in:!;- f&ioi:- iii-! Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witin funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// February^ 1894. VALUABLE STANDARD WORKS, 3>R1XTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, BROWN, ^ND GREEN, ftontion* PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS AND FINE ARTS. THE ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY AND OBITUARY. :omi»rel.eiulinjc the Bio/^raphy of all the principal Characters. Interspersed and Ihistratcd with a Variety of original Letters, Documents, and Anecdotes. Vols .to Vlll.for 1817, 18, 19, 20,21, ««, 23, & «4, Price 15*. each. Contents of Vol. VIII. for 1S2.J-4. Vi'ic Mint Keith; J. P. Kemble. Ksq ; Dr. Hulton; Mrs. Radcliffe; Mr. Bloora- «el(l: Gen.Deckwiih; Bishop Middleton ; C. S. Lef.-vre, Esq.; J, Nollekens Esq.* )r. Jeniier; Gen. Duinouriez ; Earl of St. Vincent; J. J. Anperstein, Esq ' Earl f Ho|)»Mm.n: Dr. Baillie; L^rd Glenbervle; Sir Denis Pack; David Kicardo kq. ; Sir H. Raeburn; J. Schanck, Esq. A general Biographical List of Persons rho diod in 1S2M9*3. The ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES of GREAT BRI- TAIN, displaying a Series of Select Engravings, representing the most beautiful urious. and interesting ancient Edifices of this Country, with an Historical and' )escriptiV'- Account of eni-h Subject. In 4v.,ls. M.Mliiiin4to.2l^; or Imperial 4to. 82^ half-bound. By JOHN BRITTON. CIIRONOLOL.ILAL and HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS of the ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE of GREAT BRITAIN. Containing a Series of Engravings of Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections and )etails, of all the various Classes of Buildings and Styles ..f Architecture * that ,ave successively prevailed at different Periods in Great Britain; accomwanied ■y Historical and Descriptive Accounts of entire Edifices, and of their component By JOHN BRITTON, F.S.A. Nos. I. to IX. Price lit. each. Medium 4to.; and IZ-Imperial 4to. The loth Number, to complete the Work, will appear shortly 'his Work will form the Fifth Volume of the Architectural Antiquitie's of Great Britain. The CATHEDRAL ANTIQUITIES of ENGLAND ; or, an His- )rical,Architectural, and Graphical Illustration of the English Cathedral Churches By JOHN BRITTON, F. S. A. Price 12*. per Number in Medium 4to.: and 1/. in Imperial 4to. 32 Number, re alread> published. Each Size to class with the Architectural AntiauitieMnf ireat Britain. The following are complete, and may be had separate viz Salisbury Cathedral, with 31 Engravings, med. 4to. Jl. s*. imp. 4to* &l 'n. .... ol. SI. sup.-roy. fol. III. Bds. •*» » ' "P- *lO. 51. St. cr. Norwich, With -ib Plates, med. 4to. 2/. 10«.; imp. 4to. U.4s.: cr fol ai in. up..roy. fol. S/. \r,s. Bds. ' * "*• '"»•; Winchester, med. 4to. 3^ 3». ; imp. 4to. 6/. 5#.; cr. foL8^; sup.-roy fol 11/ York, with sb Engravings, med. 4lo.3/. li«.; imp. 4to. Rl. 6».; or fol *9L q. • up.-roy.fol. 12t 12*. Bds. "• . *.r- loi. at. 9,., Liclifi«ld,with 16 Engravings, medium 4to. 3^ 15*.; imperial 4to. G/. fi* Bds Oxford, med. 4 to. W. 4*.; imp. 4lo. 2^ 2*.; sup.-roy. folio, 4t 4* Bds Canterbury, med. 4to. 3L 3*. ; imp. 5/. &*. ; sup.-roy. fol. lof, lo*. Bds. ff'elU Cathedral, to be completed in 3 Numbert, it in the courte ofpubUcation. 2 Voyages, Travels, Geography, and Topography. y\ '\ A PICTURESaUE VOYAGE ROUNu GREAT BRITAIN jj containing a Series of Views of the prominent Features of the Coast. [ By WILLIAM DANIELL, A.R.A. j The First Voyage contains 28 Plates, illustrative of the Coast from the Land's j .End, Cornwall, to Holyhead, with descriptive Letter-press, 7i. los. half-bound. j The Second Voyage (of 1816) comprehends Holyhead and Portpatrick, with the] intermediate Parts, illustrated in 28 Plates, and detailed Narrative, 7^ 10s. | The Third Voyage (in 1817) comprises 42 Plates, with Descriptions of the South- | west Coast and Part of the Western Isles of Scotland, 11. \os. half-bound. The FoDRTH Voyage (in 1818) comprehending the Isles of Skye, Harris, and ] Lewis; the North-west and Northern Coast of Scotland; the Orkneys; and the ; East Coast from Duncansby Head to Dundee, with 42 Plates,?^. lo«. i Vol. V. being a Continuation of the Fourth Voyage, 7i. lOs. half-bound. j Vol. VI. extends to the Mouth of the Thames, 11. lOs. Bds. I Vol. VII. embraces the distance between Sbeerness and Weymouth, inclusive^! "iL 10«. Bds. A SYSTEM OF UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY. ] By M. MALTE BRUN, Editor of the " Annales des Voyages," &c. j Parts I. to Vin. Price 7s. 6d. each. To be continued Quarterly, in Parts, or Half ! Volumes. : This Work is to be completed in seven octavo volumes, five of which have been - already published in the original, each containing 665 pages of letter-press,^ nearly double the quantity of an ordinary Volume. * The History and Theory of Geography, and the description of Asia, Africa, and i the Continent of Europe, will be corrected and improved by the Author, ex-\ pressly for this Translation — The description of the British Empire, and ofj North and South America, is to be revised by Gentlemen belonging to these j Countrits, whose access to official documents will enable them to supply such j important and valuable information as will render this part of the work in a I great measure original. »; The character of Malte-Brun's Geography is now so well established, as to render*; it unnecessary lo enter into any particular examination of its contents. Every j im- 1 ind i „ „ ^ for ! every fact of any importance; and the Author's intimate acquaintance with the 1 German, Dutch, and other northern languages, as well as with those of the more j southern countries of Europo, has enabled him to avail himself of the iuforma- i tion embodied in various works of very great merit, which had not been con- ■ suited by any preceding French or English writer on Geography. The volumes | containing the History and the Theory of Geography cannot fail of being pecu- > liarly acceptable to the Buiclish reader. They are executed with the greatest \ ability, and there are no works of the same kind in our language. Two large ( impressions of the first three volumes of the Paris edition have already been i sold oflF. ' The Publishers entertain a confident expectation that the present translation will I form the most complete body of Geographical Science ever given to the public. " M. Malte Brun is probably known to most of our readers as the author of a Sys- tematic Work on Geography; he is besides the editor of Nonvelles Annales des Voyages: the first is as much superior to the compilations of our Gutliries and Pink- ertons as the other is to the garbled productions of our Truslers and |Mavors."— Quarterly Review, No.b2. The MODERN THEATRE; or, a COLLECTION of SUC- CESSFUL MODERN PLAYS, acted at the Theatres Royal, London. Printed from the Prompt-books by Authority of the Managers. Selected by Mrs.INCHBALD. In 10- Vols, royal ISmo. to correspond with Incbbald's British Theatre. and Collec- tion of Farces. Price 21. 10«. and on fine Paper, Price 31. 15s. Bds. A COLLECTION of FARCES, and OTHER AFTERPIECES, acted at the Theatres Royal, London. Selected by Mrs. INCHBALD. In 7 Vols, royal ISmo. U. 15s. Bds. or on fine Paper, with Portraits, 21. 12s. erf. The EDINBURGH REVIEW and CRITICAL JOURNAL, Uo. 1 to 77. 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