; Grass, 79; Mint, 79; Sunflower, 19 ; Walnut, 22. Palmately lobed, Ivy-leaf, 27. Norway Spruce, cones, 42 ; leaves, Pandanus, phyllotaxy, 44. 35; longevity of leaves, 37 ; phyllo- Pansy, flower, 92; nectar, 96; spur, taxy, 42. 92. Note-book, 132. Papilionaceous flower, Pea, 92. Notes, 135. Parallel-veined leaves, 22, 26, 27. Nut, definition, 120. Parasites, 68 ; Cuscuta, 161 ; Dodder, Nymphsea, flower, 107. 70, 161; green, 79; Mistletoe, 69, 160; pale, 71 ; reading upon, 160; Oak, leaves, 152; phyllotaxy, 153; sinkers, 70; suckers, 70; twining, pollination, 95. 70 ; y is cum album, 70. Oakesia, leaf, 149. Parsley, palmately decompound leaf, Obcordate leaf, 29. 28. Oblanceolate leaf, 29. Parsnip, umbel, 102. Oblong leaf, 29. Parted, leaf, 29. Obovate leaf, 29. Partridge Berry, heterostyly, 171. Obtuse leaf, 29. Pea, butterfly flower, 92 ; calyx, 93 ; Odor, of flowers, 96. " climbing, 66, 159 ; cotyledons, 4 ; CEnothera, adnation, 94 ; flower, 94. flower, 91; papilionaceous flower, Onion, bulblets, 77,78, 164; caulicle, 92 ; pod, 116 ; primary root, 12 ; 8, 15; cotyledons, 8, 14; embryo, root hairs, 18; seed, 4; seedling, 8; endosperm, 8, 14; hilum, 7; ii ; tendrils, 66; vegetative buds, micropyle, 7 ; plumule, 15 ; seed, 49- 7; seed-coats, 8, 14; seedling, 14, Peach, drupe, in, 112. 146; storage, 61, 62; tunicated Pear, leaf, 149 ; phyllotaxy, 41. bulb, 62; umbel, 102; vegetative Pedicel, definition, 102. reproduction, 77, 78. Peduncle, definition, 101. Operculum (plural opercula), Funa- Pelargonium, dichogamy, 171; leaf, ria, 127; Moss, 127; Polytrichum, 149 ; slips or cuttings, 79 ; umbel, 127. 102. Opuntia, vegetative reproduction, 80. Peltate, 29. Orange, hesperidium, 114; protec- Pencils, 132. tion, 55, 156; unifoliolate com- Penknife, 133. pound leaf, 37. Pepo, Cucumber, 114; Gourd, 114; Orbicular, 29. Melon, 114; pulp, 115; Pumpkin, Orchid, aerial, 160; aerial roots, 69; 114; rind, 115; seeds, 115. epiphyte, 68, 69, 160 ; fertilization, Perennial, 58. 92 ; flower, 92 ; nectar, 96. | Perfoliate, leaf, 150. Order, xiv. Perianth, functions of, 167. Ornithogalum, storage, 158. 1'eristome, Funaria, 127; Moss, 127; Oval, 29. Polytrichum, 127. Ovary, cells of, 83 ; Crassula, 82. Peronospora, reproduction, 180. Ovate, 29. Petal, Bean, 91 ; Crassula, 82; Even- o I 9 4 INDEX AND SUMMARY ing Primrose, 94 ; Fuchsia, 94 ; seed, 8, 123, 143; seed-coat, 8, 15; Locust, 91 ; CEnothera, 94 ; Pea, seedling, 15, 146. 91 ; Wistaria, 91. Pinus Cembra, P. edulis, P. Lamber- Petiole, 26; clasping, 66; Clematis, tiana, P. Pinea, P. Saiiniaaa.seeds, 66 ; Darlingtonia, 74 ; Five-Finger, 144. 28 ; Japanese Quince, 26 ; Jasmine- Pistil, coalescence, 94; compound, flowered Nightshade, 66; Pitcher 84,94; Crassula,82; Hyacinth, 94; Plant, 73 ; Rose, 28 ; Sarracenia Lily, 94; simple, 84. purpurea, 73 ; Strawberry, 28 ; Pitcher Plant, blade, 73 ; insectivo- Sundew, 75 ; Venus Fly-trap, 74. rous, 73, 161 ; leaf, 73 ; petiole, Phloem, Sunflower, 20. 73- Phyllodium (plural phyllodia), Aca- Pith, Butternut, 23; Corn, 21, 22; cia, 34. Sunflower, 19 ; Walnut, 23. Phyllotaxy, Alder, 153; American Pittosporum, bud scales, 48 ; leaf, 26; Larch, 43 ; Apple, 41 ; Basswood, midrib, 26; phyllotaxy, 41; vena- 153 ; Bedstraw, 39 ; Beech, 153 ; tion, 26. Begonia, 40; Cleavers, 39; Corn, Pittosporum eugenioides, buds, 155 ; 153; cyclical, 39, 40; Day Lily, leaf, 149. 153 ; Deodar, 45 ; Elm, 153 ; Eu- Placenta, Crassula, 83. calyptus, 44 ; Forsythia, 45 ; frac- Plantain, dichogamy, 171 ; pollina- tion representing, 41 ; Fuchsia, 39, tion, 95 ; spike, 103. 152; Galium, 39, 152; Grasses, Plum, drupe, lii, 112. 153 ; Hazel, 153 ; Hemerocallis, Plumule, Bean, 3, 4; Corn, 7, 14; 153 ; Holly, 41 ; Iris, 153 ; Larch, Onion, 15; Pine, 15. 45, 153; Lily, 152; Linden, 153; Poison Hemlock, umbel, 102. Maple, 43, 44; Oak, 153; oppo- Poisonous Plants, protection, 57. site, 39, 40; Pandanus, 44; Pear, Pollen, Crassula, 82; descent of 41 ; Pine, 42, 45 ; Pittosporum, 41 ; pollen tube, 88 ; masses, 168 ; reading upon, 152 ; questions upon, nucleus, 87 ; protection of; 172. 45 ; Salix cordata, 153 ; S. discolor, Pollination, agencies for, 89 ; by in- 153 ; Salix lucida, 153 ; Screw sects, 89, 95 ; by wind, 89, 95 ; Com- Pine, 44; secondary spirals, 42; positse, 170; Corn, 169; Cosmos, Sequoia gigantea, 153 ; series of 170; cross, 89; devices for secur- fractions, 42; spiral, 40; Spruce, ing cross, 89 ; Grass, 169 ; reading 42; Sugar Pine, 153; Sumach, upon insect p., 169 ; reading upon 153 ; Veratrum viride, 41 ; White self p., 173 ; reading upon wind p., Hellebore, 41, 153; Willow, 153. 169; Salvia, 170; self, 89, 100; Physalis, seed dispersal, 124. special devices for securing cross Phytomer, 25. p., 97, 169; Sunflower, 170. Pileus, Mushroom, 128. Pollinia, Asclepias, 168 ; Orchid, 168. Pilose, 29. Polycotyledonous embryo, 21. Pimpernel, capsule, 118. Polygala, cleistogamy, 173. Pine, caulicle, 8, 15; cone, 42; coty- Polygala, paucifolia, P. polygama, ledons, 8, 15 ; embryo, 8 ; endo- cleistogamous flowers, 100, 173. sperm, 8, 15; kernel, 8; leaves, 35 ; Polytrichum, calyptra, 127 ; capsule, longevity of leaves, 37 ; micropyle, 127; operculum, 127; peristome, 8 ; phyllotaxy, 42, 45; plumule, 15 ; 127; plant, 127; spores, 128. INDEX AND SUMMARY I9S Pome, Apple, 113, 114; core, 113, Purslane, capsule, 118. 114. Putamen (plural putamina), drupe, Poppy, capsule, 118, 177. 112. Portulaca, capsule, 118. Potato, storage, 59, 158; tuber, 60. Quince, leaf, 149. Praefoliation, 51 ; Azalea, 53 ; Calla, 53; Cherry, 52; circinate,53; con- Raceme, Currant, 101 ; definition, duplicate, 52 ; convolute, 53 ; Cur- 101 ; Lily-of-the- Valley, 101 ; Red- rant, 52; Dock, 53; Fern, 53; hot-Poker Plant, 101 ; Zygadenus, involute, 53; Japanese Quince, 53 ; IOI. Lilac, 51 ; Magnolia, 52 ; Maple. Radish, storage, 62, 157. 52; Material, 155; plaited, 52; Ranks, of leaves, 39, 40, 41 ; spiral, plane, 51 ; plicate, 52 ; questions 40, 41 ; two, 40 ; vertical, 39, 40, upon, 54; reading upon, 155; rec- 41. linate, 52; revolute, 53; Tulip Raspberry, protection, 56 ; suckers, Tree, 52 ; Violet, 53. 78 ; vegetative reproduction, 78. Prickly Pear, joints, 80; vegetative Reading, 139. reproduction, 80. Receptacle, Crassula, 84. Primrose, heterostyly, 99, 171. Red Clover, head, 103. Prince's Feather, flower, 91. Red-hot- Poker Plant, raceme, 101. Barberry, 55, 156; Beechnut, 122; Rrniform, 29. Berbtris vulgaris, 156 ; Blackberry, Reproduction, definition, 76, 163; 56 ; Brambles, 56, 157 ; Buttercup, See also seed reproduction, spore 56; Chestnut, 122; Chinquapin, reproduction, and vegetative repro- 122; Cockspur Thorn, 156 ; Cratae- duction. gus, 156 ; Currant, 55 ; Datura, Retuse, 29. 122; Eschscholtzia, 56; Euphorbia Reviews, 141. splendent, 156; fruits, 122; Goose- Rhaphe, 143; Bean, 2, 4; Castor berry, 55 ; Hawthorn, 156 ; Lemon, Bean, 4. 156; Locust, 56; Mayweed, 56; Rhododendron, capsule, 117; leaves, Mullein, 57; Nettle, 57; Orange, 152- 55. J 5 6 1 poisonous plants, 57 ; pol- Rind, of Corn stem, 22. len, 172 ; Raspberry, 56 ; reading Rings of wood, Butternut, 23 ; Wal- upon, 156; Robinia Pseudacacia, nut, 23. 156 ; Rose, 56, 157 ; Scarlet Thorn, Robinia Pseudacacia, protection, 156; Spiny Acacia, 56, 156 ; Thim- 156. bleberry, 56 ; Thistle, 56 ; Thorn, Root, adventitious, 14, 18, 146; as 55 ; Thorn Apple, 122 ; Worm- suckers, 70; aerial, 69; Bean, 12, wood, 56 ; Xantliium spinosum, 156. 17; Corn, 14, 18 ; hairs, 18, 147; Proterandry, definition, 98. Mistletoe, 69; multiple primary, Proterogyny, definition, 98. 17; Pea, ii ; primary, n, 12, 14; Pubescent leaf, 29. questions upon, 18 ; reading upon, Puccinia, reproduction, 180. 146; secondary, 17, 146; Squash, Pulque, 59. 17; tap, 17; tertiary, 17. Pumpkin, pepo, 114. Root hairs, Bean, 18; Corn.iS; Pea, Purple Loosestrife, heterostyly, 99, 172. 18. I 9 6 INDEX AND SUMMARY Rootlets, aerial, 67 ; English Ivy, 67. table, 9 ; Trumpet Creeper, 123 ; Rose, anthotaxy, 105 ; climbing, 157 ; winged, 123; with tufts of hairs, defoliation, 38; green flowers, 107, 124; Yam, 123. 107 ; hip, 176 ; leaflets, 28 ; petiole, Seed-coats, Bean, 2, 4 ; Castor Bean, 28 ; pinnately compound leaf, 28 ; S ; Cocoanut, 125 ; Corn, 6 ; Morn- protection, 56, 157; stipules, 28. ing Glory, 6; Onion, 8, 14; Pine, Rugose, 29. 8. Rye, pollination, 95. Seed dispersal, by animals, in, 121; by water, 125 ; by wind, 123 ; read- Sagittate, 29. ing upon, 177, 178. Salix cordata, S. discolor, S. lucida, Seed-leaves. See Cotyledons. phyllotaxy, 153. Seedlings, Bean, n; Castor Bean, Salvia, pollination, 170. 13; Corn, n, 13; Onion, 14; Pea, Samara, Ailanthus, 123 ; Ash, 123 ; ii ; Pine, 15; Squash, 17. Elm, 123; Maple, 123. Seedlings, Bean, 11, 12, 144; Castor Saprophytes, 68; Bread Mould, 71, Bean, 13, 145; Corn, 13, 14, 145; 161 ; Corallorhiza, 161 ; Coral Root, Morning Glory, 145 ; Onion, 14, 161 ; Indian Pipe, 161 ; Monotropa, 15, 145, 146; Pea, ii, 144; Pine, 161 ; reading upon, 160. 15, 145, 146; questions upon, 16; Sarcocarp, drupe, 112. reading upon, 144 ; Squash, 146. Sarracenia purpurea, blade, 73 ; in- Seed reproduction, definition, 76,81; sectivorous, 73, 161 ; leaf, 73 ; peti- reading upon, 164. ole, 73. Self-pollination, 100; reading upon, Scabrous, 29. 173- Scalpel, 133. Sensitive Plant, leaves, 36. Scaly, buds, 47. Sepals, coalescence of, 93 ; Crassula, Scarlet Thorn, protection, 156. 82. Scion, 71. Septicidal dehiscence, Azalea, 117 ; Scoliopus Bigtlovii, leaf, 149. Chelone, 117 ; Rhododendron, 117 ; Screw Pine, phyllotaxy, 44. St. John's Wort, 117 ; Turtle Head, Scrophularia, dichogamy, 98. 117. Scrophularia Californica, S. nodosa, Septifragal dehiscence, Morning dichogamy, 170. Glory, 117. Sedge, seed dispersal, 125. Septum (plural septa), capsule, 117, Sedum, flower, 165. 118. Seed, Bean, i, 143 ; Butter-and-Eggs, Sequoia gigantea, phyilotaxy, 153. 123 ; Castor Bean, 4 ; Catalpa, 123 ; Sericeous leaf, 29. Corn, 6; Cotton, 124; Cypress, 123; Serrate leaf, 29. Day Lily, 123; Dioscorea, 123; Serrulate leaf, 29. dispersal, 109; essentials of, 81, Sessile, definition, 103 ; flowers, 103. 128; Funkia, 123; Linaria, 123; Shrub, 22. Milkweed, 124; Morning Glory, 5 ; Silver Maple, buds, 154. Pea, 4 ; Pine, 8, 123 ; Pinus Cembra, Sleep, of plants, Oxalis, 36. P. edulis, P. Lambertiana, P. Pinea, Smilax, cladophylla, 36, 151 ; leaves, and P. Sabiniana, 144; questions 36, 151- upon, 10 ; reading upon, 142 ; re- Smilax herbacea, flower, 96. production by, 76, 81 ; storage, 62 ; Smooth, 29. INDEX AND SUMMARY 197 Soap-Root, storage, 62. Soft bast, Sunflower, 20; Walnut, 23. See also Phloem. Solatium Jasminoides, clasping peti- oles, 66; climbing, 66, 159. Solidago, leaves, 150. Solomon's Seal, storage, 158. Sorus (plural sori), Fern, 126. Spadix, Anthurium, 103 ; Calla, 103. Spathe, Anthurium, 103 ; Calla, 103. Spatulate, 29. Species, xiii. Spike, Plantain, 103. Spiny Acacia, protection, 56, 156. Spirogyra, reproduction, 180. Sporangia, Bread Mould, 71 ; Fern, 127. Spores, Bread Mould, 71; characters of, 128; Fern, 127; kinds of, 179; Moss, 127; Mushroom, 127; re- production by, 126. Spur, Larkspur, 92 ; Pansy, 93 ; Vio- let, 93- Squash, climbing, 65; multiple pri- mary roots, 17 ; seedling, 17, 146. Stamens, Barberry, 97; Calico Bush, 97; Crassula, 82; diadelphous, 93 ; Kalmia, 97 ; monadelphous, 93- Standard, Bean, 91 ; Locust, 91 ; Pea, 91 ; Wistaria, 91. Staphylea, seed dispersal, 124. Star-of- Bethlehem, storage, 62, 158. Stem, Basswood, 148 ; branching, 79 ; Butternut, 22, 23 ; Buttonball, 148 ; Corn, 21, 148; Cosmos, 147, 148; endogenous, 22 ; exogenous, 21 ; functions of, 24 ; Linden, 148 ; Mistletoe, 69 ; questions upon, 24 ; reading upon, 147 ; Sunflower, 19, 148 ; Sycamore, 148 ; under- ground, 79 ; Walnut, 22, 23. ' Stigma, Begonia, 83; Crassula, 82; Lily, 83; Mimulus, 97; Monkey Flower, 97 ; Torenia, 97. Stipe, Mushroom, 128. Stipules, 26: Five-Finger, 28; Japa- nese Quince, 26; Lathyrus Aphaca, 35 ; Rose, 28 ; Strawberry, 28. St. John's Wort, capsule, 117. Stomata, Calla Lily, 30. Storage, 58 ; advantages of, 63 ; Agave, 59, 157 ; Aloe, 157 ; Beet, 62, 157 ; Bermuda Lily, 158 ; Bro- diaea, 158 ; Cactus, 58, 157 ; Car- rot, 62, 157 ; Century Plant, 59 ; corm,6o; Crocus, 158; Dog-tooth Violet, 62 ; Easter Lily, 158 ; Gladi- olus, 60, 158; Hyacinth, 61, 62; Indian Turnip, 158; in seed, 62; in trees, 63; Iris, 59; Jack-in-the- Pulpit, 158 ; Jerusalem Artichoke, 158; Lilium auratum, 158; Lily, 60 ; Live-for-ever, 157 ; materials, 58; Onion, 61, 62; Ornithogalum, 158; Potato, 59, 157; Radish, 62, 157; reading upon, 157; scaly bulb, 61 ; Soap-Root, 62 ; solid bulb, 60; Solomon's Seal, 158; Star-of-Beth- lehem, 62, 158; tuber, 60; Tube- rose, 62 ; Tulip, 62 ; tunicated bulb, 62. Strawberry, fruit, 176 ; leaf, 28 ; leaf- lets, 28 ; petiole, 28 ; runners, 78 ; stipules, 28 ; vegetative reproduc- tion, 78. Strophiole, Bean, i, 4, 143. Struggle-for-existence, xii. Style, Crassula, 82. Suckers, Viscum album, 70. Suffrutescent, 22. Suffruticose, 22. Sugar Pine, phyllotaxy, 153. Sumach, phyllotaxy, 153. Sundew, blade, 75 ; glands, 75 ; in- sectivorous, 75; leaf, 75; petiole, 75. Sunflower, cambium, 20 ; cortex, 19 ; epidermis, 20; hard bast, 20; in- ternodes, 19 ; nodes, 19 ; outer bark, 19; phloem, 20; pith, 19; soft bast, 20; stem, 19,148; vascular bundle, 19, 20, 21 ; vegetative buds, 49 ; xylem, 20. Swamp Loosestrife, heterostyly, 99. INDEX AND SUMMARY Sweet Potato, adventitious buds, 49. Umbel let, Caraway Seed, 102 ; Car- Sweet-scented Shrub, flower, 107. rot, 102 ; definition, 102 ; Fennel, Sycamore, stem, 148. 102; Parsnip, 102; Poison Hem- Synsepalous, calyx, 93. lock, 102. Undulate, 29. Tap root, Bean, 17; definition, 17. Unsymmetrical, flower, 92. Taraxacum, seed dispersal, 124. Uredo, reproduction, 180. Teazle, leaves, 150. Utricularia, insectivorous, 162. Tegmen, Castor Bean, 5, 13. Uvularia perfoliata, leaf, 33. Tendrils, Lathyrus Aphaca, 35 ; Grape Vine, 159 ; Pea, 66 ; Squash, Valve, of pod, 116. 65- Vascular bundle, Corn, 21, 22 ; Sun- Terminal bud, 46. flower, 19, 20, 21. Testa, Castor Bean, 5, 13. Vaucheria, reproduction, 180. Thimbleberry, protection, 56. Vegetative reproduction, Begonia, Thistle, protection, 56 ; seed disper- 79 ; budding, 80 ; Bryophyllum, sal, 124. 79 ; by bulblets, 77, 78 ; by cuttings, Thorn, protection, 55. 79 ; by runners, 78 ; by suckers, Thorn Apple, protection, 122. 78; Calochortus, 164; Cicuta bul- Tiger Lily, bulblets, 77 ; vegetative bifera, 164 ; definition, 77 ; Dio- reproduction, 77, 164. scorea, 164 ; grafting, 80 ; grass, Timothy, pollination, 95, 79 ; in underground stems, 79 ; Tomato, berry, 113. Iris, 79 ; Lilium tigrinum, 164 ; Tomentose, 29. Mariposa Lily, 164 ; Mint, 79 ; Torenia, stigma, 97. Onion, 77, 78, 164 ; Opuntia, 80 ; Torsion, of internodes, 44. Pelargonium, 79 ; Prickly Pear, Trees, 22. 80; Raspberry, 78 ; reading upon, Trillium, green flowers, 107. 164; Strawberry, 78; Tiger Lily, Trillium erectum, flower, 96. 77,164; Willow, 79; Yam, 78. Trimorphism, heterogonous, 171. Venation, English Ivy, 27; .Japanese Troximon, seed dispersal, 124. Quince, 26 ; Mock Orange, 26 ; Trumpet Creeper, winged seeds, 123. netted, 26 ; parallel, 27 ; Pitto- Truncate, 29. sporum, 26. Tuber, Jerusalem Artichoke, 157 ; Venus Fly-trap, bristles, 75 ; insec- Potato, 60. tivorous, 74, 75, 162; leaf, 74, 75. Tuberose, storage, 62. Veratrum viride, phyllotaxy, 41. Tulip Tree, bud scales, 48 ; prafolia- Verbena, head, 103. tion, 52. Vernation, 51. Tumble Weeds, seed dispersal, 124. Violet, cleistogamy, 173 ; flower, 92 ; Turtle Head, capsule, 117. praefoliation, 53 ; pod, 116 ; spur,92. Twisting, of internodes, 44. Virginia Creeper, climbing, 159. Virgin's Bower, clasping petioles, 66 ; Umbel, Caraway Seed, 102 ; Carrot, climbing, 66. 102 ; compound, 102 ; Fennel, Viscum album, suckers, 70, 102; Onion, 102; Parsnip, 102; Pelargonium, 102; Poison Hem- Walnut, buds, 46; bud scales, 48; lock, 102. cambium, 23 ; cork, 23 ; cortex, INDEX AND SUMMARY 199 23 ; hard bast, 23 ; internodes, 22 ; ' medullary rays, 23; nodes, 22; pith, 23; pollination, 95 ; rings, 23 ; soft bast, 23 ; stem, 22 ; xylem, 23. Water Lily, flower, 107 ; seed dis- persal, 125. White Hellebore, phyllotaxy, 41. Whorl, of cotyledons, 8 ; of leaves, 40. Willow, cuttings, 79; defoliation, 38 ; longevity of leaf, 37 ; phyllotaxy, 153- Willow-herb, dichogamy, 171. Wind-pollinated flowers, Alder, 95; Birch, 95; Butternut, 95; charac- teristics of, 95 ; Corn, 95 ; Grasses, 95 ; Hickory Nut, 95 ; Nettle, 95 ; Oak, 95; Oat, 95; Plantain, 95; Rye, 95 ; Timothy, 95 ; Walnut, 95. Wistaria, flower, 91 ; pods, 116. Witch Hazel, buds, 48. Wormwood, protection, 56. Xanthium, seed dispersal, 121. Xanthium spinosum, protection, 156. Xenogamy, 167. Xylem, Butternut, 23 ; Sunflower, 20 ; Walnut, 23. Yam, bulblets, 78 ; climbing, 159 ; seed dispersal, 123 ; vegetative re- production, 78. Zygadenus, raceme, 101. , i ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA For the Use of Preparatory Schools. By CHARLES SMITH, M.A., Author ef "A Treatise on Algebra" "An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections" etc. REVISED AND ADAPTED TO AMERICAN SCHOOLS BY IRVING STRINGHAM, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the College Faculties in the University of California. i6mo. Cloth. Briefer Edition (408 pages), $1.10, net. Complete Edition (584 pages), $1.20, net. A carefully revised course in elementary algebra, comprising the matter specified y nearly all American colleges as the requirement for admission. It will prove specially helpful to students preparing for such colleges as require the use of Mr. Smith's "Treatise on Algebra" for advanced work. 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