LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Cto IV. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. BY WILLIAM H. PICKERING. WITH SIXTEEN PLATES. PRESENTED FEBRUARY 9, 1906. RECEIVED APRIL 7, 1906. MOKUAWEOWEO AT NlGHT. Compare with Figure 18 taken at about the same date. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. THE lunar surface presents such a strong contrast to the more thickly populated portions of the Earth, that little resemblance between them can be traced. It has therefore naturally proved very difficult to explain the nature and origin of many of the features of our satellite. Even those of our volcanic regions which have been most extensively studied, show little analogy to the Moon. There are other regions, however, notably in the Hawaiian Islands, where an entirely different class of volcanic phenomena are exhibited. These it is now found bear a striking resemblance in some, respects to what we find upon our satellite. Although the Hawaiian craters are mostly extinct, or at present inactive, yet they are the only ones known of this type exhibit- ing any activity whatever. In view of these facts the writer determined to visit the Hawaiian Islands in the summer of 1905, and study their volcanic features with especial reference to those found upon the Moon. In Hawaii a considerable number of the craters are of the engulfment type, as distinguished from those of the explosive type, so well developed in southern Europe. In the latter class a high truncated cone is built up by mild eruptions of steam and cinders, sometimes alternating with lava. At long intervals violent explosions occur, which sometimes blow away a large portion of the summit, thus entirely changing the shape of the mountain. Such an explosion of steam occurred in Vesuvius at the time of the destruction of Pompeii, and a still more violent one in Krakatoa in 1883. Nothing whatever of this sort is found upon the Moon. In volcanoes of the engulfment type on the other hand, comparatively little steam is evolved, often there is no exterior cone, and the craters enlarge quietly by the crack- ing off and falling in of their walls. The Hawaiian structures, although similar to those of the Moon, are comparatively ' on a very small scale, and their dimensions must often be multiplied by a factor of from 100 in the case of the older craters, to 300 in the case of the more recent ones, in order to equal the dimensions of the similar formations found upon our satellite. This applies especially to horizontal distances, vertically a factor of from 20 more nearly represents the proper proportion. 152 PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. The force of gravitation at the surface of the Moon is but one- sixth as great as it is upon the Earth, and this difference is usually given as the cause of the great compara- tive size of the lunar formations. On the old theory that the lunar craters were due to explosions of steam, like our explosive volcanoes, it was evident that matter expelled from a crater vent could be thrown six times as far as upon the Earth. Although this theory is now practically abandoned, gravitation would still have an influence on the relative size, since a cliff or pinnacle upon the Moon could be six times the height of one upon the Earth, and yet exert no greater crushing force on the material beneath it. Still it is very evident that this explanation alone is inade- quate to account for the great difference in size actually observed. The facts seem to be that we are really trying to compare objects formed under entirely different conditions. The larger craters on the Moon came into existence when the thin, solid crust covering the molten interior was, owing to the solidifica- tion and contraction of the crust, much too small to contain the liquid material. The craters were therefore formed by the lava bursting through the crust, and so relieving the pressure. Later, after this relief had been found, and the crust had thickened, the interior regions by cooling shrank away from the solid shell which was now too large, and being insufficiently supported caved in, permitting the great fissure eruptions which produced the tnaria. These extensive outflows of lava dissolved the original solid shell wherever they came in contact with it much as they do at the present day in Hawaii. Had the Moon been much smaller, these extensive eruptions would not have attained such relatively great size, or might even not have occurred at all. On the other hand, had the Moon been larger, their relative size would have been greater, since the volume of the sphere would have been larger in proportion to its surface and would therefore have shrunk more in proportion. This was precisely what took place upon the Earth in all probability : our original gigantic craters were destroyed by the outflow of the earlier archaic rocks, which completely submerged and dissolved them. Our present Hawaiian craters must therefore be compared, not with the primary formations still left upon our Moon, but rather with the secondary ones formed later upon the surface of its maria. Of these Bessel, twelve miles in diameter, is a large and well known example. From this size down countless craterlets are known. Three craters are found upon the Earth measuring about fifteen miles in diameter. They occur in Kamchatka, in Japan, and in the Philippines, but are all of the explo- sive type, and therefore not comparable to those found on the Moon. It is possible PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. 153 that a large engulfment crater formerly existed upon Kauai, and another in southern Hawaii, near the coast, south of Mauna Loa, but the writer was unable to examine either of these regions during his recent visit. The latter crater must have been about five miles in diameter, the former perhaps much larger. The largest engulf- ment crater known is Crater Lake, Oregon, measuring five by six miles in diameter with a depth of about 3,000 feet. Next to it comes Haleakala in the Island of Maui, Hawaii, measuring seven miles in length by two in width. It is about 2,000 feet deep. The secondary craters found upon the lunar maria are so small that it is impos- sible to study their interiors to advantage; we shall therefore content ourselves with comparing the Hawaiian formations, as far as possible with the large pri- mary formations of the Moon, without regard to the great discrepancy in their relative size. On the Hawaiian Islands with the exception of the three groat craters of Haleakala, Mokuaweoweo, and Kilauea, few of the crater pits exceed half a mile in diameter, measured on their crater floors, or former free liquid lava surfaces, although there are probably several hundred pits over 200 feet in diameter. In addition to these are countless cinder cones, ^piracies, etc. On the Earth at present the cooling process always intervenes before great size is attained. Doubtless formerly the lava was hotter when it first issued from the interior than it is now, also the solid crust resting on the liquid mass was thinner, so that the channel communicating with the interior was shorter and of greater diameter, thus offering a freer passage to the liquid flow. Terrestrial craters may be divided into three classes, according to the materials of which they are composed. These are (a) tuff or tufa cones, which are made of hardened volcanic mud, (b) cinder cones, made of scoria, lapilli, or sand, that is, lava broken up into masses of varying size, by the action of steam, from stones several inches or even feet in diameter to fine powder, and (c) lava craters, where the lava occurs in unbroken masses. It is this third class, where less water is involved in the eruption, which most resembles what we find upon the Moon. Representatives of all three classes are to be found in Hawaii. Many volcanoes like Vesuvius eject both cinders and lava. The third class may again be divided into four subdivisions according to the of the craters, namely: lava cones, lava pits,^a rings, and lava bowls. sometimes of small size, the lava cones often emit vast volumes of lava, which t the form of broad streams may extend for many miles. The lava pits are by far the 154 PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. most numerous group, and most widely distributed throughout the islands. They have no outer slopes whatever, consisting simply of a pit sunk in the ground. Their walls are sometimes vertical, descending without talus to a flat floor ; sometimes the talus is present, and may cover the whole floor, leaving the bottom as a conical pit. Sometimes the walls are inclined, descending at a uniform slope to a flat floor. The slope in this case is usually steep, perhaps 45. The crater rings are the rarest type, and resemble the larger craters found upon the Moon. They have flat floors and sloping inner and outer walls. The crater bowls differ from them in that the bottom instead of presenting a well-defined flattened floor is concave, the curvature being continuous with that of the walls. They are identical in appearance with most of the smaller lunar craters. Section drawings illustrating these different forms will be found on p. 171, and will be described when the various types are reached. Photographs of many of them are also given at the end of this memoir. In addition to the craters, there are found numerous other interesting formations, such as lava caves, channels, cracks, spiracles, pinnacles, ridges, etc. A spiracle is literally a blow hole, but in this paper, for lack of a better name, I have used the word to indicate the solid formation surrounding the hole. In dealing with these various objects it has been thought best to describe each class by itself, stating where the best specimens of each may be seen. The visitor to Hawaii, on entering the harbor of Honolulu, is at once struck with two very conspicuous volcanic formations, known as Diamond Head and the Punch- bowl. Other smaller and less conspicuous craters, of the same general type, will be found in the immediate vicinity. The Punchbowl, , p. 171, reaches an altitude of 498 feet, and is situated within the city limits. The crater is but slightly concave, being filled nearly to the brim, and has a diameter of 2500 feet. The writer did not have an opportunity to examine it carefully, but as it was evidently similar to Diamond Head, 6, p. 171, which was larger, and apparently better preserved, this was not greatly regretted. From every direction Diamond Head, Figure 1, presents an appearance similar to a lunar crater. Its highest point reaches an altitude of only 761 feet above the sea, while the diameter of the crater rim measures 3200 by 3700 feet. An ascent of the rim on foot is easily made from a point on the road just beyond the terminus of the electric car line. The rim at this point has an altitude of 450 feet. In the interior of the crater, somewhat to one side of the centre, is located a shallow lake, sometimes dry, whose bed measures 220 feet below the rim where we crossed it. It is surrounded by a very dense growth of thorny shrubs. Within the crater was found 155 ocean PICKERING.- LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. a specimen containing a fossil shell, which was doubtless brought up from the bed by the erupted material when the crater was active. A branching system of cracks, none of them exceeding three inches in width, was found in one place. The inner slopes of the crater range from 20 to 45, the outer from 30 to 7eak or range of peaks so often found in the lunar craters, and is doubtless due to the same cause. See Tycho and Longomontanus, Figure 16. It is ten feet in height. Several of the spiracles forming it are open, and several are closed. There are a number of large cavities in the interior, in some of which were found some very slender lava stalactites. No lava flow had escaped from any of the craters, but two outbursts had occurred upon the side, and may be seen about half way down the slope, below the right-hand summit of the ridge. Figure 25 shows a much larger row of spiracles found on Hualalai. They measure about a thousand feet in height above their base. Midway between the two highest summits are two smaller ones. The left hand of these is known as the Bottomless Pit. The little cone measures one hundred feet in diameter at its base by sixty feet in height. A narrow tube a few yards in diameter opens at the summit, and it is said that it has been sounded for 1400 feet without reaching bottom. Whether this figure is correct or not, doubtless the tube is very deep, and no bottom is visible. These spiracles equal in height many of the central peaks found upon the Moon. Sometimes a row of small conical elevations, about equally spaced, occurs upon the Moon. Such a row is found in the eastern part of the floor of Wilhelm I, the large crater shown in the lower right-hand corner of Figure 16. The illustration is on too small a scale to show them to advantage, however. A row of still larger cones is found just outside and northeast of the crater. They seem like spiracles thrown up along the course of a steam crack. Sometimes the lava slabs pile up on one another in horizontal layers, as in Figure 26, and sometimes much more irregular blocks occur, without any apparent order. These form pinnacles with very steep sides and ends. Their origin seems to be due to recent flows of lava which have transported and piled up the fragments formed from the earlier flows, somewhat as the ice pack is transported by the winds and currents in the far north. This object was found in Kilauea. Another type of pinnacle consists of a single block of lava which may rise as high as sixty feet above the surrounding plain. The sides are often precipitous, and there PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. 171 n T SECTIONS OP CRATERS. 172 PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. is no summit crater. It is probably a solid block fallen from a neighboring cliff, that had been undermined by the liquid flow, and after floating awhile and being trans- ported, was now frozen in, in its present position. Such a block is shown in Figure 27. It is twenty-five feet in height, and was found upon the floor of Haleakala. A second one is shown in the distance. Similar objects are of frequent occurrence upon the various maria of the Moon. Doubtless they are often formed as above described, but in many instances it is evident that they have been left in their original positions, while the objects formerly surrounding them have been destroyed by the flood of molten lava. Innumerable pinnacles are found upon the Mare Imbrium. A num- ber of them are shown in Figure 28. The large crater in the photograph, near the left-hand edge, is Euler. Its diameter is nineteen miles. A curious feature in Hawaii is the very extensive series of caves that penetrate the lava, especially the flows from Manna Loa. Indeed, so many of them have been found that it has been suggested that they make up an appreciable part of the bulk of the mountain. A very accessible cave is situated a few miles above the town of Hilo. It is said to extend two miles up and two miles down the mountain from the entrance, which is a place where the roof happened to fall in, disclosing the cavity. The breadth of the cave is about thirty feet. Its height varies in the portion that we traversed from three to ten feet. Larger caves are found in other places, some- times, according to Button, being as much as sixty or eighty feet in height, and wide in proportion. Their origin is due to the fact that the surface of the lava hardens first, and that the lower portions meanwhile flow away, leaving the cavity. Small caves occur on the floors of Kilauea and Haleakala where, since the floors are level, the formation seems to be duetto the collecting of gases under sufficient pressure to hold back the lava until it has had time to solidify. Sometimes lava channels form without any roof. Some well marked channels and caves are found two or three miles north of Huehue on the Kona coast. A lava channel was noted not far from the summit of Hualalai, where the path crosses an open lava field. Another channel was found in Kilauea near Halemaumau. At first it was thought that these lava channels were analogous to the broad grooves found upon the Moon, of which the valleys of the Alps and of Rheita are the most conspicuous examples. The Valley of Rheita is shown in Figure 31. It is 190 miles long by 15 miles wide. Several parallel valleys similar to these are found to the southwest of Pallas, and a less well marked series to the southeast of Sinus Iridum. The great range of the Altai Mountains in the southwestern quadrant of the Moon seems to form one side of such a valley constructed upon a very large PICKERING.- LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PDYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. 1 73 scale. If so, the other side must have been destroyed by a subsequent melting leaving an unusually smooth, light-colored surface in its place. It was later concluded that these valleys were produced by a continuous faulting ong a line of volcanic weakness, and were therefore analogous to the craters where instead the faulting extends in all directions from a volcanic centre. The best Hawaiian representative of these grooved valleys is therefore probably the great crater of Haleakala (Figure 3), whose length measures seven miles and its breadth These are about the relative proportions found in many of the valleys south- west of Pallas, nor are their dimensions so very diflferent. The line of six small craters found in the bottom of Haleakala corresponds to the similar line of small craters found along the minute rill in the bottom of the Valley of the Alps. The fact that often one and sometimes both ends of the lunar valleys are closed by high walls, as is the case with Haleakala, strengthens the second explanation of their origin as opposed to the earlier one. Elongated craters forming an intermediate step between the ordinary craters and the grooved valleys are of frequent occurrence upon the Moon. The largest of these is Schiller, in the southeastern quadrant. A nameless one is shown in the lower left-hand corner of Figure 31, and another in the lower right-hand corner of Figure 29. Others are shown on the border of the mare in the same figure. The lunar rills may be divided into two classes, rills and crater rills. The rills proper are extremely numerous upon the Moon. About a thousand are already known. The Ariadaeus rill, shown in Figure 29, is the widest and most conspicuous of them. It measures three miles in breadth by a little over half a mile in depth, as determined by the shadows of the ridges that cross it in various places. Like all true rills its course is approximately straight, or made up of curves of long radius. In its bottom are several minute craterlets not shown in the photograph. Evidently like our dikes and mineral veins it has been partially filled from below. Other narrower rills, apparently bottomless, are found on the Moon. Two much smaller parallel rills with a north and south direction are found upon the mare to the left. One of these is faintly shown in the photograph. The general view that the rills are simply cracks in the lunar surface is undoubtedly correct. They occur most frequently in formations of the secondary period, that is in the dark surfaces, or if found in the primary formations, it is where the surface has apparently been softened and par- tially flattened out by the application of heat, as in the present instance. Rills are frequently found at the edges of the nutria and running parallel to them, as in Serenitatis and Humorum. 174 PICKEKING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. A large crack is found in Kilauea in precisely this position, Figure 30. It is from 6 to 8 feet wide and from 20 to 30 feet deep near the bridge. It is said to be about a mile in length. A crack 5 to 20 feet in breadth, and 40 to 200 in depth, by 16 miles in length is located southwest of the crater, and a similar one parallel to it is found near by. Several cinder cones occur upon these cracks much as crater pits do upon the Moon. The cracks themselves have been partly filled up, but one said to be 1500 feet in depth and 5 to 15 in width is situated not far from the Sixth Crater near Kilauea. Keanakakoi is a small crater one and a half miles southwest of Kilauea Iki. Its floor measures 500 feet in diameter and is 300 feet below the rim. It illustrates the craters having smooth floors upon the Moon. The lava surface itself is wonder- fully smooth, but a close inspection shows that it has a convex surface, rising from 10 to 15 feet higher at the centre than at the edges. In this respect it also resembles what we find upon the Moon. The surface is slightly undulating, the hillocks measuring perhaps two feet in height above the depressions, thus indicating compression of the floor. The surface is also everywhere seamed with cracks, from one to three inches in breadth, and running in all directions. This indicates subse- quent contraction. As often occurs upon the Moon, a crack was found running parallel to the edge of the floor, and not far from the walls. Seven prominent radial cracks were counted. The arrangement strikingly resembled that of the rills in Gassendi. A good map of this crater is given in "The Moon," by Neison, p. 337. In no place did the cracks exceed eight inches in breadth. Ferns are beginning to grow in these here and there. A very different type of crack is sometimes produced where the surface is forced open by a subterranean lava flow, and small craters and blow holes are formed along its length. Such a one is found at Huehue, due to an eruption on the slopes of Hualalai in 1801, Figure 33. A ridge 50 feet in height in some places, and carrying on its summit a crack 30 feet wide by 40 feet deep, and extending for perhaps a mile has been produced. It is very irregular in outline. Such a crack is represented upon the Moon in Figure 32. It is a good illustration of the crater rills so called, and is known as Bullialdus <. The straight portion measures 40 miles in length by perhaps one and a half in breadth. Its edges are elevated as in its Hawaiian representative, and are quite as irregular in outline in proportion to its size. The distinction between these two types of rills is not sharply drawn upon the Moon, and the same rill sometimes exhibits both types in different portions of its length, as is the case with three small rills located on the northeastern PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. 175 and southeastern flanks of Copernicus, within one diameter of the crater rim. A much larger and more conspicuous crater rill occurs one and a half diameters to the northwest of Copernicus. The craterlets in this case are so distinct, however that the rill-like character is not so well marked. Another type of depression that is found upon the Moon is known as a river-bed from its resemblance to its terrestrial analogue. Thirty-four of them have been catalogued. They have been so fully described else- where, Annals of the Harvard College Observatory, XXXII, 84, that it is unnecessary to more than refer to them here. The figure represents one of the larger ones. It is found on the slopes of Mt Hadley. Its length in a straight line is 50 miles, and its maximum breadth 2000 feet. It tapers uniformly from one end to the other. In Figure 6 a marking is found closely resembling one of these river- beds. It is situated due south of Kies and west of Mercator. Its true character can only be ascertained by visual observations made under excep- tionally favorable atmospheric conditions. A favorite argument of those who deny that water ever existed upon the Moon is the statement that if such were the case, signs of erosion would be found upon its surface. In the case of the Earth, where vast bodies of water are present, these signs are very pronounced in the eroded valleys of mountain regions, and the alluvial plains of the more open country. When we search the coarser detail upon the Moon no such signs are to be found. This makes it certain that large quantities of water could never have been found upon its surface, nor indeed should we expect such to be the case considering the small value of the force of gravitation existing there. If the Moon ever possessed any water at all, it must have been in comparatively small quantities, and we should accordingly look among its finer detail for any evidence of its former existence. Figure 34 represents Theophilus, a crater some 64 miles in diameter. The central peaks rise 5000 to 6000 feet above the crater floor, and are indented by numerous deep valleys, four being clearly shown in the photograph. It is believed that these valleys are due to erosion, and are analogous to those shown in Figure I This figure represents a mountain ridge just back of Honolulu, and was taken from another ridge called Tantalus. Similar valleys occur on the central peak of Erato thenes In the case of Copernicus they have cut so deeply that they have acti divided the central mass into three distinct mountains. The precipitation canno have come from a general atmospheric circulation, but more likely from steam 176 PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. expelled from the openings of the spiracles in the central peaks themselves. The valleys seem to be flat bottomed, which would imply the action of ice rather than water. Indeed, at the present time the central peaks of Theophilus are of a dazzling brilliancy as compared with their surroundings. This, it is believed, is due to ice. The floors of both Theophilus and Copernicus show ridges that may be lateral moraines. What we ordinarily speak of as the lunar day is twenty-nine and a half terrestrial days in length. From the standpoint of climate it may quite as properly be called the lunar year. In the latter case sunrise corresponds to spring, and sunset to autumn. The interval between them is very nearly fifteen of our days. Using the terms in this sense, we find that there are numerous spots scattered over the surface of the Moon which as the season progresses gradually darken. They reach their maximum development about or soon after midsummer, and from thence on slowly fade out and disappear with the approach of autumn. They are widely distributed over the surface, excepting near the poles, but develop most rapidly in the equatorial regions. It is believed that these variable dark spots are due to vegetation. One of them is seen in the northern part of Julius Caesar, the large crater just north of the Ariadseus rill, Figure 29. Others are found to the north and east of it. The summer temperature on the Moon is about that of our desert regions at midday. The winter temperature approaches absolute zero, but since grain and other seeds have been exposed without injury to the temperature of liquid air, it seems clear that even terrestrial vegetation can stand a range of temperature quite comparable to that found upon the Moon. The central area of Figure 35 represents the crater Eratosthenes taken at the time of full moon. On the photograph it measures an inch and a quarter in diameter, and is on a scale of g-^J-^^, or thirty-two miles to the inch. The central peaks are pure white, and cover an area about one quarter of an inch in diameter. Northeast and northwest of them are two dark spots upon the floor, and southeast of the peaks is a very dark area lying partly on the floor and partly on the inside wall. These spots go through various interesting changes in density as the season progresses, at times entirely disappearing. In one place a slow movement of progression at the rate of four feet per hour has been noted. Outside of the crater, large dark areas are seen, which do not, however, lend themselves so readily to measurement as do those within it. Two dark lines lead away from each of the spots at the base of the central peaks. These lines are believed to be analogous to the so-called canals of Mars. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. 17? Drawings of the Moon and planets show much finer detail than it is possible to >tam by any photographs. Figure 37 is a drawing of Eratosthenes made thirty- eight hours later in the lunation than the photograph. Few changes have taken place in the meantime, and the three dark areas within the crater can be readily recognized. It will be noticed that numerous fine canals not at all visible in the photograph appear in the drawing. A much more detailed account of this crater will be found in the Annals of Harvard College Observatory, LIII, 75. Since different observers sometimes represent the same detail by different methods of shading, and since to some eyes fine markings, like canals, appear of much less breadth than to others, it is very desirable where two drawings are to be compared, that they should both be, if possible, by the same observer. The sketch of Mars, Figure 38, was made by the writer when at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona. The similarity in appearance of the canals in these two figures, together with their varia- bility under similar conditions, leads one to believe that they are due to the same cause, namely, vegetation. During the summer of 1904 the writer was able to spend eight weeks at the Lowe Observatory in southern California. A considerable portion of his time was devoted to a study of Eratosthenes. The interior was found to be seamed by numerous fine cracks. Watching some of these cracks soon after the sun rose upon them, he was able to see them broaden out and change gradually into canals. It is his belief that the cracks gave out water vapor, which fertilized the vegetation along their sides and in their vicinity, and that it was the growth of this vegetation that produced the appearance of a canal. The canals of Mars are on a much larger scale than those of the Moon ; one of them indeed reaches the enormous length of 3500 miles. If they are produced naturally, the surface of the planet must be cracked in many places. It is generally thought that terrestrial volcanoes lie along subterranean cracks that do not reach the surface. The volcanoes of the great chain of the Andes lie along a straight crack reaching from southern Peru to Terra del Fuego, 2500 miles in length. The vol- canoes of the Aleutian Islands lie along a curved crack equally long. Since other shorter lines of volcanoes are very numerous upon the Earth, and since countless others existed in former times, the cracks in the Earth's crust must be exceed- ingly numerous. Every dike and mineral vein indeed bears witness to this fact. There is no reason why terrestrial cracks should not be as numerous as those upon the Moon. In the case of the Earth they have usually been closed, sometimes by liquid matter from below, and sometimes by surface denudation. There is one 178 PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES COMPARED. crack, however, which comes to the surface in various places in eastern Asia and western Africa, and stretching from the Dead Sea to Lake Nyassa, reaches the enormous length of 3500 miles. The longest known crack upon the Moon, that of Sirsalis, measures about 400 miles. It does not necessarily follow, however, even if both the Martian and lunar canals are due to vegetation, that the vegetation is watered in the same manner. There is certainly an atmospheric circulation upon Mars, giving rise to clouds, that might aid materially any subterranean forces. Annals of Harvard College Observa- tory, LIII, 155. Whether these forces could be directed intelligently by assumed intelligent inhabitants of the planet we do not know. The only argument in favor of the existence of such inhabitants is the artificial appearance of the canals. The four canals radiating from the little lake just above the centre of Figure 37 will appear to some minds quite as artificial in appearance as the four canals radiating from the elongated lake to the right of the centre of Figure 38. To the southeast and southwest of Kilauea lies a desert region crossed in places by steam cracks. One of the first questions that I asked my guide on reaching the Volcano House was if any of these cracks were still active. He assured me that such was the case, and the next day we visited some that were near Keanakakoi. The desert was found to be absolutely barren except for certain long, narrow strips of vegetation. These consisted chiefly of ferns, some bushes, and a few trees. It was found that they grew over the steam cracks, one of which is shown in Figure 39. This particular crack was a yard in width, over two yards in depth, and about thirty yards long. If the region could have been viewed from a slight elevation we should have found a system of canals crossing the desert, these canals being due to vege- tation, and differing in appearance from those found upon the Moon and Mars in no respect save size. REFERENCE INDEX TO DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. SECTIONAL DRAWINGS ON PAGE 171. Fig. a. 154, 169, 169. " 6. 154, 169, 169. c. 155, 169, 169. " d. 157, 158, 169, 169. e. 155, 169, 169. " /. 157, 169. " g. 164, 168, 169. " h. 164, 168, 169. Fig. i. 165, 169. " j. 167, 168, 169. " A;. 157, 165, 167, 168, 169. I 157, 168, 168, 169. m. 157, 168, 169. " n. 168,169. " o. 168, 169, 169. " p. 157, 168, 168, 169. PHOTOGRAPHS. Fig. 1. 154. 2. 155. 3. 155, 158, 165, 173. 4. 156, 158. 5. 156, 157, 167, 168. 6. 156, 164, 175. 7. 157. 8. 157, 166. 9. 158, 164. 10. 158, 158, 164. 11. 159, 159, 160, 165. 12. 160, 163, 167. 13. 160, 163. 14. 157, 160, 161. 15. 157, 164. 16. 161, 164, 167, 168, 170, 170. 17. 166. 18. 165. 19. 166, 166, 168. 20. 166, 166. Fig. 21. 166. 22. 167. 23. 170. 24. 170. 25. 170. " 26. 170. " 27. 172. 28. 172. 29. 157, 173, 173, 176. 30. 174. 31. 157, 172, 173. " 32. 161, 174. 33. 174. 34. 175. 35. 157, 176. 36. 175. 37. 177, 178. 38. 177, 178. 39. 178. MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. I. DIAMOND HEAD tf. I FIG. 2. CINDER CONES ON MAUNA KEA H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE I UNIVERSITY ) OF MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 3. INTERIOR OF HALEAKALA FIG. 4. MAUNA LOA \\ . H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 5. BULLIALDUS FIG 6. KIES AND MERCATOR FIG. 7. KAUHAKU MOLOKAI W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE UNIVERSITY ) OF MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 8. SIXTH CRATER NEAR KILAUEA FIG. 9. MOKUAWEOWEO. MAUNA LOA W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 10. KILAUEA FROM WALDRON S LEDGE FIG. I I. SLAG SECTION W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. & FIG. 12. LAVA LAKE IN KILAUEA r FIG. 13 LAVA LAKE IN KILAUEA \Y H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE VERSITY OF TOR^ FIG. 14. SCHICKARD. PHOCYLIDES FIG. I 5. SINUS IRIOUM 3fc^ N V ' /' ? ' ' FIG. 17. RIDGES. MARE SERENITATIS FIGURE 16 is INVERTED. vND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 18. MOKUAWEOWEO. MAUNA LOA FIG. 19. CRATERLETS KILAUEA IKI H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE "NIVERSITY OF MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 20. TOP OF CRATERUET. KIUAUEA IKI FIG. 21. CRATER PIT. KILAUEA w . H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES V" OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 22. PART OF CRATER BOWL. HUALALAI FIG. 23. SPIRACLES KILAUEA w H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG 24. SPIRACLES. KILAUEA FIG. 25. SPIRACLES. HUALALAI vv H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE MIVERSITY of MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 26. PINNACLE. KILAUEA FIG. 27. PINNACLE. HALEAKALA W H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. ^T\K^; ~>r- -ttvS FIG. 28. PINACLES. MARE IMBRIUM FIG. 29. ARIADAEUS RILL FIG. 30. CRACK. KILAUEA W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 31. VALLEY OF RHEITA FIG. 32. BULLIALDUS FIG. 33. CRACK. HUEHUE W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XIII. FIG. 34. THEOPHILUS FIG. 35. ERATOSTHENES FIG. 36. EROSION VALLEYS FROM TANTALUS. OAHU W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES MEMOIRS AMERICAN ACADEMY. VOL. XII. Pt FIG. 37. LUNAR CANALS FIG. 38. MARTIAN CANALS FIG. 39. TERRESTRIAL CANAL NEAR KILAUEA W. H. PICKERING. LUNAR AND HAWAIIAN PHYSICAL FEATURES WILL. BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUN 24 ib45 LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) 179098