HAUNTED HOUR MARGARETW1DDEWER THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE HAUNTED HOUR THE HAUNTED HOUR An Anthology COMPILED BY MARGARET WIDDEMER NEW YORK HARCOURT, BRACE AND HOWE 1920 COPYRIGHT, IQ2O, BY HARCOURT, BRACK AND HOWE, INC. THE QUINN ft BODEN COMPANY RAHWAY. N J. COPYRIGHT NOTICE For the use of the copyrighted material included in this volume permission has been secured either from the author or his authorized publishers. All rights in these poems are re- served by the holders of the copyright, or the authorized pub- lishers, as named below: To George H. Doran Co. for the poems of Joyce Kilmer and May Byron. To Doubleday, Page & Co. and Rudyard Kipling for Mr. Kip- ling's " The Looking-Glass." To E. P. Button & Co. for Helen Gray Cone's " Blockhouse on the Hill," from her A Chant of Love for England. To Harper & Bros, for the poems of Arthur Guiterman, Don Marquis, and Don C. Seitz. To Henry Holt and Co. for the poems of Francis Carlin, Wal- ter De La Mare, Louis Untermeyer, and Margaret Widdemer. To Houghton Mifflin Co. for Anna Hempstead Branch's " Such Are the Souls in Purgatory" from Heart of the Road, the poems of Henry W. Longfellow, Nathan Haskell Dole's " Russian Fantasy," Amy Lowell's " Haunted " from Pictures of the Floating World, May Kendall's " A Legend." To Mitchell Kennerley for the poems of Theodosia Garrison, Dora Sigerson Shorter, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. To John Lane Co. for the poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson, Winifred Letts, A. E. Housman's " True Lover," Nora Hop- per's " Far Away Country," Marjorie PickthalPs " Mary Shepherdess." To the Macmillan Co. for W. B. Yeats' " Folk o' the Air," and John Masefield's " Cape Horn Gospel." To Thomas Bird Mosher for Edith M. Thomas's "The Passer- By " from Flower from the Ashes. To Frederick A. Stokes Co. for " The Highwayman," by Alfred , Noyes. To Charles Scribner's Sons for Josephine Daskam Bacon's "Little Dead Child." To Rose de Vaux Rover for Madison Cawein's " Ghosts." To the Saturday Evening Post for Grantland Rice's " Ghosts of the Argonne." I have to thank the following authors for express personal permission: Josephine Daskam Bacon, Anna Hempstead Branch, Francis Carlin, Helen Gray Cone, Nathan Haskell Dole, Theo- dosia Garrison, Arthur Guiterman, Minna Irving, Aline Kilmer, Katherine Tynan Hinkson, Winifred Letts, Amy Lowell, Don Marquis, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ruth Comfort Mitchell, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, Lizette Woodworth Reese, Grantland Rice, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Robert Haven Schauffler, Don C. Seitz, Clement Shorter (for Dora Sigerson Shorter), Edith M. Thomas, Louis Untermeyer, and William Butler Yeats. PREFACE THIS does not attempt to be an inclusive anthology. The ghostly poetry of the late war alone would have made a book as large as this; and an inclusive scheme would have ended as a six-volume Encyclopedia of Ghostly Verse. I hope that this may be called for some day. The present book has been held to the conventional limits of the type of small anthology which may be read without weariness (I hope) by the exclusion not only of many long and dreary ghost-poems, but many others which it was very hard to leave out. I have not considered as ghost-poems anything but poems which related to the return of spirits to earth. Thus " The Blessed Damozel," a poem of spirits in heaven, " La Belle Dame Sans Merci," whose heroine may be a fairy or witch, and whose ghosts are presented in dream only, do not belong in this classification; nor do such poems as Mathilde Blind's lovely sonnet, " The Dead Are Ever with Us," class as ghost-poems; for in these the dead are living in ourselves in a half-metaphorical sense. If a poem would be a ghost-story, in short, I have considered it a ghost-poem, not otherwise. In this connection I wish to thank Mabel Cleland Lud- lum for her unwearied and intelligent assistance with the selection and compilation of the book; and Aline Kilmer for help in its revision and arrangement. MARGARET WIDDEMER. CONTENTS The Far Away Country Nora Hopper Chesson " THE NICHT ATWEEN THE SANCTS AN' SOULS All-Souls All-Saints' Eve A Dream The Neighbors A Ballad of I e'en The Forgotten Soul All-Souls' Night Janet's Tryst . Hallows' E'en On Kingston Bridge All-Souls' Night Mary Shepherdess The Little Ghost Two Brothers The Little Dead Child The Child Alone The Child Such Are tl Purgatory The Open Door My Laddie's Hounds The Old House Ballad of the Sword . The Looking-Glass Drake's Drum The Grey Ghost Ballad of Bridge . The Indian Ground PACE . xiv Kathenne Tynan 3 Lizelte Woodivorth Reese 3 William Allingham . 4 Theodosia Garrison j _ 1 1 ~.. . 6 iallow- Theodosia Garrison 7 soul . Margaret Widdemer . 8 : . . Dora Sigerson Shorter . 9 George Macdonald . . 10 , Winifred M. Letts . - 13 idge . Ellen M. H. Cortissoz . . 4 : . . Louisa Humphreys . . 16 " ALL THE LITTLE SIGHING SOULS " ESS . Marjorie L. C. Pickthall . 21 it . . Katherine Tynan . . . . 22 Theodosia Garrison 24 Child . Josephine Daskam Bacon 25 -,e . . Rosamund Marriott Watson . 27 Theodosia Garrison . . . 28 Souls in Anna Hempstead Branch . 29 r . . Rosamund Marriott Watson . 32 ounds . Marguerite Elizabeth Easter 33 Katherine Tynan . . . 35 SHADOWY HEROES Buried . . Ernest Rhys . . . . lass . Rudyard Kipling . 40 Douglas Burying be Contents " RANK ON RANK OF GHOSTLY SOLDIERS " The Song of Soldiers By the Blockhouse < the Hill . . Night at Gettysburg The Riders . The White Comrade Ghosts of the Argonne November Eleventh The Flying Dutchman The Phantom Ship The Phantom Light of the Baie des Chaleurs The Sands of Dee The Lake of the Dismal Swamp The Flying Dutchman of the Tappan Zee The White Ships and the Red Featherstone's Doom Sea-Ghosts Fog Wraiths . Cape Horn Gospel Legend of Hamilton Tighe . The Supper Superstition The Ingoldsby Penance Pompey's Ghost . The Ghost . Mary's Ghost The Superstitious Ghost Dave Lilly Martin The Listeners Haunted Houses . The Beleaguered City Walter De La Mare PAGE 49 Helen Gray Cone . Don C. Seitz ... Katherine Tynan Robert Haven S chauffer Grantland Rice Ruth Comfort Mitchell . 49 5' 5* 53 56 57 SEA GHOSTS Charles Godfrey Leland . Henry Wadsiuorth Longfellow . 61 61 Arthur Wentivorth Hamilton Eaton Charles Kingsley . . 63 65 Thomas Moore . . 66 Arthur Guiterman . - . 68 Joyce Kilmer Robert Stephen Haiaker . May Byron Mildred Hoioells .... 70 73 74 76 CHEERFUL SPIRITS John Masefield .... 79 Richard Harris Bar ham Thomas Hood . Richard Harris Barham Thomas Hood . Thomas Hood . Thomas Hood . Arthur Guiterman . Joyce Kilmer Joyce Kilmer 80 84 87 103 107 109 in 112 "4 HAUNTED PLACES Walter De La Mare Henry Wadsworth Longfello