d56b M6L5 1796 A: a; 01 01 oi oi :7i 5! 6i 91 rnia 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IRLDLRIC THOMAS P.LANXIIARD LXD()\VMi:xr FUND T 11 E STRANGER C O M E D Y. e R I-: E L Y T P. A X s r. at E D I' r o m KOTZEIUUrS G E R M A N C O M E D Y Oi MISAXTIIKOPY A.Nu KEPl'NTANCK THIRD ED1TJ0\. L N D N : TRINTED rOR C. DILLY IN THE POULTRY . lOLU also by T. tEU-IS, RUSSn.-STREET, COVE.VT-G ARDEN , /^'C J. WRIGHT, PICCADILLY. 1798. (Prict One Shilling and Sixpencr.J ADDRESS TO THE PUB LICK. THEfdloiving Free Trar.jlatlon of Kotzzhue's miich-adimred Coiiiedy cf Misanthropy and Repextaxce, is the fruit of the Icfnre hours ofou^^ ivhofr purfuits are altogether diJlinB frcri the Stage. It zvas yvJ undertaken v;ith the hope of fame or e;Hoiume'>it; but in confequcnce of the pleaf '.re experienced by having Jeen it performed in its Native Language. When fu:if:ed^ it -zv as offered, about a year and a half fince, to the Managers (?/ D R u r y - L a x e T h e a t r e ; zvhoy after having had it in their poffeffion eight or ten days, returned it ; rjjith an anf-jjcr, politely fgnif\ing *' That they did not think it wovdd fuceeed i:i rep- fen - tationd' IViib this anfiver the Tranfator refed fully fatisfed; the more fo, as he thougJot it i::t impcffd>le that Mr. Cumberland's very excellent, and defervedly applauded Play, Tme Wheel of Forttxe, ^^df.t i'C fuppfed, in Jome me.fure, to have adapted one 'p tl"' principal Chara.lcrs to the Englfb S:age, in a >nay}:er ( IV ) manner far more intereftiug than any Tranjlation could hope to do. — I Us furprd'e, therefore^ ■ivas not jlnall ivhen The Stranger ■::'^j announced fcr rcprefcn- taticn and ii-hen he faiv it aulcd^ icith Jcarcely ajix alter. :'ion f/ cm his ovjn ^.'Janufiript ^ except lit thr !:::nies of the (IbaraLterSy and ivith the additioi cf a ■ ong a;!:l j'oine Dancing, cKtirely unconnecled "ivith the fiiijecl, he could net help fadng that he had been unge^ nc'i'oujy ireatCii. Lndcr /v',? (Iveee'riji,.-.' es, he eojfiiiered :t a- a point of juJtuL di:e i.o hinfef tu fulniit his Play to the c.:nd:d jarg:n:ni cf the J^ul'lick, as early aj pf/lhu \ and to end\,':eciir to fecuf-Cy at leaf fnie part cf the Crtiiit, t-j eelub he i^eas eeain ejiwcfe to think hinfef intitlea. It is here print dl from thf (lepy lijhah -I'Si'S jeet t-.ll.\e h\ I imagers ; and oi its ■^nerit tl- impaytiai. /vt.t.'.cr ;'.r left to deeid^\ Ihs indnlgen.-' ie ri yc't! d ^Ir e^^'j Jii[:ht inaecuraiies as, ■;t :s p'}'e;enie '.y /ny/et /.■,::,■ i'ee>i '■'■'J'-y ''emctiea , la '. the':'r ; e e: ,.;.v tiidined.n to ee I \vith that ia}:LU,uy ii-el ryna-'dil, ee'eul .at 'In : eh.a-aeleny tl.e een- da \ 't'e' 'e, ee'ej peyide tei.e d.e i:,)i:fenle^:t^ ej ti. . i\'d l\ :■. Hat :'. I ;.•;•.•/:-;•. L.uld L.ee rehudd ' :s rie.e c.iLLr ( y ) /:? !.-.\' TranJlatGr. — ILul cnotbcr aiid m^r^ pcrfcc: tranjlation of Kotzebue'j- />/.7>' been previoufly />/r ]3i;.\a! i,v. {pcrjirrnul uuJer ilw )iahic ' [ Biir' :■ vStcinfort) Mr. P\[.\:\.\.. BiTJKKMAX, Lord S;;'.:ti):i'-> '^/t'-lVUrd, ( I'ff/onflcil U/hli:!' tr'.'^ .v.'/;;<;t' 0/ Solomon) . . . Mr. A\ r\»'.': z i.n, PKTisr.. Ins Siju^ (lohlcr I he su'/:r )hU!u) Mr. SiKii. J''ixA.\i.-[>, .V(-r:v//7/ /'/ ///^ StniiiL'-r, Mr. ii. P\1-mf:i;. I'oM, (UL old ishin . . . Mr. AiKiN. iro \f K \. '.;. ;:,.''/-i cf Mfr. flrillcr) . \ir-.. >:\)\).^\.- \ <.•'■. >;A\ rfj\, (ptrf'.ri'iiu! K:-,i. ,- ih'' ,'i,.,.U' oj ('oilIitc(> W Ml t: 'f; it) M - CrOdP \ f 1 * V ■- . V:- ■itn:ii:d to \ oi\-j Sr;,irf>^'. M'i S i r vai p THE STRANGER: COME D V . ACT I. SCENE — A Cottage. On one fide a poor hut amonr trees, Peter dif covered chafnig a huttcrjl)\ vehich at lajl he catches. ¥ HAVE it. — Lord ! how beautiful ! Red, blue, yellow — [be places it on bis hat.) Upon my foul I am a clever fellow, whatever my father may fay againfl it. But hold ! I almoH: forgot the errand for which I came here. — Mrs. Smith fent me, and for her I'd go througli fire and v/ater. — Wiiac a lovely face (lie has ! J mull fay I am in love with her, and I am fure, from what I fee, thatlhc has as great a liking for me. — [He takes a pinjc from his p'jiket .) — I'he contents of tliis purfe I am to give to old Tom, v/ho, poor fellow ! is danger- oufly ill. Mrs. Smiui charged me, not to tell it any body. — The fwcet creature may depend upon it, for I an't a babbler. But I nuill fay, Mrs. Smith does very wrou'.', togiveall her pin-money to the poor. — But 1 lliall foon put a ftop to it, when I am married to her. B LntsY Enter Stranger and f rang is. 'The Stranger m el.m eh oly— -looking rather leild u^^n Peter, t^ho gazes, bozving, and Ex/t. Stran. Do you know that fellow ? ErjK. He is the fon of Lord Santon's fleward, cJran. You were telling me yeftcrday about— Fran. About the poor peaiant, Sir. .'^tran. Well? Fran. You did not anfwcr mc. — You appeared full of thought. Stran. If it is in time to-Jay — relate it— « Eran. I have not the power of doing good. All my abilities only extended to comrniferatc, and to tell you, that this poor man is without afllllancc . Stran. How do )-ou know tlidt ? Fran. lie told me fo. Stran. Ah ! Men will always complain andta!.': when in warit ; but liow haughty, proud, and felf- fufTicicnt are they when in ailluence ! Eran. But that i.- not the cafe witli this poor man. St}\w. Why not ? I')an. Mv h.caiL feels the anfu cr it could make, hut my tongue cannut l^ieak its leclings. Stran. i'ool ! iran. A feeling iool i.> better than a cold wife man, .V/;v:v. Deprive luiii of feeling, ;ind he v, ill fiiU be I he lame. i'ra.n. A ni.r-.mi vou d': not a^ t u}> to. — You arc :i generous bcncr;K;Lc;r, Wee. mileed tccl lorotlurs. — A thuuiar.d uniCo iKU'e I !;een a v. itJieJ'^ of our i"\ iDiMlh ^ A C O M E D Y. 3 fympathy for the miferiesofyour fellow-creatures. Stran. How this man plagues me ! Flattery, flattery, how often doft thou alFail our cars ! Man does but deceive : he weeps before our faces, and laughs when he is behind us. Fran. There are exceptions. — This peafant— Stran. Has he related to you his misfortune? Fran. He has. Stra)!. A man really unhappy fcld-om complains. Fran. Oh, Sir ! what comfort does the mind feel, when opprefTcd with grief if it can biit unbur- thcn itfclf in the bofom of a friend. Stran. Wretched niaxim ! Is it not enough then, that be is unhappy, but he mufi: endeavour to render others the fame by complaint ?— Have you feen him often? Fran. But once. Stran. {JVitb an ironical fui He.) And you have already gained his confidence — ha ! ha ! Fran. They have taken his only fon from him. Stran. I am forry for it. Fran. The poor man is lick and forfaken by alL Stran. I can't help it. Fran. Well; Til fay no more. \_Exii. Stranger into the hut. Fran. Ah ! there hegoes, and tho' he peevilhly faid — *' I can't help it ;" I'll lay my life, that he will give him abundantly. But, it is his whim. Tlis humanity and goodncfs are unbounded, and the fecrecy with which he performs his benevolent actions doubly enhances the value of them. He is an excellent maftcr, but his language is uncouth,. » 2 Short .^ THE STRANGER: Short qucllions — replies as fliort, and difficult to undcrftand. He infults every body — bis looks appear inexorable to the poor, uhilc his hands deal largely to them. If niiianthropy has got hold of him, the inHuence lias hitherto only af- fected the head — the heart is Hill untouched. Enter Peter /i-Z/su'//;^- the Straxccr. Peter. {IP'ilh 7}ia)i\ hz^-s.) Walk in. Sir j \valk in. S trail. [Angry.) fool ! rran. What returned fo quick ? Stran. What fl-ioiild I do there ? Fran. Did you not find every thing as I men- tioned ? ^tran. I found this ftupid fellow — Fran. What did he there ? Stran. The old man and he connive together How wo'i'ci they have laughed in their flcevCj, "had I been the dupe of their intrigueS; and tl:c dictates of my heart. Fran. How! is it pofli'dc ? What cou'd thi^ rhap have to do with the old man. {/IJide.) I'll find out the whole. Pra}-, Sir, What wui your bufmefs in that hu: ? Peter. What have 1 been doing there.'' Why — • nothing at all. Fran. Nothing at all ? ha ! I may venture to fliy, you have not been ilure for ntuhiug. Peter. Pornotliing ? Wh}- it is true indccvl, that I have been there lor noihing. 1 Ic is a v. retch wlio t:ikes nu.-ney ior every tb.ing. — Indeed I u()u\l i^o thro' lire and waiei- (or uncrnjule fir^ilc of Mr^. Smith — that 1 wou'd ! 7 A C O M E D Y. 5 Tr-vi. The fa^l then h — you were a nitfTenge from Mrs. Smith. Pc-tcr. That's it ; but you know, one docs not like to fpeakof it. BeliJes Mrs. Smith faid," Ijc fo kind, favs flic, as to flcp to old Tofn, but you mull keep it a fecrct." Ihis confidence of her's pleafed me mightily, for above all I am over head and ears in love with her. However, Ihe don't know it, and I don't mean to let any body into the fecret. }-ra)2. That's the thing — therefore you muff be filent. Peter. To beyfare — that I will. I told poor Tom, he muft not think at all, that the money which I brought him came from Mrs. Smith — . Kot at all, fays 1, I won't have any thing to do with babbling. Frdn. Excellent — ha ! ha ! indeed, well faid. Did you bring him much money ? Pjtcr. I did not count it. It uas in a grcca purfe. I think it may have been a fortnight's pin-money. Frau. Why juft a fortniglu's ? Pttcr. Why — becaufe a fortnight ago I carried fome to him alfo. I think it was on a Sunday. — I took notice, Mrs. Smith feemed to be very partial to my drefs. l',\iu. And did all that money come froni Mrs. Smith? Pder. To be fure — from whom clfe iliould it come? My father is not fuch a fool — he tcls me every day "Charity (fays he) begins a: hoine;" and more particularly in fummer charri^ i.. o:" no ufe 6 T in^ S r R A N G E R :■ ufc, ^* bccaufc heaven (fays he) fiirnilhcs fuch an abundance of rooLs and herbs, with whicli poor people eafily may be falisficd." ]''ra>:. Upon my foul ! an excellent father. /V/dT. But Mrs. Snuth laughs in his ficc, and tells him he is in tiie wrong. Lafl Chriflnias the children of the village had the fmall-pox — Mrs. Smith received from town a bafket of phylic. and dcfired mc to go dowii in the village and give it them. But I rcfufed it without hclitation.- becaufe it rained fo hard. frnji. Well, and what did (lie ? rr/er. As true as I am here, llie took the baf kct and wenthcrfelf inthc mod Ihockiuij: weather^ Fran. A wonderful woman ! F/jlcr. Mofl truly fo, and indeed fomctimes be- yond wonderful. She often w eeps the whole day — no ox\Q knows the reafon. 1 am aj-)t to think fhe does not know it hcrfelf ,- and when ihe cries, I lit down in the kitchen and cry mvfelf too, without knowing why. i'ran. [.'■{fide to the Stranger;) Arc you fatisficd^ Sir? Stran. Send him awa'.'. Tran. (>ood bye, maflcr I'ctcr, Pc'.cr. {Net linJojhiihiu:^ the hint .) Sir, yu'i are vcrv polite. //•.:;. I dare fay Mrs. Smith \s\\\ be anxious to hear of cjld Tom. Piter. Blcfs my foul and bod; ! you are very light: IIl:oukl liave forgctt. [To //'t StrangaT ;} Cjodb\e, Sii-, [.Ifulc t<, brancis.) This Gentleman, •J. 1 Jar'_ A C O M E D Y. 7 I dare fay, is very angry, bccaufc I did not tell liim any thing. Fran, ^'cry likely ! Pdtr. lie llian't hear any thing. I hate chat- tering you know ! \Exiu Friin. (///7^r J _p <:////?.) Well, Sir: did you not miftakc ? Strau. I will not hear any thing more of it. Mrs. Smith? Who is this Mrs. Smith? Why is flie always to be heard of wherever I go ? Fran. Docs it not afford you plcafure? Stran. Why fo ? Fra?i, Bccaufc you fee, there is another benc^ volent foul in the world bclidcs your own. Stran. Poh ! Fran. You fhou'd endeavour to get acquainted Mith her. Siran. {^Ironically ;) To be fure ; ay, and mar- ry her. Fran. I wifli it were (o. I have feen her feverai times in the garden, flie is a very likely \voman> Stran. So much the worfc. Beauty is like the rofe, interfperfcd with thorns. Fran. Not always fo. Mrs. Smith has an excel- lent heart : there arc ocular demonftrations of it. Stran. Not a word of her charity. A woman fliines in town by beauty and wit, and in the country by benevolence. Affecftation ! a mere mafs of deception ! Fran. I'll defend Mrs. Smith, for I am certain that flic is an exception : llie has done a great deal for that old man; (he can't do more, bccaufc her mean'; 8 T HE S T R A N G E R ; means arc not adequate to the kind intentions of her heart. S^rafi. {An[^ry.) Silence! Be gone! I'll give him nothing : the intercll you take in this old man's cafe would tain make me believe, that you "svere to fhare together the money I give him. I'riV:. {Much iV^iL;l<'d.) Oh Sir ! This farcafm did not fpring from your heart. — I — I — SlrcV!. {^Touchrd — after a -paufe takes his hand d) Prancis — forgive mc ! I'ran [Prejjing his hand.) Good Sir! fate miUll have hiindled you r.iighly indeed, before it could cflablilh fuch mifanthropy in a foul poireflcd of every nobler virtue. Stya>i. [AJidc.) Ah! {Takes a hook cut cf his pocket, Ji is dczvn, reatis.) Fran. {/IJid.^.) I'hcrc ! he is reading; and thu3 it is every day. For hi^n nature is tiivclled of every beauty — liic lias no charms. lie never Iaugh..s ; and if he fpe;\ks, fom.c fufpicion hangs on his Ijps^ inilead of blelTings on Ivis fcilow-cieatures. Efiler, cat of ti:: l:<'^ 7"o\rj a -e:y old n^aK. Ton. (A^/ cbhrvv:r a-v: Fd\.) 1 low f.\(cr d^e- the air feem aUer a li 'kiicls oi iLV.n v/'_( ivS — 'Altci' fufferinp- want and \>,\\:\. how cliarnsm;; o.nce n^.orc to view the goodJy iin^.Tpc... oTtivj cxpand.cd iky; • — wi:h returning heulii; nil ni\' forro*' s arc: l.ulh- cd to quiet. O.i, incj>::i\d r.iLiu.!- ' 'wouivl ah the creatures of thy creation v. e am now. ;;a;'Pv [ /■ , A C O M E D Y. Q Fran. {To f be Smngcr, u>ho- is atten&je ic ihg zLl man.) But little comfort fecnis deflincc] for this old man; yet he h thankful for that little. Strau. Becaufc deceitful hope lulls him even jn his fecond childhood. Fran. I lope ii the balfam of life, ^Iraru The grcatelt impollor on earth. [The '. 'd HiciK cipprcciches Francis.) Fran, Wcl!, old father ! you have efcaped the jaws of death. Toju. Yes, for a little time, heaven and the dear, good Mrs. Smith, have laved me. But it cannot lafl: long. — Oh, cou'd I but find v/ords toexprefs my feelings. Fran. You fliould quarrel Vvith Fate, old man, for having recalled you again to life. What can a poor old man feel of plcafurc? — To the unfor- tunate, Death is a friendly vifitor. T'ovu Am I unhappy? — Does not the beautiful morning which fmilesonyou, do the fame on me? Is not health returned to my wither'd limbs.'' Be- lieve me. Sir, a man recovered from lickncfs is the happicfl on earth; and, befidcs, while I have a valuable trcafure in this world 1 muft be hap- py. Only one forrow I ha^e. My poor fon, a Teaman in one of our coafling traders ; he always came home every four weeks ; — he brought me- fupport and joy. But alas 1 it is now a year ago lince the cruel prefs-gang carried him away. — May gracious heaven protcd him ! — Oh, how I 7nifs his afliitancc ! C i>nan. lo THE STRANGER: Stran. {Rift'S much moved y ghes Francis the hook.) Francis, carry that to my room. - [_Exit Francis. Stran. Fate has robb'd you of all your comforts; here, good man, here is money — buy the difcharge of your fon. \_E\it hnfiily, Tom. (Foliozving him furprifed.^ Oh, oh, good heavens! So much at once! Thoufand thanks ! Oh, Sir, Sir, let me thank — \_^Exit. SCENE— ^ Room. Enter Mrs. Smith, vjitb a letter in her hand. How is my heart grieved ! Solitude had chariTiS innumerable for me, it poured balm on my afflict- ed mind. Some balm, bccaufc tho' Confciencc! Confcience! thou aiTiailcft us in the gay circle of the ball-room, as well as in the dreary waftc ; yet, in retirement, ^hcn thy reproofs attack us, tears, friendly tears, foften the diffrefs we feel ; and no one is prefcnt to fay — why doff thou weep .'' I may rove thro' gardens, hills, and vallics, and none can fee that confciencc diflurbs me ' In- deed ! I am foiry beyond exprcfTion that they are coming. Tlie\- \\\\\ drag me into consnany. I muff there laugh, and accommodate mylcll to their fancy. Balls and alFembli'^s will croud u{)on US; card-parties and routs will turn order into confufion. Flitherto my llumbers have been dif- turbtd only by the reniorfe of confcicnc< ; now, when gr'ff Hiall have forced m.y wearied eves to A C O M E D Y. 11 flccp, huntfmenand dogs will icrenadc mc in the morning. And if, when company comes to the caflle, there fliould by chance one come who knows mc — Ah ! how wretched is that being who is forced to avoid the meeting of friends, on whom, but for one thing, her heart would fondly fcad. Enfer Veter. Peter. Well, here I am returned. Mrs. Smith. I am glad of it. Peter. I was fo quick, Mrs. Smith ; and yet I talked for half an hour with the fervant of the Grange gentleman. Mrs. Sm. You may talk j but don't tell any thing rcfpetfling me. Peter. God forbid ! no, indeed not I ; I told old Tom **upon my foul and body," fays I, ** you may depend upon it, from my lips you never fhall hear, that the money comes from Mrs. Smith." Mrs. Sm. How ftupid ! But how is old Tom? Peter. Very well, ma'am; he was juft walking out for the firft time. Mrs. Sm. (Ajhie.) Heaven be thanked. Stay I. Am I not childilh? Do I not feel the fame pleafure in doing a good adion, which a debtor feels, who owes ten thoufand pounds, and returns one guinea ! Peter. He faid, everything, his health, and life, and happincfs, he owed to your goodnefs. He is coming here to bring his own thanks. Mrs. Sm. Dear Matter Peter, do mc one favour; and take care if Tom comes, don't let him come C 2 up i .. ril E S T R A -V G E R . :j[) llairs ; tel! him I have no time; I am indii- jiof'/d ; or I am gone our. Pc/rr. Vtry well ; and if he inf'.llson doming up itairs, (liali I it,f: our great dog upon him ? .\[rs. S?i!. God f;nbid any harm ii:0uld bci^ill him ! Pi'i'rr. Jiiil as you plcrT" ; orhctv.-ifc I carA j-fr;re ^■ouJ ^Irs. Smirh, our Mciculc;i \:> a terribly d(;g ; h'j'd Lc.i-r him to pieces m a ir inure. /////. (jood monvrr.g ; good morning:, mv .■hiirming, my dear Mrs. SmrJi ! I am rcioiccd in ieeing you v.cll : you feem to liavc got a herrer:. ibme nc'vs — froi:« the French perhaps } \ es, yes^ I had letters too, yeilcrday : there s.rc fome grca'. things upon the- carpet iii the political world. A:, • V. cV >,','. \oulhou"dj by rights, know ever'. /!:fL Solouyght — So I do. — I kr,o\v that, hc- '^rcfC', at le.-iil in the PAofl capital towjis in Europe. I have my certcnn correhpondents. y\ fcr. In i^iris, he lormerl v had an o]^\ acquaint - aP.ce, a cob!^':- , a:id in 1 lolhmd, anctlier town in. >''iancc, he iiad an Aunt. • /;///.(/;/,.('.? r;;v;;..:^',/y/-^':;rc.) I h;y, Peter— Mrs. },':>/. Ai)'.] vet 1 d.oubt, whether vou kno\T vvhi.it y^][l iiap.; ii C)-<.!a}-, in this h.eu.fe. ^',/^ In this h-)ule? — i'',:xtraordinarv ! — I no. k;r^\\■'■-^I ;v-t k:';^v.? — I l^.now nolhing at ail; eX'- g; rhs' .'-e il^di kill a hog to-dac. — /'' '■'■ '\ I , and a nit e tre.U 1 lludl k.ave. Th;: brown lb,)n;-l.()rlc, -nA — A C O M K D Y. I Bitt. Silence, Afs ! Peter. Again, indeed ! — I may not fpcak one fi ngl c word . [ -'''-v;/ p-uml'liKg. Mrs. Sm. Lord Santon will be here to-day. Bit!. Who ? What ? Lord Santon ? My lord and mafter ? Mrs. Sin. With my laJy and family. — So fays this letter. /)///. Now, don't joke. Mrs. Sm. You know, Mr. BiLterman, I feldom am in a humour to do fo. But. Peter ! good heaven ! Peter ! Mis lord- fliip, my Lord Santon — Dear mc ! Dear me ! And here is nothing in order. — Peter ! Peter ! Rc-cHtrr Pinter. Pttcr. What's the matter now, fiithcr? Bin. Immediately call a!i the fervants together: — hurrv to get the things j-eady — dufi: the win- d.^y^''^ and the pier ivln^is ; her ladyfnip will wane them fooner than me — get my Sunday wig — make as much hafte as you can. (£.v/V Peter flozvly.) What a delightful pleafure, to be favour- ed with his lordfhip's vifit ! — But unfortunately th.^^cis not room enough for the v, hole family. — The green room is full of potatoes. Mrs. S'H. They will confine thcmfei^'cs. — His lordfiiip is no lover of ceremony. Bitt. { Ji-Sth great b^mbtjj}.) Dear, charming Mrs. Sm.ith ! but v.hcrc lliall I put her ladyfliip's brother, Major Branley ? I am fure he is coming V. irh tJH'm.— Ah ! now I recoiled fomcthing, and that ,^ T ir E S T R A y G E R : that will fuit Mr. Branley excellently well. You know the little cottage at the end of the park. That he may occupy. A'[rs. Sifj. You forget, Mr. Bittcrman^ there lives the ftrange gentleman. Bift. Poh, what Stranger ! Who has defircd him to come here? He niuft remove. Draw in another county. Nobody knows where he comes; from. Perhaps he's a fpy — nobody knows any thing of him. Mrs. Sm. True, Mr. Bittcrman ; but don't do any harn> to this gentleman. — I have never fcen him, but at a great diltancc ; ib that I cou'd not diftinguifli him ; but to judge from what 1 hear of him, he mull be a very benevolent man : he lives quietly and peacefully. Bill. So he does. Mrs. Sm. He offends nobody. Bill. I can't fay he docs ; but I will know who he is. He is fuch an oddity, that he will not fland itill one moment to give an anfwer to a polite quellion. But if it happens that I meet him, all 1 can get from him is, " good day ! good walk !" Mrs. Sin. You forget his lordHiip. B:!t. I\gad, fo 1 do. You fee, Mrs. Smith, what plague and trouble one has with thefc inyftcrious unknown kind of people. Airs. S?>i. 1 lliall prepare myfelf, Mr, Bittcr- man , do you the fame. [_Kxif. Bitt. That I will. — She did not undcrfland my h.nt about myHcrious and unknown pcrfons ; be- caule A C O M E D Y. ly caufc Mrs. Smith is fomcthing of the unknown kind too ; and I can't learn who flic is, or how fhe came here — Mrs. Smith is her name; bur, lord ! what fignifies knowing only that, when there arc fo many Mrs. Smiths in the world }[_Exit. ACT II. SCENE — The fame Room. BiTTERMAN a?:d Peter hold the Door ivide cpen^ icilb many aukzvard Ccmplimcnts. ^ Enter Major Bran ley. Bitt. Heavens ! Am I fo highly honoured as to behold the noble brother-in-law of the mod noble and worthy Lord Santon, my good and ex- cellent mailer ? Peter. And I too. Maj. Blcfs my foul, what compliments. (4/^J'^.) I am fure they are a fct of ftupid fellows. But I hope this is not a pattern of the whole communi- ty. [To Bitterman ;} I am a foldier. Sir ; — I make but few compliments, and wifli people would do the fame with me. Bitt. Pray, pray, Sir, do not mention it — Not- withftanding we are in the country^ we know fomething of good manners too. Peter. Something too ! Maj. My brother has quitted the fervice : he intends to pafs the remainder of his life in eafc and x6 THE STR A SG E R : and tranqnilliry with his f-imiiy. He'll mnkf^this his 1 ^." jciitx. Biit. Ob. what: ?. liappincls ! '^'ov/ p3or Bittcr- nian ; now rhou fnalt; l)Cjj,iit to live. Prtcr. And fo iliall ?ctcr ! Bitt. Is ihcrc any good nc.Vb in lov-ii, niofT. worthy Sir ? A'liij. Non?, Sir! TircOunc co:)::!):i;-;y — Ah! iind I bi:r 'AvAd ■j.l the mi^ I J.ouiu \\-:.\ z avoiJvJ their ftLipiJity. /.//;./. .) Bill. J am very (^jrrv--— indec'i i am, i\\M 1 am not: able to niahc your tiir.c p.ils niorc agreeably. Prur. A'mI Co am I too. /j;V/. I dun't kno'.v ulicrc Mi>, Sn^t'i flays — [he i:, a v/onian wich the uiod ciiLcrramiiU; toncrnc. MaJ. Mrs. Sniith ! Who is !h.: ? 7j;V/. Ay, dear ine ! hcni — lien) ! 1 chtri't knnu any more of her tium that ilic is — .Mr.-. Siiiith. PcUr. Nor 1 neither. Bit!. None or my corrcfpon.dents have ever mentioned any thing about her. She lives lierc in the capacity of a houfekecpcr; I think I hear her filvcr tongue — I'll fend for her JinnicdiaLe;;, . iV/."'. Don't trouble yourfelf — \\\ ratlicr y<> there niyfelL BiU. Trouble, Sir! I am alu;\v.s }0ur \'cvv obedient and moll' devoted fcrNaiu. [/■Jav//;;/ B(TJ-E!in>:v '',::•<. /,/,'/. Now I (iare Javtlu", 'il fend mc an old v;on;.'.;;, w!i(-»fc tonyyic will prate withour <.caluiy;- Oh, good Taticnce ! ACQ M i: D V. 17 hnicrMrs. S.NfiTH, l^ozcino zvi:b an ii^yec.dKc air: the Major cin/'ii-crs I be ijiJipH^uenl. Bran, By heaven ! Ihe is not old — And in i2,ood truth llic i.s far from being ugly. (.///.,'>.} Airs. Sni. It gives me [ileafure to be in company with the brother of mv benefactor. l)f\!}i. Madam, I am happv in embracing cvcrv introduction that leads to the friendlhip of Mrs, Smith. Mrs. S)>i. I fuppofe wc arc indebted to the fine M cather for the unexpected favour of ) our's and his lordiliip's vifit. Bra;!. Not quite (o, Madam. You kyow I.nrci Santon is indilicrent to the veathcr — Ilail, rain, or lunlliine, fummcr or v. inter arc equal to Iiim ; \i he fuids in his houfe an everlafling fuirimer ; — a good wife, fmcere and ha[)[)y friends, and a well- covered table. /.//.-■. 'Sm. My Lord i'i an amiable epicure ; ever the fame, always enjoying every minute of life, wiihout polfeiiing tluit alfecied fometliing; in liis cl'iaracter, which is ^oookcnilic natural appendage of high. rank, fie is witiiout {/ride ; he rcg.irdis not the fuir tliat glitter.; on the ouifide or' t!ie breall, if the bri-hter oniarp.ent e.l \ irLuc \^ ul/L Within. Bran. He feck thcf' icnrfr., a.n"! I fuDpofJ'e \\ ill eniov rhcm iicrc. I fr:ii or.'y lei: lu iho'.if.l not b/ able to annilc hiiiiicirin this • 0!iL.:i:iaI k.'i- tud-', to whicii V e are unaccidTomcd m J.oriwOn, .'/;■. S:. 1 thin:-:, \\hoc\"cr tarings ai. mnccLni hear: v, \z\\ him, in hi ■ re ':\fiK"v-j-- f ;rc ic, V.:'\:r.[cr, 1) every ■iH r H E S r R J X G E R ;• every plcafurc that the rural fccncry of Nature can produce. BriVi. This is the firH: time I have ever heard folitudc praifcd by the fair fcx. Mas folirudc already a long time been favoured with fo amiable a defender ? Mrs. Sai. I have been here thcfe thirce years. A';y?.'/. And has not a tho'j':':hr.nor a wilh intruded to fee .London— the faftiionable world — al]cnibiic< — ])lays, or other aniufcmcn.ts ^ Airs. Sni. Never. JJyan. Thr^ is the })roof of either a very thought- iefs, or a very rcimcd, foul. A nnglc g'ance has fulhciently convinced ine to which of the two clallcs \ ou belong, Mrs. Siji. (^ll''ith d f/::b.) I'here is perhaps a third cUU \ f [i:.ic.) r.ntt'r Vyti'a, ::■< lK:ih. /':■';'/-. 1 Ic tlian'tconidn — Llcarme; Mr^ Srniih i^ not at home — 1 eamiot pic\enl liis doming. Mr J. Sn. Who ? P'^lry, Old. Tor.i Look, Ma'am, had '-o.; per- miitciJ ;ri<- to Ut. loolc our j^r.ai dog, Iv would not ha', c com?., u]:) I'a;)--. ' /J\;;. /■'■/, r \\)M. T'rr:. I mLdl-— I liiiiit \I--^. S},:. ( \A.'. ;'' i ■':■■!.••-■, !'r \'.] I hav^ no time i;o\^, ('en; goo.i o\\\ man. \;.'i! ie. J am nc;. alone. To ■.. I am l:ire i!ii-: gcn'Icman will ^-v, v.'.c it ; — pc.'h. ijv; tn-i!',, ;.•;-(, \\ I ih.:';! HQ longer Iv able to 'beak in', i Iia'ilv-. /;;■./;;. V\l,a;. are }0',ji ,'• '.k'le.s, old mav ^ A C O M E D V. ,y Tom. Only to thank that Lady, Sir. Benefits received are burthens, if we arc deprived otthc means of acknow ledging them. Brdu. Perniit him, Madam, to give vent to his heart. And wliy lliould iiut I be Avitnefs of a fcene, which flicu s, more than words, how noblv you r}:)cnd your time in folitude. Speak, old man, (peak. Toi'i. Oh, Madam ! that every word of mine could fliower down blelTings on your head. I was abandoned in my hut ; — llrctched on the bed of ficknefs; — burning fever deprived me of my fenfcs ; — the wind and rain pierced thro' my milerable dwelling ; — without covering and with- out food. In this melancholy lituation, Sir, the angel you here behold, flept in to my relief; — ad- miniftered medicine to me; gave me cloaths and money ; and fpoke wonls of iweet comfort to my afHicred mind. I am icflored to health, and after thanking heaven, I am come here to pour out the eifuiions of gratitude. Mrs. Sm. Enough, good old man, — enough. Tom. And the llrange melancholy Cientleman, who lives at the corner of the park ; he gave me a purfe with thirty guineas ! I can now redeem my fon. Ah, Madam! I am happ\-, too happy ; aiid when you pais by my hut, and fee me with my child, what mull }ou feel, when you can fay: " I'ehold ! this is my work." 1 have done ! I have done 1 \_Exil. {d /Jjorl filrncf.) Bra)!, What a woman ! My heart feels, for the o 2 lirll zo THE .^ T R.-! XCr E R : firil: time emotions Iiitlicrto unknown to mc. f am rurpriffd ! {yl/idr.) Mrs. Sni. I think, M.i-or, my Lord's horfes arc not fo fwitt as )ours. Brcin. I am to thank his abfcncCj Madam, for a plcafurc greater thaii any ^\■hic]l 1 c\cr experi- enced. Mrs. Sin. This, Sir, is a fa tire on mankind. To men of your rank, fuch Icencs fliould not be fcarce. B;\VL Indeed, Madani, I did not expect to have made fuch a charming acquaintance to-ciav.- — ■ When Mr. l-)itterman told me your name ; who could fuppofc, that with fo iimplea name, J'lich a fuperior foul was united, i^xcufe ni)- i. Ujiolity ; have you been, or arc you married } Afrs. S-'Ji. ( Soyi-ozvfuHx :,} 1 liave been married. Brjn. You area widiow tiien ? j\fys. S>/:. Prav, Sir ! tliere ;irc firings in our life, which wlien toucliki {produce a painfiil mclod,'. — 1 bciie\'!.', (''/yjv -•/!-,' //7.7v,; i mull begin ),"kc Mr. jlitteiman, who i.-, a \erv great poi;:!- cian, to aik lor lomc nc ws. lU-.i'!. I l^.ad lather know liow, iXkivlam, tn ir,_ terefl \our tlcling.^, — Perli.ip, ;, ou weie noi Ijom \\\ town ? Mr5. Shi. No, yaci)!^; .l/rj. Smith, j ! Icrc .\!rs. Smitli, here 1 bring you another invalid, who will join voiir (landard for ever. .Mrs. S),,. Welcome my L.ord ! my Lady, you vill then join the llandard of foliiudc. l.ord S. Av '. loiitudc feldom is wiierc I am. J^^dy S. Flave }'ou been prepared for our villi, dear Mrs. Smith ? Mrs. A';/;. Wc have not ; but my thoughts were never from my dear benefactor. (Lord S. /ff.iks zid/b Bitterman. — Tbe Child ^c:':.''^ io Mrs. Sinith, -zib'j jloops and carefj'es it ! I'jbilc' t}ieljnibol\ appears paint fd on bcr counlc- na-uc. ) Mrs. Sni. Oh, the fueet child. Jh-eia. [.ijiiic to I.adx S.) Pray lifter, what diamond \^ this, w hich lliincs fo brilliantly in this part of the world r Lady S. Arc ye caught ? — I [a ! ha ! lira)-. Xav, pri'thee anfuer. Lady .y. I ler name is Mrs. Smith. L'raii. I know that: but — Ladx S. More I don't knew mvfelf. Il)-a}i. liC ierious, filler, be ferious. Lady S, I r.mnot now. Come, William, we w ill go to drcfs. The Journey h.as made me fuch a figure that I am not ht to be feen. [l:Mt-itbl^.r Cdu/d. Bar:. (/Ijidr.) I am in a womierful agitation; 1 mult tz r HE ^ T R A N G E R: I muH: take a turn in the op.r.i .ur to recover my- felf. f£.v//. Lord S. {Sitting dozi";.) V/cli, Iiitrcrman ; you are the fame comical tcllow as ever. Bitt. And always your lorcilliip's moll obedient himible fcrvant. Frtrr. Mo!e bridge I built upon the river, that will plcafe ) our Lord- fliip, I'm fure. Lord S. Let's go and fee ir. Mrs. Smirh, I fliall take the liberty of retiring for a fiiort time, 1 am fo ftiff with ruling, that i: v. ill do mc good to take a little \\alk. [I'.xr.-i'.'l J..')rd^>. BiTT. a}id Petep. Mrs. Sm. {Aftrr a /c;r' /:/.v/r. ,) What i^ it that fhook my frame lo much r mv Iicart blcetis : mv tears afford me no relict. Mcthon'rlu 1 had alrcatlv got the better oi grief: I aifiinied the a[ipearince of that gaictv which once formed p;irt of mv charms, but tliC nght of the t-hiid has awakened ail my painful fenfations ; and his name is \\'illi;im - - Oh ! th.e vcr\' fouiid was a dagg( r to my Iv art : I onre liad a William too ; if he li\(s (■:■»/."'-) he mufl be f)f the fame age : Cod kno.vs \\ iktc Wil- liam iriv Ion, and J'anne my (iaughier aie: {I'jriit'v ay/cU/'d.) Who knows but the, ^re nr)w i" ,il!in;( A C O M E D Y. 23 down vengeance on their mother ! {zvalki>:^ about. ^ Why, puinful Fancy, why doft thou torment me? Why paint to my imLigination the hclplcfs cries of my unfortunarc chii'Jrcn ? In fickncTs, in trou- ble they are left to the mercy of rude hirelings, abandon'd by their mother ! Ah ! what a w retch ; what a miferablc mother am I I And that I Ihou'd fee thi:5 chiM jull now — juil to-day — when, more than ever, I Hand in need of a veil to conceal the gloom which hangs on my brow ! £'///(.'/■ Peter running end cvjing^ out cf breath. Peter. Oh dcr.r, dear ! Lord ! heaven ! i^lrs. Sin. What's nvj matter ? — Peter. Oh dear, dear ! !;is Lordfnip's fallen into the river ! Mrs. Sn>. Good God ! Is it polBble ? Peter. His Lordihip is drowned! Oh! Oh I Mrs. Sm. Heaven ! do not cry fo loud : fpare my I.ady. Pete-r. Sliou'dn't I cry at fuch a misfortune ? Oh his Lordlhip! hi. Lordlhip ! Enter Ldiiy Sax ton and Major Bkanley, on dijj'cyeni f:des. Both. Vv'liat is the niattcr ? Mrs. Srn. An accident, my Lady: I fuppofe of no confc(|uc;if^e : his Lordfnip has been a little too near the water aivJ wetted himfelf. Peter. \\'cLted himfelf! dear, dear, it is all over his head. Lady S. Good h.cavens ! Bru)i. I'll fly to his a In (lance. Mrs. ^m. Stay, Sir; I an) fure it is not of fo much 6 con- 21 J il L h T i: J A u L i: : confc.Hicncc as Peter makes ir. 'i'hc iriisfor:i:iir has happcncJ, but he is well again ; is ii; not io, Peter ? ^ Pr!ir. hulee.', he is net dead ; no, tliat I can't fay ; but he had a narrow efijape ! Bra}}. Speak, vou'Tj; man, Ipcak. Airs, ^r.u Yuu accom[)ained his Lordfhip '< l'r!n: Pxacliy lo. M,<. -^ri. Into llie p. Ilk ' Prtcr. ^k>. nlrs. . w c:!, ?.]]'.\ ^v r-.r I'u-n Prlrr. Oh dea.r. d..-ar ' \\k' \-, .-nt ver. coTni!)ri- al)lv along the ;-!\cr, kill ue came i:> tiie C'IkikiV. bi"idge, which iarher biiih trom the wood oi the rotten hen rooj;.^. 1 h-> J .ordk.;;) w ent upon ir, and was adniii'ii\u tiu- liticit'.on : r; ki !ML','a,^''^i;^'kt rlie rads. and his noble perlon be:;);; r;ulier or a noble li'^c, it broke in, and JH-Porvkiiij) lelPnto the ri\ er L.rlx .^. Oil, 1 ;iin lo aiarnu'd ' i^lrs. S. Put he mdanilv' '^a- \.\\ .. J ■-■ l\lcr. Not b) me : no ihch thmg ! 3/r... S. Your latlier, pi.riia]')- .' PiLr. Not lie ! but we erievi io knid, 1 :n iuie thev coul i ea';!.- hear u-. \\ the \ !!Ia;_!;e. e).k\ i^e.ir ; Sutidenkv the ' ka:,:j.i: Ov:n;n. nian, '.'. iu) bs . •, a' du ccjrn'^r or the 'Mr is, came runnin:; oire.ii;, ;i .;;n tkc hid : at (Kie ;uinp \'. a - m I he Xi\^ r— toi-k lab i:o. d ok Ids I./u'dihipj ai'd brou'jkf mm kike on ik;ore. / ;. ■' \ ?da\- l[La\e:i :ii. k k;al iTe-tieman ! k;.. .. Wdiere are I'e \ !i:)'\ : :•• ■, r. d'h"/ were |U!t i om:np' u;\ \'. h!,:n 1 left \\-.v:: \ i.v. tkc l(u-\ai!,: : lauiiuiip, \\\V\ a L;''eat . .r. :oi- 1;- i.-rdkiip. A C C; M [■: D V. 2; Mrs. Si}!. The .Stra!V:;L' (-cr'tlcnian too ? Pclif. No iiidccii : \\c ran away as fafl as he coird : and wou'd iK)t accept of any thanks, faying, that to predrve tlie life of a fcllow- creaturc if he couKI, was no more than his duty. I.ddv S. Hlcllings on hini. J'jitiv Ln\l S.\sTi)s, ].)! r i"i:R\r A\ ,?;/./ Ax.v. La:iV ^\ My lord, how hap!)v am I to fee you ! UjvJ S. Three Ikjys fioni me, my 1 .ad y ! t^lon't } ou fee 1 am quite wet. l>L;t ne\crmind, a foldier iiiud be acculiomcd to danger. In reality, it might have had very bad co:dequcnces, if the generous llranger — Who is tJMs man .^ Jjitterinan Ipokca srreat deal of nonienfe about him. Mrs. Sf/i. We do iiot know who he is. lie came h.ere about three months ago, and hired the little houic at the corner of the park : he fpeaks with nobcjdy, and lees no one, 1 faw him once upon the iiill, but he was fo far oiF, that 1 could not ciif- mguiili his flice. As 1 hear, he dctcfls mankind, hue th^es inlinite good in private. Lo}J S. /\:in, go to t'u^ firanger, and beg hi.; company to i'i;pper. 'i'cll liim he will come into the houfe of a gratet'ul Iriend. Come, children, I muftdrefs, and tiien wc'i! dine : — ( I'o Bitterman.) I mull fliy till:-, for \(a\ and )(jur bny, that you can holla, fo tiiat ] (.ould hear it under water: but as ^o }'our Chinclc bridge, fenti it to the devil. \_lixe:i!it L'j'J (iiid Lady Sax ion, Branlev, and Mrs. Sm , vw. A.m. Well, Mr. Diiternian, you were a great builder indeed — ha! ha I ha I — wiih )our Chinefe bridge. Btit. j6 r H E S T R A .V G L R : Bilt. Dear, mofl Iionourablc Mifs, one muftbc as cconomiccil as polliblc. Ann. But whv did not you junip into the river to favc his Lordlliip : BitL God forbid I — 1 lliould fink 1;'kc lead. — No, no, 1 did exactly what v»as projxT ; aiul though 1 would willin.gly go into the llanies for bus Lord- lliip, yet I confidcr the dariger of fiich a tiiiiu, tuicc before Ifaerifice n)\fclf onc:e on account o' another. Ann. Ha! ha! ha !— Vv'ell, well, I dare lav he •would do the Htnie for you : ha ! ha ! — \ L:-:::. Bitt. Only look, Peter, how llie laugh., Thiiit'-. one of the town \\ cnches, I dare la}-. Pcitr. Ha! ha! ha! ' [/-'•. Biu. How ! dare you laugli too .-' \ l'''j!iQZVS hi III onyy--\- . A C T ill. SCENE— ^'/y^ Cotta-c. ^he Stranger. _pttn!;^ upoji a R>n:A.-> in iboi^gh:. ylflcr a /\ji(/r tmrr \ r Axvii. Fran. Sir, dinner is read}-. Si}\in. I have no inclination to cat. ['ran. Young pc;is arid a chicken, Stran. Eat them \oiirfelf it }()u like. l')\vu Are yuu not !umgr\. Sir r 'i. Well, I'll takccarc of it; perhaps you'll like ic for fupper. S'.rdn. Perhaps fo. l-ran. ( /lOrr a paiifc.) May I fpcak. Sir. i^iran. Speak, l'"ra!icis, /;■.:;;. You did a noble aftion to-dav. II o \< \-)\vd. ^ ou fa\ed a man's life. ^:}AK. Poh— Silence! i-;-.;;;. And do ) oil know whofe life you favcd, at the rilK of \our own ? St)\i;:. Pray do not teaze me. \')\i't. Lord Santon's life, Sir! — The owner of ill [he e (hi tes around us. S'.y.iii. 1 le ^\ as a man ; tliat's enougii. h'y.in. Oh noble, twice noble foul ! Such a brave and generous a6lion would draw a tear from the moll callous, mod unfeeling bofom. Strdu. You are as feeble as a woman. 7>t?';, V>\' heaven — h\itc is unjult to fuller fo tjood, fo generous a man, to — — Slrau. (/Irr^ry.) Go, flatterer! Fran. No, no, it is not llattery : it comes from tlie bottom of my heart. 1 cannot, it is not in my nature to be iilent, when I obferve the benefits you do ; when Iconfider, how you make the fuf- ierings of others your own, and yet for all that you are not happy. Oh, mv heart bleeds. Slri'.ii. {_-! Cliche J.) Francis, I thank you. I'mn. Dear Sir, don't take it amifs ! Perhaps thick blood i.^ the only reafonof sour melancholy, E 3 I- once :.-> -J If £ b 7 ;v .J ;,'G t R .■ 1 once heard from a very emineni ph) iician that melancholy is in the bI(;o,!. S/}\7K. Ciood I'rancis, that is not my cafe, /'Kr.v. Unforlunate then ? Oh ' oh ! S.'}-,!':. I fiillei" Inivxentl)'. iTii/i. (-J c:'.:/':_^ l:i^ bind.) Ah_> Sir, how I pi[; } oi; I ^.-/v?;;. But, hranci.Sj there will be rcpofe fome- ■v\ here. /;;:'/. CjoJ erant ther. mav. Kn-r Ann. /Jiiu. [•! Francis ;) Ci'ive mc leave, Sir; arc yon the ftrange (.■cntlcman v. ho [':\-ll\ his L.ordlhip'i; life ? /'?■.■''. Thnr "^ic! h.. V («:ij''r p.;;* is he. ■Inf. -I :. :'- Siraj^^ ■ i ; ,, ^ .. >} "-'.uucjn {ends her ."cnipMni' ni^-, ;'rv' '^-v' ''.^ ia.;;:,! ■_'!" \ourcom- p'Klv' thi . c'\'C;niI!;;. "■ ;,\r!. 1 thank 'i /i , I "v v 'i liiP. ./-;■'. Hur ycu v, :n ;-r::ii'- ^ d..:::. 1 ihall n-v. /'•- 1 a-n li::.: ^O'! v N ^ ■■■:> .■r, ^r.;.'; hj: a ;);(/:i'!!;c to i'w: < ^1-. r; tiaud vviiii ;_a-a!.i;i!>i^ . '.'• .?//. It was i1 ;,.;■ \wi .' } 1: ,t':,' /^ . liulr dA--''. }nMa(,, :.. :,iN.!. \:al 1 niuft ■( !i ■ (ju, "" !; , • !:.T' .ir- ; ii. ■. I ,:.i ,• m > -ir lujulc, .:u I. .d, , .d: ^. '-■ipid , .;.:.! ;;• !Mt, w i^- .;;e xery uiMOwo '<) \\,\ . i;n h.a'.- ! !'i JiiiL,:-y .'Mir a(_- •ao n'a!)i • , / ■■ 'r../.';a /■. •:■ .■ ) ■■>, withour ! ' I >;rdlhip r> .^^, A C O M E D Y, ::. yinn. (^Iii ..' pjiiion.) Green eyes ! who told yoii my eyes were green ? U;)jn my honour ! Some time ago Major Sanei;., Lieutenant Cumba!, and Captain — Captain — thing — -tiling — I don't re- member his name, made verfes upon me; but J have too liberal an education to be aftVonti'd ; — only tell m.e, wlio is your mailer? Fran. A man. /hiH. Certaii'i; no v.c::inn; elfe he would hr more civil, and would not Le lervcd by fuci". a fellow. But V. hat is his r.air.e ? I'ran. I'hcy cail'd liim after his father. Ann. And he v.-as Fran, Married ! An}i. (Jrcnlcal \) With a v, cman, pcriiap ■ r i-ran. Perhaps fo. Ann. Good friend, I don't knG\v v, lio }u'.:i mailer is, but I know what ycu are. iran. Well? Ann. An impudent afs. [ i'.v//, Fran. Thank ye, charming girl. C ertaiii il i-', if we pleafe women, v.e are h::!nnc. t .', -v/.- // /,/,'.'/ . on the contrarv , we arc Alfes, Rc-iKti) STR\xr:; ,-, Sfran. Is (lie gone ^ Fr.in, "i cj, vSifr yj r /■/ E S T RJ X G E R : Sir.in. Francis, \vc mull: go too. J-r.:n. Where? S:r.!}i. Where (iod plcafes. F)\v:. I \\ ill follou" you. Si}\in. (J'cik;'-'^ bis b:iKd .ijj?:'i:iiai(\\.) Evcj-y \i here ? I-;\i>:. In the fravc. t^n\i!i. Would to licavcn it were [o, there h repofe. Fvj-:. Ri-pi. ;<-' dwel!.^ ever'- wlu'rc : let florni. Mow :p. every vju.iiler, p;ro\ i'.k-d n.o temped reign > hci'e : :'"';;,;;//.\ io bi.y bra,:.] — liut \vh\- nuill: \\>: go, Sir> >!rin:. 1 am not a wild bean" to be gazed at. /"Vu//. ?\ay, vou r,\u[\ t.ikc it a^ vou li'Kc, Sir: but meanv. !ii!c I am not at a!! furprizcd that a num lliew s c-udlitv, wliofe life \ou have faved, J am furc t'u y woiVl irr.ite you a lecond time. S!rri:. The}' thin!: all is paid iii giving me a I'uppcr, Oh, hVancis ! you are my only friend ; ■"vc Nvii! go: we will do e-, . rv th.ingto difpel ti~.c iO\\'-,ri:;g elouti, v. ;th v/liich thedreadtul fentenrc ''■;t- IVite, i'la^ overihadowed i.r/ brow. ],.ook there : — don't /ou fee a '. icntleman with a I>ad\ ? Oil '. ihey V. -y" torment me to cleatii : I>et us go. !■..,::. [■'}-;. No, Sir. /■>.:.. { cr a tew niomejit only. A COM E D V. 3, Pran. He has locked himfclf up in his room. LaJy S. Tell him a Lady waits upon him^ Fnifi. Then I'm furc he won't come at all. y.j./v .y. Does he hate our icx ? lyan. Me hates mankii. i in general. I darr. fay he hates your lex not Ids. LaJy S. Your mailer, it icems, does not under- fland eticiuette. Fran. It fecms fo, Ijut he knows how to fiive a man's life, even at the hazard of his own. Bran. And that's worth much more than eti- quette ; but wc do not come to pay him iimple compliments ; we willi to flicw ourfelves grate- ful for his generofity. Fnr,!. I ic docs-n't like it. Jh\ni. A fuigular charat'ter. Frdn. Who has no other comfort in the world than a peaceful and retired life. Lddy S. He fcems to have quarrelled with Fate. Frdn. May be fo. Lady "<. Perhaps the confcquence of a duel; or he has been unfortunate in love. Fran. Perhaps fo. J.ady S. Pray u hat is his name ! Fran. I wilh I knew my fell". Lady S. How ! don't ) ou know his name ? — ■- Don't you know your own mader ? Fran. Oh I know him very well ; that is to fay, I know his heart, his foul ! Do you think vou know a man, if you know his name 1 Ladv S. Well, I confels mvfelf in the wronf^. Pray who are you ? 32 T II E S T R J K G E R : f'r.7!:. Youv I-,-; ■fi' obedient fl^r\ririr ■£; /■^7:!y S. A lingular frliow ; hv.- ir i:; the f\::iuio;i Vi'-'W (en every one to d-lluigmni rnn^ici f b\' fc-v.^ liiV;u;::r.*\- in th:.^ \\-orbi. One fai;-: ronna lite j;!;,hr; .^nn'i-.er rrcc'p; ]nro hnts. Corn^-, broiner, let i;:> Hi";,; 1/;!\1 j^antc^n. J,} J'-. :)L.:^.L ,■, e I. ), a .ev. ^■orv;-;^ oiircr. — < in". /nny .''. For tiie !onr;h :nne. — \'e"y p-cttv. i-rnv. No, binnr, lb- the h:-:i- tnn.- fcy\ — -^y. Fray t^.!! i^^e \^ no i:. ihis hir:-. biinbi. I'c ienous zvjv ; ini.^ :> nc; tune to ]an-h. /,nn'\' n'. J tai^not pretend to kivvve Mr:". Snnth an}' mere than ^ ou no. Ln: v hn: I hnow 1 wi'I relate. It inav be no'A- ai-ont ti'ree^ vears liiiee Ihc ranie to nic, v ith all the prace^, ^\ .bi aii ti'te n^o- JellVj — \\hieh eaptjxateu irr-^ broLl^er. But her conn^enanre v.:\:^ n.ehrc! \\ ]:i\ :i in..hnn'-h;ii\y v. irh an an:\ic:L\" oihnnM, winnii n'e .nnih r.'-:t e()nce.n. Slie oiiere..! lierieb lo be in,, i^iXuni ;, ii)i|)Icjred ine to (ave thereby aniuniinippy v realnj-e, 1 lenghit in \A\n tor tlie canle oi ]:u" tr(n:bb:;; bnt I e\'er_v i\i\y riioreand more JiiK;o\'(n eu h-ei'eX(\!!enL heart, Inmnm. ferv an.t the became niv IrieivJ. .\(r(^m- painbnp me onee upon a v'.alh m b;e eonrui •. , aiid ii ,'i' p !; '^..np'it \\ n ;i w lueji i er hen! in nip o:i the ( inn::, n! i' hn! !e, ! i; '• ;. i b' : a t ■ ' n . ni; ni ;pi:.n ( nr k 1!..: n. '-mi '■'!'"; n,. hn' ,.,...■ ni.ii neb h. re, ■ " ' ' ■ ' ;■. . -n '■ m, :.; Ml \ h.nv,\. ■ : . ! () i i' i ,1 . n i 'v ' nni n i r, , Inji :■■ . I ' ; , rnn:^ .) ^ [) ■ ■ , : v n: , ( ^ n ■ nno lU b. ;. b nhi ;e ', b ; n n. •• , T" ! a . beaninn.i ] I, in.ni, in:. / • i In b : A C O M E D Y. 3J J.-'Jy S. Only recollect, my good Brother, j'ou have forgot one very material thing. Bran. What's that? Lady S. That Ihe mufl like you too. Bnyn. To be fure; and that is the reafon why 1 willi your afiif^ancc. Oh, Sifter, fpeak to her. She is the only creature that could have made fuck an imprcflion on my heart. Lr.dy S. Well! I will fpcak to her. I will do what 1 can for you. But here Ihe comes, Efifer Lord Santom and Mrs. Smith. Loj-d S. Upon my word, Mrs. Smith, you arc a nioll excellent walker, I am quite tired. Alls. S. Cullom, my Lord, is every thing — I have no doubt, that after having exercifcd your- iclf'm fuch walks one month, you will be able to repeat them without dilHculty. Lady S. We have been hunting after you this half hour. Lords. I dare fay you have, my dear. If I go with Mrs. Smith ihe is fure to engage all my attention. W'c went upon the hill, from whence we could fee the village. A moft charming view it is, and rendered niorc fo by the manner of Mrs. Smith's defcribing it. Lady S. 1 fiiall begin to be jealous. Lord S. That you may, my dear. But now I'll jeavc you alone. Branley and I will try to find a place to reft in. I am cxceftivcly tired. (LooKifi^ i'-bcnt.) Is n't tha!. Peter? — Peter! Peter! F Enter 34- 'ly^E STRANU2R: Elite y Peter. Lord S. Fetch us fomc ale and bread and chccfc, Branlcy, come with ir.c, I have many things to tell you. [^Exriint Lord S. Bran ley (^//t/ Peter. Lady S. {After fljovtfikncc;) Well, Mrs. Smith, may I afk }ou how you like the Gentleman ^vho has juft quitted us ? Mrs. S. Which of the two, my Lady ? Lady S. Why you may be fure I would not af!v you how my hufband pleai'es you. No! no! I mean my brother. Mrs. Sra. lie fccms M-orthy of being your brother. Lady S. Thank ye, thank ye. LU write this compliment in my pocket-book. Mrs. Sm. Without flattery, my Lady, I thmk him a good man. L.ady S. And a fine man ? Mrs. Sm. (J'cry hidiffcnntly.') Oh, yes ! Lady S. Ma, ha! That oh yes! founds juft as tho' you had faid, Oh, no! But I mufl tell you, Mrs. Smith, he thinks you a very line woman ! What can you anfwcr now ? MiS. Si}i. What fnoLild I anfwcr ? Mockery cannot come from your li])s, therefore it niuli be jefl; and 1 am not gay to-day. Ldify S. Indeed, Mrs. Smith, what I fa}- is hti., Adrs. Sr,i. I am at a lofs what to fay. Bi;t no, no, ni not conceal a tliouglit. (f..<,. • ,■ jny Lady's hand pjfi cJioiiatrly.') There v;as a t:nie when I thought myfelf handfome. But ati ! Sorrow has Withered the blollbm of )-outh; u is confcicncr and A C O iM ]• D Y. 3j and the fc If approving fmilc which form real beauty. The chain by which wc fetter good men is the pofTeflion of a virtuous foul. Lady 6". Indeed ! 'Wou'd heaven had given every one fuch a heart then, as fliincs through your eyes ! Mrs. Sm. Oh ! God forbid ! Lady S. What is it you fay ? Mrs. Sni. [Ajidc\) Ah, wretched thought! Like lightning thro' the inmoft veins, pierces the memory of a crime thro' the foul. Lady S. .Mrs. Smith ! Airs. Sm. I am an unfortunate creilture! The fuilerings which have attended on three years* fmcerc repentance, give me not one moment's rcil. — Spare me, my Lady. Lady S. What can this mean, my friend ? — Your pain, your fulTerings, fcem the produce of your imagination. Airs. Sm. No I no! The memory of my guilt i.^ infupportable; and the greatef^ proof I can give of true repentance is, the confeiTion of a fecret, to the concealment of w hich I owe all the kindnefs J have receiv cd till now. But it muil be — ('^PI^''i/^'-0 Did you ever hear of one Lady Montalc ? Lady S. (yJlivays.) Sir Henry Montalc's wife ? I believe I have; 1 remember now : llie render'd a good man very unhappy. Mrs. Sm. A frood man indeed ! Lady S. She eloped from her hufljand, wiih a very vile )-oung man. 36 r II E S T R A N G E R : Airs. S. Oh, my Lady ; leave mc, leave mc ; grant mc only one fmail fpot in ^\ hich to die, LiL{\ S. Good heaven, Mrs. Smitli ! Airs. Sai. (0:zrrnrj- her face.) \ am this wretched bcin;:^. Lr.d) S. {/nlo}!:!l:\l.) JTa ! is it porHblc ! coifd flie diirmiulate lb long ? but llic is unfortunate ; Hie is mifcrable ! do not weep; my hulband, my brother arc not prcfent : this ^ctnc \\\\\ tell no talcs : I promifc you fecrccy and filence. A'lrs. S. (If-'eepni:^.) Ala.^, my Lady 1 my con- fcicncc, my confciencc never will be fdent. I am that wretch v. ho eloped; and altho' I returned and faw my error juli before the purpofe (jf my de- ceiver was accompliilrd; yet even the elopement from fokiiid Ci huiband h a moH: frightful crime. LaJyS. 1 v.ili r.ct Ibrfakc \-ou. No, no I I nave obferv'd yourbehaviour for thefe three years : your filent fii'Fcrings and yoTir ilnccrc rcpentanrc. it is true they do not cancel t:ic crime; but my heart never will refufc a place to you, a\ here you. mav rcpcn: the !o!s of a bcih'band; I amalraid^ a"i Arrcpara'ole \{)\i. Airs. o/v;. lrrcpa!al)!e ! oh 1 .L(i.!v S. Poor V. r]Vi-\n I A'lrs. A';.', f fiad c;-i;'>'rc:i too ! f.r.Jc S. Oh, cu'^iLJi ! I). knovv's whctlier thcv V:\ I.,:!\ .'.. S'\h r d)b moilicr I .I;;..-. ■'■::. I had a,i ami.ddc, \\nu"[i. I.ulbai^b \\k^ he i,\ ;, o; ■, he iLad ! A C O M E D Y, ^4 Lady S. You dcfpair : Mrs. Sm. To mc he's dead ! Lady S. Vxvj^MhA repentance ! .Mrs, Sm. I liad a f^ood and aged father. Lddx S. Oh, make hall:c,and linilh your fad talc. Airs. Sm, Mydiflionour murdcr'd him ! Lady 'S. Ahis ! the revenge of virtue is drca.U ful. Mrs. Sm. {JVLrpi)i7^(iloiid, covcruio^ Ih-yfdcc zidlb her b.iHdkcrchirf.) And I dill live ! L^ady S. Who cou'd hate this true penitent ? {^Aj]de ; — EvdlrriCbig hcv.) Your fall was a dream, a madncfs ; the inipulfe of a moment : within your heart tliere is no guile. Mrs. S}ii. I:'. very attempt to lefTen the horror of my crime plants a dagger in my foul. My con- fcience never torments mc more, than when I drive to fcek cxcufes for my folly. No I no ! I cannot throw a veil over this black aiflion ; and the only forrowful repofe of m}" heart is, to acknowledge mvfclf guilty without the lead palliation. Lady S. This i^ true rcpcntarice 1 Mrs. Sill. Had you hut known my hulband — Oh memory, recall the time of our fird inter- view — this c::cellent, tliis noble man. 1 wa^ then eighteen. Lady S. How lon'^' were wm married ? Mrs. S. I war, tlircc } cars his wifj. Oh, and in the moment oF m\" fital fa!], even then i:o bcLier nran cxided. M}' Seducer, th.c caufe ol'n;}- ruin, v»a. far below mv hu:];a:id : Sir i [enr)', i'- is true, did not [bitter ;pc fj much, a:id i'c:bicd mc trilies, which 38 THE ST R J XC E R: which my pride doiAandrd ; the idle gratifica- tions which he v.iihhcltl from iiic were fupplicd by my betrayer, and J was wicked cnoup.h to truft for an inflanr, to his deceitful reprcfeiitations ; to follow him, who — but enough ! 1 return'ci, my hufL)and was gone with my children, nobody knew where : my father was lying in his ccifm : I fled from my home : in vain I calj'd for my children. Alas ! the fufferings of thcfe moments no language is able to dcfcribe. L(hly S. Do not cherifr. the difmal rcmxCm- brancc. A'Iy<. Sl'I. I flew to a noble foul, who gnvc me comfort ; and who, let mc full hope, will net lor- fake me. L.'.f, S. Be affurcd I v, ill not. — Youi tciirs fliall flow upon my b;;fom. — Oil 1 were I able to br:r,g ho})c again into your heart ! — but ah I — My Lord approaches. — Cheer up, my friend ; alRnnc an- other countcnaiice. i\'/rf. .V/77. Oh, m.ark of guilt I Why can I not live arid weep alone ! Oh, mv Lady I my only hopi: is in \ou. En/rr /.>;-,/ Santo v, I'l-.wLr.v, uihiPyTLii ;.,'.'/;/^. L'vd S. Come, kui;c.> : the even::"!r is couiirji-^ (Ui. \\'e mull be going. Init re'I mc, What have yo'd done with the (Irange Gentleman r Br. I'!. He has rcluied (jur nniLuion. Lr.i S. A llrange man I But I am determined to have an opportu:-iir\- :o conv^'y liim m\ thauk-^-. — Brother iiranlc , \\:!I \ou luwn L';e p/v.l- ikIs, A C O M E D Y. -f ncfs, after nccompanying my Lady Iioiiic, to return and invite him yorrfclf. Briin. Certainly, mv Lord. Lcrd S. {Sre'mg Peter rat.) On my confcicTije ! you feem to have }our moutli jorctty full. Peter. To be lure, my mod worthy l.orti. Didn't you defne me to brnu^ fomethin;! for us t o cat ? Lords. IMockhead ! ha! h.i ! ha! I meant my brother and myf'elf. Come, I,adics, come. \Exit all iiiit Peter. Peter. Now I ^vill appeal to every honeft man to be mv judge, it' three arc together, and his Lord- iliip faj-.s, *' Fetch fbmething for us to cat," whether I am nieant or not? In future I find I mufl undcrftand every thing by the rule of con- traries. l_Ex:t, A C T. IV. ^CEyiE^rhe Collage, Enter Francis. [Ealing brcdd and cheefe.) When I was a waiter in London, dear me, what a merry fellow I then was. Cards and the dice ^vcre my amufcmcnts from morninsr to niuht, in humble imitation of the gentleman on w horn I had the honour of waiting. And yet I had no tafle for any thing ; — no appetite for enjoyment. To my fplendid dilhes,happinefs was wanting; to the lefl. wine, the rclifh of a quiet confcience. Now all is altered ;---bj:cad and chccfc fatiify my hunger; and ^ T n II s r R J y C E R : rind 'M\ innocent heart fhtisfics my confcicncc, iJut LiiLTC's fomc'oody coining again. — I' faith I can never be alone ! (Going.) r/titc/' Bu AN" J. r. Y. Bvcin. Stop, friend. — D-u/i. Fricnci! — Dear nie, wT.at a mockery of fricndihip ! Am 1 his friend already? (/Ijidc,) Pyrau. I wifli to fee }()Lir n^.aller. Iran. It can't be, it i-i imponible, Sir! Bran. Why? Vran. Becaufc he has lock'd hirnfLlfup, and forbidden mcto call him. Bran. [()ffc;-i)ig him money?) Take this: — teli him a Gentleman wiflies to fee him. I'nin. I don't want money. Bran. Weil, at Icafltell him I ani here, i-ran. What will that avail ? 1 lliall be fcoldcd, and you'll have a refufal. Bran. I'ellhimj I with tohavctlie p.lcafurc of feeing him but for a fev,- :.Mnutc<. I'l' r.ot take iLiphi':^ tiine: — fty wliat you t-a:i t,^ perlliadc hii:: Income. If your mailer is a ir. in oftkic leaf: aoodln-ecdip.g, he'll n()tk:tiiie iland here in vain„ ['ran. Well, ril try. [£a;;. l]rdv.. Ivjtwhcn he ap^pcars, ho\. iLall I trear kim? — I was never yet in compan.y v, j h a mil-. ,:--,*i^rope. An open friendly countenance cann/;■,://. W'liat i-, vour pleafure, Sir? i: ■■■ A C O M £ D Y. 41 Bran. {Turns roiDid y) I beg your pardon, Sir. — u'ood God! Henry! {IVith Juddtn ajiimjlrrnent.') Stran. O Heavenb ! my friend ? {I'hcy einhrciic.) Brj/i. h it you indeed, — dearcft Henry ? Strau. I — yes — I am Henry. But k.t me reft one moment ; the lurprile is too great. Lra;:. Are you my Henry ? And gracious heaven, v, hat is the matter ! How are vou changed \ Ji this aheration occafioned by grief r Stray,. Oh; Branley ! I have not feen a friend, fave my good lervant Francis, thefe three tedious years pail, — I have forgonen tlie b.ngr.age of a friend. Bra/i. Henry, Henry, my brother Henry ! — ■ what evil has Fate infiicl:ed on you ? Sirau. The hand of Misfortune lies heavy upon me. V>Ji how camie you r.crc :" W'liat brought you to me ? What would you iir.ve with me ? Bran. Wonderful ! I was (laying here, and ftudy- ing in what manner 1 fiiould addrefs the ftrange melancholy Gentlenian -, wlien, to my aftoniili- ment, I find luni my friend, tiie gallant Henry ! Siran. Dia not you know that I occupied thir, hut ? Bran. All I knew was, that you this morning faved the life of my brotliei-in -law. A th.ankful family wi(]-ies to fee you in its circle. You re- fufed coming to the fervant ; therefore 1 was fent to give more weight to the invitation. This is the accident which ])re Tents me again to my old friend Henry ; the friend of my youthful days, wliom my heart ha^ long wifl^icd to lee. ■^fran. Yes, I am your friend j I love you fm- G cerely ; AZ THE ST R ,1 XG E R .■ cerely ; — the affeclion which mv heart ever ftk is not in the leail diminirr.ed. But if this aliurance be of any value to yoii, — leave mc, Branley, leave your injured Henry. l^he fighit of a friend awakens the long lofr t'celings of focicry. — But I mull no more converfe with iiiankind. 1 inufr Heel n:y heart againii tlie allurements of friendfhip and of pleafure. Brc'Ji. Whatever I hear^, whatever I fee of you, is a vifion. You are Henrys but thefe are not the eyes that enchaiited our London girL^j tiiat gave life to all (u:r com.panics ? Stran. You forget — i am leveri years older. Brr.n, Where is the open countenance_, which }ias ftolen fo many hearts ? Stran. Stolen hearts ! Ha! ha! ha! Bran. Oh, heaven ' I wouh:! rather wifh never to hear you laugh, than in this rc^ni-. f lenry, my friend;, what is the caiife of all this 't Stran. Common events — accidents you hear of in every corner of the llreet. But, Brar;ley;, afk no more queflions; if you wiili m.e not to hate you, ao much as 1 detcil tl;e reft oi mankir.d. Bran. Fy ! how could Fate fpoil a mjan thu. ! Recall t!ie feelings of jvift I'lays of jov. l.ct vour heart become warm agaui ; remember that a fri-T.d is near you. P.erremorr the lively mon;ents in America i when we enjoyed, in the mit-ill of fero- cious war, the friendly harmony of two irLfibie fouls In one of tliol- uiomen.ts vju :/"avc n:ie this r ig. ])o \'ou remember ? Snail. Ohj yes ! A C O M E D V. 4, Bra;:. Am I now become unwortliy of your con- fidence ? St ran. No, no ! Bnvi. Have we been friends only in lively circles, or at the card- table ? — Have v/c not fhared dangers of death r You know in the lail heavy battle — I lenry, I am lorry that 1 mufl. help your memory — Do vou know tins wound ? .Sti\u:. Dear Branley, it proceeded from a blow deflined for my head. Oh ! I do not forget it : but you little think, my friend, that in prcfcrv- ing my life you made me but an ill prefent. Brcn. How fo ? Tell me I beieech you ! Stran. You cannot help me. Bran. Let me at leail partake your forrows, Henry. Stran. That I will not. My forrows are buried. in my bofom. The more they are known, the more am I agonifed. Bran. Oh, Henry ! What means that look : Fy for fiiame I A man of your underftanding — of your courage — of your talents — tiuis to bend uncier the frown of Fate 1 Were you plundered of your riches ? Were you in imprifonmenr ? Stran. No, Branlcv, no ! Tl~i0' I once thougl'.t it indifTerenr, wliat mankind ndght think ot me, yet, at tlds moment 1 feel it is not quire i'o. I can- not fuffcr you to leave lii;ri, v/l;o io highl\- eftcems you, widiOUL knowing how Fate l.ai murdered all l.is )oys on earth. To uKike as fl:ort as I cm of my Rory, — You ki;Ow, Branley, I left you at tlie end of the Am.crican war, and hailcr/d to my e. 2 morl'i Cr 4'4 -J li X. S i K A .\ (r L. d : riiotlicr country. You know my licart was good . but my language was perhaps too rough, m; remarks too Icutinizing. x\ thouianJ cliarmin^- pi6lurcs did imagination paint, of that {'( licity my heart was in ^^■ant of. But iiiHcad of being be- loved bv my acquaintance, I was hated becaufe I. fpoke my lentiments, as they role Jpontaneouf/ in my bofom. This conduct hurt me. I was thcri filent. I tried condefcenfion ; flattered evt^ry one ■. and fought the confidence of mankind ; but v;ith- out fucccfs. I therefor? retired, an.d fiv'ed in a corner of London. You knew the odiccrs of cur regiment: we were mod of us -■^ouiig men ofgre.it fbrtuiie, bi:z v.' 'lumt expe]-:ence -, which in that W'-ar we bought dearlv, b.y lliedding the blood o^^' our fellow-creatures. There was one, an old brav officer, wiioni we all efietmed..— You hn'^w oki Lieutenant .l>u,llon, in whom we confich^d in the fi( 1 1 of battle, and in company, as our flither. Thii officer remained Lieutenant, \\hile a ris-ii boy \\: promoted over h;s head. I exclaimed violent]'/ pgainll !o Ha-^rant an act of injuftice. In mvpanioi; { da; I'd ro crnfure the king. — ( was tried, and imprif;n;, .1. '\fter havir.g obtained ni\- freedom, I retired, ii^io the country. — I chojc Vorkiklrc , vdiere 1 co'Od bell cnjoy the remnant ot mv life, all vvcnt well. — I iound trieCids who ilaitered mr i-n accoun" 'jI i.yy n.n;.; y ■ \;\io drank mvv, ine li-eelv : wht^m I ii d ]de;ii:'iiiiy at my tabic. A' lift i i;-und a 'a i!v' tcK.) ; a iKirndrfs, inn'xwnt crea rnre. — C>i;, b(.\v I 1 >\e(' Vxv I — d'hen, t;;( n F ; nicied mylei. !:irp\,- — >!:e [mvc !ne a Ion and a d i.ii;'i,:>.r . A COM E D Y. 4; daughter : both were llanij)^^^! wiih the charms of their mother. — Ah, howl loved her! how dear uaj ihc to mv heart ! (/w/zr.'' ;;.'6iv<^,) lu-r ( hiulrc-ii Iuav ^ood, and how charniinn; ; — [/Ifie:-- d jr.-.'.v/? ;) \\ (11 Branley, my hiftory will loon be at an t'n.]. Ovj: of my friends, \v!:om I tlioiight the moft honcil, robbed m.e 01 half my fortune. I fot^n forgot tha: lofs, becaiife hap{:inelb wants bi:t little. I'liLre came another with the countenance of a lamb, "vvhom I trufted much — whom I allirted — recom- mended — nourifhed ! This man leduced my wife, nnd eloped with her ! — Is not all this enough to banifii me from the poifoned focicty of ir.;:nkird ? /)r^/7. Is it pofTible r — Have you become :i inifanthropc, becaufe you had a faithlef. wife ? btrr.n. Ah, Branley I you feem not to know what an iniury the lieart feels, when diflionoiired bv r!ie being we molt love. She was a fweet woman ! Still, ftill, I feel for her! The charms of her tempe- left an eternal impjreffion on m.y f;!.:!. Brau. And where is Jlie i' ^tran. I know not. Bran. And your children ? Stran. I have fcnt tlicm to a good o'J woman i:: r.Iiis neighbourliood^ 'aI-o I fuppole i:.: iionefc be caufe Ihe is 11 up id. Bran. Another mifanthropic larcr.fm on m..;-. - kind. Stran. I have not Icen m.y ck.ildren rkefc u,-:-:' years. — Their Iniiies \.'ou'd v/ound my ...ali'^u-. bread. I will fee no man. Had not w.y cd'ucad'.;. nrade it ntcclTarv I v, cii'd not have a fc: v:;.nt. 46 r II E S T R J N G E R : r.ran. Coinc, cornr, Henry, enter again, into the fociety of men j and cheer up your dull counre- nance. You mud go with me : I want vou : 1 am going ro take a wife. St}\:;:. Iwirnvouioy. Oh! a wife, if good, is the rnalderpicce of iieaven I Biini. You fliall fee her. Come, Menrv, ir.y family is anxious to ice you, StFii}:. To ice me in company ! Have I not faid enough ? pyrrrri. You Iiavc, I)ut I afllirc you, you wouM ofFcnd :igai!:irL the moll common rules of civility, vrerc you to rcfufe this vifit to my brother. Yo do a good action and feek no thanks is noble ; but ftudioufly to avoid the exprefTioriB of gratitude is mere affcciation. Strcn. Ic f])oi]s my repofe to be one mxoment amongfl men. Bro.'.i. Do vdiat you pleafe to-morrow, but r-.i- day come witli n^e. St rev,. Tn'o, no ! Brc'ii. Not, if you were able to lay the foii;rJ,i- ti'jn oi \ our friend's happinef^ i^ S'.rr:,:. {Mh-jtd.) I luw c:ui yc;. alk that, B..,!.- \l)- ? but ict n:c hear ! Brcn. Youn.ufl be m\' counfcll'^r. an.c' rltr.v! mv Love-caufc witii iVb-.-. Smith. \i i> true n.} iiil-r undertook to ii)cak to h-i-, Init ijcr ;].te'-;i r \i\:\ tial. Mrs. S'lnth v. ill believe mucli vrj.:i i;o;u ycurino'Jth. Well, J lenrv, vou will n.ot rL.:;.. il ' Stran. With one coiidition, t!:en. E}\:}1. What IS it -* A C O M E D Y. 47 Stf\2/i. Tb.at you do not j.revcnt ir.c from de- parting to- morrow, Bn7n. Whither ? Stran. Where I may remain uiilmoun ! Bran. You're a llran^^y-' man ! Init I [..romif.^ it. Perhaps your ideas will be altered for the better by to-morrow morning. Come — • Sr,-ii}!. I mull prepare. A'n?//. icxpecL you then in a few minutes ^ till tnen, good-bye. Si'ran. I'll keep my word. [A^v// Braxley. (Stranger ii-.jJks y.p and d::vT.- — his mindjecjiis in agitation. At lajt hcJUndsJliH.) Enter Franc;s. Stran. Francis ! J-)-an. Sir ! Stran. To-morrow we fliall travel. Fran. It you pleale, Sir. Stran. Perhaps to America. J'ran. It's all the lame to me. Sir, as long as I am with you. Stran. [Much tyucISd.) Thank you, Francis! thank you ! ah, Francis, you are my only real iricnd, the partaker of my Ibrrows ! but perhaps we fnall meet better days : perhaps another world may reit:c)ic me the repole which mankind has robb'd me of here. Thither then will I fly, far irom my dear country. In h.urope 1 have loll my happincls i my All. The new world can take no more than the remnant of my riches. To-mor- row, In"ancis, do you hear r be as early as poflible : pay what I owe here^ and let us begone. /•; an. 4 J r n E 5 1 R A S G E R- J-rad. r.xcellcnt ! ^trivn. But before \\v p^o, I have forr.f thing foi- you to do, I'ranc Is : Go down in tlic vilhiL';e : take a cluiic'j and make all fpccd to l*'.nfi<:ld : you may be back before it is dark : I'll •-^wt you alcctcr to a poor old woman whom 1 know -, there you will findi two children : they arc my children. ^■ran. ^"our cliildrcn ? Siren. Take them : put tliem into x]\^ cliaile, ■d^'A'l bring them to me. Vrdi:. Your children ^ Stran. ^'cs, my children ! Js that any tlur.g Ic extraordinary r Ira-n, \ am wox. furprifcd at \-our iiaving cliil drcn ; I am Oidy furprifed, thiat after iiaving been three years in your lervice, 1 have never heard you f].)cak a iVlIable of them. Strciu. 'I'o talk much of ourown ciiik'ren iskdiv. /■nw. I'li.f.-re is a diflerence between ipeaking muc!i, \\\\C\ (peaking nothing at all. .V/?v,'/. Don't trouble me wiiii qucilions : go in p,r.d make ready 3 Til follow you, and v rite the Ictrcr. j7-'.v,; V ? :^ ^[Cls. St.-c)]. I will take th( m wit!i u;e: 1 wdl ace uf- tom n;iy!'l! to their imiies : rhele ini:-/'enr cr( a- r:T;"S Ika'l noL ije ipoiied, either iyv |dulanr!u-(;pv or ap:-d^!i: tk-y H^dl amute tliemleh-fs in \ H,;rren ideal; and d > noddng : it is betc. r tn d-) i^',th:ng thin '(* do v,T-MMr. boo) that I \^:x^, \- ) iv ptr-- {\\::\'- \ r > go ''uo rouigiii-iv A'l^.ww : it v,;d \v'^^ my •~o:-;:f;/rt :o;" .. : ):i:''igiit to romc, Wku, aiiet !iav v\ 'o'^riu: :^; mu' h. wliy lly)u''i..'t I; to ]erv m;, ineiAb AGO M F. 1) V. ^0 fruT.cl, write one black houv ni'irc in tiie ;ournril of my life: [A-v//. SCI-iXE— y/ Rem zvHh a I'.uHf:- D^cr. yTiin. No, niy Laciy ! if yon inr'-rri to lock your- I'clfup Iicre in tiii^ p.irt of the wor!;!, 1 am your rnnll ob-'.ii'T.t i I a:n not born fjr t!/;. \ cal.int-iikc jiic 1 I am accuilomcci tD IbnietliinL-; qui'ie dii7crent. Indeed ii, i^ ailonill^i.-.g ! tlicre v-j !V... ..me tootman, or fiije oifice!, tlut rrrAibk'b- Ims l;ca'i a'f>')iir me, and [ cai:no: d:\'r tliut Miv.. S:, 'th — On 1 ihe i:;^ lb proud, I am Tick at t!ie r.glitofliCr ' Iviitcr Bitter m a n . B:'.:. Ay, ay I Why Tick -, who has done you any liarm, my dear pretty Mils ? .h:n. Done harm to nu' r nobodv \ I m not fo loon hurt j notwitliflandnng certain indiificrcnt per- Ions ridicule certain other perions. Don't you tliink, Mr. Bittcrman, Mrs. Jrimith looks as yellow a., if llie liad the jaundice. Fi:tl. Dear me ! I doii't know ; perha[5s that nnghit be tlie colour of lier nati\'e couritry. ylrra. C)fi;cr country : dear Mr. Eitterman, you can tell wvi tlien, \vlu:re Mrs. Smith comes trom? lyjlt. No, my ciiarming girl 3 I ha\e never had any letter.^ about lier from any of my numerous correlpondie.itN. .'//;//. It pride is tlie fign of ncjbility, I'm. hire fl^.e nuift be aprincef- , btit my Lord himfelf is the only cauie ul V. : lie v.ai:-:^ with her : llie dines at 11 his ^c 1 }J E o r R A :: G E fi : his table : he talks to her Vvith tlie grcatefl familia- rity ; even iiow at tliis j^rclciit riiomcnt, tiiey arc at tea tor'^ilier. Bin. And what can I fay to that ? ylu/i. Ouirlit not a lord to keep always a certain chllance from liis irifi;rior:> ? And where he notl/ing clle in tiie work] but a lord. BU:. Moil certaiidy : moil aillircdly. Zii::. J Lift as if 1 v.ere to be fandliar with the i:!earantj in tke vdiaf-c ; t!:o' mv TaLhcr was firft imd hivoiiiite coachiiian to ihe iiOnoiirabJe hidiCi of tliC ivight lionoiirablc Lord Santoa. Bill. God forbid any luch Omdiarity. A: >\ And I can icli ye, Mr. Biritrrman, ril not remain in the hoiic iin'_kr fiicdi circuniflances. ikdier I f^iall ::=:c -r Alrb. Smith. Lri'-'y \Ir:c: ik'AM.rv. Bra-. Ay : w'^\i is tlie maocr wii'i Mu. ^/iijiilii Did ^ du not l]'eak ot her ? />///. Yes, n.ofl hcnciirable o;r; fomcLhing about H'-.};. ('l'o r:.v.w.) Till niy mlcr I exp. k h< \ \\v\\ anx'.ft)'. [k; /,' A •: \ . Wtii, Mr. Rirtf r-nia;i, ir;ay I kncv ('u; liiba .1 'X '. 'air comerl.aiwH : /V;//. ^^dlV^ wc v,\ r^^ f|'c;dving here and l\.<'1': — lai;. a!ul tli.it — i(3mcr:;i:v: :.boiit nothing. Brr.H. y {}\\ rri!': iv.\' ciiiiofi[\' — ]Kri;aps a fee re I i /k//. A k-r re t ! no, n; :— k:en I M.ok! haec k:Ltcrb :— iiOj we convened aeon: j ik!i. kiings, /,';■■:• A C O M V. J) y. 5; }i ■.!'!. i hc;i 1 cin l,. Ti.e l:or.oiiraL)le i^>l!k , Ciiamherniaid (jf n:y J..idy, tho'i^Hit every one has ibme f.inhs: upoii wiiicli I hiiJ — Yes ! Soon after I obierv.'.l, th.it ir'/ hc^l may err^ iip:)n which t!:e worthy ?vl:;l; l;.icl — V^^. Briiji. If tliis be the introe.uclion to th.e faints of jMrs. Smith., thien I am very anxious to hear fjiric- thiinr^ more. ]^:'l. Dear nie I — !*.Ir.T. Sn^iith, vithotit cloiibr, is a goo J, homely, woman ; br.t vet fnc is no an^jel ]:eit!:er. As a faithful fer\'ant ot h.is Lorc]lrii[>, it is my tlutv to w hi!rer liberal r!i:n;;s in his ear, whicii hurt the ftoe': in hand, aivd the re\enuc of his I.ordddp. /;;-.:;;. I Ion- to hear. IJj^. I lis Lorvifiip, tor inllance, will expe,n: to have at lead twenty dozen of tiie oLi cnriciUi v,ine, Icdt him l)V his fitlicr : ah I twfi^ty dor- n at leail ; an i !:(: v.di dnd tliat fcarecly ten borths are lei':, andl I an: !".;re mv himilv ivevcr tailed one dn-ojMif i:, /'.:;;. ]V'''.„ Mr;-. Smith hhe wine lo mucii : Lift. No. i-.ot f;;- lierit-df ; bnt wiicne\er thei't^ V :;s a fek pLa.ant m the \ni:a;;i;e, w !:o wonld hv/e ; ■ -^ri ;,a] j y enou^ n to l.'ivc yMt a d;\:;.i oi j.!:in, ii:'- Vi'ed run to mm hcric't \\iL!i a boitu: of ih;: d; d^htiul V in'; in h-;- 'land. I xcrvofen, ae^oid iiv; to n'v on'v, i' | r- \i hrd ii-n' iov io d:nii , i.n: 1... ■..>...^ . ..i.i.»,i.-j 1 .1 . . 1. .... i-. r- -7 7/L- S TR J X C, /;/J; BniK So will I I- So will I ! /j'://. I pro'.cfl to ^.t•a^'!;■ll, I ani innocent, I aiii;"f YOU, Sir. I Ikivc l!:i;l the care of t:\'c crliar tlicio twciuv vcath, bnt ^vitii wv conirnt tin- j;')or ncvt r had one drop (d'winc, v.nd d^ouidi ilK:'.^ Uj extra- vagant on one lide, iLe is a niiler on the ot'^cr. On my Lord's lall biidi-day, I inv Itedl ail tlie ger/Lle!olks of the nci:'hhoi!'-h;ood, and I wanted to treat tlicni widi a !^-otile oftliat excellent v. ine , bnt llie denied ]"e even a linnle b(Atle, and I wasiinder thie nee-hiiy ot tre:it!;ig iv.\- inePids witn !.i!;)0'.i — only conhder, ^^ir 1 or./>?. (>/,....h;) AfloniHiinp; ' bn*: f have heard fnou-ii, \'h. l^itternian : in'ay let rnv iiiler hno'v liiat I ■]-'■ hew. /h/, . C.'e'-nhi.iy. 1 ani vour rn(dh obedient an i m^'' i^ nyndc lerv-ant. iiiit iiere i^ my L.adv herl>d;. i<... . An inlulThrable b:d.b!er. Hnt witi-.- hnowniy: ::, hr developes every nionKnt ne' ^hnnens and virtues of Mrs. idnith. h)rt o: b-. ; t /-■;;/c,- Ld. O \\-i-ON ^ly p-rople ni love wic d w r\' V.ran';" ti^'-v are n- idler ininpiv' nor ihnhiv. \ tchv n a en[; of tea, \'.\.'::\ lO'/dcai r '.,Ji'^ v: ironi ?'ie taide — 'v\ eil w a euel'ier Pi(nA Ihn A C O M E D V. :-i L.Tiiy S. I can do notliing. Ji?\u7. Nothing ! how — how ? La^y S. That is as much as to f.iy, if my dear brother fleers for no otlicr port, hiC nuiy always I)r in the hiu'h leas. ^rc-:;.'. But wliVj why r is llie married ? Lci^yS. I don't know. Bran. L'nt Jlie of .i good family ? L(u:y S. I mult not f ly that. Brim. Does not ilic like me ? LtiJy S. Upon this qucflion I mull owe you the aniwer. />;•;■//. Oh, how niuch I admire fifiierly love ! How charniing it is, that I did not trull all my llcrcts to you I Mow much am I indebted to Fare, vvhich lent ine a friend, who will make the love of a filler blulh. Lru^Y S. A friend ! you found a friend ? how ? i?;Y7/7. Oh yes, yes, a frienrl : — the ilrange Gen- tleman, v;iio tliis morning laved your hufband':^ life, is the friend of my early yout!:. Lanj S. \\diat is his nanie r JJyd?i. I don't know, LaJy S\ What is his character r Jlran. I mull: not fiy that. f.ddy S. Will he come ? tell me, pray ! Bra;:. L'[)on tlds queRion I mull owe you tiie anhver. L.-v/v X. Tlds is infuppcMTablc. Bra,!. A\'h_\., Siller, will you iiot lie;ir vour ow:, conipolitiun enc(M-cd ^ \\ T i'l E S 7 R J ': C t. !\ ; I.orii S. 1 cannot but aJiiiiire yoivr (wrfiJcnrc ii; nic, my Lady. } low can you .iiv.\,:y, \l.\vc ire ill tiic coir.pany of Mrs. Smith. She i.. io •}; )oJ ;; talker t,hi;t I am ah-aid Hie will be your n\a!, Lr:/y S. A leiious confcfTion iiidecd. Ali's. S,;/. i>'ly Lord is in goodi Jii]n:')iir ! J.cr^'S. Well, Kranley, vA.^a v.dii ih- Ilranr^: Gentleman come ? Bra;:. I expect him every nioiripPiL, ! ')',"ev -r, vc fli:ill n^)t p-^.vn a great deal by l/.s rompinv. becaufe he intends to fet olf to-nvorrow fv/r anotiicr part of l/,n gland. Lord S. That he flia^ir. Mrs. S-vith nnd my La iy do you tlu'ow out your net oi c'larms^ and let us detain him here. Lcuy S. WWdZ Mrs. Snndi \\ms undde ro do hi four montiis' acquaintance widi Iiim, 1 ihad n;/ be able to accompli fh in a few moments. Mrs. S;;;. I have no acquaintance v. irhldni; { only ;)r.ce law him vc r-v far oii' upon the hiil , I Oidy could fee that his coat w:.:, (d i viar'-. cd -u'-. y-V;- Bi-i rLR-a; •. i7.'/.'. ^Vhc flrafipe Ck :iLie;n.::i '. he: . ) !.a'> c v'.j' ]dea!ui\- ol waiiinoM^n Ias 1 fiiv''- J/'VU S. ] ii; i:> welcome, v. olcome in' e ;. i.'v.VC S T ]•!..-•. \ :■ R f:Cr,t thc /oOg /'.'"••- '" •. ■-'.,./■' , c;; .:;:,. ■/;■;., >.\ -'.■/'; i. j l'^-:- ■' /.-. A. A/v /.;/,/ 1;„- - .0 ..;' ; / ■• 7.■/•<,^^. (jriieo'us man' L-tmcv. d^. oc .'iU ::.i;n. lend;. A C O M E D Y. 5i Mrs. S. {Lcokhig c.t i':c Stranger and ^:'ih a I -ul rfy of f.Jl'ynijhment.) Gracioui Heaven ! Myliuf- band ! [The 'Stv?A\gtv af lb: f.-.iue T:;;:e feeing Mrs. Smith, Jurprizc o^crtCniij hini \ \v:id cind furizufly he exddiuis — Damnation ! My wife ! 'I'he Stranger n.i'.s cut (it thi doer ivhere he entered. — Mrs, Smith f::H!s. Every one appears ftruck iv'r.h furprfe. S an' ton end Bran ley are bify in (ffjiing Mrs. S m i t u . — 7 he cur tai^i fads.) A C T V. SCEXK.— .^ at the End ofbf yl:f. Enter 7\iy Lo r d and B i t t e r m a n from different fides ^ Ritt. iM}- LorJ, the diOies are on the table. Ij/'-d S. I hope fometliing elic is there be fides tlie diihcs. Bitt. All kinds of excellent things^ and in plenty — Crabs as large turtles ^ lillies like vvinles i turkies like oxen. Lord S. Indieed, had you the greatefl choice of tilings, I could not enjoy any without friends were round iny table, to give a zeft to mv appetite, 'i'he more tliey eat, the more they tafle rny wine, the more I am pleafed. Bitt. In that cafe, my Lord, I humbly beg leave to recommend m\ felf and my Ton Teter. — Wc c.in cat as much as any ten others. .^ Lrrd r6 IIIE S r 11 ^1 K G E R : j.ordS. Wlicre is my Lady r Where is Branley ? 1,1 Mrs. Smith (■liite v/cll a;i;aiii r Indccu tiic whole iai^^dy irfiiis to be in an npn-ur. lull. I am ilirt-, had \v.d\ an ac cidcnt bchdlen your moil obedient, moil hiindjle lerv.n.r, liit- 'erman^ \\l:;j has had ti^e [.^reat I.ononr to Ix: ;:iis twenty yca'":^ ii] vonr Loro[iiij)'s It.A-icf, .:<-\ \\ uultl ];avc r!irov,n a |)ad oi e^Ll w at r u\( r n c ! Lcrci S. I ihink they w oiii^i. /:;;/,';■ .I/,;/-- V, - t::...v. .•: T/r .N. .v'l! !)cre at l.n i smi s i'Vi\ y:'](j Will aiiiil n.e i:i 'loin:^ the !;(;::')■. ;'S ot tne t.Jde. tiu e*- .;ntta:anee vcji: Biit, (iear Hra;Jey, vviia: a hV. '■, (,di;:;::\ can snv( :v.r U) iniith |\i:n a.; to tee !t!t!i conA.nion ni my ii' >u\r , but hcnv dot^ Mr-. Snbith ? Lrn}:. Siie ]• ems mtu'tt better. Lords. I am liaiipy to hear it. \'/here is my I.adv^ B''::::, Still btiiy wi'di svlrs Smi-h. i.'.rd S. Comiy Bitt.'rmaiy, \-oii r/mft (-'en e.tit \'oiir ir)!), and k-x ]i me c omj^ari}' v.rdi ni'M a' die *:.:)li'\, fcrl find n'jljodv el'.e wdi. o/;. With all jioililde pleahite, ir.\- l.Mich [/•,^v;/;:/ L(.ri) ^d a;;,/ IL'i i <. ■.max. /.. c •;. (.•.■','•;■ r; /\//'-'.) ( >h, dr,cive'y: dojie — /i.Ii, (iiarn:, ni bitunf/, vdutiuratr \( bed' — 1 (1 retch n':v citm t ) end)rac(,- tin.^ b li: n\-, and ke ^t wmbli bi.e a d';eam, IbjoJ' ! lejirv ' line kxaa-i A C O M E D Y. 57 ir, difcovcrcd — Mrs. Smith is the uifc of my friend Sir Henry Monrale ! Well then, I wil^ ferve thee, but it fhall not be in words; I cannot be happy myfelf, but perhaps it is in my power to unite two fouls again that were fcparated by late's inconceivable malice. A'/.'/t^r Lady Santox lUid Mrs. Smith. 7_,j./v S. Let us go into the garden, my dear, the open air will do you gootl. Airs, Sm. I am very well, my Lady; I am forry to give you fo much trouble. Pray leave me to myfelf. Bran. Not fo. Madam, time is precious. Your hulband intends to go from hence to-morrow. Let us think on fome method to reconcile you to each other. Airs. S)u. How, are you acquainted ? — Bran. I know all. Sir Henry, your hulband was the friend of my youth, and he is Hill my friend. We ferved together from Enfign to the rank of Major; and fought many battles with mutual ardour. It is now feven years fince we have feen each other. To-day, Chance brought us together, when he poured his griefs into the ear of friend- fliip. Mrs. Sm. Oh, my Lady ! let me hide my face m your bofom ; I feel, indeed, what it is to look into the face of men with a heart opprelTed with guilt. Bran. If unfeigned repentance, three years of contrition, and a life fpent without reproach, have I no 5? THESTRJNGER: no claim to forgivcnefs, wliat can we expeft of heaven ! No, Madam, you have fuffered enough; vice for one moment conquered virtue, which numbered in your bofom. \^irtuc, awakened, and wanted but one elfort to regain its former llrength. I know my friend Sir Menry. He thinks with all the fortitude of a man ; but he can feci as tcndeily as a woman. I will haften to him, and be your reprefentative. (Go/ng.) Mrs. Sm. What will you do, Sir?- -No! no! never! The honour of my hulhand is lacred to me. I lo\e him truly ; but 1 never can be his wife again, even v/ere he fo generous as to foi- give me. Bran. What you fay cannot be the dictates of your heart. Mrs. Sm. What would be my repentance ; had I any other view than to appcafc my tormenting confcience ! Bran. But if your hui'band fhould ■ Mrs. Sm. That lie fhall not — he mulf not. He mud tear from his heart the dangerous weaknefs ; —a weaknefs which would difnonour him. Bran. Wonderful ! You have then nothing to fay to him ? Airs. Sri. O, yes ! two requeftf;. Often when in the mid ft of forrow I defpaired of being ever happy again ; — It appeared to me, that I Jhould feel lefs ii;rief if heaven would errant me one more interview withmy hufband,toconfefs to himmyfcif the wrongs which 1 had done him i and to take an t'tcrnal A C O M E D Y. 59 ttcanal Jcave. This, Sir, is my iirft requ'?;! ; — my fccond, is — ( If'tcpin^y) ro know fomething of my children ! Bj-an. If humanity and fricndfiiip have lef: a lliadou of iccling within his brcali, he will nor hclitarc one moment to fullil them both. [A'.v;/ Bra x LEY. L.:dy S. Heaven afl:!! you ! Mrs. S-n. And m}- prayers ! Lcidy S. Let us follow him, my friend, and take a walk amongH" yon' venerable oaks, till he returns Vvith hope and confolation. Airs. S;;i. I will follow you, my Lady. [_Exe:int, SCENE— r/;.- Cottao^e, Enter Major Branley. Surely tlic ways of Pro- vidence feem unaccountable in the parting two fuch hearts. But they muft be united again. The character I have taken upon myfelf is more difli- cult than I conceived it to be. What Ihall I an- fwer, if he tells me the fufferings of his honour; — if he alks me whether I will make him the ridi- cule of the world. By heaven ! an unchafte wife is the worfl of wretches. To forgive her, who can commit fuch a crime in contradiction to her mar- riage vow — in violation of conlcience ; is it not partaking her lliame. Yet Lady Montale is an ex- ception; Ihe is not wholly guilty; has f after c4 much, and her repentance is linceie. Enter F k A -v c r s, zvith Wi l l i a m and Fa n n v. lym. All, I uni fo tired' I 2 Fanr.w to THE S r R J N C E R : Far.Jiy. Shan't we be at homcfooji? rran. You arc at home, my fwcct children.—* Come this May. Err.}!. Stay, flay, whofe children are thcfe? Fran. I'hey are my mailer's children. It'll!. Is this my father? FdHiiy. I long to fee my father ! Bran. It darts through my imagination like a ray of light! — A thought of exouifite beauty! One word, good man. I knov\ vou ic-.c youi jnafler. \\'e have experienced wondcrfui things. l-nin. What may they be ? Bran, ^'our mailer has found. \\\>. v. ifc a^ain. o //7/7. My mother, ah ! my mother? [■ran. Has he indeed ? — I am glad of it. Brari. Mrs. Smith. iran. W'liat ? No, it can't be pollible ! Bran. ^ es, Ihc r> his wife. Eut alas ! thcrr ^re circumllances which prevent their hapjnncf^. 1 cntredt vou, for your mafkr's lake, to go with (hele fweet children, and conceal them in yonder Jinnmer-huuic. Tlie unexpeded light ol" them ];ia\' do more than ye.;r.; ot ehjqueui c. /'),///. but I don't know why. Bum. Alk no (luellion.N, goud m.in, l^efore half jn h(jur is jcdl, ymi fl-all know ail. Bran. \\'fll, well' I will do it. Since! have been with my mailer I hav iory;etten how to alk !(jr ie:ifori , ! Come, dear children, con;c! r/:,v-;;/ 11, an. Deliglnlu! . I promile m;. lei;' much ii;e- ecls A C O M E D Y. 6i ccfi from this innocent intrigue. Where the fofc and tender looks of his wife cannot reach, perhaps the innocent fmilc of the children may foften the rugged way. Enter Straxcer. Brd',1. {Meeting bim.) Ah, Henry ! I may w illi you joy. St ran. [Sullenly.) Joy! of what? Bran. You have found your Sophia again. Strati. Ah, Branley, lliew the beggar the treafurc he once polTeired, and aflv him, whether he is rich by looking at it ? Bran. Why not ; provided he has it in his pow- er to be rich again ? Stran. I underftand you : you are the Ambaf- fador of Sophia: I underftand you, but her en- deavours are fruitlefs. Bran. Yes, I am the A-mbafTador of your wife, but without the leaft authority to treat for peace between you. Tho' flie ilill loves you, llic dcc^ not even dare to entertain a wifli to be forgiven. Fran. Farce ! it is in this manner llic thinks to deceive mc. For thcfc four months has Sophia lived near me : flie knew that well. Bran. No, indeed, flie law you to-day for the firft time. Stran. She may tell this to a fool. She well knew, that the way to my heart was not thro' ilic highroad of common repentance; fne, therefore, invented a cunning intriguing plan ; fhc played the benefactor every where, but ih, that I might hear of 62 r H E s u :: J \ C £ R : o\ it: ihc knew well, lh:i!. this wou'd louch vny heart. To-dav, inc fay:, ll:c vviilics not :o be ibr- iiivcn: iiic ircani cj excite n:v rjenLrclirv. iSo, no, it is too iate. B}\:ji. I woii'd not inLemipt \ ou wh.ile vou fpoke. But j-,ardoii ir.c, I lenry, i could nor '\x~ cufc fuch ill-founded fuiwdfcs in D^ny hut vourlelf. Your wife {blcmnly declaiv.;, ti:af rne '■■:iih. ■:. Jiot to try your generous heart; i'nc willies not to iacri- fice your honour lo lier hai-pinel"-;, Sivan. Ceafc, ceafe, if }ou are a Iricncl; I fee vou have confpired againft rne \ Ci^.nij^ired Lo touch my heart. Say, fay, what is thepnrpofe oi your coming ? Bvf.n. She wi flics one interview. Stran. She rnay come ; (jh, 1 am firong ; my heart once was foft and tender, but nov/ 'lis hard : ihc m.ay come. Bran. Thanks for this confent. \E::il Br an ley. Strj.n. (^/ificr a pdiifc.) lienrv, thy lall: happy moment is approaching. Thou a^cuc fje her once more. My wife, my fallen v, ifc, whon^ fii'l I love. Ohj cou'd J but Hy to n^eet her ; cou'd I lu;r pi\ds her to this beating heart! Cou'ii I hut give you, my dear children, a tender mother ag'iin. Ikit flay! is this the languag'^ of an ollended hut- band? Alas! I tec) that tlie chimeia r,o;^,our is only m our heads, not in I'le heail. J \.ill Ipeak lenoullv to her; no rej)roach Ihail augment her pain. — But thev come, now pride av/aken ; nov.' honour prote-ft me I EKh^ A C O M E D Y. 6j E>iter Mrs. Smith, Lndy S. and Branley behind. Mrs. Sm. [Approaching Jlozvly to Lady S. zvho cjffrs to ajjijl her.) Excufc me, my Lady, I once had ftrcngth enough to tranfgrcfs a facrcd vow ; and fhall 1 not have courage to appear bctore his eyes. {To the Stranger ;) Sir Henry ! Strau. (^Turning from her, hut zvith a tender zjoicc;) What wilt thou of me, Sophia ? Mrs. Sm. [Much agitated.) No, no! Oh, heaven; for this I was not prepared ! This tone over- powers mc; this kindnefs ; this familiarity — No ! Oh generous man, choofe a rougher^ harder tone for the car of the ofl'ender. St ran. Well, MadanU Mrs. Sm. Ah, w ou'd you but cafe my heart with reproaches. Straji. Reproaches ? No, my only reproaches are Vy'rittcn on thefe pale cheeks : thefe hollow eyes. Thefe reproaches I cannot hide, but my words fiiall fparc your forrow. Mrs. Sm. Were I the mofl hard-hearted crimi- nal, this generous filcnce wou'd be the kecncft pu- nifhment for thofc black trefpalfcs, which once your wife was capable of. Stran. No confefTion, Madam. I know all, and will hear of no humiliation. But you expect that wc muft part for ever. Mrs. Sm. I know it ; and I did not come here to be forgiven. All that I rcqueO is, to hear from your own lips, that you will net curfc the remem- brance of your former wife. Stran 6+ T hi ^ .S T R A N G E R: ■ Ft-A-7'!. No, Sophia ! I will never, never ciirfc your memory. Your love once fucetened niy uavcj — thofc days of heavenly joy : no, no, I will never curfe \our memory. Mrs. Svi. (AIucD }7ioz-ed.) With the fmcere con- viction tliat I was unworthy ol'your name, I have aulinied another thcfe three years. But that ir, not enough. This paper is neceifary to enable )-ou to j]->cnd happier days in the arms of a worthier wii'c. S/rar. {T..kss /be' paper u': I ! cars //.) Be it dc- firoyed for ever ! No, Sophia, you alone reigned in tliis heart, you alone Iliall, tho' far dillanr, reign for ever in it. Never, never, iliall a;iothcr indemnify Henry for the lofs he has ludained. Mrs. Sn. Is there ougiit more to be faid r ■S'lra/!. Stay one moment ! we have lived very near to each other for thcfe th.rce months pufl. I have heard much goo,' of you, and that \our heart feels tenderly for the fufierings of mankind. This I admire; and you ihall never want the nieans to nourifh and to gratify thefe humane principles. This letter will enable you to draw on luy Banker to \\ hatever amount you j^leale. Mrs.Sr:. No, never ! the labour of mv hand.N ihall maintain me ; a morfel of bread wet with tile tear of untcigned repentance, will give me i":iorc comfort than the j oiirlh )n of the whole tor- tune ot a man, v.hom I have fo groisly oiiended. Mr.!!!. 'IV.ke it; take it, Madam ! Mr,. Sa/. I ,et me appeal to your own generous -heart, not to iorcc me to a iiumiljatioa fo rreat. A C O M K n V. 6; .//■.;:;. Oil ! what a wife did that villain rob nie ■ .r ! ( . Ijhli.) Madam, I honour your fcnL'nr.cnt: , .;:■;. i abandon my \\i;h — v. ith one condition, hovv- <\r\- : th:it fliould you ever be in v.ant, I lliall be ihe iiril and only friendi of wliom you a!l: allillance. Mrs. .'■;.'. {fP\'t'pi';<^.) I promife ir. St}\'!. \\vA now at lead I n"iay rrqucH: you to r.ikj bae!v your own property ; )'our jewels, (^(^rj- 1 //■.'. .'•'/•/V. (^Opcu'nv^ //.) Alas! how mv heart •aitters a" the Tweet remembrance oF the cvenin'.-;, v.'lien you gave me thefe )e\vcl;> I — Thele you gave ::u: on tin- e veiling of tlie dav oi our urnon, (niv uii.l hanp\- I repealed the oath of everlan.ing faitli — whic!! now is broken. This \\\\ you g;i'.e rue ■.i'.e year 5 ago, on my birth-day. — What a d.iv ol \(,\' was tliat ! This bracelet I received v, iiCn ngv \\'illia;"n was born. — No, no : 1 cannot keep t'nek- jev/els, except it is yourwiiii to punilli me with t'l',' ughtof them. Take them back ! Take th^em bac k '. ijlf takes the cajket hack hi great agilaliuii : — ■Sbe reLilns the h/'acelel.) Mrs. S/ii. Only this bracelet I wdll keep, for tlic iiicmory of my William. .S7/V///. Nov', Mackim! — let us part — ■ Mr J. Srj. Only one moment longer. — .Vrd'w^r me only one anxious cpjcf ion — the c|uellion (jf ihc heart of a mother. — Are my children living ? Sfran. They live. — Mrs. Suj. Are they veil ? Stran. Tlicy are. Mrs. Sri. Thanks to he:iv.n' My c!:.:nmng ii; Wdhan^i! f^ T II E s r R A X a E a .- Wiillam ! My Fanny I — Is ihc your fav(;i;ritc ftiil: — [A patifd.) Generous man I Only once more let nie lee my children before you i::;rt, t:i;it I may kils in them x\\c piJtLire oft'icir father. {^A paujc.) Ah I if you knew the iorrows of my iicart, during twt tiiree iail long and painful years ! ilov/ 1 trem- bled wlien I faw ch/fldrcn of tiic fame aire ! Ordy once more permit me to fee tfiofe on whom r:.y heart fondly rep^ofed ! Stran. [In gycat a^:lal:ou, Ircalbii:^ jljcrlA) AVil- lingly, Sophia. This evening — I exnedr them every moment. — Th.ey v.\-re educated in a neigli- bouring village. I have fcnt my fervant fortliem. He might ha\-e been back nov,-. Idicv iliall be fent to you. — They may ftay the whole nigJit. — ■ To-morrow I wih take them \\iLh me. (Z)/^/-,';/g //'<; p-Ciedji^ ^/^:/.;^/;j il^<:;w Branley, iv/'i/, -r^v/Z' Lilt!)' SaUton^ JifyoJ i-A Aihi — 90ts into tkdhiUj and returns -i^itb l.^rd Santon and ike tvjQ CiAtdren\ Francis y6/yi'::'j-. Lady Santon takes William, a;id Branley takes Fanny, Lady Santon Jla-jding hellnd Mrs. Smith, and Branley ii-J^/;;// A,?e Stranger.) Mrs. Sni. {Approachin'^ to Ane Stranger.) Once more let me prefs thus hand to my boiom : in a better world we lliall meet again. Atran. I'hcrc I'cigns no preiudice — farewell r ( ^L 'bey turn from caih c'ber, botb deepy cAfeAed, tbc Strap.ger meets l'"ann\', a>id Mrs, Smith meets Wilham — Aotb all. a an eaiiamati^n oj jry^ and fail into tbe'rr LiddreAs embraces.) add. A C O M E D V. 67 IJIJI My Mother ! runny. My Father ! Mrs. Sip.. My William ! Almigluy Powers! this joy is too great. ( A long paujc — /j:cr zvbirb I be Stranger cird Airs. Smith !o::k irnJcrN at each other — h: f.ics into her ;ir}/is.) Stra)!. Sophia! O! Sophia, accept liiy Torg-ve- nels of thee. Thou art my wife again, and r.il — . all is forgotten ! Mrs. Sm. Oh ! {Jjhe children hjng upon their parents, and call — my father ! my miOther ! Lady Santon zveeps^ and e-uery ccantenance Jyvipathijes , The cur- tain drops fuddenly.) THE r.:;D. i ■■ ' ' Reiuifi mis nibicriai iw .r._ ..^i_ from which it was borrowed. 01 '^y. ,1-',, \j 1^'- ' •- ccnJ/'OO ^ rhi (( i;l iMinn 1. ( ^^uj/crJ — - PAMPHLET BINDER 3 1158 01020 3 AA 000 079 569 ,—i u