8W 53 < p M h4 < o < O ^' r § O >H H >—i CO > Faust's Map, Guide &Street Directory OF S4iS FRANOISCO*. ' Faust^s 3Iap and Indexed Street List of S. F. This list contains the name of every street in alpha- betical order, all Avenues^ Alleys, Courts, Places, Streets, Terraces and ^^uares. It gives the name of the street at the beginning and end, and also the two streets between which the street in question may be found. The above 32 page book for pocket, with a fine four- colored lithograph Map of the City and Connty of San Francisco. Price, 25 Cents. m ^ m — ■ Fanst's Map and Guide contains Reliable infor- mation pertaining to all Amusements, Banks, Build- ings, Churches, City and County, State and U. S. Officials, Clubs, Courts, Consuls, Express Co*s, Ferry Time Tables, Fire Dept., Halls, Hotels, Hospitals and Asylums, Libraries, MiHtary, Newspapers, Post Office, Parks, Police, Railroads, Schools, Societies of all kinds, Benevolent, Mutual, Secret, Social ; State Institutions, Street-car Lines, Telegraph and Theatres, and In- dexed Street List with Map and the above complete Pocket Guide of San Francisco, Copyrighted 1898. A 128-page book. Price, 35 Cents. Faust^s Map and Complete Street Directory, con- tains the name of every street in alphabetical order, with its location and street numbers, and all avenues, alleys, courts, places, streets and squares that begin at or cross the street ; also, the width of the streets and sidewalks, and the elevations and grades on every street corner where they have been established All Streets are indexed so they can be found instantly on the map. Small Streets are located by numbers on the blocks as indexed. Copyrighted 1898. A Lar^e 104-pa^e Book, Price, 50 Cents. ^ — ^ » ^ — The Map and Pocket Guide, and with the above Street Directory. 204-page Book, Price, 75 Cts. Pocket Map on Cloth with Indexed Street List in book form for pocket. Price, $1.50. Map on Cloth and Rollers, or heavy card) board with Indexed Street List on the back or in book form, $1.50. Sold by all Book und News Dealers. Trade Supplied by S. F. News Co., 342-350 Geary St. H. W. FAUST, Publisher. City Address, Care of S. F. News Co., S. F., Cal. Residence, Mariposa Ave., Near Telegraph, P. O. Address, Lorin, Alameda Co., Cal. STREET GUiOF, PAGE 103. 10,302 Items in thiri Book FAf>S»9 mikV and «UJBE of SAN FRANCISCO. Contu'iiS dV, g-enerai information relating re the city, and a beautiful Lithographed Map of the City and County in Colors, showing all Streets, Car Lines, Ward Boundaiies, Parks and Squares, Cemeteries, Wharves, Original Water Front Lines, Half^Mile Circles from the Bay, Quarter-Mile Squares and Index to Locate all Streets instantly, Government Reservations, and a partial view of the Ba^- and country surrounding the City and County of San Francisco. TABL,E OF CONTENTS. This list contains the number of items under each heading. NO. OF EACH. PAGE NO. OF EACH. Academies 47-48 Amusements 31 Art Galleries & Art Stores 31 Aid Societies & Asylums47-48 Banks and Bankers 26-27 Banks in Oakland 26-27 Banks & Safe Deposits. . 27 Bank Items & Statistics 27 Bath Houses 35 Bay and River Steamers, 19 Benevolent Societies 88-92 Billiard Rooms 68 Book & News Dealers . . 66-67 Buildings and Blocks . .60-52 Buildings, Public 8 Building & Loan Ass'ns52-53 122 30 32 138 52 8 6 44 29 24 310 24 216 16 106 8 Building Trades 53 3 California, origin name. 7 20 California Missions 46 25 Cemeteries 49 10 Chataqua&Uni.Ex.Class 39-40 178 Churches 43-46 167 Church Societies 43-46 102 City and County Offices 9 238 Clubs, S. F 69-71 21 Coast Steamship Lines. 19 160 Colleges 41-42 37 Consuls, Foreign, 28 25 Courts 9-10 53 County Seats in State . . 102 17 Curiosity & Stamp Col . . 31 30 Dancing Academies 33 118 Distance Tables 20-21 52 Dispensaries & Sani tar's .48-49 7 Dry Docks 21 43 Employment Offices 33 48 Exchanges 2S 112 Express & Transfer Offi's 25 110 Federal Offices 5 31 Ferry Time Tables 15-17 281 Fire Alarm Boxes, S. F.12-13 87 Fire Department, S. F.. 12-15 118 For. Ports, Distances,etc. 20-21 24 Fountains and Statues,. 31 48 Governors of California 71 6 Greal Fires in S. F 102 17 Gymnasiums &TurnVer. 33 11 Hack and Cab Fares. ... 36 326 Halls and Lodge Rooms . 53-55 10 Holidays 27 1052 Hotels, Boarding and Lodging Houses 55 62 19 Hospitals 48 20 Hours of Business 26 40 15 268 14 7 82 77 112 23 20 30 33 300 22 94 110 PAGE Improvement Clubs 53 Kindergarten Sch. Data. 40 41 Labor Organizations. . .91-93 Land Offices 6 Light Houses 6 Libraries 37-38 Literary, Scientific Soc's 63 Livery Stables ... 36 Mercantile Agencies 28 Markets 18 Military Companies 84 National Guard Calif... 83 Newspapers 62-65 Nurses 49 Offices, City and County 8 Offices of Federal Gov't. 13 Offices of State Gov't. . . 6 27 Officers U. S. Army ... 6 174 Offices, Steamship Lines22-23 20 Pleasure & Health Res., 35 60 Parks& Picnic Grounds,34-35 31 Parks and Squares 35 88 Photographers 34 5 Pilot Rates and Boats. . . 33 48 Places of Interest 29-30 100 Police Department 10-1 1 151 Post-office Information, 3 78 Railroad Offices & Agents 25 12 Railroad Time Tables, . . 15-18 82 Reading Rooms 36-38 95 Schools, Kinderg-arten. . 40 94 Schools, Public 38-39 160 Schools, Private 41-42 310 Societies, Benevolent . . . 88-92 268 Societies, Labor 91-98 22 Societies, Religious 45-46 77 Societies, Scientific. . . . 68 50 Societies, Musical 67 1740 Societies (Index to Secret) 72-92 144 State Offices & Instit'ns, 7 174 Steamship Line Offices. 22 23 43 Street Car Lines 93-102 1852 Streets of San Fran'co,103-127 12 Supervisors 12 106 Tel. &TelephoneStation . 25-26 Telescope 80 Theaters . Tug and Tow Boats . . . Underwriters U. S. Reservations U. S. Aimy Posts Ward Boundaries Wells, Fargo Express. . Wharves. . 31 21 15 6 6 9 24 23 Sold by all News Dealers in San Francisco and vicinity. The Trade Supplied by the San Francisco News Co. 240 Geary Street H. W. FAUST, Publisher, City Address: 240-250 Geary. Residence, Mariposa, near Telegraph, P. O. Address, Lorin, Alameda County, California. COPYRIGHTED 1898. — s — SAN FRANCISCO POSTOFFICE I>EPARTI?IENT W. W. Montague, Postuiaster. Malu Office Corner Washing-ton and Battery. 40 carriers. Official P*»stal Guide, 506 Battery (monthly). Postal Development Co., 506 Battery. Post OfiBoe Inspector, R. 78, Appraiser's Bldg., Washington & Sansome, Railway Mail Service, Jackson near Battery. R. R. Mail Service Mutual Benefit Soc, Jackson and Eattory. S. F. Postmasters' Supply Co., 729 Montgomery. Trade Postal Journal, 729 Montgomery (monthh), U. S. Mail Service, 8th Div., Jackson and Battery. Stations Figures show number of carriers from each office. A— 1309 Polk and Sac'to 33 G— 4003 17th and Market 11 B— 1610 Mai ket 3 H— Lagnna and Ivy Ave C; — Twentieth and Mission 23 JT— 42 1 Montgomery ave 12 II — Foot of Mrk't,new ferry dp't . 33 K.— 3u NewMontgomery and Jessie E — Third near Townsend " 18 I^— Ocean View F— Sacramento and Fillmore ... 13 III — Clement and 6th ave 184 carriers and 27 coleptors in the City. Sul> stations Money Order and Registry onlj- No. 1— Kentucky and 20th No. 5— 1338 Castro " 2- -R. R, ave and 11th ave S " 6—3315 Mission " 3-1702Devi?adero •' 7-359 Devisadero " 4 -1900 Union *' 8 823 Market All stations open from 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Sunday, all are open from 12:00 m. to 1:30 p. m. Holidays, 8:00 to 10:00 a. ni. and 12*00 m. to 1:30 p. m. General Delivery, 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday, 12 m. to 1;30 p m. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Box Window 8:00 to 5:00 Registry Office 9:00 to (•):ro Carriers' Window 7 :30 to 5:00 Stamp Window 8:00 to 5:00 Money Orders 9:00 to 6:00 Immediate Delivery . .7:30 to 11 :00 Special Delivery 8.00 a. m. to 11.00 p. m. Dead Lette: S :00 a. m. to 5 p. m. There are 48 St mp Agencies located in all parts of the cit}'. Mail in business parts of city collected houih from all boxes in time for trains. Time of collection indicated on boxes. Foreign Mails. For rates of postage and time of receiving or sending mail to foreign countries, apply at the main or any branch office, L.ate Halls -Station » (foot of Market Street), The Eastern Mail, per Northern, Central and Southeni Pacific R. R; mail pouches close ten minutes before the toat leaves, twenty-five from the main, and 35 to 60 minutes earlier from all branch offices. ^W See Daily papers for railroad time tables. Mail matter is sent from all Branch Stations to Main Office from four to eight times daily, and from Main Office to all Branch Stations from four to six times daily, also by Street Railroad Lines. Carriers' Deliveries and Collections. In territory bounded by Pacific Street on the North, Dupont and Grant Ave and Fourth on the west. Folsom on the south, and the Bay on the ea«t, ninetee» daily and three Sunday collections, with five daily deliveries. v From Dupont and Graiit Avenue west to Fr< nklin, from Fturth to Thirteenth, and from the Bay on the north to Channel on the south, eight daily and two Sunday collections, and four daily dellve ies From i ranklin to Scott, from Mai ket north to theBaj, six daily and two Sunday collections, and three dailj- deliveries. From Thirteenth and Channel South to Silver Ave, and froM Scott west to Twenty-eighth Ave, four collections and two deliveries. From Petroro and South San Francisco,_two daily and one Sunday coUeetien, and two daily deliveries. O"*) £ * i O C\ City Delivery. No delivery on Sunday, but one delivery on holida.ys. City deliver}' to all parts of the city at 7:30 a, m. West from the bay U' Grant Ave and Third 9:15a m. West from Grant Ave and Third to Van Ness Ave and Tenth at 10:15 a. m. To all parts of city at 1:30 p. m. West from the Bay to Grant Ave and Third at 2:00 p. m. West from the Bay to Scott and Thirteenth at 3:30 p. m. Immediate Delivery. A special stamp of 10 cents in addition to rejrular postag-o, on an y class ofmi.il matter will insure its immediate deliverv from bJI Post Offices in the United States having Carrier Delivery between the hours of 8 a. m. and 11 p. m., and from those where there is no Carrier Deliv- ery to destinations within one mile of Post Office, frum 7 a. m. to 7 j). m. Classes of matter First, Letters: Seconl, Publications; Third, Books; Fourth, Samples Dili versa! Rates Letters to all Countries (except the undermentioned) J oz 5c Newspapers (2 ozs or fractions) ditto 2 oz 1 Printed Matter ditto ditto 1 Commercial Papers d tto ditto 1 Postal Union Cards to all Countries ditto 1 Merchandise, [imited 8% ozs (except the undermentioned) (each add 3 oz Ic) 4 oz 2 Registration (addition to postage) 8 Ifldse. Books and Prints General Information Merchandise, Dimensions, 12x8x4 in.; limit, 8-% ozs; not saleable; not corresponileiice. Great Britain, Merchandise. Dimensions, 12x8x4; limit, 12 ozs. France. Merchandise. Dimensions, 12x8x4; limit, 12 ozs. Germany and Great Britain, books, prints. Dimensions, 2ft.xlft. limit 4 l)s. G ozs. Socend Class Which embraces all Newspa[)er8 and Periodical publications issued from a known office of publication, at stated intervals, not less frequently than four times a year, is sent through the mails to regular bona fide subscribers at the rate of Ic per lb. or fraction. Name and address with "from" may be put on third-class matter, with a number and name of artitlis. Samples Samples must not measure more than 12xSx4 in, or weigh mere than S% ozs. except to France, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzland, Argentine Republic, Italy, Egypt, Austria, Hungary, Hawaii, Salvador, Nether- pands and British Colonies, 12 ozs. Imt allowed. Newspapers and Printed Matter A package must not weigh more than 4 lbs. 6 ozs. TiOsses In case of loss of mail mitter, give name of office in wiiich the mitterwas posted, date, who by, person addressed, description of enclosure, office to which addressed, mailed direct or for distribution, to what tributing office, registered or unregistered. Address Chief P. O. Inspector, Washington, D. C. Special delivery stamps in addition to postage. Kegist ration. First, third and fourth class mail matter can be Registered at any of the offices to any part of the United States and Foreign countries, and must be delivered two hours, and for local destinations one hour before time of general closing at the main office, and 3 and 2 hours respectively at the branch P. O. stations. Fee 8 cents in addition to regular postage. Money €>rders. Foreign Money Orders can be obtamed at Stations A, B and D, and Domestic Orders at all Stations. All are cashed in same manner and issued for same amount as at Main Office and during same h(#urs for business— fio.n 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. For^irarclln;^. Mail, from anj- country in the Postal Union, can be forwarded, at request of addressee, from one office to another without extra postage. Postoffice Statistics. The Post Office has 2)7 carriers, and the same number of routes, 148 employees ill the offices, 23 collectors of mail, and 704 street letter boxes. National Ass'n of Letter Carriers, Branch 214, 2(\ Friday, Judge Conlan's Court room, New City Hall. J. J. Brown, Sec. 1025^ Natoma. S. F. Letter Carriers' Mutual Aid Ass'n, 1st & 3d Tues, 414 Mason. P. O. Clerk's Association, 1st and 3d Thursday, Main P. O. Railway P. Clerk's Association, 8th division, Jackson & Batterj\ INDERAL. OFFICES. Custom House, and Appraisers' Building, Washington and Sansome. In Appraisers' Building, unless otherwise stated. Figures give num- ber of room; r. for room. Agriculture Dep., 809 Market Army Offices, 806 Market Appraiser's Office, room 25 Appraisers' Store, 1st floor Attorney U. S,, room 61. Barge Office, foot of Powell Chemist, r 17 Calif. Debris Comm. 809 Market Census Supervisor Chinese Bureau, r, 11 Circuit Court Civil Service Examiners Coast Survey, r 33 Collector Customs, port of S. F. Comm'r Subsistanr e, 36 N. Moiit'y Comm'r Immig. r 73 Comm. Court of Appeals, room 44 Court Commisssioners U. S. Custom House, Battery and Wash- ington. Open fr. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Custom House Ganger Custom House Weigher District Court, Clerk's Office, r. 03 Draymen, Custom House Engineers, Ft. Point Geodetic Survey, r 39 Geological Survey, r 78 Geologic. Survey Irrig. Grana Jury Rooms Harbor Furt'fi;ations, .o33 Kearny Hydrographic Office, 431 California Inspector of Chinese, Mills Bldg. Inspector of Boilers inspector of Drugs Inspector of Foreign Steam Vessels Inspector of Hulls Inspector of Nav. Board, r87 Inspector of Po-toffice Dep't, Marine Hospital Purgeon Mar ne Hospital, Presidio, nr Mt. Lake. Office, Sansome & Wash 'n Marine Recruiting Office, 20 Ellis Marshal, U. S., room 45. Master in Chancery, r 57 Military & Naval Cemeteries, Pres Mint, 5th & Mission, visitors 9-11 a. ^ Naval B(i. of Inspec. & Survey, r. 87' Naval Cemetery, Prepidio Reseivn Ndval Constructor, Un. Iron Wks Naval Landing, Fisherman's Wharf Naval Officer, Custom House Naval Recruiting, 10 Calif. N. Quarantine Station, Angel Isl'd Observatorv, Merchants' Exth, r.42 Pay Dept U. S. Navy, 202 Sansome Pension Agency, 101 San^^ome Pension Examiners, 1170 Market Pension Examiner (special) r. 75 Postoffice, Washington & Battery P. O, Examiners, r. 78 P. O. Inspector, room 78 Purchasing Com'ry, 36 N. Mont'ry Quarantin« Station, Angel Island Quartermaster'sDep't,36N. Mont'ry Railway Mail Service, 8th division, Jacksjn and Batterj' Receiver Pub. Moneys, 610 Comm'l Register of Lands, 610 Commercial Revenue Cutter Service, r 79 Secret Service Division, r. 12 Shippi-g Commisi-ioners, r. 1 Signal Office, 431 California Signal Service, 806 Marktt, r. 325 Special Agent Treasury Dcyit, r. 7 Supervising Insp. Steam Vess. r. 21 Supervisor Elections, r. 71 Insp. Masters, Eng. Mates & Pilots Supreme Court, 82 Market Inspector Local Steam Vessels Inspector Steam Vessels, 1st. Dist. Ins'tor of Quarantine, 506 Battery Inspector of Vessels, r. 21 Internal Revenue Collector, r. 11 Internal Revenue Special Agent Internal Revenue Laboijatory, r 17 Int. Rev. Warehouse, IZO3 Battery Supreme Court Comm. 825 Market Supreme Court Library, 825 Market Surveyor-General, 610 Commerc'l Surveyor Port S. F., Custom House Time Ball from Tower, Tel',.h Hill Treasury Departm't, Special Agent Treasury Dept. Special Inspector Treasury, U. S. Sub, 608 Com'rcial Int. Spec Ag't Secret Ser. 652 Mkt U.S.Harbor Imp. Eng, 533 Ke?rny Lan I Offi.ce, 61u Commercial Life Boat Station, W. end G.G. Park Pres'dio, & nr Merced Lake Liie-Saving Service, 12th Dist. r. 3") Light H Dept Eng., 809 Market. Light H. Inspei tor, 328 Mont'gy Marine Corps, Recruiting, 20 Ellis U.S. Eng. (outside points) 809 Mkt U.S. Sub Treasurv, 608 Commercial U.S.Trea-^ury Reg., 502 Washingtn U.S. Wgt & Mias Stan'd,4i Fremnt Weather Bureau, topfloor,Mil!s bg " " Station, Mt.Tamal pi »s •* Signal, Telegraph HjU U. S. ARJflY OFFICES— JDEPT. OF CAE. U. S. Army Building, 36 New Montgomery and Jtssie Headquarters, Phelan Bldg, 806 Market, unless otherwise stated. Army, Department of California. Chief Paymaster, r. 212 Assistant Adjutant-Gen'l, r. 204 Medical Director, r. 220 Attending Surgeon, r. 219 Medical Purveyor, 36 New Montgy Chief Comis'ry Subsist. Dept. r. 208 Medical Storekeeper, 36 N. Montgy Chief Surgeon, r. 220 Military Storekeeper,36N. Montgy Clothing Department, 36 N.Montg Paymaster, Dept. Cal. r. 237 Commandant Military Dept. r. 201 Pensions, Examiners, 1170 Market Depot Quarter'rs Dep. , 36 N.Mont. Purchasing Departm't, 36 N. Mon. Engineers' Department r. 202 Engineer's Office, r. 215 Engineer, U. S., 809 Market, r. 89 Quartermaster's Dept, r. 2.'^2 Inspector Artillery, r. 216 Signal Service, r. 217 Inspector General Milit.Dept.r.231 Subsistance Dept. 86 New Montg'y lnsi)ector of Small Arms, r. 202 U. S. Naval Recruiting, 10 Calif. Judge Advocate, Milit. Divis., r.210 U. S. ARMY POSTS. U. S. Military Posts: Presidio, Fort Winfield Scott, Fort Mason, Aleatraz Isl, Angel Isl, Denicia Arsenal & Mare Isl. Navy Yard & Station Naval Landing, East Street between Clay and Washington. Troops are stationed at Presidio, Alcatraz & Angel Islands, Ft.Mason. Alcatraz and Angel Islands, Posts in Harbor and near S. F. — Govern- ment Steamer, General McDowell, from Clay Street Wharf, twice daily, except Sunday . Pass obtained at Army Headquarters, 806 Market St. U. S. Barge Office, (revenue service), Powell Street Wharf. U. S. Quarantine Stati«jn, Angel Island. Office, 506 Battery U. S. Revenue Steamer Hartley, Meigg's Wharf. U. S. Shipj)ing Commission's Steamer Ethel & Marion, Green St. Whf. U. S. Steamer General McDowell, Clay Street Wharf. U. S. Quarantine Office and Steamer Gov. Perkins, Fisherman's Wharf II. S. RESERVATIONS (in or near San Iran. Those with * have Light Houses. *Alcatraz Is., 140 ft. high, 300 acres Mulata Island Angel Island, 810 ft. high, 600 acres Point San Jose le.iicia Point Presidio, 1500 acres Fronts I^ *Black Point or Fort Mason miles on San Francisco Bay *Goat Island, 310 ft.high,12l0 acres Saucelito Point Mare Island ♦Three Brothers Islands Marin Island Three Sisters Islands Government Reservation, North of Cliff House, 54 acres. *The Farallone Islands consist of two groups of seven bare, rugged rocks. The nearest is twenty-one miles from the Cliff House. U. S. EAND OFFICES IN CAL.IFORNIA. Bodie, Humboldt, Los Angeles, Marysville, Sacramento, San Fran- cisco, Shasta, Stockton, Susanville, Visalia Eand Offices in San Francisco. Central and Southern Pacific Railroad, Market and Montgomery; United States, 610 Commercial St.; University of California, 310 Pine. EICiiHT HOUSES. Alcatraz Island, East Brother Island, Farrallone Island, Fort Point, Goat Island, Mare Island (Vallejo), Point Bonita. STATE OFFICERS. At Sacramento unless otherwise stated.— Officers change Jan. 1, 1895 Legislature of California, first Monday of January, 1899. Governor J. H. Budd, Stockton Surveyor-Gen.. W.J. Wright,Tulare Lieut.-Gov..W.T.Jeter,SantaCruz Supt.of Pub. Inst.. S.Black, Ventura Sec. of State.. L.H.Brown, Alameda Supreme Court,Clerk, T. H. Ward, Controller .. E. P. Colgan, Sonoma 855 Market Treasurer. .L.Rackliffe, S.L.Obispo Supt.StatePrint. A.J.Johnston, Sac Adjutant-Gen. A.W.Barrett, Sac to State Engineer Wm. Jordan At'y-Gen . W. F. Fitzgerald, 825 Mkt State Librarian F. L. Coombs Salary of Governor & State Engineer each $6,000 ; others 13000 per year — 7 — U. S. SENATORS. Geo. C. Perkins Oakland ! Stephen M. White Los Ang-eles REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS -BY DISTRICTS. 1st... .J. A. Barham, Santa Rosa 5th Eugene F. Loud, S. F. 2d M. DeVries, Stockton 6th . C. A. Barlow, San Luis Obispo 3rd S. G. Hilboni, Oakland "th C. H. Castle, Me reed 4th James G. Mag-uire, S. F. STATE OFFICES ANJD INSTITUTIONS. Academy of Science . . . .819 Market Immigration Comm . . . Mil Is Bidg- Adjutant-General 525 Market Insp'tor Gas Meters.. New City Hall Adults' Blind Home Oakland Insurance Comm 825.Market Analyst, University Berkeley Labor Com 825 Market Assayer 434 California Legislature, Sacra'to, Jan. 8, 1899 Attorney General 855 Market Library, State Sacramento Bank Comm, daily, ?3) Califoniia Minerologist 24. Fourth Bankruptcy Register, 506 Battery Mining Bureau, last Th.4 p.m. 24th and 605 Clay Mining Bureau, 24 Fourth, Library Board .\griculture, 4 W. Sacram'to and fine Collection of specimens Board Arbitration .... " Normal Schools, San Jose, Chico Board Dental Examiners " and Los Angeles Board Education " Park Com. 4 Sat. 2 p.m. G.GatePark Board Equalization . . " Pilot Commits., 1 Sat. 506 Battery Board Examiners,! & 3 Mon " Pilot Exam's, 431 California, r 62 Board of Forestry, 809 Market, r 35 Pilots 506 Battery Board of Health Sacramento Pilots, Benicia & Mare Is., 431 CaL Board Horticulture, Sacriimento Port Wardens Clay St. Wharf Board Labor Statistics Preston School of Industry, lone Board o i Lumber Insp. , 9 Mission Amador Co. Board Pharmacy Sacramento Prison Directors Palace Hotel Board Pharmacy, Sec. 1177 Valencia Prisons, San Quentin, 95 officers Board Silk Culture 809 Market and 1257 Prisoners; Folsom, 63 Board Surveyors Sacramento officers and 68 i prisoners Board of Trade. .New Ferry Bld'g Quarantine Barge Off., Front & Gr Boird of Trade Exh. " " Quarantine Office 506 Battery Building & L. Comm. ..Mills Bld'g Railroad Comm., Mon., 652 Market Cal. Debris Comm..r 92, 809 M'kt Reform Sc, Whittier, Los Angeles Calif. Sch. Mechanic Arts (Li ck)S.F. Reform School Comm. 652 Marke t Capitol Comm Sacramento Regents State Univ. . 320 Sansome Capitol Sacramento Registrar Voters, N. City Hail, S.F. Chief Wharfinger, New Ferry Bldg San Quentin Pris., can visit 1st Sun Clerk Supreme Court . . Sacramento State Board Trade . . Ne wFerryBld g Deaf, Dumb & Blind Asy . . Berkeley State Belt Line R. R Greenwich Debris Com., Mon. 1:30, 809 Market and Battery District Court . .. Appraisers' Bldg State Dairy Bureau 113 Davis Entomological Soc. New FerryBld'g Stf te Devel'ment Comm.MillsBldg Feeble-Mind. Asy... Glen Ellen, Son. State Fish Hatchery, Sissous, Cal. Fish Com. 1 & 3 Mo. . ..809 Market State Fruit Exchange .. 220 Sutter Fire Underwriters... 303 California State Harbor Police, New Fer. Bldg Floral Soc. Cal. State. Ne wFern^'Bld. State Military Hdqt, Baldwin Hotel Fruit Pest Inspector Berkeley Supreme Court 855 Market Grand Army Republic . .6 Eddy SupremeCourt Calif 855 Jktarket Grangers' Sec .. New Ferry Bld'g Supreme Court Comm.. 855 Market Harbor Comm. New Ferry Bld'g Sutter's Fort Trustees.. Sacramento Health'Commiss'rs, New City Hall University, State, 104 employed Harbor Engineers, New Ferry Bldg Berkeley Harbor Police New Ferry Bldg University Land Dep 310 Pine Home Feeble-Mind. Chi. S'ta Clara Viticultural Comm. .101 Sansome Horticultural Soc, New Ferry Bldg Weather Bureau Mills Bldg lnsancAsy's..l344Napa,1580Stoc'n Wharfinger New Ferry Bldg 740 agnews, Mendo'c & S. Ber'da Whittier Reform School, nr Los An Vosemi.'e Valley, MariDOsa and Calavaras Big Trees Comm., Mills Bldg and 1st Mon. in^un« in the Valley. S. F. office, 310 Pine. CAI^IFORNIA— ORIGIN OF THE NAME. CALA— Spanish for a little cove of the sea; and FORNIX — Latin for . the vault or concave ro >f of a buildin?, KOLA-PHORA-NEA — Greek words signifying a beautiful young woman, or a new country. CALIDUS FORNUS — Latin words meaning warm furnace. CITY & COUWTY OFFICES & DEPARTMENTS.^ Hall of Justice, Kearny and Merchant, under construction. All in City Hall, McAllister and Larkin, unless otherwise stated. Hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. ra. r for room Alms House, Corbett Road near Health Inspectors Lake Honda Hospital, County, Potrero av. & 23d Architect, New City Hall Hospital, Receiving Assessor, City and County Hospital, Small Pox,San Bruno Rd Attorney Branch No. 2, County Jail Attorney, District Insanity Commissioners Auditor, County Inspector of Plumbing & Drainage Board of Education Jail, N side Broadway nr, Kearny Board of Education Store Room No. 2 & 3, S Jose Rd & Ocean aV Pine and Larkin Law Library Board of Equalization, 1 & 3 Wed Library, Free Board of Healrh, 3d Thursday License Collector City Cemetery, Pt. Lobos & 33d ave Market Inspector, at Health Office City Hall Commissioners Milk Inspector City Prison Morgue, DunbarAlley nr Merchant County Clerk Mayor, City ai.d County Coroner, County, Dunbar Alley, nr Park Commissioners, Gol. Gate Pk Merchant Physician, Cit}, 1403 California Corporation Yards, 50 Sacramento, Plumbing Inspector 113 City Hali Av. & 814 Sixth Police, Chief Court Commissioners Police Commissioners Court Superior, Departments 1, 2, Police Office 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Police Stations, see Police Dep Courts, Justices' Pound, 16th and Alabama Courts, Police, New City Hall Public Adn)inistrator, 652 Market Delinquent Tax Col'tor, 730 Mont'y Public Library, New City Hall District Telegraph Quarantine Officer, 506 BnUery Election Commissioners Receiving Hospital Fee Dept, Treasurer's Office Recorder, County Fire Alarm Telegraph, Brenham P Records of Court. Fire Dept. Comm. 2d Mon Registrar of Voters Fire Dep. Cor. Yard, No. 1, 50 Sac- Revenue Fund Commissioners ramento; No. 2, S07 Francisco School Directors Fire Dep. Engineers Sheriff, County Fire Disp. Main Office, 612 Market Small Pox Inspector Fire Marshal, r 38 Superintend't of Common Schools Fire Underwriters, 303 California Superintendent of Streets Fire Warden Supt. City Cem'y, Point Lobos Av Funded Debt Commissioners Sui)ervisor8, Monday afternoon Gas Inspector Snrvej'or, City and County Golden Gate Park Com'rs at Park Tax Collector, County Grand Jury Rooms Treasurer, County Hall, of Justice, Kearny and Wash. Water Commissioners Hall of Records Water Inspector Health Office ^^^^^^^ ^ PIJBI.IC BIJIEDINGS. Almshouse, on 7th Ave. nr. P st., 1^ miles south from Golden G. Park Appraiser's Building Sansome bet. Washington and Jackson City Hall, New McAllister and Larkin County Hospital Potrero Avenue bet. 22d and 23d County Jail. . .Broadway nr Kearny, No. 2 & 3 Sau Jose R. & Ocesn Ave Custom House Washington and Sansome Hall of Records New City Hall, McAlHster and Larkin Hall of Justice Kearny and Washington New General S. F. P. O. , (being built) Seventh and Mission Post Office Washington and Battery State Prisons San Quentin and Folsom United States Appraiser's Stores Washington and Sansome U.S. Marine Hospital Presidio Reservation near Mountain Lake U.S. Sub-Treasury 610 Commercial United States Mint (public admitted free 9 to 11 (a.m. Fifth and Mis-sion United States Sub-Treasury 608 Commercial Public Building Washington and Sansome First printing press in California arrived at Monterey in 1835. Pacific Standard time is eight hours slower than Greenwich time. California produces more honey than any other State in the Union. WARD BOUBI BABIES First— Washington, Kearny, San Francisco Bay, including Bay Islands Second — V^allejo, Kearny, Larkin, San Francisco JBa}-. Third— Kearny, Cal.fornia, Market, San Francisco Bay, Washing-ton. Fourth— Washington, Larkin, Kearny, Vallejo. Fifth— Kearny, California, Market. ^IXTH— Washington, Keainy, Pine, Larkin. Sbventh— Market, Harrison, Second, San Franciseo Bay. Eighth— Pine, Kearny, Market, Larkin. l?fiNTH— San Fra'icisco Bay, Harrison, Channel, Seventh. Tenth— Market, Second, Harrison, Seventh. Eleventh- Market and line of Ridley and H to Ocean, to south line of Count}', to San Francisco Bay, to Channel, to Seventh, to Market. TwELFTH—Larkin, San Francisco Bay, Oce n, Ridley, Market, to Larkin Th3 Citv IS divided into 310 Precincts. COURTS. U. S. Court of Appeals.— Ninth Circuit. Appraisers' Building, Sansome and W^ashington John J. DeHaven, Presiding Justice E. M. Ross, Wm. B. Gilbert, W. W. Morrow, Judges Henry S. Foote, U. S. Attorney. F. D. Monckton, Clerk Barry Baldwin, Maishal Term — Firfet Monday in October. IT. S. Circuit Courts. — Appraisers' Building. Joseph McKenna, Circuit Justice W. W. Morrow, Wm. B. Gilbert, E. M. Ross, Judges and John J. DeHaven, District Judge Henry S. Foote, U. S. Attorney S. Hoffman, Clerk Barry Baldwin, Marshal Terms— First Monday in February ; second Monday in July ; fourth Monday in November. U. S. District Court.— Northeni District— Appraisers' Bldg. W. vV. Morrow, Presiding Judge. H. S. Foote, District Att'y. B. Baldwin, Marshal. G. E. Morris, Clerk Terms— First Monday in February; second Monday in July; fourth Monday in November. U. S. Circuit Court Couimissioiiers.— Northern District — Appraisers' Building. S. Huffman, J. S. Manley, F. D. Monckton, S. G. Houghton E. H. Heacock, W. B. Beaizley, John Fonga. J. E. Robinson, W. J. Costigan, and some 50 others in the State. U. S. Election Commissioner, N. Holland. Terms— Held in S. F. 1st Monday in March, 2d Monday in July and 1st Monday in November. Supreme Court.— 855 Market. Hon. W. H. Beatt>^, Chief Justice. Court Com. Departii^nt No. 1— R. C. Harrison, Presiding Justice Associate Justices— C. H, Garout'e and W. C. Van Fleet. Court Com. Department No. 2 — T. B. McFarland, Presiding Justice. ^ Associate Justices^- Jackson Tt mple and H. W. Henshaw W. F. Fitzgerald. Attorney General. T. H. Ward, Clerk. Term of Court— In San Francisco, second Monday in January; third Monda}' in July; in Sacramento, first Monday in May and secona Monday in November; in Los Angeles, first Monday in Apn. and second Monday in October. -10- Nitttii Ciirciilt—DisTRicTs in Counties 6t San Francisco' San Francisco, Humboldt, Del Norte, Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, Glenn, Mariposa, Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz, Alameda, San Mateo, ContiaCosta. Supreme Court Commissionera.—D. B. Wolf, Sec'y. I. S. Belcher, E. W. Britt, N. P. Chipman, N. Searlee, Supreme Court Library, 855 Market, Parrott Bldg. IT. S. Supreme Court Melville W. Fuller, Chief Justice, Illinois. Associate Justices Joseph McKenna, Cala. Henry B. Brown, Mich. John M. Harin, Ky. Geo. Shiras, Penn. Horace Gray, Mass. Howell E. Jackson, Te. David J. Brewer, Kansas. E. D. White, La. J. H. McKenna, Clerk. J. M. Wright, Marshal. $10,000; President appoints; Sen. confirms; ag-e 70, full pay and retired Superior Court.— All in New City Hall. J. Hebbard, Presiding Judge. Judge. Clerk. Judge. Clerk. Dep.l— J. M.Sewell, J. Goddard Dep.7— E. A. Belcher, J. B. Barber Dep. 2-W.R.Dangerfield,J.Dunker Dep. 8— J. M. Trout. R.Welch Dep.3— G. H. Bahr, C. E. Corey Dep.«— J. V. Coffey, J.B. Martin Dep. 4— J. Hebbard, R.H.Fitzgerald Dep. 10— C. W. Slack, E. J. Casey Dep.5— John Himt, A.Watson Dep. 11— F.H.Dunne, C.C.Morns Dep.6- W.T.Wallace, B.S.Solomon Dep. 12— C. Cook, 0. A. Tolle Department 9, Probate. Departments 11 and 12, Criminal. Justices' Court.— New City Hall. G. W. F. Cook, Presiding Justice. E. W. Williams, Chief Clerk. Associates— G C. Groezinifer, F. Kerrigan, J. A. Carroll, J. E. Barry Police Courts. Department No. 1— New City Hall. J. A. Campbell, Judge. J. A.Spinetti, Pros. Att'y. S. T. Kohlman, Clerk Department No. 2— New City Hall. C. T. Conlan, Judge. E. P. Mogan, Pros. Att'y. H. Rivers, Clerk Department No. 3— New City Hall. H. L. Joachimsen, Judge. T. F. Graham, Pros. Att'y. J. J. Lynch, Clerk Department No. 4 -New City Hall. Charles A. Low, Judge. C. H. Reynolds, Pros. Att'y. P.H.Haskins, Clerk Cal. State Bar Ass'n 530 Calif S. F. Law Journal, daily, 219 Bush S. F. Bar Association 530 Calif SAN FRANCISCO POL.IC^ DEPARTJTIENT. Police Commissioners R. J. Tobin, President Wm. Alvord M. A. Gunst C. P. Wright, Clerk of the Board of Police Commissioners Headquarters Central Station, New City Hall, Larkin St. entrance Hall of Justice Kearny and Merchant (under construction)^ Cliief of Police I. W. Lees Captains Geo. W. Wittman B. F. Bohen John Spillmane A. J. Dunleavy John Seymour. Jas. Qillen 11 DetectlTCS Thos. Dillon A. Anthony C. Crockett A. Bainbridgc? Edward M Egan Ed B3 ram Gustavus D Harper Jos. Bee Jno. F. Seymore 'Ross J Whittaker Chas, J. Cody R. M. Silvey Ed Gibson Rob Hogan Police Pension Conditions— 20 years' seivice, age 60, k of salary ; loss of life, to widow, etc. Act March 4, 1889 ; as amended by Acts approved March 31, 1891 ; as amended by Act approved March 2, 1897. Wm. H. Hewlett, Sup't Fire Alarm and Police Patrol Telegraph. Police force has 559 men, 1 chief, 1 clerk, 6 captains, 5 lieutenants, 15 detectives, 43 sergeants, 12 corporals, 475 patrolmen. Stations Those with * stars have patrol wagon service ♦Central, N. C. Hall, Larkin St en Ocean View, Plymouth, nr Ottawa ^California, 536 California *0'Farrell, 2117 O'Farrell Harbor, 32 Sacramento Potrero, 609 Twentieth ■Mission, 3215 Seventeenth *Southern, N C H, Larkin (Temp) *North End, 1712 Washington South San Francisco, RR & 14th Av Boarding Station, foot of Powell, North Beach, and Patrol Stable*?, » 2103 Howard Police and Fire Telegraph Stations : 9 Brenham Place, near Clay and Kearny POLICE DETAILS Police Department cost San Francisco in 1897, 8756,728. Work of the Police Department during 1897 : Arrests, 29,168: of these, 3,046 vagrants, 3762 Chinese and 138 Japanese ; convictions, 15,088 ; 12,738 of the arreets were for drunkenness— of these, 9,972 were convicted ; 3,265 nuisances complained of and 2,156 abated ; 108 houses and stores found unlocked : 348 ships boarded ; 11,395 witnesses were subpoenaed for Police and Superior Courts ; S24,744 in fines were collected by the four Police Courts ; 81,650,882 lost or stolen in 1882, of which 8931,161 was recovered ; 8110.442 lost or stolen in 1897, of which 854,375 was recovered ; 452 articles found ; 1377 lot- tery tickets seized ; 1,838 letters and telegrams sent out and 3,2^0 telegrams and letters were acted on by the Department. Six Patrol wagons made 16,255 runs of 24,650 miles ; 17,231 prisoners taken to station and 3,622 to city prison and 1,918 sick and injured taken to Receiving and County Hospitnls. Patrol stable, 2103 Howard. 560 otficers and men on the police force ; pay of patrolmen, $102 j^er month. One policeman to each 533 inhabitants of San Francisco. Police Widows' and Orphans' Aid Society meet at New City Hall. Police Department expenses for 1897, 8756,728. Police Telephone and Signal Service, 9 Brenham Place. During 1897, 429 lost children were returned to their homes ; 958 homeless people lodged in city prison, 869 were given medical treat- ment and 192 insane taken charge of. The Park police made 86 arrests. 8610 in fines were collected and paid into the Improvement Fund. There were 3,048 licensed saloons in San Francisco July 1, 1897. Of 1,000 applications for iioenses during the year only 38 were refused. District Attornes reports 1,617 cases, of these 462 were new, 221 convictions, 129 appeals, 175 dismissals and 796 still pending. Police Patrol 1 eleg^rapb Kejs to be used only in case of actual necessity. If this request is not complied with che key will be taken from the holder. The Boxes are located in all parts of the city and are divided into four circuits. The New City Hall Circuit has 37 signal boxes ; North End, 1712 Washington, 31 boxes ; 536 California, 43 boxes ; 17th and Howard, 41 boxes ; Southern District, 49 boxes. Detective Ag^encies Bury, Thomas, 14 Sansome McEvoy, A., Mills Bldg Curtain J, 328 Montgomery Morse,'430 Kearny! Curtain & Beal, Mills Bldg Mullen, 20 Ellis Harding, 26 Montgomery National, 316A Sutter International, Spec. Ag'cy 650 Mkt Pinkerton, Nat. Detec. 612 Market Lucas, 906 Market Stillwells, 126 Kearny Macfarlane, J. W., 331 Mont'gy Willis, 18 Montgomery -~12 — SUPERVISORS Mayor J. D. Phelan, President of the Board of Supervisoi-S John A. Russell, Clerk '* '* '* 1st Ward Lawrence Devany, bicycles, 507 Stanyan, 9 to 10 a. m. 2d " Thos. H. Haskins, merchant, 412 Olaj^ 8 to 10 a. m. ^d " P. M. Delany, O'Brien's drvgoods, City Ha'l, 10 to 11 a. m Mon . Thur. Fri. 4th " John H. Sheehan, tailor, 906 Market, 9 to 10 a.m. 5th " Washington Dodg:e, dentist, 734 Sutter, 8 p. m. Tues. Fri. 6th ' I'^hn Lackmann, grocer, 818 California, 7 to 10 a, m.j 7th • T. A. Rottanzi, doctor, 301 Third, 2 to 4 p. m. 8th Thos. Morton, coal, 6S0 Geary, 12 to 1 p. m. 9th '* Jas. E. Britt, plumber, 7 Eig-hth loth " Edw.J.Smith.drugg-ist, S.E.5th-Folsom, board Tue. 10 a.m. 11th " Chas. A. Clinton, doctor, City Hall, 2 to 4 p. m. 12th *• Ihos, W. Rivers, grocer, 500 Hayes, to 10 a. m. Weekly meeting- each Monday 2:30 p. m. Quarterly meeting's first Monday in January, April, July and October. Special meetings at dis- cretion of Mayor. Salary, $1,200. No penalty for non-attendance. SAN FRANCIS«lO FIRE OEPARTIIENT. Office Fire Department, City Hall. D. T. Sullivan, Chief. J. Doug-herty, 1st Assistant Office Fire Alarm Department, 9 Brenham Place, Clay, near Kearny. Pacific Auxiliary Fire Alarm. Office, 216 Bush, near Sansome. A C*^) placed after the names of streets in above list of fire alarm boxes indicates the location of boxes connected with the Pacific Auxiliary System, which connects directly with Fire Department, and gives the alarm instantly, without loss of time. Full directions on every box where put up. Fire Alarm Signal Stations. Wm. R. Hewitt, Supt., 9 Brenham Place, near Clay and Kearny. Ke3'8 for signal boxes are located in vicinity of boxes. DIRECTIONS TO KRY-HOLDERS. Upon the discovery of a fire near your Signal Box, pull down the hook once and let go; then wait a few minutes, and it you hear no alarm from the large bells or gongs, pull again; if you still hear no alarm, go to the next nearest box and give the alarm from that. If no light shows up, wait at the box and direct the firemen to the fire. Never signal for a fire seen at a distance. Be sure your box is locked before leaving it. Do not give an alarm for a Burning Chimney." Give an alarm for no cause whatever except an actual fire. Second, third and general Alarms will be turned in only by the order of the Chief Engineer or his assistants. Riot Alarm : Ten strokes upon bells and gongs, repeated five timoe, is the signal for Police to assemble at City Hall. 7 . . Kearny -Union 35 . . Montgomery-Pine* ^8 . . Folsom-First * 8. Union-Montg Ave 36 . . Folsom-Steuart * 59. .Brannan-First 9 . . Vallejo-Montg Ave 37 . . Batterv-Bush * 61 . . Howard-Third * 15.. Clay-East * 38 . . Ma' ket-Second * 62 . . Mission-Fourth * 16 . . Mason-Pacific 39 . . Howard-Spear * 63 . . Harri&on-Fourth ■' 17 .. Pacific-Kearny 41 . .Sutter Jones * dl. .Howard-Filth * 18 . . Sansome-Jackson * 42 . . Geary-Mason 65 . . Mission-Sixth 19 . . Davis- Wash * 43 . . O'Far n Grant Av* 67 . . Harrison-Hawth'n 21. .Clay-Kearny 45. .O'Farrell-Jones 68 . . Brannan-Fourth * 23 . . Clay-Taylor 46 . . .^utter-Kearny * 69 . . Bryant-Third 24 . . Clay-Puwell 47 . . Powell-Market * 7i . . Mission-Eleventh * 25 . . Wash-Dupont * 48 . . Geary- Kearny * 72 . . Mission-Thirteenth 26 . . Clay-Battery * 49 . . Stockton-Sutter * 73 . . Howard-Seventh 27 . . Montg - Wash'gt'n* 51 . . Folsom-Beale * 74 . . 16th-Guerrero * 28 . . Pine-Dupont 52 . . Howard- Fremont * 75 . . J ones-McAllister * 29 . . Stockton-Cala 53 . . King-Third * 76 . . Market-Hayes * 31 . . Sansome-Sac'm'to* 54 . . Second n. Howard* 78 . . Ninth-Howard * 32 . . Cala-Drumm * 56 Bryant-Rincon PI* 79 . . Folsom-Twelfth * 34 . . Mission-Steuart 57 . . Brannan-Second * 81 . . Franklin-Haj es — 13- 84. 85. 86. 87.. 91., 92.. 93.. 94. 95.. 96.. 97.. 98.. 123 124. 125. 126 127. 128 129 182 133. 134 135 136 137 138 139 142 143 144. 145 146 147 148 149 152 153 154 156 157 158 159 162, 163 164 165 166 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 192 193 194 l'.}5 196, 197, 213 214. 215 216 .Futon-Gough * 217. .Octavia-Oak 218. .Haight-Market * 219. .Laguna-Hayes 231. .Market-Van Ness 234. .Hayes- Stein er 235. .Turk-Lark in 236. .Franklin -Turk 237. .Jones-Turk 238. .Polk-Ellis 239. .Tavlor-G. G. Ave '•'241. .Ellis-Taylor *243. .McAllister-Polk *244. .Stockton-Ellis * 245. ..Hyde-Union * 246. . .N. Pt. andLarkin 247. ..Filbert Jones 248. . . Hyde -Washingt'n 249. ..Broadway-Polk 251. . .Clay-Lea venw'th 253. . . Pacific-Leavenw'h 254 . . Pine-Mason * 255 ..Bush-Powell 2.56. ..Bush-Hyde *257. ..Bush-Polk 258, .Post-V. Ness Av.* 259, Post-Larkin 261 .California- Larkin 263 .Hvde-Eilis 264, . Va en(;ia-20th 265 . . Mission -22d 267. ..Howard 17th 271. .Folsom-22d 273. .Folsom-16th 274. .Howard-20th 275 .Mission-16th 276. .Folsoiij-18th *278. .Brannan-7th *279. . Harrison-7th 281 . .Bryant-6th 283. .Fourth-Berry * 284. . Folsom-Fourth * 285. . Folsoni-Fifth 286. . Folsoni-Sixth 287 . .Pacific-Franklin * 288. .Sac'm'to-Franklin 289. .Clay-Polk 291. . L"bard-Van Ness 293 . .Wash'ton-Gough 294. .McAll'i-Buchanan 295. .Buchanan-Eidy 296. .l-urk-Fillm re *312. . Webster-Grove * 314 . . Post-Octavia 315 . .Buchanan-Geary 316 . . O'Farrell-Gough 317 , .Sixth-Towiisend * 321 .Mission Eighth * 324 .Folsom-Sth 325 .Harrison-Tenth 326 . Brvant-Fifth * 327 .Bryant-8th 328 .Brannan-9th 341 •Hooper-6th 342 . Francisco-Mason* 9||4 Hyde-Chestnut 345 . . Stockton-Fr'nco * 346 .Mont. Ave G.-'wch 351 , Stockton-Grnw'ch 3.'^2 .Powell-Beacll 35 1 . Bush-Bucha nan 355 .Sutter- Pierce 356 .Wash-Webster 357 .Sac'm'to-Fillmore 358, Sig.2 . De visadero- Pine 359 . .Fillmore -Bush 361. .Filbert-Fillmore 362. . Howard-24th 364 . .Harrison-24th 365. .22d-Potrero Ave 3:6. . Mission-26th 367 . .Dolores-22d 368. .Pot. A V. -16th 369. . Bryant-I9th 371 . .Gough-Bush 372. .Clay-Scott 374. .Brod'ck- O'Farrell 381. .Geary-Steiner 382. .Devisadero-Post 384. . Turk-Scott 385 . .Devis'ero- Fulton 386. .McAl'er-Cent. Av. 387. . Broadway-Octav 389 . . Union-Laguna 391 . .Union-Pierce 392. .Vallejo-Buchanan 394. . Fillmore-Pacific 395 . . Fillmore- Chestn't 396 . .Pacific and Pierce 412. . Bay- Buchanan 413 . .First-Mission * 415. .Main-Bryant 416. .California- Front * 417. . Main-Mission * 418 . Market-Beale * 419 . .17th-Church 425. .18th-Noe 426. . 24th-Guerrero 431 . .24th-Church 432. .Valercia-lSth 435. .Cavtro-24th 451. .Mission- 1 9th 452. .San Bruno- Army 453. .28th -Church 455. .29th-Mission 456. . Florida-25th 457. .York-24th 458. .Sanchez-29th 459. .Co^o Av.-Oal'nia 461. . Folsom-Precita 462 . . Jones- Vallejo 475. . Jackson- Stockton 485 . .^tockton-Wa.Pl.^^ 486. .Broadway- Powell 512. .California-Kearny 513, . Jackson-Laguna 514 . . Calif ornia-Laguna 516. . Jackson-Baker 517 . . Vall( jo- Scott 518. . Clay-Buchanan 519 . . Pierce-California 521 . . Sacram'to-Brodk* f 31 . .California-Cen.Av 532. .Sutter-Baker 53t. . Geary-Boy ce 536. .G^ary-Wood 537. .Ellis-Pierce 538. .G. Gate Av.-Octa. 541 .Pierce- McAllister 546, .Haves-Cent'l A v. 561, Brod'ek-G. G. Av £63, . Mont. -Broadway* 566 . Kearny-Bay * 571 . Front-Broadway * 572 .Battery-Union 574, . San some- Green w. 577. . Montgom'y-Green 578. . Pacific-Drumm . San'me-Cheatnut .Querreio-13th .Noe-15 th * .Howard-14th . Harri8on-14th .Diamond- 19th . Douglas8-17th * . Market-Church * . Danvers-18th .Sutter-Mason * . Post-Lea venw'th* .Pine- Jones * . Haight-Buchanan . Fillmore- Waller .Webster-Oak . Haight-Scott .Oak-Devisadero * .Hayes-Broderick .S.Broderick-]8th .Asbury nr. Fred'k . Page- Central A v. . Page-Cole . Haight-Stanyan . St'yn-PamasusAv . Lobos Ave-lst Av. .Clement-7th Av. .Clement-12th Ave . Fulton-Stanyan .Fulton-8th Av. Pt. Lobos- 5th Av. .Californ'a-4thAv. .Baker- Lombard .Baker- Jefferson . Cherrj- Sacram'to .Wash. -Walnut .Wash. -Maple .Mis'n-Hig landAv .Courtland-N. Ave . Sanchez-26th . Douglass-24th .Noe-21st . Church-21st .Guerrero- Army . Randall-Whitny .Bryant-21st . 23d- Vermont . H-9th Ave. .Pt. Lob.-22d Ave. . Sutro Heights . Kentucky-4th .Kentucky-18th . 20th-Micnigan .Georgia-22d .Keiitucky-22d . 20th -Connecticut .18th-Mississippi .17th Carolina A v. .Knt'tv-lst Av. S. .6th Av. S-M. St. .6th Av. S-QSt. .RR. A.-lOth A. S. . 15th Av. S.-P St. .11th At. S.-QSt. .S.Bruno-15thA.S. .S. Bruno-Silver A .Mission-Silver A . Mission-Onond A . Mission-Sickles A . Chenery-Diam'd .Sunside A.-Bid'n .S. Jose-Ocean Av .. Ocean- Arlgtn Av ..Plym'th-Sagmor Tire Alarms in Scliools Fire alarm boxes have been placed in the following- schools : Den man, Clement, Lincoln, Franklin Grammar Schools, and Haighth, Golden Gate, Whittier, Cleveland, Moulder, Emerson, Jefferson, Irv- intf and Starr- King Primaries. Steamers No. No 1 419 Pacific, near Sansome 18 Duncan, b Church & Sanchez 2 Bush, bet Kearny & Grant Ave 19 Waller, near Octavia 3 1315 California, near Hyde 20 Filbert, near Webster 4 Second, bet Natoma & Howard 21 Oak. near Broderick 5 Stockton, b Pacific & Broad vvaj* 22 Post, near Fillmore 6 Sixth, bet Folsom & Harrison 23 Washington, near Baker 7 Dolores and Sixteenth 24 Douglass, near Twentieth 8 Pac Ave, bet Polk & Van Ness 25 Folsom, near Twenty-second 9 Main, bet Fohom & Harrison 26 Second Ave, near Clement 10 516 Bryant, b Third & Fourth 27 613 Hermann 11 15th Ave S, nr RR Ave, So S F 28 Francisco and Stockton 12 Cor. Drumm and Commercial 29 Bryant, opp Eleventh 13 Valencia, near Twenty-sixth 30 Waller, near Shrader 14 1017 McAllister, near Webster 31 1214 Pacific 15 California, near Laguna 82 Seventeenth, near Folsom 16 Tennessee, bet 21st and 22nd 33 Broad, near Plymouth 17 Mint Ave, near 15th and Jessie 34 Ellis, near Buchanan Truck Companies 1 O'Farrell, b Grant Ave & Stockt'n 4 1616 Pacific, near Polk 2 Broadwaj , b Dupont & Stockton 6 1805 Post, near Fillmore 3 1425 Market, b 10th and 11th 6 Oak, b Baker and Broderick Cliemieal Eng^ines Three chemical engines are in reserve at Corporation Yard. 1 142 Second 5 627 Broadway 2 1425 Market, b iOth and 11th 6 311 Sixth 3 112 Jackson 7 16th and Albion 4 634 Eddy Moniter Batteries No. 1 1315 California No. 2 22 O'Farrell Fire Boats Governor Irwin, La Rue's Wharf Gov Markham, La Rue's Wharf Fire Patrol Fire Patrol, organized 1876, consists of wagons, with fire extin- guishers, ladders, rubber covers and apparatus for extinguishing fires, saving life and property- 15 men and officers. . Fire Patrol — Station 1, 108 Jessie, near Palace Hotel, Drill daily 12 m sharp. Fire Patrol — Station 2, Eddy, bet Larkin and Polk. \¥ater Tourer No. 1 , New Montgomery, near Mission Corporation Yard, Fire Department, 50 Sacramento, near Drumm Corporation Yard, No. 2, 307 Francisco Corporation Store House, Waller, near Gough Carpenter Shop, 742 13th, bet Fillmore and Steuier Department Stables, 534 Tenth Plumbing Shop, 1 229 Bryant The Fire Department force consists of 5G4 men, 281 horses, 34 steamers, 4 relief engine companies, 7 hook and ladder companies, 6 chemical engines, 1 water tower, 2 monitor battery companies, 38 hose wagons, 1 hose carriage, 45 chemical extinguishers, and 2 fire boats. The department has 90,000 feet of hose. The Department has in reserve 10 engines, 7 hose reels, 3 hook and laddars, at Corporation Yard. Each hose cart carries about 300 feet of hose, 4-wheeled hose carriage from SCO to 100 feet, and hose wagons about 1000 feet. There are 48 cisterns with a capacity of over 1,500,000 gallons, 3,345 hydrants, and 278 fire alarm boxes. Fire Alarm and Telegraph Station, Brenham Place, Clay and Kearny cost S. F. $28,725 in 1897, and consists of 200 miles of wire, divided into 1 2 signal or box circuits with 155 miles of wire, 6 alarm or Song circuits with 78 miles of wire, 4 tapper circuits, with 54 miles of wire and 18 police signal circuits with 160 miles of wire ; 482 gravity cells, 157 electropoion. 111 dry battery cells and 786 Leclanche cells, a total of 1636 batteries, large 400 lb bell and one whistle with 109 gongs and 104 taypers. Fire alarm controlled by 34 cranks, 244 automatic boxes, 957' fire alarms from June 30, 1896 to June 30, 1897, of these 350 were still alarms, 683 were first, 18 second, 9 third or general alarms, calling out the entire fire department. Cost of the fire depart- ment for 1897, $8i9,895, property owned and controlled by fire depart- ment, $1,360,000. Chief engineer of fire department recommends the removal of the fire alarm office from Brenham Place (Chinatown) to the dome of the New City Hall, also the increase of the force by two new steamers, six chemical engines, nine truck compaaies, two water towers, two moni- tor batteries, one fire boat company. Commercial ^ire Dispatch, Crocker Building, 612 Market. Exempt Firemen and Engine, Brenham Place, near Clajr and Kearny. Their large engine was built in 1808 ; their " Little Pet" in 1820. Both brought to San Francisco in 1849. They have seen many years of active service in this city. Fire Commissioners, City Hall, Fire Marshal, City Hall and 303 Cal. Fire Underwriters' Association of Pacific, 303 Calfiomia. Gamewell's Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., 230 Kearny. Insurance Commissioner, 825 Market Pacific Auxiliary Fire Alarm Office, 216 Bush near Sansome Sons of Exempt Firemen, Brenham Place Underwriters' Inspection Bureau, 303 California Veteran Volmiteer Firemen, 24 Fourth UNDERWRITERS Amsterdam 410 Battery London .406 California Board of Marine 222 Sansome Marine 219 Sansome (fe 303 Ca Bordeaux 416 Battery New York 421 Cahfomia Boston 303 California New York 303 California Bremen 525 Front Pac Underwriters. . . 320 California Fire 222 Sansome Philadelphia.. 303 Cal & 219 San'se Fire and Marine 421 California Rhode Island JOl California French 3 Sansome S F Bo UnderwriterB.222 Sansome Germanics Lloyd 20 Market State Ins Commr 825 Market Hamburg 525 Front Fire Underwriters' Bureau of Inspection, room 38, 303 Cal. LOCAL FERRY 1 1ME 1 ABLE * Sundays excepted t Saturdays only J Sundays only BROAD GAUGE — From S F TO FRUITY ALE (via East Ookland)— Same time as to East Oakland " (via Alameda) -*9:30, 7:00, 12:15 p m TO BROADWAY, EAST OAKLAND AND FRUITY ALE (Fare, ten cents each way, or Commatation Tickets $3.00 per month for one round trip daily)— *6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12 m ; 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:05, 11:15 p m : 12:15 a.m. TO ALAMEDA- *6:00, *0:30, 7:00, *7:30, 8:00, *8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, tlO:30, 11,00, tll:30, 12:00 m.; +12:30, 1:00, Jl:30, 2:00, J2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:05, 11:15, p m.; 12:15 a m. TO BERKELEY AND WEST BERKELEY— *6:00, *6:30, 7:00,*7:30, 8:00,*8-30, 9:C0, 9:30, 10;00, tl0:30, 11:00, tll:30, 12;00 m.; U2:30, 1:00, tl:30, 2:00, t2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4,00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:05, 11:15 p m.; 12:15 a m. To S^n Francisco FROM FRUITY ALE (via East Oakland)— 6:25, 6:55, 7;25, 7:55, 8:25. 8:55,9:25,9:55,10:25,10:55, 11:25,11:55, 12:25,12:55,1:25, l:.'r), 2:25, 2:55, 3:25,3:55. 4:25, 4:55, 5:25, 5:55, 6:25, 6:55, 7:55, 855:, 9:55,11:06. FROM FRUITY ALE (via Alameda)— *5 : 20, 5:50, t9:20am; *3:20 pm . FROM EAST OAKLAND— *5: 30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, ^;00, 9:30, 1j:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00 am.; 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00,10:00,11:10 pm. — 16 — From Broad^iray, Oakland— *5:38, 6:08, 6:38, 7K)8, 7:38, 8:08, 8:38, 9:08, 9:38, 10:08, 10:38, 11:08, 11:38, 12:08, 12:38, 1:08, J:3&, 2:08; 2:38, 3:08, 3::^8, 4:<.«8, 4:38, 5:08, 5:38, 6:08, 6:38, 7:08, 7:38, 8:08, 9:08, 1:08 and 11:08. From Alameda— *5:28, 5:58, *6:28, 6:58, *7:28, 7:58, *8:28, 8:-8, 9:28, 9:58, tl0:28, 10:58, Jll:28, 11:58 a.m., U2:28, 12:58, n:28, 1:58, J2:28, 2:58, 3:28, 3:58, 4:28, 4:58, 5:28, 5:58, 6:28, 6:58, 7:58, 8:58, 9:b8, 10:n8 p.m. From JBerlteley and West Berkeley— *6:25, 5:55,*6:25, 6:55, *7:25, 7:55, *8:25, 8:55, 9:25, 9:55, J10:25, 10:55, :il:25, 11:55 a.m. U2:25, 12:55, tl:25, 1:55, j2:25, 2:55, 3:25, 3:55, 4:25, 4:55, 5:25, 5:55, 6:25, 6:55, 7.55, 8:55, 9:55, 11:05 p. m. NARROVT OAUOE. To Oakland and Alameda-*6:15, *6:45, *7.15, 7:45, 8:15, 8:45, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45 a.m., 12:15, 12:45, 1:15, 1:45, 2:15,2:45, 3:15, 3:45, 4:15, 4:45, 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, 6:45, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:45, 11:45 p.m. From Oakland (Fourteenth-street Station)— *5:32, *6:02, *6:32, 7:02, 7:32, 8:02, 8:32, 9:02, 9:32, 10:02, 10:32, 11:02, 11:32 a. m. 12:02, 12:32, 1:02, 1::52, 2:02, 2:32, 3:02, 3:32, 4:02, 4:32, 5:02,5:32, 6:02,6:32, 7:17, 9:17,10:31, 11:31 p m. From Oakland (Seventeenth-street Station)— 2 minutes later than from 14th Street. From Alameda (Park-street Station) -4 minutes later than High-street Station. From Alameda (High-street Station)— *5:35, *6;05, *6:36, 7:05, 7:35, 8:05, 8:35. 9:05, 9:35, 10:05, 10:35, 11:05, 11:35 a.m., 12:05, 12:35, 1:05, 1:35, 2:05, 2:35, 3:05, 3:35. 4:05; 4:35, 5:05, 5:35, 6:05, 6:35, 7:20, 8:20, 9:20, 10:35, 11:35 p.m. crkek: route ferry. From San Francisco (foot of Ma ket Street, slip 8— *7:15* 9:00, 11 a.m., tl:00, *2.0i», ^3:00, *4:00, J5:00, *6:00 p. m. From Oakland (Foot of Broadway)— *6:00,- 8:00; 10:00 a. m., p2:30, *1:00. J2:00, *3:00, |4:00, *5:00 p.m. Fare, 5 cents each way. R A1I.ro AI> TIME TABJLES. Trains Licave and arr ^re at San Francisco These change twice each year; this is winter time table. See newspapers and R. R. guides. LEAVE ARRIVE * 6.00 A Niles, San Jose and Way Stations 8.45 a Benicia, Suisun and Sacramento 7.00 A Marysville, Oroville and Redding via Woodland ... 5.45 p 7.00 A Vacaville and Rumsey 8.45 p r, ..^ 1 Martinez, San Ramon, Valleio, Napa, Callistoga ) « ic ^ ^•-^^ ^1 SantaRosa ) ^'^^ ^ 8.00 A Atlantic Express, Ogden and East 8 45 p c OA f Niles, San Jose, Stockton, lone, Sacramento, Marys- ) ^^ i r „ 8.^0 A I ^jjjg^ ^j^j^^^ Tehama and Red Bluff ) ^'^^ ^ * 8 30 A Peters, Milton and Oakdale 7.15 p (New Orleans Express, Merced, Fresno, Bakersfield] 9.00 A< Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Deming, El Paso, V 6.15 p ( New Orleans and East j 9.00 A Vallejo, Martinez, Merced and Fresno — 12,15 p * 1.00 P Sacramento River Steamers * 9.00 P 1.30 P Mariinez and Way Stations 7.45 p 2.0) P Llvermore, Mendota, Hanford and Visalia 4.15 p 4 00 pi ^iartinez, San Ramon, Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, El ^ 9 15 a 4.UU P| Verano and SantaRosa \ . „^ j Benida, Winters, Woodland, Knights Landing) to-I'^ a *•"" ^l Marysville, Oroville and Sacramento ) ^''•*'^ "^ 4.30 p Niles, Tracy and Stockton 7.15 P ( Lathrop, Modesto,Merced,Raymond (for Yosemite) ] 4.30 P<^ Fresno, Mojave (for Randsburg), Santa Barbai a J- 7.45 A ( and Los Angeles J 4.30 P Santa FeRouce,Atlantic Express for MojaTe& East 6.15 p 6. 00 p European Mail, Ogden and East 9,45 A 6.00 P Hay wards, Niles and San Jose .. . . 7.45 A 8,00 P Vallejo .... t 7.A& p o (\f\ J Oregon Express, Sacramento, Marvsvill«, Redding |^ ^ .^ 8.0U P j Portland, Puget Sound and East ) ' '*" — 17 — SAUSAL.ITO-SAN RAFAEL,— SAl^ C^UENTIN. VIA NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY. Ferries leave and arrive foot of Clay St. Up-town office, 14 Sansome From S. F. To Sausalito & San Rafael— Week days, ^7:25, 9:30, 11:30 a.m., 1:45, 3:45, 5:15, 6:30 p.m. Sundays, 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. 1:15, 3:00, 4:30, 6:15 p.m. Mon. Wed. and Sat. 11:30. mill Valley- Week days, 7:25, 9:30, 11:30 a.m., 1:45, 3:45, 5:15, 6:00, 6:30p.m. Sundays, 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. 1:15, 3:00, 4:30,6:15 p.m. San Q,iien tin— Week days, 7:25, 9:30, a.m., 1:45, 5:15p.m. Sun- days, 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 a.m., 1:15, 4:30 p.m. To S. F. From Sausalito- 6:10, 7:10 8:15, 10:10 a.m., 1:00, 2:50,4:25, 5:50 p.m. Sundays, 7:10, 8:45, 10:40 a.m., 12:35, 2:15, 3:45, 5:25, 7:00 p.m. Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 7:25 p.m. Fare, 25 cents round trip. From San Rafael -Week days, 5:30, 6:35, 7:45, 9:30,a.m., 12:20, 2:10, 3:45, 5:05 p.m. Sundays, 6:20, 8:00, 10:00, 11:55 a. m., 1:30, 3:10,4:40. 6:20 jj.m. Mon. Wed. & Sat. 6:25 p.m. Fare, 50 cts. round trip. From irnil Valley- Week days, 5:45 6:40, 7:55, 9:45, a.m- 12:35,2:25,3:50,5:20 p.m. Sundays, 8:00, 10:05, a.m., 12:0P, 3:15, 5:10, 6:20 p.m. .Wed. and Sat. 7:05. Fare, 50 cents round trip. From San Cliien tin— Week days, 7:30, 9:15 a.m., 12:05, 3:30, p.m. Mon. Wed. and Sat. 6:35 p. m. Sundays, 7:45, 9:50, 11:40 a.m., 1:20, 3:00, 6:55 p. m. EXCURSION RATES. Thirty-day Excursion— Round trip tickets to and from all stations at 25 per cent, reduction from single tariff rate. Friday to Monday Excursion— Round trip tickets sold on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, g-ood to return on following- Monday. Camp Taylor, *1.50; Tocoloma and Point Reyes, $1.25; Tomales, ^2.00; How- ards, $2.50; Cazadero, $3.00. Sunday Excursion — Round trip— Tocoloma and Point Reyes, $1.00. Stages leave Cazadero daily, Mondays excepted, for Stewart's Point, Gualala, Point Arena, Cuffey's Cove, Navarro, Mendocino City, Fort Bragg, and all points on the North Coast. SAN FRANCISCO ANU N. P. RAIL.\VAY. THE DONAHUE BROAD GAUGE ROUTE. Market St. Ferries. Ticket offices, 2 N. Montgomery, 36 Montgomerj'. For TIbiiron anil San Rafael -Week days, 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. 3:.30, 5:10, 6:20 p.m. Sundays, 8:00, 9:30. 11:00 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:20 p.m. Thursday, extia trip 11:30. Saturday, extra trips from San Francisco at 1:50 ana 11::^0 p m. liea ve San if afael— Week days, 6 :10, 7 :50, 9:20, 11 : 10 a. m. ,12 :45,3 :40, 5:10 p.m. Sundays, 8:10, 9:4), 11:10 a.m,, 1:40, 3:40, 5:0), 6:25 p.m. Saturday, extra trip f r )m Sm Rafael at I:n?S and 6:25 p.m. From I'lbiiron to San Francisco- Week days, 6:50, 8:20, 9:55 a.m., 1:10, 4K)'>, 5:35 p.m. Saturdays only, extra trip, 6:55 p.m. Sundays, 8:40, 10:05, 11:35 a.m., 2:05, 4:05, 5:30, 6:55 p m. For Pel a I uma— 7:30 a.m., 3:30, 5:10 p.m. Sundays, 8:00, 9:30 a.m. 5:00p.m. Arriye in San Francisco: Week days, 8:40, 10:25 a.m., 6:22 p.m. Sundays, 10:40 a.m., 6:10, 7:35 p.m. Stages connect at Santa^osa for White Sulphur Spriuijs and Mark West Springs ; at Geysen*ille for Skaggs' Springs, Stewart's Point, Gualala and Point Arenas ; at Cloverdale for the Geysers ; at Pleta for Kelseyville, Soda Bay; at Hojiland for High and Springs, Lakeport and Bartlett Springs ; and at Ukiah for Vichy Springs, Saratoga Springs, Lierley's, Bucknell's. Hullville, Booneville, Hot Springs, Blue Lakes, Laurel Dell Lake, Upper Lake, Pomo, John Days, Lakei)ort, Willits, Cahto, Calpella, Potter Valley, Sherwood Valley, Mendocino City, Fort Bragg, Westport, Usal, Hydesville and Eureka. Excursion Tickets (Round Trip) on Saturday at reduced rates. Sunday (Round Trip) to all points beyond San Rifael at half rates. — 18-- CALIFORISIA RAILWAY TO LEONA HEIGHTS. Leave San Francisco regular ferry boats to Oakland or Alameda, there take electric cars to Tidal Canal; trains leave this point at 7:30 and hourly thereafter, until 10:00 p. m.. Fare 25 cents from Oakland or Alameda and 40 cents from San Francisco. SAISi LEANDRO oat. .LaRue's Elizabeth office, 142 Berry Ethel and Marion .... Fisherman's Farragut Fisherman's Fearless Folsom Golden Gate. Fisherman's Gov. Stoneman Pier 5 Lady Mine Gov. Irwin, Fireboat . . . LaKue's Gen. McDowell, Gov. BtS.Mi^sim Gov. Perkins, Board of Health Boat Megg's Hartley, Custom Ho. Boat, Powell Hercules Pier 13, Vallejo Hiawatha Mission 1 Ida W Pier 2, 44 Steuart J. Redmond Pier, 13, Vallejo Kate Mission Lena L office, 142 Berry Gracie S BOATS. Name. Wharf. Liberty Pier 13 Lottie Pier 2, Mission 2 Millen Griffith Mail Dock Millie Pier 3 Monarch Vallejo Neptune Vallejo Relief Folsom Reliance Folsom Rescue Vallejo Roberts Mission 1 Rockaway. .. Union Iron Works Santa Monica Pier 2 Sea King Vallejo Sea t^ueen Vallejo Sei Witch Vallejo Tiger Clay Transit Pier 2, Mission U. S. Grant Fisherman's Vigilant Folsc m 1 Walter Hacket Megg's Water Nymph, fresh water supply boat. Pier 11, Broadway Water Witch Vallejo Wizard Vallejo Yosemitc (U. S. Engineer's Dept.) Piers5&7 -22- Mat^M of pil.otag£ INTO OR OUT OF THE HARBOR OF SAx\ FRANCISCO. All vessels under 500 tons, $5 per foot draught ; all vessels oVer 500 tons, $5 per f«.)0t draught, and 4 cents per ton for each and every ton registered measurement. When a vessel is spoken, inward or outward bound, and the services of a pilot are declined, one-half of the above rates shall be paid. In all cases where inward-bound vessels are not spoken until inside the bar, the rates of pilotage and one-half pilotage above provided shall be reduced fifty per cent. Vessels engaged- in the whaling or fishing trade, and all vessels coasting between San Francisco and any port in Oregon, Washington or Alaska Territories, and all vessels engaged in coasting between ports of this State, shall be ex- empt from all pilotage, except where a pilot is actually employed. STEAMSHIP OFFICES AN1> L.I]^E. A. &. A. Line, booking office, 114 Montgomery. Austria-Hungarian Veritas, Bureau Veritas, 28 California. U. S. Lloyd's, 315 California. L. for Line; S. S. for Steamship. For particulars see Daily Guide and Newspapers. California State Harbor Commissioners, New Ferry Building, American Association Masters and Pilots Steam Vessels, 9 Mission. Shipowners of the Pacific Coast, 42 Steuart. S. F. Committee on Commerce, 42 Steuart. A. & A. Line, 114 Montgomery Alaska Connn'l Co., 310 Sansome Alaska, 4 New Montg'y, 10 Market American(toEurope)609-G13Market American Line, 609 Market Apia, Samoa, 327 Market Areata and Eureka, 6 California Aspinwall, 319 California Atlantic Steamship Lines, 202, 613 Market, 203, 401 California, 116 Montg., 2 & 5 Montg. av., 204 Front, 114 Montgomery Australia, 1st «Si Bra'n, 421 Market AnstraliaDisp. L. 302 & 416 Calif. Astoria, 10 Market, 300 Davis Baltic S. S. Line, 401 California Belingham Bay, 10 Mkt, 19 Spear Boston, 34 California Brit. Columbia and Puget Sound, 4 New Montgomery, 10 Market California Transp'n Co. , 602 East Cal. Clipv er Ships, 202 Market Cal. L. to New Zealand, 10 Market Cal. L. Packets for N. Y., 202 Mkt. Cal. & Mexico, 10 Mkt., Wash. Whf Cal. Nav. & Imp. Co., Wash. Whf Cal. S. S. Co., 3 Calif 'a., 525 Front Canadian Pacific S. S. , 648 Market Carpenteria, 10 Market Central Am., 303 Montg, 10 Mkt Cent.-Amer.,lst & Bra'n,202 Front 435 Battery China & Japan, 421 & 648 Market Coast & Rivers. S. Co., 323 Front Columbia River, 44 Market Coinm'l L, 121 Market Corapagnie Generale, 5 Montg'y av Coos Bay, 22 Market, 4 New yontg'y, 16 Sacram'to, 24 Spear 8 Broadway, & 22 California. Copenhagen & N. Y. L., 11 Market Crescent City, 488 Beale Cunard, N. Y, Boston, Liverpool, 220 Market Eureka & Areata, 317 California. Eel River, 10 Market, 4 New Mont Eureka, Humboldt Bay Route, 10 Market, 4 New Montgomery Fort Bragg, Noyo and Westport, 42 Market, 16 Sacramento Gray's Harbor, 48 & 121 Market Third & King Guatemala Transfer Co., 208 Cal. Hamburg-American, 401 Calif or'a Hamburg-Baltimore,401 California Havre, S.S. 5 Montgomery ave Hawaii, 114 Montgomery Hilo,:-^27 Market Holland- American, 621 Market Honolulu, 105, 220 California, 202 and 327 Market, Folsom Wharf Humboldt S.S. Co. 317 California Hongkong, 2C6 Sansome, 436 Cal. 421 Market, 1st & Brannan, 4 Montgomerj' Humboldt, 6, 10, 22, 200, 302 & 317 California, 204 and 400 Front, 10 Market, 4 New Montgomery Inman Line S. S., 613 Market International Nav. Co. 609 Market Italian SS Ticket Offi., 2 Montg Av Japan, 421 Market Japanese S S. L, 11 Montgomery Johnson-Locke Mer. Co., 204 Front Liverpool and London direct, 306 and 316 California Manilla, 408 Market Melbourne, 302 California Merchant's Line N. Y., 203 Calif. Mexico, 324 Washing'n, 303 Montg 435 Battery Mexican Coast, 10 Mkt., 4 N. Mont Mexico Dispatch L., 506 Battery Nanaimo, B. C, 507 East Navarro, 42 Market Netherlands- Amer. St. & Nav. Co. 621 Market. NewZealand,lst &Bran'n,n4 Mon *.^- Kew York, First and Brannan, 202 and 613 Market, 203 & 302 Cal., 202 San some Northern Pacific, 688 Market North Pacific S.S. Co. 14 California North Am. Trans. & 'i ra. Co. 8 Calif North Amer. Nav. Co., 204 Front North Ger. Llovd, 118 Montgoni'y North Pacific Coast, 431 Cal. , r. 1 Occidental & Oriental, 426 Market 1st & Brannan Oceanic S. S. 327 Market, 114 Mont- gomery, Folsom Wh. Oceanic Trans. Co. 30 Montgomery Oregon. Coal & Navigation Co. 8 Broadway and East Oregon R. K. & Navigation, 630 Market, Spear St. wharf Oregon Improvement Co., 16 Cal. Oregon, 45 Front, 132 Market, 4 Montgomery, Spear St. Wht rf. Oregon C. & N. Co., Davis & Vall'o Pacific Coast Clipper L. Pacific Coasts. S. Co. 4 New Montg'y 10 Market Pac. Mail, 425 Market, 1st & Bran'n. Pacific S. Nav. Co., 421 Market Panama, 2u4 Front Philadelphia, 203 California Planters' L. Honolulu, 220 Calif Point Arena & Mendocino, 40 Cal, Port Angeles, 10 and 22 Market, Port Kenj^on, 123 Davis 16 Sacramento, 19 Spear Portland, 10 Cal., 309 Sac, 10 Mar- ket, 1 & 214 Montg, 4 N. Montg Portland, via Yaquina B., 34 Mont P. Orford&Tillan.ookB, 243 Berry Progress S.S. Co. 319 Pine Puget Sound, 10, 204 k 211 Cali f ornia, 10, 48 & 209 Market,4 New Montgomery, 19 Spear Red Star S. S. Line, 609 Market Royal Mail S. S. L., 306 California Russian River, 431 California San Diego & Way Ports, 10 Market S. F. Steam Transport Co. , 126 Clay S. F. & Yaquima Bay, 16 Sicra'to Samoa, 114 Montgomery Scandinavian S. S. L., 401 Cal. Seattle, 10 Market, 19 Spear, 4 New Montgomery Shoalwater Bay, 16 Sacramento, 12 California,' 48 & 121 Market Simpson's L. for Oregon, 44 Spear South American, 203 California Scuth American S. S. Co., 203 Cali- fornia and 204 Front Star Union Line, 2.0 California St. Michaels, Alaska, 3 Sttuart Sutton's Disp. L. N. Y,, 308 Market Sydney, direct, 302 California Tacoma, 10, 22, 48 Market, 19 Spear Tahiti, 40 California Trinidad, lo Sacramento Transatlantic, 19 Montgomery and 5 Montgomery av. Union L,ine, Hamburg, Havre & N. Y. 401 California Union S. S. Co. 114 Montgomery Victoria, 10 & 20 Cal., 507 East, 609 Batter3%118 Pacific, Broad'yWhf Wash.(state) 10,20, Cal. 118 Pacific Well's Puget Sound Line. 10 Cal. West Coast S. S. Co., 54 Mission West Indies, via Aspinwall, 308 Cal White Star Line, 613 Market, 213 Jackson Ytkohama,421 Market,lst &Bran'n Union Iron Works Dry Docks at the Potrero, Office 222 Market. Tl^HARVES. Battery, foot of Batter}- Beale, foot of Beale Broadway, foot of Broadwaj* C. P. R. R., foot of Second Channel, south extension Channel Dewey's, foot of Third Dry Dock, Hunter's Point East, Market to Folsom Front, fr»ot of Front Green, f jot of Green Hathaway's, Spear and Brjant Harrison, foot of Harrisoii Holb's, Long Bridge, foot of 4th Hodkins', Long BriJge, So. S. F. Howai d, foot of Howard Howard No. 2, b Hcw^ard & Folsom Jackson, foot of Jackson M;iin, foot of Main Market, foot of Market \ Meigg's, Francisco, b Powell & Stoc Mission, foot of ^Mission WHARVES are open f . om 7 a. m. 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. Chiei Wharfinger Mission 2, bet Mission & Howard Oakland Ferry, foot of Market Oriental, foot of First Pacific Mail S. S, First & Brannan Pacific Rolling Mills, Potrero Pt. Pacific, foot of Pacific Rincon, foot of Steuart Rincon Point, Spear near Folsom S. F. Gas Co., foot of Second Second and Berry, foot of Second Spear, foot of Spear Steamboat, Long Bridge Third, foot of Third Union, foot of Union Vallejo, foot of Vallejo Washington, foot of Washington Sec. 1 Sea Wall, Kearny & Stock'n "2 " ** Sans'm "3 " Sansome & Front "A ** from Stockton W " B " " Green to Mkt to 6 p. m. Freight received fn m 'office is on Washington St. Wnarf. The largest ferry boat in the world is the Sole no, used at Port Costa by the Southern Pacific Railroad It is 424 feet long by 116 feet, and will carry 48 freight cars. - 24 — RAII.ROAI> AGENCIES AND OFFICES. Alameda & San Joaquin 328 Montgomery California Railroad Commissioners, 652 Market, Oakland & S. F. Passenger Ass'n, Mills Bldg. Travelers' Bureau of Information, 20 Montgomery and 420 Kearny. Areata and Mad River, 317 Calif. Atchison, Topeka & S. Fe. 644 M'kt Atlantic and Pacific, 652 Market Baltimore & Ohio, Mills Building Belt R. Way, New Ferry Building Boston & Albany, 10 Montgomery Burlington & Mo. River, 32 Montg Canadian Pac. R. R. 648 Market Califurnia Laundry Farm, 613 M'kt California and Nevada, 650 Market Canadian Pacific, 648 Market Chicago and Alton, 628 Market Chicago, Bur. & Quincv, 32 Montg Chicago,Mil. & St. P. 2 New Montg Chicago & N. Western, 2 N. Montg Chicago, Rock Is. & Pac, main off. 628 Mkt; freight off, 228 Calif. Chicago, St. L. & Fitts , 10 Montg Chicago Great West. Mills Bldg C. P. R. R., Market & New Mont- gomery, 4th & Townsend & Ferry Colorado Midland, 6E2 Market Delaw., Lackaw. & Wes., 19 Montg Denver and Rio Grande, 314 Calif. Eri-^ Disj). Fast Freight, 132 Calif. Fitchburg, 612 Market Fugazi, 5 Montgomery ave Great Northern Railway, 11 Mont'y Hannibal & St. Joseph, 32 Montg International Ticket Office, 4 New Montgomery Intern '1 R.R.& St'mshp,513 Montg LakeShore&Mch.Sout'n,10 " LosAngeles Terminal, 14 California Michigan Central, 10 Montgomery Missouri Pacific, 121 California & 204 Front Missrouri, Kan. & Texas, 132 Calif. Mount Tamalpais Scenic R. 621 Market, office, 508 California. New York Central, 10 Montgomery N.Y. Chicago & St. Louis,612 Mkt Nickel Plate Rd. Crocker Bldg. North Pacific Coast, 14 Sansome; depot, foot of Clay, Offi.638 Mkt Northern Pacific, 18 California Oregon Pacific, 630 Market Overland, 401 California, 567*, 620 621, 626 & 634 Market, 19, 22,30, 36, 130, 632 Montgomery Overland Short Line, 2 N. Montg Pennsylvania Lines, 20 Montg Piedmont Air L. 621 Market Pittsburg, Cin. & St. L., 20 Montg Pullman Palace Car Co., 613 M'kt Rio Grande W. R.,14 Montgomery and 5 Montgomery Avenue Rock l.sland S^'stem, 624 Market S. F. & North Pacific, Offi. Sansome & Calif., Ticket Offi. 650 Market San Joaquin & Sierra Nev, 306 Pine S.F. & San JoaquinVal. 321 Market Santa Fe, 644 Mkt, Tkt offi. 634 Mkt South Pacific Coa^t, 4 Montgomery and New Ferry Bldg, Southern California, 650 Market Southern Pacific, 613 Market, 4 Montgomerj' & Oakland Ferry St.Louis,Ir.Mt. & Sout'n, 203 Front Texas Pacific, 121 California Union Pacific, 1 Montg'ry, freight 101 Front Vanderbilt Lines, 10 Montgomery West Shore. 825 Market McLaughlan & Burke, 634 Market (cut rate) Ottinger's, 620 Market, (cut rate) Thomas Cook & Son., Gen. R R. & Steamship Ticket Ag'ts, 621 Market Phillips & Judson's, Excursion agents over all lines, 19 Montgomery Raymond & Whitcomb, Tours, 14 Montgomery \rEI.t,S, FAROO & CO'S EXPRESS. Office : Mission and New Montgomery Open from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. Ocffie Hours: Letter Department, 6a.m. to 8 p.m; Collection Department 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; Express Department, 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. ; Delivery Department, 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Parcels, Treasure and Freight by all trains. Packages received to within one hour of the time train or boat leaves. Wells, Fargo & Go's Mon^y Orders are payable at over 8,000 places in the United States and Canada. Collections and Commissions executed, and a General Express Business promptly attended to in all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. Bills of Exchange, Telegraph Transfers and Letters of Credit issued, payable in all parts of the world. The barley crop of California is twice that of any other State, and one-quarter of all that is produced. The Tides for San Francisco are very irregular in height and intervals Three hundred miles of Water Mains laid in San Francisco. -16 — EXPRESS AND TRANSFER OFFICES. ABC Delivery, 408 Tehama Alameda Express, Greely's 3 Spear Alam'^a Transfer, 21 Market Anderfcon's Oakland, 823 East, N. Baker K.T.Dray&Storage,10 Davis Bay City Transfer Co. 311* Sutter Bay Freighting, .'S6 Steuart Barry's City & Potrero, 3d k How. Benicia Parcel Exp. 511 Market Berkeley (People's) 30 Market Berkeley (Johnson), 123 Wash'ton Boatman's Fg'tt Ag'cy, 32 Steuart Bocarde Drayage Co. 36 Market Calif ornicv Transfer Co., J'kson Wf City Express, 203 Sutter City Freight Co.,Bay&Riv.,27 Steu City Transit, 311 Bush CommercialTransfer Co. 22 Stock'n 43'Sutter, 15 Market, 409 Fell Contra Costa Co. 30 Market Dann & Vaugh Berkeley, Berkeley Doane & Co. D & S, 6 Beale Draymen, 307 Cla}' Drucker's Oakland, 21 Market East Oakland Express, 21 Market Emmond's Draying, 203 Front Emmons,G.W.bray& S.,203 Front Farnsvvorth & Ruggles, D. & S. 100 California Foreign Parcel Ex. 106 Leidesdorflf Foster & Orear, Ferry Bldg Fruitvale, Drucker's, 21 Market Gisslow's L. Eddy & Larkin Golden Gate, People's, 46 Market Greely's, 1435 Polk & 3 Spear Hay wards, 30 ^ 46 Mkt, 106 Davis Harvey's, Vallejo, Market & Front Howard's San Kafael, 21 East, N. Howe's Special Delivery, 508 Jones Immediate Delivery, 630 Mi rket Jones' Express, 11 Steuart Lorin, People's, 46 Market Martinez Quick Ti ans. 421 Market McNab & Smith.D. &S., 205 Davis Merchants' Dis. Trans. Co. 3 Spear Merchants' Ov'ld Trans. 43^ Montg Merchants' Express, 3 Spear Meyer, A. VV., Foreign Parcel Ex- press, 138 Montgomery Mills' College Express, 112 East. 408 Taylor, Oakland Feriy Mill Valley, 29 & 323 East, N. Mission & City,542 Valencia & 17th Mission Exp. Rogers', 2241 Mission Morton Special Delivery, 650 Market, 408 Taylor Morton Dray and Ware Co. 204 B&t National, Berkeley, 36 Market Napa, Vallejo & San Fran. 10 Bush Nolan Drayage Co., 607 Market Oakland Parcel Del. Co., Ferry Oakland, Anderson's 323 East, N. Oakland, People's Exp. 30 Market Oakland & Ala. Fy, Par. Del. Ferry Overland Freight & Transfer, 201 Front, 47 Bluxome near 5th Pacific, 46 Market Pacific Transfer Co. 20 Sutter Pacific Truck, 21 Main Peoples, 30 Market, 10th & Broad 'y Oakland, Park &RR A v. Alameda Petaluma, 3 Spear, 46 Market Phillips' Teleph. Trans. 203 Sutter Piedmont, Whitney's, 46 Market Potrero, Rasmussen's, 4th & Berrj Potrero & S. F., 3d and Howard Rapid Transit Co., 36 Market, 406 Ninth, Oakland, 1421 Park St. Alameda and Berkeley River Express, 3 Spear Rode, C. B. &Co., 318 Battery- Rogers' Mission, 2241 Mission Sacramento Transfer, Jackson Wf. San Leandi o & Hay wards, 28, 30 & 46 Market San Jose, 46 Market Santa Rosa Par. Del. 689 Market San Rafael and S. F., 29 East, N. Sausalito, 29 East N. S. F. Heavy Trucking, 303 Davis S. F. Drava^e Co. 412 Front S. F. Moving Co. Market & Taylor Scott & (JO. East Oakland, 9 East Signal Trans. 530 Jones So. S. F., Barry's, Third & Howard Spriegel Erayage Co., 501 Front Star Deliverv, 522 Jackson Stockton & S.F. , 328 Front, 46 Mkt Sunset Express Co., 202 Powell Sunset Trans. & Str'ge Co. 21 Main Temescal, Whitney's, 46 Market Ten Cent Parcel Del. , 203 Sutter Teele & Co. Dray., 717 Sacramento Telephone Trans, Co. , 628 Mission Tompkinson's Bag Trans. 59 Minna Trucking and Draying Co. , 121 Cal Union Pacific Trans. Co. 16 First Union Transfer Co. 2d and Bryant Vallejo & S. F.,302 & 511 Market Wells Fargo, Mission & N. Montg Western Delivery, 372 Natoma West, Trans. Co., 323 Front TELEORAPH and XEEEPHONE OFFICES. Aiueriean District— Main OflRce, 607 Market. Branches: 205 and 319 Davis, 111 Market, 839 gutter and Leavenworth, 111 and 206 Market. Baldwin, California, Lick House, Occidental and Palace Hotels, Valencia and Twenty-second, 228 and 2407 California, near Fillmore, Front & California, Hayes & Larkin, Fourth and Townsend, Pine and Montgomery, 2 Golden" Gate Avenue and Market. Arizona Teleg-rapli Co.— Room 3, Crocker Building, roiiiHieiH'iail 4'abie t'o. -536 Market. Commercial Fire Biispatih— 612 Market. Fire aiul I'ollce— Brenham Place nr. Clay, bet. Kearny & Dupont. Oamdirell Fire Alarm Co.— 230 Market. Ciold and Stock— Main Office, 607 Market. Mexican and Central American— 130 California. Municipa.! Biirg^lar Al arm— 246 Sutter. Pacific Auxiliary Fire Alarm- Main Office, 216 Bush. Fadrie Postal Telegrapli I'o, — Main Office, 534 Market Branches : 301 Montgomery and Pine, Palace and Baldwin Hotels, 132 and 423 California, 321 Davis, Oakland Ferry, 140 and 1329 Market, 5 Golden Gate Ave., Davis & Market, 6th and Townsend. Pacific 'I elephoue & l elegrapli €©.— Main Office, 216 Bush. Branches and Public Offices: 464 Jessie, 1008 Sutter; Steiner & Pine, 202 Front, 2239 Mission, 102 & 700 Market, 200 Post, Butchertown. Pacific Coast Telegrapli Construction Co.— 8 Eighth. People's Mutual 1 eleplione Co.— 927 Market. Police Xeleplioue «k Sig^iial Service— 9 Brenham Place San Francisco District— Main Office, 246 Sutter. Branches : 301 Montgomery, 200 Sutter, 140, 534, 912, 1204 and 1329 Market, 321 Davis, Geary & Leavenworth, 1305 Polk nr. Bush, 427 Larkin and 6 Golden Gate Ave. Sunset Teleplione - Telesrapli Co.— Connects 751 towns, using 13,409 miles of Copper wire that connects with 24,674 Subscribers in California, 10,340 in San Francisco and 2,042 in Alameda Co.— Main Office, 216 Bush. Branches: 464 Jessie bet. 5th & 6th, 2239 Mission, 1008 Sutter cor. Hyde, Pine & Steiner, Butchertown. Ifestern Union- Main Office, Montgomery and Pine. Branches : Baldwin, California, Grand, Occidental and Palace Hotels, 205 and 839 Sutter, Oakland Ferry, Fourth and Townsend, Pine and Steiner, 228 and 2407 California, 10, 111 and. 607 Market, 1052 Valencia and Twenty-fifth, Fort Mason & Presidio Reservation, Pacific Mail Dock, California and Front, California and Fillmore, Produce Exchange, 319 Davis, Hayes and Larkin, 3d and Townsend Pass. Depot, 5th and King Freight Depot, Pine and Steiner. HOURS OF BUSINESS. Boot and Shoe . 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Coffee Houses open all night. City and County.. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Retail 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Elevators run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Street Cars, last fromthe ferryl2:U5 Ferry Boat,last boat 1 2 :1 5 midn ight to 1 :00 a. m . First car to ferry about 6 a. m. U. S. Appraisers .. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hacks and Cabs all night U. S. Internal Rev. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Main Post Office, 7:30a.m.tollp.m U. S. Pension Office9a.m. to 4 p.m. Newsdealers, Candy Stores,Restau- U. S. Land Offi e. .9 a.m. to 4 p.m. rants. Groceries, 6 a.m.to 10 p.m. U. S. Mint 9 a. m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, until 4 p. m. U. S. Mint open to visitors to 11 :30 a Principal Hotels, Resta'nts, Lodg- U. S. Sub-Treasury, same as Banks ing Houses, and some Oyster & Wholesale a. m. to 4 p. m. OAK:r.ANI> BANKS. California, Washington & 12th Oakland B.of Sav. Broadway & 12th Central, Broadway & 14th Oakland B.of Safe D. Broa'y & 12th Farmers and Merchants' Saving Union Nat. Bank, Broadway & 12th Bank, 1103 Broadway Union Sav. Bank, Broadway & 9th First National, Broadway & 10th BANKS ANI> BANKERS. California Bankers' Magazine, 628 Montgomery. California Bank Commissioners, 530 California, meet daily Banking Hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. ; Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 12 m. American B. & T.Co.,Montg&Bush Cal.Mo'ge & Sav.Bank,524Montg'y Anglo-Californian, Sansome &Pine Columbian B. Co. 703 Market & 3d Bank Br. N.America, 120 Sansome Columbus Sav. & L., 614 Wash'tn Bank Br. Columbia, Bush & Sans Comp D'Escomp de Paris, 412 Mtg Bank California, Cala. & Sansome Cook & Son, Thos., 621 Market Bank of Commerce, 805 Market C rock er-Wool worth, 6t6 Market Bank Tarapaca & London, 203 Cal Donahue, Kelly & Co., 100 Montg Berton, F. & Co., 527 Clay First National, Sansora* and Bush Borel, A. & Co., 311 Montgomery French Saving & Loan, 634 Cala. Bradford Ins. Co. 328 Montgomery German Saving & Loan, 526 Cala. Bruner, Martin & Co. 524 Montg'y Hibernia, Jones.McAllis'r «St Mark't Cal. Sav. & Loan, Mills Bldg Hongkong & Shang. 401 Montg'y -27- Humboldt Saving, 18 Geary. Selby Smelt. & Assay Off. 416 Mont London. Paris & American, 1 Sans Security Saving, 222 Montgfomerj' London & S. F., 424 California Sutro & Co., 408 Montgomery Meyer, D., 21 i Pine Strassberger & Co. 310 Pine Mutual Saving, 33 Post Swiss- American, 524 Montgomery National B, ot Australia, 525 Front Tallant Banking Co., Cal.& Battery Nevada National, Montg'y & Pine Union B. of Australia, 525 Front New Zealand L. & Mer. Ag.306 Cal U. S. Mint, Fifth and Mission Pac. Coast Saving, hC8 Market U. S. Sub-Treasury, 608 Con m*l Rollins, E. H. & Sons, Mills Bldg Valentine & Co. 302 California S. F. Savings Union, 532 Califora Wells, Fargo & Co., Market & Sans S. F. National, Sansome & Pine Yokohama Specie, 515 Montgom'y Saving & Loan Society, 101 Montg SAFE DEPOSIT VAUETS. Bank of Commerce, 805 Market First Nattional Sansome & Bush California, California & Montg'y Oakland Bank S. D. 12th & Broad Columbian S. D. & T,, 703 Market Union Trust, Market&Montgomery Banking- Items. American Surety Co. 219 Sansome Bankruptcy Register, 506 Battery and 606 Clay. " Guarantee Investment Co., 326 Montgomer)'. *' Home Building Loan Co., 315 Calif on, ia. *' Loan and Trust Co., 26 Montgomery. ** Mortgage Loan Co., 328 Montgomery. ** State Building & Loan Ass"n Commissioners, 109 California " Title Insurance and Trust Co., 210 Montgomery. Pacific Surety Co., 308 Sansome, furnishes all kinds of bonds. Pacific States Saving, Loan & Building Co., 410 Pine San Francisco Clearing House, 211 Sansome. Selby Smelting and Lead Co., 416 Montgomery; Shot Tower, 1st and Howard and Smelting Works at Vallejo Junction Title Insurance & Trust Co, Mills bldg Union Trust Co., Montgomery & Market California has 283 Banks; of these 108 Commercial, 56 Savings, 33 National, 21 Private and 5 Foreign Branch Banks. San Francisco Collection Days are 13th and 28th of each month, except when these diites come on Saturdaj^ or Sunday, then on Monday, when on a holiday, then the following da . U. S. Mint has one of the finest numismatic collection in the world. U. S. Mint can coin a million ounces a month; employs 130 men and 42 women at a salary of 820,000 per month. The building covers 2 7 feet on Fifth Street and 161 on Mis5?ion. U. S. Mint in San Francisco was established in 1854, since that time to Dec. 1, 1697, there was coined $1,108,985,514. U. S. Treasury at San Francisco contained on Oct 1, 1896, $39,751,652 FINANCIAE STATISTICS FOR 1893, Clea ring-House operations for 1897, $748,700,000. Resources of 281 banks in the Siate Jan. 1, 1898 were $802,415,455. Liabilities due depositors, $200,114,820, and other items to n.ake $302,4i 5,455. Deposits in all banks $200,114,820. Savings' Bai k Deposits to Ju.y 1, 1897 were $100,820,474. Total assessed valuation of the State— 1897, $1,089,818,886. Jan. 1, 1898, 285 banks in California, of these 32 were N ational Banks. Value of bullion output forCalifornia, about $20,000,000 in 1897. Internal Revenue Collections in 1897, $2,620,499. Mint Coinage in 1897 was $40,202,441. Coal receipts at San Francisco, 1897, 1,341,280 tons. Total business of San Franisco Clearing House since March, 1876 to Nov. 1, 1897, $13,160,825,064. Custi m House Receipts, 1897, $5,072.6^9.66. San Francisco exported in specie, $30,374,337 in 1887. The as^ssed value of rtal estate in U97 was $187,017,000; value of improvements on the s^ane, $£0,540,8C3; personal property, $46,783,0C0; a grand total of taxable property of $348,125,107 : with mortgages of $51,795,630, and a pub. $375,600. HOEIDAYS. Arbor Day November 27 Thanksgiving, Last Thur. of Nov. Admission Day September 9 Washington's Birthday. . . .Feb. 22 Battle Bunker Hill June J7 Jan. 1, July 4, Dec. 25, Sundays Memorial Day May 30 and all General Election Days. Labor Day Pctober 4th -28- OTERCANTIL.E & COMMERCIAIi AGENCIES. Bay State Mercantile, 113 Sansome Bradstreet Co., 230 California California, 211 Sutter Coal Dealers Ass'n, 22 Market Commercial, 212 San some Curtain-Beals, Mills Bldg Dunn, R. G. & Co., 320 California League of Progress, 132 Market Manufacturers & Producers Ass'n, Mills Building Martindale's, Crocker Bldg Merchants' Credit Ass'n of Cal. 1^3 California Merchant's Retail Com., 652 Markt Merchants' Mutual Adjust Co. 927 Market North American, Mills Bldg New Zealand, 306 California Pacific Coast Co. Union, 431 Montg Pickens, Fulton & Co.,i30 Sansom San Francisco, 215 Sansome Shain's Collection, 328 Montgom'y Spanish, 328 Montgomery United States, 409 California Wholesale Grocers' Ass'n, 123 Cal Wilber, 508 California EXCHANGES. Board of Trade, S. F., 202 Market Builders', 470 Tenth, Oakland Builders', 3l8 Bush Builders' Exchange, 40 N. Montg'}' Butchers'Board Trade, 800 Market Calif, Developm't Ass'n, 701 Mkt Chamber Commerce, 431 Calfornia Chinese Merchants, 739 Sacra'nto Coal Dealers Ass'n, 22 Market Con. Plasterers' Ass'n, 314 Montg Farmers & Pro.Assn, 7th & Bryant Fire Undervvi iters', 307 Sansome Grangers' Business Ass'n, lOGDavis Grocers' Exchange, 301 Battery Grocers' Exchange, i<01 Battery Italian Ch. of Comm'ce, 506 Batt'y League of Progress, 123 California Liquor Dealers' Ass'n, 526 Montgy Lumbermen's, 10 California LumberSurveyors of Cal. 9 Mission Masons', 4l) ^ew Montgomery MasterBakers'Prot. Ass'n,323 Turk Manufacturers' Ass'n, 216 Montg'y Mfis.ife Empl'rs Ass'n, 216 Montg'y Master Plumbers' A, Pioneer Hall Mercliant's Ass'n, Mills Building Merchant's' Exchg, 431 California Merchants'Chine8e,739Sacramento Merch'nts Mut.Adjus,Agt,927Mkt Milk Producers' Ass'n, 430 Turk Millmen's Prot. Union, 314 Montg Milkmen's Headquarters, 35 Eddy Pac. Co. Bd. of Commerce, 431 Cal Pacific Coast Gas Ass'n, 415 Post Pacific Grain & Stock, 4 Leidesdorf Pacific Stock, 316 Montgomery Produce Exchange, 425 California Retail Grocers' Ass'n, 115 Clay S. F. Fruit, 317 Davis S. F. Produce Ex. 425 California S. F. Clearing House, 211 Sansome S. F. Stock & Ex. Board, 32 r Pine State B'd Trade, New Ferry Bldg State Board of Trade Free Exhibit 16 Post, fine exhibit, 5850 sq. Stock and Bond, 431 California Woman's Exchange, 26 Post W ool, Fifth and Townsend FOREIGN CONSIJES. Argentine Republic— 506 Powell Austro- Hungary- 203 Battery Belgium 203 California Bolivia— A. Canal, 217 Sansome Brazil,D. L. Randolph, 12 Montg'y Chili— L. E. Tagle, 1258 California China — 806 Stockton Columbia— A. Canal, 217 Sansome Costa Rica— J. M. Tinoco, 606 Mt Denmark — J. Simpson, 22 Cal Ecuador — L. F. Lastreto, 318 Front France —6()4 Commercial German Empire — 318 Sacramento Great Britain — 506 Battery Greece — A. Goustiaux, 617 Pacific Guatemala— M. Carrillo, 421 Mkt Hawaiian Island, 206 Sansome Honduras— E. Calderon, 119 Bush Italy— C. F. Sera, 506 Battery Japan— 1514 Pine, nr Van Ness av Mexico— A. K. Coney, 604 Clay Netherlands— P. Van Loben Sells, .508 Montgomery Nicaragua— E. Caldei/^n, 119 Bush Norway — Henry Lund, 214 Calif. Persia— Geo. E. Hall, 825 Market Paraguay— 508 Montgomery Peru— R. B. Hule, 203 California Portugal — I.deCos.Duarte,605Clay Russia— H. G. Piatt, 328 Montg'y Salvador— E. Calderon, 119 Bush Spain— C. Martin, Stock'n & Geary Sweden~H. Lund, 214 California Switzerland — A. Borel, 311 Montg Turkey-G. E. Hall, 825 Market Uruguay — J. Costa, 114 Montgom Venezuela — A. Canal, 217 Sansome The Japan Ocean current, 600 miles wide and 3000 feet deep, sweeps around from Japan via the Aleutian Isles. This warm current of 60 degrees tempers the trade winds that blow from May to January, and reduce the heat of the summer and cold of winter. Heavy clotb«« are always necessary for comfort in San Francisco. PL>, Pacific and Kearnv Streets, about 12 blocks that was once an important business part of the city. To see the Joss Houses, Theatres, Restaurants, Curio Shops, a guide is necessary, then you can investigate th s wriggling, surging mass of himianity and see them in their underground dens. Population about 30,000. Cliff 'House, a fine new building, (the old historic structure was burned) on Pacific Ocean Beach, Western end of the City, 8 miles from Ferry. Take Street Cars to Central Avenue or Stan van Street; then by Steam Cars to Cliff House and Sutro Heights. Fare, 5 cents from the ferry. Time, 55 minutes from the Ferry. Drake's Cross. 40 feet high, solid stone work; erected on the Hill just North of Strawberry Hill, in honor of the Discovery of the Golden Gate by Sir Francis Drake. Drake's, or Prayer Book Cross, just west of Strawberry Hill, to commemorate the first celebration of English church service on this Coast in 1579 Dry Dock, Hunter's Point and South San Francisco. Farallone Islands, 23 miles West of Cliff House— seen on clear days. Foreigners' quarters, The Mexicans, Spanish and Italians hover around Telegrxph Hill, Dnpont, Vallejo and North Beach. Government Post, Fort Wlnfield Sc> itt, 1 mile beyond Presidio, south side entrance to San Francisco Bay through Goldi-n Gate — fine vierw. Goat Island, north of Ferrs'^ route to Oakland— Government Reserva- tion containhig 1.210 acres; has Light House and Fog Signals. Golden Gate, entrance to San Francisco Bay, a strait, one mile wide and five miles long; its maximum depth is 378 feet at its narrowest part at Racoon Straight 234 feet de ?p; a splendid sweep of deep water Golden G ite Park, 3 miies from Kearny Street, extends from Baker Street, west to Pacific Ocean, 3 miles' long and | mile wide, or 52 blocks long, 4 wide nd 8 as an entrance, or 216 blocks, equal to 1013 acres. There are 20 mi]e> of beautiful walks, 28 miles of drives and 7 miles of bicycle paths. It contains a magnificent Conservatory, 250x75 feet, is stocked with plants from all parts of the earth and many orchid and trop.cal plants; Ca ino; Children's House and Play Grounds an I Merry-go-round; Beach. Chalet. Boat House, Park Lodge, Japanese 'J'ea Houses; Gymna-ium; m'ny Statues; a splendid Art Gallery and Collections; the Museum contains about 42,000 articles; also a Library and many other buildings; Music Paxidon, with a Band of 45 pieces ^-laying on Sunday, 2 p. m.; a fine Avi««iry con- taining over 1,800 valuable birds; covers ground 300x150, and is about 30 ft. high, built of timber, glass and wire; has a passage-way through its centre lift, high and 16 ft. wide; Bridges, Tunnels, Base Ball and Criiket Grounds, Deer Glen. 37 deer, 9 Elk, old and j'ouog, 1 Angora Goat, 2 Persian Sheet-, 1 Kangaroo; Buffalo Park, with four aninuls from Montana, Kansas and Utah; Strawberry Hill and Reservoir, surrounded ly a beautilul little Lake; a fine driveway to Sweeney's Panorama Observatory on its summit, a wel- ( o ne shelter for man and beast from the ocean winds, from here a p.endid view is obtained of the City, Park, Golden Gate entrance to the Bay, and the grand Pacific Ocean; the Park Lake surrounding Strawberry Hill, covers 6 acres, a fine view of city, bay and ocean, and has a rowing sweep of 1,200 feet, with a waterfall and cascade of 70 feet from the Reservoirs above; at N.»rth side o| the Park, near the Beach, is the Beach Chalet and Ocean Observ- - 30 — atory, with Bicycle and Carri&ge Stations; Speed Track 6,800 feet long, and two Main Drives to the Ocean. Hundreds of acres are covered with youn^ forests, lawns and flowers, many miles of roads for riding- and driving with paths. ThePark Boulevard extends along the Beach from the Cliff House two miles South. The Park cost in 1897, over $250,000, work began in the Park in 1874. Time, 38 minutes from the Ferry to Golden Gate Park; fare 5 cents. Harbor View, near Presidio, Baker and Beach Sts.— pleasure resort, with hot, cold and surf Baths. Hunter's Point. South San Francisco— ship building. Ingleside Race Track, take Mission Street Cars. Lake Merced, near Pacific Ocean — fine drive over Ocean Ave. Road. Lick Baths, 10th & Howard— open, 1 to 7 p. m. ; Sunday, 7 to 10 a. m. Lime Point, Marin Co., nearly opposite Fort Point— drive fromSausalito Lick Observatf ry, on Mount Hamilton, 4,287 feet above sea level, was completed in 1838. It is the finest equipped Observatory in the world, has second largest telescope ever made— the 36-in. objective -all of which were donated to California by James Lick. It is situated 27 miles s )uth-east by road, and 14 miles in a direct line, from San Jose, being a magnificent drive over a splendid road with a grade of 0^ feet to the 100, or 343 feet to the mile. 367 turns on the grade. The road was built by Santa Clara County at a cost of $75,000. From this road is seen the Bay of San Francis?o, the beautiful Santa Clara Valley and the City of San Jose, nestled in a bower of roses, vines and fig trees. Every Saturday evening, from 7 to 10 p. m.. free access is given to the public to see the worders of the Heavens, through the 6, 12 and 36-inch telescopes. The Observatory is a part of the State University and has a full complement of Astronomers. From San Francisco round trip tickets, $2.50 to San Jose, and from $4.00 to $5.00, ace )rding to conveyance and number in the party, round trip to Mount Hamilton from San Jose. Stages leave San Jose daily, 7:30, and return 6 p. m. On Saturdav, 12:30 and return after midnight, or a stop-over can be made at Smith's Creek H tcl, 6 mile J from Mt. Hamilton. No hotel accommocati )n8 on the mountain Lone Mountain, 468 feet high, near 1.0.0. F. Cemettry— Cross on summit Meigg's Wharf , Bay Street, letween Powell and Mason. Mi'itary, U. S. Posts at Prcfc^idio, Alcatraz, Angel Island and Mare Island Navy Yard. The Coj s: Defense of San Francisco consists of 8S high power guns, 144 12-ii c'l mortars, of these 14 high power and 32 12 inch n orta: s are r oady f r servi e, on both short s of Golden Gate Mining Bureau. California State, 24 Fourth Street, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m; a very valuable collection of the mineral wealth of the State and Nation. Mission Dolores, ICth anu Dolores— oldest church in the city, founded Oct. 9, 1776, ori<,iiial adobe wall st: 11 standing, but a modern roof. -Mountain Lake, near Presidio Reservation. Mount Tamalpais 2,592 feet high, ma.;niacent sunrise and sunset effects, and splendid views of the Ocean, San*Franci co Bay, with the cities and towns nestled along the sloping shores of the bay, w ith a wonderful panoramic view of the country for many miles East and South, as far as the eye can see. Has U. S. weather station near the summit. The Mill Valley and Mt. Tan alpais Scenic R. R , 8J miles long, (round trip fare 'from San Francisco, $1.40,) winds its way throujfh woodtd canyons, up and up along the southern slope of the mjuntain, protected by it from the strong trade winds, until at last th ; Tavern of Tamalpais is reached. Two to four trains daily, ac- cording to the season of the yaar. Ticket Office, Thomas Cook «& Son. 621 Market Street. Nob Hill, Ca'ifornia Street, west from Powell Street, fine view of City and surrounding country. Millionaire^ palaces here. Ocean Ave.— fine drive to Ocean and Lake Merced. Pioneers' Collection, fine and valuable, Pioneers' Hall, entrance Pioneers' Place, 4th, near Market. Presidio Reservation, 1500 acres. Government Headquarters, band plays on Sunday 2 p. m. Well kept grounds, worth a visit. Founded and named by Spaniards on Sept. 17, 1776, in the name of King Charles III of Spain. Many miles of fine drives opt n for use to the public. Take Union Street Cars direct, or California, Jones, Powell, Jaakson or Sutter Street cars. Point Lobos Lake, near Marine Hospital. Potrero Rolling Mil s, Rope Walk, Foundries, Sugar Refineries, Union Iron Works and Dry Docks, by street cars from Fourth and Townsend Streets to South San Francisco. — Sl- Stejtl Rock, near Cliff House— manj' seals are to be seen sporting in th« water or lying- on the Rocks sunning themselres ; Gen. Grant and Ben Butler (now in Sutro's Museum) are the largest seals. Serer&l hundred on the rocks. Shot Tower, First and Howard, very interesting. Sutro Heights and Park, just above Cliff House, entrance opposite ter- minus of Ferry & Cliff House Railroad— has beautiful grounds, with many groups of Statuary, a large Observatory, Terraced Promenades, free to the public, with a splendid view of Ocean Beach, Seal Rocks, Golden Gate and Coast Line for many miles, and on clear days the Farallone Islands, 23 miles out, can be seen. Time, 65 minutes by Street Car from the Ferry; fare, 5 cents. Sutro's Ocean Baths are North of and near the Cliff House and have six swimming tanks— the largest being 150 by 285 feet and varying in depth from 2 to 8 feet — 500 Dressing Rooms, 9 Club Rooms, Turk- ish Baths, Fountains, a very fine complete collection of Shells, a Museum, Picture Gallery, Theatre, Hotel and Restaurant — making this the largest Natatorium and best equipped establishment of ite kind in the world. To be lighted by 1,000 16-candle power incandes- cent 20-arc lights of 2,000 candle power. Baths open 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.; admission, 10 cents; concert afternoon and evening. Telegraph Hill and Observatory, Kearny and Greenwich Streets, 294 feet elevation— fine viewfrom Observatory of City,Bay& Golden Gate. U. S. Weather Bureau, 10th story of Mills Building, time ball on the New Ferry Building, drops 12 m. daily; also a station on Mt. Tamalpais Union Iron Works, 18th, East of Kentucky, this is where war vessels are built; employs from 1,000 to 2,500 men. Tlie Streets.— The visitor lands by the Ferry at the Gate of San Francisco at the foot of Market Street, which runs southwest and divides the two main sj'stems of streets. The others cross at right angles and are numbered from the water front westward, or from Mar- ket Street, one hundred numbers being assigned to each block. From here nearly all Street Car Lines start. THEATRES. The figures show the seating capacity. Alcazar, 114 O'Farrell 1200 Mo wry 's. Grove & Laguna 1000 Alharabra, Eddy & Jones 2300 North Beach, 810 Pacific 800 Baldwin , 934 Market 1600 Orpheum, 115 O'Farrell 2500 Bush Street, 323 Bush 1200 Park ... 110 Grove nr. Polk, 1500 California, Bush near Kearny, 1650 Potrero Op. Ho., Tenn. & Sol., 800 Chute Theatre, Haight nr G. G. Pk S. S.F. Opera, 14th Ave & R.R. Ave Columbia, Powell near M'kt, '1200 Tivoli Opera House, 30 Eddy, 1900 Morosco's Grd^Op. 712 Missn, 3000 German Theatre, Sunday, at the Baldwin, not regular. Performances begin: Matinee, 2 p. m. Evening, 8 p. m. AMUSEMENTS. Acad. Sciences Museum, 819 M'kt Mechanics' Pa v., Larkin & Hayes Anatomical Museum, 1051 Market Midway Plaisance, 773 Market Base Ball, Eighth and Market, also Mining Bureau Collect., 24 Foiirth Eighth and Harrison Museum Nat. History, 819 Market Central Park Ground, Market & 8th Museum, Sutro Bath, nr Cliff Hou Chinese, 814 Wash'n, 829 Jackson Music Hall, Oc. Beach nr Cliff Hou Chutes(Shoot the)Haight nr GGPk Oberon Music Hall, 36 O'Farrell Circus Grounds, 8th and Market, Olympic Music Hall, Mason&Eddy also 8th and Harrison Presidio Band Plays 2:30 p. m. Sun Columbia Music Hall, 213 Montg A Recreation Grounds, Presidio Empire (variety) 21 Ellis Senic RR (Chutes) Haight nr Park Germania Garden, Beach & Jeffer Skating Rink, Hayes and Grove Golden Gate Park, Concerts Sun. Sutro Baths,(specialties)Cliff Ho'se Harbor View, Baker and Jefferson Techau'sHall&Cafe, Mason nrEddy Ingleside Race Track, Ocear^Ave. Thalia, 1116 Market & 5 Turk Lybeck Cycle and Skating Rink, 727 Howard, near Third. U. S. Mint, Fifth and Mission ; visiting hours, 9 to 11 a. m., daily. EL.ECTR1C and PHONOGRAPBE PARIjORS, Cineograph 747 Market Edison Phon'ph Parlor,532 Kearny Edison Electric Parlor,416 Kearny Pacific Graphaphone . .724 Market Edison Phcn'ph Arcade,946 Market S. F. Phonograph 848 Market — 32 — FOUNTAINS AND STATUES IN S. F. Abraham Lincoln Statue, Lincoln School, Fifth, near Market. Army and Navy, Union Monument, (white bronze) Presidio. CJogs well's Fountain, Market, California and Drumm. Base Ball Pitcher, Golden Gate Park. Balboa, Golden Gate Park. Bear Hunt, Qolder. Gate Park. Bear Hunt, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Berkeley. Donahoe Fountain, to be set on Market, Bush and Battery. Drake's Cross, North-west of Strawberry Hill, Golden Gate Park. Franklin Fountain, Kearny and Montgomery Avenue. Francis Scott KeyStatue, Author, *'StarSpangleBanner,"Golden Q. Park. Garfield Statue, Golden Gate Park. Goothe-Schiller Monument, to be placed in Golden Gate Park Granite Gateway, 7th Ave, entrance to Golden Gate Park, 90 ft. wide 40 ft. high, 15 ft. thick. Halleck Statue, Golden Gate Park. Liberty Statue, Corbet Ave., bet. 15th and 16th Lick Statuary, a fine group. City Hall Square, Eighth and Market. Lincoln Monument, to be set in Golden Gate Park. Lotta's Fountain, Market, Kearney and Geary. Native Sons Foun'ain, Market and Mason. Star King Statue, Patriot Unitarian Minister of Calif., Golden Gate Park, Statue of Progress and Liberty, on City Hall Dome. The highest in the U. S. It is 335 feet from the Street to the top of the torch of the statue, 30 feet higher than the Nation's Capitol Dome, at Wash., D.C. Soldier at Rest Statue, Presidio Cemetery. Stevenson Fountain, on the Plaza, bet. Washington & Clay,nr Kearny U. S. Grant Monument, Golden Gate Park. ART OAI^LiERIES, COIiLtECTIONS, ETC Academy of Sciences, 819 Market Mark Hopkins Inst, of Art, Mason Anatomical Museum, 1051 Market and California Art Gallery in Pavilion during Fair Pioneer Society, 24 Fourth, in rear Camera Club, 819 Market St. Ii,^natius Col. , Van Ness & Hayes Dresden Ceramic Club Sutro Collection, at Sutro Paths Fine Art Statuary, 911 Mission United States Col., 608 Commercial Golden G.Park Art Gal. & Museum, has over 45,000 articles on exhibition Hopkins Art Association and School, Mason & California. Best in State Bacon Art Gallery, Berkelej', part of State University. State Mining Bureau, fine, 24 Fourth, free, 10 to 3 p. m. U.S. Mint Numismatic, best in U.S., Fifth & Mission.free, 9 to 11:30 a.m. ART ROOMS AND STORES. Ansbro, M. C. & Co., 1138 Sutter Kai & Co., 316 Kearny Bass-Hueter P Co., 18-20 Ellis Morris & Kennedy, 21 Post Cohen, H., 19 Grant Ave Perry, S. A. & Co., 93 9- Mission Crocker. H. S. Co., 215 Bush Rossi, The P. Co., 117 Sutter Frank, Geo., 1919 Mission Sanborn, Vail & Co., 743 Market Gump, S. & G., 113 Geary. Fine Schussler Bros , 27 Grant ave. Ito Sotomi, 421 Market Vickery, W. K., 224 Post Kaucher, F. M., 1503 Market Repairing Art Goods, 227 O'Farrell STAMP CO£.£iECTORS AND DEAI.ERS. Carien, Geo. , 318 Kearny Hollis, W. H.Stamp Co.l05OTarrell Gambs, E. F., 1815 Devisadero Makins & Co , 508 Market Greenslade, L. M., 208 Powell Sellshop, W. & Co., 108 Stockton CURIOSITK^ DEAI.ERS. California Woe ds, Big Tree Store, Nolte, W. F., 103 Golden Gate ave 427 Kearny 01dCuriosityShop,429Montgomery Greenberg, L., 434 California Vaselatos, N., 49th ave & B, near Hermann, T. & Co., ^630 Wash'ton Cliff House Joseph, N. & Co., 641 Clay Wilkins, J. M., Cliff House KJrkpatrick,Mrs.L.N. , Sutro Baths Wing Fat & Co., 719 Dupont Mosher, Wm., 1924 Market There are also many valuable private collections of minerals and works of art in the city. eYlUNASIlTlflS AND Bohemian Club, 130 Post-Grant Av Military, Presidio & Alcatraz Is. Mission Turn Verein, 3518 18th Olympic, Post bet. Mason & Taylor Pacific-Union, Post, eor. Stockton Pac. Turn Bezirk (Tu & F) 323 Turk Pamlith, 1815 Sacramento . Gymnasium Supplies, Will TURN VEREINS. Peerless Ath. Club, 2523 Howard S. F. Athletic, 431 Sixth S. F. Turn Verein, 323 Turk Swedish Medical, 33(5 Post Turn Verein Vorwarts, 310 O'Far Ver. Eintracht, 237 12th Y. M. C- A., 208 Mason & Fink Co., 820 Market. The Gyxiinasiums and Turn Vereins have Sing-ing and Benefit Soci eties, also Ladies' and Children's Classes attached, and several have mil- itary companies— the Eintracht Rifle Section, 237 12th; Turners' Shoot- ing Section, 323 O'Farrell ; Grutli Rifle Club, 421 Post. DANCING SCHOOLS ACADEMIES. Anderson's 814 Geary Beck, H. H 814 Geary Clarke's, Mrs. Ada 211 Sutter Bryson, Miss P 1413 Castro Calvin's. .Mon. & Wed., 3445 17th Del Sarte School 317 Mason Dennery, Miss R 1900 Page Dir.g:e, VV. N 507 Sutter Dreyfuss, Miss M. 414 Mason Foster, H 1358 Market Gamble, Miss M 1118 Jackson Gamble s, Miss C. F 625 Sutter Garrett, L. J 611 Post Goldthwaite's 3' 4 13th Grant, Mrs. G. 1 315 Mason Green, Miss L 1532 Polk Hinman's,Hwd & 21st & 1412 Polk Honn,Mrs. L 3508 23d Huddy's 6 Hyde Irvine's 421 Post Kurtiz, M 620 Bush Lambert, Papa. 117 Turk Lunt's, 320 Post O'Brien's, 105 Larkin & 507 Sutter Puckett, Geo. R 1322 Howard Seaman, Miss N. J 182 Scott Shean, Miss A. L. . . .1839 Fillmore Thomas, Prof 507^ Sutter Well's 1901 Post Wolf's 35 Eddy Wyatt, Miss Q 1329 Market EMPI^OYlflENT OFFICES. Benevolent Societies have Employment Bureaus for their members. State of California Labor Bureau Ass'n, 825 Market. Aoki, 30 Geary, Jap. & Chinese American Legion of Honor, 511 Cal. Andre, L., SjS Stockton Bradley & Johnson, 640 Clay Clerks Register, 2i4 California Clerks' Exchange, 313 Bush Com. Clerks' Inf. Bur., 8 9 Market Connnercial Clerks, 809 Market Cooks and Waiters' 5 Stockton Crossett's, 628 Sacramento " Female, 316 Sutter Cullen's, 335 Sutter (female) Dadanii, Mrs. A ,313 Sutter Ewer's, 626 Clay Fenton's, Mrs., 121 O'Farrell Francis, Mrs. W., 45 Third, German German, 323 Sutter German Waiters & Cooks, 29 Taylor Hansen's, 108 Geary Harrison's, 420 Kearny Hunter & Co., 614 California (Jap- anese and Chinese) Hird, Mrs. M., 721 Ellis Japanese, 314 Sutter Knights Pythias Aid, 909 Market Lambert, Mrs.M., 417 Powell (Ger.) Lambla's, 303 Stockton Master Bakers Help, 232 Minna Murry ^. Ready, 634 Clay Norton, Mrs. A. 315 Sutter Odd Fellows' Emp. & Aid, 1107 Mkt Pacific Emp. Agency, 328 Geary Parson's, 931 Market Plunket's, Miss K., 424 Sutter Pioneer, 783 Market Sal. ArmyLaborBur. , 158NewMont. Sisters of Mercy,lst & Bryant Swedish, 323 Sutter Tevlin's, Miss J., 1148 Market U. S. Industrial Agency ,612 Market Ward's, 608 Clay Woman'sEdu.&Ind.U.7VanNess ar Woman's Exchange, 26 Post Youth's Directory, 2030 Howard SAN FRANCISCO WEATHER. Wear warm clothing in San Francisco, The winds are harsh and penetrating— the nights are cool, and strangers are subject to colds. Avoid these by dressing warmly, San Franciscans wear thick clothing the year round. Restaurant charges are moderate. Hotels are good, and prices, varying according to service, are reasonable. -34^ PHOTOORAPHJBRS. Camera Club, 819 Market Alisky, C. 914 Market Bker, J. W., 1144 Market Bck Bros., 1140 Market B rnheim, L. J., 2126 Fillmore Banert, L, 339 Hayes Boye & Habenicht, 1026 Market Brant, 1023 Market. Brown, 606 Kearney. Burnett, F. W., 448 Valencia. Bushnell, F. H., 1508 Market Caboni, 309 Montgomery Ave. Cliff House,SutroHeig-hts(tintvpe) Collom, Wm. N , 807 Market " Cramer, 402 Kearny Dames, 916 Market. Dijeau & Severin 34 Third. Dode, 1307 Howard (Porcelain) Dore, 1228 Market Duheim, V., 64 Third. Ehmann, 111 Fourth. Eichenberger, 503 Montgomerj% Elite, 838 Market. Ellingwood& Homan, 100 Valencia Eppler, A. O., 1314 Larkin Fowzer, 1248 Market. Francis, F., 1144 Market Fullerton, 1398 Market Godeus, 10 Sixth. Haley k Coleman, 903 Haight Hausler, Prof., 731 Market Heitel, 28 Third. Hodson, J. R., 406 Geary Holler, 8 Sixth Home Portrait & Photo, 721 Sutter Howland & Lonergan, 724^ Market Hynes, W. J., 426 Kearny Imperial Studio, 726 Market Jones & Lotz, 838 Market Johnson, 31 Third Knight, T. H., 737 Sutter Knight, Geo. H., 721 Sutter Kodak, The, ]028 Market Lawson, A. B. 1316 Larkin Levy, C. S. , 514 Kearny Marceau, 826 Market. Matson, Fannie L., 6 Turk McDonald, 426 Kearney Mersereau, F. E., 2239 Mission Merrill, 612 Clay. Monaco, 702 Market. Morse, Geo. D., 916 Market Nosaki & Co., 504 Kearny Pacific, 119 Powell Peters, 914 Market. Preston, J., 1144 Market Priest, C. F., 2518 Mission Reed, 306 Turk. Samuels & Forzani, 309 Mont, av Schoene, 18 Third. Sewell, 1025 Market Shew, 523 Kearny. Shilling, C. L. & Co., 512 Jessie Strebeck, 520 Geary, Swain, L.C., s. Jose<& Plym'th aves Taber, 121 Post. Thors, 14 Grant Ave. Turner, G. A. 26 Montgomery. Uberto, G., 249 Pacific (Italian) VanBargen, 0., 511 O'Farrell Vitalini, C. H. , 233 Montg'y ave Waters, R. J., 110 Sutter Watkins, 1249 Market Weidner, C, 121 Post (C. P.) Whigham, R. P., 22 Kearny Wilson, 22 Kearney. Wilson, G. S., 342 Kearny Williams, W. I., 1303 Polk W^orthington, W. T., 500 Valencia PHOTO SUPPt.Y HOUSES. Andrews, T. O., 109 Montgomery Bacon, W. O., 18 Post California Supply H,. 422 Geary Hosmer, H. B., 538 Market Kahn, Geo. H., 201 Kearny Kahn & Co., 642 Market. Monahan, H., 620 Clay. Partridge, J. E., 26 Montgomery Photo Mount & C, Mfg. Clay and Sansome Shillcock,841Mission & 621 Market. PARKS ANI> PICNIC GROUNDS NKAR SAN FRANCISCO. Aloya, Telegraph ave, near Merced Germania Gardens, Baker & Jeff. North Oakland Agricultural Park, San Jose Badger's Park, East Oakland Belmont Park, Belmont Beulah Park, East Oakland Bootz Park, Ocean View, S. F. Bushrod Park, Mariposa & Tele- graph ave. North Oakland Casserly's Coursing, nr Ocean View Cal. Club Park, near San Rafael Camp Taylor, " " Oazadero Grounds, Sonoma Co. Cedar Grove, Petal uma El Campo, 100 acres, shady grove, north side of San Francisco Bay Fairfax, Marin County Felton, Santa Cruz Mountains Forest Grove, Santa Cruz Mts. Glen Ellen Park, Sonoma County Glen wood, Santa Cruz Mountains Golden Gate Park, Saii Francisc* Hay wards' Park, Hay wards Highland, Oakland Ingleside Coursing, Ingleside Kerrigan's Coursing, nr Ocean View Kimball's, Niles, Alameda Co. Kroncke's Park, Santa Rosa Lagunitas Park, Ross Sta. San Raf Lake Merritt, Oakland Laurel Grove, San Rafael Live Oak, Alma, Santa Oruz Mts. Live Oak Park, San Jose Mill Valley, near San Rafael Newark, Alameda County Niles Canyon, near Niles Ocean View Park, Ocean View — 35- Orando, 12 Miles from Oakland, near San Pablo Pacific Grove, Monterey Pittsville, near Fruitvale Redwood City Grove, Redwood Redwood Gr., Occidental, Sun. Co. Riverside Park, Alameda Russian River, Sonuma County San Lorenzo Grove, San Lorenzo Santa Cruz Big Trees, Felton Santa Rosa Park, Santa Rosa Schutzen Club Park, San Jose Schutzen Park, San Rafael Shasta Retreat, near Castle Craig Shell Mound Park, nr. Emeryville Alameda County Schutzenj Alameda Sierra Pomt Park, near Baden Starke's Park, Petaluraa Sunset Park, near Wrights, S»nta Cruz Mts. Sweet Brier, 4 Miles from Castle Craig, Shasta Co. Tamalpais Villa, Ross Valley, near San Rafael Thomas Lake Resort, 35 miles north of Ukiah. Trestle Glen, Oakland TWiU Lakes, near Santa Cruz Wildwood Glen, Sausalito Zoph's Garden, San Rafael PUBLIC PARKS AND Sa^JARES. Figures indicate number of acres in each park. 3-4 indicate fractions Lobos Sq, Chestnut & Buchanan Alta Plaza, Clay & Steiner, 12 3-4 Alamo, Hayes and Steiner, 12 3-4 Bernal Park, Folsom S of Army Buena Vista Sq. Utah & 20th 4 2-5 Buena Vista, Haight & Lott, 36 1-4 City Hall Sq., op. New Citv Hall Columbia Sq. Folsom nr 8th, 2 1-2 Fairmount, b Bemis k Addison Franklin Sq. Bryant & 16th, 4 2-5 Garfield, Golden Gate Paik, 1013.^ acres Hamilton, Geary & Jitciner, 5 3-4 Holly, Bernal Heights, nr S. Jose R Jackson, Arkansas "^ 17th, 4 2-5 Jefferson, Gold'n G & Gough,123-4 Lafayette, Gough & Wash., 8 3-4 Mountain Lake S, of Presidio, 20 Ocean View Park, nr Ocean View Park Hill. S. of Haight, W.of Baker Portsmouth [The Plaza], Jidy 8,'46 first American flag raised here, Kearny & Clay, 1 v-5 Presidio Reservation, Presidio Public Schcol Lands and Blocks Resei-voir Hill, Herman & 14th South Park, off Third, nr Bryant Sunnv Side Sq., 33d & Stanyan S. San Franc'o, R.R. ave nr 9th ave SutroPark, above Cliff House 7 3-5 Union Square, Geary & Stockton Washington, Powell and Union PLEASURE ANO HEALTH RESORTS. Aptos, 8 miles from Santa Cruz Big Trees, many parts Central Cal Byron Springs, contra Costa Co. Carmel City, Monterey County Camp Capitola, near Santa Cruz Camp Calaveras (93 big trees) 158 m Clear Lake, Lake County Del Monte, Monterey Geyser Springs, Sonoma County Lake Tahoe, Placer County Yosemite Valley, 240 miles fr S, F. Mount Hamilton, Santa Clara Co. Mount Shasta, Siskiyou County Pacific Grove, on Monterey Bay Pescadero Coast, San Mateo Co. San Rafael, Marin County Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County Santa Cruz Big '\ rees, Felton Santa Monica, 18 m from Los Ang YellowstonePark offlce,688Market 6,880 acres, R. T. $40, 613 & 634 Market; and 825 R. T. via Stockton, office 19 Montgomery BATHS. Tub baths at nearly all hotels and at many barber shops, also at all prominent pthletic and other clubs. Bernhards, Palace Hotel Central, salt, 208 Third Cohen. P., 12 Sacramento Crystal, salt&fresn,317 Bay& Po'll Diamond, 323 Montgomery Ave Driscoll, C. E.. 2210 Powell Frahm, H. F., Hyde and Beach Golden Gate Sea, Beach %. of Hyde Hammam, 11 Grant ave. , nr Market Hamman(ladies&child'n)405Sutter Hanson's, electric, 116 Taylor Lurl ne, bait & swimming Tant 75x150 ft., Bush & Larkin Neptune Sea, Beach, nr H>de North Beach, Bay, nr Taylor Parisian, 532 Pine Pala'_e, salt plunge, 715 Filbert Sand, Geo., 50 Fourth Smith's, electric,! 533Geary(t-BuhD Sutro's, salt and fresh, cover 500 x 275 feet, the larges tank ?75xl50 feet, 6 tarks hold a million galr. Cliff House, Harbor View, Baker and Jefferson Health Institute, all kinds,405 Sut Turkish, 415 Sutter Lick, James, Tenth, nr Howard Waldeck, medicated. 717 Jones Loiyea's Hamman, 212 Post Y. M. C. A. , 208 Mason Lubenheimer, C, Grand Hotel Zeiles, Turkish, 520 Pacific Lunstrum's, massage, 415 Sutter STREET CAR FARES. Tbje fare on all street car lines, with necessary transfer, is five oente. HACK FARE. One i)erson, one mile $1 50 Four or less, first hour 3 00 Two persons, one mile 2 00 Each subsequent hour ...... 2 00 CARS. One person, one mile $1 00 Each subsequent hour . . 1 00 Two persons, first hour 1 50 CARRIAGE COMPANIES. Pacific Carriage Co., Office 48 8th United Carriage Co., Office 12 New 200 Sutter, Baldwin Montgomery,under PalaceHotel I.IVERY Aetna, 1056 FolsOm Allen, 3619 Eighteenth Avenue, 310 Golden Gate ave Bacome's, 823 P'olsom Bay City, 1715 Sacramento Beaty, W. T„ 875 Folsom Belmont, 1620 Pine Boyce, M. F., 38 Twelfth Black Hawk, 1009 Valencia Bodine, 2611 Mission Boston, 2918 Mission Boston J^ table, 2113 Pine California, 1613 California Centennial, 1523 California Chieftain, 907 Golden Gate ave City, 322 Bush City Front, 22 Clay City Hall, G. G. A v. & Leavenw'th City Liverv, 165 Pacific Ave Club, 409 Taylor Comstock, 524 Third Commercial, 420 McAllister Corbett, 520 Hayes Devisadero, 834 Devisadero Dexter Prince, 1509 Grove Direct, 907 Golden Gate Ave Eagle, 1212 Golden Gate Ave Eureka Valley, 3937 18th Excelsior, 925 Sutter Fashion, 221 Ellis Ferrari, 407 Montgomery ave Finch, J.E.. 1339 Eddy Foley, T., 1812 Powell Foxhall, 2320 Fillmore Fulton, 246 Third Garibaldi, 320 Broadway Glen wood, 2415 Mission Golden Gate, 26 Golden Gate Ave. Golden West, 1603 Geary Grand Arcade, 327 Sixth Green Valley, 833 Howard Guittard & Rahlfs, 112 New Montg. Hagan, 611 Eighteenth Haight 627 Haight Hamiltonian, Howard nr Third Hub, 1565 Mission Hubbard, 2428 Mission Hulda, 1514 Fell Joyce's, 717 Valencia Kelley's, 1629 Pine Kentucky, 420 Pacfic Mascot, 1106 Golden Gate ave Maud S., 1639 Eddy McMullen, D. K., 1311 Folsom starl.es. Menlo, 2415 Mission Metropolitan. 1315 Stockton McAllister, 680 McAllister Michelson, 615 Ellis Mission Star, 17 Hoff ave Montgomery, 807 Montgomery Monarch, 332 Bush Morton's, 408 O'Farrell Ninth, 417 Ninth North End, 614 Broadway Nevada, 1350 Market Nevada Stables, 44 Clay New Castle, 806 Howard New Telegraph, 718 Bryant New Telegraph, 107 New Montg'y New York, 507 Jessie Newell, 1802 Mission Nolan & Sons, 1611 California Nucleus, 188 SteVenson Occident, Gevry and Polk Olympic Club, 503 Sutter Nolan, J. & Son, 1611 California Nucleus, 188 Stevenson O. K., 1210 Valencia Pacific Carriage Co., 48 Eighth Palo Alto, 320 O'Farrell Park, 623 Grove Pierce, 1221 Pierce Ralston, 1311 California Record, 1129 Market Santa Clara, 16 Webb Rider & Spencer, 2614 Mason Savoy, 331 Golden Gate ave South Park, 344 Brannan Saratoga, 814 Geary St. George, 412 Bush St Lawrence, 423 Post Spear Street, 15 Spear Steuart, 243 Steuart Sullivan's, 2432 California Sullivan & Doyle, 327 Sixth Sunset, 139 Valencia Swain's, 417 Folsom Telegraph, 107 New Montgomery Tompkinson's, 59 Minna, bet 1 & 2 Twin Peak, 3510 Sixteenth Union, 862 Howard Valencia, 729 Valencia Van Ness, 1620 Pacific Van Ness Stables, 510 Van Ness Washington, 9 Washington West End, 2414 California Willow, 2125 Mission Folsom Riding Academy, 246 Third. Pacific Street Riding Academy, 1615 Pacific. Golden Gate Riding Aeademy, 28 Golden Gate Ave. -87- lilBRARIES AND R£AI>INa ROOlflS. Library Ass'n of Central California meet monthly at different Librariea Academy of Science«, 819 Market. 10,000 volumes. Astronomical Society, 819 Market. 1,000 volumes ll High Schools of the State' without further examination. The State University on Jan. 1, 1898, had 2,281 students, of these 589 were women, J1565 at Berkeley and 710 in San Francisco attend in the branch colleges of Medicine, Dentistrj* and Law. 147 graduates in 1897, with an eridow- ment of 7 million dorars, it stands 5th in its resources, while Stanford University with 20 million dollars endowment leads them all in the U.S. The 3l8t Annual California Teachers' Convention was held in S. F., Dec. 28, 1897, with nearly 600 present out of a total member!*hip of 1,';00. California Schools cost over $6,000,000 in 1897; San Francisco Schooli cost .§1,110,156 for 1897. Resume of Public Sclicol Data. (From 1897 official reports. ) Three High Schools, SO rooms ; 1 Commercial, 5 rooms ; 1 Nornjal; 3 High; 1 Polytechnic; 20 Grammar, 239 rooms; 51 Primarv, 437 rooms; 11 Evening Schools, 6 re o:ns. Total, 87 schools, 757 rooms, with 39,050 seats, and 4 halls. The School Department owns 7 brick and 66 wooden buildings, and 7 are rented with 110 rooms. Value of school property, $5,354,859. The schools cost, in 1897, .$1,240,492. Paid to teachers, $911,059. There are 974 teachers~87 male and 887 female. Avenge monthly salary, .^92.11; 3 highest, .§250 ; lowest, $f0 each; TO graats of pay between these extremes ; 314 receive S80 per month. Teachers receive first year .§50 per mon^ h ; second year, 853 — a gradual raise of $3 per month each year until the average of $80 is reached — this is the salary paid after 10 years ser\ ice. There are 502 pr miry, 205 grammar, 36 high, 97 evening, 3 normal, 19 polji-echnic, 40 substitute teachers, .17 miscellaneo s classes and 55 principals, with an average of 36 schol rs to each. All teacher.'* attend the County Institute and Teach- er's Meetings held at stated times yearly by grades. Schools in session 203 days each year. Branches taught — all departments of science, elocution, mechanics, inusic. normal, penmanship, shorthand and stenography. About 30,000 volumes in school libraries-. S hool census shows 98,5C6 children under 17; 74,840 are of .-chool age (boys, 36,788; girls, 36, S-i 2) between 5 and 17, and 23,606 ui'dtr 5. 8,501 attend j rivate schools, 19,4(8 attended no schoc 1. Total enrollment in public schools, 46,871 attendance, (The average attendance is 33,5 31.) N tive lorn children, 95,339; foreign I en, 3,167. Pacific Coast Bureau of Education, Cheney's, 300 Post, cor. Stockton Educational Societies, 819 Market, unless otherwise stated. Astronomical Society Geog. Soc. of Pac, 431 California California Historical Society Microscopical Society, 432 Montg Camera Club S. F. Art Ass'n, Mason & California Electrical Society Techn cal Society Geographical Society of G^ifornia Zooh gical Society Chas. C. Reidy. dealer Th Micros ccpes and Microscopical Supplies, 4S2 Montgomery Street, S>n Francis- co. G01>»£1^ GATE CHAlJTAIini^A UNION. Circles at many churches meet as follows: Castalian. Church, Markets 16th Treasure Seekers, Church, Sacra- Oentral. . .Church, Mission nr 7th mento and Van Ness ave Simpson Mem. Ch. Hayes&Buch'n Third C st, Nos. 4 & 5 M2 Union Helping Hand, Nos. 1,2 &3, 51 2 Un'n Helping Hand,Jun, No.4 . 512 Un'n Housekeepers' Class 64 Silver Huntington Free 1233 Pacific InsuraMce.kOOl 19th & Hampshire Irving Institute, Valencia & Hill P Italian Hall Union & Stockton Jackson Street 1233 Pacific J. Sheldon Lux Potter, Nos. 1 & 2, 74 West Mission Laguna 527 Grove Le ter Norris 1231 Pacific Little Sisters ftl2 Minija Maria Kip Orphan 570 Harrison Martin Guerrero & 20th Mission Bartlett and 22d Nathaniel Gray Mem.. 1.26 Union Noe Vallej' 25th & Vicksburg Occidental 214 Second Osgood & Grace Bradley, 18th, nr Harrison Our Lady of Mercy 424 First Pacific 1231 Pacific Paradise 416 Devisadero Peabody 64 Silver Pearl Dowda. 2927 Mission Pioneer Society 1032 Broadway Pixley Green, nr Steiner Pope vl3 Ninth Potrero. 525 Tennessee and Solano Private 1513 and 2127 Jackson Private, 1513, 2127 Jackson, 312 Capp nr 18th, Guerrero & 20th, Jones near Geary and Market nr 16th; Protestant Orph. Asylum 1 roduce Exchange 1233 Pacific Real Estate 535 Castro Richards Homestead and 19th Richmond District. .291 Third ave Rosenberg, J 369 Eleventh Rose Terrace 24th and Dolores Salvation Army 434 Second Scott Mem I8l6 UnioH Silver Star . .806 Sansome & Pacific Silver Street 64 Silver nr Third Stanford 1 and 2 1906 Mason Stanford 3 and 4,Brannan & Eighth Stanford 5. .3303 Mission and 29th Story Folsom, bet 5th and 6th St. Lukes' Hoik and Pacific St. Stephen's . . Fulton & Webster St. Joseph's 425 Sixth Sutro 64 Silver Sutro Mail Dock 218 Brannan T. F. Shattuck. . . .74 West Mission Two Friends 1018 Folsom Washington 1231 Pacific Wilmerding Mem. 13th, nr Har'son Willard 1505^ Turk nr Steiner Wm. N. Steuben .2601 Nineteenth Young W. C. Ass'n 40 Tehama Kind.erg'arteii Data.. 341 Free Kindergarten Schools in 137 cities in this cou.ntry and abroad have been organized directly through the influence and inspira- — 41- tlon of the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association during the past 18 years. The number is growing rapidly everywhere. 100,000 Reports of the works of the Association have been scattered ov«r the world. Special edition are distributed at times when the in- terest in the work can be increased, and the monej' can be had for that purpose; each report sowing the seed of good for human'ty. The U. S. Ooramissioners of Education pronounces the Golden Gate Kinder- garten work, the best in the world. Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper of the Golden Gate Free Kindergarten Associa- tion, now deceased, was the guiding spirit in the grand work of the Golden Gate Free Kindergarten Association ; e:'rnest workers and loving friends of the children will continue the noble work so well begun. Mrs, Cooper and her many friends have ]abf»red hard to make this the best working Kindergarten school system in the world. There are at least 100 public and private Kindergartens, and about 126 teachers with nearly 6,000 children from 3 to 6 years old. This Associ- ation has 95 teachers and matrons,4.5 schools and 2,865 children, and is doing splendid work at home and abroad. 24,460 children have been educated. More schools are or^'-anized, as m3ans fo- their maintenance is subscribed. In 1897 expenses were about $45,000. At the 14th anni- versary of the California Training School, 41 Kindergarten teachers graduated, making a total of 350 people who have been thus honored. The average cost in the public Kindergarten, per year, is .$15.90 per child, while in the public schools the rate is from .$20.83 to $30.15 per pupil. These schools are doing good and should be well supported by all having the true interest of the rising generat on and humanity at heart. As these schools are supported by voluntary coiitributions of friends, let no appeal for help in this noble cause go unheeded. The return will be many fold in the future, by lessening ignorance, pauperism, misery, vice and crime in all its hideous forms, and producing in their stead a great, noble, generous and rlrtuous humanity on \\ hose should- ers the future of the world may rest in security. 20 of the above schools are endowed perpetually, the others depend upon monthly and yearly subscriptions for support. Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda each have many flourishing schools. Friends : You are invited and are alwajs welcome to visit the Kin- dergarten Schools from 9 a. m. to 12 m. Special lectures by eminent state educators at stated times — notices of these are given through the newspapers. Mothers' meetings are held at short intervals in every Kindergarten to increase the interest and secure their attention in this great work. The richest educational institution in the world is the Leland Stanford Jr., University— endowment, .$20,0}0,000 State University of California ranks 5th in its endowment of $7,000,000. A€A S EMIES—COrLEGES— SCHOOLS. Ac, for Academy; B., for Business; Col., for College; G., for Girls; In. for Institute; L., for Language; M., for Men. Sch., for School. Affiliated Colleges of University of California, of Dentistry, Law» Medicine, Pharmacy, Surgery, and V^eterinary .located in their tine new buildings on Parnassus Ave., between 1st and 4th Avenues. Acting. .814 Geary &138 McAllister Bolte's Language Sch.2127 Jack'n Anderson's Prep. Sch. .825 Market Bookkeeping 24 Post, 723, 825 Architecture and En g... 121 Post 1236 Market, 3398 20th, 305 Art School, Hopkins, Mason & Cal Larkin Art Studios, 116, 407, 702, 1138 Boxing, 1170 Market, 305 Larkin Sutter, 23, 224, 310, 324, Post, Cal. Col. Pharmacy ... .113 Fulton 1002 Golden Gate ave, m Geary, Cal. Medical College. .1422 Folsom Nahl's, 510 Montgomer:^^ Cal Sch.Eloc'i:& Orafy, 208 Mason As3ayer.^,9 3 Market, 10 Annie, 10 Cal. Sch. Mechanic Arts, James 23, 73, Stevensc n, 318 Pine, 404, Li.k, 16th & Utah, ^rades taught 408, 434, 550 Calit. rna, 321 , 628, Cogswell'sPolyteuK-, 26th&Folsom 718 Mcntgomery,o24 Sacramento Col. Phys.&Surgecns, .818 Howard 26 0Farrell Con servat'ry Music,! 38 McAllister Astronomy 2023 Pme Cooking School, 326 631 & 704 Sut Banjo, 214 Ellis, 961 Mission, 436 Cooper^Med. Col. Webster & Sac'to Post, 624 Gtary, 740 Broad- Decorative Art. .23, 220, 306 Post, way, 443 Golden Gate ave 923 Sutter De-signing Oil or Water Col . . . 523 Montgomery Dantal Dep.St.Univ . .117J Market DeFlllippe's Ac. of Lang. .320 Post Drawing, 806, 825Mk'l,'8 Montgav 208 Mason, 435 Golden Gate av 12i5 Octavia Elocution.. 814 Gearv, 1170 Market 928 Sutter,6Eddy&13SMcAllister Engineering. 24, 121 Post, 933 Mkt Fine Art Repairing. .22r O'Farrell (33 Sutter French . . 1321 Powell, 102 O'Farrell 221 Hyde French&English Inst, 1321 Powell German Language 714^ Geary, 320 lost, 2127 Jackson, 3416 16th, 418 Calif a, 516 Taylor, 1321 Powell, 1.505 Larkin, 221 Hyde and all Turn Vereins. Girl's Ac. Cath. .Fremont & Har'n Gram. L. H. Prep Sch. .806 Market Greek-Russian Sem'y. 1715 Powell Guitar 8ch. 1228 Market, 831 Geary 525 Post, 30 K^ arny Hahnemann's Med. Col. 115 Haight Hamlin's Seminary. .1849 Jackson Heald's Business Col 24 Post Illustrating Magazine or News- pa;,er, 424 Pine, 26 O'Farrell Irving's Ladies Ins. .1036 V^alencia K.rjmic Art Sch 215 Post, Samish, 324 Post, 704 Sutter, 234^ Taylor Larcher's Sch. Language . 809 Mkt Law Col 30.") Larkin Lick Sch Mechan cArts.iethitUtah Lyceum, Prep. Sch 80 J Market Mandolin. . . 703 & 1228 Market, 831 Geary, 525 Post, 30 Kearny, 39 Fifth Mathem\tics,24, 320 Post, 809, 825 1170 Market . Merrill-Miller Col 825 Market Mining School. .24 Post, 933 Market State University, Berkeley Mission Business Col 3398 20th Musical, 825, 1170, 135S Market, 310, 525, 719 Post, 208 Mason, 816 Larkin, 6 Hayes, 402 Geary, 219 Powell, 914 Sutter Navigation School . . 42 East South, 404 Beale, 506 Batt6ry, 6 Sacra'to Notre Dame C. Dolores, bet 16 & 17 Pacific Academy 819 Market Painting. .806 Market, 26 O'Farrell 305 Larkin Phrenology, 1016 Market Physical Lulture,801 Leavenworth 26 O'Firrell, 335 Larkin, 1215 Octavia, Y.M.C.A., 208 Ma^on Piano School 39 Fifth, 703, 1170, lb70 Market, 2517i Califa Portrait Studio 219 Geary Polytechnic High School, free, St)ckton & Bush Presidio Sch. for Soldiers. Presidio Rose Terrace Sel. Sch.24 & Dolores Sacred Heart Ac. , Franklin & Ellis Sacred Heart Ool . . Eddy & Larkin Sacred Heart >'. Con. Elfis& Taylor School of Design Cal. <& Mason School of Oratory 814 Geary 1170 Mkt, 6 Eddy, 138 McAllister Sculptors, 1133^ Mission, 728 Wash. 15 Park ave., 126 Main, 1170 Mar- ket, Larkin and Ash avenue, 431 Vabncia S. F. Business Col . . , 1236 Market Shorthand and Typewriting. ..24 Post, 131, 151, i\o )tgomcry, 208 Mason. 525, 652. 659, 723, 800, 825, 927, 1170, 1504 Market, 305 Larkin, 515 O'Farrell, 523 Eddy Singing. . . .39 Fifth, 2432 Jackson, 14 Grant av,607 Sutter, 1424 Wash Spanish, 102 O'Farrell, 926 Sutter, 418 California, 2127 Jackson, 208 Mason, 221 Hyde, 102 Hayes, 14 McAllister StanfordUniver'y,offlce 819 Market Statuary, Busts, &c 6.6 Post St.Katherine Epis. Sch.. 824 Fulton St. Boniface's, 123 Golden Gate av St Brendan's Sch., Frem. & Hars'n St. Bridget's, Broadway &Van Ness St. Francis Tech., Geary & Gough St. Ignatius College ... ^214 Hayes St. Peter's Ac . . .24th & Alabama St. Rose's A . Gold Gateav & Pierce St. Vincent's, 671 Mission nr Third Tarrant's Lad. Ac . Haight & Pierce Telegraphy 24 Post Trinity School. ..3300 Washington Toland Medical Col. Stock nr Chest Urba-.i 2124 California Van Ness S miinary . . 1849 Jackson Van DerNailen, Mechanics, 933 Mkt Veterinarv Surg. Col. . . .1832 Post Viticulture Mills Bldg Violin School 39 Fifth, 1038 Howard, 831 Geary Vocal 607 Sutter, 14 Grant av., 310 Post, 514 Eddy, 713 Hyde, 2517* California, 925 Pine, 1429 Budi, 39 Fifth, 1805 Polk, 033, 1170, 1370, 1508 Market Wax Work 523 Montgomery West's Sem,20l4 Van Nes^&Pacific Wirt,',Miss,Girl3Sch.2014VanNess Wood Carving 213 Mission Writing chool, 659 & 1170 Market, 223 Kearny, 232 Sutter. Y. M. C. A., Business., 2319 Mission Zitska Inst 1718 Sacramento Zither School ..... .141i Eleventh Climate of San Francisco.— In July the mean temper- ature is &ixty degrees, the days are pleasant, the evenings are cool and sometimes foggy, and demand heavy idothing and active movement for those who spend much time in the open air. S. F. is cooler than New York or Chicago in Julv by seventeen degrees. San Francisco has 1,257 miles of paved streets. The large t sol d masonry dam in California is the Sweetwater dam San Diego County, about ninety feet high. — 43 — CHURCHES OF SAN FRANCISCO. Note. — The first Anglican Episcopal Church service held in the present region of the U. S. was celebrated on June 24, 15?9, by "Francis Fletcher," chaplain of tho ship " Golden Hinde," commanded by Francis Drake, on the shore of what is known as Drake's Bay, on the N. E. side of Point Reyes, Marine Co., Cal. A marble monument, Drake's Cross, has been erected in Golden Gate Pirk, just west of Straw- berry Hill, m memory of this event. Churches of all denominations have one or more of the following^ organizations under their control : Sunday Schools, Prayer Meetings, Young Men and Women's Meetings, Mission Societies, Mission Bands, Young People's Leagues, Ladies' Aid Societies, Relief and Aid Societies, Christian Endeavor, Epworth Leagues, Chautauqua Circles, Lyceums and Literary Societi-s, Social and Singing Clubs, Temperance Societies, Bands of Hope, Helpers, King's Daughters, Kindergartens, Common, and Higher Grade Schools, Drill Corps, Boys' Brigades. The above and many other organizations to aid the spiritual, intellectual, and mater- ial advancement of the human family. Raptist. Emanuel, Bartlett bet. 22d and 23d Second Colored, Powell nr Jackson First, Eddy bet. Jones & Leav'wth St. John, Eddy bet. Oct. & Laguna First Colored, Powell near Sutter Swedish, 25 10th nr Market First Free, Bush near Hyde Swedish, 1137 Mission First German, 17th & Dehone Third Colored, Powell near Busli Fifth, 23d and Guerrero Union Square, 1227 Bush nr Hydte Hamilton Square, Post nr Steiner Willing Workers, Bush and Hyde Plymouth, Post bet. Buch. & Web Zion's, Laguna near McAllister Richmond, 7th Ave. & Clemen'^ BAPTIST MISSIONS. Baptist ilission, S. San Francisco Galilee Mission, Union nr Gough Bethesda Mis., Howard, nr 8th Home Mis., Sac'to and Wav. PlaCe Chinese, Sac'm'to and Wav. Place Swedish, 25 Tenth First Baptist Sun. Sch, 607 Union Central Baptist Unions meet at different Churches on call. 180 Baptist Church Organizations and 137 Churches in California, 1893. Christian. , ,'^_.- The Harbinger, 1170 Market, weekly. First, 12th bet. Mission and How West Side Ladies' Relief Society, West Side, Bush bet. Scott and Dev Scott and Devisadero Cong^reg^ationai. 158 Congregational Churches in California, Jan. 1, 1898. Pacific Churchman, 751 California, weekly. Bethany, Bartlett bet. 25th & 26th Park, Hayes, near Lyon Bethlehem, 24th & Vermont PilgrimChapel,Edinb'gh nr Persia Cooper Memorial, 9tn ave & H Pierce, Pierce & Union Eighth, Broad nr Plymouth Plymouth, Post near Webster First, Post and Mason Richmond, 7th & Clement Ave Fourth, Green bet. Stockton & Pow Swedish Mis., 538 Jessie, bet. 6& 7 New Cong., Hayes nr Lyon Third, 15th bet. Mission & Valencia Olivet Congregational, 17th & Noe COXGREGAIIONAL CHAPELS. First Kindergarten, 934^ Harrison Pierce St. Chapel, P.ierce & Green Ocean View Chapel, Broad Avenue Chinese Missions : 5 Brenham PL Cong'l Associates, 22 Clay Cong'l Church Extension, 208 Mason Congregational Club, Secretary 22 Clay Episcopal. African, Powell near Jackson St. Cornelius* Chapel, Presidio All Saints, Eddy and Polk ^ St. Johns', 15th near Valencia Christ Ref., 1412 Polk near Pine St. James' Guild,Clement & 5th Av Church of Advent, 11th nr Market St. Luke's, Clay and Van Ness Ave Church of Transfiguration, Siga- St. Mary Virgin, Steiner nr Union more, nr Capital St. Paul's, California nr Fillmore Grace, California and Stockton St. Peter's, Stockton and Filbert Good Shepherd, 17th RE6BYTeRIAN MISSIONS. Cijinese, Stockton nr Clay Japanese, 121 Hai^ht Chinese Mig. Home, 7 Branham PI Free. Mission, 920 Stwjramento Roiiiii.li Catfaiolic. All Catholic Churches have Organizations among their members for many pnr poses. All Hallows, 16th ave & N South Apostolic, Mth near Dolores Guadalupe, Broadwa}"^ near Mason Holy Cross, Calvary Cemetery Holy Cross, Eddy and Scott HolySacram6nt,AlemanynrCroke St. James', 28d and Guerrero Lady Victories, 626 Bush St. Joseph's, Tenth near Howard Miftcion Dolores, 16th and Dolores St. Mary's, California and Dupont (built in 1776 -the oldest church St. Mary's, Cathedral, Van Nees St. Bridget, Broadway & Van Nee« St. Charles Bono, l&th & Shoiwell St. Dominic Monas, Bush & Steinet St. Fruncis, Vallejo & Montg'y ave St. Ignatius, Hayes & Van Ness Av in California) Old St. Mary's Par., Mission Rd & Bosworth Portuguese, 325 Front Sacred Heart, Fell and Fillmore Star of the Sea, 8th Av.& Pt.Lobos St. Agntjs, Masonic ave & Page St. Anthony, Army, nr Shotwell St. Boniface, 128 Golden Gate Ave St. Brendan, Harrison & Fremont RouiAii Catliolic Cliapels Ave. A O'Farrell St. Michael's, Broad nr Plymouth St. Patrick's, Mission bet. 8d & 4th St. Paul's, Twenty-ninth & Church St. Peter's, Alabama bet. 24 & 26 St. Phoebe's, Bryant near First St. Pietro & Paul, Dup. & Filbert St. Rose's, Brannan near Fourth St. Teresa's, Tennessee near 19th Acad. of Sa. Heart, Ellis & Franklin Dominican Convent, 1210 Guerrero Dominican Sisters,24th & Guerrero Dominican Monas., Steiner&Bush Girls' Directory, Buena Vista & Central ave Holy Name's Con. , 10th & Howard Sacred Heart Convent, Taylor and t:ilis,also on Powell nr Broadway Sisters Holy Family, Hayes & Fill St. Bridget's, 3118 Fillmore St. Brendan's, Harrison near Bealc St. Bridget's, Broadw. & Van Ness St. Dominic, Bush and Steiner Immaculate Concep. , 24th & Gue'o St. FrancisTech.Sch. ,U'ry & Gough Magdalen Asylum, Potrero & 21st Most Holy Names, 10th near How Mt. St. Joseph's, South S. F. Notre Dame, 16th and Dolores New Presentation, Ellis & Taylor New Chapel, Masonic Av, nr Page Presentation, Powell nr Greenw'h .Sacred Heart Acad., Ellis & Frank Sacred Heart, Larkin and Eddy 107 places of Catholic Worship in San Francisco. H »ly Cross Cemetery, McMahon's Station, San Mateo County. Spiritualists and. MedLiums. For mediums, meetings, and circles at many places see the Daily Papers Atkins, Mrs. E.,3z0 McAllister Cooley , Dr. , Slate Writer,909Market St. Francis' Day Home, 1413 Pow St. Joseph's Home, Bak. & Pk Hill St. Mary's Hosp. Ch;, 1st & Brj^ant St. Mary's Hospital, 1st & Bryant St. Mary's College, San Jose Road St. Peter's, 24th and Alabama St. Rose's, Steiner & Gol. G. Ave. St. Vincent's Orp. Asy., Sou. S. F. St. Vincent's Con., 671 Mission Progressive, 114 O'Farrell Progressive Society, 105 Larkin Robinson, Mrs., 1370 Market Rines, Dr. C. H., 909 Mnrket Scott-Briggs, Mrs. , 111 Lar. Wed er Shriner, Mrs., Ill Larkin Wren, Mrs., 9j7 Market Francis, A. M. , Slate Writer,118 Ha't Harlana's, Mrs., 1568^ Market Haussmann, K., 115 Franklin Home Collie, 324 Seventeenth Home of Truth, 1231 Pine Montague, Madam , Wed. , 35 Eddy Young, Mrs. , 605 McAllister Pilgrim, Edinburgh & Persia Progre.-sive Lyceum, Sunday, 909 Market. Suredeiiborg^eii. d ^ew Jerusalem, Lyons&Wash. New Jerusalem, O'Far. nr Webster Mission Society, 320 Post Unitarian. First Unitarian, Franklin & Geary Second Unitarian, 20th and Capp R£L.IOIOrS SOCIETIES. American Tract, 637 Market California Bible, 1037 Market Bible Reading Soe, 1236 Market Catholic Truth Soc, 806 Market Bible Truth Depository, 809 Market Cong. Ministers R. Sec. ,132 McAli'r ChristianUnionMission,590Mis8ion Gent's Sodality, St. Ignatius Chu. ~ 46 — Ladies' Pastoral Aid, 625 Sutter S.F.Port Soo. , Sacratn'to & Brumm Ladies' Sodality, St. Ignatius Chu Soc. Chris. Work, Geary & Fraakliji Methodist Book Depot,1037 Market Swedeiiborgan Book Depository, Presbyt'n Mission H. 911 Stookton Pacific Un (quarterly) Pres. Chu Prison & Hosp.Relig-.' S, 415 Momg S. F. Baptist Union, Baptist Chu S. F. Girls' Union, 82.9 Pine 1626 O'Farrell Women'sCh.Tem. Un. 132 McAU'er Y. M. C. A., 208 Mason und Ellis, 2219 Mission. Y. Wona, Ch. Ass'n, 1621 O'Farrell CALIFORNIA ItllSSIONS. Fruit t!c Mower Mission, 631 Sutter 3an Dieg-o,/ounded July 16, 1769 San Oarlos, Monterey,Juiie 10,1770 Sub Gabriel, Sept. 8, 1771 San Antonio, 1771 San Luis Obispo, 1772 San F. Mission Dolores, Oct. 8, 1776 San Juan Capistrano, 1776 Santa Clara, 1777 Los Angeles, 1771 San Buenaventura, March 24, 1782 Santa Barbara, Decwnber 4, 1786. p-urisima, 1787 Soledad, 1791 San Fernando, San Miguel, 1798 Santa Cruz, San Jose, San Juan Bantista, 1797 San Luis Rey, 1798 Santa Inez, 1804 San Rafael, 1817 Sonoma, 1823 Miscellaneous Cliurclies a.iidL Org^aiiizatious. Advent (2d), Eddy near Jones Advent (Christian), 29th nr Church Advent (7 Day), 914 Laguna American Gospel Anny Rescue Home, 927 ^ Washington Bethesda Miss. Ch., 8th & Folsom Bible Christians, 20 Eddy Board of Mission, 731 California Board of Fore gnerMiss. ,208 Mason Bible Readers, Th. & Su, 1236 itfet Brethren, 826 Howard Chinese Joss Houses : 751 Clay, 25 .San Miguel Pvoad Associated Charities,. 601 Comm'l Armitage Orp Asy San Mateo Office, 530 California Helpers' Home 417 First Home of Incur. Francisco nr.Pow'l H. Aged Israelites, Miss'n & Sil.Av H. of A. Hebrews, A St. b. 34 & 35Av H.of A.ifclnf.Females,lst & Bryant 22d & Potrero Bjy»' Training H . . 26 Laurel Place H.of A.&Inf.Heb's, Powell&Fran'o H.of F.Chil . 2318 Webster & 65 Sil. Horfieless Childr. Nur. .328 Bryant and 1534 Mission House cf Mercy . .33 Rincon Place Infants' Shelter 512 Minna I.O.O.F. Orp H Gilroy, Cwlif I.O.O.F. H .... Thermalita, Calif Incurables, 317 Boys' & Girls'Aid . . Baker & Hayes Children's Day H. 110 Hayes, Cath Cath. Orp. Asy .Bay View & Potrero Chddren s DayH.1413 Powell, Cath Children'^^H.FindingSoc, Mills Bid Children'sFindingH.Soc.,916Mk't Crocker 0. P. H . . . . Pierce & Bush Daugh.of Good Shep'd . 325 Mont'y King's Dt ujhters Deaconesses Home and Training Francisco School 136 Chestnut Ladies'Pro.&Rel.So.Frank.nr Post Doctors' Daughters, in the Church L.Hahneman Hos.As'n, 115 Haight Van Ness ave and Sacramento Lick O.Ladies'H . . Henry& Univer- Eureka3oc.Pro.Children,1170 Mk't sity, • o. S. F., Office 207 Sansome FlorenceCrittenden H.,218McAllis. Little Jim Ward . . . 3700 California Foundlings' Asy ...... 328 Bryant Magdalen Asylum, Potrero nr 2lst Foundlings, Salvat'n Army, 434 2d Masonic Wid. & Orph. H. .nr Niles Foundling^s Home. . 615 Taylur Maternity Home . . 1901 California Foundling's Home S.F. .1901 Cal'a Maria Kip Orp 7th ave & Lake Franciscan Relief Soc . . 214 Hayes Mt. Zions' H As'n . . Office 304 Mont Fred Finch 0., Fruitvale, Ala. Co. Nursery for H.Child . . Cal.&Brod'k French Girls' H 1120 Powell Fruit & Flower Mission 631 Sutter Ger.Old P. Home, Altenheim, near Fruitvale, Office, 806 Market Girls'ArmyTraining H, 147Natoma Old Colored P.H Bulah,Ala'da Co. PacificEclectic 1422 Folsom Pac. Soc-. Sup. Vice. . .14 McAllister Pac. Heb. Orp. Asy . Hayes nr Dev. Pac Heb. H .. Silver ave & Mission Girls' Dire'ctory H . . .LotUt Waller Prot. Epis. Home, Masonic Ave & Girls' Directory Il2 Ellis Golden Gate, office 105 Stockton Girls'Un. & Bdg. House .909 Taylor Prot. Orp. Asy . . L iguna & Haight Girls' Home 23^ Rincon Place Girls'TrainingH.(Calif.)147Natoma Gospel ArmyRes H. .927 Wash'ton Good Templars' Orp. Asy. .Vallejo Hebrew Home, O.P. .507 Lombard Hebrew Old Peo. Home. 1304 Lyon Rescue Home forWomen, Fruitvale Res. H. for Girls, Sal. Army, 434 2d Res.H.forGirls (Christ) 948 Mission Roman Cath. Orp. Asv. . .19th ave S. & N. South F. Female, 806 Stockton nr Clav Helpers to Aid Poor. . . . . 919 Polk S. F. Nursery H. Ch . . 1534 Mission — 48-^ Sheltetilig Artne Ihf . . 570 Harrison St. Joseph'sThf. Asiy. Silver1NG Architects Chapter, 2 Fri. , 408 Cal. Builders' Ass. of Calif 318 Bush Builders' Ex. .40 New Montgomery Masons' and Builders'. .314 Montg TRADES Master Plumbers' . .40 New Montg Millmens' Prot'ivc. .40 New Montg Plasterers' 40 New Montg Lumber Men's Exch 22 Market HALLS IN SAN FRANCISCO. Academy, 928 Mission Academy of Science, 8L') Market AtfiliatedC 3lleg3, Parnasus&lstave Alcazar, 112 to 116 O'Farrell Alpha, 2 1st and Castro Alta Plaza, Clay and Fillmore American, Leavenworth & Pacific Apollo, 810 Pacific Arcade, Clara and Sixth Armorv, 620 Bush near Powell Armory, Na. Gu.,815ElUsnr Polk Armory, 1st Keg., Pa e and Go Jgh Asher's, 1021 Larkin Assemblv, Lincoln S'jh.,=ith nr Mk t AssemblV, Girls' HighSjh., Gaav & Scott Assembly, Mills Bldg, 216 Mont^^ Assem 3ly, Gol Gate Av. tt Steinyr Assemblv, 1412 Polk Assembly, 825 Market, Parrott Bid Assembly, V^aldncia & Hill, nr21st Atlantic, Francisco near Powell Auditorium, 208 Mason, V.M.C.A. Austrian, 50/" Sutter Aurora, Green aid Larkin Bar Association, ; 30 California Backer's, 14 Third Bjethoven, 33 J Post Bersaglieri, 1525 St >ckton & Union Boneta, 273 > Fols mi & 24th Blair's, 2131 Mission near 17th B'nai B'rith, 121 Eddy near Pjwall Board of Trade, 202 Markets Bonanza, 1325 Ellis nr Buchanan Boy's High Sch., Sutter nr Gouj^h Byni's, Gunnison Avenue and 28:;h Cadets, 335 McAllister California, Green & Leavenworth California, 620 Bush California Med. Col., 1422 Folsoni Calvary, 318 O'Farrell Cambrian, 1133 Mission Carr's Mission and 24th Carl, Grove and Lajruna Carson's, Miss. & Ocean Ho. Road Caaebolt, Union near Lag una Central, Bush and Polk Centennial, 421 Hayes Century Hall 1215 Sutter Champion, Butte near Tennessee Champion, 16th and Valencia Children, -an some and Pacific Citv Hall, Larkin and McAllister Clar-ks, Dancing, 211 Suttsr Clinton, 15th near Valencia Coakley's, 2552 Geary & Central ave Co nnierfords Church, nr 27th Cogswells College, 26th & Folsom Colby's, 1910^ Mission near 16th Colle^-e, Pharmacist, 113 FultoH C >ilege,Hayes&VanNe5S,seats3000 Columbo, 625 Broadwaj' Columbia Cyclery, 1979 Page Columbia Music, 213 Montg Ave Commercial School, Pjwell nrClay Congress, 113 > Market— Sal. Army Cook'.s, Powell near Clay Coop jr College, Webster and Sac'to Corinthiui,RR.&I5th aveS.S Fran Crosthwalte, 5th & Pt. Lobos aves Crawley's, Clara Ave. & Corbett Cortland Ave. Imp. Club, Folsom and Cottlanl Ave. Curries, 233 Fell Dahler's, Seventeenth and Castro Dassa's,26 Circular ave(Sa nnyside) Delaware, San Jose Av & Ocean Rd Delta, 61:5 Geary Devisadero, 317 Devisaduro Deutcher V^erein, 21 Fourth Dia la, 530 Pacific Djnxva I's, 541 Hayes Djcking's, 409 Montgomery Ave Drew's, 121 New Montgomery Druids', 413 Sutter Duveneck's, 1004 24th and Church 54 Edwards', Jersey and Sanchez Elks. 223 Sutter Eintracht, 237 12th, nr Howard Eureka Valley ,509 Castro Excelsior, 2317 Mission near 19th Fair nount, Precita ave, nr Mission Farrell's, 9th ave & Point Lobos Faust's 16 Gearj' Firemen's Ex., nr Kearny & Clay Forester's, 20 Eddy Forester's (A. O. F.), 102 O'Farrell Francis Gough, 36 East South Frank's Geary & Steiner Franklin's, 1835 Fillmore&Buchn'n Fraternity, South San Francisco Fraternal, 2933 16th near Mission Fraternal, Pacific near Stockton Friendship, 326 McAllister Furniture M., 1153 Mission nr 8th Gardner's, 105 Pacific Garibaldi, 423 Broadway Girls' Hig-h School, Scott & Geary Glick's, 1708 Fillmore Golden Gate, 625 Sutter Golden Gate, Geary & Masonic Av Golden Gate. 1620 Pacific Ave Golden Gate Com. 629 Sutter Golden West, O' Far and Buchanan Gospel Halls : 1139 Market, 866 Mission, ^^32 Howard, 866 Harr'n Gough's, Pacific ana Lavis Grace Church Hall, Capp and 21st Graham's, Alabama and 27th Grand West., 1328 Bugh nr Larkin Granger's, Davis and California Grutli Verein, 507 Sutter Guild, Clement near Fifth Hall of Justice, Merchant & Wash Hall of Records, New City Hall Hamilton, 1517 Seiner & Geary Harmony, 1749 Missi(m Hare's, 10th ave, S. San Francisco Harrington's, 8th & Folsom Hendricks', Kearny and Bay Hibernia, 120 Ninth Hin man's, 1412 Polk near Bush Holmes', 1722 Turk near Pierce Hopkins', Brannan near Sixth Howard's, 17th and Howard Hugh's, Ocean VicA' Humboldt, Mission & Erie nr 13th Humboldt, 100 Ellis, cor. Powell Iberg's, Steiner and Hermann 1. 0. O. F., 1107 Market and 7tk Improved Order Red Men, 320 Post Independent O. R. M., 510 Bush Johnson's 235 Chener3' Judson's, 23d and Douglass Kelley's, Folsom and Precita Ave Kerwin's, Kearny and Bay Kessing, 24th and Howard Kindergarten, California & 4th ave Knights of Pythias, 909 Market Knights of Red Branch 220 Mason Kohler & Chase, 26 OFarrell Labor Bureau Ass'n, 915^ Ma^-ket Lafayette, 730 Mont, near Jacksoa Laguri, Mission Rd. nr 5-Mile Ho Larkej^'s, Filbert and Webster Leiderkranz, South San Francisco Liberty , 113 T .\labama and 24th Loughead's, 1605 Polk near Sac'to 'Longshoremen's, Jackson &*Mont Loyola, Tenth and Market Lunt's, 1310 Polk near Bush Lyra, 26 Ninth Mangell's, 24tli and Folsom Mannerbund, Potrero Ave. & 24th Maple Room, Palace Hotel Mark Hopkins Aca. Art, Cal & Mas Masonic, Mission, bet 22d & 23d Masonic Temple, Montg. and Post Masonic, South San Francisco Matson's, Clipper nr Sanchez-25th Mauzy's Music, 308 to 314 Post Mayberry, 2415 Mission near 20th McCarthy's, Pacific and Mason McCormick's, Sierra and Georgia McCreigh's, Harrison near Fifth McGinnes', 24th and Alabama Mechanics' Institute 81 Post Mechanics' Pav., Larkin & Hayes Medical, Stockton near Chestnut Mercantile Lib.,V.Ness&G.G.ave Merchant's Ex, 431 California Metropolitan Temple, 5th nr Mkt Metzler, 715 Green Mexican War Veterans, 22 O'Farr Minerva, loth and Mission Misjion Music, Howard and 21st Mission Opera, 2131 Mission Mission Turn Verein, 18th and La- pidge near Valencia Mission Parlor, Native Sons G.W. 3445, 17th nr Valencia Mohrman's, 5th ave and Clement Mozart, 1858 Market MoA\Ty's, Grove and Laguna Muliow's, Davis and Broadway Murphy's, Sagamore & San J )se Rd Mus c, 2223 Sutter Musician's Hall, 39 4th Mj'ers', Market and Pierce Myers', Union and Leavenworth Myrtle, South San Francisco National Armory, 815 Ellis nr Polk Native Sons' Hall, 414 Mason New City Hall, McAllister & Lark New Hall, 718 Douglass North Beach, Powell and Green North Union, Fillmore & Greenw'h Noe Valley, 24th and Church Ocean Beach Pav. , nr Cliff House Odd Fellows' Hall, 7th and Market Odd Fellows, 503 Valencia & 16th Ono, 1883 Mission & 15th Pacific, 639 Geary & Leavenworth Parlor A, Palace Hotel, 619 Market Park View, 9th ave & H Patterson, 30th and Church Phoenix, 1214 Bryant Phoenix, Fols m & Eighth Phoenix, Guerrero and Twentieth Pioneer, 24 Fourth Pixley's, 1534 Pacific ave and Polk Philharmonic, Jackson & Stockton Polk St. Music. 1605 Polk near Cal Potrero Ope. Hou., Tenn & Solano Poweis', Turk and Pierce Press Club, Ellis, nr Powell Progress, 29 Valencia Pythian, 1605 Polk Pyth an Castle, 909 Market Presidio Assembly, Presidio Public Library, City Hall Quigley, 2380 Market I.avmond, Arkansas and 20th Regents, 1834 Post near Fillmore -95- Ahoew«d«r's, 403 Noe cor. 17th Rigerers' & Stevedores', 808 Monter Rincon, 2d and Folsom Riordan's, 1311 California nr Hyde Rolando's, Church near 28th Rooney's, Potrero Ave, and 16th Rosen eranz, Stein er & Greenwich Ruddick's, San Jose Ave near 28th Russell's, 1424 Greenwich nr Polk Sailors' Home, Spear and Harris'n Salvation Army, 1139 Market, 711 Mission, 632 Commercial, Pacific & Sansome, Bush & Fillmore, 210 Grant Av., Sac. and Kearny S. F. Verein, Post & Leavenworth S. F. Turn Verein, 323 Turk Sanger's, South San Francisco Saratog-a, 814 Geary near Hyde Scandinavian, Ocean View Scottish, 105 to 111 Larkin Schnur's, Girard and Still man Seaman's Club, 33 Stewart Seaman's Union, Mission and East Shiel's Building, 32 O'Farrell Ship-Caulkers', 44 Spear S herman & Clay, music, 223 Sutter Silver Star, Sansome and Pacific Simond's, 4th ave & California Small's, Green and Montgom'y Ar Social, 115 Turk South S. F. Opera House, S. S. F. Spring Valley, Union and Lacuna Star King Memorial, 20th & Capp Stevens', 17th and Uranus St, Andrew's, 111 Larkin St. Brendan, Harrison & Fremont St. Charles', 18th and Shot well St. Dominic's, Pine and Steiner St. Francis', Vallejoand Mont Ave St. George's 317 Mason St. Ignatius, Van Ness and Haj^es St. James'Guild, 7th ave & Clement St. John's Guild, 15th & Valencia St. John's, 929 Pacific St. Joseph's, 10th and Howard St. Peter's, Alabama near 28d St. Teresa, Tennessee near 19th Stanford, Valencia and 28th Steinke's, Octavia, near Union Sullivan's, Mission nr CourtlandAv Sullivan's, 541 Hayes Taylor's, Ocean View Techau's Assembly, Mason nr Ekidy Teutonia, Steiner and Hermann Teutonia, 1318 Howard near 10th Terpsichorean. Pacific & Stockton Tilton, Union and Octavia Toland, Stockton near Chestnut Trades Council, 91 5| Market Trades Union, 1159 Mission Turn Verein, Miss'n, 18 & Lapidge Turn Verein, S.F., Post & Leav'wrth Turn Verein, Vorwarts, 310 O'Far Turn Verein, 323 Turk near Hvde Turk St. Temple, 117 Turk Twin Peaks, 847 17th & Noe Union, Fillmore and Greenwich Union Square, 421 Post Universal, 818 Pacific Verein, 1520 Folsom Verein Eintracht, 237 12th nr Ho'rd Veteran Firemen, 24 Fourth Veterans Mexic. War, 22 O'Farrell Volunteers of Am« rica, 232 Sutter Vorrath's, 3403 G^ary-Johnson Av Walch's Hall, Bernal Heights Washington, 35 Eddy Washingotn Square, 1523 Stockton Weinholz's, Highland ave&Mission Wessel's, 1628- Powell anl Un'on Western Addition Music, 2414 Cal Winkler's, West Park and Crescent Winters', Filbert and Montg'y At Wolf's, Plymouth ave Ocean View Woods, Mission Road near Slst Woodward's, 221 Valencia nr 15th Yerba Buena, Clay near Mason Y. M. C. A., 208 Mason Young Men's Ins. 825 Market Yo. Women's C. A., 1221'0'FarreI IIOXEI.S, boarding; & I^OIMilNO HOUSES. Hotel Gazette and Tourists' Exchange, 420 Kearny. ^Hotels have Buss at Trains, Vessels and Ferry. F indicates Family hotels. L Lodging Houses. Cor. for Corner. H for House. R for Rooming. Figures show number of rooms in the house. Abbotsford, Broadway & Larkin F Alps Hotel, 621 Pacific Abbott, 109 Fifth Academy, 705 California, 72 R L Acma, 961 Market Acores Hotel, 117 Jackson Acton, 204 McAllister Adams, 519 Sacramento Adelaide, H, 705 Mission L Adelphia, 909 Kearny loO R Afton, The, 235 O'Farrell L Ahlborn House, 321 Grant Av,175* Ahlborn, 509 Folsom \ Alameda, 143 Third Albemarle, 8 Mason Aldine, 404 Turk,corHyde,32 R F Alexandria, 781 Sutter Alpha, 522 Polk, 34 R Almonta, Market and Fifth Aloysens, The, 526 Kearny L Alpha, The, 5 Market & East Alpha, 1023 Stockton Alton, 204 McAllister American, 83 Natoma& 2d Annandale, 606 Shot well L Annandale H, 816 California Annex, The, 930 Market Anita, 31 Hunt nr 3d & Howard Antrim, 807 California L Arcade, The, 917 Market L Arcade H., 45 Sacramento Argyle, 1006 Van Ness & California Arizona Hotel, 13 Clay Arlington, 127 Kearny L Asher, 613 Larkin L Ashland, 108 McAllister Ashton, The, 112 Taylor L Astor, Broadway and Kearny Atwell, The, 1111 Sutter, 47 R F Auditorium, 410 Post L Austria, 246 Fourth Auzarais, 21 P^vrell, 40 R L Avandell, The, 120 Ellis Avenue, 220 Montg^omery ave L Arenue H, Sutter and Grant ave Avenue, Geary and Central ave Avondale House, 456 Sixth Baltimore Hotel, 1013 Van Ness av Bailey, 612 Fourth Bakers'Home, 642 Pacific, 625 Clay Balboa, 1049 Market Bancroft, The, 14 Turk Baldwin, Market & Powell 500 R* Baldwin Lodging, 16 Ellis L Baltimore, 502 Bush cor Dupont L Basses Pyrenees, 614 Broadway Bay Street House, Bay and Kearny Bay District H., 1224 Pt. Lobos Bay View, 2115 Powell Beatrice House, 1019 Larkin L Beaumont, 115 Hayes Belden Block, 137 Montgomerv Bell, The, 802 Montgromerv ' L BelleViewH,801Vallejo& Powell L Bellevue, 319 Ellis Bella Vista, 1001 Pine 45R F Belmond H, 1126 Market R Belmont, 553 Brannan, cor Fifth Belvedere, 574 Folsom L Belvedere House, 536 Third L Beresford, 600 Bush, c. Stockton F Berkshire, 711 Jonea F Benial Villa, 413 Bartlett Bingham, 807 California Blanco H, 421 Fourth L Blanco, 865^ Market L Blankman's 6 Mile, San Bruno Blennis,2000 McAllister & Cent, av Blitz, Geary and Taylor Blue Anchor Hotel, 5 Washington Bloomfield. The, 808 Van Ness Av Bodie, 147 Third L Bohemian, 543 Howard Bohemia, The, 239 Post R Bonanza, 869 Market L Bradbury, The, 1604 Calif. & Polk Branch House, 861 Market L Bremer H, 7 Jackon Brealin, 22d and Louisiana Brighton, The, 84 Eddy L Bristol, 969 Howard L Broadway, 212 Broadway Broadway Block, 602^ Broadway Brooklyn, 210 Bush,nr Sansome * Brooklyn House, 2 2d nr Georgia Brudenell,The, 1235 Market Brussels, City of, 637 Jackson Brunswick, 148 Sixth 130R F Buenna Vista, 777 Market Buckingham, 118 Ellis & 42 Turk L Burbank, 1002 Bush F Burgoy ne H , Stockton & Valle j o L Burlington, 605 Market, cor Second Burnett, 1364 Market Butler House, 539J Howard L Cable, 28th near Valencia Cable H, 219 Tenth Cable House, 1400 Castro California. 210 Monteomery ave California Hotel, 420 Bush 150 R California House & Rest, 624 Calif California Lodg. House, 296 East Calif. State Hotel, 771 Howard Capitol, 537 Sacramento L Carleton. 118 Grant ave Carlton H, 405 Kearny L Carroll, 124 Sixth Carrolton, The, 1206 Market Castella, Fell & Central ave Cashman, 5011^ Sixth Casius, Louisiana & 2 2d Castleton, 207 Mason L Cavour, 702 Fronc Central, 217 Broadway Central, 407 Pacific Central H. 871 Market L Central 52 Second Central Hotel, 816 Sansome Central House, 536 Third L Charleston, 229 Kearny L Chelsea House, 409 Turk, 30 R L Chestirfield, 836 Sutter Chicago, 220 Pacific cor Front Chicago H, 612 Howard (hico, 1522 Polk Chittenden, 518 Ellis City Front, 625 Di)vis City Hotel, 512 Howard Cincinnati, 527 Valencia, nr 16th Claremont, 448 Sixth Clarendon, 142^ Fourth L Clark's L H. 120 Fourth Clarv. 1021 Howard Clay Street H,3(;Clav Cliflf H Hotel, 213 Broadway Cliff House, W end Pt. Lobos ave Clifford, 5i04 Ellis, cor Mason Clifford, 821 Howard Clifton, 6f 2 Sutter & Powell Clyde, The, 36^ Geary Coasting House, 23 Folsom Coasting Boarding Ho. 206 Steuart Coakley's Hotel, Geary & Cent. ave Colombo Market Hotel, 110 Pacific Columbia, 72 JaeksJn Columbia, 519 Mission Columbia, 210^ Washington Columbia House, 556 Brannan Columbia H, 714 Bryant Columbia H, 17 Vallejo Columbia H, 210^ Washington Columbia Market H, 110 Pacific Columbia Th 3atre, 9 Powell Columbia, The, 15 i Powell R Columbian, 916 Market L Colombo, 621 Broad wav Coloimade, The 743 Pi" e F Colonial, Jones & Pine 108 R F Colton, 220 Third Colton House, 448^ Third Columbia Hotel, 814 Bryant Columbus, 220 O'Farrell F Columbus Market H. 110 Pacific Commercial, Pacific & Mont ave* Commercial, 638 Commercial 20DR Concordia, 907 Folsom Constitution, 440 Jackson Continental H, 517 Mission L Continental Hotel, 521 Pacific Continental, 118 Drumm L ContraCostaH, Jackson & Drumm Cornwall, 416 O'Farrell Corona, The, 246 Sixth Coso, 411 Sansome Cosmos, The, 1020 Market, 15 Eddy Cosmopolitan, The, 211 Steuart Cosmopolitan, 100 5th & Mission * Cottrell, 118i Ellis Couper, Fulton & 8th ave Cra§^burn, 1007 Larkin & Post L -57- Creedmore, H, 1122 Larkin Crescent City H, 419 Geary Crown, The, 29 Grant ave L Crown, The, I38A Fourth L Crystal, Fourth & Berry Crystal Palace, 53 Broadway Cnster, The, 903 Market & Ellis Dalling's Hotel, 111 Twenty-sixth Danbridge, 1111 Sutter • Dawson City H, U East, North Delaware, 1151 Market Delmonte House, 1030 Howard Dennison, 945 Valenoia L Denver, 217 Third L Depot, 505 Central ave Depot Hotel, 28 Sacramento Devin, 553 Geary Devon, 1130 Market L Devonshire, 725 Tine F Dexter. 543 Bush, cor Stockton F Dlckev's, Fulton nr 7th ave Dillon's, Nebraska & 25th Dolphin H, Hunt nr 3<3 & Howard Domus, 228.^ Post F Dorchester 855 Post Dunlap, 320A O'Farrell Dured, 1118 Howard L Eagle, 50.1 Third Earl, 417 Kearny Earl, The, 304 Stockton East Lake, 3415 Webster & Bay East Lynn, 1063 Mission Eastern House, 4( 9 Drumm Eastern Hotel, 435 Pine Edinburg, 239 Powell Eiffel Tower Hotel, 509 Bush Eiffel, 725 Sansome Elcho, 863.V Market EMred, 1126 Market Eldridge, The, 120A Ellis Ellis, The li 07 Marketj Ellisford, 11 Grove Elmer, 3. '4 Bush L Elniwood, 1239 Market El Monte Hotel, £01 Gearv Klsinore hotel. 801 Filbert Elsniei-e, 418 Sutter F Elyord H, 11 Polk Elysee House. The, 1032 Market Emeson, 873^ Market L Empire, 636 Commercial, 6.^9 Clay Enterprise Hotel, l^ith & Folsom Ep worth, 1037^ Market L Estella, The, 1145 Mission Esmond, 43 Sixth 70 R F Esmond House, 319 Ellis L Estelly, 435 Fourth & 1145 Mission Eureka Hotel, 413 Brannan Eureka Valley House, 2656 Market Eureka. 3'i6 Nat jma EuTopa Hotel, 628 Broadway Europe, 814 Montgomery Europe House, The, 116y Mission Europe H, 725 Sansome ^ European, 421 Brannan European House, 17 Stoc'on 225 B. Excelsior, 60S Sixth, nr Towns'-nd Excelsior, 39 Turk L Excelsior H, 1779 Mission Fairmount, 1714 Market, 120 R F Fair Wind, East it Saciamento Fargo House, 105 New Montg'y L Favorite, 158 Fifth Fauntlei-oy,Stockton & O'Farrel L Federal, 1205 Stockton Fern dale, 518 Geary Ferry H, 717 Davis Fifth, R.R.& 5tn aves, S. S F. Fillmore House, 651 Broadway L Finland, 247 Steuart Finland, 26 Folsom First Street, 507 Mission & First First Avenue, 1st ave & Kentucky Florence, 102 Ellis, cor Powell • F Forand, Geary & Central ave Forenze, 8 Pres'cott Place Foser), 407 Tehama L Fourth St. H, 512 Fourth France, Hotel de, 618 California Franklin, 321 Pacific & Sansome Franconia, 147 San Bruno Ave Franklin Lodg. H, 218 Ninth Frank's Block, 502 Washington L French H, 403 Broadway Fresno, 828 Powell & Cahfornia Fulton, The, Larkin & Fulton L Fulton, 240 Steuart Fulton House, 617 Mission Gait, 821 Howard, nr Fourth L Gailhard, 507 Pine, above Kearny Galilee, The, 95 Sttuirt Garfield, 3100 Fillmore & Chestnut Garfield, 737^ Howard L Garibaldi, 222 Broadway Gardner, 812 Montgomery Gassman, 428 Broad waj^ Gercke's, 922 Battsrv, cor Green German Hotel, The, 530 Polk German Hotel, 560 Howard Gerraania, 131 Third Gilbert House, 824 Mon gomery Gi ovine Italia, 411 Broadway Girard, 142 Seventh F Glasgow, 429 Larkin Glen House, 236 Sutter Glenbrook, 116 Sixth L Glendale, 5 2 Go'den Gate av« Glenwood H, 1532 Polk L Globe, 139 Seventh L Gold Run, 7 Grant ave Golden Star H, 411 Pacific Golden City, San Brum & Silver av Golden Eagle, 402 Br'dwav lOOR* Golden Gate, 134 Fourth Golden Gate, 407 Pacific Golden Gate House, 510 Davis Golden Gate, Haight nr Stanvan Golden Gate Hotel, 126 G. Gate ave G.G.Park Casino, 24th ave & Fulton Golden Gate Villa, near Cliff House Goiden State, 106 Eddy Golden State House, H nr 4th ave Golden Statt House, 1209 Market Golden West Hotel, 34 Ellis 250R Golden West House, 438 Geary Grand Army House, 425 Bush Grand Carnot, 418 Ellis Grand Central, 1206 Market Grand Central. L, 681 Mission & 3d Grand Central House, 211 Fourth Grand Central L. H, 655 Wash' ton Grand Central H, 124 Fourth L Grand, Market and New Montg'y Grand Pacific, The, 3 6 Stockton Grand Southern, Mission & 7th 96R Grand View, 712 Bush Granada, 1000 Sutter F Granville, 601 Post -58- Grassot H , 637 California Grajrgon, Powell & Sacramento Grenoble, The, 603 Bush * Gosvenor, 319 Sutter F Giuetli Hotel, 510 Pacific Guilaume Tell, new, 619 Pacific Hackmeier's, 123 Eddy 125 R * Haliburton's, 45 Twelfth Hamburg House, 106 Jackson Hamburger, 411 Pacific Hampton House, 113 Fourth L Hancock, 781 Mission L IrJanley, 21st nr Louisiana Hanover H, 819 Howard Hansa, 329 Pine Hansa House, 320 Drumm Harmony, 735 Brannan Hartman, The, Stockton & Calif. Harvey, 807 Calif cor Stockton F Hawthorne, 1926 Market Heath, 312 Eddy Helvetia, 431 Pine Hermann, 2013 Folsom nr 16th Hermann L H, 123 Jackson Highland, The, 419 Geary Hill, The, 2030 Steiner, 7 R F Hillsdale, 33 Sixth near Jessie F Hobson, 417 Kearny Hoffman, The, 25 Grant ave Holger Danske, Kearny & Pacific Hollywood, 116 Turk L Home Lodging, 704 Sansome Horse-Shoe Hotel, 1012 Kearny Horton, 1055 Mission Hotel Baltimore, 1013 Van Ness av Hotel Belle Vista, 1001 Pine Hotel Berthng, 714 Bush Hotel Bingham, 615 Stockton Hotol Bradbury,1604 Calif. & Polk Hotel Brighton, 1225 O'Farrell Hotel Brown, Pine and Mason F Hotel Brunswick, 148 Sixth F Hotel Couper, Fulton & 8th ave Hotel del Campidolio, 412 B'dway Hotel Denmark, 432 Fourth Hotel de France, 616^ California Hotel de Genova, 407 Pacific Hotel de -.'Averon, 403 Broadway Hotel Des Alp's, 621 Pacific Hotel des Basses, 614 Broadway Hotel Des Pyrenes, 1237 Stockton Hotel d'ltalia, 401 Pacific Hotel Du Pays, 812 Jackson Hotel Elsmere, 418 Sutter Hotel Florence,0'Farrell & Powell Hotel Fairmount, 1714 Market Hotel Grosvenor, 319 Sutter Hotel Heath, 212 Eddy Hotel Hi8panoAmeri'no,425 Geary Ht)tel Labarthe, 230 Mont'g ave Hotel Langham, 145 Ellis & Mason Hotel La Normande, 326 Eddy Hotel Lorraine, 1433 California Hotel Marchioness, 158 G.Gate ave Hotel Marimar, 71*3 Geary Hotel Marshall, 834 Laguna Hotel Marquette,] 206 Golden G av Hotel Mirabeau, Ellis & Leaven'h Hotel Normandie, 1715 Polk Hotel Oliver, 899 Pine Hotel riel,1904 Market&Larkin F Hotel Pleasanton, 800 Sutter Hotel Rafael, 111 Jackson Hotel Ramona, 130 Ellis 150 R Hotel Richelieu, Myrtle &VanKeas Hotel Roma, 818 Sansome ^ Hotel Savoy, 336 Post & Powell Hotel Shirley, 520 Fourth Hotel Stewart, 1101 Pi(,e & Jones Hotel St. Nicholas, 1630 Market Hotel Stewart,The,Ellis&Leaven'h HotelSutherland,791Sutter & Jones Hotel Trianon, 615 Taylor Hotel Wentworth, 517 Bush Hubbard, 139 Fourth Hughes, 563 Folsom Hughes, H, 214 Third L Humboldt, 231 Fifteenth nr Miss'n Humboldt House,1309 Stockton L* Hygeia Sanitarium & H, 404 Eddy Idaho, 1532 Polk II Capistan, 702 Front Imperial, 728 Sutter Innisf alien Hotel, 1017 Battery Inglewood, 126 Fifth Ingleside House, Ocean ave and Corbett Road Indianapolis, 1237 Market International, 824 Kearny 152 R* Irvindale, 626 Eddy F Irving, 568 Mission Irvington, 418 Ellis 72R F Irving, The, 816 Sutter Ivanhoe, 1002 Polk, 56 R F J ey, 1051 Mission Jefferson Hotel, Brod,k & Jefferson Jeneau, The, 1020 Howard jCssen, Niels, Fqurth & Berry ,e8sie St. Lodg. H, 176 Jessie L 'Jewell, The, 115 Hayes L •^ohn House, 605 O'Farrell Kane's, 884 Illinois Kaysers, 436 Hayes Kenova, 725 Pine F Kensington, Illinoiis nr 20th Kentucky Home, 1534 Kentucky Kentucky H,1502 KentuGky,S.S.F. King, 150 Fourth Kirkman, 107 Mason L Knole,700 Jones L Koster, 205 Third Labarthe Hotel, 230 Montg'y ave Lafayette House, 736 Pacific Lafayette, 12th nr Mission L Lafayette H, 109 Jessie, nr 2d Lagota, The, O'Farrell & Leaven'h Landes Hotel, 1320 Stockton 1 LaNormandie,326Eddy & O'Farrel LanghamHotel,145 Ellis «fe Mason F Langtry Hotel, 3206 California Lapham H, 506 Jones R Lapiere, 431 Fcurth Larkin, 113 Larkin Las Palmas, 182(i Market Latham, 638 Folsom L Launeston, 110 Eddy R Laurel, 110 McAllister L Laurel House, 930| Mission L Laurell H, 431 Jessie Lawrence, 704 Howard, cor 3d L Lazell, The, 337 Geary Lee H, 1016 Market, opp. 5th Le Domecile, 810 Mission Learned, 640 Goldeu Gate ave Leavenworth, The, 301 Leavenw'th Leland, 1118 Market & 15i Turk L Lenox, 628 Sutter F Leo House, 121 Montgomery L L^iington, 212 Eddy L Liberty H., 629 Broadway Liberty, 550^ Mission L Lick House, 13 Montg'y & Sutter Finest dining-room in U. S. "** Ligons, California and Polk Light- Bouse, 450 Fourth Lily House > 439 bush L Linda Vista, 227 Geary F Lincoln Hotel, 434 Filth Lindell, 202 Sixth, cor Howard Lisbon, 422 Drumm Livingsion H., 824 Laguna Livingston, 7u9 Ellis F Livingston, 847 McAllister Logsden H, 83b A Bush Lohengrin, The, 1035 Market Lombardo Hotel, 2 >3 Pacific Long worth, 510 Geary F Lorraine, 1438 Calilornia Lorriston, 621 Bush nr Powell F Louisiana, 327 Montgomery Ave Louisiana, L St bet Snasta & Sierra Lovely, The, 605 Pine, 25 R F Louvre, 304 Sutter Luzitania, 119 Jackson Mackenzie, Stockton & Jackson Macabeau,420 Sixth Madison, 1102 Mission L Madrid, The, 514 Pine K Maine, 614 Kearny Maison Riclie,104 Geary& Grant Av Malcolm, 317 Third L Malford, The, 10/ Taylor Manitou, 6 Turk, Mason & Market Manchester, 44 Sixth Manhattan H., 705 Front, Alabama nr 25th, & 825 Battery Manning, 915]^ Kearny Mansfield, 206 Post L Mansion, 961 Mission, cor. Sixth Mansion H, Bush nr Kearny Manuala, 15 Belden Place Maple H, 865^ Market, nr 5th Maplehurst, The, 1217 Polk R Marquette, The, 511 Turk Mariposa, The, 1169 Mission Martinet, The, 1101 Geary R Marchioness, 158 Gold Gate Ave F Marechal Niel Hotel, 404 Ellis F Marlborough, The, 404 Eddy Marguaritc, i2 Eddy Marguerite, The, 417 Larkin Maribeu, El, is & Leavenworth F Marinda, 123 Jackson Mariner's Home, 504 Davis Mariposa, Laguna & McAllister F Marsdtn, 109 Taylor Marshall, 231 O'Farrell L Martinet, 1101 Gearv Marquette, 1206 Market F Marshall House, 824 Laguna Marsicano's, 605 BroadM'ay Mascott, 1118 Market \ Maybelle, The, 202 Grove Mazzini, 412 Broadway McCabb's Hotel, San Bruno ave McMillan, 113 Larkin Mechanic's Homes, 101 Firot, 624 Fulton and 116 Berry Medford, 152 Fifth Melbourne H, 33 Fifth L Melbourne, 664 Howard L Meldrum, 236 Keamy L Menlo, The, 1522 Polk Men'sHome,529Mission &31Minna Mentone, 901 Powell, cor. Sac'mto Meredith, The, 218 Turk Metropole, 1654 Market Metropolitan, 516 Fourth * Mertz, 1907 Haight Michigan, Michigan & 21st Michigan H, 1335 Folsom Midwinter H, Geary & Central av Midwinter Fair, 340 Third L Milano, 416 Pacific Millwo d House, 1228 Market L Milton, 156 Third Milton House, 262^ Brannan L Miner's, 261 \- irst Minerva, 123 Jackson & 539 O'Farell Minerva, The, 424 Leavenworth Minna St. H, 111 Minna Mint, 933 Mission Mirimar, 703 Geary &Leav. 81 R, L Mission, 961 Mission Mission Hotel, 2336 Mission Mission House, 23d and Valencia Mission Hotel, The, 3377 26th Model Lodging H, 737 Mission Model The, 203 Powell Monarch, 1346 Market Monroe, 612 Bush L Montana H, 764^ Mission, nr 4th Montello, 201 Powell R Monte Chvisto H., 52 Steuart Monte Christo, Pine& Central ave Montgomery House, 613 Mission Montgomery's, 227 Second * lOOR Montreal, Sti c vton and Broadway Montrose, Get ry & Van Ness av F Mozart, 319 Ellis F Munro's Tavern, 35 Stanford Muiison, 621 California Murat Hotel, 1320 Stockton Murdock's, 714 Tehama L Nadeau, 435 Bush L National, 512 Bush 30R Nelson H, 123 Powell Nevada Hotel, 2Uth Mission Nevada, 124 Sixth & 5Jl 20th Nevada House, 528 Pacific New Avenue II, 904 Kearny New Arlington, 1015 Market L New Adelaide, 614 Howard New Atlantic, 207 Montg'v ave * New Brighton, 34 Ellis New Burlii'gton H, 32 2d New Calif rnia H., 250 East South New California, 429 Bush New Cambrian, 101 Jessie New Chicago H, 515 Sacramento NewContinental, 26th & Louisiana New Continental, 547 Mission * New Corner House, 309 Fifth New Crystal, 650 Fourth New Denver, 658 Mission New Depot Hotel, 28 Sacramento NewEurope, 729 Sansome & Facifi" New Ferry H, 48 East South New Finland Exchange, 258 East New Fourth H, 4^6 Fourth New Franklin, Sansome & Pacific New Fulton Hotel, 334 Main New Frank's, 502 Washington New German H, 9 Clay New Golden Gate Hotel, 134 4th Nevr Grand, 246 Third 200R L Nevr Guillaume Tell, 619 Pacific New Hansa, 730 Fourth New Hansariouse, 318 Drumm New Haven H, 19 Steuart New Manchester, 54 Sixtli New Mechanic's, 446 Brannan New Mission, 8309 Mission New Mission H, 3276 Mission New National. 512 Bush New National, 311 Pacific New >Jorth German, 8th & Bran'n New Philadelphia H, 115 Clark New Prescott, 604 Fourth New Pyrenne H, 1814 Stockton New P. O. Lod}^. H, 48 Seventh New Record, lUO McAllister - New Scandinavian 820 Drumm New Toscano, 526 Broadway New United States, 426 Fourth New Union, 515 Howard New Waldo H, 765 Mission New Washington, 1210 Mason NewWashington, H, Pacific ctMont New Washington Hotel, 3^0 4th New Wellington, 101^ Jackson New Western, Keainy & Wash'n * New Western, 'z,Og Fifth New Wisconsin, Montg'y & Pacific* New York, 233 Third L N. Y. & Brooklyn Ex., 117 Drumm News Co. House, 2^2 to 250 Geary Newport, 21 Franklin & Oak L Newport H, 116 Grant ave Newport H, 1118^- Howard Newport House, 2r9 Eddy L Newport, 512 Gold. Gate ave. F Newport, The, 509 Bush Newton, 1237 Stockton & Vallejo L Niagaia, 724 Mission Nicholas Hotel, San Bruno Road Nob Hill House, 369,1st &Harrison North Beach House, 2209 Fowell North Beach, Bay and Mason North German H., Brannan 6l Sth North Pacific, Jackson & Drumm Northern, 901 Battery Northern, 901 Battery, cor Vallejo Normandie H., 919 Stockton F Normandie, 1717 Post Norwood, The, 611 Ta^ lor nr Post Oakdale House,Oak and Broderi ^ Oakland House, 664^ Howard L Oak Grove, 940 Harrison Ocean Beach House, nr CliJff House Ocean H, 114 Jackson Occidental, Montgomery & Bush * Oden, 330 McAllister L Oldenburger House, 313 Pacific Old Astor, 519 Pacific Old Nevada, 572 Folsom Old Washington Hotel, 622 4th Olive House, 628 California Olive Branch, D, bet. 1st & 2d aves Oliver, 899 Pine, cor Mason F Oliver H, 965 Folsom Olympia Hotel, 5 4 Napa Olympic H, 880 J Bush Olympic, The, Mason & Eddy Olympic,904 Kearny, c. Jackson L Oregon, 238 Steuart Oregon, 641 Commercial L Oregon St. Home, 118 Oregon Oriel, 1904 Market & Franklin F Orient, The, 118 Sixth Oriental, The, 615 Taylor F Oriental, Washington & Drumm Original Empire, 636 Commercial Orlando, 989 Howard L Orleans, 110 1 Mission L Osborn House, The,807-813Kearny Osborn House, 313 Fourth Ottington, 310 Stockton L Our House, 330 Drumm Our Home, 11 Taylor Overland, 531 Sacramento Oxford H, 242 Buchanan Oxford, The, 719 Market L Oxford, 231, O'Farrell Pacific H, 572 Folsom Pacific H, 209 Leidesdorff L Pacific Coast H., 301 Montg'y av Pacific Exchange, 825 Battery Pacific Hotel, 114 Pacific 124 R Pacific, The, 114 Pacific Palace, Market and New Mont gomery 1005 R* Palma, The, 1917 Mission Palm House, 222^ 4th, nr Tehama Palmer, 110 Ellis L Palmer House, 326 Pacific L Palmer L H, 37 Post & Kearny Palmetto, 322 Ellis Palos, 416 Turk L Paris H, 829 Stevenson ParrottH, 620 Folsom Park, 26 Turk, near Market Park, 2759 Mission, cor 24th Park Hotel, Ha'ight near Stanyan Park Louvre Hotel, D & 5th ave Park View, 17th ave, bet I and J Park H, 2304 Fulton, nr Stanyan Park View Hotel, 9th ave & H Parker, 1122 Market Pearl, The, 88 Ninth, cor Mission Peart H, 801 Third Pendleton, The, 900 Sutter People's Lodg. H., 856 Howard L Pennsylvania, 226 Michigan Pescatoria Hotel, 915 Battery Petra Ligure, 215 Broadway Philadelphia, 421 Bush Phillip's, The, 137 Third Pickwick, The, 538 Taylor & Post Pietra, Liguire, 215 Broadway Piedmont, The, 115 Sixth Pierpoint, 425 Geary F Pine St. H, 603 Pine Pioneer, 48 Fourth, nr Mission L lioneer Hotel, 247 Sutter Pioneer House, Louisiana nr 20th Plaza Home, 641 Washington Plaza H, 629 Clay & Taylor Pleasant, 122 Post Pleasanton, Jones & Sutter 240R F Plymouth Hotel, 952 Bush Popp's, 2208 Powell Poplar H, 7- 4^ Mis'sion Portala, The, 814B O'Farrell Portland, 969 Mission Portland, 54 Sacramento Portland H., 807 Kearny Potrero, Louisiana and 22d Powell, 712 Howard L Powell House, Mission and First L Presho, South San Francisco Prescott, 933 Kearny 100 R" Princess, 109 O'Farrell L Proff H, 215 O'Farrell Progress House, 1148 Sutter & Polk Puget Sound H, 13 Clay Pyrenees Hotel, 614 Broadway Racine, The, 501 Post Ilailr»Ad Lodging, 533 Commercial Railroad, 640 Fourth Railroad House, 2623 Sutter Ralston, 1222 Pine Ramona, The, 130 Ellis Ramona H, 2399 Clay and Webster Randolph, 501 Post Rauft H, 702 Vallejo & Stockton Recaniier, 632 Post F Record, 100 McAllister Reidy, 512 Mission Reidy's, 1604 Kentucky nr Nevada Rena's Hotel, 27th nr Folsom Reno, 631 Sacramento L Rene H, 967 Mission Renton Hotel, The, 712 Sutter F Rest for Weary , 36 Clay, L Revere H, 675 Mission L Richelieu H, 22i Geary 60 R L Richelieu,1012 VanNess & Geary F Richelieu House, 231 Montg'y ave Riehmoni House, Fulton & 6th av Richmond, The, McAllister & Sta'n Richmond H. The, 502 Stockton Richmond H, 246 Third L Richmon«l, 1148 Sutter Rigden, 110 Ellis Rincon Hill, 525 Harrison Rincon, 322 Third Roberts House, 737 Market L Robinson, 638 Folsom R<*ck,JBroadway & Kearny R«ma, 818 San€»me nr Broadway Root House , 1 26 Fourth 40 R Rosed ale, 3il Ellis L Rosenquest's, 411 Drumm Rossin, 109 A Powell Rossmore, 3©« Stockton nr SutterF Rubicon, 5th & Berry Russ, Montgomery & Bush 350 R* Royal House, 126 Ellis L Royal H, 114 Fourth Royal Eagle, 11 Powell, cor Ellis Sacramento, ^4 Pine Saiiors' Home, Harrison & Main Sailors, 310 Broadway Salsburj^ 8«9 Hyde & Eddy Sal. Army Inst H, 158 New Mont SanBruno Hou8«,S Bruno nr Army San Bruno H, 110 Fourth Sanders, Battery & Val ejo San Francisce, 737 Howard ban Gettardo, 611 Broadway San Jose, 309 Grant ave San Joquin, 769 Market San Pedro Hotel, 6 Howard San Rafael, 28 Seventh S«wi Remi, 703 Sutter Sauta Clara, 444 Brannan \ Santa Cruz, 1315 Stockton Santa Martino H, 309 Broadway Santa Rosa, Polk, Fell & Market Sapphire, 418 Jones Saratoga, US Sixth Sargent House, 3007 Mission aausalito, 110 Ellis Sawyw:*s, Devisadero & Fulton Scandinavian Hotel, 30 Clay Scandinavian House, 812 Battery Sig.6 61 Scandinavian Home, 66 Oregon Scandinavian Hotel, 730 Fourth Schwert Bld'g, 24 Sixth Schweizerhof , 626 Commercial Seal Rock House, nr Cliff House Seal Rock Hotel, 2-^9 Spear Seattle H, 909i Mission Seattle House, 106 Third Sea Wall, 143 Clay Second St. , 117 Second L Select, 120 Geary ' L Shasta, Michigan & 21 st Shasta House, 22 Sacramento L Sherman House, 109 Grant ave L Sherman Apart., 28 Eighth 50R Shirley, 520 Fourth Silver King, 514 Bush Silver State Hotel, 16 Mason Six Mile, San Bruno Rd & Co. Line Sixth St. H, Bryant & Sixth Sixth Avenue, RR ave & Venezuela Slattery, 521 Howard Smith'! Villa, Pag» & Stanyan Snyder House, 28^ Sixth Soto H, 32 Fourth 100 R South End. 419 Brannan South Park, 530 Third South Pacific, 22 East South Southern Hotel, 419 Brannan Southener, The, 407 Mason Spanish American Hotel 425 Geary Spreen's Hotel, 800 R. R. ave Stafford, The, 222 Powell Stanford H, 320^ Sutter Stanford, 618 Fourth Stafford, 222 Powell Staniel's, 1532 Polk Stanley, 112 Sixth Star House, 5 Commercial L • Stella D'ltalia H, Ist ave & Fulton Sterling, 404 Third Steuart, 104 Steuart, Stewart, 1101 Pine Stockton St. Houie, 218 Stockton Stewart H, 431 Sutter Strathmore, 203 Lark in St. David's H, 715 Howard 200 R St. Elmo, 550 Mission St Gottard, 511 Broadway St. George, 812 Kearny St. Jame8,824 Lagunanr McAllister St. Louis, 13 Pacific St. Louis H, 219 Tenth St Malo Hotel, 503 Folsom St. Nicholas, 1630 Market 400 R St. Nicholas House, 212 First St. Petersburg Hotel, 15 Howar4 Siimmerlin, 807 California '"' Summerton H,Green&Leavenw*th Sunbeam, 501 Post Sunny Corner, 438 Gearj' & Taj lor Sunny Delaware, 1149 Market Sunnyside, The, Mission & Third Sunnyside, 247 Second Sunset H, 17 Third Surville, 207 Post Sutherland, 791 Sutter cor Jones F Sutro Heights H, nr Clifif House Sutter- Hvde, The, 1001 Sutter Sutter, 308 Sutter 95 R L Sutters, 106 Steuart Swiss, 627 Commercial Tanner's Home, 26 San Bruno Rd — 62 — Tehama, 438 Broadway Terminal, Stanyan & Haight Terminal, 606 Fourth Terminus, 28th & Valeneia Ihoroughfare, 5th & Brannan Thistle, Michigan & 2l8t Ticino Hotel, 516 Pacific Ticnda Mexicana, 522 Broadway Tilton, The, 311 Grant ave Tortonia Hotel, 616 Taylor Toscano, 619 Broadway Toseano Hotel, 526 Broadway Tremont, 523 Kearny Trionon Hotel, 615 Taylor Trocadero, Corbett & Ocean aves Troy, 922 Illinois Union, 32 Steuart Union, 228 Montgomery Union, 512 Mission Union Hotel, 118 East South Union H, 1300 Turk cor Webster Union House, 214 Michigan Union House, Bay & Larkiii Union House, 908 Illinois Union H, 615 Howard Union Square, 2^6 Stockton United States L. H., 51 Clay U. S. House, 304 Beale Utica, The, 529 Taylor Universal, 140 Minna Valencia St. Hotel, 718 Valencia F Valencia, The, 1021 Valencia&28th Valkyrie Hotel, 126 Oregon Vallejo, The, 633 California Van Dyke, The, 330 McAllister Van N«8s, 1812 Market 46 R F Van Winkle, 207 Jones F Vaseoda Cama, 116 Jackson Vendorae, The, 1104 Market Vermont, 303^ Sutter Versailles, 611 Taylor Victor Hotel, 1006 Pine nr TaylorF Victoria, 118i Ellis Victoria,The,1105California&Hyde Villa, D near 5th ave Villa, The, Fulton & 6th ave Violet H, 233 Stevenson Virginia, 501 Post L Virginia, 1021^ Market Visitacion, San Bruno Vitalina, 233 Montgomery ave Wagner, 34 Hayes Waldeck, The, invalids, 404 Eddy Waldorf, 622 Post Waldorf House, 24 Fifth Waldorf, The, 809 Powell Waldo House, 765 Mission Wallace House, Sutter nr Jones Ward, 107 Mason F Washington, 624 Fourth Washington, New, 346 Fourth L Washington, The, 1210 Mason, L Webb, 37 Second Weber, 418 Broadway We' come, The, Seventh & Mission Welcome H, 1104 Mission W^elden, 427 Eddy Wellington, 21 Grant ave Wells House, 108| Geary Wenban Hotel, 606 Sut'r cor Mason Wendt Hotel, 22 Sacramento Wentworth, 617 Bush F Western, 212 Broadway West End, 1146 Sutter cor Polk L Westntinster, 614 Sutter F Westmoreland, 1111 Sutter What Cheer, 527 Sacramento 211 R Whits, 414 Jackson White House, 22d nr Louisiana White House, The, 4l4 Jackson Whittier, 640 Gclden Gate Ave F Whittier, 212 Powell F Wieland Hotel, Fremont-Harrison Wilkinson House, 3501 Fillmore L William Tell, 317 Bush 120 R Willsford, The, 224 Powell Wilmot, The, 728 Sutter Wilson, 829 Stevenson Wilson, 640 Howard Wilson H, 541 Fourth Wilson House, The, 775 Mission Wilson, The, ILO Post F Winchester, 44 Third 200 R Windsor, 905 Market cor 5th 106 R Wlndemere H , 1027 Market Windermere, 1401 Van Ness ave Winter H, 634 Sacramento L Wisconsin Hotel, Pacific & Montg Wisconsin H,316 Third Wyondotte, The, 219 Golden G. Wiener Hotel, 3502 Kentucky Workingmen's Home, 414 Folsom and 856-907 Folsom World's Fair, 325^ Bush Wyard H, 25 Ninth Yolo, 311 J- ast, South York House, -9 Eddy Yosemite, 1043 Market 180 R Young America, 15 Pacific Zum Kaiserhof, 816 Sansome NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISING AGENTS. Adr. for Advertising ; Agt for Agent ; B for Bureau. American Press Ass'n,510Montgy Arnold's Adv Agt, 701 Market Associated Press, 302 Montgomery Bill Posters' Ass'n, 11th and Mkt Cook's Adv. Agt, 809 Market Dake's Adv Agt, 431 California Fisher's News Agt, 431 California German Tvpographical U. , 639 Cala German Press Club, 14 Third Pac Illustrating Bureau, 319 Cala Pac Newspaper Syndicate, 701 Mkt Press Clipping Bureau, 510 Montg San Francisco News Co., 242 Geary S. F. Newspaper Union, 405 Sansm S. F. Press Club, 119 Ellis Typographical Union, 320Sansome Western Assoc'd Press, 302 Montg Women's Press Ass'n, 414 Mason New York has an area of 41 square miles; Chicago, 185; Philadel- phia, 129; Brooklyn, 34; St. Louis, 62; Boston, 37; Baltimore, 32; San Francisco, 48; Cincinnati, 24; New Orleans, 60; Washington, 7'^; and Pittsburg, 38. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Th« Californian, first paper published in Calif, at Monterey, Aug. 1846, A for Annually; J for Journal; M for Monthly; Mag for Magazine; Qr for Quarterly; BM for Bi-Monthly; SM for Semi-Monthly; SVV for Semi- Weekly; R for i-oom; Rev for Review. Golden State Amateur Press Association, The, 121 Eddy. Daily,— Nearly all publish Weeklies. Abend-Post, 535 California. German Abstracts of Records (Edwards), 318 Pine Breeder and Sport 8;nan Journal, 313 Bush. Bulletin, Evening, 233 Kearny Call, 701 Market, cor. Third California Demokrat, 409 Bush. German Chronicle, Office and Editorial Rooms, Kearny and Market Commercial JSews and Shipping List, 34 California Examiner, Market and Third; Editorial Rooms, Third & Market Guide, 532 Commercial (shipping) Journal of Commerce, 314 Montgomery L'ltalia, 629 Washington La Voce del Popolo, 7i{9Montsromer3'. La Franco Californien, 529 California Pacific Builder, 1170 Market Penny Press, 1170 Market Post, Evening, Office and Editorial Rooms, Kearny and Bush Report, Evening, 730 Market; Editorial Rooms, 320 Sansome S. F. Law Journal, 219 Bush S. F. Tageblat, 117 Turk. German Socialist S hipping and Hotel News, 403 Market Star and Herald, 318 Front Weekly an A. B.C. Guide, 429 Montgomery M Adjuster, 303 California Ins.M Ad Book, 701 Market Adgoha/ushi, 110 William Jap Advent Call, llth,nrMkt Church American -Chinese Com'l News, 835^ Dupont American Handicapper, 930 Mkt Angeles, The, 22 Clay Cath School and Col Anti Saloon Record, 549 Howard Arcadian, 1816 Washington M Architect & Bldg News, 408 Calif M Argonaut, 246 Sutter , Astronom'l Soc. Trans. 819 Mkt Qr A Vos Portugu za, 619 Montgoni y Banker's Magazine,628 Montg\-m y Bien , 623 Montgy Nor. & Darisn Bollettino Mensile, 506 Batter^' M Blue Book, S P RK Lines, 613 Mkt Breviate of Records, 318 Pine British Californian, 508 Mont M Budgett's Songster, 516 Comm'l Bulletin Commerce Herald and Market Review, 30 Montgomery Building News «& Rev, 935 Market Butchers StockGrow J., 628 Montg Cal. Advertiser, li 6, Nevada blk Cal. AOUW Bulletin, 238 KearnyM Cal. Architect Bldg News ,408 C»i. M Cal. Christian Adv., 1037 Market Cal. Conmierce, 503 Market M Cal. Contractor, 224 Montgomery Cal. Decisions. 35 Glen Park Ave Cal. Democrat, 409 Bush Cal. Field Sports, 531 California Cal. Forester, 60 South Park Cal. Fruit Grower, 114 Calif M (jai. Grocer & Country Merchant, Ti^i California d Ifloiitlily. Cal. Homeopath, 235 Sutter M Cal. Hotel & Wine Gaz. 420 Kearny Cal. Insurance Kev. 1043 Market M Cal. Insurance Sun, 401 Calif. M Cal. Journal, 410 Kearny, German Cal. Medical Jour. 1422 Foisom M Cal. Oruh & Farm, 510 Montgomery Cal. Philatelist, 516 California M Cal. Philatelist, 5 6 California M Cal. Spiritualist, 35 Telegraph av, Oakland Cal. Stamp, 2977 Twenty-first . Cal. State Almanac, 612 Com'l, (Ger A) Cal. State Gazetteer, 422 Sact'o A Cal. Sugar Beet, 602 Market M Cal. Staats Zeitung, 409 Bush Ger Califorma Turf, 410 Montgomery Cal. Volksfieund, 216 Golden Gate avenue Ger Catholic California World, 101 OFarrell Camera Club News, 535 Clay M Chinese Com. News, 835^ Dupont Chinese Herald, 721 Dupont Chinese Hecorder. 847 Dupont Chinese Review, 911 Stockton S-M Chinese World, 924 Dupont Chrysanthemum, 305 Larkin.JapM City Argus, 350 Bush & Kearny Clarion, 411^ California * M Coast Keview,424 Sansome Ins. M CoastSeaman's Jo . . Mission &East Coming Light, 621 O'Farrell Commercial Herald, 110 Front Com Hid & Mkt Review, 321 Montg Com News & Ins Record, 34 !_ alif Commercial Traveler, 20 Ellis Country Merchant, 123 California Criterion, 318 Pine. Real Estate M Current Affairs, 927 Market InsM. —64— Cyclers' Road Book, 831 Moutgy A Cycling West, 636 Market M l>eut8che Verein Zeitung, 331 Gala, I O R Men, also O Herman Sons Diamalic Mirror, 2506 Pest Druids' Journal, 413 Sutter Eagle, The, (22 C3.ay Edwards' Abstract Kec'd, 318 Pine El Commercio, 420 Montgy, Span. Elevator, 622 Clay Emanu-el, 432 Montgomery Endeavorer, The, 429 Montg S.M Ensign ,Pac Temp.132 McAllst'r M Family Journal, 14 Sansome Fanciers' Mthly, 916 Mkt. Poultry Faust's Map and Guide, Map and Street Directory of S. F. ; S. F. News Co., Gen Agts, 242 Geary, and sold at retail by all Book and Newsdealers and Stationery Stcres in S. F. and vicinity Field Sports, 531 California B^igaro, 531 Merchant Dram. Filatelic F'cts rd, Med & Surg, 215 Bush M Resources of Cal, 320 Sansome Retail Grocer, 214 Cal Retail Grocers Advooa'e, 115 Clay Rescue, 59J Mission M Revista Hispano Amer, Mills Bldg Re vista del Pacifico, 421 Market Richmond Banner, 16J2 P Lob Av Rural Press, 330 Cal Saloon Mans Journal, 402 Front S F Directory, 217 Bush ^ S F Journal Com, 314 Montg^** S F & Pajific Druggist, 23 Second f> F News Letter, 5^ Kearny S F Newspaper Un, 405 Sansome S F Produce Call List, 34 Cal 8 F Sunday Post, 409 Bush S F Trade Review, 34 California S F Trade Directory, 532 Clay 1 F Vindicator, 932 Clay S3hool Echo, Guerrero & 24th M Searchlight, 2414 Pacific Ave M Sentry, 530 Golden Gate Ave M Sentinel Golden Gate, 587 Mission Sentinel, 20 Ellis Seven Links, 6 Eddy M Sierra Club Bulletin, 819 Market Slaboda, 530 Golden Gate Ave Society, 628 Sutter M Society Blue Book, 225 Post Social Economist. 621 O'Farrell Soe Liberale L'Elvetia, 628 Montg Sontag Post, 400 Bush Sontags Gast, 410 Kearny Sporting World, 20 Ellis Staats Zeitung, 409 Bush Standard Time Shed, 19 Montg'y Star, The, 429 Montgomery State Mining J, 411^ Calif* irna Statistician & Economist, 814 Cal S F Block Book, 23 First S F Grocer & Country Mer, 123 Cal S F Mirror, 235 Kearny S F Real Estate Cir, 4 Montgy S F & San Joaquin Valley R, R. Guide, 604 Commercial S F Tageblatt, 117 Turk St Joseph's Union, 2030 Howard Suburban, 18191 Mission Teachers' Dir, 9-7 Market M Tiieatrical Pub Co, 4-:4 Sansome Treasury Register, 502 Washt'n Triumph of Faith, 520 Kearny Trade Herald, 771 Mission Trade Postal Jour, 729 Montg'y Trans-Pac Trader, 123 California Traveler, 21 Montgomery M Travelers' & Shippers' D'ir, 3-OSm Trestle Board, 408 Cal M Uniao Portugueza 525 Front U S Off Postal Guide, 729 Montgy Verein Zetung, 331 California Vestra Sendebutt, 153J Folsom M Vestkusten, 11 McAllister Voice of Labor, 6 City Hall Ave War Cry, 113) Market Wa?p, 513 Market Wave, 30 Montgomerv Welding Bells 113 Ellis Weekly Gaz, Wine & Liq, 330 Sans Weekly Visitor, 8 Montg'y Ave Western Creamery, 113 Davis M Western Outlook, 4-'5 Montg'y West. Cigar & Tobacco J, 22 Clay Western Jour Education, 723 Mkt Western Sports, 320 Cal Wine Dealers Gaz, 7 Montg.y Ave Wine & Spirit Review, 402 Front Wine & Tobacco Jour, 516 Com,l Wholesalers' & Retailers' Review 526 Mo itgomery M Y M C A Messenger, 208 Mason Young Califoruian, 323 Front Zoe (Bioleg), 81» Market The Sacramento is the longest river in California, being 500 miles fr/)m its source to GooSe Lake. The San Joaquin is 350 miles , KUm- math, 275 miles, and the Feather, 250 miles long. — 66 — BOOK Afil> NE1¥S I>£AL.GRS. Achmilian, A., 34 Sixth Afeld, J., 805Larkin Alexander, G. W. 401 Market Am iriean Tru it Soc. , 637 Market Anderson, Mary, 2015 Mission Antiquarian, 109 Golden Gate ave Arnheim, S. S., 8 Steuart Babeock, Mrs., 106 Hayes (Cath) Baker, A. & A., 113 Hayes taldwinHotelNews Stand,4 Powell Bancom, J. F., 115 Golden Gate av Bar khans, F. VV., 213 Kearny Barron, G. B., 1804 Polk Bayard, Wni. J., Market & Goujjh Beach, C, 107 Montgomery Beckman, H. Bellman, C, J. Bennett, W. H., 615 Larkin Benson, G., 2943 16th Bentz, J., 1623 Stockton Bertra id, D. & Co., 620 Geary Blake, M. C, llOi Valencia Blake's Book Store. 427 Kearny Book Store, 1151 xVIirket edook Store, 340 Sutter Book Concern, 1037 Market Boulin, P., 517 Filbert Brady, T. F., 2001 Fillmore Brown, W. G., R. R. News, 3d & Town send Brown, Fred, 340 Geary Brown & Power, 40i5 California Burgoin, A., 547 Washington, 2d H Burman, E. P., 301 Van Ness ave Cvlifornia Bible Dep., 1037 Market Calisher, W., 1204 Market Callnon, E. W., 430 Third Cassady, Mary E., 157 Fifth Carr, J. R. , 240 Bush CatholicArt & B, Store, 723 Market Cavelli,G.F.12 Montg'y av, Foreign Collins, J. v., 1901 Devisadero Cooper, J. K. & Co., 746 Market Corden, T. J., 351 Fourth Cosmopolitan News Co., lOH 5th Courtney, L. F., 905 Folsom Cownen, R. 8., 829 Mission 2d H Cownen, R. E., 209 4th old & new Creigh ton's, 110 Turk Craven Sisters, 411 Jones Cunningham, Curtis & Welcb, 325 San some Curtis, F., 1427 Polk Daly&Curran,206Powell, 2dH.&N. Demier, L., 124 Eddy & Baldwin News Stind Deny, E., 207 Montgomery Dodge, 112 Post Doertr, Wm. C, 527 Hayes Dorgan, T. J., 339 Hayes Duran, C. E., ;-34 Montgomery ave Doxey, Wm., 681 Market Eaton, J. W., 621 McAllister Edgerly, Laura M., 215 Montg'y av Edgerlv, S. A. Ehrlich, H., 225 Sixth Eintiaeth, M., 713 Larkin Eikins, F. E., 629 Valencia 88p©rium & G«^ Iden Rule Baraar 839 Market Ephraim, J. A., 17 Gearv Fi^ffher, S K. 4 Co., 420 Montg'y Ford, H. J., 1650 Polk Foster & Grear, Ferry Building, Frazer, D. W., 116| Taylor Frazer's Book Store, 106 Fifth Freidericks, G. H., 326 Seventh French, 1404 Powell Freund & Co., 423 Washington Freidlander, Mrs. J., 1222 Stockton Gallagher Bros., 18 McAlstr (Cath) Gately, R. H., 1088^ Howard Geisendorfer, Mary, 158 Second Glixon, N., 525 Fourth Goldsmith, E. J., 1323 Market Gompertz, 522 Hayes Grube, M., 305 Third Gutman, Fannie, 1332 Polk Hamilton, H., 235 Fourth Hanley, J. L., 403 Valencia Hartwell,Mitchell &Willis,225 Post Hayes, 1. C, 1700 Devisadero Hedemark, D, E., 1054 Valencia Heilpern, M., 986 Folsom Hepburn & Janssen, 216 Sansome He seltiue, B. L., 1505 Polk Hewlitt, S , 713 Larkin Heynemann, M., 406 Montgomery Heyerman, Mrs. B., 106 Hayes Hotman, J. A., 120 Sutter Holden, Miss M., 148 Fourth Holmes Book Co. (2d h.), 7u4 Mis- sion, 345 Bush and 1149 Market Homes, S., 506 Battery Hoyt, W. H. ,- 634 Market Huschler, J., 235 Kearny Jackson, S., 1J)41 Mis'n & 2261 Mkt Jacobs, C. L., 4 Market Jacob, W., 30 '6 Mission Jacobs, A. M., 525 Ha.>es Johnson & Emigh (Emporium), 839 Market Kilbourn, M. H., 411 Hayes King Bros , 3 Fourth— 2d hand King, J. H., 15 Fourth Klein's, 127 Sixth — antiquary Kreegan, Mrs. M., 136 Hayes Lachman, Mrs. C, 2807 California and 2322 Fillmore Lapariat, Mrs. A., 2218 Pine Le Count Bros., 53:^> Market Levin, A. & J., 1332 Market Levin, L. & Son, 26 Stockton Little. S. G., 1915 Fillmore Long, C, 1101 Powell Lorimer, Wm., 1527 Market Lynde, J. E., 203^ O'Farrell Mandel, L. B. & Co., 206 Market Marcuse, C, 405 Dupont Mayer, F., 1404^ Powell McClain, W. T., 1576 Market McLnughlin, J. M. & Co.. 809 M k McSwegan, E., 141 Fourth Meier, F. F., 23 Mas(m Methodist Bk Concern 1037 Mkt Mitchell, E. H., 225 Post Middleton, J. A., 200 ' Pine Moore, H. H., 542 Cal— new 2d h Moorman, Mr«. J. C, 14.32 Bdy Nagl*, A. G., 411^ Geary Neal & Mehle, 227 Hayes— Catholic Neilson, H. D., 2115 Fillmore Newb ffin, J. J., 809 Mkt, rm 43 Oberdeene* , W. , 18 First — 67^ Occidental News Co. ,3d & Townsnd Osborne, J., 2305 Jackson Pac School Furnishij)pr, 723 Mkt Pacific Stationery Co., 429 Wash'n Paper Covrd Book Store, 1203 Mkt Partridge, J., 306 California Payot, Upham & Co., 204 Pine Pearson, A. B., 318 Post Pernau Bros., Kearny & Com'cial Philan, J. N., 240 Sutter Pierson Bros., 225 Kearny Preston, J. A., Fillmore & Sac'to Price, W. E., 1203 Market Reinhold, Muller & Co. 410 Kearny [German] Reynolds, M., Grand Hotel Richards, Mrs. J., 540 Bush Roberts, J. W., 220 Sutter Robertson, A. M., 126 Post Rosi, S. J., 540 Green San Fran News Co., 342 Geary Sanborn, Vail & Co., 741 Market Schaw, A., 305.^ Sixteenth Schmulian, A., 34 Sixth Scholl, O., 1613Larkin Schroeder, E., Russ House Schwind, M., 1912 Filmore JScott, F., 3i Ellis Second Hand Book Store, 1149 Mkt Schelden, AdeliaM., Occidtl Hotel Sherman, Mrs. L., 1026 Hyde Simson, D., 509 Larkin Spencer, Mrs. T. L., 202 Ellis Springer, M. , 60O Van Ness av , Starkweather, H.K & Co., 310 Cala Stein, A., 159 Ninth Sullivan, D. C, 1124 Page Sully, J. A., 1154 Golden Gate ar Sunset Bazaar, 26 Third Tanzy, J. & Co., 6 Post Thatcher, E. C, 1203 Scott Thomas, M. V., 1203 Mission Thomas. Mrs. S., 2956 24th Thomason, C. M., 705 Valencia and 116 Powell Tillman, Marie, 603 Davis Twigg, D. A., 408 Third Union News Depot, 4 Market Van Biber, T. C, 1305 Polk Van Dyke & Handy, Lick House Van Ness Bazar, 1808 Market Van Tillon, W. W., 321 Devisadero Van Stratton, Mrs. H., 1622 Wallr Vrachliott, G., 1206 Polk Waibel, F. L., 3001 Sixteenth Warren, M. A., Baker & Fell Warren, .... 306 Post Wesson, E., Ill Geary West Coast Pub Co., 921 Mission Whittaker & Rey Co., 723 Market Wiebecke, F., 1322 Pacific Wiener, M. H., 390 Sixth Wilber, R. C, Palace Hotel Will & Fink, 818 Market Williams, T. C, 402 Kearny Willis, H. R., 107 Montgomery Woge, Henrietta, 2738 California Wood, Geo. M. & Co., 211 Sutter Wood, Geo. T., 308 Sixth Wood, Mrs. L. R. , 600 G Q av Wyatt, S. , 1329 Mkt— antiquarian Wright, Geo. W., 118 Taylor Zeigler Bros., 527 Montgomery MUSICAL. AND SINGING SOCIETIES. Man. for Mannerchoir ; M. for Music ; S. Singing ; Sec., Section ; Aft., Afternoon: Ver., Verein. Alpen-Roescl, Tues. 413 Bush Amphian Zither Club, 759 Market Arion, Wed., 424 Pine Bohemian Slavonian Singing Soc. Sunday afternoon Bavarian Bund S. , Wed, 24 Ninth Calif. Glee Club, Thur. 23 Ninth Calliopean Mu. & L. 1620 California ConcordiaVer, 1&3 Wed., 413 Bush Columbian M.& Philom'tic,215 Fell Columbian Dramatic, 421 Post Eintracht S. Fri., 237 12th Excelsior Musical & Liter. 35 Eddy Five-and-Twenty Pastime, 102 O'Fl For.of Amer. S. V., Mon,814 Geary Friendship Sanger, Tue, 26 9th Frohsinn Section Verein Vorwarts, Monday, 409 Bush Germania Club, Fri., 467 Post Germania Sing. Sec. , Fn., 421 Post Gruth Ver., 1 & 3 Tues. 421 PdBt Harmonic, Tues, 424 Pine Hawthorne, 825 Market Hermann Sons Man., Thur. Hessen U. Ver.S. Sec.Wed,323Turk Int. Liedertafel, Wed., 26 Ninth Kreiger Ver. S. Sec,, Mon, 409 Bush Leiderkranz, Wed., 1322 Howard Mannerchoir, Tues., 323 Turk Mission Dram. & Sing. Sees., 18th and Lapidge, nr Valencia Musical Fund Soc. 2 Tu.Aft,160'Fl Music Teachers' Ass'n, 28 O'Far'l Nord-Deutscher Ver., Sineing Sec. Wed., 35 Eddy Orpheus, 26 OTarrell SchwabenVer. S. Sec. Fri, 323 Turk Shillerbund, Wed., 24th & Church S. Sec. S. F. Turners, Th., 323 Turk S.F. Fife Club, 1 & 3 Sun. 14 Third S.F. Leiderkranz 1322 Howard S. F. Mannerchoir, Tue., 323 Turk S. F. Operatics, Mon., 1605 Polk S. F. Musical, 1739 Mission S.F. Musical. . .Kearny and Sutter S.F. Musical Fund 323 Turk Socialist's Man., Fri., 115 Turk St. Peter's S. Sec, Th,123G. G. av Teutonia S. Sec, Tues. 1322 How'd Wahlhalla S. Sec. Thur, 323 Turk Wetterauer Liederkranz,W810 Pac Y. M. C. A. S. Soc., Fri. 208 Maaon The first American flag raised in California was by General Fremont n January, 1846, on a peak of the Qabilan Mountains, Monterey Co. — 68 — SCIENTIFIC A]V» L.IT£RAR¥ SOC. & CI.UBS Allotia (Germ. Artist?) 424 Pine Alumni Asso. of Calif., State Uni- versity, 722 Sutter Archi. S. F, Ciiap., 2 Fri. 403 Cal Botanical, 819 Market Camera, 819 Market Camera, No.2, Y M C A, 208 Mason Camera Club Amxteurs, 28 O'Far'l Cal. Academy Sciences, 819 Market Cal. Electrical Soc, 819 Market Cal. Historical Society, 819 Market Cal. College Pharmacy, 113 Fulton Cal. Froebel Society, 64 Silver Cal. S3h. Mech. Arts, 16th & Utah Cal. State Mining Bureau, 24 - 4th Cal. Mus. Test Ass'n, SOS Post Cal. Medical Club, 3 Sat. Bush and Van Ness av Cal. S 3c. Civil Engineers, 819 Mrkt Calvary Club, Church, Pow'l&Gr y Camera Club, 819 Market Channing Aux.Ch, Franklin&G'ry ChataquaLit.Soc.Mon. Cen.ME.Ch Children's Prog. Lyceum, 909 Mkt Columbus, 20 Eddy Columbian Deb.Soc.ll, Sat. 320 Pst Cosmos, 1 Fri. 421 Post Delta Sigma, Wed., 120 O'Farrjll Hastings Dabating, Fri. SOSMont'y Hom3 Library, 6 Eddy, r 76 li Psi Phi, 2&i Mon, 120 O'Farrell Lafayette Lit.& Deb. Club 121 Eddy Laurel H ill Soc. 338 Post League Nationale, 145 Geary Literium Lit., 1 & 3 Sat, 414 Mason LibertyLit&Soc.l&3Sat,120O'Far'l Lyra Zither Thu, 620 Bush Microscopical Society, 432 Montgy Mission Lit. 2&4Thu. 503 Valencia Nevadians .... 1 & 3 Mon, 421 Post Parliamentary, 220 Mason Philistorian Deb., St. Ignatius Col. Pioneers of California. .24 Fourth Political Economy, 15 South Park PresidioLyc. 1 &3Fri(wi nter)Pres'io Reader's Club, 32 O'Farrell S. F. Art Asso'n, California-Mason S. F. Art. Ass'n Cala. & Mason S. F. Bar Association 53 ) Cal. S.F. Co. Medical Soc. 803 Sutter S.F.Law LibraryAsn, N. City Hall Sierra, 819 Market Simpson Lyceum, Hayes & Buch'n Single Tax' Socety , Su, 909 Market Swedenborg Lib. O'Far'l nrWebster Technical Society, Fri. 819 Market Entomological Soc. ,Ne\vFerryBldg Territorial Pioneers, Cal,927Market Epworth League, Ch., 26 8. Seven Links, monthly, 6 Eddy Street. Office of Grand Secretary, 6 Eddy Street. Couccils meet at 102 O'Eairell Street, unless otherwise stated. Alcazar 11, 2 and 4 Thursday Home 14, 2 & 4 Tues, 2319 Mission America 7, Thursday Mistletoe 186, 2 and 4 Thursday Athens 51, 1 and 3 Tues, Oakland C hurch and Thirtieth Berkeley 72, 1 & 3 Fri, W Berk'ly Oakland 20, 2 and 4 Saturday Bradford 190, 2 & last Mon, S S F 7th and Centre, Oakland California 56, 1 and 3 Sat, 320 Post Oak Leaf If 5, 2 & 4 Fri, Oakland C H Randall 201, 1 & 3 Tues, Oak Olive Branch 34, Friday, 35 Eddy Concord 2, 2 and 4 Mon, 20 Eddy Pacific 8, Friday Crystal 4, Thursday Phoenix 152, 1 & 3 Wednesday Evans 4, 2 and 4 Thursday 999 Market Empire 47, Monday, 20 Eddy Social 46, Thursday, 220 Post Fairmount 102, 2 & last Saturday, Sunset 10, Saturday 28 and Valencia Teutonia 66, 1 and 3 Tuesday Germania 180, 1 & 3 Wednesday Unity 179, 2 & 4 Wed, Oakland Golden Gate 60, 2 and 4 Friday Washington 16, 1 & 2 Wed, 35Eddy Golden State 40, 2 & 4 Wednesday Webster 202, 2 & 4 Tues, Alameda Harbor View 188, 1 and 3 Monday Golden Gate, Alameda Co COI.ONIAL. OAMESf I]\ CALIFORNIA. President, Mrs. S. S. Wright, 910 Lombard BAUOHTERS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Sequoia Chapter 1, 2 Mon. 2 p m (except June, July and Au«-ust) Occi- dental Hotel DANISH SOCIETIES. Daiiia. Dania No. 1 . . . . Tuesday, 20 Eddy Danish Soc. Norden . . 1504 Mark et Danift No. 2 Thurs., 909^ Market Danneveng 7, Thur, Livermore Danish Lad, Dagmar, Fri, 20 Eddy Denmark 2, Thur, 909 Market Danish Lad. R«l. 1 Wed. 421 Post Neel^a 3, Fri, 120 0'laiiisli Rrotliers. Golden Gate 49, Wed, 102 O'Farrell Pacific 39, Mon, 419 13th, Oakland Daiiisli Sisters. Denmark 17,2&4 Sat,419 13th,0ak. Marguarite 18, 1 & 3 Tue, 20 Edd Danish Society Norden, Club Rooms 23 & 24 1504 Market Danish Ladies' Relief, 1 Tue, 421 Post Danish Ladies' Relief, 1 Wed, 527 Montgomery ANCIENT ORDER OF I>RUII>S. Druids' Journal, 529 Washington. Groves meet at 413 Sutter. Alameda 57 Tuesday, Alameda Norma 5, English . Isi & 3d Friday Celtic 44, French, Wed., So. S. F. Oakland 24, English, Mon., Oakl'd Elvin 16, English 2 & 4 Monday Perseverance 10, French, Tuesday Eureka 4, German Thursday San Francisco 3, German. , Thurs. Excelsior 65, English , . Wednesday Schiller 11, German Thursday Galileo 37, Italian Tuesday Siegel 7, German .1st & M Monday Garibaldi 71, Italian, Sat., Oakland Templar 19, English . . 1 & 3 Thurs Hesperian 15, English Tuesday Vasco de Gama 43,Port,2 & 4 Su. aft Lawrel 17, English Friday Volta 46, Friday 312 Pacific Druid's Relief Committee meets the second Sunday of the month. Druid's Library Association meets at 413 Sutter. Boadioa Druid Circle. . . .Saturday Hartnagle Sup. Arch. 3, 2d Friday El DoradoCir.2&4 Thu,1525Stock'n Hall Trustees 3d Wednesday State Board of Trade Free Exhibit of Products of California (cover 5 850 square Jeeet); a splendid collection. Foot of Market, Ferry Bldg. -75- B. P. ORDER EI.KS. Golden Gate 6, Fri. 120 O'Farrell S. F. 3, 223 Sutter and Grant ave ECiriTABJLE AID UNIOW. California 603. . .Monday, 320 Post Golden West 621. .Mon., 421 17th El Dorado 612 ... 1 Tues., 20 Eddy Henrietta 887, Wed . . ,.809 Market Gold. Gate, 614, 1 Wed.809 Market San Francisco 622, 1 Mon. 806 Mkt FORESTERS^ U* AMERICA. California Forester, 60 South Park. Courts in San Francisco and Alameda Counties. Sec'y» 120 O'Farrell. F. of A. Band, Court Golden West. Courts meet at 120 O'Farrell unless otherwise stated. Acme 51 1 & 3 Friday Hubertus 1 5, German Friday Adeline 7758 Tues., Oakland Independence 104 Monday Adelphia 8181 .... Wed., Berkeley Inter- Nos 18 Friday America 3 ... 2 & 4 Thurs., Potrero Justice 16 2 & 4 Monday Apollo 76 1 & 3 Monday Lincoln 57 . . ....... 1 & 3 Tuesday Aurora 2 2 & 4 Wednesday Barbarossa 8185. Wed.1749 Mission Barbarosa 79 2 & 4 Wed Bay City 11 2 & 4 Wednesday Live Oak, 67, 1 & 3 , Thur., RR.ave nr 7th ave. So. San Francisco Livermore 77 Wed, Livermore Mag-nolia 29 2 & 4 Friday Bonita43. ..Mon., 24th & Folsom Mayflov\-er41.2&4Tu,17th,nrVal'cia Brooklyn 8038, Tu.,453 8th, Oak'd California 4 1&3 Tuesday Columb'.a 56 Tuesday Cosmopolitan 8036, 2 & 4 Friday, 121 New Mcntg-omery Defiance 23 .Thursday Diana 8219 2 & 4 Wednesday F.clipse 14 1 & 3 Monday Enterprise 134, 1 & 3 Friday Eucleian 13 1 & 3 Monday El Dorado 30 1 & 3 Friday Farrallone 71 . . . 2 &4W,0ceanVievv Ferrucio 1 & 3 Tue, 609 Union Golden Eagle 33. . . 1 & 3 Thursday Golden Era 36 1 & 3 Friday Golden Gate 5 2 & 4 Tuesday Golden Link 7756. .Mon., Oakland Golden State 22, 2&4 Thu.1007 Mkt Golden West 20. . .1 & 3 Thursday Harmonic 25,Tu.834 Web. Oakland Hayes Valley 59, 2 & 4 Wed. 909 Mkt Hay wards 78 Thurs, Hay wards Oakland 46, Tue, 1058 Broad. Oak Ocean View 86. . . Thur.,W.Berkely Olympic 7584, 2 & 4 Mon ; 32 O'Farrl Palo Alto 53 2 & 4 Thursday Port Costa 75 . , .'lues, Pleasanton Presidio 40 2 & 4 Tue. Hall, Octavia nr Union Pride of Alameda 7388,2 & 4 F.Ala. Richmond 86,l<&3Tu,Fil'ore&Bush Robin Hood 1 2 & 4 Tuesday San Francisco 7 . . ..1 & 3 Tuesday San Leandro 74 .Wed, San Leandro Seal Rock 45 . . ..Thu, 909 Market Shell Mound 17. . . Th, Golden Gate Stanford 27 2 & 4 Tues Sutro Heights 136. .. .2 & 4 Th\irs U. S. of America 3b, Thursday, 51 1 14th Oakland Washii gton 37 1 & 3 Thursday Western Addition 32 .... 2 & 4 Mon Yerba Buena 42 ........ 2 & 4 Wed Zenith 21 Monday American Forester's Hall Association 120 O'Farrell, 3d Floor Knig^lits of Slier^n^ood Forest. Golden Gate Conclave 92 1 & 3 We Inesday, 32 O'Farrell Junior Courts F. off A. Office, 120 O'Farrell. Courts meet as follows: Pride of California 5 ... 2 & 4 Wed Pride of Bonita 57, Sat, 24 & Folsom Pride Gold West 37, l«!!t3 W, 320'Far Young Ame. ioa 6, 1 & 3Th, Potrero Companions off tbe Forests.— Eadies' Rrancli. Sec'y's Office, 120 O'Farrell. Circles meet here unless otherwise stated. Alcatraz 58, 1 & 3 Wed,909i Markt Inter-Nos 215 Wednesday Aloha 203 Wed., 1358 Market Live Oak 29 1 & 3 Wednesday Bay City 11 2 & 4 Monday Lorely 26 2 & 4 Thursday Bonita 104, 1 & 3 Thu. , ^4 & Folsom Mizjjah 100 . . , 2 & 4 Tues. . Potrero Concordia 251 2 & 4 Thursday Defiance 38 2 & 4 Tuftkiay Diana 22 2 & 4 Tuesday Empire 128, 1 & 3 Thu., 32 O'Farrl Excelsior 2 2 &; 4 Thursday Golden Era 103. . .1 & 3 Thursday Golden Gate 23 1 & 3 Tue day Golden State 65, 1 & 3 W, 909.V Mkt Golden West 43. ... 1 & 3 Tuesday Hamlet 64 2 & 4 Tues, Aameda Mvrlle 105 1 & 3 Thursday Oakland 3. .Mon., 511 14th Oakland Oh vet 126, 1&3 Mon., Golden Gate Olympus 42. . . .1 & 3 Fri, 417 17th Pride of Columbia 259, 1 & 3 Thurs 120 9th Robin Hood 58 1 & 3 W. d 'I wilight 70 Friday U. S. of America 260, Friday, 511 14th, Oakland Hayes Valley 201, Fri., 1358 Market Yuba Circle 101, 1 & 3 Fri, 320 Post — 76- AN€1£NT ORDER FORESTERS. JLoyal Courts. Foresters' Advocate, Weekly, 6 Eddj-. Foresters' Cemetery Office, 997 Market Street. See's Office, 102 O'Farrell. Courts meet here unless otherwise stated. Adelaide 7751 2 & 4 Monday Justice 7908 2 & 4 Tuesday Advocate 7378, Wed. 1 3& Wash. Oak Alcatraz 7749, 2 & 4 Fri, 607 Union Alliiince 780(5, 2&4Mon, 220 Mason America 7916,l&3Mon,-24&Potrero Apollo 7802 1&3 Friday Bohemian 8023 2 & 4 Tuesday Kensington 7904,M, 24th & Church Knaresborough 8609. .2 & 4 Tiies, Shattuck Hall, Oakland Liberty 7801, 2 & 4 Tues.32 O'Far'l Mazzini 7809,1 & 3 Mon,607 Union Oak Grove 8134 . . . 2 & 4 Wed Bournemouth 7804.. 1 & 3 Thursdy Occidental 6676. . . 2 & 4 Thursday California 7914, 1& 3 Mon., S. S. F Concord 7917 1 & 3 Tuesday Del Moiite 8131 1 & 3 Friday Escholzia 8667 Wed, Golden Gate, Alameda County Eureka 6146 1 & 3 Tuesday Excelsior 7807. 2&4 Tues, 414Mason Fairmount 7797. Tu,Church & 28th Franklin 7907 1 & 3 Tuesday Garfl'-.ld 7803 1 & 3 Thursday German- America 7472, Weanesday Grant 8378. .2 & 4 Thu, I. 0. O. F. Hall, Oakland Hercules 7206 2 «fe 4 Mondav Ivanhoe 8228, 2NS OF BENJAMIN— JE\¥ISH. California 1 . 1&3 Sim, 120 O'Farrell Minerva 4 . . 2 & 4 Sun, 120 O' Farrell Creation L.6, 3&4 Tu,i20 O'Farrell Pacific 3 . .1 & 3 Mon, 120 O'Farrell HEBREW SOCIETIES. California B Abraham, 1 & 3 Sun Callopean, i Tues, 1629 Cal Cimcordia, 3 Tues, Mercantile Lib Deborah Ben, 3 Sun, G06 Market Eman.iel Bible In^t,, Tues, Syn, Sutter near Powell Eva Mutual B Soc, Sec, J 509 Post Eureka B A, Mon, 105 Stockton Emanuel Sisterhood, Tues, 219 9th F H L M R Soc, 2 Sunday First Hebrew Ben Society', Wed, 1 pm, Syn, P.>st and 'laylor First Hebrew Mut Bea Soc, Surw Helpers, 1 & 3 Mon, 1527 O'Farr?! Hebrew Home, Aged & Disabled, 507 Lombard I O B B Library, 121 Eddy Jewish Alliance of California, re- lief for Russian refugees Jewish Mis. S Seh, 1133 Mission Jewish Ladies C mncil, 2 & 4 M )n Syn, Geary and Octavia Jewish Cemetery (Beth Olam anl Old Salem) 34th Av^ & Clemsat Israelitischer Franwen Ver, Mon, 105 Stockton Ladies' Endeavor S^c, 2 & 4 Mon, Syn, Gearj- & Octavia Ladies' Heb Sew Soc, 1453 Frank Ladies' Unite 1 Heb B S, Mon 1 pm, Syn, Post & Taylor Mt Zion's"^ Hospital Assn, oflfice, 301 Montgomery Pac. Heb. Orp. Asy. & Home Soc, Hayes and Devisadert) Pac. Beb. Asy. & Ho'ne for Aged, Silver Ave and Mission Road Pac. Heb. Home, Silver Ave and Mission Road Pastors' Aid Society, 2 Tues, Syn, Geary near Octavia Phil miath, 2 & 4 Mon, Mercantile Lib, G G Ave & Van Ness She^it^l Israel Instruction Class, Wed, Syn, Post and Taylor United Hebrew B nefit Soc, Mon, 2 pm, Cn, Post and Taylor — 78 - OROJER OF HERJTIAIV SONS. Grand Secretary, Grand Lodg-e, 413 Sutter. California 2. . .Thursday, Oakland Humboldt 17 ... . Friday, 121 Eddy Ernst von Bandel 3, Tu,413 Sutter Livermore 13. . .Thurs. , Livermore Eureka 6 Friday, 510 Bush Mission 10 Thurs., 18th & Lapidge Germania7,Tuesday, 114 0'Farrell North Beach 9, Mon. 413 Sutter Haywards 14.... Wed. Haywards San Francisco 1, Wed. 413 Sutter Hercules S, Thursday, 413 Sutter West Berkeley 21, Mo-n., W. Berk Executive Committee, last Thursday, 413 Sutter. Ex-Presidentent Bund, last Monday, 510 Bush. l UNITED ORDER OF ODD FEL.IiO\¥S. (colored) Aerial 2442, 2 & 4 Fri, 32 O'Farrell Occidental 2484, 1 & 3 Monday, 8th Golden Gate 2007,l&3Wed.l20 " and Broadway, Oakland Housebold. of Ruth.— Woman's Branch. No. 258, 1&3 Friday, 120 O'Farrell | No. 458, 2&4 Tu,8th & Brdway,Oak IRISH SOCIETIES. Celtic Union 3 Tuesday, 220 Mason County Monahan Social Club Tuesday, 4 Golden Gate Ave Countj^ Leitrim Social Club 1 Friday, Wolf's Hall, Ocean View Father Mathew Total Abs. & Ben Soc Pres. 2728 Folsom C i-elic School Friday, 220 Mason Knights of St. Patrick 2&4 Tuesday, 220 Mason Knights of Tara 2&4 Tuesday, 220 Mason Sarsfield Council, Irish National Council 2 Tuesday, 220 Mason S. F. Alliance of California 1&3 Thursday, 220 Mason St. Patricks Mutual Alliance of California . . 1 & 3 Monday, 220 Mason Tyrone Fermanagh & Donegal Society 2 Thursday, 916 Market Unity Alliance No. 14, S. P. A. of America Pres. 22 Rondel Place Wolf Tone Club 1&3 Thursday, 11th & Broadway, Oakland ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. The Nation, 420 Montgomery, Weekly. Divisions meet at Hibernia Hall, 120 Ninth, unless otherwise stated. State Board Headquarters, 120 Ninth. Countj'^ Officers m^et 4th Monday No. 2 Wednesday No. 14 1 & 3 Friday No. 3 2 Wednesday No. 15. 2 Wed, 812 Pacific No. 5 3 Wednesday No. 16 . ... 2 Wed. 24th & Potrero No. 8 2 Friday No. 17.. 1 & 3 Wed. Fairmount Hall No. 9 2 & 3 Thursday No. 18 Secretary, 909 Page No. 10 1 & 3 Thursday No. 19. . 1 & 3 Frid, 24th £N EAGIiE. Castles meet at 421 Post. California 1 Wed. , 414 Mason Golden Gate 9 Monday Pacific 10 Tuesday California Castle 1— Drill Corps Friday, 414 Mason LiADlES GOL.I>£N £AOI.E. Alpha Castle 2 Monday, 414 Mason KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Office, Room 47, St. Ann's Building, 6 Eddy, cor. Powell. American 2229, 1 & 3 Th. 20 Eddy Keystone 2107 . .Th., 114 O'Farrell Anchor 2366 Monday, 35 Eddy LelandStanford3872,Thur,20 Eddy Chart erOak l755,l&3Fr.4I7Kearny Liberty 349G. . Mon., 114 O'Forrell Confidence 2282, 2& 4 Tu.209Sans'e Norman 1841 Tues., 121 Eddy Eaf le 2204 . . 2 & 4 Wed, 32 O'Farrell Occidental 1900, 2&4 W. , 121 Eddy Eureka 1756 . .2 & 4 Wedy, 20 Edd PolarStar3027.Fri.,16th'& Valencia Far West 2324, 2&4 Th, 1901 Geary San Francisco 1 922, Mon. 114 O'Far Fidelity 2108. . .1 & 3 Fri, 320 Post Saxon 1848. ... 1 & 3 Tu., 20 Eddy Fortuna 3449 Thur., 20 Eddy Tancred 1927, 2& 4 Sat., 114 O'Far Fricnd8hipl731.i&3Mon.,1140'Far Union 1895. . . .1 & 3 Tu., 32 O'Far Germania 1718 Tu., 114 O'Far Yerba Buena 1788, Mon., 114 O'Far Iry 1716 Friday, 20 Eddy Yosemite 1930, 2 & 4 W, 102 O'Far Alameda County Liodg^cs. Center 3902. .1 & 3 Tues, Berkeley Gelden State 2058, I & 8 Tu., Oak Clinton 2019 . .2 & 4 Sat. East Oak Prescott 3517, 1 & 3 Wed, Oakland Garden City 1745, 1 & 3 Thu., Ala Tahoe 1876. . .Sat., West Berkeley Past Dictator, 2 Sat, 120 O'Farrell KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR. Sentinel, Monthly, 20 Ellis. Grand Secretary, 20 Ellis. 8an Francisco and Alameda County Liodg^es. Aurora 202 . .1 & 3 Mon., 421 Post Magnolia 1248, 1 & 3 Wed, 909 Mk't Bay City 619, 2 & 4 Mon., 320 Post Oakland935 .2&4Tu,14& Wa8h,0ak Empire 832, 1 &3Fri, 1206 Market Pacific 815. .2 & 4 Tue, 32 O'FarreU Excel8iorl252,l&3Fri,2041 Howard Palmetto 1888. . 2&4 Thu, Alameda Golden Rule 660, 2 &4 Th. 20 Eddy Seal Rock 1889 . . . .Tues, Alameda Martha 241 .. .2 & 4 Fri. , 121 Eddy West End 1102,1 & 3 Tu,120 O'Far STREET TEIiESCOPE. j^rNotice. — Call at Fourth & Market or Grant Avenue and Mar- Jiet Street, on any clear evening, and I will -show you, for five cents each, the Moon, f*lanets. Nebulae, Double and Fixed Stars— all grand and beautiful iights— through my new 6-iinch Refracting Telescope. -81- KNIOHTS OF PYTHIAS. Pythian Courrier, monthly, 532 Commercial, Grand K. of R, and S., Room 70, St. Ann's Building, Powell & Eddy. Lodges meet at 009^ Market, unless otherwise stated. Alemania. 8. Wednesday Jeffersor, 179, Tuesday, 605 Union Bay City 117, Wed 223 Sutter Justice, 86 Tuesday Caiiiornia 1 Friday Laurel, 4 Monday Damon 2 Tuesday Mars, 202 Tuesday Eu.eka 9 Friday Metropolitan, 24 Monday Excels! -r 12 . Monday Myrtle, 16 Tuesday Fairmount 108 . . Friday, 2319 Miss Roii^a, 147. . . .Tuesday, 814 Pacific Golden City 63 Friday Sequoia, 188 ... . Friday, 320 Post Golden Gate 3 Thursday South 8.F. 45 Tuee. R.E. & 7th av« Harmony 15, 2 & 4 Wed. , 820 Po«t Syracuse, 58 Wednesday . Ivv, 65 l\iesday Unity 61, Amp. 3d Thursday I\anhoe, 5 Amplified Third, Wed. Alameda County I odg^cs. AlameJa, 49, Friday, Park St. Ala Oakland, 103,Frid.l2th&Fra'n,Oak Amazon, 181, Mon, 23 ave. E. Oak Piedmontl72,Mon.l2th&Fra'n Oak Brooklyn,32,iMon.76iEl2th,E.Oak University, 1(52, Tuesday, Berkeley Liberty, 35, Thursday, W. Oakland W. Oakland,141, Tu -s. 7th & Pine Live Oak,I7,Wel.l2th&Fra'n, Oak ITiiifonn Rank Divisions, K. of P» Fairmount, 20, 1st Friday,2319Mis Unity, 13 1st, 2d & 4th Wed Liberty, II, Monday, VV. Oakland Veteran 4th Friday Pythia^n, 2 l8t&3d Tuesday Py^tiiian Sisters-Temple 11 Thursday, 909 Market Bureau of Relief meet every Sat Library, open 10 a m. to 10 p. m. I ndowment Rank 70 Library Committe, 2d Saturday Endowment Rank 1515 Cemetery Association KNIGHTS OF THFJ ITIACCABKES. Tents meet as follows: Alameda 32 Thur, Alameda Oakland 17 Mon, Oakland Arg-onaut Wed, Oakland San Francisco 18.Fri,120 O'Farrell Golden West 58 Tues, 35 Eddy L.AI>I£S OF THF MACCABEES. Hives Meet as follows: Alameda 20.Thurs 2p.m. Alameda Oakland 14. . .Wed, 13th nr Broad- Carita 23. . .Thur, Adeline Station, way, Oakland Oakland Mission 18 Thur, 503 Valencia Goldjn Gate 8 Fri, 317 Mason Eeg:ion of Pacific 2 Wednesday, 120 O'Farrell LiOYAE ORANGE EEGION. Calif. True Blues 118, W., 35 Eddy i Harmony 127. .1 & 3 Fri, 35 Eddy Star Golden West 130, 2 & 4 Fri, 35 Eddy lioyal Oraiige Iiii^titiite, Ladies' Royal Black 11,2 & 4 Sat. 35 Eddy MASONS. Meet at Masonic Temple, Post & Montgomery, unless otherwise stated Trestle Board, Masonic Monthly, 408 California. Free and Accepted Masons. Lodges meet on the first day named in month, unless otherwise stated. California 1 Thursday Pacific 136 Tuesday, 121 Eddy Crocket 139, Wednesday, 121 Eddy Parfaite Union 17 Friday Doric 216 . . .Thursdays, 121 Uddy South S. F. 212, Thursday, S. S. F. Excelsior 166 Wednesday Speranza Italiana 219 . . . Saturday Fidelity 120 . '^^Z^f^^r al ameda county lodges. Golden Gate 30 luesday Hemiaim 127 Monday Alcatraz 244, Monday, W. Oakland King Solomon 260, M.Filmr nr Bsh Brooklyn 225, Tuesday, E Oakland Mission 169, Wednes, 2668 Mission Durant 268 Friday, Berkeley Mt, Moriah 44 Wednesday Live Oak 61 Friday, Oakland Occidental 22 Monday Oak Grove 215, 2d Thur., Alameda Oriental 144 Tuesday Oakland 188. . .Saturday, Oakland -82^ Royal Arch €liapter». Alameda 70. . .1 & 3 Sat., Alameda San Francisco 1 . .1st & 3d Monday California 5 1st & 3d Tuesday Oakland 36, 1st & 3d Mon., Oakland Royal and Select Masters.— California Council, 2 J Wed. CommandLeries of Kiiig^lits Templars. California 1 Friday Oakland 11 . . .Tuesday, Oakland Golden Gate, 16, 1st and 3d Monday, 629 Sutter. Golden Gate Drill Corps, at call 629 Sutter. Golden Gate Ladies' Club, 1 Mon, 629 Sutter. 8cottislli Rite Masons. Lodge of Perfection, 14 dej^ree, Yerba Buena No. 1, at call. Chapter of Rose Croix, 18 degree, Yerba Buena Chapter 4, at call. Knights of Kadosh, 30 degree, Godfrey de St. Omar Council 1, at call. Grand Consistory S. P. R. S., 32 degree, of California, at call. Mystic Shrine, Islam Temple, A. A. O.N. 2d Wednesday, 629 Sutter. t oyal Masonic Rite off Masonry. Gnostic Rose Croix, Chapter 540, 1st and 3d Saturdays 320 Post Masonic Associations. Masonic Board of Relief, every Sat Masonic Widows' dc Orph. Home, Masonic Cemetery Ass'n, room 42 Dakota, near Niles, Alameda Co. M'cvsonic Hall Association Past Masters' Ass'n, last Saturday Masonic Veteran Associ'ns, at call Chapters Order of tlae £^astern Star. Grand Secretary, room 68, 800 Market. Chapters meet : Beulah 99,2 & 4 Monday, So. S. F. Ivy 27 . . .2 & 4 Tues., 629 Sutter Carita 2 & 4 Wed., Alameda Mission 155, 2 & 4 Sat, 26C8 Miss'n Golden Gate 1, 1 & 3 Thur, 629 Sut Oakland, 1 (fe3 Thursday, Oakland Hare ony 124, 1 *& 3 Fri, 32 O'Far'l Oak Leaf 8, 2 & 4 Thur., Oakland King Solomon 157, 2 <& 4 Thursday Unity 65, 2 & 4 Fri., W. Oakland 1839 Fillmore Good Samaritans— San Francisco 1, 1st Saturday, 625 Sutter FREE AND AC€^EPrEI> MASONS. (colored men) All meet at 120 O'Farrell Street. Hannibal 1 1st Monday Victoria 3 2nd Monday E astern Star 5, Friday, 810 Pacific Wellington 7 3rd Monday St. Bernard Com. K. T., 4th Friday, 120 O'Farrell. Mi itary Matters. Boys' Brigade with 35 Companies, 1,500 members, of the lead Lng Protestant Churches of S. F. and Alameda Counties. California Volunteers of the Pacific, 25th Jan, April, July and Oct. at Occidental Hotel. California Garrison 101, Reg. Army and Navy Union, 2 & 4 Tuesday, 114 O'Farrell. Catholics have League of the Cross Cadet and Junior Cadet Compan- ies, A to H, at their prominent churches; semi-military and Temper- ance similar to the Boy's Brigade. Ex-Union Soldiers of the Late War, quarterly, 103 Van Ness Avenue Grand Army Cemetery Association, 35 Eddy. National Reserves, 1st Saturday, 120 O'Farrell Naval Veterans, Charleston Division, No. 1. Post Lyceum and Library at all U. S. military and naval posts. Presidio Band ])lays once each week, 2 p. m. Presidio. California Hundred aid Battalion, 422 California California National Guard costs this State for 1896 and 1897 $392,890, and consists of about 4400 men and 136 officers. San Francisco Garrison 7,8, 2d and 4th Monday, 32 O'Farrell. Soldiers' Widows & Army Nurses Home, Evergreen, 6 miles fr. San Jose Statue •' Soldier at Rest" erected 1893 by Geo. H. Thomas Post, G.A.R. at National Cemetery, Piesidio. U.S. Military operations for defense ( f San Franciscoare very exten- sive. There are four companies of heavy artillery, two companies of light, and four companies of infantry at Presidio Alcatraz and Angel Island. tr. S. Militaty Post— Fort Point, Fort WinfieU Scott, Fort Mason Alcatraz Island, Angel Island, Benicia Aisenal, and Mare Island Nav Yard and Station. U. S. has Yost m'te Valley and Sequoia National Park in its contro and a Company of RegnUrs guarding- them during each Summer. U. S. Pension Office, 101 Sansome, cor. Pine U. S. Treasury, 610 Commercial. ffcU. S. Military Armanient of San Francisco Harbor consists of 3 modern and I'S guns of an earlier type, and 128 morter batteries, o these the following are ready for action: Three 15-inch pneumati dynamite guns that will throw a ball, bomb or smaller shot of 50 pounds 5000 yards; eight long range i 2-inch rifle guns tliat throw 110 pounds projectile 12 miles, 5 of these are at Ire idio and 3 at Fort Bake (north side of entrance to Bay) are in place; three 10-inch rifle gunj Fifteen smooth bore guns that carry a shot three niile^. Of the 12 12-inch rifled morters, 16 are in place that throw an hOO pound ste( projectile 6 miles. NATIONAL. GUARD OF CALIFORNIA. Pacific- American National Guard Bulletin, 19 Page, Headquarters, 2d Brigade, N. G. C, California Hotel 1st Infantry— Headquarters, 25 Pago & Gough All Companies meet weekly here unless otherwise stated. First Regiment Band, Thursday. Officers m3et 2nd Tuesday of each month. A . . Thursday G Monday, 815 Elh B Monday H Tuesda C Monday, 815 Ellis I Monda : 3 Friday K Tuesday, 8J5 Elli E Wednesday L . . ' Thursda F Tuesday M * Frida FIRST BATTALION-25 Page— Companies A, E, I, M. SECOND BATTALION— 25 Page— Companies L, D, B, H. THIRD BATTALION— 815 ElUs— Companies G, F, C. K 5tli Infantrf^— Headquarters, Lick House, S. F. A ... .337 r2th, Oakland, Thursday E Santa Rosa. Monda B San Jose, Thursday F 337 12th, Oakland. Monda C Petaluma, Monday G Alameda, Thursda D San Rafael , Friday Naval Batallion, National Guard of Calif. Company A San Diego Companies B and C and Naval Engineers have their quarters on the U. S. Ship Marion at Mission Street Wharf Cadet Company, Armory, Boys' High School, Sutter and Gough. Troop A Cavalry, (u lattached), 1327 Market Veterans of the National Guard of California, 24 Fourth Second Brigade Signal Corps, Thursday, 815 Ellis Leag^ucs of tlie Cross. Catholic Total Abstinence Society meet in Catholic Churches named. First Regiment Headquarters, 1327 Market. Co. A, Mon, St. Mary's Cathedral Co. H, Sun, St. Brenden " B, Fri, St. Charles ^ ** I, Mon, St. Peters •' C, Sat, St. Patricks " K, Men, St. Pauls " D, Tues, Sacred Heart " L, Fri, Mission Dolores " E, Tues, St. James «* M, Fri, St. Francis " F, Fri, St. Patricks, Oakland ** N, Tues, St. Francis, Oaklan " G, Fri, St. Bridget Loyal Legion, U. S. ITIilitary Order, Command ery of Cal. 314 California -u- INBEPENDET^t ]*III.ITARY COTflPANIES. Alpini Guard, 1625 Stock'n& Un'n Independent Rifles, 814 Geary Austrian Oomp'y,l&3Wed,507Sut'r Italian Sharp. , Union & Stockton Bersa^lieri Guards, Union & Stock NordDeut8ch.Schut,lTu,620 Budh Cal. Schutzen, 4 Tues, 237 12th Red Men's Schutzen, 323 Turk Carabineri Guards, 425 Broadway Schutzen Verein, 2 & 4 Fr.620 Bu«h Deutscher Krieger, 121 Eddy S.F.SchutzenVer,2&4Fri,620 Bush Eintracht Sch. Sec, 237 12th S. F. Turn Ver. Sec, 2 M,323 Turk Garibaldi Guards, 423 Broadway Swiss Rifl3S, 627 Commercial German Sharpshooters, Swiss Sharpshooters,423 Broadway German Metzg-er Verein, Turner's Shooting Sec, 310O'Far'l German Fusiler Guards, 620 Bu?h Vet. Nat. Guard Calif., 6'^0 Bush Germania Schutzen, 3 Fri, 620 Bush Vet. Ger'n Army, 8 Tues, 14 3d Giordano Bruno Cir. 1525 Stockt'n Knights Red Branch Rifles, 1 Mon. Qrutli Rifle Club, 507 Sutter 220 Mason Guardia de Juarez, 810 Pacific S. F. Gruti Verein, 421 Post Hibernia Guards, Thu. , 120 Ninth ORANO ARMY OF THE REPIJBI.IC. Headquarters Department of California, 6 Eddy Streot, Room 18. Appomattox 50, 1 & 3 Th, 561 11th Lookout Mt'n 88, 2&4 Tu, Berkeley Oakland Lyon 8 . . 1&3 Tu, ll&Clav,Oakland CasB46. . .1 Wed, 417 Seventeenth Meade 48, 1&3 Tuesday, 102 O'Far'll Garfield 34 Tuesday, 35 Eddv Morris 47, 1st Saturday, Livermore Hooker 11... 1st Friday, Alameda Porter 169 1 & 3 Fri, 1166 Liberty 133.3 Thurs, 1133 Mission Washington, Oakland Lincoln 1 Thurs, 35 Eddy Thomas 2, 1 & 3 Tuesday, 320 Post Relief Corps aiid Circles. Appomatox 5, Th, 561 13th, Oak'd Lvon 6 Tue, 531 lltk Oakland Garfield 21, 1 &3Tue, 114 O'Farrell Meade 60, W.R.C.l & 3 Tu, 102 O'F'l Gettysburg Cir. 11, 2&4Fri.320 Post Seven Pines Cir, Mon, 414 Mason Lincoln 3 Thursday, 35 Eddy Sheridon Cir 5,Wed,531 llth. Oak WimanCir 22,l&3Fri,531 llth,Oak Sons of Veteran s^Camps. Division Headquarters, 13 Pine E. D. Baker 5.Clay&llth,0akland Fair Oaks 16. . .Thu, 102 O'Farrell Daug^liters of Veterans.— Meet at call of President. Brickerdyke Camp 2 Tuesday, 1358 Market. Veteran Guard, Grand Army of the Republic, Monday, 620 Bush. Veterans' Home, Yountville, Napa Co. Offi, 320 Sansome. 710 inmates. Veterans of the Mexican War, 2d Thursday, 22 O'Farrell. Veterans' Home, Santa Monica, Los Angeles Co. 400 inmates Veterans' Corps, 24 Fourth SONS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION. S. M. Smith, Pres.; E. Bonnell, Sec NATIONAL UNION. The S. F. Cabinet Nat onal Union, 1st Thursday, 120 O'Farrell. Councils meet as follows California 590,1&3 Wed,114 O'Far'l Pacific 547 2 & 4 Fri, 320 Post El Dorado 581,l&3Fri,120O'Farrell Union 549. .... 2 & 4 Fri, 320 Post Golden Gale 551, 2&4 Tue, 320 Post Yosemite39,l&3 Mon, 102 O'Farrell San Francisco 540, 3 Sat, 320 Post Publisher of this Guide, W. FAUST, City Address, 243 to 250 Geary St., S. F. Residence, Mariposa Ave. near Telegraph; P.O.,Lorin, Alameda Co., Cal. The only electric clock tower in the United States is at Los Angel*?. California produced the first bars of American tin, from American mines, worked by American machinery, and dug out by American miners, at Temescal, San Bernardino County. -85- NATIVE SONS OF THE »OLiI>EN ITEST Golden State, Monthly, 414 Mason Grand Secretary, 414 Mason St. Native Sons' Building-, 414 MafiKm All Parlors meet here unless otherwise stated. San Francisco and Alameda County Parlors. Alameda 47 M,Pac.av &Wm.Ala'da Mantic 105 Tuesday Alcalde 154 Wednesday Oakland 50, Wed, 11th & Clay, Oak Alcatraz 145 Thursday Olympus 189, Wed, 317 Devisadero Athens,195,Tues,13th tfeWash. Oak Pacific 10 Tuesday Bay City 104 Wednesday Piedmont 120 Friday, Oakland Brooklyn 151 .Tues, East Oakland Presidio 194,Mon,Octavia & Union California 1 Wednesday Precita 187, Fri, 24th & PotreroAv Columbia 121 Wednesday Rincon 72 Wednesday Eden 118 Tuesday, Hay wards San Francisco 49 Friday El Dorado 52 Thursday Sequoia 160 Monday Golden Gate 29 xMouday S. S. Francisco 167 .. . Wed, S. S. F. Halcyon 146 . . 1 EN \¥EST Grand Secretarj^ 431 California. Parlors meet: Alta 3 Saturday Minerva 2 1 & 3 Monday Alameda 18, 1 & 8 Mon., Alameda Olivina 61 2 & 4 Sat, Alvarado An^elLta32,lt&3dSat. aft. Livermore Orinda 56 2 & 4 Thursday Buena Vista 68 Thursday Oro Fino 9 Saturday Fremont 59 . . . 2 & 4 Saturday Piedmont 87 Thur, Oakland Golden State 50, 1 & 3 Wed Sans Sou.i Pyelsr 96 Friday La Estrella 89, Saturday Yosemite 83, 1 & 3 Wednes, 23d & Las Lomas 72, . . 2 & 4 Mow. 421 17th Potrero ave OI>0 EAJDIES. Golden Star, 10 Wed. 102 O'Far'l Loyal Cal. 7, 2&4 Tues. 102 O'Far'l Progress 14, 1&3 Thu. 102 O'Far'l ORDER OF PEN1>0. Supreme Secretary, 601 California Street. Golden Gate 11, 1 & 3 on., 320 Post PATRIOTIC SONS OF AMERICA. Washington Camp 1 Thursday, 102 O'Farrell Washington Camp 6 Monday, Knights of Pythias Hall, Oakland — T Royal Oood Fellows 1st and 3d Friday, ?0 Eddj ROITAE ARCANVM. Argonaut Council 597, 2 & 4 Monday, 32 O'Farrell Golden West, No. 1716, 2 & 4 Friday, l20 O'Farrell California Day, October 9th, 1893. 231,B22 admissions to World's Fair 50,000 of these received free gifts of California fruit. Sig. 8 —86— imPROVED ORDER RED MEN. Great Chief of Records, 320 Post. All Tribes meet here unless otherwise Stated . The Insignia, issued each moon, 320 Post Street. Ahwahnee 86, Wed, 23d ave, V.. Oak Oshonee 77 Tuesday Ahwashte 89. .Friday, 17th & Noe Osceola 71 AltahmoH 87. .Wed, 1819 Fillmore Pawnee 67, Thu Alameda Arapahoe 76 Friday Pocahontas 11 Friday Bald Eagle 75 . . Wed. 120 O'Farrell Pohonachee 10 Monday Concordia 158, Mon. West Alameda Pollowattomie 84 Monday Grey Eag^le 65, Wed, 1016Clay,Oak Sotoyome 12 Thursday Kiowa 86 Monday Seminole 54 WednesdaV Manzanita 4 Wednesday Tecumseh 62, Tue, 511 Uth, Oak'd Miantonomah 9 Tuesday White Eagle 72,Tue,24th & Potrero Modoc 57 Thursday Winnemtlcca 61 Friday Monteiaima 77 Tuesday Degree of Pocaltontas— Ti^omcn's Councils. Alf arata 10 Friday, 35 Eddy | Pocahontas 3 Monday Mohawk Degree Council 4 Monday. Daughters of Montezuma 15 Monday Matoaka 18 2 & 4 Monday, 24th and Potrero Yosemite 19 Monday, Tucker's Hall, Alameda Tahoe lingne, 3 Ist and 3d Saturday Uniform Rank of Tahoe League Drill every Tuesday Improved Order Red Men's Hall Association 2d Monday Rea Men's Endow. Fund Association meets ]st Tuesday each quarter Red Men's Relief and Burial Association at call. INDEPENDENT ORDER RED MEN. Deutche Verems Zeitung, 321 California Stams or Tribes meet at 510 Bush Street. California 70 Friday Pacific 66 Monday Concordia 268, Wed. HoltzHall, Al'a San Francisco 246 Tuesday Germania83 Tuesday Schiller 278 Monday Golden Gate 74. . .1 & 3 Thursday Teutonia 250 2 & 4 Thursday Hermann 224 Monday Vorwarts 255,' Wednesday Oakland 271^ Fri, Eintracht, Oak. Verba Buena's . . .2 & 4 Thursday Independent Order Red Men Hall Association 1st Tuesday, 510 Bush Scheutzen Section 2 Monday Liadies' Councils. Metamora 4 Tuesday Metemora 4 Tues. 510 Bush Alfarata 1 Fri. 35 Eddy SCOTTISH SOCIETIES. Caledonian Club, Friday. 105 Larkin Cambrian Mutual Aid Society, Thursday 1133 Mission Scottish Thistle Club, 2 & 4 Thursday 32 O'Fari-ell St. Andrews Society, Monday 105 Larkin ORDER SCOTTISH CI.ANS. Clan Eraser 78, 1 & 3 Thursday 32 O'Farrell Clan MacDonald 79, 2 and 4 Fridaj; Fraternal Hall, Oakland Clan MacDonald Loyal Ladies, 2 & 4 Wednesdays. .1015 Clay, Oakland Socialist I^abor Party. S. Fi Tageblat, daily, 117 Turk, Gennan. New Charter, weekly, 117 Turk, English. State Committee of S. L. P. meets at call of President. Many street meetings are held for propaganda, and the regular meetings are all well attended. The industrial and social questions are well handled. Socialist and Liberal Literature, 115 Turk Liberal and Socialistic Literature can be had at nearly all meetings American Branch, Sun. 35 Eddy Oakland Branch, Sun. 918 Wash'n Columbia Branch, Sun. 909 Mrkt Oakland German Branch, Tues. 115 Turk Wm. Morris, Lyceum, Fr. 115Turk Liberty Branch, Sun. 115 Turk Mannerchor, Friday, 115 Turk IT WILL PAY YOU WELL TO INVESTIGATE SOCIALISM -87— SONS OF ST. OEOROE. San Francipco Lodges meet at St. George's Hall, 317 Mason. Albion 206, W.. . . 41& 13th, Oakland London 116 Tuesday Burnaby 194, Sat Si 7 Mason Pickwick 259, Monday, 317 Mason Derby 285, 2 & 4Fr., Tucker's Hall, Alameda Sons of St. George Employment and Relief Society, 507 Valencia. British Benevolent Society, 604 Merchant. DAUGHTERS OF ST. GEORGE, Britania 7 Thurs, 317 Mason St. Vincent de Paul Charity Society. Branches in all the Catholic Churches. TEOTEPERANCE SOCIETIES. Home for Care of Inebriates Stockton and Chestnut Templit Swanen 87, Templars of Temperance, Saturday, 114 O'Farrell Young Women's Christian Association 1221 Farrell Independent Order of Good Templars. Evfining St^r 114 120 O'Farrell Richardson 2.'S9.Fri. Valencia & 28 Finish . .2d & last Sat. 909 Market Spring Valley314.W, OctarianrUn International 291, ^¥ed, 208 Mason Valley 293 Tues, 909 Market Manliem fid'S ... Sat, 909 Market Bands of Hope— Children's Branch, I. O. G. T. Many of the Churches of the city, and as follows: Crystal 204, 2 Sun., 1.15 p.m Free Baptist, Oakland Epworth 236 1 Sun., 2.30 p.m Epworth M. E.. 26th and Church 9olden Gate 175, Sun., 3 p.m First Baptist, Eddy & Jones Our Hope 300, Sun. 3 p.m Pixley Hall, Pacific & Polk Western Star 135, Sun. 3.30 p.m First Presbyterian, Sacramento and Van Ness ave. Wide Awake 305, Sun 590 Mission Winchester 252, ^quarterly at Prot. Orp. Asy., Haight & Buchanan Marine Temperance Society. Marine Society, 2 Tues Mariners' Church, Drumm & Sacramento St. Mary's Ch. (Old) Tem. A. & Ben. Ass'n, 2 & 4 Sun., Cal. & Dupont Catholic Total Abstinence. Maintained in nearly all Catholic Churches. \¥onien's Christian Temperance Union. 132 Mc Mlifiter Street, has 150 Unions and 5,000 members in California S. F. County W. C. T. U. meets 4th Wednesday at 132 McAllister Unions meet as follows and always in the afternoon: Central, 2 & 4 Wed., 2.30 1S2 McAllister Central M, E., 4 Thur., 2.30 .Mission, bet. 6th & 7th First Baptist, S Tues., 2.00 . . . Eddy & Jones Francis Willard, 2 Fri., 2.30 132 McAllister Third Baptist, 2 & 4 M. nday Powell & Bush Third Congregational, 4 Fri. . 2.30 16th, near Mission Westminister Presbyterian, 8 Tues., 2.00 Page & Webster Western Addition, 1 & 3 Tues., 3.00 Church & Broderick Tribe of Ben Hur— Mizpah Court 1, 2 Tues. 320 Post UNITEB 01|BER TROJANS. Hector 10, Tues. 102 O'Far'l S. F. 71, 1 & 3, Thur. 102 O'Farrell l¥OOI>MEN OF THE \¥ORLI>— Camps. Camp* meet as follows: A Ipha 101 , 2 & 4 Tue, 23d aveE. Oak Old Orchid 142 . . Thu, San Ix renzo Cherry J81, 2 & 4 Thu, San Leandro Red Wood 91 . . Thur, 320 O'FaiTell Cypress 141 Friday, Haywarr^s Spruce 1*2, Wed Alameda Forest 102, 1 & 8 Thu.Wst Oakland Western Addition 310, 2 & 4 Tues, Mission 264. . . .Mon. 503 Valencia 120 O'Farrell Oakland 94, Mod, 531 llth.Oakland -88- ORDER OF UNITY, l^adies Brancli, 13¥. of X¥. Woodman's Circle 1, 1 and 3 Saturday, 102 O'Farrell Woodmin's Benefit Association, 2 and 4 Friday, 102 O'Farrell irOUNtt MEN'S INSTITUTES OF CAUIFORNIA. Olfice of Grand Council, Rooms 424, Parrott Buildins:, 825 Market Institute Journal, Monthly, Rooms 424, Parrott Building, 82 > Market Lecture Bureau, Roons 424, Parrott Building, 825 Market San Francisco County Institutes. Bxrromean 129,l&3Wed,2131 Mis'n Phil Sheridan 72, 2 & 4 Th,2^ & Pol C-ithedral,59,2&4rh,N.S.a. W.Hall Pioneer i, 2&4 Thu., 1140'Farrell Columbia 55, 2 & 4 Wed, 114 O Far'l Portala 470, 2 & 4 Thu, 10 & Market Cooper 310, 1 & 3 Thu Ocean View Potrero 74, 1 &3 W, Pot. Op. House Golden Gate34, 2 & 4 Fr, 114 O Far San Francisco 7, 2& 4 Wed, 10-Mkt Ijrnatian 35, 1 & 3 Thu., 114 O Far S lossmeier 460, 2&4Thu,507Sutter Loyola 32 1 & 3 Mon. , S. S. F. Washington 4, 1&3 Thu,114 O'Far'l Mission 3, 1 & 3 Tu., 421 17 nr Val Alumeda, County. Alameda 47,2 & 4 Sun..,Livermore Fraternity 31, 2 & 4 Thur., East Oak American 8. 1&3 Monday Golden State 115,l&3Mo,Hay wards California 24, 1 & 3 Thur, Alameda Luzltania 125 Centerville Eden 91, 2 & 4 Thur, San Leandro Oakland 6, 1 & 3 Tue, 1058 Broad'y YOUNG L.ADIES' INSTITUTE. Grand Council and Secretary's Office, 10th & Market. All Councils meet at 10th and Market unless otherwise stated. 1 M )nday 15 Tue, Montana Hall, Oakland 2 Friday 16 ; Monday 3 Monday 20. .2 & 4 Wed, Potrero Opera Hou 4 1,3&4 Saturday 24 . . 1 & 3 Thursday, East Oakland 7 Wednesday YOUNG IWEN'S CATHOUIC UNION. Grand Secretary, 3 Tenth St., cor. Market. Assemblies meet: Leo 4, 1 & 3 Thurs, 10th & Market Ex. Council, 2 Tue, 10th & Market Loyola 1, 1 & 3 Wed, 10th & Market mUTUAL. ANI> BENEVOUENT SOCIETIES. Women's Educational and Inaustrial Union, 7 Van Ness Ave., has had 320 pupils and found work for 390 deserving girls. It should have the aid of all who are interested in its work for women. The same can be said of the Woman's Exchange, 26 Post, also the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 132 McAllister. A for Aid; Ass'n for Association; B, Benevolent; C, Club; M, Mutual; U, Union; S, Society; Ver., Verein. Alfo Amer.League,l Mon.620 Bush Boecker Ver. l&3W.aft, 413Sutter Allgemeine Ka^sa North America Boys' & Girls' Aid.Grove and Baker 2 Tuesday, 115 Turk BremervoerdeVer. 2 Thu, 620 Bush Allgemeine Kassa Pacific Coast British Benevolent, 604 Merchant 4 Tuesday, 115 Turk Brotherhoc d of Man, Sat. 819 Mkt Amt Lilienthaler Verein, 2d & 4th Bunker Hill, Soc 26 O'Farrell Wednesday, 620 Bush Bureau Animal Industry, 809 Mkt Arion Verein 2 Wed, 424 Pine Butchers'P,(&B.U.,lTu,S.SanFran Associated Charities, 605 Commerl Caledonians,lst&8d Fri.lll Larkin Astronomical Society . .819 Market Cal. Ben. Guild 105 Stockton Austrian B. 2 & 4 Wed, 507 Sutter Cal. Elect. Soc. l«fe 3 Mon. 819 M'k t Austrian Mil.& Ben.Wed.507Sutter Cal. Froebel Soc 64 Silver Austrian Verein, Thur, 507 Sutter Cal. Historical 819 Market Austro-Hung.& SIav.So.l21 N.Mo. Cal. Mut. Ben., r. 123, 1236 Market BadisheVerein, 2 & 4 Tue, 14 Third L al. Sohutzen Club, Tu, 287 12th Bavarian Bund B. S. 24 Ninth Cal.Pioneers Soc, 24 Fourth, hare Belgian Mut. Rei, 2&4 Fri,320 Post 1055 members Jan. 1,1898 Bcrsaglaire A.Soc .2 Thu,607 Union Cal. Prison Oomm 210 Bush Blood Horse Ass'n 313 Bush Cambrian M. A. 2 Men. 1138 Miss'n -^- Canadiiin Ass'n, Monday, 421 Post Canadian's Nat. Born, Fr, lU O'F Catholic Knights America, 2 & 4 Tuesday, 123 Golden Gate Aye. Catholic Ladies' Aid, 1170 Market Catholic M. B. A., r. 48, 806 Market Celtic Prot. and Ben. . .220 Mason Child Study Club,Fri,OccidentalH Christian Science. ..1221 O'Farrell Clan Fraser, l&3Thu,32 O'Farrell Club Frohsin. . .1 Thurs., 316 Post Oercle Francaise 421 Po >t Co.Mona-fhan S.&B.2 Th,220Mason Columbia Mutual B. . .809 Market Concor ia 413 Sutter Covenant Mutual Ben. 1107 Market Cruelty to Children . .liro Market Cruelty to An mals .1170 Market Dalmation Un.End.l Tu 507 Sutter Dartmouth Col. Al, F. Ames, Pres Deborah B. S., 3 Sun. 114 O'Farrel' Delta Sigm I Delta, 2 & 4 Wed. 114 O'Farrell (Dentists) Deutsche & Amer. Auschu'^, 1 & 3 i uesday 320 Post Deutsche Frauen Verein, 32 J Post Deuta ;he Frauen Ver., Red Cross, 2 & 4 Friday 413 Sutter Dentt-che Frauen Ver., unatt'chd, 1 & 3 Friday 310 O'Farrell Deutscher Verein 24 Fourth Deu scher Krei^e' Verein, 1 & 3 Wei 121 Eddy Deutsche Wirthe, Fri.. 413 Sutt«r (Anti-License S-Jciety) 1 Dorscht Lodg-e,l(fe3Wed. 237 12th Eintracht Turn -oe.,1 Tue,237 12th Eintracht Ver. , 1 & 3 Thu, 237 12th Elks B. & Pro. G. G., L. Fr. 114 O'Farrell, also 223 Sutter EndGuildChap.4,2&4We,414Mason Equitable Aid U., Mon., 320 Post Eureka Benev. Ass'n, 105 Stockton 'Exempt Fire Co. 3 Mon. BrenhamPl E.x-Firemen . . . Wed, 371 JSlatoma Farmers' Union 314 Califo nia also 2 Tues, 31 Post Farmers'* Trad. P. A . 11 3 Calif ornia Father Math Temp. Fri. 14 Third Fire Underwit. Ass'n. 303 California Firemen's Mut,Relief,NewCitv Hall First Cong. Ch. B. Soc.Sut.&VanNss Fishernie:i M. B. 1 Sat, 808 Montg'y Frauen Order Concordia, 2319 Miss French Ladies' iien. Soc. 318 Post French Mut. Ben. Soc, 318 Post owns the French Hospital. French Mutu il Aid Soc. 620 Bush French Z()uav'^;3,M.A.3.,l Tuesday 320 Post Friends G. State,! & 3Fri,607 Union Friends of California. . ,4I3 Sutter Fiieiids Golden Gate, 2 & 4 Wed., 120 Farrell Fruit, h La Ligue HenryIV,2(fe IM. .62* 'Bush Ladies' Aux. Local Engineers, 2 4& Thu, 503 Valencia Ladies' Ben 3 Sun., 413 Sutter, (Swedenborgen) L.difis'EvaBen..lSun.,121 Eddy Ladies' French Ben 318 Post Ladies'H*b.Relief,2Sun,l 1 Kddy Ladies' Pro. . .Geary and Franklin Ladies, Relief . .Fraiiklin and Post Ladies' Sarah, 2 & 4 Sun, 121 Eddy Ladies Seamens' Friends.. 1 Wed., Main and Harrison L idies' U. B. colo'd, Powell nr Pac Ladies U. B.,Tujs., Post & Taylor League d' Henri IV. Mut Ben, 620 Bush Leitrum Ben., Fri. 121 NewMontg'y Letter Carriers' M. A, 1 & 3 Tues. 121 Eddy Lick Old Lidies' H.. Henry & Un'T LilieMthaler V, 2&4 Wed, 620 Bush Little Sist. In. Shelter. .512 Minna L mgshoremen's lHen..737 Mi^8i()n Lovely Ben. Ver., 2&4Thu.413 Sutr Luxemburg B.S., M, 1309 Stockton MadridM.B.Soc,lastSun,812Pacific Marine Eng. Assn, 3.'), at 36 East Master Mariner's Fri, 120 O'Farrell Medical, Kclectic. .. 14i2 Folsom Men'sHome,34 Minna, lodg & meals —90- Merchants' Club. .... 222 Sansume Metzger Vereiii, 2 & 4 Th, 14 Third Mexican M. B. .1 tWed, 812 Pacific Michigan Ass'n. . 2 M., 414 Mason Microscopic Soc, 432 Montgomery Mission Turn Sch western, 1 & 3 Thur, I8th near Valencia Mission Turn V.1& ST . 1 8& Valencia Nat. French League, 1 Tu,145Geary Nat Sons Vermont, 2 F, 1107 Mkt Netherl'Js B. A., M rket & Sutter Ninety- Eight Club,4 Fri,220Mas( n Norwegian ... I & 3 Wed. , 12;i6 Mkt Nord. i>eut.Verein,2& 4 Tu.3r> Edv Old Friends, 2 & 4 Wed, 14 Third Old People's Home,lsi Wednesday Pierce and Pine OndenburgerV.,2&4F.810 Kearny Orangemen, 2 & 4 Thur., 3f) Eddy Order Unity 71, Th 102 OFarrell Order World— Silver Star 6, 2 & 4 Tues, tiOEJdy Oriental O. L. F., F.i., 114 0"Farl Oesterreich Nat.V,2Tu, 507 Sutter Pac. Mut. Aid. . .Tu- s., 9D9 Market Pac. PhiUtelic Soc 16 Geary Pac. Rescue Home A . . 520 Kt arny Pac. Soc. Sip. Vice. .14 McAllister Pastorial Aid Soc y, Post & Taylor Pedlers' Pro. Atg a, 1 M, 30O Farl Peruvian Soc, l <&3Mon, 102 O' Farl Piedmontese M . A. 2 Sun .607 Union Pioneers Soc 24 Fourth P. 0. Clerk's Ass'n, 50tj Battery Polish . Ben. Sue . . 3 Sun , 620 Bush Portuguese Pro.,2&4Th,510Bush Press Club (S. F.) 121 Ellis Press Club, German. 14 Third Printers' M. A. Ass'n.l Th, 413 Bush Printer.VMut Aid Soc,lTh.32 O' Far Prison Com. of State, 652 Market Produce Ex. M. B. . 431 California Progressive End Guild, S.F. Chap. Wednesday 414 Mason Regular Army and Navy Union, 2 &4 Tues., 114 0'Farrell Republicau St. Cen. Com., Palace H Robinson Bequest Fund for Needy People Mayor's Office, S. F. Royal Arcati'm, 2 & 4 Mon,32 O'Far Roy. Mas. Rites, 1 &3Sat. 320 Post Roy. Good F's,244,l & 3 Fri.20Eddy Saxonia Verein H. Discher, Pr S.F. Alliancel, 1 &8Thu,r21 Eady S. F. Biveker Vef , 1 & 3 Wed, 413 Sut S.F. Benevol. Ass'n,.. 725 Montg'y S. F. Chap. Architects, 2Fri,408Oalf. S. F. Co. Med. Soc 803 Sutter S. F. Co. Phyt^icians ar.d Surgeons, 1 Wed, California Med College S.F. Council of Women, 102 O'Far S.F.Denial Ass'n Soc. .14 Grant ave S.F. Fruit & Flower Mis., ti3i Sutr S.F. FiauenVer.,l&3Thu,413Sut S.F. Grutli Ver..l&3Tu, 421 Post b.F. HelvetiaVer, 2&4W.413Bush S. F. Kelliier Verein 413 Bush S.F. LadiesVer. l&3Th, 413 Sutter S.F. Manuerchor, Tues., 323 Turk S.F.MadneTemp. .Sae'to &Drumm S.F. Medical Sjc.,Tu., 32 0'Farrell S.F.Produc8Ex. Soc. 425 Calif ^ruia S. F. Settleme.it Ass'n, 15 South Pkar, near 3d & Bryant S.F. Schuetzen Verein. . .620 Bush S.F. SchwabenVer.1&3M.323Turk S. F.Turn Schwestern, 2 W,323 Turk S.F. Turn Verein 328 Turk S.F. Verein . . Post and Leavenw'th Sasinek Ass'n33, Nat. Slav. Union, last Sun Aft. 620 Bush Scandinavian, Tues., 120 O'Farrell Scan. Ladies Aid, 3 Fii, 909 Market Schleswig Holz,l&3Thur, 421 Post Schuetzen Ladies' Verein, 413 Sutr Sch wabeii Verein, 1 & 3 M, :'23Turk Scotch-Irish, 1 & 3Tue., 406 Sutter Scottish Thistle :-l O'Farrell Serra L., 3 Sun Aft., 20 Eddy Servian American, Wed, 729Montg Servian-Montenegro, 10 California" Servian Soc. 1&3 Mon 909 Market Slav. Mutual, 4 Th., 114 O'Farrell Slav. M. B., 4 Sun., 121 New Mont Slav. Cath., 91, 4 Thu, . .507 Sutter Social Old Friends 413 Bush S)C.Prot. Children 1170 M»rket SocietaTicenese . . 729 Montgomery Societa Liberale . . 729 Montgomei y SonsEmerald Isle,l Wed,3z0Mason Sons of Jacob, 1 Sunday, 121 Eddy SonsSt.GeorgeEm.&Rel.317Mason South Germ. Ver.l&3Thu, 413 Sut S.P.R.H. Employes' Mutual Bene- fit Union, 4 Montgomery Spanish Ben. last Sunday, 320 Post Spai ish M. Ben. Soc. . ..413 Sutter Sportsman's 'Asso.,lTu. 313 Bu3h St. Andrew's. .Monday, lllLarkin St.Joseph's Ben. 1 Th', Dolores & 16 St. Mary's Ladies. . .Cal. «fe Dupont St. Patrick's Mut. Alliance Inst. 1st and 3d M -nday, 220 Mason St. Peter's Lad. Aid Ch. Stoc.&Filb St. Peter's Unt.Ver., 123 G. G. Ave St. Paul's German Catholic Benev- olent, 123 Golden Gate A ve St. Vincent de Paul S, 1100 Franklin Stevedtres B.U.Tue,127 New Mont. Sud Deutscher Ver, 2&4 W, 20 Eddy ^Suppression of Vice. .1170 Market Swedish Ben. Friday, 909 Market- Swedish Patriotic L,,lMon,909Mkt SwedishK.G.B.l&3Wed,120 O'Far'l Swedi hL.G.B.2&4VVed,120 O'Far'l Swedish Ladies Aid 3 Fri, 909 Mkt Swedish & Fins R,l&3Fri,909 Mkt Swiss Mutual Ben 526 Kearny Swiss Liberal 727 Montgomery Teachers' Aid, 1-3 Wed. N. City Hall Technical Soc. College, 819 Market Telegraphers Old ,R. R.l S,35 Eddy Teutonia . .Tuesday, 1322 Howard Thaha Verein 414 Pine Theosophic Societies, 414 Mason, also 819 Market Ticinese Mut Aid, 2 Sat, 729 Montg Ticinese Lib'l Soc, 1 W, 720 Montg Tivoli Mut. Aid, 2&4Thur8. 30 Eddy True Friends, l&3Tu, 114 O'Farrell Turn Schwestern Verein, 323 Turk Turn. Soc, Tues. & Fri., 2£7 12th Union Printers' M. A. Sun. 320 Sa.m United Dramatic Co. .1236 Market Un. Friends of Cal. 2&4W.102O'F'l Un. Old Friends Cal. 2&4W, 413 Sut United World, Cal. Council, Fri, 1019^ Market —91- Ver Concordia. .1 & 3 W, 409 Rush Ver Deutsche Wirth,Fr.,41S Sutter (Anti-License Society). Verein Eintracht.Woi. . .237 12th Ver. Eintracht S >c 287 12th Ver.Oe8tereich,l&3Thur,507Sutter Ver.Nat. Oester, 2 Tubs, 507 Sutter Veterans,Ger.Army,l &3Tu, 143d Veterans' Home Off., 320 S«insome Wid. &Orph. Police. New City Hall Wirths Verein, 1 Frl., 418 Sutt«r Women's Exchange 26 Poit Yale Alumni Ass'n, C. Page, Pres Zoological Society 819 Market Zyther Lyra Club 620 Bush PROTECTIVE SOCIETIES & E.ABOR UNIONS, Voice of Labor, 6 City Hall Ave. W. A. for Association; B, Benevolent; Jour., Journeyman; L, League; P Protection; R, Room; S, State; Soo., Society; U, Union; Verein. Labor Bureau Association Hall, 915J Market. Federation Hall, 1159 Mission. Anti Saloon League, 208 Mason Architects, S. F. Ch. 2 Fri, 819 Mkt Arts and Craft, 424 Pine Associated Stevedores, 419 Front Astronomical Society, 819 Market Bakers' Emp. Bur., 81 Fourth Bakers'24, & Emp. Offi.Tu,115Tu.k Bakers Union 51, Sat., 819 Howard Car Builders A., 2 & 4 Th 1159 Misn Carpenters 304, Monday, 1159 ," 707, Thurs., 1749 " " Dist.Coun,102O,FarreH Carp's & Join's,22,Fri.,1133Mis8ion *' 483 M. 915^ Market ** •* W. 1133 Mission Amal, Th, 317 Mason Bakeri Mas. P. A.l&3Wed,413 Bush Carriage Bldrs, 2&4 Wed, 237 12th BakerVer.S. F. ,S.l & W, 413 Sutter Cigarmakers 228, l&3Tu,368 Jessie Bakers Work3rs Ass. 1S,607 Union Bar Association, 530 California Barbers P.A.,1 & 3 Thur.,320 Post Barbers U., 1 & 3 Tu, 102 O'Farrell Barbers U, 1 Monday, 115 Turk BAr& Catercrs,l&3thu,312 Mason Boilermakers,2&4 Th,102 O'Farrell Boilerm'k's,In.Bro.32,Tu, 1133 Mis Bookbinders, 1 Fri, 102 O'Farrell Boot and Shoe, Tues., 597 Mission Boot & Shoem.Ex.C,M, 597 Mission Bottlers'Pro. Ass'n Sat,852 Howard BoxSawyers&Nailers,M,1159 Mis'n Beer Drivers U. 5, Fri, 121 Eddy Brewers Ex. Com., Tu, 1159 Miss'n Brewers Union, Sat., 1159 Mission Brewers & Malsters 1,S.,1159 Missn BrewersP. Ass'n, Fri, 2 p.m.809Mkt Brewery Work., Tues. 1159 Mission Brickhandlerp, 1 &3 Mon, 915i Mkt Bricklayers, Wed.' 121 Eddy' Broom Makers U,Thu., 1159 Mis'n Brotherhood L. U.; Thu., 1159 Mis Brotherhood Cooper. Common- wealth, 2 p.m. Sun, 909 Market Builders Association, 313 Bush Build'g Tra.Coun.Thu 1133Mission Bldg Tra. L, 2 & 4 Wed, BldgTra.& Labor Bur. 9L5^ Market Butchers Ass'n, Thurs, 115 Turk Butchers, Jour., Thu.. 909 Market Butchers Brd.Trade,Tu, 114 0'Farl Butchers, Wed., 121 Eddv Butch.rs, German, 2&4Thu, 14 3d Cal.Almal.611, 2 & 4Thu,3l7 Masn " Ass'n Civil Eng, 819 Ml|^, r 56 " Bankers Ass'n, 532 California Cigar Packers, 1 & 3 Tu. , 368 Jessie Coast Seamens Union, East & Misn Coal Dealers Ass'n, 22 Market Coal Dealers Ass'n, 2 Fri, 121 Eddy Comm'l Travelers, S. F., 1 & 3 Tu, 120 O'Farrell Comm'l Travelers 4 Sat, 120 O'Far'I Conductors R.R.115,l&3Sa,35 Ed'y Confectioners, 1&3 Wed ,310 O'Far'I 42; Thu, 115 Turk Cooks & Waiters, 5 Stockton German M., 651 Mission OoopersU. Jour.2&4 Th, 1102 O'Far'I Cornicemakers U, Fri., 121 Eddy CustomH. Clerks,lMon,102 O'Far'I Dairymens Union, 115 Davis Dental Society 208 Mason DeutscheWirtheVer.4Fri413Sutter Dray. &Teamsters,2&4Sat. 121 Eddy Dry Goods Men,l & 3Th.,114 O'Farl Electrical Soc, I & 3 Mon. 819 Mark Elec. Workers, 1&3 Wed, 120 O'Far Engineers Amal. 1 & 3Sat.l21 NM. Engineers, Sta, Thurs, 102 O'Far Engineers, Mar. 52,2&4Tu,1140'F Engineers, Loc. B. 161, 1st Tues. & last Sat., 503 Valencia & 16th Engineers, Stat'y. Thurs, 121 Eddy Engineers, Sta, Nat. Tue, 20 Eddy Engineers, Sta, Wed, 102 O'Farrell Eureka Soc. Prot. Child., 1170 Mkt Exhibit Women's Work, 26 Post Farmers & Prod Ass'n, 7th&Bryant Farmers Club, 2 Tues, 31 Post Fed. Improve. Club,lWe,121 Eddr Fed. of Women, 1 Sat.,114 0'Farr'l Fishermens Cal. Co., 8 Union Harbor Pilots 15,Mon.ll4 0'Fl Firemen Amalg.,lAD.- Yellow Cars. Riute from Ferry, going out, down East , south to Folsom; on Folsom to Second, on Seco id to Bryant, on Bryant to and on 26th to Mission, the terminus. Brya it St. cars in coming toward the Ferry, c: me down 26th to Bryaiit to 10th, on lOlh to Brani an, on Brannan to and on 2d to and on i^'olsom. the main liae to the ferry, (on busy days and during Tngleside rac^ season. Mission St. Exteation line run over this lir.e both \\ays and give a id receive transfers same as that I'ne.) Tva isfers at Fols jin and Second either way, to Folsom St. line, also to a d from Ferry b >th ways; at Folsom and 2d to 2d St. line going to Market, atid these cars transfer at 2d and Market to and from the Ferry; at Br\a it a id 4th to Ellis St. line g( ing to 3d an! Townsend; at Branna 1 aid 4th to Ellis St. h le going to\^arJ the Park, at Brannan a id 0th t J 6th St. car^ both ways; at Bryant anl 16th to and from Sola.io St. line both ways; a*^ Bryant and 24th to and from San Bruno Ave. line both_ways (walk a ^hort distance); at 26th and Mission to a id from bothways to 2i;th a id Mission St. branch. First car from Ferry 5:51 a.m. La>t car from Feary 11:25 p.m. First car from 26th and Misaion St. 5:15 a. m. Last car from 26th and Mission St. 10:45 p. m. *CALIF*^RNIA CAAi.E CO Office, California and Hyde. Route from Market and Drunim out California, to Central Avenue. First car haves Central Avenue, 5:45 a. m. Last Car leaves Central Ave. 12:';3 p. m. First car leaves Market and California 6:05 a. m. Last car leaves Market and California 12:03 a. m. Time of trip 26 minutes. Transfers given to and received from the Sacra- mento line at Central Avenue to and from Golden Gate Park and at Hyde and Calilomia to and from Hyde St. cars both ways, and at same point to and from Sutro Electric Line to and from the Cliff House and Sutro Baths. ♦CAIilFORlVIA CABLE CO. -H YDE & O'PARRELL ST. LINE Route from Market on O'Farrell, to Jones to Pine, on Pine to Hyde, on Hyde to Beach. First car leaves O'Farrell and Market 6:18 a. m. Last car leaves O'Farrell and Market 12:80 a. m. First car leaves Beach and Hyde 5:55 a. m. Last car leaves Beach and Hyde 12:05 a. m. Transfers given at California and Hyde, both ways to California St. cars; at Union and Hyde to Union St. ears, both ways; at Jones arid O'Farrell to Jones St. cars for Market. BRANCH LINE— on Jones, from Market to OFarrell. First car leaves Market and Jones 6:18 a. m, Leist oar leaves Market and Jones 12:27 a.m. Transfers given and received at Jones and O'Farrell to ^nd from both ways to Hyde St. Cars, northward. Time of Trip, 18^ ihinutes. CAL.IFORWIA & MONTGOMERY ST. HORSE CAR LINE. — Route from Montgomery, on California, to Drumm, to Market, to East and the ferry. Transfers only to and from Montijomery St, horse car line both ways. First car leaves ferry 7:38 a.m. Last car leaves ferry 6:38 p.m. First ear leaves Montgomery and California 7:45 a.m. Last car leaves same place 6:45 p.m. CARJL ST. ELECTR C LINE.- Route from Oak on Masonic Ave. to and along Frederick to Clayton, to Cole, to Carl, to Fii-st Ave., to I, to and on Ninth Ave., to H-St. entrance to Golden Gate Park. Transfer at Masonic Ave. and H to Haight St. cars going east, and from west-bound cars; at Masonic Ave. and Page St. to Ellis St. cars and from west bound cars; at Masonic Ave. and Oak to and from Eddy St. line both ways. First ear leaves H and 9th Ave 6:00 a.m. Last car leaves same point at 11:15 p. m. First «ar leaves Oak and Masonic Ave. 6:25 a. m. Last car leaves same point 11:30 p.m. CASTRO ST. CABLE LINE.— Route from Ferry cut Market to 17th and Castro, out Castro to Twenty-sixth. Transfers same as Valencia St. Line; also issued at Haight and Gough to Haight St. cars for the Park, and received from Haight St. Line going south to Twenty-sixth Street on Castro St. Line; at Castro and Eighteenth to the San Francisco and San Mateo Electric Line for the Ferry, and received from the same line going south on Castro to Twenty-sixth, and many other points; also to and fr:»m Post St. line at Market, 10th and Polk. First car leaves Ferry 6:42 a.m. First car leaves 26th and Castro 5:55 a.m. Last car leaves Ferry 12:40 p. m. Last car leaves Twenty- sixth and Castro 12:03 p.m. CLiIFF HOUSE STEAM LINE— Route from CentralAvenue out California, round the Bluffs to Sutro Heights and Cliff House Transfers at California and Sixth Ave. to Sacramento St. line either way; at California and Central Ave. to and from Jackson St. line; at California and Central Ave. to Sacramento St. line for the ferry (walk one block north) and at California to and from the California St. I'ne. First train leaves Central Avenue for Cliff House 6:30 a.m. and hourly to 9:30 a. Htt., then half-hourly until 5:30 p.m., then hourly to 9:30 a. m. Last train leaves Central Avenue for Cliff House 9:30 p.m. Last train leaves Cliff House 10:00 p.m. On Sundays, trains run every 20 minutes from 8:40 a. m. to 5:45 p. m.; then hourly until 10 p. m. Time of trip, 20 minutes. Trains stop Sixth Ave., 13th Ave., City Cemetery, Bakers Beach, Lands End, and at Other Points at request of i^assengers. E1>I>Y AND TURK ST. ELECTRIC LINE.— Route from Market and Powell, out Eddy to and on Devisadero to Jackson; and back to Turk, down Turk, to Market and Mason, to Eddv, to Powell and Market. Transfers given only when asked for, when settling fare; transfer to and from all Market St. cars going to the Ferry and receive them from the same same coming from the Fen-y; at Eddy and Fillmcre to and from Fillmore and 16th St. line both ways: at Devisadero and Sacramento to Sacramento cars going west to Golden Gate Park and from Saciumento St. line to Devisadero cars cfoing south; a!) Jackson and Devisadero to Jackson St. line for the ferry, providing the car was taken on Devisadero after leaving Eddy St.; at Devisadero and O'Farrell to Ulis and O'Farrell St. ears for the Park. First car leaves Market and Eddy 6.23 a.m. First car leaves Jackson and Devisadero 6.00 a.m. Last car le9,ves Jackson and Devisadero 12:86 a.m. Last car leaves Market and Eddy 1.00 a.m. Time of trip 28 minutes. EJLLIS AND 09FARREI.il. ST. ELECTRIC LINE.- Route "rom Townsend and Third to Fourth, to and across Market, to EUis^, along Ellis to Hyde, to O Fan-ell, to Devisadero, to Oak,to Stanyan, to Haight and Golden Gate Park; return on Page to Devisadero,to Ellis, to Market, to Fourth and Townsend. Transfers at Third and Townsend to Third and Kentucky electric line to 16th ave, south. Ell's St. cars coming from the Park transfer at Fourth and Bryant to Bryant St. line towards the Mission; at Fourth and Folsom to Folsom St. line towards the Mission; at Fourth and Howard to Howard St. cable cars, either way; at Fourth and Market to all Market St. cars toward the Ferry; at'Ellis and Powell to Powell St. lines for North Beach; at Ellis and Leavenworth to Post St line and connections, both ways; at Page and Masonic Ave. to and from Carl St. line for 9th ave; at'Ellis and Devi-adero to Page St. cars going east, and reeaived from pa^engers going north, and all Ellis St. oars transfer to and from the Park and Ocean line, both ways. First car leaves Stanyau fur Third and Townsend 5:20 a.m. First cvr leaves Third and Townsend for the Park 5. '6 a.m. Last car lewts banyan for Third and Townsand 12.16 p.m. Last car leave i Thii d a-id Townsend 12:51 a.m. Last car leaves Ellis and Market for Park 1:03 a. m. FIt.L.MORE & SIXTEENTH ST. ELECTRIC LINE. — Green cars. Route from 16th and Folsom St. west on 16th to and on 3hurch, north; to and on 13th to Fillmore, on Fillmore north to Bay (North Beach) ; return same route. Transfers are given only to passengers who ask^or them when settling for their fares. In going west and north transfers are given at Folsom and 16th or Solano both ways to and from Solano or 16th St. Ime; at same point to Folsom St. line both ways to and from; at 16th and Mission to Mission St. cars going south; at Fillmore and Haight to and from Haight St. cars both ways going to or from the Park; at Fillmore and Oak to Oak St. line for the Park; when Fillmore St. cars go sru'h, transfer to Hayes St. line for the ferry; both ways at Fillmore aid Turk to Turk St. line for Market; both ways at Fillmore and Geary to G oary St. line for the Pak; at Fillmore and Sacramento to Sacramento St. line for the Park and Cliflf house; both ways at Fillmore and Washington to Washington St. line for the ferry; both ways at Fillmore and Jackson to Jackson St. line for the Park and Cliff House. First car leaves 16th and Folsom 5:30 a.m; Last car from same place 12:25 a.m. First car leaves Bay St. terminal 6:05 a.m. Last cai- leaves same plaee 11:47 p.m. Time of trip 35 minutes. FIFTH ST. HORSE CAR LINE.— Horse cars. Route from Fifth and Market down Fifth to Bluxome, to Fourth and Townsend. Transfers at Fifth and Market to and from all Market St. Lines both ways, and to and from Powell St. Line; at Townsend St. Terminal, near Third; to and from Kentucky St. cars, and from all cars going north or south; at Fifth and Harrison to San Mateo Electric cars going South towards the Mission; and at Fifth and Bryant to Electric cars going to the Ferr>'; and from Fifth St. cars going North* First car leaves Fifth and Market 6:0S a.m. Last car leaves Fifth and Market 11:42 p.m. Fifkt car leaves Fomlh f nd Townsend 5:40 a. m. Last car leaves Fourth and Townsend 11:52 p. m. FOI.SOM ST. ELECTRIC ROAD.— Green Cars, Green Light. Route from the Ferry along East to Folsom, out Folsom to Precita Ave. Transfer in coming in at Second and Folsom to Second St. Electric read, toward Market and to Brj^ant Electric cars going to the Mission; at Third and Folsom to Third going south to Third and Townsend; at Fourth and Folsom to Fourth and Ellis electric line going west to- w ard Golden Gate Park; at Fifth and Folsom to Fifth St. cars goin^r -»6— to Towusend; at Sixth and Folsom to Sixth St. cars going to Market; at Tenth and Folsom to Post and Leavenworth St cars both ways ; from Folsom St. cars going to the Ferry; at 16th and Folsom both ways to and from Solano Electric line going to the Potrero, at 2tM;h and Folsom to Bryant electric line toward 29th, Ingleside Race Course and the Mission. First car leaves Precita Ave. and Folsom 5:30 a.m. First car leaves Ferry 6.00 a.m. Last car leaves Precita Ave. and Folsom 11:25 p.m. Last car leaves Ferry 12.00 a. m. Time from Ferry to Precita Ave. and Folsom, 32 minutes. *GEARir ST. CABLE LINE.— Route from Lotta's Fountain,cor Market, Geary and Kearny, out Geary to First ave, out Point Lobos to 5th ave, to and on Fulton to 7th ave, entrance to Golden Gate Park. First car leaves Kearny and Market 6.10 a.m. First car leaves Golden Gate Park 6.16 a.m. Last car leaves Kearny and Market 12.38 a.m. Last car leaves Golden Gate Park 12.03 a.m. Transfers given at Geary and Market to and from Market St. cars to and from the Ferry; at Geary and Fillmore to and from Fillmore «St 16th St. Electric Line both ways. Time of trip from Kearny to Golden Gate Park 30 minutes. «OL,I>EN GATE PARK STEAM LINE.-Rtiute from 7th Avenue and Cliff, South to Fulton, out Fulton to 22d Ave. Trains -ionnect with Cliff House Line. HAIOHT ST. CABLE LINE -Dark Red Cars, Red Light. Route from Ferry out Market to Haight, out Haight to Stanyan to Golden Gate Park. Transfers same as Valencia St. Line until Haight St. is reached, then at Haight and Market from east-bound H ight St. cars to Castro and Valencia St. lines goii^g south, and from Castro and Valej.cia St. cars going toward the Ferry to Haight St. cars bound for the Pwrk: at Haight and Fillmore to and fiom Fillmore St. cars, both ways, and at Haight and Masonic ave, both ways. First^car leaves the car house 5:25 a. m. Last car leaves Stanyan 12:00 a.m. First ear leaves Ferry 6:00 a.m. Last car leaves Ftny 12:35 a. m. Time of trip 31 minutes. HAYES ST. CABLE LINE.— Green Car^-, Green Light. Ruule from Ferrj^ out Market to Hayes, to Stanyan— entrance Golden Gate Park. Transfers same as Valencia St. Line until Hayes St. is reached, then at Hayes and Folk to and from Post and Leavenworth line, either way, and to Fillmore and 16th St. cars going north, and from them coming south. First car leaves Haj^es and Stanyan 5:12 a.m. First car leaves Ferry 5:44 a.m. Last car leaves Ferry 12:37 a.m. Last car leaves Stanyan 12:04 a.m. Time of trip, 32 minutes. HOWARD AND »4tli St. CABLE LINE.— Route from Ferry on East to and on Howard to 24th to Potrero ave. Transfers at Third and Howard to and from Third St, electric line south ts Third and Townsend; at 4th and Howard to and from Ellis St. electric line to and from the Park; at 6th and Howard both ways to 6th St. cars going toward Market; at Tenth and Howard to and from Post and Leavenworth cable cars; at Temiinal 24th and Potrero ave, to and from San Bruno line and Dwight St , South San Francisco. First car leaves Tenth and Howard for Ferries 5:03 a.m. First car leaves Tenth and Howard towards the Mission 5 a.m. First car leaves Ferry for 24th and Potrero 5:o2 a.m. First car leaves 24th and Potrero for Ferries 5:20 a.m. Last car leaves Ferry for 24th and Potrero 12:00 a.m. Last car leaves 24th and Potrero for Ferries 12:26 a.m. JACKSON & \¥ASHINGTON ST. EINE.- Route rom Fer y going West out Clay to Mason, to Jackson, out Jackson to Central Ave., to and returning down Jackson to Steiner, going East on Washington to Stockton, down Stockton to and down Sacra- mento to the Ferry. On Sundays and evenings these cars run from Market St. T» ansfer going west at Clay an«? Sansome to 6th St. horse cars; at Clay £tnd Powell to Powell for Market; at Clay ai d Sacramento St. line —97- for the Park; at Mason and Jackson to Powell St. line for North Bea.eh; at Fillmore and Jackson to Fillmore St. line both ways; at Devisadero and Jackson to Devisadero St. line for the Park; at Central A^e. and Sacramento to Sacramento St. line for the Park; at Central Ave. and California to steam line for the Cliff House. Transfers going east at Washington and Fillmore to Fillmore St. line going south; at Washing- ton and Mason to Powell St. line, either way (day time): at Sacramento and Kearny St. cars going south (day time) and when cars run on Powell St. route, transfers are same as on Powell St. cars. First car leaves Ferries G:02 a.m. Last car leaves Ferries 6:34 p. m. First car leaves Central Avenue 5;55 a.m. Last car leaves Central Ave. for Ferry 6:03 p.m. KENTUCKY AND THIRD ST«— Electric Road- Route from Third and Market down Third to Berry, to Fourth, to and on Kentucky, to and on Railroad Ave to 16th ave, south. Transfers at Market and Third, to and from all Market st. cars both ways; to Kearny st. line for North Beach; at Mission and Third to and from Mission st. both ways, at Howard and Third to and from Howard 8t. both ways: at Folsom and Third to Folsom going west, and from Folsom in going to the Ferry; to Brannan and Third down Brannan to and from Pacific Mail Dock; at Third and Townsend to and from Fourth St. Line both ways; to and from Third St. Electric line when the Kentucky st. line stops at Third and Townsend; to and from Fifth St. horse cars both ways at same point, and at Kentucky and 18th to and from Solano St. Electric line. First car leaves Third and Market 5.58 a.m. Last car leaves 16th ave south for City 11:56 p.m. First car leaves 16th ave south and Kentucky 5:55 a. m. Last car leaves Third and Townsend 12:20 a.m. Time of trip 32 minut€s. McAt.L.ISTER ST. LINE— Yellow Light, Yellow Car. Route from Ferry out Market to McAllister, to Fulton, along Fulton to Seventh Avenue — entrance to Golden Gate Park. Transfers same as Valencia St. Line at Second, Post, Geary & Kearny, Ellis, Powell, Fifth, Turk. First car leaves Fulton and Seventh avenue 6:00 a. m. Last car leaves Fulton and Seventh avenue 11:57 p. m. First car leaves Ferry 6:08 a. m. Last car leaves P'erry 12:32 a. m. Time of trip, 33 minutes. MISSION ST. MAIN LINE.— Electric Road. Route from Ferries out Mission to Twenty-ninth St. Branch lines from 22d and Mission west on 22d to Dolores, to 24th, out 24th to Hoffman. Transfers given at Third and Mission to Third St. cars going south and to Fourth and Ellis Electric line going toward Townsend St. Depot; at Tenth and Mission to Post and Larkin St. cars northward, and received from the same cars south-bound to west-bound Mission St. cars ; at Fourteenth and Mission to and from the S. F. & San Mateo Electric Road to Twenty-sixth and Noe. At same point, from Electric Road to Mission St. line for the Ferrj', at 16th and Mission to the Fillmore and 16th St. Electric cars going North Beach, and from the same line at Sixteenth and Mission coming south; at 22d, to and from the 22d and 24th St. Electric roads; at 26th St. to Bryant St. Electric road toward the Ferries, and at 29th and Mission Electric road to and from Mission St. cars and from the Mission line to the Mission Extension Electric road to Ingleside. Time from the Ferry to 29th st, 35 minutes. First car leaves Ferry 5:39 a.m. Last car leaves Ferry 1K)2 p.m. First car leaves 29th and Sanchez 5.00 a.m. Last car leaves 29th and Sanchez 12.28 a. m. MISSION ST. EXTENSION ELECTRIC LINE.— Green Cars. Route from 29th and 2i^ssion out Mission Road to Onondago Ave., to and on Ocean Ave., passing Ingleside Race Course to Ingleside House and Corbett Ave. (At busy times and during Ingleside Racing Season, cars on this line nm on Mission St^ and also on Bryant St. to Market and East to the Ferry; at these times they transfer to all points same as on the Mission St. main line, and on the Brjant St. line.) Transfer at Mission and 29th to and from Mission St. main line both ways; at same place to and from Mission and Kearny St. line both ways; at same place to and from the Bryant St. line both ways; at the same place to and from the Valencia St. line both ways (walk one block.) In going or coming from Ingleside no transfers are received or issued. Sig. 9 First car leaves Mission and 29th at 5:00 a. m. First car leaves Tngleside 5:08 a.m. First car for Ingleside 11:28 a.m. First car leaves China Ave 5:00 a.m. Last car leaves Ingleside 11:52 p.m. First car for China Ave, 12:32 p.m. Last car leaves China Ave. 12:44 a. m. Time from 29th and Mission to Ingleside 29 Minutes. :?IISSION, KEARNY Sc BROAD AlAY ST. I^INE- Yellow cars. Route from ferry on East, to and on Broadway, to and on Kearny, to Third, to and on Mission, to 29th and Noe. Cars run and transfers are given and received same as Mission St. main line until Third and Mission is reached, here the cars run and transfers are given the same as the Third and Kearny St. line until Broadway is reached, then on Broadway to East and the ferry. Transfer both waj-s to and from North Beach from Kearny St. line. First car from feny 5:45 a.m. Last car from ferry 12:54 a.m. First car from 29th and Mission 5,00 a.m. Last car from same place 12:20 a.m MISSION AND 22a ST. BRAXCH LINE. -From 22d and Mission, West, on 22d to and on Dolores, to 24th, out 24th to Hoffman. During busy time of the day the cars run through to ferry and give same ti-ansfers as on the Mission St, Electric Main line. MONTGOMERY ST. HORSE CARS.— Route from Market on Montgomery nortli to Jackson (present terminus.) Transfeis at Market and Montgomery to and from Second St. line; at same place to and from Sixth St, line; at same place to and from Post St. line both ways; at California to and from the California St. horse car line for the ferry; at Jackson and Kearny to and from Broadway St. line for the ferry; or to and from the Third and Kearnj- St. line for North Beach. First car leaves Postjand Market 6,20X'a. m. Last car leaves same point 8:10'p,m. First car|leaves Jackson 6:00 a.m. Last car leaves same point 8:00 p. m. ^^^^^^^^^ PARK STEAM EINE.— Route from Seventh Ave along Fulton (North side of Golden Gate Park) to 24th Ave. Transfers are given to and receivefl from either the Geary, McAllister or Sacramento St. car lines. Cars run everj- 20 minutes from about 10:00 a.m, to 7:C0p,m., according to time of jear. PARK AND OCEAN STEAM MOTOR LINE— From Stanyan St, on south side of Golden Gate Park to Ocean, thence north to foot of Cliff House Hill. This line will soon be rebuilt as an electric line, when cars will be run at short intervals as late as the travel on the road may require: at present the trains run on week. da«s from 7,00 10 10,00 hourlv, and every 45 minutes from 10,00 a.m. to^Mp p.m., and on Sun- days 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, then 10.20 and every 20 'minutes until 6.10 in winter, and 8.00 p.m. in summer. Transfer to and from Haight, Ellis and O'Farrell lines. Time from Park to Cliff House, 15 minutes. POST AND EEAVENWORTH CABLE LINE.-Red Car. Route from Market and Montgomery out Post to Leavenworth, to City Hall Avenue, to Grove, to Polk, to and across Market, to terminal at Tenth and Howard. Ti'ansters at Tenth and Howard from Howard St. lines going towards the Ferry, and to Howard St. line south toward the Mission, to and from Folsom St, line going towards the Mission (walk one block to Folsom); at Ellis and Leavenworth to Ellis St, Line going west, and from Ellis coming east; and at Market and Post to and from Montgomery St, line, going north to Jackson St, only, and to Ferries by all Market St. cars; to and from Second St. electric line; at Post and Powell to Powell St cars going north, and receive both ways from Powell St. line, and when Post St, cars are going west to either the Haight, Castro or Valencia St. lines going towards the Mission; at Market and Hayes to Hayes west, and receive from Hayes coming east, and at 10th and Mission to Mission cars going south-west, and receive from the same going to the ferry. Fii'st car leaves 10th and Howard for Post and Market 5:41 a. m. First car leaves Post and Market for Tenth and Howard 6:01 a, m. Last car leaves Tenth and Howard for Post and Market 11:35 a. m. Last car leaves Post and Market for Tenth and Howard 11:55 a. m., connecting with the last car on the Ellis, and Howard St. lines. Time of trip 20 minutes. POAVEL.L. ST. CABLE LINE.- Yellow cars and light. Route from Market and Powell out Powell to Jackson, to Mason, to Taylor, to Bav, at North Beach. transfers given and received both ways to and from all Market St. cars at Market and Powell, and to and from 5th St. cars (walk across Market to 5th St.) for S.P.R.R. Depot at 3d and Tovvnsend; at Powell and Ellis to Ellis SL. line either way, and from Ellis St. line to Powell St. cars going north; at Powell and Sacramento to Saciamento St. line for the ferries; at Powell and Clay bo Clay St. cars to the Park; at Mason and Washington to Jackson St. line (until 4:30 p.m. in winter and (5:00 p.m. in summer) for the ferry; at Mason and Jackson to Jackson St. line for Central Ave. both ways. First car leaves Market and Powell 6;05 a.m. First car leaves North Beach G:01 a.m. Last car leaves Market and Powell 12:33 a.m. Last car leaves North Beach 12:15 a.m. SACRAinENTO ST, CABLE LINE— Route from Fulton along Sixth Ave. to Lake, to Sacramento, to East, to Ferry, going West on Clay from the Ferry to Larkin, to and along Sacramento to Lake, to Seventh Ave., to the Park. Transfers in going west at Clay and Sansome to Sixth St. cars gcing south toward Market, and at same place from Sixth St, cars to Sacra- mento line to the ferry; at Clay and Powell to Powell St. line bcth ways, and at same place to Jackson and Powell St. cars going west; and at night, at same place both ways; at Sacramento and Central Ave. to and from Sutro line for the Cliff House, both ways (walk one block); at Sixth Ave. and California to Cliff House steam line. Transfer in coming from the Park at Sixth Ave. and California to the Cliff steam line both ways to and from the Cliff; at Sacramento and Central Ave. to Jackson St. line for the Ferries; at Sacramento and L>evisadero to cars of Tuik St. hne going south; at Sacramento and Fillmore to Fillmore and Kith St. lines for the Missiv^n; at Sacramento and Powell to Powell St. line both ways; at Sacramento and Kearny to all Kearny St. cars goin^ to- ward Market. First car leaves Ferry 6:14 a. m. First car leaves Sixth Ave. and Fulton 6:03 a.m. Last car leaves Sixth Ave. and Fulton 11.47 p.m. Last car leaves ferry atl2:31 p.m. Last car leaves Central Avenue for car house at Mason 12:12 a.m. First car leaves Central Ave. 5:46 a.m. Time of trip 37 minutes. SECOND ST. ELECTRIC LINE.— Route from Market on. Second to Folsom, connecting with Folsom or Bryant St. lines. Car run to Market St. morniiigjkiid evening. Transfers to all Market St. cars at Second and Market for the ferry,, and from them going west; at same place to and from Montgomery St.. horse cars; at Second and Folsom to and from both ways the Folsom or Bryant St. lines. First car from Folsom 6:30 a. m. Last car from Market 8:34 a. m. First car from Folsom 4:15 p. m. Last car from Market 6:34 p. m. *S. F. & S. M. EI.ECTRIC SYSTEM. — MAIN- LINE. Office, Thirtieth and San Jose Avenue. Route from Steuart and Market down Steuart to Harrison, to Fourteenth, to Guerrero, to San Jose Avenue, to Holy Cross Cemetery, to Baden. Fare, 10 cents, and distance 12 miles from the Ferry. Five cents fare to Co. line. Transfers going south-west at Harrison and Fifth to and from south- bound for Third and Townsend and the Potrero, and from north-bound Fifth St. cars, at Bryant and Fifth to Fifth St. cars for Third and Townsend, and at Harrison and Sixth to and from Sixth St. cars both ways; at Bryant and Sixth to Sixth St. cars, either way; at Ninth and Harrison to s!ltter St. line both ways ; at Mission and Fourteenth to south-bound Mission St. cars, and fioni north-bound Mission St. cars to east-bound Electric cars ; at Valencia and Fourteenth to south-bound Valencia St. cars, and from north- bound Valencia St. cars to east-bound Electric cars; at Army and Guer- rero and at Army and Valencia to and from Valencia St. cars both ways; at Valencia and Fourteenth from east-bound Electric cars to north- bound Valencia St. cars ; at Mission and Fourteenth from east- bound Electr c cars to north-bound Mission St. cars ; at Bryant and Sixth to and from Sixth St. cars both ways, and at Bryant and Fifth to and from Fifth St. oars going south, at 18th and Guerrerro to 18th St. line, to and from Golden Gate Park, at San Jose Ave. and 90th, -100- to and from Ocean View, Cemeteries and Baden. First car from Steuart and Market, near Ferrj', 5:45 a.m.; last car from Ferry, 12;30 a.m.; first car from Baden g-oing north, 6:10 a.m.; last car to Baden, 10:36 p.m. ; last car from Thirtieth going- south, 11:52 p.m. to Engine House; last car to Cemeteries 11:27 p.m.; last car from Cemeteries 10:45 p. m.; last car from Ocean View 11:^5 p.m. ; Last car to Ocean View 12:00 a.m. An extra fare is charged after leaving Ocean View. A funeral car is run on request at any time. Time of trip from ferry to 30th St. 38 minutes. Time from 30th St. to Baden 40 Minutes. Distance from Ferry to Baden, 12 Miles. *SAN FRANCISCO & SAN MATEO ELECTRIC ROAD.— BRANCH LINE to PARK.— Route from Eighteenth and Guerrero along Eighteenth west to Douglass, along Douglass to Casselli Ave., then westerly on Casselli Ave. to Falcon Ave., along Falcon Ave. to and along Eagle to A^hbury and Frederick, then along Frederick to Clay- ton to Waller to Stanyan to Golden Gate Park. Transfers at Eighteenth and Guerrero to and from the main line both ways; also at Eighteenth and Castro to south-bound Castro St. cars, and from north-bound Castro St. cars to east-bound Electric cars. First Car for Golden Gate Park 6:19 a.m. Last Car from Park 8:47 p.m. LAst car to Dan vers St.. from ferry 12:02 SAN BRfJNO AVE. ELECTRIC LINE. -Route from Potrero ave and 24th to and along San Bruno ave to Dwight and Silver Avenue terminus. Transfers to and from the Howard St. line at 24th and Potrero both ways, and by walking 3 short blocks, the transfers from San Bruno line can be used on the Bryant St. electric line. First car going to Dwight St. leaves Potrero ave and 24th St. 5:21 a.m. First car from Dwight St. 5:50 a.m. Last car leaves same -point going south 11:31 p.m. Last car leaves Dwight St. for 24th and Potrero ave, 12 m. Cars on 15th ave about same time. SIXTH ST. HORSE CAR LINE. -Red Light. Re ute from Jack- son on Sansome, to Market. Market to Sixth, down Sixth to Brannan. Transfer at Sixth and Bryant to and from S. F. & S. Mateo Electric Line; at Sixth and Harrison to and from same line; from cars going to the Mission; and also to Brj-ant St. cars going to the Mission; at Sixth and Folsom to Folsom St. cars going to the , Mission; at Howard and Sixth to Howard St. cars going to the Mission, at Sacramento and San- some to Sacramento St. line to the Ferries; at Jackson and Sansome to Union St. horse cars to the Ferrj'. First car leaves Jackson and San- some 6:55 a.m. Last car leaves same point 11:21 p.m. First car leaves Sixth and Brannan 6:10 a.m. Last car leaves same point 10:20 p.m. SOIiANO ST. ELECTRIC LINE. -Route from Kentucky out 18th to Connecticut, to 17th, to Kansas, to and on 16th, to Folsom; Transfers at 18th and Kentucky both ways to and from Third and Kentucky St. line; at 10th and Brj-atit to Bryant St. line both ways to and from; at 16th and Folsom to Folsom St. line both ways to and from, and at same place to 16th and Fillmoie St. line both ways to and from. First car leaves 18th and Kentucky at 5:45 a.m. Last car leaves same place at 11::35 p. m. First car leaves 16th and Folsom at 6:00 a. m. Last car leaves same place at 11:50 p. ni. Time of trip 15 minutes. *SUTTER ST. CABLE ROAD. -Office, Sutter and Polk. Red Light. Main Line route from Ferries up Market to Sutter by Horse Cars, then by Cable line out Sutter to Central Avenue. Transfer at Sutter and Polk to or from Larkin Cable Road, North or South, and at Central Ave., to and from Sutro Electrjc Line, to and from Golden Gate Park and Cliff House. Time of trip from Ferries to Cemeteries 32 minutes on Main Line. First car leaves Ferry 5:55 a.m. Last car leaves Ferry 12:10 a.m. First car leaves Central Avenue 5:28 a.m. Last car leaves Sansome 12:39 a. m. Last car leaves Central Ave. 12:15 a.m. *S1:ttTER ST. CABLE ROAD.— LARKIN & POLK ST. LINE Route from Ninth and Brannan up Ninth to and across Market, past Mechanics' Pavilion, up Larkin to Post, out Post to Pacific, to Devisa- dero. Transfers are given to and received from to Sutter St. Cars, going both ways, and to and from Polk and Pacific Ave. to Polk —101- St. horse car, branch Une to Union, and to and from horse car line to and from Union St line both ways; and also to and from Larkni St. line either way, to and from S. P. and San Mateo Electric Road at Ninth and Harrison, going either wsy; at 9th and Biannan to and from 9th and Larkin St. line. I'ir.st car leaves Ninth and Brannan 5:46 a.m. Last car leaves Brannan and Ninth 12:34 a.m. First car leaves Union 5:42 a.m. Last car leaves Polk and Union 12 midnight. . First car leaves Devisadero and Pacific 5:49 a.m. Last car leaves Devisadero and Pacific 12:13 p. m. Time of trip 29 minutes. SrXRO ELECTRIC LINE. -Route, Sutter on Central Ave. to California, to Parker Ave., to and along Clement Ave, to 33d Ave., to and nlonir Point Lobos Ave. to 49th Ave., to Sutro Baths. Transfers at Central Ave. and Sutter to and from Sutter St. line both ways; at California and Central Ave. to Sutro's line; at Eighth Ave. and Clement to and from the Park Branch line both wajs. First car leaves Central Ave. 6:15 a.m. Last car from same place 12 m. First car leaves Cliff at 6:15 a.m. Last car from same point 11:48 p.m. SUTRO LINE PARK BRANCH.— Route from main line on 8th Ave. to Fulton, to Golden Gate Park. Transfers both ways t j and from the Park line, and to Sutter St. line going eastward. TIIIRI> AND KEARNY ST. ELECTRIC LINE.— Route from Third and Townsend along Third to and across Market, to Kearny, to Broadway, to Montgomery Ave., to Powell, to Bay (North Btach.) Transfers both ways to and from Kentucky St. line at Third and Townsend; Third and Bmnnan to and from Pacific Mad Dock; at Third and Folsom to Folsom St. cars toward the Mission, both ways; at Third and Howard to and from Howard St. line; at Third and Mission to and from Mission St. cars, both ways; at Third and Market to and from all Market St. cars both ways, to Third St. cars going south: at Clay and Kearny to Sacramento St. line for the Park; at Kearnj- and Jackson from south-bound Kearny St, cars to Montgomery St. horse car line; at Broadway to Broadway St. line to the ferrj- from Kearny St. cars going south. First car leaves Third and Townsend for North Beach 5:20 a.m. First car leaves North Beach for Third and Townsend 5:45 a. m. Last car leaves Third and Townsend for North Beach 12:15 p.m. Last car leaves North Beach for Third and Townsend 12:39 a. m. *rNION ST. CABLE ROAD—MAIN LINE-OABLE DIVISION — Office, 1111 Union, cor. Leavenworth Route from Montgomery and Washington out Montgomery Avenue to Union, out Union to Baker, Greenwich, to Presidio Reservation on steam line, on Baker to Beach, to Harbor View and Presidio; also horse car line from ferry to Mont- gomery and Washington. Transfer at Washington and Montgomery to and from Horse Car lines for the Ferry both vvays, at Hyde and Union to and from Hyde and O'Farrell St. Electrife line both ways, at Greenwich and Baker to and from Steam line both ways to Harbor View and Presidio; in leaving ferries, to and from 6th St. h^rse car line at Jackson and Sansome. First car leaves Washington and Monigomery 6:15 a. m. Last car leaves W^ashington and Montgomer}' 12:05 p. m. First car leaves Presidio 5:55 a. m. Last car leaves Presidio 11:31 p. m. Time of trip each way 33 minutes. *UNION ST. CABLE ROAD- FERRY LINE. -HORSE CAR DIV- ISION'. — Route from Ferries north on East to Jackson, to Montgomery to Washington and return on Washington to Femes. Transfer to and from Union St. main line both ways. * UNION ST. CABLE ^AD— STEAM CAR DIVISION— Route from Greenwich and Baker down Baker to Beach, to Harbor View, to Pre-sidio Reservation Grounds. Transfer to and from Union St. main line, both wa\s. VALENCIA ST. CABLE LINE— Main Line, Blue Cars, Blue Light. Route from Ferries out Market to Valencia, down Valencia to Twenty-eighth and Mission. Transfers at Second to Second St. Electric line going south, and from Second to all Market st. cars for the ferry: Post st. to Post St. cars going west, and from Post st. oars for all Market st. cars for the ferry, —102— and Tliird and Montgomery' to horse-cars ^oing north to Jackson: Geary and Kearny to west-bound Gearv St. cars, and from Geary cars to the Ferry, and to and from all Market st. cars going either \\ to Third St. cars going south; Market and Third to Third and Keai Electric line gointr south, and from the same line to all Market St. c; going west; at Ellis and Fourth to Ellis St. Electric line going we at Powell and Market to Powell St. cars from all east-hound Market cars, and from Powell St. cars to all westbound Market St. cars ; Fifth and Market to and from Fifth st. cars both ways; at Eddy a Market to west-bound Eddy st. Electric cars, and from Eddy cars to all Market St. cars bound for the ferry; at and to Turk Electric cars going west to Devisadero and Jackson, and fr Turk St. cars to all Market st. cars going toward the fer Haight and Market from e ist-bound Valencia St. cars to west-boi; Haight St. cars, and from east-bound Haight St. cars to south-boi Valencia St. cars ; at Valencia and Fourteenth from south-boi Valencia St. to south-bound S. F. & S. Matco Electric cars for Cou Line, and from S. F. & S. Mateo east-bound Electric cars to es bound Valencia St. cars, also from north-bound Valencia St. cars east-bound S. F. & S. Mateo Electric cars, and from wets-bound S. & S. Mateo E'ectric cars to south-bound Valencia St. cars; at22d a Valencia to and from Hoffman St. on the 22d and 24th St. Lii at Valencia and 28th to Mission St. extension line for Ingleside. First car leaves Ferry 5:36 a. m. First car leaves Twei eighth and Mission 5 a. m. Last car leaves Ferry 1 a. m. ''Last leaves Twenty-eighth 12:24 a. m. County Seat— Miles From San Francisco. County. County Seat. Miles. County. County Seat. M Alameda Oakland 8 Placer Auburn Alpine Markleeville . . . 315 Plumas t^uincy Amador Jackson 152 Riverside Riverside Butte Oroville 170 Sacramento . . . Sacramento . . . Calaveras ... . San Andreas. . . 142 San Benito .... Hollister , Colusa Colusa 140 S. Bernardino. S. Bernardino . Contra Costa.. Martinez. - 36 San Diego San Diego — Del Norte Crescent City. . 274 San Francisco, San Francisco. El Porado Placerville 148 San Joaquin . . .Stoctkon Fresno Fresno City. . . 207 San L. Obispo. San L.jObispo. Glenn Willows 151 San Mateo Redwood City. . Humboldt Eureka 218 Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara. Inyo Independence . 561 ^anta Clai-a San Jose Kern Bakersfield 315 Santa Cruz . . . .Santa Cruz Kings Hanford 222 Shasta Redding Lake Lakeport 119 Sierra Do\^Tiieville . . . Lassen Susanville 271 Siskiyou Yreka Los Angeles. . . Los Angeles . . . 482 Solano Fairfield Madera Madera 185 Sonoma Santa Rosa. . . Marin San Rafael 18 Stanislaus Modesto Mariposa Mariposa 193 Sutter Yuba City Mendocino, . ..Ukiah 114 Tehama Red Bluff Merced Merced 152 Trinity Weaverville . . . Modoc Alturas 399 Tulare Visalia Mono Bridgeport 447 Tuolumne Sonora Monterey Salinas City.. . . 118 Ventura S.Buenavent'a . Napa Napa City 46 Yolo Woodland Nevada Nevada City. . . 166 Yuba Marysville Orange Orange 514 GREAT FIRES IN SAN FRANCISCO. Dec, 24, 1849, a million dollar loss. May 4, 1>S50, four million dollar loss. June 14, 1850, almost laid the entire city in ashes, 5 million dollan July 17, 1850, burned several remaining blocks, ^ million dollars. May 4, 1851, about 12 million dollars loss. June 22, 1861, about 3 million dollars loss. Sauta Clara Count v has more than half the prune trees in Am eric California is the only raisin-producing State in the Union. STREETS, AVENUES, AllEYS, PLACES AMD SPRES OP THE CITY AND COUNTT OF SAN FRANCISCO. Reference— The name of every Street in this city is gi'-en in phabetical order, with its location and that of all Avenues, j. lleys, 'urts, Places and Streets that begin at or cross the street in question. i^ umbers on streets runninar from the bay (like Market, Mission, .cramento, etc. ) begin at the bay ; those north an .' south of Market ke Geary, Kearny and Third) begin at Market. Missii. i s^. )et from th to the County line, is the beginning of, and all streets nunxoer E id W frum it. Even numbers are on the right and odd numbers on o left hand side from the place of beginning— 100 numbers or less, each block. IjOcatiiig"~r.etters and Figures at end of description all streets, shows the index lines oii the Map running N and S and and W forming quarter mile squares by which the distances in any rection can be ascertained, and also the location of any street may i found within a quarter of ^mile square by the index. * Fig^ures at top and bottom and the letters on each side of IAI*5 designating that part of the City in which the alley, court, ace or street may be found. Example : On streets not given in detail the highest grade or eleva- 3n, in feet, is given in the figures immediately following the name ' the street. Example : Acorn Alley, 251 b California & Sacramento, f 1115 Leavenworth W 12,6-2,6 13 F 376. This indicates that the highest grade is 251 feet, the width ' street and of sidewalk are shown in feet and inches and are separ- ;ed by a comma. 12,6—2,6 indicates that the street is twelve feet :et six inches and the sidewalk two feet six inches wide. The figures, before the name of a street show that the Avenue, lley. Court, Place or Street begins at or near (1115 Leavenworth) jat number. 1 3 indicates Section 13, North and South. F indicates Section F, East and West. The figures 3 76 give the mmiber of the block in which the small :reet is located. Where t"WO sets of locating figures are given (6 and 10 L) as in .labama, it shows the name of street is found in those places : Fleva.tion or Grade, in feet, of all main streets, at corners, ; given in right hand column of figures. Example : Ala.ba.ina, b Florida and Hairi- son, f Channel' F to Serpentine av. 90—15. 80-19< 6 and 10 L. 1 Channel 6 101 Alameda 9 201 El Dorado 12 The figures, 6, 9 and 12 show the grade. The figures following ^he location of the street show the width of street and width of side- "talk, the two being separated by a dash. If the street is not of the ame width throughout, two sets of figures are givln, as in the xample, Alabama* Wditlt of street is from house line to house line, and includes J)oth sidewalks, as in Alabama 60—15, 80—19. The streets are 30 and 42 eet wide, the sidewalks on each side are 15 and 19, or both 30 and 38, thus makins: streets and sidewalks 60 and 80. Alabama Street widens from 60 to 80, this is whj' the two widths are given. Where cross street are not given in detail, reference is made where they can be found. The crown or center of all graded streets is 12 to IS inches higher than at the curbstone. The dasli in coliimii of street numbers shov/s that this street does not cross the main street. A blank space in the column of street numbers signifies that the street crosses between the numbers given. Abreviatioiis— AJ for Alley; Alph for alphabetical; Ave for Avenue; b for between; c for Fractional Blocks; con for continue; Ck for Creek ; Co for County; cr for cross or crossing; Ct for Court ; d for does not cross ; e for end of street ; ext for extended ; PI for Place ; Kd for Rooad ; Res. for Reservation ; So for South in street names; S s for South side; St for street; N, E, S, W for points of compass. Base means 6h feet above high water. NOT£— Any omissions in this list are of facts not now attainable A, b Point Lobos av and B, f First av VV to ocean. 80—19. 29 I. Ave. Ave. 1 1... .198 2401 25... ,.145 101 2 . . . .102 2501 26.., ..147 201 3... .186 2601 27... ,.170 301 4... .176 2701 28... ..215 401 5 . . 176 2S01 29.., ..245 501 6... 176 2901 30... .293 601 7... .175 3001 31... ..285 701 8 .. .165 3101 32 . ..240 901 9... .166 3201 33.., . 230 901 10... .190 3301 34.., ..205 1001 11... .185 3401 35.. ..194 1101 12... .167 5051 36.. ..192 1201 13... .165 3601 37.. ..192 1301 14 . ,.162 3701 38.. ..200 1301 1.5 . . 162 3S01 39.. ..204 1501 16 .. .160 3901 40 . ..199 1601 17... .150 4001 41.. ..215 1701 18... .148 4101 42.,, ..204 1801 19... .162 4201 43 . ..183 1901 20... .147 4301 44.. ..177 2001 21 . . . lo2 4401 45.. ..194 2191 22... ..136 4501 46.. ..187 2201 23 . . .134 4601 47.. ..182 2301 24... ..143 4701 48.. ..174 4900 Great Highway. A Soutli or Third Ave South f SW to Co. line, b Ship and B South. 64—15. 1 Y. Ave. Ave. I 1... 801 9 .. . 24 101 2... 901 10... . 24 201 3 .. 1001 11... . 19 301 4... 1101 12... . 14 401 5... . 6 1201 13. . . 12 501 6... . 15 1301 14... . 14 601 7 . . . 18 1401 15... . 9 701 8... . 21 Sts. and Nos. continue to 37th Av South. See J South. Aberdeen^ (Elk) b Donah and Albert, f Brown Ave SW to Co. line, c 14. 1 Brown 601 Reynolds 701 Martin 501 Walbridge 101 Visitacion 201 Sunnydale 891 Steineflfer 301 Medford 901 Biclousk 401 Astor Aeaclemy 204, b San Jose Ave & Chenerv, f Fairmount to Charles 14 U 17\ Acadia, f Circular Ave and S. P. R. R. to Mangles t. of Baden, 60—15. 16 V. 1 Sunnyside & Cir. Av. ... 223 101 Joost Ave 264 200 Mangles Accacia, f Ocean House Road SW to Lake View, W of Josiah and Howth. 40—10. 1 Geneva Ave 301 Ottowa 101 Unadilla 401 Lake View 201 Mt Vernon Acorn Alley, 251, b Calif 'a & Sacramento, f 1115 Leavenw'th W. 121—2^. 12 F 276. Acton, 310, S of Oliver f 8360 Mission Road SE cr Brunswick, Hanover and Bellevue. 20 c. Ada Alley, 115, b Hyde and Leavenw'th. f Ada Court E. 63. Ada Court, 105. b Leavenworth & Hvde, f 620 O'Farrell N. 25— 5. il G 282. Adair, 33, b I5th and 16th, fm 1950 Howard W to Cador 35—7. 12 M 34. Adam, 10, f Colusa S, b San Bru- no Rd & Holliday av. 31—7. 9 R Addison, 482, f Bemis W to 2001 Castro. 40-10. 15 U. Adelaide Place, 105, b Geary & Post, f 521 Taylor W. 15.0— 3,2. 11 G 223. Adela, 20, b Chase and String- ham, f Lslais Creek S to Hecker. 40—10. 8 T. Adcle Alley, 133, b Stock- ton & Towell, f 824 Jackson N. 21,6—4,6. 10 D 134. Adler, 54, b Pacific & Broadway, f 1128 Dupont E to Montgomery Avenue. 17,6—3.6. 9 D 87. Adler Alley, 134, b Chatta- nooga & Church, f 22d s. 14 P 67 Adona Place, 217, b Mason & Tavlor, f Washington N. HE 187 Agate Ailey, 118, b Taylor and Jones, f 624 Post N to Lewis PI. 16,6—3,3. 11 G 222 Alines Lane, 84, b Stockton &; Dupont, f 414 Montgomery Ave N to Green. 10 C 108. Aileeii Ave, b Dolores & Guer- rere, f 540 Fifteenth N. 14 L 28 Alabama, b Florida and Harri- son, f 1201 Division S to Serpen- tine Ave. 60—15. 80—10. 10 Q^ 1 Channel 6 101 Alnmeda 9 201 15th 12 301 16th 19 401 17th 20 501 Mariposa 21 601 18th 18 701 19th 16 801 20th 17 901 21st 25 1001 22nd 32 1101 23rd 37 1201 24th 40 1301 25th 41 1401 26th 87 1601 Army 36 1701 Bernal Park and Precita 35 1801 Aztec Montcalm 135 1901 Stoneman Rntledge 221 2001 Ripley Place 135 e Esmeralda Avenue 123 Alameda, b Division and 15th, f the bay W to Harrison. 66—15 6 & 10 L 1 Georgia 101 Michigan 201 Illinois 301 Kentucky 2 401 Eighth 501 De Haro 601 Rhode Island 7 701 Kanaas 8 801 Vermont q 901 Nebraska 0] 1001 Utah 11 1101 Potrero Av 15 1201 Hampshiro 30 1301 York 28 1401 Brvant 22 1501 Florida 12 1601 Alabama 9 1701 Han-ison Alamo Sqnare, 212. b Scott & Steiner, Haves & Fulton. 16J Ala^ika, 7,b Water Front and Mexico, f Water Front S to In- dia. 89—19. IT \ Alaska Plaee, 3, b Bav ahd North Point, f 2421 Mason W. ]1 B 175 Albany, 424. b Flint & Masonic Ave W of Castro and X of 16th extnnded. 17 M Albert, 160, b Elk and Idalene, f Yisitacion S to County line. ^^ — 15. (SeelElk for cross sts.; -Albert Alley, 63, b Fifteenth and 16th, f 210 Dolores W. 14 M83 Albion Ave, f 15th to 3125 17th, b Valencia and Guerrero. 13 M Aleatraz, f Islais Ck S to Hecker b Bourne & A dele. 40—10. 8 T Alder Alley, b Guerrero and Fair Oaks, f 815 Twentv-first to Twentv-fourih. 15—3. 13 P 75. Aldine, 258, f Parker Ave W to 1st Ave S of Turk. 20 J. Alemany, b Dolores & Church f 3318 Seventeenth to Church Lane. 20— 5t M 14. Alemany Ave, W^ of Mission Road, f Springdale S to Ocean Ave. 16 X. 1 Springdale 137 101 Danton 201 Lyell 301 Tingley 117 401 Theresa 124 501 Cotter 133 601 Francis 139 701 Croke 142 801 Harrington 143 901 Norton 148 1001 Bauer 150 1101 Ocean Ave Alger Place, b Harrison and Brvant, f 449 First E. 6 G 344. Alice, b Third aad Fourth, f 745 Folsom to Louisa. 20—4. 8H. Alice Alley, b Taylor & Jones, f Post N to Lewis PI. 11 G 222. Allen, b Union and Filbert, f 2007 Hyde W and S. I7i— 3|. 12 C 296. Alleys C't, b Sansome & Mont- gomery, f Greenwich N. 9 B 42. Allison Ave, f 6800 Mission Rd. SEb Pope & Florence. 17 b. 1 Mission Road 220 101 Cross 201 Morse 301 Brunswick 401 Hanover 501 Bellevue Alma Ave, r 1200 St any an E b Grattan and Rivoli. 50—10 19 M Aimer a, b Leavenworth and Hvde, fClayN. 12 E 274. Alpine, 315, b Broderick & Cas- tro 1100 14th N to 13th. 16 L. A It a, b Union & B'ilbert, f 1229 Sansome W. 35-7. 9 C 44.* Alta Plaza, b Scottand Stei- ner, Jackson and Clay. Alvarado, b 22d & 23d. f San Jose Ave to Ocean Road. 64 — 18. 16 P. 1 San Jose Ave 40 At 1021 Guerrero 201 Sanchez 245 501 Noe 250 551 Castro 310 601 Diamond 293 701 Douglas 299 801 Hoflfman Avenue 373 e Ocean View Ave 430 Alms House Road, f 600 Clarenden Avenue 8W to Alms House. 20 P & 0. 6 Amador, b Islais & Calaveras f the bay to Illinois & Ist Av S. 66—15. 4 R. 1 Dakota 601 Delaware 101 Wyoming 701 Maryland 201 Ohio 801 Louisiana 301 Virgiria 901 Georgia 401 N. York 1001 Michigan 501 Masa'chtsllOl Illinois Amazon Ave, 164 f 6300 Mission Road E to Moscow. 60—15. I Mission Road 101 London 170 201 Paris 189 301 Lisbon 200 401 Madrid 207 601 Edinburgh 601 Naples 701 Vienna 801 Athens 901 Moscow 1000 Munich Amboy Alley, 90, b Powell AMason, f 748 Union N. 12^2J 10 C 154. Amlierst, b Princeton & Yale, f Silver Avenue S. 60—15. 12 W. 1 Silver Avenue 122 101 Silliman 135 201 Felton 163 Burrows — 1 Lick Old Bacon— t Ladies' Home 501 Wayland 179 601 Woolsey 701 Dwight 801 Omstead 901 Mansell Amity Alley, 8, b Montgomery Avenue and Mason, f Chestnut S. 81^. 11 B 178. Anderson, b Minot and Ells- worth, f Cortland Ave N to Cali- fornia Ave. 40—7. 12 U. 1 Esmeralda 101 Powhattan 228 201 Eugenia 262 301 Courtland Ave 203 321 Jefferson J 84 401 Union 143 501 Old Hickory 124 601 Crescent Ave 110 Andover Avenue, f Cortland Ave S bey Benton Ave, b, Ells- worth & Moultrie. 40—7. 12 U. 1 Esmeralda 101 ' Powhattan 325 201 Eugenia 252 301 Courtland Avenue 204 301 Jefferson • 182 Ellert .-.. 177 Newman W4. 171 401 Union East Ave 171 501 Old Hickory 165 East Park 160 Richland 156 601 Crescent 147 701 Benton Andrew, b Fifth and Sixth, f Folsom N. 9 I 392' Angicelica. f 16th S, b Valeneia and Guerrero. 13 72. Ankcny PI, 124, b Sutter and Bush, f 520 Powell E. 20-4. 10 F141. Anna L ^'2,01 VV'iSonsin ...... c . . 4) 2301 Caroline 20 2401 De Hare 20 2501 Rhode Island. .... 2^' 2601 Kansas 1^ 2701 Vermont l'> 2>01 Nebraska 1.") 2o01 Utah .. 1> Potrero Avenue ...... 1 ^ 3101 Hampshire 19^ 3201 York 21^ 3301 Brvant 23 3320 Florida 25 3330 Alabama 27 3401 Harrison 28 3501 Folsom 29 Shotwell 32 3601 Howard 35 Capp 46 3701 Mission 53 Bartlett 58 3801 Valencia 64 San Jose Ave 67 3901 Guerrero 70 S. P. R. R 106 .-4001 Dolores 116 4101 Chnrch 115 4201 Sanchez 163 4301 Noe 250 4401 Castro 279 4501 Diamond 350 4601 Douoflass 430 4701 Hoffmann Ave 570 4801 Bellevue 627 4901 Lincoln Ave 5001 Twin Peaks 6001 Stanyan 6101 Stanlord Heights Ave . 6201 Fowler Art Alley, f 1219 Market near 8th to Stevenson. Asli Avenue, b Fulton and McAllister, f 209 Larkin W to Buchanan. 35—7. 14 1. 1 Larkin 49 101 Polk 52 201 Van Ness Av 58 301 Frmklln 62 401 Goug-h 63 501 Octavi^ . 68 601 Laguna 77 701 Buchanan 85 Aslibiirtou Place, 59, Jj Post & Sutter, f 210 Grant Avl^ E. 14,6—3. 9 F 119. As lib II ry, b Masonic Ave and Clayton, f Fuiton S to Clarendon Ave. 68,8—15. IS N. 1 Fulton 238 101 Grove 254 201 Haves 248 301 Fell 227 401 Oak 228 501 Page 242 601 Haight 258 701 Waller 280 801 Frederick 356 Piedmont 16th ex 422 Rivoli C.ayton 17th 450 18th if produced 455 Clarendon 467 Opal Alley Astor, b Medford & Walbridge, f 2500 La Grand Av SE ^^^o Co. line. 64—15. 14 b. 1 La Grand 801 Biglow 101 Dinah 901 Wevland 201 Elk 1001 Gundlach 301 Albert 1101 Spreckles 401 Idalene 1201 Hahu 50 1 Brown 1301 Sawyer 601 Carter 1401 Loehr 701 Schiller 1501 Britton At liens, b Vienna and Moscow, f Silvir Ave and Madison SW to Amazon. 70—18. 15 Z. Cross streets same as Moscow. I Silver Ave 101 600 India 201 Japan 301 China 401 Brazil 292 501 Paris 60] Russia 272 701 France 801 Italv 901 At 800 Amazon Attridge Alley, b Jones & Leaven wor.h, f 1006 Filbert N. m-2h. 12 C 237. Atwater, b Greenwich and Lombard, f Larkin. Anbnrn, b Mason and Tavlor, f 1118 Jackson to Pacific. 20—4. II D 186. Aug^iist Alley, b Powell & Mason, f 720 Green N. 27^—5^. 10 C 165; Aug:nsta, f 1900 R South to San Bruno Av, b Helena and Sil- ver A v. 60—15. 9 U; Auld, b Avery & Sussex, f Gencssee W. 20 U 14. 1 R St. South 301 Elmira 1 Lavton 401 Cearter Oak 1 Conklin 501 Bouteil 101 Silver Av 601 Steuben 201 Waterville 701 S Bruno Av Austin, b Pine and Bu.sh, f 1213 Larkin W to Octavia. 35— 7. 13 F 137. 1 Larkin 155 101 Polk 150 201 Van Ness Av 175 301 Franklin 195 401 Gough 230 e Octavia 235 Avery, b Fillmore & Steiner, f 1820 Geary N to Post. Avery Place, (now Vance) b Lulu & 34thf Genessee W. 20 U7. 8 Avoca, b 31st and 02d, f 1830 Castro W bey Fowler. 19 U. 1 Crstro 101 Diamond 201 Douglas 301 Hofiman 401 Belleview Ave. 501 Lincoln Ave. 601 Twin Peaks Ave. 701 Stanyan Ave. 801 Stanford Aeights 901 Fowler Ave. Aztec, 190, S of Montezuma, f 105 Coso Ave E to Shotwell. 40—10. 11 S. B, b A and C, f 600 First Av W. to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 20 J. 1 1 Ave 204 2401 25 Ave 190 101 2 ....198 2601 26 ....193 201 3 ....192 2701 27 ....196 301 4 . . 184 2801 28 .... 202 401 5 ....182 2901 29 ....214 501 6 ....182 3001 30 ....220 601 7 ....l82 3101 31 ....237 701 8 . . . . 182 8201 32 ... . 224 801 9 ....212 3301 33 ...227 901 10 ...235 3401 34 ....204 1001 11 ...241 3501 35 ....196 1101 12 ... 220 3601 36 ...180 1201 13. ...207 3701 37. ...167 1301 14 .... 208 3801 33 .... 169 1401 15 .... 220 3601 39 .... 166 1501 16 ... 225 4001 40 ....165 1601 17 ....202 4101 41 ....155 1701 18 ....175 4201 42 ....143 1801 19 ....167 4301 43 ....120 1901 20 ....150 4401 44 . 112 2001 21 ... .175 4501 45 ... . 94 2101 22 . . . 160 4601 46 ... . 91 2201 23 ....137 4601 47 .... 86 2301 24 . . . 173 4701 48 ... . 62 e 49 .... 19 B South, f 3d Ave S, SW to Co. line, A South and C. 64-15, IX. lis.... 801 9 ....24 101 2 ... 901 10 ....24 201 3 .... 1001 11 ....21 301 4 .... 1101 12 ....18 401 5 .... 6 1201 13 ....15 501 6 .... 15 1301 14 .... 12 601 7 ... 13 1401 15 .... 9 701 8 .... 21 1501 16 .... 7 Sts. and Nos. continue to 30th Ave S. See J South. Uaclie, 165 b Porter & Andover Aves, f 500 Crescent Ave S. 40— 10. 12 V. Bacon, b Burrow and Weyland, f Potrero Ave W. 60—15. 12 Y 1 Potrero Avenue 175 101 San Bruno Rsad 201 Girard 401 Gottingen 501 Somerset 601 Holyoke 701 Hamilton 120 301 Bowdoin 136 901 Dartmouth 160 1001 College 168 1201 University 170 Lick Ladies Homs 1601 Cambridge 1701 Oxford 1801 Harvard 1901 Gambier 2001 Madison 2101 Knox 2201 Mansfield 2301 Ion e LeGrande Bacon Place, b Kearny and Dupont, f 527 Pine N. 9 E 93. Baden, f Circular Av N to Man- gels, b Aoadia and Congo. 60— 15. 17 W. 1 Circular Ave 1 77 101 Hearst 187 201 Sunnyside 233 301 Joost 293 400 Mangels 322 Badg-er, f 2600 San Jose Ave to Springdale W of Cotta. 16 W. Bag-ley Place, 37, b Grant Ave and Stockton, f 18 O'Farrell N. 35—7. 9 G 21. JBaker, b Broderick and Lyon, f Haight to Lewis. 100—22. 1 Haight 270 101 Page 240 201 Oak 202 301 Fell 199 401 Hajes 200 501 Grove 204 601 Fulton 200 701 McAllister 220 801 Golden Gate Avenue ... 245 899 Turk 276 Calvary Cemetery 1301 Geary 192 1401 Post 170 1501 Sutter 165 1601 Bush 175 1701 Pine 170 1801 California 190 1901 Sacramento 214 2001 Clay 240 2101 Washington 264 2201 Jackson 292 2301 Pacific 340 2401 Broadway 314 2501 Vallejo 216 2601 Green 146 2701 Union 88 2801 Filbert 60 2901 Greenwich 45 3001 Lombard 30 3101 Chestnut 21 3201 Francisco 18 3301 Bay 15 3401 North Point 12 3501 Beach 9 3601 Jefferson 6 3701 Tonquin 3 Lewis 1 Baker Alley, b Jackson and Pacific, f 1823 Dupont W. 9 D 111 Baker Avenue, f Barneveld Ave E to S South, b Kossuth and 15th Ave south. 40—10. 8 S 1 Barneveld Av 501 Llewellyn 101 Stringham 601 Orsenius 201 A dele Byrne 301 Alcatraz 701 Islais Chan'l 401 Bourne e S south 9 Balan<^, 6, b Sansonie & Mont- jronierv, f 420 Jackson lo Gold. 15—3/ 8 D 49. Balboa Boulevard, f 7th Ave and I south on Alms House Road to Ocean Ave. 23 S. Ualdwiii <'ourt, b Fremont and Jbirst, f 410 Folsom NE. Ill —Sh. 6 G 342. Balmy, b Harrison and Treat, f 311 24thto2oth. 11 Q 173. Bcltimore Park, b 13th & 14th, f Guerrero W. 40-10. 14 L25. Banks, f Esmeralda Ave S to Crescent Ave, b Prentiss and Folsom. 40-10. 11 V. 1 Esmeralda Av 101 Powhattan 230 201 Eug-enia 185 301 Cortland Ave 170 401 Jefferson Ave 187 501 Union Ave 154 601 Old Hickory 106 701 Crescent Ave 34 Baiinain Place, b Dupont & Stockton, f 512 Green N. 20—4. 10 C 107. Bariievelci Avenue, f islais Creek S to Silver Ave, b San Bruno Ave & Merrill, y S. 1 Islais Creek 101 Kossuth 201 Baker & Ihth AveS.. . 301 Bay View .... 401 Heeker 501 Loomis 601 Boutwell 701 Channel 801 Dickenson 901 San Bruno Ave 1001 Paulding 1101 Channel St 1201 Rickard 1301 Gavin 1401 Sweeny 1601 Hale... 1601 Silver Ave Harry, S of Wilde, f 2300 San Bruno Ave W to Holyoke. 60— 15. 8 a. Bart left, b Valencia & Mission f 917 21st to Army. 12 Q. 1 Twenty-first 64 101 Twentvs-eeoiid <)4 201 Twentv-third 66 301 Twenty-fuurth 08 401 Twenty-fifth 70 501 Twenty-sixth 66 Army 60 Bartoi, 39, b Sansome & Mont- gomery,'f 329 Vallejo S. 8 C 47 Battery, b Front & Sansonie, f 400 Market N to the bay. %E. 1 Market and Bush 5 101 Pine 4 201 California 3 213 Halleck 3 301 Sacramento 2 315 Commercial 2 401 Clay 2 417 Merchant 2 501 -Washington 2 Oregon 2 601 Jackson 2 UU Pacific 4 Chambers gOl Broadway 12 901 Vallejo 10 1001 Green 8 Commerce 1101 Union 5 1201 Filbert 2 1301 Greenwich base Lombard " Bauer, 149, b Norton & Ocean, f 5400 Mission Rd W. 40-10. 16Y. Bauni Alley, 110, b Powell and Mason, f 740 Union N. 3,9. 10 C 154. Bay, b Francisco & North Point f 2000 Kearny to Pre«idio Res^er- vation. 68,9—15. 18'C. 1 Keamv... 12 101 Dupont 10 Midway East 201 Stockton 8 Midwav West 301 Powelf 4 401 Mason 4 £01 Taylor 3 tiOl Jonps 10 Montgomery Avenue .^ 15 701 Leavenworth 6S 801 Hyde 80 901 Larkin 91 1001 Polk 80 1101 Van Ness Avenue 75 1201 Franklin 65 1301 Gough 60 1401 Octavia 45 1501 Laguiia 30 1601 Buchanan 15 1701 Webster 15 1801 Fillmore 15 1901 Steiner 15 2001 Pierce 15 2101 Scott y 15 2201 Devisadero 15 2301 Broderick 15 2401 Baker 16 Lyon , * . . Bay View, W of R. R. Ave, near 18th Ave S. 6 V. Bay Vie\w Road, b Heckei & Baker, f Barneveld Av E. 3 V. Bay View Place, 240 b Jones and Leavenworth, f 1924 Union N. 10—2. 11 C 238. Bay Aveuue, 38, b 1st & 2d, f Bryant S. 20—5. 6 H 357. Beacti, b North Point & Jeffer- son, f 2300 Dupont W to Presi- dio Reservation. 68,9—16. 18 B. 1 Dupont b*iO 101 Stockton " 201 Powell " 301 Mason " 401 Taylor ** 601 Jones 2 601 Leavenworth 5 Montgomery Ave 12 701 Hyde 24 801 Larkin 28 901 Polk 25 1001 Van Ness Avenue 12 Gov't Reservation 110 10 ^ 1101 Franklin 78 1201 Gough 60 1301 Octavia 26 1401 Laguna 12 1501 Buchanan 9 1609 Webster 9 1701 Fillmore 9 1801 Steiner 9 1901 Pierce 9 2001 Scott 9 2101 Devisadero 9 2201 Broderick 9 2301 Baker , 9 Lyon 9 Beacon, f 1929 Castro SE to Bemis, thence W to Castro. 15 T 1 Castro 101 El Monte 201 Bemis 426 301 Digby 401 Castro .".".'.*.".' Beale, b Main and FreniDnt, f 301 Market SE to the bay. 82.6 —19. 7 F. 1 Market i: Vischer Place 2 101 Mission 2 Bertha 2 201- Howard 2 301 Folsom 10 Beale Place 401 Harrison 40 501 Bryant 1 599^ 'Brunnan .^ 1 Beale Place, 4, b Folsom & Harrison, f 336 Main W. 6 F 382. Beaniaii, off 7th near Bryant, 9 K 410. Beaver, 204, b 15th and 16th, f 220 Noe \\ to Castro. 60—15. 16MJ17. Becks Ct., b Broadway and Montgomery, f 1407 Stockton. Meeker PI, h Post and Sutter, f Taylor E. Bedford PI, 141, b Stockton & Powell, f 808 Jackson N. 7,6. 10 D 134. Beideman, 160, b Devisadero and Scott, f 1920 Ellis to O'Far- rol. 17 H 454. Belclier, 116, b 13th and 14th, f Market N. 15 L 98. Belclier Ct., b Church and Sanchez, f 14 S. 14L95. Belden, b Montgomery and Kearny f 350 Bush to Pine. 9 F 73 Bell, f Cliff and Post, b William- son and Chase. 50—10. Bellgrave Ave, b Clarendon Ave.^. Eighteenth, f 1600 Cole b^y Stanyan. 50—12. 19 O. Bella fr Place, b Dupont and Stockton, f 230 Chestnut N. 25 —5. 10 B 102. Bellevue, b Hoffmann Ave and Lincoln Ave, f 1000 Elizabeth S to Mangels. 60—15. 17 S. 1 Elizabeth 482 101 Twenty-fourth 448 Jersey Twenty-fifth 473 201 Clipper 612 301 Twenty-sixth 569 Army 624 401 Twenty-seventh 673 Duncan. 608 501 Twenty-eighth 513 Valley , 428 601 Twenty-ninth 410 Day 400 701 Thirtieth 335 Clarkson 801 Thirty-first A voca 901 Thirty-second Sussex 1001 Thirty-third Surry 1101 Thirtv-fourth & Berk'sr 1201 Melrose e Mangels Bellevue Ave, S of Hanover, f 500 Allison SVV, 17 c. Bellevue Place, b Dupont and Stockton, f 526 Greenwich S. 10 C 105. Belmont Ave, 476, f Sunset to Willard W of Lotta. 60—13. 20 N. Belmont Place, b Bryant and Beman, f 521 7 th W. 10 K 410. Belv^edere, b Clayton & Cole, f 1525 Waller to Fredrick. 19 L. JKemls, 351, f Beacon SE to Fair- mount, SW to Castro. 40—10. 15 U. 1 Beacon 426 101 Fairmount 374 201 Miguel 353 Addison 343 401 Roanoke 223 501 Ciistro... 269 Bennlug'ton, b Wool & North Ave, f Euginia Ave S to East Ave. 40—10. 12 U. I Euginia 249 101 Courtland Ave 209 201 Ellert 215 301 Newman 226 400 East Ave 221 Benton Ave, S of Crescent Ave, f Andover W. 50—12. 3 VI. Beppeler, nr San Miguel station Bergen Alley, 42, b Bay and North Point, f 2607 Hyde W. 12 B 290. Bercliam Place, off Lea- venworth, near Golden Gate Av. II H 286. Berksliire, f San Jose Ave W to Lincoln Ave, b Surry & Mel- rose. 60—15. 17 V. 1 San Jose Avenue 101 Diamond 169 201 Fulton 183 301 Lippard ... 3 97 401 Clinton 203 501 Hamilton 211 061 Kingston or Burnside . . . 234 701 Hoffman Avenue 801 Bellevue Congo 901 Lincoln 1001 Detroit 1101 Edna 11 Berlin, b Girard and Gottin.i,^en, f Silver Ave S. (50-15. 9 X. 1 Silver Avenue 101 Silliman 201 Felton 301 Burrows 401 Bacon 501 Wayland 601 Woolsev 701 Dwight 801 Olmstead 901 Mansell.. 1001 Ordwav 1101 Ward .'. 1301 Wilde . 1201 Harkness 1401 Barry . liernal Ave? b Precita Av3 & Montezuma, f Coso Ave E to Folsom. 40—10. 112 R. 1 California Ave 54 Montezuma 101 Howard Manchester 291 Polsom Ueriiard, b Pacific and Broad- wav, f 1509 Tavlor to Leaven- worth. 11 D 242. Bern a 1 Park, S of Army, b Alabama and Folsom. 11 K. Bernice, b 1640 Folsom and Harrison, f 232 r2th to 13th. 45—10. 13 L 17. Berkeley Ave, b 9th and 10th, f Mission to Howard. 35—7. 12 K3. Berry, b King & Channel, SW f 800 2nd to 8th. ^ 86—19. 9 I.. 1 Second base Hammond Place " Third «' Madden '• Haggin " Tevis " Dewey " Fourth *' Fifth " Sixth " Seventh ** Eighth «* Berry, 6U, b fcuuei &. i>ush. f Dupont E. 35—9. 9 F 95. Berry S^l, b Sutter and Bu.01 Aug'ista 101 Helena 301 Silver Ave Bo\t'^doin, b Hamilton and Dartmouth, f 2100 Silver S to Ordway. 60—15. IJX. 1 Silver Avenue 127 101 Silliman 126 201 Felton 114 301 Burrows 150 401 Ba 3on 137 501 Wavland 145 601 Woolsev lOS 701 Dwight 173 801 Olmstead 270 901 Mansell 33S Bower Place, 83 b Dupont & Stockton, f 529 Green S. 10 C103. Bo^H'ie^ 20, b Howand and Fol- som, f 211 11th E. 35—7. 11 K 7 Bow^maii Place, 40, Sside Bryant near 1st. 6 H 351. Boyce, b Cook & Williamson, f 2800 Turk iS to Post St Ext. 60 —15. 20 H. 1 Post St. Ext 220 101 At 3300 Geary 212 201 St. Ro;es....^ 260 301 Jnnipero 401 Turk 326 Boyd, 8, b Harrison & Bryant, 7th & 8th, from E ctW sides of Chosley. 35—7. 10 K 410. Boylsoii, W of Merrill and Welden, f 2300 Silver Av N to Crescent Ave. 40—10. 11 V. Bradford, 118, b Peralta & Bronte, f Esmeralda Ave S to Hickory. 40—10. 10 U. J Esmeralda 101 Mayflower 201 Powhattan 301 Courtland Ava 51 401 Jefferson 133 501 U ion 601 Oid Hickory e Crescent Av3 Brady, 42, b 12th & Herman, f 1701 Market SE to W Mission. 50-10. 12 X. Braiiiiaii, b Brj^ant & Towns- and, SW f 600 Beale to Potrero Ave. 82,6—19. 7 K. 1 Beale base 101 Fremont " 201 First 2 301 Second 27 Stanford Central Pla-e , . . . Tliompson Ave i me .... 401 Third 12 417 Ritch base ■ Zoe " 501 Fourth " 601 Fifth " 701 Sixth " Clinton Geneva — - Boardman Place Brannan Place Gilbert 801 Seventh 7 Norton Court 901 Eig-hth base Converse 1001 Ninth 6 1050 Porrero Ava 6 1050 Tenth Bra^inan Place, b 6th & 7th, f 735 Brannan SE. 16—31. 9 K 412. Brazil Ave, b China & Per- sia, f 5300 Mission Road to La- grange. 60-15. 15 V. 1 Mission Road 168 101 London 189 201 Pans 204 301 Lisbon 217 401 Madrid 234 501 Edinburgh 249 601 Naples 264 701 Vienna 279 801 Athens 290 901 Moscow 309 1001 Munich 324 1101 Prague 1201 Dublin... 1301 Lagrange e Saratoga Breckels Place, b Hyde & Larkin, f 1433 Pacific N. " 12 D Breiiliam Place, 62, b Kear- ny and Dupont, f 726 Clay to Washington. 53—13, 9 E. 15re%v*iter, f Isabel S to Esnie- Ave S & E of Franconia. 10 S. Brid«>e Place, 210, b Leaven- worth and Hy>lc, f 1223 Broadway S. 12 D 270. Brijslil, b Orizaba and Head, f 300 Pahnetto N to Garfield. 22 a. Uriglfttoii Ave, b Lee Ave & Plymouth, f Ocean Ave S to, Lake View Ave. 60—15. 20. Z. I Lakeview J 01 Giafton Ave 201 HoUoway Ave 301 ()C3an View 283 Hrittoii, b Loehr and Rev, f Brown S past Co. line. 66 — 15. II c. Broad, b Farallones & Sado- wa, f San Jose Ave W to Oriza- ba. 80-19- 22 b. 1 San Jose Aye ... 101 Plymouth 300 201 Capitol ... 300 301 Orizaba 290 Broad's Place, 170,b Hyde & Larkin, f 1222 Bush N. 17—5. 12 F 307. Broad^ivay, b Pacific & Val- lejo. f 501 Fa-.t N to Davis W 82,6—19. 17 E. 1 Davis base 101 Front 3 201 Battery 12 ' Stevens .Alle3 301 Sansome 35 321 Prescott ■ Bartol 401 Montgomery 70 Rowland 501 Kearny 60 Pinckney Montgomery Avenue . . 60 601 Dupont 60 Duncan Court 701 Stockton 84 Virginia Court . Morey Alley 801 Powell 110 Scott Place 901 Mason 132 — — Salmon 1001 Taylor 220 Sweet Florence 1101 Jones 297 1201 Leavenworth ..... —— Morse Place 13 Bridf^e 130r Hyde .":. 190 1401 Larkin 155 -- — Maxwell 1501 Polk 140 1601 Van Ness Avenue 140 1701 Franklin 154 1801 Gough 158 1901 Octavia 174 2001 Laguna 184 2101 Buchanan :.'. 220 2201 'Webster 246 2301 Fllmore 236 2401 Steiner 170 2501 Pierce V 170 2601 Scott 240 2701 Devisadero 320 2S01 Broderick 294 2901 Baker 314 Lyon 32G e Presidio Res BrociericU, b Devisadero and Paker, f 900 Waller to Lewis. 68,9—16. 17 J. 1 vValler. '. . 280 101 Haight V. 241 201 Page 230 301 Oak 194 401 Fell 187 501 Hayea 196 601 Grove 200 701 Fulton ;. . 196 801 McAllister 234 901 GoldenGate Avenue... 242 1001 Turk 228 1101 Eddy 22f 1201 Ellis 205 1301 O'Farrell 180 1401 Geary 162 Garden Avenue 1501 Post 150 1601 Sutter 141 1701 Bush 157 ISOl Pine 160 1901 California 170 2001 Sacramento 184 2101 Clay 214 2201 Washington 243 2301 Jackson 272 2401 Pacific 330 2501 Broatlway 294 2601 Vallejo 198 2701 Green 150 2801 Union ... 130 2901 Filbert 104 3001 Greenwi(;h 60 3101 Lombard 30 3201 Chestnut 21 3301 Francisco 18 3401 Bay 15 3501 North Point 12 3601 Beach t> 3rol Jefferson 6 3801 Tonquin 3 Lewis 1 Broiiiptoii Av, f 700 Lin- coln Ave E, b Gold Alley and Bloomfield. 18 P. Bronte, b Bradford & Putnam, f 900 Courtland Ave S to Ores- cent Ave. 30—10. 10 U. 1 Courtland Ave 70 101 Jefferson Ave 163 201 Unioii Ave 46 301 Old Hickory 11 401 Crescent Ave & Welden . 8 Brook, 136, f 3500 Mission W to San Jose Ave & S of Kingston Ave. 80—10. 9 G 98. Brooklyn PI, 128, b Dupont & Stockton, f 833 Sacramento S. 20-4. 9 E 115. Brooks, 38, b Kearny & Grant Ave, f 738 Market, to Geary. 16—4. 13T. Brosnan, 54, b 13th & 14th, f 221 Valencia to Guerrero. 30 — 6. 13 L 26. Bron'n Av, N of Visitacion, San Bruno W to Elk. 11 b. Brown's Alley, 45, b Hyde & Larkin, f McAllister N. :o'-4. 11 H 316. KroAVii, b Idalene and Carter, f Conntv line N beyond Visita- cion. '66—15 13 b. Bruee Avenue, f Accacia W to Harold Ave, S of Ocean Ave. 60—12. 20 Y. Uruee Place, b Langton & Otis Place, f 1127 Folsom S. 35—7. 10 J 409. ISriinswIek, b Mission Koad, Morse and Hanover, f Reed SW to County line, 60-15. 19 c. 1 Reed 601 Florence 101 Curtis 701 Guttenburg 201 Pope 801 Lowell 301 Allison 901 Whittier 401 Esmond 1001 Olliver 501 Watt 1101 Acton Brusli^ b Scott & Devisadero, f Chestnut N. 17 C 474. Brya.nt, b Harrison & Bran- nan, SW f 500 Spear to 11th. 82,6—19. 9 K and 10 P. 1 Spear base Main " 18 Johnson 101 Beale " 201 Fremont 20 301 First 30 Kllery 320 Rincon Place 344 St an I V Place 401 Second 45 435 ('enter Place 501 Third 12 517 Pitch • Zee 600 Fourth 6 700 Fifth base Averill Avenue 740 C\ak Grove Avenue 764 Morris Avenue 8U1 Sixth 2 Clinton Garden Jones Place Gilbert 901 Seventh 9 915 Langton White Place Chesley Decatur 1001 Eighth 9 14 Converse Pre^on Piace 1101 Ninth 5 1116 Dore € 1201 Tenth 9 1224 Juniper 1301 Eleventh 8 1401 Division 9 1501 Alameda 22 1601 Fifteenth 38 1701 Sixteenth 53 1801 At 2300 Seventeenth . . 50 1901 Mariposa 36 2001 Eighteenth 23 2101 Nineteenth 26 2201 At 2800 Twentieth 23 2301 Twenty-first 26 2401 Twenty-second 34 2501 Twenty-third .... 44 2601 Twenty-fourth 40 2701 Twenty-flfth 37 2801 Twonty-sixth 32 2901 At 3300 Army 23 Bucliaiinn, b La-j^una and Webster, f 2300 Market N to Lewis. 38,9—15. 14 I. 1 Market ' 107 101 Hermann »..148 201 Waller \. 146 301 Haight 170 Rose Avenue t 401 Pafe-e 155 Lily Avenue 501 Oak 130 Hickory Avenue 601 Fell lOS Linden Avenue 701 Hayes 92 Ivy Avenue 801 Grove 87 Birch Avenue 901 Fulton 84 Ash Avenue 1001 McAllister 81 Locust Avenue 1101 Golden Gate Avenue ... 87 Elm Avenue 1201 Turk 90 Laurel Avenue 1301 Eddy 104 Willow Avenue 1-01 Ellis 112 Olive Avenue 1501 O'Farrell 125 1601 Geary.: .» 132 1701 Post ; 143 1801 Sutter '..'. 152 1901 Bush 172 2001 Pine . . 210 ' 2101 California 250 2201 Sacramento 273 2301 Clay 285 2401 Washington 272 2501 Jackson 268 2601 Pacific 250 2701 Broadway 220 2801 Vallejo 160 2901 Green 100 8001 Union 60 3101 Filbert 44 Pixley 8201 Greenwich 36 . Moulton , 3301 Lombard 33 3401 Chestnut : Francisco (Lobos Sqr) 3601 Bay ... 15 3701 North Point 12 3S01 Beach 9 3901 Jefferson 6 4001 Tonquin 3 Lewis 1 Bueiia, Vista, b Elsie an^^ North, f Courtland Ave NE t^ Coso Ave. 30—10. 12 T. 1 Coso Ave 218 101 Esmeralda 201 Virginia Ave 244 301 Eugenia Ave 401 At 340 Conrtland Ave . . 229 Bueiia Vista Ave, Haight S surrounding Buena Vista Park 18 L. Buena Vista Parle, b Broderick and Central Ave S of Haight. 18 L. Buena Vista Square, 164 b Utah & Vermont, f 20th to 21st. 9 O. Burcliani Place, 56, b Gol- den Gate Ave and Turk, f 103 Leavenworth W. 11— i. 11 H 286. Burg^oyne Place, 230, b Leavenworth & Hyde, f 13J9 Pacific S. 17—4. ] 2 D 272. Burnett Place, 15, b San- some & Montgomerv, f 208 Bush N. 20-4. 10 F 141. Burro\«^s, 173, b Felton and Bacon, f Potrero Ave W. 60 — 15. 13 Y. Potrero Avenue 1 San Bruno Avenue 101 Girard 201 Berlin 301 Gottingen 401 Somerset 501 Holyoke 601 Hamilton 701 Bowdoin 150 801 Dartmouth 152 901 College 161 1001 University 173 Princeton ( College ) Amherst ( Grounds ) Yale (Lick O. L. Home) 1401 Cambridge 1501 Oxford 1601 Harvard 1701 Gambler . 1801 Madison .. . 1901 Knox 2001 Mannsfield 2101 La Grande . Bush, b Sutter aud Pine, f 300 Market W to Central Ave. 68,9 —15. 17 G. 1 Market and Front 4 101 Battery .Vi 5 201 5ansome 13 ■ -Burnett Place 20 301 Montgomery 21 Russ Alley Trinity I . Belden 401 Kearny 39 St George Alley • Clara Lane ■ Mary Lane 501 Dupont 67 Chatham Place 601 Stockton 110 Burritt Monroe Chelsea Place 701 Powell . . 135 Bush Street Place 801 Mason 156 901 Taylor 171 1001 Jones 191 1101 Leavenworth 210 1201 H3de 195 Edward 1301 Larkin 150 1401 Polk 145 1501 \aa Ness Avenue 170 1601 Franklin 191 1701 Gough 220 1801 Octavia ,, 220 1901 Laguna \ 191 2001 Buchanan 172 2101 Webster 168 2201 Fillmore 143 2301 Steiuer 134 2401 Pierce 133 2501 Scott 137 2601 Devlsalero 141 2701 Broderick 157 2801 Baker 175 2901 Lyon 202 e Central Ave 240 Busli St. PI, 145, b Powell & Mason, f 716 Bush N. 17,7—3,6. Byiiig-toii, 110, b Ellis and O'Farrell, f 1303 Webster to Steiner, 35—7. 15 H 360. Byxbee, b Monticel'o & Rals- ton, f 1000 Worcester Av N, cr Randolpli, Sargent, Shields and Garfield to Ocean Ave. 50—10. Bj^rne, Baka- Av Islai-^ Creek SE to 8 8. C, b B and D, f 700 First to Pacific Ocean. 80—19 1 First Avenue 101 Second 201 Third 301 Fourth 401 Fifth 501 Sixth 601 Seventh 701 Eighth 801 Ninth 901 Tenth 1001 Eleventh 1101 Twelfth 1201 Thirteeuth " 1301 FourtocMth 1401 Fifteenth Avenue 1501 Sixteenth 1601 Seventeenth 1701 Eighteenth 1801 Nineteenth 1901 Twentieth 2001 Twenty -first " Ave W . 29 J. . .. 214 . .. 210 . .. 208 . .. 206 . .. 206 , .. 214 . .. 213 . .. 221 . .. 220 ...818 . .. 219 ...234 . . 212 ... 211 . .. 216 . .. 1S5 . .. 183 . .. 181 . .. 187 . .. 182 . . 155 2101 Twenty-second " . 145 2201 Twenty -third " . 140 2301 Twenty -fourth *' ..14H 2401 Twenty-fifth .. 143 2501 Twenty-sixth " . . 150 2601 Twenty-seventh " . . . . 155 2701 Twentv-eighth " . . . . 157 2801 Twenty-ninth " . . 170 2901 Thirtieth .. 163 3001 Thirty-first . . 156 3101 Thirty-second " . . .. 156 3201 Thirty-third " . . .. 157 3301 Thirty-fourth '* . . . . 150 3401 Thirty-fifth " . . .. 142 3501 Thirtv-sixth " .. .. 134 3601 Thirty-seventh ** . . 142 3701 Thirty-eighth " . . .. 137 3801 Thirty-ninth " .. .. 121 3901 Fortieth '* .. .. 119 4001 Forty-first " . . .. 117 4101 Forty-second " .. 88 4201 Forty-third " . . .. 58 4301 Forty-fourth '* . . 64 4401 Forty-fifth " ... . . 65 4501 Forty-sixth " .. .. 47 4601 Forty-seventh " .. 33 4701 Forty-eighth " . . 28 e Forty-ninth '• .. 19 C Soutli, f Water Front SW to Co. line, b B South, and D S. 64—15. 1 X. 1 Istav South 101 2d " 201 3d 301 4th " 401 5th " .. 12 501 6th " . . 15 601 7th " . . 18 701 8th " . 21 801 9th " ..24 901 10th " . 24 1001 nth " .. 21 1101 12th " . 18 1201 13th " . 15 1301 14th " . 12 1401 15th " . 9 1501 16th " Falkland.. . 7 1601 17th „ Sumatra... 6 Sts. and Nos. continue to 40th Ave S. See J South. Cabot, b Samoset & Star , SEf Peralta -ive to 300 Fran con i a, Ave. 30-10. 10 S. Cadell Alley, 94,b D U(>onc & Stockton, f Union N. 10—3. 10 C 106. Calaveras, b Amador & Men- docmo, f tie bay W ta 1st Ave. S. 63—15. 4 S. 1 Idaho & Water Front. .base 101 Dakota . " 201 Wyoming << 301 Ohio ^ 1 401 Virginia 501 New York 601 Massachusetts 701 Delaware \ 1 801 Maryland .; 1 901 Louisiana e Georgia Caladoiiia Alley, 35, b Valencia anl Julian Av3, f 335 loth N & S. 20—3. 13 M 35. 16 Cai 11 Ave, b San JoseAve, & Majestic f 600 Ottawa S to Lobor St. 60—15. 20 a. Calliouii, 60, b Sansome and Monogomery, f 215 Grsen to Union. 45—10. 9 C 45. California., b Pine and Sac- ramento f 100 Mirket W. 85- 19. 18 G. 1 Market & Drumm base 101 Davis " 201 Front : 2 301 Battery 3 401 Sansome 5 421 Leidesdorff 501 Montgomery 8 Spring Webb 601 Kearny 35 ■ St Mary's Place . Quincy 701 Dupont 86 • Selina Place ^^ — Grace Terrace 801 Stockton ,161 Ellick Lane ' Pratt Place 821 Prospect Place Miles Court 901 Powell 228 Gustavus 1001 Mason 275 Cushman 1101 Taylor 278 1201 Jones 300 ' Highland Terrace 1301 Leavenworth 260 — r Helen Place 1401 Hvde 210 1501 Larkin 180 1601 Polk 160 1701 Van Ness Avenue 180 1801 Franklin 220 1901 Gough 270 2001 Octavia 280 2101 Lag-una 260 2201 Buchanan 250 2301 Webster 210 Middle ^ 2401 FiUm^re 164 2501 Steiiier 156 2601 Pier;e 154 2701 Sjott 158 2 SOI Devisadero 162 2901 Broderick 170 3001 Baker 190 3101 Ljon 217 3201 Central AA-enue 244 3301 Walnut 260 3401 Laurel f*. . 264 3501 Locust 254 3601 Spruce 233 3701 Maple 225 Williams 227 3801 Cherry 214 Commonwealth 220 Jordan 213 Michigan 203 3901 First Avenue 190 4001 Second Avenue 184 4101 Third Avenue 178 420lv Fourth Avenue ...f.>. 172 4301 Fifth Aveuue 166 4401 Sixth Avenue 164 4501 Seventl \ Avenue . . . . . .*. ' 158 4601 Eighth Avenue 157 4701 Ninth Avenue •*». . 161 4801 Tenth Avenue .... .W. 153 4901 Eleventh Avenue 156 5001 Twelfth Avenue 135 5101 Thirteenth Avenue 134 5201 Fourteenth Avenue 133 5301 Fifteenth Avenue 128 5401 Sixteenth Avenue 125 5501 SeventeenthAvenue. , . 121 5601 Eighteenth A venue..!. 119 5701 Nineteenth Avenue . . . 121 5801 Twentieth Avenue 122 .■^901 Twenty-first Avenue... 121 6001 Twenty-second Avenue. 120 6101 Twenty-third Avenue.. 118 6201 Twentv-fourth Avenue. 125 6301 Twenty-fifth Avenue... 126 6401 Twenty-sixth Avenue.. 130 6501 Twenty-seventh Avenue 138 6601 Twenty-eighih Avenue. 148 6701 Twentv-tiinth Avenue.. 1^1 6801 Thirl ieth Avenue 1<''7 6901 Thirty-first Avenue . .. 177 7001 Thirty-second Avenue. 187 7101 Thirty-third Avenue.. . li>' 7201 Thirty-fourth Avenue . . 7301 ITiirty-fifth Avenue .... 7401 Thirty-sixth Avenue. . . 7501 Thirty-seventh Avenue. 7601 Thirty-eighth Avctnie . . 7701 Thirty-nin^i Avenue .. 7801 Fortieth Avenue 7901 Forty -first Avciuic TOO! Forty-se ond Avenue . . 8101 Forty-th^rd vcnuo >~201 Fort\ -fourtli Avenue . 8301 Forty-fifth Avenue . . . S401 Fortj'-six' h Avenue 8501 Forty-seven h Avenue . S601 F'orty-eigl.th Avenue . . 8701. Forty -ninth Avenue. . . California Ave, b Misssion & Prospect, f Cortland NE t> Coso. 30—10. 13 T. 1 Coos Ave 11 '"i 61 Powell Ave 97 81 Fair Ave 109 101 Esmeralda Ave 142 201 VMr«inia Ave 119 216 Gcideus 126 215 Heyman Ave 151 300 Eugenia Ave 148 321 Sizzie 400 Cortland Ave California Soutli. f 200 1st Ave W to Sixth Ave, b Califor- nia and Clement. 80—19. 22 G. 1 First Avenue 182 101 Second Avenue 180 201 Third Avenue 174 301 Fourth Avenue 170 401 Fifth Avenue 166 501 Sixth Avenue 164 e California 160 Cainbriflge, b Yale & Oxford, f Silver Ave S to Ordway. 60-15 12 X. 17 1 Silver Ave 501 Way! and 101 Silliman 601 Woolsey 201 Felton 701 Dwighfc 301 Burrows 801 Olmstead 401 Bacon 901 Mansell e Ordway C'ainille Place, b Taylor and Jones, f r212 Washington N. 18—4. 11 E -215. Camp, b IGth and 17th, f 424 Guerrero E. 60—15. 12 M 39. Campbell, b 36th and 17th, f Dolores E. 54—13. 14 M 36. <'aiial, N of Trumbull, f 4100 Mission Road E er Craut and Conf?den. 50—10. 14 W. <'apitol, b Orizaba and Ply- mouth, f Palmetto N to Ocean Ave. 60—15. 21 b. 1 Palmetto 294 101 Sagamore 291 201 Sadovva 298 301 Broad 299 401 Farallones 313 501 Lobos 325 601 Minerva 339 701 Montana 368 801 Thrift 404 901 Lake View 415 1001 Grafton 330 1101 Holloway 288 1201 DeMontfort 263 e Ocean Ave 252 Carter, b Brown and Schiller, f Co. line N to Brown Ave. 66—15 13 c. Carver, f Esmeralda Ave S to Povvhattan, bet Rosecrans and Bradford. 30—10. 10 T. Capp, b Mission and Howard, f loth S to Armv. 60-15. 12 P. 1 Fifteenth^ 26 Adair 28 101 Sixteenth 30 201 Seventeenth 30 301 Eighteenth 33 401 Nineteenth 33 501 Twentieth 49 601 Twenty-first 52 701 Twenty-second 54 801 Twenty-third 56 901 Twenty-fourth b8 1001 Twenty-fifth 60 1101 Twenty-sixth 53 e Army Card Alley, 82, b Vallejo and Green, f 1413 Stockton W. 9,6. U D 131. Carl, b Frederick and Sullivan, f 900 Clayton W to 1st av3. 68,9 —15. 20 M. 1 Clayton 325 101 Cole 290 201 StaJiyon ^0 301 Willard Sli 401 At 1260 First Avenue. . . 310 Cairlo.4 Place, 66, b Powell & M:ison, f 223 O'FarrellS. 20—4. 10 G 170. Carolii>a, b Wisconsin & De- Haro, f 8th S to Napoleon. 80— 19. 8 P. 1 Fifteenth 5 101 Sixteenth 6 201 Mariposa 10 301 Seventeenth 14 401 Ei{^hteenth Si 501 Nineteenth 74 601 Twentieth 100 701 Twenty-first .300 801 Tv\'enfcy. second 194 901 Twenty.fifth 180 1001 Army 27 1101 Martin 6 1201 Tulare base Caroline Place,143, b Jack- son and Pacific, f 1120 Powell E. 20—5. 10 D 134 Carr Place, 19,b Mason and Tavlor, f Chestnut S. 8—3. 11 Bi78 Cardell Alley, b Dupont & Stockton, f 512 Union N. 10 G 106. Carrie, W of Castro, f Chenery S to San Jose Ave. 15 V. Case, b Crescent Ave and Hunter, f 100 Paulding W to Bovlston. 40—10. 12 V. Casein Ave, b 18th and 19th, f 230 Douglass W and S to Fal- con Ave. 50—10, 60—12. 18 O. 1 Douglass 171 101 Clover Alley 225 201 Danvers 270 Nineteenth proudced 238 301 Moss Avenue 294 Short 353 401 Falcon Avenue 355 e Corbett Ave 301 Cass, f Salinas to Paul, b Gould and Railroad Avenue. 7 Y. Casserly- PI, x Stockton and Powell, f Greenwich S & E. 10 C 129. Castro, b Noe & Diamond, f 700 13th S to San Jose Ave S. 82,6— 19. 15 R. 1 Thirteenth 214 101 Fourteenth 227 Henry 204 201 Fifteenth 186 Beaver 204 301 Sixteenth 190 Market ... 139 401 Seventeenth 139 Ford 501 Eighteenth 109 601 i^ineteenth 130 701 Twentieth 186 Liberty 801 Twenty -first 270 Hill 901 Twenty-second 313 Alvarado 310 1001 Twenty-third 268 Elizabeth 225 1101 Twenty-fourth 185 Jersey 195 1201 Twenty-fifth 207 Clipper 216 1301 Twenty-sixth 235 Army 279 1401 Twenty-seventh 332 Duncan 381 1501 Twenty-eight 391 Valley 318 1601 Twenty-ninth 268 Dav 260 18 1701 Thirtieth '323 1720 Clarkson Beacon 427 1801 Thirty-first 1830 Avoea El Monte 429 Martin Beacon 468 1901 32nd & Addison 463 Sussex and Bemis 269 2100 Laidley 223 Surry 2201 Chenery and Carrie 188 2300 Jan Jose & S. P. R. R. . 188 Cayug^a, Ave, b Ostego and Watson PI, f 200 Ocean Ave SW. 60—15. 17 Y. Cedar, 6, b Davis and Front, f 214 Clav to Washington. 20—6. 8D8. ' Cedar Alley, 64. b 16th and 17th, f Dolores W. 10—4. 14 M14. Cedar Ave, b Geary & Post, f 912 Larkin W to Lacuna. 35— 7. 13 G 130. Center PI, 10, b6th&7th.f 310 Treat to Folsom. 11 M. 3. Central Ave, b Lyon & Wal- nut, f 2600 Geary N to Precidio Res. and south to Waller. 68,2 —15. 18 G and 18 J. 1 Geary 242 101 Post 244 201 Sutter 260 301 Bush 240 401 Pine.... 342 501 California 244 604 Sacramento 260 704 Clay 288 801 Washington 312 901 Jackson 312 1001 Pacific 300 e Presidio S line Central Court, 63 b Gough and Octavia, f 31 Haight S & W to Octavia. 13 K 144. Central PI, 68 b Keaeny and Dupont, f 515 Pine S. 18,6—3,8. 9 F94. Central Ocean Rd, f 7th Ave & H St. SW to Ocean Ave, nr Lake Merced. 26 S. Centre. 39, b 2d and 3d, f 435 Bryant S£ to South Park. 7 H 359. Ceres, b Thornton Ave S to Wil- liams Ave, b Lucy and Vulcan. 64—15. 7 V. Cltambers, 8, b Pacific and Broadwav, f Davis to Front. 7 H 359. Chambers Alley, 35, b Powell and Mason, f 712 Green- wich to Lombard. 11 B 152. Channel Creek, b Berry & Hooper, SW f 810 Third to King and Eighth. 200—30. 7 K. 1 Third 201 Fifth 101 Fourth 301 Sixth 401 Seventh Channel, f Charter Oak SW, cr Boutwell, Helena, Steuben, Dickenson, San Bruno Road, Spaulding and Weldod. 60—15. 9 U and 8 T. Chapultepec, f Cortland Ave NE to Coso Ave, b Prospect and Elsie Aves. 40—10. 12 T. 1 Coso ... 195 101 Esmeralda 264 101 Virginia 178 Henrietta 236 401 Courtland 216 Charles Ct, b 113 Leaven- worth & Hyde, f Golden Gate Av N. 11 H 286. C'har]e.s, f Mission NW to Che- nery, b Fairmount & Miguel. 14 U. 1 Mission 193 101 S. P. R. R 194 Arlington 202 Acadamy 203 200 Chenery Charles Plaee, b 1st and 2d, f 574 Harrison to Essex. 7 G 349' Charier l>ak, b Boutwell and Elmira, f Helena S to Paul. 60—15. 9 W. Chase Plaee, b Broadway and Vallejo, f Mason VV. 12 D 185. Chatham Place, 82,b Dupont & Stockton, f 524 Bush N. 17i— 'Sh. 9 F 117. Chattanooi^a, b Dolores and Church, f 21st S to Jersey. 60— 15. 14 P. 1 Twenty-first 182 101 Twenty-second 134 201 Twenty-third 134 301 Twenty-fourth 167 e Jersev 214 Chelsea' PI, 130, b Stockton & Powell, f 615 Bush S. llh—'Sh. 9 F 140. Clienery, f 221 30th SW to Dia- mond, b Laidley & Arlington. 50—12. 15 V. 1 Thirtieth and Castro 121 101 Randall 189 201 Fairmount 210 Palmer 259 301 Miguel 264 401 Mateo 258 501 Roanoke 245 601 Castro 192 701 Diamond 165 Cherry, 514, b Maple & First Ave, f 3800 California N. 681— 15. 21 G. 1 California 214 101 Sacramento 246 201 Clay 266 301 Washington 274 401 Jackson 280 501 Pacific and Presidio line. . 273 Chesley, 8, b 7th & 8th, f 1137 Harrison SE. 35—7. 9 J 410. Chestnut, b Lombard & Fran- cisco, W f 1500 Sansome to Pre- sidio Reservation. 68$- 15. 17 C 1 Sansome base Montgomery base W inthrop base 101 Kearny 12 201 Dupont 110 Bellair Place 19 301 Stockton 60 Chestnut Alley 401 Powell 10 501 Mason 8 Newell Amity 20 Montg-omery Avenue 24 601 Taylor 18 701 Jones 73 801 Leavenworth 136 901 Hyde 220 1001 Larkin 218 1101 Polk 95 1-201 Van Ness Avenue 83 1301 Franklin 63_ 1401 Goug-h 50 1501 Oetavia 40 1601 Lag-una 34 1701 Buchanan 28 1801 Webster 25 1901 Fillmore 21 2001 Steiner 17 2101 Pierce 9 2201 Scott 10 2301 Devisadero 9 2401 Broderick 16 2501 Baker 18 Lyon 28 Chestnut Alley, 36, b Stock- ton & Powell, f 328 Chestnut N. 10—2. 10 B 126. I'liina Avenue, 165, b Japan and Brazil, f 5000 Mission Road SE to Prague. 60—15. 15 X. 1 Mission Road ... 168 101 London 184>^ 201 Paris 201 301 Lisbon 22 401 Madrid 23 501 Edinburgh 250 601 Naples 279 701 Vienna 801 Athens 901 Moscow 1001 Munich e PragVie C'liina, NW side Dry Dock Basin to Water Front. 1 V. UTOli, b Dolores and Sanchez f Hermann S to Randall 82-9—15 14 R. 1 Hermann 121 101 Thirteenth 104 201 Fourteenth 87 301 Fifteenth 84 401 Sixteenth 82 501 Seventeenth 77 Dorland 65 601 Eighteenth 45 Hancock 701 Nineteenth 120 Cumberland 138 801 Twentieth V2 Liberty 186 901 Twenty-first 230 1001 Twentv-second 170 1101 Twenty-third 188 Elizabeth 1201 Twenty-fourth 164 Jersev 150 1301 Twenty-fifth 130 Clipper 120 1401 Twenty-sixth 117 Annj' 115 1501 Twenty-seventh lig Duncan 115 1601 Twenty-eighth 123 Valley 120 1701 Twenty-ninth 117 Day 120 1801 Thirtieth 129 1901 Randall Cliurcli Alley, b Dudont & Stocktrn, f Wa5hington N. 10 D 112. €liureli Ave, b Stockton and Powell, f Broadway to Vallejo. 10 D 132. Cliurcli lione, 80, b 16th and 17th, f 368 Dolores W to Church 14—4. 14 M 84. Circular Ave, f Diamond SW along S. P. R. R. to Havelock. 60-15. 17 W. 1 Joost Ave & Diamond . , 184 101 Sunnys'd Ave & Accadia 209 201 Hearst Ave ] 85 Baden 177 301 Flood Ave 165 Congo I64r 401 Spreckels Ave 1 65 Detroit 315 501 Wieland 601 Milton City Hall Ave, b Market & City Hall, f Larkin NE to Mc- Allister. 11 L City Hall Square, 54, f 1500 Market, opp. 8th to City Hall Ave. 100-22. 11 I. City Hall Place, 46, b Hyde and Larkin, f 222 McAllister N. 100. 11 I 315. Clara, 6, b Folsom and Harrison, f Ritch to 320 6th. 35—7. 9 I 383. Clara Avenue, 263, b Hattie and Danvers, f 16th to 18th. 20—5. 17 N. Clara Liane, 66, b Keirny & Dupont, f 204 Sutter N to Bu8h. 17,6-3,6. OF 95. Clarence Place, b 2d & 3d, f 160 Townsend NW. 35—7. 6 1360. Clarion Alley, 36, bl7th & Sycamor, f Valencia to Mission. 15—3- 13N59. Clarendon Ave, b Belgrave Ave and Mountain Spring Ave, f 1300 , Ashbury Ave. 60—15. 19 0. 1 A.shbury 467 101 Seventeenth 201 Eighteenth . . 301 Cole 401 Stanyan Alms House Road Clarkson,f 1720 Castro W to Fowler, b Thirtieth and Thirty- first. Cross streets same as 30th. Clark, 2, b Jackson and Pacific, f Drumm to Front. 36—7. 8Di6. Clay, b Sacramento and Wash- ington, W f 400 East North. 68,9—15 17 F. 20 1 East ". . . .base 101 Dmmm *' 201 Davis «* Cedar " 301 Front " 401 Battery 2 501 Sansome 4 527 Leidesdorflf 5 601 Montgomery 701 Kearny 28 ' Brenham Place 62 801 Dupont 73 813 Waverly Place — — Spofford 901 Stockton 118 Clay Avenue Parker Alley 917 Prospect Place 1001 Powell 180 1015 Tay «. Wetmore Place 1101 Mason 220 Yerba Buena 1201 Taylor 268 1301 Jones 335 Priest 800 Reed 348 1401 Leavenworth 320 1501 Hyde 270 Torrens Court 252 1601 Larkin 220 1701 Polk 175 1801 Van Ness Avenue 190 1901 Franklin 227 2001 Gough 290 Lafayette Park 2201 Lagiina 835 2301 Buchanan 285 2401 Webster 235 2501 Fillmore 19^ 2601 Steiner lOo 2701 Pierce 216 2801 Scott 210 2901 Devisadero 210 3001 Rroderick 214 3101 Baker 240 3201 L} on 266 6301 Central Avenue 288 3401 Walnut 304 3501 Laurel 288 3601 Locust 278 3701 Spruce 280 3801 Maple 284 3901 Cherry 266 First Avenue 216 Clay Ave, 150, b Sto. 10 Y. 1 Silver Avenue 101 Silliman 201 Felton 14a 301 Burrows 161^ 401 Bacon 168 501 Wavland 601 Woolsey 701 Dwight 801 Olmstead 901 Mansell .^ . . . e Ordway ".'. . Colleg^e PI, 46, b Larkin and Polk, f Hayes N. 17,6—3,6. 12 1 2. Colling-^ii^ood, b Castro and Diamond, f 17th S to 22d. 60—15 16 P. 1 Seventeenth 160 101 Eighteenth 122 201 Nijieteenth 142 301 Twentieth 226 401 Twenty-first 320 Tvventy-second 362 Collins, 276, b Wood & Blake, f 2500 Turk N & 3000 Geary N. 60—15. 19 H. Colorado, b Mexico & Arizona f Water Front S to India. 80— 19. 2 T. Colton, 40, b Market and West Mission, f 65 Brady E & W. 13 6. 12 K 14. Columbia, 6, b 6th and 7th, f Folsom to Harrison. 30 -10. 9 I 396. Columbia Square, b Fol- som and Harrison, Sherman and Columbia Place. 9 S. Commerce, 8, b Green and Union, f the bay to 1016 Bat- tery. 35—7. 8 C 15. Commercial, b Sacramsnto & Clay, f East N to Dupont. 35-7. 9 E 70. 1 East North 101 Drumm 201 Davis 301 Front 401 Battery 501 Saosome 525 LeidesdorfT 601 Montgomeiy 701 Kearny Dupont Commonvireatlli Ave, b Parker & Jordan, f Gearv N to California. 20 H. Concord Ave, f 6900 Mission to Morse, b Allison & Florence. 60—15. 18 b. Congdon, E of Craut, f Silver Ave N to Canal. 50—12. 14 W. Congo, f Circular Ave North to Berkshire, b Baden & Detroit. 60-15. 17 W. 1 Circalar Ave & Spreckels 164 101 Flood 175 201 Hearst 202 301 Sunnys'de 259 401 Joost 311 501 Mangles 351 601 Melrose 701 Berkshire : Congress, 443, S of Piedmont, f Buena Vista Ave SW to Ash- bury. 18 M. Conkling-, 139. b Layton and Elmira, f Silver Av N to Helena. 50—10. 8 U. Connecticut, b Missouri & Arkansas, f 1000 16th S to Tu- lare. 80-19. 7 P. 1 Sixteenth 5 101 Seventeenth 13' 201 Mariposa 53 .301 Eighteenth 90 501 Nineteenth 133 501 Twentieth 183 '2^ 601 Twenty-second 198 701 Twentj^-Third 275 801 Twenty-fourth 80 901 Twenty-fifth 29 1001 Marin 15 Tulare 1 Converse, 11, b 8th & 9th,'f 1017 Bryant S. 16—4. 10 K 419, Cook, 219, b Blike and Boyce, f 2700 Turk N to Post or Laurel aiU Cem. 60-15. 20 H. Coons PI, b Leavenworth and Hvde, from 1328 Jackson S. 12 E273. Cooper's Alley, 39, b Kear- ny and Dupont, f 021 Jackson S. 6,6. 9 D 83. Copper Al, 468, b Iron & Ro- main, f 1001 Corbett Ave SW. 18 0. Corbett Ave, f Hattie & I7th W & SW to 26th to Army to Balboa Toulevard to Ocean A v. 18 N, 18 P, 22 T. Note — Elevations and Street num- bers are varied and cannot be g'iven in full. See map for cross streets. Cora, b Vassalboro and Rutland, f Brawn Ave S. 06—15. 10 C. Cortland Ave, S of Euj>-3nia f 3500 Mission E to San Bruno Ave. 60—15. 13 T. 1 Mission 125 101 California Ave 130 201 Prospect 123 301 Chapul tepee 135 401 Elsie 216 501 Buena Vista 159 601 North 167 Bennington . . 209 701 Wool 205 Andover 204 901 Moultrie 204 Anderson 203 1001 Elsworth 201 Gates 197 1101 Folsom 190 Banks 170 1201 Pxentiss 145 Nevada 115 1300 Putnam 92 Nebraska Bronte 70 1401 Bradford -. 51 Peralta 35 Heath 22 eottage PI, 122, b Geary and Post, f 618 Jones E. llh—SL n G 223. " " Cotta5>;e Row, 125, h Webster & Fillmore, f 190 Sutter to Bush. 20-4. 15 G 311. C otter, 164, b Theresa and Fran- cis, f 4800 Mission NW to Ale- many Avenue. 50—10. 16 W. Craiii PI, b Buchanan & W^eb- ster, f Golden Gate Ave N. 14 1 281. Crane, f Salmas to Paul, b Wheat and Exeter. 8 Y, Craut, I) Congden and Mission, f Silver Ave N to Canal. 50—13. 14 W. Crescent Ave, 210, f 3900 Mission E to San Bruno Ave. 60—10. 12 V. 1 Mission 204 101 Holly 208 201 South Ave 180 Roscoe Porter or Decatur ... Bache 165 Andover 147 Moultrie 127 Anderson Ellsworth 95 Gates 77 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1081 Folsom . Banics Prentiss Nevada Putnam Bronte . Bradford Peralta San Bruno Ave. 38 82 34 11 Crofee, 175, b Francis and Har- rington, f 5000 Mission NW to Alemany Ave. 50—10. 6 X. Crocker, 40, S s Stevenson Ave, b Brady aiid Hermann. 16-8. 12 K 14. Croiiogue Ave, 100, b Guer- rero and Dolores, f 21st S to 23d. 15—3. 13 P. Crooks, 6, b 3d and 4th, f 236 Townsend NW. 25^—51. 7 1 368. Cross, b Morse and 5900 Mission f Pope SW. 60-15. 18 b. Cum Cook Alley, b Jaek- son & Pacific, f Dupont W. 9 Dill. 1501 Holliday Ave 20-^.„,^l,*^i.laii<|, b 19th and 29th, Lee San Bruno Road . 3 Coso Ave, f California Ave SE fo North Ave. 60—15. 12 S. 1 California Ave 115 101 Prospect Ave 137 201 Chapultepec 167 301 Elsie and Aztec 193 401 Buena Vista. 218 North Avenue 231 Costa, b Hope & Fourth, f Hol- liday Ave W to Brewster. 9 S. Cotta, 235, b Badger & Danton, f 2500 San Jose Ave S to Spring- dale. 40—10. 16 W. lt)l 201 301 f 710 Guerrero W to Noe. 64— i&. 15 O 107. 1 Guerrei'o 50 Dolores 74 Cemetery Church 138 Sanchez 225 Noe 200 Cumberland Place, 45, b 19th & 20th, f 822 Valencia W. 64—15. 13 72. Cuno PI, b Kearny & Dupont, f 215 Francisco N, 9 B 79. <'urtls, f 6500 Mission S to Han- na, b Reed and Pope. 17 b. ^. 23 €uvier, b Marsillj' and Milton, f 4220 Mission N cr Bosworth to San Jose Ave. 50—10. 14 V. Clisliinaii, 234, b Mason and Taylor, f 101 G California to feac- ramento. 30-6. 10 E 190. Custom House Place, bet Battery and Sansome, t 420 Washington to Jackson. 17^-3^. 8 1) 34. ~ Cypress Alley, b Howard and Capp, f 24th to Army. 15—3. I> 8outli, I Water Front & India SVV F South, 215 Commercial bas^ 301 Clay " Merchant " 401 Washington " 411 Oregon " 601 Jackson " 513 Clark '' 601 Pacific *' 615 Chambers '* 701 Broadway *' Vallejo. " Dai^soii PI, 260, b Sacra- mento ik Clav, f lOls Mason E. 15—3. 10 E 162. to Co. line, b C South and ^Bay, b 29tb and "bOth, f 750 San >Uth. 64—15. .Tnsf> A^,- W ti^ H.^llf^vnp (U—^l^^ 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 1st av South . 2d " .. 12 15 18 21 24 44 55 55 15 12 9 7 6 5 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 901 10th 1001 11th 1101 12th 1201 13fch 1301 14th 1401 15th 1501 16th 1601 17th 1701 18th 1801 19th Sts. and Nos. contniue to 4 2d AveS. See J South. DacotSLh, b Wyoming ct Ida- ho, f Water Front & Amador S to India Basin. 80—19. 2 T. 1 Amader 301 Plumas 101 Calaveras 501 Fresno 201 Mendocino India l)a,isy, b Steiner and Pierce, f Wallers. 15 L. Dale PI, 57, b Leavenworth & Hvde, f 219 Golden Gate Av S. 17,0—3,6. 11 H 287. Danvers, 253, f Caselli Ave, N VV to 600 Corbett Road. 30-6. 10 Y. Ban I on. b Cotta and Ljall, f 2400 San Jose Axe S to Spring- dale. 50—10. 15 W. Dartmoutli, b Bowdoin and College, f Silver Ave 8 to Ord- way 60—15. 10 Y. 1 Silver Avenue 141 im Stlllman 143 Felton 133 Burrows 152 Bacon lUO Wavland . Woolsey ^ Dwight Olmsttad Mansell Davis, b Drunun and Front N f 200 Market >J to Vallejo. 688,- 15. 7 D. 1 Market and Pine base 101 California " 109 Parrott Alley " 201 Sacramento '201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 Jose Av W to Belle vue. 64—15. ] '", s. 1 San Jose Av 95 —101 Dolores , 105 201 Church 120 301 Sanchez 135 401 Noe 183 501 Castro 273 601 Diamond 450 701 Douglass :....600 • 801 Ellen .v.. 620 BellevTie 400 DelSwoiii, 20, o i^ryant and Brannan, t" 529 Second NE. 35-7 6 H 351. DeHaro, b Carolina & Rhode Island, f Alameda and 8th S eo Norman. 80—10. 8 P. 1 Alameda and Eighth . . 2 101 Fifteenth 3 201 Sixteenth 7 301 Seventeenth 9 401 Mariposa 30 501 Eighteenth 60 601 Nineteenth 116 701 Twentieth 198 801 Twenty-first 901 Twenty-second 245 1001 HumboldD 1101 Twentv third 1 46 1201 Twentv-fourth 1301 Twenty-fifth 160 1401 Armv ' 13 1501 Marin 6 Norma n base Dearljobn PI, 48, b Valencia & Guerrero, f 17th S. 39,6—3. 13 N 70. Decatur, 152, (was Roscoe) W of Porter S of Ciescent Av. 12 V. Decatur Ave, 12, b 7th and 8th, f 961 Bryant to Brannan. :{0-6. 9 K 411. Decker Alley, 13, b Folsom ct Harrison, f 7th SW. 10—2. 10 J 409. Delioiie, 69, b Church and San- chez, f 3429 16th to 17th. 40—8, 15 M 95. Dela'ivare, b Massachusetts A: Maryland, i 19th S 1o 1st Ave S. 80—19. 1 101 201 301 401 Nineteenth . . 3 Twentieth 3 Twanty-first 3 Twenty-second 3 Humbcldt 3 501 Tweiitv- third 3 601 Twenty-fourth 2 701 Twenty-fifth 2 801 Yuba 2 901 Army 3 1001 Marin 2 1101 Tulare base 1201 Islais " 1301 Amador " 1^01 Calaveras " 1501 Mendocino " Honduras Delavt'are Av, b O^tego and Sa . Jo e Ave, f N Onondaga Ave. SW to Ottawa. 70-15. 18 Z. 1 Ocean Ave. and Little. . . 201 101 Onondaga Avenue 201 Oneida Avenue 301 Sone( a Avenue 401 Geneva Avenue aOi Vnadiila Avenue GOl Mt. Vernon Avenue .... 700 Ot'a va Avenue l><'laAvare i'oiirt, 105, bet Powell & Mason, f 520 Sutter N. 10-2 10F1G6. l>«lga€lo Place, 228, b Green and Union, f 1910 Hvde E. 25-5. 12 C 268. I>elA>iijLi:, 280, b Masonic Ave & Ashbury, f 1330 Waller S. 18 M. IleL.oii«: Ave, 140, S of Pal- metto, f 400 Rhine to Worces- ter. 22 c. I>elta Place, b Sutter and Bush, f 616 Mason E. 16—3. 10 F 166. DeHoiitlbrcl Ave (now Mont- ford, f 300 Miramar Ave W, b Ocean House Ave and Hollowav Ave. 60—12. 21 Y. 1 Mirimar Avenue 101 Capitol Avenue 263 201 Faxon Avenue 301 Jules Avenue 401 Arling'ton Avenue I>eiii Place, b Stockton and Powell, f Jackson N. 25—5. 10 D 134. I>erby, b Geary and Post, f 409 Mason W . 20-4 . 1 G 1 95. l>erby Place, b Geary and Post, f 508 Taylor H:. 17|— 3\. 10 G 195 l>esiiioii(i, b Talbert and Milli- ken, f Count}' line N beyond Visitacion. 66—15. 9 c. I>etroit, f Circular Ave N to 1000 Berkshire, b Congo and Edna. 60—15. 18 W. 1 Berkshire 101 Melrose Aveime 201 Man-les " 414 301 Joost " :-?50 401 Sunnvside " 272 501 Hearst " 215 601 Flood " 201 701 Spreckels " 360 801 Welland " 224 815 Circular " 215 Kuy Faust's map 25 Map aiul Oiiide 35 Bevisadero, b Scott & Bro- derick, f 800 13th Njto Lewis. 82,6—19. 1(5 J. 1 Ridley 260 Lloyd ..^ 253 101 WaUer..^ 220 201' Haight 190 301 Page 180 401 Oak 172 501 Fell 176 (^1 Haves 181 701 Gr6ve 186 801 Fulton 190 901 McAllister 206 1001 Golden Gate Avenue... 192 1101 Turk 178 1201 Eddy. 163 1301 Ellis 155 1401 O'Farrell 150 1601 Geary 136 1601 Post 130 1701 Sutter 136 1801 Bush 141 1901 Pine :.'. 147 2001 California 162 2101 Sacramento 180 2201 Clay 210 2301 Washington 246 2401 Jackson 272 2501 Pacific... 320 2';01 Broadway 320 2701 Vallejo 260 2S01 Green 210 2901 imon- 160 3001 Filbert 110 3101 Greenwich 50 .3201 Lombard 20 3301 Chestnut 9 3401 Francisco G 3501 Bay 15 3601 North Point 14 3701 Beach 3 3801 Jefferson 2 3901 Tonquin 1 4001 Lewis 1 JDewey, b Third and Fourth, f King to Berry. 40—10. 6 J 369. DeM'olf , b Wyoming and San Jose Avenue, f Sherman SW to 500 Sickles. 20 b. Dexter, b Spear & Main, from Howard S. 8. 6 F 326. Diainond, b Castro & Doug- lass, f 17th S to 2100 San Jose Ave. 64—15: 81,6—16. 16 K & 16 V. 1 Seventeenth 174 101 Eighteenth 137 201 Nineteenth 155 301 Twentieth 224 401 Twenty-first 336 601 Twenty-second 326 . Alvarado 297 601 Twenty-Third 255 Elizabeth 232 701 Twenty-fourth S22 Jt rsev 2:^0 801 Twenty-fifth 264 Clipper 285 901 Twenty-sixth 320 Army 350 1001 Twenty-seventh 379 Duncan 385 1101 Twenty-eighth 423 25 Valley 420 1201 Twtnty-ninth 415 Day 445 1301 Thirtieth 476 Clarkson 1401 Thirty-first 1501 Thirty-second 1601 Thirty-third 1701 At 300 Thirty-fourth . . 169 1801 Carrie and Chenery. ... 162 1901 Berkshire '..... 169 2000 At 2100 San Jose Ave & S. P. R. R 182 Diamond Alley, 520,b Ro- main and Silver Alleys, f Ocean Rd. W to Bloomfield Ave. 18 P. Diana, b Jupiter and Neptune, f Thornton Ave S to Williams Ave. 7 W. Dickinson, 12, f San Bruno Road SE to Channel cr Merango and Loomis. 40—10. 10 U. Digby, 332, f El Monte SE to Beacon nr Castro. 40—10. 15 T. Dikema^n PI, 44, b Ellis and O'Farreil, f 217 Mason W. 17,6 —3,6. 10 G 197. Division (was Channel). VV of Alabama, f 810 Seventh & Chan- nel W to Harrison. 82,6—19. IJ L. 1 Seventh 40 Berry 101 King 201 Eighth & Rhode Island . . Townsend Kansas 301 Vermont Nebraska Ninth 401 Utah Brannan Potrero Avenue Dore Tenth 501 Hampshire York 601 Eleventh and Bryant Florida 701 Alabama e Harrisou Dock, b Tevis & Ship, f 3d Ave Ave South SW ^o Co. line. 1 b. Dock Alley, 3, b Union and Filbert, f Battery E. 37—7,5. 8C14. Dodg-e, 63, b Hvde and Larkin, f 431 Turk S. 25,6-4. 12 H 365. Dolores, b Guerrero & Church. f 2101 Market S to San Jose Av. 120-22. 13 R. 1 Market , ^ Baltimore Park ', 110 110 Fourteenth dO 201 Fifteenth ; 60 Albert Alley 301 Sixteenth 66 Church Lane Campbell 401 Seventeenth 62 Railway Borland 501 Eighteenth 40 601 Nineteenth 50 Cumberland 701 Twe itieth 1C3 Liberty 801 Twenty -first 176 901 Twenty -second 112 1001 Twenty -th: d 105 1101 Twenty -fourtli 165 Jersey 211 1201 Twenty -fifth 20r> Clipper 1 1301 Twenty-sixth 10 Army H j 1401 Twenty -seventh 86 Duncan 92 1501 Twenty-eighth 10 > Valley 1 1 1601 Twenty-ninth 103 Hay 10. Thirtieth Brook 139 Donah, f County line N to Lo- gan, b LaGrand & Elk. 66-15. 14b Dore, 22, f 1339 Harrison to Bran nan, b 9th and 10th. 40—10. 10 K 43. Dore Alley, 142, b Powell and Mason, f 927 Jackson S. 12|— 2|. 10 E 100. Dorland, 65, f Dolores W to Sanchez, b 17th and 18th. 40-10. 15 N 49. Dong- las b Diamond & Ellen, f 3800 16th S to 30th. 60-15. 16 S 1 At 3800 Sixteenth 30 At State 101 Seventeenth 198 Ford 201 .eighteenth 164 301 Nineteenth 21:1 401 T vventieth 262 liberty 501 Twenty -first 332 Hill 601 Twenty-second 300 Alvarado a 29J 701 Twenty -third 297 Klizabeth • 274 801 Twenty fourth 266 ,Icr6e>- 2Sl 901 T.venty -fifth . Slj ' lipper ool 1001 Tventy-sixth 3iJ0 Army 4;>0 1101 TA-enty scvciitJi 4^0 Dun ;an 513 1201 T.ventv-eigl^th 533 Aallev'. . , 522 1401 Twenty -ninth 54J Day 6)0 'l"'irtieth 6 )o Clarksen 1501 Thirty-first Avoca 1601 Thirty-second Kent 1701 Thirty-third Surry , 1801 Thirty-fourth Berkshire Dougrlas Av, f 31st to 32nd near Diamond. 16 U. Douglas PI, 8, b Harrison and Folsom, f Beale E. 2 0. 6 F 322. Dover, 64 , h Ist and 2d, f 331 Bran nan S to Townsend. 20 — 4. 6 H 351. Do^fir PI, 86, b Folsom & Har- rison, f 23 Hawthorne E. 27-5,5 7 G 349. Dewling^ Ct, b Ellis & O'Far- rell, f 1314 Scott. 16 H. Drumiii, b East & Davis, N f 100 Market to Pacific. 68,9—11,6 7D. 1 Market and California, .base 101 Sacramento •. * * 201 Clav " 301 Washington *' 401 Jackson " 401 Pacific *' Drury I^aiiie, b Folsom and Harrison, f 107 Langton & 7th. 10—2. 10 J 409. Duane, 72, b Lombard & Chest- nut, f Jones W. 20. 11 B 233. Dublin, b Prague (fc Lagraiige Ave, f Le Grand Ave S to France Ave. 70—18. 14 a. l>uiicombe Alley, b Kear- and Dupont, f 712 'Jackson N. 12. 10 Din. Dunbar Alley, 22, b Mont- Cgoniery and Kearny, £ Merchant to Washington. S' 9 E 69. I>uncan, b 27th & 28th, f San Jose Ave W to Belle vue. 64— J 2. 16 S. 1 San Jose Avenue 83 101 Guerrero 8*J - 201 Dolores 92 S P liaih-jad ^3 301 Church 115 401 Sanchez 1»5 501 Castro ■•• ^^^ 601 Diamond 380 701 Douglas 515 801 Hoffman -^49 901 Bellevue 608 1001 Lincoln Avenue 1101 Twin Peaks Avenue. . . 1201 Scanvan 1301 Stanford 1401 Fowler Dunsliee, b P & Q South, f 840 14th to 16th Aves S. 7 U 305. Duncan Ct, 74 b Dupont and Stockton, f 912 Broadway N. 15—21^. 10 D 109. Dun lies Alley, 100, b Broad- way & V'allejo, f 1118 Kearny E. 17,6—3,6. 9D65. Dupont, b Kearny & Stockton f 400 Grant Ave and Bush N to Beach. 44(5—10. 9 D. (Grant Avenne from Market to Bueh, numbers from 1 to 400.) 401 Bush 65 501 Pine 94 ' Virginia Court 601 California 86 Mansion House Place . . 701 Sacramento 68 Commercial 68 801 Clay 73 901 Washington 64 Hall Court 26 1001 Jackson 51 1021 Sullivan Alley 1101 Pacific 48 Dupont Alley 1201 Broadway 60 Montgomery Avenue . . Hinckley 1301 Vallejo 83 1401 Green 95 1501 Union 102 ■ Noble's Alley 1601 Filbert .../. . 110 Pardee Alley Gerke Alley 1701 Greenwich 153 . Edith Place Edgar Place 160 1801 Lombard 144 1901 Chestnut 110 Pfeiffer '2001 Francisco 50 2 101 Bay 10 2201 North Point base Bea:jh *• D^iri^lit, 173, b Woolsey and 01m stead, f San Bruno Ave W. 60—15. 12Z. 1 San Bruno Road 101 Girard 201 Berlin 301 ( lottingcn 401 Somerset 501 Holvoke 601 Hamilton 701 Bo- don 173 801 Dartmouth 901 College 1001 University 1101 Princeton 1201 Amherst 1901 Knox 1301 Yale 2001 Mansfield 1401 Cambridge 2101 Ion 1501 Oxford 2201 Grant 1601 Harvard 2301 Saratoga 1701 Gmabier 2401 Logan 1801 Madison e LeGrande E Soutli, f 1st Ave S & India SW to Co. line, b D South and F Sonth. 64—15. 2 V. 1 1st Ave S 101 2d ** 201 3d " 301 4th " 401 5th " 12 501 6th " 15 601 7th " 18 701 8th ♦' 21 801 9th *' 24 901 10th " 44 1001 11th *' 04 1101 12th " 84 1201 13fch '* 64 1301 14th " 12 1401 15th " 9 1501 16th " 7 1601 17th " 6 1701 18th " 5 1801 19th " Sts. and Nos. continue to 43d Ave S or Argentine. See J South. Ea^le, 369, W end of 19th, f Duuglass W to Falcon A v. 17 0. 27 £ast I^ake Ave, b West Lake and Huron, f Mt. Vernon to Ge- neva, 18 Z. East Avenue, b East Park and Cortland Ave, f And over Ave W to Holly Park Ave. 12 U. 1 Holly Park Ave 242 50 Bennington 222 101 Andover 171 East Parle, b Richland and East Ave, f Andover Ave W to Holly Park. 12U. East Nortli, Around Water Front, from 2 Market N to W Powell. 150—21. 7 D. 1 Market Sacramento Commercial 101 Clay Merchant 201 Washington 301 Jackson 401 Pacific Drumm 501 Broadway 601 Vallejo Numbers continue to Powell all on base line. £ast Soutli, along the Water Front f 1 Ma-ket S beyond Har- rison. 150—21. 6 E. 2 Market 1 00 Mission 200 Howard 300 Folsom 400 Harrison EBSt Van Ness Avenue, f Union to Lombard, b Polk and Van Ness. 13 C 44. Eaton Alley, b Powell and Mason, f 735 Green 14^-3. 10 C155. Ecker, b First and Second, f 527 Market to Folsom. 25—5. 8 F 346. Eddy, b Turk and Ellis, W f Powell and 1000 Market to Bro- derick. 681—15. 17 1. 1 Market and Powell 25 Glasgow 27 Eddy Place 101 Mason 30 201 Taylor 35 301 Jones 40 Wagner Alley 401 Leavenworth 55 501 Hyde 65 601 Larkin 80 701 Polk b6 801 Van Ness Avenue 100 901 Franklin 120 Gough 1 30 Oetavia TOO 1201 Laguna 112 1301 Buchanan 104 1401 Webster 99 1501 Fillmore 102 1601 Steiner 106 1701 Pierce. 115 Fairen Avenue 1801 Scott 138 1901 Devisadero 163 2001 Broderick 228 e St. Joseph's Avenue 250 Eflgar C't, 155, b Greenwich and Lombard, f 1717 Dupont W. 14^—2 5-6. 10 B 104. Edgar Place, f Bruce Ave S, b 100 Accaciaand Harold. 60 — 12. 20 V. Edinburgh, b Madrid and Naples, f 400 Silver Avenue SW to Amazon. 70—18. 16 a. 1 Silver Ave 109 101 India 267 201 Japan 277 301 China 257 401 Brazil 247 501 Persia 233 001 Russia 259 701 France 271 801 Italy 135 e Amazon 214 Editli, 159, b Greenwich & Lom- b ird, f 1711 Dupont W. 10 B 104 Edna, f Havelock N to 32d, b Foerster and Genesee. 60—15. 1 Havelock 101 Milton 201 Wieland 301 Spreckles 262 401 Flood 236 501 Hearst Ave 269 601 Sunnyside 270 701 Joost 801 Mangels 901 Melrose 1001 34th Surrry 1101 33rd Sussex 1201 32nd Edsoii, b 19th and 20th, f Ken- tucky W. 5 N 390. Edward, b Hyde and Larkin, f Bush N. 12 F 307. Elglitli, b 7th and 9th, f 1201 Market SE to 16th. 82M9. 10 J. 1 Ma-ket 43 Stevenson Jessie 101 Mission 35 115 Miima Natoma 201 Howard 20 205 Nunan's Alley Tehama Clementina 301 Folsom 15 Shipley Heron 401 Harrison 10 501 Bryant 9 601 Brannan base e Townsend " Division King 801 Berry Chamiel 900 Fifteemth 1001 Hooper Irwin IfOl At 1100 Sixteenth Eiglitli Avenue, b Seventh and Ninth Aves, f N of 700 Lake to P and Alms House Tract. 70—15. 23 J, 1 Lake 163 101 California 162 201 Clement 173 301 Point Lohos Avenue 166 401 A 176 501 B 192 601 C 221 Fulton 226 Golden Gate Park 1101 H... 249 1201 I 267 1301 J 288 1401 K 320 1501 L 374 1701 N ....480 1601 M 444 1801 O 506- e Almshouse Tract £i|^lit]i Avenue Soiitli f Dock or Water Front NW to T South, b 7th Ave South & 9th Ave South. 80—19. 3 V. 1 Dock and Water Front. . 1 101 Ship 7 201 A South 21 301 B " 21 401 C " 21 501 D " 21 601 E " 21 701 F " 18 801 G " 14 901 H " 23 1001 I " 60 liOl J " 80 1201 K '♦ 65 1301 L " 63 1401 M " 29 1501 N " 7 Bailroad Avenue 6 1601 P South 4 1701 q " 3 1801 K '« 2 1901 S " 1 G 1^ ** l)Ji,SG ^^ighteeiithV b nth and 19th, f the bay W to Stanvan. 64—15. 8 N and'l5 N. 1 Delaware & Water Front, base 101 Maryland " 201 Louisiana 2 301 Georgia 2 401 Michiaran 2 601 Illinois 2 601 Kentucky 10 701 Tennessee 15 801 Minnesota 30 901 Indiana 50 1001 Iowa 64 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, . . 70 1201 Mississippi 80 1301 Texas 96 1401 Missouri 110 1501 Connecticut 90 1601 Arkansas 50 1701 Wisconsin 24 1801 Carolina 34 1901 DeHaro 60 2001 Rhode Island 120 2101 Kansas 144 2201 Vermont 13S 2301 Nebraska 116 2401 Utah 94 2501 Potrero Avenue 56 2601 Hampshire 34 2701 York 25 2801 Bryant Avenue 23 2901 Florida 21 3001 Alabama 18 3101 Harrison 13 Treat Avenue 7i Channel 7^ 3102 Folsom 11 Shotwell 12^ 3301 Howard 17 Capp 3401 Mission 23 Jessie Stevenson 3501 Valencia 30 3601 Guerrero... 35 8701 Dolores 40 3801 Church 45 3901 Sanchez 67 4001 Noe 84 4101 Castro 109 Collinj,'wood 122 4201 Diamond 137 Eureka 150 4301 Douglass 164 Clara Avenue 4401 Hattie Clover 5501 Danvers 262 Falcon 4601 Corbett and Mars Uranus 4701 A^hbury . .' Clayton 4801 Cole 4901 Stanyan 465 Ii:ig:1iteeiit1i Avenue, bet 17th and 19th Aves, f Presidio Reservation to W. 70— J 5. 25 J. 1 North of Lake 116 101 Lake 118 201 California 122 301 Clement 136 401 Point Lobos Avenue ... 138 501 A 148 601 B 175 701 C 181 Fulton 236 Golden Gate Park 1101 H.. 217 1901 P 1201 I .. 219 2001 q 1301 J. . 247 2101 R 1401 K.. 313 2201 S 1501 L 2301 T 1601 M 2401 U 1701 N 2501 V 1801 O eW.... Eigliteentli Ave Soutli, f Water Front NW to T South, b 17th Ave South and 18th Ave South. 80-19. 5 W. Cross streets see 15th Ave South. 801 D South 5 901 E " 5 1001 F " 5 1101 G " 7 1201 H " 12 1301 I " 24 1401 J " 44 Railroad Avenue 79 1501 K South 60 1601 L " 72 1701 M " 90 29 1801 N '* ..166 1901 P " 192 2001 Q '• 99 2101 R " 88 2201 S " 40 Fillers Ct, b Powell & Mason, f 826 Broadway N. 10 D 151. Eldridg^e, 11, b Harrison aud Bryant, 7th and 8th, E and W sides of 27 Chesley. 50—13. 10 K411. Eleventli, b 10th and 12th, f Market SE to Bryant & Division. 80—19. 12 J. 1 Market 42 101 Mission 30 201 Howard 24 Bowie Avenue Henrietta Square 301 Folsoai 16 401 Harrison 9 Bryant 8 Eleventli Avenue, b Tenth and Twelfth, f Presidio Reser- vation S. to S. 70—15. 23 J. 1 Lake 145 101 California 145 201 Clement 174 301 Point Lobos Avenue ... 164 401 A 185 501 B 241 601 C 219 Fulton 219 Golden Gate Park 1101 H . . . . 239 1701 N . . . . 533 1201 I .... 240 1801 O .... 603 1301 J .... 271 1901 P . . . . 682 1401 K .... 305 2001 Q .... 712 1501 L .... 275 2101 R . . . . 1601 M .... 455 e S . . . . Uleveutli Avenue Soutli, f Water Front NVV to Baker Ave b 10th and 12th Aves S. 80—19. 3V. 1 Tevis and Water Front . . 101 Dock 201 Ship 7 301 A South 19 401 B " 21 501 C " 21 601 D " 55 701 E " 64 801 F " 64 901 G " 124 1001 H " 180 1101 I " ISO 1201 J " 240 1301 K " 187 1401 L •' 137 M " 07 Railroad Avenue 24 1501 N South B 1601 P " 10 1701 Q " 6 1801 R " 4 e Baker Avenue and Fox. 3 £1^111 Park Ave, f 1815 Market S to 13th, b Valencia & Guerrero. 40—10. 13 K 22.- Eliza PI, 285, b Taylor ai d Jones, f 1220 W^ashington N. ' 7 6—3,6. 11 E 215. 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 Elizabeth, b 22d & 23d, f 112 San Jose Ave W to Ocean Road. 64—15. 17 Q. San Jose Avenue Church Sanchez 187 Noe 1S9 Castro 225 Diamond 232 Douglass 274 Ellen 336 Bellevuc 482 O.eanRoad 487 £iizabetli, 14, b 3rd and 4th. f 725 Folsom SE to Louisa 19—2. 8 H 365. Elk, (now Aberdeen), b Donah and Albert, f Brown SW to Co. line. 60—15. 14 c. Elkliam Terrace 135, off Bush near Pierce. 18 G. Ellen, b Seventh and Eighth, f Harrison S. 60—15. 11 K 410. Elliek Alley, b Dupont and Stockton, f 723 Pacific N. 17i— 3^. 10 D 110. Elliek Eane, 185, b Stockton and Powell, f 812Cahfornia N. Ellery (now Ecker), b Beale & Fremont, f 321 BryantlS. 5 G. 339 Ellert, 254, b Cortland Ave & Newman, f 410 North Ave to Andover. 1 2 U. Elliot, b Stockton and Powell, f California N. 10 E 138. Elliot JLane, f O'Farrell near 1505 Steiner N to Elliot Park. 15 H 386. Elliott Park, 122, b Gearj and O'Farrell, f 1505 Steiner W. 16 H 386. Ellis, b Eddy and O'Farrell, W f junction of Stockton and 900 Market. 68,9—15. 17 H. 1 Market and Stockton . . 30 101 Powell 3J 111 Glasgow 201 Mason 45 301 Taylor 50 401 Jones C) 501 Leavenworth 70 601 Hyde 75 701 Larkin 85 801 Polk 90 901 Van Ness Avenue 116 1001 P^anklin 150 1101 Gough 173 1201 Ov;tavia 16S 1301 Laguna 132 1401 Buchanan 112 Hollis Webster 103 Folger Alley Filmore . . .' I'W Steiner lU Bi>urbin I hi e Pier e l\S Farren Aveuuo S -ott 130 Beidenian Devisadero 1^5 BrtKieri k ' Alemany Avenue . . 252 1501 1601 1701 1801 1901 2001 2101 30 £lsie, b Ohapultepec & Buena Vista, f ] 20 Coso Ave S to Holly Park Ave. 13 T. 1 Coso Avenue 101 Esmeralda Avenue 201 Virginia Avenue 301 Eugenia Avenna 401 Cortland Avenue 501 Santa Maria 232 Reservoir 401 Holly Park Avenue 266 e West Avenue 260 Kls ^v^or til, b Anderson & Gates f Esmeralda Ave S to Crescent Ave. 40—7. 11 T. 1 Esmeralda Ave 101 Powhattan *' 401 Eugenia " 281 Cortland " 201 Jefferson " 301 Union ** 501 Old Hickory " 601 Crescent " . . : . . Elm Ave, b Golden Gate Axe and Turk, f 417 Larkin W. 35— 7. 14 I 226. 1 Larkin 63 101 Polk 68 201 Van Ness Avenue 70 301 Franklin 84 £llwood, 66, b Powell & Ma- son, f 234 O'Farrell N. 10 G 169. Eliiiira, 8, b Watervillr and Charter Oak Ave, f Islais Creek S to 3400 Silver Ave. 40—10. 9 V. Smtna, 135, b Bush and Pine, f 506 Stockton E. 19—3,10. 9 F 117. Emina PI, 40 b Stockton and Powell, f Chestnut S. 18—7,10. 10 B 127. El Iflouta, 335, f Beacon W to Castro. 40—10. 15 T. Emmet PI, 145, b California and Sacramento, f 713 Stockton W. 38-7,8. 10 E 138. Erie, 20, b 13th and 14th, f 1747 Mission to Howard. 40—10. 12 I 20. Erksoii €t, b Devisadero and Broderick, f 2620 Post N. 17 G 504. Esmeralda Avenue, f Cali- fornia Ave E to Holliday Ave, b Coso & Virginia Aves. 40 — 10. 12S. 1 California Avenue 136 Lundy's Lane 175 101 Prospect Avenue 179 201 Chapultepec Avenue 242 201 Elsie Avenue 264 401 Buena Vista Avenue 501 North Ave & Andover. . . Moultrie Rosencranz Anderson Alabama Ellsworth Carver Shotwell Bradford Gates Peralta Folsom Franconia Banks Winslow Prentiss Brewster Nevada Holliday Esmond, f Morse SE to Watt Ave, b Allison & Macke3\ 50 — 15. 17 b. Essex, 83, b First and Second, f B'olsom to Harrison 50 — 13. 7 G349. Essex Plaee, f 541 Folsom W to Charles PI, b First & Second. 40—10. 7 G 349. I<>$tefana, f Hecker SWto Islais Creek, b Barneveld Ave and Gertrudis. 40—10. 9 T. Eni^enia, 302, b Josephine and Wood, t Geary to Post. 60—15. Eugenia Ave, b Virginia and Powhattan Cortland Aves, f 3400 Mission E to Prentiss. 40-7. 12 T 1 Mission 101 California Ave 151 201 Pi-ospect " 191 301 Chapultepec " 226 401 Elsie " 236 501 Buena Vista " 601 North Bennnigton 249 701 Wool 255 801 Andover 252 901 Moultrie 257 1001 Anderson 262 1101 Ellsworth 245 1201 Gates 227 1301 Folsom 207* 1401 Banks 174 1501 Prentiss 150 Eureka, b Diamond and Doug- lass, f 17th to 23d. 60—15. 16 P. 1 Seventeenth 178 101 Eighteenth 150 201 Nineteenth 183 301 Twentieth 412 4Ul Twentv-first 302 501 Twenty-second 822 e Twenty-third 672 Eureka Alley, b 15th & 16th Aves S, f P to Q. 7 U. Eureka Plaee, 155, b Bush & Pine, f 1294 Larkin E. 25—6. 12 F 307. Eve, 5, f San Bruno Ave W to Holliday Ave. 38—9. 9 R. Everett, 20, b Mission & Howard, f 140 Third to Fourth. 35—7. 9 H 365. Evert, b Hart and HofIman,f Visi- tacion S bey^Co. line. 66-15. 8 c. Everson, 461, f Fairmount Park to Beacon, b Bemis and Addi- son. 15 U. Ewer Place, 276, bet Sacra- mento & Cla^-, f 1011 Mason W. Ill— 'SI. 10 E 189. Ewing Place, 172, b Post and Sutter, f 1619 Laguna W. 60— 10. 14 G 235. Excliang-e PI, b Sansome & Montgomery, f 339 Pine S. 8 F 55. Exeter, b Crane & Gould, f Paul Ave S to Salinas. 40—10. 8 Y. Faust's Map •25 Map and (jruide 35 31 F South, f 3d Ave S & India SW to Co. line, b E South & G South 64—15. 2 W. 1 1st Ave South 101 2d " 201 3d " 301 4th " 401 6th " 9 501 6th " 12 601 7th •' 15 701 8th " 18 801 9th " 24 901 10th " 44 1001 11th " 64 1101 12th " 44 12<31 13th " 84 1301 14th '* : 64 1401 15th " 10 1501 16th " 7 1601 17th " 6 1701 18th " 5 1801 19th " 4 1901 20th " 3 Sts, and Nos. continue to 45th Ave S. See J South. Fair Ave, 106, f 3200 Mission SE to California Ave, b Powell Ave and Virginia Ave. 12 S. Fairmouut, f 3700 Mission W to Bemis, b Randall, Charles and Miguel. 30—8, 50—13. 14 T. 1 San Jose Road 101 Chenerv 212 201 Palmer 260 301 Laidley- 300 e Bemis 351 Fair 4>alcs, b Guerrero and _ Dolores, f 21st to 26th. 60—15. 1 Twenty-first 175 101 TwentV-second 98 201 Twentv-third 100 301 Twenty-fourth 132 Jersey 153 401 Twentv-fifth 141 451 Clipper 135 e Twenty-sixth 110 Faitli, 20, f California Ave NW to Brewster. 40—10. 9 S. Falcon PI, 240, b Broadway & Vallejo, f 1641 Taylor E. 20—5. 11 D 184. Falcon Ave, f 18th and Clara Ave VV to Rose, thence winding South to Elizabeth. 17 O. Clara Ave . .176 Roniain Hattie 196 Pearl Danvers . . .365 Diamond Ave Moss Ave . .324 Silver Ave. . . Casclli A vr . 360 Gold Ave ... . Eagle 369 Elizabeth . . . Stanton Falmoiitli, b Fifth and Sixth, f 931 Folsom to Shipley.' 35— \ 19 I 383. FarusAVortli, f Willard W to Sunset Av S of Parnasus. 20—3. 20 M. Fargo Pi, b Bryant & Brannan, f Boardman Place SW. near 7th. 18—6. 9 J 398. Farragnt Ave, f 7900 Mis- sion Road NW to San Jose Ave. 60—15. 20 b. 1 Mission Rd & Porter Ave .298 101 Huron Avenue 285 301 Wyoming Avenue 244 San Jose Avenue 305 Farrallones, b Lobes and Broad, f San Jose Ave W to Ori- zaba. 60—15. 22 a- I San Jose Avenue 101 Plvmouth 315 201 Capitol 313 401 Orizaba 290 Farrell Ct, 45, f Oakwood E, b 18th & 19th. 12. 14 N. Farren Ave, 125, b Scott and Pierce, f 1720 Eddy N. 52,6—] 3. Faxon Ave, 246, b Capitol and Jules Ave. f 600 Lake View Ave N to Ocean Ave. 70-15. 2 Z. For cross streets see Arling-ton Ave. Federal, 22, b Brvant & Bran- nan, f 512 First SW to Second. 31,6—6,4. 6 H 351. Fell, b Oak and Hayes, f 1700 Market and Polk W. 68,9—1. 16 J. II Market and Polk 40 101 Van Ness Avenue 46 201 Franklin • 49 301 Gough 52 401 Octavia 57 501 Laguna 68 601 Buchanan 109 701 Webster 154 801 Fillmore 195 901 Steiner 240 1001 Pierce 220 1101 Scott 176 1201 Devisadero 176 1301 Broderick 187 1401 Baker 199 1501 Lvon 205 1601 Lott 212 1701 Masonic Avenue 219 1801 Ashbury 227 1901 Clayton 230 2001 Cole 234 2101 Shrader 238 Stanyan 241 Fella, PI, 162, X Bush & Pine, f Powell E. 13,6—2,8. Felton, b Stilhnan & Bun-ows, f San Bruno Ave SW to La Grande Ave. 60—15. 10 W. 1 San Bruno Avenue .... 101 Girard 201 Berlin 301 Goettingen 401 Somerset 501 Holvoke 601 Hamilton 107 701 Bowdoin 114 801 Dartmouth 133 901 College 149 1100 University 165 11 01 Princeton 1201 Amherst 1301 Yale 1401 Cambridge 1501 Oxford 1601 Harvard 1701 Gambler 1801 Madison e Knox and Munich 32 Fern Ave, h Sutter aud Bnsh, f 1113 Larkin to Laguna. 35—7. 13 G 128. 1 Larkin 140 101 Polk 150 201 Van Ness Avenue 175 301 Franklin 196 401 Gough 220 501 Octovia 185 Laguna 190 Fielding^, 20, b Mason & Tay- lor, f Lombard N. 30-6. 10 B ] 27 Fifth, b 4th and 5th, f 900 Mar- ket SE to the bay, 82,6—19. 9L 1 Market 24 Stevenson Mint Avenue 33 Jessie 101 Missini 18 107 Minna 125 Natoma 201 Hovvaid 12 211 Tehama 227 Clementina 301 Folscm 4 317 Shipiey base 329 Clara " 401 Harrison " Pen"v " 501 Bryant " Tihord " 601 Brannai " Bluxome " 701 Townsend " Jewett " King- - 801 Berry " Channel " Hooper. . , , " Irwin *' Hubbell '« Fifth Ave, b Fourth & Sixth Aves, f Presidio Reservation South to K. 70—15. 22 J. 1 Lake 184 California 166 101 California South 166 201 Clement 170 301 Point Lobos Avenue. . . 166 401 A 176 501 B 182 601 C •. . . 206 700 Fulton 224 Golden Gate Park 1101 H 261 Hugo 268 1201 I 272 Parnasus 335 1201 J 332 1401 K 368 e Serpentine Koad 393 Filtli Avenue Soutli, f Dock or Water Front NW to T South, b Third & Fifth Aves S. 80—19. 8U. 1 Dock and Water Front . . 1 101 Ship 6 201 A South 6 301 B " 6 401 C '* 12 501 D " 12 601 E " 12 701 F South 9 801 G " 3 901 H " 3 1001 I " 16 1101 J " 20 1201 K " 20 1301 L " 20 1401 M '* 4 1501 N " 4 Railroad Avenue 2 1601 P South 1 1701 Q " h 1801 R " base 1901 S '* '* eT " " Fifteentli Avenue, b 14th & 16th Aves, f Presidio Res. S to W. 70—15. 24 J. 1 Lake 125 101 California 128 201 Clement 160 301 Point Lobos Avenue. . . 155 401 A 163 501 B 220 601 C 216 700 Fulton 214 Golden Gate Park 1101 H. . . . 2138 1901 P. . . . 548 1201 I .... 246 2001 Q.... 1301 J .... 254 2101 R . . . 1401 K.... 234 2201 S.... 1501 L.... 467 2301 T. .. 1601 M.... 557 2401 U... 1701 N.... 511 2501 V ... 1801 O.... 504 e W... -i'ifteeiith, b Alameda 14th and 16th, f Water Front W to Stanyan. 68—15. 14 M, 9 L. 1 Water Front 101 Georgia 201 Michigan 301 Illinois 401 Kentucky 2M. 501 Tennessee 601 Minnesota 701 Sixth 801 Eighth 901 Carolina 1001 DeHaro 3 1101 Rhode Island 4 1201 Kansas 5 1301 Vermont 20 1401 Nebraska 18 1501 Utah 11 1601 Potrero Avenue 14 1701 Hampshire 02 1801 York 33 1901 Bryant Avenue 66 2001 Florida 35 2101 Alabama. 12 e Harrison. 18 2201 Harrison 2 2301 Folsom 8 Shotwell 7 2401 Howard 10 Natoma Capp Minna 2501 Mission 18 Lida Place Julian Avenue Caledonia Alley 2601 Valencia .' 30 2701 Guerrero 40 ^3 ^3801 Dolores 60 2901 Church 84 3001 Sanschez 116 3101 Noe 137 3201 Castro 148 FIfteentli Ave S, f Water Front and Von Schmidt NW to San Bruno Ave, b 14th and 16th Aves South. 80-19. 5 V. 1 Water Front 1 101 Tevis 6 201 Dock 6 301 Ship 6 401 A 501 B 601 C 701 D 801 E 901 F 1001 G 1101 H 1201 I 1301 J 1401 K 1501 I, 1601 M South 9 9 9 9 9 10 64 64 124 104 164 114 60 Railroad Avenue 57 1701 N South 52 1801 P "• 50 1901 Q " 34 2001 R " 10 2101 S " 4 Channel & Islais Creek. . 4 Waterville and Hecker. . 1 Bourne 1 BArneveld Ave.l Aleatraz 1 Swan 1 Adela 1 Ix)omis. ...... 1 rftringhani 1 Patterson 1 e San Bruno 1 Filbert, b Union & Greenwich, f 1200 Front W to Presidio Res. 68,9—15. 17 D. 1 Front base 101 Battery 3 201 Sansome 8 Billings Place Napier Alley Norton Place 301 Montgomerv ISO 401 Kearny....^ 209 407 Filbert Place 417 Varennes 427 Grand Place 501 *jpont 110 A*iv Ian Place 515 Jasper Place 601 Stockton 80 701 Powell 57 Gaven Montgomery Avenue . . Scotland 801 Mason 73 901 Taylor ^ Roach 1001 Jones ' 130 Attridge Alley .• 1101 Leavenworth ^205 . ilandall Place 1201 Hyde 280 1301 Larkin 228 1401 Polk 136 1501 Van Ness Avenue 87 1601 Franklin 54 1701 Gough 46 1801 Octavia 60 1^ Laguna 44 2001 Buchanan 44 2101 Webster 44 2201 Fillmore 34 2301 Steiner 34 2401 Pierce 68 2501 Scott 82 &601 Devisadero 100 2701 Broderick 104 ^801 Baker 60 Lyon 94 Filbert PI, 136, b Kearny & Dupont, f 408 Union to Filbert. 9 C 84. Fillmore, b Webster & Stei- ner, f 410 Thirteenth to Lewis. 68,9—15. 16 I. 1 Thirteenth 110 101 Hermann 119 • Germania 201 Waller 125 301 Haight 148 401 Page 180 501 Oak 200 601 Fell 195 701 Hayes 169 801 Grove 140 901 Fidton 108 1001 McAllister 105 1 101 Golden Gate Avenue ... 102 1201 Turk 99 1301 Eddy 102 WOl Ellis 108 Byington 1501 O'Farreil lU 1601 Geary ...... 117 1701 Post 120 1801 Sutter 126 1901 Bush 148 2001 Pine 160 2101 California 164 2201 Sacramento 184 2301 Clay 194 2401 Washington 234 2501 Jackson 235 2601 Pacific 242 2701 Broadway ?^fl 2801 Vallejo 170 2901 Green 100 3001 Union 60 3101 Filbert 34 Pixley 3201 Greenwich 27 Moulton 3301 Lombard 24 3401 Chestnut 21 3501 Francisco 18 3601 Bay 15 3701 North Point 12 3801 Beach 9 3901 Jefferson 6 4001 Tonquin 3 Lgwis 1 Fillmore 'PlVi62,' b Pine and California, f 2011 Fillmore W. 201^4. 16 F 354. First, b Freemont and Second, f 601 Market SE to the bay. 82,6 -19. 7 F. 1 Market 5 Stevenson Jessie Lick AlJev 34 101 Mission 5 Minna Natoma Melius 201 Howard 8 Tehama Tehama Place 15 -^ — Clementina 301 Folsom 30 — r- Guy Place Boston Place Laurel Place 401 Harrison 80 Goodsell Place Simpson Place Alger Place 501 Bryant 30 Federal 601 Brannan 2 Bluxome Townsend base First Ave, f Presidio Reserva- tion South to J. 100—22. 21 I. Presidio Line 274 Jackson 270 Washington 246 Clay 223 2 Lake 211 Sacramento 208 California 190 102 Cahfornia South 182 202 Clement and Post Street extended or Richmond 187 302 Point Lobos Avenue 195 502 A 198 602 B 204 Turk 205 702 C 214 Fulton 236 Golden Gate Park 1102 H 269 Hugo 289 Frederick 279 Carl , 314 1202 I 325 1302 J 406 Parnassus 394 e Serpentine Road 438 First Ave Soutli, N of Second Ave South, f China NW to Islais. 1 China 601 K South 101 B South 701 L " 201 C " 801 M ♦* 301 D " 901 N ** India Basin 1001 P ** 401 I South 1101 Q " 601 J " Fiteli, f Ocean Road to Lincoln Ave, 25th & Bellevue. 18 Q. Fislier Alley, 112, b Pacific and Broadway, f 1316 Powell E. Hi— 2L 10 D 133. Flint, 402, b 16th and Tilden, f Albany E towards Castro. 30-10. 16 M. Flint Alley, 18, b Sansome and Battery, f 210 Vallejo S. 30—6. 8 C 31. Flood Avenue, f Circular Ave "West to Hamburg, b Spreckles and Hearst. 70—18. 9 W. 1 Circular Avenue 165 101 Congo 175 201 Detroit 201 801 Edna 286 401 Foerster 306 501 Genessee 829 606 Hamburg 346 Flora, f Bay View S to Thornton Ave, b Pomona and N South or Susquehanna. 60—12. 7 V. Florence, f 7100 Mission SE to Morse, biet Concord and Wait Avenue. 18 b. Florence PI, 261, b Taylor & Jones, f 1030 Broadway to Val- lejo. 30-6. 11 D 212. Florida, b Alabama and Bryant Ave, f Channel South to Pre- citaAve. 60—15. 80—19. 10 Q. 1 Division 6 101 Alameda 12 201 Fifteenth 20 301 Sixteenth 41 401 Seventeenth 35 501 Mariposa 30 601 Eighteenth 21 701 Nineteenth 18 801 Twentieth 19 901 Twenty-first 22 1001 Twenty-second 32 1101 Twenty-third 40 1201 Twenty fourth 40 1301 Twentv-fifth 38 1401 Twenty-sixth 35 1501 Army 25 Precita Avenue Flower, SVV of 15th Ave S, f San Bruno Av SE to Loomis. 9 S Foerster Ave, f Wieland N to Melrose, b Edna and Gennessee. 60—15. 19 W. For cross streets see Edna. 1 Melrose 367 101 Mangels 346 201 Joost 334 301 Sunnvside 317 401 Hearst 300 501 Flood 306 601 Spreckels 326 Folger Alley, 105, b Web- ster and Fillmore, f 1511 Ellis S. 10,6—2,2. 15 H 306. Folsom, b Howard & Harrison SW f 401 East to 13th, thence S to Esmeralda Ave. 82^-19. 10 J and 11 P. 1 East base Steuart '• 101 Spear '* 201 Main 5 301 Bea^e 10 Zoe Pla e 401 Fremont CO Baldwin Court Grant Place 501 First 30 Rodney Essex 601 Second 42 Hawthorne 32 ■ Hampton Place 23 701 Third 15 Ritch 13 .Alice 801 Fourth 6 Miller Place 901 Fifth 4 35 929 Falmouth iUOi bixtii » Caroline Harriet — -— Columbia !S ,uaro Russ Sherman M08d noi Seventh.. G Langton Bruoe Plaje Rausjh Otis Plaee 1201 Eighth T"> 1301 Ninth L5 1401 Tenth 1:1 Jmiiper 15Jl Eleventh 13 Norfolk 1601 Twelfth 13 1701 Thirteenth 9 Erie 1801 Fourteenth 7 1901 Fifteenth 8 2001 Sixteenth i^^ 2101 Seventeenth 10 2201 Eighteenth 11 2301 Nineteenth 16 2401 Twentieth 28 J>501 Twenty-first 38 5601 Twenty -second 44 2701 Tweutv -third 42 2801 Twenty-fourth 48 2901 Twentv-fifth 50 3001 Twenty-sixthi 46 3101 Army 29 Precita Avenue 65 3201 Stoneman 3201 Ripley Place 200 3301 Waltham 3401 Esmeraldh Avenue 3501 Powhattan 3601 Eugenia 3701 Cortland Avenue J^BOl Jefferson Avenue 3901 Union Avenue 152 4001 Old Hickory Avenue . . 97 4101 At 1100 Crescent 448 Folsoin PI, b Main and Beale, f 310 Folsom N. 6 F 331. Foote Ave, 253, f 7200 Mission Roal NW to San Jose Ave, cr Potrero Ave, Huron Ave and Wyoming Ave b Ottawa and Na- glee. 60—15. 19 a. Ford, 120, b 17th & 18th, f 420 Sanchez W to Noe. 64—15. 15 N. Ford PI, X 17th & 18th, f San- chez W to Castro, 15 N. Fortieth Ave, b 39th & 41th, Aves, f 3900 Clement South to X. 70—18. 30 J. V 1 Clement.316 301 B 165 101 PLobos.262 401 C 95 201 A 199 500 Fulton. .95 For cross streets see 30th Avenue. Fortletli Ave Soutli, f Co. line NW to San Bruno Ave, b 39th&41stAvesS. 80-19 6 b. Forty- first Ave, b 40th and 4 2d Aves, f 4000Clement South to X. 70-18. 31 J. For cross streets see 30th Avenue. 1 Clement. 314 301 B 145 101 P Lobos..269 401 C 117 201 A 215 501 Fulton. 90 Forty-first Ave South, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 40th & 42d Aves S. 80-19. 6 b. Forty-second Ave, b 41st i 43d Aves, f Clement South 4o X. 70-18. 31 J. For cross streets see 30th Avenue. 1 Clement. 31 2 301 B 143 101 PLobos..270 401 C...... 88 201 A 204 501 Fulton . 74 Forty-seeoiid Ave South, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 41st & 43d Aves S. 80-19 31 J. Forty-third Ave, b 42nd and 43d Aves, f Clement South toX. 70—18. 31 J. 1 Clement. 306 301 B 120 101 P Lobos..261 401 C 58 201 A 183 500 Fulton . 61 For cross streets see 30th Avenue. Forty-third Ave South, 1 Co. line NW to Railroad Ave, b 42d & 44th Aves S. 80—19. 6 e. Forty- fourth Ave, b 43d & 45th Aves, f Clement to X. 70—18. 31 J. For cross streets see 30th Avenue. 1 Clement .281 301 B 177 101 PLobos..254 401 C 64 201 A 212 501 Fulton. 56 Forty-l'ourtli Ave South, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 43d & 45th Aves S. 80-19. 7 c. Forty- fifth Ave, b 44th and 46th Aves, f Clement South to X. 70-38. 31 J. For cross streets see 30th Avenue. 1 Clement. 269 301 B 94 101 PLobos..252 401 C 65 201 A 194 501 Fulton . 55 Forty-fiftli Ave South, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 44th & 46th Aves S. 80-19. 7 c. Forty-sixth Ave, b 45th & 47th Aves, f Clement South to X. 70—18. 32 J. For cross streets see 30th Avenue. 1 Clement 262 301 B 92 101 PLobos..238 401 C 47 201 A 187 501 Fulton. 45 Forty-sixth AveS, i Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 45th & 47th Aves S. 80—19. 8 c. Forty-seventh Ave, b 46th and 48th Aves, f Clement South to X. 70—18. 82 J. 1 ClemPHt.234 301 B 86 101 PLobos..2l4 401 C 33 201 A 182 501 Fulton. 31 Forty-seventli Ave S, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 46lh & 4Sth Aves S. 80—19. 8 c. Forty-eigclith Ave, b 47th & 49th Aves', f A South to S. 70-18. 32 J. For cross streets see 30th Avenue. 1 Clement. 204 301 B 62 101 P Lobos..l94 401 C 28 201 A 174 501 Fulton . 30 36 Forty-eiglitli Ave S, f Co. line NW to Railroad Ave, b47th & 49th Aves S. 80—19. 9 c. Forty-ninth Ave, bet. 48th Ave & Pacific Ocean, f A South to J. 70—18. 32 J. 1 Clement. 321 301 B 19 101 P Lobos .. 401 C...... 20 201 A 19 501 Fulton. 21 Forty- nlntb Ave S, f Visita- tion NVV to Railroad Ave, S of 48th Ave S. 80—19. 9 c. Fountain, b Ellen & Bellevie, f 24th to 26th. 60-15. 17 Q. 1 Twenty-fourth 3-5 101 Twenty-fifth 412 200 Twentv-sixth 482 Fourth, b 3d & 5th, f 801 Mar- ket SE to Bay. 82|— 19. 6 J. 1 Market./. 30 21 Stevenson 31 Jes-ie 101 Mission 24 117 Minna 133 Everett 201 Howard .10 219 Tehama 243 Clementina , 301 Folsom () 31^ Jjouisa :'>:\:i Clara 401 Harris )U 4 41S Perrv 4.; I S Ivei- r. .1 Hrvaiit 2 [>-l-^ Welch 537 Freeluu 6J1 Bi-am a i base BhixoiiK! '' 7U1 Tjwi.scua " Jevvctt *' Ivinj^ " 801 Berry " V hanncl " lL)OiK'r " Ir.vi.i '' }i )b])ell " Fourth Ave, b 3d & 5th A 'es, f Presidio Reser\ alion South to K. 70—15. 22 1. 1 Lake 187 101 California 172 California South 170 201 Clement 173 301 Point Lobos Avci.ue . . 169 401 A 176 501 B 184 601 C 206 700 Fulton 224 Golden Gate Park. 1101 H 266 1151 Hug-o 269 1201 1 277 1301 J 380 Parnasus Ave 461 1401 K 410 e Serpentine Road 408 Fourth Ave South, f Dock & Water Front ISW to T South, b 3d Ave South and 5th Ave South 80—19. 2 U. For cross streets to I see map. 1001 1 South lO 1101 J " 5 1201 K South . . 3 1301 L " ... 4 1401 M " ... 3 1501 N " ... Kailroad A "enue base 1601 P South... 1701 Q " it ISOl R " (( 1901 S " ... (( e T " .... 11 HPourteenth , b 13 and I5thf Harrison W. 6^-15. IC L . 1 Harris jn. . Folsom . . 7 131 . 8 Shotwell . . 901 Howard . . 9 Minna . . . . 301 Mission . 15 Julian / \\ ,nuo 401 Valen ia . . tJuiUTcro . . . 30 no I . 44 -601 Dolores . . . 90 Market 89 701 Church . . . . 87 801 Sanchez . . . 105 901 Noe 14.e 1001 227 , 266 1101 Alpine . . . S3uth Broc Icrick....... . Hlo Fourteen I3fc •* « •-. ]) 13tl 1 and 15th Aves, f Prtsidio Re iS. S to V. 70—18. 24 J. 1 Lake . 128 101 California. 133 201 Clement . . . 145 301 Point Lobos Avenue . . 159 401 A 162 501 B 208 601 (; 211 Fulton ... 213 Golden Gate Park. 1101 H . . . . 236 1901 P 644 ^201 1 237 2001 q .... 1301 J 246 2101 R 1401 K 32 2201 S - . . . 1501 L .... 433 2:301 T 1601 M . . . . 585 2401 U . . . . 1701 N 608 e V . . . . 1801 .... 600 Fourteenth Ave South, f Water Front ^W to S South, b 13th Ave South and 14th Ave South. 80—19. 4 V. 1 Water Front 101 Tevis iOl Dock 301 Ship 401 A South 12 501 B " 12 601 C " 12 701 D " 12 801 E *♦ J 2 901 F " 44 1001 G " 84 1101 H " 144 1201 I " 144 1301 J " 204 1401 K " 184 1501 L " 124 1601 M " 62 1701 N " 38 37 Railroad Avenue 50 1801 P South 33 1901 Q " ly 2001 R " 5 eS " 3 Fowler Ave, West of Stanford Heights Ave, f 25th S to Sussex. 684—15. 20 T. For cross streets see Twin Peaks Ave. Fraiiklbrt Ave, b Mission & Howard, f 15 13th N. 13 H 15. France Ave, 137, b Italy and Russia, f 6001 Mission to Munich 60—15. 16 Z. 1 Mission 157 101 London 197 201 Paris 242 301 Lisbon 293 401 Madrid 307 501 Edinburgh 271 601 Naples 701 Vienna 801 Athens 901 Moscow Munich Francis, 167, b Cotter & Croke, f 4900 Mission NVV to Alemany. a6X. Francisco, b Chestnut & Bay, f Mont'^omery W to Presidio Reservation. 68,9—15. 17 C. 1 Montgomery base Winthrop '* • Kearny 5 101 Dupont 60 Midway East Bellair Place 201 Stockton . . 27 Midway West 301 Powell 6 401 Mason 5 501 Taylor 6 Montgomery Avenue . . 17 601 Jones 40 701 Leavenworth 90 801 Hyde 140 901 Larkin 138 1001 Polk 95 1101 Van Ness Avenue 70 1201 Franklin 60 1301 Gough 54 1401 Octavia 32 1500 Laguna 25 Lobos Sqr (Buchanan) . 18 1701 Webster 18 1801 Fillmore 18 1901 Steiner 18 2001 Pierce lA 2101 Scott 18 2201 Devisadero 18 2301 Broderick..., 18 2401 Baker ^8 Lyoji .-^5 Franconia Ave, (now Ma- cedonia), b Peralta Ave and Brewster, f Esmeralda Ave N. 40—10. 10 S. Frank PI, 242, b Pine & Cali- fornia, f 817 Mxgon W. 17,6-3,6. 10 F 191. Franklin, b Van Ness Ave & Gough, f 1900 Market N. to Lewis. 68,9^15. 13 H. 1 Market and Page 43 Lily Avenue 101 Oak 47 Hickorv Avenue 201 Fell...' 49 Linden Avenue 301 Hayes 51 Ivy Avenue 401 Grove 54 Birch Avenue 501 Fulton 57 Ash Avenue 601 McAllister 62 Locust Avenue 701 Golden Gate Avenue ... 76 Elm Avenue 801 Turk 90 Laurel Avenue 901 Mdy 120 Willow Avenue 1001 Ellis 150 Olive Avenue 1101 O'FaiTell 170 Myrtle Avenue 1201 Geary 170 Cedar Avenue 1301 Post 180 Walnut Avenue 1401 Sutter 180 Fern Avenue 1501 Bush 188 Austin 191 1601 Pine 198 1701 California 220 1801 Sacramento 225 1.90J Clay.. 22? 2001 Washington 225 2101 Jackson 215 2201 Pacific 185 2301 Broadway 154 2401 Vallejo 114 2501 Gr jen 74 2601 Union 60 2701 Filbert 54 2S01 Greenwich 52 2901 Lombard 50 3001 Chestnut 55 3101 Francisco 60 3201 Bay 65 -»^' c / North Point . . 70 Bt] Beach 78 V ^ ) Jefferson 94 O^ (Tonquin 80 Lewis 1 Franklin Sq'r, 60, b 15 th& 16th, York and Jersey. 10 M. Frederick, b Carl & Waller, f Buena Vista Ave to First Ave. 68,9—15. 20 M. 1 Park Avenue Masonic Avenue 360 De Long 356 201 Ashbury 356 Tremoni 352 301 Clayton 345 401 Cole 215 501 Stanyan 268 601 Wlllard 270 700 First Avenue 280 Freedom, f Alcatraz S to Bourne b Baker and Islais. 8 S. Freelon, 2 b Bryant and Bran- nan* f 536 4th E to Zoe. 35—7. 7 I 367 and 376. 38 Fremont, b Beale & 1st, f 400 Market SE to the bay. 82.6-^19. 7 F 1 Market 3 101 Mission 3 Melius 201 Howard 4 • Lincoln Place 301 Folsora 20 401 Harrison 60 Lawrence Place 501 Biyant 20 Brannan base Fr** 111 out Court, 202. b Pow- ell and Mason, f 1005 Clay S. 10 E 162. Fresno, b Plumas & India, f the bay W to 1 st Ave. 06— 1 5. 3 T. 1 Water Front 101 Mexico 1 201 Colorado 1 301 Arizona 1 401 Idaho 1 501 Dakotah 1 601 Wyoming 1 701 Ohio 1 Virginia and 1st Ave S. Friedman PI, 163, b Pacific and Broadway, f 1900 Larkin E. 18—4. 12 D 300. Front, b Davis aid Battery, f 300 Market N to Greenwich. 68,9—15. 8 E. 1 Market 3 101 Pine 2 201 CaUfornia 1 Halleck 301 Sacramento 1 317 Commercial base 401 Clay " 415 Merchant ** 501 Washington *' Oregon •' 601 Jackson '^ 3 Clark 3 701 Pacific 3 713 Chambers 3 801 Broadway 3 901 Vallejo base 1001 Green " Commerce " 1101 Union " Dock " 1201 Filbert •* Greenwich *' Front Ave, b Water Front and First Ave S f India SE cr C and D South. 80—19. 1 U. Fulton, b Grove and McAllis- ter, f 201 Larkin W to Pacific Ocean. 68|— 15. 15 J. 1 Larkin 50 101 Polk 50 201 Van Ness 54 301 Franklin 57 401 Gough 61 501 Ootavia 67 601 Laguna 74 701 Buchanan 84 801 Webster 92 901 Fillmore 108 1001 Steiner 150 1101 Pierce 186 1201 Scott 220 1301 Devisadero 190 1401 Broderick 196 1501 Baker 200 1601 Lyon 208 1701 Lott 212 1801 Masonic Avenue 216 1901 Asbury 238 2001 Clayton 286 2101 Cole 316 2201 Parker Avenue 336 2301 Shrader 336 2401 Stanyan 306 2501 North Willard — 2601 First Avenue and D 236 2701 Second Avenue.... 226 3801 Third " .... 224 3901 Fourth " .... 224 3001 Fifth " .... 224 2101 Sixth " .... 224 3201 Seventh *' .... 226 2301 Eighth " .... 226 3401 Ninth " : . . . 224 3501 Tenth " .... 221 3301 Eleventh " .... 219 3701 Twelfth ** .... 217 3801 Thirteenth " .... 215 3901 Fourteenth " .... 213 4001 Fifteenth " .... 214 4101 Sixteenth " .... 250 4201 Seventeenth '* .... 238 4301 Eighteenth Avenue 236 4401 Nineteenth " .... 234 4501 Twentieth " .... 232 4601 Twenty-first " .... 223 4701 Twentv-second '* .... 200 4801 Twenty-third " .... 185 4901 Twenty-fourth " .... 173 5001 Twenty-fifth " .... 163 5101 Twenty-sixth " . . . . I98 5201 Twenty-seventh" ....157 5301 Twenty-eighth " .... 148 5401 Twenty-ninth " .... 138 5501 Thirtieth " .... 137 5601 Thirty-first " .... 136 5701 Thirty-second " .... 135 5801 Thirty-third " .... 6901 lliirty-fourth " .... 6001 Thirtv-fifth " .... 6101 ITiirty-sixth " .... 6201 Thirty-seventh *' .... 6301 38th Ave 4301 44th Ave 6401 39th Ave 4401 45th Ave 6501 40th Ave 4501 46th Ave 6601 41st Ave 4601 47th Ave 6701 42d Ave 4701 48th Ave 6801 43d Ave e 49th Ave « Sou til, f 4th Ave South SW to Co. line, b F South &H South 64—15. 3 W. 1 1st Ave South 101 2d ♦' 201 3d " 301 4th " 401 5th " 3 501 6th " 6 601 7th " 9 701 8th " 14 801 9th " 34 901 10th *' 104 1001 11th '* 124 1101 12th " 144 1201 13th " 124 1301 14th " 84 1401 15tb '♦ 64 39 1501 16th *' 13 1601 17th " lO 1701 ISth " 7 1801 19th •• 6 1901 20th " 5 2001 21st " 4 2101 22d " 2201 23d " e 39th *' Sts. and Nos. continue to 47th Ave S. See J South. Oabrlelle Place, f 417 First E, b Harrison & Bryant. 6 G 344. Uaines, 14. b Battery & Sansome, f 113 Green to Union. 35—7. 8C 29. Oale, 6, b 1st and 2d, f 50 Towns- end fronting the bay. 20—5. 5 I 353. «aiiibter,b Madison & Harvard, f 1001 Silver Av SE. 60-15. 1 Silver Ave 601 Wayland 201 Silliman 701 Woolsey 301 Felton 801 Dwight 401 Burrows 901 Olmstead 501 Bacon (iarden Ave, 156, b Geary and Post, f 1515 Devisadero to Brod- erick. 17 H 505. Uardiier (now Treat), 43, b Kearnv and Dupont, f 114 Post N. 25—5. 9 F 96. Gardner Place, 20S, b Clay & Washington, f Mason W. 14^—3 11 E 18«. Garfield, N of Shields, f Orizaba to Thornton. 50—10. 24 Z. Gates, b Ellsworth and Folsom, f Cortland Ave S past Crescent Ave. 40—7. 11 V. 196 Cortland Ave 196 186 Jefferson 177 401 Union 143 501 Old Hickory 84 601 Crescent Ave 77 Gaveii, 34, b Rickard and Swee- ne^ , f San Bruno Ave W to Mer- rill. 40—10. 10 V. Uaveii, 57, b Powell and Mason, f 704 Montgomery Ave to Green- wich. 20-4. IOC 153. Geary, b O'Farrell and Post, W f 700 Market and Kearny to 1st Ave. 681—15. 17H. 1 Market and Kearny ... 35 31 Brooks 101 Grant Avenue 41 201 Stockton 50 301 Powell 58 315 Regan Place 401 Mason 70 Metcalf Place 417 Martha Place ^ 501 Taylor 80 510 Jennie Place 511 Gearv Place 516 William 601 Jones 95 701 Leavenworth 120 801 Hyde 110 Saratoga Court Vasserot Place 901 Larkin 115 1001 Polk 105 1101 Van Ness Avenue 140 1201 Franklin 170 1301 Gough 198 1401 Octavia 206 1501 Laguna 160 1601 Buchanan 132 Sunny Court 1701 Webster 123 1801 Filmore 117 Averv 1901 Steiner 122 Hamilton Square 2001 Pierce 126 2101 Scott 129 2201 Devisadero 136 2301 Broderiek 162 St. Joseph's Avenue ... 172 2400 Baker 192 2500 Lvon 230 2600 Central Avenue 260 Josephine 266 2700 Masonic Avenue 262 Eugenie 260 2901 Wood 250 2001 Collins 241 3101 Blake 225 3201 Cook 216 3331 Boyce 212 Parker Avenue 208 3401 Williamson 208 ■ Johnson 205 3501 Commonwealth 201 Henderson 202 3601 Jordan 203 3701 Michigan 205 e First Avenue 192 Geary C't, 105, b Jones & Leaven- worth, f 622 Geary N. 13—3. 11 G 253. Geary Pi, 86, b Taylor & Jones, f 511 Geary S. 17-3. 11 G 224. Geneva, 187, b 6th and 7th, f Brannan SE. 35—7. 8 K 399. Geneva Ave, 187, b Seneca & Unadilla, f 6400 Mission Road NW to O. ean Ave. 60-15, 19 Y. 1 Mission Road 501 Miguel 101 Huron 701 Tara 201 Otsego 601 Louisburg 301 Delaware Ave Morse 401 San Jose Ave 801 Howth e Acacia Gennessee, f Wieland N to Mel- rose, b Foerster and Hamburg. 60—15. 19 W. 1 Melrose ] 01 Mangels 201 Joost 301 Sunnyside 352 401 Hearst 335 501 Flood 329 701 Spreckels 320 George, b 5th and 6th, f Hooper to Hubbell. 7 K. . . • Geor-g"*^ *''^y> b Taylor and Jones, . •.*stN. 11 G 222. Georgia, b Louisiana and Mich- igan, f Solano S to Ist Ave S. 80-19. 4 q. I Eighteenth 2 101 Nineteenth 6 201 Twentieth 12 301 Twenty -first 16 401 Twenty-second 18 40 501 Humboldt 19 601 Twenty-third 8 701 Twenty-fourth 6 801 Twenty-fifth 5 901 Twenty-sixth 5 1001 Army 5 1101 Marin 2 1201 Tulare base 1301 Islais *' 1401 Amador " 1501 Calaveras *' e First Ave " Oerke Alley, 130, b Filbert & Greenwich, f 162 j Dupont E. 20 -4. 9 C 82. Oerinanla, b Herman & Waller f ] 1 Webster to Fillmore. 35-7. 15 K 373. ^Mertriiclis, 10, f Hecker S. b Es- tefana & Salome. 40—10. 9 T. Ii}|l>soii,205,b Green and Union, f Larkin E. 17|— 3|. 12 D 297. iiilhert, b 6th & 7th, f b63 Bryant to Townsend. 35—7. 9 J 398. Ciiiliiiore, 40, f Kentuckv to Illi- nois, nr 21st. 30—6. 5 N 410. Oirard, b San Bruno Ave & Ber- lin, f 3001 Silver Ave S. 60 -15. 9 X. 1 Silver Ave 801 Olmstead 101 Silliman 901 Mansell 201 Felton 1001 Ordway 301 Burrows 1101 Ward ' 401 Bacon 1201 Harkness 501 Way land 1300 Wi d ) 601 Woolsey 1401 Barry 701 Dwight e SanBrunoR Cm la dN tone (was Shakespeare), S of Primm, f Mission to Head. 22 c. iilen Ave, f 620 Bellevue NW to Twin Peaks, b Valley and Thirtieth. 70-18. 18 S.' Ciileii Park Avenue b Mission and Howard, f 120 12th SW. •20—5. 12 K 15. f 401 Steuart SW to Army. 82A —19. 10 J and 11 Q. 1 Steuart base 101 Spear 2 Johnson 201 Main 20 301 Beale 40 401 Fremont 60 501 First 80 Essex 82 551 Rincon Place 83 557 Stanley Place 84 Charles Place 86 601 Second Street 50 Second St. Bridge 87 613 Vassar Place 86 Hawthorne 78 Hampton Court 37 701 Third 13 Ritch 11 801 Fourth 4 901 Fifth base 913 Averill Ave 953 Oak Grove Ave 969 Morris Ave 1001 Sixth 2 1011 Garden Columbia Square Sherman 1101 Seventh 5 1119 Langton 1137 Chesley .- 1149 Hayward Mariposa Terrace 1201 Eighth 10 Gordon 1301 Ninth 15 Dore 1401 Tenth 14 1501 Eleventh 9 Norfolk Twelfth 8 1601 Channel 6 1701 Fourteenth 7 1721 Alameda 1801 Fifteenth 8 1821 El Dorado 1901 Sixteenth 9 1921 Santa Clara 2001 Seventeenth 11 2021 Mariposa 2101 Eighteenth 13 2121 Solano Nineteenth 12 2221 Butte 2301 Twentieth 18 2401 Twenty -first 30 2501 Twenty-second 34 2601 Twenty-third 37 2701 TwentV-fourth 42 2801 Twentv-fifth 44 2901 Twenty-sixth 40 3000 Army 28 3101 Bernal Park 3201 Norwich 3301 Rutledge 99 3401 Ripley Place 161 Harry, 414, f 140 Laidley SW to Beacon, N of Bemis. 30—10. 15 T. Harry Place, 40, b Filbert and Greenwich 291, f 3010 Laguna E. 16 C 188. 45 Hart, b Temple and Evert, f Vis- itacion S to Co. line. 6G-15. 9 c. Hartlbrd, b Noe and Castro, f 18th S to 20th. 60-15. 15 0112. 1 Ei.i,^hteenth 95 101 Nineteenth 150 200 Twentieth 200 Hartniaiiii, 40, b Mason and Tavlor, f 808 Greenwich to Mont- cfomery Ave. 1^ ^— 3^ H C 119. Harvard, b Gumbier & Oxford, f 1101 Silver Av SE. 60-15.19 X. 1 Silver Ave 601 Way land 101 Pioche 701 Woolsey 201 Silliman 801 Dwight 301 Felton 901 Olmstead 401 Burrows e jMansell fiOl Bacon Harwood A lley,150,b Kearny 6 Dupont, f 427 Filbert S. 17|— 3h. 9 C 83. Hattie, 243, b 17th and 18th, f Clara Ave W. 17 N. 1 Clara Avenue 101 Falcon Road 196 e CorbettRoad 214 Haveloek, f 1301 San Jose Ave VV to Industrial School lot, S of Paulding- and Milton Ave. 60. —15. 18 X. 1 San Jose Ave 101 Arago 201 Circular A ve & S P R R 301 Edna e Industrial School fence Havens, b Union and Filbert, f 2011 Leavenworth W. 30—6. 12 C 267. Havens Place, b Stockton and Powell, f 920 Clay to Washing- ton. 10 E 136. Hawes, b Tenth and Eleventh, f Folsom S. 11 K 8. Havvtliorne. 7«, b 2d and 3d, f 633 Howardto Harrison 5 0—8. 7 H 357. Hayes, b Fell & Grove, f 16C0 Market & Larkin W to Stanyan. 68 J— 15. 16 J. 1 Market and Larkin 48 College Place 46 101 Polk 46 201 Van Ness Avenue 48 301 Franklin 51 401 Gough 55 501 Octavia 60 601 Laguna 66 701 Buchanan 92 801 Webster 124 901 Fillmore 169 1001 Steiner 215 1101 Pierce 260 1201 Scott 20^ 1301 Devisadero 181 1401 Broderick 196 1501 Baker 200 1601 Lvon 216 1701 Lott 212 1801 Masonic Avenue 230 1901 Ashbury 248 2001 Clavton 238 2101 Cole- 248 2201 Shrader 254 e Stanyan 265 Hayward, 8, b 7th & 8th, f 1163 Harrison SE. 35—7. 10 J 410. Head, b Bright and Victoria, f Shakespeare and Worcester to Garfield. 60—15. 22 a. 1 Worcester 401 Randolph 101 DeLong 501 Sargent 201 Palmetto 601 Garfield 301 Stanlev Heatli, 19, f 1300 Cortland Ave S, b Lee & Peralta Ave. 40— la 20 W. 1 Cortland Avenue 20 101 Jefferson Avenue 57 e Crescent Avenue Hearst Ave, b Sunnj'side and Flood, f Circular Ave W to Ham- burg. 70—18. 20 W. 1 CircdlarAve 185 101 Baden 187 201 Congo 202 301 Detroit 215 401 Edna 269 501 Foerster 300 601 Geneseees 335 701 Hamburg 365 Heeker, b Baker & Islais Creek, f Loomis E, 40-10. 9 T. Helen Place, b Leavenworth & Hyde, f 1305 California S. 171— 3L 11 F 277. Helena, f Conklin W, b 20th Ave & Aug-usta. 60—12. 9 U. I Conklin. 201 Elmira 101 Waterville 301 Charter Oak e Boutwell Henderson Ave, 221, b John- son & 1st Ave, f Geary S. 20 1 2. Henrietta Square, b How- ard and Folsom, f 235 11th E. II K 7. Henry PI, b Hyde & Larkin, f Lombard N. 12 B 203. Henry, b 14th & 15th, f 118 San- chez W to Castro. 60—15. 16 M. 1 Sanchez 109 101 Noe 141 201 Castro 204 Hermann, b Brady and 13th, f 56 West Mission W to Steiner. 80—19. 13 and 15 K. 1 West .Mission 24 101 Valencia 40 201 Market 63 301 Laguna 90 401 Buchanan 148 501 Webster 130 601 Church 121 701 Fillmore 119 e Steiner 122 Heron, 16, b Folsom and Harri- son, f 385 Eighth NE. 10 J 409. Hewlett Alley, 140, b Mason & Scott PI, f Pacific S. 12 D 186. Heynian, 132, b Virginia and Eugenia, f 215 California Ave to Prospect Ave. 12 S. Heyn Place, b Leavenworth and Hjde, f Clay S. 12 E 275. Hickory Avenue, b Oak and Fell, f 13 Van Ness Avenue to Webster. 35—7. 14 J. 1 Van Ness Avenue 45 101 Franklin 48 46 201 Gough 51 301 Octavia 55 401 Laguua 76 501 Buchanan 120 601 Webster, 165 Higli, 547, b Belle vue and Ocean Ave f 25th S to 26th. 40-10. 18 R 1 Twenty-fifth 544 Clipper 547 100 Tvvefity-slxth 563 HiglilaiKl Ave, S of West Ave, f San Jose Ave to HoUv Park Ave. 13 U. 1 San Jose Ave 101 Mission 201 Patten 262 801 Hoily Park Ave 152 Hlglilaiicl Terrace, N s Cal- ifornia, b Hvde & Leavenworth! 12 F 276. Hill, b 21st and 22nd, f 1030 Va- lencia W to Guerrero & f Sanchez W to Castro. 64—15. 15 P. 1 Valencia 65 Streets not opened. 501 Sanchez 347 601 Noe 350 e Castro 293 Hlniinelinanii Place, bet Mason and Taylor, f 1030 Pacific to Broadway. 17h—Sh. 11 D 185. Hinckley, 94,b Broadway and Vallejo, f 1121 Kearny to Dupont. 20—4. 9 D 86. Hobart Alley, b Post & Sutter f Taylor E. 10—2. 10 F 194. Hodges Alley, b Sansome and Montj,'omerv, f 350 Vallejo N. 9C46. Hodges €oiirt, 1, b Market & Mi-ssion, f Spear W. 7 E 324. HolT Aveniie, 18, b Mission & Valencia, f 3021 16th to 17th. 40—10. 13 M 40. Hof'l'maii, E of Evart, f Brown. . S. 8 c. Hoirman iA venue, f 22d S to Berkshire, b Douglass and Bellevue. 64—15. 17 T. 1 Twenty-second Alvarado 276 101 Twenty-third 259 Elizabeth 336 201 Twenty-fourth 325 301 Twenty-fifth 392 Clipper Avenue 452 401 Twenty-sixth 524 Army 570 501 Twenty-seventh 600 Duncan 559 601 Twenty-eighth 509 Vallev 479 701 Twenty-ninth 550 Day 620 801 Thirtieth 505 Clarkeson 901 Thirty-first 1001 Thirty-second 1101 Thirty-third 1201 Thirty-fourth e Berkshire Holllday Ave, W of San Bruno Ave, f Cortland Ave N to Army. 9 S. Hollls, b Buchanan & Webster, f 1424 Ellis to O'Farrell. 52^—13. 15 H 278. Holloway Ave, f 288 Harold Ave W, b DeMontford and Graf- ton Aves: 70—15. 21 Y. For cross streets see Lake View Ave. Holly, 210, f 3700 Mission and Hollv Park Aves SE to Crescent, 60— i2. 13 U. Holly Park Avenue, sur- rounds Holly Park, b Mission and Andover'and Cortland Ave 6 Crescent Ave. 60-12. 13 U. North Avenue 27o Elsie 271 West Avenue 264 Highland 261 West Park 261 South Avenue 208 East Park 237 . East Avenue 245 West Avenne 260 Newman 263 Holyoke, b Somerset and Ham- ilton, f 2400 Silver Ave S. 60— 15. 10 X. 1 Silver Ave 601 Woolsey 101 Silliman 701 Dwig:ht 201 Felton 801 Olmstead 301 Burrows 901 Mansell 401 Bacon 1001 Ordway 501 Wayland e Ward Homer, 7, b Boyd and Harrison, f Chesley NE and SW. 17^—3^. Honie»itead, b Douglass and Hoffman Ave, f Twenty-fourth to Twenty-sixth. 60—15. 17 Q. 1 Twenty-fourth 296 101 Twenty -fifth 348 Crocker Avenue 438 e Twenty-sixth 438 Hooker Alley, b Bush and Pine, f 712 Mason E. 17i— 3|. 10 F 165. Hooper, b Channel and Irwin, f Kentucky SW to 8th. 70—18. 7 J. 1 Water Front & Kent'y..base 101 Fourth " 201 Fifth base 301 Sixth " 401 Seventh 2 500 Eighth 3 Hopeton Terrace, b Stock- ton and Powell, f 913 Washinsf- ton S. 10 E 136. Hopkiniij, f Lincoln to Corbett Ave, b Silver & Gold Alleys. 18 P. Horace Alley, b Folsom and Shotwell, f 415 25th to 26th. 15—3. 11 Q 181. Houston, b Chestnut & Fran- cisco, f 1005 Montgemery Ave to Jones. 42^—10. 11 B 205. Howard, b Mission and Folsom, f East SW and S to Army. 82A-14 10 J and 12 P. 1 East base Steuart " Green Court " 101 Spear " Dexter " 47 201 Main base 301 Beale 2 401 Fremont 4 501 First.. 8 Maiden Alley 601 Second 14 New Montgomerv 16 633 Hubbard \ 18 701 Third 20 801 Fourth 20 Howard Court 901 Fifth 12 Marv 1001 Sixth 10 1013 Harriet 1041 Russ 1059 Moss 1101 Seventh 15 1111 Lanj^ton 1127 Rausch 1159 Sumner 1201 Eighth 20 1301 Nif.'th 35 Berkeley Avenue Grand Avenue 1401 Tenth 33 1501 Eleventh 24 Lafavette 1601 Twelfth 19 Bowles Place 1701 Thirteenth.... 14 Erie 1801 Fourteenth 9 1901 Fifteenth 10 Adair 2001 Sixteenth 13 2101 Seventeenth 15 2201 Eighteenth.... 17 2301 Nineteenth 30 Kensington Place 2401 Twentieth 36 2501 Twentv-first 46 2601 Twenty-second 50 2701 Twenty-third 52 2801 Twentv -fourth 54 2901 Twentv-fifth 56 ;%01 Twenty-sixth. 50 e Army. 35 To be extended to North Avenue. Hovrard Court, b Fourth & Fifth, f 816 Howard NW. 40—10 9 H 372. Howtli, f Ocean Ave SVV, b Accacia and Morse. 19 Z. 1 Ocean Avenue 254 101 Geneva Avenue 201 Unadilla Avenue 301 Mount Vernon A venuue . . IlubbelJ, b Irwin and South, f Kentucky SW. 70-18. 7 Z. 1 Kentucky and Fourth . .base Hudson. . ; " 101 Fifth «' 201 Sixth '' 301 Seventh 6^ Sixteenth 7 IIu inth A\enue 901 Tenth Avenue 1001 Eleventh Avenue 1101 Twelfth Avenue 1201 Thirteenth Avenue .... 1301 Fourteenth Avenue .... 1401 Fifteenth Avenue 1501 Sixteenth Avenue. ... 1601 Seventeenth Avenue . . . 1701 Eighteenth Avenue 1801 Nineteenth Avenue . . . 1901 Twentieth Avenue 2001 Twenty-first Avenue . . . 21 01 Tvventj-second Avenue, 2201 Twenty-third Avenue . . 2301 Twenty-fourth Avenue. 2401 Twenty-fifth Avenue . . . 2.101 Twenty-sixth Avenue . . 2 JOl Twenty-seventh Avenue 2 01 Twenty-e'ghth Avenue . 2801 Twenty -ninth Avenue. . 2901 Thirtieth Avenue 3001 Thirty -first Avenue 3101 Thirty-second Avenue. 3201 Thirty-third Avenue . . . 3301 Thirty-fourth Avenue . . 3401 Thirty-fifth Avenue .... 3501 Thirtv-sixth Avenue. . . 3601 Thirty-seventh Avenue. 3 roi Thirty-eighth Avenue . . 3S01 Thirtv-ninth Avenue . . 3901 Fortieth Avenue 4001 Fort^-first Avenue 4101 Forty-second Avenue . . 4201 Forty-third Avenue 4301 Forty-fourth Avenue . . 4401 Forty -fifth Avenue 4501 Forty-sixth Avenue 4601 Forty -seventh Avenue. 4701 Forty-eighth Avenue . . e Forty-ninth Avenue . . . 1 iSoutli, f 1st Ave S,. SW to Co. line, b H South & J South. 04—15. 4 U. 1 1st Ave South base 101 2d " " 201 3d " 5 301 4th " 401 5th " 16 501 6th " 20 601 7th " 40 701 8th " 60 801 9th " SO 901 10th " 100 ipOl 11th " 180 1101 12th " 244 1201 13th '* 224 1301 14th " 144 1401 15th " 124 IcOl 16th " 57 1601 17th " 37 1701 18th " 24 1801 19th " 20 1901 20th " ....,.:. 6 2001 21st " ........ 5 2101 22d " 4 2201 23d " ........ Sts. and Nos. continue to 48th Ave S See J South. I '^- 94 Gough ^g 80 Octavia p^ 16 1201 Laguna 3 1301 Buchanan 2 1401 Webster 3 1501 Fillmore.. 2 1601 Steiner ' 3 1701 Pierce 2 1801 Scott 2 1901 Devisadero 3 2001 Broderick 2 2101 Baker. ..2 e Lyon 3 Jefferson Ave, b Union, and Cortland Aves, f Andover E to San Bruno Ave. 50—92. 11 U. 1 Andover 182 101 Moultrie 191 201 Anderson 1 84 301 Ellsworth 185 401 Gates 186 ^501 Polsoni 187 601 Banks 179 701 Prentiss 174 801 Nevada 164 901 Putnam 141 1001 Bronte 163 1101 Bradford 133 1201 Peralta 190 1301 Heath 57 51 Jefferson Square, b Golden Gate Ave and Eddv, Laguna and Gough. 14 H. Jerome Alley, b Montgomery and Kearnv, f 501 Pacific S. l'2h-2h. 9 b 67. •Jersey, b 24th and 26th, f San Jose Ave W to Douglass. 80— 15. 16 Q. 1 San Jose Avenue 101 Guerrero Ill Oakwood 153 —^01 Dolores 207 301 Church 150 401 Sanchez 144 501 Noe 158 601 Castro 175 701 Diamond 230 e Douglass 281 Je$»sle, b Market and Mission, f 52 First iSW to Tenth. 19—3^, 40—10. 10 H 380. 1 First 5 Ecker Anthony 101 Second 15 New Montgomery 161 Annie Third 301 Fourth 28 Fifth 401 Mint Avenue 501 Sixth 27 i 601 Seventh 33 ' 701 Eighth 34 801 Ninth 42 901 Tenth 43 Jewett, b Townsend and King, 724 4th to 5th' 35—7. 7 J 378. Jolin, b Jackson and Pacific f 1215 Powell to Mason. 30—6. 10 D 159. Jolinston Ave, 240, b Parker & Henderson Aves, f 3500 Geary S. 20 I. Joliii»«0]i, b Spear and Main, f 117 Harrison to Bryant. 20—4. Jones, b Taylor & Leavenworth, f 1300 Market N to Jefferson. 68^—33. 11 G. 1 Market and McAllister . 51 101 Golden Gate Avenue . . 48 201 Turk 38 215 McDemiott Place 301 Eddv 40 401 Ellis 60 411 Antonio Steveloe Place 501 O'Farrell 80 601 Geary 95 Cottage Place 701 Post 128 Lewis Place 801 Sutter 15^ White's Place 901 Bush 191 1001 Pine 232 1101 California 300 1201 Sacramento 338 Pleasant 1301 Clay 335 1401 Washington 332 1501 Jackson 294 X601 Pacific 257 1701 Broadway 297 1801 Vallejo 296 Merrill 1901 Green 282 Lincoln Avenue 2001 Union 210 2101 Filbert 130 Valparaiso 2201 Greenwich 95 2301 Lombard 75 Duane 2401 Chestnut 73 2501 Francisco 40 Montgomery Avenue. . . 16 2601 Bav 10 2701 North Point 5 2801 Beach 3 e Jefferson base Jones Alley, b Sansome j^nd Montgomery, f 513 Washington to Jackson. 23—4^. 8 D 50. Jones Place, N s Bryant, bet Sixth and Seventh. 9 J 397. Joost Ave, f Circular Ave W to Hamburg, b Sunnyside and Mangels. 70—18. 19 V. 1 Circular & Fulton Aves. 154 101 Acadia 264 201 Baden 293 301 Congo 206 401 Detroit 350 501 Edna 601 Foerster 334 701 Genessee 801 Hamburg Jordan Ave, E of Mission, 3600 Geary N. 21 H. Joslali Ave, f nr Howth S U^ Montana, b Margaret Ave ana Lake View. 60—15. 20 Z. Josephine, 286, b Central Ave and Eugenia, f 2600 Geary N, 60—15. ^ 18 H. Joseph's Ter, f 1900 Stockton, b Lombard and Chestnut. 10 B 103. Joy, f Hollowav NW to Brew- ster. 40—10. 18 S. Jules Ave, 239. f 700 Lake View Ave N to Ocean, b Faxon Ave & Arlington Ave. 70—15. 21 Z. For cross streets see Arlington Ave Julia, b Seventh and Eighth, f 1153 Mission S. 20—4. 11 I 407. Julia Court, b Dupont and Stockton, f O'Farrell N. Julian Ave, b Mission & Valen- cia, f 325 14th to 16th. 60—15. 13 L 30. Julius, b Kearny and Dupont, f 326 Lombard N. 16—3. 9B80. Juniper, 15^ b 10th Tnd 11th, f 1411 Folsom to Harrison 30—6. 11 K8. Junipero, b Turk and St. Rose Ave, f Masonic Ave W to Parker Ave. 30—6. 20 I. 1 Masonic Avenue 282 101 Wood 294 201 Collins 301 Blake 401 Cook 501 Boyce e Parker Avenue — .... 52 Juno, , b Clai-a Ave and Pluto, f 16th extended S to Serpentine. 50—10. 17 W. Juri, 321, f San Jose Ave W, b 25th and 26th. 13 C 134. K, b J and L, 1500 Fourth Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 1 Fourth Avenue 406 101 Fifth Avenue 370 201 Sixth Avenue 344 301 Seventh Avenue 324 401 Eighth Avenue 320 501 Ninth Avenue 323 601 Tenth Avenue 320 701 Eleventh Avenue 309 801 Twelfth Avenue 299 901 Thirteenth Avenue .... 325 1001 Fourteenth Avenue. . . . 321 1101 Fifteenth Avenue 334 1201 Sixteenth Avenue 346 1301 Seventeenth Avenue... 336 1401 Eighteenth Avenue. .. . 313 1501 Nineteenth Avenue 289 1601 Twentieth Avenue 265 1701 Twenty -first Avenue . . 260 1801 Tvventy-second Avenue 250 1901 Twenty-third Avenue. . 2001 Twenty -fourth Avenue. 2101 Twentv-fifth Avenue. . . 2201 Twenty-sixth Avenue.. 2301 Twenty-seventh Ave. . . 2101 Twenty-eighth Avenue 2501 Twenty-ninth Avenue. . 2!i01 Thirtieth Avenue 2 roi Thirty-first Avenue 2801 Tiiirty-seeond Avenue.. 2901 Thirty-third Avenue . . . 3301 Tnirty-fourth Avenue.. 3101 Thirty fifth Avenue . . . 3201 Thirty-sixth Avenue .. 3301 Thirty-seventh Avenue 3401 Tiiirty-eighth Avenue. . 3.501 Thirty-ninth Avenue . . 3601 Fortieth Avenue 3;01 Forty-first Avenue 3801 Forty-second Avenue . . 3901 Forty-third Avenue 4001 Forty-fourth Avenue.. 4101 Forty-fifth Avenue 4201 Forty-sixth Avenue 4301 Forty-seventh Avenue. 4401 Forty-eighth Avenue . . e Fortv-ninth Avenue — K. Soutli, 1300, f 1st Ave S, SW to 39th Ave S, b J South and L South. 64—15. 5 V. 1 1st Ave South 101 2d " 1 201 3d " 2 301 4th " 3 401 5th " 20 501 6th " 25 601 7Lh •' 45 701 8th " 65 801 9th " 85 901 10th " 167 1001 11th " 187 1101 12th " 207 1201 13fch " 187 1301 14th " 184 1401 15th " 164 1501 16th " 94 1601 17th " 77 1701 18th Ave South 60 1801 19th *' 47 1901 20th :" 34 2001 21st " 22 2101 22d " 9 2201 23d " Sts. and Nos. continue to 39th Ave S. See J South. Kansa»i, b Rhode Island and Vermont, f 800 Eighth and Divi- sion S to Mazzini and Marin ex- tended. 80—19. 8 W. 1 Division base 101 Alameda 3 201 Fifteeeth 5 301 Sixteenth 10 401 Seventeenth 24 501 Mariposa 73 601 Eighteenth 144 701 Nineteenth 206 801 Twentieth 255 901 Twenty-second 136 1001 Twenty-third 86 Twenty-fourth extended 77 1101 Twenfy-fifth 73 1201 Army 17 e Marin extended. ....... 6 ICaiisas ExteiKled, f Thorn- ton Ave S to Williams Ave, b Apollo and Vermont extended. 60—12 8 W. Kaiif mail PJ, b Stockton & Powell, f 829 Vallejo S. 10 D 123. Kavaiiaug;li Ct, b Howard & Folsom, f 242 12th S. 11 K 10. Kappeler Court, b Geary .fe Post, f 419 Mason W. 10 195. Kate I»J, b 7th and 8th, f 955 Bryant SE. 25—5. 9 K 411. Kearny, b Mont.romery and Grant Avenue, f 700 Market N to NorthPoint. 75-18,45-10. 9 P. 1 Market and Geary 35 19 Morton ". — — 101 Post 39 Vermehr Pla ie 38 201 Sutter 39 Hardie Place 39 301 Bush 39 401 Pine 39 Sumner. 501 California 35 601 Sacramento 28 627 Commercial 700 Clay 28 Merchant 801 Washington 28 901 Jackson 20 Montgomery Avenue . . 33 1001 Pacific 30 1101 Broadway 60 Dunn Aliev 1121 Hinckley.^ 1201 Vallejo 142 1215 San Antonio 1301 Green 152 1401 Union 147 1501 FilDert 209 1601 Greenwich 231 1701 Lombard 176 1801 Chestnut 12 1901 Francisco 4 2001 Bay 2 e North Point base 53 Kelly's Alley, b Mason and Taylor, f 419 O'Farrell S. 10 G 197. Keni^ln^ton Place, b 19th & 20th, f Howard W. 12 N 62. Kent, b Union and Filbert, f Mason W. 25—5. 11 C 181. Kentucky, b Illinois and Ten- nessee, f Channel S to First Avenue. 80—19. 5 P. 1 South base 101 Merrimac i 201 Alameda Ih 301 Fifteenth 21 401 Sixteenth 3 501 Seventeenth 3 601 Mariposa 5 701 Eighteenth 10 801 Nineteenth 20 901 Twentieth 30 1001 Twenty-first 32 1101 Twenty-second 30 1201 Humboldt 20 1301 Twenty-third 11 1401 Twenty-fourth 8 1501 Twenty-fifth 8 1601 T\yenty-sixth 7 1701 Army."^ 6 1801 Marin 2h 1901 Tulare base 2001 Islais " e 1st Ave S continues on to 40th Ave S and San Bruno Ave. Kentucky PI. f 1401 Ken- tucky W to Minnesota, b 21st & 22d. 5 O. Keppler, b Noe & Sanchez, f Clipper N to Alvarado. 10 — 2' 15 Q. Keyes Alley, b Powell and Ma- son, f 906 Pacific N. 51. 10 D 158 Kimball PI, 270. b Leaven- worth and Hvde, f 1406 Sacra- mento N. 25^—5. 12 E 275. King:, b Townsend and Berry, f 735 2nd SW to Eighth. 70—18. 8 K. 1 Second 1 Hammond Place 101 Third 2 Madden Haggin 201 Fourth 1 301 Fifth 2 401 Sixth 1 501 Seventh 2 e Eighth 3 Kln«^»iton Avenue, b 30th and 31st, f Mission W. 13 T. Ki»«$ilins:, b Howard and Fol- som, f 220 11th to 12th. 42^— 10. 11 K 10. Knlglit's PI, f 200 Mohawk N, b Mission and Otsego. 17 2r. Knox, b Mansfield and Madison, f India Ave SE to Olmstead. 60—15. 1 India Ave 401 Way land 101 Felton 501 Woolsey 201 Burrows 601 Dwight 301 Bacon e Olmstead Koliler's Place, b Kearny & Montgomery, f 321Green S. 9 C 64. Kossutli, f Bameveld Ave E to Alcatraz, b Baker & Islais Creek 8S. Kramer Place, b Dupont and Stockton, f 507 Greenwich S. 17h~3h. 9 B 105. Krau$«grll Alley, b Dupont & Stockton, f Filbert N. 16—3. 9 B 105. Ij, b K and M, f Seventh Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 1 Serpentine Avenue 356 101 Seventh Avenue 324 201 Eighth Avenue 374 301 Ninth Avenue 365 401 Tenth Avenue 370 501 Eleventh Avenue 375 601 Twelfth Avenue 378 701 Thirteenth Avenue 395 801 Fourteenth Avenue 433 901 Fifteenth Avenue 467 1001 Sixteenth Avenue 440 1101 Seventeenth Avenue. . . 1201 Eighteenth Avenue .... 1301 Nineteenth Avenue 318 1401 Twentieth Avenue 1501 Twenty-first Avenue . . . 1601 Twenty-second Avenue. 1701 Twenty-third Avenue. . 1801 Twenty-fourth Avenue. 1901 Twenty-fifth Avenue . . 2001 Twenty-sixth Avenue . 2101 Twenty-seventh Ave . . 2201 Twenty -eighth Avenue 2301 Twenty-ninth Avenue.. 2401 Thirtieth Avenue 2501 Thirty-first Avenue 2601 Thirty-second Avenue. 2701 Thirty-third Avenue.. . . 2801 Thirty-fourth Avenue. . 2901 Thirty-fifth Avenue .... 3001 Thirty-sixth Avenue . . . 3101 Thirty-seventh Avenue. 3201 Thirty-eighth Avenue . 3301 Thirty-ninth Avenue. .. 3401 Fortieth Avenue 3501 Forty-first Avenue 3601 Forty-second Avenue. . 3701 Forty-third Avenue .... 3801 Forty-fourth A venue . . 3901 Forty-fifth Avenue.... 4001 Forty-sixth Avenue. . . . 4101 Forty-seventh Avenue.. 4201 Forty-eighth Avenue . . e Forty-ninth Avenue . . . r South, f 1500 1st Ave S, SW to 28th Ave S, b K South and M South. 64—15, 5 U. 1 1st Ave South 101 2d '• 2 201 3d " 3 301 4th " 4 401 5th " 20 501 6th '• 23 601 7th " 57 701 8th '• 63 801 9th " 107 901 10th " 127 1001 11th " 137 1101 12th " 137 1201 13th " 124 1301 14th " *. 124 1401 15th " 104 54 1501 16th Ave South 104 1601 17th " 87 1701 18th ** 72 1801 19th " 61 1901 20th '* 52 2001 21st " 45 2101 22d " 2201 Railroad Ave 28| Sts. and Nos. continue to 28th Avenue South. fiafayette, b 11th and 12th, f Mission to Howard. 40—10. 12 K 11. 1 Mission 201 Hanover 101 Brunswick 301 Bellevue liafayette Park, b Sacra- mento and Washington, Goug^h and Lag-una. 14 F. L.al'ayette Place, b Keamv & Dupont, f 426 Green. 20—4.' 10 C 107. liaOrand Ave, f 1000 India Av S to County line. 70—15. 15 c. 1 India and Felton 101 Japan and Burrows. . . . 201 China and Bacon 301 Brazil and Wayland Woolsey 401 Persia Dwight 501 Russia and Visitacion . . 601 Sunny Dale 701 Medfbrd 801 Astor 901 Wallbridge I^aguna, b Octavia & Buchanan, f 2200 Market N to Lewis. 68i— 15. 14 I. 1 Market and Hermann . . 90 101 Waller 93 20i Haight 120 Rose Avenue 301 Pag:e 108 Lily Avenue 401 Oak 85 Hickory Avenue 501 Fell 69 Linden Avenue 601 Hayes 66 Ivy Avenue 701 Grove 70 Birch Avenue 801 Fulton 74 Ash Avenue 901 McAllister 77 Locust Avenue 1001 Golden Gate Avenue ... 84 1101 Turk 94 Laurel Avenue 1201 Eddy 112 Willow Avenue 1301 Ellis 132 Olive Avenue 1401 O'Farrell 154 Myrtle Avenue 1501 Geary 166 Cedar Avenue 1601 Post 168 Ewing Place Walnut Avenue 1701 Sutter 180 Fern Avenue 1801 Bush.; 191 1901 Pine 214 2001 California 260 2101 Sacramento 296 2201 Clay 335 2301 Washington 320 2401 Jackson 284 2501 Pacific 240 2601 Broadway 184 2701 Vallejo 130 2801 Green 96 2901 Union 70 Grisar 3001 Filbert 44 Harry Place 3101 Greenwich 36 3201 Lombard 33 Magnolia 3301 Chestnut 34 3401 Francisco 35 3501 Bav 30 3601 North Point 17 3701 Beach 12 3801 Jefferson 3 3901 Tonquin 2 e Lewis 1 I^aldley, 525, f Thirtieth SE to Fairmount, thence SW to Cas- tro, b Baker and Palmer, and b Bemis & Chenerj-. 50—10. 15 T. 1 Thirtieth to Castro 223 101 Noe and Harry 287 201 Harper 289 301 Fairmount 299 401 Miguel.'. 307 501 Mateo 299 601 Roanoke 273 e Castro Lake, N of California, f 3947 Sacramento to 1st Ave W to City Cemetery. 80—19. 26 G. 1 First Avenue 211 101 Second Avenue 192 201 Third Avenue 189 301 Fourth Avenue 187 401 Fifth Avenue 182 501 Sixth Avenue 173 601 Seventh Avenue 165 701 Eighth Avenue 163 801 Ninth Avenue 160 901 Tenth Avenue 150 1001 Eleventh Avenue 145 1101 Twelfth Avenue 141 1201 Thirteenth Avenue.... 136 1301 Fourteenth Avenue. . . . 128 1401 Fifteenth Avenue 125 1501 Sixteenth Avenue 123 1601 Seventeenth Avenue. . . 120 1701 Eighteenth Avenue 118 1801 Nineteenth Avenue 117 1901 Twentieth Avenue 115 2001 Twenty -first Avenue... 134 2101 Twenty -second Avenue 113 2201 Twenty-third Avenue... 116 2301 Twenty-fourth Avenue. 124 2401 Twenty-fifth Avenue ... 131 2501 Twenty-sixth Avenue.. 142 2601 Twenty-seventh Ave . . 144 2701 Twenty-eighth Avenue. 145 2801 Twenty-ninth Avenue... 150 2901 Thirtieth Avenue 152 3001 Thirty-first Avenue. . . . 175 3101 Thirty-second Avenue . 190 e Thirty-third Avenue... 203 55 Lake View Ave, f 7240 San Jose Ave W to Orizaba, b Graf- ton and Thrift. 70—15. 21 Z. 1 San Jo!?e Ave 101 Caine Ave 201 Majestic 301 Margaret 401 Josiah 501 Aeacia 601 Lee 701 Brighton 801 Plvmoiith 901 Golden State 1001 Miramar 1101 Capitol 405 1201 Faxon 1301 Jules 1401 Arlington e Orizaba ^liaiiders, b Church and Dolores, f 611 14th to 16th. 40—10. 14 M83. T.aiigtoii, 12, b 7th and 8th, f 1111 Howard S to Brannan. 35—7. 10 J 409. • 1 Howard 301 Bryant 101 Folsom 401 Brannan 201 Harrison liapicl^e, b Valencia and Guer- rero, f 18th to 19th. 40-10. 13 X71. I^arkin, b Hyde & Polk, f 1600 Market N to Tonquin. 681—15. 12 H. 1 Market and Hayes 48 Park Avenue — 101 Grove 50 Birch Avenue — 201 Fulton ... 50 213 Ash Avenue., — 301 McAllister 94 315 Locust Avenue — 401 Golden Gate Avenue 61 Elm Avenue — 501 Turk 65 Laurel Avenue — 601 Eddy 80 611 Willow Avenue — 701 Ellis 85 709 "Olive Avenue — 801 O'Farrell 100 813 Mvrtle Avenue — 901 Geary 105 911 Cedar Avenue — 1001 Post 115 1012 Walnut Avenue — 1101 Sutter 130 Fern Avenue — 1201 Bush 150 Vorrath Place 1209 Austin — 1301 Pine 160 1401 California 1^ 1501 Sacramento 200 1601 Clay 220 1701 Washington 210 1801 Jackson 196 1901 Pacific 182 Friedman Place — 2001 Broadway 155 Hamlin Place — 2101 Vallejo 169 2201 Green 190 Rockland 2301 Union 220 2401 Filbert 228 2501 Greenwich 236 2601 Lombard 233 2701 Chestnut 215 2801 Francisco 140 2901 Bay 91 3001 North Point 58 3101 Beach 25 3201 Jefferson e Tonquin. .base L.arkin Ave, b Ellis & O'Far- rell, f 1718 Larkin E. 12 G 312, I.a$ikie, b 8th & 9th, f 1242 Mis- sion NW. 26J— 5i. 11 J 414. I^atliam PI, b Ellis & O'Far- rell, f 203 Mason W. 171— 3|. 10 G 197. I^atona, f Bay View Ave S to Thornton Ave, b Railroad Ave and Pomona. 60—12. 6 U. liaiira Place, b Sansome and Montgomerv, f 325 Pine S. 174 — 3|. 8 F 55. liaiirel, b Walnut and Locust, f 3400 California N to Pacific. 681—15. 19 G. 1 California 264 101 Sacramento 280 201 Clay 288 301 Washington 250 401 Jackson 218 e Pacific Avenue 189 L.anrel Ave, b Turk & Eddy, f 606 Larkin to Webster. 35—7. 14 H. 1 Larkin 72 101 Polk 78 201 Van Ness Avenue 88 301 Franklin 105 401 Gough 112 Jefferson Square Octavia 110 601 Laguna 104 701 Buchanan 97 801 Webster 97 I^aurel Place, b Folsom and Harrison f 352 1st, SW to Essex. 35—7. 7 G 348. L.aussat, b Haight and Waller, f 211 Fillmore W to Steiner. 3.5—7. 15 K 372. liawrence Place, b Harrison and Brvant, f 425 Fremont E. 6G33t>; liayton, E of Conkling, f 3900 Silver Ave N to Mauritius. 60— 12. 8U. Leavenwortli, b Jones and Hvde, f 100 McAllister N to Jefftrson. 681—15. 11 H. 1 McAlUster 36 101 Golden Gate Avenue. . . 59 Burcham Place 201 Turk 50 301 Eddv 55 401 Ellis 70 501 O'Farrell 100 601 Gearv 120 701 Post 150 801 Sutter 180 901 Bush 210 1001 Pine 240 1101 California 260 Acorn Alley 56 1201 Sacramento 290 1301 Clay 320 1401 Washington 305 1501 Jackson 275 1601 Pacific 245 1609 Lynch Bernard 1701 Broadway 230 Waldo Alley Glover 1801 Vallejo 244 1901 Green 295 Lincoln 2001 Union 266 Havens ■ 2101 Filbert 205 2201 Greenwich 182 2301 Lombard 162 2401 Chestnut 136 2501 Francisco 90 2601 Bay 58 2701 NorthPoint 25 Montgomerj' Avenue. . 13 2801 Beach 5 e Jefferson base I-«dyard, b Concord and Scott A ves, f 3500 Silver Ave SE. 60— 12. 8 V. I^e, 8, f 1400 Cortland Ave S to San Bruno Ave, E of Heath. l.ee Ave, 287, f 7240 San Jose Ave N to Ocean Ave b Harold Ave and Brighton Ave. 70 — 15. For Cross Sis see Arlington Ave. I^eibig^, b Regent & Rice, f Mis- sion to San Jose Ave. 21 c. 1 Mission 325 101 Wj^oming Lessing 201 San Jose Ave 305 e Palmetto Xelclesdorir, b Sansome & Mont- gomery, f 322 Pine N to Clay. 25—5. 8 E 52 and 54. 1 Pine 9 101 California 8 Halleck 8 201 Sacramento 8 213 Commercial 7 e Clay 6 I^iia Place, b 20th and 21st, f 915 Illinois E. 5 N 410. ' L.eonar(l, b Eddy and Turk, 203 Leavenworth W. 11 H 2S5f licroy Place, b Jones & Leav. enworth, f 1320 Sacramento F- 20—4. 12 E 246 l.e$$trade Place, b Kearny & Dupont, f 629 Pacific S. 9 D 87. LfCvant, b Juno and Pluto, f Masonic Ave. 17 M. liCwis, f Polk W to Lycn, N of Tonquin. 150—22. 18 A. 1 Polk base 101 Van Ness Avenue 1 201 Franklin 1 301 Gough 1 401 Octavia 1 501 I.aguna 1 601 Buchanan 1 701 Webster 1 801 Fillmore 1 901 Steiner 1 1001 Pierce base 1101 Scott 1 1201 Devisadero 1 1301 Broderick 1 1401 Baker l e Lyon and Presidio 1 Liewis PI. f 3700 Baker E near Lewis. 18 M. liCWis Place, b Post & Sutter, f 607 Taylor to Jones. 20—4. 11 G 222. Tiexingtoii, b Valencia & Mis- sion, f Sycamore to 21st. 12 O. liberty, b 20th and 21st, f 1915 Valencia W to Castro. 64—15. 1 Valencia .\ 5b 101 Guerrero -201 Dolores 301 Church.. 186 401 Sanchez 501 Noe e Castro liick Alley, b Market and Mis- sion, f 48 First W. 7^ 7 F346. IJck Place, b Montgomery & Kearny, f 14 Post to Sutter. 40—10. 8 F 75. lilda €t, E of 6th, b Natoma & Minna. 10 I 381 . liida Place, b Mission and Va- lencia, f 14th W to 16th. 15—3. 13 M 35. IJeblsT, b Regent & Rice, f 8500 Mission to. Rhine. 60— 12. 31c. IJlac Alley, b Mission & Capp, f 24th to 26th. 15—3. 12 Q 171. Lily Terrace, b Bush & Pine, f 625 Powell W. 10 F 165. L.ily Avenue, b Page and Oak, f 17 Franklin W to Fillmore. 35—7. 13 J 211. 1 Franklin 45 101 Gough 48 201 Octavia 57 301 Laguna 96 401 Buchanan 142 501 Webster 180 Lillian, b Lombard and Chest- nut, f Van Ness Aye. 13 C. liinia, b Leavenworth & Hj'de, f Filbert N. 12 C 266. Lincoln Avenue, b Bellevue & Twin Peaks Ave, £ 17th and Clarendon S to 34th. 68^—15. 18 and P. Cross streets same as Twin Peaks. Lincoln, b Green & Union, f 1311 Taylor W to Leavenworth. 35—7. 11 C 239. Lincoln Ct, f 2008 Hyde E, b Union and Filbert Lincoln Place, b Howard & Folscm, f 245 Fremont E. 7 F 366. Linden Avenue, b Fell aud Hayes, f 111 Van Ness Ave W to Webster. 25—7. 14 J 209. 1 Van Ness Avenue 47 101 Franklin 50 201 Gough 53 301 Octavia 59 401 Laguna 57 501 Buchanan 100 e Webster 14o &7 lilpparcl Avenne,b Clinton and Felton, f Surry to Joost. 40—10. 16 V. L.lsboii, b Paris & Madrid, f 109 Silver Ave SW to Amazon Ave. 70—18. 16 Z. 1 Silver Avenue 176 India 180 101 Japan 215 201 China 221 301 Brazil 219 401 Persia 208 501 Russia 206 601 France 293 701 Italy 253 e Amazon liittle, b Mission and Delaware Ave, f Ocean Ave N. 18 Y. lilzzie, 204, b Eugenia & Cort- land Aves, f 3419 Mission SE. 40—10. 13 T. lilewellyii, b Bourne and Or- senius, f 390 Nashua N to Free- dom. 40—10. 8 T. IJoyd, 253, b 13th and Waller, f 24 Devisadero E to Scott. 16 L. I^obos, b Minerva and Farral- lones, f 100 Lee Ave W to Ori- zaba. 60—15. 22 a. 1 San Jose Avenue Caine 364 101 Plymouth 326 201 Capitol 325 301 Orizaba 310 liObos Square, b Webster and Laguna, Chestnut & Bay. 1 5 B. liOeust, b Laurel and Spruce, f 300 California N to Presidio Re- servation. 68^—15. 19 G. 1 California 254 101 Sacramento 270 201 Clav 278 301 Washington 251 401 Jackson 280 e Pacific 240 Locust Aveouo, b McAl s er and Golce.) Ga'e Ave., f 309 Laikin to Fillmore. 35—7. 14 I 2J5. 1 Larkin 55 101 Polk 59 201 Vail Ness Avenue 61 301 Franklin 69 401 Gough 72 501 Oetavia 76 601 Laguna 80 701 Buchanan 84 roelir, b Sawyer & Britton, fCo. line N to Visitacion. 66-15. 11 o. liOgan, b LaGrand Avenue and Saratoga, f Persia k 1900 La- Grand Ave S to Donah. 68^—15. 14 Z. liOmbard, b Greenwich and Chestnut, f 1301 East N & Bat- tery W to Presidio Reservation. 681—15. 17 C. 1 Battery base S»nsome " 101 Montgomery 12 Winthrop 201 Kearny 176 Good Children Julius 301 Dupont 144 Wells Court 501 Stockton 90 507 Lombard Place 601 Powell 30 Chambers Al'.ev ■ 701 Mason 20 705 Hartmann Fielding Montgomery Avenue. . . 18 713 Jansen 22 801 Taylor 22 901 Jones 75 1001 Leavenworth 162 1101 Hyde 270 Henry 1201 Larkin 233 1301 Polk 143 1401 Van Ness Avenue 88 1501 Franklin 60 1601 Gough 43 1701 Oetavia 36 1801 Laguna 3S 1901 Buchanan 33 2001 Webster 30 2101 Fillmore 24 2201 Steiner 24 2301 Pierce 17 2401 Scott 18 2501 Devisadero 20 2601 Broderick 32 2701 Baker 80 e Lj on 48 liOmbard Place, b Stockton & Powell, f 509 Lombard S. 10| —2i. 10 B 128. liOiidon, b Mission and Paris, f 100 Japan S to Amazon. 70— 18. 17 Z. Silver Avenue 1 Japan 101 Chhia 184 201 Brazil 189 301 Persia 184 401 Russia 179 501 France 197 601 Italy 200 e Amazon ] 79 L.ooiui»i, f Waterloo N to Bame- veld Ave, b San Bruno! Ave, Swan and Channel. 60—12. 8 T. L.otta, 376. b Stanyan and Wil- lard, f Parnassus* S to Wood- land. 60—12. 20 M. L7 1201 13th " 00 1301,14th " • 62 1401 15th " 60 1501 16th " 65^ 1601 17th " 73^ Railroad Avenue 72^ 1701 18th Ave South 90 1801 19th " 104 1901 20th " 108 2001 21st " Thoi'nton Aveime 2101 22d Ave South .' Williams Avenue - 2201 23d Ave South 2301 24th " 2401 25th " 2501 26th " 260127th " e 28th • " S9 Mabel Alley, b O'Farrell and Gearv, f 51C. Hvde E. Ih. H G 2fe2i' liable Court, b Guerrero and Dolores, f Fom-teenth. 14 K. MaCkey, b Esmond and Watt Ave, f Morse S. 60—15. 18 b. . Madden, b Third and Fourth, f 109 King to Berry. 6 J 369. Macliisoii, f Silver Ave S, b Kncx 6 Gambler. 60—15. 13 X. 1 Silver Ave 501 Bacon 101 Pioche 601 Wavland 201 Silliman 701 Woolsey 301 Felton 801 Dwig-ht 401 Kurrows e Olmstead Madison Avenue, b 5th & 6th f Harrison S. 35—7. 9 I 384. Madrid, b Lisbon & Edinburgh, i 200 Silver Ave SW to Ama- zon. 70—18. 16 a. 1 Silver Avenue 186 101 India Avenue 221 201 Japan Avenue 251 301 China Avenue 338 40] Brazil Avenue 232 501 Persia Avenue 218 . 601 Russia A veruie 222 701 France Avenue 303 801 Italy Avenue 253 e Amazon A venue 207 Maggie Alley, b Geary & Post, 1' "508 Jones E. 10—2. 11 G 223. Magner 1*1, b Broadwav and Vallejo. f Mason E. ]0 D 157. Magnolia, b Lombard & Chest- nut, f 3225 Laguna W to Web- ster. 35—7. 15 C 248. Maiden i^ane, b Washington and Jackson, f 21 Montgomery Ave S & W. 15—3. 9 D 68. Main, b Spear and Eeale, f 200 Market SE to Brvant. 82>— 19. 7 F. 1 Market base Meeks Place " Main Street Pl-.ice 101 Mission base 201 Howard " :^01 Folsom 5 Rincon Court 401 Harrison 20 e Bryant 28 Main Street I»lace, b Market and Mission, f Main E. 7 E 324. Maiden Alley, b 1st and 2nd, f Howard SE. 7 G 248. Malvina PI, b Sacramento & Clay, 1017 Mason W. 17^—4. 10 E 189. 3Iajestic, b Caine and Margaret Ancs, f 725 Louisburg SW to Minerva. 60—15. 20 a Manehe$$ter, f Bernai Avtf^S to Ripley Place, b Folsom and Shotwell! 60—15. 11 S. Mangels Ave, f Acadia Ave W to Hamburg, b Joost and Mel- roie. 70— Is. 19 V. 1 Accadia 300 Kingston 325 101 Baden 322 201 Congo 351 301 Detroit 414 401 Edna 501 Foerster 601 Tenessee 701 Hamburg Manning PI, b Market & Mis- sion, f 38 Eighth W. 1] I 414. Mansel, f San Bruno Ave W to Harvard, b Olmstead -and Ord- way. 60— 15. 11 Z. 1 >an Bruno 801 Dartmouth 101 Girard 901 College 201 Berlin 1001 Universitv 301 Goettingeri 1101 Princeton 401 Somerset 1201 Amherst 501 Holvoke 1301 Yale 601 Hamilton 1401 Cambridge 701 Bowdoin.338 1501 Oxford e Harvard. Mansfield, b Ion and Knox, f hOO LaGrand Ave SE. 60— 15. 3 3 Y. Maple, b Spruce and Cherrv, f 3700 California N to Pacific. 68^—15. 20 G. 1 California 225 101 Sacramento 252 201 Clav , 284 301 Washington 282 401 Jacks n 244 e Presidio 229 Maple Court, b Guerrero and Dolores, f 536 Fourteenth N. 14 L 25. Marcy, b Mason & Taylor, f 109 Jackson S. 23^-41. 11 E 187. Marey PI, b Green and Union, f HydeE. 12 D 239. 3Ia"rengo, f Dickinson N to Waterloo, b San Bruno Ave and Bameveld Avenue. 10 U. Margaret Ave, f Tara S to Minerva, b Josiah Ave and San Jose Ave. 60—15. 20 a. i?Iargar'et Place, b Kearny and Dupont, f 522 Vallejo N. 23|— 4i. 9 C 85. Magaret Ct, b Mason & Tay- lor, f 16 Turk N. 12—2^, 10 H 199. Marin, b 26th and Tulare, f the Bay W to Per.nsylvania. 66—15. 5 ii. 1 Water Front base 101 Ohio " 201 Virginia i 401 New Ycrk h 301 Massachusetts 3 501 Delaware 1 601 Maryland li 701 Loni.siana Ih 801 Georgia IJ 901 Micl igan 2 1001 Illinois 2h 1101 Kentucky 2^ 1201 Tennessee 2^ 1301 Minnesota 3 1401 Indiana 2 1501 Iowa 3 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue. . 2 1 701 Mississippi 2 1 801 Texas extended 2 1901 Connecticut 15 2001 Arkansas 20 2101 Wisconsin 10 60 2201 Carolina 6 2301 De Haro 6 2401 Rhode Island 10 2501 Kansas 6 2001 Vermont 6 Marion PI, b Taylor & Jonef, f 520 Union N. llh—'Sh. 11 C 209 Mariposa, b 17th and 18th, f he Bay W to Harrison. 66—15. ION. 1 Illinois 1 101 Kentucky 2 201 Tennessee 11 301 Minnesota 50 401 Indiana 14 501 Iowa 16 601 Pennsylvania Avenue. . 18 701 Mississippi 30 801 Texas 46 901 Missouri 60 1001 Connecticut 52 1101 Arkansas 22 1201 Wisconsin 20 1301 Carolina 3 6 1401 DeHaro 30 1501 Rhode Island 53 1601 Kansas 73 1701 Vermont 98 1801 Nebraska 100 1901 Utah 100 2001 Potrero A venue 57 2101 Hampshire 42 2201 York 40 2301 Brvant Avenue 36 2401 Florida 30 2501 Alabama 21 Mariposa Ter, b 7th and 8th, f 1170 Harrison N. 20—4. 10 J 409. Market, f East SW to Castro. & Sevente^th. 120—22. 13 K. EVEN NUMBERS ON THE RIGHT. 2 East, North & Sacm'to.base 58 Calif trnia 100 Drunmi 136 Pine 1 200 Davis 300 Front 2.^ 318 Bush 400 Battery 5 500 Sansome & Sutter 13 600 Montgomery & Post.... 24 700 Kearny & Geary 35 734 Brooks bCO Grant Ave & O'Farrell. 33 900 Stockton & Ellis 30 1000 Powell & Eddy 25 1100 Mason & Turk 30 1200 Taylor & Golden GateAv 36 13G0 Jones & McAllister 33 1500 City Hall Avenue 1600 Lai khi & Hayes 48 1700 Polk & Fell 44 1800 Van Ness Ave & Oak. . . 44 1900 Franklin & Page 43 191 2 Rose Avenue 43 20C0 Cough & IJaight 45 2100 Octavia 60 2200 Laguna 93 2300 Buchanan 108 ODD NUMBERS ON LEFT SIDE. 1 East South 21 Sti uart base 101 Spear " 201 Main " 301 Beale 1 401 Fremont 3 501 First 5 527 Ecker 601 Second 20 on New Montgomery 639 Annie 701 Third 35 801 Fourth 30 901 Fif h 24 1001 Sixth 36 1301 Seventh 32 1201 Eighth 43 1301 Ninth 50 1401 Tenth 44 l.'.Ol Eleventh 42 1601 Twelfth 42 3701 Brady 42 1801 Valencia... 45 3 815 Hermann 65 1833 Pearl 1901 Gucm ro 89 Thirtieth 105 2001 -Dolore. 110 2101 Church & Fourt.enth.. 87 2201 Fifteenth & Sanchez. . . 138 2301 Sixteenth & Noe 126 2401 Seventeenth & Castro. . 139 Mars, 364,'f 17th S to 18th E of Uranus. 3 8 N. Marsliall, 110, f 4401 Mission E, b Ney and Silver Ave. 14 W. Marsily, b St. Mary's and Cu- vier, f 4900 Mission N. 14 V. Manila Place, b Mason and Taylor, f Geary S. 10 G 396. Martin, b Castro and Diamond, f El Monte SW. 16 U. Mary, b 5th & 6th, f 925 Mission to Howard. 20^-25 J. 9 H 3S3. Mary Ijane, b Keamj- and Du- pont, f 423 Bush S. 9 F 95. Marye 'I'errace, b Hyde and Larkin, 1 420 Turk N. 3 2 H 314. Maryland, b Delaware and Louisiana, f 18th S to First Avenue S. 80-19. 4 Q. 1 Eighteenth 101 Nineteenth 4 201 Twentieth 6 301 Twentv-first 6 401 Twenty -second 6 501 Humboldt 8 601 Twenty-third 6 701 Twenty-fourth 4 801 Twenty-fitth 3 901 Twenty-sixth 3 J 1001 Army 3J 1101 Marin 1 1201 Tulare base 1301 Islais "^ 1401 Amador I 1501 Calaveras I e Mendocino & 1st Ave S .base 61 JHason, b Powell and Tajior, f 1100 Market N to Jeflferson. 682—15. 10 F. 1 Market and Turk 30 101 Eddy 30 201 Ellis 45 Latham Place 217 Dikeman Place 301 O'Farrell 60 401 Gearv 70 409 Derby 419 Kappeler Court 501 Post 82 Scheerer Place 601 Sutter 115 Delta Place 701 Bush 156 Hooker Alley 801 Pine 214 Frank Place 901 California 275 1001 Sacramento 276 1011 Ewer Place 1017 Malvina Place Dawson Place 1101 Clay 220 1107 Matthew Place Sheppard Place 1201 Washington 183 1301 Jar;kson 173 John 1401 Pacific 165 1501 Broadway 132 1601 Vallejo .' 154 1701 Green 152 Winter's Lane 1801 Union 104 Kent 1901 Filbert 73 2001 Greenwich 40 Mon'^gomery Avenue . . 34 2101 Lombard /. 20 2201 Chestnut 8 Water 2301 Francisco 5 Vandewater 2401 Bav 4 2501 NorthPoint 2 Ataska Place 2601 Beach base e Jefferson ba3e Masoiiifr Ave, b Central Ave and Ashbury, f 2700 Geary S to Alba y. 100—22. 18 L. 1 Gea.y 262 101 St. Rose 268 201 Junii)ero 282 301 Tuok 280 401 Golden Gate Avenue .. 255 501 McAllister 241 601 Fulton 216 701 Grove 224 801 Haves 23\ 901 Fell 219 1001 Oak 222 1101 Page 249 1201 Haight 261 1301 Waller 287 1401 Fredarick 1501 Java 426 Pienmont 446 1601 Congress 443 Upper Terjace 450 Pluto 407 1700 Lower Terrace Sixteenth and Tilden . . 392 1800 Albany Masksaclinsetts, b New York and Delaware, f 18th S to First Ave S. 100—22. 3 S. 1 Twentj'-second 100 Humboldt 200 Twentv-third 301 Twentv-fourth 1 401 Twenty-fifth 2 501 Twenty-sixth 2h 601 Army ^ 701 Marin base 801 Tulare " Islais " 901 Amador " 1001 Calaveras ' 1101 Mendocino '* 1201 Plumas '* e First A venue South *' Ma.ssasoit, f Franconia to HoUidav Ave, b Somerset and Rutledge. 40—10. 9 s. Mateo, f Bemis SE to 1300 San Jose Ave, b Miguel & Roanoke. 52—12. 14 U. 1 San Jose Avenue 101 Arlington 223 201 Chenery 301 Laidley 299 e Bemis 334 Maxwell, b Larkin and Polk, f Broadway N to Vallejo. 11 D22. Mayllo-nrer, f Holliday Ave W to Dunkirk, b Powhattan and Esmeralda Ave. 52—12. 10 S. 1 California Ave 301 Bradford 101 Winslow 401 Carver 201 Standish 501 Rosecranz Mazzini, E of Orlean^ f Tu- lare N to Rhode Island. 40—10. 8 R. 1 Market and Jones 33 Park Avenue 100 Leavenworth 36 200 Hyde 40 Brown's Alle v 301 Larkin 49 401 Polk 54 501 Van Ness Avenue 58 601 Franklin 62 701 Gough 66 801 Octavia 70 901 Laguna 77 1001 Buchanan 81 1101 Webster 88 1201 Fillmore 106 1301 Steiner 135 1401 Pierce 174 1501 Scott 188 1601 Devisadero 206 1701 Broderick 234 1801 Baker 220 1901 Lvon 215 2001 Lott 215 Stanvan Ext 280 North Willard 247 e Masonic Avenue 215 McAllister, b Fulton and Gol- den Gate Ave, f 1300 Market & Jones W. 68i— 15. 161. 62 IflcC or Illicit, b Hyde & Lar- kin, f 1425 Pacific's. 20^4. 12 E 301. mcDermott PI, b Turk and Eddy, f 215 Jones W. 11 H 256. micL-ea Court, 15, b Harrison & Bryant, f 427 9th NE. 35—7. 10 K 418. Meacliam PI, b Hyde & Lar- kin, f Po^t S. 251—5. 12. G 310. I^ledaii PI, b Dupont & Stock ton, f 506 Filbert N. 16— 3.|. 10 C 105. Meilford, b Astor and Sunny Dale Ave, f LaGrand Ave SK to County line. 63—12. 13 b. 1 LaGrand 1501 Brltton 101 Donah 1601 Rev 2)1 Elk 1701 Schwerin ;{ )i Albert 1801 Vassalboro 4')1 Idalene 1901 Cora 501 Brown 2001 Rutland 601 Carttr 2101 Pcabody 701 Schiller 2201 Talbert 801 Goethe 2301 Desmond 901 Weyland 2401 Millken 1001 Gundlach 2501 Temple noi Spreckels 2601 Hart 1201 Hahn 2701 Evert 1301 Saw\er 2801 Hoffmann 1401 Lochr Med way Alley, b Church & Chattanoog-a, f 23rd N. 15—4. 14 P 66. ITleeks PI, b Market & Mission, f Main W. 7 K 329. Melrose A\c, f Conj,'o W to Hamburg-, N of Mangels. 70-: 8. 10 V. JVIeiicioc'liio, b Calaveras and Plumas, f the Bay W to First Ave South 66—15. 3 S. 1 Arizona and Water Front 101 Idaho 601 Virginia 201 Dakota 601 New York 301 Wyoming 701 Massachusetts 401 Ohio 801 Delaware 901 Maryland Merclianl, b Clay and Wash- ington, f East St. N, W to Kearnj' 17—31, 31—6, 45—10. 9 E. 1 East . North base d Drumm (not opened) . . d Davis '* 301 Front base 401 Battery 2 501 Sansome 3 601 Montg-omer\- 6 Dunbar Alle}' e Kearny 28 Merrill PI, b Vallejo & Green, f Jones to Leavenworth. 35—7. 11 D 240. Merrill, b Bovlston & Barneveld Ave, f 2600 Silver N to Rickard. 60—15. 10 V. 1 Hale 201 Gaven 101 Sweeny e Rickard Merrimac, N xtt Alameda, f the bay to Tennessee. 66 — 15 5K 1 Michigan base 101 Illinois " 201 Kentucky I e Tennessee 1 Merritt, f Clover W to Danvers^ b ISth & Corbett Road. 17 N. 1 Clover 214 101 Danvers 280 Mersey Alley, b Dolores and Chattanoog-a,. f Twenty- third N. 15—3. 14 Q. Metealf Place, b Mason and Tavlor, f 418 Geary N. 25—5. 10 G 195. Mexico, b Alaska and Colorado, f Fresno and Water Front S to India. 80—19. 1 T. Miclii<;^aii, b Georg-ia and Illi- nois, i 18th S to First Avenue South. 80—19. 5 1^). 1 Eighteenth . 2 101 Nineteenth 7 201 Twentieth 15 301 Tvvent\'-nrst 20 401 Twenty-second 22 501 Humboldt 20 601 Twenty-third 9 701 Twenty-fourth 7 801 Twenty -fifth 6 901 Twenty-sixth 5h 1001 Army 5 1101 Marin 2 1201 Tulare base 1301 Islais " c Amador : . " Middle, b Fillmore and Webster, f 2220 Pine to California. 34— 7. 15 F 313. Midway b Dupont and Stock- ton, f 124 Francisco. 45—10. 9 B. Mi 401 Micliigan H 5()1 Illinois 10 601 Kentucky 20 701 Tennessee 40 801 Minnesota 100 901 Indiana 122 1001 Iowa 162 1101 Pennsylvania 136 1201 Mississippi • 154 1301 Texas 178 1401 Missouri 154 1501 Connecticut 126 1601 Arkansas 100 1701 Wisconsin 63 1801 Caroline 74 1901 De Haro 116 2001 Rhode Island 180 2101 Kansas 206 2201 Vermont 180 2301 Nebraska 166 2401 Utah 136 2501 Potrero Avenue 65 2601 Hampshire 45 2701 York , 32 2801 Bryant Avenue 26 2901 Florida 18 3001 Alabama 16 3101 Harrison 12 Treat Avenue 14 3201 Folsom 16 Shotwell 24 3301 Howard 30 Capp 36 3401 Mission 30 Jessie 34 Stevenson 37 3501 Valencia 40 -6601 Gnrrero 40 Dolores 50 3701 Church 120 3801 Sanchez 170 3901 Noe IGO 4001 Castro 130 Collingwood 142 4101 Diamond 155 Eureka 183 i Doiij^dass 212 Cas.selli 338 Falcon Avenue 35i> e Corbett Avenue 406 J-^xtenfied to Corbett Ave, JXiiieteeiitli Ave, b 18th and 20th Ave.<5, from Presidio Res. South to W. 70—18 25 J. 1 . Lake...., 117 101 . California 122 201 Clement 147 301 Koint Lobos Avenue. . . 139 401 A 162 501 B 167 601 C 187 Fulton 234 Golden Gale Park 1101 H 210 1901 P .... 404 1201 I 212 2001 q ....432 1801 J 257 2101 K ....411 1401 K 289 2201 S 373 loOl L 320 2301 T .... 333 KJOl M 333 2401 U .... 296 1701 N 437 2501 V ... 288 1801 O 375 e W....262 Mil eteeiitli Avenue Soutli b 1 Stb Ave S and 20t h Ave S. f Wator Front ^W. 80- -IV. 5 W. 2 Water Front 102 V<.n Sclmii.lt. ... 202 Tevis HO"? Dock 402 Ship 502 ASoutii 602 B " 702 C " ...! 802 D " 902 E " 1002 F " 4 1102 Ci " (3 1202 H " 1302 I " 20 14U2 .1 " 30 1502 K " . . . 47 1602 L " 61 Piailroad Avenue . Latona 69 104 Pomona 166 N South. 222 P " lSiU2 <> " 123 2002 ll •• 80 2102 S " 90 ^iii Ill, b 8th ar.d lOtl , f Market SE to Division. 82^- -19. IIJ. 1 Market Stevenson 50 Jessie 101 Mission 42 Minna Natoma — \ '^01 Howard 35 Tehama Clementina Qo-l Folsum . . . 25 Harrison 15 McLea Court. . . . .. 'I Brvant 5 601 Brannan 6 KiiitlK Avenue, b Eiyhth and Te nth Aves, f Presidio Reserva- tion South to R '70- -1 5. 23 J. 1 Lake 160 101 California 161 201 Clement 176 301 Point Lobos .Avenue. . . 165 401 A 166 501 B 212 601 C 216 Fulton 2221 Golden Gate Park 1101 H 245 1501 L 365 1201 I 255 1601 M ....426 1301 J 279 1701 X 474 1401 K 323 1801 O 518 ?Kintli Avenue l^outli, f Dock or Water Front NW to Islais, b 8th & 10th Aves South. 80-19. 3 V. 1 Dock and W ater Front . 1 101 Ship 7 201 A South 24 301 B " 24 401 C " 24. 501 D " 24 601 E " 24 701 F " 24 801 G " 34 901 H " 43 1001 I " 80 1101 .r " 140 1201 K " 75 1301 L '' 107 1401 M " 47 1501 N '♦ 7 Railroad Avenue 8 1601 P South 6 1701 Q '* 4 1801 R " 2 1901 S " 1 eT " 1 Noble, b Fifth and Sixth, f Hub- bell to South. 100—22. 6 L. Xoble's Alley, b Union & Fil- bert, f Dupont E. 18i-3t. 9 C83. Soe, b Sanchez cean Ave, f Mission & Bauer W to Ocean. 21 Y. Ocean Boulevard, f Cliff House S along Ocean Beach. 32 K. Ocean Road, f 21st k Eureka SW to Ocean View House. 18 R. Octavia, b Gough and Laguna, f 2100 Marker IS! to Lewis. 68J— 15. 14 H. 1 Market aud Waller 60 101 Haight 80 Rose Avenue 201 Page 60 Lily Avenue 301 Oak 54 Hickory Avenue 401 Fell 57 Linden Avenue 501 Hayes 60 601 Ivy Avenue Grove 63 701 Birch Avenue Fulton 67 801 Ash Avenue McAllister 70 Locust Avenue .... Golden Gate Avenue . . 81 Jefferson Square 1101 Eddv 130 Willow Avenue 1201 Ellis 1rt8 Olive Avenue J301 O'Farrell Mvrtle Avenue 200 1401 Gear}- Cedar Avenue 200 1501 Post ?00 Walnut Avenue 1601 Sutter Fern Avenue 220 1701 Bush ?90 Austin 1801 Pine 940 1901 California , ... 9,*0 Sacramento 320 Lafa% ette Park 2201 Washington 334 2301 Jackson 280 2401 Pacific Avenue 220 2501 Broadway 174 2601 Vallejo 130 2701 Green 100 2801 Union 80 Grisar 2901 Filbert 60 ;^ool Greenwich 49 3101 Lombard 36 3201 Chestnut 34 3301 Francisco 32 Jefferson. Gov'mt Resv' n 16 Beach. Gov'mtReserv'n 26 North Point " " 28 3401 Bay 45 3501 Tonquin — 3 e Lewis ...1 <>'C oiiuell Place, b Mason & Po 109 O'Fs veil, f 830 Vallejo N. 10 D irrell, b Ellis and Gearv, f Grant Ave and 800 Market W. GSl —15. 17 H. 1 Market & Grant Avenue m . Batrley Place 101 Julia Court Stockton 40 211 219 Powell 44 Carlos Place O'Farrell Alley 66 301 Mason 66 Raphael Place 401 Taylor 65 William 601 Jones 80 601 Leavenworth 100 Harlem Alley 701 Ada Court Hyde 95 801 Larkin 100 901 1001 Polk 110 Van Ness Avenue 130 1101 Franklin 170 1201 Gough 196 1301 Octavia 200 1401 Laguna 154 69 1501 Buchanan 125 1601 Webster 117 1701 Fillmore 114 1801 Steiner 122 1901 Pierce 129 2001 Scott 132 2101 Devisadero 150 2201 Broderick 180 e St. Joseph's Avenue 200 Olif o, b Wyoming and Virginia, f 26th S to First Ave South. 80—19. 3 R. 1 Water Front 601 Amador 101 Colusa 601 Calaveras 201 Marin 701 Mendocino 301 Tulare 801 Plumas 401 Islais 901 Fresno e First Avenue South Obio PI, b Sansome and Mont- gomery, f Pacific to Broadway. 6D8. Old Hickory, b Union & Cres- cent Ave, f 200 Andover E to San Bruno Ave. 60—12. 11 U. 1 Andover 10 601 Banks .. 97 101 Moultrie 701 Prentiss 97 201 Anderson 801 Nevada . . 59 301 Ellsworth 901 Putnam ..37 401 Gates 1001 Bronte ... 59 501 Folsom e Bradford Olean, f Islais Creek to 13th Ave S, nr T South. 8 S. Olive Ave, bet Ellis and O'Far- rell, f 1923 Larkin W to Bucha- nan. 35—7. 13 H. 1 Larkin 301 Franklin 101 Polk 401 Gough 201 Van Ness Ave 501 Octavia 601 Laguna Olive Court, b Laguna & Bu- chanan, f 1923 Union S. 15 D 284. Oliver, 303, b Lafayette & Hen- rietta, f 8000 Mission SE. 60— 15. 19 e. 1 Mission 201 Hanover 101 Brunswick. 332 301 Bellevue Ol instead, b Dwight and Man- sell, f San Bruno Ave W to Knox. 60—15. 12 Z. 1 San Bruno Ave. 101 Girard 1201 Amherst 201 Berlin 1301 Yale 301 Goettingen 1401 Cambridge 401 Somerset 1501 Oxford 501 Holyoke 1601 Harvard 601 Hamilton 1701 Gambler 701 Bowdoin 1801 Madison 801 Dartmouth 1901 Knox 901 College 2001 Mansfield 1001 University 2101 Ion 1101 Princeton e Saratoga 4>liiey Place, b Townsend and ^ King, I Hammond SW near 3rd, 25—5. 6 I 361. Olympus, 450, f Statue of Lib- erty SW, b Ashbury. 17th and Upper Ten-ace. 50—10. 18 N. Oneida Ave, b On ndagaand Seneca, f 5900 Mission W to San Jose Ave. 60—16. 18 Y. 1 Mission 301 Delaware 101 Knight's PL 401 San Jose A v 201 Ostego e Oeean Ave 70 Oneida PI, b Stockton and Du- pont, f Sacramento S. 9 E 115r Oiioiida«^a Avenue, f San Jose Ave SE to 5800 Misf-ibn. 60—15. 18 Y. 1 Mission.. 165 201 Otsego. 153 41 Watson PI Ocean Ave 101 Cayuga 301 Delaware ".: 40'J San Jose Ave. Olpjal Alley, h clarendon & St. \ji'ermain, f Ashbury W. 19 O. Opal Place, b Golden Gate Ave and Turk, f 20 laylor E. 10— 2" 10 H 2C0. Opera Alley, b Third & Fourth, f 710 Mission NW. 9 G 362. Opliir Alley, b Taylor A: Jones t PostN. 16J— 3|. 11 G 222. Orang:e Alley, b Valencia and Bartlett, f 24th to 2Gth- 15—3. 12 Q 170, Ordwsty, b Mansell and Ward, f San Bruno Ave to Hamilton. 60—15. 9 Z. 1 San Bruno Av 401 Somerset 101 Girard 501 Holyoke 201 Berlin 601 Hamilton 301 Goettingen Orej^on, b Washington & Jack- son, f East to Battery. 35—7. 1 East 301 Front 101 Drumm e Battery Orient Alley, b Church and Vicksburg, f Elizabeth N. 14P. Orizaba, b Bright and Capitol, f DeLong and 200 Palmetto Ave to Ocean Ave. 80—19. 22 b. DeLong 2 Palmetto Ave 258 102 Sagamore 202 Sadowa 252 Stanley 302 Broad 270 402 Farrallones 290 Randolph 502 Lobos 310 602 Minerva 367 Sargent 702 Montana 802 Thrift 902 Lake View Avenue 1002 Grafton Avenue 1102 Holloway Avenue 1202 DeMontfort e Ocean Avenue Orleans, b Vermont and Maz- zini, f Kansas S to Tulare. 40— 10. 8 R. 2 Tulare 202 Norman 102 Napoleon 302 Bourbon Luck e Kansas Orsenius, bet Llewellyn and Nashua, f BjTne S. 40—10. 8 T. Oro, b 33d and Surry, f Lincoln Ave W to Twin Peaks. 18 V. Osage Alley, b Mission and Bartlett, f 24th S to 26th. 15—3. 12 Q. Osborne, 137, f State N to 3900 16th nr N end of Clara. 60—15. 17 M. Os^nreg^o, b Stanford Heights & Genessee, f Sussex S to Melrose. 19 V. Oscar Alley, b 2nd & Ecker, f 40 Clementina NW. 7 G 384. 4>tsego, b Cayuga and Delaware Aves, f Geneva Ave N. 60 — 15. 1 Geneva Lake Avenue 101 Mohawk 301 Oneida 152 201 Senega 401 Onondaga Oteg-a, b San Jose Ave ^i D^ela- ware, f Ottawa N. 19 Z 27. 4^ltovva, f 7000 Mission AveNW to San Jose Ave, b Foote & Ver- non Ave. 60—15. 10 a. 1 Mission 237 101 Porter Avenue 201 Huron Avenue 301 Wyoming Avcnve Delaware Avenue 400 Otega 501 San Jose Avcnve 600 Miguel 700 Caine and Tara 80 ) Louisburg and Majestic 901 Margaret and Howth . . 1001 Josiah and Getz e Acacia and Harold Oxlbrd, b Cambridge and Har- vard, f 1 200 Silver Ave S. 60— 15. 12 Y. Cross streets same as University. P, b O and Q, f 2000 9th Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 29 Q. 1 8th Avenue 101 9th " 589 201 10th " r,26 301 11th " 682 401 12th " 711 501 13th " 701 601 14th •' 641 701 15t.Ji " 548 801 16th ' " 401 101 17th •' 1001 18th " 1101 19th " 404 1201 20th " St. and Ave Nos.conthme to Ocean P Soutli, f 1st Ave S, SW to 30th Ave S, b N South and Q South. 64—15. 5 P. 1 1st Ave South base 101 2d " " 201 3d " " Railroad Avenue " 301 4th Ave South • " 401 5th " 1 501 6th " 2 601 7th '' 3 701 8th " 4 801 9th " « 901 10th " 8 1001 11th " 10 1101 12th " 13 1201 13th •' 20 1301 14th " 33 1401 15th " 50 1501 16th " 77 1601 17th " 144 1701 18th " 192 1801 19th " 222 1901 20th *' 237 2001 21st " 2101 22d " 220123d " Thornton Avenue •71 2301 24th Ave South Williams Avenue 2401 25th Ave South 2501 26th " 2601 27th " 2701 28th " ........ 2801 29th " e 30th " Pacific, b Jackson & B^oad^va^ , f 700 East North, W to Larkih. 49i— 10. 12 D. 1 East North base c Drumm " 101 Davis " 201 Front 3 301 Battery 4 401 Sansonie 12 • Preseott 501 Montgomery 30 Jerome Alley 601 Kearny . . . /. 30 Montgomery Avenue. . . 35 Lestrade Place 641 Lozier 701 Diipont 48 Pacific Place 719 Sullivan Alley Ellick Allev./ 801 Stockton 82 Trenton 901 Powell 151 900 Keves Alley 922 Scott Place Hewlett Alley 1001 ^lason 165 Salmon 1018 Auburn Himmelmann Place 1101 Taylor 215 1201 Jones 257 1301 Leavenworth 245 1307 Burg-ovne Place 1401 Hyde.". 215 Morrel Place 1421 McCormick Place 1433 Fourth Place 15C1 Larkin 182 Pacific Avenue, b Jackson & Broadway, f 1900 Larkin to Lo- cust. 681—15. 17 E. 1501 Larkin 182 1601 Polk 160 1701 Van Ness Avenue 166 1801 Franklin 185 1901 Gough 200 1001 Octavia 220 210] Laguna.. 240 2201 Buchanan 259 2301 Webster 250 2401 Fillmore 242 2501 Steiner 2 2 2601 Pierce 226 2701 Scott 266 2801 Devisadero 320 2901 Broderick 330 3001 Baker 340 3101 Lyon 370 3201 Central Avenue 300 3301 Walnut 228 3401 Laurel ISiL 3501 Locust 215^ 3601 Spruce 220 3701 Maple 244 3801 CheiTy..260 e 1st Avenue Pacific Alley, b Dupont and Stockton, f Broadway S. 10 D 110. Pacific PI, b Dupont & Stock- ton, f Pacific N. 61. 10 D 110. Page, b Haight and Oak, f 1900 Market & Franklin 68^-15 16 K. 1 Market and Franklin ... 43 101 Goujfh 47 201 Octa\ia 60 301 Laguna 108 401 Buchanan 155 501 Webster 185 601 Fillmore 180 701 Steiner 170 801 Pierce 155 901 Scott 160 1001 Devisadero 180 1101 Broderick 230 1201 Baker 24o 1301 Lyon 250 1401 Lott 246 1501 Masonic Avenue 240 1601 Ashbury 242 1701 Claj-ton 244 1801 Cole 253 1901 Shrader 254 e Stanyan 252 Palmer, b NE of Laidley, f f Harry SE to Miguel. 14 T. Miguel and Chenery 259 Fairmount *. 200 Randall 2€.0 Noe 2£6 Harper Palmetto Avenue, b Stan- ley, Sagamore and DeLong, f Plymouth W to Worcester Ave. 22^ b. 2 Plymouth. 402 Head 102 Capitol 502 Victoria 202 Orizaba 602 Ramsell 302 Bright 700 Worcester Panton Alley, b Pine & Call- fornia, f 2149 Leavenworth E. 11 F 248. Pardee Alley, b Filbert and Greenwich, f 1619 Dupont W' to Kramer Place. I'Sh—'M. 10 C 105 Paris, b London and Lisbon, f Jewish Orphan Asvlum SW^ to Amazon. 70—18. " 16 Z. 1 Japan 401 Russia 101 China .201 501 France .242 201 Brazil .204 601 Italy ...233 301 Persia. 197 e Amazon. 189 Park Avenue, b Fifth and Sixth, 1 Harrison to Bryant. 35-8. 9 I 334. Park Hill Ave, f 338 Buena Vista Ave S to 200 Tilden, cr W end of 14th. 1 L7. Park l^ane North, b Brjant and Brannan, f 508 2d to 3d. 20—5. 7 H 369. Park Lane Soutli, b Bryant and Brannan, f 531 Third to Cen- tral Place. 20—5. 7 H 359. Park Place, b Folsom & Har- ' rison, f 319 Second E. 9 H 357. Parker Alley, b Powell and Clay Ave, f Clay N. 17^—3^. 10 E 161. •72 Parker Are, E Of Common- wealth and North Stan van, f Fulton N to Geary. 100—22. ' 20 J. 1 Geary 208 101 St. Roses 256 201 J unipero 301 Turk 306 401 Golden Gate Avenue 501 McAllister 601 Fulton Sge Parnassus Ave, b Carl and Gratton, i Clavton W to 4th Ave. 20 M. 1 Clavton 101 Cole 201 Sehrader 301 Stanyan Lotta 401 Wiliard Sunset Avrnue 501 First Avenue 394 601 Second Avenue 393 701 Third Avenue 387 800 Fourth Avenue Parrolt Alley, b California & Sacramento, f 111 Davis W. 7^. 7 ElO. Patterson, b San Bruno and Loomis Aves, f Flower NE, cr 15th Ave South. 40-10. 7 E. Patton, f West Ave to Hijjfhland A ve, b Mission & HoUv Pk. 13U. Paul, N of Salinas, f *2900 R. R. Ave W to Charter Oak Ave. 8Y. Pauleii, f Crescent Ave to Bar- neveld Ave, b Weldon& Dicken- son. 40—10. 10 U. Pauldin*^, f San Jose Ave NW b Havclock & Jarnac. 60 — 15. 17 W. Peabody, b Talbert & Rutland, f N of Visitacion S. 66—15. 10 c Pearl, b Valencia and Guerrero, f 1821 Market to 13th. 40—10. 13 K 22. Pearl Ave, South of Roniain, f Ocean W to Ccrbett Ave. 17 P. Pearl JWCarlt I..ane, b Stock- ton and Powell, f 625 Greenwich S. 10 C 128. Pelliaiii, b Bourne and Orse- niiis, f Baker Ave N. 8 S* Pel la, b Bush & Pine, f Powell E. 10 F 140. Pennsylvania, b Iowa and Mississippi, f 16th S to Marin. 90—39. 7 P 1 Sixteenth 8 101 Seventeenth 10 201 Mariposa 18 301 Eicchttenth 66 401 Nineteenth ]39 501 Twentieth 3 30 601 Twenty, second 32 701 Twenty-third 63 801 Twenty -fifth 50 901 Army 8 e Marin 2 Perine, b California and Sacra- mento, f 2105 Steiner to Pierce. 35—7. 16 F 390. Peralta. 47, (was California Ave) S of Army, f Coso E. 12 K. Peraltai Are, b Heath and Bradford, f Union Ave N to Pre- cita Ave. 10 U. Cortland 35 Jefterson 99 Crescent 4| Perry, b Harrison and Brvant, f 417 Third to Fifth. 35-7. 8 I 375. 1 Vassar Place . 201 Fourth 101 Third e Fifth Persia Ave, f 5601 Mission SE to LaGrand, b Brazil and Russia. 60—15. 16 Y. 1 Mission 164 101 London 180 201 Paris 197 301 Lisbon 208 401 Madrid 218 501 Edinburgh 230 601 Naples 701 Vienna 801 Athens 901 Moscow 1001 Munich 1101 Prague e Dublin Petaluma Ave, f Point Loba Ave nr 1st Ave. 21 H 182 Pfeiffer, b Chestnut and Fra« Cisco, f 1911 Dupont W. 3 ' 10 B 102. Piedmont, 449, b Congress , Java, f 1601 Masonic Ave SW tc? Ashbury. 18 M. Pierce, b Steiner and Scott, f 600 Waller N to Lewis. 68^—15. 1 Waller 135 101 Haight. 140 201 Page. 155 301 Oak 180 401 Fell 200 Hayes 260 Alamo Square 701 Fulton 180 801 McAllister 174 901 Golden Gate Avenue . . . 146 1001 Turk 118 1101 Eddy 315 1201 Ellis 118 1301 O'Farrell 129 Geary . . .' Hamilton Square 1501 Post 124 1601 Sutter 130 1701 Bush 133 1801 Pine 135 1901 California 154 Perine 2001 Sacramento 182 Clay 216 Alta Plaza 2301 Jackson 276 2401 Pacific Avenue 226 2501 Broadway 170 2601 Vallejo 138 2701 Green 89 2801 Union 75 2901 Filbert 58 3001 Greenwich 30 3101 Lombard 36 3201 Chestnut 7 3301 Francisco 19 3401 Bay 5 3501 North Point 4 73 3601 Beach 3 3701 Jefferson 2 3801 Tonquin 1 e I^ewis 1 Pierce Row, b Dupont and Stockton, f Union S. 21i— 4i. 10 C 107. Pine, b Bush & California, f 200 Market to Central Ave. 68^—15. 17 G. 1 Market and Davis 1 101 Front 2h 201 Battery 4 301 Sansome 5^ Leidesdorff 335 Ivaura Place 401 Montgomery 13 407 Riiss Alley 435 Belden 501 Kearnv 39 505 St. George Alley 515 Central Place. St. Mary's Place 527 Qaincv 601 Dupont 94 Sophie Terrace 701 Stockton 159 Prospect Place 725 Monroe 801 Powell 182 901 Mason 214 Jane Place 1001 Taylor 213 1101 Jones 232 Toucbard 1201 Leavenworth 240 1301 Hvde 205 1401 Larkin 160 1501 Polk 152 1601 Van Ness Avenue 180 1701 Franklin 198 1801 Gough 240 1901 Octavia 240 2001 Laguna 214 2101 Buchanan 210 2201 Webster 200 2301 Fillmore 160 2401 Steiner 139 2501 Pierce 135 2601 Scott 139 2701 Devisadero 147 2801 Broderick 160 2900 Baker 170 3001 Lyon 202 e Central Avenue 242 Pine Pi, (was Jane PI.), b Ma- son & Taylor, f 908 Pine N. 10 F 191. Pink Alley, b lath and Mar- ket, f Pearl W. 13 K 22. Pinkliam Place, b Howard and Folsom, f 18th W. 10 C 417. Pinkney Place, 94, b Kearny & Dupont. f 518 Broadway to Vallejo. 22— 4i. 9 D 86. Pioclie, b 1400 Silver Ave and Silliman, f Madison E to Cam- bridge. 13 vv. Pioclie Alley, b VVaverly PI & Stockton, f 830 Sacramento N. 14t 10 E 137. \ Pioneer Park, (Telegraph Hill) , b Montgomery & Kearny, f Greenwich to Union. 8 B. Pioneer Place, b Market and Mission, f 22 Fourth W. 9 G 371. Piper Alley, b Mission and Jessie, f Ecker. 71. 8 F 346. Pixley, b Filbert & Greenwich, f3111 Buchanan to Steiner. 35— 7. 15 C 261. Pleasant, b Sacramento & Clay f 1113 Tavlor to Jones. 35—7. 11 E 217."^ Plumasi, bet Mendocino and Fresno, f the Bay W to 1st Ave South. 66—15. 3 S. Pluto, f 16th extended S to Ser- pentine Road, b Juno and Upper Terrace. 50—10, 60—12. 17 M. Plymouth, b Capitol Golden State Ave, San Jose Ave, Lee & Brighton Ave, f Palmetto and Sickles N to Ocean Ave. 60—15. 20 c. 1 Palmetto 287 101 Sagamore 288 201 Sadowa 290 301 Broad 301 401 Farrallones 8l5 501 Lobos 326 601 Minerva 372 701 Montana 801 Thrift 901 Lake View 1001 Grafton 1101 Holloway e Ocean House Road Point fiObos Avenue, b Clement and A, f First Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 125—22. 29 L 1 First Avenue *. . 198 101 Second A venue 186 201 Third Avenue 176 301 Fourth Avenue I69 401 Fifth Avenue 166 501 Sixth Avenue 166 601 Seventh Avenue 166 701 Eiirhth A venue 166 801 Ninth Avenue 165 901 Tenth Avenue 164| 1001 Eleventh Avenue 164 1101 Twelfth Avenue 163 1201 Thirteenth Avenue.... 162 1301 Fourteenth Avenue .... 159 1 401 Fifteenth A venue 1 55 1501 Sixteenth Avenue 145 1601 Seventeenth Avenue . . .137.^ 1701 Eighteenth Avenue ... 138 1801 Nineteenth Avenue 139 1901 Twentieth Avenue 134 2001 Twenty-first Avenue... 130 2101 Twenty-second Avenue 129 2201 Twenty-third Avenue.. 131 2301 Twenty-fourth Avenue 141 2401 Twenty-fifth Avenue... 145 2501 Twenty-sixth Avenue.. 152 2601 Twenty-seventh Ave. . . 157 2701 Twenty-eighth Avenue 159 2801 Twenty-ninth Avenue.. 171 2901 Thirtieth Avenue 187 3001 Thirty- first Avenue. ... 205 3101 Thirty-second Avenue.. 215 3201 Tliirty-third Avenue... 227 3301 Thirty-fourth Avenue . 239 3401 Thirty-fifth A venue .... 254 3501 Thirty-sixth Avenue... 266 3601 Thirty-seventh Avenue 265 74 8701 Thirty-ei^th Avenue, . 259 3801 Thirty-ninth Avenue. . . 256 3901 Fortieth Avenue 252 4001 Forty-first Avenue 269 4101 Forty-second Avenue.. 270 4201 Forty-third Avenue ... 261 4301 Forty-fourth Avenue... 254 4401 Forty-fifth Avenue 252 4501 Forty-sixth Avenue 238 4601 Forty-seventh Avenue. 214 e Forty-eighth Avenue.. 194 Polk, b Larkin & Van Ness Ave, f 1700 Market N to Lewis. 68i— 15.. 17 H. 1 Market and Fell 44 101 Hayes 46' Ivy Avenue 201 Grove 48 Birch Avenue 301 Fulton 50 Ash Avenue 401 McAllister 54 Locust Avenue 501 Golden Gate Avenue. . . 65 Elm Avenue 601 Turk 70 Laurel Avenue 701 Eddy 86 Willow Avenue 801 Ellis 90 807 Olive Avenue 901 O'Farrell 110 909 Myrtle Avenue 1001 Geary 115 1009 Cedar Avenue 1101 Post 120 Walnut Avenue 1201 gutter 134 1211 Fern Avenue 1301 Bush 145 1309 Austin 1401 Pine 1501 California 160 1601 Sacramento 170 1701 Clay 175 1801 Washington 180 1901 Jackson •. . . 177 2001 Pacific Avenue 160 2101 Broadway 140 2201 Vallejo ]36 Bonita 2301 Green 134 2i01 Union 142 2501 Filbert 146 2601 Greenwich J 55 2701 Lombard 143 2801 Chestnut 95 2901 Francisco 110 3301 Bay 80 3101 North Point .50 3201 Beach 6 3301 Jefferson 4 3401 Tonquin 1 e Lewis 1 Pollard Place, b Kearny and Dupont, f 522 Vallejo N. 19— 3| 9 D 85. Pomona, f Bay View to Thorn- ton, b Latonia & Flora. 60—12 6 V. Pond, b Sanchez & Noe, f 16th to 17th. 15 M 104. Pope, f Mission SE to Bellevue, b Curtis and AUison. 17 b. 1 Mission 206 101 Cross 301 Brunswick 201 New Morse 401 Hanna Poplar Alley, b Valencia and Bartlett, f 24th S to 26th. 12 Q. Porter, b Decatur and Bache, f 400CrescentAveS. 40—10. 13 V 1 Crescent Ave 101 Benton Porter Avenue, b Huron and Mission, f Ottawa to Farragut Ave. 19 b, 3 Ottawa Ave 301 Worden Ave 101 Foote Ave 401 Farragut Av 201 Naglee Ave 500 Mission PortsnLOUtli Square, bet Clay and Washington, Kearny and Brenham Place. 9 E 90, Post, b Geary and Sutter, f 600 Market and Montiromerj' W to First Avenue. 681—15. 17 H, 1 Market & Montgomery . 24 Lick Place \. 28 101 Kearny 39 Gardner 201 Grant Avenue 46 301 Stockton 62 401 Powell 74 501 Mason 82 601 Taylor 105 Agate Alley 617 William Ophir Alley 701 Jones 118 801 Leavenworth 150 901 Hyde 130 Meacham Place 1001 Larkin 115 1101 Polk 120 1201 Van Ness Avenue 150 1301 Franklin 180 1401 Gough ,' 200 1501 Ootavia 200 1601 Laguna 168 1701 Buchanan 143 1801 Webster 126 1901 Fillmore 120 Steiner 12g Pierce 124 2201 Scott 127 2301 Devisa-iero 130 2401 Broderick 150 2501 Baker 170 2601 Lyon 202 e Central Avenue 244 Potrero Avenue, b Hamp- shire and Utah, f Division S to Army. iOO— 22. 9 R. 1 Division and Brannan. . , 6^ 101 Alameda 15 201 Fifteenth 301 Sixteenth 46 401 Seventeenth 501 Mariposa 57 601 Eighteenth 701 Nineteenth 801 Twentieth 70 901 Twenty-first 54 1001 Twenty-second 46 1101 Twenty- third 50 1201 Twenty-fourth 42 1301 Twenty-fifth 28 1401 Twenty-sixth 20 1501 Army 18 75 Poivell, b Stockton and Mason, f 1000 Market & Eddy to Jeffer- son. 661—15. 17 F. 1 Market and Eddy 25 101 Ellis 30 201 O'Farrell 44 301 Geary 58 401 Post 74 501 Sutter 92 Ankeny Place 601 Bush 135 Fella Place 701 Pine 182 801 California 228 901 Sacramento 205 1001 Clay 180 1101 Washington 152 1201 Jackson 133 1211 John Caroline Place 1301 Pacific 115 Fisher Alley 1401 Broadway 110 1501 Vallejo 104 1601 Green 87 1701 Union 70 Montg-omery Avenue. . . 60 1801 Filbert 57 1901 Greenwich 37 2001 Lombard 30 2101 Chestnut 10 2201 Francisco 5 Vandewater 2301 Bay 4 2401 NorthPoint 2 2501 Beach.. e Jefferson. base Powell Ave, 99, b Fair and PrecitaAve, f 3121 Mission to California Ave. 12 R. PoiM^liaCtan, b Eugenia and Esmeralda Ave, f 200 North Ave E to Holliday Ave. 66-16. 11 T. 1 North Avenue Wool 303 101 Andover 328 201 Moultrie 325 301 Anderson 322 401 Ellsworth 301 501 Gates 266 601 Folsom 237 701 Banks 230 801 Prentiss 214 901 Nevada ] 81 Rosecranz 175 1001 Nebraska 181 1101 Carver 168 1201 Bradford 1301 Peralta 1401 Winslow '. e Hollowav 8 Prague, b Munich and Dublin, f 700 LaGrande & China Aves to France Ave. 70—18. 14 a. For cross streets see Paris. Pratt, b Brannan & Townserd, f 638 Seventh SW. 9 K 412 Pratt PI, f California N, b Stockton & Powell. 10 E 138 Precita Ave, f 3101 Mission E to Bryant, b Army, Bernal & Peralta Aves. 60—15. 12 k. 1 Mission 69 101 Howard * .' 63 Sbotwell .'.".'* 6Q 201 Folsom 61 301 Harrisen 40 401 Alabama 33 501 Florida 31 601 Bryant 27 Prentiss, b Bank and Nevada, f Esmeralda Ave S to Crescent Ave. 40—7. 11 T. 1 Esmeralda Mayflower 101 Powhattan 215 201 Eugenia 150 Cortland Ave 145 301 Jefferson 144 401 Union 136 501 Old Hickory 600 Crescent Ave 26 Prescott Court, b Mont- gomery and Sansome, f 317 Val- lejo S. 9 C 47. President, 330, b 16th & Tilden, f 3776 15th & Flint NW. 16 M. ^ Presidio Koad, f 1001 Cen- tral Ave N thro' Presidio. 19 E. Presidio St, b Filbelt and Greenwich, f Baker E. 18 D 551. Price Ko^ir, b Dupont and Stockton, f Union S. 10 C 107. Priest, b Jones & Leavenworth, f 1315 Clay to Washington. 35— 7. 11 E 245. Prim, b Bismark«'and Shakes- peare, f Mission NW. 22 c. Primrose, b Pierce and Scott, f Waller S. 16 L. Princeton, b University and Amherst, f 1700 Silver Ave S. 60—15. 11 y. 1 Silver Ave 501 Wayland 101 Silliman 601 Woolsey 201 Felton 701 Dwight 301 Burrows 801 Olm stead 401 Bacon 901 Mausell e Ordway extended. Pringle Court, b Sansome & ^ Montgomery, f 226 Greenwich, N. 17^— 3L. 9 B 42. Prospect Ave, f Cortland Ave NE to Coso Ave, b California & Chapul tepee. 60—15. 12 T. 1 Cortland Ave Lizzie 206 101 Eugenia 186 201 Virginia 197 301 Esmeralda 161 e Coso 137 Prospect PI, 168, b Stockton & Powell, f 714 Pine to Clay. 25i— 5. 10 L 138. Prosper, b Sanchez and Noe, f 3419 Sixteenth S. 15 M 104. Putnam, b Nevada & Bronte, f Cortland Ave S to Crescent Ave. 40—7. 1 Cortland Ave 101 Jefferson Ave 201 Union Ave 301 Old Hickory 6 Crescent Ave Muy Faust's Map 35 Map «& 64-pag:e Guide .35 Map <& Street Directory .5 76 Q, b P & R, f 2101 Tenth Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—10 29 R. 1 9th Avenne 101 10th " 678 201 nth ** 712 301 12th " 705 401 13th " 652 601 14th " 601 15th '♦ 701 16th '* 801 17th " 901 18tli " 1001 19th " 432 1101 20th •' Street and Avenue numbers con- tinue to Ocean. Q Soutli, f 1st: Ave S, SW to 23 d Ave S, b P South and R South. 54—15. 17 T. 1 1st Ave South base 101 2:id " base 201 3rd " base 301 4th " ^ 401 5th " 1 501 6th " 1 601 7th " 2 701 8th " 3 801 9th " 4 901 10th " 5 1001 nth " 6 1101 12th " 7 1201 13th " 8 1301 14th " 19 1401 15th '' 34 1501 16th " 48 SilverjV venue 1601 17th " 75 1701 18th " 102 1801 19th " 142 1901 2oth " 185 2001 21st •' 2101 22nd ♦' e 23rd " ■~^uiiice Alley, b Dolores and Fair Oak°, f Twenty-first to Twenty- rourth. 15—3. 13 P. Quiiicy (now Bacon), b Kearny and Dupont, f E34 Pine to Cali- fornia. 22|— 4^ R, b Q and S, f 2201 Eleventh Ave W to Ocean. 80-19. 23 R. 1 9th Ave 601 15th Ave 101 10th " 701 16th " 201 nth " 801 17th " 301 12th " SOI l&th " 401 13th " 1001 19th " 501 14th " 1101 20th " Streets and Avenue numbers con- tinue to Ocean. K Sou til, f 2nd Ave S & Islais, SW to 22d Ave S, b Q Sauth & S South. 64—15. 7 T. 1 2d Ave South base 101 3d " 2 201 4th " 2^ 301 5th " 3| 401 6th " 4 501 7th " 41 601 8th '* 5i 701 9th " 6 801 10th " 6i 901 nth " 7i 1001 12th '♦ 8 1101 13th Ave South 8^ 1201 t4th " 94 1301 15th " 10 1401 16th " 34 1501 17th " 58 1601 18th ♦' 88 1701 19th " 123 1801 20th " 145 Silver Avenue 1901 21st " 2001 22d " e Scott Avenue Railroad Ave, f First Ave South SW to San Bruno Ave, b Thirty-ninth Ave South and Wilde. 10—22. 6 W. 1 1st Ave South base 101 2d '* " 201 3d " " 301 4th " " P South 2 401 5th Ave South 2 501 6th '• 3 601 7th " 6 701 8th " 7 801 9th " 9 901 10th " 16 N South 16 1001 nth Ave South 25 noi 12th " 33 1201 13th " 41 i:301 14th *' 50 1401 15th " 59 1501 16th " 65 1601 17th " 72 M South 72 1701 18th Ave South 79 1801 19th '♦ 69 1901 2')th " 59 2001 21st *♦ 49 2101 22d " ' 38 2201 23d " 28 P South 28 2301 24th Ave South 18 2101 25th " 9 2501 26th *' 7 2801 27th '* 8 2701 28th " 9 2801 29th " 10 2901 30th " 17 3001 31st ♦' 23 3101 32d '* 25 3201 33d •' 35 3301 34th " 56 3401 35th " 87 3501 36th " 105 3601 37th " 119 3701 38th " 138 e 39th " 142 -«ail\i^ay, b 17th & 18th, f 409 Dolores E. 28—5. 14 N 79. Kalstoii, f Worcester N to Gar- field, b Vernon & Bixby. 60-15. 1 Worcester 301 Shields 101 Randolph e Garfield 201 Sargent Ramel, €t, b Powell & Mason, f 422 Post N. 10 G 167. Kamsell, f Palmetto Ave and Worcester N beyond Garfield, b Victoria and Arch. 60—15. 23 a. 1 Palmetto Av 301 Sargent 101 Stanley 401 Shields 201 Randolph e Garfield 77 Randall, f 3600 Mission W to Whitney, b Fairmount & Thir- tieth. '50—12. 14 T. 1 Mission 102 San Jose Avenue 101 Chenery 189 Chureh 202 201 Palmer 230 e Whitney 228 KaiKlall Place, bet Leaven- worth and Hvde, f 1124 Green- wich N. 25^—5. 12 268. Kaiidolpli, from Orizaba W to Worcester Ave and Bixby, bet Stanley & Sargent. 60—15. 23 a. 1 Orizaba 501 Arch 101 Bright 601 Vernon 201 Head 701 Ralston 301 Victoria e Bixby 401 Ramsell Kapliael Place, b Taylor and Mason, f 328 O'Farrell N. 10 G 169. Kaui^cli, b 7th and 8th, f 1131 Howard to Foisom. 51—13. 10 J 408. Keagaii Place, b Powell and M aso n , f 31 5 Geary S . 10 G 1 69. Kedtield Alley, b Union and Filbert, f 1914 Taylor W. 9. 11 C 209. Redwood Ct, b 16th and 17th, f 2008 Howard W. 12 M 41. Reed, b Jones and Leavenworth, f 1324 Clav to Washington. 17^— 3h. 11 E 245. Reed, f Morse SE to Brunswick N of Curtis. 16 b. Reed Place, b Montgomery and Kearny, f 329 Green S. 9 C 64. Regent, f 8401 Mission NW to Huron, b Sickles and Liebig. 60—15. 21 c. 1 San Jose Ave 298 101 Wyoming 311 200 Huron aad Mission .... Regley Place, b Steiner and. Pearce, f 2326 Greenwich N. 10 D 298. Reservoir, 103, b Hermann & 14th, f Market W. 80-19. 14 L80. Rey, b Britton and Schwerin, f Brown S. 66—15. 11 c. Reynolds, f LaGrand Avenue E S of Wallbridge. 66—15. 15 c. Rliine, b San Jose Ave & DeLong, f Palmetto SW to Worcester. 60—15. 22 c. Rliode Island, b DeHaro and Kansas, f 800 8th S to Tulare. 80—19. 8 P. 1 Alameda 2 101 Fifteenth 4 201 Sixteenth 8 301 Seventeenth 16 401 Mariposa 53 501 Eighteenth 120 601 Nineteenth ll80 701 Twentieth 253 801 Twenty-second 198 901 Twenty-third 100 1001 Sonoma 123 1101 Twenty-fifth 122 1201 Army 20 1301 Marin extended 10 2401 Tulare base Rice, b Liebig and Goethe, f 8601 Mission NE. 21 c. Rice Pi, b Pine and California, f 1010 Leavenworth E. 11 F 248. Ricliland Ave, f 3815 Mission E to Andover, b Crescent Ave and West Park. Ig V. 1 San Jose Ave 101 Missio n 201 Holly 215 301 South Ave 232 400 Andover Riclimond, b Point Lobos or Geayy and California, f Parker Ave W to First Ave. 1 Parker or Williamson 217 101 Commonwealth 203 201 Jordan 189 301 Michiban 186 400 First Ave 185 Rickard, 22 f King NE to Steu- ben, b Channel and Gaven. 10 V Riucon Ave, b Brannan and To^' nsend, f 623 Second to Ja- pan. 6 H 352. Rincon Court, b Foisom and Harrison, f 332 Main SW. 27— 5^. 6 F 332. Rincon b 1st and 2d, f 525 Har- rison to Brjant. 50— 13. 6 G 350 Rincon PI, b Fremont and 1st f 321 Bryant S. 6 G 339. Rin$^old, b Foisom & Harrison, f 314 8th to 9th. 35-7. 10 K 417 Ripley Place, N of Esmeralda, f North Ave and Shotwell E to Peralta Ave, 11 S. 1 North Ave Shotwell 2t)5 Manchester 160 101 Foisom 200 201 Alabama 137 300 Peralta Ave 21 2 Ritcli, b 3rd and 4th, f 719 Foi- som SE. 40—10. 7 I 367. I Foisom 13 101 Harrison 11 201 Bryant 301 Brannan ....... 8 To wnsend Ritter, b Seventh & Eighth, SE f Harrison. 40—10. 10 K 410. Rivoli Ave, b Alma & 17th, f Stanyan E to Clayton. 19 N. Roacli, b Tavlor and Jones, f 908 Filbert to (Glreenwich. 20—5. II C 208. Roanoke, f 1£01 San Jose Ave NW toBemis,b Mateo & Castro. 50-12. 15 U. 1 San Jose Ave 180 101 Arlington 203 201 Chenery 345 301 Laidley 273 401 Bemis 324 Rockland, b LTnion and Green, f 2218 Larkin E. 20—4. 18 A. Rollo Ct, b Laguna and Buch- anan, f 1927 Greenwich S. 15 C 246. 78 Homan, b Geneva Park & Hu- ron, f 300 Niagara SW. 60—15. 18 a, Komalii, 496, f Corbett Ave NE to Douglass, cr Falcon Ave and View. 18 P. Rondell Pla€?e, b Mission and Valencia, f 3039 16th to 17th. 33^^6i 13 M 40. Koseoe, f 300 Crescent Ave S & W of Porter. 40—10. 12 V. Ro»ie Alley, b Jessie and Mis- sion, f 40 New Montgomerj' W. 7. 8 G 354. Rose Avenue, b Haight and Page, f 1920 Market W. ~ 35—7. 14 K 389. 1 Market 301 Laguna 101 Gough 401 Buchanan 201 Octavia 501 Webster Ro$(e Place, 40, b Ellis and Eddy, f 224 Taylor E. 10 A 198. Rose Lyon Ave, b Pt. Lobos Ave and Clement, f 15th to 16th Ave. 24 H 196. Rosecran^i, 175, f Esmeralda Ave S to Powhattan, b Nevada and Carver. 40—7. 10 T. Ro$!iseau, f San Jose Ave S to Springdale, cr Bosworth, b Mil- ton & Rotteck. 60—12. 15 V. Rotteek, b Kosseau and Lyall, f San Jose Road S to Springdale. 60—12. 15 V. Rowland, 65, b Montgomery and Kearny, f 425 Broadway S. and b Pacific & Broadway f'lOl 8 Keaniy E. 19J— 4. 9 D 66. RuMliton Place, 8, b Third & Fourth, f 487 Brannan S. 7 I 368 Riiss, b Sixth & Seventh, f 547 Minna to Folsom. 30-6. 10 I 394 R11N8 Alley, 26, b Montgomery and Kearny, f 407 Pine to Bush. 9 F 73. Russell, 206, b Green & Union, f Hyde W. 12 D 297. Russia Avenue, f Mission SE to LaGrand Ave, b Persia and France. 60—15. 15 Z. 1 Mission 160 101 London 179 201 Paris 191 301 Lisbon 206 401 Madrid 223 501 Edinburgh 238 601 J^aplus 245 701 Vienna 254 801 Athens 270 901 Moscow 286 1001 Munich 1101 Prague 1201 Dublin e LaGrand Avenue Rutland, b Cora and Peabody, f Visitacion S. 60—15. 10 c. Rutledge, b Montcalm & Rip- ley PI., f Alabama to Holliday Ave. 60—15. 10 S S, b R and T, f 11th Ave W to Ocean. 80—19. 29 S. 1 11th Ave 601 17th Ave 101 12th Ave 701 18th Ave 201 13th Ave 801 19th Ave 301 14th Ave 901 20th Ave 401 15th Ave 1001 21st Ave 501 16th Ave 1101 22d Ave St. and Ave Nos. continue to Ocean S Sou til, f 3d Ave S & Islai, cr SW to 20th Ave S, b T South & R South. 64—15. 7 T. 1 Islais base 101 4th Ave South „ 201 5th " " 301 6th " " 401 7th " " 501 8th " 1 601 9th '♦ IJ 701 10th •' 2 801 16th " 4^ 901 17th " 21 1001 18th " 40 1101 19th " 80 1201 20th •• 130 e Helena Sacramento, b California and Clay, f 2 Market W to First Ave. 494-10, 68^—15. 17 F. 1 Market and East base 101 Drumm '* 201 Davis " 301 Front 1 401 Battery 2h 501 Sansome 4 525 Leidesdorflf 601 Montgomerj- 7 629 Webb 701 Kearny 28 801 Dupont 68 Waverly Place 826 Oneida Place 833 Pioche Ailey 901 Stockton 128 923 Prospect Place Miles Place 1001 Powell 205 1013 Gustavus Tay 1101 Mason 276 ■ Yerba Buena 1115 Cushman 1201 Taylor 280 1301 Jones 338 1311 Lysett Place 1319 Leroy Place Golden Court.' 1401 Leavenworth 290 Kimball Place 270 1501 Hyde 240 1601 Larkin 200 1701 Polk 170 1801 Van Ness Avenue 180 1901 Franklin 225 2001 Gough 280 2101 Octavia 320 2201 Laaruna 296 2301 Buchanan 273 2401 Webster 220 2501 Fillmore 184 2601 Steiner 244 2701 Pierce 187 2801 Scott 190 2901 Devisadero 180 3001 Broderick 184 3101 Baker 211 3201 Lyon 238 3301 Central Avenue 260 79 3401 Walnut 276 3501 Laurel 280 3601 Locust 270 3701 Spruce 250 3801 Maple 252 3901 Cherry 246 e First Avenue 208 Saclowa, f San Jose Ave W to Orizaba, b Sagamore and Broad. 60—15. 22 b. 1 San Jose Avenue 28/ 101 Plymouth 290 201 Capitol 291 e Orizaba 253 Sagamoref f San Jose Ave and Pl^Tnouth W to Orizaba, b Sa- doWa & Palmetto Ave. 60—15. 22 b. 1 San Jose Ave 286 Plvmouth 288 101 Capitol 293 200 Orizaba 252 Salem, f Crescent Ave to Case, W of Weldon. 50—10. 11 V. Salina$i Avenue, f Railroad Ave W to San Bruno Ave, S of Paul. 40—10. 8Y. 1 Railroad Ave 301 Starr 101 Cass 401 Crane 201 Gould 501 Wheat e San Bruno Ave. Salmon, b Mason and Taylor, f Pacific to Broadway. 17^—3^, n D 185. Salmon Court, 158, b Broad- way and Vallejo, f Larkin E. 12 D 299. Salmon Place, b Mason and Taylor, f Green N to Union. 15^— 3i. 11 D 182. Salome, f Islais Creek NE to Hecker, E of Gertrudis. 40—10. 8T. Samoset, b Massasoit & Cabot, f Peralta Ave SE toTFranconia Ave. 40—10. 10 S. San Antonio, b Vallejo and Green f Kearny W, b Kearny & Dupont f Vallejo N. 20—4. 9 C 85. San Bruno Ave (was Nebras- ka), f Division S to County line For cross streets see map. San Carlos Avenue, late Jessie St., b Valencia & Mission, f Willows Ave S to Army 12 Q 170. Willows Avenue 1701 Eighteenth 1801 Nineteenth 39 1901 T\\-entieth 48 2001 Twenty-first 50 Twenty-second, not opened. Twenty-third, '• " 2300 Twenty-fourth 2400 Twenty-fifth 2500 Twenty- sixth e Army !' .^. San Jose Ave, f 22d SW^o Co line, b Valencia & Guerrero. 60, 67—15. 13 Q and R. San LiUis Alley, S s Jackson, b Dupont and Stockton. 10 — 2. a D 112. San Miguel, b San Jose Ave and Tara, f Ocean Ave S to Ot- tawa. 19 a. Sanchez, f 13th S to Palmer, b Church and Noe. 82^—19. 14 K. 1 Thirteenth 116 101 Fourteenth 105 Henrv lOfl 201 Fifteenth 116 Market 117 301 Sixteenth 103 401 Seventeenth 84 501 Eighteenth 65 Hancock 601 Nineteenth 170 Cumberland 225 701 Twentieth 240 Liberty 801 Twenty-first 360 Hill 334 901 Twenty-second 287 Alvarado 1001 Twenty-third 207 Elizabeth 187 1101 Twenty-fourth 167 Jersey ^44 1201 Twenty-fifth j40 Clipper 161 1301 Twenty-sixth 165 Army 163 1401 Twenty-seventh 161 Duncan 155 1501 Twenty-eighth J 53 Valley ^ i48 1601 Twenty-ninth 142 1651 Day .' 135 1701 Thirtieth .:.. 155 1800 Palmer Sansome, b Battery and Mont- gomery, f 501 Market N. 68|— 15. 8 E. 1 Market and Sutter 13 101 Bush 13 201 Pine 5i 301 California 5 313 Halleck 5 401 Sacramento 4 417 Commercial 3^ 501 Clay 3i 515 Merchant 3h 601 Washington 3^ 701 Jackson 3i 705 Gold 801 Pacific 12 Stevens Alley 901 Broadway..' 35 1001 Vallejo 28 1101 Green 21 1201 Union 14 Alta 1301 Filbert 8 1401 Greenwich 4 1501 Lombard base 1601 Chestnut " Santa Marina, f Cortland and West Aves, f 3515 Mission E to Elsie. 13 T. 1 Mission 101 Gladys 159 201 Prospect 205 301 Elsie 232 Saratoga, b Logan and Grant, f LaGrand A ve SE. 60—15. 14 Z. Saratoga Court, b Hyde and Lark in, £ 818 Geary N. Sargent, b Randolph & Shields, f GOl Orizaba Ave W. 60—15. Saturn, 361, f Clara Ave W to Serpentine Road, b Vulcan and 17th. 50—10. Sa^wr yer, b Hahn & LoGehr, f Co line N to Brown. 6—15. 12 C. Sc'lieerer PI, b Post and Sutter, f 511 Mason W. 10 F 194. Sclineider, S of Bemadotte, f Islais Creek NE to 7th Ave South. 40—10. Scholl PI, b Powell and Mason, f 817 Vallejo S. 10 D 150. Scliool, b Union and Filbert, f 1311 Montjforaery to Dupont W. 10 D 157. Scliool House PI, b Buch- anan and Webster, f 124 Turk. 15 H 280. Scliiller,b Carter and Bigelow, f Brown S past Co line. 13 b. Scliwerin, b Rey and Vassal - boro, f Brown S. 66-15. 11 c. Scotland, b Powell & Mason, f 728 Filbert Lto Greenwich. 22^—3^. 10 C 153. Scott, b Pierce and Devisadero, f 1050 13th N to Lewis. 68^-15. 16 J. 1 13th 170 101 Waller 163 201 Haight 152 301 Page 160 401 Oak 165 501 Fell 176 601 Hayes 200 701 Grove 210 801 Fulton 220 001 McAllister 188 1001 Golden Gate Avenue . .15U 1101 Turk 145 1201 Eddy 138 1301 Ellis 130 1401 O'Farrell 132 Elliott Park 130 1501 Geary 129 1601 Post* 127 1701 Sutter 133 1801. Bush 137 1901 Pine 139 2001 California 158 2101 Sacramento 190 2201 Clay 210 2301 Washington 250 2401 Jackson 290 2501 Pacific A venue 262 2601 Broadway 240 2701 Vallejo 210 2801 Green 180 2901 Union 132 3001 Filbert 82 3101 Greenwich 36 3201 Eombard 18 3301 Chestnut 19 3401 Francisco 7 3501 Bay 6 3601 NorthPoint 5 3701 Beach 4 3801 Jefferson 3 3901 Jefferson 2 e Lewis 1 Scott Ave, f 3800 Sliver Ave SE to Thornton Ave b 22d and 24th Aves S. 40—10. 8 V. Scott PI, b Powell & Mason, f 926 Pa-ific to Broadway. 25i— 2. 10 D 158. Sears, b Wyoming and Huron, Sherman SWi to Sickles. 20 e. Second., b First and Third, f 600 Market SE to the Bay. 81i— 19. 8G. 1 Market 20 21 Stevenson 16 b Jessie 14 101 Mission 11 117 Mimia 12 137 Natoma 13 201 Howard 14 219 Tehama 20 233 Clementina b 301 Folsom 42 313 Park Place Dow Place Vernon Place 401 Harrison 50 Harrison St Bridge 87 Silver 501 Bryant 45 North Park Lane South Park 30 533 DeBoom 28 601 Brannan 27 Rincon Avenue 701 Tovvnseid 10 e Berry base Second Ave b First and Third Aves, f Presido Reserva- tion S to J. 70—12. 21 I. 100 Lake 192 Californiu 184 i:01 California South 180 301 Clement 138 401 Point Lobos Avenue. . . 186 501 A 192 601 B 196 701 C 208 800 Fulton 222 Golden Gate Park 1201 H 269 1251 Hugo 279 1301 I 318 1400 Parnassus 393 Second Ave Soutli, b First Ave S and Third Ave S, f India NE to Islais and R South. 80—19. 3 T. 1 India 101 I South 1 201 J " 2 301 K " 1 401 L " 2 501 M " 1 601 N " 1 701 P '' 801 Q ** Selina PI, b Stockton and Dupont, f 718 California N. 211— 3i 9E115. Senator, b Broadway and Val- lejo, f Davis to Front. 8 C Block J. Seneca Ave, b Oneda Ave and Geneva Ave, f Otsega Ave NW to Ocean House Road 81 60—15. Cross streets same as Geneva Avenue. 19 Y. Serpentine, f 4th Ave and K, S to Alms House. 22 O. Four h Ave & K 408 Fitth •' 393 Sixth " 378 L " 356 M " 326 N " 360 Serpentine, b 26th & Amiy, f Bryant W to San Jose Ave. 12 R. I Serpentine PI, 362 f 17th-^\ and E past Serpentine Ave and Lower Terrace. 30-6. 18 N. Serpentine Ave, f 17th NE and E past Saturn, thence N and W past Juno to Pluto. 50-10. i8 N. Seventeen tli b 16th, Mariposa and 18th, 1 the Bay W to Stan- van. 66^-15. 9 and 15 M. 1 Illinois. base 3 Kentucky 2 101 Tenr.e?sce 3 201 Minnesota 4 301 Indiana 4^ 401 Iowa 5 501 Seventh 10 601 Pem^sylvania Avenue ... 10 701 Mississippi 11 801 Texas 11 901 Missouri 12 1001 Connecticut 13 1101 Arkansas 12 1201 Wisconsin 11 1301 Carcliua 10 1401 DeHaro 9 2501 Rhode Island 16 2601 Kansas 26 1.01 Vermont 42 1801 Nebraska 62 1901 Utah 65 2001 Potrero Avenue 64 2101 Hampshire 52 2201 York 60 2301 Bryant Avenue 50 2401 Florida 35 2501 Alabama 20 2t;oi Harrison 18 2641 Treat Avenue 2701 Folsom 10 2723 Shotwell 10 2801 ioward 15 2821 Capp 18 290J Mission 21 2921 H off Avenue 3001 Valencia 36 3020 Albion Avenue 3031 Dearborn Avenue 3101 Guerrero 48 3201 Dolores 62 32] 8 Alemanv Avenue 3301 Church' 74 3320 Hardv 3338 Dehon 3401 Sanchez 87 3501 Noe&16th -114 3520 Prosper.... e > 3521 Hartford 3532 Pond 3601 Castro 138 3621 CoUingwood 160 3701 Diamond ...:.... 174 3725 Eureka : . ; . . ; . 178 3801 Doufflass 204 3810 Clara Avenue. ......... 231 3901 Hattie ..............270 4001 Serpentine .\a <• ......•.•• 410] Mar-s.. .;.. .. Olympus ....,..;.>.. 450 4201 Uranus & Upper Terrace 420 430] Ashburv and Clavtpn ..,.422 4401 Cole ..^ *....... 4501 Stanyan ......;. 390 Seveuteentli Ave, b 16tb & 18th Aves, f Presidio Reserva- tion South to W. 70— ] 5. 25 J. 1 At 1601 Lake 120 101 At f 501 California 122 201 Clement 135 301 Point Lobos A venue . . . 1 37 i 401 A 150 501 B 202 601 C 383 Fulton 238 Golden Gate Park 1101 H... 225 1901 P 1120 I .. 232 2001 Q 1301 J .. 261 2101 R 1401 K . . 236 2201 S 1501 L 2301 T 1601 M 2401 U 1701 N 2501 V 1801 O e W Seventeenth Av€ South, f Water Front NW, b 16th Ave South and ISth Ave South. 80— 19. 5 W. 801 C South 6 901 D " 6 1001 E ♦' 6 1101 F " 1201 G *■ 1301 H " 19 1401 I " 39 1501 J " 39 1601 K " 77 1701 L '* 84 Railroad Avenue 72 J 1801 M South 73 1901 N ** 138 2;m P " 144 2101 Q " 72 2201 K " 50 2301 S " 21 Seventh, b 6th and 8th, f Market SE to Pennsylvania Ave. 82|-19. 10 J. 1 Market 82 11 Stevenson 22 Jessie 27 101 Mission 29 Minna 26 Natoma 20 201 Howard 15 301 Folsom Decker Alley Drury Lane 5 Cleveland 401 Harrison 5 501 Bryant .• 9 601 Brannan 7 701 Townsend 3 King 2 801 Berry 1 Channel base n sa 901 Hooper 1 Irwin 2 1001 Hubbell 3 South 4 El Dorado 9 1101 Sixteenth 9 1200 Pennsylvania & 17th. . . 9 Seven til Ave, b 6th & 8th Aves f Presidio Res. S. 70^15. 22 J. 1 Lake 165 101 California ]63 201 Clement 175 301 Point Lobos Avenue ... 166 401 A 176 501 B 186 601 C 213 D 226 Golden Gate Park. 1101 H 257 1201 I 274 1301 J 304 1401 K....324 1604 M.. . 355 1501 L....349 e N... 362 Seventh Avenue Soiitli, f Dock or Water Front NVV to T South, bet 6th Ave South and 8th Ave South. 80—19. 3 U. 1 Dock and Water Front , . 1 101 Ship 7 201 A South 18 301 B " 18 401 C " 18 601 DJ " 18 601 E " 18 701 F " 16 801 G " 9 901 H " 13 1001 I •' 40 1101 J «' 60 1201 IC " 45 1301 L ♦• 57 1401 M •* 15 1601 N " 6 Railroad Avenue 5 1601 P South 3 1701 Q " 2 1801 R •♦ li 1901 S '* base eT " base Seward, f Douglass W, b 19th and 20th. 17 O. Se-well. b Stockton & Powell, f 218 Francisco N. 10 B 125. Seymour Ave, b Scott & De- visadero, 1 1618 Golden Gate Av to Turk. 52^—13. 16 I 451. Shakspeare (now Isabel), f Isabel to Rutledge, b Brewster and Halliday Ave. 9 S. Sliakspeare (now Gladstone), S of Prim, f Mission NW to De- Long. 60—15. 22 c. Sliaron, b Church and Market, f 15th to 3324 16th. 70—18. 15 M97. Sharp Place, b Leavenworth and Hyde, f 1129 Union S. 25^ —5. 12 C 268. Sliaw Alley, b First & Second, f 511 Mission to Minna. 171 — 3^. 7 F 347. Slieelian PI, b Mason & Tay- lor, f 316 O'Farrell N. 10 G 196. Sbeppard PI, b Clay & Wash- ington, f 1110 MasonE. llh-SL 10 E 161. Slierlcian, b Folsom and Har- rison, f 333 Tenth NE. 35—7. 10 K 1. Sherman, b 6th and 7th, f 1035 Folsom to Harrison. 9 J 396. Shernaan Ave. b Fairggut and Sickles, f Mission NW. to San Jose Ave. 1 Mission 303 101 Huron 272 Sears 269 201 W^yomiiig 259 De Wolf 269 300 San Jose Ave 285 Sher\%'Ood PI, b Mission and Howard, f 1 35 Third NE. 35-7. 8 G 355. Sliields, b Garfield and Sargent, f 800.Orizaba Ave W. 60—15. 24 Z. Slilp, b Dock and A South, f 5th Ave S to County line. 64-15. For cross streets see J South. Slilpley, b Folsom and Harri- son, f 4th SW to 9th. 35—7. 7 I. Sliiller, b Carter and Biglow, f County line N. 66—15. 13 6. Short, f Baker Ave N to Byrne, E of Orsenius. 17 0. Shotwell, b Howard and Fol- som, i 125 14th S to Esmeralda. 1 Fourteenth 7 101 Fifteenth 7 201 Sixteenth 9 301 Seventeenth 10 401 Eighteenth 12 501 Nineteehth 24 601 Twentieth 30 701 Twenty-first 40 801 Twenty- second 47 901 Twenty-third 45 1001 Twenty-fourth 52 1101 Twenty-fifth 54 1201 Twenty-sixth 48 1301 Army 46 1401 Prceita 1500 BernalAve Aztec 178 1601 Stoneman 1701 Ripley 212 1804 Esmeralda Short Alley, W. of Douglass, f Eagle Ave. S to Falcon Ave. 170. Shrader, b Cole and Stanyan, f 2201 Fulton S to Waller. 68| —15. 19 N, 1 Fulton 336 101 Grove 292 201 Hayes 254 301 Fell 238 Panhandle G. G. Park. 401 Oak 242 501 Page 254 601 Haight 270 e Waller 260 Sickles Ave., b Sherman and Regent, f Mission NW. to San Jose Ave. 60—15. 20 b. 1 Mission Road Huron .. . 310 Sears 298 88 De Wolf 285 lol Wyoming '298 e San Jose Ave SUliman, b Silver Ave and Fel- ton, f San Bruno Ave. W. to Moscow. 60—15. 12 X. 1 San Bruno Ave 601 101 Girard .701 201 Berlia 80i 3ol Goettingen 901 401 Scmarset 1001 501 Holvoke 1101 001 Hamilton 114 701 Bowdoin 126 801 Dartmouth 142 901 College 1001 University 1101 Princeton 1201 Amherst 1301 Yale 1401 Cambridge 1501 Oxford 1601 Harvard 1701 Gambler 1801 Madison e Moscow Silver, 46b Harrison & Brvant, f 422 2nd tx) 4th. 50-12, 40—10, 35-7. 7 I 366. 1 Second 60 101 Third 13 e Fouith 10 Silver Ave., f 15th Ave South and Q South to Mission. 60—15, 9 V & 13 W. For crosjs streets see map. 2 Mission 148 100 London Produced 153 200 Paris Produced 165 300 Lisbon 176 400 Madrid 194 500 Edinburg 197 For other cross streets see Map. 170o Dartmouth 141 1800 Bowdoin 127 1900 Hamilton 113 2500 San Bruno Ave 58 Silver Alley, 530 b Diamond and 'Gold, f Corbett Ave to Lincoln Ave. 18 P. Silver Star PI, b Batterv and Sansome, f 332 Pacific N. 8 D 32. Simpson l*laee, b Harrison and Brvant, f 416 First W. 6 G 350.* -^4Slxteentli, b Fifteenth & Sev- enteenth, f the Bav W to t tan- yan, W to Castro. ' fcO— 15. 9 M & 15 M. 1 Illinois 1 101 Kentucky 3 201 Tennessee li 301 Minnesota 1^ Sixth 401 Indiana 2 601 Iowa& Yuma 2* 601 Pennsylvania 3 701 Mississippi 3J 700 West El Dorado & 7th .\ 4 801 Texas 4 901 Missouri & South 4^ 1001 Connecticut 5 Hubbel 5 1101 Arkansas 5^ Irwin 6 Wisconsin 6 Carolina 6^ De Haro 7 Rhode Island 8 Kansas 10 Vermont 16 Nebraska now San Bruno Ave 20 Utah 32 Potrero Ave 6 Hampshire 63 York 60 Brvant 53i Florida 41^ Alabama 25^ Harrison 2600 14 Folsom 2700 9 Shotwell 700 9 Howard 2800 Capp Mission 2900 Julian Avenue . . . Hoff Avenue Lida Place Rondell Place Valencia 3000 Albion Avenue Guerrero 3100 Galindo Alle\' Spencer Allev 3301 -Dolores \ 3200 3401 Church 3300 3501 Sanchez 3400 3601 Noe & Market .... 3500 Castro 3600 Flint Douglass CI ira Ave & State. 16th St Extension Juno Pluto & Sevant... Olympus & Congress Upper Terrace. . . . Ashbury Tremont Clavton Cole Stanyan Sixteenili Ave, b 15th and 17th Aves, f Piesidio Reserva- tion South to W. 70—15. 25 J. 101 Lake 123 201 California 125 301 Clement 155 401 Point Lobos Avenue . . 145 A 160 B 225 C 185 Fulton 240 Golden Gate Park 1901 P 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 1901 2001 2101 2201 2301 2401 2501 2601 2701 2753 2801 2901 3001 3029 3101 3201 3701 372) 3801 3821 3901 4001 4101 4201 4301 4401 4500 501 601 701 3 21 36 51 66 82 103 128 190 238 317 450 422 233 H. 242 I,. 2S4 J.. 346 K. 430 L. 458 M 1701 N 1801 O. Slxteeiitli 2001 Q 2101 R 2201 S 2301 T 2401 U 2501 V e W Ave Soutli, f Water Front and Von Schmidt NW to S 15th Ave South and 17th Ave South. 80—19. 5 V. 601 B South 7 84 701 C *' 7 801 D '* 7 901 E " 7 1001 F " 7 1101 G " 13 1201 H " 36 1301 1 '• 57 1401 J " 89 1501 K " 100 1601 L " ]04 Railroad Avenue 65 1701 M South 65 1891 N " 90 1901 P •' 7 7 2001 Q South 48 2101 R " 22 2201 S " 4^ Cross streets see 15th Ave South. Sixth, b 5th and 7th, f 1001 Market SE to Tennessee. 82^-18. 6 I. 1 Market 36 17 Stevenson 'M: 29 Jessie 32 101 Mission 30 113 Minna 23 123 Natonia base 201 Howard 10 211 Tehama base ^27 Cleiientina " 301 Folsoni 5 313 Shiplev base 329 Clara 401 Harrison 2 501 Bryant 2 Tilford 601 Brannan ba-se Bluxome 701 Townsend base King 801 Berry " Channel 901 Hooper " Irwin 1001 Hubbell " 1101 South 1201 West El Dorado " 1301 Yuma " 1401 Minnesota " e Tennessee " Sixtli Ave, b 5th and 7th Aves, f Presidio Res S to Serpentine Road. 70—15. 22 J. 1 Lake 176 101 California 164 201 Clement 180 301 Point Lobos Avenue . . 166 401 A 376 501 B 132 601 C 214 Fulton 225 Golden Gate Park 1201 H 261 Hugo 267 1201 1 275 1301 J 316 1401 K 342 e Serpentine Road 378 Sixtli Ave Son til, b 5th and 7th Ave S, f Islais to Water Front. 80—19. 3 U. 1 Water Front 1 101 Ship 7 201 A South 1 301 B South 15 401 C " 15 501 D " 15 601 E " 15 701 F " 12 801 G " 6 901 H " 6 1001 I " 20 ilOl J " 40 1201 K " 25 1301 L " 23 1401 M " 5 1501 X " 5 1601 Railroad Avenue 3 1701 O " 2 1801 P " 11 1901 Q " i 2001 R " base Bernadotte " Somerset, b Goettingen and Holvoke, f 2500 Silver Ave S to Barry. 60 -1 5. 10 X. 1 Silver Ave 801 Olmstead 101 Silliman 901 Manse I 2U1 Felton 1001 Ordwav 301 Burrows 1101 Ward 401 Bacon 1201 Harkness 501 Wa viand 1301 Wilde 601 Woolsev 1401 Barry 701 Dwight Soiiora, b Kearny and Dupont, f 412 Green to Union. 20—4. 6 C 84. Sopliie Terrace, b Dupont & Stockton, f 612 Pine N. 9 F116. So 11 til, South of Hubbell, SW f Kentucky to 16th. 137|-22. 7 L. 2 Kentucky and Fourth . .base Hudson- Tennessee 102 Fifth 5 Minnesota Indiana Noble 202 Sixth r, 302 Seventh... 4 e Missouri Soutli Brocierlck,f 1301 13th 5 to Tilden, b Park Hill & Alpine. 12L. Soutli Ave, f Crescent Ave N-. to Holly Park Ave, b Holly and Andover. 60—15. 12 V. Soutli Park, 25 b Bryant and Brannan, f 2d to 3d. 75—18 7 H 359. Soutli Park Alley, b South Park and Brannan, f 521 Third E. 7 H 359. Soutli Park i A venue, b 2nd 3rd.f Brannan S. 7 H 3o0. Soutli Park I..aiie, b Bryant and Brannan, f Central Place to Third. 20—4. 7 II 359. Soutli Stanly Place, b Bry- ant and Brannan, f First W. 6 H 351. Spear, b Steuart and Main, f 101 Market SE to the Bay. 82i —19. 6 E. 1 Market 201 Howard Hodges Ct 301 Folsom 101 Mission 401 Harrison e Bryant 85 Spencer Alley, b Guerrero & Dolores, f 16th N. 7. 13 M 37. Spofforcl,b Dupont& Stockton, f 824 Clay to Washington. 26—5. 9E113. Spreekles Ave, f Circular Ave W to Hainburj?, b Flood Ave andWieland Ave. 60—15. 19 W. 1 Circular Ave 165 101 Detroit 200 201 Edna 252 301 Foerster 32') 401 Genesee 320 Spreekles, b Gundlach and Hahn, f County line N. 60—15. 12 B. Sprliig,b Montgomery & Kearny f 533 California to Pine. 26-54. 9 E 72. Spring- dale, (was Islay), b Bos worth & Mission, f Curvier W to Badger. 66—15. 15 W. Spruce, b Locust and Maple, f California N to Presidio. 58^-15. 20 G. 1 California 238 101 Sacramento 256 201 Clay 280 301 Washington 275 401 Jackson 220 e Pacific & Presidio Ave.. . 190 St. C'liarles, b Pacific & Broadway, f 1118 Kearnv E. 9 D 66. St. CjJeorge Alley, b Kearny and Dupont, t 406 Bush N. 21—4. 9 F 94. St. Oermaiii Ave, b Moun- tain Spring Ave 20th f Lincoln Ave W past Stanvan. 50—10. 19 O. St. .Tames Alley, b Post and Sutter, f Mason E. 10 F 107. St. James Court, b Sutter & Bush, f Mason W. 10 F 193. St. Josepli Ave, f 2400 Geary to Turk, b Broderick and Caf- vary Cemetery. 50—10. 17 L 1 Turk 244 101 Eddy 250 201 Ellis 225 301 O'Farrell 200 e Geary 172 St. Liouis Alley, b Dupont & Stockton, f 715 Jackson S. 10— 2. 9 D 192. St. Mary's, b Kearny and Du- pont, f 627 Pine to California. 18-3. 9 E 93. St. ITIary's Ave, f Mission to San Jose Ave, b Mar.silley & Crescent Ave. 14 V. St. Mary, near Congress, f Masonic Ave. 18 M. St. Vincent Alley, b Paci- fic & Broadway 1 Sansome E. 8 D 32. St. Rose's Avenue, b Geary and Junipero, f Masonic Av^W to Henderson. 60-15. 20 L ^ 1 Masonic Avenue 268 101 Wood 258 201 Collins 242 301 Ferrie or Blake 233 401 Cook 245 501 Boyce 260 601 Parker Avenue 257 e Johnson Ave 242 Stable Alley, b l4th & 15th, f 420 Valencia E. 15—3. 13 M 35. Stanlord, b Second and Third, f 313 Brannan to Townsend. 35—7. 6 I 380. Stanford Hei^lits Ave, b Stanvan & Fowler, f 25th S to Melrose. 19 T. Stanley, f 200 Orizaba W to Worcester, b Palmetto and Ran- dolph. 60—15. 23 B. 1 Orizaba 401 Ramsell 101 Bright 501 Arch 201 Head 600 Vernon 301 Victoria e Worcester Stanly Court, E s Stanly PI. f Harrison to 346 Bryant. 15—3. 8 H 350. Stanly Pla<^e, 90 b First and Second, 557 f Harrison S to Bry- ant. 7 G 350. Stanton, f 410 Douglass W, b 20th and 21st. 17 O. Stanyan, f 2301 Fulton S to Twentieth St extended, b Golden Gate Park, Parker, Shrader and Cole. 68^—15. 20 L. 1 Fulton 306 101 Grove 290 201 Haves 265 301 FeU 241 401 Oak 245 501 Page 252 601 Haight 255 701 Waller 259 Bulah 262 801 Frederick 268 Carl 300 901 Purnasits & Sixteenth. 325 Grattan 346 1001 Alma Avenue 348 Rivoli Avenue 360 1101 Seventeenth extended.. 390 1201 Eighteenth extended .. 465 Belgrave Avenue 1301 Clarendon Avenue Mountain Springs Ave. St. Germain Avenue . . . 1401 Twentieth Stanyan Ave, b Twin Peaks & Stanford Heights, f 25th S to Melrose. 19 T. For cross streets see Map. Star, f Peralta Ave SE to Fran- conia Ave. 30—7. 10 T. Starr, (now Exeter), Paul S to Salinas, b Crane and Gould. 8 V. Stark, b Pacific and Broadwav, f 1224 Stockton E. 20—4. 10 D 110. State, f Castro W, cr 16th ex- tended to Masonc Ave, b 16th & 17th. 16 M. SteinelTer, f Brown, S near Hart 9 C. Steiner, b Fillmore and Pierce, f 900 13th N to Lewis. 68i-16. 15 1. 13th Hermann 122 86 201 Waller 124 301 Haight 148 401 Pa^ 170 501 Oak 210 601 Fell 240 Haves 215 Grove 190 901 Fulton 150 1001 McAllister 135 1101 Golden Gate Avenue.. . . 112 1201 Turk 102 1301 Eddy 106 1401 Ellis 114 Byington 1501 O'Farrell 122 1503 Elliot Park Geary 122 1701 Post 122 1801 Sutter 128 1901 Bush 134 Wildey 2001 Pine 139 2101 California 156 Perine 2201 Sacramento 170 Clay 194 Washington 220 2501 Jackson 235 2601 Pacific Avenue 222 2701 Broadway 174 2801 Vallejo..' 125 2901 Green 76 3001 Union 45^ 3101 Filbert 34 Pixley 3201 Greenwich 27 ■ Moulton 3301 Lombard 34 3401 Chestnut 17 3501 Francisco 12 3601 Bay 10 3701 NorthPoint 2 3801 Beach 4 3901 Jefferson 3 4001 Tonquin 2 e Lewis 1 Steuart, b East and Spear, f 19 Market SE to the Bay. 82^-19. 6E. I Market base 101 Mission " 201 Howard " 301 Folsom " e Harrison " Steuben, b Boutwell and San Bruno Ave, f Channel S to Augusta. 60—15. 9 U. Steveloe Place, b Ellis and O'Farrell, f 414 Jones E. 15—3. II G 225. Stevens Alley, b Pacific and Broadway, f 818 Sansorae E & N to Broadway. 7^. 8 D 32. Stevens Court, b Stockton and Powell, f Sacramento S. 10 E 138. Stevenson, b Market and Mis- sion and Valencia and Mission, f 25 First SW. 30-6, 35-7, 40-10. 10 H. 1 First 4 Ecker 13 101 Second 16 d New Montgomery Annie 21 201 Third 2? d Fourth 401 Fifth 20 501 Sixth 2S 601 Seventh 2S 701 Eighth 26 801 Ninth 45 d Bradv to Hermann 40 1701 Eighteenth 28 1801 Nineteenth 35 1901 Twentieth 45 e Twenty -first 55 Steplienson, f Willow Ave nr 18th S to 21st, b Valencia and San Carlos Avenue. 120. Stevenson Ave,f 17 Valencia, b Hermann and Brady. 13 K 13. Stockton, b Dupont & Powell, f 900 Market N to Beach. 66—15. 9 F. 1 Market and Ellis 30 101 O'Farrell.- 40 Geary 50 Morton 5.9 301 Post 62 Stockton Place 69 401 Sutter 78 501 Bush 110 Emma 140 601 IMne 159 701 California 161 709 Emmet Place 801 Sacramento 128 901 Clav 118 1001 Washington 102 1101 Jackson 93 1201 PaMfic 82 Stark 1301 Broadway 84 1401 Vallejo 80 1413 Card Alley Montgomery Avenue. . . 83 1601 Green 82 Union 70 1701 Filbert 80 1801 Greenwich 95 1901 Lombard i)0 Newhall ■ 2001 Chestnut 60 Pfeiffer 2101 Francisco 25 2301 Bav 8 2301 North Point 2 e Beach base Stockton Place, b Post and Sutter, f Dupont to 308 Stock- ton. ]5— 3, 35— 7. 9F119. Stone, b Stockton and Powell, f 920 Washington to Jackson. 17|-3|. 10 D 135. Stoneman, f 200Shotwell E to Folsom, N of Ripley.' 50-12. 11 S. Stout's Alley, b Dupont and Stockton, f 830 Washington to Jackson. 114—21, 13i— 2.i 9 D112. Strlngkam, b Barneveld Ave and Adele, t Hecker N to Kos- suth, 40—10. 8 T. 1 Hecker 201 Baker Ave 101 15th Ave S e Kossuth 87 SulltTan Alley, b Jackson & Pacific, f Dupont W, & b Stock- ton and Dupont, f 722 Jackson to Pacific. 9 D 111. Snmmer. b Pine and Califor- nia,! aiSMontg-omery to Kearny. 16i— 3i, 26— 5i. 9 E 72. Sumner, b 7th and 8th, f 1151 Howard SE. 21 J— 44. 10 J 408. Sunset Ave, 476 b Willard and 1st Ave, S. 60—10. 20 N. Sunshine Court, b Howard and Folsom, f 211 Eighth E. 10 J 408. Sunny Dale Ave, b Vis- itacion & Medford, f LaGrand SE beyond Hoffman. 66—15. 11 b. 1 Donah 1301 Loehr 101 Elk 1401 Britton 201 Albert 1501 Rev 301 Idalene 1601 Schwerin 401 Brown 1701 Vassalboro 501 Carter 1801 Cora 601 Schiller 1901 Rutland 701 Goethe 2001 Peabody 801 Weyland 2101 Talbert 901 Gundlach 2201 Desmond 1001 Spreckles 2301 Milliken 1101 Hahn 2401 Temple 1201 Sawyer Sunnyside Avenue, f Cir- cular Ave W to Hamburg, b Joost and Hearst 100-22. 19 W. 224 Acadia 224 238 Baden 238 259 Congo 25J 272 Detroit 40i Edna 277 501 Foerster 213 601 Gennessee 250 e Hamburg 273 Surry, b 33rd & 34th and Berk- shire, f 2030 Castro W to Stan- van Ave. 18 & 18 V. 1 Castro Alley .,. 101 Diamond 301 Hofi'mau 401 Belleveau 501 Lincoln Ave 601 Edna 701 Stanyan Sussex, b 33d and 34th and Berkshire, f Castro W to Stan- yan. 18 V. 1 Castro Alley 101 Diamond 201 Douglass 301 Hoffman 401 Belleveau 501 Lincoln Ave 601 Edna 701 Stanjan Sussex PI, b Union & Filbert, f Mason. 11 C 181. Sutter, b Post & Bush, f 500 Market W to Central Avenue. 681-15. 17 G. \ 1 Sansome and Market.. 13 101 Montgomery 24 Trinity Ill Lick Place 201 Kearny 39 Clara Lane 301 Grant A venue 52 401 Stockton 78 501 Powell 92 Delaware Court 601 Mason 112 701 Taylor 135 801 Jones 1.56 901 Leavenworth 180 1001 Hyde 160 1201 Polk 134 1301 Van Ness Avenue .... 162 1401 Franklin 188 1501 Gough - 220 1601 Octavia 220 1701 Laguiia 180 1801 Buchanan 152 1901 Webster 131 2001 Fillmore 126 2101 Steiner 128 2201 Pierce 130 2301 Scott 133 2401 Devisadero 136 2501 Broderick 141 2601 Baker 162 2701 Lyon 199 e Central Avenue 242 Sutter PI, f 1720 Sutter N, b Laguna and Buchanan. 14 G 233. S'wa.n, f Bernal SW to junction Plymouth and Bemal. 40-7. 9T. S'weeny, 42 f San Bruno Ave W to Boylston, b Gavin and Hale, cr Barneveld Ave and Merrill. 10 V. Sycamore Ave, b 17th and 18th, f 2118 Mission to 617 Valencia. 13 N 69. T, b S and U, f Twelfth Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80-19. 29 S. 1 12th Ave 601 18th Ave 101 13th Ave 701 19th Ave 201 14th Ave 801 20th Ave 301 loth Ave 901 21st Ave 401 16th Ave 1001 22d Ave 501 17th Ave 1101 23d Ave St. and Ave Nos. continue to Ocean T Soutli, f 7th Ave S SW to lOth Ave S, Islais Creek and S South. 64—15. 8 S. 1 7th Ave S base 101 8th " " 201 9th " " e 10th " *' Talbert, 221 b Peabody and Desmond, f Countv line beyond Brown. 66—15. 9 C. Tacoma Ave, b Clement and Point Lobos Ave, f 216 15th to 17th. 28 1 196. Tara, b Louisburg and Miguel, f Ocean Ave SW. 19 Z. Tay, b Powell and Mason, f Sac- ramento 1013 to Clay. 25^-5. 10 E 162. Taylor, b Mason and Jones, f 1200 Market N to Jefferson. 682—15. 11 F. 1 Market & Golden Gate Ave .36 Opal Place 101 Turk 33 201 Eddy 35 301 Ellis 50 88 401 O'Farrell 65 501 Geary 80 Derby Taylor Place 517 Adelaide Place 601 Post 105 Hobart Alley 605 Lewis 701 Sutter 135 801 Bush 171 Mulford Alley 901 Pine 213 Villa Place 1001 California 2/8 1101 Sacramento 280 1115 Pleasant 1201 Clay 1301 Washington 251 1401 Jackson 238 1501 Pacific 215 1535 Bernard 1601 Broadway "«™ Falcon Place 1701 Vallejo 280 1801 Green 218 Lincoln 1901 Union 124 Redfield 2001 Filbert 95 Valparaiso 2101 Greenwich 55 2201 Lombard 22 Mont<,'omery Avenue. . 19 2301 Chestnut 18 Water Houston 2401 Francisco 6 Vanderwater' 2501 Bay 3 2601 North Beach 2 2701 Beach base Taylor PI, b Post & Geary, f 520 Taylor E. Taylor Court, b Union and Filbert, f 1915 Taylor E and W. 9. 11 C. 181. Teliania, b Howard and Fol- som, f 220 First SW to Ninth. :M --7, 48—8. 9 L 382. 1 First 15.V 401 Fifth 101 Second ' Sixth Hubbard Seventh 201 Third 701 Eighth 301 Fourth e Ninth Telia 111 a PI, b Howard & Folsom, f 225 Fir^t NE. 12|— 3 7 F 342. Teliania Alley, b Howard and Folsom, f Tehami Place N of First. 7 F 342. Telegraph, Mission E near County line. 20 C. Telegrapli PI, b 430 Green- wich and Lombard, f Good Children E. 20^—4. 10 B 81. Temple, b Miiliken and Hurt, f Co. line to Visitacion, 63—1. 9C. Teiiiie.ssee, b Kentucky & Min- nesota, f South St. S to Tulare. 80—19. 5 P. 1 South 101 Merrimac 201 Alameda 301 15th' 401 16th 1 591 17th 3k 601 Mariposa 10 701 18th 15 801 19th 40 901 20th 52 1001 21st 26 1101 23rd 12 1201 24th 9 1301 25th 8 1401 Army 6^ 1501 Marin 2i Ten til, b Ninth and Eleventh, f 1401 Market SE to Division. 80—19. 11 J. 1 Market 44 101 Mission 33 201 Howard 33 225 Warren Avenue 301 Folsom 21 Sheridan 401 Harrison 14 501 Bryant : 9 e Channel & Hampshire. . 7 Tentli Av^, b9th & 11th A ves, f Pres'o Res. S to Q. 70-18. 23 0. 1 Lake 150 101 California 153 201 Clement 182 • 301 Point Lobos Avenue . . . 164 i 401 A 190 501 B 235 601 C 218 D 221 Golden Gate Park 1101 H....240 leoi M 444 1201 I ....253 1701 N 499 1301 J.... 274 • 1801 548 1401 K .... 320 1901 P 626 1501 L....370 e Q 678 Tentli Ave South, f Tevis NW to Q, b 9th and 11th Aves South. 80—19. 3 V. 1 Tevis and Water Front . . 1 101 Dock : 201 Ship 7 •301 A South 24 401 B " 24 501 C " 24 601 D " 44 701 E " 44 801 F " 44 901 G " 104 1001 H " 100 1101 I " 100 1201 J " 160 1301 K " 167 1401 L " 127 1501 M " 67 Railroad Avenue 16 1601 N South 16J 1701 P " 8 1801 Q '« 6 1001 R " 3 2001 S " 2 Terrace View, b Kearny and Dupont, f Francisco S. 10 B 79. Tevis, b Dock and Von Schmidt, f Water Front and 10th Ave S to County line. 64—15. 1 C. Tevis PI, b Third and Fourth, King to Berry. 6 J 369. 89 Texas, b Mississippi & Missouri, f 800 16th S to Tulare. 80-19. 7 0. 1 16th 9 101 17th 11 201 18th 46 301 Mariposa 96 401 19th 178 501 20th 154 601 22nd 76 701 23rd 138 801 25th 93 901 Army 81 1001 Marin 20 e Tulare base Tlieodore Alley, b Stockton & Noonan's Alley, f 723 Vallejo S. 5. 10 D 132. Tliere«a, 4700 f Mission to Ale- many, b Tin^ley & Cotter. 50-12. 15 W. Tlilrd, b Second and Fourth, f 700 Market SE to Channel. 821—19. 8G. 1 Market 35 19 Stevenson 27 37 Jessie d 101 Mission 17 117 Minna 131 Sherwood Place Everett 36 145 Hunt 201 Howard 20 223 Tehama Noble Place . 247 Clementina d 301 Folsom Ig 337 Verona 401 Harrison 13 417 Perry 435 Silver 501 Bryant 6 Park Lane North 519 South Park 537 Park Lane South 601 Brannan 12 701 Townsend 11 King- 801 Berry base e Channel Tliird Ave, b 2d and 4th, f Presidio Res. South to J. 70-15. 21 J. 1 Lake 189 California 178 101 CaUfornia South 174 201 Clement 177 301 Point Lobos Avenue . . 176 A 185 B 188 C 207 Fulton 224 Golden Gate Park 1101 H 267 Hugo 271 1201 I 298 1301 Parnassus 387 e Affiliated Colleges Third Ave South, f ^ook N W to Islais and S South^H) 2d and 4th Aves S. 80-19. 2 U. 1 Dock and Water Front. . base 101 Ship " 201 A South ♦« 301 B South «« 401 C ♦' «' 601 D " *' 601 E " " F, G and H, India Basin •* 701 I South 5 801 J " 3 901 K " 2 1001 L '* 3 1101 M " 2 1201 N " 2 1301 P " , ....base Railroad Avenue " 1401 Q South '* 1501 R " e S " '« Thirteenth, b 12 and 14th, If 1626 Harrison W to Buena Vista Ave. 50—13. 12 & 14 L. 1 Harrison 6 Treat Avenue 201 Folsom 9 301 Howard 14 401 Mission & West Mission . 20 501 Valencia 601 Guerrero 84 Market 108 Buchai)an 106 601 Dolores Webster 105 801 Church & Fillmore 104 901 Sanchez and Steiner 116 1001 Noe 155 1101 Castro & Scott 218 1 201 Devisadero & Alpine .... 218 elBr^derick & Buena Vista Thirteenth Ave, f Presidio Hes. South to U, b 12th and 13th Aves. 70—50. 24 J. 1 Lake 136 101 California 135 201 Clement 158 301 Point Lobos Avenue . . . 162 401 A 165 501 B 207 601 C 212 Fulton 215 Golden Gate Park 703 1101 H.... 237 1801 O. ... 652 1201 I . . . . 238 1901 P 1301 J . . . . 259 2001 q .... 1401 K . . . 322 2101 R . . . . 1501 L.... 395 2201 S 1601 M .... 493 2301 T 1701 N.... 659 e U. ... Thirteenth Ave South, f Watt r Front N W to S South, b 12th & 14th Aves South. 80-19. 4 W. 1 Water Front 101 Tevis 201 Dock 301 Ship 401 A South 14 501 B " 15 601 C " 15 701 D " 15 801 E " 64 901 F ** 64 1001 G " 124 1101 H " 1G4 1201 I " 224 1301 J " 224 1401 K " 187 90 1501 L " 124 1601 M *• 60 Railroad Avenue 41 1 1701 N South 32 1901 Q " 8 2001 R " 4J, --Tlilrtletli, f 400 Mission W to Fowler, b Day and Clarkson. 64—15. 16 T, 1 Mission 107 101 San Jose Avenue 102 • -201 Dolores 116 S. P. Railroad 120 301 Church 129 401 Sanchez 152 501 Noe 202 601 Castro 319 701 Diamond 476 801 Douglass 655 901 Hoffman Avenue 502 1001 Bellevue 335 1101 Lincoln Avenue 1201 Twin Peaks Avenue 1301 Stanyan Avenue 1401 Stanford Heights e Fowler Avenue Tliirtietli Ave, b 29th ii 31st Aves, f Presidio Res. South to X. 70—18. 28 T. 1 Lake 152 101 California 167 201 Clement 162 301 Point Lobos Avenue 187 401 A 290 601 C 163 501 B 220 700 Fulton 137 Golden Gate Park 1101 H 1201 1 2001 Q 1301 J 2101 R 1401 K 2201 S 1501 L 2301 T 1601 M 2401 U 1701 N 2501 V 1801 2601 W 1901 P e X 'lliirtletli Ave South, b 29th Ave 31st Ave S, f Co line NW to P South. 80-19. 5 Z. I'liirty-first, b 30th and 32d, f 1800 Castro W to Fowler Ave. 64-15. 1 Castro 101 Diamond 201 Douglass . 301 Hoffmann Avenue 401 Bellevhe 501 Lincoln Avenue 601 Twin Peaks Avenue 701 Stanyan Avenue 801 Stanford Heights Ave. . . e Fowler Thirty- first Ave, Thirtieth and Thirty-second Aves f Lake South to X. 70—18. 28 J. 1 New Produced ICl Lake 175 201 California 187 301 Clement. 108 601 B 238 401 P Lobos. 205 701 C 156 501 A 285 800 Fulton ..136 For cross streets see 30th Ave. Thirty- first Ave South, f County line NW to Railroad Ave, b 30th Ave S and 32d A ve S 80—19. 5 Z. Thirty-second, b 31st & 33tl, f Castro W to Lincoln. 64-15. 17 U. 1 Castro 301 Hoffman Av 101 Diamond 401 Bellevue 201 Douglass e Lincoln Ave Thirty-second Ave, b 31st and 33d Aves, f Lake South to X 70—18. 28 J. 1 New Prdduced 101 Lake " 190 201 California 187 301 Clement. 187 601 B 224 401 P Lobos. 215 701 C 155 501 A 800 Fulton. 136 For cross streets see 30th Ave. Tliirty-second Av Soutli, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave, b 31st and 33d Ave S. 80-19. 5 a. Thirty-third, f Castro W to Lincoln Ave, b 32d and 34tli. 17 U. 1 Castro 301 Hoffmann Av 101 Diamond 401 Bellevue 201 Douglass e Lincoln Ave Thirty-third Ave, b 32nd 34th Aves, f Clement South to , X. 70—18. 29 J. ^ 1 New Produced 101 Lake *' 203 201 California 197 401 Clement. 210 601 B 223 501 P Lobos. 227 701 C 155 601 A 230 800 Fulton. 1 22 For cross streets see 30th Ave. Tliirty-third Av Soutli, f Co line NW to Railroad Ave and Salinas, b 32d & 34th Ave S. 80—19. 5 a. Thirty-fourtli, f Castro W to Lincoln Ave, b 33d and Berk- shire. 18 V. 1 Castro 301 Hoffmann Av 101 Diamond 401 Bellevue 201 Douglass e Lincoln Ave Thirty-lourtli Ave, b 33d and 35th Aves, f Clement South toX. 70—18. 29 J. 1 Clement.. 240 301 B 204 101 P Lobos ..239 401 C. 1 50 201 A 205 500 Fulton 119 For cross street see 30th Ave. Tliirty-fourth Av South, f Co. line NW to Salinas and Starr, b 33d & 34th Aves S. 5 a. Thirty-fifth Ave, b 34th and 36th Aves, f Clement South to X. 70—18. 29 J. 1 Clement.. 256 301 B .... 196 101 P Lobos.. 254 401 C 142 30J A 194 500 Fulton IJ 6 For cross streets see 30th Ave Thirty-fifth Ave South, f Co line NW to Salinas, b 34th and 36th Aves S. 5 a. Thirty-sixth Ave, b 35th and 37th Aves, f Clement South to X. 70—18. 29 J. 1 Clement. 284 301 B ]80 101 P Lobos.266 401 C 134 91 201 A 191 500 Fulton.112 Touehard, b Jones and Leav- For cross streets see 30th Ave. en worth, f 1105 Pine S. 17— 3J. Thirty sixtli Ave Soutli, 11 F 249. f Co line NW to San Bruno Ave, Townseiicl, b Brannan & Kin?:, b 35th & 37th Aves S. 5 b. f 700 1st SW to 8th. 82^-19. 8 K. Tliirty- seventh Ave, b 1 First base Madden 30th & 38th Aves, from Clement Japan Haj?j?in South to X. 70—18. 30 J. 101 Second 10 Crooks 1 Clement. 300 301 B.... 167 Stanford 301 Fourth lOi P Lobos. 265 401 C 142 Clarence PI 401 Fifth 201 A 193 500 FultoniOT Hammond PI 501 Sixth For cross streets see 30th Ave. 201 Third Gilbert X'liirty-seventh Avenue, Ritch 601 Seventh Sou til, f Co line NW to San Clvde e Eij,'hth Biuno Ave, bet, 36th & 38th Tracy, b Union & Filbert, f De- Aves S. 80—18. 6 b. visadero E. 17 D 470. Tliirty-eiglit Ave, b 3Uh Treat Avenue, b Folsom and and 39th Aves, f Clement South Harrison, f 320 13th S to Army. toX. 70-J8. 30 J. 60—15. IIP. 1 Clement. 31 7 301 B . . . . 169 1 Thirteenth 7 101 P Lobos. 259 401 C 137 101 Fourteenth 7 201 A 200 500 Fulton 103 201 Fifteenth 8 For cross streets see 30th Ave, 301 Sixteenth 8 Tliirty-eiglitli Ave Soutli, 401 Seventeenth 7 f County line NW to San Bruno 501 Eighteenth 7 Ave, b 37th & 39th Aves S. 601 Nineteenth 14 80-19. 6 b. 701 Twentieth 9 Thirty- ninth Ave, b 38th 801 Twenty-first 10 and 40th Aves, f Clement South 901 Twenty-second 38 toX. 70—18. 30 J. 1001 Twenty-third 40 i Clement. 318 301 B 166 1101 Twenty-fourth 44 101 P Lobos. 259 401 C 131 1201 Twenty -fifth 47 201 A 204 500 Fulton 93 1301 Twenty-sixth 43 For cross streets see 30th Ave. e Army 28 Thirty- ninth Ave South, Tremont Ave, b Ashbury and I Co. line NW to San Bruno Av. Clayton, f 1421 Waller to Ash- b 38th and 40th Aves S. 80—19. bury. 45—8. 18 M. 6 b. —Trent Alley, b Dolores and Thompson Ave, b 2nd & 3rd, Chattanooga, f 24th N. 15—3. f 325 Brannan S. 6 I 360. 14 Q 64. Thornton, f Worcester Ave N Trenton, b Stockton & Powell, W of Monticello. 60—15. 24 Z. f 916 Washington N to Pacific. Thornton Avenue, f San 25—5. 10 E 135. Bruno Ave E to Railroad Ave, Trinity, bet Montgomery and b Williams & Silver Ave. 7 W. Kearnv, f 1C8 Sutter to Bush. Thrift, 404, b Montana & Lake llh—H. 8 F 74. View, f Orizaba E. 60—15. 13 S. Trinity Court, W s Trinity, b Tiffany PI, b Fair and 29th, f Sutter and Bush. 8 F 74. 3236 Mission. 13 S. Troy Alley, b Sacramento and Tiffany Ave, 82, b Mission & Clay, f 1205 Hyde W. 17|— 3J. San Jose Ave, f 1600 Valencia S 12 E 304. W to 29th. 70—15. 13 S. Truett, b Clay and Washington, Tilden, 298, I 218 Castro W to f 1111 Mason W. 17^— 3J. 10 Masonic Ave, b Fifteenth and E 188. Sixteenth. Trumbull, 110, b Canal & Nev, Tilford, b Bryant and Brannan , f 4201 Mission E. 50— J4. 14 W. f 529 Sixth NE. 15-3. 8 J 385. 1 Mission 101 Craut Tillman Alley, b Sutter and 201 Congdon Stockton PI, 1 215 Grant Ave W. Tulare, b Marin & Islais Creek 12i— 2|. 9 F 119. Channel, f Water Front W to Tinjjjley, 155, f 4600 Mission NW Vermont. 66—15. 5 R. to Alemanv Ave N of Theresa. 2 Water Front » base 50—12. 15 W. 102 Ohio " Tomasa, f Peralta Ave SW, b 202 Virginia " Army and Isabel. 40—10. 9 R. 302 New York " Toiiuing:son PI, b 12th and 402 Massachusetts " 13th, f 1628 Howard S. 12 K 15. . 502 Delaware " Tonquin, 80, b Jefferson and 602 Maryland " Lewis, f Larkin W to Preaidio 702 Louisiana " Reservation. 681-15. 18 A. 802 Georgia " For cross streets see Bay. 902 Michigan " Torrens Court, b Hyde and 1002 Illinois " Larkin, f 1220 Clay N. 25—5. 1102 Kentucky " 12 E 303. ' 1202 Tennessee, ** 92 1302 Minnesota . . . 1402 Indiana 1502 Iowa 1602 Connecticut. . 1702 Arkansas 1802 Wisconsin . . . 1902 Carolina 2002 DeHaro 2102 Rhode Island 2202 Kansas e Vermont Tulip, b Howard and Minna, f 10 Russ SW. 5. Ill 294. TiirU, b Golden Gate Ave and Eddy, f Mason & 1100 Market W. 68^—15. 16 I. 1 Market and Mason 30 Margaret Place 101 Taylor 33 201 Jones 38 301 Leavenworth 50 401 Hyde GO Dodge 501 Larkin 65 GOl Polk 70 701 Van Ness Avenue 76 801 Franklin 90 901 Gouj?h 94 Octavia 98 Lagruna 94 1201 Buchanan 90 1301 Webster 96 1401 Fillmore 99 1501 Steiner 102 1601 Pierce 118 1701 Scott 145 Sevmour Avenue 1801 Devisadero 178 1901 Broderick 228 St. Joseph's Avenue . . . 244 2001 Baker 276 2101 Lyon 300 2201 Central Ave 280 2301 Masonic Avenue 200 2400 Wood 292 2500 Collins 2600 Blake 2700 Cook 2800 Bovce 2900 Parker Ave 306 3000 N Stanyan 3101 N Willard 234 e First Ave 205 Tweirili, b 11th and 13th, f 1600 Market SE to Harrison. 80—19. 12 J. 101 201 266 Market Mission 25 Glen Park Avenue 21 Howard 19 Folsom 13 Isis Bernice Harrison 7| TwelJtli Avenue, b llth & 13th Aves, f Presidio Reserva- tion South to T. 70—15. 23 J. 1 At 600 New 101 Lake 131 201 California 135 301 Clement 186 401 Point Lobos Avenue 163 501 A 167 601 B 220 701 C 234 800 Fulton 217 1101 H.... 238 1801 O.... 673 1201 I .... 239 1901 P... 711 1301 J .... 268 2001 Q... 705 1401 K . . . . 299 2101 K . . 1501 L .... 378 2201 S... 1601 M .... 470 e T... 1701 N . . . . 611 Tweirtli Avenue iSoutli, f Water Front NW to S South, b llth and 13Lh Ave South. 80— 19. 3 V. 1 Water Front 101 Tevis 201 Dock 301 Ship 401 A South 14 501 B " 18 601 C " 18 701 D " 35 801 E " 84 901 F " 84 1001 G " 144 1201 H " 184 1201 I " 244 1301 J " 260 1401 K " 207 1501 L " 137 1601 M " 67 Railroad Avenue 33 1701 N South 28 1801 P " 13 1901 Q " 7 2001 R ♦* 4 e S " 2h -Twentietli, b 19th and 21st, f Water F'ront W, to Stanyan. 64-114. 5. 1 Water Front 101 Delaware 3 201 Maryland 6 301 Louisiana 9 401 Georgia 12 501 Michigan 15 601 Illinois 20 701 Kentucky 30 801 Tennessee 56 901 Minnesota 74 1001 Indiana 76 1101 Iowa 86 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue.. 130 1301 Mississippi 168 1401 Texas 154 1501 Missouri 177 1601 Connecticut 183 1701 Arkansas 180 1801 Wisconsin 176 1901 Carolina 160 2001 De Haro 198 2101 Rhode Island 246 2201 Kansas 356 2301 Vermont 234 2401 Nebraska 220 2501 Utah %.. 146 2501 Potrero Avenue 70 2681 Hampshire 44 2701 York 31 2801 Bryant 23 2901 Florida 19 3001 Alabama 17 OLD NOS. 3101 Harrison 501 18 Treat Ave 93 3201 Fv.li^oiii cm 28 Sliotwcll 3301 Iim\ aid 701 3G Ca].]) 3401 Mis^ 102 201 Church 123 301 Sanchez 3 33 403 Noe 264 501 Castro 365 601 Diamond 423 701 Douglas 533 803 Hoffmann Ave 509 901 Bellevue 513 1001 Lincoln Ave 1101 Twin Peaks Ave 1201 Stanvan Ave 1301 Stanford Heights Ave. . e Fowler Ave Tweiity-eiglitli Avenue, b 27th and 29th Aves. f Baiters Beach S to X. 70—18. 27 J. 1 New 101 Lake Produced 145 201 California 148 301 Clement.' 140 401 Point Lobos Avenue. . . 159 501 A 215 601 B 202 701 C 157 800 Fulton 148 Golden Gate Park 1201 H Streets continued in order to X\ T*venty - eislitli Avenue Soutb, b 27th and 29th Aves S f Charter Oak Ave ^E to Water Front NW. 80—19. 5 Z. T%venty- ninth, b Vajlev and Day, f 3300 Mission W to' Fow- ler. 64—15. 16 S. 1 Mission 92 Tiffany Avenue 82 101 San Jose Avenue 87 201 -Dolores 303 S P R R 330 301 Church 317 401 Sanchez 142 501 ^oe 190 601 Castro 268 701 Diamond 405 801 Douglass 545 901 Hoffman Ave 550 1001 Bellevue 410 1101 Lincoln Avenue Glen Avenue 1201 Twin Peaks Avenue. . . 1301 Stanvan Avenue 1401 Stanford Heights Ave. . e Fowler Avenue Twenty-ninth Aveuue, b 28th and 30th Aves, f Bakers Beach S to X. 70—18. 28 J. 1 New 101 Lake 150 201 California 157 301 Clement 144 401 Point Lobos Avenue ... 173 501 A 245 603 B 214 701 C 170 800 Fulton 138 Golden Gate Park 1201 H Streets continued in order to X. Tw^enty - ninth Avenue South, b 28th and 30th Aves S, f Charter Oak Ave SE to Co. line, 80—19. 6 Z. Twin Peaks Ave, b Lincoln and Stanford Heighrs, f 24th S to Surry. 18 S. II, b T and V, f 2500 13Lh Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 29 T. 1 13th Ave 601 19th Ave 101 14th '• 701 20th " 201 15th " 801 21st " 30J 16th '♦ 901 22d " 401 17th '* 1001 23d ** 501 iHth " 1303 24th *' Street and Ave Nos. contihue to Ocean. Unaflilla Avenue, b Geneva Avo aTid Mount Vernon Ave, f Accacia SE. 60-15. 19 Z. Union, b Green and Filbert, f 110 East N and Front W to Pre- sidio Res. 68^-15. 17 D. 1 Water Front base 101 Battery 5 Gaines 201 Sansome 14 Calhoun 301 Montgomery 220 328 Vincent 401 Kearnv 147 Filbert Place 407 Sonora 419 Lafayette Place Varennes 501 Dupont 102 98 Cadell Alley 509 Bannam Place Jasper Place 523 Union Place 585 Graham Place 601 Stockton 70 Montgomery Avenue ... 70 701 Powell 70 Baum Alley Amboy Alley 717 August Alley 801 Mason 104 901 Taylor 154 Marion Place 1001 Jones 210 Bay View Place 1101 Leavenworth 236 Sharp Place 271 1201 Hvde 250 West End Alley Moore Place 1301 Larkin 220 1401 Polk 142 1501 Van Ness Avenue 90 1601 Franklin 72 1701 Gough 80 1801 Octavia 80 1901 Laguna 70 2001 Buchanan 60 2101 Webster 06 2201 Fillmore 60 2301 Steiner 45 2401 Pierce 75 2501 Scott 132 2801 Devisadero 160 2701 Broderick 130 2801 Baker 88 e Lyon 110 Union Avenue, b Jefferson & Old Hickorj% f Andover Ave E San Bruno Ave. 60—10. 11 U. 1 Andover 170 101 Moultrie 201 Anderson 301 Ellsworth 401 Gates 501 Folsom 601 Banks 701 Prentiss 801 Nevada 121 901 Putnam 68 1001 Bronte 46 1101 Bradford 29 1201 Peralta Ave 10 e San Bruno Ave Union Alley, b Stockton and Dupont, f Union Place. 10 C 107 Union Place, b Dupont and Stockton, f 516 Green to Union. 20—4. 10 C 107. Union Square, b Powell and Stockton, Past & Geary. 10 G. University, b College & Prince- ton, f 1800 Silver Ave S to Ord- way. 60—15. 11 X. 1 Silver Avenue 101 Silliman 201 FeltOTi 165 301 Burrows 173 401 Bacon 176 501 Wayland 171 601 Woolsey 701 Dwight 801 Olmstead 901 Mansell e Ordway Upper Terrace, f 16th to 17th, b Mount Olympins and Lower Terrace. 50—10. j8 N. Uranus, 433, b Mars and Park Lane or Ashburv, f 17th S. 50— 10. 18 N. Utali, b Nebraska and Potrero Ave, f Division S to Armv. 80— 19. 9 P. 1 Alameda 13 101 Fifteenth 14 201 Sixteenth 34 301 Seventeenth 65 401 Mariposa 100 501 Eighteenth 94 601 Nineteenth 104 701 Twentieth 108 801 Twenty-second 60 901 Tvventv-third 66 1001 Twenty-fourth 43 1101 Twenty-fifth 36 e Army 71 Utali, extended, E of Charter Oak, f Thornton N to Silver Ave. 60—12. V. V, b U and W, f 2600 14th Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 29 T. 1 14th Ave 501 19th. 288 101 15th Ave 001 20th Ave 201 16th Ave 701 21st Ave 301 17th Ave 801 22d Ave 401 18th Ave 901 ^3 J Ave St. and Ave Nos.continue to Ocean Valdeleau, W of Genessee and N of Lulu. 20 U. Valencia, b Guerrero & Mission, f 1801 AIarketSto29th. 82|— 19. 13 P. 1 Market 42 15 Stevenson Avenue — — 101 Hermann 40 201 Thirteenth 35 209 Quinn Brosnan 301 Foui-teenth 39 401 Fifteenth 30 Stable Alley 501 Sixteenth 38 601 Seventeenth 36 Clarion Alley 611 Cedar Lane 617 Willows Avenue 701 Eighteenth 30 801 Nineteenth 40 Cumberland Place 901 Twentieth 50 Liberty 1001 Twenty-first 60 • Hill 65 1101 Tvvent-s'-second 70 1 201 Twenty-third -. 74 1301 Twenty-fourth 77 1401 Twenty-fifth 78 1501 Twenty -sixth 70 e Army 64 Vallejo, b Broadway and Green, f 800 Davis W to Presidio lies. 682—15. 17 E. 1 Davis base 101 From' 3 201 BatteVy 10 99 I-lint Alley Goat Alley 301 Sansome 28 Hall Alley Prescott Court Hodifes Alley Bartol 401 Montg-omery 115 501 Kearny 142 Pinckney San Antonio Pollard Place Marjraret Place 601 Dupont 83 Montgomery Avenue . . 81 Vallejo Place ■ Agues Lane 701 Stockton 86 Vulcan Lane Theodore Alley . . Noonan's Alley Wheelock Place 801 Powell 104 Washoe Place O'Connell Place 901 Mason 154 Vallejo Court 1001 Taylor 280 Sweet ■ Florence Jones 296 Leavenworth 244 Hvde 215 Larkin 169 Polk 136 Van Ness Avenue 120 Franklin 114 Gough 130 Octavia 130 Laguna 130 Buchanan 160 Webster 174 Fillmore 170 Steiner 125 Pierce 118 Scott 210 Devisadero 260 Broderick 198 Baker 216 e Lyon : 260 Vallejo C'onrt, b Mason and Taylor, foil Vallejo N. IJ D183. Vallejo Place, b Stockton ard Montgomery, f 621 Vallejo S. 10 D 109. Valley, b 28th and 29th, f San Jose Ave W to Fowler. 64 — 12. 16 S. 1 San Jose Avenue 86 101 Dolores IqI 201 Church.. 119J Southern Pacific R R . . 109 301 Sanchez 148 401 Noe 235 501 Castro 312 601 Diamond 420 701 Douglass 522 80] Ellen 479 901 Bellevue 4%8 1001 Lincoln Avenue 1101 Twin Peaks Avenue . . . 1201 Stanyan Avenue 2301 Stanford Heights Ave.. 1401 Fowler Avenue Valparakio, b Filbert & Green wich, f 1915 Mason to Jones 35—7. 11 C 180. Van Buren.l b Douglass, and Hoffmann, f Sussex to Surry. 16 U. Vance (was Avery), b Lulu and 34th, f Genessee W. 20 U 7. Van Ness Avenue, b Polk & Franklin, f 800 Market N. 125— 22. 12 H. 1 Market and Oak 44 Hickory Avenue 45 101 Fell...., 46 109 Linden Avenue 47 201 Hayes 48 Ivy Avenue 49 301 Grove 50 Birch Avenue 52 401 Fulton 54 Ash Avenue 56 501 McAllister 58. Locust Avenue 61 601 Golden Gate Avenue.. . . 64 Elm Avenue 70 701 Turk 76 Laurel Avenue 88 801 Eddy 100 Willow Avenue 108 901 Ellis 116 909 Olive Avenue 122 1001 O'Farrell 130 1009 Myrtle Avenue 135 1101 Geary 140 Cedar Avenue 145 1201 Post 150 Walnut Avenue 156 1301 Sutter 162 1311 Fern Avenue 166 1401 Bush 170 1409 Austin 170 1501 Pine 190 1601 California 180 1601 Sacramento 180 1801 Clav 190 1901 Washington 190 2001 Jackson 180 2101 Pacific Avenue 166 2201 Broadway 140 2301 Vallejo 120 ■ Bonita ... 2401 Green 90 2501 Union 80 2601 Filbert 87 2701 Greenwich 90 2S01 Lombard 80 2901 Chestnut 75 3001 Francisco 70 b Bay 75 b NorthPoint 52 b Beach 12 b Jefferson 6 b Tonquin 3 b Lewis 1 Vandewater, b Francisco and Bay, f 2209 Powell to Taylor. 35—7. 11 B 176. Varennes, b Kearny and Du- pont, f 424 Union to Filbert. 30—4. 9 C 83. Vassalboro, b Sohwerin and Cora, f Brown S. 66—15. 10 c. Vassar Place, b 2d and 3d, f 617 Harrison SE. 7 H 388. lOO Vasserot Place, b Hvde and Larkin, f 819 Geary S. 120 311. Venus, f Thornton Ave S to Wil- liams A ve, b Neptune and Apollo 64—15. 8 W. Vermeil r l*lace, b Post and Sutter, f 120 Kearny E. 30—6. 9F75. Vermont, b Kansas & Nebraska, f 500 Division S to Tulare. 80— 19. 9 P. 1 Alameda 9 101 Fifteenth 11 201 Sixteenth 16 301 Seventeenth 44 401 Mariposa 98 501 Eighteenth 138 001 Nineteenth 180 701 Twentieth 234 801 Twentv-second lOS 901 Twenty-third 74 1001 Tweiitv-fourth 55 1101 Twentv-fif fch 43 1201 Army 15 1301 Marin 6 e Tulare base Vermont extended, from Thornton Ave S to Twenty-sixth Ave 8 and W of Kansas ex- tended. 60—12. 8 W. Venard Alley, b Powell and Mason, f 435 Chestnut S. 11 B 151. Verna. b Stanyan asd Stanford Heig-hts, f 33rd S to Melrose. 19 V. Vernon, f Stanley to 401 Gar- field, b Arch and Halston. 00— 15. 23 a. 1 Stanley 201 Sargent 101 Randolph 301 Shields 401 Garfield Vernon Court, b Green and Union, f 1928 Hvde E. 20—4. 12 C 208. Vernon Plaee, b Folsom and Harrison, f 2d W to 25 Haw- thorne. 7 H 357. Verona, b Folsom and Harri- son, f 337 Third NE. 35—7. 7 H 357. Vicksburff, b Churoh and San- chez, f 21st S to 25th. 60—15, 1 Twenty-first 300 101 Twenty-second 250 201 Twenty-third 198 301 Twenty -fourth 165 e Twenty-fifth Victor, b 7th & 8th, f 941 Bry- ant SE. 9K411. Victoria, f Palmetto N to 300 Garfield, b Head & hamsell. 60—15. 23 a. 1 Palmetto Ave 301 Sargent 101 Stanley 401 Shields 201 Randolph 501 Garfield Vienna, f 700 Silver Ave S to Amazon, b Naples & Athens. 70—18. 15 a. 1 Silver Ave 501 Persia 101 India 001 Hu-sia 201 Japan 701 France 301 China 801 Italy 401 Brazil.. 279 e Amazon View, b Douglas & Falcon Ave, f Remain S. 17 O. Villa Place, b Pine & Califor- nia, f 908 Taylor E. 10 F 19. Vincent, bet Montgomery and Kearnv, f 318 Green to Union. 9 C 83. Virgfil Alley, b Howard and Shotwell, f 24th S to 26th. 15— 3. nQ181. Virgjinia, b Ohio & New York Water Front S to 1st Ave S. 89—19. 3 S. 1 Water Front 501 Ajnador 101 Army 601 Calaveras 201 Marin 701 Mendocino 301 Tulare 801 Plumas 401 Islais 901 Fresno e First Avetme S. Virginia Ave, b Esmeralda & Eugenia, f Mission to North Ave. 50-15. 13 S. 1 Mission 101 California Avenue 119 151 Lundys Lane 137 201 Prospect Avenue 150 301 Chapultepec 178 401 Elsie 189 501 Buena Vista 244 600 North Avenue 249 Virginia €ourt, b Pine and California, f 507 Dupont W. 20—4. 9 £ 116. Virginia Place, b Powell and Stockton, f 715 Broadway S. llh—Sk. 10 D 133. Visclier Place, b Market and Mission, f Beale E. 7 E 329. Visitacion, N of Sunny Dale Ave, f LaGrand SE to the bay. 66—15. 11 b. 1 Donah 1401 Britton 101 Elk 1501 Rev 201 Albert 1601 Sehwerin 301 dalene 1701 Vassalboro 401 Brown ISOi Cora 501 Carter 1901 Rutland 601 Schiller 2001 Peabony 701 Goethe 2101 Talbert 801 Wevland 2201 Desmond 91 il Gundlach 2301 Miliken 1000 Spreckles 2401 Temple 1101 Hahn 2501 Hart 1201 Sawyer 2301 Evert 1301 Loehe 2701 Hoffmann Voll Ave, b Buchanan k, Web- ster, f 1706 Post N. 15 G 275. Volney Alley, b Alice and Ritch, f 7.0 Folsom SE. 10—2. Von Sclimidt, b Pollock and Tevis, f Water Front SW to County line. 64—15. 1 c. Vulcan, f Clara Ave W to Juno, b 16th extended and 17th. 50 - 10. 17 M. Vulcan L.ane, b Stockton and Powell, f 726 Vallejo N. 17^— 3|. 10 D 131. W, b V and X, f 26 15th Ave W to Pacific Ocean. 80—19. 29 U. 1 15th Ave '401 19th Ave 101 16th Ave 501 20th Ave 201 17th Ave 601 21st Aye 301 18th Ave 701 22d Aye 101 : [streets and numbers continue to i Ocean. 'Wagner Alley, b Jones and I Leavenworth, f 319 Eddy S. 11 i H 256. sWalbridge, S of Astor, f La I Grand Ave SE. 66—15. 14 e. 1 Donah 601 Schiller boi Elk 001 Goethe 1201 Albert 701 WeyUnd j301 Idalene 801 Gundlach 1 401 BroN\n 901 Spreckles Waldo Alley, b Broadway & Vallejo, f 1711 Leavenworth W. 17i_3^ 12 D 270. Wall Place, b Leavenworth & Hyde, f 1336 Jackson N. 35—6. 12 F 272. Wallace Place, b Keaniy and Dupont, f 612 California N. lSh—2'i. 9 E 92. Waller, b 13th and Haif^^ht, f Octavia and 2100 Market W. 681—15. 16 K. 1 Market... 52 Octavia 59 101 Laguna 93 201 Buchanan 146 301 Webster 130 401 Fillmore 125 Steiner 12S Pierce 135 701 Scott 163 801 Devisadero 220 Broderick 280 Pubhc Park Central Ave 310 1301 Masonic Avenue . 2S7 1401 Ashbury 2S0 Minnie 278 1501 Clayton 274 1601 Cole 264 1701 Shrader 260 e Stanyan 259 Walikut, b Central Ave and Laurel, from 3300 California N. 681—15. 19 F. 1 California 230 lOl Sacramento 276 201 Claj- 304 301 Washington 284 401 Jackson 252 501 Pacific Avenue 228 e Presidio, south hne Walnut Avenue, b Post and Sutter, f 1013 Larkin to Laguna. 35—7. 13 G 120. 1 Larkin 301 Franklin 101 Polk 401 Gough 201 Van Ness Ave 501 Octavia e Laguna Walter, b Noe and Sanchez, f 13th S to 14th. 15 L 100. Waltliani, b Prospect Ave and California Ave, f 3330 Folsom E. 60-16. lis. Ward, b Ordway and Harkness^ f San Bruno Ave W to Holvoke^ 60—15. 2 Z. Warden, b Stockton & Powell, f Francisco N. 10 B 125. Ware, f 600 Paul S to San Bruno, b San Bruno and Wheat. 8 Y. Warren Ay^t b,Ha\varsr&Ji'9l- » S0m, -f 231 Te-ntii ll¥j. , * 1J'K;2; ,' ' W^rr^Jn, li^Aac*?,. b ^6ih ^ "Wtti^ ' f 2014 Mission E. 12 M 41. Waiililngton, b Clay & Jack- son, f fiOd East North W to Ist Ave. 48i— 10, 68^—15. 17 F. 1 East base 101 Drumm " 201 Davis " 217 Cedar buse 301 Front " 401 Battery Z . Custom House Place. . . 501 Sansome J*- Jones Alley 601 Montgomery 6' Montgomery Avenue. . . 8 641 Dunbar Alley Kearny 28 727 Brenham Place • Washington Alley '. 801 Dupont 64 811 Waverly Place 823 Spofford Alley Stout's or Ross Allev. . . 901 Stockton ^ . . 102 907 Havens Place 913 Hopeton Terrace Trenton • Stone 1001 Powell 152 1007 Cod man Place 1017 Wetmore Place ■ 1101 Mason 183 Adona Place 1201 Taylor 252 Camille Place 1301 Jones 332 1319 Priest 1325 Reed 1401 Leavenworth 305 1501 Hyde 255 1601 Larkin 210 1701 Polk 180 1801 Van Ness Avenue 190 1901 Franklin 225 2001 Gough 295 2101 Octavia 334 2201 Laguna 320 2301 Buchanan 272 2401 W^ebster. ... 238 2501 Fillmore 214 2600 Steiner 220 Alta Plaza 2801 Scott 250 2901 Devisadero 246 3001 Broderick 243 3101 Baker 2(j4 3201 Lyon 2^8 3301 Central Avenue 3 4 3401 Walnut 2^4 3501 Laurel 280 3601 Locust 258 3701 Spruce. . . 42 3801 Maple 282 3901 CheiTV 274 e Fir-st Avenue 230 Waslilng'ton Alley, b Kear- ny & Dupont, f 730 Washington to Jackson. 27— 5^ 8 D 89. Wa.sliington Ave, b 9th and ]Oth, f Mission to Howard. 11 J 3. 202 Wp-s1iiwsjton , Square, bet M bi\ tgcJm ety * Ave «nd Powell , Stoektoi:; Fflbert and I nx'oii. IOC. Wasbiua, (n Nashua), f Hecket NE to Baker Ave, N of Fox. 8T Water, b Chestnut & Francisco, f Mason to Taylor. 25-5. 11 B 177, Water Front, f Co line north- erly along the bay to Shasta. 1 U. "Waterloo, b Flower and Dic- kenson, f San Bruno Avenue to Loomis, 9 T. Waterville, b Ehnira & Conk- ling, f Augusta to Helena. 60-15 9U. Watson Place, b Mission Rd and Cayuga, f Ocean Ave S to Onondaga, 16 Y. W^att Avenue, f 7500 Mission SE to County line. 18 b. 2 Mission 202 Brunswick 102 Mew Morse 302 Hanover 402 Bellevue Waverly PI, 88^, b Dupont and Stockton, f 812 Sacramento to Washington. 41 and 45—10. 9 E 114. Way I and, b Bacon & Woolsey, f San Bruno Ave W to LaGrande 60—15. 12 Y. Bowdoin... 145 University.. 171 For cross streets see Bacon. Webb, b Montgomery & Kearny f 534 California to Sacramento. 24} -42. 9 E72. Webb PI, b Green & Union, f 1719 Mason W. 22-4. 11 C 182. W^ebster, b Buchanan and Fill- more, f 400 Hermann N. 68-15. 15 I. 1 Thirteenth 160 60 Herman 130 Germania 101 Waller 130 201 Haighth 160 Rose Avenue 172 301 Page 185 Lily Avenue 170 401 Oak 175 Hickory Avenue 164 501 Fell 154 Linden Avenue 154 601 Hayes 124 Ivy Avenue 112 701 Grove 100 Birch Aveuue 96 801 Fulton 92 Ash Avenue 89 901 McAllister 88 Locust Avenue 90 1001 Golden Gate Ave 93 Elm Avenue 94 1101 Turk 9 Laurel Avenue 96 1201 Eddy 99 1301 Ellis 103 1309 Byington 1401 O'Farrell 117 1501 Geary 123 1601 Post 126 1701 Sutter 132 1^01 Bush 168 . Wildey KOI Pine 200 2001 California 210 2101 Sacramento .. .220 2201 Clay 235 2301 Washington 238 2401 Jackson 243 2501 Pacific Avenue 256 2601 Broadway 246 2701 Vallejo 274 3801 Green 114 2901 Union 66 3001 Filbert 44 Pixley 3101 Greenwich 33 Moulton 3201 Lombard 30 3301 Chestnut 25 3401 Francisco 18 3501 Bay 15 3601 North Point 12 3701 Beach 9 3801 Jefferson 6 3901 Tonquin 3 e Lewis 1 Webster Place, b Jackson & Pacific, f 2414 Webster W. 15 E 267. W^lelan^"^^ 1401 Twenty sixth 27 101 Sil iman 601 Woolsey Army and Precita 21 201 Felton 701 Dwight ^^ ^f . ^, ^ , , ^. , 301 Burrows 801 Olmstead Yuma, S of El Dorado, f Sixth Bacon 901 Mansell SW to 16th. 66—15. 6 I. e Ordway Yerba Bueiia, b Mason & Tay- 25oe, b Third and Fourth, f 527 lor, f 1116 Sacramento to Clay. Bryant to Brannan. 35—7. 7 I 35—7. 11 E 189. ' 367. York, b Hampshire and Bryant, ^o« f 1«S^; ^ ,^^^^^^''^Jl'^' f Division S to Army. 60 and "1«"^'. f. ^i.^ *ol««'" ^'^^ ^2^- 80-15. 10 P. 2h. bl 337. 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