f-A < LIBRARY A TEXTBOOK ON SHOW-CARD WRITING INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PA. SHOW-CARD WRITING SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT LETTER FORMATION SCRANTON INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY A-3 Copyright, 1, b, where it is completed. The tendency of the average letterer is to give too much thickness where shade begins or finishes. All letters must be shaded on the same angle at every point, and, after practice, this angle becomes as well established with the letterer as the horizontal or vertical lines. Every characteristic point of the letter must be shown in the FIG. 16 FIG. 17 shade, as at a, Fig. 16, and all must be of equal width in all letters except the round characters, whereon the shade reaches this width only at the maximum point of thick- ness in the letter. 42. Block Shade. There are many methods of obtain- ing beautiful effects in shading, which will be considered separately. The block shade, as its name indicates, consists of the effect of making the letter appear to have thickness. This is done by the use of two shades, the dark, or stronger one, being used underneath all horizontal strokes, and the lighter tint on the side of all vertical strokes. The block shade can also be placed on the top or right side of the letter, in which case the block, as well as the letter itself, is shaded the same as that shown in Fig. 17. Here the shade has below and to the left of the letter the appearance of a cast shadow. SHOW-CARD WRITING 25 43. Cast Shadow. The cast shadow is also used in connection with heavy-stroke letters, block shading, etc., giving the letter the appearance of standing upright, either on a level or on a slanting surface. The top of the shade is on a line about one-fifth of the height of the letter below the top. The shade is made on an angle of 30 to the left, the FIG. 18 point resting on the lower left corner of the letter, as in Fig. 18, where (a) shows the letter with a block shade and cast shadow, and (b) shows the simple outlined letter and cast shadow. The shade is sometimes used by duplicating the letter in the form of a shadow cast on the background, one- fifth of the height of the letter below the top, and on the same angle (45) as the regular shade, as shown in Fig. 19. FIG. 20 44. Relief Shade. Relief shade is obtained by leaving a space between the letter and the shade on the same angle as the shade, as shown in Fig. 20, making the space and shade of uniform width. When used in connection with block shade, it is often of the nature of the natural shade, and is added to the block shading without any line or space 26 SHOW-CARD WRITING between. The relief shade when used as a natural shade on a white or tinted ground is made to represent the strength of the shadow cast from an object on the ground on which the letters are placed. This shade is produced with the pen by means of lines, but more effectively by the brush and trans- parent color. LETTER-FACE LIGHTING AND SHADING 45. Importance of Subject. The treatment of the face of the letter is a very important consideration. The letterer often finds himself confronted with a line of extremely plain lettering that, even after it is shaded, remains flat and unsatisfactory. This effect can sometimes be overcome by the addition of lights and shades placed directly on the letter face itself. The face of the letter may be variegated or blended from a light to a dark shade, in which case a sharp outline must surround the entire letter, as shown in Fig. 21. Lighting and shading are used with FIG. 21 FIG. 22 FIG. 23 best results on heavy-faced letters, as all treatment of the face of a letter by shading has the tendency to considerably reduce the apparent width of the stroke. 46. Effects Produced. Another effect is produced by running bars of color across the center of the letter, and diminishing these bars in width to a point midway from center to top and bottom, as in Fig. 22. Diminishing circles are also used on letters of lighter face, such as the Roman, and can be made to occupy the entire face, or, as is shown in Fig. 23, terminating at a given point, which must be regularly observed throughout the line of letters. 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 27 47. Heavy Highlight. The heavy highlight is used in the treatment of the face of the letter by making the upper half of the letter a uniform tint, either by lining, as shown in Fig. 24, or with colors. The darker shade b is placed on the lower half of the letter, allowing a highlight on this equal in strength to a, or the upper half. The high- light c on the upper half of the letter is left white. By a combination of the shades of colors many beautiful effects can be produced by this means, using blue, green, gray, or gold color, the last of which combines with sienna for the lower portion, and with cream color for the upper highlight. Blue or green when used should have tint and shade of the same color. 48. Beveled Shading. Shading on the face of a letter to represent a beveled appearance is another treatment that gives a line of lettering a finished and pleasing effect. In FIG. 24 FIG. 25 this process it is necessary only to observe the rules of light and shadow, as shown in Fig. 25, by shading the letter on the left and bottom sides from a line drawn through the center of the face of the letter. This form of shading is often used on a gold or silver letter by the use of trans- parent colors such as varnish stained with asphaltum, which is used on gold, and varnish darkened with lampblack is used on silver letters. There are many other methods of treating the face of letters by the use of ornament, whereby it loses its identity as a plain and becomes an ornamental letter. 28 SHOW-CARD WRITING THE HIGHLIGHT 49. As its name indicates, the highlight is used to illuminate or light up a letter, which it does with wonder- ful effect. The highlight is placed on the edge of the letter, opposite the shade, or on the right and top of the strokes. It is always a fine line of either gold, silver, white, or cream, according to the color of the letter on which it is to be placed. If the letter is a colored one, gold or silver can be used. If the letter is gold, nothing will serve the purpose of a highlight so well as cream or white. On silver or aluminum, white only can be used. To be most effectual this highlight must be a fine, even line. The heavy highlight is used in letter-face lighting and shading, and is explained under that head. CUTTING IN LETTERS 50. Uses of Cut-in Letters. This term is applied to that style of treatment wherein the letters are drawn in out- line, and the background is filled in around them. In inscription designing this method is resorted to frequently, m _ BR FIG. 26 in order to break the monotony of several lines of plain lettering. The insertion of a panel or ribbon, on which the letters are cut in, provides a colored background, against which the letters are outlined, allowing the same color for the letters as the main ground of the inscription design, as shown in Fig. 26. The color of the panel and background will govern very largely the character of letter to be cut in. If the general ground is white or any light color, and the SHOW-CARD WRITING 29 cutting-in or outline color is very dark, a heavy-faced letter may be used without causing any appearance of clumsiness or ill proportion. A white letter on a dark-blue ground can be read at a greater distance than any other combina- tion of colors. CLASSIFICATION OF LETTERS ORNAMENTAL, LETTERS 51. Scope of the Subject. all alphabets in which no line or curve enters that is not absolutely necessary to show their form or outline; a line thus added may place them among the ornamental letters. Although it will be impos- sible to go over the entire ground covered by this subject, as there are endless varieties of orna- mental letters, the styles found to be most essential will be con- sidered. There are many letters into which ornamental construction The plain letters include FIG. 28 FIG. 27 enters but slightly, while others are composed en- tirely of ornamental forms. The ornamental letters of most value to the student are those on the face of which the or- nament appears, either in the form of relief scrolls, geometrical figures, or designs in arabesque; although this latter treat- ment is not used exten- sively in modern practice. 30 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 52. Ornamental Forms. Letters classified as orna- mental are of so great a variety that such as are used in connection with the shade to produce a bent or rounded effect, as shown in Figs. 27 and 28, might be classed with this style. Fig. 27 shows the ground to be a plane surface and the letter bent or warped, while Fig. 28 shows the FIG. 29 letter to be perfectly straight, and fastened with screws, while the ground has the effect of being bent or warped. FIG. 30 53. A letter that in itself is perfectly plain but sur- rounded by ornamentation, as shown in Fig. 29, is called an ornamental letter also, though as a matter of fact the letter itself may be perfectly plain. 54. Other Forms. Other ornamental forms are as fol- lows: The relief-ornament letters shown in Fig. 30 can be made in various ways. The whole form of the letter may be treated in this manner, as at (a), or by simply suggesting it in the middle or edge of the letter, as in (b), (c), and (d). A letter may be plain, so FIG. 31 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 31 far as its face is concerned, but on account of its form and construction it may be classified as ornamental, as shown in Fig. 31. There are many forms of designs used in letter-face orna- mentation, either filigree work, geometrical designs, or a com- bination of both. In Fig. 32 are shown three letters of the (a) face-ornament class, the one at (a) being decorated with filigree work, while (b] shows a geometrical design, and (c ) simply the cross-line shading. GROTESQUE LETTERS 55. Rustic Letters. All letters are either plain, orna- mental, or grotesque. The first two classes follow in their outline construction the forms of the fundamental styles and their many variations, but this third class is entirely different. The grotesque letters have no recognized or classical form, such as would place them among the styles of the alphabet, but are made by using natural objects, which are arranged so as to conform to any regular or irregular shape that w r ill cause them to represent a letter, and any form, therefore, is allowable so long as the letter may be recognized. To accom- plish this, objects such as a human figure, a piece of rope or ribbon, broken boards, leaves, vines, and trunk of a tree are used. Of the three latter forms, the rustic letters are made. The leaves, tendrils, stump, and trunk of a tree FIG. 33 32 SHOW-CARD WRITING form the material used for an entire alphabet, one letter of which is shown in Fig. 33. These letters can be made very artistic, and show great skill in their arrangement. And, while they may be pleasing to the eye, they are of no practical importance to the student in the study of show-card writing, as their proportions are purely arbitrary. Examples of these letters are given in order that the student may be able to form any style of letter were he called on to do so. Fig. 34 shows the forms of some of the grotesque FIG. 34 letters, in which (a) is formed by a human figure, (b) by broken boards, and (c) with a piece of rope. Any alphabet may be constructed of these forms as the fancy of the artist may dictate, even though he may be ignorant of the true form or proportion of the simplest style of the alphabet. ILLUMINATED CAPITALS 56. History and General Use. The monks of the Middle Ages were the first to make use of this art, many specimens of which would indicate that they must have spent days in designing and executing a single letter. In treating this subject here, our purpose is simply to call attention to the most simplified forms of illuminating, especially those forms designed for the use of the average card writer. The practical use of this art is now confined to lithographing, engrossing, card work, and ecclesiastical decorations. The printing and lithographing artists have displayed wonderful skill in recent years in illuminated work, especially on show-bill designs. The use of colors to 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 33 light up the capital letter gives a surprising effect to a com- plete line of lettering, and is done by a simple combination \ FIG. :r> of designs of most harmonious colors with the letter exe- cuted, and by using colors of striking contrast to the tints used to form the background. Such colors as can be combined to give a brilliant effect are used in the form of a plaque, part panel, or both, on which the letter is brought out most conspicuously, as shown in Fig. 35. The illumina- tion practiced by engrossers is usually of such a nature as to pro- duce a finished and pleasing effect without resorting to colors. There are many ways by which this can be accomplished. One method is simply by the use of a pen and black ink, as shown in Fig. 36, outlining the letter first, then making the FIG. 36 34 SHOW-CARD WRITING ornamentation surrounding it conform to any desired design, thereby giving the letter prominence. Great care should be taken that the ornamentation is not made more pronounced than the letter, but rather that the former is used as a means to bring out or illuminate the letter. 57. Card Work. For card work, the illuminating of capitals gives tone and finish, and relieves a show-card FIG. 37 of extreme plainness. For practical purposes, such as attractive advertising cards, banners, etc., the illuminating of capitals will be found to hold an important place, and is coming into favor and more general use. There are also many forms and designs employed as a panel, on which illuminated capitals are placed, in a solid or outlined letter; the out- line letter, however, being the most convenient, is most frequently used, especiallv when either the panel or FIG. 38 the letter, or both, are to be treated in water colors. The letter outlined is sometimes filled in with carmine or other bright color, while the panel surrounds it with a tint of cream white, yellow, or green. Two or SHOW-CARD WRITING 35 three shades of color are sometimes used, either variegated or in the form of line work on top of tint, as in Fig. 37. 58. Index Capitals. Fig. 38 shows the index capital that may be used both as an illuminated capital, or to draw FIG. 39 attention to the inscription following. If the hand be colored in natural colors, and the letter brought out conspicuously, this will produce a most attractive form of a capital letter. 59. Paneled Capitals. Illuminated capitals are used in show-card writing on a panel or design made to conform in a general way to the letter used. By the use of water colors these capitals may be made most attractive and very little time will be consumed in designing them. Several examples of these capitals are given in Fig. 39. FIG. 40 36 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 60. Heraldic Shield. A heraldic shield is often brought into use, on which the illuminated capital is placed. There are many designs or forms of this shield, which can be changed to suit any form of a letter, as shown in Fig. 40. TREATMENT OF LETTERS CONDENSING, ELONGATING, TELESCOPING, AND INTERLACING 61. Condensing Letters. In conforming letters to fill a required space, we are often compelled to resort to various means of accomplishing our purpose, without making the inscription appear distorted or out of proportion. When the panel or space to be lettered is much shorter than would admit of a regularly proportioned letter, we are compelled COMPANY FIG. 41 to resort to the condensing of the letters, observing generally the rules of their proportionate width. To illus- trate more fully, the word company is used to show the two forms of condensing, as well as the two forms of elongating. 62. Example of Condensed Letter. In Fig. 41 is shown the condensed form, as may be seen by comparing the proportions of the letters with those of the Egyptian Plate. The letterer may condense his letters to the width of those of Fig. 41, and find they are still too large for the required space; the vertical strokes can then be reduced to one-half the regular width, and the horizontal strokes main- tained at the regular, or even greater, width, and less space 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 37 allowed between letters, as in Fig. 42. This reduces the word to almost one-half that of Fig. 41. 63. Elongating Letters. To elongate the same word in the same style of letter, make the height, for convenience, one-half that of Fig. 41; thus, it will be observed that if this elon- gated letter were twice the height it is in Fig. 43, it would occupy a space almost four times that of Fig. 41. To further elongate this word, reverse the rules of Fig. 42, by reducing the horizontal strokes one-half the regular width, keeping the vertical strokes regu- lar width; or these may be increased to twice their regular width if desired, also giving more space between the letters, FIG. 43 as shown in Fig. 44. By this means a word can be made to fill a space much too long for the regular proportion given this style of letter. 64. Exaggerated Example. To show condensing and elongating in its maximum form, the example in Fig. 45 is given. This, however, is a form of lettering that is not IV! FIG. 44 practical for card writing except it be used merely as a novelty. In reading this style of letter it is necessary to incline the surface in order to produce a foreshortened view of the letter, and to close one eye to avoid a confusion of the vertical lines. 38 SHOW-CARD WRITING FIG. 45 SHOW-CARD WRITING 39 65. Telescoping. Telescoping is not of so much prac- tical advantage as condensing or elongating, and is used O FIG. 47 mostly to produce a relief effect. This is done by giving the letters the appearance of overlapping one another, as shown in Fig. 47. Every alternate letter is dropped enough below the line to prevent con- fusion of horizontal lines and to preserve the complete identity of each. These letters can be shaded on the background but not on the face, as this would tend to destroy their legibility. 66. Interlacing. Interlacing to its fullest extent enters into the construction of a monogram; but the form of inter- lacing at present under consideration is somewhat different, and includes the inter- lacing of an entire word. This is very often resorted to by the designer, espe- cially in the use of eccentric letters, which are made to extend far beyond the limits of the fundamental styles from which they are derived, as shown in Fig. 46. There are examples of interlacing and tele- scoping combined, one of which is given in Fig. 48. This is also a practical treat- ment in designing, but a letterer who understands the principles of the fore- going subjects may easily apply them FlG - 48 whenever the inscription requires to be thus treated. 40 SHOW-CARD WRITING BRUSH WORK METHODS OF HANDLING THE BRUSH 67. Treatise and Practice. In the foregoing pages we have endeavored to give the student all the information necessary to enable him to intelligently undertake the prac- tical study of brush work in all its forms. Having acquired a knowledge of the various colors, tools, appliances, materials, etc., which have been given him thus far simply in the form of a treatise on these subjects, we now require him to take up the study of the following subjects by putting into practice every detail of instruction given, subject by subject. Before beginning on any portion of the practice work, on which we are about to enter, we again urge upon the student the necessity for constant practice. If you do not make a credit- able attempt, even after many trials, do not be discouraged; keep on trying until you are successful. EXERCISE I STRIPING 68. Position of Hands. For practice use white card- board. After charging the brush with show-card black, the hairs of the brush should be drawn to a point on a paper palette before attempting to apply the brush to the show-card. Use a No. 5 red-sable rigger. Study carefully the position of the hand shown in Fig. 49. The brush is held firmly between the thumb and forefinger, allowing the handle to rest against the fleshy part of the thumb. The three fingers remaining free are used to guide the hand. The beginner should at first run a stripe quite near the 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 41 edge of the card, about i inch from it. We would advise that he first mark the line lightly with a lead pencil, using a straightedge. Draw an even straight line. To avoid the possibility of making what is known among stripers as a fat line, that is, wider in some parts than others, the hand should be maintained at a uniform distance from the surface of the card. This feature of striping requires much practice. The first attempts will show irregular and wavy lines of various widths; it is possible, in a short time, however, to make a hair line by this method at any re- , quired distance from the . edge of the card. Many expert card writers ex- perience no difficulty in running a stripe 2 inches from the edge, which is the maximum distance generally required. After striping the card i inch from the edge, the student should run another stripe parallel with this and about i inch inside of it. Repeat this operation until the striping is 1 inch from the edge; then use a fresh piece of cardboard. FIG. 49 EXERCISE II 69. Striping With the T Square. There are two methods of accomplishing the same results in hair-line striping. The card-writer's design may be composed of several fine lines that run at various angles with the edge of the card. He is compelled, therefore, to seek some other method for striping than that given in Exercise I. The position of the hand shown in Fig. 50, aided by the use 42 SHOW-CARD WRITING of the T square or other straightedge, will best serve all requirements. For practice, take a piece of cardboard or stiff flat paper, charge the brush as previously instructed, take the brush between the thumb and forefinger, rest the fingers remaining free against the edge of the T-square blade, and proceed to draw lines as described in Exercise I. The brush must be FIG. 50 held in a vertical position. Hold the brush in the fingers as closely to the hair as possible. By observing these few directions the student should soon be able to draw a hair line with comparative ease. EXERCISE III 70. Broad Striping. In Fig. 51 is seen another process by which the card writer is enabled to execute a broad stripe. It is by this means also that large letters are outlined with accuracy and rapidity. When practicing the method of striping the student will first notice that the position of the 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 43 hand is similar to that used in Exercise I. In this case, however, the hand is inclined to the right in order that the brush maj 7 be carried beyond the blade of the T square. The brush should be held as nearly parallel with the surface of the card or paper as possible. The brush is drawn over the surface, spreading its hairs somewhat, and touching with almost the entire length of the brush. Be careful to keep the width of the stripe uniform; this can be accomplished only after much practice. The width of the broad stripe must be governed entirely by the width and style of brush used. The brushes recom- mended for practice in this style of striping are the Nos. o and 9 red-sable rigger. After practicing, using this position, the student may make the broad stripe with the hand in the position shown in Fig. 49, Exercise I. He will find the latter as convenient and useful in show-card writing as the former. When striping with the T square, do not hold the square at the head as when working with the drafting pen, but it should be held firmly in the center in order to resist the pressure necessary in guiding the hand. EXERCISE IV LETTERING 71. Position of Hands. The show-card writer has need for but two positions in placing his hands on the surface of the card. The mahl stick, a round stick with a padded end, formerly used for a hand rest by letterers, has long since been laid aside, and the arm rest, a narrow strip of wood with cleats fastened underneath either end, is now seldom seen in a modern show-card establishment. The show-card writer must possess the same freedom in the use of his hands as is necessary in penmanship. To accomplish this, he must place his hands on the surface of the card. Fig. 52 shows the position used in writing. When making letters 1 inch high or under, this position will be found most 44 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 45 practicable, and the card writer may attain great speed in executing some styles of letters by this means. Practice holding the brush in this position, making vertical lines 1 inch long. When letters of a larger size are required, it is necessary that the right hand should be given some rest, or support, in order that the hand may be raised a sufficient distance above the surface to enable the letterer to make a longer stroke with the brush. The position shown in Fig. 53 has been found, by card writers gener- ally, to be the only position that will serve the required purpose. The former posi- tion being the one used in ordinary writing, is familiar to the student. We there- fore require him to practice especially the position shown in Fig. 53. Allow the left hand to rest in any easy position, projecting the little finger somewhat in order to steady it. The right hand should rest comfortably on the left, and be arranged in such manner as to allow the wrist of the right hand to rest on the thumb of the left; the brush, being held between the thumb and forefinger, is also supported by the second finger. Although this may seem to be somewhat awkw r ard at first, it will be found, with a little practice, to be the most natural and comfortable position, as well as the one by which the best work can be accomplished. It gives a greater scope to the hand in making a stroke than any other position or method; it also forms a rest, giving the letterer entire control over his brush. After some practice, a perfectly straight line may be drawn with the brush, either vertically or horizontally. FIG. 52 46 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 PLATE, TITLE: ELEMENTARY LINES 72. Elementary Lines. It is important that the stu- dent should become accustomed to the use of the brush in the several positions in which he has been instructed, and be able to draw all elementary lines and curves before begin- ning the work of executing the alphabets. It is for this reason that we require him to give a large amount of time to the practice work given in the preliminary plates. As. FIG. 53 previously instructed, use Manila pattern paper for practice work; make each line and curve many times, and when you are satisfied that you possess the ability to construct these in a creditable manner, prepare them as shown on the copy, using the drawing paper furnished in your outfit, and send the work to the Schools for correction. Draw the plate as follows: On the drawing paper, 2i inches from the edge on either side, draw a light lead-pencil line; 3 inches from the bottom edge draw another line, and 9 inches above this draw the top line, which encloses a rectangle 9 in. X 15 in. Within 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 47 this space arrange the figures, beginning with the vertical lines. Use the No. 5 red-sable rigger. Make an even symmetrical line the width best adapted to the brush. Show-card black or India ink may be used by the student in the preparation of the work to be sent in for correction, although we prefer that ink be used for this purpose. The figures on this plate consist of vertical lines, horizon- tal lines, ogee lines (vertical and horizontal), left and right arcs, radiating lines, right oblique lines, diagonal lines, left oblique lines, parallel ogee lines, and double ogee lines. After completing the figures, place title where it properly belongs. Print your name, class letter and number in the right-hand corner of the drawing, the date on which you completed it in the left-hand corner. An ordinary writing pen may be used for this purpose. Make the letters of the size and style shown in the copy. PLATE, TITLE: ELEMENTARY CURVES 73. Elementary Curves. In the construction of let- ters generally, there are several principal curves or features that predominate throughout the alphabet. In ornament this is called the motive; in the alphabet, it is known as the stroke. To execute a series of these curves and become per- fectly familiar with all curves employed in letter formation will better fit the student for the more difficult task of join- ing these together to form a symmetrical and well-propor- tioned letter. Give much time, therefore, to the study and practice of these elementary curves. After you have prac- ticed making them, and are able to execute them with accu- racy, draw a rectangle 9 in. X 15 in. on the drawing paper as described in Art. 72, and arrange them in their proper order, as shown in the copy. Letter the title and print in your name, class letter and number, and date where these properly belong, and send the work to the Schools for correction. 48 SHOW-CARD WRITING IMPORTANT TO THE STUDENT 74. The subjects that follow cannot be put to a practical use until the student has had considerable practice in letter forma- tion. We therefore recommend that he defer a practical study of the following subjects until he has completed the plate entitled Condensed Egyptian. However, read than over carefully noiv before proceeding with plate entitled Brush Stroke Letter. When a study of these subjects is resumed, take up each separate subject in the same manner as you would an exercise in brush work, and put into practice every detail of the instructions given, whether this be in the form of a process or a practical suggestion. SPEED IN LETTERING 75. A Common Error. Too much cannot be said to warn the student against making the mistake that the begin- ner is very liable to make, namely, that of at once aiming for speed in lettering. Speed in the work is essential for the show-card writer in our day of activity, as well as for any other tradesman; but it has been observed that our most expert and speedy card writers are those whose early career was built on foundations of accuracy, study, and painstaking. As a result of these qualities they have acquired the greatest speed, and while they may execute a piece of work in the shortest possible time, it does not fail to bear the distinguish- ing evidence of a master hand. The beginner that would make speed his first requirement unfits himself at once for the highest attainment, and is soon found in the class whose worthiest ambition is expressed in their creed, "Anything is good enough that will pass." We would say, therefore, do not at first consider the amount of time that you spend in executing a piece of work. Let the student ask himself these questions: Have I done the work to the best of my ability? Could I improve on it were I to execute it again? Again, the question of salary enters into the argument in favor of the careful card writer. The card writer of greatest 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 49 versatility, whose brain sparkles with original ideas in design- ing and whose work is faultless in its execution, can readily command a salary equal to four times that of the workman whose position is assured him only because of his ability to turn out a large number of cards each day. We would say, therefore, put a high premium on your ability, and do not allow your work to fall so low in the estimation of your employer that, were your hand work not a matter of economy in his printing bill, your services could be easily dispensed with. Make the artistic and attractive feature of your show- card writing paramount, and you will find laurels laid at your feet in the number of positions offered you and in your opportunity for advancement. In conclusion, we would again urge upon our students the need for hard and con- tinuous study combined with untiring practice. We give complete instruction by mail, but education does not come to the student straightway on opening the envelope; it is acquired only by hard work. METHODS AXD APPLICATION DRY COLORS 76. Use of Dry Colors. In show-card writing many beautiful effects are produced on white show-cards by blend- ing several colors together, thus giving the appearance of much labor, while in reality little time is required to accom- plish the work. Primarily, dry colors are intended for use in combination with some slow- or quick-drying vehicle, when they are converted into the form of ready-mixed paints. The dry colors used for blending must not be mixed, but applied only in their dry state. The student's outfit consists of five small packages, labeled: dry blue, dry green, dry orange, dry lemon, dry red. 77. Blending. Let the student now study the subject of blending with these colors by first taking a sheet of white cardboard 14 in. X 22 in. Hereafter we will refer to' this 50 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 as a half card. Lay out a diamond from points, 1 inch from center of top and bottom edge, and i inch from center of either side; 2 inches from the edge of the card draw a line entirely surrounding the card, but omitting this where the points of the diamond cross it. We then have the design as shown in Fig. 54. Cut out a triangular opening in a piece of Manila paper that will correspond in size and form with one of the triangular corner pieces of the background left uncov- ered by the diamond. Allow a margin around this triangular opening of 4 or 5 inches. Begin by rubbing an even tint on the four triangles. To insure an even tint take a small r m :>' ^f^^^fn^ BUTTER amount of the green and place it on a piece of paper. Use a chamois skin or a wad of cotton batting for rubbing on the color. In order to avoid the use of too much color, the pad should be dipped into the color and rubbed out well on the paper until entirely free from loose color, and it should then be applied to the card, using the triangle in the form of a stencil. Rub the space until evenly covered with the tint. Do not make these colors too strong; their purpose is to take a secondary place to the inscription of the card. Repeat the operation, by cutting out a diamond the size required; blend this by occupying one-third of the center horizontally with yellow. Into this blend red in the top 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 51 and blue in the bottom part. Outline the entire design with a fine line of black or red. The inscription may then be placed on the diamond in black, as shown in the figure. Many beautiful designs, such as illuminated capitals, ribbons, panels, borders, and in fact any design that can be cut in paper to form a stencil, may be thus transferred to the card. FIG. 55 78. Blending Around the Design. Another treat- ment with dry colors is as follows: Design a heraldic shield, or a fancy panel, suitable for an illuminated capital; cut this out and fix it in the desired place on a white card. Two colors may then be rubbed on and blended together either horizontally or diagonally, one color above the center and the other below. These colors should be of greatest strength close to the shield or panel and gradually diminished in strength as they leave the panel until they become indistinct, 52 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 as shown in Fig. 55. The panel should then be outlined with a strong color. The letter may be outlined with black, and filled in with scarlet lake, and thus, by a very simple process, an elaborate illuminated capital may be produced. 79. Border Effects. There are many ways of intro- ducing artistic effects by the use of dry colors for bordering cards. This may be accomplished by laying on a straight piece of paper 1 or 2 inches from the edge of the card and rubbing on the dry color toward the edge of the card. A serrated edge may be produced by cutting the edge of the paper, or a simple design may be cut in the edge of the paper. After rubbing on the dry color, the edge may be striped with some harmonizing color, or with black. ILLUMINATION OF SHOW-CARDS 80. Use of Water Colors. Water colors are used to the best advantage on white show-cards having a dull finish that readily absorbs the moisture. By the use of water colors, white or black lettering may be made most conspic- uous, either by shading the letters or treating the letter face as described under separate headings that treat these subjects in a special manner. But the handling of water colors is not confined to these subjects only; the modern show-card writer can embellish and elaborate the show-card until this may be rightly classed as a work of art. The designs that are com- posed of artistic trade marks, floral pieces, or symbolic ornament offer an excellent opportunity for the display of skill in coloring. In Show-Card Design and Ornament, such designs are given, and the student will more fully appreciate our present instruction when he possesses an experimental knowledge in the more advanced subject of designing. We now require him to devote his time to applying the present instruction by filling in outlined letters with water colors. On a piece of cardboard outline several letters from the alphabet entitled Condensed Egyptian. Fill in one letter with scarlet lake, making this a medium shade. On the lower half of the letter, when dry, flow on a stronger shade 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 53 of the same color. The other letters may be colored in various ways, as shown on the plate entitled Transparent Color Work. 81. Outlining: for Water Colors. The outline is made with India ink or with the card black, to which the water color will not adhere, but flows to the edge and stops. By this outline method, beautiful designs in flowers and highly illumi- nated effects can be produced. The outline of the design may be used as the guide for all water-color work in lettering panels, floral designs, etc., although this is not always essen- tial for the latter. The wider this outline is made, the easier will be the work of flowing on the color evenly, and the less the liability of running over the line; the fine outline, how- ever, should be used in many places, especially for floral designs and other work where a black outline does not enhance the artistic merit of the work. 82. Shading With AVater Colors. There is nothing that will take the place of water colors for shading show- cards either in economy of time or in convenience. For shading the letters, a brush is used that will as nearly as possible make the shade with one stroke. The camel's-hair brush known as the square shader is best adapted to this special purpose. Water color cannot be worked over, when once applied, without showing brush marks; therefore, the color must be flowed on evenly with a quick, well-directed stroke, using care not to apply the brush again over a shaded part when the excess water has been absorbed by the card. Aside from filling in letters, designs, and for shading, water colors serve the purpose of ornamenting the show- card, being used to tint borders and for blending. A knowl- edge of the handling of water colors is, therefore, a necessity to the card writer. 54 SHOW-CARD WRITING LETTERS VARIOUS TREATMENTS 83. Black Letters. The comparative strength of black and white is found to be in favor of the latter. Nothing in nature is pure white, nor is a shadow so deep as to require black to represent it. We have therefore in the use of black and white the greatest possible contrast. They may be said to balance evenly in the proportion of three-fifths black to two-fifths white. The reason for this is, that black absorbs the light, and therefore cannot be made neutral in combina- tion with white because of their opposition to each other. In show-card writing, black is used mostly on white card- board. It is important for the letterer to know that black letters should always be made heavy in stroke. Especially is this true if it be the intention of the writer subsequently to treat the face of the letter with colors or ornamentation in order to embellish it. 84. White Letters. White letters may be placed on black or on any dark-colored card. If white lettering be done with neatness and accuracy there is less need for shading or face treatment than is necessary in the use of black. The stroke of a white letter should be narrow, and in fact a small letter is always preferable. The student should choose such styles, therefore, as the extremely light- stroke Egyptian with^ an almost indistinct spur on each corner of the letter which classifies it as Antique Egyp- tian. A Roman letter is also used; while the letter best adapted, and the one that may be executed most rapidly and present the most artistic effect, is script. White letters may be shaded or they may be tinted on the face, by either making the center or lower part of the letter of one or more 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 55 tints, or by filling- in the entire letter with a tint, leaving a white outline surrounding the letter. 85. Colored Letters. Colored letters may be placed on white or black cards without regard to their nature except in reference to their harmony, which must always be con- sidered. Colors should be mixed with white when placed on a black surface, or such opaque colors as orange vermilion may be used clear. On vermilion a transparent color, such as crimson or scarlet lake, may be used. Colored letters on a white card may be opaque or transparent, but they should invariably be made of sufficient strength to appear well and be easily read. 86. Bronzes. Gold and aluminum bronzes are often used for lettering, in which case they are mixed like paints and are brushed on; after that, they may be outlined with white or some bright color, such as orange vermilion. Bronze is often used to outline letters or otherwise embellish them. If a large panel, ellipse, or disk be required, gilt or silver paper may be cut out and mounted on the card; or, if bronze be used, it will be found necessary to employ some means of checking the natural absorbing quality of the card. Shellac, glue, or a quick-drying varnish may be used for this purpose. Give the surface one or two coats, after which a coat of varnish size should be applied. Banana oil or brass lacquer is used if the bronze is to be mixed first and then applied as paint. If aluminum be required, make the size by adding a small amount of white lead and turpentine to the varnish. If gold or copper bronze be used, lemon yellow may be added to the former, and Indian red to the latter. 87. Flitters, Metallics, and Brocade. Flitters, metallics, and brocade are small flakes of thin sheet metal that are applied to a letter face in order to more highly illuminate the work. These adhere to the letter by first coating the part with varnish where it is desired to place the metallics. 88. Isinglass. Crushed isinglass is sometimes used on white letters to produce a sparkling effect, especially when 56 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 the letters are made to represent ice or frost. In card writing anything may be resorted to that will produce a novel effect and serve to attract attention to the show-card and so induce the passer-by to pause and read the inscription. 89. Embossed Letters. A bulb known as the air pencil is used to make relief letters, but its use is not espe- cially recommended, for the reason that sharp clear-cut letters cannot be produced by any mechanical means. This, as well as Scollay's relief bulb, known as the decorator's relief bulb, are convenient tools for any card writer to possess for deco- rative and ornamental purposes. Relief compound, a powder used for this purpose, is mixed with water to the consistency FIG. 5C of thin putty and placed in the bulb. It is then applied by squeezing the bulb, thereby pressing the mixture on the surface of the card through the small tube or nozzle attach- ment, as shown in Fig. 56. 90. Automatic Shading Pen. Perhaps no mechanical device for card lettering is so serviceable as the shading pen, and we therefore advise every student to become familiar with its use and the various styles of alphabets best adapted to it. These pens are furnished in sets of six sizes, ran- ging in width of stroke from iV inch to 1 inch. There are also six colors of ink specially prepared for shading pens, SHOW-CARD WRITING 57 as follows: purple, green, blue, crimson, brown, and black. The pen is grooved so as to leave a dark color at the right of the stroke and an even light shade of the same color for FIG. 57 the remainder of the stroke, as shown in Fig. 57. The automatic shading pen is convenient also for certain kinds of ornamenting in card writing. MODIFICATIONS OF LETTERS 91. Limits of Eccentric Letters. It is the constant aim of the show-card writer, as well as letterers generally, to produce an exaggerated form of a letter, or to give to a well-known style of letter some new and original character- istic. For this reason letters are distorted into every forma- tion possible. This departure is always allowable and even commendable on the part of the designer so long as he does not depart from the chief essential of lettering; namely, legibility. If this be attained, the matter of eccentric form is of secondary consideration. 92. Modifications of a Block Letter. In illustrating the following modifications of letters we will show the nor- (c) (d) HIG. 58 mal or regular letter and its modifications, as in the example given in Fig. 58. (a) is the style known as Full Block; (b) is the Railroad Block, in which the horizontal stroke is greatly 58 SHOW-CARD WRITING reduced and the vertical stroke increased in width. For elongating there never has been a letter invented that may be extended to equal this style of letter, (c) and (d] show the condensed forms. 93. Modifications of the Egyptian. The same modi- fications appear in the Egyptian also, as shown in Fig. 59. (a) represents the normal letter, (b) the elongated, and (c) the condensed form of the letter. Another modification of a letter exists in the enlarged or reduced size of the stroke, as in the Antique Egyptian character &, shown in Fig. 60. In treating the modifications of letters, when the size of stroke is the principal alteration of the normal style, (a) (c) FIG. 60 it often becomes necessary to change the character of the letter to meet the new conditions and give the letter a sym- metrical appearance. 94. Letters That May Be Modified. Many letters in the alphabet are not capable of much change on account of their simplicity, while others may be changed in several 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 59 details. Such letters as , c, d, e, g, h and y of the lower case can be made eccentric to better advantage than many others. Fig. 61, beginning with the normal letter g, shows a variety of modifications of this letter. Also, several forms of the letter d are shown in Fig. 62 that illustrate how, by FIG. 61 simply altering the curve of the stroke, the character of the letter is entirely changed. It would be impossible to show every modification of the fundamental styles of letters, as these exceed 800 in number, and can be seen in a type-foundry dd b d FIG. 62 specimen book. The principles on which these changes are made are comparatively few in number. It is to these we desire to call the student's attention. The change from the normal letter occurs either in distorting the regular propor- tions of the letter, in altering some detail, or by changing the 60 SHOW-CARD WRITING character of the letter in its stroke or outline. In Fig. 63 several examples of the latter change is shown. Instead of the symmetrical outline, (a) shows how this may be utterly disregarded, and the serrated edge used; (b) shows the curved stroke, and (c) the ornamental outline of a letter. The inventive propensity of the expert letterer will lead him to create an entirely new detail to a letter and thus allow him to add this in a corresponding manner to other letters that will permit of its use. For example, the cross-bar in the letter A may be made in the form of a cyma, which may also be added to the letter H. The letter A is perhaps sub- ject in a greater degree to modification than many other letters, although this may not appear to be so from a first glance at a normal letter. Without reference particularly to the styles of alphabets to which these belong, examples of some of the modifications of this letter are given in Fig. 64. 95. Extended Letters. Such modifications as are easily and quickly made serve the purpose of the show-card writer. Freehand graceful curves are, therefore, to be sought after in making letters. To this end the letters may 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 61 be extended above or below an entire word. An example of this is shown in Fig. 65. The letter S, while it may not extend underneath a word when used as a capital, yet the tail FIG. 64 may extend a great distance to the left of the body of the letter without distorting the effect of its symmetrical pro- portions. When this is done it is always advisable to make FIG. es some other modification that will counterbalance it in appearance, as shown in Fig. 66. Fig. 67 also shows how a stroke extending above the line may be counterbalanced by 62 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 a corresponding stroke that may be ingeniously attached to the final. Some finals, it is true, will not permit of this addition. In such cases, if desirable to use some balancing FIG. 66 feature, it may be done by placing it in a detached manner or connecting it with some projecting letter in the middle of a word. RELIEF LETTERS 96. Block Shading. A letterer who is thoroughly familiar with the principle of shading may give great variety to his work by introducing some exaggerated form of sha- ding, such as will bring out the letter conspicuously. This FIG. 67 may be accomplished by representing letters cut out of a thick block and placed in some position that will cause them to appear erect, inclined, or flat, which is done by means of FIG. 68 SHOW-CARD WRITING 63 shading. There are several ways in which letters may be shown in relief. Some artists drawing on their imagination have placed letters on water above a picturesque waterfall, showing the reflection of the letters in the water, etc. Such ideas, however, are somewhat chimerical and require more labor and thought than a practical show-card writer would care to devote to this subject. In Fig. 68 is shown three examples of relief letters. From these the student may arrange letters in a number of positions. Another form of relief shading is shown in Fig. 69, in which the letter is made to project from an opening while FIG. 69 the shade or block appears to extend back to a point where it is cut off by a frame. The opening being dark gives an excellent opportunity for strong contrast in coloring as well as light and shade. BEVELING 97. Plain Beveling. When one colored card is mounted on another, which is often done by the card writer, it greatly improves its appearance if the upper, or even both cards be beveled on the edge, instead of being cut off square. When beveled, the thickness of the card is apparently increased, and the edge may also be bronzed and thereby enrich the card without causing much extra time to be given to the work. The beveling is easily accom- plished even by one who may never have had any experience in this line of work. It is necessary to use a beveled iron straightedge for this purpose and a sharp-pointed steel knife. 64 SHOW-CARD WRITING When cutting the card the hand should be maintained in a uniform position that will give an angle of about 45. 98. Ellipses and Circles. For beveling cards in the form of an ellipse or circle, it is advisable that the machine, made especially for this purpose, be used. This will insure a perfect and even bevel joining the line with accuracy. These figures are much used in show-card writing and serve, in a marked degree, to make the show-card artistic and attractive. It is therefore advisable that the show-card writer possess the beveling machine. 99. Fancy Beveling. There are several methods used for producing a deep bevel, either on the edge or in the cen- ter of the card. The beveling on the edge of the card may be done as follows: Measure off, on the back of the card, the width desired for the bevel, as shown in Fig. 70, which should be from 1 inch to li inches; then score the card, by using a dull FIG. 70 knife that will not cut through, but will permit of bending the edge to the required angle without a liability of break- ing the surface. To join the corners accurately, make a pat- tern on a piece of card by cutting out a triangular piece on the corner that will allow the beveled portion to meet with a perfect joint on the proper angle, shown in Fig. 71. This 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 65 pattern should then be used on all corners in order to insure a uniform and perfect bevel. A piece of tough paper should be glued in each corner in order to hold the bevel firmly in position. Another method, shown in Fig. 72, used in beveling, is to cut a square or rectangle out of the center of the card, and fasten a card that has been ^beveled by the fore- going process to the back of this opening. The glued strips should in this case be placed on the reverse side of the card, as the back of the former card is used as the face when placed in this position. The bevels of the card may be gilded or silvered with bronze, or a gilt or silver paper may be FIG. 72 mounted on the bevels. This beveled treatment greatly adds to the attractiveness of a show-card if proper regard is paid to the inscription, design, combination of colors, etc. MOUNTING 100. Purpose and Methods of Mounting. There are many occasions \vhen mounting, if neatly done, may be made to deceive the eye and allow the observer to believe the work to be done entirely by hand. A sketchy print may be mounted on a card and afterwards colored, or the card 66 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 immediately surrounding it ornamented so as to cover the edge of the mount. 101. Photo Mounting:. Photographs are also mounted on show-cards, which may be done by the following method: Place the print in a tray of clear water and allow it to remain long enough to become thoroughly soaked; sponge the card on which the photo is to be mounted with clear water in order that the absorbing quality of the card will be arrested; lay the photo face down on a clean surface after par- tially drying; use a sponge in applying paste, which should be made of gloss starch and free from lumps. Locate the position the print is to occupy on the card by making two small triangles with a sharp-pointed lead pencil and apply the print. When this has been laid on lightly, a clean piece of thin paper should be laid over the print and rubbed care- fully but firmly from the center to the edges. 102. Mounting Heavy Cards. It is necessary when placing one card on another to use some adhesive that will cling with greater tenacity than starch or flour paste. Ready- mixed glue, which may be obtained in screw-cap pots, is best adapted and most convenient for this purpose. When mount- ing the card, it is necessary to apply the glue to the edge of the card only. This is not only a saving of time and material, but prevents the liability of the card from warping or twisting when the glue has dried. In mounting small cuts or thin paper, library paste may be used. MANIFOLDING 103. Printing. When a large number of cards are to bear one inscription or design, it becomes a matter of econ- omy in time to duplicate them by some other method than brush and hand work. To avoid the use of printers' type, which is recognized as such at a glance, the work must be produced from a freehand design. The work of printing may be done on a printing press, but the preparation of the form should be done either by the use of a zinc etching, 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 67 wood engraving, or on a lithograph stone. The etching is done on a zinc plate after the same has been covered with two coats of pure asphaltum w r ith a small quantity of varnish added. When this has dried sufficiently the design is executed in the asphaltum after which the edges are banked up with a beeswax dam. Nitric acid diluted with water, in the proportion of one-third acid to two-thirds water, is flowed on the plate, which readily eats its way into the exposed zinc without affecting the asphaltum resistant. After the plate has been etched to a depth of about -gV inch, it is thor- oughly rinsed in clear water, the asphaltum removed with turpentine, and, after it has been mounted on wood, the plate is ready to be used for printing purposes. Wood engravings are made on boxwood or hard maple by cutting away the parts not required in printing. This is done by means of small gravers and chisels. The lithograph stone is used in manifolding by placing the design on the stone with a water- color preparation, after which the stone is etched and other- wise prepared for the press. The design in all cases is placed on the zinc, wood, or stone in a reversed order or backward to that on the printed card. 104. Use of Stencils. For manifolding in show-card writing the stencil pattern very effectually fills this place, and is made to stencil either the letter or the background. The stencil for the former purpose is made by cutting out of paper or other material the greater portion of the letter, but allowing parts called tics to remain, as these tie the inside of the letter and parts likely to curl up when in use. A second stencil is also required, which is laid over the work done by the first stencil when it has dried, thereby covering up the spaces left by the ties, and thus making a solid and complete letter. The same rule is observed in regard to the cutting-in stencils, which are used to make the background, and leave the letters the original color of the surface on which the color is spread. Large ties are used for cutting-in stencils, reaching from the letter to the edge of the stencil or border. A second stencil, so cut as to overlap the edges 68 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 of the ties, is also used, thereby completing the entire back- ground, leaving the letter clear and distinct. 105. Materials for Stencils. The toughest medium- weight Manila paper should be used for stencils, oiled thor- oughly with boiled linseed oil, and allowed to stand at least 24 hours before coating both sides thinly with orange shellac. If a light quality of fiber board is used, no preparation is necessary. A sheet of glass laid on a perfectly even table provides a surface on which the stencil can be cut with a good steel knife sharpened to a thin point. It is well to mark the ties with some bright color, to avoid cutting through them, as a single tie cut through destroys the whole stencil, and an imperfect stencil will cause more bother in its use than it is worth. It is best, therefore, never to use a patched or repaired stencil. 106. Cutting Letter Stencils. Fig. 73 shows one method of cutting a stencil; (a) shows the stencil that makes (c) the body of the letter, allowing ties to remain where most strength is needed for the preservation of the stencil; (b) shows the stencil used to cover the parts left in the first stencil, and (c ) shows the completed letter. When preparing the stencil pattern (a), cut two notches on either end of stencil pattern where shown by d, d. The purpose of this is to insure accuracy in placing the stencil (a) on the surface of the paper when preparing stencil (b). This second stencil SI SHOW-CARD WRITING 69 may be made by marking around the letter with a sharp- pointed lead pencil, or it may be stenciled with a brush that should be almost free from color, after which the stencil for the ties that were left by the first stencil may be cut out. By using both stencils we have the perfect letter, as shown at (c). 107. Background Stencils. To make stencils for a background, everything is reversed from the plain letter stencil just described. In this stencil the letters must be covered, and all ties so cut as to keep the letters firmly in posi- tion. If a border is desired, we must treat it just as we would a letter. The ties should be cut wider on the border edge, as additional strength is gained where most needed by doing so. In making this stencil, it is better to have too many ties than to leave one place weak. There is a great possibility of leaving one or more such places, especially in this form of stencil. In Fig. 74 is shown the two forms of stencil pattern necessary, (a) represents the pattern that stencils the body of the background. The lined portions indicate the parts cut out, the letters and ties being allowed to remain, (b) shows the stencil so cut as to cover up the ties that were left in (a) , the letter being allowed to remain covered also, as in (a), (c) shows the finished work and the completed letters. We would recommend that the student make the plain as well as the background stencil, in order that he may become thoroughly familiar with the subject. Make the letters shown in Figs. 73 and 74 for practice 3 or 4 inches in height. 108. Card Stenciling. For stenciling on a cardboard surface, a color should be used that is free from oil. Coach black ground in japan is the best black to use. Colors should be mixed with a slow-drying varnish. If an oil color be used, the oil is absorbed by the card and spreads beyond the edge of the letter, leaving a yellow streak surrounding the letter. Card signs that have been stenciled may be relieved by a few touches of hand work and made to present a very artistic appearance, either by shading or ornamenting with some bright color. The letter may be outlined with gold bronze or red, entirely covering all traces of a stenciled effect. 79 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 (a) (b) I FIG. 74 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 71 STORK AND WINDOW SIGNS INTERIOR SIGNS 109. Store Banners. The progressive show-card writer should be capable of preparing every manner of announcement sign used in the store or window. Such work as gold lettering on windows, board, or other outside signs are necessarily outside the province of the card writer, and are therefore not considered in this Course. These sub- jects are fully treated in the Course on Lettering and Sign Painting. All signs that are made on paper or cardboard will be prepared by the show-card writer, and, besides these, enameled cloth and ordi- nary cotton-sheeting let- tering may not be con- sidered outside of his province. 110. Wall Banners. Store banners are much used for permanent in- scriptions either to direct the customer to different departments or to utilize wall space with attractive signs that will bear some suitable motto or appro- priate inscription. These signs are often prepared in the form of a banner and are stayed on the back with a thin strip of wood at the top and bottom of the card. Window-curtain fixtures and other inexpensive and available material, such as rings, FIG. 75 72 SHOW-CARD WRITING poles, tassels, and trimmings, are used for these banners. The bullion fringe used on silk banners is represented with gold color, shaded with burnt sienna. A detailed sketch of this banner is given in Fig. 75. a represents the body of the banner on which the chief portion of the inscription is placed; b the hood, a very appropriate place to put the name of the firm; c shows where the fringe is usually placed on the banner. If a banner is to be placed on a white wall it is desirable to have the body of cream or some light color, while the hood should be a dark color. For example, if cream or gold color be used for a, the hood b should be a dark blue. 111. Combination Metal and Card Banners. A banner that is used in our leading stores at present is a FIG. 76 brass frame, silver plated, with a slot in one end through which a card may be slid into place. This is projected from a column, window sash, casement, or other convenient object by an artistic ironwork design, shown in Fig. 76. SHOW-CARD WRITING 73 OUTSIDE SIGNS 112. White Enameled-Clotli Signs. It is often desir- able that a bulletin or other announcement be hung outside the store window, in which case cardboard could not be used, for the reason that it would not withstand moisture, either rain or snow, and therefore some other material that will serve the purpose must be used. This is found in enameled cloth, which is white, glossy, and durable. Show-card black and varnish colors may be used to letter on this surface. It is well to sponge over the surface with benzine before marking or lettering on enameled cloth, in order to prevent the color from creeping, which means that the color will not remain always where applied, but will leave a straight line and become an irregular and broken outline, causing much annoyance to the letterer. When enameled cloth is used for an outside sign, a frame is usually constructed of strips of wood strong enough only to allow the cloth to be stretched over the frame without bending. To prevent the possibility of this, which is inevitable if the sign be a long one, cross- strips should be placed far enough apart to give the required strength. The cloth is then drawn over the edge and tacked securely, or it may be tacked on the back of the frame, which is preferable when a better finish is desired, for in the latter case the tacks are not seen. If the following directions be observed, the student will have no difficulty in stretching the cloth on the frame without wrinkling: Lay the frame on the cloth and cut the cloth, allowing a margin that will lap over the edge and giving an additional width for tacks. Do not begin to tack from the corners to the center of the frame, but always from the center of the frame to the corners, stretching the cloth from the opposite side, and at the same time drawing it toward the corner. After four tacks have been temporarily driven in all four sides, continue the tacking by putting not more than two tacks on either side of the center at a time, which will serve to hold the cloth and withstand the strain put on it when tacking the opposite side. Endeavor as nearly as possible to reach the corners of the sign at the 74 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 same time; in other words, do not tack one entire side before another, as this will invariably cause wrinkles. 113. Sheeting Signs. Special announcements are often made on material that is cheaper than enameled cloth, more quickly lettered, and less permanent in appearance. For this style of sign, common cotton sheeting is used. Another advantage in using sheeting is that several narrow widths may be sewed together, and thus a sign of large proportions is quickly and cheaply produced. To letter on cotton sheeting, use the best lampblack. Mix this with copal varnish and thin with gasoline to the consistency of cream. Apply the black with a flat camel's-hair brush 1 inch wide. The inscription is marked on the cloth by using charcoal. The lines are snapped on with a string that is charged with charcoal. After lettering the cloth, the char- coal marks may easily be dusted off the surface when the black has thoroughly dried. 114. Show-Card Transparencies. The advent of thin celluloid sheets has developed a new use of the show-card, namely, a window transparency. A fancy panel is usually cut out of the center of the card, and the celluloid sheet, of some brilliant color, is fastened with glue on the back of the card. The portion of the inscription of special importance is reserved for this opening. This style of show-card is suspended with an incandescent lamp directly behind it, pro- ducing a sign that may be read in the evening as well as in the daytime; it is especially attractive by lamplight. To letter on celluloid, use a solid varnish black that will make the letter opaque and serve as a base. After this has dried, the center of the letter may be filled in with gold or alumi- num bronze (penciled on), leaving a blank outline surround- ing the entire letter. The remainder of the show-card is lettered as usual, surrounding the panel with appropriate lining or ornamentation. 115. Window Transparencies. Another form of transparency that may be prepared by the show-card writer is the transparent window sign. This sign is designed to 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 75 extend across the entire width of the window, the width of the sign being governed by the size of letter and the inscrip- tion. Heavy Manila paper is used for this purpose, and it should be well coated with some dark color or it may be used without any preparation. The letters should be cut out and a bright colored tissue paper pasted on the back of the sign, entirely covering, with one thickness of the paper, all openings or letters. The inside portions of such letters as A, B, D, O, R, etc. are then fastened in their proper places, pasting these on the tissue paper. A heavy line of black surrounding each letter, placed on the Manila paper, will give strength where needed and make an attractive sign in day- light as well as in the evening. If the ground be dark, a heavy line of bronze may be substituted for the black. 116. Card Klet-trie 8ig:ns. Many very artistic and attractive signs may be made of cardboard and illuminated with special 2-inch globular incandescent electric lamps. These signs are not only attrac- tive in the window display, but are used also for interior deco- rating. The letters are cut out of heavy white cardboard for this style of sign. The edge of the letter is covered with a heavy stripe of bronze, inside of which is worked a stripe of black. The lamps are then placed at intervals that will show the letter almost inde- pendently of the cardboard. The proper number of lamps that should be used is shown in Fig. 77. The framework used to hold the letters together should be i-inch iron rods, and painted black or some color that will not cause the attention to be called to this part of the sign. The rods connecting the frame and strengthening it, with the exception of the ends, should be flattened on 76 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 either end and looped, allowing the top and bottom rod to pass through it, thus making them adjustable. They may then be placed to the back of a letter. These signs may be made suitable to every season by supplying the required number of lamps or cutting out the surplus. Revolving-wheel flash signs and stationary flash signs are thus easily constructed if the show-card writer possesses the "spark of genius" necessary. 117. Mechanical Devices in Window Lettering. There are almost numberless contrivances and devices that will give the card writer an opportunity to continually display novelties in arrangement, or to make new and attractive windows. Cardboard may be used for arches, round or square pillars, etc., on which lettering may be placed. Grilles and other openwork may be made by cutting out the parts, leaving the design. Among the novelties in show-cards is that which may be constructed to read differently from three directions. This sign is made as follows: Glue strips on the four edges of a card that will make a tray about li inches in depth. On a card li times the length of the tray, minus H inches, the width of one strip, letter the desired inscrip- tion, which should be of large bold letters. Letter the reverse side of the card also; cut this into H-inch strips. Letter the inside of the tray, after which the strips may be glued in position 1 inch apart. The sign is then complete, as shown in Fig. 78, (a) showing the front, (b] the left, and (c) the right view. 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING CARD HANGERS 118. Eyelets. To suspend a show-card it is necessary that an eyelet be affixed to the back of the card. This may be attached without marring- its face, or a small hole may be punched in the margin and a metal eyelet inserted that will prevent the string from tearing through the margin. The gummed eyelet shown in Fig. 79 is used for the back of the card and may be obtained at a stationer's in gross quantities. To insert metal eyelets, it is necessary to use a small combination hand punch and set, that will not only cut the hole the required size but firmly set the eyelet by upsetting the obverse end so as to clench it into the card. The eyelet known as the B skirt eyelet is used for this purpose. These are put up in boxes of 1,000 each. They have a burnished silver finish and are therefore not detrimental to the appearance of the card. PUNCTUATION 119. Importance of the Subject. There is seldom sufficient attention paid to this important subject among: letterers, as may be observed by an inspection of the card signs in almost any show window. Were the show-card writer to realize to what extent a well-executed piece of work is often marred by improper punctuation, he would not consider the time wasted that might be devoted to acquiring- a full knowledge of this subject. 120. Origin of the Possessive Symbol. The apos- trophe is frequently misplaced in the plural possessive case. To fully understand the rule governing the possessive case and the origin of the mark used to denote possession, we should first know that the apostrophe is used to indicate that something has been omitted. If we should look on the fly 78 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 leaf of some very old book, we would see the name of the owner, for example, "John Smith," and underneath, the words "his book," which was the early form of expressing the possessive. Later, it became a custom to contract the name and article possessed thus, "John Smith's book" and to insert the apostrophe to indicate that the his was omitted. By bearing in mind this simple custom, one can always locate the proper place for the apostrophe, according to the location of the pronoun. To further illustrate, take, for example, the words "men's and boys' clothing." To use the method of our ancestors we would express it, "men and boys, their clothing." According to the rule, the apos- trophe and final 5 should be substituted for the pronoun, making the phrase read "men's and boys' clothing 1 ." Thus, the letter ^ would not be necessary after the apostrophe in the word men's, as the pronoun their, which has no final s, is used; but for euphony, or to obviate harshness of sound, the s is often added after many words, and also omitted from words ending with s for the same reason. RULES FOR PUNCTUATION 121. The period is put at the end of every word, phrase, or sentence that is complete by itself, and not inter- rogative or exclamatory. It is also placed after all abbre- viations. Quit yourselves like men. The M. D. addressed his letter to James Howard, LL. D. 122. The colon is an intermediate point between the semicolon and the period, and is used as follows: 1. After words that promise a series or statement of something important. His accomplishments, he said, were not many: a stout heart, a firm resolve, and fifty cents. 2. Before an important remark added to a sentence, espe- cially when it sums up the sentence, or presents the meaning in another form. 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 79 Avoid evil doers: in such society an honest man may become ashamed of himself. 123. The semicolon, is used to separate clauses that are themselves divided by the comma, or that require a point greater than a comma and less than a colon; or to separate the parts of a loose series. He was courteous, not cringing, to superiors; affable, not familiar, to equals; and kind, but not condescending or supercilious, to inferiors. 124. The comma is the most frequently used of all the punctuation marks. The chief purposes for which it is used are the following: 1. To separate terms of a closely related series, or two such terms when the connective is omitted. Hedges, groves, gardens. It was a dark, desolate region. 2. To separate terms that are contrasted or otherwise dis- tinguished, and terms of which a part in one might be referred improperly to the other. He is .poor, but honest. 3. To set off a word, phrase, or clause that is paren- thetic, or that comes between other parts and breaks their connection. You will then, however, be in no better condition. 4. To set off a modifying word, phrase, or clause that is not closely connected with what it modifies, or that is removed from it by inversion. Behold the emblem of thy state in flowers, which bloom and die. By Americans generally, the hero of the Battle of Manila Bay is beloved. 5. To set off words or phrases used independently or absolutely. Ristalfo, give me what is mine, and that right quickly. 6. To separate the predicate from its subject, when the subject is very long, and has a clause, or consists of punctu- ated parts. The fact that he is allowed to go unpunished, makes him more insolent than ever. 80 SHOW-CARD WRITING 1 7. To separate clauses that are neither very closely nor very loosely connected. There mountains rise, and circling rivers flow. 8. Short simple sentences or clauses seldom require a point within them; and phrases or clauses that stand in close connection with that on which they depend seldom require a point before them. Tell me when it was that you saw him after he returned. 125. The interrogation point is placed after every complete direct question, whether it forms a complete sen- tence or only a part of a sentence. What mean'st thou by that? Mend me, thou saucy fellow? Julius Ctzsar. 126. The exclamation point is placed after a word, phrase, clause, or sentence that indicates great surprise, grief, joy, or other emotion in the speaker. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! 127. The dash is chiefly used for the following purposes: 1. To show omission caused by interruption. Cassius. Yet I fear him: For in the ingrafted love he bears to Caesar Brutit-s. Alas! good Cassius, do not think of him. 2. To show emphasis or suppressed feeling, or to show an unexpected turn in thought or style. Heaven gives to its favorites early death. 3. To set off a parenthetical phrase, especially when emphatic or when there are other points within it. To render the Constitution perpetual which God grant it may be- lt is necessary that its benefits should be practically felt by all parts of the country. D. Webster. 4. Before echoes, or where the words that is or namely are understood. The four greatest names in English poetry are almost the first we come to Chaucer, Spencer, Shakespeare, and Milton. 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 81 128. The parenthesis is used to enclose some inci- dental remark or explanation that breaks the regular con- struction of the sentence and can be omitted without injuring the grammatical sense. Know then this truth (enough for man to know) , Virtue alone is happiness below. Pope. 129. Quotation marks are used to enclose words taken from the saying or writing of another person. The doctor made the sage remark, "while there's life, there's hope." 130. The apostrophe is used to denote the omission of one or more letters. 'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print; A book's a book, although there's nothing in 't. Chatterton . 131. The hyphen (-) is used (1) at the close of a syllable that ends a line when the remaining part of the word must be carried to the next line; (2) to join the parts of compound words. 132. The ditto marks (") are used to avoid the repeti- tion of the word or expression directly above them. 133. The underscore is a line drawn under words in manuscript or copy to give them special emphasis, showing that they are to be printed in Italic or capitals, one line denoting Italic, two lines denoting small capitals, and three lines large capitals. SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT (PART 1) INTRODUCTION 1. Application of Design to Show-Card Writing. Designing, as applied to show-card writing, includes many forms of treatment, and therefore covers a broad field of study. It has its beginning when the letterer, in the slight- est degree, departs from a straight line in the arrangement of his inscription, or from a perfectly plain background on which he is to place an inscription. It consists of a number of general rules and established forms that serve as a founda- tion for the building of new and original ideas. Unless the show-card writer possesses some knowledge of the subject of design, his ability is limited to a mere knowledge of the proper formation of letters and their arrangement into words. Designing will ever be an art that, aside from general fundamental rules, involves the faculty of the artist for pro- ducing original conceptions and combinations. In its high- est and most classical form the character of its composition follows the style of some recognized historic period or school of architecture. The show-card writer's require- ments however are seldom of so classical a nature. There- fore, in the following pages, only the elementary composition of designing is considered. Originality must be developed by the student, for it is impossible for a teacher to impart knowledge to a student that will aid him after entering on this ground. For notice of copyright, see page immediately following the title page 2 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 2. Ornament. The subject of ornament likewise is treated from a practical standpoint, in order that the instruc- tion may be of the most profitable nature to the beginner. Were we to prescribe certain styles of ornament to be used exclusively on each particular kind of work, the student would soon find himself relying on the ability of others rather than on his own. The instruction, for this reason, treats on the various styles of ornament, and the forms best adapted to the card-writer's requirements. The student must then learn to make a practical application of these styles by suiting them to his requirements. ELEMENTS OF DESIGN SIMPLE FIGURES 3. Lines and Curves. Aside from a straight line, a curved line may be said to be the first step in designing. There are, however, several ways of placing letters on a straight line; these may be vertical, inclined to the right or left, or they may radiate from a point above or below the line, as explained in Show-Card Writing, and shown in Plate, Title: Elementary Lines. 4. A curved line, or a curve, is a line no part of which is straight; it may be imagined to be formed by the bending of a straight line. Any portion of a curve is called an arc. 5. A circular arc is any part of a circumference. Cir- cular arcs having the same center, but different radii, are called parallel arcs. They are inside one another. They are also called concentric, which means with the same center. 6. When three words or lines of letters of suitable length are used in an inscription, the card writer often so arranges them that the top and bottom lines of letters are made to stand on curved lines. The center line being 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT straight and the top and bottom lines curved in opposite directions away from the center line, as shown in Fig. 1. To draw concentric lines, the letterer usually relies on the following- simple method: First ascertain the exact center of the card; make a small loop in a piece of hemp twine, sufficiently large to admit of passing the point of a lead CARPETS FIG. 1 pencil through it; then, from a point on the lower part of the card as a center, describe an arc, using the finger to hold the string in place. Let the string slip beneath the finger in order to draw several parallel curves. Letters are placed on a plain curve either vertically or on lines radiating from a point called the focus. 7. A circle is a closed figure, all points of whose outline are at the same distance from a point within called the center, Fig. 2. The term circle is applied both to the curved out- line of the figure and to the space enclosed by it; but the curved outline is more commonly called the circumference of the circle. 8. Radius and Diameter. The distance from the cen- ter of a circle to any point on the circumference is called the radius of the circle. SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 A line through the center of a circle, and having its ends on the circumference, is called a diameter. In Fig. 3, O is the center of the circle, OB, O D, O A, and OC are radii, AB and CD are diameters. Every diameter is equal to two radii, and divides the circle into two equal parts, or semicircles, and the circumfer- ence into two semi-circumferences. Two diameters perpendicular to each other, as A B and CD, divide the circum- ference into four equal parts called quadrants. THE ELLIPSE 9. Methods of Describing an Ellipse. There are many ways of making, or describing, an ellipse, some of which are quite complicated. For designing purposes, exclusive of architectural work, a knowledge of two or three methods will serve every purpose. The simplest method is by means of two tacks and a string. Draw a horizon- tal line and erect a perpen- dicular bisecting it; point off on the horizontal line the length of ellipse de- sired, proceeding from the perpendicular equal dis- tances to the right and left; divide the horizontal line, from these points to the vertical, into four equal parts; fix tacks on the third point from the vertical on either side; tie a string around both tacks, and fasten the ends together at one of the points farthest from the vertical on the horizontal line; place lead pencil inside and follow around, and a perfect ellipse will be the result, as shown in Fig. 4. The ellipse may be elongated by moving the tacks FIG. 4 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT FIG. 5 farther away from the vertical, or it may be widened by moving the tacks closer to the vertical. 10. To draw the ellipse shown in Fig. 5, construct two squares and draw lines from the corners intersecting in the center of each square; from this point of intersection, describe arcs, with compass, from a to b; from the points r, de- scribe upper and lower lines / ' \ from a to a and b to b. 11. Another simple method of constructing the ellipse is as follows: De- scribe two tangent circles, such that the sum of their diameters shall represent the length of the ellipse and draw a horizontal line through the centers of both circles, as in Fig. 6; divide each semicircle into three equal parts, as at a, #, a, a, and draw a line from each divi- ding point through the cen- ter of each circle, meeting at the points b; from these points describe curves from a to a, top and bottom, and the resulting figure will be an approximate el- lipse. The ellipse is some- times spoken of as an oval. As applied to an ellipse the word oval is a misnomer. The word oval comes from the Latin word ovum, meaning an egg; the shape of the oval, then, is that of the outline of an egg. To speak of an egg-shaped oval, therefore, is an absurdity, and no more sensible than to speak of a circle as a round circle. FIG. 6 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 THE PANEL ITS USE IN DESIGNING 12. The Rectangle. The elaborate panel has its beginning in the plain figure called a rectangle, shown in Fig. 7, a four-sided figure having only right angles; a right-angled parallelogram. From this beginning, lines are added until the panel becomes a work of art. It is not essential that this growth be considered step by step, but every detail that marks the transition from the rectangle to the elaborate panel finally used as a design will be contained in the examples given. 13. Panel Ends. We will first call attention to the methods of finishing the end of the panel. Fig. 8 (a) shows a perfectly plain panel and its plain outline; (b) shows a (a) FIG. 8 plain panel, the outside of which is slightly ornamental; (c) represents an ornamental inner panel, while the outside is perfectly plain; (d) is an example of an ornamental out- line, with the ends of the inner panel finished as a scroll, or in imitation of a ribbon. 14. Combination Panels. Two panels of entirely different shape and character are often used in designing; the one in the foreground is made to bear the inscription, 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 7 while that in the background is given less prominence. In Fig. 9 (a), a diamond-shaped panel is used as the one on which the inscription should be placed; (b) represents (b) FIG. 9 FIG. 10 FIG. 11 8 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 the panel on which the body of the lettering should be placed, while the shield or upper panel of this design may also be used for a trade mark, price mark, or other purpose. In dealing with the panel for designing purposes, the nature and importance of the inscription must be considered. The interior panel may be made extremely ornamental, as shown in Fig. 10, or the reverse may obtain, and the entire attention may be given to elaborating the surroundings of the pane), as in Fig. 11, which illustrates a plain panel surrounded by an ornamental design. 15. Part Panels. Another form of panel is that which is combined with some other design, in which the panel is not in the foreground. When the panel is left unfinished on one end, as in Fig. 12, it is known as a part panel and many beautiful effects can be produced by its use. In this FIG. 12 style of panel the damask principle may be used, the panel being blended into the ground by using the lettering brush or by stippling with the end of a stiff hair brush. The lettering is also blended; the extreme of light color is thus contrasted against the darkest part of the panel, and the dark lettering is continued on the light ground outside of the panel. This principle illustrates one of the essential elements in designing; namely, to make the strongest lights come directly in contact with the darkest shades. If several shades of equal strength are combined in a design, the tendency is to weaken the general effect. PIG SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 16. Rococo Panels. A panel much used by the designer of lettering inscriptions is one that may be made to fit any irregular space; it may be made to correspond in the general arrangement and design of its ends, thus making a balanced design, or, it may be made without regard a- to uniformity. This is known as the rococo panel. It is especially useful to the show-card writer, being easily and quickly constructed; i t s outline is made with one continuous brush stroke. Fig. 13 shows this style of panel. Its unlimited application rests with the versatility of the letterer. 17. Relief-Scroll Panels. In Fig. 14 is shown a panel that serves much the same purpose as the foregoing. This panel, known as the relief-scroll panel, is often so elabo- rate in design and composi- tion that the entire inscrip- tion can be placed within its outlines. The relief scroll is based on the natural form of the acanthus leaf, but it is idealized into a great variety of forms. In the following few sugges- tions, Fig. 15, the elements of the relief scroll are given. Arrange these in a relief design, introducing the leaf and* other features where they properly belong. The student should not expect to be able to construct a relief ornament 10 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 and shade it properly without considerable practice. Grace- ful curves are an important element in the construction of this ornament, and, in fact, in all freehand ornamentation. Therefore, one who possesses the ability to draw symmet- rical curves is better qualified to execute the relief ornament, which is considered to be the most difficult of all styles to master. RIBBONS 18. The Several Forms of the Ribbon. The ribbon is used in many forms, and can be made to suit almost any style of inscription by folding or extending. When folded, the part representing the back of the ribbon is called the return, and must be shown by color or shading. The ribbon is made either in a regular curve or with irregular and broken edges. Fig. 16 shows the ribbon in some of its many forms; the names of its component parts are: a, the bow; b, the broken band; c, the regular band; d, the return- ing band; e, the streamer; and /, the roll. 19. The ribbon is used also in a square or geometrical form, shown in Fig. 17, in which case the graceful and nat- ural wave does not enter. This form of ribbon is chiefly employed in conventional or set designs. 20. The most graceful and symmetrical design of the ribbon is in the form of the double ogee curve; when so used both ends must be made precisely the same in outline. The fold can also be made in the middle of the ogee, as shown in Fig. 18, without distorting its symmetrical effect, but rather giving it ease and grace, which should always be the aim of the designer. 21. Shading the Ribbon. To make the shading of a ribbon appear natural, always observe the natural law of light and shade. If the light strikes on one part of the ribbon, the opposite side corresponding with it must neces- sarily be in shadow. The study of light and shade is the first requirement in SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 11 designing, and has been considered with reference to individ- ual letters in Show-Card Writing. In designing, as in drawing from nature, strict adherence to this law is absolutely neces- sary; the slightest disregard of it is noticeable to the skilled FIG. 17 eye. We have seen the advantage of shading single letters to the left, and it is well to practice the shading of designs on the left also, in order to avoid such mistakes as are likely FIG. 18 to occur by showing a shade on two opposite sides of an object or of several objects when they are combined in one design. 22. Reflected Light. In the shading of ribbons or any rounded object, the principle of the reflected liglit must be observed. By it is shown the edge or line which, with- out the observance of the principle, would be lost where the darkest shaded parts come together. Fig. 19 shows this principle of reflected light, the greatest strength of the shade being somewhat removed from the extreme edge of the object, as at , while the shadow cast by the object itself is strongest against, the edge at b. FIG. 19 12 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT INSCRIPTION DESIGNING 23. How to Arrange an Inscription. A show-card writer is confronted with all kinds of combinations of words in inscriptions. It should be one of the chief ends of his educa- tion in lettering to be able to fit the inscription to any required size. He should also possess a comprehensive knowledge of the almost unlimited forms of arrangement that make it pos- sible to design the card, so that it will be neat and artistic as well as legible. To do this it is necessary that the words of greatest importance should be most conspicuously brought out in the inscription. When this is accomplished, the desired end in show-card writing has been attained. 24. Straight-Line Arrangement. There are two general methods of arranging the wording on a show card. If there is a considerable amount of matter, it may be lettered in a uniform style of capitals and lower case in the same form as printed matter, or it may be arranged in the form known as the display ad, discussed under Art. 25 The straight-line inscription may be made of capitals throughout, and it may not be necessary always to follow the printer's rule of beginning all lines at the left margin; sentences may end at any point. The first few words, if especially important, and the final line also, may be placed in the center of the card without detri- ment to the appearance of either inscription or design. 25. Display Arrangement. In this method of design- ing the inscription, first draw a light vertical line through the center of the card and place the lettering equally on either side of ft. In the display ad, several lines may be occupied without giving any special consideration to uni- formity in the style of the alphabet selected, or the size of SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 13 letter used, so far as their relations to the appearance of the work are concerned. The vertical line should be drawn through the center of the card in order to guide the letterer in placing a word exactly in the center. This is accomplished by counting the number of letters in the word, or, if more than one word occurs on a line, by counting also the spaces between the words, allowing the width of one letter for each space, and balancing the total number of letters and spaces Is Unequalled BY Y0UR TAIL0R FIG. 20 equally on either side of the vertical line, as shown in Fig. 20. This method is also used when the inscription is composed of words that may be suitably arranged in curved lines. These are made to balance by observing the center vertical line, as shown in Fig. 21. The space between the curved lines should be equal on either side of the central vertical. The proper selection of various styles of freehand letters is essential to the speed of the show-card letterer. If letters consisting of rounded strokes be selected, they may be 14 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 executed much quicker than letters having many angles. For example, the third line of Fig. 20 is in the style known as Full Block; it is a letter seldom used by card writers, because not quickly made. While this is true in regard to FIG. 21 letters, it is likewise true in regard to the studied arrange- ment of the lines of an inscription. An elaborate design may be used when the occasion requires, but to save the extra amount of labor and time necessarily spent in making v Tvr/ < c^ r NEGLIGEE of tktte FIG. 22 an accurately balanced design is greatly to the advantage of the card writer and his income. He therefore resorts to the following method, when the wording is of such a nature as to permit of the use of the freehand arrangement: SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 15 26. Freehand Arrangement. Fig. 22 illustrates the style we have chosen to call the freehand arrangement com- posed of straight lines only. This style requires no observ- ance of a center balancing line. It is necessary, however, that due regard be paid to a uniform margin line for begin- ning and ending words, also that the first and last lines of the inscription be at equal distances from the top and bottom edges of the card respectively. The expert show-card writer never marks out the letters for this arrangement. FIG. 23 27. Freehand Curved Lines. The freehand arrange- ment is not confined to straight lines, but the inscription may also be constructed entirely of curves, in which case it is only necessary to balance the inscription equally in the center of the card by simply giving heed to the uniformity in width of margin. Fig. 23 shows an example of the style of curves used in this arrangement. It is not advisable, however, always to use curves throughout an inscription. A combination of straight lines and curves gives the same results and avoids the confusion and irregularity in general effect that arises from too many curves. 16 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AXD ORNAMENT 2 LOCATION OF INSCRIPTION 28. A Common Error. The beginner is usually of the opinion that the entire space on the card should be covered with letters. This, however, is not the purpose of the show card. The inscription is never of such a nature as to require letters so large as will not permit of a liberal margin. The observer is usually not more than 10 or 15 feet from the sign, and small letters may be easily read at this distance, espe- cially if the letters be made clear and distinct in outline and in such styles as are most suitable to the inscription. Our leading show-card writers carry this idea almost to its extreme limit without impairing the appearance of the card Latest^ X FIG. 24 or depreciating its value as a show card. We would, there- fore, urge on students the imperative demand for neatness in their work, and the necessity for margins on the card suf- ficient to allow a small space within the stripe. The stripe should be made at least li inches from the edge of the card. Fig. 24 shows the comparative location of an inscription composed of two or three words. 29. An Emphatic Word. If an important single word requiring special prominence occurs in the inscription, as, for example, the name of the maker or the .name of an article, the word may easily be made prominent, while at the same SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 17 time the general effect of keeping the body of the inscrip- tion the desired distance from the edge of the card may still be preserved. Fig. 25 illustrates this style of design. The fine-line stripe may surround the design, being omitted only when it would otherwise come in contact with the lettering; or, the stripe may be merely suggested in the upper left- and lower right- hand corners of the design according to the nature of the inscription. FIG. 25 30. Diverse Treatment. It often happens that a num- ber of words in the inscription need to be given special prominence, while a large portion of the matter is purely descriptive and therefore may be put in one style of small letters. With this kind of inscription, the letterer may give the words the form of a design by embellishing the principal lines of letters, or he may prepare his sign with no attempt at artistic designing, using plain letters only. Fig. 26 shows two designs bearing the same inscription: (a) the plain lettered sign, and (b) the inscription arranged in the form of a design. 18 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT In the latter case, the strong contrast of the black ground and the white cut-in letters repays the writer for the extra time required in thus treating the inscription. fpe prices charged for Ru{5s at this sale are pot equal to those asked by the rug dealers, but are ir> keepipji with the prices of this store. Tfye Pricey charged for Rugs at this sale are pot equal totfjose asked by t|je rug dealers, but are ip keepipg v/ify tpe prices of tp is store. ^ JB HASTINGS & Co. (a) (b) FIG. 26 31. Selection of Alphabets. The selection of the most appropriate style of letter to be used is a subject that should be given careful consideration. The letterer should have the various styles of letters so fixed in his mind that when given an inscription to design he may be able to give to every word the particular style of letter best adapted to its length, to the combination of its letters, and to its relation to the other lines of the inscription. This the letterer cannot hope to do until he has had considerable practice and long experience in lettering. To provide him with those styles of letters most commonly used is the pur- pose of the plates of alphabets to be drawn and sent in to the Schools for correction. In the following alphabets, however, styles less frequently used are given. A student who has become proficient and has ability to draw the regu- lar plates of the Course will experience no difficulty in executing any of these added styles. Practice these alpha- bets during your leisure moments, and in a short time you It l I i I? s 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 19 will find that yon have memorized the details of construction in every letter of the various alphabets now in use. These plates will be found valuable for reference purposes, and, for this reason, they should be kept close at hand when the student is designing. SUPPLEMENTARY ALPHABETS 32. Full Block. This style of letter is suitable for headings, or for a short single word. Perhaps no style of letter is so little used as this, and yet the card writer, to be thoroughly prepared to meet every requirement, should at least possess a knowledge of the construction of this letter. By following the few general rules given, the Full Block letter may be made freehand. First, note that the width of the letters generally is equal to their height; also, that the stroke and the space between horizontal strokes are equal. The length of the spur is equal to one-half the width of the stroke. The inside and outside bevels should be parallel and the distance separating them should be the same as that given to the width of the stroke. The bevels begin one-fourth the width of the stroke above or below the horizontal and reach to the vertical, thus avoiding too great an angle in the construction of the letter. By always observ- ing these few rules, the letterer will find it unnecessary to use ruled lines for Full Block letters, except when absolute accuracy is required. 33. Half Block. -This style of letter, like the Full Block, is mechanical and composed of many angles; it is, therefore, seldom used. Its practical appli- cation is confined mostly to that feature of designing known as cutting in. While a round letter may be made more quickly than . any other style when lettering in the ordinary way, the angular letter with its many bevels is made with greater rapidity when cut in. The card writer 20 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 may add spurs to the corners of the Half Block, thereby relieving the letter of its severe plainness; when so relieved, it is classified as Antique Half Block. Fig. 29 shows how these spurs are added to the side bevels as well as to the corners of vertical strokes. 34. Antique Egyptian (Light) . This style of letter, shown in Fig. 30, is an extreme light-face treatment of the normal Antique Egyptian letter. It is especially useful to the show-card writer when the inscription calls for a small neat letter on a black or colored card. No style of letter answers such a purpose so admirably as this. Great care must be given to its execution, in order that the proper uniform width may be maintained in the stroke, that the spurs may be made small and sharp-pointed; also, that the curved strokes may be made symmetrical by merging the rounded part gracefully into the horizontal stroke. The student will find it necessary to devote considerable time to the practice of this alphabet before he is able to use it to advan- tage in show-card writing. Few styles of letters are subject to modifications in so many points as this. The alphabet entitled Eccentric Egyptian is so closely allied to this style that the student is not required to prepare this one as a lesson to be sent in for correction. The corrections made on the Eccentric Egyptian plate will also apply, in a general way, to the errors usually made in this plate by a beginner. 35. Old English. The need is occasionally felt by the card writer for a style of letter that will serve the purpose of a heading or give variety to the inscription. The Old English letter, shown in Fig. 31, is an excellent one for such purposes, because of its ornamental character, and also on account of the simplicity of its formation. The letter is com- posed of crescents, cymas, and straight lines. It is a letter that may be easily memorized and one that may be made with great rapidity. The Old English alphabet is capable of the most beautiful effects in color treatment. The capital may be highly illuminated by paneling or ornamenting, while the balance of the line, or the lower-case letters, may be o . w o fc 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 21 blended and shaded by a great variety of methods. This, however, requires time and study, and card writers are gen- erally satisfied to include this among the list of styles for occasional use only. In order that the writer may acquire versatility in inscription designing, we recommend that he give much practice to this style of letter and prepare him- self to execute the capitals and lower-case letters by a careful study of each letter until he finds it unnecessary to refer to the copy. It is not necessary to dwell on the great economy in time gained from a perfect familiarity with the details of the for- mation of every alphabet used. The letterer should experi- ence no delay in his practical work by being compelled to refer to the printed copy. We suggest, however, that this knowledge cannot be obtained without constant practice. 36. Engrossing:. These alphabets are known as Rund Schrift (Round Script), or round writing, and are illustrated by means of Fig. 32. They are especially adapted to the automatic shading pen. The letters are made up of vertical strokes, cymas, and crescents. The vertical strokes are cut off on an angle of 45, showing the natural incline of the FIG. 33 pen when forming this style of letter. The pen is maintained in the same uniform position throughout the alphabet. By referring to the first letter A, the right and left crescent is seen, also the point where the maximum thickness of the stroke occurs. The crescent is reduced to a fine line, and this is approximately on an angle of 45. The heavy line of the letter, made by the grooved part of the pen, should always be to the right side of the stroke; the shade and heavy lines are drawn with one stroke of the pen. In making this letter, draw all strokes by beginning at the top and drawing the pen downwards. It requires but little 22 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 8 2 practice with the pen in order to bear on it with a firm, even pressure that will produce an unbroken stroke. Special inks, of several colors, are prepared for these shading pens, and so mixed as to give a transparent shade. Fig. 33 shows the style of pen used; also, the angle at which the pen is inclined. 37. Shippers' Box Marking:. While this style of letter, as shown in Fig. 34, is known as a box-marking style, it is nevertheless a convenient letter for use in card writing. This letter may be made with great speed. The stroke, although shaded, is made with one downward movement of the brush, especially in the lower-case letters. Some of the capitals require two strokes of the brush when making the shaded part. This style of letter inclines about 30 to the left of the vertical. The right outline of the stroke follows this incline, while the left outline, beginning at the top with a fine line, swells into an ogee curve, giving the stroke its maximum width, one-fourth the height of the letter from the base line. The chief characteristic of this alphabet lies in the graceful curves that form the details of the letters. 38. Fi*ench Roman (tiiglit). Included in the drawing plates is the French Roman, also shown in Fig. 35, the normal letter of this style, and therefore the prototype of the light-face letter. This alphabet is an eccentric form of letter, and like the Antique Egyptian (Light) is especially used on a black or colored card. The letter when used on a dark card is usually white, and for this reason an artistic light-face letter is chosen for the purpose. This letter is subject to greater modification than is shown in the copy. The lower-case letters of the normal alphabet are used with this letter, but should be greatly reduced in the stroke in order that perfect proportion may exist when they are com- bined in the form of an inscription. We advise the student to study this alphabet in connection with the normal, that he may be better able to compare the details of both styles and see wherein they differ. When constructing this letter, it is essential that all spurs be made needle-pointed and that a rsS o 3 . s r> E Q\ ^^ I 2 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 23 uniform width be given to the stroke; also, that the light line be made one-third the width of the stroke. 39. Gothic. This style of alphabet, see Fig. 36, was created during the closing centuries of the Medieval period, and is associated historically, as well as in its outline, with the ogival, or pointed arch, which at this time existed in the Gothic architecture. For illuminated capitals there is no alphabet that gives so classical a touch to a design as the Gothic, although Old English is often used for this purpose. But the elements of construction in this style of letter better fits it to the panel, in which illuminated capitals are often placed. Gothic is so seldom used in card writing that it would be necessary for the letterer always to have the plate before him for reference when constructing a Gothic inscription. INDEXES 40. Method of Construction. Aside from the knowl- edge of alphabets, nothing is so important in show-card work as the index hand. For directing the attention to some 6 n FIG. 37 specialty, or the customer to some department, the index is indispensable. It is obvious, therefore, that the card writer should thoroughly understand the principles on which it is constructed. The rule by which the index is proportioned is so simple that when once understood the student need never experience any difficulty in laying out a right or left index from memory. 24 SHOW-CARD DESIGN AND ORNAMENT 2 In Fig. 37 are shown the points of construction and their proper location, by which an index of any size may be drawn. The distance from a, or the end of the forefinger nail, to b, the center of the knuckle, is equal to that from b to c and from a to g\ also, to that from i to the top of the coat sleeve. The distance from d to e is equal to that from j to k, g to /, c to A, and h to z. To locate these points properly, the student should draw a horizontal line tangent to b. By means of this line the points a and c may then be located, as they are at equal distances below this line and also equidistant from point b. The points a and c being found, it is easy to draw the curves of the top of the finger and the back of the hand. It is necessary to keep in mind the incline of the line from a to g, which should be at an angle of 25. The width of the finger at d and the thumb at e are equal, and one-half of that from inches each. It is then an easy matter to space the numerals accurately by proportion. 16. Details of the Letters. The width of the outline in the lower-case letters is made a trifle less than that of the capitals. The same brush may be used, however. Note the following instruction with reference to the details of letters: 1. The middle stroke of letter a, where joined to the ver- tical line, is on an incline and should not be curved. '1. The lower portion of the letter g should be a little wider than the upper part. Do not carry this to either side, but always place it directly underneath the upper part of the letter. 3. The letter / is the only letter beveled at the top of the stroke. 4. The lower extremity of the stroke of the letter y is carried to the left on an angle of about 45. 5. The middle stroke of the figure 4 is a full stroke below the center of the figure. That of 3, o, 6, 8 is about one-half 8 LETTER FORMATION 4 stroke above the center line, and that of the ,9 is one-half stroke below the center. 17. Shading of the Numerals. It is our purpose to give the student such practice as will not only familiarize him with the letters, but enable him also to apply the dif- ferent forms of treatment in lettering, as well as shading. For that reason, we require him, on completing the outli- ning, to shade the numerals with what is known as the natural shade the plainest shade employed. Use the water color labeled charcoal gray; rub a little of this color in one of the water-color dishes, being careful to make the shade light rather than too dark. Use the No. 3 red-sable Columbia, and with this proceed to shade the figures. Make the shade one-half the width of the stroke and allow a space between the shade and outline of the figure of a little more than the width of the outline. Make the shade from all points on an angle of 45. PLATE, TITLE: HEAVY EGYPTIAN 18. Practical Application. No style of letter is better suited to water-color treatment than the heavy Egyptian. It is seldom made a solid letter by filling in with black, but is usually outlined, and the space within the outlines filled in with transparent water colors. Lower-case letters or numerals never accompany it, and they should never be used in connection with it. 19. Spacing the Lines. Construct a rectangle, as heretofore instructed, 15 inches long by 9 inches wide, leav- ing equal margins on either side. Beginning at the lower left-hand corner, measure off on the vertical line the height of the letters, l inches. Above this point lay off f inch, the width of space between the lines of letters. Repeat this operation, making 4 spaces for letters and 3 spaces between them. 20. Spacing the Letters. The width of the letters generally is If inches, using the letter H as a basis of FIG. 2 4 . LETTER FORMATION 9 measurement. The rounded letters, such as O and Q, are f inch wider than this, and none are narrower. On account of the eccentric projections that occur in many of the letters, the student must proportion the width of the letter exclusive of these, recognizing only the main body of the letter. There are many exceptions to the general rule governing the width of letters on account of the extreme width of the stroke, and any arbitrary rule relative to their width in other alphabets cannot be given for this. Divide the plate, as heretofore suggested, into 5 equal spaces of 3 inches each; also divide the copy into 5 spaces of 2i inches; this will more readily indicate the proper location of the letters and the spaces between them. 21. The Brush Work. Waterproof India ink only should be used on plates that are to be colored with water colors. Use the No. 5 red-sable brush, and, when out- lining, note carefully all details of each letter. The spurs should be needle-pointed. The end of strokes are curved somewhat, thereby giving the letter a more graceful appear- ance. Make the vertical lines extend their full length. Do not make the spur large; the smaller this is, the better it will suit this style of letter. Make all curves symmetrical; do not exaggerate them. In many cases they are only slight ogee curves. Make the strokes of the letters of uniform width. 22. Coloring the letters. After the plate has been outlined and all pencil marks erased, color the letters, as follows: The first and third lines may be colored with crimson lake, and the second and fourth with new green. This should be done by using two shades of the color. When necessary to darken green, add a small quantity of Prussian blue. Letter G, Fig. 2, shows the manner in which the water colors may be laid on. First make a light shade of the color, using but little of the crimson lake. Flow on this color, covering the entire space within the letter. When this is dry, cover the lower portion of the letter with a darker shade. Draw a horizontal line through the center of all letters, thus making 10 LETTER FORMATION 4 the work uniform in character. A broad stripe and fine line at top and bottom of this, made of a darker shade of the green, produce a very pleasing effect in water-color treat- ment. Stripe the second and fourth lines, therefore, as shown in H of the illustration. PLATE, TITLE: ECCENTRIC EGYPTIAN 23. Practical Application. The Eccentric Egyp- tian, which is a light-stroke letter, is much used in show- card writing, especially for small, neat white letters on a black card. Where a large amount of matter is contained on a card, it is necessary that some light-stroke letter be used. Eccentric ' Egyptian is a style quickly made, and, in an inscription, presents a very artistic appearance. 24. Spacing the Lines. Construct a rectangle 15 inches long by 9 inches wide, allowing an equal margin of 2 2- inches on either side. Then, beginning at the left- hand top corner, point off 1 inch from the top line, which gives the top of the first line of letters. The capitals are ll inches high and the space between the lines of letters i inch. From the bottom line of the capitals to the body of the lower-case letters is f inch. The lower-case letters are f inch high and the space between the lines is f inch also. The long-stroke letters project i inch above and f inch below the body of the letters. 25. Spacing the Letters. Divide the plate, as well as the copy, into 5 equal spaces, as recommended in the instruction accompanying the heavy Egyptian letter. Note carefully all details of letters and do not project strokes beyond the limits shown in the copy. The general width of these letters is li inches, using the width given to the let- ter H. Attention is called to the unequal spacing of the final line of lower-case letters. This is due to the letter / and the tail-stroke of the letter g coming together were the line spaced strictly according to rule. Therefore, make letters equally distant from the margin line, which is 3 inches. 11 FIG. 3 26. Uniformity of the Letter*.- i he formation of the letters of any eccentric alphabet cannot be arbitrary. The features that change it from a normal to an eccentric letter may be altered, but, when this is done, the change should exist in the let- ters throughout the al- phabet. For example, the letters of this plate having strokes cut off at an angle, may be car- ried to a graceful point, as shown in Fig. 3. The main point to be observed in making eccentric letters is to make the letter symmetrical and well balanced. Do not form a letter so that it inclines to the right or left. One such letter destroys the appear- ance of an entire line of well-proportioned letters. 27. The Brush Work. With this letter the student temporarily leaves the work of outlining to execute a plain block, or solid, letter. He has therefore to observe the uniform width of the stroke, symmetrical curves, and perfectly true outline. The width of the stroke made by the brush need not be con- sidered so long as the edge of the letter is accurately made. Use the brush previously used for outlining, the No. 5 red-sable rigger. Draw all outlines in the order required when outlining. The width of the stroke of capital letters is -? inch; of lower case, i inch. If this letter be made on a black or dark-colored card, make the stroke of the capitals i inch and the lower case somewhat less than this. In Fig. 4 is shown the effect of the reduced stroke when this style of letter is used as a white letter on a black FIG. 4 12 LETTER FORMATION 4 ground. Note also the comparative height of the capitals with the lower-case letters. After the student has prepared his specimen sheet to be sent in for correction, we would recommend that he prepare the same alphabet, using a black cardboard and show-card writers' white. Make this as accurately as possible, and in accordance with size given in Fig. 4. It is not necessary that this be sent in for correction, as the black-lettered plate is sufficient. PLATE, TITLE: FRENCH ROMAN 28. Practical Application. There is no style of let- ter more generally used or more popular with the show-card writer than French Roman. It is an alphabet, therefore, to which the student may profitably devote much extra time, in practicing every characteristic detail, in order that he may the sooner memorize the formation of each letter and be able to execute them with accuracy and speed. CAPITALS 29. Spacing the Lines for Capital Letters. Con- struct a rectangle of the usual dimensions, 15 inches by 9 inches, allowing the required margin of 2i inches. Then, beginning at the lower left-hand corner, measure off on the vertical line li inches, the height of the letters, and, above this, f inch, the space between the lines of letters. Repeat this, making four lines with 3 spaces between them. 30. Spacing the Letters. The width of C, D, and G is ll inches, and of B, E, and F i inch less; the space between C and D is one-half their width. The space inclu- ding the panel for the letter A from the left-hand vertical line to the stroke of the letter B is 3 inches. The panel for the letter A extends i inch above and below the line for letters. The heavy stroke of letter is TO inch and the fine- line stroke is i inch wide. 31. Width of the Letters. Exceptions to the gen- eral width of letters exist in this alphabet in a somewhat 4 LETTER FORMATION 13 exaggerated form. The letters M, O, and Q are one stroke wider than H, which is always chosen as a basis of measure- ment. The letter W is 1 i times wider than the H. In pro- portioning the width of letters, the one point to be remem- bered is, that all letters should be given a comparatively equal width that will make them appear uniform and sym- metrical. For this reason arbitrary measurements in regard to each particular letter are not given; neither is it expected that a student will study the exact width, but rather be guided in the measurements by observing their relative width. This is accomplished by setting the compasses to the width of the standard letter H and using this width for comparison. 32. The Brush Work. Use the No. 5 red-sable rigger for cutting in the letter A as well as for outlining the letters. India ink should be used for outlining this Plate. It is necessary in this alphabet to mark out the letters carefully before beginning on the brush work. Points to be observed in making the letters are: Do not curve the outline that forms the spur, but make it angular; make all strokes parallel; in making crescent strokes, the maximum width of the stroke is at point a of Fig. 5, FlG - 5 the width gradually diminishing until point b is reached; always make the space within the letters C, O, and Q elliptical; make the ends of the spurs needle-pointed; make all strokes uniform in width, and merge all wide strokes into the nar- row ones gracefully, being careful to make both outlines symmetrical. 33. Details of the Letters. In letter A is shown a modification of the letter sometimes identified with this alpha- bet. The normal letter is the reverse of the letter V, with a cross-bar located about one and one-half strokes above the base line of the letter. The letter C may be finished as in copy, with the lower stroke corresponding with the upper, or 14 LETTER FORMATION 4 it may be brought to a point above the bottom line. The point where the strokes in letter M join may be raised or lowered. The essential point to be observed is that it should always be located midway between the vertical inner lines. The tail of the letter Q may also be made as shown in Fig. 5. LOWER CASE 34. Spacing the lanes for Lower-Case Letters. The lower-case letters are included in a rectangle the same size as that required for the capitals. Beginning at the lower left-hand corner, measure off on the vertical line \ inch from the bottom line, which gives the base line for the lower-case letters. These are inch high; IT inch above this gives the base line for the numerals. The numerals are li inches in height, and the space between the lines is i inch. The distance from the top line of numerals to the base of the first line of lower-case letters is f inch. The height of the lower-case letters is the same throughout the alphabet. To design the scroll, draw a vertical line through the center of the rectangle 7i inches from either end. Measuring from the base of the first line of lower-case letters, point off on the vertical line just drawn li inches; 4 inches below this place another point, which gives the height of the scroll. The extreme length is 7 inches, or 3i inches to the left and 3f inches to the right of the vertical line. The letters on the scroll are f inch high. They are located 1 inch from the top of the scroll and I inch from the bottom. To describe the curves of the scroll as well as of the let- ters, find a point 5f inches above the scroll and i inch to the right of the center vertical line. 35. Details of the Letters. The width of the verti- cal strokes is i\ inch. The width of the fine-line stroke is one-half that of the heavy, or vertical, stroke. The outline of the lower-case letters is somewhat lighter than that of the capitals or numerals. In drawing the letters, note carefully that the spurs at the top of the vertical strokes are rounded in the lower-case 4 LETTER FORMATION 15 letters. These strokes are cut off on an angle of about 45. The letters of the ornamental scroll are a modification of the normal, differing in the a and d\ also, the capital D. In the former the stroke is inclined, which changes the character of the letter. In the capital D the upper stroke is carried beyond the vertical, which is a form of treatment often used in this style of letter. The width of stroke in this letter is i inch. 36. The Brnsli Work. Use the same brush as that used in outlining the capital letters. After completing the outlining, and having erased all pencil marks, the scroll may be colored and shaded as follows: Use charcoal gray for shading. Make a tint that will be equal in strength to the shade on the copy, that is, produced with fine lines. Place the shade on the left, in the manner shown. After this has dried, color the scroll with mauve purple. This should be done with care, in order that a large surface may be covered evenly and not show streaks. Rub up this color in one of the small dishes. Keep the shade light at first. Flow on the color copiously, using a large brush. When this has dried, another coat may be flowed on if the first coat appears too light when dry. Shade the letters on the scroll with a darker shade of the same color. Keep the shade on an angle of 45, leaving a narrow space between the shade and outline. The width of the shade should be i inch. PLATE, TITLE: ROMAN 37. Practical Application. As the Roman letter is one that never changes in character, being a fundamental alphabet, or prototype, from which many modifications arise, it is necessary that the student should possess a knowledge of its formation. Roman letters are used extensively in show-card writing, especially for headlines, important words, etc. They are also subject to extensive treatment in color- ing and shading, and in no style of letter is the skill of the letterer more apparent than in the graceful and symmetrical curves of the Roman alphabet. 16 LETTER FORMATION CAPITALS 38. Spacing? the Lines for Capital Letters. Con- struct the rectangle the size used on former plates, 9 inches by 15 inches. Beginning at the bottom line, draw eight horizontal lines, allowing li inches for each line of letters and f inch for the space between the lines of letters. 39. Designing the Letters. The letters of the normal Roman should be equal in height and width, although the letter may be greatly condensed in width when it is necessary that they should be so treated. The width of the vertical stroke is f inch, and the crescent strokes are somewhat wider than this. The spurs project one-half the width of the stroke beyond it, and these should be one- fourth of a circle, as shown in Fig. 6. The pointed stroke of the letter M may rest on the base line, or may be made one-half stroke above it. This letter should be one stroke FIG. 6 FIG. 7 wider than letters generally; the L and N are slightly nar- rower than the H, although they do not appear to be so. The tail of letter R should be maintained in a vertical position and should be a perfect cyma. To construct the cyma, make the maximum width in the center of the figure and diminish it gradually in either direction, as shown in Fig. 7. Note the following details in drawing the letters: The middle fine line of the letters B, E, F, and H is one-half stroke above the center of the letter. The lower portion of the letter C projects beyond the upper spur. The spur of the letter G is directly above the center of the vertical stroke. Curves are necessary to give symmetry to the ball 4 LETTER FORMATION 17 in letter T; also, in the character &. The upper spur of the letter 5 is about one-half stroke within the limits of the body of the letter, while the lower spur projects the same distance beyond it. 40. The Brush Work. Use the same brush thus far used. Note carefully the order in which the strokes of the first three letters are drawn. Draw the extreme outlines of letters in every case, after which the details may be com- pleted. The spurs may be drawn to a needle point, as shown in the copy, or they may be finished by leaving the end of the spur the thickness of the outline. Draw the vertical lines to which are attached the spurs, commencing about the width of a stroke from the top line and leaving off the same distance above the base line. The spurs may then be drawn and joined to the vertical line. LOWER CASE AND NUMERALS 41. Spacing Lower-Case Letters. In order to give the student the advantage of practice in the various forms of arrangement in drawing the plates, they have been pre- pared along such lines as will give him practical examples that may be readily applied in show-card writing. To place the lower-case letters on parallel ogee lines, draw a rectangle 15 inches by 9 inches, and divide this into 5 equal spaces horizontally. Beginning at the left, number the four vertical lines drawn. Then, from the bottom line of the rectangle, measure off on line 1 the points that will give the position of the long line of the ornament, the height of the lines of lower-case letters and numerals; also, the position of the ogee curves. These points are as follows: i, li, 3f, 3f, 6, 7, and 8f inches. The points at 3f inches and 5i inches Qfive the height of the numerals; points at 3f inches and 8| inches the top line of ornament. The points on line 2 are t, li, 6i, and 1\ inches; on line 3, IT^-, 2iV 7, and 8 inches; on line 4, Iff, 2f, 5i, 7i, and 8i inches. The point at oi inches gives the lower line for the ornament; that of the other ornament rests on the base line of the 18 LETTER FORMATION 4 rectangle. From the points given, first draw the two lines for the numerals; then draw two symmetrical ogee curves through the points given. The long strokes project -5- inch above and below the line. The letter g is f inch below. It is necessary to draw but one line for the long-stroke letters the one above the first line of letters. The length of other long letters may be measured separately. To space the letters of this plate, note their position in regard to the vertical lines, and locate them on the specimen sheet accordingly. 42. Designing the Letters. Do not incline the let- ters to follow the curve, but make every letter vertical. The curved finish in the letters a, b, etc. at the base should not be exaggerated, but made small to correspond with the size of the spur. In constructing the outline of the character 2, and in all similar instances, the strokes of greatest length are made first. In drawing the lower stroke of figure 7, the right outline should be made first. The cyma stroke of figure 8 should be one-half stroke above the center. The lower outline o-f the cyma stroke should be made first. After the letters and the numerals of the plate have been finished and the pencil marks erased, draw the freehand lines that compose the ornament. For this, use the orange ver- milion water color. The long lines should be drawn first. These are parallel. They should be brought to a needle point on the inner end and given added thickness at the curved end. Having drawn these, the other lines may be added. The manner in which these should be drawn is indicated by the arrows in the top ornament. PIRATE, TITLE: TRANSPARENT COLOR WORK 43. Advantages of Color Work. A knowledge of the methods of handling colors in show-card writing is invaluable, and the benefit derived from this is obvious. Show-cards are made more attractive through coloring, and the writer's taste is gratified by artistically embellishing a piece of work by the use of harmonious colors properly applied. The S4 LETTER FORMATION 19 examples given, therefore, are such as the student will find most profitable for all practical purposes. 44. Simciiig the Letters. Construct a rectangle 14 inches by 9 inches, or, 1 inch shorter than previous plates. On this locate the words and single letters as follows: iinch above the line forming the base of rectangle gives the base line for the word Charter. The lower-case letters of this word are li inches high, the capital C is 3 inches. Measuring from the base line of the rectangle, the ribbon is 3i inches, and the height of the ribbon is 2i inches. The letters G and J/ are f inch above the ribbon, and are 2A inches high. The letters W and O are li inches above the ribbon, and are ITI? inches high. The extreme width of the letters G and M, exclusive of the spurs, is 2i inches. The letter Wis 3 inches wide, including the spurs; the letter O, 2i inches. The word tires on the ribbon is li inches high, or f inch from the top and bottom edges. The word the is f inch from the base of the rectangle. The capital letter is If inches high; the lower-case, i inch. The lower left-hand corner of the ribbon is 2i inches from the vertical line of the rectangle, and the upper right-hand corner of the ribbon is the same distance from the right-hand vertical line. 45. Designing the Letters. Attention is especially called to the width of strokes in the letters of this plate. They are made extremely heavy in order that the letter-face treatment may be better shown. First draw the outlines of the letter; also the ribbon. The letters C. B. & Co. may be approximated in regard to height and location. The letters on the ribbon incline with the edge or fold, while the letters of the word Charter incline on an angle of about 40. 46. Coloring the Plate. After the plate has been carefully designed, and before outlining with black, the blend- ing on the ribbon should be done. For this, use Prussian blue and chrome yellow. First erase the pencil marks on the ribbon with the sponge eraser, leaving only faint guide lines for the letters. Then, before blending, wet the portion of the ribbon occupied by the letters with clear water, and, 20 LETTER FORMATION 4 before tnis has been entirely absorbed by the paper, cover the entire space with a light shade of yellow at the top and blue at the bottom, leaving the center of the letter white. When this is dry, proceed to letter the plate, beginning with letter W. Follow the letters of the copy carefully in every characteristic detail. In cutting in the word tires, be careful that you do not run the black on the space to be occupied by letters, or on open spaces at the edge of the ribbon. When the plate has been outlined and the black brush work entirely completed, use the sponge eraser and remove all pencil marks preparatory to coloring the balance of the work. Now color the edges of the ribbon, using a yellow on the top edge somewhat stronger than that used on the letter; likewise, a stronger blue on the lower edge. Fill in the entire space within the letters C. B. & Co. with a tint made from crimson lake. Use the same color and make a shade of medium strength for the lower half of the letters. When dry, add another still deeper shade at the bottom of the let- ters. Fill in all letters before beginning with the shading. The colors used are as follows: For the letter W use a tint made from burnt sienna; for the darkest shade on the face of this letter, blue to sienna. The same colors are also used to fill in the letters of the word Charter. The color on which the filigree ornament is placed is the same as that used for sha- ding the word Charter, and is made of orange chrome yellow and sienna. A little red and sienna are added to this of suf- ficient strength to make the filigree ornament. New green is used on the face of the letter G with two darker shades made of the same color, to which Prussian blue is added for the diminishing ellipses. The shade farthest from the letter is called the natural shade, and is made from charcoal gray, with a little orange chrome added. The two inner shades are made from burnt umber. The space between the shade and the letter is filled in with a tint made from orange chrome. The letter M is filled in with mauve purple, and shaded with darker shades of this color so as to give the ornamental cen- ter of the letter a relief effect. The shades of the letter, aside from the natural shade, are made of burnt sienna. The upper 4 LETTER FORMATION 21 portion of the letter O is the same tint as that used on the let- ter IT. The lower portion is made from sienna and orange chrome. The ornament is filled in with an orange-chrome tint. The shade on this letter, as well as the ribbon and adjoining letters, is made from charcoal gray; this is called a double shade. The shade from letters C. B. & Co. is a cast shadow, being in reality a repetition of the letter on the back- ground, as shown in Show-Card Writing, Fig. 19. In shading the letters, make the shading, as well as the space between the shade and the letter, uniform in width. PLATE, TITLE: ECCENTRIC ROMAN 47. Practical Application. The Eccentric Roman, as well as the Heavy Egyptian, is best adapted for water- color treatment, because the extreme width of stroke gives sufficient area within the outline of the letter for a variety in the coloring. When a lower-case letter is required to be used in connection with this alphabet, the lower case of the Roman may be used. The stroke of this letter, however, should be li- times the width of the normal Roman lower case, which makes it conform to the stroke of this extreme letter. 48. Spacing tlie Lines. This alphabet is also drawn within a rectangle 9 inches by 15 inches. The letters are li inches in height and the space between the lines of letters is f inch. 49. Spacing the Letters. The width of letter D, which may be taken for a basis of measurement, is ll inches. The width of the vortical stroke is f inch. Use the method recommended in previous plates. Divide the specimen copy into five equal vertical spaces, 3 inches wide, and also the copy into an equal number of spaces 2i inches wide; then arrange the letters in the drawing in their relative position to those on the copy It is necessary in spacing all letters to have them appear as nearly equal in width as possible, allowing additional space for letters that are always of exceptional width; namely, the J/ and W. Aside from this, it is not essential that a show-card writer should give the 22 LETTER FORMATION 4 subject of the proportion of letters in each alphabet further consideration. 50. The Brush Work. Use the brush that has thus far been used in lettering previous plates. The outline should be iV inch wide, or the stroke that is most suited to the size of brush a line that may be made without bearing heavily on the brush. Make every curve graceful and sym- metrical. When making the outline that forms the inside of the letter, great care should be exercised to not only form the stroke properly, but to make the space within the letter true and regular. The feature shown in the lower stroke of the letter E is the cutlas of the loth century, which was first employed as a characteristic in letter formation in the German Renaissance of that period. In finishing the plate, after it has been outlined, fill in the letters and shade them as shown in Fig. 8. To do this, first fill in the letters with orange chrome, being careful to keep the color light, as this is one of the strong colors and but very little is necessary. Moisten up some of the color in one of the water-color dishes, and test its strength before applying. When the proper shade has been secured, flow the color on with the No. 3 short red-sable Columbia. The cymas that form the ornament on the face of the letter are made with the same brush, the color used for this being burnt sienna. Shade the letters with charcoal gray, making the first shade one-half the width of the stroke. When this is dry, use a stronger shade of the same color and apply it on the first shade, evenly dividing the width, thus leaving a space between the letter and the shade equal to the width of one shade of the letter. PLATE, TITLE: OGEE-CURVE STROKE 51. Practical Application. The Ogee-Curve Stroke serves the same purpose in show-card writing as the eccentric styles of letters. It is not intended for general utility, but, in order to give variety to an inscription, it is often used. The versatility of the letterer is shown as much by his ability to 4 LETTER FORMATION 23 employ that style of letter most fitting to the inscription as by his knowledge of a large number of different alphabets. The style of letter under consideration is most graceful, quickly made, and subject to eccentric treatment, when a student has become familiar with the normal forms of the letters. CAPITALS 52. Spacing the Lines for Capital Letters. The rectangle enclosing the letters is 9 inches by 15 inches. The letters are li inches high, and the space between the lines of letters is f inch. The approximate width of this letter, using the letter H for the basis of measurement, is If inches. The compasses may be set at this width, and the space for the letters pointed off on the base line, or a line drawn horizontally through the center of the letters. The width of the stroke is f inch. The letters are inclined on an angle of 20. 53. The Brush AVork. This letter is made of ogee curves, and, therefore, before lettering the plate, the student should practice making this curve until he is able to make it symmetrical; also, to place several ogee lines side by side and have them parallel. The curve should not be exagger- ated, but should be slight, curving the line to the right above the center of the letter and to the left below it. The lines in many of the letters are exceptions to the general feature that characterizes this letter. Some of these, as in A and H, are straight lines, while others, as in A, K, M, N, Y, and the character 4, are circular arcs. Use the No. 5 red-sable brush; make the stroke somewhat lighter than that of Eccentric Roman. Great care should be exercised in merging the outlines of the stroke into the fine line, to make the outline symmetrical and not show an additional thickness in the outline at this point. There is no spur attached to the corners of the strokes; the corners should therefore be made with as sharp an angle as possible. Observe the details of each letter closely and endeavor to reproduce them precisely like the copy. In doing this, the 24 LETTER FORMATION 4 following few suggestions will be found profitable: Many of the strokes in letters of this alphabet extend beyond the limits of normal letters. It is well, therefore, in order to reproduce such features in proportion to those of the copy, to note their length, using the width of the stroke as a basis of measurement. For example, the lower stroke of the letter S projects one and one-third strokes to the left of the upper portion of the heavy stroke, measuring from a line drawn tangent to this at an angle of 20. Do not enlarge or exaggerate the double-line thickness on the end of all fine lines. It is a feature that characterizes this form of alphabet, and to enlarge on this would entirely change the general appearance of the letters. Give to every curved stroke a free-hand graceful curve. Do not permit this to appear broken or distorted, thereby throwing the letter out of balance. Shortening or lengthen- ing a line more than the required length will cause the letter to incline to the right or left. LOWER CASE 54. Spacing the Lines for Lowei*-Case Letters. Construct a rectangle 9 inches by 15 inches. Beginning at the lower left-hand corner, measure off on the vertical line 2 i inches, which gives the top of 'he bottom line of lower- case letters. These letters are 1 inch high. Between the lines of letters there is a space of li inches. The character $ is 2 inches high, and the character f is If inches. The long strokes project i inch above the body of lower-case letters, while the letters that project below the base line are of various lengths, which should be determined with refer- ence to their proportion to the height of the body of the letter, as shown on the copy. 55. Spacing the Letters. The incline of the lower- case letters is 20, or the same as that of the capitals. The stroke is i inch wide, while the width of the outline is the same as that of the capital letters. In spacing the top line of letters, a space of i inch should be allowed between the FIG. 8 4 LETTER FORMATION 25 vertical rectangle lines and the first and last letters. At either end of the lower line 1 inch space should be allowed. This will permit a uniform space between letters and also give the proper width to each. 56. The Brush Work. Use the same brush as was used for the capitals. The ogee line curves either way from the center of the letter, which is true of the long strokes, such as b, /,/, etc., as well as the 1-inch letters. Many of the letters of the lower-case alphabet are identical with the capitals, while others are characteristically different from all other styles of lower-case letters, such as the g and y. Note the curves of these last-mentioned letters, and study to give to them, as well as to all letters, the same incline and general appearance. PIRATE, TITLE: SQUARE ENGLISH 57. Practical Application. The Square English letter is simple in construction, and, when the characteristic features that exist throughout the alphabet are understood, this form of alphabet becomes as easy to make as the simplest letter in the Course. A chisel-shaped brush, such as a square shader, or the automatic shading pens, may be used to the best advantage when the letter is to be made solid. It may thus be made with accuracy and also with rapidity. Its chief qualifications that recommend its use in show-card writing are, that a line of letters formed from this alphabet presents a studied uniformity in appearance; also, that the letters may be colored and shaded with very little work, which is an advantage to be considered. CAPITALS 58. Spacing the lanes for Capital Letters. Con- struct a rectangle of the usual size, 9 inches by 15 inches. The base line for the last line of letters rests on the line enclosing the rectangle. The letters are li inches in height, and the spaces between the lines of letters are i inch. 26 LETTER FORMATION 4 59. Spacing the Letters. The second and fourth lines are indented 2f inches from the vertical line of the rectangle on the left, while the first and third lines finish about IT inches from the right-hand vertical line. The letters are If inches wide, and the stroke is -rg- inch. The letter B is 3 inches from the vertical line. The filigree ornament extends f inch above the rectangle. A space of If inches, or equal to the width of the letter Af, should be left between the letter Z and character &. 60. The Brush Work. First, make the letter A solid, as shown in the copy; then proceed to ornament it by follow- ing the longest curved lines, after which the shorter lines may be made. The outline of the letters should be made heavy or iV inch wide. The beveled stroke that occurs at the left of the top, and at the right of the base of the vertical strokes, should begin at a point opposite the outline of the stroke and should be carried at an angle of about 40 to a point almost equal to the width of the stroke. The spur opposite this angle should be small and sharp-pointed. 61. Coloring the Letters. When the plate has been outlined and all pencil marks erased, proceed to color and shade the work. Fill in the letters with a medium shade of crimson lake water color. After this is dry, fill in the lower half of the letter with a darker shade of the same color, cutting off the color on a horizontal line in the center of the letter. Cover over the entire filigree ornament with a light shade of chrome yellow, extending this about i inch beyond the lines of the ornament. Shade the letters, exclusive of the letter A, with charcoal gray. Make the shade the width of the open space of the stroke, and leave a space between the shade and the outline equal to li times the width of the outline. The bevel at the top of stroke being on an angle of 40, and the shade on an angle of 45, a slight narrow shade only should be shown at the bevel. Be careful to always maintain the 45 angle in shading, as well as to give the shade, and the space between the shade and the letter, a uniform width. 4 LETTER FORMATION 27 LOWER CASE 62. Spacing the Louver-Case Letters. The rectangle enclosing the lower-case letters is also 9 inches by 15 inches. The long strokes of the letters p, g, and y rest on the line of this rectangle; -3 inch above this draw the base line for the last line of letters. The lower-case letters are 1 inch high, and the .space between the lines of letters is 2 inches. The panel enclosing the letter 5" is 1 inch from the rectangle line and f inch from top line of letters-. It is 2i inches wide between the inner vertical lines, and about 1 inch above and below the letter. The width of the panel enclosing the letter M is 2i inches, and the height should correspond with that of the letter S. The width of the letters is % inch. The width of the stroke is one-fifth the height of the letters. Use compasses to divide the height into five equal parts. 63. The Brush Work. Use the brush that has thus far been used for outlining to make these solid letters. First outline the letter, being careful to make the outside edge of the stroke straight, after which the letter may be filled in with the same, or a larger, brush. Points to be observed in the details of these letters are: Make corners sharp. Do not exaggerate the size of spurs where these occur on corners of strokes. Where horizontal strokes are cut off on a bevel with the point touching the vertical stroke, be careful that the extreme point only is made to touch. All bevels should be maintained on a uniform angle of about 45. In outlining panels for the capitals 6" and M, make the outline precisely like the copy, as this conforms in a general way to the outline of the letter. 64. Hints on Coloring. In the practical example given on this plate, not only is a line of capitals and lower case from this style of letter employed, but the subject of illuminating and paneling capitals is also shown. To accomplish this with the least amount of work and produce a most pleasing combination of colors, proceed in the follow- ing manner: First rub up a tint of orange chrome yellow, 28 LETTER FORMATION 4 and fill in the first panel, leaving the letter 5" open. Use crimson lake cautiously in the same manner, filling in the panel containing the letter M. Fill in the letter .5" with a medium shade of crimson lake, and the M with a medium shade of new green. The lower half of the letter M should be filled in with a dark shade of green darkened with blue, cutting across the stroke in a diagonal line. In the same manner a darker shade of crimson lake should be applied to the lower half of the letter .5*. To shade the letters S and M, add a small amount of crimson lake to the yellow first used, which will give a natural shade for the letter ,5". This shade should be about three-fourths the width of the stroke in width, leaving a space one-fourth stroke between the letter and the shade. In like manner shade the letter Af, using a darker tint of crimson lake. Now shade the lower-case letters in the same manner, using charcoal gray for this purpose. The panels should be shaded with a cast shadow, which is illus- trated in Fig. 19, Show-Card Writing. In this case the panel should be duplicated in the shade about i inch wide, and this, as well as all other shading, should be maintained at an angle of 45. The panel should also be shaded with char- coal gray. PLATE, TITLE: HALF SCRIPT 65. Practical Application. There is no style of letter that will take the place of Half Sci'ipt for certain uses in card writing. It is, therefore, one of the most impor- tant alphabets taught in this Course. It is quickly made and graceful in appearance, which alone would recommend it and give it a foremost place in the list of show-card writers' alphabets. This letter calls for the display of the writer's ability in making freehand curves. It is known as Half Script among card writers, because of the resem- blance of the capitals to Italic Roman and the lower case to Spencerian Script. LETTER FORMATION 29 CAPITALS 66. Spacing the Lines for Capitals. After con- structing the rectangle of usual size, draw the lines that give the height of the letters li inches apart, leaving a space between these of f inch. The letters of this alphabet incline at an angle of about 22^, or one-fourth of a quad- rant. The width of the vertical stroke is rV inch, while the rounded or crescent strokes are 4 inch. Allow li inches on either end of the last line of letters, and fill in the space between the alphabet and the character with a cyma. 67. The Brush Work. Study carefully the details of each letter before beginning on the brush work. It is important that all rounded letters, as well as all straight- line letters, be inclined at a uniform angle, or the appearance of the work will be greatly marred. The use of the cyma in such letters as A, , /% and H is not arbitrary in this style of letter. A straight line may be used in its place, with a spur attached to this in the E and f, such as is used in the Roman alphabet. The spur on these letters is much smaller than those of the Roman, and in many cases the letter is carried above or below the line. In the eccentric form of the letter T, the cross-stroke is carried to the right, sometimes covering several letters. LOWER CASE 68. Spacing: the Lines for Lower-Case Letters. A rectangle 9 inches by 15 inches also encloses the lower-case letters; f inch above the base line of the rectangle, draw a line that is the bottom line for the letters. The letters are f inch high. The space between the last line of letters and the numerals is 2 inches. The numerals are li inches high, and the space between the numerals and top line of letters is H inches. The long-stroke letters project f inch above the line, while those of the / and g project below the line somewhat further. The stroke of the lower-case letters is T%- inch wide; that of the numerals is f inch. The letters 30 LETTER FORMATION 4 should incline at the same angle as the capitals. The numerals, however, are more symmetrical, and are easily made on an incline of about 20. In connection with the capitals and lower case, the numerals appear to be on the same incline. The cipher of the numerals is not given, for the reason that it is always identical with the letter O of the corresponding alphabet. In spacing the letters of this alpha- bet, do not leave a space between letters that will not permit of being joined with a fine line at an angle of 45. 69. The Brush Work. The outlining brush may be used for these letters, although the fine line should be made much lighter than lines that the student has been accustomed to in drawing previous plates. The stroke of the lower case should be made as shown in Fig. 9, beginning at the FIG. 9 FIG. 10 FIG. 11 top of the left-hand outline, and continuing to the termination of the line. The right-hand outline begins with the fine line at the top and terminates at the fine line of stroke 1. Thus, all strokes are made with two strokes of the brush. Study the details of each letter carefully and endeavor to give to the curves of strokes as well as fine lines a graceful touch and symmetrical finish. Avoid the common error that is made by many letterers when making this style of letter. This occurs in the curved stroke where joined to the fine line. Fig. 10 shows the improper way of forming the stroke, and Fig. 11 the proper way. By thus comparing them it may be readily seen that to curve the outline at this point destroys the artistic appearance of the stroke. 4 LETTER FORMATION 31 PLATE, TITLE: SCRIPT 70. Practical Application. Without a knowledge of the Script alphabet, the show-card writer's education would be incomplete. It is true that Script letters are the most difficult to accomplish; the alphabet has therefore been given the last place. It is likewise true that the formation of the letters may be easily learned, and with much practice they may be most gracefully executed and also made with great rapidity. CAPITALS 71. Spacing tlie Lines for Capital Letters. Con- struct a rectangle 9 inches by 12 inches, leaving an equal margin at the top and bottom. Beginning from the base of the rectangle, draw five lines, making 3 spaces for the letters, 2 inches high, with a space between the lines of letters of 1 inch. There are but twenty-one letters on this plate, seven letters on each line, thus giving abundant space for the extensive sweep of the fine lines that characterize this style of letter. 72. Spacing tlie Letters. The width of the shaded stroke at its maximum should be -fa inch. The fine line should be made extremely light, for this gives added grace to this form of letter. Script letters should always incline at a uniform angle of 40. Draw r the letters, after locating them in their proper place, with a needle-pointed, hard-lead pencil. Be careful to make all details correspond with those of the letters in the copy. 73. The Brush Work. Having drawn the letters with accuracy, proceed with the brush work by first making the principal stroke of the letter, which in man} 7 cases is the stem or the ogee stroke, as in the letter B. The shading of this stroke should be below the center of the letter. To incline this stroke at the proper angle, the ogee stroke should be an equal distance from the 40 line above and below the center of the letter to the left of the line above 32 LETTER FORMATION 4 and to the right below, as shown in Fig. 12. The crescent strokes are given the proper incline by making the maximum distance from the 40 line at the center of the stroke and crossing the line at equal distances above and below the center, as seen in Fig. 13. It is essential in script writing that the use of too many fine lines be avoided. The best script writers employ very few fine lines. In joining the FIG. 12 FIG. 13 fine line to the stroke, always merge this into the stroke so as to join the outline and form a symmetrical and continuous line, if the stroke were outlined instead of being filled in. Endeavor as nearly as possible to give to all letters a uni- form width, making the usual exceptions with the M and IV. LOWER CASE 74. Spacing Lower-Case Letters. The base line for the numerals is the bottom line of the 9" X 15" rectangle enclosing the lettering of the plate. The numerals are 2 inches high; 4i inches above the numerals draw the base line for the remaining capitals, which are also 2 inches high. The lines that limit the height of the first six letters of the lower case are 4f inches and 5f inches from the base of the rectangle. The lines for the four final letters of the lower case are 2f inches and 3f inches from the lower line of the rectangle. In order that the ogee line of letters may be 4 LETTER FORMATION 33 properly located, it is necessary for four vertical lines to be drawn on the plate, making 5 spaces 3 inches wide. Draw lines on the copy, also, 2 A- inches apart. These lines will be of assistance in spacing the letters. Beginning with the left-hand vertical line of the rectangle, place two points 3i inches and 4i inches from the base line of the rectangle. On line 2 the two points are 2yi inches and 3| inches; on line .^, 3-fV inches and 3i inches; on line 4, 3f inches and 4f inches; on line 5, 41% inches and oi 2 ^ inches; on the right- hand vertical line of the rectangle, 3f inches and 4f inches. From the points given construct a graceful ogee curve. The length of the long-stroke letters may be approximated by observing their position relative to the strokes of other letters above or below them. To locate the letters on the ogee curve, draw those first that touch the four vertical lines. It will then be an easy matter to draw the remaining letters and give the proper space between them. The width of the stroke of the lower-case letters is somewhat narrower than the capitals, or 3% inch. PLATE, TITLE: OPAQUE WATER-COLOR WORK 75. Practical Application. In order that the student may understand the difference between transparent and opaque lettering, it may be well to say that if transparent colors were used on a black-card surface they would not be seen; the card would absorb the color, and no trace of it, except perhaps a slight discoloration on the surface of the card, would remain. Opaque color, if used on white, would be liable to appear streaked, or uneven. Even though they possessed the same advantages in regard to their covering quality, the transparent colors are more convenient and are always used in preference to opaque on white cards. The latter are used on black and all dark-colored cards. 76. Spacing 1 the Lines. Construct a rectangle 15 inches by 9 inches, making the faintest line possible for this, as well as all pencil marks on this plate. No attempt should be made to erase or remove them when work is completed, 34 LETTER FORMATION 4 or a marred or ruined plate will be the result. It is pref- erable, therefore, that the guide lines be made with chalk, which may be easity removed. To do this, charge a piece of thread by drawing it over white chalk; hold one end with the second finger of the left hand and the other end with the thumb of the right; then, with the thumb and fore- finger of the left hand, the thread may be snapped on the card, leaving a line suitable for measurements, and one that can be dusted off readily when letters are drawn in lead pencil. Divide the length of the rectangle into 5 spaces 3 inches wide, and the copy into 5 spaces 2i inches wide. On the first vertical line, place two points 5i inches and Tre inches from the base of the rectangle; on the second vertical line, 5i inches and 7f inches; on the third line, 6i inches and 8f inches; and on the fourth line, 61% inches and SyV inches. By the aid of the eight points given, the ogee curve may be drawn on which the word champion is placed. The other measurements are as follows: The word the is drawn on lines 8i inches, 8i inches, and 8i inches from the bottom line. The word celebrated is 4i inches from bottom line, and 1% inch high. The letter B and character & are -fa inch from the bottom line, and are 3f inches high. The lines that limit the height of the letter 5* are i inch and 3yV inches. The lines of the ribbon containing the words trade mark are Ifi inches and 2^6 inches. The remainder of the work may be located approximately, using the letters, words, and vertical lines as guides in placing all lines in their proper position. 77. Spacing the Letters. The letters on the ogee curve are on an angle of 22i, or one-fourth of a quadrant. The stroke is -ft inch wide. The stroke of the letter in the word celebrated is T% inch wide. The space between this word and the vertical line of the rectangle is 3i inches. The panel surrounding the letter 5 is 6 inches from right-hand vertical line and 5i inches from the left, measuring at the point where the ribbon crosses the panel. 78. The Brush Work. Use show-card white for letter- ing. This should always be well shaken before it is used. 4 LETTER FORMATION 35 Use the Xo. 5 red-sable brush. Letter the words the, cham- pion, celebrated, and the letters B. c? Co.; also, outline the ribbon, but leave the words trade mark until later. If the white for any reason does not cover well, run over the letters a second time. Pour a small amount of the white into one of the water-color pans. Rub up a small amount of deep chrome yellow; also, a small amount of orange and vermilion, using a short stocky brush for this; and, allowing the color to drop into the white, stir well and apply the shade to the lower half of the first line of letters. Make a gold color by adding, to the white, orange-chrome yellow and ocher in the same manner. With this color make the ornamental panel; also, fill in the letters B. c~" Co., leaving a uniform white outline. The dark color at the bottom of these letters, also the ornament within the letter B, is made by adding sepia and burnt sienna. Outline the letter 5" with orange chrome and vermilion; also, use this for the stripe underneath the word celebrated. Fill in the let- ter 5" with pink made of white, with a little orange and ver- milion added. A small quantity of white, thinned almost to the consistency of a transparent color, is used to cover the ribbon. Flow this on and blend it off into the black as it approaches the letter 6". Afterwards the words trade mark may be lettered on the ribbon. Use mauve purple and white for the ornament above and below the word champion. Use clear white in highlighting the ornament. ELEMEN1 25, f898 Printer Copyright, 190S, by Entered at A, LINES ie United Mates national Textbook Company < !*' If'tll. Loii'tnu ts rt ftrrcd UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N ELEMENTAL UUNE 25, /898 Print' fl in t'i Copyright. 1.905, by Inter Entwd fit Sfntit, AU righ r CURVES 'ti itnl States tal Tfftboot < '' Hull. London UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 24529. CONDENSE] Copyright, 1905, ?>y // Entered at .V. EGYPTIAN I'nitrfJ State* itinnl Tfjctbook Company tr*' Hull, London : riKcrved UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 9 4529, LOWER CASI UUNE 25, /898 Printed in tht Copyright, 1903, by Intern Entered at Mat ion AIL right: EGYPTIAN o o ited States tal Textbook t' Hall, London erved JOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 4529. I ] UUME 85, f898 Printed in the CopyriyM. 1903, by Interni Entered at Station All rights 3-YPTIAN ed States il Textbook Company fall, London UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N9 4529. ABODE abcde/f&bi vSLUV (JUNE 25, /898 Copyright. 1903, by Inte Entered at Stati All rig EGYPTIAN jklippepqr N X/Z united state* JOHN SM/T/1, CLASS N 4529. ionnl Textbook Company .-' ll< til, London jperwd FRENCH 25, f898 Printed in tfi Copyriiiht, 1903, by Inter, Entered at Statin All righ ROMAN p 4 ^W at Tittbitok Company ffnll, I.ujxion rvcd o o UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 4529. LOWER CASE.F s- S. Printed in th Copyrif/M. 1903, by Inten Entered at Statio. All right BNCH ROMAN ed States il Textbook Company Jail, London red UOH/V SM/Tfi, CLASS N9 4529 TLJT Printed in the M. 11)03, by Intn-n< Entered at St )LOK WORK ed States il Textbook Company 'loll. London red JOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 4529 ECCENTR UUNE 25, /898 Printed in tl Copyright, 1903, by Inter Entered at statio All righ ! ROMAN > ed States tl Ttxtbvuk Company fall, Lumltjit red UOHN SM/Tfi, CLASS N9 4529. OGEE C" UUNE 25, /898 Printed in Copyright, 1903, by Im Entered at Sta All ri RVE STROKE United States tonal Ti-.rtiionk company s' Hall, London eserved UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 9 4529. LOWER CASE OGE UUNE B5 f f893 Printed in Copj/riijlit. IMS, by In Entered at Stn All r, CURVE STROKE Unitrd Stntff ionul Ttstbiiok Company -.*' Hull. London referred JOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 SQUAR UUNE 25, /898 Printed in Copi/rirjht. 190,', ft.v I in Entered fit $ta All ri ENGLISH UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 4529. LOWER CASE SC abcdef nesi i nopqrsl Printed in Co P!/ nght. 190S, by Int. Entered at H/ut All rk ARE ENGLISH USIC uuiuxyz JOHN SMITH. CLASS N 24529. UUNE 25, f898 Printed in Copyriyht, 1903, by Im Entered at Sta All ri SCRIPT States om.il T>j-tbnok Company ' HaU. London ,-: rved JOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 4529. LOWER CASE UUNE 35, f898 Printed in th< Copi/rii/hf. 190.!, bit Intcn Entered at Sfatim All right [ALF SCRIPT tr' IfiiU, London UOHN SM/Tfi, CLASS N 4529. SCF UVNE 25, f898 Printed in t Copyright, 1903, by Inte. Entered at Stati All rig, PT ted Kales nl Ti-rtbook Company Hull. London rvcd UOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 2 4529. UUNE 25, /898 Printerl in I Copyright, 190.1. hi/ lutn Kntrred at Sfafi All rift i JOHN SM/TH, CLASS N 9 4529 served INDEX All items in this index refer first to the section number, which is printed on the inside edges of the headlines and is preceded by the printers' section mark g, and then to the page number. Thus, Applied design 3 2, means find the paper having 3 on the head- lines and then find page 2. A Sec. Past Sec. Page Acorn leaves 3 9 Block 1 19 Advantages of color work .... 4 18 letters, Modifications of . . 1 57 Air pencil 1 56 shade 1 2 4 Alphabets, Freehand 4 1 Board, Photo-mounting 1 18 Selection of 2 18 Border effects 1 52 Supplementary .... 2 19 Borders, Ribbon 3 19 Antique Egyptian (light) 2 20 Brights 1 14 Apostrophy 1 81 Broad striping 1 42 Application and methods 1 49 Brocade 1 55 of design to show-card Bronzes 1 55 writing 2 1 Brush, Methods of handling- the . 1 40 Reward of 1 3 work 1 40 Applied design 3 2 " " 4 2 Appropriate ornamenting .... 3 19 Brushes 1 14 Arc, Circular 2 2 Camel's-hair 1 15 Arrangement and classification of Care of 4 3 the Course .... 1 3 Red-sable 1 14 Display 2 12 Wash 1 17 Freehand 2 15 Bulb, Decorator's relief 1 56 Straight-line .... 2 12 Automatic shading pen 1 56 C Camel's-hair brushes 1 15 B Canthus, Inner 2 25 Background 1 19 Outer 2 25 stencils 1 69 Capitals, Condensed Egyptian . . 4 4 Banners, Combination metal and Illuminated . 1 32 card . . . 1 72 History and Store 1 71 general use Wail 1 71 of .... 1 32 Beveled cards 1 is in card work 1 34 shading 1 L'7 Index 1 35 Beveling 1 63 Paneled 1 35 Fancy . . . 1 64 Card electric signs 1 74 Plain . . . 1 63 hangers 1 77 Black 1 6 stenciling 1 69 " letters 1 M writer, Chief qualifications Preparation of 1 11 for becoming a . 1 2 Blending 1 49 How to become an around designs 1 51 expert 1 2 IX INDEX Sec. Page Sec. Paee Card writers, Cardboard used by 1 17 Colors, water, Use of 1 5 2 colors 1 9 Combination metal and card ban- white 1 10 ners 1 72 blank .... 1 17 panels 2 6 Cardboard used by card writers . 1 17 Comma 1 79 Cards, Beveled 1 18 Common error 2 16 Colored 1 IS Component parts of a letter . . . 1 19 Fancy-edge . 3 17 Composition of a design 3 9 Mounting- heavy 1 66 Compound relief 1 56 Panel 3 17 Condensed Egyptian, Brush work Care of brushes 4 3 with . . . 4 5 Cast shadow 1 25 capitals . . 4 4 Center of circle 2 3 Details of Centerpiece ornament 3 13 letters in 4 5 Circle 2 3 Details of Center of 2 3 letters in 4 7 Circumference of 2 3 Lower case Diameter of 2 4 and numer- Radius of 2 3 als in . . 4 6 Circles 1 64 Spacing let- Circular arc 2 2 ters in . . 4 4 Circumference of circle 2 3 Spacing Cold colors 1 8 lines for Colon 1 78 capital let- Color, Flesh 1 9 ters in . . 4 4 work, Advantages of ... 4 18 Condensing 1 20 Designing letters for 4 19 Cone, Pine 3 10 Spacing letters for . 4 19 Construction of indexes 2 23 Colored cards 1 18 Contrast 1 8 letters 1 55 Cornea 2 25 Coloring the eye 2 26 Corner ornament 3 12 plate 4 19 Course, Arrangement and classi- Colors 1 5 fication of 1 3 Card-writers' 1 9 Purpose of 1 1 Classification of 1 5 Curved lines, Freehand 2 15 " Cold 1 8 Curves and lines 2 2 Dry 1 49 Elementary 1 47 Use of 1 49 Cut-in letters, Uses of 1 28 " Gold 1 9 out designs 3 7 Handling of 1 8 Cutting in letters 1 28 Neutral 1 6 letter stencils 1 68 oil, List of 1 13 Cycas palm branch 3 12 Primary 1 5 Cyma 1 20 Principal necessary .... 1 10 Secondary '. . 1 5 I) Semineutral 1 6 Shading 1 9 Dash 1 80 Spectrum 1 7 Decorators' relief bulb 1 56 Tertiary 1 6 Design, Applied 3 2 Warm 1 8 Elements of 2 2 Water 1 12 Designing, Illustrative 3 2 List of 1 12 Inscription 2 12 Necessary 1 13 Practical 2 12 Outlining for .... 1 53 Designs, Composition of 3 9 Preparation of ... 1 12 Cut-out 3 7 Shading with . . . 1 53 Elliptical 3 14 INDEX XI Src. i "age 5 F Sec. i Face 1 Page 19 Novelties in show-card . Permanent 3 3 20 Fancy beveling 1 edge cards 3 64 17 Trade-mark 2 Figure designs .... 3 5 Various 3 14 Figures in relief .... 3 6 4 Simple . 2 ? Fine line 1 19 1 v] Flesh color 1 9 Diverse treatment of words .... 17 Flitters . 1 55 1 49 Flowers 3 9 " Use of 1 49 Forms, Ornamental 1 30 Freehand alphabets 4 1 arrangement 2 15 15 Eccentric Egyptian, Brush work in Practical ap- plication of Spacing the letters for . 4 4 4 11 10 10 French Roman, Brush work in cap- ital letters in . . 4 Brush work in lower-case let- ters in 4 13 15 Spacing the lines for . . Uniformity of letters in . letters. Limits of .... Roman, Brush work in Practical appli- cation of 4 4 1 4 4 10 11 57 22 21 capital letters . . 4 Details of capital letters in .... 4 Details of lower- case letters in . 4 (light) letters . . 2 Lowe r-c a s e let- ters in . 4 12 13 14 22 14 Spacing the let- ters for . . . Spacing the lines for . . Egyptian letters. Modifications of Elementary curves 4 4 1 1 21 21 58 47 Practical applica- tion of 4 Spacing capital letters in .... 4 Spacing lines for capitals in ... 4 12 12 1? lines 1 4(1 Spacing lines for Elements of design 2 2 lo wer-case let- " lettering 1 19 ters in . . 4 14 Ellipse 4 " Width of capital Methods of describing . . Ellipses 2 1 4 64 letters in .... 4 Full block letters . . . . 2 12 14 1 20 O 1 56 Gold color ... 1 9 16 Gothic letters . - "3 Engrossing ... . . I 21 Grotesque letters 1 31 Error, A common Examples, Value of 2 3 1 16 1 SO II Half block letters 2 19 Exercise I 1 40 script, Brush work in capitals II 1 41 in . . 4 09 III 1 42 lower- IV 1 43 case Extended letters 1 60 letters Eye a 24 in . . 4 30 2 26 ' Drawing the Evelets . 2 1 24 77 Practical application of . 4 28 Xll INDEX Half script. Spacing lines for cap- itals in Sec. 4 Page 29 Letters, Antique Egyptian (light) . Black Sec. 1 Page 20 54 Spacing lines for Classification of 1 29 lower-case letters in 4 29 Colored . . . . 1 55 Hands Position of, when striping 1 40 Condensing 1 36 Harmony and contrast 1 8 Cutting in 1 28 Heavy Egyptian, Brush work in . Coloring letters' 4 9 Elongating Embossed . 1 1 37 56 in 4 9 Exaggerated examples of Practical appli- cation of ... Spacing the let- 4 8 elongating Examples of condensed . Extended 1 1 1 37 36 60 ters for . . . Spacing the 4 8 French Roman (light) . . Full block 2 22 19 lines for . . 4 8 Gothic 23 highlight 1 27 Grotesque . . . 1 31 Heraldic shield 1 36 Half block 2 19 Highlight 1 28 Imitation relief ? 16 Heavy 1 27 Interlacing 1 39 History of illuminated capitals . Holly 1 | 32 10 Limits of eccentric . . . Modifications of 1 1 57 57 Hyphen : 1 81 block 1 57 I Illuminated capitals 1 32 Egyptian Old English Ornamental .... 1 1 58 20 29 History and Relief 1 6 ornament 1 30 of ... 1 32 Rustic 1 31 in card work . Illumination of show-cards .... Illustrative designing . . . 1 1 3 34 52 3 Shippers' box marking . Spacing of the 2 1 4 22 20 o Imitation relief letters 3 16 Telescoping 1 39 Index capitals 1 35 that may be modified 1 58 Indexes 7 23 Treatment of 1 36 Construction of 2 23 Uses of cut-in 1 28 Inner canthus 2 25 White ... 1 54 Inscription, Arrangement of an 2 12 Light, Reflected . o 11 designing ? 12 Lighting and shading, Effects pro- Location of 2 16 duced by 1 26 Inscriptions for show-cards . . . Interior signs 3 1 23 71 Importance of. ... 1 26 Interlacing letters Interrogation point . . 1 1 39 80 Letter-face Limits of eccentric letters .... 1 1 26 57 Iris . . . <> 25 Line, Fine 1 19 Isinglass 1 55 Lines and curves 2 2 Elementary 1 46 L Leaves, Acorn and oak . . . . 3 9 Freehand curve Spacing the 2 4 15 2 Letter, Component parts of a . . face lighting and shading formation I 1 1 19 26 1 Location of inscription M 2 16 Lettering 1 43 Manifolding 1 66 Elements of 1 19 Manila pattern paper 1 18 Position of hands when 1 43 Materials 1 17 Speed in 1 48 1 68 Letters . 1 54 necessary . 1 3 Mechanical devices in window let- tering Mctallics Methods and application Modifications of block letters . . " Egyptian letters letters Mounted panels Mounting heavy cards Purposes and methods of. Xeutral colors Novel designs in price tickets . . Novelties in show-card designs . O Oak leaves Ogee-curve stroke, Brush work in capital let- ters of ... Brush work in lower-case letters of . . lower-case let- ters Practical appli- cation of . . Spacing lines for capital letters of . . Spacing lower- case letters of Oil colors. List of Old English letters Opaque water-color work. Brush work in water-color work. Practi- cal application of ... water-color work. Spa- cing letters for . ' . . . water-color work, Spa- cing lines for Origin of the possessive sign . . Ornament Centerpiece Corner Ornamental forms letters Ornamenting, Appropriate .... Ornaments, Various styles and application of . Sfc. INDEX Page xiii Sec. Page Outer canthus 2 25 1 76 Outline 1 19 1 56 Outlining: for water colors .... 1 53 1 49 Outside signs 1 73 1 ~>7 1 58 P 1 57 Palm 3 11 3 16 branch 3 11 1 65 Cycas 3 12 1 66 Panel cards 3 17 ends > 6 1 65 Paneled capitals 1 35 Panels 2 6 Combination 2 6 1 6 Mounted 3 16 3 21 " Part 2 8 3 20 Relief-scroll 2 9 Rococo 2 9 Use of, in designing: .... 2 6 3 9 Paper, Manila pattern 1 18 Parenthesis 1 81 Part panels 2 8 4 23 Pen, Automatic shading 1 56 Pencil, Air 1 56 Period 1 78 4 28 Permanent designs 3 2 Photo mounting 1 66 4 L4 board 1 18 Pictorial show-cards 3 15 I 22 Pigments 1 7 Pine cone 3 10 Plain beveling 1 63 4 23 Plate, Coloring the 4 19 Dimensions of 4 1 " Title: Brush-stroke letters . 4 1 4 24 Condensed Egyptian 4 2 1 13 Eccentric Egyptian . 4 10 2 20 Roman . 4 21 Elementary curves . 1 47 4 34 lines . . 1 46 French Roman . . . 4 12 4 33 Half script 4 28 Heavy Egyptian . . 4 8 4 34 Ogee-curve stroke . . 4 22 Opaque water-color 4 33 work 4 33 1 77 Roman 4 15 2 2 Script 4 31 3 13 Square English . . . 4 25 3 13 Transparent color 3 12 work 4 18 1 30 Position of hands when lettering . 1 43 1 29 striping . 1 40 8 19 Possessive sign, Origin of .... 1 77 Practical designing 2 12 s 12 Price tickets 3 21 XIV INDEX Sec. Page Sec. Pag- Primary colors 1 5 Secondary colors 1 b Printing 1 66 Selection of alphabets 2 18 Punctuation 1 77 Semicircles 2 4 Importance of .... 1 77 Semicircumferences 2 4 Rules for 1 78 Semicolon 1 79 Purpose of the Course 1 1 Semineutral colors 1 6 Sending work to the Schools . . . 4 3 Q Shade 1 19 Quadrants 2 4 " Block 1 Jl Qualifications for becoming a " Relief 1 25 card writer 1 2 Shaders, Square 1 17 Quotation marks 1 81 Shading 1 23 and lighting. Effects pro- R duced by 1 X Radius of circle ? 3 Importance Rectangle Red-sable brushes 2 1 6 14 of .... Angle to be executed 1 26 Reflected light 2 11 1 .,_ Relief bulb. Decorator's 1 56 compound 1 56 Letter-face 1 26 on the left 1 23 ornament letters 1 30 scroll panels 2 9 with water colors .... 1 53 Ribbon borders Ribbons 3 2 19 10 Shadow, Cast Sheeting signs Shield, Heraldic 1 1 1 25 74 36 Forms of Shading Riggers 2 2 1 10 10 14 Shippers' box marking Show-card design and ornament . 2 2 22 1 1 Rococo panels Roman, Brush work in, capital let- ters 2 4 9 17 designs, Novelties in . ' Inscriptions for .... 3 3 20 capital letters 4 16 ' transparencies .... 1 74 Designing, capital letters lower-case let- 4 4 16 Application of design to . 2 1 " lower-case and numerals Practical application of . 4 4 17 15 Forms used in cards, Illumination of ... 3 1 2 52 15 Spacing lines for, capital Signs, Card electric 1 75 letters .... 4 16 Interior 1 71 lower-case let- Outside 1 73 ters 4 17 1 74 Rustic letters 1 31 Store and window 1 71 White enameled-cloth . . . 1 73 S Simple figures 2 2 Script, Brush work in, capital let- Spacing, Correct and incorrect . . 1 20 ters 4 31 Importance of 1 20 capitals 4 31 of letters 1 28 lower-case letters .... 4 32 the letters 4 3 Practical application of . 4 31 " lines 4 2 Spacing capital letters of . 4 31 Spectrum colors 1 7 lines for capital Speed in lettering 1 48 letters of .... 4 31 Spur 1 19 lower-case letters Square English, Brush work in of 4 32 capital letters of 4 26 Sec. Square English, Brush work in lower-case let- ters of .... 4 capitals .... 4 Coloring: capital letters of ... 4 Hints on color- ing plate ... 4 INI Past 2J 25 26 27 )EX Sec. Trade-mark designs 3 Transparencies, Show-card ... 1 Window .... 1 U Underscore 1 XV Page 2 74 74 81 49 67 52 1 71 17 12 12 13 53 12 53 52 6 17 10 73 54 10 19 71 76 74 17 16 2 3 Use of dry colors 1 stencils 1 Practical appli- cation of ... Spacing capital letters of ... Spacing lines for capital letters of 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 25 26 25 >- 17 69 69 68 68 67 74 71 12 40 42 41 19 19 41 39 6 21 V Value of examples 3 W Wall banners . 1 Wash brushes 1 Water colors . . 1 Spacing lower- case letters of shaders List of 1 necessary 1 Stenciling, Card Stencils, Background Outlining for .... 1 Preparation of ... 1 Shading with .... 1 Use of 1 Cutting letter Materials for Use of . . White 1 Store and window signs banners blank. Card-writers' ... \ Card-writers' 1 Straight-line arrangement .... Striping enameled-cloth signs ... 1 letters 1 Broad Preparation of 1 Width 1 with the T square .... Stroke Window and store signs I lettering. Mechanical de- vices in 1 Supplementary alphabets .... T T square. Striping with the .... Telescoping letters transparencies .... 1 Words, Diverse treatment of ... 2 Emphatic . 2 Tertiary colors Work, Brush 4 Tickets. Price . . " How to send, to the Schools 4 OCSB LIBRARY