LIBRARY ERSITY OF PAVIS JUST READY WILLIAM CLARK MERIWETHER LEWIS THE EXPEDITION of LEWIS AND CLARK Reprinted from the Edition of 1814 With an Introduction and Index By JAMES K. HOSMER, LL.D. N OTWITHSTANDING that in America few names are more familiar upon the tongue than those of Lewis and Clark, it is a singular fact that the Journals of their expedition have for a long time been practically unattainable. The lack thus existing, felt now more and more as the centenary of the great exploration draws near, this new edition has been planned to fill. The text used is that of the 1814 edition, which must hold its place as the only account approaching adequacy. Dr. Hosmer, well-known for his work in Western his tory, has furnished an Introduction, giving the events which led up to the great expedition and showing the vast development that has flowed from it, in a way to make plain the profound significance of the achievement. There lias also been added an elaborate analytic Index, a feature which the original edition lacked. The publishers offer this work in the belief that it will fill all requirements and become the standard popular edition of this great American classic. In t