SB Sh3 3m MECHANICS MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT A TWELVE WEEKS' COLLEdE COURSE BY ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN, Pn.D. M ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN THK UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1903 COPYRIGHT, 1902 BY SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1903 BY GINN & COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED !.** c .' ;%** " PEEFACE This book is neither a laboratory manual in the ordinary sense of the term, nor yet is it simply a class-room text. It is intended to take the place of both. It represents the first portion of a college course in General Physics in which the primary object has been to establish an immediate and vital connection between theory and experiment. Of course such connection always exists in the mind of the teacher; but the use in class-room and laboratory of separate texts, separate courses, and separate instructors is on the whole unfavorable to making it clear to the student. The stu- dent who takes an experimental course which is out of imme- diate connection with class-room discussion, who is provided in the laboratory with an isolated set of directions, or with a labora- tory manual which is essentially a compendium of directions for all conceivable experiments, may perhaps in some cases obtain, with the aid of references to text-books, a comprehensive grasp of the theory and bearings of his experiment; but it is safe to say that in a great majority of cases he does not do so. The most serious criticism which can be urged against modern laboratory work in Physics is that it often degenerates into a servile following of directions, and thus loses all save a purely manipulative value. Important as is dexterity in the handling and adjustment of apparatus, it can not be too strongly emphasized that it is grasp of principles, not skill in manipulation which should be the primary object of General Physics courses. Furthermore, an intimate connection between lecture and laboratory work is no less important from the standpoint of the former than of the latter. Without the fixing power of laboratory applications, a thorough grasp of physical principles is seldom, or never, gained. This is particularly true in Mechanics, the most fundamental of all the branches of Physics, for it is only through it that the door is opened to insight into the theories of Heat, Sound, Light, and Electricity. 3 4 PREFACE In the second place, this book represents an attempt to teach thoroughly a few fundamental principles rather than to present superficially a large mass of facts. Most of the general texts which combine a full presentation of facts, with a satisfactory discussion of their relation to theory, have grown too bulky for general class-room use. On the other hand, other texts have appeared in which the necessity for condensation has resulted in such abridgment of discussion that there is little left but a skeleton of experimental and theoretical results. In attempting to avoid both of these extremes, a selection lias been made for the present course of such principles only as can be most effectively presented in connection with laboratory demon- strations. This course is presented in the first third (twelve weeks) of a year of General Physics in the Junior College at the University of Chicago. The time is divided nearly equally between class-room and laboratory work ; but the former is wholly occupied with the discussion and application to practical problems, of the twenty-three principles presented in the text. No demonstration lectures whatever are given. The second third of the college year is occupied with the presentation, by the same general plan, of those parts of Electricity, Light, and Sound which can be most profitably studied in connection with laboratory instruments and methods. This course is embodied in a second volume. The last third of the year is devoted wholly to demonstration lectures upon subjects which have been omitted from the preceding courses because they are more suitable to lecture than to laboratory methods of presentation. Such are, for example, Static Elec- tricity, Electric Radiation, the Discharge of Electricity through Gases, the Radiation, Absorption, Polarization, and Interfer- ence of Light, Physiological Optics and Acoustics; in a word, all phenomena the presentation of which requires primarily quali- tative rather than quantitative experiment. This demonstration lecture course is given last instead of first because a thorough grounding in the fundamental principles of physical measurement is deemed absolutely essential to the intelligent following of lec- tures of college grade in any branch of Physics. A third aim has been to prepare a book which should represent a continuous course in the study of the principles of experimental Physics, rather than a compendium either of facto or experiments. PREFACE 5 Hence, in the first place, all purely manipulative experiments have been altogether omitted. A student is not required to make a useless measurement for the sake of learning to use an instru- ment ; he rather learns to use the instrument for the sake of making a needed measurement. The inversion of this order has invariably weakened interest in laboratory work. In the second place, all needless repetition of slight variations of the same experiment has been avoided. For example, in the subject of Heat, there is but one general principle involved in the method of mixtures, whether it be applied to the determination of the specific heat of a solid, or of a liquid, the latent heat of fusion, or of vaporization. Hence it has been illustrated in this course by but one laboratory exercise. Similarly, the usual half-dozen or more experiments upon the den- sities of liquids and solids have been reduced to two. In a word, experiments have been made incidental to the study of principles, not principles incidental to the study of experiments. Fourthly, an especial effort has been made to present Physics as a science of exact measurement. Much harm is often done by attempting to teach a course in an exact science with the aid of instruments capable of giving results which can be called quanti- tative by courtesy only, and which therefore foster the impression that science is after all very inexact. The apparatus which is used in this course has therefore been selected and designed with a special reference to its ability to yield accurate results in the hands of average students. All of the new pieces, such as the acceleration machine (p. 11), the model balance (p. 36), the bal- listic pendulums (pp. 54 and 62), the Young's modulus (p. 67), the torsion machines (p. 75), the inertia disc (p. 82), the pendulum arrangement (p. 97), the centripetal machine (p. 102), the pressure apparatus (p. 117), the form of air thermometer (p. 131), the vapor pressure arrangement (p. 158), have been designed in this laboratory, slight modifications having in some instances been introduced by the instrument maker, William Gaertner, from whom any of the special pieces used in the course may be obtained. Furthermore, in nearly all of the exercises, the quantity sought is obtained by two distinct methods and the results compared. Finally, since the book represents a college, not a high school, course, the aim has been, not so much to acquaint the student 6 PREFACE with interesting and striking phenomena, as to give him an insight into the real significance of physical things to introduce him to the very heart of the subject by putting him in touch with the methods and instruments of modern physical investigation, and by carrying him through the processes of close reasoning by which the present science of Physics has been developed. Students who enter upon the course are expected both to have completed a year of secondary school Physics, and to have gained some familiarity with the principles of Trigonometry. The author's justification for the publication of this, the first book in the series, is the hope that the presentation of a method of instruction which has been found most satisfactory in the Uni- versity of Chicago may not be altogether without usefulness, or at least suggestiveness, to teachers of Physics in other institutions. The custom usually followed is to hold lectures and quizzes upon a group of eight experiments, before taking up the laboratory work. The problems are of course invaluable aids in the fixing of principles. In the laboratory not more than twenty students are ever permitted in a single section. No more than two dupli- cate pieces of apparatus are ever used. Duplicates of the forms of record which have been inserted in the manual are filled out by the student and handed to the instructor as each experiment is completed. In addition to filling out these record slips each student keeps a systematic note-book, in which are entered in the laboratory, not at home, all observations and all calcula- tions of whatever kind. This note-book is a complete record of the student's work, and should of course be so arranged as to be easily intelligible to anyona, even though he be unfamiliar with the course. This book is the successor of A College Course of Laboratory Experiments in General Physics, published by the present director of the National Bureau of Standards, Professor S. W. Stratton, and the author. It is to Professor Stratton that the design of much of the apparatus is due. In the preparation of the present course the author has had the invaluable assistance not only of Professor Stratton, but also of Mr. G. M. Hobbs and Dr. H. G Gale, both instructors in Physics at the University of Chicago, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, August 27, 1902. CONTENTS MECHANICS PAGE I. UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION ..,'. 9 II. FORCE PROPORTIONAL TO RATE OF CHANGE OF MOMENTUM (f = ma] . . . '; ... . \ ." . 15 III. COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES . . . 21 IV. THE PRINCIPLE OF WORK . . . . . .*'. 29 V. ENERGY AND EFFICIENCY . . . . . . . 42 VI. THE LAWS OF IMPACT . . , . , . . . 52 VII. ELASTIC IMPACT. COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION . . 58 VIII. ELASTICITY. HOOKE'S LAW: YOUNG'S MODULUS . . 65 IX. THE COEFFICIENT OF RIGIDITY . . . . 71 X. MOMENT OF INERTIA .- . . . . . . .78 XL SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION . . . . :; . . 87 XII. DETERMINATION OF "g" . 95 XIII. THE LAW OF CENTRIPETAL FORCE . . . 100 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT XIV. BOYLE'S LAW . . . . . . . . . > 105 XV. DENSITY OF AIR. , .[ ' . . . . . .. . 114 XVI. THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE . ... . 122 XVII. LAW OF AVOGADRO DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 138 XVIII. THE PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE CURVE OF A SATURATED VAPOR . . ... . . . . . . 152 XIX. HYGROMETRY . . . . . . " ( . . 164 XX. ARCHIMEDES' PRINCIPLE . . . . . . .. 173 XXI. CAPILLARITY . ... . . . . . 181 XXII. CALORIMETRY . . . . . . . ."- , . 193 XXIII. EXPANSION . . . . . . . . ^ . 215 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . ' . . 223 INDEX 7 MECHANICS ; * \ I UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION Theory Conceive of a body moving in a straight line with continually changing velocity. Its motion is said to be uniformly accelerated when it makes equal gains of velocity in equal intervals acceleration of time. The rate of change of velocitv, or, for the defined. . . . , . present case, the gain in velocity per unit 01 time is called the acceleration of the body. LAWS OF UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION. The following laws are derived at once from the above definition : 1. If v represent the velocity of the body at the end of t units of time, a its acceleration and V Q its velocity at the beginning of the t units, then Velocity in terms of *. _ n f , , . /i \ acceleration " V > V J > or, if the body start from rest (i.e. if v = 0) v = at. (2) This law is nothing more than the mathematical statement of the definition. 2. If s t , s 2 , s 3y 5 n , and s n + 1 represent the distances traversed AcceUra- ^v the body during the 1st, 2d, 3d, nth and ( o/8w?ce? ms un ^ s f ^ me respectively, then sive apace /o \ intervals. . = S 2 5i = S 3 5 2 = S n + i S a (O) : FIGURE 1 10 MECHANICS Proof. Let the straight line (Fig. 1) be the path of a body moving with uniform acceleration, and let v^ v z , etc. , be the veloc- ities at the ends of the units of time 1, 2, etc., and s^ s 2 > etc., the spaces traversed during these units. The 'space passed over during any,ineVval Of time must always be the mean velocity multiplied by 'the number, of units of time in the interval. In case the velocity. increases uniformly this mean velocity is evidently the half sum of the velocities at the beginning and at the end of the interval. Hence, e.g. (See Fig. 1), . (4) Similarly s 3 = v z + -r- .'. s s 3 = v 3 - v z . But v 3 - v z is by defi- /o nition a. .*. s 4 s 3 = a. Similarly for s 3 s a , etc. Q. E. D. The acceleration can therefore be most directly determined by measuring distances traversed in successive units of time. 3. If & represent the total space traversed during t units of Space in time > then %%$** tf-iof + t,.*; (5) or, if the body start from rest S=.%at\ (6) Proof. Total space = mean velocity x time = 4 (initial velocity + final velocity) x time = y + (^ + g O x t = at * + ^. Q. E. D. Z 4. If v represent the velocity of a body after it has moved over a space 8 with an acceleration , and if v represent the velocity which the body had at the point from which X?o/ in S is measured, then space and . - - - - accelera- V=V%aS+V2 ^ W +(m-m 2 )]Xa 2 *The mass which, at the circumference of the wheel, would have a moment of inertia (see Ex. X) equal to that of the wheel should theo-j retically be included in this weight. This is usually a negligible quantity] f Do not simply indicate the division. This blank is for the result the division. NEWTON'S SECOND LAW 19 Problems 1. Over a weightless and frictionless pulley (see Fig. 5) are suspended masses of 200 gm. each. A weight of 100 gm. is added to one side. Find the acceleration thus imparted to the weights. Take g, the acceleration of free fall, as 980 ; the acting force is then 100 X 980 dynes. 2. To the ends of a rope passing over a weightless pulley are attached two bodies of unequal masses, one of 200 gm. , the other of something more than 200 gm. The acceleration imparted to the masses is observed to be 245 cm. per second. Find (1) the exact mass of the larger body; (2) the tension in the string. Express the tension both in dynes and grams. SUGGESTION (1). If #=the difference between the two masses, then the acting force is xg dynes and the mass moved is 400 -f- & SUGGESTION (2). Since all freely falling bodies have the acceleration g, the force of gravity acting upon any mass of m grams is mg dynes. If, because of some retarding force (e.g. tension in a string), the downward acceleration is not g but some smaller quantity a, it is at once clear from the statement of the Second Law that the value of the upward or retard- ing force is m(g a) dynes. Thus, if the body is at rest, the upward force is mg dynes. If it has an upward acceleration amounting to a units the upward force is m(g -f- a) dynes. 3. A 10 gm. mass is moving with a velocity of 40 meters per second. A force of 2000 dynes opposes its motion. How soon will it be brought to rest? Find a from Second Law, then t from Ex. I. 4. A 900 kgm. projectile struck an embankment with a velocity of 400 meters per second. It penetrated 4 meters. Find the resistance in kgms. which the embankment opposed to its motion. Find a from Ex. I. 5. A 50-lb. mass hangs from a spring balance in an elevator. How much does it appear to weigh at the instant at which the elevator begins to descend with an acceleration of 400 cm. per second? (1 kilo = 2. 2 Ib.) See problem 2, suggestion (2). 6. A man pushes steadily upon a car weighing 1000 kilos. After 5 seconds it is moving with a velocity of .5 meters per second. Find the man's force in kilos. Find a from Ex. I. 20 MECHANICS 7. A man who can jump three feet high on the earth could jump how high on the moon? The mass of the earth is 80 times that of the moon. The diameter of the earth is 3f times that of the moon. SUGGESTION. The mathematical statement of Newton's law of grav- itation is foe -, in which/ is the force acting between any two bodies, ra and M their respective masses and r the distance between their centers of gravity. By the application of this law first find the relative values of \ the acceleration of a body at the surfaces of the earth and moon respectively, then note that the initial velocity produced by the spring is always the same. Ill COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES Theory COMPOSITION OF FORCES RESULTANT. From the statement that "change of motion is proportional to, and in the direction of the impressed force," it follows, by implication at r ^condLaw f l eas t? that a given force always produces the same change of motion in the direction of its action, whether the body upon which it acts is at rest or in motion, whether it is acted upon by other forces at the same time or not. Consider, for example, a very short interval of time, say one- millionth of a second, during which a force / 15 acting in the direction AB (see Fig. 6), is accelerating a body at A. I force. At .the end of the interval the body will have acquired Iratwn a ve l c ity by virtue of which, during the second which begins at the close of this interval, it will move uni- formly and in a straight line (see First Law) to some point B. If the interval of time be taken suffi- ciently small the acceleration during the interval may always be considered constant; and if, in all cases considered, the in- terval chosen be of the same length, then even for a variable force the acceleration will be sim- FIGURE 6 ply the velocity acquired in one of these intervals divided by the length of the interval. Since, then, the velocity acquired in an interval is always proportional to the acceleration, the line AB may be taken as representing the acceleration a^ due to the force/!. If, instead of receiving an acceleration represented in magnitude and direction by a^ the body were acted upon by a force / 2 acting in the direction AD, it would receive, in the interval considered, 22 MECHANICS a velocity which would carry it in one second to some point D. AD would then represent the acceleration due to f z . If, now, the two forces / t and / 8 act simultaneously, the Second Law asserts (by implication) that the effect of each force is the same as though the other did not act ; i.e., that in the short interval considered, the body will receive a velocity which will carry it at one and the same time a distance AB in the direction of (i. e., parallel to) AB and a distance AD in the oftwo e f&rces direction of AD. This is merely saying that the veloc- ity acquired in the interval will carry the body in one second to C. Further, the path between A and C must be a straight line, because a body can move, by virtue of an acquired velocity, only in a straight line. Hence the line AC represents the joint, or resultant, acceleration due to the joint action of the two forces / x and / 2 . But one single force / 3 can be found which, acting in the direction AC, would produce this acceleration 3 . Such a single force is called the resultant of the two given forces. Resultant Thus the resultant of any number of forces is defined force defined. as that single force whose action would produce the same '"''change of motion" as is produced by the joint action of the several forces. It is evident from the above, since, for a given mass, forces are proportional to accelerations, that the resultant of any two forces acting upon a particle is represented Resultant of . . 6 r . 1 any number in intensity ana direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram the sides of which represent the two forces. By the successive application of this rule to the case of the simultaneous action, of three or more forces, such as , #, c (see Fig. 7), the follow- ing general rule is obtained: The resultant FIGURE 7 C^) f an y num ^ er f forces- is represented in magnitude and direction by the line which closes the polygon whose sides represent the several forces when the latter are conceived as acting successively. The problem, then, of finding the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two forces a and b which include an angle (see Fig. S) resolves itself into the trigonometrical problem NEWTON'S SECOND LAW 23 "of finding the length of the line .c and the value of the angle 9 in Calculation . , of resultant terms o i the of two forces. given magni- tudes a, b, and <. To find the length of c in terms of a, 5, and <, drop a perpendicular pr upon a. Then Hence Now Hence But FIGURE 8 ^ ree t rotate about a fulcrum. Fj,g. 16 repre- uver aiQht sen ^s the force diagram for the case of such a simple lever, ^represents a force which is producing a clock- wise rotation . W represents a force which is resisting this rotation. P is the upward force exerted by the fulcrum against the lever. If the fulcrum be a knife-edge", and the bar inflexible, there are no frictional or molecular forces. (Molecular force is such as is called into play by bending a bar, stretching a spring, etc.) If the motion be made so slowly that the acceleration may be consid- ered zero, then the weight W is the only resistance, and the work principle gives Fs = Ws' (see Fig. 16). The force P does not appear in this equation because its FIGURE 16 THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 31 point of application does not move; hence the work of this force I , I s I is zero. Now, from Geometry, = , Hence FI= m. (18) Worn principle applied to rotation of body acted upon by any number of forces in a plane. This equation is rigorously true only when the acceleration is reduced to zero; that is, when the bar is at rest or is moving uniformly. It represents, therefore, the condition of equilibrium of the bar. Next consider any rigid body which is pivoted at o and acted upon by the forces F, }\\, W 2 and P (see Fig. 17). ^is produc- ing clock- wise rota- tion, W l and W z are resisting this rota- tion, and P, the pres- sure of the pivot, has no influence upon the rotation, since its point of application does not move. Since the direc- tion in which the force F acts is not parallel to the direction in which its point of ap- plication moves, the force which is effective in producing the mo- tion along s, the direc- tion in which this point of application of F must move, is not .Pbut the component of F in the direction of 5, viz., F cos 0. Similarly the effective resistances, i. e., the resistances in the directions Si and s 2 in which the points of appli- cation of W l and TF 2 must move, are not W l and TF 2 , but W l cos 15 and W z cos 6 Z . The work principle then asserts, provided there be no acceleration, that (F cos 0) s=( W l cos 00 s l + ( W z cos 2 ) s z . (19) FIGURE 17 32 MECHANICS But from similar triangles, siSii s 2 = h : h\ : h 2 . Hence (19) becomes (F cos 6) h = ( W l cos ft) h, + ( W z cos 0,) h 2 . (20) But again, if perpendiculars /, ? 1? 4 be dropped from o upon the lines of direction of the forces (see Fig.), then cos = ^-, /L cos ft = ^- cos 2 = Y' Hence (20) becomes A! / 2 *7 = TFA 4- TF 2 / 2 . (21) This is therefore, according to the "work" principle (the scholium to the Third Law), the condition of no acceleration about o; i.e., it is the condition of rest or uniform motion of rotation (equilib- rium) of the body. Now the lever arm of a force is arbitrarily denned as the per- pendicular distance from the line of direction of the force ?f e iSoera!rm * ^ ie ax * s f Dotation. Thus , ^ and 4, are by definition the lever arms of the forces F, }}\ and JF 2 , respectively. The "moment" of any force about any axis is defined as the Definition Product of the force and its lever arm. Thus Fl is by of moment, definition the moment of the force F about o. Hence the condition of rotational equilibrium (21) expressed in words is "The sum of the moments of the forces producing clockwise rotation must be equal to the sum of the moments pro- Condition of * 1 rotational ducing counter-clockwise rotation; or, if clockwise rota- equilibrium. , . , , . , , , . tion be called negative, and counter-clockwise positive, the algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces acting must be zero. Symbolically 3*7 = 0. (22) Although equation (22) has been developed only with reference to moments about the axis passing through o, nevertheless, if the pressure P be numbered among the acting: forces the Equation 22 . holds for equation also holds tor moments taken about any ideal all axes. . _ . .. . . , . axis conceived as passing parallel to the original axis through any point whatever in the plane of the forces. Thus if (see Fig. 18) the equation Fl + W^ + W& + P1 = (in which 1 = 0) be true for a body pivoted at o, then it is also true that, if o' be any point whatever in the plane, PL = 0. THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 33 \*7 \ I^CH"""! ''''l' \ l~, \ . 1 I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ This conclusion be- comes self-evident from the consideration that, if the body be in equilibrium, P is the er = ; i. e., the moments of the resistances due to inertia are always balanced about the center of inertia. Hence a single force applied at the center of inertia can never cause rotation. It is evident, then, that a single force applied at the center of inertia will cause exactly the same motion as is produced by the uniform field. This force must, of course, be equal in intensity to the sum of the forces ex- erted by the field upon all of the particles of the body. Hence, so far as all effects produced are concerned, it must be possible to replace the action of the field by the action of such a single force. It is therefore customary to treat a body which is acted upon by gravity as though it were under the action of but one force, that force being ap- plied at its center of gravity and being equal, in intensity to its weight. Thus the center of gravity is sometimes defined as that point at which the weight of the body may be conceived as concentrated. Experiment To find the center of gravity of a body; to verify the prin- ciple of moments ; and to study the theory of weigh- Object. J J ing. FIGURE 22 36 MECHANICS The apparatus consists of a meter bar furnished with three knife-edges a, , and c (see Fig. 23). a and c are attached to a metal frame through which the beam may be slipped balance* 61 an( ^ ^ wn i n ^ may be clamped by means of the screw s. c is adjustable in a vertical plane; b is fixed to the bar. The beam is also provided with notches m and m' ', and FIGURE 23 with pans P and P' which are supported from the top of the bar by knife-edges n and ri '. A small hole passes vertically through each of the knife-edges c, n, and n', so as to permit plumb lines to be dropped from these points. DIRECTIONS. 1. Set the knife-edge c about 1 cm. above a. Support the beam from c and adjust the bar, by slipping it through the frame, until it balances in a horizontal position. Then hang P and P' from the bar, well out toward the ends, and slide one of them along until the bar is again horizontal. Eead off the lever arms upon the graduated bar and write down the equation of moments. Now add 100 gm. to P, and, without altering the position of P', slip P toward the ful- crum until a balance is again found. Write again the equation of moments. The solution of the two equations thus obtained will give the weights P and P '. Check the results by weighing on the trip scales. To find weights of pans. THE SCHOLIUM TO THIRD LAW 37 2. Remove the pans, support the beam this time from # , and adjust the movable knife-edge and the bar until the whole system is in neutral equilibrium about a\ i. e., until the sys- Toflndcen- *. terof gravity tern shows no tendency to move out of any position in of system. . . . . . * . . which it is placed. This amounts to bringing the cen- ter of gravity of the system into coincidence with a. A small bit of soft wax, which may be attached to the bar at any desired point, greatly facilitates this adjustment. 3. (a) Having brought the center of gravity of the system into coincidence with , support the beam from c, hang the pans from FIGURE 24 uf beam. a n ^ place such weights upon them that the beam assumes a position in- clined about 45 to the horizontal (Fig. 24). The equation of mo- ments now involves the three forces TPi, JF 2 , and the weight of the beam PF 3 , and the three corresponding lever arms ? x , 7 8 , 1 3 . These latter are to be measured by bringing a half meter rule, which rests horizontally upon some firm sup- port, up to the plane of the plumb lines which hang from the knife-edges. The equation of moments contains but one unknown quantity, viz., the weight of the beam. Solve for this unknown quantity. (b) Check the weight thus ob- tained by supporting the bar upon the knife-edge b and producing a balance by means of a known weight W* (see Fig. 25). * The weights of the pans and plumb bobs should be included in W,, W., and W : as they occur. FIGURE 25 38 MECHANICS (c) As a final check weigh the beam upon the trip scales. 4. (a) When the knife-edges n, ri ', and c are not in the same straight line. The " sensitiveness" of a balance is defined as the displacement produced when some arbitrarily chosen Sensitiveness %. . , . , -, , T . J for different small weight is added to one pan. it should decrease as the load upon the pans increases, provided the sup- porting knife-edge c is above the line connecting the pan knife- edges n and n' (see Problems 2 and 3, pp. 39, 40). Set the knife-edge c three or four centimeters above the line connecting n and n'. Support the system from c. Hang the pans from the beam, but not in the notches (a little friction at the knife-edges n and n' vitiates completely the results of this experiment), and bring the beam into the horizontal position. Set up a vertical meter stick behind one end of the beam and read off upon it the exact deflec- tion produced by adding very carefully one gram to one of the pans. Then add 300 gm. to each pan. If the equilibrium is destroyed, reestablish it by sliding along the pan to which the small weight was not added, and again take the sensitiveness. Repeat both observations to make sure that the results can be duplicated. (b) When the knife-edges n, n', and c are in the same straight line. In this case the sensitiveness should be independent of the load (see Problem 2, p. 39). Lower the knife edge c until it is in line with n and n'. Observe as in 4 (a). (The bending of the beam may still .cause** slight dependence of sensitiveness upon the load.) 5. Hang unequal pans P and P' in the notches n and n' ', and slip the bar through the frame until a balance is obtained. The arms of the balance are now unequal, the pans are of arrrecfweiah- une( l ua l weight, and the center of gravity of the beam with false j s no t beneath the point of support. Nevertheless, if an unknown weight w be placed in the pan P and the li I* THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 39 beam brought back to its original position by the addition of a known weight a to the other pan, the following equation must hold: wk = al z (see Fig. 26). Now place win P' and balance by means of a known weight b placed in P. The equation which now holds I is wl z = bli. The solution of these two equations for w gives w = */ab. If a and ~b have nearly the same value, it is sufficiently correct to write w= Hence all the errors of a balance are eliminated by a double weighing. Record 1. Reading at a in condition of balance Read'gforP = forP' = forP+100 = .*. P= P' = By trip scales P= P' = % error in Ps = in P's = (b) W = lever arm of W = - - of W 3 = .-. W 3 = (c) By trip scales W 3 = - % error in (a) = in (b) = 4. No load, (a) Reading before adding 1 gm. after dif. With load, (a) " " (b) " " " " " " 5. a= b= .'. w= . By scales w % error = Problems 1. Explain why a balance beam returns to a horizontal position when displaced therefrom. 2. Fig. 27 represents the case in which the three knife-edges ft, ri, and c are in the same straight line. Show from this figure that if in the hori- zontal position the 1 2 "-._ N c ; It J t center of gravity g of the beam be directly beneath c, i. e.> if Ph = P7 2 , then in the dis- placed position due to the addition of a small w *^, . weight p to P, the FIGURE 27 new equation of equi- 40 MECHANICS FIGURE 8 librium, viz/, (P + p}l\ = P'l f z + Wl^ reduces to pl\ = W1 3 . Hence show that the sensitiveness, which is the displacement of the beam produced by p (a quantity of which Z 3 may be taken as the measure), is independent of the load, i. e., of P and P ' . 3. Show from Fig. 28 that when n, ri ', and c are not in the same straight line, then, after dis- placement, Pl\ is not equal to P'l\, and hence that the sensitiveness, i. e., ? 3 , depends upon the load, decreasing with the load if c be above the line nri ', increasing with the load if c be below the line nri . 4. Does the period of vibration of a balance vary with the load? If so, how and why? 5. With a given load how should the period be aifected by a diminution in the distance between the knife-edge c and the center of gravity g? 6. A circular ring weighing 5 Ib. rests hor- izontally upon three points of support 120 apart. What is the least downward force, applied to the ring in a direction perpendicular to its plane, which will cause it to leave one of the points of support? v oeeFig. 29.) 7. A uniform bar weighing 10 Ib. is pivoted at one end (see Fig. 30). A hori- zontal force of 5 Ib. is applied to the free end. When a condition of equilibrium is reached, what angle does the bar make with the horizontal? 8. The axle of a wheel carries a load of . 500 kilos. What horizontal force must be applied to the axle to raise the wheel" over an obstacle 12 cm. high, the radius of the wheel being 50 cm.? FIGURE 31 (See Fig. 31.) FIGURE 29 FIGURE THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON 5 S THIRD LAW 41 9. A uniform board 3 feet square and weighing 25 Ib. rests on a block at a (see Fig. 32), and is kept from falling by a horizontal force at B. Find the force at B and the vertical and horizontal pressures upon the block at a. FIGURE ca 10. Two men carry between them a weight of 50 kilos, supported upon a uniform bar weighing 30 kilos. Where must the load be placed in order that one man may carry twice as much as the other? Choose some convenient point as axis and apply the equation 2FI = 0. 11. A man wishes to overturn a cubical block which weighs 100 kilos and has a 5 ft. edge. In what direction and with what force must he push in order that he may accomplish his object most easily? After the block has once started will the required force increase or decrease? Why? V ENERGY AND EFFICIENCY Theory In the preceding experiment work was defined as the prod- uct of the force acting and the distance through which it moves the point to which it is applied. Symbolically, W=Fs. The energy of an agent is defined as its capacity for doing work. Energy and work must of course be measured in the same units ; yet it is obvious that they are not synonymous terms, for a body may possess energy and yet never apply it to the pro- duction of work. Work is done only when energy is expended. Since work is a product of force and space, the work unit must of course involve a force unit and a space unit. The absolute centi- meter-gram- second (c. g. s.) unit of energy or of work is energy and the dyne-centimeter, also called the erg. An erg of work is done when a dyne of force moves the point upon which it acts through a distance of one centimeter. Other work units are the gram-centimeter, kilogram-meter, foot-pound, etc., the definitions of which are evident from their names. Since a gram of force is 980 dynes, it is evident that a gram-centimeter is equal to 980 ergs. It was shown in Ex. IV that Newton's interpretation of the Third Law as given in the scholium is equivalent to the statement that in all mechanical operations the energy expended ergy. Resist- by the agent is equivalent to the work done against the ance to motion J & * . is inertia four resistances, inction, molecular force, gravity, and inertia. If the first three resistances are absent the only effect of the force is to impart velocity to the body. By virtue of this velocity the body itself becomes possessed of the capacity for doing work, for it can now move itself against a fric- * Electrical and magnetic forces are here classed as molecular. 42 THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON 'S THIRD LAW 43 tional resistance, compress a spring, raise itself against gravity, or by impact overcome the inertia of some other body. This energy which a body possesses because of the motion which has been com- municated to it is called "kinetic energy." That the kinetic energy imparted to a body by the action of a force is exactly equal to the work done upon it, and PJjCflSfai that this is equal, in the absolute system of units, to one-half the mass of the body into the square of its velocity, may be shown as follows: Let a body of mass m acquire a velocity v under the action of a constant force ^acting for a time t, and in that time moving the body a distance s. The work done upon the body is then by defi- nition Fs. Now let the body be brought to rest by being subjected to the action of an oppositely directed constant force F' which requires a time t' and a space s' in order to destroy the velocity v. The ''kinetic energy" of the body, i. e., the work which it is capable of doing because of its velocity, is -by definition F's'. But since every force is measured by the rate of change of momentum which it produces, the first force F is measured by the rate at which it imparts momentum, and the second force F' by the rate at which it destroys momentum, i. e., F '= ma and F' = ma' . (27) Now, since .Fand F' are both constant forces, i. e., forces which produce uniformly accelerated motion, by Ex. I s = %at z and s' = a't'*. (28) Therefore from (27) and (28) Fs = $ma*t* and F's' = %ma'*t'*. (29) But by hypothesis the velocity imparted by F and the velocity destroyed by F' are one and the same velocity. Hence v = at and v = a't'. (30) It follows from (29) and (30) that Fs = iwv 8 and F's' = %mv*. Hence Fs = F's' = %mv\ (31) Q. E. D. If F and F' are variable forces it is only necessary to conceive them as made up each of the same number of very small elements, 44 MECHANICS each element being a constant force, v will then be the velocity gained under the action of one of these constant elements of .Fand destroyed under the action of the corresponding element of F'. Hence the above demonstration is perfectly general. Next suppose that the resistance which the working force experiences is gravity alone, as when a body is taken from position Potential a ( see ^ ] 'S' ^)> and placed upon a hook in position b. sManceis 6 ' ^ ne wor ^ done upon the body is the force of the pull molecular times the distance ab. The pull is a variable force, force alone, being a little greater than the weight of the body when the motion is starting, and a little less when it is stopping. The kinetic energy which is imparted to the body during the first instants, when the velocity is being acquired, is all given back during the last instants when the velocity is being lost. When the operation is taken as a whole no velocity is imparted; hence the only re- sistance is gravity. Then by Newton's interpre- tation of the Third Law the work which has been done upon the body is equal to the work done against gravity, viz., the force of gravity upon the body times the distance ab. But, in this case, as in the FIGURE 33 preceding in which the resistance was inertia alone, the work may all be regained without the expendi- ture of any more work on the part of the agent. For, in returning to position a, the body is capable of lifting through the height ab any other body, e.g. body 2 (see Fig. 33), whose weight does not exceed its own. The ability to do work which the body possesses by virtue of its position at b is called its potential energy. If the work be done against molecular force alone, as when a perfectly elastic spring is compressed, the work done can all be regained by releasing the spring, which, when compressed, is pos- sessed of potential energy. Potential energy is in general any energy which is put into a system by a change in the position of its parts. Thus when the resistance is gravity or molecular force alone, an amount of potential energy equal to the work done is stored up; when the resistance is inertia alone, kinetic energy equal in amount to the work done appears. But when the resistance is friction, the work done by the agent can not be regained. In Newton's day it was supposed to THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 45 have disappeared altogether; but about the middle of the nine- teenth century it was proved by Joule that for every Resistance fe erg of work which so disappears there always appears a friction alone. 6 _ . . ., . perfectly definite quantity of heat; hence it is now customary to. say that the work expended has been transformed into heat energy. The experiments of Joule, whereby the principle of the equiv- alence of heat and work was established, consisted in transforming heat into work in as large a variety of ways as possible, principle of e ' " ^ means of the friction of different sorts of sub- S ^ ances 5 D J percussion, by compression, by the generation of electric currents the energy of which was finally dis- sipated in heat, etc. When the experiments were so arranged that the heat generated was taken up by a given quantity of water, it was observed that a given expenditure of mechanical energy always produced the same rise of temperature in the water. These experi- ments had much to do with securing general acceptance for the principle of conservation of energy, a principle blindly grasped at by philosophers from the earliest times; first stated, in the scholium to the Third Law, by Newton in 1687, but with respect to mechanical operations only ; first asserted as a principle of universal applicability by the German physician J. R. Mayer in 1845; first generally accepted and universally recognized as the most funda- mental and most fruitful principle, in all physical science, after Joule, by his series of experiments extending from 1843 to 1878, had demonstrated the equivalence of heat and ivork. The present accepted value of the mechanical equivalent of heat, i. e., the number of ergs of work required to raise 1 gm. of water at 15 C. through 1 C. is 4.19xl0 7 . But the principle of conservation of energy is more than the assertion of the equivalence of heat and work. It may be stated thus: Every physical (or chemical) change of condition rf uas a fixed mechanical equivalent, i. e., can be equated, un( ^ er a ^ circumstances, to one and the same amount of mechanical work. In other words, whenever a change takes place in the condition of a body because of the expenditure upon it of mechanical energy (kinetic or potential), the change is equivalent to the work done, in the sense that if the body can be 46 MECHANICS brought back to its original condition the whole of the energy expended may be regained either in the form of work or the equiv- alent heat. Thus, applying the principle to a mechanical problem, it asserts illustrations at once that the kinetic energy of a moving body is of principle. e q ua j ^ foe work done in setting it in motion. Applying it to a chemical problem it asserts, since the burning of 1 gram of carbon, i. e. , the formation of carbon dioxide 'from carbon and oxygen, generates enough heat to raise 97,000 gm. of water through 1 C., that, if it were possible to directly pull apart the united carbon and oxygen atoms, 97,000 x 4.19 x 10 7 ergs of work would be required to secure 1 gram of carbon from this compound. Applied to an electrical problem the principle asserts that if it requires 1000 kilogram-meters of work per second to drive a dynamo, then the work which this dynamo does per second in the motors which it runs, plus the mechanical equivalent of the heat developed in all of the machines, and in all the connecting wires must be exactly equal to 1000 kilogram-meters. The principle is perhaps the most important generalization which has ever been made. It is merely an extension of the scholium to the Third Law, and, like it, rests upon uni- Basisfor . ' assertion of versal experience rather than upon any one particular experiment. The only kind of direct test of which it is capable is of the kind which Joule made, and consists in mechanically producing a given change of condition (e. g., a given rise in the temperature of water) in as large a variety of ways as possible, and observing whether the work required always cornea out the same. Of course, such an experiment tests the law only for one particular -kind of physical change. In all mechanical devices the work which the machine accom- plishes is inevitably less than the work which is put into it, for the reason that there is always some friction and hence a part of the applied work disappears as heat. Effi- ciency is defined as the ratio of the work done by the machine in any given time to the energy expended upon it in the same time. Experiment To determine the efficiency cufve (1) of a system of pulleys, (2) of a water motor. THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 47 1. First weigh the movable block of pulleys and each of the pans (see Fig 34). Then give to JF, which includes /- the weight of pan and movable block, succes- sive values of about 300, 600, 1000, 1400, 1800 grams, and find the corresponding values which must be given to P, including pan, in order to produce unaccelerated downward motion of P. Calculate the efficiency corresponding to each case, and plot a curve with efficiencies as ordinates and loads as abscissae. Since the efficiency is the ratio of the ivork of the force P and the work of the force TF, a determination of efficiency must involve a determination of the ratio of the distances through which the points of application of P and W move. This can be obtained without a measure- ment, as a little consideration will show, from the number yy of strands between which the weight of W is divided. FIGURE 34 2. In order to determine the energy expended upon a water motor in any time, it is necessary to know, first, the pres- sure p under which the water issues from the orifice o expended (see Fig. 35) ; second, the volume of water V which issues during this time. The energy expended upon the motor is then p V. This will be evident from the following considerations: Proof No. 1. Suppose a column of water of cross-section o be issuing from the orifice with a velocity v. Since "pressure" means force per unit area, the force driving the water forward is po. This force carries the water forward a distance v in one second ; hence the work done per second by the force is pov, and if the experiment last t seconds the total work done is povt. But ovt = V. Therefore the total energy expended upon the machine during the experiment ispV. Q. E. D. Proof No. 2. Suppose the pressure p to be due to a column of liquid of height 7^, and suppose a mass of M grams of liquid to have issued from the orifice o. In order to restore the condi- tions existing before the mass M had passed through the orifice, it is necessary to raisf^f throug^Jie height li and to return it to the liquid in the reservoir, i. e.^Rs necessary to do a quantity of work Mil. ^jThis therefore represents the energy which has been expended in the passage of the mass M from the orifice. But 48 MECHANICS if d be the density of the liquid, p = lid. ^- But M d ^-= F. Mh=pV. d Q. E. D. In this experiment friction is applied to the axle by turning down the thumbscrew s (see Fig. 35) of a Prony brake until the tension in the spring S is just balanced, i. e., until the fcy motw ne lever arm cn C = r ] f tne brake rests midway between the stops ^, f. It is generally impossible to eliminate completely oscillation of the lever arm, but its mean position can be estimated with sufficient accuracy. It is evident that the ten- FIGURE 35 sion F in the spring 8 represents the constant pull which the machine exerts at a distance cn from the axle. If, therefore, cn were the radius of a pulley upon which a cord were being wound up, the constant pull which the cord would exert upon any load which it were moving would be equal to F. One revolution of the water wheel would cause this load to move a distance %-n-r. It is evident, then, that the work accomplished by the machine in N THE SCHOLIUM TO NEWTON 'S THIRD LAW 49 revolutions is %-n-rNF. In order to determine the value of lower end of the spring is detached from the lever arm, after the run has been made, and known weights added to the spring until it is stretched to the length which it had during the run. The motor is attached to the regular water supply of the room, but irregularities in the pressure of the latter are equalized by constant introducing before the motor a large air-tight tank T pressure (200 liters), the entrance and exit both being at the bottom. It is thus the air in the upper part of the tank, compressed by the water-works pressure, which is the imme- diate source of the pressure applied to the machine. The pressure under which the water issues from the orifice o is obtained from a reading of the mercury manometer AB. If there were no water in either arm, this pressure, measured in measurement cen ti me ters of mercury,would evidently be the difference between the mercury levels in the two arms of the manometer. This could be reduced to grams by multiplying by the density of mercury. However, since the arm A of the gauge fills with water, and since it is the pressure at the level of o which is sought, the pressure indicated by the mercury height must be diminished by that due to a water column of height equal to the difference between the level of o and the mercury level in A . In solving for efficiency, it is of course essential that p be expressed in the same units as F. Starting with cock K' closed, partially open cock K and allow a considerable pressure to be produced in tank T. Then slowly open K' till the difference in the levels of the mercury in the pressure gauge is, e. g., 100 cm. Then, while one observer holds the gauge-reading constant by continually adjusting K, let another adjust the screw s till the lever arm en maintains in the mean a horizontal position. These adjustments made, at an accurately observed time deflect the discharge-water, by means of the flexible rubber tube precisely the same line of reasoning gives m^Ui + m 2 u 2 = m v Vi + m 2 v 2 . (33) Thus the Third Law asserts that momentum is conserved in all impacts, be it betiveen elastic or inelastic bodies. While thus the Third Law asserts that there is never any loss of momentum in an impact, it does not assert that there is no loss in kinetic energy. The mechanical energy is Uons after always less after impact than before, and in the case of an inelastic impact between two bodies one of which is at rest (u 2 = 0) the loss can be theoretically calculated from a knowl- edge of the masses alone, Thus, for this case, since in inelastic impact the bodies remain together after the collision, Vi = v z , and the general equation (33) becomes m^Ui = (raj + m 2 ) v z . (34) Substituting the value of v. z obtained from (34) in the expression which represents the fractional loss / of kinetic energy, viz., _ K E before K E after _ \m^.if | (m t 4- m z )v 2 z , KE before there results, after reduction, the simple formula, (36) MECHANICS The Third Law therefore leads to the interesting conclusion that the per cent loss in kinetic energy, when one inelastic body impinges upon another which is at rest, is altogether independent of the velocity of the impinging body. Experiment To test the equality of momenta before and after impact for the case of inelastic impact. It is not easy to measure directly the velocities immediately before and after an impact. But if the velocity of the impinging body be acquired by a fall from a known height 7^, and Method. . i i_ j j -L i -j. if the struck body expend its velocity in rising to a known height 7^ 2 , the required velocities u v and v z can be easily calculated from the measured heights 7^ and ~ t Object. In order to realize these condi- tions a lead ball m^ rendered per- fectly inelastic by means of a piece of soft wax, is allowed to fall down a circular arc from the position d to the position d' (see Fig. 37). In so doing it acquires the same veloc- ity as though it had fallen through the vertical distance db (see Ex. Ill, Problem 3, and Ex. V, Prob- lem 2). After impact the cylin- der and ball move together up the FIGURE 37a XEWTOX'S THIRD LAW 55 Let o together. Calculation of 7t 2 from index readings. e. , the reading cor- arc M, which is graduated in degrees, to a point which is regis- tered by the light aluminum index 1. The vertical height cor- responding to this movement up the arc is calculated from the index readings as follows : be the index reading when ball and cylinder hang The center of gravity of the system formed by the ball and cylinder together must then be at some point c (see ideal diagram, Fig. 38) which is directly under- neath the point of support A. Let 0' be the index reading when the cylinder hangs alone, i. responding to the position of the system at the instant of impact. At this instant the center of gravity of the system is at some point c', which is to the right of c a distance such that c c' = o o'. Now if the force of the blow were zero, as soon as the ball and cylinder were joined, the force of gravity^ alone would cause the sys- c/ tern to move forward, for c, not c'', is the natural posi- tion of its center of gravity. The velocity acquired in falling from c down to c would of course carry the center of gravity of the system up again to some point c" such that c - c = c" - c. It is evident, then, that only the movement over the arc c"c'" [= o"k} can be attributed to the velocity imparted by the blow. Hence li z is the vertical height corresponding to this portion only of the arc, i. e. (see Fig. 38): li^c"s. (37) and uv = uA vA. (38) But c"s = uv, uA , vA ,. is ow - = cos a, and = cos 0. r r Hence uA vA =r (cos a - cos 0) in which is the angle whose arc is co" [= o/ (39) (40) and a is the angle whose arc is c"c [= cc = oo']. Since the arc is graduated in degrees, 56 MECHANICS a and 6 are obtained at once from the readings. Finally, then, from (37), (38), and (40), Ji 2 = r (cos a cos 0). (41) The radius r should be measured from the point of support to the common center of gravity. Cos a and cos 6 may be obtained from any trigonometrical table. The momentum equation which it is sought to verify is m l u l = (m j -fw 2 )v 2 . But, since u^ = V^gli^ and v* tionsto be this equation may be written in the form verified. _ _ mi v% = (mi + m 2 ) \/// 8 . (42) By a similar substitution the expression for the loss of kinetic energy (35) may be written ' Make several preliminary trials, adjusting, if need be, the posi- tions of the clamp R (Fig. 37), and the suspensions of the ball and cylinder by means of the thumbscrews t (Fig. 37a), until, when the ball is released by burning the thread /, the cylinder moves smoothly up the arc without wabbling. This done, measure the height from the top of the table to the top of the ball by means of a meter stick furnished with a sliding clip j (Fig. 37). Then move the index up the arc to nearly the point which will be reached by the cylinder. After the impact take very carefully the index readings at &, o, and 0', and also the dis- tance from the table or floor to the top of the ball when the latter is held at the point of impact. (It must of course be provided that the reference plane from which the heights ab and ad are measured is accurately horizontal.) Obtain at least two sets of readings. Weigh the ball and cylinder upon the trip scales. Record 1st Trial ad (Fig. 37) ab - - . . h l - Read'g at k r at o - - at o> Mom. bef. aft. % dif . - I from (43) from (36) 2d Trial ad =- ab = atk = at o = r== = - Mom. bef. aft. I from (43) = from r *i at o' NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 57 Problems 1. What relation exists between m l and m z when -J of the K E is lost in heat? When ? When f? 2. The moon moves toward the earth a distance of 15 ft. per minute. Find how far the earth moves toward the moon in the same time. (Ratio of masses, 1 to 81.4.) 3. A rifle bullet weighing 20 gm. was fired into a ballistic pen- dulum weighing 4 kilos. The latter moved up an arc a distance corresponding to a vertical rise of 5 cm. Find the velocity of the bullet. 4. Is it true that, at the start, the wagon pulls back with the same force with which the horse pulls forward? If so, how is any motion produced? If not, reconcile your answer with the Third Law. 5. A bullet weighing 20 gm. and having a speed of 300 meters per sec., struck and imbedded itself in a bird weighing 5 kilos, which was flying in the same direction as the bullet with a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. Find the velocity of the bird, in kilometers per hour, the instant after it was shot. 6. What becomes of the momentum of a meteorite which col- lides with the earth? What becomes of its energy? 7. Two equal inelastic balls moving with equal velocities in opposite directions collide. Show that in this case the momentum Before impact is the same as that after impact. Note that velocity is a directed quantity. 8. A billiard ball weighing 100 gm. and moving east with a speed of 2 meters per sec. was struck by a putty ball weighing 4 gm. and moving south with a speed of 20 meters per sec. Find the speed and direction of the ball the instant after the impact. 9. A 500 gm. bird sat on a pole 30 meters high. A boy standing 20 meters from the base of the pole shot the bird with a 10 gm. bullet which had a speed of 150 meters per sec. How far did the bird rise above the pole? How far from the base of the pole did it strike the ground? Assume that the bullet lodged in the bird. VII ELASTIC IMPACT. COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION Theory Since force is equal to rate of change of momentum it follows from the Third Law that the mean force acting between two impinging bodies is the total change in the momentum ^ e ither divided by the time of duration of the impact. Since this time can not in general be determined, it is customary to confine attention to the total change in momentum which each body experiences by virtue of the impact. This quantity is called the * 'impulse" of the force, and will be here- after represented by the letter R. If, then, u and v l represent the velocities of the first body m, before and after impact respectively, u z and v z the velocities of the second body m^ before and after the impact, then by definition R = m l (u l -v 1 ), (44) or (see Third Law), R = m z (v z u^). (45) In the case of elastic impact, it is convenient to divide R into two parts RI and R z , of which R represents the impulse during the compression, and R% the impulse from the instant of greatest compression to the instant of separation. In impacts between inelastic bodies R z = 0. If the colliding bodies are perfectly elastic, it might be expected that R z would be equal to R^ In point of fact this is never the case, ^coefficient ^ ol there are losses due to internal friction even with ti(m StHu bodies which when subjected to static tests show per- fect elasticity (see definition of perfect elasticity in Ex. VIII). However Newton proved experimentally that for any two given bodies the ratio -y^ is always a constant so long as the *+i impact is not so violent as to produce permanent deformation. 58 THIRD LAW 59 This ratio is called the coefficient of restitution , and will be here- after represented by the letter e. It is always less than unity. This coefficient of restitution e = may also be shown to be [a the velocity of recession, v 2 v^ of the two colliding bodies divided by their velocity of approach, u t u 2 . For it is evident c = y, v that at the instant of greatest deformation m l and m 2 Ui ~ u * have a common velocity. Call this velocity S. Then, from the above definitions of R l and R^ A = mi (ui -S)=m 2 (S- M,), (46) R, = mi (S - Vl ) = m 2 (v 2 - S). (47) Division of (47) by (46) gives R 2 r , B-V! v*-S /AQ . J*- (48) From (48) come the two equations, '8-i\ = e (?/!-), (49) v 2 -S=e (8-u 2 ). (50) Addition of (49) and (50) gives v*-v l = e (wi-w). (51) Q. E. D. In the special case of impact against a fixed plane, u 2 = 0, v 2 = 0, and v is opposite in direction to ?/ t therefore *--2f- (52) M, Newton's law as to the constancy of e may therefore be very easily tested by varying the velocity of approach of a body toward a fixed plane and measuring the corresponding velocities of rebound. If the body be dropped vertically upon the fixed plane, the velocities u v and Vi can easily be determined from the heights of fall and of rebound. The actual loss L of mechanical energy upon impact (not the fractional loss /) is evidently Ims of J L = (ii"i* + 4W) ~ (faff + ^10?) ; (53) impact. 60 MECHANICS or from (44) and (45) 7? 72 7? =Y (iii + v^- (u 2 + v 2 )= {(Ui-uJ-fa-vJ}. (55) The combination of (55) with (51) gives L = ~( Ul -u,)(l-e). (56) But substitution in (51) of the values of v 2 and Vi obtained from (44) and (45) gives R= jnsn*_ (l + e)(u u)f (57) mi + mt Substitution of this value in (56) gives for the loss of kinetic energy - ta -^-,tf J55L. (58) The fractional loss I is this expression divided by the initial energy. Hence for the simple case in which ra 2 is at rest, i.e. , for which u 2 = , (.59) m and for the still simpler case in which m z is not only at rest but is also infinitely large, i.e., the case of impact upon a fixed plane, l=(l-e z ). (60) Equation (59) shows that, as in the case of inelastic impact, the loss in kinetic energy is independent of the velocity of the striking body provided the struck body is at rest. When e = (59) reduces to (36). It appears from (58) that the sole condition of no loss of kinetic energy in an impact is e = 1. The fact that e is always somewhat less than unity means then that in all impacts there is some transformation of mechanical into heat energy. It is evident from the general momentum equation (33), viz., Velocities m ^ + m * U * = m M + ^> after impact and from the equation (51) which determines e, viz., = ^TT' ( 61 ) that the velocities after impact can always be found if the coefficient of restitution, the two masses, and the two initial NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 61 velocities are known. For the simple case in which e = 1, i. e., for the case of so-called "perfectly elastic"* impact, the solution of these two equations gives ~ m ) fnt)\ , (bxi) ~ m *) * /AQ\ - ( 63 ) Object. Directions. Experiment 1. To test Newton's law as to the constancy of e; 2. to prove the equality of momenta before and after impact and to find the coefficient of restitution and the per cent loss of mechanical energy in the impact of two steel balls. 1. Drop steel and glass balls from the clamp c (see Fig. 39) through the ring 0, and slip the hori- zontal rod r up or down the vertical support, until, in the rebound from the smooth top of the heavy steel plate Pf, the bottom of the ball just becomes visible above o. Make obser- vations for at least three different heights of fall which lie between, say, 30 cm. and 100 cm. In each case make the measurement from the steel plate to the bottom of the ball. Since in general for falling bodies starring from rest v = (64) FIGURE 39 2. The form of apparatus used in 2 (see Fig. 40) is the same as that used in Ex. VI, save that all three heights, viz. , the height of fall of m l *The term is rather unfortunate since "perfect elasticity" is often used in a somewhat different sense (see Ex. VIII). f A slab of slate or any smooth, hard, and heavy body may replace the steel plate. 62 MECHANICS Apparatus. FIGURE 4) with the hand as it swings back after the impact, and take the readings at 5 and c. Note the zero reading of each ball, i. e., the reading when each ball hangs alone^ and finally take the reading of index 1 when m l is at the point Directions. before impact and the heights of rise of both mi and m 2 after im- pact are measured upon a graduated arc. First make such adjustment of the lengths of the supporting strings that, when the balls hang freely, the wire frame carried upon the bottom of m z clears index 1 (see Fig. 41), but catches index 2, while the like frame on mi catches index 1. Then adjust so that when the thread which holds mi back is burned, m z is driven straight up the arc by the im- pact from mi. Take the reading of index 1 when mi is tied in position a. Next slide index 1 down nearly to Z, the point to which m t will move after the im- pact (this point should be approximately located by a preliminary trial), and place index 2 in the neighborhood of c. Then burn the thread, catch wi, FIGURE 41 NEWTON'S THIRD LAW 63 of impact d. Tliis is not tlie reading when both halls hang together, but the reading when m 2 hangs freely and m^ is brought down so as just to touch m z . If a represent the difference between the zero reading of index 1 and the reading at the point of impact d, the difference between the zero of 1 and the reading at , /? the difference between the zero of 1 and the reading at b, and to the difference between the zero of index 2 and the reading at c, it is evident from the discussion of Ex. VI that the height hi through which w?. t falls before impact, the height h 9 through which m z is raised by the impact, and the height /// through which m-i rises by virtue of the velocity which it retains after the impact, are given by the relations (see Fig. 41) hi= r (cos a cos 0) , ) h*= /-(l-cosco), (65) Ui = r (cos a- cos /?). ) The equation to be verified, viz., miUi = m^v* + m^Vi, may be written, since v = -v/2/(! -cos w) - v/(cos a - cos )8) e = = ^(COS a COS 6) The loss of energy is to be obtained from e, w^ and m z [see (59)]. Record Steel Glass 1st 2d 3d 1. Ht. of fall 1st 3d 3d - Ht. of rebound " - - " - % loss of K E " - - " - - " - 2. Rdg. of index 1 at a at 6 at zero at pt. of impact < " 2 " at c m^ m 2 .'. o = -.'. = .'. /3 = .. w=r Momentum before after e = % loss of K E = 64: MECHANICS Problems 1. Show from (57), (44), and (45) that when two equal balls, for which e = 1, collide centrally, they simply exchange velocities, i. e., the result is the same as though one had passed through the other without in any way influencing it. 2. Hence explain why the only effect of a central impact of one marble upon a row of marbles is to drive off the end marble. Also why the impact of two marbles drives off two from the end, etc. 3. A 300 gm. ball approaches a bat with a velocity of 50 meters per second; it leaves with an opposite velocity of 100 meters. Find the mean force of the blow if the impact last ^ second. 4. A rapid-fire gun shoots 500 30-gm. bullets per minute. Find what force is necessary to hold it in place if the velocity of the bullets be 500 meters per second. For a constant force, or for a succession of impulses so rapid that the effect is the same as that of a constant force, "rate of change of mo- mentum" is change of momentum per second. 5. A fire engine throws 400 liters of water per minute from a pipe furnished with a nozzle of 4 cm. diameter. What force does a wall experience against which the jet is directed at short range (assume inelastic impact)? If each particle of water were "per- fectly elastic," i. e., rebounded with the velocity of approach, what would be the value of the force? 6. A bullet weighing 50 gm. is fired into a block weighing 125 gm. Find the per cent loss of mechanical energy. Had ball and block been elastic bodies for which e =1, what would have been the loss? 7. eh very nearly unity for equal spheres made of perfectly elastic materials (steel, glass, ivory, etc.), but it is not unity for unequal balls of the same substances. It may be as low as . 75 for steel balls of greatly different size. Thus e is a constant of the colliding bodies, not of the material. Why? Consider vibration losses, and the conditions under which vibrations will persist in the bodies after impact. 8. Find the velocities after impact of two directly impinging bodies whose masses are 50 gm. and 100 gm., whose velocities before impact are in the same direction and have values of 600 cm. and 350 cm. respectively, and for which e is unity. Ditto for balls for which e = .90. 9. Explain the rise of a rocket. VIII ELASTICITY HOOKE'S LAW: YOUNG'S MODULUS Theory Most substances possess in greater or less degree two quite dis- tinct kinds of elasticity: (1) elasticity of volume, (2) elasticity of form. A body is said to have volume elasticity if it ^ eil< ^ s t return to its original volume after being com- pressed or dilated by the application of force; i. e., if its molecules tend to maintain fixed distances with reference to one another, and resist any attempt to increase or decrease these distances. A body possesses form elasticity, or rigidity if its molecules tend to maintain a fixed configuration, and resist any attempt to produce slipping motions among themselves. The "volume coefficient" or the "volume modulus" of elasticity is a constant which measures the restoring force called ^ P^ty ^v a given change in the mean distance between adjoining molecules, the. configuration remain- ing unchanged. The coefficient of rigidity or "rigidity modulus" is the constant which measures the restoring force called out by a given change in the relative positions of the molecules, the mean distance remaining unchanged. No connection whatever exists between the two kinds of elasticity. Thus all liquids possess a volume modulus which is enormous, a rigidity modulus which is essentially zero. India-rubber has nearly the same volume modulus as water, but with a very pronounced rigidity modulus. The metals have very large moduluses of both volume and form. A body is said to be perfectly elastic if it always requires the same force to produce the same displacement. Thus a wire would show perfect elasticity if the successive removal of a number of stretching weights caused it to resume exactly the lengths which it had during the successive addition of the weights, and that no matter how long or how G5 66 MECHANICS short a time the weights had been in place. If static experiments only are taken as the test of perfect elasticity, all liquids are per- fectly elastic, and most solids also so long as the displacements are kept within certain limits. The limits of perfect elasticity, how- ever, differ very widely for different substances. Jellies and rubber show perfect rigidity through very wide limits, iron through very small, lead through smaller still, etc. There is no connection between the "degree" of elasticity of a body and its elastic constants. The former measures the per- fectness of the return to the initial condition, the latter dSKffs ^ e ma gnitude of the force required to produce a given displacement. Thus jelly is nearly perfectly rigid, but has a very small rigidity coefficient. Lead has large coefficients, but a small degree of elasticity. In popular usage a body is said to be "very elastic" which possesses nearly perfect elasticity through wide limits. Properly speaking, ability to rebound is a measure of resilience, not of "degree of elasticity." Neverthe- less, the former depends in large measure upon the latter.* Experiment shows that within the limits of perfect elasticity Hole's ^ e displacement produced is proportional to the force Law. applied^ whether it be the bulk or the form elasticity which is made the subject of test. For the determination of the volume modulus, force must be applied in such a way that it will compress or dilate the body equally in all directions, but will not distort it. This moduim me can ^ course ^ e done only by a uniform pressure or tension applied to all points of the surface of the body. The bulk modulus k is then defined as the ratio between the force per unit area (the stress) and the change in volume per unit volume (the strain). By Hooke's Law this ratio must be constant. Thus , , / force\ /change in vol.X vol. mod. = I -)-(- , ), \ area / \ vol. / or symbolically, since by definition - = pressure, v (69) V *Art. on "Elasticity" by Lord Kelvin in Encyclopaedia Britannica* COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY 67 in which k stands for the volume modulus, P for pressure (i. e., force per unit area) , V for volume, and v for change in volume. Unfortunately the direct determination of Jc is not easy. It is therefore customary to determine instead a quantity called YOU 's Young's modulus, which is a cross between the volume modulus. modulus and the rigidity modulus. A known weight is hung from a wire and the elongation measured. Young" 1 8 modulus is then defined as the ratio between the force per unit cross-section of the wire and the elongation per unit length. It is evident that the operation here described tends to produce a change in form as well as in volume, for instead of increasing or decreasing all dimensions it increases the length and decreases the diameter. Analysis which is beyond the scope of this book shows that from this hybrid modulus Y, and the rigidity modulus n (see Ex. IX) the bulk modulus Tc can be found by the equation . ;i ' t \ Y = 3k + n (70) Experiment Object. To test Hooke's Law and to find Young's modulus for steel. The instrument for determining the elongation produced in a wire by a given stretching force is shown in Fig. 42. The upper end of the wire is firmly clamped in a chuck at a. At b the wire is gripped by a second chuck which is set into a cylindrical brass piece. This cylinder passes, with very little play, through a circular hole in the cross piece n. n is rigidly clamped Description. FIGURE 42 68 MECHANICS to the upright rods R and 7?', and carries a small horizontal table upon which rest the front feet of the optical lever m. In order to prevent easy displacement of the lever these feet are set in a groove o. The rear foot of the lever rests upon the face of the chuck b. At a distance of twelve or thirteen feet from the instrument a telescope T, to which is attached a vertical scale $, is so placed that the image of the scale formed by the mirror m is visible in the telescope. The addition of a weight to P stretches the wire and lowers the rear foot of the lever a distance which will be denoted by e. If I represent the distance from the rear foot of the optical lever to the mid-point between its front feet, it is evident that the production of the elongation e in the wire ab has caused the mirror m to turn through an angle of radians. This angular motion of the mirror causes some pointy instead of p to come under the cross-hairs of the telescope. The beam of light reflected by the mirror has thus been turned through the angle radians. But this angle is twice that through which the mirror turns (see Problem 1 below) ; hen-ce the distance c is easily determinable in terms of the measurable quantities^/, mp t and I. DIRECTIONS. First locate the image of the scale in the tele- scope. To do this move the head about near the telescope until the image of the eye is seen in the mirror m. If the Finding the J , _. , . . scale in the eye cannot be found at the distance of the telescope, move the head up toward the mirror until it is found ; then move back again. Keeping the image of the eye in sight, move the telescope and scale into, or near to, the position occu- pied by the eye. Then adjust positions until, when the eye sights over, not through, the telescope, the image of the scale is seen in the mirror. The image of the scale must then fall upon the objective of the telescope. Then looking through the telescope, focus by means of the rack and pinion r until the mirror itself is seen, then slowly push in the eye-piece by means of r until the scale is brought into view. If the cross- hairs are not in sharp focus, move the eye-piece alone, in or out, until they appear perfectly sharp, then refocus upon the scale by means of r. COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY 69 Next turn the mirror m until the portion of the scale seen in the telescope is that near the objective, and take a careful reading of the position of the cross-hairs upon the scale, esti- readings mating to tenths millimeters. If a slight change in the position of the eye changes at all the reading, focus again carefully until this "error of parallax" is altogether removed. Add kgm. weights successively to the pan and take the corresponding readings. Make similar records as the weights are successively removed. If upon removal of the weights the cross- hairs do not return to their original position, the limit of perfect elasticity has been overstepped and the readings must be repeated with the use of fewer weights. In adding or removing weights, use extreme care to prevent jarring the instrument or changing the position of the lever-point on chuck. A divergence in succes- sive elongations of more than one per cent indicates carelessness. In order to determine I take the imprint of the three feet of the optical lever upon a sheet of paper. With a knife-edge draw a line connecting the centers of the two front feet. The mecmtre- distance from the middle point of this line to the center of the third foot may be measured with a steel rule held on edge. Estimate to tenths millimeters. Measure the distance mp with a tape. Since in this case Young's modulus involves the sectional area of a very small wire, it is necessary that the diameter be measured with great care. Measure with micrometer calipers, and let the final result be a mean of at least a dozen observations taken at equal intervals from top to bottom of the wire. In using the cali- pers always take the zero reading as well as the reading when the wire is between the jaws. In the calculation of Young's modulus, the stress (force per unit cross-section) must be expressed in dynes per square centi- meter, the strain (elongation per unit length) in centi- uw measure- meters per centimeter. It is also required to plot a curve in which the total weights in the pan at each addi- tion shall represent abscissae, and the corresponding total elonga- tions, measured from the first reading, shall represent ordinates. As a check upon the accuracy of the work, change the position of the telescope and scale, and make a second complete determi- nation of Y. 70 MECHANICS Record 1st Determination 2d Determination Wts. Edgs. Difs. Diams. Rdgs. Difs. Diams. Means 7 = mp = wire length = ,'. F = X 10 F= X10 Problems ^ 1. From the optical law angle of incidence equals angle of reflection, prove that a beam of light reflected by a mirror turns through twice the angle through which the mirror turns. v0. Can a body whose bulk modulus is infinite have a finite Young's modulus? \t 3. A wire 80 cm. long and .3 cm. in diameter is stretched .3 mm. by a force of 2 kilo. How much force would be required to stretch a wire of 180 cm. length and 8 mm. diameter through 1 mm.? * 4. An iron and a brass wire have each the length of 15 cm. when each is stretched by a force of 1 kgm. The length of the iron wire becomes 15.4 cm. under a stress of 3 kgm. and that of the brass wire becomes 15.6 cm. under a stress of 9 kgm. Com- pare the modulus of iron with that of brass. 5. What force is needed to double the length of a steel rod whose diam. is 2 mm.? Assume perfect elasticity. IX Definition and illustration of shear. THE COEFFICIENT OF RIGIDITY Theory In order to find the coefficient of rigidity of a substance it is necessary to apply a force which will cause the molecules to shift their relative positions without altering at all their distances apart. Such a change is called a " shear." To take as simple a case as possible, imagine a rigid cylindrical shell whose wall is one molecule in thickness, and let the height of the cylinder be so small that it contains but two rows of molecules [see Fig. 43 (1)]. Let a tangential force act upon each of the molecules 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., of the upper row so as to bring them into the posi- tions sjiown in Fig. 43 (2), the molecules of the lower row being held fast by equal and opposite forces. The change produced is evi- dently a pure shear, since configuration alone has been changed, all distances re- FIGURE 43 maining exactly as at first. The shearing force is the total force which has acted, or the sum of the forces upon the individual molecules. The angle through which the line connecting any two molecules which originally lay in the same vertical line has been turned by the shearing force, is taken as the measure of the shear. This angle is always expressed in radians. Were the cylinder three rows of moleculesjn height instead of two [see Fig. 43 (3)], then, upon the application of the same shear- ing force, the upper row would move twice as far as before, but the angle of shear 6 would remain the same, for the case would be 71 MECHANICS precisely the same as though the middle row were clamped fast and the equal and opposite forces on the upper and lower rows produced each the same effects which were considered fnde indent * n case ^* ^ rom an extension of the same line of rea- of cylinder sonm g t a still longer cylinder, it is evident that the shear produced by the application of a given shearing force to the top of the cylinder is independent of the height of the cylinder, for the shearing motion ultimately ceases only when the restoring force due to the rigid connection between the top row and the next to the top row of molecules is equal to the shearing force, i. e., when there is a given angular displacement between these two rows. In order that the second row from the top may be in equilibrium, the same angular displacement must exist between it and the third row as exists between rows 1 and 2, and so on to the bottom row. Thus a given shearing force must produce a given angular tilt in a row of vertical molecules whether the cylinder be long or short. Conceive now the ideal cylindrical shell to be replaced by an actual thin hollow cylinder of length /, of mean radius r and of thickness t [see Fig. 44 (1)]. Divide the upper surface into unit areas, and let a tangential force/ be applied rigidity n. t() each unit area |- gee ^ ^ ^j ^ coe jft c j e}l t O f rigidity n is noiu defined as the ratio between the force per unit area FIGURE 41 (the stress) and the shear (the strain) produced by this force. Symbolically [see Fig. 44 (1)], (71) COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY 73 The total shearing force is, however,^/*. Call this force f and shearing force n . the area 01 the ring A . Then n = - *- angular dis- area placement; or From Hooke's Law this ratio is the same for all values of/'. It is not so easy to measure directly as it is to measure Measurement \- F[ 8' 44 WL the an le through which the end of hollow ^e cylinder is twisted by the force/'. Since the arc cylinder. a [Fig. 44 (1)] is always small in comparison with the length of the. cylinder, it is possible to write without apprecia- ble error, y = 0. But also ~ = is evidently the sum of all the moments Fh k . Thus Fh = FH^ + Flt z + FJi* f . . . Fh n = %irnt , . o o x %Trn i i TI .LI T y (r* + rf + r s s + . . . Tn) = - x in which R is the radius of the solid cylinder.* Hence, finally, for a solid cylinder, 2 Fhl an equation which shows that the twist < produced by a given moment of force, or " torque," Fli, applied to one end of a cylin- drical wire the other end of which is firmly clamped, is directly proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the fourth power of the diameter of the wire. It is evident from the definition of the coefficient of rigidity n (also called the "modulus of torsion") that it is a constant which is characteristic of the substance and is independent of ^mmnSof the dimensions of the particular wire used. But for a torsion" T R E77, ticular wire, the ratio must also be constant (Hooke's Law). This constant of the wire is technically called its "moment of torsion," and is represented by the symbol T . Thus the equa- tion *If the student is not familiar with simple integrations he may take this summation for granted. Elementary integral calculus gives C I - r*dr = , the thickness t in the above expression being the same as dr. COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY 75 is simply the definition of the moment of torsion. Expressed in words, the moment of torsion of a wire is the constant ratio of the moment of the restoring force exerted ~by a twisted wire and the angle of twist. If in (79) = unity (i. e., 1 radian), then T = Jli. Hence the moment of torsion of a wire is sometimes denned as the moment of force required to twist one end of the wire through one radian. It is evident from (78) and (79) that the modulus of torsion n may be expressed in terms of the moment of torsion T and the dimensions I and R. Thus, Experiment (1) To test Hooke's Law for torsion; (2) to determine the moments of torsion of steel wires of different lengths and diameters; (3) to find w, the coefficient of rigid- ity of steel. Three steel wires 1, 2, and 3 (Fig. 46) are provided, of which 1 and 2 have the same lengths I (about 1 m.) but different diameters, 1 and 3 the same diameters (about 2.5 mm.) but different lengths. By means of a set screw at ^ the wires may be clamped rigidly to the grooved and graduated circular wheel C. Displacements produced by the weights W are read off by means of an index attached to the frame. Ball bear- ings virtually do away with all friction and render possible a high degree of nicety in the readings. FIGURE 46 76 MECHANICS Clamp wire 1 in position and take readings first as 100 gm. weights are successively added to the pan, then as they are removed. Repeat with wires 2 and 3. Measure the Directions. di ame ters with the micrometer calipers (see Appendix), taking a mean of a large number of readings at regular intervals along the wire. Use the following method in calculating the mean twist per 100 gm. : If the total twist due to 6 hundred grams is, say, 4.32 U it it tt tt it g tt .it it it g Q1 tt tt ii a a a 4. a a a tt ^ 9 a a tt a a a o tt tt it a o iiv tt tt tt a tt "9 " " tt tt -\ A A tt it tt tt tt a ^ a tt tt n iv o " " sums = 21 and 15.16 then the most correct value of the twist per 100 gm. which can be obtained from this set of readings is 15.16 * 21 = .722. This method gives to each observation precisely the amount of consideration which it deserves. Thus it gives a weight of 6 to the observed displacement for 600 gm., a weight of 2 to the observed displacement for 200 gm., etc. Record Wire No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Diameters Wts. Reads. Difs? Reads. Difs. Reads. Difs. No. 1 No. 2 No. 100 200 300 - , - 1 200 - 400 -[_ 500 - -(_ 600 - f - f 500 - f ~ - f 400 - f _ 300 f ~ _ f I f / 100 f 200 r -Means COEFFICIENTS OF ELASTICITY 77 I of No. 1 Mean twist of No. 1 _ I of No. 3 ~ ' Mean twist of No. 3 Diam. of No. 1 /Mean twist of No. . 2\} . I/ Diam. of No. 2 \Mean twist of No. Radius of wheel C . . T for 1 for 2 for 8 . . n from 1 from 2 from 3 Mean % s difs. Problems 1. If one of the wires had a real diameter of 2.513 mm., but was measured as 2.501 mm., what per cent of error was thus introduced into n? 2. Decide from a study of your observations which one of the quantities involved in n introduces the largest error into the result. Why is it needless to take great pains in measuring the lengths? 3. Show from equation (78) that n would be correctly denned as the moment of force required to twist a cylinder of 1 cm. length and 1 sq. cm. cross-section through 360. 4. The moment of torsion of a particular wire is 7.21 x 10 6 absolute units; its diameter is 2.732 mm. ; its length is 50.1 cm. Find the moment of force required to twist a wire of the same material of 1 mm. diameter and 4 cm. length through 90. 5. A man grips upon the circumference of a bar 1,00 in. long and 1 in. in diameter and twists it through 1. He applies the same force (not .the same moment of force) to the circumference of a bar 2 in. in diameter and 80 in. long. Find the twist. * Blanks are for results of division. MOMENT OF INERTIA Theory It was experimentally shown in Ex. IV that the condition of rotational equilibrium of a rigid body acted upon by the two forces F and W (see Fig. 16) is Fl = Wl' . But equilib- wtaS!m f rium is reached only when the two rates of rotation due to the forces F and W are equal and opposite. It follows, then, from Ex. IV, that the rate at which a force can impart angular velocity to a rigid body is proportional to the product of the force and its lever arm, i. e., to the applied moment of force. Thus, while linear acceleration is propor- tional to the acting force , angular acceleration is proportional to the acting moment of force. Hence "moment of force" bears precisely the same relation to rotary motion which force bears to linear motion. The inertia of a body is that property by virtue of which it offers resistance to acceleration. The measure of inertia is the resistance offered to unit acceleration; or, since this resistance is always equal to the force producing the acceleration (see scholium), the measure of the inertia of a body is the force necessary to impart to it unit acceleration. This was experimentally proved in Ex. II to be proportional to mass ; in the absolute system of units equal to mass. Hence a gram of mass has one unit of inertia, two grams of mass two units of inertia, etc. Moment of inertia is that property of a rotating body by virtue of which it offers resistance to angular acceleration. It is meas- ured by the "moment of force" necessary to impart to inertia tof ' ^ ie ^^ un ^ an 9 u ^ ar acceleration. Thus, a rotating body has unit moment of inertia if it requires the application of a unit moment of force (1 dyne-centimeter) to increase or decrease its angular velocity at the rate of one radian per second; it has two units of moment of inertia if it requires two dyne- centimeters to impart one radian of acceleration, 10 units if it requires 5 dyne-centimeters to impart an acceleration of i radian per sec., etc. Symbolically, if /represent moment of 78 MOMENT OF INERTIA 79 inertia, Fli the acting moment of force, and a the angular accel- eration produced, This equation is to be regarded merely as the definition of /. It is thus seen that "moment of inertia" is a perfectly definite phys- ical quantity which can be determined for any body whatever by merely applying a known moment of force and measuring the angular acceleration produced. The definition of / might be put in the following form : Moment of inertia is that physical prop- erty in which two rotating bodies agree when it requires the same moment of force to give to each a given angular acceleration. It is evident that / is not proportional to mass alone, as is inertia, for everyday experience teaches that two rotating bodies mav have precisely the same mass and vet offer widely Calculation .* , . , ,-. 4.- * of moment different amounts of resistance to the operation of of inertia. . , , . . -, starting or stopping; e.g., two wheels, one of which has its mass concentrated near the axle, the other on the circum- ference. Thus / is a function both of mass and of the distribution of mass, i.e., of the distances of the elements of mass from the axis. In order to calculate /, the moment of force necessary to impart a radian of acceleration must be found in terms of the masses of the particles and their distances from the axis. Take a single particle mi at a distance TI [=0^] (Fig. 47) from the axis and think of it as moving inde- pendently of all the other particles FIGURE 47 under the action of a force /i which gives it a linear acceleration a { . The second law gives The moment of the force/! about the axis is/^v Hence /i^ = ??? 1 a 1 r 1 . But since - = a it follows that Similarly the moment of the force / 2 which is necessary to give to m z the angular acceleration a about the axis is / 2 r 2 = .80 MECHANICS The total moment of force Fli which must be applied to give all the particles of the body the angular acceleration a is manifestly the sum of the moments applied to the several particles. Thus : Fh =/!/*! +/ 2 r 2 -f- etc. = a (m^* + m^r*? + etc.) = a2mr* (82) or Fli = lmr\ (83) i. e., the moment of force necessary to impart unit angular accel- eration is Swr 2 . But this is by definition / (see 81). Hence / = 2mr 2 . (84) In order, then, to calculate / for any body, it is necessary to multiply the mass of each particle in the body by the square of its distance from the axis of rotation, and then to find the sum of all these products. For an irregular, non-homogeneous body, this would evidently be an impossible undertaking. Hence for such bodies the moment of inertia can not be calculated. It can only be obtained by direct experiment, i. e., by applying a known moment of force and observing the angular acceleration produced (or by means of some experiment which is equivalent to this). But for certain regular, homogeneous bodies, it is possible to perform the summation indicated and hence to check an experimental value of / by means of a calculated one. This summation is done with the aid of the integral calculus. Only a few results of such summation will be indicated here. The moment of inertia of a uniform cylinder of radius R and mass M rotating about its own axis is (85) * This may be obtained as follows : If 2 , to being the angular velocity of the rotating body. This may be shown as follows : The kinetic energy Jce^ of the particle m l (see Fig. 47) is ^m-p*. But Vi = 0)7*!. Hence lce\ = \m^r^^. Now the total kinetic energy KE of the body must be the sum of the kinetic energies of its parts. Therefore KE = 2rar 2 2 . (88) Q. E. D. Experiment^ To determine the moment of inertia of a circular disk by apply- ing a given moment of force and measuring the corresponding angular acceleration, and to compare the result with Object. & x , ' the theoretical value 01 1. A disk weighing several kilograms is mounted upon ball bear- ings so as to rotate with very little friction about its own axis (see Fig. 49). While a weight m imparts to the disk an Description. * ' . r . PI*. angular acceleration a, an electrically driven fork of known period writes a trace upon the blackened face of the disk. The angular acceleration a is determined precisely as were the linear accelerations in Exs. I and II, i. e., by subtracting succes- 82 MECHANICS L t s' sive angular distances traversed during successive equal intervals of time. These angular intervals are obtained in degrees from readings made upon a circular scale with which the unblackened face of the disk is provided. By means of the rack and pinion s, the frame which carries the fork may be moved through ways in a direction parallel to the face of the disk, so that the traces made during successive revolutions of the disk need not interfere. The screw s r shifts the whole disk in the direction of its axis, and thus makes it easy to secure a suita- ble pressure of the stylus against the blackened face of the disk. Wrap a fine thread three, or four times around the cir- cumference, at- taching one end to the disk by means of a small bit of wax. To the free end attach just enough weight to equalize the friction of the ball bearings and of the stylus as it bears upon the face of the disk. Set the fork in vibration, adjust the stylus, add 100 grams to the thread, and then suddenly release the disk, at the same time moving forward the fork by means of s. As soon as m touches the floor, stop the disk, remove it from the frame, and carefully mark off the trace as in Ex. I, taking a group of 50 waves as the unit. Eeplace the disk in the frame, set the cross-hairs of the low-power microscope t upon the limiting mark of the first group of waves, and take the reading of the cross-hairs of the microscope t' upon the circular scale graduated upon the unblackened face of the disk. Then turn the disk until the second mark comes underneath the cross- hairs and read again. From such readings a is easily obtained. FIGURE 49 Directions. MOMENT OF INERTIA 83 It must, of course, be expressed in radians (see definition of moment of inertia). Take at least two traces, using different masses for m\ e. g., let m l = 100 gm., m z = 200 gm. The force F which produces the rotation of the disk is evi- dently the tension in the thread q. This is not the force -acting upon the mass m, viz., mg, for a part of the acting force mg is expended in producing the acceleration a which is imparted to m. By the scholium to the Third Law, mg = F+ ma, or F = m(g a). Since the acceleration of the weight is the same as the acceleration at the circumference of the disk, a = a 7?, R being the radius of the disk and its angular acceleration in radians. Hence the acting moment of force Fh may be found from the measurement of the three quantities a, R, and m. Fh must of course be expressed in dyne-centimeters. From Fh and a, / is at once obtained (see definition of / ), The theoretical value of /, see (85), involves only the mass M and the radius R of the disk. M is to be obtained by weighing upon the platform scales. Record 1ST DETERMINATION 2D DETERMINATION Angle Angular Angular Read'gs Spaces Ace's | Angle Angular Angular Read'gs Spaces Ace's f I ; ( f J I ' i i f ' f i I f I f f 1 f / j [ ( / 1 | | Mean ace J2 / Mean ace. . T Mpan T I Problems 1. A constant pull of 200 kgm. acting on the circumference of a wheel of 1 m. radius imparts in 30 sec. a speed of two revolu- tions per second. Find / for the wheel. 84 MECHANICS 2. Find what part of the kinetic energy of a rolling solid cylinder is energy of translation, and what part energy of rotation. The latter energy, viz., J/w 2 , can in this case be expressed in terms of the mass M of the cylinder and its velocity of translation v. (See 85.) A simple relation exists between v and w. 3. Solve Problem 2 for a rolling hoop; for a rolling solid sphere. 4. Find what relation exists between the velocities acquired by a solid cylinder in sliding without friction down an inclined plane and in rolling without slipping down the plane. Equate in each case potential energy at top to total kinetic energy at bottom. 5. The wheel used in the falling body machine (Ex. II) has a radius of 5 cm. and moment of inertia of 275 gm. cm. 2 * Find what mass at the circumference would offer the same resistance to an accelerating force and therefore what number of grams should be added to the mass of the frame in order to allow for the presence of the wheel. 6. Find as in Problem 4 the relation between the velocities of solid spheres sliding and rolling down an inclined plane. See equation (86) and the suggestion under Problem 4. 7. A bullet weighing 5 gm. and moving with a velocity of 100 meters per second in the ^ direction ab (see Fig. 50), strikes the pro- jection b of a fixed wheel whose moment of inertia is 200,000 gm. cm. 2 ,* and whose radius is 20 cm. Find the number of revolutions per FIGURE s second communicated to the wheel. * In order to understand the meaning of this symbol it will be neces- sary to consider briefly the origin and use of dimensional formulae. The dimensional formula for any quantity is simply the symbol which repre- sents the way in which the fundamental units, i.e., the units of Mass, Length and Time, enter into the definition of that quantity; e. g., note the following dimensional formulae: L T Since acceleration is velocity divided by time, a = -77^ = MOMENT OF INERTIA 85 Assume inelastic impact. Then if v represent the initial velocity of the bullet, w the angular velocity of bullet and wheel after impact, and t the duration of the impact, the velocity lost by the bullet is evidently v wR, R being the radius of the wheel. Hence the mean force acting between bullet and wheel during the impact is / [= ma] = - 7 The moment of this force imparts to the wheel a mean angular accelera- tion a such that at = w. From these equations and that which defines I, w may be found. * 8. Find the number of revolutions per second which would have been imparted to the wheel if the bullet had moved along the dotted line (see Fig. 50) and struck the wheel at a point mid- way between b and c. 9. A hoop and a solid disk of the same diameter start down a hill together. Which will reach the bottom first? Find the ratio of their velocities at the bottom. Assume in each case rolling without slipping and neglect air resist- ance. See Problem 4. 10. Why can a heavy man on a bicycle always coast faster than a light man on the same wheel? In answer disregard friction. Since force is mass multiplied by acceleration, / = ^=^- = MLT~ 2 . Since moment of force is force multiplied by length, Fh = -=j- = ML 2 T~ 2 . Since angular accel. is linear accel. divided by length, a = ^ = ^~ 3 - Since moment of inertia is moment of force divided by angular acceler- ation 1= ML 2 . This last result might have been seen at once from the fact that it has been shown that 1= 2mr 2 . Enough has been said to show the method of procedure for the derivation of dimensional formulae and the meaning of such formulae. Now when units have been defined but have been given no particu- lar names it is customary to write the dimensional formula in place of a name, replacing in this formula the general symbols M, L, T, by the par- ticular units of mass, length, and time which have been used in the defini- tion of the unit under consideration. Thus if it were desired to say that the moment of inertia of a body was 275 units and to explain that in the definition of these units the gram and the centimeter were taken as the fundamental units of mass and length and that these were involved in such a way in the definition that the dimensional formula for moment of inertia was 1= M I? it would only be necessary to write "moment of inertia of body = 275 gm. cm. 2 " V ^ 86 MECHANICS 11. Will increasing the weight of the tires increase or decrease the coasting speed of a bicycle? What effect will increasing the weight of the frame have upon the coasting speed? 12. A clay ball weighing 50 gm., and moving with a velocity of 30 meters per second, struck and stuck to the end of a rectangular bar 1 meter long and 5 cm. square which was pivoted at its center of gravity o (see Fig. 51). If the weight of the bar were 5 kilos and the motion of the ball were at right angles to the length FIGTJBE 51 of the bar, what number of revolutions per second would be com- municated to the bar? See equation (87). XI SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION Theory The two very simple forms of motion thus far con- s idered, viz., uniform and uniformly accelerated, belong to the general class of non-periodic motions. Among periodic motions the simplest and most important type is so-called simple harmonic motion. This is denned as motion in which the oscillating body is at every instant urged toward some natural position of rest with a force which varies directly _ 5 _ v _Jsl_ c as its distance from that posi- a o^ * 5 tion. Thus suppose a particle FIGURE 52 to be moving back and forth over the path ab (see Fig. 52), under the action of a force which has its origin in o, and let the law of action of the force upon the particle be expressed by the equation, 1 mA * (89) / 2 \ maj d 2 in which/j and/ 2 represent the forces acting upon the particle when it is at the distances di and d% respectively from o, and a^ and a z represent the, accelerations toward o of the particle is at these distances. The last equation may be written in the form, flj _ 2 _ s _ . . 7 tJL^. , d l d 2 d s or, in general, if this constant ratio of the acceleration to the dis- placement be denoted by the symbol k, the equation which defines simple harmonic motion [see (89)] may be written in the form, a = Ted. (90) Since/ = ma, (90) may evidently be written in the form, f=mkd. (91) 87 88 MECHANICS Any one of equations (89), (90), or (91) may be taken as the defi- nition of simple harmonic motion. These equations express sim- ply a proportionality between force and displacement. But, in view of a very simple relation which exists between the character- istic constant k of the motion and the period of vibration of the system, it is possible to express the characteristic equation of simple harmonic motion in still another form. The evalua- tion of k in terms of the period will be made in three steps, as fol- lows: 1. The first step will consist in finding Ic in terms of the half length R of the path of the particle, the velocity v which it has at any particular point of this path, for example at c, and o/# r Or the elimination of /from (101) and (102) gives Experiment 1. To determine the force constant of a spiral spring, and to compare the observed and calculated values of the periods of the spring for different loads. 2. To calculate the periods of several "torsion pendulums" from the known T^s of the suspending wires, and to compare with observations. 3. To determine / and T by the addition to a vibrating system of a known moment of inertia I . DIRECTIONS. 1. First test Hooke's Law for the spring and determine its force constant by observing the elongations produced 92 MECHANICS Force con- stant of spiral spring. by the successive addition of 100 gm., 200 gm., 300 gm., 400 gm., beginning with a load of 50 gm. A graduated mirror placed behind the spring (see Fig. 55) enables the position of the index for any value of m to be accurately de- termined. In taking a reading place the eye so that the image of the tip of the index is brought into line with the tip of the index itself. In computing the mean elon- gation per hundred grams use the method outlined on page 76. In computing the force constant -s express all forces in dynes, all lengths in centimeters. Now replace m by other masses, e. g., 150 gm., 250 gm., 350 gm.,and, from the force constant just determined, m FIGURE 55 Periods/or . different calculate in each case what should be the period of the suspended system when it is set into vertical oscilla- tion. Compare these theoretical values of the periods with observed values obtained by taking with a stop- watch the time of 50 vibrations. 2. The torsion pendulum here used con- sists of a large disk suspended as in Fig. 56 from one of the wires whose force Periods of torsion pen- constant (moment of torsion) was found in Ex. IX. First find the weight of the disk by means of the platform scales, then measure its diameter and compute its moment of inertia / [see (85) p. 80]. From / and the value of T found in Ex. IX com- pute the period. Compare this with the observed period obtained by taking with a stop- watch the time of 25 vibrations. In setting the disk into oscillation, do not twist the wire through an arc of more than 5 or 10. 3. The determination of T by the addition of a known moment of inertia I is accomplished FIGURE 56 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION 93 by adding to the plate P (Fig. 56) the large brass ring D, and observing the new period t 2 . T is then given by (104). I can T O and 1 of course be easily calculated from its mass and mean moment of d diameter [see (84) p. 80]. Care must be tak^h to make inertia. the wire pass through the center of the ring ; otherwise the calculated value of I will be incorrect. Determine in this manner T for each of the three wires used in Ex. IX, and then cal- culate from each wire the coefficient of rigidity n of steel. [See (80) p. 75]. From the same observations calculate with the aid of (103) the moment of inertia of the brass disk, and compare with the theoretical value (see 85). Record Added Scale W'ts Read's Dif's | _ 100 200 300 400 mean d per 100 gm. = force cons't of spring = Masses (obs.) (calc. ) % error 150 250 2. Mass of disk P= Radius = Wire 1, To (from IX) - . '. t x calc. - 1 1 obs. Wire 2, T (from IX) - - . '. t x calc. - - 1 1 obs. - Wire 3, T (from IX) - . . 1 1 calc. t x obs. - 3. Mass of ring D = -- Mean radius = Wire 1, t 2 = . . To = --- . . n = -- % dif. from mean = Wire 2, t. z = .-.T = -- .-. = " " " " = = - -.-. T = - -.:n = - -" " " " = / from 1 from 2 -- from 3 Mean % error -- Problems 1. Within a solid sphere of uniform density the force varies directly as the distance from the center. If the earth were such a sphere, and if a hole passed completely through it along a diam- eter, how long a time would be required for a body dropped through the hole to reach the other side? Take the radius of the earth as 4000 miles. 2. A horizontal wire one meter long clamped at both ends is set into vibration in a vertical plane. The amplitude at the mid- 94 MECHANICS die is 4 mm. Find the shortest period which is permissible if the rider at the mid-point is at no instant to lose contact with the wire. 3. Show that the apparent motion of a bright point on the rim of a distant wheel, rotating at uniform speed about an axis at right angles to the observer's line of sight, is simple harmonic. XII DETERMINATION OF "0" Theory Let Fig. 57 represent any irregular body which is oscillating Moment of un( ^ er the action of the force force restor- o f gravity about a horizontal my a pen- <* duium. axis at o. Let ? be the dis- tance from o to c the center of gravity of the body. In order to find the law which gov- erns the motion of the body it is neces- sary to express the moment of force Fh which is acting upon the body at any instant in terms of the angular dis- placement at that instant from the position of rest. If M be the mass of the body, the total force acting upon it is Mg dynes, and this force is applied at the center of gravity c (see Ex. IV, pp. 34, 35). The moment of this force is therefore Mg x dc. But since dc = I sin 0, it follows that Mg FIGURE 57 Fh = Mgl sin 0. This equation shows that the motion is The period duium. (105) not simple harmonic, for the restoring moment Fh is not proportional to the displace- men t but to sin 0. Nevertheless, as approaches zer ' s ^ n ^ approaches 0. Hence in the limit, i. e., in the case of vibrations of infinitely small amplitude, pendular motions follow the law of simple harmonic motion. The simple harmonic formula may then be applied to pendulum problems if only the arc be kept so small that the error introduced by the approximation sin = is smaller than the necessary observa- tional errors of the experiment. This means that in the following experiment 6 should not exceed 5. Under these conditions, 95 96 MECHANICS then, the pendulum formula is J71 7 i. e., the fcjrce constant of the motion, viz. ^-i is equal to Mgl. Substitution in the S. H. M. formula (100) gives, then, This is the general formula for the compound pendulum. If Period of the pendulum be merely a particle suspended from pendulum. & weightless thread of length Z, then / (= 2wr 2 ) = M l\ (107) Therefore, for such a pendulum, (106) becomes i. (108) ^7 The length of a compound pendulum is defined as ^6 length of the simple pendulum which has the same period. The center of oscillation of a compound pendulum is the posi- tion of the particle which is oscillating naturally, i. e. , just as it would oscillate if it alone were suspended as a simple pendulum from the point of support. The radius of gyration Tc of any rotating body is the distance from the axis at which the whole mass M might be concentrated without changing the value of the moment of inertia /. Thus the equation, I=^mr* = Mlc* (109) defines the radius of gyration &. Experiment To find g by determining the length and the period of a simple pendulum. A simple pendulum is chosen for the determination, because the length of such a pendulum can be measured directly, while the length of a compound pendulum is not easily theory din obtainable. The time measurement consists in com- paring, by the method of coincidences, the period of the unknown simple pendulum with that of a compound pendulum of known period. The electric circuit of the battery B (see Fig. DETERMINATION OF " to the old velocity oi\ plus a new velocity ?vy ?Va is then the line which represents the gain in velocity during the time t. Hence the mean acceleration during the interval t has been the value of the acceleration at the instant at which or l represents the velocity is -(-) CUD t /t=o. 100 THE LAW OF CENTRIPETAL FORCE 101 Since, as t approaches zero, r x r 2 becomes more and more nearly per- pendicular to or l5 it is evident that in the limit represented by (111) the acceleration a is at right angles to the velocity oi\. No win Ex. II force was defined as that which changes the mo- tion of a body, and, by the Second Law, whether < the change is one of direction or of speed, the measure of the force is always ma, and the direction of the force is the direction of 'the vector a. Thus, in case 1 , the force ma = m ( -y- 3 \ acts in the direction of the velocity, i. e. in the direction oi\. In case 2 the force ma\ = acts in the direction (iV'g^oj a direction which is rigorously perpendicular ft velocity or^ Apply these principles to the consideration of the case of a body m moving with uniform speed S upon the circumference of a circle. (See Fig. 61). Let oi\ represent the velocity circular at the end of the interval t, and let o'r, or the equal and ilini inn* ^B parallel line or^ represent the velocity a"he beginning of the interval t. Since the velocity is continually changing in direc- tion, a force/ must continually act, and since the direction of this force is always at right angles to the velocity (see preceding para- graph), it must act continually toward the center. Its value is then f =ma = m (p~\ (112) But since S represents the constant speed and t the element of time considered, it is evident that o'o = St. But TT /\ ty *^ ^ Hence r^\ = o ' = jr- Substitution of this value in (112) gives mS* /- ~ R ' (113) 102 MECHANICS Cf But if o> represent the angular speed, then o> = H Hence f = = m*R, (114) an equation which asserts that the central force which must be applied to keep a body in a circular orbit is directly propor- tional both to the second power of the angular velocity, and to the first power of the radius of the orbit. Experiment Object. To verify the law of centripetal force. The masses m x which slip along the rod ab (Fig. 62) are attached by cords which pass over pulleys in the case p to the slid- , . v ing collar c. The central force which is necessary to ' kesp the weights moving in a circle is represented by ^ the 1 tension jin the cards. For a certain critical value of the speed this tension is equal to the weight of the collar c. In order, there- nii p mi FIGURE 62 fore, to verify the law stated in (114), it is only necessary to measure the radius R, the masses m l and c, and to observe the speed required to lift c. All forces must of course be expressed in dynes, all masses in grams, all linear distances in centimeters, all angular distances in radians. First count the number of revolutions of the axle t*b one revo- lution of the wheel Jc. Then, from measurements upon m lt c, and 72, calculate what number of turns N of the wheel per second is necessary just to lift c. THE LAW OF CENTRIPETAL FORCE 103 To obtain an experimental value of the same quantity, let one experimenter maintain a constant rotation of k at such speed that the collar c is either held balanced between the upper and lower stops, or else continually oscillates back and forth between them (the stops are so arranged that c is free to move through, only about 1 mm.). Then, as soon as this constant condition is attained, let a second experimenter take with a stop-watch the time of fifty revolutions, repeating several times in order to test the accuracy of the observations. Then change both m and R and repeat. Compare in each case the observed an*d calculated values of the speed. Record 1st value of m t = R= c = ^-^ . '. N calc. = N obs. 1st trial = - 2d = - 3d = - mean =^ ft error = 2d value of m l = R = c = . . N calc. = N obs. 1st trial = - 2d = - 3d = mean = - % error = 3d value of m 1 = R = c = . . N calc. = N obs. 1st trial = 2d = 3d = mean = % error = Problems 1. Taking the radius of die earth as 6370 kilometers, find how many dynes of force are required to hold a grarifof mass upon the surface (1) at the equator; (2) in latitude 45. Hence, find what would be the values of g at the equator and in latitude 45 if the earth did not rotate. Also find how many times the velocity of rotation would need to be increased in order that bodies at the equator might have no weight. 2. The radius of the moon's orbit is approximately 60 times the radius of the earth. Calculate the force in dynes which must act upon each gram of the moon's mass in order to hold it in its orbit, the period of the moon's rotation being 27 days 8 hours. Compare this result with the force of the earth's attraction upon a gram of mass at the distance of the moon as computed from the law of gravitation. It was precisely this computation which led Newton to assert the law of gravitation. 3. A skater describes a circle of 10 meters radius with a speed of 5 m. per second. What must be his angle of inclination to the vertical in order that he may be in equilibrium? MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT XIV BOYLE'S LAW Theory The elastic properties of gases were very early made the sub ject of observation and speculation, but the first results of experi- ments made for the purpose of discovering the exact w re ^ a ^ on wn i cn exists between the pressure exerted by a confined gas and the volume which it occupies, were published by the English physicist Boyle in 1661 in a work entitled "Defence of the Doctrine of the Spring and Weight of Air." These experiments brought to light the law which has since been called Boyle's Law; sometimes also called Mariotte's Law. This law asserts that so long as the temperature remains constant, the pressure which a gas exerts upon the walls of the containing vessel is directly proportional to its density or inversely propor- tional to the volume which it occupies ; symbolically, F 8 , or P! F! = P z F 2 = P 3 F 3 = etc. = constant. (116) The French physicist Mariotte independently discovered the same law fifteen years later. Before the discovery of Boyle's Law, in fact before the begin- ning of the Christian era, two theories had been advanced to account for the elastic properties of "air. The first was the repul- sion theory, according to which the pressure exerted by confined air was attributed to repellent forces existing between the mole- 105 106 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT cules which were assumed to be at rest. This theory was held by prominent scientists even as late as the middle of the nine- teenth century. In order to reconcile the theory witli The repulsion . . . J theory of JBoyle s Law, it is necessary to assume that the mole- cules repel each other with forces which are inversely proportional to the distances between them. The theory has now been altogether abandoned; first, because such a law of molecular force is wholly at variance with all modern views as to the nature of molecular force; second, because it necessitates the conclusion that the pressure which a gas exerts is a function not of its density and temperature alone, but also of the shape and size of the containing vessel, a conclusion which is directly contradicted by experiment; third, because the fact that a gas does not experience a rise in temperature when it expands into a vacuum, proves that no repulsion exists between its molecules. According to the kinetic theory, the pressure which a gas exerts against the walls of a containing vessel is due to the bom- bardment of the walls by rapidlv moving molecules The kinetic ... _. J J theory of which at ordinary pressures are so far apart that they exert no forces whatever upon one another, and which occupy so little space themselves that the total number of impacts per second against the walls is simply the product of the number of molecules present and the number of impacts which one single molecule would make if it were alone in the vessel and were mov- ing with the mean velocity of all the molecules. Although a crude form of this theory is as old as Greek philosophy, it can not be said to have taken definite shape before about 1738, when it was advanced by Daniel Bernoulli i. It did not gain general acceptance until the middle of the nineteenth century, when the labors of Joule in England and of Clausius in Germany won for it well-nigh universal support. While the repulsion theory was unable to account for Boyle's Law without the aid of a highly improbable assumption, the kinetic theory furnishes an immediate explanation of this law. For, manifestly, if gas pressure is due to impacts alone, its value at any instant must be the product of the mean force of each impact and the number of impacts taking place at that instant upon a square centimeter of surface. For a given gas, the first factor would depend simply upon the mean velocity of the mole- BOYLE'S LAW 107 cules. For a constant mean velocity, the second factor would be proportional to the number of molecules present in a cubic centi- meter; i.e., to the density. If, then, the constancy of the mean molecular velocity be taken as the condition of constant temper- ature, it follows at 'once from the kinetic theory, that the pressure should be directly proportional to the density. This is Boyle's Law. Up to 1848 Boyle's Law was supposed to hold rigorously for the so-called permanent gases. In this year, however, the French physicist Regnault performed very careful experiments frrm Boyle's which showed that for air at ten atmospheres pressure, the product P V differs by about one-fourth of one per cent from its value at one atmosphere. At higher pressures, the departure is more marked, amounting at 600 atmospheres to more than 25 per cent. These departures are evidence for, rather than against, the correctness of the kinetic theory; for when the molecules are crowded so close together that the space which they themselves occupy is no longer negligible in comparison with the total volume of the vessel, then the kinetic theory would require that the. pressure increase more rapidly than the density; i.e., that the product P V increase. This is what actually occurs in the case of all gases when the pressures are very high (100 atmos- pheres or more) . For moderate pressures (1 to 50 atmospheres), the departures are in the opposite direction in the case of all gases excepting hydrogen (and probably also helium) ; i.e., the pressure increases less rapidly than the density, or, in other words, PV decreases. This is due to the fact that the attractive forces between the molecules are not wholly negligible in comparison with the forces of impact. Experiment Object. To verify Boyle's Law for ordinary pressures. The body of dry air which "is to be experimented upon is con- tained in the upper part of the graduated tube a (see Fig. 63), which has a diameter of about 1 cm. The lower end k of this tube is beneath the mercury in the cistern AB. The air-jacket which surrounds a serves to maintain a constant temperature throughout the experiment. If it is desired to take 108 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT 4 T h LL still further precautions, the upper part of AB may be filled with water, although this is generally found to be unnecessary. The tube a is graduated in cc. so that the volume V may be obtained directly by reading the scale u^on a. The determination of the pressure P, which corresponds to any par- ticular volume F, requires the observation, first, of the barometer height H, and second, of the differ- ence in level D between the mercury in AB and in a. This observation is made by means of the cathetom- eter (see below). It is evident, therefore, that if the temperature of the mercury in the barometer is the same as that of the mercury in AB, then P, ex- pressed in centimeters of mercury, is equal to (II - D). If the two temperatures are different, H must be corrected by multiplying the observed height by the ratio of the density of mercury at the temperature of the barometer and its density at the temperature of AB. This correction is wholly negligible in this ex- periment unless the differ- ence in the two temperatures amounts to more than 5C. DIRECTIONS. To deter- mine the barometric height H, proceed as follows : By means of the thumbscrew s [see Fig. 64, (1)], raise or lower the level of the mercury in ^hc cistern E of the barometer until the ivory point n just touches the mercury surface. This setting can be made with great accu- racy by observing when the . J J f> . . image oi the point which is . seen in the mercury, just ap- pears to come into contact with the point itself. This point n is the zero of the FIGURE ei FIGURE 63 Reading of eter. (2; BOYLE'S LAW 109 scale which is attached to the upper portion of the metal case surrounding the barometer tube. By turning the milled head D, move the vernier c with which the scale is provided until its lower end is clearly above the convex surface of the mercury. Then carefully lower it until it appears to be just in 'contact with the highest point of this convex surface. During this operation, keep the eye in such a position that the back lower edge of the vernier tube seems to coincide with the front lower edge. To test the setting, move the head up and down, and see to it that the white background behind the barometer never becomes visible above the top point of the meniscus. Read the scale and ) vernier (see Appendix for theory of vernier). The capillary correction for the barometer is to be obtained from the Appendix table, which is headed " Capillary Depression of Mercury." Adjust the cathetometer (see Fig. 65) in three steps, as fol- lows: (1) To make the column vertical, loosen the set screw s% and turn the column until the tel- Adjmtment of the escope is at right angles cathetsrmeter. to the line connecting two of the feet; e.g., A and B. Then bring the bubble to the mid- dle by means of the leveling screw in the third foot C. Xext rotate the column through 180 about its own axis, and if, after rotation, the bubble is displaced from the middle, correct half of the angular error by means of the leveling screw in the foot C and the other half by means of the screw s which inclines the tele- scope. If the bubble is against one end of the level-tube, it is , impossi- ble to know when just half of the angular correction has been made., Hence it is necessary first to estimate- roughly these half-corrections, then to rotate again through 180, and FIGURE 65 110 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT again to correct, and thus to proceed until the bubble remains, upon reversal, somewhere near the middle of the tube. The half- corrections can then be read off accurately upon the scale on the level-tube. When this adjustment has been made to such a degree of accuracy that a reversal displaces the bubble through perhaps one or two divisions, turn the column this time through 90, i.e., until the level is parallel to the line connecting A and B, and bring the bubble back to the middle by turning the level- ing screws A and B equal amounts in opposite directions. The column should now be approximately vertical. In order to make it accurately vertical, the whole operation must be repeated from the beginning with more care. After the completion of the second leveling, rotation of the column into any position what- ever should not cause a displacement of the bubble of more than half of a division. (2) To make the line of sight coincident with the axis of the telescope, first focus the eye-piece carefully upon the cross-hairs by slipping the former forward or back in the draw-tube ; then, by means of the rack and pinion with which the draw-tube is pro- vided, focus the telescope sharply upon the scale on tube a (see Fig. 63), which should be set at a distance of about a meter from the cathetometer. If moving the eye slightly from side to side causes the cross-hairs to appear to move at all with reference to the scale, repeat both of these focusings until this parallax effect is wholly removed. Now turn the telescope in its socket until one of the cross-hairs is parallel to the scale divisions, and by means of the screw s 3 , which moves the whole telescope up or down, set this cross-hair upon some chosen division of the scale ; then rotate the- telescope in its socket, i.e., about its own axis, through 180. If this operation changes at all the reading of the cross-hair upon the scale, correct half of the error by means of s 3 and the other half by means of the small screw which is found at one side of the eye-piece and which moves the cross-hair across the field of view. Repeat this adjustment until rotation of the telescope through 180 produces no change in the reading. The line of sight then coincides with the axis of the telescope. (3) To make the axis of the telescope horizontal, proceed in either one of the following ways [method (b) is generally to be recommended] : (a) Bring the bubble to the middle by means of BOYLE'S LAW 111 screw s, then lift the level carefully from the telescope-tube, turn it end for end and replace. If this operation displaces the bubble, correct half of the error by means of s, the other half by means of the screw Sj, which adjusts the position of the level-tube in its case. The telescope-tube, and hence also the line of sight, will be horizontal when no displacement of the bubble is produced by a reversal of the level, (b) Set the cross-hairs of the telescope upon some point on a scale about a meter distant. Then take the telescope out of its socket, turn it end for end and replace. Next rotate the vertical column through 180 and look again at the chosen point. If the cross-hairs are no longer upon it, correct half the displacement by means of the screw s which inclines the telescope, and half by means of the screw s s which raises it vertically. The telescope-tube will be horizontal when, after reversal and rotation, the same point of the scale comes under the cross-hair. When the cathetometer is in complete adjustment, carefully loosen the set screw s^ slide the telescope up or down the column until the cross-hair is near the top of the meniscus of Reading the ,, ., . . . _ , -. rtrtX , mercury the mercury in the cistern AB (see ig. 60), clamp s 4 and make the final setting upon the meniscus by means of the fine adjustment screw s 3 . Then take the reading of the vernier upon the scale of the cathetometer column. Next raise the telescope, set the cross-hair upon the top of the mercury meniscus in the tube , and take a second reading. The differ- ence between the two readings gives the distance D. Take a number of observations of this height in order to see to what degree of accuracy it is obtainable. At the same time read through the telescope the volume F upon the scale on tube a. This reading should not be taken either at the top or at the bottom of the meniscus, but at such an intermediate point as would correspond to the same volume if the meniscus were flat. This point can be obtained only by careful estimate. Starting with a pressure which is but a trifle less than one atmosphere, vary the volume by five about equal steps until it is as large as can be conveniently obtained with the apparatus, and take the five corresponding pressure readings. If the barometric height varies during the experiment, take this fact into account. 112 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT H Read'gs 1st trial in AS in a .-. D in AB in a .-. D Record Read'gs 2d trial Mean .-. P . . PV % <* , A. . j\ from FIGURE 66 Problems 1. Make estimates of the probable observational errors in both P and V above, and thence deduce the maximum permissible error in P V. Cpmpare with last column of the record. 2. A level is in adjustment when the line joining the points upon which it rests is parallel to the tangent drawn to the highest point of the level- tube, i.e., when the line cd (see Fig. 66) is parallel to the line ab. Show why in ~ adjusting a level which is out of ad- justment and in leveling the table upon which it rests (see Fig.) it is necessary after reversal to correct half at s and half at s'. Hence justify throughout the methods used in adjusting the cathetometer. 3. A confined body of air V is placed under a pressure of P mm. of mercury (see Fig. 67. P = H+ab). By means of the three-way stopcock s, the connection between the two arms (see Fig.) is then shut off and a volume v of mercury drawn from the right arm. The level of the mer- cury in this arm then sinks to the point a'. Connection between the arms is then reestablished by means of the cock and the left arm lowered until the level in the right arm is again at a' . The pressure upon the air in the bulb is now found to be h mm. less than at first. Find F, the FIGURE e? BOYLE'S LAW 113 volume of the bulb down to the point , in terms of v, P, and h. 4. In Problem 3, V was found to be 500 cc. A pow- der was introduced into F and the mercury in the right arm brought back to its original height a. The pressure was then found to be 900 mm. 250 cc. of mercury were drawn off at s precisely as above, and the pressure was found to fall to 500 mm. Find the volume of the powder. 5. A volume of 30 cc. of air is confined in the closed arm of a manometer (see Fig. 68) . In the open arm the mercury stands 60 cm. higher than in the closed arm. What will be the difference in the levels when the volume of the air is reduced to 10 cc.? (Bar. Ht. = 76 cm.) XV DENSITY OF AIR Theory The existence of Boyle's Law makes the determination of the density of air at a given temperature a very simple matter, at least in theory. For, let a globe A of known volume Density of . . J . airfromtwo V containing air under atmospheric pressure P, be pressures, a weight and a balanced upon a beam 01 equal arms against some Then let air be forced into the Suppose that the weight body PF (see Fig. 69). globe until the pressure within it is P 2 . now needed to balance the globe is W + w. Since it requires the , same weight to balance the glass in each case, it is evident that w is the weight of the air which has been forced into the globe in changing the pressure from P 1 to P 2 . If, then, V represent the volume of the globe, and d\ and d% the densities of air corre- sponding to the pressures P l and P 2 respectively, it is evident that FIGURE (117) But by Boyle's Law, dl Pl The elimination of d z from which is sought, viz., (117) and (118) gives the density wP, (119) FOP, -P.) If the counterpoise W consists of a few small weights and a closed glass globe of the same external volume as A, any errors which would arise from changes in the barometric height or the tem- perature during the experiment are altogether eliminated, pro- 114 DENSITY OF AIR 115 vided only that the temperature at which the air was introduced into the bulb under pressure P z is the same as that which corre- sponds to P lt For, with this arrangement, the buoyant effect of the air upon both sides of the balance is the same no matter how rapidly the barometric pressure or the temperature may change. This device was first used by Eegnault in his classical determina- tion of the density of air. Experiment To find the density of dry air under existing con- Object. T ' P ditions ot temperature and pressure. DIRECTIONS. 1. In order to obtain dry air for the experi- ment, first see to it that the stopcock c is well greased, then connect the bulb to an air pump through a calcium chloride drying- tube in the manner shown in Fig. 70. A pump capable of produc- FIGURE 70 ing a high vacuum is unnecessary. The water pump of Fig. 87 may be conveniently used. First close the pinchcock s and exhaust. Then very slowly open s, and thus fill A with air whi h has been dried by passage through the calcium chloride ?nmebuU) air tube. Repeat this operation from two to six times, according to the degree of exhaustion obtainable with the pump. Then, in order that the bulb may assume accurately the outside temperature, wait about five minutes before removing the bulb from the drying-tube or closing the cock c. Observe the temperature by means of a thermometer hung near the bulb, then carefully close cock c, remove and weigh as follows : 2. First remove all dust from the bulb and the pans of the analytical balance (see Fig. 71) by means of the camel's-hair brush which will be found in the balance case. Then very care- fully suspend the bulb from one of the hooks c and place upon 116 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT To make Hiefirst weighing. the other pan the counterpoise and a weight of a few grams from the hox of weights, taking pains to touch these weights only with the pincers, never with the fingers. Next release the pans by pushing in and fastening the button e which controls the pan-arrest ; then turn very slowly the milled head a and thus lower the beam-arrest just enough to see whether the pointer begins to move to left or right; i.e., whether the chosen weight is too heavy or too light. This done, raise the beam- arrest immediately, but so slowly as not to endanger the knife- edges by the slightest jar; re- place the chosen weight by the one next heavier or next lighter, and try it in the same way. Take the utmost care never to place a weight on the pans or to take a weight off except when the beam is arrested. Proceeding thus, make a systematic trial of the know gram weights until you between what two consecutive numbers of grams the condition of balance must lie; then try in the same way the milligram weights in order of magnitude until a weight is found such that when the beam-arrest is completely lowered the pointer oscillates near the middle of the scale over from 3 to 6 divisions. A larger swing than this indicates insufficient care in lowering the arrest. The rider r may be used in place of the small milligram weights, if desired, but no attempt should ever be made to add fractional portions of a milligram by means of the rider. Before taking the resting point, raise again the beam-arrest, taking pains to avoid a jar by raising at a time when the pointer is at the middle of its swing, close the face of the balance case so as to shut out all air currents, and stop all swinging of the pans by alternately pressing and releasing the button e which controls the pan-arrest. Then carefully lower first the pan-arrest, then the beam-arrest, and take the resting point R lm This is to be done by averaging the mean of three successive turning points of the pointer on one side with the mean of the two intervening turning points on the other DENSITY OF AIR 117 side. This use of an odd instead of an even number of turning points eliminates completely the effect of damping. The following example taken in connection with Fig. 72, which represents the scale s of Fig. 71, will make clear the method of procedure: TURNING POINTS Left 15 6.8 7.1 7.4 Means 7.10 Right 11.-& 7 11.45 FIGURE 72 9.28 Having determined the resting point R^ slowly raise the beam- arrest when the pointer is in the middle of a swing, then from the absences in the box of weights, count the weights which have been used and check by counting again as the weights are replaced. Call the sum of these weights Wi. Finally, close the bal- ance-case, see that every weight is in its proper compartment in the box of weights, replace the pincers in the box, and place the latter in the drawer of the balance-case. 3. Fill the bulb with air under pressure P 2 as follows: Attach it securely to the pressure a PP aratus shown in Fig. 73. This consists of a bicycle pump p attached to an air- tight jar J, which is furnished with a mercury pressure-gauge g and a calcium chloride drying-tube t. Open communication between the jar and the bulb through the dry- ing-tube, and produce a difference of level of 50 or 60 cm. in the manometer arms. After waiting about five minutes for the com- pressed air to regain the tempera- FIGURE 73 118 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT ture of the room, read simultaneously the two arms of the manometer, and at the same instant close the stopcock c. Take the temperature by means of a thermometer hung near the bulb. If this temperature differs by more than half a degree from that previously taken, the first weighing must be discarded and another taken under the same conditions of temperature as those which here exist. This need not be done until after the completion of 4. 4. To make the final weighing, place the bulb upon the same scale-pan as before and, proceeding exactly as in 2, balance it by means of such weights W t that the pointer again oscil - the second lates near the middle of the scale. Then take the new weighing. resting point R z in precisely the manner described above. If R% coincided exactly with R^ then evidently W z W l would be the weight w which is sought. But, in general, 7? 2 will not coincide with R^ and it is a very slovenly proceeding to attempt to make it do so, as is often done, by repeatedly shifting the position of the rider. The most rapid and the only correct method of making an accurate weighing is to determine the sensitiveness * i.e., tlie number of scale divisions which the pointer is shifted ~b\j the addition of one milligram, and then to calculate by interpolation the exact correction which must be applied to W z in order to bring R 2 precisely into coincidence with J? x ; this is done as follows : Immediately after finding R z , add to the lighter side a small weight, say 2 mg. (1 mg. if the balance is very sensi- tive; this may be done by means of the rider if desired), and take the corresponding resting point 7? 3 . This procedure simply determines the value in milligrams of the scale divisions. Thus, if R 2 = 10.63, and if, upon the addition of 2 mj., R s = 7.01, then 10.63 7 01 the sensitiveness is - - =1.81. From the two resting points RI and R*, and the sensitiveness S, it is a very easy matter * Since, on account of the bending of the balance arms, the sensitive- ness varies with the load, theory requires either that it be determined at each weighing, or else that a table showing the variation of the sensitive- ness with the load be made out once for all and kept for use with the balance. Since, however, with good balances, it generally requires a very considerable change in load to produce an appreciable change in the sensitiveness, it is usually unnecessary to make more than one careful determination of the sensitiveness so long as the loads involved are of about the same magnitude. DENSITY OF AIR 119 to calculate the weight which would need to be added to or sub- tracted from W z in order that the pointer might be brought exactly to the original resting point E^ Thus, in this case, the number of milligrams which would be required to move the pointer from R, [= 10.63] back to E l [= 9.28] is W '^~^'^ = .74. This number of milligrams must be added to or subtracted from W& according as the point 10.63 is farther from or nearer to the bulb than the point 9.28. Let W s represent the corrected value of W z . Then W 3 - }\\ is the w of equations (117) and (119). 5. To find the volume of the 'bulb, fill it either with water or with mercury, and weigh upon the trip-scales. Take the temper- ature of the liquid used and obtain the density from a table (see Appendix). From the weight and density of the liquid calculate V. If the liquid used be mercury, the filling can most easily be done by means of a funnel made by drawing down one end of a piece of glass tubing so as to form a capillary tube long enough to reach into the interior of the bulb. When the bulb is full of mercury, it must of course be handled with extreme care, the stopcock being always left open so as to prevent breakage by expansion. Filling with water may be done in the same way if sufficient pressure be applied to force the water through the capillary tube. It may also be done by alternately heating and cooling the air in the bulb, the neck being kept under water during the cooling. If water be used, the bulb will not be again fit for use until it has been thoroughly dried by repeatedly exhausting after the temperature has been raised above 100 C. by carefully heating with a rapidly moving Bunsen flame. The pressures which occur in the numerator and denominator of (119), viz. P l and P z P 1? must of course be expressed in the same units. If they are expressed in centimeters of mer- Thebaropi- , J , , . , ,, etercorrec- cury, the two columns oi mercury which they represent must have the same temperature.* It is evident, then, that since P% P l represents the difference in the readings of the manometer arms at the temperature of the room, the barometric reading P^ should also correspond to the temperature of the * A difference in temperature not exceeding 5 C. leads to a wholly inappreciable error. It may therefore be overlooked (see table of mercury densities in Appendix). 120 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT room; i.e., for use in (119) the observed barometer height needs correction only for capillarity. But in the table of "Densities of Dry Air" given in the Appendix, the pressures all represent heights of mercury columns at C. Hence, in order to compare your value of d with Regnault's value, which is represented by this table, the observed barometric height must be reduced to C. This reduction is made by multiplying the observed height by the ratio of the densities of mercury at the room temperature and at the zero temperature. To save labor, this correction is worked out for all ordinary temperatures in the table in the Appendix entitled "Reduction of the Barometer Height toO C." (This table also contains a slight correction for the expansion of the brass barometer scale.) Record Bar. Ht. obs'd = corrected for capil'ty= Reduced to 0= cm. Temperature of air corresponding to P l = to P 2 = First resting point [J5J = First weight [W t ] = gm. Second " " [.] = - Second " [W 2 ] = - -gm. Third " " [R 3 ] = Sensitiveness [S] = . ! . correction to be applied to W 2 = mg. . . W 3 = gm. . . weight of air w introduced into bulb (W 9 WJ gm. Gauge reading, long arm = short arm = - . . P 2 P 1 = cm. Wt.ofbulb + Hg .-.Wt.ofHg Tern.- .-. Den. of Hg ' . . V= . '- dj = Regnault's value = % error = Problems 1. A glass tube open at one end is 60 cm. long. The inside is covered with a soluble pigment. After a sea sounding, in which the tube was lowered vertically, open end down, the pigment was found to be dissolved to within 5 cm. of the top. The density of sea water being 1.03, find the depth of the sea. 2. A tube 100 cm. long is half filled with mercury. It is then inverted in a cistern of mercury. How high does the mercury stand in the tube above the cistern? (Bar. Ht. 76 = cm. ) 3. A barometer tube was imperfectly filled. When the space above the mercury contained 10 cc., the barometer indicated 70 cm. pressure. When the space above was reduced to 5 cc. by DENSITY OF AIR 121 pushing the barometer down into the cistern, it indicated 69.5 cm. What was the true barometric height? 4. Show why the true zero of a vibration which is gradually dying down because of damping, is not obtained by taking the mean of two successive turning points, one on the right and one on the left. 5. Show why the true zero is obtained by averaging the mean of two successive turning points on one side with the intervening turning point on the other. XVI THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE Theory It is a fact of common observation that as a body grows hot it increases in volume. Quantitative measurement shows, however, that as different bodies pass through the same change ^ temperature, e. g. , f rom the freezing to the boiling point of water, their expansions per cubic centimeter are widely different. In 1787, however, a Frenchman by the name of Charles announced that all gases show the same expan- sions as they pass between two fixed temperatures. This result was confirmed by Gay-Lussac some twenty years later, in the first series of experiments which were sufficiently exact to thoroughly justify the conclusion. The law is now most generally known by the name of Gay-Lussac, though it is also called the law of Charles. This law, like that of Boyle, has been found by later experiment to be only approximately correct. For the permanent gases, however, the departures are only slight, as will be seen from the table on p. 126. Since the different gases obey Boyle's Law with different degrees of exactness, these departures from the law of Gay-Lussac were to have been expected. In fact, the kinetic theory requiies the result, established by experiment, that the gases which show the largest departures from Boyle's Law, show also the largest deviations from the mean value of the coefficient of gaseous expansion. (See C0 2 and X 2 0.) Direct knowledge of the temperature, i.e., of the hotness, of a body is gained only through the sense of touch. But since, as a body grows hot to the touch, it also expands, this Temperature. J . & . ' . fact of expansion has been made the quantitative measure of change in temperature, even when the change is too slight to be perceived by the touch. Thus, for example, the vol- ume of a given weight of iron is observed first at the freezing point and afterward at the boiling point of water; the increase in volume is then divided into 100 equal parts, and 1 degree rise of 122 THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 123 temperature is arbitrarily defined as any temperature change which will produce an expansion of the iron equal to one of these parts. Thermometers constructed in this way from different substances do not exactly agree with one another for temperatures other than and 100, for the reason that the expansions of the different substances are not generally the same functions of the temperature. Hence, it becomes necessary to choose arbitrarily some particular substance whose expansion shall be taken as the measure of temperature change. The gases possess peculiar advantages for this purpose, first, because all gas thermometers agree with one another (see law of Gay-Lussac) and, second, because the kinetic theory gives to a degree measured upon a gas thermometer a particular physical significance (see below). For these reasons the expansion of a gas has been chosen as the measure of temperature change, and all correct determinations of temperature are now made either by means of gas thern*0meters or else by means of other instruments which have been standard- ized by comparison with gas thermometers. Gas thermometers take two forms: (1) the constant-pressure form, and (2) the constant-volume form. The first consists of any constant- arrangement for measuring the expansion of a gas wnicn is ke P^ under a constant pressure. For example, su PP ose the g as to ^ e confined within the bulb B and dent <>f gases. a par t o f the stem cd (see Fig. 74) by means of a small mercury index i which moves without friction forward or back as the temperature of the bulb rises or falls. Let the stem be open at d, so that the confined gas is FIGURE 74 always under the condition of pressure which exists outside. One degree of change in tem- perature is then defined, in the centigrade system, as any tem- perature change which, starting from any temperature whatever, will produce in the confined gas an increase of volume amounting to - of the increase which takes place when the temperature of the gas 100 passes between the freezing and the boiling points of water. If the barometric pressure never varied, the stem of such a thermometer might easily be graduated so that the instrument would read tern- 124 MOLECULAR PHYSICS A^D HEAT perature directly. It would only be necessary to place it hori- zontally, first in melting ice, then in the steam rising from boiling water; to mark the positions of the index at the two temper- atures ; and then to divide the increase into 100 equal parts. In practice a gas thermometer is never treated in this way, for the reason that such a graduation would give correct temperature readings only for the particular pressure P (e.g., 76 cm.) at which the graduation was made. In general, then, in order to make a correct determination of any unknown temperature with such a thermometer, it is necessary to know, not only the index reading when the bulb is at the unknown temperature , but also the index readings which correspond, at the existing pressure, to the freezing and boiling temperatures. From these three readings the temperature t is obtained without any actual determination of any one of the three volumes, i.e., the volume at [=F ], the vol- ume at 100 [=Fioo], or the volume at t [=FJ; for it is only the volume differences ( V t F ) and ( V m F ) which need be known. Thus it is at once evident from the definition of temper- ature given above, that from such observations the temperature on the centigrade scale is given by (130) oo 100 The observation at 100 can be dispensed with if the actual vol- ume F be determined, and if the coefficient of expansion of the gas between and 100 be known. For, the coefficient of expansion a between any two temperatures ti and t z is defined as the increase in volume corresponding to a rise in temperature from ti to # 2 , expressed in terms of the volume at 0. Thus the following equation is arbitrarily taken as the definition of a be- tween ti and t z : Vt -Vt n (t Z - tl) VQ The coefficient of expansion between and 100 is then evidently given by F 100 FQ THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 125 Now, if this equation be combined with (120), there results ;= Z ^- (133) a KO If, then, a be known, it is evident from (123) that a determina- tion of the temperature t may be made by means of the constant- pressure gas thermometer, by measuring the volume of the gas at 0, and the increase in volume between and t. Either of the characteristic equations of a constant-pressure gas thermometer, (120) or (123), may be taken as the definition of temperature on the centigrade scale. Now suppose that the confined air in the bulb B, after being raised at constant pressure P from the freezing to the boiling c energy, or to discover whether any simple relation exists between the mean kinetic energies of the molecules of different gases which have the same temperature. In 1851, the English physicist Joule worked out in the following way the precise relation which must exist between the pressure exerted by a gas and the mean kinetic energy of the individual molecules. Let the gas be contained in the vessel mn (see Fig. 76), the lengths of whose sides are , #, c, and let N represent the number of molecules in the vessel and v the average velocity of each molecule. The particles are, of course, moving in all possible directions, but, on the whole, the pressure must be just the same as though one-third of them were FIGURE 76 moving parallel to each of the three edges a, Z>, c. If a single particle were alone in the vessel and were moving back and forth parallel to one edge, e. g., to c, v it would make against the upper wall impacts per second ; for v is the distance which it moves per second and 2c is the distance moved between successive impacts against this wall. If there are other molecules present in the vessel, the molecule considered may, of course, collide with them in its excursions to and fro, but, so long as the volume occupied by the molecules themselves is negligible in comparison with the volume of the vessel, the num- ber of impacts against the wall ab will be unaltered by these col- lisions. For (see Ex. VII, Problem 1) when two equal elastic particles collide, the effect is the same as though one particle had passed through the other without influencing it.* Since, then, 1) each particle which is moving parallel to c makes impacts per , * This was proved only for the case of central impact and can not therefore be taken as a complete justification for the preceding statement. However, a more rigorous analysis than the one here given leads to pre- cisely the same final result. 130 MOLECULAR PHYSICS A^D HEAT JV 7 second against the side Z>, and since there are ^ particles so mov- o ing, the total number of impacts per second against ab must be N v x Now, at each impact each molecule first loses all its o lie velocity and then gains an equal opposite velocity. Hence the change in velocity which each molecule experiences at each impact is %v. The change in momentum which each particle experiences at impact is therefore %mv, m being the mass of each molecule. The total change in momentum experienced by the total mass which N v impinges per second against ab is then 2m v x x But rate of O /iC change of momentum is the measure of force (see Ex. II). Hence the force /", which the w&llab experiences because of the molec- ular impacts, is given by - n N v , Nmv* /int\\ /=2)B( , x _ x _ = i _. (139) But the pressure p is by definition the force per unit area. Hence, But abc is merely the volume V of the vessel. Hence equation (130) becomes ^r=-J- Nmv 9 . (131) Now, Boyle's Law asserts that the product of the pressure and volume of any gas is constant so long as the temperature remains constant. Hence, according to equation (131), the condition for constant temperature is a constant mean velocity of molecular motion. If n denote the number of molecules in unit volume, N then n = -^, and (131) becomes p = $ nmv*. (132) The kinetic energy of the n molecules is %nmv*. Hence the pres- sure exerted by a gas is numerically equal to two-thirds of the 'kinetic energy of translation of the molecules in unit volume. E uanit of ket ^ W0 g ases 1 an( ^ ^ be contained in different ves- se ^ s ' ^ut let them have the same temperature and exert tne same P ressure - According to equation (132) temperature. fa e pressure in Vessel 1 is ' p = -3 tiiiniv*. THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 131 Similarly in vessel 2, Now, according to the law of Avogadro, the proof of which will be advanced in the next section, if the two gases exert the same pressure and are at the same temperature, they contain the same number of molecules per unit volume, i.e., in this case HI = %. Hence, i.e., at a given temperature the molecules of all gases have the same average kinetic energy of translation. Thus the kinetic theory leads not only to the conclusion that 1 rise of tem- perature means an increase of kinetic energy amounting to 1 energy, of the zero FIGURE 77 but also that equality of tempera- ture in gases means equality in the average kinetic energies of the molecules. Experiment 1. To determine the pres- sure coefficient ft of air. 2. To standardize a Object "mercury in glass " thermometer by comparing it with an air thermometer. Fig. 77 shows the constant - vol- ume air thermom- eter which is to be used. The volume is kept constant by 132 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT so adjusting the height of the right manometer-arm that the mer- cury in the left arm is brought, before each reading, exactly into coincidence with the platinum point c (see also Fig. 77a). The fine adjustment screw e facilitates this setting. The difference in the mercury levels in the two arms is read off upon the central graduated scale. A mirror is attached to the back of the vernier index i and slides with it so that the readings can be made entirely free from the error of parallax. A three-way stopcock s makes it possible to put the bulb into communication either with the manometer or with the outer air. The form of this cock is shown in Fig. 77b, which represents the position when it is in communica- tion, through the hole o and the tube m, with the manometer. Turning the cock through 180 brings the bulb into communica- tion, through the hole r and the tube n, with the outside air. , A rigid arm ?, which is attached to the sliding collar (7, holds the bulb in place and protects it from breakage. If PQ represent the observed pressure at 0, H the barometric height and h Q the difference between the readings in the two arms when the bulb is surrounded with melting ice and the mercury is brought into exact contact with c, then evidently p =H+h , Ji Q being, of course, negative if the level in the left arm is highei than that in the right. Similarly 1he observed pressure at 100 is given by p m = H+h m , and that at any unknown temperature t, by p t = H+ li t . Now if the conditions assumed in the deduction of (125) and (126) had all been fully realized there would result very simply n PIOO ~ PO PIW~PO "100 ~ UQ . 100 Po lOOjOo ~ 100 (H+ h Q ) 4 - - h - h , . But, in point of fact, p mi p^ andjo, are all slightly different from Aooj PO ? and P,, for the latter correspond to an absolutely constant volume and to a condition in which all of the confined air under- goes tho heating or cooling operation. Since neither of these THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 133 conditions is realized in practice two corrections must be applied to the observed pressures. The first is the correction for the expansion of the bulb. If y represent the cubical coefficient of expansion of glass, (i.e., the expansion P er cc - P er Degree, a quantity which is equal to .000025), then the initial volume V of the bulb will have changed at 100 to F+ 100yF[=F(l + 100y)]. In order to reduce this volume back to F, it would be necessary to apply some pressure x such that (see Boyle's Law), F(1+10 Y) or a-p^l-HOOy). (135) F - ^100 Applying this correction then to both (133) and (134) there results : p m (1 + IQOy) -po p m -p<> yp m . * wo Po "- -" and t . - = o_.* (137) ^o Pp*-ypt But for even moderately accurate results a still further correc- tion must be applied to all of the observed pressures in order to make allowance for that portion of the confined air Correction . . for unheated which escapes the changes in temperature which take r> place within the bulb. Thus it is evident that if the air in the capillary stem and in the space about c fell to the zero temperature, p Q would be somewhat smaller than it is. Similarly if this air were heated with the rest to 100, p^ would have a larger value. The error arising from this source is eliminated by multi- plying the /? and t given by (136) and (137) by a factor of the form i | v P * V po 1 + . 00367*' in which v is the volume of the unheated portion of F, t' the tem- perature of the room near e, and p is p m if the correction is applied to /3, p t if it is applied to t. The deduction of the form of this factor is comparatively easy but will scarcely be found profitable here (see Kohlrausch's Leitfaden der Praktischen Physik, 8th ed., p. 112). Of course, if the barometer height is not 760 mm., the temper- ature of steam will not be exactly 100, and a final modification must be made of (136) to take into account the change Correction . . ... . \ , \ . for boiling in boiling point with change in pressure. The correc- temperature. .. ' , , , ... , tion will be made by replacing the 100 of equation * The last expression is obtained by solving the preceding equation for t. 134 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT (136) by the value of the boiling point taken from table 6 in the Appendix. DIRECTIONS. 1. Lower C' (Fig. 77) until the mercury in the left arm of the manometer is below the three-way stopcock s, The pressure then P en communication through r and n (see 77b), coefficient p. between B and the outside air. Attach to n a calcium chloride drying tube and an exhaust pump precisely as in the last experiment. When B has been thoroughly dried,* turn the cock so as to restore communication with the manometer. Then, with the aid of an ice scraper (see Fig. 78), prepare several quarts of pure shaved ice, pack it carefully about the bulb within any con- venient vessel from which the water may be FIGURE 78 drained, at the same time lowering C' so that the contraction of the air in B may not cause mercury to pass over into the bulb, then pour over distilled water and repack. The water is added both to insure good contact and to make certain that the temperature of the ice is not below 0. A mixture prepared in this way from shaved ice or clean snow gives a perfectly constant zero, but dry ice or snow can not be depended upon. Let the ice surround the whole bulb and the tube t up to the point to which the steam will have access when the bulb is immersed in the steambath. After a lapse of five minutes, adjust C' and e until the mercury just touches the platinum point c\ then set the sliding index i succes- sively upon the tops of the mercury menisci in the two arms, and take the corresponding vernier readings upon the vertical scale. Repeat both the setting and the observations, and see how closely successive values of ho can be made to agree. Next insert an asbestos screen between the bulb and manometer, replace the ice by the steam jacket shown in Fig. 77, and, as soon as the expansion has ceased, make again a series of settings and readings. In order to preclude the possibility of a leak, it is well, during the expansion, to keep the mercury always above the stopcock. After reading the barometer, obtain the volume of unheated air as follows: Place a small beaker underneath n and raise C" carefully until the mercury rises in the capillary tube t to the point to which this tube was * Of course this drying need not be repeated with every experiment. The instructor will decide in each case whether it is necessary or not. THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 135 heated. Then turn the cock s and let mercury run out through n until the mercury level in the left arm has exactly reached the plati- num point c. From the weight of the mercury which has emerged from 5, v can at once be obtained. The volume of J9, viz., F, can be calculated with sufficient accuracy from a careful estimate of the dimensions of the bulb. Or the bulb may be immersed in a graduate and the rise of the water noted. If v is of the order y an error of as much as 10% in the measurement of Fwill introduce into the determination of (3 an error of but one- tenth of one per cent. 2. Having found /?, surround B with a water bath, immerse also in the bath the mercury thermometer which is to be standard- ized, seeing to it that the whole of the mercury in both of mercury bulb and stem is as nearly immersed as possible, and thermometer. , _ .. . , . , find the corrections of the mercury thermometer at about 25C., 50C. and 75C. [see (137)]. In all of these determina- tions, stir the water continually and take no readings until a stationary condition has been reached. Next find (o) the correction of the mercury thermometer at 0, either by filling a large funnel with pure shaved ice, pouring over distilled water and immersing the thermometer up to its mark ; or better still by immersing it in a small vessel of distilled water (see Fig. 79) which is surrounded by a freezing mixture of ice and salt, and noting the point at which, with continual stirring, the mercury becomes stationary. In the latter case it will generally be found to fall below the freezing point and then to rise sud- denly to it as the ice crystals begin to appear. Lastly find the correction at the boiling point by immersing the thermometer up to the mark 100 in a double-walled steam jacket like that shown in Fig. 77. The correc- tion will be the difference between the observed boiling temperature and that given in the Appendix for the exist- ing pressure. It will be positive if the mercury ther- mometer reads too low, negative if it reads too high. ^^ In all readings of thermometers, take great pains to avoid the error of parallax. This is done by placing the stem carefully at right angles to the line of sight. 136 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT From the five observed points plot a curve of thermometer corrections (cf. also the two-point curve of Figure 86, Ex. XVIII). Record 1. Determination of /3. Melting ice 1st setting 2d Steam 1st setting 3d Reading at c = Reading in rt. arm = H =; HQ = Tiioo = Mean 7io = . '. Po = Mean hm = . '. PICO = v = V= . . /3 = % error = 2. Correction of mercury thermometer. H= 1st 2d 25 1st 2d 50 1st 2d 75 1st 2d Ate Rt. arm Means /io ht l . . t ht 2 . . ti ht 3 . . 1 3 By mercury thermometer 1 1 t 2 1 3 Correction of Hg. ther. at at 25 at 50 at 75 at 100 - Problems 1. From equation (126), which defines tf, the measure of tem- perature upon the centigrade scale, show that, if the volume of a gas remain constant while the temperature changes, p h 273 + *!. P h ~ 273 + 4' or, if T denote the temperature measured from a point 273 below 0C., i.e., from the absolute zero, show that A T, pf = T 9 ' (138) 2. Show also that if the pressure of a gas remain constant while its temperature changes, the volume is directly, the density Inversely, proportional to the absolute temperature. '3. Since Boyle's Law gives the variation in density when the pressure alone changes, the temperature remaining constant, it is evident that from this law, and the rule deduced in the preceding problem, the density of a gas can be calculated for all temperatures THE MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE 137 and pressures if it has once been determined for one single value of the temperature and pressure. Thus, given that the density of air atl6C., 745 mm., is .001192; find the density at 0, 745 mm. ; at 0, 760 mm. ; at 120, 755 mm. 4. Find the volume occupied by 28.88 gm. of air at 0, 760 mm. 5. How much work is done against atmospheric pressure when 10 gm. of air at 0, 750 mm., are heated to 50, 750 mm.? 6. In equation (132), nm is merely the mass per unit volume, i.e., the density of the gas. The density of air at 0C., 76 cm., is .001293; hence, find from (132) the average velocity of the molecules of air at this temperature (p must, of course, be expressed in dynes). 7. Air is 14.44 times as heavy as hydrogen. Find the velocity of the hydrogen molecule. What relations do the densities of gases bear to their molecular velocities? XVII LAW OF AVOGADRO DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS Theory The speculations of the old Greek philosophers led some of them to the assumption of the atomic theory as to the constitution of matter; but it was not until 1803 that the English Origin of the . ' . atomic chemist, John Dalton, placed this theory upon an hypothesis. . ' ' i i * experimental rather than upon a purely speculative foundation. Experiments upon the combining powers by weight of different substances reveal four principles which find their most simple and natural interpretation in the atomic hypothesis. These are (1) the principle of constant proportions, (2) the prin- ciple of equivalence, (3) the principle of multiple proportions, (4) the principle of substitution. According to the first principle, the proportions by weight in which the elements enter into a given compound are absolutely invariable. For example, it is found that hydrogen The law of .... constant pro- will unite with chlorine, so as to leave no free hydrogen and no free chlorine, only when the number of grams of hydrogen present bears to the number of grams of chlorine one definite ratio. The same may be said of the combination of hydrogen with bromine or of hydrogen with iodine. These ratios are 1 gm. hydrogen to 35.18 gm. chlorine j 1 gm. hydrogen to 79.36 gm. bromine > (138) 1 gm. hydrogen to 125.90 gm. iodine ) Similarly, the chlorides of potassium, sodium, and silver are always found to contain exactly the following proportions by weight : 38.86 gm. potassium to 35.18 gm. chlorine \ 22.88 gm. sodium to 35.18 gm. chlorine > (139) 107.12 gm. silver to 35.18 gm. chlorine ) 138 DENSITIES OF GASES AXD VAPORS 139 It is evident that the interpretation of this law in the light of a molecular hypothesis as to the constitution of matter can only be that the atoms of each substance are of constant weight and that the molecules of compounds are always of the same atomic com- position. But another and still more significant relation is found to exist. From the examples given above, it is evident that 35.18 gm. of chlorine, 79.36 gm. of bromine, and 125.90 gm. of iodine may be called equivalent quantities in the sense that each one of them combines with exactly the same weight of hydrogen, viz. 1 gm. Similarly, 38.86 gm. of potassium, 22.88 gm. of sodium, and 107.12 gm. of silver may also be called equivalents, since each of them combines with the same quantity of chlorine. These latter substances can not be made to combine with hydrogen directly, but since the numbers given combine with just the number of grams of chlorine which has been found to be the combining equivalent of 1 gm. of hydrogen, these numbars may also be said to have b3en found in this indirect way to be the equivalents in combining power of 1 gm. of hydrogen. So much for the definition of equivalent. Xow the fact of peculiar significance is this: A quantitative analysis of the bromides of potassium, sodium, and silver leads to precisely the same numbers for the equivalent weights of these substances as did a study of the chlorides. Thus the only pro- portions in which these substances will combine with bromine are: 38.86 gm. potassium to 79.36 gm. bromine ) 22.88 gm. sodium to 79.36 gm. bromine > (140) 107.12 gm. silver to 79.36 gm. bromine ) When, further, a study of the iodides leads again to the same three numbers, thus, 38.86 gm. potassium combines with 125.90 gm. iodine \ 22.88 gm. sodium combines with 125.90 gm. iodine > ? (141) 107.12 gm. silver combines with 125.90 gm iodine ) it becomes certain that some very definite physical significance lies behind these numbers. The simplest possible interpretation to put upon them is, to take a particular case, that the particle of potassium which combines with chlorine to form the molecule of potassium chloride is exactly liko the particle which combines with 140 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT bromine to form the molecule of potassium bromide, and with iodine to form the molecule of potassium iodide. If, now, it is decided to adopt a mere convention and call this particle an atom of potassium; if similarly the particle of bromine which enters into hydrobromic acid, and into the bromides of potassium, sodium, and silver be called an atom of bromine; and if a similar convention be adopted with reference to all of the substances thus far mentioned, then the weights of all these atoms in terms of the atom of hydrogen must be simply the numbers, above given, which represent the combining powers with reference to hydrogen, of the elements mentioned. Further, since it has been decided to regard this quantity of each element which enters into the molecule of any of the above compounds as a unit rather than as a combination of two or more units, the following symbols will henceforth be used: hydrochloric acid = HC1, hydrobromic acid = HBr, hydroiodic acid = HI, potassium chloride = KC1, sodium chloride = NaCl, silver chloride = AgCl. Corresponding formulae for the bromides and iodides are: KBr, NaBr, AgBr, KI, Nal, Agl. Of course, these particles which enter into the above combinations may themselves be aggregations of 2, 3, 10, or 1000 smaller particles for aught we know, but so long as no evi- dence is brought forward to show that some sort of compound substance exists, the molecule of which contains a smaller amount of chlorine, for example, than that quantity which is found in HC1, KC1, XaCl, and AgCl, this quantity will be called by com- mon consent, i.e., by definition, the atom of chlorine. An atom would then be defined as the smallest particle of any element which is known to enter into the molecule of any compound. The facts of equivalence which have been above presented, and which constitute one of the strongest arguments for the atomic hypothesis, may be summarized thus: The study of many different compounds leads often to precisely the same number as the combining equivalent of a given element with reference to hydrogen. But in some cases the study of different compounds leads to different numbers for the equivalent of a given element with refer- ence to hydrogen. For example, Dalton found that multiple olefiant gas vielded upon decomposition the two ele- proportions. r .1. , ments carbon and hydrogen in the proportions by weight, 6 carbon to 1 hydrogen, while marsh gas yielded the same DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 141 two elements in the ratio 3 carbon to 1 hydrogen. Further study of other compounds revealed the fact that whenever elements have the power of combining in different proportions, these proportions always bear simple ratios to one another. This is known as the law of multiple proportions. The self-evident interpretation of the law, in the light of a molecular hypothesis, is that it is possible in some cases for two, or three, or some other small number of atoms of a given element to enter into the constitution of a compound molecule. It was probably the discovery of this law of multiple proportions which first convinced Dalton of the truth of the atomic theory. To illustrate it by a further example, there are four different compounds of the elements chlorine, potassium, and oxygen in which the proportions by weight of the three ele- ments are as follows : (143) It will be observed that in all four compounds the potassium and chlorine have exactly the same ratios as in KC1. The simplest and most natural interpretation is that all of the compounds con- tain an atom of potassium and an atom of chlorine. The smallest amount of oxygen found in the molecule of any of these com- pounds weighs then 15.88 times as much as the hydrogen atom. If this amount be called the oxygen atom (at least until some smaller amount is found to enter into some other sort of molecule), then the second compound contains two atoms of oxygen, the third three, the fourth four, and the formulae for the four substances are KC10, KC10 2 , KC10 3 , and KC10,. It will have been already observed that the fact of combination in multiple proportions introduces an uncertainty into the deter- The rind u m i na ^i n ^ the true combining equivalents, i.e., the of substitution, atomic weights of some elements. For example, from Dalton's experiments on olefiant gas and marsh gas, it might be inferred that the atomic weight of carbon was 6 and the formula for olefiant gas CH and for marsh gas CH 2 . But 3 might with equal reason be taken as the atomic weight of carbon, and 2 H CHLORINE POTASSIUM OXYGEN 35.18 38.86 15.88" 35.18 38.86 31.76 35.18 38.86 47.64 35.18 38.86 63.52> 142 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT and OH as the corresponding formulae. The following experi- ment, however, makes it certain that the molecule of marsh gas contains at least four hydrogen atoms. It is found that, by suc- cessive treatments with chlorine, marsh gas can be made to yield five different compounds in which hydrogen, carbon, and chlorine are combined in the following proportions by weight: HYDROGEN CHLORINE CARBON 4 11.91 3 35.18x1 11.91 2 35.18x2 11.91 1 35.18x3 11.91 35.18x4 11.91, The existence of this series proves that the hydrogen in marsh gas is divisible into at least four parts, and that 1, 2, 3, or 4 of these parts may at will be replaced by 1, 2, 3, or 4 atoms of chlorine. It is certain, then, that there must be as many as four atoms of hydrogen in the molecule of marsh gas. If the quantity of carbon present in this molecule be provisionally assumed to be the atom (an assumption which is justified by the study of the other carbon compounds), the formula for marsh gas becomes CH 4 ; for olefiant gas, CH 2 ; and the hydrogen equivalent of carbon, i.e., its atomic weight, is fixed not at 6 or 3 but at 12 (accurately at 11.91). Again, since water is found to contain hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 1 to 7.94, this might at first be taken as the ratio of the weights of the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, and the symbol for water written HO. This would indeed be inconsistent with the interpretation put upon the series (142), from which it was inferred that the atomic weight of oxygen was 15.88. It would be possible, however, to reconcile this difficulty by assuming the formulae for the compounds in (142) to be KC10 2 , KC10 4 , KC10 6 , KC10 8 , an assumption not very natural, it is true, since the new formulae at once suggest that it is 2 rather than 0, which is the oxygen unit. But the principle of substitution leaves no doubt as to which of the above possibilities must be chosen. For if potassium be allowed to act on water, a portion of the hydrogen is drawn off and replaced by potassium ; if it be allowed to act again, all of the hydrogen is replaced, the proportions by weight in the three compounds being as follows: DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 143 HYDROGEN POTASSIUM OXYGEN 2 15.88 1 38..S6 15.88 77.72 15.88 This series makes it certain that there are at least two atoms of hydrogen in the water molecule, and therefore supports the first conclusion that the atomic weight of oxygen is 15.88, and the constitution of water H 2 0. This gradual replacement of a given element of a compound by successive reactions is called substitution. After the atomic weights of carbon and oxygen have been fixed at 11.91 and 15.88, the discovery that carbon monoxide contains these elements in exactly these proportions, and that Some other J . ' atomic carbon dioxide contains the same elements in the pro- cjie'micni portions 11.91 to 31.76, leads at once to the formulae CO and C0 2 to represent the chemical constituents of these gases. Again, when carbon and nitrogen are found to unite in the ratio 11.91 to 13.93, and carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen in the ratio CARBON NITROGEN HYDROGEN 11.91 : 13.93 : 1 it is natural to take 13.93 as the probable value of the weight of the nitrogen atom. Then the formula for nitric oxide, which contains 13.93 gm. of nitrogen to 15.88 gm. of oxygen, becomes NO, and that for nitrous oxide, in which nitrogen and oxygen are found in the ratio 13.93 to 7,94, becomes N 2 0. Furthermore, the fact that sulphur combines with chlorine in the ratio 31.83 to 35.18, and also with bromine in the ratio 31.83 to 79.36, sug- gests 31.83 as the atomic weight of sulphur. Enough has now been said to show how, aided only by the laws of combination, chemists, beginning with Dalton, set about devising tables of atomic weights and molecular consti- Awgadro tutions; tables which, to be sure, were only provisional, since it might sometimes be difficult to determine whether the atomic weight of a substance should be represented by a certain number, or by some simple multiple or sub-multiple of that number. But as more compounds were investigated, the choices became more and more restricted, and it can scarcely be doubted that the study of combining powers alone would have led 144 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT ultimately to most of the now accepted values of atomic weights and chemical formulae, even if Avogadro's Law had never been discovered. The discovery of this law, however, facilitated greatly the work of fixing these quantities. The law was announced in 1811 by the Italian chemist whose name it bears. It asserts that at a given temperature and pressure all gases contain the same number of molecules per cubic centimeter. The proof of the law rests upon a remarkable relation which is found to exist between the combining powers of substances and their gas or vapor densities. The following table* brings out clearly this striking relation. The column headed "Density" represents the results of experiments upon the relative densities, at a given temperature and pressure, of a number of the gases already men- tioned. For convenience of representation, the density of hydro- gen gas is taken as 2. GAS DENSITY ATOMIC WEIGHT Hydrogen 2 1 Nitrogen 27.82 13.93 Oxygen 31.80 15.88 Chlorine 70.72 35.18 Bromine 159.54 79.36 Iodine 254.73 125.90 Sulphur 64.06 ' 31.83 MOLECULAR WEIGHT Hydrochloric acid (HC1) 36.30 36.18 U + 35.18) Marsh gas (CH 4 ) 16.08 15.91 (11.91 + 4) Carbon monoxide (CO) 27.95 27.79 (11.91 + 15.88) Carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) 44.10 43.67 (ii.Qi + 15.88 x 2) Nitric oxide (NO) 29.95 29.81 (13.93 + 15.88) Nitrous oxide (N 2 0) 44.10 43.74 (13.93 x 2 + 15.88) Water (H 3 0) 18.03 17.88 (2+15.88) It is seen that in the lower group of substances the numbers which represent vapor densities in terms of a gas one-half as dense as hydrogen are throughout almost identical with the numbers which represent the weights of the molecule in terms of the weight of the hydrogen atom, as above defined. But if the weights of the individual molecules of a number of gases bear the same ratios *See Landolt and Bornstein, Physikalisch-chemische Tabellen, pp. 115, 116; and Wullner, Experimental Physik, Vol. II, p. 802. DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 145 as the weights of the gases per cc., then evidently the number of molecules per cc. must be the same in all the gases. This remarkably simple conclusion, which applies necessarily to all of the gases of the second group, provided the conclusions above reached as to their molecular constituents are correct, is seen to apply also to all the gases of the first group, if only the molecules of the gases, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and sulphur, be assumed to be twice as heavy as the atoms . of these substances ; that is, if these molecules are composed each of two atoms, thus, H 2 , X 2 , 2 , C1 2 , Br 2 , I 2 , S 2 ; for then the molecular weights become 2, 27.86, 31.76, 70.36, 158.72, 251.80, arid 63.66 respectively, numbers which are in remarkably close agreement with those given in the column of densities. Xow, it is found that with equally simple choices as to the molecular constitutions of those gases in which thajcombining powers of the constituent elements leave two or m6ra choices open, the densities of all known gases become identicg]Lwith their molecular weights. This constitutes overwhelmm^evidence for the truth of Avogadro's hypothesis. It is this fa$ of agreement between molecular weights and vapor densities v&y&Js the experi- mental basis for the law of Avoyadro.* Tliis agreement is least perfect in the cases of those gases which Sh the largest depar- tures from Boyle's Law. For actual ga^es this law, therefore, like those of Boyle,and Gay-Lussac, is only a close approximation. -Experiment 1. T<^ ue^mine the density of C0 2 and to compare the same wjth its molecular weight. 2. To determine,*,,the density ot^Vfater vapor and to compare the same with its. molecular weight.^ * A glass globe^bf known volume V is weighed, first when full of air at temperature T (absolute), pressure P x , then when full of the unknowi^ts at temperature T 2 , pressure P t . In these weighings a*closed bulb of the same volume as *The proof of this law* which Maxwell first drew from the kinetic theory a proof which rests upon the Maxwell-Boltzman law of the dis- tribution of energies between two sets of unlike particles in a gaseous mixture, and which has since been given a place in a large number of chemical and physical texts can not be recognized as adequate. (See Note by Rayleigh in Maxwell's Theory of Heat, 10th ed., p. 326.) 140 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT the density globe is used as a counterpoise so as to eliminate all effects due to changes in the buoyancy of the air. If the differ- ence between the first and second weighings be represented by w (w being of course negative if the second weight exceeds the first), the density of the gas at T Z P Z by d 02 , the density of air at T^ by d ai , then evidently Vd ai - Vd n =w* (145) Further, since density is directly proportional to pressure when the temperature remains constant (see Boyle's Law), and inversely proportional to absolute temperature when the pressure remains constant (see Ex. XVI, Problem 2) , it is evident that the equation which expresses the relation between the densities of air at T l P l and at T 2 P 2 is d ~ p #a 2 r< * 2 1 Now, the quantity which will be first sought in this experiment is the density of the unknown gas in terms of the density of air at the same temperature and pressure, i.e., -p-- This is obtained dai easily from (145) and (146). Thus, substitution in (145) of the value of d ai obtained from (146) gives TTTl ai) i Z W whence f: 2 = p s Trv^- All of the quantities on the right side of (147), excepting^, are measured directly in the experiment. d a2 is obtained from (146) and the result of Ex. XV; or, if it is found more convenient to determine d ai than d a ^ (147) may, with the aid of (146), be thrown into the form *In this equation the expansion of the bulb is neglected, because in neither of the following determinations will it affect the result by more than a small fraction of one per cent. If it is desired to take it into account it is only necessary to replace (145) by Vd ai V(l -}- yt)d aa = w (in which 7 is the expansion coefficient of glass and t the number of degrees between T l and T 2 ), and then to solve precisely as above. DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 147 Finally, since air is 14.44 times heavier than hydrogen, it is only necessary to multiply the density of the unknown gas in terms of air by 28.88 in order to obtain its density in terms of a gas one- half as heavy as hydrogen. This is the quantity which, accord- ing to the law of Avogadro, should agree with the molecular weight. DIRECTIONS. 1. For convenience in filling and weighing, the density globe, the capacity of which is about 250 cc., is provided with two taps a and b (see Fig. 80). The volume of this globe is first to be found by filling it with water and weighing upon the trip scales. The density of water at the observed temperature is to be taken from the table of water FIGURE 80 densities in the Appendix. V is, of course, the ratio of the weight and density of the water. Having found F, dry the globe by carefully rinsing it with alcohol and then forcing through it a current of air from a bel- lows, at the same time heating srentlv bv means of a Filling with r J L . . air and rapidly moving Bunsen flame. Continue this opera- tion until all odor of alcohol has disappeared from the bulb. Then, after carefully lubricating the stopcocks, connect the bulb with the bellows through a calcium chloride drying- tube, as in Fig. 80, and force through the combination a very gentle current of air for about one minute. Then close tap b and allow the apparatus to stand in this condition for about five min- utes, shielding the bulb as much as possible from temperature changes. Xext close tap , read the barometer, and take the temperature by means of a thermometer hung near the bulb. Then detach the bulb, carefully remove all dust and grease from 148 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT its surface, and weigh upon an analytical balance, using a counter- poise of the same volume as the globe and following the directions given in Ex. XV for the first weighing. It is particularly impor- tant that no mercury be allowed to touch the bulb, as it is nearly impossible to remove small mercury globules from a glass sur- face. After weighing, put the bulb into connection, through the drying-tube, with a reservoir. of C0 2 or with a vessel in which the gas is being generated; and, keeping the bulb in such co, and position that the exit tap is on top, allow a gentle current of the gas to flow through the bulb for about two min- utes. Find the temperature of the issuing gas by placing, at the orifice of the exit tap, the bulb of the thermometer previously used. Then close first the entrance, then the exit tap ; detach the bulb and re-weigh, following the directions given in Ex. XV for the sec- ond weighing. If neither the temperature nor the pressure differs appreciably from the values taken in connection with the first weighing, (147) reduces to rfw-i " d a ,~ ~Vd a ,' w being itself negative in this case, since C0 2 is heavier than air.* 2. The method here used for determining the density of water vapor in terms of air does not differ in principle from that employed with C0 2 . Since, however, the maximum Filling the pressure which water vapor is able to exert at ordinary temperatures is less than atmospheric pressure (see Ex. XVIII), it is evident that it must be impossible under ordinary atmospheric conditions wholly to replace the air in the density globe by water vapor. This can be done easily at any tem- perature at which the maximum pressure of water vapor is more than atmospheric, e.g., at 150C. Hence the following direc- tions : After carefully drying the bulb B (see Fig. 81), by repeatedly *Precisely the same method may be used with gases lighter than air, save that in this case the exit tap should be at the bottom during the filling. However, all of the standard determinations of gas densities have been made with bulbs provided with but one tap rather than with two as here described. The bulb has then been completely exhausted before being put into connection with the gas reservoir. DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 149 warming and exhausting through a calcium chloride tube as in Ex. XV, make a first weighing upon an analytical balance, using, as above, a counterpoise of the same volume as B. Then place the capillary orifice o beneath the surface of distilled water, and warm the bulb slightly by means of the hand. Upon cooling, one or two cubic cen- timeters of water will be drawn into the bulb. Next, com- pletely immerse the bulb in melted paraffin (see Fig. 81), leaving but a few centimeters of the capillary tube projecting above the surface of the liquid. Keep the temperature of the bath constant, at, say, 120 C., by very thorough and con- tinuous stirring, and by a proper regulation of the Bun- sen burner. The rapid vapor- ization of the water will drive FIGURE si all air from B. If a flame "be held in front of 0, it will be seen to be deflected by the rapid current of issuing steam. When the cessation of this deflec- tion indicates that the water in B has entirely boiled a\vay, seal the globe by means of a fine blow-pipe flame. This is best don by heating the tube to softness just above the paraffin and then drawing off the tip. As soon as the sealing is complete, take readings of the temperature of the bath and of the barometer height. Then remove the bulb, clean it thoroughly with a cloth while the paraffin is still hot, and test for a leak by allowing the condensed steam to run down to the tip of the tube and observing whether or not fine bubbles enter the bulb. Then, after cooling to the temperature of the room, again weigh the bulb together with the drawn-off tip. To find the volume of the bulb, file off under water the sealed tip. The bulb will at once fill with water. Weigh this bulb full 150 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT of water upon the trip scales, and compute the volume as in the experiment with C0 2 . If the bulb does not completely fill with water, the filling may be completed by means of a buib meof Pipette. It is true that (147) and (148) are not then rigorously correct, but unless the bubble is quite large, the error introduced will be negligible. Record 1. Weight on trip scales of bulb = - of bulb -f water = Temperature of water = . . density of water = . . V = Wt. added to counterpoise to balance globe -f- air = rest'g pt. = Wt. added to counterpoise to balance globe -f- CO 2 = rest'g pt. = Rest'g pt. after addition of 2 mg.= .-. sensitiveness = .\w = 'fa-= -X 28.88 = - - molecular wt. = - % error = - Wt. added to counterpoise to balance globe -f- air = rest'gpt. = Wt. added to counterpoise to balance globe -f- H 2 O = rest'g pt. = Rest'g pt. after addition of 2 mg. = .. sensitiveness = ..? = Weight on trip scales of bulb = of bulb -f water = Temperature of water = . . density of water = .: V= X 28.88 = -- molecular wt. = error = -- Problems 1. One gram of air was introduced into an empty spherical bulb of radius 10 cm. Find the pressure, in mm. of mercury, which the gas exerted against the walls of the bulb when the temperature was 25 C. 2. Find the pressure which the same weight of N^O gas would exert in the same vessel at the same temperature. Compute similarly for hydrogen gas; for CH 4 gas. 3. One gram of nitrogen and 1 gram of HJS are introduced together into the bulb used in the first Problem. Find the pres- sure at 25 C DENSITIES OF GASES AND VAPORS 151 4. Find the volume which 2 grams of hydrogen will occupy at 0C. 76 cm. The same for 32 grams of oxygen; for 30 grams NO. Explain the connection between the results. 5. Find the density of air at 100 C. 76 cm. ; of water vapor. If the density of water at 100C. 76 cm. is .95852, find how many times water expands upon vaporizing. 6. Find the density of alcohol vapor at 72 76 cm., the formula for alcohol being C 2 H 6 0. If the density of alcohol at 72 is .8, find how many times alcohol expands upon vaporizing. XVIII THE PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE CURVE OF A SATURATED VAPOR Theory If the molecules of gases and of vapors are in rapid motion, the molecules of liquids must be also, for no fundamental distinc- tion exists between the liquid and the gaseous con,di- theoryof tions. At high temperatures the two states become absolutely identical. At temperatures below a cer- tain critical value, however, the possession of a clearly marked surface may be taken as the distinguishing feature of a liquid. Figures 82 and 83 illustrate the probable differences between the motions of the molecules in gases and in liquids at ordinary temperatures and pressures. In the former (Fig. 82) the mole- FlGURE 82 cules are so far apart that their mutual attractions may in general be neglected. They move in straight lines through distances which are large in comparison with their own dimensions. Their motions change direction at collision only. The zigzag line repre- sents a possible path of one single molecule in going from position 1 to position 1' and making impacts in so doing against molecules 2, 3, 4, etc., up to 12. The mean distances traversed between 152 TENSION OF SATURATED VAPOR 153 successive collisions by a molecule of air at 0C., 76 cm., is only about .00006 mm., but this is a distance which, small as it is, is at least 100 times as large as the diameter of the molecule. In liquids, on the other hand (see Fig. 83), the molecules are crowded so closely together that their mo- tions between impacts are extremely minute of the same order of mag- nitude as the molecules themselves and at the surface of the liquid, where there is greater freedom of motion, the paths of the particles are influenced not only by collisions but also by the attractions of the other molecules. On account of FIGURE 83 the enormous number of molecules present in or near the surface, this downward force upon a mole- cule just above the surface is doubtless very large; so large, in fact, that the molecules which are moving away from the surface are in general unable to leave it. They simply rise to a certain distance by virtue of their velocities, after the manner of project- iles shot up from the earth, and then fall back again into the liquid. Their paths near the surface thus become similar to the forms shown in Fig. 83. The zigzag line in the figure repre- sents a possible path of a particle in the body of a liquid. But conditions may arise which render possible the escape of a molecule from the liquid; for it must not be assumed, either in the case of liquids or of erases, that the molecules of The kinetic theory and the same substance all have the same velocity, for even vaporization. . if they were all given a common velocity to begin with, the collisions would at once create differences. Again, although constancy of temperature means that the mean velocity reniains the same, the velocity of each individual molecule will in general change at each impact. . The conditions of impact must often be such that a molecule receives a velocity much greater than the mean value. If the substance be a liquid, and if one of these more rapidly moving molecules be near the surface, it maybe able to break through the thin space in which the powerful attraction exists, and to move off as an independent molecule into the space above. It thus happens that the space above the liquid in a 154 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT closed vessel gradually becomes filled with the gaseous form of the substance of the liquid. This gas becomes more and more dense as more molecules escape, but there is evidently a limit to its pos- sible density, for many of the escaped molecules chance, in their wanderings, to return to the surface and reenter the liquid. The number of molecules thus returning per second evidently increases as the number of molecules above the liquid increases, i.e., it is proportional to the density of the vapor. When this density has reached a certain limit, there is set up a condition of "active equilibrium" in which as many molecules reenter the liquid per second as escape. When this condition is reached, the vapor is .said to be saturated, that is, it has the largest density which it is ever able to have at the existing temperature, and it therefore exerts the largest pressure which it ever can exert at this tem- perature. But, if the temperature be raised, the vapor can evidently have a larger density, for the number of molecules escaping per second must be greater at the higher temperature, i.e., at the Dependence ... _ ^ ' of the den- higher mean velocity, and hence the density ot the pressure of vapor must be greater before the condition of equilib- a saturated ... ., . ,. , i -, , i vapor upon rium is set up. Also, since the pressure exerted by the temperature. . vapor is proportional both to the density and to the mean kinetic energy of each impact, and since both density and kinetic energy increase with temperature, it is evident that the pressure must rise with two-fold rapidity as the temperature rises. But, if the temperature be held constant, all attempts to increase the density or the pressure of a vapor which is in con- Density and ^ ac ^ w ^ n ^ s liquid in a closed vessel must be futile. independent ^ see ^is clearly, conceive of a few drops of ether of volume. inserted into a barometer so as to fill the space above the mercury with ether and saturated ether vapor (see Fig. 84). As soon as the density of this vapor is temporarily increased by compression, i.e., by lowering the tube in the cistern, the equi- librium at the surface is destroyed, and immediately more mole- cules begin to enter the liquid per second than escape from it. Hence, in a very short time, enough ether condenses to restore the old condition of density and pressure. Similarly, raising the tube and thus increasing the volume occupied by the vapor diminishes the number of molecules which reenter the liquid per second, TENSION OF SATURATED VAPOR 155 while leaving the number which escape, unchanged ; hence equilibrium is soon reestablished at the old density and pressure. This can be proved easily by observing that raising or lowering the tube does not alter the height of the mercury in the tube above the mercury in the cistern. This readjustment to equilibrium conditions takes place almost instantly when the space contains only the liquid and its vapor. The presence of air or of any Retarding , , . a influence other gas exerts a very marked influence upon the time required for adjustment, but does not affect the ultimate result. Thus, in Fig. 84, the density and pressure of the ether vapor at a given temperature are ultimately the same whether air is present in the tube or not, i.e., just as much liquid will evaporate into a space filled with air as into a vacuum. But whereas, when the ether is introduced into a vacuum, the maximum density of the vapor is reached in a few seconds, when it is introduced into a space containing air, the condition of saturation may not be reached for a number of hours. Of course, if air be present, the total pressure against the walls is the sum of the pressures of the air and of the vapor. If the liquid be contained in a vessel which is open to FIGUB the air, so that the pressure can not rise above the atmospheric condition, the vapor which forms is continually being Effect of air ' . . , , J ? currents upon removed by diffusion and by air currents, so that it never reaches its maximum density, i.e., the rate of exit of molecules from the liquid always remains greater than the rate of entry. Hence the liquid gradually disappears or ''evap- orates." The rate of this evaporation evidently depends upon th rapidity with which the vapor above the liquid is removed. Hence it is that fanning greatly facilitates evaporation. The cooling effect of evaporation is very easily understood in the light of the kinetic theory. For, since it is only the more rapidly moving molecules which are able to break away The cooling * %_ ,. ,. , , ,,. - ,, effect of from the attraction which exists near the surface, the mean kinetic energy of the molecules of the liquid is continually being diminished by the loss of the most energetic members. And since temperature is a function of the average j 156 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT molecular energy, this loss means, of course, a continual reduction of the temperature of the liquid. This fall of temperature would continue indefinitely if the liquid did not soon become so much cooler than the surrounding objects that it receives heat from them as rapidly as it loses it by evaporation. This passage from the liquid to the vaporous condition by sur- face evaporation takes place to some extent at all temperatures The toning wnenever tne space above the liquid is not' saturated. temperature. AS the temperature is increased, outside conditions remaining the same, it takes place more and more rapidly, until finally a temperature is reached at which it begins to. take place not simply at the surface but also within the body of the liquid, i.e., bubbles of vapor begin to form beneath the surface upon the sides of the containing vessel, whence they rise to the top, grow- ing rapidly as they ascend. It is at once evident that this condi- tion can not be reached until the maximum pressure exerted by the vapor which is formed from the liquid is at least equal to the outside pressure; for, if the pressure exerted by the vapor in the bubbles were less than that outside, these bubbles, even if formed, would at once collapse., This temperature, then, at which the pressure of the saturated vapor becomes equal to the outside pressure, is called the boiling temperature. It does not follow, however, that a liquid will always boil as soon as its temperature reaches the boiling point as here defined. In fact, the temperature of a boiling liquid must always be at least a trifle higher than that at which the pressure of the saturated vapor is equal to the outside pressure, for the pressure within the bubble must be sufficient to overcome not only the outside pressure but also the weight of the superimposed liquid and the surface tension of the bubble (see Ex. XXI). When the bubble, however, rises to the surface and breaks, the pressure exerted by the vapor which was contained within it must fall exactly to the atmospheric condition, and the temperature of this vapor must also fall, by virtue of expansion, to that temperature at which the pressura of th^ saturated vapor is equal to the existing atmospheric pressure. Hence, a ther- mometer ivhich is to indicate the true boiling temperature according to the above definition must be placed not in the boiling liquid itself but in the vapor rising from it. The temperature of the liquid itself is a very uncertain quan- TENSION OF SATURATED VAPOR 157 tity. Gay-Lussac found that the temperature of boiling water in a glass vessel was usually 1 to 3 higher than in a metal ves- sel. For the reasons above mentioned, it must always be The temper- , . i . , ,-, ., . ... , , -, ature of a trine higher than the boiling; point ; but under some theliquid. . circumstances it may rise many degrees above this temperature. For it is by no means necessary that bubbles of vapor begin to form as soon as the temperature is reached at which they are able to exist after being formed. The presence of air in the water or occluded in the walls of the containing vessel is found to be essential to the genesis of bubbles. A Frenchman named Donny found, in 1846, that when he very carefully removed this air he could raise the temperature of water in a glass vessel to 138 C. before boiling began. But in all such cases, since the pressure of the saturated vapor corresponding to the temperature of the water is much more than the atmospheric pressure, as soon as a bubble once starts it grows with explosive rapidity and produces the familiar phenomenon of "boiling with bumping." In 1861 another Frenchman, Dufour, succeeded in raising globules of water immersed in oil to a temperature of 175 C. Experiment To determine the variation of the boiling point with the pressure, (1) by the static method; (2) by the dynamic method. DIRECTIONS. 1. The apparatus used in the static method is shown in Fig. 85. The bulb J9, originally open at c, was first half filled with mercury. The long arm (about 5 mm. in diam- eter), also originally open at the top, was then exhausted and inclined till the mercury completely filled it up to a point at which it had been drawn down to capillary dimensions. The tube was then sealed off at this point, so that whe.n the instrument was vertical the difference between the levels of the mercury in the bulb and in the tube was equal to the barometric height. the bulb Water was then inserted at c and boiled until the air was all driven from the bulb, when the opening at c was sealed off. Since, then, only water and water vapor exist above the mercury in the bulb, the difference between the levels in the 158 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT The readings. bulb and in the tube gives at once the pressure of the saturated water vapor in the bulb. It is, there- fore, only necessary to vary the temperature of the bulb in order to obtain the curve expressing the relation between the temperature and the pres- sure of saturated water vapor. The whole bulb is to be placed in a jar of water whose temperature is first to be lowered, by the insertion of ice, to nearly 0C., and then slowly raised to about 50 C. by pouring in hot water and siphoning off the cold. At about 50 it is well to replace the glass jar by a metal pail and thenceforth to heat slowly to 100 by means of a Bunsen flame. Between and about 70C. readings of the pres- sure are to be taken at intervals of 10 to 12, between 70 and 100 at intervals of about 4. The water must be very vigorously stirred throughout the experiment', and the temperature should be held constant for at least one minute before a reading is taken. The thermometer readings must all be cor- rected. (1) for the errors of the instrument itself, and ( 2 ) f r the len g tn of the exposed thread of mercury. If the first cor- thermometer. re ction is to be made accurately, the FIGURE 85 thermometer should be one which has been com- pared with a standard, as in Ex. XVI. If, how- ever, this comparison has not been made, the corrections may be obtained with a moderate degree of accuracy by observ- ing the corrections at the freezing and boiling points and interpolating between these points for the corrections at other temperatures. Thus, suppose that when wrapped in one layer of flannel and packed in shaved ice over which a little water has been poured, the thermometer reads -0.2, and that when com- pletely immersed to the top of the thread in a steam bath upon a day on which the boiling point of water should be 99.4, the reading is 100.5. The corrections at and 100 are then +.2 and -1.1 respectively. If these two corrections be plotted as ordinates Corrections TENSION" OF SATURATED VAPOR 159 upon a horizontal line representing temperatures, and if the ends of these ordinates be connected by a straight line, as in Fig. 86, the corrections for intermediate temperatures may be read off FIGURE 86 Correction for the ex- posed thread. from this curve. Thus, in this case, the correction at 10 is-f.l, at 40 it is -.3, at 95 it is -1.05, etc. The correction for the exposed thread is obtained by adding to the observed temperature .OOOWl(t ^ ), in which / is the length in degrees of the exposed thread of mercury, t the observed temperature corrected according to (1), t Q the mean temperature of the exposed column obtained from a second thermometer whose bulb hangs about the middle of this column, and .00016 the apparent expansion coefficient of mercury in glass [.000181 (= coef. of Hg) - .000025 (= coef. of glass) - .00016, approximately]. In order to compare the results with tabulated values of vapor pressures, it is necessary to express all pressures in terms of col- umns of mercury at 0C. This correction is made as usual by multiplying the observed heights by the ratio of the densities of mercury at the mean temperature of the observed column and at (see Appendix). This correction may be made very roughly, for it is only at the higher temperatures that it amounts to more than the observa- tional errors. The mean temperature of the column may be taken from a third thermometer hung near its middle point. The observed pressure will need a still further cor- Correctfon .,, _ . . , for capillary rection on account of the capillary depression of the depression. mercury m the tube. This correction may be taken from the table in the Appendix. 2. The dynamic method consists in the direct observation of the temperatures of the steam which rises above a boiling liquid Reduction of the ob- served pres- sures to oC. 160 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT made to boil under varying pressures. In Fig. 87, A represents an air-tight metal boiler, which may be replaced if need be by a simple long-necked glass flask. B is a condenser through which \D FIGURE 87 a slow current of water is passed from the tap TI . It is only by The water virtue of the immediate condensation of the steam as it forms that the pressure within the boiler can be kept constant. C is an air-tight chamber of sufficient capac- ity (in this case about 4 liters) to prevent irregularities in the boiling from producing appreciable changes in the pressure. The only other essential features of the apparatus are a manom- eter D and any sort of an air pump. That shown in the figure is a Bunsen water pump, such as may be very conveniently used TENSION OF SATUBATED VAPOR 161 in any laboratory which is supplied with running water. As soon as the tap T z is opened, a jet of water rushes through the orifice at o and draws with it the air from the chamber^, thus exhaust- ing any vessel with which E is connected. H is a trap to prevent water from being sucked back into the manometer when the pump is stopped. F is a three-way stopcock (see Fig. 77b, p. 131) by means of which the boiler may be put into connection either with the pump or with the air, or cut off entirely from out- side communication. G is also a three-way cock, which is inserted so that it may be unnecessary to disconnect the boiler if it is desired to use the water pump for exhausting purposes in other experiments. First, start the circulation in the condenser, then turn F until A is in communication with the air, and start the water to boil- * n &' After the conditions have become stationary, rea( j the barometer and the boiling temperatures. Then turn F so that the boiler communicates with the pump, and allow the water to run until a difference of 5 or 10 cm. has been produced in the arms of the open mercury manometer D. In this regulation of pressure, strive to duplicate as nearly as possible some pressure used in the static method. Next close ^entirely, stop the pump, and after waiting about two minutes take several observations of the new boiling point and the corresponding pressure. Then again start the pump, put the boiler into con- nection with it, and reduc'e the pressure to some second value used in 1. Continue in this way until the boiling temperature has fallen to about 75 C. In this method the observations can not be conveniently carried to temperatures lower than 75, because, with much further exhaustion, the difficulty of boiling with bumping is encountered. By attaching a bicycle pump to F, the boiling point for pressures somewhat higher than 76 cm. can be investigated. Correct the thermometer readings exactly as in 1, and tabulate results in the form shown in the Record. Finally, it is required to plot in the note-book a full-page curve in which temperatures are represented by abscissae, and pressures by ordi- nates. The book values are to be indicated by dots, the values obtained in 1 by crosses, and those obtained in 2 by circles. The smooth curve, which comes as nearly as possible to touching all these points, is the curve required. 162 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT Record IST METHOD 2D METHOD ' , , ., Book TEMPERATURES PRESSURES TEMPERATURES PRESSURES val- cor- cor- pres- rected rected red'c'd cor- cor- baro- mano- total sures obs'd for (1) for (2) obs'd to rected obs'd rected meter meter red'c'd Problems 1. Assume that the laws which hold for ideal gases hold also for vapors up to the very point of saturation, i.e., assume that equation (146) is applicable to saturated vapors. Then, with the aid of the known density of air at 0, 76 cm., viz., .001293, the density of water vapor in terms of air, viz., .624, equation (146), and the above values for the pressures of saturated water vapor, calculate the densities of saturated water vapor at 10 C., at 40 C., at 70C., at 100C., and compare with the observed densities given in the table in the Appendix. The results will show how closely the gas laws apply even to saturated vapors. 2. In a uniform barometer tube in which the mercury stands but 40 cm. high, the space above the mercury is 40 cm. long, and contains at first only dry air. A few drops of ether are then introduced into the tube. If the tension of saturated ether vapor at the temperature of the room is 30 cm., find to what height TENSION OF SATURATED VAPOR 163 above the mercury in the cistern the mercury in the tube will ultimately fall. 3. If the bulb of the apparatus shown in Fig. 85 were gradually heated above 100, would any temperature ever be reached at which the water within the bulb would be observed to boil? 4. Explain why, from the standpoint of the kinetic theory, a lower temperature can be reached by fanning an open vessel of ether than by fanning an open vessel of water. XIX HYGKOMETRY Theory Hygrometry is that branch of Physics which relates to the study of the water vapor contained in the earth's atmosphere. The urvose From the considerations presented in Ex. XVIII, it is metrffobser- ev ident that, were it not for the presence of the air, the vations. earth would always be covered with this vapor in a saturated condition, and precipitation in the form of fog, dew, or rain would accompany every fall in temperature, however slight. But the presence of air so retards the process of evaporation that even in the immediate neighborhood of lakes or oceans the condi- tion of saturation does not usually exist. Hence it is, that precip- itation often fails to occur even when the thermometer falls suddenly through many degrees. Nevertheless, a knowledge of the hygrometric state, i.e., the state of dryness, or wetness, of the atmosphere, or, what amounts to the same thing, a knowledge of the number of degrees through which the temperature must fall before dew can form, is of considerable importance not only for scientific but also for practical purposes, such, for example, as the forecasting of the probability of frost,' or the maintenance within green-houses, drying-rooms, sick-rooms, and dwellings, of ^ suitable climatic conditions. The four Tke four quantities involved in hygrometric deter- qumSStaF minations are: sought. x. The density of the water vapor in the air, i.e., the weight in grams of the water vapor contained in 1 cc. of space. This is usually called the absolute humidity. It is here represented by the letter d. 2. The relative humidity or the degree of saturation. This is represented by the letter r, and is defined as the ratio between the density of the water vapor existing in the atmosphere at any given time, and the largest donsity which it could possibly have at the 164 HYGROMETRY 165 existing temperature; i.e., if D represent the density of saturated water vapor at the existing temperature, then the relative humid- ity r is given by r = - Since the Desalts of Problem 1, page 162, have shown that at ordinary temperatures the density of saturated water vapor can be calculated with sufficient accuracy from the pressure which it exerts (obtained in Ex. XVIII), D may always be considered a known quantity (see also Appendix, table 6). 3. The dew-point T, or the point to which the temperature must fall in order that the water vapor existing in the atmosphere may be in the saturated condition. Of course, as soon as the temperature falls below this point, condensation must ensue. 4. The tension or pressure, p, which the wafer vapor in the air exerts at the existing temperature. As will presently appear, the experimental determination of any one of these four quantities taken in connection with the pressure-temperature curve of a saturated vapor (see Ex. XVIII), suffices for the calculation of all the rest. The first attempt to construct an instrument for measuring hygrometric conditions was made about 1600, when an Italian named Sanctorius devised what is Absorption . hygrome- now known as an absorption hygrom- eter, an instrument usually asso- ciated with the name of de Saussure, a Genevan, who brought it into prominence in 1783. It is well known that many organic substances expand with an increase in the dampness of the atmosphere. De Saussure's hygrometer consisted of a human hair attached as in Fig. 88, so that changes in its length caused a pointer to move over a scale which was con- structed by marking the position of the pointer in a saturated atmosphere 100, its position in a perfectly dry atmosphere 0, and then divid- ing the intervening space into 100 equal parts. The position of the pointer at any time was FIGURE 88 assumed to indicate directly the degree of saturation of the atmosphere (r). These instruments are still in common use, but they are now always graduated empirically by 166 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT comparison with a dew-point hygrometer (see below); for careful experiments made by Regnault in 1845 showed that instruments constructed as above agree accurately neither with one another nor with the indications of dew-point hygrometers. Further, it is found that a given absorption hygrometer does not remain com- parable even with itself for any long interval of time. Hence its indications can only be relied upon if it is frequently recalibrated. Accurate measurements in hygrometry began with the intro- duction by the Englishman Daniell, in 1820, of the dew-point hygrometer, the essential principle of which had been h ew rometer em ply e( l by the Frenchman Le Eoy as early as 1751. This instrument in one or another of its numerous modifications has become the standard of comparison for the testing and graduation of all other hygrometers. It consists essentially of a polished metal tube, the temperature of which is in some way lowered until dew is observed to form upon its surface. From this temperature of condensation T, it is possible to deter- mine all the other hygrometric constants. Thus the pressure^ is obtained at once from T and the pres- sure-temperature curve of a saturated vapor. It is simply the TO obtain pressure of saturated water vapor at the temperature T. For, although the cooling of the layers of atmosphere rom r the P r wo ^ cn are ^ n contact with the metal surface causes an dew-point. increase in the density both of the air and of the water vapor of which these layers are composed, yet, since the baro- metric pressure is in no way affected by the cooling, it is evident that the pressure both of the air and of the water vapor within these layers must remain precisely the same as outside, where no cooling takes place. The beginning of precipitation means only that in the layers adjoining the surface the density and pressure corresponding to saturation have been reached. If, then, the pressure within these layers is the same as outside, it is clear that table 6 gives the correct value of p. Not so, however, with d. The table gives, indeed, the value of this quantity within the cooled layer, but the density at a distance is the density within the cooled layer multiplied , T r r 273 + n by = ^ ; for when pressure remains constant, density is inversely proportional to absolute temperature. Instead of obtain- HYGROMETRY 167 ing d in this way from the table, it may be directly calculated from p by the ordinary gas laws, viz., by (146). Thus, since the densit j of air at 0, 760 mm., is .001293, and g i nce under like condition of temperature and pres- e density f water vapor in terms of air is .624, point. (146) becomes, when d ai , 2h and TI ar e replaced by d, p and T tt and d a . 2 , 2h a nd T 2 by .001293 x .624, 760 and 273, ro obtain of e water tv l thedew rom stire .001293 x. 624x273 _ . 00029 p 760 . T t ~ P ~ ~^T~ 1 (149) in which p must, of course, be expressed in mm. of mercury, since the barometric pressure has been so expressed. This exten- sion to unsaturated vapor of the laws which hold rigorously only for ideal gases must be permissible in practice, since the results of Problem 1, page 162, have shown that at ordinary temperatures equation (149) may be applied without appreciable error even to saturated water vapor. The rela- tive humidity r can be at once obtained from either p or d and table 6; for d p r = One of the most perfect forms of the dew-point hygrometer is due to the Frenchman All uard (1880), is shown ir SSmeter. The nickel tube A ) u P on which the dew is formed, is about 2 cm. in diameter, and has one flat, highly polished side which is placed in close juxtaposition to a strip B of equally well polished nickel upon which no dew is formed. Tube A is filled with ether, the temperature of which may be lowered by causing a current of air to bubble through it. This is accomplished by means of an aspirator attached by a rubber tube to C. A bellows attached to F serves the pur- pose equally well. The experimenter FIGURE 89 168 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT The chem- ical hygrom- eter. sits at a distance of 10 or 12 feet, so that the moisture from his breath or body may not affect the result, and observes the tube and thermometer through a telescope. At the instant at which A begins to look cloudier than B, he takes the temperature indicated by the thermometer E. He then stops the current of air and observes again the temperature at which the cloudiness disappears from A. With a little practice the temperatures of appearance and disap- pearance of the dew can be made to approach to within .1G. The mean of these two temperatures is taken as the dew-point. This form of instrument should not be used in rapidly moving air, for then the layers of air which are in contact with A are removed before they can take up the temperature of the nickel, and in consequence the observed dew-points are too low. The indications of a dew-point hygrometer may be very nicely checked by means of the chemical method, first used for hygro- metric determinations by the Swiss chemist Brunner in 1844. It consists in slowly drawing a known volume of air V through drying-tubes, preferably of anhydrous phosphorus pentoxide, and measuring the increase w in the weight of the tubes. Let v represent the volume of water which has been drawn out of the aspirator R during the experiment (see Fig. 90). The gas which has replaced this water consists of the perfectly dry air which has emerged from the drying-tubes and the water vapor which has formed from the water in R. Since this vapor may be assumed to be saturated, the pressure which it exerts is P, the pressure of satu- rated vapor corresponding to the temperature of the room. Hence the pressure exerted by the air alone which is within R is H P, H being the barometric pressure. When this same air was outside, it exerted a pressure Hp, p being, as above, the pressure exerted by the water vapor in the outside air. Hence the volume which the air in R occupied before it entered the drying-tubes, i.e., the volume of air Fin which the weight FIGURE 90 HY GEOMETRY 169 w of water vapor was contained, is given by (see Boyle's Law) V H-P v ~ H- p w (150) From (149), (150), and the relation = d, there results .00029;? H-P H-p (151) an equation which contains only one unknown quantity, viz., 7?. After p has been determined from (151), d and r may be found as above, while r is taken from table 6 ; i.e., it is the temperature- of saturation of water vapor corresponding to the pressure p. In case P and p have nearly the same value, (150) gives V- v, in which case d is obtained at once from d = -, and p is then found v from (149). This chemical method leaves nothing to desire in the matter of accuracy, but since an observation usually requires from 1 to 3 hours, the result is, of course, only a mean value of the humidity during this time. It is little employed in practice. The instrument which is now most extensively used in meteorological observations was first con- ceived by the Scotch physicist John Leslie The wet-and- . T , . . . dry huib m 1790. It was given its present form by August, in Berlin, about 1825. It is called the wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer, and con- sists of two sensitive thermometers mounted side by side, one of which has its bulb wrapped in muslin, which is kept moist by means of a cotton wick immersed in a water reservoir c (see Fig. 91). The temperature t' indicated by the wet-bulb thermom- eter is always lower than the temperature t shown by its dry-bulb neighbor, unless the water vapor in the air is already in a state of saturation, for the evaporation which otherwise takes place produces cooling (see page 155). The amount of this cool- ing evidently increases with the rapidity of evaporation, which is in turn directly proportional to the dryness of the atmosphere, FIGURE 91 170 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT i.e., to D d, or, what amounts to the same thing, to P p. But it also depends upon the density of the air into which the evapo- ration takes place, i.e., upon the barometric height H, as well as upon the velocity of the air currents (see page 155). A long series of comparisons of this instrument with the dew-point hygrom- eter has given for air in moderate motion the empirical formulae (for f above 0) (for t' below 0) p = P-0. 00080 H(t-t'), and p = P-0. 00009 H (t-t f ), (152) in which p, P and H are expressed in mm. of mercury and (t t') in degrees centigrade. When^? has been determined from this equation, d is given by (149), and then r and T from table 6. For air at rest, the numerical quantities in (152) are considerably too small. In order to make (152) applicable to indoor observa- tions, it is recommended to hang the instrument from a long cord and to let it swing as a pendulum for several minutes before tak- ing the readings. Hygrometer makers usually specify carefully the conditions under which instruments of this type are to be used, and furnish with them empirical tables. Experiment To compare the indications of a dew-point and a wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer. Place the Alluard hygrometer in a room which is free from evaporating water, pour ether into G (Fig. 89) until the liquid surface is above the window in A, turn the polished metal face into as favorable a light as possible, set the observing-stand, telescope, and aspirator at a convenient distance, and take, first, a rough observation of the dew-point. In subse- quent observations regulate the evaporation of the ether so that the temperature falls very slowly in the neighborhood of the point sought, and take the reading of the thermometer E when the first cloudiness begins to show upon A. In taking observations with a rising temperature, an occasional bubble may be allowed to pass through the ether in order to keep it stirred. Tabulate results as in the Record. Then bring into the room a wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer, and take a set of observations in the manner indicated in the Theory. No. of obs'n HYGROMETRY Record DEW-POINT HYGROMETER, Room tern. (E') Dew app'd (E) Dew disapp'd (E) Mean P = .-. d = 171 Wet-and- dry bulb H= Problems 1. When the relative humidity is .47 at 21 C., what will be the dew-point? 2. If the temperature of the air at sundown on a clear day be 10, and if the wet-bulb thermometer read 8C., at what tem- perature will dew form? Need there be fear of frost during the night? (Bar. ht. 750 mm.) 3. If the wet-bulb thermometer of Problem 2 had read 4.5C., what would have been the dew-point? In this case frost would have been almost certain. Why? 4. Dry air at 18, 755 mm., weighs .001205 gm. per cc. Find the density of the atmosphere at this temperature and pressure when the dew-point is 10 C. XX ARCHIMEDES' PRINCIPLE Theory The law which asserts that the loss in loeight experienced by any body ivhen immersed in a fluid is equal to the iveight of the displaced fluid, was discovered by the immortal Greek Proof of law * J ' . J . . ofArcM- philosopher Archimedes, who perished in the siege of Syracuse in 212 B.C. Unlike many of the laws which have preceded, it is not an approximation, nor is it primarily empirical, experiment having only served to confirm results which follow with certainty from theory. The work of Archimedes was not known in the middle ages, and the law was rediscovered in 1586 by the Flemish scientist Stevin, who advanced for it the following proof : Within a body of fluid, isolate in thought some mass by means of any imaginary bounding sur- face 8 (see Fig. 92) 4 . Since the mass of liquid within this boundary is in equilibrium, its weight must be neutralized by forces whose existence is due to the surrounding liquid. But these forces which are exerted by the surrounding liquid upon the surface S depend only upon the conditions which exist outside of S, and are wholly independent of the nature of the substance within S. Hence any immersed body whatever which has the surface S must be buoyed up by forces the resultant of which is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid. It follows from this law that when a body is balanced upon scales in air, the balancing weights do not accurately represent Application ^ e ^ nie we ig n ^ ^ ^ ne body, i.e., its weight in vacuo. of. ArS -^ or kth ^ e body and the weights are buoyed up by etermina- e ^ e a ^ r ' an( ^ s i nce i n general the volume of air dis- ^rlct placed by the body is not the same as that displaced weight. by the weights, the buoyant effects upon the two sides must be different. However, with the aid of the "principle of moments" the true weight X can be easily obtained from the apparent weight JF(i.e., the weight of the weights), the volume 172 r ARCHIMEDES 7 PRINCIPLE 173 Fof the body, the volume V of the weights and the density . (153) Hence the so-called air correction, i.e., the correction which must be applied to the apparent weight W in order to obtain the true weight X, is simply the difference between the weight of air dis- placed by the body and that -displaced by the weights. This correction is evidently positive if V > V , negative if F < V. Since the density of the weights is always known (for brass it is W 8.4), it is usually convenient to replace F' by :, and to write O.4: (153) in the form (154) Or again, if the density d of the body happens to be roughly known, (153) takes' the approximately correct form (since, on account of the smallness of the correction term, Xis usually very nearly equal to JF), In deducing the above expressions for a correct weight X, the balance arms were assumed to be equal. Although this is, of course, seldom rigorously the case, it was shown on p. 39 that the error arising from any inequality can be completely eliminated by taking a mean of the weighings made on both pans. Hence, in order to obtain a very accurate weight, it is necessary first to find W by means of a double weighing, and then to apply to W the air correction as shown in (153). In case the ^quantity sought is a small increase or decrease in weight, as in Exs. XV and XVII, the rigorous process described in this section is not to be recommended; for neither the error in the balance arms nor the air correction due to the weights is in such cases likely to be an appreciable quantity. For most pur- poses single uncorrected weighings, in which, however, the body weighed always hangs from the same balance arm (see p. 118), are sufficiently accurate. 174 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT Archimedes' principle also furnishes the most convenient and accurate method of determining densities. For, if any body, regular or irregular, whose absolute weight is X grams, ke f un( i to lose L grams when weighed in water of densitv P ^ is evident at once from the statement of Archimedes' principle that the volume of the body is denxity of a solid. ? an( j hence that its density d, which is bv definition P mass , . = , is given by volume' *-- (6) P But, in order to find L accurately, an air correction of the ordi- nary form must be applied to the apparent loss of weight. For let the body whose true weight is X and whose apparent weight is W be immersed in water and weighed, first when hung from one balance arm, then from the other, and let this mean apparent weight in water be W^. The equation of balance for this case, in which the body hangs in water while the weights hang in air, is evidently X- V P = Wi-^r. (157) Substituting the value of X found in (154), there results at once (W V- Ztj which is an equation of the same form as (154), the apparent weight W having been simply replaced by the apparent loss of weight (W-WJ. The very statement of Archimedes' principle also suggests its use for determining the densities of liquids. For, if L represent the loss of weight of a body in water of density /o, and af P the C iaw n ^ ^he loss of weight of the same body in another medestothe ^ u ^ ^ unknown density d, then, since the volume of determina- J^ denrf? */ ^ e bcly is , the density of the unknown liquid is a liquid. P given by ARCHIMEDES' PRINCIPLE 175 The weighings in the two liquids may, of course, be made with an ordinary balance, precisely as above, but for the sake of rapidity a modified form of balance due to Mohr (see Fig. 93) is commonly used. The principal features of this balance are (1) the division of one arm into ten equal parts, and (2) the use of weights of con- venient shape to hang from any of the ten notches, the tenth of which is the hook c. Since each weight can be given ten differ- ent values, a very small number of weights is required. There are never more than five. Further, as will presently ap- pear, the absolute value of these weights is of no importance if only their ratios are FIGURE 93 accurately represented by the numbers 1, .1, .01, and .001 (the fifth weight is a duplicate of 1, used for the sake of extending the range of the instrument). For, suppose that the body B is of such weight that, when hung in air from the. hook c, it is possible by means of a little adjustment (see Experiment) to balance the beam so that the two points at a are exactly together. Next suppose that when B is immersed in water as in the figure, it is necessary, in order to bring the points together again, i.e., in order just to counterbalance the buoyancy of the water, to hang weight 1 and weight .1 from the hook c, and weights .01 and .001 from notch 4. The loss of weight L of the bulb, expressed, not in grams, but in terms of weight 1, is then evi- dently 1.1044. Suppose now that when the water is replaced by another liquid of the same temperature, it is found necessary, in order to bring the points again together, to hang 1 from notch 9, .1 from notch 2, .01 from notch 4, and .001 from notch 9. The 176 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT loss of weight of the bulb in this liquid, expressed as above in terms of 1, is then .9249. Hence (159) gives j_ .9249 ~ri044 p ' If p is known d is at once obtained, no matter what happens to be the weight of 1. In practice this weight is usually arranged to be as nearly as possible equal to the weight of the water displaced by the bulb at 15C. In this case the reading for water at this temperature is evidently 1.0000, and if no high degree of accuracy is required, the reading of the instrument when the bulb is immersed in the unknown liquid gives at once the density of that liquid. Eigorously the apparent losses in weight L and ', obtained by means of a Mohr's balance, are subject to air correc- tions, but since in practice the balance is only used to compare densities which differ comparatively little from one another, the influence of these corrections upon the result is negligible. They could be made, if necessary, by reducing L and L' to grams and then applying (158), F being in this case the volume of the bulb. Experiment 1. To compare a density determination made upon an accurately turned cylinder of aluminium by means of weight and dimension measurements, with a determination made upon the same cylinder by means of observations of weight and loss of weight in water. 2. To compare the results of measure- ments upon the density of a liquid made by a Mohr's balance, with those made by an ordinary constant-weight hydrometer. DIRECTIONS. 1. First find the volume of the cylinder from very careful measurements of its dimensions, made by Volume. means of calipers. Then suspend the cylinder from a very fine platinum wire and make an absolute weighing in air of the cylinder and wire as follows : Absolute CO Choose any convenient zero to which to refer your weighing. weighings, e.g., the 10 mark.* *The true zero of the unloaded balance may be determined if desired, but this is never necessary with a double weighing; for evidently, if the arbitrarily chosen zero differs from the true zero, the weighing upon one ARCHIMEDES' PRINCIPLE 177 (2) Hang the body from the left arm and, using all the precau- tions mentioned on page 116, find the resting point JKj, which corresponds to such a weight in the right pan as will keep the pointer swinging within three or four divisions of the chosen zero. (3) Add a 2 mg. weight to the lighter side and take the new resting point J? 2 ; then at once raise the arrest and compute the sensitiveness. (4) Exchange the positions of the cylinder and the weights, at the same time making and recording a careful count of the latter, exclusive of the two added milligrams. (5) Find the new resting point 7? 3 ; then raise the arrest and count again the weights as they are returned to their respective compartments in the box of weights. (6) Calculate from the sensitiveness the corrections necessary to apply to the counted weight upon each side, in order to make both of the resting points coincide with tke- chosen zero. Thus, if the zero is 10, the sensitiveness 2.1, and the resting point when the cylinder is on the right pan 10.9, the correction, in this case to be subtracted from the counted weight, is - = .4. /. 1 Represent the mean corrected weight by W and the result obtained by applying to W the air correction (154) by X. Next immerse the aluminium cylinder, in the manner shown in Fig. 94, in a beaker of distilled water which has been recently freed from air by boiling, but which in water. has again regained the temperature of the room. Carefully remove from the immersed body all bubbles, even the smallest, by means of a camel's hair brush, then weigh on both sides, following exactly the directions 1 to 6 above. Represent the mean weight in water by Tf l5 and let the result obtained by applying the air cor- rection (156) to the apparent loss in weight, W- WH be represented by L. FIGUUE side will be just as much too large as that upon the other is too small, and the mean will therefore be the same. If, however, a weighing is made upon balances which are known to have arms so nearly alike that a double weighing is unnecessary, this single weighing must be referred to the true zero obtained by the method of oscillations (see p. 116). 178 MOLECULAR PHYSICS A^D HEAT In order to obtain Jf, the weight of the cylinder alone, the weight w of the suspending wire must, of course, be obtained and subtracted from th.e joint weight X obtained above. the suspend- Since this is a very small quantity, a single weighing made upon one pan, and uncorrected for displaced air, is sufficient. To make this weighing, find: (a) The true zero of the balance (see note, p. 170); (b) The resting point /*, when the wire alone is on one pan, and some nearly equal weight on the other ; (c) The resting point r a (after 2 mg. have been added to determine the sensitiveness for this load) ; (d) The weight w of the wire (obtained from the weight in the pan and the sensitiveness). The loss of weight L represents, of course, the weight of water displaced both by the immersed cylinder and the immersed por- tion of the suspending wire. Estimate roughly the Correcting ^ - i i -,. Lforim- volume v oi this immersed wire by measuring its diam- mersed wire. *,>,,-, . x eter 8 (with the micrometer cahper) and its approxi- mate length L This volume v is approximately the weight of the displaced water. Hence the loss of weight L of the cylinder is given by L = L v. 2. Loosen set screw s' of the Mohr's balance (Fig. 93), and turn the base until the leveling screw s lies in the vertical plane which includes the beam. Adjust ver- tically at s f until a convenient height for immersion is reached. Then from the hook c hang the float B, in air, and level by means of s until the two points at a are very accurately together. Then, by means of the weights bring the points again together, first when the float is immersed in distilled water, then when immersed in the liquid of unknown density, and take the corresponding readings (see Theory). The density of the water at the observed temperature is taken from the table of water densities. The temperatures of the two liquids compared must be the same, otherwise a correction must be applied because of the expansion of the float. Compare the density given by the Mohr's balance with the indication of a direct-reading, constant-weight hydrom- FIG. 95 eter (see Fig. 95). The theory of this instrument is ARCHIMEDES' PRINCIPLE 179 too simple to require explanation. The reading is made through the liquid, the eye being placed as little as possible beneath the level of the surface. If the instrument does not read the correct density of distilled water at the observed temperature, a correc- tion amounting to the difference must be applied to its indication of the density of the other liquid. For very accurate density determinations with hydrometers of this sort it is important that the stem be wet above the point of contact with the liquid, since otherwise the capillary forces between the liquid and the stem may give rise to very considerable errors. Hence, before taking a read- ing, push the instrument down below its natural position of equilibrium and then let it rise. If in this operation the liquid be observed to be depressed about the stem, instead of elevated, the stem should be carefully cleaned with an alkali, e.g., potas- t sium hydrate. Record 1. 'Bar. ht. = Temp, of room = ..% Density of air = Diam. of cylinder 1st obs. 2d 3d 4th mean = Height of cylinder " - mean = -- . . V= Weighing of cyl. -f wire cyl. + wire wire in air in water alone Chosen zero = Zero t * = R! (cyl. left) = - Rest. pt. r 1 = - - P = E 2 (cyl. left) = - Rest. pt. r 2 = - -I jR 3 (cyl. right) = . *. Sensitiv's = -5 = Counted wts. = Counted wt. v = . : Sensitiv's (8) = - Cor'd wt. (w) = - Cor'dwt. left = - - .:X(=Xw) = - Cor'd wt. right = - ~L(= L v) = - Mean(W) = - W, = - d = ^ = - d = ^ = True wt. (X) = L = % difference in d's = 2. Reading of Mohr's balance in water = tern. = p = Read'g of Mohr's balance in unknown liq.= tern. = -- . . d = Hydrom'r in water = . *. corr'n = in liquid = -- .'. d (cor'd) = * t tern, and p = den. of water. I, 5, and v are length, diameter, and volume of immersed portion of wire. 180 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT Problems 1. If the length measurements made upon the cylinder were 3.021, 3.023, and 3.024 cm., and if the diameter measurements were 2.567, 2.563, 2.564, and 2.562 cm., find what is the first uncertain figure in the number which represents the volume. (Results should never be recorded farther than to one place beyond the first uncertain figure.) 2. If the weighings can all be made with such accuracy that the tenths ing. place is the first place of uncertainty, find to how many more places of certainty the density is given by the loss of weight method than by the direct measurement method (weight of cylinder about 12 gm.). 3. Archimedes discovered his principle when seeking to detect a suspected fraud in the construction of a crown made for the tyrant of Syracuse. It was thought to have been made from an alloy of gold and silver instead of from pure gold. If the crown weighed 1000 gm. in air and 940 gm. in water, find how many gm. of gold and how many of silver were used in its construction. Assume that the volume of an alloy is the combined volumes of the components, and take the density of gold as 19.3 and that of silver as 10.5. 4. A 10-gm. weight placed upon a block of wood weighing 30 gm. sinks it to a certain point in water. In a salt solution it requires 15 gm. to sink the wood to the same point. Find the density of the salt solution. 5. If the density of ice is .918 and that of sea water is 1.03, find what fraction of the total volume of an iceberg is above water. 6. A cylinder of cork 10 cm. high and of density .2 floats upon water. If the air above the water be removed, will the cork sink or rise in the liquid? How much? Assume incornpressibility in both cork and water. 7. Suppose that a constant-weight hydrometer which it is desired to calibrate is immersed in two liquids whose densities are known to be 1. and 1.1, that the two points of immersion are accurately marked, and that the intervening stem is then divided into 10 equal parts. Assuming that the stem is accurately cylin- drical, will this hydrometer give correct readings in liquids of intermediate densities? Why? XXI CAPILLARITY Theory One of the fundamental assumptions made in elementary hydrostatics is that a liquid, like so much sand, exerts pressure merely by virtue of its weight, and by virtue of the Ordinary J J J law of liquid property, which it possesses in common with all fluids, of transmitting pressure in all directions.* Thus if p be the pressure (force in grams per unit area) exerted upon the surface of a liquid of density d, then the number of grams of *This property follows at once from the fact of fluidity and the fun- damental laws of mechanics. Thus let A (Fig. 96) be a substance concern- ing which the one assumption is made that it is capable of adjusting itself with perfect ease to any change in the shape of the containing vessel. Let /and/' be two forces acting upon frictionless pistons 1 and 2 of areas a and a' respectively. It is required to find the ratio which must exist between the forces /and/', in the condition of equilibrium. Let piston 1 move uniformly down a distance s thus crowding out of cyl- inder 1 a volume of fluid as. /' must then move uniformly up a distance s' such that as a ' s ' . But from the ' 'principle of work" (scholium to Third Law) in the condition of equilibrium (rest or uniform motion) fs = f's'. Hence -p-= r. i- e-. the forces which must act on the pistons in the condition FIGURE 96 of equilibrium are directly proportional to their areas. Since the directions of the forces /and/' are wholly arbi- trary, there results the law first announced in 1653 by the French philosopher, mathematician, and man of letters, Pascal, "The forces transmitted by fluids act equally in all directions and are proportional to the areas of the surfaces upon which they act," a law which finds its most beautiful experimental demonstration in the hyrdaulic press. 181 182 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT Capillary phenomena. pressure P, which exists at any depth z beneath the surface, is given by (see Fig. 97) P=p Q + zd. (160) There follows at once then the result, in general confirmed by experiment, that a liquid contained in a series of communicating vessels must take the same level in all of them, no matter how different they may be in size or shape. But it was observed as early as 1500 by that most universal of all geniuses, Leonardo da Vinci, that when a tube approaches capillary dimen- sions water rises in it far above the level in the outside vessel (see Fig. 101). Later and more careful investigation has shown the existence FIGURE 97 of a large number of different phenomena to which the ordinary laws of hydrostatics do not apply. These are usually all called "capillary phenomena," because they were first observed in connection with capillary tubes. They are all manifestations of those intermolecular forces which were assumed in Ex. XVIII in order to reconcile the existence of liquid surfaces with the theory of molecular motion. This section is devoted to a study of the effects of these forces ; and since these effects would of necessity be just the same whether the molecules are at rest or in motion, the fact of motion will for the present be disregarded. The simplest experiments place the existence of these inter- molecular forces beyond the possibility of. doubt, and show at the same time that, while they have enormous values at short range, they diminish so rapidly with the distance as to become wholly inappreciable at distances which still amount to extremely minute fractions of a milli- meter. Thus a drop of mercury, instead of spreading out into an infinitely thin layer, as it would do if gravity alone acted upon its molecules, is held together in globular form. A sheet of glass may be brought extremely close to a surface of water without appearing to be attracted toward it in the slightest degree, but as soon as contact is made the glass clings to the water with remark- able tenacity. The surface of two metal blocks may be brought to within a thousandth of an inch without showing any appre- Evidence as to the exist- ence and nature of molecular forces. CAPILLARITY 183 pressure. ciable attraction, but as soon as they are brought somewhat nearer, as by pressure or welding, it requires tons of weight to pull them apart again. The operation of the aspirator pump described in Ex. XVIII is due to the attraction between the air about the orifice o and the outpouring current of water. Starting,' then, with these two facts, (1) the existence of intermolecular forces, and (2) the rapid diminution of these Laplace's f orces with the distance, * the great French geometrician, Laplace, first developed, about 1807, a theory of capil- lary action. His reasoning was somewhat as follows: Let r represent the distance within which one molecule attracts another with a force which is large enough to deserve consid- eration. Laplace called it the radius of influence of molecular force. It is, of course, not a quantity the magnitude of which is definitely fixed, but it probably never exceeds .00005 mm. Now a molecule m' in the interior of a liquid is indeed acted upon by all the multitude of molecules lying within a sphere of radius r (see Fig. 98); but, by virtue of symmetry, the resultant of all these forces is evidently zero ; so that m' may be treated as though it were under the in- fluence of no molecular force whatever. Not so, however, with any molecule m which is nearer to the surface than the distance r. For while the molecules within the space cefd exactly neutralize the effects of the molecules within the space acdl, the downward resultant of the forces of all the FIGURE 98 *In order to account for this rapid diminution with the distance it is not necessary to assume that these intermolecular forces are any other than those concerned in ordinary gravitation. For the law of inverse squares can be considered to hold for the attractions of masses of finite volume only so long as the distance between the nearest points of the attracting bodies is infinitely large in comparison with the distances between the molecules of the bodies. 184 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT molecules in efg is wholly unbalanced. This force continually urges m into the interior of the liquid. But all the other mole- cules in the same horizontal layer with m are urged inward with the same force and all the molecules in other layers which are within a distance r of the surface are urged in with other forces. The result of all these unbalanced forces acting upon all the mole- cules contained in the surface layer of thickness r (called the active layer) must be, then, an interior pressure of uncertain, perhaps enormous, magnitude. It has been estimated for water at something like 10,000 atmospheres, but it has never been measured directly and never can be. For since a liquid is always bounded on all sides by a surface, this molecular pressure usually balances itself and therefore cancels out in hydrostatic measure- ments. Hence it is that equation (160), which leaves the existence of molecular pressure altogether out of account, and treats the liquid molecules as though they were so many independent grains of sand, nevertheless gives, in general, correct results. But it is exactly such apparent violations of the ordinary hydrostatic laws as are shown in capillary phenomena, which furnish a beau- tiful proof of the existence of Laplace's molecular pressure. For it is easy to show that this pressure must be greater underneath a convex, and less underneath a concave surface, than it is beneath a flat one. Thus, let M (Fig. 99) represent Variation ' . r of molecular a molecule which lies in the active layer at a given dis- tance beneath a surface, and let the circle drawn about M represent the sphere of influence of molecular forces. The surface will first be assumed to be flat (acb), then convex (ecf), and then concave (gcli). In the first case, since pidjq neutralizes pacbq, the resultant downward force acting upon Mis due to the attraction of the molecules lying within the segment iojd of the sphere. In the second case plcdlq neutralizes pecfq, and the resultant downward force is due to kold, a volume which is greater than iojd. In the third case the resultant force is due to mond, a volume which is less than iojd. Hence the resultant downward force upon the molecules in the active layer FIGURE 99 is greatest beneath the convex, and least CAPILLARITY 185 beneath the concave, surface. It is evident also from the same kind of reasoning that the greater the convexity, the greater this pressure. Thus, if the pressure beneath a plane surface be repre- sented by P Q (Laplace named this the normal pressure), that beneath a curved surface is P p, in which the magnitude of p depends upon the nature of the liquid and the magnitude of the curvature, while its sign is + or according as the surface is convex or concave. Laplace proved by a mathematical analysis of the forces exerted by segments of the kind shown in Fig. 99, that p, expressed in terms of a characteristic constant A of the liquid (called its capillary constant), and the two principal radii of curvature R and R' of the surface, is (161) This makes the ascension or depression of liquids in capillary tubes perfectly intelligible. For, starting with the fact of obser- va ^ 011 (accounted for below) that a liquid in a small * u ^ e assnmes a curved instead of a flat surface, its rise depression. or f a ;Q j n the tube, according as the surface is concave or convex, follows as a matter of course from a very simple con- sideration of the pressures involved. Thus, the correct value of the pressure at a distance z below a plane surface is not p Q + zd, as assumed in (160), but rather p + P + zd, and the pres- sure at the same distance z beneath a concave surface in a capillary tube (see Fig. 100) is V^ >! : )o **% }m ~ I FI ( ;i r* HI 3 100 z > a FlGTJ RE 101 Hence from Pascal's Law of the equal transmission of pressure (see note, p. 181) there can be no equilibrium until the stronger molecular pressure beneath the flat surface has pushed up the liquid in the tube to such a height h (see Fig. 101) that the total pressures 186 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT at any two points a and # in the same horizontal plane are the same, i.e., until p Q + PQ + Zd = PQ + \P Q - A (-jj- + jj; j + Z(l + lid \ or R and R' are the curvatures at the point considered, e.g., 1, 2, or 3 (Fig. 101), and h is the elevation of this point above the out- side plane surface. It thus appears that, correctly speaking, a liquid does not rise in a capillary tube because of a capillary attraction, any more than it rises in a suction pump because of the attraction of the vacuum created by the lifting of the piston. In both cases the liquid is pushed up by a pressure existing outside. In the case of the pump this is the atmospheric pressure acting on top of the water in the cistern; in the case of the capillary tube it is the normal pressure P acting in the surface layer of the outside liquid. If it were possible to remove entirely the molecular pressure within the tube, the height of rise would be a measure of P , just as the height of rise of the water in a long tube from Measurement ,.,,,..,., , . ofthecapti- which the air is entirely removed, is a measure of the lar-y constant. 1 . . atmospheric pressure. Since, however, nothing more can be done than to obtain a curved surface within the capillary tube, it is only the capillary constant A which can be found from observations of the height of ascension li, the density d, and the radii of curvature R and R' [see (162)]. In the general case it would be difficult to measure R and R ', but if the tube is cylindrical, then it follows from symmetry that at the middle of the meniscus R = R ', and (162) reduces to 9 A hd=^- (163) If, farther, the tube is so small that the height of the meniscus m (see Fig. 101) is negligible in comparison with 'h, i.e., if h is practically constant for all points of the surface, then it follows from (162) that the curvature l-^- + - ) is also practically con- stant. But the only surface of constant curvature which can ful- CAPILLARITY 187 fill the condition imposed by (163) is a section of a sphere. If finally, then, the liquid can be made to wet completely the interior of the tube, so that its angle of contact a with the walls is 180, then the meniscus must be a hemisphere, and the radius R is simply the radius of the tube. Equation (163) is then applicable to all cases for which these conditions hold.* It shows that the height of rise h is inversely proportional to the radius of the capillary a law discovered experimentally by an Englishman in 1718 and called after him the law of Jurin. Equation (163) thus makes the measurement of the capillary constant a very simple matter in the case of liquids which wet solids of which capillary tubes can be made. Another interesting conclusion which can be drawn from the above reasoning is that, since in equilibrium the height h depends only upon the curvature and the density, the dimensions of the capil- lary above or below the point of contact __ have no effect whatever upon the phe- nomena. Thus, if water be drawn up FIGURE 102 into tubes of such different shape as a and # (Fig. 102), it should come to rest in the descent at pre- cisely the same level in both. This conclusion is wholly con- firmed by experiment. It only remains to show why a liquid in a capillary tube assumes a curved surface a task of no difficulty when it is remembered that a liquid surface can be in equilibrium 'contact U f on ^y wnen it is perpendicular to the resultant force acting upon its molecules. This property follows sim- ply from the fact of mobility of the particles. For, if the force acting upon the surface molecules had any component parallel to *If the height of the meniscus is not wholly negligible in comparison with h, the mean value of h can be obtained by adding ^R to the height of the lowest point of the meniscus. For the volume of the liquid above this lowest point is the volume of a cylinder of radius R and height R, minus the volume of a hemisphere of radius R; or, irR 3 %irR 3 = %irR 3 . This volume divided by the area of the base, viz., -n-R 2 , gives the mean Tf height, viz., _-. Formula (163) thus modified holds for tubes of as much o as 2 mm. diameter. 188 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT the surface, the molecules would move over the surface in obedi- ence to this component, i.e., equilibrium would not exist. If, then, on (Fig. 103) represent the line of junction of a liquid with a solid wall, /! the resultant of all the forces exerted upon the molecules at o by such portion of the liquid as lies within the molecular range when the liquid surface is assumed hori- zontal, and / 2 the resultant of the forces exerted upon the same mole- cules by the molecules of the wall which lie either above or below the horizontal line passing through o, FIGURE 103 then three cases may be distinguished : (1) That in which / t = 2/ 2 . In this case, as appears from Fig. 103, the cohesion of the liquid is exactly equal to twice the adhesion of the solid and liquid, 'and the final resultant R is parallel with the wall. Hence equilibrium exists in the condition assumed, i.e., the angle of contact a is 90. (2) That in which /j > 2/ 2 . The resultant R then falls to the right of on. Hence equilibrium can not exist until the surface near o has become convex, i.e., until the angle of con- tact a has become acute. This is the case of liquids which do not wet the wall. If the substances be mercury and glass (Fig. 104), equilibrium is reached when a is about 43. It is to be ob- served, in general, that this angle a must always be the same for the same two substances. For, on account of the extreme minuteness of the sphere of influence, the weight of the particles contained within it is wholly negligible in comparison with the molecular forces, i.e., it is simply the relation between these molecular forces which determines the angle of contact. (3) That in which /i < 2/ 2 . The resultant R then falls to the left of on (see Fig. 105). Hence equilibrium can not exist until the surface near o has become concave and the angle of con- FlGUBB 104 CAPILLARITY 189 tact obtuse. In all cases in which the liquid completely wets the solid, the angle of contact is necessarily 180, i.e., a thin film of the liquid lies flat up against the face of the solid. This is evident from the consideration that when a partially immersed body is raised from a liquid, the angle of contact can not remain constant at any value less than 180 unless the liquid retreats down the side of the body as rapidly as the body rises, i.e., unless the liquid be one which does not wet the solid. The law of transmission of pressure by liquids easily accounts for this, at first view, somewhat surprising result. For, in accordance with this law, the molecular pressure P' existing because of adhesion at a point in the liquid close to the limit of contact ( see , Fig. 106 )> is trans- mitted undiminished in a direction parallel to the sur- face of the solid, and therefore constitutes a force pushing out the molecules at c. The only oppos- ing force acting to prevent the limiting molecules from moving up along the surface is the verti- cal component of the attraction / exerted upon these molecules by such portion of the liquid as lies within the sphere of in- fluence drawn about c. Hence, unless the ratio of the cohesion to the adhesion exceeds a cer- tain limit, &> thin film of the liquid must spread out indefi- nitely over the surface of the solid. This conclusion is not surprising, since it means simply that a body which attracts a liquid strongly enough will draw every particle of it as near as possible to itself. Thus it is that a drop of water spreads out indefinitely over a perfectly clean glass or mercury surface, that a drop of olive oil spreads over water, or, in general, that any liquid spreads out over any perfectly clean surface which it wets. But such perfectly FIGURE 106 190 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT clean surfaces are very difficult to obtain, and that on account of the prevalence of this very phenomenon. Thus, the least drop of oil touching a mercury or a glass surface spreads over it very quickly and completely changes the effect of adding a drop of water. However, such familiar facts as the creeping of salt solu- tions over battery jars, of kerosene over lamps, or the rapid spreading of oil over water, attest the correctness of the above conclusions. Of course, when but a drop of the liquid is present a limit to the spreading must be reached when the liquid attains a thickness of the. order of magnitude of the diameter of the mole- cule. Rayleigh measured oil films on water which had a thickness of but .000002 mm. The diameter of an oil molecule can not, therefore, be more than this. Another interesting result which may be deduced from Laplace's theory of molecular pressure is that, in general, a liquid must behave as though its surface were a stretched of surface elastic membrane. For, since every molecule in -the active layer is always being urged into the interior, it follows that as many molecules as can possibly do so will leave this layer and pass within., i.e., a liquid, like a distended rubber balloon, will always tend to draw together into the form which has the smallest possible surface for a given volume. Thus it is that all bodies of liquid which are not distorted by gravity or other outside forces always assume the spherical form, e.g., a raindrop, a soap bubble, a globule of oil floating beneath the sur- face of a liquid of the same density. It follows again, from the tendency to assume the form of smallest surface, that a liquid film, a form of enormous surface, must exhibit a sensible contractil- ity. Experiment amply supports the conclusion. Thus, a soap bub- ble may be observed to begin to draw back into the bowl of the pipe as soon as the blower removes his mouth. A wet loop of cotton thread laid upon a soap film, as in Fig. 107a, is snapped out at once into circular form, as in Fig. 107b, as soon as the FIGURE ios FIGURE 107 CAPILLARITY 191 film within the loop is pricked with a pin. A film formed in the frame abdc (Fig. 108) snaps the piece ab back to cd as soon as the stretching force F is removed. Further, Laplace's theory leads to the remarkable conclusion that the contractility of liquid films is wholly independent of Tension of their thickness. For the work which is performed by Sendenfo/ an ^ a S erL ^ which is increasing the surface of a liquid thickness. \ consists solely in bringing new molecules from the interior to the surface, against the force of the molecular pressure. Similarly the contractility of the film when the stretching force is removed is nothing but a manifestation of the force of molecular pressure drawing back molecules into the interior. Hence the work done by the outside agent when the surface is increasing, or by the molecular pressure when it is decreasing, is simply pro- portional to the increase or decrease in surface; i.e., the work required to pull down ab (Fig. 108) a given distance, e.g., 1 mm., must always be the same, whether the film has been stretched little or much, i.e., whether it is thick or thin. It is because this conclusion is at variance with the law which governs the stretching of solids (stretching force proportional to cross-section) that it appears strange. It is, however, completely confirmed by experiment. Thus the fact that the loop of Fig. 107b takes the accurately circular form shows that it is subjected to pre- cisely the same force at all points on its circumference; yet the varying colors of the film show that it has a widely varying thickness. It is to be observed, however, that this conclusion as to the constancy of F should hold only so long as the film is more than twice as thick as the active layer; for after this thickness has been reached the molecular pressure, and hence also the work required to bring a new molecule from the middle to the surface, must begin to diminish. It is probable, however, that the film must break at this point. Hence it is that the smallest thickness which a soap film can have is usually taken as a measure of the diameter of the sphere of molecular influence. This quantity, as measured by Johonnott at the Ryerson Laboratory in 1897, is .000012 mm. It follows from the constancy of F that if ab (see Fig. 108) be pulled down a distanced, the work done by ^is equal, to Fd. 192 MOLECULAK PHYSICS AND HEAT But this work is proportional to the increase in surface. If, then, Relation ^ represent the amount of work which must be done moiSar against the molecular pressure in order to bring enough mrface 6 and m lecules into the active layer to form one new sq. cm. tension. o f sur f ace? then, since the total increase in surface (con- sidering both sides of the film) is %ab'd, it follows that Fd = 2ab-d'T, or T=-> (164) But %ab is simply the length of the line of surface to which the stretching force F is applied. And since the value of .F depends not at all upon the thickness of the liquid, but only upon the length of the attached surface line 2ab, and upon a quantity T which is proportional to the normal molecular pressure, it is obvious that it is merely the surface of the liquid down to a depth r, i.e., the active layer, which is to be regarded as the seat of the contractile force F of the film. Finally then, since when %ab = 1, T= F, (165) it follows that Laplace^s molecular pressure manifests itself in any liquid surface as a tangential contractile force (see Fig. 109) which is numerically equal, in grams per cm. of length, to the quantity of work, expressed in gm. cm., FIGURE 109 which is required to bring up into the active layer, against the molecular pressure, enough molecules to form one new sq. cm. of surface. A rather interesting experiment has been devised to illustrate this fact of contractility when but one surface of a thick film is al- ' lowed to contract. A shallow ves- sel with one side cd movable about c c is filled with water (see Fig. 110). FIGURE no As soon as the thread t is burned, the side cd is pulled over into the vessel, in spite of the fact that the weight of the liquid would tend to press it more firmly against the support e. Now the pressure existing within a rubber balloon may be CAPILLARITY 193 easily calculated from a knowledge of the tension in its elastic envelope. Since, then, the molecular pressure in liquids man- ifests itself as a surface contractility, it ought to be of Laplace's possible to obtain, from the value of this contractility, the quantity p of (161), i.e., the increase in internal pressure which is due to a curvature of the surface. Thus let o-o-' (Fig. Ill) represent an infinitely small rectangular element of a convex surface. Let the arcs That this formula is identical with that denned by Laplace by a more direct but much more difficult method attests the correctness of the reasoning, and also shows that Laplace's capillary constant A is simply the tension in the surface per unit length or the amount of work required to add one sq. cm. to the surface. 194 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT Object. Experiment To compare the values of the surface tensions of water and alcohol, as given by the capillary tube method, with the results obtained by measuring directly the con- tractility of films. DIRECTIONS. 1. Fill two small beakers, one with pure dis- tilled water, the other with absolute alcohol. Then prepare a number of fresh capillary tubes by heating to softness kits of clean glass tubing in a Bunsen flame, and draw- ing them down to diameters of from .1 to .5 mm. Select several tubes which seem to be most nearly circular in form, and attach them by means of a rubber band to a mirror millimeter scale, as shown in Fig. 112. Take the reading r Q of the fixed point o upon the scale, by placing the eye so that the image of o comes into coin- cidence with o itself.* Then immerse the lower ends of the tubes in the liquid and raise and lower the clamp c several times (a rack and pinion adjustment is to be preferred) so as to wet thor- oughly the capillaries above the points reached by the liquid. Next bring o exactly into contact, from below, with the liquid surface, slip up the capillary alone a trifle, and take the reading r of the bottom of the meniscus as soon as the level has settled back to its position of equilibrium. It is clear that the height of rise li is given by h = r r . Mark by means of a bit of wax the point to which the liquid rises in the tube, then remove it from the scale, scratch it very carefully with a sharp file at this point, and break it off as squarely as possible. Stick of the tube ^ e ^ ro ^en tube upright against the side of a block of wood by means of soft wax. Then focus upon the broken end a microscope which is provided with a micrometer eyepiece. Count the number of turnsf and fractions of a turn *If a mirror-scale is not available the eye may be set in the correct position for reading upon an ordinary scale, by pressing a small piece of mirror glass against the scale, behind the point o. fThe counting is greatly facilitated by means of the toothed edge which is found in the field of view of the eyepiece. Each tooth cor- responds to one revolution. FIGURE 112 CAPILLARITY 195 Calculation. Sources of error increases a rise in which must be given to the micrometer screw in order to cause the movable cross-hairs to traverse exactly the internal diameter of the tube. Repeat several times, using in each case a different diameter. Then replace the capillary tube by a standard mil- limeter scale, and find in the same way the number of turns and fractions of a turn corresponding to 1 mm. From the two observations find the diameter D of the tube in mm. In (163) lid represents a pressure expressed in grams per square centimeter. Hence, in order to obtain A in absolute units, the lid of (163) must be multiplied by 980, and both R and h must be expressed in centimeters. The best deter- minations have given for water at 15, A = 75 ; for alcohol, A = 25.5. If the results obtained by this method are not uniform, it will be because, on account of the presence of impurities, the wetting of the tube is not perfect, or because the tube has not a circular section. It is to be observed also that A is a function of the temperature, diminishing as the latter This was to have been expected, since temperature corresponds to a pushing apart of the molecules. 2. In order to make a direct measurement of the surface tension, attach a very light wire frame a (Fig. 113) to a delicate helical spring The direct measurement s, and by means of an elevating table #, raise a vessel of liquid till the frame is immersed. Next lower the table carefully by means of a rack and pinion r, until a film forms be- tween the prongs of the frame. Then quickly take the reading of the index i upon the mirror- scale m. Before repeating, stir the liquid vigorously by means of a glass rod which has been carefully cleaned in a Bunsen flame. Continue this operation until a number of consistent readings can be obtained. The difference between this reading and that taken when the spring and frame hang freely, is, of course, a measure of the force of ten- sion F possessed by the two surfaces of the film. In order to reduce this force to dynes observe the elongation pro- duced by a known weight of the same order of magnitude as FIGURE 113 196 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT F. Then apply Hook's Law to determine F accurately in grams. Finally measure the distance I between the vertical wires of the frame a with an ordinary metric scale and calculate Tfrom (164). Since the presence of the least particle of oil upon the surface changes completely the value of T, it is of great importance that the frame and vessel be thoroughly cleaned with caustic Precautions. ,, . . . . , ,, potash beiore the experiment is begun, and that care be taken not to touch the liquid at any time with the fingers. The purpose of the stirring after each observation is to break up any film of impurity which may be present in spite of all precau- tions. It will usually be found to increase the reading somewhat. The readings are to be taken only when a distinct film is visible between the prongs. If the frame continually snaps up without forming a film, clean it again with caustic potash and lower the table more slowly. Record 1. r = No. turns of microscope micrometer to one mm. = Water Alcohol Density = r l (tube 1) r z (tube 2) = r 3 (tube 3) = - - r 4 (tube 4) = - .:h l = - h 2 = - .". h a = h 4 = - D l (in screw turns)= D 2 = Mean A[=T]= Mean A[=T] = - 2. Rd'g with film = zero = Rd'g with film = zero = Problems 1. The gifted American physicist, Joseph Henry, first suggested in 1848 the determination of the capillary constant by attaching a manometer to a soap bubble, and thus measuring the pressure existing within the bubble. Assuming the surface tension of a soap solution to be 70 dynes, find what would be the difference in the levels in the arms of a water manometer when attached to a bubble of 5 cm. diameter. CAPILLARITY 197 2. Find how many ergs of work must be expended to blow a soap bubble of 15 cm. diameter. 3. A drop of water placed in a conical tube (see Fig. 114) is observed to travel rapidly toward the small end; but a drop of mercury travels toward the large end. FIGURE 114 Explain 4. How high will water rise in pores which are .001 mm. in diameter? 5. Deduce formula (163) from the consideration that, in a capillary tube in which the angle of contact is 180, the total upward force is the surface tension acting upon a line whose length is the circumference of the tube, while the balancing downward force is the weight of the liquid raised. 6. Explain from considerations of molecular pressure, how a needle or any small body which is much more dense than water, may yet float upon it provided a < 90. Could it ever float if o> 90? XXII CALORIMETRY Theory Calorimetry is that branch of Physics which deals with the meas- urement of heat quantity. It had its beginning about the year 1760 with the work of the Scotch chemist and physicist, J se P n Black, the originator of the caloric theory, and the ^ rs ^ investigator to draw a sharp distinction between heat and temperature; in fact the first to give any care- ful definition of the term heat. That bodies change in temperature is a fact of direct observa- tion, but the notion that a something called heat passes between bodies of changing temperature is of the nature of an hypothesis. This hypothesis has taken two forms. With Black and his fol- lowers, the so-called calorists, heat was an imponderable fluid, the caloric, the passing of which into or out of a body was the cause of temperature change. The unit of heat, the calorie, was then defined as the amount of heat which must enter or leave 1 gram of water in order to produce 1 degree of change in its temperature. With Joule, Clausius, and practically all physicists of the latter half of the nineteenth century, a rise in temperature represents an increase, not in the quantity of a contained heat fluid, but simply in the mean kinetic energy of the molecules. The calorists' defi- nition of the heat unit has, however, been retained in its original form, their concept of the transfer of a heat fluid being simply replaced by the concept of a transfer of molecular energy, kinetic or potential, or both. A knowledge of the caloric theory is now important only because of the light which it throws upon the terminology of heat. The theory was altogether abandoned after Joule's demonstration of the equivalence of heat and work. Up to Black's time it was generally supposed that the rise in temperature of a substance in contact with a hot body was con- tinuous; but Black pointed out that while ice or snow is changing 198 CALORIMETRY 199 into water it maintains, if well stirred, a perfectly constant tem- perature, no matter how hot may be the stove with which it is in contact. In order to explain this phenomenon, Origin of the term patent together with the inverse one that the condensation of steam or the freezing of water is accompanied by a large evolution of heat, Black assumed that a certain amount of the caloric always became hidden or latent at the time of a change from the solid to the liquid, or from the liquid to the gaseous condition. For example, since it was found that the mixing of 1 gram of ice at and 1 gram of water at 80 C. would yield 2 grams of water at 0, or. that 2 grams of water at 40 was required to just melt 1 gram of ice at 0, 80 calories was taken to be the latent lieat of fusion of ice. According to the modern mechanical theory, the temperature of a substance remains constant while the change of state is going on simply because the energy of motion communicated V latent to the molecules in contact with the hot body is at once transformed into energy of position ; that is, the heated molecules immediately break away from the forces which have been holding them in the given state (solid or liquid, as the case may be), and thereby lose their increased velocities (i.e., their increased temperature) as rapidly as they receive them. The operation is wholly analogous to that in which a body shot up from the earth loses its velocity in raising itself against gravity. Thus, although the old terms of the calorists, latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization, are still retained, these latent heats represent to-day only given changes in the potential energy of the molecules, just as a given rise in temperature represents a given change in their mean kinetic energy. But it must not be supposed that changes in the kinetic and potential energies of the molecules may not take place simultane- ously. In fact, there is but a limited number of substances, those in general which are of a crystalline structure, which show at any points a change in potential energy unaccompanied by a change in kinetic, i.e., by a rise in temperature. Thus wax, resin, gutta percha, glass, alcohol, carbon, and a great number of other sub- stances pass gradually through all stages of viscosity in melting or solidifying. In such cases the temperature changes continually; i.e., there is no definite point at which the substance may be said 200 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT to begin to melt. On the other hand, every increase in the tem- perature of a solid is accompanied by a certain amount of expan- sion, and hence by^ome increase in the potential as well as the kinetic energy of the molecules. The following table shows the values of the latent heats of some of the commoner substances : Water Melting Latent heat point, of fusion C. (calories) 0. 79.9 Boiling Latent heat point, of vaporization C. (calories) 100. 536. 80.2 94. 118. 97. 357. 62. 447. 362. Bsnzol 5.3 30. 46. 2.8 9. 21. 6 27. Acetic acid. ...'. 16.5 Mercury - 39.5 Sulphur 114. Silver .. . 970. Lead 328. Platinum. . ..1780. It was discovered very early that the quantity of heat given up by 1 gram of water in falling through 1 degree would raise very different weights of other substances through one Specific heat, degree, e.g., 33 gm. of mercury, 10.5 gm. of copper, 8.9 gm. of iron, 2.3 gm. of turpentine, etc. The calorists explained these facts by the assumption that different substances possess per unit weight different capacities for the heat fluid. The heat capacity of a body was then defined as the number of calories required to raise the body through 1 degree, and the specific heat of a substance, as the number of calories required to raise 1 gram of that substance through 1 degree. These definitions are still retained now that heat is regarded as molecular energy; but the fact that different amounts of this energy must be communi- cated to gram weights of different substances in order to produce the same increase in temperature, i.e., the same increase in the average kinetic energy of translation of the molecules, is attrib- uted to (1) The differences in the number of molecules contained in gram weights of different substances ; and (2) The differences in the internal work which are incidental to an increase in temperature. By internal work is meant the work done in increasing the distances between the molecules, in augmenting the energy, kinetic or potential, of the atoms within CALORIMETRY 201 the molecules, or, in general, any work other than that repre- sented in the increase in the kinetic energy of translation of the molecules themselves, or in the expansion against the force of atmospheric pressure. The first element can be easily investigated, for if this were the only cause of difference in the specific heats of different sub- stances, these differences would disappear in a com- ^eafs ular parison of quantities which represent, not equal weights, but equal numbers of molecules. Such quan- tities can evidently be obtained by taking, in each case, a number of grams which is equal to the molecular weight of the substance. This quantity has been given the name of a gram-molecule, and the number of calories of heat required to raise 1 gram-molecule of a substance through 1 C. is called its molecular specific heat, or simply its molecular heat. The molecular heat is evidently, there- fore, simply the product of the specific heat per gram and the molecular weight. The following table contains a comparison of a very few specific heats per given weight, and specific heats per given number of molecules : SPECIFIC MOLECULAR MOLECULAR GASES HEAT WEIGHT HEAT I Oxygen (O 2 ) 2175 32. 6.95 Nitrogen (N 2 ) 2435 28. 6.81 I Hydrogen (II 2 ) 3.4090 2. 6.82 Hydrochloric acid (HC1) 1845 36.4 6.72 Carbon monoxide (CO) 2450 28. 6.86 I Nitric oxide (NO) 2317 30. 6.95 Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) 2262 44. 9.95 Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 2163 44. 9.52 Water vapor (H 2 O) 4805 18. 8.64 SOLIDS Potassium (K 2 ) 1655 78.2 12. 94 Sodium (Na 2 ) 2934 46. 13.50 3, where it melts a certain amount of ice. The movement of the mercury in T to the right because of the contraction due to change of state is proportional to the amount of ice melted. The value in calories of one division of T is determined by inserting into D a substance of known heat capacity. This calorimeter has proved very valuable in determining the specific heat of very small bodies. The steam calorimeter (Fig. 118) has proved of especial value only in the determi- nation of the specific heats of gases. A light metal globe , full of the gas, is sus- pended from the arm of a balance within a chamber of known temperature t. When steam is suddenly admitted into this chamber through E it con- denses upon the globe and the walls until their temperature reaches FIGURE 118 CALORIMETRY 209 100. With proper precautions to prevent the loss of drops of con- densed steam (see pan s), the increase tri in the weight of the globe represents the amount of steam which must be condensed in order to raise the temperature of globe and contained gas from t to 100. If the heat capacity (7 of the globe is known, that of the con- tained gas C' can evidently be found from ((7 + (?')(100 t) = 536w'. Accurate results can not be obtained with either of these latent heat calorimeters without the use of greater precautions than can be taken ordinarily in intermediate laboratory courses. Object. Experiment To compare the method of cooling and the method of mixture in the determination of the specific heat of turpentine. DIRECTIONS. 1. By means of the trip scales* find the .weight w c of the nickel-plated brass vessel A of about 30 cc. capacity (see Fig. 119). Then fill it with Observations ... ' . upon rates DOi ling water and weigh of cooling. . 8 . again (w h ). Subtract and obtain the weight of the water w w . Treat the blackened vessel B in the same way, filling it with the same num- ber of grams of water. Suspend both vessels from the wooden cover D by means of corks and thermometers, as shown in the figure. Attach the cyl- indrical brass vessels E and F by means of the catches at e t and immerse in a large pail or battery jar full of water at about the room temperature. Take a very exact reading of each thermometer about once a minute while the temperatures are falling from 71 to 39 C. The hour, minute, and second of each reading must be accurately taken. Since the eye can not be upon both the watch and the thermometer at the same time, it is advisable to have in the room some audible second marker with which the watch can be com- pared just before each reading. This may be dispensed with if there are' two observers, one to record temperatures and the other FIGURE '119 210 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT to record times. In this case the first observer should tap sharply upon the table at the instant of each temperature reading, at the same time calling out either A or B, while the second observer records in the A or B column the hour, minute, and second of each tap. The mean temperature tj of the water-jacket may be found from observations taken at the beginning and end of the cooling process. . v Next pour out the water from A and B and dry them thor- oughly; fill to the same level as before, this time with hot tur- pentine; obtain the weights (w' b ), and by subtraction the corresponding weights of the turpentine w t ; replace in the bath and take a new set of observations upon the rate of cooling between 71 and 39. With the observed values of the times and temperatures, plot upon a large sheet of coordinate paper four smooth full-page curves, using times as abscissae and temperatures as curves of ordinates. In so doing, choose the scale of temper- ature so that the lowest observed temperature is repre- sented by a line near the bottom of the page, the highest by a line near the top. Choose the scale of times so that the time of begin- ning of observations upon the cooling of the polished vessel when filled with water is represented by a line (the zero of time for this case) which is near the left side of the page, while the time of conclusion of observations upon this case is represented by a line near the right side of the page. Plot the other curves upon the same sheet to the same scale, the zero of times being in each case ttie time of beginning of observations. Now read oif very carefully upon the four smooth curves the four times included between any two temperature lines, e.g., 70 and 40, and thus obtain from both A and B the Computa- uon. quantity -^- If, then, c and c' represent the respective *i heat capacities of the empty vessel A and of the thermometer, and s, Z C the specific heat of turpentine, the equation i = -^ becomes Z 2 2 (176) From (176) s can easily be obtained as soon as c and c' have been found. CALOKIMETKY , 211 To obtain c, multiply iv c by the specific heat of brass (.095). To obtain c', fill vessel A with water at the room temperature, immerse and read carefully the thermometer; then plunge it ^ wa ^ er ? withdraw, wipe off the adhering water ; m meters. read quickly and again instantly immerse in A. Stir and note the rise in the temperature of the water. If then w' is the weight of the water, t t and t f its initial and final temperatures, and t the initial temperature of the thermometer, then [see (167)] From any two of the four cooling curves test the incorrectness of Newton's law of cooling as follows: If z l and z z are the times required to cool from 71 to 69 and from 41 to 39 Newton's law of respectively, and if t s is the temperature of the jacket, then if Newton's law were correct it would follow that - m &b& / 178 x ^~w~t; 2. To find the mean specific heat of turpentine between 70 and 40 C. by the method of mixture, first heat the water in the jacket J (Fig. 115) to about 37 and hold it constant at that temperature by the gentle application of heat and by such stirring as is found necessary. Find the weight W c of the nickel-plated calorimeter H, including the stirrer, then fill half -full of water and weigh again ( W b ). Repre- sent the weight of the water alone by W w . Give the water a temperature which is about 3 below that of the jacket and set it in place within the jacket as in Fig. 115. From the specific heat found by the method of cooling, calculate about how many grams of turpentine will need to fall from 70 to 40 in order to raise the water in the calorimeter from 34 to 40. From this and the density of turpentine (.87) estimate very roughly to what height the mixture of water and turpentine will raise the level of the liquid in the calorimeter. Then heat to about 73 a half -liter or more* of turpentine in a dipper provided with a lip ; stir it thor- oughly with a thermometer (No. 1) until the temperature falls to about 70, then take an accurate reading t' t and very quickly pour * A large quantity is used so that the cooling may not be too rapid. 212 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT about the estimated volume into the water. The temperature t t of this water should have been taken but an instant before with the aid of a more sensitive thermometer (Xo. 2). Cover the calorimeter as quickly as possible after the mixing and stir very thoroughly with the wire-net stirrer R (see Fig. 115), keeping it, however, always below the surface. Take a read- ing every 15 seconds from the time of mixing until the temper- ature has passed its highest point and begun to fall. The first few of these readings will of course be uncertain, but they have a very small influence upon the result. Record the highest temper- ature reached t f , then withdraw the thermometer, shake back into the calorimeter the drops which adhere, and take the weight W m of the calorimeter and contents, including stirrer. By subtrac- tion obtain the weight W t of the turpentine. To find the radiation constant pour out the mixture and fill the calorimeter with a volume of water about equal to the volume of the mixture. Find the weight M of the water alone, for radio,- then raise it to about the final temperature ^/, replace it in the jacket and note the time n required, with con- tinual stirring, to fall .5C. From this and the temperature of the jacket, compute first the radiation constant (equation 171), then the number of calories lost by radiation (equation 170). Calculate the heat capacities of the calorimeter and stirrer by multiplying their joint weight by .095, obtain the heat capacity of Correction.-? ^ ne thermometer either by the method employed in 1 *eteran im ~ or ky the following process : Estimate the volume in thermometer. C ubic centimeters of that portion of the thermometer which is immersed, by noting the rise of water in a narrow gradu- ate when the thermometer is sunk in it up to the point to which it was wet in the experiment. Multiply this by the specific heat of mercury per cubic centimeter, viz. 13.6 x .033 = .45. It is because this is about the same as the specific heat of glass per cubic centimeter, viz. 2.5 x .19 that the thermometer may be treated as though it were made entirely of mercury. CALORIMETRY 213 Record A B W c = W c = Wb= W'b W = W'b = W w = . '. Wt= . '. Wiv= . '. Wt= ti= c = c' = t = tf = . '. sp. h't of turpentine = . '. sp. h't of turpentine = Zmn- M-tj_ *,_ 4Q-t,_ z 2 70- tj~ z 2 ~ 70 */~ 2. 1st trial 2d trial W c = W c = - .;W W = - t f =- W w =- t f =- W m =- t'i = - W m =- t'i=- .:W t =- t' f = * W t = t' f = * Radiation cons' t (171) M === ?i = d = .-.k = Radiation correct'n (170) t m = tj= N= . . L = Heat capacity of cal'r and stirrer = of thermoin'r = . . sp. h't of turpentine = . . sp. h't of turpentine = Problems 1. 50 gm. of ice are dropped into a brass calorimeter contain- ing 800 gm. of water at 27 C. The calorimeter weighs 150 gm. Find the final temperature. 2. A 50 kgm. block of ice fell 30 meters. How many grams of ice were melted by the heat generated by the fall? (4.2 x 10 7 ergs = 1 calorie.) 3. According to very careful determinations made by Violle the quantity of heat required to raise 1 gm. of platinum from to t is given for all temperatures by the formula Q = .0317^ + .OOOOOG^ 2 . Find the temperature of a Bunsen flame if a 20 gm. platinum ball dropped from the flame into 377 gm. of water at raised the temperature of the water 2. * t'f is tf reducecf to terms of thermometer No. 1. It is found by com- paring No. 1 and No. 2 at about the temperature tf. It is evident that this proceeding diminishes errors due to imperfect thermometers. 214 MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND HEAT 4. What should be the result of mixing 10 gm. of snow at with 10 gm. of water at 35C.? 5. The globe of a steam calorimeter is made of brass, weighs 50 gm. and has a volume of 1 liter. It contains nitrogen at a pressure of 2 atmospheres. The temperature of the chamber is 10. What will be the increase in weight upon the admission of steam? XXIII EXPANSION Theory The true coefficient of expansion c of any body at any temper- ature is defined as the ratio between the volume increase, pro- duced by an infinitely small rise in temperature, and the volume of the body at zero. Thus if F , F

231. Uniform accelerated motion, 9, 10. circular motion, 101. field of force, 34. Vapor pressures, reduction of, 159. saturated, 154. tension, 158. tension, table of, 228. Vaporization, 153. Variation of specific heats with tem- perature, 203. Vector, 100. Velocity, 21 angular, 84. mean, 10. molecular, 106, 130. Vernier, 224. caliper, 225. Vinci, capillary phenomena, 182. Violle, specific heat of platinum, 213. Volume coefficients of solids, 217. modulus, 66. Water density, table of, 227. motor, 48. pump, 160. 242 INDEX Watt, definition of, 51. Weighing, method of double, 39, 173. with false balances, 38. Weight of body in vacuo, 172. Weights, atomic and molecular, 144. Wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer, 169. Woestyn, law of, 202. Work, definition of, 29. Work, principle of, 29. unit of, 42. Wroblewski, liquefaction of 128. Young's modulus, 67. Zero, absolute, 128. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. rtu I7j v CCD "I O \t\A\ 5 1 ' Few lo 1^41 "r JUN 17 1**) S*AR 31 SM : o r~D ^i fto /> /i/k """ 3 T94TM 7n .AM35 REC'D LD ft& I 1 lb> .; N JG f tolR I5194J OCT 1 IMt M 8 14Miai52HW FED 18 1942 29FobS2|jl Illl or* nj n _,'t>* MAR 23 1943 R"- D MAR 23 1943 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY