BACON LIBRARY EXHIBIT 1884 AROHIYES UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES ^^<^^^<^^ Yl^i T Mniyzr^ty of California • Berkeley jimm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation m •*->>-^pS I i^lf^^^yir- BOOK EXHIBITION IN THE BACON LIBRARY BUILDING. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKEIvEV, Ma Y 26 TH — J I S 7\ 1 8S4 ( C O Ivl Nl K N C K iVl t: Nl^ W K li Iv . t ^=_£e^ — -•>- Trams leave San Francisco — S:oo, S:jo, g:oo, io:oo, i i:oo 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, j:oo, 4:00, 4:30. Tj^ains leave Berkeley — 11:45, 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:1 5, 4'45^ 5:15^ 5-45^ ^:i5> ^-IS- University of California, Berkeley, May, 1S84. Yoit are cordially invited to attend the Loan ExJiibition of Books, illustrative of the History of Planting, to be held in the University Library, at Berkeley, during the last week in May. Tln^ough the kindness of private collectors and the heads of public libraries, ina7iy of the choicest litei^ary treasures owned hi California have been b7^ought together and will be opejz to public iftspection. The collection zvill embrace manuscripts, block-books, inciina- bula or fifteenth century books, arid rare, curious or remarkable examples of the typography of later periods. The progress and varieties of Book L Ihistration will be fully exemplified, and riumerous specimens of fine Bindings zvill be exhibited. The exhibition will be open in the daytime only, from g o'clock A. M., until 6 d clock P. M. ARTHUR RODGERS, A. S. HALLLDIE, W. T. REID, Coinniittee of A7-rangements of tJie Board of Regents. J. C ROWELL, Librarian. ^Msiifi \m^< ?/5£i5y r\ Ui>. uifflm Wism.