KELLOGG AND BY THE SAME AUTHORS BY VERNON LYMAN KELLOGG ELEMENTARY ZOOLOGY Pp. xv + 492, 172 figs., i2mo, 1901, $i-35- FIRST LESSONS m ZOOLOGY Pp. x+363, 257 figs., i2mo, 1903, $1.12. AMERICAN INSECTS Pp. vii-f 671, 812 figs., ii colored plates, 8vo, 1905 (American Nature Series, Group I), $5.00. Students' Edition, $4.00. DARWINISM TODAY Pp. xii+ 403, 8vo, 1907, $2.00. INSECT STORIES Pp. vi+ 298, illustrated, i2mo, 1908 (American Nature Series, Group V),' $1.50. THE ANIMALS AND MAN Pp. x+495, 244 figs., 1911, $1.30. BY RENNIE WILBUR DOANE INSECTS AND DISEASE Pp. xiv+227, illustrated, 1910 (American Nature Series, Group IV), $1.50. ELEMENTARY TEXTBOOK OF ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY SO|l OF ENTOMOLOGY AND LECTURER IN BIONOMICS IN STANFORD UNIVERSITY AND RENNIE WILBUR DOANE ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY IN STANFORD UNIVERSITY NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1915 BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY THE. MAPLE- PRESS. YORK- PA PREFATORY NOTE The point of view from which this book is written is explained in its first chapter. For that matter it is indicated clearly by the title. If the study of zoology is being neglected in schools for the alleged reason that it is not a useful study, the neglect is based on an unsound reason. For zoology is useful, and not in one way alone, but in two ways; and both of these in addition to its pedagogic value as a study which develops accurate per- sonal observation and independent personal attainment of conclusion. Zoology is first of all useful in the way so often stressed by Huxley, as a study that gives us a sounder basis for our own life by showing the demands of Nature on animal life in general and the kinds of responses to be made to these demands. In other words it is quite specially a branch of science that can help us largely as a guide to living in conformity to natural laws. Zoology is also useful in a more obvious and commerci- ally ratable way, by revealing the precise relation which many animals bear to us in their attitude of friends to be cultivated, or foes to be fought. Injurious insects, alone, cause this country an annual loss of a billion dollars. A general knowl- edge of insect life and an intelligent and vigorous application of this knowledge can save the nation half this loss. To the teacher intending to use this book as class guide there is due a word of explanation. The authors have attempted to make the book an introduction to general zoology as well as to that specific phase of it called economic. The first chapters are therefore of a nature to introduce pupils to general facts of animal structure and life. They are arranged on the basis of ac- cepted pedagogic principles. The later chapters, arranged on a basis of animal classification, proceeding from the simpler to the more highly developed groups, include not only general facts 2056240 viii PREFATORY NOTE pertaining to the groups treated, but introduce and give special attention to the economic relations of various particular mem- bers of the groups. Finally in still later chapters, segregated in a separate section of the book, there is presented a sort of encyclopedic treatment of a considerable body of facts wholly economic in aspect. These chapters are to be used as reference matter, collateral reading, and matter to suggest practical work, rather than as material for recitation. Of the numerous insect kinds treated in the chapters on injurious insects, only a certain few will be found in any single region. Those few are the ones intended for study by pupils in that region. The study should be mostly field work. We wish to thank Professor Harold Heath for his kindly critical reading of much of the manuscript of the book. The sources of such illustrations as are not original with us are pointed out in the subscriptions to the figures. We owe thanks to many friends in this connection. V. L. K. R. W. D. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA, December, 1914. CONTENTS PART I CHAPTER PAGE I. ANIMALS AND THE STUDY OF ANIMALS .... i II. A STUDY OF THE FROG 4 III. A STUDY OF THE GRASSHOPPER 14 IV. A STUDY OF HYDRA 21 V. A STUDY OF AMOEBA 25 VI. THE ONE-CELLED ANIMALS ....... 29 VII. ONE-CELLED AND MANY-CELLED ANIMALS ... 39 VIII. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS ..... 48 IX. SPONGES AND SPONGE FISHING 58 X. SEA-ANEMONES, JELLY-FISHES, CORALS AND CORAL ISLANDS 63 XI. LIVER-FLUKES, TAPE-WORMS, AND OTHER PARA- SITIC FLAT-WORMS 69 XII. TRICHINAE, HOOKWORMS, FILARIA, AND OTHER PARASITIC ROUND WORMS 79 XIII. STARFISHES, SEA-URCHINS, AND SEA-CUCUMBERS . 89 XIV. EARTHWORMS, LEECHES, AND OTHER SEGMENTED WORMS " 98 XV. CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. . . 106 XVI. SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS .... 123 XVII. CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS, AND INSECT BENEFITS AND INJURIES 153 XVIII. INSECTS (CONT'D) WASPS, ANTS, THE HONEY BEE AND OTHER BEES 183 XIX. SCORPIONS, SPIDERS, MITES AND TICKS .... 206 XX. OYSTERS, CLAMS, MUSSELS, OTHER MOLLUSCS, AND THE SHELLFISH INDUSTRIES 216 XXI. FISHES AND FISHERIES 237 XXII. TOADS, FROGS AND SALAMANDERS 256 XXIII. SNAKES, LIZARDS, TURTLES, AND CROCODILES . . 260 XXIV. BIRDS. 273 XXV. MAMMALS 295 ix 2 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY are wholly wanting in inorganic matter. Practically none of the other distinctions usually given will stand close scrutiny and critical analysis. A recent estimate by a reliable naturalist of the number of known kinds of animals puts this number at 522,400. It is quite certain that there are as many more not yet known. Of these million living animal kinds each of us knows but few, some of us very few indeed. And these few we usually know most superficially; usually only their general external appear- ance and a little about their habits. Yet this little that we know about animals is sufficient to serve as an introduction to the science of zoology, if we will think seriously of it and try to arrange it in some orderly or classified way. That indeed is what the whole science of zoology is; an orderly arrangement of all the known facts about animals. This arrangement usually begins by a grouping of the facts under five principal heads. These are animal classification, or systematic zoology; animal morphology, or structural zoology; animal physiology, or functional zoology; animal embryology and life-history, or developmental zoology; and animal rela- tions to their environment, or ecological zoology. Animal psychology or behavior is also sometimes made a special head in the classifying of zoological facts, but it may better be included in the subject of animal physiology. No one elementary text-book can deal in a comprehensive way with all of these phases of the study of animals. And yet no one phase can be satisfactorily studied wholly by itself. The classifying of animals into related groups depends upon a knowledge of animal structure and development. To under- stand animal structure one must know something of animal physiology, and vice versa. Finally, to understand the relations of animals to the world they live in, to the plants that serve them as food and protection, to the other animals that they associate with as friends or enemies, and to man, whose rela- tions with them are much more complex and important than we may, at first, think, it is absolutely necessary to know something about all the other subjects of animal study. This book, therefore, which is intended to guide students ANIMALS, AND THE STUDY OF ANIMALS 3 who wish to learn about animals from the special point of view of their interrelations with man, that is, their possible use and hurtfulness and even danger to us, and our possible power to develop this use and minimize this injury, will be found not to neglect those other phases of animal study which are indi- cated under the titles of classification, morphology, physiology, and development. But no text-book of zoology can really give the student the knowledge he seeks. He must find out most of it for himself, especially if he wants it to stick. A text-book based on the experience of others is chiefly valuable for suggesting to him how to work most effectively to get the knowledge for himself. And the best students always find out things which are not in books. CHAPTER II A STUDY OF THE FROG Before beginning a discussion of the animal kingdom as a whole, or of any of the important groups into which it is divided a few animals representing different conditions of bodily make-up may be studied. The student will then have some definite, first-hand knowledge of the structure and organization of animals. FIG. i. A common western frog, Rana boyli. A frog or a common garden toad, may be used as a type of a vertebrate animal, that is, one with a backbone. Except during the cold winter months frogs may usually be found around ponds or along the banks of streams. In the spring and early summer toads, too, are common around the water where they are breeding. Later in the summer toads may be found in almost any garden, where they can best be collected at dusk. A STUDY OF THE FROG 5 Whenever possible the whole class should join in collecting the material in order that all may see the animal in its usual haunts and study its habits there. Living specimens may be kept in the laboratory for some weeks during which time many interesting observations may be made. But in order to make a closer study of the structure of the animal it must be killed. This may be done by placing the frog in an air-tight jar or other vessel with a piece of cotton or cloth that has been saturated with chloroform or ether. The following description is written for the frog, but it will serve also as a guide for the study of the toad, as the two animals are alike in general structure. External Structure. The body of the frog is divided into two principal regions, the head and the trunk. In most verte- brates there is a distinct neck between these two regions, but in the frog they are closely united. The forelegs, or arms, are well developed, but the hind legs are much longer and stronger, enabling the animal to leap for considerable distances. On the hands are four fingers or digits and a rudiment of a thumb. The five toes on the hind legs are connected by a web. The tough skin that covers the body is kept moist by the secretions from many glands. The eyes are large, prominent and protruding. When they are closed they are drawn back into their orbits somewhat and covered mostly by the lower eyelid, which is thin and freely movable. The upper eyelid is thick and not capable of much movement. The tympanum, the outer membrane of the auditory organ, is a smooth ellip- tical membrane just back of each eye. When sound waves strike the tympanum, causing it to vibrate, the vibrations are trans- ferred to the inner ear by a minute rod, the columella, which extends between the two. The nostrils are in front of the eyes and above the mouth. The wide mouth extends from one side of the head to the other. In the frog there are a few small teeth on the upper jaw and in the roof of the mouth which serve only to hold the prey. No such teeth are present in the toad. The tongue is attached by its anterior end. The posterior end is free and can be extended forward out of the mouth nearly its full length for capturing insects. As the tongue is covered with a mucous secretion the insects stick to it and are quickly 6 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY drawn into the mouth. In the roof of the mouth are two pairs of openings. The anterior pair, the inner nares, are the in- ternal openings to the nose; the posterior pair, just posterior to the eyeballs, are the internal openings to the wide Eustachian tubes which lead to the mouth from the chamber of the ear behind the tympanum. At the posterior end of the mouth is the opening of the esophagus through which the food passes into the stomach. Just below the opening of the esophagus is a perpendicular slit-like opening, the glottis. This opens into the short larynx through which the air passes to the lungs. The flaps just within this opening are the vocal cords. Internal Structure. In making the dissection for the study of the internal structure it is best to make the cut along the ventral side from the anal opening, at the posterior end of the body, to the angle of the lower jaw. The first cut should be made only through the skin in order to expose some of the muscles that control the movements of the body. The large sheet of abdominal muscles covering the ventral side of the frog consists of two sets, an outer and an inner layer. Poste- riorly they are attached to the bony pelvic girdle which sup- ports the hind legs. The size, position and points of attach- ment of the heavy bundles of muscles that control the leg movements should also be noted. The incision may then be made through the body-wall, and the sides fastened back to expose the internal organs. The digestive system may be studied first. The esophagus, as we have noted, leads from the opening at the back of the mouth to the stomach. The stomach is somewhat crescent-shaped, and lies mostly on the left side of the body. The anterior, or cardiac, end is larger than the posterior, or pyloric, end where it joins the small intestine. The small intestine is a long coiled tube opening into the large intestine or rectum. The posterior part of the rectum is known as the cloaca, for it also receives the waste products from the bladder and kidneys. The ova and spermatozoa also pass from the body through the cloaca. The reddish-brown lobes of the liver are conspicuous. They secrete the bile, which is an alkaline fluid that aids in digestion. The gall-bladder, where the bile is stored, lies between the lobes A STUDY OF THE FROG 7 of the liver and opens into the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, through the bile duct. The pinkish, many- lobed pancreas lies between the duodenum and the stomach. It also secretes a digestive fluid which is poured into the duo- denum through the common bile duct. The food, which con- sists chiefly of insects and worms, is first acted on by the fluid secreted by the mucous layer of tissue lining the esophagus. As it passes into the stomach the acid gastric juice that is secreted by the walls of the stomach also acts upon it and digests out some of the proteid matter. In the duodenum the bile and the pancreatic juice act upon the fats and starches. The food, thus digested and made available, is taken up by the walls of the intestine and carried by the blood and lymph to all parts of the body to build up new tissue and increase 1 he size of the body, or to renew tissue which has been worn out by the various activities of the animal. Some reserve food is stored in the liver in a form that is available for use when necessary, as during the winter while the frog is hibernating. Nutri- ment is also stored in the large many-branched yellowish fat bodies which are closely connected with the reproductive organs. The lungs are thin-walled, sac-like bodies. The area of the inner surface is increased by many folds which form minute spaces, the alveoli, the walls of which are abundantly supplied with blood capillaries. The waste carbon dioxide in the blood is given off and the oxygen taken up through the thin walls of these capillaries. The air passes through the nostrils or external nares into a slightly enlarged chamber, the olfactory chamber, thence through the posteror nares into the mouth. The nostrils are then closed, the floor of the mouth is raised, and the air is forced through the glottis into the short larynx and into the lungs. The air is forced out from the lungs by the contraction of the muscles of the body- wall. While respiration is carried on chiefly by the lungs, the skin, particularly in the frog, acts in the same capacity, the transfer of gases taking place through the capillaries there as in the lungs. The Circulatory System. The blood of the frog is a liquid plasma which contains three kinds of corpuscles. The com- paratively large, flattened, elliptical, red corpuscles are most 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY numerous and give the red color to the blood. They contain a substance called hemoglobin, which takes up the oxygen in the respiratory organs and carries it to the other tissues of the body. The white corpuscles, or leucocytes, are amoeboid in character, and are able to change their shape and move about independently. It is their duty to take up and destroy any small foreign objects such as bacteria, parasitic germs, bits of broken-down tissue, or other particles . that should be elimi- nated. In this way they prevent the undue multiplication of many disease germs that might prove most serious if they attained to considerable numbers. The spindle-cells are cor- puscles which may later develop into red corpuscles. Most of the blood corpuscles are developed in the marrow of the bones, although many of the white corpuscles are formed in the spleen, which is a reddish, oval body lying above the ante- rior end of the cloaca. The blood is contained in a system of veins and arteries with a central pumping station, the heart, which drives the blood out through the blood-vessels to all parts of the body. With the aid of a microscope the blood may plainly be seen circulating through the membrane between a live frog's toes. Besides the red blood in the closed circu- lation, there is a colorless lymph containing white corpuscles occurring in many lymph spaces in various parts of the body. The lymph is derived from the plasma of the blood and ulti- mately flows back into the veins. The lymph spaces connect with each other, and the large lymph hearts in the dorsal part of the body cavity, by their pulsations, drive the blood into two of the veins in the region of the heart. ^ The pear-shaped heart is enclosed in a delicate semi-trans- parent sac, the pericardium. It is made up of the conical muscular ventricle and the thinner-walled right and left auricles. When the ventricle contracts, the blood is driven out through the thick-walled truncus arteriosus, which soon divides. Each of the divisions gives off three branches, the carotid arteries, which supply the head, the systemic, arteries, which pass around the alimentary canal and unite above forming the dorsal aorta, and the pulmonary arteries, which carry blood to the lungs and the skin. The systemic arteries and the aorta give off branches A STUDY OF THE FROG 9 which carry blood to the greater part of the body and to the viscera. The pulmonary arteries, or pulmo- cutaneous arteries as they are sometimes called, divide just before they reach the lung, one branch passing out to the skin. The arteries entering the lungs at once divide into smaller and smaller vessels and finally into the small capillaries where, as already said, the blood is purified by giving off its carbon dioxide and taking up oxygen. The capillaries collect again into larger and larger veins and the blood is returned from the lung to the left auricle of the heart through the pulmonary vein. All of the arteries that pass out to the various parts of the body also divide into smaller and smaller vessels and into capillaries which in turn unite to form veins. Some of the veins carry blood through the kidneys, where urea and other waste matter is taken out; others carry blood to the liver; but all of the veins from the different parts of the body finally unite into three large veins which open into the sinus venosus, a thin-walled sac on the dorsal side of the heart. From the sinus venosus the blood enters the right auricle. The right auricle thus becomes filled with the impure blood, that is, with blood that has given up its oxygen to the tissues in all parts of the body and is carrying carbon dioxide as waste. The left auricle, as we have seen, is filled w r ith blood that has just returned from the lungs and the skin, hence it is pure, that is, it contains much oxygen and no carbon dioxide. The two auricles contract simultaneously and send the blood into the ventricle, that from the right auricle into the right side of the ventricle, that from the left auricle into the left side. When the ventricle contracts the impure blood in the right side is forced out first and passes into the pulmonary arteries, and the blood in the left side, which has already received its oxygen, is sent out through the carotid and systemic arteries, carrying its oxygen and nourishment to all parts of the body. A longitudinal section through the heart and the beginnings of the arteries will show r the valves that keep the blood from flowing back when the heart contracts. The Excretory System. The reddish glandular kidneys lie close to the dorsal body-wall. They are composed of connec- io ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY tive tissue in which are series of small tubules that take out much of the waste material from the blood that flows through the kidneys. This waste material, urea, passes from the kid- neys through the ureters into the cloaca and collects in the sac-like bladder, from which it is finally expelled through the anus. The skin, liver and the walls of the intestines take some part in excretion, but the kidneys are the principal excretory organs. By the side of the kidneys are the yellowish adrenal bodies. In the region of the kidneys may be seen the reproductive organs. In the female the ovaries, when filled with the small black and white eggs, are very conspicuous. As these eggs develop they break out into the body-cavity and find their way into the open ends of the long convoluted oviducts. While passing through the oviduct the eggs receive a coating of an albuminous fluid which swells up when it reaches the water. The eggs are collected in the posterior portion of the oviducts and finally pass into the cloaca and out of the body. The white ovoid testes of the male are attached to the ventral side of the kidneys by folds of the peritoneum, which is a membrane lining the abdominal wall. From each testis a number of delicate tubes, called vasa deferentia, enter the kidney and be- come connected with the urinary tubules. The spermatozoa that are developed in the testes thus pass through the kidneys and the ureters into the cloaca. The eggs are fertilized by the spermatozoa which is poured over them while the female is laying them. The Skeleton. The bones making up the skeleton of the frog may be considered in two groups: the axial skeleton made up of the skull and the vertebral column, and the appendicular skeleton consisting of the bones of the fore and hind limbs and the pectoral and pelvic girdles. The skull consists of the bones forming the immovable upper jaw, the movable lower jaw, the hyoid apparatus supporting the tongue, and a number of bones joined together to form the narrow brain case. The vertebral column is made up of nine vertebra followed by a slender bony rod, the urostyle. Each vertebra consists of lateral transverse processes and a firm central portion which surrounds the neural A STUDY OF THE FROG ii palatine^ fronio-parietal.. pterygoid-J.A, cervical vertebra^ clavicle splieno-ethnnrid maxillary digits ex-occipital supra-scapula "-carpels radio-ulna sacral vertebra '-calcaneum / U tibio-fibula astragalus FIG. 3. Skeleton of garden toad. canal. The pectoral girdle, which supports the fore limbs and protects the organs in the anterior part of the body, is composed of several bony or cartilaginous pieces. The large flat suprascapula lies above the vertebral column; the scapula, clavicle and coracoid pass downward on either side and connect with the sternal bones in the median line. The large humerus of the arm is attached to the pectoral girdle between the scapula and coracoid. The forearm consists of the fused radius and ulna, the radio-ulna. The wrist contains six small carpal bones. In the hand are the five basal metacarpal bones, and beyond them the phalanges, two each in the second and third digits and three in the fourth and fifth digits. The pelvic girdle is shaped somewhat like the "wish-bone" in fowls, the long bone, the ilium, on each side connecting with the trans- verse process of the ninth vertebra. The bones of the hind limb consist of the femur, tibia-fibula, four small tar sal bones, the astragalus and calcaneum, the digital bones, consisting of the metatarsals and the phalanges, and the small calcar, or prehallux. The Nervous System. The nervous system can best be dissected out in specimens that have been macerated in 20 per cent, nitric acid for some time. The brain consists of the two large fused olfactory lobes, the elongated cerebral hemispheres, the rounded optic lobes, the small cerebellum and the long medulla oblongata which gradually narrows into the spinal cord. The optic chiasma, the infundibulum and the hypophysis are on the ventral side. The spinal cord extends through the neural canal in all the vertebrae and ends in the urostyle. The brain and spinal cord give off many large nerves which branch and subdivide and finally reach all the tissues of the body. The sympathetic system consists of two principal nerve trunks, one on each side of the vertebral column, and a series of nerves which are distributed to the internal organs. Life History and Habits. In the spring the frog lays her eggs in masses in the water of ponds or ditches. The gelat- inous substance which surrounds them soon swells so that the egg-mass looks like a ball made up of little round bits of jelly with black centers. The toad's eggs are similar to the frog's A STUDY OF THE FROG 13 eggs, but are laid in strings instead of in masses. The young tadpoles which hatch from these eggs look more like fish than frogs. The body is long and ends in a long fin-like, flattened tail. No legs are present, and the animal breathes by means of two pairs of external gills. As the tadpoles grow and develop first the hind legs and then the forelegs begin to appear, lungs develop and the gills disappear, and the tail shortens and finally disappears. The animal is now frog-like, though still very small. Further growth is very slow and frogs are not really adult, that is capable of producing young, until they are two or three years old or older. The tadpoles feed upon vegetable matter and minute ani- mals that they find in the water. The adults feed principally on insects and worms, the toads especially destroying many insects during the warm summer nights. As most of these insects are sure to be injurious to some of the garden crops the toads are to be regarded as great friends of the horticulturist, and every effort should be made to keep them in the garden. As a result of a series of studies on the habits of the common toad it has been estimated that a toad in a garden may be worth nearly $20 in a single season. As they may live for ten years or longer they are truly valuable assets of the gardener. Toads and frogs have many enemies, among the most im- portant of which are snakes and some of the shore birds. From some of these enemies they have little or no protection save their nocturnal habits and their ability to dive deep into the water when alarmed. The milky fluid which is secreted by ertain glands in the skin protects them from some animals which might otherwise be important enemies. There is no founda- tion for the belief that the toad will cause warts to appear on the hands of a person handling it, nor for many of the other curious superstitions concerning this perfectly harmless little animal. CHAPTER III A STUDY OF THE GRASSHOPPER As grasshoppers, or locusts, are among our most common animals, one of these may be taken as a representative of the great group of invertebrates, or animals without a backbone. When collecting specimens for this study both winged and wingless, or apparently wingless, individuals may be found. This depends on the fact that when young grasshoppers issue from the eggs they look much like the adults, but are without FIG. 4. Three different stages of a locust, Melanoplus fcmur-rubrum; a, just hatched, without wing-pads; b, a later stage showing wings begin- ning to develop; c, adult, with fully developed wings. wings, and the head and hind legs are often abnormally large. As the insects pass through the successive stages of growth, rudimentary wings appear. These increase in size from time to time until the adult condition is reached. Division of the Body into Regions. The body is divided into three well-defined regions, the head with its eyes, antenna (feelers) and mouth-parts, the thorax, which bears the two pairs of wings and the three pairs of legs, and the abdomen, which 14 A STUDY OF THE GRASSHOPPER is composed of a series of more or less similar body rings or segments. The Body-wall. Some parts of the skin or outer body- wall are quite firm and horny in texture, others are more parchment-like, and there are still other places in it, such as the neck and between the segments of the legs and the segments of the abdomen, where the skin is soft and flexible. These differences are due to the fact that a horny substance called chitin is abundantly deposited in parts of the skin thus antennas auditory organ ocellus I ! head Compound eye / ovipositor femur> tibia''' tarsal segments FIG. 5. The red-legged locust, Melanoplus femur-rubrum, to show exter- nal structure. making it firm for the protection of the internal organs, and for the attachment of muscles. Wherever motion or the bend- ing of the body-wall is desirable, little or no chitin is deposited. The chitinized portions of a segment are called sclerites. The furrows or lines between the sclerites are called sutures. The Head. Although the head is apparently a single seg- ment, it is really composed of several body segments greatly modified and firmly fused together, making a strong box which contains what may, by analogy, be called the brain, and certain other important organs. On each side of the head are the large 16 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY conspicuous compound eyes. These eyes are called compound because they are made up of a great number of small eyes lying very close together. Examined with a hand lens or the low power of a microscope the compound eyes show a honeycomb- like structure, each of the small hexagonal facets being the external surface of a simple eye. In slight depressions just in front of the eyes are the bases of the long, many-segmented antenna. These antennae are sense organs and are used by the locust for feeling and perhaps also for smelling. In many other insects they are modified and plainly used for smelling and also, in some, for hearing. In the middle of the front of the head, a little lower than the bases of the antenna?, is a small transparent hemispherical simple eye or ocellus. Just above the bases of the antennas and close to the compound eyes are two other simple eyes. The structure and function of these three ocelli as well as the structure of the compound eye is discussed in Chapter XVI. On the lower side of the head are the mouth-parts. The upper, broad, flap-like piece, the labrum, covers a pair of black or brown, strongly chitinized, toothed jaws, or mandibles. Back of the mandibles is a second pair of jaw-like structures, the maxilla, each of which is composed of several parts, and back of the maxillae is the labium which is also composed of several pieces. Each maxilla bears a slender feeler, or palpus, composed of five segments. The labium bears a pair of similar palpi, which are, however, only three-segmented. The mandibles and maxillae, which are the insect's jaws, move laterally, not vertically, as with most animals. They are well adapted for tearing and crushing the leaves or other plant tissue upon which the locust feeds. Some other kinds of insects will be found to have these mouth-parts curiously modified, enabling them to pierce the animal or vegetable tissues on which they are feeding or to lap up or suck up liquid substances. The Thorax. The thorax is composed of three segments which can be easily recognized by the appendages which they bear. The first segment, the prothorax, is freely movable and is covered by a large hood-shaped piece, the pronotum, which also extends back over the next segment. The first pair of A STUDY OF THE GRASSHOPPER 17 legs is attached to this segment. Between the forelegs there is, on many species of grasshoppers, a short, blunt tubercle. The second and third segments, the mesothorax and the metathorax, are immovably fused, but their borders are indicated by well-marked sutures. There is also on the side of each segment a suture near the middle which divides the sides of the segments into two sclerites. The mesothorax bears the second pair of legs, which are similar to the first pair, and the first pair of wings. The metathorax bears the large, third pair of legs and the second pair of wings. Each leg is composed of several successive parts or segments. The segment nearest the body is sub-globular and is called the coxa; the second segment is smaller than the coxa and is called the trochanter; the third, the largest, is the femur; the fourth, the tibia, is long and slender; the three short segments beyond the tibia are called the tar sal segments. The terminal segment, which is longer and more slender than the others, bears a pair of claws, between which is a little pad, the pulmllus. The tibiae are armed with small spines, and the femora of the last pair of legs are enormously developed, enabling the insect to leap some distance. Just above the base of each of the middle pair of legs is a small, slit-like opening, or spiracle, guarded by two fleshy lips. These spiracles are the external openings of a set of fine tubes forming the respiratory system, which as we shall see, carries air to all parts of the body. The front wings are long, narrow and parchment-like, with branched and unbranched longitudinal veins and many short cross-veins. The hind wings are triangular in outline, mem- branous, and when at rest are folded like a fan. Some of the veins at the base of each pair of wings are thickened and raised or depressed in such a way that they set the wings to vibrating rapidly when they are rubbed together. This produces the crackling sound sometimes heard when grasshoppers are flying. A somewhat similar sound is produced when the insect, at rest, rubs the roughened inner surface of the hind femora against the outer pair of wings. Abdomen. The first segment of the abdomen has its upper, or dorsal, and lower, or ventral, parts widely separated by the 1 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY cavities for the insertion of the hindmost legs. The ventral part of this segment is dovetailed into the ventral part of the metathorax and appears to be a part of it. In the lower angle of the dorsal part there is on each side a large opening, the external opening of the auditory organ. The thin membranes within these openings are the tympana. The crickets and katydids have similar auditory organs situated in the tibiae of the front legs. Most other insects are believed to have the sense of hearing situated in the antennae. The second to the eighth abdominal segments are ring-like and similar. Close to the anterior mar- gin of each segment just above the lateral line is a small spiracle similar to the one on the mesothorax but much smaller. The first abdominal spiracles are on the first segment just in front of the auditory organs. The terminal segments of the abdo- men are different in the male and female. The female has at the tip of its abdomen two pairs of strong, curved, pointed pieces which compose the ovipositor, or egg-laying organ. By alternately bringing together and separating the two pairs of processes that form the ovipositor and at the same time push- ing the abdomen into the ground the female is able to make a deep hole in which she deposits her eggs. The end of the abdomen of the male is rounded and has three short incon- spicuous pieces on the dorsal surface. INTERNAL ANATOMY By carefully cutting away one side of the body-wall most of the internal organs will be exposed. The alimentary canal occupies the greater part of the body-cavity. Its different divisions, such as the short esophagus leading from the mouth to the much enlarged crop which extends through the thorax to the stomach, may be easily distinguished. The stomach extends to about the seventh segment of the abdomen and ends in the large intestine. The small intestine is a short tube running from the end of the large intestine to the anal opening at the end of the body. The gastric caca are a series of pouch- like organs which open at the union of the crop and the stom- A STUDY OF THE GRASSHOPPER 19 ach. They secrete a fluid which aids in digestion. The Malpighian tubules are a number of fine hair-like tubes which arise from the alimentary canal at the point of union of the stomach and the large intestine. They gather from the blood and empty into the intestine certain waste products, thus functioning something like the kidneys of higher animals. The muscular system comprises many sets of muscles, the largest and strongest of which are in the thorax. As there is no internal skeleton the muscles are attached to the hardened portions of the body-wall. The respiratory system consists of series of small many- branching tubes called trachea. Their walls are thin and elastic. The external openings of these, the spiracles, have already been noted. From the spiracles short tubes lead to two lateral trunks which send off branches to a pair of dorsal trunks. These lateral and dorsal trunks send branches to all the organs and tissues of the body. The air enters the tracheae through the spiracles and is carried to all parts of the body, where oxygen is given up to the tissues which need it, and the waste carbon dioxide is carried away. The reproductive system of the female is easily dis- tinguished if the female has been collected in the fall or late summer before she has laid her eggs. At such a time almost the whole abdomen will be filled by the pair of thin-walled ovaries in which may be seen the masses of oblong, brownish or yellowish eggs. Running from the posterior end of each ovary is a small tube, the oviduct. These unite near the pos- terior end of the body and form a single tube which opens between the bases of the valves of the ovipositor. The repro- ductive organs of the male are similar to those of the female but much smaller. They consist of a pair of testes which lie on the dorsal side of the posterior part of the stomach. Lead- ing from the testes are two very small tubes, the vasa deferentia, which unite to form a short tube that opens on the dorsal surface of the last segment of the abdomen. These organs cannot be easily distinguished unless the specimen is in just the right condition. The nervous system is made up principally of a series of 20 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY ganglia, small masses of nerve cells and tissue, which are con- nected with each other by a pair of white nerve cords. The largest of these ganglia is situated in the head above the esoph- agus and is called the brain. Nerve cords which unite this ganglion with one below the esophagus pass on either side of the esophagus. From this ganglion a pair of longitudinal cords, very close together, pass backward along the floor of the body. At intervals along these cords are ganglia from which fine branching nerve fibers run to all parts of the body. The circulatory system consists of an elongate, thin-walled dorsal vessel called the heart situated just under the dorsal wall of the abdomen. It is not easily distinguished except in fresh specimens. Its structure will be described in a later chapter where the internal anatomy of a caterpillar is discussed. (See Chapter XVI.) There are no arteries or veins. The colorless blood of the insect fills all the space of the body-cavity not occupied by organs and other tissues, and is in an enclosed vessel only while passing through the heart. CHAPTER IV A STUDY OF HYDRA Frogs and grasshoppers and all the other vertebrates and insects are very complex animals, having their bodies made up of many highly specialized organs and tissues, each part adapted to performing some special life process. There are other many-celled animals much simpler in structure than this, animals without specially developed digestive, nervous, muscular or reproductive systems. Yet they are capable of doing all of the essential things that the more complex animals can do. They can take and assimilate food, respond to stimuli, move, and reproduce their kind. Hydra is a good example of such a simple animal, and as it is to be found in most open fresh- water ponds, in water troughs and other places where the water is not too stagnant, it may be taken as a type for study. Hydrae will often be found attached to a stone, stick or leaf, or to the green, moss-like plants that are often found in stand- ing water. They may be green or brownish in color and as they are only about one-eighth of an inch long or even smaller, they will have to be looked for very carefully. Once seen, however, they may be easily recognized by the cylindrical body attached by the base and with its free end crowned with a circlet of slender tentacles or arms which lash about slowly while the animal is extended. When touched or alarmed the whole body is quickly contracted and the tentacles drawn in, so that the animal now looks like a simple, small, round or oval projection on the leaf or stone. Food is caught by the ten- tacles and conveyed to the mouth, which lies in the center at the base of the tentacles. Through the mouth the food passes into a space, the digestive cavity, surrounded only by the body- wall. The food is dissolved in this cavity and the waste parts 22 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY thrown out through the mouth opening. The digestive cavity extends out into the tentacles. In a prepared cross-section, the body of Hydra is seen to be a hollow cylinder with walls made up of two well-defined layers of cells with a thin non-cellular layer between them. Some of the cells of the outer layer, or ectoderm, have contractile basal processes running parallel to the long axis of the body. FIG. 6. Hydra. Note two tentacles catching an insect larva; note the budding young Hydra. (Natural size, one-sixth inch; from life). Like the muscle cells of higher animals these cells contract under certain stimuli, and the whole body of the animal is shortened, as we have seen. Among these cells, particularly on the upper part of the body and on the tentacles, are small stinging cells called nematocysts. The cells within which nema- tocysts develop are called cnidoblasts, and each is provided at A STUDY OF HYDRA 23 its outer end with a trigger-like process, the cnidocil. The long thread-like tubes that are shot out when the nematocysts are exploded carry a poison called hypnotoxin, which paralyzes or kills minute animals that are stung by them. The endoderm lines the digestive cavity. Some of the endo- derm cells are provided with fine threads, or flagella, whose lashings set up currents that waft the food in and out. Other cells are furnished with blunt processes which may surround and engulf some of the food particles, and digest them. ovy FIG. 7. Diagram of a longitudinal section of Hydra, bd, buds, the upper one just beginning to develop; ect, ectoderm; end, endoderm; hyp, hypostome; mth, mouth; net, nematocysts; ovy, ovary; spy, spermary. (After Parker and Haswell.) Some of the endoderm cells have contractile processes like those of the ectoderm. The middle, non-cellular layer is a thin homogeneous layer on each side of which lie the con- tractile roots of the cells of the ectoderm and endoderm. Hydra may produce new individuals either asexually or sexually. In some individuals small swellings or buds may be observed, usually near the base. At first these are simply evaginations of the body-wall, but later they develop tentacles 24 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY and a mouth of their own. Finally the buds become constricted at the base and separate from the parent. The young Hydras thus produced soon attach themselves to some object and begin their independent existence. This budding takes place more commonly when food is plentiful and other conditions are favorable. At other times reproductive organs, ovaries and spermaries, may be formed, and the animal produces special germ cells. The ovaries appear as thickenings of the body- wall near the lower end of the body. In each ovary a single ovum or egg develops. The spermaries appear as smaller thickenings of the ectoderm near the tentacles. In them the sperm cells develop. When these reproductive elements are ripe they are cast out into the water where the ova are ferti- lized by the spermatozoa. Thus Hydra is hermaphroditic, that is, both sexes are represented in a single individual. We will find that many worms, snails and some other ani- mals are also hermaphroditic. In such animals various methods are adopted to prevent self-fertilization. In Hydra this is prevented by the ova and spermatozoa in any indi- vidual usually ripening and being cast into the water at dif- ferent times. The fertilized ovum soon divides into a large number of cells, forming the embryo, and after becoming surrounded by a hard shell or cyst drops to the bottom of the pond where it may remain for some time before it goes on with its development. Sometimes, through accident, a Hydra may be cut into two or more pieces. Each part has the power of developing into a new individual Hydra just like the original. This power of developing anew parts of the body that may have been lost, is possessed by many other animals, especially the lower ones, and is known as regeneration. CHAPTER V A STUDY OF AMCEBA The animals that we know best are all comparatively large and have a body composed of many cells. Ordinarily we think of a mouse or a humming-bird as being very small, but in the insect world there are hosts of animals so small that they can hardly be detected without the use of a magnifying lens. Yet even the smallest of them are as giants when compared with any of the one-celled animals, the Protozoa (Gr. protos, first; zoon, animal), very few of which can be seen with the unaided eye. Before the invention of the microscope the Protozoa belonged to an unseen and unknown world. The earliest lenses enabled the observers to see some of the largest of them, and each improvement of the microscope has enabled us to penetrate further and further into this fascinating field. Now we know in detail the structure and life history of many of these almost inconceivably minute animals. Most of the Protozoa live in water, but a few live in damp sand or moss, while many live in the bodies of other animals where they may or may not cause serious injury. No moun- tain stream is too pure, no ditch too foul to be the home of some of these simple animals. Amoeba. Among the most familiar of these one-celled ani- mals are the Amoebae. They are most easily found in pools of water, either in the slime or ooze on the bottom or in the sediment that has settled on submerged leaves or sticks. If some of this material is collected and poured into a dish of water and allowed to settle for a few hours, Amoebae may usually be found when small drops of the slime are examined on a slide under the microscope. With the low-power lenses they appear as small, semi-transparent, irregular-shaped objects which, if watched carefully, will be seen to move very slowly. 25 26 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Using the higher power lenses it will be seen that the outer part of the jelly-like body, called ectosarc, is clearer than the more granular inner part, the endosarc, and that within the endosarc are many small granules, the food particles, and a compara- tively large, round, clear space, the contractile vacuole, which FIG. 8. Amceba sp. Showing the forms assumed by single individual in four successive changes. (Greatly magnified; from life.) appears and disappears with more or less regularity. Some- times the darker, denser nucleus can be seen in .the living Amoebae, but it shows much more distinctly in specimens killed by allowing a little carmine or other staining fluid to run under the cover-glass. Active Amoebae are constantly changing their shape, and by A STUDY OF AMCEBA 27 these changes they effect a slow, flowing movement. Small unequal projections, called pseudopodia, stretch out from various parts of the body. At first these are formed only by the ectosarc, but as they grow longer and larger the endosarc flows out into some while others are withdrawn and new ones are thrown out. The outline of the body thus continually changes. As the animals move slowly about they come in contact with other minute animals or plants around which the pseudopodia flow and these organisms, which the Amceba uses for food, are thus taken directly into the body. Any particles of food or other substances which are taken into the body and not digested pass out just as they entered, that is, the Amceba flows away and leaves them, much as a drop of oil that sur- rounded a particle of sand might flow away and leave the sand. The oxygen that the Amoebae need is absorbed from the surrounding water. Some of the waste excretions of the body are absorbed directly by the water, others are forced out by the contractile vacuole. Thus we see that while the Amceba has no mouth or ali- mentary canal, no lungs or heart, muscles, glands or any of the special organs and tissues that go to make up the higher ani- mals; this minute speck of living substance moves, feeds, respires, excretes and does all the essential things that the more complex organisms do. As the Amceba feeds it grows until it reaches a more or less definite size, then certain changes take place in the nucleus which soon divides into two equal portions, one portion withdrawing to one part of the body and the other part to the opposite end. Then the substance around the nuclei begins to divide, a portion collecting around each of these nuclei. Finally the two halves pull entirely away from each other and thus two new Amoebae are formed, each like the original, but only half as large. Amoebae continue to live and multiply as long as the condi- tions surrounding them are favorable. But when the pond dries up the Amoebae in it would be exterminated were it not for a careful provision of nature. When the pond begins to dry up each Amoeba contracts its pseudopodia and secretes 2 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY a horny capsule about itself. It is now protected from dry weather and can be blown by the winds from place to place. If it again reaches water it expands, throws off the capsule and commences active life again in the new pond. CHAPTER VI ONE-CELLED ANIMALS (BRANCH PROTOZOA) The Amoeba which has just been studied is one of the sim- plest of the one-celled animals. Others while still retaining the one-celled condition, become more highly specialized along certain lines and show a wonderful power to adapt themselves both in form and habits to the various conditions under which they live. A brief study of a few of these will be worth while. Paramoecium. Paramcecia are usually found in considerable numbers in any pond of stagnant water. A good supply can often be obtained by placing sticks or leaves from a pond, together with some dry hay or clover, in a dish, which is then filled with water and allowed to stand for several days. When very abundant the Paramoecia may even be seen with the unaided eye as minute white specks near the edge of the dish. Examined with the low power of the microscope they will be seen as very active, slipper-shaped animals much larger than the Amoebae. As they move about so rapidly it is desirable to put them into some thicker medium, such as a thin mixture of cherry gum; or a few shreds of cotton may be put under the cover-glass and some of the Paramcecia will become en- tangled in this in such a way that they may be studied. It will at once be seen that Paramoecium differs from Amoeba in many respects. It has a definite and persistent elongate- oval shape, roughly like that of a slipper, hence it is often called the slipper animalcule. There are definite anterior and posterior ends and dorsal and ventral sides, and the body is covered with minute cilia, fine hair-like projections, which vibrate very rapidly and propel the animal through the water. On one side, beginning at the anterior end and extending more than half the length of the animal, is a buccal groove, which is provided with many small cilia which drive water currents and 29 30 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY all kinds of particles into the gullet which opens into the inte- rior. Food particles surrounded by a film of water are taken into the body through this opening and are digested just as they are in the body of the Amoebae. The water drops are ejected at a spot in the cell membrane just below the gullet. If a little finely powdered carmine is added to the water in which the Paramcecia are swim- ming some of the grains will be taken into the body where they will be seen to follow a rather definite course from one end of it to the other. Instead of one contractile vacuole as in the Amcebae there are two, and there are also two nuclei, which can be seen in specimens stained with carmine. The large one, ovoid in shape, is called the macronucleus, and the smaller oval one close beside it is the micronucleus. Between the bases of the cilia there may be seen many minute oval sacs lying side by side. These are called the trichocysts, and from each a fine stinging thread can be thrust out which, it is believed, help to protect the Paramcecium from other minute animals. The Paramcecia reproduce by sim- ple division as do the Amcebae. The macro- and micro-nuclei divide and the body becomes constricted in the middle and the organism is finally divided into two smaller animals which soon grow to be like the original. But after multiplication has gone on in this way for many generations, often from one to two hundred or more, the Para- mcecia seem to be unable to divide further until a new pro- cess takes place. Two Paramcecia approach each other and unite, usually with their buccal grooves together; then there FIG. 9. Paramcecium sp. Buccal groove at right. (Greatly magni- fied; from life.) ONE-CELLED ANIMALS 3 1 is a breaking up of the nuclei and a part of the micronucleus of each individual passes over to the other. Then the Para- moecia separate and each divides into two. This is, in very simple condition, the process of ferti- lization, which occurs in more elaborate condition in all the higher animals. Vorticella. Many other minute or- ganisms will be found in the drops of water that have been examined while looking for the Amoebae and Paramce- cia, but of these we wish to call parti- cular attention to but one. On the leaves or sticks that have been collected from ponds and placed in vessels of water, tiny whitish mould-like tufts may sometimes be seen. Touch such a spot with a needle and it may con- tract instantly. If so, it is probably a colony of Vorticella, or bell animal- cules. Such a mass, examined under the lens, will be seen to be made up of a number of attached slender stalks each having a bell-shaped free end, hence the common name, bell animal- cule. When the stalk is extended it is straight or somewhat curved but when the animal is disturbed the stalk con- tracts into a close spiral. The thick- ened upper outer margin of the bell, the peristome, and the central disk, the epistome, are fringed with rather long cilia. Between the peristome and the epistome is a groove, the mouth or vesti- bule, which leads into the body. The substance comprising the body is differentiated into an outer uniformly granular ectosarc and a more transparent, colorless endosarc, in which are numerous large food vacuoles, a large clear contracting vesicle, a large curved macro-nucleus, and near it a micro- F I G . i o . Vorticella sp. One individual with stalk coiled, and one with stalk extended. (From life; greatly mag- nified.) 32 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY nucleus, the latter often being difficult to see unless the specimens are stained. The slender stalk is made up of a clear outer portion and a denser contractile inner rod. The Vorticellae multiply by longitudinal division, or fission. In this process a cleft first appears at the distal end of the bell- shaped body and gradually deepens until the original body is divided quite in two. The stalk also divides for a very short distance. One of the new bell-shaped bodies develops a circlet of cilia near the stalked end. After a while it breaks away and swims about by means of this basal circlet of cilia. Later it settles down, becomes attached by its basal end, loses its basal cilia and develops a stalk. Conjugation sometimes occurs between two individuals. Under certain conditions there is produced, by repeated divisions, small free-swimming forms, one of which may meet one of the large stalked forms and be completely absorbed by it. This differs from the proc- ess of fertilization in the Paramoscia in which the union was only temporary, and presents an even more striking analogy with the process of sexual reproduction occurring in the higher animals. Marine Protozoa. The Protozoa are more abundant in the ocean than they are in fresh water. Although the ocean water may appear to the unaided eyes as clear and free from living things, yet a microscopical examination will show it to be swarming with minute animals and plants. These are found at all depths, from the surface to the deepest parts of the ocean, and are interesting not only because they repre- sent the lowest, simplest and doubtless earliest kinds of ani- mals that appeared on the earth, but because they furnish, together with the Protophyta, or one-celled plants, directly or indirectly, food for all of the other animals of the sea. As we study some of the representatives of the higher groups of ocean animals we shall see that many of them are particularly adapted by structure and habit for feeding on these minute organisms, and that they in turn serve as food for other animals, so that finally all of the animal life in the ocean becomes de- pendent on the one-celled organisms for their food. This is one of the reasons for believing that the Protozoa were the first ONE-CELLED ANIMALS 33 animals to appear on the earth, and as ocean life is older than terrestrial life it is probable that certain marine Protozoa are the most ancient of all animals. Some of these marine Protozoa, as the Foraminifera and the Radiolaria, secrete a tiny shell of lime or silica which encloses most of the body. When these animals die their shells sink to the bottom where, as they slowly accumulate, they form a thick layer over the floor of large areas of the ocean. The FIG. ii. A marine Protozoan, Rosalind varians (Foraminifera), with calcareous shell. (Greatly magnified; after Schultze.) ooze thus formed is called Foraminifera ooze or Radiolaria ooze, according to which order of Protozoa chiefly formed it. All over the world are found great strata of rocks that are formed almost exclusively of the fossil shells of these Protozoa. The extensive chalk beds and cliffs of England, France, Greece, Spain and America were made by Foraminifera, whose shells were deposited there when these places w r ere parts of the ocean beds. The siliceous rock called Tripoli, found in Sicily, and the Barbadoes earth from the island of Barbadoes are composed of the shells of ancient Radiolaria. 3 34 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Parasitic Protozoa. Because of their simple structure and physiology the Protozoa easily adapt themselves to new modes of life, when conditions are favorable. It was an easy step from an existence in the water to life in the blood tissues of some of the aquatic animals or in some of the higher animals, and the Protozoa that have made this step have come to be among the greatest scourges that affect mankind. These parasitic Protozoa are so important that a later separate chapter will be deviated to an account of them. (See Chapter XXVIII.) Classification of the Protozoa. The branch Protozoa is divided into five groups or classes, the divisions being based principally on the manner in which the members of the different groups move about. The Amoeba, the Foraminifera and the Radiolaria belong to the class Rhizopoda (Gr. rhiza, root; POUS, foot). Rhizopoda means "root-footed" and the name is applied to those Protozoa which move about by means of the extending or flowing out of the root-like processes called pseudopodia, or false feet. Paramcecium and Vorticella belong to the class Infusoria (L. infusus, infused), a name that was early used because these organisms are so frequently found in infusions. Because their body is furnished with minute hair-like organs called cilia they are often called Ciliata. From an economic point of view the class Sporozoa (Gr. spora, seed; zoon, animal) is the most important. The mem- bers of this class are parasitic and cause some of the most serious diseases of man and other animals, such as the various malarial fevers, the spotted fever of. man, and the Texas fever of cattle. The whip-bearers (class Mastigophora, Gr. mastix, whip; phero, bear) also include a number of important parasites, as the trypanosomes that are the cause of the dreadful disease which ends in sleeping sickness, and the Spirochcetce, which are the cause of certain relapsing fevers. The little green Euglena, whose presence in standing pools often imparts a greenish color to the water, and the wonderfully phosphorescent Noctiluca of ocean waters, also belong to this class. The ONE-CELLED ANIMALS 35 Noctiluca live near the surface, and when disturbed at night their little bodies glow like coals of fire. This class also in- cludes a number of so-called colonial Protozoa such as Volvox, Proterospongia and others. These are more or less closely associated groups of similar individuals or colonies in which the individual members show some differences and have more or less special functions to perform. The members of the class Mycetozoa (Gr. mykes, fingers; zoon, animal) resemble fungi in many respects and are often included with them under the name "slime moulds." They are of no economic importance. Protoplasm and the Cell. All the Protozoa have the body composed, for its whole life, of but a single cell. By cell is meant not necessarily a little enclosed or box-like bit of animal substance, but simply a small (usually microscopic) mass of protoplasm which is composed of an inner, denser part called nucleus and a surrounding less dense part called cytoplasm. Protoplasm itself, " the physical basis of life," is a substance or group of substances, usually viscous or jelly-like, which always contains certain very complex albuminous chemical compounds called proteins. These proteins are never found in inorganic matter and are always fround in living tissues. Proteins contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, and are almost the only group of substances found in living matter of which chemists have not yet been able to make representatives in the laboratory. Besides the all-important proteins proto- plasm usually includes certain other characteristic compounds known as carbohydrates and fats (which contain no nitrogen), and various salts and gases, and always water. The gases are oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the salts are compounds of chlorine as well as the carbonates, sulphates and phosphates of the alkalies and alkali earths. Common salt (sodium chloride) is almost always present. What a Single Cell Can Do. All the larger animals are com- posed of many cells which are grouped together to form organs or tissues each with its special function to perform, but the minute one-celled mass or protoplasm forming the whole body of each Protozoan is able to carry on all the necessary 36 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY processes of life, digestion, assimilation, respiration, excretion, secretion, and to reproduce others of its kind. It is this wonderful capacity for living that separates the one-celled organisms, simple as they may seem to be in comparison with higher plants and animals, by a wide gulf from the most com- plex of inorganic bodies. Some scientists have been able to produce in their laboratories particles of matter that closely resemble, in many respects, these simple organisms, but none has yet been able to endow these creations with the subtle power which we call life. We have found, moreover, in our study of the Protozoa that while they are each composed of but a single cell, or, rarely, of a group of cells temporarily united to form a colony, the cell itself may be very complex in its structure, some parts of it adapted for protection, other parts for locomotion or food getting. There may be a definite upper and lower side and anterior and posterior end, and there may be many other specializations of parts that especially fits each of these one- celled animals to live in its particular place. Spontaneous Generation. People used to believe that many animals were spontaneously generated. When myriads of fly larvae mysteriously appeared in a mass of decaying matter it was supposed that they had been generated there spontane- ously. When great numbers of frogs or insects or any other animals appeared from some unknown source the phenomenon was explained by spontaneous generation. Long after it had definitely been shown that none of the larger animals could arise in this way, many still held to the belief that at least the simplest animals and plants arose in this way. If a vessel of ordinary water in which there are apparently no living organ- isms be allowed to stand for a few days it will usually be found to be swarming with minute animals and plants. The source of this life was a mystery to the older observers, but we know now that some of these organisms come from others that were already in the water and some come from spores that are constantly in the air. If a bottle of water is boiled thoroughly enough to kill all the organisms in it, and then closed so tightly that no germs or spores can reach it from the outside, it will ONE-CELLED ANIMALS 37 remain perfectly sterile that is, no living animal nor plant will ever appear in it. Reproduction in Protozoa. All life comes from life. Every living creature is the offspring of some other living creature. This is just as true for the Protozoa as for the higher animals, but their method of reproduction is usually much more simple. In many cases the Protozoan animal simply divides into two more or less similar smaller animals which grow until they attain a certain size and then divide again, and the process is continued for generation after generation. This is called repro- duction by simple division or fis- sion. Protozoa that thus live and re- produce by simple division have been called immortal, and it would seem that under natural condi- tions such animals never die, for as soon as they reach a certain size they divide and form two new individuals and as this process is continued for generation after gen- eration there would seem to be no death of the individual. Careful studies have shown, however, that this process of simple divi- sion cannot continue indefinitely unless there is introduced into the cycle from time to time the extraordinary process known as fertilization by which the mature or old individuals are rejuvenated. In many of the Protozoa this process of fertilization is accomplished by the conjugation of two similar individuals in which two animals come together and undergo complete or temporary fusion. Such a conjugation is followed by renewed activity, the process of division going on more rapidly than before. Many Protozoa instead of dividing directly into two parts go through a process called spore formation. The animal becomes encysted in a firm little sac or cyst in which it remains for some time. Then it divides into many small bodies, called FIG. 12. Division of Amoeba. (Greatly magnified; after Schultze.) 3 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY spores, which finally burst out into the water or other medium in which the animal lives, where each spore develops into an organism like the parent. This process makes it possible for the animals to multiply very rapidly, and we shall see something of its importance when we come to study the Sporozoa, a group of parasitic Protozoa which all reproduce in this way and some of which are the causes of certain common diseases of man and other animals. CHAPTER VII ONE-CELLED AND MANY-CELLED ANIMALS Of the animals so far studied, Amoeba, Paramoecium, Vorticella and their allies have the minute body composed of but a single cell. The others, the frog, grasshopper and hydra, have the body composed of many cells. This distinction of one-celled and many-celled body has led to the classification of all animals into two primary groups, the Protozoa, including all those with one-celled body, and the Metazoa, all those with a many-celled body. They are groups of very unequal size, as of the 500,000 (approximated) known kinds of living animals all but about 10,000 are Metazoa. But the distinction between Protozoa and Metazoa is very important; it is indeed one of the most fundamental in animal structure and classifica- tion. For although many-celled animals are undoubtedly derived by descent from one-celled ones, yet the group of single- celled animals, the Protozoa, is much larger than we should expect it to be if it were simply the beginning of the animal scale. It is not only a beginning stage in animal evolution, but it is an evolutionary line of its own. There is a great deal of variety and complexity in the structure, physiology and mode of development within the protozoan branch. All this diversity has, however, to be limited to the differences possible to a single cell. The moment animal evolution made the step from independent single cell to mutually dependent many cells, united for life, infinitely greater possibilities of diversity in structure and function and life history were open. And the extraordinary variety of animal life as it appears to us now in the various groups of Metazoa, is the result of Nature's taking advantage of these possibilities. But the step was not a sharp one, nor was the attainment of present-day animal complexity and diversity brought about 39 40 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY at all speedily. It was millions of years after the first many-celled animals appeared on the earth before the first insect appeared. And still millions of years later before the first backboned animal was evolved. As to the step from isolated single cell to united many cells, it was undoubtedly made in the simple way still represented by a few living organisms known as Volvocinae, sometimes called plants, and sometimes animals. These are one-celled organisms that live as small colonies or groups of cells. These few cells, only sixteen in the case of several of these organisms, are all derived from a single cell by its division into two and the succeeding divisions of these two into four, the four into eight and the eight into sixteen. And they are all alike. They remain together in the form of a tiny ball, the cells all imbedded in a soft gelatinous substance secreted by them. Each cell has a pair of flagella, and the waving of all the flagella moves the little ball through the water. Each cell can take up food, respond to stimuli, and in fact do all the things that we have found are essential to living and which are done in the simplest manner by the one-celled animals. Indeed it is probable that each cell could live independently; and as a matter of fact each one does for a short time when the colony breaks up after reach- ing maturity. For when this little colony is mature and ready to repro- duce itself, the gelatinous stuff dissolves, the sixteen cells are set free in the water, and each, by repeated division may produce a new colony. Or a process of conjugation between pairs of the freed cells can take place, and from each paired cell formed by the conjugation of the two, a new colony may be formed by simple division. Differentiation and Specialization of Cells. If this first step toward making a many-celled animal out of a single-celled one seems simple, the next step does not. In the simplest kinds of true many-celled animals an important new condition appears. It is a condition of differentiation or specialization of the cells united to form the body. The cells are no longer all alike in appearance, and no longer have identical capacities. Only a few of them remain in simple generalized condition. These ONE-CELLED AND MANY-CELLED ANIMALS 41 are the so-called white blood corpuscles which have an appear- ance much like that of the Amoebae and have a great deal of freedom or independence in their life. The rest of the hundreds or thousands or millions of cells that go to make up a many-celled animal's body differ greatly in appearance and behavior from Amoebae, and differ also greatly among themselves. Besides the amoeboid white cells in the blood there are, in red-blooded animals, many elliptical, disk-like reddish cells and they have an entirely different func- tion from that of the white cells. The cells composing the muscles are, moreover, not like either of the kinds of blood cells; the cells of which the liver is composed are not like the cells of the muscles; and the cells which compose the organs of the nervous system, brain, ganglia and nerves, differ markedly from those of the blood, muscles and liver, and differ also very much among themselves. Each of these kinds of cells, and each of the many other kinds that exist in the body of one of the higher animals, has become specialized in order to devote itself to a certain particular func- tion or special work. For example, the cells of the nervous system devote themselves to the function of receiving and transmitting sensation. The muscle cells have developed to a high degree the power of contractility, and they have for their special function this one of contraction. Massed together in great numbers, they form the strongly contractile muscles of the body on which the animal's power of motion depends. The cells which line certain parts of the alimentary canal are the ones on which the function of digestion largely rests. And so we might continue our survey of the whole complex animal body. The point of it all is, however, that the thousands of cells which compose many-celled animal bodies are differenti- ated and specialized. That is, have become changed or modi- fied from the generalized primitive amoeboid cell condition so that each kind of cell is devoted to some special work or func- tion, and has a special structural character fitting it for its special function. Organs and Functions. The specialized cells are grouped into tissues and organs. These organs are known to us 42 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY familiarly as various parts of the body, such as lungs, heart, muscles, eyes, stomach, etc. The life of an animal consists of the performance by it of various processes, such as breathing, getting and digesting food, circulating blood, moving, seeing, etc. These various processes or functions are performed by the various parts or organs of the body. The whole body of a many-celled animal is thus really a machine composed of various parts, each part with its special work to do but all depending upon one another and operating to accomplish the work of living. The locomotive engine is a machine similarly composed of various parts, each part with its special work or function, and all the parts depending on one another and so working together as to perform satisfactorily the work for which the locomotive engine is intended. An important difference between the locomotive engine and the animal body is that one is a lifeless machine and the other a living machine. But there is a real similarity between the two in that both are composed of special parts, each part performing a special kind of w r ork or function, and all the parts and functions so fitted together as to form a complex machine which successfully accomplishes the work for which it is intended. And this similarity is one which should help make plain the fundamental fact of animal structure and physiol- ogy, namely, the division of the body into numerous parts or organs, and the division of the total work of living into various processes which are the special work or functions of the various organs. Essential and Accessory Life Processes. A very complex animal, such as a dog, performs a great many different func- tions, that is, does a great many different things in its living. But there are many animals in which the body is composed of but a few parts and whose life includes the performance of fewer functions or processes than in the case of a dog. There are many animals that have no eyes, nor ears, nor organs of special sense. There are animals without legs or other special organs of locomotion; some animals have no blood and hence no heart nor arteries and veins. But in the life of every animal there are certain processes which must be performed, and the ONE-CELLED AND MANY-CELLED ANIMALS 43 body must be so arranged or composed as to be capable of performing these necessary life processes. All animals take food, digest it and assimilate it, that is, convert it into new body substance; all animals take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide; all animals have the power of movement or motion (not necessarily locomotion); all animals have the power of sensation, that is, can feel; all animals can reproduce them- selves, that is, produce young. These are the necessary life processes. It is evident that the dog could still live if it had no eyes. Seeing is not one of the necessary functions or proc- esses of life. Nor is hearing, nor is leaping, nor are many of the other things which the dog can do; and animals can exist, and do exist, without any organs to enable them to see and hear and leap. But the body of an animal must be capable of performing the few essential processes which are necessary to animal life. How surprisingly simple such a body can be our study of the Protozoa has already shown. But in most animals the body is a complicated object, and is able to do many things which are accessory to the really essential life processes, and which make its life complex and elaborate. The Principal Systems of Organs and Functions. These complex life processes are usually carried on by systems of organs which are known as the skeletal, muscular, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, nervous and reproductive systems. And the particular set of special functions or life processes connected with each is sufficiently indicated by its name. Of them all, the reproductive system and its function, which is that of the multiplication of the species, calls for a few special words of introduction before we pass to the considera- tion of the successive animal groups. For it is in connection with this function that some of the most important special conditions in animal life exist. The important fact of sex, for example, is correlated with this function, while the whole subject of animal development may be looked on as part of the study of animal multiplication. Reproduction and Development in the Metazoa. We have learned that the process of multiplication among the Protozoa is, in most cases, very simple, consisting of the simple splitting 44 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY of the parent's body in two. Previous to this splitting in two there may be a temporary fusion for the purpose of a mutual exchange of part of the body substance, or a permanent con- jugation of two individuals. The process of reproduction among the many-celled animals is far more complex, and certain particular organs of the body of complex structure are specially devoted to this function. The results of the process, however, are the same as among the lower animals, namely, the produc- tion of new individuals. The manner in which the reproduc- tive process is carried on, and the number of new individuals produced by a single parent individual, may and do vary much among different animals. Among some of the simpler many-celled animals the new individual is sometimes produced by the growth of an external bud, or by the splitting off of a small part of the parent's body, a process much like the fission, or splitting in two, of the one- celled animals. But this is an unusual method, and possible to comparatively few animals. In almost all cases the young come from eggs, or ova, which are produced inside the body of the mother. These eggs usually issue from the body before hatching, but in some animals, as all the Mammalia, the young develop from the ova inside the body and are born as active free animals, resembling the parent more or less in appearance and structural character, although of course much smaller. In all cases the young animal has to undergo a certain amount of development and growth, which extends over a longer or shorter period of time, before it is really like its parent, that is, before it is a fully developed, full-grown individual. No animal is born fully developed; it is born from the body of its mother or hatched from its egg in an immature condition, and growth and change are necessary before we have a fully devel- oped rabbit or robin, or any other kind of animal. But when we begin the study of the life history of the new animal with the time of its emergence from the body of the mother or from the egg, we are not beginning at the beginning. When we first see the new animal it is already of appreciable size and complex structure. But at its very beginning inside the body of the mother it is, in every case, simply a single cell. ONE-CELLED AND MANY-CELLED ANIMALS 45 Every individual begins as a single cell, and develops and grows from this single cell to its final complex adult condition. The first single cell is called the fertilized egg cell or ovum, and an egg is simply this primary germ cell, or the embryo which develops from it, together with a greater or less amount of yolk (which is food for the germ), enclosed in a membrane or shell. In the case of those animals which do not lay eggs, but give birth to their young in a free condition, the egg, which is kept inside the body of the mother, is usually composed of the germ alone, food being provided the embryo directly from the body of the mother. After the young has reached a certain stage in its development, it leaves the body of the mother and food is provided it by suckling or in some other way. The development of an animal from first germ cell to the time it leaves the body of the mother, if born free, or until it is hatched from an egg, is called its embryonic development; and the development from then on is called the post-embryonic develop- ment. Beginning students of zoology cannot study the em- bryonic development (embryology) of animals readily, but they can in many cases follow the course of the post-embryonic development, and this study will always be interesting and valuable It is a kind of study of particular importance to the economic zoologist, because in all attempts to make better uses of animals, or to restrain their injuries, a knowledge of their life history is essential. This life history includes the facts of their develop- ment and the facts of their habits and general behavior both in immature and mature condition. In the case of an injurious insect, for example, the times and place of egg-laying, the character and duration of the immature stages, the time and place of pupation, etc., are all important conditions. A knowledge of these may enable the economic zoologist to hit upon exactly the best means for combating the pest. The radical changes or metamorphoses undergone during development by many insects must be taken into account in any consideration of them as possible enemies of man. Young grasshoppers, for example, are wingless and can be captured and killed by simple methods which would be of no use in the 46 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY case of the mature flying individuals. Indeed even simpler and more effective means can be brought to bear against the eggs of the grasshoppers. But a knowledge of the times, places and peculiar manner of the egg-laying of grasshoppers was necessary as a basis for devising these remedies. Butter- flies and moths take only plant nectar and water for food, and are harmless in the adult stage. But in their immature stage, as strong-jawed biting larvae (caterpillars) many kinds are extremely injurious. The mosquito is annoying as a blood-sucking pest and dangerous as a breeder and disseminator of yellow and malarial fevers only as a full- developed flying adult, but it is only in its immature or larval and pupal stages passed in quiet water that it can be successfully fought. The student of economic zoology then should give a special atten- tion to the study of animal multiplication and development. Sex and the Fertilization of the Egg. Among the one-celled animals we found that before an individual divided into two, that is, multiplied, it sometimes met another individual with which it exchanged body substance. Among most of the many- celled animals the germ cell or fertilized egg cell which develops into a new individual is produced by the fusion of two so-called reproductive cells from two distinct individuals of the same species or kind of animal. The reproductive cells produced by the females are known as eggs or ova, and are usually produced in the ovaries; those produced by the male are called spermatozoa and are produced in the spermaries, or testes. Before the ova can begin their development they must be fertilized by the spermatozoa. There are a few exceptions to this general rule, young being produced by some kinds of animals from unfertilized eggs. But these cases are comparatively rare and in most of them fertilization of some of the eggs, at least, takes place also. We shall find among the Metazoa various devices to aid in bringing the ova and spermatozoa of two individuals of a kind together. Many of the aquatic animals simply cast their reproductive cells into the water where they meet by chance. Of course many of the ova thus thrown out are never reached by the spermatozoa and so no development takes place, but ONE-CELLED AND MANY-CELLED ANIMALS 47 when the eggs are laid in this way they are always produced in great numbers. An average sized oyster will produce during the season about 16,000,000 eggs and a large old female may produce more than three times that many during the few summer months that she is breeding. The number of sper- matozoa that are produced by a male oyster is simply incon- ceivable, and the water in the vicinity of the oyster beds is literally swarming with these minute cells during the breeding season. These enormous numbers are made necessary by the fortuitous mode of fertilization. It is a condition compar- able with that of the great production of pollen and chance method of pollination in the case of the pines and other wind- pollinated flowers. Other aquatic animals, as certain fishes, lay their eggs in a more or less carefully prepared nest, and the male soon passes by and deposits the milt, which contains the spermatozoa, over them. With most of the higher animals, however, the ova are fertilized while still inside the body of the mother, and various provisions are made for transferring the spermatozoa from the male to the female. CHAPTER VIII THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS The first thing one asks about an animal new to one's ex- perience is, what is its name? It is really less the name itself that we wish to know, than the information that this name gives regarding the placing of the animal in some classificatory relation with other animals. It is the classifying interest that impels our question; and with most of us it is this interest which in turn usually develops from a collecting interest that first attracts us to the study of zoology. Meaning and Basis of Classification. However, if classify- ing animals meant only arranging them in simple 1 groups of similar or dissimilar forms, and naming them, the classificatory interest would deserve the reproaches so often heaped on it by naturalists more interested in anatomy or physiology or development. But classifying animals means much more than that. Since the days of Darwin's "Origin of Species," when the theory of the evolution of animals and plants was so clearly explained and proved that the world could not help but accept it as true, the classification of living things has had a new and great importance. It has the importance of repre- senting our knowledge of organic evolution, for the classifying of animals and plants now means arranging them in groups according to their descent. In the early days of the study of animals and plants their classification or division into groups was based on the external resemblances and differences which the early naturalists found among the organisms they knew. But later when naturalists began to dissect animals and get acquainted with the whole body, the differences and likenesses of the inner parts, such as the skeleton and organs of circulation and respiration, were taken into account. For we know that animals which are 4 8 THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 49 really closely related may not, on the surface, closely resemble each other. The outside of their bodies may become much modified to adapt them to different environments. But their internal structure and their development will usually reveal their nearness or relation. On the other hand, animals not closely related by descent may become and look superficially like each other by becoming adapted to living in the same environment, taking the same kind of 'food, etc. But again a study of the development and internal anatomy will usually establish marked differences, indicating their lack of real gen- ealogic nearness. Modern zoological classification, is, therefore, based on a great deal of serious study of animal structure and development and represents, as we have already said, our present knowledge of the actual blood relationships of animals. It means more than that animals of the same group resemble each other in certain structural characters. It means that the members of a group are related to each other by descent, that is genealog- ically. They are all the descendants of a common ancestor; they are all sprung from a common stock. And this added meaning of classification explains the older meaning; it ex- plains why the animals are alike. The members of a group resemble each other in structure because they are actually blood relations. The history of animal classification with all the changes in it, and the succeeding points of view and new significance represented by these changes, is an interesting chapter in the history of science. It began, in any real way, with Linnaeus, the great Swedish naturalist who worked in the middle of the eighteenth century. In the years just before and after 1750 he published successive editions of his "Systema Naturae," which was the first attempt to describe and name and classify all the known kinds of animals and plants. In the loth edition (1758) of this "Systema" he catalogued about 4000 kinds of animals. (Now we know 500,000 kinds!) In this great catalogue he adopted a system of short scien- tific names, one for each kind of organism. And he classified all these named animals into groups of successive degrees of 4 50 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY inclusiveness, which he called, species, genus, ordo and classis. We still use Linnseus's general system of classification and most of his short two-word scientific names for the different animals and plants that he knew, but we base the classification on other grounds than the superficial resemblances that he used, and we see in our classification a more far-reaching significance and a much greater importance than he saw. But Linnaeus was the first great animal classifier, or systematic zoologist, and de- serves all honor for his" important work. Animal Names. Well-known animals have common, or vernacular names, but less familiar ones do not. Also these common names differ in different countries; that is, are differ- ent in different languages. The animal we call dog, the Ger- mans call Hund, the French, chien, and the Italians, cane. And even in the same country one common name may be applied in different parts of it; as "quail" which means one kind of bird in the East, another kind in the Mississippi Valley, and still another on the Pacific Coast. "Partridge" has still a wider divergence of application^ and "minnow" refers to nearly as many different fishes as the localities in which the word is used. Thus if there is to be accurate speaking and writing about animals, and if the naturalists of different countries are to be able to use names that are understandable to all, there is necessary some system of naming animals other than the popu- lar one of vernacular names. This system is that of the so- called "scientific names," or two- word names in Latin or Greek, devised and successfully established by Linnaeus. It is a system which has given rise to much popular fun-making and no little scientific discussion and dispute, but whose use- fulness is so real and whose principles are so sound that it will likely never be given up. The names used in it are all Latin or Greek simply because these classic languages are taught in the schools and colleges of almost all the countries of the world, and are thus intelligible and familiar to naturalists of all nationalities. In the older days, indeed, all the scientific books, the descriptions and accounts of animals and plants, were written in Latin, and now THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 51 most of the technical words used in naming the parts of animals and plants are Latin. So that Latin may be called the language of science. For most of the groups of animals we have English names as well as Greek or Latin ones and when talking with an English-speaking person we can use these names. But when scientific men write of animals they use the names which have been agreed on by naturalists of all nationalities and which are understood by all of these naturalists. These Latin and Greek names of animals, laughed at by non-scientific persons as "jaw-breakers," are really a great convenience, and save much circumlocution and misunderstanding. Zoological Classification and Nomenclature. In any dis- cussion of the nomenclature of zoological classification it is first of all necessary to distinguish between the few names used as common nouns, such as species, genus, family, order, etc., which denote the different kinds of groups into which animals are divided, and the host of proper noun names which are applied to the many groups of each kind which have been established by students of systematic zoology. A single kind of animal, as a house-fly, a robin or a coyote, is called a species of animal. Coyotes, dogs and gray wolves are different species much alike. They are grouped together with some other kinds of wolves and dog-like animals to form a group called a genus. The robin belongs to a genus which includes one or two other robin-like species of birds and the house-fly to a genus which includes several other house-fly species of insects. Each of these genera has a proper name, which distinguishes it from all other genera, and for that matter from all other groups of animals, because a genus name is never used for more than one group of animals. The dog- coyote-wolf genus is called Canis, the robin genus, Merula, and the house-fly genus, Musca. Each species belonging to these genera also has a specific proper name, the dog's species name being familiaris, the coyote's latrans, the gray wolf's occidentalis, the robin's migra- loria, and the house-fly's domestica. But because of the enormous number of kinds of animals we do not try to have a separate single word name for each species, but always com- 52 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY bine the species name word, which may be used repeatedly, that is, used for several different species, with the name of the genus to which the species belongs, and thus make a two- word name, or "binomial," for each animal kind. These two-word names distinguish the species unmistakably from each other because although the same word, familiaris, may be used for several or even many different species it is never used for more than one species in any given genus, and the genus name is never used for more than a single genus. So that Canis familiaris, the scientific two- word name for the dog species, unmistakably distinguishes the dog by name from all the other half million species of animals we know. There might be a Merula familiaris, or a Musca familiaris in the list, but not a second Canis familiaris. You will have noticed that we have capitalized the first or genus word in the two- word scientific name of the dog, but not the second or species word. And this is the rule in zoological nomenclature. Even if the species word is derived from a proper name, as is often the case, it is not capitalized. The botanists do not adhere to this rule, so that they might write Canis Browni, if Canis were the genus name of a plant and Browni the species name. Just as there are often several and sometimes many species sufficiently alike, or better, closely enough related, to be grouped together into one genus, so there are usually several or many genera related closely enough to be brought together into a group of a higher or more comprehensive degree. There are, for example, other genera of animals showing unmistakable affinities, by their resemblances of structure, with the dog and wolf genus Canis. Such for example are the genera Vulpes and Urocyon which include various species of foxes. These related genera are then grouped together to form a family; in this case the family Canidce. Note that the proper name of this family is made by adding idee to the stem part of the name of one of the genera in it. That is, the name of an important genus in the family is taken in the genitive case and pluralized in order to make the family name. And this is a general rule in zoological nomenclature. Related families are grouped together to form orders. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 53 Plainly related to the Canidce, for example, are the Felidce, or cats and cat-like animals, the Ursidce, or bears, Mustelidce or weasels, and some other families all of whose members are carnivorous in habit and have teeth, feet, and other parts specially modified in connection with this habit. All of these families then are grouped together to form the order Carnivora. All the families of hoofed animals, as the Equidce or horses, the Bovidce or cattle, the Cervidce or various deer kinds, and other similar families, compose the order Ungulata. But all the animals of both Carnivora and Ungulata as well as of a number of other orders agree in possessing certain important common characteristics of structure and physiology, which undoubtedly indicate a certain relationship. And so they are grouped to- gether to form a class. The particular class comprising the orders just spoken of is named the Mammalia, from the posses- sion by all of its members of milk glands for producing milk for their young. Finally there is a plain relationship among the class Mam- malia or mammals, and the class Aves, or birds, the class Reptilia, or reptiles, the class Amphibia, or batrachians and the class Pisces or fishes. They are all back-boned animals, while other animals are not. They may be grouped together into a single large group called a branch. The name of this branch is the Chordata. There are eleven other branches in the animal kingdom, all of which are named and divided into their classes in the table on pages 55 to 57. The branches are the largest groups used in the classi- fication of animals, so that if we should now tabulate the scientific classification of our dog we should find it to belong to the kingdom Animalia branch Chordata class Mammalia order Carnivora family Canidae genus Canis species familiaris. Its scientific name is, however, simply Canis familiaris, which indicates, to a zoologist, the whole classification of the dog. 54 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Because as there is but one animal genus named Cams and that is a member of the family Canidae, which in turn is a member of the order Carnivora, which is a member of the class Mammalia, which, finally, belongs to the great branch Chordata, we have indicated all the superior groups by naming the generic one only, and have pointed out what particular species of that genus w r e are referring to, when we simply say or write Canis familiaris. There are many rules of custom which zoologists try to follow in deciding on names for new kinds and groups of ani- mals, but they are too many and too technical to discuss here. However it is worth while to point out that while the scientific name of an animal may be more or less descriptive by the meaning of its genus and species words, it is not necessarily so. Canis familiaris is, translated, the common dog; Canis latrans, the barking dog; and Canis occidenialis the western dog, which are all therefore names of descriptive nature. But there might be a wolf named Canis smithi, which would not describe it at all. The name however would be a perfectly proper scientific name. There are indeed hundreds of scien- tific names which have no or almost no descriptive significance at all; and some that are even wrongly descriptive. For ex- ample a Russian naturalist might find in the wilds of Siberia a new kind of wolf, larger than any other kind known. He might name it therefore, descriptively, Canis maximtis, the largest wolf. In the next year an American naturalist might find a still larger species in the heart of Alaska. But the name Canis maximus would always be used for the smaller Siber- ian wolf, because the scientific name is primarily a symbol, an arbitrary name, and not a description. And also the ad- vantage of having the first name applied to a species retained for all time is very great. The stability of the system and its convenience depend largely on the custom of not changing the names unless absolutely necessary because of some original mistake in assigning the species to a wrong genus, or the necessity of dividing too bulky genera into smaller ones. Branches and Classes of Animals. The following table gives the names and arrangement of all the branches and classes of THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 55 the animal kingdom. No attempt should be made now to memorize this table. ANIMAL KINGDOM BRANCH I. PROTOZO'A (one-celled animals) Class I. Rhizfip'oda (amoeba, Heliozoa, Radiolaria, Foraminif- era, et al.). Class II. Mycetozo'a (slime-moulds). Class III. Mastigoph'ora (whip-bearers, Euglena, trypanosomes, Spirochata, et al.). Class IV. Spdrozo'a (parasitic Protozoa such as Plasmodium which causes malaria, Babesia which causes Texas fever of cattle, et al.). Class V. Infuso'ria (mostly free-swimming Protozoa provided with cilia, Paramoecium, Vorticella, et ah). BRANCH II. PORIF'ERA (sponges) Class I. For if era (sponges). BRANCH III. CCELEN'TERA'TA (se-len-te-ra'-ta) (Aquatic, mostly marine, radially symmetrical ani- mals having a combined body and stomach cavity) Class I. Hydrozo'a (fresh water hydra, marine hydroids, many of the small jelly-fish, a few stony corals, et al.). Class II. Scyphdzo'a (sl-fo-zo'-a) (most of the large jelly-fishes). Class III. Actlnozo'a (sea-anemones; most of the corals, et al.). Class IV. CtSndph'ora (ten-oph'-o-ra) (the comb- jellies, or sea- walnuts). BRANCH IV. PLATYHELMIN'THES (flat-worms) Class I. Turbellar'ia (planarians, et al.). Class II. Tremato'da (liver-flukes, et al.). Class III. Cesto'da (tape- worms). BRANCH V. NEMATHELMlN'THES (round-worms) Class I. NSmato'da (trichina, hookworms, et al.). Class II. NematomSr'pha (horse-hair snakes, or cabbage- snakes, et al.). Class III. Acanthoceph'ala (thorn-headed worms). Class IV. Ch(zt8g'natha (ke-tog'-na-tha) (arrow- worms). 5 6 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY BRANCH VI. TROCHELMIN'THES (wheel-worms) Class I. Rotifer a (wheel animalcules). BRANCH VII. M(3LLUSCOI'DA (small animals which are more or less mollusc-like) Class I. Pdlyzo'a (moss-animals). Class II. Phord'nida (worm-like animals living in sand). Class III. Br&chiop' oda (lamp-shells, small marine animals with a bivalve shell). BRANCH VIII. ECHINODER'MATA (radially symmetrical, marine animals with a rough or spiny skin) Class I. Aster oi'dea (starfishes). Class II. Ophiuroi'dea (brittle-stars). Class III. Echinoi'dea (sea-urchins). Class IV. Hdlothur oi'dea (sea-cucumbers). Class V. Crlnoi'dea (sea-lilies, or feather-stars). BRANCH IX. ANNEL'IDA (segmented worms) Class I. Archiannffl ida (marine worms living in the sand). Class II. Chcetdp'oda (earthworms, Nereis, et al.). Class III. Gephyre'a (jef-e-re'-a) (marine, worms of uncertain relationship, with little or no traces of segmenta- tion in the adult). Class IV. Hirudlriea (leeches) BRANCH X. ARTHR^P'ODA (animals with the body more or less distinctly seg- mented and with jointed appendages) Class I. Crustd'cea (crayfish, lobsters, crabs, shrimps, et al.). Class II. Onychdph'ora (slime-slugs). Class III. Myri&p'oda (myriapods, centipedes, et al.). Class IV. Insec'ta (insects). Class V. Arach'nida (scorpions, spiders, mites and ticks). BRANCH XI. M6LLUS'CA (bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented animals, most of which have shells) Class I. AmpMneu'ra (chitons, et al.). Class II. Gastrdp'oda (snails, slugs, et al.). Class III. Scaphop'oda (tooth-shells). Class IV. Pelcc^p' oda (clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, et al.). Class V. Cephaldp'oda (squids, octopods and nautili). THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS 57 BRANCH XII. CHORD A 'TA (animals that have a notochord at some stage of their development) Class I, Class II. Class III Class IV Class V. Class VI. Class VII. Class VIII. Class IX. Adelochor'da (balanoglossids, et al.). Urochor'da (ascidians, et al.). Leptocard'ii (lancelets). Cyclostdm' ata (lampreys and hagfishes). Pisces (pis-sez) (fishes). Amphib'ia (frogs, toads, salamanders, water-dogs, et al.). ReptU'ia (snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators, et al.). A'ves (birds). M&mmdl'ia (mammals). CHAPTER IX SPONGES, AND SPONGE FISHING The sponges are fixed, aquatic, plant-like animals living mostly in salt water. They are regarded as representing the simplest type of Metozoan body structure and cell specializa- tion, and are classified as a branch of the animal kingdom called Porifera. The body of the simplest sponges is vase- shaped or cylindrical with the base attached to a rock or shell or other firm substance. At the free end there is an opening that leads down into the central cavity. The walls surround- ing this cavity are perforated by numerous openings or canals through which the water flows. Few sponges are of this simple vase-like appearance, how- ever. Most of them are unsymmetrical, and cling close to the surface on which they grow, or form low compact bushy bodies looking much more like plants than like animals. Sponges belonging to the genus Grantia are convenient types for study. They live in salt water and may be 1 obtained at many points on the Atlantic or Pacific Coasts on rocks, shells or other objects below low water line. They are sub- cylindrical in form, attached at the base, and with a rather large opening, the exhalant opening, or osculum, at the free end. All over the sides are numerous small openings leading into the inhalant canals which extend almost to the inner or gastric cavity or cloaca. Opening into the cloaca and extending almost to the outer wall are other canals, the radial canals. The inhalant and radial canals run side by side and communi- cate with each other by means of very small openings. The cells lining the radial canal are furnished with long lashes, or flagella, the lashing of which sets up currents of water which 1 Inland schools can obtain specimens preserved in alcohol or formalin from dealers in natural history supplies. 58 SPONGES, AND SPONGE FISHING 59 passes in through the inhalant canals and through the small openings into the radial canals on into the cloaca and out through the exhalant opening at the free end of the sponge. The cells lining the radial canals and the cloaca take up and digest particles of food that are brought in by the currents of water. Some of this digested food is passed by osmosis to the adjacent cells which do not take up any food. Here we see a simple step in physiological division of labor. The outer cells, FIG. 13. A group of vase-shaped sponges, Lencandra apicalis. (Natural size.) which compose the ectoderm, or outer skin, serve to protect the animal, while the inner cells, which make up the endoderm, digest the food and feed the other members of the colony. The currents that bring the food also bring fresh oxygen in the water. Some of this is taken up by the cells, while the carbon dioxide and other wast^products that they excrete are carried away by the same currents. Between the ectoderm and the endoderm, and pierced by 60 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY the inhalant and radial canals, is the soft gelatinous-like layer, the mesoderm, that is composed of various kinds of cells. Some of these are concerned in the formation of the spicules that make up the framework, some are concerned with diges- tion and some with reproduction. Two or three kinds of spic- ules may be found in the mesoderm of Grantia. They are composed of carbonate of lime, and are very brittle when dry. The framework of the commerical sponges is composed of exceedingly fine flexible fibers of a horny substance called spongin. This is the part of the animal that we commonly know as the sponge in the market. Grantia reproduces itself in two different ways. Small buds sometimes appear on the external surface of the body which develop into small individual sponges. These gradually increase in size and finally break away from the parent and attach themselves to some other substance. In the more complex sponges these buds do not break away, but remain attached so that in time there is built up a complex sponge colony. Besides this method of reproducing asexually, that is, with- out the union of two kinds of germ cells, all sponges have a mode of sexual reproduction. The male, or sperm, cells and the female, or egg, cells are produced in the same individual. The sperm cells when ripe are cast into the water and swim about until they come in contact with egg cells which they fertilize. From these fertilized egg cells sponge embryos develop which, after they have reached a certain stage, swim away by means of many cilia which cover their bodies and finally attach themselves to some substance where they remain the rest of their lives. Sponges of Commerce. All sponges have the same general type of structure but most of them branch extensively and form immense colonies with innumerable canals and cavities making altogether a complicated network. The sponges that we use are really only the skeletons of some of these great colonies with all of the soft parts dried or squeezed or washed out. Bleaching powders or acids are sometimes used to lighten the color, but they are apt to injure the fibers. The SPONGES, AND SPONGE FISHING 61 best sponges come from the Mediterranean. This region annually produces about $2,000,000 worth of sponges, which is more than half the value of the product of the sponge fisheries of the world. Some sponges come from the Red Sea, others from the Bahama Islands, West Indies, the west coast of Florida and other places. The annual output from the Florida sponge fisheries is valued at between $500,000 and $600,000. The commercial sponges do not live in very deep FIG. 14. A common bath sponge. (Reduced.) water, being usually found not deeper than 200 feet. In shal- low water they are dragged from the rocks by men in boats who use long poles with hooks on the ends. Those growing in deeper water are dredged up or brought up by divers. Many of the best sponge-fishing grounds have suffered very severely from destructive methods of fishing and efforts are now being made to protect these beds and to stock others. Several methods of sponge culture have been tried, most of 62 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY them with little or no success. The United States Bureau of Fisheries has found a method that it believes to be practi- cable. Live sponges are cut into small pieces which are fastened on some firm support and placed in suitable places. In from four to six years these fragments grow to a good marketable size. Boring Sponges. Among the most interesting and impor- tant of the sponges are the boring sponges which live on shells, spreading over the surface at first but eventually penetrating the shell in every direction, completely honeycombing it, and causing it to break up. They thus help to dispose of the shells of dead molluscs which would otherwise accumulate in vast quantities. They also attack shells in which the animals are still living and by boring through the shell greatly irritate the host which must constantly secrete new shell to close up the holes made by the intruder. These boring sponges are often serious pests in the oyster beds. The pearl-shell fishermen sometimes find some of their largest and otherwise finest shells completely ruined by the work of some of them. Classification. There is only one class belonging to the branch Porifera (L. porus, pore; fero, to bear) and that, too, is called Porifera. It is divided into two sub-classes, the Calcarea, including those sponges with a skeleton of calcareous spicules, and the Non-calcarea, with the skeleton either absent or composed of spong in fibers or of siliceous spicules. Grantia is an example of the sub-class Calcarea; the commercial sponges, the boring sponges, and indeed most of the others, belong to the Non-calcarea. CHAPTER X CORALS, SEA-ANEMONES AND JELLY-FISHES Like the sponges, most of the polyps, and jelly-fishes, com- posing the branch Coelenterata (Gr. koilos, hollow; enter on, intestine) are found in the sea. Those who live near the sea- FIG. 15. Sea-anemones. The middle specimen expanded and feed- ing; lower specimens partly or wholly contracted and with disk closed. shore are familiar with the many-colored, flower-like sea- anemones that cover the rocks in shallow water, and with the clear transparent medusae or jelly-fishes, which truly look like masses of animated translucent jelly. Less familiar are 63 64 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY the little tree-like hydroids that are found on the submerged rocks or shells along the shore at all depths. These little animals look so plant-like that they are often called zoo- phytes, or plant-animals, a name that is also applied to other polyps. Many of them however live a part of their lives as active, free-swimming forms before they settle down to be- come attached to the places where they are to remain. In the shallow waters of all tropical seas the coral polyps grow in such numbers that their myriad skeletons form whole groups of little islands and great projecting barrier reefs that may reach for miles along the shores. The great barrier reef off the north shore of Australia is more than a thousand miles long. Only a few of the polyps live in fresh water. Hydra, which is found in nearly all fresh water ponds or streams, is the most familiar example, and has already been studied. Hydroids and Jelly-fishes. In each of the four groups, or classes, into which the polyps and jelly-fishes are divided there are many modifications of the simple type plan presented by Hydra. If the buds that develop on Hydra should remain attached and continue to grow and in turn produce other buds, there would soon be developed a tree-like colony with a Hydra- like animal at the end of each branch. Some marine animals are developed in just this way, and are known as hydroids. The class Hydrozoa (Gr. hydor, water; zoon, animal) to which these belong includes the Hydra and other Hydra-like animals. The Hydrozoan colonies may be made up of two kinds of in- dividuals, or zooids. One kind, known as the nutritive zooids, or polyps, retains much of the general appearance of the Hydra; the other kind, known as the reproductive zooids, or medusae, develop into quite different looking animals. The medusae are produced by budding off from the bases of the polyps. They are umbrella-shaped, jelly-like masses and are commonly known as jelly-fishes. After budding off from the polyps they float and swim in the water for some time and finally produce egg cells and sperm cells. From each fer- tilized egg a new individual develops. This new individual is at first an active free-swimming larva, called planula, which does not resemble either a medusa or a polyp. After a while CORALS, SEA-ANEMONES AND JELLY-FISHES 65 it settles down, becomes fixed, and develops into a polyp. Thus a polyp may produce a medusa or jelly-fish which, how- ever, produces not a new jelly-fish, but a polyp. This is called an alternation of generations, and is not an uncommon phenom- enon among the lower animals. It results from such an al- ternation of generations that a single species of animal may have two distinct forms. This having two different forms is FIG. 1 6. A jelly-fish, or medusa, Gonionema vertens, eating two small fishes. (From specimen from Atlantic Coast.) called dimorphism. Sometimes, indeed, a species may appear in more than two different forms; such a condition is called polymorphism. The Portugese man-of-war, common in tropical seas, is a representative of another group of this class. It appears as a delicate bladder-like float, brilliant blue or orange in color, usually about six inches long, and bearing on its upper 66 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY surface, which projects above the water, a raised parti-colored crest, and on its under surface a tangle of various appendages, some thread-like and others in grape-like clusters of little bell- or pear-shaped bodies. Each of these parts is a peculiarly modified polyp- or medusa-zooid, produced from budding from an original central zooid. Many other kinds of colonial jelly-fishes occur which show similar differences among the different members of the colony. Some individuals enable it to move through the water, some protect the colony, others procure or digest food and still others are modified into re- productive organs. The whole colony, or compound animal, floats or swims at the surface of the water and performs all the necessary functions of life as a single animal composed of organs might. Most of the common large jelly-fishes belong to a second group (class Scyphozoa: Gr. skyphos, cup; zoon, animal). They often occur in great numbers on the surface of the ocean. Others live in deeper waters, a few having been dredged up from depths of even a mile below the surface. The umbrella- shaped bodies vary in size from less than an inch to more than six feet in diameter. From the underside of the central part of the body hangs a mass of long tentacles which are provided with stinging-threads. The small animals that become en- tangled in these tentacles, which sometimes reach a length of more than 100 feet, are stung by the stinging-threads and serve as food for the jelly-fish. The body substance of some jelly-fishes is more than 99 per cent, sea-water. Most of them are nearly transparent, but some are beautifully colored and many are phosphorescent. Sea-anemones and Corals. The most familiar examples of the polyps and jelly-fish branch of animals are the multi- colored sea-flowers, or sea-anemones, found along all ocean shores. The petal-like tentacles, that surround the central mouth-opening spread wide and seize and thrust into the mouth any small animals that may walk or swim into this living trap. Less common are the beautiful sea-pens, sea- feathers and sea-fans which are closely related to the sea- CORALS, SEA-ANEMONES AND JELLY-FISHES 67 anemones. All these belong to the class Actinozoa (Gr. aktis, ray; zoon animal). To this class belong also the interesting coral polyps that are found in all tropical and sub-tropical seas. The individual coral polyps are not unlike the sea-anemones in general ap- pearance and structure, but they usually live in great colonies, forming large irregular or branching tree-like masses. As the animals grow they secrete a strong skeleton of carbonate of lime. The corals with which most of us are familiar are FIG. 17. Branching coral, Acropora muricata, from Samoa. (Much reduced.) really only the calcareous skeletons of innumerable little polyps. The living coral is quite different in appearance from this hard stony skeleton. The surface is often soft and velvety, pink, green, yellow, brown or purple, and covered with the small waving tentacles of the numerous little polyp individuals that make up the colony. As each individual polyp dies and leaves its skeleton it is adding its small mite toward the for- mation of the great coral rocks or reefs or islands charac- teristic of the tropical seas. Coral polyps usually do not live 68 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY more than fifteen or twenty fathoms below the surface of the water, so we find the reefs as fringing reefs lying attached to some shore line, or as barrier reefs, lying a little further out and separated from the land by an intervening lagoon. Or they may be in the condition of atolls, which make up groups of small coral islands, each surrounding a more or less circular or oval lagoon. These coral islands are themselves often protected by barrier reefs. The foundations upon which the coral atolls rest are probably the summits of submarine mountains which come to within 100 or 150 feet of the surface. On such places coral polyps and many* other kinds of marine animals and plants grow, and accretions due to these and other substances slowly raise the bank toward the surface of the water, so that at low tide the tips of the growing branches of the coral may be above the surface. As the coral is broken and ground into fine bits by the action of the waves and as other pieces are washed higher on top of these, the island gradually rises above the level of the tides. The waves continue to break up some of the coral into fine particles, that, together with other debris, forms a little cal- careous soil in which may germinate the seeds carried to it by birds or ocean currents. With the growth and decay of vege- table life the soil gradually becomes more fertile, until finally the islands may become covered with a luxuriant plant growth which in turn serves as the home of many insects and birds and other animals. There are over 200 kinds of coral polyps known. Many kinds are used for ornaments or decoration. The red coral, which grows chiefly in the Mediterranean, is much used for jewelry. The rose-pink coral is very valuable, some of the finest kinds selling for hundreds of dollars an ounce. To the class Ctenophora (Gr. kteis, comb; phero, bear) belong a few peculiar delicate, transparent, medusoid jelly- fish, swimming by means of the rhythmical beating of several rows of vibratile plates and not by means of the motion of the bell or umbrella as in the case of other jelly-fishes. CHAPTER XI THE LIVER-FLUKES, TAPE- WORMS, AND OTHER PARASITIC FLAT WORMS The Worms. In the older classifications the name Vermes was applied to a large group of worm-like creatures which resembled each other in some respects, but as these animals came to be better known it was found that some were not at all closely related to others and it became necessary to divide the group into five smaller groups of equal rank, the flat worms (Platyhelminthes,) the round worms (Nemathelminthes), the rotifers (Trochelminthes), the sea-mats and lamp-shells (Molluscoidea) and the segmented worms (Annelida). These all differ from the polyps and sponges by being bilaterally symmetrical and in having three well-developed layers of cells in the body-wall, the mesoderm being well developed. Usually, also, the various systems of organs are much more complex, and the individuals do not form colonies. The first group (the branch Platyhelminthes; Gr. platus, broad, helmins, worm) includes the liver-flukes, tape-worms and other parasitic flat-worms, and a few free living flat worms that live in fresh water or salt water, or, more rarely, on land. They are usually much flattened and without true segmenta- tion, although the bodies of the tape- worms have a jointed appearance owing to their being largely made up of a string of reproductive units. Many of the parasites have very com- plex life histories and live in different kinds of animals while passing through their successive stages of development. Fresh-water Planarians. In the mud at the bottom of ponds of fresh water or clinging to the rocks or sticks in such places are often found small flat creatures that are known as planarians. They look somewhat like small leeches, which belong to the branch Annelida, but may be distinguished 69 70 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY from them by the absence of rings around the body. These planarians are less than half an inch long, very thin and rather broad. On the upper surface near the front is a pair of pigmented spots which are probably sensitive to light and are called the eyes. The mouth is on the under surface a little behind the middle of the body. The alimentary canal is composed of three main branches, each with numerous small side branches. One main branch runs forward from the mouth, and the other two run backward, one on each side of the body. There is no anal opening, and the alimentary canal thus forms a system of fine branches closed at the tips, and extending all through the body. The nervous system is composed of a ganglion or brain in the front end of FIG. 18. A fresh-water planarian, Planaria sp. (Eight times natural size; from a living specimen.) the body from which two main branches extend back through- out its whole length. From these main longitudinal branches arise many fine lateral branches. Many beautiful and interesting members of the class Turbellaria the class to which the planarians belong are marine and a few are found in moist earth. Liver-flukes. The liver-flukes, Fasciola hepatica, live as parasites in the liver of sheep and cattle, especially the former. In Europe they sometimes kill hundreds of thousands of sheep annually, and they have more recently become of some import- ance in the United States, the Pacific and the Gulf Coast regions suffering most. They are interesting not only on account of their economic importance but because they furnish a good example of a Metazoan parasite that requires two different kinds of hosts in which to complete the different stages THE LIVER-FLUKES, TAPE- WORMS, ETC. 71 of its development. The adult fluke, which occurs in the sheep's liver, has a flattened leaf-like body, and is from three- quarters of an inch to more in length. There are two suckers on the ventral side, one surrounding the mouth, the other nearer the anterior end. Their presence in the liver produces a disease known as liver rot because the tissues of the liver degenerate. Affected sheep often die. The flukes are hermaphroditic, and each individual is capable of producing about five hundred thousand very minute eggs. These pass through the bile ducts of the host into the alimentary canal and thence with the excrement to the ground. If the eggs fall on dry ground they usually perish, but if they fall on damp herb- age or in water there hatch from them small ciliated larvae. These swim about in the water for ten or twelve hours, and, if they do not happen to come in contact with a certain kind of snail, they perish. Those that do succeed in finding a snail bore their way through any of the soft parts into the body, where they undergo certain changes, finally forming sporocysts within which are developed small larvae called redice, which in turn produce other rediae. The rediae finally give rise to certain heart-shaped bodies each with a long flexible tail. These are called cer- carice, and in this shape the parasites issue from the snail host. Soon after leaving the snail the cercariae become en- cysted and within the cyst further changes take place, the animal becoming more like a minute adult fluke. If these cysts are swallowed by a sheep when it is eating grass or drinking water where they occur, the cyst is dissolved by the digestive juices in the sheep's stomach and the young flukes are liberated. They soon work their way from the stomach to the duodenum and through the bile duct into the liver, where they develop into the adult flukes. It will be seen that under ordinary conditions there is little FIG. 19. Liver- fluke, Fasciola hepatica. (Nearly twice natural size.) 72 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY chance of many of the thousands of eggs that are produced by the adult fluke ever meeting successfully all the danger that beset their path. The eggs may fail to reach the water; or if hatched the larvae may not be able to find a snail; or if the snail is found it may be destroyed before they have completed their transformations. The cercariae are always in danger of being eaten by aquatic animals while in the water, or if not eaten after they form their cysts the particular blade of grass to which they are attached may never be eaten by a sheep. Yet the number of eggs that are produced is so great that hosts of the young flukes do successfully overcome all their difficulties and infect so many sheep that they become an important economic factor in sheep-raising in many regions. With a knowledge of the life history of the parasite, however, it is a comparatively easy matter to prevent the infection of the sheep. This is accomplished by keeping them away from land subject to overflow, or where the snails occur in numbers. Springs and other watering places are particularly dangerous when there are many snails about them. This same species of liver-fluke, Fasciola hepatica, some- times occurs in cattle, horses and other domestic animals and even, although very rarely, in man. Other Flukes. The large American fluke, Fasciola magna, which is often a serious pest of cattle in the Southern states, also occurs in the deer, which was probably its original host. The life history has not yet been worked out, but it is probably somewhat similar to that of the liver-fluke of sheep. Another species of fluke is common in ducks, and many other animals may be more or less seriously affected by still other kinds. One species occurring in Egypt is a dangerous parasite of man, infesting the urinary and abdominal blood-vessels where it causes serious inflammation. The infection is probably from bad water. Some species are external parasites and attach themselves to their hosts by means of a series of suckers. One kind that attaches itself to the gills and fins of fresh-water fishes is viviparous, that is, it brings forth its young alive, and the embryo, before it is extruded, itself contains another embryo THE LIVER-FLUKES, TAPE- WORMS, ETC. 73 and this in turn still another embryo so that three generations of embryos are present one within the other. Tape-worms. The tape-worms are the most common and the best known of the flat worms. There are many species, the adults of all of which live in vertebrate animals. But there is almost always an alternation of hosts during the life of the parasite, the larval tape-worm living in one animal and the adult in another. In the larval stage the tape-worms may occur in various parts of the body of the intermediate host, but the adult or fully developed worm always occurs in the alimentary canal of the final host. Many of the domestic animals suffer from these parasites. At least ten different species of tape-worms have been found in the dog, the inter- mediate hosts including rabbits, sheep, and other animals that the dog may feed on. Many of the domestic fowls are infected by tape-worms, whose intermediate hosts are insects or small aquatic crustaceans, like Cyclops. Several kinds of tape-worms infest man. Tania solium, whose intermediate host is the pig, may serve as an example of the group. The adult worm is attached to the inner wall of the intestine of man by a number of fine hooks with which the small head is provided. The long, ribbon-like, symmetrical body lies free in the alimentary canal, where it absorbs the liquid food directly through its thin body-wall. The parasite has neither mouth nor alimentary canal. The body may reach a length of many feet and be composed of as many as 850 segments, or proglottids. Each proglottid produces both sperm cells and egg cells, and as these become mature the posterior proglottids drop off one by one and pass out of the alimentary canal with the excreta. If some of these escaped proglottids are eaten by a pig the embryos issue from the eggs, bore through the walls of the alimentary canal of the host, and make their way to the muscles, where they increase greatly in size and develop into a rounded sac filled with liquid. In this stage they are large enough to be readily seen, and the infected spotted meat is called "measly pork." If such infected pork is eaten by man without being cooked sufficiently to kill the parasites, the young tape-worms will attach themselves to the 74 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY FIG. 20. Some segments of the tape-worm, Tania saginata, from man. (About natural size.) THE LIVER-FLUKES, TAPE-WORMS, ETC. 75 walls of the alimentary canal and soon develop into the many-jointed adult. Tape- worms cause much trouble, espe- cially to children. It is probable that the most common tape-worm affecting man in the United States is one that passes its intermediate stage in cattle. It is known as Tania saginata, and is much like T. solium, but the head is depressed instead of being convex at the end, and the hooks, which are conspicuous in T. solium, are wanting in T. saginata. It is plain that either one of two things is necessary to prevent infection; all meat must be carefully inspected and any that is "measly" rejected, or it must all be so thoroughly cooked that there will be no chance for any of the encysted forms to remain alive. FIG. 21. Head of FIG. 22. A piece of a muscle of the ox, with three specimens of the tape-worm, Tcenia saginata, ir* rn-irc forl oforro ^AJof ni-ol oi^d o f f Of Ocf OT-V*l/r ^ tape-worm, T &nia inree specimens 01 cne tape-worm, i wma- saginaia, saginata. (Highly in encysted stage. (Natural size; after Osterberg.) m a g n i fi e d ; after Wood.) If a child or an older person becomes infested a physician should be consulted, as many of the vermifuges that are often recommended are unsafe. A serious disease of sheep, known as gid, is caused by the cysts, or " bladder- worms, " of a tape-worm, Multiceps multiceps (Ccenurus cerebralis), the adult stage of which is passed in the intestine of the dog. The proglottids pass from the dog in the feces and the eggs are released and splashed on the grass or washed to pools where the sheep drink when the rains come. When the eggs are taken into the stomach of the sheep the embryo is released and makes its way into the blood-vessels and 76 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY finally to the central nervous system. In the brain it grows rapidly to the size of a hazelnut, or larger, the sheep, of course, FIG. 23. The gid parasite, Multiceps midticeps, in bladder-worm stage from brain of sheep. (Much reduced; after Hall.) suffering from the movements of the parasites and their presence in the brain. The infected sheep usually dies and when its brain infested with the "bladder- worms" is eaten by FIG. 24. Adult gid tape-worm, Midticeps midticeps, from the intestine of the dog. (Natural size; after Hall.) a dog or some other carnivore many more tape-worms are produced in the new host. THE LIVER-FLUKES, TAPE-WORMS, ETC. 77 This disease has been a serious scourge of sheep in Europe for centuries, and for a long time has existed in Montana where the loss is at least $10,000 every year. The number of the parasites may be partially controlled by keeping only a few dogs around the sheep or in regions where they are feeding, and by keeping these dogs free from tape-worms. The dogs should never be allowed to feed on the carcasses of the sheep that have died from the disease, nor is it well to let them feed on the heads of slaughtered sheep that may be infected. Classification of the Flat-worms. The Platyhelminthes are divided into three classes, the Turbellaria, the Trematoda, and the Cestoda. Another class, the Nemertea, is sometimes included in this branch, but its relation is doubtful. Its members are of no economic importance. The Turbellaria (L. turbellce, disturbance) are mostly non- parasitic and have the epidermis covered with cilia. The fresh-water planarians are examples. The Trematoda (Gr. trema, perforation; eidos, likeness) are all either external or internal parasites. The life history, especially of the internal parasites, is often very complicated, as we have seen in our study of the liver-flukes. The Cestoda (Gr. kestos, a girdle, eidos, likeness) are all in- ternal parasites in whose life history there occurs a tape- worm stage in a vertebrate host and a bladder-worm stage in a vertebrate or invertebrate host. The tape- worms of man and of other animals are examples of this class. Parasites and Pearls. After calling attention to so much harm that these lowly parasites may cause it is only fair that a paragraph should be given to pointing out how a few of them are of some service to man. For a long time it has been known that the pearls that are found in many molluscs are secretions formed about foreign particles that have found their way in- side the shell. It is now known that the larvae of several Trematode and Cestode worms are the objects around which some of the finest pearls are formed. The Trematode larvae are most common in mussels, while the Cestodes are found very abundantly in the pearl oysters of Ceylon and other parts of the world. The vertebrate hosts in these instances are 7 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY usually certain fish that feed on the molluscs. In these the adult parasite lives, and some of the young embryos that are set free in the water gain access to the gills, liver or mantle of the molluscs. Here many go on with their development until the mollusc is eaten by a fish and the life cycle is begun again. In some instances, however, the irritation due to the presence of the parasite causes a calcareous secretion, like that forming the shell, to be deposited around the parasite. This forms the nucleus of a pearl which grows by additional layers being deposited around it, the luster depending on the kind of mollusc in which it is found. "The most beautiful pearl is only the brilliant sarcophagus of a worm." CHAPTER XII TRICHINA, HOOKWORMS, FILARIA, AND OTHER PARASITIC ROUND-WORMS The large group of hair-like or thread-like unseg- mented worms, constituting the branch Nemathel- minthes (Gr. nema, thread; helmins, worm), includes certain kinds which on account of their parasitic habits are of very great economic importance. Per- haps the most familiar examples of the branch are the hair-worms, or horse-hair snakes, which are often found in watering troughs or pools of water. Be- cause of their remarkable appearance many persons believe them to be horse-hairs that have dropped into water and changed into these animals. They really come mostly from the bodies of insects in which they pass a part of their lives as parasites. The vinegar-eel, which is found in weak vinegar is another common example of the group. Trichina. The dreaded trichina, Trichinella spiralis, which causes the disease called trichinosis, is a minute round- worm the adults of which live in the intestine of man, pigs and other animals. These adults produce living young which bore through the walls of the intestine, and are carried by the blood, or otherwise make their way to the muscles, where they form little cells or cysts in which they lie. The presence in the muscles of thousands or millions of these little parasties often causes great suffering, sometimes death to the host. It has been estimated that the trichinosed flesh of a human subject may contain 100,000,000 of these encysted trichinae. Before further development of 79 FIG. 25. vinegar-eel, A n guillula sp. (Great- 1 y magni- fied; from a living specimen.) 8o ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY the worms can take place such trichinosed flesh must be eaten by another animal in which they can live. Pigs are probably usually infected by eating dead infected rats or scraps of pork that have been thrown out in garbage. Man is usually in- fected by eating trichinosed pork. In the alimentary canal of the new host the trichinae escape from the cyst and after be- coming sexually mature produce the young which migrate to the muscles again. The close watch that the government inspectors keep over the meats that go out from all the great packing houses makes the dangers from all parasites of this kind very much less than it used to be. But the meat from the smaller slaughter houses is usually not inspected and is always a source of danger. No pork, either fresh or smoked, should be used without being thoroughly cooked in order that any trichinae in it may be killed. Eel -worms. Belonging to the genus p IG 26. Encapsuled Ascaris are several round- worms, or trichinae in trunk muscle "eel- worms," some of which are very - fi P i g- J G B atly f ag ~ common and of considerable economic nified; after Braun.; importance. The large-headed thread- worm, Ascaris megalocephala, which occurs in the alimentary canal of the horse, reaches a length of from eight to sixteen inches and may be as thick as a lead. pencil. The fertilized eggs of the parasites are passed from the body of the host with the excreta, and probably gain entrance to a new host through stagnant water or by a horse eating grass or leaves on which the eggs occur. A similar but somewhat smaller species, Ascaris lumbri- coides, occurs in man and in sheep and hogs. In children, particularly in tropical regions, these parasites may occur in large numbers, sometimes from one to ten hundred in a single individual. In such cases they may cause nervous- ness, irritability, hysteria or even convulsions. In some cases TRICHINA, HOOKWORMS, FILARIA, ETC. 81 the parasites may emigrate to other parts of the host, but ordinarily they remain in the alimentary tract. The life history and mode of infection are similar to those of the preceding species. The eggs may be washed from the feces into drinking water, or they may become dry and be blown about as dust or become attached to fruit or vegetables. Soon after they reach the stomach of their host they begin their development. Strong vermifuges are necessary to re- move them, but such medicines should be used only under the doctor's advice. Still another species, Ascaris canis, is a very serious pest of dogs, especially puppies, and often causes serious losses to breeders of these animals. It occurs also in cats, lynxes and lions. The stomach worm of sheep, Hcemonchus (Strongylus) contortus, is another important intestinal parasite belonging to the group. It is a very small thread-like species occurring in the fourth stomach of sheep, cattle and goats. The larvae which hatch from eggs that pass out with the feces get on the grass blades and so into the stomach of new hosts. As the infection is direct the disease often spreads rapidly and does serious damage, particularly to lambs, which may die in con- siderable numbers. Uncinariasis, or Hookworm Disease. Perhaps no other disease has attracted so much attention in the United States during the past few years as the hookworm disease. It is caused by a small round-worm from one-half to four-fifths of an inch in length. On the anterior end, which is bent back giving it the suggestive hook shape, is the cup-like mouth by means of which the parasites attach themselves to the mucous membrane of the walls of the intestine, where, in ad- dition to sucking the blood of the victim and affecting the mucous membrane, they produce a poison which may affect the host in a variety of ways. The most pronounced symp- toms are anemia and aberrations of appetite. The skin be- comes dry, waxy white, or dirty yellow, and the patient may eat too little or too much. In severe cases there seems to be an uncontrollable desire for such things as chalk, rotten 6 82 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY wood, sand, gravel and all kinds of dirt. This has given the popular name of "dirt eaters" to those affected with this parasite. The myriad eggs produced by the adult hookworms pass out of the body of the host with the feces, and if these fall on the ground and the temperature and moisture conditions are suitable, as they usually are in the tropical and semi-tropical regions where this disease is worst, the young larvae soon hatch and grow for a few days before they become encysted. In this latter condition they may remain for some time, even several months, until they are in some way introduced into a new host. There are two possible ways of infection, through the FIG. 27. Hookworm, Necator americanus. a, Male; b, female. (Greatly enlarged; after Wilder.) mouth or through the skin and the circulatory system. For a long while it was thought that infection was wholly through the mouth, but it is now known that this is not even the usual mode of infection. When the encysted larvae come in contact with the skin of some person, such as the bare foot of a child, they break from their covering and burrow their way into the skin through some of the pores or hair follicles. They soon find their way into the circulation and later into the lungs or larynx and finally are swallowed and attach themselves to the walls of the alimentary canal. In passing through the skin they produce certain symptoms commonly known as ground itch which often causes much suffering. It will be seen that children are, under ordinary TRICHINA, HOOKWORMS, FILARIA, ETC. 83 circumstances, more subject to attack than adults because they go barefoot more, but adults are in no wise immune, and in mining regions men may furnish the highest percentage of infection because conditions in the mines are favorable for the development of the parasite. Epsom salts followed by thymol and then by epsom salts again will remove the worms from the body of the host, but reinfection may again take place unless sanitary measures are adopted to control the spread of the pest. Where the modern sewage facilities are found no hookworms occur, and the great fight that is being made against this, the worst curse of the poorer classes of the south, is made against the unsanitary FIG. 28. Section through the skin of a dog two hours after it has been infected with the Old World hookworm. (Greatly enlarged; after Wilder.) conditions that exist in many regions. If the soil is not polluted with the feces that contain the eggs of the parasite the disease will not spread. Not only do. the hookworms directly cause many deaths each year, but they lower the vitality of the victims so that they become an easy prey to other diseases. In addition they retard their physical and intellectual development, seri- ously affect the working capacity and in many other ways 84 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY exert a baneful influence on the general health and longevity and on the material welfare of the people. Porto Rico has suffered severely from this disease, as indeed have nearly all tropical and sub-tropical countries. In the old world the most common species of hookworm is Uncinaria duodenalis. In the United States Necator (Uncinaria) americanus is the most abundant. Both of these species were formerly included in the genus Ankylostomum and so the disease that they cause is frequently called ankylostomiasis. Several of our domestic animals are infected with other species of hookworms. Uncinariasis, or "salt sick," or hook- worm disease of cattle, is a very serious disease in some of the southern states. This disease can be partially controlled by intelligent methods of handling the stock. As it occurs chiefly on low wet lands the selection of pasture lands is of first importance, or rather it is of second importance, for the most important thing of all is to keep the disease out altogether by not allowing infected cattle to come on the farms or into the locality. A species of hookworm occurring in fur seals often causes a loss of thousands of the young or pup seals each year on the breeding grounds. Filaria and Elephantiasis. Another genus of very serious Nematode parasites is known as Filaria. The filariae cause the various forms of disease known as filariasis. Filaria bancrofti is the name of a minute, transparent, little worm that occurs in human blood and lymph in many tropical and sub-tropical regions, extending often into temperate climates. The larval forms, that occur in the blood, are but a little more than one one-hundredth of an inch long and about as big around as a blood corpuscle. During the day time but few of these are to be found in the blood near the surface of the body, but as evening comes on they may be found there in in- creasing numbers. This night-swarming to the peripheral circulation has been found to be a remarkable adaptation in the life history of the parasite to the presence of night-flying mosquitos, for it has been demonstrated that in order to go on with their develop- TRICHINA, HOOKWORMS, FILARIA, ETC. 85 ment these larval forms must be taken into the alimentary canal of a mosquito. There they undergo certain changes, and then make their way through the walls of the stomach into the muscles, where they increase in size until they are about one-sixteenth of an inch in length. Later they migrate to other parts of the body, some of them to the proboscis of the mosquito from which they issue when the mosquito is feeding and thus gain entrance into another host. It is not known that these parasites can gain an entrance into the circulatory system in any other way, but it has been suggested that mosqui- tos dying in the water may liberate some of the filariae which may later find their way into the vertebrate host when the water is used for drinking. Soon after entering the circulatory system of the human host the parasites make their way into the lymphatics where they attain sexual maturity, and in due time new generations of FlG - 29. Microfilaria ,11 i r-i j~i of the blood: immature the larval filariae, or microfilariae, are stage of Fila ' ria bancroftL poured into the lymph, and finally (Greatly enlarged; after into the definite blood-vessels, ready Terz i-) to be sucked up by the next mosquito that feeds on the patient. In most cases of infection the presence of these filariae in the blood seems to cause no inconvenience to the host. They are probably never injurious in the larval stage, that is, in the stage in which they are found in the peripheral circulation. In many cases, however, the presence of the sexual forms in the lymphatics may cause serious complications. The most common of these is that hideous and loathsome disease known as elephantiasis, in which certain parts of the patient become greatly swollen and distorted. An arm or a leg may become swollen to several times its natural size, or other parts of the body may be seriously affected. This disease occurs most commonly in tropic and sub-tropic regions. Nearly one-third of the natives of the Samoan Islands suffer from elephantiasis. 86 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY The guinea-worm, Filaria medinensis, referred to on an earlier page, is a member of this group. It has been known for many ages, and is thought to be the " fiery serpent" mentioned by Moses. It lives in the connective tissues, where it attains a length of two or three feet. Its diameter is about one and one-half millimeters. When it is ready to produce young it usually descends to the feet or the lower part of the legs of the host or the part most likely to come in contact with the water. Here it burrows out to the surface, often producing serious sores. The intermediate stage is passed in the body of Cyclops, a small fresh- water crustacean. There are several other species of Filaria that are parasitic in man but they are of less importance. Filaria loa is an inter- esting species that lives in the connective tissue just under the skin and travels about from one part of the body to another, occurring most commonly about the eyes, where their presence may cause irritation and congestion. Classification of Nemathelminthes. This branch may be divided into three classes, the Nematoda, Nematomorpha and Acanthocephala. The class Ch&tognatha (Gr. chaite, hair; gnathos, cheek) or arrow-worms, is usually included in this branch but the relationship of the group is very uncertain. The Nematoda (Gr. nema, thread; eidos, likeness) are by far the most important and include all of the forms that have just been described, with the exception of the hair-snakes which belong to the second class. The Nematomorpha (Gr. nema, a thread; morphe, form) include the hair-snakes, the larvae of which, as we have already noted, are parasitic in insects. One common species, Mermis albicans, frequently occurs abundantly enough in grass- hoppers to be of some importance in their control. It is probably this species, too, that at times causes so much alarm in some regions when the "cabbage snakes" appear in great numbers. When these round-worms occur on cabbages or other vegetables it means that the insect that acted as their host was probably resting or feeding on the plant when the parasite left it. As soon as they can they pass into the ground TRICHINA, HOOKWORMS, FILARIA, ETC. 87 and do not injure the vegetables. No harm will come from eating vegetables that have been visited by these parasites. The Acanthocephala (Gr. akantha, thorn; kephale, head), or thorn-headed worms, include a number of parasitic forms which show extreme specialization in their mode of life. The anterior end is developed into a conspicuous spiny organ for holding on to the walls of the alimentary canal of the hosts in which they live. There is no mouth or digestive organs but the parasite takes its nourishment through the body-wall from the food surrounding it. Echinorhynchus gigas, infesting hogs, is the best known species of this class. In America the larvae of the June beetle, Lack- nosterna, which is the common white grub found in the sod in pasture lands and else- where, serves as the intermediate host for the parasite. Hogs should not be allowed to pasture on lands where the grubs have be- come infected from previously infested hogs. Once pasture land has become infected it should be left for three years to insure the maturing of all the grubs that are infected. Several other species belonging to this class are parasites of fishes. living specimen.) ANIMALS OF UNCERTAIN RELATIONSHIP There are two groups of aquatic animals the exact relation- ships of which are by no means agreed upon by systematic zoologists. They are usually supposed to be more nearly related to the worms than to any other group, and as they are not of enough economic importance to be given a separate chapter they may be mentioned here. The Wheel Animalcules, or Rotifers, branch Trochel- minthes (Gr. trochos, wheel; helmins, worm). These are minute aquatic animals which on account of their size were for a long time classed with the Protozoa. But they are really very complex in structure. The anterior end is provided with FIG. 30. A wheel animalcule, 88 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY a circlet of vibrating cilia, which has suggested the common name. These little animals are interesting on account of their remarkable power to withstand drying. When the water in which they are found evaporates, some of them do not die but, as minute shrivelled dust-like particles, may lie for months or even years and be revived again when water reaches them. The Sea-mats and the Lamp -shells, Branch Molluscoida (Mollusca, mollusc; Gr. eidos, likeness). The sea-mats, or Polyzoa, are common on rocks along the seashore and sometimes in fresh water also. Most of them either spread mat-like over the surface of the objects on which they are growing, or form branched tree-like or moss-like colonies and look much more like plants than animals. Only their development suggests any relation to the worms. The lamp-shells, or Brachiopoda, are all marine. They look so much like little clams that for a long time they were classed with the molluscs. Their chief interest lies in the fact that they represent a group of animals that were once very numerous but which have not been able to adapt themselves to the changed conditions that are found on the earth to-day. In ages past they seem to have occurred in great numbers, as more than a thousand species have been preserved as fossils in the rocks. To-day only about one hundred species are known, and some of these are very rare. CHAPTER XIII STARFISHES, SEA-URCHINS AND SEA-CUCUMBERS The starfishes, sea-urchins, sand-dollars and sea-cucumbers, branch Echinodermata (Gr. echmos, hedgehog; derma, skin), compose the only branch of animals all of whose members are exclusively marine. Although they are among the most common inhabitants of all sea beaches no species has adapted itself to life in fresh water. Why this is so no one is yet able to explain. Most of them can move about freely but some of the feather stars are attached to rocks or other objects as the polyps are. The Starfish. The common five-rayed starfish well illus- trates the general plan of structure of members of this group. The five rays arranged around the central disk illustrate the radial symmetry which is characteristic of the branch. The entire aboral or upper surface, as well as a greater part of the oral or lower side, is thickly studded with the calcareous plates, or ossicles, of the body-wall. These ossicles support many short, stout spines arranged in irregular rows, and numerous pincer-like processes, the pedicellaria. In the inter- spaces between the calcareous plates are soft fringe-like pro- jections of the inner body-lining, the respiratory caeca. A little to one side of the center of the disk is the small striated cal- careous madreporic plate, and a little nearer the center is the anal opening. At the tip of each arm or ray is a cluster of small calcareous ossicles and within each cluster a small speck of red pigment, the eye-spot or ocellus. On the oral (under) surface are the centrally-located mouth, and the ambulacral grooves running longitudinally along each ray. In each groove are two double rows of soft tubular bodies with sucker-like tips. These are called the tube-feet, and are organs of locomotion. 90 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY By removing all of the dorsal body-wall except the part surrounding the madreporic plate and the anus, the internal -eye spot nuscles of the fylorif caeca, musclei of the pyloric caeca eye spot -- J FIG. 31. Dissection of a starfish, Asterias sp. male. organs are exposed. The large alimentary canal is divided into several regions. The short esophagus leads from the STARFISHES, SEA-URCHINS, ETC. 91 mouth directly into a large membranous pouch, the cardiac portion of the stomach. By a short constriction the cardiac portion is separated from the part which lies just above, i, e., the pyloric portion of the stomach. From the pyloric portion large, pointed, paired glandular appendages, the pyloric caca, extend into each ray. Their function is digestive, and some- times they are spoken of as the digestive glands or "livers." The pyloric cceca, as well as the cardiac portion of the stomach, are held in place by paired muscles which extend into each arm. The pyloric portion of the stomach opens above into a short intestine which terminates in the anus. Attached to the intestine is a convoluted many-branched tube, the intestinal c&cum. In the angle of each two adjoining rays are paired glandular reproductive organs, which empty by a common duct on the aboral surface. The small bulb-like bladders extending in two double rows on the floor of each ray are the water-sacs, or am- pulla, and each one is connected directly with one of the tube- feet. Passing around the alimentary canal near the mouth is a ring-shaped canal from which the radial vessels run out be- neath the floor of each ray and from which a hard tube extends to the madreporic plate. This hard tube is the stone canal, so called because its walls contain a series of calcareous rings, while the circular tube is the ring canal or circum-oral water- ring, from which radiate the radial canals. In some species of starfish there are bladder-like reservoirs, Polian vesicles, which extend interradially from the ring canal. The ampullae and tube-feet are all connected with the radial canals. By the contraction of the delicate muscles in the walls of the ampullae the fluid in the cavity is compressed, thereby forcing the tube-feet out. By the contraction of muscles in the tube-feet they are again shortened, while the small disk-like terminal sucker clings to some firm object. In this way the animal pulls itself along by successive " steps." This entire system, called the water-vascular system, is char- acteristic of the branch Echinodermata. In addition to the fluid in the water-vascular system there is yet another body- 92 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY fluid, the peri-visceral fluid, which bathes all of the tissues and fills the body-cavity. The perivisceral fluid is aerated through the respiratory caeca which, as we have seen, are outpocketings of the thin body- wall which extend outward between the calcareous plates of the body. Surrounding the stone canal is a thin membranous tube, and within and by the side of the stone canal is a soft tubular sac. The functions of these organs are not certainly known. calcareous spine respiratory caeca epithelium of the body ' ** """" " cavity mesentery- pyloric caecumr ossicles ampulla tube fool ambulacral ossicle ectodermal covering \M / I Hb x pedicellaria . radial 'canal / radial blood-vessel FIG. 32. Semi-diagrammatic figure of cross-section of the ray of a starfish, Asterias sp. The nervous system consists of a nerve-ring about the mouth, and nerves running from this ring beneath the radial canals along each arm. The starfish feed upon other marine animals, especially on molluscs. They are often very destructive on oyster beds, where they may occur in such numbers as wholly to deplete the beds unless they are removed by means of rakes or tangles of ropes that are dragged over the beds for this purpose. When the starfish wishes to feed on a mollusc that is too STARFISHES, SEA-URCHINS, ETC. 93 large to be taken into its mouth the stomach is extended through the mouth and the living prey is covered over by it. As soon as the shell is opened ever so little the soft parts of the victim are sucked up and digested by the starfish. Having finished its meal the starfish draws its stomach in and seeks another oyster or clam. FIG. 33. Regeneration of starfishes, Linckia sp. Upper figure shows a starfish regenerating arms that have been lost; the lower figure shows a portion of an arm regenerating the disk and other arms. (About natural size.) Starfish, and in fact most of the Echinoderms, have the power of regenerating lost parts. If, through accident, a starfish loses one or more of its rays new ones will grow out to replace the old ones, or, in some cases, the arm may prac- 94 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY tically regenerate all the rest of the body. Specimens showing this process are sometimes found on the beaches. Fig. 33 shows such specimens found on the reefs in Samoa. During its development from the egg to the adult the starfish passes through a remarkable metamorphosis. The young when it issues from the egg is more or less ellipsoidal, and is active and free-swimming, being provided with numerous cilia. This larva soon changes to another curious form with FIG. 34. A sea-urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanns, showing movable spines. (Reduced.) many prominent projections. This is so unlike a starfish that the earlier naturalists did not realize that the larvae were in any way related to the starfish and gave them the name Bipinnaria, thinking they were fully developed adult animals. The name is still used in referring to starfish larvae, but we now know that the bipinnaria become, by later development, adult starfish. Other Echinoderms. All the various starfish belong to the class Aster oidea (Gr. aster, star; eidos, likeness) and although they may differ much in general appearance they are all readily STARFISHES, SEA-URCHINS, ETC. 95 recognized. Some starfish may have thirty or more rays instead of five as in the typical forms. Others may have the interradial spaces filled out nearly or quite to the tips of the rays, making the animal simply a pentagonal disk. Some are very small, less than an inch in diameter, while others attain an extent of three feet or more. The brittle-stars belong to the class Ophiuroidea (Gr. ophis, snake; our a, tail; eidos, likeness). They differ from the FIG. 35. A holothurian or sea-cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa. (About j natural size.) Aster oidea in that the body-cavity does not extend out into the arms as it does in the starfish, or extends at most only into the bases of the arms. The five radiating rays are usually slender, more or less cylindrical, and sometimes branched. The sea-urchins, class Echinoidea (Gr. echlnos, hedgehog; eidos, likeness), look quite unlike the starfish. The body is 96 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY globular, usually more or less flattened at the poles. It is covered with many movable spines which may be small and light or long and heavy. When the spines are removed the calcareous plates that constitute the firm part of the body- wall are plainly distinguished. Sea-urchins are found mostly in tide pools near the shore, but some occur at great depths. FIG. 36. A sea-lily, Pcntacrinus sp. (About i natural size.) The sand-dollars or cake-urchins belong to the same class. Their bodies are very much flattened and often brightly colored. They are common in the sand on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The sea-cucumbers, class Holothuroidea (Gr. holos, whole; thouros, rushing; eidos, likeness), look even less like starfish. STARFISHES, SEA-URCHINS, ETC. 97 The body is more or less cylindrical and looks not unlike a cucumber, perhaps still more like a sausage. The body-wall is tough arid leathery and the five rows of tubular feet are usually, but not always, present. At one end is a ring of branched tentacles surrounding the mouth. These are often flower-like or leaf-like and brightly colored. In the Orient sea-cucumbers are largely used as food, the gathering and preparing of this trepang, as it is called, forming a very con- siderable industry. Many of the feather-stars or sea-lilies, class Crinoidea (Gr. krinon, lily; eidos, likeness), are fixed to rocks or the sea bottom by a longer or shorter stalk which is composed of a number of segments. Others are attached by a stalk during their larval stage, but after a time the stalk is absorbed and the feather star becomes free. The central disk is provided with a number of radiating arms which are long and slender, sometimes re- peatedly branched. The fine lateral pinnules on these arms give them a feather-like appearance. They occur mostly in deep water. There are comparatively few species of crinoids that still exist, but in former geologic times thousands of species flourished. The fossilized parts of their bodies, especially the little disk-like segments of the stem, are very common in Paleozoic rocks. CHAPTER XIV EARTHWORMS, LEECHES AND OTHER SEGMENTED WORMS The segmented worms (branch Annelida, annellus, little ring), of which the earthworm is the most common example, show a decided advance in structure over the flat-worms and round-worms. Their bodies are divided into a series of seg- ments, and most of them have well developed nervous and circulatory systems. There is a definite body-cavity, and paired organs of excretion called nephridia. The segmented worms are grouped in four classes, the Chatopoda (Gr. chaite, hair; fious, foot) including the earth- worms and many marine worms; the Hirudinea (L. hirudo, leech) or leeches; and the marine Archiannelida (Gr. archi-, primitive; annellus, little ring) and Gephyrea (Gr. ' gephyrd, bridge). The Earthworm. In the Chcetopoda the sides of the body are furnished with minute setae, or with special locomotor protrusions known as parapodia. The familiar earth-worm, or angle-worm, or fish-worm, as it is often called, will serve as an example of the group. Earth-worms eat their way through the ground forming definite burrows and bringing to the surface soil from considerable depths. The earth that is swallowed as they are digging contains more or less decaying vegetable matter which is used as food. Darwin was the first to call attention to the great good that the earthworms do by opening up the soil so water can enter, enabling plant roots to penetrate deeper, and by bringing to the surface soil from which the various plant foods have not yet been taken by the plants. He estimated that in England and conditions are prac- tically the same in America about ten tons of soil per acre pass annually through the bodies of these worms, and 98 EARTHWORMS, LEECHES, ETC. 99 that they cover the surface with earth at the rate of about an inch in five or six years. Besides being an important factor in increasing the fertility of the soil the earthworms furnish a considerable part of the food supply of many birds. Nor should we fail to mention the important part that they play in the welfare of mankind, or rather "boykind," when, dan- gling from a hook, they tempt the hungry fish from its haunts in the shade of the rocks or among the gnarled roots of the old tree. Usually they remain in the ground during the day, wandering about only at night, but sometimes, particularly after heavy rains, they may be found in considerable numbers crawling over the ground in the early morning. As they are often found on hard pavements where they have crawled or been washed by the water many persons think that they have "rained down." External Structure. The body of the earthworm is long, cylindrical, bluntly pointed at the anterior end and rounded and flattened at the posterior end. The four double rows of stiff bristles or setae are hardly visible to the naked eye but they may be detected by drawing the worm backward across the hand. Over the mouth is a small lobe called the prosto- mium, and a short distance behind it is a broad thickened ring or girdle, the clitellum. This is a glandular structure which secretes the cases in which the eggs are laid. Internal Structure. If a careful incision is made along the dorsal line extending from behind the clitelleum to the anterior end of the body the sides of the body-wall may be fastened aside so as to expose the internal organs. The body-wall is made up of a thin transparent covering, the cuticle, just be- neath which is a less transparent layer, the epidermis, and two layers of muscles, an outer circular layer and an inner longi- tudinal layer. The space between the body-wall and the alimentary canal is the body-cavity, or ccdom. It is divided into sections or segments by thin membranes, the septa. The body of the earthworm may be compared to two tubes, a larger outer one represented by the body-wall and a smaller inner one, the alimentary canal, extending from one end to the other. The space between these is the body-cavity. ioo ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY cerebral ganglion retractor and protractor muscles of the pharynx cesophageal pouches seminal receptacle seminal aniis \ pharynx psophagua FIG. 37. Dissection of the earthworm, Lumbricus sp. EARTHWORMS, LEECHES, ETC. 101 This is an arrangement that we find common in all the higher animals. In the alimentary canal a number of distinct parts may be recognized. Anteriorly is the muscular pharynx, which is followed by a narrow esophagus leading directly into the thin-walled crop; next comes the muscular gizzard, and next the intestine, which opens externally in the terminal segment through the anus. The anterior end of the alimentary canal is more or less protrusible, while the posterior portion is held more firmly in place by the septa, which act as mesenteries. Surrounding the narrow esophagus are the reproductive organs, three pairs of large white bodies and two pairs of smaller sacs. Under the reproductive organs are three pairs of bag-like structures projecting from the esophagus. The front pair are the esophageal pouches; the next two pairs are the esopha- geal, or calcijerous, glands. They communicate with the alimentary canal, and secrete a milky calcareous fluid. By cutting transversely through the alimentary canal in the region of the clitellum, a dorsal fold of the intestine, the typhlosole, may be seen extending into the lumen. This fold gives a greater surface for digestion, and in it are a great many hepatic or special digestive cells. The entire alimentary canal is lined internally with epithelium. The dorsal blood-vessel lies along the dorsal surface of the alimentary canal. From the anterior portion there arise several circumesophageal rings, or " hearts." These hearts are contractile, and serve to keep the blood in motion through the blood-vessels. Just beneath the alimentary canal is the ventral blood-vessel, and still beneath this the ventral nerve-cord. The slight swellings on the nerve-cord in each segment of the body are the ganglia. The brain, or cerebral ganglion, lies in the first segment of the body above the esophagus, and is con- nected with the ventral nerve chain by the circumesophageal collar. The excretory system is peculiar, consisting of a series of small convoluted tubes, the inner ends of which are furnished with small ciliated funnels which gather and carry off the waste matter from the fluid that fills the body-cavity. There are 102 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY no special organs of respiration, but the thin walls of the skin are traversed by a network of minute blood-vessels which are separated from the air by only a very thin membrane through which the oxygen passes readily and the carbon dioxide is given off. nephridium f^rsal ttotd vessel \ hepatic cells / \ \ i longitudinal muscle '. \ / firmlnr miiscle fit I/ ft jcircular muscle fibres epidermis .cuticle typhlosole nephridipore ! nephrostome \ ventral vessel body cavity FIG. 38. Cross-section of earthworm. The earthworm is hermaphroditic, that is, both spermatozoa and ova are produced in the same individual. The testes are two pairs of flattened glands lying in the region of the tenth and eleventh segments. These are connected with the seminal vesicles and communicate with the exterior through the long vasa deferentia which open in the fifteenth segment. The ovaries are attached to the septa separating the twelfth and thirteenth segments. The ova reach the exterior through a pair of funnel- shaped oviducts, the mouths of which are near the ovaries. EARTHWORMS, LEECHES, ETC 103 They pass through the septum between the thirteenth and fourteenth segments and open through the ventral wall of the fourteenth segment. The sperm cells do not fertilize the ova from the same individual. When the reproductive elements are ripe, two worms mate and there is a transference of spermatozoa from each individual to the other. The clitellum then becomes very much swollen, and finally forms a collar- like structure about the body of the worm. As this slips forward the ova are discharged into it, and a little further forward the sperm cells that have been received during copulation are also emptied into it. As it passes on over the FIG. 39. A group of marine worms. At the left a gephyrean, Dendro- stomum cronjhelmi, the upper right-hand one a nereid, Nereis sp., the lower right-hand one, Polynce brevisetosa. (From living specimens in a tide- pool in the Bay of Monterey, California.) head both ends of the collar become sealed and thus a capsule containing the ova and spermatozoa is formed. This capsule lies in the ground until the young are hatched. Only a part of the eggs in each capsule develop, the rest being used for food by the growing young. The Marine Worms. To the genus Nereis belong many of the large marine worms that are found on almost all sea beaches. The head is provided with two pairs of eyes and with several tentacles which act as feelers. The sides of the io 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY body are provided with lateral plates, a pair to each segment. These plates are divided into lobes, and aid the animal in crawling or swimming, and as some of them are well pro- vided with blood-vessels they also serve as respiratory organs. Many of the marine worms swim in the sea, others are more or less closely confined to their burrows, while some form tubes of sand or gravel or secrete tubes of lime which furnish excellent protection. Such tube-like houses are often found on rocks and shells. They may usually be found on the oyster shells in almost any market. The part of the body that is protected has no further use for the lateral appendages and so they have almost or quite disappeared. On the head, however, there have been developed great plume-like appendages which are well sup- plied with blood-vessels and act as gills. These organs are often beautifully colored, and when fully expanded look like gorgeous flowers. Indeed, these worms and the sea- anemones make veritable flower gardens in many a tide pool along rocky shores. The Leeches. In their general appear- ance the leeches look much more like the flat- worms (Platyhelminthes), than like the other Annelida. The body is flattened, and com- FIG. 40. The posed of many segments. Most of the seg- medicinal leech, ments are marked by transverse lines, making Hirudo medtcina- fU i u Us. (Grows to be tne ammal appear to have many more seg- six or eight inches ments than it really has. The ventral side is long> ) provided with two sucking disks. The mouth, which lies in the anterior disk, is provided with sharp jaws which enable the leech to puncture the skin of animals in order that it may suck their blood. Leeches live mostly in the water, and are found most commonly on such animals as fish, frogs and others that are aquatic or semi-aquatic. They will readily attack man when the oppor- tunity offers, and in olden days they were much used by physi- cians to "bleed" their patients. A leech was allowed to at- tach itself to the body of a patient and feed until it was com- pletely gorged. Leech farms where these "medicinal leeches" were raised were formerly common in some countries, and a jar of live leeches was a part of the regular stock of the apothecary. They are now seldom used. CHAPTER XV CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. The great branch Arthropoda (Gr. arthron, joint; pous, foot) comprises, as shown by the table of classification on pages 55 t 57> fi ye classes; the Crustacea (L. crusta, crust), or crayfishes, crabs, lobsters, barnacles, etc.; the Onychophora (Gr. onyx, claw; phero, bear) or slime slugs; the Myriapoda (Gr. myrios, numberless; pous, foot) or centipedes and thous- and-legged worms; the Arachnida (Gr. arachne, spider) or scorpions, spiders, mites and ticks; and the Insecta (L. insectum, cut into), which in point of number of species, is by far the largest class in the whole animal kingdom. The Arthropods get their name from two Greek words mean- ing jointed foot, and the members of the branch are charac- terized by the possession of legs and other laterally arranged paired appendages each composed of several successive jointed parts. The bodies of all Arthropods are bilaterally symmet- rical, and are composed, as are those of the Annelida, or an- nulate worms, of a series of successive segments. They are inclosed by a more or less firm outer cuticle, which not only serves as a protection to the soft body parts within but also provides firm points of attachment for the muscles. This hardened cuticle is called the exoskeleton. The internal organs of the Arthropods show a more or less obvious segmentation corresponding with the segmentation of the body wall. The alimentary canal runs longitudinally through the center of the body from mouth to anal opening- The nervous system consists of a brain lying above the esoph- agus and a double nerve-chain running backward from the esophagus, along the median line of the ventral wall, to the pos- terior extremity of the body. This ventral nerve-chain con- sists of a pair of longitudinal- cords and a series of pairs of 1 06 CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 107 ganglia, arranged segmentally. The two ganglia of each pair are fused more or less nearly completely to form a single gang- lion, and the nerve-cords are partially fused, or at least lie close together. In addition there is a smaller sympathetic system composed of a few small ganglia and certain nerves running from them to the viscera, this system being connected with the main or central nervous system. In this group the organs of special sense reach for the first time a high stage of development. Compound eyes are peculiar to Arthropoda. The heart lies above the alimentary canaK Respiration is carried on by gills, in the aquatic forms, and by a remarkable system of air- tubes or tracheae in the land forms (insects). The sexes are usually distinct, and reproduction is almost uni- versally sexual. Most of the species lay eggs. CRUSTACEANS The members of the large and important class Crustacea are mostly aquatic, but a few species are found on land in moist places. There are over ten thousand known species in the class, about nine-tenths of which are marine. Many are scavengers, feeding on any dead organic matter, and thus doing a great service in helping to keep the shores, small pools, and even the sea clean. Some prefer a vegetarian diet and may do much damage to wood that is in the water or even to crops on the land. The lobsters, crayfishes, crabs, shrimps and prawns furnish man with an abundant supply of most dainty food, and more important still, they furnish an almost inexhaustible supply of food to many other aquatic animals. The name Crustacea refers to the covering or crust (exo- skeleton) that protects the softer parts of the body and serves for the attachment of the muscles. This crust may be very hard, as with the crabs, or soft and delicate, as with some of the smaller forms. The Crayfish. The crayfish will serve as a typical example of the class, but the group contains many remarkable and important deviations from the type. The body is divided into two well defined regions, the cephalothorax and the ab- io8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY domen. The cephalothorax is covered above and on the sides by the firm carapace, which is divided by the transverse cervical suture into parts corresponding to the head and thorax. The compound eyes are situated at the ends of two short stalks which arise just beneath the rostrum, the anterior horn-like projec- tion of the carapace. The segments of which the cephalo- thorax is composed are so fused together that they are not readily distinguished, but each segment of the body bears a pair of appendages and by the position and character of these appendages the different regions can be determined. Each of these appendages, except the antennae, consists of a basal part from which arises two branches made up of one or more segments modified to perform certain functions. Just below the eyes is the first pair of appendages, the antennules, in the base of each of which is an organ formerly supposed to be an auditory organ but now known to be an organ of equilibration. These aid the animal in keeping the body in a proper position while swimming. Next come the antenna, or feelers, which, like the antennules, are provided with fine hairs which aid in the sense of touch and perhaps of smell. The green gland lies at the base of the antennas. It is probably an excretory organ with functions similar to the kidneys of higher animals. Next comes the group of appendages surrounding the mouth, the mandibles, two pairs of maxilla and three pairs oimaxilli- peds. The mandibles are hard and jaw-like. The second maxillae have a large paddle-like structure, the scaphognathite, which extends back over the gills in the branchial chamber, the space between the lower part of the carapace and the body- wall. The movements of this appendage keep the currents of water flowing through the gill chamber. The maxillipeds are appendages of the thorax. The first pair of legs is much larger than the others, the terminal segments being developed into strong pincers or chela. Each pair of legs, except the last, bears gills which extend up into the branchial chamber. In the basal segments of the last pair of legs of the male are the genital pores. In the female the genital pores are in the basal segments of the second pair of walking-legs. In the CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 109 antennule opening of green gland -uropod -telson FIG. 41. Ventral aspect of female crayfish, Cambarus sp., with the appendages of one side removed. no ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY male each segment of the abdomen, except the last, bears a pair of appendages or swimmerets. The first two pairs are modified to serve as channels for the sperm fluid. The last pair of appendages is broad and flat and with the last segment, the telson, forms the broad tail, or swimming fin. In the female the first two pairs of abdominal appendages are very small or altogether lacking. The food, which for the most part consists of vegetable matter, or dead organic matter, passes into the stomach through a short esophagus. The stomach is divided into two parts. The anterior portion, the cardiac chamber, contains three strong teeth, the gastric mill. These grind the food before it passes back through a fine strainer of stiff hairs into the second or pyloric chamber, which receives the secretions from the large digestive glands that surround the stomach. The intestine is a straight tube opening to the outside by a slit-like anal opening on the under side of the telson. The heart lies in the pericardial sinus in the posterior portion of the cephalothorax. The contractions of the heart force the blood out into seven arteries which carry it to all parts of the body. The ophthalmic artery supplies the eyes and other parts of the head. The two antennary arteries supply the antennae, excretory organs and other tissues. The two hepatic arteries supply the digestive glands. The dorsal abdominal artery supplies the intestine and surrounding tissues. The sternal artery passes down to the ventral wall where it divides, one part carrying blood to the appendages in the thorax and the other part to the appendages of the abdo- men. All of the arteries give off many branches which divide again and again into very small capillaries which open into spaces between the tissues. From all of the tissues the blood finally makes its way to a large space, the sternal sinus, in the ventral part of the thorax. From the sinus it passes out into channels in the gills where it gives off its carbon dioxide and receives oxygen from the water which bathes the gills. Then through other channels, the branchio-cardiac sinuses, it reaches the pericardial sinus which surrounds the heart. From here it enters the heart through three pairs of openings, CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. in the ostia, which are guarded by valves that allow the blood to enter but prevent it from flowing back into the sinus. The nervous system is similar to that of the earthworm and the insects. It consists of a dorsal ganglionic mass, the brain, which is connected by cords passing around the esophagus with the ventral nerve cord which lies along the floor of the thorax and abdomen. Along the ventral nerve cord are a number of ganglia which give off nerve fibers that reach the various parts of the body. The abdomen is quite filled with the powerful muscles that flex that part of the body forward when the crayfish is swim- ming, thus producing backward locomotion. These muscles, as well as the strong muscles of the appendages, are all at- tached to the firm body-wall, or exoskeleton, not to an internal skeleton as in the vertebrates. The sexes are separated. The spermatozoa are produced in the male in the tri-lobed testis which lies under the heart and over the anterior end of the intestine. They pass through the long, coiled, paired vasa defer entia to the genital apertures in the base of the last pair of thoracic legs. The eggs arise in the bilobed ovary in the female and pass through the paired ovi- ducts and out through the genital apertures on the next to the last pair of thoracic legs. The eggs are glued to the swimmerets of the female, and remain in this position until they hatch. During the very early part of their development the young or larval crayfish cling to the old egg shells or to the spinnerets of their mother thus receiving much needed protection, for their bodies are very soft. After about two days the young make their first moult, casting off the old skin after a new one has been formed underneath it. They usually moult about seven times during the first summer and grow very rapidly after each moult. In the process of moulting the lining of the esophagus, stomach and the alimentary canal is also cast off. Often one or more of the appendages may be lost during moulting. Such lost parts are usually regenerated and it is not uncommon to find individuals with one of the claws or legs shorter than the others, the short appendage being a new one that is replacing one that has been lost. CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 113 Crayfish, or crawfish, as they are more commonly called, are found in most fresh water ponds and streams. The common species in the eastern United States belong to the genus Cambarus, those on the Pacific Coast to the genus Astacus. Some species live in holes in the ground, digging deep enough to reach water, or at least considerable moisture. The earth that is removed in digging the burrows is sometimes built up to form short chimneys above the ground. This burrowing habit is often the cause of serious damage to the levees along the rivers, particularly along the Mississippi River. In the southern United States crayfish often occur in such numbers that they become important pests in the corn and cotton fields. In badly infested areas there may be as many as 10,000 or 12,000 holes to the acre. From these holes the crayfish issue in the evenings or on rainy mornings and feed on the young tender plants. They may be easily killed by placing a little carbon bisulphid in each hole. In some sections of the country crayfish are used for food and are considered a great delicacy, those on the west coast, on account of their size, being particularly in demand. Recent attempts have been made to introduce these larger species into waters where only the smaller ones occur naturally. In Europe the crayfish have been used for food for centuries and in France "crayfish farming" has been successfully practiced for many years. CLASSIFICATION The class Crustacea is divided into two sub-classes, the Entomostraca and the Malacostraca. Sub-ckss Entomostraca. Entomostraca are mostly small, comparatively simple forms with little differentiation of the appendages. Four orders are included in this class. The order Phyllopoda comprises mostly fresh water species with leaf-like appendages. The " fairy shrimps, " common in fresh water pools in the early spring, are among the largest examples. The species of A rtemia, an abundant Phyllopodin salt and brack- ish or fresh water, are of great interest to biologists on account ii 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY of the changes that may take place in them when the density of the water is changed. Artemia and several other genera be- longing to this order form a very important food supply for many fishes. To the order Ostracoda belong several genera; Cypris, which occurs in fresh water, and Cypridina, which is marine, are the most common. These resemble minute bivalve shells and often occur in great numbers near the surface where the surface-haunting fish and other animals feed on them. In the order Copepoda the body is long and distinctly segmented, and the appendages are confined to the head and thorax. The water-fleas, Cyclops, are common in all pools or quiet waters. The single median eye has suggested the generic name. These are often used as examples to show how rapidly some of these forms may multiply. It has been estimated that the descendants of a single individual might in one year number nearly 4,500,000,000, if all the young lived and produced their full number of offspring. They feed on other smaller animals such as Protozoa and Rotifera, and in turn serve as one of the most important sources of food for the young of many fresh water fishes. Related to Cyclops is the genus Cetochilus which occurs in the surface water of the sea in inconceivable numbers, sometimes forming almost a solid mass extending for miles in quiet waters. Those whales which are furnished with fringes of whalebone in the mouth often swim in schools through the water where these minute creatures abound, and as the water rushes through the wide- open mouth the minute crustaceans are strained out and thus furnish a dainty and abundant supply of food for the largest of living animals. To the genus Sapphirina belong some of the most wonderfully phosphorescent animals that are found in the sea. This order also includes the so-called FIG. 43. Water-flea, Cyclops, female with egg masses. (From life, greatly magnified.) CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 115 fish-lice which are especially interesting because of their parasitic habits and the greatly modified structure resulting therefrom. Some live as commensals, that is, are associated with their hosts in such a way as to derive benefit from them, without injuring them. Others are truly parasitic and live upon the blood or tissues of their host. The most common of these attach themselves to the gills of fishes, but they may also be found as external or internal parasites, of whales, molluscs, marine worms, starfishes and many other animals that are found in the sea. The barnacles, order Cirripedia, look but little like other Crustacea. For a long while they were classed with the Molluscs, but a study of their development showed that in the young stages they are like the crustaceans and not the molluscs. The young are free-swimming, and after going through a series of changes they become attach- ed to some firm object. Here the young barnacle undergoes further metamorphosis, and the adult form with its compact or somewhat worm-like body is de- veloped. The appendages, or legs, are long, slender and curled. The animal is enclosed in a shell often of the shape of a truncate FIG. 44. A stalked barnacle, Lepas hillii. (About | natural size.) cone and composed of six or more plates. The open end of the shell may be closed by a lid or operculum, thus well pro- tecting the inmate. The barnacle feeds on minute organisms which it sweeps into its mouth by means of the long feathery appendages. Although barnacles may completely cover piling and other timbers in the water, they do not injure them and may even be of some service in protecting them from wood-boring or wood-destroying animals. Sometimes, however, they are serious pests on oyster beds. The goose-barnacle, or ship- barnacle, is attached to floating objects by means of a flexi- ble stalk which may be very short or may attain a length of nearly a foot. In warm seas the bottoms of ships are often so covered with these barnacles that their progress is seriously impeded. The very degenerate parasitic Sacculina also belongs to this order. The young sacculina swims about freely, but soon attaches itself to the body of a crab. After undergoing a series of changes, one stage of which is passed within the body of the crab, it finally becomes little more than an ovoid sack closely applied to the host, and sending off many root-like filaments which extend to all of the tissues of the crab from which it derives its nourishment. Sub-class Malacostraca. This group includes the more highly organized Crustacea. Most of them are of considerable size, and the appendages show much differentiation. There are several orders, some including mostly fresh water, others mostly marine forms, but the members of only two of these orders are of any particular economic interest or importance except as they furnish food for fishes and other smaller animals. The order Decapoda, to which the crayfish belongs, is the largest and most important order belonging to the class. The order is divided into two groups, or sub-orders, the Macrura and the Brachyura. In the Brachyura the abdomen is usually much reduced in size and folded underneath the thorax. The Macrura includes the free-swimming shrimps and prawns, the crawling lobsters and crayfish, and the hermit crabs, sand bugs and others. Lobsters. As a source of food for man the lobsters rank first among the Crustaceans. They are found along rocky shores on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. In structure and habits they are much like the crayfish, but they attain a much greater size, some individuals reaching a length of twenty inches and a weight of twenty-five pounds. At rare intervals even larger specimens are found, but these are to be regarded as giants. The lobsters seen in the market usually measure ten to twelve inches and weigh from one and one-half to two and one-half pounds. Many states do not allow lobsters to be CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 117 taken that are less than nine inches long; others place the minimum at ten or ten and one-half inches. The food of lobsters consists of fish and any other animals that they can capture in the sea. Although they prefer fresh food they do not hesitate to eat dead or even decomposing animal matter. Females eight or ten inches long may produce 5000 to 10,000 eggs. Very large lobsters may produce nearly ten times this number. The eggs are glued to the swimmerets and thus protected as are the eggs of the crayfish. Live lobsters are brownish or greenish with bluish mottlings. The ones usually seen in the market are red because they have been boiled. At one time lobsters were very plentiful and very cheap along the New England and Canadian coasts. It was no uncommon thing for as many as 100,000,000 to be marketed in a year, and the price was often as low as five cents for a large lobster. But for the last thirty years the numbers have been decreasing very rapidly until now the catch is only a small fraction of what it used to be, possibly little more than one-tenth, and many of the best grounds are no longer fished because they do not yield profitable returns. As the supply decreased the prices rapidly increased until now in many places lobsters sell from fifty cents to one dollar each. The problem of how to conserve the supply that still exists is a very important one and has been the subject of much study and experimenting. Closed seasons and a gauge or length limit have been tried. "Egg-lobster" laws have been passed for the protection of the female during the time she is carrying her eggs. But there has been only a partial check in the destruction of the industry. With certain modifications of these laws and with the methods of artificial propagation that are now being practiced in some states, it is hoped that more encouraging results may be met with. The lobster fisheries on the seacoasts of Europe have had the same difficulties that have been met with here. The common American lobster is called Homarus americanus , and the common lobster of Europe H. grammarus, the Nor- n8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY wegian lobster, Nephrops norwegicus. Around the islands off the coast of California is a large crustacean about the size of the eastern lobster, but the front legs are not enlarged into the great heavy pincers. It is often referred to as the spiny lobster, or "salt water crawfish." It belongs to the genus Palinurus, which is represented in different parts of the world by several species that are highly valued as food. Shrimps and Prawns. The prawns, which are marine and much like the lobsters but very much smaller, and the shrimps, which occur in both fresh and salt water, are often much sought after for food. They often occur in great "schools," and are caught in nets or dredges, sometimes in great numbers. They are put fresh directly on the market, or are canned and shipped to all parts of the world. The principal shrimp fish- eries are along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico where the common shrimp, Crangon vulgaris, is exceedingly abundant. Most of the canned shrimp come from this region. The same species occurs on the Pacific coast where, however, the Cali- fornia shrimp, C. franciscorum, is more important. Besides supplying the local markets with the fresh shrimp the California Chinese formerly dried great quantities of them. The dried meat was separated from the shell and exported, the value of the export reaching $100,000, in some seasons. Some of the largest and finest prawns and shrimps are found in Puget Sound, but the demand for them is so great that they seldom get beyond the local market. Like the lobster fisheries, the shrimp fisheries have suffered from lack of intelligent regulation. It should be noted that these crustaceans, which occur in untold numbers in so many waters, form a large part of the food supply of many of our important food fishes, and the destruction or material reduction of this source of food has an effect more far-reaching than at first appears. The hermit crabs, which are more nearly related to the shrimps and prawns than to the true crabs, found along all seashores, well illustrate the structural changes that may be brought about by a special or peculiar mode of life. Very early the young animals seek out an empty shell, such as a snail or CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 119 periwinkle shell, in which they may hide. The body is thrust well into the shell and the opening guarded by the feet and claws. As the crab develops it becomes more and more adapted to the shell in which it is living. The abdomen remains soft and follows the convolutions of the shell. Only the last two abdominal appendages remain, and these are modified into hook-like organs. The first two or three pairs of thoracic legs FIG. 45. A hermit crab, Pagarus sp. in a sea-snail shell. Upper figure shows another crab removed from its shell. (Reduced.) become curiously modified and help close the opening of the shell. The right claw is often very much larger than the left and well fitted for the dual purpose of capturing prey and acting as a door. As the crab grows, its adopted home be- comes too small for it, and from time to time it must seek larger shells. Some of the hermit crabs always have certain stinging 120 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY hydroids or sea-anemones attached to their shells. Both animals doubtless derive some benefit from this association, the crab being protected from its enemies and the hydroid or anemone being moved from place to place where food is more abundant and perhaps gathering some of the bits that are scattered in the water when the crab is feeding. This is another example of commensalism, or symbiosis. The sand-bugs, genus Hippa, so numerous on sandy beaches, burrowing rapidly into the loose sands or sometimes swimming about in the tide pools, are an important source of food for some fish. Many other interesting forms in this sub-order, some of them of more or less economic importance, might be listed, but the kinds already mentioned serve to show something of the diversity of structure and habits of the group. Crabs. The true crabs, belonging to the sub-order Brachy- ura, differ from the crayfish and lobsters in having the body short and broad instead of elongate and rounded. The cephalothorax is often broader than long. The abdomen is relatively small and is bent under the cephalothorax so that but little of it is visible from above. The appendages are usually well developed and similar to those of the crayfish or lobster except that the number of abdominal appendages is reduced to two pairs in the male and four pairs in the female. Most crabs are scavengers, living on dead animal matter. During their development they undergo a remarkable metamorphosis. In some of these stages they are so unlike the adult that they were described as different animals. The names, such as zoea and megalops, given to these supposedly distinct animals, are still retained, but we know now that they refer to different stages in the development of the crab. Most of the crabs live in the shallow waters near the shore, but some live in deep water and a few live on land. Their habits are various and there is a corresponding variation in their structure and shape, size and coloring. The spider crabs, with their long, slender legs and com- paratively small body, are especially strange looking creatures. Some members of this group living in Japanese waters measure CRAYFISH, LOBSTERS, CRABS, SHRIMPS, ETC. 121 twelve to sixteen feet across the extended legs, the body itself being but little more than a foot in width or length. The fiddler crabs, Uca spp., so common along the Atlantic coast, are the clowns among the crabs. The males have one of the chelae very much enlarged, and when alarmed they move this swiftly back and forth with a motion ridiculously like that of a violinist with his bow. The blue crab, or "soft-shelled" crab, Callinectes hastatus, is the most important as a source of food on the Atlantic coast. On the Pacific Coast a much larger crab, Cancer magister, is taken in shallow waters, sometimes in considerable numbers, and is much prized. The horseshoe crab, or king-crab, Litmdus, common all along the Atlantic coast, is really not a crab at all, nor even a crus- tacean, but belongs to another class, the relationship which is uncertain. Many believe that Limulus is most nearly related to the spiders. The beach fleas, order Amphipoda, are perhaps the most numerous crus- taceans found on the sea beaches, oc- curring in countless numbers in the tossed up seaweeds and mosses and other sea wrack. They are important as food for other marine animals. The boring Amphipod, genus Chelura, works on submerged timber, often doing a great deal of damage. The wood-lice or sow-bugs, order mined. Isopoda, are among the few crus- taceans that live a wholly terrestrial life. They live in moist places, feeding chiefly on decaying vegetable matter, but sometimes attacking tender plants and doing more or less damage in gardens and green-houses. Although land animals, they breathe by means of gills which are situated on the under side of the abdomen. It is therefore necessary for them to live in places where the gills may be kept damp in order that there may be a ready transfer of gases through the membranes. 122 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Their breeding or hiding places are usually easily found and destroyed, or sliced potatoes or substances poisoned with Paris green may be placed where the sow-bugs can find them. Some members of this same order live in fresh water, others are marine. The gribbles, genus Limnoria, are another group of crus- taceans that are very destructive to piles and other submerged woods, which they may completely honeycomb to the depth of half an inch or more. Where abundant they may cause the piles to lose as much as an inch of surface each year. It is a common practice now to give the piles a coat of creosote, or better still to drive the creosote into the wood by pressure, in order to protect it from the ravages of these and other wood boring species. These gribbles attack and destroy much floating and water-logged timber that might otherwise become serious obstructions to navigation. CHAPTER XVI SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS Slime Slugs. The slime slugs, composing the small class Onychophora of the great branch Arthropoda, are curious, soft- bodied, many-legged, but sluggish creatures about two inches long, that live under bark or stones mostly in sub-tropic and tropic lands. About fifty species of them are known. The best known genus is named Peripatus. They capture small insects for food by ejecting slime on them from glands in the mouth. Their bodies show a curious combination of worm character and arthropod characters. The ani- mals really seem to be a sort of link between the Annelida and the Arthropoda. Myriapods. The class Myriapoda 1 includes the familiar thousand-legged or galley worms and centipedes as well as certain smaller crea- tures bearing only a few pairs of legs. They are land animals, and have the body segments nearly uniform in size and shape, except the head which bears the mouth-parts and antennas. The presence of true legs on most of the seg- ments of the hinder part of the body and the lack of the grouping of these segments into distinct thorax and abdomen are the further external structural characteristics which distin- guish myriapods from insects. The internal anatomy corresponds in general character with that of the Insecta. 1 Modern classification tends to discard the long recognized class Myriapoda in favor of two classes, one for the centipedes and allies, and the other for the thousand-legged worms and allies. 123 FIG. 47. Peripatus ei- seni (Mex- ico). (Length tw i2 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY The most familiar myriapods are the millipeds or galley worms, the centipedes, geophilids, and lithobians. The milli- peds are cylindrical in shape, have two pairs of legs on most of the body-segments and are vegetable feeders, though some may feed on dead animal matter. The galley-worms, Julus spp., large, blackish, cylindrical millipeds found under stones and logs and leaves in loose soil, are familiar forms. They crawl slowly, and when disturbed curl up and emit a mal- odorous fluid. They can easily be kept alive in shallow glass vessels with a layer of earth in the bottom, and their habits FIG. 48. A milliped, Julus sp. (Natural size.) and life history may thus be studied. They should be fed sliced apples, green leaves, grass, strawberries, fresh ears of corn, etc. They are not poisonous and may be handled with impunity. They lay their eggs in little spherical cells or nests in the ground. An English species, of which the life history has been studied, lays from 60 to 100 eggs at a time. The eggs of this species hatch in about 12 days. The lithobians, centipedes and geophilids are flattened and have but a single pair of legs on each body-ring. They are predaceous in habit, catching and killing insects, snails, earth- worms, etc. They can run rapidly, and have the first pair of legs modified into a pair of poison claws, which are bent forward so as to lie near the mouth. The common "skein" centipede, Scutigera forceps, is yellowish and has fifteen pairs of legs, long 4o-segmented antennae, and nine large and six smaller dorsal segmental plates. The true centipedes, Scolo- SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 125 pendra spp., have twenty-one to twenty-three body-rings, each \vith a pair of legs, and the antennae have seventeen to twenty joints. They live in warm regions, some growing to be as long as twelve inches or more. The "bite" or wound made by the poison claws is fatal to insects and other small animals, their prey, and painful or even dangerous to man. The popular notion that a centipede "stings" with all of its feet is falla- cious. It is recorded by Humboldt that centipedes are eaten by some of the South American Indians. The geophilids are very slender-bodied and usually rather long centipede-like forms with as many as 300 pairs of legs. They are usually yellowish and are common in damp places under stones or logs, or in the ground. Insects The great class Insecta, with its 350,000 known species, is a group of animals of special importance in the study of economic zoology. As we know but few more than 500,000 different kinds of animals altogether, it is apparent how dominant among animals, as regards numbers at least, the insects are. In fact we might well call this the Age of Man and , ... . ., .., ,, ,. scolo pendra sp. (.Natural Insects, to contrast it with the earlier size ^ Age of Reptiles, Age of Fishes, Age of Invertebrates, etc. The insects include more kinds of animals directly injurious to the material welfare of man and to his health and duration of life than any other animal group. So it is that as students of economic zoology we must give insects, and their relations to man, a more detailed consideration than we shall give any other animals. FIG - 49- A centipede i26 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Although from the silk- worm we get all the silken cloth and thread we use, and from the honey-bee all the honey and beeswax, yet these are almost the only species of insects of all the myriad living kinds that afford man useful products. But in two other and far more important ways, insects are of direct benefit to us. Some of them act as scavengers of con- siderable importance, and many of them kill injurious species of their own class. It is, indeed, on the many predaceous and parasitic insects that we rely for chief protection from the many injurious and dangerous kinds. We can, and do, make much headway against injurious insects by the use of artificial remedies, but without natural checks on their increase, among which checks the attacks of other insect species are the most important, insect pests would overrun us completely. A knowledge of the special structure, physiology and mode of development of insects is necessary as a basis for good work in economic or applied entomology. And a knowledge of insect classification, which of course is based on similarities and dissimilarities both of structure and of development and habit, and which indicates by a few words the existence of these resemblances and differences, is also most important to the economic entomologist. Hence our first consideration of insects will concern itself with their structure, physiology, development and classification. The study of the grasshop- per, already made, has given us a good understanding of the insect body. But there is much modification, or specialization, of general body-shape and character as well as of the various particular parts of it, as antennae, mouth-parts, legs, wings, etc., and it will be advisable to examine in some detail the external features of the body of a highly specialized insect such as the honey-bee. A number of statements concerning the general make-up of the insect body, already made in con- nection with the study of the grasshopper, will be repeated and expanded and a number of technical names of parts of the body redefined. The grasshopper was studied primarily as an introduction to the invertebrates in general. The bee will be studied primarily as an introduction to the insects. SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 127 THE EXTERNAL STRUCTURE or THE HONEY-BEE Body -wall. The body of a bee, which is a well-developed insect type, is, let us note first of all, entirely covered by a firm body wall or hardened skin. This body-wall is composed of two layers, an inner, very thin and soft, cellular layer, the cells being arranged side by side to form a skin membrane, only one layer of cells in thickness, and an outer, thicker, non-cellu- lar cuticular layer, composed of material secreted by the skin cells and perhaps partly of the hardened outer ends of these cells themselves. This thick, firm, colored cuticle is made up of FIG. 50. Honey-bee, Apis mellifica. (Nearly 3 times natural size.) successive fine laminae well fused together, and is composed chiefly of a complex sustance called chitin. It is this chitinized cuticle which gives the body-wall of insects its hardness, and makes of it not only a firm protecting cover for the soft parts within but also an exoskeleton to which the muscles are attached. The chitinized cuticle, although extending continu- ously over the body, is flexible in certain places, as between the head and thorax, thorax and abdomen, various abdominal segments and at the articulations of antennae, mouth-parts, legs, wings and between the various antennal, mouth-part and leg joints, etc. This is necessary, of course, for the effective movement of all these parts. Such flexible places in the cuticle are called sutures, while the firmer, fixed parts are called sclerites. 128 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Body -regions and Segments. The body of a honey-bee, like that of a grasshopper, is made up of three readily distinguish- able main parts or regions, the head, thorax and abdomen, each part bearing its special appendages, as antennae and mouth- parts on the head, legs and wings on the thorax, and the parts forming the sting on the abdomen. Each of the main body-regions is composed of several body segments, but in the head and thorax these segments are so fused as to be hardly distinguishable as separate parts. In the abdomen, however, six distinct segments can be distinguished. All insects have the body fundamentally composed of suc- cessive segments grouped more or less compactly into three body regions. The typical number of segments fused to form the head is probably six, perhaps only four. The thorax is composed of three, called prothoracic, mesothoracic, and metathoracic, segments, while the abdomen comprises from seven to eleven segments, although in some insects these may be so fused as to make the abdomen seem made up of but three or four, or even a single segment. Segmented Appendages. The antennas or "feelers" of the head, the legs, and less plainly the mouth-parts, show that each of these movable appendages of the body is made up also of a series of successive segments or "joints." The hardened body wall, the segmentation of the body, and the segmentation or jointing of the body appendages, of the bee and all other insects, are the fundamental characteristics that show their relationship to the crustaceans, myriapods, spiders and other Arthropoda. Mouth-parts. The mouth-parts of the bee are composed of a skin flap called upper lip or labrum, a pair of firm, trowel-like little jaws or mandibles used chiefly for moulding the wax when the cells are being built, and a complex tongue-like organ composed of various parts as shown and named in Fig. 51. This " tongue" is the nectar-gathering organ, and is so arranged that its various parts can be held together so as to form an imperfect tube inside of which a long hairy rod moves back and forth. The flower-nectar taken up on the expanded tip of this SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 129 hairy rod is forced up the tube by the pressing together of the parts composing its walls. Antennae and Senses. The two feelers, or antennae, of the bee are slender, elbowed processes, each composed of thirteen small segments, which can be moved freely, and extend out in front of the face so as to be in advance of the head when the bee is flying or walking. They are general organs of touch and smell and probably also of hearing. Each of these senses has its own particular specific organs on the antennae, those of feeling being fine tactile hairs and papillae, those of smell being variously shaped very minute pits or cones, each with a fine nerve ending in it, while those of hearing are more problematical. But it has been proved that many insects have special auditory organs in the antennae consisting usually of fine hairs which can be set into vib- ration by the sound waves, and an elabo- rate receiving arrangement, in the second F _ M , segment, of chitin rods, delicate nerve parts of a honey-bee fibers, special ganglion cells and an audi- with maxilla and man- tory nerve running to the brain. The .*& - male mosquito has a very highly deve- ble-mx., maxilla; mx.p., loped auditory apparatus of this type. maxillary palpus; mx.L, Af . , ,, i maxillary lobe; st., A few insects, such as the grasshopper, stipes of max jn a; katydids, crickets and others have a cardo of very different kind of "ear," not situated ! abium ; ' turn of maxilla; II., w., submen- labium; m., mentum of labium; pg., ,,,., on the head, but on the abdomen (in the grasshoppers), front legs (in katydids paraglossa. gl., glossa; and crickets), or elsewhere on the body. Kp '' labia palpus ' This kind of ear is composed of a small, thin vibratory drum or tympanum, with an air-space underneath it, and a tiny ganglion and special nerve in connection with it. The sense of smell is very highly developed in most insects. Indeed it is probable that most of an insect's sensation of out- side things comes through its organs of smell. And the 1 3 o ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY minute pits and cones or papillae which are the organs of smell and are stimulated by substances in gaseous or otherwise very finely divided condition, may be very abundant, several thousand being present on each of the bee's antennae. FIG. 52. Different kinds of insect antennae, i, From a ground beetle, Pteroslichus calif ornicus; 2, from a carrion beetle, Silpfu. ramcsa; 3, from a click beetle, Melanotus variolatns; 4, from a honey-bee, Apis mellifica; 5, from a Scarabaeid beetle, Ligyrus gibbosus; 6, from a blow fly, Calli- phora vomitora. (About 12 times natural size.) Eyes and Sight. On the head, also, beside the antennae and mouth-parts, are the eyes. These are of two kinds, namely a pair of large compound eyes and three smaller simple eyes or SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 131 ocelli. The external surface of the compound eyes is revealed by the microscope to be divided into many small hexagonal facets. Each of these is a minute, rigid, flat lens behind which exists, arranged as a slender, rod-like organ, a perceptive unit of the compound eye. These units are called ommatidia, and each one is composed of a crystalline part just behind the external lens, surrounded by pig- ment, and behind this a sensitive nerve end- ing, called a rhabdome, also surrounded by pigment. From the rhabdome a fine nerve runs backward to join with the similar fine nerves from the other ommatidia to form the large optic nerve going to the brain. Each ommatidium is thus a complete little eye with light gathering and transmitting and perceiving apparatus, but without means of change of focus, and only slight means of adjustment to varying intensity of light. This slight means of adjustment depends on the power of the insect to move the pig- ment surrounding the ommatidia back and forth, and thus to arrange it in a way to allow more or less light to reach the rhab- domes. --on FIG. 53. Lon- gitudinal section through a few Most of the light rays that enter each om- facets and eye-ele- matidium must be those that fall nearly ver- ments (ommati- ..11 A i 11 j ^ dia) of the com- tically on the external lens, and pass verti- poun( j e ye of a cally in to the sensitive rhabdome. Thus moth. /., cor- each ommatidium "sees" only any object or neal facets; cc., . J J J crystalline cones; part of any object directly in the line of its p.^ pigment; r., long axis, and as the surface of the compound retinal parts; o.n., eyes of insects is usually strongly curved, ?^f^g r n Exner : separate ommatidia usually see only separate greatly magnified.) points in objects of the environment. These points put together side by side form a mosaic correspond- ing to the object or objects in front and at the sides of the eyes. Such seeing is called mosaic or apposed vision. i 3 2 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY However, when the pigment surrounding the ommatidia is drawn back from their anterior ends, light rays can pass through the lateral walls of the ommatidia from the lenses of adjoining ommatidia, and thus the reflected rays from a single point in an object may reach and stimulate several adjacent rhabdomes, forming a picture in a somewhat different way from that by the strict mosaic method. This picture is called a superposition image as contrasted with the apposition image of the true mosaic vision. The focal distance of the lenses in the compound eyes is usually about two yards, so that these eyes see objects best at that distance from the insect. The sharpness or clearness of the image formed depends, too, on the number and size of the sepa- rate ommatidia. The smaller and the more numerous they are the more perfect will be the mosaic; that is, the more complete and clear will be the picture seen. The number of facets in the com- pound eyes of insects varies from three or four to twenty thousand or more. The simple eyes, or ocelli, are very different from the com- pound eyes in make-up. Each ocellus has but one lens, but behind it is a varying number of sensitive or optic cells each with anterior crystalline part and posterior retinal or percip- ient part. But the very short focus of the lens, usually but a few inches, and the primitive character of the structure of the part behind the lens, limit the vision probably to little more than a perception of shadows in imperfect outline. The ccelli can only perceive objects very close to the insect, and then with but little clearness. In fact the vision of insects, either by means of compound or simple eyes, is at best imperfect when compared with that of the vertebrate animals. Although observation and experiment have shown that insects can dis- FIG. 54. Part of corneal cuticle, showing facets, of the compound eye of a horse-fly, Therioplectes sp. (Greatly magnified.) SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 133 tinguish colors and pattern when the color shades and the outlines are strongly contrasted, yet on the whole insect eyes are much better constructed for quickly recognizing moving bodies and passing shadows than for seeing in detail either the shape or the color pattern of objects. Legs. The appendages of the bee's thorax are the legs and the wings. The thorax is composed of three closely fused body FIG. 55. Legs of honey-bee. A, Left front leg of worker, anterior view, showing position of notch, dd., of antenna cleaner on base of first tarsal joint, tar., and of closing spine ee, on end of tibia tb; B, spine of antenna cleaner, ee, in flat view; C, details of antenna cleaner; D, left middle leg of worker, anterior view; E, left hind leg of worker, anterior or outer view, showing the pollen basket, cb, on outer surface of tibia, tb and the so-called "wax-shears," ff, F, inner view of first tarsal joint of hind leg of worker, showing rows of pollen-gathering hairs on tarsus, tar. (After Snodgrass.) segments. Each, of these segments bears a pair of legs, but only the hinder two bear pairs of wings. The legs of the bee are of the number characteristic of insects. However, some insects have the legs wanting. In such insects as have adopted a strictly sedentary life, as the scale insects, absence of the i 3 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY legs is the rule rather than the exception. The bee's legs are well fitted for walking, but they are also modified, the hinder ones especially, for the performance of other functions. The fore legs carry a number of branched hairs and curved bristles for collecting pollen. They also have a curious little combina- tion of structures called an antenna cleaner composed of a rounded indentation lined with a row of short spines and nearly closed by a large movable spine. The middle legs have also pollen-gathering hairs and a curved spine which is used to pry the pollen from the hindmost pair of legs. The hindmost legs are most modified of all. They have a so-called "pollen basket," or concave outer surface margined with curved bris- tles; "pollen combs" composed of transverse rows of short strong hairs; and, finally, a structure called the "wax-pincers," being the two opposed edges of two joints of the leg, one lined with spines, the other smooth. This structure, according to Casteel, has nothing to do with cutting wax, but aids in the gathering of pollen. The separately articulated parts or joints of each leg have been given special names. Beginning with the one which articulates with the body, called the coxa, the others are the trochanter, a very small one, the femur, which is the largest, the tibia, which is next in size to the femur, and finally the tarsal segments, which, in the bee, are five in number. The last or terminal one bears a pair of claws and a little pad called the piilvillus, lying between the claws. These tarsal segments vary from one to five in different insects. The legs of insects show great variety in structure and use. Aquatic insects have one or more pairs of the legs modified to be swimming organs; subterranean insects have digging legs; leaping insects have the hindmost pair usually very large and long. Some predaceous insects have the forelegs modified to be grasping or lacerating organs. In fact only those in- sects which use their legs exclusively for walking and running have them in a condition which might be called unmodified. In such insects they are usually long and slender with the seg- ments more or less cylindrical in shape. The last tarsal segments of the different legs can be called the SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 135 feet, for it is on the claws and little pads present on these seg- ments that the insect stands. Insects that can climb on smooth surfaces or walk on overhanging walls have small hollow hairs on the pads of the feet from which a sticky se- cretion issues. Wings. Bees' wings are four in number, which is the typical number for insects in general. However, many insects, in- cluding all the true flies or Diptera, have but a single pair of wings. Parasitic insects, such as fleas, lice, etc., are usually wingless. All of the living wingless insects, except a single small grsup called the Aptera, are believed to have lost their wings by degeneration. The Aptera, however, are believed to be the immediate descendants of the primitive wingless ancestors of the whole great insect class. The bees' wings are membranous, very thin and trans- parent, and supported on a framework of branching veins. The wings of many insects, however, are thickened, as for ex- ample the fore wings of grasshoppers and all beetles. The wing veins may be few in number as with the bee and house-fly, or many, as in the hind wings of the grasshoppers. Most of the butterflies and moths have their wings covered com- pletely above and below with fine scales in which pigment of various colors is held. In the two-winged flies it is the hind- most pair of wings that is lost, or rather is replaced by a pair of very different structures, small stems with expanded tips, called balancers. In one small group of insects, however, it is the front pair of wings that is gone. The two wings on each side of the bee's body can be fastened together, and are, when the bee is flying, by a row of tiny hooks along the front margin of the hind wing which catch hold of the hind margin of the front wing. This is a device which makes the bee practically two-winged when in flight. Some other insects, as most of the butterflies and moths, for example, also have means for fastening the two wings of each side together. Sting. The appendages of the abdomen, although several in number, are all combined to form the sting. This sting is made up of a sheath containing two movable barbed darts 136 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY and a pair of sting feelers which probably act as sense organs. The sting is connected by a duct with a poison reservoir which is supplied with poison from a pair of interior glands. Wax Plates. On the under side of each of the last four seg- ments of the worker-bee there is a pair of wax plates. The wax issues as a fluid from small glands in these plates. On its issuance it spreads out over the surface of the plates and hardens. It can then be plucked off in thin sheets by the bee. THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF A CATERPILLAR The body of the bee is too small to be dissected easily. For a study of the internal insect anatomy we may take a caterpillar; any kind will do, although one with a naked in- stead of hairy body will be more convenient to use. Although caterpillars are immature insects they are the young stages of butterflies and moths they will reveal all the important organ systems, except one, in well-developed condition. The one exception is the reproductive system, which may be examined in a full-grown grasshopper. Adipose Tissue. On opening the body of the caterpillar the first thing noted is a mass of whitish flocculent material which is fat, or adipose tissue. It is formed out of the surplus food eaten by the voracious caterpillar, and is used during the time which the insect spends in the chrysalis stage when it is inactive and cannot feed. This adipose tissue lies all around and over the various internal organs, and must be picked away to reveal them. Alimentary Canal. The most conspicuous organ visible, after the fat is removed, is the long straight alimentary canal running from mouth to anus through the middle of the body. It is composed of successive parts, named, beginning at the mouth, esophagus, ventriculus or stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. Where the ventriculus and small intestine join, a few delicate, whitish, thread-like con- voluted tubules arise known as the Malpighian tubules. These correspond in function to the kidneys of other animals, taking up and excreting waste from the blood. SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 137 i 3 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY If the caterpillar is of a kind that spins a coccoon when it is ready to change into a chrysalis, the silk glands will be found as a pair of long, smooth, rather thick, whitish cords lying one on each side of the alimentary canal and running forward to the mouth. Another pair of smaller, shorter tubes, not ex- tending farther back than about the beginning of the ventri- culus are the salivary glands. The silk glands are, indeed, only an enlarged and modified second pair of salivary glands. Respiratory System. In taking out the adipose tissue and alimentary canal there will be noted many dark little thread- like processes which are in reality fine tubes, called trachea. By tracing them to their origin they will be found to arise from larger tracheae, which in turn are given off from main longitudinal trunks. There are two or four of these trunks, one or two on each side of the body, and from them arise not only the branches that by repeated subdividing extend to all parts of the body, but short strong lateral trunks that run to small openings called spiracles, or stigmata, in the sides of the body. In most caterpillars nine pairs of spiracles will be found, one pair on the prothoracic segment and the others on the abdominal segments, one pair to each. The spiracles and tracheae are the organs of the respiratory system of the caterpillar, and similar organs, although varying much in number and arrangement, will be found in all insects, except a few very small and thin-skinned ones, which respire directly through the skin. The spiracles show on the outside of the body as small blackish spots, but are actually small openings in the body-wall, provided usually with valves or fringes of hairs to keep out foreign particles. They allow air to pass into the interior system of tracheae, and carbon dioxide to pass out. The tracheae, although thin-walled and delicate, especially the finer ones, are lined with a thin chitinous membrane in which are spiral thickenings which hold them open and give them a certain necessary elasticity. When the insect contracts certain muscles lying as longitudinal and circular bands along the inner side of the body-wall, the pressure of the body con- tents forces the tracheae to close and expels the gas in them out SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 139 through the spiracles. When the muscles are relaxed and the pressure is removed the elastic- walled tracheae open again and are filled with fresh air which rushes in through the open spiracles. One can readily see this alternate contraction and expansion, or respiratory movement, of the body in a live grasshopper. The respiratory system of insects is, as we have learned from its condition in the caterpillar, very different from that of the vertebrate animals. There is no breathing through nostrils or mouth on the head; there are no lungs; there is no taking up and carrying of oxygen by the blood. The air that enters an insect's body through the spiracles is carried to every smallest part of it by the tracheal tubes. Similarly these tubes take up from the tissues and cells of the body waste carbon dioxide and carry it outside the body. The blood has nothing to do with respiration in insects. It only gets what air it needs for itself. Circulatory System. The blood of insects is better called blood lymph because it is always a mixture of blood and lymph. There is no elaborate system of arteries and veins, but only a single main longitudinal vessel which lies just under the body-wall of the middle of the back, and is sometimes called heart, but more often, simply, dorsal vessel. To see this organ in a caterpillar it is necessary to cut one open longitudinally along the middle of the underside and to take out carefully all the fat tissue and the alimentary canal. Then there may be seen running along the inner surface of the body-wall of the back a delicate membranous flattened tube which^ is composed of a number of successive chambers separated from each other by delicate valves and provided also with small lateral openings also furnished with valves. In the thin walls there are delicate muscle fibers, so that the vessel can contract and expand as these muscles are contracted and relaxed. This pulsation, combined with the arrangement of the valves, allows the blood lymph, which everywhere else in the body is not confined but flows freely among the body organs, to enter the dorsal vessel through the lateral openings and be forced 140 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY forward from one chamber to another until it issues from a narrow anterior extension of the vessel, called the aorta. In many insects the dorsal vessel is not so long and slender as in the caterpillar, nor composed of as many chambers. But in all insects the circulatory system comprises nothing more than a pulsating dorsal vessel and the blood lymph flowing freely everywhere in the body cavity. Nervous System. Extending along the middle of the floor of the caterpillar's body will be seen a delicate white thread with small expansions or knots in it arranged segmentally, but wanting in the last two abdominal segments. In the head there FIG. 57. FIG. 58. FIG. 57. Diagram of circulatory system of a young dragon-fly; in middle is the chambered dorsal vessel, or heart, with single artery. Arrows indicate direction of blood-currents. (After Kolbe.) FIG. 58. Diagram of ventral nerve-cord of locust, Dissosteira Carolina. (After Snodgrass.) is a knot underneath the esophagus and from it a pair of stout threads which run up and around the esophagus, one on each side, and into a larger knot lying on top of the esophagus. These knots and thread compose the main part of the central nervous system of the caterpillar, the threads being the nerve- SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 141 cords or connections, and the knots, the ganglia, or nerve cen- ters. The ganglion in the head above the esophagus is called the brain, and from it nerves run to the eyes and antennae. From the head ganglion under the esophagus nerves run to the mouth-parts. From the ganglia in the thoracic segments nerves run to the legs and to the strong thoracic muscles that move the legs. In insects with wings, nerves run from these .ganglia also to the wing muscles. From the ganglia in the abdomen nerves run to the various body organs such as ali- mentary canal, dorsal vessel, tracheae, muscles, etc. Thus although the head ganglia of an insect may be looked on as the most important nerve centers of the body, and one is called the brain, by analogy with the brain of vertebrate animals, yet really each ganglion is a little brain for its own part of the body, and there is a good deal more independence about the control of the different parts of the insect's body than there is in the vertebrate's body. Although the ganglia and connecting longitudinal cord, or commissure, seem to be single knots and a single thread, they are in reality all double, each ganglion consisting of a pair fused together on their inner faces, and the connective com- missure also is composed of two cords lying so close together as to seem but one. In most insects there are not as many ganglia as we find in the caterpillars, the reduction in number being brought about not so much by the loss as by the fusion of ganglia. The typical six or seven abdominal ganglia may be fused to form but two or three or even one, and the three thoracic ganglia are also often fused to form a single one. In certain highly specialized insects, indeed, all the abdominal and thoracic ganglia join to form one large thoracic nerve center, or "body brain," as it has been called. Only in young insects and in adults belonging to generalized or primitive species, are there separate ganglia for most of the segments of the body. Besides the central nervous system, most insects have also a sympathetic nervous system, which usually consists of a very small ganglion just in front of the brain, and one or two small i 4 2 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY ganglia lying on the sides of the alimentary canal, all these ganglia being connected by fine nerve-cords. Musculature. Lying next to the skin of the caterpillar's body can be seen many muscles, some of them extending longitudinally and others as transverse or circular bands. Also in the head and thorax are many other muscles for moving the mouth-parts and legs. Most insect muscles are small and short, so that for the complete musculation of the body a great many separate muscles are required. Several thousand have been counted in the body of a single insect. The muscles which lie against the inside of the body-wall in the caterpillar are repeated almost ^identically for each seg- ment. This musculation then can be said to be segmental in character just as we have found that the respiratory system, nervous system and even the dorsal vessel can be said to be segmentally arranged. That is, the internal systems of organs of the insect show as plainly, almost, as the external surface of the body, the fundamental segmental make-up. And they also show, just as the outside of the body does, the bilateral symmetry of the body. If the insect's body be cut longi- tudinally by a vertical plane it will be divided into equal halves, both external and internal organs either being in pairs, one member on each side of this vertical plane, or being made of fused pairs lying in this vertical plane. Reproductive System. As the caterpillar is only an im- mature moth or butterfly its reproductive system is not fully developed. Any adult insect of good size and not too hard wall may be used to study the organs of reproduction. A grass- hopper will do very well. In the female the eggs are produced in many small tubules, called ovarioles, which are grouped to form two ovaries (right and left) from each of which runs an oviduct. The two oviducts unite to form a single wider short tube called the vagina. From this the eggs pass out of the body in little packets. The eggs are fertilized while still in the body of the female by spermatozoa that have been received from the male and held in a small sac called the spermatheca. Each egg is inclosed in an inner, thin vitelline membrane and an outer thicker firmer SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 143 shell or chorion. But a small hole, called micropyle, is left at one pole in both these coverings, and through this a sper- matozoan enters the egg while it is in the vagina, or a special posterior part of it called the bursa copulatrix. The organs of the male that produce the spermatozoa are called testes, and correspond in position and function to the ovaries of the female. They are also composed of many tubules, but they are closely pressed together to form a small solid ovate mass. From each testis runs a duct, the lias deferens, through which the spermatozoa pass to reach the single ejaculatory duct, from which they are expelled by the male at mating. TYPES OF MOUTH-PARTS Corresponding to the great vari- ety of food taken by insects is a great variety in structure of mouth- parts. The mouth-parts of the honey-bee, which laps up flower nectar, are very different from those of the grasshopper, which bites off and chews green leaves. FIG. 59. Honey-bee, Apis And very different from either of mdlifica, reproductive organs, ,, . ,, ,, sting and poison glands of these, again, are the mouth-parts que * n) dors view 6 (Great i y of a butterfly or moth, or of a magnified; after Snodgrass.) mosquito, or a squash-bug. To the economic entomologist a knowledge of the kind of mouth-parts possessed by any insect pest is very important. For on the structure of its mouth will depend largely the kind of artificial remedy which must be devised to kill it. For ex- ample, if an insect pest of fruit trees has a piercing and sucking mouth, then spraying the surfaces of leaves with an arsenical poison will do little good, for it gets its food, plant sap, from the interior of the leaf or stem. But if it has a biting and chew- ing mouth then such a poison sprayed over the leaves may be i 4 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY very effective. For with each bite of leaf the insect will get a little dose of poison, and a few such doses will kill it. Students of economic entomology should therefore pay special attention to insect mouth-parts. The following brief descrip- tion of several different types of mouth parts may serve as an introduction to this study. Mouth -parts of Grasshoppers. A familiar type of the biting insect mouth is that of the grasshopper. Here the FIG. 60. Mouth-parts of grasshopper, a, Labrum; b, tongue; c, mandibles; d, maxillas; e, labium; m.x p., maxillary palpi; I. p., labial palpus. (Greatly magnified.) upper lip or labrum, inclosing the mouth above is broad and flap-like, and the jaws, or mandibles, which like the honey- bee's, open and shut laterally, are large, strong, heavily chitinized and have their biting edges furnished with small tooth-like projections. The maxilla, sometimes called second pair of jaws, which, with the mandibles, close the mouth at the sides, are each composed of several parts, movable on each other, of which one is a small feeler, or maxillary palpus, bearing at its tip many taste buds. The under lip, or labium, is a broad flap-like piece also made up of several articulating SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 145 parts of which two are feelers, or labial palpi, much like the maxillary palpi and also provided with taste buds at their tips. With the strong, hard-toothed jaws the grasshopper can bite off and crush not alone bits of soft green leaves but bits of plant stalks and even woody stems. The biting type of mouth-parts like the grasshopper's, although with many slight differences in the make-up of the various parts, is possessed by the cockroaches, crickets and katydids which belong to the same insect order as the grasshoppers, and also by the beetles, the dragon-flies, the white ants, and various other less familiar insects. All such insects bite off and chew more or less solid substances. Mouth -parts of Cicadas, Squash-bugs, etc. Cicadas, squash-bugs, bedbugs, and many other sap-sucking and blood- FIG. 61. Head and prothorax of water-bug, Serphus dilatatus. Show- ing the piercing beak and the first pair of legs which are fitted for grasping. (About natural size.) sucking insects that belong in the same order with them have a slender, sharp-pointed, more or less firm piercing beak which is composed of a tubular sheath inside of which are four sharp needle-like pieces which can project out of the end of the sheath and be worked back and forth so as to lacerate plant or animal tissue and thus cause a flow of sap or blood which is sucked up the sheath into the mouth. The 146 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY four piercing stylets are the greatly modified mandibles and maxillae, and the tubular sheath, which has a narrow longi- tudinal slit along its upper side, is the much modified labium. The labrum is reduced to a very small triangular piece at the base of the sheath, and the maxillary palpi are wanting. The labial palpi are also wanting, or are sometimes present as two small feelers rising from the base of the labial sheath. Insects with this type of mouth- parts have muscles running from the top of the pharynx or throat cavity to the top of the head which, when contracted, expand the pharynx and make a pump- ing or sucking organ of it. Mouth-parts of Mosquito. The piercing and sucking beak of the mosquito is made up in much the same way as that of the squash bug and cicada. That is, there is a tubular sheath, narrowly open from base to tip along the middle of its upper side, in which lie a number of sharp, slender stylets, which can project be- yond the edge of the sheath and pierce or lacerate plant tissue or the skin of animals. The sheath is the much modified under lip or labium, while the needles are the modified mandibles and maxillae and two additional ones called labrum-epipharynx and hypopharynx. That is, they are outgrowths from the upper and lower walls of the mouth or throat (pharynx). Thus the mosquito has six piercing needles held together in its beak, instead of four as with the cicada and squash-bug and their allies. Or rather this is true only of the female mosquito, for the male mosquito lacks two of the stylets, probably the mandibles, and never, or but rarely, pierces the skin of animals to suck blood. There is FIG. 62. Mouth-parts of a female mosquito, Culex sp. lep., Labrum-epipharynx; md., man- dible; mx.L, maxillary lobe; mx.p., maxillary palpus; hyp., hypopharynx; li., labium; gl., glossa; pg., paraglossa. SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 147 also a pair of maxillary palpi, as long as the beak in both males and females of some mosquitoes, but shorter in the females of most species. Mouth-parts of House-fly. The mosquitoes belong to the order of two-winged flies, but their mouth-parts cannot be taken as typical of the order. A house-fly, for example, has a mouth very different in make-up. The labium is a fleshy proboscis expanded at the tip to form a special lapping and rasping organ, and there are no mandibles or maxillae, at least in functional condition. There is one pair of short FIG. 63. Mouth-parts of the house-fly, Musca domestica. lb., Labrum; mx. p., maxillary palpi; li., labium; la., labellum. palpi which are usually called the maxillary palpi, although they may really belong to the labium. The house-fly takes up food either by lapping liquids with the broad tongue-like end of its proboscis, or by rasping off bits of solid food, pouring out saliva over them and then lapping them up as a fluid mixture. The end of the proBoscis,which is called the labellum, is very elaborately contrived and furnished with ridges for rasping and special muscles for folding and unfolding. Mouth-parts of Butterflies and Moths. The sucking tube of the butterfly or moth is still another very different type of mouth. There is no labrum, mandibles nor labium, or only rudiments of them. But the maxillae are developed into a pair of long, slender, coiling pieces or processes which can be held together in such a way as to form by means of their grooved inner faces a perfect tube, long, slender and flexible. With this tube they suck out nectar from the nectaries 148 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY of flowers or drink water from little pools or damp places. They take no other food. There is a pair of tufted maxillary palpi which rise from each side of the base of the sucking tube and between which the tube, when not in use, is compactly coiled. Some moths and butterflies have their mouth-parts wholly atrophied and take no food in their adult condi- tion. This is true also of numerous insects of various kinds. Such kinds of insects usually live but a short time in adult condition, and use up during this short time the fat stored in the body during the immature life. The moths and butterflies, for example, are extremely voracious feeders in their young or caterpillar stages. At this time, too, they have mouth-parts of very different type from those possessed in adult life. A caterpillar's mouth-parts are of bit- ing type with strong cutting and crushing mandibles and the food is the tissues of plant leaves and stems. Thus it is important in the study of insect mouth- parts to recognize that they may be very differ- FIG. 6 4 .-Sphin X moth, showing pro- Cnt . in the Same insect boscis. At left the proboscis is shown at different times of its coiled up on the underside of the head, the life, and that, therefore, normal position when not in use. (Large <.!, figure natural size; small figure twice natu- the m junes caused by ral size.) an insect, and the rem- SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 149 edies for these injuries, may be very different in different stages of the insect's life. DEVELOPMENT AND METAMORPHOSIS Although moths and butterflies are hatched from the egg in a condition extraordinarily different in appearance from that which they finally assume, not all insects undergo so great a metamorphosis during their development. For example, a just-hatched grasshopper is unmistakably grasshopper-like in FIG. 65. Metamorphosis, incomplete, of an assassin-bug (family RedumidcB, order Hemiptera). A, Young just hatching from eggs; B, young after first molting, snowing beginning wing-pads; C, older stage with larger wing-pads; D, adult with fully developed wings. (| larger than natural size.) appearance, although it has no wings and the proportions of the different parts of its body are somewhat different from those of its parents. The young grasshopper has three pairs of legs, has a head with antennae, compound eyes and biting mouth- parts like those of its parent, walks and hops about, feeding on green plants, and altogether looking and acting much as fully developed grasshoppers do, except that it has no wings and hence cannot fly. As it grows, however, wings begin to appear as tiny bud-like expansions on the back of the two 1 50 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY hinder thoracic segments. These wing-buds rapidly increase in length, and by the time the developing grasshopper has come to its adult size the wings are also full size and ready for use. During this growth and development of the young grasshop- per, which requires several weeks for its completion, it molts several times. This molting is the shedding of the chitinized cuticle which covers the body. Before each molting takes place, however, the skin cells have secreted a soft and colorless new chitinized cuticle which, as soon as the outer old one is cast off, becomes firm and colored, and takes its place. The young grasshopper shows most of its changes in size and appearance just after each molting. The wing-buds hardly seem to grow between molting periods, but after each molting they may be seen to be larger and more developed. Insects whose development is, in general, like that of the grasshopper, that is, those which hatch from the egg in a condition more or less resembling the parent except for size and total absence of wings, are said to undergo a development without metamorphosis or with incomplete metamorphosis. While insects which, like the moths and butterflies, hatch from the egg in a stage very different in appearance from that of the parent, and in their development have to undergo extraordi- nary changes in appearance and structural make-up to become like the parent, are said to develop with metamorphosis, or with complete metamorphosis. In insects with complete metamorphosis there is a curious stage called the pupal or chrysalid stage which is interpolated between the first or larval stage, which is that in which the insect hatches, and the final or adult stage, the stage in which the insect is sometimes called an imago. After the young caterpillar has undergone a certain period of rapid growth and increase of size, during which period it molts several times but does not show any external changes making it any more like its parent than it was at the beginning, it stops feeding and changes into an inactive, non-feeding stage with its body inclosed in a thick, firm, chitinized covering which is neither of the shape of the larva nor of the imago. This is the so-called pupal stage, and the insect in this condition is called a pupa. SLIME SLUGS, MYRIAPODS AND INSECTS 151 It is in this stage that most of the radical changes in structure are undergone which are necessary to make the moth or butterfly out of the caterpillar, the house-fly out of the maggot, or the beetle out of the grub. However, most of these changes have their beginnings during the larval stage. For example, little wing buds have been developing all through the larval life, but they have remained very small and invisible underneath the chitinized cuticle of the larva. Especially in the last few days of the larval stage are the various changes going on rapidly. But they are so radical in FIG. 66. Metamorphosis, complete, of Monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus. a, Egg (greatly magnified) ; b, caterpillar or larva; c, chrys- alid or pupa; d, adult or imago. (| natural size; after Jordan and Kellogg.) character that it is impossible for the insect to maintain an active food-getting life and make the changes at the same time. Hence comes the necessity for the quiescent pupal stage in which the insect, living on food stored up as fat by the larva, and safely inclosed in a hard protecting shell, can make the great changes necessary to its becoming a fully developed winged imago, different as to mouth-parts, eyes and antennae, different as to body shape, different as to legs and abdominal appendages, and, together with all these structural differences, radically different as to habits and behavior. Many of the 152 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY internal systems of organs undergo as radical changes as the external parts. Muscles, salivary glands, parts of the alimen- tary canal, etc., of the larva break down and are used as food by new growth centers which develop into new muscles, new salivary glands and other new internal parts. This internal degeneration of larval parts and rebuilding of imaginal parts are called histolysis and histogenesis, and form a fascinating subject of study, which requires, however, a training in histologic methods of technique beyond that of the elementary student. In the next chapter, which is devoted to the classification of insects, we shall point out the character of the metamorphosis and some of the special features of development presented by each of the different insect orders. CHAPTER XVII THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS, AND INSECT BENEFITS AND INJURIES Linnaeus, the first great classifier of animals, divided the insects into seven orders based on the character of the wings. In the order Aptera, or wingless insects, he placed all insects lacking wings. But now we know that there are wingless moths, wingless beetles, wingless flies, and so on, and that these different kinds of insects ought not to be classified to- gether simply because through degeneration from one cause or another they have lost their wings. The two-winged insects with balancers in place of the hind wings Linnaeus called Diptera, and this order still stands about as he established it. All the four-winged insects with mem- branous wings he placed in two orders, those having stings in the Hymenoptera and those without stings in the Neuroptera. Insects with their wings covered with scales he called Lepi- doptera, and insects with their fore wings thickened he called Coleoptera if the wings were thickened for their whole length, and Hemiptera if their wings were thickened only over the basal half. Although now different criteria are used as a basis for insect classification and the class Insecta is divided into more than seven orders, Linnaeus's seven ordinal names are still used, and the insects indicated by each of them are largely also charac- terized by the condition of wings indicated by the names. But out of the Linnaean orders Aptera and Neuroptera, nine dif- ferent new orders, beside the two still bearing the same names, have been made. And three other new orders have been made for insects taken from the Hemiptera and the Coleoptera. In all we now recognize nineteen orders in the class Insecta. This, at least, is the American practice. Most 154 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY English and Continental entomologists do not recognize so many different orders. The two principal criteria used in the modern classification of insects are the structure of the mouth-parts and the char- acter of the development. Of these, the development condi- tion is held to be the more fundamental, although this may be open to question. However, on a primary basis of develop- ment and mouth-part conditions, combined with character of wings, antennas, and to a less extent, of legs and abdominal appendages, insects are now classified into orders in the following way: Metamorphosis very slight; biting mouth-parts; wingless APTERA Metamorphosis incomplete. With biting mouth-parts. EPHEMERIDA Wings membranous. PLECOPTERA ODONATA ISOPTERA CORRODENTIA Fore wings parchment-like / ORTHOPTERA I EUPLEXOPTERA Wingless MALLOPHAGA With sucking mouth-parts / HEMIPTERA I THYSANOPTERA Metamorphosis complete. With biting mouth-parts. f NEUROPTERA With wings membranous I M *COPTERA I TRICHOPTERA With fore wings thickened COLEOPTERA With sucking mouth-parts LEPIDOPTERA With lapping or piercing and sucking mouth- j ^ IPTERA parts. SlPHONAPTERA ' I HYMENOPTERA Order Aptera. The Aptera undoubtedly include the most primitive of living insects. This primitiveness is shown not alone by the absence of wings, which is the characteristic which gives the order its name, but is manifest also in the very simple and generalized condition of most of the body parts, internal as well as external. All the insects of the order are small, but a group of them THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS known as the spring-tails, or Collembola, are very small indeed, most of them measuring only two or three millimeters in length. These Collembola are more specialized in structure than the other Aptera, and represent a side line of evolutionary de- velopment within the order. Most of them possess a curious forked spring on the under side of the body by means of which they leap vigorougly when disturbed. But few of these minute insects are injurious, although at least one spe- cies, called the garden-flea, Smynthurus hortensis, is sometimes found in considerable numbers upon the leaves of young cab- bages, turnips, cucumbers and various other plants, on which it probably feeds. Certain other species are reputed to exist in such abundance in the soil of flower and vegetable FIG. 67. The spotted spring- tail, Papirius maculosus, with spring extended. (Natural size, two millimeters.) FIG. 68. Young and adult Le- pisma sp. from California. (Twice natural size.) beds as to keep the soil so constantly disturbed by their movements that the roots cannot hold the plants firmly. The other principal group in the order, known as the Thy- sanura, is represented in this country by three small families which contain but a few species. All the Thysanura have a soft flattened body of from but a few millimeters to three-fourths of an inch in length, and live mostly under stones and logs in the soft soil and humus at the bases of tree trunks. A common species that occurs in houses is known as the silver-fish, or fish-moth, Lepisma saccharina. It is about one-half an inch long and silvery white with a yellowish tinge. It feeds 156 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY chiefly on sweet or starchy materials,, sometimes doing real damage in libraries, where it attacks the book bindings. It attacks starched clothing, eats the paste off the wall-paper, causing it to loosen, and infests dry starchy foods. It runs swiftly and avoids the light. It can be killed by spreading pyrethrum powder in book cases, wardrobes and pantries. Another species, called the bake-house sil- ver fish, Lepisma domestica, is often common about fire places and ovens, running over the hot metal and bricks with surprising immu- nity from the effects of the heat. All of the Aptera when hatched from the egg very much resemble, except in the matter of size, the parent form. And they reach the adult condition with very little change except that of a marked growth in size. Order Ephemerida. The Ephe- merida or May-flies, or lake-flies, are a small order of delicate four- winged insects which live in adult condition for from but a few hours to a few days, varying with different species. They have soft, poorly developed mouth-parts of biting type, or no mouth-parts at all, and probably only a few kinds take any food as adults. The wings are very thin and many veined, with the hind wings smaller than the fore wings, or even wholly lost in a few species. The eggs are dropped into the water of ponds or quiet stream pools, and the young which hatch from them are soft-bodied flat creatures, called nymphs, which crawl about on the bottom, often on the undersides of stones. They have well-developed biting mouth-parts with sharp-pointed mandibles. They FIG. 69. Young (nymph) of May-fly, showing (g) tra- cheal gills. (Three times natural size; after Jenkins and Kellogg.) THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 157 breathe by means of delicate leaf-like tracheal gills on the sides of the abdomen, and when ready to change into adult condition, crawl up out of the water onto the bank or plant stems or float to the surface, and there quickly cast the nymphal cuticle and issue as winged imago. Some species molt again after having used their wings a little while. The May-flies often issue from rivers or lakes in enormous numbers in the summer, and form an annoying plague to house-boat dwellers or summer cottagers simply by their too abundant presence. Their dead bodies falling on the surface of the water are sometimes driven by the wind on the shore in great windrows. Order Plecoptera. 'The Plecoptera, or stone-flies, are unfamiliar insects which, like the May-flies, hatch from eggs dropped into the water, and live an immature life of several months as flattened wingless nymphs crawling about at the bottom. Indeed, the stone-fly nymphs often live side by side with the young May-flies, but can usu- ally be distinguished from them by be- ing thicker and broader, and having tracheal gills not leaf-like but composed of separate filaments or tufts of such filaments rising from the thoracic seg- ments, one tuft just behind each leg. They cannot live in stagnant water or foul streams. When ready to change to the winged adult condition the nymphs crawl out from the water, the cuticle splits along the back, and the winged fly issues. The adult flies have four rather large, membranous, many- veined wings, the hind ones being larger than the front ones. The mouth-parts are well developed and fitted for biting, but the food habits are not known. About 100 species occur in North America, among which there is none injurious to man. The young of many kinds furnish food for many fishes. And this is true also of the May-flies. FIG. 70. Young (nymph) of stone-fly, from California. (Twice natural size.) i 5 8 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Order Odonata. -The Odonata are the familar dragon-flies, devil's darning-needles, and damsel-flies, that swoop about over ponds and quiet streams, capturing small flying insects. The body is long and slender, and the four wings are membranous, many-veined, and all about equal in size. They live largely on the wing and are among the most rapid and powerful insect fliers. The legs are slender and weak, and chiefly used to hold captured prey up to the mouth and for perching. Like the May-flies and stone-flies, their young stages are spent in water as wingless, crawling nymphs. Here also they capture smaller FIG. 71. Adult and last exuvia of the white-tail dragon-fly, Plathemis trimaculata. (Natural size.) living insects, not however by speedy pursuit but by lying in wait and seizing any unwary prey that may come within reach of the curious extensile under lip which is provided with sharply toothed, jaw-like pincers. About 300 species of Odonata are known in North America, and 2000 in all the world. All of them have beautifully colored bodies, and many have the wings strongly patterned by conspicuous brown blotches and bands. None of them is injurious to man, but almost all may be considered as beneficial, because they are all destroyers of noxious insects. It is THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS probable that dragon-flies are the most efficient natural remedy for mosquitoes. As nymphs they destroy many mosquitoes in their young or " wriggler" stage, while as adults they capture hosts of flying mosquitoes. FIG. 72. Young (nymph) of a dragon-fly, Sympetrum illotum. the lower lip extended. (Natural size.) Showing Order Isoptera. -The order Isoplera, termites, or so-called white ants (although not related to the true ants) comprises less than ten species in North America, but is much better repre- sented in subtropical and tropical regions. In equatorial Africa and South America, for example, the termites are very important insects both because of their numbers and because of their habits. They have strong biting mouth-parts, and they feed chiefly upon dead wood. By virtue of this habit they may be of considerable benefit as scavengers, or of con- siderable harm by destroying wooden poles, furniture, etc. They live in large communities, usually making their nests underground or in "houses" built of soil brought up labori- ously grain by grain and fastened together so as to produce earthen structures rising like tents or pinnacles for several feet above the surface of the ground. The communities comprise kings and queens (males and females) provided with four nearly equal, delicate, membranous 160 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY wings, wingless workers, and wingless soldiers. The soldiers have greatly enlarged mandibles which are used in fighting enemies. The workers are smaller than soldiers or kings and queens, but exist in larger numbers and get the food and build the nest for the whole community. After a marriage flight the queens find hiding places in the ground, break off their wings, and each lays a few eggs from which begins a new community. The young are all alike when first hatched, and only workers or soldiers develop from the first eggs. Later FIG. 73. Termite queen, worker and soldier. (Natural size.) eggs give birth to young which develop wing buds and after several meltings become fully formed winged individuals. Only one species, Termes flampes, is found in the eastern states. Its workers are about 1/5 of an inch long, white and soft-bodied. The soldiers are a little larger, and the winged males and females, which go from the nest and swarm in the air in late spring or late summer, are chestnut brown to blackish and but little longer than the workers. This species usually makes its nest in or under old logs or stumps. It sometimes does damage by mining the foundation timbers THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 161 of houses, and in the southeastern states they have been found infesting living plants, particularly orange trees, guava bushes, sugar cane and pampas grass. The largest and most abundant species, Termopsis augusticollis, on the Pacific coast, makes its nest by mining in dead stumps and logs and sometimes ruins telephone and telegraph poles in this way. A single com- munity of this species may include thousands of individuals. Order Corrodentia. -The order Corrodentia, or book-lice and bark-lice, is composed of very small insects most of which, composing the family Psocida, have two pairs of wings and a plump rounded body, while the others, forming the family Atropida, have no wings or only small wing scales or buds and a flattened body. The Psocidae are the bark-lice and are commonly found in small clusters on bark, while the Atropidae are the so-called book- lice, common in old books and on dry dead organic matter. In both families the mouth-parts are of the biting type, with the jaws especi- ally strong and heavy for the success- ful biting off and chewing of hard dried ( food. Atropos divinatoria is the spe- cies usually found in books. It is about 1/25 of an inch long, grayish- white, with slender projecting antennae, and small eyes look- ing like distinct black spots on the head. It does not limit its feeding to the paste of book bindings but does much dam- age to dried insects in collections. Order Mallophaga. The Mallophaga, or biting bird-lice, compose a group of about 1500 known species, all of which live as external parasites on the bodies of birds and mammals. They have strong biting mouth-parts, and feed exclusively on the hairs or feathers of their host. They do not, like the true lice, suck blood. The body varies from 1/25 to 1/3 of an inch long, is wholly wingless and much flattened. The insects have no compound FIG. 74. A wingless book -louse, Atropos sp. (Much enlarged.) i6a ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY eyes, and in this and their winglessness show the degeneration which a parasitic life almost always produces. The eggs are fastened to the hairs or feathers, and the young undergo little change during their development except an increase in size to become like the parents. Almost every species of bird or mammal is infested by one or more kinds of Mallophaga, and some- times the host must suffer much annoy- ance and even injury from the irritation produced by its many small parasites. All of the common barnyard birds are troubled more or less by these biting lice, and their presence may become a serious matter in hen-houses. An account of cer- tain special Mallophagan pests and of remedies for them is given in Chapter XXXVII. Order Orthoptera. The order Ortho- ptera is much larger than any of the other orders so far considered, and includes many familiar insects, such as the grass- hoppers, katydids, crickets, cockroaches and praying mantises. The order is di- vided into six families, of which three in- clude all the well-known singing insects, except the cicada or harvest flies. The insects in these three singing families are also the best known leaping insects, the hind legs being especially long and strong, so that when the insect is at rest the "knee joints" of these legs stand up conspicuously above the body. All the Orthoptera have strong biting mouth-parts and nip off and chew their food, which is usually green leaves and stems. The mantises (family Mantidce) are, however, predaceous, preying on other insects, and the cockroaches (family Blattidia) prefer dried vegetable or animal matter. The metamorphosis is incomplete, and the young, which resemble the parents FIG. 75. A biting louse of pigeons, Lip- eurus baculus. (Na- tural size indicated by line.) THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 163 except in size and the absence of wings, have the same feeding habits and the same haunts as the adults. The name of the order is derived from the straight-margined parchment-like fore wings (orthos, straight, and ptera, wings) which are chiefly used as covers to protect the large membranous hind wings on which the flight function depends. There are numerous wing- less species in the order, and some with degenerate short wings incapable of flight. The " music" which is made by the male 'crickets, katydids and meadow-grasshoppers, is produced by the rubbing to- gether of the bases of the f ore < wings in which certain veins are thickened and roughened so as to make effective stridulat- FIG. 76. The American locust, Schistocerca americana. (Natural size.) ing organs. Grasshoppers make sounds when at rest by rasping the inner surface of the broad hind legs across the outer surface of the folded fore wings, and while in flight many of them make a loud clacking sound by striking the front margin of the hind wings back and forth past the hinder margin of the thickened fore wings. Despite the beneficial feeding habits of the insect-preying mantises, the Orthoptera as a whole must be looked on as a seriously injurious group of insects. Cockroaches are great pests in houses, while crickets and especially grasshoppers work much injury to field crops. The notorious Rocky Moun- 164 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY tain Locust, Melanoplus spretus, which used to appear occasionally in countless numbers in the grain fields of the Mississippi valley, travelling a thousand miles by a single flight from the Rocky Mountain plateau, is no longer such a danger, but there are many other non-migratory species of grass- hoppers which constantly attack the field crops. Some of these injurious Orthoptera are referred to in Chapter XXXVI and remedies for their attacks described. Order Euplexoptera. The Euplexoptera, or earwigs, com- prise a small number of insects which were formerly included in the Orthoptera. They are small brownish or blackish insects readily recognized by the curious forcep-like appendages on the tip of the abdomen. They are either winged or wingless, and when winged have small thickened wing-Covers extending only about half way to the tip of the abdomen with the well- developed, nearly hemispherical hind wings compactly folded underneath them. Earwigs are nocturnal in habit, and feed by means of their biting mouth-parts on ripe fruit, flowers and other vegetable food. Despite the name they have nothing to do with ears. The young undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, and closely resemble the parents, except in size, from the time of their hatching. Order Hemiptera. The Hemiptera, or sucking bugs, cicadas, aphids, scale-insects, etc., compose a large order which includes over 5000 species in North America, representing a large variety of insect life. Many of them are of great econo- mic importance. Some of the most destructive crop pests and most discomforting insect scourges of man and the domestic animals belong to this order. The chinch-bug of the corn and wheat fields of the Mississippi valley, the tiny sap-sucking aphids or plant-lice and phylloxera, and the insignificant- looking scale-insects cause annual losses of millions of dollars to American fields, orchards and vineyards. The mouth-parts in all the Hemiptera are arranged to form a piercing and sucking beak capable of taking only liquid food. This food is usually the sap of living plants or the blood of living animals. The wings are typically four in number, although some species have but two wings and others none. THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 165 The Hemiptera have an incomplete metamorphosis, the young at birth resembling the parents in most essential characteristics except size and the presence of wings. The order is sub-divided into three sub-orders, one, the Parasita, composed of wingless species living as parasites on man and other mammals; another, the Homoptera, winged species with fore and hind wings of the same texture through- out and usually held sloping or roof-like over the back; and FIG. 77. A water-bug, Serphus dilatalus. (Natural size.) another, the Heteroptera, with four wings held flat on the back when folded and with the bases of the front wings thickened, hence the name of the order (hemi-, half, ptera, wings). The Parasita include the sucking lice; the Hetero ptera the squash- bugs, chinch bugs, water-boatmen, assassin-bugs and stink- bugs; while the Homoptera include the cicada or harvest-flies, the tree- and leaf-hoppers, the aphids, or plant-lice and the degenerate scale-insects. Some of the more injurious species of this order are described in Chapters XXX to XXXVII. 1 66 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Order Thysanoptera. The curious little insects known as thrips, or fringe- wings, which used to be classified with the Hemiptera, are now given the standing of an independent small order. This is due to the peculiar character of their mouth-parts and feet, and to the interesting nature of their development, which is apparently of a sort of transitional con- dition between incomplete and complete metamorphosis. The food of the thrips is either the sap of living plants or moist decaying vegetable matter, especialy wood and fungi. The mouth is of sucking type with needle-like mandibles and maxillae to pierce plant tissue, but it is curiously asymmetrical, the right mandible being wholly wanting and the upper lip being more expanded on one side than the other. The feet have a small protrusible membranous sac or bladder at the tips instead of fixed claws or pad. These tiny sacs probably fill some special role in enabling the thrips to hold on to leaves or flower surfaces. While most of the thrips species live on wild plants, a few infest fruits, grains and vegetables, and do much injury. Among these are the onion thrips, wheat thrips, grass thrips, orange thrips and pear thrips. This last pest appeared suddenly in California a few years ago, and since then has caused the loss of millions of dollars worth of prunes, apricots and other deciduous fruits. Several of the thrips are described in the later special chapters on injurious insects. Order Neuroptera. The Neuroptera, constituting a small order in point of numbers, are insects with biting mouth-parts, and a metamorphosis usually called complete, but in which the larval stage resembles somewhat the adult stage, and the pupal stage is not usually undergone as a wholly immobile chrysalid, but more often in a condition which suggests that of an inac- tive larva with conspicuous external wing-pads. This stage is usualy passed in a special cell or cocoon made by the larva when full grown. The adults have four membranous, many- veined or so-called " nerve- veined " wings, hence the name of the order (neuron, nerve, ptera, wings). The Neuroptera include seven families of mostly unfamiliar insects, some very large, and others extremely small. The immature stages of THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 167 one family, the Sialida, of which the large dobson-fly or hell- grammite is the best known species, are passed in the water of streams or ponds, but the members of all the other families are terrestrial through all their life. Of these the ant-lions, whose larvae make small pits in loose soil in which to catch prey, and the aphis-lions, lace- winged flies and snake-flies, whose sharp- jawed larvae feed on such small defenseless in- sects as aphids and codling moth larvae, are more or less famil- iar and may be counted as beneficial insects. There are no seriously injurious insects in the order. FIG. 78. Pit of ant-lion, and, in lower right-hand corner, pupal sand- cocoon, from which adult has issued, of ant-lion, Myrmeleon sp. (About natural size.) Order Mecoptera. The order Mecoptera includes a few little-known insects called snow-fleas and scorpion-flies. The mouth-parts are of biting type, and are elongated to form a sort of short, blunt beak. The metamorphosis is complete. Most of these insects are probably predaceous in habit, feeding on other small insects, and thus perhaps doing good, but some take only animal food found dead. The curious snow-fleas, Boreus, are minute, black, leaping creatures that appear on snow in winter time, and in summer live on tree trunks or in 1 68 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY moss. The scorpion-flies have four, rather long, slender, mem- branous wings with numerous veins, and long angular legs, with which they scramble awkwardly about among green or drying grass leaves. Order Trichoptera. The Trichoptera, or caddis-flies, com- pose a small homogeneous order of four-winged insects many of which look much like moths. In fact, there is little doubt that this order may be looked on either as the direct ancestors of the moths and butterflies or as a group descended from such ancestors. The wings are membranous, but obscurely colored by a covering of hairs and narrow scales; the antennae are long and slender, and the legs delicate and unmodified. The in- sects limit their flight to short, uncertain excursions along the shore of the stream, and spend long hours in the close foliage of the bank. So far as observed they take no food, although they have fairly well-developed mouth-parts fitted, apparently, for lapping up liquids. The eggs are dropped into water and the aquatic larvae build protecting cases (hence the name, case- or caddis-flies) of little pebbles, sand, or bits of wood fastened together by silken threads. Some of the cases can be carried about by the larva in its ramblings, but others are fastened to the boulders or rock-beds of the stream. The larvae are caterpillar-like, with head and thorax that project from the case, usually brown and firm- walled, while the abdomen is soft and whitish. They breathe by means of thread-like tracheal gills, and feed on bits of vegetable matter and probably other small aquatic creatures. Some have the interesting habit of spinning a tiny silken net stretched in such a way that its broad shallow mouth is directed up-stream so that the current may bring food into it. When the caddis-worm is ready to pupate it withdraws wholly into the case and closes the opening with a loose wall of stones or chips and silk. When ready to issue the pupa usu- ally comes out from the submerged case, crawls up to some support above the water, and there the winged imago emerges. Some kinds, however, emerge in the water. About 500 species of caddis-flies are known of which 150 THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 169 occur in North America. None of them is injurious. The larvae of many species are eaten by fish. Order Coleoptera. The great order of Coleoptera, or bee- tles, is the largest of all the insect groups, and many of its members are among the most familiar of our insect friends and enemies. More than 12,000 species are known in North America north of Mexico. They represent nearly 2000 genera grouped into 80 families. The classification of the Coleoptera is one of the most difficult subjects in the study of systematic entomology, and but few entomologists know more than a few score or few hundred of the commoner kinds. The beetles are mostly readily dis- tinguished by their horny fore wings, or elytra, which serve as protecting covers for FIG. 79. Water- tiger, the larva of the predaceous water-bee- tle, Dyttcus sp. (Nat- ural size.) FIG. 80. The predaceous water-beetle, Dy- ticus sp. pupa and adult. (Natural size.) the large membranous hind wings. They all have strong bit- ing mouth-parts and a firm dark chitinized cuticle or outer body-wall. The body is usually short and robust with its segments well fused together. There is much variety in the character of the antennas and feet, and these differences are largely relied on in classifying beetles into different families. The eggs are laid underground, or on leaves or twigs or in branches or trunks of live trees, in fallen logs or in decaying 170 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY matter, in fresh water, etc., and from them hatch larvae, usually called grubs, with three pairs of legs (sometimes wanting), biting mouth-parts, simple eyes and small antennae. These larvae may be predaceous, as water-tigers (larvae of water- beetles), or plant feeders, as the larvae of the long-horn and leaf-beetles, or carrion feeders, as those of the burying beetles and so on. They grow, molt several times, and finally change into a pupa either on or in the food, or very often in a rough cell underground. From the pupa issues the fully developed winged beetle, which usually has the same food habits as the larva. The economic status of the order Coleoptera is an important one. So many of the beetles are plant feeders and are such voracious eaters in both larval and adult stages that the order must be held to be one of the most destructive in the insect class. Such injurious pests as the Colorado potato-beetle, the round-headed and flat-headed appletree borers, the wire- worms (larvae of click-beetles), the white grubs of meadows and lawns (larvae of June-beetles), the rose-chafers, flea-beetles, bark- borers, and fruit and grain weevils are assuredly enough to give the beetles a bad name. But there are good beetles as well as bad ones. The little lady-bird beetles eat unnumbered hosts of plant-lice and scale-insects, the carrion-beetles are active scavengers, and the members of the predaceous families, as the Carabids and tiger-beetles, undoubtedly kill many noxi- ous insects by their general insect-feeding habits. In the later chapters on injurious insects (XXX to XXXVII) many kinds of beetle pests will be described. Order Diptera. The Diptera, or two-winged flies, consti- tute another large order of insects, which are characterized, first of all, by their possession of but one pair of wings, those of the meso-thoracic segment, the hinder pair being transformed into two short, slender, knob-ended structures called balancers. These have a special nervous equipment, and have been shown by experiment to have some control of the equilibrium of the fly when in flight. The two wings are membranous, usually clear and supported by a few strong veins. The mouth-parts show much variety, and although no flies can bite in the sense THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 171 of the chewing and crushing biting common to beetles, grass- hoppers and other insects with jaw-like mandibles, some, as the mosquito, have elongate mandibles, slender and sharp- pointed, so that they act as lacerating needles to make punc- tures in the flesh of animals or tissues of plants. Most flies, however, have no piercing beak, but, like the house-fly, lap up liquid food with a curious folding fleshy proboscis which is the highly modified labium or under lip. They feed on flower nectar or any exposed sweetish liquid, or on the juices of decaying animal or plant substances. FIG. 8 1. Horse-fly, Tabanus punctifer. (About i| natural size.) All the Diptera have a complete metamorphosis, the young hatching from the eggs as footless and even headless larvae (maggots, grubs), usually soft and white, and in many cases taking food osmotically through the skin. Larvae of different kinds of flies live under a great variety of conditions; some in water, some in the soft tissue of living plants or decaying fungi, some in the flesh of live animals or in carrion, some underground, feeding on plant roots. The pupae of the more specialized flies are concealed in the thickened and darkened last larval molt, the whole puparium or chrysalid looking much like an elliptical brown seed. In some 1 72 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY of the flies, however, as in the mosquito and other midges, the pupal stage is an active one although no food is taken during it. The life history is usually rapid so that generation after generation succeeds one another quickly. Thus it may be true, as an old proverb says, that a single pair of flesh-flies (and their progeny) will consume the carcass of an ox more rapidly than a lion. About 50,000 species of Diptera are known, of which about 7000 occur in North America. The order includes the familiar house-flies, flesh-flies, and blue-bottles of the dwelling and stables; the horse-flies and green-heads that make summer life sometimes a burden for horses and cattle; the buzzing flower- and bee-flies of the garden; the beautiful little pomace-flies with their brilliant colors and mottled wings, that swarm about the cider press and fallen and fermented fruit; the bot- flies, those disgusting pests of horses, cattle, rabbits, rats, etc.; the fierce robber-flies that prey on other insects, including their own fly cousins; the midges that gather in dancing swarms over pastures and streams; the black-flies and punkies, vexers of trout fishers and campers, and worst of all, the cosmopolitan mosquitoes, probably the most serious insect enemies of man- kind. A number of the specially injurious kinds of flies are described in Chapters XXVIII and XXX to XXXVII. Order Siphonaptera. The fleas are blood-sucking parasites of birds and mammals which were long classified as a family (Pulicidce) of the Diptera, being looked on as wingless and otherwise degenerate flies. They are now, however, given the rank of an independent order. Nearly two hundred species of fleas are known in the world, of which about fifty occur in North America. Only a few species have been found on birds, the others on mammals, both domesticated and wild. The fleas are all wingless and have the body greatly flattened laterally. The mouth-parts are composed of several sharp, strong, piercing stylets and a pair of thicker grooved parts which can be held together to form a sucking tube. While the adults are more or less familiar the young are rarely seen. The larvae are small, slender, white, footless, worm-like grubs which lie hidden in cracks and crevices and live on dry organic detritus. THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS i73 They are especially common in dirty dwellings and in cat and dog houses. With the common cat- and dog-flea the larval life lasts only one or two weeks. When full grown the larva usually spins a thin silken cocoon within which it pupates. The adult flea issues in a few days after pupation. In a few species, as the "chigoe" or "jigger" flea of the tropics, the adults burrow into the skin of the host, lay eggs there and the young may pass their development in a sort of tumor caused by the burrowing adult. The hen-flea of the southern States has the same habit of development. The rat-fleas have been Human-flea, Pulcx irritans; male. proved to disseminate the germs of plague among rats (see Chapter XXIX). The commonest fleas affecting man are the human-flea, Pidex irritans, and the cat- and dog-flea, Ctenocephalus canis. The best way to fight them is to keep rooms and the places where cats and dogs sleep thoroughly clean. Flea larvae will not develop successfully in places where they are often disturbed, hence much sweeping and scrubbing will keep them down. The adult fleas are very resistant to insecticides. i 7 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY Order Lepidoptera. Lepidoptera, or moths and butterflies, are the insects most favored of collectors and nature lovers. The beautiful color patterns, the graceful flight and dainty flower-haunting habits and the interesting metamorphosis during their development make them very attractive, while the comparative ease with which the various species may be determined and the large number of popular as well as more technical books about them, make the moths and butterflies, among all the insects, most collected and studied. About 7000 species are known in North America, and except for a few kinds with wingless females and a few other clear- winged kinds which have a superficial likeness to wasps and bees, all the species may be readily recognized as moths or butterflies by the complete coating of tiny scales on the four wings both above and below. It is on these scales that the colors and patterns of the moths and butterflies depend. The scales are very small, varying from 1/350 to 1/30 of an inch in length and from the thickness of a fine hair to 1/60 of an inch in breadth. They are arranged in more or less regular rows, which overlap each other so that a shingle-like covering over the wing is produced. On a large butterfly the total number of scales on all the wings may number more than a million. Each scale is really a tiny flattened membranous sac with a short stem which is held in a little pit or pocket in the wing membrane. All the scales are finely and regularly striated from base to tip, and most of them contain a number of small pigment granules. The colors are produced both by the pigment and by the complicated reflections caused by the striated and laminated structure of the scales. On the latter condition depend the irridescent and metallic colors, such as the changing blues and greens, while on the presence of the pigment depend the fixed brown, reddish and yellow colors. The wings themselves are large and membranous and supported by a few strong veins. The fore wings are longer and narrower in proportion to their length than the hind wings, this condition being particularly emphasized among the swift-flying species, such as the sphinx-moths. The mouth-parts of all the Lepidoptera, except a few THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 175 primitive species of moths, are extraordinarily modified so as to form a long, slender, flexible, sucking tube, by means of which flower nectar and water can be drunk. This tube is made of the two elongated maxillae, grooved on their inner faces and held, even locked, together to form a perfect tube. Upper lip, mandibles, and under lip are either wholly wanting or reduced to mere rudiments. Thus no adult moth nor butterfly can seriously injure any plant or animal; but strongly contrasted to this innocuousness of the adults are the serious capacities for mischief of the larval or caterpillar stage. From the eggs, which are almost always deposited on the proper special food plant, hatch the well-known worm-like larvae or caterpillars which are provided with strong biting mouth-parts. They proceed at once to the serious business of voracious eating. The young caterpillar may eat many times its weight of leaf tissue in a single day, and where the cater- pillars are abundant they may quickly defoliate whole shrubs and trees. The caterpillars are provided with three pairs of jointed thoracic legs and five pairs of fleshy unjointed abdominal legs, and can migrate freely from plant to plant, thus increasing their capacity for harm. When they are full grown they usu- ally burrow into the ground, spin a silken cocoon, or seek some hiding place in which to pupate. The pupa is enclosed in a thick, horny, chitinized cuticle, and is wholly inactive and takes no food. When the radical changes of the breaking down of the larval organs and the building of the new organs of the adult are completed, the cuticle breaks and the winged imago emerges. The food habits of the caterpillars make many of them serious pests of growing crops. Most are leaf eaters, and all are voracious feeders, so that an abundance of cut-worms or army-worms or tomato-worms always means hard times for their favorite food plants. Some kinds do not eat leaves but attack fruits, as that dire apple pest, the codling-moth larva; while still others are content with dry organic substances, as the larvae of clothes-moths, meal-moths and the like. The sole material compensation which the Lepidoptera make for their disastrous toll on all green things is the gift of silk made by the 176 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY moth species known as the mulberry or Chinese silk-worm. This thoroughly domesticated and industrious species produces each year over $100,000,000 worth of fine silk. It can be reared with perfect success in this country and made to produce large cocoons of an admirable quality of silk, but the cost of the labor necessary to caring for the larvae through their long FIG. 83. Silk-worms, larvae of the moth Bombyx mori. (About \ natu- ral size.) growing period is so much higher in America than in Italy, or France, or the Orient, that silk cannot be produced here under present conditions to commercial advantage. The method of rearing silk-worms is, briefly, as follows. The heavy, creamy white moths take no food, and most of them cannot fly despite their possession of well-developed wings, so degenerate are the flight muscles from generations THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 177 of disuse. The eggs, about 300, are laid by the female on any bit of cloth or paper provided for her by the silk-worm growers. In the annual race of silk-worms, i.e., the one which produces but one generation a year, the eggs go through the winter and hatch in the following spring at the time the mulberry trees begin leafing out. Other varieties produce two (bivoltins), three (trivoltins), and even five or six (multivoltins), genera- tions a year. The larvae, or " silk- worms," must be abundantly fed with either mulberry or osage orange leaves from which all rain or dew drops must be wiped off. When very young they are fed but two or three times a day, but later in their life must have seven or eight daily meals. They grow rapidly, and in most races are dull slaty white in color with a few indis- tinct darker markings. They are very sluggish in habit and can easily be kept in shallow open trays, which should be kept well aired and cleaned. The worms molt every nine or ten days, ceasing to feed for a day before each molting during the forty-five days of larval life. At the end of this time each worm spins a dense white or golden or pale greenish silken cocoon which is, to man, the silk-worm's raison d'etre, but which is primarily the protecting cover for the defenseless pupa. In spinning this cocoon the silken thread, which issues from the mouth and is produced by the hardening of a viscous fluid secreted by a pair of long silk glands stretching far back in the body, is at first attached irregularly to near-by objects, so that a sort of loose net or web is made; then the spinning be- comes more regular, and by the end of three days the thick, firm, symmetrical, closed cocoon, composed of a single con- tinuous silken thread, averaging over 1000 feet long, is com- pleted. Silk growers provide a loose network of branches or wicker on which the silk-worms spin their cocoons. Inside the cocoon the larva pupates, and if undisturbed the chrysalid gives up its damp and crumpled moth after from twelve to fourteen days or longer. A fluid secreted by the moth softens one end of the cocoon so that the delicate creature can force its way out. But this is the happy fate of only those moths which the grower allows to issue to lay eggs for the next year's crop. To produce good silk the grower must save the 1 78 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY cocoon from injury by the moth, so he kills his thousands of pupae by dropping the cocoons into boiling water or by putting them into a hot oven. Then, after cleaning away the loose fluffy silk of the outside, he finds the beginning of the long thread which makes the cocoon, and with a clever little reeling machine he unwinds, unbroken, its hundreds of FIG. 84. The luna-moth, or pale empress of the night, Tropasa luna. (About f natural size.) feet of merchantable silk floss. Or the cocoons are taken to a central establishment where the pupae are killed and the silk wound and made into large skeins ready to go to the cloth- making mills. The order Lepidoptera is divided into three principal sub- orders, namely, the Rhopalocera, or butterflies, which are day THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 179 fliers, and which have their antennae slender and thread-like with the tip thickened so as to form a small spindle-shaped club; the Hesperina, or skippers, which are also day fliers and which have the antennae slender, and with slightly expanded or hooked tip; and the Heterocera, or moths, most of which are night fliers, and which have their antennae variously formed, either entirely thread-like or with some of the segments pro- vided with many long hairs arranged so as to make the antennae look like a flat brush. The Heterocera include by far the greater number of species of Lepidoptera, and many of the more obscurely colored ones are rarely seen. They vary in size from the small clothes-moths and leaf-miners to the great Cecropias and Lunas. Colored pictures of most of the more common kinds of moths and butterflies can be found in nature books, and the different species can readily be determined by referring to these pictures. A number of the species with injurious caterpillars are described in Chapters XXX to XXXVII. Order Hymenoptera. The Hymenoptera are a large order, which includes, besides the popularly known ants, bees and wasps, many less familiar insects showing much variety in appearance and habit, 7500 species being found in this coun- try alone. Many of these are parasites, spending their larval life within the bodies of other insects, feeding on their tissues and finally destroying them. Because of the great importance of these parasites in keeping noxious insects in check, and because of the gifts from the honey-bee and the innocuous character of most of the other members of the order, the Hymenoptera may be looked on as the chief beneficial order of insects. Few generalizations can be made that will apply to all members of the order although there is no question concerning the true relationship of all the kinds of insects included in it. The name of the order is derived from the clear membranous condition of the two pairs of wings (hymen, membrane, ptera, wings). The front wings are larger than the hind ones and all are provided with comparatively few branched veins. The workers of all the ant species are wingless as are also the i8o ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY females of certain wasps. In many Hymenoptera the front margin of the hind wings bears a series of small recurved hooks which, when the wings are outspread, fit over a ridge on the hind margin of the fore wing thus fastening the two wings firmly together. The mouth-parts are variously modified, but usu- ally are fitted for both biting and lapping. This is arranged for by having the maxillae and labium more or less elongated and forming a sort of proboscis for taking up liquids, while the mandibles always retain their short, strong, j aw-like character. The females throughout the order are provided either with a saw-like or boring or pricking egg-layer (ovipositor), or with the same parts modified to be a sting. In the development of all Hymenoptera the metamorphosis is complete, and the larvae are, more than in any other order, helpless and dependent for their food and safety on the special provision or care of the parents. The parasitic species lay their eggs either on or in the body of the insect which is to serve as food for the larvae, while the gall-making kinds lay their eggs in the plant tissue on which their larvae feed. With most of the solitary wasps and bees, food is stored up in the cell in which the egg is deposited, so that the larvae on hatching will find it ready. With the social wasps and bees and all the ants, the workers bring food to the young during their whole larval life. The Hymenoptera may be roughly divided into a few im- portant groups. First, the saw-flies (family Tenthredinida) whose larvae, soft-bodied, naked, caterpillar-like creatures, usually with six to eight pairs of abdominal legs besides the three pairs of thoracic legs, are called slugs. Common kinds are the current-slug, rose-slug, larch-slug and others, which do considerable damage by eating away the soft tissues leaving only the veins, thus making " skeletons" of the leaves of their food plants. The saw-flies compose a large family, 600 species being known in this country, but the adults are rarely seen by the general observer. Second, the great group of parasites comprising several families (Ichneumonidce, Braconidce, Chalcididce, Proctotrypida, and others), and including species varying in size from the THE CLASSIFICATION OF INSECTS 181 smallest insects known to others two inches or more in length. Some of these minute parasites lay their eggs within the eggs of other insects, and their larvae live their whole lives in the con- tents of these host eggs, but most Hymenopterous parasites deposit their eggs on the skin of the larvae or nymphs of other insects, especially on caterpillars. The parasite larvae, on hatching, bore their way through the skin into the host body and remain there, feeding on the blood lymph and perhaps on other body tissues. The host dies, but usually not until the parasites have com- pleted their larval life and have changed to pupae either within the host's body, or have issued from it and pupated outside. Parasitized caterpillars are often able to pupate, but from their pupa there issues, not a moth or butterfly, but many of the little four-winged parasites. These fly freely about, mate, and then deposit their eggs on the body of other hosts. , A few members of this group are not parasites but gall-makers. Among these an important kind is the curious small fig- wasp (Blastophaga) by which the Smyrna figs are cross-pollinated and made to set seed and thus to become especially palata- ble. The fig- wasp has been introduced from Asia Minor into California, and has greatly added to the value of California figs. Third, the family Cynipida or gall-flies, some of which are parasites, but most of which thrust their eggs, by means of a sharp ovipositor, into the leaves or green stems of oaks, roses and a few other plants, so that the hatching larvae find them- selves surrounded by rich plant food. The presence of the larva stimulates the plant to a vigorous production of new tissue about it, which takes on the form of a gall of definite shape. These galls are different for different species of gall- flies, and for different species of plants, and present a host of curious shapes. Some look like tiny seeds or papillae on the FIG. 85. Ichneu- mon fly, Pimpla con- qidsitor, laying egg in cocoon of American tent-caterpillar moth. (About natural size; after Fiske.) i8 2 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY leaf or stem, while others, as the giant oak-gall of California, are as large as one's fist. The gall-fly larvae lie in the middle of the galls feeding on the abundant plant juice and pupating there in the autumn when the active plant growth ceases. The gall-flies issue in the following spring, biting their way out of the gall by means of their stout jaws. The fourth, fifth and sixth groups of Hymenoptera are the wasps, bees and ants. They are treated in the following chapter. CHAPTER XVIII INSECTS (Continued): WASPS, ANTS, THE HONEY- BEE AND OTHER BEES Wasps. The wasps are divided into two groups, viz., the solitary or digger wasps (superfamily Sphecina), and the social wasps (super-family Vespina). The Sphecina, as represented in North America, include a dozen or more families, while the Vespina include but three, but these latter wasps, or a few of them, the hornets and yellow- jackets, are more often seen and much better known popularly than the solitary wasps. Among the solitary bees each female makes a simple nest, usually a short burrow in the ground or in a plant stem (in the case of a FIG. 86. Digger-wasp, Ammophila, putting inch-worm into nest-burrow. (From life; natural size.) few parasitic kinds the wasp makes no special nest at all), lays one or more eggs in it, stores it with food for the hatching larva?, and closes it up. This food is usually other insects or spiders stung to death or, more commonly, stung in such a way as not to kill but paralyze the prey. When the wasp larvae hatch they find their food all ready for them, devour it slowly as they grow, pupate in the nest burrow, and finally issue as full fledged wasps. The social wasps live, as is well known, in large communities composed of an active egg-laying female or queen, a few males 183 i8 4 ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY or drones, and many infertile females, or workers. A small nest is made in the spring out of chewed old wood mixed with saliva so as to form "wasp-paper," by a queen that has mated in the autumn before and passed the winter solitarily in hiding. In this little "queen nest" she lays a few eggs, brings food to the hatching larvae until they change to pupae in their cells, and then awaits their issuance. They issue as workers, and immediately enlarge the nest, making more paper combs and cells, in which the queen lays more eggs. The workers bring food, which is killed and masticated insects, and care for the young, which develop into more workers. Thus the com- munity, or really family, grows through the summer, till it may contain many hun- dred individuals. In the late summer males and fertile fe- males are produced, and then FIG. 87 Two workers of the w ith the oncoming of winter SP '