99T at^logue late .of the library of Charles S. Hunt UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Monday, January LIBRARY of the late CHARLES g./HUNT, ... Comprising a Choice Collection of vc awl Valuable MlcnrUs Political Economy, inance, Currency and Banking, History, Biography, and General Literature, lie Sol* at Uttttion onday Afternoon, January 20/a, 1879. HY MESSRS. BANGS & CO., No. 656 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Sale to begin at 3:3O P. M., promptly. C.entlemen unable to attend may have purchases made for them by the Auctioneers. i AESCHYLUS. The TRAGEDIES of ^SCHYLUS : Literally : Translated with CRITICAL and Illustrative NOTES. By THEO- DORE A. BUCKLEY, post 8 cloth. LONDON: (Bohn) 1863. 2 ALMANAC. The NATIONAL ALMANAC and Annual " Record for the Year 1864. 1 2 cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1864. 3 ANDREWS (E. A.) A COPIOUS and CRITICAL LATIN- " ENGLISH DICTIONARY, founded on the Latin-German Lexicon of DR. WILLIAM FREUND. roy. 8 sheep. NEW YORK: 1852. 4 ARBUTHNOT (G.) SIR ROBERT PEEL'S ACT of 1864, regulating the ISSUE of BANK-NOTES, VINDICATED. & pp. 94, stiff paper cover. [LONDON:] 1856. 5 ARISTOPHANES. The CLOUDS of ARISTOPHANES, with " Notes by C. C. FELTON. 12 half morocco. CAMBRIDGE: 1861. 6 ARNOLD (THOMAS). The HISTORY of ROME. Three " Volumes in one. 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1859. 7 BABBAGE (CHARLES). On the ECONOMY of MACHIN- ~ ERY and MANUFACTURES. 12 cloth. LONDON: 1835. 8 BACON (LORD). The Two BOOKS of FRANCIS LORD " VERULAM, of the PROFICIENCE and ADVANCEMENT of LEARN- ING, Divine and Human, sm. 8 polished c alf. LONDON: {W.Pickering) 1825. 9 BACON'S ESSAYS and COLOURS of GOOD and EVIL, ~ with NOTES and GLOSSARIAL INDEX, by W, ALOIS WRIGHT. 16 cloth. CAMBRIDGE: 1862. 10 BAGEHOT (WALTER). LOMBARD STREET: A Des- " cription of the Money Market. 12 cloth. NEW YORK : 1873 425604 11 [BAILEY (SAMUEL).] A CRITICAL DISSERTATION on = the NATURE, MEASURES, and CAUSES of VALUE ; chiefly in Reference to the Writings of MR. RICHARDS and his followers. 8 smooth calf. Scarce. LONDON: 1825. 12 [BAILEY (SAMUEL).] The RATIONALE of POLITICAL = REPRESENTATION. 8 new, half crimson morocco, marbled edges. LONDON : .1835. 13 [BAILEY (SAMUEL).] MONEY and its VICISSITUDES = in VALUE : as they affect NATIONAL INDUSTRY and PECUNIARY CONTRACTS, with a POSTSCRIPT on JOINT-STOCK BANKS. 8 half morocco. LONDON: 1837. 14 BAIN (ALEXANDER). The SENSES and the INTELLECT. " Second Edition. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1864. 15 BAIN (ALEXANDER). The EMOTIONS and the WILL. = Second Edition. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1865. 16 BAIN (ALEXANDER). ENGLISH COMPOSITION and = RHETORIC. 12 half roan. NEW YORK : 1867. 17 BALZAC. Les CONTES DROLATIQUES colligez ez Ab- ~ bayes de Touraine. Illustre"s de 425 Dessins par GUSTAVE DOR. 8 half morocco, top gilt. [PARIS:] 1864. 18 BANFIELD (T. C.) FOUR LECTURES on the ORGAN- = IZATION of INDUSTRY. 8 boards. LONDON : 1845. *** An exceedingly interesting historical statement of the Labor Question.* 19 BANKER'S (THE) ALMANAC and REGISTER for 1876. === Edited by B. ROMANS, JR. 8 cloth. NEW YORK: 1876. 20 BARTOL (B. H.) A TREATISE on the MARINE BOILERS ~ of the UNITED STATES. 8 cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1851. 21 BASTIAT (FREDERIC). HARMONIES ECONOMIQUES. ~ 6 e Edition. 1 2 unbound. PARIS: 1864. 22 BAUDRILLART (M. H.) MANUEL D'ECONOMIE POLI- = TIQUE. 12 new, half crimson morocco, red edges. PARIS: 1872. 23 BAXTER (ROBERT). The PANIC of 1866 with its ~ LESSONS on the CURRENCY ACT. 1 2 cloth. LONDON: 1866. 24 BAXTER (R. DUDLEY). NATIONAL DEBTS, with = DIAGRAM. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1871. 3 25 BAYLE (MR. PIERRE). CEuvRES DIVERSES; contenant - tout ce que cet AUTEUR a public" pendant sa VIE, en PHILO- SOPHIE, en CRITIQUE, en HISTOIRE, en LITT^RATURE, &c., except^ son Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. 4 vols. bound in 5 vols. f plain calf. LA HAVE: 1725. *** BAYLE possessed the art, acquired by habit, of reading a book by his fingers, as it has been happily expressed ; and of comprising, in concise extracts, a just notion of a book, without the addition of irrelevant matter. Lively, neat, and full of that attic salt which gives a relish to the driest disquisitions, for the first time the ladies and all the beau-wonde took an interest in the labours of the critic. He sheathed the rod of criticism with roses. D'ISRAELI. 26 BAYLE (MR. PIERRE). DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE et ~ CRITIQUE. Quatrieme Edition, Revue, Corrige'e, et Augmented, avec la VIE de I'AUTEUR, par MR. DES MAIZEAUX. 4 vols. f white vellum. AMSTERDAM: 1730. 27 BEAUMARCHAIS. CEUVRES COMPLETES de BEAUMAR- = CHAIS. Precedees d'une NOTICE sur sa VIE et ses OUVRAGES. 6 vols. 8 half morocco, marbled edges, fine portrait, and plates by Tony Johannot. PARIS: 1828. *#* < Beaumarchais has been very happily styled the French SHERIDAN. 28 BENTHAM (JEREMY). The BOOK of FALLACIES: ~ From Unfinished Papers of JEREMY BENTHAM. 8 new, half morocco. LONDON : 1824. 29 [BENTON (THOMAS A.)] THIRTY YEARS' VIEWS; or, = a HISTORY of the Working of the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT for THIRTY YEARS, from 1820 to 1850. With HISTORICAL NOTES and ILLUSTRATIONS, and some NOTICES of EMINENT DECEASED CONTEMPORARIES. 2 vols. 8 cloth. Portrait. NEW YORK: 1854-57. 30 BISSET (ROBERT). The HISTORY of the REIGN of = GEORGE III. Second Edition, completed to the Death of the King. 6 vols. 8 smooth calf, extra. LONDON: 1820. *** This History is a continuation of HUME and SMOLLETT.I 31 BLAKE (WILLIAM). OBSERVATIONS on the PRINCIPLES " which regulate the COURSE of EXCHANGE ; and the PRESENT DEPRECIATED STATE of the CURRENCY. 8 half calf . RARE. LONDON: 1810. *#* This is one of the very best pamphlets to which the Bullion controversy gave birth. It contains a masterly exposition of a most important but at the same time complex and difficult subject.* McCuLLOCH. 32 BLANQUI (A.) HISTOIRE de I'ECONOMIE POLITIQUE ~ depuis les Anciens jusqu'a nos jours. Quatrieme Edition, revue et annote'e. 2 vols. 12 unbound. PARIS: 1860. ** This edition contains a valuable Bibliografhie Raisonnte de I' Economic Politique. 33 BLOCK (M. MAURICE). ANNUAIRE de I'ECONOMIE = POLITIQUE et de la STATISTIQUE, 1874. 12 half morocco. PARIS: 1874. 34 BOLLES (ALBERT S.) CHAPTERS in POLITICAL Eco- = NOMY. 12 cloth. NEW YORK: 1874. 35 BONNET (VICTOR). Le CREDIT et les BANQUES d'E- ~ MISSION. 8 new half morocco, red edges. PARIS: 1875. 36 BOSANQUET (J. W.) METALLIC, PAPER, and CREDIT ~ CURRENCY, and Means of Regulating their Quantity and Value. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1842. 37 BOWEN (FRANCIS). The METAPHYSICS of SIR WILLIAM " HAMILTON. Collected, Arranged, and Abridged, for the Use of Colleges and Students, post 8 cloth. CAMBRIDGE: 1867. 38 BOWEN (FRANCIS). AMERICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY ; " Including Strictures on the Management of the Currency and the Finances since 1861. post 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1870. 39 BRASSEY (THOMAS). WORK and WAGES. Pradically "Illustrated. 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1872. 40 BRISTED. (CHARLES A.) The INTERFERENCE " THEORY of GOVERNMENT. 12 cloth. NEW YORK : 1867. 41 BRITISH (The) ALMANAC and COMPANION for the " Years 1874 and 1875. 2 vols. 12 cloth. LONDON: 1874-5. 42 BRITISH (The) MERCHANT; or, COMMERCE PRE- ~ SERVED. [Papers Selected] by MR. CHARLES KING, Chamber- keeper to the Treasury, etc. 3 vols. 8 plain calf. LONDON : 1721. *,* cThis work, which appeared in weekly numbers, continues to deserve atten- tion from the full exposition which it gives of the opinions and reasonings then current on commercial affairs.* McCuLLocH. 43 BROUGHAM (HENRY LORD). SKETCHES of PUBLIC ~ CHARACTERS, DISCOURSES and ESSAYS. To which is added A DISSERTATION on the ELOQUENCE of the ANCIENTS. 2 vols. 12 cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1839. 44 BROUGHAM (HENRY LORD). HISTORICAL SKETCHES ~ of STATESMEN who Flourished in the TIME of GEORGE III. 2 vols. 12 cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1854. 45 BROWN (WILLIAM). THOUGHTS on PAPER CURRENCY ~ and LENDING on INTEREST : as Affecting the Prosperity of Labour, Commerce, and Manufactures. 12 doth. LONDON: 1867. 46 BUCKLE (HENRY THOMAS). ESSAYS. With a ~ Biographical Sketch of the Author. 12 cl. NEW YORK : 1867. 47 "BULLION REPORT." REPORT, together with Minutes ~ of EVIDENCE, and ACCOUNTS, from the SELECT COMMITTEE on the HIGH PRICE of GOLD BULLION. 8 calf. LONDON : 1810. *#* The Bullion Report is one of the most valuable papers that has ever pro- ceeded from a Committee of the Legislature. It was principally written by Mr. [Francis] HORNER, but partly also by MESSRS. HUSKISSON and THORNTON.* McCuLLOCH. 48 BURKE. The LIFE of EDMUND BURKE by JAMES PRIOR. ~ Fifth Edition, post 8 new, half calf ', gilt back, marbled edges. LONDON: (JBohn] 1854. 49 BURKE. The WORKS of the RIGHT HONOURABLE ~ EDMUND BURKE. 8 vols. post 8 new, half calf, gilt backs, mar- bled edges. LONDON: (Hohn) 1854-1862. 50 BUTLER (Bp. JOSEPH). The ANALOGY of RELIGION, = NATURAL and REVEALED, to the CONSTITUTION and COURSE of NATURE. New Edition with ANALYTICAL INTRODUCTIONS, EXPLANATORY NOTES, and an INDEX, post 8 cloth, portrait. LONDON: (ohn) 1860. 51 CA1RNES (J. E.) ESSAYS in POLITICAL ECONOMY. THEORETICAL and APPLIED. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1873. ,52 CAIRNES (J. E.) SOME LEADING PRINCIPLES of POLI- ~ TICAL ECONOMY NEWLY EXPOUNDED. 8 cl. LONDON : 1874. 53 CAIRNES (J. E.) The CHARACTER and LOGICAL ME- ~ THOD of POLITICAL ECONOMY. Second and Enlarged Edi- tion. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1875. 54 CAMPBELL (GEORGE). The PHILOSOPHY of RHE- = TORIC. Seventh Edition, with the Author's last Additions and corrections. Portrait. 8 diamond calj ', marbled edges. LONDON : 1823. 6 55 CAREY (H. C.) PRINCIPLES of SOCIAL SCIENCK. 3 vols. ~ W cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1858-59. 56 CAREY (H. C.) The UNITY of LAW; as Exhibited in = the Relations of PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, MENTAL and MORAL SCIENCE. 8 cloth. PHILADELPHIA : 1873. 57 CAREY (HENRY C.) VARIOUS PAMPHLETS, viz. : - i. RESUMPTION, How it may profitably be brought about. 2. CONTRACTION or EXPANSION? REPUDIATION or RE- SUMPTION ? =3. The PUBLIC DEBT, how to provide for its DISCHARGE. = 4. The CURRENCY QUESTION. - 5. CAPI- TAL and LABOR. = = 6. RESULTS of the RESUMPTION of SPECIE PAYMENTS. = 7. CURRENCY INFLATION. TOGETHER 7 PAMPHLETS, unbound. PHILADELPHIA : v. d. 58 CARLYLE (THOMAS). CRITICAL and MISCELLANEOUS = ESSAYS. Portrait. 8 sheep. BOSTON : 1857. 59 CENSUS. NINTH CENSUS of the UNITED STATES, 1870 : = POPULATION and SOCIAL STATISTICS: VITAL STATISTICS: INDUSTRY and WEALTH. 3 vols. 4 half russia. 1872. 60 CENSUS : COMPENDIUM of the NINTH CENSUS of the = UNITED STATES. 8 cloth. WASHINGTON : 1872. 61 CENSUS of the STATE of NEW YORK, for 1865. roy. 4 ~ half morocco. ALBANY: 1867. 62 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1870-1871. 2 vols. 8 cloth. OTTAWA : 1873. 63 CENSUS : ABSTRACT of the CENSUS of MASSACHUSETTS, = 1865. 8 cloth. BOSTON : 1867. 64 CERNUSCHI (HENRI). OR et ARGENT. 8 paper. PARIS: 1874. 65 CHALMERS (DR. THOMAS). The CHRISTIAN and Civic = ECONOMY of LARGE TOWNS. 3 vols. 8 plain calf. GLASGOW : 1821-26. 66 CHESS MONTHLY. An AMERICAN CHESS SERIAL. 2 = vols. 8 half bound. NEW YORK (v. d.) 67 CHEVALIER (MICHAEL). SOCIETY, MANNERsand ~ POLITICS in the UNITED STATES. 8 cloth. BOSTON : 1839. 7 68 CHEVALIER (MICHEL). On the PROBABLE FALL in " the VALUE of GOLD; the COMMERCIAL and SOCIAL CONSE- QUENCES which may Ensue, and the MEASURES which it invites. Translated from the French, with a PREFACE by RICHARD COBDEN, ESQ. Third Edition. 8 cloth. MANCHESTER : 1859. 69 CHEVALIER (MICHEL). COURS d'EcoNOMiE POLI- = TIQUE fait au College de France. LA MONNAIE. Seconde Edition, refondue et considerablement augmented. 8 new, half morocco. PARIS: 1866. 70 CHILD (SIR JOSIAH). A NEW DISCOURSE of TRADE : = Wherein are recommended Several Weighty POINTS, relating to COMPANIES of MERCHANTS; The ACT of NAVIGATION, NA- TURALIZATION of STRANGERS, the BALANCE of TRADE, and NATURE of PLANTATIONS, etc. Fourth Edition. 12 plain calf. LONDON : (n. d.} *** SIR JOSIAH CHILD was one of the most extensive, and (judging from his work), best informed merchants of his time. Some of the principles advanced by CHILD are so sound and so forcibly and concisely expressed, that they assume the shape of maxims. McCuLLOCH. 71 CICERO. LETTRES de CICE'RON a ATTICUS [Latin and ~ French], avec des REMARQUES par 1' ABBS' MONGAULT. Nou- velle Edition, ^vols. 12 smooth calf '. LYON : 1808. 72 CLARENDON (EDWARD, EARL OF). The HISTORY = of the REBELLION and CIVIL WARS in ENGLAND. A New Edition, from the Original Manuscript. 7 vols. 18 half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. OXFORD: 1839. 73 [COBBETT.] A BONE to GNAW for the DEMOCRATS. " By PETER PORCUPINE. -[William CobbettJ] To which is pre- fixed A ROD, for the BACKS of the CRITICS. 12 half morocco. LONDON : 1797. 74 COBBETT (WILLIAM). LETTERS to LORD AWKES- = BURY, and to the Hon. HENRY ADDINGTON, on the PEACE with BUONAPARTE. Second Edition. 8 new, half morocco. LONDON : 1802. 75 COBBETT'S WEEKLY POLITICAL REGISTER, from = COMMENCEMENT in JANUARY, 1802, to JANUARY, 1817, in- clusive. 32 vols. roy. 8 half russia. LONDON: 1802-1817. *** A fine and complete set of this lively political journal. SCARCE. 8 76 COBBETT (WILLIAM). PAPER AGAINST GOLD and = GLORY AGAINST PROSPERITY ; or, an ACCOUNT of the RISE, PROGRESS, EXTENT and PRESENT STATE of the FUNDS and of the PAPER MONEY OF GREAT BRITAIN. 2 vols. 8 boards, un- cut. Very scarce. LONDON: 1815. 77 COBBETT (WILLIAM). A YEAR'S RESIDENCE in the " UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Treating of the Face of the Country, the Climate, the Soil, the Usual Manner of Living, of the Manners and Customs of the People ; and of the Institu- tions of the Country, etc. IN THREE PARTS. 8 half calf , folding map. LONDON : 1819. 78 COBBETT. SELECTIONS from [WILLIAM] COBBETT'S " POLITICAL WORKS : Being a Complete Abridgment of the 100 volumes which comprise the Writings of Porcupine and the Weekly Political Register. With NOTES HISTORICAL and EXPLANATORY. By JOHN M. COBBETT and JAMES P. COB- BETT. 6 vols. 8 half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. LONDON : 1837. 79 COBDEN. SPEECHES on QUESTIONS of PUBLIC POLICY, " by RICHARD COBDEN, M. P. Edited by JOHN BRIGHT and JAMES E. THOROLD ROGERS. 2 vols. 8 cloth, uncut, fine por- trait. LONDON : 1870. 80 COBDEN CLUB ESSAYS, SECOND SERIES, 1871-2. By = Emile de Laveleye, Hon. George C. Brodrick, W. Fowler, M. P., Julius Faucher, Joseph Gostick, James E. Thorold Rogers & Hon. David A. Wells. SECOND EDITION. Presen- tation copy. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1872. 81 COBDEN CLUB. REPORT of the PROCEEDINGS at the ~ DINNER of the COBDEN CLUB, June 28, 1873, with PREFACE by SIR Louis MOLLET. 1 2 paper. LONDON: 1873. 82 COCKBURN (SiR ALEX.) NATIONALITY : or, the LAW " Relating to SUBJECTS and ALIENS, Considered with a View to Future Legislation. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1869. 83 COLLIER (JEREMY). A SHORT VIEW of the PROFANE- " NESS and IMMORALITY of the ENGLISH STAGE, etc., with the Several DEFENCES of the Same, in Answer to MR. CONGREVE, 9 DR. DRAKE, etc. 8 new, half crimson morocco, top gilt, rough edges. LONDON : 1738. *** BEST EDITION of this curious work, including the Second and Third Views, and replies to his opponents. 84 COLWELL (STEPHEN). The WAYS and MEANS of ~ PAYMENT : A Full Analysis of the CREDIT SYSTEM, with its Various Modes of Adjustment. 8 cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1859. 85 COMINES. The MEMOIRS of PHILIP DE COMINES : Con- = taining the HISTORY of LEWIS XI. and CHARLES VIII. of France, and of CHARLES the BOLD, Duke of Burgundy.... including The SECRET HISTORY of LEWIS XL, otherwise called the Scandalous Chronicle, written by one JOHN DE TROYES. Faithfully translated from the Edition of Monsieur GODEFROY, by Mr. UVEDALE. 2 vols. 8 plain calf. LONDON : 1723. 86 COURCELLE-SENEUIL (J. G.) TRAITE THEORIQUE = ET PRATIQUE DES OPERATIONS DE BANQUE. Cinquieme Edi- tion. 8 new, half crimson morocco, marbled edges. PARIS: 1871. 87 CRU.MP (ARTHUR). A PRACTICAL TREATISE on = BANKING, CURRENCY and the EXCHANGES, post 8 cloth. LONDON : 1866. 88 DALL (CAROLINE H.) The COLLEGE, the MARKET ~ and the COURT; or, Woman's Relation to Education, Labor, and Law. 8 cloth. BOSTON: 1867. 89 D'AVENANT. The POLITICAL and COMMERCIAL WORKS ~ of that Celebrated WRITER CHARLES D'AVENANT, L. L. D. Relating to the TRADE and REVENUE of ENGLAND, The PLAN- TATIONS TRADE, The EAST INDIA TRADE, and AFRICAN Trade. Collected and revised by SIR CHARLES WHITWORTH, with a copious INDEX. 5 vols. 8 calf, gilt backs, yellow edges. LONDON : 1771. 90 DEBATE (The) upon the CORN LAWS, the CORN IMPOR- ~ TATION and CUSTOMS' DUTIES BILLS, and the other FINANCIAL MEASURES of the GOVERNMENT in SESSION 1846. 2 vols. roy. 8 cloth. . LONDON: 1846. *** The volumes are reprints from Hansard, and are therefore of unquestion- able accuracy and impartiality they contain the whole of the Debates in both Houses of Parliament on the principle and details of Protection to Agriculture and British Industry.* Preface. 10 91 DE LOLME (J. L.) The CONSTITUTION of ENGLAND; = or, an Account of the English Government. Portrait. 8 calf. LONDON: 1796. 92 DEMOGOET (J.) HISTOIRE de la LITERATURE FRAN- = CAISE depuis ses ORIGINES jusqu'a nos jours. Sixieme Edition. 1 2 paper. PARIS: 1864. 93 DE MORGAN (AUGUSTUS). An ESSAY on PROBA- = BILITIES, and on their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. 16 cloth. LONDON: 1838. 94 DE RETZ. M^MOiREsdu CARDINAL DE RETZ, contenant = ce qui s'est passe" de remarquable en FRANCE, pendant les premieres ANNKES du REGNE DE Louis XIV. 5 vols. in 2 vols. 12 calf . AMSTERDAM: 1718. 95 DE TOCQUEVILLE (ALEXIS). The OLD REGIME = and the REVOLUTION. Translated by JOHN BONNER. 12 cloth. NEW YORK : 1856. 96 DE TOCQUEVILLE (ALEXIS). DEMOCRACY in = AMERICA. Translated by HENRY REEVE, with an Original PREFACE and NOTES by JOHN C. SPENCER. Seventh Edition. 8 cloth. NEW YORK: 1847. 97 DICTIONNAIRE COMIQUE. SATYRIQUE, CRITIQUE, = BURLESQUE, LIBRE et PROVERBIAL, etc., pour faciliter aux Etrangers et aux Francois memes, 1'intelligence de toutes sortes de Livres. 8 vellum, marbled edges. LION : 1735. 98 D'ISRAELI (I.) MISCELLANIES of LITERATURE, viz.: ~. Literary Miscellanies, Quarrels of Authors, Calamities of Authors, Character of James I. The Literary Character. 8 half morocco. LONDON: (Moxon) 1840. 99 D'ISRAELI (I.) CURIOSITIES of LITERATURE. 8 half ~ calf, marbled edges. LONDON: (Moxon) 1851. 100 D'ISRAELI (B.) LORD GEORGE BENTICK : A Political = ' Biography, post 8 calf, extra. LONDON : 1858. 101 DOUBLEDAY (THOMAS). The POLITICAL LIFE of = SIR ROBERT PEEL, BART. An Analytical Biography. 2 vols. in i thick vol. 8 half calf, gilt back, marbled edges. LONDON : 1856. 11 102 DULAURE. HISTOIRE de PARIS et de ses MONUMENTS. " Nouvelle Edition refondue et comple'tee jusqu'a nos jours par par L. BATISSIER. roy. 8 half morocco, numerous fine plates. PARIS: 1846. 103 DURUY (V.) HISTOIRE de FRANCE. Illustrated with ~ numerous wood engravings and maps. 2 vols. 12 boards. PARIS: 1864. 104 DU VERNEY (M. JOSEPH PARIS). EXAMEN du = LIVRE intitule: REFLEXIONS POLITIQUES sur les FINANCES et le COMMERCE. J> 2 vols. 12 calf. PARIS: 1740. *#* This very rare work contains an exceedingly interesting account of the famous Mississippi scheme projected by the celebrated JOHN LAW. M. Du VERNEY, the author, besides being an able writer, was a skilful and successful financier. Having associated VOLTAIRE with him in some of his speculations, he made a considerable fortune for his celebrated friend. MCCULLOCH. < The idea of the possibility of multiplying paper money to almost any extent, was the real foundation of what is called the Mississippi scheme, the most extravagant pro- ject both of banking and stock-jobbing that perhaps the world ever saw. The different operations of this scheme are explained so fully, so clearly, and with so much order and distinctness, by MR. Du VERNEY, in his Examination of the Political Reflections upon Commerce and Finance of MR. Du TOT, that I shall not give any account of them.* SMITH, Wealth of Nations, edit. OXFORD, 1869, VOL. I,/. 318. 105 DUYCKINCK (E. A. & G. L.) CYCLOPEDIA of AMERI- = CAN Literature : from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. with numerous Portraits, Autographs and other Illustrations. 2 vols. imp. 8 half morocco. NEW YORK: 1856. 106 ECONOMIST (The) WEEKLY COMMERCIAL TIMES. = From 1870 to 1876. 8 vols. half morocco, 6 vols. in numbers, forming 14 vols. f. LONDON: 18701876. 107 ECONOMISTES FINANCIERS du XVIII 6 SIECLE. = VAUBAN, Projet d'une Dime Royale.==BOISGUILLE- BERT, Detail de la France, Factum de la France, et Opuscules Divers. JEAN LAW, Considerations sur le Numeraire et le Commerce, Memoires et Lettres sur les Banques, Opuscules Divers. = = MELON, Essai Politique sur le Commerce. DUTOT, Reflexions Politiques sur le Commerce et les Fi- nances. Pre'cede'es d'une Notice Historique sur chaque auteur par M. EUGENE DAIRE. 2 vols. 8 half calf '. Portrait. PARIS: 1843. 12 108 EDWARDS (JONATHAN). A CAREFUL and STRICT " ENQUIRY into the MODERN PREVAILING NOTIONS of the FREEDOM of WILL. 8 calf. LONDON: 1790. 109 ELIOT (SAMUEL). MANUAL of UNITED STATES His- ~ TORY. From 1492 to 1850. 1 2 cloth. BOSTON: [1856.] no ENCYCLOPEDIE MODERNE. DICTIONNAIRE abre"g ~ des SCIENCES, des LETTRES, des ARTS, de UNDUSTRIE, de 1' AGRICULTURE et du COMMERCE : Nouvelle Edition, entiere- ment refondue et augmented de pres du double. Publie"e par MM. FIRMIN DIDOT FRERES, sous la direction de M. LON RENIER. 44 vols. 8 half morocco, with maps and numerous illustrations. BEST EDITION. PARIS. *** One of the most useful and truly valuable Encyclopedias ever published. The present copy is in fine condition and has the SUPPLEMENT. in ESSAYS on POLITICAL ECONOMY: in which are " Illustrated the PRINCIPAL CAUSES of the PRESENT NATIONAL DISTRESS; with APPROPRIATE REMEDIES. 8 half calf. LONDON : 1830. 112 EVANS (D. MORIER). The HISTORY of the COM- = MERCIAL CRISIS, 1857-">8, and the STOCK EXCHANGE Panic of 1859. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1859. 113 EWING (GEN. THOMAS), of Ohio, and Gov. Stewart " L. Woodford, of New York. JOINT DISCUSSIONS on the FINANCE QUESTION. 8 paper. COLUMBUS: 1876. 114 FAIRLIE (ROBERT F.) RAILWAY or No RAILWAYS. ~ NARROW GAUGE, Economy and Efficiency v. BROAD GAUGE, Costliness with Extravagance. Diagrams. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1872. 115 FROISSART. The ANTIENT CHRONICLES of SIR JOHN ~ FROISSARD, of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, and Flanders. Translated by JOHN BOURCHIER, LORD BERNERS. 4 vols. roy. 8 smooth calf. LONDON : 1814. 116 FROISSART. Les CHRONiQUEsde SIRE JEAN FROISSART. " Avec NOTES, ECLAIRCISSEMENS et GLOSSAIRES, par J. A. C. BUCHON. 3 vols. 8 new half morocco, gilt backs. PARIS: 1853. 13 117 FULLERTON (JOHN). On the REGULATION of ~ CURRENCIES. Second Edition, with CORRECTIONS and ADDI- TIONS. 8 half morocco. LONDON: 1845. 118 GALLATIN (ALBERT). CONSIDERATIONS on the CUR- = RENCY and BANKING SYSTEM of the UNITED STATES. PHILA.: 1831. = SUGGESTIONS on the BANKS and CURRENCY of the several United States in relation to the SUSPENSION of SPECIE PAYMENTS, by ALBERT GALLATIN. 8 new, half crim- son morocco. N. Y. and PHILA.: 1831-41. 119 GALTON (FRANCIS). HEREDITARY GENIUS: an IN- = QUIRY into its LAWS and CONSEQUENCES. 8 half calf, extra. LONDON : 1869. 1 20 GENERAL ATLAS of the WORLD : Containing upwards = of SEVENTY MAPS, Engraved on Steel, by Sidney Hall, Wil- liam Hughes, &c., and a complete INDEX of 65,000 NAMES. roy. /" half morocco. EDINBURGH: 1853. 121 GENERAL (A) DICTIONARY, HISTORICAL and CRI- " TICAL, in which a New and Accurate Translation of that of the celebrated MR. BAYLE is included ; and interspersed with several THOUSAND LIVES never before published. By JOHN PETER BERNARD, THOMAS BIRCH, JOHN LOCKMAN, and GEORGE SALE. 10 vols. /" old calf . LONDON: 1734-41. 122 GIBBON (EDWARD). The HISTORY of the DECLINE ~ and FALL of the ROMAN EMPIRE. With NOTES by DEAN MILMAN and M. GUIZOT. Edited, with ADDITIONAL NOTES, by WILLIAM SMITH, LL.D. 8 vols. 8 cloth. Portrait and Maps. BEST EDITION. LONDON: (Murray) 1862. 123 GILBART (JAMES W.) The PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE ~ of BANKING. New Edition. Thoroughly Revised and Adapted to the Practice of the Present Day. Portrait. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1871. 124 GIRAULT-DUVIVIER (CH. P.) GRAMMAIRE des " GRAMMAIRES. Dixieme Edition. 2 vols. 8 hf. cf. PARIS: 1842. 125 GOODWIN (W. W.) SYNTAX of the MOODS and " TENSES of the GREEK VERB. 12 cloth. CAMBRIDGE: 1865. It 126 GOSCHEN (HON. G. J.) The THEORY of FOREIGN === EXCHANGES. Seventh Edition. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1866. 127 GOUGE. The JOURNAL of BANKING; from JULY 1841 = to JULY 1842. Containing Essays on Various Questions re- lating to Banking and Currency, Notices of Bank Failures and Bank Defaults, &c., and A SHORT HISTORY OF PAPER MONEY AND BANKING IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM 1690 to 1832, by WILLIAM M. GOUGE, roy. 8 half roan. PHILADELPHIA: 1842. %* Of modern books, the best I know The author all the world is thanking One written more for use than show, Is quaintly titled, Gouge on Banking.* 128 GRAHAM (SIR JAMES). CORN and CURRENCY; or an = Address to the Land Owners. 8 boards. LONDON: 1826. 129 GRAMMONT. MMOIRES du COMTE de GRAMMONT, par = le C. Antoine Hamilton. 2 vols. 18 mottled calf , gilt edges. LONDRES: 1781. 130 GREELEY (HORACE). ESSAYS DESIGNED to ELUCI- = DATE the SCIENCE of POLITICAL ECONOMY. 12 cloth. BOSTON : 1870. 131 GREY (EARL). PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT con- ~ sidered with Reference to REFORM. A New Edition, containing SUGGESTIONS for the IMPROVEMENT of our REPRESENTATIVE SYSTEM, and an EXAMINATION of the REFORM BILLS of 1859 and 1861. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1864. 132 GROTE (GEORGE). HISTORY of GREECE. 12 vols. 12 ~ half calf, antique. NEW YORK; 1856. 133 GROTE (GEORGE). REVIEW of the WORK of MR. JOHN = STUART MILL, Entitled < Examination of Sir William Hamil- ton's Philosophy. 12 cloth. LONDON: 1868. 134 GUICCIARDIN. The HISTORIE of GUICCIARDIN, con- = taining the WARRES of ITALIE and other parts, &c. Reduced into English by Jeffray Fenton. The Third Edition, with res- titution of a Digression, which hath bene formerly effaced out of the Italian and Latin copies, f calf, gilt back. LONDON: 1618. 15 135 GUIZOT (M.) HISTOIRE de la CIVILISATION. en EUROPE ~ depuis la chute de I'EMPIRE ROMAIN jusqu'k la REVOLUTION FRANCAISE. 12 calf. PARIS: 1841. 136 GUIZOT (M.) ESSAIS sur I'HISTOIRE de FRANCE. = " WASHINGTON. 2 vols, in i vol. 12 vellum. Portrait. PARIS: 1841-2. 137 GUIZOT (M.) HISTORY of the ENGLISH REVOLUTION of " 1640. Translated by WILLIAM HAZLITT. Portrait, post 8 cloth. LONDON : (JBohri) 1856. 138 GUIZOT (M.) HISTOIRE de la CIVILISATION en FRANCE = depuis la chute de I'EMPIRE ROMAIN. 4 vols. 12 paper. PARIS: 1868. 139 HADLEY (JAMES). A GREEK GRAMMAR. 12 half ~ roan. NEW YORK : 1861. 140 HALLAM ( HENRY). INTRODUCTION to the LITERA- " TURE of EUROPE in the FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH, and SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURIES. 4 vols. post 8 cloth. Portrait. LONDON: 1872. 141 HALLAM (HENRY). VIEW of the STATE of EUROPE = During the MIDDLE AGES. 3 vols. post 8 'cloth. LONDON: 1872. 142 HALLAM (HENRY). The CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY ~ of ENGLAND from the ACCESSION of HENRY VII to the DEATH of GEORGE II. 3 vols. post 8 cloth. LONDON: 1872. 143 HAMILTON (ROBERT). An INQUIRY concerning the = RISE and PROGRESS, the REDEMPTION and PRESENT STATE and MANAGEMENT of the NATIONAL DEBT of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. The Third, and Best Edition. 8 brown calf extra, gilt edges. EDINBURGH: 1818. 144 HAMILTON (SIR WILLIAM). LECTURES on LOGIC. " Edited by HENRY L. MANSEL and JOHN VEITCH. 8 half morocco. BOSTON : 1860. 145 HANKEY (THOMSON). The PRINCIPLES of BANKING, ~ its Utility and Economy; with Remarks on the Working and Management of the Bank of England. Second Edition. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1873. 16 146 HEARN (WILLIAM E.) PLUTOLOGY : or the THEORY = of the EFFORTS to SATISFY HUMAN WANTS. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1864. 147 HERSCHEL (SIR JOHN F. W.) OUTLINES of ASTRO- = NOMY. With numerous plates and wood-cuts, post 8 cloth. PHILADELPHIA: 1857. 148 HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, Or a BRIEF ACCOUNT ~ of the most REMARKABLE TRANSACTIONS of the Two last PARLIAMENTS Held and Dissolved at WESTMINSTER and OX- FORD. Frontispiece. Wcalf. LONDON: 1681. 149 [HOLT (F. L.)] LETTER to the DUKE of WELLINGTON, ~ in ANSWER to LORD GRENVILLE'S ESSAY on the SUPPOSED AD- VANTAGES of the SINKING FUND. 1828.^ COURTNEY (J. P.) LETTER to LORD GRENVILLE on the SINKING FUND. i8a8. = GRENVILLE (LORD). ESSAY on the SUPPOSED ADVANTAGES of a SINKING FUND. TOGETHER, 3 TRACTS in i vol. 8 half russia. LONDON: 1828. 150 HOMER. The FIRST THREE BOOKS of HOMER'S ILIAD, ~ with Notes by C. ANTHON. 1 2 sheep. NEW YORK: 1844. 151 HOMER. The ILIAD of HOMER, with English NOTES by = F. A. PALEY. Books i-xn, Vol. i. 8 cloth. London : 1866. 152 HOMER. The ILIAD of HOMER, from the Text of WOLF, ~ with ENGLISH NOTES by C. C. FELTON. 8 cloth. With Flaxmari s Illustrations . BOSTON: 1857. 153 HOMER. The ILIAD of HOMER, Literally Translated, ~ with Explanatory Notes by T. A. BUCKLEY, post 8 cloth. LONDON: (Bohri) 1861. 154 HOMER. The ODYSSEY of HOMER, According to the ' Text of WOLF; with Notes by JOHN J. OWEN. 12 half roan. NEW YORK: 1863. 155 HOMER. The ODYSSEY of HOMER, with the HYMNS, = EPIGRAMS, and BATTLE of the FROGS and MICE. Literally Translated, with Explanatory Notes by T. A. BUCKLEY, post 8 cloth. NEW YORK : n. d. 17 156 HORNER. MEMOIRS and CORRESPONDENCE of FRANCIS " HORNER, M. P. Edited by his Brother LEONARD HORNER, ESQ. 2 vols. 8 half calf, portrait. LONDON: 1843. 157 HOYLE (WILLIAM). Our NATIONAL RESOURCES; and = How they are WASTED. An Omitted CHAPTER in POLITICAL ECONOMY. 8 cloth. LONDON: [1871.] 158 HUGO (VICTOR). Les MISRABLES. 5 PARTS in i vol. ~ 8 half morocco. NEW YORK : 1862-63. 159 HUME (DAVID). The PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. In- = eluding all the ESSAYS, and Exhibiting the more important Alterations and Corrections in the successive Editions pub- lished by the Author. 4 vols. 8 cloth, portrait. BOSTON : 1854. *** The first collected uniform Edition of HUME'S Philosophical Works. 160 HUNT (CHARLES HAVENS). LIFE of EDWARD = LIVINGSTON. With an Introduction by GEORGE BANCROFT. Portrait. 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1864. 161 HUSKISSON. The SPEECHES of the RT. HON. WILLIAM " HUSKISSON, with a BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR. 3 vols. new half morocco, portrait. LONDON: 1831. *** " Probably the test Speeches in the English Language on Corn Laws, Cur- rency, and Commercial Subjects." McCuLLOCH. 162 HUTCHINS (STEPHENS C.) CIVIL LIST and FORMS = of GOVERNMENT of the COLONY and STATE of NEW YORK. 12 cloth. ALBANY: 1872. 163 JACOB (WILLIAM). An HISTORICAL INQUIRY into the = PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION of the PRECIOUS METALS. 2 vols. 8 boards, uncut, fine copy, SCARCE. LONDON : 1831. *** This work contains a good deal of valuable information, and deserves the attention of those who take an interest in such inquiries. Within the last eight or ten years, the subject has acquired an interest and importance with which it was not pre- viously invested.* MCCULLOCH. 164 JAENISCH (C. F. DE). CHESS PRECEPTOR : A New ~ Analysis of the Openings of Games. Translated from the French, with Notes, by G. WALKER. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1847. 165 JANUS. The POPE and the COUNCIL. 16 cloth. BOSTON : 1870. 18 166 JONES (RICHARD). An ESSAY on the DISTRIBUTION = of WEALTH, and on the SOURCES of TAXATION. 8 new, half crimson morocco, red edges. LONDON: 1831. 167 JONES (RICHARD). LITERARY REMAINS, Consisting = of LECTURES and TRACTS on POLITICAL ECONOMY. Edited with a PREFATORY NOTICE, by the REV. W. WHEWELL, D. D. thick 8 cloth, uncut, portrait. LONDON : 1859. %* This work is highly praised by JOHN STUART MILL and Dr. WHEWELL. 168 JOPLIN (T.) An ANALYSIS and HISTORY of the CUR- = RENCY QUESTION, Together with an Account of the ORIGIN and GROWTH of JOINT STOCK BANKING in ENGLAND. 8 new^ half crimson morocco. LONDON: 1832. 169 JOPLIN (THOMAS). A DIGEST of the REPORT of the = COMMITTEE of 1832, on the BANK CHARTER. With OBSERVA- TIONS. 8 new, half red morocco. ^ZZ- 170 JOPLIN (T.) An ESSAY on the GENERAL PRINCIPLES = and PRESENT PRACTICE of BANKING in ENGLAND and SCOT- LAND. 1827.= CASE for PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY into the CIRCUMSTANCES of the PANIC. By T. JOPLIN. 1825.= ON OUR MONETARY SYSTEM, with an EXPLANATION of the CAUSES by which the PRESSURES in the MONEY MARKET are PRODUCED, and a PLAN for their REMEDY. By T. JOPLIN. 1839.= =The CAUSE and CURE of our COMMERCIAL EM- BARRASSMENTS. By T. JOPLIN. 1841. CURRENCY RE- FORM : IMPROVEMENT not DEPRECIATION. By T. JOPLIN. 1844. TOGETHER 5 Tracts in i vol. 8 new, half red morocco. LONDON : 1825-44. 171 JUVENAL and PERSIUS : The SATIRES of JUVENAL, = PERSIUS, SULPICIA, and LUCILIUS, Literally Translated into English Prose, with NOTES. By the Rev. LEWIS EVANS, post 8 cloth. LONDON ( Bohn) : 1861. 172 KING (LORD). A SELECTION from the SPEECHES and = WRITINGS of the late LORD KING, with a SHORT MEMOIR by EARL FORTESQUE. 8 cloth. Portrait. LONDON : 1844. *** This volume contains a reprint of LORD KING'S celebrated tract On the Res- triction of Payments in Specie. LORD KING deserves to be remembered as being one of the ablest as well as earliest of those writers who led the way in the Bullion Controversy, and the soundness of whose principles was at length fully recognized by the Legislature.> McCuLLOCH. 19 173 KING (W. H.) LESSONS and PRACTICAL NOTES on = STEAM, the STEAM ENGINE, PROPELLERS. Diagrams. 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1862. 174 KIRKES (WILLIAM S.) MANUAL of PHYSIOLOGY. " With 200 Illustrations. 12 sheep. PHILADELPHIA : 1858. 175 KUHNER (DR. R.) GRAMMAR of the GREEK LAN- = GUAGE. Translated from the German by B. B. EDWARDS and S.H.TAYLOR. 8 half roan. NEW YORK : 1856. 176 LAMPADIUS (W. A.) LIFE of FELIX MENDELSSOHN = BARTHOLDY. Translated by W. L. GAGE. 16 doth. Portrait. NEW YORK : 1865. 177 LARDNER (D.) A HAND-BOOK of OPTICS. Illustrated ~ by 158 engravings on wood, post 8 cloth. PHILADELPHIA : 1864. 178 LAUDERDALE (EARL). INQUIRY into the NATURE and " ORIGIN of PUBLIC WEALTH, and into the MEANS and CAUSES of its INCREASE. 8 new, half crimson morocco, red edges. EDINBURGH: 1804. 179 LAVERGNE (LEONCE DE). ESSAI sur 1'EcoNOMiE Ru- ~ RALE de I'ANGLETERRE, de 1'EcossE et de I'IRLANDE. 8 un- bound. PARIS: 1854. 180 LAW (JOHN). MONEY AND TRADE CONSIDERED: " With a PROPOSAL for SUPPLYING the NATION with MONEY. First Published at Edinburgh MDCCV. By the Celebrated JOHN LAW, ESQ., afterward Comptroller-General of the Finances of France. 12 old calf. GLASGOW : Printed and Sold by R. and A. Foulis. M.DCC.LX. *** BEST EDITION. VERY RARE. LAW first published his theory in a tract, called Money and Trade Considered, at Edinburgh in 1705. He was the son of a goldsmith, and of dissipated habits, but of an extremely acute intellect ; and up to a certain length, his views are sagacious and correct much more so, indeed, than those of many writers of the present day. He begins by many very sound and acute remarks on the value of commodities, and the causes of their change of value. He describes the qualities which fitted Sihift- to be used as money, above every other commodity. He points out with much detail the fraud and inutility of tampering with the currency. Nothing can be more judicious and sound than his remarks upon creditthat it must always vary in proportion to the metallic basis it is built upon ; and up to this point, his sagacity and penetration are in advance of the doctrines of a century later.* MACLEOD, Elements of I'olitical Economy, p. 416-18. 20 181 LAWRENCE (WILLIAM BEACH). DISCOURSES and = REVIEWS. PRINCIPALLY on SUBJECTS of POLITICAL ECONOMY. & half calf . SCARCE, NEW YORK : 1834. 182 LECKY (WILLIAM E. H.) The LEADERS of PUBLIC " OPINION in IRELAND : SWIFT, FLOOD, GRATTAN, O'CONNELL. post 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1872. 183 LEGGETT. A COLLECTION of the POLITICAL WRITINGS = of WILLIAM LEGGETT. Selected and Arranged, with a PRE- FACE by THEODORE SEDGWICK, Jr. 2 vols. 12 cloth. Portrait. NEW YORK : 1840. *** Mr. Leggett was formerly Editor of the Evening Post. tThe words of fire that from his pen Were flung upon the fervid page, Still move, still shake the hearts of men. Amid a cold and coward age. BRYANT. 184 LE ROUX (PHILIBERT-JOSEPH). DICTIONNAIRECO- ~ MIQUE, SATYRIQUE, CRITIQUE, BURLESQUE, LIBRE ET PROVER- BIAL. Avec une Explication tres-fiedle de toutes les Manieres de parler Burlesques, Comiques, Libres, Satyriques, Critiques et Proverbiales, qui peuvent se rencontrer dans les meilleurs Auteurs, tant Anciens que Modernes. 2 vols. $? french calf, marbled edges. AMSTERDAM: 1787. *** BBST EDITION of this very curious and useful work. 185 LE SAGE. Le DIABLE BOITEUX, augmente" d'une JOUR- ~ NE des PARQUES. 2 vols. 18 calf. Curious plates of Asmo- deus unroofing houses. PARIS: 1765. 186 LEWES (G. H.) The LIFE of GOETHE. Second Edition, ~ partly rewritten. 8 cloth. Portrait. LONDON: 1864 187 LIDDELL and SCOTT. A GREEK ENGLISH LEXICON. = By H. G. LIDDELL and ROBERT SCOTT. With Corrections and Additions, by H. DRISLER. roy. 8 sheep. NEW YORK : 1848. 188 LIST (FREDERICK). NATIONAL SYSTEM of POLITICAL = ECONOMY. Translated from the German by G. A. MATILE, including NOTES of the French translation, by Henri Riche- lot. With a PRELIMINARY ESSAY and NOTES, by SHEPHEN COLWELL. W cloth. PHILADELPHIA : 1856. 189 LIVY. TITI LIVI ab urbe Condita. Libri I-X Edidit - M. HERTZ. VOL. i. 1 2 half morocco. LIPSIAE. 1857. 21 190 LLORENTE (JEAN-ANTOINE). HISTOIRE CRITIQUE = de 1'lNQUisiTiON d'EsFAGNE, depuis 1'^poque de son e"tablisse- ment par Ferdinand V jusqu'au regne de Ferdinand VII. Traduite de 1'Espagnol par Alexis Pellier. 4 vols. 8 half calf . Portrait. PARIS: 1817-18. *** The fact that LLORENTE had been for some time Secretary to the Inquisi- tion at Madrid, gave his book a character of authenticity. The spirit of candor which pervades the whole work, and the precision of which the author details the horrible mysteries of the Holy Office^ -have procured him the name of the Suetonius of the Inquisition.^ 191 LOUVET DE COUVRAY. Les AVENTURES du CHEVA- = LIER de FAUBLAS. Nouvelle Edition Ornee de Huit gravures sur acier, d'apres les dessins de MARILLIER, BLANCHARD, etc. 4 vols. sm. 8 new, half crimson morocco, tops gilt, fine copy. BRUXELLES : 1869. 192 MACKINTOSH (SIR JAMES). VINDICLE GALLICLE. " DEFENCE of the FRENCH REVOLUTION and its English Ad- mirers, against the Accusations of EDMUND BURKE. Fourth Edition, with ADDITIONS. Wcalf. LONDON: 1792. 193 MACLEOD (HENRY DUNNING). The ELEMENTS of " POLITICAL ECONOMY. 8 cloth, uncut. LONDON : 1858. 194 MACLEOD (HENRY DUNNING). The THEORY and " PRACTICE of BANKING. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8 new, cloth LONDON: 1866 195 MACHIAVEL. The WORKS of the FAMOUS NICHOLAS " MACHIAVEL, Citizen and Secretary of Florence. Faithfully translated into ENGLISH. Third Edition. Carefully corrected. f calf, gilt back. LONDON : 1 720. *** This edition contains MACHIAVEL'S curious novel, the Marriage ofBelphegor. 196 MAIMBOURG (MONSIEUR). The HISTORY of the " LEAGUE. Translated into English by Mr. DRYDEN. Frontis- piece. &calf. LONDON: 1684. 197 MALTHUS (REV. T. R.) PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ~ ECONOMY considered with a VIEW to their PRACTICAL APPLI- CATION. 8 calf. LONDON: 1820. 198 MALTHUS (REV. T. R.) DEFINITIONS in POLITICAL = ECONOMY. 12 boards, uncut. LONDON: 1827. 22 199 MALTHUS (REV. T. R.) An ESSAY on the PRINCIPLE = of POPULATION ; or a View of its PAST and PRESENT EFFECTS on HUMAN HAPPINESS. Sixth Edition, 2 vols, 8 calf. LONDON: 1826. 200 MALTHUS (REV. T. R.) PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL = ECONOMY considered with a VIEW to their PRACTICAL APPLI- CATION. Second Edition, with CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS from the AUTHOR'S own MANUSCRIPT, and an ORIGINAL MEMOIR. 8 half morocco. LONDON: (Pickering} 1836. 201 MANN (CHARLES A.) PAPER MONEY, the ROOT of = EVIL. An Examination of the Currency of the United States, with Practical Suggestions for Restoring Specie Payments. post 8 cloth. NEW YORK : 1872. 202 MANUAL for the Use of the LEGISLATURE of the STATE of ~ NEW YORK, 1874 and 1875. 2 vols. 16 roan. ALBANY: 1874-5. 203 MARLBOROUGH (DUCHESS). An ACCOUNT of the = CONDUCT of the DUCHESS of MARLBOROUGH, from her first coming to Court, to the Year 1710. 8 calf. LONDON : 1742. 204 MARLBOROUGH. The OTHER SIDE of the QUESTION. = 8 calf. LONDON : 1742. %* f A severe and scurrillous attack on the DUCHESS of MARLBOROUGH. > 205 MARRYAT (JOSEPH). HISTORY of POTTERY and = PORCELAIN, MEDIEVAL and MODERN. Third Revised Edi- tion, with colored plates and numerous wood-cuts. "Of green cloth. LONDON: 1868. 206 MATINEES SENONOISES, ou PROVERBES FRANCOIS, = suivis de leur Origine. [Par YAbb/ Tuef.] 8 calf. PARIS: 1789. 207 McCULLOCH (J. R.) A DESCRIPTIVE and STATISTICAL = ACCOUNT of the BRITISH EMPIRE. Fourth Edition. 2 thick vols. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1854. 208 McCULLOCH (J. R.) TREATISES and ESSAYS on = MONEY, EXCHANGE, INTEREST, the HISTORY of COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, etc. With ACCOUNTS of the LIVES and WRITINGS of QUESNAY, ADAM SMITH and RICARDO. Second Edition. 8 cloth. EDINBURGH : 1859. 23 209 McCULLOCH (J. R. ) The PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL " ECONOMY. Fifth Edition, corrected and greatly improved. 8 cloth. EDINBURGH : 1864. 210 McCULLOCH (J. R.) A TREATISE on the CIRCUMSTAN- = CES which DETERMINE the RATE of WAGES, and the CONDI- TION of the LABOURING CLASSES. 18 cloth. LONDON : 1868. 211 McCULLOCH (J. R.) The PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL = ECONOMY : With the Essay on Interest and Value of Money by JOHN LOCKE, post 8 cloth. LONDON: 1870. 212 McCULLOCH (J. R.) A DICTIONARY PRACTICAL, THEO- = RETICAL and HISTORICAL of COMMERCE and COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. With a BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE by the Editor. New Edition REVISED and CORRECTED THROUGHOUT. With Two SUPPLEMENTS. Edited by HUGH G. REID. Very thick $? cloth, maps, etc. LONDON: 1871. 213 McPHERSON (EDWARD). A POLITICAL MANUAL for = 1868. 8 cloth. WASHINGTON : 1868. 214 McPHERSON (EDWARD). A HAND-BOOK of POLITICS = for 1874. 8 cloth. WASHINGTON : 1874. 215 MERIVALE (CHARLES). HISTORY of the ROMANS un- = der the EMPIRE. Fourth Edition. 7 vols. 8 cloth, uncut. LONDON: 1862. *** BEST EDITION of this valuable work. VERY SCARCE. 216 MILL (JAMES). ELEMENTS of POLITICAL ECONOMY. ~ Second Edition, Revised and Corrected. 8 calf. VERY SCARCE. LONDON : 1824. 217 MILL (JOHN STUART). On LIBERTY. 12 cloth. BOSTON : 1863. 218 MILL (JOHN STUART). A SYSTEM of LOGIC, RATIO- ~ CINATIVE and INDUCTIVE. Being a Corrected View of the PRINCIPLES of EVIDENCE, and the METHODS of SCIENTIFIC IN- VESTIGATION. Sixth Edition. 2 vols. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1865. 219 MILL (JOHN STUART). An EXAMINATION of SIR " WILLIAM HAMILTON'S PHILOSOPHY and of the PRINCIPAL PHI- LOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS DISCUSSED in his WRITINGS. Third Edition. 8 cloth. LONDON : 1867. 24 220 MOMMSEN (THEODOR). The HISTORY of ROME. Translated with the Author's Sanction and ADDITIONS by the REV. W. P. DICKSON. Second Edition. 5 vols. post 8 cloth. LONDON : 1864-66. %* The first of living historians, and by far the first authority upon Roman history and antiquities.* North Am. Rev., Oct., 1870. 221 MONEY, CURRENCY, BANKS, Viz. : THREE LECTURES " on the COST of OBTAINING MONEY, and on some EFFECTS of PRIVATE and GOVERNMENT PAPER MONEY, by NASSAU W. SENIOR. Lond. 1831 - - LETTER to CHARLES WOOD, M. P., on MONEY, and the MEANS of ECONOMIZING the USE of it, by G. W. NORMAN, Lond. 1841. = = RICARDO (S.) A NA- TIONAL BANK the REMEDY for the EVILS Attendant upon our PRESENT SYSTEM of PAPER CURRENCY Lond. 1838. = TOOKE (THOMAS). LETTER to LORD GRENVILLE on the EFFECTS ascribed to the RESUMPTION of CASH PAYMENTS on the VALUE of the CURRENCY. Lond. 1829. VERY SCARCE. = [COPLESTON]. LETTER to SIR ROBERT PEEL, on the PERNICIOUS EFFECTS of a VARIABLE STANDARD of VALUE. Oxford: 1819. [COPLESTON]. A SECOND LETTER to SIR ROBERT PEEL, on the CAUSES of the INCREASE of PAUPERISM. OXFORD : 1819. Together 6 TRACTS in i vol. 8 half morocco. VERY SCARCE. 1819-41. 222 MONSTRELET. CHRONIQUES d'ENGUERRAND de MAN- " STRELET, avec NOTICE BIOGRAPHIQUE par J. A. C. BUCHON. ray. V half calf . PARIS: 1836. 223 MONTESQUIEU. CEUVRES COMPLETES de MONTES- ~ QUIEU, Pre'cede'es de la VIE de cet AUTEUR. 5 vols. 8 french boards. Portrait and maps. VELLUM PAPER. Uncut. PARIS: Leflvre. 1820. *,* A note of the printer G. A. CRAPELET. states that only Two Copies of this Edition were printed on vellum paper. 224 MUN. ENGLAND'S TREASURE by FORRAIGN : TRADE, or the BALLANCE of our FORRAIGN TRADE is the RULE of our TREASURE. Written by THOMAS MUN of Lond. Merchant, and now publifhed for the common good by his 25 Son JOHN MUN of Bearfted in the County of Kent, Efquire. sm. 8 old calf. Rare LONDON: 1669. *** MUN may be considered as the earliest expositor of what has been called the Mercantile System of commercial policy. J> McCuLLOCH. The title of MUN'S book, England 's Treasure, etc., became a fundamental maxim in the political economy, not of England only, but of all other commercial countries.* SMITH, Wealth of Nations, vol. //, /. 7. . MUN'S book was received as the gospel of finance and commercial policy ; and his principles ruled for above a century the policy of England, and much longer that of the rest of Europe. Edinburgh Review, April, 1847. 225 MUSHET (ROBERT). An ATTEMPT to EXPLAIN from " FACTS the EFFECT of the ISSUES of the BANK of ENGLAND upon its own INTERESTS, PUBLIC CREDIT, and COUNTRY BANKS. 8 new, half crimson morocco, red edges. LONDON: 1826. 226 NEIL. The STUDENTS HANDBOOK of MODERN HISTORY, ~ from the Commencement of the i6 th Century to the Present Day. Edited by SAMUEL NEIL. Map, post 8 cloth. LONDON : 1857. 227 NEUE BERLINER SCHACHZEITUNG \Berlin Chess " Journal}. Edited by ANDERSSEN and NEUMANN. Vols. i to iv. 4 vols. 8 unbound. BERLIN : 1864. 228 NEWMARCH (WILLIAM). The NEW SUPPLIES of ~ GOLD. Revised Edition, with FIVE ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS. 8 stiff paper covers. LONDON: 1853. 229 NOBLE (JOHN). FISCAL LEGISLATION, 1842-1865. A " Review of the Financial Changes of that Period, and their Effects upon Revenue, Trade, Manufactures and Employment. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1867. 230 NOBLE (JOHN). NATIONAL FINANCE: A REVIEW of ~ the POLICY of the LAST Two PARLIAMENTS, and of the Re- sults of Modern Fiscal Legislation. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1875. 231 NORMAN (GEORGE WARD). PAPERS on VARIOUS ~ SUBJECTS. [Chiefly on POLITICAL ECONOMY, FINANCE, CUR- RENCY, etc., etc.] 8 cloth, uncut. LONDON: 1869. *** Printed for private circulation,* presentation copy from the Author. 232 NORTH (SIR DUDLEY). DISCOURSES upon TRADE; " principally directed to the CASES of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of MONEY. 4 stiff paper covers. LONDON: 1691. Reprinted EDINBURGH : 1822. *** VERY SCARCE, only a small number of copies reprinted. The First Treatise in English on Political Economy.* In this extraordinary 7raale. Olbie. == Petit Volume. Melanges de Morale et de Littrature. Prece"- de"es d'une NOTICE HISTORIQUE sur la Vmet les TRAVAUX de I'AUTEUR. Par CH. COMTE, E. DAIRE et HORACE SAY. 8 new, half morocco, red edges, fine portrait. PARIS : 1848. *#* Some very curious remarks by M. SAY, on PASCAL'S well-known " glittering generality, " Le nez de CLEOPATRE, s'il eut die" plus court, toute la face de la tirre auroit change 1 , will be found in this volume. See//. 664-5. 300 SAY (JEAN-BAPTISTE). COURS COMPLET D'ECONOMIE ~ POLITIQUE PRATIQUE. Troisieme Edition augmented de NOTES par HORACE SAY, son Fils. 2 vols. 8 new, half morocco, red edges. PARIS: 1852. 301 SELDEN (JOHN). A BRIEF DISCOURSE Touching the = OFFICE of LORD CHANCELLOR of ENGLAND. 18 plain calf, fine portrait. LONDON: 1677. 302 SENIOR ( NASSAU W.) FOUR INTRODUCTORY LEC- = TURES on POLITICAL ECONOMY, delivered before the UNI- VERSITY of OXFORD. 8 cloth, uncut. LONDON: 1852. 303 SENIOR (NASSAU W.) POLITICAL ECONOMY. 12 cloth. LONDON: 1872. 304 SISMONDI (J. C. L. SISMONDE DE). ETUDES sur 1'E- = CONOMIE POLITIQUE. 2 vols. 8 smooth calf ', gilt. PARIS: 1837. 305 SMITH (ADAM). RECHERCHES sur la NATURE et les === CAUSES de la RICHESSE des NATIONS. Seconde Edition, avec 34 des NOTES et OBSERVATIONS NOUVELLES; par le MARQUIS GARNIER. 6 vols. 8 marbled calf, portrait. PARIS: 1822. *** GARNIER'S Notes are learned and ingenious, and embody much curious in- formation especially of a historical kind.* McCuLLOCH. 306 SMITH (ADAM). An INQUIRY into the NATURE and = CAUSES of the WEALTH of NATIONS. Edited by JAMES E. THOROLD ROGERS. 2 vols. 8 doth, portrait. OXFORD: 1869. 307 SMITH (ADAM). An INQUIRY into the NATURE and ~ CAUSES of the WEALTH of NATIONS. With a LIFE of the Author, an INTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE, NOTES, etc., by J. R. McCuLLOCH. New Edition. Revised, Corrected, and Im- proved. Portrait. 8 cloth. EDINBURGH : 1870. 308 SMITH (WILLIAM). A HISTORY of GREECE, from the = EARLIEST TIMES to the ROMAN CONQUEST with SUPPLEMEN- TARY CHAPTERS on the HISTORY of LITERATURE and ART. 8 cloth. BOSTON : n. d 309 SMYTH (W. W.) A YEAR with the TURKS; or SKETCHES " of TRAVEL in the EUROPEAN and ASIATIC DOMINIONS of the SULTAN. 12 cloth. Scarce. NEW YORK : 1854. 310 SOLOMON (DAVID). DEFENCE of the JOINT-STOCK ~ BANKS ; an Examination of the CAUSES of the PRESENT MONE- TARY DIFFICULTIES. 1837. - = RICARDO (SAMSON). OB- SERVATIONS on the recent Pamphlet of J. H. PALMER, on the CAUSES and CONSEQUENCES of the PRESSURE on the MONEY MARKET. 1837.= = HUBBARD (J. G.) The CURRENCY and the COUNTRY. 1843. == CAIRNES (J. E.) An EXAMINA- TION into the PRINCIPLES of CURRENCY. 1854. = The RATE of DISCOUNT and the BANK ACTS. 1873. TOGETHER 5 Tracts in i vol. 8 new, half morocco. LONDON : 1837-1873. 311 STANLEY (ANTHONY D.) TABLES of LOGARITHMS. ==== 8 sheep. NEW HAVEN : 1854. 312 STATISTICAL SOCIETY. JOURNAL of the STATISTICAL ' SOCIETY of LONDON. 1873-4. 7 Nos. 8 paper. LONDON : 1873-4. 313 STAUNTON. CHESS PRAXIS, post 8 cloth. = LONDON : (Bohn) 1860. 35 314 STAUNTON (H.) The CHESS PLAYERS' HANDBOOK. = post 8 cloth. LONDON: (Bohri) 1868. 315 STIRLING (PATRICK].) The AUSTRALIAN and CALI- = FORNIAN GOLD DISCOVERIES and their Probable Consequences. post 8 cloth. EDINBURGH : 1853. 316 STORCH (HENRI). COURS d'EcoNOMiE POLITIQUE, ou EXPOSITION des PRINCIPES qui De"terminent la PROSPRIT des NATIONS. Avec des NOTES EXPLICATIVES et CRITIQUES par J. B. SAY. 5 vols. 8 new half morocco, red edges. PARIS: 1823-52. *** This work was written at the request of ALEXANDER, Emperor of Russia, for the instruction of his brothers, the Grand Dukes NICHOLAS and MICHAEL. It con- tains various Disquisitions on important subjects, some of which have received but little attention from the English and French economists. Among; others, the account of Slavery in Ancient Rome and in modern Europe, particularly Russia, and of the Paper Money of the different Continental States, are extremely interesting and valuable. We said of this work about twenty years ago, that without the remotest intention of depreciating the labours of others, we conceive we are fully warranted in placing it at the head of all the works on Political Economy ever imported from the Continent into England ; i> and we do not know that we have any very good reason for being at present of a different opinion.* McCuLLOCH. 317 SULLY. ME'MOIRES de MAXIMILIEN de BETHUNE, Due = DE SULLY, Principal Ministre de HENRY LE GRAND. Avec des Remarques. Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrige"e. 8 vols. 12 calf, red edges. LONDON : 1747. 318 SWIFT (DEAN.) A TALE of a TUB. To which is Added ~ an ACCOUNT of a BATTEL between the ANTIENT and MODERN BOOKS in ST. JAMES'S LIBRARY. 18 calf, curious plates. [LONDON:] 1711. *$* This copy contains < A complete key to the Tale of a Tub.'* 319 TACITUS. The ANNALS and HISTORY of TACITUS. A ~ New and Literal English Version. 8 cloth. OXFORD: 1839. 320 TACITUS: The WORKS of TACITUS. The OXFORD === TRANSLATION, Revised. With Notes. VOL. i. THE ANNALS. post 8 cloth. NEW YORK : n. d. 321 TAYLOR and MACK AY. LIFE and TIMES of SIR ~ ROBERT PEEL. By W. COOKE TAYLOR and CHARLES MAC- KAY. 4 vols. 8 half morocco, numerous fine portraits. LONDON : n. d. 36 322 TERENTIUS. PUBLII TERENTII COMMOEDI*: SEX. = With a COMMENTARY in English by EDWARD ST. JOHN PARRY. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1857. 323 THIERS (M. A.) HISTOIRE de la REVOLUTION FRAN- = CAISE. 2 vols. in i vol. roy. 8 green morocco, gilt edges. Nu- merous wood-cut portraits. BRUXELLES : 1840. 324 THORNTON (HENRY). An ENQUIRY into the NATURE = and EFFECTS of the PAPER CREDIT of GREAT BRITAIN. 8 calf. VERY SCARCE. LONDON : 1802. *** This work contains a greater amount of practical and useful information with respect to the pecuniary transactions carried on in the country, than had ever previously been communicated to the public. McCuLLOCH. 325 THORNTON (WILLIAM THOMAS). On LABOUR; its = WRONGFUL CLAIMS and RIGHTFUL DUES; its Actual, Present and Possible Future. Second Edition. 8 cloth. LONDON: 1870. 326 TIL DEN (S. J.) The NEW YORK CITY