B'y-X.^.'WS CITY or NEW YORK. 1885-— 1888. LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF THE STATE VITICULTURAL COMMISSION. "T^eceived, January, i8g6. Accession No.lol Ip2y0- Class No. B ^^- L ^^"V;7^S THE Foreign Fruit Exchange OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ^^ 01 TBDR [uhitbesitt; \-v:p'^ OFFICERS AND MANAGERS'^" «'^ THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE X885. President, JOHN C. GILES. Vice-President, CHARLES H. PARSONS. Treasurer, FREDERICK S. ROBINSON. Secretary, ELSDEN A. MORRIS. Mttnai^er, WILLIAM ROSE. Governim:- Coinnritiee, JOS. L. ARGUIMBAU. HENRY NORDLINGER, MARIUS BRANDEC;EE,* LEVI PAWLING. EDWARD M. BROWN, CHAS. H. PARSONS, D. BONANNO, BENJ. C. PADDOCK, HORACE W. DAY, GEO. II. RENAUD, ELIfAII EVERE rr, JULIUS W. ROSENSTEIN, JOHN C. GILES, FRED'K S. ROBINSON, W. M. HINTON, EDWARD RUHLMAN, F. S. MAYNARD. R. W. UNDERHILL, A. MINALDI, W. II. WESTERVELT, ELSDEN A. MORRIS, D. WEGMAN, CHAS. H. WADSWORTH. A I'bii ration Conuiiittees, Dried Fruit. LEVI PAWLING, ELIJAH EVERETT, HENRY NORDLINGER, J. W. ROSENSTEIN, J. L. ARGUIMBAU. Green Fruit. F. S. MAYNARD, R. W. UNDERHILL, W. H. WESTERVELT, F. S. ROBINSON, G. H. RENAUD. * Deceased. STANDING COMMITTERS OF THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE '^- •^18 8 5 CHAS. H. PARSONS, W. II. WESTERVELT, HENRY NORDLINGEK. Lma. R. W. UNDERBILL, LEVI PAWLING, A. MINALDI. Floor Conniiittee and Committee on Membership. F. S. ROBINSON, J. L. ARGUIMBAU, J. W. ROSENSTEIN, E. EVERETT. D. BONANNO. Complaint Committee, F. S. MAYNARD, GEO. H. RENAUD, D. WEGMAN. Comviittee on Trade. LEVI PAWLING, J. L. ARGUIMBAU, J. T. Mcdowell, a. d. mills, W. D. CLARKE. Committee on Information and Statistics, H. W. DAY, W. M. IIINTON, F. S. ROBINSON, T- L. ARGUIMBAU, W. H. WESTERVELT. Committee on Opening of Fruit. Importers. Dealers. W. H. WESTERVELT, CHAS. H. PARSONS, H. W. DAY, R. W. UNDERBILL, A. GRAZIANO, E. RUHLMAN. Committee on Rooms and Fixtures. EDWARD M. BROWN, BENJ. C. PADDOCK, HORACE W. DAY. OFFICERS AND xMANAGERS OF THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANCiE issa . President. JOHN C. GILES. Vice- Presidcn t, D. WEGMAN. Treasttre7', FREDERICK S. ROBINSON. Secretary aiid Manager, ROGER J. HOGAN. Governing Committee. JOS. L. ARGUIMBAU, S. HIRSCH, HORACE W. DAY, LEVI PAWLING, P. J. THORNE, CHARLES H. PARSONS, JOHN C. GILES, J. T. McDOWELL, OTTO G. MAYER, FRED'K S. ROBINSON, EDWARD RUHLMAN, W. B. MASON, W. II. WESTERVELT, D. WEGMAN. CHAS. II. WADSWORTH. A rhitration Committees. Dried Fruit. LEVI PAWLING, ELIJAH EVERETT, S. HIRSCH, J. W. ROSENSTEIN, JOHN HAVILAND. Green Fruit. W. H. WESTERVELT, R. W. UNDERHILL, F. S. MAYNARD, F. S. ROIHNSON, JOHN HAESLOOP. STANDING COMMITTEES OP THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE X 8 8 8 - Finance. CHARLES IT. PARSONS, W. II. WESTERVELT C. H. WADSWORTH. Laio. LEVI TAW LING. D. WEGMAN. J. T. Mcdowell. Floor Committee and Committee on Memhership. J. l. arguimbau, s. hirsch, C. H. PARSONS, OTTO G. MAYER, C. H. WADSWORTH. Complaint Committee. E. A. RUHLMAN, P. J. THORNE, W. B. MASON, H. E. SANFORD, JACOB WEISL. Committee on Trade. LEVI PAWLING, A. GRAZIANO, W. H. WESTERVELT, ROB'T HENDERSON, OTTO G. MAYER. Committee on Information and Statistics. J. L. ARGUIMBAU, H. W. DAY, LOUIS CONTENCIN, K. T. WILLS, P. J. THORNE. Committee on Openinq- of Fniit. Importers. » De.\i.ers. H. W. DAY, E. A. RUHLMAN, A. GRAZIANO, A. FLAKE, A. MINALDI. F. R. FRANKE. Committee on Rooms and Fixtures. F. S. ROBINSON, OTTO G. MAYER, HORACE W. DAY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bylawsforeignfruOOnewyrich CERTll'lCArL: Ol-' INCORI'URATKjN THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE. State of New York, | City and C'ounty of New York, ( '^'^■' We, John C. Giles, Horace VV. Day, Edward M. Brown, Charles H. Parsons, Domenico Bonanno, Levi Pawling, f]enjamin C. Pad- dock, Richard W. Underhill, Henry Nordlinger, George H. Renaiid, Antonio Minaldi, Julius W^ Rosenstein, William M. Hinton, I^^lijah Everett, Frederick S. Robinson, William H. Westervelt, Edward Ruhlman, Charles H. Wadsworth, Elsden A. Mori is, Dominicus Wegman, Francis S- Maynard, citizens of the United States, do by these presents pursuant to and in conformity with the act of the Legislature of the State of New York, being chapter 228 of the Laws of the year 1877, passed May 3, 1877, and entitled "An Act to jjrovide for the incorporation of Exchanges or P3oards of Trade," hereby associate ourselves together and form a corporation. First. The name of said corporation shall be "The Foreign Fruit Exchange of the City of New York." Second. The objects for which said corporation is formed, are to foster trade and commerce, to protect it from unjust or unlawful exactions, to reform abuses in trade, to diffuse accurate and reliable informa- tion among its members as to the standing of merchants, and other matters, to produce uniformity and certainty in the customs and usages of trade, to settle differences between its members and to promote a more enlarged and friendly intercourse between merchants. Third. The amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be three thousand dollars, and the numbers of shares of which said stock shall consist shall be three hundred, of the par value of ten dollars each. Fourth. The time of the existence of said corporation shall be fifty years. 8 Fifth. The number of trustees of said corporation shall be twenty-three (23), and the names of the trustees who shall manage the affairs of the corporation for the first year are John C. Giles, Horace W. Day, Edward M. Brown, Charles H. Parsons, Domenico Bonanno, Levi Pawling, Benjamin C- Paddock, Daniel V. Arguimbau, Richard W. Underhill, Henry Nordlinger, George H. Renaud, Antonio Minaldi, Julius W. Rosenstein, William M- Hinton, Elijah Everett, Marius Brandegee, Frederick S- Robinson, William H. Westervelt, Edward Ruhlman, Charles H. Wadsworth, Elsden A. Morris, Dominicus Wegman, Francis S. Maynard, all of w^hom are citizens of the United States, and a majority of whom are citizens and residents of the State of New York. Sixth. The principal office of the said corporation shall be located in the City and County of New York. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our respective hands and seals this 26th day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. Jno. C. Gilks, [seal.] Chas. H. Parsons, [seal.] Levi Pawling, [seal.] D. Bonanno, [seal.] Freu'k S. Robinson, [seal.] Horace W. Day, [seal.] D. WecxMAN, [seal.] Elijah Everett, [seal.] Jul. W. Rosenstein, [seal.] Antonio Minaldi, [seal.] W. M. Hinton, [seal.] Henry Nordlinger, [seal.] Geo. H. Renaud, [seal.] Richard W. Underhill, [seal.] E. Ruhlman, [seal.] Wm. H. Westervelt, [seal.] Elsden A. Morris, [seal.] Edward M. Brown, [seal.] B. C. Paddock, [seal.] In the presence of Charles H. Wadsworth, [seal.] H. D. Hotchkiss. F. S. Maynard, [seal.] 07 TH'?*^^ State of Nkw Y(jrk, } City and County of Nkw York, f"" On this 26lh day of P'eljruary, in the year one thousand ei,:j;ht hundred and eighty-five, before me j)ersonally came John C. Oiles, Horace W. Day, Edward M. Iktnvn, Charles H. Parsons, Domenico l>onanno, Levi Pawling, l^enjamin C. Paddock, Richard VV. Under- hill, Henry Nordlinger, George H. Renaud, Antonio Minaldi, Julius VV. Rosenstein, William M. Hinton, Elijah Everett, Frederick S. Robinson, VVilliatn H. Westervelt, Edward Ruhlman, Charles H. Wadsworth, Elsden A. Morris, Dominicus Wegman, and Francis S. Maynard, to me personally known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing articles of incorporation and severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Henry D. Hotchkiss, Notary Public, Kings Co. State of New York, } City and County of New York, f I, Patrick Keenan, Clerk of the City and County of New York, and also Clerk of the Supreme Court for the said City and County, the same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify, That Henry I). Hotchkiss has filed in the Clerk's Office of the County of New York, a certified co])y of his appointment as Notary Public for the County of Kings, with his autograph signature, and was at the time of taking the proof or acknowledgment of the annexed instrument duly authorized to take the same. i\nd further, that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary, and verily believe the signature to the said certificate of proof or acknowledgment to be genuine. I further certify, that said Instrument is executed and acknowledged according to the law of the State of New York. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and [seal.] affixed the seal of the said Court and County, the 2d day of March, 1885. Patrick Keenan, Clerk. (Endorsed): "The Foreign Fruit Exchange of the City of New York." Articles of Incorporatk^n. State of Office of Seci Filed and recorded March 3, 1885. Anson S. Wood, Deputy Secretary of State. < New York, ) :RETARY of S'l'ATE. ) lO State of New York, ( City and County of New York. \ I, Patrick Keenan, Clerk of the City and County of New York, and Clerk of the Supreme Court of said State, for said County, do certify, that I have compared the preceding with the original Certifi- cate of Incorporation of the Foreign P'ruit Exchange- of the City of New York, on file in my office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original. Endorsed, filed and recorded 2d March, 1885. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name [seal] and affixed my official seal this 2d day of March, 1885. Patrick Keenan, Clerk. State of New York, Office of the Secretary of St r ss.: ATE, j I have compared the preceding with the original Certificate of Incorporation of the Foreign Fruit Exchange of the City of New York with acknowledgment thereto annexed, filed and recorded in this office on the third day of March, 1885, and do hereby certify the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the said original. Witness my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of [seal.] State, at the City of Albany, this 9th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. Joseph B. Carr, Secretary of State. OF THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. TITLE, Section i. The title of this corporation shall be The Foreign Fruit Exchange of the City of New York. OIVJECTS. Sec. 2. The objects for which this corporation is formed are to foster trade and commerce, to protect it from unjust or unlawful exactions, to reform abuses in trade, to diffuse accurate and reliable information among its members as to the standing of merchants and other matters, to produce uniformity and certainty in the customs and usages of trade, to settle differences between its members, and to promote a more enlarged and friendly intercourse between merchants. membership. Sec 3. The meml^ership of this corporation shall be limited to three hundred persons, who shall each be stockholders in the cor- poration. Any male person of twenty-one years of age, resident or non-resident, of good character and commercial standing, may be elected a member of this Exchange; but no person whose applica- tion for admission to membership has been acted upon and rejected shall be again eligible for election until after the expiration of three months from the date of such rejection. election of members. Sec. 4. The first one hundred and fifty applicants lor admission to this Exchange shall be entitled to membership, upon payment of fifty dollars, by each applicant, which shall entitle him to membership and one share of the capital stock, and upon signing an agreement to abide by the By-Laws and Rules of the Exchange, and all amend- ments that may be made thereto. 12 In voting on the proposed election of new members of the Ex- change, White and Black ball ballots shall be used for that purpose. Should three or more black balls be cast against a candidate, he shall be rejected. Sec. 5. After the admission of the first one hundred and fifty applicants, then each applicant who shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member, and shall state in writ- ing the nature of his business and such other facts as the Board of Managers may require, and after ten days' notice of such applica- tion shall have been conspicuously posted upon the Exchange, shall be admitted to membership on payment of such initiation fee and purchase of stock as may have been conditioned by the Exchange, or on presentation of a certificate of 'membership and one share of stock duly assigned to him, and on signing an agreement to abide by the By-Laws and Rules of the Exchange and all amendments that may be made thereto, if elected by the Board of Managers. Sfx. 6. No person other than a stockholder is eligible as a mem- ber of the Exchange, and no stockholder shall transfer his stock apart from his meml)ership to any person or corporation whomso- ever on penalty of a forfeiture of such membership, and no stock shall be transferred by any member to any person other than such as shall have been first approved and elected by the Board of Man- agers, and shall have paid the initiation fee and such other dues as are provided by these By-Laws, under a like forfeiture. It is further provided that no stock shall be transferred on the books of the Exchange except to such persons as have been regularly elected members thereof. No stock held by the Exchange shall be voted on at any election. Sec. 7. Each member shall be entitled to receive a certificate of membership, bearing the signatures of the President and Secretary, which shall be transferable upon the books of the Exchange to any person eligible and elected to membership, upon the payment of a transfer fee of five dollars, and any unpaid assessments due thereon. Each share of stock will be registered on the books of the Exchange in the name of its owner; will be deposited with the Secretary, and will only be transferable on the books as provided in these By-Laws. No person shall hold more than one share of stock in his name. The certificate of a deceased member may be transferred by his legal representatives. 13 Sec. 8. The meml)er elect shall, within ten days after his elec- tion, pay the requisite initiation fee, or present a certificate of meml)ership and of one share of the capital stock, duly assigned to him, to the Treasurer of the Exchange; and in case of his failure to either })ay said fee, or ])resent such certificates within the above time, his election shall be void. Sec. 9. Until the number of outstanding certificates of member- ship shall be 200, the initiation fee shall be fifty dollars. There- after, until there l)e 250 outstanding certificates of membership, the initiation fee shall be one hundred dollars; and thereafter, and until there be 300 outstanding certificates of membership, the initi- ation fee shall be two hundred dollars. Sec. id. The Secretary shall at once notify each candidate of his election or rejection, and each member elected shall file his address with the Secretary, who shall keej) a list of the members and tiddress of each ; and such shall be the legal address of each member. officers. Sec. II. The property, affairs, business and concerns of the Exchange shall be vested in a Governing Committee, which for the first year shall consist of the Twenty-three Trustees or Inror- ]oorators, who, from among themselves, shall for the first year select a President, Vice-President and Treasurer. After the first year, at the annual election, as hereinafter pro- vided for, the Governing Committee, consisting of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Twelve members, shall be elected by ballot by members of the Exchange. ANNUAL elections. Sec. 12. There shall be an election held at the Room of the Exchange on the first Monday in October, 1885, ^"^ on the first Monday in October annually thereafter, for the purpose of electing Fifteen Trustees, who shall be the Governing Committee, Three of whom shall be the President, Vice-President and Treasurer, to serve for one year, or until their successors shall be duly elected. The polls shall be opened at 11 o'clock a. m. and closed at 3 o'clock p. M., on the day of election. Every person who shall have been duly admitted a member of the Exchange, and who shall hold, in his own name, a certificate of Off thp: H membership, upon which all assessments have been paid, and who has performed all other obligations incumbent upon him as a mem- ber of this Exchange, shall be entitled to vote, in person or by proxy. Sec. 13. A plurality of votes cast shall constitute a choice. Sec. 14. Public notice of the time and place of holding such election shall be published at least ten days prior thereto in some newspaper published in the city or county where the office of such corporation is located, and as often as the Governing Committee may determine, and shall be posted in the Exchange room for ten days prior to the election. Sec. 15. In case a vacancy shall occur in either of the offices of President, Vice-President or Treasurer, a new election by ballot shall be he-Id forthwith to supply such vacancies. Sec. 16. In case a vacancy shall occur in the Governing Com- mittee by resignation or otherwise, it shall be filled by the Govern- ing Committee until the next annual election. Sec. 17. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Secretary, the same shall be filled by the Governing Committee at its next meeting. INSPECTORS OF ELECTION. Sec. 18. During the month preceding the annual election there shall be appointed by the Governing Committee a Board of Inspect- ors to consist of three Inspectors, who shall be members of the Exchange not holding any other official position in the Exchange, and who shall hold office as Inspectors at the pleasure of the Governing Committee. Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of the Inspectors of Election to receive and record the votes at each and every election held during their term ; to canvass them immediately after each election, and to make a return thereof to the President, and a duplicate to the Secretary, who shall at once post it in the Exchange, and the Inspectors shall send a certificate of election to each of those mem*- bers who may be elected to office. Sec. 20. Each Inspector shall be entitled to receive, after the completion of his duty on each occasion, five dollars, to be paid by the Exchange. Sec. 21. The President shall have power to fill any vacancies 15 that may occur among the Inspectors of lOlcction by death, resig- nation or failure to appear at any election day, and in case of the absence of the President the vacancy shall be filled by the Vice- President, and in case of his absence by ihe Manager of the Exchange. (GOVERNING COMMII "lEE. Sec. 22. 'I'he members of the (Governing Committee shall enter upon the i)erformance of their duties on the first Monday succeed- ing their election, and shall continue in office until the first Monday following the election of their successors. They shall not receive pay for their services except when acting as members of committees or as hereinafter i)rovided. Sec. 23. The (Governing Committee shall })rovide and regulate suitable rooms for the Exchange and cause them to be supi)lied with newspapers, market reports, telegra})hic and statistical infor- mation such as they shall consider necessary, and do such other proper and needful things as in their judgment shall tend to i)ro- mote the usefulness and carry out the purposes of the Exchange. They shall appoint and remove at pleasure such subordinate offi- cers and employes as they may deem necessary, and fix their com- pensation, and shall do and perform all other acts which they are authorized or directed to do by the By-Laws. Sec. 24. Regular meetings of the Governing Committee shall be held on the second Monday of each month, except when the same shall fall upon a legal holiday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the foUow^ing business day ; but the President or other pre- siding officer may call special meetings when deemed necessary, and shall do so when requested in writing by three members of the Governing Committee. Seven members present at such meetings shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Se(^. 25. Notices of all meetings of the Governing Committee shall be in writing, served at the offices of the members of the Committee and posted on the bulletin of the Exchange not less than three business hours of the Exchange previous to such meeting. Sec. 26, The following order of business shall be observed at all i6 meetings of the Governing Committee, and no business shall be taken up out of the regular order except by unanimous consent : 1. Calling the Roll. 2. Reading of the Minutes of the preceding meeting. 3. Rei)ort of the Treasurer. 4. Reports of Standing Committees. 5. Reports of Special Committees. 6. Report of the Manager. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. Resolutions, Motions and Notices. 9. Miscellaneous Business. Any question as to priority of business shall be decided by the chair, without debate. Sec. 27. Any member of the Governing Committee who shall absent himself from three consecutive regular meetings, unless he shall have previously obtained permission so to do from the Presi- dent or Secretary, or shall present at the next regular meeting an excuse for his absence satisfactory to a majority of the Committee present, shall cease to be a member of the Committee. Sec. 28. At the first meeting of the members of the Governing Committee after their election, the President shall, subject to their approval, make the following appointments, viz.: 1. A Secretary of the Governing Committee, who may be a mem- ber of this Exchange, and who shall also be Secretary of the Exchange, at large, and who shall act as Manager of the Exchange, holding office at the pleasure of the Governing Committee. 2. A Finance Committee, to consist of three members of the Governing Committee. 3. A Committee on Rooms and Fixtures, to consist of three members of the Governing Committee. 4. A Law Committee, to consist of three members of the Govern- ing Committee. 5. A Floor Committee, to consist of five members of the Govern- ing Committee. This Committee shall also serve as the Committee on Membership. 6. A Complaint Committee, composed of three members of the Governing Committee, and two members of the Exchange, not mem- bers of the Governing Committee. ITIBI7BI! V-«^, C53r '7 ^^r/B-OT 7. A Committee on Trade, composed of three members of the Governing Committee, and two members of the Exchange, not mem- bers of the Governing Committee. 8. A Committee on Opening of Fruit, to consist of three imijori- ers and three dealers, members of the Exchange. 9. A Committee on Information and Statistics, to consist of five members, two of whom shall, including the Chairman, be members of the Governing Committee. Sec. 29. These several Committees shall hold office for one year, subject to the pleasure of the Governing Committee, and perform such duties as may be necessarily incident to the purposes of their appointment as hereinafter prescribed, and as may be required of them from time to time by the Governing Committee. Sec. 30. There shall be no appropriations of money voted by the Governing Committee, except for the strictly legitimate business of the Exchange, and no officer or member of the Committee shall contract any debt on behalf of the Exchange, or in any manner or to any extent render the Corporation liable for the payment of any sum, unless the same shall first have been directed by the Governing Committee. Sec. 31. Special Committees and all Committees required by the Rules and Regulations for the government of the different branches of Trade, shall consist of such number as may be ordered at the time of appointment ; all such Committees shall hold office at the pleasure of the Governing Committee, by whom they shall be ap- pointed, unless it may be otherwise directed. Sec. 32. Reports of Committees shall be made in writing to the Governing Committee and signed by a majority of the members thereof. Minority reports may, however, be submitted. A major- ity of any Standing or Special Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority decision of such quorum shall be valid. Each Standing Committee shall be provided with a book in which shall be recorded minutes of each meeting. Sec. 33. Vacancies that occur in any of the Committees shall be filled in the same manner that such Committee was originally appointed. ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. Sec. 34. The Governing Committee shall annually assess ujjon each certificate of membership, such amount as they shall deem expedient or necessary for defraying the expenses of the Exchange, not to exceed twenty-five dollars in any one year, said year begin- ning on the first day of May of each and every year. Sec, 35, The amount of such assessment shall be payable at the office of the Exchange, at such time as the Governing Committee shall designate, and any member who shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within thirty days after the date of a written notice requesting payment, signed by the Treasurer, and mailed to the recorded address of the member, may be suspended from the priv- ileges of the Exchange until the payment be made. If the amount of each assessment remains unpaid for the period of two months after date of such notification, the member in whose name the certificate stands on the books of the Exchange shall cease to be a member of the Exchange, and the Governing Committee shall order a sale of all his rights of membership, and of his stock, and after deducting the amount in arrears, together with all charges accrued thereon, from the amount realized in such sale, they shall place the balance thereof to the credit of said member, payable without interest to him or his creditors, or whomsoever shall be entitled to receive the same. SALE OF MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 36. When a sale of the rights of membership, and of stock of any member is ordered, it shall be made by the Manager of the Exchange to the highest bidder, at open outcry at the Exchange Rooms, after a notice of the date and hour of said sale shall have been posted for ten days on the Bulletin of the Exchange. Any wiember may purchase the rights of membership and of stock of any other member which shall give him the right to sell the same to another member or member elect. FINES AND FEES. Sec 37. Whenever any Committee of the Exchange having the requisite authority, shall impose any fine, or assess any fees upon a member of the Exchange^ it shall be the duty of such member to pay the same at the office of the Exchange as soon as notice of such fine or assessment has been given to him, and if he shall fail to do so within ten days from the receipt of such notice, his name shall be posted upon the Bulletin of the Exchange, and if not i)aid in three days from such posting, the said member shall be deprived of the privileges of the Exchange, until he shall have paid said fine or t9 assessment, and may, in the discretion of tlie (ioverning Committee, be susi)ended for such time as they may fix. PRKSIDEN'I'. • Sec. ^8. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Ex- change and of the Governing Committee, and shall be a member ^x^^r/^ of all Standing Committees (except the Arbitration Com- mittees). He shall also, at the annual meeting of the members of the Exchange, and at such other times as he shall deem proper, communicate to the Exchange, or to the Governing Committee, such matters and make such suggestions as may, in his opinion, tend to promote the prosperity and welfare and increase the use- fulness of the Exchange, and shall ])erform such other duties as are necessarily incident to the ofiftce of President of the Exchange. vice-president- Sec. 39. In case of the death or absence of the President, or of his inability from any cause to act, the Vice-President shall per- form the duties of the President ; and in case of the absence of both President and Vice-President, then the Governing Committee shall appoint one of their number to perform the duties of president for the time being. TREASURER. Sec. 40. The Treasurer shall receive all sums due to the Ex- change, and, under the direction of the Governing Committee, shall invest, deposit and disburse the same. He shall not pay out any of the funds of the Exchange, unless authorized by the Governing Committee, and under the direction of the Finance Committee. All disbursements shall be made by check, signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. He shall keep regular books of accounts, and carefully preserve all vouchers for the payment of money, and all bonds and securities of every kind belonging to this Corporation. He shall render a monthly account at each regular meeting of the Governing Committee, and an annual report to the Exchange at the annual meeting thereof, all of which reports shall be audited and approved by the Finance Committee before pre- sentation. The funds, books, vouchers and securities in his hands shall at all times be under the supervision of the Governing Com- mittee, and subject to its inspection and control. He shall have custody of the corporate seal, and shall, with two sufficient sureties approved by the Governing Committee, execute a bond to the Ex- change in a penal sum, to be fixed by the Governing Committee, for the faithful performance of his duties, and at the expiration of his term of office shall transfer all funds, books, papers and other property of the Exchange in his possession to his successor, and his compensation shall be fixed by the Governing Committee. SECRETARY. Sec. 41. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Governing Committee, and of all meetings of the members of the Exchange, and shall immediately post conspicuously upon the bulletins of the Exchange all reports from the Board of Inspectors of Election and perform such other duties incident to his office as the Governing Committee may require of him. In case of his absence or disability, the presiding officer may appoint a Secretary pro tempore ; and his compensation shall be fixed by the Governing Committee. ARBITRATION COMMITTEES. Sec. 42. As soon as practicable after its organization, the Governing Committee shall elect, by ballot, an Arbitration Com- mittee on Dried Fruit and an Arbitration Committee on Green Fruit, each of which shall consist of five members of the Exchange, who shall hold office for the term of one year. A majority of the whole Governing Committee shall be necessary to constitute a choice. Sec. 43. As soon as practicable after the election of the Arbitra- tion Committees the members thereof shall organize by the election of a Chairman from among their own members. The Manager of the Exchange, either in person or by substitute, shall act as Clerk of the Committees. Before entering upon the duties of their office, the members of the said Committee shall be required to take or subscribe to the following oath or affirmation, viz : "You do severally swear [or affirm] that you respectively will faithfully and fairly hear and examine the matters in controversy, which may come before you during youj" tenure in office, and to make a just award therein, according to the best of your under- standing, so help you God." Sec. 44. All persons who may desire the services of the Arbitra- tion Committees, shall file with the Manatrer of the Exchangee an 21 agreement, in writing, to submit their case to the Committee, and to be bound by its decision, which agreement shall be signed by the parties thereto, one of whom must be a member of the Exchange, and attested by a subscribing witness. On the fding of such agreement the Manager shall refer the same to the Arbitration Committee, and the Chairman thereof shall call a meeting of the Committee, to be held as soon thereafter as may be convenient to tlie parties concerned, to hear and decide the controversy. The Committee shall have power to adjourn the hearing or exam- ination of any case, from time to time, as circumstances may require. Sec. 45. Any number, not less than a majority of the respective Arbitration Committees, shall be competent to meet together for the examination of Dried Fruits, or other articles in dispute dealt in by members of the Exchange ; also to hear proofs and allegations in contested cases on trial, and an award by the majority of those pres- ent shall be deemed the award of the Arbitration Committee, and shall be valid and binding on the parties thereto under their agree- ment submitted to the Exchange. Such award shall be made in writing and subscribed by the members of the Committee who con- cur therein. The application for the hearing of a case, or the examination of goods, shall be in such form as the Governing Committee may prescribe. Sec. 46. The proceedings of the Arbitration Committees shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, in which shall be entered a summary of each controversy submitted for the decision of the Committee, the award made thereon, and the grounds for such award. Said books shall be the property of the Exchange, and subject to the inspection of its members on application to the Manager. Sec. 47. Each member of the Arbitration Committee, who shall be present at the hearing of any case, or examination of any goods, shall be entitled to a fee of five dollars for each hearing of a case, or each examination of goods, to be paid by the party against whom the decision shall be rendered, except in such cases as the Com- mittee, at their discretion, shall otherwise order. JRSIT 22 COMPLAINT COMMITTEE. Sec. 48. Any member of the Exchange, who shall be accused of wilful violation of the By-Laws, or of fraudulent breach of con- tract, or of any proceeding inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade, or of other misconduct, shall, on complaint, be summoned before the Complaint Committee, when, if he desire, he shall be heard in his defense. Should the Committee be unable to conciliate disputants or induce them to arbitrate, and the circum- stances seem to warrant, the complaint shall be referred to the Governing Committee, when both plaintiff and defendant shall have an opportunity to be heard again in person, prior to final action in the case ; and if in the opinion of the Governing Com- mittee, the charge or charges against said defendant be substan- tiated, it may, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of all members present, either censure, suspend or expel him from the Exchange. Sec. 49. All complaints which may be made against members of the Exchange shall be made in writing and addressed to the Chair- man of the Complaint Committee, who shall cause a copy thereof to be transmitted to the member against whom the complaint shall have been entered, previous to his being summoned to appear before said Committee, as provided in Sec. 48. members guilty of fraud. Sec. 50. Should any member be guilty of obvious fraud, of which the Governing Committee shall be the judge, he shall, upon conviction thereof by a vote of two-thirds of members of said Committee present, be declared by the President to be expelled, and his membership shall escheat to the Exchange. Sec. 51. To reinstate an expelled member, it shall require the affirmative vote of three-fourths of all the members of the Gov- erning Committee present and voting at the meeting at which the application for such reinstatement shall be acted upon ; but a sus- pended member may be reinstated by a majority vote at any meet- ing of the Governing Committee. complaints against agents. Sec. 52. Whenever it shall appear by answer of the party com- plained of, or otherwise, that in the matter to which the complaint relates he acted as agent for and solely in the interest of and on behalf of other i)arty or parties, whether corporation, company? • 23 firm or individual, the Complaint Committee shall cause a copy of the complaint and answer to he served on the principal, with notice of the time of hearing the same, and such principal shall be at liberty to appear, answer and defend in its or his own behalf. Service of notice and copy of complaint and answer as aforesaid may be made either personally or by mail. If made personally, it shall be at least ten, and if by mail at least fifteen days previous to the hearing. If it shall satisfactorily appear that the party com- plained of acted as agent in the matter to which the complaint relates, and pursuant to his authority as such agent, and disclosed his principal at the time of the transaction from which the com- plaint arose, and without guilty knowledge or fraudulent intention, the Complaint Committee shall dismiss the complaint as against the agent, and if unable to induce a settlement in proi)er cases, and the circumstances seem to warrant, refer the matter to the Governing Committee. The Governing Committee shall give the complainant and the said principal an opportuntiy to be heard again. They shall con- sider the evidence produced before the Complaint Committee and hear such other pertinent evidence as may be offered, and if they shall deem the charges of the complaint proven, and the said prin- cipal properly responsible for the offense charged, they may, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of all their members present, censure, fine, suspend or expel him from the Exchange ; and if such principal be suspended or expelled, or be not a member of the Exchange, the Governing Committee by such vote may prohibit said principal representation on the floor of the Exchange ; and any member of the Exchange who shall, with knowledge of such pro- hibition, seek to represent or transact business for or on behalf of said principal, after notice of such prohibition shall have been posted on the bulletin during five days, shall be deemed guilty of wilful violation of the By-Laws and subject to the penalties pre- scribed in Sec, 48. WITNESSES. Sec. 53. The Complaint Committee and the Arbitration Com- mittees, when engaged in the examination of any subject referred to them respectively under the ])rovisions of these By-Laws and Rules, shall have power to summon and examine as a witness any member of the Exchange ; if any member fail to obey such a sum- 24 mons to attend as a witness, or refuse to give evidence, or, having testified, refused to make affidavit, if required to do so, to the truth of his testimony, the Comphiint Committee, or the Arbitration Committees, as the case may be, shall at once report to the Gov- erning Committee the fact of such neglect or refusal. The Govern- ing Committee shall thereupon summon the member so neglecting or refusing, to come before them and explain his reasons therefor, and if his explanation or excuse be not satisfactory, the Governing Committee may, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, suspend him from all the rights of membership for a term not exceeding one year. Sec. 54. Any member of the Exchange (whether belonging to any of the standing committees, or otherwise) reported to the Gov- erning Committee for refusing to comply with the By-Laws and Rules of the Exchange, or for any violation thereof, shall be allowed an opportunity of being heard before them ; and if said Committee decide that the complaint is proved, they shall inflict such penalty as may be prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules; or, where no penalty is specified, such as they may deem proper, according to the gravity of the offense. And should any officer or member of the Exchange Committees be accused of malfeasance or negligence in office, such officer or member shall, in like manner, be sub- ject to the judgment of the Governing Committee ; and, if the accused be a member of the Governing Committee, he shall be heard, by, and subject to the judgment of the remaining members of the said Committee, who, in addition to any other penalty, may, by a two-thirds vote, suspend him from his functions or declare his place vacant. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Sec. 55. The Finance Committee shall audit all bills or claims against the Exchange ; shall direct all payments, deposits and in- vestments authorized by the Governing Committee, and shall audit the monthly and annual accounts of the Treasurer. FLOOR committee AND COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 56. The Floor Committee shall also serve as the Committee on Membership ; they shall have in charge the conduct of members on the floor of the Exchange, shall maintain good order and decorum, and enforce all provisions of the By-Laws and Rules relating there- to ; and shall have the power to impose a fine of not more than five Of THI<^'^\ I7BRSIT7J dollars for each offense, upon any member guilty of disorderly con- duct, or, in their discretion, to make comjjlaint against such member to the Comi)laint Committee. They shall see that no unauthorized persons are admitted on the floor of the Exchange. Sec. 57. All applications for membership to the Exchange shall be addressed to the Chairman of Committee on Membership, and shall be considered by this Committee in compliance with Sec. 5, and the Committee shall report on the said applications to the Gov- erning Committee for their action. COMMITTEE ON TRADE. Sec. 58. The Committee on Trade shall consider, and from time to time report to the Governing Committee for its action, such rules and regulations as to the purchase, sale, transportation and custody of merchandise as they consider may be beneficial to the interests of the members of the Exchange. They shall so far as practicable, establish relations with similar associations in our own and other countries, to the end that uniformity of practice and usage may be attained in all matters of common interest. committee on information and statistics. Sec. 59. The Committee on Information and Statistics shall under the supervision of the Governing Committee, have charge of all matters pertaining to the supply of newspapers, market reports, telegraphic and statistical information for the use of the Exchange; they shall organize plans for obtaining regularly such reliable information as may affect the value of articles dealt in by the mem- bers of the Exchange. They shall organize and maintain a system for recording, in books to be provided for the purpose, such statis- tics of the movement and prices of merchandise at this and other points as may be of interest to the members, or may have any bearing on the question of transportation as identified with the interests of our city and State. LAW committee. Sec. 60. The Law Committee shall have charge of all the legis- lation that may be required by the Exchange, including the presen- tation of memorials to the State Legislature, to the City or to the General Governments. They shall nominate to the Governing Committee for their approval suitable counsel to represent and pro- 26 tect the interests of the Exchange in any suits that may arise, and in other matters. Any amendment proposed to the By-Laws shall be submitted to them for their consideration, and they shall report on the same to the Governing Committee. COMMITTEE ON ROOMS AND FIXTURES. Sec. 6i. The Committee on Rooms and Fixtures shall have supervision over the building owned or leased by the Exchange, see that the same is kept in proper repair, and attend to the pur- chase of all necessary supplies. MANAGER. Sec. 62. The Manager shall, under the direction of the Govern- ing Committee, take charge of the details of their work, and of the various standing and special committees thereof, keeping and pre- serving, in an orderly and systematic manner, all the books and documents of the Exchange, so that they shall at all times be acces- sible and convenient for reference. He shall collect and pay over to the Treasurer all moneys due to the Exchange for assessments, fines, fees or otherwise. He shall have charge of the rooms of the Exchange, and all other rooms and buildings which may hereafter be occupied by the Exchange, and shall cause them to be supplied with the necessary stationery, and to be properly heated, cleaned, ventilated and kept in order and repair. He shall have charge of the bulletins of the Exchange, and shall cause all information, statistics and notices pertaining to Exchange business to be posted thereon in a correct, neat and orderly manner. He shall, with the advice and consent of the Governing Committee, appoint such assistants as he may deem re(|uisite and necessary to aid him in the performance of his duties, and, with a view to the greatest economy consistent with efficient service, shall organize them in departments, for the proi)er working of each and all of which he shall be held responsible. He shall report fully in writing to the Governing Committee at each regular meeting thereof, and shall perform such other duties inci- dent to his office as may, from time to time, be required of him by the Governing Committee. meetings of the exchange. Sec. 63. The annual meeting of the members of the Exchange shall be held at their rooms, on the last Monday in September in 27 each year, at half-])ast one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving the rei)orts of the (roverning Committee and the Treasurer, and for the transaction of such other business connected with the affairs of the corporation as may be presented for consideration, A notice of said meeting shall be given by the President at least one week previous to the session. The President may, and upon the written request of a majority of the Governing Committee, or fifteen members of the Exchange, shall, call a special meeting of the members of the Exchange, for the transaction of business directly connected with the affairs of the corporation, of which at least twenty-four hours' notice shall be given by the President. Such notice shall state explicitly the object of such meeting, and such business only shall be transacted at such meeting as shall have been mentioned in the call. Meetings for other purposes may be called by the President upon a written request of a majority of the Governing Committee, similar notice being given and observed. The Governing Committee may, in their discretion, upon like notice, submit to the members, for their approval by ballot, any question directly connected with the affairs of the corporation, not otherwise provided for in these By-Laws, and a majority of the votes cast shall determine such question. All meetings of the Exchange must be called to be held between the hours of lo a. m. and 4 p. m., but may be adjourned or extended without limit. Not less than thirty members shall con- stitute a quorum of the Exchange for the transaction of business ; but in case a less number than the prescribed quorum be present they shall have power to adjourn to a future time; which time shall be stated. No notice shall be taken of any resolution at any meeting, unless it be submitted in writing and duly seconded. The calling and recording of the ayes and nays shall be ordered upon the request of ten members. No member shall speak more than twice on any question under discussion, unless by consent of the presiding officer, nor shall any member interrupt another while speaking. ACCESS TO MINUTES. Sec. 64. No person shall have access to the minutes of the Exchange, except members. 28 EXPELLED AND SUSPENDED MEMBERS. Sec. 65. All interest in the property of the Exchange, of any per- son expelled therefrom, shall, upon such expulsion, revert to and vest absolutely in the Exchange; and no transfer of the certificate, or certificates, of the members so expelled shall be recognized or enforced by the Exchange, or any of its officers ; but annual dues and assessments shall accrue and be payable upon all memberships owned by members under suspension in like manner as if they had not been suspended. EXCHANGE OPEN. Sec. 66. The Exchange shall be open for business daily, except Sundays and legal holidays, during such hours and under such rules as the Governing Committee may establish; but the Exchange may be closed for one day at any time, by order of the Governing Com- mittee. A two-thirds affirmative vote of all the members present shall be necessary to effect such closing. Notices of the meeting of the Exchange, and of all other matters intended for the information of the members, shall be given by posting the same conspicuously on the bulletin board of the Exchange; and no notices shall be posted upon the Exchange, except such as relate to the affairs of the Exchange, unless by consent of the Floor Committee. RULES. Sec. 67. All rules adopted by the Governing Committee shall, after having been posted on the bulletin of the Exchange ten days, be in force and binding on the members ; and the rules in force shall govern all cases to which they may be applicable, provided they do not conflict with any specific provisions of a contract. RULE PROVIDING FOR THE REISSUE OF LOST CERTIFICATES OF MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 68. In case of loss of any certificate and of any claim for a new certificate in place thereof, the claimant shall make an affidavit stating the fact of such loss. He shall cause an advertisement to be published daily for three days in one newspaper, in the city of New York, describing the lost certificate, and notifying all persons in interest to show cause within seven days after the last appearance of the advertisement why a 29 new certificate should not be issued in i)lace of the lost one. The same notice shall be posted on the bulletin-board of the Exchange for two weeks. He shall give Bonds to the P^xchange with sureties as shall be ai)proved by the Governing Committee for the i)ur})Ose of indemnifying the Exchange, from all damage the Exchange may pay, or sustain in consequence of the issuing of such certificate. Upon compliance with these conditions, (if no good reason exists why the same should not be doi:ie) the Governing Committee shall cause a certificate to be issued and delivered to such claimant. The newspaper referred to in this rule to be either the Daily Bulletin or the Journal of Commerce. FLOOR RULES. Sec. 69. Letter boxes, drawers and counters may be rented, sub- ject to the terms and conditions imposed by the Floor Committee. Sec. 70. Any member who shall, during the sessions of the Exchange, use indecorous language to another member, or who shall be guilty of conduct subversive of good order and decorum, or of any act or acts whereby the personal comfort or safety of other members is seriously interfered with, shall, on the complaint of any member to the manager, be reported to the Floor Committee, and shall be fined at their discretion in a sum not exceeding five dollars, and may, in addition thereto, upon complaint made under provisions of Sec. 49 of the By-Laws, be summoned before the Governing Committee, who may suspend him for a period of not more than thirty days. A repetition of the offense may subject him to expulsion. Any member smoking in the business rooms of the Exchange, or in any part of the Exchange where the Floor Committee may decide to prohibit the same, shall be fined not to exceed five dollars. And it shall be the duty of the manager to report any infraction of this rule to a member of the Floor Committee. If a member injures or destroys the property of the Exchange it shall be repaired or replaced under the direction of the Floor Com- mittee, and the expense charged to such member, in addition to any fines which may be imposed for the offense under this rule. Sec. 71. Any non-resident visiting the Exchange must be intro- duced by a member, who shall register his name in a book provided for that purpose. Such visitor may receive a card of admission for 0» THB IVBHSITT 30 seven consecutive days during one year, which can be renewed only at the discretion of the Floor Committee. No person receiving said card of admission shall engage in any business on the floor of the Exchange, and if he shall attempt to do so, a complaint having been made to the Complaint Committee and properly substantiated, the visitor so offending shall be at once excluded from admission. Sec. 72. Cards of admission to the floor of the Exchange, not transferable, may be issued by the Manager with the approval of the Floor Committee, to the actual partner or clerk of any member who may apply therefor. Such cards are only to be used in case of temporary absence or illness of the member making the applica- tion. Should any person holding such a card violate the provisions of this Rule, the member whom he represents shall be subject to such penalty or penalties as the Governing Committee in their discretion may impose. Sec. 73. The courtesies of the Exchange may be extended to duly accredited representatives of the press to report markets, but they shall not be allowed to transact any other business- Sec. 74. The name of any member who may be suspended by the Governing Committee shall be posted on the bulletins of the Exchange during the term of such suspension, and the name of any member who may be expelled shall be likewise posted for thirty days from the date of such expulsion. Sec. 75- The Floor Committee of the Foreign Fruit Exchange of the City of New York are hereby authorized and directed to enforce the foregoing Rules. AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS- Sec. 76. These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a major- ity vote at any monthly meeting of the Governing Committee- Notice of such proposed alteration or amendment must be given at the previous monthly meeting thereof, but no amendment curtail- ing or infringing the rights of members, shall be in force unless rati- fied by a majority vote of the members of the Exchange present at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least ten days' notice must be given. 31 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. A. Adams, J. R. Allen, C. F. Aiguimbau, J. L. ArgLiimbau, D, V. Archdeacon, P. M. Armstrong, C. L. Ay res, H. D. Azema, A. Barrett, F. N. Blackwell, S. H. Black, G. M. Bonanno, I). Brown, E. M. Brush, S. Burdick, R. M. C. Chesebrough, R. A. Clarke, W. D. Clyde, W. P. Contensin, L. Conant, A. G. Curtis, R. C. Currier, A. P. Curran, T. J. Cuccio, D. D. Day. H. VV. Day, H. M. Deniier, F. Dean, M. Downes, S. B. Done, H. E. Everett, E. Fiske, R. T. P. Flake, A. Foster, C. A. Forsier, C. Franke, F. R. G. Gerrish, W. L., Jr. Giles, J. C. Giles, C. H. G. Giles, S. W. (joodsell, E. L. Graziano, A. Greaves, A. Graham, A. E. Gulden, C. H. Hatch, A. D. Haesloop, J. Han ley, J. H. Haynes, C. A. Ilaskins, H. C. Haas, K. Haviland, J. Hartwig, L. Henderson, R. Herron, W. Hirzel, C. H in ton, W. M. Hills, J. Hirsch, S. Hotchkiss. H. D. Huntting, C. H. Hunt, J. B. J- Jansen, J. A. Jackson, J. M. Joralemon, C. E. Jones, W. C. K. Kaufmann, S. Kaiser, J. Kelly, P. J. Kraus, G. H, L. Lane, M. Lasalles, A. S. La Scala, D. Lester, G. Leggett, F. H. Levis, S. Liefried, G. W. Little, W. M. Lockwood, F. D. Lumsdon. J. W. Lyon, J, B. Lyon, L. M. M. Maxfield, C. W. Mathews, J. F. Maynard, F. S. Mayer, O. G. Mason, W. B. May, J. A. May, E. Martinez, A, McDowell, J. T. McKinney, G. T. Mead, A. P. Minaldi, A. Mills, S. R. Morris, E. A. Mohlman, J. H. Musica, A. Muller, J. H. N. Nixon, G. F. Nicholson, P. Norman, W. B. Nordlinger, J. D. O. Oettinger, E. Ormiston, T. W. P. Parsons, C. H. Parsons, J. R, Pawling, L. Paddock, B. C. Pannizzo, J. Pi rung, J. Pirandello, F. Prince, M. F. Ramee, L. C. Reiss, S. Renaud, G. H, Reessing, IL Ris, J., Jr. Richardson, G. H. Rossi, C. T. Robinson, C. A. Robinson, F. S. Rollins, C. N. Roelker, A. Rosenstein, J. W. R. Rosenstein, W. Rolker, H. Ruhlman, E. S. San ford, H. E. Saitta, S. Saitta, J. Seccomb, E. A, Seals, 1). Seggermann, F. Sgobel, P. Smith, J. E. L. Smith, A. C. Sonn, H. Spazzali, M. R. Starace, A. Stelle, M. B. Stephens, J. Talcott, T. H. Thorne, P. J, Tucker, R. A. U. Underbill, R. W. V. Villari, G. W. Wads worth, C. H. Watson, T. T. Westervelt."W. H. Weber, C. W. B. Wegman, D. Weisl, J. Whaples, |. R. Wiley, W: H. Wilson. J. A. Windmuller, L. Wilkinson, J. S, Wills. H. T. Wing. L. R. Williams, D.V.N. Woodruff, A. C. Wyckoff, P. Zucca, A, 32 FOREIGN AGENTS THE FOREIGN FRUIT EXCHANGE J. D. ARGUIMBA^U, Denia, Spain. A. DEVESA, Valencia, Spain. H. FISCHER, Almeria. Spain. F. VARELA & CO.. - Malaga, Spain. W. C. BEVAN & CO., Malaga, Spain. J. BARTOMEU, Tarragona. Spain. JAS. DRINKWATER, Naples, Italy. MEYER & WEILLER, . . . - - Leghorn, Italy. F. P. D'AMATO, Maiori, Italy. F. BALLER & CO., - Rodi, Italy. A. DUFOUR & CO., - - Bordeaux, France. ESTRINE & CO., Marseilles, France. G. PERRONE, Catania, Sicily. F. BALLER & CO., Messina, Sicily. F. SGOBEL, - . - - Palermo, Sicily. BARFF & CO., Patras, Greece. GREEN HAM & CO., Trieste. Austria. E. J. DAVEE, Smyrna, Turkey. HORSLEY, KIBBLE & CO., . - - - London, England. BARFF & CO., Liverpool, England. Press of Tuck Pkinting Co., Chesebkough Biiiluinu, 5 Peakl St., N. Y. 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