GEOLOG LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEVONIAN PLATES MARYLAND ii GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEVONIAN PLATES SCIENCES UMAtf BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. DEVONIAN LOWER 270267 NOTE Plates I to XVI, illustrating the Geological and Paleontological Relations of the Lower Devonian, are bound with the text volume. The following plates illustrate the Systematic Paleontology of the Lower Devonian of Maryland. All drawings cited from New York formations, in the following descriptions of plates, are from the Paleontology of New York, and are after Hall or Hall and Clarke. Only in cases where Hall figured material from Maryland is acknowledgment made in the descriptions. PLATE XVII PAGE Figs. 1-4. HINDIA SPH^ROIDALIS Duncan 195 1. Exterior view. 2. Radial section of sponge. 3. Tangential section showing tubes. X 4. 4. Radial section showing spicules and tubes. X 4. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 5-9. STREPTELASMA STKICTUM Hall 198 5. 6. Lateral and posterior views of corallum. 7. Transverse section. New Scotland formation, New York. 8. Interior of calyx. 9. Transverse section of corallum. Helderberg formation, New Scotland member, Cherry Run. W. Va. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XVII CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XVIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. STREPTELASMA CUMBEELANDICA Swartz n. sp 199 1. Exterior of weathered corallum. 2. Longitudinal section of same individual. Helderberg formation, near Cumberland. Figs. 3-7. ZAPHRENTIS RCEMERI M. Edwards and Haime 200 3. Side view of corallum, questionably referred to this species. Oris- kany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. 4. Side view of corallum. 5. 6. Transverse sections of corallum. 7. Longitudinal section of corallum. New Scotland formation, New York. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XVIII CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XIX PAGE Figs. 1-4. ZAPHRENTIS KEYSERENSIS Swartz n. sp 201 1. Side view of type. 2, 3. Transverse sections. 4. Longitudinal section of a small individual. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Pigs. 5-9. CYATHOPHYLLUM CLARKI Swartz n. sp 201 5. Side view of type. 6. Interior of calyx of same. Martin Mountain, Allegany County. 7. Transverse section. X 2. Cumberland. 8. Longitudinal section. Martin Mountain, Allegany County. 9. Side view of corallum showing deep annular constrictions. Same locality. Helderberg formation, Keyser member. Figs. 10, 11. CYATHOPHYLLUM OHERNI Swartz n. sp 203 10. Side view of two individuals. The corallum on right side is in- complete. 11. Interior of calyx of one of preceding. Helderberg formation, Martin Mountain, Allegany County. Figs. 12-17. CYATHOPHYLLUM RADICULUM Rominger ? 202 12-14. Side views of three coralla. 15-17. Calices of same individuals. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cumberland. to MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XIX f 11 13 14 15 16 CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA 17 PLATE XX PAGE Figs. 1-4. CYATHOPHYLLUM INEQUALE (Hall) 205 1. Transverse section of coralla. 2, 3. Portions of same. X 2 and X 5. 4. Longitudinal section. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Flintstone. Figs. 5-9. CYATHOPHYLLUM SCHUCIIEBTI Swartz n. sp 203 5. Cluster of branching coralla. Devil's Backbone. 6. Single stem. Cash Valley, Lower Stromatopora bed. 7. Calyx. Same locality. 8. 9. Transverse and longitudinal sections. Devil's Backbone. Helderberg formation, Keyser member. n MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XX CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. CYATHOPHYLLUM MARYLANDICUM Swartz n. sp 204 1. Portion of a branch. Hyndman, Pennsylvania. 2. View of calyx. Cash Valley, Lower Stromatopora bed. Helderberg formation, Keyser member. Figs. 3-6. HEUOPHYLLTJM CF. COKNICULTJM Lesueur 206 3. 4. Side view and calyx. Martin Mountain, Allegany County. 5, 6. Small individual, questionably referred to this species. Cumber- land. Helderberg formation. Figs. 7-9. CYSTIPHYLLUM FASCICTJLATUM Swartz n. sp 207 7. Side view of several corallites. 8. Transverse section of same. 9. Transverse section of a single corallite. Helderberg formation, Cumberland. Figs. 10, 11. COLUMNARIA ? HELDERBERG I.E Swartz n. sp 207 10. Longitudinal section of type. 11. Longitudinal section of same. X 5. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Warrior Mountain, Allegany County. 12 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXI CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXII PAGE Fig. 1. FAVOSITES HELDERBERGI^E Hall 208 Corallum showing hemispherical form. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 2-7. FAVOSITES HELDERBERGI.E VAR. PR^CEDENS Schuchert 209 2. Corallum of lobate form. Keyser, W. Va. 3. Corallum of clavate form. Near Seymour, W. Va. 4. Corallum of dendroid form. Keyser, W. Va. 5, 6. Tangential and radial sections. X 2%. Lower Stromatopora bed, Devil's Backbone. 7. Corallum possessing yery small cells. Cash Valley. Helderberg formation, Keyser member. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXII CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXIII PA6E Figs. 1-4. FAVOSITES PYRIFORMIS Hall 211 1. Transverse section. X 1. 2. Same. X 2. 3. Longitudinal section. X 1. 4. Same. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cumberland. Figs. 5-7. FAVOSITES CONICUS Hall 212 5. 6. Side view and base of characteristic form. 7. Longitudinal section of several cells. X 2. Helderberg formation, Becraft member, cut of B. & O. R. R. through North Mountain, W. Va. Figs. 8, 9. FAVOSITES BASALTICUS Goldfuss 212 8. Portion of corallum. 9. Enlargement of several cells. X 2. Helderberg formation, Cumberland. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXIII CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. FAVOSITES FAVOSUS VAR. INTEGRITABULATUS Swartz n. var 214 1. Weathered corallum. 2. Longitudinal section of several cells. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Warrior Mountain, Allegany County. Figs. 3-6. FAVOSITES ? SCHRIVERI (Herzer) 214 3. 4. Upper and side views of enlarged base of corallum. 5, 6. Fragments of brandies. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, opposite Keyser, W. Va. 15 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXIV CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. STRIATOPORA BELLA Swartz n. sp 215 1. Portion of a corallum. 2. Branching corallum. X 2. Helderberg formation, New Scotland member, Cherry Run, W. Va. Fig. 3. STBIATOPORA sp 216 Fragment of a corallum. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Figs. 4-7. CLADOPOBA RECTILINEATA Simpson 216 4. Slab covered with numerous branches. Keyser, W. Va. 5. A branching corallum. Pinto. 6. Longitudinal and transverse sections. X 4. Four miles northeast of Cumberland. 7. Transverse sections. X 4. Same locality. Helderberg formation, Keyser member. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXV CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXVI PAGE Fig. 1. PiEURODicTYUM LENTICULARE (Hall) 218 Portion of a corallum. Helderberg formation, New Scotland member, near Cumberland. Figs. 2, 3. AULOPORA SCHOHARI.E Hall 219 2. Branching corallum attached to a brachiopod. 3. Several branches. X 3. Helderberg formation, Becraft member, Ernstville. Figs. 4, 5. AULOPORA SCHUCHERTI Swartz n. sp 219 4. View of type. 5. Enlargement of several branches. X 4. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 6, 7. CERATOPORA ? MARYLANDICA Swartz n. sp 220 6. Slab covered with numerous branches. 7. Transverse section of a single branch. X 5. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Fig. 8. HALYSITES CATENULATUS Linne 220 Corallum showing chain-like branching. Niagara formation, New York. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXVI CCELENTERATA ANTHOZOA PLATE XXVII PAGE Figs. 1-6. STROMATOPORA CONSTELLATA Hall 221 1, 2. Type A. Tangential and radial sections. X 10. Lower Stroma- topora bed, Devil's Backbone. 3. Type B. Tangential section. X 10. Keyser, W. Va. 4. Type B. Tangential section. X 10. Cash Valley. 5. 6. Type C. Tangential and radial sections. X 10. East bank of Potomac River opposite Pinto. Helderberg formation, Keyser member. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXVII ' ,. a <,. ' " > '' "' ' CCELENTERATA HYDROZOA PLATE XXVIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. STROMATOPORA CONSTELLATA Hall 221 Type C. Tangential and radial sections (thin sections). Showing very large and intricately branched astorhizae. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cumberland. Figs. 3, 4. SYRINGOSTROMA BARRETTI Girty 224 3. Section obliquely tangential. X 10. 4. Section obliquely radial. X 10. Branch of Cladopora rectilineata (Simpson) at edge. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cookerly, Stromato- pora bed. Figs. 5, 6. SYRINGOSTROMA CENTROTUM Girty 225 5. 6. Tangential and radial sections. X 10. Helderberg formation, base of Keyser member, Warrior Mountain, Allegany County. 19 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXVIII m " 5 6 CGELENTERATA HYDROZOA PLATE XXIX PAGE Fig. 1. STROMATOPORA CONSTELLATA Hall 221 Type A. Portion of a reef formed of this species. X %. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cumberland. 20 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXIX CCELENTERATA HYDROZOA PLATE XXX PAGE Fig. 1. STROMATOPORA CONSTELLATA Hall 221 Type C. View of surface showing mamelons and astorhizae. Helder- berg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone, Stromato- pora bed. Fig. 2. SYRIXGOSTROMA CENTRQTUM Girty 225 View of surface showing numerous small mamelons. Helder- berg formation, Keyser member, Warrior Mountain, Allegany County. 21 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXX CCELENTERATA HYDROZOA PLATE XXXI PAGK Figs. 1-5. CAMAROCRINUS STELLATUS Hall 227 1-3. Three transverse cuts through the same bulb; the letters indicate the same wall in the different sections; M, the medio-basal chamber. X %. 4. Another specimen cut through the center longitudinally; M, medio- basal chamber. X %. 5. A second bulb cut through the center longitudinally. X %. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXI ECHINODERMATA CYSTOIDEA PLATE XXXII PAGE Figs. 1-3. ANOMALOCYSTITES ? DISPARILIS Hall 228 1. Anteal or concave side, showing the deeply arched or crescentic form of base with the succeeding plates. 2. Posteal or convex side, showing the form and arrangement of plates. 3. Lateral view of the same specimen. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. Figs. 4-7. LEPOCRINITES GEBHARM Conrad 229 4. The anterior side, showing the pectinated rhombs at the base. 5. The posterior side, showing the ovarian aperture with the sur- rounding plates removed. 6. The left side of the same specimen. The prominence of the ovarian side over the opposite is well seen. 7. Base of column, showing slight evidences of rings. Coeymans formation, New York. Figs. 8, 9. LEPOCRINITES MANLIUS Schuchert 231 Two views of type. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 10, 11. TETRACYSTIS CHRYSALIS Schuchert 232 10. View showing upper left-hand pectinirhomb. X 2. 11. Same specimen from the antanal side. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 12-16. J^KELOCYSTIS HARTLEYI Schuchert 233 12. View of type; a large specimen. Anal opening to the right. X 2. 13. A smaller specimen with the anal opening to the left. X 2. 14. Camera-lucida drawing of the oral end to show the arrangement of the ambulacral plates, the ambulacralia (somewhat re- stored), brachiole attachments, and the plate with the madre- porite; the latter lies in the depression of the large plate on the left of the figure. X 2. 15. The anal pyramid; the positions of the bounding plates, 7, 8, 13, 14, are indicated. X 8. 16. Plates 14 and 15, with the discrete-pectinirhombs; the dichopores on plate 14 are deeply situated and do not show on the surface. X 8. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXII 12 ECHINODERMATA CYSTOIDEA PLATE XXXIII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. J^KELOCYSTTS PAPILLATUS Schuchert 234 1. Anal view. X 2. 2. Antanal view of the type; pectinirhomb 14-15 is faintly indicated on the left. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 3, 4. .LEKELOCYSTIS AVEIXANA Schuchert 235 3. View of type, with the anal opening to the left and pectinirhomb of plates 14-15 to the right. X 3. 4. Same specimen from above, showing the two small discrete-pectini- rhombs, the central madreporite, and the large anal opening. X 3. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 5-9. PSEUDOCRINITES GORDONI Schuchert 236 5. 6. Two views of type, a specimen somewhat larger than usual. 7. Another specimen. 8. A smaller but adult individual of the rounder variety. 9. An elongate individual, somewhat abnormal in having the ambu- lacra drawn over on the anal side more than is usual. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 10-12. PSEUDOCRINITES ABNORMALIS Schuchert 238 10. View of the sides having the abnormal position of the lower pectinirhomb. 11. Opposite side of the same specimen. 12. End view of same. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 13, 14. PSEUDOCRINITES STELLATUS Schuchert 239 Two side views of type. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 15-18. PSEUDOCRINITES CI.ARKI Schuchert 240 15-17. Three views of type, an average adult individual. 18. A very large specimen of this species. The plates around the pectinirhomb are somewhat broken. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. 24 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXIII 17 18 ECHINODERMATA CYSTOIDEA PLATE XXXIV PAGE Figs. 1, 2. PSEUDOCRINITES SUBQUADRATUS Schuchert 237 Two views of type. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Pigs. 3, 4. PSEUDOCRINITES ELQNGATUS Schuchert 241 Two views of the type. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Martin Mountain, Bedford County, Penna. Figs. 5-7. PSEUDOCRINITES PERDEWI Schuchert 5. Side view of a young specimen. X 2. 6, 7. Two views of type. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. 242 244 Figs. 8-10. TRIMEROCYSTIS PECULJAKIS Schuchert 8. View of type from anal side. 9, 10. Same specimen from side. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 11, 12. SPH^EROCYSTITES MULTIFASCIATUS Hall 245 11. A large specimen, from anal side; most of the sculpturing con- sists of the ambulacral branches. X 2. 12. The same individual from above. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 13, 14. SPH^ROCYSTITES GLOBULARIS Schuchert 247 The type seen from anal side and above. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXIV 12 ECHINODERMATA CYSTOIDEA PLATE XXXV PAGE Figs. 1-4. SPH^BOCYSTITES MUI/TIFASCIATUS Hall 245 1. The two circles of plates composing the anal pyramid; the numbers indicate the bounding thecal plates. About X 5. 2. Part of an ambulacrum, showing one row of ambulacral plates, the ambulacralia, and remnants of brachioles. About X 10. 3. An incomplete brachiole. About X 10. 4. Deltoid 23, with the madreporite and hydropore closed by its pyramid. About X 10. Figs. 5, 6. SPH^EROCYSTTTES GLOBUT..ARIS Schuchert 247 5. The anal pyramid and the bounding thecal plates indicated by numbers. About X 5. 6. 'Part of an ambulacrum, showing the ambulacral and ambulacralia plates, and the points of attachment for the brachioles. About X 5. Fig. 7. PSEUDOCRINITES STELLATUS Schuchert 239 Part of an ambulacrum, showing one row of ambulacral plates, the brachiole facets, and the ambulacralia with their intermediate large plates. About X 5. Figs. 8-10. PSEUDOCRINITES PERDEWI Schuchert 242 8. Deltoid 23, with the madreporite and the small hydropore; the double row of small plates and the ambulacralia. About X 5. 9. Portion of an ambulacrum in a young specimen. About X 5. 10. Same as fig. 9; seen from the side to show the high elevation of ambulacralia. About X 5. Figs. 11-13. PSEUDOCRINITES GORDONI Schuchert 236 11. Portion of an ambulacrum. About X 5. 12. A nearly complete brachiole. About X 5. 13. Deltoid 23 crowded into the ambulacral plates, showing the madre- porite and hydropore. About X 5. Fig. 14. PSEUDOCRINITES CLARKI Schuchert 240 Plate 13 on the left and the incomplete circle of 7 small plates bounding the anal pyramid of 7 pieces. About X 5. Figs. 15-16. LEPOCRINITES MANLIUS Schuchert 231 15. An ambulacrum near the oral opening. About X 5. 16. The two circles of pieces composing the anal pyramid. About X 5. M MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXV ECHINODERMATA CYSTOIDEA PLATE XXXVI PAGE Fig. 1. SPH^ROCYSTITES GLOBULARIS Schuchert 247 The entire stalk, terminating in the roots at one end, and at the other preserving a few of the thecal plates, seen from the interior. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Fig. 2. SPH^EROCYSTITES GLOBULARIS VAR. OVALIS Schuchert 248 Specimen seen from the side. X 2. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 3-7. THYSANOCRINUS ETJGENIUS Ohern, n. sp 249 3, 4. Side and inferior view of calyx. 5. Side view of calyx showing bases of arms. 6. Exterior view of an arm. 7. Interior view of bases of arms. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. Figs. 8, 9. TECHNOCRINUS STRIATUS (Hall) 250 8. Plate belonging to this species. 9. The basal plates anchylosed together with a small portion of the column attached, and also one first radial plate. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. (After Hall.) Figs. 10, 11. TECHNOCRINUS SCULPTUS Hall 250 Basal and lateral view of the lower part of the body. Oriskany forma- tion, Ridgely member, Cumberland. (After Hall.) MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXVI 11 10 i" ECHINODERMATA CYSTOIDEA CRINOIDEA PLATE XXXVII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. TECHNOCBINUS SPINULOSUS (Hall) 251 1. The body and bases of the arms with a portion of the column attached. 2. Diagram of the structure of the body to the base of the arms, as far as determined. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. (After Hall.) Figs. 3-5. TECHNOCRINUS ? LEPIDTJS Ohern n. sp 252 3. Inferior view of calyx. 4. Cast of interior of calyx. 5. Side view of interior of calyx. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, near Berkeley Springs, W. Va. 28 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXVII ECHINODERMATA CRINOIDEA PLATE XXXVIII Fig. 1. TECHNOCRINUS ? LEPIDUS Ohern n. sp Side view of calyx and lower part of arms. Ridgely member, near Hancock. Oriskany formation, PAGE . 252 Fig. 2. TECHNOCRINUS ANDREWS: (Hall) ' 251 Side view of calyx and base of arms. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Hancock. 2!J MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXVIII ECHINODERMATA CRINOIDEA PLATE XXXIX Fig. 1. TECHNOCRINUS ? LEPIDUS Ohern n. sp Nearly complete specimen showing calyx and arms, x %. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Berkeley Springs, W. Va. PAGE 252 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XXXIX ECHINODERMATA CRINOIDEA PLATE XL PAGE Figs. 1-3. CALCEOCRINUS MARYLANDICUS Ohern n. sp 253 Three views of calyx and base of arms. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, opposite Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 4, 5. HOMOCRINUS PROBOSCIDALIS Hall 255 4. View of calyx and base of arms. 5. Enlargement of same. X 2. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. (After Hall.) Fig. 6. HOMOCRINUS HARTLEY: Ohern n. sp 255 Side view of calyx. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumber- land. Figs. 7-12. EDRIOCRINUS SACCULIIS Hall 25G 7-9. Three views of calyx and arms. 10-12. Three views of calyx and arms of a larger specimen. Oriskany formation, Ridgely member, Cumberland. Figs. 13-15. EDRIOCRINUS POCILLIFORMIS Hall 257 13. Basal view of a large individual, the proportional length being greater than usual. 14. Lateral view of the same. 15. Interior of the same. New Scotland formation, New York. Fig. 16. CORNULITES CINGUL.ATUS Hall 258 Small specimen, enlarged. Helderberg formation, New York. 31 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XL 12 ECHINODERMATA CRINOIDEA PLATE XLI PAGE FigS. 1-5. FlSTULIPORELLA CUMULATA U. Sp 263 1. Side view of a zoarium, natural size. 2. Tangential section. X 20. 3. A portion of the same tangential section, X 40, showing the characters of the mature zone. 4. Several zooecia of the same section, X 40, from a less mature portion. 5. Vertical section, X 20, showing several layers of zoarium. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. FigS. 6-8. FlSTtTLIPORELLA QUINQUEDENTATA n. Sp 264 6. Tangential section, X 20, of the type specimen. 7. A zocecium of the same, X 50, showing the structure of the lunarium. 8. Vertical section of the type, X 20. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 9-12. CHILOTRYPA MICROPORA n. sp 268 9. Zoarium, natural size, with end view of same, showing sack-like form. 10. Tangential section, X 20, exhibiting the very small zocecia and the rather wide interzooecial spaces. 11. Vertical section, X 20, through portion of a zoarium illustrating the variation in diameter of the central tube. 12. A portion of the same vertical section, X 40, showing the more minute structure of the zooecia (zocec) and vesicles. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 13-17. CERAMOPORA ? IXCONDITA n. sp 260 13. A tangential section, X 12, passing through the mature zone where the zocecia and mesopores are most irregular in shape and arrangement. 14. A similar section, X 12, through an immature portion of the same zoarium. 15. A vertical section, X 12, through both zones of a thin incrusting zoarium in which diaphragms appear to be wanting. 16, 17. Vertical sections, X 12, showing the usual characters of the mature region. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLI 12 13 MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA r X\ PLATE XLII PAGE Figs. 1-4. STROMATOTRYPA GLOBULARIS n. sp 279 1, 2. Two vertical sections, X 10, one showing the usual features and the second illustrating the closing of a mesopore as the surface is approached. 3. A tangential section, X 20, with rounded zocecia and rather numer- ous acanthopores and mesopores. 4. A few zocecia, X 20, of a tangential section in which mesopores are few. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 5-9. CYPHOTRYPA CORRUGATA (Weller) 269 5. Tangential section, X 20, showing the simple polygonal zocecia. 6. 7. Several zocecia of the same section, X 50, illustrating the minute structure of the walls and acanthopores. 8. A vertical section through an immature and mature zone, X 20. 9. Surface of a zoarium, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Fig. 10. PTILODICTYA TENEIXA n. sp 288 Tangential section, X 20, illustrating the shape of the zocecia and showing also the inferior hemiseptum as a sharp transverse line in most of the zocecia. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Figs. 11-16. STENOPORA ? INCRUSTANS n. sp 275 11, 12. Tangential sections, X 20, showing slight variations in the wall structure. 13, 14. Several zocecia in thin sections, X 50, illustrating the structure of the acanthopores and the minute dotting of the walls. 15. Vertical section, X 20, through a single layer of zocecia. 16. Surface of a specimen, X 20. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY I I LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLII MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XLIII PAGE Figs. 1-4. LJOCLEMA SUBRAMOSUM n. sp 273 1. Vertical section, X 20. 2, 3. Tangential section, X 20, through the mature zone, and a small portion of the same, X 50, illustrating the structure of the walls and acanthopores. 4. A tangential section, X 20, through an early stage of the mature zone where the acanthopores are undeveloped and the zoo3cia are thin walled. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 5-8. ERIDOTRYPA PARVULIPORA n. sp 272 5. A tangential section, X 20. 6. A portion of another tangential section, X 20, in which the acantho- pores are more numerous. 7. Several zocecia of a thin section, X 50. 8. A vertical section, X 20. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 9-12. LJOCLEMA PULCHEIXUM, n. sp 274 9, 10. Tangential section, X 20, and a portion, X 35, passing through the mature zone. 11. A vertical section, X 20. 12. Surface of the type, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. Figs. 13-16. FiSTULiPORELLA MINIMA n. sp 265 13. Side view of a zoarium, natural size. 14. Tangential section, X 20. 15. A zooBcium of the same section, X 50. 16. A vertical section, X 20, through two layers of zocpcia. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLIII MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XL IV PAGE Figs. 1-3. CEBAMOPORA ? INCONDITA n. sp 260 1. View of a small zoarium, X 1.5, incrusting a Favosites. 2, 3. Surface of same, X 3 and X 9, respectively. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Fig. 4. CYPHOTBYPA COBBUGATA (Weller) 269 Side view of a hemispheric zoarium with the edge broken away, X 1.25. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Pinto. Fig. 5. LIOCLEMA SUBBAMOSUM n. sp 273 Fragment of a zoarium, X 1.5. Helderberg formation, Keyser mem- ber, Keyser, W. Va. Fig. 6. STENOPOBA ? INCBUSTANS n. sp 275 A zoarium, incrusting a specimen of Favosites, X 1.25. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 7-8. ERIDOTBYPA PABVULIPORA n. sp 272 7. Portion of small slab, X 1.25, showing several fragments of this species. 8. Surface of one of the specimens, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLIV MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XLV PACK Figs. 1, 2. BATOSTOMELLA INTERPOROSA n. sp 270 1. Vertical section, X 20, through the center of a branch. 2. Tangential section, X 20, showing the numerous acanthopores and mesopores. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone, Maryland. Figs. 3-6. DIPLOSTENOPORA SILURIANA (Weller) 277 3. Tangential section, X 20, cutting both mature and immature region. 4. Portion of mature region of the same section, X 35. 5. Vertical section, X 20, with a second layer of zooecia on the left. 6. One-half of the same, X 35, illustrating the wall structure and perforated diaphragms in more detail. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Fig. 7. SEMICOSCINITJM PLANUM n. sp 285 Transverse section of the type specimen, X 12, introduced to show the expanded carina. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Hyndman, Penna. FigS. 8-11. FlSTULIPOREIXA MARYLANDICA n. Sp 266 8. Portion of a rather narrow zoarium, natural size. 9. Tangential section, X 20, passing through a macula and adjoining zooecia. 10. Several zorecia of the same section, X 35, exhibiting granular structure of lunarium. 11. Vertical section, X 20, showing a portion of a solid branch. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 12-14. ORTHOPORA RHOMBIFERA Hall 286 12. Tangential section, X 20, illustrating quincuncial arrangement and rhomboidal shape of zooscia in an average example. 13. Tangential section of an old zoarium, X 30. 14. Vertical section, X 20. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Fig. 15. FENESTELLA (CYCLOPORINA) ALTIDORSATA n. sp 282 Transverse section, X 12, showing the carinated obverse and reverse sides and the ovicell-like structure on the sides of the carina. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. 36 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLV f 10 MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA 11 PLATE XL VI PAGE Fig. 1. RHOPALONARIA ATTENUATA Ulrich and Bassler 259 The excavations left by a portion of a colony upon an auloporoid, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Fig. 2. ASCODICTYON SILURIENSE Vine 260 Eight groups of vesicles, X 9, attached to a brachiopod. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. FigS. 3-7. FlSTULIPORELLA MAYNARDI n. Sp 266 3. A slightly oblique tangential section, X 20, illustrating the struc- ture of the outer ridge-like walls on one edge of the drawing and the usual zocecia and mesopores elsewhere. 4. Tangential section, X 20, through the outermost part of the zoarium. 5. Vertical section, X 20, through two layers of zooacia but not includ- ing the outer ridge-like wall in either layer. 6. Surface view of zooecia, X 9, with crested walls and overarching lunaria well developed. 7. View of another portion of the same specimen, X 9, in which the ridge-like outer wall is shown only in one corner. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 8-9. STROMATOTRYPA GLOBULARIS n. sp 279 8. Side view of a zoarium, natural size, showing a portion of the wrinkled base. 9. Surface of zoarium, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Keyser, W. Va. 37 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLVI MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XLVII PAGE Figs. 1, 2. FENESTEIXA CUMBERLANDICA n. sp 280 1. Obverse face, X 5. 2. Reverse face, X 5. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Fig. 3. POLYPORA DICTYOTA n. sp 283 Reverse face of the type specimen, X 5. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Figs. 4-6. THAMNISCUS KEGULARIS n. sp 286 4, 6. Celluliferous and non-celluliferous face respectively of the two type specimens, X 1.5. 6. Enlargement of a portion of fig. 4, X 5. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLVII MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XLVIII PAGE Figs. 1-3. DIPLOSTENOPORA siLURiANA (Weller) 277 1. An incomplete zoarium of average size, X 1.5, with low monticules. 2. A more robust incomplete, smooth zoarium, X 1.5. 3. Surface of specimen shown in fig. 1, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Fig. 4. FlSTULIPORELLA MARYLANDICA n. Sp 266 Surface of a zoarium, X 6, exhibiting the well-marked solid maculae. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Fig. 5. BATOSTOMELLA INTERPOROSA n. sp 270 One of the type specimens, X 5. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Fig. 6. ORTHOPORA RHOMBIFERA Hall 286 Surface of a slab, X 5, showing numerous fragments of this species. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Cash Valley. Figs. 7, 8. PTILODICTYA TENELLA n. sp 288 7. Incomplete specimen, X 5. 8. Surface of same, X 9. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLVIII MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE XLIX PAGE Figs. 1-3. FENESTELLA (CYCLOPORINA) ALTIDORSATA n. sp 282 1. An incomplete, well-preserved frond, X 1.5. 2. Surface of a slab, X 2, with specimens showing both obverse and reverse sides. 3. A third specimen, X 5, exhibiting the celluliferous face. Helderberg formation, Keyser member, Devil's Backbone. Fig. 4. SEMICOSCINIUM PLAXUM n. sp 285 Portion of the non-celluliferous face of the type specimen, x 5. Helder- berg formation, Keyser member, Hyndman, Penna. 40 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE XLIX MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE L PAGE Figs. 1-4. MONOTRYPA TABTJLATA (Hall) 278 1. Vertical fracture of a zoarium, natural size, showing corrugated zooecial walls. 2. A portion of the same enlarged. 3-4. Vertical and tangential sections, X 6. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 5-8. CALLOTKYPA STRIATA (Hall and Simpson) 271 5. A fragment of limestone with small examples of this species, natural size. 6, 7. A small fragment and a portion of the same enlarged. 8. A further enlargement (X 18), showing the arrangement of the zooacia and mesopores and the prominent spine, at the posterior end of the zooacium. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 9, 10. CALLOTRYPA MACROPORA (Hall) 271 A branching fragment and a portion of the same enlarged. New Scot- land formation, New York. Figs. 11, 12. ERIDOTRYPA CORTICOSA (Hall) 273 A fragment, natural size, and a portion of the same enlarged showing the thick walled zocecia. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 13-15. CHILOTRYPA CONSTRICTA (Hall) 269 13. A small piece of limestone with fragments of this species. 14, 15. Two fragments enlarged, the first showing the regular arrange- ment of the zooecia and the second showing several maculae. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 16-18. ORTHOPORA OVATIPORA (Hall) 288 16, 17. A fragment, natural size, and an enlargement of the same. 18. Surface of a fragment, X 18. New Scotland formation, New York. 41 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE L MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE LI PAGE Figs. 1, 2. FISTULIPORA MACULOSA (Hall) 262 1. A complete zoarium, natural size, showing the characteristic maculae. 2. Surface of a zoarium magnified. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 3-5. SEMICOSCINIUM CORONIS (Hall) 285 3. A fragment, natural size. 4. An enlargement of the non-celluliferous face. 5. Celluliferous face enlarged, showing the characteristic, expanded carina. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 6-8. FENESTELLA PHJLIA Hall 281 6, 7. A fragment showing the non-celluliferous face, X 1, and an enlargement of the same. 8. Enlargement of the celluliferous side. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 9-11. POLYPORA COMPACTA ( Hall) 284 9. A fragment, natural size. 10, 11. Enlargements of the non-celluliferous and celluliferous faces of this species. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 12-14. STICTOPORA ? PAPILLOSA Hall 289 12. Fragments, natural size. 13-14. Surface of specimen, X 6 and X 18. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 15-17. ORTHOPORA REGULARIS (Hall) 287 15. A specimen showing a rectangular mode of branching, X 1. 16, 17. Surfaces of two specimens, X 6, showing variations in the thickness of the zocecial walls. New Scotland formation, New York. Fig. 18. ORTHOPORA RHOMBIFERA (Hall) 286 Enlargement of a specimen showing arrangement and form of the zofficial apertures. New Scotland formation, New York. 42 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE LI 11 10 MOLLUSCOIDEA BRYOZOA PLATE LI I PAGE Figs. 1, 2. CYPHOTRYPA CORRUGATA (Weller) 269 1. Vertical section, showing the characteristic crenulated walls and the distribution of diaphragms. X 20. 2. Tangential section illustrating the range in size of the macular and intermacular zorecia. X 20. Decker Ferry formation, New Jersey. Figs. 3, 4. DIPLOSTEXOPORA SILURIANA (Weller) 277 3. A vertical section illustrating the bifoliate method of growth and the characteristic perforated diaphragms. X 20. 4. Several zocecial tubes of the same section. X 35. Decker Ferry formation, New Jersey. Figs. 5-8. MONOTRYPA SPH.ERICA (Hall) 278 5. Side view of a zoarium, natural size. 6. A vertical fracture, natural size. 7. An enlargement of the celluliferous surface. 8. Vertical section illustrating the distribution of the diaphragms. X 4. New Scotland formation, New York. Figs. 9-11. FENESTELLA ? IDALIA Hall 281 9. A funnel-shaped frond, natural size. 10. An enlargement of the non-celluliferous face of the same. 11. An enlargement of another specimen with stouter branches. New Scotland formation, New York. 13 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOWER DEVONIAN, PLATE Lll Mm lit CONSTRICTA (Conrad) 620 7. Cast of interior of right valve. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Ithaca fauna, Woodmont, 710. 8,9. Sculpture casts of right and left valves. Hamilton formation, western New York. 10. Cast of left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Green Ridge. Figs. 11, 12. PAL^ONEILO FILOSA (Conrad) 623 Two right valves. X 2. Jennings formation, Chemung member, near Wills Creek Station, Penna. Fig. 13. PAI^EONEILO ANGUSTA Hall 624 Left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, 1 mile southeast of Sunnyside. FigS. 14, 15. PALyEONEILO CKASSA n. Sp 625 14. Cast of interior of right valve of type. 15. Dorsal view of internal cast. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 3584. Figs. 16, 17. LEDA CF. DIVERSA Hall 626 16. Cast of interior of left valve. X 2. Town Creek, 3760. 17. Cast of interior of left valve. X 2. Town Creek, 3870. Jennings formation, Chemung member. Fig. 18. MACRODON CHEMUNGENSIS Hall 627 Cast of interior of left valve. Jennings formation, near base of Park- head member, White Sulphur Branch, 4 miles southeast of Pratt. Figs. 19-21. PTERINEA NODOCOSTA n. sp 628 19. A large left valve showing the coarse nodose ribs and finer inter- vening ones. Oakland. 20, 21. Two rather imperfect and small left valves. Near Deer Park and Oakland. Jennings formation, Chemung member. Fig. 22. PTERINEA CHEMUNGENSIS (Conrad ) 629 22. A left valve of normal character. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, 7 miles west of Frostburg. 144 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXI o MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE LXII PAGE Figs. 1-3. LUNULICARDIUM ENCRiNiTUM Clarke 630 1. Left valve showing the finely lineate surface. X 3. Town Creek, Gilpin, Allegany County. 2. Same. X 2. Wolfe Mills, near Cumberland. 3. Same. X 3. Allegany County. Jennings formation, Genesee member. Fig. 4. LUNULICARDIUM CYMBULA n. sp G31 The single valve observed. X 5. Jennings formation, Genesee mem- ber, near Corriganville. Figs. 5-7. PTEROCH^NIA FRAGILIS (Hall) 632 5. Right valve showing the smooth concentrically lined surface and the sica. X 3. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Naples fauna, Town Creek, Gilpin. 6, 7. Right and left valves. X 3. Jennings formation, Genesee mem- ber, west of Corriganville. FigS. 8, 9. ECTENODESMA BIROSTRATUM Hall 633 8. Cast of interior of left valve. The wings of this specimen are broken. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Ithaca fauna, Little Orleans, Wagon Road, north of Western Maryland R. R. 9. Left valve. Chemung formation, New York. Figs. 10-12. LIOPTERIA BIGSBYI Hall 634 10, 11. Left and right valves. Hamilton or Ithaca, Schoharie, New York. 12. Left valve doubtfully referred to this species. Jennings forma- tion, Chemung member, National Road, Polish Mountain, 2714. Figs. 13, 14. LIOPTERIA MARYLAXDICA n. sp 635 Casts of interior of two left valves. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 2023. 145 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXII MOLLUSC A PELECYPODA PLATE LXIII PAGE Fig. 1. LIOPTERIA AURICULATA n. sp 636 Exterior of left valve. The anterior ear is made too large in drawing. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Ithaca fauna, National Road, east of Millstone, 795. Fig. 2. LIOPTEBIA sp. A small suberect left valve with short posterior wing and concen- trically lined surface. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Trout River, 2 miles south of Oakland. Fig. 3. LEPTODESMA ROGERSI Hall 636 Right and left valves. Ithaca beds, Norwich, N. Y. Figs. 4-8. LEPTODESMA LONGISPINUM Hall 637 4. Right valve. Chemung formation, New York. 5. Left valve with posterior spine restored. Near Oakland. 6. Left valve doubtfully referred to this species. National Road, 6 miles west of Frostburg. 7. 8. Right and left valves. Same locality. Jennings formation, Chemung member. Figs. 9, 10. LEPTODESMA AGASSIZI Hall 637 9. Left valve. 10. Right valve. Chemung formation, New York. Figs. 11-15. LEPTODESMA MEDON Hall 638 11. Small left valve. National Road, 7 miles west of Frostburg. 12, 13. Right valves. Allegany Grove, 2307. 14, 15. Left valves. Allegany Grove, about 2215. Jennings formation, Chemung member. Figs. 16, 17. LEPTODESMA NAVIFORME Hall 639 16. Exterior of large right valve showing faint radiating striae. 17. Exterior of right valve of somewhat different proportions. Jennings formation, near base of Parkhead member, Williams Road, 4 miles east of Cumberland. Figs. 18, 19. LEPTODESMA LICHAS Hall 640 18. Left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, 6 miles west of Frostburg. 19. Left valve. Chemung formation, New York. Fig. 20. LEPTODESMA ELONGATUM n. sp 640 Left valve. Jennings formation, near top of Chemung member, Keyser- Piedmont Road, 2% miles west of Keyser, W. Va. Fig. 21. GOSSELLETIA sp 641 Cast of interior left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain. 146 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXIII 18 10 11 21 MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE LXIV PAGE Fig. 1. ACTINOPTERIA CF. EPSILON Hall 642 A large left valve, showing radial lines. Ithaca beds, Ithaca, N. Y. Fig. 2. ACTINOPTERIA BOYDI (Conrad) 642 Left valve, outline restored. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Ithaca fauna, Woodmont, 1170. Figs. 3-5. SCHIZODUS CHEMUNGENSIS (Conrad) 644 3, 4. Casts of interior of right valve. 5. Cast of interior of left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 3453. Fig. 6. SCHIZODUS CHEMUNGENSIS VAK. QUADRANGULARIS Hall 645 Left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, near Deer Park. Figs. 7-14. SCHIZODUS OHERNI n. sp 646 7. Left valve. 8. Cast of interior of right valve of more circular shape than usual. 9, 10. Interior of left and right valves showing hinge. 11. Cast of interior of right valve. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, National Road, east of Millstone, 1781. 12, 13. Cast of interior of very large left valves. 14. Posterior view of cast of valve shown in fig. 13. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Sideling Hill Creek. Fig. 15. SCHIZODUS FROSTBURGENSIS n. sp 647 Cast of interior of left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member. National Road, 7 miles west of Frostburg. Figs. 16-18. SCHIZODUS TRIGONALIS n. sp 647 16-17. Casts of interiors of left valves. Chemung member, Town Creek, 2228. 18. Cast of interior of right valve, probably of this species. Parkhead member, National Road, east of Millstone, 1781. Jennings formation. 147 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXIV 17 MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE LXV PAGE Fig. 1. LYRIOPECTEN TRICOSTATUS (Vanuxem) 649 Left valve with characteristic surface markings. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Allegany County, near West Virginia line. Pig. 2. MODIOMORPHA SUBANGULATA Hall var 650 Right valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 2382. Fig. 3. GONIOPHORA HAMILTONENSIS Hall 651 Left valve. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Western Mary- land Railroad, 2 miles west of Pawpaw, 1485. Figs. 4-6. GONIOPHORA TRUNCATA Hall 651 4. Cast of interior of left valve. 5. Cast of interior of right valve. 6. Left valve. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1660. Fig. 7. GONIOPHORA GLAUCA Hall 652 Right valve. Jennings formation, base of Parkhead member, White Sulphur Branch, 4 miles southeast of Pratt. Figs. 8-10. CYPRICARDELLA BELLISTRIATA (Conrad) 653 8. Left valve. 9. Right valve. 10. Left valve. Hamilton formation, New York. Figs. 11-15. CYPRICARDELLA MARYLANDICA n. sp 654 11. Right valve. 12. Right valve somewhat distorted. 13. Internal cast of right valve. 14. Left valve of normal outline. 15. Right valve expressing the correct characters of the exterior. X 2. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Deer Park. Figs. 16-18. CYPRICARDELLA GREGARIA (Hall) 654 Internal casts of left valves. Jennings formation, Parkhead (?) mem- ber, National Road, west of Green Ridge. 148 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXV 10 "^^^ 13 MOLLUSC A PELECYPODA 15 PLATE LXVI PAGE Figs. 1-5. CYPRICABDELLA TENUISTRIATA (Hall) 656 1. Cast of interior of left valve. Sideling Hill Creek, 2y 2 miles above mouth, 1700. 2. Right valve. Two miles north of mouth of Town Creek, 1716. 3. Right valve, somewhat questionably referred to this species, upon which concentric striae of umbo are nearly obsolete. Two miles north of mouth of Town Creek, 1632. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. 4. Large left valve. Hamilton formation, New York. Figs. 6-12. CYPRICARDELLA NITIDULA n. sp 656 6. Left valve showing the well marked umbonal slope and strong concentric ridges. X 2. 7. Internal cast of left valve showing muscle scars and hinge. X 2. 8. Gutta-percha squeeze of hinge of left valve. X 2. 9, 10. Two left valves of an elongate finely lined shell, with posterior umbonal ridge close upon the margin. These shells resemble in outline C. tenuistriata Hall except for the position of the pos- terior ridge. 11. Gutta-percha squeeze showing interior of right valve. X 2. 12. The interior of a small left valve of the same species. Jennings formation, Chemung member, figs. 6-11 Deer Park, fig. 12 National Road, west of Frostburg. Fig. 13. CYPRICARDELLA CUMBERLAND!^ n. sp 657 Cast of interior left valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Allegany Grove. Figs. 14-20. CYPRICARDELLA CRASSA n. sp 657 14, 15. Left valves. 16. Cast of interior of right valve. 17. Cast of interior of left valve. 18. Right valve. 19. Interior of right valve. 20. Hinge of right valve enlarged X 2. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, east of Millstone, 2761. Fig. 21. CYPRICARDINIA ELEGANS n. sp 659 Left valve of type. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, 300 feet west of schoolhouse, Belle Grove. Figs. 22-24. CYPRICARDINIA ELEGANS VAR. ANGUSTA n. var 659 22. Cast of interior of left valve. 23. Dorsal view of internal cast. The valves are not equal in convexity as the figure seems to indicate. 24. Right valve. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 3584. Fig. 25. PARACYCLAS MARYLANDICA n. sp 660 Right valve of type. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 3870. 149 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXVI MOLLUSCA PELECYPODA PLATE LXVII PAGE Figs. 1-3. PLETJROTOMARIA (GYKOMA) CAPILLARIA Conrad 661 1. Ventral view of large individual. X 2. Hamilton formation, New York. 2. Dorsal view of small shell. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Sideling Hill Creek, 2% miles above mouth, 1700. 3. Exterior of portion of shell showing ornamentation and slit band. Associated with preceding. Fig. 4. HOBMATOMA BisTRiATA n. sp 663 Dorsal view of type. X 2. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Sideling Hill Creek, 2% miles above mouth, 1700. FigS. 5-8. ECTOMAHIA MARYLANDICA n. SP 663 5. Dorsal view of shell. X 2. The apical angle is too large in drawing. Western Maryland Railroad, 2 miles west of Pawpaw, 1597. 6. Dorsal view of shell. X 2. Sideling Hill Creek, 2y 2 miles above mouth, 1700. 7. Dorsal view of type specimen. Western Maryland Railroad, 2 miles west of Pawpaw, 1597. 8. Cast of exterior of shell. The apical angle is much too small, due to cast. Same locality. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Figs. 9-12. ECTOMARIA ECCLESI.E n. sp 664 9. A group of shells, natural size. Near Oakland. 10. Dorsal view. X 3. Deer Park. 11. Part of the spiral with the concentric striae obsolete. X 5. Near Oakland. 12. An enlargement of part of the spire showing the surface orna- mentation. X 5. Polish Mountain. Jennings formation, Chemung member. Figs. 13-16. BELLEROPHON NACTOIDES n. sp 665 13-15. Dorsal, ventral, and side views of cast of exterior. National Road, west of Tonoloway Ridge. 16. Enlargement of portion of surface. X 3. Same locality. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Ithaca fauna. Figs. 17-20. BELLEROPHON CLARKI n. sp 666 17-18. Dorsal and side view of type specimen. X 1%. Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1660. 19. Dorsal view. Western Maryland Railroad, 2 miles west of Paw- paw, 1597. 20. Enlargement of exterior showing ornamentation. Polish Moun- tain. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Figs. 21, 22. BUCANOPSIS M^RA (Conrad) 667 Dorsal and side view of shell. Chemung formation, New York. Figs. 23-25. STRAPAROIXUS MARYLANDICUS n. sp 668 23. Internal cast of type, dorsal view. 24. Lower surface of specimen illustrated in fig. 23, showing large umbilicus. Sideling Hill Creek, 2% miles above mouth, 1700. 25. Upper view of small shell. Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1661. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Fig. 26. PH^XEROTINUS LAXUS (Hall) 669 Internal cast. Parkhead member, Sideling Hill Creek, 2V 2 miles above mouth, 1700. Figs. 27-29. CYCLONEMA COXCIXNUM Hall 670 27. Dorsal view showing ornamentation. Chemung member, Town Creek, 2228. 28. Dorsal view of smaller specimen. Parkhead member, Western Maryland Railroad, 2 miles west of Pawpaw, 1597. 29. Internal cast. Parkhead member, Sideling Hill Creek, 2 l / 2 miles above mouth. Jennings formation. 150 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXVII 26 27 29 M OLLU SC A GASTROPODA 24 PLATE LXVIII PAGE Figs. 1-4. CYCLONEMINA CRENULISTRIATA n. sp 671 1. Dorsal view. 2. Portion of the surface of a shell enlarged. X 3. 3. Dorsal view of individual showing great thickness of the shell. 4. Dorsal view showing aperture. Type. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 2228. Fig. 5. CYCLONEMINA CKENUXJSTRIATA VAR. OBSOLESCENS n. var 672 Shell preserving portion of test, showing ornamentation. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 2228. Figs. 6-10. CYCLONEMINA MITLTISTRIATA n. sp 672 6. Dorsal view of type. Sideling Hill Creek, 2~y 2 miles above mouth, 1700. 7. Enlargement of a portion of the surface showing ornamentation. X 5. Same locality. 8. Dorsal view of a shell of slightly different proportions. Same locality. 9. Cast of interior. Same locality. 10. Internal cast of a very large shell. Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1600. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Figs. 11, 12. TURBO CORONOLA n. sp 673 11. Profile from a replica. The original cast of this is somewhat imperfect or distorted about the lower edge of the aperture. 12. A part of the exterior drawn from a gutta-percha squeeze. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, 6 miles west of Frostburg. Fig. 13. TROCHONEMA (GYRONEMA) LIRATUM (Hall) 674 Dorsal view. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, east of Hancock, 2223. Figs. 14, 15. MACROCHILINA PULCHELLA n. sp 675 14. Internal cast of the only specimen observed. X 5. 15. Exterior of the same. X 5. Jennings formation. Chemung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain. 151 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXVIII 15 12 MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA PLATE LXIX PAGE Figs. 1, 2. LOXONEMA HAMILTONI,E Hall 676 1. Dorsal view of a small specimen. X 2. Western Maryland Railroad, 2 miles west of Pawpaw, 1597. 2. Dorsal view of a larger individual of the usual proportions. Same locality, 1485. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Figs. 3-7. LOXONEMA TEREBRUM Hall 676 3. Dorsal view of a nearly complete example. National Road, 6 miles west of Frostburg. 4. Dorsal view of a small shell. Same locality. 5. A portion of the exterior. Same locality. 6. Part of an internal cast. Glade Run. 7. External and internal cast of a specimen. Same locality. Jennings formation, Chemung member. Figs. 8-10. LOXONEMA STYLIOLUM Hall 676 8. 9. Dorsal view of exteriors of shells upon which ornamentation is not preserved. 10. Internal cast of apical portion. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Town Creek, 2238. Figs. 11-14. LOXONEMA ( ?) GLABRUM n. sp 677 11. Internal cast. Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1660. 12. Dorsal view of exterior. Same locality. 13. Internal cast. Sideling Hill Creek, 2 l / 2 miles above mouth, 1700. 14. Dorsal view of exterior of a shell probably of this species. Wil- liams Road, Polish Mountain. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Figs. 15, 16. TRACHYODOMIA PRECURSOR (Clarke) 678 Ventral and dorsal views of shell. X 1%. This is a barite replacement of the fossil from the Portage formation, Naples beds, Honeoye Lake, New York. Figs. 17, 18. HOLOPEA ROWEI n. sp 679 17. Internal cast of a large specimen. 18. Dorsal view. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain. Figs. 19, 20. HOLOPEA MARYLANDICA n. sp 680 Dorsal views showing variations in form. Jennings formation, Che- mung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain. Fig. 21. HOLOPEA HUMILIS n. sp 680 Internal cast of type. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, 2 miles north of mouth of Town Creek, 1716. 152 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXIX 11 10 12 15 16 19 20 MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA 14 21 18 PLATE LXX PAGE Figs. 1-3. PLATYCERAS COMPKESSUM n. sp 683 Three views of type. Jennings formation, Chemung member, west of Green Ridge, near Pennsylvania line. Figs. 4-6. ORTHONYCHIA PROSSERI n. sp 681 Three views of internal cast. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, 6 miles west of Frostburg. Figs. 7-9. ORTHONYCHIA UNGUICTJLATA n. sp 682 Three views of type. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1660. Figs. 10, 11. ORTHONYCHIA sp 682 Enlargement of internal cast. X 2. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Sideling Hill Creek, 2 l / 2 miles above mouth, 1700. Figs. 12-16. PLATYCERAS MARYLANDICUM n. sp 683 12, 13. Two views of a small individual. Parkhead member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 1660. 14-16, Three views of type specimen. Chemung member, same locality, 2042. Jennings formation. Figs. 17-19. DIAPHOROSTOMA LINEATUM (Conrad) 684 17, 18. Two views of same shell. 19. Portion of surface enlarged X 7. Jennings formation, Chemung member, west of Green Ridge, near Pennsylvania line. Figs. 20-23. TENTACULITES DESCISSUS n. sp 686 20. A full grown example showing the subequal rings of early growth and the alternation in size in later stages. X 2. Green Ridge, Allegany County. 21. A small example. Western Maryland. 22. 23. Fragments of the apical parts of the tubes with only the sub- equal rings present. X 5. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Deer Park. Fig. 24. TENTACTTLITES SPICTJLUS Hall 687 Shell enlarged X 5. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Ithaca fauna, National Road, east of Millstone, 795. 153 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXX MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA PLATE LXXI PAGE Figs. 1-3. STYLIOLINA FISSURELLA (Hall) 685 1. Surface of fragment of shale covered with shells, natural size. 2. Fragment enlarged. X 3. 3. Single individual. X 6. Genesee formation, New York. Figs. 4-6. COLEOLUS TENUICIXTUS Hall 687 4. Cast of interior of shell of unusually large size. Maryland-Pennsyl- vania state line, east of Ragged Mountain. 5. 6. Apices of two specimens. X 6. One-half mile north of Pawpaw. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. Figs. 7-9. HYOLITHES ACLIS Hall 688 Three views of cast of interior. X 2. Jennings formation, Parkhead member, Sideling Hill Creek, 2 l / 2 miles above mouth, 1700. Fig. 10. PHARETREIXA TENEBROSA Hall 690 Specimen showing ornamentation. Genesee formation, New York. Fig. 11. BACTRITES ACICTJLUS (Hall) 692 A specimen showing the usual crushed and incomplete condition of the fossil. Jennings formation, Genesee member, Williams Road, near Cumberland. Figs. 12, 13. ORTHOCERAS FILOSUM Clarke 691 Specimens showing the surface characteristics. Jennings formation, Woodmont member, Naples fauna, Town Creek, Gilpin. Figs. 14, 15. ORTHOCERAS DEMUM Hall 691 14. Chamber of habitation. 15. A part of shell showing septa. Jennings formation, Chemung member, National Road, east of Hancock, 2223. Figs. 16-18. ORTHOCERAS CONSORTAI.E Hall 690 16. Cast of a portion of shell showing septa. 17. Portion of shell showing chamber of habitation. 18. Septum showing siphuncle. Jennings formation, Chemung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 2043. 154 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXXI 11 16 18 MOLLUSCA GASTROPODA AND CEPHALOPODA PLATE LXXII PAGE Figs. 1-3. MANTICOCERAS PATERSONI (Hall) 693 1. Shell upon which sutures are not preserved. Chemung member, Williams Road, Polish Mountain, 2042. 2. Transverse section of shell shown in fig. 1. 3. Smaller individual preserving suture lines. Portage formation, Naples fauna, New York. Figs. 4, 5. PROBELOCERAS LUTHERI Clarke 695 Two small specimens neither showing septa, tentatively referred to this species. Fig. 4X3; fig. 5 natural size. Jennings forma- tion, Genesee member, Wolfe Mill, Allegany County. Fig. 6. TORNOCERAS UNIANGULARE (Conrad) 696 A small flattened specimen showing the characteristic septal sutures. X 2. Jennings formation, Genesee member, Williams Road, Cumberland. Fig. 7. SANDBERGEROCERAS CHEMUNGENSIS (Vanuxem) 697 Part of a single volution. Jennings formation, near base of Parkhead member, White Sulphur Branch, 4 miles southeast of Pratt. Figs. 8, 9. PHACOPS RAX A (Green) 699 8. Glabella. Sideling Hill Creek, 2% miles above mouth, 1700. 9. Pygidium. Road leading northeast from Pratt, % mile west of 15-mile Creek. Jennings formation, Parkhead member. 155 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. UPPER DEVONIAN, PLATE LXXII MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA AND ARTHROPODA TRILOBITA PLATE LXXIII PAGE Figs. 1-3. GLYPTASPIS EASTMANI n. sp 700 1. Antero-ventro-lateral plate showing surface ornamentation. Jen- nings formation, base of Parkhead member, Horse Ridge, south- west of Hancock, 1600. 2. Right postero-ventro-lateral plate showing surface ornamentation. Jennings formation, Parkhead member (?), west of Green Ridge, near Pennsylvania line. 3. Fragment of an undetermined plate from the same locality as fig. 1. J53 MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY uVpE*R*bevortiA-N, "PLATE- tx'xm- VERTEBRATA PISCES RETURN EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY TO ^ 642-2997 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Books needed for class reserve are subject to immediate recall DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 I -'life ^^P