gale 'Bicentennial publication? ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS pale bicentennial publications With the approval if tbt Prindent and FcUmn of Tali Unrveriity, a stria of volumes has keen prepared by a number of the Pnfesson and In- structorsj to be issued in connection with the Bicentennial Anniversary^ as a partial indica- ttm of the character of the studies in wbicb the University teachers are engaged. This series of volumes is respectfully dedicated 4 ff)r ^nurtures of tljr ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS DEVELOPED WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE RATIONAL FOUNDATION OF THERMODYNAMICS BY J. WILLARD GIBBS Proftuor of Matktmatual Pkyrict in YaU University OF r UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK : CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS LONDON: EDWARD ARNOLD 1902 A<> ' Copyright, 1902, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Published, March, zgoz. UNIVERSITY PRESS JOHN WILSON AND SON CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PREFACE. THE usual point of view in the study of mechanics is that where the attention is mainly directed to the changes which take place in the course of time in a given system. The prin- cipal problem is the determination of the condition of the system with respect to. configuration and velocities at any required time, when its condition in these respects has been given for some one time, and the fundamental equations are those which express the changes continually taking place in the system. Inquiries of this kind are often simplified by taking into consideration conditions of the system other than those through which it actually passes or is supposed to pass, but our attention is not usually carried beyond conditions differing infinitesimally from those which are regarded as actual. For some purposes, however, it is desirable to take a broader view of the subject. We may imagine a great number of systems of the same nature, but differing in the configura- tions and velocities which they have at a given instant, and differing not merely infinitesimally, but it may be so as to embrace every conceivable combination of configuration and velocities. And here we may set the problem, not to follow a particular system through its succession of configurations, but to determine how the whole number of systems will be distributed among the various conceivable configurations and velocities at any required time, when the distribution has been given for some one time. The fundamental equation for this inquiry is that which gives the rate of change of the number of systems which fall within any infinitesimal limits of configuration and velocity. 94203 viii PREFACE. Such inquiries have been called by Maxwell statistical. They belong to a branch of mechanics which owes its origin to the desire to' explain the laws of thermodynamics on mechan- ical principles, and of which Clausius, Maxwell, and Boltz- mann are to be regarded as the principal founders. The first inquiries in this field were indeed somewhat narrower in their scope than that which has been mentioned, being applied to the particles of a system, rather than to independent systems. Statistical inquiries were next directed to the phases (or con- ditions with respect to configuration and velocity) which succeed one another in a given system in the course of time. The explicit consideration of a great number of systems and their distribution in phase, and of the permanence or alteration of this distribution in the course of time is perhaps first found in Boltzmann's paper on the " Zusammenhang zwischen den Satzen iiber das Verhalten mehratomiger Gasmolekiile mit Jacobi's Princip des letzten Multiplicators " (1871). But although, as a matter of history, statistical mechanics owes its origin to investigations in thermodynamics, it seems eminently worthy of an independent development, both on account of the elegance and simplicity of its principles, and because it yields new results and places old truths in a new light in departments quite outside of thermodynamics. More- over, the separate study of this branch of mechanics seems to afford the best foundation for the study of rational thermody- namics and molecular mechanics. The laws of thermodynamics, as empirically determined, express the approximate and probable behavior of systems of a great number of particles, or, more precisely, they express the laws of mechanics for such systems as they appear to beings who have not the fineness of perception to enable them to appreciate quantities of the order of magnitude of those which relate to single particles, and who cannot repeat their experiments often enough to obtain any but the most probable results. The laws of statistical mechanics apply to conservative systems of any number of degrees of freedom, PREFACE. i x and are exact. This does not make them more difficult to establish than the approximate laws for systems of a great many degrees of freedom, or for limited classes of such systems. The reverse is rather the case, for our attention is not diverted from what is essential by the peculiarities of the system considered, and we are not obliged to satisfy ourselves that the effect of the quantities and circumstances neglected will be negligible in the result. The laws of thermodynamics may be easily obtained from the principles of statistical me- chanics, of which they are the incomplete expression, but they make a somewhat blind guide in our search for those laws. This is perhaps the principal cause of the slow progress of rational thermodynamics, as contrasted with the rapid de- duction of the consequences of its laws as empirically estab- lished. To this must be added that the rational foundation of thermodynamics lay in a branch of mechanics of which the fundamental notions and principles, and the characteristic operations, were alike unfamiliar to students of mechanics. We may therefore confidently believe that nothing will more conduce to the clear apprehension of the relation of thermodynamics to rational mechanics, and to the interpreta- tion of observed phenomena with reference to their evidence respecting the molecular constitution of bodies, than the study of the fundamental notions and principles of that de- partment of mechanics to which thermodynamics is especially related. Moreover, we avoid the gravest difficulties when, giving up the attempt to frame hypotheses concerning the constitution of material bodies, we pursue statistical inquiries as a branch of rational mechanics. In the present state of science, it seems hardly possible to frame a dynamic theory of molecular action which shall embrace the phenomena of thermody- namics, of radiation, and of the electrical manifestations which accompany the union of atoms. Yet any theory is obviously inadequate which does not take account of all these phenomena. Even if we confine cur attention to the X PREFACE. phenomena distinctively thermodynamic, we do not escape difficulties in as simple a matter as the number of degrees of freedom of a diatomic gas. It is well known that while theory would assign to the gas six degrees of freedom per molecule, in our experiments on specific heat we cannot ac- count for more than five. Certainly, one is building on an insecure foundation, who rests his work on hypotheses con- cerning the constitution of matter. Difficulties of this kind have deterred the author from at- tempting to explain the mysteries of nature, and have forced him to be contented with the more modest aim of deducing some of the more obvious propositions relating to the statis- tical branch of mechanics. Here, there can be no mistake in regard to the agreement of the hypotheses with the facts of nature, for nothing is assumed in that respect. The only error into which one can fall, is the want of agreement be- tween the premises and the conclusions, and this, with care, one may hope, in the main, to avoid. The matter of the present volume consists in large measure of results which have been obtained by the investigators mentioned above, although the point of view and the arrange- ment may be different. These results, given to the public one by one in the order of their discovery, have necessarily, in their original presentation, not been arranged in the most logical manner. In the first chapter we consider the general problem which has been mentioned, and find what may be called the funda- mental equation of statistical mechanics. A particular case of this equation will give the condition of statistical equi- librium, i. e., the condition which the distribution of the systems in phase must satisfy in order that the distribution shall be permanent. In the general case, the fundamental equation admits an integration, which gives a principle which may be variously expressed, according to the point of view from which it is regarded, as the conservation of density-in- phase, or of extension-in-phase, or of probability of phase. PREFACE. xi In the second chapter, we apply this principle of conserva- tion of probability of phase to the theory of errors in the calculated phases of a system, when the determination of the arbitrary constants of the integral equations are subject to error. In this application, we do not go beyond the usual approximations. In other words, we combine the principle of conservation of probability of phase, which is exact, with those approximate relations, which it is customary to assume in the " theory of errors." In the third chapter we apply the principle of conservation of extension-in-phase to the integration of the differential equations of motion. This gives Jacobi's " last multiplier," as has been shown by Boltzmann. In the fourth and following chapters we return to the con- sideration of statistical equilibrium, and confine our attention to conservative systems. We consider especially ensembles of systems in which the index (or logarithm) of probability of phase is a linear function of the energy. This distribution, on account of its unique importance in the theory of statisti- cal equilibrium, I have ventured to call canonical, and the divisor of the energy, the modulus of distribution. The moduli of ensembles have properties analogous to temperature, in that equality of the moduli is a condition of equilibrium with respect to exchange of energy, when such exchange is made possible. We find a differential equation relating to average values in the ensemble which is identical in form with the funda- mental differential equation of thermodynamics, the average index of probability of phase, with change of sign, correspond- ing to entropy, and the modulus to temperature. For the average square of the anomalies of the energy, we find an expression which vanishes in comparison with the square of the average energy, when the number of degrees of freedom is indefinitely increased. An ensemble of systems in which the number of degrees of freedom is of the same order of magnitude as the number of molecules in the bodies xii PREFACE. with which we experiment, if distributed canonically, would therefore appear to human observation as an ensemble of systems in which all have the same energy. We meet with other quantities, in the development of the subject, which, when the number of degrees of freedom is very great, coincide sensibly with the modulus, and with the average index of probability, taken negatively, in a canonical ensemble, and which, therefore, may also be regarded as cor- responding to temperature and entropy. The correspondence is however imperfect, when the number of degrees of freedom is not very great, and there is nothing to recommend these quantities except that in definition they may be regarded as more simple than those which have been mentioned. In Chapter XIV, this subject of thermodynamic analogies is discussed somewhat at length. Finally, in Chapter XV, we consider the modification of the preceding results which is necessary when we consider systems composed of a number of entirely similar particles, or, it may be, of a number of particles of several kinds, all of each kind being entirely similar to each other, and when one of the variations to be considered is that of the numbers of the particles of the various kinds which are contained in a system. This supposition would naturally have been intro- duced earlier, if our object had been simply the expression of the laws of nature. It seemed desirable, however, to separate sharply the purely thermodynamic laws from those special modifications which belong rather to the theoiy of the prop- erties of matter. J. W. G. NEW HAVEN, December, 1901. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. GENERAL NOTIONS. THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF EXTENSION-IN-PHASE. PAGE Hamilton's equations of motion 3-5 Ensemble of systems distributed in phase 5 Extension-in-phase, density-in-phase 6 Fundamental equation of statistical mechanics 6-8 Condition of statistical equilibrium 8 Principle of conservation of density-in-phase 9 Principle of conservation of extension-in-phase 10 Analogy in hydrodynamics 11 Extension-in-phase is an invariant 11-13 Dimensions of extension-in-phase 13 Various analytical expressions of the principle 13-15 Coefficient and index of probability of phase 16 Principle of conservation of probability of phase 17, 18 Dimensions of coefficient of probability of phase 19 CHAPTER II. APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF EXTENSION-IN-PHASE TO THE THEORY OF ERRORS. Approximate expression for the index of probability of phase . 20, 21 Application of the principle of conservation of probability of phase to the constants of this expression 21-25 CHAPTER III. APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF EXTENSION-IN-PHASE TO THE INTEGRATION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF MOTION. Case in which the forces are function of the coordinates alone . 26-29 Case in which the forces are functions of the coordinates with the time 30, 31 xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. ON THE DISTRIBUTION-IN-PHASE CALLED CANONICAL, IN WHICH THE INDEX OF PROBABILITY IS A LINEAR FUNCTION OF THE ENERGY. PAGE Condition of statistical equilibrium 32 Other conditions which the coefficient of probability must satisfy . 33 """" Canonical distribution Modulus of distribution 34 ^ must be finite 35 The modulus of the canonical distribution has properties analogous to temperature 35-37 Other distributions have similar properties 37 Distribution in which the index of probability is a linear function of the energy and of the moments of momentum about three axes . 38, 39 Case in which the forces are linear functions of the displacements, and the index is a. linear function of the separate energies relating to the normal types of motion 39-41 Differential equation relating to average values in a canonical ensemble 42-44 This is identical in form with the fundamental differential equation of thermodynamics 44, 45 CHAPTER V. AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE OF SYS- TEMS. Case of v material points. Average value of kinetic energy of a single point for a given configuration or for the whole ensemble = f 46, 47 Average value of total kinetic energy for any given configuration or for the whole ensemble = % v 47 System of n degrees of freedom. Average value of kinetic energy, for any given configuration or for the whole ensemble = f . 48-50 Second proof of the same proposition 50-52 Distribution of canonical ensemble in configuration 52-54 Ensembles canonically distributed in configuration 55 Ensembles canonically distributed in velocity 56 CHAPTER VI. EXTENSION1-IN-CONFIGURATION AND EXTENSION-TN- VELOCITY. Extension-in-configuration and extension-in-velocity are invari- ants . 57-59 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Dimensions of these quantities 60 Index and coefficient of probability of configuration 61 Index and coefficient of probability of velocity 62 Dimensions of these coefficients 63 Relation between extension-in-configuration and extension-in-velocity 64 Definitions of extension-in-phase, extension-in-configuration, and ex- tension-in- velocity, without explicit mention of coordinates . . 65-67 CHAPTER VII. FARTHER DISCUSSION OF AVERAGES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. Second and third differential equations relating to average values in a canonical ensemble 68, 69 These are identical in form with thermodynamic equations enun- ciated by Clausius 69 Average square of the anomaly of the energy of the kinetic en- ergy of the potential energy 70-72 These anomalies are insensible to human observation and experi- ence when the number of degrees of freedom of the system is very great 73, 74 Average values of powers of the energies 75-77 Average values of powers of the anomalies of the energies . . 77-80 Average values relating to forces exerted on external bodies . . 80-83 General formulae relating to averages in a canonical ensemble . 83-86 CHAPTER VIII. ON CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. Definitions. V = extension-in-phase below a limiting energy (e). $ = \odVldc 87,88 V q = extension-in-configuration below a limiting value of the poten- tial energy (e ? ). fa = \o^dV q jd fq 89,90 V p = extension-in-velocity below a limiting value of the kinetic energy (*). ^ p = lo S dV p jd p 90,91 Evaluation of V p and $ p 91-93 Average values of functions of the kinetic energy 94, 95 Calculation of FfromF^ 95,96 Approximate formulae for large values of n 97,98 Calculation of V or < for whole system when given for parts ... 98 Geometrical illustration . 99 xvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. THE FUNCTION AND THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. When n > 2, the most probable value of the energy in a canonical ensemble is determined by d(j> j de = 1 / e 100,101 When n > 2, the average value of d$ j de in a canonical ensemble isl/e 101 When n is large, the value of < corresponding to d(f>/de=l/Q () . . . . 201 Average value of (v-v)* 201,202 Comparison of indices 203-206 When the number of particles in a system is to be treated as variable, the average index of probability for phases generically defined corresponds to entropy 206 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS (( UNIVERSITY J ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES IN STATISTICAL MECHANICS CHAPTER I. GENERAL NOTIONS. THE PRINCIPLE OF OF EXTENSION-IN-PHASE. WE shall use Hamilton's form of the equations of motion for a system of n degrees of freedom, writing q l , . . ,q n for the (generalized) coordinates, qi , . . . q n for the (generalized) ve- locities, and for the moment of the forces. We shall call the quantities F l9 ...F n the (generalized) forces, and the quantities p 1 . . . p n , defined by the equations Pl = ^- t p 2 = ^, etc., (2) dqi dq 2 where e p denotes the kinetic energy of the system, the (gen- eralized) momenta. The kinetic energy is here regarded as a function of the velocities and coordinates. We shall usually regard it as a function of the momenta and coordinates,* and on this account we denote it by e p . This will not pre- vent us from occasionally using formulae like (2), where it is sufficiently evident the kinetic energy is regarded as function of the g's and ^'s. But in expressions like de p /dq 1 , where the denominator does not determine the question, the kinetic * The use of the momenta instead of the velocities as independent variables is the characteristic of Hamilton's method which gives his equations of motion their remarkable degree of simplicity. We shall find that the fundamental notions of statistical mechanics are most easily defined, and are expressed in the most simple form, when the momenta with the coordinates are used to describe the state of a system. 4 HAMILTON'S EQUATIONS. energy is always to be treated in the differentiation as function of the p's and q*s. We have then * = ;fe* * l = -^ + Fl ' etc> (3) These equations will hold for any forces whatever. If the 'fetces^ &i*e dptterVative, in other words, if the expression (1) j.s t an t exact differential, we may set where e q is a function of the coordinates which we shall call the potential energy of the system. If we write e for the total energy, we shall have e = P + e > (5) and equatipns (3) may be written *' = ;' * = -' etc - [I <> The potential energy (e 3 ) may depend on other variables beside the coordinates q 1 . . . q n . We shall often suppose it to depend in part on coordinates of external bodies, which we shall denote by a x , # 2 , etc. We shall then have for the com- plete value of the differential of the potential energy * de q = FI dq l . . F n dq n A 1 da^ A 2 da z etc., (7) where A^ A%, etc., represent forces (in the generalized sense) exerted by the system on external bodies. For the total energy (e) we shall have de=q l dp l . . . + q n dpn~Pidqi . . . p n dq n A l da-i A 2 da z etc. (8) It will be observed that the kinetic energy (e^,) in the most general case is a quadratic function of the p's (or g-'s) * It will be observed, that although we call e the potential energy of the system which we are considering, it is really so defined as to include that energy which might be described as mutual to that system and external bodies. ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 5 v involving also the ^'s but not the a's ; that the potential energy, when it exists, is function of the 2 '. A system which at that time has that phase will at another time have another phase. Let the density as calculated for this second time and phase by a third system of coordinates be Zy. Now we may imagine a system of coordinates which at and near the first configuration will coincide with the first system of coordinates, and at and near the second configuration will coincide with the third system of coordinates. This will give Dj' ^Y'- Again we may imagine a system of coordi- nates which at and near the first configuration will coincide with the second system of coordinates, and at and near the * If we regard a phase as represented by a point in space of 2 n dimen- sions, the changes which take place in the course of time in our ensemble of systems will be represented by a current in such space. This current will be steady so long as the external coordinates are not varied. In any case the current will satisfy a law which in its various expressions is analogous to the hydrodynamic law which may be expressed by the phrases conserva- tion of volumes or conservation of density about a moving point, or by the equation The analogue in statistical mechanics of this equation, viz., may be derived directly from equations (3) or (6), and may suggest such theorems as have been enunciated, if indeed it is not regarded as making them intuitively evident. The somewhat lengthy demonstrations given above will at least serve to give precision to the notions involved, and familiarity with their use. 12 EXTENSION-IN-PHASE second configuration will coincide with the third system of coordinates. This will give D% = D s ". We have therefore 2V = 2>J. It follows, or it may be proved in the same way, that the value of an extension-in-phase is independent of the system of coordinates which is used in its evaluation. This may easily be verified directly. If g 1 ^ . . ,q n ^ Q lt . . . Q n are two systems of coordinates, and Pi, p n > P\i - P n the cor- responding momenta, we have to prove that J'...Jdp 1 ...dp n d qi ...d qn =j*...fdP l ...dP n dQ 1 ...dQ n ,(2) when the multiple integrals are taken within limits consisting of the same phases. And this will be evident from the prin- ciple on which we change the variables in a multiple integral, if we prove that . . P., ft, . . . ft) = 1 >P n >2i, - 2V) where the first member of the equation represents a Jacobian or functional determinant. Since all its elements of the form dQ/dp are equal to zero, the determinant reduces to a product of two, and we have to prove that d(Q l9 We may transform any element of the first of these deter- minants as follows. By equations (2) and (3), and in view of the fact that the (j's are linear functions of the ! 7 . . . dq^ (32) 14 CONSERVATION OF the limiting phases being those which belong to the same systems at the times t and If respectively. But we have identically /.../*,..., ,-/.. for such limits. The principle of conservation of extension-in- phase may therefore be expressed in the form g) -, xooN ..g.9 = 1 ' This equation is easily proved directly. For we have identically d( Pl ,...q n ) _ d( Pl ,...q n ) g.'O <*(M g.O ' where the double accents distinguish the values of the momenta and coordinates for a time if'. If we vary t, while if and t" remain constant, we have d_ d( Pl , ...q n ) _ d( Pl " 9 . . . q n ") d_ d( Pl , ...q n ) Now since the time if' is entirely arbitrary, nothing prevents us from making if 1 identical with t at the moment considered. Then the determinant - ?") will have unity for each of the elements on the principal diagonal, and zero for all the other elements. Since every term of the determinant except the product of the elements on the principal diagonal will have two zero factors, the differen- tial of the determinant will reduce to that of the product of these elements, i. e., to the sum of the differentials of these elements. This gives the equation d _. dt d(pj>, . . . q n ) dp," ' dp n " dqj* ' dq n Now since t = t" , the double accents in the second member of this equation may evidently be neglected. This will give, in virtue of such relations as (16), EXTENSION-IN-PHASE. 15 d d(p lt ... dtd( Pl ,...y n ") which substituted in (34) will give d _ - ... n _ dtd( Pl ',...q n ') The determinant in this equation is therefore a constant, the value of which may be determined at the instant when t = ', when it is evidently unity. Equation (33) is therefore demonstrated. Again, if we write a, ... h for a system of 2 n arbitrary con- stants of the integral equations of motion, p v q v etc. will be functions of. a, ... h, and t, and we may express an extension- in-phase in the form /rd(p "V *(< ,, ^|T da - - dh - ( 35 > d(a, ...h) If we suppose the limits specified by values of a, . . . ^, a system initially at the limits will remain at the limits. The principle of conservation of extension-in-phase requires that an extension thus bounded shall have a constant value. This requires that the determinant under the integral sign shall be constant, which may be written ... n dt d(a,...h) = * (36) This equation, which may be regarded as expressing the prin- ciple of conservation of extension-in-phase, may be derived directly from the identity gj <*(pi, ...g n ) d(pi', . . . q n r ) d(a, ...h) ' d(p l f , . . . q n ') d(a, ... h) in connection with equation (33). Since the coordinates and momenta are functions of a, ... . h, and t, the determinant in (36) must be a function of the same variables, and since it does not vary with the time, it must be a function of a, ... h alone. We have therefore ...*). ' (37) 16 CONSERVATION OF It is the relative numbers of systems which fall within dif- ferent limits, rather than the absolute numbers, with which we are most concerned. It is indeed only with regard to relative numbers that such discussions as the preceding will apply with literal precision, since the nature of our reasoning implies that the number of systems in the smallest element of space which we consider is very great. This is evidently inconsist- ent with a finite value of the total number of systems, or of the density-in-phase. Now if the value of D is infinite, we cannot speak of any definite number of systems within any finite limits, since all such numbers are infinite. But the ratios of these infinite numbers may be perfectly definite. If we write -ZVfor the total number of systems, and set r = %. (38) P may remain finite, when JV* and D become infinite. The integral " * ... dq n (39) taken within any given limits, will evidently express the ratio of the number of systems falling within those limits to the whole number of systems. This is the same thing as the probability that an unspecified system of the ensemble (i. e. one of which we only know that it belongs to the ensemble) will lie within the given limits. The product Pd Pl ...dq n (40) expresses the probability that an unspecified system of the ensemble will be found in the element of extension-in-phase dpi . . . dq n . We shall call P the coefficient of probability of the phase considered. Its natural logarithm we shall call the index of probability of the phase, and denote it by the letter 77. If we substitute NP and Ne 1 for D in equation (19), we get and PROBABILITY OF PHASE. 17 The condition of statistical equilibrium may be expressed by equating to zero the second member of either of these equations. The same substitutions in (22) give .,=' (43) (IX.... =- (44) That is, the values of P and rj, like those of D, are constant in time for moving systems of the ensemble. From this point of view, the principle which otherwise regarded has been called the principle of conservation of density-in-phase or conservation of extension-in-phase, may be called the prin- ciple of conservation of the coefficient (or index) of proba- bility of a phase varying according to dynamical laws, or more briefly, the principle of conservation of probability of phase. It is subject to the limitation that the forces must be functions of the coordinates of the system either alone or with the time. The application of this principle is not limited to cases in which there is a formal and explicit reference to an ensemble of systems. Yet the conception of such an ensemble may serve to give precision to notions of probability. It is in fact cus- tomary in the discussion of probabilities to describe anything which is imperfectly known as something taken at random from a great number of things which are completely described. But if we prefer to avoid any reference to an ensemble of systems, we may observe that the probability that the phase of a system falls within certain limits at a certain time, is equal to the probability that at some other time the phase will fall within the limits formed by phases corresponding to the first. For either occurrence necessitates the other. That is, if we write P' for the coefficient of probability of the phase pi, q n ' at the time ^, and P" for that of the phase jp/', . . . q n " at the time tf', 2 18 CONSERVATION OF J. . . JV dtf . . . dqj =f. . . Jp" dp{' . . . dq n ", (45) where the limits in the two cases are formed by corresponding phases. When the integrations cover infinitely small vari- ations of the momenta and coordinates, we may regard P* and P" as constant in the integrations and write P'f. . .fd Pl > <%" = Now the principle of the conservation of extension-in-phase, which has been proved (viz., in the second demonstration given above) independently of any reference to an ensemble of systems, requires that the values of the multiple integrals in this equation shall be equal. This gives P 1 ' = P f . With reference to an important class of cases this principle may be enunciated as follows. When the differential equations of motion are exactly known, but the constants of the integral equations imperfectly deter- mined, the coefficient of probability of any phase at any time is equal to the coefficient of probability of the corresponding phase at any other time. By corresponding phases are meant those which are calculated for different times from the same values of the arbitrary constants of the integral equations. Since the sum of the probabilities of all possible cases is necessarily unity, it is evident that we must have all f...fpd Pl ...dq n = l, (46) phases where the integration extends over all phases. This is indeed only a different form of the equation 811 phases which we may regard as defining PROBABILITY OF PHASE. 19 The values of the coefficient and index of probability of phase, like that of the density-in-phase, are independent of the system of coordinates which is employed to express the distri- bution in phase of a given ensemble. In dimensions, the coefficient of probability is the reciprocal of an extension-in-phase, that is, the reciprocal of the nth power of the product of time and energy. The index of prob- ability is therefore affected by an additive constant when we change our units of time and energy. If the unit of time is multiplied by c t and the unit of energy is multiplied by c e , all indices of probability relating to systems of n degrees of freedom will be increased by the addition of "-- n log c t + n log c . (47) CHAPTER II. APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSERVATION OF EXTENSION-IN-PHASE TO THE THEORY OF ERRORS. LET us now proceed to combine the principle which has been demonstrated in the preceding chapter and which in its differ- ent applications and regarded from different points of view has been variously designated as the conservation of density- in-phase, or of extension-in-phase, or of probability of phase, with those approximate relations which are generally used in the 'theory of errors.' We suppose that the differential equations of the motion of a system are exactly known, but that the constants of the integral equations are only approximately determined. It is evident that the probability that the momenta and coordinates at the time t' fall between the limits pj and pj + dp^ q^ and q-L + dq^ etc., may be expressed by the formula e* d Pl ' . . . dqj, (48) where rf (the index of probability for the phase in question) is a function of the coordinates and momenta and of the time. Let Qi, P^t etc. be the values of the coordinates and momenta which give the maximum value to ?/, and let the general value of rj be developed by Taylor's theorem according to ascending powers and products of the differences p^ P/, Q.I ~ Ci' Q te"> an( i let us suppose that we have a sufficient approximation without going beyond terms of the second degree in these differences. We may therefore set n' = c F', (49) where c is independent of the differences p^ P/, q{ /, etc., and F 1 is a homogeneous quadratic function of these THEORY OF ERRORS. 21 differences. The terms of the first degree vanish in virtue of the maximum condition, which also requires that F' must have a positive value except when all the differences men- tioned vanish. If we set 0=ef, (50) we may write for the probability that the phase lies within the limits considered d Pl > . . . dqj. (51) C is evidently the maximum value of the coefficient of proba- bility at the time considered. In regard to the degree of approximation represented by these formulae, it is to be observed that we suppose, as is usual in the 'theory of errors/ that the determination (ex- plicit or implicit) of the constants of motion is of such precision that the coefficient of probability e* or Ce~ F ' is practically zero except for very small values of the differences Pi P 1 / , q^ Ci'> e ^ c< For very small values of these differences the approximation is evidently in general sufficient, for larger values of these differences the value of Ce~ F ' will be sensibly zero, as it should be, and in this sense the formula will represent the facts. We shall suppose that the forces to which the system is subject are functions of the coordinates either alone or with the time. The principle of conservation of probability of phase will therefore apply, which requires that at any other time (t") the maximum value of the coefficient of probability shall be the same as at the time t\ and that the phase (Pi', Qi'-) etc.) which has this greatest probability-coefficient, shall be that which corresponds to the phase (P/, -/, etc.), i. e., which is calculated from the same values of the constants of the integral equations of motion. We may therefore write for the probability that the phase at the time t" falls within the limits p^ 1 and p : " + dp^ #/' and #/' + cfy/', etc., " dpi" ...dqj', (52) CONSERVATION OF+EXTENSION-IN-PHASE where C represents the same value as in the preceding formula, viz., the constant value of the maximum coefficient of probability, and F n is a quadratic function of the differences Pi ~ p i"> i" . . . d" = 1, (53) when the integration is extended over all possible phases. It will be allowable to set oo for the limits of all the coor- dinates and momenta, not because these values represent the actual limits of possible phases, but because the portions of the integrals lying outside of the limits of all possible phases will have sensibly the value zero. With oo for limits, the equation gives l, (64) Vf Vf" where/' is the discriminant * of F 1 , and/" that of F". This discriminant is therefore constant in time, and like C an abso- lute invariant hi respect to the system of coordinates which may be employed. In dimensions, like (7 2 , it is the reciprocal of the 2nth power of the product of energy and time. Let us see precisely how the functions F' and F' f are related. The principle of the conservation of the probability-coefficient requires that any values of the coordinates and momenta at the time t f shall give the function F' the same value as the corre- _ sponding coordinates and momenta at the time t n give to F". Therefore F n may be derived from F' by substituting for Pi* - 9.n their values in terms of p^', . . . (77) d(r s , ..r 2n ) d(r 8 , . . . r 2n ) the coefficients of dr l and dr% may be regarded as known func- tions of r x and r 2 with the constants (78) d(r 8 , . ..r an ) d(r 8 , ...r 2n ) which may be integrated by quadratures and gives V as func- tions of r 1? r 2 , ..., (83) da " d(a,...h) d(r t , . . . r, n ) by which equation (82) may be reduced to the form da = M M a, . . . h) d(b, ... A) d(r 2 , . . . Now we know by (71) that the coefficient of da is a func- tion of a, ... h. Therefore, as , ... h are regarded as constant in the equation, the first number represents the differential AND THEORY OF INTEGRATION. 31 of a function of a, . . . h, which we may denote by a'. We have then da '= d(b,...h) dr ^~ d(b*..K) dt > (85) dfa, ...r 2n ) d(r 2 , ...r 2n ) which may be integrated by quadratures. In this case we may say that the principle of conservation of extension-in- phase has supplied the * multiplier ' 1 d(b, ...h) (86) d(r z , . . . r zn ) for the integration of the equation dr, -r l dt = 0. (87) The system of arbitrary constants a', 5, ... h has evidently the same properties which were noticed in regard to the system a, 6', ... h. CHAPTER IV. ON THE DISTRIBUTION IN PHASE CALLED CANONICAL, IN WHICH THE INDEX OF PROBABILITY IS A LINEAR FUNCTION OF THE ENERGY. LET us now give our attention to the statistical equilibrium of ensembles of conservation systems, especially to those cases and properties which promise to throw light on the phenom- ena of thermodynamics. The condition of statistical equilibrium may be expressed in the form* where P is the coefficient of probability, or the quotient of the density-in-phase by the whole number of systems. To satisfy this condition, it is necessary and sufficient that P should be a function of the p's and q*s (the momenta and coordinates) which does not vary with the time in a moving system. In all cases which we are now considering, the energy, or any function of the energy, is such a function. P = f unc. (e) will therefore satisfy the equation, as indeed appears identi- cally if we write it in the form ...- <*? = !. (89) phases These considerations exclude P = e X constant, as well as P = constant, as cases to be considered. The distribution represented by (90) or where and i/r are constants, and % positive, seems to repre- sent the most simple case conceivable, since it has the property that when the system consists of parts with separate energies, the laws of the distribution in phase of the separate parts are of the same nature, a property which enormously simplifies the discussion, and is the foundation of extremely important relations to thermodynamics. The case is not rendered less simple by the divisor , (a quantity of the same dimensions as e,) but the reverse, since it makes the distribution independent of the units employed. The negative sign of e is required by (89), which determines also the value of ^ for any given , viz., all f ~ =f. . .f e dp,... dq n . (92) phases When an ensemble of systems is distributed in phase in the manner described, i. e.^ when the index of probability is a 3 34 CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION linear function of the energy, we shall say that the ensemble is canonically distributed, and shall call the divisor of the energy () the modulus of distribution. The fractional part of an ensemble canonically distributed which lies within any given limits of phase is therefore repre- sented by the multiple integral 9 dp l . . . dq n (93) taken within those limits. We may express the same thing by saying that the multiple integral expresses the probability that an unspecified system of the ensemble (i. e., one of which we only know that it belongs to the ensemble) falls within the given limits. Since the value of a multiple integral of the form (23) (which we have called an extension-in-phase) bounded by any given phases is independent of the system of coordinates by which it is evaluated, the same must be true of the multiple integral in (92), as appears at once if we divide up this integral into parts so small that the exponential factor may be regarded as constant in each. The value of ^r is therefore in- dependent of the system of coordinates employed. It is evident that ty might be defined as the energy for which the coefficient of probability of phase has the value unity. Since however this coefficient has the dimensions of the inverse nth power of the product of energy and time,* the energy represented by -\Jr is not independent of the units of energy and time. But when these units have been chosen, the definition of ^ will involve the same arbitrary constant as e, so that, while in any given case the numerical values of ^r or e will be entirely indefinite until the zero of energy has also been fixed for the system considered, the difference ty e will represent a perfectly definite amount of energy, which is entirely independent of the zero of energy which we may choose to adopt. * See Chapter I, p. 19. OF AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 35 It is evident that the canonical distribution is entirely deter- mined by the modulus (considered as a quantity of energy) and the nature of the system considered, since when equation (92) is satisfied the value of the multiple integral (93) is independent of the units and of the coordinates employed, and of the zero chosen for the energy of the system. In treating of the canonical distribution, we shall always suppose the multiple integral in equation (92) to have a finite value, as otherwise the coefficient of probability van- ishes, and the law of distribution becomes illusory. This will exclude certain cases, but not such apparently, as will affect the value of our results with respect to their bearing on ther- modynamics. It will exclude, for instance, cases in which the system or parts of it can be distributed in unlimited space (or in a space which has limits, but is still infinite in volume), while the energy remains beneath a finite limit. It also excludes many cases in which the energy can decrease without limit, as when the system contains material points which attract one another inversely as the squares of their distances. Cases of material points attracting each other inversely as the distances would be excluded for some values of , and not for others. The investigation of such points is best left to the particular cases. For the purposes of a general discussion, it is sufficient to call attention to the assumption implicitly involved in the formula (92).* The modulus has properties analogous to those of tem- perature in thermodynamics. Let the system A be defined as one of an ensemble of systems of m degrees of freedom distributed in phase with a probability-coefficient *% e , * It will be observed that similar limitations exist in thermodynamics. In order that a mass of gas can be in thermodynamic equilibrium, it is necessary that it be enclosed. There is no thermodynamic equilibrium of a (finite) mass of gas in an infinite space. Again, that two attracting particles should be able to do an infinite amount of work in passing from one configuration (which is regarded as possible) to another, is a notion which, although per- fectly intelligible in a mathematical formula, is quite foreign to our ordinary conceptions of matter. 36 CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION and the system B as one of an ensemble of systems of n degrees of freedom distributed in phase with a probability- coefficient which has the same modulus. Let q v . . .q m , p v . . . p m be the coordinates and momenta of A, and q m+l , . . . q m+n , p m+l , . . . p m+n those of . Now we may regard the systems A and B as together forming a system 0, having m + n degrees of free- dom, and the coordinates and momenta q^ . . . /r B are constants, the probability-coefficient is of the general form which we are considering, and the ensemble to which it relates is in statistical equilibrium and is canonically distributed. This result, however, so far as statistical equilibrium is concerned, is rather nugatory, since conceiving of separate systems as forming a single system does not create any in- teraction between them, and if the systems combined belong to ensembles in statistical equilibrium, to say that the ensemble formed by such combinations as we have supposed is in statis- tical equilibrium, is only to repeat the data in different OF AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 37 words. Let us therefore suppose that in forming the system C we add certain forces acting between A and .5, and having the force-function e AB . The energy of the system C is now A + B + ABI an d an ensemble of such systems distributed with a density proportional to (96) would be in statistical equilibrium. Comparing this with the probability-coefficient of C given above (95), we see that if we suppose e AB (or rather the variable part of this term when we consider all possible configurations of the systems A and B) to be infinitely small, the actual distribution in phase of C will differ infinitely little from one of statistical equilibrium, which is equivalent to saying that its distribution in phase will vary infinitely little even in a time indefinitely prolonged.* The case would be entirely different if A and B belonged to ensembles having different moduli, say A and 5 . The prob- ability-coefficient of C would then be which is not approximately proportional to any expression of the form (96). Before proceeding farther in the investigation of the dis- tribution in phase which we have called canonical, it will be interesting to see whether the properties with respect to * It will be observed that the above condition relating to the forces which act between the different systems is entirely analogous to that which must hold in the corresponding case in thermodynamics. The most simple test of the equality of temperature of two bodies is that they remain in equilib- rium when brought into thermal contact. Direct thermal contact implies molecular forces acting between the bodies. Now the test will fail unless the energy of these forces can be neglected in comparison with the other energies of the bodies. Thus, in the case of energetic chemical action be- tween the bodies, or when the number of particles affected by the forces acting between the bodies is not negligible in comparison with the whole number of particles (as when the bodies have the form of exceedingly thin sheets), the contact of bodies of the same temperature may produce con- siderable thermal disturbance, and thus fail to afford a reliable criterion of the equality of temperature. 38 OTHER DISTRIBUTIONS statistical equilibrium which have been described are peculiar to it, or whether other distributions may have analogous properties. Let rj r and 77" be the indices of probability in two independ- ent ensembles which are each in statistical equilibrium, then rf _j_ y w ni De the index in the ensemble obtained by combin- ing each system of the first ensemble with each system of the second. This third ensemble will of course be in statistical equilibrium, and the function of phase vf + if 1 will be a con- stant of motion. Now when infinitesimal forces are added to the compound systems, if r/ + rf 1 or a function differing infinitesimally from this is still a constant of motion, it must be on account of the nature of the forces added, or if their action is not entirely specified, on account of conditions to which they are subject. Thus, in the case already considered, V + ??" is a function of the energy of the compound system, and the infinitesimal forces added are subject to the law of conservation of energy. Another natural supposition in regard to the added forces is that they should be such as not to affect the moments of momentum of the compound system. To get a case in which moments of momentum of the compound system shall be constants of motion, we may imagine material particles con- tained in two concentric spherical shells, being prevented from passing the surfaces bounding the shells by repulsions acting always in lines passing through the common centre of the shells. Then, if there are no forces acting between particles in different shells, the mass of particles in each shell will have, besides its energy, the moments of momentum about three axes through the centre as constants of motion. Now let us imagine an ensemble formed by distributing in phase the system of particles in one shell according to the index of probability ^-I+|+S+S' (98) where e denotes the energy of the system, and j , o> 2 , &> 3 , its three moments of momentum, and the other letters constants. HAVE ANALOGOUS PROPERTIES. 39 In like manner let us imagine a second ensemble formed by distributing in phase the system of particles in the other shell according to the index where the letters have similar significations, and O, O x , O 2 , 11 3 the same values as in the preceding formula. Each of the two ensembles will evidently be in statistical equilibrium, and therefore also the ensemble of compound systems obtained by combining each system of the first ensemble with each of the second. In this third ensemble the index of probability will be k + ^-!^ + SL^ + 2d^ + a3L-, (ioo) vy i/j 1/2 *a where the four numerators represent functions of phase which are constants of motion for the compound systems. Now if we add in each system of this third ensemble infini- tesimal conservative forces of attraction or repulsion between particles in different shells, determined by the same law for all the systems, the functions o^ + &>', &> 2 + o> 2 ', and &> 3 + w 3 ' will remain constants of motion, and a function differing in- finitely little from e l + e will be a constant of motion. It would therefore require only an infinitesimal change in the distribution in phase of the ensemble of compound systems to make it a case of statistical equilibrium. These properties are entirely analogous to those of canonical ensembles.* Again, if the relations between the forces and the coordinates can be expressed by linear equations, there will be certain " normal " types of vibration of which the actual motion may be regarded as composed, and the whole energy may be divided * It would not be possible to omit the term relating to energy in the above indices, since without this term the condition expressed by equation (89) cannot be satisfied. The consideration of the above case of statistical equilibrium may be made the foundation of the theory of the thermodynamic equilibrium of rotating bodies, a subject which has been treated by Maxwell in his memoir " On Boltzmann's theorem on the average distribution of energy in a system of material points." Cambr. Phil. Trans., vol. XII, p. 547, (1878). 40 OTHER DISTRIBUTIONS into parts relating separately to vibrations of these different types. These partial energies will be constants of motion, and if such a system is distributed according to an index which is any function of the partial energies, the ensemble will be in statistical equilibrium. Let the index be a linear func- tion of the partial energies, say Let us suppose that we have also a second ensemble com- posed of systems in which the forces are linear functions of the coordinates, and distributed in phase according to an index which is a linear function of the partial energies relating to the normal types of vibration, say ^~i?'*'~if (102) Since the two ensembles are both in statistical equilibrium, the ensemble formed by combining each system of the first with each system of the second will also be in statistical equilibrium. Its distribution in phase will be represented by the index and the partial energies represented by the numerators in the formula will be constants of motion of the compound systems which form this third ensemble. Now if we add to these compound systems infinitesimal forces acting between the component systems and subject to the same general law as those already existing, viz., that they are conservative and linear functions of the coordinates, there will still be n + m types of normal vibration, and n + m partial energies which are independent constants of motion. If all the original n + m normal types of vibration have differ- ent periods, the new types of normal vibration will differ infini- tesimally from the old, and the new partial energies, which are constants of motion, will be nearly the same functions of phase as the old. Therefore the distribution in phase of the HAVE ANALOGOUS PROPERTIES. 41 ensemble of compound systems after the addition of the sup- posed infinitesimal forces will differ infinitesimally from one which would be in statistical equilibrium. The case is not so simple when some of the normal types of motion have the same periods. In this case the addition of infinitesimal forces may completely change the normal types of motion. But the sum of the partial energies for all the original types of vibration which have any same period, will be nearly identical (as a function of phase, i. e., of the coordi- nates and momenta,) with the sum of the partial energies for the normal types of vibration which have the same, or nearly the same, period after the addition of the new forces. If, therefore, the partial energies in the indices of the first two ensembles (101) and (102) which relate to types of vibration having the same periods, have the same divisors, the same will be true of the index (103) of the ensemble of compound sys- tems, and the distribution represented will differ infinitesimally from one which would be in statistical equilibrium after the addition of the new forces.* The same would be true if in the indices of each of the original ensembles we should substitute for the term or terms relating to any period which does not occur in the other en- semble, any function of the total energy related to that period, subject only to the general limitation expressed by equation (89). But in order that the ensemble of compound systems (with the added forces) shall always be approximately in statistical equilibrium, it is necessary that the indices of the original ensembles should be linear functions of those partial energies which relate to vibrations of periods common to the two ensembles, and that the coefficients of such partial ener- gies should be the same in the two indices.f * It is interesting to compare the above relations with the laws respecting the exchange of energy between bodies by radiation, although the phenomena of radiations lie entirely without the scope of the present treatise, in which the discussion is limited to systems of a finite number of degrees of freedom. t The above may perhaps be sufficiently illustrated by the simple case where n = 1 in each system. If the periods are different in the two systems, they may be distributed according to any functions of the energies : but if 42 CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION The properties of canonically distributed ensembles of systems with respect to the equilibrium of the new ensembles which may be formed by combining each system of one en- semble with each system of another, are therefore not peculiar to them in the sense that analogous properties do not belong to some other distributions under special limitations in regard to the systems and forces considered. Yet the canonical distribution evidently constitutes the most simple case of the kind, and that for which the relations described hold with the least restrictions. Returning to the case of the canonical distribution, we shall find other analogies with thermodynamic systems, if we suppose, as in the preceding chapters,* that the potential energy (e q ) depends not only upon the coordinates q l . . . q n which determine the configuration of the system, but also upon certain coordinates i, 2 , etc. of bodies which we call external? meaning by this simply that they are not to be re- garded as forming any part of the system, although their positions affect the forces which act on the system. The forces exerted by the system upon these external bodies will be represented by de q jda v de q fda 2 , etc., while de q jdq v ... de q /dq n represent all the forces acting upon the bodies of the system, including those which depend upon the position of the external bodies, as well as those which depend only upon the configuration of the system itself. It will be under- stood that p depends only upon qi , . . . q n , p\ , . . . p n , in other words, that the kinetic energy of the bodies which we call external forms no part of the kinetic energy of the system. It follows that we may write although a similar equation would not hold for differentiations relative to the internal coordinates. the periods are the same they must be distributed canonically with same modulus in order that the compound ensemble with additional forces may be in statistical equilibrium. * See especially Chapter I, p. 4. OF AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 43 We always suppose these external coordinates to have the same values for all systems of any ensemble. In the case of a canonical distribution, i. e., when the index of probability of phase is a linear function of the energy, it is evident that the values of the external coordinates will affect the distribu- tion, since they affect the energy. In the equation (105) by which ty may be determined, the external coordinates, a x , 2 , etc., contained implicitly in e, as well as ,^are to be re- garded as constant in the integrations indicated. The equa- tion indicates that -fy is a function of these constants. If we imagine their values varied, and the ensemble distributed canonically according to their new values, we have by differentiation of the equation ^ / v aii f i ./. \ 1 / , \ (- I ^ + I ) = p all phases all Jf -/^ e ~ d Pi d v- ~ ete -> ( 106 ) phases t or, multiplying by e, and setting -^ = ^ - = ^ etc -> all |d = ^ f. . .f ee phases i e dp l . . . dq n phases r r i I . . . phases r * ( fcf 2 J ...JA 2 e & dp l ...dq n + etc. (107) 44 CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION Now the average value in the ensemble of any quantity (which we shall denote in general by a horizontal line above the proper symbol) is determined by the equation r M C fc! =J J u e & d Pl ... dq a . (108) phases Comparing this with the preceding equation, we have Z 2 d2 etc. Moreover, since (111) gives dty - c?e = cfy + ^, (113) we have also dk drj ^ ddi A 2 da 2 etc. (114) This equation, if we neglect the sign of averages, is identi- cal in form with the thermodynamic equation de + A l da 1 + A z da z + etc. drj= y -, (115) or de = Td-rj A! da L A z da 2 etc., (H6) which expresses the relation between the energy, .tempera- ture, and entropy of a body in thermodynamic equilibrium, and the forces which it exerts on external bodies, a relation which is the mathematical expression of the second law of thermodynamics for reversible changes. The modulus in the statistical equation corresponds to temperature in the thermo- dynamic equation, and the average index of probability with its sign reversed corresponds to entropy. But in the thermo- dynamic equation the entropy (77) is a quantity which is OF AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 45 only defined by the equation itself, and incompletely defined in that the equation only determines its differential, and the constant of integration is arbitrary. On the other hand, the 77 in the statistical equation has been completely defined as the average value in a canonical ensemble of systems of the logarithm of the coefficient of probability of phase. We may also compare equation (112) with the thermody- namic equation A^ = T ] dTA l da l A z da< i etc., (117) where ^r represents the function obtained by subtracting the product of the temperature and entropy from the energy. How far, or in what sense, the similarity of these equations constitutes any demonstration of the thermodynamic equa- tions, or accounts for the behavior of material systems, as described in the theorems of thermodynamics, is a question of which we shall postpone the consideration until we have further investigated the properties of an ensemble of systems distributed in phase according to the law which we are con- sidering. The analogies which have been pointed out will at least supply the motive for this investigation, which will naturally commence with the determination of the average values in the ensemble of the most important quantities relating to the systems, and to the distribution of the ensemble with respect to the different values of these quantities. CHAPTER V. AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. IN the simple but important case of a system of material points, if we use rectangular coordinates, we have for the product of the differentials of the coordinates dxi dyi dzi . . . dx v dy v dz v , and for the product of the differentials of the momenta m l dxi mi dyi m^ dz 1 . . . m v dx v m v dy v m v dz v . The product of these expressions, which represents an element of extension-in-phase, may be briefly written mi dxi . . . m v dz v dxi . . . dz v ; and the integral e @ mi dxi . . . m v dz v dxi . . . dz v (118) will represent the probability that a system taken at random from an ensemble canonically distributed will fall within any given limits of phase. In this case (119) and e =e & e 2> 20 . (120) The potential energy (e 3 ) is independent of the velocities, and if the limits of integration for the coordinates are inde- pendent of the velocities, and the limits of the several veloci- ties are independent of each other as well as of the coordinates, VALUES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE. 47 the multiple integral may be resolved into the product of integrals C. . . C m v dz v . (121) This shows that the probability that the configuration lies within any given limits is independent of the velocities, and that the probability that any component velocity lies within any given limits is independent of the other component velocities and of the configuration. Since * 2 f 4 V>, <& = vz^, ( 122 > I/ 00 and J e 2 m* dx! = V^Ti-mx 8 , ( 123 > the average value of the part of the kinetic energy due to the velocity x 19 which is expressed by the quotient of these inte- grals, is J 's, it may be divided into parts by the formula _ 1 ^^p -I @p /-I OQ\ ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 49 where e might be written for e p in the differential coefficients without affecting the signification. The average value of the first of these parts, for any given configuration, is expressed by the quotient /+ f+ de ^r . / i*l ~fo 6 d Pl ' ' d Pn _oo J oo api -=r- (129) e dpi . . . dp n Now we have by integration by parts ty-C r PI <^~^- d Pl = r 4 ,/ _oo api j _ By substitution of this value, the above quotient reduces to , which is therefore the average value of \P\ for the 2 dpi given configuration. Since this value is independent of the configuration, it must also be the average for the whole ensemble, as might easily be proved directly. (To make the preceding proof apply directly to the whole ensemble, we have only to write dp 1 . . . dq n for dp . . . dp n in the multiple integrals.) This gives J n for the average value of the whole kinetic energy for any given configuration, or for the whole ensemble, as has already been proved in the case of material points. The mechanical significance of the several parts into which the kinetic energy is divided in equation (128) will be appar- ent if we imagine that by the application of suitable forces (different from those derived from e q and so much greater that the latter may be neglected in comparison) the system was brought from rest to the state of motion considered, so rapidly that the configuration was not sensibly altered during the process, and in such a manner also that the ratios of the component velocities were constant in the process. If we write 50 AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL for the moment of these forces, we have for the period of their action by equation (3) * =- ( ^- d ^ + F l = - + F l dqi dqi dqi The work done by the force F may be evaluated as follows : r r d * = I Pi dq t -f I ydqit J J dq^ where the last term may be cancelled because the configuration does not vary sensibly during the application of the forces. (It will be observed that the other terms contain factors which increase as the tune of the action of the forces is diminished.) We have therefore, f* f* n f* \ dqi = I pi 1 dt = I qi dp t =. I Pi dpi . (131) For since the p's are linear functions of the q's (with coeffi- cients involving the #'s) the supposed constancy of the 's, when the in- tegrations are to cover all values of the jt?'s (for constant #'s) once and only once, they must cover all values of the w's once and only once, and the limits will be oo for all the u's. Without the supposition of the last paragraph the upper limits would not always be + oo , as is evident on considering the effect of changing the sign of a u. But with the supposition which we have made (that the determinant is always positive) we may make the upper limits + oo and the lower oo for all the t*'s. Analogous considerations will apply where the in- tegrations do not cover all values of the p's and therefore of * The reduction requires only the repeated application of the process of 'completing the square* used in the solution of quadratic equations. 52 AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL the w's. The integrals may always be taken from a less to a greater value of a u. The general integral which expresses the fractional part of the ensemble which falls within any given limits of phase is thus reduced to the form ...<***&...%,. (134) For the average value of the part of the kinetic energy which is represented by ^u^ whether the average is taken for the whole ensemble, or for a given configuration, we have therefore __ (135) --' I/ e 00 and for the average of the whole kinetic energy, JTI, as before. The fractional part of the ensemble which lies within any given limits of configuration, is found by integrating (184) with respect to the w's from oo to + oo . This gives J f. da, which shows that the value of the Jacobian is independent of the manner in which 2e p is divided into a sum of squares. We may verify this directly, and at the same tune obtain a more convenient expression for the Jacobian, as follows. It will be observed that since the M'S are linear functions of the p's, and the jt?'s linear functions of the ^'s, the u's will be linear functions of the = 2 ne > we have I e a = n e. \ \ 56 AVERAGES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE. / ^p-fp je & **d Pl ...dp n , (144) or again r r^=^ i I . . . / e < Ar^Ti 4i ( 145 ) for the fractional part of the systems of any given configura- tion which lie within given limits of velocity. When systems are distributed in velocity according to these formulae, i. e., when the distribution in velocity is like that in an ensemble which is canonically distributed in phase, we shall say that they are canonically distributed in velocity. The fractional part of the whole ensemble which falls within any given limits of phase, which we have before expressed in the form . dp n dqi . . . dq n , (146) may also be expressed in the form . . dq n dq l . . . dq n . (147) CHAPTER VI. EXTENSION IN CONFIGURATION AND EXTENSION IN VELOCITY. THE formulae relating to canonical ensembles in the closing paragraphs of the last chapter suggest certain general notions and principles, which we shall consider in this chapter, and which are not at all limited in their application to the canon- ical law of distribution.* We have seen in Chapter IV. that the nature of the distribu- tion which we have called canonical is independent of the system of coordinates by which it is described, being deter- mined entirely by the modulus. It follows that the value represented by the multiple integral (142), which is the frac- tional part of the ensemble which lies within certain limiting configurations, is independent of the system of coordinates, being determined entirely by the limiting configurations with the modulus. Now t|r, as we have already seen, represents a value which is independent of the system of coordinates by which it is defined. The same is evidently true of typ by equation (140), and therefore, by (141), of ty g . Hence the exponential factor in the multiple integral (142) represents a value which is independent of the system of coordinates. It follows that the value of a multiple integral of the form ^ ...dg n (148) * These notions and principles are in fact such as a more logical arrange- ment of the subject would place in connection with those of Chapter I., to which they are closely related. The strict requirements of logical order have been sacrificed to the natural development of the subject, and very elementary notions have been left until they have presented themselves in the study of the leading problems. 58 EXTENSION IN CONFIGURATION is independent of the system of coordinates which is employed for its evaluation, as will appear at once, if we suppose the multiple integral to be broken up into parts so small that the exponential factor may be regarded as constant in each. In the same way the formulae (144) and (145) which express the probability that a system (in a canonical ensemble) of given configuration will fall within certain limits of velocity, show that multiple integrals of the form (149) or * **&. 1* (150) relating to velocities possible for a given configuration, when the limits are formed by given velocities, have values inde- pendent of the system of coordinates employed. These relations may easily be verified directly. It has al- ready been proved that d(P l9 . . . P.) <%i . . . q n ) d(q l9 ...q n ) ..-) d(Q l9 ...Q n ) where q l , . . . q^ft , . . .p n and Q l , . . . Q n9 P 1 , . . . P n are two systems of coordinates and momenta.* It follows that i> = r J * See equation (29). AND EXTENSION IN VELOCITY. 59 and /Cf d (Ql, ... Qn)\% JT> Jp ' ' J \d(P^ ~^P}) ' * "'<%>!... !,-.. W The multiple integral >! . . . dp n dqi . . . rf^, (151) which may also be written 1 . . . dq n dqi . . . dq n , (152) and which, when taken within any given limits of phase, has been shown to have a value independent of the coordinates employed, expresses what we have called an extension-in- phase.* In like manner we may say that the multiple integral (148) expresses an extension-in-configuration, and that the multiple integrals (149) and (150) express an extensionrin- velocity. We have called dpi . . . *Y" of which v * is of the same nature as F i ' V * of the same nature as V 2 ", while V B " f satisfies the relations that if combined either with Fi or V the kinetic energy of the combined velocities is the sum of the kinetic energies of the velocities taken separately. When all the velocities Fg , . . . V n have been thus decomposed, the square root of the product of the doubled kinetic energies of the several velocities PI> JY' JY" ete *' ^H be the value of the extension-in- velocity which is sought. This method of evaluation of the extension-in- velocity which we are considering is perhaps the most simple and natural, but the result may be expressed in a more symmetrical form. Let us write e 12 for the kinetic energy of the velocities F x and V% combined, diminished by the sum of the kinetic energies due to the same velocities taken separately. This may be called the mutual energy of the velocities V\ and F 2 . Let the mutual energy of every pair of the velocities Fj , . . . V n be expressed in the same way. Analogy would make e n represent the energy of twice V 1 diminished by twice the energy of Fi , i. e.y e n would represent twice the energy of Fi , although the term mutual energy is hardly appropriate to this case. At all events, let e n have this signification, and e 22 represent twice the energy of F^, etc. The square root of the determinant n 12 ... i represents the value of the extension-in-velocity determined as above described by the velocities V\ , . . . FJ,. The statements of the preceding paragraph may be readily proved from the expression (157) on page 60, viz., A by which the notion of an element of extension-in-velocity was AND EXTENSION IN VELOCITY. 67 originally defined. Since A^ in this expression represents the determinant of which the general element is the square of the preceding expression represents the determi- nant of which the general element is Now we may regard the differentials of velocity dq t , d^ as themselves infinitesimal velocities. Then the last expression represents the mutual energy of these velocities, and d*e represents twice the energy due to the velocity dq { . The case which we have considered is an extension-in-veloc- ity of the simplest form. All extensions-in-velocity do not have this form, but all may be regarded as composed of elementary extensions of this form, in the same manner as all volumes may be regarded as composed of elementary parallelepipeds. Having thus a measure of extension-in- velocity founded, it will be observed, on the dynamical notion of kinetic energy, and not involving an explicit mention of coordinates, we may derive from it a measure of extension-in-configuration by the principle connecting these quantities which has been given in a preceding paragraph of this chapter. The measure of extension-in-phase may be obtained from that of extension-in-configuration and of extension-in- velocity. For to every configuration in an extension-in-phase there will belong a certain extension-in-velocity, and the integral of the elements of extension-in-configuration within any extension- in-phase multiplied each by its extension-in-velocity is the measure of the extension-in-phase. CHAPTER VII. FARTHER DISCUSSION OF AVERAGES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. RETURNING to the case of a canonical distribution, we have for the index of probability of configuration as appears on comparison of formulae (142) and (161). It follows immediately from (142) that the average value in the ensemble of any quantity u which depends on the configura- tion alone is given by the formula r au ^ * " < 227 > * (228) The average values of the powers of the anomalies of the energies are perhaps most easily found as follows. We have identically, since e is a function of , while e is a function of the jt?'s and e. 78 AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL or since by (218) -e) = e(e-e) - A <- In precisely the same way we may obtain for the potential energy (6 3 -i 3 )^ = @ 2 ^(e 3 - e q ^ + h(e q - e q )^ 2 g. (232) By successive applications of (231) we obtain (e - i) 2 = (e-e) 8 = (e - e) 6 = J> 5 e + 15DeD*e + 10(D 2 ) 2 + 15(Z)e) 8 etc. where D represents the operator ' 2 d/d. Similar expres- sions relating to the potential energy may be derived from (232). For the kinetic energy we may write similar equations in which the averages may be taken either for a single configura- tion or for the whole ensemble. But since dp _ n d~2 the general formula reduces to (e p - e p ) = 2 A (p - e p ) + n h& (e p - ~e p )^ (233) or (234) ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 79 But since identically the value of the corresponding expression for any index will be independent of <*) and the formula reduces to we have therefore etc. 1 It will be observed that when i/r or e is given as function of O, all averages of the form e^ or (e T) ft are thereby deter- * In the case discussed in the preceding foot-notes we get easily and For the total energy we have in this case l h ~ x -Tx2 i Ve-J = n' ft \ _ 2 etc. rurxs iar A ou -: . / f. J * ENSEMBLE OP SYSTEMS. The multiple integrals in average rallies of the expressions In the brackets, may therefore set equal to zero. The first gives as already obtained. With this relation and (191) we get from the other equations We may add for comparison equation (205), which might be derived from (236) by differentiating twice with respect to 8 : The two last equations give dl (A l - A l )(e - e) = (6 - )'. (245) e?e If i/r or e is known as function of 0, Oj, Oj, etc*, (e e) 2 may be obtained by differentiation as function of the same variables. And if i|r, or A v or 17" is known as function of 8, O (e e) may be obtained by differentiation. But (^A l A^y- and (^A l A^) (^ 2 A 2 ) cannot be obtained in any similar manner. We have seen that (e e) 2 is in general a vanishing quantity for very great values of TI, which we may regard as contained implicitly in as a divisor. The same is true of (A^ A^) (e e). It does not appear that we can assert the same of (A-^ -4 X ) 2 or (A l A^) (^ 2 -4 2 ), since 6 82 AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL a^ may be very great. The quantities dte/da^ an belong to the class called elasticities. The former expression represents an elasticity measured under the condition that while &J is varied the internal coordinates q l9 . . . q n all remain fixed. The latter is an elasticity measured under the condi- tion that when a x is varied the ensemble remains canonically distributed within the same modulus. This corresponds to an elasticity in physics measured under the condition of con- stant temperature. It is evident that the former is greater than the latter, and it may be enormously greater. The divergences of the force A l from its average value are due in part to the differences of energy in the systems of the ensemble, and in part to the differences in the value of the forces which exist in systems of the same energy. If we write A^ for the average value of A l in systems of the ensemble which have any same energy, it will be determined by the equation / . . . J e . . . dq n where the limits of integration in both multiple integrals are two values of the energy which differ infinitely little, say e and fc e + de. This will make the factor e & constant within the limits of integration, and it may be cancelled in the numera- tor and denominator, leaving //- --<&>! ...dq n 2H.= / / (247) J...J*!...*. where the integrals as before are to be taken between e and e + de. A^\ f is therefore independent of , being a function of the energy and the external coordinates. ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 83 Now we have identically A l Ai = (Ai 2T) e ) + (2T1 1 -4)> where A l ~A^ e denotes the excess of the force (tending to increase a^ exerted by any system above the average of such forces for systems of the same energy. Accordingly, But the average value of (A l A^\f) (A^\ e A^) for systems of the ensemble which have the same energy is zero, since for such systems the second factor is constant. Therefore the average for the whole ensemble is zero, and Atf. (248) In the same way it may be shown that (A, - A l ) (e-e) = (^ - AJ (e - e). (249) It is evident that in ensembles in which the anomalies of energy e e may be regarded as insensible the same will be true of the quantities represented by A^\ f A^ The properties of quantities of the form A^\ will be farther considered in Chapter X, which will be devoted to ensembles of constant energy. It may not be without interest to consider some general formulae relating to averages in a canonical ensemble, which embrace many of the results which have been given in this chapter. Let u be any function of the internal and external coordi- nates with the momenta and modulus. We have by definition **-.>, V: .fc! u-J...Jue e d^.^dq, (250) phases If we differentiate with respect to , we have du f a r/du u u e d = J J (35-3 <#--^i phases 84 AVERAGE VALUES IN A CANONICAL du _du uty-e) udif, d~d -- & + d' Setting u = 1 in this equation, we get d\f/ _ \i/ d~ and substituting this value, we have du du ue ue If we differentiate equation (250) with respect to a (which may represent any of the external coordinates), and write A for the force -^ , we get __ ail t *. du r r( du u dif/ u . \ 3-= /.../V-5- + ^^-+7 v ^) da J J \da da / da phases du du or = Setting w = 1 hi this equation, we get Substituting this value, we have du au uA uA du du or - r -- r = ^2-uI=(u-u)(A-2). (255) da aa Repeated applications of the principles expressed by equa- tions (252) and (255) are perhaps best made in the particular cases. Yet we may write (252) in this form ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 85 ( + D) (u - u) = 0, (256) where D represents the operator 2 d/d. Hence (e + D) A (u - u) = 0, (257) where h is any positive whole number. It will be observed, that since e is not function of , (e + D) h may be expanded by the binomial theorem. Or, we may write (e + />) u = (e + D) u, (258) whence (e + X>)* u = (e + D) h u. (259) But the operator (e + D)*, although in some respects more simple than the operator without the average sign on the e, cannot be expanded by the binomial theorem, since e is a function of with the external coordinates. So from equation (254) we have < 26 ) whence (~ + J;)* ( - u) = ; (261) The binomial theorem cannot be applied to these operators. Again, if we now distinguish, as usual, the several external coordinates by suffixes, we may apply successively to the expression u u any or all of the operators , , etc. (264) 86 AVERAGES IN A CANONICAL ENSEMBLE. as many times as we choose, and in any order, the average value of the result will be zero. Or, if we apply the same operators to u, and finally take the average value, it will be the same as the value obtained by writing the sign of average separately as u, and on e, A , A 2 , etc., in all the operators. If u is independent of the momenta, formulae similar to the preceding, but having e q in place of e, may be derived from equation (179). CHAPTER VIII. ON CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. IN order to consider more particularly the distribution of a canonical ensemble in energy, and for other purposes, it will be convenient to use the following definitions and notations. Let us denote by J^the extension-in-phase below a certain limit of energy which we shall call e. That is, let > x . . . dq n , (265) the integration being extended (with constant values of the external coordinates) over all phases for which the energy is less than the limit e. We shall suppose that the value of this integral is not infinite, except for an infinite value of the lim- iting energy. This will not exclude any kind of system to which the canonical distribution is applicable. For if >i dq n taken without limits has a finite value,* the less value repre- sented by e /... u taken below a limiting value of 6, and with the e before the integral sign representing that limiting value, will also be finite. Therefore the value of V, which differs only by a constant factor, will also be finite, for finite e. It is a func- tion of e and the external coordinates, a continuous increasing * This is a necessary condition of the canonical distribution. See Chapter IV, p. 35. 88 CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS function of 6, which becomes infinite with e, and vanishes for the smallest possible value of e, or f or e = oo, if the energy may be diminished without limit. Let us also set dV = log (266) The extension in phase between any two limits of energy, ^ and e", will be represented by the integral / de. (267) And in general, we may substitute e* de for dp l . . . dq n in a 2tt-fold integral, reducing it to a simple integral, whenever the limits can be expressed by the energy alone, and the other factor under the integral sign is a function of the energy alone, or with quantities which are constant in the integration. In particular we observe that the probability that the energy of an unspecified system of a canonical ensemble lies between the limits e' and e" will be represented by the integral * * ffe, (268) and that the average value in the ensemble of any quantity which only varies with the energy is given by the equation j (269) where we may regard the constant *fy as determined by the equation $ ^ =l 6=00 & e de, (270) F=0 In regard to the lower limit in these integrals, it will be ob- served that V= is equivalent to the condition that the value of e is the least possible. * Compare equation (93). t Compare equation (108). J Compare equation (92). OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. 89 In like manner, let us denote by V q the extension-in-configu- ration below a certain limit of potential energy which we may call e g . That is, let JV (2T1) the integration being extended (with constant values of the external coordinates) over all configurations for which the potential energy is less than e g . V q will be a function of e q with the external coordinates, an increasing function of e 3 , which does not become infinite (in such cases as we shall con- sider *) for any finite value of e q . It vanishes for the least possible value of e ? , or for e q = oo , if e q can be diminished without limit. It is not always a continuous function of e g . In fact, if there is a finite extension-in-configuration of con- stant potential energy, the corresponding value of V q will not include that extension-in-configuration, but if e q be in- creased infinitesimally, the corresponding value of V q will be increased by that finite extension-in-configuration. Let us also set (272) The extension-in-configuration between any two limits of potential energy e q and e q f may be represented by the integral (273) whenever there is no discontinuity in the value of V q as function of e q between or at those limits, that is, when- ever there is no finite extension-in-configuration of constant potential energy between or at the limits. And hi general, with the restriction mentioned, we may substitute e^ q de q for Aj dq 1 . . . dq n in an w-fold integral, reducing it to a simple integral, when the limits are expressed by the potential energy, and the other factor under the integral sign is a function of * If V q were infinite^ for finite values of e,, V would evidently be infinite for finite values of e. 90 CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS the potential energy, either alone or with quantities which are constant in the integration. We may often avoid the inconvenience occasioned by for- mulae becoming illusory on account of discontinuities in the values of V q as function of e q by substituting for the given discontinuous function a continuous function which is practi- cally equivalent to the given function for the purposes of the evaluations desired. It only requires infinitesimal changes of potential energy to destroy the finite extensions-in-configura- tion of constant potential energy which are the cause of the difficulty. In the case of an ensemble of systems canonically distributed in configuration, when V q is, or may be regarded as, a continu- ous function of e q (within the limits considered), the proba- bility that the potential energy of an unspecified system lies between the limits e q and e q ' is given by the integral where ^ may be determined by the condition that the value of the integral is unity, when the limits include all possible values of e q . In the same case, the average value in the en- semble of any function of the potential energy is given by the equation u = / ue d q . (275) V q =0 When V q is not a continuous function of e ff , we may write d V q for e* q de g in these formulae. In like manner also, for any given configuration, let us denote by V p the extension-in-velocity below a certain limit of kinetic energy specified by e p . That is, let V, = J. (276) OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. 91 the integration being extended, with constant values of the coordinates, both internal and external, over all values of the momenta for which the kinetic energy is less than the limit e p . V p will evidently be a continuous increasing function of e p which vanishes and becomes infinite with e. Let us set The extension-in-velocity between any two limits of kinetic energy e p and e p " may be represented by the integral f e* p de p . (278) And in general, we may substitute e^ p de p for A,* dp l . . . dp n or Ag* dq l . . . dq n in an w-fold integral in which the coordi- nates are constant, reducing it to a simple integral, when the limits are expressed by the kinetic energy, and the other factor under the integral sign is a function of the kinetic energy, either alone or with quantities which are constant in the integration. It is easy to express V p and $ p in terms of e p . Since A^ is function of the coordinates alone, we have by definition 1 ...dp n (279) the limits of the integral being given by e p . That is, if e p = F( Pl ,... Pa ), (280) the limits of the integral for e p = 1, are given by the equation F( Pl ,... Pa ) = \, (281) and the limits of the integral for e p a 2 , are given by the equation ='. (282) But since F represents a quadratic function, this equation may be written 1 (283) 92 CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS The value of V p may also be put in the form r, = ***f...f*&...*%. (284) Now we may determine V p for e p = 1 from (279) where the limits are expressed by (281), and FJ, for e p ,= a 2 from (284) taking the limits from (283). The two integrals thus deter- mined are evidently identical, and we have (285) i. e., V v varies as e/. We may therefore set , n V p =Ce p *> e P = n -Ce p * j (286) where C is a constant, at least for fixed values of the internal coordinates. To determine this constant, let us consider the case of a canonical distribution, for which we have _ where e & = (2-*) 2 . Substituting this value, and that of e*' from (286), we get (287) Having thus determined the value of the constant (7, we may OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. - 93 substitute it in the general expressions (286), and obtain the following values, which are perfectly general : ~ * (289) It will be observed that the values of V p and p for any given e p are independent of the configuration, and even of the nature of the system considered, except with respect to its number of degrees of freedom. Returning to the canonical ensemble, we may express the probability that the kinetic energy of a system of a given configuration, but otherwise unspecified, falls within given limits, by either member of the following equation Since this value is independent of the coordinates it also represents the probability that the kinetic energy of an unspecified system of a canonical ensemble falls within the limits. The form of the last integral also shows that the prob- ability that the ratio of the kinetic energy to the modulus * Very similar values for V q , <&*, V, and e* may be found in the same way in the case discussed in the preceding foot-notes (see pages 54, 72, 77, and 79), in which e 3 is a quadratic function of the q's, and Aj independent of the q'a. In this case we have (2 ')*( - P(Jn) + i) 94 CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS falls within given limits is independent also of the value of the modulus, being determined entirely by the number of degrees of freedom of the system and the limiting values of the ratio. The average value of any function of the kinetic energy, either for the whole ensemble, or for any particular configura- tion, is given by p ?-i ue e,2 de p *(291) Thus: ^"' if m + ^>> t(292) * The corresponding equation for the average value of any function of the potential energy, when this is a quadratic function of the ^'s, and A is independent of the q's, is In the same case, the average value of any function of the (total) energy is given by the equation Hence in this case j . f m + n>0- and = , if ii f vy If n = 1, e* = 2 ir and d^jde = for any value of e. If n = 2, the case is the same with respect to 2 . t This equation has already been proved for positive integral powers of the kinetic energy. See page 77. OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. 95 n n -) /o _\9 ^2 ~j if w > 1 ; (294) if n > 2 ; (295) = . (296) If n = 2, e* p = 2 TT, and d p /de p = 0, for any value of e p . The definitions of F, V# and F^, give (297) where the integrations cover all phases for which the energy is less than the limit e, for which the value of Fis sought. This gives V=Cv p dV q , (298) and ,-j-r 9= 6 e* = -~ f e^ p dV n , (299} de j where V p and e^ p are connected with V q by the equation p + e q = constant ~ e. (300) If n > 2, e*? vanishes at the upper limit, i. e., for e p = 0, and we get by another differentiation q= We may also write 6 2 = e F= J "P;/ 9 ^, (302) * r =J (303) 96 CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS etc., when V q is a continuous function of e q commencing with the value V q = 0, or when we choose to attribute to V q a fictitious continuity commencing with the value zero, as de- scribed on page 90. If we substitute hi these equations the values of V p and e^p which we have found, we get ^= r/il /^ < - <) <* ^ ' (304) (305) where e^ c?e g may be substituted for d V q in the cases above described. If, therefore, n is known, and V q as function of p V and e^ may be found by quadratures. It appears from these equations that F"is always a continu- ous increasing function of e, commencing with the value V= 0, even when this is not the case with respect to V q and e q . The same is true of e^, when n > 2, or when n = 2 if V q in- creases continuously with e q from the value V q = 0. The last equation may be derived from the preceding by differentiation with respect to e. Successive differentiations give, if h < } n + 1, d h Vjd Q is therefore characterized by the equation (309) de, de, The values of e p and e q determined by this maximum we shall distinguish by accents, and mark the corresponding values of functions of e p and e q in the same way. Now we have by Taylor's theorem If the approximation is sufficient without going beyond the quadratic terms, since by (300) P ~ P' = - ( e * - /) we may write +^( d ^ P \'( d \}'-\(^ii^ 2 *. ( 312 > where the limits have been made oo for analytical simplicity. This is allowable when the quantity in the square brackets has a very large negative value, since the part of the integral 7 98 CERTAIN IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS corresponding to other than very small values of e q e q f may be regarded as a vanishing quantity. This gives > _ A/+V /-ON (313) or ^V+^' + ilog(2,)-ilog[-(^)'-(^)']. (3U) From this equation, with (289), (300) and (309), we .may determine the value of $ corresponding to any given value of e, when q is known as function of e q . Any two systems may be regarded as together forming a third system. If we have F or $ given as function of e for any two systems, we may express by quadratures J^and $ for the system formed by combining the two. If we distinguish by the suffixes ( ) x , ( ) 2 , ( ) 12 the quantities relating to the three systems, we have easily from the definitions of these quantities =ff (sis) $12 | 04 > *f7T7' / p^ 1 fj T7" / n^ 1 ' ^ 2 x7 /O-1 \ / / y where the double integral is to be taken within the limits Vi = 0, V 2 = 0, and e l + e 2 = e 12 , and the variables in the single integrals are connected by the last of these equations, while the limits are given by the first two, which characterize the least possible values of e 1 and e 2 respectively. It will be observed that these equations are identical in form with those by which F'and $ are derived from V p or cf> p and V q or q , except that they do not admit in the general case those transformations which result from substituting for V p or (f> p the particukr functions which these symbols always represent. OF THE ENERGIES OF A SYSTEM. 99 Similar formulae may be used to derive V q or q for the compound system, when one of these quantities is known. as function of the potential energy in each of the systems combined. The operation represented by such an equation as C = I 01 02 e e is identical with one of the fundamental operations of the theory of errors, viz., that of finding the probability of an error from the probabilities of partial errors of which it is made up. It admits a simple geometrical illustration. We may take a horizontal line as an axis of abscissas, and lay off 61 as an abscissa measured to the right of any origin, and erect e^i as a corresponding ordinate, thus determining a certain curve. Again, taking a different origin, we may lay off e 2 as abscissas measured to the left, and determine a second curve by erecting the ordinates e^. We may suppose the distance be- tween the origins to be e 12 , the second origin being to the right if e 12 is positive. We may determine a third curve by erecting at every point in the line (between the least values of ei and e 2 ) an ordinate which represents the product of the two ordinates belonging to the curves already described- The area between this third curve and the axis of abscissas will represent the value of e^ 12 . To get the value of this quantity for varying values of 6 12 , we may suppose the first two curves to be rigidly con- structed, and to be capable of being moved independently. We may increase or diminish e 12 by moving one of these curves to the right or left. The third curve must be constructed anew for each different value of e 12 . CHAPTER IX. THE FUNCTION < AND THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. IN this chapter we shall return to the consideration of the canonical distribution, in order to investigate those properties which are especially related to the function of the energy which we have denoted by . If we denote by JV, as usual, the total number of systems in the ensemble, will represent the number having energies between the limits e and e + de. The expression Ne (317) represents what may be called the density-in-energy. This vanishes for e = GO, for otherwise the necessary equation (318) could not be fulfilled. For the same reason the density-in- energy will vanish for e = co, if that is a possible value of the energy. Generally, however, the least possible value of the energy will be a finite value, for which, if n > 2, e* will vanish,* and therefore the density-in-energy. Now the density- in-energy is necessarily positive, and since it vanishes for extreme values of the energy if n > 2, it must have a maxi- mum in such cases, in which the energy may be said to have * See page 96. THE FUNCTION 0. 101 its most common or most probable value, and which is determined by the equation d(f> 1 de * ^ ' This value of d(f>/de is also, when n > 2, its average value in the ensemble. For we have identically, by integration by parts, '''= ! +4> r ~ v'=o v=o If n > 2, the expression in the brackets, which multiplied by N would represent the density-in-energy, vanishes at the limits, and we have by (269) and (318) It appears, therefore, that for systems of more tfyan two degrees of freedom, the average value of d$/de in an eiis^ri^y canpni- / cally distributed is identical with the value of the same, ential coefficient as calculated for the most .eoavrooi'. < in the ensemble, both values being reciprocals of the modulus. Hitherto, in our consideration of the quantities F", V# V p , <, pi we have regarded the external coordinates as constant. It is evident, however, from their definitions that V and < are in general functions of the external coordinates and the energy (e), that V q and $ g are in general functions of the external coordinates and the potential energy (e g ). V p and p we have found to be functions of the kinetic energy (e p ) alone. In the equation -/ de, (322) by which -vfr may be determined, O and the external coordinates (contained implicitly in <) are constant in the integration. The equation shows that i|r is a function of these constants. 102 TH& FUNCTION AND If their values are varied, we shall have by differentiation, if n >2 v=o + dai f*4. e ~e + * 2, there are no terms due to the variations of the limits.) Hence by (269) or, since ^ (325) 2. Moreover, since the external coordinates have constant values throughout the ensemble, the values of d(p/da v d(f>Jda^ etc. vary in the ensemble only on account of the variations of the energy (e), which, as we have seen, may be regarded as sensibly constant throughout the en- semble, when n is very great. In this case, therefore, we may regard the average values <25 ~d4 -5-S -=-S etc., 104 THE FUNCTION < AND as practically equivalent to the values relating to the most common energy I j ( j j etc. dtti JQ \ d&z J Q In this case also de is practically equivalent to de Q . We have therefore, for very large values of n, dri d Q (337) approximately. That is, except for an additive constant, 77 may be regarded as practically equivalent to < , when the number of degrees of freedom of the system is very great. It is not meant by this that the variable part of rj + < is numerically of a lower order of magnitude than unity. For when n is very great, 77 and $ are very great, and we can only conclude that the variable part of 77 + < is insignifi- cant compared with the variable part of rj or of < , taken separately. Now we have already noticed a certain correspondence between the quantities and 77 and those which in thermo- dynamics are called temperature and entropy. The property just demonstrated, with those expressed by equation (336), therefore suggests that the quantities and de/dQ may also correspond to the thermodynamic notions of entropy and tem- perature. We leave the discussion of this point to a sub- sequent chapter, and only mention it here to justify the somewhat detailed investigation of the relations of these quantities. We may get a clearer view of the limiting form of the relations when the number of degrees of freedom is indefi- nitely increased, if we expand the function in a series arranged according to ascending powers of e e . This ex- pansion may be written ( f ) ( ~ ^ (338) Adding the identical equation THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. 105 \/ 6 ^ Q 6 > (339) Substituting this value in which expresses the probability that the energy of an unspeci- fied system of the ensemble lies between the limits e' and e", we get - **. (340) When the number of degrees of freedom is very great, and e e in consequence very small, we may neglect the higher powers and write* i . " (341) This shows that for a very great number of degrees of freedom the probability of deviations of energy from the most probable value (e ) approaches the form expressed by the 'law of errors.' With this approximate law, we get * If a higher degree of accuracy is desired than is afforded by this formula, it may be multiplied by the series obtained from by the ordinary formula for the expansion in series of an exponential func- tion. There would be no especial analytical difficulty in taking account of a moderate number of terms of such a series, which would commence 106 THE FUNCTION AND (343) whence (344) Now it has been proved in Chapter VII that 7 - ^ _ 2 ( 6 ~~ e ) ~ ~r~ P ' n de p p We have therefore approximately. The order of magnitude of rj < is there- fore that of log n. This magnitude is mainly constant. The order of magnitude of rj +

, and therefore of 77, is that of n.* Equation (338) gives for the first approximation (1^ = _, (346) ( *-*>(.-0 = ^ = *, W / . __ , Y ( 6 ~ 6 o) 2 = ^ ^f (348) ap The members of the last equation have the order of magnitude of n. Equation (338) gives also for the first approximation d e fi\ ~ \ ^2 / v e o)> * Compare (289), (314). THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. 107 whence This is of the order of magnitude of n.* It should be observed that the approximate distribution of the ensemble in energy according to the 'law of errors' is not dependent on the particular form of the function of the energy which we have assumed for the index of probability (77). In any case, we must have (351) where e^+t is necessarily positive. This requires that it shall vanish for e = oo , and also for e = oo , if this is a possi- ble value. It has been shown in the last chapter that if e has a (finite) least possible value (which is the usual case) and n > 2, e* will vanish for that least value of e. In general therefore 77 + < will have a maximum, which determines the most probable value of the energy. If we denote this value by e > and distinguish the corresponding values of the func- tions of the energy by the same suffix, we shall have - a The probability that an unspecified system of the ensemble * We shall find hereafter that the equation is exact for any value of n greater than 2, and that the equation fd(f> IV __ <^0 \d* ) ' rf? is exact for any value of n greater than 4. 108 THE FUNCTION < AND falls within any given limits of energy (e' and e") is repre- sented by f e^de. If we expand 77 and < in ascending powers of e e , without going beyond the squares, the probability that the energy falls within the given limits takes the form of the law of errors ' de. (353) i/ This gives We shall have a close approximation in general when the quantities equated in (355) are very small, i. e., when is very great. Now when n is very great, d*$/de* is of the same order of magnitude, and the condition that (356) shall be very great does not restrict very much the nature of the function 77. We may obtain other properties pertaining to average values in a canonical ensemble by the method used for the average of d/de. Let u be any function of the energy, either alone or with and the external coordinates. The average value of u in the ensemble is determined by the equation 6=00 4,-e /- - + 4> ue e de. (357) F=0 THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. 109 Now we have identically Therefore, by the preceding equation If we set u = 1, (a value which need not be excluded,) the second member of this equation vanishes, as shown on page 101, if n > 2, and we get ^ = i, (360) as before. It is evident from the same considerations that the second member of (359) will always vanish if n > 2, unless u becomes infinite at one of the limits, in which case a more care- ful examination of the value of the expression will be necessary. To facilitate the discussion of such cases, it will be convenient to introduce a certain limitation in regard to the nature of the system considered. We have necessarily supposed, in all our treatment of systems canonically distributed, that the system considered was such as to be capable of the canonical distri- bution with the given value of the modulus. We shall now suppose that the system is such as to be capable of a canonical distribution with any (finite) f modulus. Let us see what cases we exclude by this last limitation. * A more general equation, which is not limited to ensembles canonically distributed, is ^ + M ^4. M ^- \ue f *~\* = * > df U de U de ~ I"* J F=0 where t\ denotes, as usual, the index of probability of phase. t The term finite applied to the modulus is intended to exclude the value zero as well as infinity. 110 THE FUNCTION AND The impossibility of a canonical distribution occurs when the equation e e e = e s* l-j-0 =J e ' de (361) F=0 fails to determine a finite value for ^. Evidently the equation cannot make ty an infinite positive quantity, the impossibility therefore occurs when the equation makes ty = oo . Now we get easily from (191) If the canonical distribution is possible for any values of , we can apply this equation so long as the canonical distribu- tion is possible. The equation shows that as is increased (without becoming infinite) ty cannot become infinite unless 6 simultaneously becomes infinite, and that as O is decreased (without becoming zero) ^ cannot become infinite unless simultaneously e becomes an infinite negative quantity. The corresponding cases in thermodynamics would be bodies which could absorb or give out an infinite amount of heat without passing certain limits of temperature, when no external work is done in the positive or negative sense. Such infinite values present no analytical difficulties, and do not contradict the general laws of mechanics or of thermodynamics, but they are quite foreign to our ordinary experience of nature. In excluding such cases (which are certainly not entirely devoid of interest) we do not exclude any which are analogous to any actual cases in thermodynamics. We assume then that for any finite value of the second member of (361) has a finite value. When this condition is fulfilled, the second member of (359) will vanish for u = e~+ V. For, if we set 6' = 26, ? ___! _ f _ ^ F = V = THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. Ill where ty r denotes the value of ^ for the modulus '. Since the last member of this formula vanishes for e = oo , the less value represented by the first member must also vanish for the same value of e. Therefore the second member of (359), which differs only by a constant factor, vanishes at the upper limit. The case of the lower limit remains to be considered. Now The second member of this formula evidently vanishes for the value of e, which gives V 0, whether this be finite or negative infinity. Therefore, the second member of (359) vanishes at the lower limit also, and we have V or e V=. (362) This equation, which is subject to no restriction in regard to the value of n, suggests a connection or analogy between the function of the energy of a system which is represented by iT^ V and the notion of temperature in thermodynamics. We shall return to this subject in Chapter XIV. If n > 2, the second member of (359) may easily be shown to vanish for any of the following values of u viz. : , e^, e, e"*, where m denotes any positive number. It will also vanish, when n > 4, for u = dfyde, and when n > 2 h for u = e-* d h V/d^. When the second member of (359) van- ishes, and n > 2, we may write We thus obtain the following equations : If n > 2, (364) 112 THE FUNCTION AND or If w > 4, If n 2 -d h Vd 1 - 6 -d?-fc- 6 e ' -Tjr-j e de 1 ae or (368) t(369) (370) whence " ^- = ^. Giving A the values 1, 2, 3, etc., we have as already obtained. Also * This equation may also be obtained from equations (252) and (321). Compare also equation (349) which was derived by an approximative method, t Compare equation (360), obtained by an approximative method. THE CANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. 113 If V q is a continuous increasing function of e g , commencing with V q = 0, the average value in a canonical ensemble of any function of e^, either alone or with the modulus and the exter- nal coordinates, is given by equation (275), which is identical with (357) except that e, $, and \jr have the suffix ( ) ff . The equation may be transformed so as to give an equation iden- tical with (359) except for the suffixes. If we add the same suffixes to equation (361), the finite value of its members will determine the possibility of the canonical distribution. From these data, it is easy to derive equations similar to (360), (362)-(372), except that the conditions of their valid- ity must be differently stated. The equation requires only the condition already mentioned with respect to V q . This equation corresponds to (362), which is subject to no restriction with respect to the value of n. We may ob- serve, however, that V will always satisfy a condition similar to that mentioned with respect to V r If V q satisfies the condition mentioned, and e^ a similar condition, i. e., if e^i is a continuous increasing function of e 3 , commencing with the value (^ = 0, equations will hold sim- ilar to those given for the case when n > 2, viz., similar to (360), (364)-(368). Especially important is de q ~' If V q , 6*4 (or dV q /dq), d?V q /de* all satisfy similar conditions, we shall have an equation similar to (369), which was subject to the condition n > 4. And if cPVqjdef also satisfies a similar condition, we shall have an equation similar to (372), for which the condition was n > 6. Finally, if V q and h suc- cessive differential coefficients satisfy conditions of the kind mentioned, we shall have equations like (370) and (371) for which the condition was n > 2 h. 8 114 THE FUNCTION <. These conditions take the place of those given above relat- ing to n. In fact, we might give conditions relating to the differential coefficients of F", similar to those given relating to the differential coefficients of V q , instead of the conditions relating to n, for the validity of equations (360), (363)-(372). This would somewhat extend the application of the equations. CHAPTER X. ON A DISTRIBUTION IN PHASE CALLED MICROCANONI- CAL IN WHICH ALL THE SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. AN important case of statistical equilibrium is that in which all systems of the ensemble have the same energy. We may arrive at the notion of a distribution which will satisfy the necessary conditions by the following process. We may suppose that an ensemble is distributed with a uniform den- sity-in-phase between two limiting values of the energy, e' and e", and with density zero outside of those limits. Such an ensemble is evidently in statistical equilibrium according to the criterion in Chapter IV, since the density-in-phase may be regarded as a function of the energy. By diminishing the difference of e' and e", we may diminish the differences of energy in the ensemble. The limit of this process gives us a permanent distribution in which the energy is constant. We should arrive at the same result, if we should make the density any function of the energy between the limits e' and e", and zero outside of those limits. Thus, the limiting distri- bution obtained from the part of a canonical ensemble between two limits of energy, when the difference of the limiting energies is indefinitely diminished, is independent of the modulus, being determined entirely by the energy, and is identical with the limiting distribution obtained from a uniform density between limits of energy approaching the same value. We shall call the limiting distribution at which we arrive by this process microcanonical. We shall find however, in certain cases, that for certain values of the energy, viz., for those for which e* is infinite, 116 A PERMANENT DISTRIBUTION IN WHICH this process fails to define a limiting distribution in any such distinct sense as for other values of the energy. The difficulty is not in the process, but in the nature of the case, being entirely analogous to that which we meet when we try to find a canonical distribution in cases when ^ becomes infinite. We have not regarded such cases as affording true examples of the canonical distribution, and we shall not regard the cases in which e^ is infinite as affording true examples of the micro- canonical distribution. We shall in fact find as we go on that in such cases our most important formulae become illusory. The use of formulae relating to a canonical ensemble which contain e^de instead of dp l . . . dq n , as in the preceding chapters, amounts to the consideration of the ensemble as divided into an infinity of microcanonical elements; From a certain point of view, the microcanonical distribution may seem more simple than the canonical, and it has perhaps been more studied, and been regarded as more closely related to the fundamental notions of thermodynamics. To this last point we shall return in a subsequent chapter. It is sufficient here to remark that analytically the canonical distribution is much more manageable than the microcanonical. We may sometimes avoid difficulties which the microcanon- ical distribution presents by regarding it as the result of the following process, which involves conceptions less simple but more amenable to analytical treatment. We may suppose an ensemble distributed with a density proportional to where &> and e 1 are constants, and then diminish indefinitely the value of the constant &>. Here the density is nowhere zero until we come to the limit, but at the limit it is zero for all energies except e'. We thus avoid the analytical compli- cation of discontinuities in the value of the density, which require the use of integrals with inconvenient limits. In a microcanonical ensemble of systems the energy (e) is constant, but the kinetic energy (e^) and the potential energy ALL SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. 117 (e q ) vary in the different systems, subject of course to the con- dition p -f e q = e = constant. (373) Our first inquiries will relate to the division of energy into these two parts, and to the average values of functions of e p and e q . We shall use the notation y\ 6 to denote an average value in a microcanonical ensemble of energy e. An average value in a canonical ensemble of modulus (D, which has hitherto been denoted by M, we shall in this chapter denote by '^@, to distinguish more clearly the two kinds of averages. The extension-in-phase within any limits which can be given in terms of e p and e q may be expressed in the notations of the preceding chapter by the double integral *dV p dVq taken within those limits. If an ensemble of systems is dis- tributed within those limits with a uniform density-in-phase, the average value in the ensemble of any function (u) of the kinetic and potential energies will be expressed by the quotient of integrals / r udVpdVq dVpdVq Since d V p = e^ p de p , and de p = de when e q is constant, the expression may be written To get the average value of u in an ensemble distributed microcanonically with the energy 6, we must make the in- tegrations cover the extension-in-phase between the energies e and e + de. This gives 118 A PERMANENT DISTRIBUTION IN WHICH de\ue Vp dV q v q =o But by (299) the value of the integral in the denominator is e^. We have therefore (374) where e^ p and V q are connected by equation (373), and w, if given as function of e p , or of e p and e q , becomes in virtue of the same equation a function of e q alone. We shall assume that e^ has a finite value. If n > 1, it is evident from equation (305) that e^ is an increasing function of e, and therefore cannot be infinite for one value of e without being infinite for all greater values of e, which would make ty infinite.* When n > 1, therefore, if we assume that e^ is finite, we only exclude such cases as we found necessary to exclude in the study of the canonical distribution. But when n = 1, cases may occur in which the canonical distribu- tion is perfectly applicable, but in which the formulae for the microcanonical distribution become illusory, for particular val- ues of e, on account of the infinite value of e^. Such failing cases of the microcanonical distribution for particular values of the energy will not prevent us from regarding the canon- ical ensemble as consisting of an infinity of microcanonical ensembles, f * See equation (322). t An example of the failing case of the microcanonical distribution is afforded by a material point, under the influence of gravity, and constrained to remain in a vertical circle. The failing case occurs when the energy is just sufficient to carry the material point to the highest point of the circle. It will be observed that the difficulty is inherent in the nature of the case, and is quite independent of the mathematical formulae. The nature of the difficulty is at once apparent if we try to distribute a finite number of ALL SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. 119 From the last equation, with (298), we get = e~* V. (375) But by equations (288) and (289) -V,-?*. (376) Therefore e~* V e~ P "Pjj e = - ep\e . (377) Again, with the aid of equation (301), we get = (378) Vq=0 if n > 2. Therefore, by (289) These results are interesting on account of the relations of the functions e~$ V and -^ to the notion of temperature in thermodynamics, a subject to which we shall return here- after. They are particular cases of a general relation easily deduced from equations (306), (374), (288) and (289). We have ' ' r : , . w < f* =J The equation may be written g=< material points with this particular value of the energy as nearly as possible in statistical equilibrium, or if we ask : What is the probability that a point taken at random from an ensemble in statistical equilibrium with this value of the energy will be found in any specified part of the circle? 120 A PERMANENT DISTRIBUTION IN WHICH We have therefore if h < J- n + 1. For example, when w is even, we may make A = i- n, which gives, with (307), 1-2 (381) Since any canonical ensemble of systems may be regarded as composed of microcanonical ensembles, if any quantities u and v have the same average values in every microcanonical ensemble, they will have the same values in every canonical ensemble. To bring equation (380) formally under this rule, we may observe that the first member being a function of e is a constant value in a microcanonical ensemble, and therefore identical with its average value. We get thus the general equation .-*? if h < J n + 1.* The equations . 9 _ (383) may be regarded as particular cases of the general equation. The last equation is subject to the condition that n > 2. The last two equations give for a canonical ensemble, x if n > 2, (l-|)^leV^] -l. (385) The corresponding equations for a microcanonical ensemble give, if n > 2, \l 1 A 1 ' _1| ^V* /OQ\ I 1 - = I W V> = ^wTF' ( 386 ) See equation (292). ALL SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. 121 which shows that d$ dlog V approaches the value unity when n is very great. If a system consists of two parts, having separate energies, we may obtain equations similar in form to the preceding, which relate to the system as thus divided.* We shall distinguish quantities rekting to the parts by letters with suffixes, the same letters without suffixes relating to the whole system. The extension-in-phase of the whole system within any given limits of the energies may be represented by the double integral taken within those limits, as appears at once from the defini- tions of Chapter VIII. In an ensemble distributed with uniform density within those limits, and zero density outside, the average value of any function of e 1 and e a is given by the quotient which may also be written f If we make the limits of integration e and e + de, we get the * If this condition is rigorously fulfilled, the parts will have no influence on each other, and the ensemble formed by distributing the whole micro- canonically is too arbitrary a conception to have a real interest. The prin- cipal interest of the equations which we shall obtain will be in cases in which the condition is approximately fulfilled. But for the purposes of a theoretical discussion, it is of course convenient to make such a condition absolute. Compare Chapter IV, pp. 35 ff., where a similar condition is con- sidered in connection with canonical ensembles. t Where the analytical transformations are identical in form with those on the preceding pages, it does not appear necessary to give all the steps with the same detail. 122 A PERMANENT DISTRIBUTION IN WHICH average value of u in an ensemble in which the whole system is microcanonically distributed in phase, viz., (387) where fa and V 2 are connected by the equation i + 2 = constant = e, (388) and u, if given as function of ei , or of ei and e 2 , becomes in virtue of the same equation a function of e 2 alone.* Thus Je = e+ J F! rf F 2 , (389) (390) This requires a similar relation for canonical averages = e ~+ V\ e = e^rje = e~+*V\* . (391) Again e 2 =e SB =e-*f ^V'rfF,. (392) de l |e J de l F^O But if w : > 2, *i vanishes for Fj = 0,f and . (393) de Hence, if n^ > 2, and w 2 > 2, d _ dfal _ dfa\ /qq .. ^e ~ ^ | f ~ de z \f * In the applications of the equation (387), we cannot obtain all the results corresponding to those which we have obtained from equation (374), because p is a known function of e p , while fa must be treated as an arbitrary func- tion of j , or nearly so. t See Chapter VIII, equations (306) and (316). ALL SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. 123 and s 5l =^\ = ^ (395) de | rfej J0 rfe 2 |e We have compared certain functions of the energy of the whole system with average values of similar functions of the kinetic energy of the whole system, and with average values of similar functions of the whole energy of a part of the system. We may also compare the same functions with average values of the kinetic energy of a part of the system. We shall express the total, kinetic, and potential energies of the whole system by e, e p , and e g , and the kinetic energies of the parts by e^, and e 2p . These kinetic energies are necessarily sep- arate : we need not make any supposition concerning potential energies. The extension-in-phase within any limits which can be expressed in terms of e g , e^, e zp may be represented in the notations of Chapter VIII by the triple integral taken within those limits. And if an ensemble of systems is distributed with a uniform density within those limits, the average value of any function of e q , e^, e^ will be expressed by the quotient fffue^ded V Zp d V q or To get the average value of u for a microcanonical distribu- tion, we must make the limits e and e + de. The denominator in this case becomes e^ de, and we have C 2p =C Cq (396) 124 A PERMANENT DISTRIBUTION IN WHICH where 0^, V 2P , and V q are connected by the equation i p + 2p + e q = constant = e. Accordingly J V lp dV 2p dV q = e-* V, (397) and we may write ;r 2 , 2 j /onON 2p | 6 = e^l = -^| e , (398) and O f) r \ _ _ ^ I __ ^ | ('399') Again, if w x > 2, C 9 = (ft (ft ~* C^'jir "*"** = e J ^ dF i= ir* Hence, if ^ > 2, and w 2 > 2, _ 2p _ f i 1 N -1) _ /I w -IN f -11 de ~de~l '* "~ '' p ^ ~ ^ ~~ ' p ' We cannot apply the methods employed in the preceding pages to the microcanonical averages of the (generalized) forces A v Ay, etc., exerted by a system on external bodies, since these quantities are not functions of the energies, either kinetic or potential, of the whole or any part of the system. We may however use the method described on page 116. ALL SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. 125 Let us imagine an ensemble of systems distributed in phase according to the index of probability (e - c'V where e f is any constant which is a possible value of the energy, except only the least value which is consistent with the values of the external coordinates, and c and o> are other constants. We have therefore all c e, w dp l . . . dq n 1, (403) phases or e =...e d Pl . . . dq n , (404) phases _ c | g or again e = C e ^ de. (405) From (404) we have all phases = 00 , j ^ (406) where H7i e denotes the average value of A 1 in those systems of the ensemble which have any same energy e. (This is the same thing as the average value of A l in a microcanoni- cal ensemble of energy e.) The validity of the transformation is evident, if we consider separately the part of each integral which lies between two infimtesimally differing limits of energy. Integrating by parts, we get 126 A PERMANENT DISTRIBUTION IN WHICH Jr=o (*-O, j . v ' - "j~Q> F=0 ^ / Differentiating (405), we get =00 (f-O 2 (*~O 2 de-* rdcj> rf+* _ / - ~~rf~ + de a \ T = I -- e de[e } ^ da^ J dc^ \ ddij where e a denotes the least value of e consistent with the exter- nal coordinates. The last term in this equation represents the part of de~ c jda^ which is due to the variation of the lower limit of the integral. It is evident that the expression in the brackets will vanish at the upper limit. At the lower limit, at which e p = 0, and e q has the least value consistent with the external coordinates, the average sign on ^] 6 is superfluous, as there is but one value of A 1 which is represented by de a /da r Exceptions may indeed occur for particular values of the external coordinates, at which dejda^ receive a finite increment, and the formula becomes illusory. Such particular values we may for the moment leave out of account. The last term of (408) is therefore equal to the first term of the second member of (407). (We may observe that both vanish when n > 2 on account of the factor e$.) We have therefore from these equations F=0 or That is : the average value in the ensemble of the quantity represented by the principal parenthesis is zero. This must ALL SYSTEMS HAVE THE SAME ENERGY. 127 be true for any value of . If we diminish o>, the average value of the parenthesis at the limit when vanishes becomes identical with the value for e = e'. But this may be any value of the energy, except the least possible. We have therefore unless it be for the least value of the energy consistent with the external coordinates, or for particular values of the ex- ternal coordinates. But the value of any term of this equa- tion as determined for particular values of the energy and of the external coordinates is not distinguishable from its value as determined for values of the energy and external coordinates indefinitely near those particular values. The equation therefore holds without limitation. Multiplying by e*, we get = e== The integral of this equation is where F l is a function of the external coordinates. We have an equation of this form for each of the external coordinates. This gives, with (266), for the complete value of the differen- tial of V dV=e*de + (/Al e - ty da,, + (e+^k-F^dat + etc., (413) or d V= (de + !ZT|e dai + 3^] e da z + etc.) F l da l F z da z etc. (414) To determine the values of the functions F l , F z , etc., let us suppose a-L , 2 , etc. to vary arbitrarily, while e varies so as always to have the least value consistent with the values of the external coordinates. This will make V= 0, and dV= 0. If 7i < 2, we shall have also e* = 0, which will give JF1 = 0, -F 2 = 0, etc. (415) 128 THE MICROCANONICAL DISTRIBUTION. The result is the same for any value of n. For in the varia- tions considered the kinetic energy will be constantly zero, and the potential energy will have the least value consistent with the external coordinates. The condition of the least possible potential energy may limit the ensemble at each in- stant to a single configuration, or it may not do so ; but in any case the values of A 1 , A v etc. will be the same at each instant for all the systems of the ensemble,* and the equation de + A l da^ -f A z da z + etc. = will hold for the variations considered. Hence the functions F^ , F% , etc. vanish in any case, and we have the equation d V= e*de + e* Z^d^ + e+~Z^dat + etc., (416) de + ~A\,da l + Z^Lrfa 2 + etc. or dlogV=;- _ ' 6 - (417) or again de = e~* V d log V - "27] dot - lj| e da 2 - etc. (418) It will be observed that the two last equations have the form of the fundamental differential equations of thermodynamics, er-^V corresponding to temperature and log V to entropy. We have already observed properties of &"*> V suggestive of an analogy with temperature, f The significance of these facts will be discussed in another chapter. The two last equations might be written more simply de + 37| dct! + Af da z + etc. * ' - 7 - j er-4 de = e~^ d V "37) da^ ~A^\ da 2 etc., and still have the form analogous to the thermodynamic equations, but e~^ has nothing like the analogies with tempera- ture which we have observed in e~^ V. * This statement, as mentioned before, may have exceptions for particular values of the external coordinates. This will not invalidate the reasoning, which has to do with varying values of the external coordinates. t See Chapter IX, page 111 ; also this chapter, page 119. CHAPTER XI. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS DIS- TRIBUTIONS IN PHASE. IN the following theorems we suppose, as always, that the systems forming an ensemble are identical in nature and in the values of the external coordinates, which are here regarded as constants. Theorem I. If an ensemble of systems is so distributed in phase that the index of probability is a function of the energy, the average value of the index is less than for any other distri- bution in which the distribution in energy is unaltered. Let us write TJ for the index which is a function of the energy, and 77 + A?? for any other which gives the same dis- tribution in energy. It is to be proved that all all J*. . . J* (i, + Ar,) e"** 1 d Pl ... dq n >f. . . Jr? 6* dp,... dq n , (419) pliases phases where ?? is a function of the energy, and A?; a function of the phase, which are subject to the conditions that all all J. . . Je^ 4 " dp,... dq n = f. . . J> d&... dy n = 1, (420) phases phases and that for any value of the energy (e') dp,... dq n =. . .fdpi ...dq n . (421) Equation (420) expresses the general relations which -77 and 77 + AT; must satisfy in order to be indices of any distributions, and (421) expresses the condition that they give the same distribution in energy. 130 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES. Since 77 is a function of the energy, and may therefore be re- garded as a constant within the limits of integration of (421), we may multiply by T; under the integral sign hi both mem- bers, which gives C J. 71 dp^ . . . dq n . U U \J =' e' Since this is true within the limits indicated, and for every value of e', it will be true if the integrals are taken for all phases. We may therefore cancel the corresponding parts of (419), which gives all f A r, e 1 ** 11 d Pl ... dq n > 0. (422) J phases But by (420) this is equivalent to all /. . . / (Ar;e Al7 + 1 e^e'dpi . . . dq n > 0. (423) tj phases Now AT; e^ + 1 e^ is a decreasing function of AT; for nega- tive values of AT;, and an increasing function of AT; for positive values of AT;. It vanishes for AT; = 0. The expression is therefore incapable of a negative value, and can have the value only for AT; = 0. The inequality (423) will hold therefore unless AT; = for all phases. The theorem is therefore proved. Theorem II. If an ensemble of systems is canonically dis- tributed in phase, the average index of probability is less than in any other distribution of the ensemble having the same average energy. For the canonical distribution let the index be (^ e) / , and for another having the same average energy let the index be (t/r e)/0 + AT;, where AT; is an arbitrary function of the phase subject only to the limitation involved in the notion of the index, that MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES. 131 all itr f a 11 J' /(* + AIJ r r . . .J e* d Pl . . . dq n =J . . .J e & d Pl . . . dq n = 1, phases phases (424) and to that relating to the constant average energy, that all f all J. . . Je e"^" 4 * 4,, . . . <*? =J . . . Je e~e~ fe . . . <*?.. (425) phases phases It is to be proved that phases all phases Now in virtue of the first condition (424) we may cancel the constant term ^r / in the parentheses in (426), and in virtue of the second condition (425) we may cancel the term e/O. The proposition to be proved is thus reduced to all ty~ I A>7 e & dpi . . . dq n > 0, phases which may be written, in virtue of the condition (424), all if/ e f. . . f (Ar; e Al? + 1 - /") e~ dpi... dq n > 0. (427) J J phases In this form its truth is evident for the same reasons which applied to (423). Theorem III. If is any positive constant, the average value in an ensemble of the expression 77 -|- e / (77 denoting as usual the index of probability and e the energy) is less when the ensemble is distributed canonically with modulus , than for any other distribution whatever. In accordance with our usual notation let us write (i/r e) / for the index of the canonical distribution. In any other distribution let the index be (>/r e)/ + AT;. 132 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES. In the canonical ensemble rj + e / has the constant value -|r / -Pni O f Wnicl1 ft ' ?i - in)***! . . . dq n > 0, where the integrations cover all phases. Adding the equation ... 0. (442) phases Let U = r 1 r }1 r ]2 . (443) The main proposition to be proved may be written all n > 0. (444) phases This is evidently true since the quantity in the parenthesis is incapable of a negative value.* Moreover the sign = can hold only when the quantity in the parenthesis vanishes for all phases, i. e., when u = for all phases. This makes i) = tj l + ?7 2 for all phases, which is the analytical condition which expresses that the distributions in phase of the two parts of the system are independent. Theorem VIII. If two or more ensembles of systems which are identical in nature, but may be distributed differently in phase, are united to form a single ensemble, so that the prob- ability-coefficient of the resulting ensemble is a linear function * See Theorem I, where this is proved of a similar expression. 136 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES. of the probability-coefficients of the original ensembles, the average index of probability of the resulting ensemble cannot be greater than the same linear function of the average indices of the original ensembles. It can be equal to it only when the original ensembles are similarly distributed in phase. Let PijP%, etc. be the probability-coefficients of the original ensembles, and P that of the ensemble formed by combining them ; and let N^ , -ZV^ , etc. be the numbers of systems in the original ensembles. It is evident that we shall have P = e l P l + c 2 P 2 + etc. = 2 (cjPi), (445) where Ci = =-^V> c 2 = ^, etc. (446) The main proposition to be proved is that all all / ./P log Pd Pl . . . <*? ^ s pi/ -/P, log P, ^ . . . dfcTI phases L phases - (447) all f . . . f [2 (c l P l log PO - P log P] d Pl ... dq n > 0. (448) J J or J phases If we set ft = P! log P! - P! log P - P! + P Q 1 will be positive, except when it vanishes for P 1 = P. To prove this, we may regard P l and P as any positive quantities. Then \dPi*J P PI ' Since Q 1 and dQ 1 /dP 1 vanish for P l P, and the second differential coefficient is always positive, Q 1 must be positive except when P 1 = P. Therefore, if # 2 , etc. have similar definitions, 2 fa ft) ^ 0. (449) MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES. 137 But since . 2 (c x P x ) = P and 2 dp, . . . dq n , (451) where the integrations, like those which follow, are to be taken within the given limits. The proposition to be proved may be written Pl ... dq n > . . . ,; Jd Pl . . . dq n , (452) or, since 77 is constant, l ...dq n >. . .rjdp! . . . dq n . (453) In (451) also we may cancel the constant factor e^, and multiply by the constant factor (rj + 1). This gives f. . . The subtraction of this equation will not alter the inequality to be proved, which may therefore be written /. . ./(A, - 1) /" d Pl ... dj. >/. . ./- cfc . . . dj. 138 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PROPERTIES. f . . . f (AM e A " - /" + 1) d Pl . . . dq n > 0. (454) J J or Since the parenthesis in this expression represents a positive value, except when it vanishes for AT; = 0, the integral will be positive unless AT? vanishes everywhere within the limits, which would make the difference of the two distributions vanish. The theorem is therefore proved. CHAPTER XII. ON THE MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES OF SYS- TEMS THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. AN important question which suggests itself in regard to any case of dynamical motion is whether the system considered will return in the course of time to its initial phase, or, if it will not return exactly to that phase, whether it will do so to any required degree of approximation in the course of a suffi- ciently long time. To be able to give even a partial answer to such questions, we must know something in regard to the dynamical nature of the system. In the following theorem, the only assumption in this respect is such as we have found necessary for the existence of the canonical distribution. If we imagine an ensemble of identical systems to be distributed with a uniform density throughout any finite extension-in-phase, the number of the systems which leave the extension-in-phase and will not return to it in the course of time is less than any assignable fraction of the whole number; provided, that the total extension-in-phase for the systems considered between two limiting values of the energy is finite, these limiting values being less and greater respec- tively than any of the energies of the first-mentioned exten- sion-in-phase. To prove this, we observe that at the moment which we call initial the systems occupy the given extension-in-phase. It is evident that some systems must leave the extension immediately, unless all remain in it forever. Those systems which leave the extension at the first instant, we shall call the front of the ensemble. It will be convenient to speak of this front as generating the extension-in-phase through which it passes in the course of time, as in geometry a surface is said to 140 MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES generate the volume through which it passes. In equal times the front generates equal extensions in phase. This is an immediate consequence of the principle of conservation of extension-in-phase^ unless indeed we prefer to consider it as a slight variation in the expression of that principle. For in two equal short intervals of time let the extensions generated be A and B. (We make the intervals short simply to avoid the complications in the enunciation or interpretation of the principle which would arise when the same extension-in-phase is generated more than once in the interval considered.) Now if we imagine that at a given instant systems are distributed throughout the extension A, it is evident that the same systems will after a certain tune occupy the extension B, which is therefore equal to A in virtue of the principle cited. The front of the ensemble, therefore, goes on generating equal extensions in equal times. But these extensions are included in a finite extension, viz., that bounded by certain limiting values of the energy. Sooner or later, therefore, the front must generate phases which it has before generated. Such second generation of the same phases must commence with the initial phases. Therefore a portion at least of the front must return to the original extension-in-phase. The same is of course true of the portion of the ensemble which follows that portion of the front through the same phases at a later time. It remains to consider how large the portion of the ensemble is, which will return to the original extension-in-phase. There can be no portion of the given extension-in-phase, the systems of which leave the extension and do not return. For we can prove for any portion of the extension as for the whole, that at least a portion of the systems leaving it will return. We may divide the given extension-in-phase into parts as follows. There may be parts such that the systems within them will never pass out of them. These parts may indeed constitute the whole of the given extension. But if the given extension is very small, these parts will in general be non- existent. There may be parts such that systems within them THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 141 will all pass out of the given extension and all return within it. The whole of the given extension-in-phase is made up of parts of these two kinds. This does not exclude the possi- bility of phases on the boundaries of such parts, such that systems starting with those phases would leave the extension and never return. But in the supposed distribution of an ensemble of systems with a uniform density-in-phase, such systems would not constitute any assignable fraction of the whole number. These distinctions may be illustrated by a very simple example. If we consider the motion of a rigid body of which one point is fixed, and which is subject to no forces, we find three cases. (1) The motion is periodic. (2) The system will never return to its original phase, but will return infinitely near to it. (3) The system will never return either exactly or approximately to its original phase. But if we consider any extension-in-phase, however small, a system leaving that extension will return to it except in the case called by Poinsot * singular,' viz., when the motion is a rotation about an axis lying in one of two planes having a fixed position relative to the rigid body. But all such phases do not constitute any true extension-in-phase in the sense in which we have defined and used the term.* In the same way it may be proved that the systems in a canonical ensemble which at a given instant are contained within any finite extension-in-phase will in general return to * An ensemble of systems distributed in phase is a less simple and ele- mentary conception than a single system. But by the consideration of suitable ensembles instead of single systems, we may get rid of the incon- venience of having to consider exceptions formed by particular cases of the integral equations of motion, these cases simply disappearing when the ensemble is substituted for the single system as a subject of study. This is especially true when the ensemble is distributed, as in the case called canonical, throughout an extension-in-phase. In a less degree it is true of the microcanonical ensemble, which does not occupy any extension-in-phase, (in the sense in which we have used the term,) although it is convenient to regard it as a limiting case with respect to ensembles which do, as we thus gain for the subject some part of the analytical simplicity which belongs to the theory of ensembles which occupy true extensions-in-phase. 142 MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES that extension-in-phase, if they leave it, the exceptions, i. g., the number which pass out of the extension-in-phase and do not return to it, being less than any assignable fraction of the whole number. In other words, the probability that a system taken at random from the part of a canonical ensemble which is contained within any given extension-in-phase, will pass out of that extension and not return to it, is zero. A similar theorem may be enunciated with respect to a roicrocanonical ensemble. Let us consider the fractional part of such an ensemble which lies within any given limits of phase. This fraction we shall denote by F. It is evidently constant in time since the ensemble is in statistical equi- librium. The systems within the limits will not in general remain the same, but some will pass out in each unit of time while an equal number come in. Some may pass out never to return within the limits. But the number which in any time however long pass out of the limits never to return will not bear any finite ratio to the number within the limits at a given instant. For, if it were otherwise, let / denote the fraction representing such ratio for the tune T. Then, in the time T, the number which pass out never to return will bear the ratio f F to the whole number in the ensemble, and in a time exceeding T/(fF) the number which pass out of the limits never to return would exceed the total number of systems in the ensemble. The proposition is therefore proved. This proof will apply to the cases before considered, and may be regarded as more simple than that which was given. It may also be applied to any true case of statistical equilib- rium. By a true case of statistical equilibrium is meant such as may be described by giving the general value of the prob- ability that an unspecified system of the ensemble is con- tained within any given limits of phase.* * An ensemble in which the systems are material points constrained to move in vertical circles, with just enough energy to carry them to the highest points, cannot afford a true example of statistical equilibrium. For any other value of the energy than the critical value mentioned, we might THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 143 Let us next consider whether an ensemble of isolated systems has any tendency in the course of time toward a state of statistical equilibrium. There are certain functions of phase which are constant in time. The distribution of the ensemble with respect to the values of these functions is necessarily invariable, that is, the number of systems within any limits which can be specified in terms of these functions cannot vary in the course of time. The distribution in phase which without violating this condition gives the least value of the average index of probability of phase (77) is unique, and is that in which the in various ways describe an ensemble in statistical equilibrium, while the same language applied to the critical value of the energy would fail to do so. Thus, if we should say that the ensemble is so distributed that the probability that a system is in any given part of the circle is proportioned to the time which a single system spends in that part, motion in either direc- tion being equally probable, we should perfectly define a distribution in sta- tistical equilibrium for any value of the energy except the critical value mentioned above, but for this value of the energy all the probabilities in question would vanish unless the highest point is included in the part of the circle considered, in which case the probability is unity, or forms one of its limits, in which case the probability is indeterminate. Compare the foot-note on page 118. A still more simple example is afforded by the uniform motion of a material point in a straight line. Here the impossibility of statistical equi- librium is not limited to any particular energy, and the canonical distribu- tion as well as the microcanonical is impossible. These examples are mentioned here in order to show the necessity of caution in the application of the above principle, with respect to the question whether we have to do with a true case of statistical equilibrium. Another point in respect to which caution must be exercised is that the part of an ensemble of which the theorem of the return of systems is asserted should be entirely denned by limits within which it is contained, and not by any such condition as that a certain function of phase shall have a given value. This is necessary in order that the part of the ensemble which is considered should be any assignable fraction of the whole. Thus, if we have a canonical ensemble consisting of material points in vertical circles, the theorem of the return of systems may be applied to a part of the ensemble defined as cqntained in a given part of the circle. But it may not be applied in all cases to a part of the ensemble defined as contained in a given part of the circle and having a given energy. It would, in fact, express the exact opposite of the truth when the given energy is the critical value mentioned above. 144 MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES index of probability (77) is a function of the functions men- tioned.* It is therefore a permanent distribution, f and the only permanent distribution consistent with the invariability of the distribution with respect to the functions of phase which are constant in time. It would seem, therefore, that we might find a sort of meas- ure of the deviation of an ensemble from statistical equilibrium in the excess of the average index above the minimum which is consistent with the condition of the invariability of the distri- bution with respect to the constant functions of phase. But we have seen that the index of probability is constant in time for each system of the ensemble. The average index is there- fore constant, and we find by this method no approach toward statistical equilibrium in the course of time. Yet we must here exercise great caution. One function may approach indefinitely near to another function, while some quantity determined by the first does not approach the corresponding quantity determined by the second. A line joining two points may approach indefinitely near to the straight line joining them, while its length remains constant. We may find a closer analogy with the case under considera- tion in the effect of stirring an incompressible liquid.^ In space of 2 n dimensions the case might be made analyti- cally identical with that of an ensemble of systems of n degrees of freedom, but the analogy is perfect in ordinary- space. Let us suppose the liquid to contain a certain amount of coloring matter which does not affect its hydrodynamic properties. Now the state in which the density of the coloring matter is uniform, i. e., the statt, of perfect mixture, which is a sort of state of equilibrium in this respect that the distribu- tion of the coloring matter in space is not affected by the internal motions of the liquid, is characterized by a minimum * See Chapter XI, Theorem IV. t See Chapter IV, sub init. J By liquid is here meant the continuous body of theoretical hydrody- namics, and not anything of the molecular structure and molecular motions of real liquids. THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 145 value of the average square of the density of the coloring matter. Let us suppose, however, that the coloring matter is distributed with a variable density. If we give the liquid any motion whatever, subject only to the hydrodynamic law of incompressibility, it may be a steady flux, or it may vary with the time, the density of the coloring matter at any same point of the liquid will be unchanged, and the average square of this density will therefore be unchanged. Yet no fact is more familiar to us than that stirring tends to bring a liquid to a state of uniform mixture, or uniform densities of its components, which is characterized by minimum values of the average squares of these densities. It is quite true that in the physical experiment the result is hastened by the process of diffusion, but the result is evidently not dependent on that process. The contradiction is to be traced to the notion of the density of the coloring matter, and the process by which this quantity is evaluated. This quantity is the limiting ratio of the quantity of the coloring matter in an element of space to the volume of that element. Now if we should take for our ele- ments of volume, after any amount of stirring, the spaces occupied by the same portions of the liquid which originally occupied any given system of elements of volume, the densi- ties of the coloring matter, thus estimated, would be identical with the original densities as determined by the given system of elements of volume. Moreover, if at the end of any finite amount of stirring we should take our elements of volume in any ordinary form but sufficiently small, the. average square of the density of the coloring matter, as determined by such element of volume, would approximate to any required degree to its value before the stirring. But if we take any element of space of fixed position and dimensions, we may continue the stirring so long that the densities of the colored liquid estimated for these fixed elements will approach a uniform limit, viz.', that of perfect mixture. The case is evidently one of those in which the limit of a limit has different values, according to the order in which we 10 146 MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES apply the processes of taking a limit. If treating the elements of volume as constant, we continue the stirring indefinitely, we get a uniform density, a result not affected by making the elements as small as we choose ; but if treating the amount of stirring as finite, we diminish indefinitely the elements of volume, we get exactly the same distribution in density as before the stirring, a result which is not affected by con- tinuing the stirring as long as we choose. The question is largely one of language and definition. One may perhaps be allowed to say that a finite amount of stirring will not affect the mean square of the density of the coloring matter, but an infinite amount of stirring may be regarded as producing a condition in which the mean square of the density has its minimum value, and the density is uniform. We may cer- tainly say that a sensibly uniform density of the colored com- ponent may be produced by stirring. Whether the time required for this result would be long or short depends upon the nature of the motion given to the liquid, and the fineness of our method of evaluating the density. All this may appear more distinctly if we consider a special case of liquid motion. Let us imagine a cylindrical mass of liquid of which one sector of 90 is black and the rest white. Let it have a motion of rotation about the axis of the cylinder in which the angular velocity is a function of the distance from the axis. In the course of time the black and the white parts would become drawn out into thin ribbons, which would be wound spirally about the axis. The thickness of these rib- bons would diminish without limit, and the liquid would there- fore tend toward a state of perfect mixture of the black and white portions. That is, in any given element of space, the proportion of the black and white would approach 1 : 3 as a limit. Yet after any finite time, the total volume would be divided into two parts, one of which would consist of the white liquid exclusively, and the other of the black exclusively. If the coloring matter, instead of being distributed initially with a uniform density throughout a section of the cylinder, were distributed with a density represented by any arbitrary func- THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 147 tion of the cylindrical coordinates r, 6 and 2, the effect of the same motion continued indefinitely would be an approach to a condition in which the density is a function of r and z alone. In this limiting condition, the average square of the density would be less than in the original condition, when the density was supposed to vary with 0, although after any finite time the average square of the density would be the same as at first. If we limit our attention to the motion in a single plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder, we have something which is almost identical with a diagrammatic representation of the changes in distribution in phase of an ensemble of systems of one degree of freedom, in which the motion is periodic, the period varying with the energy, as in the case of a pendulum swinging in a circular arc. If the coordinates and momenta of the systems are represented by rectangu- lar coordinates in the diagram, the points in the diagram representing the changing phases of moving systems, will move about the origin in closed curves of constant energy. The motion will be such that areas bounded by points repre- senting moving systems will be preserved. The only differ- ence between the motion of the liquid and the motion in the diagram is that in one case the paths are circular, and in the other they differ more or less from that form. When the energy is proportional to p 2 + q 2 the curves of constant energy are circles, and the period is independent of the energy. There is then no tendency toward a state of sta- tistical equilibrium. The diagram turns about the origin with- out change of form. This corresponds to the case of liquid motion, when the liquid revolves with a uniform angular velocity like a rigid solid. The analogy between the motion of an ensemble of systems in an extension-in-phase and a steady current in an incompres- sible liquid, and the diagrammatic representation of the case of one degree of freedom, which appeals to our geometrical in- tuitions, may be sufficient to show how the conservation of density in phase, which involves the conservation of the 148 MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES average value of the index of probability of phase, is consist- ent with an approach to a limiting condition in which that average value is less. We might perhaps fairly infer from such considerations as have been adduced that an approach to a limiting condition of statistical equilibrium is the general rule, when the initial condition is not of that character. But the subject is of such importance that it seems desirable to give it farther consideration. Let us suppose that the total extension-in-phase for the kind of system considered to be divided into equal elements (D V) which are very small but not infinitely small. Let us imagine an ensemble of systems distributed in this extension in a manner represented by the index of probability 77, which is an arbitrary function of the phase subject only to the re- striction expressed by equation (46) of Chapter I. We shall suppose the elements D V to be so small that rj may in gen- eral be regarded as sensibly constant within any one of them at the initial moment. Let the path of a system be defined as the series of phases through which it passes. At the initial moment (') a certain system is in an element of extension DV f . Subsequently, at the time ", the same system is in the element DV". Other systems which were at first in DV will at the time t" be in DV", but not all, probably. The systems which were at first in DV 1 will at the time t' f occupy an extension-in-phase exactly as large as at first. But it will probably be distributed among a very great number of the elements (DV) into which we have divided the total extension-in-phase. If it is not so, we can generally take a later time at which it will be so. There will be excep- tions to this for particular laws of motion, but we will con- fine ourselves to what may fairly be called the general case. Only a very small part of the systems initially in D V will be found in DV" at the time t", and those which are found in DV" at that time were at the initial moment distributed among a very large number of elements D V. What is important for our purpose is the value of 77, the index of probability of phase in the element DV" at the time THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 149 t". In the part of DV" occupied by systems which at the time if were in DV the value of 77 will be the same as its value in D V at the time t r , which we shall call 77'. In the parts of DV" occupied by systems which at if were in ele- ments very near to D V we may suppose the value of 77 to vary little from T?'. We cannot assume this in regard to parts of DV" occupied by systems which at tf were in elements remote from DV. We want, therefore, some idea of the nature of the extension-in-phase occupied at tf by the sys- tems which at t" will occupy D V". Analytically, the prob- lem is identical with finding the extension occupied at t" by the systems which at t 1 occupied DV. Now the systems in D V" which lie on the same path as the system first con- sidered, evidently arrived at DV" at nearly the same time, and must have left D V 1 at nearly the same time, and there- fore at if were in or near DV. We may therefore take T/ as the value for these systems. The same essentially is true of systems in DV" which he on paths very close to the path already considered. But with respect to paths passing through D V and D V", but not so close to the first path, we cannot assume that the time required to pass from DV to D V" is nearly the same as for the first path. The difference of the times required may be small in comparison with "-', but as this interval can be as large as we choose, the difference of the times required in the different paths has no limit to its pos- sible value. Now if the case were one of statistical equilib- rium, the value of 77 would be constant in any path, and if all the paths which pass through DV 1 also pass through or near D V, the value of 77 throughout D V" will vary little from ?;'. But when the case is not one of statistical equilibrium, we cannot draw any such conclusion. The only conclusion which we can draw with respect to the phase at t 1 of the sys- tems which at t" are in DV" is that they are nearly on the same patji. Now if we should make a new estimate of indices of prob- ability of phase at the time t", using for this purpose the elements D V, that is, if we should divide the number of 150 MOTION OF SYSTEMS AND ENSEMBLES systems in JDF", for example, by the total number of systems, and also by the extension-in-phase of the element, and take the logarithm of the quotient, we would get a number which would be less than the average value of rj for the systems within D V" based on the distribution in phase at the time t 1 .* Hence the average value of 77 for the whole ensemble of systems based on the distribution at t" will be less than the average value based on the distribution at t'. We must not forget that there are exceptions to this gen- eral rule. These exceptions are in cases in which the laws of motion are such that systems having small differences of phase will continue always to have small differences of phase. It is to be observed that if the average index of probability in an ensemble may be said in some sense to have a less value at one tune than at another, it is not necessarily priority in tune which determines the greater average index. If a distribution, which is not one of statistical equilibrium, should be given for a time ', and the distribution at an earlier time t" should be defined as that given by the corresponding phases, if we increase the interval leaving t' fixed and taking t tf at an earlier and earlier date, the distribution at t" will in general approach a limiting distribution which is in statistical equilibrium. The determining difference in such cases is that between a definite distribution at a definite time and the limit of a varying dis- tribution when the moment considered is carried either forward or backward indefinitely, f But while the distinction of prior and subsequent events may be immaterial with respect to mathematical fictions, it is quite otherwise with respect to the events of the real world. It should not be forgotten, when our ensembles are chosen to illustrate the probabilities of events in the real world, that * See Chapter XI, Theorem IX. t One may compare the kinematical truism that when two points are moving with uniform velocities, (with the single exception of the case where the relative motion is zero,) their mutual distance at any definite time is less than f or t = , or t = oo . THROUGH LONG PERIODS OF TIME. 151 while the probabilities of subsequent events may often be determined from the probabilities of prior events, it is rarely the case that probabilities of prior events can be determined \j from those of subsequent events, for we are rarely justified in excluding the consideration of the antecedent probability of the prior events. It is worthy of notice that to take a system at random from an ensemble at a date chosen at random from several given dates, t', t", etc., is practically the same thing as to take a sys- tem at random from the ensemble composed of all the systems of the given ensemble in their phases at the time ', together with the same systems in their phases at the time t /; , etc. By Theorem VIII of Chapter XI this will give an ensemble in which the average index of probability will be less than in the given ensemble, except in the case when the distribution in the given ensemble is the same at the times t r , t' f , etc. Consequently, any indefiniteness in the time in which we take a system at random from an ensemble has the practical effect of diminishing the average index of the ensemble from which the system may be supposed to be drawn, except when the given ensemble is in statistical equilibrium. CHAPTER XIII. EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROCESSES ON AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. IN the last chapter and in Chapter I we have considered the changes which take place in the course of time in an ensemble of isolated systems. Let us now proceed to consider the changes which will take place in an ensemble of systems under external influences. These external influences will be of two kinds, the variation of the coordinates which we have called external, and the action of other ensembles of systems. The essential difference of the two kinds of influence consists in this, that the bodies to which the external coordinates relate are not distributed in phase, while in the case of interaction of the systems of two ensembles, we have to regard the fact that both are distributed in phase. To find the effect pro- duced on the ensemble with which we are principally con- cerned, we have therefore to consider single values of what we have called external coordinates, but an infinity of values of the internal coordinates of any other ensemble with which there is interaction. Or, to regard the subject from another point of view, the action between an unspecified system of an ensemble and the bodies represented by the external coordinates, is the action between a system imperfectly determined with respect to phase and one which is perfectly determined ; while the interaction between two unspecified systems belonging to different ensembles is the action between two systems both of which are imperfectly determined with respect to phase.* We shall suppose the ensembles which we consider to be distributed in phase in the manner described in Chapter I, and * In the development of the subject, we shall find that this distinction corresponds to the distinction in thermodynamics between mechanical and thermal action. EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROCESSES. 153 represented by the notations of that chapter, especially by the index of probability of phase (??). There are therefore 2 n independent variations in the phases which constitute the ensembles considered. This excludes ensembles like the microcanonical, in which, as energy is constant, there are only 2 n 1 independent variations of phase. This seems necessary for the purposes of a general discussion. For although we may imagine a microcanonical ensemble to have a permanent existence when isolated from external influences, the effect of such influences would generally be to destroy the uniformity of energy in the ensemble. Moreover, since the microcanonical ensemble may be regarded as a limiting case of such ensembles as are described in Chapter I, (and that in more than one way, as shown in Chapter X,) the exclusion is rather formal than real, since any properties which belong to the microcanonical ensemble could easily be derived from those of the ensembles of Chapter I, which in a certain sense may be regarded as representing the general case. Let us first consider the effect of variation of the external coordinates. We have already had occasion to regard these quantities as variable in the differentiation of certain equations relating to ensembles distributed according to certain laws called canonical or microcanonical. That variation of the external coordinates was, however, only carrying the atten- tion of the mind from an ensemble with certain values of the external coordinates, and distributed in phase according to some general law depending upon those values, to another ensemble with different values of the external coordinates, and with the distribution changed to conform to these new values. What we have now to consider is the effect which would actually result in the course of time in an ensemble of systems in which the external coordinates should be varied in any arbitrary manner. Let us suppose, in the first place, that these coordinates are varied abruptly at a given instant, being constant both before and after that instant. By the definition of the external coordinates it appears that this variation does not affect the phase of any system of the ensemble at the time 154 EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROCESSES when it takes place. Therefore it does not affect the index of probability of phase (77) of any system, or the average value of the index (?/)' at that time. And if these quantities are constant in time before the variation of the external coordi- nates, and after that variation, their constancy hi time is not interrupted by that variation. In fact, in the demonstration of the conservation of probability of phase in Chapter I, the variation of the external coordinates was not excluded. But a variation of the external coordinates will in general disturb a previously existing state of statistical equilibrium. For, although it does not affect (at the first instant) the distribution-in-phase, it does affect the condition necessary for equilibrium. This condition, as we have seen in Chapter IV, is that the index of probability of phase shall be a function of phase which is constant in time for moving systems. Now a change in the external coordinates, by changing the forces which act on the systems, will change the nature of the functions of phase which are constant in time. Therefore, the distribution in phase which was one of statistical equi- librium for the old values of the external coordinates, will not be such for the new values. Now we have seen, in the last chapter, that when the dis- tribution-in-phase is not one of statistical equilibrium, an ensemble of systems may, and in general will, after a longer or shorter time, come to a state which may be regarded, if very small differences of phase are neglected, as one of statistical equilibrium, and in which consequently the average value of the index (?;) is less than at first. It is evident, therefore, that a variation of the external coordinates, by disturbing a state of statistical equilibrium, may indirectly cause a diminu- tion, (in a certain sense at least,) of the value of rj. But if the change in the external coordinates is very small, the change in the distribution necessary for equilibrium will in general be correspondingly small. Hence, the original dis- tribution in phase, since it differs little from one which would be in statistical equilibrium with the new values of the ex- ternal coordinates, may be supposed to have a value of v ON AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 155 which differs by a small quantity of the second order from the minimum value which characterizes the state of statistical equilibrium. And the diminution in the average index result- ing in the course of time from the very small change in the external coordinates, cannot exceed this small quantity of the second order. Hence also, if the change in the external coordinates of an ensemble initially in statistical equilibrium consists in suc- cessive very small changes separated by very long intervals of time in which the disturbance of statistical equilibrium be- comes sensibly effaced, the final diminution in the average index of probability will in general be negligible, although the total change in the external coordinates is large. The result will be the same if the change in the external coordinates takes place continuously but sufficiently slowly. Even in cases in which there is no tendency toward the restoration of statistical equilibrium in the lapse of time, a varia- tion of external coordinates which would cause, if it took place in a short time, a great disturbance of a previous state of equilibrium, may, if sufficiently distributed in time, produce no sensible disturbance of the statistical equilibrium. Thus, in the case of three degrees of freedom, let the systems be heavy points suspended by elastic massless cords, and let the ensemble be distributed in phase with a density proportioned to some function of the energy, and therefore in statistical equi- librium. For a change in the external coordinates, we may take a horizontal motion of the point of suspension. If this is moved a given distance, the resulting disturbance of the statistical equilibrium may evidently be diminished indefi- nitely by diminishing the velocity of the point of suspension. This will be true if the law of elasticity of the string is such that the period of vibration is independent of the energy, in which case there is no tendency in the course of time toward a state of statistical equilibrium, as well as in the more general case, in which there is a tendency toward statistical equilibrium. That something of this kind will be true in general, the following considerations will tend to show. 156 EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROCESSES We define a path as the series of phases through which a system passes in the course of time when the external co- ordinates have fixed values. When the external coordinates are varied, paths are changed. The path of a phase is the path to which that phase belongs. With reference to any ensemble of systems we shall denote by 27| p the average value of the density-in-phase in a path. This implies that we have a measure for comparing different portions of the path. We shall suppose the time required to traverse any portion of a path to be its measure for the purpose of determining this average. With this understanding, let us suppose that a certain en- semble is in statistical equilibrium. In every element of extension-in-phase, therefore, the density-in-phase D is equal to its path-average 27] p . Let a sudden small change be made in the external coordinates. The statistical equilibrium will be disturbed and we shall no longer have D ~D\ P everywhere. This is not because D is changed, but because ~D\ p is changed, the paths being changed. It is evident that if D > I)] p in a part of a path, we shall have D < ~D\ p in other parts of the same path. Now, if we should imagine a further change in the external coordinates of the same kind, we should expect it to produce an effect of the same kind. But the manner in which the second effect will be superposed on the first will be different, according as it occurs immediately after the first change or after an interval of time. If it occurs immediately after the first change, then in any element of phase in which the first change produced a positive value of D - 2J| P the second change will add a positive value to the first positive value, and where D - 1)\ p was negative, the second change will add a negative value to the first negative value. But if we wait a sufficient time before making the second change in the external coordinates, so that systems have passed from elements of phase in which D - ~D\ P was origi- nally positive to elements in which it was originally negative, and vice versa, (the systems carrying with them the values ON AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 157 of D - 1J\p ,) the positive values of D - U\ p caused by the second change will be in part superposed on negative values due to the first change, and vice versa. The disturbance of statistical equilibrium, therefore, pro- duced by a given change in the values of the external co- ordinates may be very much diminished by dividing the change into two parts separated by a sufficient interval of tune, and a sufficient interval of time for this purpose is one in which the phases of the individual systems are entirely unlike the first, so that any individual system is differently affected by the change, although the whole ensemble is af- fected in nearly the same way. Since there is no limit to the diminution of the disturbance of equilibrium by division of the change in the external coordinates, we may suppose as a general rule that by diminishing the velocity of the changes in the external coordinates, a given change may be made to produce a very small disturbance of statistical equilibrium. If we write r[ for the value of the average index of probability before the variation of the external coordinates, and iff' for the value after this variation, we shall have in any case as the simple result of the variation of the external coordi- nates. This may be compared with the thermodynamic the- orem that the entropy of a body cannot be diminished by mechanical (as distinguished from thermal) action.* If we have (approximate) statistical equilibrium between the times if and if' (corresponding to rf and ??"), we shall have approximately which may be compared with the thermodynamic theorem that the entropy of a body is not (sensibly) affected by mechanical action, during which the body is at each instant (sensibly) in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Approximate statistical equilibrium may usually be attained * The correspondences to which the reader's attention is called are between t\ and entropy, and between and temperature. 158 EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROCESSES by a sufficiently slow variation of the external coordinates, just as approximate thermodynamic equilibrium may usually be attained by sufficient slowness in the mechanical operations to which the body is subject. We now pass to the consideration of the effect on an en- semble of systems which is produced by the action of other ensembles with which it is brought into dynamical connec- tion. In a previous chapter * we have imagined a dynamical connection arbitrarily created between the systems of two ensembles. We shall now regard the action between the systems of the two ensembles as a result of the variation of the external coordinates, which causes such variations of the internal coordinates as to bring the systems of the two ensembles within the range of each other's action. Initially, we suppose that we have two separate ensembles of systems, E and E z . The numbers of degrees of freedom of the systems in the two ensembles will be denoted by n^ and n 2 respectively, and the probability-coefficients by e^ and e"*, Now we may regard any system of the first ensemble com- bined with any system of the second as forming a single system of ^ + n z degrees of freedom. Let us consider the ensemble ( J? 12 ) obtained by thus combining each system of the first ensemble with each of the second. At the initial moment, which may be specified by a single accent, the probability-coefficient of any phase of the combined systems is evidently the product of the probability-coefficients of the phases of which it is made up. This may be expressed by the equation, e w = 6 V e v , (455) or n* = in' + ^ ( 456 ) which gives r^z = ij/ + iya'- (457) The forces tending to vary the internal coordinates of the combined systems, together with those exerted by either system upon the bodies represented by the coordinates called * See Chapter IV, page 37. ON AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 159 external, may be derived from a single force-function, which, taken negatively, we shall call the potential energy of the combined systems and denote by e 12 . But we suppose that initially none of the systems of the two ensembles EI and E% come within range of each other's action, so that the potential energy of the combined system falls into two parts relating separately to the systems which are combined. The same is obviously true of the kinetic energy of the combined compound system, and therefore of its total energy. This may be expressed by the equation '=/ + ,', (458) which gives e 12 ' = i/ + e 2 '. (459) Let us now suppose that in the course of tune, owing to the motion of the bodies represented by the coordinates called external, the forces acting on the systems and consequently their positions are so altered, that the systems of the ensembles E l and E% are brought within range of each other's action, and after such mutual influence has lasted for a time, by a further change in the external coordinates, perhaps a return to their original values, the systems of the two original en- sembles are brought again out of range of each other's action. Finally, then, at a time specified by double accents, we shall have as at first " = e/' + i a ". (460) But for the indices of probability we must write * W + W ^ W' (461) The considerations adduced in the last chapter show that it is safe to write W 5 W- (462) We have therefore 5i" + i" < ^ + i', (463) which may be compared with the thermodynamic theorem that * See Chapter XI, Theorem VII. 160 EFFECT OF VARIOUS PROCESSES the thermal contact of two bodies may increase but cannot diminish the sum of their entropies. Let us especially consider the case in which the two original ensembles were both canonically distributed in phase with the respective moduli j and 2 . We have then, by Theorem III of Chapter XI, nJ + ^ < r?i" + |- (464) ^' + !'<^" + ^ (465) Whence with (463) we have _ If we write W for the average work done by the combined systems on the external bodies, we have by the principle of the conservation of energy W = ' - M " = / - X " + e 2 ' - e 2 ". (468) Now if TFis negligible, we have e/' _ e/ = - (e"" - ?) (469) and (467) shows that the ensemble which has the greater modulus must lose energy. This result may be compared to the thermodynamic principle, that when two bodies of differ- ent temperatures are brought together, that which has the higher temperature will lose energy. Let us next suppose that the ensemble E% is originally canonically distributed with the modulus @ 2 , but leave the distribution of the other arbitrary. We have, to determine the result of a similar process, ON AN ENSEMBLE OF SYSTEMS. 161 Hence ^" + |'=^' + C (470) which may be written %'-V^^^ (471) This may be compared with the thennodynamic principle that when a body (which need not be in thermal equilibrium) is brought into thermal contact with another of a given tempera- ture, the increase of entropy of the first cannot be less (alge- braically) than the loss_of heat by the second divided by its temperature. Where W is negligible, we may write V' + |^' + | . (472) Now, by Theorem III of Chapter XI, the quantity ! . * + | (473) has a minimum value when the ensemble to which ^ and e x relate is distributed canonically with the modulus 2 . If the ensemble had originally this distribution, the sign < in (472) would be impossible. In fact, in this case, it would be easy to show that the preceding formulae on which (472) is founded would all have the sign = . But when the two ensembles are not both originally distributed canonically with the same modulus, the formulae indicate that the quantity (473) may be diminished by bringing the ensemble to which e a and y l relate into connection with another which is canonically dis- tributed with modulus 2 , and therefore, that by repeated operations of this kind the ensemble of which the original dis- tribution was entirely arbitrary might be brought approxi- mately into a state of canonical distribution with the modulus ^ " + i" + ^ 2 " + etc. (474) But by Theorem III of Chapter XI, ft" + Z ft 1 + ' (476) *" + g > .7 + { (477) etc. or, since we shall not have in general deiz de l de z dlog F 12 ~~ dlog Fi ~ dlog F 2 ' as analogy with temperature would require. In fact, we have seen that d log F 12 d log Fit M ~~ d log Fj 172 THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. where the second and third members of the equation denote average values in an ensemble in which the compound system is microcanonically distributed in phase. Let us suppose the two original systems to be identical in nature. Then The equation in question would require that i. e., that we get the same result, whether we take the value of de l /dlog V} determined for the average value of e 1 in the ensemble, or take the average value of de^dlog F" r This will be the case where de^dlog V^ is a linear function of e r Evidently this does not constitute the most general case. Therefore the equation in question cannot be true in general. It is true, however, in some very important particular cases, as when the energy is a quadratic function of the p's and ^'s, or of the p's alone.* When the equation holds, the case is anal- ogous to that of bodies in thermodynamics for which the specific heat for constant volume is constant. Another quantity which is closely related to temperature is dcfr/de. It has been shown in Chapter IX that in a canonical ensemble, if n > 2, the average value of d(f>fde is I/, and that the most common value of the energy in the ensemble is that for which d$/de = I/. The first of these properties may be compared with that of de/dlog V, which has been seen to have the average value in a canonical ensemble, without restriction in regard to the number of degrees of freedom. With respect to microcanonical ensembles also, dfyjde has a property similar to what has been mentioned with respect to de/d log V. That is, if a system microcanonically distributed in phase consists of two parts with separate energies, and each * This last case is important on account of its relation to the theory of gases, although it must in strictness be regarded as a limit of possible cases, rather than as a case which is itself possible. THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 173 with more than two degrees of freedom, the average values in the ensemble of d(f)/de for the two parts are equal to one another and to the value of same expression for the whole. In our usual notations "^12 de 2 L 2 ~" de lz if TI X > 2, and n 2 > 2. This analogy with temperature has the same incompleteness which was noticed with respect to de/dlog V, viz., if two sys- tems have such energies (ej and e 2 ) that and they are combined to form a third system with energy *ia = 1 + 2 , we shall not have in general c?0 12 _ dfa __ d z di 2 de L de z ' Thus, if the energy is a quadratic function of the p's and 2 HI + n% 2 de l ~ de 2 " e 1 + e z If the energy is a quadratic function of the p's alone, the case would be the same except that we should have J n^ , J w 2 , J w 12 , instead of w x , w 2 , w 12 . In these particular cases, the analogy * See foot-note on page 93. We have here made the least value of the energy consistent with the values of the external coordinates zero instead of e a , as is evidently allowable when the external coordinates are supposed invariable. 174 THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. between de/d log V and temperature would be complete, as has already been remarked. We should have de l e^ c?6 2 _ e 2 n' 9 dlo V~' _ = MM rflog F! dlogV 2 ' when the energy is a quadratic function of the p's and #'s, and similar equations with % , J ra 2 , -|- w 12 , instead of ^ , w 2 , w 12 , when the energy is a quadratic function of the >'s alone. More characteristic of dcf>/de are its properties relating to most probable values of energy. If a system having two parts with separate energies and each with more than two degrees of freedom is microcanonically distributed in phase, the most probable division of energy between the parts, in a system taken at random from the ensemble, satisfies the equation ^ = ^, (488) de l de 2 which corresponds to the thermodynamic theorem that the distribution of energy between the parts of a system, in case of thermal equilibrium, is such that the temperatures of the parts are equal. To prove the theorem, we observe that the fractional part of the whole number of systems which have the energy of one part (ej) between the limits e/ and e/ is expressed by r*f. ****>, T i where the variables are connected by the equation j -|- 2 = constant = e i2 . The greatest value of this expression, for a constant infinitesi- mal value of the difference e x " e/, determines a value of e 1 , which we may call its most probable value. This depends on the greatest possible value of fa + fa. Now if n^ > 2, and w 2 > 2, we shall have fa = oo for the least possible value of THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 175 6j , and 2 = QO for the least possible value of e 2 . Between these limits (/> x and < 2 will be finite and continuous. Hence $! + < 2 will have a maximum satisfying the equation (488). But if n^ < 2, or w 2 < 2, d(f) 1 /d l or d$ 2 /de 2 may be nega- tive, or zero, for all values of e 1 or e 2 , and can hardly be regarded as having properties analogous to temperature. It is also worthy of notice that if a system which is micro- canonically distributed in phase has three parts with separate energies, and each with more than two degrees of freedom, the most probable division of energy between these parts satisfies the equation That is, this equation gives the most probable set of values of ej, 6 2 , and e 3 . But it does not give the most probable value of e l , or of e 2 , or of e 3 . Thus, if the energies are quad- ratic functions of the p 9 s and as corresponding to temperature, < will correspond to entropy. It has been denned as log (d V/de). In the considerations on which its definition is founded, it is therefore very similar to log F". We have seen that d(j>/dlogV approaches the value unity when n is very great.* . To form a differential equation on the model of the thermo- dynamic equation (482), in which de/dcf) shall take the place of temperature, and < of entropy, we may write da * + etc -> ( 489 > or /de) has relations to the most probable values of energy in parts of a microca- nonical ensemble. That (del da^)^, etc., have properties somewhat analogous, may be shown as follows. In a physical experiment, we measure a force by balancing it against another. If we should ask what force applied to in- crease or diminish & x would balance the action of the systems, it would be one which varies with the different systems. But we may ask what single force will make a given value of a^ the most probable, and we shall find that under certain condi- tions (de/da^Q, a represents that force. * See Chapter X, pages 120, 121. t See Chapter IX, equations (321), (327). THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 177 To make the problem definite, let us consider a system con- sisting of the original system together with another having the coordinates a^ , a 2 , etc., and forces AJ, A<, etc., tending to increase those coordinates. These are in addition to the forces A v A v etc., exerted by the original system, and are de- rived from a force-function ( e g ') by the equations ^;_ &J A,- _^L etc Al ' ~d^> da 2 ' For the energy of the whole system we may write E = e + ej + Jm 1 a' 1 2 + im 2 a 2 2 + etc., and for the extension-in-phase of the whole system within any limits I ... I dpi . . . dq n da,i mi da da z m z da 2 . . . or I . . . I e$ de da-^ m 1 da^ da z m 2 da 2 . . . , or again I . . . / e^ d& da t m x dai da 2 m 2 da 2 . . . , since de = c?E, when a x , a x , a 2 , 2 , etc., are constant. If the limits are expressed by E and E + c?E, a^ and a-^ + da^ , a 1 and j + da-^ , etc., the integral reduces to The values of ^ , a x , 2 , a. ete " i. etc " ore ' - etc., flj, etc., which are closely related to ensembles of constant energy, and to average and most probable values in such ensembles, and most of which are defined without reference to any ensemble, may appear the most natural analogues of the thermodynamic quantities. In regard to the naturalness of seeking analogies with the thermodynamic behavior of bodies in canonical or microca- nonical ensembles of systems, much will depend upon how we approach the subject, especially upon the question whether we regard energy or temperature as an independent variable. It is very natural to take energy for an independent variable rather than temperature, because ordinary mechanics furnishes us with a perfectly defined conception of energy, whereas the idea of something relating to a mechanical system and corre- THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 179 spending to temperature is a notion but vaguely denned. Now if the state of a system is given by its energy and the external coordinates, it is incompletely denned, although its partial defi- nition is perfectly clear as far as it goes. The ensemble of phases microcanonically distributed, with the given values of the energy and the external coordinates, will represent the im- perfectly defined system better than any other ensemble or single phase. When we approach the subject from this side, our theorems will naturally relate to average values, or most probable values, in such ensembles. In this case, the choice between the variables of (485) or of (489) will be determined partly by the relative importance which is attached to average and probable values. It would seem that in general average values are the most important, and that they lend themselves better to analytical transformations. This consideration would give the preference to the system of variables in which log V is the analogue of entropy. Moreover, if we make the analogue of entropy, we are embarrassed by the necessity of making numerous exceptions for systems of one or two degrees of freedom. On the other hand, the definition of < may be regarded as a little more simple than that of log F", and if our choice is deter- mined by the simplicity of the definitions of the analogues of entropy and temperature, it would seem that the < system should have the preference. In our definition of these quanti- ties, V was defined first, and e^ derived from V by differen- tiation. This gives the relation of the quantities in the most simple analytical form. Yet so far as the notions are con- cerned, it is perhaps more natural to regard Fas derived from C* by integration. At all events, e* may be defined inde- pendently of F", and its definition niay be regarded as more simple as not requiring the determination of the zero from which V is measured, which sometimes involves questions of a delicate nature. In fact, the quantity e* may exist, when the definition of V becomes illusory for practical pur- poses, as the integral by which it is determined becomes infinite. The case is entirely different, when we regard the tempera- 180 THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. ture as an independent variable, and we have to consider a system which is described as having a certain temperature and certain values for the external coordinates. Here also the state of the system is not completely denned, and will be better represented by an ensemble of phases than by any single phase. What is the nature of such an ensemble as will best represent the imperfectly defined state ? When we wish to give a body a certain temperature, we place it in a bath of the proper temperature, and when we regard what we call thermal equilibrium as established, we say that the body has the same temperature as the bath. Per- haps we place a second body of standard character, which we call a thermometer, in the bath, and say that the first body, the bath, and the thermometer, have all the same temperature. But the body under such circumstances, as well as the bath, and the thermometer, even if they were entirely isolated from external influences (which it is convenient to suppose in a theoretical discussion), would be continually changing in phase, and in energy as well as in other respects, although our means of observation are not fine enough to perceive these variations. The series of phases through which the whole system runs in the course of time may not be entirely determined by the energy, but may depend on the initial phase in other respects. In such cases the ensemble obtained by the microcanonical distribution of the whole system, which includes all possible time-ensembles combined in the proportion which seems least arbitrary, will represent better than any one time-ensemble the effect of the bath. Indeed a single time-ensemble, when it is not also a microcanonical ensemble, is too ill-defined a notion to serve the purposes of a general discussion. We will therefore direct our attention, when we suppose the body placed in a bath, to the microcanonical ensemble of phases thus obtained. If we now suppose the quantity of the substance forming the bath to be increased, the anomalies of the separate ener- gies of the body and of the thermometer in the microcanonical THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 181 ensemble will be increased, but not without limit. The anom- alies of the energy of the bath, considered in comparison with its whole energy, diminish indefinitely as the quantity of the bath is increased, and become in a sense negligible, when the quantity of the bath is sufficiently increased. The ensemble of phases of the body, and of the thermometer, approach a standard form as the quantity of the bath is in- definitely increased. This limiting form is easily shown to be what we have described as the canonical distribution. Let us write e for the energy of the whole system consisting of the body first mentioned, the bath, and the thermometer (if any), an4 let us first suppose this system to be distributed canonically with the modulus . We have by (205) and since e p = = de _ n de H~~2de p ' If we write Ae for the anomaly of mean square, we have d If we set A will represent approximately the increase of which would produce an increase in the average value of the energy equal to its anomaly of mean square. Now these equations give (A)* = - n which shows that we may diminish A indefinitely by increas- ing the quantity of the bath. Now our canonical ensemble consists of an infinity of micro- canonical ensembles, which differ only in consequence of the different values of the energy which is constant in each. If we consider separately the phases of the first body which 182 THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. occur in the canonical ensemble of the whole system, these phases will form a canonical ensemble of the same modulus. This canonical ensemble of phases of the first body will con- sist of parts which belong to the different microcanonical ensembles into which the canonical ensemble of the whole system is divided. Let us now imagine that the modulus of the principal ca- nonical ensemble is increased by 2 A (8), and its average energy by 2Ae. The modulus of the canonical ensemble of the phases of the first body considered separately will be increased by 2 A . We may regard the infinity of microcanonical en- sembles into which we have divided the principal canonical ensemble as each having its energy increased by 2Ae. Let us see how the ensembles of phases of the first body con- tained in these microcanonical ensembles are affected. We may assume that they will all be affected in about the same way, as all the differences which come into account may be treated as small. Therefore, the canonical ensemble formed by taking them together will also be affected in the same way. But we know how this is affected. It is by the increase of its modulus by 2 A, a quantity which vanishes when the quantity of the bath is indefinitely increased. In the case of an infinite bath, therefore, the increase of the energy of one of the microcanonical ensembles by 2Ae, pro- duces a vanishing effect on the distribution in energy of the phases of the first body which it contains. But 2Ae is more than the average difference of energy between the micro- canonical ensembles. The distribution in energy of these phases is therefore the same in the different microcanonical ensembles, and must therefore be canonical, like that of the ensemble which they form when taken together.* * In order to appreciate the above reasoning, it should be understood that the differences of energy which occur in the canonical ensemble of phases of the first body are not here regarded as vanishing quantities. To fix one's ideas, one may imagine that he has the fineness of perception to make these differences seem large. The difference between the part of these phases which belong to one microcanonical ensemble of the whole system and the part which belongs to another would still be imperceptible, when the quan- tity of the bath is sufficiently increased. THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 183 As a general theorem, the conclusion may be expressed in the words : If a system of a great number of degrees of freedom is microcanonically distributed in phase, any very small part of it may be regarded as canonically distributed.* It would seem, therefore, that a canonical ensemble of phases is what best represents, with the precision necessary for exact mathematical reasoning, the notion of a body with a given temperature, if we conceive of the temperature as the state produced by such processes as we actually use in physics to produce a given temperature. Since the anomalies of the body increase with the quantity of the bath, we can only get rid of all that is arbitrary in the ensemble of phases which is to represent the notion of a body of a given temperature by making the bath infinite, which brings us to the canonical distribution. A comparison of temperature and entropy with their ana- logues in statistical mechanics would be incomplete without a consideration of their differences with respect to units and zeros, and the numbers used for their numerical specification. If we apply the notions of statistical mechanics to such bodies as we usually consider in thermodynamics, for which the kinetic energy is of the same order of magnitude as the unit of energy, but the number of degrees of freedom is enormous, the values of B, de/dlogV, and de/d will be of the same order of magnitude as 1/w, and the variable part of ?;, log V, and will be of the same order of magnitude as w.f If these quantities, therefore, represent in any sense the notions of tem- perature and entropy, they will nevertheless not be measured in units of the usual order of magnitude, a fact which must be borne in mind in determining what magnitudes may be regarded as insensible to human observation. Now nothing prevents our supposing energy and time in our statistical formulae to be measured in such units as may * It is- assumed and without this assumption the theorem would have no distinct meaning that the part of the ensemble considered may be regarded as having separate energy. t See equations (124), (288), (289), and (314) ; also page 106. 184 THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. be convenient for physical purposes. But when these units have been chosen, the numerical values of , de/dlogV, de/d, 7), log FJ <, are entirely determined,* and in order to compare them with temperature and entropy, the numerical values of which depend upon an arbitrary unit, we must mul- tiply all values of , de/dlogV, de',d^ by a constant (7T), and divide all values of 77, log FJ and by the same constant. This constant is the same for all bodies, and depends only on the units of temperature and energy which we employ. For ordinary units it is of the same order of magnitude as the numbers of atoms in ordinary bodies. We are not able to determine the numerical value of K> as it depends on the number of molecules in the bodies with which we experiment. To fix our ideas, however, we may seek an expression for this value, based upon very probable assumptions, which will show how we would naturally pro- ceed to its evaluation, if our powers of observation were fine enough to take cognizance of individual molecules. If the unit of mass of a monatomic gas contains v atoms, and it may be treated as a system of 3 v degrees of free- dom, which seems to be the case, we have for canonical distribution If we write T for temperature, and c v for the specific heat- of the gas for constant volume (or rather the limit toward which this specific heat tends, as rarefaction is indefinitely increased), we have since we may regard the energy as entirely kinetic. We may set the e p of this equation equal to the e p of the preceding, * The unit of time only affects the last three quantities, and these only by an additive constant, which disappears (with the additive constant of entropy), when differences of entropy are compared with their statistical analogues. See page 19. THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. 185 where indeed the individual values of which the average is taken would appear to human observation as identical. This gives d 2c v whence =' < 493) a value recognized by physicists as a constant independent of the kind of monatomic gas considered. We may also express the value of K in a somewhat different form, which corresponds to the indirect method by which physicists are accustomed to determine the quantity c v . The kinetic energy due to the motions of the centers of mass of the molecules of a mass of gas sufficiently expanded is easily shown to be equal to where p and v denote the pressure and volume. The average value of the same energy in a canonical ensemble of such a mass of gas is J0v, where v denotes the number of molecules in the gas. Equat- ing these values, we have pv = v , (494) whence J~~T~^' ( 495 ) Now the laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro may be ex- pressed by the equation pv AvT, (496) where A is a constant depending only on the units hi which energy and temperature are measured. 1 / K, therefore, might be called the constant of the law of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro as expressed with reference to the true number of molecules in a gaseous body. Since such numbers are unknown to us, it is more conven- ient to express the law with reference to relative values. If we denote by M the so-called molecular weight of a gas, that 186 THERMODYNAMIC ANALOGIES. is, a number taken from a table of numbers proportional to the weights of various molecules and atoms, but having one of the values, perhaps the atomic weight of hydrogen, arbi- trarily made unity, the law of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro may be written in the more practical form pv = A'T-^, (497) JXL where A' is a constant and m the weight of gas considered. It is evident that 1 K is equal to the product of the constant of the law in this form and the (true) weight of an atom of hydrogen, or such other atom or molecule as may be given the value unity in the table of molecular weights. In the following chapter we shall consider the necessary modifications in the theory of equilibrium, when the quantity of matter contained in a system is to be regarded as variable, or, if the system contains more than one kind of matter, when the quantities of the several kinds of matter in the system are to be regarded as independently variable. This will give us yet another set of variables in the statistical equation, corresponding to those of the amplified form of the thennodynamic equation. CHAPTER XV. SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. THE nature of material bodies is such, that especial interest attaches to the dynamics of systems composed of a great number of entirely similar particles, or, it may be, of a great number of particles of several kinds, all of each kind being entirely similar to each other. We shall therefore proceed to consider systems composed of such particles, whether in great numbers or otherwise, and especially to consider the statistical equilibrium of ensembles of such systems. One of the varia- tions to be considered in regard to such systems is a variation in the numbers of the particles of the various kinds which it contains, and the question of statistical equilibrium between two ensembles of such systems relates in part to the tendencies of the various kinds of particles to pass from the one to the other. First of all, we must define precisely what is meant by statistical equilibrium of such an ensemble of systems. The essence of statistical equilibrium is the permanence of the number of systems which fall within any given limits with respect to phase. We have therefore to define how the term " phase " is to be understood in such cases. If two phases differ only in that certain entirely similar particles have changed places with one another, are they to be regarded as identical or different phases? If the particles are regarded as indis- tinguishable, it seems in accordance with the spirit of the statistical method to regard the phases as identical. In fact, it might be urged that in such an ensemble of systems as we are considering no identity is possible between the particles of different systems except that of qualities, and if v particles of one system are described as entirely similar to one another and to v of another system, nothing remains on which to base 188 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. the indentification of any particular particle of the first system with any particular particle of the second. And this would be true, if the ensemble of systems had a simultaneous objective existence. But it hardly applies to the creations of the imagination. In the cases which we have been con- sidering, and in those which we shall consider, it is not only possible to conceive of the motion of an ensemble of similar systems simply as possible cases of the motion of a single system, but it is actually in large measure for the sake of representing more clearly the possible cases of the motion of a single system that we use the conception of an ensemble of systems. The perfect similarity of several particles of a system will not in the least interfere with the identification of a particular particle in one case with a particular particle in another. The question is one to be decided in accordance with the requirements of practical convenience in the discus- sion of the problems with which we are engaged. Our present purpose will often require us to use the terms phase, density-in-phase, statistical equilibrium, and other con- nected terms on the supposition that phases are not altered by the exchange of places between similar particles. Some of the most important questions with which we are concerned have reference to phases thus defined. We shall call them phases determined by generic definitions, or briefly, generic phases. But we shall also be obliged to discuss phases de- fined by the narrower definition (so that exchange of position between similar particles is regarded as changing the phase), which will be called phases determined by specific definitions, or briefly, specific phases. For the analytical description of a specific phase is more simple than that of a generic phase. And it is a more simple matter to make a multiple integral extend over all possible specific phases than to make one extend without repetition over all possible generic phases. It is evident that if i>i, v z . . . v h , are the numbers of the dif- ferent kinds of molecules in any system, the number of specific phases embraced in one generic phase is represented by the continued product [z^ [^ ]^ and the coefficient of probabil- SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 189 ity of a generic phase is the sum of the probability-coefficients of the specific phases which it represents. When these are equal among themselves, the probability-coefficient of the gen- eric phase is equal to that of the specific phase multiplied by [z/i 1 1> 2 . . . \vg It is also evident that statistical equilibrium may subsist with respect to generic phases without statistical equilibrium with respect to specific phases, but not vice versa. Similar questions arise where one particle is capable of several equivalent positions. Does the change from one of these positions to another change the phase? It would be most natural and logical to make it affect the specific phase, but not the generic. The number of specific phases contained in a generic phase would then be \v /e/ 1 . . . |z^ /c h \ where K V . . . K h denote the numbers of equivalent positions belong- ing to the several kinds of particles. The case in which a K is infinite would then require especial attention. It does not appear that the resulting complications in the formulae would be compensated by any real advantage. The reason of this is that in problems of real interest equivalent positions of a particle will always be equally probable. In this respect, equivalent positions of the same particle are entirely unlike the [^different ways in which v particles may be distributed in v different positions. Let it therefore be understood that in spite of the physical equivalence of different positions of the same particle they are to be considered as constituting a difference of generic phase as well as of specific. The number of specific phases contained in a generic phase is therefore always given by the product \v^\v^ . [iy Instead of considering, as in the preceding chapters, en- sembles of systems differing only in phase, we shall now suppose that the systems constituting an ensemble are com- posed of particles of various kinds, and that they differ not only in phase but also in the numbers of these particles which they contain. The external coordinates of all the systems in the ensemble are supposed, as heretofore, to have the same value, and when they vary, to vary together. For distinction, we may call such an ensemble a grand ensemble, and one in 190 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. which the systems differ only in phase a petit ensemble. A grand ensemble is therefore composed of a multitude of petit ensembles. The ensembles which we have hitherto discussed are petit ensembles. Let i>j, . . . v h9 etc., denote the numbers of the different kinds of particles in a system, e its energy, and q l1 . . . q n , p l , . . . p n its coordinates and momenta. If the particles are of the nature of material points, the number of coordinates (n) of the system will be equal to 3 v l . . . + 3 v h . But if the parti- cles are less simple in their nature, if they are to be treated as rigid solids, the orientation of which must be regarded, or if they consist each of several atoms, so as to have more than three degrees of freedom, the number of coordinates of the system will be equal to the sum of v lt i> 2 , etc., multiplied each by the number of degrees of freedom of the kind of particle to which it relates. Let us consider an ensemble in which the number of systems having v 19 . . . v h particles of the several kinds, and having values of their coordinates and momenta lying between the limits q l and q^ + dq 1 , p 1 and p l + dp l , etc., is represented by the expression (498) where IV, O, , /^ , . . . p h are constants, N denoting the total number of systems in the ensemble. The expression Q-f Wi - Ne (499) [vi."h evidently represents the density-in-phase of the ensemble within the limits described, that is, for a phase specifically defined. The expression e * (500) SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 191 is therefore the probability-coefficient for a phase specifically defined. This has evidently the same value for all the [iY . . . \v h phases obtained by interchanging the phases of particles of the same kind. The probability-coefficient for a generic phase will be \vi_. . . [z^ times as great, viz., e . (501) We shall say that such an ensemble as has been described is canonically distributed, and shall call the constant its modulus. It is evidently what we have called a grand ensem- ble. The petit ensembles of which it is composed are canonically distributed, according to the definitions of Chapter IV, since the expression (502) is constant for each petit ensemble. The grand ensemble, therefore, is in statistical equilibrium with respect to specific phases. If an ensemble, whether grand or petit, is identical so far as generic phases are concerned with one canonically distrib- uted, we shall say that its distribution is canonical with respect to generic phases. Such an ensemble is evidently in statistical equilibrium with respect to generic phases, although it may not be so with respect to specific phases. If we write H for the index of probability of a generic phase in a grand ensemble, we have for the case of canonical distribution H = + M.n + >**- _ (503) It will be observed that the H is a linear function of e and v v . . . v h ; also that whenever the index of probability of generic phases in a grand ensemble is a linear function of e, j/j, . . . v h i the ensemble is canonically distributed with respect to generic phases. 192 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. The constant Ii we may regard as determined by the equation /C]\TP / ^n - i - dp,... dq n , (504) phases J ln-'-b_ or [1/1 . . . [ ' phases (505) where the multiple sum indicated by 2 Vl . . . 2 rft includes all terms obtained by giving to each of the symbols vi . . . v h all integral values from zero upward, and the multiple integral (which is to be evaluated separately for each term of the multiple sum) is to be extended over all the (specific) phases of the system having the specified numbers of particles of the various kinds. The multiple integral hi the last equation is JL what we have represented by e . See equation (92). We may therefore write It should be observed that the summation includes a term in which all the symbols v l . . . v h have the value zero. We must therefore recognize in a certain sense a system consisting of no particles, which, although a barren subject of study in itself, cannot well be excluded as a particular case of a system of a variable number of particles. In this case e is constant, and there are no integrations to be performed. We have therefore* _4 _1 e = e , i. e. y \j/ = e. * This conclusion may appear a little strained. The original definition of ^ may not be regarded as fairly applying to systems of no degrees of freedom. We may therefore prefer to regard these equations as defining 4/ in this case. SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 193 The value of e p is of course zero in this case. But the value of e q contains an arbitrary constant, which is generally determined by considerations of convenience, so that e g and e do not necessarily vanish with v^ , . . . v h . Unless II has a finite value, our formulae become illusory. We have already, in considering petit ensembles canonically distributed, found it necessary to exclude cases in which ty has not a finite value.* The same exclusion would here make ^r finite for any finite values of v l . . . v h . This does not necessarily make a multiple series of the form (506) finite. We may observe, however, that if for all values of v l . . . v h \l/ ^. CQ + ^1 Vl) 4" C h V ht (507) where , c v . . . c h are constants or functions of , Co-MMl+CjK . . . -K/*A+C A V A e ^ _n p & e O. c_ 0^0 . . . e -+ e .-. + e (508) The value of II will therefore be finite, when the condition (507) is satisfied. If therefore we assume that fl is finite, we do not appear to exclude any cases which are analogous to those of nature.f The interest of the ensemble which has been described lies in the fact that it may be in statistical equilbrium, both in * See Chapter IV, page 35. t If the external coordinates determine a certain volume within which the system is" confined, the contrary of (507) would imply that we could obtain an infinite amount of work by crowding an infinite quantity of matter into a finite volume. 13 194 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. respect to exchange of energy and exchange of particles, with other grand ensembles canonically distributed and having the same values of and of the coefficients p v ^ 2 , etc., when the circumstances are such that exchange of energy and of particles are possible, and when equilibrium would not sub- sist, were it not for equal values of these constants in the two ensembles. With respect to the exchange of energy, the case is exactly the same as that of the petit ensembles considered in Chapter IV, and needs no especial discussion. The question of ex- change of particles is to a certain extent analogous, and may be treated in a somewhat similar manner. Let us suppose that we have two grand ensembles canonically distributed with respect to specific phases, with the same value of the modulus and of the coefficients ^ . . . fi h , and let us consider the ensemble of all the systems obtained by combining each system of the first ensemble with each of the second. The probability-coefficient of a generic phase in the first ensemble may be expressed by e & (509) The probability-coefficient of a specific phase will then be expressed by (510) since each generic phase comprises \v^ . . . [z^ specific phases. In the second ensemble the probability-coefficients of the generic and specific phases will be SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 195 The probability-coefficient of a generic phase in the third ensemble, which consists of systems obtained by regarding each system of the first ensemble combined with each of the second as forming a system, will be the product of the proba- bility-coefficients of the generic phases of the systems com- bined, and will therefore be represented by the formula e (513) where ft"' = ft' + ft", e'" = e' + e", vi'" = vj + z>i", etc. It will be observed that i//", etc., represent the numbers of particles of the various kinds in the third ensemble, and e'" its energy ; also that ft'" is a constant. The third ensemble is therefore canonically distributed with respect to generic phases. If all the systems in the same generic phase in the third ensemble were equably distributed among the zV" | vjj" spe- cific phases which are comprised in the generic phase, the prob- ability-coefficient of a specific phase would be In fact, however, the probability-coefficient of any specific phase which occurs in the third ensemble is which we get by multiplying the probability-coefficients of specific phases in the first and second ensembles. The differ- ence between the formulae (514) and (515) is due to the fact that the generic phases to which (513) relates include not only the specific phases occurring in the third ensemble and having the probability-coefficient (515), but also all the specifier phases obtained from these by interchange of similar particles between two combined systems. Of these the proba- 196 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. bility-coefficient is evidently zero, as they do not occur in the ensemble. Now this third ensemble is in statistical equilibrium, with respect both to specific and generic phases, since the ensembles from which it is formed are so. This statistical equilibrium is not dependent on the equality of the modulus and the co-effi- cients /Aj , . . . fx h in the first and second ensembles. It depends only on the fact that the two original ensembles were separ- ately in statistical equilibrium, and that there is no interaction between them, the combining of the two ensembles to form a third being purely nominal, and involving no physical connec- tion. This independence of the systems, determined physically by forces which prevent particles from passing from one sys- tem to the other, or coming within range of each other's action, is represented mathematically by infinite values of the energy for particles in a space dividing the systems. Such a space may be called a diaphragm. If we now suppose that, when we combine the systems of the two original ensembles, the forces are so modified that the energy is nc longer infinite for particles in all the space form- ing the diaphragm, but is diminished in a part of this space, so that it is possible for particles to pass from one system to the other, this will involve a change in the function e ;// which represents the energy of the combined systems, and the equation e" f e f + e ff will no longer hold. Now if the co- efficient of probability in the third ensemble were represented by (513) with this new function e ;// , we should have statistical equilibrium, with respect to generic phases, although not to specific. But this need involve only a trifling change in the distribution of the third ensemble,* a change represented by the addition of comparatively few systems in which the trans- ference of particles is taking place to the immense number * It will be observed that, so far as the distribution is concerned, very large and infinite values of e (for certain phases) amount to nearly the same thing, one representing the total and the other the nearly total exclusion of the phases in question. An infinite change, therefore, in the value of e (for certain phases) may represent a vanishing change in the distribution. SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 197 obtained by combining the two original ensembles. The difference between the ensemble which would be in statistical equilibrium, and that obtained by combining the two original ensembles may be diminished without limit, while it is still possible for particles to pass from one system to another. In - this sense we may say that the ensemble formed by combining the two given ensembles may still be regarded as in a state of (approximate) statistical equilibrium with respect to generic phases, when it has been made possible for particles to pass between the systems combined, and when statistical equilibrium for specific phases has therefore entirely ceased to exist, and when the equilibrium for generic phases would also have entirely ceased to exist, if the given ensembles had not been canonically distributed, with respect to generic phases, with the same values of @ and fi v . . . p h . It is evident also that considerations of this kind will apply j separately to the several kinds of particles. We may diminish ' the energy in the space forming the diaphragm for one kind of particle and not for another. This is the mathematical ex- pression for a " semipermeable" diaphragm. The condition necessary for statistical equilibrium where the diaphragm is permeable only to particles to which the suffix ( ) x relates will be fulfilled when /^ and have the same values in the two ensembles, although the other coefficients /* 2 , etc., may be different. This important property of grand ensembles with canonical distribution will supply the motive for a more particular ex- amination of the nature of such ensembles, and especially of the comparative numbers of systems in the several petit en- sembles which make up a grand ensemble, and of the average values in the grand ensemble of some of the most important quantities, and of the average squares of the deviations from these average values. The probability that a system taken at random from a grand ensemble canonically distributed will have exactly i/j, . . . v h particles of the various kinds is expressed by the multiple integral 198 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. phases or . (517) [vi . . . [1/5 This may be called the probability of the petit ensemble 0>i, ... v h ). The sum of all such probabilities is evidently unity. That is, (518) which agrees with (506). The average value in the grand ensemble of any quantity u, is given by the formula phases If w is a function of i/ x , . . . i/ A alone, i. e., if it has the same value in all systems of any same petit ensemble, the formula reduces to 8 ue = X "' Again, if we write ^ gr and an( i w] petit to distinguish averages in the grand and petit ensembles, we shall have In this chapter, in which we are treating of grand en- sembles, u will always denote the average for a grand en- semble. In the preceding chapters, u has always denoted the average for a petit ensemble. SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 199 Equation (505), which we repeat in a slightly different form, viz., phases shows that O is a function of and p v . . . fj, h ; also of the external coordinates 1? a 2 , etc., which are involved implicitly in e. If we differentiate the equation regarding all these quantities as variable, we have la phases phases + etc. all de e phases - etc. (523) 5 If we multiply this equation by e 9 , and set as usual A v A v etc., for de/da^ delda^, etc., we get in virtue of the law expressed by equation (519), dto O _ d - 200 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. that is, da = O + PI* ft*-? ^ _ a - fa _ s 2i dai (525) Since equation (503) gives the preceding equation may be written dQ, ILd 2 vid/xi 2 2 l da lt (527) Again, equation (526) gives c?Q + Sjiie^i + S vi cZ/*! de = dH + Hc2. (528) Eliminating <#fl from these equations, we get de = rfH + 2/x^i - S^j rfoj. (529) If we set * = e + H, (530) d* = de + dH + H d, (531) we have d* = H d + 2 ^ d^ - S -^ e?^. (532) The corresponding thermodynamic equations are de = Tdy + 5 ^dmi S -4i ^ , (533) (534) /xi cZm! SA cZ/xi , (543) and therefore /I 1 \ > m" - Hi'- (544) The difference /*/' ^ is therefore numerically a very small quantity. To form an idea of the importance of such a difference, we should observe that in formula (498) ^ is multiplied by v 1 and the product subtracted from the energy. A very small difference in the value of /^ may therefore be im- portant. But since v 7gen> (549) which corresponds to the equation we have i/^ = $ + log [v, and H-^^ n + ^ yi -- @ + . (551) This will have a maximum when * Distinguishing values corresponding to this maximum by accents, we have approximately, when v l , . . . v h are of the same order of magnitude as the numbers of molecules in ordi- nary bodies, Q + /*iVi . . + ^ftVft Igen - -- 2 \d vi d v (553) 2 Vc?!'!^/ \-|log(2 ff ), where D = V / dVn.V Wviflfow that is, D = (558) (559) '(560) (561) Now, by (553), we have for the first approximation H - ^ gen = C = 1 log D - | log (2ir0), (562) and if we divide by the constant JT,* to reduce these quanti- ties to the usual unit of entropy, H - ^gen = ^g J> ~ h log (27T@) .ST 2 JL * See page 184-186. 206 SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. This is evidently a negligible quantity, since K is of the same order of magnitude as the number of molecules in ordinary bodies. It is to be observed that ?7 gen is here the average in the grand ensemble, whereas the quantity which we wish to compare with H is the average in a petit ensemble. But as we have seen that in the case considered the grand ensemble would appear to human observation as a petit ensemble, this dis- tinction may be neglected. The differences therefore, in the case considered, between the quantities which may be represented by the notations * H * en [grand ^* en (grand ' ^^ Ipetit are not sensible to human faculties. The difference and is therefore constant, so long as the numbers z> 1? . . . v h are constant. For constant values of these numbers, therefore, it is immaterial whether we use the average of rj gen or of 77 for entropy, since this only affects the arbitrary constant of in- tegration which is added to entropy. But when the numbers v v . . . v h are varied, it is no longer possible to use the index for specific phases. For the principle that the entropy of any body has an arbitrary additive constant is subject to limi- tation, when different quantities of the same substance are concerned. In this case, the constant being determined for one quantity of a substance, is thereby determined for all quantities of the same substance. To fix our ideas, let us suppose that we have two identical fluid masses in contiguous chambers. The entropy of the whole is equal to the sum of the entropies of the parts, and double that of one part. Suppose a valve is now opened, making a communication between the chambers. We do not regard this as making any change in the entropy, although the masses of gas or liquid diffuse into one another, and al- though the same process of diffusion would increase the * In this paragraph, for greater distinctness, H gen | grand and %p^l petit have been written for the quantities which elsewhere are denoted by H and rf. SYSTEMS COMPOSED OF MOLECULES. 207 entropy, if the masses of fluid were different. It is evident, therefore, that it is equilibrium with respect to generic phases, and not with respect to specific, with which we have to do in the evaluation of entropy, and therefore, that we must use the average of H or of 7; gen , and not that of 77, as the equiva- lent of entropy, except in the thermodynamics of bodies in which the number of molecules of the various kinds is constant. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR 2 1 2005 2 6 2005 DD20 6M 9-03 General Library . University of Calif ormz Berkeley VC 11402 * a UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY . ,v\ v <