? ' 1 QL 416 1357! _* 1996 NRLF I B 3 3bD BIOUO6Y LIBRARY /V LIST OF DUPLICATES OF MARINE, LAND, AND FRESH WATER SHELLS From Japan, Loo Choo Islands, Bahamas, . Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, Polynesian Islands, etc. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. AMERICA. 1896 LIST OF DUPLICATES OF JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, LAND, AND FRESH WATER, COLLECTED PERSONALLY BY FREDERICK STEARNS h OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. A., DURING HIS TWO VISITS TO JAPAN, 1889-90, AND 1892, AND OFFERED FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. DETROIT: John F. Eby, Printer, Park Place and Michigan Avenue. 1896. J"3 5 75- BIOLOGY LIBRARY NOTE. Reference in following lists of DUPLICATES is made to the pages of the new complete cata- logue of the Marine Mollusks of Japan, with descriptions and illustrations of new species, and notes on others the collections of Frederick Stearns by Henry A. Pilsbry, Conservator of the Conchologi- cal Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. The above catalogue was published by Frederick Stearns, 1895, pp. 204, plates XI, 140 figures. Price in paper covers, $1.00; bound in cloth, $1.50. If by mail, 12 cents extra must be sent for pre- paying postage. (See advertisement on last page of cover.) I desire and expect to use these duplicates to obtain in exchange from other and original col- lectors, desirable species of shells, echinoderms, crustaceans, star fishes, corals, sponges, etc., etc., not now in my collection. Persons receiving this list and desiring to exchange will send me a list of what they have to offer of the rarer species, not necessarily showy or striking, among which new and undetermined species and varieties will be welcome, so long as they are known to be such, and from the hands of the original collectors. I have no lists of desiderata to send to any one. Postal charges in all cases to be paid by the sender and not by the receiver, unless under special arrangements to the contrary. The charges on large shells, or on large parcels of shells which can not be sent by mail, but which must go by express, or as freight by rail, must be paid by the receiver. Correspondence will be acceptable in Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, as well as English. Persons having rare shells which they prefer to sell for cash only will be treated with. The prices affixed to the shells on this list are believed to be reasonable, and in offering shells for exchange I expect my correspondent will affix a price to each species offered, in order that an exchange or sale may be evenly and promptly adjusted. This list comprises the duplicates of the collections of two visits to Japan, 1889-90 and 1892. The quantity of new material obtained Jm'tfcs la& \sft fiQl&yJbdJthe issue of this list for reason that two years passed before the new and ccnipfete 'catalogue' of Jtpan Marine Shells could be written and published. 9 * .< * e c ",** A list of DUPLICAT/F/'LoJo C0o, f ^a*vatian; ajid SfculVf eji flhella was printed in 1894, but not mailed to conchologists until "now (189&)/when it is enclosed with this list. In ordering, please give the name of the list, whether Japanese, Loo Choo, Hawaiian, or other. Mention page and species, number wanted, and price. Collectors and dealers wishing any of these shells, and not having desirable species to offer in exchange, will please write their wishes. Some species are in considerable numbers, and shell dealers wishing to purchase such may write for particulars. Where two prices are given, it is for varying sizes, quality, or quantity. The largest number of species of shells in the new catalogue are those of rare museum types here and abroad, and of those of which I only found one or few, and hence those are retained as types in my personal general collection now displayed in the rooms of the Detroit Scientific Museum. LIST OF DUPLICATES OF Frederick Stearns' Collection of Marine, Fresh Water, and Land SHELLS -JAPAN, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. SEPIIDAE. Page. 2. Sepia esculenta Hoyle. Each 15 to 25c. 3. Sepia andreanoides Hoyle Each 50c. 3. Sepia kobiensis Hoyle. Each 25 to 50c. LOLIGINIDAE. 3. Loligo ? spec. Pens 31 c. m. long. Each 25c. SIPHONARIDAE. 5. Siphonaria sirius Pilsbry (new spe- cies) see plate VI, figs. 23 to 28. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 5. Siphonaria sipho Sby. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 6. Siphonaria cochleariformis Reeve. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 6. Siphonaria amara Nutt: (Loo Choo). Each lOc, 5 for 25c. ACTAEONIDAE. 6. Solidula strigosa Gld. .PH1LINIDAE. 9. Philine japonica Lischke. TEREBRIDAE. 11. Terebra bifrons Hinds. Terebra lischkeana Dkr. Each 25c. Each 50c. Each 30c. Each 25c. 12. Terebra (Myurella) polygyrata Desh. Each 15c, 3 for 35c. 12. Terebra serotina Ads. & Rve. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. CONIDAE. 13. Conus fulmen Reeve. Each 75c. PLEUROTOMIDAE. 15. Pleurotoma unedo Val. Each 35c. 15. Pleurotoma leucotropis Ads. & Rve. Each $1.00. 16. Columbarium (Fusus), pagoda Less. Each $5.00 to $8.00. This rare shell has been sold re- cently for as much as $20.00 each. 17. Drillia gracilenta Reeve (2 only). Each 50c. 17. Drillia japonica Lischke. Each 10 to 25c. 18. Drillia (?) tokyoensis (new species), plate II, fig. 5. Each 50c. 18. Drillia subauriformis Smith. Each 50c. 19. Oligotoma makimonos Jouss. Each 75c. 19. Surcula kaderleyi Lischke. Each 50c. 20. Mangilia leuckarti Dkr. Each 35c. 20. Clathurella ? gainesii (new species), plate II, fig. 4. Each 65c. CANCELLARIDAE. Page. 21. Cancellaria spengleriana Desh. Each 50 to 80c. 22. Cancellaria nodulifera Sowb. Each $1.00. OLIVIDAE. 23. Oliva mustelina Lamk. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 23. Olivella fulgurata Ads. & Rve. 10 for 15c. 23. Olivella fortunei (Ad.) Marratt (fine). Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 23. Olivella fortunei (dark form), Var. Each I5c. 23. Olivella japonica, Stearns. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. VOLUTIDAE. 24. Voluta megaspira Sowb. Each 65c to $1.50. 24. Lyria cassidula Rve. Each 35c. MITRIDAE. 25. Mitra kraussii Dkr. Each 15c, 3 for 35c. FASCIOLARIIDAE. 26. Fusus nodosoplicatus Dkr. Each 40 to 60c. 26. Fusus perplexus A. Ad. (F. incon- stans Lischke). Each 20 to 40c. 26. Fusus tuberosus Rve. Each 25 to 50c. 27. Fasciolaria trapezium Linn. Each 40 to GOc. 27. Fasciolaria trapezium Linn, var. audouini Jonas. Each 75c. BUCCINIDAE. 27. Hemifusus ternatanus Gmel. Each 25 to 35c. 28. Siphonalia cassidariaeformis Rve. Each 40 to 75c. 29. Siphonalia cassidariaeformis var. or- nata A. Ad. Each 40 to 75c. 29. Siphonalia cassidariaeformis var. funeria Pils (new var.), plate II, figs. 7, 8. Each $1.25. 29. Siphonalia fusoides Rve. Each $1.25. 29. Siphonalia fuscolineata Pease (6 var- ieties of color). Each 50c, whole suit at 40c each. 29. Siphonalia Steamsii Pilsbry (new species), plate II, figs. 1, 2 (3 only for sale). Each $3.00. 30. Siphonalia (Kellettia) kelleti Forbes. Each 40c. M94099 4 LIST OF DUPLICATES OF SHELLS 32. Volutharpa perryi Jay. Each 25 to 60c. - 32. ^ 'Tv-Honidea "undutatA Ss^epman. 1 ^ \ Eabh 25 to 35c. 3S. CEuihria ferrea Jsive" '(E,. ^viridula). Each 15 to 25c. 34. Nassaria ( = Hindsia) magnifica Lischke. Each $1.50. 34. Eburna japonica Sby. Each 15 to 30c. NASSIDAE. 35. Nassa (Niotha) livescens Phil. Each lOc. 35. Nassa (Hima) festiva Powis. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 35. Nassa fuscolineata E. A. Smith. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 36. Nassa (Hima), fraterculus Dkr. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 36. Nassa (Zeuxis) siquijorensis A. Ad. Each 15c. 36. Nassa (Zeuxis) varicifera A. Ad. var. frater-minor Pilsbry. Each 15c. 37. Nassa hypolia Pilsbry (new species), see plate II, figs. 13, 14. Each 25c. COLUMBELLIDAE. 38. Columbella scripta Lam. (versicolor Sby.) Each 6c, 6 for 25c. 38. Columbella pardelina Lam. var. sa- gena Reeve. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 38. Columbella misera Sby. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. 38. Columbella pumila Dkr. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 38. Columbella martensi Lischke. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 39. Columbella (Atilia?) pleurotomoides (new species), Pilsbry, see plate I, fig. 6. Each 25c. 39. Columbella impolita Sby. Each 25c. 39. Columbella (Conidea) flava Brug. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 40. Amycla varians Dkr. (several colors, Each 6c, 5 for 25c. MURICIDAE. 41. Murex tenuispina L. Each 50c to $1.25. 41. Murex troschelii Lischke. Each 50c to $1.00. 41. Murex (Haustellum) pliciferus Sby. Each 50c to $1.00. 41. Murex ramosus Linn (M. brevifrons). Each 25c to 50c. 42. Ocinebra contracta Rve. Each 65c. 43. Ocinebra foliata Mart. Each 20 to 30c. 43. Ocinebra falcata var. adunca Sby. Each 50 to 75c. 43. Urosalpinx (?) birileffi Lischke (poor) Each 15 to 30c. 44. Rapana bezoar var. thomasiana Crosse. Each 25 to 75c. 44. Purpura luteostoma (Chemn.) Dillw. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 44. Purpura luteostoma var. bronni Dkr. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 44. Purpura alveolata Rve. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 44. Purpura alveolata var. clavigera Kust. Each 5c 6 for 25c. 44. Purpura alveolata var. tumulosa Lischke. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. TRITONIDAE. 46. Tritonium sauliae Rve. Each 40c to $1.00. 46. Tritonium pileare L. Each 15 to 25c. 47. Gyrineum rana Lin. (Ranella albi- varicosa Rve.). Each 35 to 50c. 47. Gyrineum lampas Lin. Each 40 to 75c. 47. Gyrineum affine Brod. (2 only). Each 75c. 48. Gyrineum (Biplex) perca Perry (pul- chra Gray). Each 35 to 50c. CASSIDIDAE. 48. Cassis japonica Rve. (C. saburon Lam.) Each 25c to 50c. 48. Cassis (Glanca) coronulata Sby. Each 50c. DOLIIDAE. 49. Dolium zonatum Green. Each 25 to 50c. 49. Dolium luteostoma Kust. Each 30c to $1.00. 49. Pyrula reticulata Lam. Each 20c, 3 for 40c. CYPRAEIDAE. 50. Cypraea fimbriata Gmel. Each 10 to 25c. 50. Cypraea macula Ad. Each 10 to 25c. 50. Cypraea caputserpentis Lin. Each 5c, 8 for 25c. 51. Cypraea moneta L. var. icterina. Each 6c, 6 for 25c. 51. Cypraea annulus Lin. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 51. Cypraea vitellus Lin. Each 15c. 52. Erato lachryma Gray. Each 25c. 52. Ovula rhodia Ad. Each 30c. 53. Volva volva Lin. Each 25 to 50c. STROMBIDAE. 54. Strombus succinctus L. var. robustus Sowb. Each 40c. 55. Strombus japonicus Rve. Each 25c. 55. Strombus ustulatus Schum. Each 50c. 55. Strombus luhuanus Lin. Each 15c, 3 for 30c. CERITHIIDAE. 56. Cerithium humile Dkr. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 56. Cerithium (Colina) macrostoma Hinds. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 56. Clava fasciata. Each 25c. 56. Clava kochi Phil. Each 15 to 25c. 56. Clava vertagus Lin. Each 30c. 56. Clava vertagus var. japonica. Each 25c. 56. Clava vertagus var. smooth. Each 25c. 57. Cerithium rhizoporarium A. Ad. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 57. Potamides (Tympanotonos) fluviatilis P. and M. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 57. Potamides (Batillaria) zonalis Brug. (in 3 varieties). Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 57. Potamides (Batillaria) multiformis Lischke (in 2 varieties). Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 57. Potamides (Batillaria) aterrima Dkr. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 58. Triforis fusca Dkr. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 58. Triforis dunkeri Jouss. Each 25c 58. Triforis (Viriola) tricincta Dkr. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. VERMETIDAE. 59. Thylacodes (Vermetus) medusae Pils- bry (new species), see plates IV and V. Each 25c to $1.50. LITTORINIDAE. 62. Littorina sitchana Phil. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. 62. Echinella cumingii Phil. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. SOLARI1DAE. 65. Solarium cingulum Kiener. Each 15c. 2 for 25c. LITIOPIDAE. G6. Diala tenuis E. A. Smith. 6 for 25c. RISSOIDAE. 67. Rissoina costulata Dkr. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. ASSIMINEIDAE. 69. Assiminea japonica v. Marts. Each lOc, 6 for 25c. 69 Assiminea atomaria Phil. Each 25c. 69. Assiminea savatieri Mabille. Each 25c. CAPULIDAE. 70. Crepidula grandis Midd. Each 25c. 70. Crepidula aculeata Gmel. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. HIPPONICIDAE. 70. Hipponyx foliaceus Q. & G. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 70. Hipponyx australis Q. & G. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. XENOPHORIDAE. 70. Xenophora exuta Rve. Each 50c. 70. Xenophora pallidula Rve. Each 30c to $1.25. NATICIDAE. 71. Natica taeniata Menke. Each 10 to 15c. 71. Natica concinna Dkr. Each 8 to 15c. 71. Natica lurida Phil. Each 10 to 15c. 71. Natica adamsiana Dkr. Each 15c, 3 for 30c. 72. Polinices melanos-toma Gmel. Each 25c. 72. Polinices simiae Desh. Each 25c. 72. Polinices (Neverita) ampla Phil. Each 15 to 25c, 4 for 50c. IANTHINIDAE. 74. lanthina fragilis Lam. var. plani- spirata A. & R. Each 25c. 74. lanthina globosa Swains. Each 25c. SCALIDAE. 74. Scala (Scalaria) lineolata Sby. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 75. Scala (Scalaria) casta A. Ad. Each 25c. 76. Scala (Scalaria) lamellosa Lam. Each 60c. EULIMIDAE. 78. Eulima (Leiostraca) bilineata Ads. & Rve. Each 30c. PYRAMIDELLIDAE. 81. Pyramidella (Syrnola) cinctella Ad. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 81. Pyramidella (Syrnola) brunnea A. Ad. Each 25c. 84. Pyramidella (Acteopyramis) eximia Lischke. Each 25c. 86. Eulimella philippiana Dkr. (3 only). Each 35c. 87. Turbonilla (Cingulina) cingulata Dkr. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. NERITIDAE. 88. Nerita albicilla L. Each lOc, 2 for 25c. 88. Nerita pica Gld. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. 88. Neritina crepidularia Lam. Each lOc. 4 for 25c. TURBINIDAE. 88. Turbo marmoratus Lin. (With operc.) Each 25c. 88. Turbo petholatus Lin. Each 50c. 88. Turbo (Senectus) argyrostomus var. margaritaceus Lin. Each 10 to 25c. 88. Turbo (Batillus) cornutus Gmel. Each 40 to 75c. 89. Turbo (Marmorostoma) granulatus Gmel. Each 15c. 89. Turbo (Marmorostoma) coreensis Recluz. Each 20c. 89. Astralium (Cyclocantha) haematra- gus Mke. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. 89. Astralium (Bolma) modestum Rve. Each 50c. 89. Astralium (Pachypoma) japonicum Dkr. (2 only). Each $1.50. 90. Leptothyra rubra Dkr. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. PHASIANELLIDAE. 90. Phasianella megastoma (new spe- cies) see plate VIII, fig. 9 (2 only) Each $1.00 91. Phasianella oligomphala (new spe- cies) see plate VIII, fig. 8. Each 50c. 91. "Phasianella (Orthomesus) modesta Gld. See plate VI, figs. 29, 30. Each 50c. 91. Phasianella modesta gouldii (new variety) Pilsbry. See plate VI, fig. 31. Each 50c. DELPHINULIDAE. 91. Delphinula delphinula Lin. Each $1. 91. Delphinula atrata Rve. Each $1.00 TROCHIDAE. 92. Trochus (Tectus) mauritianus Gmel. T. pyramidea. Each 25c. 93. Monodonta labio Lin. Each 6c, 6 for 25c. 93. Monodonta neritoides Phil. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 93. Chlorostoma argyrostoma Gmel. Each 15c. 94. Chlorostoma turbinatum A. Ad. See plate VI, figs 9, 10. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 95. Chlorostoma carpenteri Dkr. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 95. Chlorostoma pfeifferi Phil. Each 40c. 95. Cantharidus (Thalotia) japonicus A. Ad. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 96. Gibbula eucosmia Pilsbry (new spe- cies) see plate VIII, fig. 4. Each 50c. 96. Gibbula (Cantharidella) callichroa Phil. Each 25c, 3 for 50c. 97. Bathybembix argenteonitens Lischke. Each $1.00. 99. Calliostoma unicum Dkr. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 100. Euchelus japonicus A. Ad. Each 6c, 5 for 25c. 100. Euchelus bronni Dkr. Each 6c, 5 for 25c. 100. Euchelus pauperculus Lischke. Each 6c, 5 for 25c. 100. Euchelus ruber A. Ad. Each 6c, 5 for 25c. 100. Umbonium giganteum Less. Ten color varieties. Common var. each lOc, 4 for 25c. Rare var. 25c each. 101. Umbonium costatum Less. Each 15 to 25c. LIST OF DUPLICATES OF SHELLS 101. Umbonium costatum var. superbum Gould, no less than 21 color varie- ties. Com. var. 5c, 6 for 25c. Rare var. 25c each. 102. Umbonium moniliferum Lam. 3 color var. Each lOc, suit for 25c. CYCLOSTREMATIDAE. 102. Cyclostrema pulchella Dkr. Each 25c. STOMATELLIDAE. 104. Stomatella lyrata Pilsbry. Each 25c. 104. Stomatella articulata A. Ad. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. 104. Stomatia rubra Lam. (3 only). Each 35c. 104. Stomatia phymotis Helbling (Loo Choo Is.) Each 25c. HALIOTIDAE. 105. Haliotis gigantea Gmel. Each 15 to 25c. 105. Haliotis gigantea, Pearls from. Each 35 to 50c. 105. Haliotis diversicolor Rve. Each 25 to 35c. 105. Haliotis diversicolor var. exigua Dkr. Each 25 to 35c. 105. Haliotis diversicolor var. gruneri Phil. Each 25 to 35c. 106. Haliolis (Teinotis) asinina Lin. Each 10 to 25c. FISSURELLIDAE. 107. Macroschisma sinensis A Ad. 4 only see plate VI, figs. 6, 7, 8. Each $1. 108. Macroschisma Lischkei Pilsbry (new species) see plate VI, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Each 50c. ACMEIDAE. 110. Acmaea schrenkii Lischke. Typical variety (A). Var. (c) concinna Lischke. Vars. B, D, E. Each 10 to 25c, suit for 75c. 111. Acmaea heroldi Dkr. (see plate VI, figs. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18). Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 111. Acmaea conulus Dkr. Each 20c, 3 for 50c. 111. Acmaea saccharina Lin. vars. A, B, C, D. Each lOc, suit for 25c. PATELLIDAE. 112. Helcionicus nigrisquamatus Rve. (see plate VII., figs. 1, 2) 2 vars. Each 15 to 30c. 112. Helcioniscus nigrisquamatus var. boninensis Pilsbry (see plate VII., fig. 3. Each 50c. 112. Helcionicus eucosmius Pilsbry (new species) see plate VII., figs. 7, 8, 9, 10. Each 25c. 113. Helcioniscus toreuma Rve. Vars. A, B, C, D, E. = H. amussitata Rve. = H. nigrolineata var. divergens Pilsbry. Each 10 to 25c, suit for 35c. CHITONIDAE. 115. Liolophura japonica Lischke. Ch. defilippii Tap.-Can. L. incana Auct. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 115. Liolophura japonica var. tessellata Pilsbry. Each 20c. DENTALIIDAE. 115. Dentalium vernedei Hanley (1 only). Each $5.00. 116. Dentalium octogonum Lam. (vars. = D. hexagonum and japonicum). Each 5c, 10 for 25c. PHOLADIDAE. 116. Pholas (Barnea) manilensis Phil. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. CORBULIDAE. 117. Corbula erythrodon Lam. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. MYACIDAE. 118. Mya arenaria var. japonica Jay, 10 for 25c. MACTRIDAE. 118. Mactra sulcataria Desh. Each 18 to 30c. 119. Mactra veneriformis Desh. Each 10 to 20c. 119. Mactra sachalinensis Schrenck. Each 25c, 3 for 50c. 119. Mactra sp. ? Each 25c, 3 for 50c. 119. Raeta yokohamensis (new species) see plate III., figs. 4, 5. Each 50c. 120. Tresus nuttalli Conrad. Each 30c. SOLENIDAE. 120. Solen grandis Dkr. (4 only). Each 75c. 120. Solen gouldii Conrad. Each 5 to 15c. 120. Solen krusensternii Schrenck (4 only) Each $1.00. 121. Siliqua (Machera) pulchella Dkr. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 121. Solecurtus (Macha) divaricata Lischke. Each 25c. DONACIDAE. 121. Don ax australis Lam. (6 only). Each 30c. 121. Donax semigranosus Dkr. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 122. Donax proximus Bertin (5 only).. Each 35c. PSAMMOBIIDAE. 122. Soletellina boeddinghausi Lischke (3 only). Each 50c. 122. Psammobia elongata var. japonica Stearns. Each 25c. TELLINDAE. 124. Arcopagia siamensis Martens. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 124. Tellina (Angulus) nitidula Dkr. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 124. Tellina rutila Dkr. Each 25c. 125. Tellina praetexta v. Martens. Each 25c. PETRICOLIDAE. 125. Petricola aequistriata Sby. Each 25c. VENERIDAE. 125. Dosinia troscheli Lischke. Each 25c. 126. Dosinia bilunulata Gray. Each 25 to 40c. 126. Cyclina orientalis Sby. Each 25c. 127. Meretrix lusoria Chemn. 6 color vars. Common vars. 20c, 3 for 50c. Rare vars. 30c each. 127. Meretrix (Callista) chinensis. Each 25c. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 127. Sunetta excavata Hanley. Each 25c, 3 for 50c. 127. Venus jedoensis Lischke (5 only). 144. Each 60c. 129. Venerupis (Rupellaria) irus Lin. Each 15c. 129. Tapes euglyptus Phil. Each 50c. 129. Tapes schnellianus Dkr. Each 30c, 2 for 50c. 144. 129. Tapes amabilis Phil, color vars. A. 145. and B. Each 25 to 40c. 129. Tapes semirugata Phil. 145. Each 30c, 2 for 50c. 130. Tapes philippinarum Ads. & Rve. (9 color varieties). Each c, 9 for 40c. 130. Saxidomus purpuratus Desh. Each 25c, 3 for 50c. 146. 130. Gomphina melanaegis Roemer, 10 color vars. Each 30c, suit for $2.00. 146. 146. CARDIDAE. 131. Cardium californiense Desh. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 131. Cardium muticum Rve. 147. Each 25c, 3 for 60c. 131. Mytilicardia cumingiana Dkr. 147. 1 A*7 Each 25 to 40c. I'll. DIPLODONTIDAE. 132. Diplodonta (? semiaspera var.) jap- onica Pilsbry (new species) see 147. plate III., figs. 6, 7 (4 only). Each 75c. LUCINIDAE. 133. Lucina pisidium Dkr. Each 25c. 148. 133. Loripes philippiana Rve. Each 25c. 148. PLEUROPHORIDAE. 135. Trapezium liratum Rve. Each 50c. 149. 149. LYONSIIDAE. 137. Entodesma truncatissima Pilsbry 149. (new species) see plate III., figs. 11, 150. 12. Each $1.00. ANATINIDAE. 138. Anatina japonica Lischke. Each 25c, 4 for 50c. 151. MYTILIDAE. 139. Mytilus crassitesta Lischke. Each 25c. 152. 139. Mytilus hirsutus Lam. Each 15 to 25c. 153. 139. Mytilus atratus Lischke. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 139. Mytilus rostratus Dkr. Each 25c. 139. Mytilus Dunkeri. Each 40c. 139. Modiola philippinarum Hanley. 154. Each 15 to 30c. 139. Modiola traillii Rve. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. 140. Modiola senhausii Rve. 155. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 140. Lithophaga (Lithodomus) curta 155. Lischke. Each 20c, 2 for 30c. 155. ANOMIIDAE. 156, 142. Anomia cytaeum Gray. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 156. 142. Anomia elyros Gray. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. 156. SPONDYLIDAE. 143. Spondylus cruentus Lischke. 156. Each 75c. PECTENIDAE. Pecten laetus Gould. Var. A Crimson to orange (col. var.) B Royal purple varying to brown. C Pure dead white. Each 15c, suits of 6 for 50c. Pecton yessoensis Jay. Each 50c. Amusium japonicum Gmel. Each 20 to 60c. Vola laqueata Sby. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. OSTRAEIDAE. Ostraea denselamellosa Lischke. Each 15 to 30c. Ostraea plicata Chem. Each 20c Ostraea cucullata Born. 6 vars. Suits of 6 75c. PTERIDAE (Aviculidae). Meleagrina martensii Dkr. Each 50c to $1.00. Meleagrina japonica Dkr. Each 50c. Meleagrina japonica, Pearls from. Each 50c to $1.00. PINNIDAE. Pinna japonica Hanley. Mature $1.25, young 25c. ARCIDAE. Area kraussii Phil. Each 25c, 3 for 50c. Area (Barbatia) obtusa Rve. (A. obli- quata Rve. A. decurvata Lischke). Each 50c. Area (Anomalocardia), pulchella Dkr. Each 25c. Area (Scapharca) satowi Dkr. (A. setosa). Each 25c, 3 for 50c. Area compacta Rve. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. Pectunculus albolineatus Lischke. Each 25c, 2 for 40c. LEDIDAE. Leda confusa Hanley (5 only). Each 25c. BRACHIOPODA. Terebratulina crossii Davidson (poor) Each $1.00. Laqueus rubellus Sby. Each 15c, 3 for 30c. LINGULIDAE. Lingula anatina Brug. Each 10 to 15c. HELICIDAE. Helix (Eulota) similaris, var. stimp- soni Pfr. Each 25c, 3 for 50c. Helix sieboldiana Pfr. Each 25c. Helix (Euhadra) luhuana Sby. var. nimbosa Crosse in 5 varieties. Each 10 to 20c, suit of 10 shells, 50c. Helix (Euhadra) luhuana var. eoa Crosse. Each 25c. Helix (Euhadra) luhuana var. brandti Kob. Each 25c. Helix (Euhadra) luhuana var. nip- ponesis Kob. (H. peliomphala Pfr.) both plain and banded vars. Each 10 to 25c, suits of 4 35c. Helix (Euhadra) luhuana var. Ama- liae Kob. Each 50c. LIST OF DUPLICATES OF SHELLS 156. Helix (Euhadra) quaesita Desh. Each 10 to 25c, suit for 50c. 156. Helix (Euhadra) quaesita var. perryi Jay. Each 50c. PUPIDAE. 157. Clausilia (Phaedusa) eurystoma Mart. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 157. Clausilia (Hemiphaedusa), platyau- chen. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. (Other species of Clausilia yet undetermined.) SUCCINIDAE. 158. Succinea lauta Gld. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. AURICULIDAE. 158. Melampus luteus Q. & G. 10 for 25c. LJMNAEIDAE. 158. Limnaea japonica Jay. Each 5c, 8 for 25c, 158. Limnaea goodwinii Smith (L. pervia) Each 6c, 6 for 25c. 158. Planorbis spirillus Gld. Each 6c, 6 for 25c. OPERCULATA. 158. Pupinella rufa Sby. Each lOc. VIVIPARIDAE (Paludina). 158. Vivipara stelmaphora Bgt. var. mal- leata Rve. Each 15c. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 158. 159. 159. 159. 159. 159. 186. 186. 186. 186. 186. 186. Vivipara sclateri Ffld. Each 15c. Vivipara japonica Mart. Each 15c. Vivipara ingallsiana Rve. EaOh 20c. MELANIDAE. Melania japonica Rve. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. Melania libertina Gld. Each lOc, 5 for 35c. Melania libertina var. ambidextra Mart. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. Melania libertina var. tenuisulcata Dkr. Each 5c, 10 for 25e. Melania lobbeckei Brot. Each 15c, 2 for 25c. CYRENIDAE. Corbicula orientalis Desh. Each 20c. Corbicula japonica Prime. Each 15c, 3 for 30c. Corbicula straminea Reinh. Each lOc, 4 for 30c. Corbicula martensii Cless. (C. yoko- hamensis). Each lOc, 4 for 25c, Corbicula fluminea Miill; (C. fuscata S. H. W.) Each lOc, 4 for 25c. UNIONIDAE. Unio japanensis Lea. Each 15 to 25c. Unio nipponensis Mart. Each 15 to 25c. Dipsas plicatus Sol. Each 15 to 40c. Dipsas reinianus Mart. Each 50c. Anodonta cellensis Schrot. Each 10 to 25c. Anodonta japonica Mart. Each 15 to 25c. Anodonta Woodiana Lea. Each 25 to 35c. CIRRIPEDIA. List Copied from page 19 of my First List of Japanese Mollusca. Scalpellum Stearnsii Pilsbry (see plate I, fig. 1, old catalogue). Each $1.00 to $1.50. Balanus amphitrite Darwin. Each 15 to 25c. Balanus tintinnabulum. Pollicipes mitella Lin. Tetraclita porosa Gmel. Each 15 to 25c. Each lOc. Each 15c. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIES OF SHELLS OF WHICH I HAVE DUPLICATES, ALL OF MY OWN PERSONAL COLLECTION. BAHAMAS. I spent the winter of 1887-8 at Nassau, the capital of Bahama Islands, and while there made an excursion covering several weeks to the various sponge fishing banks around Andros Island, and to other islands in the vicinity. I collected nearly 200 species, of which I yet have the following in sufficient number to offer them in exchange. AURICULIDAE. 9 xx Melampus sp.; loc. Mayport, Florida. Each 5c, 8 for 25c. 65 xx Melampus coffeus L. ; var. coni- formis Mft., loc. Andros, n. side. Each 5c, 8 for 25c. CASSIDIDAE. 110 x Cassis (s. s.) tuberosa, Lin.; well grown and finely marked. Each 75c to $1.50. HOB x Cassis flammea, Lin. ; fine. Each 75c. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. HOC x Cassis varians, Mke. ; fine. Each 60c. 166 x Cassis cameo Stimps. Each 50c. 82 x Cassis (Cassidea) testiculus, Lin.; Each 25c. NOTE. Large shells like these cannot be sent by mail. CERITHIIDAE. 28 xx Cerithium nigrescens, Mke. Each 5c, 10 for 15c. Cerithium atratum, Gmel. Each lOc. CHITONIDAE. 92 x Acanthopleura granulata Gmel. Each 15 to 20c. COLUMBELLIDAE. 163 xx Columbella mercatpria, Lin.; very fine color varieties. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. CYPRAEIDAE. 89 xx Cypraea (s. s.) exanthema, Lin.; various sizes; maculated and reticulated. Each 10 to 25c. Cypraea cinerea (worn). Each lOc. FASCIOLARIIDAE. 72 x Fasciolaria tulipa, L. ; various sizes. Each 25 to 60c. HELICIDAE. 111 xx Helix (Hemitrochus) varians, Mke.; very finely banded. Lot B the same in alcohol with the animal; Lot C, ditto faded; Lot D, ditto bleached. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. Helix (Plagioptycha) duclosiana Fer. Grantstown, Nassau. Each 25c, 2 for 30c. 112 x Helix (Thelidomus) provisoria, Pfr. (var.) Each lOc. LITTORINIDAE. 10 x Littorina (Melaraphe) scabra L.; var. lineata, Gmel. (var. an- gulifera Lam. (a variety of fine colors and with opercula.) Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 16 x Littorina (Melaraphe) ziczac, Chemn., with opercula. Each 6c, 6 for 25c. 17 xx Tectarius dilatatus, D'Orb. ; with opercula. Each 6c, 6 for 25c. 18 xx Tectarius muricatus, Lin.; with opercula. Each 6c, 6 for 25c. MARGINELLIDAE. 43 xx Marginella (Cryptospira) flavida, Redfield, beautiful shells, bright glossy yellow. Each 5c, 8 for 25c. 71 xx Marginella (Glabella) opalina, Stearns. Each 8c, 6 for 25c. Marginella apicina (dead). Each 5c. MURICIDAE. 12 xx Murex (Chicoreus) Salleanus A. Ad. (M. pudicolor, with oper- cula. Each 25c, 4 for 50c. 13. xx Purpura (s. s.) patula, Lin.; fine, with opercula. Each 10 to 20c. Purpura deltoidea, Lam. var. fasciata Rve. Each 15c. NATICIDAE. 44B xx Natica (s. s.) marochiensis, Gmel.; var. livida Phil.; in al- cohol, with animal and oper- cula. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 159 xx Natica (Mamma) porcellana, D'orb. Each lOc. Natica canrena L. NERITIDAE. Each 15c. 19 xx Nerita (Peloronta) peloronta, Lin. ; fine and large, with oper- cula. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. 20 xx Nerita Listeri Recluz; (var.) fine, with opercula. Each lOc. 21 xx Nerita (Peloronta) tessellata, Gmel.; with opercula. Each 5c, 6 for 25c. 21B xx Nerita (Peloronta) versic'olor, Lam.; with opercula. Each 5c, 8 for 25c. 39 xx Neritina Virginia L. ; very fine; requires many specimens to exhaust the varieties of markings. 25 for 25c. 158 xx Neritina pupa, Linn. ; a very beautiful shell. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. Neritina mertoniana (N. picta). Each 5c, 8 for 25c. OLIVIDAE. 7 x Oliva (Strephona) fusiformis, Lam.; only fair. Each lOc. 7B x Oliva (Strephona) fusiformis, a tessellate variety, Lam. Each 15c. 7D x Oliva (Strephona) fusiformis, Lam.; yellowish and white variety, fine. Each 15c. Oliva biplicata, Sowb. (these are from Alaska). Each 5c. Olivella oryza Lam. 50 for lOc. PUPIDAE. 23 x Strophia marmorata, Pfr. Each lOc, 3 for 25c. 26 Strophia glans, Kuster. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. STROMBIDAE. 86 x Strombus gigas, L.; with oper- cula. Each 50c. 86B x Strombus gigas, L. ; opercula only. Each lOc. 85 xx Strombus gigas; young; several stages of growth; quite unlike the adult shell and in good colors. Each 5c. 50 x Strombus costatus, Gmel. Each 75c. 84 xx Strombus bituberculatus, Lam. Each 25c. TEREBRIDAE. 35 x Terebra (Myurella) dislocata, Say; color varieties. Each lOc. TROCHIDAE. 22 xx Trochus (Livona) pica L.; with opercula various ages. VERMETIDAE. Each 10 to 25c. Vermetus spiratus Phil. Each 25c. Vermetus conicus Dillw. Each 35c. 10 LIST OF DUPLICATES OF SHELLS Each 25c. CARDIDAE. Laevicardium serratum. LUCINIDAE. 31 x Lucina Pennsylvanica, Lin. Each 15 to 20c. 6 xx Lucina (Codakia) tigrina, Desh.; several stages of growth, the inner lip and hinge being tinged either with pink, yellow or purple, forming- three color varieties. Each 20c, 2 for 30c. xx Perna Lin. 611 1 x xx AVICULIDAE. (Isognomon) TELLINIDAE. ephippium, Each 25c. Tellina laevigata, Lin. Each 20c. Asaphis sang"uinolaria; var. coc- cinea, Martyn. Each lOc. Asaphis sanguinolaria; yellow color variety. Each lOc. Asaphis sanguinolaria; purple color variety. Each lOc. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Cochlostyla daphnis Brod. Each 50c. Cochlostyla fulgetum Sby. (C. Pfeifferi Brod.) Cochlostyla woodiana (varieties) Lam. Each 75c. Cochlostyla intorta Sby. Each 75c. Cochlostyla palawanensis Fer. Each 75c. Cochlostyla roissyana Per. Each 25c. Cochlostyla lignaria Pfr. Each 60c. Cochlostyla pithogaster Fer. Each 50c. Helix (Camaena), palawanica Sh. Each 50c. Nanina (Rhysota) lamarckiana Lin. Each 25c. Nanina (Rhysota) lamarckiana var. caducior Rve. Each 30c. Nanina Mullerii Pfr. Each 25 to 50c. Helix (Obba) rota Brod. Each 25c. Helix- (Chloraea) amoena Pfr. Each 25c Helix (Chloraea) sirena Beck. Each 50c Bulimus romblonensis Pfr. Each 75c Oliva ispidula Due. (fine color var.) Each lOc Oliva ispidula var. Each 15c Oliva sanguinolenta Lam. Each lOc Oliva sanguinolenta var. elegans Lam. Each 15c Cyclophorus ling-uiferus Sowb. Cyclophorus tigrinus Gray (w Bulla (new species). Nassa (s. s.) arcularia Phil. Nassa (Arcularia) globosa Quoy. Each 40c. op.) Each 40c. Each 50c. Each lOc. Nassa (Hebra) gruneri Dkr. Nassa (Telasco) picta Dkr. Each 15c. Each 15c. Each 8c. CALIFORNIA AND ALASKA. Bulla nebulosa fine and large living. Each 25c. Cardium sp? Alaska. Each 25c. Haliolis cracherodii (polished). Each $1.50. Haliolis splendens (polishea). Each $1.50. Murex bicolor Val. Low. Cal. Each 25c. Natica Lewisii Oregon. Each 50c. Chorus Belcheri Cal. Each $1.00. Solecurtus Californiensis Conr. Cal. Each lOc. FLORIDA, ETC. Cardum magnum, Florida. Each 15c. Cerithidea scalariformis, Fla 10 for 25c. Helix (Polygyra) appressa (Savannah, Ga.) introduced. Each'lOc, 6 for 25c. Helix (Patula) strigosa, Utah. Each lOc, 4 for 25c. Nassa obsoleta, Fla. 10 for lOc. Litorina irrorata Say, Fla. 10 for 25c. Murex pomum, Fla. Each 25c. Modiola plicatula, Fla. Each 15c. Purpura haemastoma, Fla. Each 15c. Strombus pugilus, Fla. Each 20c. Venus (Mercenaria) listeri. Each 25c. Venus (Mercenaria) violacea, Fla. Each 15c. CHINA. Placuna spec.? polished odd valves. Each 25c. Eburna lutosa Lam. Hong- Kong-. Each lOc, 5 for 25c. SOUTH SEAS, ETC. Conus virgo polished, South Sea Islands. Each 40c. Littorina sp.? Ceylon. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. Ostraea sp? (or Chama sp?) specimens found floating on pumice stone, in In- dian Ocean, five years after the erup- v tion of Krakatoa. Murex ramosus Lin. large cleaned Ind. Ocean. Each $1.00. Umbonium vestiarium L. (elegans) Ceylon. Each 5c, 10 for 25c. Gibbula adansoni, Mediterranean. 10 for 15c. Murex brandaris, Algiers. Each 15c. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. 11 UNIONIDAE SPECIES. UNITED STATESVARIOUS LOCALITIES. UNIO. Alatus. Averelli Wright. Blandig-ianus Lin. Camel leopardus. Glans Lea. Incrassatus. Novaeboraci Lea. Plicatus Lea. Rubig-inosus Lea. Trapezoides Lea. Undulatus Bar. Ahenus Lea. Batavus (Europe). Buckleyi Lea. Ebenus Lea. Fuscatus Lea. Luteolus Lam. Nasutus Say. Purpuratus Lam. Savannahensis Lea, Ga. Trossulus Lea. Ventricosus Barnes. Each 15c. Each lOc. Each lOc. Each 15c. Each lOc. Each 15c. Each 20c. Each lOc. Each 20c. Each 15c. Each 15c. Each 20c. Each 5c. 'Each 25c. Each lOc. Each lOc. Each lOc. Each lOc. Each lOc. Each 20c. Each 15c. Each 20c. MARGARITANA. Rug-osa Bar. Each 15c. ANODONTA. Excentrica. Each 15c. Edentula, Lea. Each 15c. Grandis, Say. Each 20c. Opaca Lea. Each lOc. Subc'arinata Anth. Each 15c. Ferussaciana Lea. Each 25c. Ferrug-inea Lea. Each 15c. Leonensis Lea. Each 20c. Ovata var. subinflata. Each lOc. Subcylindrica Lea. Each 15c. NOTE. For duplicates of Loo Choo Islands Shells (pages 160 to 185 inclusive of the New Cata- logue of Japan Marine Mollusca) see Special Printed List, which is sent with this or on appli- cation, and which also includes a list of many duplicate shells from Hawaiian Islands, Samoa, and other localities in the South Seas. BARBADOES, BRITISH WEST INDIES. List of Duplicates of Shells from 175 Species personally collected there in Winter and Spring of 1896. Cassis flammea Lin. (very fine). Each $1.00. Cassis (Cassidea) testiculus Lin. (very fine). Each 25c. Planaxis pedicularis Lin. var. lineata, DaCost. Some large, pale, Some smaller, dark var. Fissurella (Cremides) barbadensis Gmel. Each lOc., 5 for 2oc. Fissurella (Cremides) barbadensis var. Each 12c., 3 for 30c. Fissurella (Glyphis) alternata Say. Each 8c., 5 for 25c. Fissurella (Glyphis) listeri Orb. Each 15c. Fissurella (Cremides) nodosa Born. Each 20c. Emarginula (Submarginula) octoradiata Ad. Eachl5c.,3for25c. Patella (Acmaea) cubensis Rve. Each lOc., 4 for 25c. Patella (Helcioniscus) punctulata Gmel. Each I0o., 4 for 25c. Patella (Helcioniscus) candeana Orb. Each 15c. Pileopsis (Capulus) intortus Lam. Each 20c. Hipponyx antiquatus Lin. Each 6c. Tectarius nodulosus Lain. Each f>c., 10 for 25c. Tectarius muricatus Lin. EachSc., 10 for 25c. Littorina (Melaraphe) ziczae Ch. var. lineata Orb. Each 5c., 10 for 25c Trivia pediculus Lin. Each 5c , 10 for 25c. Trivia suffusa Gray. Each 8c., 5 for 25c. Trivia quadripunctata Gray. Each 8c., 4 for 25c. Trivia nivea Gray. Each 15c. Ovula (Cyphoma) gibbosa Lin. Each 30c. Olivella jaspidea Each 5 c., 8 for 25c. Terebra (Hastula) cineria Born. var. Jama- ciensis C. B. Ad. (fine). Each lOc., 3 for 25c. Terebra (Subula) hastata Gmel. EachlOc., 4for25c. Terebra (Euryta) aciculata Lam. EachlOc., 3for25c. Columbella (Nitidella) nitida Lam. EachGc., 6for25c. Columbella (Nitidella) laevigata Lin. Each6c., 6for25c. Columbella (Pygmaea) mercatoria Lin. Some remarkably large and fine specimens; color var. Each lOc. ; ordinary form 15 for 25c. Pisania pusio L. (fair only). Pollia (Tritonidia) coroinandeliana Lin 6 for 25c. 10 for 25c. Each 25c. (only fair). Each 40c. Nerita (Peleronta) tessellata Gmel. 8 for 25c. Nerita (Peleronta) versicolor Gmel. LOO CHOO ISLAND SHELLS, The Loo Choo Islands (Lew Chew, Liu Kiu, or Riu Kiu) include the whole series extending in a northeast and southeast direction from Japan proper to the Island of Formosa. Within the northern group lies the intersection of 130 east longitude and 30 north latitude, and in the southern group that of 125 east longitude and 25 north latitude. At the present time they belong to the Jap- anese Empire. In the summer of 1891, I sent Morizo Seto, my Japanese collector, to those islands, where he remained collecting for nearly a year. The results of the trip were somewhat disappointing as to new species, inasmuch as the Loo Choo spe- cies belong more to the better known Indo-Pacific fauna than they do to the fauna of the Japanese seas. A detailed list of the 367 species found forms an appendix to the new and complete catalogue of Japanese marine shells published by me, 1894. In the following are those species of which I have sufficient duplicates to offer correspondents in exchange, or which are for sale for cash at the affixed prices each. Of quite a number on this list I have perhaps less than a dozen specimens each, and with these it will be, of course, first come, first served. Of the rest, specimens are more numerous Persons receiving this list and desiring to exchange, will send me a list of what they have to offer, which must be specimens in good condition, living shells, and preferably in all cases, such as have been collected by the person desiring to exchange. Postage or express charges to be paid by the sender, except for heavy and low-priced shells, or unless otherwise arranged for. As I am absent from home much of the time on long extended tours of travel, correspondence directed as per address below will be forwarded to me if absent, but at such times the delay in arranging exchanges will be considerable. , Address, FREDERICK STEARNS (Personal), 371 Lafayette Avenue, DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Murex (Chicoreus) brevifrons, Lam.; from Yaeyama Is.; various stages of growth. Nat. name, Yako-gai. 5 to 75 C - Purpura (Thalessa) hippocastaneum, Lin.; var. Sulcata; Desh.; Hirame Jima Is. Nat. name, Naga-bai. 150., 3 for 250. Purpura (.Thalessa) armigera, Chem.; Yaeya- ma Is. Nat. name, Konpeto-gai, meaning sweet-meat. 150., 3 for 250. Ricinula (s. s.) histrix, Lam ; Yaeyama Is. Two vars , one with pink aperture and one with darker. 30 to 400. Ricinula (s. s.) horrida, Lam.; Yaeyama Is. Nat. name, Ushi-no-guchi, momo. (.bull's mouth shell). Two vars., one with light pink aperture, the other with dark purple aperture. 250. TRITONID^E. Triton (Lampas) buffonia, Gml. var.; Yaeya- ma Is. soc. to $i. Triton (Lampas) lampas, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Typical (one lot) and one lot lighter colored aperture, full grown. 500. to $i. Triton (Simpulum) pilearis, Lin.; var. Yaeya- ma Is. 20 to 300. Triton (s. s.) tritonis, Lin.;=T. variegatus, Lin. ; Yaeyama Is. Very fine living shells, small, medium, and full grown. 500. to $2.50. LOO CHOO ISLAND SHELLS FUSID^E. Fussus (s. s.) distans, Lam.; a var. of F. incon- stans, Lischke ; Yaeyama Is. 50 to 750. Fusus (s. s.) inconstans, Lischke ; Yaeyama Is. Nat. name, Yonaki-momo (night-crying shell). 60 to 750. Fusus (s. s.) nicobaricus, Lam.; var. near F. laticostatus, Desh.; Hirame Is. 650. Fasciolaria filimentosa. Lam.; Itoma Jima Is. Nat. name, Yanaki-gai (night-crying shell). With and without opercula. 25 to 500. Fasciolaria trapezium, Lam.; Hirame Is. With and without opercula. 25 to 500 BUCCINIDJE. Siphonalia Kelletti, Forbes; Nago Is. $i. Siphonalia cassidariformis ; Rve.=S. ornata and S. conspersa, A. ad.; Yaeyama Is. 750. NASSID^E. Nassa (s. s.) hirta. Kiener ; var., Yaeyama Is. Dead shells, but good. 6 for 250. OLIVIDJE. Oliva (Porphyrea) irisans, Lam.; var. erythro- stoma, Lam. Tryon's Man. V Figs. 3, 53, 55. Hirame Jima Is. Native name, Naga- bai (long shell). Fine living shells. 15 to 250. Oliva (Porphyrea) musstellina, Lam.; Yaeya- ma Is. Fine living shells, slight color vari- ations, xoc. , 3 for 250. TURBINELLID^E. Turbinella (Vasum) ceramicum, Lin.; Hira- me Is. Nat. name, Naga-bai (long shell). SDC. Turbinella (Vasum) turbinellum, Lin.; Hira- me Jima Is. 500. MITRID^E. Mitra (s. s.) episcopalis, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Nat. name, Takenoko-kai (bamboo-sprout shell). Fine living shells, various stages growth. 20 to soc. Mitra (costellaria) exasperata,Gm. and Chem. ; Yaeyama Is. Fine living shells. 15 to 250. Mitra (cylindra) dactylus, Lin.; Kudaka Is. Nat. name, Hibi-bora. Fine living shells. 6oc. Mitra (s. s.) pontificalis, Lam.; Yaeyama Is. Fine living shells. 25 to 500. CASSID^E. Cassis (Bezoartica) glauca. Lam.; var. near C. Coronulata ; Sby.; except that it is continu- ously banded ; Nago Is. Fine living shells. $i. Cassis (Casmaria) vibex, Lin.=C. torquata Reeve ; Yaeyama Is. Living shells. 250. DOLIDJE. Dolium perdix, Lin.; Hirame Jima Is. Nat. name, Udsura-gai (quail shell). Live shells, 3^ in. by 2% in. 250. Dolium (Malea) pomum, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Young shells, i in. to i^ in. long. Nat. name, Ki-gai (interest shell). ioc. NATICIDJE. Natica(s. s.) Adamsiana, Dkr.; var.; Yaeya- ma Is. Larger and unlike in color the type Fig. 46, in Tryon's Manual. With and with- out opercula. Some only fair dead shells. 15 to 400. Natica (Mamma) aurantia. Lam.; light yellow variety. The callus and umbilicus like Fig. 40, Tryon's Manual. Size, 29 mm. x 22 mm., with opercula. A beautiful and distinct variety. 2 oc., 3 for 500. Natica (s. s.) chinensis, Lam.; Yaeyama Is. Mostly young. ioc., 3 for 250. Natica (Mamma) dubia, Reel., (var.); Kobas- hima. Very near Fig. 50, Tryon's Manual. Living shells, various growths, without opercula. 2 o to 250. Natica (Mamilla) melanostoma, Gml.; Yona- guni Is. Living shells, the largest 45 mm. x 33 mm. 10 to 150. Natica (s. s.) sagraiana ; D'Orb. (var.). Yae- yama. 25 c. TEREBRIDyE. Terebra (Subula) crenulata, Lin.; Kudaka Is.; fine living shells. Nat. name, Ono-tsuna, bora (big rope shell). 25 to 400. Terebra (Subula) dimidiata, Lam.; Kudaka Is.; fine living shells. 15 to 250. Terebra (Subula) maculata, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Nat. name, same as for the Mitras ; liv- ing shells ; different lengths. 20 to 250. Terebra (Subula) muscaria, Lam.; Hirame Jima Is.; fine living shells. Nat. name, Ushi no-tsuno, bora (bull's horn shell). 20 to 250. PYRAMIDELLID^E. Pyramidella (obeliscus) sulcata; A. Ad.=O monolis ; Ad.; Yaeyama Is ; live shells. 12 tO 2OC. CONID^E. Conus (tulipse) geographus, Lin.; a new and fine variety ; neither of the three figures in Tryon's Man. accurately represent this shell ; they are blotched more like Fig. 85, but not so dark, while the spire is higher than Fig. 84; length from 8 cm. to n cm.; living shells ; Kobashima. Nat. name, Naga-bai (long shell). 50 to 750. Conus (literati) literatus, Lin.; Kobashima. Living with epidermis ; largest, 13 cm. long. 25 to soc. Conus (literati) literatus, Lin.; var. Mille- punctatus, Lam.; living, mostly mature; largest, 82 mm long, with epidermis. 25 to $i. Conus (virgines) lividus, Hwass. Living, with epidermis ; the largest 54 mm. long ; Oshi- ma. 20 to 250. Conus (s. s.) marmoreus, Lin. Nat. name, Bpte-f uri, bora ; Ohonme Is. Living, me- dium and small ; largest, 6 cm. long. 10 to 300. Conus (Capitanei) miles, Lin.; Kobashima. Living, with epidermis. Largest, 7 cm. long. Nat. name, Imo-gai (sweet potato shell.) 20 to 4oc. Conus (figulini) quercinus, Hwass.; var. lighter yellow that the type, spire not quite so elevated. Living shells, 8 cm. and less. Nat. name, Hibi-bora ; Kudaka Is. 500. Conus (tulipae) striatus, Lin. Nat. name, Nagashi-nani. Mature and living. Yaeya- ma Is. 3 oc. Conus (texti) textile, Lin. Living, largest 10 cm. Kobashima. 25 to 750. Conus (Capitanei) vexillum, Gml. ; Itoma Jima Is. Living, with epidermis. The largest 5% in. long. 25 to 75 c. STROMBIDJE. Strombus (monodactylus) aratum, Martyn ; Itoma Jima. Living. Nat. name, Asagi- kai. 5 oc. Strombus (monodactylus) auris-dianas, Lin.; var. guttatus, Martini; Itoma Jima. Liv- ing shells. 250. Strombus (s. s.) canarium, Lin.; Kobashima. Living shells, with several varietal mark- ings, ioc., 3 for 250. COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. Strombus (Euprotomus) lentigenosus, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Living. Nat. name, Ushi-no- momo (bull's nose shell). 18 to 300. Strombus (mondactylus) pacificus. Sw. A new and undescribed variety, with shorter spire than the type ; lip radiately ridged at posterior end only ; white between the ridges and the shell more ponderous. $i. Strombus (canarium) urceus, Lin.; var. San- atellus, Duel. Nat. name, Hibi bora. Ku- daka Is. Living shells. 500. Pterocera (s. s.) bryonia, Gml.; Katsuren Jima Is. Nat. name, Nanatsu-maimai (seven-horned shell); Japanese name is Kumo-gai (spider web shell). 750 to $1.25. Pterocera (s. s.) lambis, Lin.; Katsuren-Jima. Living shells, adult, medium and small ; one variety of which has brilliant dark chocolate cloudings on the back ; also a lot of young half grown, in which the last whorl with horns has not been developed. 25 to .SQC. Pterocera (s. s.) rugosa, Sby.; Katsuren-Jima. Living shells, adult and young ; in some the pink of the aperture is much darker than in others. 15 to 500. CYPRJEDIvE. Cypraea (aricia) annulus, Lin.; Kudaka. Fine living shells. ioc., 5 for 300. Cypraea (aricia) Arabica, Lin.; Kudaka. Fine living shells ; typical. 10 to 250. Cypraea (aricia) caput anguis, Phil.; Kudaka. Living. 250. Cypraea (aricia) caput serpentis, Lin.; Kuda- ka. Living shells, different markings. 6c., 10 for sec. Cypraea (s. s.) carneola, Lin.; Kudaka. Liv- ing. 10 to 250. Cypraea (luponia) errones, Lin.; Kudaka Living. 6 to 120. Cypraea (s. s.) Isabella, Lin.; Kudaka. Liv- ing. . 8 tO I2C. Cypraea (luponia) lynx, Lin.; Kudaka. Liv- ing. TO to i5C. Cypraea (aricia) moneta, Lin. Beautiful deep lemon variety ; living ; Kudaka. 5C., 10 for 400. Cypraea (aricia) moneta, Lin.; Fig. 40, Tryon's Man. Light yellow, 3 transverse dark bands. Fine live shells. Kudaka. 50., 10 for 4oc. Cypraea (aricia) mauritiana, Lin.; Kudaka. Mature, fine living shells, with 3 varietal markings. 25 to 500. Cypraea (s. s.) talpa, Lin.; Kudaka. Length, 72 mm. and smaller. Living. 15 to 300. Cypraea (luponia) tigris, Lin ; Itoma Jima. Nat. name, Hibi bora Jap. name, Neko-gai (cat shell). I obtained a number of fine living tiger cowries, which I have separated into no less than fifteen well marked color varie- ties. They vary from very light cream body color, sparsely blotched with brown- ish-black spots, to others which are clouded with velvety-brown, like precious tortoise shell. Among them are some of immature growth. The whole of this series is incom- parably finer in lustre and polish over those imported in bulk, which are generally much scratched and without lustre. 25 to soc. Cypraea (luponia) vitellus, Lin. Living, with varietal markings. Kudaka. ioc., 3 for 250. Oyula (s. s.) ovum, Lin.; Hirame Jima. Liv- ing. 4 oc CERITHID^E. Cerithium (s s.) echinatum, Lam.; var. muta- tum ; Sby.; Kudaka Is. Nat. name, Chiu- bora. Mature and living shells. 250. Cerithium (s. s.) nodulosum, Brug.; Kobashi- ma Is. Living shells. The largest species of the family. 250. Cerithium (s. s.) tuberculatum, Lin.; var.; Yaeyama Is. Mature and living. 2 oc. Cerithium (vertagus) vertagus, Lin.; Katsu- ren Jima Is. Nat. name, Shiro-ji tsu-tan- bora. One lot white var., Fig. 69, Tryon Man., and one lot chestnut-colored, Fig. 70 \ all fine and living shells. 15 to zoc. LITTORINIDyE. Littorina (s. s.) littoralis, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Living. i 5 c. Littorina (melarapha) ziczac, Chem.; var. Living. Yaeyama Is. 6 to ioc. Tectarius bullatus, Mart.; var. Yaeyama Is. With opercula, living shells, like Fig. 58, Tryon's Manual, except that this has a rather deep umbilicus. 150. NERITID^. Nerita (s. s.) albicilla, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Several color varieties, with opercula. ioc., 3 for 250. Nerita (odontostoma) picea, Reel.; Yaeyama Is. All living shells. 50., 10 for 3 oc. Nerita (odontostoma) polita, Lin.; Yaeyama Is Nat. name, Tsume-gai (nail shell). Fine living shells, with many color varieties, one the largest and most beautiful of the Neri- tas. 50., 10 for 25C. Nerita (Clithon) Sowerbyana, Reel. ; Yaeyama Is. Living, with opercula. 250. TURBINID^. Turbo (Senectus) argyrostomus, Lin.; Katsu- ren Jima Is.; var. without elevated vaulted scales on the livae. Live shells, with and without opercula, also another lot from Kudaka Is., similar but smaller, with and without opercula. 15 to 250. Turbo (battillus) cornutus, Gml.; Kudaka Is. One lot living shells, same as the type, some with opercula ; another lot, a variety with but one row of tubercles instead of two, as in the type, with opercula. 400. to $i. Turbo (Marmoristoma) coronatus, Gml.; var. granulatus, Gml ; Yaeyama Is. With oper- cula living ; two vars., one similar to the figure in Tryon's Manual, but most of them more nodulated. 15 to 250. Turbo (s. s.) marmoratus, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Very large, mature shells, with opercula. Nat. name, Yako-gai. 750. Turbo (s. s ) petholatus, Lin.; Yona-guni Is., which gives its native name to the shell ; color vars., with and without opercula; out- er lip slightly nicked. 25 to 500. TROCHID^E. Astralium (bolma) modestum, Rve.; Yae- yama Is. Nat. name, Ishi-ni-tsui (stone ad- hering shell) 75 c. Trochus (delphinula) laciniata, Lam.; Nago Is.; without opercula. Nat. name, Fusa- kabe, bora. Rare and full-grown living shells. 5 oc. to $i. Trochus (lamprostoma) maculatus, Lin.; var. without opercula; Ohon-me Is. Nat. name, Take-gira. 75 c. Trochus (s. s.) niloticus, Lin.; with opercula. Living shells; Kobashima Is. 5 oc. Trochus (lamprostoma) tubiferus, Kirner; Yona-guna Is. Live shells, without oper- cula. IOC. Umbonium (Rotella) gigantea, Less.; Yae- yama Is. Six color vars., C, D, E, F, H. as described in the first catalogue of Japanese shells, p. 77. Also a lot (K) not found hith- erto, pinkish, with brown blotches and clouds. ioc., 10 for 750. LOO CHOO ISLAND SHELLS Umbonium (Rotella) superbum, Gld.; Yae- yama Is.; color vars. ioc, 10 for 6oc. HALIOTID^E. Haliotis (teinotis) asinina, Lin.; Hirame Jima Is. Nat. name, Awabi This is one of the most curiously formed of this inter- esting genus. 250., 5 for goc. Haliotis gigantea, Chem.; Hirama Jima Is. 25 to soc. Haliotis (padolus) ovina, Chem ; Kobashima Is. 15 to 25 cts. PATELLID^. Patella nigro-squamata ; (var.) a large species; Yaeyama Is. Nat. name, Sennen-gai (may you live a thousand years shell). soc. BULLION. Bullaampula, Lin.; Yaeyama Is. Color vars only fair. 150. Bulla (atys) cylindrica, Helbling ; Yaeyama Is. Mostly living. Nat. name, Shira kai. ioc., 3 for 250. HELICID^E. Helix (Acusta) despecta, Gray; Yaeyama. Fine living shells in three shades of color 250., 5 for ysc. Helix (Plectotropis) elegantissima, Pfr.; Yae- yama. SQC. Helix (Plectotropis) Mackensii, Ad. Rve.; Yaeyama Living, in two color varieties 5 oc., 3 for $r. Helix (Aegista) oculus, Pfr.; Yaeyama. Liv- ing, differing stages of growth. 15 to 300. Helix (Aegista) vermis, Rve.; Yaeyama. Living slight differences in form, color, and age. 25 to soc. PUPIDJE. Clausilia (Stercophaedusa) valida, Pfr.; Loo Choo Is. soc. LIMN^EIDJE. Limnae Peryia, Marts ; var. Luchuensis ; Yae- yama. Living. ioc., 5 for 2sc. CYCLOSTOMID^. Cyclophorus (s. s.) turgidus, Pfr.; Yaeyama. With opercula, fine living shells in five color varieties. 2oc. MACTRID^E. Mactra (trigonella) veneriformis, Desh.; Yae- yama-. Living shells. 25 to 350. TELLINID^E. Tellina (tellinella) staurella, Lam. Nat. name, Luna-gai (beach-sand shell). Yae- yama. ioc., 3 for 2sc. VENERID^. Chione (Omphaloclathrum) puerpura, Lin.; Kobshima. Fine living shells. 300. Tapes (hemitapes) striata, Chem.; var. Loo Chooensis ; Yaeyama Is. 2 5 c. CARDID^E. Cardium (Serripes) muticum, Rve.; Yaeyama Is. Fine large living shells ; the interior of the valves are tinted a beautiful pinkish flesh color. 250. Cardium (hemicardium) cardissa, Lin. Fine living shells, from 7 cm. to 4 cm. Nat. name, Aoi gai. after the leaf of the Aoi plant, from which is formed the crest of the Tycoon. Hirame Jima. 25 to soc. TRIDACNID^E. Tridacna crocea, Lam.==T. scaffa, Meusch. Itoma Jima. Living, 3^ to 5 in. long. 25 to 500. Tridacna elongata, Lam.; Itoma Jima. Nat. name, Aji-gai, living 3 to 6 in. long. Also a variety smaller than the type, and more elongated and curved, 3 to 6 in. long. 25 to 500. Tridacna (hippopus) maculatus, Lam.; Itoma Jima. Living, 4 to 6% in. long. 25 to soc. Tridacna squamosa, Lam.; Itoma Jima. Liv- ing shells, 3^ to 4 in long. soc. AVICULID^. Meleagrina Martensi, Dkr.; Yaeyama. Liv- ing, 8, 10, 12 cm. diameter; some quite smooth, others lamellated. This species is fished for the pearls they contain, both in Loo Choo and in Japan. soc to $i. Malleus albus, Lam. In this the valves are straighter than in the other ; very fine, large, living shells. Yaeyama. 500 to $i. Malleus vulgaris, Lam. The hammer-headed oyster. In this species the valves are ser- pentine in their length ; fine, large, living shells. Yaeyama. soc to $i. Area (an^malocardia) subcrenata, Lisch.; Itoma-Jima. soc. HAWAIIAN AND SOUTH SEA SHELLS. The following is a list of Marine, F. W. and Land Shells, collected per- sonally in the Hawaiian Islands in 1892, and also a number of species purchased at the Islands from collections made in the South Seas and brought thereto by the Missionary Steamer, Morning Star. These Shells are for sale at the affixed prices, or they may be had in exchange for other desirable species not in my collection, particularly for such as have been personally collected by correspondents. Postage and other charges to be met by the sender unless otherwise arranged, except for heavy or low-priced shells. In making exchanges, the values placed upon such species by dealers is to be considered, rather than exchange of species for species, or shell for shell. I have also a printed list of Shells for exchange or sale, collected in Japan at two different visits. It may be had on application. A new and complete list of Japanese Marine Shells will be published by me in October, 1894, embodying my own collections, new to science, or not before reported from Japan, since Bunker's work in 1882, with critical notes by Prof. H. A. Pilsbry, and with illustrations of new species. Address FREDERICK STEARNS (Personal), 371 Lafayette Avenue, DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Nassa (Alectryon) hirta, Kiener ; Oahu. Fine living shells. ioc , 3 for 200. Purpura (tribulus) aperta, de Blainv.; Oahu. Living. 250. Ricinula tuberculata, de Blainv.; Diamond Head, Oahu. Fine living shells. 10 to 150. Ricinula (s. s) ricinus, Lin.; R. arichnoides; Diamond Head, Oahu. Partly living and partly beach worn. 10 to 150. Sistrum foveolatum, Pease; Pearl Living. Harbor. 50C. Mitra (strigatella) auriculoides, Rve.; Oahu. Fair but beach worn. 250. Conus (dendroconus) quercinus, Brug.; var. ; Pearl Harbor, Oahu. Fine living shells, various stages of growth, some with oper- cula and epidermis. 15 to soc. Strombus (canarium) maculatus, Nutt. Part from Waikiki beach, living ; others from Samoa, slight differences in form, part liv- ing and part dead shells. 150, 3 for 300. Cypraea (aricia) tessellata, Swains. A rare and beautiful species some very fine, oth- ers from fair to poor. Best $5 each, others 500 to $2. Cypraea (aricia) caput serpentis, Lin.; Dia- mond Head. Fine living shells. 8c., 10 for soc. Cypraea (luponia) helveola, Lin.; Kauai, Ha- waii. Fine living shells. sc., 10 for 400. Cypraea (aricia) mauritiana, Lin.; Oahu. Liv- ing shells. 25 to soc. Cypraea (aricia) moneta, Lin. A bright yel- low var. used by the Hawaiians for brace- lets and hat bands (leis). Living. 8c., 10 for 500. Melania (Plotia) Mauiensis, Lea; var. 8 to ioc. Melania (Melanoides) Newcombia, Lea. Liv- ing shells. Pearl Harbor. 8 to ioc. Littorina (Melaraphe) Newcombia, Rve ; Pearl Harbor. Living. ioc., 5 for 300. Littorina species, from black lava ; east of Diamond Head. ioc. Hipponyx antiquatus, Lin.; Waikiki Beach. Fair, beach worn shells. 50., 5 for 150. Nerita (Thelicostyla) morio, Sby. Surf beat lava rocks ; east of Diamond Head. Living. ioc., 5 for 300. Nerita (s. s.) picea, Reel. Surf beat lava ; east of Diamond head. Living shells. 50. Nerita (Peleronta) polita, Lin.; var. pliocha ; Kohala, Oahu. Very fine living shells, in twelve color varieties. 8c., 10 for 500. Neritina (Alinda) granosa, Sby.; Haulaii Is., of Kauai, Hawaii. Very fine and large, liv- ing, with opercula. Called by the natives, Pii-pii-ee, and used as food. 15 to soc. Neritina (neripteron) Tahitiensis, Less.; Wai- kiki Beach. Beach worn but fair. 10 to isc. Trochus (polydonta) Sandwichiensis, Sby. Nat. name, Oh-no-na ; Pearl Harbor. Liv- ing shells, with opercula. 15 to 250. Patella (Heliconiscus) exaratus, Nutt. Two varieties. Surf beat black lava ledge; three miles east of Diamond Head. Nat. name, Oh-pee-hee, used as food. ioc., 5 for 400. HAWAIIAN AND SOUTH SEA SHELLS. Trochomorpha (nigritella) contigua, Pease ; Nuuana Valley, Oahu. Living. 300. Tellina (Acropagia) rugosa, Con.; Honolulu harbor. Living shells. I also found this species semi-fossilized in a layer of the shore seven feet above tide water, Pearl Harbor ; these smaller than the living shells. ioc., 3 for 250. Mytilus (s. s) crebristriatus, Conr.; Pearl Harbor. Living. 50. Perna (Isognompn) costellatus, Conr.; reefs at Waikiki. Living. 150. Meleagrina nebulosa, Con. Semi-fossil, found common on the surface of an upraised island in Pearl Harbor ; half shells only ; none found living. Pecten (s. s ) superbus, Sby., Wiamea, Oahu. Half shells only ; a white variety, and one blotched with deep red. These are much used by the natives in making ornamental hat bands and wreaths (leis). 10 for 250. THE FOLLOWING SHELLS, whose hab- itat is the SOUTH SEAS, were purchased in HONOLULU, brought there by the Missionary steamer, the Morning Star: Nassa (tritea) reticulata, Lin.; South Seas Living. 50., 10 for 3oc. Oliva (Strephona) erythrostoma, Lam. Typ- ical ; fine living shells. Samoa. 20 to 250. Agaronia (olivancillaria) Gibbosa, Born.; Gilbert Is. 400, Olivella (epona) circicula, Gray; Samoa. Good. 250. Mitra (strigatella) limbifera, Lam.; South Seas. Only fair. . 150. Mitra (strigatella) litterata, Rve.; Samoa. Good. 15 to 250. Mitra (strigatella) paupercula, Lin.; Samoa Fine living shells. 20 to 250. Mitra (s. s.) pontificalis, Lam.; Samoa. Liv- ing. 20 tO 40C. Columbella(Engina) mendicaria, Anth. ; South Seas. Very fine living shells, best I ever saw. 6c., 10 for 400. Natica (s. s.) aurantia, Lam.; Gilbert Is. Fine living shells, no opercula 20 to 250. Natica Strangii, Rve.; Australia. Living shells, which have been pierced for use as a necklace. 15 to 300. Strombus (canarium) maculatus, Nutt. Fine living shells. Samoa. 15 to 250. Cypraea (aricia) caput serpentis ; var. caput anguis, Phil. Living shells from Samoa. 250. Cypraea (luponia) caurica, Lin.; Samoa. Fine living. 8 to 150. Cyprasa (luponia) helveola, Lin.; South Seas. Good. 8 to ioc. Cyprasa (aricia) intermedia, Gray; Samoa. Living. 250. Cypraea (luponia) lynx, Lin.; Samoa. 8 to isc. Cypraea (aricia) moneta, Lin.; South Seas. Bright yellow var. ioc., 10 for 500. Cyprasa (luponia) poraria, Lin.; Australia. 6 to ioc. Elenchus (Cantharidus) rutilus, A. Ad.; Aus- tralia. Living ; 2 vars. isc. Bankivia fasciata, Mke.; Australia. Var. mostly fair. 150. Partula Guamensis, Pfr.; Ponoe, Caroline Is. A brown species, much larger than the par- tulas of Tahiti. 250. Trochomorpha (nigritella) goniomphala, Pfr.; Ponape, Caroline Is. Magnificent speci- mens, soc. Helix (Hystricella) similaris, Per. ioc. Melampus fasciatus, Desh.: var. Ater. Mull.; Samoa. Several color varieties, many of them pierced for necklaces. 50., 10 for 400. Melampus luteus, Quoy; Samoa. 3 color va- rieties, some pierced by the natives for necklaces. 6c, 10 for 400. Truncatella semi-costata, Montruz; Tahiti. Forming a necklace over two feet long. IOC., JUST PUBLISHED. NEW CATALOGUE OP THE Marine Mollusks of Japan WITH DESCRIPTIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF NEW SPECIES AND NOTES ON OTHERS COLLECTED BY FREDERICK STEARNS. BY HENRY A. PILSBRY, Conservator Conchological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia. This catalogue grew from the research incidental to the identifica- tion of the mollusca procured by Frederick Stearns during two visits ) Japan A portion of the collection made in 1889-'90 having been submitted to Mr. Pilsbry for identification, it was found to contain a number of new and interesting species, some of which were described and figured in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia for 1891, and in The Nautilus. A much more extensive collection was secured by Mr. Stearns upon his second visit to Japan (1892), and it was found necessary to review so considerable an amount of conchological literature in its identifica- tion that it seemed desirable to collate all the references to Japanese mollusks subsequent to the date of Bunker's excellent work, Index MoUuscomm Marls Japonic!, as well as those not contained m that catalogue and, together with descriptions and figures of the new forms discovered bv Mr. Stearns, to publish a new catalogue of Japanese marine mollusca. The present volume contains about five hundred species more than Bunker's Index, although a considerable number of forms enumerated by him are herein considered synonyms or are re- iected from the Japanese list. Forty species and eight varieties be- lieved to be new, are described and illustrated, including some of which diagnoses have already appeared in The Nautilus, and the species of certain families, such as Patellidae, Fissurellidae, etc., are somewhat critically revised The work consists of three portions: A list of marine mollusks which have been stated to inhabit Japan from Yezzo to Kiushiu, with references to description or figures of most species, and enumeration of the special localities at which each species has been found by previous naturalists or by Mr. Stearns. This is followed by a eata- lo i o cf y THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY