KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LIST BY COUNTIES NEWSPAPERS PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN KANSAS MARCH 1, ISS-k COMPILED KY F. G. ADAMS, SECRETARY OF TIIK KANSAS STATK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TOPEKA, KANSAS: KANSAS PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1884. KANSAS NEWSPAPERS. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ) TOPEKA, KANSAS, March 1, 1884. J The following is a list of the newspapers and periodicals published -in Kansas at the present time. The regular issues of all of these, with two or three exceptions, are now being received by the Kansas State Historical So- ciety. They are the free gift of the publishers to the State. They are bound in annual or seini-annual volumes, and preserved in the library of the Soci- ety in the State Capitol for the free use of the public. They number 420 in all. Of these 21 are dailies, 3H8 weeklies, 1 semi-weekly, 24 monthlies, 1 semi-monthly, 1 tri-monthly, and 4 quarterlies. In this list those not other- wise described are weeklies : ALLEN COUNTY. The Humboldt Union, Republican; W. T. McElroy, publisher, Hum- boldt. The Inter-State, Democratic; H. D. Smith, editor, W. E. Smith, pub- lisher, H. D. Smith & Son, proprietors, Humboldt. The lola Register, Republican; Scott Bros. & Rohrer, publishers, (Chas. F. Scott, A. C. Scott, and E. E. Rohrer,) lola. Allen County Courant, Republican; H. A. Perkins, e'ditor, lola. ANDERSON COUNTY. Anderson County Republican, Republican; L. H. Gordon and H. M. Brooke, editors, Garnett. The Garnett Plaindealer, Republican ; Plaindealer Publishing Co., pub- lishers, D. W. Houston, editor, W. O. Champe, business manager, Garnett. Garnett Weekly Journal, Greenback ; Dr. Geo. W. Cooper, editor and proprietor, Garnett. TheGreeley News, Independent; C. H. McDermond, proprietor, Greeley. The Colony Free Press, Independent; J. J. Burke, editor and proprietor, Colony. ATCHISON COUNTY. The Atchison Champion, (daily and weekly,) Republican; John A. Mar. tin, editor and proprietor, Noble L. Prentis, associate editor, Atchison. The Atchison Patriot, (daily and weekly,) Democratic; H. Clay Park and A. F. Hardwicke, editors and proprietors, Atchison. The 'AtchMoiLGldbV^d'aHy^nd weekly,) Independent; Edgar W. Howe, editor and proprietor, Atchison. Western Mercury, literary; E. J. Van Deventer and Herman J. Rodman, proprietors, Herman J. Rodman, editor, Atchison. Kansas Staats-Anzeiger, (German,) Republican; John Hoenscheidt, ed- itor, Atchison. Sunday Morning Facts, literary; E. W. Beall, publisher, Atchison. Der Humorist, (German,) literary; L. Willstaedt, editor, Atchison. BARBER COUNTY. Medicine Lodge Cresset, Republican; T. A. M'Neal and L. M. Axline, editors, publishers, and proprietors, Medicine Lodge. The Barber County Index, Democratic; E. W. Payne, proprietor, Medi- cine Lodge. Hazelton Express, Republican (temperance) ; Rev. J. O. Hazelton, editor, Hazel ton & Widner, publishers, Hazelton. BARTON COUNTY. The Great Bend Register, Republican; E. L. Chapman, editor and pro- prietor, Great Bend. Inland Tribune, Republican ; C. P. Townsley, editor and proprietor, Great Bend. The Ellinwood Express, Republican; W. E. Carr, proprietor, Ellinwood. BOURBON COUNTY. Fort Scott Monitor, (daily and weekly,) Republican ; J. H. Rice & Sons, ( J. H., W. M., R. P. and H. V. Rice,) editor and proprietors, Fort Scott. The Evening Herald, (daily, and Herald and Record, weekly,) Republi- can; S. A. Day, editor and proprietor, Fort Scott. The Banner, Democratic; J. B. Chapman, editor, Banner Publishing Co., publishers, Fort Scott. Bronson Pilot, Independent; M. Donahu; editor and proprietor, Bronson. BROWN COUNTY. The Hiawatha World, Republican ; D. Webster Wilder, editor, John B. Campbell, manager, The World Printing Co., publishers, Hiawatha. The Kansas Democrat, Democratic; Geo. T. Williams, editor, Geo. T. Williams and Cyrus B. Bowman, publishers, Hiawatha. BUTLER COUNTY. Walnut Valley Times, Republican; Alvah Shelden, editor and proprietor, El Dorado. Butler County Democrat, Democratic; Fulton Bros., publishers (T. P. and Gwinn Fulton), El Dorado. El Dorado Republican, Republican; by T. B. Murdock, El Dorado. Southern Kansas Gazette, Republican ; Chas. H. Kurtz, editor and pub- lisher, Augusta. 5 i Augusta Advance, Democratic; ,D. Williams and J. A. Williams, pub- lishers, Augusta. The Leon Indicator, Republican ; C. R. Noe, publisher, Leon. Douglass Tribune, Republican ; J. M. Satterthwaite, editor and proprie- tor, Douglass. CHASE COUNTY. Chase County Leader, Republican ; by Wm. A. Morgan, Cotton wood Falls. Chase County Courant, Democratic ; W. E. Timmons, editor, publisher and proprietor, Cottonwood Falls. Strong City Independent, Independent; R. M. Watson, editor and propri- etor, Strong City. CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The Chautauqua Journal, Republican ; Robert H. Turner, publisher, R. S. Turner, editor, Sedan. Sedan Times, Republican; R. G. Ward, editor and publisher, Sedan. Border Slogan, Democratic; Canon Brothers, publishers and proprietors, Sedan. CHEROKEE COUNTY. The Columbus Courier, Republican; Samuel O. McDowell, editor and proprietor, Columbus. The Times, Greenback; E. H. Benham, editor, Columbus Publishing Co., publishers, Columbus. The Border Star, Democratic; J. M. Simmons, editor and proprietor, S. Chamberlain, associate editor, Columbus. Lea's Columbus Advocate, Republican ; Archibald T. Lea, editor, Asa Lea, local editor, Columbus. The Kansas Bee-Keeper, (monthly,) Hannibal Scovell and J. E. Pond, jr., editors, Bee-Keeper Publishing Co., publishers, Columbus. The Sprig of Myrtle, (monthly,) official organ Knights of Pythias of Kansas ; S. O. McDowell, editor and proprietor, Columbus. Baxter Springs News, Neutral; M. H. Gardner, editor and publisher, Baxter Springs. Short Creek Republican, Republican ; L. C. Weldy, editor and proprietor, Galena. Western Friend, (monthly,) Religious; Cyrus W. Harvey, editor, Chilon H. Carter, publisher, Quakervale. CLAY COUNTY. The Dispatch, Republican; Dispatch Printing Co., Wirt W. Walton, J. P. Campbell and A. L. Runyan, Clay Center. The Times, Republican; D. A. Valentine, editor and publisher, Clay Center. The Monitor, Republican ; P. S: Loof bourrow, editor, Clay Center. The Clay Center Firebrand, Republican; Miller & Co., publishers, (J. W. Miller and O. F. Miller,) Clay Center. 6 The Kansas Baptist, ( monthly,) Religious ; Rev. L. H. Holt, editor and proprietor, Clay Center. CLOUD COUNTY. The Republican Empire, Republican ; C. W. McDonald, editor, Empire Printing Co., Publishers, Concordia. Kansas Blade, liberal ; J. M. Hagaman, editor-in-chief, publisher and proprietor, J. E. Hagaman and C. W. Stewart, associate editors, Concordia. Cloud County Critic, ( prohibition,) Independent; Thos. Owen, jr., editor, publisher and proprietor, Concordia. The Clyde Herald, Republican; J. B. Rupe, editor, Clyde. Cline's Press, Republican; J. C. Cline & Son, editors and proprietors, Clyde. Cloud County Kansan, Republican ; Frank P. Kellogg, editor and pub- lisher, Jamestown. The Miltonvale News, Republican; J. H. Pinkerton and H. G. McDon- ald, publishers, H. G. McDonald, editor, Miltonvale. The Glasco Sun, Independent; Ferd. Prince, publisher, Glasco. COFFEY COUNTY. The Burlington Patriot, Republican ; A. D. Brown, editor, Burlington. The Burlington Independent, Democratic ; John E. Watrous, publisher, Burlington. Burlington Republican, Republican; W. S. Hebron and C. O. Smith, ed- itors and proprietors, Burlington. LeRoy Reporter, Independent; Frank Fockele, publisher and proprietor, Leroy. District Emporia Herald, (quarterly,) Religious; Rev. H. J. Walker, ed- itor and publisher, Leroy. COWLEY COUNTY. The Winfield Courier, Republican; D. A. Millington, editor, Ed. P. Greer, local editor, Winfield. Cowley County Telegram, Democratic; Chas. C. Black, editor, C. C. Black and Geo. C. Rembaugh, publishers, Winfield. Arkansas City Traveler, Republican; H. P. Standley, editor and publisher, Arkansas City. Arkansas Valley Democrat, Democratic; T. Mclntire, editor, C. M. Mc- Intire, local editor and publisher, Arkansas City. Arkansas City Republican. Republican; C. W. Coombs, J. J. Clark, and C. T. Atkinson, proprietors, C. T. Atkinson, editor, S. W. Duncan, local ed- itor, Arkansas City. The Burden Enterprise, Republican; J. W. Henthorue, editor, J. W. Hen- thorne and E. A. Henthorne, publishers and proprietors, Burden. The Cambridge News, Independent; S. B. Sherman and Hicks, pro- prietors, Walter G. Seaver, editor, Cambridge. CRAWFORD COUNTY. The Girard Press, Republican; E. A. Wasser and A. P. Riddle, editors and proprietors, Girard. The Girard Herald, Democratic ; T. J. Hadley and F. I. Sage, editors, publishers and proprietors, Girard. Kansas Workman, (monthly,) organ of A. O. U. W.; A. P. Riddle, edi- tor, Girard. The Expository, ( monthly,) Religious ; Rev. J. A. Campbell, editor, Girard. The Cherokee Sentinel on the Border, Republican; Charles M. Lucas, editor and publisher, Cherokee. The Smelter, Republican ; E. A. Munsell, publisher and proprietor, Pitts- burg. Pittsburg Democrat, Democratic ; Thomas P. Monfort, editor and publisher, Pittsburg. Walnut Journal, Independent; H. Quick and W. M. Holeman, editors and proprietors, Walnut. Educational Advocate, monthly; Charles L. Bovard, editor and publisher, Walnut. The Arcadia Reporter, Republican ; O. Dieffenbach, editor, publisher and proprietor, Arcadia. The McCune Times, Republican; W. W. Liggett, editor and proprietor, McCune. DAVIS COUNTY. The Junction City Union, Republican ; George W. Martin, editor and proprietor, Junction City. The Junction City Tribune, Greenback ; John Davis & Sons, editors, pub- lishers and proprietors, Junction City. The Davis County Republican, Republican; J. A. Truex, editor and busi- ness manager, Davis County Advance Publishing Co., publishers, Junction City. DECATUR COUNTY. Oberlin Herald, Republican; W. D. Street, proprietor, Oberlin. The Eye, Neutral ; Geo. H. Hand, proprietor, Oberlin. DICKINSON COUNTY. The Abilene Gazette, Republican ; V. P. Wilson and Sons, ( V. P., John W. and Thomas B. Wilson,) editors, publishers and proprietors, Abilene. The Dickinson County Chronicle, Republican; James W. Hart, editor and publisher, Abilene. The Abilene Reflector, Democratic ; B. L. and S. K. Strother, editors and publishers, Abilene. Solomon Sentinel, Independent; J. Claude Hill, editor and publisher, Solomon City. Enterprise Register, Republican ; John Widler, proprietor, D. G. Rudy, editor, Enterprise. 8 DONIPHAN COUNTY. The Weekly Kansas Chief, Republican ; Sol. Miller, editor, publisher and proprietor, Troy. White Cloud Review, Republican; James M. Beidelman, publisher, White Cloud. DOUGLAS COUNTY. The Lawrence Daily Journal, and The Western Home Journal, ( weekly,) Republican ; William M. Thacher and Frank L. Webster, editors and pub- lishers, Lawrence. The Kansas Herald, (daily and weekly,) Republican; C. C. Thacher, edi- tor, Herald Publishing Co., publishers, Lawrence. The Daily Morning News, and The Weekly Tribune, Republican; G. F. Kimball and George Stevens, publishers, Lawrence. The Spirit of Kansas, Republican; G. F. Kimball and George Stevens, publishers, Lawrence. Once a Week, Republican; J. S. Boughton, editor and publisher, Law- rence. Die Germania, (German;) Gottlieb Oehrle, publisher, Lawrence. The Lawrence Gazette, Democratic ; Osbun Shannon, editor and publisher, Lawrence. The Western Recorder, (colored,) Republican; John L. Waller, publisher, Lawrence. The Kansas Review, (monthly,) by the Review Co. of Kansas Univer- sity; Fred. A. Stocks, editor-in-chief, W. C. Spangler, E. F. Caldwell, mana- gers, Lawrence. The University Courier, (semi-monthly,) Collegiate; C. D. Dean and W. H. Johnson, business managers, Lawrence. The Kansas Churchman, (monthly;) Rev. A. Beatty, D. D., editor and publisher, Lawrence. The Zephyr, (amateur monthly;) Fred Bowersock, editor, Lawrence. The Baldwin Criterion, Republican; L. A. Sheward, publisher, Baldwin. EDWARDS COUNTY. Kinsley Graphic, Republican ; -M. E. Ferguson, proprietor, Jos. Ferguson, editor and publisher, Kinsley. The Kinsley Mercury, Republican ; Geo. M. Flick, editor, publisher and proprietor, Kinsley. ELK COUNTY. The Howard Courant, Republican; Adrian Reynolds, editor, Reynolds & Thompsons, publishers and proprietors, Howard. Grip, Republican; Abe Steinberger, editor, John A. Oliphant, business manager, Howard. The Grenola Chief, Independent; R. E. Hicks, editor, Hicks & Brother publishers, Grenola. The Moline Free Press, Republican; W. C. Goodwin, publisher, Moline. The Longton Times, Independent; Flory Bros. (Fred and Geo. M. Flory), publishers, Longton. Elk County Tribune, Republican; Jasper Carter and P. W. Craig, editors, Jasper Carter, publisher, Moline. ELLIS COUNTY. The Star-Sentinel, Republican ; J. H. Downing, editor, publisher and pro- prietor, Hays City. German-American Advocate, Independent; Harry Freese, publisher, Hays City. The Ellis Head Light, Republican; M. M. Fuller and John Reed, editors and publishers, Ellis. ELLSWORTH COUNTY. Ellsworth Reporter, Republican; W. A. Gebhardt and Geo. Huycke, edi- tors and proprietors, Ellsworth. The Ellsworth JNews, Republican ; Z. Jackson, proprietor, Thomas S. Hain, business manager, Ellsworth. The Wilson Echo, Republican ; S. A. Coover, editor and proprietor, W. S. Keller, foreman, Wilson. FINNEY COUNTY. The Irrigator, Republican ; Oliver H. Knight and Howell P. Myton, edi- tors and proprietors, Garden City. Lakin Herald, Republican; Joseph Dillon, editor and proprietor, Lakin- FORD COUNTY. Dodge City Times, Republican ; Nicholas B. Klaine, editor and publisher, Dodge City. Ford County Globe, Republican ; D. M. Frost, editor and proprietor, Dodge City. Dodge City Democrat, Democratic ; published by the Dodge City Demo- crat Co., Dodge City. FRANKLIN COUNTY. The Ottawa Republican, (daily and weekly,) Republican; Amasa T. Sharpe, editor and proprietor, Ottawa. Ottawa Journal and Triumph, Greenback; E. H. Snow, editor and pub- lisher, Ottawa. The Queen City Herald, Democratic; Jno. Kessler and D. O. McAllister, editors and proprietors, Ottawa. The Wellsville Transcript, Neutral; Geo. W. Skinner, editor, Wellsville Publishing Co., publishers, Wellsville. GRAHAM COUNTY. The Millbrook Times, Greenback; Benjamin B. F. Graves, editor, pub- lisher and proprietor, Millbrook. 10 GREENWOOD COUN.TY. The Eureka Herald, Republican ; J. P. Silsby, editor, publisher and pro- prietor, Eureka. Greenwood County Republican, Republican; Wesley E. Doud and Arthur L. Stickel, editors, publishers and proprietors, Eureka. Greenwood County Democrat, Democratic; C. M. Jackson, publisher and proprietor, Eureka. The Madison News, Republican ; W. O. Lunsford, editor and proprietor, Madison. Southern Kansas Journal, Republican ; Millard F. and Ell. Gibson, edi- tors, publishers and proprietors, Severy. The Severy Enterprise, Democratic; R. H. Smith, editor and proprietor, Severy. Fall River Times, Independent; J. A. Somerby, editor and publisher, Fall River. Fall River Echo, Republican ; Lowry G. Gilmore, proprietor, Fall River. HARPER COUNTY. Anthony Journal, Republican; E. F. Widner and James A. McPhee, publishers and proprietors, J. A. McPhee, editor, Hazelton. The Anthony Republican, Republican ; A. S. Lindsay, Anthony. Harper County Times, Republican ; W. O. Graham, editor and publisher, Harper. The Harper Sentinel, Independent ; Joseph C. McKee, publisher, Harper. Harper Graphic, Republican ; Charles S. Finch, editor, O. O. Leabhart, associate editor and business manager, Harper. The Danville Courant, Independent; Edgar Brain, publisher, Danville. HARVEY COUNTY. The Newton Republican, Republican ; Allen B. Lemmon, editor and pro- prietor, Newton. Newton Kansan, Republican; H. C. Ashbaugh, editor and proprietor, Newton. / The Newton Democrat, Democratic; J. B. Fugate, publisher, Newton. The Burrton Monitor, Republican ; Miles Taylor, editor and proprietor, Burrton. The Sedgwick Palladium, Independent; Mark F. Hobson, editor, publisher and proprietor, Sedgwick City. The Halstead Independent, Republican; M. V. Sweesy, editor and pub- lisher, Halstead. The Halstead Clipper, Republican ; Dorr Mathies, editor and proprietor, Halstead . HODGEMAN COUNTY. The Jetmore Reveille, Republican ; J. T. Norton, editor and proprietor, Jetmore. 11 JACKSON COUNTY. The Holton Recorder, Republican; M. M. Beck, editor and proprietor, Holton. The Holton Signal, Democratic; W. W. Sargent, editor and proprietor, Holton. The Normfcl Advocate, (quarterly;) published in the interest of Campbell University; J. A. Lambert, editor, J. H. Miller, publisher, Holton. Whiting Weekly News, Independent; W. C. Brown, publisher, Whiting. JEFFERSON COUNTY. The Oskaloosa Independent, Republican ; F. H. Roberts, editor, Oskaloosa. Oskaloosa Sickle, Democratic; W. H. Howard, editor and proprietor, Os- kaloosa. Valley Falls New Era, Republican ; R. E. Van Meter, editor and propri- etor, Valley Falls. The Valley Falls Register, Democratic ; T. W. Gardiner, publisher, Valley Falls. Valley Falls Baptist, (monthly;) Rev. A. M. Petty, Valley Falls. Lucifer, (The Light-Bearer,) Liberal, (tri-monthly ;) M. Harman and E. C. Walker, editors and publishers, Valley Falls. The Perry Monitor, Democratic ; G. D. King, editor and proprietor, Perry. Winchester Argus, Republican ; Lon W. Robinson, editor and publisher, Winchester. JEWELL COUNTY. Jewell County Monitor, Republican ; R. F. Vaughan, editor, Mankato. Mankato Review, Greenback; M. Winsor, editor and publisher, Mankato. Jewell County Republican, Republican; Benjamin Musser and Will C. Palmer, editors and proprietors, Jewell City. Burr Oak Reveille, Independent; Wm. E. Bush and O. C. Emery, editors, Burr Oak. Burr Oak Herald, Republican; A. L. Sears, editor, Herald Printing Co., (A. W. Mann, president ; J. E. Hawley, secretary ; and J. E. Faidley, treas- urer,) publishers and proprietors, Burr Oak. The Thinker, Liberal; Dr. C. W. Stowe, editor, Thinker Publishing Co., publishers, Burr Oak. Salem Argus, Independent; Geo. W. Reed, editor and proprietor, Chas. H. Moody, associate editor, Salem. JOHNSON COUNTY. Olathe Mirror-Gazette, Republican; T. W. Eckert, editor, Mirror-Gazette Publishing Co., publishers, Olathe. The Kansas Patron and Farmer, Agricultural; H. C. Livermore, man- ager, Johnson County Cooperative Association, publishers and proprietors, Olathe. The Johnson County Democrat, Democratic ; W. C. Paul, publisher, Olathe. 12 The Kansas Star, published by pupils of Deaf and Dumb Institution; E. W. Bowles, editor, Olathe. KINGMAN COUNTY. Kingman County Citizen, Republican ; Geo. E. Filley, editor, and Frank A. Capps, business manager, Filley & Capps, proprietors, Kingman. The Kingman Republican, Republican ; James Malcom Johnston, editor and publisher, Kingman. Southern Kansas Democrat, Democratic; Burt Venable and Seneca B. Sproule, editors, publishers and proprietors, Kingman. LABETTE COUNTY. The Chetopa Advance, Republican ; J. M. Cavaness, editor, Chetopa. The Oswego Independent, Republican ; J. E. Bryan, editor, Mrs. Mary McGill, proprietress, Oswego. The Oswego Republican, Republican ; I. W. Patrick, editor and propri- etor, Oswego. Labette County Democrat, Democratic; J. M. Landis and A. D. Carpen- ter, editors and publishers, Oswego. The Parsons Eclipse, (daily and weekly,) Independent; J. B. Lamb and C. L. Lamb, editors and proprietors, Parsons. The Parsons Sun, (daily and weekly,) Republican; H. H. Lusk, editor and proprietor, Parsons. Parsons Palladium, Democratic (anti-prohibition); F. W. Frye, editor, Palladium Publishing Co., publishers, Parsons. The Mound Valley Herald, Independent; C. U. Albin, editor and propri- etor, Mound Valley. The Altamont Times, Independent; Gustin & Fuller, editors and pro- prietors, Altamont. LEAVENWORTH COUNTY. The Leavenworth Times, (daily and weekly,) Republican; D. R. Anthony, editor and proprietor, Leavenworth. The Leavenworth Evening Standard, ( daily,) and The Democratic Stand- ard, (weekly,) Democratic; Frank T. Lynch, manager, Henry C. Burnett, editor, F. T. Lynch and H. C. Burnett, publishers and proprietors, Leaven- worth. Kansas Freie Presse, ( daily and weekly, German,) Republican ; Lorenz Rohr, editor, K. Geier and H. U. Wilken, publishers and proprietors, Leav- enworth. Leavenworth Weekly Chronicle, Republican ; E. Jamison, proprietor, C. A. Reynolds, editor, Leavenworth. The Kansas Prohibitionist, M. V. B. Bennett, editor, Prohibition Publish- ing Co., publishers, Leavenworth. The Home Record, (monthly;) published by Board of Managers of the " Home for the Friendless," Mrs. C. H. Gushing, editor, Leavenworth. 13 The Orphan's Friend, (monthly;) J. B. McCleery, editor, Mrs. DeForest Fairchild, associate editor, Mrs. Thos. Carney, business manager. The G. A. R., (monthly;) by the G. A. R. Publishing Co., J. C. Walkin- shaw, editor, Leavenworth. The Visitor, (monthly,) Religious; by the Catholic Mutual Benevolent Publishing Company, Henry Floyd, editor, E. M. Johnson, manager, Leav- enworth. The Tonganoxie Mirror, Republican ; Geo. R. Broadbere, editor and pro- prietor, Tonganoxie. The Lin wood Leader, Republican; A. M. Thistlethwaite, editor and pro- prietor, Linwood. LINCOLN COUNTY. Lincoln Banner, Independent; Pinkerton & Bower, publishers, Lincoln. The Lincoln Beacon, Republican; Walter S. and Anna C. Wait, editors, publishers and proprietors, Lincoln Center. LINN COUNTY. LaCygne Weekly Journal, Republican; J. P. Kenea and Ed. C. Lane, publishers, LaCygne. The Pleasantou Observer, Republican ; D. S. and H. L. Capell, editors and proprietors, Pleasanton. The Pleasanton Herald, Greenback; W. S. Platt, editor and manager, Pleasanton. Linn County Clarion, Republican; Howard T. Smith, editor and propri- etor, Mound City. The Blue Mound Sun, Republican; W. P. Barnes, editor and proprietor, Blue Mound. The Prescott Eagle, Republican ; Eagle Publishing Co., proprietors, Frank F. Daulton, editor, J. P. Campbell, local editor, Prescott. LYON COUNTY. The Emporia News, (daily and weekly,) Republican; Jacob Stotler and Alex. Butts, editors. Published by the News Company, (Jacob Stotler, Alex. Butts and Frank P. MacLennan,) Emporia. Emporia Republican, (daily and weekly,) Republican; C. V. Eskridge, editor and proprietor, J. R. Graham, associate editor, Emporia. The Emporia Democrat, Democratic ; J. M. McCown, editor and propri- etor, Emporia. The Hartford Weekly Call, Independent; S. C. Bixler and Emory Lan- phear, publishers, Hartford. Normal Cabinet, ( monthly,) by pupils of State Normal School ; A. W. Stubbs and L. A. Wright, editors, Emporia. The Primitive Friend, (monthly;) Ezra Lamborn, editor, published by Monthly Meeting of Friends, Eraporia. 14 M'PHERSON COUNTY. The McPherson Republican, Republican ; S. G. Mead, editor, S. G. Mead and Henry W. Conklin, proprietors and publishers, McPherson. The McPherson Freeman, Republican ; H. B. Kelley, editor and propri- etor, McPherson. The McPherson Independent, Independent; G. W. McClintick, editor and proprietor, McPherson. Smoky Valley News, Republican ; August Ringwald, editor and propri- etor, Lindsborg. Canton Carrier ; Milton E. Rice and J. W. Edwards, editors and propri- etors, Canton. MARION COUNTY. Marion Record, Republican ; E. W. Hoch, editor, W. F. Hoch, business manager, E. W. & W. F. Hoch, proprietors, Marion. Marion County Independent, Independent ; Edgar A. Brundage, editor, publisher and proprietor, Marion. The Peabody Gazette, Republican ; W. H. Morgan, editor and proprietor, Peabody. Marion County Graphic, Democratic ; Frank D. Weller, editor and pro- prietor, Peabody. The Florence Herald, Republican ; W. H. Booth, editor and proprietor, Florence. Des Farmers Anzeiger, real estate (monthly) ; John J. Funk & Co., pub- lishers, Hillsboro. MARSHALL COUNTY. The Marshall County News, Republican ; Geo. T. Smith, editor and pro- prietor, Marysville. Marshall County Democrat, Democratic ; William Becker, editor, Marys- ville. Marysville Post, (German,) Democratic; Wm. Becker, editor and propri- etor, Marysville. The Waterville "Telegraph, Republican; Henry C. Willson, publisher and proprietor, Waterville. Blue Rapids Times, Republican ; E. M. Brice, editor and publisher, Blue Rapids. The Frankfort Bee, Republican ; Lute P. Bowen, publisher, Frankfort. The Beattie Boomerang, Independent; Jack Scott, editor, Beattie. Axtell Anchor, Neutral ; Milt. L. Singrey, editor and publisher, Axtell Publishing Co., proprietors, Axtell. The Visitor, Independent; Lum. C. McCarn, editor, publisher and propri- etor, Axtell. MIAMI COUNTY. The Miami Republican, Republican; Perry & Greason, publishers and proprietors, Leslie J. Perry, editor, William D. Greason, business manager, Paola. 15 The Western Spirit, Democratic ; Sheridan & Highley, proprietors, B. J, Sheridan, editor, J. T. Highley, business manager, Paola. Paola Times, Independent; John E. Atkinson, editor and proprietor, Pa- ola. The Lfouisburg Herald, Greenback; Emmanuel F. Heisler, editor and proprietor, Louisburg. MITCHELL COUNTY. The Beloit Gazette, Republican; S. H. Dodge, proprietor, G. H. Dodge, editor, Beloit. The Beloit Courier, Republican ; W. H. Caldwell, editor and proprietor, Beloit. The Western Democrat, Democratic ; H. A. Yonge, editor and publisher, Beloit. Cawker City Journal, Republican; J. W. McBride, editor and proprietor, Mrs. J. W. McBride, assistant editor, Cawker City. Public Record, Republican ; L. L. Alrich, publisher, Cawker City. Camp Fire, (monthly,) in the interest of the G. A. R. ; L. L. Alrich, pub- lisher, Cawker City. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Independence Reporter, (daily,) Independent; Chas. H. Harper & Son, editors and publishers, Independence. The Independence Kausan, Democratic; A. A. Stewart, editor, publisher and proprietor, Independence. South Kansas Tribune, Republican ; W. T. and C. Yoe, publishers and proprietors, Independence. The Star, Democratic; H. W. Young, editor, publisher and proprietor, Chas. T. Errett, local editor, Independence. The Coffeyville Journal, Republican; W. A. Peffer, jr., editor, W. A. Peffer & Son, publishers, Coffeyville. Cherry vale Globe-News, Republican ; S. P. Moore, publisher, C. E. Moore, business manager, F. G. Moore, local editor, Cherryvale. Cherry Valley Torch, Republican; A. S. Duley, editor, A. S. Duley and C. T. Ewing, publishers, Cherryvale. The Elk City Globe, Independent ; W. C. Gettys, editor and publisher, Elk City. Cherryvale Home, (quarterly ; ) J. W. Willis and J. M. Courtney, editors and publishers, Cherryvale. Cherryvale Advocate, (quarterly; ) C. C. Thompson, editor and proprietor, Cherryvale. , MORRIS COUNTY. Council Grove Republican; O. S. Munsell, editor and publisher, Council Grove. The Kansas Cosmos, Democratic; E. J. Dill, editor and publisher, Coun- cil Grove. 16 Morris County Enterprise, Republican ; V. C. Welch, editor and propri- etor, Parkerville. Dunlap Reporter; D. W. Murphy, editor, Dunlap. NEMAHA COUNTY. Seneca Weekly Courier, Republican; West. E. Wilkinson, publisher and proprietor, Jas. A. Smith, editor, Seueca. The Seneca Tribune, Republican; A. J. Felt, editor and proprietor, Seneca. Our Mission, (monthly,) devoted to Liberal Christianity; C. H. Rogers, editor and proprietor, Seneca. Nemaha County Republican, Republican; J. F. Clough, editor, publisher and proprietor, W. H. Whelan, associate editor, Sabetha. Sabetha Weekly Herald, Republican; T. L. Brundage, editor, Sabetha Publishing Co., publishers, Sabetha. The Wetmore Spectator, Republican ; Theo. J. Wolfley, editor and pub- lisher, Wetmore. The Oneida Chieftain, Independent; A. J. Tucker, editor and proprietor, Oneida. The Centralia Enterprise, Republican ; H. H. Brookes, editor and propri- etor, Centralia. NEOSHO COUNTY. Neosho County Journal, Republican ; C. H. Howard, editor and publisher, Osage Mission. The Neosho County Democrat, Democratic; T. F. Rager, editor, Geo. Hill, business manager, Democrat Publishing Co., publishers and proprie- tors, Osage Mission. Chanute Times, Republican ; A. L- Rivers, editor and proprietor, Chanute. Neosho County Republican, Republican ; D. C. Ambrose and J. R. Detwiler, editors, Erie. The Erie Record, Republican ; Ben. J. Smith, proprietor, Erie. Head Light, Republican ; C. T. Ewing, publisher, Thayer. Chanute Blade, Independent; J. C. Guss and Frank Bacon, editors and proprietors, Blade Publishing Co., publishers, Chanute. NESS COUNTY. Western Central Kansas Cowboy, Stock-raising ; Western Central Kan- sas Stock Association, publishers, S. S. Prouty, manager, Sidney. Ness City Times, Republican ; John F. Wood, editor and proprietor, Ness City. The Truth, Neutral; Joseph Langellier, editor and publisher, Ness City. The Globe, Neutral ; Joseph Langellier, editor and publisher, Schoharie. NORTON COUNTY. The Norton Courier, Republican ; J. H. Simmons and J. A. Littel, editors and proprietors, Norton. t Lenora Leader, Republican ; J. H. Wright, editor and proprietor, Lenora. 17 OS AGE COUNTY. The Osage County Chronicle, Republican ; Newt. McDonald, editor, pub- lisher and proprietor, Burlingame. Osage County Democrat, Democratic; J. Mayberry, editor, J. B. May- berry, publisher, Burlingame. The Osage City Free Press, Republican ; The Free Press Printing and Publishing Co., publishers, J. V. Admire, editor and president, E. Mills, secretary, D. J. Roberts, business manager, Osage City. The Lyndon Journal, Republican ; R. P. Kelley, editor and proprietor, Lyndon. Carbondale Independent, Independent ; E. G. Bush, editor, E. G. and F. E. Bush, proprietors, Carboudale. Kansas Workman, Neutral ; Cyrus Corning, editor and business manager, Kansas Workman Publishing Co., publishers, Quenemo. Melvern Record, Republican ; C. W. Searing, editor, J. A. Searing, pub- lisher, Melvern. OSBORNE COUNTY. Osborne County Farmer, Republican ; F. H. Barnhart, editor, Osborne City. Osborne County News, Independent ; C. H. Topliff, editor, Osborne. Downs Times, Republican ; George E. Dougherty, editor, publisher and proprietor; Downs. Portis Patriot, Independent; Martin H. Hoyt, publisher and proprietor, Franz S. Drummond, manager, Portis. Western Empire, Independent; F. J. Hulaniski, editor and publisher, Bull City. OTTAWA COUNTY. Minneapolis Messenger, Republican ; D. M. Dunn & Son, (C. M. Dunn,) proprietors, Minneapolis. The Progressive Current, Independent ; W. S. Reed, editor and publisher, Minneapolis. Solomon Valley Mirror, (monthly land journal;) C. C. Olney & Co., edi- tors and proprietors, Minneapolis. Delphos Carrier, Republican ; W. B. and C. M. Davis, editors and pub- lishers, Delphos. Bennington Star, Democratic; D. B. Loudon, editor, Bennington. PAWNEE COUNTY. The Lamed Chronoscope, Republican ; Stephen Booth, editor and pub- lisher, Lamed. The Larned Optic, Republican; Optic Steam Printing Co., publishers, Thomas E. Leftwich, proprietor, Larned. 18 PHILLIPS COUNTY. Kirwin Chief, Republican; H. Moulton, proprietor, W. D. Jenkins, editor and publisher, Kirwin. The Independent, Greenback; Wm. A. Garretson and C. J. Lamb, pub- lishers, Kirwiu. Kirwin Republican, Republican; Geo. W. Wood, editor, Kirwin. Phillipsburg Herald, Republican ; Wm. Bissell, editor and publisher, Phillipsburg. Phillips County Freeman, Independent; H. N. Boyd and H. K. Lightfoot, editors, Logan. POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY. The Semi -Weekly Republican, Republican; John M. Cotton and E. D. Anderson, proprietors, John M. Cotton, editor and manager, R. M. Chilcott, associate editor, Louisville. .The Kansas Reporter, Republican ^Reporter Publishing Co., proprietors, C. P. Jeffries, editor and publisher, Wamego. The Kansas Agriculturist, (agricultural,) Independent ; Ernest A. Weller, publisher and proprietor, Geo. A. Weller, editor, Wamego. .The Onaga Journal, Republican; S. A. Stauffer, editor and publisher, Onaga. St. Marys Express, Democratic ; L. E. Hoffman, editor and proprietor, St. Marys. Westmoreland Weekly Period, Republican ; J. Whims and W. S. Ander- son, publishers and proprietors, Westmoreland. PRATT COUNTY. Pratt County Press, Republican ; A. S. Thomson and James Kelly, edi- tors and proprietors, luka. Pratt County Times, Republican ; J. D. Quillen, editor, J. D. Quillen and J. W. Naron, publishers, luka RAWLINS COUNTY. Republican Citizen, Republican ; J. D. Greason, editor and publisher, Atwood. RENO COUNTY. The Hutchinson News, Republican; Ralph M. Easley, editor and pub- lisher, Hutchinson. The Interior, Republican ; J. H. Lawson, editor and proprietor, Hutchin- son. Hutchinson Herald, Independent; A. J. Higley, proprietor, Hutchinson. The Democrat, Democratic; Sims Ely and James Caskey, editors and publishers, Hutchinson. The Argosy, Republican; L. C. Brown, proprietor, Nickerson. 19 REPUBLIC COUNTY. The Belleville Telescope, Republican; J. C. Humphrey, editor and pub- lisher, Belleville. The Weekly Record, Independent; J. M. McAfee, editor, publisher and proprietor, Belleville. Scandia Journal, Republican ; A. B. Wilder, editor and publisher, Scandia. Republic County Independent, Independent; L. H. Tibbetts, editor, Scan- dia. Republic City News, Gomer T. Davis, editor, publisher and proprietor, Republic City. RICE COUNTY. Sterling Gazette, Republican ; E B. Cowgill and A. L. McMillan, pub- lishers, Sterling. The Sterling Bulletin, Republican; Charles D. Ulmer, publisher and pro- prietor, Sterling. The Lyons Republican, Republican; Clark Conkling, publisher, Lyons. - The Central Kansas Democrat, Democratic; Democrat Stock Co., pub- lishers, E. W. Wood and Wm. J. Fuller, editors, Lyons. RILEY COUNTY. The Nationalist, Republican; Albert Griffin, editor, publisher and pro- prietor, Manhattan. The Manhattan Republic, Republican ; G. A. Atwood, editor, Manhattan. The Industrialist, Educational and Agricultural; edited by the Faculty of the State Agricultural Cjllege; E. M. Shelton, managing editor, Manhattan. The Kansas Telephone, (monthly,) Religious ; Rev. R. D. Parker, editor and publisher, Manhattan. The Golden Cresset, (monthly,) Educational ; S. B. Kokanour, editor and proprietor, Manhattan. Randoph Echo, Republican ; P. B. Lewis, editor and proprietor, Randolph. ROOKS COUNTY. The Western News, Republican ; Thomas C. McBreeu, publisher and pro- prietor, Stockton. The Rooks County Record, Republican; W. L. Chambers and J. W. Newell, editors, publishers and proprietors, Stockton. RUSH COUNTY. The LaCrosse Chieftain, Republican ; H. S.- Fish, editor, publisher and proprietor, LaCrosse. The Herald, Republican ; Tom J. Stumbaugh, editor, Walnut City. RUSSELL COUNTY. Russell Record, Republican ; Russell Publishing Co., proprietors, J. H. Franklin, editor, Russell. 20 SALINE COUNTY. The Salina Herald, Rspublican; Henry Ionian, editor and publisher, Sa- lina. Saline County Journal, Republican; M. D. Sampson, publisher, Salina. The Salina Independent, Independent; W. H. Johnson, publisher and proprietor, Salina. Brookville Transcript, Republican; Harry Swift, editor and proprietor, Brookville. SEDGWICK COUNTY. The Wichita City Eagle, Republican ; M. M. Murdock, editor, M. M. and R. P. Murdock, proprietors, R. P. Murdock, associate editor and business manager, Wichita. The Wichita Weekly Beacon, Democratic; W. S. White, editor, F. B. Smith, business manager, Frank B. Smith and W. S. White, publishers and proprietors, Wichita. Wichita Times, (daily and weekly,) Independent ; J. C. Richey, editor, J. C. Richey and Carrie G. Shelton, proprietors, Wichita. The New Republic, Greenback; J. S. Jennings and E. H. Loutrell, pub- lishers and proprietors, J. S. Jennings, editor, Wichita. SHAWNEE COUNTY. The Commonwealth, (daily and weekly,) Republican ; Commonwealth Publishing Co., publishers and proprietors, F. P. Baker, president and editor, N. R. Baker, secretary, treasurer and business manager, Topeka. The Topeka Daily Capital, and The Weekly Capital and Farmer's Jour- nal, Republican ; J. K. Hudson, editor and proprietor, Topeka. Kansas State Journal, (daily and weekly,) Democratic; George W. Reed, editor, State Journal Co., publishers, Topeka. The Daily Critic, (daily,) Republican; Critic Publishing Co., publishers, S. M. Gardenhire, editor, Topeka. Kansas Farmer, Agricultural ; by Kansas Farmer Co., H. C. DeMotte, president, R. R. Brown, treasurer and business manager, H. A. Heath, gen- eral business agent, W. A. Peffer, editor, Topeka. The Kansas Methodist, Religious; H. D. Fisher & Co., publishers, H. D. Fisher, D. D., and Rev. W. J. Bonham, editors, Lewis A. Rudisill, business manager, Topeka. Kansas Telegraph, (German,) Democratic; H. VonLangen, editor and publisher, Topeka. The Topeka Tribune, (colored,) Republican ; S. W. Winn and S. Watkins, editors, publishers and proprietors, Topeka. Saturday Evening Lance, Literary ; Harry W. Frost, editor, M. O. Frost, business manager, Topeka. The Anti-Monopolist, Independent; W. H. T. Wakefield, editor and pub- lisher, Topeka. 21 The Kansas Newspaper Union ; N. R. Baker, manager, Cliff. C. Baker, editor, Topeka. The Educationist, (monthly,) Educational; George W. Hoss, editor and publisher, Topeka. The Faithful Witness, (monthly,) Religious; J. M. Shepherd, editor and proprietor; A. H. Mulkey, Garnett, and Benjamin H. Smith, Fort Scott, associate editors, Topeka. The Kansas Medical Journal, (monthly;) J. Milton Welch, M. D., editor and publisher, Topeka. Topeka Weekly Times, Republican ; A. B. Whiting and H. L. Whiting, editors, publishers and proprietors, North Topeka. The North Topeka Mail, Republican ; C. G. Coutant and F. H. Collier, editors, F. H. Collier and W. E. Coutant, publishers, J. H. Collier, business manager, North Topeka. Good Tidings, Religious; C. A. Sexton, editor and publisher, North Topeka. Fire and Hammer, (monthly,) Religious; W. T. Ellis, publisher, North Topeka. The Rossville News, Republican ; J. S. Carpenter, editor, Rossville. SMITH COUNTY. Smith County Kansas Pioneer, Republican; G. W. White and J. R. Bur- row, editors and publishers, Smith Center. Smith County Weekly Record, Republican; John Q. Royce, editor and publisher, Smith Center. Gaylord Herald, Republican ; Lew. C. Headley, editor and proprietor, Gaylord. Harlan Weekly Chief, Neutral; W. H. Whitmore, editor and publisher, Harlan. The Cedarville Review, Republican; N. F. Hewett, editor and proprietor, Cedarville. The Dispatch, Neutral; Benton Schollenbarger, editor and proprietor, Reamsville. STAFFORD COUNTY. Stafford Herald, Republican ; R. M. Blair, editor and publisher, Stafford. The St. John Advance, Republican; W. K, P. Dow, editor and proprietor, St. John. SUMNER COUNTY. I The Sumuer County Press, Republican; A. A. Richards, editor and pro- prietor, Wellington. The Wellingtonian, Republican ; Samuel L. Hamilton, editor, Chas. G. Epperson, business manager, J. C. O. Morse, superintendent job department, Wellington. The Wellington Democrat, Democratic; A. K. Cook, editor, Democrat Co., proprietors, Wellington. 22 The Caldwell Journal, (live stock,) Republican ; Tell W. Walton, editor, H. S. Lane, business manager, Journal Printing and Publishing Co., pub- lishers, Caldwell. The Caldwell Standard, D3rnocratic ; Samuel Barry, editor, the Standard Printing and Publishing Co., proprietors, Caldwell. Belle Plaiue News, Independent ; J. J. Burns, editor and publisher, Belle Plaine. Geuda Springs Herald, Republican ; Joe F. White, editor and proprietor, Geuda Springs. The Oxford Register, Independent ; W. A. Martin and J. S. Converse, editors and publishers, Oxford. The Mulvane Record, Republican; James Kelley, editor and proprietor, Mulvane. TREGO COUNTY. Wa-Keeney Weekly World, Republican ; W. S. Tilton, editor and pro- prietor, Wa-Keeney. WABAUNSEE COUNTY. Wabaunsee County News, Republican; Nathan Hughes, publisher and proprietor, Alma. The Eskridge Home Weekly, Republican ; William W. Cane, editor, publisher and proprietor, Eskridge. The Eskridge Star, Independent; James J. Mitchell and Douglas V. Doud, editors, publishers and proprietors, Eskridge. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Washington Republican ; Republican Printing Co., publishers, J. B. Besack, editor and business manager, Washington. Washington County Register, Republican ; W. A. Clark and H. C. Em- mons, publishers, Mark J. Kelley, editor, Washington. Weekly Post, Democratic ; Samuel Clarke, editor, Washington. The Hanover Democrat, Democratic ; J. M. Hood, editor and publisher, Hanover. Clifton Review, Republican ; t Miss E. L. Hewitt, editor, Clifton. The Independent-Journal, Independent; J. W. Bliss, editor and publisher,' Greenleaf. Greenleaf Herald, Republican; C. F. Howe, editor and proprietor, Green- leaf. The Haddam Weekly Clipper, Republican ; J. B. Campbell, publisher and proprietor, Haddam. Palmer Weekly Globe; C. F. Howe, editor and publisher, Palmer. WILSON COUNTY. Wilson County Citizen, Republican ; John S. Gilmore, editor and prop.ri- etor, Fredonia. Fredonia Democrat, Democratic ; N. Powell, editor and proprietor, R. C. Howard, local editor, Fredonia. 23 The Times, Republican ; John H. Scott, editor, Fredonia. Neodesha Register, Republican ; J. K. Morgan, editor and proprietor, Jno. W. Kirnbrel, local editor, Neodesha. WOODSON COUNTY. The Neosho Falls Post, Republican ; J. W. Richardson, editor, The Post Publishing Co., publishers, Neosho Falls. The News, Republican ; Geo. E. Faler, editor, Geo. E. Faler and Richard H. Trueblood, publishers and proprietors, Yates Center. Yates Center Argus, Independent; N. B. Buck, editor and proprietor, Yates Center. The Toronto Topic, Republican; W. H. Jones, e'ditor and publisher, To- ronto Publishing Co., proprietors, Toronto. WYANDOTTE COUNTY. The Wyandotte Herald, Democratic; V. J. Lane, editor and publisher, Wyandotte. The Wyandotte Gazette, Republican; Russell B. Armstrong and Abram N. Moyer, editors and publishers, Wyandotte. The Wyandotte Chief, Republican ; George W. W. Yates, editor and pub- lisher, Wyandotte. Kansas Pioneer, (German;) Louis Weil, editor and publisher, Wyan- dotte. Equitable Aid Union Advocate, (monthly,) Life Insurance; Dr. William D. Gentry, editor and proprietor, Wyandotte, Kansas, and Columbus, Pa. The Globe, Democratic; Bruce M. Brake, editor and proprietor, Kansas City, Kansas. The Wasp, (monthly;) Thomas H. Evans, editor, H. D. Trickey, publisher, Rosedale. Gaylamount Pamphlet Binder CUylord Bros., Inc. Stockton, Calif. T.M.Reg.U. S-Pat. Off. YC 44050 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY