// •.^^i^'^ J "Who taug^ht millions to read but not one to sin." "Only two men have stood on the New World whose fame is so sure to last, Colum- bus its discoverer, and Washington its savior, Webster is and will be its great teach- er ; these three make our trinity of fame^ V This eminont lexico»rapher was born at West Hartford, Connecticut, October 2 16, 1758. Hn entered Yale College In 1774, and graduating four years after, com- . insncod the Ptudy of law, earning his support by school-teaching. In 1783, he ^ issu-^d the first Spelling Book published in the United States ; he was the au%ior ,|| of an English Grammar, a History of the United States, and some minor tieatises; L but the great achievement of his life, that which will perpetuate his name, was his ^ American Dictionary of the English Language, which Is now known as " Webster's jf American Quarto, Unabridged." He was connected with the newspaper press in W New York in 1793, subsequently he resided in Amherst, Massachusetts, and finally J settled in New Haren, Connecticut, representing the two latter places In the state [r legislatures several years. Dr. Webster died after a short illness on the 28th of ^ May, 1843, in the eighty-fifth year of his (ige. He will long be remembered by 'j many as the youthful soldier, the thoughtful politician, the laborious lexicogra- (^ pher, and the Christian moralist " Who taught millions to read hut not one to sin." ) ) ) Books for t^e ' School-Room ! 2 Published bt GEORGE F. COOLEDGE, Nbw Yokk. k. The following books will be sent to Teachers, School-Commissionkbs, ^ ^^ ^ '^ ^ ^^ ( REVISED AND I^MPROVED EDITION. =^ ' I A. S :bJq, TJEL TO / WKBSTEll'S ELEMENTARY SPELLING BOOK : -^ A SPELLER AND DEFINER; CONTAIMING A SELECTION OF 12,000 OF THE MOST USEFUL WORDS IN THB ENGLISH LANGUAGE, WITH THEIR DEFINITIONS: INTENDED TO BE USED AS A SPELLING BOOK AND A DICTIO.NARY. BY WILLIAM G. WEBSTER, BOM OF TUB LATB NOAH WBB8TEB, LU D. « More than three fourths of the words In our dictionaries, ought to be «.raitted in a vocabulary of definitions for schools. The common method of compiiUing sclioiars to commit to memory thirty or forty thousand words, as they are alphabetically arranged, is a tedious misapplication of Ume."— Ely. THB FIFTH HUNDRED THOUSAND. PUBLISHED BY GEORGE F. COOLEDQE, 323 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT k CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. : PUBLISHED BY MORTON k GRISWOLD. 'V-^- / And also Published and for Sale by all the principal Booksellers II^^ throughout the United States of America. "Educate your children, and the country is safe." These were the last words that I ever heard from the lips of the great statesman, the immortal Daniel Webster. From the " Washington Star" Correspondence. \\ THE PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT AN OCCASIONAL ISSUE, 12mo.,2Ap^. ENTITLED THE SCHOOL TEACHER'S MISCELLANY, CONTAINING A CHOICE SELECTION OF INSTRUCTIVE AND MORAL STORIES, FOR TITE SCHOOL-ROOM AND FIRE-SID£. To Teachers, School Committees, &c. Desirous of increasing our already extended list of Teachers* names and addresses, you are solicited to send forward, if you have not already done so, your Post-Office, County, and State address, that a copy of the above-named Miscellany may be sent to you by mail, as often as issued, free from charge, and postage pre-paid. You will confer a favor by also giving the names of the Merchants or Booksellers of whom you purchase your supply of books for the use of the schools under your control. Address, GEO. F. COOLEDGE, Publisher, New York. Entnrofi, (iccording to Act of Congress, In the year 184.5, By GEOKGE F. COOLEDGE & BEOTIIEE, in the Cleik's Olfice of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. THE COMPILER'S PREFACE The proprietors of the Elementary Spelling Booh, believ- \\\^^ that a selection of words in polite and popular use in this country, would be favorably received as a sequel to that widely circulated work, and aware that the compiler was long engaged in assisting in the revision and republication of the American Dictionary, the great work of his lamented father's life, have requested him to undertake the following compilation. Their design has been to furnish elementary and other schools with a vocabulary of words in popular and frequent use, without encumbering the work with hundreds of words, either scientific or obsolete, and which are of no practical im- portance to children till maturer years and intellectual advance- ment shall make them useful. The object aimed at by the compiler has been to arrange, as far as practicable, the words embodied in the Elementary Spelling Book ; to define each word intelligibly, but with brief simplicity, avoiding the use of synonyms as much as possible ; to note the accent, to express each quality of sound by char- acters, and to observe a strict conformity with the orthography of the revised American Dictionary, in 2 vols., royal 8vo. Subjoined, is a list of several hundred of the most usual names of individuals of both sexes in this country, and a list of words of variable wthography, in which the spelling is cor- rected by rules. This table may be useful to those who are disposed to adopt a uniform and systemized orthography. The present edition having been thoroughly revised, the vocabulary enlarged to about twelve thousand words, the defi- nitions extended, and the whole re-stereotyped, the compiler respectfully presents it to the public, with the hope that it may in some degree subserve the great interests of education, and that the son may jpceive a share of that favor which ha« been so long and so justly bestowed upon his father. W. G. W. New Haven, Juli/, 1845. Coiuiiieiidatory JVotices worth Kcudiiig^. Northampton, Mass., January 25, 1846. Wm. G. Webster, Esq. ' Dear Sir : Your little work has ftillen into my hands, and I have looked it over with much interest. It seems to me to be just such a work as was greatly needed in our primary schools. It is hardly ex- travagant to say that the great business of school education is to acquire a knowledge of words and of their accurate and precise signification ; for, he who knows all the words in his native language, and understands the precise meaning of each word, has at command all the knowledge of which his language is the vehicle ; and I regard it as a wise educa- tional measure to begin, at the earliest practicable period in the process >f education, to make children acquainted with the exact meaning of the words which they learn to spell. When I remember how often I spelled over the long columns of words in the spelting-book of my childhood and youth, not one fourth part of which I knew the meaning; of, and consider what an immense advantage it would have been to me, if I had been trained as thoroughly in defining as I was in spelling those words, I can not but rejoice for humanity's sake, and, in behalf of the cause of education, thank you for the excel- lent service you have done that cause ; and my rejoicing is enhanced by the hope and belief that this little work, bearing the venerated name of Webster, will be universally received into the schools of our wide- spread country. For, I regard that man as eminently a benefactor to my beloved country, who, by his true and acknowledged excellence as a laborer in the cause of education, shall send the same elementary spelling-book into every primary school in the Union ; thereby making us a people of one tongue, and almost, by necessary consequence, a peo- ple of one heart. Very respectfully, yours, SYLVESTER GRAHAM. — « — Albany, Nov. 15, 1845. Messrs. Geo. F. Cooledgb & Bro. — Gentlemen : I am now able to inform you that your book (Web- ster's Speller and Definer) has made a decidedly favorable imprcbsion on the teachers of the Normal School. It will be used forthwith, and I trust experience will confirm our favorable opinion. Truly and respectfully yours, FRANCIS DWIGHT. A New School Book. — WhMe the country is almost inundated with new works, designed for the use of schools, of greater or less pre- tensions to merit, it is not always upon examination that those about which most is said, are most worthy of attention and patronage. We have before us a new work, which, upon a careful perusal, has our un- qualified approbation. It is a " Speller and Definer," or a Sequel to Webster's Elementary Spelling Book. It may be used with decided ad- vantage both as a spelling-book and diction^. If this work shall at- tain the success to which its merits entitle it, it will outlive a multitude of ephemeral publications, as the spelling-book which it is designed to accompany, has already done. It needs only to be known, to be appre- ciated. — Jamestoitm Journal. THE TEACHER'S GUIDE FOR PRONUNCIATION. EXPLANATION OF THE POINTED LETTERS OR CHARACTERS USED IN THIS WORK AS A GUIDE TO THE TRUE PRONUN- CIATION OF WORDS. Pointed Consonants* <), €, as in eat, eart. Ch, ch, as in machine. G, g, as in gem, gesture. S, s, as in wise, miser. Th, th, as in fliou, thus. Lo7ig Vowels, A, a— E, e— 1, 1— O, o— tj, u— Y, y. Examples. a, as in ate, bate, fate, create. e, as in b6, mete, concrete, revere. I, as in bite, mice, write, unite, o, as in cone, tone, before, adore, u, as in cure, pure, assure, endure. y, as in by, dry, apply, defy. Promiscuous Examples, A, a, as in far, car. 1, i, as in bird, stir. A, a, as in fall, call. O, o, as in lose, prove. A, a, as in what, was. O, o, as in dove, love. E, e, as in prey, whey. O, o, as in book, wolf. i, 1, as in marine. U, u, as in full, pull. I, i, as in Inch, pin. IJ, u, as in use, union. Directions for pronouncing words. The accented syllable of words is determined \ by this mark ( ' ). When the mark of accent immediately follows a vowel, that vowel is long 5 as in a'ble, fa'vor, defy'. EXPLANATIONS. The long vowel sound is designated also by a mark over the letter, as in See, beet, mice, old, rude, pry. When the mark of accent follows a consonant, the preceding vowel, if single and not pointed, is sJiort 5 as in ab'sence, defend', construct'. When the mark of accent occurs after a syl- lable that contains a pointed vowel or a diph- thong, that vowel or diphthong has its proper sound 5 as in ar'dor, debar', adjoin', above', avow', abound'. A double accent (") before ce^ ci^ and f/, indi- cates that these letters are pronounced like sh^ as in testa"ceous, vi"cious, tui"tion, which are pronounced testa'shus, vish'us, tuish'un. A double accent also between n and g indi- cates that these letters are pronounced with a close articulation ; as in lin"ger, min"gle. Silent letters are printed in italics. ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. a. Stands for adjective. vt, stands for verb transitive.* adv, " adverb. vi. ** verb intransitive. conj, " conjunction. j;p. " perfect participle. n, " noun. ppr. " present participle. lirep. " preposition, p-on. " pronoun. interj. " interjection, jphi. " plural. * The compiler has preferred to use the terms adopted by his father, as more accurate and comprehensive : the transitive verb de- noting action or energy, exerted on some object, or in producing some effect, as the wind propels a ship ; and the intransitive verb de- noting simple being, or existence in a certain stale, as to be, to rest, or denoting action which is limited to the subject, as he sleeps. *'The common distribution of verbs into active, neuter, and pas- sive, is very objectionable. Many of our neuter verbs imply action in a pre-eminent degree, as to run, to fly ; and the young learner c«n not easily conceive why such verbs are not called active." — Dr. Webster. A MB 11 AMU book, dove, fiill, use, €an, chaise, gem, thin, thou. n. A mineral salt of an acid taste. vt. To mix met- n Ir^n/^' odw. Loudly; with much d lOUU 5 noise. ol' riVio «• The first letter in the d-l JJIld, Greek alphabet. al'pha bet, Tajil^e""' "''"'' ol' f Of "• Place where .offerings are ell Icirj laid. _!/ f „-, v^ To change; to make dif- til LUl, ferent. al' ter a ble, fere'd'"' "'' '' ''' alter €a"tion,3ispu?r""'"' al' ter ^d,^,en^"«'' '""'''''■ al tern' ate, lyZlf"' '"''" ' al tern a tive, of two tilings. al'titude,;vSK*'°' '"""''': al' um, a mal' gam ate, ^i; amanuen'sis,"an^u7e?^'^'°^ o mb'ao' ^*- ^o heap up; to accu- <1 llld»h J mulate. am a teur', «. a lover of the arts. am' a tive ness, ?; lov"'""'^'^ om' n fn rv «• Relating to love, or ciiii ^a, L^ 1 J, causing love. a mS7p' t)t. To confound ; to aston- amaze'ment,-,^-"'"'"'- amn' 'zinry "• Wonderful; aston- ma zmg, jshing. am'azon, ;;;;o^:i^."^°'^^"'"^^ am bas' sa dor, :X7 ^"^"^ am' ber gri's, « a fragrant drug. am' bi ent, Jassliir"'^'"^ ' ''"'" om V»i fTii' i f\7 "• Obscurity; doub- am Dl gU I ty,iemeamng am big' u ous, ^cu?e."''''''^ ' °^' ! am bi" tion, ^-J^l^^ ' ^^^'^^^ °/ am bi" tious, -^a^pJ""? ; p™ud ; am' bi tude, « circuit ; compass, am' h\e, ?JtTrp!"°''' '"''^' '°^^'^ ' am' bling, ^iiy^*^'"^' "'"^^"^ ^^■ am bro' sia, ^heVds."' ' ^°°^ °^ am bro' sial, ^iour^""^"'' ^'^'' am' bus <»• Answerable to; a Ilie lid, UlC?, responsible. a mend', j;- J; '''""' '''''""' amend'ment,;;,^J^°r''"' 1 monrlc;' n. Compensation ; satU»- d menas , facuon. Q mon' 1 tv "• Agreeableness of d Illt/li 1 IJ, situation. o m£»i«/^£i' "'• To punish by fine or d llltl L.U , penalty. a merce' ment, J- .luT"'"' am'ethyst,-,e^ar^*"°^"'' a'miabk,fov''e:^"*'"s^"'°^^'^°^ a' mi a bl^ neSS, n. Loveliness. am'ieabk,:,,ffa'^«"" am' i €a bk ness,"go^ofwiu.'''' n rnid' '^^' Among; in the mid- o rnicc' '^"' Improperly ; wrongful- orvk' 1 fir "• Love; friendship; har- din I ly^ mony. am mu ni" tion, lioreJ^'"''^"' am'nesty,3on'^^'°'^^"^'^"^P"- am' O rOUS, a. inclined to love, o *v^i-kn»^f' »*• To increase; to rise a mouni , ,„ value. o rr>r\n»-if' "• The sum total; the d IIIOUIII , whole result. ainphib'ious,?;,,SSfi"a.et am' pl^, «• Large ; diffusive ; liberal. am' pli ate, f^n? '"'"'' '*°'''" am pli fi ea" tion, ^^e^'nf " on-k' r^li'fv ^^- To enlarge ; to ex- aui pil ly, tend; to exaggerate. am' pli tude,t"y. ''''''"' ^'''^''' n tv»' r\]\T °^^- Largely ; liberally ; co- dm piy, piously. am' pU tate, vt. To cut off a Umb. am pu ta" tion, "off^mnb"""* n»Yi' n 1/if "■ Something worn as a aill U H^L, charm. a muse', vt. To entertain ; to divert. a muse' ment, -^J;'^'^^^" ; p^« a mu' sing, -Entertaining ; pleas. ANI 12 ANT bar, fall, wligtt, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, an ae/*' ro nism, J-me^""' '" an' i mal, '!(fj' ^^^^ endowed with an' a gram, fet 11^'"^"'*'*°" °^ a nal' o gize, ^naJg'y.^'^^"" '' a nal' O O-nilQ a- Having analogy d, lldl U gUUb, or resemblance. »» »-»rtl' /-k rr^r n. ReseinblaHce ; rela- a nai o gy, tion. nml'vcie *•• Separation of mat- d Iiai y &I^5 ter into its parts. on' o Ivvfi f^ To reduce to primi- dll a lj-^^5 tive parts. an' ar-G^« n. Author of confusion. an' ir^/i V "• Want of govern- dll aii:,fl y, ment; ciiaos. a nath' e ma, -^Anecciesiasticai a nat' o mist, ^naS^y.^''"^' " a nat' o mize, ^'ninTri."*'''"'* *" 1 not' rk mv "• ^^^ "^ dissecting a nai O Iliy, anlmal bodies. on' noc fr»r «• A forefather; a pred- 1tf\r* "• -^^ ^^°" instrument to an -t/ZtUl , jjeep vessels at rest. an' -eAor age, Ji,"'"""" '° ''"■ an' «Ao ret, "^ '"^""^° ■ ' •■"• mit. A small fish used an ChO Vy, for seasoning. an' cient, ^ine^'e' ''' '™"' ^'"^ o*^/l' j i»ym "• An iron utensil used ailU 1 rC/II, jft fireplaces. an' e€ dote, Satnt"''''"''"''" 1 npvv' '^^"' ^^^^ again; repoated- nn' 6"ol "• -A. celestial spirit; a divine o 9 messenger. angel'ie,:,,^;.^^^"^"^^^''^^""- in" rr^f "• J^age ; resentment ; dis- ail gei , pleasure. an" *yl/> n. The point where two lines dll glc;, fneet . a fishing-rod. in" rrif^r "• ^"^ ^''^ fishes with an dil ^AtJ' 9 angle, or rod and line. in" o-li .tf>nn "• English; relating 'uf' ""'^ anima"tion,;;;J;';4fSf?™- in 1 mr^c' \ t\7 " Extreme hatred; an 1 mOS l ly, aversion. ,c, ri' H/> "■ "^''^ joint between tlio foot dll Kie, and leg. on'nnl wo i'^ To record ; to write dll lldl lZ,t., annals. an' nals, •ito^'^'eaS''''"'' '^'^''''^ an ne«l', ^l^e^'" ''^"'p^'" ^^ an nex ' vt. To unite ; to add ; to 5 connect. Act of con- annexa"tion,;;ecting;un,on. in ni' hi ]^f(^ "' "^^ annul; to dll 111 111 IdLtJ, destroy ; to repeal. an ni ver' sa ry, Jivlr^'^^^''" an noiinrp' «<. To publish ; to de- dll IIUUIIH. , Clare; to proclaim. on nrki/' ^*- To injure; to disturb; dll liuy , to molest. annoy'ance,--!:;rno;r"- an'nual, "ySr""'"™'"^"""' Qn nil' 1 +17 " A yearly allowance dll 11 U 1 ly, for life. on mil' t)<. To abolish ; to repeal ; to dll llUl , make void. an' o dyne, Jam""^'''"' '"^ ^"'"^ a noint' ^'* "^^ smear or rub with 5 oil. a nOn , ««'»'• Qulckly , soon ; shortly. a non' y mous, "ame'^^'^^''* ^ an' SWer, ?ion^ ''^''-^ a confuta- an' swer a bl^, ?,,tTe""''''' ' in too-' r^ niat «• An opponent; dll Idg U lUtel, an adversary. »n te Ce' dent, «• Going before. an' te date, f/,,1"^''' ''''''"'' an te'ri or, fo.""''"' '''"'' ^"°' an' them, «• a holy song or hymn. an' ti <^^rist, "chiS' '^^°'"^ '° antic'ipate,Ktnd''with^'^'"^- antip'athy,J„^TSie^^"- on tinii/^' «• Old-fashioned; an- dll IU[UC , cient. an tiq' ui ty, ^iJeT'' '''''» "'"^ APP 13 ARG book, dove, full, use, ean, chaise, ^em,. thin, fhou. vt. To refer to another as an' vil "• ^ ^^'^S^ ^^r^" b\oc]s. used by «•** ^"5 smiths. anYi'otv "• Solicitude of mind; dtlA 1 \^ Lj ^ uneasiness mhy' irMic «• Having solicitude or fill A JUUh, concern. o i^n ff ' <"^*' ■'^'' ^ distance ; separate- cl [Jai t 5 ]y . privately. apart'ment, ^0,1'^°"'" *" ' oKx' o +Kir n. Want of feeling or sen- tip d LIIJ', sibility. ape'rient,°p«|:fP"'^""'»^ ap' er ture, «• An opening ; a gap. o' i-ki:iv »• The top or summit of a a ptJX, thing.' aporogy,-.!"'^"^"""'""- Q nnc' /l^ "• ^ person sent to d jJl^ft MC^^ preach the gospel. an Tioll' "'• To terrify; to frighten; r r Vr 5 to discourage. ap pa ra' tUS, «• Furniture ; tools. app5r'ent,-rtr/r^ ''^^'^"^' ^PPKjidJe^ ap pear' ance, ^een!"^ °^ "'""^ ap pcaa>L , to stiii. iir» r\5/Ti»' ^- To come or be in sight ; d'^w near. dp pi uaCll , I w/. To come near to. appro'priate/pecuuar;^"' •ir» r\rri\7o' ^'- To allow of; to be dp pi UVt. 5 pleased with. an nrriv' ^H ^- Liked; exam- ap prOV eilj i^ed -, tried. ap prox' i mate, 'J, J" ^°""^ an rn nri«' '''^•'- Seasonably; oppor- dp 1 U pUd , tunely ; to the purpose. apt> «• Fit ; ready ; quick ; qualified. or-kf' i fn/4/:» n. Tendency ; fitness; apt 1 LUUe, disposition. a qUat' i€, «• Living in the water. aq' ue du€t, :;atS""'"'' '" a' que OUS, a. watery; like water. ori' ni lino a. Like an eagle's beak; dl| Ul lllit;, curved. Qt»' «i Kl^ a- Suitable for plowing or r dr d UlC^, tillage. ; ar' bi ter, «• An umpire ; a judge. ar' hi tra rv "• ^^espotic ; abso- dr Ul trd 1^5 lute; unlimited. jir' hi frafo vf. or ui. To decide ; to dl Ul tl dtt;, determine ; to judge. ar' bor, «• a bower ; a shaded seat. h*r x'arlo' "• -^ '""^ *'"^'^' ^"^ contin- 1 dl -t-atac , uation of arches. | iirnVi' *'*• To build or cover with dl dl , arches. arch' ^d, ??eh.' " ^°""''^ """' "" ' arc/i an' gel, n. a cWef angel. arch bish' op, -a principal bish. orr»h' or "■ ^"® ^'''^ "^®* °*' shoots dl i^ll ei , with a bow. arch' er y, CoJ''' *'' °^ ""''"^ ^ are^' i teet, EuSgr'" ^''''"' ^ ar€/t' i te€t ure, S^ifdm^g"' '' ur^h^ ivf»« "• Records; place for alXjil 1»^»5 records. arr'h' Iv '^'^^' ^^'"'^ys with shrewd- arch'ness7hamor'.'''^'"'"' ''^ of^' +i/> "• Northern; lying toward dl -ty lli:/, the north. ar' rlpn rv "• Eagerness; zeal; dl Ueil 1^^, warmth. or' rlont "■ Eager; zealous; affec- dl Ut^llt, tionate. ar' dor, »• Zeal; warmth; affection. ar' du OUS, «• DiflScult; laborious. a' ro a "• ^P^" surface; superficial d 1 i^ d, contents of a thing. 1 ro' r»a "• The space for combatants d 1 t; lid, jn a theater. ar' gent, a- Like sUver ; white. or' rrfiiO fi- To reason ; to dispute ; to dl gUC;, debate. 'if' rm Tnc^Y\i "• Controversy; de- dF gU lIlt^IlL, bate ; subject. J Alls 14 ASP biir, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. tir' id, a- Parched up with heat ; dry. _ ,,7^^Lf' arf«. Rightly ; without mis- a ng^ni , take, 'riyf n. Science; skill; cunning; dex "-'^ ^5 terity. ar te' ri al, ?y.^^^^''"^ ^° '^^ "'^- a rise', vi. to rise up ; to mount up. ar ' te 17, Lm''he hTaT^^"^ ^^°°*^ o fitli' rvio fi/> "• '^^^^ science of' X».f' A-,1 a. Cunning; artificial; dex- dlllll llJt; Lit/, numbers. j cll t lUJ, t^us o'flr "• The vessel in which Noah was i y ,.f' A,] ^locc; "• <'unning; art ; "• ^ condition ; a stipula- *irm ^^' ''° furnish with weapons of ill III, offense or defense ; to fortify. ar ma' da, «• a large fleet of ships. arm' a ment, ^^^c^^^""^ """ "'"^'^ n. As hold, Hvm^ fill " ■'^^ much as the arm can n. Cessation of hos- •ar ti<^' u lar, ^om^ts''^*"^"^ '' "'^ iii- fi-£>' 11 lofo ^f^- 'J**^ utter words ai Lli:/ U lait?, distinctly. Fraud ; trick ; art ; art' i fice, I,, art if trade. 1 cer arm is tlCe, tinties ; a truce ii„r,r.f l„f 71. A bracelet ; a small arm | 01.+ i f\'f r>iol «• Made by art < not arm ill, of the sea. I ai t 1 li Ciai, natu n. An artist or manu- 5 facturer. «»«rv^' y-v^ "• Defensive arms for the arm or, ^ody. ral. One skilled in ar til' le rist, g, arm o' ri al, «. Pertaining to arms. | ar til' ie ry, i^^s""""" ^"'^ °"'^^ art 1 San, "-An artist ; a mechanic. o rf ' -jof "• One skilled in arts ; a skill- ai I Ibl, fui man. or-f' loocj <^- Without art or guile; ai L It/tefe, unskillful. oc r»or»rl' '^'' '^'^ mount ; to rise ; to ab L/t/IlU , move higher. ascend' ant, Sj^sk'' «">''^- ascend'ency,r„JeTe"'""'^ oo' r»ont "• A^* °^ rising; an em- db ^.^Cllt, inence. Qe /^£ii. t^irt' '"^- '^° make sure or as KyX^l Lctfll , certain ; to establish. oe r»of-' i^ "• ^ devout person; a ab Cl^L It/, hermit. aserib'abk,?ri^^f '''"" oa . , tribute to. a sham' Cd, «• Abashed ; confused. clbll t;», burnt, as of wood, &c. n cll' V "■ ^^^^ ' ^sh-colored ; hke ash- Q oirlo' °^"' Apart from the rest ; t© a blue , one side. •• 1^ vi. To beg ; to seek ; to claim ; to abK, question. as karice',ttse. ""'"'"''' '''" a slant', a^lv. on one side ; obliquely.' .1 c^T^xxc.' «<^"- Slantingly; with de a blOpe , clivity. as' pei^t, n. Look ; air ; appearance o^ viol »• A. magazine fox mill- ! ^m >^or' l fv "• Ro'ig^mess ; haisb be llcll, tary stores. i *^* 1^^* * V5 ness of speech. o^r^ i^ n- A heavy poisonous I ^.^ rk^ircfi' v/. To slander ; to calum bMl It/, mineral. ! "■* P^* *^ 5 niate. n. The crime of house-burn «rii«rv-i' r\ Y'\T " A. place where arms anil t» ly, are kept. 'nvrv\' r\\i " '1"^^® hollow under the ifc ^ ' shoulder. arms. «• weapons of war ; hostility. -'^' rv»-»r "■ A large body of armed ar my, troops. r» !«/%' rvi b* "• The fragrant quality of a ro ma, piams. ar O mat' ie, «• Fragrant; spicy. ■a rrkiicn' *'^- To awake ; to raise up; ^ taxes, «.» oc>ao vJl , Qj. assesses. Jic' cr^fc **• /*'"• Effects of a deceased db ot;! 05 person or debtor. as sev' er ate, rfceTy°.'^'™^°''* Qc ci rln' i fv »»• (-lose application; dS bl UU 1 ly, diligence. py lu 111, refuge. a' the ism, «• Disbelief of a Cod. q' f Vio icf "• ^ disbeliever in God's d lilt; Ibt, existence. a thirst', a- Wanting drink ; thirsty. athlet'ie, fustr"'""' '"^^"'■°"'' a fhwnrf' P'^^P- Across; trans- d tllVVdl L , verse; through. at las, "• -A- collection of maps. at' mos phere, iTllrf-""'' at Om, "• A minute particle. at om' i€ al, J„,?"^'^''"^ °' ^*- n tF\r%Ck^ *"* To make satisfaction ; to d LUIlt; , expiate. a tone' ment, JialfJn""'"' ' ''" 1 trrk" ninnc a- Enormously wick- «:;oL a nwii, ijence ; witness. at tire', "*• to dress ; to array. of firt*' "• Clothes; dress; orna- al liri^ , ments. at'titude,JeJr°e'"™' '"""" at tor' ney, J;,„rr.""'° "'" '"' of f fo ^f ' ^'- To allure ; to draw ; to dl irdt/l , entice. attra€"tion,rng''°"''^''^""' nttra^f'lVP "•• enuring; enga- tiL ti cit-b ivc, ging ; enticing. attrib'ute,?!.jJV:'"'""°°'"" nf' f ri Vkiifo «• An inherent quali- dL til UULt^, ty ; a property. of fri" fion "• ^'^^ ^^ rubbing or cit til tHJli, wearing ; repentance. at tune', vt. To make harmonious. au' burn, «- Brown ; of a dark color. oni^"/. To profit ; to use ; topro- d Vdfcl , mote. ava^Tabk,:ffi';Tcf''^^''™^| nv' o rir»P "• I-ove of money ; cov- dV d 1 H.>c;, etousness. ' avari"cious,«o^^^^^'y'/=^"'^^- avenge',rl''°^^'^"^''^*"'"" AZU 17 BAL book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. av' o nno "• An alley ; an entrance dV U IlUt;^ to a place. o trcif' vt. To affirm ; to assert ; to «• Vt3r , declare. nv' or Qfro "• ^ medium; a mean av Cl 0-5*^5 proportion. a verse', Jy To?' '"'"''' '"'''"'"■ a Ver' Sion, »• Disllke ; antipathy. a vert', vt. To tum aside ; to keep off. o' vi 1 f\T "• A place to keep birds '' >» a void' less, ^"1'"'°"""°' '"°'" o xr/~w^»r' ^*- To acknowledge ; to pro- a vow , fess. o -irrwxT' q1 "• Positive oropendec- a vow ai, laration. avow'edly,l-J" ^^ °p«" o txT^ii' ^^- To expect ; to wait for ; ^ ' ^o attend. a wake'. «• Not aslcep ; sleepless. n «To' Ij-^*-* v^. To excite from sleep; a Wtl K6II, to rouse. o ,«Toi'/^l' ^'- To adjudge; to deter- a Wai U , n^ine. a ward, • «• a judgment ; a sentence. o xm/or-ri' a. Vigilant ; guarded; cau- a Wai ty , tious. awe« »■ Dread ; respect ; reverence. aw' luL <^- Filling with awe or dread. o«r' rill \\T ff'iv. Reverentially; fear- aw lui iy^ fully. o AJi/l-iil/:*' "■'^"- For some space of d, WIlUe , time. awk' ward, "y^"^"^^^^'"' ' '='^'"- awk' ward ness, fn^i^Tance."' ^,-jl n. A small instrument to make aWI, holes. awn* »• The beard of com or grass. oi- To choose by ballot ; to I ba/in "■ "^ fragrant ointment; a ba/m' y. «• soft ; soothing ; fragrant. I bal' Sam, » An ointment ; a shrub. 'bal'i^ster,Jii4.^'""'^'^«^""^'?^-^ baF us trade, JiutrJ.^" '' ^"-^ ; bam boo\ «• ^n East India plant uailiv, jjygf . a, repository- of money. Konlr' £»i- "• One who takes money Uailh. t.1 , on trust bank ini^« "-operation in money. bank' rupt, SeJlr"" '" '"'^' °"''''' bank'ruptcy,;,„^Cpf''"''* Kon' nov "■ ■'^ standard; a military Uail lltJl 5 ensign. ban' quet, "l^tnt^"' ''' «^^«"^i"- ban' quet ing, n. Act of feasting. Kon' fav ^*' To amuse ; to play up- Udll LtJi 5 on ; to rally. bant' ling, fnfantJ'""^ ''"^^' '" ban' tl«m "-Application of water by i uap liaill, sprinkling or immersion, j bap tis' mal, Jsm.'^'""^ '" '^^" f»OT» fi'/fk' '''• "To christen; to ad- uap 11Z,C , minister baptism. Kh'r ^'- To fasten with a bar ; to hin- *-'"'* 5 der ; to shut out. Kjir "■ An obstruction ; a defense ;fig- Udl , uratively, a tribunal. Ko I'K "• A beard ; a point ; a Barbary barba'rian,;i,IJ^^P^^^°"^ bar ba' ri an, > « Far-fetched , , , . ' > foreign ; unciv- bar bar i€, ^ iiized. bar'barism,j;-Jsr-'-- barbar'ity,S;Jt7"'^ "'" I ban, J-,^^^ ""'^'=' ' "" i"^^^d'^t*<>^ ' Mr' ba rous, J;ii^™'^ ' ^^^^^" ba na' na, «• a kind of plantain. band, «• a company ; a bandage. Konrl' 'lO-p "• Something bound OcinU age, over another. band' box, r.eu,Tc"'°"'"'°" ! ban' dlt, »• a robber ; an outlaw. Urtr\ (\\\' ti "• ^"- Oiiyaws; plun- Uail Ult tl, derers ; robbers. band' y, ^t. to beat ; to toss about. bane, «- Ruin; «iischief; poison. ibane'fu], ;:;,;Sr°'^^=P"^°"°"'' Konrp *''- To thump ; to beat ; to han- »jaiJg, die roughly. banian',^ol^^""^'"^"'^^"''™"^ b"\\V icH f<- To drive away; to exile , *^*1 Ibll, from one's country. ban' ish ment, -rfatlo!.: '""" ! ban' is ter, «• (See lahister.) t^h'r' hr» ^T^P "• ^ ^''S dressed Ddr Ue -tjUC, whole; a festival. barb' ed, ^d."'' '''''' '"''^''''^" bar' ber, «- a shaver of beards. Ko»»r1 *• A poet, ancient or modern; Udl U, a minstrel. Koi«£i <*• Uncovered; naked; una- Udl e, domed. Knrfi i;/. To strip; to uncover, to Udl tJ, make naked. bare' faced, "erver^^"'' ^"^'■ bare' foot, :,-^f°"^^^^^^*"^^°^ Knrp' 1 V ' '^^' Nakedly ; merely ; on- bar' ffain, ■^t- To make a contract. KXf' ^oin "• An agreement ; a con- oai gain, tj-act. bar ffe, »- a boat for pleasure or trade. bark, W- To make a noise like a dog. Koflr "• The rind of a tree ; a small Udl K, gj,ip B AS 19 BEA book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. Kor.' IckXT- "• A species of grain used I U«<,f' ;„„• "• ^ beating; a sewing oar ley, j^ making malt. j ^<*^^ -^''fe? slightly. barm, l^^oT' '*'' '°'"' "^ "^*^N batch, n. Quantity made at once. barn, »• a storehouse for grain or hay. bate, S^e^/pS '^^ ''"^'^ '''' '"'' ' *° bar' na ele, «• a kind of sheii-fish. ^ bath, ;• e^ ^^^^^ '° '"^'^ ^" ^ " "^^"" ba rom' e ter, J, ^^i^'irlira!?.' > bathe, w. to wash; to soften. bar' on, »»• Rank next to a viscount. | ba' thoS, «■ Art of sinking in poetry. bar' on age, «. Dign.ty of baron, bat tal' ion, ?;om 'o'o tVsoo"''"'" ' bar' on ess,- Theladyof abaron.' bat' t^n, ^g^,ow faT ""^ '"'^'''' ' '" '= bar' on et, «. Rank next to baron. | bat' tcr, ^J^;^" "' "'"'' "''"' i vt. To heat down ; to de- baro'nial,Sy.^^^"'^"^'"*'^^'"° ba rOMche', »». An open coach. kof' ru^'h "• ^ building for sol- Uai 1 at:.lV, diers' quarters. har»' rt»] «• A wooden vessel or cask; Uai 1 t-^l, any thing hollow. bar' ren, «• unfruitful ; empty; dull. bar'renness/^tf.rveSi.."'''"' barjieade'jE^VXify.""* .#. bar^rier, ?,„,!'""""'">' a. de- bat ter, molish. Kof' tnr V "■ ^" instrument of bat- oat ttl J , tery ; a.parapet. Kof' tl/> "• •^ ^g'l'- ; a combat be- Oat tlo, tween armies and fleets. bat tic. VT. To contend in combat. bat' tlc-aX, «• A weapon like an ax. bat'tlcment, £eatt-wor' * baVV' ble, »•■ A trifle ; a gewgaw. bawl, «"• To cry out ; to call loudly. bar' ris ter, "ouifsclon*^''"*'**^ ' * ba^/, "• A» a™ °f ^'^^ sea ; a tree bar' row?, - a smaU hand-carriage; bar' ter, vt. To give in exchange. base, "• The foundation of any thing »ai/, vt. To bark like a dog. o »/ rk not "-A dagger on the end tjdfj O IltL, of a gun. ba ziiar', ba zar', n. a market. base, ^;^,r '•^'''' '"'''*'''''' 'i'?,'' ^e, -• To have existence ; to exist. " Ko^fr»li "• Tl'e sea-shore , a strand ; Oewv^ll, ijjie sea-coast. uase UOrn, illegitimate. base' less, Jion"*'''"^ ""^ ^''""'^^' base' ment, ^oor.""""' ""' ^''''"''^ base' neSS, «• Meanness ; vileness. bash'ful,?o7^™'^'"^°^^^^'«'>y' bash' fill ness, leSf!St'- bas'i lisk, JlylS'"' "'' '"""^l beak' er, «. a kind of cup, ba' sin, Lairpond. '"°'°'' "''"''■ 'i beam, r.gh.P*^^^ "^ ^''"^^^^ ^ * ^^^ "^ | Jx.,' rjjrj n. The foundation; the bot Uu, &15>, tonj . a pedestal. Oask, f»- To lie exposed to the sun. bask et, »»• A utensil made of twigs hWsc "• A species of fish ; a kind of ""--5*5 cushion. baS soon', ;;; A^J^se mus.cal mstm- bas tin ade', ^'.dg'ei. ^"^' ""''^ ^ bea' eon, Lis'e"''^' ''"""' ^^"''*- bead- »• An omament for the neck. Kfi/l' A\p "' A petty oflicer; a crier ; Uci* Uio, a messenger. bea' ^1^, "• A species of hunting dog. bp//k "■ '^^® '*'^' °^ ^ ^^'^'^ ' * prof"®"- light hp/jm ^^' ^** shine forth; to emit beam' y, «■ Radiant ; resplendent. K/>ai* "'• To carry; to endure; to be ! UCcl[, fruitful. \\i5.rwff\ " ^^air on the chin ; the barb j UeWi a, of ail arrow. j beard' less, «■ Destitute of beard, j b^^ar' er n. A person that cariies ; a L ) supporter. BEF 20 BEN bar, %n, whg.t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. K/>nr' ino- "• Situation as to direc- UCcil ^11^7 tion ; manner. b^ar' ish, ;„,g^i;!^« ^ ""'^'-^ "^^«' bc^T'St. »• A brute ; one void of reason. K?Iy^cjf ' ]\T «• Acting liiie a beast ; U<^Wht IJ', filthy; brutal. \\firtf ^*- ^° strike ; to throb ; to over- Uk^UI^ come. beatif'i«,aesS.'""' ■""""' l\(^ nf' i fv '^^^ '^° make blessed or Ot; dt 1 Aj5 happy in heaven. l>;^/.f' inrr "• <^orrection by blows; DCai ing, a flogging. beat'itude,;i,«e'sT''"'"''''' Kr>i n (*"^ "• '^ '°P ' * coxcomb ; a la- Ui^clU, jy's man. beau' ish, I K'* ' ""'"'"' ' '*' bcau'teous,;ie^>"g"'""''"'^ beau' ti ful, ;,fSra,ega«""' V^AffiT\' i\ f^j ^^- '^'^ make beautiful ; UCllU tl IJ', to adorn ; to embellish. K/»/yfi' tv "• Agreeable and graceful DCUil tj5 appearance. hc» Jnn«P»' '^''"> ^" *^'^ account; Ut; t,clu»C/ ) for this reason. be chance', ?ii^'"'''f'"'"''° ''°- be charm', r^eS."""^'""" l^£iiyh' rtn ^^- '^'^ make a sign with l}tiX^l\. C/llj one's finger. V\ti ^r\rr»o' ^^- °'" '^^^ '^° adorn ; to be OC -t/UlIlL/ ^ suitable to. ho ^nm' int , jnand. Ko Vjrilrl' *''• To look upon ; to see ; UKy IIUIU , to view. ho hr\\f\' f>w "• Obliged ; indebted ; ut. iiuna «>ii 9 bound in gratitude. behoof, ?age^'^' ^'°'^'' ^^^^"^ hcJ inrr "• Any living creature; ex- Ul> "^55 istence. bela'bor,SJ°^^"*^''^"^^y'*'' hc^ lo-*/ ''*• To make fast a rope ; to Ut; ViXy , lay wait for. Kol' rinm "• A hag ; a decrepit old Uei Uaill, woman. belea'gMer,^,^:/-^''^"' Upl^ fi'V "■ ^ tower where bells be lie'. Up 1/3^' »• Credit ; opinion ; persua- U „11 n. A hollow, sounding vessel, of "<^*^5 metal. hcAlp "• -^ S*y ^^^ beautiful young bel lig'^eVont, "war.'^"^'"'' '" bel'low?,ruii'^""^"^'""°''''^''^ Ko \t\Y\cs' ^^- To appertain to ; to be Ue KJIlg , the property of. ho \c\m' /»H "• ^oved by; dear to; De lOV ea, valued much. be low?', ;Sce!"''""' '" ^°''"'" be m6«n', «*• To lament ; to bewail. K^n rl v^ To yield ; to stoop ; to crook; UeilU, to subdue. vi. To slander; to calumni- ate. BET 21 BIP book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. benedi€"tion,JronVne'eT^ ben e fae" tion, Jind1,eff' * ben' e fice, Tivinf '''''''^''''^' benericence,J-,S^";jrc;d'' be nef ' i cent/,,;j-i',°'^^'s-^^ benefi"cial, «3e''fur''^'""'^ Kf»ri' a {\t *''• ^° do good to; to ad- Uc^ll t; lltj vantage. Kr»r»' c\ {\f "• Kindness; favor; ad- Ui^Il t/ 11 Lj vantage. be nev' o lence, ".eneTot;'"' be nig-At', ll'-J"'"™"""""'"''- Ko ni o-n' ''■ <^"iirteous ; kind ; gen- Ue 1**^ »^ 5 crous. ben'ison,SiioS!^"^"^'^^"^- hpnf" **■ inclination; decliv'ity; pur- fi A n 1 1 tvi V v/. To render insensible ; Ue IlUItIC/ , to stupefy. hp nilP/?fh' "' '^*^ give a legacy; Ue tJUCMtll ^ to leave by will Ko niiocf' "• ^ legacy; something Ue quebt , left by will. ho rS/7vr»' «<• To deprive or rob one Ut; I k;u\%^ 5 of ; to lake away from. bere«ve'n.eiit,r„3^r«S^ berSf' a mot, «. a kind of perfume, ~ 7 ^ horlh "• -^" office; a place ta sleep UCl til, jn a ship. beseech', JfJ°«"^^^"^' ''''"" be seem' ly, Sef^"""" ' '"''*" be set « «*• To encompass ; to harass. hp c/^O-f*' *'^- "To l3,y siege to a Ut; SstCge , town. hp «nnf' f f»r •'^- "^^ splash with UC bpai ler, ^irt ; to asperse. be speak', l'^J° "^'^^^ ^^'' ^° °^- best, a- Gfood in the highest degree. ho cfVi'' *"'• To move about briskly ; UC Mil , to hasten be StOM?', on.'*°^''*' to confer up. be stow' ment, Jr Swti^'* hpf \ n A wager. *^^^J I vt. To lay a wager. hp fu\z{^' ^'- To take to ; to resort ; u\y LaiVC , to have recourse to. be to' ken, iJ^* ^'^'"^y • '^ f«^«- hf» fro^f' ^^^ To deliver up treacher- UKj tl etc/ , ously ; to discover. hp irrttW *''• '^^ &'^® or receive a "^ n Ulll , contract of marriage. bet ter, a- More good ; superior. be tWeen', prep, in the middle of. hpv' p1 "• ^" masonry, a kind of uv^v viif square rule. bev'eragej^rink!'^"^'' ™'"^'"'* beV y, n. A company ; an assembly. hck ^x/a-jl' *'*• To express grief; to Ut; waei , lament. beware', r;oS°*'^"^^'^*°^' '" bewil'der,ronfJ,V""^''^'' '' bewirder6d,?^nJer"''^^ hp t*7if r»h' *'^- "To ^'^'^'^ ^y witch- UV WltL/ll , craft; to charm. be witch' ing,?.^^^^""'' be?/, «• A Turkish governor. be y Ond', prep. Further onward. bl' as, «• Inclination ; prepossession. hi' a^ *''■ '^^ incline to one side ; to Ul do, prepossess. hilo "■ A yellow liquor secreted in the UllU, liver. bick' er, «*• To dispute ; to wrangle. VxiA vt. To entreat; to command; to itllj^ offer a price. bi dent' al, «• Having two teeth. bien'nial,j^j'jpp^r^°""^* bi' form ed, «■ Double shaped. hirr' Q mv «• The having two wives Ulg /*!- "• A small creek or bay ; an. Ulg^ni^ inlet of the sea. big' gin, n A child's cap. KJfv.' g~.f n. A superstitious person ; m Ulg UL, zealot. big Ot ed, a. Irrationally zealous. hi I' irkiic {bW yus) a. Full of bile; Ull lUUfe, choleric. bilk, vt. To cheat ; to disappoint. hil' lof **'• To quarter troops in Ull IL^t, houses. hill' inrric "• -^ game with ball« Ulll IcirUS, and sticks. bill ion, "• A million of millions. \\\V \f\tn n. A surge of the sea; a roll- UU 1007, j„g ^ave. bind ^^' *^ *^® "^ ' *° f*'t6" tegeth- bi no' mi al, J^rS'"^°"'^ °^ ^^" bi Og' ra pher, -^One who write. bi og' ra phy, "^^.t ^"^"^"^ °' bi' ped, »• Any animal with two feet. B L E 22 BOA bar, fall, wh^t^ prey, marine, pin, bicd, raove. htrtW "■ Act of comirtg into life ; ex- Ull tlf^ traction ; ranK by descent. birth' day, S^r'''''''°'°"''' hiirth' rltrhi " Rigbts to which Uirill rignij ^ue rs bom. kic-' j>tM\t "• A. kind of liard flat l>lb -trMll, thread ; a cake, bi Se^t', vt. To cut into two part* hich' (\r\ **• ''"'^ ecclesiastical Ivead Ulbll up, £>( a diocese. hi ^l-i'" f\r\ v\jy " Tlie jurisdiction of UIMl up I It., a bishop. hif<^ ^?. To pierce with the te^h ; to UlLt., cheat ; to trick. hit' fpr "■ ^^^^ ' '^^'^'"^ ; keen ; cruel j lilt ttJl ,. pajpifui-. s^vgj-e. UlL Lt;i l*^o:>, grief; m-allce. bitu'men,^er'^"^^"«^™"^^'^'""^"'- u;,r r^iio ^' "• The watch Qf an en- UIV UUtlt/, tire army. black' en, ?efaS;-^«^^^^« black' gward, ^eiiow™'"' *''' black' smith, n. a worker in iron. hlorlo "A. spire of grass j thecut- UlclUtJ, ting part of a knife. hi J5mP ""*' '^^ ^'"^ ^^"^'' ^''''^ ' ^^ ^^^' blame' le^s,?a.!r""'^ "''''"' Klrinr'Vi **'• "^^ wluten ; to peel al- UlclIICIl,, monds ; to erade. bland, «• Kmd ; soft ; mild ; gentle. blan' dish ment,Ja?S*'''"""'' blank. «• P^^le ^ unwritten ; confused. hlnnlr "• -^ ^"''^ space in writing; Uiailtv, disappeintrnent. blaspheme',:j,ak:v[f:;«;d.^^ bias' phe my, «. indignity to God. blast, «'♦■ T'o spoil ; to mar ; tobliglit. 1, 1 -^^f ». A gust of wind ; an explosigr* Ulclht, of powder hln-yp "• ^ fl2Lme ; a strean^ of light; Mlcliipt;, a white mark. - ■ : KJ n'7P '''• ""^ *'^' ^° flame ; to publish ; lll&, make happy. bless' ed, «• Happy, prospeious. bless' ing, ravor.'^^^ ^'"''' *^'^"' KlT^fcf ^^- To blast ;. to hinder from migni''^'''^'""'°"^'''^ blithe, «• Gay; pleasant ; merry, bloat, "i- To swell ; to pafF up. h]o.^lc ^flp' ** ^° ^^^^^ uporbe^ UlU-t/lV aut^ , sieger a town. block' head, ^dJit''"'^'^p^^^""* KlAnrl ■*» Tlie red lluid that circulate* UIOUU, through the body. bloom, vt. To put forth Mossom*. ! bloom' ing, So^eT""' '""'' bios' SOm, n. The flower of plants, hlot "'' ^° obliterate ; to blur ; to dis» '•f*^KJ{^ grace ; to stain. Ulj^Tf, n. A stroke; an unexpected 01007, event. I blub' ber,^oiS"'' ''''''"''''' bind' geon,^„^''^°''''"^^'=^"'^"P- Klil./^ J n. An original color. JJlUr, ^ a. Sky-colored. klii.»' AfAV v'i'- To mistake^ to errf Diun aer, to stumbi*. blun' der buss, « a short gun. klrrr-it *' Having a doll edge ; rude ; UIUIIL, abrupt; unpolrte. blunt'ly, £,^^""^^^^"'^^^"'^ blur* "• A spot ; imperfection ; stain. kinch *'• To torn red in the face ; to UlUfell, betray shame blus' ter, bo' a« ••• -A. monstrous serpent. K pr ,.„ J vt. To cover witli boards ; to UUmI U, enter a ship by force. hn/7rrl' or "• ^^"^ ^'''^ P*>^ for food IMJUl U. 1^1 ^ and lodging. hna«t '"^' "^^ ^^'^S; to exult; toglory hri^tsf' fill "• Bragging much; UOaSL lUl, proud; haughty. kri//f '^- Asiriaii vessel moved by oar« UUUt, or sails. vi. To make a noise ; to roar. ■KB BO^ 23 BOU I book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, g;em, thin, thou. U — Jp w*. orwi. To portend; to forc- UUUtJj show ; to he an orrien. UUU It/U, wonnen. bod' i less, L^;?^'^"«"°''^'>-'^P'^- L._.J/.: ?,, a. Pertaining to the body ; UOU 1 lj5 real; actual. bod'ing, r„g^"°"^^""^'"'^^^°^- bod' kill, n A large kind of needle; I J^ w n. Matter, opposed to spirit i a UUtl j^ person; a collective mass. bod' y gward, « a lifeguard. boST* n. Marshy ground ; a swamp. Urxre' cA^ ***• "^^ hesitat© ; to waver ; DOg glC, to start. bo n6*""& J courageous ; rude ; UOlUj licentious. U^j^V ly adv. Rravely; rudely 5 pudently hrilrl' nocc " (Courage ; impudence; UUIU llC&fe, confidence. \\f\V cf or ''' ''° support ; to pad ; to UUl otc;i , compress. , bol'ster, r,n:'^*^"sp'"°^^'^*^"'^- hrilf "'• To fasten; to sift ;: to utter UUltj precipitately. bolt, n. An iron fastening ; an arrow. kXrr»K «• An iron bali charged with UUIIIU, powder. bom bard', ^Lbl.° '*'''^ ^^"^ hrim' Kief "• Affected language; UOlll Uclbl, swelling words hnm ha^f' i4> " sweiimg; lugh- UUIll UdbL lily, flo^n . ranting K^,^^ n. A written obligation ; con- IJUIIU, nection. hnnH' «frp " Slavery; servitude; UUHU age, imprisonment. bond' man, « a male slave. hrkrirlc' man " ^"^ ^^^'o is surety OOnUS man, fo^ another. bone, n. The solid part of the body. hr»n' f*Tro "• A fire made for tri- UUIl 1 irti, uinpi, bon' mot, artel.J"'*'^ ^'"^ "P" bon' net, -a covering for a lady's bon' ni ly, f/."'- ^'"""y* ^^"*^^^- bOO' by, n. An ignorant fellow. book, vt. To register in a book. Krknlr "• A volume in which we read UyUK, or write. book' ish, - Gjen to reading ; stu- book' keeping, Tng^r/uS.^- book' sell er, l,,^t ^^"'"' °' V\r\r\rr^ *'»• To rush with violence ; to UOUIII, svvell. K/-krir» ^- A gift ; a favor; a request; UUUIl, a prayer. Krvrkf "' A clown ; a rustic ; a rude UOUI , „ian. boor'ish, t,':l{:'""'•'^''^"'^" = ^"^■ boot' ed, «. Wearing boots. Krkrkf' lr»«OU qUei , a bunch of flowers. BRE 24 BRO bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, more, L. ^,-./ --._ n. An arbor in a garden ; an DOW er, anchor. bow' er y, «• shady ; retired ; cool. Kritrtl n. The hollow of a cup or glass ; UUWl^ a wooden ball. boX« vt- To pack in a box ; to strike, boy' hood^ « The state of a boy. V\r\^7' iaU <» Like a boy; childish; ouy Ibll, si„,pie. Ki'or»£» *'^- To tighten ; to strain up ; UI aut;, to bind. hrar^o' lot "■ ^" omauaent lor the Ul cll./e ICL^ wrists. braek' ish, :,hS« salt water; Kforr **• To boast; to swetgger ; to "' .i^K n. A pipre of burnt clay; a bri' dal, Jlupt;^'"'""'^ '« =^ '"'^«' bride' groom, -^r.ed""" .^"^^ bride' well, Ln.^'^"'' ""^ •^^"''"- Krirl6"f» «• A pas.sageof woodorstone Ul lyx^K:^ oygr water. XwV rll/? "'• To restrain; to keep in UI 1 UlC, check ; to guide. brief, «• Short ; concise ; contracted. brief ly, adv. with few words. bricy "■ ■^ vessel with two squar©- "* *D? rigged masts. brig ade', -a parity of soldiers, foot brig' and, Jr:^''°'^''"'*^^^«^°"'- bflfrhi °- i'Ucid; shining; clear; 1 1^'* I, witty. brl^At' en, tj,^ p°"»*' • '° '""''* bri^/^t'ness,^pirdor"'"'!^ brir lian Cy, n. Luster; splendor. bril' liant, a- Guttering ; sparkling. Ki«irv» «• The edge or upper part of a urini, thing. brim' ful, « fuh to the top. hrincr ^'- "^^ fetch; to coiiduct; to lllg, prevail on. hrinP "■ l^i**'^i^fi• An edge ; a precipice. brisk, a. Lively; nimbhi ; sprightly. brisk' ly, adv. Qulckly; nimbly. hri^k' np«S<5 "• I^'vel'"«ss ; activ- Ul lOiV Ut/iSO, ,ty . gayety. hri^' f]p "■ ^^'^^"S hair on a hog's brit' tk' ^etr '" ^^^-^r'^-^^ UI UM Vvii, vessel ; to make public. broad, «• wide ; large in breadth. brO -eade',"- F'ne dowered silk. UrFirr^t^ n. A corrupt dialect ; a kind UrOgMe;, of shoe. BUG 25 BUR book, dove, full, use, can, chai*e, gem, thin, fhou. broid' er/eUr ""^ ''"''" °" broil. "*• To roast on tke coal*. kfi-kil ♦»• A disturbance ; trouble ; tH- oroii, mult. bro' k^n wess, l^i^LtT '^ bro' ker. "• a. negotiator for others. Kro' tor no-o "• ^ brokers com. DrO Ker age, mission; a fee. hmn'^fi *• * compound of copper OrUIlZe, and brass. ! Ut^^^^V^ »». An ornament worn about DrOOCIl, the neck I L J, ^^ n. A family of chickens ; off- ! UrOlKJ^ spriJng ; production j brood, «'• To sit on eggs ; tockerish. broom, :i,^,r"*''"'""^^"''' I-».«/^Af!^ » Liquor in which fleislv is OrOLIl, boiled. brofh' el, »• a houte of badrapute. U,.xf U' ^|« n. A male bdrn of tira Ul Utn x^i ^ same parents. brofh' er hood, 7;aferrt'3^'''* hrr*A*r "• ^^^^ forehead; the part LfltJVv^ above the eyes. hrrkw' h^nt "*■ '^'* ^^^^ haughtily OrOW Oeat, ^^ . to humble. brown, «• The name of a color. brown' stud y, r.o?"'' '"''''*^ Krr\\*'eo ** To feed on the tops of UrOWSt;, sprig.s, Ac. hriii«o wf.Tomjure byblowsorcom- UI Ut»l^5 pression. brmse,:po? '^"'■' ''''"' *biow;» bru nette'^ lieVon'-^'' ""' brunt, »• An assault ; onset ; shock. brush, f^ To cleanse with a bru.sh. br us' tle^ »» To rustle as silk. Km' f ol "• Savage; irrational; in- UI U Icll, human ; churlish. hril t'll' i fv " Cruelty; insensi- OrU Idl 1 ly, b.ijty to pity brute, «• A creature without reason. bru' ti fv, KJf ""^' "" "^ bru'tisfiness,;™„X'"'"""^ hub' hl/> "■ ^ bladder ol water filled V.,, J n. The first fruit of a plant ; » "UU, genn. budge. VI. To move ; to stir ; to go, buffoon'. »• A low jester; a droll. bug' b^ar, Jter""" ^'"^^^"^^ '"°'" \\fi\\A *'• To erect houses ; to depend K^/il/^1' inrr *• An edifice or fabric uunu. iiig, built. KiilK » A root that is round ; a round "UIO, body. fiiilfk' /^^iic "• Having roots with UUIU OUS, round heads. bul^e. vt. To leak ; to jut out. ImiIIt "• Bigness; magnitude; th« UUriV, njain body Kiillr' V *• ^^^S« ' heavy; massy; of l/UII\. y^ gieat size. bul' let. "• A ball of lead or iron. Kiill' \^r\ *•• Uncoined gold or silver UUn lUIl, jn mass. IaiiI' }\t "' To hector; to insult with "'^* V ? threats. bnl'wark,rur^^''*^'^*^'""'"- rity. bttmp,^.uV"«'^^^^'^^«^'» bum' per, ^-^ «^"^ '''''' ^° ^»^« bump' kin, ^ ruJtrc"'''"' ^'"'''- bunch, «• A hump ; ft clttster ; akndh. bun' die, rogttren'' "' """^^ "** bunST, »• The stopper of a barrel. bun"gk, ;:;ardT;/« "^ **""^ *"*' bun"ffler, «» a clumsy workman. bwoy'ancy,;,^?.!;^'^-"^^^'^ bwoy' ant,';„^'8"t ; capable of float- hnr' rlpn ** ^ ^'^^^ > * weight ; un- UUl Ut.II, easiness. bur' den some, «heavy^"«^'''"^ bu' reau, (^;'-<')«-Ache^tof1I1^,, low noi.se. U-y adv. Near ; beside ; passing ; in ^j 5 presence. i '^y' g<^llG, a- Past ; gone by. I hv' \uwT " A t^ow" \a.w ; priyaiterule \ uy Id W, if, a society. •. ' ' -• ■ I by' name, ". a nickname.,; ;.h: |by'standcr,-i.rr'"''' i Kv' wrirri ^- ^ P'o^erb ; a taunt ; a [UJf ♦>*Ji »-», cant word. n. One skilled in Jewish science. «ab' bage, "■ '^ 'f""^' "f ^'seta. ,c. ■■ ■. ■ ■f^lK "■ ^ Jewish measure ; a kind of V/aU, carriage. jy*^ Vkc»T ''*• To plot privately ; to in- ■t^a Ucll , trigue. r»o Vkol' "• An intrigue; a private -td, Udl , junto. ^ ■ . _ t "• '^ *®'' °^ drawers ; a •t/clU 111 t^t, closet; a secret couhGil. ^o' Kl/> "A thick rope to hold a ship ■t-a OaC;, at anchor. ■Ca' bled, «• Fastened with a cable. Ca boose', ^i,f ^ cook-room of a n f\t^f' "• ^ student in war i a t/cl iltJL , younger brotlier.- • > ^«i' rli "• A Turkish magistrate or ■ea Ulj judge. : ■CaiJ, «• A small barrel ; a cask. r»««V^ »• An inclosure for birds of ! ■Cage, beasts. . ■ .^Mfro W. To shut up or confine in a ■t/age, cage. ■Ca*'"' Cd» PP- Inclosed in a case. | /^oi' *ifl^ *»• A base villain; a mean ^ai lUl, fellow ^Q irilo' ^'- '^^ flatter; to coax ; to ^d, JOIC , beguile. -ea jol' er y, «• Flattery ; deceit. ^oli-Ck "A delicate kind of bread ; a ^^aiie, mass. <^a lam l to us, wretched €aIam'ity,?Junr^^"" = ""' ear a mUS, "The swect-Aag, X"rt loch' n- An open 'carriage; a -ea latsli , head-dress. <^aUa' re ous,L?/. '''"''"""' -t^ai t>lll a llLHl, cing to powder. ^nl' r-inf^ (or kal sine'} vt. To burn ■t/ai *^11U-', j^o powder. cai'eulal)lcll I litJl 5 «f 4 gnii-bn^rel. ,rt«vl'^ ^r\ »»• A thin Stuff made of cot- ■Gill 1 r/U, ton. -' ■ €alig'raphy,?/^U,«','""'"- r»Q' lir»K <*«'^> »*• Mokammedan t^d lilJ'Ij high priest. ,1., ea' lix, <»• A cup («4*i«»c««f€ '^n II' ir»rr »• Occupatjon ; trade ; exn- ^<111 nig, ptoyriicHt. «al los' i ty, ^^.i^"'"^" °'" '""^ ,X/m vt. T» appease; to pacify; to t/dfclll, soothe. V-. .♦'! ^o/rkT «• Quiet; unrui^ed : 4indis- ea^Iil, turbed. ^ . . ■Ca/in. *• R«p*>se; rest ; sereaity. ^o/rvi' nocc "• Tranquillity; free- -t/OC'lIl IltJSJi, doai from pa.sfcioa. - ear o mel, J-^ty*""''"'"" ''""'•' ■ea lor' ie, »• The prlndf^le of heat. I ealorifiejlleali^"''"^ '!'*'' ! ear u met,%^l!''''^'^'^'^^°' \ en lum' ni ate, gj J; "«"'"^« ^nV iim n\7 "■ False imputation; ^ai UIll 11^, sjander. ear vin ism, "^iJ^Z *""'""" "".^ ealx, «• Powder formed by burning. earn' brie, «^Fi"«ii««« from cam- ^<^ »»-»' ^1 «• An Eastern beast of bur- edlll ei, den. eai n' e O, «• a picture of one color. /r^rxttrt' l<-k+ «• A stuff made of wool Uini ICl, and silk. M>«3 m ri "• Aplace wheror troops Jodge ; ^d-lllji, anarmy. .' .' ' cam paig-n', -Ai«e-><.p«rvcoun. eam'phor,3;«re.°'""^"'"" ean, «»• 'T© be able to. ean, "• a. cup or vessel forlKiaors. ea nal'* »• ^n artificial river; a duct, ^o no' f \7 n- A kind of wine ; a sing- ed Iia ry, ingtlrd. .1? n n ' r» <3,1 ««- To erase ; t» b\bl but ; t>dH i^Cij to make void: < J.- ; ' ' ean' eel Cd,?;? Erased; destroyed. ean' Cer, «• a dangerous ulcer. ean Cer UUS, «ke a cancer. ean' did, a- Op«n ; innocent ; fair. ean' di date, ^fiPe"'"^'"""'"' ean' did ly,!^.''-^^""^^'^"""''- ^€kn' A\dfA «• Encrusted withSu^^ar *>«»» UieU, crystals. ^Qr»' /^ll.^ "• •A^ 'i&ht made of wax or t/dll ULV^ tallow. ean' dor, -^S*«?«"ty ; opeii deal. ■p-unf*'*' A walking-stick ; ^a. reed ; -t-dllC, sugar-cane. ■ ; . i ea nes' cent, -Tending to wkte- ^r, -nTn/i' a- Having the qualities of ed nine , a dog. ean' is ter, Cast?"^'? I * '"*'" ean' ker, ;;;te:^'* ^"^'^r^v:*^ P**^ ^on' ni KnI "- One who feeds on ^/dll 111 Udl, human flesh. ean' non, « a great gun. ean nonade',?LIoa '"''"'■'' eannonier',-,^Tannon°"'" ean'nonproot;«,rrn'Xr' .r»o *^X^' »»■ An Indian boat ; a small ed noc , boat. ^on' i^n •* A rule; achufchlaw; a t^dn oil, decree. eanon'ieal,-ienrgS^ '" ean' on ize,,tinT.' "*''"' '"'^ ean' o pie^d, Canopy. Covered with a opy. ■ ^r%r\' r\ r\^T "■ A cloth of state ; the ean o py, sky. eant, •»• Wluning taJk ; a toss. ^un te^f^n' "• ^ square bottle; a ■t^dll leeil , small keg. ' : ' ean' ter, «• a short easy gallop. CAR 28 CAR bar, fall, whg.t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, ^nn''fi ^}p *• ^ spiritual song; ■t/clll 11 -t/ie?^ song of Solomon. pan' to "■ ^ *°"^ ' * ^^^'^i'^S inelo- x»nn' frkn "• Division of a country; ^ail LUll^ a province. .i»nn' VIC "• Coarse stiff cloth for Call Vdfej^ sails. -osin' vacc ** "^"^ examine; to »o- ■t/ail Vcl5»&, ]j(.jt votes. ^Qi^' iTQoo »»• Examination ; debate ; t/dll VdSsfe^ solicitation, ■cap. »• A covering for the head. capabil'ity,;-™"'"' "' Cd pa. UIC5 telligent. €apa"cious,?^r'"'''"^'°"' eapac'itate,",'„Jr'""'"° eapac'^ity,-,,*"'""' *""' cap a. P1G\ <«'"• From head to foot. €apar'ison,:hJ„-:"""""« ■Ca.p6^ "• A promontory ; a neck-piece. ■Ca' per* »• -A. leap; a jump; a pickle. Ca' pi as, "• A writ of execution. cap' il la ry, •e4r"'"° """* Cd.[J 1 tdlj large letter. ■eap' i talj «• chief; Sne; principal. ^UiV \ tcA "• ^ Ro«"an tempi*; a •eap 1 IOI5 public edifice. ca pit; u late, f'vJ» "'" "i^"" Ca priCG'« »• Foolish fancy ; humor. €apri"cious,°„arr'fa°/c.7a';:""" €ap size', ri-J" """'"""«■ _- f 4.„ :„ n. The commander of a ■odp LclUl^ ship or company. cap' tain Cy, « Rank of captain. cap tlOIlj seizing one ^an" tmn<5 <«• Fault finding ; quar- ■t/cip tlUUSj relsome ; peevish. .^n n' tiv ntf» "^^ '^° charm ; to en- -t-ap tlV aic^ slave; to subdue. «„„^ f ivo "• A prisoner; one taken ^d,p IIVU5 in war. cap' tU-re, ««. to take ; to arrest. cap u chin', ^onk.'"'^"" '""' ' car. »• -A. cart ; a railroad carriage. car' at, n. a weight of four grains. x»nr' Q von »»• A body of travelers Cai d Vdll, or pilgrims. .onr' Kin A *• ^ short musket, used -t/UI ume, chiefly by horsemen. car' bon, »• Pure charcoal. car^bon ade', ^nS^tiS''""" car' boy. »«• a vessel to hold liquor. 4^ar' hlin cl/* " ^ pimpl© ; a pre- Cdl UUIl CIC/5 cious stone. car' ca net, Jweis.^'" *"' '°"^''*' car' cass, l^Zll ""^^ ""^ '^ ^'^"^ ^y,,-l ». A note; painted papfer for ■t/dl U, games. _ Q ~rl ** <^r vi. To comb woQ ro " Heed ; caution ; anxiety ; so- Cdl U, licitude. _5_„ vi To be anxious; to be i»- Cdl t;, clined. car?.en',:fae':''''"'""'""""^ .^n r^pr' "• Course ; race ; fuU X/o, 1 cci , speed. x»Q fo' fill "• Anxious ; vigilant ; full ^aiKi A Ul, of concern. €are'tully,l"mfr''"""'^"'°''" -^nrp' 1p«« " Negligent; uncon- x/di c icoo, cerned ; heedless. ca reSS', n. Anactof end«arinent. ca r6SS'« **• To fondle ; to embrace. car' ffO, "• Freight ; a ship's lading. car' i ca ture, Jk^nTs"'*""^*''' car' i ca ture, »*• to ndicuie. .pa' ri rmc "• ^^^^i putrid; de- Cd ri OUS, cayed. car' man, »> one who drives a cart. car' mine, :/'"^''^"*""°" ^"^■ car' nage, -«reat slaughter ; hav- ^nr'nul ° Fleshly; sensual; not car Ildl, spiritual ^of i^q" tiVkri *»• A flesh color; a Cdl lid llUIl, fine flower. ^.11'' i-\\ •''• To sing songs of joy ; to Cdl Ul, piaise. carous'al,"ut^^"^^ '^""''"^ ca rouse', reve^^""''"''"' carp' ing,;,rt '"''"' ''"'''""■ ^r,r' r»'l ap " A vehicle ; manners : car redgo, behavior. / „: ,^„ n. One who tarries; a Cdl n Cl , pigeon. mm CAT 29 CEL bopk, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. x.Qr' ri rkn n. Any flesh not fit to be ear n on, eaten. ■Gcir' ri On*«- Feeding on carcasses. car ron ade', J,/ -^ort iron .«»nr' rv "'■ "^^ convey; to)»«ar; to •t/ai 1 J5 jain ; to behave. ^U^f n. A vehicle lor iuf^gCt or h^: ±>ai I5 den. ' ' cart' age, »• conveyance by* can. x'or' ti Inrr^ "• A gristle; a tough ^ai 11 ItigtJ, elastic substance. car lOUCIl , ket-balls. .^•h'r' frifltr^ n. a charge of powder •t/d.r iriUgt;, and ball in a case. ^Qr*\rr» *''• To cut •wood, or stone, or ^arvt., meat. carv'ing,J„,fJ"'P*"^' '''•"'" cascade',;;,:,fer"'""''*''""^ case, n. A corering ; a sheath ; a cir- vt. To harden the outside. 5 cumstgince. case' hard en, ^nati^ mtxnf " ^ small window •^a»C liJCMlL, opening on hinges. >».-«c.V» \'riv^ n. A bank officer : a cash- ■edSn ler , keeper. ^oclr »•• A. wooden vessel; a small */aSK, barrel. r^oolr' ai "• A little box or chest for t^clMV tJl, jewels. .<»Qo' cr\^L- " The under vestment •t^ats bU-t/K, of a priest. ■PJfsif **'■ "^^ throw; to condemn; to ■*>cl»l, model ; to contrive. ^oof £k «• A tribe or class of the same -t^dhtt^, rank. ^oc' ti o-nfp '*''• "^^ chastise; to -t/dS U gaie, punish ; to beat. «astiga"tion,;,„i°r""'°'^ ^Kc' /]/> " A fortified biuiding ; an t-aa tic, airy project. ^Qts' fl^/^1 <*• Furnished with or hav- ^ab tiru, ing castles. .^•itt' n q1 o. Happening by chance ; t^«lS U ai, accidental. x»oa?' n q1 fv n. An unforeseen ac- cas u ai ly, ddent. «at'a«om6s,",-„Si.p?anr"" eat' a IogMe,"„,*,l'/.7[ """»'• eat' a plasm, Ji'sf"'!'"""""" .^o*' o T-o^f "• -A. waterfall; a dis- i:.ai a raCl, ea.se in the eye. ^o for**/*' »» A disease of the head t.a larr/A , and throat. eatas'trophe,;„*l'-r'' xynfnVi *"'• To lay hold of; to over- ■t^atL.11, take ; to insnare. cat' e c/ase, rxam?nr''''°" ' '° cat' e cAism, ^ue's^Si^'^"" "' x*at' /i nrk f\7 "■ A class : rank ; or- Cai e go ry, der of ideas. 4>n' tf^r ^- '^^ provide food; to lay ■^a 1^:1 , ^n provisions. ^« ' fpj. ^j. n. A provider of food or ca thar' tic,l)row"efs*°'^'^'' ca the' dral, "^^'^^ '^'''''^^ cath' o lie, 2rai^~"^"'^ °^««'*- cathol'icon,-ed.^inr"*'''^ ■Pit' f\p "■ ^^^^*' of pasture that are x«siii' rlnl « Belonging to the tail of ■t/au Uai, an animal. CaUS' a hlc, «• That maybe ctoted. causal'ity, JauTe*'*'""^"^' cause vt. To produce an effect ; to 9 effect as an agent. x>mia:^ n. A reason ; motive ; party ; ■t^aUSt., source. ./»nii«r»' locG a.Withont cause ; hav- ■VU,U3>i^ lco», ing no just reason. CaUs'tic,:eve*tr"'^' corroding; -t.au ler IZe, ^.jth a hot iron. ^011" i\t\r\ "• J'rudence; warning; i CaU lion, foresight. ^011" fi rin *'• To give notice of -t^au IIUII, danger : to admonish. Cau" tioUS, -Heedful; watchful; cav'alcade,;orseE""""" -^ov n iV^ar' "• ^ knight; a horse- -t.av a JltJr , ^an . a royalist. ^nv n IVor' "• ^*y; brave; dis- -t^av a liur , dainful ; haughty. Cav' al ry, »• Troops on horseback. cave. n. A den ; a cell ; a hollow 5 place ^ov' cxfw "• ^ ^n; a hollow in a ■t/av ei 11, mountam. ^rjir' |] *»• To argue captiously; to ■t/av II, raise objections. ^o\r' il ^i« n. A person who disputes -t>aV 11 ei, captiously. rynxT^ \ i\T "• -^ hollow placc ; a cav- ^av 1 ly, em. r»S/?c«^' ]f>cc «• Perpetual ; without i^c;m»c; h^b», cessation. oT^At^ vf. To yield ; to give up to an- L-CUt;, other ; to resign. r^^'/T incr "• '^'^^ inner roof of a UtJCl lllg, building— the upper part. n(A' n Krnto *<• To honor with CCl l^ UI ttlU, praises ; to extol. eel e bra" tion, l.^t^^!'' ^^^« oc^^fyW t\ i\r " Fame: renown; UU 1«:JU 1 1 ly, distinction. r*o lor' i f V "• Swiftness ; expedi- K^KD 11^1 ^ V' tion; velocity. rp Ipc' tial " Heavenly ; supreme- i^t. ICb Liai, ]y happy. CH A 30 CHA biir, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, -,„]! «. A small room in 9, pfiac^ij a l^tJll^ cavo or hoilow placfl« '* r»c»l' In { --^ •*• ^^onsistinj of ^ittle Cei lU I.;: J cells; hollow. „^ -TY^r^r^f' v/. To join or unite with Ce Ilieni, cement. » ^. ^#iTn' ^r^t "• '^''^'' whteh unites, as l^tJllJ t^llt, jj^ojtar, &c. '..;.<•-. cem'etery,;hLttard'!''=''' /»on' fsctv **• -^ perfuming or incense l^CH bt/l ^ pan. r»f»n' c;r\r "• ^^"® ^^*^ censures or i>t;il bt»I ^ reproves otiiers. Cen so n OUS, censure i severe. r»f»n' on 1*0 ^*- '^'^ blame ; to find l^cil fetH C5 fault with ; to reproach. r»*in' on !•*:« "• B'ame ; reproach ; ^.xCIl fcU-l 1^) reprimand. CGfl' tcr. <'*• To meet in one point. /^t»n' fof n. The middle point of any cen' tral, - /«i«"gi"s *° ^^e cen- centrif'ugal,?,e^Sr.'"" cen trip' e tal, ^^f^' ''''''' r»nn' f n tv «• The period of one VyC-ii tu I J5 tiundred years. Ce rate. »»• a salve made of wax. cer' e brum, rJb'lii"' '"'°' cer'tain,?aiiitr' ''''^^^'''' """ r»i^r' f/»in tv "• Exemption from L^ci LMlll Lj-, doubt; assurance. certif'icate,;;;,^^!^™""^'" g^rxw.^ f i -Ti? *''• To give positive infor- ^Cl tl 1^, mation. ce ru' le an, a.Sky-colorediblue. " tinn "• ^ leaving off; in- LlUIl, termission , rest. ces sa n. Act of yielding up ; a ces SlOn, retreat. i phpfp* w<. or vi. To fret by rubbing ; to I ^'lio-ltJj fume ; to grow angry:. cha grin', tion™*""?-^' •^' ^"''^' clia/se, «• A light open catriage. char ice, ^^^t^'^^p^'^"'*"^""^ rha/k "'■ '^'^ mark. or manure with «• / CllSLlK. «... '. ': ' Cha/k, »• A kind of white fossih phnl' l«ar»o-fi ^^- To give a chal- cnai lenge, i^^ge ■, to accuse. chal' len ge, L^ '"'"^"''"' '^ '^°'"- Cham' ber, »». a room in a house. champao-ne',"F,enthSf"' cham paz^n', Sat/Pf'li '^f ^\,' Clltllll pi Ull, another's cAuse. <■ *-.V»onr»*i "• Forluiie ; event ; luck ; ! CliailCt;, misfortune. : 'i "• .". i r»lian' ^nl "• The part of a church \ Lxlidll ^t.1, near the altar.' : ', >;'> i chan'cery,^,S;.'^'"^^^°"^''^f| .r>Krn-k/4' l^i« n- A person who deals i cnana ler, }„ tandies^ * i r*Vt Q t^ iVo "An alteration ; a.novelty, j L^lldllgt:, small money. ".:^>\ r»li'»nfrf» ^^- "^^ transform; to alter' l^Iiail^C, or amend ; to barter. ' '• change' ling, ^n^^l;;::^'^^''^"^^^'! I^Iiaii HCl, passage. ' 1 oliiinf "*• °'" *'*• To sing ; to sing ca- L/lIctllL, thedral music. ^ l»r>' r\c« »■ A rude mass ; a disorder- €,na us, lyheap. . i • ' chap' el, - A place of religious wor- chap'eron,ra'dyinp:Sitc''°""' r»]ifirk' Inin "• '''^^ clergyman of a L-Iiap Idlll, ghip, army, or family; r»V«or»' lof "• A wreath or ornament CIlcip It^t, for the head. n. A diyision of a book ; an ecclesiastical society. chap' ter, nllHr ^'^^ To burn wood to a black cin- ijnai cl-ty Lt^I , reputation. €Aaraeterist'i€,ro''^^^"Y ■C/iar aC- ler IZe, character. cha rade', »• a species of rlddle. r»ViJir6'fi *''• '^° intrust to; to give V/llcll ^v?, orders ; to make an onset.- r»HQ r fr#a n. A burden ; expense ; on- L/lldl ge, set ; command. . oh'ir'tt' (^v ». A large dish ; ,a war- ciiarg er, horse. r»ha' fi Iv «'^"- ^'ith care ; frugally; Clia n ly, wanly. ; . r»ViQf' i r\i "• A carriage for,pleas- L.liai 1 ^t, u,e orstaie; '• '■■'. . i^linr' 1 fa Kl/' "• Bountiful; lib- I Cnar l la Ole;, eral ; candid. j^ViOf' i t^T- » Tenderness; good- I Cliar 1 ly, will ; liberality. /»hfi rm ^^- '^^ bewitch; to delight ; CIlclI III, to appease. " r»V>Qfm n. A spell or enchantment ; a CUdl III, philter. nil ji r m' i n cr "• ^'^'^ pleasing ; de- cnarm ing, Hghtfui nViiiri "• ^ map or delineation of v^lldl l^ coasts. " > . J . r*ViQi»f' <3r **• To let or hire a vessel CHd.1 L tJI , or ship. oWdri' Pr "• ^ privilege; exemp- L/llcll t CI, tion; legislative grant eAasm,^i/^p^^""P^""v'"' CHI 31 GIG boQk, dove, fiiU, use, ean,: chaise, gera, .thin,, fh^u. chaste, t^!'''^';^'^''?^'^ vf. To correct; to pun- chas' terij S'Jh r>hctc fico' ^*- '^° correct by pun- *_/Iia» list; J ishment. chas' tise ment, ;,,^srr " „Ujj|. vi. To prattle; to talk idly ; to t/Ilctt, prate. riliaf riaii' (.shot to') n. A castle ; a CllclL l^aU , ^.yuntry-seat. r'hnt' //>]« "' P^« ^^y aioveaWe pi- i^liat ^t>i»^ fects or property.' ■: ' nh^nr% '• *^^ ^^"^ price ; of small val- ClltJttJJ, ue . common. cheap' en, J'/icJ.' ' --^''"" "" r^ViBrit ^*- "^^ impose upcpi; to de- f^llt;**!, fraud ; to trick. ' - fA\nj\\r *>*■ To curb; to restrain; to L/IlU-tylV, chide; to repress. nhof'lr " Restraint ; repxoof ; order dlLi:/lV, for nioney. cheer' fill, ?„„«7J„frv"'""^* cheer' ful ness,SefeSTS r-lior' icii *''• To nourish; to sliel- ^.ylltyl l»ii5 ter ; tc snpport. ■ Cher' ub,Lgti."'"'"' '"'"'• ^ r»hpot *• -^ "^^^ "'^ wood or metal j .3. t^llboL, coffer; the breast. ■— ' chev a lier', "i^"^^ ' '^.«^'^^"^' chi€ane'ry,^-e^*'^'^'**^y^f^^- ^l-,7 J „ vt. To rebuke ; to r^rovc ; to ClllUtv, taunt. r'h'/^r a. First; principal; cajutal ; of l^llitJl, tiie first order. chief. "• A leader ; a commaiuier. r»h/rif*' 1v '^^^^ Principally ; above VyllfcCl 1 J ^ all ; eminently. r«Iiil' KIqVm " A ^"'^^ produced by L.I111 Ulcl«I I, cold and frost. >.,U|1J «. A young person; & son or t/lUlU, daughter. * ' r'hiM' ich <*• Trifling; becoming UllllU Ibll, children ; puerile. .rkl-»il' Itr «• Somewhat cold ; sensible ciiii ly, of cold. r»llimp "* ^ tune set upon bells; dllilltr, concord of sounds. ^h\ mp' rn "• a strange fancy; an ^nV IllU 1 a, odd conceit. e/Mmer'ieal,-.,*';^-'^ chim' ney, L*kf."'^'° """" '" r>hir» "• The part of the human face t^lllll, below the lips. r«hii-ib- n. A. small aperture Jength- Cllillii., wise ; a cleft. chintz, n. Fine India-printed calico. IChlp, vt. To cut up into small pieces. €Airog'raphy,-riSr^''^' chirp, t^^ »*Mf? 1?^fV^^^ chiv' al rous, l^"^^^^' chiv' al ry, - JaLprjmuitap^di^- choice, "l^^"^^^^^ choice, 'aref^.''; "' ^'"'^ ""i^"^' -i'hrviT' (^w^*"*) "• Part of aqhurch; a -t^llUir, body of singers. . ■ - *:'-i ■' f*hf»lm *'^* ^^ ^'■'^ ' *** suffocate ;'to C/IIUKL/, suppress. • '" - ' ; .• ■^koY er« "• Bile; wrath ; passion. ^ItrA' Pr 1^ " Hasty; passionate; -e/tOl er le, /-ull ofcholer. r»hnr^«P *'• ^° "'^^® '^''°'^® "^^ *<* ^.^liuuat., select ; to pick oat. chop. vt. To cut small ; to mince. ^ /i r\' vn 1 °- ^longing to, or singing -t^/tU ral, in, a choir, ^L-^_J n. Harmony jn music ; the ■t^/C^UI U, string of art instrument. ^hf\r' i«t pr »*• ^ leaderof aqhoir ■KjtCKJi i»i> t/1 , or concert. ^/i/-\' i-nc- "• Musical composition in ■xjfliJ rUft, parts. ■e/trism, «• a holy oltitment or oil. ^/fcris' . a follower of Chnst eAristian'ity,:-,Sj,r'^'- «Aris'tianize^;U];r„.'"^' €Aromat'i«,L'orSc!'''^'- ■c/irOn' ic, <»• Of long continuance. eAron' i cl^, Je^iS^''' '''°'^' C/irO nol^ Ogy-, Jomputinrtfrnef" *-»lin^lr' 1/? V*- To laugh by fits; to CllU^iv le;, call as a hen. z^Knm "• A room-mate; a chamber- CUUIU, fellow. r>Vinrr>h "• A liouse of worship ; aa t/llUl Cll, assembly of Christians: rhlirnh' man " ^ clergyman; CllUrCIl aiail, an episcopalian phlirl "• A niggard ; a clown ; a rude ^HUl 1, or rustic person. churl' ish,?ured^^^"''^' ^""*' churl' ishriess,r„.,a?;';l^'^'"'' churn *''■ '^^ make butter; to agi- jyhxr^a "• A white fluid in the stom- ty/«^yie, ach City a U lot?, left by a wound. cie' a trize, ^'ouJd': '^''' ""^ * CIT 33^ CLA bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. cicero'ne,;„*J.»""''*""- 'f Anw» »• A drink made from the CI UUI ^ juice of apples. ' ffKr' "• Tobacco leaves rolled up CI gdr ^ for smoking. r»in^'tiirf» "• A girdle; something ClU-ty tin c;^ vForn around the body. _• f ^£»~ n. Burnt coal that has cm tlUl ^ ceased to flame. Cin" £rl^5 "• -*■ gi"^*^ "^*"^ ^°'' * l^orse. r»in' nn mnn " '^^^ ^^^^^ bark of Cin nd IIlOIl^ a tree in Ceylon. 'f -.«, n. The young shoot of a plant ; CI UIl) .^ sprout r*\' r\hcxf "A figure of no value by CI piltJl J Itself; the character ( ). r»i' nhpr ina " '^***' ^^^ of casting CI piier 111^7 accounts. nir' -rl/* "• -^ rouncl ^^o'^X J »" orb » * Cll -ClC/j company. niTl*' ^]#» *'• ''"^ '"c'^'® 5 ^° confine ; ^^* ClC/j tQ move round a thing. r»ir' .^aiit "• ^ '^^'^^^^ ' compass ; act en X/Cf-iij of moving round a thing. Cifr' -€11 lar. «• Like a circle ; roimd. cir'eufete/g'orr^i.'"""'''" cir en la" tion, ^on •^rli^n'?;.- cir eum' fer ence, ^^ drX" cir'eum flex, a s^uaS" cir €um' flu ent, ?ound^'''''"^ cir cum fuse', ^ver/wheff "" cir m "• ^ large vessel to catch Cia> tCl 11, or hold water. ftlf n. A pert, low townsman ; a citi- ^*^h zen. /*it' n rlol "• A fort ; a castle ; a t/lL d, UCl, place of arms. n. A summons ; a quota- tion ; an impeachment, sum- CI ta" tion, r»ifo **'• To quote authority ; to ^A''^? mon. r»it' i v^n *>• A freeman ; one inhab- Clt 1 ACll, iti„g a city. cit' i zen ship, ^f a'^cuy.'''''^°"' r»if' fr»n "• A fruit resembling the CIL I UIl, lemon. Clt y, »«• A large or corporate town. r»iv' \x* **• Pertaining to a city or to CIV IC, civil honors. Piv' l1 "• Courteous ; civilized ; polit- CIV 11^ ical ; not military. ci vil' ian, Jaw*?''" "^^""^ ^ *'''"' Cl Vll 1 ty, »• Politeness ^ courtesy. r*iv' i] TTCk **'• To polish; to make CIV 11 1Z.C, ciyjj. to reclaim. -pln'/m *''• To lay claim to; to de- X/idtlll, mand as a right. ^lo-tm n. A demand of any thing due; C1<1«|11, a jjt,g cla/m' ant, fn/'^" p""°" '^^^*'"- clam' ber, Tuity." ^"""^ "^"»» *^'«^- .^lam' mv «• Viscous ; glutinous ; Cldlli Illj, moist. j>lom' r\v "• Noise; outcry; vocif- Cldlll Ur, eration. clam'orous,j35'e':''^'^'^p°'^''*- .*»lnn *•• -^ family or tribe; a sect of Cldll, persons. clan des' tine, Si Jen"'^^ ^'^'^ Clanff^ «• A loud, sharp, shrill noise. ^lonlr vt. To make a loud noise ; to -CldllK, clatter. ^1*in *^' '^^ strike together as the Cldp, hands ; to applaud. clar' et, »• a Ught-red French wine. -lop' { fVr *t. To make clear ; to pu- Cldl 1 Ij , 'rify ; to refine. r>\ur^ 1 nn "• ^ '''"'* '^f trumpet ; a Cldl 1 UIl, martial instrument. -,1«cU vi. To strike against ; to disa- CJdsll, gree ; to oppose. -pla]qo»-» **• To buckle ; to embrace ; to CldSp, holdfast. clasp. »• A sort of buckle or hook. ^ 1 'd ork' or "• '^''® thread of creeping Cldbp cr, plants. ^ I o cci *'• To arrange in order, or in a CIdSb, class. ^1qc!C! "• A form; order; rank; de- Cldso, gree. .i^l-^c' ci.o "• Elegant ; relating to t-ida Dix/, eminent authors. ! Clas' si fy, «*• to arrange ; to class clat' ter. To make a confused noise. CLO 33 COB book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. sentence; a stipu vt. To scratch or tear with claws. ^lnn«P "• An article ; a ^laust:^ stipulatiGfi. tiaw, ^la.W« "• The foot of a beast or bird. rt\Xrtt *>■ ^ common tenacious kind of ■t/ld,^, earth. j>}B^r\ "'• "^^ cleanse; to purify; to ■tyiec/II^ free from dirt «lp^P o. Free from dirt , pure ; inno- clean' iTnCSS, -Neatness ; pu- ele^nse, ^Sean.' '""'''■ '" "*^' ^l^/ir •• P"""® i bright; transparent; ±/ixiUl ^ guiltless ; manifest. jyin^r *^- ^"^ "*• "^^ niake or become ■t/ltJMr^ bright ; to vindicate. ClGfir anCe, of cleanng. ' ■t/ltJitl Ilt-oo^ perspicuity. -nlo/Tvo *'• ^'' *"*• * " divide ; to split ; ■^'"'**^5 to adhere or stick to. €lem'ency,:i^/vS.V'°'"'""'" clem' ent, Je"""'"""""'' «'"■ «,J -,„f ^„ «. The whole order or body "^*"* &J9 of divines. eler'ieal, ^y.^^^"'^"^'°"'«^^"- I «l*3|.L- n- A writer ; a scholar ; « sec- I -t/ItJl Kj retary or bookkeeper. ^lov' Of «• Skillful ; ingenious ; fit ; i ^ItJV t.1 ^ ready. <»1fiv' nr Iv '"^''- I"?eniously; with t/lt;V t-I IJ, dexterity: ^loimr «'• I'o haul up the Bails lo be ■eieW, furled. ^]ir»lr ***• To make a slight, sharp ■t/llt/K, noise. I rtli' f»rit "• ^"® *''^'' retains or em- i t/11 Cllt^ ploys a lawyer. ! -Clin* "• A steep rock ; a precipice^ di' rv»o V " A rhetorical figure ; aus- 1 IIIdA, cent. j •Clil'nO* vt. To creep up by degrees. ! ^lin«^Vi tir To hold fast i to contract ; i t^llli^ii^ to bend. I r>1tK|rr "*• To twine round; to hang ' "*'*"'o? upon. :<> 1 1 n It **• To ring or make a noise like t/illllV, metal. r>]ir\ vt. To cut small or short ; to cur- ^1»P? tail. ^In^lr *•• A machine to measure time •t^lU-tylV, and show the hour. x*}r\A "• A lump of earth or clay ; a t^lUU, clown. x»lr»a" ^'- To hinder; to obstruct; to "*^i^55 adhere. .f Irkitt' ff^r "• A monastery ; a place -t/lUl» If.l, of religious retirement. ^ln«P> '"'• °^ *'*• To conciuue ; to shut "^**-'®^9 up; to unite : to join. plfv^p «• Near together; shut fast; ^iv^ocj reserved ; covetous. .^lri«n *■ A small field inclosed ; end ; ^lU»t^5 conclusion. ^\r\a'' of *'• To shut up or conceal -t^IU* tJL, in a closet. CloS Ct. «• A small private room. ■plrkf h "• Any thing woven for dress ; X/lULIIj the covering for a table. ^l;^f Ko "'• Tofurnish with garments ; ■t/lOUlt;, to dress. ^}f\ttA vt. or vi. To make or become ■tylUUU, obscure. cloud' less, 5,«7;r/re"''"°°'"^ .£'\ntiA' XT «• Gloomy ; overcast ) cov- t/lUUU J 5 ered with clouds; -<>lovi7n *• A r»stic, unmannerly per- x/IUWH^ son. clown' ish,;;.Jc"'*«' awkward; />1/-v%r vt. To surfeit ; to satiate ; to ^^"J) glut. -club. vt. To unite in common expense. club' law, forle." '^" ""^ ''"" "' °' .^Iii^lr vi. To call as a Kea calls ■t/lU-t/K, chickens. r«1vi/> n. Something that ipay sefvo as t>lUC, a guide. .r»1iimrk »• A shapeless mass ; a clus- ^lUIIlJJ, ter of trees. clum' si nes.s, ^J!:^^'""" .^liirr*' CX7- "• Awkward; ungainly; ClUm Sy, unhandy. clus' ter "*■ ^° ^"^^^ '" bunches, as CIUS' ter, £^{^^<^^-^^coUeciion; i>liitr»Vi ^- To gripe; to clinch; to tLyiuiv.,!!, grasp m the hand. Clut' ter, n Noise ; bustle ; hurry. .£»ri^fr>K "• A large carriage for pleas- -t/Ua<^l», ure or slate. co«ch' man, UJ^^ '^"^"^ °^ * ^O nrl ill' for " a fellow-helper ; ^U clUJU LUr, an assistant. s>f\ nrr' II Info *''• To curdle; to CO ag U laie, run into clols. cowl. »• A mineral used for fuel. CO a lesc^', tjunul.'^'^ '°°''''''' j>n n li" f\nr\ " Union in one CO a Jl UOn, mass; junction. ^ri/7roo "• ^"'' ^^^^ ^^ '^'♦** i '"^o ' -t/UM-l &t., uncivil ; gross. -^r%/7roo' Iv ot^"- Meanly ; inelegant- -^vf^icsc *j , ly ; with rudeness. y>7vf\d^\z' Kid-tr "• O"'^ who was born i t-^Jt^ii. lltJJ^ and bred in London. ^.7T,J„ n. A book of the civil law j adi- ^nHo-' or "• -^ «iiser; a mean, pe- ^ o 5 nurious fellow. ^,,,1/1 „*1 n. Supplement or addition t>UU 1 L.11, to a will. ■CO en joy\ vt. To enjoy together. ^rk o' niml «• Equal with; in the tyU U qUdl, same state. r>rk f^fnt^' ^^- '1° restrain by force ; ■t/U I-.1 i^i^ ^ to compel. eo er" cion, "^ri^'^^ '" ''■ eoer'cive,Lxmg."'^ ''''''""•■ €0 e tern' al, « Equally etemal. CO e' Val *** ^"t^™P<*'^*'"y $ °^ equal ^r» OY let' ^'- To exist together, or t>U t/A l&L ^ at the same time. ^n PY i<5f' Pnt *" Having existence r^u CA. lOL C'lll^a: X:jg same time. CO ex ten' sive^ ^am'f YSt'"' f^fx^f fVip »• A Turkish, berry, and a XvUl IcUj drink prepared from it. ^„{.V i? ^ n. A money-chest or trunk; ■r\ir»' rtcra *" The practice of coin- COIU dgU, jng. forgery. ^n in rirlp' t'»- To agree with ; to \,U lil ^^lUt. , jneet ; to concur. CO in' ci dence,:grmenT'"'' CO in' ci dent, ^ether'"'"^ coi" tion n. The act of two bodies 9 coming together. n. A treat ; entertain- ment ; comparison. n. A partner ; an as- sociate. r>7\]A «• Not hot ; not hasty ; chaste ; t^OlU, coy. x'rilrl "• Cold weather ; chilliness ; a iiyOlU, disorder. cold' heart ed,l',g^""""^^«"^- j^T^Irl' noocj "• Want of heat ; indif- ^L^OIU 11L.&&, ference. x*r\V 1^ *•• ^ painful disorder of the -t^Oi IC, stomach. eol lapse', ".'eJ/,/""''"'"'""'" ■fnV lar **■ ^ ^^^ o' ""S round the col' lar , f '• To seize by the collar. jyrA lot p' ^*' '^° compare ; to gather XjUL Idtt; , and lay in order. collat'eral,S,3^df "'' col la" tion, col' league^ r>f\y ]aryi n. A short, Comprehensive -t/Ol le-t-L, to infer. col lec" tion, LTe'd ^^^°^^^^^- collect'ive,«ma^;j:^^"'"'''°" ^nV Ipctp "• ^ university; place of COI lege, learning. €ol le' gi an, to^t^r""'" °' ' colle'giate, ?„,4r'""°' ^f\V War (f^oVyer) n. A digger of X^yjl lid, coals; a coal ship. ixr\V lior \/ n. The place where coals t^Ol lll^l J, are dug. col lis' ion, -A^L'."""'"""""^'^ col'locate,-^]';,;:'"^''"'"' col locu" tion, Jotv^sS^r^ collo'quial,eeSi".°""°"- X>(\V \c\ anX "• A conference ; con- ■t-Ol lO 4"j9 versation; talk. ^n] In' «inn «• Fraudulent contri- XyKJl lU ailUllj va.nce or agreement. eol la' sive, ^ertfd'"^"'".' """ -t/VJi Vi iicxij manderof a regime«t. €olo'nial, Sn}:"^"'"'"^^"'^^"^- ^nl' n ni7P "'• '^° supply with in- eOl O niZtJ, habitants. ^ „]/ /-v i-iAr **• Place planted with in- t.Ul O ny^ habitants. ^r\V r\v *'• ^"^ *-'^' "^ ° tinge with some ■eUl Urj ijue ; to blush ; to palliate. ^r\V rw "• ^^"^ ! ^'"'' '^>^ ' pretense t/UI t>I J or false show. ' _;^'1< ^^fl, n. National, mifitary,orna- €01 Ur»5 val flags. ; . > . ^o 1r»<2' «nl "• L^trge; gigantic: of X/V/ iv/o ocii^ enormous rnagnitiuie. ^ir\V if^r "■ "^^'^ sharp pr cutting iron -t/Ul It; I 5 in a plow. ' , » »?<> ■ €o lum' nar, ll^/s"""'"' '? .'"'' :r»Kr>-»A »/. To divide and dress the jorwrvi' K'lf »• A battle; a duel; a ^UIIl l^ttlj contest ; a fight. €om' bat/4^;'e'"^ ' ^" ^^^'^^ ^ ^° eom' bat ant, S^ ^p^ost.' '^"'^ €ombina"tion,-ii:;;:E;^r^ .^nrn hi no' W, or ut. To plot togeth- X^yfiii uiiiK^ , gj.; to agree; to unite, lake A burning ; an upfoar. vi. To draw ; to proceed ; to ) happen com bus' ti bk, ^- e^^y ^" €om bus"tion, come ^f\m' a f\\r »»• A laughable or comic t^UIll t. Uj5 drama. , ; .orim^' \\r <*• t^raceful ; dpcent ; ■t/UlllC IJ5 beautrjul. . ;^ ^nni' f»f "• •'^ blazing star with a t:-uiil t.1, joj^g irainor tail. • >• ^rirr»' f^\wi^ *''• To give ease or con- ^UIIl lUrij solation, _ , <»rim' ^^rt «. 'I'hat which gfye's con- ^Ulll lUI Lj solatioii or suppwrl, <^6m' fort less, LKlI'""- ^i-^m' i-o ®- Relating to comedy ; ex- t>Ulll 1-t/, citing mirth. €orn' ie al, ^etlS'''"' ' ""^"^ '' ^^' ^Arr»' rrio "• The character or point ^Ulll IlJcl, niarked thus ( , ). ■pam ma nri' *''• "^"^ ^'^^ ' to charge ; tyUIll llldllU , to iiave authority. t\m' nice ♦• ^ '^''■^'^ ' extent ; in- X/V»m Jjci&o, strument to steer by. t^OIIl pats JilUll, coumn-seration. a. Sauable to ; consistent with. compeer',^-!.'^^"'^"""^"'- "' f t)/. To force ; to constrairf'; com pat' i bk. a. Brief ; sum- mary; concise comper,toobhge. com pend' i ous, com pen sa" tion, LfeS'^' com' petence,Jier"' '''"""" com' pe tent, -Adequate ; qual- com peti" tion, Jonteir^^^'^ COM 36 CON bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, movej f vt. To Collect from Kev- authors. eom pile', ^'J x»nm nlntn' «*• To murmur ; to be- CUIIl pidZII ^ wail ; to lament. eom plaint', rngradte^"."'"" eom' plat sant, ^^i?^: eom' pie ment, "itr""" eomplete',r3JafSid'""""- eomplete',?e'c.T°o''et' w. To put together ; to -tyUIIl pUatJ ^ quiet ; to settle. rr.m nr^«' ^rl ^- ^^^^i serious- •t/Olll pu» C/tJj tranquil ; sedate. 4?om nfi«' pr "• ^"® ^^° *^**™* -t^Ulll pu» CI ^ poses or writes. €om po si" tion, ^Inuxrurf ^' €Oin pos' i tor, ^usSTypt" *^- com' pound, S^tr"'"''""^'* eom pound', SeJt^sToti"^"- <^om pre hend', Ji p?r Je" t"'' ' €om pre hen' sive, cmg^mS eom press', rLmbS.^^^^^""^ eom pres' sion, J^e^^sfng' '^°™' £>c\rr\ r\v'\<^(^' ^*- '^° include; to eom pi 1»U , contain ; to take rfi. eom'promise,C-4ga?r''* eom pul' sion, :;rahuTv.!,ienc'^ eompune"tion,jJSr^ eom pute',ruJr"'^" ''"''" eom pu ta" tion,"ou'; eon'eave,-„^l'°"=°PP°-^^^ -t/UIi Ct;ai , i^jde ; to keep secret. eon ceal' ment, ^eatng."' ''"' 4!'{^r\ r-?rlp' ""*• '^'^ grrant ; to Jri^ld ^ eon ceue , to admit. eon ce/t', Jn/e'"'*' '"»"»'""'*"" ^ ^C\r\ Ot^h' f^t\ " Affected ; proud ; eon ee^L eU, opinionated. 4>nn r^JVp' «<■ To imagine; to ap- eOIl Ct;«VC , prehend ; to think, 4>t^n r'or*" fir^n "' An idea; senti- eon cep iion, ^em ; thought. -rnn pprn' *''■ ''^ ^^^ong to ; to re- ii^Ull «^U1 II , gard ; to interest. x>f\T\ nc^vn* "• Affair; businesp ; in- XjKJII V^CI 11 , terest ; importance. eon' cert, ;;;ei^t.""'"' ""'''"''"' x^cwi oe^ri' ^^ "^^ contrive; to ar- ■^Ull v^^i 1/ , range privately. eon ces' sion, l^^\ f^ti '^* eon cil' i ate, r^^aTn. "'""'^' ' eon else Vf^ac^r^ "^^^ eon ClSe neSS, brevity; force.' eon'elave,^-^;^.'^^^""''^^'"'^*'- ^c\n ^Ififlp' ^*- '^^ make an end; eon eiuue , ^ finish. eon elU sion, nal determination. eon eiU SlVe, vlnclng ; ending. ^OIl -tyU-t^L , to mature. 4>c\r\' ^r%rf\ "• ^^"J"" ; harmony; eon eoru, agreement. eon eord'ance, ?h,'^"e,',"pfr° €on'eourse,-„.t."de°'""""''' ^nn' ^rpf P "• Composed of differ- x^KJlk -t/i.t/iv^, ent ingredients. eon ere" tion, "it eon Ueill/* , blame ; to eon dem na" tion, n. Union of parti- es ; a mass. eoneur',?!'^^"^"^^^^"^'^^'"- eon eur' rence, ^enll u^fi'oT eon eus' sion, "agftronf'^'"'^ sentence ; to censure. n. Judicial sentence. eon dense', rouTprs'.'^"^"'^''* eon de scend', ;iei";7o™ffi.'° eon de scend' ing, ous S eondio'n',-ittbre!''^''^^""'^ eon'diment,Lir" = '""| CON 37 CON book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. r«r»n rli" f ir\n »• Circumstance; t/Oll Ul UUIl, rank ; stipulation. €on diction al/diSr^^^"- eon dole', Sy.""** ^^»""" ^^'"''"■ eon do' lence, ^nrt flvirt^' »»• To help ; to contrib- ■t/Ull uui^c , ute to J to promote. n. Grief for an- other's loss. eon UUt^L , along ; to behave. eon' duet, ^nor''''*''"'' '''"''* eon duet' or, Behavior inent. 11. A leader; a di- rector ; a chief. j?r\r\n "• ^ «olid tH)dy in form of a etHllv, sugar-loaf. ^v-«" +^'^»^ n; A sweetmeat weet- meats. cohfed'erate,J-Hee?araiiy":' Close lliance. to eonioe tion,:„i,ture. eon fee" tion er y, ;;;eti eon fed er a" tion, * jyf^n fV»r' *'• °^ *'*• "^^ bestow; •t/Ull IV^l , give; to discourse with con' fer ence, ;,:„*■! r/a^i'^r' .^/^n frvccj' ^- To acknowledge, as a eon Itfeb , fault ; to own. eon fes' sion, H^et.?.*'^"""'''^* eon fide', ;;;;oJ°''^"^''"''°'"^^ eon' fi dent, rA>p?a.P-^^'-^ eon' fi dent, Sosc;^^»;:r^- ^r\n rTnn' **• '^'^ border upon; to -i^UIl 1 lilt. , simt up; to curb. eon fine' ment, l-^f^!Z"I]^. ^nn fiTrrYi' ^^- To strengthen; tp ■t^UH 1 11 111 , establish; to settle. eon firm a" tion, ^e^tim^^o^n?'' eon'fiseate,)^',Jy--/- eonfis'eate,^^'';^:^'^ '° "^^ eon fla gra" tion, l\.^^ ^^""^'^^ eon'fliet, ",i,^;^i;7'''^'''^"«^- ^nu flix»t' »'^ To fight; to struggle \yUH lll\,l , ^jtfj. to contest. eon' flll Pnro " -^^ junction or ti^Ull IIU ClU^t., union of streams. ^r%n frtrtrt' *'*"• To comply with ; to ^Un lUrill , yield ; to suit. Act Of dis- proving. to con- ^nn fll«p' **• To perplex; td c^n- eon 1 US^e , found ; to mix. x>t\t\ fii' «irin » Disorder ; tumult; eon lU SIOII, astonishment. eon fu ta" tion, J ^nn filfp' »»' To disprove; eUIl 1 Ul« , Vict of error. ^r\rt frn^V *'»■ To ft-eeze ; to thicken eon geC/i , or grow hard. eongela"tidn,-by'i:iS^^'"^^ eon ge' ni al, ?;«""'"''''''""' eon ge' ries, ^ociieJ""' '"'"'" eon ges' tion, f„lr"""^^''"°' eon grat'u late, ;^ytJ° '"^" eon" gre gate, &l«er'">^'-'' eon gre ga" tion, -^^nassem- ^r\r\" o-fr>co ». United Stateslegis- -t/UIl g^C^b, lature ; f meeting. eongru'ity,^tneV""^''""^'^ eon"gruous,-J^V.^'eai^^^^ eon' ie, eon' ie al, «„„V.''' * ^On TP^' tlir al " Granted on ^UIl JCt./ LUr ell, gupposition. ' ^on ip^' tiirp "' "^^ ^"®*'^ ' *° iL.UIl Jl.^ LUri., jndge by guess. eon ip^' tlirP « Agness;asup- ^UI1 Jt-C LUrt, position ; an idea. eonjoin',*'„itI°P"''*^«^'''^'"'^ r>r\n ini'Tif ' «• Associated ; united ; ^Uli JUlIlt , connected. eon'jugal, ^-ai^^"""^''"^'."^?^ eon' ju gate, r^\«4tv'er"'^^^ eon June" tion, -eetinr"'' eon June' ture,-,^^^tf'i^r^ eon jura" tion, Tnc^anSr^^ ^r%r\ iiifo' *'• To bind on oath ; to eon jure , adjure. ^Xn' iiifo *'*• To practise enchant- t/UIl Jul t., nients. ^r\r\^ Til far- »• An enchanter; an t/On JU lt.1, impostor. x*r\rt rt c^t^ "'• To join ; to fasten -t/Ull liivX^i , together; to unite. eon(nee" tion, TngVrSir- eon form' a bl^, eon form' i ty, " eon found', fJ^eT Agreeable ; suitable. ^On forni' i tv »« a compliance; ii^Ull lUlllI 1 ly, a similitude. To mix ; to con- to disturb. -rnn front' *"'• ^^ ^-"'^ ^^^^ ^° ■t/Ull II oil I , face ; to oppose. eon ni' vance, Ji.^*^' "^^"'^^"^ x*nn ni vr»' ^^' "^^ wink at a fault , ■t/Ull 111 V Iv , to take no notice of. eon niv' er, »»• one who connives. eon nOlS S^Ur , judge of the arts. eon nu'bial,^^^;^'"^^^'^"'^'- «w CON 38 CON ,> belr, fall; what, prey, marineypm, bird, riiov^, eoir n'llPr • **■ "^^ bring under.; to l|Uc;i^ subdue 5 to overcome.* ^rm" niipr or " ^"® whoover- tjKJll ^uci ^1 5 comes ; a Victor. ^nn" niiocsf "• Victory ; success ; t/OIl quebL, a thing gained. f-nn' tJpipnOP n.Testunony of one's i^UIl S5^1t5ll(^e,jnind; justice. eon sci en" tious, fous! St eon' scious, td J^pT'vf t'o.''""'"' eon' scious ly,'giHt.fy"°"^"^'^' x»r»n' «P .^rnfp vr\r\ c'irrrt' «*. To make Over to ao- ^On Sl^n , other. eon si«-n' ment, J,J,f,«J^"^ £>r\r\ ciot' "*• To be made up of; to tyUIl fei:st , be composed. eonsist'ence, jSf'SS'^tt eonsist'ency,SSrfor''" eon so la" tion, If g^er""""" ^^>-, c-r;1r^' ^^- To comfort ; to cheer; ■t^UII bUlly , to revive. e<)nsol'idate,S7ardtr"'^ eon' so nance, ^oul^'d^'"'"' "' eon' so nant, tbitrfir'^' ''*"'' r./M'^' orkff «• -A^ companion; a wife eon but L, or husband. ^r^r» crkr-f ' *'*• ' ^ associate with ; to t^UIl hUI t , marry. eon spie' u ous, ^st^r^J^SeSi; eon spir' a cy, «-^,^^«'"bu.ation, eonspir'ator,:p,?;\%-'pir- >r»n oriiro' *'*■ To concart togeth.- eOII bpil I. , er ; to plot. i?rin' cfn Kl/> "• ^ ^'^'^ officer; a eUIJ bid UlC;, peace-officer. ^nn' ctan pv "' Firmness of -t^Ull feldll ^^^5 mind;continuanco. -^rkn' ctoTit <*• Steady; resolute; ^iJll btdll I, unchangeable. eon' slant ly,-f;„,X"=''"">'^ A cluster of stars. vt. To thicken ; to ve. eon stel la" tion, fi^td eon sti pate, make'^costi eon stit' u ent, l^l'^Xt""" eon stit' u ent, - ,'ir„r".f,"c.t eon' sti tute, j<^j°»pp°'nt°r de- eon sti tu" tion, "JrJ"'"'- eon strazn', tcJ" '°'"*'" ■"'■ eon strafnt', Si.JS""?''.^'"^! vL To explain ; to in- to translate. eonstrietVSacf '"^''''""■ eonstrie"tion,?•;Sr'■"'''"• eon strin' gent, -•,?,5ty.^"'''"^ ^rtn Qtrnpf *''• "^^ build; to put -t^Ull &Ll Ut/t , together; to form. eon strue" tion, ^4?' "^ "^* eon' StrUe, JerpTet eon' SUl, «• An official agent abroad; eon' su late, :„,'''^°'^'"^"'^°"- 4-nn cult' ''*■ '^^ ^^^ advice ; to de- eon bUlL , bate; to plan. eonsulta"tion,:jlr,fg°''^""- x^^Jii kSUiiic; , to waste away. eon sum' mate, l^iecu'""''' eon sum ma" tion,"io,;°"S',d' ; eon sump" tion, ",i,LT'""^ eon sump' tive, ;j5';e"«' ^ ""• eon' taet, :„>"""="' ^ '""' eonta'gion,;„f;re„'et""'"^' eon ta' gious, ?„S"n"'"""" >nn fn^'n' "'• "T" ^'"^'^ ' ^° keep m eon Ldfll , restraint. eon tarn' i nate, S /efiFe^']"'" ^ eon tarn i na" tion, "io,!.""" eontem/i', ;;^?,t''"''-'°"''' eon tern' plate, rt^.^Mo'^LTeirold: CON 39 CON book, dove,. £;iill, use, ejaoy chaise, gem, thi|i, . thou. €ontempla"tion,S;i'Sr\n fr^mnt' "• ^^^ °^ despising; €Ori leilipi , scorn ; disdain. i^on tempt' i b\e, iJ^rr^Zl' €on tempt' u ons, f„S-"'^ -Ton tpnH' "'"• '^° ^^"^^ ^'^^1= '° ■t^Ull tc;iiu J contest; to quarrel. ^nn tnnf ' \ "• Satisfied ; pleased. X/Uii L^^nb •) ^ y^ Moderate happiness. fTiYi tf^ni ' Pfl " Satisfied ; not re- ^OIl ItJIlt tJU, pining- content. €on ten fion "• Strife; quar- tlUIl, rel; debate.. ^on tent' ment, Jf S.'''''°" .r»r»r»' t*icf "• ^ controversy ; a differ- ■t^Ull LtJtsl, ence ; a quarrel. .orVn fncf' *'^- To contend; to quar- •tyUll ICM ^ jel ; to dispute. €0n' text. «. Series of a discourse. €ontigu'ity,r.,,fi;'^,;°": eon tig' u ous, roud,."'"'" ^ '° Ciiaste ; } : sober. temper- con' ti nent, a eon' ti nent, t'dVytr' '*^"** €ontinent'al,;e^SuS;?''° €ontin'gency,-lSdoS:'' eon tin' gent, '^''^ ' T"'* ^r\r% tin' n nl a- Without interrup- tion llll U ai, tion ; ince-ssant. eontin'uance, "^"^^^'°"°' eon tin' u^, time. vt. or vi. To prolong to remain ; to last. eon tor" tion, ?; ^ ^p^"'" forbid- iwisting. «on'traband,3ei"b>nli. .orwn tr«n^t' vf. or vt. To shorten ; to ■t^UIl Li clt.L , abridge ; to covenant. eon'tra€t,^argl?n.*^''1'T-' * eon traet' ed, fish.^^'""^' '^^" eon traet' ed, pp- shortened, eon trae'' tion, -alcfnTSr^ eon tra diet', ^.iJa^ToTen;" eon tra die" tion, ^on'^''^"''' eon'trary, ^;te^'^"'''"'= °pp"- eon' tra ry, sitioS. ^'^'"''^ '^'■°^°' eon trast', f^."^'" p"* '" °pp°^*- ^c\r\' irckci "■ Difference; opposi- t^UIl tl dbl, tion of figures. eontravene',?i,fl'e;t;o ppose. eontrib'ute,^^^^'^-^? eon' trite, «• T^iy ^o^rowfui ; per»- eontri"tion,?enceTs^o%oS?.": eontri'vance,-,Lt"'^^* eont^ive',S■p^;^"^^-^°^^'^"^ fnn tr7\V "*• '^^ restrain ; _lo gov- tj^H tl Ul , ern . j^ jjg^p j^ check. eon trol', Jow^e'r!''^'"' ' ""'"''"'^= eon trol' ler, ^rdiw"'" ''"*'''* eon'troversy,Se^r'""'^.'^ 4>nn' tlTi VPrt^ "'• '^^ debate; to t^-Un II ii Vl^ri) argue: to dinpute. eontuma"cious/Xw;red= eon tu me' li ous, J^de'""'^' eon' tu me ly, '!,,J^:^,;:^ eon tUSe', -^;J^o'^«-t together; to eon tu' sion, l,i^l,°[ "'•"''*"« = eo nun' drum, Tow^^l'^'^' ^ ■Ton Va 1pUll VtJIie , ) „j 'i-o assemble eon ven' ience, ^i^JlTfS.^ eonven'ient,'^,^;;^:;:;^;^!^^^^ eon' vent, i^^r^ "'^''^^^ery omun- eon ven" tion, lA'^.lV^S'' eon verge', ;*o,nt^'^"'^ ''' °"^ eon verg'ent,> .T^^^aingtoone eon verg' ing, ) ^"'"' eon vers' a bl^, - ,^1^J- -"- eon'versant,-,JS^';„;--'^^ eon ver sa" tion, iJ^^!^ eon verse', -• Jo discourse lamil- .^nn' VPrcfi \ «• <^ontrary; opposite. t>uii V cj oc, I „ Familiar discourse. eon ver' sion, ?urrling.'"'"^^ ' * j>f\n \TCkr>i^ ^^- To change ; to turn ; t^UIl VtJl L , to apply to. eon' vert, ^^.""^ ""^'^ '' '°"''^'*' ^r\Kk' Arrir-v *• i'il^e the outside of a t/UIl Vt.A, globe. ^r\n vol/ *"' '^'^ carry from one ^Ull yK3fJ , place to another. COR 40 COU bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, ^rwn' vi^f "• ^'^^ convicted ox f^Un Vl^yt, proyeJ g-uilty. €011 vie" tion, ;j;ir^z. " i»/\v^ \rir»^»o' "' '*'» make sensible -t^Oll VlllCt; , of by proofs. €onviviarity,rfvS^''^'^''"'^ ^nn' vn ^nf P **'• ''^^ convoke ; to ijOn VU "t^ait;, c^ll together. €on vo €a" tion, li/"'' '^'^"" ■con VOlve'5 «<• To roll together. eon volu" tion, Jett""'""'"' ^nn vnv' **'• "^^ accompany for de- eUIl VOJ , fense. ^r\rt^ \7i\\T "• Attendance at sea for -eon VU^, defense. eon vulse', JL'To"'"" ^*''^'*' "***- ^on Vlll'tiion "involuntary con- tjXJll VUl »iWII, traction of muscles. _ _ _1_ t>^ To dress or prepare food for eOOK, the table. I eOOK, "• One who dressea food, &c. £*r%f\\ **• Somewhat cold i not fondj eOUl, not zealous. 1 ^p.^1 vt. or vi. To make or become I "t^OOl, cool ; to quiet. ^r\f\V n^cc "• f f^edom from heat or ■t-l/Ul llt;&o, passion ; indifference. rrt nr\' pr atp ^- ^o work for the eo op er d-LU, sanxe end eoor'dinate, -r^anr''^'*"'' eODG, "»• To contend or striv* with. eo'pious, fui^S""'"*^' ■"'""■ eo'piously,';fe'„„fX""'"""'^ 4^f\niif^ n. A small grove »f low trees t^upst;, or underwood. eop' u late, •t^ite"'' ^'^"p^^' '' x»rkrv' ir "• ^ manuscript; imitation; ^^r ^5 a duplicate. ^f\T\' \T *''• ''^ transcribe ; to imitate ; r J Mo write from. ^t\ ^n/af ' *"• To deceive in love ; to eo quuL , jilt. ^o nilPtA/'' (A:o/i«/0 n. A gay, airy, eo qUUUC , deceitful lady. ^r\fA •''•To fasten or secure with eOI U, cords. „^.. J n. A rope ; a sinew ; a measure eOI 11, of wood. eord'age, ^i.ifP"^"'"^*^'"*^''^* x»rk»-H' i qI " Hearty; sincere; in- I t/Ui u. J ai, vigorating. j:» ri i-o "• The heart or inner part of any ■t'^* ^^ thing. Pnrk **• '^^^ stopple of a bottle ; the '-'*-'■ "-^ outer bark of a tree. t>Ul H 0*^1 t;w, to draw corks. j?r\fr\ "' To salt or sprmkle with salt, ^^' "J as meat. ^„..„^ „_ n. An angle; a remote or -t/Ul 11 tJl , secret place. eor' nice, ^f a^'l^fai!!'''' °'"''"'"' eor nu eo' pi a, ;\,'^^; ^''^^ "' eor'onal,"ci4.lf"^''"°""'°' eor o na" tion, r,,,^"' "'""""" ^^M«' ^ T-koi* «• One who inquires in- ii^Ur O Iiei , to casual deaths. eor'onet,Ein^y^'-°"""""^''^"'*- ^f\v' r»n rnfp ''■ United in a com- eOl pO ratt?, ^unity or body. eor po' re al,rJ"'^ ""'''" .^nvn e (*""') "• •'^ '^*'*^y '^'^ soldiers ; a t^Ul^o, regiment. a carcass. eOrpS^, «• A dead body ^nr' nil Ipnrp "• Buikiness of -t^Ul pu lt/ilL/1^, body; grossness. eor' pu lent, -^rr^'""""' ^Ar rP^t' *'• '^° punish; to re- | t/V^i A VyTyt , prove ; to amend. eor reef, -irrSr '"""'""''*" eor fee" tion, trt^r;''"""'H eorrespond',::;,?^SrS'tSi eor rob' o rate, ^(if-rfi: eor rode Vg'r^e^" '"''"*' ^' ^" eor ro' sion, l^J^'' «' ^^^'"^ \ eor rupi , detiie. j ^^„ „,-„*/ 0. Vicious ; tainted; rot- ! eor rupt , ten. 1 ;,^« *.m-i" < I/-kn «• Putrescenc&j : eor rup tion, wickedness i eor' Sair, »»• a pirate ; a sea-robber, i eor' set, «• a lady's stays. | ^i^« me^t' 1^ "• ^ ^'^^'^ *" improve eos met le, the skia. eOSt, n. Price ; charge ; loss ; expense. ^of ' 1 V "■ Costing much ; dear ; ex- eOsL Ij, pensive. eos tUine', «• characteristic dress. eo tein' po ra ry, ;;„,«%*•* ^„,--^U vt. To lie down, or to he in eOUCIl, ambush. eOUCn, »• A seat of repose ; a bed. COY 41 CRI bg^k, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin^ ifeou. ^rk1^ n' at^] " ^'^^^^^ ' direction ; an t^UUIl SstJl, attorney. ^f\Mnf ^*- '^° reckon or number ; to •t/UUIll^ value or esteem. eoun' te nance, ^ip^a^trXT'^ ^niinf' f>r «'^"- f^oi^rary to; in a ^UUIlt tJl , wrong way. «»unt er act', ^J^.VfS'"" «oun'terfeit,-ptSr''^'" .*«onn' t^r f^it *"• "^^ imitate ; to •eOUIl ler ICIL5 forga; to feign. coun ter mand Van oTdV" eoun ter mand', - oZT' '' eoun ter march VadwTrd'^ coun' ter plot, ;iot'''"' '^^"*"''' €ount'less, Sul""""^^^"'^^''"'^- ^/^iiin' trv «• Atractofland japrov- t^f/Uil tl ^ , ince ; rural parts ^r»itr\^ ]df n. Two things of a kind ; a Cif/up le;, pair. ->^,,r\' 1^ »''• To join together; to ■kyUU[) if;, marry. cour' age, ^aio^/*'"'^' ^°^'^"'"' eour a' g^ous,S,fr'" *''""'' ^rilir' i Pr "• ^" express ; a mes- ^'Utc-l 1 c;i , senger sent in liaste. ^rij/Tco **• -^ ""^^^ '"^ race-ground; r/Ua-l at;, method of life ; career. ^Hitrt "• ^^^'' of justice ; residence ^AJUn^ of a prince. ^Ol/rt "^ ^° make love to ; to so- e^urt' e ous, fit^^^'" ' "'"'' ' ^"' ^/iiirt' f> cv "• t^ivility; kindness; r^lfui t c; »J, complaisance. eov' e nant, :;^,er '"''''"= '° ^rfcv' P njint "• -^ bargain ; a con- eOV e Hdlll, tract or deed. ^riv' »r "'• "^^ overspread ; to con- •t/UV ei , ceal ; to hide xyokv' «f "• A screen ; concealment; -t^OV t^I, defense. ^'Ov' pr incr "-Any thing that cov- •t/UV ei HJg, ers; adress. Sheltered ; secret ; in- t/tv, break irrto chinks, ^fiifi- «• Cunning; trade ^ a small t/FdlL, ship. ^f oft' \7 "• Cunning; deceitful; art ■t/rd,ll ^, fui ; sly. ^rncr' (TpH *• Ro"&h; rugged; un *^*^"& &^"5 even. __„,„ rf. To stuff; to thrus^ close ^/I cllll, to eat greedily. ^<.o«Y>i^ vt- To confine ; to contract ■cramp, to hinder. ■cramp, «• a contraction of the limbs -crash* »•• a loud mixed noise. ^i««i' fcki« >»• The aperture or funnel \;l d ttJr, of a volcano. ^i«QV£» "'• To ask earnestly; to long -t/fdVe, for eagerly. ■era' V^n, «• Cowardly ; mean ; base. ■era' Vmff, »• unreasonable desire. ^-5j,-,l vi. To creep; to move with a -t/I awi, slow motion. _„jj/ „„ a. Weak; decrepit; feeble; -t^rd Z.^, insane. .£>i*o/7rii "• The rich oily part of milk; ■t>I t;a;iil, ^je best part of a. thing. .^rp flffp' v<. To make out of nothing; •t/l U die , to cause ; to produce. .rprl' i hl/> °- Worthy of belief; ■erCU 1 UlC^, probable ; likely. •ered' it, »<• To trust ; to confide in ^rc^A' if "• Belief; honor; reputa- t^l t/U It, tion ; trust reposed. ere du' li ty, Sev^'e!'""" '" '" -TTPrl' 11 \nvia «• '^P^ *° believe; t/I eU U lOUfe, unsuspicious. ■rti.^ri^l n- A confession of faith; be- cieea, jief. ^f^^n ft- To crawl; to move slow- ^r»ov' ir»c» "• ■*■ chink or small aper- ■t/rtJV lt/t5, ture. x»rTrrio "• •^ fault; offense; an act ■t/I IIIIU, not riglU. erim' in al,"e;imf ''''""'''"''' erim'inal,^fe1or"""""'' ■Crim' son, «• a fine deep-red color. ^ _:,,/-„ vi. To fawn; to show sub- tynilge, mission. ^i.ir^' rJ^ "'• To deprive of the use t/lip piC, of limbs. Cr i' sis, »■ A critical period or change. crisp, "*• To curl ; to make brittle. CUL 42 CZ A bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, -erisp' y» «• FnaWe; brittle : curled. i ^rit' i^ " ^ judge ; one skilled in I ta IL It^/j criticism. x»i«if' 1^ q1 "• Accurate; of nice i>l IL J-t- aij judgment I ^rit' i^ nl Iv "'^•' Nicely; accu- I C-I IL It. ell ly^ rately, exactly. ^rit' i ri^P f<. To examine nicely, ■t/1 It 1 ^^ist:^ to judge , to cen.sure \ er it' ic\sm^^;,^^ZL ■""'"''"''' \ d'O^k. n- The cry of a frog or crow. ' ^rn^U' pr v "• ^" '^'"^^ "^ ^^'■'*^' -tyl U-t^lV v:;i j5 enware. I ^m' nv "An old acquaintance; a -t/I U II J 5 companion. ^mrAz ^*- "^^ ^®"d ; ^^ pervert from ^l yJ\)i^^ rectitude. .^rnnU' pH «• ^ot straight; untow- -t-l Uyn. cu, ard ; perverse. „„ . n. Gathering of hay, corn, &c.; 1 ? the harvest produce .,„„ r<. To lop ; to cut off the ends ; : -t^i up, to cut short. „,. - a. Peevish; fretful; trans- •t/1 Uoo^ verse ; oblique. .. g rf. To pass over; to lay athwart; Xyl U»o, to counteract. ; ^.,.|-vii^.l-| vi- To stoop low; to bow I "t'l UuCIlj submissively. ■crowd* «'• To press close ; to throng. I ^,.^,,,rl n. A confused multitude ; the I -ei UVVU5 populace. .oi-/^M»7»-» vt.To invest with a crown ; ' "GI UWJI5 to adorn , to finish. i ^rr\\\7n n A regal diadem , regal pow- : -t/i i.> vv 11, gf . top of the head ; a coin. '' ^i»n' n\ f*\? »''• 'l o nail or fasten to a ijlU *^1 IJ5 cross. ! -CrudG. a- Haw; unripe; undigested. \p„,l' pi a. Void of pity; unfeeling; ■t/I U lA^ inhuman. /^fii' £k1 f »7 " Want of liumanity; ; iyl U t.1 l,^, barbarity. ; ^..fi/cp •'i- To sail in quest of an en- ■t-i Uiat;, g„,y or plunder. i /:.,»ntn "• '^''^ ^°^^ P^'^'" "'^ bread; a •t^l UIII5 small fragment. I ^pniYi' Kl/> w<. or i;t. To break or fall I ■*^' UiII UlC, juto small pieces. -,„,Hjl» vt. To break to pieces; to ■t'l uMI<^ bruise or scjueeze ; to ruin. ^, ,,!(-.♦ n. Outward part of bread ; any t^l UM,, external coat. I r>r^ "*• '^° ^^^^ ' *^° "^'^^P i '■*' exclaim ; i ^ J 5 to proclaim. i ^rvc' t'll " A pure, bright, transpa I ■t/I J & tell, j-gjit slone. ^ square, s( equal sides ^flKo "• A square, solid body, having ^iiV rkn Vkl/> «• Criminal; blama- i./Ul pd Uie;, ble ; guilty. ^n1' ■Tki'if "■ A person arraigned be- ■t/Ul pill, fore a judge. ^n]' fl ^Tof^i ^^- To till the earth; ■eUl II V«ll(., ,0 iTTiprovo. '' *'um' hov '"'■ '^" e^'"^'- '■'■«««; to ■t^Ulll UK^l , trouble ; to entangle. eum' ber some, ^SStr' x>ni-»' K»ii»rr " Expen ; :Sklllf»l ; t/Ull nmg, crafty .«iiv^' »^ir. rr " A rlifice ; fraudulent €Un ning, dcxtenty , skill „,i v^ii^l' i tv **• Excessive desire; -t/U piU I tj, covetousness. />ii' »-k/-v lo "■ An arched tower 01 •t/U pU la, roof, a dome. ^11' i»ofo " A clergyman; a parish t/U rait5, priest. €u'rative,;aS'"' *''""''" ^iifK ^'f- To restrain; to check; to ■t/UI U, bridle. „j-:„„ t)<. To restore to healtji ^ to heal; "t/lil c5, to preserve from decay. ^iifM'/^\n7 "■ Eight o'clock evening -e.Ur lew, bell, afire-plate. r»ii' vi rkiic «• Inquisitive; nice; ^U I 1 UU&5 rare. To turn into ringlets ; to twist. .onr' r<:>n PV "• Circulation : gen- ■t/Ul 1 cli V/j, eral reception. ^iir' riinf "■ Common; popular; -t/LIl I cut, passable ; now passing. ^ii**' i«or»f » ^ running stream , a iL/Ul 1 eilt, course. / i»\7 **' To dress leather ; to rub -eUI 1 J5 a horse. „^p vt. To wish evil to; to exe- -t/UI Oc, crate ; to torment. _ n. A malediction , an evil wish; -GUroc, torment , vexation. €ur'sory,?„S'"'"™"""^ f5»r wr To cut off ; to shorten; CUl Idfcl , to abridge. curve, v^- To bend , to crook. ^nrvti "• ^"y ^"^'^"^ ^®"'' ^'' °^ wind- XjUI Vt/, jng form. __,_.Uf w^n "• ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ '^''^"^ CUbU lUIl, or to kneel on <^url, rJ; f Kit " Measure of a foot and a ■CU Ult, half, or eigliteen inches .oil/' "■ '^^^ ^^'' °'^ ^ ^'^ ' ^"^'^ ^"'^ "^ * "*^Ut/, thing ; a hint or intimation. .r^n' li v^o i-i- 0. RelatHigtoakitch- i./U 11 na 1}, en cus' to dy. prisonment. cus torn n. Habitual practice ; fash- 5 ion ; usage. a. Usual . com- ? mon ; general. cus' torn a ry CU 11 -€16, ering of the body f _]^ n A periodical revolution Cy -t/lC, circle. cyl in Uer, round bod cyn' 6-zar ic Dogged ; churlish ; satiirical. The title of the Russian em- al. ? peror. DAW 43 DEC book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, ihou. D. T^oK *''• "^^ ^'*P i *° strike gently ; to U'tllij moisten. Anrt'^f-tr] « A poetical foot of one long Udt/ •'J I5 and two short syllables. QSii' ly. a- Happening every day. rla/n' tv °- Delicate ; nice ; pleasing tlclfcll Lj^ Jo jj^g palate ; squeamish. rJQ /' r V "• ^ milk- farm ; place where Uat 1 J5 milk, butter, &c., are kept. rlolo n. A valley; a space between Utllt;, two hills. /-Ill' li ar»r»o " Mutual caresses; Uai 11 dllCt;, fondness : love. dam'age, ^iee"'"'"^' ^°"' prcju- dam' age, «^- to injure ; to impair ; damw *' '^^ curse; to condemn to dlll/«, future torments. damp. «• Moist ; inclining to wet. Hamn' Pr "■ '^^**' ^''i^h disheart- Udtlip t;i 5 gfjg . discouragement. rlomrk' nooc "• Moisture ; tenden- Udtiip llt^o5>5 cy to wetness. rlim' cnl "* A young maiden; a Uaiil aci, country lass. danCG. «*• To move in measure. A'rin' r»inrr "• Amotion of the feet aan cmg, to music dan' dv i«m " /oPP^ry in dress U yi- Tc reckon ; to begin ; to note UdlU, the time. dai^nt, l^gj'' frighten; to discour- da?.«nt' less, ^^Feaness ; undaunt- dawn, vi. To begin to grow light. dawn' ino^, " ^'^^^ ^^ ^^^'^ ®*^^y *** ***e? mornmg. 5 ness, Extinction of- life ; state of the dead. daz' zlc, w<. To overcame witl> light. rlo/rrl «• Deprived of life ; d^ljl ; sjfir- ut:c/,u, itiess. ■:>•.; Ar\^A' ]\7 a- OccELsioning death ; mor- UCaU iy,tal; cruel, rlp/7f or Hp/lf *• Wanting the Ut^Ul, Ul Ut;ai, ggngg of hearing. deaf ness, SfSng^''"'^""'' A Byrl *'■ '"' "*• To distribute ; to divide ; U«ai, to trade. A^/jV \r\(r "• Pr^ictice ; action ; ili- UUMl lllg, tercourse ; traffick. rlS/rr* <^- Beloved; precious ; costly ; Ut;ai , valuable. dearth °" ^*^^''*^^^y5 want; barren- death, ti death' less, -^J^^^n^^-^ p^^pet- An Kor' *'*■ To shut down; to ex- Ut; Udl , elude ; to hinder. A a Kpcn' "' To degrade ; to lower; uc utxs>Kj , to lessen in value. rip K^fp' **'• or *'*• To dispute; to Ul^ uaLU , argue ; to deliberate. Afy Kotpk' "• ^ personal dispute; a UC/ uaiKi , controversy. debil'itate,"^,,:^''^,',^-^"' do Kil' i tir "• Weakness ; infirmity; e Ull 1 ty, languor. Af^hi "• That which one man owes to Ut;c/t, another. de/^t' or "■ ^°® who. owes money, Hp-f' n lr»rr»i^ "• The ten com- UbC a lOgUe^ mandments. An ^nnt' «'• To pour off gently so as iiK^ -t^ailL , to leave the dregs. de €ap'i tate, ^J.foff''^'"*^ ^ '' rlo ^o^f' ^^- To decline; to wither; Ue Cd?/ , to rot Act nBnciy' "• Departure from life; cic l.>t;t*S>ty , death. de Cpit' "■ F''*"'* ' insincerity; art- r]p Cpivp' *''• T° delude ; to impose Hp' pon ^-'tr n. Modesty ; propriety ; UC Ct;il i^y^ decorum. Hp' Ponf "• Becoming; modest; ^^ i./t;ilL, suitable. - f\n pprk" firkn ». Deceit, or means UC Cep lion, of deceiving. flp /^irlo' *'• To determine; to set- isL ' ^^® ' ^'^ conclude. (Ic* Pi«' ir»r» "• Determination of a u<^ lyI3> lUIl, difference or event. rip Pi' civr> * Having the power to "i^ ^.^1 MYt., determine. rlr»r»b- *'^- To adorn ; to cover; to dec- Ut.t.11, orate. Hp ./>lorri' *'*• To make known ; to UC ■t.iai C , publish. doelara"ti(.n,?i„„*.C|:,r„ »t. or vi. To reius(! . to de €l ■*-^*^ ^ shun ; to- sink or decay. DEF 44 DEL bar, fall, whg-t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, A(^ ^liv' i fv "-An oblique or grad- Ue CllV 1 ly, ual descent. de€omp5se'/„;iJa\or'"' de€' orate, E^^^^V""""""' "■ de€ora"tion,».iaed''Sr^ Hf^^n'nim "• ^^^^^r decency; Ut7 t/U 1 UllJ^ proper behavior. Act r-fw' *'• '^° aliure ; to entice; to UtJ x^yjy 5 insnare. di' *'*• To take from ; to less- Ut; UUt/L , en ; to subtract. dedue"tion,:„f„"re?e'''ir"'^ J-j^ J n. An action ; a tiling done; a UtJcU, legal instrument. rloom **'• To j^dge; to conclude ; to Ut^UIll, think Hppn "• Entering far; penetrating; UtytJp, sagacious. deep'en,3lVkJ,?*""'° ''""*" rJoork' \\T <^"- To a great depth ; sad- Ut.Cp V 5 ly. sorrowfully. rin f5r»fi' *'*• To destroy; to blot UC 1 at^C , out ; to disfigure. J„ i^5«Yio' "'To censure falsely; to lie 1 dllie , gpeak ill of. defawlt', ?,„*''"""'''""•'" de fault' er, J, .rn.""" '"" '" Jp fp/rf' **• To overthrow; to frus- Aa To^f' «• A fault; a failure; a UC lU-t^l , blemish. J„ fonrl' **• To protect; to uphold UU ItJIlU , or vindicate. Hp fpncp' "• Protection; virtdica- Ut; H^ll&t; , tion ; resistance. J„ for' *' To delay; to put off; to MKy ItJl , leave to another. def er ence, ;;„''„<'^>'"'' "">""■ defi'ance,Lit„ttHr''°'''- de fi" cien cy, ?ecS" """"• de fi" cient, °[eS'*°' ' ''"' "' d„ f*ilc»' "'• To make foul; to cor- e 1 lit? , jupt . to vitiate. Ack fWok' " A narrow passage; a UU lllU , lane. defile'ment,;,p^ron""'"'"" rip f*7np' **• To explain; to deter- ue I lilt; , mine the limits. definite, Jrecfsf^'"' "'"'''^' def in i" tion, Sffthlng.''"^"''" rlo flp^f ' *'■ °'" *'*• To turn aside ; to UC llt5-t/l , deviate ; to bend. de form' ed, "^r.^T^ty/ ''''^' de form' i tV "^ UgUness ; want ue lUllll 1 ty, of symmetry. de fratid', J'trS ''''^' ' '° '''^ ^^ defra2/',;ln?e°.'^"''"^^^"^"- defun€t',;eas^ed^'^* ^''''"''' '^'" rlo A?' t;^. To challenge ; to dare ; to ^^ ly 5 slight. rlo rrforJo' «'*• To put out of office ; Ut; gl dUt; , to place lower. rip rrrpo' "• Quality ; rank ; station ; Ut; gl Ct; , 360th part of a circle. rip ip.^t' v<. To cast down ; to afflict ; Ut; Jt;^t , to make sad. rlp 1P.p" finn " I-owness of spir- Ut; Jt^-t/ LlUIl, its ; melancholy. rip' 1 f*\r *'^- To make one a god ; to ^^ * '^J 5 adore. rlo-i/rr* '^*- To vouchsafe kindly; to Uee^Il, grant. rlp' ict "• ^"® ^^° denies revealed Ut; J»t, religion. rlp Iq^i' •''• To defer; to put off; to Ut; Idl/ , withhold ; to linger. dele«'table,?i,h!;i.r''"'''"- rlp]' P crnfp **'• To send away; to o"'*'^5 depute or appoint. delib'erate,ta?r'^'''''"'' rlp liK' Pr ntp "*• "^^ hesitate ; to ae 11 D er aie, think ; to muse. ripl' 1 .on PV "• Nicety; tender- UL.1 1 -t/d t/y, ness ; softness. del'ieate,3er''''"'''"'''^''" deli"cious,tg?et™i"'^'""'' deli^M,;oy'^^«'^^"'^^^'"'^*''^^^^''"^ deli^M'fuljfng'^'^*^'"''''^''"' delin'eate,?ne'^of'""'"°"' delinea"tion,;ie?u"rel"'°'' de lin' quent, « Failing in duty. delir'ious,:-4'^'^^-'""''«''^^*- de lir' i urn, IliinU.^'^^"^^™*"* ""' rlp liv' pr *'*• To resign; to set at Ut; 11 V t/l , liberty; to surrender. Hp liv' (^r M "• ^ release; a sur- ut; 11 V c;i y, render; utterance. AckW «• A pit ; a narrow opening; a Ut;il, valley. rlr» iHrJck' »<. To beguile; to cheat ; Ue lUUe , to deceive. DEP 45 DES book, dove, full, use, €an, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. n. A general inundation of de lu' *^^"*^ » An error; deceit; del' Uge, ^ater SlOn^ deception. de 111' Sive, «• Tending to deceive. demand', l{,Z°to"''"'""'°''^ Act morirl' "• -^ claim ; a question ; UU lildllU ^ requirement. Ad mS/^n' **'■ To behave; to un- lit; IlJtJMll ^ dervalue. demean' or, »[agf'''''°'' '"' de mer' it, ft/^^ °pp°'^'^ *° ""*''■ /^l^i TYiiffo' "• Death; decease; a Ue Illia>t; , yielding up. demo€' racy, ;,„?;;■="' de mol' ish, rJJ,Uy'°" *'•"'■ de' mon, »• An evil spirit ; a devil. de mo ni'aeal,3evu4" ''"'''' dem on stra" tion,»b,e'"p "oSf ' ,1 „ w^n-' vi. To delay ; to doubt ; to ae mur , hesitate. demure',^;r?cr^ bashful; re- J„y^ n. A cave; a lurking-place for Ueil, wild beasts. de ni' al, «• J^ denying ; a refusal. ,z den'izen,U^^^^^^^"' ''''''■ denorn'mate,^^"^"^'^"""""" denote',:;,nV°"'y*'""'^^*'' denounce', SveaT^„P"^"^^'^*« dense. «• Thick ; close ; compact. d^„ / * 4.-, n. Closeness; state Of t^Ilb 1 Ij, being compact.. dent' al, «• Relating to the teeth. dent' ed, «• Notched ; indented. Ue IlUUe , bare; to divest. rlf» n v' ***• '^° contradict ; to refuse ; ^ * V 5 to disown. de part', «i- to go away ; to die. de part' ment, Jc^Tdl'.^ "'• de part' ure, ;„,*=' °' ^"'"^ de pend', ?iJ""">"'"- " "^"s de pend' ence, ^.^^t^: de pi-Gt', vt. To paint ; to portray. rlc» r^1r;i«£»' v<. To lament; to bewail; Ut. piOl e , ty bemoan. dep depth Ack -nT^vi^ *''• Te carry: tb behave Ut; pui I , one-s gglf. de port' ment, ;-^Behavior;con. rlc» n^ao' "'• To put down ; to de- Ut? pWSt; , throne ; to attest, depos'it,Jii'^3^:^"P»^^p^^'^^^' deposi''tion,-l^L^.'^^^^"' deprave',rtertoT;y'^°^'*- deprav'ity, ;;;fr"^"°"'^'*- de pre" ciate, ;:im?o^"" '''*' Aan^ rck Autt^ ^'- To rob; to pil- aep re aaie, j^ge , to injure, de press', rumlfe.""'''°"°^'° de pres' sion, ^ecuot''^^ ' *^^ rio TM'ivii' *'*• To take from; to be- Ut5 pi IVC , reave ; to debar. ri va" tion, l;J^l **^ *^*- n. Measure downward ; obscu- 5 rity; sagacity. At^ Kkiif £>' *'*■ To appoint ; to einpow- Ue pUie , er to act. Ag^Y^f ii f V "■ ^"® ^bo acts for an- Ut;p U IJ", other; a substitute. de range', »*• To put out of order. dere lie" tion, SiS^t""'*" Act ri«' if^n "• ^^^^^ of laughing at; Ue 1 ia> lUll, contempt. de rive', vt. To draw from anothcr. Actr-^ Ck frufck »"» To lessen reputa<. Uer U gdlt/, tion ; to detract. derog'atory,r«'^r''"'"° Ack affiknA^ *'*• "^o come down; to ClC Ol>^H«a , sink ; to stoop to. de scent', Sirti;.''^^'"'^^' °"^''^ ""^ A^ oi^i^xr' *''• To discover afar" off ; to Ue St/F^ 5 discern. des' e <^rate, ^Lr^d usT '"" * rio aort' "• Merit; worth; claim to Ut; »t;i t , reward. A(^ fijpi,*' «<. Tu forsake ; to run away. dp*' Prf "■ ^ wilderness; a soli- de serve' "'■ '^° be worthy of; to de serv' edTlTed.'^"'''^"'' "'" aC Sl^n , sketch. flp CI /rn' ino- " Artful; cunning; ue si«^n ing, insidious. Ad ciro' ^'- To covet; to wish or ue »ire , long for. J cicf' ''*• To cease; to stop; to lie olsl , give over. UeS O Idtt;, laid waste. DI A 46 DIM bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. rlr» snniV "*'• '^^ be without hope ; ai3 spa*! f to despond. rlt»c' riA rnf P '^- Without hope; aeS ptJ rdtUj rash ; violent. UtJte pi -t/d UlC, Jess; contemptible. despise', S-aSa?r^^^°"°^"^ despondVdespSn"'^^""'''*' de spond' en cy, Lpei^L'S: rlco' T^rkt "• ■^^ absolute sovereign ; UeS put, a tyrant. despot'ie,?ai.''''"'"''^ ''"""" rl*i«£ «i:»rf ' "• '^^^ '^^^ course at din- t.it;» sKjI l , ner— fruit, &c. J„„f f : i^tT- "• Fate; invincible ne- Uej> 11 liy, cessity. des'titute,?;.,i°y. "■'""""'• -J_ ~4.„„,,^ r<. To lay waste ; to make Ue biruy , desolate ; to kill. dp «fril-p'tivP "■ '^'''''^ destroys; UU OLI U-t/ tl V c, wasteful; rumous. de tachVarat^e° """'""' ^ '""'■ J -J f qjK *'*• "^^ state minutely and Ue liXH , particularly. rlo f^-<>f' "'• '^° discover; to lay ue tt!-t/t , open ; to find out. rio fp.^" f ir^n " l>iscoVery of UC le-t/ null, guilt or fraud. de ten" tion, « Restraint ; delay, de ter', t^e te' ri o rate, rip tprni' inp ^^- '^^ ^"'^ ' ^^ ^^' cic i/Ci 111 111^, cide or resolve. rijp fpct' ^^' "^^ hate; to abhor; to ue ttJoL , dislike exceedingly. rip tPttf' 1 hlf* o. Hateful; odious; ue lebL ''^'"f^^' ' *'■ diabori€al,f,hY''^'^^'^'^"^'^- di' a dem vt. To discourage from doing any thing. ri. To grovy worse. impious. . n. An imperial crown. ex- to cease di no-' r\ r»nl «• From one angle to 1 ag O nai, another. rli' a lp.^t ^- Manner of speech-, Ul d lt;-t>L, particular style. di' a \r%(T'HP «■ a discourse between Ul d lU^M'C', t,wo or more persons. di' a mond, l}J^£r"' '^'"'''' rli' Q f\T "• A journal; a daily ac- Ul d ly, count. rli^' f ntp 1^'- To give orders ; to tell Ult/ tcltt;, ^hat to write. di-6 ta" tion, n. Act of dictating. die" tion, J-eSS^„:^-^-^' J-^ vi. To lose life ; to perish ^AC, to live. dif f*pr ^^' "^^ ^^ unlike; to disa- dif fpr pnrp " ^*^^® ^^ ''^'"^ ' UU itJl ^ll^«^, distinct; a dispute. ' rli^' foi* pnf **• Distinct ; not tlie Ull ItJl t^llt, same ; unlike. rlif*' fi ^nlt «• Not easy ; hard ; vex- Ull 11 -t/UlL, atious ; troublesome. rlif fi ^Illf V " Distress; per- Ull 11 •t:^UlL y, piexity; objection. diffident, ^,S,T'''"''"°'"'" rlif*f*ficp' *''• ^"^ spread here and Ull 1 U»t; , there ; to pour out. A\f i'naa^ c. Copious ; extended ; not Ull 1 Uh« , concise. Jj' vt. To open the ground with a o' spade. rli rroof ' *''• ^o dissolve ; to put in ^1 gtJbL 5 ordei (ii' gest, 2ed dlff' lt« »»• A.ny number under ten. dig' ni fi cd, dig'nify,S dlrr' v»Wir »» Honor; nobility; rep- '& *** V5 utation. J' n-rr^cc' '^'- '^^^ leave the subject ; Ul gl t^fc» , to turn aside. fli D-rpss' <5inn »• .^ct of turning Ul gieb MUll, aside; deviation. rlTkp "■ ■^ ditch; a furrow; a chan- order. n. A volume of laws or law sion«. a. Noble ; invested with dignity. To advance ; to hon- or ; to exalt. nel. vi. To fall to de- di lap' i date, cay. rli la fp' *'*■ '^^ lelate at large ; to ex- rlil' n f r\ rv "• ^'°^' loitering; GU a to 1 y, sluggish Al l^rvrvk' w-»o "• A diflicult ordoubt- Gl lem Ilia, f^^l choice. Ull 1 gtJlH^t;, try; assiduity. rlil' 1 rrcknt °- Constant in applica- Ull 1 gcilt, tion ; as.siduous. rli 111 fp' *'<• To make thin; to weak- di 111' vi al. a- Relating to the flood. /^irrk « Not clear; obscure; some- UlIIl, what dark. DIS 47 DIS book, dove, fiill, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. H men'sion;J.Jl«T'^""°" Illlll lall^ abate ; to degrade. min' n fivn "• Small; little; mm U U\0, contracted. jn' ly. adu. Obscurely ; not clearly. rr»' r\\^ "• -^ small hollow in the 111 plc^j cheek or chin. ' Q /^Z^ can a. Pertaining to a dio- a i^C »ail^ cese. n. A Bishop. • The jurisdiction of a 5 bishop. o cese, p. vt. To put into water ; toimmerge. r\Tr\' mo "• ^ writing conferring JJIU lllUj honor. Straight ; right ; plain ; uous. to govern ; to rt^^f' o- Straigh I v^t^i. ^ jjot ambig rp^f' «'• To guide; 1 C-t/L ^ rule. _„^/f finn "■ '^''" ^'' * certain I tJx-' llUIl.) point ; command. n. A mournful ditty or song of lamentaiion. dirge, d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d G n hil' 1 f V «• Want of power ; b a Uil 1 t^5 weakness. „ ck/ Kl^ *''• 'o make incapable or 5 ^ UlCj unable, o n Kilco' *''• To undeceive ; to b d, UU»C 5 set right. sadvan'tage,-t^-t^S „ nf*f*o^f' ^' To make discon- ^ U.1 lt.t/L , tented. .L-. o m'£i£i' ^»- To be at variance ; b a gl eb 5 to differ, s al low', ^lny^°^ '° ""°^'*° «j nn nninf '''• To deceive; to 6 cljJ puilll , defeat expectation. c nrtT»' v<- To render delenseless; » «,! HI , to divest of arms. c oc' for " Misfortune; grief; Cj ao tei , niishap. c o \rr\\\7' *''• To disown ; to deny S d VOW , knowledge of s be kef, J 5 burse', vt. to lay out money. o x>'^rA' ^f- To dismiss; to turn b ^dl U , away. o pf»|-|-|' «'• To perceive; to de- o K^K^l II , scry ; to distinguish. scern'ment,;ernrg''°^^"' c r»liQrrT£i' ^t. To release ; to dis- 6 Uliai gtv , rniss n. Military regula- tion : instruction. Refusal of belief; mistrust. s' ci pline, c .plrk«o' *''• To discover: to re* & t.iu»lv , veal ; to brin^ to light. S^Xl' ^v* ^^- To change or spoil ^Ol Ul , the color. s €51' or ed, ^'^lor.""''*""'^ '"" s com' fit, lltfe^t"''''"''""^'*^ « .rrim' fr»rt "^^ To afflict ; to & -t/UlIl lUl I, cast down. Want of con tent ; sorrow. To leave off dis con cert', Sin^d" ''"'"'"" "'" discon'solate,-;r?owfui""' dis con tent', J; dis con tin' lie, f^, Jl dis' cord, "ance!''^' ''"""'' '"'" dis' count, :;,cf *''""'"' '*"""'" dis' count, rcco'uV'''"'"'" dis cour' age, Tol'ei"''"^''"'''' QIS course , son ; to argue. fWa -Po v' f^r ^*- "^^ reveal ; to dis- I.I1& t^UV t>' 5 close; to bring to light. dis«red'it,5i,~°Je""'"'''"''° dis«reet',J„S' co„sid.r»t., dis«re"tion,ri„^-S'"''- rlic ^ncfi' "*• "^^ examine ; to argue; illo "t/USO , to disperse. A\a -».^..' r>,i.rx»-. n- Examination of cus sion 7 a question. dis dam', Ir^^T"' ^""^^'"p^"*"- dis dam' ful, "haugMr""'"""^ rlic S^co' "• Sickness ; uneasiness ; U1& uaau , distemper. ^is em bark', To^^T"-'^""'- dis en gageVg',gI;;^'„T ''"""'"• dl« ficr' lirp t;^ To spoil the figure ; UIO IJg Ul c;, to deprive of beauty. disgorge', ^out'^°™'^=*°^'"P'y rlia o-roprV " Shame; ignominy; UlS gldCt/ , dishonor. rlic ctr^nc^' ^^- ''^ dishonor; to uio^gi avvc; , bring reproach on. rlic fri#i«f»' ^'- To dissemble; to Ul» ga/i:&c; , conceal ; to disfigure. •rlicj rrncf' n- Distaste ; great dishke ; Uib gUS>t , aversion. dis heart' en, ^^-tlr^Jj^-^""''^ dis Aon' est, ^na'lil''^'""'''^^ Hi«^nn'nr '''• "^^ render infa- UiTb riKJll Ul , mous ; to disgrace. disinher'it,;;iv^r.n;f""'^'"- dis in' ter est ed, a. impartial. disjoint', riJ;aSl.^"'°'^°"'^ disk, "• The face of the sun, moon, Ac. dis iTlfp' «■ Want of affection ; aver- dis like', ^^ To disapprove ; to hate. lb lU Cd.lt;, joint ; to displace. 1) I s 48 DI V bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, dis lodge', «<• To put or drive out. Aio Iz-Ktr' q1 «• Traitorous ; treach- Ulb lijy dl, erotts ; faithless. rlio?' mol "• Sorrowful ; gloomy; un- Uia> Illcll, comfortable. dis mast', vt. To deprive of masts. rlict v*-»o/»/ "• Terror; loss of cour- UlS mat/ , age ; fear. uis mem ber, cut in pieces. ' fWa mi««' *''■ "^^ discharge ; to send Ul!5 Illlsb , away; to discard. dis mis' sion,Se^^;;io;/^^^^^>'^ dis mount', Utrsehack^'^'' '"" disobe'dient,?;„,l^S^"'''"'' Aiii r% hiTo-p' "*• '^^ displease ; to Ulb U Ull^e , provoke ; to offend. rlio rki«' rloi« " Confusion; trouble; lllb Ul UUl , irregularity. diS0W?n', ?y/°'^^"°"".^^'^°'^- aiS par age, dervalue. rlit2 nfifr»l-i' ^'- J^ perform speedl- Ulb pdlCIl , ly.'to kill. die rkf»r»«3*i' *'*• ^° administer; to l» pt^lJ&t; , excuse from dis peo' pl^, L'y'^ir^"^^''''° A'ta rvoi»c>"» rlie TAiito' "• Controversy; debate; Ulb putty , contention. dis regard', l'^,?'"^"*"''"' "'5- disrel'ish,Jl;sgusf'"' '""""'■ dis re pate', -p'iS'.r' '""""" A\a cf»/>t' "'• To cut in pieces ; to lilo oCt^L , divide and examine. di« lll uir;, feign; to conceal. rlie epnf ' ^^' ^° cliirer in opmion ; to disagree with. rlic ct^v' *>r ^*-^° divide ; to part , UlS^tJV ei, to disunite. dis sim u la" tion, ^^ "yp^^"- rlie' oi r»i + o t'^- To spend lavishly ; I U1& fel ptlLt;, to disperse. i dissipa"tion,^aste.''^''''^"'! rlic? o>r\l\r*i' **'• To loosen ; to melt ; i U1S> ^OlVe , to unbind. dis'S0lute,5lea^Sr' '"'" '""l dis snade'^ cnV.i'fH^^'^'''^ '" "'' ' f{\«' fut\r'f^ "• ^it;i"oleness in time i UiO *-"'»l^^5 or place ; reserve. j dis taste', l^t"^^ ' ^^^'■'^'°" ' ^''- \ rlie icxr\A' *''• To stretch out In UIS lena , breadth. rlie' fi^7> "• A couplet; an epigram Ulb ll-t//!-, of two lines. rlio fill' rt. To run down drop by drop; Ulfe till , to fall in drops. dis tin-et', a. Different; plain; full. dis tine" tion, -^uaV '''"'■'"'' ' distin"guish,;;,trn?ti^"''^ f\i' frino "■ a precept ; a princi- %A\J\j n iiiiv, pjg . act ol teaching. Ho*?' 11 mpnf " A precept ; admo- UUt/ U lllt;ilL^ nition ; instruction. QOff^ "'• "^o follow close and slyly. flntr' O-prI "• Sullen; surly; crab- UOg gtja, bed ; morose. ^/-v*Tr' wv^'fi »• -A. decree ; a maxim ; a UOg Illd, tenet. dogmat'i€al,J„^,rr""""'' ^7^1,./ f,,l a. Sad; mournful; dis- HOIC lUl, fnal; sorrowful. ClO lTia.in . n. A dominion; an estate. dome, n A vaulted roof; a cupola. do mes' tie, hou^se."""^'"^ '" '''' make do mes' ti <^ie, ULS,.' dom' i cil, " A dwelling-house ; an abode. AFiit^rh "• Kneaded flour, milk, &c., ilVUg^flj not baked. ri^t^if AfT »• An awkward, ill-dres5ed aOW ay, woman. down' fall, LnUy"^"' sudden ca- down'ri^M,^i^j;i,«p-^- dovvn' ward, ^e'cuon ' '"'''"' ''' doxol'ogy,;;.,ie^^°^^''y'""°^ dOZG« vi. To grow heavy or sleepy. dratt* «• An order for money. Afn-in "^^^ To draw off ; to make quite dram, «• The eighth part of an ounce. J„;^y^' ij or dra' mil, n. A play, comic UI am a, or tragic dra mat' ie, "dranfa!''''''"'''' '" ^•«o-«Tir "'■ To pull along ; to trace ; to UraVV, unsheath. rlrp/#fl *^'' ^" stand in awe of; to be dread' fur«,;'^"«'"° ""^^^ • f''^*^** dream,?-,^;;;^"^''^^*"^'^'^^'""''^^^ dr?/zr' v "■ ^^^""'^"^ • &ioo'»y . ^^Js- dreffS« n. The sediment of liquors. drench, Si^J'^^""'^' ^" ''" "'"^ rlrpcc "'■ '^° clothe; to adorn; to UI li/Sa, coy)j meat. dom' i nant, L'L'iJ^^'^'"""' ' p""'- j drift, Sent"" ' '"'''°'' ' *^'''^^" ' ''"' ^J_^ll vt. To exercise or discipline "' *1*5 troops. Ti^^w' vi. To rule with au- m eer 5 Ijiority or insolence. dom Af^ TY-»in' inn n. Governmont ; sov- tiu llllil lUIl, ereign power. ClOn« v^ To put on ; to invest with. i\ci no" fir»n "• A "grant; a deed ao na lion, ^f gift ; a bounty. i do nee', «• The receiver of a gift. f\(\' nnr "■ ^ &iver; a benefactor; 1 VIKJ HKJl , ^^g ^,jQ tjostows. dooms' dai/, i-^Ju." ^"^^^ J"'^^' dor' rnant ''• sleeping; private; UOl llldllL, concealed. dor' mi to ry, n. a sleeplng-room. r]r\cp "• Enough of medicine for one UU55t;, time. do tage, »• Imbecility through age. fiiritp "* To be very fond of ; to love '^'-"'^5 to e^^cess. rl^iiiK' l^ "■ Twofold; twice as ^lon^t n Suspense; suspicion; un- MVJLif/l, certainly. f\i\\\ht' Tnl «• Uncertain; not posi- UUUt/L lUI, tively known. rlfi rfc ''*• To drop slowly ; to let fall in *^1 *F5 drops. driv/:» v/. To impel ; ^ force ; to hur- llVt?, ry along. droll, o- Merry ; comical ; humorous. /'l»«i-v/-vT-k «*• To hang down the, head; UrOOp, to languish. drop, vt. To let fall ; to fall in drops, dross, n- The scum of metals; refuse. drou^At, Jhirsf "''"' '^'■.''"'"^ /^^»•A^.»»r»^ vt. To suffocate in water; to arOWn, inundate. drOW' Sy, a. Sleepy ; sUiggi.sh ; dull. drudg' er y, lort"^""' '"'"■*""' Ar\T "■• Thirsty ; not wet ; empty ; bar- "*J? ren. rlrv '"^- To free from moisture; to ^V? drain. Hrv' Iv "'*''■ CoaMy; severely; odd- du' hi OUS, a. Doubtful ; uncertain. DYS 60 EDU bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, J.- _i. n. A pipe; a channel; a pas- dr:^ a. That may be claimed justly; "*^? right ; exact. d0^5 n. A debt ; a right ; a just title. \ du' el. «• -A. fight between two persons. du' el ist, «• One who fights a duel. rln pin' nJi n. An old woman kept to UU t/11 llclj guard a younger. dll et . n. A song or air in two parts. dull. a. Heavy; sluggish; dejected. rlull' n^cc "• Heaviness; stupidity; UUll llcfefej weakness of intellect. rin' \\j ^'^^' Properly; in due time; *^" V5 regularly. rlnmA a. Not having the power of UUlllt/j speech; mute. dlin« "• -A. pressing demand for a debt. dunce, «• a stupid feiiow. rlnn' crc\f\r\ "• A dark prison under UUIl gt-UIl, ground. dupe. »• A credulous person ; a fooh rliinP "^^ "^^ *"^^i ^'^ cheat; to im- QUpt;, pose upon. du' pli cate, Jopy ^^""^"'p*' " duplic'ity, fty^^'^^^*^^"^'"^"^- ' du ra bir i tj, Tasting. ^"'' '' du' ra bl>i- To tinge ; to color; to stain. rlv/' "■ Colorinf' matter; a color; a J 5 stain ; a tinge. | dyS pep' Sy, gesUon.^"""-^^ "f ^- I e dOce', W.Tobnngout; to extract. | E. E^Cll, a- Either of two ; every one. t^n' or furnished with, <:a^rl "• ^^.nk in nobility next to mar- KiUl 1, quis. anv' \\T "• "'" '"^^- Soon ; in season f t.CH ly, betimes. (^nv* wf^fii "• Ardent; zealous; ea- t/Ml HC&t, ger; warm. P//rtVi' Iv "• ^°'' celestial; belong- KjII\\.v\ ^J 5 ing to earth; vile. S/Tco "• Quiet ; rest after labor ; fa- ea»U, cility. H/^' ci \xT <"^*'- Gently; without difll- t^C* »1 ly, culty. o/-*' ciT^ "• N'^'' difficult ; quiet ; cred- ca »y, uious. ettt' a bl. x\\T "'A hard, black, valuable eu t» liy, wood. ^.o />on' tri.^ <»• Deviating from a c;-t/ i^Cli ti it^, center; irregular. tyr>Jt' r\ w. The reverberation or return KOuH U, of sound.* eclect'ie^^twnf"^''''"''*"^ o .^lii-\c<^' *''• To darken ; to obscure; tJ -t/lipst^ , to extinguish. e«onom'ieal,°„J™,S'^"'" nx»' cfn «V "• Exces.sivejoy ; trans- k^Xj Old oy, port, enthusiasm. rapturous. edge, an edge. vt. To sharpen ; to furnish with an edge. J- „ n. Tlie sharp or cutting part of tJUgt;, a thing { ^An' ^tr^rv n A fringe ; an Ornamental eUg lllg, border. e' dl-Ct, "• A decree ; an ordinance. ed' i fice. "• a buiMlng ; a fabric. ed' 1 ly. *'' To instruct ; to improve. ed' it, v^- To prepare for publication. ,-. A\" i\r\t-t n. The whole impression e ill LlOll, of a book. ed' ueate, "LI." "^° ""•"""■ ed u €a" tion, ^^r'^" °' ELE 51 EMB book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. £^ffnnc\' "'■ To deface ; to blot out^ tJl 1 clCty ^ to destroy. ^f ff^^f' n. The thing done ; end j is- xil lt;-tyt ^ sue ; reality. fiCfn/yt' *'*• '^° accomplish; to bring tJl ICt'L 9 tQ pass. *ifToi?tc' "• ^^"" Goods ; furniture , t;i ItJt^tfe ^ moveables. effem'inate,?endeT'"""^'^ """''"°"''^ ef fu' Sion J »»• a pouring out; waste. V rrr\ ficem »• Frequf nt self-com- e gU 11%111, mendauoit. _.' f~r\ *iof "• One who talks much of e ^U llbl, himself. ^ to* *^ &**-'^^5 ble ; eminently bad. e' ff ress "■ ^ ^'^'"^ ^"'^^*' ' * ^^"^"^ e/' ther, «• one or the otJier. e ja€' u late, »> ^ to throw out. ejaeuIa''tion,-,f^j;>:;i^- Va i^^^V *-'' To cast or throw out ; to t? Jt^L, expel. PUp v<. To add to prolong or in- j ^l^"^ crease. ! P laK' n rafp "• F>"»s''ef' "^^ ^° fnake choice of; to C Ity-t/L , choose or select. c% lc».i?" firkn "• The act or power of ^ IK-t/ tlUIl, choosing. el' e ganCe, «• Beauty ; politeness. d' a rriiif «• Beautiful ; symmetri- e gain, cal , pleasing. p]' f» (T\r "• A mournful funeral song ; ^* ^ toJ? a dirge. d' n vv^iskt^t n- A constituent princi- I . ^ "'^»»^? pie of any thing. d' t» v5»to *''• To Jiftiip^ *a raise; e Vd-ie, to cheer. el e va" tion, TdgMh!'^"''''"^''^' ^li^ n. A fairy ; a hobgoblin ; a wander- *^**5 ing spirit. „ lir»' !<• "'• To fetch out; to strike " llVr 11, out. el' i gi bl^, «• Worthy to be chosen. P liv' ir **• A medicine; a cordial; e llA 11 , liquid extract. ell, n. One yard and a quarter. el o £.u" tion, rive^y.^"'"'' ' ^'" e ion gdie, lengthen. P Irinp' "*■ *^^ ^*^ away by stealth ; to " lUpt/ , j-ufi j^way. e lope' ment, Si^.Vr'"""' el' o quence, ".JX' """"""' el'oquent, ^Jir''""^"""" else, ««^«'- Otherwise ; except. e lu CI aaie, ^nd plain. a Irirlo' *''• "^^^ escape; to shift off; e lUUt. , to shun. „ III' ffiirkM »» Artifice ; cva.sion; act e lU a>1011, of escaping. a Kre' ion a. Pleasant ; exceedingly e IJS lail, delightful. P lv«' inm "• "^ heathen paradise; C lj» lUiii, any pleasant place. P rr»o" pintp *'^- '" grow lean; to c; iijci v^io-i-v:;, vvaste away. £»m' n nafo ***• To proceed from UIll a Ilcllt;, something else. em a na" tion. Sow!'"' ""'*' e man' ci pate, rLr^y' ''' '* rim Kq 7rr»' "'• To dress a dead body eill Ud.6111 , vvilh spices Pm Irir'o-n "Arrest of ships; pro- em Ucll gU, iiiijition from sailing. orr» Kurlr' '^^^ To go on board ship ; tJIll Uai n. , to engage in. em bar' rass, i;;„dl?.^"''"' *° em bas' sa dor, rstei^"'' '"'"' em bel' lish, ^lior'!;" '^""^•f>'' *° em bel' lish ment, ^ent.^'"*' em' berS, "• Coals of fire ; cinders. em bez' zk, :;'a.stl.'' ^"''"'^"^ '° pm Kin' 'jnn ^^- To adorn; to set Ulll Uld Z.ryil, off pompously. pm' Klpm "• A moral device; a Clll IJll:;ill, representation. an^ \^f\A^ \T ''• To unite or form eill UUU ^, i,^to a body. em bow' el, l',JX '^'^ °"' '^^ END 52 ENT bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. em brace', an To hold in one's arms ; to include. em broid' er, ^'n Jioth"' ''"''' lym Kr ^il' *''• "^^ disturb ; to con- eill Ul oil , found or distract. emenda"tion,;JSSf^ £» TY^c^frra' *'*• To rise out of; to is- e iiiei ge , g^g fr^m. t^ m^r' 6-on r'V »». Any unexpect- t. Ilier ^t-Il C^ , ed casualty. f» mp.t' i^ \»' ^ vomit. c: njci. ixj^ I a. Provoking vomits. em' i grant, »■ one who emigrates. tim' 1 «.~jif p, w. To remove from one tJlIl 1 gl cll't'5 country to another. em' inent,r.,^^^er"'^ '''''''''■ e mol' u ment, ;rof.t-lT'' ' r» mo" finn "• Agitation of mind; '-' ***'-' iiv-»ii, vehement passion. emphat'k, Jie''^^"'^'^^"^''^'-^'- fkiri' r»irf» "■ ^™P^"al power ; domin- eill pil t;, jon of an emperor. employ',?3e.'^°^^'"^"°^^''° em po' ri Um, "^J, commercial em pow'er, Jo "^^ '"''"'''"'' emp'ty,£J.°P°"^°"^' *" ^"- .r.fk-ki-w' ■tf.r «• Not f"Jl ; ignorant ; un- eilip ly, furnished. emula"tion,-SS.-''''^ om' II Into *'• To vie with; to tJUl u ln';Vbauie: engen'der,rxcite':'"'"*^'^'° on D-ravp' *'• T" '^"' f""'^^ '" en ^1 aYi.. , -wood or metal. on fTfT^cjcs' "'• To monopolize or se- eil grUbb , cure the whole. en hance', Jtice"''^ '"'""" '"' ^ r^Jrr' md "A riddle ; an intricate e Illg ma, question. e^n irkin' ^'- To bid; to charge; to en join , order. ' _„ • _,/ vt. To have the use of; to *^'*J^J ? delight in. enjoy' ment, ;„,S-,„^r''"^ r^n IWr^o' *''• To increase ; to dilate t/Il lai gt. , or expand. ^^ iT^ht' ^»-i f<. To illuminate ; to enll^M ^n, „ake clear. ^.^' rv^i fir «• Hatred; ill-will; ma- en nil ly, levolence. c^n nck^ h\p »"• To dignify;, to exalt; en no Olr, to elevale. ^ rtr^r' tni f V " ^"^^^^ wicked- e nor mi i}, ^ess. a r\r\r^ mnua "■' l"egular ; exces- e nor mOUS, sjve ; wicked. ^ ^^v,,,»U' {e nuf) a. Sufficient; so e nOUgll , as to satisfy. ^^ ,,i.r.l»' r<. To make rich ; to make en ricli , fruitful. r»n Thrill' *''• To register; to record ; CIl 1 Ull , to inwrap. /-v»-» c>V».«in/:»' ^'- To preserve as a en felirilie , thing sacred. en SU^'i **• To follow ; to succeed. entan"gk,^,iuyr^"'"^^^"'^''" en'terprise,i,^taKnr"":l on for fjl/n' "'■ '^° receive; ! i Kill Lti Lclfcll , treat ; to amuse | en tbu' si asm, E^,SKri ERE 53 EVA book, dove, full, use, €an, chaise, jem, thin, fhou. fTr»o' *''• '^° allure; to attract; t3ll net; ^ to tempt. -,-- j.7„ „/ u. Whole ; undivided ; full ; en lire ^ complete. en tire' ly« "^u. completely ; fully. ^n' f r 1 nr«f» "• ^^^^ ' admittance ; en irdllCe, act of enterln-. £»n fr^/lf' '''• To beg earnestly ; to tJil 11 c;**!/ ^ importune. en tre^t y^ plication. _„> |__. n. Tlie act of entrance; a en l^'j^ paissage. i on twict' *'• "^^ ^'"<^ around; to till twist ^ twist together. enu'merate,;:^-L7Sr;.^^ enverop,riJrVuT^'^'"''^ enven'om^^^n''*^'"'^^'"^"'^' en'vious/eious'^^"'*'"^'^^™*"- txn vi' rrvn **'■ '^° surround ; to in- t>ll VI 1 VTii^ vest; to encompass. en' Vy« «• vexation at another's good. ep' i -GUre. «• one given to luxury. ep' i gram, «• a short witty poem. ep' i \ogUe^ n. concluding speech. epis'copacy/byb^r;"."""' i^ j^io' /I/' "• A letter ; a message un- C pis tlfy, jgr cover. ■• r»rk' 1 fonii "• A monumental in- t p i tdpil, scription. P nit' n mo "• ^" abridgment ; an e pit O llie, abstract. f^' n^m hl#> a. Equal ; alike ; steady; e qua UlC:, uniform. *i' niml a- iike another; of Uie same t; 4 *•? rank or age. equarity,rty!''''"''" '""''""■ equamm'ity,;;,iS:'"°''"'' e qua" tion, "• a making equal. eques'trian,Us^em?r.^«^ e qui dis' tant, Jancl^''''^' ""'" e qui lib' ri um, ^veifr"''' "' .r» /-.nlr-i' vt. To dress or lit out; to e quip , furnish. on' ni riQO-o "• Horses, carriages, tJiJ Ul ptlgU, &c. tin' ni f\r "• Justice; right; impar- eq Ul ty, tiaiity c quiv' a lent, ^^ S^rc^e'^''^^ ''^'''^ o niiiv' ri ^-^l "• Uoubtful ; am- e qUiV U edl, biguous. f'TMOo' ' *''• To destroy; to scratch ase 5 out ; to root up. f» rP^t' ^*' "^^ ""a'*® ' *** build ; to set e re€" tion, Sg^ip'."''^'"* '"''"' Off w- To go out of the way ; to mis- ^^ * 9 take. er' rant "■ ^*"^^""S i straying ; or rnf' i^ «• Straying; irregulat; %^i 1 dt iTv', wandering. erro'neous,r„cor"m""'"" f^r^ mr "• -^ niistake ; a false opin- ei 1 Ul , jo„ ^ an offense or sin. er'udite,^eiuir''' '"''''''' er u di" tion, ^dgf"""^ *'"'"'■ oc ^^i^t^^ "■ ''^ getting clear of dan- t^& Xyd^K^ 7 ger ; a hurried flight. oa.*»iii^o' *'^- '^^ "^*^^ escape; to cs t^ajJc , get away. eS chew', "<• to flee from ; to avoid. oc .or^rf ' **'• T<* guard to a place ; to CO X^vfl t , convoy. es' COrt, «• A guard ; a convoy. es'«ulcnt, S^d^""'"''"^"" es €utch' eon, U. '"'"'' """ es pe" cial, fea.i?:;^""" ""''' espe",cially,j;LipSr'""'' o cnrkn«o' ^'- "^'^ ^^'''^ "" marriage ; e spouse , to betroth. oa CQj/ ^'- '^'^ attempt ; to make ex- Co »ai/ , perimeiit of. essen"tial,r™?S'r"'^'"='^ estab'lish,r,,SSi'e.''"""° ^^ fofck' "• Fortune; rank; condi- Ch tate , tion. oc f oom' *"'• '^° ^^'^^^ ^^^^^y ' ^" '®" "^ tt^tJlll , gard ; to tiiink well of. es' ti ma bl^, Jeer'"'" °' ""' es'ti mate, pici' ''''"' ''"'''* es ti ma" tion, Ilie^tT ti l.i"'"- oc trunire^^ ^'- "^^ alienate; to be- co ti dii^c; , come strange. r\ 4^/^vn^ ol « t>f infinite duration; e tern ai, endless. O torn' al Iv "'^''- Without begin- t; tei 11 (XL ijt , ning or end. e the' re al, a- Heavenly; pure. ofll' l-PG "• Wo^'al philosophy; the t^tll I't'O, doctrine of morality. etymorogy,::oSr^'^'^"°^ 6U' €/^a rist, «. The Lord's supper. CU.' lo 2jy« «• Praise ; encomium. e^ae'uate, :;;ii^"<'^^"^^^'"^^'*° EXC 54 EXO bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. o vu f\ «:»' *''• '^^ equivocate ; to elude ; " VdUt; If to escape. ov fir^ f>.'' Of^Y^i "• Vanishing; li- eV an e:? Ceill, able to vanish. °ar'gf"'"' ov c»lt' *'• To !ift up; to praise high- L/A ell I 5 jy . to extol. exalta"tion,r„7i;.^^^°^^^^" ex am in a" tion, ^^..^^i'n"/ ^^■ exam'in^/,J,-JSlr'""''^'" exam'pk,S.*^^^y'P^"^^" = "^°'- fiv' .^r^l VJitf» ^'- "^^ make hollow; t^xV t/A t^cos , ance. PY PP«;«l' IVP "• Superfluous , be- t^A ^c:oo lyvyj yond due bounds. fkY r'l-i^no'ia' vM'o barter; to change t>A ^lidli^t; , one thing for another. excis'ion,;,tln""'"'''"''''^" ex ci' ta bk, fel^'' '" '' '"''' OY nifo' v/. To Stir up ; to provoke ; t>A i^lLC , to rouse. J oY x-la'jm' »'»• To cry out ; to make ' ^-^ -t^ldftlll , an outcry. ex ela ma" tion, JryVciir- r^xr ^lri/-1fi' v^'To shut out ; to keep ex ^lUUe , from. exclu'sion,;!;Atf"'°'^''* ex CO' ri ate, ^L"'" '"' °^ '^" exeru"ciate,;'Jir;ar"'^'° ex -eul' pate, ^faml!' "'"" ^'""^ ex -eur' sion, Jamwe.'^''"'"" ' * OY ^ii' cn Kl/? <^- Pardonable ; ad- tJA -ti^u »a uio, mjtting excuse. ex -eUSe', vt. To justify ; to pardon. ex -eUSe' "■ ^ ^^^*' ^" apology; a ex' e <^ra by,"abie^'''"' ' ^"''"'' ex' e crate, S- tl° '''"' ' '° ""''^ execra"tion,rion";\ruKr- oy' o x»nf r» '''■ To do ; to effect ; to tJA U -t/Utt., perform. ^Y n .on" firkn «• A performance ; CA t/ tvU tlOll, a legal seizure. ex'emplary, Jat^r'^^^^'- exem'plify, rS-co^'py."'"''"''' OY rfimrkt' °- '^^^^ f'o"^ ! privileged ; CA t^lljpt , not subject to. PY Pmi /' tion "• Freedom from ; CA CllJp tiuii, an immunity. /iv' £»!• r»T exist'ence, r-fe^^^"^^"'^^^"^' iav' if "• Departure ; a going out , tJA It, death. oy' rk rina n. A journey from a place ; tJA U «-ilAo, departure. exon'eratejSLiVe"'"'^" EXP 55 EYE book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. exorb'itant,f;,^.'4-r^"- oy' nr nittr* *''• '^'^ conjure out ; to I CA. yJi \^A©i^j drive away. ' /.iv r\r-A' i nm "• Introduction to a CX Ora 1 Um, discourse. „-^ /^f' i/> a. Foreign ; hot produced ex OL lt^5 at home. /iv nano^i' "• '^*'® finnament ; a tJA paiiac; ^ ^j^e extended body. ex pan' sion, IJ^I'IT"'"' Y ftknrl' '^^^ "^^ stretch out; to en- tJA. LtJllU , large ; to widen. PY fpnf' n. space ; bulk ; circumfer- PY tpn«i' IVP "• ^^''S® ' reaching CA Lcno lYc;, far; capacious. exten'uate, ;!rnunsr'"^''''° OYfo'virir J «»• Outward; external. CA LU 1 I Ul 5 I „_ Outward show. exterm'inate,r<;\i?str;.-^^ ex tern' al, <»• visible ; outward. PY tin^t' a P"t out ; extinguished; ex tine" tion, " ^'' '' ^"""'="- ing ; destruction extlr'pate,r^„;'j'„.'"""'"''"° nY tnrt' *''• ^° S'^'' '^^ force; to t/A. LUl L , wring from one. extor"tion,;-tiSP^^"""'"- riv fi«nr»t' ^^- To draw or pull out ; L-A LI at-L , to copy. oy' iva^t "• -'^ copy; a thing ex- L>A LI d^L, traded. ex tra'neous,:Vanr°""^ '''''* ex pir e', tJ'' '^'^'"^ ^« ^" ^"^ ' ^« I ex trav' a gant, f-if^"^'^^' ' ^^^- /iY itklo^'n' Dt. To illustrate i to make ex pidfll , clear. ex pla na" tion, Jjain^ "^^'"° ex'pli€abk,;Jner'^'^'''" OY T^lir»' it '^^ Plain; express; dls- tJA pilL/ IL, tirict. ex plode', vl. To burst with noise. ex ploit', ''^J'JJ'^' ^^"°" ' '^^ ^^^""'^ ex plore', ex To «earch into examine. OY r\]r\' G!ir\r» "• A sudden and vio- I.A piO »1U1I^ lent bursiuig. extreme', «ent:'''^ """"''' "'" ex trem' i ty, Sis?r"ets. "'"''''''' ex' tri ea bk, rne'a'led''" '" "''' ex'trieate, :'r,-J^e'''''^''^''* ex trin' Sie, a. outward ; external. ex u' her ant, Jious'^""^^^!' = '°* ex Uit , fi- To rejoice ; to triumph. exult a'' tion, r.Jirt'^^J'^y* £iv nFit^i^ '"^' To send to a foreign ' ^^Crr^ mi, r i... ex pOl L ., market. i ^J^J "• ^^^ °'"^^" of sight, oy' nrirf " Goods sent to a foreign ' ^77 £» vf. To watch; to keep in view or UA pui L, market. , ^J^? sight. FAN 56 FES bar, fall, wbat. prey. marine. pin , bird. move, TTo' Vi\j> " An instructive or fictitious r ft UlV^ story ; a falsehood fciK' vi^ " ^ building ; an edifice ; a l' 111 <-xr n. Ability ; power of mind; Idty Ul ty, dexterity. i^n'/l *'*• "r® become bankrupt ; to neg- 1 fXll^ lect ; to omit ; to decay. ^o«l' n vc\ "• ^ deficiency ; a becom- 1 (III U-l t/^ ing insolvent. ^o-iKit a. Weak ; exhausted ; languid ; idinij feeble. f*,j • a. Clear ; beautiful ; just ; not 1 tin ^ foul. fair' ness, iZlT''^ '''^''''''•^ £uir' V "• ^" imaginary spirit ; an 1 dC'l J 5 enchantress. faith. «• Belief; confidence; fidelity. f a«f-Vi' fill «• Firm to the truth; 1 dS'Lli IUI5 honest; sincere. faith' less, -rY'"S'"""'"^'"- fnl la" pmnc: ''• Producing mis- Idl Id t/lOUb, take ; deceitlul. ful' 1q r»v "• Sophism; unsound or Idl Id C/j^ deceitful argument. Tolc-o •*• ^^^ true; treacherous; de- Idlbtj ceitful. r y j^^„ vt. To hesitate in speech ; to Idl LtJl , stumble. f aillC« « Honor ; celebrity or renown. fa mil' inr "■■ ^'''^ ' affable; well Id lllil lUl ^ known ; common. fa mil iar' i ty, IdlH llie, ions ; dearth. lorn' icli '^' ^r ''^^ 'T'^ starve ; to die Idlll Ibli, of hunger. fa' niOUS* « Celebrated ; renowned. fl W^i' \t> n. An enthusiast ; a mad- ian' ci lul, l^^ n. Intimacy; easy intercourse, n. A scarcity of provis- nian. ionary; capricious, whimsical. rnr»' nv " Imagination ; inclination ; lail K^yf ^ caprice. AiTirr "• The long tusk of an animal ; ^"•'*fe7 a talon. fan f 00' f i^ "■ Capricious ; conceit- Idll Idfe lit:., ed . whimsical. I arCG» n A ludicrous comedy. fas'cinate,r„Jant.''"^''^' '° ^001-1' ir»n "• Form; manner; cus-j lasn ion, tom ; mode. I'rJcf "• Fiffn i sure ; swift ; close , im- . id^t, moveable. ' lac/' f>Y\ ^^- To make fast or secure ; IdM- CJll, to cement. ftia firl' I r\nc3 a. Disdainful ; nice; Ids IIU 1 OUS5 squeamish. iat> a- Plump ; fleshy ; coarse ; rich. fa' ii\\ "" ^^^^^y '•• ruinous; inevita- fofr* «• Destiny; death; cause of idle, death. fafli' r^m locc a- Without bottom; Idlll Ulll Itifeb, impenetrable. Ai i\retid>' *''• To weary ; to tire ; to la llgWe 5 harass. fo iilf "A slight crime ; an offense ; a IdUll, defect. fVi' vnr ^'' '^^ show kindness ; to as- Id VUl, sistj to support. Aj' ir/M« "• Kindness ; support ; leni- Id VUl 5 ty; goodwill. f e^r' fuL a. Timid ; afraid ; awful. fear' less, Jor"'"^^''" '"'''""''''" fVi/n n. A professional reward , a recom- ItjC, pense. frw-/^Ki v/. To pretend ; to make a show lez^n, of. fti Wo' i fnfr^* ^'- To congratulate ; It; IIU 1 l.ati^, to make happy. fVi lir»' 1 tv "• ^^^^^ happiness; It? lli^ * V5 prosperity. fel' low ship, ^ocfeTy"' ''"'"''' ft»l' r» nv "• ^ capital offense ; an lei O llj5 enormous crime. fem' i nir»/3 a. Of the female kind ; III 1 llllll^, tender. rO ClOUS, age ; brutal. ferc\o' \ i\: "• Savage cruelty; I U<^ A V? fierce brutahty. fer' tile« <»• Fruitful , abundant ; rich. ferv' en cy,"„es?;ra," '""""'■ AA».-.r' /^»-.f o- Hot ; veliement ; zeal- lei V eill, ous ; ardent. i? „--f ^., n. Heat ; warmth of spirit ; lerV 01 , 2eal ; fervency. /V / fol <^- belonging to or becoming leS Idl, a feftst ; gay. fV>c' fivr> "• Pl' i tv "• Faithfulness; hon- tlt^l 1 tj^ esty; veracity. fiend, Seva. '"'■''*"'''' '"'"'=* f f'pr PP "■ ^"'■'°"* ; cruel ; stem ; sav- fif p_ ^ a. Passionate ; excitable ; ei J^ unrestrained. ^l.n.J^♦ «• An engagement; a battle; I Ignij a duel. fig'urative, f,N«^"*«''^^'^yp- fin-' Tiro "• S''ape , external form ; "o U-I t;^ a character. , mf • 1 fl Relating to or becomitig a ItAl, child. liltil y« **• iJirty ; gross ; obscene. n riclL "• l^ast ; conclusive ; mortal. fi*-»oK»<^£i' »• Revenue; income; nance ^ profit. find a. Handsome ine, slender. pure ; showy ; fin"ger, ;^i-J''*°"'^^''5''^y'''^P''- (\r\' i j?o1 a- Foppish ; affected ; con- nn 1 ^ai, ccued. n' niS* »• The end ; the conclusion.' fin' ich *^- '^^ ^"^5 *° perfect; to 1111 I&II5 complete. 6' T^if £» «• Limited ; bounded ; tenni- nite, naled. firm. «• Fast ; solid ; constant ; hard. nrm'ament.,r.ea?enV'''' ftrm' Iv *"^''- Steadily; constantly; 1 11 111 ly -y immovably. I ll'St. a- Foremost ; original ; chief. fsc' x»Jil "• I^elating to the revenue or lib -t-dlj treasury. lis sure. »• A. cleft ; a narrow chasm. lit, 'J- Qualified; proper; convenient. Jjt llll« <*• Varied by paroxysms. •^ y- vt To make fast or firm ; to settle ; *^"^) to determine. Ay' Pfl Iv '"^'' Firmly llA tJU lj'5 certainly. a. Like wool ; covered with wool. steadily , flab' by, "• soft . llmber ; nvoist. finer *'*• ^° grow dull and spiritless j liag^ to droop. flo rt-i" tiriiic o. Wicked , atrocious; na gl l-KJUS, villainous. fl#^' rrfonf "• Evident; notorious; na grdlll, infamous. flo'/l **• ^" instrument for thrashing ilci^l, grain. flame* n- The most subtil part of fire. flame* **• To shine or burn as fire. flonlr *• The side; that part of the lldllll, side near the thigh. flash* "»• To blaze out suddenly. /3„ |. a. Smooth ; horizontally level ; in- iio-l^ sipid. flut' ]\r '"^*' Horizontally; perempto- llclL ij 5 rily; insipidly. flof' f^n **'• To make even or thin; liai leil, to depress. fljit' f f»r "'• To praise falsely; to ex- liat tei , cite false hopes. flat' tery,;,a1se.'''"" '"""'"' flaw* «• -A. crack ; a defect ; a fault. flee' cy, fleet, a- Swift ; nimble ; active. flti/af' nooo «• Swiftness ; celerity; Ht.et Iie^S, velocity. flpsll " Apart of the body; animal ficich' looi; "• Without flesh; mea- lltJOll lt;»», ggj.. poor. flex ibil'ity,fy ''"'"'"'• ""='"- flex'ible,?;j;S;'"''"»^"'"«^ {^irrhf "• Act of flying; a volley ; a lli^/*t, shower. fli^^t'y,fna'^'^'^' ^^^''''^' """^■ fl fl i ri rr '^^- To throw ; to hurl or dart ; to n? scatter. flint' tr *• ^'*^® ^'"^ 5 cruel ; hard of IIIIIL ^, j^eart. flin' nan n\T "• Smoothne.ss of llip pan ^J^, speed! ; pertness. flin' nnnf a- Nimble tongued ; pert; llip pant, loquacious fl irf "• ^ coquei ; a pel t hussy , a siid- 1111 t, den trick. flr: ,-4. wz. To swim on the surface of flno" *"'• To whip or scourge ; to lash ; ^&5 to chastise. f\r\nA ^^- To overflow ; to deluge ; to IIUUU, inundate. flrior "• ^^^ bottom of a room ; a llUUl , pavement. flo' ral, « Relating to flowers. ! Wild ive. I !!>-»' a!\T <*• Limber ; thin ; light ; fee- lllll »y, bie. FON 58 FOR bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, n. A fleet of small ves- sels. \4A7-. no' rot, "• -A- small, impeiTect hoiVer. fif^w,f \A a- Flushed witti red ; embel- IIUI lUj lished ; blooming. flrk' rict "■ ^^'^ cultivates flow- flo til' ik,' floUnCG* ^^- To toss about in anger. flniin'Hpr *'*"• "^^ struggle with vio- iiv/ciii vit-i jientandirregularmotions fl^Ur' ish. vi. To thrive ; to prosper. flriiM *'*• "^^ "^" °^ spread, as w'kter LIUW') to issue. flrwxr' tir "• ^^^ blossom of a plant IIUVV CI 5 the prime. fl^«»r' /-^*. ir a Adorned with flowers now er y, full of flowers. fll1^' til nfp »'i- To be wavering or Uty tU an., uncertain. fiUC« «• -A- small winding chimney. flll' ^n r»v " Volubility of language; U c;il ^.vj ^ sxnootlmess. flll' nn< o- Eloquent : voluble ; flow- U LIIL, ing. li.juid. fln' irT "• Anything not solid; a li- " A*^5 quid. flu id' i ty, Jeadlry*'"^ °' '°"'"' Hiir' rv "• Hurry; a gust of wind; ^* * J5 flutter of spirits. flnt.• Fashion; figure; manner. I^r\i«rv»' q1 *'• Ceremonious: precise; lOJ III dl, affected. for' mer, «• Before in time ; past, j form'idabk, «„^:'^"'^''^^^'"-^ ffw oo Iro' ^^- To leave ; to neglect ; ; lOr bdKt; , to desert. FRA 59 FRU book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, ^em, thin, fhou. fnr cnL-' /Ti °- Neglected ; desert- lUr bdK Cll, ed; abandoned. far cw^nr' *''• "^'^ ^^^^"^ f^^sely; ivji »wt>a,i 5 to commit perjury. I Ort« "• A castle ; a fortified place. forth, a^v. Abroad ; out of doors. frirfVi witVi' '^^' Without delay; I Orin Wlin , immediately. fnr' i\ fv "'• '^° strengthen ; to make lUl tl ly ^ secure; to encourage. for' ti tude, ^afor'"' ' ''''"'''' ^ f!rxw +11' i +/-inc< a. By chance ; acci- lOr tU 1 tOUb, dental ; casual. tor tU' nate, successful.' fnr' til nn "• '^^^ S^ood or ill that l\Jl tu-li^^ befalls mankind ; chance. for' ward, "eagii"''' '""'"'"'' fos' siL a. Dug out of the earth. frkc' "iar ^^- To nurse ; to cherish ; to lUt> lt;i , bring up. frkiinrl "^ "^^ ^"'''^ 5 ^° establish ; to iUUIlU, cast metals. founda"tion,j£srtsi?'" lUUll cici , miscarry ; to sink. found' linff, «• a deserted infant. fVkii*-»f n. A spring ; a spout of water ; lOUIlL, a well. fvn^'' fir»r» "• A broken number; H a-t^ IIUII5 state of being broken. fi-n^" fi/Mic «• Peevish; quarrel- II d« UOUS5 some ; fretful, ira-C' ttPre. «• a breach or rupture. fro rr' ilo "• brittle ; frail ; uncertain ; II clg lit/, easily broken. fra gil'ity,^Snesr' ''""''• frag' ment, IJ^ '^'■"'^^" p^^^^' * ft•n' frrannck "• Sweetness of odor; a ^i ailt.t^5 a pleasant smell. A«o' m«.-»*-kf a- Odorous; sweet of ira gram, s^eii. frail, «• Weak ; liable to error ; feeble. fi-n'tV i\r "• Weakness of nature; 11 aiL LJ, brittleness. fra m P *''■ '^^ fabricate ; to compose ; II dlllt/, iQ invent or contrive. fVinlr *^- Free; ingenuous; open- II ailK, hearted. A,in' fi.*> a. Mad; distracted ; tur- II tin lit/, bulent. Ira f Pr n' nl " Brotherly 11 a LCI U <11, ing brothers. fra tern' i ty, frat' ri cide, ^-ouIS.'""'^" °^ ^ Cl■'^^l^r^ "• Deceit; trick; cunning; II aUU, artifice. fraud' u lent, f-b""''''''"'^ '"'''• n. Brotherhood ; as- sociation. sudden . fancy ; an odd A«£»^ a. At liberty; generous: frank; iree, nt f». Liberty; privilege; unrestraint. n. Land held for term of life. lavishly ; restraint. ireak, ^bim a. Atm licentious free' dom, free' hold, Cr'f^C^^}v ^"^ Readily; n cc; ij , heartily ; without iree Illdll, privileges. freeze, »»■ To congeal, as ice. ^rctirrhi »• The lading of a ship, 11 ^Igni^ transportation. frf^ niipnf' "^^ ^o visit often; to ire ijueiit , jgsort to. fre' quent ly, It.^rf^l^lZ fresh, «• New; brisk; lively; cool. fresh' ness, tjr'''''' ''°°™' fret' ful, ly^'""'' ' P*^''^ ' '^"'^'^P- fri' a bk, 3er^^'"^ '"'^""'^ '° ^ ■'^" fl' i -P " Mon "• Act of rubbing togeth- Cf'tr^nA "• ^"® united to another by 11 ti^IlU, affection ; a confidant. friend' less, ;-,Sr^ '""""• friend' ly, '^^f^,"' ''■°"='"»' '"• ir I or fit ^ n. A sudden terror; a panic. frifi^At' en, v«. To terrify; to alarm. in 2 ld« a- Cold ; impotent ; unmoved. l^i'iTn^-ck *>^- To trim or adorn with ii lllge, fringes. fl'isk* vi. To leap ; to skip : to frolick. fi'if' tov *''• '^^ crumble away; to 11 IL tt/1 , break in small pieces. friv' O loUS, a- Vain ; light ; trifling. A»/-wT i^ «• A wild prank; a merry irOl It., whim. Pf'Xi-»f »• The forehead; the fore part II Oil L, of a tiling. frost. "• Congelation of liquids by cold. froth' y, a- Full of foam ; empty. fro' ward, «yP«evisU ; fretful ; sur- ^ i\,^,,,,-, vi. To knit the brows ; to irOWn, lower. frown. «. A look of displeasure. using fril' crnl ''• 'Sparing; thrifty O ? economy. fru gal' i ty, "Ji,'i[!i: ^°°'"-°- a. Fertile ; plenteous ; pro- 5 lific. n. Enjoyment ; posses- sion. frmt'ful fru i" tion, FUZ 60 GAT bar, %11, whg.t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, Trfi^t' lfi«i« "• I^estitute of fruit; irU^t ICtets, unprofitable; idle. friic' f rJlt*^ ^'- "^^ deceive ; to dis- II US> tl iXtCj appoint ; to defeat. frus' tra tive, ?ear"'"' '" '" fry vt. To cook food in a frying-pan. fii' rri tiv«^ <*• ^^y^^S ; volatile; lU gl Live, fleeting. fill' erum, «• The prop of a lever. fill fill' **'• "^^ accomplish; to per- iUlL «• Filled with ; replete ; perfect. fill' mi nnfp "*• "^^ denounce ; to lUl nil IlaLtJj cause to explode. All' cAvY^o ^'^ Offensive ; nauseous ; IQl oOIIlv^, rank fum' h\e, tJ^ ^' ^ ^^'"^ ""''- fune" ti<»n, ".-^f-p'oy--^ ^ -ffi<=«= fu' ner al, «• The ceremony of burl- fii nf»' rf» nl <^- Suiting a funeral; III ne I e ai, moumfui. -^ fiiii' iK^l "• ^ P'P^ or passage; the lUIl llKyi^ hollow of a chirnney. Ai,. n. The soft hair of certain ani- lUr, mals. fur' bish, ^ri,,^:^ p°^^^^ °' "^^'^^ fii' ri rkn« « Fierce ; mad; raging; lU 11 ijuo, passionate. fur' long, ^^r" "'"'" '"' '' ' fur' nace, «. An inclosed fireplace. fur' niell ''*• ^o provide ; to supply lUI IllSll, with; to equip. fur'roM^jrow^"^^^"^*'^""^^"'^'^^- fill'' f Lof «'^»'- Beyond ; to a greater lUl tliCr, distance. fur' fherance,:„c?''^ '"'''■ I fur' tive, ^ret""'"' ^^ ^^^^t^' '" ' fii' r\T "■ I^^&e ; madness ; passion; I ^ ^ J? frenzy. I fuse. *>'• To melt ; to liquefy by heat. |fu'sibl^,rJ^*"^^y'^«^^^^^'''^ ' Ai' d/-kvi «• The state of being melt- I lU »10I1, ed. r,-^2„ n. A tumult; a bustle; noise; I lUbb, hurry. j fu' tile, a- Foolish ; silly ; worthless. fii t-il' 1 i\r "• Lightness; want of lU 111 1 t^, solidity. fu'tUre, ?ome To be hereafter; to The time to come , fu tu' ri ty, ?„,:j?eM IUZZ4 vt. To fly out in smaJi particles. G. Gab. vi. Te prate or talk idly. rro' Kl^ "■ The triangular end of a ga UW^ house. rrorl' ^irifT n- A rambling or roving gaa aing, about. ffaff, vt. To stop the mouth. gage. vt. To wager or pledge. rrn-jn vt. To obtain; to procure ,• to gaeii, ^in ga/n, n. Profit ; advantage ; interest. o-ni'i^' All <*• Profitable ; advanta- gcl^Il lUl, geous. (Tu7iV cn«# "'• Ti^ contradict ; tode- gdC'll odt/, ny ; to oppose. Hait. »»• Manner and air of walking. irnV QY V "■ -^ luminous circle in gtll dA J, the sky; the milky-way. gale, «• A strong steady breeze. era]] **'■ To rub off the skin ; to tease ; &^"5 to vex. gal'lant,",ay''"'' '""^ '""'^ gal lant', ^^les''" ""' ^'" ''' '"' o-nl' l^nf rv "• Bravery; courl- gdi IdllL 1^, ship; generosity. o-nl' lv ^'^^ To^ollect : to pick up ; gatll *^l , to accumulate. GIB 61 GLI book, dove, full, use, €an, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. o-nfh' f^r in-i' IT *»• Obscure; melancholy gloom y, cloudy. o-ln' r\ fv *'• ^° S'^® ^^°^y *°5 *° glU 1 1 IJ5 extol; to worship. 5 ate ; to explain. rrlrkcc' n rv "■ ^ dictionary of obr ^1U»» «• * J5 scare words. o-L^cc' \r ''■ Shining; reflecting lus- glU&5> y, ter. cr]r\in "*■ "^^ shine without flame; to glOM;^ have a heated fancy. fflo Mj' inffo «• Shining ; resplendent. o O' ffloVG, «• A covering for the hand. rvlnf ^'- To cloy ; to saturate ; to over- S'^^h fill. o-lii' tin on<5 ° "^^^^ sticks, vis- glU Llll UUSj cous ; tenacious. rrlnf' fyin "• ^" excessive, vora- glUL tt/llj cious eater. 0-1 lit' inn 01m ** Addicted to ex- glUL LC/H UU»5 cessive eating. o-niirr ed, «• Knotty ; rough. orjlJj^Sn vt. Tp grind the teeth in rage. <0*naW, vt. To bite off by degrees. rr^^^rl ^t. To prick ; to stimulate ; to guau, incite. gUttlj pose; aim. crorl' lp' /^/-w lo n. A boat much used in gOn aO la, Venice. -vi-v/-!/^ a. Not bad ; proper ; wholesome, 5 VV'J? sound. cer\r\r\' \\r «• Fair; graceful; beauti- gyyu ly, f^jj . ^,1^, frr»rkr]« "• ^^"- Merchandise ; furni- gUUU»j tmg . wares. ! ffOl'G* "• Clotted or congealed blood. rrnrrfo **'• ^o fill or cram : to glut ; to gUI gl^5 satiate. gor'mand,-i,teS= ''"'"■ gor' mand ize, ^;„J,?, -^ ^'-'- crna' nt^} "• God's word ; the Chris- gUS [f^l^ tian revelation. rpr\cs' oii-k "• Trifling talk ; an idle tat- gU!5 feip, tier rrrktVi' i r» «• I" the manner of Goths ; i gUtll It/, antique gouge, n- A kind of hollow chisel rer\nrta ^^- To scoop out as with a i gUUgt;, chisel. rrriv' c^vn *''• To rule ; to manage ; guv t;i II, to direct. 5 beauty ; abandoned. rrro rlo" tir»n «• Gradual advance; gra aa llOn, order ; series. grade, n. Rank ; degree. rrrrj/l' ii q1 «• Done by degrees; gl dU U ai, step by step. grad u a" tion, ",.*,S'"'"°- gram'cd,°,„»r"' gran' a ry, ^-^J, (Tranrl «• Great, illustrious, high in n. A storehouse for power. Greatness ; state p-or (Tf^nu< "• ^os^ly glittering; gUl gf^t/Ub, stately; snowy. grand' cur, ^j^S^' arnncrf "• •^ farm-house; a lone to* dllgt^, house ; a granary. ^f'riwit vt. To allow , to admit ; to be- gl am, stow. «.f o i-if «• The thing bestowed ; a boon; gram, a gift. rrr-iri' n lor <^ Like, or consisting gran u lar, ^f, grains. rrf o rko "• Fruit of the vine growing in gl apt., clusters. rrrorkVi' i^ a. Well described ; per- grapil 1-e, feet ; exact. o-rnn' r»l^ '"^- "^'^ ^''^^P ^^^ contest gl ap pie;, ,„ close fight. OToen '"*■ '^° ^'^'"^ *" '''^^ hand; to gl asp, gripe ; to seize. OTri«n "■ ^'^^ seizure of the hand, gl abp, possession. m'Woo »• The common herbage of gl aSb, fields, &c. I m.ofr/ <^il a. Agreeable ; delicious ; | gl aib lUl, thankful. I rrfo <-' i ff? «-■'■ To indulge , to humor; ; grai 1 ly, to requite. I gra' tis, adv. For nothing , freely. a. Voluntary; with ou gor' gcous ness, cencef Tow! : gra tu' i ty, l^^ gra tu 1 tOUS, out reward A free gift or re- ft GRO 63 GITL book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, geiu, thin, fhou. rrrcivo "• Serious; sober, solemn, gl civt;^ composed. rr»«Q»r' £»1 »''• To cover with gravel or grdV ei, hard sand. o-riv' f»l Iv "• ^"" °*" gravel; ^I civ K^l ijj abounding with gravel. »», petite ; voracity. o-rpprl' V "• Eager for; ravenous; gl ecu. J, voracious. green' ness,^,;^t7'"^^^^^'""'^ rrrOPt vt. To salute ; to 5* tJCt, 1,0 address. dregs ; floor ; o-rnnnrl »«• The earth; 5* UUIIU, fundamental cause. Without reason undation. ground' less, J; Z ground' work, J JJ'/J^r^ ' rrr-X^tr* " A chistcr, & Collection of grOWp, figures. rrfX-**?-* v^- To put into a distinct col- grOWp, lection. crmv' i^} *'*• To creep on the ground , gl UV ei, to be low-minded grov' el ijig, °^„„;;?r?„ea°„". "" crrri'Hl ^^' To vegetate , to increase , gl Utt/j to improve. rrfrw^'l "^^ To snarl glUVVJ, dog. groicth, ;:• DTllVl "' "^^ '^'^ "P '^y ^'^^ roots J to gi UU, destroy by digging. o*riirl6"f» **'• To envy one a thing , to D ^O ? give unwillingly. fvrtir\fm «• -An old quarrel ; ill-will ; gl UUgtv, envy o-riifF <*• Churlish; harsh, sour of as- gl Ull, pect. to grumble as a ad- Increase of stature ; ancement ; vegetation grega-nouSj-^CIJ""-'" i rrr/tif' "• Sorrow; trouble of mind; I g« *ei5 pain. gr/eVe, vl. To afflict ; to give pain to. griev'ously,;„^-fi;?',"."'"''^"'"- .pi-i rvi «• Ill-looking ; rugged ; hideous; gl im, gi.astly. *ri«i rvior»£»' "• ^ distortion of the gll IlldCe , face. gri mal' kin, :id?al ""'"''''" cri'Tnfl *''■ To reduce to powder; to gl lliU, oppress. orTnrl' o ^^^ the gadi U 1 dll, care of another. rr^/iir-rl' loco °- Without defense; g«fdl U it^fefe, without caution. CT^/PGG *** To conjecture ; to find out ge*Co», by conjecture, i rrtiaai »• ^ visitor ; a stranger enter- I gaebL, tained. |gmd'ance,-c11':'^'''""'''" I gmde,5'ucl° "'*''' '"'''' groi to con- to regulate. o-i/i rlp "• A conductor ; a leader ; one getlUl^, who directs. o-»#Tlr» "■ Fraud; deceitful cunning; gttllC., artifice. fi"»/ilo' looo «• Innocent, honest; gMllt; It^&b, free from guile. (xtiW Irk *Vn "• A machine for be- g»• science of artlllery. j frnn' nino" "• ^^^ °^ shooting with! gUIl ilitl^, a gun. I rviii^' cUt\t »• The reach or range of gun bllUt, a gun. j rrnf' rr]/> "^^ To fall or gush with; gUr glC, noise. j micli "• -^ violent or copious pouring gU&ll, out of liquor. o-iicVi *'^- To pour or rush out violent- gust. "• -A. sudden blast or paff of wind. fviit.^' ir\ "• The relish of any thing ; a gUfc> LU, liking; taste. gust' y, a. Stormy ; tempestuous. o-nt' for "• A rain-spout ; a channel gut ItJI , for water. gut' tu ral, turlir"'"""^ ''' ''' o"»/v "• ^ ^°P® ^° ^^^P ^ ^°^^ steady B J^ in hoisting. gUz' Z\e^ vt. To drink greedily. gUZ' Zler, «• A toper; a greedy drink. gym na' si um, retS'e'xe^cLt' gymnas'tkj^as'iS""^'"'^"' gym nas' tics, SseT''^' '"'" gyp' sum, »• The plaster-stone. fVv rn" tinn "• '*<^'' '^^ turning gj la uvjii, round. gy' ra to ry, a. Moving in a circle. gyre, »• a circle ; a ring ; a turn. gyr' o man cy, [;;^>;!"""«'- gyve, •t. To fetter ; to shackle. gyve, n, A fetter or cliajn for the legs. H. Hab'erdasher,^„l,r,rds' ha bil' i ment, Ji^E'" ^ ''""'• l-»«K' i* n. Custom; dress; state of a nao u, thing hab' it a bk, J-JS """' ^' '"' liah if a'' tinn " Residence; lld-U IL d- llUIl, place of living. Ko Kif ' -n ol <"• Become a habit; lia UlL IP cll, customary. hab' it ude, ^j- 1.?"' '"''"" ' '^'''' lia-^1^ t)/. To hew ; to cut or chop into Ud-tyK, small pieces haek'ney,;;:,el? '"''"'"' haft. «• The handle of a knife. lin ry n- A witch ; an ugly old woman ; ""•&? a she-monster. lldtl, pour down hail. hail. «• R*'" frozen in falling. hair. »• An integument of the body. hair' loss, U^^^'''"'' °^ '"" llS/r' V "■ Covered with hair; con- Iiael y, sisting of hair. hal' Cy on, a. Placld ; quiet ; calm. Lolrt «■ Healthy; strong; hearty; ro- naic, bust. lia/f, «• A moiety ; an equal part. ha/f Wa?/, fl'^*'- In the middle. liQ II "• "^ large room ; an entrance ; a **Vt*^? court of law. huV ViurAa: n. jylu. Ropes for hoist- Jiai iiai u»5 j„g or lowering suils. hal low, i;'^,;^''""'"'""''^ ""'""■* hal lu cin a" tion, t^^^; Ko' li-» "• A circle round the sun or na lo, ^oon. Kolt *'^- To limp; to discontinue to ''f?-^^? march. Violf' oi« "■ ^ ^*'P® '^°'' * horse or a iiaiL t-l , malefactor. halt'ing4y,;f-'''^"'y=^^"^P'"^- hii/vp "'■ '^'^ divide into two equal ham' let, «- a iittie vuiage. ham' mer, «• a tool to drive nalls. ham' mock, Jhip^s.^''"''"' ''"" ho nn' t-i^.« «• A large basket ; a kind nani pt.r, of fetter. hum' wc^r *''• '^'^ perplex; to em- lldin pCI , barrass. H AR 65 HAV book, dove, Pull, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, {hou. lia rm "* ^^^^ ' injury ; damage ; mis- It H r m ^*' '^'^ ^^^^ i to injure ; to dam- Korrvi' loc« " Innocent; unhurt; lldl III lt.&5, jiot lustful. hnr mnn' i-r "• ^^^lating to har- lld,r IIlUIl l-t-j mony; musical.- harmo'nious,«,,';tg?^S,r har'monIze,5'„e^°„p;Ss'" VihV mrk nv " Concord of sound Ilcil mU II J 5 or sentiment. Kor-i-k »»• -A. musical instrument; a Ildrp, ]yre. Ildr JJOUIl , strike whales. n3.r Py^ **• -^^^y rapacious animal. Vi Q r ' r r» vir ^^- ''"^ break the clods ; to lUll 1 UW^ Jay waste ; to disturb. VinrcVi **• Sharp; austere, rough; lld.1 fell^ morose. lior«ll' Iv '"^"- Austerely; roughly; IiaiMl 1^5 violently. VidrcVi' n^cc "• toughness to the lldl Ml llt^OO^ par; sourness. l-kQf' vrkcf "• I"*'® t'*"^ of reaping; Ild.1 VCfetj ripe grain. har' vest, f^- '^'^ ^^"p '^"^ ^*''^"' har' vest home, tJ^l!^^^ ViQcVl ***• "^o mince : to cut into small IldMl, pieces. haste. »>• Speed ; hurry ; expedition. Vine' //>n *"' "^^ quicken; to urge lld,S3 tC'Il, on , to hurry. Vine' f i Iv '^^- Hurriedly; rashly, lido Ll IJ , with speed. l-kQCif ' V "• D""6 i" haste , quick ; pas- lldbt J, sionate. l-,„f „U vt. To produce young from IldtUll, eggs . to plot hatch' et, n. a mtle ax. y^nfc* wr To detest , to abhor ; to abom- lldlt, jjiate, lio' f»«^:»rl "• fireat dislike ; enmity; lid ircu, iii.wiu. U^f^^ A,l o. Odious; malevolent; Ildtt; lUI, malignant. hnnrr7»' ti Iv '"^''- Proudly; lofti- naUg^ri ll l^, jy. with contempt. Viniil v<- To pull; to drag by vio- lldUl, lence. hawnch,rJl;fp^^'^'^^'*^'"'^"'^ Via-jinf »'• To frequent, to visit in- lldM^Ill, trusiveiy. ha^^nt'ed,Red."*^' ''''"' '°*' linvf* *'• ''^^ possess ; to hold ; to en- Ko' ^r^r, «• A. harbor , an asylum ; a nd veil, shelter U„-./ „ -,U n. Devastation; waste, UdV UtyK, destruction. hnm' Qtrino- **• '^^ '*'"® bycut- Ildlll Siriilg, ting a tendon. linnrl "• ^h^ Palm witii the fingers ; a lldllU, measure of four inches. U _ „ J vt. To give ; to pass to another lldllU, by hand. hand' «uft; "^rist. '''''''"' '''" hnnrl' . «''• To feel with the hand ; lldll UJ6, to treat of. hand' some,?,, f:;;;^!f; "«-"■ hand' some lj,^e°„cS'^,r/'""'- hand' y, ?„,''°'"'>'' '=<"»"'»'<'■" • """• Kr,»^rr ^^- To suspend; to choke; to Ildllg, put to death. h Q r» rr' 1 r» rTr» ^»- To fall out; to come lldp pt;il, to pass. hap' pi ly, f " Prosperously hap, hap hap hap hap har angw6j'. . . for- unately. Ml nfiicc "• Felicity ; good for- pi llt/S5&, tune. ' rwr "■ Prosperous ; propitious ; PJ5 lucky. n. A public speech , an oration. l-iiir' 10C3 »''• To weary; to fatigue; iiai a&a, to vex. har'bingcr,J„*„';;,'ir"8"^'' hH r' linr "'* entertain ; to shel- Viof' Krvn «• -A. shelter for ships; a Ildr UOr, port, a haven. a. Close ; compact ; difficult ; severe. ha rd' ■^" *'■ "^^ make hard or obdu- liard. en 5 rate. hard' heart ed, ^rawr' ' "'"'" hard' i hood, Jid^tT'"'"' ' '"''" lini'/^l' Iv <"^"' With difficulty, ©p- ildl U IJ, pressively. horrl' i-»/3ot:< »■ Firmness ; obduracy; lldru IlUbb, harshness. hard' ship, J.„^r^'^''^">'°^^' ^*- hare' brain ed, ^etTS'^'tliS" HE A 66 HEN bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, hciwk. n- A voracious bird of prey. hawk, '-It- To cry goods for sale. hawk' ey ed, f-oJ!"^*"^ * ^^"" hai/» "• Grass dried in the sun. haz' ard, ;^S. ^"^"^^ '" '""^^' naZ ard OUSj dangerous. haZG* "• ^ thick fog or mist. ha' Zy, a- Misty ; foggy ; dark. IlcMU., j.g(.j . tQ oppose. VlPZ/rl «• The part of the body that con- IltJtfcU, tains the brains ; the top. hp/rrl' lpfi;«5 "• Without a head ; pre- iiC/M/^j. x^ocjj cipitate ; inconsiderale. head' long, i,T,ln: ''''''''''''''' he«d'strong/,,,^eSr^"" he<2d' Wai/, « Act of adv VlP/?! "'■ '^° '^^'^^ * wound ; ancing. to recon- cile. heal' ing, E U„„lfU n. Soundness of body; free nemin, dom fro Servinc ild ; gentle to cure ; saniUve. m disease. hedth'ful, ?„.™^^°"^^' ^^^^- he«lth'y^Sess.""^ ''''''""""'"" VkBrrn "• ^ P'^^ ' a cluster ; an accu- llt!a.p5 mulation. ViBz-fVi *''• To lay or pile up ; to accu- lltjap, nmlate. Vio/rr *'• To receive sounds by the IIUM-I , ear ; to listen to. h5,.„/ ||-|0. n. Sense by which sounds tJMI J^l'^^ are perceived ; audience. vi. To listen ; to give ear to. n. Report ; rumor ; com- mon talk. heark' en, hear' sa^/, hearse. «• -a. carriage for the dead. Vl/>h'rt "• '^^® ^'*^^ part; courage; JlCtll t, spirit . affection ; love. heart' brok en, ^ne?"'^''^ '"^ heart' felt, a. Felt deeply; sincere. U^X~fU n. The floor of a chimney; Ilcai 111, place for a fne. h^'dft' i Iv <*'^"- Fully; sincerely; llCai t 1 lj5 from the heart. Vi^jirf Ipgcj "• ^old ; without cour- llCai L lt.»», age ; spiritless. h/'arf' V "■ H^^^i^-'^y i strong; sin- US/^f «'• To warm ; to jnake hot ; to IIUML, agitate. ViEirt^ f hcin " A worshiper of false lltJM UltJll, gojjs . a pagan. h.eaVe, ^t. To throw; to hft ; to raise. To insult ; to bluster , threaten. U^^,,/ rf7T» «• The firmament; resi- niU\ C-n, dence of the blessed. Vip/7v' ^n Iv "• Resembling heav- liuav CrU ly, en. celestial. heav' en ward,?/"^^"^*^^^^^" heav'ily,?;^riy "'"""'""'''''" heav'iness,"„>d;'w^Sr°' U^^.tfit' -iiTkiT «• A motion of the heart . neaV mg, apanUng. fiP^v' V «■ Weighty; dejected; iiKPuy J, drowsy. he€'atomb,3„1?i|?r"""'"' hia/>' f 1/? ''• Consumptive; troubled n^X^ Llt:^, withjL morbid heat he€' tor, T, hoorl ^*- To beware ; to mind ; to at- llbtiU, tend to. heed* "• care ; attention ; caution. linorl' loco «• Careless; inatlen- liV^CU ll^&O, tive ; negligent. heel, n. The back part of the foot. he^l ' er, »»• a young cow. hpirrhf' rr\ ^'*- To raise ; to exalt. IWl^fll CU, (See highlen.) hpir ^"""^ "• ^"^ ^'*'* inherits by law, ilUH, a successor. heir' less, l^Cf^ " ^""^"^ "° hel len' iC-, a. Pertaining to Greece. U^V wi^f «• A covering or armorfor Iiei lilt. I, tiie head. hel' met ed, a.Wearingahelmet helms' man, "ve?set"'" ''"" ' help. vt. To aid ; to assist ; to support. Vi ol n "• Aid ; succor ; assistance ; sup- ni>ip, port. help' till, ^fj^^' ^^^'^ ^""^'^ ' "''■ help'ing,f,;pSr'''°^^'^'^'«^ Viplr^' 1<^:>ca "■■ Feeble; without as- Ilt;ip lt.fe&>, sistance ; destitute. nelp mate, companion, n. An ax-handle. helve, Hpm" *''■ "^^ inclose ; to surround ; to ilt;lll, close with a hem. VlPm "• '^*^® e^ge of a garment folded '*^**'5 down and sewed. hem' is phere, «• iiaif agiobe. hem is pher' ie, a.Haifround. hemp, n. A plant of which ropes are made. hen, «• The female of any bird. hence, «<^v- Away ; at a distance. HES 67 HIN book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. A name common to numerous ants. hence' forth, f,?;,V,r """""' hen' heart ed, t.S,""'"'' ""• hep' ta gon, l,;^^;^' ""'" hep' tare/* y, l^'iTZT"' "' hnr' nlH "• ^"® ^^^ proclaims, a IltJI dlii^ precursor. her' aid i€, tidr'y"'''"^"^ *' ''"" her'aldry,:hlilir"''^'=''' Aerb, J, herb a" ceous, f/erb?.'^''^"^ '° hnrW nr» PP- Concealed ; covered , lllU Ut;n, out of view. Viirlo "' To conceal ; to cover; to lie lllUU, iiid from view. hide, «• The skin of an animal, hid' e ous, f/orSr''^"^' ^"^'''^"'' hid'eousness,r„,SoSs''* hie, »i. To hasten ; to go quickly. hi'erarcA,;'e?L%er!"°'"-'"' hi e ro glyph' ie, -..^^S'-' 111 o-L <»• Tali ; iofty ; elevated , proud; nign^ exorbitant. hi^^'flot/;n,-frL^-^^^^^^^ high' land, l^^^ty. '"^""^^'"""^ hi «■/*' land er, » a mountaineer. hpr' r» «av "• ^'"'"'" ^"^ religion, an V.To'/*' Iv "'^''- Proudly; arrogantly, lid ^ ''J 5 opinion not orthodox. **^^'«' V 5 in a great degree. ViC^r' f» fi.«? "• *^"^ w''^ ^"'^ i" ^®-l hirt-/*' notjo «• Elevation ; dignity ntJI C Lit., ligious faitli. 1 ni^/* IlttsS, of nature ; a title he ret' ie al, ^^yl^^'^^'"^ '° ^"- here wif h', adv. with uus. her' it a ble, JerSf ™*^ ^' - ' Vif^r' i fnrTO n. An estate derived by 111.1 1 tdgiv, inheritance. her' mit "■ ^ solitary, devout per- her' mit age, Sermu. * — "''* Up' |,.^ n. An illustrious person ; a lie 1 U, ijrave warrior. Krk fi-v' 1^ «• Brave; noble; excel- ne ro i-e, ^^^^ . ^^^^ hp ro' i^ nl Iv '"^" Bravely; as IKiv 1 U li> d.1 1^, becomes a hero. ' her' O ine, n a female hero. her' O ism, «-^Act.s or qualities of a her' on, «• a large water-/0wl, hfkf' f\r\ -v "• A place where herons lltr on J, breed. hp«' i tan r>v "• ^°^^^ ; uncer- IICS 1 Lail L/_y, tainty; suspense fii /Tifet' d>Y\ "'• To raise ; to elevate; lll^/*t C;il, to improve. hig-Ath,hi^/tt,-,^|f:f-:'"'- hi^A'wai/',;„,*/;rK"°"'^'' hi^A' way' man, l,V^^ZiS. hi lur' 1 f V "• Gayety ; cheerful- Ill ld-1 1 LJ, nessj j^irth hill, »• An elevated or rising ground hil' lo-pk "* ^ ^*"^® ^'^* ' * '*'^^^' ^^" hill' V "■ Abounding in hills , unequal mil J, in surface hilt, n. The handle of a sword. hilt' ed, a- Furnished with a hilt llin' rl«i« ^^- To stop; to obstruct; 11111 Ut>l , to impede. hind er, o. On tlie backside or rear. hin'dpranrp ». An impediment; 11111 Ut;i anCC, an obstruction V»inrr« vt. To hang or turn, as upon a lllllgt., binge HOL 68 HOO bar, fall, whg,t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, u;_~x.£. «. A joint on which a door Iimgt?, turns. bint *"■ ^° allude to; to give notice lllllL^ of ; to bring to mind. hint* "• An intimation ; a suggestion. 1^\y\ i». a joint of the thigh ; lowness of ^**r5 spirits. hip' pish. a. Dejected ; melancholy. hir6. vt. To engage a thing for pay. hire' less, ^JS""^^^'^^' ""'^^- n. One who serves for 5 Wc hire' Hng bice ^- '^^ imitate a goose, in con- HlfeS>5 tempt. bie trk' ri nn "• ^""^ versed in, or 111» LU 11 ail, a writer of, history. his tor' ie al; J^^ertaimng to lus- bic' trkrv "--^ narrzUiion of facts or lllO l\J I y^ past events. his tri on' ie, ^r Sn "^ "" ''^^' UJi vt. To strike a mark; to clash; to »**''5 succeed. V^\f n. A stroke or blow; a lucky **^*''5 chance- hitch, f <• To catch hold of by a hook. hith' er. a^v. To tlus place. hifh'erto,^';,/"""''™^''^^^ bTvf> "• ^ house or place for bees ; a ***'*^J company. ViFirtfA n- A concealed treasure ; a llUarU, hidden stock. Vi7\nrA '''• To amass and lay up ; to liUMl U, lay up privily. hoflrse, ^oic^'e'""^ ^^''"^'^• ''^^^ bo/7r«if^' Iv o^"- Roughly ; deeply ; 11UU.1 ot; ij , ^jth a harsh voice. l-»K^»»' xr <*• Gray-headed ; covered llOar ^5 with frost. hottX. vt. To impose on ; to deceive. bri/7Y "• An imposition ; a trick ; a IIUMA, deception. hob' ble, vt- To go lamely ; to limp. hob' by, ^hje^t^"'"""^' '^ '"'"'' l,„ _]_ n. The small end of a ham; IlU-eK, German wine. hod, "• A tray used by bricklayers. Viri/> *'• To cut ; to dig or clear from llUc, weeds. nogs IieaU, three gallons. U„*^ rl^>r» "• An awkward, ill-bred llOl UCTIl, country girl. hoist, vt. To heave or lift up. U/^IJ v<. To lay hands on ; to keep ; to IIUIU, retain. power; bn' 1l n/. To reverence; to esteem; noil or, to value. Aon' or a blc, iJ^f^'Stt " l»f\r\' r\v> Q t»xr a- Done or instituted nOn or d. ry, m honor r )^on'orless,SfSnor.""''"'' hood, «• A covering for the head. hood' wink, SJervT''""""'" 1_ -^Z* n. The horny part of a horse's llOOl, foot. IK. n. A bent piece of iro» or other HOOK, metal, or wood. I: HOU 69 HUR book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. U _ -.U vt. To catch ; to fasten ; to in- nOOK, snare. hook' ed, J„^r'' '''"'"' ^'"'" U ^^n "• A baiKi of wood or iron round nOOp, a barrel. , hoot' ing, -^Contemptuous shout. |_ „ „ vt. To leap on one leg ; to walk nop, lamely. hope* ^'t- To expect with desire. i Ufxr^fi «• Expectation ; trust ; confi- '*'-'P^5 dence in a future event. ! hope' ful, Tsinr'"' ^"P^'P'""- jiiope' less, ^^f °"^ ^"^P* • ^^ ! ho' ral, «• Relating to an hour. horde, «• a clan ; & migratory crew. hnr i ynn' fnl « Parallel to the or 1 ZOn lai, horizon ; level. ham "■ ■*■ ^^^^ pointed substance on I ^* ••? the heads of some animals. l-fc/\fri' IT <*• Made of horns: callous; IJUril J, hard. I ho rol' O gy, I^^J" ^^ measuring t hr»r' fi Kl^ «• Hideous ; frightful ; llUl 1 1 UlC;, ghastly. i hor' ri bly, «^rf-I>readfully ; fright- I hr»f' rirl <'• Hideous j dreadful ; enor- hr^r riT' ix» "• Causing fright or llUl 1 H It/, horror. ; kirki*' i«r»r» "• Terror mixed with de- IlUr I UI , testation. horse' man, ;idi„^"« »^"'«^ ^" hose, TeatheT^'"^'' * ^°"^ ^'^' ""^ hos'pitabk,-,^;",^,^^-'^'^^ ;hospital'ity,:J4^-s'^"^y^<' \ hos' tage, J;,^^ ^^^^ '^^ p^*^« ^'^ i hrict' ^cc "• Mistress of an inn ; a I IIOSL eS^», landlady. ! hos' tile, ^4"'"""^^^ • "^^ '^'^ ^"- j hos til' i ty, Ld^"""'*^' ''^^" ^*" I hot, a- Ardent ; eager ; vehement. hot' he«d ed, LnT.'''''* ' ^"" hoUffh '^^^^ "■ '^'^® lower part of the hnur "• Twenty-fourth part of a day ; #e-wui , sixty minutes. Aoiir' Iv "• I^one every hour; fre- nuui ly^ quent. house, «• Place of abode ; home. house, ^helJen^"' ""*^" ''°''^'' *° house' hold, Jefhir"'' """'"^ *^" hov' el **■ ^ "**** *""* • * *^**^ ^ *^*'' Vir\v' f»r *"■ To flutter or fly over; to IIUV ^* 5 hang overhead. howl, vt. To cry like a d "• Color; tint iiUt/, legal pursuit. dye ; clamor ; a Vtiirr *<• To be tender of; to embrace '*"6^ closely. Viiicrn *- I'*''?® J high; vast; enor- llUgt;, mous. huge' Jy, adv. Immensely; largely. hulk, «• The body of a ship. Vinll "• The body^f a vessel ; a shell null, or husk. nUm, lo^ . to deceive. vi. To buzz like a bee ; to sing low ; to deceive. Viii' mon "• Having the qualities of IIU llldll, a man. hll mnnPk' "• Courteous; kind; iiu iiJdlic; , compassionate. hu man' ity,"„ Joiner" ^'"- hum' ble, o. Modest ; lowly-minded. hum' bk, S'j;;;° «"W"«^ t° bring Viiim' Kiirr *''• To impose upon ; to llUlll UUg, deceive. hum' bug, Jos^o?*"^''"'" • *" '"" hu' mer al, ^^orider"""'^ '' '"* hu' mid, Jery*"'^ moist ; wet ; wa- 1 V 5 ure n. AVetness ; moist- hu mid' hu mil' i ate, Jl'^Jbie""*''" ^""^ "' hu mil' i ty, leir'""""" ' '"**''" Vin' mr\-r "• Temper of mind ; fancy, IIU UlUl, ^him. hu' mOr, vt. To indulge ; to gratify. hu' mor ous, ?y fjocufaf **"*"'" humn "■ ^ protuberance ; a crooked Vinn" crckf "• -A- craving for food; null ^t?l, eager desire. KiiTi" crf\T "• '" want of food; nun gry, greedy. Viiinf *''• To chase wild animals ; to nuilt, pursue. Vitifl *'' To whirl ; to throw with vio- **"* h lence. hUr VVJl\ interj. A shout of triumph. hur'ri<^ane,:tem^;eir'''"™^ hiir' f v *■'• To hasten , to move hur- "' * J7 riedly. hur ry, »•• Hasty motion ; tumult. H YS 70 IGN bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. n. Bribe to secre- U<-i..4- « Harm; injury; wrong; mis- nuri, chief. 1 X vt. To injure; to wound; to llUrij damage. linrt' {11! alfjurions; pernicious; IlUl I IUI5 mischievous. hurt' fill ly,°*„i;"'"'>"''>'' hus' band, »• a married man. hiis'band^rotTir^"''''^"'""'' bus' band man^^ork^Jnafa";!;; hus'bandry,?;4L"'^"""'^ r K vt. To make still or silent ; to hush' mon ey, u,_„l_ n. The outer coat of corn or "USsK, fruits. * L, r. t)<. To strip off the outward coat nUSK, or integument K.-T^lr' i nti.c'C! ".Hoarseness ; state nUSK 1 IiefeS, of being ijusky. l_ K.f V "• Abounding in husks ; dry; IIUSK J, hoarse bus Sar\ *•• -^ ^'"^ °^ horse soldier 1 ; ffiv "" ■* sorry, bad, or worthless nUs ®J5 woman. bus' tie* f ' To shake together. K X n. A little cottage or hovel ; a IlUl, mean abode. buz Za\ » -^ shout of triumph or joy 1 # rlrJi "■ ^ hundred-headed mon- bv' drO 2Gn« « inflammable air. hydropho'bia,:at?r"'^°' by 2C' ian, « Relating to health. hymene'al,-J-^»'"'"^ " KArm-M "• A spiritnal aong , a song of IiyiII/«5 praise hym' ni^, a. Relating to hymns. hyperbo'rean,2„,5'"""'™' hy per crit' i«, -^. """•"" hyp o ehon' dri ii, ^hoij"""" hypoe'risy,;;e"r"""'""'"' hyp'o€rite,-,iJ,„trr"'" hypo«rit'i€al,?Jr'""''' hypoth'e«ate,J|J°„Pp»,X' by' son. « a fine green tea. hvG f «^r' 1^ nl " Troubled with iljo ttiyi Ifj «-»7 nervous affections. hyster'i€s,"„J:'„V -"""""' ICC« «• Water congealed by frort. ir»f» *''• To cove'r with ice or frosting, IVyt?, as cake. ipp' hprP" ?*• -A. mountain of floating ice' bird* » a bird in Greenland. H^i^ liuusc, summer. i' ^/li^f ». A thin, waiery humor, from 1 -t//*01 5 ulcers. i€/tthyol'ogy,S„,fr""'. i' ni .*»l/> "• Trickling water frozen 1 CI ■kjit'y and hanging down. i'ciness^rey"'''' "''""'""'' i' Cinff* «■ A kind of frosting for rake. 'f -»_. a. Cold ; covered with ice ; full * *^J5 of ice. • J „/ y . n. Conception ; thought ; im- 1 ilU dj agination. 1 Ac\' nl ^'^ Mental, visionary; con- 1 lit? dl, ceived i den' tie al, a. That is the same. iden'tify,i-Je'^P'-^^«^°'«^'« i den' ti ty, » sameness. \f\' 1 r» nv "• Imbecility of mind; lU 1 U I-/J5 want of understanding. id' i Om« n. Peculiar mode of speech. iri' i ^* "A natural fool ; a change- lU 1 Ul, ling. id i Ot' ic, « stupid ; foolish. 'f ,11^ a. Unemployed ; worthless ; la- i' dl^« »*• To spend time inactively. i'dlcness,ry'^°^'^'"^^^'"^y''*'^- \' A\xT «, jence ; peevishness. m' nooo "• Sickness ; disease ; weak- llt;S»S>, ness il lr»rr' ir» il " Contrary to rules of II lUg Ity ai, reasoning. il lu' min ate,)^/ il lu' mine, ) lu iUu mm a" tion, -X':g^St°' il lu' Sion, Jrror'"'"^ ' ^^^'' '''°'^' nlii' civo «■ l>eceitful ; deceiving , *U SlVe, by false ."Show. il lus' trate, ^xpTam"'^^^*''^"''*' il lll«5 tra" tion ** ^" explana- 11 lUfe U d IIUII, tion ^ exposition. il lus' tra tive, JiaTn"'^'"^ '°^^' nius;trious,?en'^;rr^"°'''' ill will , n- Hatred , malevolence. age, tion im ag' in a ble, " im ag in a" tion, TaS!'^^''''"' im 10"' in/* "*■ '^^ conceive; to 1111 ' "'• '^° moisten ; to wet ; 111 Ul Ut; , to steep. m Kii^' "*• '^^ tincture ; to tinge ; 111 UUC , to dye. m' i fn Kl/? a. Worthy of imitation; 111 1 to. Ult-, tliat can be copied. rv»' i f Qfr» **'• "^^ follow the exam- Ill 1 laut-, pie of; to copy. m i fi" tinii "• Act of imitating ; 111 1 la LlUll, resemblance m' i ta tive, a- inclined to copy. mmae'ulate,rsrsruet.'"- m' ma nent, rnhe^-r"'"" '"• mmate'rial,Spoftrt""^ mmature', J-eV""^" "°'P"^- m ma tare' ly, ;ff;rJ?SeTm"e: mmatu'rity,rng'rripe''" mme'diate, :„t'"''^"''^'^" m me' di ate ly, ^UT:'- mmense',J,g^e';Tas;"''''"''^ mmprKs' i f V " Vastne.ss ; un- iiiiyiis 1 V 5 bounded greatne«s. m merge m merse ;',)w To plunge or sink nder water; to dip water. n. A dipping under , water. vi. To come or re- move into. mi nenre n. Any near or im- IIll llt.ll«^t., mediate danger. m' mi nent, ^endTg.''"""^ ' '"" m mer sion, m' mi grate, m" a. Sitameless ; wan- ton ; ol>scene. n Want of deli. cacy, m mod er ate, unreasonable. ' m mod' est, m mod' est y, m' mo late, T^J.^ce!'''"' "^ *' mmor'al, ^iou^;.^^'°"^^'' ^""•'• m mo ral l ty, "ye . dishonesty' iY» m/M*' fal «• That never dies; in mor Idl, perpetual. mmov'able,Se^S'v'ed"""°' m mov' r, \\]\r adw. Firmly; so as "• ^V 5 "ot to be shaken. mmu'nity,r,e^e'.'"''''''"'^"'" m mure fim' *''■ "^^ ^''"'' "P ' *° '^°'** 5 fine ; to imprison. IMP 72 IMP bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, im mu' tabic, SJS'""""- im mu' ta bly, Hf;. ""'".ng.a- imn "■ ^ fa""l'3ir spirit ; a child ; off- 1 5 spring. irv^ i-ko*.-' "'• To diminish ; to make llll \)air , worse. »m nnin' r<. To inclose with stakes; IIIl pdlt^ ^ to pierce with a stake. impal'pablc,Sy,Sr""""' im pan , g^nt. impar"tial,f„SeT'°"'^'"" hn par" tially, :*■£"""""■ im pass' a ble, "paJS""™""" impas'sible,«„Jrr„^r''" '° im pas' sion «1, ?e«er"'"''" impa"tience,2,,,rsr"'' impa"tient,-3S:^r'''"'""?^ im n^nnW *'* To accuse by public IIII peaCIl , authority. im pe«ch' ment, ^,!t^f ^'^'"- impede',^Le? ""'"^ '' ''" imped' iment,^,jrtr""^ im'pedite, riy.'^'"*""'^^^^*^'^- irv^ »-k^]' v^- To drive forward ; to llll pei , force. im r^ri*^/!' "*• To hang over; lobe llll pCIlU 5 at hand. impend'ing, J'ofair'"^''''' impen'etrabk,JiefJ:r'' impen'itence,;;,Sce"'"" im pen' i tent, SiS.^^"^^"'^ imper'ative^-denng"'^"'"^"' im per cep' ti bk, pcS'ce'ved"' im per' feet, ^^Sr/"^''^''^'^'^' imperfe€"tion,Sv?rSt'"^" impe'rial,--^^?.'"^'"^^"'"^"^ lin pe n dl IJ, royal manner. impe'rious,-„\f,ay'^^^" im pe' ri ous ly/w1thaToga"S: imper'ishabk,^es?royed.'' imper's<>nal,Lf^'^'^'"P^" im per' ti nence, ^oK"'"'"'' mper'tinent,u!"a^^r^ mper'vious,r4S"br'^'' mpetuos'ity,-Ji;ircr' m pet' U ous, ^er^ce.''"'' '^^'^' m' pe tUS, n. -Violent effort ; force m pi' e ty, >;> .f-^S P"*J5*- 5 against. m' r\i <~kiici o- Profane ; irreverent ; pi UUb, wicked. mr»ln' .£»a Kl/» a. Inexorable ; not pid -t/d Ulf;, to be appeased. m plant', ^^;;To fix or ingraft m the m ple«d', ^{ ,J^ P''"^"'^"'^ '^^ ^"^ m'plement,J,f,^TJsU\"*'"- m'pli€ate,^e;nb'!;rra^r^'^^*^ mpliea''tion,-,^4STy mplic'it,;;eslS"'^ "^^ ^" mr»lr^ro' v/. To beg earnestly ; to piOrt. , entreat. m plunge', r.'ujTn,™'"""'"' in nlv' "'• '^'^ contain; to denote; 111 pij , to signify ; to suggest. m r\r\ lifo' «• R"1ueuce ; motive; puJdt:;^ persua.L. , to anger. .»' ^^,x^fx n. Perfume used in sacred 1 cense 7 rites. ncen'tive,f,vl"''''""'"'°'"'" n ren" tinn " ^ beginning; a II «^c;p iiuil, commencing. nces'sant, fian'i!'"'""^''' '*"" «^^U n. A measure; the twelfth part IlCIl, of a foot. n'ci dence, ;;l^;j.^"^"*'*^"" n' r-t rinnt a- Happening ; casual ; ^l UtyllL, apt to happen. nr»irk' i nnt «■ Commencing; be- i./ip 1 Ullt, ginning n rin' 1 nn pv " ^ commence- n Vyip 1 v.^!! Vy J, fnent; beginning. n nif t>' *''• "^^ ^''"^ "P 5 ^° "^'8^ J ''" 11 L/ltty , animate. n r»i vW 1 f V "■ Rudeness ; want 11 l../i Vil I t^, of courtesy. nelem'ency,S-nr;e%"^\ n elem' ent, I Cruel ; stormy ; severe. n .^iTno' ^*- ^*^ bow; to bend to ; 11 -t/llIlC , to lean toward. vt. To comprehend ; to contain. n €lu' sive, iJ^t""' '"> '"■ ado. In a state of privacy, n elude'. n eog' ni to, neoher'ent,?ooie.""''''"'' n' eome, «• Rent ; revenue ; profit. INC 74 IND bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. r^ To embarrass; to trouble. „,,^ a. Incon- ^"»? venient. in «om mode', in €om mo' di in compact', ?y.^'^^J'^*"^'^*='*^^^- in <^om' pa ra bk, fess**'"''*'" in com pat' i bl^conTsfeirt^'' in €om' pe tent, UT'*^^""'"' in€omplme',f,pSr?ecf"^^'^^'' in eon ce/v' a bk, tj^i.r in €on elu' sive, ^jneK ''"' in con gru' i ty, Jncy'"'""''''" ineon"gmous,?.„rsS'nf« = ineonsid'erate,«imrv|: in consist' ent,^ie /e"ontr;;- inconsorabk,«oS,el'' incon'stancy,S-jrsr °' in con' stant, ^erkir'"" "" in con test' a bk, ^1,^,1'^' '' in con ve' ni ent, ^Jlr"" incor'porate,?^;^^"^"^'' ii-i x^r\r rfk^f' a- Inaccurate; faulty; 111 cor reCL ,not exact. incor'rigibl^, ?J,^^^*^°"^'^- incorrupt',-df"p"uS'""''"''■ in ^r^ncf^' ^*- '^^° ^^^"^ large, to jii x^i ciAOc; , become greater. in cred' i ble, f.^^^-p--"*? •>- in ere du' li ty, ^ei""'"" °' in cred' u lous, f.e""' °' '" 111 CU Ucltt., jien ou eggs. in'cubus,;-?;;;^"'-^'^^"'^'^^''^'^" in 4?nT -rnfp ''*■ '^° enforce by ad- in CUl edit., monition. in -fllV natP "'• '^'^ impute blame ill iLyUi pate, to ; to censure. in«um'bent,;JeJafa°3J.r in«um'bent,;„^ro"'""'""'^ ineum'ber,;Ji™''"""^'"' in euni'brance, "„„*,"; 'Xat in .rtiii*' f' To fall under; to be lia- 111 cur , bie to. ineur'ab^L'c'rr'"""" n. Want of deter- mination. n^iii*' cirkn "• Inroad , mv&sion ; cur MOIl, attack. nde^t'ed, Jbi"ge'd'''°'°"'"^' nde'cency,CecomInr^""- nAf^' n ^v:^iit'5 fit to be known. n de cis' ion, n Ac^W nr r^iic "• In^lecent ; un- n aeC or OUS, handsome. n de CO' rum, LvS'°^" '" n deed', o<^*>- in reality ; in truth. n de fat' i ga bk, J^ed^""'" ndefat'igably,?,^,-^'^-^ ndefen'sib^Se?e^^S^^ n def in ite,^ettVed '"''"' '"°' n del' i bk, ^Jif ^"" ""^ '« n del' i ca cy, ^en7y'"' "' '" ndel'icate,^kcT"''"'^^"'''"" ndem'nify,riss^°'^"'^"™- n dpm' ni tv ? security against H U^.^IH III ij 5 loss or punishment. n dent'- «'• To bind out ; to notch. ndenta"tion,ry^"SK'"- n depend' ent, ^.ie^e!*'"''"'^ n' rlfkY "• Table of contents ; a mark II Ut/A, to direct to something. n'dicate,:',t'""''""''"^''"' ndica"tion,rai"°"'^^^"'P- n diet > vt. To accuse ; to impeach. n rlT/-t' ment « An accusation; 11 UlCt lutein, a presentment. n dif fer ence, rerrsror"/al"e; n differ ent,- ^^S'i^^^ ""- n'digence,:rry^^'^^"^"^'P°^- n'digcnt,r,f^'^^ = P°°^^™^- n dig' nant, «• Angry ; inflamed. n rlifr' ni tv "• ^" affront; con- n aig m ly, tumely; Insult. n' di go, «• A plant for dyeing blue. n A\ Vf^^i' a. Not direct or upright; n Ul 1 t.^L , unfair. n rli«5 ^rppt' "• I"ipr"dent; un- 11 U13 XjI ^c;l , ^ary ; injudicious. n dis erete', 3;SSS"""" n dis crc" tion, ;„,^L"t. "' INE 75 INF book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thift, thou. n rlic iv^«a' ^- '^^ '"'^® unfit or II Ulb pose ^ incapable. II Ulb pOS CU, fiei . disordered. n dis po si" tion, disuki"^* ' n dis' pu ta bl^, J,p^,t:,*« ^ ndis'solub^-S^^t.^;;"^' Qdistinct', Jiea/'^"*"''^' "^ ndistinetMy,fi?e%".^«'^^ n rlif <^' «/. To dictate ; to write ; to II UlLC ^ compose. n di vid' u al, ;;,n^ ""^' ^"' ndivid'ual^^Jd'eV"*''""' ndivis'ibie,Sed;;:ir"'' n'dolence,rio„^^''""^' '"^ n'dolentjfdie^^^*^^"'"'^''''*' n rill' hi tn hi/' ° Undoubted; II UU Ul Id, Uie^, unquestionable. n rlfir»o' "'• "^"^ '^^** ^ ^^ iuUuence ; 11 UUUU ^ to persuade. nduce'ment,tttun?''*''''° n rlii^f' tr<. To put in possession of II UUt/L y office. n due" tion, ^t^oT"' "" ^^ r\ Afi£f^ "'■ To invest ; to furnish ; to a UUC , endow. r» rliilrro' f<. To humor ; to gratify; a UUJgt. , to make much of. ndul'gence,;„^;:::!r"^'""- nduV gent, ^,^,11'^ ■»'••"' ■■""^ ►-»' ^11 wi^f /-k f i. To become liaid or n au rate, unfeeling n dus' tri ous,?^^;^''"*'"'''"'" n'dustry, rty.^"'°"""' *'"''"" r» i:»' Kfi of/i »t. To intoxicate ; to U t; UIl die, make drunk. nfkf*' fji hl/> "• Unspeakable ; in- kil Id. Die;, expressible. n effect' ive,?,:„mLr"'"=" n effect' ual, fesr^JJar "" iief'fieacy, ;;>:**°'»"""' ant of effect noth- e. neffi"cient,r„,'??„S nel'egant,°„,K„,?far""'' a ei 1 gl UWj chosen. nequarity, fty^*"'^^^'!^^^- n 6rt , «• Motionless ; inactive ; dull. r% fc>, activity. n es' ti ma bk, Jnce^'^''* '" n PV' if a hl/» •• Unavoidable: 11 ev IL d, Ult^j not to be shunned a ex CDs' a bk, ?,cus1d,'^ '' a ex' o ra b^ ^iewrng":*'" ' "" a ex pe' di eat, unfit""^'"^' ' a ex pe' ri eace, ^^p^ience"' a ex pert', J^,,^'^^^^' ""^'^"'- n l , to induce. ia' fer eace,"- ^ ^^n^i^^o" ; ^ consequence. ir» fck' fi rki* "• Lower in rank or £11 It; 1 1 UI , value. a fer a' al, a.. Low; helUsh; base. n frkc-t' ^^- To annoy ; to plague ; to a i«i»t , disturb. !»' fi HpI "--Anunbeliever ; one who 11 11 Ut;i, rejects Christianity. n fi rip]' i tv •»• A want of faith; 11 11 UUl 1 ty, treachery. n'finiff* *• Boundless ; unlimited; 11 11 lIlLt;, immense. n fin' i tv "■ ''""lensity; endless- II 1111 1 t-Jj ness ; endless number. a firm', «»• weak; feeble; sickly. n fifm' i i\T "• Weakness; dis- II 111 111 1 ty, ease ; a failing. a flame', ?^Je'''^'°"'^''^ '''''"' a flam' ma bk, ^t^oni^ '' nflofo' "'• To swell; to puff up lid It; , with v^-ind. nflov' i hi/? "• Immovable ; not llt.A 1 UlCT, to be bent. n flirt' *''■ "^^ '^^ punishment up- n' {]u i^ncf^ v/. To sway , to exert 11 llU t^Ilt^c;, power over. INI 76 INS biir, ^fall, whg,t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. in flu en" tial, '^^^^'^'^ in' flux. »»• A flowing in ; infusion. • fri\A^ ^i- To fold or wrap up ; to Ul 1 OIU , inclose. • |V.~.Y-,' vt. To give notice ; to tell ; 111 lUI 111 J xo instruct. in form' al, Lm!"'"'"^ "'' *" in form a" tion, "Jvice"'"'"'^ i.-. A..rv' ^.i^>-k4- a. Uncommon ; un m Ire qUent, ^^ual ; rare violate a law ; t< contract. A violation ; s breacli of law. m irmge , break a in fringe' ment," in fii' ri nto *' '^'* ^'^^^ raging m III 11 aie, ^r furious. :^ ^, .' M^ «*^ «• Enraged ; furious : in lu ri ate, raging. in ftiaa' »''• T':> pour in ; to steep ; to 111 1 U»e ^ instill. infu'sion,J,4i„r""^"'^ ' inge'nious,'e^,'-r""-'»- ingenu'ity,?„,«Sr^"""' ingen'uousjSnc^-'"^ '"'^ ingen'uously,"/;;,,?-^^""'^ in glo' ri ous,L^'. »'"'•""'' > m' £fOt« »«• -A. wedge of gold or silver. in OTJift' "'• '''*' ^^ *'®^P' ^'^ P'^"*^ 111 ^l ctit ^ any thing foreign. in' ffrate. «• An unthankful person. in gra"tiate/4'^"^^' •"*"'*- in grat' i tude, ^ess"""'^"''"'" in o-rp' f\\ *»nf n. Any one part of in gre ui en i, ^ compound. in' OTf'CG "• ^ going i'l; entrance; 111 g» cs»»5 powe I of entrance. ■ ,v,,]f vt. To swallow up ; to cast 111 gull J into a gulf. in hab' it, vt. To llve in ; to occupy. inhab'itant.fna^pta^e"'"'"' inhale',^;iJ°'^^"^'"^"'''*^"- in b^r' • Hostile; unfriend- Ill nil 1-e ai, ly ; unkind. iniq'uitous,^iJfr''''''^'^' The first letter of a name. to ad- nin' iii i-%.r »»• Injustice ; villainy ; iq Ul ly, v-ickedness. n i'' till "' Incipient ; placed at the 11 I tiai, beginning. ni"tial, n i" tiito *■'• To instruct II 1 tlULt^, n^it, into. II JU «AI *_-lvuC>,njent; indiscreet. njunc"tion,-:'i,3:""'^' n' iiirfk *''• '^^ abuse; to hurt; to 11 JUI ty, wrong. n ill' ri f\tia a. Unjust ; offensive; 11 J U II UUh, iiurtful. r»' in vxr "• Abuse; outrage; of- '* J" ' J5 fense. n jus' tice,rng'''""^ '"'"''''"'''" nl/-' linrr " ^ hint; a whisper ; an IllV 1111^^ intimation. n' IrtT^rl «• Interior; far from the n lana, coast. n' lot "* "^^ entrance; an opening ; II ItJl, j^ passage into. n' matf* "• -^ loiiger; one who II lllctLt/, dwells in the same house. r»' notr^ «• Inbred; natural; exist- 11 Ildtt, ing in. n'nocence,:eJr'y'^""""" n' nn OPnt "• ^""^^ » harmless ; II IIU t^UIlL, free from guilt. n' nr* vaf<3 ri. To introduce some- n Ilvi Vdlt:?, tinng new. n nrw' iz-kncj « Harmless; inno- 11 IlOA lUUb, cent ; not hurtful. nnu'merabl^,^nmbteS.'' nnu'merably,«t„br""^ noc'ulate,^!/'^^^"^^^"^''^ n of fens' ive, •oceT^'" * ^"' nor'dinate,r.,nSr.''"'^ n' nii£kco Qr»t "• ^ vile wretch; a fc> ere dill, villain. c r1pp«H«' n.p/u. Wicked or evil o ut;t;u» , actions. s demean' or, ;;;it"ondu"r a At -rci^t' ^'- '^^ lead or guide a> Ul J tz-t/t , amiss. semployVeriy'"""*""'"^' ' c;p|« «■ ^ wretch ; one covetous ' '^^* , to excess. «' Of o hi/? <*■ Wretched ; un- » tir d, UlC;, happy; base. ' (• To direct amiss ; to » g«*lUe , lead wrong, o ViQi-k' "• Mischance; calamity; fe> ildp , ill luck. <5 in form' V'- To give wrong S> 111 lUl 111 , information. « iiirlcrp' ^^- '^^ J"'^^® wrongly; ^ J""&*^ 5 to mistake. <5 lo ji' *'*• To misplace ; to lay in y 5 a wrong place. G lS/T/4' "'• '^"° S"'^e wrongly ; to » ic;c*ci , lead astray. *•• -^ small insect ; any small 1111 tt^, thing. mit' i ga ble, «aff "" " """" mit'i gate, rJ-.Xt"^ '"''"" fmitiga"tion,-JX'"°'"" j,^:,, vt. To mingle; to unite; to con- llllA, fuse. mix' ture, 1],^""'"'''"' ' '''"'' i-nw' ^rt " The mast in the stern of IIllZ Cll, a ship. mnemon'ics,:vri?„„ry."""' rv\7^^n ^i- To grieve ; to lament audi- lllOf^ll, hly moan' ful, -Lamentable ; .orrow- mnnt "''^ canal round a castle or *Yi<-»K "• A crowd ; a rabble ; a kind of lllUU, cab. m A.olr "'• '^° deride ; to ridicule ; to IHUt^IV, mimic or imitate. MON 93 MOT book, dove, full, use, can, ehaise, gem, thin, fhou. n. Derjsioi* ; ridicule ; scorn ; vain show. Fashion ; method ; state : mO'CK er y^ scom ; vain show. mode, ?,,„. rY^r\A' «al "• ^ pattern; shape; de- IIIUU CI, sign . standard. vt. To regulate ; to repress mod' er ate, mod'erate,^o3eT'''*'''""''^ mod' ern,?ie^nt'"'"''"'^ "''''"' mod'ernize,rrn''°""'"™°'' mnd' ^filf °- Bashful ; grave ; dis- mUU tJfciL, creet ; diffident. rY\r\A' \ Ti? vi- To qualify ; to soften; IIIUU 1 1^, to shape. mod u la" tion, Lr^X'"*"'" moi' e ty, «• The hair of a thing. moist, a- Not dry ; damp ; wet ; juicy. mr»io/' ^rt *''• To make moist or IllUlbC e;il, damp; to wet. mm«;t' lirP "• ^ ^"^^^^ quantity of IllOlhl U' re, ^ater or liquid. mo lest', To v^x."^"'"''' '"''^°"'^'^' mol est a" tion, ^eJS;"^""' mnl' li fv "'• "^"^ make soft ; to as- IllUl 11 1^, suage ; to pacify. inn' m«anf "■ ^" infant; value; IlIU lIlt^llL, importance. mo'mentary,-l-J^'^"^^ moment'ous,rn.p^[jS'^- mo merit' Um, « impetus ; force. mon' ar^/i, ^oiuteTu."'.'" ' "" '^'' mo nare/^' in al, -^^X' '° mon' are/^ ist, ^[^'ilX"''''"' mon'astery,;„„Vrr"'^' mo nas' tie, ^on^k'^''"^'"^ *° * mon' e ta ry, -y^ei^ting to mon- mrin' nv "• Metal stamped or coined IIIUIl t.y, for traffic. mon' ey ^d, "^eaX '" """'"' mon" mo ni monk **■ ^"* ^'*° ''^^^ ^" * monas monk' ish, l\^li^^ '^ "^°"^ ' '«- mnn' n Hv »• a poem sung by only ■ »*vrii \j «-»J, one person. fTrnl «• Any animal of mixed &* *"^5 breed. f ir»n " An admonition ; a null, warning. monop'olIze,rf;eI,U:r^ monop'oly,;emnr""''''°' monot'onous,;,S:^y^"^^"i monot'ony,rnrour'^"^^^^ mon soon', iJ'''"^''^' ''^^'- r>rtr\n' of Of "• A thing unnatural or mon feier, horrible. mon'strous,;ief»';Si"/.;'''"- month' ly, «• Once a month. mon'ument,rom^,-aTa?ue.^" r»-i/-\rirl *•• Temper or state of mind; niOOU, di.sposiiion. mnnrl' v "• Angry; fretful; out of; lllUUU J, humor; pensive. i »Yir\/^v *"'• To secure a ship by an- IIIOUI , chors. IX10P« "'• To wipe or rub with a mop mop. "• A utensil for washing floors. iv»rir\ia "*■ To be spiritless, dull, or IllUpe, drowsy. «v^r\i«' o1 «• The instruction of a fa- inor di, bie. mrit*' ol <*• Relating to the duties of mur cll, life, good or bad. mr^ 9»n}' i i %T n. The doctrine of hu mo rai i ly, ,„a„ duties. mOr' bid, « Diseased ; corrupt. mOr bil ic, « causing diseases. morn' ing, ^-^^'^^^ ^^""'^ p"' ""^ nir» rri«p' **• logged -, 8m\y ; peev- IllU 1 U55t. , jgh ; cross. mor5se'ness,-„rS"'"''"^ rv»rkr' col "• A very small piece ; a HlOr bei, fnouthful. mor' tal, ;*,;/ mor' tal, mor A' p-ap-p " ^ P'edge ; a pawn UlUll g«-5t^5 of lands, »• A rampart ; fence; bank mOUna, ^f earth. mount, Siii^ "'°""^"'"' '"°'*"^' °' mj-ktin4- »''• To ascend; to get on inOUIll, horseback. mount' ain, -a vast protuberance mount' ain ous,''^^^"; SuT"'' mmmf' incr " ^" ascent; embel- IIlUU41t lllg, lishment ; ornament. mOWrn« **• To grieve ; to lament. tnoMrn'fnl,-dffoS^,„r""' mrkiif Vi *• An aperture in the head ; IIlUUlll, an entrance, mOV' a blC, «• That may be moved. mov' a blcs, J„r^^„^r""'''''°''' mnVP *'■ ^^ ^' * ° change place ; to IllUVt/, siif. to persuade. innvp' mpnt "• ^^* °^ moving ^ IllUV*^ lllt;ilt, motion; impulse. mr»xnr "• A stack or pile of hay or IIIUW, corn. mOtD, v/. To cut down with a scythe. mil' o\\ Mcrp "A slimy, viscous IIIU Cll clg«, substance. mu' -eOUS, a- Slimy ; viscous. tniirl' rl V "■ Turbid ; dark ; impure ; IIIUU Uy, cloudy; dull. wv^iiP' fl^ V'- To wrap up ; to cover ; IIIUl lie;, to hide. mulct, n. A pecuniary penalty. mu' lish, «• Obstinate, like a mule. multifa'rious,:ensH'y"''''' mul' ti form, «• of many shapes. mul ti plic' i ty, JetV^' ''^' mul' ti ply, ^ber'"" '"""''""""' mul' ti tude, :-r„^Er.^°"''"' mnrr^' Kl*> v* To mutter inarticu- lllUIll UlC, lately ; to growl. mum'blingly,;^ril;SSt;r mum' mer y, ^er^ioJ""""'' ' ^'' mum'mify,;;Umy"'''^"'°* mum' my, Caim\d';nd d?fed" •'"• mump' ish, « Sullen; obstinate. mumps, »• A disease of the throat. miinnh **• To chew eagerly; to IllUllf^ll, j-hg^ greedily. mun' rlanp " WorWly ; belonging IllUH uailU, to the world. mun da" tion, Tng^'' "^ '^'*"*" mun' di fy, Jf^y"^" ^^^^"»« ""' p" mu' ner a ry, gift,^"'^'*^"'"^ '° mu ner a" tion, ^ g^^'"^^"^'^"'^^ mu nic' i pal, -^p^^^*"^^"^ »° » munif'icence,-t^jrjSj; munificent, --at""'""' ^'''' mu'niment,-p;j-^'''-^-^^ muni'' tion, -;Sir^°"^^™- mu' ral, «• Pertaining to a wall. mnr' rlnr *''• To kill unlawfully ; to IllUI Ut.1 , destroy. IIIUI UCI, unlawfully. inui uer er, lawfully mur' der ous, °„„,/:KK/ mur'derously,°i!,"„': '"'"'" Tvin ri nf' i^ "• ^^ ^^® nature of mu ri ai IC, brine. rvin».1r' tr «• l^'^"^!^ 1 obscure ; wanting j muFK y, light. rvinf' mtir ^^- To grumble or com- mui iriur, plain. mnr' mnr «• A complaint half sup- ill Ui «** ti I , pressed . a low sound. mnr' mnr ino- »• A complaint ; a mUr mur lllg, confused sound. mnr' rnin "• A plague or di.sease inur idlll, among cattle. mnc' /»!/> "• A fleshy, fibrous part of \ mUS MC, the body. mna' ^n lar "• *""" ^^ muscles; I11U» -t/U lai , powerful ; brawny. runco "• ^^^P thought ; the power of II]Ua>t;, poetry. mnco «*• To pause ; to ponder; to I "*"*"5 study. muse' ful,3jp'',°"^'"""^ "■'"'"■■« muse' urn, Ji^.UT"""^"""- mu' sic, «• The science of harmony. mn' tti^ n1 "• ^"" of melody; bar- mu »Ii> d-I, monious. mu si" cian,^ic^"«'''*"^' '""'"• rv^Ho.' ir»rr «• Meditation; contem- mUS mg, plation. mn«' ina Iv "'^'^ In deep contem- mUS Illg IJ, plation. rnnc'lr n. A strong perfume ; a kind of j IIIU^K, grape. |- MYT 95 NAT book, dove, full, use, can, chaisse, gem, thin, thou. niiwL' ^f " A gun; a species of I11U&IV CL^ firearms musk' et ry, r^ei^"'^''* '°"*^* rni1«' lin "• A fine stuff made of cot- mus' sul man, Eeuevet'"""'"'" rrmc' ii^r *' '^° collect and review lllUb lt;i J troops ; to assemble. ■vkiicj'fnf "• A review of military IllUa ICr, forces. rtiiict' V "• Moldy; stale; fetid; llltlf^t J 5 spoiled with damp. T¥lii fa hil' i tv "• Inconstancy; IIIU Id Ull 1 ly, changcableness. mu'tabl^,:iaS""'''''' ''"""* muWtion,;ha?^,rg''' "' "' »^rj4.^ a. Speechless; silent; dumb; IllUlt;, not vocal. miitc% " ^"^ ^^** ^** "° power of lllUtt/, speech. miifp' Iv "*'''■ Silently; speechless- rr»ii' f i l»»f£k w/. To maim or mangle; IIIU 11 laie, to cut off. mu' ti la ted, '"^.f^'^Zf. ' '"J"'^*^' mu ti la" tion, Lin? "^ "■""' mil' f 1 virtue? a. Seditious ; inclined IIIU 11 IlUUfe, to revolt. mil' f i nv "'To rise np in arms IIIU 11 llj, against authority. rvkii' f i niT^ n. Sedition; insurrec- IIIU LI IIJ', tion. mut' ter, \iJy° «''""•"•' '""**^"" mut' ter ing, row'iS"'' °' ' rviii' *ii ol 'J- Acting in return; re- IIIU lU at, ciprocal. mu'tually,?f;J;„r'"'"" miiv' vlrf' '^'^ To confine the mouth IllUA ZilC, ^-ith a muzzle. »vim7»»' 1 »irl "• The number of ten Iliyr 1 dU, thousand. mvr' mi Hon "• ^ ^°^^^ soldier; myr IIll UOn, any ruffian. myrr^, n. An aromatic gum. myr' tl^, »«• a fragrant shrub or tree. myste'rious, ;-„f/^"'=*''°'* mvc' f(^r V " Somethmg very ob- 111 JO i.c;i J, scure ; a secret. mys' tie al,5 mys' ti cism, fei^m'"""''' ' ^*"*'' mvo' f i f*? *''• To render obscure or lliyfe 11 ly, complex. mytliol'ogist,"4;;«f;;'-"" n.ythol'ogy,:i„'^'^ael""" mys tl-e, ) a. Dark ; hidden ; sa- credlv obscure. mw N, mw IVnVl "'• '^'^ catch by surprise ; to i.1 du, seize suddenly. no' Kr»K "■ An Indian prince ; a man lid UUU, of large fortune. na' rlir "• The point under foot op- Ild Ull , posite the zenith. naS^, "■ A young horse ; a small horse. nnf I "• '^^^ horny substance on fingers lld^l, and toes ; an iron spike. no-il »'• To fasten with nails or iron Ildei, spikes. hq' Irorl <*• Unclothed ; defenceless ; lid KtJU, plain ; not hidden. na'kedness,rng'''''"''''°'"* no mo f ^ To give a name to . to spec- Ildlllt;, ify. to mention. »-»5m 11^005 dignity ; cleanliness. neb. n. The bill or beak of any thing. r^/-.K' n 1« n- -A- dnrk spot ; a cluster lieu U id, of stars. neb' U I0US5 a- Cloudy; misty; dim. nec es sa ri ly, i,iy: inevitably. n<3.r>' U, ty; poverty need lUl* **• Necessary; requisite. nfkf»r1' V **• Poor; necessitous; in iic;c;ci ^| , ^^^^^ want. MP fa' ri nn<5 "• "^'i^ked; villain- lli^ id 1 1 UUf5, ous; abominable. np o-n" f ir»n " I^enial ; the oppo- Iie gd llUll, site of affirmation. laprr' m tivo "• ^ proposition that i HtJg d tlVU, denies. nact l.^t' "■ Negligence; omission; | IIC^ ItJt^l , inattention. nprr Irk-^f' vf. To omit carelessly ; to ! '**^& ltv-t.t , postpone ; to slight. npo- \i^^\' t^t\ PP- Not atlcudcd to ; i 11 tg lt;-t.l t!U, slighted. " I nprr loft' fill «• Heedless; inat- | & " *'• ^ tcM'ive. nt'g'ligoiice,^„a;:sr"<'"M neg' li gent, teJ^f^Zi^j^^- \ ne go" tia ble, °J„Sj;'»^ "^ nogo"tiate,S^HlVrc«yV'° TiG^lffh^ vi. To cry like a horse. wt^trrh' Kr»r "• Cne who dwells n^lgil UUl^ near another. neigh' hor\y^lj;r'''' ''"'"'''' net' ther, adv. Not either ; neph' ew, nprvp "'• "^^ strengthen; to impart lid VtJ, vigor to. nerve, «• An organ of sensation. nerve' less, f;,,^-,;;'*'"* ^''-'"^'^^' npi«v' r»nc! ^'^ Sinewy; strong; full Iiei V OU5S, of nerves. npcf "• A bed of birds; drawers; an litJM, abode. | r»£»c?/' ]^ ^i- To lie close and snug, as lltJfet ItJ, a bird. , „ „f n. A texture or web woven for lltJl, catching fish, birds, &c. nckfK' r^f "■■ Lower; not upper ; in- I lit; III t/l, fernal. ! not' f 1/? ft- To sting ; to provoke ; to lltJL lir, irritate. no one. The son of a brother or sister. ■n^n' •f».ol «• Of neither party ; indif ncU irdi, ferent. ncutral'ity,"-"^"^^'''^"''^^" nen' tral Ize, ence. t)f. To render indif ferent. r»ov' Pr <*^''- ^^ ^° ^'™® ' '" "° '^^ lltJV tJI , gree. nPW "■ Fresh; modern; not old; not j new, ancient. ■notit;' npcc «• Fre.shness ; novelty; lltJW llt;»», state of being new. . n. Fresh accounts of any thing; news. __^_ niK n. The point of a p^n; the bill of a IllU, bird. (See neb.) •| / 1^1 „ vt. To e?.c slowly ; to bite at nili 1>1C^, cautiously. * n. A cautious or timid at- tempt to bite. nib' ble. NON 97 NOU book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. nice Delicate ; fastidious ; accu- 5 rate. fi. Accuracy ; minute en in rtiach nice ness^ exacmes „Y„V fv "• Minute accuracy; deli- Illl^t; I-J5 cacy ; a dainty. v>i/-»V»4i "• ^ recess for a statue or nicnt?, bust. ni^Vnnmfk "• ^ name giv lllt/H llctlllt;^ contempt or repi nieta"tion,Jyf'^'^"^"'''"°"^« nicr' O-nrA " ^ miser; a sordid, **'^ o > covetous person. nirr' rrnrrl Iv a^^"- Sordidly ; mean- ^"b &*^**^ V5 ly; avariciously. „V.rt.7» o- Near; not distant ; allied by "^8'*9 blood. ni^/i-^ « The time from sunset to nl^M' fall, l]^;!'^^ *^^^'""'"^ °^ nirvi' Kl/» o- Quit;k; active ; ready ; nim' bk ness, Jet'^eTaguu;"' nim' bly, adv. QuicWy ; with agility. r»ir»' nv "• •*■ 'impleton ; a silly fel- nir» "^ To pmch ; to blast ; to destroy '**P5 before full growth. no hli'l tV n-I'ersonsofrank;rep- IIU Ull 1 tj^utation; dignity. r\f\^ K]/> a. Great ; renowned ; free ; IIU UlC, illustrious. nn' 111/' "• ■'^ person of high rank ; an IIU UIC5 ancient coin. nn' Kl/> nf»cc "• Greatness ; digni- IIU L»1C? llt;&&5 ty. inagnaniniity. no€ turn' al, rng1?mgVt.'"'""' nrkri "'• To bend the head; to bow IIUU, slightly. nOCi« «• A quick bend of the head. nr^iao "• -^^y outcry, sound, or claru- virkitr-t-i v<. To spread by rum sr or re- IlUlSst, port. nnicri' looc? <» Silent ; without dis- 11U1»U ItJbts, turbai.ce. nr^i«' i tk^cc »■ Loudness of .sound; 11U1» 1 11^&»5 clamor; disturbajice. nni' c^rimo <*• Offensive; noxious; IlUl fciUIlie, unwholesome. nrki«' V "• Sounding loud; clamor- 11U1» J, oug. turbulent. nom' in al, ^am^°' '^^^' ^"''^ '" noni'inate,;:,3l:np%m7"- nomina''tion,;JL^.,t'' tirkm in nn' "• The person nomin- llUIll HI Li. 5 ated for office. r»nn' o 0"<:» " Minority in age ; imma- IIUII dgtv, turity non' de seript, ".ef'dSSS""' nonen'tity,:.,*,VSef"S' nnn' <;pn<5P "• Unmeaning lan- IHJli feeilSst., guage ; trilling. non sens' kalj^urd."'"'"''''* non' suit, n- An abandoning a suit. n/-\/An "• Mid-day ; the middle hour of IlOUIl, the day. nr\r\n' inrr "• I^cpose at noon; a IlUUll 111^, repast at noon. nrki'm' nl °- Relating to principleu ; llUl 111 ell, upright. nrM«fV» «• The point opposite the norm, sout,j north' ward, J-oJ'r'^*''^''''''''* nFian « The prominent part of the llUat., face. nr^co' rro \r "• ^ hunch of flowers ; a nose gdy,.bouquet. nose' less, «• Having no nose. nOS' tril, »*• The cavity of the nose. nos' trum, JuJ^ur'*''""""'"^*^' nrk' fo 1^1^ "• Remarkable; memor- IIU la UlC, ai,ie ; observable. K»/-\f' o 1-kl^ (/. Careful ; indu.strious; noi a Die, bustling. no ta' ri al, « Done by a notary. m^^ i-n ftT "• An officer to witness no la ry, a^eds, &c no ta" tion, Jnafk's* "' "'''"' '' notch, vt. To cut in small hollows. notch' ed, PP- Cut in small hollows. nrito "■ ^ '"'^rk ; notice ; explication . IIULI^, a^ niusical sound. r\r\fn *''• To observe ; to mark ; to take llULt., notice of. nrk' f lorl **• Remarkable; eminent; IIU LtJU, distinguished. note' less, a. Attracting no notice. vkr\fl^' inrr ^- Non-exi.stence ; not IlOlil lllg, anything. no' tir»f» n. Remark; observation; llU m.^^., advice ; regard. r\f\' t\nn ^^- To declare; to make liU \.IK^^^ known ; not to slight. no ti fi «a" tion, i;i,f/t„lr n/-k' f i A? t'f. To make known , to de- 110 LI ly, Clare. nrk" f ir\T-i "• Conception; thougitt; IIU LlOll, jjea; opinion. no" tion al "• ''^^^^' ""aginary; IIU LlUIl dl, visionary. notori'ety,-rn"^^^/4r"" noto'rious,^anS'''"'^""^ no to' ri ous ness, ^^e^"''''*' noun, «• The name of any thing. n/iiii»' \c\\ *'^- To feed or support llC/Ul Ibll, ^jtij food. NUM 98 NYM bar, fall, wh^t, prey, marine, pin, bird. move, »i. A writer of tales or innova- nc/ur isii er, nourishes. nour' ish ing,rnSa?°' nour' ish ment,'J,r.ti:^^n. nOV' el« n. A novelty ; a fictitious tale. r»riv' r»l *• New, unusual; not an- IIUV t.15 cien nov' el ist, novels nov' el ty, 5,/^""^" noven'nial,-„,?-L';^ --^ nnv' irP "• ^ beginner; an inexpe- llKJi n_/c;^ rienced person. novi"tiate,rcJ'^^^^^"^^°''^"°"- now. odw. At the present time. nn' \n7ie!C% «o<^«'- J" "° degree ; in no IIU WiajUj manner. nOX' ioUS. «• Hurtful ; mischievous. nox'iously,r,^-,J.Yy""'°"""'^ nox' ious ness, rngtu'S"""" r»n' -t'lo 110 «• -A- Iternel , the head II U \^lki U{>5 of a comet. nu da" tion, ^.^eY °' """'"' nude. a« Naked ; bare ; uncovered. nil' fli tv "■ Nakedness; state of **** ^* ^J ^ being uncovered. nn fTnr»' 1 tv " Futility; trifling nu gac 1 ly, taik. nu ga" tion, n. Practice of trining. nil' o-M irk rv «• Frivolous , inef- nU ga 10 ry, fectual ; tntiing. nil'/' cc»nr»o "• Something noxious llUl rsdllC/t;, or ofiensive. null, o- Void ; of no force or eiFect. nul' li fy. vt. To make null or void. nul' li ty, ?orc^'"^ °' ''''^'' ^^ nnnii^ vi. To make torpid ; to stupe- nUm^, a. Torpid; chilly; ^lotionless. niim' V\c^r «'• To count; to com- iiuill UCl , pute ; to reckon. vkiim' Kof "■ Many ; a multitude ; a llUili Uei 5 quantity. nuru' ber less, J-,S"' ''"■ num6' ness, r,/''^^'"^' '"""^^'^'^■ nu' mer a h\e, - Jf,l ^^' ^^ nu' mer al, <»• Relating to number. nu' mpr n1« "• ^'"' Letters which iiu iii^i 0.1.9, express number. nu'merate,^,^^''^"""^"^"""'- nu mer a" tion, nuJ|,enng"'J^' nu mer a tor, which^numbers^ numer'ieal,Serfnumerir"^- nu mer' ie al ly, foVu^^^r' nu' mer ous, h^ScIl "'"^ ""'"^^ nu mis mat' ies, Joins'*^"" °^ num' skull, Seal"^""'' ' ^ ''°''" mm "• -^ female recluse ; one who llUIl, ]iygs in a nunnery. v»n»^" .r»i/-i "• -An embassador from nun CIO, the pope. nun' €u pate, J^^ J° -'^ ^^^ nun' ne ry, « a cloister of nuns. r»iir»" fill "• Pertaining to mar- liup tiai, riages. r»nr»" fiolc "• ''^^'^ ceremony of liup Uai», marriage r»iii«o/:i f'- To take care of; to nour- IIUI bC, ish . to feed. nni*«f» "" ^ female who attends a 1 IIUI oij^ child or sick person. »-»»n«c«' ^ »»Tr «• Place where children nurb e ry, are nursed. nurs'Hng,7„„r„V ""'"'""''' »-»n»«' f-ii !•£» r/. To educate ; to train; nur lui e, to bnng up. nnr'fnrr> "• ^^^ °^ nourishing; nur lure, food ; diet. nut. n- -A- fruit covered by a hard shell. nut, vi. To gather nuts. K»iif' rroU »«• The hard excrescence IlUl gflll, of the oak. niif ' m^rp " ^ well-known Indian IIUL Illt/g, spice. nu' tri ment, "^^l^Tii.^""" nu.tri;' tion, S,*!-.' """"-'""«' nu' tri live as,) a. Serving to nourish ; nour- nu tn tious,) isi"ng nu'triture,r-i^p°"^'^°'"°"'- nut' shell, ^l.t'''" '""■' '"'" °' * nut' ting, riutl!" ''''' '' ''''""' nut' tree, «• A-tree that bears nuts. »^iiry' rrl^ «<• To hide the head, as a nuz zic, child. Ki^rrvir^Vi "• A goddess of woods, wa- Iiyilipil, ters, Ac. nymph' ish, ra?yir'*'"^'"P^'^ nymph' like.) a- Relating to a •' I » 1 )■ nymph, or rasem- nymph ly, ) bUngone. OBL 99 OBS book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, tliin, thou. o. /\ _r n. A fool ; a silly fellow ; an idl- Tv^L-' ^n "• Made of, orgatliered from, Uaii. CII5 the oak tree. pr _lj./ ,-,»Y-» " Old ropes untwisted and OfeK UIIl^ reduced to hemp. Ofir* «• An instrument for rowing boats. O a SIS, elt. oat' en, tJ,'" "' -" A verdant spot in a des bearing Submissive to au- n/lf h "■ "^ solemn affirmation or prom- 7\^ta "• ^^*' ^ &!"*'" commonly given OrXts^ to horses. f\W rill rn r»v "Hardness of heart; OU UU raC^ ^impenitence, • ob'durate,rXh«d.''hiiTcr ob'durately,^aUr'"""^ ob' du rate ness,".,'„"C;rs"^ o be' di ence, t„^^' obe'dient,S,A';5 f\ fiSf ' aanna "• ^ '^o^? reverence; O Uet bdllCt^^ act of courtesy, o bet' sant, tJ^JZT ' "^"'^ ob' e lisk, ;-Apyramidof marWeor f\ Koa' i i\T "• Corpulence; morbid U Ut?J> * V5 fatness. rk Vif^l/ t'^ To submit to; to observe ; ^ "E^ 5 to comply with. n hit' n a rv " ^ register or ac- U Ult U" d I J, count of deaths r\K' lA^f «• That on which any power UU Jt-^t^ i5 employed. rkhk in^f' *'^- "^"^ oppose in words ; to UU J^^t 5 urge agamst. ob jee" tion, ;;,/„; , iTJoS"- obje«" lion able, «i,Vi?iJ,"' ob ject' ive, 'ecf '""* '° ""' °'^ objura"tion,;y^r/'''"'"°« ob' late. a. Flattened at the poles. ob la" tion, ;• fi^" "'^'""^ ' ^ '^' rkh' ]i O'Qf o '''• To bind or lay under UU Jl gdlU, obligation, ob li ga" tion, Cond.°''^' ' '^"'^' ob lig' a to ry, J-at!^'"^ °''" OKilTcyo' *'• To gratify ; to bind ; to "**&*^ 5 compel. n Kli' (Tincr "• Civil; complaisant; U Ull glll^, respectful. obli'gingness,;iSS:"""- rec- titude ; crook- edness. Liable- uage or im- oblique' ness,^S;,„roS"°" ob liq' ui ty, 5 ob lifer ate, ^'fj"""*""'''" obliv'i on, Ji'-^f^C"'''' ''*'"■ nh liv' 1 oils: a- Forg«tful ; causing OU IIV 1 UUb, fofgetfulness. ob' long, «• Longer than broad. nh' In nilV " slander; disgrace; OU HJ quy, cause of reproach. ob nox' ious, t^i ^:''^ ob nox' ious ly, fy'^ ,.aSy ob nox' ious ness, ^ess! r^h cr^^n^' "• Disgusting; immod- UU Ssf^tUllC , est ; unchaste. ob scene' ness, Kang"^""'^ °^ obscen'ity, iSSSV obseura"tion,3,,j:-„r°^ UU ht^UI U , cult ; ahstfuse. rkK c^n,-«a' v/. To darken ; to make OU Sjt/Urt; , uninteUigible. obseure'ness,)-,„f^o?i';?!;;: obseu'rity, 5 j^^te of pnva- ob' se <;rate, l*,J,^, ""*'^*'^' *"" ob' se quies, £es^""'"' ''°^'"'"'' ob se' qui ous,t/com;,St'""''"- observ'abl^,°„,i,^Sr'*^'«' ob serv' ance, ^i^^^t'^"^ nh «Prv' 51 nt "• Attentive ; watch- UU S«I V dill, fui . diligent. ob serv a" tion, Serving '^ °'' rkK «:/:»i«vc»' *''• To take notice ; to KJU Tbl^l VC , watch; to obey. observ'ing,^;entive.''°""""^ ob soles' cent, ;;e^°'"^°"'°^ ob' so lete, ^V ulr'^' grown out ob' sta cl^, j^H;"'i«'--"«j o»>^'^'"«=- ob' sti na cy, Son.'"''""'"" '^'°'"' rtfi' cf i nnfo «• Willful; stubborn; UU fell IldlC, firnj in resolution ob strep' erous,S„i^S?f'„',;; ob Struet', »'^ToMnde,, to block obstru€"tion,:„*Xir"^ ob struet' ive, r„^„rET4- ODO 100 OPE bar, fall, what, prey. marine, pir I, bird. mSve, obtamVpte7j, gain or acquire ; to ob tarn' ment, J.ili^lf,.^^' ""' *'"- r»K ivviAfi^ *'■ ^^ *'^- '^° thrust in by \JU tl UUl^ ^ force ; to go uninvited. ob tru' sion, "^J^! °" "' "'- obtru'sive,;„Sffi.°"''''"" obtuse^Jid"""''""""'""' obtuse' ne.ss,;i^,'-'S;s''"- rkK' VI uia »<• To prevent or hinder; UU VI clLt;^ to i-effjove. nh' vi nnc "• OP^n ; plain; easily iJU VI *JUh^ perceived. nh' vi nilQ Iv '"'''• Clearly; evi- OU VI UUi> ly, dently; plainly. 0€ <^a' sion, ^I^Sy'.' ""^'^^^'^' U-t^ -t^a »>1UI1, duce ; to induence. 0€ ea' sion al, ^.e^fSS." o« cip' it al, rf.il.^'r,.""'"""-" rkz> ^iilf' "• Hidden; secret; unde- Ui^ ^UlL , tected. o«'«upancy,-/,^L?„'„!'"^"^ oe«upa''tion,;„,,J°fnS: rii?' x»ii rkv »''■ To Jill a place; to KJXj -t/U ^y^ possess; to use. r%^ ^iir' ^*' '^° happen; to appear; U-t/ -t-Ul 5 to come to mind. oecur'rence,:„^;Jr."''"^^ n' PPan f"'*^"") "• The main; any U Uc;ctll, immense expanse. rkx»' f n OTkn »• A figure of eight sides Ut/ la gOIl, and angles. n^ tao-' on al "• Having eight U-t^ tag UIl <11, gijes and angles. „^/ fovti "• ^" eighth; an interval U-t/ ^'"'VCj of eight notes. ^-» f „' ^^^ n. A book whose sheets Ot^ Id- VU, n,ak o€ ten' ni al, t^J^^^, r\^' II lor <'• Belonging to, or k U-t^ U lai , by the eye. n^' 11 li«;t "-Oos who cures diseased r\/lrl *• No' even; strange ; uncom- Otljlj mon. vjuci 11^005 gygn . peculiarity. r»rlrl« "■ ^^''^ ih^in an even wager ; UUU»5 advantage ; superiority. rirl#i n. A poem to be sung; IjTic UUt;, verses. f\^ A\ /MIC "• Hateful; abominable; U Ul UU&5 causing hatred. o' rli iim "• Quality of provoking U Ul UlII, hatred ; blame. o' flor "• Scent, wliether good or bad; ^ vlUi , fragrance ; perfume. O' rlor rmc " Fragrant ; of sweet Ki.yjl yJXAii^ scent ; perfumed. e eight leaves each, once in ars. " nown P^C> ^rj 1 w. Waste or refuse meat ; car- ^j^A^I^J vt. To make angry; to in- Ui. It'llUj jm-e . to transgress law. .-j{*<^p*^^p' n. Trespass ; wrong ; act L»l Idiot; , of wickedness ; injury. nffpn«'ivP «• Displeasing ; inju- Ul llvllt> IVC, nous; hurtfal. ^1^' fV.„ »<. To tender ; to bid ; to pre- Ul lei, sent. ^{^' i^„ ». A proposal ; price bid ; en- Ul lt.1 , deavor. ^f*' -fVkr ir»fr "• ^ sacrifice or obla- KJl lt.1 mg^ tion ; a thing offered. rkf*' •fir>/i "• Public eraployin«nt ; agen- Ul lli^C.5 cy ; duty. of fi" Cial, « Relating to office. rvl^-fi" r»iofo ft. To perform duty for Ul 11 L.iaLt.5 anotljer. offl"rimi«J " Kind ; busy ; very Ul 11. L/lUUb, zealous; forward. nfT' (Snrino- "• Children ; produc- On spring, tion of any kind. rkfV' d>-n °^^- ^^ly fiequently ; many Ull. ril, times, r\' rrl/> *''• T** ^°°^ fondly with side " &**^5 glances. OlL «• The expressed juice of olives. old, «• Not new ; ancient ; worn out. n\ fo^' in. r'\r «• Having the sense 01 laC 10 ry, of smemng. Ol' i gar<^/i y, -^C^^^^^nment by r»' TYipn *• ^ ^*^** ^^ ^^^ sign; a u liic^il, prognostic. r»rYi' in r^nc a- Portending ililuck ; Ulll 111 Kfvm^ inauspicious. f\ mie' cinn "• ^ neglect to do O iniS blOn, something. f\ mif ' "'• '^^ leave out ; not to men U llllt , tion ; to neglect. Om niP ie, «• creating all things. om nip' o tent, t.i^'ZT''""' omnis"cient,«,^I±il>^'^«^ f\nct' rkcuaa («>««' weas) n. Unity ; the UllC lltT>», state of being one. r»n' nr rkiic «■ Burdensome ; heavy; Ull K^l UU», oppressive. rin' Iv f *"^"- Simply; barely. ^ J ? ( a- Single ; this and no other. r\n' Gfit «• An attack; an assault; Ull ^t;L, the beginning. ooze, vi. To flow gently or by stealth. r\ rk'ir*' 1 fv "• Want of transparen U [)il^ 1 t J^ , cy ; obscurity. n' i-\ol »• A stone of changeable col- U pd,l, ors. O P^n« "• Unclosed; plain ; exposed. rk' n^r» ^'- 'r*' unclose ; to explain , U pen, to unfold. o'pcning, J„r^/'^''^'='^'"""P"- /-\' i^./>n l\r "^^"^ Publiclv ; plainly- U pf.li 1^, candidly, in full view. ORB 101 ORP book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fltou. Fitness of ace or time. r\r\' c\ i-o n. A musical entertainment up t. 1 a, or drama. op er a" tion, ;„ctfr&.'"'"- nn^ f>r n fivP» ° Having power to op er d. IIVU5 act; efficacious. /^»^' ^w rt 'fiiT.r^ «• One who labors : op er a live, ^ workman. rv' r>i nf o "• ^ medicine that causes O pi ait;, sleep. opin'ion,U"tr„"S"'^*'"'^- opin'ionated,°.„'ifS""^^ o po del' do€, L^..""'"" "'"'■ op po' nent, a. opposite ; adverse. nn no' npnt "• ^" antagonist or op po IieilL, adversaiy. on nor tfinp' " convenient ; fit ; op pOI LUIIL. , seasonable. op por tu' ni ty, J, r\r\ nrxaici' ^*- "^^ ^^t or act against ; op pOS»« , to thwart. nn' no «itp "• ^'^ced m front ; ad- 1 I "^i^-^^ verse; contrary. opposi"tion,?es,^Sr""^ c\rk nrp««' ^^ ^° ^^^^^ ^y cruelty ; I r 5 to overpower. nn nrpti' c:mn « Cruelty; sever op preb blOn, ^y; hardship. op press' ive,-;^?^^^^^^ oppro'brious,^eu;r=,''"^^ op pro' bri um, ^- J,!f "'^ ' ^'•'■ op pu«-n', Sek^" ^^P'^^^' '" ^'- Op' ta tive, a- Expressing desire. nn' f i^ i "• lielating to the sight. up tlt^, ) „ ^n organ of sight 'f\n ti" r»iin "• ^^"*^ skili. d in the up Ll *^lclll, science of optics. op tics, "• The science of vision. r»r»" f i/^m *•• Choice ; liberty or pow- Op LlOIl, erofclioosing. op" tion al, a. Left to one's choice. on' 11 IpnPP " Wealth; ricbos ; op U lUllUt;, affluence. op' u lent, «;^;^'^"bw«aiti'y; amu- o ra'• To command; to ap- 01 ua^ll , point ; to invest. i-w»«' rl/:» ol ^- Trial by fire or water ; or Ut; dl, a severe trial. nr' rjpr **• To regulate ; to adjust; 01 tlt.'l , to command. nr' rlpi* "• •^ 'nethod ; a rule ; a man- or VlUI , date or command. nr' rJpr incr " Disposition; distri- Or Ut.r Jllg, bution. C\r^ Hpr ]v "• According to rule; 01 Ut.1 IJ', niethodical. „_/ rl/arc: «• Admission to priesthood; OI UUl », commands. nr' rli nnl <*• Expressing order, as 01 Ul liai, fii-st, second, &c. nv' rl i Tin npp «• A decree ; a stat- Or Ui riailCC, ^g or law. ^w^ Ai v^rt ».xr a. Common; usual; or ul na I ) , n,ean. ordina"tion,Sai';;i„«/^'°'°" Ord' nance, « ArtHlery ; cannon. !pr„„ n. Metal unrefined or in its min- *^* *^'5 eral slate. m*' rror» "■ A hatttral or musical in- Or gari, strumem. r\f fvnn' i^ <*• Relating to organs; Ul gclll it/, in.strumental. Or'o-nn TZP *"• To form properly ; Ul gclll l/i*^, toframe; toconstnrct. nr' cric^a "• P^"- ^*^' nocturnal rev- UI 5^t;», els n' ri Pnt " "^^^ ^^'^ ' *^'® quarter Oil tJllL, where the sun ri.ses. orient'al,^,fraLr''''''*"^'° or' i fice "■ "^"^ opening ; an aper- nr' 1 crin "• Beginning; fountain; Ul • 1 gill, source. Orio-' in ol °- Primitive; first; 1 ig 111 cii, having new thoughts. O rig' in ate, y^ to begin; to pro- or 1 son, «• A. prayer ; oral worship. r%r^ rnn In' »»• A metallic mixture ro- Ul lllU lU, sembling gold. or' na ment, ^onTgS. ''''°'"*" r\r^ nn monf **' To adorn ; todec- Ul llcl 111*^11 L, orate; to embellish, j or na ment' al, fisSn'ar"''^' or' nate, a. Adorned ; decorated. rw' rklion "■ A cliitd bereft of fatkei or pild.Il, or mother. or' phan ed, "ent"'^"'''^ °^ ^^ OUT 102 OVE bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, r^w* ♦U^ Arw "■• Sound in opinion or tnO aOX, and faith. /^«.' fU^ /Lw -ir "• Soundness in or IIIO t»OA y, doctrine and faith. or' the epy,:i,.S"r" '""''"■ or thog' ra phy, '.^m.T'" r\w' f\\TC% «• Relating to the rising of Ur llVt., a star. r^c' r'illnf ^ vt. To swing backward OS Cll IdLtJ, and forward. oscilla"tion,riApT„dlTur OS'seOUSjLr"'"'""'""""'' OS' si fy^ »><• To change into bone. osten'sible,fbit''""'^^''"" ostenta"tion,;Ji"'°"'""'^'' OS ten ta" tious, fond^ofshow.' OS' ti a ry, «• The mouth of a river. os'tracize,;tJ°'^"'^'''^"- X-FK*' £it» *• Not tlie same ; not this ; OUl tJr, different. Ol lU Illdll^ stuffed seat. rviicf "*• To put out ; to eject ; to de- OUhtj prive. _-_x adv. Not within ; not at home ; to ""h the end. out hiH' «'• To bid more than anoth- out' break, -*,^r'''"«°"''^" onf' .onct "• ^"® rejected or cast OUL -t/d&tj out ; an exile. rkiit' -rrv "• ^ "^ °^ distress ; a KJUV x/1 J ^ noise ; a clamor. *-».ii* Ai^' ^^- To excel ; to surpass ; to OUL UO ^ go beyond. rkllt' fit "' Equipment of a person or out grOIC'5 »'• To exceed in growth. r^iif ' hrkiico «• -A^ building attached OUL IlUUbC^ to a dwelling-house. out land' ishjS^rv'Sgir""'"'- out last', vt. To surpass in duration. i mif ' loimr n. One deprived of the ben- I OUL ld,W, efit of the law. 1 rkiif ' lc»f "• ^ passage or discharge j OUL ItJL, outward. ' ^iif' Kv^A «• An exterior line ;afirst I OUL lllie, sketch. j out live', j;,,^^*"'^^'^^'^"""*^^- r\iit' rkricsf "• A Station beyond the UUL pOS>t, ij„,its of a camp. ! UUl pOMi 9 stream. i »-viif' wo/rrk »• Open violence ; tumul- OUL I dgtv, tuous mischief. I rkiif' fnfro **' To insult; to abuse i UUL I tlge, violently. outra'geous,:,SsiU"°''"'' out' ri der, LrstSack"'"'''"' °" out ri^^t', Jfeiir^'^'^'^''^' '°'"* out run', ;;;j° leave behmd in run- out Sa/l' ^' ^° leave behind In sail- out' skirt, Jost"^ ^"•^"^'^^ *" °"*- out Stretch', ^^-JdouT'"'''" r\iif x^ra/lr' f<. To leave one behind UUL wath. , in walking. out' ward, ?or!rgn"'^^ ' *^^"'"' ' out weigh', l^'eigh^t? "^^^' '" out wit' *"'■ "^^ overcome by strata- Ont' WOrk<5 !f ^^"' Externals of a UUl WUIKSs, fortification. n' vnl "■ ^''*® *^" *Sg in shape ; ob- U vai, long. o va" tion, ;;4^""" ^'"^ °^ *"' OV' fYl "' "*" arched place for baking Ovnr Q^t' *'^- To act more than Vtr dCl , enough. overanx'ious,foo''a^--/"^^ o ver bear' ing, Jespoilc"^'^^^ o' ver bo«rd, tf,l;Sp. "' °"' °^ .overcast', Jioomr^''' ""^''^ o' ver charge, l\,J°° ^'^^' * overe6me',ranq^,°r''"«'^° /^ vAi« riri' *"'• To do more than U VUl UU , enough. rk vf»r 5/7' o-i^r "• Too vehement U VtJI Ca g t; J , in desire. r\ ^7f^r {\f\in' "' To be full ; to del- U Vt;i hum;, uge or inundate. o' ver grow?th, JVowth'^'"''""' over hang', r^ipJnV"'''^^^^^" o ver he«r', I'rJ/dlZr''''' U VUI licau , zenith; above. r\ irof ir\-«7' ^*- To transport ; to de- O VUI JO^ , light. O ver la«/', j'^Tosmother; to cover o ver leap', ^'^^r^^ ^''^ °' '""'^ o ver lo«d', ;;;jo burden with too OVf>r Irirklr' **'• To oversee ; to pass VCl lUUn. , by -without notice. o' ver plus, -.JlXus'*"'^"'^"^''^ n vol* rot o' *''• To rate too much ; \J \KH I ate , to value too highly. OYS 103 PAL book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. over rule', S!reJt° ''"'*"''' ''° e\ vor run' "*■ ^° ^^'^^^^ every- O Vt/F run y where; to overspread. O Ver Se^l, | a^^. From beyond seas. over see', ^verToor*""''"'^'" r» Vf^r «iPPr' "• ^"® "^^^^ overlooks ; U vci acci , a superintendent. n'vpr eio-^f " ^ mistake; su- O ver M^/^t, perintendence. ^ «Tr^,*i £k " A Step ; a gait ; a manner of pace, walking. nnr»P *^' '^^ move slowly; to meas- p°5 ness. PAP 104 PAR bap, fall, wlmt, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, ^^U A.^tr n. A small horse trained p pal i sa' do,) n. Stakes or poles set for dafense or inclosure. n. A privation of the sense of Pitiful ; mean : worth- Pall* "• The cloth that covers a coffin. palL vi. To become insipid or flat. r»nP li Mtr» ^'- To ease ; to extenu- pai 11 aiK^j ate ; to excuse. pallia''tion,J,^;L'^/p^"'"^'"«^ pal' lid, a- Pale ; virithout color. nti/rvi "• The inner part of the hand ; pa^lll, a tree ; victory. r\*iJrY\ ^'- To hide in the hand ; to im- pat'Jll, pose by fraud. nftV mi fp»d "• Resembling the pai Ilia ItJll, ijand , webbed. pai pa uie^, obvious. vkol' rki tofr» vi- To beat quickly, as pai pi laiC, the heart. pal pi ta" lion, rhe\tr"^°' r^* *J 5 feelinj? pal' try, fess pain pt>l , dulge luxuriously. pamph' let, lAZ'lTC'.'T'"- pan a co' a, 3,* """"'"' """"■ pan6« "• ^ square of glass. Tinn f» frvr' 14> "• Eulogy; enco- pan e gyr it., mlun. ; praise. „_„f „l n. A square of wainscot ; a pan t;i, joll of jurors' names. pan' cL »**• To form into panels. panST, »■ Violent and sudden pain. r»*in' 11? "• S'idcl^" '^"'^ distracting pan Ix., fgar ; causeless alarm. pan' nel, «• a kind of rustic saddle. r^on' nirkf "• A kind of basket car- pan Illt.r, j-led on horses. T»nn' r» nlv " Complete armor or pan O piy, harness .-lovif *i- To breathe quick ; to palpi- pani, tate. pant ing, breathing. panthe'on,EeathergSs.°'''' pan' to mime, ^i"'^'^"^" rAo«' i^^r n. A room for provisions, I pan iry, ^c i Tko' rkO nv " '^''^ "^'^^ or dignity! pa pa cy, of pope. r^o' lAol «• PopJih ; relating to papa- pa pai, cy. r>?j' noi« " ^ substance made from pa pt.1 , i-ags. pa piSt, «• -A-n adherent of the pope. nnr/ ll Ioiiq °- ^"^' °^ pimples or pap U lUUb, pustules. r\c»i« "• -^ state of equality or equal P«-M value. nor*' o Kl^ "• -^ figurative speech ; pai a Ul«;, a similitude. r»i i*nrl^' "• '^ military show; os- pa 1 aut. , tentalion. rko v«I/^£i' ^'- To exhibit for show or pa 1 autJ , review. ri«-ii«' o /-liori «• The garden of Eden, pai a Ulht., blis.sful regions nni*' n rlr^v "• A" a.ssertion contrary pai a UOA, to appearance. par a dox' ie al, J.^St-i"- par'agon,;,.fer'"'""'""^' i"kOi«' n rrrnrwh «• A distinct part of pai a gi apn, ^ discourse. rAo»«' ol l/^il c. Extending in the same par ai ICl, direction. par'alyze,:;-/'^^^"'^^"'''^^^'- paralyt'k,:y^'^^^'^^"'''^p^'- par'amount,Jh,?J^oVut:.'>-« par' a pet, n. a wan breast high. par' a phrase, -ettti!;^ "'" par' a site, ^-.r'''"'' ''"'"'" „,.„f r» f-.j-vl " A small umbrella used par a SOl, by ladles. par uoii, boil. i^iii*' n(A "• ^ small bundle; a quan- pai C/l^l, tity or mass. par' eel, «/. To divide into portions. i-voVr^li ^*- To burn; to dry up; to parCil, scorch. parch' ment, ?; "trng^T"' '" par' city, lly.'P"'"^'"^'''^"^*'- par' don, par don, to excuse. par'dflnablc,;JSd"'""" T^nro *''• To cut off the surface by ht- pai t;, tie and little ; to dimir.i.'^h. r\-\r' f^ gUI li:/, assuage pain. i-\oi«' i-»r»t {pair' ent) n. A father or pai cut, mother. r»nr' i^^nf ncrp " Extraction ; birth. par em age, descent. i^o rf-»nf' i1 '^ Relating to parents . pa rent ai, ki„ct , tender. nn rpn'fho 'i;i'< n. a sentence in- pa ren int. ms, closed thus ( ). ])ar' ii'Ct. «• A plaste^r laid on walls. n. Forgivenessof acrime; remission. r/. To forgive an offender ; PAR 105 PAS book, doves full, use, €ari, cJmise, gem, thin, thou. r»j»r' cnrt "• ■*• clergyman or priest ; [Jell tiUn^ a minister. r>Qi«' cn-n q rro "• '^^^ mansion of par son age, ^ parson. r>*i rt "■ ^ portion, sliare, or piece ; not '? the whole nnrf ^^' ^° separate JJtll L, j{eep asunder to divide ; to nni'tnlrfi' ft- To participate or pax LaiVt; , share ; to have part in. r»nr foL"' r»i' "• A sharer in ; an ac- par lak ei , coinpuce. nWr forro' "• ^ tiowergarden ; a [lai L^l I U 5 level ground. niji*" fifil <*• Biased; favoring only par liai, one party. par tial' i ty, Ji^^n"""^"'^ ^"'^^' par tic' i pant, li^Jl^ ^^° p" par tic' i pate, ;;J^.^^-- - participa''tion,-4^J;S par' ti de, po^io™^" ^*'' "*' ""''^ Ttar fi-<>' 11 lur ''^ Peculiar; inti- pdr Ll-t/ U Idr, „,ate ; sin^^ular. vt To name di.stinclly. r\n ri' €»r»' ic?Vi "• An ecclesiastical society ' pai Ifell, or district. par i ty, «• Equality ; resemblance. >-voi«Tr "• -An inclosure for deer, or pub- pai K, lie walk. par' lance, »• conversation ; talk. T^W»»' ^r\xT vi. To confer or treat with par ley, verbally. ,^ji|,^ Ipv "■ ^ conference or convet- pj , sation ; an oral treaty. ■i^h'i*' lia m^nt n Grand assembly pai lia Ilieill, of Great Britain. par lor, »»• a lower family room. pa ro' -c^i al, Jarfsh '"^'"^ "" * paro'Mi«'i»i r^TAck n- The murder or mur- par n ClUl.,dererofafather. ■nnr' w **'• "^^ *"''" aside; to ward pai 1 ^, off; to put by thrusts. T\o*«o.rk *<. To resolve a sentence into ])arse, parts. par si mo' ni ous, ^ru^^ar^*""^' par' simony, -^S^y^-- par tie' u lar ize, parti€'ularIy;??-eJ^;:S;- r»y rf' inrr "• ^ separation ; division ; pai I 111^, act of taking leave. r>of' f i cork "An adiierent to a par 11 I^ail, party. r^fir fi" tinn "• Act of dividing ; a par 11 lion, division. rkQi«f' T\7- ^"^ I" some measure; In pari ly^ part. ^X|.f' nor "• *^"® who has joint in- pari lit;! , terest ; an associate. part' ner ship, C^UTn'r'"' vkQi^fc! "■ P'"- Qualities ; faculties ; dis- pariJs, tricts. nh'r' tv "■ Association ; cause ; fac- pai ij , tion ; an assembly. pas' c^al, SVer.''''"'""^ '" '''" '"''" nJi «« ^'' '^° ^° beyond ; to vanish ; to paoo, omit ; to enact laws. pass, "• A narrow entrance ; a license. pass' a bl^, «• That may be passed. ni c' CO era "• ^^^^ °^ passing ; a jour- jjao oag^, ney or voyage ; a road. rkoc' con rr*ir "• A traveler; a pab ben ger, wayfarer. pas' si bk, Ln*^ ''*^'" "^ ''"'^'""' Anger ; love ; suflTer- sion. pas sive, pas' sive ness. Easily excited to pas o.v,.,, ,„g. pas' pas' sion less, Si.Sed"'^'''"'" , o. Not resisting ; quiet ; ') meek. n. State of beihg '5 passive. pass O Ver, «. a Jewish festival. pass' port, "• A permission to pass. past, a- Gone by ; not present ; spent. noctc» "• A"y tenacious mixture ; a [Ja≪, cement. rkoc' f<:^i«n " The lower part of a pdb Hivl 11, horse's leg T-kOo' f irrwik "• Sport ; recreatioH ; di- pdb IIIIK:;, version. r»aa' trki* "• A shepherd; a clergy- pdb tUl , n,an. noc' ickf nl °- Relating to a shep- I pda tUl dl, i,erd or clergyman. pas' tor ly, «• Becoming a pastor. pas' try, «■ Ples, or baked dough. nJi«' tuv nrritk «• Pasture ground, pas lUl age, feed for cattle. pas' tUre, ?eed^"'^ °" which cattle noc' f n fck ^^- To put in a pasture , pdb LUl t;, to graze. PAU 106 PED bar, fall, whg,t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. pas ty 5 out a dish pat. vt. To strike gently or lightly. „„f^U vt. To mend or piece with pdtCll^ patches. r»af pVi "■ "* P*®*^® sewed on ; a small *-.t»t' anf "• -^^ exclusive right or ydl eilt^ privilege. pat ent ee', Jate'^nt' "'° '""'' '^ nn tP^rn' al "• Becoming a father ; pd leril dl, hereditary. patern'ity,:r.°!«J,%°""-"''" pa' ter nos ter, J„yli" '■'"''''' path,,'., paths, --.ta'ct''^'"'*''^ pathet'i€,°u1'f'"'"*""' ""■ path' less. «• untrodden ; unknown. pa'thosjjj^^'^"'^^"^'"^' "'^■ nn" fiPnf o "• Ability to bear afflic- pa, licin^i^^ tions ; endurance. Ti,n" tli^nf °- Bearing calmly; en- pu. i/ic;iiL^ during with resignation. pa"tiently,;Si,„?r">''""" ■n^^ ir\ ur^h «■ Theheadof afam- pd tl 1 dl -ty/t^ iiy or church. pa tri" Cian^ a. senatorial ; noble. patrimo'nial,r„he?iu"ncl'' pat' ri mo ny, Le!"'''"''^ " pa' tri Ot« »»• A lover of his country. patriot'ie,-uJrry.°'^°^'°' pa' tri ot ism, Joumly. ^""^ °"''' pa trol', »• A night-watch ; a guard. .,-.r.f/ ^^„ n. A powerful friend; a pdL I UII5 supporter. •njit' ron S^CTf^ " Support ; protec- pdL roil dge, tion ; defense. pat' rOn ess, «• a female patron. pat'ronize,J|,pp'J?i.''">'»-^'^"> pat' ron iz er, '..^ZZ'!'' """^ pat ron ym' ic, L'ifrct'.i.';!' pat' tern, «• a specimen ; a model. r»oii' r»i f^T- n. Smallness of quantity pdU CI ly, or number. rkJin' nf»r "• A person very poor; a pdU pci , beggar. pau' per ism,^rty""'""'"''^'^" -rkoiicA "*■ To stop; to consider; to pdUa>t., deliberate. I^'l ll<£P "• A stop ; a plate of intermis- jjaua^t/, gion ; suspense. pai/' peak peal T>5vf» **'• '^° ^^y °^ cover a street or JIdVt;, ^alk with stones. pave'ment,Sricl&T°''''°"'' rkQ Tril' ir\-n "• A tent ; a temporary pd Vll lUIl, house. i-kQ^xr "'• "I'o strike with the fore foot; pdW, to handle roughly. t^oiht' inrr n. Act of striking with the paw mg, fore foot. 1^0 \xm *>*■ To pledge; to give in pdWII, pledge. rkQxxrn "• Something given in securi- pawii, ty. rxnmt *''• To discharge a debt ; to re- y^-lfl ward. na-*/ o h,}^ °- ^^^ ; to be paid ; that pdl/ d UlC/, ought to be paid. iTKanf "• The act of paying; intent, a reward. n*»/mf> "• Cessation of war; rest; P*^***^^? quietness ; silence. peace d UlC, not turbulent. n^/irf»' fill " Q"*^t • pacific ; mild ; peace lUl, undisturbed. peace' fulness,3ii;;;:SJr,'"'" n. The top of a hill ; a point ; 5 any thing pointed, n. A loud noise, as of bells, thun- 5 der, or cannon. peal, vi. To play solemnly or lotidly rko' on "-A song of triumph or ap- pc dll, praise. ■Tk^^fl "• A precious gem ; a film on peai 1, the eye. rtc^nfV \T «• Abounding with pearls ; puail y, like pearls. rt.^^a>' o»-»f "• 0"6 whose buMness peas dill, is rural labor. peas' ant ry,rabo?S"'^''^"^'" pee'<^abk,^i„^"'^''^'^"'°'^^^"'^^«'° r\c^^' ^QTit «■ l^nminal; offending, pe-e -edii I, indisposed pe-6K« n. The fourth part of a bushel. „^^U vt. To strike with the baak or pCClV., any pointed instrument.^ nP^' to ml "• Relating to the pee 10 rdl, breast. r»P».r' 11 lafp *"*• "^^ ^'^®^* the pub- pCC U IdLC, he . to defraud. r\t^£> 11 In" tinn " Robbery of pee U id llOIl, public money. pecariar,?^^""^"^""^'^"'"- peeuliar'ity,«,iir'"^'y' peean'iary,;^^^^"'^"^*""^^" ped'agogw^,"ap^e3ar"'^^^^^^ pe' dal, «• Pertaining to a foot T^Arl' 51 1 «• A large pipe in an c peU dl, a kind of foot- board. PEN 107 PER book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. ped ped' ped ped ped' ant, Sdge"""""^ ''''"""'' pedant'ie,Jedanr^^'''''' ped'antry,rearrr*'°" '' ped'd^J^Jj^^^^^'™^"""*"'^ r^^^' rllof «• ^"« who sells from peU UltJr, place to place. pen t:;» ta.1, ^f ^ column or statue. n£i iloc' fri nn »• One who walks; pe ues iri an, » good waiker. '' i .£»!/> n The stalk that supports 1 -t/lC, a flower. rrr^^ n. Descent ; genealo- 6* CC, gy . lineage. 'iment,;J,Te:"°°'""' , * f _1^ n. The stem that sup- UIl t/lC, ports the fruit. peel* vt. To pare ; to take off the rind. „„„^ vi. To look silly or through a peep, hole. nf^^an "• ^ *'y ^°°^ ' * ""■■* appear- F^'-^r^ ance. „ _ ^_ n. An equal ; a Tellow ; a noble- peer, ^an. peer' a"&e, »» The dignity of a peer. rkr»i»i«' £kca '» The wife of a noble- peer e^s, „,&„ peer' less, ^li?/""'"""^ ""• peey'lshly,^:.,,""""-^"""- n«^P v' i«sh nP<<5 " Fretfulness; ptJtJV l&ll llcrjJO, perveraeness. . n. Wealth ; riches ; money. ¥Y>£ill' '"^^- Tumultuously ; con- Ilieii , fusedly. pel lu'cid,^^^,;^ ''''"''"■'"' ^ vt. To throw at ; to strike with something thrown. try, »»• Furs or skins In general. pen, *>*• To coop or shut up ; to write. rifk' hqI *• Inflicting punishment; pe Ildl, vindictive. r\£^n' n1 i\r "• Judicial punishment; pen ai ly^ censure T\cir»' r%rir*c% "• ^^ atonement; re- peil clllC/e, pentance. pelt; pell pell pelt, pel not below. r\r»n' r*il "• ^ '°°' ^°^ drawing or pi.ll i.11, painting. r\f>ii' nW *' To paint ; to draw with pi^ll L.11, a pencil ; to write. pend' ant, " Anear-rmg;anoma. pend pend' ent, l\ pend' ment ; a flag, ' (^n nv "• Suspense ; delay ^** ^J5 of decision. Hanging ; jutting ver. li^f- o. Remaining yet unde- ***&? cided. pend' u lous, 's„^^^"& pend'uluin,:.*SLr''° peii'etrab^jJir.ea"*'"" pen'etrate,;'eJ,t„T"^"'""- pen e tra" tion, ^ur^^.t'""' pen' etra live, ;,„rg'°^ '"•■ pen' i tehee, S.Sr"'*""'"'" „ _„f ; *^»,f o. Repentant ; contrite, i pen 1 ^Mlt, sorrowful for sin I nf^n i fpn" tial *' Expressing pen 1 leil liai, contrition. pen' man ship,» Art of writing. rk*»Ti' Tii ]f»e« "• Without money; pen 111 le&ft, destitute; poor. r^*in' cirkn "■ ^ settled yearly allow- pen blUIl, ance. nf^n' cir»n **'• '^° supi>ort by an an- ptJIl blUIl, nual allowance. pen'sive,?„frli,',rf::f;"'°°""- pen'siveness,"„J„l"r"'"- pen' ta gon, ",;*/*"" "'"" '"• pen tag' on al, ° ,,?""' "" pen la ICU^/f, the Old Testament pen' te cost, »• a Jewish festival r^£k r^iilf' "• The last syllable in a pe nUlL , ^ord but one. pe nult' i mate, ;-,t onT' '''' pe num' bra, ;;^^ '^'''^^ '^"^■ nP nil' ri niW " Covetous; nig- pe nU ri OUb, gardly ; mean. wi^n' 11 1* V "• Poverty ; indigence , pen u 1 J, extreme want. n^/i' r»l/» "• ^ ""t'o" • ""C" or per- P^" P* ? sons in general. rkS/^' r\\d> *''■ To furnish with inhab- peC/ pic, itants. pep' per, ^piee '"°''"'' "°""'*'' per am' bu late, JLou7" ""'' perce/v'able,;erJ'ived"'^''* perceiVe',;X.r''"''''''^- percep'tibk,JeJe'.^;ed""'*' per cep'' tion, "peJ^it^r^^^ percep'tive,?Je"'"''''"' per' CO late, :', J.^f ''" '"'"'^ per cus' sion, « ^ct of striking. npr di"tion " ^"^"^ ™'"' *^®" pt.1 Ul LlUIl, struction. PER 108 PER bar, fall, what, prey, mar'jne, pin, bird, move, per 6n ni a-l^ year ; perpetual. r^e^r' ff^M «• Complete ; accom- pci ICtytj piished ; pure. T-kOf fo^f' ^*- To finish or complete ; pt!I lt--t.L ^ to make perfect. r\(^r fp^"tinn «• Accomplishment; ptJI ItJ-t/ I'l^**^ completion. pt;i ICt^t Jj5 accurately. per fid' i ous, f^ise'""'"^'"""' per'fidy/ohTur'"''*'""' per' fo rate, S'b^re"."'" ''""''' per lo ra iioii, j„g. boring. npr form' ^^'^ "^^ *^° = *" execute; pel lUrill , to accomplish. ^.r.^ -<^«»Tr.' r.»^/^/-k n. A completion; per lorm ance, work doue. pel lUI 111 tJl , forms or plays. per 1 Ullie, / „ pj-agrance ; asweet ,Jsc perfume' <^ «<^«»t or odor. rkCkr f nmrk' »'^- "^o fill with fragrant pel 1 Ullli. , odor ; to scent r\o' VI (P«' '■y^ "• A^" eastern nymph or P^ * ^5 fairy. T»Pr' ii "■ I^2i"&6r ; ha7>a.r;r"»"'- rvrir' cr\n ol <*■ Relating to one's per son dl, sojf. peculiar. npr' «;nn afP "'• '^° represent ; to pel bOll aiC, counterfeit. r^f^r crkKi n" tir^iT n. A counterfeit- per son a iion, i^g another. npr Q'ln' i fv *''• '^^ change from ^K^l OvJll J ij, things to persons. per spec' tive, visirri:'''""^ "' per spi ea" cious, quiek.''"^^ ' per spi eu' i ty, J,ansp^"ncr' perspie'uous, "obscurr' ""' »i. Act of per- spiring. per spire', ;;ves^*' ""'' ""^ "'' per spi ra tion, per spire', ;;ves^*' nor QJl JTflp' '"' To influence by ar- F*^^ feUdUt^ , gument. per sua' sion, "in^ Act of infl\ien- PET 109 PIC book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, geiUj thin, fhou. npr Giio' ciVfi o. Tending or able per sua SlVe, to persuade. r>£»i'f «• Brisk ; lively ; saucy ; petu- P^ri, lant. per tarn', ?1J°'^^'''"^*° "'" ^''"■ pertina''cious,«i„So;^''' pertinac'ity,;,f,\t?;;""^''' per'tinence, ^Iness''^"'''""'' npr' ti npnt »• ^'' = apposite ; just pd ti iit:;iiL^ to tl,e purpose. rkrf^rt' Iv °<^"- Briskly; saucily; with ptJl t IJ^ smartness. nprf ' np«« "• ^"^^ '"''"y? ****"' pci t iic;»»^ ness ; petulance. per'turbate,5!stu?b'"'^"''^'° perturb a" tion,J;i!?r"*'''' per turb' ed, "„ per vade', ^ter^'^ nar vckroo' ^- Froward j stubborn ; pt/1 VUrst; ^ obsiiuate. per verse' ness Disturbed ; dis- ieted. pass tluough or over. ^ d. Froward '»*5 f bad dis I tion ; obs 7 ^cy. Petulance pcsi- per vers' ' '^ v — .obstjna- per ver' sion, JerTinl^* "'^" npr VPr<4' IVP " Having power to jpiyl vt^ia A » ^5 corrupt or mislead. r»rii« XTf^rt^ *•*• '^ distort ; to mislead ; pt.1 VCI L 5 to turn from the ni-lit. rki:»i«' vi rkiicj a. Passable ; admittiJtg pCl VI UU&j passage. pe ru' sal, "• Act of reading over. i^A nilffio' **'• f*^ look or read over ; pC 1 U»t^ , to observe. ri^c'f "• A plague or pestilence ; mis- ptbl, chief. »^/:jrj' f r»f *'^- ''^'^ harass ; to annoy ; to pes Ltvl 5 disturb. pestiferous « o^^^'y ; mfec- peSt 1 lenCe, temper; plague pest' i lent, - Destructive jmallg- Y^p^a^ f]^ n. An instrument used in a pt^S tic, mortar. npf "• -^"y animal much fondled ; P*^*-? slight displeasure. pet, vt. To treat as a pet ; to fondle. pet' al. ) tious. A contagious dis- The leaf of a flower. pe ti tinn "• ^ ref^uest ; supplica- tlUH, tion ; entreaty. n""■"' r\c»f' ficVi "• Apt to be angry; peev- pet Llfell, ish . froward. j rv£»f ' fxr *• Small ; inconsiderable : iit- ptJL LJ, tie. pet' u lance, &.tsS!''"' ' ^'''■" pet' u lant, lJr7r'''' ^^'""'"" ' pew, »• An inclosed seat in a church, riow' tor "• A compound of tin, ptJW ti.1 , lead, and brass. rkKil' QKiv "'A troop of men close- piiai ailA, ly embodied. nhnn' tlttiTl "• ^" apparition; an piidii cu.»iii, i,nagj„jipy appearance phan' toni, « .a^^p^-^" ; ^ fancied pilctl Ilia tyj, paring medicines. phe nom' e non, J^aJj^cf "*" phi Ian' thro py, ^anl^S °' phiiip'pi€,L«^;>oi;:^*^^"^'^" philol'ogy, r_4-™-"-' phi los' o phize, S nhi Ins;' O nhv "• Knowledge, pill lUS U piiy, natural or moral. phil' ter, rove^""""^^^''^ *° '^"^'^ phiz* «• Tho face ; the countenance. bot'omy, r-tti?/^"'^^- n. A watery hunuar of the body. a. Cold ; heavy ; J dull. To reason ; moralize. ^ mat ion' ie, a. rase. phle phle^ phlcg ph ph^ ph phth pi phy 1€ Pertaining to solind. n. Mode of speech peculiar ^ to a language ; idiom. 'enol'ogy,;*-,^^"''"^'^'' / gjy n. Madness ; fury ; state *J5 of being frantic. con- ren ilS 1€ al, sumptive. 1V«' 1^ "• "^'^^ ^'■^ °^ healing; ija Ity, medicines. Z >, v/. To treat with medicine ^*^5 or physic. nhvc' i/? o1 «• Relating to nature ; P*V ? "ot moral; medicinal. phy sr cian One who professes 5 the art of healing. phyS' 1-eS, «• Natural philosophy. physiol'ogy.-fS'r'™" r»i on' iGf " ^"® who plays on the pi ail Ifel, piano-forte. ni T/' vo "• '^ '"""^ '^^ walk under a pi aZi Z.a, roof; a portico. r\i ^ Iv "'• T*^ choose ; to select ; to lake pi-t^K, up . to gather ; to rob. PIL 110 PIT bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, pick' et« n. -A- sharp stake ; a guard. r^i ^Ir' 1^ "• -*■ ''i"^ ^^ ^^^' liquor ; any [JltyK iC/j thing pickled. rki^lr' 1^ *'^- To preserve in pickle ; [ilt^K IVj to season. i-wi rf» <-/-v' i«i q1 <^- Pictured ; produced pit/ lO ri dl, by a painter. pi€'ture,rng^°^^P'^^^^"^''^p^^"'- ^., j _/ *,, ^^ n. A representation in pi-t/ LIU tJj colors; a painting. pie tur eSqUe\ a. Like a picture. pic' bald? **• ^^ various colors. mSn*^ w*. To patch ; to enlarge ; t» pttJt/tJj unite ; to increase by addition. rklpifP "• ^ P3-tch ; a fragment ; a gun, pttJUU^ coin, composition, &c. rk-ion^' liicc <*• Whole; not made of p«t;i.yC ic;»»5 separate pieces. iJSl^f' m^//l \ *• Separate ; single. p*eC« lllt^ai, I ajt, In pieces. »-k'/Si» "• The column or support of an p^er, arch. v»4Si»^o "'• To penetrate; to enter; petjrCU, to affect. mprp' incr Iv '"^"- Sharply; pen- pzerC/ lllg 1^5 etratingly. ri-toi*' rrliaccj "• -A^ mirror between p^er gldSb, windows. r\i' £k ficm n. Devotion; anaffecta- pi e U:*>111^ tion of piety. i-ii' £k f -*r "■ Discharge of rehgious pi « t^5 duty. pig' ment, ;,S^}''' ^'' p'^'"''"" • i-kirr' vY\^r "• O"® of * small nation ; a P*& '"J? dwarf. nilro "• -A- sort of lance; a spear; a piKCj fish . a road. rkilo *•• ^ heap; an accumulation, a pilCj building. -]„ vt. To heap; to accumulate , to put?) lay upon. r»il' i^ji» **'• To steal ; to practice pet- pil lUI J ty theft. r\iV m«im '»• A traveler ; a wander- pil gl nil, er. pil' grim age, ;-,™V°'"""'"'" ^^11 n. A round ball or mass of medi- P*A*) cine. T-vil' lorrirk "• Plunder; act of plun- pil Idge, dering. pil' lage, «'• To plunder ; to spoil pil l(ir« «• A column ; a supporter. pil' lar ^d, Jh,tr'''"^ ^^' "*' ''''' nil' lirvr* *•• ^ ^'"^ of saddle for pil ilUll, women. fkil' lr» i«ir "• -A-u instrument of pun- pa lU 1^5 jshment, r\il' Iri'in "• ^ ^^S of down or feathers pil lUWj to sleep on. vt. Tc pillow One \ course of a ship. nW lf\i« ^^- To rest any thing on a pu lUW^ pillow. r»i' 1/^t »»• One who steers or directs pi lUt, the •Til' 1/^f orto "■ The office or hire of pi lOL d.gi.5 a pilot. »-ki»v»' -Tklrfj «• A small red pustule on pim pie, the skin. --. ' n. A short pointed wire ; a peg ; a pm? bolt r\in ''^- To fasten with pins ; to fix or P***5 make fast. r\Tn^ r^r^fo' n. An Instrument to draw pin cers, ^aus, &c. ninr'h "' To squeeze between the pillL/lI, fingers ; to distress ; to gripe. pinG. vi. To languish ; to grieve for. rviKi' ir\Y\ n. The joint of a wing ; the pill lUll, wing of a fowl. r\in' irkn w^ To bind the wings or the pill lUll, arms ; to shackle ninlr **' To work in eytlet -holes ; to piIlK, pierce in small holes. pin' nace, ;;,ar^ '""' "' ' '"'" "' pin' na de, n. a tower or turret. i-vi r\ -TkKr^**' «• One who clears the pi O Iieer , way. r\i' r\iics «• Religious ; devout ; duti- pi UUt>5 fui to God. i-»i' r\iic ]\r adi). Devoutly ; in a pious pi <^US> 1^5,nanner. nir»P n. A musical instrument ; tube , pipt?, a measure of two hogsheads r^iri' -»#rir»f °- Stimulating ; pungent ; piq Ifclllt, sharp. r\-intt^ n. lll-wiU ; petty malevolence piijefc, or malice. rki' rn r»v "• Act of robbery oh Jhe pi 1 a K^y^ sea rki' rnf n "■ ^"® ^^° plunders on the pi rat' ie al, a- Predatory; robbing. pib \jtl tU 1 J, or fishing „• ^ fz-wl «• Saaall firearms ; a small piSs LOl, hand-gun. ni«' f/in " A cylinder used in pumps pio LC/Il, or syringes. ^t n. A hole ; abyss , the grave ; ahol- pi»'5 low part. nitr»ll "• T*»6 resin of pine ; elevation, pili^ll, rate; degree r\ifr.K "'• To fix, to plant ; to throw pilCllj headlong nif ' t\ rkiiG "• Sorrowful ; exciting pit t; «JU», pjty ^ tender, mean T\ifK " The marrow of a plant ; en- pilil, ergy. r\\\W i Iv <"^''- "^''^ cogency or pi 111 1 lj5 strength *-kii]-i' xr «• Full of pith; stjrohg ; forci- piLll y^ ble pit' i a bk, a. Deserving pity. r^W i fill «• Tender; melancholy. piL 1 IUI5 paltry. pit' i less, ress^'^"^'"^^''^ ='"""'- i~kit' f Qr»r»o "• A small portion or al- piL lcllH..e, lowance. PLA 111 PLO b©ok, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. T^it' V *'• '^'^ sympathize with; to r J J show mercy. nit' V "• <-ofnpa"ion; sympathy with P**' J J misery. rvi^r' r\t «• ^ P»" °" which a thing piV OI5 turns. pla'eable,-^"""'"'^ placard', :*rcr"""'"""'°' rklnr»f> "• Locality ; rank ; space in pidt^t;^ general ; precedence. r\\^nc^ ^^- To put ia a place ; to fix; pidVyt;, to settle. plac'idness,rienS""'*''"" pla' gi a rism, « Literary theft. pla'giarist,;^,!^^"^^'"^'^^'^" piagc*«>5 flict or torment. r^1orro«^ n. Pestilence ; trouble ; vex- piclgltCj ation. n.1n«r1 »»• Variegated stuff; a Scotch piaXU, dress. _^l^»„ a. Smooth; level; clear; sim- pidZIl^ pie. r\la»*n' 1 v <"^*' Sincerely ; evidently; pid^Il IJ5 simply. plain riGSS^ cenly; clearness'. plaint' ive,f,„tL7'"*'""°*^ pla/t. «'• To fold ; to double ; to braid. 1^1 on »'• To scheme; to form in de- pidll, sign. -^1„„ n. A scheme ; a form or model ; pidll^ a draught. nlanP "• ^ '®^^^ surface; a joiner's pidllU^ tool for smoothing boards. planG« "'• To level ; to make smooth. plan' et, Sodj^ '"""'"'"' "'"'"' plan' et a ry, JiaJSr"" '° "" i „ 1 „ „ U vt. To lay or cover with planks pidllK^ or thick boards. »-klo r^f «'. To set ; to cultivate ; to set- ; piani, tie. i plant. «• Any vegetable production. ■planta"tion,;-^,P!^^p^"'^^^^' nine' tf^r "• -*■ "fixture of lime and pidd LtJI ^ water ; a salve. i plas' ter ing, Ji,,^"'" '"'"° '" : plas' tie, Z/^'"'"' '"■"'"' " «"' i plata B. A small piece of ground. I nlnf **'• To interweave; to form by P*<**'? texture. rkl*it<:» n. Wrought silver; a vessel to I pidLt;^ eat from. i nlot' iv^f»v» "-A horizontal place ; a 1 piai lOrin, scheme. nln ton' i^ °- Relating to Plato; pid LUH L\^j pure ; not sensual. T-klof nf\Y^^ *» A square body of mus- pidt UUIl J keteers. nlonrl' if ".Applause; approbation pidUU IL^ loudly expressed. nlAll' «i hl/^ " Specious; popular; piau »l UU^ right m appearance. t^lnif "• Amusement ; sport ; a game ; pid^^ a drama. niotf ^'^ To sport ; to game ; to act in pidf/^ a drama. plat/ fuL a. Sportive ; full of levity. play- mate, jL^nr^""""^ ' r\}^n "• A form of pleading ; an apol- piea, ogy. nl^/irl *'*■ To argue ; to reason with pit^C^U^ another; to admit or deny. ple«d'ing,;ieir.^„-'-^--°^ pleas' ant, Jar''"''"' ''*'"''"' i pleas' ant 17, ;^eSt'.y^'' '""'"' n1^/T<£^ "'• To delight ; to gratify ; to piccfcSt;, content. nl^/7«' ino" \J'P''- Giving pleasure. pit;a» i'*5^ \ a. Adapted to please. pleas' ur a bk,?„„Jf>«,Ki",l: pleas' ure, 1;,^Si;. «""""■ nl^ hf^l' nn "• ^opu'^r; vulgar; pie Ue* dll, common; low. pledge, -A pawn; a surety; ahos- i^lfkrl era *'^- To leave or give as secu- pitJU^t;, rity ; to invite to drink. ple'nary,;ec^"''''^'"P'''"'P^'^- plen'itude,;,X"r°'^°""' plen'tcous,Lt?f;Si.^"''"- plen' te ous ness, abuT.SS' t-»l/^r.' +i •Till "• Abundant; exuber- pien 11 lUl, ant; fruitful. plen' ty« «. Abundance ; fruitfulness. ple'onasm,;-e^ir^"'^y""- pleth'ora,rJif"" ''''"'"■ pleth' O rie, «• Having a fuU habit. nli n hil' i fv "• Flexibility; casl- pil d Ull 1 ly, ness to be bent. pli' a bl^, a- Flexible ; easily bent. nil' nn r*v "• Easiness to be bent ; pil tin ^y^ flexibility of mind. nil' onf *• Flexible; limber; easily pa dill, persuaded. „l7^_/,f n. Condition; state; good pH^A^l, case. rAl^hi *"'• To pledge ; to give as se- pil^'*t, curity. „l „^1 vi. To toil ; to drudge ; to study piUU, closely. POl 112 POP biir, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, nlnH'rllnO" i PP''- ToiUng ; studying. piOU Ulllg, I „. Toil ; drudgery. rklrkf *'• "^^ plan; to devise ; to con- piULj trive. »-»l/-w»iT «• An instrument used in hus- piOW, bandry. nlrkwr '"^ "^"^ ^^'^^ "P '■^^^ ground witlj piUV> ^ a plow. rklnm "• ^ kind of fruit ; the sum of piUlll^ 100,000 pou^ids. a suit of . leaden nlfimP "■ "^ featlier ; pride ; towering 100,000 pound plu' mage, JeaS;"" ntlim^ "• ^ plummet; piUlllC/^ weight on a line plume' less, a. Destitute of fe Ih- ers. rkliinir* '*• Somewhat fat; full and piUIIip^ smooth; not lean. i-kliimr*' TifiCG n Fullness, or tend- piUlIl[l 11U&&5 ency to fullness. plun' der. »• PlUage ; spoHs of war. plun'der, ;!ii,'rr°' ''"'"'' '^ rkliiTirro *'*• 1'° P"^ suddenly under piUllgt^j water. lAlnnrro "• ^^^^ ^^^ °^ putting under piUllgt^ water suddenly. plu Fill* o- Implying more than one. r\ln fol' i f^7 « A. number more piU rai 1 ly, u^an one. plu' Vi al, a. Rainy ; relating to rain. i-kl\7 ^^- "^"^ busy one's self; to work PV5 closely. 'y»n/>n mot' i-«? o. Relative to wind; pnVVX llldt l-t., moved by wind. i^Kyr/^'Vi '^'' To boil slightly ; to steal poacil, game. r\f\^\r' ai ^'- T"* P"* i" the pocket ; pUt/K tJl, to pass by an affront. PO em. "• A composition in verse. r»ri' Ck c-\T " The art of writing poe- po e hj, try l-.^ pf' 1^ *'• Expressed in poetry; pU cL It^j pertaining to poetry. r\f\' t^i fAr «• Art of writing m verse; pu t.L 1^5 poems. poi^n'ancy,Je,.fty."'"^^'="' poi^n'ant,-,e«re"'' p---^' Tir^int "'• To sharpen ; to direct tow- .pUlllL, aid; to indicate. noinf "• -^ sharp end ; degree ; aim ; puillt^ a stop ; a sting. nninf ' f^A PP- °^ <*• Aimed ; having pUlllL i^U, a sharp point. point' ing,- „'*,JUo„"""'^"'"^ ■ j point' less, Sbtu'e"""""'^"""^ rkr^ico ^*- To weigh mentally ; to bal- I puiSC, ance. I r\r»i' C!/^n ^^- To infect with poison ; pwi »' a. Polished ; elegant ; refined pu JlLt; ^ jn manners. lite'iK ' i tie, nrk lit ca " Refinement ; gen- pU lilt; llt>»», tility; good-breeding. artful ; cun- pol'iti€,Si„^.-^"" pol' i ties, 'r^Jt"""" "' ^'""""" nnl' i fv "■ ^o'™ of government; pui 1 tj, civil constitution ; policy. nrill "• "^^^ ^'*^^*^ • ^ ^''** ''^ voters at puil, an election. nr»l lilfr*' ^^- To defile; to corrupt ; pUl lULt; 5 to taint. nollll" tion "• ^^^ °^ defiling; pui lU LlUll, corruption; taint. poltroon', J-il'^"""'^'^ ''"^"■ po lyg' a my, ".-4.^^"""'^ ^' pol' ' V rrlr^f "• Having many lan- J fe*'-'^? guages, pol'ygon, ^iel'^"''^"^™^'^^^"- po ma' turn, ^en^'t ^"'""* ''"'* p6m'mel,SpJ„«ei^'^'°'™"^^ r^/^mi-k "• Ostentation ; pride ; splen- pOilip, doo pomp' ouB, tu'^:f'''' = «'"^"'' = t-\rkn' rlpr »'*• To weigh mentally ; to puil U-Cl , muse ; to consider. pen' der ous, ?„Sr^ ""*""'' r^rkn' iorri "• ^ dagger; a short pvjH iciJ u, slabbing weapon. POn' tin,"- A high priest ; the pope. pontifical, ;„p«e!'°"^'"^'°''' poor, «• Not rich ; indigent ; jn want. ,-.^l~.^ n. The bishop of Rome ; the pupt/, head of the Roman church. v%Ki^/-.' ».i7- «• The religion of tlie Ro- pOpe ry, man church. i-k^kT-k' n ln/^£k n. The multitude ; the pop U IdCe, vulgar. Tirkr*' n l^r **• Suiting the people; pup U lai, famihar. l)op u lar' i ty, "^iJX^r' " pop' u late, r/ai^r"" """""■ POS 113 PRE bopk, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. number popula"tion, SfpS^ie r»nr\' n loilQ "• Numerously peo- pup U lOUb^ pled; well intiahite'd. nnr' r»P 1/71 n " ^ fine earthen pUI t/t; IMI J I5 ware; China-ware. porch, ti. An entrance ; a portico. rk^**rt t»t. To look or examine earnest- pore, ,y nnrP "• ^ spiracle of the skin ; pas- pUI t;^ sage for perspiration PO' rOUS, Jores"'' "' '""'" " pOr' phy ry, »»• a peculiar marble. r^firt n. A harbor i air; mien ; bearing; pUl L^ ^.jne of t'ortufral. port' a ble, Sed'^''^' '°"y '« ^"" |-|5r|,*' ol "'A gale, or arch of a gate- *^^»t *j^.r^A^ t)<. To foreshow ; to fore- por tend , bode. por tent', «• An omen of ill. por tent' ous^^er"?"!""' ''''"■ *^^»." fli-wi-i «• A part; allotment; por lion, dividend. r\rir' fi XTi,' "• ^ covered walk; a pOI 11 fjUj piazza. port llOie, non throut?h. „7r x/ 1 a. Grand of mien ; majestic; port IJ, bulky. -~^_/ *~oi<- n- A picture drawn from por iraiL, the nfe. _ — J, f|«n[^/ *''• To paint or describe por tl ittj , by picture; to adorn. pose. ^^- To puzzle ; to interrogate. wn «i" finn "• situation; aprinci- pO SI LlUIl, pie laid down. rk^kc' i f'tvn ° Real; absolute; cer- pU» 1 LIVI^, tain. pes' i live ly,SJ„'ir'""'"^ nn« «p««' ^^- '^° ^"■'°>' ' *** occupy ; pUfe ^5t;^& , to obtain. posses' sion,-Jp^V"tr^^«"'^^ pOs'sibk, Seor'r'""'°"'''° pos' si bly,;ter^«^^''^ ''"'"' nrict \ '"'■ "^^ travel with speed. pUot, I ^f To fix on a post ; to place. post' age, n. Money paid for letters. pos te'ri or, JoiSr'"" '''''' pos ter' i ty, ^titns'''"'"'^^'"'" i-kTvof ' nr-n "• A small gate ; a httle post i.1 II, jjoor post' hu mous, fer'aSEtSf- post pone', ra'y^-o&f' '° '" post pone' ment,;„f,if,f„'!r:^ r\r\of' c^rinf n. Something written P"®*- »^ripL, attheendofaletter. nrtos* fn lofck "• Position assumed pos LU laie, without proof. ^^^tj/ f ,, ^£, n. Condition ; place ; po- pt»b lU-1 t;, sition. ^^/ *^ Ul>, a. That may be drunk; pu ta Ult/, fit to be drunk. po'tency,2^,/.°r' """'"' *^/^' fm-if a- Powerful; efficacious; pO teilL, inigijty. po' tent ate, I'r^i^n"""'"''''^"'''^] po' tent ly, J^^-/°werfully ; witlx po" tion, n- A medicinal draught., rkr\iii^Vi "• A small bag; a pocket ;^ a pUUf^Ii, purse. r\r\it\' t\r*c^ "• ^ healing application; pUMl lll^l>5 a cataplasm. r»ri«#l' f i*v "• ^^^ kinds of domestic pua.1 tl J, or barn-yard fowls. t^rkiinno ^^- '^'^ f^'^ o" Of seize sud- pounce, denly. r»r^nr»rl *''• To beat; to grind; to pounu, shut up. nritir I "'• To let out or empty. pUCtI , I „i. To rush furiously. r%r\\T' £if t\7 n- Indigence ; necessity; pUV t;i t J, defect. now' ripr "• ^"^* ^ any body pul- ^j\j\\ vx^i , verized ; gunpowder. „^,-.^ >-j^ n. Command ; authority ; pUVV t;i , force. r\r\\%T^ trtf ^11 1 «• Potent ; efficacious; pOW tl lUI, migbtv. pow'erless,S,yi:i''"^°^^"'^ prae'ti€abk,-Jct:l"'''' r\t*nr>' fi^ nl «• Relalmg to action pi dt. lit/ ai, or practice. nro.<>' iir>ct "• Habit; use; dexteri- prd.^ net, ty; method. rvrQr»' tir»o *'^- To do liabitually; to P» <**^ lltt, exercise. pragmat'ical/piSX"""" rkrai'tto "• Renown; fame; coin- pi dt»t:;, mendalion. r»rn /«:o *''• T" commend ; to applaud ; pi atSt, to celebrate. pi dtSU lt;&&, without praise.- praise' worf h y, ;-raif ' -° r\-,.rtrtr>f\ "*• To spring or bound, as a pi ante, horse. „-.„„K n. A wild flight or trick; a pi clIlK, frolic ; mischief. T^fof /-» vt. To talk caielessly ; to prat- praie, tie. nrat' t1^ "■ I*^^®**^^ ^ trlHing loquac- r\rntt **• To petition ; to supplicate ; r* "-"? to entreat. r»i»Qj/ c^r "■ ■* petition to Heaven; pi d,^ tl , entreaty. prefiTCh, vt. To proclaim publicly. PRE 114 PRE bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, preach' ing,3i,?r'e.''""*'°°' pre' amble, Ur/r'°" '"• preca'rious/p.Sr""'"" pre«au"tion,;i,*„{T'""'" rtrf^ r»^rlf»' *'*• '^° ^° ^"* ^" °''^®'" pi t; l^cut^ y of time or rank. pre ce'denUtdr" '•"""' rwc^n' o rl^nt »»• An example; some- pi t;v^ U UtJllt, thing done before. T\ro' r»t»r\t "• ^ ^"'6' * mandate; pi c; ^--t^ptj an injunction. r»r«:»' r»in.pf "• ^" outward limit ; a pre Cinei, boundary. T^r^" r»inil« (P^c«A'u5) o Valuable; pr e !.> I U Ufej of great worth . nrt^o' 1 nir»P "• ^ headlong or per- pi K;\y 1 pit^CJ^ pendirular declivity. nr^ r»in' i faff* " Headlong ; vio- pl e Cip 1 Idle, lent : rash. pre cip' i tous, LsfjTvi'oient ' r\wci r»ic!n' "• Exact ; strict ; formal ;- pi t; Olfet^ ^ affected. precis' ion, Jjtr' '"'''""' pre<^lade',i;!nJr'"°"^'^'^ pre€lu'sion,«J!;f,'^^^°^p^«- pre <;0" cioUS, -«'P« before the nrP ^np' i f V " R'Peness before prt:? tyOt/ 1 tj, the time. nrP -Pon PPrf ' *" '^° arrange be- pre ^UIl Ct.1 L , forehand. precur'sor,^:^^^""""'' pre «ur'sory,J;e'vir "'=""■'' ^ rM»£k' riol "• Practicing robbery ; plun- pi « Uttl, dering. ' o fn rv °- Plundering; ra- . ct IV^ 1 J, pacious. pre de ces' sor, lyS^ ^°"" predes'tinate,^?„,j;°/<"To decree be- forehand. pre des' tin^, pred'i€abk,-ffir'S.'"^^'^ pre die' a ment, J^n^'gemenr'" pred' i eate, 3arl.° '''"" "' ^" r»f^ ^li^f' »<• To foretell; to fore- pre aiei , show. nrf^ rli4?" tinn "• ^ prophecy; a pre Ult/ lion, foretelling. pre di lee" tion,"a uk^nf "''' pre dom' in ant, ^sc^e'd'am "' ' predom'inate,r^o7ovPer"^ preem'inent,«a,oveotrr'^' pre ex ist', W. To exist beforehand. n^^f^ aOP "■ Something introduc- pref'.ito'r7,';JX°"°'^'° T>rP fpr' '^' ' '^ regard mote ; to ad- pi tj itji , vance ; to present. pref er ence, ^^H*gher estima- nrt^ fpr' mnnf "• Advancement; pie It^I IIH m, preference. nrP fiv' '''• ''^'' appoint beforehand , pi C JIA , to put before ; to settle. r\fct^ fiv »»• A particle placed before pie llA, a word. preg' na bk, J^^^^tmaybeover- nr PO"' tin nf <*• Teeming ; fertile ; preg nam, fruitful. pre judge', i;ind^° -""^^^ ^'"f"'^^- nrpi' 11 Hir^o " Tudgment formed pi t?J U UlCe, beforehand ; hurt. nrpi' n dirp «;(• To fiii with preju. pi ej U UlCe, dice ; to hurt. prej u di" cial, Solls""'"^' '"J"' nrol' Q r*-iT "• The office of a pi'el- piei tt C^, ate. rM«ol' of p^«J"^'^«' prepos'terous,:JdT';jLt pre req' ui siti^, 'nedrjr'' prerog'ative,jH^S//e!^"^^^^ PRE 115 PRI book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. pres' by ter, »• a priest ? an eider. pre' science, l^^tu^^""'"''" °' pi c; »t/i luc; , ject ; to influence. pre scrip" tion, Jecipe '"'''''' pi t;» tJllt/t;, ent ; juien ; air. rM«oa' or»t "• ^o' absent ; not past ; pre* tilll, ready. wxfo «ve previous pre warn , notice. r»rpf f "■ J**P'n« ; plunder ; something P* Sjf 5 to bo devoured. r\f£k'»M •*• "^^ f®**** ''y violence ; to plun P» Sif? der. __.;„-^ n. Value; estimation; rate, price, reward. nripp' ]p«« *• Without price ; in- priCe jess, valuaWe. rkF-i^L- *'^- '^^ pierce ; to goad ; to spur pi It/K, or impel, pri-ek' ly , « FuH of sharp points. _-«tJ^ vt. To estimate one's self too priae, highly. i-kfi^A "• Self-esteem ; dignity; inso- priUe, lence. priest n. One who officiates at the 5 altar. prfest' hood, ;,J^' °«^^« ""' r»r/p<2f ' 1 V "• Becoming a priest ; pi tt;oL ij , belonging to a priest. prim> «• Formal ; affected ; precise. pri'marily,!-.'" "" '"' r»ri' ma rv "• First in intention or pi 1 Ilia 1 ^, order ; principal. pri' mate, «• The cWef ecclesiastic. rkrimo "• Dawn of day ; the spring of pi 1111 1;, life ; the best part. prime'val,»„.°Ei;'"«^''" nrim' i tivp "• Ancient; original, pi 1111 1 live, former. TM-irv*' nooa "• Affected niceness ; pi 1111 Ilt.bS, formality. pri mo gen' i ture, ?; ^f CirTh' rki»ir»i^« n. The son of a king , a sov- prillCt., ereign. nrinr»p' rlhm ^ Sovereignty ; the prince UOIIl, rank of a prince r\rinr»o' Iv o- Becoming a prince ; pi lll\>c; IJ, royal; munificent. nrin' ri nnl "• ^ ^^e&d; a chief, pi 111 *./! p tr n. A convent inferior to an pri or y, abbey. TM-ic;' ^r» or- "• O"® under arrest ; a pnS C/Il cr, captive. pris'tine,Sen^t'.'**^ °"^""'' '^^ r»ri' vo r»v «• Secrecy ; retirement ; pri Vcl t.y, retreat. PRO 116 PRO bar, fall, wh^t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, IpCfp "■ Immunity; great ad ■^'-'Js'^J vantage ; public right. probe, prob' nri' vntr* ° Secret ; not public ; nn- pi 1 vatl^j accompanied; alone pri VQ,te, n. A common soldier r\wi iTo" fi^v» n. Absence or loss of pri va uon, ^ thing priv ririv' i fv "• ^ joint or private con [JllV 1 tj, currence. rki'iv' tr "• Private ; secret ; acquaint- F*^^ J? edwith. rxflTo. »''• To rate ; to esteem ; to priZit;, value. nrTryo "• A reward gained ; plunder ; pi lZ.t/5 booty. prob' a ble, J;^^^!;^ ' "^^' "^^^ ''^ pro' bate, n. The proof of a will. pro ba" tion, ;ZT'"""'"^'' '"^'' pro ba" tion al, ^wau"'^'"^ ^°' , t)/. To search ; to try by an '? instrument. I 1 ty« «• Honesty ; sincerity. prob' lem, ^oivtd.''"''''^" '" "' prob lem at' ie al, Jain^"""" pro UOi5 CIS, elephant. pro ce' dure, "• ^«"d»ct; man- pro ceed', nrrk r»^-x^' if- wt. To gain advantage ; to pi K)l 11, improve. profitable, ?ui^""^"''"' "«^- prof li ga cy, iJdf '''''' '^- prof ligato,:J£J,^.-^^-' r»i»n fonnrl' "• Intellectual; deep; pro lOUnU , leamed. UTf\ found' 1 V *"^" Deeply ; with piU lUUIiU ly, deep insight. O lUIl tU ty, or knowledge. pro fuse', fga^"^^^*' ''''"'' '^'■°*'" pro fu' sion^ ^nce'"''^"'''' ''""^" prog'eny,«eneSr'^^^"^^ prog nos' tie, ^-pr^eS^Jr""^' prog nos' tie ate, Si.'^" ^"'^- prog' rPQCJ " ^^ourse ; advance- 1 ivkiS, jnent ; passage. r\rr\ ctfc^aa^ ^i- To move forward ; piU gl CbJs , to pass. progres'sion,;,„«?„S "■ progress'ive,°i5rr»™'"''' t-ii'rk l-iiK' if ^i- To (orbid ; to inter- prO niO 11, diet; to debar. prohibi"tion, 3i,f/'"^^"^^^'^ i pro bib' it ive, £,a?''"^ ^'"^ nrf\ i*i' ^'- "^^ protract ; to pro 1 Ogae , prolong ; to put off. pro Sa' ic, «• Resembling prose. pro scribe', tIrdTc" ''"'"' '''"" pro scrip" tion, Soom'^SS',: nrO«' P 4>Ilfp ''*• '^° pursue; to pi Ub t/ -t/Utt., continue ; to sue. oros' p Ivte. "• ^ <^°"^«''* ^° ^""'^ pi uo '' r\n' ic cont «• Powerful; strong; pu lb bdlll, forcible; mighty. pull, n- The act of pulling ; a contest. niiill *'• To draw violently ; to rend; FVt^*9 to gather. pul' let, »• A young hen. i-»iil' Ipv n. a small wheel turning on pui i^y^ a pivot. pul' mo na ry, fun^?''"^ ''''"' r»iilr» "• The soft part of fruit; any puip, soft mass, nnl« a" tinn "• ^^^ ^^ beating or pUlb a tlOIl, nioving as the pulse. gjp n. Motion of an artery as the ^*^) blood passes through it. ' vpr irra "'• To beat into pow- VCl I/.!:?, der or dust. pun. "• A quibble ; an equivocation. punetirio,;,*,!^'""'""""- pun€til'ious,«e4uTois''""'' pUn€' tU al, a. Exact ; punctilious. pun€'tuate,rypJi?,f^'"^"''^ pune tu a" tion, J-ntnt' "' nnn*»' flire " ^ h*"'® made by a punt/ tU-l C, sharp point. pun §Gn Cy, j^g ; sharpness. nun' cront ^- Sharp; biting; acri- pUIl g<^lll-, monious. min' ioK '"*■ To chastise ; to afflict; pun Ibll, to correct. pun' ish a blc, fix'""""- pun' ish ment, l^,:""''"'' T-kiin' cfpr "• A quibbler ; one who pun btt/i , is fond of puns. mi' •»-»■« r «• Young; inferior; petty; pu ny, feeble. t-iii' nil "■ The apple of the eye ; a pu pu, scholar. pu'pilage,?y.^"^'^^'*'P'"''"°"- mm' r\\T iffim "• Extreme affecta- pup py laill, ti„n; foppery. nni»' r»Viooo ^'- To buy; to obtain pur Clldbe, for money. r»fit*P "• Clear; unsullied ; genuine ; pUlC, not mingled. nnrp' Iv '^'*''' Merely; innocently; pUl t; V5 in a pure manner. rkiir rri" t\f\r\ "• Act of cleansing pur ga lion, or purifying. rkii' v\ fV? w^ To make pure ; to clear; pu 1 1 ly, to cleanse. mi' T«i itr «• Cleanness ; innocence; pu 1 1 ty, chastity. PYR 119 QUA book, dove, full, use, €an, chaise, gem, thin, thou. t-iiiv* IrAir*' f*- To steal ; to pilfer ; to pur lUlIl 5 take by theft. niir lr»in' t^r "• ^ thief; one who [JUl lUin tJl ^ steals clandestinely. pur rort,r,;„rr^ ''"'""" pur' port, ^f,„f;;""""<' """""• lilir' nn«P "• '"tention; design; pui pUfeC, end; effect. niir' no<5P "• "^^ intend; to re- pui |JLr»t_.5 solve; to design. pur' pose less, ?ec?*^'"^ "° "^■ nnr' nn<^f^ 1v 9^"- I^eslgnedly; by pui pUfcjC 1^, intention. r»iii«a' m* "• The paymaster of a purs i^r, ship pur su' ance, J;4rsr'"''°" ' '^ nni* cii' onf «• ^^^ne in conse- pUI SU dill, q„ence ofathing. rkiii* cfi/?' *''■ To chase; to foliow ; pUl feUty , to prosecute. rkiir- cii/t' "• Act of following; a pui &U«t , chase. Pii' vn lorif a. Full of corrupt mat- U. lU. lUIil, ter or pus. mil* Mf^t/ *'■ "^^ provide ; to procure; ptll V C^ , to buy in provisions. pur vei/' or, Jides"^"" ''''° p'°- pur' veew, J^ow^o'''^'"^ ''*"'' ' ^ ^IIQ fj. The matter of a well-digested pus, sore ; corruption. nncVi *'• To press forward ; to urge; r"^* 9 to enforce. T-k-ncjVi "• A thrust ; an attack ; a strong pUSIl, effort. mi<5h' ino- J ;'F'-- Urging forward. pUSIl lllg, I a_ Enterprising. pu sil Ian' i mous, "y. *'°"^^"^ rvMo' f nlo "• A pimplo ; a small pus IU1«, swelling. pus' tU loUS, « Full of j.imples. j^,,* wt. To lay ; to place ; to apply ; to rr! 7 propose. pu' ta tive, a. supposed ; reputed. pu tre fae"tion, J,ST'''' nil' f rri £\T ***• To decay ; to become pu til. IJ, rotten. putres'cent,3i«.'°«;^"«">"™^ nil' frirl "• Rotten; corrupt ; offen- pu ti lu, sive. nn trirl' i t\7^ "• Rottenness ; cor- pu 11 lU 1 tj, ruption. nnv' '/I/' v^ To perplex ; to confound; P""^ z-ic;, to embarrass. niTz' r/l/a ♦•• Perplexity; embarrass- pUZ. Z.1C;, jnent. pyg me' an, S^ar?"'"'""" ^ nvrf» "• A funeral pile to burn dead r J 5 bodies on. pyr'ote€Any,S-,*r„l'!'"'""' Q. like a duck ; to V*Uai:/K., ijoast or brag. nnn^lr "• A boastful medical practi- l|Uclf:/IV, tioner. niia^lr' or v "• False pretensions 4Ud,t.K. Ul J, to any art. quaek'ishjts.'^S""*^"' quad' ran gK^^i^rX^^' ' i*nnf "• -A" instrument to 1 aill, take altitudes. quad quad quad quad quad ren' ni al, ^our^yTafs"''"" rilat'eral,U^der^ rillp' "■ ^ f^i^e at cards ; a 7 Kl ' mfn **• To suit; to corre- 1 ate, spond. ' rntp "' Having four equal 1 dtt:, sides ; square. mf' \r' «• Belonging to a I at 1-t/, square, quad quad 1 iiixD , jtind of dance. „ quad' ru ped, ?ou?fi"t™'' '''"' quad'rupk,?(JXir^ ^°-' nnofT "*• To swallow in large qUdll, draughts. quail, n- A bird of game. nii'i*! ''*• To languish; to sink into IjUaw, dejection. niiot'I' inrr "• -A^ct of failing in reso- quda nij^j Jut ion. rtttTiirti^ °- Nice; minutely exact; qUd^Ill, odd. quaint' ly, Sy^'""'^' ^^'^^^ "^- niinb-o *'^- To shake with fear; to IjUan^-., tremble ; to shudder. /-fno'l^r>i» "• One of a sect called qua Kt^r, Friends. qualifi€a"tion,"p„t.",^-r mini' 1 fv "'• "^^ ^' ^^"^ anything; ^|uai 1 1 J , to soften ; to assuage. niictV i t\T "• Property; rank ; char- IjUai 1 tj, acter; temper. ni, n. A sudden sickly feeling. quaZ nnan' Ha rv "• ^"^' = difficulty quail Ua ly, uncertainty. nnnn' fl tv "• ^'^'^' weight; por- tjuail tl tJ,tion; measure. quar an tme, f^J^ intercourse. r«iiQi«' i»£»l «• A brawl; a scuffle ; a quar rei, dispute. niiQi*' i-ol ^^- To debate; to find quai 1 CI, fault ; to fight. nnar' rpl ino" « Adispute;adis IjUai 1 t^l lllg, agreement. quar' rel some, Srails!'"^^ '° nnar' rv "• ^^n*® flown at by a 4 . * * J ? hawk ; a stone mine. QUO 120 RAI bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, quart. »«• The fourth part of a gallon. riiiort' or ^^' '^^ divide into four quai L tJl 5 parts ; to lodge ; to diet. quart' er ly, l^nth.'^"'"" '"""^ iTinorf' ofc? n- Station appointed for qUd-FL UriS, soldiers. ntttnr'f^ ^ It. A book of four leaves qUcirt U5 to a sheet. rtiia* vr>r *'*• ^o shake the voice ; to qua VCl 5 tremble ; to vibrate. niia' vpr ino- "• ^^^ °^ shaking qUd. VCI 111§5 the voico. ^titn^T (^«c) "• A whaif for landing H^^y? goods. nnoor *'• ^dd ; strange; fanciful; qutjei ^ original. _,„^11 t)^ To crush ; to subdue ; to ap- qUtJllj pease. quench, SirJt? '^""'"^'''"" '"'' qut;iH.>ll ICSO, extinguished, /-.nr»' i«icif «• One who asks ques- que ribt, tions. quer' u lous, "iaPntaT"'" "" -,,,^' •i.-ir «• -A^ question ; inquiry to be que ry, resolved. Guest, n. Act of seeking ; a search. /-«ii*-»o' fiz-wvi f<. To inquire ; to doubt; qUeS lion, to debate. ques' tion a ble, "■ nnih' hip *'*• '^° P"" ' ^° equivo- qUlU UlU, (.ate ; to trifle. rtni/^lr «• Living; swift; nimble; qUlt^K, ready. nl^^^h■' ^v\ ^^- To hasten; to accel- qUlt>K CIl, erate. quick' wit ted, ^iJ'^"^'"" '''''^' qui es' CenCe, «• Rest ; repose. qui es' cent, ;;p^^|""^''y*"s"* r«iii' /af *'• S^'l* • peaceable ; smooth; qui CI, not ruffled. qui'etness,^initr^''' ''^"" qui'etude,^-^Sh['y"'''''''''^"" ni-iill "• The strong feather of the quill, wing. /-•nin' c?\r "• Inflammation of the quill tbyi) throat. /-.nimf'dl "• -A- hundred pounds qumi ai, weight. /-iiiTi'£» "• Twenty-four sheets of pa- quilti, per. quite, a<^"- Completely; perfectly. niiif' iunr^f^ "• Discharge from quit taiiv^t/, (leht ; acquittance. miiv i-kf' ij? °- Wild; absurd; ro- qUIX 01 li:., mantle. quota" tion, ",iSi„l'"°""^' nnntP *''■ "^^ ^'^® ^" author; to note; qUULt/, to give another's words. Doubtful suspicious. mw R. Ivab bl, ) n. A doctor among the rab' bin, > •'"^^- ,,«U/ Kl/> "■ -^ tumultuous crowd of I au UlC, low people. rab' id, «• Fierce ; furious ; mad. roK' 1/1 tirkoc! «• Furiousness ; mad- |,^^p n. A generation; family; con- 1 cH^l:;, test in running. race. »»• To run swlftly, as in a race. ra' ci ness, Jacy^"'"'"^ °^ '''"^ ra' cinff, «• Act of running swiftly. ra-plr "■ "^^ engine to torture with; 1 dT-'K, extreme pain ; a frame for hay. ro' r*\r "■• Strong; flavorous ; tasting Id, i>y, of the soil. ra' di anCe, -Ajparkimgluster; ra' di ant, "par^llif ^ "-'^y^ ro' A\ li-o ^*' To emit rays; to 1 a Ul dtt;, shine ; to sparkle. radia"tion, J^y^"^'"''''"""^: fori' iz» q1 °- Primitive; implanted! IdU lly d,l, by nature, I rad' ie al ly, S^;:elJ?:*^^"""''' ^"'"' i rad'ieate, ;:j,?;'^p^^"^^^«p'y'^« rad i^ a" tion, Joof ' °' '""'"^ ».r,' ^i ii<^ n- The semi-diameter of a i ra Ul us, circle. ra' dix, «• The root. I rat li^. "i. To throw dice for a prize. rait, w- A frame or float of timber. |,xA-' p|« n. The timber let into tiu> 1 ctlL Ul , great beam ; a roof timber. rncrp "• ^i"'ent anger; vehement fu- \ 1 d^L/, ry; eagerness. j i«n rro ^^- To be in a ra^e ; to exercise *-*^^i^'> fury. vorro' fill o- Furious; impetuous; 1 d^lv lUl, violent. r»o rr' rrorl <^- Dressed in rags ; rent \ * ^& &*^'^5 i«i tatters. ra' mno" ^ "■ ^'"l^^ce; impetuosity, i 1 d ^lll^j, I pp;._ Exercising fury. \ i*o fv'Attf "• Meat stewed and highly | ra ^OUl , seasoned. ! rn^'l f "'• '^° inclose with rails. | 1 dfci, ^ t,j To use reproachful language. \ vol I' inrp "• Insolent, reproachful : Idtl llJg, language. rairiery,:iSh"'"'^"'""^ ra/'ment, 2re1,^^^'"''^^'"""'1 RAP 121 R A W book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. f^!r\ » Water that falls from the I tllllj clouds. — • vt. To fall in drops from the r " ^ wandering ; an irreg- 1 aill uiCj ^jiar excursion. Iram'blc,^,^^^'""^"'"^^^'^" ram i fi rtr\' irl «• Quick; swift ; speedy; vi- rap IU5 oignt mnirl' i f V "• Celerity ; swiftness; piU 1 t^^ velocity. ran' ir! ]\t o'^"- Swiftly ; with quick lap lU ly^ motion i»o' i-ki df "• -A^ small sword used in 1 a pi t;i , ihi„stiiig. mr»' in/» "• ^he act of plundering ; 1 ap niC^ violence ; force. Ecstasy ; transport ; nthusiasm. rap' turous,°„rttr^"''^ :'""■'• rnrt^ o. Scarce; thin; uncomirK)n ; 1 ai Uj raw. »««5*»' « 4Vr "'• or vt. To meike or be- rar e ly^, ^ome thin. t'oi«£k' l\r <^''- Seldom; not often; lart; ly^ nicely. „^_/ * ^„ n, Uncommonness ; tliin- ! rar 1 ty^ neJis; sometliing curious. »«oo' ^qI n. a scoundrel ; a conlempt- raS -t/dl, jbie fellow. ras€al'ity,:,J,r"''^ "'"'' ras'€ally,L'^.'""'''""»'''°""- rash, a- Hasty ; violent ; precipitate. rash' neSS, Sange?!'*'' contempt of foork t)<.»To rub with a rough file or raSf), rasp. ~n' c-ii !•« "• Act of scraping or rub- la SSUl li-j bing out. ra'tab^f.e!'*"''^"*^ '"""'*'"'*'" „5*„ *• A. fixe C/ll, rationally. r5/?G;' /in n hl/> "• Agreeable to 1 CM* Ull d Ulfy, reason ; moderate. reas' on ing, i^guTnT'"' ' ''''^ re as sem' ble, i'„ "^^ '^^^^^'^^ re as seri , tain ro Qc cfiro' «^*- To restore from ap- 1 C d» »ui c , prehension. rfkK' ol *•• ^"^ ^^° resists lawful au- * t;u CI, thority, rp 1"»p1' *'*■ '^'' "^® *" opposition; to 1 t; UCl , resist legal authority. vt. To assert or raain- anew. repeat !•£» Kol' ]ir»n n- Insurrection against * e Ut;i JlUll, lawful authority. re bel' lious, °„a°""' "'"' i«^ Ki-\nv»/^' *'^- To reverberate; to I e UUUIIU , fly back. fc% Knflf' "• Quick and sudden resist 1 1; »JU11 , ance. rebuild', ;lir^°*^"''*^"^"'" '**"•"- rp hiikp' "'• "^^ ^'"^® ' *° '■^P"" * ^ uuxvi^ , mand ; to reprove. re but', vt. To beat back ; to keep off. re -call', ^t- to can back ; to revoke. r«3 .£>eS "'"''''" i*ck nci'Ixm' ^^- To take ; to entertain; re CtfcVl^ , to allow. re'cency,:tat^^:^"""''' * "''' m' r»<3nf "• ^®^' "o'' ancient ; fresh; 1 1^ Ct^Ilt, jjot long passed. re'centlyjJ^X""""^''^''''^ ic K^K^^ to- t^io, ceive things in. recep"tion,:;,:gi""'""*' rp r»Pcc' "• Retreat ; privacy ; retire- 1 c i../r;c>o , nient ; an intermission. reC 1 pe« «• a. medlcal prescription. r(^ pin' i Pnt "• -^ Person or thing 1 ty ^^ip 1 ciiL, that receives. rf^ pir»' rn .pnl " Mutual; inter re Cip lU ijai^ changeable. re cip' rotate, rhange1.?ir"- rec i proc' i ty, Jatfr^*' ""''' re cit' al, >„ rec i ta" tion, ) ^ ' rn r'lf p' **• '^'^ rehearse ; to enu- 1 Ky t/llt; , merate. reek'^ less, 2a,'S.'"^^"^"'';^" '• re-GK jess ness, heedlessness. rct^h' /in ***• To calculate ; to cora- 1 U-t/tt. C/II, pute ; to esteem. rp.pk' nn \n(T "• ■*■ computation; 1 C-t/IV Vll iilg, account of time. «f» .ploflm' "'• '^" reform ; to re- re -t^ld^m , deem; to recall. re€laJin'ablc,;,„Ser'° re cline', :J.'"^""""'""^""'- A. repetition; ehearsal. REC 123 REF book, (love, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. A revival of memory. begin re i^ylUSU ^ eluded. r6 <^luse'« »• ^n® shut up ; a hermit. re«' og nize, tJ- Jv° w.'"""'"''' re€ogni"tion,"e.jL'„r''""- ».« ^/-^il' »'*• To rush or fall back ; to re 4:^011 , shrink. ree ol lee" tion, ", re eom mence', anew ree om mend', rno'ttr!'""' *° re €Om mit'^w^- To commit anew. re-G om penSe, compensation. ree' om pense, ^LTto^e^K: r£»i?' t\r\ r»il<:k "'• To make consist- I et/ UH i^llt;, ent ; to conciliate. reconnoit'er,?^^;:^-^'^'"'"^' rp .POn «irl' Pr *'' ^" revolve in re -t^OIl MU er, the mmd a-ain. re -60n Vew', «<• To convey again. re eord'j^ratl" '''*''''' '°''''' i»/i^' rkrrl "■ Authentic memorial ; a rt/ty UI U, register. re -eOUnt', vt. To relate in detail. rP .^ni/rcp' "• Application for help 1 1; t'UCf'l C»C , or protection. re €6v' er, Sle7'"''6'"""° «°' re«6v'ery,;eAinr"'°"" ree'reantjLerS"'"'""- rox»' r<:» Qf t» v<. To refresh ; to re- I c-t/ 1 c aLC, ligve ; to revive. rp.rrpn"tinn "• ^*^''®^ ^'^'^^'^ rei:^ re a tlUIl, ^oji . amusement. re €rim' in ate, J^turn^""'"'" re eruzV, l,t "'^'"^ '""''''^ '°'" iT» ^rfi^f' **• To regain health; to I t^ -t/l U«.t , enlist soldiers. reef an gk, n. a right-angle. rp^' f J fVr vt. To make right ; to re- 1 K^x^ Ll 1^, fojjn. to improve. ree ti lin' e ar, )„ consisting , I of riglkt lines. free- ly. ree ti lin' e ous rf^^y^ fi tnrip "• Uprightness ; I et> tl LUUC, dom from iniqui iree'tor, ;;^h^"^"'^'*P"^^°'^''f* I ree' tor y, ^p^tJTi ■ ' A parish church; a livin reeum'bent,r.;a';:'t'i"vl.^"'°""'- rc^ .^nr' *'** To have recourse to ; to re eur , come back.. reeur'rence,^-,tt',r"''*''^ re eu' sant, ?;rm.' '"""^ '" ''''" red.' den* **• To grow red ; to blush. rp rl^pm' v^ To ransom ; to rescue; 1 e Ut;t;ill , to recover. redeem'abk,;edTe'.td"'^^'" re deem' er, ;,,rslvtr° '"'"""'' re demp" tion, JoverTrr'ias" red'ness,red'''"^"*'''y^^'^"^ red' o lent, ^rar'' "''""'''"" re dlv , jsh ; to subdue. re du€" tion, ?;,*" "' ■"""»' redund'ant,;,^rr''"'^"- I e t^ty/e U, to reverberate. /• n. A chain of rocks near the sur- reei, face of the water. ^i* vt. To reduce a sail by rolling up reel, a part of It. re^ f^n {"r^rrf^' **' '^° strengthen I k; c;ii j.v/i v^v^ , with new supplies. ro ff^^" tinn " Kefreshment after 1 e Ltixy tiuil, hunger or fatigue. re feet' O ry, » An eating-house. -f/^r' *'*• "^^ have relation ; to ap- re It/T , peal to another. ro^ t»r Pp' "• ^"*^ ^° ^'^^'^" * ^*^'"^ 1 ei t;i tJC , is referred. ffif^ f:^r f^nof^ n. Relation ; respect, rei er ence, aiiusion. 1 C 1 Illc; , make clear. refine'ment,J„=.L'Sr^''°- re fit', v^' To repair; to fit out again. rp flp.ot' **■ ^° consider; to convey re lieei , reproach. *ir» flck^" fir»n n. Attentive consid- rt^ lie-t/ tlUll, eration ; censure. re' flex, a- Directed backward. re flow?', dial's" '•'"'*^*'''"«°" i«£k' flnv "• Backward course of wa- re 11 U A, ter ; ebb of the tide. -r-t^ fr^T'nn' "' To change from worse re lUrill , to better. REG 124 REL bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, A change om worse to better. re form', )"• ref orm a" tion, 5 1° rf» frfl^t' '»t. To break the natural l\j i.1 d-tyt 5 course of rays. re frae" tion, "^^^ °' ^ re fra<^t' o ry, ^e?s'e.'""'' ' ''" fc^ ^fV•o'»K»' ^^- To forbear ; to abstain ; 1 tJ II aill ^ xo hold back. rfk fri^ch' *"• "^^ recreate; to re- 1 c 11 c&ll , lieve ; to improve. rP frP<5h' inn- ^^'■- J^^'^iving; re- I t! II tJfeli 111^5 lieving ; cooling. re fresh' merit, l^V'' '""'' refrig'erate,?^^^.-'^^^^^ ref Uge. »• a shelter ; a protection. re ful' gencejJeS'""'"'""^"'' reful'gent,»urS/^"-"8^ I tJ lUIlU , pay ; to restore. vck ii^^ cqI *»• A*^^ °f refusing ; a de- It; lU Sell, niai; option. r^f*' ncf» "• Wortliles.s ; unworthy of I Ul UJsU, reception. -.^ -rnffic*' *^- ^^ ^'^"y ^ request ; to 1 1; 1 U»t; , reject. re fu' ta bk, f^ Ji»"' "^^^ ''^ ^^■ refuta"tion, ?J4*"'^''''^^- — ^ filf o' ''''• "^"^ prove false or erro- I C 1 ULC , neous. rck fY»»r»' *''• To recover; to gain re g-t/l , to cast off. re jee tinn "* ^ casting off; LlUll, throwing aside. ro irkir^o' *'^- To be glad ; to exult , I U JUlt^U , to be joyful. rejoic'ing,]'oy.^'^ expression of^ v£k irkir*' "'• To join or meet one 1 1; JUIII , again. rejoin' der,^;,l^"P^y^°""""- »«/-k loi-ko^i' ""i- To slip ; to slide or fall re lapse , back. rP lafp' *'■ "^^ *®^^ ' *° narrate; to / XCC1I6. rP la' tinp- I ;>i";- Narrating. 1 t; Id tlllg, I „ Having refer re la" tion, 2;, reference. A narration ; kin- dred ; reference. rt^ In y' **• '^° slacken , to remit ; to 1 c IdA , open or loose. f£^ loi/ «• Fresh horses to relieve re Id*/ , others i»o Is^oo' '^^^ To set free from re 1 1; leo-tsU , straint. rc» IS/TCo' "• Freedom from confine- 1 e ICfX^&t; , j^ent or pain. ~ii lonf' *'*• To grow less rigid; to 1 c; leiit , soften ; to yield. re lent' less, "hess"''^''""^' ""'" rel' i«o li' Qnr»o "• Trust; dependence re 11 dlice, confidence. rpl' i.<>«S n. plu. The remains of dead 1 ei l-t-a, bodies ; memorials. rciV i^f "• ■^ widow ; one whose hus- 1 tJl 1-t^L, band is dead. r'^ re mem' brance, f- I'S""" rp iTVinH' ^^^ To put in mind or re- 1 t; lUlIlU ^ mernbrance. rem i nis' cence, l^ ^H^'^ rck mioo' <'• Slack; slothful ; not in- 1 1; llllK)^ ^ tense. re mis' sion, ^iv^nest""^"' ' ^°" re miss' ness, negifgenie!'"^'' ' Vt> mit' ^^' To relax; to pardon ; to 1 t; imt ^ ggjj^i money. rp mit' fanpp " ^ ^""^ sent to re IIlll ldni^«, a distant place. rem' nant, ^.fJt'"^' that which re mod' el, vt. To model anew. re mon' strance, j'es'eSoT remon'strate-,;jSI.^'""" fo mrkfoo' "■ P'^i" of guilt; sorrow I U lllUI be , for sin. re morse' less,-, el fr^afe"' ro mrif o' "• Distant ; not immedi- 1 t; llJUlt; , ate ; foreign. ro mrift*' Iv '"^''- Not nearly; at a It; mote ly, distance. re mote' ness, "eame'r'*"'" fo mri\r' n1 '»• The act of removing; re mOV U.l, dismission. -rj mnvp' ^^- To change ; to go from 1 e lliuv t/ , one place to another. remu'nerate,f^J,Ur"'^ re mu ner a" tion, J;ent^^*^' ren -eoun ler, g^nai opposition. mrtA ^^- To tear with violence ; lo 1 eilU, lacerate. rt^n' Afif ^*- To return ; to pay back; 1 Cll UCl , to restore. ren' de^; \6us, ;„ee1,nf '' '" ren di'' tion, rng^^r'ytiSr'"' ren'egade,:er1er''"'''''''^'" rp rtt^w^ *'*• To renovate ; to repeat ; 1 e new , to begin again. rp TIPW' i\\ "• ^'^^ ^^ renewing ; a It; lit; w UJ^ renovation. rpn' n vnfp '''• "^^ renew; to re- len \J vatt^, store to a first state. ren o va" tion, " ^ '"""^^^' re nounce re nown', ^i^^""^ ' ^^^^'^"'^ • """■ rP^ nown' pd «• famed; celebra. re llUWll CU, ted; eminent. rent, vt. To hold by paying reijt. rpnt "• I"^ome ; annual or quarterly 1 eilL, payment. «.pi_|' „1 «• Schedule or account of re nu mer ate, to count over. ' renuncia''tion,^i,f""°"'^- re paZr , to nt up anew act of renewing. t vt. To disown ; to re- 5 ject. f vt. To restore ; to amend ; w. hat may be re- rep' a ra bk, Jaired rep ar tee', ?ep;^/'"y ""' ^"'^" ».^ T-.Wcif ' "A meal, or act of taking re pdsi , food. rf* "nn-ll' *''• '^° P^y back; to com- 1 e pd*/ , pensate ; to requite. fcx r\3rrV ^*- To recall; to abrogate; 1 e petei , to revoke. rck r\SnV "• A revocation; a recall 1 e peai , from exUe. ro r»S/Tf ' ^^- To rehearse ; to recite ; 1 e pe€*L , to do again. i»^ r^ol' vt. To drive back ; to re- 1 e pel , pujse, t*Ck TAonf ' "*• To think of with sorrow 1 e pen I , or regret. re pent' ance,Je„X„7e '""'"' rp T^Pnt' nrif "• Penitent; ex- 1 c; |Jt?HL a-itt, pressing sorrow. rep eti" tion, -ptaS|--^^' REP 126 RES bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, answer ; a To answer, or make re- turn to an answer. ro rkiino' "*• '^° ^^^^ ? *° complain; 1 U pilie ^ to murmur. rfi rA^nt^' ' ' To put in the former, 1 1; piaiyC ^ , J new place. replen'ish,J'gain'''°'^''°'" re plete', «• FuII ; completely fined. re pie" tion, lyJ^'fT'"''^''"'^ rf» nipv' in ~) *'^- "^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ °^ 1 1; pit; V 111^ / set at liberty, upon re plev' y, > JS!"^' """^'^'"^ rep li <^a" tion, Je^i" re ply', Z ~ rf> ■nnrt' "■ I^^'""^' popular fame; 1 C pui t , sound ; noise. re pose', «• Sleep ; rest ; quiet. repos'itory,-4r/„l'r'°' rrk r\r\ci oooa' ^^- To get possession 1 1^ pu& &U&& , of again. rep re hend', ?e„I„°r;?;rc'i,idl° reprehen'siblc,?,.'ao."' representV;eJn°a.r"""'^"" rep re sent' a live, ;;„«!!'''" ro Tkrooo' t><. To crush; to put down; 1 U pi t;&& , to subdue. i*c\ r\r"»il\TCi^ ^t- To respite after sen- It; pi*«Vt;, tence. rep'rimand,«:p,I<'enl"'"'''° vcJ Tki-i-nf "• A. re-impression ; a new It; pilIlL, edition. ■ro rkfinf' *'^- To print a new edi- 1 tJ pi lilt , tion. ret Tkri' cal n. Seizure by way of re- 1 1; pi 1 »d.l, taliation. Opprobrious ; shameful. virtue ; re proacli', tJi"! """"" "' "^ re pro«ch' ful, rep' ro h&ie^l^^Jl re pro dOce',",,';!'",?™'""''' =">""' re proof, -„™r"'*'''"^ |reprov'able,;-„?f|?Ee."" ro rtrrltro' ^'^^ To blame ; to check ; lt5 piUVtJ , to rebuke. rpn' til/' "• -^ creeping or crawling 1 cp mo, thing ; a mean person. repub'lish,;',,iSaK:"^' *^ repu'diate,j;;tl:af '''' re pu di a" tion, Siv^rJe.""''"' re pug' nance, repug'nant,^a^;f; n. Reluctance Disobedient averse. re miisp' ^'" "^^ ^®^* ^^*^^ * ^° ^^^^ repuls'i've,?„SI,g'"'"'"" rep'utablc,-„r-°™e"'^ ■" rep uta" tion, -edi.?hT„r^ vck ririfo' *''• To hold; to think; to 1 1; pute , account. ro nnocf ' *''• To ask ; to sohcit ; to 1 tJ t[Ut;&t , express desire for. rp' nni pm "• ^ funeral hymn; 1 e qui eill, rest ; peace. ro niiiro' ''^' To demand ; to make 1 tJ t[Ull t; , requisite ; to need. ror«' 111 G?ito «• Needful; necessa- lt^4 Ul »lLe, ry; proper. ron ni «i" f inn "A demand; an 1 eq Ul S>1 tlUIl, application for. rorUUI1U ^ back ; to celebrate. r^ «ri«/rr»f»' "• ^^^ ^'^ unexpected 1 ^ oucei VyVy ^ means ; an expedient. r(> (snt^^f^ *'*• "^^ regar*i ; to consid- i c o|Jc;-^i/ ^ gr with reverence. r^ «nf»^t' "• I^egard; attention; 1 Ki »pc;t>i- ^ reverence ; honor. respect' Si h\€,%Z"'''''' ""'""' rP ci^^i^t' fill Ceremonious ; full 1 1; fc|Jt;-t/L lUl^ of outward civility. I re Spect IVe ly, ly; relatively. f£i cr\if£k' ^^- To breathe; to catch re bJJlI e ^ breath. resplen'dent, Si^f'^''^' '^'- i I'o c-i^rinri' *"»• To answer; to cor- i * 6 SpOna , respond. !•£» ortrknco' n. An alternate answer ; 1 « apuiisty ^ a reply. I-P «nnn«j' i hl^ " Answerable ; I e hpuilts 1 Uir, accountable. rpst ''*• "^^ slumber ; to cease from I t^sl^ labor ; to be at peace. res titu" tion, ^Jnr''°^''" r«:kcf ' loec **• Unquiet ; unsettled ; in 1 tJ&L lt/^s, constant motion. rf^a if\ m" tinn "• Restitution ; res lO Td. lion, act or replacing. ra. ctr^i^^k' *'^- To give back ; to cure ; I e btUl t? , to recover. r«^ ctra* n' *''• To withhold ; to re- 1 c; oti cl*ii , press; to limit; to confine. i»o cfi'Qi'nf' n. Abridgment ot liber- 1 1; fell deilt , ty or will. re Stri-et', vt. To llmlt ; to confine. re strict' ive, ?fon.*''""^ "'"^'*" v>ci. cjiilf' '^^"' To arise as a conse- I « »U1L , quence. rf» anit' "■ Consequence; resolve; 1 e %UiL , decision ; effect produced. !•£» ciltriia' ^^' To take back; to be- 1« »Ulllt; , gin again. re sump" tion, iZm^"' °^''" re Vf^nirt^' **'• '^'^ return an injury 1 1; VtJllgt; , or affront. revenge'ful,"o-fr'^v"et;r^'"" rev' e nu6, Jome""^^^ profits; m- re verb' er ate, I'^J^,,^^ ^^^ ro v^rfi' *'^- To reverence; to hon- 1 e YCl tJ , or . to respect. r»• To roU in a circle. rp vrki vp' **'■ "^^ ^®'^ round ; to con- J t; VUlVt; , sider; to meditate. rPV O In" tion « a revolving ; a 1 tV U lU liUlJ, circular motion. re ward', ;:4 J° "°'"p'"'^'"' '° rAap'sody,-^^il?U^"^°""'" r/iet' or i€,^-;'to?y'''°''P^"'^"^' »• 7i.&iii'«^ «• -A. w^atery humor from the r/ieuin, mouth. r/ty r^y P^^ n. Consonance or harmony ***"5 of verses. me To agree in sound ; to 5 make verses. Meter; mean ; scurrilous rAythm, "^,« rib' aid, °; riK' 'llrl VV "■ ^^^"' brutal Ian- 1 lU dlU. 1 J, guage ; obscene talk. ripll *'■ W^^l^hy; fertile; abundant 1 K.^11, precious. riph' Iv a*^". Magnificently ; fruitful- 1 11^11 IJ, ]y . ^j^ij splendor. fiA' i-loKj/^ck «• Deliverance; act of I lU UtlJlCe, getting rid of. virl' rll/> " An enigma; a puzzle ; a I lU Ulf;, problem. rirl 6"P " * ^^ ^^P ^^ * ^^^^ ' *^® rough 1 1U^V>, tQp Qj- anything. fi/-!' i x'li}/:^ "■ W'<^ that provokes riU 1 <:/UlL, laughter. ! ri Hip'^lL lnn<5 " Exciting laugh- I I 1 Ul-t. U- 1UU55, ter or contempt. i fifVi a- Prevalent ; prevailing ; abound- I I IIU, jng. i i*i' fl./> "^^ To rob ; to pillage ; to plun- I 1 lit/, der. ricr' (Tino* **• "^^^ sails or tackhng of ; * *0 &***&5 a ship. rifrhf "■■ ^''^ J proper; becoming; i l^/*t, just ri trhi' prkiic (''^' '^^"•') ''• Virtuous ; 11^ fix. *-^Uh, incorrupt. riW/t' fill " Having the right; llglli, lUl, just; honest. rio-/>f'lv '"^''- l^ropeily; uprightly; 1 l^/*t ly, suitably. n'cr' irl " Inflexible; severe; cruel; 5 ^^? stiff. rirr' r^r "• ^°'*^ i severity of conduct ; I Ig Ul , austerity. rig'orous, ^ct^^^^^'*^'"''^'"" rill* »• A little brook or small stream. rim, "• A border ; a margin ; an edge. rTriH "• '^^^ ^^^^ °^ trees ; the coat I lllU, oj. sjjjjj of fruit ; the husk. rinrr "• A circle; a circle of metal; * ***&5 the sound of bells, &c. ring'let, Jir^j;"^^''""^'^'"'^'^ ri' nf "• ^''''^ festivity ; an uproar; a II Ut, tumult; sedition. ri' f\i rkiio a- Turbulent ; seditious; 1 1 UL UU55, licentious; l^il^ vt. To tear; to lacerate ; to search * *P5 out ; to disclose. rTrkP **• Mature ; finished ; perfect ; 1 ip^:?, complete. rT«P ^^' "^^ ascend ; to grow ; to gain 1 ISt^, elevation. rise' 1 KliP <*• Exciting laughter; ri- ll* 1 UlC, diculous. riclr "• Hazard; danger; chance of I IfelV, jjarrn. ri' Vll "■ ^ competitor ; one who em- II Veil, ulates another. ri' val ry, -^^<;o"'P''"tion riv' u let. n. A small brook stream. little ro«m ri. To wander ; to ramble ; to 5 rove. vT^nr n- The cry of a lion ; a cry of dis- 1 uai , ti-gss. tr\n^i t<. To dress meat before the rnll *"'• '^° ^^'"' ^'^""^ °"® ^^ unlawful 1 IJU, force ; to plunder. vf\h' hpr V "■ '^^^^^ ^y ^^"^^^ ^"^ lUU UCl J, with privacy. robusl',^us^''^""^''^"'''^'''''°'"" robustness, J;.^''"""^'^' ^^^- m.plr "■ "^ ^^^^ mass of stone ; a de- vni.jAr^ ,r a. Full of rocks ; stony ; ob- lU-t/H y, durate. n. A knave ; a vagabond ; a Knavish ; trickish ; rOgW^, villain rogu' ish, LuS„1 roll* i**- To run on wheels ; to revolve. i« 4-1 Kr» o r^ r» /i' n. A tale of adventure ; 1 U IlldllCe , a fable ; fiction. rO man ism, Romish church. ro' man ic;t "• ^ p^p'^^ • °"® "^^^ I \j iijuii ±01,, professes popery. rn man' tip "• Fanciful; wild; 1 U mail Llt:^, extravagant. „-^,.j^„ n. A rude, untaught, awkward lump, girl. »«/-\rvir\ ^'^^ To play boisterously or rUIIip, rudely. rnnrl "• '^'^'^ fourth part of an acre in 1 fJUU, square measure. RUD 129 RUT book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. rr%rtf **• '^^^ cover of a house ; the pal- I UUlj ate or upper part of the mouth. roof less, ^-.Ji?"""' '""'""' room n. Space ; extent ; an apart- 5 ment ; stead. rOOSt« »»• To sleep as a. bird , to lodge rnot *'• '^° plant deep ; to impress ; * Uvit, to radicate ; to destroy. root' ed« «• Fixed ; deep , radical. i«rk' «;n i«v "• -^ bunch of beads used I U »a 1 J, by papists. ro' «£, of/n a. Hlooming; likearose 1 KJ »c dtt., if, scent and color f T^co' xx7"» f nr "• VVater distiUed rose wa ler, f,.o,„ ,.o.ses. m' « V "■ ^l<'<^"i'"& ; charming ; like a rU *j 5 rose in bloom or fragrance. rO tn ry« «• Revolving as a wheel. rrk f n" f irin "• ^ct of whirling ; a rO la LlUIl, turn ; a .succession. _^^i-' f />r» "• PuLrid ; not sound ; not lot LMI5 firrn; fetid. „_. 4^i,K»/^l' '^^ Roujid ; spherical; cir- I O LUIIU , cular. ro tunc!' i ty^J-e^tr^""'"' '^^*' r/JMCrll ^'^.^^ "' ^°'' smooth ; harsh; o 5 severe ; stormy. rough' ness,S'-L"„yr-"- »«i-wnK»/-l *'■ J'pherical; circular; like a rOUIlU, globe. n. State of being round ; sphericity. vt. To wake from rest ; to ex- round' ness, 1 OUSe, cite to action. f^iif ^^- To throw into confusion by rOUl, defeat. route* «• A march ; a journey ; a way row tine', «• custom ; practice. rrivo wi. To ramble; to wander; to lUVt^, range. i«ri' xrinrr "• Act of rambling or wan- I U Vlllg, dering. i*?ii« *•• A range of men or things ; a liJWj rank. I ~^,,r n. A riotous noise ; a drunken » '-'*^5 debauch. i«rkv' n\ «• Kingly ; becoming a kmg ; 1 Uy ai, regal. i«r^\r' ol ic?f "• ^.n adherent to a roy ai i^i, k,n^ _^,.f ol fxr » OlRce or character of roy ai ly, a king. rub. v^- To scour; to wipe ; to polish. rill/ liJ«h "• Ru'"s of buildings; 1 UU Ul&ll, anyti,,jjg worthless. fii' Kmr "• A. precious stone of a red » ^ "y? color. fnrl' /li ncxca "• Redness; state of rUQ Ul IieSS, ^emg red. riirl' i\v '"' '"'^'i"®'^ ^^ redness ; flor- a Untaught; rough; brutal; coar.«e. rude, w-nAd^^ }\r f^^- Coarsely; indelicate I UUe ly, ly. unskillfull rude' ness, killfully. n. Coarseness of man- ') ners ; ignorance. ril' Hi mpnt« "^p'" The first prin- 1 u Ul iiic;iii»5 ciples or elements »»ri^ *' To regret ; to lament ; to gneve * UC;, for. YUe' ful, a. Mournful ; sorrowful. i»iif*' fi on "• A^ brutal fellow ; a cut- rUl 11 dll, throat; a villain. ruf'li an ly,S;„,^,i''»^ "■«■■'" ^ riif*' fl/? **'• To disorder; to discom- rUl lie, pose; to disturb. rii rr' rrnrl «• Ro"gh ; uneven ; rude ; * "& &'-'*^5 irregular. rii' ir» *'• To subvert; to. demolish; » '^ ni, to destroy. ni' ir» " Subversion ; overthrow ; de- 1 U 111, struction. rii' in r\iic «• Mischievous; de- 1 U 111 IJU&, fitructive. rnlt* "'• To govern; to control; to 1 Ult^, conduct. rillf "■ Covernment ; principle ; com- i UlU, mand ; regularity. mr\ **• ''**^ move swiftly ; to go away ; * "**5 to vanish; to melt. m' mlr» nt^ *'* To chew over mill at!.., again ; to meditate. rum' mage, r^: ^' "'"'^ '""''*'* rU mOr* n. Popular report ; fame. mm' r\l^ v^ To crush out of shape ; I UIll pif7, to wrinkle. r-iT-k' f 11 i«/a "• Act of breaking; a rup lU-re, breach. rii' rol a- Belonging to or resembling I U 1 ai, the country. rf!«P " Cunning; artifice; trick; 1 lizbt,, stratagem. nicll "^^ To move with force or rapid- rn «ll "• ■*• ''^i°'^"^ movement or 1 UMl, course. rttGi' cof a- Reddish brown ; coarse; 1 U» Oct, rustic. rust, vt. To make rusty ; to corrode. fno' i\j? ^- Rural; rude; plain; 1 Ub tli:/, rough. rnc' ti.£» a to "* To reside in the I UO tl^ att;, country. rustic a" tion,;\;e\oSi'r'" riia *ir»' i t\r " Rudeness ; rural 1 US> lll> 1 ty, simplicity. rust' i ly, o'^"- I" * rusty condition. fiio' /l^ ^^- To make a low, rattling 1 Ub *ie;, noise. ril<5t' V **■ Covered or infected with 1 USt y, rust; impaired. rfif Vi' fill "• Merciful , rueful ; com- 1 Utll lUI, passionate. ruth' less, ^arS.'*''''"'^'''''"' ruth' less ness, « want of pity. SAI 130 SAN bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, s. Sab' a Oth, n Hosts or armies. sab' bath, ^Ki'J^"^^"'''^'''""^ "°'^- sabbat'i€al,°arbi'h"""''°''' Sa' bl6« »• -A. very dark, precious fur. Gn^'^/>n rinp* " Having the qual- fed.-t' iL>flct I lllt?5 ities of sugar. sacerdo'taI,;-Srd''^^'^ sa<^k' <^loth, Ji„J.'""^ °^ ^ '^"""^ cn^' rn mi^nt "• '^^^^ ^"'^ ^°'^' &d-t/ 1 a lllClit, jnuniun; an oath. cso' ^fr»rl o- Holy; consecrated; in- bd, -t/I t;U, violable. GJ»' .orfiH n n. A seat to put on a horse's -^nA' A\^ vf. To cover with a saddle ; bdU UlC/, to burthen. c?Qrl' i^ooc " Dejection; sorrow, bdU Iie&&, melancholy. oo^o a. Free from danger ; secure ; bd,llv, unhurt. cnf»°-*«--^^ saint' like, t^tt '' ''"'^'"'"^ ^ cjolro "• Final cause ; end; purpose; bdtVU, regard. sal' ad, n- Food of uncooked herbs. cjqI' Q f\T n. Stated hire ; annual pay- bdl a. ry, ment. cnl^ n. Act of selling; market; auc- bd,lU, tion . price. bdlt;» llldll, ployed to sell. GJi ' li , teep; to lay by. on v' ir>fT "■ ^ru&al ; not lavish ; par- ad v ^55 simonious. sa' Vior, «• Chnst ; the RedeemeK sa' Vr»r "■ ^ scent; odor; taste; &d V KJl , power of affecting the palate. sa' VOr less, a- wanting savor. Si' VOr V "■ ^^®*^'"S ^° *^^® smell ^ / or tsist@> oQ\»r **'• To cut with a saw, as wood, So-W, &c. cnxiiT- **■ -^ saying ; a maxim ; a prov- &dW, erb_ en«» "^^ To speak ; to alledge ; to utter ^*^i/J in words. ent/ iurr «• An expression ; words; fed*/ lllg, opimon. seab' bard, ^;,oTd.^ '^'^'^ °^ * oi>nf' f/^lrl "• A temporary stage or tiX^ai lUiU, frame. j c^nf folH incr » A frame or stage seal lOlQ ing, ^^j. workmen. e^nlrl "' To burn with hot water or fet^.'dlU, other hquid. SCE 132 SCO bar, fall, wh^t, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, aussertioD; race : to e-pSip "• •^ balance ; Covering of fish ; o-t-dltJj nieans of ascent ; a garment. c'X»Q Iti t>/. To mount or climb j to pare Jsti/ait., 01- scrape off. S<^ale' less, «• Having no scales. •*«-Pa1' Inn ^* '^^ mark or indent the ox»Qlrv "• Th® bone inclosing the fe-t^dip, brain ; the siiull. <2i>lln *'^" ^^ deprive the skull of its rs't/tlipj integuments. sea' ly. a- Covered with scales. cj^omrk' nv ^^- To run with speed b<:.clllip CI 5 and fear. ' C4>a n ^^' "^^ examine nicely ; to meas- i o^cli*, ure a poetic line. i*can' dal, -^1^^""" !sean'dalize,S'Jme"' ici?nn'rlol ruiQ ° Giving offense ; , bt/dll Ucll UU&5 opprobrious ; vile. c!^Qr>' TiirjfT "■ Meliiod of counting Ja-t/dH lllllg, the feet of a verse. , Q4>inf "• ^'^^'■^^ ! not enough; parsi- i ox-clllL, monious. |s€ant'ily,r^''-^P"""^'y'""'^°"- • scant' i ness, ^pS"^"/ '""'"''' 1 scant' ling, l:;;'^^"' '^^ i c?^or»f' 17 « Narrow; small; insuffi- I fet/clUL y, cient. ; seape' grace, i:;^""^^'^^^^'^^^- 1 «i>nn' 11 Inr °- Pertaining to the ! SCtip U Icir, shoulders. ; scar. «• A mark made by a hurt or sore. ci?5rr»P **• ^°^ common or plentiful ; otydl UtJ, rare. scarce, adv. Hardly ; scantly : scarce' ly, 5""' '''"'^'^^^^• scarce' neSS, ) n. want of plen- _ . , / ty ; irifi equency ; scar Cl ty, ) penury c.£»n rf» ^*- '^^ strike with fear ; to ter- ^Cdl C, rify ; to frighten. <^^»M 1 fi rtn" 4l/-wv^ n. Incisionof scar .1 n ca tion, the si^in scar 1 ly, skin. o.£»Qfli »>'■ To waste; to damage; to oCdLlJ, destroy. scath' less, Sarm!"""* ''"'"'" j2«of' f fkf «<. To throw about ; to dis- ox/dL Lcl , perse ; to spread thinly. G.t>nf' tf^t" ino- "• ^^^ ^^ throwing h-t/dl ler lllg, loosely about. SCav' en ger, «• a street-cleaner. Gr»or»o n- A display ; appearance ; part ol^/i^lltJ, of a play. ssr^pn'prv "• Appearance; repre- J3V/c;ii Cl J, sentation ; view. . Dramatical ; theat- rical. scen'ic, )„ scen'ic al,y' QOnnf "• ^'"^'1 ; odor; power of smell- OV^V^lll, irjg . chase by the smell. cr»r>nf ^''- To perceive by the nose; B^^l^llL, to smell ; to perfume. scent' less, ^^ 1"^.'°"' ' ^^"'^'"^ Cr^PT^' for "• The ensign of royalty ov>.c;p tv^i , borne in the hand. c/:ki-k' f iY> "• ^"6 ^'i'o doubts. (See fetL^cp ll-t., skeptic.) hcM\^ nifi "• A scroll ; a list ; an S>-t//^eu Uli.., inventory. «.<*/> pmn "• ^ P^^" ; ^ project ; a de- OT^/e-ciin^, gjgn . a contrivance. Ci?/jomo «<. To plan ; to project ; to »t//^t;illt;, contrive. S{^^isrn, »»• a division in the church. Se^is mat' ic, }a. implying •, , § • ^ ( schism ; dis- SC/ilS mat IC al,)senung. c/>7jr^l' nr "• One who learns ; a dis- ^^IlKJL dl , ciple ; a man of letters. SC^0l'arship,fearrfmr^^'''^ SC/tO las' tic, ^arft?c "'"''"' *^" a4^hn' li 5»ct "• ^ commentator; T^XjfiKJ 11 d&L, one who makes notes. c.o/»r»nl "• •'^ place lor education ; a iiijHiJ^Jl^ seminary. cp/jnnl ^^' To instruct ; to tutor; to e^ />r\r»l' i n it "• Instruction ; school- b-t/^UUl ing,bire; a lecture. c/^i' PnnP n. Art grounded on prin- Oi^l c;iiv./C, ciples ; knowledge. sci en tif ic, »„ee°'""°'' '" ""'" scin' til lant,?;„^/|J^.;'£^' -"""'■ scin' til late, SjaVr '■•"''' ^ sci' o lism, ^^^1"'""''''"' """""■ sci' O list, «• A superficial scholar. er^i' r»r» "• A small twig or shoot. feUl UIl, (See cton.) SCis' SOrS, n. A small pair of shears. o.<>r»flr ^^- To deride ; to treat with fe-t/UH, scoffs ; to ridicule. a.£»rkff "• Contemptuous ridicule ; de- b-t/Ull, rision. o^rilrl ^'- To chide ; to rate ; to quar- SCUJU, rei noisily. c^^Pi}A^ inrv n- Clamorous and rude SCOia lllg, language. c^^^^r\ f'- To lade out; to cut hol- SCOOp, low. __rr„^ n. Intention; aim; space; scope, final end. /^^^rx'ii 1.rMi^ a Full of. rocks; scop U lOUS, rocky. c.^rkrr»Vi "'• To burn, or to burn SCOrCII, slightly. SCR 133 SEC book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. cx»riro "• ^ ^°"S incision ; line drawn ; bXjKJl t;^ account ; the number 20. score. vt. To marie; to engrave ; to '5 set down as a debt. cj^z-wfr^ »• Contempt ; contumely ; dis- Ci>nrn «<• To scoff; to despise or dis- ot^UI 11^ (Jain ; to contemn. srtiir'rm tj< To whip ; to punish ; to &t/C/UIgl>5 chastise. cx'/inr-rr' irirr "Punishment by the bt/OUrg lllg^ scourge. «^^.,^ n One sent to watch the move- otyliUt^ ments of an enemy. cj>,,..,-,l n. A look of sullenness or tst/UWl, gloom. cjz»/-kt»;l *'*• To frown ; to pout ; to look bt/OWl, sullen. cr»rnfr' rrvr «• I>ean ; thin; rough; !5t.I clg gy, rugged. c^rom' hl/» »• Eager contest for scram Die;, something. c.^rnfr»' Kl/> vi. To catch at eager- b^rdin Ulf^, ly. to climb. a^rnr* "• ^ sniall particle; a frag- a\jl a^t^ jjient ; a cnim. ilficulty ; perplexity ; dis- h»CI cipe, tress. o^ri»fr*}n "• ^ slight wound with the &t/I ail^yll, nails, &c ; a wig. c^rfif^^h ^'- '^ wound siiglitly ; to ati^l atl^li^ tear with the nails. c3r»i'o«rl "• Unskillful or inelegant tst/iaWlj writing. o-^f Syrm "»• To cry out shrilly, as in oCrt^aill, terror. cx^r^f^n "'• "^^ shelter; to hide; to iitjl tJCIl, conceal : to sift. cr»rih' ]»]/> "*• "^^ ^""^^ hastily or &t/liu »-'iC'5 negriigently. cj^fTKo n. A writer ; a notary ; a sec- b^I lUl^j retary. scrimp, «• Slwrt ; scanty, c/»rir»' fn r ol «• Pertaining to the btyl ip LU-I ai, Bible; biblical. Ci?rin'fnrn "• '^''^ sacred wri- S>t>l ip LU-1 t., tings ; the Bible. cj^rrill "• ■*■ writing wrapped up in Sstyl Ull, form of a roll. o^'i'iiK "*• To rub hard with something St^-l UU, coarse. c^rn' r»l/» "• -^ doubt; hesitancy; S>XjI U pic;, weight of twenty grains. SCru' pl^, vi. To hesitate or doubt. scru' pu l0US,^autS^°"''^"^' scru' ta h\e, -J^:l ^^y ^' c^rn'fi nTvP w^ To search; to ex- fe-t/I U 11 lllZ*t;, amine thoroughly. cji?rii' f i TiAr «• Inquiry; nice eitam- bt/I U 11 II J 5 ination. ^Cnrl "*■ '^° P^^* away quickly; to 0.0 iif*' (\df "*• To fight confusedly ; to Ss-t/Ul lir, struggle. ~ _.,1U. wt. To lurk in by-places ; to lie scunion,3-rudgi°'^ '"""''"'' ' sculp' tor, '^.JtTs "'° ^"^'■'^'' "' sculp' tare, -If^Se:^"^*"^"''^' scum n. That which rises to the top ? of liquor. c^iir i«iP i f V «• Crossness of re- fc-t^UI in 1 IJ, pioach; lewdness scur'ril Oils, "ous^'-'vui' ''''"'"■ scur'rily,£e!y-'''''^'°""''' sea' be^ch, «• Tlie sea-shore. sen' bound, «• Bounded by the sea. sea' breeze, i',,'^':;''^""*"^^'-"" se«'faring,rn,^'^t^S.°^^^^^^^- c^/rl ***" ^" fasten with a seal ; to con- ^tJWl, firm ; to close. sea' man, «• a mariner ; a sailor. SeO^rch " ^" inquiry ; quest ; a pur- co^rmli ^'^- "^^ examine ; to look for ; bl^Ul UIl, to explore. search' less, tn^^^^'lcl "' "''''' CO//' c/^n "^^ "^^ Sive relisU to; to oca- 3>«/ii, iiiiijue ; to tinge. se«' son able, ;;,rSif"'''- sea' son ing,"„|rh.''^ '"'''' cS/rt "• A chair ; a bench ; a residence; fetJat, a site. cjo /-'Srlo' »'^- To withdraw from ; to feU l^tJUl^ , leave. se ces' sion, ^;,J^'' "^ "'"^'^'^"- CO .olrirlo' '''• '^*^ confine from; to OU -t^lUUt; , shut up apart. CO .^In' cir-kTi "• A shutting out ; an be ClU &IOII, exclusion. or^^^ d-i.-rxA a. Next in order, value, or be-c ona, dignity. «0^' nnri ^'- '^'^ support; to for- DC-t- Ullli, ward ; to assist. se€'ondary,-„l°Ur"''' ' .i>rf»f "• Unrevealed ; private; bt/ -t/I t;i, concealed. co' .^rr»t "• Something unknown or be ■*>' ^^i-j hidden ; privacy. SEI 134 SEN bar, %", what. prey, marine, pin , bird. move, Ot/ -t^l c;tc ^ ceal ; lo separate. G*i .^rf»" t\rhU "• ^ separation of Se "Cre llUIl^ anlmal fluids. cfi' .f rpt Iv °'^''- Privately; not M^ -t/lCt IJ^ openly; latently. -J _i. n. A body of men united in cer- atz-t^Lj tain tenets or opinions. see ta' ri an, ?ec?'''''"' '" '"^ ct' **• Nicely chosen; culled &C lt.-t/t , ont . choice. «SP 1p.p" tion "• "^^^ °f choosing ; &« ItJ-t^ LlUIl, thing selected. ool<^ a. or «ren. One's self; the individ- seirin'terest,L„^n'l?.e7r' <2p]f*' icV| a. Void of regard fer oth- | ccAi*^ i-Vi l\r a<^w- Without regard for &t.ll IMl ly, others. self ish ness, iJUlH °"^^' '° selfwill', :;ir''"'^'^'°""''^"" "• Reasonable ; judi- OClia I Ui«;, cious ; wise. Easily disturbed or sens' 1 tive, excited cpne' nil °- ^"^ spiritual ; carnal ; &C11S U cii, luxurious. sens' u al ist, Ji, sen' tence, sen' tence. One devoted to easure. vt. To condemn ; to pass judgment. n. A judicial decision ; condemnation. sen ten" tious,-th maxims"' «!Pn' fi mpnt "• .Thought ; sensi- ti^ll LI Illl^ilt, bihty; opinion. SHA 135 SHO book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. n. Disunion vorce. 'sep'arate,Jlvts;?od'^''^ "'** sep a ra" tion, «pn fpn' ni a1 "• Happening once ocjj i-cii 111 M.15 jn seven years. fijp nill'-P^rnl ^- delating to the OC pui ^'«'* "-ij grave; monumental son' 111 4>/ipr "• ^ ^'^""^ ' * ^"^^^^ • Oi^p Ul -t-z^Cl ^ a monument. sep'ulture,C,!,T'"«"''"^***' «f»' nnol "• •^ conclusion; a conse- oU tpit/lj quence ; succeeding part. Se' quence, ^^O^^er of succession; se (jiies iraie, possession. sere. «• withered ; no longer green. o£i r>SK>^' a- Calm; placid; unruf- be rene , Aej, cr»' ri^c «. Sequence; order; suc- &t/ 1 lo»5 cession. go' ri r\iic «• Grave; weighty; sol- be ri OUb, emn. ser' pen tine, %;^:X""' """ " afxrVf^ vf. To look for ; to assist ; to bCl Vt/5 obey servilely. G#:»rv' il<:» a. Slavish ; mean ; cring- bt?i T lit;, ing . fawning. berV 1 IUU«, slave; slavery. ♦JPf' tl#» '''■ "^^ '^^ ' ^° confirm ; to de- bet lit', termine ; to sing. <5Pt' i]p mpnt "• ^^' °^ settling; Oct Lie- iiidiL, possession; colony. ' Cf»v' *3r *''• "^^ divide; to separate; bCV tJI , to disunite. 0017' r»t« q1 " Different ; divers ; dis- btJV i^r dl, tinct. sev' er ance, Jarutio?!"^'^''" ' ^ oa vtiro' **• Sharp; austere; cruel; bt; Vt/l t; , painful. en vnr' i fv "• Harsh treatntent ; &«^ V c;i 1 •'J 5 rigor ; cruelty. sex' tant, «• sixth part of a circle. Cfv' 11 nl "' R®^*^'"? to the sexes; btJA U dl, distinguishing the sexes. shab'by,fy^^""'P^'^'^^'^^''^^"- shade, J^aJ" '^^^^ ^'^"^ ^'^^' ^'^ sha' di ness, ;j\ad^y.''' ""^ '''"^ cViQrl' rk\]ir ^'- "^^ cloud; todarken; bliau tiVV, to picture. 0.U0' AtT «• Secure from the glare of bna ay, ug^t ; cooi. ^l.yfV n. An arrow; a deep, narrow blld,Ll, pit . a spire. shag' gy, a Rugged ; hairy : rongh. oViqI' 1r\«M "• Not deep or profound; blldl 1007, giiiy . empty. shal' low? ness, JrSughf.'^'*^ cVinm *'• '^*^ cheat with false pre- Miaili, tenses ; to delude. clioiTi' hl/>« "• A butchery , a place bliaill U1C», where meat is sold. c?V»omr> **• To make ashamed; to blldint., disgrace. Ghnmp'fnl "• I*'s&raceful ; infa- blldlllU lUI, inous ; reproachful. shame' less, fm^uS.' '""'^^^^^ = «VlonP *'• "^^ ^°^^ ' *° niolti; to ad- blldpt;, just ; to conceive ; to create. shape' less, f;Sar.'^'""'"'''^' cjl-»oi«£k *'• To divide or partake with blldl t:?, others. chnrn <•■ ^*^^" ' P'^rcing ; acute ; in- blldl p, genious. cj]»oi«rk' ^r» t>(. To make keen, quick, blldl p Cil, or acute. <5harn' np<;«; "• Keenness; inge- dliai p **^o»5 nuity; severity. shat' ter, rmplh-.'"'*' '" ^'''"'J '° chf^nih "• "'® ^^'^^ "'^ anything, a &iH.^Mtii, scabbard of a sword. sheathe, ToJoVe""'""" '" ^ '"'"'^ • of»f»rl *'• "^^ P**""" °"t • to spill; to bllcu, scatter ; to let fall. oVkoot-k' ich «• Bashful; modest; sneep isn, dimaent. sheer, «• pure , clear ; unmingled. cfipl' tor *'*To protect from injury ; blltJl t^'l, to cover; to defend. clr/slfl *'• "^^ protect ; to defend; to blieeiu, keep off; to secure. ol"|i A- vt. To change ; to alter ; to tran8- chifY' locc "• Wanting expedients; 01111 L lt;»», irisuC-xient. «:h7nP ^^' '^° ^''^ten ; to be conspicu- blllllt;, ous ; to be gay or splendid. ship' ping, "lion""'"'' ^'' "^'*^^' shiv' PP inrr «• Act of trembling ; »111V t^l iiig^ a dashing to pieces. csViK>^l «• Shallow; obstructed by bllOai, banks. cVir^^lr "• A conflict ; a concussion ; bI10t./l\., a heap of grain. Ghrk.olr' inrr «• l>isgusiing; violent ; bllOt/K lllg, dreadful. sho^» n. A covering for the foot. shop. "• A place for sale or work. oVirif^ n. The seacoast ; the bank of bllOl e, a river. ^hrtrt **■ ^°^ '°"^ '" space or extent ; ^**^* *'5 scanty ; wanting. shove, vt. To push ; to rush against. cjViX.r' d>\ "*. To throw or heap with a bllOV €;i, shovel. shout, vi. To cry in joy or triumph. Gllri^r "^^ '^^ exhibit ; to prove , to ex- omjO/, plain ; to point out. show' er n. Ram of short continu- 5 ance. SIG 136 SIN bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. «hnw' f^r V «* Ra»"y; inclining to C51HJW ^i J^ showers. Splendid ; gaudy ; osten- tatious. a. Artful ; cunning ; mis- chievous. show' y, ?, shrewd, shrewd' ness,r.es?rSSi?r" shrew' ish,^-etuir''' '"'"''''' ol-»»"jii1r *'*• T'o cry out in anguish or SIU ^t^K, horror. Shrilt. «• Confession made to a priest. «Vlt*il I **• H*^'"& * piercin,?, tremulous OlH Jll, sound ; acute in tone. cjlifino n. A cabinet for something Mil IIIC5 sacred. olnrinlr *''• "^^ contract; to shrivel; &I1I JIIIV, to withdraw. ohrinlr' inrr "--Act of drawing back &111 llllV Iiig5 or contracting. shrive. ^'- To hear at confession. oKfrkiirl "• A winding-sheet; a cover; blllUUU, sail lopes. clirnnfl ^^' To shelter ; to dress for olll UUU, tije grave; to conceal. shrub' ber y, "hris'^'"'"""" °' oVinrI' /lc»i« ''*• To quake with aver- JsIlUU Ut^l , g,on or fear. QhllF' i\p ^^' '^" P'''^^ mean tricks; ollUl lie?, tQ practice evasion shuf fling, J:i?r^"''"" ' '^'''''*^''' ch n n ''^^ "^^ avoid ; to decline ; to try feUUIl, to escape. clinf *''• To close ; to confine ; to bar; bllUL, to prohibit. j,l-| -, « Reserved ; unfamiliar ; wary ; V5 cautious cVlv' ]v "''*'• Cautiously; distantly; ^ .7 V 5 not familiarly. sib' il ant, - un^'"" a hissing olx»lr "• Afflicted with disease; dis- fel-tyiV, gusted. r,jr^]rf >3n vt. To make sick ; to weak- M-t/IV ril, en . to disease. oi^lr' laVt "• Somewliat sick; nau- telt^lV IbU, seous. r:,I^1r'l\r <*■ Not sound or healthy; Sl^H IJ, languid. oi^lr' ■noc'c' "• A. disorder of the Mt/il llCbh, body; disease. tsTrIp ^^' "^^ ^^^" "'^ engage on one ftlUC, fiije ; to join with. oirirk' lr\r»rp «• Lateral ; oblique ; not biUi. lUliJ*, i„ front. si de' rP al "-I^^'*''"? to the stars; side' sift, wise ^5 astral ; starry. adv. Laterally ; on one 9 sic w<. To separate by a sieve ; to ex- amine ; to try. cifrht "• ^^"^6 of seeing ; O ' ^ notice ; knowledge. sight' less, li,,,'"""'' (iirrn "• ^ token ; a miracle ^^5^*5 bol; a device. wanting a sytn- «?1 0*ri ^^' '^° mark ; to denote ; to ^■^0**5 sliow ; to signify. cifr' rsol "• Notice given by a sign ; a &lg liai, jnark. cirr' r»n1 "• Eminent; memorable; Mg Ildl, remarkable. big Il«l lUI t., impressed. cirr' not "• A seal, especially a sov- blg IH..I, ereign's. signif'ieant,";,^,';,^."'^*''^ wicx' ni Fv '^'" ^^ declare; to make *^J^ **^ *J5 known; to express. 01' lon/^£» n. Taciturnity; forbearance bl It^-II^t?, of speech. ci' lorkf «• Qiiiet ; mute; not talka- bl lUIlt, tive. Silk, n. Thread spun by silkworms. oillr' -ir «• Like silk; soft; made of ^^'^ y? silk. <^\V Iv "■ ^larmless ; simple; foolish; J 9 innocent. Sil' van, «• Woody; full of woods. ojj' vpr V "• Resembling silver; on VVvl J, shining like silver. oirv-»' i lot. o. Like ; uniform ; resem- biiii 1 idr, ijii„g oirv^ i lo»«' 1 f^i- "• Resemblance; birn 1 Icir 1 ly, uniformity. QlTYl' \ \f^ n. A comparison to illus- OJlll 1 IC, trate a meaning. ^i mil' i fllHp " ^ likeness; re- bl Illll 1 LUUt., semblarvce : simile ^im' O nv "Crime of buying or sell- bl 111 ij Ilj 5 ing church preferment. Sim per, in. To smile foolishly. a. Honest ; undissem- 5 bling ; pure. n. Purity of mind or tenlion. cim' r\}^> <*• Plain; artless; unas- bllll jJie;, suming. simplic'ity,ri3^Sr"^''"- oirii' T\li -fir ^^- To render plain or blUl pil IJ, simple. sim'ulate,S;.f^;?/''^'"''°^°"" sij-n ul ta' ne ous, I'^theT^ '«- Sin cere sin cer' i ty, f^ Gl' n^ . "■ Office with pay, but 01 lie -t/Ui t., ^vith no employment. Gin' CkWT "• -A tendon, muscle, or bill t?W, nerve. sin' ewy,:r^r^ ''"''""' •'''^" I cii-»' -fill '"• Wicked; unholy; pro- i bill lUI, fan^. I Sinffe, »'• To scorch ; to burn slightly, j oiKi" cA^ <*• One; not double; indi- blli gie;, vi^iuai ; alone. | cin' i« f p>r ''■ ^" '•'"^ '^'^'^ ^^"*^ • P®*^* ! bill lb Lcl , verse ; unlucky. i oin' loco <«■ Exempt from sin ; pure ; ; bill Itbb, iioiy. sin 11 c\^' \ iv "• 9"^i'^y °f ^«"'^- 1 bill U U» 1 tj, ,ng ,n and out. ! SLA 137 SNA book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. else. n. Position ; state circumstances. sip, vt. To drink by small draughts; «il' nlnnn (^'fo^) "• A tube t« draw M piUJil, liqucft-s from a vessel. yl/ -pf^n "• ^'^^^ * siren ; fascinating ; f5l 1 t^Il, alluring. oi fc\r>' ^r\ "• The southeast or Syr- h>l rut. -t/U, ianwind. ' Sir up* »• Juice boiled with sugar. I g jg' ^QY Iv ": Becoming or suiting a sit' U ate, ) a Placed with re- . , ' - > spect to anything sit' u a ted, ) sit u a" tion, Siz' a bl^, a- Of considerable bulk. G17P "■ B"*; magnitude ; a glutinous felZit;, substance. -Up • n. A knot of thread or silk, oKt^ell, wound and doubled. skel'eton,rJ,!"'°"''°''"'"- skep'ti€,Jhi?^.^"^''^°"'^'^""^^y skep' ti cisin, TnJ'dem;.'''''""''' tskpf pVi *'*■ ^^ trace the outline ; to clrotr»ll "• -^^ outline; a first plan ; toKtSLL/ll, a rough draught. drill "• Knowledge; dexterity : art ; MVlll, reason. skill' fill, f;„e'^"°^^"^' ^^^''^^^'^ oL-im ^- '^^ P^ss lightly; to glide Mlllll, along. ol^-it-i "• The natural covering of the bKIIl, flesh. cb-iTi "*• To miss; to pass by quick feUip, leaps. olrirm' ich *'^- To fight loosely or Oivii 111 isii, jj^ small parties. «;hTrt *''■ '^° border ; to run along the cjlrif ' f ich "• ^^^y : easily frightened ; bKlt tlbll, volatile ; iiasty. oli-ii llr «^. To hide ; to lurk in fear or MVUIK, rnalice. olciz»lr' ^n i"*- To make less tight ; to ^•"-^"- *^'*5 relax; to remit. slake, "*• To quench; to extinguish. ' csl'in' Adf **• To censure falsely; to. I Mail UUI , talk ill of ; to bel.e. clnti' AfiV r\nc "• (-Calumnious ; re- Sian aer OUS, proaclUul , false. slap, vt. To strike with the open liand. slat' tern ly, °f„tf;°™"'>''- »"«"• slauc'At' er oms.-^^S^"^ ci\^\TCi' v\T "• Servitude ; condition feiaVU I J, of A slave. Slav' ish, ^nt^fbase: "^^*" ' ^^P^"^' n^f vt. To kill ; to butcher ; to put to 5 death. sla?/ oloolr "• Smooth ; not rough ; glossy ; feltJtJlV, delicate. sleep, n. Repose ; rest ; slumber. sleep' less, fe '^"""^ "^""^ ' ''''' «:lppn' V "■ Disposed to sleep ; drow- Oiv^cp J', sy. causing sleep ; dull. (i]pia'ht "• ^^ artifice; a trick; a MOl^/ei, dextreus practice. «1f»n' Hpr "• T*>"» i slig'^t ; sparing ; felt/Ii UtJl , not strong. clirlo *"*• To pass along smoothly ; to MlUC, slip, to glide. cl? «•/» t *''• To neglect ; to disregard ; ail^/C'l, to treat carelessly. cli/r/if **• Small; worthless; unim- feil^/C'L, portant ; weak. _|:/ 1_. ado. Cunningly ; with artful se- J J crecy. el i rk'' r\r»T' 17 fl. Smooth ; glib ; muta- Mip pi^l J5 biG; hard toiiold. olrirko *'• To direct obliquely ; to iu- feiupu, ciine. doth' fill °- ^^^y sluggish; inac- blUHl lUl, tive; dull. drinnh' inrr "• Walking awkward- MUUCIl lllg, ly. hanging down. olr\i-irrl-» (sluff) n. The cast-off skin of blUUgll, a snake. slOUflfh, (slou) n. A deep miry place. driv' />n Iv *»• Negligent in appear- siv^v C/H ij, ance or dress. cAri^n "• Not swilt ; not ready; inac- blUM7, tive; tardy. Slug'gish, fne?t"^^'^^°^^y'^^=^y' dfi'fr^n "• ^ water-gate; a vent for oiut'^i^, water. ^him' hpr "}■ '^° ^'^®P lightly; to OaUIII UK.1 , doze ; to repose. slur, «• Faint reproach or disgrace. „1,,f/ fJcjU a. Not nice; slovenly; blUL Lits^l, negligent. sly, a. Artful ; insidious; cunning. c m a .olr "• Taste , savor ; a loud kiss ; &lIict-t.iV, a small vessel. cm nil «• I'ltlle ; slender; mean ; pet- Mllciii, ty ; minute. «mHi*t "• Q'^'Ck; pungent; lively; Ctilldi t, vigorous. smat' ter ing,''ed'g"'''''''^ ""'''' cjrvK^lf r^. To melt ore so as to extract smeii, jjietai. cmil' inrr \\t «<^"- With a look of &.1JH lllg 1^, pleasure. Gmito i;i. To reach with a blow ; to j SlIJllU, afflict; to destroy. QVYiptlT-^ «<. To scent or dry by smoke; tolllUivt;, to sneer at, to ridicule. omr^rkf h ^- Even on the surface ; felllUULU, level, glossy; mild. smof h' er, %;ll '''''''^'' • '" '""^ smug' gk, J'aii^°™P"''' ^""'^^ ''^'- crta^ir «• A share ; a slight and hasty blldt^K, jneal. SOL 138 SPA bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, MlUl 11^5 through the nc c "• ^ noose ; anything which ^***** *^5 entraps. cnh'rl *'*• '^° growl; to speak rudely dliai I5 or roughly. <2mtph ^^' ^° seize hastily or eager- «nPA7k" ^^' "^^ creep slily; to behave ollUWrVj meanly ; to crouch. cnpfr ^*' '^° show contempt by looks OllUtJI ^ oj. expressions. cnnflT ^'- "^^ draw in with the breath ; MlUll^ to scent. or breathe nose. 1 oniirr "• Close; sly; out of notice; ' ®**"&? comfortable. crinv *^- "^^ ^y ^^°^^ ' *° tower ; to aUc*l ^ mount intellectually. Q^/ Kf»r "■ Temperate ; calm ; unex- feU UUl ^ cite^i . serious. «n hri' f> tv "-Temperance in drink; ^^ Ul 1 1^ ^-J 5 coolness ; gravity. SO cia bil' i ty, Jhn^"^ ''''°"' cr»" r^io Kl/> o- Friendly; familiar; hU l^lcl Ult/j conversable. «Jo" PlJll "■ Pertaining to society; oli V/Jcll^ companionable. «n r»l' P tv "' Community; compa- oU i-'l t; tj^ jjy . equal union. sod, n. A turf; a clod. or\ft «• Not hard ; kind ; effeminate ; Q^j^*/ ^1^ v^ To make less hard ; to CsUlt Cll, alleviate ; to allay. «nft' riP«« "• Civility; gentleness; auxt licoo, delicacy ; meekness. orvil *^- To foul ; to sully ; to pollute ; ^*-'**5 to stain. c '^'' To comfort; to cheer; isUl clL/t^5 to amuse. or\' lor* "• Relating to or being of the bU Irll, sun. Cf^Vp "■ '^o^'tary ; single ; only ; in law, aOlU, unmarried. sol' ecism,^,l^j:"'"''' '"''"■ sol' emn, -S^^er; formal; serious; orv lir»' if *''• To importune; to en- feU lit/ It, treat; to implore. solicita"tion,-'eES.'"'' |solic'itude,7„,*SJ'''"'' '"" I Q^l' \f\ a Not fluid ; dense ; compact ; i SJ^^l lU, profound. oi-v lii-l' i f\r "• Compactness; firm- I bO IIU 1 ty^ ness ; density. I «n 111' n nnV "• ^ discourse to I bO 111 O quy, one's self. ! crkP 1 f a w °- Retired; gloomy; I bUl 1 Ld, ly, living alone. |sol'itiide,:-/,;*':^t^'y'^'"°^P^^""' sol'ubk,-- "r*^*' solve, Jiity solv' cnt, so lu" tion may be dis- solved. To clear ; to explain a diffi- Able to pay one's debts ; ssolvin- n E\pla.nation of a 5 doubt ; separation. som nam' bu lism,"in^7e^ep*"« som nif cr ous, :,eep.^*''''"^ son net eer', Joe^l.'""" °' ^"' so no' rOUS, tng"'"^ orlaghsound- SOOth, n. Truth ; reality. csnr^fUri "'• To flatter; to calm; to bUUtllt;, appease. <2nofh' ino- PP''- Appeasing; quiet- bUUm lllj^, ij,g . giving ease. ssoofh' ea^/ Pr "• ^ foreteller; a bOOlIl bd.*/ l^l, prognosticator. cjrkr>l-»' ieex-Yi "• Unsound argument; bOpil ISUl, fallacy. sophist'ieal, «;,^?^^'°"^''^^'- soph' ist ry, n. raise reasoning, sop O rif k, ^pia?e'"''"' "'""^' eif\f' naf -XT "• Eiicliantment ; witch- bUl t/tJl y 5 craft; magic. a. Gross ; vile ; covetous ; base. 1 sor' did, sore, a- Tender to the touch ; painfu vi. To grieve ; to be .sad or 5 dejected. sor' row; fill, LSr"'«''f' _-, a. Grieved; melancholy; ■* J ? worthless. species ; manuer , sor row sor bUl t, class. c>r\rt ^^- To reduce to order ; to choose; o^* ^^ to select. cri^/l "• T'le immortal part of man , bUt*!, spirit ; essence. c.r\ni-irl "• Healthy; hearty; firm, bUUllU, light c.i-vnr»rl "• Anything audible; a shal- bVIUllU, lovv sea. Acidity in taste ; sour ness. ipid , senseless. «5nf' ti^h «-l'ull;stuj &UL tioii, intemperate «ov' pr p'ifrn ^*'"'' ^^ ""L **• . ^"' oWV d cifr^ii, preme ; eflicacious. sov'ere/^nty,'"^"P'^^"^^p°"' sow. •)er. vt. To scatter seed ; to spread ; 5 to propagate. crsinpp "• Rooi^J extent; a while; bpdV^U, quantity of time. spa"cious,?o,™' «^^^"^'^^^ or\on **• To measure with the hand bpdil, extended. cnoro "'• To use frugally; to grant ; bpdl I., to indulge. SPI 139 SPR book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. cr\5re:^ a. Scanty ; not abundant ; su- fepdl ^5 peril uous. spark, n- A particle of fire ; a lover. cniifL-' 1^ **'• To emit sparks; to *P"-» tt. If?, shine ; to glitter. «5nh'rk-' lino- PP''- Emitting sparks; &pai JV llllg^, shining ; glittering. orvo a>rv\ «• A convulsion ; violent con- fepdSIIl, traction. spas mod' ie, « convulsive. cnS^lr ^^- '^° utter with th»-mouth ; optJMK, to proclaim ; to accost. crkorrt* *'^- To pierce or kill with a ^y^ur^ spear. cr\o" ninl "• Particular; peculiar; opC Uiai, appropriate. «,-.^/^ ^:^ n. Metallic currency; cir- »pt; t/lC, culating coin. cjr>/:»" /^ifkcp »• Sort ; class of nature ; &pe Liea>5 i^ind Gr»o r»if ii? <*• Distinguishing the tspt; oil It., j^jnd. Qnf»r»' i fv **'• To mei\tion ; to desig- apUv^ 11^, nate by some mark. «;npp' i nipn "■ ^ «*'"p''^ J ^^^ part ^peC 1 IllCll, exhibited. «Jnp" rinn« "• Showy ; plausible ; tope ClUUb, pleasing. Qno^U' \p ^'' To mark \»ith small spee' ta cl^rLion.'"" ' '" "'" Spe-e' ter, «• An apparition ; a ghost. <5nP.^' n Infp ''*• To meditate; to &pt/-t/ U latU, contemplate spee'ulative,LJi'r'"'"' speech' less, J„„'^""' """' ■" ct-kAft/-) ^*- To dispatch in haste ; to fepCtJU, help forward. speed' y, «• Quick ; swift ; nimble. Cjnpll "• ^ charm ; alternation of labor; optJll, a turn at work. crk£kvirl »''■ To consume ; to waste ; to feptJIlU, exhaust. Si-vV»Si»r» "• A globe ; an orb ; compass pnere, of action. spher'i€al,«ofa"s'ptrV'"" spheric' ity,?„X"'""'"' Q|-jTpp n. Any aromatic substance, as °P*^^5 pepper, ginger, &c. cr\\^ PV "• ^^^'"o '■'>e qualities of I J^ spice; aromatic. cnill "'• To slied ; to lose by shedding ; »P"*5 to waste. cr»i' rml «• Belonging to the back- fepi lld-l, bone. cr^ino' f of '*• A girl or maiden wo- fepillfe LUl , man. cnir' n £*}fi "• * breathing-hole : a opil a t^ic, vent; a small aperture. cr»i' r5»l "• Winding ; turning round &pi 1 ai, like a screw. vsi^ir' if "• The soul ; a ghost ; ardor; ] opii It, genius; liquor. vivacious low ; de- extinct. Distinct from mat- intellectual. tual na- i"ir\rkv»' fill "• As much as a spoon bpOOIl lUI, will hold c-rk^i'f "• Diversion ; game fc>pUI L, ment. sport' ful, fester ^ sport' ivcjiamj'.'""'-'^' •"»'"" ^ A "• A person married : hus- &pUUSe, band or wife. cr»rQ»n *^- To overstrain or injure opi atll, the ligaments. arwnti "• Extremity of a branch ; foam bprd,*/, of the sea. crti«t>/7rl ^*- To cover over; to ex- »pi t.MU, tend ; to disseminate. spri^M'ly,-w?cL\,r'' ■'"""" QnrinO' "*■ To start; to bound; to opi ^11^^ grow ; to issue. , public. «;ta' fpd "■ ^^S^^^""! "o* occasion- cf of r»' }\T "' Lofty ; elevated ; majes- ' bLdll^ V5 tic; proud. j «;tafp' mpnt "• Arrangement of OLdLV^ llii^lit, fjicts ; thing Stated. Sta" tion,;ank ""''""'"''""' '^°''' sta"tionai7,",;.SJl'"°''"' sta"tionery,?,on''er'°'^''" Stat' u a ry,"age''s''°' '"''"''"■ of-nt'n/> "• A representation; an btdt U't/, image. Stat' ure, iJ''^ '"^'^' ""' "" *"^- stat'ute, Jdicl.'""' '"''^''^'''^ ainti ***• To continue in a place; to blclf/, wait; to Slop. StCttd* n- Room ; place ; help ; use. stead' fast, ^-JiT ' '''°'"*' ' '""" _ '5 running. oforr' nuto ^^- '^'^ '^^^'^ no course I off»/7rl' V "'• '^'^ make firm or regu oldi^ Ildtc, or stream. j cslcM-U j, jar; to make steady. " fir^n "• Cessation of '" ^' *^l^i^ij motion. grave ; composed ; not wild. vt. To dye ; to tinge ; to spot ; ^ _ _ J/ -tr ^- Fi''"^ ; ^^^ fickle or wa- bltJaU J, vering. . The act of stealing ; a se- cret act. stealth, "; ctp/rm '"^' '^° ^^^^ '^'^^^^ steam; to oLtJttlll, evaporate. stag na' sta^d,?.; '"^^'^^ Siaen, to disgrace cf o'»n' locc «• ^'■66 f'^^"^ ^"^^'^ ^'^ »td£li icoo, reproach. cf^lro ^'* To fasten; to wager; to CJldlvt/, put to hazard. ttfnlf* '"• ^'*^ ' ^^"S kept; not fresh; oldlU, worn out. oiwvyx, gage MtnJh- ^*- To walk stately; to walk ^j^|^|™ «. A stalk; a twig SLdt'K, ^ith high steps. j bt-tJlA'j generation. i ctnm' in a "■ First principles ; sol- ^^4.p Y\n(T^ m llhv "• Art of writing 1 biani in a, ids of a human body. I SLU IlUg 1 d pil^, shorthand. \ stam' mer, ^^X^^r"''""'' \ sten to' ri an, Sfe'i^S.''"' ' '" i cf PpI **■ "^^^ point with steel ; to hard- steep, '^'^"^~ '^ * Of difficult ascent. A precipice. of ppr *'• ^^ direct ; to guide in a pas- STR 141 STU book, dove, full, use, ean, chaise, gem, tkin, fhou. Barren ; unfruitful ; un- ve. ^^ fi. Barrenness; un- Vl fruitfulness. Of standard rate ; gen- CSLC/l llCyj producti ste rir i ster' ling, „i„e cf f^rn **• ''^^^^re in look or manner ^ bltJril, unrelenting ; harsh. ctnrn' np«:<3 "• Severity of looker SLC/i 11 .livJiso, manner; harshness. cti^lr I **'• '^^ fasten on ; to stab. isLl-t/lVj J „j_ To adliere ; to remain. of i.^lr' V *^' Adliesive ; glutinous; bll-t^li. y^ viscous. cjfifT <»• Rig' *''• "^^ suffocate ; to suppress ; Ssll llfJj to jjeep jn, Qfio"' mn "' ^ brand ; a mark of in- O 9 faniy or disgrace. cfill "• Silent; motionless; gentle; olin^ calm. stim' u late, ;n'''° '""''*'"'"' stim' u lus, ^ent.^"'"''''"^ ""''" /j.^ a. Covetous ; niggardly ; fej) mean. stin of inf *'^" "^^^ bound ; to limit ; to stop ; btJllL, to restrain. sti' pend, ^aJy*^"'' ''"''^ ^'^' ofiri' 11 Info «*• To contract ; to bar- bup U latt., gain . to settle terms. Stipula"tion,;ontracr-"'" of !»• "• -^ tumult ; bustle ; commo- oi'l* 5 tion. cifif/-»V-i t*'- To sew; to work with a bllLCIl, needle. of rk^lr "'• I'** s^o''® ; t<* furnish ; to fill &tut..tt., sufficiently. ^sto' i^ nl ''•^^^^5 indifferent ; aus- of ri' i r»i«Tn "• Maxims of the sto- &tU 1 dSUi, jcs ; insensibility. sto lid' i ty, Ij^'e^'^''^'' ''*"'°^ c-fTin' \7- <*• Hard; full of stone; in- SlOIl y, flexible. «f of^n *'*• "^^ '^®"** ' *° y'®^^ » ^** *^°"' atuup, descend ; to submit. «f on "• ^^-essation of progress ; a pe- fttUjJ, fjQd . an ititerruption. Qtr\r%' r\\/f "• Something to stop the &iup |Jlt;, mouth of a vessel. cf nriYi "• Tempest ; tumult ; commo- SilKJL 111, tion ; violence. storm' V **■ Tempestuous ; passion- Stout, Coid.^^*'"°"^' '"'^y' ^"^^^p'^? ofri-»« f<. To lay up in order; to lay J5LUM7, close. niv^irrhi <»• ^^^ crooked ; in a right birdf^/il, line ; tense. ^irUgM en, ^^-tTlhTen'^'"'"^^''' «f pn/n «• An injury; ason^; a sound; &Ll aeil, character. \ ctrS'tf' />r» ''^^ '^° make narrow ; to OLl act CJll, contract ; to confin*. Strand' ed, £korf ''^ "*' "*" of roTio-o a. Foreign ; wonderful ; ir- fetldlJgf^, regular; new. Stran' gk, jUe^° suffocate; to strat' a gem, J't^f^.'^^^'^^''^^"' of i«o' f nm (P^^- strata) n. A bed or Mia tUlll, layer of earth, «t.c. of r 5tf ***• '^° wander ; to rove ; to de- &L1 a«^, viate from the right. StrP/jm ***■ '^'^ ^'^^ ' '° '"" continu- Strength, ^ecSy ' ^""^''^ ^°''^'' Strength' en, foSlaTiisir'"""' Gfron' n nnc "■ l^rave ; bold; ac- fetren U UUts, tive; zealous. stress, "• Importance ; weight; force. of rnf r»li "*• ^o extend ; to elongate ; &L1 i.^n^ii, to strain. stri-ft °-' ^^^^^ ' accurate ; rigorous ; af ri.^' fn rrs "• ^ glance ; contrao- SlI 1-t/ LUl tJ, tion ; criticism. rjf-«TfV» "• Contention ; discord ; con- &tl lH.y, test ; war. Strik' ing, «• Affecting ; surprising. strin'gent, f„,^'"^'"5''*'°"'^^^*- ofi»ir»rr' ir <*• Fibrous; consisting of bUlllg y, small tliread.s. | ofrin ^^- ^^ uncover; to divest; to ; ''*'* ^Fj deprive. [ strTvo ^^' ^^ labor; to struggle ; to ! OHXTC/, contend in excellence. | ofrrill *'^- T" rove; to ramble; to! &L1 Ull, wander. ofiT\n ***• To labor; to strive ; btrug gie;, to contest. ofiiK' Krkrn <»• Obstinate; inflexi- blUU UOril, bie , mulish. StU^' -60, n. A fine plaster for walls. cfiifl' i ^A "• Learned; elaborate; &LUU 1 CU, premeditated. ofii' A\ r^no ^- Given to learning; btU Ul OUS, diligent ; busy. sstllfl' V *''• '^'^ apply tlie mind; to OLUU. J, consider; to learn. stul' ti fy, f^;;,!!!," ^'^''^^ ''' ""^^ ofnm' Kl/> »'*• To trip; to err; to bLUlii Ult;, slide into blunders. Stlin ^'' '^^ confuse with noise; to '5 make senseless. Insensibjli- ; dullness. stu pe fae" tion, J* ofii' r\ci f\T ^'- To make stupid or in- &tU pt. ly, sensible. Stu pen' dous, ^e^'e"^"'^"^ ' '"' Stu'pid, J^i^*^^^' insensible; slug- S UF 142 SUP bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, ofn ■nii^' i f^r n. Heaviness of mind; bLU piU 1 ly, dullness. c.fii»»' /1ir <*• Hardy; stout; strong; SlUr ay, forcible. etiif ' tf»r ''*• "^^ speak with hesita- MUt ItJl ^ tjoji ; to stammer. cf vlo "• M^ifn^sr of writing ; title ; ap- fttyitJ^ peiiation. Olio' cirkn n. Act of persuading ; en- bUcl &IUII5 ticement. ciia' civo «• Having power to per- feUd- MVtJj suade. SUav' i ty. "• sweetness ; softness. sub al' tern, «• An inferior officer. <51lh f\\ vTdp' ^'- '^'^ ^'^''*'' ^^^'"' OUM cii Yicic; ^ or into more part.s. oiiK rlii/?' vt. To conquer ; to crush ; feUU UUC ^ to tame. sub ja' cent, a. Lying under. ciiK io-pf' f^ To put under ; to make &UU J^t^t , to submit ; to expose. eiiK' i^i^f <^- Placed under; liable; feUU Jt;-t/L, exposed. c7iiK ir\iK»' 'vf- To add at the end or &UU JUIII 5 after. sub' ju gate, ^;,Jue.'°"*'""'*° subMi mate, :4Jno hU;?n^'" sub lime', l,S;t ' ^""^^'"^ ' '"''''' cnK m<:»ro-<:»' v«. To put under wa- feUU lllt.1 gt; , ter ; to drown. sub mis' sion,Ji,edi^.S"'^^«"' «;ilh mi«5^' ivP "• Testifying sub- &UU H11&J3 IVt., mission; humble. subor'dmate,-,,^",?^^;3,'" sub' se quent, £ain.°'^"''"'^ ^" sub serv' i ent, ?,semL°'^'"^'' ' ttllK eicf"' ''*• To have means of liv- ftUU Ol&t , jjjg . to feed; to maintain. subsist'ence,-JJ^|?|„l^--^^ sub' stance, or^realf&y"'''''^"'^ sub Stan" tial, ?;ue'^'^^' '°^''^' sub' sti tute, l\: "^^ p^' ^" p^^'^*^ csiiK' fil f-tr "• Thinness; cunning; iiUU Lll ly, artifice. sub vert', ^^^ °^"'^'^^°^' **^ ''^- su€ cess' ful, ?uraTe?''°"' ' ^''" suecin€t','"?i3e^^°''' ^"'^= '°"' ^^« v/ To help ; to assist ; to A vote ; the united voice of per.sons. vt. To hint ; to prompt ; cjiif* f*Tr>t»' I ^^- To satisfy; to supply. I bUl 1 ice , I „j. To be enough. suf fi" cient, iJ^S^^^ ^°' 'i"^"- Qiif*' fVw ^ofo l'^ To smother; to fc»Ul 10 ■t.aLe, stifle ; to choke. suf frage, y SUg geSt , to inform secretly. «nfr Cft^a' t\f\rt "• A hint ; intima- i SUg geS UOn, tion; incitement. cm' 1 r»Trlc» "• Self-murder; a self- | OU 1 i./lUt;, murderer. | smt' a bk, fng^^X'^"'' ' '''"■'^' | SUl' ky, «• Silently sullen ; morose. sul'len, «,«""""'' ^ sul' try, :;, morose ; intract- sue 5 relieve sue' -eU lent, « Jmcy; mol-st. G11.0 .f»iimA' ''^- To yield; to sink SU-O ■t.Umt/ , i^inder difficulty. «ilf' ff^r ur\nfi. "• Patience ; mis- ^"* ICl v "• The highest SU prem a cy, authority. SWA 143 SYS book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, tliou. en nr^mf*' a. Highest in dignity or tjU pi tJIIlt. ^ power. sure* «• Certain ; unfailing ; constant. <-n»«/-.' f Tr «• Certainty; security; a surf. f_>, b..ii'Jsii!an. cnr' IV'if "• Sickness caused by over- »Ul loll J fullness ; satiety. cnr' irr* rv « Art of curing by man- &U1 gt/ IJ5 ual operation. onr' Iv '^^ Uncivil; sour; morose; ^^* V5 angry. cnr Tni«o' *''• "^^ suspect^ to im- SUl llilJ>v. ^ agine imperfectly. cnr monnf ^^- '^'^ "^® above; to •3L14 •li'vfiAiii' 5 overcome; to surpass. SUr' name, «• a family name. cnr rtn cc' "'• "^^ ®^<^®^ 5 *° exceed ; i»U.l pa»& , to go beyond. cnr' rilnca "• A remainder; more feUl pi U&5 than enough. ciM» T^risco' "• A sudden confusion feUl pi l»t^ , or perplexity. ciuu»5 liable to suspicion. cnc fQ^'n' *''• "T" ^^^^ '^ to P'^oPi ^^ OU& taMi , iioid up. to support. sus' te nance, renaTe"'' ' ""''"' SWaff , "t- To sink by its own weight. a\x70 rr' rror *'^- To bluster , to bully; feWdg gt;i, to brag. swa^n n. A young man ; a country ? youth. o\x7qI' \f\tn ^*- To take down the bWd,l 1UM7, throat ; to absorb. oixromrk "• A marsh; bog; watery swamp, ground. c\xromrk' \t "• Consisting of swamp; feWclIIip J5 low; wet. sward, «• TUe surface of grass land. cix/nrn-i ^*- To rise as bees; to &wa,l 111, crowd ; to throng. cxATorfVi' \7 "• ^^ o»« ''t- To utter an oath; to at- bWCdr, test. cxjiTc^rrf •"• To emit moisture ; to per- &Wt;Mt, spire ; to toil or labor. c^nroor* *''• To clean with a broom ; to OYVt/Up, jub over. cixroot "• Pleasing to the senses ; awtrt^L, gentle; lovely. sweet' me«t, ^n s^ugt. ^'"'"'''"^ cwf»ll i *'• To make tumid; to heighten aweil, I j,j To grow or look big. c\xrr»ll' inrr "-A morbid tumor; a aWi^ll lUg, protuberance. cwilY "• Quick ; speedy ; nimble ; &W11L, prompt. n. Speed ; rapidity ; 5 quickness ; celerity. swift' ness CAxrim ^i- To float on water ; to glide & Willi, along. c\;i7ir»' flI/> "*• To cheat; to Impose &W111 UlC, upon grossly. ciiirin rr vt. Or vi. To Wave loosely ; to SWmg, vibrate. oi^irTn' ioVi fl- Befitting swine ; grosts; bWlIi ibll, brutal. switch, n. A small flexible twig. SWnnn *'*• To faint ; to suffer sus- *)WUlill, pension of sensation. ctrrir'A "• A weapon ; an emblem of bO^UlU, authority. sy<^'ophancy,3att^er"' ""' sye' o phant, ?er^er'''""' ' ''^"'' Syl lab' ic, « Relating to syllables. cvl' ]c\ o-iscm "• -^^ argument with oj I iKJ ^19111, three propositions. n. A fabled being of tho air ; a 5 fairy nymph. ' Vnn **■ ^Voody ; shady; relating Vu.ll, to woods. «JVm' mp trv " Proportion; adap- byilL llie tiy,tation of parts. sym' pa thizc, '0!^!°''''^''^"' <5Vm' nn tllV "• Fellow feeling; feyin pel my, mutual sensibility. symp'tom,r„<,ilS'"'"^""" syn'agogMej-f^At"""" cvn' nrl "• ^ council or assembly of a J Ik UU, ecclesiastics. syn on' ym ous, ?hes?mTth?n"g° cvn r\n' cic "• ^ general view ; an by 11 up bib, epitome. SV«?' fpm " Method; scheme; the- sylph syl 3ry. sys tern ize. vt. To reduce to sys- tem. TAP 144 TEA biir, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, rp_l^f V»v «• Brindled ; varied with XiXu •Jj 5 different colors. frjK'ornn ^1^ «■ <;asual dwelling ; liXlt tJl llcl -t^lo^ place for worship. f f ],]^ n. Any flat surface; a piece la UWj of furniture. tnK' lot "• -^ small tabic; a small Ld,Ll ItJt^ level surface. f oK' n loi« a- Formed in .«:quare.s or IHL) U Icir, tables. X / 'x G. Silent ; implied ; not cx- Id.C' llj pressed by words. tac' it urn, «• Sllent; saying little. fo^f "• ^^'^^ ^^ management; ready laijl^ talent. ta€ti"cian,Jic2"' '""*'''"''" f Q^' ii-^c "• ^'■^ °f ranging men or tcl-t/ tl-t/&5 ships in war. tap fer el "' ^^^*^^ ^^^* °^ ^ *'"^'* i^irti *'*• "^^ stain; to sully; to dis- Ici&lll, ease; to corrupt. tn^'nf' pH ^^- Corrupted; sullied; laC'ilt ^^U, diseased. f mIo "• ^ narrative; a story; a reck- lclli-^5 oning. tal' f»nt n- Faculty ; power ; natural tal' is man, fer"" "'''"' ''""" fnJ\r n- f^ral conversation ;, report ; Ictl'K, subject of discourse. taZk'ative, «i/,f^^^^^'^^°^""- tall "• ^^'^'^ ^" stature; lofty; stur- fnV 1 V *'*• '^^ ^'^ fitted or suitable to ; lai Ij 5 to conform. tal' on, «• The claw of a bird of prey. fnmf» °- ^°'' wild; domestic; sub- IdlllL/, clued ; spiritless. tame' less, ^-Jd'." '"''''''"'■ fin '''• '^'^ impregnate with bark; to Iclll, brown by the sun. tan' gi ble, tJr'''''''' '' ''' fan' 1 ^ money in a bank toll' fair* "■ ^'^^ ^i**^ gives officious tt.ll lait:., intelligence. to i-nor' i i\r "• Rashness; con- tt; lllt/I 1 LJ'j tempt of danger. torn' r\or ^'- "^^^ "^'^ • to qualify; to tt^lll pL.1 ^ soften ; to govern. n. Due mixture ; calm* ness ; moderation. tern' per, tern' per a menV^^^^dium."''"" tern' per ance, tern' per ate, Jot Moderation , soberness. Moderate ; not excessive. torn' npr n f iirp " <^of'stitution; LClll pt;i a LUI t., degree of heat. ic^m' noct "• ^ storm ; a gale ; tu- tt.111 jjt.ai, „,yn . commotion. tern pest' u ous, Cuiei,"""^' '"' tem' plar, 3enf ^"'^'"" "''^""" torvk' T-kl^ »• A place of worship ; side LCni pie;, of tjje j,ead. tem' po ral, -t-'SS """"" tern' po ra ry, ■^^^^^ * "">■ fern' no rTyp *** "^^ conform to LtJlll PU 1 IZ,!^, t^g ^jj^gg f rjwy^^f vt. To entice ; to provoke to LtJllipt, ill . tj, ^„i,^it . to draw. tpmnt n" tion "• Solicitation to Lt^IlipU a UUll, jj, . enticement. tempt' ing ly, tf,;. ^° ^'^ ''^ ^"- ten' a bk, «,i,S^^ "^^^ ^« "*^'"- tp nn" PIOIIG "• Grasping; cohe- Li^ lia l^lUUfe, gi^e ; retentive. to nop' i tv "• Adhesiveness; un- tt/ liao 1 l-J 5 willingness to let go. ten' an cy, Jion^""'^"'^'^ p*'"'"'- ton' *xr\f "• ^"® ^'^^ occupies the tt;il ailU, house of another. fpn' ant 1p<5«: "• ^^'"^ without a t^ii ttiit- ivoo, tenant ; unoccupied. fpnrl "•'• "^^ watch; to guard ; to ac- Ltyllu, company. tend'ency,^-ift'/^^^'""'^"""^' fpnrl' p1 "• ^" ^^^^ ' a proposal for Li./llU. cl^ acceptance. ici-rt' rlol "• Soft; easily impressed ; Ltivll Ut^l, delicate. fpn' ripr npQ<3 "• Quality of being Hr.ll UtJl lll>5>&5 tender; kindness. ten' don, "oinls''"'"" ' ^ ''^''"'' °' f rjn' rlril "• '^''^ clasper of a vine or ICll Ul 11, creeping plant. ten' e ment, Jentni?'"'' ''"''' '^ * 4-|-i|^' of "• -^^ opinion ; a principle; a Lt;il t.L, position. fpn' nr "■ '^''^"^'"al course or drift; LtJll Ul , stamp ; a part in music. tense, «• StKiched; rigid; not lax. fon' cirkn "• '^'he act of strttching ; ti..ll &1U11, a being stretched. font "• -^ pavilion ; a portable habita- Lt/llL, tion. tent' ed, a. covered with tents. tenu'ity, SJ"'""'"^ ■"'"""'■ tepefa€"tion,r,*2:[„?.'*'"- if^r\' \A "• Moderately warm ; luke- LL-p lU, warm. to' r\r\-w "• A gentle heat ; lukewarm- ^^ r^^5 ness ic^fm "• A limit; a boundary ; condi- It^l 111, tipn. form ^- "^^ name; to call; to give ttil 111, name to. ter'magant,?e,I„re"""'^'"'"" term' in a blc, S„ J„'S. "'''""• "' idvm' in '^ic* *''• To bound ; to lim- Ltil 111 111 atty, it . to put an end to term in a" tion, jlound ,"an^Vnd' term'inus, ;-y^^'™'*'^'°""'^ icw' \"^0(^ "• ^^ °P^" walk or gal- Lt/1 liXK^K^^ lery; a balcony. terra' que OUS, ranS3Ta1ef. toi* »«oc!' ti-i nl «• Earthly; consist- Lt.r rt.b in cll, jn^ of earth. tor«' -i^i Kl/3 a. Dreadful ; formidable ; i«r ri uier, frightful. ter rif ie, J^ Causing terror; dread- fcif' ri {a7 ^^- "^^ shock with fear : to lt.1 II ly, make afraid. ter'ritory,3i.,S'^"""'^y=^ THE 146 THU biir, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, frii-' rr\r' "■ Fear; dread; cause of Lt.1 1 Ul 5 fear. forcrk °- Smooth; clearly written; lt.1 bt.5 neat. terse' ness,^ess""'""''' ""''*" f pr" tian "^' l^etuming every third fc»cif "• ^" examination; judgment; lehl^ trial. tes ta" ceous, ^heils"""""^ "' test' a ment, -rfp^^re.^ '"' '"^^^ test a ment' a ry, ?„ w°f£'"'^ fpct' ntp ^' I^^^i"? made and left a fciof 1' fr»r "• One who makes and leisL tl LUI ^ leaves ^ will. test a' trix,:-^r"'''"'' '''"'' ^^ j.^ • p^ vi. To witness ; to prove; IC-bt 1 lj5 to give evidence. X J./ * 1^ adv. Fretfully; peevishly; lebL 1 Ajj morosely. test'imonyjjro^of'""'"'"^ tof K' ar ^^'- '^° ^^^ ^° * ^P°* while Leill ei 5 feeding ; to limit. tet' fe er n. A scab ; scurf ; a ring- 5 worm. fPYt "• ^ sentence of scripture ; a sub- LeALj ject of discourse. f-pYt' n rP "• ^^^ "^^ weaving; a LcAt in t;^ -wreb ; a thing woven. fVin-Tklr «t- To make acknowledgments LliaillV^ for kindness. thank' fulj-u^SI/'^-'""^"^ thank' less, "iaSi"""""'- ""■ thanks giv'ing,"„f.'^et?."""'° ^L, _^ vi. To grow liquid after freez- lllciW, ing . to melt. the' a ter« "• a playhouse for shows. theat'rieal,:4i°"^'"^'°'^^^ fVip-pt "• "^^^^ ^^^ °^ stealing, or the lllt^lL^ thing stolen. fV»/^' i£prv» «• Acknowledgment of a LIIU lalll^ God. flipmp "• Subject; dissertation; top- the oJ ra cy, J;eS""' '"""'"" the o io' gi an, ^^^^^^i^l theol'ogy,?y.^"'"'""^'^'"'"^- f hp' n rpm "• -^ &'^'^" principle ; a i/iic; w J. cm, position laid down. theoret'i€,;;aS:='"''^^"'" the'orist,r-,S;f 6""="""""""- flif»' n rv «■ Speculation; a system ; Lilt- U I y, a scheme. therapeu'ti€s,3istifs"'""' n. Instrument to measure heat. ther morn' e ter,' f Vip' GIG n. A position laid down ; a LllU bio, proposition. f Ki *ilr «• t>ense ; not thin ; not clear; Ull-t.ll, stupid. fVii^l^-' /^n ^^- To make thick; to llll-t/H CII, condense. fViix»lr' t^i n. A close wood or copse ; Llll-t/tt. CL, a tuft of trees. thieve, vi. To steal ; to practice theft. thzev' ish, J^e"? ;Ty.*° '''"'""^ ' ''" f Viin *'• -^^^ thick or close ; rare ; slen- lillll, der; lean. iUi*-«lr vi. To imagine ; to conceive in LIllIlK, the mind. •fViVfof "• Want of drink; vehement mil bl, desire. thirst' y, «• Suffering want of drink. f hlf h' or *"^''' '^^ ^^^^^ place ; to that thonff. "• -A- strap or string of leather. tho' rax, »■ The breast ; the chest. thor' ough^ levfocr'"'"'' ^"''' fKruirrlif (thaut) n. The act of think- I LliUUgllL, ing. rellection. thought' ful, ^are?uT''"'^''' thought' less, JaSeVs"''"''"'^ thrall' dom,?,de''""''' ''''''■ f VirP/7t "• ^ menace ; a denunciation flif o/rf' />n '''• To menace; to at- LUl tiML C.11, tempt to leirify. thrift, "■ Profit ; gain ; prosperity. thrift' less, - p^^^^'^^^^^ ; '^^'''■ fVii-ift' V «• Frugal; sparing; not Uirilt y, profuse. f Iti'iII ^^' To pierce ; to penetrate ; to f Viri VP *'^- To prosper ; to grow rich ; LlH-lVt;, to advance. f U^^^U vi. To heave ; to palpitate, as llirOU, the heart, throe "■ ^ ^^"^ ' ^"^ extreme ago- throng^'r.i'e."'"'' " ''"" """'" f l-i»»K-i#^r7» "'^"- From one side to the LIU OU^/l^ other ; to the end. thrO'M?. vt. To fling ; to cast ; to hurl. flrfiicf *^- To push; to intrude; to | till Ubl, drive ; to stab. thump, n. A hard, heavy, dull blow. thump, vL To beat with heavy blows. ■fl-inTi' Ai-i^ n. Loud noise which fol- IIIUII Uer, lows lightning. thun'derbolt,-Str'''- TIT 147 TOR book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. iU^ixju ri »*• To cross ; to oppose ; to Liiwcli t^ contravene. f i o' vo «• A dress for the head; a II cl Id, diadem. A* K vi. To note by vibration, as a Llt^K, watch. ^* U/ ]• U a. Sensible to titiliation ; lliyn. llbll^ tottering ; nice. I x- J n. Time; season ; while ; ebb and j Ll<-lv>^ flow of the tide. ti' di riGSS* »>■ Neatness ; readiness. fi' rlinrrc "• News; incidents rela- Ll Ulllg»5 ^ed ; inteUigence. ti' dy« a- Seasonable ; timely; neat. fl^ n. A knot ; a fastening ; an obliga- ^^^^ lion. f r^ vt. To fasten virith a knot ; to bind ; *'A'^5 to hinder. iit^Tct^ n. A vessel holding the third LftUI KjKi^ part of a pipe. i^rrTii "• Tense; close; not loose; 11^ nv,^ penurious. tia-hf' Pn ^^- '^° straighten; t© ll^ni CII5 make close. f :il vt. To cultivate ; to husband ; to ^-^^^ plow. fill' r^cea "• A*"* °^ husbandry; cul- tlll agU^ ture of the earth. f irr»' V»ot« "• Wood fit for building ; a LlIIl Ut.1 , large beam. fimo "• Measure of duration ; an in- LlUll^^ terval; an age. timp' Iv **■ Seasonable; in good lllllly ly^ time; early; soon. tim'id, -g/^^^'^^' ^""^'"^ ^°"'^- fim iri' i fv "• Want of courage; lim la 1 ty, fearfulness. tim' or ous, j/^r^^'-f"' ^f ^^^^ser ; tine' ture, ^•^^gf'^'"""''"^'^^''^ i i n' rlf»r "■ ^^S^ when burnt ; some- llll UtJl , tjyng very inflammable. tin6« "• The spike of a fork or harrow. fincrp "*• To imbue with color or )^ 7 taste. tinffe, «• A color ; a stain ; a dye. fin' cnl "• Specious; showy; super- till tobl, ficial. I tint, n. Adye; a color; ahuejastain. i fi' nv "• Little; small; diminutive; 1 *-* *V9 puny. i fii.fi vt. To fatigue; to make weary ; { ^■'■^ ^5 to harass. J f iro' or^mo «• Wearisome ; tedi- j "^^^ ^ feUllliv, ous . fatiguing. fie' on /> "• Cloth interwoven with uis 55 UC;, gold or silver. tllhe, «• The tenth part of anything. tit' il late, vt. to tickie. fi'fl/» "■'^ name ; an inscription ;. an tl lie, appellation : a claim. tit' ter, vi. To laugh with restraint. tit' i]p "■ "^ small particle ; a point ; fif' n loi» °- Having the title only; UL U lai, nominal. fif' n In T'v **• Consisting in, or re- liL U la 1 J', lating to, a title. fn O-pfh' Pr *"^*'- ^" company; at LU gtJtll t;i , the same time. toil. n. Labor; fatigue ; drudgery. f nil ***• To labor ; to work at ; to wea- f rkil' of "• A dressing-table ; act of LUll tJl, dressing. toil' some, j;eait!'°"°"' ' '^'"^' frv' \rd>n "• A sign ; a mark ; amemo- lU KC/Il, rial of love. frkl' c^r n KI/> "• Supportable; that LUl t?I a Uir, may be endured. tol' er ance, J„/„l°' '"'»"" -' fnl' t*!- nfo ^*- To permit; to suf- HJl t.1 an:., fer; to allow. tol er a" tion, ^SS^"'' ' ^''" toil, «• A fee ; excise ; sound of a bell. tXrvkA »»• A monument for the dead ; a LOIIM/, vault. tone "■ A note ; sound; quality; ac- j fXn »• One of the organs of LUllga-C, speech and taste. f rkn' i.r» S "-A strengthening medicine. LUll li:y, I a. Relating to tones. fnrkl "• Any instrument; one who is LUUl, iijred by another. iCiVi "• The highest part or place ; the ^r 9 surface of a tiling. ff\rJ \n n. The general head ; asub- tup it/, ject ; a theme. ir\-rJ iz» n1 <*• Relating to some gen- lOp 1€ ai, eral head. top' most, a. Uppermost ; highest. topog'raphy,;,a^-"'p^>-°f f rkrpVi "• A wax light ; a light larger LUl ^^11, tijan a candle. fnr mpnf' ^'- To put to pain; to j tUi IlitJllt , harass ; to tease. tor' mpnt "• Anything tiiat gives \,\ji. lAxv^iiL, pain ; disease ; anguish. tor na' do, Itt""'"^'"^ '' ^ ""'''''' tor pe' d0,,n- An electrlcal fi.sh. frvi«' nirl °- Benumbed; motionless; lUl piU, inactive. for' nf\r "• Numbness ; inability to tui pui , move. fnr' rpnf "• A violent, sudden, and LVJi 1 cut, rapid stream. tor' rid "■ ^^'"^^hed ; hot ; dried with tort' u ous"' "„S.!:;r^"'"'""^^ f rkrf ' n f£\ "• Judicial torment ; an- lUl t tH t;, guish ; pain. f nrf ' n rt» '^^- To punish with tor- tui L LH 1., tureg . to torment. TRA 148 TRA bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, f rkCG "• "^^^ ^^^ ^^ tossing ; a throwing LUbtej up the head, l^jjg vl. To throw ; to agitate ; to make lUftB^ restless ; to disquiet. to' tal. a. Whole ; Complete ; full. ir\' in] }xr flrfv. Wholly ; completely ; tU lai 1^, entirely. f r^f ' tor *'*• T<^ shako so as to threat- tUL LtJI 5 en a fall ; to stagger, fof tpr ino- ?• Unsteady ; stagger- IL»L ll>l 111^5 jng ; shaking. f/inr»Vi *'^- '^° handle slightly; to IC/Ul^ll^ reach ; to move ; to effect. tnuoVt "• Sense of feeling ; contact ; LC/UC'll^ a test ; feature ; essay. fnnoh'iW *"'''• Peevislily; with W/UCll 1 ij5 irritation. touch' ing,tffeanr''^°^^"^' touch' stone, J^^f ^ "'''"°" '' f^,, ™U {<«/) a. Not brittle ; stiff ; firm; tUUgll, strong. tough' en, tJy'! ""'''' ^''"^^ "' f rv^#»» n. A journey ; a ramble ; a revo- lUai , lution. ff\ttr^ lot "• One who makes a tour; lUUl Ifel, a traveler. tourn' a ment, "e.eVu'ntL?"''' tritn v^- To draw through tiio water by LU«7, a rope. trim' orr/a "• Act of towing ; money low tlgd, paid for towing. tn' ■wnrrl i"^^i'- ^" ^ direction to; tU WctI U, regarding ; nearly. ic\\\7^ Of «• -^ ^ig'^ building ; a for- tOW'er,;;igu'''''°''' to fly or rise town' s:hin "• '^'^^ district belong- lUWll fcllljJ, ingtoatown. trwT "• A t"fl«J; a plaything; a baw- ^*^J5 ble. f^«^^ n. A mark left; a footstep ; a tl aK^^j track ; a path. franco vi. To follow with exactness ; tl au^, to mark out. trace' a bk, Jrace'd'''' ""'"^ ^' tro^lr n. A mark left ; a beaten path; Ucl-t/K, a road. trM-olr' locc o- Having no track; 11 cl-t/K ItbS, untrodden. ifr\yyf Tl. A quantity of land ; a rcglon ; tl a-t/t, j^ treatise. tract'able,Lfgtn?,l^'"""" i> 5 condemn. tra^t' or, l.J!"^ ^^° ^^''''^' * tn.r' fl4^ "■ ^<"'"">®''ce ; barter ; tra ge' di an,*;dy."*'''"*'^''^^" trncr' P rlv "• I'l'^matic exhibition tl ag ty UJ^, of serious action. irag lUte,fidiou3; faithless. trn-jt' voce "• -^ female who be- ti clt't 1 coo, travs. tmm' mol ". A net ; shackles for a tl am llltJl, jjo,.se . an iron hook. ti*oi"n' TYiol "'• To catch; to en- tl am lllCl, chain ; to intercept. froi-vrrk *t- To travel, or travel on iramp, foot. tram' pie, vt. to tread under foot. trnnPP "• An ecstasy ; a vision ; rap- tran' qmUs?ut:i. "''""■"' ^ ""■ tran' quil ize, f:-,J„'',e"rTarr' tranquil'lity,:Jf=^i,f"- Vrnno n.ot' v^ To manage ; to nego- 11 ailt> a-t/t , tiate ; to carry on. trans a€"tion,ri,„"Xr''"' trans al' pine, ti^J^l '"'""' trn nsj PPnrl' **' "^^ surpass; to LI aiib CiyllU , exceed ; to excel. trans cend' ent, tJS"""'' trans cend' ent ly, itnZt fmn fi/>rThp' »><. To copy ; to write tl ail o^l lUt; , over again. tran's€ript,:->ary^'^'^'»''"i tran scrip" tion, Jopl^^V "'' trans' fer,;r^tfe.'"'' "''"'"'' trnriG ff^r' *''• To convey ; to make tl alio Ai^i , over ; to remove. transfer' a ble, £™S™I'"" trans fig' ure,iI,V.rfigre: trans fix', ft To pierce through. trnn« form' '''• '^^ d^ango in ex- iranS lOl 111 , temal form. TRA 149 TRE book, dove, full, use, can, ^aise, gem, thin, {hou. trans form a" tion, Sf sha*p"e^® | trav' ail, « To labor or be in labor. ~ f rnv' #^1 w»- To journey ; to pass from Li a.y t.!, piacg to place. tfnv^ ol or* "• One who journeys ; tl av t:^! Ul 5 a wayfarer. trav' erse, "ero^^r^ '^'^^^'^ °' tr 51 v' r»r on *'^- '^° ^'■oss ; to oppose ; ti dV t^l &i^, to wander over. f I'Q'tf "• A shallow trough of wood or ^^ «■*/? metal. treach'erous,?,nhres;''""^^ trench' er y, Jj- S^>'' '^'^"^^'^ frS/-»' ^l/a "• T'lo spume of sugar; LI tiU -t^ir, melasses. trn/^rl "*■ ''° ^'^'^ ^'^0 foot; to trara- II tJC^U, pio . to crush. trea' S^n, «• Olsloyalty ; treachery. ir^n' «/>!! a hl^ a. Having the na- U Ua » "• -A- figure with three II 1 dll glC?, angles. tri an" gu lar, ^ng?er'"^ ""'' fi'TKo " A family or distinct class of 11 1U«^5 people. fi'i Kn' -nnl "■ The seat of a judge ; til UU liaij a court of justice. f T«iK' n r>r> "• <^ommander of a Ro- ll lU U-lit-j inan legion. frih' 11 fa rv ^- laying tribute; iriU U Id 1^5 subordinate. ■f i«iK' n f/:» "• -^ tax ; a contribution ; LI lU U'tl^5 payment. ^„-„„ n. A short time; a moment; an II lt/t^5 instant. A • ■L. vt. To deceive ; to cheat ; to im- Ll l-t^Kj pose on ; to dress or adorn. tri<^k, n- A sly fraud ; artifice ; habit. fvi^L-' f^r V "• "T'^® art of dressing lil-t/lV CI J 5 up ; artifice. ffi^lr' loll *• Mischievously artful; LI It/lV Ibllj cunning. fri-olr' \p '"^' T" ^^^^ or run down in tri' dent, £j^^ ^^^^'^^ °' ^*p- tri' ^rl ^P- Examined; essayed; at- Ll 1 CU, tempted. tri en' nial,?ear?"'"' '"■■'''"' fi-i' fll/> '^^^ '^° ^'^'' ^'^''^^ levity; to in- LI 1 lie, dulge foolishly. f ri' (\f> "• ^ 1^""^ of no value or con- LI 1 !!€>, sequence. +».i' flirirr «• Unimportant; wanting in Illllgj truth. tri fo' li.ate, feave?"""" ''"' tri' form, a- Having a triple shape. ffirr' rrc»f "• ^^^ catch of awheel trig gei 5 or gun. trig' on al, S'ers"^^'"^ "''^"" '"'- trig o nom' e try, ^-ftnangT" tri lat' er al, «des'''""" j.~.'11 n. A musical vibration ; a quaver Ll 111, of the voice. frill \ ^*' "^^ shake the voice in music. Ill, I vi. To trickle ; to quaver. f fill' ii^n »»• A. million of millions of irill lOIl, millions. f ri m **■ ^""^ ! neatly dressed ; spruce; Ll nil, nicely balanced. ffim' minrrcj n-p^w- Ornamental ap- Ll lin llllllg»5pendages, lace, &c. frin' i fv "• Uuion of three persons Ll 111 1 Lj, in one Godhead. es. three n. A state of being trite worn out. ffinlr' of "• A toy; a trifling orna- LlllllV tJL, n,gnt. ti'i'' ri "• Music in three parts ; a union ^-^A ^? of three. f rin "' ^ stumble ; a mistake ; a short r 5 excursion. tripet'alous,£,?™<,Ve';r triph' thong, ?hre^vrJll;°" "' f firk' I/' "• Tlireelold ; three times re- Ll IjJ IC, pealed. trip' Ic, vt. To make threefold. ffivk' Inf "• Three verses rhyming II ip li>l, together. trip' li cate, ^^ch.''^ '^"'' ^' f ri' Tinrl "■ ^ stool or seat with three + rir»' T\ir»rr "• Q"ick ; light ; nimble; Ll ip piligj passing quickly. trip' ping lj,«S;VtSon^"^'^ tri se<^" tion, "li^^^l^!" ^"^^ trist, «. Sad ; gloomy. trist' ful, %^^^,: "^«^^"^^»°iy' «°'^- frifo "• Common; stale; worn out; Ll ILly, not new. trite' ness, Jr fr-if' n mfo '^^^ To grind to pow- Ll It U 1 aLt-, der ; to pound. fri' nmnh »»• Joy for victory or suc- Ll 1 Ullipil, cess ; conquest. fri' »it-r»»-\lT VI. To obtain or celebrate III UIIipil, a victory. tri Umph' al, a. used in triumph. fri nTYiT-.Vi' nr»t «• traced with con- LH Ullipii cilil-jquest; victorious. fi-i nm' vi rnfo "• Government II 1 Um VI FclLe, by three men. fri' n no <*• Being at once three and III LUlt?, one. fri n' Tii fir "• State of being triune; 11 1 U 111 LJ, trinity. f„*-./ \ nl a. Worthless; inconsider- LIIV 1 ai, able; trifling. fr rill ^^- To go round ; to move circu- LlUll, ]ariy. frrvl' 1r\i-k "• -^ slovenly woman; a LFOl lOp, slattern. ■fvr\r^r\ «• A Company ; a body of cav- irOOp, airy. f rrino " ^ figure of speech ; a turn ; Ll OpC, a change. tro' pny? n. A memorial of victory. frm^' i^ "■ Tlie line at which the Ll op l-t", sun turns back. frr\r\' i^ q1 «• Relating to the trop- Ll up 1-t/ dl, jcs ; figurative. frrkf "• The high jolting pace of a LFUL, horse. frofh "■ B^^^^^^ faith ; truth ; fidel- troi*' ba dowr, l^^^oyZl''''' TRY 151 TUR book, dove, full, use, €an, chaise, gem, thin, thou. ^r/iiiK' l/> "*• "^^ disturb; to make LlUUU IC5 uneasy; to vex. troub'le, 3|,S'""''""'"'°''• t^oub' Ic some, L^otST'^ ff^iiK' lr\na °- Conlused ; disor- IIUUU lUUJs, dered; tumultuous. f rr\ii n-Vi (trauf.)H. Any long thing hol- LrUUgll, lowed out. trounce, Jt J.° ^''"''^ ""''"'"''' '' '° trout, «• A delicious spotted fish. frciiri **• '^^ think ; to imagine ; to H Ucfj conceive ; to trust. trow' p1 "■ "^ ^°°^ ^° spread mortar <-i«n' o»^f «. Idle ; absent from school ; II U tlllL, loitering. frilop "■ Cessation of hostilities ; a LruC/U, temporary peace. truck, ^t. To exchange or barter. tril^k'' ]p ***■ '^^ ^® ^" subjection; tru' €u lence,l-,p??r*»"'^' "' tru' eu lent, %Jrc"'^ti: '"'" f r n rl err* **• "^^ travel laboriously ; to H UU^l^5 jog on heavily. ffil/? «• Not false; genuine; real; 11 UfJ, truthful. true' heart ed, f,i^°S ' ^'"''' true' ness, Sess^.'"''"'^ ' ^^''^^''^' tru' ism, "• An undeniable truth. ti»n' Iv °'^"- Faithfully ; not falsely ; ^* *^ V 9 honestly. friimn "*• To win with a trump card ; Li UUip, to impose upon. fi»nmi^' i^kf V "• Falsehood; use- irUlIip er y, less trltles. f fiirriT^' £»f n. An instrument of mar- irUIIip tJL, tiai music. fiMin^' nfo ^'^^ To maim; to lop; 11 UUt. cite, to cut short. trun' cheon, ;-4ef ''' ''^^ "'^ trun' die, ;:J-J° ^°^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^''^^^- tfnnlr »»• The body of a tree ; a chest 11 UIIK, for clothes. trust, "• Cenfidence ; credit ; reliance. tfiiof ^*- To confide in ; to credit ; to 11 Ufe»t, believe. frncf 00' n. One intrusted with any tl Ubt UU , thing trust' y, a. Honest ; faithful ; true. trfif Vi "• Purity from falsehood ; fidel- H Utll, jty . virtue. truth' ful,J;t^"^^ °f ^^"^'^' ^°"- tr uth' less, fesTSl.''^''' ' '^''*" j-j,^ Dt. To examine ; to attempt ; to *-* J 5 essay. tub, "• A large, open, wooden vessel. tube* "• A pipe ; a long hollow body. f n' Kon ^}/y "• An excrescence on LU LItJl -t/lC, the body ; a pimple. tube' rose, Sowtr. '"'"''""'''""^ fii' K11 Inr* <»• Resembling a pipe; LU UU lar, Jong and hollow. fn.<>]* ^^' '^^ inclose; to press into a LU-t>r\., narrow compass. '' tuft, «• A cluster of leaves, grass, &c. tnfV' pH °' Growing in tufts or clus- tnrr *"• To pull with forco ; to Strug* ^^igf gle. tU i" tion, «;^Guardianship ; instruc- tu' liPi "• A flower of great variety. fiirv^' kl.o »»• To fall to the ground; lUIIl UI6, to roil about. turn' bier, «• a dnnkingglass. tumefa€"tion,^tum"r'"'"^' fii' rvir\ f€7 v'» To swell; to make LU IIIC IJ , swell. fn' mirl *• Swelling ; puffed up; LU iiiiu, pompous. fn' rni~vi« "• A morbid swelling; af- LU illOl , fected pomp. tu' mU loUS, a. Full of hills ; hilly. fn' rr»nlf "• Astir; riot; wild com- LU lllUll, motion. tu mult' u ous, oto'us'""''"' ' "' ft^Yi "■ ^ large cask; weight of two ^-Llll, thousand pounds. f n' v-«o Kl^ «• Harmonious ; melo- lU nd OlC, dious. filrtrk "• Harmony; note; order; hu- LUllC, mor. tune, ^i- To put into a musical state. tune' lUl, «• Musical; harmonious. tun' inff, "• Act of putting into tune. tun' nel, vt. To form like a tunnel. fnr^' r^ril "• The shaft of a chimney ; LUIl nCl, a funnel. tur' bid, a. Thick ; muddy; not clear tUr' bot, n. A delicate sea-fish. tur'bulence, ^;Jr""' '""' fni*' Kn lonf «• Tumultuous ; vio- lUl UU. lUIll, lent ; disorderly. turi, "• A clod covered with grass. turi, vt. To cover with turfs. f ,,„' ^.: J «. SweUing ; bloated ; bom- LUr giU, bastic. tlir' moil »»• Trouble; tumult; har- tUl *H^**5 assing uneasmess. TYR 152 UNA bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, m5ve, fiirn "• The act of turning ; change ; tUl 11^ alteration, f nrn *'*• '^'^ move round ; to change ; lUni^ to return. turn' €o«t, Jis^LV""" '°'"''" tur' pen tine, ^i4rj.rp2: f.i»»' i-»i *n/^/-k n. Inherent vileness ; lUr pi lUUe, depravity. fill-' vtnf "• -^ ^'"^® tower or emi- tUI 1 t^tj nence. tu'telage,J;,«r'^°*"''P"'- lU LG lal ^ / a. Having guardian- tu' tor. "• A teacher ; an instructor. fn' i^w- an-o "• The office or au- lU tUl tlgtJj thority of a tutor. ixum-rtre »• ^ sharp quick sound; rel- LWtlllJ^, jsh ; taste. twee' ZerS, -Small pinchers; nip- twICG, «<^w. Two times ; doubly. fiTzirr **• A small branch; a sprout ; a ^^*^&9 little shoot. fixri' ii^/ii ■*• Ligl^t before sunrise IWl ilg'tl^ and all twin, twine^ ^ _ _ twincr^i n. A sharp, short, sudden LWlil5_,t;, pain. twink'k,r^J,%t^^^'^^^^'^^^^^^^ +\^7it-»]'-' linrr »• ^ motion of the tVVink img, eye ; a flash. t w/irl ^- '^^ revolve with a quick mo- IWll 1, tion. f \,vi«t *''* '^^ form by complication ; to LVVlfel, weave ; to unite. ♦ »x7ifr.l-« vi- To pluck hastily; to LWlLCIl, snatch. tym' bal, »• a kind of kettle-drum tym' pa num, n. An emt " 5 ing letter t-xTf^' i^ nl a. Emblematical; figura V P *^ ^h tive. tvr»' i A? ^^- To represent; to sh J r J 5 i» emblem. ly pog' ra phy, f-g^^^' ''^ p""'" ty ran ni-c, ) «. imperious ; tyran'ni<^al,K'^'P"^''^•''""^• f vr' nn nv "■ i^igorou^ govem- lyi an liy, ment; severity. ty rant, despot. tyr' i an ty' ro, I alter sunset. One of two born together. vt. To twist ; to embrace. 5 \ vi. To unite closely. 71. A drum ; part of the ear. ^^-^„ n. An emblem ; a stamp ; a print how The purple dye ; a 9 tive of Tyre. One in his rudiments novice. U. UKin' ■t^i i\T «• Existence every Uiq Ul ly 5 where at once. ug'liness, r^de^^^'""'''' '"''"' nrr' Kr «• Deformed ; offensive ; hate- "5 V ? ful. Ul CGr« »»• A dangerous running sore. ul' cer ate, ^1^.'^° '""""" ^" "'■ ulcera"tion,;ie^er"^"''° ul' cer OUS, «• Afflicted with sores. Ill f o' ri fw "■ Lying on the further Ul Lt; 1 1 Ul , side ; lying beyond. ul' ti mate, «• The very last ; final. ul ti ma' turn, ^-Jl^l '^'' *=°"' um'brage,-^-;!;;^'^^"-'-! umbra'geous,-|aL^«^^^^- nm l^rr>l' 1q «• A scret^n tokeepoff uiii Ul K^l la, the sun or rain. Um pire. « An arbitrator ; a judge. nn 1 hoch' /^r1 «• N°*^ confused; un a oasn e?a, undaunted. nr* i-k' VA^ a. Without ability; weak ; Uli a Ul^, „ot able. un a dorn' ^d, « Not decorated. un ad vis' ^d, ^mS"''*' ''"' un af fe<^t' ed, :„/-^d' '''" = unaid'ed, s;-eip''e5!^'"'''''' "°' un al ter a bl6?, unchangeable.' u.nanim'ity,Sesfgr'"'"''" u nan' im ous, "^,^r^ °^ ""^ unappar'ent,«Ju',r^^^''«' iir» OT-kt' •*■ Dull; unsuitable; im- UH apt , proper unask'ed,?;onel^"""'^'""'^""" Unas sum' ing, Soi5'°''''''""' un a ton' ^d, a. Not expiated. un at tend' ed, "ut^rSJe"^'"" unava^Tab^ fes/"'"' "^^- unavoid'abk,S,,Sy°^^ un au' thor Tz ed, "autronfy"."' un a ware , "> ^^^ suddenly ; un- un a wares',^'^^'^'^''' UNC 153 UND book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. refined ; coarse. unbe€6m'ing,f„£"u"" nn h(y b'^f "• Incredulity; irreli- UIl Ue imi ^ gion ; infidelity. UH UUllU ^ to set at ease. un bi' as, t^J"" ^^^ ''°™ p^^^^' unbi'ased^Jar'^rar^"''''^^'"'' nn KTnrI' *'• To loose ; to untie ; to UIl UlllU , separate. un blest', ^:re^rd'''' ""'*'''''• un blush' ing,;fli''""'^^"^« un bolt' ed, Jif^fd"' un born', Sfe^°' ^^^ ''^'""^•^^ *"'" un bo' s5ni, I'^ZV""' '" ""' un bought', S^on'^eT'"" "'"""' unbri'dkd,-tiS"'"^'""'" un bur' then, K,7°^'^'^°"°«^" un <^an' did, «-Jif °' ''"'"^ uncer' tain, tJ""'''"' •''"'''■ un change' a b^SiS.^'^^^ un Chang' ed,t,Sr"''"°' un char' i ta bk, Jit/'^''^ °^ un<^^ris'tian,;-/e'StLr'^ unciv'il, ^•J;'^^""P°'•'^'^"- unX IJA UMl,gro^s under trees nn Ae^r ctn' ^'- "^'^ s"*"** to sup- Ull UtJl ^U , port ; to pass through. un' der hand, SestlneTsiy.'^^'"- underiv'ed,S,„?;;ir'' "^^ un' der ling, n. An inferior agent. underneath',S?/;SStir- un der rate', J^;,.^« ^*^^^ '"^ un de Serv' ed, a. Not merited. un de' vi a ting, :„^nT'''' """' undisgms'ed,«,,frveT'""* undivulg'ed,^:^-^' -^ nn (\{V ^^' '^^ '^'^'" ' ^^ loose ; to un- UIl UU , ravel ; to take to pieces. UNI 154 UNP bar, fall, whgit, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, undone', r,iJ^°'^°"^''^'°"^^''" un dou&t' ed, rnJiSSe""'"'' un du la'' tion, ^otton"'^""^" .i»^ Af^ fi 4\A a- Irreverent: diso- Un aU 11 IUI5 bedient; undy'ing,LS. un ea' si ness. perverse, perishing ; im- n. Trouble ; care ; '5 perplexity. nn S^' «ptr « Not easy ; disturbed, un kiU JSy, painful. une'qualed,J-SPr"'^^^^' ' rino" «• IicapaWe of failure; O? certain ; sure. a. Not level ; not 5 or uniform. equal Not thought I ; sudden. Not searched out ; not known. a. Certain ; not miss- ing. un er un e' ven un ex am' pkd, ^eS"""'^'" un ex pe<^t' ed, un ex plor' ed, un fail' ing, nn f^^tW fill <*• Treacherous ; dis- Un 1 Allll IUI5 honest , false. un feel' ing, - vmdofsensibinty; un feign' ed, S' S'.' ' '""'^''^' nn fil' iol <*• Unbecoming a son; un 111 Idl, disobedient. nn fit' a. Not suitable ; not qualified; Uil Ht , improper. iiv^ fit' I''- To disqualify: to make un 111 , unfit. 11-n f^lrl' ^^- To open; to expand; Ull 1 UlU. , to reveal. unfor'tu.nate,?„,,''SSr un frmV ful, ;;„[?„"„'.''"""'• """ nn rrr»rl' Iv "• Irreligious; irrever- UIl ^UU ly, enttoGod. un grat^e' ful, ^r'^ace."^ ''^''''' un gz^ard' ed, ^'n'^j^d.'"" ' ^"^'- 11 n l^oT-k' v^xr a Miserable ; unlucky; un nap py, distressed. un health' y, iJS^'"'^ ^^"'^"^ un ho' ly, -P;°/-"« ^ wicked ; Im- n'ni frkfm «• Similar to itself; U 111 lUrill, regular 11 Ti' irin "• The act of joining ; con- tm lUll, cord. a-n'-i ri ^ I £>' fl- Sole; without an UH\UC , equal U' ni SOn« "• Agreement of sound. U' nit. «• One ; the smallest number. u ni vers' al, whot'."^'^^' ^°'^^' n nitp>' < f<- To join together. U- 111 It; , \ yi, To agree ; grow into one. U' ni \7-oi'C!0 n. The general system ni vex be, of things. nn inet' "• Contrary to justice; in- Ull JUfeL , iquitous. iin l^inrl' ff. Unnatural ; disobliging ; Ull KlIIU , not kind. nn 1q/-I^' *'^' To unload ; to empty; UU IdUU , to put out. Un la/d', a- Not placed ; not laid out. un law' ful, £w'^ '^'"'''" '" un learn' 'ed, J^eSl ''''"'^' *' un let' ter ed, fau'S't'"'"''' ' ''"" nn lilro' "• ^°*^ ^'^® ' 'dissimilar; hav- Ull llKty , jng no resemblance. nn lilr<1(/ 5 to recall an expression. unseAool'edjS.eSr^"""- unseflred,J<„reSr """'^ un sea' son a blc, f^.^J""""''" unseem'ly,3ecenr"™°'''"| un seen', «• Not seen ; invisible. un set' tied, LSel""^""'" un shak' en, r„,^'""""'''^"-"°- ' un skill' ful, °i,r„TS' """""■ nn orw" /^io'l "• Not useful to soci- UIl bO Ciai, ety . not social. un so lie' it OUS,a Not desirous. nn cnnnri' "• Not healthy; rotten; UIl bUUlIU , insincere. unsta'ble,fJ"^°"^^^"^'"-^«"°- un stam' ed, Jot dyld^'"'"'"''' ^ un stead' y,^;anl'"'"'' '"'°"'' un stud' i ed, ?ated^°' ^'""''''' nn cnh Hn' />rl " ^°' subdued; UIl bUO UU eU, not conquered un sub Stan" tial, SnS.*°'^''* un smV a ble, ;,op^?^ ^^' ""^^ un sul' li ed,-S,sg'taced.''"'''^ "°' un SUnff', c« n. Enormous greatness ; Vaa>t 11C&&, immensity. vault, «• An arch ; a cellar ; a cavern. \7Q'»/r»f "*• To boast ; to make a vain VaailL, display xrS^l »»• The flesh of a calf killed for Veai, food. Veg' e ta bl^, n. Any kmd of plant. Veg' e tate, f»- To grow as plants. veg eta" tion, Jialfl.^^'^'^^'^f ve'hemence, >„ violence ;ar- ve'hemency,r°^'f"'^^"'=y ve'hement,ta^e^TS;:^f"'^ vo' hi el^, Jate.^ ''"'^ "^ '^"'^ *^*'" YER 158 VES bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move, Vf^in "■ ■*■ "^^ssel to convey blood , a Vefllj streak; a stain ; kumor. vel' lum, Jie^t/'"' ^"*^ °^ ^^""'" vo. }f\n^ i i\r "• Speed; swiftness; VU lUO 1 t^5 rapid motion. vnT Vf»f "• -^'^^ ^^'^ ^'^^ * short VUl VtJtj y,ap upon it. xrc»' n Q 1 "• Mercenary j base ; in the VtJ lldlj veins. vend, «*• To sell ; to offer for sale. ■vfi rtt^cyr ^^* '^° cover with thin VU llt/lvl 5 boards or wood. VfiTi' f^r nfo ^'' '^° reverence; to V eil t.1 -»v^ "• Tlie flesh of deer; ven t son 5 beasts of cliase ven om n. Poison ; noxious mat- 5 ter. a. Poisonous ; ma- ven' om ous, rignVnt ve' nOUS« «• Pertaining to the veins. vent. n. A small aperture ; a passage. ven'tilate/4hV"' '" ""' ventila"tion,S,^;;I,^^S^ ven' tri <^k, "l^^tlUy!"'' ""'''' '" ven trir o quism, > « Art of . * ' \ speaking ven trii o quy, > mwardiy. xron' f n fo "• ^ ^^^''^ i chance ; veil lU^re, hazard. ir/:»K»' +n »•£» '''• ^^ expose to haz- Vt.li LLPre, ard; to rely on. ven' ture some, ^'oid. ^^""^' planet ; goddess of ve' nus, Jovt ve ra" cious a. Truthful ; observ- ? ant of truth. hon- V l.y 1 rt.V> 1 l-J 5 esty of report. ve ran' da, «• a kind of portico. ^r^ii'K' q1 ''• Oial ; spoken ; 'uttered Vei U dl, by the mouth. verb' al ly, al& a 111 1 ty, ijging versatile. Vpr^P "■ ^ piece of poetry ; a para- Y Ul ot^, graph ; language in meter. 17- fire' />rl ** Skilled in ; experienced ; Vei & CU, -^veu practiced. Vfirc' i fv '"*• "^ ° represent in verse ; VtJl & 1 ly , to relate in verse. ver Sion, «• a change , translation. vert' e bra, Eo4J°'"'°''^"^^^'^- vert' e bral, ^i^t^""'''' '' '^" irorf ' r« "• The Romish evening Viy& pi^l», service. xTdd' an.} n- Any utensil to hold liquors; veto bi-ljaship. vrkcf "• -^^ outer garment ; a waist- Vt^tsL, coat. vest' al, a- Denoting purity ; chaste. Ves' ti bule,n- Entrance to a house. \rf\c' fio-o "• A footstep; a trace ; a \^is tlgt., mark left behind. VIG 159 VIS book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. vest' ment, ^-df^ff™'"'' ^'"'"' vest'ure, 3-esf '"^'"'' "*"'''' vnt' or on "• ■^'^ °^^ soldier; one vi^t v^i aii^ long practiced. VC' to, «• A refusal ; a prohibition ^PY f'. To plague ; to torment ; to dis- * *^^^5 turb ; to disniuiet. VOY o" firin '*• Trouble; uneasi- v^A. a. LIIJII5 jies, . sorrow. vex a" tious,fesomf''^' •''""' VPy' incr Iv '"^^- So as to vex or VUA lllg 1^5 disturb. Vl' al. "• A small glass bottle. Vi' and. "• Food ; meats dressed. 17-i' Kfnf £k vi. To brandish ; to movo VI Draie, to and fro. xri Kro" +i/-kri n. Act of moving with VI Ura Lion, ^^^^c]^ returns. vi^' Jir **• -^ substitute in office ; the \l±j o-* 5 minister of a parish. vi€a'rious,?ed'?''"''''^'''^*' Vir*P **• ^'" ' wickedness ; a grasp ; an Vll^t;^ iron press. vice ge' rent, SepU"'""''' vTr^n' rrwr "• ^"® ^^^ rules as the Vll^U IUJ5 king's substitute. vi" pinfp *''■ '^° ^P*'^ ' to "1*^*6 less vir»' in lo-o (c ^i^e *) «• Neighbor- V iVy in lA^l^, hood ; a place near. vi r'in' i f v **• State of being near; VI %^IU 1 l-Jj nearness. VI- CIOUS, a- Abandoned ; wicked. vi ri«5' si tllflp "Regular change; VI Clfc» S>1 tUUC, a revolution. \ri-, tect ; to avenge. vin di €a" tion, JeSf ^°"' vindi<5'tive,;;.Srgefu^,'-«^«"^«' vin die' tive ness, ?uSpfr vTnP "• '^^^ plant that bears the Vlllt^, grape. \7in/>' vnrri "• ^ ground planted Vino JtllU, with vines. Having the qualities of VI nous, w.ne. VI nf' 1 rro "• Pi'on «■ -^ keeper ; a guardian ; Wd,rU t^Ilj a head officer. i ward' er, l-^t^''^'"' truncheon, wnrH' rnhf^ "• ^ repository for WcirU lUUU, clothes; clothing. ward' ship, Jiiagr'^'"'''"^'^' ware' house, lo^^f^"'''' '"' wares, «• jP^w- Goods or merchandise. •«x7Qi«' -Tofr* «• Military life; a state war lare, of contest. xxtq' i«i Kr arfu. Prudently ; cautious- Wd 1 1 IJ^ ]y turo' f\ YM^cc n. Prudent forethought; Wa 1 1 llt^feto, caution. war' like, Sla?^"''''''^' '""''" iii7€ii«rr» «• Not cold; passionate; Well 111, heated; sprightly. ixjck fm ^t- I'o free from cold ; to heat Wcirill, moderately. warm' ly, adv. Eagerly ; ardently. »»Tr»»»i'*Tf l-i n. Gentle heat ; zeal; en- warmm, thusiasm. ^n7«->»»v» *''• To caution against ; to ad- warn, monish. wnrn' inrr "• Admonition; previ- Wellll 111^5 ous notice. \X7orri ^'' To contract ; to shrivel ; to **«,l p, turn aside. war' proof, »• Valor proved in war. ixrof' rctni "*• To support; to at- Well 1 elilL, test ; to secure. i war' rant, Jgitt"""'" ^"««^^^'«"' |war'rantable,«,,Se;'^«' |War'ranty,Sa:^^^^:-- ■ 1XT0 1'' i«£ii^ ^- A park or inciosure for Well 1 tJII, rabbits. war' rior, - a i«ihtaryman; asol- scenes on careful ; pru- x»rr»»«f "• A. hard excrescence on the wari, flesh. ,,To' i-TT o. Cautious Wa 1 y, dent. tmrociVi vt. To cleanse by ablution ; to WaMl, moisten. xnrocsrk' icli °- Irritable; peevish; wasp ISIl, fretful. vyo of-p "• A. desolate country ; useless WdoLt;, expense; loss. wroafo ^'- To destroy; to squander; Weltstt;, to wear out. waste' ful,rvef SIS'' ^"'''""'' Wf»tr*Vl "■ Forbearance of sleep ; at- WdiCll, tentiou ; observation. AA7f»f r«Vl *'• To guard ; to keep ; to ob- Wdt^yll, serve closely. Vigilant ; attentive ; cautiQUS. watch' ful, » vv4tch' fjil ness, St Jififor watch' man,-„'^?.?f'f,f„;['n'ef''' watch' word, ^^sA.,^:"'""''' Wn' fpr *'*• "^^ supply with, or take Wei, tci , jn water ; to moisten. wa' ter fall, -^ cataract ; a cas- Wa' ter man, Jerrymar'""'" ' ^ wn' tfir mnrlr "■ H'Shest point to Wet LCI lliailV,^.iiicj,^ater rises. wa'terti^M,°,j;'«,rei""°' wa'teryjr,,™;'..'^"""'""- \A/n vc» "• A billow ; a swell of water ; wave, inequality. \X7Q \rc» ^*- To play loosely ; to float ; to wave, undulate. wave' less, ^avfs""""'^' ""''''"'"' AA/n' vor "'• To move loosely; to wa > ei , fluctuate ; to totter. wa'vering,!rv,„''SeT'"'-'- V\ri' W ''■ Playing like waves ; undu- VYa VJ, ]ating. "VV1 Y '"''" '^^ grow ; to increase ; to bc- WaA, come bigger. •«ii'o/»» ' «• A road; course; direction; Wa^, method. wa?/' far er, 1,^1:^'''^''' "^^"■ ^jinti' ^n'H ^*- To lay in wait for; to wa?/ •itA'/j beset by ambush. xx7ni/ WT'irA "■• Fioward ; peevish ; wa^/ wara, morose. We^K, «• Feeble ; not strong ; infirm, iTnTXrAr^ r>rt »''• To enfeeble; to de- weaK en, biiitate. WP/-/k' np«;«l "• ^ defect; feeble- Weaii IH^bfe, pess ; a failing. ■wck/rl "• Happiness ; prosperity ; pub- WUM-l, ]ic interest. WP/rltll "' I^'cli^^ ; external happi- wealth' y,1n?^'^ ' T''"' ' ''''"''' inTT^yri^ *'• To withdraw from any habit Weail, or desire. •««7^.r»i-k' >m «• An instrument of of- weap c/n, fgnse. WOnxV nr\ 1p«;«; a. Unarmed ; hav- Wl>a]J t/ll lt/C5&, jn^ no weapon. \MPUV *''• To waste by use or time ; to WCai , carry on the body. wea'riness,?i,ue.""^"''' '" wea'risome, ^oJe''^""'' ''"' ,„7r^f »«xr «• Subdued by fatigue ; wea ry, tired. xinBn' f V "'• To tire ; to fatigue ; to wet* 1 J, harass. we«th' er, l^^^^.T "' ''" ''"" WEL 163 Win book, dove, full, use, ean, 5haise, gem, thin, thou. \xro/7f li' or "'• '^° ^^^^ ^° windward ; WtJ£*tIl Ul ^ to pass with difficulty. weafh' er prooi^llT^S^.r wi5/TVf> "'• '^^ form by texture ; to VVtJttVtJj unite; to insert. WefitVC. vt- To work with a loom. woK "• ^^y thing woven ; texture ; a " ^"5 film on the eye. VVph' foot Prl "• Having films be- VVUU lOUL tJU, tween the toes. ■vkTCiA *''• "^^ nicirry ; to unite by mar- *^*^*^5 rktge. WPfl **• ^° contract matrimony ; to '^*^*-*5 marry. wed' ded, "Uactd" "" "'""'^'' wed' ding, -,,^:™'°' ""'""" WPflcyp **■ "^ *°°^ thick at one end wecigtJj and sloping to an edge. XV^iV }c\^h: "• Marriage; niatrimo- w t;u AU-t/n-j ny ; the ruarnage state. WGG« «• Little ; diminutive ; small. xjuci^A "• A noxious herb ; a mourning WtJi^U, dress. .^v^^pp J vt. To rid of useless plants ; to WtJtJLlj free from weeds. W6Gk« n. The space of seven days. week' da?/, «• Any day but Sunday. \x70olr' 1 V <*• Done or happening ev- Wt/tJK ly^ ery week; Wf»f>n ^^- '^^ '^''^^ tears ; to lament ; ^r5 to complain. ■wf^ff "• "^''^ woof of cloth ; the thing Wt^lL, woven. wrf^ifrh "'• "^^ ^''^ ^^® weight of ; to **E*'t^'^5 consider nicely. wjc^ifrhi "• Quantity ; gravity ; influ- WK^l^tli.^ eiice ; power. weight' less, ^^rcf ' ' ^^"^'"^ "' wTf^'irrJii- ir a- Heavy ; momentous ; We^^AAl y, forcible. AVPl'-Pfmp «• Received with joy; Wei -t/»^Illt., grateful ; pleasing. Axrial' ^ >mo '''• To receive and en- WCl -t/ Jlllt-, tertain hospitably. \;unlrl '•^^- "^o '^e^'' *^"® mass of metal WCiU.^ into another. wel' iare, ^uccer"'"^' ^"^p^""'' ' \A7ol]-'' jn "• 'Ihe visible regions of WtJllt. ill, the air. well, K. A spring ; source ; fountain. well, a. Healthy ; happy ; convenient. weir born, fcenl '"'p'"'^'^^^ ^"- well' bred, ^E^ld^'"' ^" '"^""^^ ' well done', interj. Denoting praise. weir spring,". A fountain; source. welt, »• A border ; an edging ; a guard. wen, «• A callous, fleshy excrescence. wench, ^•rel'''""^''^'"'"'*"" wend, vi. To go ; to pass to or from. w^pQ* f». The region where the sun west' ern, «• Being in the west. west' ward, adv. Toward the west. wet, «• Humid ; moist ; rainy. wet, vt. To moisten ; to make damp. ivpf rificc "• "The state of being wet ll^^^^, ^.gj. . moi.sture. whale, n- The largest of fishes. whnlp' honp "• ^^^^ °^ ^^^ ^^^^^ WliaiU UUllt , jaw of the whale. \;i;lTirF "• ^ place to land goods at ; WllcAi 1, a. quay. \xrViQrf*' o frn "• F^^s paid for land- wnari age, ^^g at a wharf. wharf in ger, ; w'lllfrf^''^' ''^ wrVtci^i 71. Grain of which bread is WlltJai, made. Whe^lt' en, a. Composed of wheat. wViP»p' A]/^ "'• "To entice by soft WIIGG UlC, words ; to (latter. wVir»ol •*• -*^ circular body turning on VYllty<--l, an axis. xnrVif^r^] "'• To move on wheels; to Wneei, roll forward. wheel' bar row?,^Hhtne wteeL wheel' wrlght, l^tir""'' '' wheeze, ^i. To breathe with a noise. xxT-l-iollr «• An inequality ; a proluber- WlltJllV, ance. AJi/Vicilm ^^- To cover over ; to bury ; WlltJlIll, to immerse. whelp, ;;,p'JJ."^ ^'"""^ °^* ^'^^^ ^ w^h/an °^''- ^^ the lime that ; at what WllCIl, time. \x7Vionr»t» "^•'- From what place; WllUlH^t., from what cause. where, a'<,mo ^^- To receive and en- WCl -ty Jill t., tertain hospitably. .^ji^i-^l J 'jt. To beat one mass of metal WtJlU.^ into another. wel' fare, suSsT"''' ^'^'^"''' ' welk" in, ^he^ff. ""'''''" ''^'°"' °^ well, »- A spring ; source ; fountain. well, a- Healthy ; happy ; convenient. weir born, ^- e^[. '^'^'^'^'^^" ^'- wolC Krnrl <^' I^legant in manners ; WtJll UibU, refined. well done', imerj. Denoting praise. well' spring,". A fountain; source. welt, n. A border ; an edging ; a guard. wen, «• A callous, fleshy excrescence. wench, Jrets.'""""^ ''°"''"' "" "" wend, vi. To go ; to pass to or from. WP^t **■ "^^ region where the sun west' ern, «• Being in the west. west' ward, adv. Toward the west. Wet« *• Humid ; moist ; rainy. wet, vt. To moisten ; to make damp. WPt' noec «• The state of being wet lle&^, wet- moisture. whale, n- The largest of fishes. WliaiU UUIlt, jaw of the whale. wliorf* "• ^ place to land goods at ; Wllcil 1, a. quay. wrVmrf n OT» "• Fees paid for land- wnari age, j^g at a wharf. wharf in ger, iJ^Zt''^"''^ wrVt^ni "• Grain of which bread is Wlicai, made. Whent' en, a. Composed of wheat. wli^r»' rll/' "'■ To entice by soft WllUC UlC, words ; to (latter. wViool "• -^ circular body turning on VYlll^l^l, an axis. ,,TV,r»/-»l vt. To move on wheels; to Wneei, roU forward. wheel' bar rotr,^ithtne whleL wheel' Wright^ l^Lr^"' °' wheeze, vi-To breathe with a noise. ■wflplU" "• ^^ inequality ; a proluber- wVifilm ^^- To cover over ; to bury ; WlltJllll, to immerse. whelp. n. The young of a dog; a '5 puppy. \xrlion "''''• ^^ ^'^® time that ; at what W111./I1, tune. \;trlionr»t» "■'^''- From what place; Wllt^lH^t., from what cause. where, adv. At which or what place. \]i;h f^r f^' fflrt^ <"^"- For which or Wllt^l U 1 01 «, wliat reason. wher ev' er, 1^^^"^' ^^'^tsoever Aitrl-inr' rv "• -*• ^'S^'^ '^oat used on Wllt.1 1^, rivers. \;i7llof ^^- To sharpen; to edge; to Wlllyt, provoke. whefh' er, f-o». which of the two. WllUL tolUllty, sharpen on. ■w/Vi/atf "• The thin or serous part of VVliet/, n^iik, whin, «• A blast ; a puff of wind. WHI 164 WIL • bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. whip fie, J^'J^'^"^"""^'*"'^*'- whio" "• "^^^ name of a political par- While. n- Time ; space of time. iirViil/^k 't't- To draw out : to consume Wniie, tediously. wViim "• -^ fr^ak ; an odd fancy ; ca- Wlllill, price. whim' nr»r **• '^^ ^^'^ whiningly, WlllIIl per, as a child. whim' per ing, 1,^^ "^"""""^ \»rhim' ffil j?n] «• Capricious ; fan- __-U|.j^„ vi. To lament in low mur- WIllIlUj n,urs. ■M/hinf "■ ^ ^°^ plaintive noise; a WlJllIt;, mean complaint. »Mrl-»iv^' -ntT vi- To make a noisc like Wllin Iiy, a horse or colt. vt. To strike, drive, or lash with 5 a whip ^ 4>n r(\ "• Cord of which lash- ■*^^' *^5 es aro made. ' 1t;Ii "■ "^'^^ small end of a whip, whip whip acxoii, ^i,ip whip' ping, -Uh a wlfip^""^^'^"^ whip' stock, ^^:' ^^^"^^ '^^ ^ whirl* '"'• To turn round rapidly. wViiir] " ^ quick circular motion ; a Willi 1, rapid turning. whirl' nnnl "• ^^^^^ moving cir- Wniri pool, cularly ; a vortex. whirl' wind, ^H^u\"Ty"' ""'"' wliidr *'^' "^^ move with velocity ; to Wlllblv, brush or sweep. Tirhiolr' or "• Unshaved hair grow- WnifeK UI , ing on the cheek. whisk' y, ^-.afn''"' '^'''''''' ^''" whis' per, [L^'sfy''''' '"""''" xTirh i a' i-k/3,r "• ^'^^ ^^ speaking softly; WniS pel, a low voice. wViiq' npr inrr "• ^ speaking in a Wilis pel lllg, lovv voice. xnrhicf I " ^ f?^"^® ^^ cards. Wlllbl, \ a. Silent ; still. ixrVkic?' f 1^ ^''- Tf^ make a shrill sound Wilis fcir, by the breath. whit, «■ A point , a jot ; a tittlo. vi/llTtf "• Snowy; pure; unblem- WlllLt., ished. ixrliif' ^n ^^- or "»• To make or be- WlllL C/ll, come white. \;irl-»T<-if' fliO *'^- To cut with a knife; WniL 116^, to sharpen. XAzlii'z "■ A loud, hissing, or humming Wlliz., noise. ■Zrhole, n. The total ; all of any thing. '»fiV»?ilo <*• All; total; complete; un- «;ilUlty, injured. a71101U bd.lt;, by the quantity. w?hole' some, Jy^^Tfti. '''"'" ' ichol' ly, a<^«'- Completely ; totally. l^hoOp, vi. To utter a loud shout. Wl-pk "■ '^^^ cotton of a candle or lamp. I. Given to vice tious : bad. wick' ed, wick'edly, J^Jiiy"'"^"'"^""'" wick'edncss,",-ep,av?tr'""' xxri^lr' or '^- Made of small twigs or Wl-t/K tJi, willows. Wl-Ck et, n- A small gatei or door. \x7Trl0 <*• Extended far each way; W lUU, broad ; remote. xxjTrlo' ]\r at'v- Remotely ; with great WlUt; ly, extent. *»r7rl' j?rt vi- To make wide; to ex- Wia en, tend. xxrTrlo' nocc "• State of being wide; WlUe liebb, breadth. turW}^ 7i.tn "• A woman whose hus- WIU OWj band is dead. wid' bw cr, J;,^w"i?e''''' ^"" '""' wid' 6w hood, J'S^.^' ''"° ^uTi/lfVi "• Breadth; wideness ; wide Wiam, extent. ■wiold "'• "^^ "^® ^^*^^ ^"^^ command xtim^i}tV ir o- Manageable ; that may W«eiU y, be controlled. Wife* n. A woman who has a husband. Wlfif, "• False hair worn on the head. inrirr' x«r«-» rv^ "• An Indian hut or Wig warn, cabin. txzTKl «• Not tame ; not domestic ; un- WllU, civUized. Wild. «• An uncultivated desert tract. wil' der ness, 1;^,", rillf "°'' ■«»rTlrT lir odv. Without order ; rudo- WllU ly, ly. irregularly. wild' ness, rarit^"*"'"'"' '"''"" \x7Tl0 "• I^eceit ; fraud ; trick ; strata- Wlit;, gem. Axri' li Iv o'^"- Fraudulently ; by strat- Wl 11 ly, agem _-.*lj n. Choice; desire, discretion; *^*^*5 power. -j^,'ll vt. To direct; to command; to ^■^**5 resolve ; to give by will. •.»rill' -All a. Stubborn ; obstinate ; in- Wlll mi, flexible. will'fiilly,«f-ecJ;"'^"^'^^ ?«■ WIT 165 WOR i book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, lliin, {hou. will' inrr "^ Consenting; ready; Will mg, complying. vviir ino- Iv *"'" Without reluc yv III '^'^^ *j 5 tance ; spontaneously. will' ino" np«« " Ready compli- Wlll ing nebfe, ance ; consent. vvi' Iv °' Cunning ; insidious ; artful ; yxr'tn vt. To gain by conquest or per- "*"? suasion. wince, *»• To shnnk from pain. \;vi nrl "■ ^ flowing wave or stream of wmuj air. wTinA "'• To turn ; to entwist ; to in- VVIHU, fold, to encircle. winfl' f^ll " ^"y unexpected ad- YVmu 10,115 vanlage. wind' lass, "^,1;^"''"' ''"''''"' wind' less, JiSi;."^""'^'"' win'd0W75rig.ranT^r""'°'^'™^' wind' pipe, Ij^r"'" ^"' '""^ wind' ward, ^^^^ '^"""^ '"^ ,_,;„ J/ -, a. Empty; tempestuous; \> IIIU J , flatulent. \mrinrr' /^A "■ Furnished with wings ; Wlllg *^^7 flying ; rapid. ix/Inb- '^*- To shut and open the eyo VVIIIIV, quickly ; to hint. win' riPr "■ ^'^^ ''"^ ^^° wins ; the Will IltJl , ong yyho gains. XA/in' ninrr "• Attractive; charm- wm nmg, ing. \)uin' n?\^n *''• To separate grain Win nOtr, from chair. win' some, «• Merry; cheerful. W^in' tor "■ '^^^ ^°^^ season of the x«rin' tai* tr <». Suitable to winter; Win ler y, coid. »srir»<:» *'• To cleanse by rubbing gen- wipt;, tiy. ,,rtfct "• Metal drawn into slender Wire, threads. ivTr' V "• Made of wire ; drawn into Wll J 5 wire. mrict' rlritvi "• Prudence ; discretion ; WIS UOm, judgment. wi«P °- Judicious; skillful; grave; Wiat;, judging right. Wise' iv ''^^' J"^<^io"sly; prudent- xA/icVi *'^- To have strong desire ; to WISH, Jong . to be inclined. wieh' fnl "• J-onging ; showing de- WlSsll lUl, sire for. wish' fill ly, fn^li/^""""^' ^''"^- ^j|,:* n. Quickness of fancy ; judgment ; "*^5 genius. witch' er y, «• Enchantment. «7ifh rlraxA/' "*• To retire ; to re- WlLIl UI aw , treat ; to draw back. with draw', ^lu'^aVar '^*'' '° WllJl tl , grow sapless ; to pine away inziFK liT^lrl' vf. Tc?e Strain; to hold Wlin nOia , back ; to refuse. with Stand', ^Jr^^PE^Lf!'"- wit' less, S^iSrh"'"''*''' "'"*'"^ wit' linflf* «• A pretender to wit. \Vlt' nP<5:, lion; an evidence. 1X71 f' 1-4 000 *''• To bear testimony ; to WIU llt.&s, attest. wit' ted, <»• Having wit or sense. wit' ti Cisra, «. An attempt at wit. wit' ti Iv *"^''' ingeniously; artful- wit' tino- Iv '"^''- ^°^ Jgnorantly; WIL tllli^ IJ', knowingly. •writ' t V °- Judicious ; inventive ; sar- ^*'' V5 caslic. i»7i'z' irrl " A magicizm; an en- WIZ arCI, chanter. WO^ n. Grief; sorrow; misery; ca- 5 lamity. ,,,;=:,>' f,-,] a. Sorrowful ; calamitous ; W06 lUl, wretched. woe' fill ly,°i,„,„^"'"-«'"''' \3irrkir "• ■^ beast of preyj an eating y^y^h ulcer. ■nr/-»ir' ioiU o. Like a wolf; fierce; won ISn, ravenovis. worn' an, ;;;aI'lco'"''^'' °^ '^^ """' worn' an hood, ;J5mr''"- worn' an ish, ^JomL"'™'"'"^ * worn' an kind, l.J'"' ^'"'^'^ tx7^rt' A^f "»• To doubt; to admire : won aer, or be surprised. TurXn' Artv "• Admiration ; surprise ; I VVUIl UCI , amazement. i won' der ful, fshSr^' ' ^''°"' won' drous, ?eiou7"''"^' """ wont' ed, «• Accustomed ; usual. txTn>.r\ ^f- To court solicitously; to make WOO, love to. wood' land, "with^woZ' *^°^"'' wood' y, «;f °""d'"S in wood ; syl. woo'ingly,S^cm^J«^^"^'^'- \x7r\rrl "• Talk ; language ; a single WUlU, part of speech. word' y, «• FuH of words ; verbose. work, ft' To labor ; to travail ; to toil. w5rk' man, Corer" "''^"'■' * ^*' work' man like,- tSa\,^;'' XYL IGG ZON bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. worm ling, money or profit. wrirlfl' Iv "Devoted to this world ; WUI lU. JJ, temporal ; human. wrnr' r v ^'^- '^^ ^^'^^ ' ^^ mangle ; to WUI 1 j5 harass. wTf^f' chin »''• To adore; to rever- WOr blUp, ence ; to honor. wor' ship er, '^i,,^J!' "^^° ^°" worth, n. Price ; value ; importance. wzXffh "■• Deserving of; equal in ^^ Ol til, yalue to. worth' 1p«;*« "• Undeserving ; of no WUI III ICbb, value or worth. vvrirf Vi' V "• Deserving ; virtuous ; WUI 111 J, noble. wound, rinc;^ '"J""^^ ' '"^ '^^^^ '^ ^'°- ^/ir-nn' rr]^ vi. To dispute peevishly; 071 clll git?, to squaLble. ?i?rath, ;;.e''"^^"^'"' '"'''' ^'''^ ?^rath' less, ^ee^k.'' ^'""^ ^"'''' 7rr^/yfh "• ^ garland; a ehaplet ; UJl CM-tii, a,^y tiling twisted. -anr^/^f h "'• '^'^ <^U'^ » ^^ ^wist ; to «^I t^atll, interweave. '2#ii*r>^lr "• Destruction by sea ; di.sso- Wl t^-t/K, lution ; ruin. '}nrf^4>\z ^^- ^'^ destroy by dashing on **^* Ct^iv, rocks ; to ruin. nfnraai ^^- "^ '^ extort by force ; to dis- Wl tJbl, tort ; to writhe. 'jDi'oo' f]^ *'*• To struggle for a fall ; Wl tJft tic;, to contend. inrf^toh- Of\ **• Miserable ; afflicted ; Wl tJLCll i./U, worthless. WriSI'ttti, n. An artificer; a workman. /jMviof- "• The joint connecting the Wl IbL, ])and and arm. /iMi-if "• -^ ^egai instrument; scrip- fCllt, ture. -j/irif o *'■ To express by means of let- Wi lit/, iQj.g . to compose. ,.„_YfKf» *'^- To twist with violence ; Wl ILllt:^, to torture ; to distort. 'trrJt' incr "■• ^ ^^^^^ instrument; a Will m^7 composition; a book. „„w^i-kre «• Not morally right ; unjust ; ocrong, unfit. 7rrnno- *'*• To use unju.stly; to in- Wl Ullg, jure. tCrOng' ful, «• Injurious ; unju.st. wrongs' ly, adv. unjustly ; am i:frected ; aiiufactured WY\<, «• Crooked ; distorted ; wrung. x. Yp' lipjp "• -^ small three-masted Xy '^S ^^ P'^y? graving on wood. irrrmrrhf (''««<•) «• Effected; per- "^rUUglll, formed; ma Vr^/thi (yot) n. A small ship or pleas- X UX'/C'L, ure vessel. va rrl "■ 'Measure of three feet ; a jdlU, small inclosure. VJ^WT^l "• ^ small boat belonging to a yctwi, 5i,ip_ tro-inrK» «»• To gape ; to open wide, as ydWll, the mouth. vci/»r "• The term of twelve calendar y tJMl , months. viS/yr' Iv «• Happening every year; yeic*i ly, annual. VP>/7m ^^' T'' feel great tenderness yt^Wlll, or anxiety. \70/7rTi' in^ due ; to confine. yore, "■dv. Long since ; long ago. ^rj-^^tr^re «• Not old ; youthful ; tender; ytJUng, weak. -. „,, f h "• ^"® "^* "'^ childhood ; a JC/U'Lll, young man. youth' ful, f„J'3' "isoromas Z. r^5 -l n. Passionate ardor ; eagerness ; ZieWl, -vvarrnth. ry/i/rT r^f "• -^ person full of zeal; a zeal Ut, fanatic. ze«rous,tag^en'"'*"'"''""^ „_^ Kro n A kind of mule beautifully Ze In cl, striped. „r y^UK n. The point in the heavens Ze Illtll, directly overhead. voi-»h' vr "• The west wind ; any Zl^pil y 1 , soft, gentle wind. / „_^ n. Commencement of the scale Ze rU, in a thermometer ; cipher. zest, n- A taste added ; a relish. '71 rr' •710- "• Having sharp and quick ZIg -^clg^ turns. „„/,]: ji^ n. The sun's track through ZjU Ul cl-t', the twelve signs. zodi'aeal,S-a^f^^^^"''''^'"" „ — --^ 71. A division of the earth; a ZUIlt., girdle. j BIA 167 EMB ■ book, dove, full. use, can, chaise, gem, thin, fhou. > ORTHOGRAPHY SYSTEMIZED. 1 Thk orthography of some of the following words is varia- | l)le ; that of others is palpably wrong — « it variance with ety- j rnology and with established rules. An attempt is here made ,| to reduce classes of words to a uniformity, as in the Royal} 1 8vo. edition of the American Dictionary in I two volumes^ where ; the orthography is corrected by rules. A bat' a ble bi' as ing eudj' el ing 1 lie ^ou' ter big' ot ed De bat' a h\e \ ' a ch/ev' a ble bil'leted de ferise' ad vis' a bl^ blam' a h\e de pend' ent | , a pos' ta sy buP M ed de pos' a h\e ap pair buf fi3t ing de pos' it ap par' cl ed €ab' al ist de fens' i bk' ap par' el ing «an' eel ed de sir' a h\e i ap prise' (To inform) can' eel ing de vel' op \ : ap prize' (To value) ean'dor di' o cese ap prov' a h\c cen' ter dis patch' ard' or cen' ter ed dis pens' a h\e arm' or cen' ter ing dis pos' a h\e as erib' a bk chan' nel ed dis prov' a h\e au' thor chan' nel ing dis seize' ax chis' el ed dis ^on' or Bal' lot ed chis' el ing dis till' 1 bal' lot ing ci gar' di vid' a h\e bar' rel ed cim'eter dock' et ed bar' rel ing <^los' et ed down' fall be fall' dos' et ing duch' ess be hav' ior col'oi- duch' y ben' e fit ed^ con trol' ler du' ei ing i ben' e fit ing eor' set ed du' el ist ! bev' el ed eoun' sel ed dull' ness \ bev' el ing coun' sel ing Ee' sta sy bi' as ed eudj' el ed em bas' sa dor ; IT n-rf— .-— r-T H IMP 168 SAL bar, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, move. em' per or en deav' or en list' en' ter prise en treat' en vel' op e' qual ed e' qual ing e' qual ize ex <^us' a ble ex pense' ex te' ri or ex till' Fa' vor fia' vor fore stall' fore teii' ful fill' full' ness Gam' bol ed gai/' e ty grav' el ed grav' el ing grov' el ed grov' el ing gwar' an ty gulf Har' bor bar' bor ing hi^^t ^on' or hu' mor Im mov' a h\e im pan' nel ed im prov' a h\e in elose' in dors' a ble in dorse' in graft' in quire' in sur' ance in sure' in trust' in struct' or Jew' el er jew' el ry La' bel ed la' bel ing lanch lev' el ed lev' el ing li'beled li' bel ing li' bel ous lode' stone Ma neu' ver man' or mar' sbal ^d mar' shal ing mar' shal er mar' vel ed mar' vel ing mar' vel ous mer' chand Ise mod' el ed mod' el ing mold molt mov' a ble O'dor Pan' el ed pan' el ing par' lor par' al lei ^d pen' cil ed pen' cil ing phe' nix plow « and V. poek' et ed pock' et ing prac' tice «• pre tense' prof it ed prof it ing prov' a h\e Q,uar' rel ed quar' rel ing Rat' a h\e rav' el ed re eair ree' om pense ree on oil' a ble re dout' re dout' a h\e re en force' re mov' a h\e re prov' a bl^ rev' el ed rev' el ing rig' or ri' val ^d ri' val ing riv' et ed riv' et ing row' el ed row' el ing Sal' a bk AM A 169 EGB sav' ior splen' dor tram' mel ing sa' vor sue' eor trav' el ed seep' ter ed su pe' ri or trav' el er sen' ior sur prise' trav' el ing sep' ul <*>her sys' tem ize tu' mor Sep' ul £>hGr ed sys' tem iz ed tun shov' el er Tam' bor Val' or j shov' el ed tar' get ed va' por shov' el ing tar get eer' vir lain ous shriv' el ed ten' or vis' it or shriv' el ing thrall Will' ful skep' ti€ thrall' dom wor' ship ed skep' ti cism tin' sel ed \v6r' ship er skill' ful tram' mel ed wor' ship ing THE ]\^OST USU AL NAMES OF M EN, ACCENTED. Aa' ron Am' brose Oa'leb A'bel Am' mi Oal'vin A bi' el A'mos Ce' cil Abi'jah An' drew Charles Ab' ner An' tho ny Ches' ter A' bra ham ^ Arch' i bald Ohris' to pher A' bram Ar' te mas £)lem' ent Ad' am Ar' thur £Jor nel' ius Ad' ri an Au gus' tus Cyp' ri an Al'bert Aus' tin Cy' rus ! Al bert' us A'sa Dan' i el Al ex an' der A' sa hel Da ri' us A lex' is Ash' er Da' vid . 1 Al' fred Bar' na bas Den' nis 1 Al' len Bas'il Eb en e' zer A Ion' zo Be' la Ed' gar Al' mon Ben' ja min Ed' mund Al' phe us Ben o' ni Ed' ward 1 Al' van Be ri' ah Ed' win Am' a sa Ber' nard Eg' bert 8* HER 170 ORV E'lam Hez e ki' ah Le an' der El' dad Hi' ram Lem' u el El e a' zar Hor' ace Le'vi lE'li Ho ra" tic Lew' is Eli' as Hugh Li' nus El'ihu l^h' a bod Li' o nel 1 E liph' a let I'ra Lo ren' zo 1 E li' sha I' saa€ Low' is 1 E li' zur Is' ra el Lu" cius 1 El na' than Ith'iel Luke i E' no€h Ja' bez Lu' ther E'nos Ja' cob Ly' man Ep' a phras James Ma^' Ion E' phraim Ja' red Mar' €us E ras' tus Jas' per Mark Eu gene' Ja' son Mar' tin Ev' e rard Jed e di' ah Mat' thew E ze' ki el Jef ' frey Me' dad Ez'ra Je hi' el Mi' «A«el Fe'lix Jer e mi' ah Mi'^ La vin' ia Pru'dence Eu'nice Lowi'sa Ra'chel Faith Lu" cia Re he^' cl8i8laed with £iig:ravifl[ig:s« 1| ( ) ) i ^ WILL BE SENT BY MAIL, d:^ POSTAGE PREPAID. Z L Single copies of this book, for examination, will be sent by mail— r ^ 2 postage pi-epaid — upon the receipt of two postage stamps, or Six Cts. T ^ Six copies upon the receipt, in postage stamps, of Tifty Cents. ^ ^ Twelve copies upon -the receipt of. One Dollar, m f Orders solicited, addressed to Geoiige F. Coolkdge, New York. % fp ]^ A much Neglected but most Important Study ? i ) ''WOULDSriioFTHYSELF;" ( ^ OR, ^ : THE OUTLINES OF lll'MAK PHYSIOLOGY. BY MRS. JANE TAYLOR. Designed for the Use of Families and Schools. ( ( ^ A Letter from a Kentucky School Teacher ^ Mr. Geo. F. Cooledge — i^ i^ Dear Sir — Having seen a little book published by you entitled ^ ^ '' Wouldst Know Thyself" or the Outlines of Physiology, by Mrs. /4 Jane Taylor, I am much pleased with it, and shall use my influence W to have it introduced into all the schools within my reach. I have "j never met with a book I think calculated to be of so much general r^ benefit : for in many parts of the country the study of Physiology has N been overlooked and almost entirely neglected, owing doubtless to r the great scarcity of suitable books for beginners and the difficulty of ^ obtaining them ^ Physiology is a science which above all others should be the most W familiar eveii to small children; yet I am a^are that it is the most J neglected of all other studies ; and strange though it may seem, there f are very many grown-up people who do not even know the significa- 2 tion of the word Physiology! ^ I have been engaged as a teacher of youth fot about two years, xh previous to which I made some pretensions to the " heal inc/ art," stnd- jjf ied medicine, and began the practice, but soon became utterly dis- W gusted with trying to restore people to health by what I conceived to 2 be very inefficient and inconsistent means. jf I then concluded to turn my attention to School-teaching, to try to 2 teach a few of the little folks how to preserve thcii original health, if j''*' ^ they had been so fortunate as to inherit any, and I think I have never ^ ^ met with a book so well adapted to my purpose, and that of every r ^ other teacher who wishes to benefit his pupils, as this one ^ W Respectfully Yours, /■ ^ ^ *#****#* k :\ WILL BE SENT BY MAIL C^ POSTAGE PREPAID |^ Single copies of this book, for examiimtion, will be sent by mail— j, postage prepaid — upon the receipt of two postage stamps, or Six Cts f Six copies upon the receipt, m postage stamps, of.. . . .Fifty Cents. ^ Twelve copies upon the receipt of One Dollar, ^ \ Orders solicited, addressed to George F. Cooledge, New York \ \ '^1 >'> t