THE- JOHN -FRYER- CHINESE-LIBRARY FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. BY . I^dl. T. , ID. ID. Revised and Corrected. SHANGHAI : AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION 1893. : FRYER CHINESE LIBRARY AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION. THOSE who have attempted to acquire a working: knowledge of any of the spoken dialects of China by picking up isolated words from a vocabulary or dictionary, (like picking pebbles from the sea shore), know full well the necessity of a beginner's book ; one that is practical, and yet so simple that the learner will be encouraged by being able to use his acquirements from the first lesson. The design of the author of this manual is to supply, to some extent, this long-felt wanfr'? and he is confident that any one who will take the trouble to master these lessons (the work of only a few months), will be in possession of the key to the spoken language, not only of this district, but, with a slight change in the sound of words (which can be easily acquired), of other districts also ; for the general structure of the language (barring a few localisms), is the same everywhere. The importance of a thorough knowledge of the classifiers cannot be too strongly urged ; for it is impossible to speak of any visible object without using one of them, and it is important to a clear understanding of the matter under consideration that the correct classifier be used. A careful study of the inflected verbs will save months, if not years, of perplexing uncertainty ; for the same forms will be found applicable to most other verbs. 751654 PREFACE TO NEW EDITION. a few books have been published for the purpose of aiding students in acquiring the Shanghai vernacular. Of these, none has been more helpful to beginners than that of Dr. Yates, which is now given to the public in a more conyenient form, carefully revised and corrected, and with the old Romanization replaced by that of the present Union System. The ingenious but cumbersome phonetic representation of English sounds by Chinese characters has been omitted in this edition, and such corrections made as seemed neceslfcry to bring the work into harmony with present usage ; but the general plan of the book, and nearly all of the sentences, both Chinese and English, remain as before. Mrs. Yates, believing that a new edition would be helpful to missionary students in preparing for their work, accepted the offer of the undersigned to prepare the work for the press. In this work many helpful suggestions have been received from Rev. Gr. F. Fitch, while two competent Chinese teachers, U -p f{? and S fc $$> have rendered valuable assistance in making corrections in the Chinese text. J. A. SILSBY. PRONUNCIATION OF SHANGHAI SYLLABLES AS REPRESENTED BY THE UNION SYSTEM OF ROMANIZATION. THE true pronunciation of Chinese sounds can only be learned from a Chinese teacher. A large majority of the sounds have no true equivalent in English; hence the student should bear in mind that any Romanization used does not represent English sounds, but Chinese sounds. This fact can not be too strongly emphasized. The com- mittee which formulated the present Union System of Eomanization did not have in mind the representation of Chinese sounds by their nearest English equivalents so much as it had in view the production of a complete, simple and systematic table whereby all the Chinese sounds should be represented by Roman letters or combinations thereof, and this without the use of diacritical marks. It should be borne in mind by the student that this system does not divide a word into all its phonetic elements ; bub rather does it follow a plan well- known to Chinese scholars; viz., that of dividing each syllable represented by a Chinese character into two elements, one initial and one final. THE INITIALS. The Initials are divided into a " Higher/' a "Middle" or "As- pirated," and a " Lower " Series. 1. The HIGHER SERIES comprises sounds represented by p, 'm, 'v, t, is, 5, 'I, X 'ny, ng, k, ky, kw, pure vowel sounds, i and '?. 2. The MIDDLE or ASPIRATED SERIES comprises sounds repre- sented by p*,f, t f , ts f , A,', ch, k r w, h, hy and hw. 3. The LOWER SERIES comprises sounds represented by 6, m, v, d, dz, z, I, n, ny, ng t g, j, gw, e (or low vowel sounds, slightly aspirated), y and w. VI N. B. Let it be remembered that the difference between the Higher and Lower Series of initial sounds is not so much a difference in consonantal quality as a difference in pitch ; but there is a real consonantal difference. The following descriptions of sounds may be found helpful, but the true sound in most cases must be learned from a Chinese teacher. After each description there is given a Chinese character represent- ing, or containing, the sound described. p pronounced much the same as in English, but a little harder and without any aspiration. U p* aspirated; somewhat as an American or Irishman would pro- nounce p in pin, but with a still more decided aspiration. }fj b not quite so hard as in English. j 'm higher and more explosive than m. $$ m as in English. J|j > v a sound slightly harder and less aspirated than the English /- % /as in English. g. v Nearly as in English, but often approaching w, with which it is often confused, g] t harder and with less aspiration than in English. "J* i' softer and more aspirated, jjfj d softer than in English. ($ ts harder and less aspirated than in English. |jj l s f softer and aspirated. $fl & z softer than in English. The majority of Shanghai natives fail to distinguish between this sound and that represented by z. 3j$ s as in English. Jj, z softer and more sibiliant than in English. J^ 3 1 higher and more explosive than 7. Jfr Z as in English. > n higher and more explosive than n. 75 n as in English. j*j 'ny higher and quicker than ny. $ Vll ny Much the same as n in new, but with a more decided y sound following the n. p Vigr higher and quicker than ng. Jff ng harder than ng in song. jg{ k harder and with less aspiration than in English. Jfl k f softer and with more aspiration, fg g as in go, but softer, jjjfj ty a peculiar sound which can not be represented by any English combination. Perhaps tky might better represent it. |f| ch softer and with more aspiration than ch in church. ^ j a little harder than j in jug. jit kw as qu in quart, ffi Jew the same sound aspirated and softer. g| gw softer than gu in Guelph. H Vowel initials are pronounced higher and purer than in English. h as in hat. $|, Confused with sounds by many natives. < before an initial vowel indicates that the word belongs to the lower series and that the vowel is slightly aspirated. This aspiration is little more than a huskiness in the throat attendant upon the lower pitch of the voice. It should not be confused with h. i lighter than the y sound, as i in view. Only as an initial is the y sound given to i. In other positions i represents a vowel sound. Tiy somewhat like sh in should, but less sibilant. It is more like ti in initial. jf| y as in young. JflJ 3 w higher, lighter and quicker than w. $5 hw as wh in where. ^ w as in way. yfc DOK-YONG ZZ-MOO. In this class there is no clear and distinct vowel sound. The final sound in the syllables tsz, ts*z, dz, sz and z might be regarded as a vowel sound akin to that in the final syllable of able prolonged, Till but without any I sound, as given by some foreigners. Edkins, Mateer, Bailer and others represent this sound by , and would spell ts'i, ts'i, dz\ si and z'i. Others insist that there is no true vowel sound in the syllables represented, and that there is only a prolonged sounding of s or z. The syllables represented by m, r and ng, have a slight vowel sound before the consonant, this sound being much the same as that represented by 'i in the list just mentioned : m represents much the same sound as m in chasm prolonged ; and ng is much the same as ng in song, but generally less sonant, r is an indescribable sound between that of the English r and I, or rather a blending of them. "We give below a Chinese character representing the syllables described as Dok-yong Zz-moo. $1 t*z Jlfc 5 ~ *S r ffi tsz $ dzzfa V B ng& THE FINALS. The Finals are divided into three classes ; viz., 1. VOWEL ENDINGS, comprising sounds represented by a, e, i, aUj o, oo, oe, eu, u, ui, ia, iau and ieu ; also the W&n-li ie. 2. NASAL ENDINGS, comprising sounds represented by ang, an, en, ien, ing, aung, ong, oen, ung, uin and iang. 3. ABRUPT VOWEL ENDINGS, comprising sounds represented by ah, ah, eh, ih, auh, o/f, oeh, uh and iak. The ng sounds are less distinct than the English ng in song. Final n is sounded in the combination uin, but in other com- binations does little more than lengthen out and impart a nasal quality to the preceding vowel. Final k and h are not pronounced : they indicate that the preced- ing vowel is pronounced in a short, abrupt manner. Single vowels followed by k retain their original sound ; followed by h are shortened. The vowels are sounded as follows : a, ang, ak a as in father. Jj| || j an, ah a as in mat. J^ Jp IX e, e>i e as in prey. 3 Bjjjf eh e as in met. 'fc i } i en i as in caprice, "fc *fc. In the combination iew, ie may be regarded as a diphthong, the e being lightly sounded, its quality being nearly that of e in prey. ing, Hi i as in pit. $C >JJ azt, aung, anh au as in fraud. [UJ ^ | o o as o in 710. ,G| >^ o as ou in mourn, or as oo in moon. The true sound seems to lie between, or rather, it is a combination of the two English sounds in the words given. H" ok o as in mote, g oo as in moon, Jj oe, oen, oeh oe somewhat as in the German Goethe. ]gj 3% |^ CM somewhat as i in mirth. Eu should be carefully distinguished from ir as in sir. Foreigners often mistake by adding an r to the vowel sound, jg ung, uh u as in sun. J@, j u somewhat as oo in foot, but lengthened out. j? ui as u in the French vertu. fjj uin ui somewhat like the preceding, but only to be learned from a Chinese teacher. j| ia, iang, iak short i is followed by a as in father. ^ Jg glj eit short i followed by eu. ^ ie an occasional sound used in reading Wen-li: short i is fol- lowed by a souud akin to e as in prey. TONE SIGNS. to the left of a word indicates the tone to be zang-sung. to the right indicates the chm*-sung. Final h or k indicate the zeh-sung. All other words are in the ling-sung. INDEX. PAGE. 143 Classifiers ... . . Add to 144 Climb Adjectives, comparison of 39 4G Command . . ... 137 Comfort , . ... Arrange, manage 150 141 Conduct ; to guide ... Ascend ; to get up ... ... 117 Confiscate ... ... ... Ask ; to enquire \ to investigate... 93 149 Congeal ; to coagulate Conjugation of verbs ... Bake; to roast 114 150 Consecutive Conjunctions Conjunctions,, etc . ... Be . 78 Bear or press upon . 141 138 Contribute t to tax Become rich ... . .. ... 148 Cook Bes 120 Counting . . ... ... Begin ; to commence ... ... 126 Count ... ... ... 110 Crawl Betroth ... .... 145 Create a disturbance Bind with a cord .. ... . .. 121 Bite ; to bark 121 Cry Blow 121 Curse , . Boil .. 114 Cut a mortise Boil (as water) Bolt ... .. 148 148 Cut (with scissors) Cut (with a small knife) ... Bore 140 Cut (with sword or large knife) Borrow or lend Break 131 123 Cut ; to engrave ... Decapitate ; to kill ... ... 114 Deceive, mystify... . . Brush 118 Deceive > to defraud ... Build 102 Demonstrative Pronouns Build a wall *. Burn (as fuel) 102 148 96 Defeat ; to frustrate Deny ; to falsify one's word Degrade ... Calculate 144 Deport one's self ; to treat Call; to tell Cancel * to erase . .. 140 149 Deposit with another Descend . .... Care for ; be careful Carry a load . ... ... 146 126 Desire ; to expect, to hope Die ... Carry in the arms (as a child) ... 138 Dig . Carve 5 to cut 140 139 Divide ; to separate Do ; to make ... ... ... Cast ; to found Catch ; to seize ; arrest ... ... 146 117 139 Draw a carriage Draw in or up by capstan Drive ; to urge ; to press ... ... Change a dollar into cash ... 145 Dwell Choose; to select .. ... 124 Dye PAGE. 4 148 90 120 148 132 144 150 146 69 61 57 150 147 131 149 1 134 148 149 149 135 143 HO 140 112 112 116 113 151 141 36 149 144 148 150 134 142 142 139 119 146 84 145 137 149 120 139 PAGE. Eat ; to drink ; to smoke, etc. ... 92 Economize ... ... ... 140 E ach upon (as another's land) 150 Envy 141 Examine ; to scrutinize 147 Exchange ; to barter 145 Exercises with verbs 83 Fail in business 146 Fall , 123 Fall sick 145 Fall (as the tide) ... 124 Fall down (as a house) ... ... 137 Fear; to dread 118 Vile (with a file) 149 Feel 147 Finished ... , 151 Flee ; run away ... ... ... 125 Float 140 Fly 125 Follow ... 146 Forbid ; to prohibit ... ... 150 Forfeit 150 Forget ' ... 106 Forsake ; to desert .... ... 125 Freeze -. 146 Gamble 141 Gain (pro/ft) 148 Gather (as fruit of flowers) ... 149 Gender of nouns ... 42 Give birth to ; to rear 120 Give ; hand ; to give in marriage 90 Go 88 Graf c; to splice ... 142 Grind ; to whet ... .... ... 149 Guard ; to be careful ... *.. 146 Guess ... ... ... ... 147 Hand or deliver in person ... 133 Hang or suspend 125 Haul (as on a rope) ... ... 137 Have 84 Heal 148 Hide or conceal ... ... ... 128 Hide or secrete one's self ... 150 Hinder ... ... 149 Hoist a sail 187 Hook 151 Hours, days of the week, months, etc. 61 Hypothecate ... ... ... 145 Imitate ; to follow the example, ete. 146 Indefinite Pronouns ... ... 38 Inform 135 Injure ... 148 Institute a suit at law ... ... 135 Interpret ... ... 147 Interrogative Pronouns ... .... 31 Interrogatives ... ... ... 59 Invite 143 Iron j to burn or scald 116 Jump: to leap ... 148 Kick ... 136 PAGE. Kill 113 Kneel 150 Know 103 Laugh 136 Lead (as an animal) ... ... 132 Lean against ... 143 Learn 122 Let go ; to put down ... ... 127 Light, a fire 116 Light a lamp ... ... ... 116 Line ; to score ... ... ... 143 Listen 108 Live 1:;9 Lock ; a lock ... 148 Look; to see 105 Look for 107 Lose 136 Lose 132 Lose (in trade) 148 Lower or take in sail ... ... 137 Loot 141 Make ashamed 140 Make a record ; to ascend ... 141 Make a prostration ... ... 150 Manage ; to have the management of 147 Measure 140 Meet together 139 Meet ; to come in contact with ... 133 Melt ; to dissolve ,.. 146 Mix ; to get things confused ... 141 Mood 65 Move 119 Nail 139 Nod 145 Number and person of verbs ... 68 Numerals ... ... ... ... 1 Nurse (the side} 148 Offend ; to transgress 150 Open ; to commence 12H Pawn 145 Pay a balance ... ... ... 149 Pay money ... 100 Personal Pronouns ... ... 2t Peek (as a fowl) ... 143 Persuade ... ... 145 Perspire ... ... ... ... 135 Pile one on top of another ... 144 Plane 140 Plant 119 Play (as an inxtrwaunt) ... ... 147 Plaster (as a ivall) 149 Plural of Nouns 43 Point with the hand 150 Pound (in a mortar) 149 Pour out ... ... ... ... 144 Pray 146 Prepositions ... ... ... 53 Present 139 Press down ; to oppress .... ... 138 Print 136 xii PAGE. Prop 146 Prove | to evince ... 147 Provide 118 Pry (with a lever) ... 140 Punish ... ... 147 Push ; to shove 137 Put down a sedan 139 Put ; to place 131 Quarrel 143 and 146 Rap, knock 112 Read 133 Rebel 150 Receive ; to collect 101 Receive or accept 133 Recognize ; to confess 142 Recommend 149 Reconcile , pacify ... .., 149 Reduce ; to take from 147 146 Regretted ... 143 Reject 147 Repair 127 Repeat from memory 143 Repent 146 Rely upon ... 144 Remember ... 143 Retain ; to detain ... 143 Return what has been borrowed 136 Ride on horse-back 117 Ring a bell 144 Rise (as tide, etc.) 123 Roll 148 Roll up 135 Rot or decay 131 Row a boat 144 Run 134 Run (as water) 147 Sacrifice to 151 Save (life or property) I4i; Save (lime or labor) ... 140 Saw , 113 Scrape ... ... * ... 142 Scratch ... ... ... ... 140 Seal; to deify; to exalt. 140 Secure ; to become security for 145 Seifce 138 Sell 98 Sell on credit 143 Send forth ; to issue 149 Separate ; to make distinct 149 Sew, stitch 115 Sift 149 Shave ... ... 134 Shut ; to close 129 Sing . . ... 135 Sink 135 Sit 102 Sit or stay with for company 148 Skin ; peel ; strip ... 147 Slander ... ... ... 148 Sleep Smell Soak ; to immerse, to baptize Solder Speak ; to affirm or testify Spill Spin ... Splash Split Sport ; to frolic ; to trifle Spread Spread ; to propagate Spread, daub or smear ... Squeeze ... ... .., Stab Stand Steal Step upon ... Stick ; to adhere PAGE. 144 145 148 146 94 135 135 148 112 147 ]35 148 150 138 143 103 135 137 124 Stick (in tke ground, as a flag, etc.) 139 Stir ; to agitate ... ... ... 145 Stop ]38 Strain ; to filter H9 Strike ; to chastise ... ... 110 String (as cash) 148 Strive 135 Stultify 150 Swear ... ... 135 Sweep ]13 Swim 135 Take l\Q Take by force ... ... ... 141 Take from ... ... 144 Take hold of ... ... ... 127 Take up witli both hands ... 150 Take to pieces, or down ... ... 138 Take the anchor ... 137 Tear 135 Tempt 142 Tense 66 Think 5 to consider ... ... 109 Throw away ... ... ... 139 Throw (as a stone) ... ... 124 Tie 142 Tie (as a parcel) 121 Tow or track (as a boat) ... 137 Transfer 145 Translate 147 Turn (as a wheel) ... ... ... 146 Turn over ... ... ... ... 147 Turn round ... ... ... 147 Twist 5 to wring ... 138 Twist (with thejmgers) 138 Uncover ; to open ... ... ... 150 Understand 104 Vacillate, to disappoint ... ... 150 Varnish or paint ... ... ... 140 Verbs, and inflection of the verb to eat 65 Verb to be 78 Violate a law oc regulation ,., 149 Wait PAGE. 138 Welcome a visitor \Vet PAGE. 139 142 Walk Water (as a garden) Waste, to squander Waeh 134 149 140 114 Win Wipe 115 138 Wear 135 135 Wrangle Write 143 113 Weigh 140 Yield ; to give place to ... 147 Weights, etc CO FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 1, One. I. i ih. 2. Two. II. nyi 9 . 3. Three. III. ', san. 4. Four. IV. m sz. 5. Five. V. 3L ng. 6. Six. VI. _JL- lok. 7. Seven. VII. 2 ts'ih. 8. Eight. VIII. A pah. 9. Nine. IX. JL kyeu. 10. Tea. X. + zeh. 11. Eleven. XI. + zeh-ih. 12. Twelve. XII. + zeh-nyi . 13. Thirteen. XIII. += zeh-san. 14. Fourteen. XIV. +py zek-sz. 15. Fifteen. XV. + 3L so-ng 16. Sixteen. XVI. ^^ zeh-lok. 17. Seventeen. XVII. ~t^t zeh-ts'ih* 18. Eighteen. XVIII. +A ze7i-pah. 19. Nineteen. XIX. -\^Ji zek-kyeu. 20. Twenty. XX. & nyan". FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 21. Twenty-one. XXI. *- nyanVa. 22. Twentymo. XXII. * nyan-Jiyf. 23, Tweuty-threei XXIII. *H ny&n-san. 24. Twenty-four. XXIV. 1tP3 nyansz* 25. Twenty-five. XXV. ihS. nyan-ng. 26. Twenty-six. XXVI. ih;^ nyan-lok. 27. Twenty-seven. XXVII. -fr-fc nyan-ts r ih. 28. Twenty-eight. XXVIII. #A nyaii-pah* 29. Twenty-nine. XXIX. ih^L nyan-kyeu. 30. Thirty. XXX. H~h san-seh. 40. Forty. XL. l?3~h sz-seh. 50. Fifty. L. + , lg -seL 60. Sixty. LX. ^~h Idk-seh. 70. Seventy. LXX. -b+ ts ( ih"Seh. 80. Eighty. LXXX. A+ pah-seh. 90. Ninety. XC. #,+ ki/eu-seh. 100. One hundred. C. -tf ih paL 101. One hundred and one. CI. -w*- ih pah ling ih. 102. One hundred and two. GIL -"g'^n ih pak ling nyi*. 103. One hundred and three. GUI. B^H ih pak ling san. 104. One hundred and four. CIV. W1?E9 ih pak ling sz. 105. One hundred and five. CV. ~6^. ih pak ling ng. 106. One hundred and six. CVI. @^^ ih pak ling lok. 107. One hundred and seven. CV1I. UW^ ih pak ling Is'ih. 108. One hundred and eight. CVIIL HWA ih pak ling pah. 109. One hundred and nine. CIX. ~&^rJi ih pak ling kyeu* 110. One hundred and ten. CX. -H-l- ih pah zeh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 111. One hundred and eleven. CXI -W+- ih pak zeli-ih. 200. Two hundred. CC. ~B wji pak. 300. Three hundred. CCO. H^f san pak. 400. Four hundred. CCCC. aw sz pak. 500. Five hundred, D. 3j ng pak. 600. Six hundred. DC. >^lf lok pak. 700. Seven hundred. DCC. "blf ts'ih pak. 800. Eight hundred. DCCC. AW pah pak. 900. Nine hundred. DCCCC. ^@* *kyeu pak. 1000. One thousand. M. ^f ih ts'ien. 1001. One thousand and one. -TO* ih ts'ien ling ling ih. 2000. Two thousand. ^ nyi* ts'ien. 5000. Five thousand. i^f ng ts'ien. 10,000. Ten thousand. H ih man . 20,000. Twenty thousand. ~n nyi man. 50,000. Fifty thousand. 5EH )ig man . 100,000. One hundred thousand. +$ zeh man*. 500,000. Five hundred thousand. 3L-\- 1 ng-seh man . 900,000. Nine hundred thousand. ^+^ kyeu-seh man . 1,000,000. One million. -ws ih pak man 9 . FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. CL^SSI IF HEIRS. In spoken Chinese, the force of the articles "a" or "an" is expressed by the numeral (ih). All nouns take a word between the article and the noun, which may be denominated a classifier, as each of these different words denotes a class of objects. It is highly desirable that every student of the spoken language should, at the commencement of his studies, become thoroughly acquainted with these classifiers and the class of objects denoted by each ; for a correct use of the classifiers will greatly facilitate communication with the Chinese. If a correct classifier be used before a word, it often leads to the meaning of that word, even if it be incorrectly pronounced. It must be borne in mind, however, that in Chinese, as well as in other languages, there are exceptions to all rules. A few nouns take two different classifiers. FIRST CLASSIFIER (kith). A man. A woman. An unmarried woman, A son. A daughter. A friend. A mandarin. A soldier. A native. A servant. ih kuh nyung. ih kuh nyui-nyung, ih kuh siau-tsia. ih kuh Ot eu-tsz t or j'A kuh nyi*tsz. ih kuh noen. ih kuh bang-yeu. ih kuh kwen-*foo, or ih kuh ktven. ih kuh ping- ting, or ih kuh ping. ih kuh pung-di-nyung. ih kuh yontf-nyung. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A sedan cooly. ~IS* or ~ f7* /-f//< jfiu-pan, or t'A /;M/I jau-foo. A sun. ^B5B ih kuh ni/i/i-deu. A moon. ^M ih kuh nyoeh. A star. ->f*ji ih kuh sing. A body. -tMI ih kuh su?ig-t'i. A bead. ^ES ih kuh deu. A face. ^IL ih kuh mien-k f ong . A beart. S\+ ){ ^ ih kuh sing. A nose. 't^K ih kuh bi/i-deu. A doorway. ^nn ih kuh mung-k r eu. A cannon. ^Q ih kuh p'au*. A battery. ^*ss ih kuh p r au-de. A bottle. ^5*^)fi ih kuh poo-li-bing. A bat, cap, or bonnet. Wm^ ih kuh mau-tsz. A stove. ^'XtiiL ih kuh hoo-loo. A grate. 4 ^Cfi ih kuh koo-k r auny*. A dollar. . ^^. VHR^^S ih kuh yang-dien. A casb. 'Mlili ih kuh dong-dien. A loaf. ^tifil ih kuh men- deu. A cake. ^HSfi ih kuh kyi-dan-kau. A biscuit. ^Mil# ih kuh C ah-? ping A buddbist priest. ^^P]^ ih kuh 'oo-zauny . A nun. ^fttih ih kuh nyi-koo* A tauist priest. ^il ih kuh dau*-z. A grave mound. ^^LU ih kuh vung-san. An egg. '^Sc ih kuh dan . FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A scholar. -tA ^ A^/^ dok-su-nyung. A merchant. ^4feSA ih kuh sang-i-nyung. A farmer. ^HlfflA ih kuh tsong^-dien-jiyung. A carpenter. ^^E ih kuh mol-ziang*'. A mason. ^$&7KDii ih kuh nyi- *z-ziang . A painter. 'HfcOE ih kuh t* sih-ziang . A tailor. "MSJII ih kuh ze-vong. A stone mason. t*SE ih kuh zak-ziang*. A horse boy. ^tifrfc ih kuh mo-foo i . A table boy. -^* ih kuh si~tse*. SECOND CLASSIFIER, ^ (tsak), DENOTES ALL ANIMALS, FOWLS, BIRDS, AND INSECTS; ALSO ALL ARTICLES OF FURNITURE HAVING FEET OR LEGS, OR RESTING ON A BASE ; ALSO VESSELS, BOATS, BTC. An elephant. -%% ih tsak ziang. A camel. ^tl| ih tsak lauh-doo. A lion. ^M^r ih tsak sz-tsz. A tiger. 1/&$L ih tsak lau~*hoo. A cow. yff?/f ih tsak nyeu A water buffalo. ^E^fc^ ih tsak sz-nyeu. A deer. ~^M ih tsak lok. A sheep. ^E ih tsakyang. A goat. ililj^ ih tsak san-nang. A hog. ^$f!i ih tsak tsz-loo. A dog. ih tsak keu. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A cat. ~ffi ?'/i ^7v wea^. A wild cat. J^^ffi ?'/i feaA ya-mau. Hi^;M< <>r ' ih tsak lau-t'sz (sz, A rat. _. ^rn, S2(,,) or z'/i tsak iau- >i^&> dzong. A bare. 4H&-P til tsak t r oo-tsz. A mule. Ull^ ihjsak loo-tsz. A -donkey. 4m-? ih tsak li-tsz. A fox. ^$91 ih tsak ' ' oo-li. A wolf. ^^tJI ih tsak za-laung. A squirrel. ^t&Ji ih tsak song-su. A weasel. 3l1f$l ih tsak waung-laung. A fowl. $11 ih tsak kyi. A pbeasuuL -4IIKN&I ih tsak ya-hji. A duck. ftil ih tsak ah. A goose* ^E$| ih tsak ngoo. A turkey. n^n ih tsak "hoo-kyi. A bird. _n^ ih tsak tiau. A snipe. ^fiH ih tsak tsok-kyi. A quail. 7-iwwi ih tsak eit-dziing. A crow. n^ ih tsak lau-au. A magpie. Afi^ ih tsak au-ts'iak. A bawk. -j ih tsak iung. A minor. -^"ff^f ih tsak pak-koo or pak S0W kwung. A -sparrow. _^jg l ^g ih tsak mo-is* iak } or mo- tsiang. A swallow. ~^f^ ih tsak ieh-tsz. 8 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A pigeon. A dove. A crab. A butterfly. A bee. A mosquito. A wasp. A table. A chair. A stool. A chest of drawers. A drawer. A trunk or box. A small box. Abed. A couch. A washstand. A dining table. An office desk. A bucket, tub, or cask. A water kong. A shoe of sycee. A hand. A foot and lower leg. A finger. keh-tsz. ih tsak beh-koo. ih tsak ha. ih tsak l oo-dih. ih tsak (or fong. ih tsak (or f rnih* ih fong. ih tsak de-tsz. ih tsak iui-tsz. ih tsak ngeh-tsz. ih tsak ts'eu-de. \h tsak ts r eu~t'i. ih tsak siang- Q tsz. ih tsak 'a/i-tsz. ill tsak zaung. ih tsak mi-doo-t'ah. Ih tsak k f a mien de-tsz. 'h tsak chuh van de-tsz. 'h tsak sia-z Q -de. h tsak dong. h tsak sz-k%ung. h tsak nyoen-pau. h tsak seu. tsak kyak. h tsak tsih-deu. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 9 An ear. -*** ^7^ ^a^ nyi- Q too. A wash bowl. ^JSJ^L ih tsak mien-bung. A plate. ft^fc^ ih tsak bung-tsz. A dish. ^^^^ ih tsak dzang bung-tsz. A saucer. H^^fc^ ih tsak dzo bung-tsz. A cup. -? ih tsak pe-tsz. A glass. -f&fcjRtt* ih tsak poo-li pe-tsz, ih tsak poo-li pe. A wine glass. HEv@# ih tsak*tsieu pe. A cooking stove. ill&ikt ih tsak t'ih-tsau . A clock. -^gPHH ih tsak z-ming-tsong. A watch. ^M ih tsakpiau. A well -*# ih tsak tsing. A basket. jiH ih tsak Ian. A vessel or boat. -^J$5 ih tsak zen. A nail. -^tr ih tsak ting. An apple. H?&E ih tsak hwo-*ong. An orange. jftfiT ih tsak kyoeh-tsz. A peaeh. ^fc^F* ih tsak dau-tsz. A pear. ~^ ih tsak sang-lL One (of this class.) - ih tsak. THIRD CLASSIFIER, JJJJ (po\ DENOTES TOOLS, INSTRUMENTS OR ARTICLES USED IN THE HAND, TOOLS, ETC. A knife or sword. -ffiTJ ih po tau. A fork. -JE31 ih *po ts'o. 10 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A spoon. A hammer. A file. An ax. A saw. A chisel. A pair of scissors. A pair of tongs. A chair. A fan. A lock. A key. A broom. A tea pot. A kettle. An umbrella. One (or a handful!) -JEH7J -JEIT7J HB i/i po ih po laung-deu. ih po ts'ocf-tau. ih po foo-deu. ih po ke-tfz. ih po zau/i-tsz. ih po tsien-tau. ih po hoo-jien. ih po iui-tsz. ih po sen-tsz. ih po soo. ih po yak-dz. ih po sau-?tseu. ih po dzo-*oo. ih po k*( ih po san. ih po. POURTH CLASSIFIER, ^ (diau\ DENOTES OBJECTS LONG AND WINDING OR LIMBER. A river or large stream. A river or large stream. A creek or canal. A ditch. A covered sewer. m ih diau kaurig. ih diau *oo. ih diau pang, ih diau, keu. ih diau iung-keu. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 11 An open sewer or drain. A bridge. A road. A street. An alley. A rope. A tape or ribbon. A strip of matting. A quilt or blanket. A mattress. A sheet. A carpet. A pair of trowsers. A handkerchief. A towel. A dragon. A fish. A snake. An eel. A bar of iron. A gold bar. One's life. One (of this class). - ih diau yang-keu. ih diaujau. ih diau loo. ih diau "ka. ih diau long-daung. ih diau mng. ih diau ta. ih diau zih. ih diau bi-deu. ih diau nyok-tsz. ih diau tan-?bi. ih diau mau-tan. ih diau k'ocf-^tsz. ih diau kyoerf-deu. ih diau seu-kyung. ih diau long. ih diau ng. ih diau zo. ih diau men-li. ih diau t'ih-diau. ih diau kyung-diau. ih diau sing*-ming*. ih diau. FIFTH CLASSIFIER, j|g (kung\ DENOTES- OBJECTS LONG AND USUALLY STIFF. A stick of timber. A bamboo. ih kung mdk-deu. ih 'kung tsok-deu. 12 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A rattan. A cane or stick. A boat's mast. A straw. A stem or stalk (of plants). A rope. A thread. 9 baung. ih kung ziang-tsz. ih kung "ts'au. ih kung kang. ih kung zunq. ih kung sien 9 . SIXTH CLASSIFIER, 2J DENOTES BOOKS, VOLUMES. A volume, a book. An account book. A small blank book. tsang-boo. ih *pung boo-tsz. SEVENTH CLASSIFIER, |jp (boo), DENOTES AN ENTIRE WORK OF ONE OR MORE VOLUMES. A work of one or more volumes. -aw ih *boo su. EIGHTH CLASSIFIER, ffij (zoo*), DENOTES MASSIVE OBJECTS. A mountain. A city. A temple. A house. ih zoo 9 san. ih zoo 9 dzung. ih zoo 9 miau 9 . ih zoo 9 vaung- 9 tsz. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 13 A two-storey house. A pagoda. One (of this class). i*l ih zoo leu. ih zoo t'ah. ih zoo. NINTH CLASSIFIER, /E DENOTES WHOLE PIECES OF GOODS. A piece of cloth. -TEfli ih p'ih poo*. A piece of broad cloth. /E^flNB ih p'ih too-loo-nyi. A piece of silk. /Eli ih p'ih dzeu. A piece of satin. TE$L ihp'ih doen-tsz. A piece of velvet. -/E& ih p 'ik nyong. A piece of shirting. /Eftffi ih p'ih yang-poo. A piece of drilling. TSM^L^i ihp'ih zia-vung-poo 9 . A piece of camlet. xE$j% ih p r ih yui-mau. A piece of grass cloth. /EjfiLlfr ih p'ih mo-poo . A piece of white shirting. /E^Slfr ih p 'ih p'iau bak poo. A piece of long ells. -/E* ih p'ih pih-kyi. ELEVENTH CLASSIFIER, [7C DENOTES HORSES. A horse. A mule. BEJH ih p'ih mo. ih p 'ih loo-tsz. TWELFTH CLASSIFIER, iffi (kw'e ), DENOTES SLICES OR PORTIONS OF THINGS. A piece of wood. A slab, a piece of stone. ih kw'e moJc-deu. ih kw r 14 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A board. A slice of meat. A slice of bread. A piece of land. A pane of glass. A dollar. A brick. A bit of cloth. A bit of silver, etc. H* ih kw*e pan. ik kw'e nyok. ih kw r e men-deu. ik kw'e di-bi. ik kw'e poo-li. ik kw'e yang-dien. ih kw*e lok-tsen. ih kw'e poo. ih kw r e nyung-tsz. THIRTEENTH CLASSIFIER, Jpg (fok\ DENOTES PAINTINGS OR ENGRAVINGS, ETC. A painting or engraving. -ts ih fok wo. A chart or map. -teHSlsM ikfok di-li-doo. FOURTEENTH CLASSIFIER, Jjjjft (sen ), DENOTES BROAD OBJECTS. A door. -an ih sen mung. A window. E3 **& 'm w ik sen ts'aung. A screen. -M^Mi ik sen bing-fong. A fixed screen. -m^n ih sen Mng-mung. A sail. m& ih sen bong. FIFTEENTH CLASSIFIER, ^ (dzung), DENOTES MACHINERY. A steam engine. -n^m%$ ih dzung hoo-lung tyi- cki. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 15 A mill. -*** ih dzung moo-tsz. A loom. ^^fi ih dzung poo-kyi. A carriage. ^.H^ ih dzung mo-ts r o. A rail road carriage. -mm&T ih dzung hoo-lung ts'o- tsz. A flight of stairs, or a ladder. -m& ih dzung wo-t *i (or woo- A step of a door. An irrigating machine. -**$ ih dzung dah~boo. ih dzung sz-ts e o. SIXTEENTH CLASSIFIER, (ting). A sedan chair. A hat. An umbrella. -ifiSHF- *T*jg nJ a -^p* 'T^fe ih ting jau -tsz. ih ting mau-tsz. ih ting san. SEVENTEENTH CLASSIFIER, ffi (we ), A TERM OF RESPECT. A visitor, a customer. A teacher. A doctor. An unmarried woman. A friend. / 1^ lri li/J^R ih we k'ak-nyung* ih we sien-sang. ih we laung-tsong. ih we siau-tsia. ih we bang-yen. EIGHTEENTH CLASSIFIER, ^ (tsang), DENOTES SHEETS OF PAPER. A sheet of paper. -mm ih tsang tsz. 16 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. A newspaper. A proclamation. ^7^ to?2a-li sz sen ? The learner should take many similar examples from the.different classifiers, both with and without the noun, using different numerals. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 33 Sa (pg), in the sense of what, is used when the name, character, description and wants of persons or things, and the meaning and explanation of things, are enquired after : it usually follows a verb, and commences a sentence without a verb, as : What name ? What is this called ? What occupation ? What trade, orbusiuess? What is the matter, or What business ? What business has he? What do you want ? What does he want ? What are you doing ? What color ? What kind or form ? What price ? What o'clock ? What news ? What weight ? What day ? What year ? What disease ? sa* ming-deu ? sa ? so, sa sang-f ? O O O,t Q sa z - t ? ? O > O O O,' O tji ijeir sa z - t if yi mu S(f ? nong la tsoo sa ? AY/ k't/t ngan-suh ? sa* ngan-suh ? sa* bib yang*-suh ? sa ka-dien ? sa zing ? />'iji tien-tsoong > sa smg-sik ? sa sa nyien-vung* ? sa lull' 1th t'OHff ? 1. Kycuf, to call. 2: Few, to have. 34 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. What did you say ? What does he say ? At what time ? What is your honorable name ? What is the cause ? What is the meaning ? What is the use of it ? What place ? What number? * nong wo kuh sa ? yi wo 9 sa ? sa zmg-kwaung ? sa 9 z-'eu'? tsung sing sa ? tsung sa yoen-koo ? saka-se/i? sa i-sz ? sa yong-deu ? sa l oo-daung! sa dzang- sa soo-mak ? Sa (p), with an interrogative, is also used in the sense of any, and, with a negative, of no or none ; as : Did you say any thing ? I did not say any thing. Does he wish to say any thing ? He does not wish to say any thing. Have you any thing to say? I have nothing to say, Have you any prospect ? I have no prospect. Have you any shirtings ? nong wo sa oa ? ngoo 'veh wo sa. yi iai wo sa oa ? yi y $eh iau wo sa. nong ih pak too. More than a thousand soldiers. -^%>&T ih ts'ien too ping-ting. More than five hundred chests. tt^ft ng pak too siang. More than thirty rooms. H+|>IPI san-seh too kan. Near, f restricted to num- bers). % mau. Near a hundred. % W mau ill pak. Near fifty men. %i+A mau *ng-seh nyung. Near three li. ^Hjijg mau san li loo , etc. One or more. "fJB koen po. A man or two. ^FfflA koen po nyung. A dollar or two. *mim koen po yang-dien. 46 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. OIE" .AJDVEiR/BS- How? How do you' know? How did you know ? How did you do it ? How? How now ? How shall we manage it? How can it be arranged ? How did he manage to get in ? Why? Why don't you (he or she) come? Why did you (he or she) do it ? Why don't you (he or she) pay it ? Why do you (he or she) do so? Why is it ? When? When will you (he or she) come ? mm mm na-nung ? na-hang- nung ? as : nong na-nung tuk f na-nung tuh kuh ? na-nung tsoo-hch f na-nung ? yien-dze na-nung ? na-nung tsoo-deu f na-nung tsoo-ffih ? yi na-hang-nung tsing* le kuh f we-sa ? we sa lau ? we-sa 'veh le ? we^sa lau tsoo huh ? we-sa 'vehfoo ? we-sa lau zeh-ke tsoo* ? we-sa lau f bji-z? kyi-z le ? FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 47 "When will you (he or she) do it? When did you (he or she) go ? When did you (he or she) do it ? How long since you (he or she) came ? When is it due ? Now. I want it now. I don't want it now. Now it is too late. Just now, a little while ago. Quickly. Go quickly. Come quickly. Do it quickly. Be in a hurry. Only. Only these two kinds. Only small ones. i~z tsoo kyi-z tsoo kuh ? le tsz kyi-z tse ? kyi-zji ? kyi-z tau ji ? yien-dze*. yien-dze iau. yien-dze 'veh iau. yien-dze le 'veh ji. Kan-Is an(or k* a/i-ff a/i), 've/i too fyi-z. kw'cf-kw'cf, kw'a-tien, l au-sau. kw'a-tien (or kw'a- kw'a) c/ii. kw*cf-tien (or kw'vf- kw'a) le. kw r a-lien (or ktv'a - kw'cf) tsoo ; tsoo le kw'cf-tien. *au-sau, *au-sau tien, kw'a-tien. pih'koo ; tsuh-tuh. tsuli-tuh di kuh liang yang. pih-koo siau kuh. 48 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Thus, so, etc. Not so. I want it so. It is so. Very. Very good- Very fast. Very high. Very large. Very happy. Immediately. Come immediately. Do it immediately. Return it immediately. Start immediately. But. The man is honest, but he is good for nothing. But he cannot speak English. Verily, truly, indeed. Moreover. Not only. He not only smokes opium, he moreover gambles. rtfcfc tfiJJL zeli-ke ; zeh-ke-nung. veh z zeh-ke-nung. lau zeh-ke kah. *z zeh-ke kuh. man. 'man 'man kw r a. 'man kau. 'man doo. 'man k'a->w hau. zieu le. zieu tsoo. zieu tvan. zieif dong-sung. dan-z, do/t-z, zen-r. nyung z lau-zeli, dan-z m-sa yong-deu. dan-z yi 'veil we wo Da-Iung wo 1 . zeh-dze. r-?ts*ia or r-ts r ien. 'veh dan . yi 'veh dan chuh ien, r- te'ia* too dong-dien. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Where ? Where are you going ? Where did you find it ? Where is it to be bought ' Where are you ? Here. I am here. It is here. Men of this place. Bring it here. It is not in use (current) here.* There is a brisk trade here. We don't want it here. There. How is it there ? Is trade good there ? Put it there. Slowly. Not so fast ; go slowly. Walk slowly. m * Oe a-li? sa ( oo-daung? Oe a-li daung? 'a- /i Jcw'e?sa 00 soo? 'a- li deu ? sa c/zang-hau ? etc. tau "a-li chi? sa e oo-daung zing-dzak kuh ? Ot a-li daungyeu tuhma ? nong la'a~li? ts'z-dfSdi-Mf, di-deu. leli-li ''ts'z-d?. ts'z-di nyung. tan tau ts r z-di le. ts t z-di 'veh 'ang. nau "ts'z-di sang-i mang. ts'z-di \eli iau. i-deu, i-kw r e. i-deu na-nung ? i-deu sang-i kau va ? faung la i-kw'e . man man tien ; man man nung. man-tien, man man tsz tsen. * Literally, It is no go here. 50 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Go up slowly. Distinctly. Speak more distinctly. I do not see it distinctly. I do not hear it distinctly. Besides. Have you any besides these ? There were five hundred soldiers, besides bur- den bearers. Inasmuch, seeing, still. How much more ? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your child- ren, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him ? Still more. Much more. Much worse. Much longer. Still dearer. Still better. man man imng zaung chi. ts r mg-saung. wo le ts'ing-saung tien. ngoo k'oen le 'veh ts ing- "saung. npoo t'ing le 'veJi ts'ing- saung. dze nga (we ); ling nga (we ). dze-nga (we ) wan yeu va'? yeu ng pak kuh ping, dze-we wan yeu t'iau tien sa kuh. zang-ts t ia ) or zaung ts t ia. *oo-hwaung. na yeu dzoe-kuh nyung -tuh peh hau meli-z la r- fez, *oo-hwaung na 9 T'ien Ya tau 'veh "k'ung peh hau meh-z la jeu yi kuh va ? kung Q -ka ; yoeh-ka, kung-ka 'veil hau, kung-ka dzang. kung~ka kyu*. kung-ka hau. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 51 OO3STSECTJTI-VE Then, now. Now it is well. Finish this and then do something else. Now he is happy. Yesterday. He went away yesterday, He came to-day. The more you do, the more you will be able to do. For the time being. nan-meh. nan-meh hau tse. tsoo* hau-tsz di-kuh, nan-meh tsoo bih-kuh. nan-meh k'a-weh tse. zo (zau) nyih, or zo-nyih- tsz. yi zo-nyih chi hih. yi tyung-tsau le huh. yoeh-z tsoo, yoeh-z we tsoo. tsia tung. Too, OVER (denoting excess.) Ifcjj t'uh. Too large. Too smalt. Too many. Too few. Too fierce. Too stupid. Too clever. Too salt. t'uh doo. t'uh siau. t'uh too. t'uh *sau. t'uh hyong. fuh bung , t'uh ts'ong-ming. t'uh \m. 52 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Too young. Afterwards. Until. Perhaps. I fear. Daily. Openly, frankly, etc. Securely. About. About seventy bales. Secretly. Gently, with care. BB nyien kyi t'uh clmng. *eu-seu. dzuh tau. k'ong-p r o. nyih nyih, nyih-too, nyih dzok. dzuh-lauh. 'wung-taung. iak-kwe. iak-kwe ts t ih~seh pau. en-en- li. ch'ung ch'ung nuny. FIRST LESSONS IK CHIKESE. 53 OIF 1 IPiR/EIFOSITICasrS- Above. Below. Under, beneath. Inside. Outside. After. Behind. Before. From. To (to arrive at). When did you arrive ? How many li from Shanghai to Peking ? On. On the table. On the chair. On the floor. On the carpet. On the ground. On the street. r-mm m~r< mi*) zaung*-deu. l au-ti ; 0( auti-deu. nga-deu. *'eu. "'euSti, Ol euti-deu t 'eu- deu. zien, zien-deu. tang; as, tang "ts'z-di ' i-deu. tau. fo/i-z tau ? tang Zaunghe tau* Pok-kyung, *kyi H loo ? laung (much used), de-tsz laung . iui tsz laung . d? laung ; di-hauh laung , d\*pan laung . dt-tan laung . di-laung. ka laung . 54 FIRST LESSONS IJJ CHINESE. On the way, or road. On the person. On board ship. On the foot, or leg. On the hand. On the wall. On the box or trunk. On the bed. On the window. On the door. On the head. On the roof. On a (the) plate. On shore. On the water. In. In Heaven. In the box. In the drawer. In the house. In the parlor. In the dining room. In the chamber. In the store room. loo 9 laung . sung laung . zen laung . kyak laung . seu laung . ziang laung . siang-tsz laung . zaung laung . ts'aung k e eu laung . mung laung . deu laung . ok laung . bung-tsz laung . ngoen laung . sz laung . li (much used), t'ien laung . siang-tsz li. ts'eu-t'i li. vaung-tsz li. * kan li ; k'a& daung kan li. chuh*.van kan li ; da- ts'e kan li. vaung kan li; vaung- deu li ; vaung li. 9 /wo-zuh kan li. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. In the study. In the dressing room. In the bath room. In the office. In the compradore's room. In the stable. In the field. In the shop. In the hong. In the water. In the Winter. In the Summer. In the Spring. In the Autumn. In the day. In the night. In the church. In the school room. In the heart. In the ground. In the grave. In the well. In hell. In the go-down. In the canal. In the river. w&m mm mm su-vaung kan li. k'a-mien kan li. zing-yok kan li. sia-z kan li. tsang-vaung li. mo-bang li. dien li. tien* 9 li. sz Li. tong li. *au li. ts*ang li, ts'ung laung*, ts'ieu li. nyih li. ya li. li-pa-daung li. *auh~daung li. sing li. vung-san li. tsing li. dzan-vaung li. pang li. 56 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. In the city. In the temple. In the ship's hold. In the eye. In this month. In the ear. In a (the) bottle. In a (the) cask. In the mouth. In this. In that. In the wilderness. In the light. In the dark. Within these two or three days. In trouble. In prosperity. In what ? dzung 9 li. rniau li. tsaung li. ngan tsing *li. *di-kuh nyoeh li. nyi-too li. bing li. dong li. tsz li. di-kuh li. hwaunq-fya li. liang-kwaung li ; liana Vt. en dong* li ; en li. di-kuh "Hang san nyih li. "k'oc-nau li; tse-nan li. hyung-fah li. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 57 Therefore. I had business, therefore did not come. He is not honest, there- fore I do not want him. Also, still, yet. Also the same. Also a merchant. This also is a good one. I also want to purchase. I also want to go. Do you still (or yet) want more ? Though, although, not- withstanding. Although he is old, he is still able to work. Because, for. Why did you run away ? Because I was afraid. For this is the law and the prophets. (Matt. 7. 12.) It is because matters are (were) thus, I do (did) not wish to have any- thing to do with it. soo-i; keh-lau. rig oo 9 yeu tsz z^t t i, soo-i 'vek le. yi 'vek lau-zek, keh-lau ngoo 'veh iau 9 . 9i a *z, wan. l a z zeh-ke*. l a z sang-f nyung. di-kuh 'a z hau kuh. ngoo 'a iau ma. *ngoo 'a iau 9 chf. wan iau 9 va 9 soe- z; soe-zen. yi soe-z lau, wan tsoo 9 lull dong sang-weh. iung we 9 ; we 9 -tsz. we so? Iau dau 9 tseu f iung-we 9 ngoo p*o-huh. iung-we 9 lili-fah Iau sien-tsz z zeh-ke 9 . we 9 -tsz zeh-ke 9 ngoo 'veh iau 9 tah-kaung. 58 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. If. That, so that. Then, well then. When you shall have finished this, then do that; or Finish this and then do that. If he will not do as I propose, then what will he do ? Lest. Take an umbrella, lest you get wet. Neither, nor. Neither this nor that. In case, if, should. Either, or. Either to-day or to- morrow. And. The morning and even- ing. Books, etc. zah-sz* ; zah-zen. tung. nan-meh, kek-me/i. Tsoo 9 hau tsz di-kuh y nan-meh tsoo* i-kuh. zak-sz yi 've/i *k*ung tsau ngoo j keh-meh yi "k'ung tsoo 9 sa* ? sang-tsz. tan ih ting san* sang- Uz ling sak. 'veh z, i~kuh 'a >veh-z. t'aung 9 sz, t'aung zen. l ok-z kyung-tsau, 'okfz ming-tsau. lau. "tsau-zung lau ycf-kw'a*. su lau sa*. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 50 X*rnrara^TTTO. ? (general interrogative particle). Have you found it ? Ls va 9 . zing-dzak va* ? Mek ^ is used as an interrogative when you have reason to expect or hope for an affirmative answer ; as, Is breakfast ready ? BS* van 9 9 kau meh ? Sa 9 pg as an interrogative, is sometimes found at the close, and sometimes at the commencement of a sentence; as, What do you want? What price ? *!"* nong 9 iau 9 sa 9 ? sa 9 ka 9 -dien ? 9 'A- 9 li J5 ^ is also an interrogative. Where are you going ? nong 9 tau 9 l a-li ck* ? nonq 9 tau 9 9 'a-?li ? 9 nyoeh nyoeh ; nyoeh-too, ''me nyoeh. First day of the month. Second day of the month. Third day of the month. Fourth day of the month. Fifth day of the month. Sixth day of the month. 1 ts'oo ih. ts'oo nyf. ts'oo san. ts'oo sz. ts'oo Q ng. ts'oo lok. Seventh day of the month. 3fl -b ts'oo ts'ih. Eighth day of the month. 3flA ts'oo pah. Ninth day of the month. Ifl #, ts'oo *kyeu. Tenth day of the month. %H- ts'oo zeh. Eleventh day of the month. -h- zeh-ih. The twentieth. + ny?-seh\ The twenty-first. ft nyan-ih. Year. ^P nyien. One year. -* ih-nyien. 64 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Half a year. This year. Last year. Next year. The whole year. Every year. First half of the year. The last half of the year. The new year. The close of the year. The beginning of the year. From the beginning to the end of the year. About a year. After the new year. J- pen nyien. kyung nyien. jeu nyien. tie nyien; le nyien. ih tsok nyien, tsok ih nyien> men ih nyien. nyien dzang; l me nyien> nyien too; nyien nyien. zaung 9 pen nyien. l au* pen nyien. sing nyien. nyien ya. nyien deu laung*. ih nyien tau deu. nyien po. koo nyien. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 65 "VIEJIR/BS- I am not aware that any attempt has ever been made to conjugate and inflect the verb in Chinese, through all its numbers, persons, moods and tenses, as it is done in English. As the attempt can not fail to be of great benefit to the student of the spoken language, I shall, at the risk of exciting a smile, try to throw some light upon this unexplored field. Any one familiarly acquainted with any of the spoken dialects may, by close observation, detect in the Chinese stereotyped manner of conveying their ideas, certain forms of expression which change the sense of the verb with every variation of form, somewhat analagous to what we find in English, in the Indicative mood, Present, Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future tenses, also the Imperative mood and participle. The same forms may also be traced through all the tenses of the Subjunctive mood. Having tested this peculiarity in more than three hundred verbs, and finding that the moods and tenses are expressed in uniform manner, why may we not take this peculiarity of manner as a rule, inflect a verb through all its moods and tenses, and thus establish a rule for all other verbs that will be of infinite value to the student of the spoken language ? OBSEIR,V.^JTIO:N~S OUST THIIE :M:OO:DS. The five moods, Indicative, Potential, Subjunctive, Imperative and Infinitive, may be distinctly traced in the Shanghai dialect. The Indicative mood, present tense, is only distinguished from the Imperative and Infinitive moods by the personal pronoun, expressed or understood. The Potential mood prefixes to the verb such other auxiliary verbs as express possibility, liberty, power, will and obligation ; as, You can go. TO* Nong* k r au-i chi. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. They can come in. He would not come. He can (has the physical power to) do it. He can (has the ability to) do it. They ought to sell. He must come. &&mm Yi-la k f au-i tsing le. Yi \eli-fcung le. Yi nung tsoo . Yi 'we tsoo . Yi-la iung-ke mc. Yi tsoong iau le. The Subjunctive mood, which represents an action under a condition, supposition, etc., is preceded by a conjunction expressed or understood ; or takes a suffix with the force of a conjunction ; as, If you do not assist, we cannot do it. If you do not find hirn, come back immediate- If it is finished, bring it. Zak-sz nong 'veh siang- paung, nyi 'veh nung- keu tsoo . Zak-sz noong zing yi 'veh dzak, zieu tsen le. Zak-sz hau la tse, tan le. onsr Five tenses may be traced in the Shanghai dialect: the Present, Imperfect, Perfect, and the Future. The PRESENT TENSE has two distinct forms. The simple ; as, I eat. The progressive; as, I am eating. $*fe Ngoo chuh. Ngoo Uli-li chuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 67 The IMPERFECT TENSE has three distinct forms ; The simple ; as, I ate. mi Ngoo chuh kuh. The progressive form ; as, I was eating. *a*ae Ngoo leh-la chuh. And the emphatic form ; as, I did eat. 3$ &*&.<& %{ *JC' O 1 Ngoo z chuh huh. The PERFECT TENSE ; as, I have eaten. *ll ^ Ngoo chuh-tse, or, ngoo chuh la tse, or, ngoo chuh koo tse. The PLUPERFECT TENSE ; as, I had eaten. ^a^ Ngoo i-kyung chuh tse, or, ngoo i-kf/ung chuh la tse t or, ngoo i- kiung chuh koo tse. 68 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. The FUTURE TENSE ; as, I will or shall eaf. VHK Ngoo iau chuh. THE IMPERATIVE MOOD. Eat. rfr Qfr h "o "A -i- C7w/i, c/m/i laiing 9 . :PIE:R,SO:N\ Each tense of the verb has two numbers, the Singular and Plural, and each number has three persons, as in English ; but the form of the verb of each person, both Singular and Plural, is the same ; as, SINGULAR. 1. I eat. Hug Ngoo chuh. 2. You eat. (ii Nong chuh. 3. He, she or it, eats. m Yi chuh. PLURAL. 1. We eat. fjgtg Nyi chuh. 2. You eat. $p Na chuh. 3. They eat. l^tJtdg Yi-la chuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. The verb may be conjugated in Chinese; as, present, eat P^ chub ; imperfect, ate ft^j \* cbub kub perfect participle, having eaten pj ~jf* cbub tsz. It may be inflected as follows : INDICATIVE MOOD. Ijj[ H$ PRESENT TENSE, SIMPLE FORM. $$3 SINGULAR. 1. I eat. $P2 Ngoo chuh. 2. You eat. H!P Nong chuh. 3. He, sbe or it, eats. Yi chuh. ^J PLURAL. 1. We eat. 036 Nyi chuh. 2. You eat. !P Na chuh. 3. They eat. *tti Yi-la chuh. PRESENT TENSE, PROGRESSIVE FORM. jfpaa q&\ SINGULAR. 1. I am eating. 2. You are eating. 3. He, sbe or it, is eating. %&LW& &&%& Ngoo leh-li 9 chuh. Nong leli-li chuh. Yi leh-li 9 chuh. 70 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. PLURAL. 1. We are eating. 2. You are eating. 3. They are eating. Nyf leh-lf chuh. Na leh-li chuh. Yi-la leli-l? chuh. IMPERFECT TENSE, SIMPLE FORM. 4ml SINGULAR. 1. I ate. $P^ Ngoo chuh kuh. 2. You ate. lHfta/^ Nong chuh kuh. 3. He, or she, ate. w* Yi chuh kuh. ^ PLURAL. 1. We ate. fJgP^ Ny* chuh hdi. 2. You ate. fSftfl^ Na chuh k>ih. 3. They ate. * tt6 * Yi-la chuh kuh. IMPERFECT TENSE, PROGRESSIVE FORM. ^S SINGULAR. 1. I was eating. 2. You were eating. 3. He, or she was eating. Ngoo leh-la chuh. Nong leli-la chuh. Yi leh-la chuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 71 -r* PLURAL. 1. We were eating. 2. You were eating. 3. They were eating. Nyf leh-la chuh. Na leh-la' chuh. yi-la leh-la" chuh. IMPERFECT TENSE, EMPHATIC FORM. Si SINGULAR. 1. I did eat. 2. You did eat. 3. He, or she, did eat. Ngoo* Noong z chuh kuh Yi z chuh kuh. PLURAL. 1. We did eat. 2. You did eat. 3. They did eat. Ny? z chuh kuh. l$a z chuh hih. Yi-la z chuh Imh. "HK PERFECT TENSE. SINGULAR. 1 . I have eaten. * Ngoo* chuh tse. 2. You have eaten. Nong chuh tse. 3. He, or she, has eaten. #P% Yi chuh tse. 72 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. PLURAL. 1. We have eaten. 2. You have eaten. 3. They have eaten. DBwg* Nyi chuh tse. No? chuh tse. Yi-la chuh tse. La tse and koo-tse are frequently heard in the perfect tense; as, ngoo chuh la tse, or ngoo chuh k 00 -tse : the la and koo are not necessary to the sense. 7JB ^R PLUPERFECT TENSE. $ SINGULAR. 1. I had eaten. 2. You had eaten. 3. He, or she had eaten. Ngoo *i-kyung chuh tse. Nong i-kyung chuh tse. Yi i-hjung chuh tse. PLURAL. 1. We had eaten. 2. You had eaten. 3. They had eaten. Nyi i-b/ung chuh tse. Na i-hjung chuh tse. Yi-la *i-tyung chuh tse. La tse and koo tse are frequently found in the pluperfect; as, i-kyung chuh la tse, or, Ngoo i-kyung chuh koo-tse. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 73 jfj FUTURE TENSE. W SINGULAR. 1. I will or shall eat. 2. You will or shall eat. 3. He will or shall eat. *Ngoo iau* clml. Nong* iau* chuh. Yi iau* cluli. _ PLURAL. 1. We will or shall eat. 2. You will or shall eat. 3. Thev will or shall eat. iau* chuh. Na* iau ' chuh. Yi-la iau* chuh. The learner should bear in mind that ia-ii* has several meanings; as, iat.*, to want; iau , will or shall; ?aw, must ; and iau* 9 ought. POTENTIAL MOOD, i" PRESENT TENSK. SINGULAR^ J.I may or can eat. 2. You may or can eat. 3. He may or can eat. *'Ngoo "k'a?/-*! clink. Nong* *k'aufi chuh. Yi k f au-i clmk. 74 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. PLURAL. 1. We may or can eat. 2. You may or can eat. 3. They may or can eat. Nyf *k*aa-i chuh. Na k*auSi chuJu Yi-la *k'au-i chuh. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.. PRESENT TENSE, SIMPLE FORM.. 3s!/ SINGULAR. 1. If I eat. 2. If you eat. 3. If he or she eafe. Zalt-sz *ngoo chuh. Zak-sz* nony* chuh. Zak-sz* yi chuh. PLURAL. 1. If we eat. 2. If you eat. 3. If they eat. ZaJc-sz ny? chuh. Zak-sz na chuh. Zak-sz yi-la chuh. PRESENT TENSE, EMPHATIC FORM. $0 SINGULAR. 1. If I do eat. 2. If you do eat. 3. If he do eat. Zak-sz ngoo z chuh. Zak-sz nong z chuh. Zak-sz yi z chuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 7-5 PLURAL, 1. If we do eat. 2. If you do eat. 3. If they do eat. .Zak-sz* nyi z chuh. Zak-sz na *z chuiti. Zak-sz yi-laz chuh. PRESENT TENSE, PROGRESSIVE FORM. 3&I SlNG?ULAR. 1. If I am eating. 2. If you are eating. 3. If he is eating. Zak-sz* it goo leh-l* chuh. Z(fk-iz nony leh-lfchuh* Zak-sz yi leh-W chuh. PLURAL. 1. If we are eating. 2. If you are eating. 3. If they are eating. Z'ik-sz nyi" leh-lf chuh. Zak-sz na leh-li chuh. Zak-sz yi-la leh-l? ch uh. IMPERFECT TENSE, SIMPLE FORM. $ SINGULAR. 1. If I ate. 2. If you ate. 3. If he ate. Zak-sz* ngoo chuh k>iL Zak-sz nony chuh huh. Zak-sz* yi chuh kuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. PLURAL. 1. If we ate. 2. If you ate. 3. If they ate. Z>tk-&z ny? chuh k't/t. Zak sz* na chuh k'lh. Zak-sz* yi-la> chuh kah. IMPERFECT TENSE, EMPHATIC FORM, SINGULAR, 1. If I did eat. 2. If you did eat 3. If he did eat. Z"k-sz /igoo *z chilli k'l/f. Z(tk-s& noiig z chuh kith. 'i z chuh kuh. PLURAL, 1. If we did eat. 2. If you did eat. 3. If they did eat. Zak-sz ny? *zchah k'tJ> Zak-sz na 9 z chuh kih Zak-sz" yi-la 9 z chuh k'lh IMPERFECT TENSE, PROGRESSIVE FORM. ^33 SINGULAR. J. If I were eating. 2. If you were eating. 3. If he were eating. Zak-*2* "tigoo leh-la chuh. Zal->z Q nong leh-lu chuh. Zak-sz* yi lc/t-la 9 chuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 77 PLURAL, 1. If we were eating, 2. If you were eating, 3. If they were eating. sz ny? leh-la* chuh. \ Zak-ss 9 no? Ieh4a chuh. I Za k-sz yi-la leh - la? ch uh . PERFECT TENSE. SINGULAR. 1. If I have eaten. 2. If you have eaten. 3. If he !:ih. Nong" leh-la k>d. 17 leh-la Mi. ^ PLURAL. 1. We were there. 2. You were there, 3. They were there. %W&^ Nyf leUa kch. Na leh-la lwh. Yi-la leh-la huh. by The PERFECT TENSE is not expressed by au ; as, leh-la?, but I have been here, or there. tau Tiyih tse, or Ngoo tau koo* hyih tse. 80 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINEStt. 35^ SINGULAR. L I have been here, or tli ere. *N/e ngoo ATj *yeu Ngoo f/eu kuh. Ngoo 'veh yeu. Ngoo m-meh. Zen laung *yeu vcf ? 'Veh; m-meh. Yi-la "yen va'? Yi-la Oi a m-meh. So* nj/ung yeu kuh ? T f ok 'veh *yeu ; m sa nyung t/eu. Nong* yeu-tsz kyi-z tse? Ngoo t/eu-tsz ih nyien too. Tsoo. Tsoo sang-weh ; tsoo kong-foo. Nong 'we tsoo va ? T'soo tuh-le va f Ngoo 'we tsoo ; Ngoo tsoo tuh-le kuh. Nqoo tsoo 'veh le ; Ngoo 'veh 'we tsoo. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 85 Who can do it ? There is a Canton man who can do it. Call him to come and do it. Just now he is not able to work. Tell him to come and try it. Who did it? I did it. He did it. When can you do it ? I can do it immediately. Wait a few days. I cannot wait. Are you at work on it ? When will you have it done? Within three days. Is it finished ? It is finished. Not yet. It will be done soon. Not for some time yet. nyung we tsoo ? Yeu ih tong nyung 'we tso'o . Kyau (kau) yi le tsoo meh tse. Yien*-dz yi tsoo 'veh dong. Kyau (/fait) yi le tsoo tsoo h'oen . Sa nyung tsoo huh ? Ngoo tsoo kuh. Yi tsoo 'kuh. Ktji-z hau tsoo ? Zieu hau tsoo. Tung* Hang nyih ; kak liang nyih ; liyih lidng nyih. Ngoo tung 'veh tuh. Leh-lc tsoo meh ? Kyi-z tsoo hau ? San nyih li. Tsoo hau meh ? hau meh ? Tsoohaula tse;/iau la tse. ' Veh-zung; 'vek zung li. Hau kw'a" tse. 86 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Do it quickly. Will be do it? He will not do it. Has he done it ? He has done it Why do you not do it ? Because it can not be done. It can be done. I will try it. If you do not do it well you will work for nothing. Of course. I will pay you when the work is finished. What can you do ? I can do any thing. Have you ever done it before ? I have done it before. When will you begin ? When did you begin ? How long since you commenced ? I have been at it a long time. When will you finish ? 7C Kw'a-tien tsoo . K'ung tsoo-va ? fi 'veh k' iing tsoo * Tsoo meh ? Tsoo la tse. TT7* O O * 7 i O 6) We -sa veh tsoo f Veli hau tsoo laii. Hau tsoo huh. Ngoo tsoo chi le k f oen. Tsoo le \'eh hau meh, bait, tsoo kick. Z-zen. Sanq-weh tsoo hau-tsz lau, tan dong-dien. Nong 'we tsoo sa ? Yang suh 'we tsoo . Tsoo koo hyih va ? Ngoo tsoo koo hyih tse. Kyi-z tsoo* chi ? Nong kyi-z tsoo *chi Tsoo-tsz kyi-z tse ? Ngoo tsoo-tsz ta-z tse. Kyi-z tsoo wen-pih ? FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 87 I don't want to do it. You ought to do it. You ought not to do it. Don't do it. I am determined not to do it. Not allowable. It is allowable. Not difficult to do; easy to be done. Difficult to do. Spoiled (in making). Do it well. It is well done. It is badly done. To trade, or do business. A merchant. To write a composition. To become a man. To economize. Can't afford to do it. He can afford it. To use violence. Don't be violent. The manner of doing (things). Ngoo 'veh-iau tsoo. Nona iung-ke tsoo. Nong* 'veh iung-lie tsoo. ' Veh iau tsoo. Ngoo ding -hue 'veh tsoo. Tsoo* 'veli-tiih kith. Tsoo tuh Iv.ih. Hau tsoo ; tsoo. Nan tsoo foih. Tsoo wa-tse. Tsoo le hau kith. Tsoo le 'veh-hau. Tsoo sang-i. Tsoo sang-? nyung ; Sang-f nyung. Tsoo vung-tsang. Tsoo nyung. Tsoo nyung -ha, Tsoo* \eli-chi. Yi tsoo tuh-chi huh. 'Man tsoo ; ngang tsoo. ' Veh iau 'man tsoo. Tsoo-dcu ; tsoo-fah. 88 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. How can, or shall it be done? He has injured his own cause. To defeat ; to frustrate. I could not accomplish it. To act for another. A substitute. How much can you do in a day ? It can not be done in a day. He is not inclined to do it. To make clothes. A tailor. To go. I am going. Has he gone ? He has gone. He has not yet gone. Did he go ? He went. What has become of it (or him) ? Where has he gone ? Na-nung tscxf-deu ? Yi z-ka tsoo z-ka. Tsoo t'eh. Tsoo 'veil dzung-kong. De tsoo. De tsoo ku/i. Ih nyih tsoo tuh foji- hau ? I/i nyih tsoo 'veJt-ji ; or Ih nyih tsoo 've/i hau. Yi 'veh kmt-hyung tsoo. Tsoo i-zaung. Tsoo i-zaung huh; ze- vong. Chi. Ngoo chi tse. CM meh ? Chi tse. Yi 'veh zung ch. Chi va ? CIu hih. *'AM chi tse ? Tau 'a-H chi ? Oi a-li chi tse ? FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 89 Have you been ? I have been. Have you ever been ? I have been once. How long have they been gone ? They have been gone but a short time. They went long ago. You can go. Go quickly. Go together. To go, or pass by; to pass over; to pass away. Will you go? or are you going ? I will go ; I am going. What are you going for ? Go and see. I am going, or will go now. Depart ; be off. Take it away. Take it with you. Is it safe or allowable to go? ft&fi* ft* * m * koo tse. Chi koo-hyih meh ? Chi koo-hyih ih we. Chi" tsz hyi-z tse. Chi" tuh 'veh too hyih ; k'an k'an chi. Chi" tsz dzang-yoen tse. meh tse. Kw'cf-tien chi ; iau kw t a-tien chi. Ih-dau chi. Koo chz\ Chi va ? cJumeh ? Chi hih. Chi tsoo so* ? Chi Koen. Yien-dze zieu iau chi. Chi* tba. Nau ckf ; tan chi*. Ta chi. Hau c/ii va ? ckf-tuk va f 90 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. It is not safe or allow- able to go. Not intimate ; not on speaking terms. To eradicate. I will not or do not go. Go in. Not inclined to go. ! go along. To come. Come in. He came in. They have come in. You had come in. Has he come ? He has come. He has not come. He has not yet come. He will come. They will come in. Let him, or them come in. Tell him to come here. He will not come. Come quickly. * ' Veh-'hau chf; cki 'veh- tuh. Veil le ckf. Cla t'eh. Ngoo 've/i chi. Tsing e/ti. ' Veh kcm-hyung clii. C/ti ; chi meh tse. Le. Tsing-le. Ye tsing-le kuh. Yi-la tsing-le tse. Na i-kyung tsing-le tse. Le meh ? Le tse. Yi 'vefi le. Yi 'veh zung le, Le kuh ; Yi iau le kulu Yi-la iau tsing-le kuli. Nyang" yi tsing-le. Kyau (kau) yi le ; han yi le. Yi 'veh-k'ung le. Kiv'u-tien le; zieii" le. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 91 He will come soon. I can not come. Come to-morrow. 1 have been here three times. You can come; come ahead. To be on friendly terms ; to correspond. Hereafter. Originally, formerly. When will you come ? When did you come ? How long since you came? Bring it here. Bring it with you. Come over. Where is it from ? Where are you from ? A new comer. Originally. Are they coming ? They are coming. Not time to accomplish an object within a given period. Le kw'a? tse; Yi zieu 9 le. 9 Ngoo 'teh nung-kzi? le. Ming-tsau le. Ngoo le koo 9 liyili san t'aung 9 . Le meh tse. ' Waung le; le *"waung ; le chi 9 . Tsiang le. Pung-le ; hyang*le. Kyi-z le ? 9 Kyi-z le kuh ? Le-tsz 9 kyi-z tse. Tan le. Ta le. Koo 9 le. i-li le ? sa- 9 soo le Sing le ~kuli. Nyoen-le ; pung-le. Leh-la* le va ? La 9 le tse. Lf 'cehjf. 92 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Instigator. Whence does it ema- nate ? To eat; to drink; to smoke ; to take med- icine. To eat a meal. To drink tea. To drink wine. To smoke. To take medicine. Have you dined ? Not yet (eaten). I am eating. I was dining. I have dined. I had dined. I don't want, to eat. I am not able to eat; have no appetite. I can eat. I can not afford to eat it. He can afford to eat it. I can not eat it ; do not fancy it ; do not know how to go about eat- ing it. Dinner time. Le-deu nyung. Sa le-vung ? sa le-deu ? Chuh. Chuh van . Chuh dzo. Chuh tsieu. Chuh ien. Chuh yak. Van chuh meh ? 'Veh zung; 'veh zung li ; 'veh zung chuh Ngoo leh'li chuh. Ngoo leh-la chuh van . Ngoo chuh tse. Ngoo i-hyung chuh tse. Ngoo 'veh iau chuh. Chuh 'veh lauh. Ngoo chuh tuh lauh. Ngoo chuh 'veh *chi. Yi chuh tuh chi* Chuh 'veh-le. Chuh van-dong. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 93 Before dinner. After dinner. Food. To finish eating. Have you finished eat- ing? He has eaten it up. To get the worst of a bargain ; to be cheat- ed. To retain unlawfully; to appropriate to one's own use that which belongs to another. To suffer punishment ; to get the worst of an affair. If we make a living by serving another, we should obey his orders. If the rations are not equal, the operatives will not put forth equal effort. To get drunk. To eat enough; to eat to fullness. Not enough to satisfy appetite. To be injured by eating. To be imprisoned. To ask ; to inquire ; to investigate. Van zien. Van -eu. Clmh jok ; chuh deu. Ckuh ding ; chuh hau. Chuh hau meh ? Chuh t*eh tse. Chuh chui. Chuh koo. Chuh k'oo. Chuh bih-nyung 'wen pen yen bih-nyung sz-hwen. Chuh zuh 'veh cliien- yuin siang-*tang 'veh zi-sing Chuh tsoe*. Chuh *pau. Chuh J veh-pau. Chuh saung; chuh wa. Chuh kwen-sz* FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. I asked. I have asked. I bad asked. I will ask. Ask him. Inquire the way. I beg to ask, or inquire. Inquire of others. Did you ask ? I did not ask. Why did you not in- quire ? Go and inquire, or ask. Make definite inquiries. Unable to get informa- tion by inquiries. To judge, to try a per- son, or case. Have you ever in- quired ? I have inquired. I will make inquiries about it. I have inquired every- where. It is not necessary to inquire. To speak ; to say. I said so. Wti* KJWA Ngoo rnung kuh. Ngoo mung 9 la tse. Ngoo 9 i-kyung mung koo" tse. Ngoo iau rnung . Mung yi. Hung loo 9 . Ts t ing mung 9 . Hung bih-nyung 9 . Mung va ? Ngoo \eli mung . We-sc 'veh mun'g* f Chi mung . Mung ts'ing-saung. Mung 9 } veh ts'ek. Sung-mung. Mung 9 liyih va 9 ? Ngoo mung 9 Jcoo ki/ih tse. 9 Ngoo iau mung mung 9 k'oen 9 . Kauh-ts'u mung 9 tau 9 ka tse. 'Veh iau 9 mung tuh; 'veh pili mung Q tuh. Wo. wo FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 95 I have spoken. I had spoken. I will or shall tell. I did say so. I did not say so. Don't say anything about it. I will not speak of it. Who said so? You said so. "What did or do you I did not say anything. You told me so. When did I tell you ? Able to speak (as a language). Unable to speak. I can not speak Chinese. You can speak it. You must speak the truth. Don't use violent lan- guage. Don't be so noisy. A sentence ; a word. Ngoo wo la tse. Ngoo iJ*yung wo la tse. Ngoo iai wo kuh. Ngoo z wo Jcuh* Ngoo z 'veh wo knli. 'Veh iau wo Jce le. *Ngoo 'veh wo. Sa nyung wo huh ? Nong wo Jcuh. \7 O O O O Nony wo sa F Ngoo 'veh wo sa. Nong te ngoo wo JcuJi. Nqoo kiii-z te nong 1 o o WO f 'We wo; wo tuli le. ' Veh 'we wo ; ivo 'veh le. Tsong-Jcok wo, ngoo wo* } veh le. Nong wo tuh le hih. Iau wo lau'zeh wo ; wo tsung wo. ' Veh iau iuo ; 'man wo. 'Veh iau nau le si. Ill tyui seh-ivo. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. What are you talking about ? To speak evil. Don't slander people. There was not time to Flattering words. Words spoken in vain. Laugh able words; words to amuse children. Idle words. Can not reconcile them. It is not necessary to say anyt hing. Boastful words. False or imaginary words. To buy. I bought it. I did buy it. I am buying now. I was buying. I have bought. I had bought. I want to purchase. ISflSSS Nong la wo sa ' Veh iau wo~liau bih nyung. Le 'veh ji wo*. K'ak wo ; k r ak-chi wo- deu. Bak-wo t r eh. Siau wo. 0i An wo. Wo 'veh'li. 'Veh iau wo tuli; 'veh pili wo tuk. Doo wo. Maung wo. Ma. Ngoo ma kuh; ngoo ma la kuh. Ngoo z ma kuh. N(joo yien-dze leli-l* ma. Ngoo leh-la ma. Ngoo ma la tse. Ngoo i-kyung ma la tse. Ngoo iau ma. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 97 How much do you want ? I do not wish to pur- chase. Do you'; wish to pur- chase ? Buy it. It can be bought. No where to be had. It is to be had. It can not be bought at that price. It can be bought at that price. Go and buy. To make a few pur- chases. Where did you buy it ? Have you bought ? I have bought. I have not yet bought. At what price did you buy? Bought at a moderate price. Paid a high price. Can not afford to buy. Nong iau ma kyi- hau ? Ngoo 'veh-iau* ma. Nong iau ma va? Iau ma va f *Ma mek-tse. Hau ma huh. M ma t'su ; ma 9 vek dzak. Yen* ma t'su*. Ma 'vek dong. Ma tuh-dong. CJu ma. Ma tien so* ; *ma meh- *^/ 0i A-li*-deu ma-dzaJt kuh f *Ma la meh ? Ma la tse. *Ngoo 'veh-zung ma. Nong ma le sa ka- dien ? *Kyi dien ma ku/i? *Ma le jang. Ma le tyui*. Ma 'veh *chi. FIRST LESSONS Itf CHINESE. Can afford it. Did not succeed in buy- ing. I want to buy more. Is it to be had ? It is to be had. Why don't you pur- chase ? He don't know how to buy. Not necessary to buy. Invoice price. How much have you bought ? I have not bought much. Try to purchase. To sell. I sold it. I have sold it. I had sold it. Will you sell it? Is it for sale? I will sell it. It is for sale I will dispose of it. I can not sell it. Have you -sold it? Ma tuh chi. Ma 'vek dzung-kong. Ngoo wan iau ma. *Yeu tuh ma va ? Yeu tuh ma kuk ; yeu kith. We sa 'veh ma ? Yi ma le. 'Veh pih "ma. Ma kx. Ma tsz *ki- Ma tuh 'veh too. Ma ma k'oen . Ma ; ma-t'eh. Nyoo ma-t'eh kuk. Ngoo mcf-t'eh tse. Ngoo i-kyung ma-t t eh tse. Ma va ? iau ma va? Ma kuh. Ngoo iau ma-t*eh yi. Ngoo ma 'veh t*eh. Ma t'eh meh? FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 99 To whom did you sell ? I have sold all. To sell at auction. It was sold at auction. I can not sell at that price. I will not sell (at that price). Selling price. To give ; to transmit by hand ; to yield to the power of; to give in marriage. Give, or hand it to me. I shall not give, or hand it. He is not willing to give. I gave, or handed it to him. Who gave it to you ? I have given it. I have given it away. Give me notice, or warn- ing. I endured a beating from him. Don't allow him to have it. Don't give it to him. I have already given it to him ; I had given it to him. ft- *& m tt Ma la sa nyang f Ma wen tse. P'ak ma. P'ak ma-t r eh. Ma 'veh dong. 'Vekma . Ma kef. Peh. Peh ngoo ; peh la 9 *ngoo. Ngoo 'veh peh. Yi 'veh *k*ung peh. Ngoo peh yi huh ; ngoo peh la yi. Sa nyung peh nong f N goo peh la tse. N goo peh t'eh tse. Peh sing ngoo. Ngoo peh yi tang. ' Veh iau peh yi. *Ngoo i-kyung peh la tse. 100 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Give him something to eat. When will you givo it to me? I will hand it to you to-morrow. To pay money. I paid it. I have paid it. I have already paid it; I had paid it Pay it. To pay out. To pay in. Not ahle to pay. Able to pay. Has he paid it? He has not yet paid ? When will you pay me ? When did you pay ? Tell him to pay. Ask him to pay. How much money is to be paid out to-day ? To whom did you pay it? I have paid it out. Peh tien sa la yi chuh. Nong tyi-z peh ngoo ? Ming-tsau peh nong. Foo. Ngoofoo hch. Ngoo foo la tse. Ngoo i-kyung foo la tse. Foo meh tse. Foo -ts'eh ; foo- ts 'eh chf. Foo tsing le ; foo l au le. Foo 'veh ts'eh. Foo tuh is* eh. Foo la meh ? Yi y veh-zungfoo. Kyi-z foo la ngoo ? Kyi-zfookuh? Kau yifoo 'au chi. Kau yifoo 'au le. Kyung-tsau iau foo ts'eh chi kji-hau nyung-tsz ? Nong foo la sa nyung ? Ngoo foo t* eh tse. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 101 Unable to pay now. i&tt#JU] Yien-dze foo \eli ts'eh. j ' > > > To pay in full. ft iff Fof ts-ing. \}\* To receive; to collect. 4 Seu. To collect accounts. J&JK Seu ttiang . To receive payment for a lease. J&ffi Seu tsoo. To receive house rent. j W% Seu vaung - tsoo ; seu vaung-dien. To receive payment in kind. *iJE7fc Seu tsoo mi. I have received pay- ment in full. ^mtfc Seu is' ing la tse. Did you receive it ? J&if^ Seu dzak va ? 1 did not receive it. f*l#fJJ Ngoo seu 'veh dzak. I did receive it. 3$HSif^ Ngoo seu dzak kuh. I did not receive any- thing. 3kw>47)M*?* Ngoo seu 'veh dzak sa. A receipt. i&m Seu p'iau . To finish or complete a work. &m Seu dzang. A receipt in full. *fcrPfll Seu ts'ing p'iau . To suffer imprisonment. 4|g Seu kan. To entertain one in dis- tress. HA^ Seu lieu. To clean up, to arrange things. ^t^f Seu zeh hau. To make a clean sweep of things. Seu kwah. To draw tight (as a cord). ^-^ Seu kyung. Draw it tight. n Seu le kyung. 102 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To build. To 'build a bouse. T< build, a bridge. To build a boat, or vessel. To cast a gun. To erect a battery. To take census. To start a rumor. Have you completed your bouse ? It is fiuisbed. To build a city wall. To build a wall. To build a single brick partition. To pave a road. To sit. Please be seated. Sit down; be seated. Sit a wbile. I don't wisb to sit. I have no time to sit. Not room to sit, or be seated. Sit still. Sit on it. Boom to sit, or be seated. mm Zau. Zau vaung-tsz. Zau ih-diaujau. Zau zen. Zaup r au ; tstfp'au . Zau p f au-de. Zau ts f ak-tsz. Zau yau-yien. Vaung-tsz zau kau meh? Zau hau tse. Zau dzung-deu. Ts'i ziang. T'si pih. T f si ka. Zoo. Ts r mg zoo. Zoo zoo. Zoo ih liyih. ' Veh iau zoo. Ngoo m kong-foo zoo. Zoo 'veh lauh. Zoo la. Zoo la laung 9 . Zoo tuh lauh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 103 Cushion for a seat. To sit on a seat of judgment. A throne. To stand. Stand ; stand still ; is, or was standing. Stand up ; stand it on end. Can not stand ; unable to stand. Can not stand against such odds ; can not bear such losses. Can stand, etc. Stand to one side. To know. Do you know. Do not know. I know. I knew it. I have known it. I had known it. How long have you known it? I have known it a long time. JJL ff Zoo-nyok. Zoo daung. Zoo-we. Lih. Lih la. Lih chi le. Lih 'veh dong. Lih 'veh dzu*. Lih tuh dzu. Lih la pien-deu. Hyau-tuh. Hyau-tuh va ? H : tuh 'veh hyau-tuh ? ' Veh hyau-tuh. Ngoo hyau-tuh. *Ngoo hyau-tuh kuh. Ngoo hyau - tuh la* tse. Ngoo i-bjung * tuh la tse. Nong hyau-tuh'tsz kyi- z tse f Ngoo hyau - tuh - tsz dzang t/oen tse. 104: FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. I have known it but a short time. I have always known it. I know a little about if. I know all about it. I know nothing about it. He knows. Now I know. How did you find it out ? Why do I not know ? You ought to know. What do you know ? Difficult to know. Easy enough to find out. (I) know it. You don't know. I knew he would come to grief. He has not yet known anything about it. To understand ; to com- prehend. mm m $Bi? Ngoo hyau~tuh 'veh too Ngoo ih-hyang hyau- tuh kuh. Hyau-tuh tien ; yeu tien *hyau-tuk. Ngoo t'ok hyau tuh. 9 Ngoo ih-ngan 'veh *hyau- tuh. Yi hyau-tuh la tse. Ngoo hyau-tuh li tse. Nong nang hyau-tuh ? Nona na-nunghyau- tuhl Yeu sa 'veh hyau-tuh ? We sa*'veh/ Nong* iung-ke O hyau- tuk. Nong* Ite-iung Nong hyau-tuh huh sa ? Van-nan hyau-tuh. Yong-yi hyau-tuh. *Hyau-tuh tse. Nong 'veh hyau-tuh. Ngoo hyau-tuh yi iau bang*-dzak van-nan. Yi 'veh-zung h i yau-tuh. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 105 Do you understand ? I understand (or com- prehend). I do not understand. I am unable to under- stand. It is incomprehensible. I do not yet understand. I don't comprehend anything about it. Now I understand. Can you comprehend it? I can not understand it. To look ; to see. I saw. I have seen. I had seen. Look. I did not see. Who saw it ? Have you seen it ? have you ever seen it ? I have seen it ; I have seen it before. I have not yet seen it. I do not see it. flfSHH? ; Tong kuh tse. 'Veli tong; ngoo y veh Ngoo tong 'veh le. Tong 'veh le "huh. Ngoo 'veh-zun$ Ih ngan 'veh tong. Tong*litse. Tong tuh ts'eh va? f Ngoo tong 'veh ts'eh. K'oen*. Ngoo k'oeif-kyien" kuh. "Ngootioerf-kyien* tse. Ngoo i-kyung k'oen - kyien tse. Ngoo 'vek k* oenrkyietf. Sa nyung k* oerf-kyien ? K' oerf-tyien* hyih va ? Ngoo k* oen-kyierf hyih kit/i. *Ngoo 'veh&ung Koen- kyien hyih. Ngoo 'veh V 'oetf *-kyien* \ 106 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. I can not see it. I can or do see it Look at me ; do as I do. I don't wish to see it. Don't look at it. Disagreeable to behold. To look .down upon. Not in accordance with one's fancy. To inspect? to examine. To attend theatres. Pretty:; handsome ; fine, etc. Not pretty, handsome, or fine, etc. How do you regard it ? I do not see distinctly. I can see distinctly. To forget. Did you forget ? or have you forgotten ? I have not forgotten. Do not forget. I will not, or did not forget. 1 forget it ji6 Ngoo k'oen 'veh kyien*. *Ngoo k'oen tuh kyien . K'oen ngoo+ Ngoo 'veh iau k r oen. 'Veh iaii k'oen . Nan k'oen . K'oen 'veh chi, K'oen 'veh tsong . K'oen k'oerf. K'oen hyf. Hau k'oen . 'Veh*hauh'oen*. Nong k t oenchi le * na- ming ? Ngoo k'oeri* 'veh ts'ing- saung. * Ngoo k* oen tuh ts'ing- saung. Maung*-1tyi . Maung kyf va ? *Ngoo 'veh maung-kyi. 'Veh iau maung -kyi*. ' Veh maung-/tyi kuh. Ngoo maung-kyi* tse; maung-kyf-t t eh tse. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 107 A forgetful fellow. By no means forget. Remember. Do you remember ? To look for. To find. Look for it, ro look for it. Have you looked for it ? I have looked for it. Have you found it ? Did you- find it t I have found it. I found it, I can not, or eould not find it. I did not find it. You must find it. I have nob yet found it. Look everywhere, I have looked every- where and can not find it. If you do not find it, you must pay for it. I have looked every- where and can not find it. IE doo. tuh. Kyoeh h/oeh 'veh l Zing. Zing-dzaL Zing zing Keen*. Chi 9 zing. Zing hyih meh ? Zing Jcoo hyih kuk. Zing-dzak meh ? Zing-dzak vof ? Zing-clzaL tse. Zing-dzak ku/i* Zing 'veh dzak. Zing J veh dzak knh. Tsong iau zing-dzak kith. ' Veh-zung zing-dzak. Kauh-ts*u* zing. Kauh-ts*u zing tau+ kz, zing 'veh dzak. Zing ''veh dzak meh, iau* nony* be kuh. Zing le zing ckf, zing 'veh dzak. 108 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To listen ; to hear- I hear. I heard. He did not heaiv Listen ; give attention., Do you hear distinctly (or understaudiugly)? I hear (understandingp iy> Listen to me. Listen. To eavesdrop.. To listen to a discourse. To listen to singing.. Pleasant to listen to. Not pleasant to hear. Don't listen. I don't want to hear. It should not be heard. I will follow your ad- vice. I have never heard it I have heard it before. I have not yet heard of it I have heard it reported. T'ing. "Ngoo t'ing-kyicn. Ngoo t'ing-kyien kuh.- Yi 'veh t'ingJtyien'; yii 'veh t'ing-tuh, T'ing la*. Nong* t'ing - tuk - ts'eh va? Ngoo t' ing-tufts' eh. T'ing "'ngoo. T'ing t'ing k'oen"'; t'ingi ; O 7r O^ la koen. T'ing pih-kyak. T*ing su. T'ing ts'auTig*. *Hau t'ing. } Veh hau t'ing* ' Veh iau* t 'ing. *Ngoo 'vek iau* t'ing. T'ing 'veh tuk kuh. *Ngoo t'ing nong ; ngoo t'ing nong* kuh fung- foo*. *Ngoo 'veh-zung t'ing- kyien* liyih. Ngoo t'ing koo hyih. Ngoo 'veh-zung t'ing- kyien hyih. Ngoo t'ing vung. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 109 Don't listen to rumors. I can't brook that. I do not hear distinctly. I can hear very dis- tinctly* To think ; to consider ; to reflect. Think about it; think awhile. Can not call to mind. Can call to mind. Consider the matter. Think of me; remem- ber me. Did not think of. To think to no purpose. To consider fully ; to think of every point. Can not think of every point. I think ; in my opinion. What do you think of it? To think of ; meditate upon. To have designs upon. No designs, or expecta- tions. ' Veh iau t'ing yau-yien. Ngoo t'ing J veh tsing . Nqoo t'ing 'veh is* ing - saung. Ngoo t'ing tuh 'man ts'ing^saung. Siang. Sia7ig *siang k'oen*. Slang 'veh ts'eh. Slang tuh ts* eh ; siang- dzak. &iang chi le ti'oen . Slang-dzak ngoo. ' Veh *%iang-dzak; siang 'veh dzak. Bak 9 slang t'eh. Slang tai-ka. Slang y veh tau-ka. Ngoo siang. Nong siang^ *na-nung ? Nong "siang-clii le na-nung ? Siang-nyan . Siang-deu. M siang-deu. 110 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To believe. I do not believe it. Do you believe it ? I believe it. I have confidence in him. I have no confidence in him. It is difficult to believe. It is impossible not to believe it. To believe in Buddhist idols. Buddha. To believe in Jesus. To worship, or believe in no God. Faith ; trust. Don't believe it. It won't do to take his word. To delight in. He delights in wine. To strike; to chastise; to fight. He struck me. They are fighting. Able to whip. Not able to whip. Sing ; siang-sing . Ngoo 'veh siang-sing*. Nony* siang sing va*? *Ngoo siang-sing ' kuh. Ngoo siwig-sing* yi. a Ngoo } veh slang-sing* yi. Van-4ian> siang-sing*. r Veh tuh 'veh siai&g-sing Sing* Veh. Sing* Ya-soo; siang- sing Ya-soo. PaJc 'vek siang-sing '; Pak 'veh sing 9 . Sing-t'auh. 9 Veh iau* siang-sing '. ' Veh *hau siang-sing* yL Siang-sing*. Yi siang-sing* *tsieu. *Tang. Yi tang ngoo. Leh-la siang-tang. Tang tuh koo. Tang 'veh koo. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Ill To fight a battle. *rtfc Tang-tsang. To deliver a general charge. 3fc*r Kong-tang. To gain a victory. trM *mHt Tang-j/ung ; tang sung*- tsang . 'To lose a battle. trtt *r& Tang su ; "tang ba; ^T|il / 6fc tang ba-tsang. To shoot game. trE *Tang tiau. To shoot large game. fri! Tang lik. To ML ^T^ "Tang dzak. To miss. traa* Tang 'veh c/zaL To wound. tru Tang saung. To ring, or strike a large belL tru Tang tsong. To thrash wheat. tr| Tang mak. To thrash rice. trfi Tang*dau. To drive piles. trft Tang tsaung* To make inquiries. trad *rn Tang t'ing ; Tang ts'ik. To make a bamboo fence. ire * Tang po. To build a cooking range. ^TffifiS *Tang tsau-cleu. To make (any instru- ment of metal). ^ *Tang. To make a sword, or knife. ^TJ *Tang tau. To draw a plan. tr^^ Tang kau-tsz. To prosecute at law. trK^ Tang kwen-sz. To speak in Mandarin. frw * Tang kwen-wo. 112 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To slap one in the face. *T*F* Tang nyf-kwaung. To dress in a showy manner. *rtfr Tang-par*. Foolish and impudent talking. tin "Tang-bang. To strike -fire. tr^c Tang *hoo. To kill. tr Tang sah. To injure by striking. trsi ^H Tang wa ; tang saung. To rap ; to knock. Sfc K*au. Knock at the door. Ifcl"! K'au mung. To drive a nail. Ufc$r K'au ting. To break in pieces. gjfpjs K'au se. To beat flat. Hfcffi K'au pien. Knock it off. Ujjgj K'au t'eh. To pound. Ifc K'au. To cut (as with a small knife). f*J Koeh. To inflict a wound by cutting. Jft Koeh-saung. Cut it open. i]$J 8f']^5} Koeh-k'e ; koeh-k" e-le. Cut it in two. W'JiR Koeh-doen. Cut it off. W'JflS Koeh-t'eh. To cut (as with sword, heavy knife, or ax). if Tsan. To wound, as with a "&&& sword or ax. w\m Tsan saung. Cut it in two. mm Tsan doen. Cut it off. if^ Tsan t'eh. To split P'ih. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 113 Split it open. Can not split it. To split wood. To split off. To saw. Saw it off. Saw it in two. Saw it open. Too hard to be sawn. To sweep. Sweep the floor. Sweep it up. Sweep clean. To kill ; to decapitate ; to butcher. To execute a man. To butcher a beef. To kill a fowl. To butcher a sheep. A slaughter house. To wage war. To gain a victory. To lose a battle. To write. P'ih tie le; p'ih tfe. P'ih 'veh k'e. P'ih za,. P'ih-t'eh. Zih; ka. Zih-feh; ka-t'eJi. Zih-doen ; ffa-doen. Zihb'ele; ka k'ele. Zili 'vek lauli ; k' a 'veh lank. sau sau Sau. Sau di 'Sau t'eli. Sau knch-lih ; sau Jcoen- zing*. Sah. Sah nyung / sah deu. Szh nyeu. Sah kyi. Sah yang. Sah nyeu dzang. Slang sah. Sah yuny. Sah ba. 3 Si a ; sia z 114 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. Write a letter. Have you written a letter ? I have written. To make a record (in an account book). Can you write ? I can not write. He can write. Write it distinctly* Badly written. To boil. Boil a few eggs- I don't want them, too hard. To grill; to broil. Grilled fowl. Broiled steak. Broil it rare.. Broil it well done.. To bake; to roast; to warm one's self. To wash. Wash your hands. To wash one's feet* To bathe. To wash clothes. m Sia ih fong sing ; sia sing . Sing sia meh ? Sing sia la tse. Sia tsang* ; *zaung tsang*. Z 'we sia va ? -Sia 'veh le. Yi 'we sia ; yi *sia tuh le. Z sia le ts*ing-saung. Z sia tuh 'veh hau. Zah. Zali liang kuh dan . 'Veh ioiu t'u/i ngang*. Hyuin. Ilyuin bji. Hyuin nyeu nyolt. lau hyuin le sang, lau hyuin le zok. Hong. Zing . Zing* seu. Zing tyak. Zing yoL Zing* i-zaung. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 115 "Wash clean. Can not wash it out. To wipe. Wipe or wash the face. Wipe it off. Wipe it. Wipe clean. Wipe the table. Wipe clean the knives, forks, etc. Wipe clean the plates, cups, etc. Can not wipe it off. Wipe it again. Wipe it till it is clean. Have you wiped it ? I have wiped it. You have not wiped it clean. I want you to wipe it cleaner. I want you to wipe every day. To sew ; to stitch. Take a stitch. z-fl- mm Zing koen-zing* Zing 've/i t'eh. K'a. K'a mien*. K'aJ'ek. K'a k'a. K'a koen-zing . K r a de-tsz. Tau ts'o lau sa Ka koen-zing. Bung-tsz pe-tsz lau sa Jc'a koen-ziny . K'a 'veh t'eh; k'a'vek lauh. lia. K*a dzu/i-tau koen- jzlng . K'a liyih meh ? K'a Icf tse; k'a hyih hih. "K'a tali 'vdJi koen-tzhig . laif k'a le koen-zing tien. lau nong nyih+too k'a k*a. Ling. Ling Hi tsung ; ling Liang tsung. 116 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To make clothes. ffi&m Ling i-zaung. To iron ; to burn, or scald. m T'aung . To cut, or engrave. m K'uh. To cut characters. M K'vh z. To engrave. %$ K'uh hwo. To stereotype. %]$. K'uh pan-tsz. To cut a stamp. Mffl^ K'uh iung-tsz. To light a fire. &.'}<. Sang hoo. You have lighted it badly. l> Sieu sung ; sieu sing. To take hold. n Nyah. Take hold of it. ^ts Nyah la. Hold fast. i&fe ^$y Nyah dzu ; nyah hau. Take it in your hand. Nyah la seu li. Can not hold it. t^^itt Nyah 'vek dzu. To have charge of an affair, or a work ; to exercise authority ; $jL^* Nyah seu. also the handle of anything. No means of taking hold of it. m&* M nyah seu. To crush in the hand. &$$ Nyah se. To let go ; to put down ; to discharge a gun ; to liberate. & Faung . Let go. $& Faung seu. Put it down. #T3K $tfc Faung 0) au le ; faung* Let him go. $f* Faung yi cki. To set at liberty. $$& Faung t'ek. Put it on the table. JfctfctH^Jt Faung la de-tsz laung*. To place money at in- terest. # Faung tsa. To sell on credit. $ijig Faung tsang . We do not sell on credit. UB^it* Nyi 'veh faung tsang . 128 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To dismiss a school. To commit an incen- diary. To discharge a cannon. To fire crackers. To bleed. To fly a kite. Quiet your mind ; have no apprehension. I can not suppress my anxiety. Put it in the drawer. Put them down in one place. He has been set at liberty. To hide ; to conceal. Hide it. It is concealed. No place to conceal it. It can not be concealed. Concealed on his person. Don't conceal it. Where have you con- cealed it ? I have not concealed it. To open ; to commence. Open the door. Can not open it. Faung ^auh. Faung /ioo. Faung p'au. Faung p* au -cl z:ing . Faung hyoeh. Faung yau-tsz. Fauny-sing. Ngoo 'veh nung-keu faung-sing. Faung la ts'eu-t'i li. Faung la ih kw f e. Faung t'eh tse. K'aung ; k'aung -long. K f aung-long. K'aung-long la. M k'aung ts'u . K'aung 'vek long. K'aung la sung-pien. 'Veh iau 1taung-long. K'aung la Oi a-le f Ngoo J vekk'azing - long. K*e. K'e mung. K'e 'veh le. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 129 Must not be opened. It may be opened. I can open it. To open a box. Open the way. Not enough to meet expenses. To take anchor and set sail. To commence speaking ; to open the mouth. To enlighten. To open a firm. To open a shop. Not yet opened. It is open. To commence business. To open a canal, etc. To bloom. To scatter; to separate. To fire a cannon. Don't make it public. To commence speaking. To shut; to close. Shut the door, or gate. Shut it well. Shut the window. Shut up. HH -rfc* V*4 HJ Kj 9 F4t &**'. siang-tsz. K'e loo 9 . 'Vehkeu 9 z 9 k'esiau. K'e zen. K'e Weu. K'e dau 9 . K'e 'aung. K'e tien. 'Veh-zung k'e. K'e la* tse. K'ez; k'etsang. K'e l oo. K'e hwo. San-k'e. Kep'au 9 . 'Veh iai? wo 9 k'e. K'e 9 kaung* Kwan. Kwan mung. Kwan 9 hau. Kwan ts'aung. Kwan long ; kwan meh. 130 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. It is shut. Shut him out. Shut him in. To shut up shop. That shop is closed. This door will not shut. A custom house. The custom house in Shanghai. A custom pass, or bar- rier. Customs; duties. To evade the duties ; to smuggle. To concern one. It concerns you. It concerns me. Does not concern. It does not concern me. To be in great straits, or peril. Give attention to for me; also notify. Send me a message ; let me know. The god of war. Kwan la tse ; kwan tse. Kwan ts'eh yi. Kwan meh yi. Kwan tien. Di ban tien kwan t'ek tse. Di sen mung kwan 'veh zaung* Kwan. Sing kwan. Kwan *k'eu. Kwan soe. Fi kwan; t'eu sot . Kwan dzak. Kwan dzak nong*. Kwan dzak ngoo. J Vek kwan. Ngoo 'vek kwan; 'vek kwan *ngoo ; 'veh kwan ngoo sa z. Sing-ming* tyau-kwan. Kwan-ts'ih. K wan - tsau *ngoo ; kwan-ts*ih *ngoo. Kwan-tf; Kwan Lau- ya* FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 131 To put; to place. Place it securely. Place it level. Place even and in order. Can not place it level. Put it above. Put it below. Put it on the table. Put it inside. Put it outside. Put iWn the chest. To decorate; the decora- tions of a room. A ferry boat. To set, or lay the table. To contribute; to tax; also a tax. House tax. Taxes. Impost tax. Quarterly tax. Monthly tax. To borrow, or to lend. To borrow money. Lend it to me. Can not borrow* I will not lend. It is borrowed. Pa. Pa hau. Pa ling. Pa toen-tsung*. 9 Pa 'veh bing. Pa la zaung*-deu. Pa la? "au^ti. 9 Pa la de-tsz laung 9 * 9 Pa la* li-hyang*. 9 Pa la ngadeu. Pa la 9 siang-tsz li* Pa-seh. Pa-doo Q zen. Pa de-tsz. Kyoen. Vaung-kyoen. Kyoen-li. Li-kyoen. Sz -ky? kyoen* Nyoek kyoen. Tsia*. Tsia* nyung-*tsz. Tsia la ngoo. Tsia* 'veh- 'VeJitsia*. Tsia* la JtuL 132 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. It is loaned out. Sub-let. Can you borrow it ? Don't borrow. To conduct ; to guide. Bring him in. Conduct him out. The leader, the head man. The blind leading the blind. A pilot A pilot boat. To nurse; to take charge of a child. A collar. To conduct out of the way. To lead (as an animal). To lead a horse. Lead him in. Lead him out. To lead by the hand (as a child). To lose. I have lost it. How much did you lose? * Tsia ts'eh cM la. Tsen tsia. Hau tsia va ? 'Veh iau tsia. Ling. Ling tsing-le. Ling ts'eh-chi . Ling-deu nyung. Hah-tsz ling hah-tsz. Ling kaung kuh. Ling-kaung-zen. Ling siau-noen. Hi diau ling. Ling ts*o. Chien. Chien mo. Chi en tsing* le. Chien ts'eh chi. Chien seu. Seh-t'eh; lauh-t'eh. Seh-t'eh tse; lauh t'e/i tse. Seh-t'eh fyi-hau ? FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 133 He has lost all his capital. I have lost heavily. He can't afford to lose. To meet; to come in contact with ; to hit. Did you meet him ? Did not meet (or see). I met him. To butt (as a sheep or goat). To receive, or accept. To receive presents. To receive an honor. To suffer. To be imposed upon. To be put to the blush. To decline (a favor). To hand ; to deliver in person. Hand it to me. Can not reach. Hand it to him. I delivered it to him. To read. He can not read. - A scholar; a literary man. tt fit II * *Pung-dien ih zi seh- t'eh tse. Se/i-t* eh-tsz too-hiu. Yi zeh 'veh chi. Bang-dzak; bang-deu. JBang-dzak vet? f Bang* 'veh-dzak. Bang-dzak kuh. Bang ; Dzaung . *Zeu. Zeu li-veh Zeu saung-sz*. Zeu k'oo ; zeu nan . Zeu waung. Zeu m~ts r ui. Veh zeu. Dzeu. to ngoo. Dzeu 'veh dzak. Dzeu la yi. Q Ngoo dzeu la? yi. Dok; dok su; k'oen* su. Dok 'veh le. Dok-su-nyung. 134 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To rot. It is unsound. It is not rotten. Mud. Muddy under foot. Very muddy. To walk. Come here. Walk faster. Unable to walk. I walked. To run. To run a horse-race. To count. Count and see how many (or much). Unable to count. I have already counted. To deposit with another. Deposit with me. To send a letter or message. To shave. To shave the beard. To shave the head. mm m mm Lan. Lan tse. ' Veh Ian? Lan-niji. T)i laung Ian. Lan le si. Tseu* ; pau. Tseu le ; pau le. Tseu le kw r a- kw f a-tien tseu. Tseu 'veh dong ; pau 'vek dong. Ngoo tseu htk; ngoo pau le kuk. Ban. Bau mo. Soo. Soo soo k*oen Soo 'veh ts'eh. Soo koc? hyih tse. Kyi ~Ky? la ngoo. Jyi sing. Ti Ti soo. T? deu. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 135 To sink (in wate?*). It will sink. To drown. To spin. To weave. To spread out ; spread it out. To steal. Secretly. To roll up. To inform against. To institute a suit at law. To inform. To swear. To perspire. To strive. To spill. To swim. To sing. To cry. Don't cry. Unable to cry. To tear. To wear, to put on (as clothes). ffi IfJ Dzung. Iau dzung kuh ; iau dzung *au ctii ku/i. Dzung sah. Faung-so. Tsuh poo.* Tan Ve le. T'eu; t'eu meh-zz* reu-ben-tsz Kyoen-long. Zaung* -Jok. Kau-soo ; kwan-tsau. Vah-tseu. Ts'ek'oen. Yong lik ; yong* sing ; p*ing ming? Tang -fan. Yen sz ; long" sz. Ts'aung? K'oL ' Veh iau* k f ok. K 'ok 'veil ts'eh. 'Ts'a-se. Tsak. 136 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To put on clothes. Tsak i-zaung. To undress. J8t : R l ie T'oeh i-zaung. To wear a hat, cap or bonnet. Ta* mau-tsz. To take off the hat. l^stjig^ Dzu mau-*tsz. To laugh. A Siau\ Laughable. #?t *Hau siau. To excite laughter. 3tH Za siau. To ridicule. $1^ 9 Lang siau . To win (in a race or game). m Yung. To lose, (do.) M Su. To kick. & Tih. He will kick. H$^ Iau t'ih kuL To print. EU lung . A stamp or chop. To stamp. en 8J* lung ; iung-tsz. Tang iung. Stereotype plates, or blocks. 8i# Iung-pan. To print books. To soak through. To leak. 8i m lung su. lung. Leu. To return what has been borrowed. m Wan. .Return it to me. Return it to him. JJJ ** Wan la ngoo; wan ngoo. Wan la yi. To return in full. Wan ts e ing-*saung. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 137 I have returned it. m Wan la tse ; wan tse. Not yet returned. ' Veh-zung wan. To avenge one'self. *!$i $Jjili Wan pau* ; pau* wan. To make good a loss, or expense. mm mm Be wan ; dzaung wan. Not able to return, or make good. m%m Wan 'veh *chi. To hoist a sail. }fH Ts'a bong. To hoist a flag. mm Ts'aji. To lower, or take in a sail. mm Lauh bong. To anchor. mm P*au mau. To take up the anchor. $c$5 Bah mau. To pull out, or up. $c $t$fc Bah; bah-t'eh. To pay back by install- ments. tt* Bah-wan. To draw in, or up by a capstan. & Ben. To tow, or track (as a boat). ttt* Pe chien . To pull in two. -fc&i^fc Wm Pe doen. To pull down. nm Pe Can. To fall down (a* a house } etc.) That house will fall. tarai* Tan. Di zoo vaung-*t$z zau* t*an. To haul (as on a rope). & Too. To push ; or shove. ti Ts'an. Push him out. iltti-4- Ts'an ts'eh ch'f. To step upon. m Dah. 138 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To twist or wring. m Lili. To press down by a weight ; to crush ; to oppress. m K'ah. To squeeze. $ Gali. To beckon. JB Tsau. To seize. 1& 'La. To twist with the fing- ers. m -N,ien. To carry in the arms (as a child). m *Bau. To bow down to ; to worship. To worship idols. n Pa. 9 Pa veh ; pa ziing-dau*. To take to pieces, or down. ft Ts'ak. Take it down, or to pieces. ftm Ts'ak-t'eh. To stop. To wait. | ** Ding; ding la 9 . 'Tung. Wait. f#L Tung la. 9 Wait a while. ^* ^~ Tung ih hyili ; tung ih tung. Tell him to wait. ttyffi^ ^ Kyaii yi *tung ih *tung. I have no time to wait. (iix^c^ M Jfong-foo tung. It will not do to wait. ^jfi Tung 'veh tuh. Wait and see. How long have you waited ? Tung tung k'oen*. Tung-tsz kyi-z tse ? FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 139 I have waited a long time. To put down (a sedan.) To change. I want you to change your manner. To nail. To live. Living. Lively. To die. He, or it, is dead. All men must die. To present (as a pres- ent). To conduct, or accom- pany, one a short dis- tance. To go out and welcome anyone. To stick (in the ground or elsewhere]. To dye. To cast down. To throw away. To meet, to have an interview. To hold a meeting. Did you meet him. Tung-tsz (ha rig- yoen tse. c> Wan-bing ; ding-jau. Wen ; "diau. Ngoo iau nong* wen Ting". Well. Weh la*. Weli- Q dong. Si. Si tse; Q si t'eli tse. Nyung-nyung tsong iau 'si. Song . Song 9 . Nyung-tsih. Ts'ah. Nyien. Gwan 'ait le. Hwah-t'eh. We . Dzni we . We -d tab va ? 140 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. I did not ; no. We" 'veh-dzak. To call ; to tell. &4 &4 Kyau ; Tcaii. Call him. &4#* Kyau yi. Tell him to come. &4#*5i$ Kyau yi le. To scratch. m Tsa, To cut with scissors. m Tsien. To pry (with a lever). ia Ck'au. To plane. n JBau. To bore. iH Tsoen. To cut a mortise. H Zauh. Ashamed. mm T' an-ts* ong '. To varnish ; to paint. %p Ts'ih. To weigh. ffi Ts'ung. To measure. m Liang. To save; to economise. Ht Sang. To save time, or labor. i&X^ Sang kong-foo. To waste ; to use ex- travagantly. % Saung. To waste time, or labor. flr^ Saung hong-foo. To use money extrava- gantly. Saung dong-dien. To seal ; to deify ; to exalt to a high sta- tion. # Fong. Seal it up. $$& Fong meh* To seal up a house. ^n Fong mung. To cut; to carve. $j Ts'ih. Cut a slice of meat. w-m Ts'ih ih kw'e nyok. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 141 Cut a slice of bread. Cut it open. To bear upon. Bear upon it. Press it firmly. To loot. To mix; to get things confused. To take by force. To deceive ; to defraud. A deceiver, a sharper. To gamble. To covet. To envy. Envious. To ascend. Make a record. To ascend a mountain. To go up to the capital. To go to heaven. To land goods. To oil houses or any wood. The place of honor. To put a signature to any instrument of writing. m J: iii YV/// Hi kw f e men-deu. Ts'ih k'e le. Chung. Chung laung. Chung-dzu. ^ Loo ; 'loo meh-z. Ts'iang ; ts'iang meh- P ' ten - kwa ; kwa- p'ien . Kwa-tsz. Too too dong-dien. Ten. Too-ji sing. Zaung. Zaung tsancf. Zaung san. Zaung pok-bjuny. Zaung t'ien. Zaung hoo-suh. Zaung yen. Zaung seu. Zaung nling-deu. 142 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To be deceived, or im- posed upon. To descend. To descend a mountain. Come down. To go into the country. To embark. To ship goods. Below. Underneath. Under the table. To desire ; to expect ; to hope. No hope. He has hope. To tempt. To scrape. Scrape ifc off. To recognize fess. to con- Do you know me? I don't know you. Does he confess it ? He won't confess it. To graft ; to splice. To tie. Tie it fast. To wet ; wet. T Till Zaung taung . "Au. ot Au san. 'Au le. Ot Au hyang. 0r Au zen. Oe Au 7ioo-suh. 0t Au ti-deu. Ti- ot au. 71 Oi ' Ot Ve ti- au. Maung M maung-deu. Yi yeu maung Q -deu. Yung ; Kwah. Kivah-t f eh. Nyung . Nyung -tuh ngoo va 1 Ngoo 'vch nyung -tuh. Yi nyung va ? Yi 'vek lcung nyung . Tsih. Vok. Vok-lau. SaL FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 143 To invite. m Tsing. Invite him in. inffiy&fc Ts t ing yi tsing* le. To invite guests. W$? Ts'ing Vak Please be seated. H^fe "Ts'ing^zoo. I beg to inquire. mm "Ts'ing mung? I solicit your instruc- tions. ^tg-WjT BR^C Ts'ing fyau. To be regretted ; placed in an embarrassing position. Nan-we-dzing. To peck (as a fowl). n Zauh. To lean against. M Ge. To repeat from memory. "W Pe 9 . To repeat books. Pe su. To line ; or score. m WaL To stab. Ts'ok. To quarrel. ft Hi Siang-mo*. To abuse. m Mo*. To curse. Tseu. To wrangle. II Dzcn. To remember. gp Kyi*. raCi y Memory. lE'fr Kyi-sing. Bad memory. fE'l>^#? Kyi-sing y ceh hau. Remember. Efe IEH Ky?-la ; kyf-tuk. To retain ; to detain. JgJ Lieu. I will retain one hun- dred. $t& is Ngoo lieu ik pak. Could not detain ; or retain. ** Lieu 'veh dztf. 144 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To sell on credit. To rely upon. To confide to. You can trust him. It will not do to trust him. He is reliable. Put not your trust in man. To deny; to falsify one's word. To ring a bell. To row; to shake. To pour out. To add to. To pile one on top of another. To pile up. To take from. To take back. To calculate. Calculate and see how much. I can not calculate. An abacus. To sleep. Go to sleep ; go lie down. He is asleep. Unable to sleep. M So. K ( au ; k* au-t* auk. Tauh. 9 K ( au 9 i k'aif-t'auh. T f auh 'vek tuh. T'auk tuh "kuh. T'auh 'veh tuh nyung. La 9 . Yau ling. Yau; yau zen. 'Tau-t'eh. Ka ; ka-tien; Cien; t'ien-tien. Deh; deh laung 9 . Deh 9 chi le. Nau t'eh. Nau tsen le. Soen. Soen-soen k'oen 9 . Soen ''veli le. Soen-ben. Chi* kw'ung*. Kw'ung * cU la 9 . Kw'ung* J veh chi FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 145 To sleep soundly. To sleep late. He has gone to sleep. To nod ; to be drowsy. To exchange ; to barter. To stir ; to agitate. To draw a carriage. To change a dollar into cash. To transfer. Transfer it to my name. To pawn. To hypothecate. To whom is it hypothe- cated ? It is hypothecated to me. To secure. A security. Will you secure ? I am willing to become security. I will not secure. To persuade. To fall sick. To betroth. To smell. 51 Hau kw'ung*. Kw'ung an tsau. Kw'ung" chi tse. K'eh-ts'ong*. Wen ; diau. Ts r au. Too *mo-ts*o. De dong-dien. Wok. Wak la ngoo ming* Of au. Taung ; Taung-t ' eh ; ah; ak-t'e/t. Ah; ah-t'eh. Ah la sa nyung ? Ah la ngoo. Pau. Pau-nyung. Nong *k'ung pau va ? Ngoo k*ung pau kuk. Ngoo 'veh Choen. Sang-bing. P'an-ts'ing. 146 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To divide ; to separate. &m Fung-k'e. To follow. KR Kung. Follow me. SUffc Kung 9 ngoo. According to ; to go towards. m Tsau*. Imitate the sample. ft* Tsau yang*. Follow my example. Jffilfe Tsau c ngoo. To solder. i^ 5 <0en\ To cast ; to found. ^ ft Kyau; tsu. To cast a cannon. Tsu*p*au. To melt ; to dissolve. j$ Yang. To freeze. 2kP Ping-kau. To congeal; to coagu- late. & & Kyih; kyih-*long. To turn (as a wheel). ft Tsen. To float. & 9 Tung. To fail in business. ^H *Tau tsang*. To prop. m Ts'ang. To save. ifc Kyeu*. Save me. $c$c$fe Kyeu-kyeu ngoo* To pray. ^ Jeu; Tau-kau. To repent. iJ$c Hwe-ke. To regret. W0 Au-lau*. To guard against; to be watchful. Baung-be. To care for ; be care- ful. *tt /J^H> Taung - sing ; *Siau- sing. To quarrel (as husband and wife). mm Dau-chi. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 147 To punish. To reduce; to take from. I will cut your wages. To translate. To interpret. To manage ; to have the management. To turn round. To turn over. To consult. To run (as water). To skin ; to peel ; to strip. To feel ; to touch. To guess. Q uess. To examine; to scruti- nize. Examine. Unable to find out by examination. To prove ; to evince. To play (as an instru- ment with the fingers}. To reject. To sport; to frolic; to trifle. To yield ; to give place. iWfi Vak-ban . Ngak. Ngoo iau ngah nong kong-dien. Fan; fan-yuh. Fan-wo ; dzen-wo. Kyung-seu. Zien-tsen le. Fan tsen le. Saung - Hang ; tsung* tsak. Lieu. Pok. Mok. Ts'oeJs'oe. Ts'oe-ts'oe k'oen*. Dzo. Dzo-dzo k'oen . Dzo \eh ts'eh. Te; te-tsung. Dan. T'e; t'e'-t'eh. Beh-siang* ; lono-beh- siang . Nyanf. 148 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To soak ; to immerse ; to baptize. To gain (profit}. To make money. Profit. To lose, etc. To become rich. To heal. To spread; to propagate (as disease or a report). To jump ; to leap. To climb. To crawl. To splash. To boil (as water). To nurse (the sick). To sit or stay with for company. To slander. To lock ; a lock. To bolt.; a bolt or bar. To roll. To string (as cash). To comfort. To injure. To degrade. To burn (as fuel). I Tsiny . Dzan. Dzan-deu. Zeh ; zeh-t* eh ; zeh- pung. Fah-dze. I-hau; k r oen-hau. Fah; fah-Ve. Tiau. Bo. Ban. Zatf ; zan *chi le ; zan-k r e. Kwung. Su-tsang. Be . Wo-liau. Soo. Sak. Kwung. Ts'en. Oen-we". <. Kak; kak-t'eh. Sau. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 149 To gather (as fruit or flowers'). To cancel ; to erase. To reconcile ; to pacify. To pay a balance. To criticise. To answer. To cook. To send forth ; to issue. To issue a proclama- tion. To violate (a regula- tion or law). To drive; to urge; to press. To grind ; to whet. To plaster (as a wall). To file- To pound (in a mortar). To sift. To strain ; to filter. To water (a garden). To separate; to make distinct. To create a disturbance. To hinder ; to frustrate, To separate; to divide. Recommend {for a po- sition). W M PI fs'e. Choen-t'eh. Oo ; ckoen-'oo. Tsau ; tsau-wan. P'i-Ung. We-deu. Sau ; sau van . Ts'ek. Ts'ek kau-z. Van; vanfa/i. Koen. Moo. Fung ; fung-pih. Ts'oo . Song (ts'ung ). Sz (sa). Lift. Kyau. Li; li ts'ing^saung. Tsauh-fan. Tsoo ; tsootaung. Fung-k'e ; fung-pih. Tsien. 150 FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. To encroach upon (an- other's land). Tsien . To take up with both hands. Toeh. To uncover ; to open. To point with the hand. ^9 M ttft Hyih ; kyih-k'e. Tien, tsz-tien. To stultify. To vacillate; to disap- point. fttt Dung-tau. Tak-jau. To deport one's self to ; to treat. $ De. I treated him kindly. To offend ; to transgress. n&m% Ngoo de yi 'man kau. Tuh-dzoe. To hide or secrete one's self. mm Beri*-long. To consult. To consider. To spread, daub, or smear. m Saung-liang . Tang-soen. T'ah. To arrange, to manage. m Ban . To kneel. m Jui. To banish. To forfeit. IS Ts' ong-kyuin. Sek-t'eh. To confiscate. To rebel. To forbid ; to prohibit. To make a prostration (as before an idol). 1" Ts'ong-kong ; zek-kwen. Nyuh. ' Veh-hyui. K'eh-deu. To add to. *R Ka. FIRST LESSONS IN CHINESE. 151 Add a little. To hook. To deceive, to mystify. To deceive, to trick. To sacrifice to. Finished. 7C Ka-tien. Keu. Mi- ok. Long-dzung. Tst. Wen-tse. NON-CIRCULATING BOOK The conditions under which this book was acquired place certain restrictions upon its use. It may not be taken from the Library building, nor may it be reserved in the Reserved Book room, in a seminar room or elsewhere. CD * O v 751654 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY m* ''-??$