LISMXV SCHOOL Two hundred and fifty copies of this Catalogue have been printed, of which twenty-five are on Holland paper. lATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS in the LIBRARY OF THE TYPOTHET^ OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. WITH A SUBJECT INDEX. Printed for the Typothetae at the DeVinne Press, in the month of February, J 896. ^ \ K ^ SCHOOU 4tJ^^7 PREFACE ONE of the objects of the Typothetae, at its reorgani- zation in 1883, was the estabHshment of a library of books useful to printers. With this end in view, many members occasionally contributed manuals of printing, specimen-books, bound copies of typographical journals, and literary curiosities; but the growth of the library, de- pendent as it was solely on voluntary contributions, was necessarily slow. The first addition of importance came from the bequest of five hundred dollars in the will of our late lamented President, William C. Martin. This money was slowly but judiciously expended in the purchase of the most desirable books of authority and reference. The search for proper books was not confined to this city or country: Paris, Leip- sic, and London were drawn upon. Next, and of equal value, was the gift of David Wolfe Bruce, who, six months before his death in 1894, broke up his valuable collection of typography and bibliography, and presented one portion of it to the Grolier Club and another to the Typothetae of this city. The Bruce collection was an exceedingly interesting one. Begun by George Bruce when he was a young man, it had received additions from him and his son for a period of eighty years. It contained many valuable volumes of the fifteenth century with the earliest notices of the invention of typography, and it had fair copies of the workman- ship of many famous printers. All these, and every work connected with literary history, went to the Grolier Club of the City of New York. iv Preface In the department of mechanical typography the Bruce collection was even more complete. It had specimen- books of all the early type-founders, as well as those of re- cent date. It had printers' grammars or manuals of printing in various languages, some of which are rare and valuable. Not the least interesting was the only complete copy of Moxon's "Mechanick Exercises" of 1683 that the writer has seen on this side of the Atlantic. All these books are catalogued at length in the following pages. The Society is indebted to many other benefactors, whose contributions are more specifically mentioned elsewhere. One purpose of the collector of new books for this library has been the selection of works of reference and authority useful to the proof-reader. Consequently it has the gram- mars and dictionaries of many languages, encyclopedias concordances, and books of like nature; and it is the purpose of the Library Committee largely to extend this department of the collection, so that a proof-reader in the lower part of the city will not be obliged, as he now is, to make a journey of two or more miles to the Astor Library or the Lenox Library for the verification of any unsettled question. To the casual reader many if not most of the books may appear of slight interest, but all are books of value; and this value will undoubtedly increase with each decade, for there are few debatable questions in the history, or the theory, or the practice of typography that cannot properly be answered from the pages of the books of this collection. Many printers, and especially those who pride them- selves on being what they call practical, give too little con- sideration to the great value of the information contained in printed books and current periodicals. They think, and with good reason, that a knowledge of typography is best obtained by practice. It does not follow, however, that practice is the only way, or that the acquisition of know- ledge by reading is of small value. One hour's reading Preface v every day of well-selected typographical literature would save many printers from a deal of useless experimentation in new processes. A careful comparison of the mechanical features of books by good printers will teach a young printer many things of value. Nor is the examination of old-fashioned books profitless: they teach what to imitate as well as what to avoid. A pertinent illustration of the value of the information to be had from books is afforded by the early efforts of the two amateur type-founders White and Wing, who under- took to make printing-types in Hartford during the first years of this century. They had never been in a type- foundry, and had never seen a type-mold. They wasted two years in their own town in fruitless and expensive ex- periments, and finally resorted to improper methods to get the needed information from a type-foundry in Philadelphia. During this period two illustrated books on type-found- ing were accessible to them, — Moxon's " Mechanick Exer- cises" of 1683 and Fournier's " Manuel Typographique " of 1764, — which contained careful drawings and full explana- tions of all the processes of type-founding. A slight ac- quaintance with the books on printing then extant would have warranted White and Wing in seeking for these works in the library founded by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, and would have saved themselves two years of useless labor. The collection of specimen-books from the different type- foundries of America, England, France, and Germany is, without question, the largest to be found on this side of the Atlantic. In them a student of typography can trace the origin of new styles, the development of new fashions, and the passing of old ones, in a most satisfactory manner. Different cuts of Greek and Oriental types, as well as of dif- ferent fashions of German black-letters, can be compared and selected with advantage. Printing journals, French and German as well as English VI Preface and American, are here in large supply. The files of some of the older journals, like the "Archiv fiir Buchdrucker- kunst," " L'Imprimerie," the " Printers' Register " and the "Printing Times," are nearly complete to the year 1894. In these journals are to be found the obituaries and biographies of men eminent in the trade recently deceased; details about types, paper, and presses, about inventions and new pro- cesses, and other information of value not to be gleaned from any dictionary or encyclopedia. The literature of printing, which was hardly worth classi- fication as a special department at the beginning of this century, now comprises more than two thousand volumes, and additions are made every year. To keep abreast of the times, to know about the new types, presses, processes, and methods that are being introduced, it is absolutely necessary that one should have access to a library of useful books in which record is kept of the progress of the world in typo- graphic invention. The printer of the next century will have to be a much better-read man than the printer of our own time. Obviously, this was foreseen by Messrs. Martin and Bruce, and other contributors to this collection. Nothing contributes to the decadence of an art more than the supine satisfaction that rests content with what has been done or is being done in a narrow circle. For a printer to keep a proper standing in book-making, it is necessary that he should frequently see and study the workmanship of the many able printers of the world, and especially those of foreign countries. It is hoped and believed that the printers of this city will take a proper pride in the maintenance of this library ; that they will add to it every book that promises to be of general interest ; and that they will endeavor in every way possible to derive from it the information here collected. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE TYPOTHET^ OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK In this catalogue the names of places are given as they are spelled in the title-pages of the works. The notation of size is not always in accord with folds or signatures; it indicates only the apparent size of the leaf. Manufacturers' or printers' catalogues and specimen- books are given under the first or distinctive word of the firm name, even when the name of the firm has been changed. All the pro- ductions of a firm are arranged chronologically. A specimen-book of Farmer, Little & Co. dated 1870 precedes one of 1872, and all the productions of the Caslon foundry are under the single word Caslon, although there have been changes of the firm name. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE TYPOTHET^ OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Abbey, Edwin A. See Old Songs, and The Quiet Life. Abbott, Henry. See Catalogue of a Collection by Henry Abbott. Abbott, Jacob. The Harper Establishment. New York, 1855. i6mo. Abhandlung von der Befestigungskunst im Felde. Bres- lau, 1755. 4to. N. Y. T. S. Abridgments of the Specifications relating to the Manufacture of Paper, Pasteboard, and Papier Miche (in the British Patent Office). London, 1858. i2mo. Abridgments of Specifications relating to Nails, Rivets, Bolts, Screws, Nuts, and Washers (in the British Patent Office), A. D. 1618 to 1866. London, 1873. Paper, i2mo. Abridgments of Specifications (in Patents) relating to Printing. Printed by Order of the Commissioners of Patents (of Great Brit- ain). London, 1859. i2mo. With supplement, 1858 to 1866, in separate vol., paper. Contains much that is necessary for a student of typography. Abstract of the Laws relative to the Duty of Assessors in the City of New York. New York, 1826. Paper, 8vo. B. C. 2 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Adler, George J. A Dictionary of the German and English Lan- guages. Fourth Revised Edition. New York, 1852. 8vo. Afbeelding der Menschelyke Bezigheden. (Representation by Copperplates of the various Trades and Occupations of Men.) Amsterdam, circa 1700. Small 4to. Albert, Andreas. Der Maschinenmeister an der Schnellpresse (The Power Pressman). Leipzig, 1853. i6mo. Alciati, Andreae, Emblemata Selectiora. (Book of Emblems, by Andrew Alciati.) Antwerp, 1621. iSmo. Alden, Henry M. Origin of Printing, and Why the Ancients had no Printing Press. (Extracted from " Harper's Magazine," August, 1868, and October, 1868.) New York. Paper, 8vo. Aldine Club. Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Portraits and Manuscripts of Authors and Publishers on the Occasion of the Formal Opening of the Club House. New York, 1890. Paper, 8vo. Aldine Club : Constitution, Rules, Officers, Members. New York, 1890, i6mo. Alexander, J. H. Universal Dictionary of Weights and Mea- sures, Ancient and Modern, Reduced to the Standards of the United States of America. Baltimore, 1850. 8vo. Allison & Smith. Convenient Book of Specimens from the Franklin Typefoundry. Cincinnati, circa 1890. 8vo. This establishment was originally a branch of the Johnson foundry of Phila- delphia, and was established for the convenience of its Western customers, American Art Printer. (Periodical.) New York, 1887-1888. 2 vols., 4to. Other numbers, unbound. Contains, among other papers of value, a number of biographical sketches of well-known printers. American Bookmaker, a Journal of Technical Art and Infor- mation for Publishers, Bookbinders, Printers, etc. New York, 1885-1892. 14 vols, in 6, 4to. Other numbers, unbound, 1892-1895. American Enterprise. (Periodical.) New York, circa 1875. Folio. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 3 American Model Printer. Vols, i and 2, to No. 4. American Newspaper Directory. New York, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1893, 1895. 6 vols., 8vo. American Newspaper Reporter. From January, 187 1, to December, 1876. New York. 7 vols., 8vo. Ames, Joseph. Typographical Antiquities, being an Historical Account of Printing in England. London, 1749. 4to. Ames, Joseph. Typographical Antiquities : An Historical Ac- count of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Augmented by William Herbert. London, 1785, 1788, 1790. 3 vols., 4to. This is the second edition; the first was published in 1749. It is a learned and valuable work, and will always be esteemed in any library of reference. One of its peculiarities is that the first person singular is always printed as i, and never as I. A third edition was brought out, with many additions, by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, between 1809 and 1819. See Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. ANAAEKTA 'EAAHNIKA MEIZONA, sive Collectanea Gr^ca Majora. Editio Quarta Americana. Boston, 1839. 2 vols., 8vo. B. C. Ancient Manuscripts, History of. (Extracted from the *' Edinburgh Review," January, 1873.) Paper, 8vo. Andreae. Proben aus der Schriftgiesserey der Andreaischen Buch- handlung in Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt, 1834. Oblong 8vo. Andrews, Alexander. History of British Journalism from the Foundation of the Newspaper Press in England to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855, with Sketches of Press Celebrities. London, 1859. 2 vols., 8vo. Andrews' Latin Dictionary. See Freund, Wilhelm. Anleitung von Form- und Stahl-Schneiden. Erfurt, 1754. i2mo. Annalen der Typographie, der verwandten Kiinste und Ge- werbe. Leipzig, 1869-1876. 8 vols., 4to. 4 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Annals of Cornelius Tacitus. London, 1622. 410. N. Y. T. S. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1871-1878. Edited by Spencer F. Baird, with the Assistance of Eminent Men of Science. New York, v. d. 8 vols., i2mo. Archimowitz, Th. Die Papier Stereotypie. Karlsruhe, 1862. Paper, iSmo. Archiv fiir Buchdruckerkunst. Leipzig, 1 864-1873 and 1876. 17 vols., 4to. With many unbound volumes. A periodical of high authority. Armies of To- Day : A Description of the Armies of the Lead- ing Nations at the Present Time. New York, 1893. 8vo. Arnett, John Andrews. The Books of the Ancients. London, 1837. i8mo. Astle, Thomas. The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary. Illustrated by Engravings taken from Marbles, Manuscripts, and Charters. Second Edition. Lon- don, 1803. 4to. Atkyns, Richard. The Original and Growth of Printing, col- lected out of History, and the Records of this Kingdom, wherein is also Demonstrated that Printing appertaineth to the Preroga- tive Royal, and is a Flower of the Crown of England. White- hall, 1664. Small 4to. Atlas, The. A General Newspaper and Journal of Literature, on the Largest Sheet ever Printed. Sunday, March 22, 1829. Price, IS. London, 4to. This sheet consists of thirty-two pages, sixteen on a side. On a scroll in the center of the first page is a note : " The Reader is requested to open this sheet before it be cut, as it presents the most extraordinary instance yet exhibited of the mechanical powers of papermaking and printing." The whole sheet measures 43^ by 63, and must of course have gone on the press either four or eight times, as no press then existed which was capable of printing the whole of one side at once. By feeding the paper folded this difficulty was avoided. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 5 Auer, Alois. History and Description of the Imperial and Royal Printing Establishment at Vienna. (In four languages, German, French, EngHsh, and Italian.) Vienna, 1850. 8vo. The Imperial Printing House in Vienna is one of the many notable establish- ments of that city. While it had existed a number of years before it came under the control of Auer in 1841, it never was distinguished for size or quality of work before that time. He recast the types, regulated them to systematic sizes, introduced new machinery, and remodeled the whole place. It had become great before 1850. This book was prepared for the first International Fair at the Crystal Palace in London, at which the Imperial and Royal Office made a great display. For the purpose of spreading the information the account written in German was translated into the other three languages. Many words are found in this work which are not in bi- lingual dictionaries in their true meaning, or perhaps not at all. At the end are a number of copperplate engravings showing the actual appearance of the tools and machinery then used. Auer, Alois. The Discovery of the Natural Printing Process. Vienna, 1854. 4to. Authors and Publishers, a Manual of Suggestions for Begin- ners in Literature. (By G. P. Putnam's Sons.) New York, 1888. 8vo. Austin. Catalogue of Frederick J. Austin, Press Maker, and Manufacturer of Stationers', Printers', Bookbinders' and Other Machinery. New York, 1861. 8vo. Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant. New York, 1839. i2mo. This work and the next are practically the same. They were compiled by Fred- eric Saunders, now librarian of the Astor Library. Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant. Third Edi- tion. London, 1840. i8mo. Ayres, Alfred. The Verbalist, a Manual Devoted to Brief Dis- cussions of the Right and the Wrong Use of Words. New York, 1887. i2mo. Ayres, Anne. Life and Work of William Augustus Muhlenberg. New York, 1881. 8vo. Bachmann, J, H. Die Schriftgiesserei. (Separatabdruck aus dem Archiv fiir Buchdruckerkunst.) Leipzig, 1867. 4to. 6 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Bachmann, J. H. Leitfaden der Maschinenmeister an Schnell- pressen. Braunschweig, 1873. 8vo. Bachmann, J. H. Neues Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Weimar, 1876. Paper, i2mo. A well-arranged handbook of German typography. Bacon, Leonard. The Genesis of the New England Churches. New York, 1874. 8vo. Badeau, Adam. Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, from April, 1861, to April, 1865. New York, 1885. 3 vols., 8vo. Baer, F. C. Lettre sur I'Origine de I'lmprimerie, servant de R^- ponse aux Observations publiees par M. Fournier le jeune sur rOuvrage de M. Schoepflin, intitule Vindicise Typographicae. Strasbourg, 1761. Paper, i2mo, Bailey, Albon H. The Type of America's Second Century. Boston, 1877. Paper, 8vo. Advocating the use of logot}'pes. Bailey, Phinehas. A Pronouncing Stenography, containing a Complete System of Shorthand Writing, Governed by the Analogy of Sounds, and Adapted to Every Language. Second Edition. Burlington, Vt., 1833. Paper, 24mo. Baker, Peter Carpenter. European Recollections. An Ad- dress before the New York Typographical Society. New York, 1 86 1. Paper, 8vo. Ballantyne Press, History of the. Edinburgh, 1871. 4to. This is the press with which Sir Walter Scott was so long connected, through which he printed the Waverley novels, and by which his pecuniary downfall was occasioned. It still exists. Ballhorn, Friedrich. Alphabete Orientalischer und Anderer Sprachen zum Gebrauch fur Schriftsetzer, Leipzig, 1843. 4to. A " Grammatography " based on Ballhorn's compilation, but enlarged, was pub- lished by Trubner, 1861, of London. Ballot. (Advertisement of) Cliches frangais et Strangers pour Livres et Journaux Illustrees, (par) A. Ballot, representant de Maisons anglaises et allemandes. Paris, 1867. 8vo circular, two leaves. The Typothetcs of the City of New York 7 Bancroft, George. History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent. The Author's Last Revi- sion. New York, 1892. 6 vols, 8vo. This work ends with the establishment of the Constitution in 1789. Bancroft, George. Martin Van Buren, to the End of his Public Career. New York, 1893, 8vo. Bangs, Rev. Nathan. See Golden Wedding. Bank Notes. Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts on the Mode of Preventing the Forgery of Bank Notes. Lon- don, 1819. 8vo. Bankrupt Act. Alphabetical List of Applicants for its Benefits. New York, 1843. Paper, 8vo. B.C. Banquet at Guildhall (London), November 10, 1884. (De- scription of Guildhall; small 4to; Menu, two leaves, square i6mo; Description of the Ticket of Admission, single leaf, 4to.) Barbauld (Anna Laetitia) and Aikin (John). Evenings at Home, or the Juvenile Budget Opened. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vols, in I. i8mo. B. C. Baretti, Joseph. A Dictionary, Spanish and English, and Eng- lish and Spanish, containing the Signification of Words and their Uses. Second Edition. London, 1778. Folio. Presented by Chauncey Holt. Baringii, Danielis Eberhardi, Clavis Diplomatica, tradens Specimina Veterum Scrip turarum, nimirum Alphabeta varia. Compendia Scribendi Medii sevi, Notariorum Veterum Signa nonnulla Curiosa, Una cum Alphabeto Instrumenti et Abbrevia- turis. Hanoverae, 1737. 4to. Specimens of ancient writings and contractions, with definitions. Barlow, Joel. The Columbiad. Philadelphia, 1807. 4to. This may be regarded as one of the best specimens of early American typog- raphy. The printer was William Fry, who then stood at the head of his occupation; the copperplate illustrations were made in London and Paris; the paper and ink were specially manufactured for the work ; and the greatest pains were taken with every sheet. Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Pony Specimen Book and Price List. Chicago, 1889. 8vo. 8 Catalogue of the Books m the Library of Barnum, Samuel W. Smith's Comprehensive Dictionary of the Bible, with many Important Additions and Improvements. New York, 1893. 8vo. Barret, Richard. Selected Specimens of the Printing Types in the Office of, with a Guide to Authors. London, circa 1855. Paper, various sizes. Barye. Catalogue of the Works of Antoine-Louis Barye. Ex- hibited at the American Art Galleries, under the Auspices of the Barye Monument Association. New York, 1893. 4to. Bauer, Johann Ch. See Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Bauer. Specimen Sheets of Type made by J. Ch. Bauer. Frank- furt am Main, 1851. Loose sheets. Bauer. Proben aus der Schriftschneiderei, Schrift- und Stereo- typen-Giesserei und Mechanischen Werkstatte von J. Ch. Bauer. Frankfurt am Main, 1864. 4to. Bauer. (Specimens from the Foundry of J. Ch. Bauer, Frank- furt. No title.) Frankfurt am Main, circa 1867. Loose leaves. Beadnell, Henry. Guide to Typography, Literary and Practi- cal. London, 1859. 2 vols., i6mo. Vol. I is practically a manual for proof-readers, and Vol. 2 for compositor. Beadnell, Henry. Spelling and Punctuation, a Manual for Au- thors, Students, and Printers. London, 1880. i2mo. Mr. Beadnell was a practical proof-reader of excellent education and wide ex- perience, and his work is regarded as an authority in England. Bell, Edwin C. The Printer's Blotter, Titus ville, Pa., 1880. 8vo. Bellows, John. Dictionary for the Pocket, French and Eng- lish, and English and French. Second Edition. London, 1872. 32mo. An example of microscopic printing on a more extensive scale than has else- where been attempted. The type is half brevier, and every device has been resorted to for the purpose of condensation. The dictionary is of high merit. Beloe, Rev. William. Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. London, v. d., 1807 to 1812. 6 vols., 8vo. The TypothetCB of the City of New York 9 Benjamin, S. G. "W. The Atlantic Islands as Resorts of Health and Pleasure. New York, 1878. Small 4to. Bennett, James Gordon, and his Times, Memoirs of. By a Journalist. New York, 1855. i2mo. This work contains considerable information, but the style is dry and repel- ling. It was published at about the same time as Parton's Life of Greeley, which was very successful, and was intended to give the public a more favor- able idea of Mr. Bennett, his rival, than it then possessed. The author's name was Poor. Benton, Thomas H. Thirty Years in the United States Senate. New York, 1889. 2 vols., 8vo. The original edition was printed in 1856, and the period embraced in these recollections is that from 1820 to 1850. Berge. (Specimen of Type Cast by Heinrich Berge.) Stuttgart 1859. Small slips in envelope. Berjeau, J. Ph. Early Dutch, German, and English Printers' Marks. London, 1866. 8vo. Berjeau, J. Ph. See Biblia Pauperum. Bernard, Auguste Joseph. De I'Origine et des Debuts de rimprimerie en Europe. Paris, 1853. 2 vols., 8vo. Bernard, Auguste Joseph. Geofroy Tory, Peintre et Graveur, Premier Imprimeur Royal, Reformateur de I'Orthographie et de la Typographie sous Francois ler. Paris, 1857. 8vo. Bernard, Auguste Joseph. Geofroy Tory. Deuxieme Edi- tion, Entierement Refondue. Paris, 1865. Paper, 8vo. Bernard, Auguste Joseph. Histoire de ITmprimerie Royale du Louvre. Paris, 1867. 8vo. Bernard, Auguste Joseph. Les Estienne et les Types Grecs de Fran9ois ler. Paris, 1856. 8vo. Bernard, Auguste Joseph. Notice Historique sur ITmprimerie Nationale. Paris, 1848. 24mo. A history of the French Government Printing-office. Bernard, John. Retrospections of America, 1 797-181 1. With an Introduction, Notes, and Index by Laurence Hutton and Brander Matthews. New York, 1887. i2mo. lO Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Bernardi, Zanghellini, e Valsecchi. Intomo a Panfilo Cas- taldi da Feltre e alia Invenzione dei Carattere Mobili per la Stampa. Memoria e Dissertazioni dei Signori Ab. Dott. lacopo Cav. Bernardi, Prof. Ab. Dott. Antonio Zanghellini e Antonio Valsecchi. Milano, 1866. 4to. It is claimed in this work that Panfilo Castaldi was the inventor of printing. Berri, D. G. The Art of Printing. Second Edition. London, 1865. i2mo. Its only original matter is that which relates to type-cutting and plate-printing. Berry, Th. Vraie Methode pour Apprendre facilement k Parler, k Lire, et a Ecrire L'Anglois, ou Grammaire generale de la Langue Angloise. Rouen, 1788. i2mo. N. Y. T. S. Berthiaud. Nouveau Manuel Complet de I'lmprimeur en Taille Douce. Paris, 1837. 2400. A manual for the copperplate printer. Besley. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A General Specimen of Printing Types. Robert Besley & Co., late William Thorowgood & Co. London, 1848. 4to. Besley. Designs for Ornamental Printing. R. Besley & Co., late W. Thorowgood & Co. London, circa 1850. 4to leaves in a cover. Besley. Reduced Prices of Printing Types, (with) Specimens. London, 1854. Loose sheets, 4to. Besley. Fann Street Letter Foundry, London. A General Specimen of Printing Types, by Robert Besley & Co., late W. Thorowgood & Co. London, i860. 4to. Besley. Specimens from the Typefoundry of Robert Besley & Co., late W. Thorowgood & Co. London. Loose sheets, various sizes. Robert Besley, at first in the employ of Thorowgood, in 1838 was admitted to the firm of Thorowgood & Besley. Mr. Thorowgood withdrew in 1849, and Benjamin Fox, a punch-cutter, became a member. In 1861 Mr. Besley re- tired, and the firm became successively Reed & Fox and Sir Charles Reed & Sons. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 1 1 Bible. Hartford, Conn., 1811. i2mo. Printed by Hudson & Goodwin. It contains the King James dedication. Bible. New York, Stereotyped and Printed by D. & G. Bruce. 1815. 8vo. The first American stereotype Bible. David Bruce went to England in the winter of 1812, and learned as much of the art there as he could. On his return in 18 13, he succeeded in reinventing an essential part in which he had not been instructed, and produced a New Testament that year and a Bible in 1815. This is the parent Bible from which the American Bible Society derived its copy. In a note on the verso of the title-page, D. & G. Bruce say: "This first American Stereotype Bible has been copied from the Edin- burgh edition printed under the revision of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and carefully compared with the Cambridge, Oxford, Hartford and New York editions." The editor was undoubtedly George Bruce, who never shrank from any task however great. When he relinquished printing, and divided his office between Daniel Fanshaw and Mahlon Day, Mr. Fan- shaw became the chief Bible printer, and it was Fanshaw's edition of 1818 that the American Bible Society used as its exemplar. The Bruce Bible of June, 1815, is a small octavo, in nonpareil, double columns. The type is of small face, 78 lines to the column. Between the Old and the New Testaments is a page of tables, and on the back of the New Testament title, another. There is no Apocrypha, and no other explanatory matter. There are 526 pages in the Old Testament, and 158 in the New. This is a " she " Bible. See Ruth iii.15. Bible. 181 5. Imperfect. Same as above. Bible. New York, 18 16. 8vo. This edition was stereotyped by E. & J. White for the New York Bible Society and the Auxiliary New York Bible Society. It is in brevier, and contains in the Old Testament 832 pages, and in the New Testament 254 pages. Bible. Stereotyped for the American Bible Society by D. & G. Bruce. Fifth Edition. New York, 1817. 8vo. Bible. Stereotyped for the American Bible Society by D. & G. Bruce. Printed by D. Fanshaw, No. 20 Slotelane. New York. 1820. 8vo. Twenty-ninth edition. Slote (or Sloat) lane was a little street which ran westward from Pearl street, about on the north line of the present Cotton Exchange. Here the Bible Society had its first depository. Bible. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce. Bible. New York Bible Society, 1894. i2mo. Presented by David H. Jones. 12 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Biblia, dat is de Gantsche H. Schrifture. (The Bible in Dutch, with the Psalms set to music in Movable Types.) Am- sterdam, 17 15. 4to. Black letter, the comma mark being similar to the present shilling mark. Biblia Latina. 4to. Basle, John Froben, 15 14. N, Y. T. S. This is a fine example of early printing. There is no title-page ; Genesis fol- lows some prefatory matter, and its beginning can scarcely be distinguished. Every line is taken in, numerous contractions being used for this purpose, and the chapters are run up, so that there are very fewr paragraphs. This copy has been largely annotated by previous possessors, and, judging by the handwriting, at a time not long after the printing was executed. Froben was an eminent printer, and produced many notable works. Biblia Pauperum. Reproduced in Facsimile from one of the copies in the British Museum, with an Historical and Biblio- graphical Introduction. By J. Ph. Berjeau. London, 1859. 4to. Bibliographical Miscellany. London, 1806. 2 vols., i2mo. Bibliophile Beige, Le. Bulletin Mensuel public sous les Au- spices de la Societe des Bibliophiles de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1870, 1871. 2 vols, in I, being 5 and 6 of the series. 8vo. Bibliophile Fran9ais, Le. Gazette Illustree des Amateurs de Livres, d'Estampes, et de Haute Curiosite. Paris, 6 vols., 1868 to 1873. 4to. Bickham, John. Fables and other Short Poems, from the most Celebrated English Authors. The whole Curiously Engraved, for the Practice and Amusement of Young Gentlemen and Ladies in the Art of Writing, London, 1737. 3 vols, in i, 8vo. Bickham (George), Howard (John) and Gardner (John). The Whole System of Penmanship, or Writing-Master's Com- panion. London, circa 1730. Oblong 8vo, Biesta. fipreuves de Caracteres. Biesta, Laboulaye & Cie., Suc- cesseurs de Firmin Didot, Mole, Lion, Tarbe, Crosnier, Everat, Laboulaye Freres. Paris, 1843. Imperial 8vo, Biesta. Album Typographique. Fonderie Generale des Ca- racteres Frangais et Etrangers, Biesta, Laboulaye & Cie, Paris, 1863. Folio. The Typothetcs of the City of New York 13 Bigelow, John. Some Recollections of the late Edouard La- boulaye. New York, 1889, Square i8mo. Bill, Stark & Co. Specimens of Machinery Cut Wood Type, Manufactured by Bill, Stark & Co., Willimantic, Conn. Type Cut to any Size or Pattern. Willimantic, 1853. Paper, 4to. Bing, S. See Catalogue of Japanese Engravings belonging to Mr. S. Bing. Binger, M. H. Glyphographie. Amsterdam, 1850. 4to. Binny. Specimen of Printing Types by John Binny. Phila- delphia, 1 84 1. 4to. A note to Mr. Bruce states that " the type in the specimen were all cut by my- self " («. e., John Binny). Bishop, Henry G. The Practical Printer, a Book of Instruc- tion for Printers ; a Manual of Reference for the more Advanced. Oneonta, N. Y., 1891. i6mo. Bishop, J. Leander. A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to i860. In 3 vols. Vol. I, 1608 to 1788; vol. 2, from 1789 to i860; vol. 3, Description of Manufacturing Towns and Manufactures. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. The first two volumes contain a very careful and thorough account of the rise of American industries, and although in many respects corrections could now be made it must be regarded as a creditable production. The third volume is a description of various manufacturing establishments, their insertion being for a pecuniary equivalent. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Edinburgh printed, New York reprinted, 1821-22, 12 numbers. Paper, 8vo. Blades, William. An Account of the German Morality Play, entitled Depositio Comuti Typographici. London, 1885. Small 4to. There is another copy of the " Depositio Cornuti Typographici " in a German book in this library, bound with Die Wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey, Niirnberg, 1721. Blades, William. Bibliographical Miscellanies, Nos. 2 to 5. Books in Chains. London, 1890. Paper, i8mo. 14 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Blades, William. Biography and Typography of WiUiam Caxton, England's First Printer. Second Edition. London, 1882. lamo. The book of most authority concerning the introduction of the printer's art in England. Mr. Blades has ransacked all sources of historical information, and has also examined every work attributed to Caxton. Blades, William. Books in Chains, and other Bibhographical Papers. London, 1892. i6mo. Blades, W^illiam. How to Tell a Caxton, with Some Hints where and how the Same might be Found. London. 1870. i8mo. In this Mr. Blades describes the types possessed by Caxton, their sizes, and their appearance, and refers each work published to its own class. It was by reference to these rules that the compiler of this Catalogue was able to de- termine that the leaf of the " Myrrour of the World" which this library pos- sesses was not from Caxton's press, although so entered upon a catalogue. He had no type so small. It is undoubtedly a very early specimen of English printing. Blades, William. On the Present Aspect of the Question, Who was the Inventor of Printing? London, privately printed, 1887. Paper, 8vo. The author is inclined to take the view that there were two inventions at about the same time ; one, rude and barbarous, in Holland, and another of a high degree of excellence in Germany. Blades, William. Shakspere and Typography, London, 1872. 8vo. Blades, W^illiam. The Enemies of Books. Revised and En- larged by the Author. London, 1888. i6mo. Blades, William. The Pentateuch of Printing, with a Chapter on Judges. With a Memoir of Mr. Blades, by Talbot B. Reed. London, 1891. 4to. Blake, Garnett & Co. A Specimen of Printing Types, etc., by Blake, Garnett & Co., Successors to Mr. W. Caslon, of London. Sheffield, 181 9. Paper, 8vo. Blake, Garnett & Co. were a firm formed for the purpose of acquiring the type- foundry of William Caslon the fourth, which they removed from London to Sheffield. In 1841 the title was altered to Stephenson, Blake & Co. Blake & Stephenson. Specimen of Printing Types, by Blake & Stephenson, Successors to Mr. W. Caslon of London, Letter Founders, Sheffield. Sheffield, circa 1840. 8vo, with sheets laid in. The Typothetce of the City of New York 15 Blondeau, Jules. Recueil d'Alphabets dedie aux Artistes. Paris, circa 1850. Oblong i8mo. Bock, Josef. Zincography, a Practical Guide to the Art as Practiced in Connection with Letterpress Printing. Fourth Edi- tion. London, circa 1880, i2mo. In this Catalogue of the Typothetse Library all works upon zincography and other methods of chemical printing are classed in the Subject-Index under the head of Lithography, as all of the processes so described depend upon the repulsion of water and greasy ink. Bodoni, Giambattista. Manuale Tipografico. Parma, 1818. 2 vols. Royal 4to. Bodoni, Giambattista. Oratio Dominica in CLV. Linguas. (The Lord's Prayer in 155 Languages.) Parma, 1806. Folio. Bodoni, Giambattista. Pel Solenne Battesimo di S. A. R. Lu- dovico, Principe Primogenito di Parma, Tenuto al Sacro Fonte da Sua Maestk Cristianissima e dalla Real Principessa delle As- turie. Iscrizion Esotiche a Caratteri Novellamente Incisi e Fusi. Parma, 1774. 4to. Contains specimens of printing in twenty languages. The workmanship of Bodoni challenges comparison with that of any printer. The paper is firm, smooth, and white; the composition varied and yet sim- ple, while the press-work is admirable. His array of types was great. It is doubtful whether any production of the present day which may survive seventy or eighty years will then look so fresh, so clear, and so pleasing to an enlightened taste as this book. Boekdrukkery. S. 1., v. d., Svo and i2mo. A volume containing verses written or sung in honor of Laurens Janszoon Koster and of J. Oomkens, a printer, bookseller, and bookbinder of Holland (probably of Groningen). The dates are 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1827, 182S, 1829, 1830, 1834, 1835, 1836 and 1837. Most of the pamphlets are neatly bound, and the whole are placed together inside of another cover. It appears that Oomkens once a year gave a festival, in which he either celebrated the discovery of printing by Koster or some of the events in his own life. Boeuf. New and Complete Grammar of the French Tongue Fourth Edition. New York, 1837. i2mo. B. C. Bohn, Henry George. The Origin and Progress of Printing. A Lecture Delivered at Twickenham April 8th, and Repeated by Desire at Richmond, April 21st, 1857. London, 1857. 8vo. 1 6 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Boisse, D'Escodeca de. Quelques Details sur les Produits de rimprimerie Imp6riale de France. Paris, 1855. 8vo. Bolas, Thomas. The Application of Photography to the Pro- duction of Printing Surfaces and Pictures in Pigment. London, 1878. Royal 8vo. Bolmar, A. A Book of French Verbs. Philadelphia, 1831. 8vo. Bolmar, A. A Selection of One Hundred of Perrin's Fables. Philadelphia, 1831. i2mo. B. C. Two copies. Bonnaffe, Edmond. Les Collectionneurs de I'Ancienne France. Notes d'un Amateur. Paris, 1873. Paper, i2mo. Book Plate Annual and Armorial Year Book. London, 1894. Paper, 4to. Book Plate of the Grolier Club, New York, 1894. Single leaf Books of Cuts and Printers' Ornaments, 1850 to i860. Presented by Willis McDonald & Co. Bookworm, The. An Illustrated Treasury of Old Time Litera- ture. London, 1888. 8vo. Booth, Abraham. The Reign of Grace, from Its Rise to its Consummation. Second American Edition. New York, 1809. i2mo. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. B. C. Borders. (No name, place, or date — about 1840). Paper, i2mo and 8vo. Bosquet, Em. La Reliure, fitudes d'un Praticien sur I'Histoire et la Technologie de I'Art du Relieur-Doreur. Paris, 1894. Paper, 8vo. Presented by S. P. Avery. Bosquet, Em. Traite Theorique et Pratique de I'Art du Relieur. Paris, 1890. 8vo. Boss, Henry R. Early Newspapers in Illinois. Chicago, 1870. Paper, 4to. A valuable historical pamphlet. Boss, Henry R. The Use and Abuse of Abbreviations, with an Alphabetical List of those in Common Use. Chicago, 1880. Paper, 8vo. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 17 Bossut, M. I'Abb^. The French Word Book, with the French Phrase Book. Third Edition, Boston, 1831. i6mo. B. C. Boston Review for March, 1811. 8vo. (In volume with Cicero's Cato Major.) Boston Typefoundry. Specimens from the Boston Typefoundry. Boston, 1884. 4to. Boston Typefoundry. (Specimens, various dates and sizes, from the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry.) Loose sheets. This foundry began in i8i6, and rendered valuable assistance to Starr & Sturte- vant while they were engaged in constructing type-casting machines. It is still in existence, and before consolidation with the American Typefounders' Company was owned by Schraubstadter & St. John. Botany, Introduction to. See Lemoine, Henry. Boulard, M. S. Le Manuel de ITmprimeur. Paris, 179 1. 8vo. Boutmy, Eugdne. Les Typographes Parisiens, suivis d'un Petit Dictionnaire de la Langue Verte Typographique. Paris, 1874. 8vo. A dictionary of slang words used in printing offices. Bower & Bacon's Prices of Printing Types. (No title- page.) Sheffield, 1836. 8vo. This foundry began in Sheffield about the beginning of the century, and lasted till about 1 85 1. Bovver Brothers in 1841 published " Proposals for Estab- lishing a Graduated Scale of Sizes for the Bodies of Printing Types, and Fix- ing their Height to Paper, Based upon Pica as the Common Standard." Bowyer, William. The Origin of Printing. In Two Essays. London, 1774. 8vo. Bowyer was eminent as the most learned English printer of his time. He was born in 1699 and died in 1777. He published and printed many classical works, as well as others upon many subjects of permanent value. Various bequests were made by him for the benefit of decayed printers, which are still productive. Boyd, C. R. Resources of Southwest Virginia. New York, 1 88 1. 8vo. Boxhornii, Marci Zuerii, De Typographicse Artis Inventione et Inventoribus Dissertatio. Lugduni, 1640. Small 4to. 1 8 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Bradbury, Thomas. The Duty and Doctrine of Baptism, in Thirteen Sermons. With an Introduction and Notes, by John B. Romeyn and Alexander McLeod. New York, 1810. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. 8vo. B. C. Bradford, William. | Numb. 22. | The | New York Gazette. | From March 28. to Monday April \. 1726. | 4to. This is a facsimile in type of the oldest known copy of the " Gazette," the first New York newspaper, which was executed for the Press Club Fair, in 1893. At the Bradford celebration, held on April 10, 1893, a diminished facsimile was taken by photography, a print from the process engraving thus obtained being used as a copy for this reproduction in type. Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel. Exemplum Typo- graphise Sinicae, Figuris Characterum e Typis Mobilibus Com- positum. Lipsiae, 1780. Small 4to, paper. Specimens of Chinese movable type. Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel. Ueber den Druck der geographischen Charten. Leipzig, 1777. 4to. In this work maps are shown which have been printed from movable types. Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel. Versuch den Ur- sprung der Spielkarten, die Einfuhrung des Leinenpapieres, und den Anfang der Holzschneidekunst in Europa zu erforschen. Leipzig, 1784, 1801. 2 vols., 4to. Brenton, James J. Voices from the Press, a Collection of Sketches, Essays and Poems by Practical Printers. (With Biog- raphies.) New York, 1850. 8vo. Mr. Brenton was a country editor at Jamaica, N. Y., who determined to gather poems and brief essays and sketches that had been written by printers. When nearly half way done, he was unable to complete his work. In this emergency he applied to the late Peter C. Baker, then foreman for John F. Trow of New York, who secured him a publisher, supplied biographical sketches, and finished the printing. It will be noticed that the second half of the book is better executed than the first half. It contains biographies of many American printers. Breve Tratado Theorico das Letras Typograficas. Lis- boa, 1803. Oblong 4to. Briquet. Fabrique d'Encre d'Imprimerie de Gabriel Briquet & Cie. Paris, circa 1835. Letter circular. The Typothetce of the City of New York 19 British Museum. A Guide to the Printed Books Exhibited to the Public. London, 1880. Paper, iSmo. British Museum. WycUfFe Exhibition in the King's-. Library. London, 1884. i2mo. Brockhaus. (Advertisement, in English and German, of F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig.) New York, circa 1853. Broadside. Brockhaus. Preis-Courant von F. A. Brockhaus, Mechanische Werkstatte in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1858. Paper, 8vo. Brockhaus. Prpben von F. A. Brockhaus, Schriftgiesserei, Schriftschneiderei, und Stereotypic. Leipzig, 1854. 4to. Brockhaus. Proben von F. A. Brockhaus, Schriftgiesserei, Schriftschneiderei, Graviranstalt und Mechanische Werkstatte. Jahrgang 1859. (15. Supplement.) Nr. 1-12, Leipzig, 1859. Paper, 4to. Bronner. Schriftproben von H. L. Bronner. (Borders and Cuts, no title.) 4to, s. a. Bronner. Proben der neuen Antiqua, Cursiv und Fraktur Schriften, nebst Einfassungen und Verzierungen aus der Schriftgiesserei von Heinrich Ludwig Bronner. Frankfurt am Main, 1826. Paper, i2mo. Bronner. Proben der Schriften, Einfassungen und Verzierungen aus der Schrift- und Stereotypen-Giesserei von Heinrich Ludwig Bronner. Frankfurt am Main, 1831. Paper, foho, detached leaves. Brother Jonathan, Supplement to. (Periodical.) New York, April 9, 1842. 4to. Brown, Horatio F. The Venetian Printing Press. London, 1891. 4to. An excellent work on the history of the press in Venice, which was the great publishing center of Europe at the end of the fifteenth century. Bruce. Specimen Book. D. & G. Bruce at various dates from 1818 to 1821; George Bruce, 1824 and 1826. No title. New York. Paper, 8vo. 20 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Bruce. (Specimens, various dates and sizes, from D. & G. Bruce and George Bruce, 1817 to 1822.) Loose sheets. David Bruce, the older of the two brothers who founded the firm of D. & G. Bruce, was born in 1770 in Scotland, and after learning the printer's trade in the King's office in Edinburgh came to this country in 1793. He sent for his younger brother, George, in 1795. George was born in 1781. In 1806 the brothers began a printing-office, which soon was successfuj. At the end of 1812, David Bruce went to England to learn the art of stereotyping, and re- turned in 1813, having obtained some instruction. He was forced, however, to rely largely upon his own inventive talents to supply his deficiency in in- formation. His first book according to the new process was finished in that year. He found difficulty in having type made as he desired it, and conse- quently soon after embarked in type-founding. Both his stereotyping and type-founding ventures were successful, and in 1816 he and his brother sold out their printing-office, partly to Mahlon Day and partly to Daniel Fanshaw, both of whom became successful printers. David Bruce retired from business in 1822, but afterwards again entered upon it for a brief time. He died in 1857. George Bruce continued in business till his death, which happened in 1866. In 1822 he introduced a new system for regulating the sizes of type, which hitherto had been separated unequally. He was a diligent and en- thusiastic punch-cutter, and to his own hand are due many of his fine ro- mans and beautiful scripts. His son, David Wolfe Bruce, continued the business until the year 1890, when he gave up his interest to his employees Henry M. Hall, Vilinder B. Munson, and Robert Lindsay. The firm-name of George Bruce's Son & Co. is still preserved. Bruce. Specimen of New Job Letter, Cast at George Bruce's Foundry, New York, 1822. Paper, 8vo. In detached leaves. Bruce. A Specimen of Printing Types cast by George Bruce. New York, 183 1. Three leaves, 8vo. Bruce. A Specimen of Printing Types Cast by George Bruce & Co. New York, 1837. 8vo. Presented by Henry Bessey. Bruce. A Specimen of Printing Types. George Bruce & Co. New York, 1837. 8vo. The " Co." was Peter C. Cortelyou. Bruce. A Specimen of Printing Types Cast by George Bruce & Co., at No. 18 Chambers street. New York. New York, 1841. Svo. Bruce. Specimen Sheets of Borders and Type. New York, 1842. Four sheets. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 21 Bruce. Specimen of Scripts, Antiques, Outlines, Two-Line Let- ters and Cuts, Made by George Bruce & Co. New York, 1842. Folded sheet, 8vo. Bruce. Spanish Circular, George Bruce & Co. New York, 1842. Single leaf, 410. Bruce. Specimens of Some of the Fancy Articles Cast by George Bruce & Co. New York, circa 1845. Broadside. Bruce. Specimen of Printing Types Cast by George Bruce & Co. New York, 1848. 8vo. Bruce. Portuguese Circular. George Bruce & Co. New York, 1848. Single leaf, 4to. Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types, &c., Cast and Made by George Bruce. New York, 1853. 8vo. Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types, etc., Cast and Made by George Bruce. New York, 1853. 8vo. Presented by Henry Bessey. Bruce. A Priced List of Printing Types and Materials sold at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1856. Paper, 4to. Bruce. A Priced Specimen of Some Fonts of Letter Cast at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry, on Hand, Ready for Delivery. New York, 1858. Paper, 4to. Bruce. A Specimen of Printers' Brass Materials, etc., and Some of their Accessories for Jobbing. New York, 1861. Paper, 4to. Bruce. Unjustified Matrices for Sale by George Bruce. New York, 1 86 1. 4to, folded. Bruce. A Specimen of Printers' Brass Materials, etc., and Some of their Accessories for Jobbing, Made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1861. Paper, 410. Bruce. An Abridged Specimen of Fonts of Type and Brass Printing Materials, Made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1865. 4to. 22 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Bruce. First Supplement to the Abridged Specimen of Fonts of Type which was issued November, 1865, from Bruce's New York Type- Foundry. New York, 1867. 4to. With sheets laid in. Bruce. An Abridged Specimen of Printing Types Made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1869. 4to. Two copies, with sheets laid in each. Bruce. Fourth Supplement to the Abridged Specimen of 1865, from Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1869. 4to, in sheets. Bruce. (Specimen Sheets, from George Bruce's Son & Co.) Sheets folded, 4to. Bruce. Specimen Book of 1877, with De Vinne's " Invention of Printing." In sheets. Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types Made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry, Established in 1813. Vol. I. New York, 1878. 4to. Contains also De Vinne's " Invention of Printing," set in types of different faces and sizes, to show the capabilities of the Bruce Foundry. Bruce. Specimens of Modern Fancy Fonts of Printing Types, Made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry, Established in 1813. New York, 1881. 4to. Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1882. 4to. Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. New York, 1882. 4to. Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types made at Bruce's New York Type-Foundry, New York, 1882. 4to, with sheets laid in. Bruce. MS. of George Bruce, bearing on the point system and the systematic progression of types. Bruce, D. & G. See Van Winkle, C. S. Bruce's New York Type-Foundry. See Newspapers, vol. i. Bruce, George, to the Stockholders and Creditors of the New York and Erie Railroad Company, October 8, 1859. New York, 1859. Pamphlet, 8vo. B, C. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 23 Brun, Marcelin. Manuel Pratique et Abrege de la Typographie Frangaise. Paris, 1825. i8mo. This has been translated into German. See Hasper, W. Brunor, Martin. The Practical Electroplater. New York, 1894. 8vo. Covers the entire range of electroplating. The article on Electrotyping is con- tributed by Mr. P. M. Furlong, formerly superintendent of the electrotyping department of the Government Printing-Office, and now at the head of the electrotyping department of the De Vinne Press in New York. Bryce, David. The Smallest English Dictionary in the World. i28mo. (One inch and a tenth by three quarters, Glasgow, circa 1890. Presented by S. P. Avery. A photographic reduction from type. Buchdruckerey. Die Wol-eingerichtete, mit Hundert und Achtzehen Deutsch, Lateinisch, Griechisch, und Hebraischen Schriften. With Depositio Comuti Typographici (in German). Nurnberg, 1721. Oblong 4to. Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey. Zweyter Theil. Leipzig, 1740. With Orationis Dominicae Versiones. Leipzig, circa 1740. And Ehren-Gedichte auf die Edle freye Kunst- Buchdruckerey. Franckfursh und Leipzig, 1739. AndVitxhty Buchdruckerey wohl unterwiesene Corrector. Franckfursh und Leipzig, 1739. All in one vol., i2mo. Buchdruckzeichnung oder Glyphographie. Leipzig, 1846. Paper, 8vo. Biicher-Handschriften. Erlangen, 1810. See Hoffman, Heinrich. Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Personal Memoirs and Recol- lections of Editorial Life. Boston, 1852. 2 vols., i2mo. Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Specimens of Newspaper Lit- erature, with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences. Boston, 1852. 2 vols., i2mo. Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. New York, 1894. 2 vols., 8vo. 24 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Buffalo Printing Ink Works. Bufifalo, 1894. Long 8vo. Bullen, George. Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Antiquities, Curiosities, and Appliances con- nected with the Art of Printing, London, 1877. Small 4to, Bulletin of the Spelling Reform Association, June, 1879. Boston. Paper, 24010. Bulwer. See Lytton. Burbure, L6on de. Sur I'Anciennete de I'Art Typographique en Belgique. Bruxelles, circa 1845. 8vo. Surges, Bartholomew. A Series of Indostan Letters. New York, 1790. 8vo. Printed by William Ross, great-uncle of the late William C. Martin, and pre- sented by Mr. Martin to the Typothetse. Burgoyne, C. G. The Cost of Stock. New York, 1890. 8vo. Burr, Frederic M. Life and Works of Alexander Anderson, M. D., the First American Wood-Engraver. New York, 1893. 4to. Anderson was the first wood-engraver in New York, and continued in the exer- cise of his calling through a long life. Many of the cuts in the Specimen Books of White, Bruce, and Conner are from his hand, and many of his blocks are also extant. Burton, John Hill. The Book-Hunter, &c. A New Edition. Edinburgh, 1889. 8vo. A very entertaining work upon books, libraries, and book-collecting. Butterworth, John. A New Concordance and Dictionary to the Holy Scriptures. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. New York, 1811. 8vo. Bylaert, Jean Jacques. Nieuwe Manier om Plaet-Tekeningen in 't Koper te brengen, van Een, Twee, of meer Couleuren. (New Manner of Engraving in Copper for Colored Prints, so that, although Printed at the Ordinary Press, they retain the Air and the Appearance of Design.) Leiden, 1772. 8vo. Caballero, Raymundo Diosdado. De Prima Typographiae Hispanicae yEtate Specimen. Romge, 1793. 4to. The Typothetce of the City of New York 25 Caille, Jean de la. Histoire de I'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, oil Ton voit son Origine et son Progres, jusqu'en 1689. Paris, 1689. 4to. Campbell, M. F. A. G. Annales de la Typographic Neerlan- daise au XVe Siecle. La Haye, 1874. Paper, 8vo. Camus, Armand Gaston. Histoire et Procedes du Polytypage et du Stereotypage. Paris, 1802. 8vo. Camus, Armand Gaston. Notice d'un Livre Imprim6 "k Bam- berg en 1462. Paris, an VII (1799). 4to. Carson League, The. (Newspaper.) New York, May 6, 1854. Folio. Cartier, Art du. See Papier, Art de Fabriquer le. This describes the method of making playing-cards. Cartonnerie, Art de la. See Papier, Art de Fabriquer le. The making of cardboard for boxes and parcel covers. Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types by W. Caslon & Son, Letter Founders. London, 1764. Small 4to. William Caslon, the founder of this house, was originally an engraver on gun- locks and barrels, but about 1 720, at the solicitation of some printers, he be- gan to make types. He was very successful, producing characters of the greatest beauty and of the most accurate proportions. Until then the Eng- lish printers had relied largely upon Dutch founders for their types, but Caslon demonstrated the superiority of English characters. He not only made good types himself, but caused his successors and rivals to make them better than any ever seen in England before. He built up a good business, at home and abroad. Franklin bought his types from this house. Caslon was born in 1692 and died in 1766. He was succeeded by his son William, who died in 1778. The children and widow then managed the affairs until 1799, when the foundry was bought by Mrs. Henry Caslon, who carried on the business with spirit and intelligence. In her later years she took in a part- ner, Nathaniel Catherwood, but both died in 1809. Henry Caslon and John James Catherwood carried it on till 1821, Mr. Catherwood then withdrawing. The next year Martin William Livermore was admitted. Henry William Caslon was the last member of the family, dying in 1874. The business is now conducted by Mr. T. W. Smith. It was this foundry which supplied WTiittingham, in 1843, with old-style characters from the matrices of the first Caslon that had been disused for half a century. 26 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon, Let- ter Founder to his Majesty. London, circa 1785. 8vo. Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types by William Caslon, Let- ter Founder to the King. London, 1796. Svo. Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types, etc., by William Caslon, Junr. late W. Caslon & Son, Letter Founder, London, circa 1800. Svo. Caslon. (Specimens of Type.) W. Caslon, Junr. London, circa 1808. Paper, Svo. Caslon. Sanspareil Fifteen Lines Pica. W. Caslon, Jr. Lon- don, circa iSoS. Broadside. Caslon. Sanspareil Eight Lines Pica. London, circa iSoS. Broadside. Caslon. Specimen of Printing Types by Caslon & Livermore, Letter Founders. London, circa 1S25. Svo. Caslon. Specimen of Printing Types by Caslon & Livermore, Letter Founders. London, 1830. Svo. Contains autograph of Jonathan Seymour, the leading printer of New York at the beginning of the century. Caslon. Specimen of Printing Types. Caslon & Son. London, 1844. Svo. Caslon. Specimen of Printing Types. H. W. Caslon & Co. London, 1850. Svo. Caslon. Select Specimen of Book and Newspaper Founts of the Caslon and Glasgow Letter Foundries. H. W. Caslon & Co. London, 1850. 4to. Caslon. (Specimens of Borders by) H. W. Caslon & Co. Lon- don, 1852. Loose sheets. 4to. Caslon. Specimen of Printing Types of the Caslon and Glasgow Letter Foundry. H. W. Caslon & Co. London, 1857. 4to. Caslon. Specimens of Printing Types in the Caslon Letter Foun- dry. London, circa i860. 4to. The Typothetce of the City of New York 27 Caslon. Specimen of Printing Types of the Caslon and Glasgow Letter Foundry, Established 17 16, H. W. Caslon & Co. Lon- don, circa 1865. 4to. Caslon. H. W. Caslon & Co.'s Priced Specimen Sheets of Print- ing Types, London, circa 1880. 4to. Caslon & Catherwood. Specimens of Printing Types from Cas- lon & Catherwood. See Slower, Charles, Printers' Grammar. Catalogue des Eaux- Fortes, Lithographies, Caricatures, Vignettes Romantiques, Dessins et Aquarelles, for- mant la Collection Champfleury. Paris, 1891. 4to. Catalogue of a Collection of Egyptian Antiquities, the Property of Henry Abbott, M. D., now exhibiting at the Stuy- vesant Institute, No. 659 Broadway, New York. New York, 1853. Paper, 8vo. Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Decorative Bindings, Rare Books, and Manuscripts, from the Libraries of Philadelphia, at the Academy of the Fine Arts. Phila- delphia, 1893. Paper, i6mo. Catalogue of Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bookbind- ings in the National Art Library, South Kensington. London, 1894. 8vo. Catalogue of Japanese Engravings, an Important Collection of Old Prints in Color, belonging to Mr. S. Bing, Paris. New York, 1894. Paper, 8vo. Catalogue of Model Printing Press. Daughaday & Co. Philadelphia, circa 1880. Paper, 8vo. Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts belonging to Mr. Brayton Ives of New York. New York, 1891. Paper, 8vo. Catalogue of the Chinese Collection. See Descriptive Cata- logue of the Chinese Collection. Catalogue of the Collections of the American Art Asso- ciation, to be Sold to Settle the Estate of the late R. Austin Robertson. New York, 1892. i6mo. 28 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Catalogue of the Museum and Gallery of Art of the New York Historical Society. New York, 1862. Paper, 8vo. Catalogue of the Museum and Gallery of Art of the New York Historical Society. New York, 1873. Paper, 8vo. Catechism. The | Larger Catechism, | Agreed upon by the | Assembly of Divines at Westminster, | with the Assistance of | Commissioners from the Church of Scotland, | and Received by the Several | Presbyterian Churches in America ; | with | The Proofs from the Scripture, | Revised by | Alexander McLeod. D. D. I The first book ever stereotyped in America. | New York: | Stereotyped and Printed by J. Watts & Co. | for Whit- ing & Watson, I Theological and Classical Booksellers, | June, 1813. I i2mo. This first production of the American stereotyper's art was the result of a long series of experiments. John Watts was the brother of the Cambridge Uni- versity printer, one of the earliest who received instruction from Earl Stan- hope. He came to this country before 1806, and began as a printer in Phila- delphia, but in 1809 was in New York. The year after this he attempted typefounding, and at the same time began his experiments in stereotyping. He met with many discouraging failures, but accomplished the end he desired in 1813, this little book being his first work. Almost simultaneously David Bruce, who had been abroad for instruction, also made stereotype plates, and soon had the better trade, as his plates were level both on the front and back, while Watts's were not. The latter disposed of his foundry to B. & J. Collins in 1816, and presumably soon after went to Europe, where in 1819 he was teaching the art in Vienna to German printers, in conjunction with his nephew William. Cattell, A. S. & Co. Zinco-Typography. London, circa 1882. Paper, 8vo. Caxton Memorial ; Extracts from the Churchwarden's Accounts of the Parish of St. Margaret's, Westminster, Illustrating the Life of William Caxton. London, 1880. Paper, i2mo. Caxton, William. Advertisement. (Photo-lithograph of the copy preserved in the Bodleian library.) London, 1892. 8vo. Caxton, William. Leaf from an unverified copy of " The Myr- rour of the World." S. a., s. 1. This leaf was undoubtedly executed at a very early period in the history of print- ing in England, but is not from Caxton's press, as he had no type so small. The character is between a pica and an English. The TypothetcB of the City of Neiv York 29 Caxton, William. The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. (Facsimile Reproduction.) London, 1877. 4to. Caxton, William. The Game of the Chesse. (Reproduction on type especially cut for this work, by V. & J. Figgins.) Lon- don, 1855. 4to. Celliez, Henry. Code Annote de la Presse en 1835. Paris, 1835. 8vo. Census. Compendium of the Eleventh Census, 1890. Part II: Vital and Social Statistics ; Educational and Church Statistics ; Wealth, Debt and Taxation; Mineral Industries; Insurance; Foreign Born Population; Manufactures. Washington, D. C, 1894. 4to. Census. Report on the Insurance Business in the United States at the Eleventh Census, 1890. Part I. Fire, Marine, and Inland Insurance. Charles A. Jenney, Special Agent. Washington, D. C, 1894. 4to. Centennial Newspaper Exhibition, 1876. (List of American Newspapers, with Statement of the Characteristics of Towns in which they are Published.) Compiled by George P. Rowell & Co., New York, 1876. Paper, 8vo. Century Cyclopedia of Names. See Smith, Benjamin E. Century Dictionary. See Whitney, William Dwight. Cercle de la Librairie. Premiere Exposition. Paris, 1880. 8vo. Cesnola, Louis Palma di. Cyprus : Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples, and Narrative of Researches and Excavations dur- ing Ten Years' Residence in that Island. Third Edition. New York, 1878. 8vo. Chadwick, John W^hite. George William Curtis, an Address. New York, 1893. 24mo. Chainetier, Art du. See Papier, Art de Fabriquer le. On Chainmaking. Chalmers, George. Life of Thomas Ruddiman. London, 1794. 8vo. "^T TS* "^ 30 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Chambers. Paper Folding Machinery, Manufactured and Sold by Chambers Brothers Co. Philadelphia, circa 1890. 8vo. Chambers, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Sec- ond Edition. Edinburgh, 1858. 2 vols., royal 8vo. A work of much value. It describes the principal works of each author, and gives copious extracts. Chapelle. Fantaisies et Vignettes. (With Specimens of Roman.) Chapelle, Graveur. Paris, 1859. Loose sheets. 4to. Chapin, William. A Complete Reference Gazetteer of the United States of North America. New York, 1839. 8vo. Charivari, Le. (Newspaper.) Paris, 31 Janvier, 1853. 4to. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of the New York Mechanic and Scientific Institution. New York, 1822. Paper, i8mo. Chatto, William Andrew. Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing-Cards. London, 1848. 8vo. The study of the invention of playing-cards must necessarily precede the study of the invention of printing, for paper, press, and ink were all required be- fore a card could be made, unless it was stenciled or painted, when the press might be dispensed with. Chatto, W^illiam A. Gems of Wood Engraving, from the " Illus- trated London News," with a History of the Art, Ancient and Modern. London, 1849. Folio. One of the standard works on this subject. Chevalier. Alphabets et Vignettes a Jour. Chevaher & Cie., Graveurs brevetes. Paris, 1859. Paper, 4to. A book of specimens of stencil letters. Chevillier, Andr6. L'Origine de I'Imprimerie de Paris, Disserta- tion Historique et Critique, Paris, 1694. 4to. In volume with Caille's Histoire de I'Imprimerie. Chicago Historical Society, Constitution and By-Laws of. Chicago, 1883. Paper, 8vo, Chicago Typothetae. See Specimens from the Chicago Ty- pothetse. Childs, George W. " The Public Ledger " Building. Phila- delphia, 1868. 8vo. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 31 Chinese. (Specimen of Printing in Chinese.) Broadside. Chinese Book. Paper, 8vo. Chinese Book. Paper, 8vo. Chinese Book. Paper, 8vo. Chiswick Press Literary Almanack for the Year 1874. London, 1873. Small 4to. Christie, James. Truth Asserted, and Falsehood Detected, or a True and Impartial Account of the Hard Measures of the Rev. James Christie, M. A., Written in his Own Vindication. Derby, 1739. 8vo. In volume with Political State. Christmas in Song, Sketch and Story. Selected by J. P. Mc- Caskey. New York, 1891. 4to. Cicero's Familiar Letters. Marci Tvllii Ciceronis Epistolte Familiares, cum Commentariis Hubertini Clerici. Venetiis, 1480. 4to. An excellent example of printing, in parchment binding. It has a wide margin ; the capital letters are rubricated, and the initials at the head of books are beautifully drawn and illuminated. This copy formerly belonged to Alex- ander Boswel, the father of James Boswell, the biographer of Johnson, and has his autograph in its earlier form. It was presented to the Typothetse by S. P. Avery. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Cato Major, or Discourse on Old Age, addressed to Titus Pomponius Atticus. By Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. London, 1778. 8vo. Wrongly attributed to Franklin. James Logan was the translator and editor. Cincinnati Type Foundry. Specimen of Modern and Light Face Printing Types and Ornaments, cast at the Cincinnati Type Foundry. Cincinnati, 1834. 8vo. Circular from George P. Gordon, New York. See " Typo- graphic Advertiser." City Guide. New York, 1852. Folio. Clark, J. W. Libraries in the Mediaeval and Renaissance Periods. The Rede Lecture, delivered June 13, 1894. Cambridge, Eng- land, 1894. 8vo. 32 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Clairac. Abhandlung von der Befestigungskunst im Felde, nach der Pariser Ausgabe vom Jahre 1749 iibersetset. Breslau, 1755. 4to. N. Y. T. S. Classified Illustrated Catalogue of the Library Bureau. A Handbook of Library and Office Fittings and Supplies. New York, 1894. 8vo. Clayton, A. T. Sketches on Scriptural Subjects, comprising Ruth, the Widow's Mite, the Good Samaritan, Our Rest in Heaven. New York, 1864. 8vo. B. C. Clinton, De Witt. Discourse before the New York Historical Society. New York, 1812. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. Paper, 8vo. Clowes, Henry Arnott. Printing Machinery. London, 1887. Paper, 8vo. Cobbett, William. The English Grammar of WilHam Cobbett, Revised and Annotated by Alfred Ayres. New York, 1893. i8mo. Cocker, W. J. Handbook of Punctuation, with Instructions for Capitalization, Letter-Writing, and Proof-reading. New York, 1878. i2mo. Coggeshall, W. T. "The Newspaper Record," containing a Complete List of Newspapers in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1856. 8vo. Coin Supplement to the Bank Note and Commercial Reporter. By J. Thompson. New York, circa 1855. Counterfeit notes and coins were common before the Civil War, and this peri- odical was of value in showing how the false could be detected. Collectio Alphabetum. (A Collection of Alphabets of various Languages. Separately printed.) Rome, v. d. from 177 1 to 1789. 2 vols. i2mo. Collection of Facsimiles of Types, W^oodcuts, and Cap- ital Letters used by Early Printers. London, 1840. 410. N. Y. T. S. The Typothet(B of the City of New York 33 Collections of the New York Historical Society for the year 1889. Vol. 22. Contains Vol. IV. of the Deane papers. Collins & McLeester. The Specimen Book of Collins & Mc- Leester, Letter Founders. Philadelphia, circa 1880. 8vo. Collins & McLeester. Specimens from the Type-Foundry of Collins & McLeester. Philadelphia, 1866. Paper, 8vo. Columbus. See Epistola de Insulis Nouiter Repertis. Columella. An Inquiry into the Effects of Our Foreign Carry- ing Trade upon the Agriculture, Population, and Morals of the Country. New York, 1808. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. 8vo, paper. Commerce, Le. Supplement publiee a 1 1 heures. Feuille Com- mercial. Paris, 9 and 10 Fevrier, 1839. Folio leaf. Commercial Advertiser, New York, Supplement to the. (No date, but about January 5, 1847.) Two foho pages. Contains an appeal from the Commissioners for obtaining subscriptions to the stock of the Hudson River Railroad Company. Printed on an Adams press. Commercial Times, New York. New York, August 3, 1859. 4to. Common Prayer, Book of. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, New York, Philadelphia, 1818. 8vo. B. C. Printed by William Fry, Philadelphia. Common Prayer, Book of. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce. New York, T. & J. Swords, 181 6. i6mo. B. C. Common Prayer, Book of. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce. New York, Henry L Megarey, 1820. i2mo. B. C. Common Prayer, Book of. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce. From the Stereotype Press of the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. New York, 1823. izmo. B. C. Common Prayer, Book of. Together with the Psalms of David. New York, 1846. 8vo. B. C. 3 34 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Compendium of the Eleventh Census; i8go. Part II. Vital and Social Statistics; Educational and Church Statistics; Wealth, Debt and Taxation; Mineral Industries; Insurance; Foreign Born Population; Manufactures. Washington, 1894. 4to. Compositor's Guide to London Printing Offices. London, 1893. Paper, 8vo. Issued by the London Society of Compositors. Congdon, Charles T. Carmen Seculare. New York, 1876. Paper, 4to. Mr. Congdon was one of the editors of the Neiv York Tribune, and a very grace- ful and effective writer. Conner. Specimen of Light-Face Printing Types and Ornaments, from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of James Conner. New York, 1832. 8vo. Conner. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of Conner & Cooke. New York, 1836. 8vo. Conner. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of Conner & Cooke. Second Edition. New York, 1836. 8vo. Presented by Henry Bessey. Conner. A Miniature Specimen of Printing Types and Orna- ments from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of James Conner & Son. New York, 1841. 8vo. Conner. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments cast by James Conner & Son. New York, 1850. 8vo. With loose sheets laid in. Conner. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments cast by James Conner & Son. New York, 1852. 4to. With sheets laid in. Conner. Specimens of Printing Types and Ornaments Cast by James Conner & Sons. New York, 1855. 4to. With sheets laid in. The TypothetcE of the City of New York 35 Conner. Specimens of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Rules, &c., made at the Type and Electro- type Foundry of James Conner & Sons. New York, 1859. 4to. With many loose sheets laid in. Conner. Specimens of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Rules, &c., made at the Type and Electro- type Foundry of James Conner & Sons. New York, 1859. 4to. Conner. Specimens of Printing Types, Plain and Ornamental, Rules, Borders, Ornaments, Dashes, &c., from the United States Foundry of James Conner's Sons. New York, circa i860. 4to. With sheets laid in. Conner. Specimens of Printing Types, Rules, Dashes, and Or- naments, adapted for Book and Newspaper Work, Cast at the United States Foundry of James Conner's Sons. New York, 1867. Paper, 4to. Conner. Specimens of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Rules, Dashes, and Ornaments, Cast at the United States Foundry of James Conner's Sons. New York, circa 1870. 4to. Conner. Specimens of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Rules, Dashes, and Ornaments, Cast at the United States Type- Foundry of James Conner's Sons. New York, 1870. 4to. Conner. Reduced Price List of Printing Types and Material Generally, Manufactured and for Sale by James Conner's Sons. New York, 1877. Paper, 8vo. Conner. Price List of Printing Types. James Conner's Sons. New York, 1877. Paper, 8vo. Conner. Specimens of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types Cast by James Conner's Sons. New York, circa 1878. 4to. Conner, James & Sons. See Newspaper, Vol. i, and Typo- graphic Messenger. James Conner, the founder of this house, was taught the trade of a compositor, and was afterward employed in the printing-office of John Watts, the first stereotyper in America. He there learned the rudiments of that art, and after- ward became the foreman of a foundry in Boston. Returning to New York, he embarked as a stereotyper on his own account, and subsequently took up typefounding. He carried on a business for many years, part of the time 36 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of with a partner named Cooke, and afterwards with his sons, William Crawford Conner and James Madison Conner. "His greatest achievement, however, was the making of matrices by the then new process of electrotyping. His first experiment was the reproduction of an engraved copper plate, and he was so successful that his processes were described in many of the European scientific journals as a remarkable accomplishment. He afterwards man- aged to obtain by precipitation a complete alphabet of matrices from a font which he had cut in steel. It was the first application of electricity to the typefounder's art, and has been the forerunner of a similar system now adopted all over the world." James Conner died in 1861, being then seventy years old. W. C. Conner survived his father for a few years, and the busi- ness was then carried on by James M. Conner. When he died, he was suc- ceeded by his sons, Charles S. and Benjamin F. For a number of years they published a newspaper called the " Typographic Messenger." The elder Con- ner was a publisher of books, some of much value, and W. C. Conner devoted a great deal of time to politics. James M. Conner was everywhere recognized as an able typefounder, versed in all the details of his calling. Conspectus Originum Typographicarum, a Meermanno Proxime in Lucem Edendarum. S. 1., 1761. i8mo. Constitutionnel, Le. Journal Politique, Litteraire, Universel. Paris, 17 and 30 Octobre, 1867. Folio. Continental Intelligencer. Containing the Freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestick. Vol. V., Numb. 6. Saturday, Jan- uary 4, 1800. S. 1., 4to. This is one of many attempts to forge newspapers relating to early American history. Its imprint is : " Albany, Printed for ye Continental Party, and Sold by J. Munsell near ye Dutch and English Churches, in ye Jonkers street, Albany." It is not a reprint of any particular newspaper of i8oo, but is made up from different sources, and contains, for its principal intelligence, the transactions in Congress upon hearing of the death of General Washing- ton. This paper was issued as early as 1876, as appears by Mr. Brace's stamp. Conway, William Martin. The Woodcutters of the Nether- lands in the Fifteenth Century. Cambridge (England), 1884. 8vo. Cooley, J. G. See Newspapers, Vol. i. Copley, Frederick S. A Set of Alphabets of all the Various Hands of Modern Use, with Examples in Each Style ; also the Mechanical and Analytical Construction of Letters, Figures, and Titles. New York, 1870. Oblong 8vo. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 37 Corporation des Imprimeurs. See Fournier, M. O., Histoire de Foule. Corrector. Der bey Buchdruckerey wohl unterwiesene Corrector. See Buchdruckerkunst and Schriftgiesserey. Correspondence of Lord Montague with General Moul- trie. (Privately printed.) New York, 1885. 8vo. Cortelyou. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, Brass Rules, &c., by Peter C. Cortelyou. New York, 1856, 8vo, with loose sheets laid in. Cortelyou. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Brass Rules, &c., by Peter C. Cortelyou. New York, 1856. Paper, 8vo. Cortelyou. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, Brass Rules, &c.,by Peter C. Cortelyou. New York, 1857. 8vo. Peter C. Cortelyou came of a Staten Island family. He was for years in part- nership with George Bruce, and then began business separately. In this lat- ter venture he was not successful. Cotton, Henry. The Typographical Gazetteer Attempted. Ox- ford, 1825. 8vo. The first edition. Cotton, Henry. The Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, 1831. 8vo. A careful and well-arranged work, designed to show the time when printing was first practised in any particular town. The places are arranged alpha- betically. Courier and Enquirer. See Morning Courier and New York Enquirer. Courrier des Etats-Unis, Organe des Populations Franco- Ame- ricaines. New York, 28 Juin, 1851. C. O. W. John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, His Acts and Most Remarkable Discourses, and His Death. From the Ger- man. London, i860. Small quarto. A novel, in which fancy defies facts. Craft, The. See " Printers' Bulletin." 38 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Crapelet, G. A. Des Progres de I'lmprimerie en France et en Italic au XVIe Siecle et de Son Influence sur la Litterature. Paris, 1836. Paper, 8vo. Crapelet, G. A. fitudes Pratiques et Litteraires sur la Typo- graphic. Vol. I (all published). Paris, 1837. 8vo. Crawhall, Joseph. Impresses Quaint. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1889. 4to. A collection of old and quaint woodcuts. Crisp, William. The Printers' Business Guide and Ready- Reckoned General Price Lists. Great Yarmouth, 1868. i6mo. Crisp, William Finch. Printers' Universal Book of Reference. London, 1875. i2mo. Cromwell's Soldier's Bible, being a Reprint, in Facsimile, of " The Souldiers' Pocket Bible," Compiled by Edmund Calamy, and Issued for the Use of the Commonwealth Army in 1643; with Preface by Field Marshal Wolseley. London, 1895. 8vo. Cruden, Alexander. Concordance to the Old and New Testa- ment. (Contains also a Concordance to the Apocrypha and to the Proper Names in the Scriptures.) With a Memoir by Wil- liam Youngman. London, 1889. 8vo. Cumberland, Richard. John De Lancaster. A Novel. New York. Printed by D. & G. Bruce, 1809. 2 vols. 8vo. Another copy of Vol. I, in cloth. Cumberland, Richard. Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, writ- ten by Himself, containing an Account of His Life and Writings. New York. Printed by D. & G. Bruce, 1806. i2mo. Curtis. Supplement to the Specimen Book of Modem Printing Types, Ornaments, and Combination Borders, from the New England Type and Stereotype Foundry, George A. Curtis. Bos- ton, circa 1846. 4to. Curtis & Mitchell. Reduced Price List of Types, Borders, Cuts, Rules, and Other Printing Materials. Boston, 1877. Paper, 8vo. Curtis & Mitchell. Price List of Types, Borders, Cuts, Rules, and Other Printing Materials. Boston, circa 1878. Paper, i2mo. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 39 Curtis, George "William. Robert Burns, an Address at the Unveiling of the Statue of the Poet in Central Park, New York, October 2, 1880. New York, privately printed, 1880. Small 4to. Curtis, William Eleroy. The Capitals of Spanish America. New York, 1888. 8vo. Curwen, Henry. A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New. London, 1874. i2mo. Treats of English booksellers only. Cushing. Specimens of Book Types. J. S. Cushing & Co., Nor- wood, Mass., 1894. 4to. Cuts. Collection of Prints from Woodcuts belonging to Baker & Godwin. New York, circa i860. 4to. Presented by Willis McDonald & Co. Dallut. (Specimens of Type Cast by) Dallut, Graveur et Fondeur. Paris, circa 1835. Broadside. Dauchy & Co.'s Newspaper Catalogue. A List of United States and Canadian Periodicals which Insert Advertisements. New York, 1890. Imperial 8vo. Daughaday. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Model Printing Press. Philadelphia, circa 1870. Paper, 8vo. Daughaday. How to Print. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Model Printing Press, J. W. Daughaday & Co., Manufacturers. Philadelphia, circa 1874. Paper, 8vo. Davis, Jefferson. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Gov- ernment. New York, 1881. 2 vols. 8vo. Davids, Thaddeus. The History of Ink, including its Etymol- ogy, Chemistry, and Bibliography. New York, i860. i8mo. Dean, Henry. Analytical Guide to the Art of Penmanship. Second Edition. New York, 1808. Presented by Chauncey Holt. It contains manuscript notes by his grandfather, a noted printer and publisher of the early part of the century. Decker. Proben von Buchdruck-Lettern aus der Schriftgiesserei von R. Decker, Koniglich Preussischem Geheimem Ober-Hof- buchdrucker. Drittes Heft. Schluss. Berlin, 1862. Paper, 4to. Each leaf detached. 40 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of De Colange, L. The American Dictionary of Commerce, Man- ufactures, Commercial Law, and Finance. Boston, 1880. 2 vols. 4to. Decorative Alphabets. London, circa 1850. 4to. De Kay, Charles. Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor, with %(> Woodcuts, Artotypes, and Prints in Memory of an Exhibition of His Bronzes, Paintings, and Water-Colors held at New York in Aid of the Fund for his Monument at Paris. New York, 1889. 4to, Delaborde, Le Vicomte Henri. La Gravure. Precis Ele- meiitaire de ses Origines, de ses Procedes, et de son Histoire. Paris, circa 1880. 8vo. De la Motte, Philip H. Anastatic Printing and Papyrography. London, 1849. 8vo. De Monstris. By Rev. J. G. Wood. Paper cover, 8vo. (From " Dark Blue," 1872.) Dempsey & Carroll. Love. (Specimens of Steel and Copper- plate Engraving and Printing.) New York, 1883. Oblong 4to. Dennig, Fink & Co. Schrift- und Stereotypen-Giesserei in Pforz- heim. Erste Abtheilung, 1840. 8vo. Depositio Cornuti Typographici (in German). See Die Wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey. Niirnberg, 172 1. Derby, James C. Fifty Years among Authors, Books, and Pub- Hshers. New York, 1884. 8vo. Derlon. (Specimen of Colors by Carl Derlon.) Leipzig, circa i860. One 4to leaf. Derriey, Specimens of. See " Printers' Bulletin." Deschamps. (Specimens from) Deschamps, Graveur. Fon- dues par L. Starck. Paris, circa 1835. Paper, 4to, Deschamps. Epreuves des Fleurons et Passe-partout graves et fondus par Deschamps, Graveur pour tout ce qui concerne I'Or- nement de la Typographie. Paris, 1834. Paper, 4to. As here used, the word " passe-partout " signifies hollow or mortised ornaments. The Typot/ietce of the City of New York 41 Deschamps. (Specimens from the) Fonderie de Vignettes et Ornements Typographiques de Deschamps et Compagnie. Paris, 1839. Paper, 4to. Description of a View of the Great Temple of Karnak, and the surrounding City of Thebes, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Broadway, New York. New York, 1839. Paper, 8vo. Imprint of William Osborn, whose office later was in the Tribune Building, be- ing acquired in 1850, after his death, by Baker, Godwin & Co. Description of an Egyptian Mummy, now exhibiting in this City (New York). S. 1., s. a., circa 1823. Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection in Phila- delphia. Philadelphia, 1839. Paper, 8vo. Deshler, Charles D. Afternoons with the Poets. New York, 1879. i2mo. De Vinne. Specimens of Quaint Types. Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. New York, 1883. Paper, 4to. De Vinne, Theo. L. Growth of Woodcut Printing. (Extracted from" Scribner's Magazine," April and May, 1880.) New York, Paper, 8vo. De Vinne, Theo. L. Record of the Proceedings at the Erec- tion of the Franklin Statue in Printing House Square (New York), Presented by Albert De Groot to the Press and Printers of New York. New York, 1872. Paper, 8vo, De Vinne, Theo. L. The Invention of Printing. New York, 1876. 8vo. De Vinne, Theo. L. The Invention of Printing. New York, 1878. 4to. This edition is bound up in the large Specimen Book of the Bruce foundry. It is there set up in Roman types of various bodies and faces, to show the faces of that foundry. De Vinne, Theo. L. The Printers' Price List, a Manual for the Use of Clerks and Bookkeepers in Job Printing Offices. Proof Copy. New York, 1869. i2mo. 42 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of De Vinne, Theo. L. The Printer's Price List. New York, 1871. i2mo. De Vries (A.). Brief van A. De Vries aan A. D. Schinkel over Guichard's Notice sur le Speculum Humanse Salvationis. S'Gra- venhage, 1841. 8vo. Dialogue on Printers' Prices. One Hundred and Thirty Ready Reckoned Estimates and Other Useful Information. Great Yarmouth, Eng., circa 1879. i2mo. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian, Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Second Edition- London, 1829. 3 vols., 8vo. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Typographical Antiquities, or the History of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland, contain- ing Memoirs of Our Ancient Printers. Begun by the late Joseph Ames ; considerably Augmented by William Herbert, and now greatly enlarged, with copious notes. London, 1809, 181 2, 1816, and 1819. 4 vols. Large paper, 4to. Dickinson. Hand-Book Specimen of Printing Type, Cuts, Or- naments, etc., from the Foundry of Samuel N. Dickinson. Bos- ton, 1847. i2mo. Dickinson. The Dickinson Typefoundry. Specimens of the Franklin Series of Old Style Types. Boston, 1868. Paper, 4to. Dickinson, Samuel N. A Help to Printers and Publishers. Boston, 1835. 8vo. Contains calculations of the quantity of paper needed for books or jobs, and the number of tokens. Samuel Nelson Dickinson, who was born in Phelps, New York, in l8oi, began his foundry in 1839. He had previously been a printer. The new establishment made a success with its Scotch faces, and in other letter. He died in 1847. The foundry has since been continued, most of the time as Phelps & Dalton, and justly enjoys a high reputation. Dickson, Robert. Who was Scotland's First Printer? London, 1 88 1. Paper, i6mo. Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. A Facsimile Re- production of the First Book Printed in England by William Caxton in 1477. London, 1877. 4to. The Typothetce of the City of New York 43 Didot. (Specimens of Brass Rules and Braces from the) Fonderie de Firmm Didot. Paris, circa 1810. Broadside. Didot. Specimen des Caracteres de la Fonderie Polyamatype de H. Didot, Legrand et Cie. Paris, 1828. Paper, 8vo. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Aide Manuce et THellenisme \ Venise. Paris, 1875. ^^o. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Essai sur la Typographie. (Extrait du Tome 26 de I'Encyclopedie Moderne.) Paris, 1855. 8vo. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Essai Typographique et Biblio- graphique surl'Histoire de la Gravuresur Bois. Paris, 1863. 8vo. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Gutenberg (Jean ou Hans Gens- fleisch). Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographic Generale. Paris, circa 1854. 8vo. For two centuries the Didot family have been prominent as printers in France, and some in each generation have been distinguished as typefounders. Dingelstedt, Fr. Jean Gutenberg. Premier Maitre Imprimeur, ses Faits et Discours les plus dignes d'Admiration, et sa Mort. Traduit de I'alleraand en fran^ais par Gustave Revilliod. Geneve, 1858. 4to. A novel. D'Israeli, Isaac. Calamities of Authors, including Some In- quiries respecting their Moral and Literary Characters. New York, 18 1 2. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. 2 vols., 121110. Doddridge, Philip. The Rise and Progress of ReUgion in the Soul. Ronalds's Second Edition. New York, 18 13. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. 8vo. Dominicano, El. Periodico Politico y Literario. Enero 19, de 1856. Santo Domingo. 4to. Donlevy, John. Rise and Progress of the Graphic Arts, includ- ing Notices of Illumination, Chalcography, Wood Engraving, Typography, Lithography, Chromography, and Intagliography : Elucidating the New Art of Chromo-Glyphotype. New York, 1854. Paper, 4to. Dor6, Gustave, and Jerrold, Blanchard. London, a Pil- grimage. New York, 1890. 4to. 44 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Dore, J. R. Old Bibles. An Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible. Second Edition. London, 1888. 8vo. Doublet. Fantaisies et Vignettes Gravees par Doublet. Paris, circa 1850. Paper, 4to. With sheets laid in. Doublet. (Specimens of Type Cast by) Doublet, Graveur. Paris, circa 1855. 4to sheet. Doublet. Fantaisies et Vignettes Gravees et Fondues par Doublet. Paris, 1859. Paper, 4to. Downame, I. The Second Part of the Christian Warfare. Lon- don, 1 611. Small 4to. Dresler. Auszug aus den Schrift-Proben der Schrift-Schneiderei, Schrift-, Stereotypen- und Metall-Buchstaben-Giesserei von Fr. Dresler und Rost-Fingerlin in Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt, 1837. Small 4to. Dresler. Schriftproben aus der Dresler'schen Giesserei. Frank- furt am Main, circa 1850. 4to. Dresler. Schrift-Proben aus der Dresler'schen Giesserei, Schrift- schneiderei, Schrift-, Stereotypen- und Messing-Buchstaben Gies- serei, nebst mechanischen Werkstatte. Frankfurt am Main, 1852. Paper, 4to. Dresler. Preis-Courant nach Zollgewicht von der Dresler'schen Giesserei (C. Meyer). (With Specimen Book.) Frankfurt am Main, 1858. With sheets laid in. Dresler. (Specimen from the Foundry of) F. Dresler und Rost- Fingerlin. Frankfurt a. M., circa 1865. Loose sheets, 4to. Drisler, Henry. See Liddell and Scott. Druckproben der Hofbuchdruckerei in Altenburg. Al- tenburg, 1828. 4to. Du Closel. Specimen des Caracteres Anglais, Frangais et Autres, de la Fonderie de MM. F. Du Closel & Co. Paris, 1838. Paper, 4to. "Dundee Advertiser" Office. (Description of the Extension Opened May 12, 1883, and the Entertainment on that Evening.) Dundee, Scotland, 1883. Paper, i8mo. The Typothetce of the City of New York 45 Dunton, John. The Athenian Mercury. Nos. 21 and 22, vol. 16, February 26 and March 2, 1695. Two loose numbers, 410. Dupont, Paul. Histoire de ITmprimerie. Paris, 1854. 2 vols., 8vo. Durant, C. F. Algae and Corallines of the Bay and Harbor of New York, illustrated with Natural Types. New York, 1850. 4to. N. Y. T. S. Illustrated with the plants themselves, carefully mounted. Dziatzko, Karl. Gutenbergs Friiheste Druckerpraxis. Berlin, 1890. 8vo. Earhart, John F. The Color Printer, a Treatise on the Use of Colors in Typographic Printing. Cincinnati, 1892. 4to. Presented by the author. An extremely valuable work. Ebert, Friedrich Adolph. Zur Handschriftenkunde. Leipzig, 1825. See Hoffman, Heinrich. Edinburgh Review for 1802-1805, and for 1812. Edinburgh printed ; New York reprinted. 6 vols., 8vo. The work on these reprints was executed by D. & G. Bruce. Vols, i to 4 were printed in 1813, vol. 5 in 1814, and vol. 20 in 1813. There is a duplicate of vol. I. Eggleston, Edward. The Household History of the United States and its People, for Young Americans. New York, 1893. 8vo. Egyptian Mummy, Description of an. New York, circa 1826. Pamphlet, 8vo. Egyptian Mummy, Received from Ancient Thebes. New York, circa 1827. Paper, 8vo. Ehlert. (Specimens from) Heinrich Ehlert & Co., Schriftgies- serei, Schriftschneiderei, Gravir-Anstalt und Stereotypic. Berlin, circa i860. 4to, in sheets. Ehren-Gedichte auf die Edle freye Kunst-Buchdruck- erey. See Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey. Ehrhardt. Proben aus der Ehrhardt'schen Graviranstalt und Schriftgiesserey. Leipzig, circa 1840. Broadside. iy*gt Tits ■<^ 46 Catalogue of the Books iji the Library of Electrotype, The. Its Application to Printing. (Extracted from the "Overland Monthly," June, 1872.) San Francisco. Paper, 8vo. Enders, Johann Nepomuk. Die Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer welthistorischen Bedeutung von den Tagen der Erfindung bis zur Gegenwart, Neutitschein, 1866. Paper, i8mo. Engraving, Bibliography of. See Maberly, J. Enschede. fipreuve de Caracteres qui se fondent dans la Nou- velle Fonderie de Caracteres de Isaac et Jean Ensched6 'k Haar- lem. Deuxieme Edition, augmentee. Haarlem, 1748. Paper, 8vo. Enschede. Proeve van Drukletteren. Lettergieterij van Joh. Enschede en Zonen. Haarlem, 1841. 8vo. Enschede. (Specimens from the) Lettergieterij van Joh. En- schede en Zonen. Haarlem, circa 1845. Loose leaves, 4to, Enschede. Vervolg der Letter-proef van Joh. Enschede en Zo- nen. Haarlem, 1850. 8vo. Enschede. De Letter-gieterij van Joh. Enschede en Zonen. Gedenkschrift ter Gelegenheid van haar Honderdvijftigjarig Be- staan op 9 Maart, 1893. Haarlem, 1893. Epistola de Insulis Nouiter Repertis. (Photolithograph of an edition printed in Paris, about 1493, of the Latin translation of Columbus's Letter to Sanxis.) London, 1892. Paper, 8vo. Erfurt Jubilee. (Facsimile illustrating the History of Printing in Germany, on the) Vierten Sacular-Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Erfurt, im July, 1840. 8vo. Evangelia et Epistolse Latine et Graece quae Dominicis et Festis totius Anni diebus in Ecclesia legi solent. Ingoldstadii, 1600. 24mo. Evelyn, John. Sculptura, or the History and Art of Chalcog- raphy and Engraving in Copper. Second Edition. London, 1755. 8vo. Evening Post, Ne^v York. Numbers for May 14, 1855 ; March 12 and 28, 1856; Jan. 23, 1857; Nov. 10, 1858; Feb. 12 and April 29, 1859; Nov. 5, i860. Folio, each separate. The Typothetos of the City of New York 47 Evening Times, New York. New York, July 30, 1852. Evenings at Home, or the Juvenile Budget Opened. Vol. 2. London, 1793. i2mo. B. C. Every Saturday, an Illustrated Journal of Choice Read- ing. Boston, April 9, 1870, 4to. EAvbank, Thomas. life in Brazil, or the Journal of a Visit to the Land of the Cocoa and the Palm. New York, 1856. 8vo. Ewbank, Thomas. Inorganic Forces Ordained to Supersede Human Slavery. Originally Read Before the American Eth- nological Society. New York, i860. Paper, Svo. Exposition de la Librairie Fran^aise. (The Book Exhibit from France at Chicago. Printed in France.) Chicago, 1893. 4to. Expositio Misterioru Misse et verus Modus Rite Cele- brandi. Colonic, circa 1500. Black letter. Small 4to. Extra Sun. July 31, 1845. New York. Half sheet, folio. Containing maps of tiie great fires of 1835 and 1845. Fabrication des Encres. (Part of the) Encyclopedic Roret, Paris, circa 1840. Paper, i8mo. Includes printers' ink, writing ink, and sympathetic and marking inks. Fahlgren, Carl I. Handbok i Boktryckerikonsten for Unga Sattare. Stockholm, 1853. 8vo. A compositor's manual, with a brief history of printing, and a vocabulary of the principal terms in printing in English, French, German, and Swedish. Falkenstein, Karl. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer Entstehung and Ausbildung. Leipzig, 1840. 4to. This is the most important of the works published in Germany on the celebra- tion of the fourth centenary of the introduction of the art of printing. It has many facsimile illustrations. Farmer. Specimens of Printing Types from Fanner, Little & Co. New York, 1862. Paper, 4to, with sheets laid in. Farmer. Supplement No. 2 of Late Specimens of Printing Types from Farmer, Little & Co., Typefounders. New York, 1865. 4to. 48 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Farmer. Selections of Plain and Ornamental Printing Types, Borders, Rules, Cuts, &c., made by Farmer, Little & Co. New York, i868. 410. Farmer. Specimen Book of Types from Farmer, Little & Co. New York, 1885. 4to, Farmer. The Specimen Book of Types, from Farmer, Little & Co. New York, 1885. 4to, with sheets laid in. Farmer. Specimen Book. Specimens of types from Farmer, Little & Co. New York, 1885. 4to. Farmer, Little & Co. were the successors, following Norman and Charles White, of the foundry begun in Hartford in 1805, and continued in New York in 1810 by Elihu White. The partners in the firm of Farmer, Little & Co., which was established in 1861, were A. D. Farmer, Andrew Little, and John Bentley. Mr. A. D. Farmer supervised the mechanical work of the old firm, Mr. Little was the salesman, and Mr. Bentley the bookkeeper. The firm continued unchanged, except by the addition of William W. Farmer, a son of the senior, until about three years ago, when Mr. Little and Mr. Bentley withdrew, the two Farmers continuing as A. D. Farmer & Son. Mr. Farmer, senior, died in March, 1895. Farmer and Mechanic. (Newspaper.) New York, September 25, 1852. 4to. Contains a description of the manufactory of R. Hoe & Co., with diagrams and illustrations. Faulmann, Karl. Illustrirte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Wien, 1882. 8vo. This work begins at the beginning, traces the extension of the art from town to town, shows the improvements that have been made and gives biographies of the leading men who have been engaged in it. It is a valuable work, and is illustrated by many facsimiles and other engravings. Faust. Poligrafisch-illustrirte Zeitschrift. Wien, 1854-57; Leip- zig, 1858-60. 7 vols., 4to. With many illustrations in nature-printing, as well as in other lines. Fertel, Martin Dominique. La Science Pratique de ITmpri- merie. St. Omer, 1723. 4to. Fessenden, Thomas G. An Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions. Boston, 1810, 8vo, The TypothetcB of the City of New York 49 Ffordd i Gaffael Cyfoeth, Y. (Poor Richard in Welsh, Trans- lated by the Rev. Thomas Roberts.) London, 1839. 24mo. Fields, Mrs. James T. Whittier : Notes of His Life and of His Friendships. New York, 1893. 24mo. Figgins. Specimenof Printing Types. V, & J. Figgins. London, 1842. 8vo. Figgins. Specimen of printing types, by V. & J. Figgins, Suc- cessors to Vincent Figgins, Letter Founder. London, 1842. 8vo. Figgins. (Specimens of Types, by V. & J. Figgins. No tide page.) London, circa 1845. 4to, with sheets laid in. Figgins. Specimen of Changeable Borders and Ornamental Letters from the Foundry of V. & J. Figgins. London, circa 1845. Loose sheets, 4to. Figgins. Ornamental Flourishes from the Foundry of V. & J. Figgins. London, 1845. Broadside. Figgins. Specimen of Plain and Ornamental Types. V. & J, Figgins. London, 1845. 4to. Figgins. Specimen of Plain and Ornamental Types from the Foundry of V. & J. Figgins. London, 1845. 4to. Figgins. Price List of Type and Materials. V. & J. Figgins. London, circa 1875. 8vo. Figgins. Illustrated Price List of Type, Presses, Machinery, and all kinds of Printing and Bookbinding Materials, Manufactured and Sold by V. & J. Figgins. London, circa 1880. Paper, 8vo. Figgins. Price List of Type, Presses, Machinery, &c. Manu- factured and Sold by V. & J. Figgins, London. London, circa 1880. 8vo. Figgins, V. & J. See Caxton, WiUiam. This foundry was begun by Vincent Figgins in 1793. He had been an appren- tice of Joseph Jackson, and had hoped to succeed him in business. He con- tinued in trade till 1836, when he relinquished it to his sons, Vincent and James Figgins. Typefounding is now carried on by James Figgins, a grand- son of the originator. 4 50 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Fischer, Gotthelf. Essai sur les Monuments Typographiques de Jean Gutenburg, Mayengais, Inventeur de rimprimerie. May- ence, an X (1802). 4to. Fischer, Gotthelf. Papierzeichen, Niirnberg, 1804. See Hoff- mann, Heinrich. Five Black Arts. See History of the Processes of Manufacture of Printing, Gas-Light, Pottery, Glass, and Iron, Fizeliere, Albert de la. Rymaille sur les plus Celebres Biblio- tieres de Paris en 1649. Avec des notes et un Essai sur les Autres Bibliotheques Particulieres du Temps. Paris, 1868. 8vo. Fonderie Generale. Prix Courant des Utensiles d'Imprimerie de la Fonderie Generale des Caracteres Frangais et fitrangers. Paris, 1863. Oblong 4to, paper. Formatbuchlein | Darinnen abgesetzte Figuren | Wie man die Columen ausschiessen soil | Abtheilungen Allen | der Druckerey Erfahrnen [ besonders den Setzern | Gesellen und Lehrjungen ganz nutslich und beforderhch zugebrauchen | dan es nicht alles kan in Gedachtnuss behalten werden. Mit bestem Fleiss auss- gesetst von I. L. V. Oblong i8mo. Anno Christi cic, Ic. cLIII. (1653). Nach Erfindung der Kunst Buchtruckerey das ccxni. Fossil Bones, Extraordinary Discovery of, in Septem- ber, 1830. New York, s. a. Broadside. Fournier, Edouard. LArt de la Reliure en France aux Der- niers Siecles. Paris, 1864. i2mo. A historical sketch of binding as practised in France up to the time of the Revolution. Fournier, Edouard. See Lacroix, Paul. Fournier, Henri. Traite de la Typographie, Tours, 1854. i6mo. A work of high reputation. Fournier, M. O. Histoire de Toutes les Noblesses. Seconde Serie, No. i. Corporation des Imprimeurs. Paris, circa 1840. Paper, 8vo. The Typothetce of the City of New York 5 1 Fournier, Simon Pierre. Caracteres de I'Imprimerie, Nou- vellement Graves. Par S. P. Fournier le jeune, Graveur et Fon- deur de Caracteres. A Paris, Rue des Sept Voyes, vis-a-vis le College de Reims. 1742. 321110. Fournier, Simon Pierre. Manuel Typographique. Paris, 1764. 2 vols., i2mo. Contains much that is interesting about type-founding, with which it is chiefly concerned. Franke, Carl August. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Weimar, 1863. i2mo. Franke, Carl August. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Fourth edition. Weimar, 1867. Paper, i2mo. A convenient and well-arranged printers' grammar. Franke, Carl August. Katechismus der Buchdruckerkunst und der vervvandten Geschaftszweige. Leipzig, 1856, i2mo. Franke, Carl August. Katechismus der Buchdruckerkunst und der verwandten Geschaftszweige. (Catechism of Printing and its Related Arts.) Leipzig. 1862. i6mo. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. New York. Num- bers for February 17, 1866, and May 8, 1875. 4to. Franklin, Alfred. Histoire de la Bibhotheque de I'Abbaye de Saint- Victor, d'apres des Documents inedits. Paris, 1865. 8vo. Franklin, Alfred. Histoire de la Bibliotheque Mazarine, depuis sa Fondation jusqu'^ nos Jours. Paris, i860. 8vo. Franklin, Alfred. Precis de I'Histoire de la Bibliotheque du Roi, aujourd'hui Bibhotheque Nationale. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1875. i2mo. Franklin, Alfred. Recherches Historiques sur le College des Quatre-Nations, d'apres des Documents entierement inedits. Paris, 1862. 8vo. Franklin, Alfred. Recherches sur la Bibliotheque Publique de rfiglise Notre-Dame de Paris au XI lie Siecle, d'apres des Docu- ments inedits. Paris, 1863. 8vo. 52 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Franklin, Benjamin. La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Paris^ 1827. Folio. Franklin, Benjamin. The Complete Works of Benjamin Frank- lin, including his Private as well as his Official and Scientific Correspondence, and Numerous Letters and Documents now for the First Time Printed, with many Others not Included in any Former Collection ; also the Unmutilated and Correct Version of his Autobiography. Compiled and Edited by John Bigelow. New York, 1887. lo vols., Svo. This gives the autobiography in its complete form, in Vol. I. The story of how the manuscript was recovered is told in full, and is also related in Mr. Bige- low's "Life of fidouard Laboulaye." On page 484, vol. I, are Franklin's observations on Cadwallader Colden's proposed method of stereotyping, brought out in 1743. The plan of Golden, however, is not described, although still known. It appears from Franklin's letters that he twice fur- nished capital for New York printers to carry on business ; to James Parker between 1740 and 1750, and to Francis Childs between 1780 and 1790. These facts do not appear in Thomas. Franklin, Benjamin. The Way to Wealth. Printed with the New Printing Machine of Brightly & Donkin, at Bermondsey (England), 1819. Paper, i2mo. Franklin, Benjamin. Works of. Boston, 1825. i8mo. Presented by W. Waters, by whom this copy was bound. Franklin Statue, Record of the Ceremonies pertaining to the Erection of the (in Printing House Square, New York). New York, 1872. Svo. Benjamin Franklin, the most illustrious of American printers, was born at Bos- ton, January 17, 1706. He began to learn printing early in life in the office of his brother, but became estranged from him, and ran away to Philadelphia, where he worked first as a journeyman and afterward (1726) as a master printer. To the business of printing he added that of a bookseller and news- paper publisher. In 1748, when 42 years of age, he sold his business to his partner, David Hall, and thereafter devoted himself entirely to his scientific experiments and to public affairs. He was the representative of Pennsylvania before the council of England in 1757, and again in 1764. In 1776 he was sent as minister to France. Soon after his return in 1785 he became President of Pennsylvania; he had previously been a member of the Continental Congress and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. His death hap- pened on April 17, 1790. Franklin retained to the last a great love for print- ing, in which he was an approved workman. In 1743, he corresponded with The Typothet(E of the City of New York 53 Cadwallader Golden upon the subject of stereotyping, and twenty years later no doubt supplied his knowledge to his nephew, who was attempting to solve the same problem. While in France he purchased a type-foundry for the use of his grandson. He aided a large number of printers in establishing them- selves in other towns in the United States. For over a hundred years his birthday has been celebrated by the printers of the United States, and notably so by the Typographical Society and by the Typothetse of New York. Many of the speeches made on these occasions have been printed and are to be found in our library. The edition of his works by John Bigelow is the most complete that has been issued, but many of his writings are yet unprinted. There are two bibliographies of Franklin, one by Lindsay Swift and another by Paul Leicester Ford. The best biography is by James Parton. Mr. Ford has in contemplation a history of Franklin as a printer, which will undoubt- edly be of high merit. Franklin Statue Memorial. (An Account of the Inaugura- tion of the Statue of FrankUn in Boston in 1856.) Boston, 1857. 4to. Franklin's Birthday. Handbill respecting the Celebration in New York on January 17, 1850. New York, 1850, French Conversation Book. S. a.,s. 1. Square i6mo. B.C. Frere, Edouard. Considerations sur les Origines Typogra- phiques. Rouen, 1850. Paper, 8vo. Freund, Wilhelm. A New Latin Dictionary, founded on the Translation of Freund s Latin-German Lexicon, edited by E. A. Andrews. Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. New York, 1886. Royal 8vo. Frey, A. Manuel Nouveau de Typographie. (Arranged in al- phabetical form.) Paris, 1835. 24mo. Froben, John. See Biblia Latina. Froude, James Anthony. Thomas Carlyle, a History of the First Forty Years of his Life, 1 795-1835. New York, 1882. 2 vols, in I. i2mo. Fry. A Specimen of Printing Types, by Edmund Fry & Co., Letter Founders to the Prince of Wales. London, 1787. 8vo. 4A 54 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Fry. A Specimen of Printing Types, by Edmund Fry & Co., Letter Founders to the Prince of Wales. London, 1787. Royal 8vo. The Fry foundry was begun in Bristol in 1764, by Joseph Fry and William Pine. Fry had been a physician and Pine was a printer. In 177^ ^^^ fi''"^ became J. Fry & Co., of London, and in 1782 Mr. Fry admitted his sons Edmund and Henry into partnership. When the James foundry was sold that year, they secured most of the matrices for learned and foreign languages for which the older foundry was noted. Dr. Edmund Fry was perhaps the most learned type- founder in England, and under his care additions were steadily made to the number of foreign characters. In 1794 Dr. Fry, who had succeeded his father and brother, took Isaac Steele into partnership, and in 1 799 issued his Pantographia, which exhibited over two hundred alphabets, many cut under the direction of the most celebrated scholars of the day. In 1808 Fry was again the sole owner of the business. He died in i8;55, but in 1828 he had sold out his foundry to William Thorowgood. Fry. Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Let- ter Founder to the King. London, 1828. 8vo. Fry, Edmund. Pantographia; containing Accurate Copies of all the Known Alphabets in the World; together with an English Explanation of the Peculiar Force and Power of Each Letter: to which are Added Specimens of All Well Authenticated Oral Languages; forming a Comprehensive Digest of Phonology. London, 1799. 8vo. Fry, J. J. Bibliographical Memoranda, in Illustration of Early English Literature. Bristol, 1816. 4to. Fry & Steele. (Specimens of Type, Cuts and Borders.) Lon- don, 1805. Paper, 8vo. Fry & Steele. (Specimen Book.) London, 1807, No title. Paper, 8vo. Fry & Steele. A Specimen of Printing Types, by Fry & Steele, Letter Founders to the Prince of Wales. Type Street, London, 1794. Imperial 8vo. Printed by T. Rickaby, predecessor to Thomas Curson Hansard. Fry & Steele. Specimens of Fry & Steele, Letter Founders. See Stower, Charles, The Printers' Grammar. The Typothetce of the City of New York 55 Ganilh, Charles. An Inquiry into the Various Systems of Po- litical Economy, their Advantages and Disadvantages. Trans- lated from the French by D. Boileau. New York, 181 2. Printed by D. & G. Bruce. 8vo. Gardner, John. See Bickham, George. Gauthier, V. Eugene. Annuaire de I'Imprimerie, de la Presse et de la Librairie pour 1855-1856. Paris, 1855. Paper, 8vo. Gazette de Lausanne et Journal Suisse. Lausanne, 5 Sep- tembre, 1867. Folio, Gazette des Hopitaux, Civils et Militaires. Paris, 12 Fe- vrier, 1863. Folio. Gazlay, Theodore. The Practical Printer's Assistant. Cincin- nati, 1836. i2mo. Gazzetta di Milano. Milano, 4 and 7 Settembre, 1867. Folio. General Description of all Trades. London, 1747. i2mo. Printers on page 174. Gent, Thomas. Life of, Written by Himself. London, 1832. 8vo. Genzsch & Heyse. Proben der Schriftgiesserei, von Genzsch & Heyse. Hamburg, 1847. 8vo. Genzsch & Heyse. (Specimen book, no title or cover.) Ham- burg, circa 1840. 8vo. Gerlach. (Specimen book, no title-page.) Geschnitten von A. Gerlach, Schriftschneiderei, Schriftgiesserei, und mechanische Werkstatte in Bockenheim, bei Frankfurt a. M., 1849. 8vo. Gessner, Christian Friedrich. Bey der Loblichen Buchdruck- erkunst nothige und niizliche Anfangsgriinde. Leipzig, 1743. i6mo. Gethings Redivivus, or the Pen's Masterpiece Restored, being the Last Work of that Eminent and AccompHshed Master in this Art, Containing Exemplars of all Curious Hands Written, and now in Practice in England and Europe. London, 1664. Oblong 8vo. 56 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Gibson, W. Hamilton. Pastoral Days, or Memories of a New England Year. New York, 1886. 4to. Gilchrist. Book of Specimens of Printing Types, Cuts, Orna- ments, &c., cast at the Knickerbocker Typefoundry of A. S. Gil- christ. Albany, 1857. 4to. Gilchrist. Specimens of Book and Newspaper Type from the Knickerbocker Typefoundry, A. S. Gilchrist & Co, Albany, 1857. Paper, 4to. Giornale di Roma. Numbers for 7 Febbraio, 15 Ottobre, 24 Ottobre, 1850. Roma. 4to, 4 pages each. Giraudet, Dr. E. Les Origines de I'lmprimerie k Tours (1467- 1550), contenant la Nomenclature des Imprimeurs depuis la Fin du XVe Siecle jusqu'en 1850. Tours, 1881. Large paper, i2mo, Giraudet, Dr. E. Une Association d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires de Paris, Refugies a Tours au XVIe Siecle. Tours, 1877. 4to., large paper. Godwin, Parke. George William Curtis. A Commemorative Address Delivered before the Century Association, December 17th, 1892. New York, 1893. Paper, 8vo. Gomme, G. Laurence. Index of Municipal Offices, with an Historical Introduction. London, 1879. Small 4to. One of the indexes of the Index Society, relating to the names of municipal offi- cers in England and Wales. Gordon, George P. See Newspaper, Vol. I. Gorton, John A. General Biographical Dictionary. (Second Edition, with Copious Appendix.) London, 1835. 3 vols., 8vo. Gotze, Ludwig. Aeltere Geschichte der Bruckdruckerkunst in Magdeburg. Erste Abtheilung — Die Drucker des XV Jahrhun- derts. Magdeburg, 1872. 8vo. The second part was never published. Graberg. (Specimen Book of Borders, &c., by Frederic Gra- berg. No title.) Zurich, circa 1835. Paper, folio. The Typothetce of the City of New York 57 Grands Magasins du Louvre. (Advertisement.) Paris, circa 1870. Broadside. Grant, James. The Newspaper Press. Its Origin, Progress, and Present Position. London, 1872. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1872. (Third volume with title of the Metropolitan Weekly and Provincial Press.) Confined to the press of Great Britain. Graphic, Daily. An Illustrated Evening Newspaper. New York, April 7, 1873. Graphic, The. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper. London, De- cember 4, 1869; fragment of January i, 1870; February 12, 1870; July 2, 1870; January 14, 187 1 ; November 29, 1873. Greeley, Horace. Recollections of a Busy Life. New York. 1868. 8vo. Greeley Monument, The. Unveiled at Greenwood December 4, 1876. New York, 1877. Paper, 8vo. Another copy in 4to. This monument to Horace Greeley was the one proposed by Typographical Union No. 6, and contributed to by other Unions. It was at first intended to make the statue of typemetal, but this material was afterward adjudged un- suitable. A contract was made with Charles Calverley, a distinguished sculp- tor, for a large bust in bronze, which was finally erected in the Greeley family burying-plot in Greenwood Cemetery. After the Union had obtained sub- scriptions for about seven hundred dollars, interest in the project languished, and possibly the memorial would never have been put up, had not Thomas Burke, the committee man in charge on behalf of the Union, invited the mas- ter-printers to cooperate, and from them over four thousand dollars additional were obtained. Most active among the master-printers were Lewis Francis, Peter C. Baker, Theodore L. De Vinne, George P. Rowell, Douglas Taylor, and W. W. Pasko. Thurlow Weed was the president of the association, and Peter S. Hoe treasurer. Green. Specimens of Ornaments and Printing. Types cast by H. H. Green, New York and New Orleans, 1852. 8vo, with sheets laid in. One of these sheets is an inventory of Green's typefoundry, sold at auction in New York, June 22, 1854. Greene, Francis Vinton. Great Commanders : General Greene. New York, 1893. i2mo. 58 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Greswell, Rev. William Parr. A View of the Early Pari- sian Greek Press. Oxford, 1833. 2 vols., 8vo. Greswell, Rev. William Parr. Annals of Parisian Typog- raphy. London, 18 18. 8vo. Grolier Club. Early Printed Books. Exhibition at the Rooms of the Grolier Club, 64 Madison Avenue, March 14, 1887. New York, 1887. Paper, i8mo. Grolier Club, Transactions of, from its Foundation, January, 1884, to July, 1885. Part I. New York, 1885. Paper, small 4to. Grolier Club, Transactions of, from July, 1885, to February, 1894. Part II. New York, 1894. Small 4to. Presented by the Grolier Club. Guhl, E., and Koner, W. The Life of the Greeks and Romans, Described from Antique Monuments. New York, 1876. 8vo. Guignes, M. de. Essai Historique sur la Typographic Orientale at Grecque de ITmprimerie Royale. Paris, 1787. 4to. Gutenberg. Zeitschrift fiir Buchdrucker, Schriftgiesser, Zeichner, Holzschneider, Graveurs, Stein- und Kupferdrucker, Galvanogra- fen, Stilografen, Chemitipisten, Fotografen, Galvanoplastiker, Buchbinder, Glasatser, etc. Wien, 1855-1856. 2 vols., 4to. Edited by M. Auer. No more published. Gutenberg, Le. Journal des Imprimeurs, des Libraires, et des Fondeurs en Caracteres. Paris, 1 859-1 870. 4to. Haase. (Specimens from) Gottlieb Haase Sohne, Graveur-An- stalt, Schriftschneiderei, Schrift- und Stereotypen-Giesserei. Prag, 186 1. Sewed, 4to. Hagar. New Specimen of Printing Types from the Foundry of WiUiam Hagar & Co. New York, 1826. Boards, 8vo. William Hagar, the founder of this house, was a native of Vermont. He began learning the letter-founder's art in New York in 1816, with Elihu White, and within ten years he commenced business for himself. In this he continued until his death in 1863. The business, continued afterward by his sons, was discontinued about 1872. The matrices and punches were purchased and most of them destroyed by other foundries of the city. The TypothetcB of the City of New York 59 Hagar. A Specimen of Printing Types from the Foundry of William Hagar & Co. New York, 1831. 8vo. Hagar. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of William Hagar & Co. New York, 1 84 1. 8vo. Loose sheets laid in. Hagar. A Miniature Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of William Hagar & Co. New York, 1841. Royal 8vo. Hagar. Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments from the Type and Stereotype Foundry of William Hagar. New York, 1850. 4to. Hagar. Specimens of Printing Types, Ornaments, Borders, etc., from the Typefoundry of W. & H. Hagar. New York, 1854. 4to. With sheets laid in. Hagar. Specimens of Printing Types, Ornaments, Borders, etc., from the Typefoundry and Printers' Emporium of William Ha- gar, Jr., & Co. New York, 1858. 4to. With sheets laid in. Hagar. Supplementary Specimens from the Typefoundry and Printers' Emporium of William Hagar, Jr., & Co. New York, 1858. Paper, 4to. With sheets laid in. Hagar. Supplementary Specimens of Modern Printing Types from the Typefoundry and Printers' Emporium of WiUiam Ha- gar, Jr., & Co. New York, i860. 4to. Hagar. Abridged Specimens of Printing Types, Ornaments, Bor- ders, etc., of Hagar & Co. New York, 1866. 4to. Hagar, William, Jr., & Co. See Newspaper, Vol. I. Hain, Ludovici. Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographica Inventa usque ad Annum 1500, Typis Expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter Enumerantur vel Adcuratius Recensentur. Stuttgartise, 1826. 4 vols., 8vo. A book of high authority. Hale, Edward Everett. The Life of George Washington Studied Anew. New York, 1893. 8vo. 6o Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Halliwell, James Orchard. A Catalogue of Chap-Books, Gar- lands, and Popular Histories, London, 1849. Paper, 8vo. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Frankfurt am Main, 1827. i8mo. The author of this work was Bauer, a celebrated type-founder and punch-cutter. Hanel. Vorlaufige Probe aus der Schriftgiesserey von E. Hanel. Magdeburg, 1831. Sheets, 4to. Hanel. Proben der Schriftgiesserei von Eduard Hanel. Band I. (Title repeated in English.) Berlin, 185 1. Loose leaves. 4to, with one broadside. Hanel. (Specimens from) Eduard Hanel's Schriftgiesserei. Ber- lin, 1852. Loose sheets. Hanemann. Schrift-Proben aus der Schriftgiesserei und Schrift- schneiderei von Carl Hanemann, Jena, 1843. Paper, 4to. Hansard, Luke. Biographical Memoir of Luke Hansard, Esq., Many Years Printer to the House of Commons. (Not Published.) London, 1826. Large 4to, Presented by S. P. Avery. Hansard, Thomas Curson. Typographia; with Practical Di- rections for Carrying on Every Part of a Printing Office, London, 1825, 8vo. This copy contains an inserted indenture of Thomas Holman, long an employ- ing printer of New York, with an affecting note from him. Hansard treats of the history of the art, its tools and appliances, and the methods of carrying on business with the skill of a master. His work is highly es- teemed in all libraries, Hansard, T. C. Treatises on Printing and Typefounding. With Lithographic Printing, by William Nichol. From the Seventh Edition of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." Edinburgh, 1841. 8vo. This Mr. Hansard was a son of the Thomas Curson Hansard who wrote the " Typographia," and a grandson of Luke Hansard. He was a barrister. The Typothetce of the City of New York 6i Harpel, Oscar H. Poets and Poetry of Printerdom, a Collec- tion of Original, Selected, and Fugitive Lyrics, Written by Per- sons Connected with Printing. Cincinnati, 1875. 8vo. Oscar Henry Harpel learned his trade in Philadelphia, and afterward became an employing printer in Cincinnati. He was a good workman, but his taste led him to profuse and needless ornamentation. Harpel, Oscar H. Typograph, or Book of Specimens, Contain- ing Examples of Letterpress Printing. Cincinnati, 1870. 8vo. Harper's Latin Dictionary. See Fremid, Wilhelm. Harper's Weekly, New York. Numbers for Feb, 5 and Dec. 17, 1870; July 6, 1872, and June 12, 1875. Hart. Specimens of Old Style Types in the Printing Office of Francis Hart & Co. New York, 1877. Paper, 8vo. Francis Hart, born in New Bedford, Mass., in i8i5,was for many years one of the leading printers of New York. In 1838 he began as a master-printer in this city, and continued to print until his death in 1877. The last seven- teen years of his life he was in partnership with Theodore L. De Vinne, who succeeded him. Hart. Specimens of Pointed Texts and Black Letter in the office of Francis Hart & Co. New York, 1878. Paper, 8vo. Hart. Specimens of Pointed Texts and Black Letter in the Print- ing Office of Francis Hart & Co., No. 63 Murray Street, New York. New York, 1878. Paper, 8vo. Hart. Specimens of Script and Italic in the Printing Office of Francis Hart & Co. New York, 1880. 8vo. Hart, James P. Orthography become Phonography. New Haven, circa i860. i6mo. Harris. Improved Printing Types (of G. F. Harris). Liverpool, 1807. Oblong 8vo. N. Y. T. S. A specimen of the types used by G. F. Harris, Liverpool, who was the suc- cessor of John McCreery, author of "The Press." Hartley, Isaac Smithson. Memorial of Robert Milham Hart- ley. Utica, N. Y., 1882. 8vo. (Privately printed.) 62 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Hasper, W. Galvanoplastik (Electrotyping). Carlsnihe, 1855. Paper, 241110. Hasper, W. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Carlsruhe, 1828. 8vo. Hasper, "W. Kurzes Praktisches Handbuch der Buchdrucker- kunst in Frankreich. (From the French of M. Brun.) Carls- ruhe, 1835. 8vo. Hassard, John R. G. The Fast Printing Machine. New York, 1878. Paper, i8mo. A description of the web press and of the manufactures of R. Hoe & Co. Hassler, Konrad Dieterich. Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's, zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst geschrieben, Ulm, 1840. Boards, 4to. Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages and Nations; Containing the History of the World. By Benjamin Vincent. i8th edition. Revised and en- larged for American readers, with Copious Appendix (by George Cary Eggleston), New York, 1891. Royal 8vo. Head, Francis B. Descriptive Essays Contributed to the "Quarterly Review." London, 1857. Two vols., 8vo. This contains, among others, articles on the Printer's Devil and the London Post Office, the first being a very careful description of the establishment of the Messrs. Clowes, at that time one of the largest printing offices in the world. Heilprin, Louis. The Historical Reference Book, comprising a Chronological Table of Universal History, a Chronological Dic- tionary of Universal History, a Biographical Dictionary. Fourth Edition. New York, 1895. i2mo. Heinecken, Carl Heinrich, Baron de. Dictionnaire des Ar- tistes dont nous avons des Estampes, avec une Notice detaillee de leurs Ouvrages Graves. Leipzig, 1778, 1788, 1789, 1790. 4 vols., 8vo. This publication was stopped at Dis, at the end of the fourth volume, by the death of the author. The TypothetcE of the City of New York 63 Heinecken, Carl Heinrich, Baron de. Idee Generale d'une Collection Complette d'Estampes, avec une Dissertation sur rOrigine de la Gravure et sur les Premiers Livres d'Images. Leipsic, 1771. 8vo. Heinrich, Proben von Deutschen und Englischen Schriften aus der Schriftgiesserei von Philip Heinrich. New York, 1859. 4to. This publication was issued when Mr. Heinrich had been about ten years in this country. He continued in the manufacture of type until his death in 1890. Heinrich. Specimens of Printing Types. New York, 1859. 4to. Heller, Joseph. Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst von den al- testen bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwei Beilagen, enthaltend den Ursprung der Spielkarten und ein Verzeichniss der sammt- lichen xylographischen Werke, Bamberg, 1823. 8vo. Helvetische Typographia. Basel (Switzerland). Vo]. 23 (Nos. I to 12, 15, 19 to 23, 52 missing), 24, 25 (Nos. i, 52 missing), 26 27, 28 (Nos. 42, 50 missing), 29 (Nos. 30, 35 missing), 30 (Nos. 15, 16, 17 missing), 31, 32, 33, 34 (No. 35 missing), 35 (No. 2 missing), 36, 37 (down to No 42). 1880 to 1894. Henze, Adolph. Handbuch der Schriftgiesserei und der ver- wandten Nebenzweige. Weimar, 1844. Paper, i2mo. Herald, New York. Numbers for May n, 1837; June 25, 1845; March 19 and 29, April 7 and 21, and July 14, 1848; March 9 and 15, July 10, Sept. 7 and 14, and Oct. 19, 1850; March 8, 185 1 ; March 22 and July 25, 1854; Jan. i, Aug. 21, Dec. 27, 1857; July 10, Aug. 8, and Sept. 4, 1859; and March 21, 1861. See Weekly Herald, New York. Hering. Schrift- Proben der Buchdruckerei von K. F. Hering & Comp., friiher Brodhag'sche Buchdruckerei. Stuttgart, 1839. Paper, 4to. Herring & Longacre. The National Portrait Gallery of Dis- tinguished Americans. New York, 1834 and 1835. 2 vols., 3 and 4 missing. 8vo. Herring, Richard. Paper and Paper Making, Ancient and Mo- dern, with an Introduction by the Rev. George Croly. London, i8:;6. 8vo. 64 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Herstellung von Druckwerken : Praktische Winke fur Auto- ren und Verleger. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. Hervey, James. A Collection of the Letters of the Late Rev. James Hervey, Author of the Meditations among the Tombs. 2 vols., No. I missing. London, 1760. r2mo. B. C. Hildeburn, Charles R. Sketches of Printers and Printing in Colonial New York. New York, 1895. 8vo. Hill, George Birbeck. Writers and Readers. New York, 1892. 8vo. Hill, George Birbeck. See Johnson, Samuel, Hilton, James. Chronograms. Five Thousand and More in Number. London, 1882. 4to. Hindley, Charles. The Old Book Collector's Miscellany, or a Collection of Readable Reprints of Literary Rarities during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. London, 1871, 1872, ^^73- 3 vols., 8vo. Histoire de I'lnvention de I'lmprimerie par les Monu- ments. Paris, 1840. 4to. This work, by E. Duverger, contains many facsimiles of merit. Histoire de I'Origine et des Premiers Progres de I'lm- primerie. La Haye, 1740. 4to. Historical Account of the Substances which have been Used to Describe Events and to Convey Ideas from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper, London, 1800. 8vo, History of the English Bible. New York, circa 1828. Paper, 32mo, History of the Processes of Manufacture and Uses of Printing, Gas-Light, Pottery, Glass, and Iron. From the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." New York, 1864. i2mo. On the running head entitled Five Black Arts, History of Ancient Manuscripts. Paper cover, 8vo, (From the " Edinburgh Review," 1873.) The Typothet^f JUL 1 9 1957 •• MAY J 2 ^958 • IWA^ 2 5 1963 ^^^^^^am JUN 1 3 1975 LD 21-100m-9.'48(B399sie ))476 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDE73bflMS3