i x% [Crown Copyright Reserved.] &- ALS OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION MATERIAL SUPPLIES MANUAL, Edition.'} REVISED TO MAY 31st, 1918. PAGE iii-xix 1-30 31-426 COMPRISING T troductiou "pkabeticai Table of War Material Supplies sub- ject to Control. rt I. Defe 10 of the Realm Regulations Enabling the making of War Material Supplies Orders, AS AME^TSD TO MAY 3l3T, UU8, WITH NOTES Part II. War Material Supplies Orders, IN FORCE ox MAY 31 ST, 1918, WITH NOTES Part III. Priority of Work Orders 427-432 APPENDIX I. The Steel Supplies Orders and General Permit thereunder, in Consolidated form ...433-451 APPENDIX II. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act and Rules ... 452-464 APPENDIX III. Restrictions on Importation or Ex- portation of War Material Supplies 465-500 A PENDTX IV. Relief from Liability under Contracts affected by Control of War Material Supplies 501-503 & PENDIX V. Proof. Construction and Citation of War Material Supplies Orders, and of the Enabling- Regulations .504-519 EDITED BY ALEXANDER PULLING, C.B., OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND OF THE INNER TE BARRISTER- AT-LAW. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. LOJNDON: PUBLISHED BY ill- ERY OFFICE. To be purchased through 'iny Bookseller or directly from ILM. STATIONERY Ui tddresses : . IMPERIAL HOUSE, KI.V. -v.c.2,and 28, ABLN'GDON' STUEEI, LON1;< 37, PETES >STUBET, MAN I, ST. ANDBKWS CREV 23, FORTH S ; : ;, ; or from B. PONSON BY, LTD., lie. GKA; LT, DUBLIN. Way, 19J P) -ice Fir" Shillings, Net. [Crown Copyright Reserved.'] MANUALS OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION. WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES MANUAL, [2nd Edition.} REVISED TO MAY 31st, 1918. PAGE iii-xix 1-30 COMPRISIXG Introduction Alphabetical Table of War Material Supplies sub- ject to Control. Part I. Defence of the Realm Regulations Enabling- the making- of War Material Supplies Orders, A8 AMENDED TO MAY 31ST, 1918, WITH NOTES Part II. War Material Supplies Orders, IN FORCE ON MAY 3 IST, 1918, WITH NOTES 31-426 Part III. Priority of Work Orders 427-43^ APPENDIX I. The Steel Supplies Orders and General Permit thereunder, in Consolidated form ...433-451 APPENDIX II. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act and Rules ...452-464 APPENDIX III. Restrictions on Importation or Ex- portation of War Material Supplies 465-500 APPENDIX IV. Relief from Liability under Contracts affected by Control of War Material Supplies 501-503 APPENDIX V. Proof, Construction and Citation of War Material Supplies Orders, and of the Enabling Reg-ulations 504-519 EDITED BY ALEXANDER PULLING, C.B., OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND OP THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly trom H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2, and 28, ABINQDON STREET, LONDON, S.W.I ; 37, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER : 1, ST. ANDREW'S CRESCENT, CARDIFF : 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or from E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, QRAFTON STREET, DUBLIM. May, 1918. Price Five Shillings Net. Ill INTRODUCTION. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. SCOPE AND ARRANGEMENT OF MANUAL, p. iv. II. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTROLLED SUPPLIES, p. iv. III. ENABLING REGULATIONS. 1. Authority for the Regulations , p. v. 2. Official Editions of the complete Defence of the Realm Code, p. v. 3. Initiation of the Enahling Regulations, .p. vi. IV. WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS. 1. Classification of the Orders, p. vi. 2. Order-making Departments* p. vi. 3. General Character of the Orders, p. vii. 4. Application to United Kingdom or otherwise of t/te Orders, p. vii. 5. Prooj, Construction and Citation of -the Orders, p. vii. 6. Trial and Punishment of Contraventions of the Orders, p. x. 7. Effect on Contracts of the Orders, p. xi. V. PRIORITY OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WORK, p. xiii. VI. IMPORT OR EXPORT OF WAR MATERIAL. 1. Restrictions on Import of War Materials, p. xiii. 2. Restrictions on Export of War Materials, p. xiii. VII. TRANSPORT. STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WAR MATERIAL. 1. Transport, Storage, c., p. xiv. 2. Control of means of transport, p. xiv. 3. Increase or Limitation of Transport Charges, p. xv. VIII. CONTROL OF MINES AND PETROLEUM BORING. 1. Coal Mines, p. xvi. 2. Metalliferous Mines, p. xvi. 3. Petroleum Boring, p. xvi. IX. FACTORY ACT LEGISLATION. Administration of Factory and Workshop Acts, p. xvii. X. EXPLOSIVES ACT LEGISLATION, p. xvii. XI. NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT AND RULES. 1. Initiation of the Legislation, p. xviii. 2. The Act, p. xviii. 3. Rules under the Act, p. xviii. (524t; 15.) Wt. 1213830/55. 1500. 8/18. D & S. G. 10. a 2 iv Scope and Arrangement of Manual. I. Scope and Arrangement of Manual The scope of this the 2nd Edition of the " War Material Supplies Manual " is the same as that of the 1st Edition but includes all the changes and additions to which the months of March, April and May, 1918, have given birth. This Manual therefore comprises all the legislation in force on May 31st, 1918,(a) relating to the Control of Supplies of '' "War Material " which is defined by Regulation 62 of the Defence ot the Realm Regulations as including '" arms, ammunition, warlike stores and equipment, and everything required for or in con- nection with the production thereof." That definition is identical with that contained in s. 1 (3) of the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915 (5 Geo. 5, c. 37)(b). This Edition of the Manual, like its predecessor, is divided into three parts, of which the first comprises the Regula- tions empowering the making of ' \Var Material Supplies Orders " ; the second, the text of all such Orders there- under made subjecting particular articles to Requisition or Control and now (May 31st, 1918) in force; and the third, the General Orders providing for Priority of Government Con- tract work. The main text of the Manual is preceded by an Alphabetical Table of all the Supplies which are controlled, showing which articles corning within the scope of the Manual are controlled, which Department has made the Order, &c., the date of the Order, and the page of this Manual at which it is printed. The main text is followed by a series of Appendixes. The contents of each portion of the book are described in further detail below, where certain alterations in the system of classification of the Orders designed to further facilitate reference are referred to., II. Alphabetical Table of Controlled Supplies. This Table (which immediately follows this Introduction) gives in alphabetical sequence the name o>f every article and commodity (other than those specified in the Note at p. 1 as not having been viewed as " AVar Material 'Supplies," and which therefore fall outside the scope of the Manual) which is (May 31st, 1918) con- trolled by a '' War Material Supplies Order " or specifically, by name, ty a Defence of the Realm Regulation or the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act. The Table" (which is revised to May -'Hst, 1918) shows which Department made the Order, the date of the Order, &c. (distinguishing Notices and general Permits from "Orders" strictly so termed), and the page of the Manual at which the full text of the Order is printed. (a) As stated in the Editorial Note at p. 407 the " Timber Supplies " group of Orders has, in view of the issue on July 16th of the Timber Control Order. 1918, which consolidated and amended most of the Timber Orders, been revised to. that date. Footnotes have also been inserted, whilst the Manual was in the press, to any of the Orders made during the month of June which repealed or specifically amended earlier Orders. (b) The full text of this and of the other Defence of the Realm Acts form Part I of the " Defence of the Realm Manual " further referred to in Section III 2 of this Introduction. Editions of Defence of the Realm Regulations. v It is believed that this Table, which so far as the names of controlled articles are concerned serves the purpose of an Index, will facilitate reference to the numerous Orders which form Part II. of this book. III. Enabling- Regulations. 1. AUTHORITY FOE, THE REGULATIONS. Part I. of this Manual comprises those of the Defence of the Realm Regulations which confer express powers on the Admiralty, the Army Council, the Minister of Munitions, the Board of Trade, and the Controller of the Stationery Office of taking possession of or of regulating the manufacture, production, sale or other dealings in " war material " as above defined, and of requiring particulars and returns, or which otherwise impose restriction as to war material supplies. The Defence of the Realm Consolidation Act, 1914 (5 Greo. 5, c. 8), s. 1, as amended by the Ministry of Munitions Order in Council, 1915 (St. R. & (X, 1915, No. 580), empowers the confer- ment by Defence of the Realm Regulations of powers on the Admiralty, Army Council and Minister of Munitions, and also on other persons acting on His Majesty's behalf. The full text of this and of the other Defence of the Realm Acts forms Part I. of the (l Defence of the Realm Manual " hereinafter further referred to. 2. OFFICIAL EDITIONS OF THE COMPLETE DEFENCE OF THE REALM CODE. As above stated, this Manual comprises only those of the Regulations which empower the making of War Material Supplies Orders. The whole of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, consoli- dated under the authority of Regulation 64 as one single code, form Part II. of the " Defence of the Realm Manual," which is published at certain intervals the latest Edition published covering' the legislation to February 28th last. In that Manual the Regulations are accompanied by editorial notes and by the full text of both the enabling Acts and of the Departmental Orders(a) made under the Regulations and by an analytical index to the whole of the Defence of the Realm Legislation. The Defence of the Realm Regulations, similarly consolidated, but without any editorial or marginal notes, revised to the last day of each month, are published at the commencement of the ensuing month the latest issue covering to June 30th, 1918. (a) The new (February 28th) Edition of the Defence of the Realm Manual does not contain the text of the following Classes of Orders under the Regula- tions which are given in full form in the undermentioned Manuals : (i) WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS, which are printed at length in this " War Material Supplies Manual " ; (ii) FOOD CONTROLLER'S ORDERS and Orders of the Local Government Board and Secretary for Scotland, &c., relative thereto, which are printed at length in the Manual entitled " Food Control Manual ", of which the last published edition covered all such Orders to April 30th, 1918 ; (iii) FOOD PRODUCTION ORDERS of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, and the Department of Agri- culture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. All such Orders in force on January 31st, 1918, are printed in Parts IY, V, and VI and the Addenda to the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." (iv) " SECURITIES " ORDERS made by the Treasury. These will all be in- cluded in the " Financial Manual." vi War Material Supplies Orders. 3. INITIATION OF THE ENABLING REGULATIONS. ]N^o Regulations of the character of those included in this Manual found a place amongst the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions as first issued on the outbreak of War (Manual of Emergency Legislation, pp. 146-151). Legislation of this character was^ initiated by the introduction into the Code in November, .1914, of regulations empowering the Admiralty and the Army Council to requisition the output of, and to take possession of, ammunition factories. These 1914 provisions, as subsequently amplified, form Regulations T and 8 of the present Code (pp. 7, 1) of this Manual). By a series of Amending Orders in Council the other Regulations printed in Part I. hereof have been gradually built up. The power to prohibit dealings in war material (Regulation 30A, p. 12) dates from September, 1915, and the general Requisi- tion power (Regulation 2n. p. >) from February. 11)16. The Board of Trade's powers as to articles of commerce (pp. 10-22 > were first conferred in November, 1916, whilst those of the Con- troller of the Stationery Office (pp. 2(1-30), date back only to March 1st last. IV. War Material Supplies Orders. 1. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ORDERS, The full text of all the " War Material Supplies Orders " made under the Enabling Regulations forms Part II. of this Manual. They are there printed in 13 Groups according to the character of the supplies, the longer Groups being sub-divided. A list of such Groups and Sub-groups is given pp. )2, 3-> ; and the Sul- groups are also re-enumerated at the commencement of each Group in the main text. The text of each Group or Sub-group is preceded by a list (in alphabetical order) of the short titles of the Orders printed thereunder. The Orders are, as stated under 4 below, directed to 4 main classes of objects, viz.: "Dealings," "Manufacture," " Move- ment," and " Returns," and each sub-group of the two main groups " Hides, Leather and Tanning Materials " (pp. 100-150), and " Textiles " (pp. 30T-406), have been further sub-divided so as to bring all the Orders directed to each of these classes of objects together. It is believed that ill is plan (which in the ca-t- of a long and somewhat complicated series of Orders such as those relating to Wool will enable those concerned with " Deal- ings " and those concerned with ''Manufacture" to turn to the Orders which directly affeci them without referring to those which do not) will be found convenient. 2. ORDER-MAKING DEPARTMENTS. Except as regards a few special matters such as Timber Supplies, the control of which is assigned to a single Department, the powers conferred by the Enabling Regulations are on the whole concurrent, i.e., they enable any one of the Departments in whom they vest powers to exercise the same. But, by arrange- ment between the offices, one Department takes control of, and makes the orders as to, a particular class of supplies. The general scheme of distribution between the Departments is indicated by the "Alphabetical Table of Controlled Supplies" which follows this Introduction and to which the reader is referred in the case of any particular article in which he is interested (rencr'!' CharacteT of tlic Orders, and Application oj t/ie vii same. 3. GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE ORDERS. The " War Material Supplies Orders " are directed to 4 classes of objects : (1) Controlling Dealings and in that connection taking possession of supplies, restricting use, ainl -fixing maximum prices. (2) Controlling Manufacture. '">> Restricting' Movement. (4) Requiring Returns. The most numerous and far-reaching Orders are those of the first of these classes. Certain Orders of that class declare various kinds of supplies to be " War Material " within Regulation 30A (p. 12). and thereby prohibit all dealings in, or offers or negotia- tions to deal in, the same without a permit. . Orders under other of the enabling Regulations impose other restrictions. Amongst the Orders under Regulation 30A are those relating to- .Steel Supplies; the Order applying Regulation 30A to such supplies has been amended 6 times, and the General Permit allowing dealings in such supplies, siibject to prescribed maxi- mum prices, 12 times. As in all other cases the full text of all these Amending Orders and Notices is printed in Part II. of the Manual, but in view of the repeated amendments and conse- quent intricacy of the Steel Supplies Order the Editor has reproduced them in a simple consolidated form in Appendix I. (pp. 433-4ol) hereto. 4. APPLICATION TO THE UNITED KINGDOM OR OTHERWISE OF THE ORDERS. The Enabling Regulations, unless extended 1 with or without adaptations to the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, apply to the whole United Kingdom, i.e., to England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and only thereto, and the War Material Supplies Orders have the like application. Certain of the Regulations have been by Order in Council applied to Jersey and to the Bailiwick of Guernsey which com- prises the remainder of the Channel Islands, and numerous Orders in Council (all of which are printed as Statutory Rules and Orders) have been made under the Isle of Man War Legisla- tion Act, 1914, applying certain of the Regulations with or without adaptations to that Isle. It would seem that a War Material Supplies Order applies in the absence of a provision restricting its application throughout the same territorial area as that to which the enabling power extended when the Order was made. Certain of the Orders are specifically expressed to apply only t-o certain parts of the United Kingdom. 5. PROOF, CONSTRUCTION, AND CITATION OF THE ORDERS. Proef of Regulations and Orders. The Documentary Evidence Acts, as applied to the Minister of Munitions by s. 18 of the Munitions of War Act, 1915 (5 & 6 Geo. 5, c. 54) and to the Army Council by s. 5 of the Evidence (Amendment) Act, 1915 viii Proof of Regulations and Orders. (5 & 6 Geo. 5, c. 94), provide that primd facie evidence oi Defence of the Realm Regulations and of " War Material Supplies Orders " (i.e., Orders of the Admiralty, Army Council, Minister of Munitions and Board of Trade made under the powers conferred by such Regulations) may be given in all courts and legal proceedings in all or any of three ways, viz. : (1) By the production of a copy of the " Gazette " purport- ing to contain such Regulations or War Material Supplies Orders. In Part II.. of this Manual, which comprises the full text of all the War Material Supplies Orders in force (May 31st, 1918) a note is inserted at the end of each Order, referring to the copy of the " Gazette " containing the same. (2) By the production of a copy of the Defence of the Realm Regulations or of a " War Material Supplies Order," purporting to be printed under the " Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office." This Manual is printed under that Authority, and the " War Material Supplies Orders," &c., as therein printed in full, are evidence accordingly. This Manual advisedly contains only those portions of the Defence of the Realm Regulations which empower the making of War Material Supplies Orders and those portions are printed in Part I. hereof not in the form in which they appear in the general Consolidated Defence of the Realm Code, but in the form they appear to assume as applied to and empowering the Departments who make the said War Material Supplies Orders. Where it is required to put the Defence of the Realm Code in evidence recourse should be had to the (monthly issued) official copies of the complete consolidated Code which is reissued early in each month revised to the last day of the preceding month. (3) By the production of a copy or extract of the Defence of the Realm Regulations purporting to be certified to be true by the Clerk of the Privy 'Council or by any Privy Councillor or of a War Material Supplies Order pur- porting to be certified to be true in the case of : An Admiralty Order, by any Lord of the Admiralty or either of the Secretaries of the Admiralty : An Army Council Order, by two members of the Army Council, or the Secretary to the Army Council, or any person authorised by the Army Council to act on their behalf : An Order of the Minister of Munitions, by the Minister or a Secretary of the Ministry or any person authorised by the Minister to act on his behalf : A Board of Trade Order, by any Member, or any Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trade. Construction mid (.'itation of Regulations and Orders. ix Construction of lie g illations and Orders. Regulation 63 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations (p. 506) applies the Inter- pretation Act, 1889, for the purpose of the interpretation of the Regulations and of all Orders thereunder. The effect of that Regulation would appear to be that : (1) In the Regulations themselves all expressions defined by the Interpretation Act (52 & 53 Viet. c. 63), though not occurring in the Defence of the Realm Acts have the respective meanings so given to them and all the rules of construction laid down by that Act for the construction of Acts of Parliament apply to the con- struction of the Regulations ; (2) In an Order under the Regulations expressions occurring both in the Order and in the empowering Regulations have the same meaning as they have in the empower- ing Regulations (see s. 31 of the Interpretation Act) ; (3) But both as regards the Regulations and the Orders thereunder such interpretation is excluded by anything in the Regulation or Order importing " a contrary intention." (See the provision to this effect which occurs throughout the Interpretation Act.) Citation of Regulations and Orders. The Regulations may be cited as the " Defence of the Realm Regulations," and any refer- ence in any document to them by that short title, or to them as the " Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulations, 1914," or to any of them, is unless the context otherwise requires to be construed as a reference to the Regulations as amended by any Order in Council for the time being in force (see Regulation 65, p. 506). Very few of the ' ' War Material Supplies Orders ' ' made by the Admiralty, the Army Council, or the Minister of Munitions, except the most recently issued ones, contained a clause con- ferring a short title on the Order, and there was therefore no means in the case of an Amending Order or otherwise of simple and convenient reference. Such means of reference was provided by three " Citation of War Material Supplies Orders," made by Ihe Admiralty, the Army Council, and the Minister of Munitions respectively. Those three Orders, which are printed in full as Section 3 of Appendix V. (pp. 508-519) of this Manual, provide for the citation by a short title of every War Material Supplies Order made by one of those three Departments which was in force on February 28th last and did not contain a Clause so providing. Each of the Orders as printed in Part II. of this Manual on which a short title has been so conferred by these Citation Orders is accompanied by a footnote referring to the said Appendix V. containing the Authority far such short title. Most of the Board of Trade Orders contain a clause providing for the citation of the Order bv a short title. x Trial and Punishment of Contravention*. 6. TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT OF CONTRAVENTIONS OF THE ORDERS. Contraventions of " War Material Supplies Orders " and of the Defence of the Realm Regulations enabling the making of the same, are triable in one of three modes, viz. : 1. By Court-martial; 2. By a Civil Court with a Jury; 3. By a Court of Summary Jurisdiction; and Regulation 56 provides which of these three classes of tri- bunals is to be the court for trial of each class of offences. Certain of the Regulations declare a contravention of the same or of Orders thereunder to be a " summary offence " and Regu- lation 56 (2) provides that a person alleged to be guilty of an offence so declared to be a "summary offence" shall (if not subject to the Xaval Discipline Act or to Military Law) be tried by a court of summary jurisdiction and not otherwise. A contravention of Regulations 2s, 2o, 2E, 8, SA, 15c, 30A or 30tt (pp. 3-14, which confer concurrent powers on the Admiralty. Army Council and Minister of Munitions) or of an Order of any one of those Departments thereunder, and the improper dis- closure of information as to an invention or process under Reg. Her (p. 10) are "offence'-'" and therefore not being declared to be a " summary offence " may fall to be tried either by a Court of summary jurisdiction, or by court-mart ial, or by a civil court with a jury as the designated authority may decide. A contravention of Regulation 30c (p. 14) or of Regulations 2i-% 2c;, 2t;a, or 15A (pp. 17-21, 25),. which confer powers on the Board of Trade, or of Regulations 2u, 2i3B, 7, 8, SA and 15c in the form in which as adapted by Treasury Order they confer powers on the Controller of the Stationery Office (pp. 26-30) or of a War Material Supplies Order made under such powers con- stitutes a " summary offence " and if the contravention is by a person not subject to the Naval Discipline Act or to military law is triable only by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction. The general provisions as to Trial and Punishment of Offences 'are comprised in Regulations 56 to 58o of the Defence of the Realm Regulations which as amended are issued monthly as a single Consolidated Code as mentioned in Section III. 2 of this' Introduction . Many of the contraventions of War Material Supplies Orders are in fact prosecuted before Courts of Summary Jurisdiction, and in view of the modifications of the ordinary Summary Juris- diction Acts which is effected by the Regulations the more salient features of the provisions applying to the summary prosecution of such contraventions may conveniently be stated as follows : (i) FORUM. The question of how an offence not declared to be a summary offence shall be tried is determined as provided by Regulation 56. (ii) YENUE. The " determining place " may be taken as either that at which the offence was committed, or that in which the offender may be (Reg. 58). Effect on Contracts of the Orders. xi (in) WHO MAY PROSECUTE. -In England and Ireland an offence may not (without the consent of the Attorney- General) be prosecuted summarily except by certain official persons (Eeg. 56 (11)). In Scotland all prosecutions in the Sheriff Court (which is the court for the trial of summary offences) (Reg. 58) proceed at the instance of, and are conducted by, the pro- curator-fiscal. the High Court (i.e., to a Divisional Court of the King's Bench Division) by special case- on the ground that the conviction is erroneous in point of law, or is in excess of jurisdiction (42 & 43 Viet. c. 49, s. 33) ; but an appeal by special case is an abandonment of the right of appeal to quarter sessions " finally and conclusively and to all intents and purposes J ' (20 & 21 Viet. c. 43, s. 14). The decision of quarter sessions in the one case and the Divisional Court in the other is final and conclusive. (6) In Scotland by stated case to the High Court of Justiciary (8 Edw. 7, c. 65, ss. 60-76) or by " any other competent mode of appeal," see s. 76 of that Act. There is no appeal " on the merits" in any case nor any further appeal from the High Court of Justiciary. (c) In Ireland to quarter sessions or by special case on point of law to the High Court. 7. EFFECT ON CONTRACTS OF THE ORDERS. Those provisions of the Defence of the Realm and Court* (Emergency Powers) Acts which relate to this subject are printed in Appendix IY. (pp. 501-3) of this Manual. xii Effect on Contracts of the Orders. They may be thus briefly stated in outline : 1. COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENT OF WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDER OR ENABLING REGULATION A GOOD DEFENCE TO ACTION FOR NON-FULFILMENT OF CONTRACT. It is a good defence to proceed- ings for the iion-f ulfilment of a contract that the defendant : (a) was under the necessity of complying with a requirement, restriction, or regulation of the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions under the Defence of the Realm Regulations (5 Geo. 5, c. 37, s. 1 (2), /;. 502): or (6) complied with any such requirement, &c., regulation, order, restriction, direction or advice imposed or given in connection with the present war by any Government Department (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 25, s. 3, p. 503). The last named provision does not apply to contracts of tenant y, as to relief from liability arising under which see 7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 25, s. 2 % , which is printed at p. 444 of the " Food (Supply and Production) "Manual." Article 6 of the Paper Restriction Order (Xo. 5) 1917 (p. 286) and Article 23 of the Paper Restriction (Posters and Circulars) Order 19.18 (p. 301), make special provision as to contract- inter- fered with by those Orders. 2. POWERS OF COURT TO SUSPEND OR ANNUL CONTRACT. Where en the application of any party to any contract the Court is satisfied that owing to any restriction imposed by or under the Defence of the Realm Regulations any term of a contract cannot be enforced without serious hardship the Court can suspend or annul the contract on such conditions as it thinks fit (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 25, s. 1 (2) (3), pp. 501, 502). 3. ABROGATION OF CONTRACTS BY BOARD OF TRADE ORDER. An Order of the Board of Trade or an Order of the Army Council as to road material may direct that all contracts or any class of contracts, or any special contract, affected by the order shall be abrogated, or shall remain in force notwithstanding anything in the order but subject to any exceptions or modifications for which provision may be made by the order. (Defence of the Realm Regulations 2j (3), p. 22, as applied to the Army Cdnnril ti.< regards road material by Regulation 9GG (5).) Art. 2 of the Coal Transport Order, 1917 (p. 189), and Art. 2 of the, Wholesale Coal Prices Order, 1917 (p. 191), provide for the abrogation of certain contracts for the sale of coal, and Art, 3 of the Road Transport Order. 1917 (p. 306), provides for the abrogation of contracts as to road material. It is to be noted that Regulation 2ss (p. 5) empowers the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions to vary the terms of certain sub-contracts. It may be also mentioned that by 7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 25, s. 9 (p. 503) a Member of the House of Commons is relieved from disqualification as to sitting or voting by reason of any contract or agreement he may enter into as to the price to be paid to him for any property of his which* may be requisitioned or taken over under a "War Material Supplies Order." Priority of Government Contract Work; Restrictions on xiii Export of War Material. V. Priority of Government Contract Work. Regulation 8/v (p. 9) empowers the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions to give directions regulating the priority to be given to work at any factory, workshop or other premises. The Priority of \\Ovk Order (printed in Part III., p. 427 of this Manual) divides all work, and orders for work or materials, in a large number of specified trades and industries into 3 classes and gives priority over other work, first to " Government War Contracts," " Certified War Work," and Merchant Shipping Work certified to be Munitions Work, and secondly to certain special contracts or orders. Certain of the War Material Supplies Orders printed in Part II. of this Manual provide specially for orders being executed in prescribed priority for: Anchors and Chain Cables (Anchors and Chain Cables 0., 19.17, p. 152). Flax, Hemp or Jute goods manufactures (Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority 0., .1917, p. 329). Horse Hides, treatment of (Horse Hides 0., 19.17, p. 108). Oxygen (Oxygen 0., 1917, p. 81). Paper or paper-making material (Paper Eestriction 0. (No. 5), 19.17, p. 885). Spelter, use of for manufactures, &c. (Spelter Control 0., 19.17, p. 255). Steel made by certain processes (Control of Steel Supplies O.. 1916, ]>. 244). Steel rods and wire (Control of Steel Supplies (Steel Rods ;md Wire) ()., 1917, p. 248). Wool or Hair goods manufactures (Woollen and Worsted Consolidation 0., 1917, p. 381). Regulation 2o (p. 6) empowers the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions after consultation with the Board of Trade to give directions for securing precedence for orders for the supply of coal or coke in accordance with their national importance. VI. Import or Export of War Material. 1. RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORT or WAR MATERIALS. A series of Proclamations prohibit the importation of many classes of war material supplies. Lists of the Proclamations in question, and of the articles of which the import is so prohibited, revised to May 31st, 1918, form Section 1 of Appendix III. (pp. 465-8) to this Manual. The restricted articles are there grouped, so far as possible, under the same plan which has been adopted for the War Material Supplies Orders in Part II. hereof. 2. RESTRICTIONS ON EXPORT OF WAR MATERIALS. By Proclamation of May 10th, 1917, and a series of Amending Orders of Council (of which a list is given at p. 469), the export of many kinds of war material supplies is prohibited except under licence as regards some articles to all, and as regards others only to certain, destinations. Lists of all such articles xiv Transport, Storage and Distribution of War Material. of which the export is so restricted, revised to May -51st. 1918, showing' in each case whether the prohibition is to all or to which destinations, form Section 2 (1) of Appendix III. (pp. 469-i93) to this Manual and the articles are there grouped, so far as possible, under the same plan which has been adopted for the War Material Supplies Orders in Part II. hereof. Open General Licences have been issued by the Privy Council authorising the exportation of goods, the export of which is by the above named Proclamations and Orders prohibited except to British Possessions and Protectorates, to destinations in certain of such Possessions and Protectorates by certain routes. A Memorandum indicating the Licences which have been so issued is printed at the end of the said section (pp. 493-9). Sections (2) and (3) of the same section consist of statements on the restriction of exports except to specified consignees, and of the prohibitions on export of War Material Supplies to the enemy. VII. Transport, Storage and Distribution of War Material. The body of this Manual is restricted to the Regulations and Orders controlling dealings, &c., in and maximum prices of war material, but it may be convenient to give in brief outline the war emergency provisions relating to transport, storage and the like. 1. TRANSPORT, STORAGE, &c. Regulation 34A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations empowers the Admiralty, Army Council, or Minister of Munitions to require services for the storage, cooling, transport or distribution of any war material. Regulation 2c (p. 15 of this Manual) confers powers as to the transport and storage of felled timber, and Regulation 34 pro- vides as to the construction of premises in which petroleum and other inflammable liquids are stored. Regulation 2AA empowers the Board of Trade to take possession of land and construct works for increasing coal transport facilities. 2. CONTROL OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT. As to the various means of transport it is to be borne in mind that railways, light railways, tramways, highways, canals, and shipping are all now liable to Government control. The railways of the whole United Kingdom (as regards Great Britain on the outbreak of the war and as regards Ireland in December, 1916) were taken possession of in pursuance of the Regulation of the Forces Act, 1871. Control over the other " ways of communication " is bestowed by Defence of the Realm Regulations. Under Regulation TBBB the Board of Trade can take possession of the permanent way of any light railway or tramway. The Board of Trade can by order as regards railways generally or any particular railway or part of a railway : restrict or prohibit classes of traffic (Reg. TB (1) (d) ) ; authorise the company to refuse to carry goods by rail when other means of transport exist (Reg. TB (1) (k) ). Transport, Storage and Distribution of }Var Material, xv The same Board can by order prohibit the carriage of goods of any class by road and prescribe the radius within which they may be so carried (Reg. 2JJJ (1) (c) ). Under Regulation 9n the Board of Trade can take possession of any canal, and thereunder they have by Orders printed in the " Defence of the Realm Manual " taken possession of certain non-railway owned canals : all railway owned canals in the United Kingdom passed into the Board's control with their respective railways. The Coal Transport Order, 1917 (p. 188), empowers the Board of Trade to place restrictions on the transport of coal. 3. INCREASE OR LIMITATION OF TRANSPORT CHARGES. Carriage of merchandise by Sea between Great Britain and Ireland. The Board of Trade may by order authorise an increase beyond the statutory maxima of the charges for carrying goods between Great Britain and Ireland (Reg. TBB). The Through Rates (Great Britain and Ireland) Order, 1917 (printed in Part III., p. 276 of the February, 1918, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual ") and a further Order of April 26th, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 476) authorise the following increased charges (to be allocated to the sea portion of the journey) : Per ton. s. d. On goods and minerals ... ... ... ... 15 Per head. s. d. On horses, mules and other beasts of burden ... 15 On cattle and calves ... ... ... ... 39 On pigs, sheep and goats ... ... ... 16 On lambs and other small animals ... ... 09 Rates for Freight. Regulation 39BBB empowers the Shipping- Controller By order to fix the rates (maxima or minima) to be charged for freight The Limitation of Freights (French Ports) Amendment Order, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 504) fixes the rate of freight for coal, coke, iron and certain other war material supplies carried between certain British and certain French ports. That Order revokes a similar Order (printed pp. 377-382 of the February, 1918, Edition of the "Defence of the Realm Manual ") which had effect from February llth to May 1st, 1918. Harbour or Dock Rates. The Board of Trade can by order authorise any harbour or dock undertakers to increase their rates dues or charges beyond the statutory maxima (Reg. 39BB). Numerous orders have been made under this power : they are all printed as St. R. & 0., and a detailed list of those in force (Feb. 28, 1918) printed in Part III., pp. 375, 376 of the February, 1918, Edition of the "Defence of the Realm Manual." Carriage by Road. The Board of Trade can by order prescribe the rates at which horses and vehicles may be hired for road transport (Reg. 2j.tt (1) (h) ). xvi Contt-ol of Mine* anil Petroleum VIII. Control of Mines and Petroleum Boring-. Coal, certain metals and minerals, and road-material are " War Material Supplies " and therefore fall within the scope of this Manual : the control exercisable over the mines and quarries from which the material is extracted does not so fall, but is so closely allied to the subjects of this Manual that it may conveniently be referred to. 1. COAL MINES. Regulation 9o of the Defence of the Realm Regulations empowers the Board of Trade to by Order take possession of any coal mines. In pursuance of this power the Board of Trade have issued two Orders both of which are printed in Part III (pp. 292, 293) of the February. 1918, Edition of the "Defence of the Realm Manual," by the first of which they took possession of the South Wales Coalfield and by the second of all other coal mines in the United Kingdom. Notwithstanding the State Control thus established owners and managers remain liable to the provisions of the Coal Mines Acts which apply not only to coal mines but also to those of stratified ironstone, shale, and fireclay. Under a recent (April 13th, 1918) addition to the Regulations (Regulation 9GGG) the Board of Trade can take possession of coal seams adjacent to mines and get coal therefrom. 2 . METALLI KK HOTS M i N i ; s . Regulation 9oa empowers the Minster of Munitions to take possession of any metalliferous mines or quarries. This power extends to mines of stratified ironstone, shale, or fireclay, which though not "coal mines" are within the Coal Mines Acts. By Order of July 24th, 1917 (p. 294 of the February, 1918, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual"), the Minister took possession of all iron ore mines in the counties of Cumberland and Lancaster. Regulation 9aa (5) confers on the Army Council, so far as regards road stone quarries, like powers tcr those of the said Minister, and by Order of August 7th, 1917 (ibi, p. 294), the Army Council took possession of all road stone quarries including slag dumps and slag works producing road material but excluding all quarries producing only gravel and flint used as road stone. 3. PETROLEUM BORING. On August 15th, 1917, a Bill to make provision with respect to the searching and boring for and the getting of Petroleum in the United Kingdom (H.C. Bill 90, 1917) was introduced in the House of Commons (97 H.C. Deb. 5s., 1187) after debate it received 2nd reading (98 H.C. Deb. 5s., 31-50) and was considered in Committee (98 H.C. Deb. 5s.,. 1137-1147). On January 14th, 1918, the Bill was withdrawn (101 H.C. Deb. 5s., 131) a new Regu- lation SAAA (p. 41 of the February, 1918, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual "), having by Order in Council of January 6th, been added to the Defence of the Realm Code Factory Act and Explosives Act Legislation. xvii which empowered persons authorised by the Board of Trade or the Minister of Munitions, but no others to search or bore for and get " petroleum " as thereby denned and for that purpose to enter on and take possession of any land and sink wells and construct works. IX. Factory Act Legislation. Administration of Factory and Workshop Acts. Under the ordinary pre-war legislation the Acts relating to factories and workshops are administered by the Home Office, and those Acts apply, save so far as the Secretary of State exempts par- ticular factories therefrom by Order under Regulation GA of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, to every factory and workshop. The Factory and Workshop Acts were consolidated in 1901 (1 Edw. 7, c. 22). That 1901 Act and its amendments confer extensive Order-making powers on the Secretary of State, the Orders made under such powers applying, modifying, or extend- ing the provisions of the Acts. All such Orders are printed and purchasable as Statutory Rules and Orders, and detailed refer- ences to all' such Orders as in force on December 31, 1915, are given at pp. 258-270 of the " Index to Statutory Powers and Rules and Orders in force December 31, 1915. " Since that date the only General Orders made by the Secretary of State were in pursuance of s. 7 (1) of the Pblice, Factories, &c. (Miscel- laneous Provisions) Act, 1916 (6 & 7 Goo. 5, c. 31), for securing the welfare of workers. Those Orders provide for the supply of drinking water in all factories, &c., in which more than 25 persons are employed (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 1068), for the welfare of employees in tinplate and terneplate factories (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 1035), in factories in which bichromate of potassium or sodium is used in tanning by the " two-bath " process (St. R. & 0., 1918., No. 368), in factories in which bichromate of potassium or sodium is used in dyeing other than job-dyeing (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 369) and in factories in which the manufacture of glass bottles or pressed glass articles is carried on (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 558), and for ambulance and first-aid arrangements at blast furnaces, copper mills, iron mills, foundries, and metal works (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 1067). Rules under sub-section (6) of the same s. 7 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No: 742) provide for the hearing by referees of objections to the making of such welfare Orders. X. Explosives Act Legislation. The manufacturing, keeping, selling, carrying and importing of explosive substances is controlled by the Explosives Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Viet., c. 17), and Orders in Council and Secretary of State's Orders thereunder. All such Orders are printed and purchasable as Statutory Rules and Orders. An analytical table showing the purport of each Order and the enabling power as in force on December 31, 1915, forms pp. 253-257 of the " Index 5246 ' I xviii Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act and Rules. to Statutory Powers and Rules and Orders in force Decem- ber 31, 1915. " Since that date Art. 2 of the Order in Council of March 27, 1905, exempting picric acid from certain restrictions has been revoked (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 704), and the Order in Council of June llth, 1910, exempting tri-nitro-toluol from certain restrictions has also been revoked (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 898). XI. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act and Rules. 1. INITIATION OF THE LEGISLATION. The Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on November 12th, 1917 (99 H.C. Deb. 5s. 39). After debates (100 H.C. Deb. 5s., 165-207: 1019-1135) it received 2nd reading, and after discussion in Committee of that House (100 H.C. Deb. 5s.,, 1824-1889; 101, 146-272, 335-460, 1007-1085) it was read a third time and passed. The Bill was also debated in the House of Lords (28 H.L. Deb. 5s., 250-276). On February 6th, 1918, it received the Eoyal Assent. 2. THE ACT. The Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 67) which forms section 1 of Appendix II. (pp. 452-8) to this Manual prohibits as from August 6th, 1918, dealings without a licence from the Board of Trade in certain specified metals or metallic ores or in any others to which it may be extended by Board of Trade Order; no such extending Order has (May 31st. 1918) been made. 3. RULES UNDER THE ACT. The Eules made by the Board of Trade under s. 6 of the Act form section 2 of the same Appendix II. (pp. 458-461). They exclude from the restrictions of the Act wholesale dealings in quantities below certain limits and provide as to the grant of and the fee for the licences to be issued by the Board. Eules of the Supreme Court (printed as section 3 of the same Appendix, pp. 462-4) provide for the determination of questions as to the businesses to which the Act applies, &c., by a Divisional Court of the King's Bench Division of the High Court in England : from that Court there is no appeal. No corresponding Eules have (May 31, 1918) been made as to the decision of questions by the Court of Session as regards Scot- land or by a Divisional Court of the King's Bench Division in Ireland. In the preparation of this Manual, as in the preparation of all the various Manua]s of Emergency Legislation which have been published since the outbreak of the War, the Editor has been in constant communication with the numerous Government Departments concerned, and has received from each and every such Department continued assistance by the aid of which he has attempted to make the information this Manual contains complete and exhaustive. Conclusion. xix For the plan of the Manual, the system of arrangement, and the Consolidations of the Steel Supplies Orders and Permits, and the numerous Summaries, Epitomes and Editorial Notes that it contains, and for the Outline of the Legislation, as to the Control of War Material Supplies which is comprised in this Introduction, the Editor is alone responsible. The amount of work involved by the rearrangement under which both the " War Material Supplies " and the " Food Control and Production " Orders are relegated to separate Manuals instead of as heretofore forming part of the " Defence of the Realm Manual," coupled with the difficulties attending printing at the present time, has delayed the appearance of the present Editions of all the Manuals concerned. The publications are to be obtained as stated on the title page ; communications as to the date of appearance, &c v of forthcoming publications should be addressed to the Controller of -His Majesty's Stationery Office and not to the Editor. ALEXANDER PULLING. Chambers of the Editor of " The Manuals of Emergency Legislation," 2, Harcourt Buildings, The Temple, E.C.4. June 30th, 1918. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES WHICH ARE, MAY 31ST, 1918, SUBJECTED TO CONTROL BY REGULATION AND ORDER. Part II. of this the " War Material Supplies Manual" contains the full text of all the published "War Material Supplies" Orders, Notices, and General Permits now (May 31st, 1918) in force. For the purposes of this Manual the following classes of Orders have not been treated as "Wai Material Supplies" Orders and are therefore not included herein: (1) Orders of the Food Controller: all such Orders in force on April -30th, 1918, are printed in the edition of that date of the " Food Control Manual." Xe\v Editions of that volume will be issued every three months, and the next edition will therefore include all Orders in force on July 31st, 1918; <'2< The Orders and Notices of May and June, 1917, of tile- Minister of Munitions as to Oils, Fats, and Oleaginous Seeds, Nuts and Kernels. These Orders are administered by the Food Controller, and an epitome of them is given at p. 501 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual"; (3) Orders of the Board of Tra'de as to Tobacco and Matches: all such Orders in force on February 28th, 1918, will be found at pp. 254-263 of the edition of that date of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (4) Orders of the Board of Trade as to the retail sale and distribution of Household Coal which will also be found in the last-mentioned Manual : other Orders as to coal are included in this ' War Material Supplies * Manual." This Table shows what articles so coming within the scope of this Manual are now (May 31st, 1918) subject to requisition or control, or in which dealings are regulated by such Orders, &c., which Department has made the Order, &c. ; the date of such Order, which the restriction will at a future dale operate. Besides the restrictions imposed on dealings in War Material Supplies by the Orders, &c., specified in this Table, restrictions on the Import and Export of the same are prescribed by Pro- clamations and Orders of Council. An epitome of all the restric- tions as to Import and Export in force on May 31>i . 1!)1S, is given in Appendix III. to this Manual (pp. 465-500). Alexander I'nlliny. Note : In the Table the following abbreviations are employed: A ... ... Admiralty. M ... Ministry of Munitions. B . Board of Trade. W.O. War Office. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order. Notice,^: Page, or Permit.*^ A Acetate (grey) of Lime ... Acetic Acid Acetone M. W.O. M. M. W.O. uric Ac B. M. '; "Gc M. M. ve com #May 6, 1916 #June 16, 1916 Sept, 21, 1917 Oct. 1,1917 ^Dec. 18, 1917 ^Feb. 8, 1916 ^June 16, 1916 id." Jan. 15, 1918 March 30,1917 May 10, 1918 Idbeater Skins." March 30,19 17 May 10,1918 Jan. 10, 1917 xments. Regulation 30c 37 37 40 41 41 37 37 298 34 35 34 35 151 14 Acids. See " Acetic Acid " ; " S'.ilph Advertising Circulars and Posters Aero-engines Aeronautical Supplies. See " Flax ' Aeroplanes . . . Agricultural Machines, Imple- ments and Vehicles. Alloys. See under names of respecti Alloys used in Manufacture of High Speed Steel. * Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit'' as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: Page, or Permit.^% B. May 24, 1918 296 Almanacks (advertising) ... B. Jan. 15,' 1918 ^9H Alpaca W.O. April 30, 1917 367 Jan. 1, 1918 381 Alumina. See " Aluminium." Alumiuium(a) M. =X*Tiine 30, 1916 89 Dec. 2, 1916 176 Feb. 17,1917 177 Aluminium Scrap and Swarf M. Dec. 2, 1916 176 * Feb. 17, 1917 177 Feb. 28, 1917 178 W.O. ^Feb. 12, 1918 39 Ammonal W.O. ^June 16' 1916 37 Ammonia M. May 17, 1918 78 Ammonia, Perchlorate of... W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Ammonia^ Sulphate of M. Oct. 81,1916 70 April 30, 1918 52 Ammoniacal Liquor M. Oct. 31, 1916 70 Ammoniacal Product M. May 17, 1918 78 Ammunition W.O. Sept. 24, 1915 36 ^June 16, 1916 37 Sept. 4, 1917 39 Anastigmatic Lenses M. Jan. 19, 1917 278 Anchors A. Sept. 27, 1917 152 Angle of Sight Instruments M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^June 30, 1916 89 Angles, Steel M. July 7, 1916 216 ##Nov. 1, 1916 220 ^Jan. 1, 1917 226 Animal Oils. See " Oils, Animal and Vegetable." Anthracene Oil M. Feb. 1, 1918 74 Antimony ... Regulation 30B 13 Arms W.O. Sept. 24, 1915 36 ^June 16, 1916 37 Sept. 4, 1917 39 M. May 7, 1918 39 Artificial Human Eyes M. June 5, 1917 279 Asbestos (raw) A. Jan. 5, 1918 183 Auctioneers' Catalogues ... B. Jan. 15, 1918 298 Awls W.O. Feb. 19. 19171 154 Xote. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. (a) Licence for wholesale dealing, &c., after Aug. 6th, 1918, required (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). c 2 Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: I'ui^. or Permit. ^^ B. Badges, Officers' ... Ball Bearings Ballistite W.O. M. W.O. M. "i "Hi M. W.O. M. B M M. M. 11 'M. W.O. M M. W.O. B. B, W.O. W.O. ie Boot M. M. .A.. M. M. M. M. March 1, 1918 Nov. 1.1917 ^June 16, 1916 July 7, 1916 ^Nov. 1, 1916 ^^Feb. 1, 1918 ^Feb. 15, 1918 itinum"; "Steel.' April 30, 1918 #June 16, 1916 Oct. 31, 1916 Aug. 29, 1917 Jan. 15, 1918 F<-1>. 15, 1918 Nov. 23, 1915 ^June 30, 1916 .Marchl2,1918 ^^Marchl2,1918 Aug. 7, 1917 ^Feb. 8,1918 ^June 16, 1916 Feb, 15,1918 June 26, 1917 May 7, 1918 ^June 16, 1916 Jan. 15,1918 Mav 24, 1918 Feb. 19, 1918 Feb. 19, 1917 < ' : " Women's B Aug. 28, 1916 **Aug. 28,1916 3MMune 26, 1917 June 5, 1917 Aug. 4, 1917 June 5,1917 Kegulation 30B Dec. 1, 1916 Dec. 1, 1916 Feb. 24, 1917 347 153 37 216 242 243 52 37 70 70 298 152 277 89- 184 185 83 85 37 50 167 168 37 298 296 155 154 oots." 159 160 1(53 173 157 173 13 186 186 186 Bars. Sec "Aluminium" ; "Copper Basic Slag, Ground Basils. See " Sheep Skins." Bellite Benzol ... ... ... ... Betting Circulars ... Binder Twine Binoculars ... Bismuth ... Bituminous Material. See " Coal T Blast- Furnace Dust Blastiue Blue Stone and Blue Vitriol Boilers Bombs Bookmakers' Circulars Books Boot Manufacture Machinery Boot & Saddlerv Stitching Needles Boots. See " Leather " ; " War Tin Boring Machines and Mills, Metal Working. Boring Machines, Wood Working Box Chronometers, Marine Box-making machines Brass. See also " Copper." Brass Ingots Brass Rods Brass Swarf and Scrap Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice " : two asterisks (*#) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit ' distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Date of Order, Article. Notice,^ Page, or Permit.:^ Brass Tubing M. Dec. 1,191 186 Buffalo Hides W.O. Nov. 8,191 123 Building Bricks M. April 5,191 155 Bull Hides. See " Cow, Bull and Ox Hides." Bung Gut Skins A. March 19,191 34 Button Lac ... ... ... M. March 12,1 91 87 By-products, Coal or Coke-oven ... M. Oct. 31, 191 70 C. Calcium Carbide ... ... ... M. Sept, 24, 191 68 Calendars (advertising) ... ... B Jan. 15, 1918 298 Calf Hides. See Cow, Bull and Ox Hides." Camel-hair... W.O. April 30, 191" 367 Jan. 1, 1918 381 Canes, Rattan and Malacca B. March 20,18 18 412 Canadian Timber ... ... *'] B. July 16, 1918 419 Cape Sheep Skins. See " Sheep Skins or Pelts, Imported." Carbolic Crystals M. Oct. 31, 1916 70 Carbon. See " Gas Works Retort Carbon." Carbonate of Potash M. Oct. 17, 1917 82 Cardboard ... ... ... .. M. May 15, 1917 303 B. Jan. 15^1918 298 Feb. 27, 1918 288 March 13,1 91 8 291 Carolina Sea Islands Cotton A Aug. 28, 1917 315 Cartridges... W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Cases W O A nr il 94. i 01 7 4-HS Cashmere ... " T \J , W.O. -4. V j H I 1 i, JL t/ -L I April 30, 1917 rt\JC3 367 Jan. 1,1918 381 "Casualty" Hides. See also "Hides." W.O. April 17, 1917 105 Dec. 29, 1917 113 Catalogues (tradesmen's) ... B Jan. 15,1918 298 Caustic Potash M. Oct. 17, 1917 82 Cavalry Swords W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Centring Machines, Metal-working Iff, Aug. 28, 1916 159 $MAug. 28, 1916 160 ^^=June 26, 1917 163 Chain Cables A. Sept, 27, 1917 152 Chain Cable Gear ... A. Sept, 27, 1917 152 Chain Cable Iron A. Sept. 27, 1917 152 Chairs. See " Railway Material." Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a- "Notice": two asterisks (*#) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplier. Depart- Article. r , Date of Order. Notice.^: P;we. or Permit.^ "Chance" Hides. See also " Hides." W.O. April 17, 1917 105 Dec. 29, 4917 113 Charcoal Tin plates M. Aug. 24, 1917 232 Charcoal Waster? ... M. Aug. 24, 1917 234 Chassis, Motor ... ... ... ! M. Jan. 6,1917 166 Chemical Glassware ... ... M. Sept. 19, 1917 279 Chemicals. (Sec also under names W.O. Jan. 3, 1918 175 of particular Substances.) Chestnut Extract ... W.O. Oct. 23,1916 150 Chloride of Potash ... M. Oct. 17, 1917 82 " Chop " (Hay and Straw) W.O. May 9, 1917 91 July 17, 1917 93 May 2,1918 96 May 8, 1918 98 Chrome Ore ... ... ... M. Aug. 31, 1917 188 Chronometers ... ... ... A. May 11, 1917 156 A. Aug. 4,1917 157 Chucking Machines, Metal-working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 ##Aug. 28, 1916 160 K*TiiDe 26, 1917 163 Cinder. See " Tap Cinder, &c." Circulars, Advertising B. .Ian. 15, 1918 298 Clinometers M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^^Juue 30, 1916 89 Clippings of Cotton Material W.O. ^Oct. 6, 1917 310 Clippings of Woollen and Worsted Material. W.O. ^Nov. 21, 1916 Nov. 24, 1916 363 363 Cloth. See " Jute " ; " Linen " ; " Wool " ; " Worsted." Clothing. See " Military Clothing." Coal B. July 4, 1917 188 Sept. 5, 1917 190 Sept. 11,1917 193 Oct. 12,1917 197 Coal Tar M. Oct. 31,1916 70 Dec. 31,1917 71 Dec. 31. 1917 72 Coal Tar, Oils Distilled from ... M. Aiis:. 29,1917 70 Dec. 31, 1917 71 Feb. 1, 1918 74* Cobalt Rpo'nlation SOc 14 Coke, Metallurgical. See " Metallurgical Coke." Coke-oven By-products ... ... 1 M. Oct. 31, 1916 70 Coke-oven Tar. See " Tar Oils." Coke Tinplates ... ... ... M. Aug. 24, 1917 230 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (**) so prefixed snow that the document referred to is a ' ' Permit ' ' as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. %' Date of Order, Notice,^ Page, or Permit.:^: Colliery Wagons ... Colonial Wool Commission Agents, Betting Cir- B. W.O. B. Sept. 6,1917 171 Dec. 9,1916 364 March 6 3 19 17 403 Jan. 15,19181 298 culars. Companies, Annual Reports, Pro- spectus, etc. Compasses ... Compound Fertilisers Converter Plant ... Copper.(a) (See also " Cupro-nickel Scrap.") B. M. M. M. Jan. 15, 1918 298 Copper Alloy Copper Cable Copper Ore Copper Rod Copper Scrap and Swarf Copper Sulphate ... Copper Tubing Copper Wire Cordite Cotton (raw) M M, M, M, M. M. M. M. W.O. B. Cotton Industries ... ... ... W.O. Cotton Materials W.O. Cotton Rag. See " Paper-making Materials Cotton Restriction of Output ... B. Cotton Yarn A. Nov. 23, 1915! 277 ##June 30, 1916 89 Oct. 13,1917 43 Nov. 14, 1917 49 April 5, 1918 163 Regulation 30 B June 5, 1916 13 198 Dec. 1, 1916 186 Dec. 8, 1916 198 Dec. 8, 1S16 199 Jan. 1, 1917 200 June 5,1916 198 Dec. 8, 1916 199 Jan. 1, 1917 200 Dec. 1, 1916 186 Dec. 8, 1916 198 199 Jan. 1,1917 200 Feb. 15, 1918| 50 Dec. 1,1916 186 Dec. 1, 1916i 186 Dec. 8,1916: 199 #June 16, 1916! 37 June 28, 1917 307 Sept. 21, 1917 308 Oct. 19, 1917 316 April 19, 1918 317 April 29, 1918 311 Dec. 22, 1916 315 #0ct. 6, 1917 ^ ' ' 310 Aug. 9, 1917 312 May 17, 1918 313 Aug. 28, 1917 315 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice ": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a" "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. (a) Licence for wholesale dealing, &c., after Aug. 6th, 1918, required (7 & 8 Geo. 5. c. 67). Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Date of Order. Article. Xbtice,,^ Page. or Permit.:^ Courtrai Flax W.O. Jan. 5, 19171 346 #Jan. 5,1917 320 Cow, Bull and Ox Hides, Domestic w.o. Nov. 8, 1916 123 (As to hides generally see Feb. 9, 1917 120 ^ "Hides.") April 17, 1917 105 Dec. 28. 1917 111 Dec. 29, 1917 113 Dec. 29, 1917 122 March 2, 1918 122 Cow, Bull and Ox Hides, Imported w.o. ^Oct. 16, 1911) 101 (As to hides generally see Nov. 8,1918 123 "Hides.") Dec. 15, 1916 102 Feb. 9, 1917 120 Cranes M. Dec. 20, 1916 157 W.O. April 24, 1917 408 Creosote Oil M. Fob. 1, 1918 74 " Crosses." See " Tinplates." Crossbred Tops and Wool. See Wool." Crude Benzol. See " Benzol." Crude Naphtha and Crude Solvent Naphtha. See " Naphtha/' Crude Tar. See " Tar." Cupro-Nickel Scrap M. March 9, 1917 202 Curried Leather ... W.O. Jnlv 14,1917 133 Cutting Machines, Metal-working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 ^Aug. 28, 1916 160 sJMMune 26, 1917 163 Cuttings of Cotton Material W.O. ^Oct. 6,1917 310 Cuttings of Woollen and Worsted W.O. #Nov. 21, 1916 363 Material. Nov. 24, 1916 363 Cycles (motor) M. Jan. 6, 1917 166 D. Dairy, Machines, &c., for... W.O. Jan. 10, 1917 151 Dehydrated Tar ... W.O. Aug. 31, 1917 305 M. Dec. 31, 1917 72 Detonators ... W.O. #June 16, 1916 37 Dial Siffhts ... ... ... M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^June 30, 1916 89 Diaries ... ... ... B. May 24, 1918 296 Diaries (Advertising) B. Jan". 15,1918 298 Directors (Optical) M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^June 30. 1916 89 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice ": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a " Permit " as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^ or Permit,^ Page. Drawn Steel Bars ... M. Feb. 24, 1917 248 Drawn Steel Rods M. Feb. 24, 1917 248 Drilling Machines (Metal-working) M. Aug. 28, 1916 159- ^^Aug. 28, 1916 160 ^MfcJune 26, 1917 163 Dross. See " Spelter." Drug's W.O. Jan. 3, 1918 175 Dust, Blast-Furnace M. Aug. 7, 1917 83 -X*XT7^ 1* Ol d ~l D wwJ? eb. o, iy lo 85 E. East African Sisal Fibre W.O. Jan. 11,1918 335 Electric Lamp Glass M. Sept. 19, 1917 279 May 7, 1918 284 Electricity for Lighting, Heating B. March 26, 1918 273 and Power. Engines, Aero M. March 30,19 17! 34 May 10,1918 35 Engines, Locomotive ... ... M. Feb. 2, 1917 169 Engines, Motor M. Jan. 6, 1917 166 Esparto Grass. See " Paper-making Explosives, Military Mater W.O. M. tals." Sept. 24, 1915 ^Feb. 8,1916 36 37 M. ^May 6, 1916 37 W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Sept. 4, 1917 39 Eyes, Artificial (human) .. M. June 5, 1917 279 F. " Fallen " Hides (see also Hides ") W.O. April 17, 1917 105 Dec. 29, 1917 113 Fastenings (Railway) M. Dec. 29, 1916 169 Fellmongering of skins. See " Sheep Skins." Fertilisers Blast Furnace Dust Compound Fertilisers Potassium Compounds Superphosphates Regulation 30B ! 13 Regulation 30c 14 M. M. M. M. 8, 1918 85 Oct. 13, 1917J 43 Nov. 14, 1917! 49 ^Feb. 8,1918 84 April 30, 191 8| 52 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (##) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Date of Order. Article. V Depart- ment. Notice,^ Page or Permit.:^ Fibre, Maguey W.O. April 18, 15)17 334 Fibre, Sisal (East African) w.o. Jan. 11,1918 335 Field-plotters M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 3^ June 30, 1916 89 Fire (Apparatus for Control of) ... M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^June 30, 1916 8 Fire-wood Making and Bundling M. June 5, 1917 173 Machines. Fish Plates (railway) M. Dec. 29, 1916 lf) ( J Flax, Home Grown Irish Crop (as to flax seed see W.O. Feb. 7, 1918 332 "Flax Seed, Irish") M. Feb. 8, 1918 326 W.O. Feb. 28, 1918 327 U.K. Crop generally (as to fer- w.o. Dec. 22, 1916 315 tilisers for flax crop see "Fertilisers") W.O. March 2, 1917 333 A. and Maivh31,1917 329 W.O. M. Aug. 25, 1917 324 M. Aug. 25, 1917 345 s 7 ov. 30, 1917 325 W.O. Dec. 27, 1917 330 W.O. Feb. 26,1918 331 March 7, 1918 332 April 13, 1918 328 May 17, 1918 331 Flax, Imported Courtrai flax w.o. Jan. 5, 1917 34 ft w.o. ^Jan. 5, 1917 320 Russian flax w.o. Jan. 28, 1916 311> w.o. March21,1916 319 w.o. ^Dec. 1, 1916 320 w.o. #March3, 1917 321 Imported flax generally w.o. Dec. 22,1916 315 w.o. ^Jan. 5, 1917 320 w.o. March 2, 191" 333 A. am March 31, 191" 329 W.O. M. Aug. 2', 191" 324 M. Aug. 25, 191" 345 W.O. Dec. 27, 1917 330 W.O. Feb. 26, 1918 331 March 7, 1918 332 Note. A single asterisk ( document referred to is a prefixed show that the document referred to is a distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. *) prefixed to a date shows that the- "Notice": two asterisks (*#) so Permit " as- Table of Controlled War Material Supplies, Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit,^ Page. Flaxseed, Ireland ... W.O. (a) July 12,1917 321 M. ^Nov. 30, 1917 325 M. Dec. 14, 1917; 325- Flax Straw, Ireland M. May 17, 1918; 331 Fleeces. See Pelts," " Skins," " Wool." Flue Cinder. See " Tap Cinder, &c." Flux skimmings. See " Spelter." Forage W.O. May 9,1917 91 July 17, 1917 92 July 17, 1917! 93 May 2, 1918 95 May 8, 1918 98 Foreign Wool W.O. ! Dec. 9, 1916 364 March 6, 1917! 403 Forging Machines, Metal Working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 3^ Aug. 28, 1918 160 ##Jmie 26, 1917 163 Formaldehyde W.O. ^ April 28, 1917 174 Fulminate of Mercury W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Fuses W.O. #June 16, 1916 37 G Gaines (Ammunition) W.O. #June 16,1916 37 Garnet Lac M. March 12,1918 87 Gas for Lighting, Heating and B. March26,1918 273 Power. Gas for Motor Vehicles ... B. elan. 3,1918 260 Feb. 6, 1918 267 Feb. 9, 1918 270 Gas Tar. See " Tar." Gas Works Retort Carbon M. April 19, 1918 ! 80 Gear-cutting Machines, Metal M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 Working ##Aug. 28, 1916 160 ##June 26, 1917 163 Glacial Acetic Acid. See " Acetic Acid." Glass and Glassware M. Sept. 19, 1917 279 \Jfm *7 1O1Q f)QA (See also " Optical Munitions " ; " Photographic Lenses.") Glycerine. See " Nitro Glycerine." Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. (a) DRYING AND DE-SEEDING OF FLAX The Regulations made July 19, 1917, by the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction. for Ireland under the Order of July 12, 1917, are printed p. 323. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit. %% Page. Goat's Haii- Goat Skins, Domestic Goat Skins, Imported Goldbeater Skins ... Granulated Aluminium Green Oil w.o. w.o. w.o. A. M. M April 30, 1917 Jan. 1, 1918 ^Jan. 18, 1918 ^Jan. 18, 1918 Jan. 18,1918 March 19,1917 Dec. 2,1916 Feb. 17,1917 Feb 1 1918 367 381 114 114 115 34 176 177 74 Grenades WO. ^June 16, 1916 37 Grey Acetate of Lime Grinding Machines, Metal-working Ground Basic Slag- Guessing Competition Circulars ... Guns M. M. M. B. W.O. ^Mav 6,1916 #Jtme 16, 1916 Aug. 28, 1916 ##Aug. 28, 1916 ^MfcJime 26, 1917 April 30, 1918 Jan. 15, 1 His Sept. 24, 1915 37 37 159 160 163 52 298 36 Guncotton . . M. W.O. ^June 16,1916 Sept. 4,1917 May 7, 1918 ^June 16, 11) Hi 37 39 39 37 Gunpowder ... w o. ^Juiie l(j, 1916 37 Gut Skins. See " Bung Gut Skins.' H. Hair W.O. April 30, 1917 367 Hand Needles and Awls ... Hay.. W.O. WjO. Feb. 19, 1917 May 9, 1917 154 1)1 Heavy Naphtha. See " Naphtha." Heifer Hides. See " Cow Hides.' 1 Hematite Pig Iron. See " Iron (pig Hemp )." W.O. July 17, 1917 July 17, 1917 May 2, 1918 May 8, 1918 Dec. 22, 1916 92 93 I).! 98 315 A. and W.O. W.O. March31,1917 April 18, 1917 Jan. 11,1918 Feb. 26, 1918 April 13, 1918 April 13, 1918 329 334 335 336 328 337 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice ": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Date of Order, Article. Depart- Notice,^: Page. ment. or Permit.^ Hides, Domestic : Cow, Bull and Ox Hides W.O. Nov. 8, 1916 123 Feb. 9,1917 120 April 17, 1917 10.) Dec. 28, 1917 Ill Dec. 29, 1917 113 Dec. 29, 1917 122 March 2, 1918 122 Horse Hides w.o. Nov. 8, 1916 12S Oct. 23, 1917 108 Dec. 28.1917 111 Dec. 29, 1917 122 Jan. 2, 1918 114 All kinds of Hides w.o. April 21, 1917 124 Jan. 9, 1918 121 (As to pelts see " Goat Skins " ; " Sheep Skins.") Hides, Imported : Buffalo W.O. Nov. 8 1916 123- Cow, Bull, and Ox w.o. ^Oct. 16, 1916 101 Nov. 8, 1916 123 Dec. 15, 1916 102 Feb. 9, 1917 120 Horse w.o. Nov. 8, 1916 123 Oct. 23, 1917 108 Jan. 2, 1918 114 All kinds of Hides w.o. April 21, 1917 124 Jan. 9, 1918 121 (As to pelts see " Goat Skins " ; " Sheep Skins.") Highway Lorries ... M. June 26, 1917 167 High Speed Steel High Speed Steel Scrap ... M. Regulation 30c =fc&N T ov. 1, 1916 14 220 Regulation 30c 14 High Speed Tool Steel July 7, 1916 216 ^^Feb. 15, 1918 243 Home-grown Timber B. March 25,1918 413 July 16, 1918 419> Horse Hides, Domestic ... W.O. Nov. 8, 1916 123 (As to hides generally see Oct. 23, 1917 108 * Hides.") Dec. 28, 1917 111 Dec. 29, 1917 122 ' Jan. 2, 1918 114 "Horse Hides, Imported ... W.O. Nov. 8,1916 123 (As to . hides generally see Oct. 23, 1917 108 "Hides.") Jan. 2, 1918 114 Xote. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a a Notice ": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as- distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order. Notice,^: Page or Permitffft^ Hosiery. See " Worsted." Hosiery Needles ... W.O. Sept. 24, 191 158 Human Eyes, Artificial ... M. June 5,191 279 Hyposcopes M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 #*June 30, 1916 89 I. Implements, Agricultural... M. Jan. 10, 1917 151 Indian Goat Skins. See " Goat Skins." Ingots. Sec " Aluminium " ; " Brass." Iron... Regulation 30 B 13 Iron, Bar M. July 7, 1916 216 ^Nov. 1, 1916 220 ##Feb. 1, 1918 242 ^Feb. 15, 1918 243 Iron, Chain Cable ... A. Sept. 27, 1917 L52 Iron. Pier Regulation 30 B 13 (See also " W rough t-irou Scrap.") M. July 7, 1916 216 ^Nov. 1, 1916 220 ##July 17,1917 229 ^Nov. 30, 1917 236 Ironstone. See also " Iron." M. Jan. 18, 11>18 251 Italian Hemp W.O. Feb. 26, 1918 336 J. Japanese Silk A. July 23, 1917 352 Joiners (general) ... M. June 5, 1917 173 Jute W.O. ^Feb. 16, 1917 338 A. & March31,1917 W.O. W.O. Nov. 23, 1917 339 March 2 3,191 8 343 May 18,1918 339 L. Lactic Acid W.O. Feb. 26, 1917 150 Lamb Pelts or Skins. See " Sheep Skins or Pelts." * Lamp Glass (electric) M. SeDt. 19, 1917 271) May 7, 1918 23 June 5, 1917 173 April 15, 1918J 164 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date sliows that the document referred to is a "'Notice": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit. ^^ Page. Magazines ... B. M. W.O. B. W.O. A. ed." M. W.O. M. W.O. W.O. imony ' June 8, 1917 May 24, 1918 Jan. 9, 1917 April 18, 1917 March 20,1918 April 18, 1917 Aug. 4, 1917 Sept. 19, 1917 ^June 16, 1916 Nov. 23,1915 ^June 30, 1916 ^June 16,1916 ^June 16, 1916 ; "Brass"; "C 295 296 209~ 334 412 334 157 279 37 277 89 37 37 brome (See also Paper.") Magnesite ... Maguey Fibre Malacca Canes Manilla Hemp ... ... Manures. See " Fertilisers." Marine Box Chronometers Materials. See " Cotton "; " Worst Medical Glass Megadine ... ... ... ... Mekometers Melinite Mercury, Fulminate of Merino Wool. See " Wool." Metals. See "Aluminium"; "Ant Oie"; "Cobalt"; "Copper"; "Ferro-alloys"; "Iron"; "Lead"; " Magnesite " ; Molybdenum " ; " N ickel " ; " Platinum " ; "Steel"; "Tin"; 'J ungsten " ; "Vanadium"; "Zinc." Metallurgical Coke M. July 7, 1916 216 ^^Nov. 1, 1916 220 Nov. 27, 1917 219 Nov. 27, 1917 2^5 Mica M. April ];>, 1918 210 Midlands District Ironstone M. Jan. 13,1918 251 (See also " Iron.") Military Clothing W.O, Oct. 5, 1917 348 Military Explosives W.O. Sept. 24,1915 36 M. ^Feb. 8, 1916 37 tMay 6, 1916 37 W.O. June 16, 1916 37 Sept, 4, 1917 39 Millboard ... B. July 2, 1917 285 Feb. 27, 1918 288 March 13,1918 291 Mill Cinder. See " Tap Cinder, &c." Milling Machines, Metal-working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 Aug. 28,1916 160 ^H^June 26, It* 17 163 Mineral Oils. See " Tar Oils." Mineral Turpentine. See " Turpentine Substitute." Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. 5216 d Table of Controlled War Material Supplies, Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit. 4^ Page. Mobair ... ... ... *.. w.o. April 50, 1917 367 Jan. 1, 1918 381 Molybdenum Regulation 30B 13 Regulation 30c 14 M. Nov. 30,1917 211 Molybdenum Ore ... M. Nov. 30, 1917 211 Mond Gas Tar. See " Oil Tars." Moneylenders' Circulars ... B. Jan. 15,1918 298 Monoculars M. Nov. 23,1915 277 3MWune 30, 1916 89 Monotype Metal ... M. May 28, 1918 208 Monotype Metal (used) M. Feb. 19, 1918 208 Mortars W.O. =&Jnne 16, 1916 :\7 Motor Cars. See the headings immediately following. Motor Chassis M. Jan. 6, 1<>17 166 Motor Cycles .. M. Jan. 6, 1917: 166 Motor Engines M. Jan. 6,1917 166 (See also " Locomotive Engines ") Motor Spirit B. Feb. 6,1917 258 July 13, 1917 259 Jan. 3, 1918 260 Feb. 6, 1918 267 Feb. 8, 1918 268 Feb. 9, 1918 270 Feb. 26, 1918 271 Motor Vehicles M. Jan. 6,1917 166 (See also " Motor Spirit.") Munitions, Optical. See " Optical Munitions." Muriate of Potash... M. Oct. 17,1917 82 N. Nails, Wire W.O. Feb. 25, 1918 172 Naphtha ... ... ... M. Aug. 29, 1917 70 Dec. 31, 1917 71 Needles, Boot and Saddlery W.O. Feb. 19, 1917 154 Needles, Hosiery ... W.O. Sept. 24, 1917 158 New Zealand Hemp and Tow W.O. Jan. 11,1918 335 Newspapers B. April 19, 1917 2U4 May 24, 1918 296 (See also "Taper.") Nickel (a) T^pcniJ*} tion ^OR 13 (See also Cupro-nickel scrap.) c?> Ov/ o Regulation 30c 1 O 14 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows. that the document referred to is a "Notice": two Asterisks (**') so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an. Order strictly so termed r (a) Licence for wholesale dealing, &o., after Aug. 6th. 1918 require! (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. t 7.) Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Date of Order, Article. Depart- Notice,^ ment. O r Permit. Page. titrate of Soda M. Oct. 18, 1917 80 ^itro-cellulose Powder W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Nitrogen. See " Compound Fertilisers." !^itro Glycerine W.O. #June 16. 1916 37 Spoils, Silk M. Nov. 8, 1916 354 Sorvvegian Timber B. July 16, 1918 419 o. Jfficers' Badges ... ... W.O. March 1, 1918 347 3il-dressed Clothing- W.O. ' Feb. 9, 1918 350 lils, Animal and Vegetable other than Food Oils (a). See 11 Olive Oil," " Ilosin Oil," " Turpentine." Whale Oil." ' >ils; Mineral. See " Lamp, Oil," " Motor Spirit," " Naphtha," " Tar Oils," " Turpentine Substitute." Olive Oil W.O. Dec. 4, 1917 402 Optical Munitions ... M. Nov. 23,1915 277 sJMfcJune 30, 1916 89 Ore. See "Chrome Ore" "Copper," "Iron," "Platinum," " Tungsten." Ox Hides. See " Cow, Bull and Ox Hides." Oxygen A. Dec. 17, 1917 81 P. Packing Cases W.O. April 24, 1917 408- Pamphlets Br. Ma> 24,1918 296 Paper ... B. April 19, 1917 294 (See also " Vegetable Parchment Paper," " Waste Paper.") June 8,1917 July 2,1917 295 285 July 24, 1917 302 Jan. 15,1918 298 Feb. 27,1918 '288 March 9, 1918 290 i May 21,1918 296 Paper-making Materials ... ,. B. July 2, 1917 285 Feb. 27, 1918 288 Marchl3,1918 291 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice " : two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a " Permit " as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. (a) "FOOD OILS." The Orders and Notices of May and June, 1917, of the Minister of Munitions are administered by the Food Controller and an epitome f them is given at p. 501 of the " Food (Supply and Production) Manual." They are omitted from this the " War Material Supplies Manual " as being outside its scope. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article Date of Order. Depart- Notice,^ ment - or Permit. Page. Pasteboard B. July 2, 191" 285 Feb. 27, 191H 288 Pelts. See " Sheep Skins or Pelts.' Perchlorate of Ammonia ... W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Perchlorate of Potash W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Periodicals ... B. May 24, 1918 ^96 Periscopes ... M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 =fc#June 30, 19 If 89 Petroleum, Petrol or Petrol Substitute. See " Motor Spirit " , " Turpentine Substitute." Phenacetin WO. ^ April 28, 1917 174 Phosphates, See " Compound Fertilizers " ; " Superphos- phates." Photographic Lenses M. Jan. 19, 1917 278 Picric Acid W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Pig Iron. See " Iron (Pio)." Pig Lead. See " Lead." Pistols W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 M. May 7, 1918 39 Planers, Metal-working ... M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 , ^Aug. 28, 1916 160 3^ June 26, 1917 163 M. Dec. 31, 1915 213 May 31,1916 214 MvTune 30, 1916 89 Postcards B. May 24, 1918 296 Posters R Jan. l.V 191H 298 Potash. See " Blast Furnace Dust " ; " Compound Fertili- sers " ; " Potassium Compounds." Potash, Perchlorate of W.O. ^lune 16, 1916 37 Potassium Compounds M. Oct. 17, 1917 82 ^^Dec. 7, 1917 83 . ##Feb. 8, 1918 84 Power - driven Metal - working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 Machinery. ^MfcAug. 28, 1916 160 ^^June 26, 1917 163 Power - driven Wood - working M. June 5, 1917 m Machinery. Power Presses, Metal- working ... M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 Aug. 28, 1916 160 i 4MfcJune 26, 1917 163 Price Lists (tradesmen's) ... V) Jan. 15, 1918 298 Prismatic Binoculars M'. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^^June 30, 1916 89 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that tlio document referred to 'is a " Notice " : two asterisks (^*) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit.4^ Page. Private Owners' Wagons... B. Marchl6,1917 170 Sept. 6, 1917 171 Pulp. See " Paper-making Materia s." Punching Machines, Metal-working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159. ^Aug. 28, 1916 160 ^^June 26, 1917 163 Q. Quarried Stone W.O. Aug. 31, 1917 305 Quinine W.O. ^ April 28, 1917 174 R w o ^Jan. 15, 1917 ., r^v " \-J Jan. 16, 1917 352 July 18,1917 351 Rails M. July 7, 1916 216 ^Nov. 1,1916 220 : ^ :: ^ : March22 1917 228 Railway Material ... M. Dec. 29/1916 169 Feb. 2, 1917 169 B. Marchl6,1917 170 B. Sept. 6, 1917 171 Rangefinders M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^June 30, 1916 89 Rattan Canes B March2 >, 1918 412 Raw A sbestos A. Jan. 5,1918 183 Raw Cotton. See " Cottuii (raw)." Raw Flax. See "Flax." Raw Goat Skins. See " Goat Skins." Raw Jute. See "Jute." Remnants of Cotton Materials ... W.O. #Oct. 6, 1917 310 Remnants of Woollen and Worsted W.O. ^Nov. 21, 1916 363 Materials. Nov. 24, 1916 363 Re-scutched Tow. See " Flax." Retort Carbon. See " Gas Works Retort Carbon." Revolvers ... W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 M May 7, 1918 39 Rifles W O ^June 16, 1916 " T \-S M. May 7] 1918 39 Rifles, Optical Sights for M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^June 30, 1916 89 Road Material W.O. Aug. 31, 1917 305 Rough Dried Leather. See " Leather." O Rosin ... ... ... * M Jan. 31, 1918 86 Rosin Oil ... M Jan, 31, 1918 86 Note. A single asterisk document referred to is prefixed to a date shows that the Notice ". two asterisks ##) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Permit " as Table of -Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: Page. orPe.-miMMfc Rounds, Steel M. July 7, 1916 216 ^MOSov. 1, 1916 220 Russian Flax, Hemp or Tow W.O. Jan. 28, 1916 319 March21,1916 319 . ##Dec. 1, 1916 320 #March3, 1917 321 Feb. 26, 1918 336 S W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Saddlery Needles and Awls W.O. Feb. 19, 1917 154 St. Helena Hemp and Tow W.O Jan. 11, 19:8 335 Sakelerides Cotton A. Aug. 28,1917 3 1 ,3 Scale. See " Tap Cinder, &c." Scrap. See "Aluminium," "Brass," "Copper," " Cupro-n " High-speed Steel," " Lead," " Steel/ " Zinc." ickel," Screw-machines, Metal-working ... M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 ##Aug. 28, 1916 160 ^MfcTune 26, 1917 163 Sea-planes .. ... ... M. March 30, 1917 34 May 10, 1918 35 Second-hand Railway Material ... M. ##Nov. 1, 1916 220 Dec. 29, 1916 169 ##March22,1917 228 Seed Lac ... M Marchl2,m8 NT Serials B May 24, 1918 21)6 Shapers, Metal-working ... M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 ##Aug. 28, 1916 160 3MWune 26, 1917 163 Sharp Oil M. Feb. 1, 1918 74 Shearing Machines, Metal- working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 ##Aug. 28, 1916 160 ^MWune 26, 1917 1(>3 Sheep Skins or Pelts, Domestic ... W.O. April 9,1917 104 April 21, 1917 124 June 5,1917 106 Sept. 18, 1917 107 Sept. 21, 1917 120 Nov. 29, 1917 109 Dec. 12, 1917 121 Dec. 18, 1917 110 Dec. 29, 1917 110 March 6, 1918 117 May 2, 1918 11$ Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks' (*#) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit.^^: Page. Sheep Skins or Pelts, Imported ... W.O. April 21, 1917 124 June 5,1917 106 June 30, 1917 107 ^Feb. 16, 1918 -iifi Shellac M. March 12,1918 87 Shells and Shell Bodies ... W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Shoe Manufacture Machinery W.O. Feb. 19, 1918 155 Shot Guns ... W.O. Sept. 4,1917 39 M. May 7, 1918 39 Signal Apparatus ... M. Dec. 29, 1916 169 Silk, Japanese A. July 23, 1917 352 Silk Waste or Noils M. Nov. 8, 1916 354 Sisal Fibre (East African) W.O. Jan. 11,1918 335 Skins (Animals). See " Goat Skins," "Hides," "Sheep Skins or Pelts." Skins (Bung Gut) A. Marchl9,lyl7 34 Skins (Goldbeater) A. Marchl9,1917 34 Sla *.., W.O. Aug. ;U, 1917 305 Sleepers ... ... ... M. Dec. 29, 1916 169 B. March25,1918 413 Slotting Machines, Metal-working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 ##Aug. 28,1916 16J :June 26, 1917 163 Small: Arms M. May 7,1918 39 Small Tools M. May 10, 1918 165 =JN=May 31, 1918 166 Socks W.O. ^Aprill4, 1917 366 Soda, Nitrate of ... M. Cot. 18,1917 80 Soft Wood ... B. March 25,19 !>* 413 B. July 16, 1918 419 Sole Leather W.O. ^June 30,1916 126 #Feb. 12, 1917 131 #March 30,191 7 131 Aug. 16, 1917 137, foot- note (a) ^Sept. 6, 1917 136 Sept. 19, 1917 136 Solvent Naphtha, See "Naphtha." South African Goat Skins. ,See " Goat Skins." Spelter and Zinc Compounds ... M. March 23,191 7 255 Jan. 22, 1918 257 Spirit, Motor. See " Motor Spirit." Sporting Guns W.O. Sep. 4,1917 39 M. May 7, 1918 39 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two _ asterisks (##) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^ or Permit. 4^ Page. Steam Lorries M. June 26, 1917 167 Steel ^upplies(a) M. Eegulation 30 B July 7, 1916 13 216 Oct 31,1916 217 ^Nov. 1, 1916 220 Nov. 20, 1916 244 #*Tan. 1, 1917 226 ##.Tan. 5,191? 227 Feb. 24, 1917 248 March22,1917 218 ##Mar. 22, 1917 228 Aug. 24, 1917 218 ##Aug. 24,1917 230 Aug. 28,1917 218 Nov. 27,1917 219 ^MfcNov. 27, 1917 235 Nov. 30, 1917 219 ##Nov. 30, 1917 237 Dec. 14, 1917 250 #*Jan.. 4,1918 239 ##Feb. 1, 191h 242 ##Feb. 15,1918 24* Steel Alloys Regulation 30c 14 M. Feb. 24, 1917 24 S Steel, High Speed... Regulation 30c 14 ##Feb. 15, 191* 243 Steel Plates, Stabs and Strips ... M. Nov. 30, 1917 21l* ##Nov. 30,1917 237 Steel Hods M. Feb. 24, 1917 24 X Steel Scrap... Regulation 30c 14 M. Oct. 31, 1916 217 ##Nov. 1, 1916 220 3HJan. 1,1917 226 Aug. 28, 1917 218 ##Jan. 4, 191* 239 ^Feb. 15, 1918 243 Steel Wire .. M. Feb. 24, 1917 248 Stereo Plates M. Feb. 19,1918 208 May 28, 19^ 208 Stitching Needles and Awls W.O. Feb. 19,1917 154 Stick Lac . M. Mar. 12, 1918 87 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": h\o asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a "Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. (a) These are also entered in the Table under the name of each article specified in the Order or Permit. Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit. ^^ Page. Stock Exchange, Circulars and B. Jan. 15, 191 298 Price Lists Stone (quarried or tarred) W.O. Aug. 31, 191 305- Strap Butts W.O. Dec. 11,191 145 Straw WO May 9, 191 91 July 17,' 191 92 July 17,191 93 May 2, 191 95 May 8, 191 98 Strawboard ... ... ... B. July 2, 191 285 July 24, 191 302 Feb. 27,1918 288 Sulphate of Ammonia M. Oct. 31,1916 70 April 30, 1918 52 Sulphate of Copper M. Feb. 15,1918 50 Sulphuric Acid M. May 29, 1917 42 May 10, 1918 66 Superphosphates ... M. April 30, 1918 52 Swarf. See " Aluminium " ; " Brass " ; " Copper." Swedish Timber ... B, July 16, 1918 419 Swords, Cavalry ... W.O. ^Tune 16, 191f 37 T Tanning Materials... W.O. Oct. 23, 1916 150 Feb. 26, 1917 150 Tap Cinder, Mill Cinder, Flue M. Dec. 15, 1917 252 Cinder and Scale. =^Dec. 15, 1917 252 Tar, Dehydrated W:O. Aug. 31, 1917 305 M. Dec. 31, 1917 72 Tar Oils and Coal Tar M. Oct, 31,1916 70 Aug. 29,1917 70 Dec. 31, 1917 71 Dec. 31, 1917 72 Feb. 1, 1918 74 Tarred Slag or Tarred Stone W.O. Aug. 31,1917 305 Telemeters ... M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^^ June 30, 1916 89 Telescopes . M. Nov. 23, 1915 277 ^^ June 30, 1916 89 Terne Plates M. Aug. 24, 1917 218 ^^Aug. 24, 1917 230 Tetryl W.O. ^June 16,1916 37 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a "Notice": two asterisks (*#) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a " Permit " as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. 5246 Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^: or Permit.:^ Page. Timber, Home Grown Timber, Imported ... Tin(b) w.o. (a) B. W.O. W.O. B. B. W.O. (a) W.O. W.O. B. B. M. April 2, 1917 April 24, 1917 Dec. 4, 1917 Mar. 15, 1918 Mar. 15, 1918 Mar. 25, 1918 July 16, 1918 April 2,1917 April 24, 1917 Mar. 15, 1918 Mar. 15, 1918 Mar. 20, 1918 July 16, 1918 June 5 1916 407 408 409 410 411 413 419 407 408 410 411 412 419 198 Tin Alloys Tin Plates M. M Dec. 21, 1917 April 26, 1918 June 5,1916 Aug 24 1917 253 254 253 9 Ig Tipsters' Circulars... Toluol B. M. tefcAug. 24, 1917 Jan. 15, 1918 Oct. 31, 1916 230 298 70 Tonite W.O. ^June 16, 1916 37 Tools, Small Tops. See Wool." Tow. Ste"Flax"; "Hemp." Tradesmen's Catalogues and Price Lists. Trailers M. B. M. May 10, 1918 ##May 31, 1918 Jan. 15,1918 June 26 1917 165 166 298 167 Trees. See " Timber." T.N.T. W O. ^June 16 1916 37 T.N.X W O ^June 16 1916 37 Trotyl W O ^June 16, 1916 37 Tungsten Regulation 30B 13 M. Regulation 30c Nov. 30, 1917 14 211 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a ' f Notice ": two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. Permit" as (a) The first two Orders under " Timber. Home Grown," and the first two under " Timber, Imported," though made by the Army Council have effect as if made by the Board of Trade. See Reg. 2jj (4) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, p. 16 of this Manual. (b) Licence for wholesale dealing, &c., after Aug. 6th, 1918, required (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- lUGIlt; Date of Order, Notice,^: Page. or permit.^:^: Tungsten Ore M. Regulation 30c Nov. 30, 1917 14 211 Turning Machines, Metal- working M. Aug. 28, 1916 159 Aug. 28, 1916 16CT June- 26, 1917 163 Turpentine, Spirits of M. Jan. 25, 1918 267 Turpentine Substitute M. Jan. 25,1918 267 Twine, Binder M. Feb." 15, 1918 152 Type Metal M. May 28, 1918 208 Type Metal (used)... M. Feb. 19, 1918 208 U. United States Timber B July 16,1918 419 V. Vanadium ... Regulation 30 c 14 Vegetable Oils. See " Oils, Animal and Vegetable." Vegetable Parchment Paper W.O. ^Dec. 3, 1917 303 Vegetable Tanned Sole Leather ... W.O. ^Sept. 6,1917 136 M. Jan. 6, 1917 166 Jan. 10,1917 151 Feb. 2, 1917 169 June 26, 1917 167 Vitriol. See " Sulphate of Copper." W. ^Va^ons ... M. Dec. 29, 1916 169 B. Marchl6,1917 170 B. Sept. 6, 1917 171 War Time Boots W.O. Nov. 10,1917 142 Waste Paper ... ... ... M. May 15, 1917 303 Waste, Silk M. Nov. 8,1916 354 Waste, Worsted and Hosiery W.O. ^Nov. 13, 1917 380 ^March23,1918 392 Water Gas Tar M. Dec. 31, 1917 72 See also " Tar Oils." West Indian Sea Islands Cotton ... A. Aug. 28, 1917 315 Whale Oil M. June 24, 1916 88 ^June 30, 1916 89 ##May 1, 1917 89 White Lead. See " Lead and its Compounds." White Oil and White Spirit. See " Turpentine Substitute." Wire. See " Brass " ; " Copper " ; " Steel ." Wire Nails.. . 1 W.O. Feb. 25, 1918 172 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice " : two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a " Permit" distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. as Table of Controlled War Material Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^ or permit. %.%. Page. Women's Boots w.o. Dec. 4, 1917 144 Wood. See " Timber." Wood Pulp Board... B. July 2, 1917 285 Feb. 27, 1918 288 Wood-working Machinery M. June 5, 1917 173 April 15, 1918 164 Wool, Colonial and Foreign W.O. Dec. 9, 1916 364 March 6, 1917 403 April 27, 1917 367 May 9, 1917 368 May 9, 1917 368 June 12, 1917 372 June 14, 1917 372 Aug. 23,1917 405 Sept. 29, 1917 379 Sept. 29, 1917 405 Nov. 3, 1917 400 Dec. 4, 1917 402 Jan. 1, 1918 381 April 22, 1918 393 Wool, Home Grown W.O. June 8, 1916 357 June 22, 1916 357 Nov. 14, 1916 357 Nov. 14,1916 360 Dec. 29, 1916 364 Dec. 29, 1916 365 April 27, 1917 367 May 9, 1917 368 May 9, 1917 368 May 11, 1917 369 June 12, 1917 372 June 14, 1917 372 June 22, 1917 373 Aug. 23, 1917 405 t Sept. 10, 1917 377 Sept. 29, 1917 379 Sept. 29, 1U17 405 Nov. 3, 1917 400 Nov. 8, 1917 379 Dec. 4, 1917 402 Jan. 1, 1918 381 March 1, 1918 392 - April 22, 1918 393 May 11,1918 394 May 13,1918 396 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice " : two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a " Permit" distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. as Table of Controlled War Material Supplies. Article. Depart- ment. Date of Order, Notice,^ or Permit.^ Page. Woollen and Worsted Material. Set ? " Worsted." Worsted and Hosiery w.o. Oct. 16, 1916 404 ^Nov. 21,1916 363 Nov. 24, 1916 363 April 14, i 91 7 366 Nov. 8,1917 379 ^Nov. 13, 1917 380 Dec. 4,1917 402 Jan. 1, 1918 381 Mar. 23, 1918 392 Wrappers and Wrapping Papers... B. Jan. 15,1918 298 Feb. 27, 1918 288 Wrought Iron. See Iron Bar. Wrought Iron Scrap M. March 22,191 7 218 3MJan. 4,1918 239 Y. Yarn. See "Cotton Yarn"; "Flax" ; "Jute"; "Linen"; "Wool." Z. Zinc(a) Zinc Alloys Zinc and its compounds M. M. M. Regulation 30fi June o, 1916 June 5,1916 March 2H.1917 Jan. 22, 1918 13 198 198 255 257 Note. A single asterisk (*) prefixed to a date shows that the document referred to is a " Notice " : two asterisks (**) so prefixed show that the document referred to is a " Permit" as distinguished from an Order strictly so termed. (a) Licence for wholesale dealing, &c., in Zinc, after Aug. 6th, 1918, required (7 & 8 Geo. 5. c. 67). 5246 PART I. DEFENCE OF THE REALM REGULATIONS EMPOWERING THE MAKING OF WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS. 1. Explanatory Note, p. 1. 2. Concurrent Powers of Ad- miralty, Army Council and Minister of Munitions, p. 3. 3. Powers of Minister of Muni- tions as to Light, Heat and Power, p. 14. 4. Powers of Army Council and Board of Trade as to Timber, p. 15. 5. General and Special Powers of Board of Trade, p. 16. 6. Powers of Controller of Sta- tionery Office, p. 26. 1. Explanatory Note. Regulations comprised This Part of this Manual comprises such of the Defence of the Realm Regulations as confer on the Admiralty, the Army Council, the Minister of Munitions, the Board of Trade, and the Controller of the Stationery Office, powers of making the " War Material Supplies Orders" which form Part II. hereof. Grouping adopted. Those enabling Regulations do not form a consecutive series in the Defence of the Realm Code, being in part additions thereto made by various amending Orders in Council, and in part adaptations of portions of the Code effected by Treasury Older. They however lend themselves to the arrange- ment here adopted, that of five Groups. Of these the first Group comprises Regulations conferring concurrent powers on the Admiralty, Army Council and Minister of Munitions of making Orders requisitioning and regulating the Manufacture of, 01 Dealings in, War Material Supplies, and of varying Contracts. The second Group comprises one Regulation which empowers the Minister of Munitions to effect economies in light, etc., with a view of increasing the production of war material. The third Group comprises Regulations conferring on the Army Council and the Board of Trade special powers as to trees and timber. The fourth Group comprises Regulations empowering the Board of Trade to make Orders for maintaining or regulating the Supply of Articles of Commerce other than food. Besides their powers 5246 A Explanatory Note. unde-i -hf R^guia^ons of this second group, the Boaid of Trade have under two of the Regulations (2s and 7) of the first group requisitioning powers concurrent with those of the Admiralty, &c. Certain Regulations confer special powers on the Board of Trade as to horses and vehicles, and as to motor spirit, and these special Regulations are here printed at the end of this fourth group. Regulation QGG (5) gives the Army Council as respects road material the like general powers as are exercisable by the Board of Trade as respects articles of commerce. The last Gioup comprises Regulations empowering the Con- troller of the Stationery Office to make Orders requisitioning Articles required for Government service and to vary contracts. Powers of Food Controller excluded. Those portions of the Defence of the Realm Regulations which confer powers on the Food Controller and the numerous Orders made by him in pursu- ance thereof are printed in the " Food Control Manual," of which new Editions are issued every three months, the latest published one being revised to April 30th, WlS. Both the Regulations and Orders in question are outside the scope of the present Manual, for they relate to the Maintenance of '*' Food Supply/' as contrasted with the " Supply 01* War Materials," and therefore the Regulations empowering Orders as to War Materials have been reproduced in this Manual with the follow- ing variations from the form they assume in the General Code. Those Regulations or paragraphs of Regulations which as appearing in the said Code primarily apply to the Food Con- troller but which by Regulation 2jj (1) or otherwise are extended with adaptations to the Board of Trade, are reproduced in the form which they appear to assume as conferring powers on that Board, and therefore in that which they take with respect to matters within the scope of the present Manual. All paragraphs, or portions, of Regulations which are printed in this Manual in the form they appear to assume as thus adapted and applied, instead of that in which they occur in the Orders in Council amending the Regulations, are denoted by thick black lines. Control of Mines, Transport and Employment. This Manual is strictly confined to the Control of particular articles forming War Material Supplies : therefore though it comprises the Regulations and Orders as to metal.-, it does not comprise those relating to mines. Nor does it cover the State Control which has been established over the various means of Transport, nor the power of requiring Services as to Storage, &c., Transport or Distribution, nor the restrictions on Employment, Building Work, New Retail Businesses, Exhibitions, &c. But an outline of the provisions governing these matters will be found in the Introduction at the beginning of the Volume. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. &> Concurrent Powers of Admiralty, Army Council, and Minister of Munitions. (a) [NOTE. All the Regulations printed in this Group confer concurrent powers on the Admiralty, Army Council, and Minister of Munitions. The concluding paragraphs of two of these Regulations (2s and 7) empower the Board of Trade to exeicise as regards certain articles the requisitioning powers thereby conferred. Those paragraphs are here reproduced in the form they appear to assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2jj (1) instead of in that in which as applying primarily to the Food Contiollei (whose Powers and Orders are outside the scope of the present Manual) they appear in the Defence of the Realm Code, the portions of the Regulations so varied being denoted by thick black lines. Regulation 2jJ (3) (p. 46) conferred on the Board of Trade as respects trees and timber and articles manufactured therefrom the like powers as are given by Regulations 2E and 15c to the Army Council, and Regulation 9oa (5) conferred on the Army Council as respects road material the like powers as are exerciseable by the Board of Trade under Regulations 2r to 2j as reproduced with adaptations in this Manual. The text of the Orders made under all these enabling powers forms Part II. of this Manual the general Priority of Work Orders being relegated to a separate Part III. An outline of the provisions as to the constitution of the Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions, and at> to the trial and prosecution of offences against the Regulations and the Orders thereunder is giv.eii in the Introduction to this Manual, and the provisions as to the proof and construction of the enabling Regulations and of the Orders are comprised in Appendix Y. hereto.] (a.) General Powers, p. 3. (b.) Special Powers as to Metals, p. 13. (a.) General Powers. 2^. It shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or Power to the Minister of Munitions to take possession of any war material, *?ke posses- food, forage and stores of any description and of any articles ^ er f al war required for or in connection with the production thereof. forage, Where any goods, possession of which has been so taken, are scores, &c. acquired by the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of (a) AIR COUNCIL'S POWERS. By Order in Council of June 25, 1918 (St. R. & O., 1918, No. 765), issued whilst this Manual was in the press, Regulations 2u, 2BB, 2E, 2K, 7, 8, SA, 8c, 8cc, 15c, 3pA (all printed in this group), were extended so as to confer like powers on the Air Council. 5246 A 2 Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. Munitions, the price to be paid in respect thereof shall in default of agreement be determined by the tribunal by which claims for compensation under these regulations are, in the absence of any express provision to the contrary, determined. (a) In determining such price(b) regard need not be had to the market price, but shall be had (a) if the goods are acquired from the grower or producer thereof, to the cost of production and to the rate of profit usually earned by him in respect of similar goods before the war and to whether such rate of profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other cir- cumstances of the case; (6) if the goods are acquired from any person other than the grower or producer thereof, to the price paid by such person for the goods and to whether such price was unreasonable or excessive, and to the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the sale of similar goods before the war, and to whether such rate or profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other circum- stances of the case; so, however, that if the person (a) TRIBUNAL FOR COMPENSATION CLAIMS. On March 31st, 1915, a Royal Commission ("The Defence of the Realm (Losses) Commission ") was appointed, the terms of reference of which (printed at length at pp. 367, 368 of Supple- ment No. 3 to the Manual of Emergency Legislation) are as follows : " to inquire and determine, and to report what sums (in cases not other- wise provided for) ought in reason and fairness to be paid out of public funds to applicants who (not being subjects of an enemy State) are resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom, in respect of direct and substantial loss incurred and damage sustained by them by reason of interference with their property or business in the United Kingdom through the exercise by the Crown of its rights and duties in the defence of the Realm." The Commissionsrs thereby appointed are empowered (i.) to call before them such persons as they shall judge likely to afford them any information upon the subject of the Commission : and also to call for, have access to and examine all such books, documents, registers and records as may afford them the fullest information on the subject, and to inquire of and concerning the premises by all other lawful ways and means whatsoever. (ii.) to visit and personally inspect such places as they may deem it ex- pedient so to inspect for the more effectual carrying out of the purposes aforesaid. The Commissioner further provides that if the Commissioners deem it expedient, the powers and privileges conferred on them shall belong to, and may be exer- cised by, any one or more of them, and that they shall, from time to time, report to the Treasury. The (May 31st, 1918) present members of the Commission are : Lord Terrington (chairman) ; Sir Matthew G. Wallace ; Mr. E. Shortt, K.C., M.P. ; and The Rt. Hon. Mr. Laurence Hardy, M.P. Mr. D. du Bois Davidson is Secretary to the Commission, whose address is Spencer House, 27, St. James' Place, S.W.I. (b) DETERMINATION OF PRICE. The terms on which a sub-contract may be varied under Regulation 2BB (p. 5) are if a sub-contractor so requires deter- minable in the manner and in accordance with the principles prescribed by this Regulation 2s. Regulation 7 (p. 7) provides for the determination of the price of factory-output requisitioned thereunder. Admiralty; Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' 5 Concurrent Powers. from whom the goods are acquired himself acquired the goods otherwise than in the usual course of his business, no allowance, or an allowance at a reduced rate, on account of profit shall be made : Provided that where by virtue of these regulations or any order made thereunder the sale of the goods at a price above any price fixed thereunder is prohibited the price assessed under this regulation shall not exceed the price so fixed. If, after the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions have issued a notice that they have taken or intend to take possession of any war material, food, forage, stores or article in pursuance of this regulation, any person having control of any such material, food, forage, stores or article (without the consent of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Miinitions) sells, removes, or secretes it, or deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licence, permit, or order that may have been granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a) The Board of Trade(b) may as respects any article of commerce not being an article of food, exercise the like powers as are by this regulation conferred on the Admiralty, Army Council, and Minister of Munitions, where it appears to the Board necessary or expedient to exercise any of those powers for the purpose of encouraging, maintaining or regulating the supply of any such article which is required by the public or by any section of the public or which is otherwise required for the public safety or defence of the Realm, and this regulation shall apply accordingly. 2 BB . Where the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Variance of Munitions have entered into a contract with any person (herein- terms of sub- after referred to as "the principal contractor") for the supply ^JoSd?" to them of any goods or services, and for the purposes of such services and contract a sub-contract has after the thirteenth day of June as to factory nineteen hundred and seventeen been made with any other person out put. (whether such subcontract is made with the principal contractor or any sub-contractor), and it appears to the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions that the rate of profit earned or to be earned by the sub-contractor in respect of the sub-contract is unreasonable or excessive, the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions may (whether or not the sub-contract has been completed) issue a certificate to that effect and may by order vary the terms of the sub-contract by the substitution there- for of such terms as they may think fair and reasonable, and require the sub-contractor (a) to carry out the sub-contract in whole or in part in accord- ance with the terms as so varied ; and (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) BOARD OF TRADE POWERS. This paragraph of Regulation 2s is here reproduced in the form it assumes as adapted and applied by Regulation 2jj (1). So far as respects road material the Army Council have the like powers. 5246 A 3 6 Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions 3 Concurrent Powers. (b) either in addition thereto or as an alternative therefor to adjust the price of any goods already supplied or any services already rendered in accordance with the terms so varied, and to account to the other party to the sub-contract for any consequential reduction in price : Provided that no order made under this regulation shall affect the price of any goods supplied or services rendered under any sub- contract where the sub-contract has been completed and the pay- ment has been made more than one year before the date of the order. If any sub-contractor in respect of whom such an order is made fails to comply with any of the requirements contained in the order, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations(a) : Provided that if the sub-contractor does not agree to the terms fixed by the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, he may require the terms to be determined in the manner and in accordance with the principles prescribed by Regulation 2s, (b) without prejudice however to his obligation in the meantime to comply with the terms of the order. In the event of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions exercising the powers conferred upon them by this regulation, the price payable by them to the principal contractor under the principal contract shall be reduced by such an amount, not exceeding the amount of the saving to the principal contractor due to the exercise of such powers, as may be determined by the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions. This regulation shall apply where the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions have required the occupier of any factory or workshop to place at their disposal the whole or any part of the output of the factory or workshop as if the occupier had contracted with the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions to supply such output or part thereof at the price payable therefor as ascertained in accordance with Regulation 7.(c) Directions as 2*>. It shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or to priority m ^.^ ]^i n .i s t er o f Munitions, or any person authorised by them to coal P orcoke. ac ^ ^ n ^ ne i r behalf, after consultation with the Board of Trade, to give directions as to the priority to be given in the execution of orders or contracts for the supply of coal or coke, with a view to securing precedence for orders or contracts in accordance with their national importance, and the owner, agent or manager of any mine or any other person affected by the directions who fails to comply with any directions so given, and any person who in any certificate or document given or issued for the purpose of (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) DETERMINATION OF TERMS OP VARIANCE OF SUB-CONTRACT. Regula- lation 2B (p. 3) provides that the Defence of the Realm (Losses) Commission (as to which see footnote (a) to Regulation 2e as printed at p. 4) shall be the determining tribunal and prescribes the principles on which the terms are to be determined. (c) REGULATION 7 Printed p. 7. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. securing priority for any order or contract in pursuance of such, directions makes any false statement or false representation, shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a) 2 E . The Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Muni- tions^) may by order regulate, restrict, or prohibit the manufac- ture, use, purchase, sale, delivery of or payment for, or other dealing in, any war material, food, forage, or stores of any description or any article required for or in connection with the production thereof, and if any person refuses to sell any article the sale whereof is regulated by any such order, he may be required by the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions to sell it on the terms and subject to the conditions on and subject to which the sale thereof is authorised by the order, and to deliver it to them or to any person or persons named by them, delivery to be made in such quantities and at such times and places as may be specified by them or on their behalf. If any person fails to comply with any provision of any such order or any requirements made thereunder, or aids or abets(c) any other person, whether or not such other person is in the United Kingdom, in doing anything which, if done in the United Kingdom, would be a contravention of any such order, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a) (d) 2 K . Where in anticipation of the issue of an order or requisi- tion by the Admiralty, or Army Council, or Minister of Munitions under these regulations, the whole or any part of the output of any factory or workship or any goods have been delivered to or put at the disposal of the Admiralty, or Army Council, or Minister of Munitions, then, if such order or requisition is subsequently made, the output or part thereof or goods shall be deemed to have been delivered or put at the disposal of the Admiralty, or Army Council, or Minister of Munitions in com- pliance with such order or requisition. 7. The Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Muni- tions may by order require the occupier of any factory or work- shop in which arms, ammunition, food, forage, clothing, equipment or stores of any description or any articles required for the production thereof, are or may be manufactured, or in which any operation or process required in the production, alteration, renovation or repair thereof is or may be carried on, to place at their disposal the whole or any part of the output of the factory or workshop as may be specified in the order, and to deliver to them, or to any person or persons named by them the (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) BOARD OF TRADE POWERS AS TO TREES AND TIMBER. As respects trees and timber the Board of Trade have under Regulation 2jj (3) (p. 16) the like powers as are given the Army Council by Regulation 2E. (c) AIDING OR ABETTING. Regulation 48 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations makes it an offence to attempt to commit or to procure, aid or abet or do any act preparatory to the commission of any act prohibited by the Regulations. (d) FINAL PARAGRAPH OF REGULATION 2E. This, which relates only to the Food Controller, is outside the scope of this Manual, and therefore omitted therefrom. Power to regulate manufacture or dealings m war material, forage, stores, &c. Delivery in anticipation of order or requisition. Power to requisition output of factories manufac- turing arms ammunition forage, stores, &c. 5246 A 4 Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. output or such part thereof as aforesaid in such quantities and at such times as may be specified in the order; and the price to be paid for the output so requisitioned shall, in default of agree- ment, be determined by the arbitration of a judge of the High Court selected by the Lord Chief Justice of England in England, of a judge of the Court of Session selected by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, or of a judge of the High Court of Ireland selected by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in Irelaiid. In determining such price regard need not be had to the market price, but shall be had to the cost of production of the output so requisitioned and to the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the output of such factory or workshop before the war, and to whether such rate of profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other circumstances of the case. If the occupier of the factory or workshop fails to comply with the order, or without the leave of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions delivers to any other person any part of the output of the factory or workshop to which the order relates, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations, (a) For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the output of any factory or workshop or any plant therein and the cost of produc- tion of such output, and the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the output of such factory or workshop before the war, the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions may require the occupier of any such factory or workshop, 01 any officer or servant of the occupier, or where the occupier is a com- pany, any director of the company, to furnish to the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions such particulars as to such output, cost, and rate of profit as they may direct, and may require any such particulars to be verified in such manner as they may direct, and if any such person fails to comply with any such requirement he shall be guilty of an offence against tihese regulations. (a) The Board of Trade(b) may as respects any factory or workshop in which any article of commerce not being an article of food is or may be manufactured, produced or adapted for sale, exercise the like powers as are by this regulation conferred on the Admiralty, Army Council, and Minister of Munitions, where it appears to the Board necessary or expedient to exercise any of those powers for the purpose of encouraging, maintaining or regulating the supply of any such article which is required by the public or by any section of the public or which is otherwise required for the public safety or defence of the Realm, and this regulation shall apply accordingly. (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) BOARD OF TRADE POWERS. This paragraph of Regulation 7 is here reproduced in the form it assumes as adapted and applied by Regulation 2jJ (1). So far as respects road material the Army Council have under Regulation 9&G (5) the like powers which the Board of Trade possess as respects articles of commerce under Regulation 7. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' 9 Concurrent Powers. S. The Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Muni- Power to tions may take possession of any factory or workshop or of any ^ e of an 8 plant belonging thereto without taking possession of the factory | ^tory *o? or workshop itself, and may use the same for His Majesty's naval plant, or military service at such times and in such manner as the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions may consider necessary or expedient, and the occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of the factory or workshop, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the company, shall obey the directions of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions as to the user of the factory or work- shop or plant, and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a)(b) 8 A . It shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or Power to the Minister of Munitions direct or (a) to require any work in any factory or workshop to be j^ 8 ^ done in accordance with the directions of the f ac tory and Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Muni- to remove tions, given with the object of making the factory or plant, workshop or the plant or labour therein as useful as possible for the production of war material, and to require returns as to the nature and amount of work done in any factory or workshop ; (6) to regulate or restrict the carrying on of any work in any factory, workshop or other premises, or the engage- ment or employment of any workman, or all or any classes of workmen, therein, or to remove the plant therefrom, with a view to maintaining or increasing the production of munitions in other factories, work- shops or premises, or to regulate and control the supply of metals and material that may be required for any articles for use in war ; and the occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of the factory, workshop or premises, and any other person affected by any such directions, regulations or restrictions, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the company shall obey the directions, regulations or restrictions of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions so given, and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of an offence against these regula- tions.(a)(b) Where under this regulation any return has been required or any directions regulating the priority(c) to be given to work at any factory, workshop or other premises have been given, and any person in any such return, or in any certificate or document given or issued for the purpose of securing priority(c) for any work in (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) OFFENCES BY COMPANY DIRECTORS, &c. Regulation 48A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations provides that every director and officer of a corporation or company shall be guilty of an offence against the Regulations committed by his corporation or company unless he proves that the act constituting the offence took place without his knowledge or consent. (c) PRIORITY OF WORK ORDERS. The general Priority of Work Order is printed in Part III of this Manual. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. Power to authorise use of registered Power to require particulars of invention or process. pursuance of such directions, makes any false statement or false representation, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regu- lations, (a) 8C. It shall be lawful for the Admiralty, Army Council, or Minisiter of Munitions(b) to authorise or require any contractor holding a contract with the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions, (b) or any sub-contractor,, to use any registered design for the purposes of such contract, and thereupon the contractor or sub-contractor shall be entitled for the purposes aforesaid to use the registered design and to apply to same to any article in any class of goods in which the design is registered without the consent of the registered proprietor, and the con- sideration to be paid for the use of the registered design shall, in default of agreement between the proprietor of the design and the Admiralty, Army Council, or Minister of Munitions, (b) as the case may be, be determined, at the option of the Treasury, either in the manner in which other claims for compensation under these regulations are determined, or in the manner in which the con- sideration for the use of a patent is determined under section twenty-nine of the Patents and Designs Act, 1907. 8 CC . It shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or Minister of Munitions, (b) with a view to the more efficient or increased production of war material, to require any person to communicate to a person nominated for that purpose by the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions all such particulars as may be in his possession of any invention, or process or method of manufacture, or of any article manufactured or proposed to be manufactured, and to furnish drawings, models, or plans thereof, and to explain and demonstrate the same to such person, in all or any of its uses and workings; and if any person fails or neglects to comply with any such requirement he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations; and if the requirement is addressed to a company, every director, manager, or officer of the company who fails or neglects to comply with such requiiement shall also be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a)(c) If any person, except as authorised by the Admiralty or Army Council or Minister of Munitions, discloses or makes use of any information obtained in consequence of any requirement made under this regulation or communicated to him by the person by whom it was so obtained, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) FOOD CONTROLLER'S POWERS. Regulation 8c and the last paragraph of Regulation 8cc as. appearing in the Defence of the Realm Code confer con- current powers as respects articles of food, &c., on the Food Controller, hut that Minister's powers being outside the scope of this Manual the references thereto are omitted. (c) OFFENCES BY COMPANY DIRECTORS, &c. See footnote (b) to p. 0. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. No communication of an invention made in consequence of any requirement under this regulation, or the use thereof by any person authorised under this regulation to use it, shall prejudice any right of the inventor or owner thereof subsequently to apply for or obtain a patent for the invention. 8 D . Any company, authority, or person supplying or authorised Power to to supply water, light, heat, or power, shall, if so required by the require Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, supply ^e/l&ht, water, light, heat, or power to any factory, building, camp, or heat, or other premises belonging to or used for the purposes of the power to Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, and certain shall carry out such works and render such services as: may be P r directed by the Admiralty or Army iCouncil or the Minister of Munitions for the purpose of enabling such a supply to be given either by themselves or by some other such company, authority, or person. (a) Provided that a company, authority, or person shall not be required under this regulation to supply water, light, heat, or power to premises within the area of supply of any other com- pany, authority, or person except with the concurrence of the appropriate Government Department, and if any question arises as to which Government Department is the appropriate Govern- ment Department the question shall be finally determined by the Treasury. If any company, authority or person fail to comply with a requisition under this regulation the company, authority, or person shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations, and any director or officer of tKe company or officer of the authority who is knowingly a party to the default shall also be guilty of an offence against these regulations. 8 G . It shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or Control of the Minister of Munitions to require the manufacture or produc- manufacture tion of gas in any gas works to be carried out in accordance with ^ & as - any directions, regulations or restrictions given, made or imposed by the Admiralty, Army Council, or Minister of Munitions with the object of making such gas works or the plant or labour therein as useful as possible for the production of any war material or any articles required for or in connection with the production thereof and in particular to require that all or any part of the toluol, benzol or other hydrocarbons contained in the gas produced or any other constituents of such gas shall be extracted therefrom, by scrubbing or otherwise, before the gas is supplied to the consumers in the district supplied by such gas works. The occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of the gas works and any persons affected by any such directions, regulations or restrictions, and, where the occupier is a corpora- tion or company, every officer of such corporation or company (a) RESTRICTION OF USE OF LIGHTS so AS TO FACILITATE WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES. Under Reg. HA, printed p. 14, the Minister of Munitions can l/y Order restrict the use of lights so as to increase the supply of light, heat or power for war material production purposes. 12 Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Concurrent Powers. Power to require particulars as to certain businesses. Power to prohibit dealings in war material. shall obey suck directions, regulations or restrictions (notwith- standing the requirements of any statute or statutory order with regard to the illuminating or calorific power of the gas supplied from such gas works), (a) and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. 15 C . The Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions(b) may by order require any person engaged in the production, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribution, transport, storage, or shipment of any war material, food, forage, or stores of any description or of any article required for or in connection with the production thereof to give such particulars as to his business as may be specified in the order, (c) and may require any such particulars to be verified as they may direct, and if any person fails to comply with the order or with any requirement made thereunder, he shall be guilty of an offence(d) against these regulations. If any person, except as authorised by the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, discloses or makes use of any information given to him under this regulation he shall be guilty of a summary offence(d) against these regulations. 30 A . No person shall, without a permit issued under the authority of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person (a) buy, sell, or deal in ; or (b) offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell, or deal m ; or (c) enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase of or other dealing in ; any war material to which this regulation may for the time being be applied(e) by order of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, or any right in any invention, design, or process of manufacture relating to any war material, being war material to which this regulation may for the time being be so applied, whether or not the sale, purchase, or dealing is, or is to be, effected in the United Kingdom. (a) STATUTORY ORDERS AS TO CALORIFIC POWER. Under e. 1 (1) of the Gas (Standard of Calorific Power) Act, 191 6 (6 and 7 Geo. 5 c. 25) the Beard of Trade (as regards Gas Companies) and the Local Government Board (as regards local authorities) have made a large number of Orders substituting provisions contained in previous enactments as to prescribed standard of illuminating power, &c. All such Orders are printed for sale as St. R. & O., and lists of those made in 1916 and 1917 are printed in Class 6 (Lighting) of the Classified List of Local Statutory Orders which will be found at the end of the Annual Volumes of St. B. & 0., for those years. (b) BOARD OP TRADE POWERS AS TO TREES AND TIMBER. As respects trees and timber the Board of Trade have under Regulation 2JJ (3) (p. 16) the like powers as are eiven to the Army Council by Regulation 15c. (c) ORDERS REQUIRING PARTICULARS OF BUSINESSES. All Orders of a general character requiring such particulars and in force May 31st, 1918, are printed in Part II of this Manual. (d) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (e) WAR MATERIAL TO WHICH REGULATION 30A APPLIES. All Orders applying Regulation 30A to war material and in force May 31, 1918, are printed in Part II of this Manual. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions 1 13 Concurrent Powers as to Metals If any person acts in contravention of the foregoing provision, or aids or abets any other person, whether or not such other person is in the United Kingdom, in doing anything which if done in the United Kingdom would be a contravention of the foregoing provision, or fails to comply with any condition subject to which a permit under this regulation has been granted, such person shall be guilty of an offence(a) against these regulations. Provided that nothing in this regulation shall affect any transaction authorised by a permit of the competent naval or military authority under Regulation 30. (b) (b.) Special Powers as to Metals. 30 B . It shall not be lawful for any person on his own behalf Certain or on behalf of any other person to sell or buy, or to offer to sell dealings in (a) any of the following metals: iron (including pig-iron), prohibited. steel of all kinds, copper, zinc, brass, lead, antimony, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, ferro-alloys ; or (a) OFFENCE AGAINST REGULATIONS. See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) PERMIT OF COMPETENT NAVAL OR MILITARY AUTHORITY. Regula- tion 30 empowers the competent naval or military authority to by order prohibit the manufacture, sale, purchase, transfer, or disposal of firearms, part of fire- arms, military arms, parts of military arms, air guns and air rifles, ammunition, or explosive substances or any class thereof, within the area specified in the order, either absolutely or except subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order, and provides that any person who without a permit from the said authority manufactures, sells, purchases, transfers, or disposes of or has in his posses- sion for sale, transfer, or disposal within the area so specified any arms, parts of arms, ammunition, or explosive substance in contravention of the order ; or fails to comply with the conditions imposed by the order ; or, where the permit is granted subject to any conditions, fails to comply with those conditions ; shall be guilty of an offence against the regulations. Regulation 62 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations provides as follows: " The Admiralty or Army Council may appoint any commissioned officer of His Majesty's Naval or Military Forces, not below the rank of lieutenant- commander in the Navy or field officer in the Army, to be a competent naval or military authority and may authorise any competent naval or military authority thus appointed to delegate, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, all or any of his powers under these regulations to any officer qualified to be appointed a competent naval or military authority, and an officer HO appointed, or to whom the powers of the competent naval or military authority are so delegated, is in these regulations referred to as a competent naval or military authority. Where the holder of a designated office has been appointed to be a competent naval or military authority, or any powers of the competent naval or military authority have been delegated to the holder of a designated office, then, unless express provision is made to the contrary, the appointment or delegation shall be deemed to extend, and shall be deemed always to have extended, to the person for the time being performing the duties of the office designated, ir he is so qualified as aforesaid." In the Army Act the expression " competent military authority " has a different meaning. In that Act it means the Army Council (sees. 101) and certain high military authorities (see s. 87, &c.). 14 Penalty for unauthorised metals, &c. Power of Minister of Munitions to restrict use of lights so as to increase war material production. Admiralty, Army Council, and Ministry of Munitions' Con- current Powers a$ to Metals; Minister of Munitions' Powers as to Light, Heat and Power. (b) any other metal which may be specified in an order of the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions as being a metal required for the production of any war material. (a) unless in the case of a seller the metal to be sold is in the possession of the seller or is in the course of production for him, or in the case of a buyer the purchase is made for or on behalf of a consumer ; and it shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, or any person authorised by them or him for the purpose, to require any person who on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person, has sold or bought, or offered to sell or buy any such metals, to prove that the sale or purchase complies with the requirements of this regulation, and if any such person on being so required fails to produce satisfac- tory proof that it does so comply he shall be guilty of an ofience(b) against these regulations. Provided that it shall be lawful for the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions by order to exclude from the provisions of this regulation any of the metals above men- tioned, (a) and whilst any such order remains in force this regula- tion shall have effect as if such metal were not mentioned therein. 30 C . Any person brought before a court of summary jurisdic- tion charged with having in his possession or under his custody or control any tungsten or tungsten ore or products therefrom, high- speed steel or scrap therefrom, molybdenum, vanadium, cobalt, nickel, or any alloy used in the manufacture of high-speed steel, or any other metal required for the production of war material for the time being specified in an order made for the purpose by the Admiralty or Army Council or the Minister of Munitions, (c) which may be reasonably suspected of being stolen or unlawfully obtained or acquired, who does not give an account to the satis- faction of the court how he came by the same, shall be guilty of a summary offence(b) against these regulations. 3. Powers of Minister of Munitions as to Light, Heat and Power.(d) 11 A . The Minister of Munitions, with a view to maintaining or increasing the supply of light, heat or power for the purpose of the production, repair or transport of war material or any other work necessary for the successful prosecution of the war, may by order direct that lights of any specified class or description shall (a) METALS WITHIN REGULATION 30B. See Order of Dec, 21st, 1917 (p. 253), specifying tin as a metal to which Regulation 30B applies. (b) OFFENCE AND " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Intro- duction to this Manual. (c) METALS WITHIN REGULATION 30c. See Order of June 5th, 1916 (p. 198), specifying copper zinc, tin, and their alloys as metals to which Regulation 30c applies. (d) SUPPLY OF LIGHT, HEAT OR POWER The Minister has under Regu- lation SD (p. 11) powers as to requiring supply concurrent with those of the Admiralty and the Army Council. He has also under Regulation SG (p. 11) like concurrent powers as to control over the manufacture of gas. Army Council and Board of Trade's Powers as to Timber. 15 be extinguished or their use restricted to such extent, between such hours, within such area, on such premises and during such period as may be specified in the order, and if any person having control of any light, or occupying, or having control of, or managing, or being in charge of premises in on or in connection with which any light is used acts in contravention of any such order he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regula- tions^) : Provided that this regulation shall not apply to any light required to be kept lighted by a competent naval or military authority, or other officer authorised by him for the purpose, or under any order made under Regulation 11 by the Secretary of State, or the Secretary for Scotland, (b) 4. Powers of Army Council and Board of Trade as to Timber. 2C. It shall be lawful for the Army Council or the Board of Power to Trade or any person duly authorised by them possession oi (a) to enter on any land for the purpose of inspecting and J n ^ fell marking trees, whether standing or felled, and to take trees. possession of any such trees; (b) to enter upon, and take possession of land or buildings for the purpose of felling standing trees, converting trees, or storing or removing felled or converted trees, or for any purpose connected therewith, and to fell, convert, store, and remove any such trees ; (c) to enter on and take possession of any land, buildings or premises, and to take possession of any plant used, or capable of being used, for the felling, storing, or con- version of trees, and to take possession of any vehicles, locomotives, or animals required for the transport of' trees or such plant as aforesaid, or for any purposes in connection therewith ; (d) to provide housing accommodation for workmen employed for any such purposes as aforesaid by taking possession ' of any land or unoccupied premises ; (e) to utilise any water supply or motive power available for any of the purposes aforesaid. Where any trees, whether standing, felled, or converted; possession of which has been so taken, are acquired by the Army Council or the Board of Trade or any person duly authorised by them, the price to be paid in respect thereof shall, in default of agreement, be determined in the manner and in accordance with the principles prescribed by Regulation 2s. (c) (a) ORDERS UNDER REGULATION HA. The only two Orders made under this Regulation which relate to economy of shoplighting in the Derby and Liverpool areas are printed, pp 330, 331 of the Feb., 1918, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." They both expired March 31st, .1918, and are therefore not reprinted in the present Manual. (b) ORDERS UNDER REGULATION 11. These Orders which are directed not like those under Regulation HA to economy in lighting, but to the extinguish- ment of lights as a precaution against air-raids, &c., are outside the scope of this Manual. Those in lorce Feb. 28th, 1918, are printed, pp. 306-329 of the Edition of that date of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (c) REGULATION 2B. This is printed p. 3. 16 Board of Trade's General Powers. Power to regulate manufacture or dealings in trees or timber and to require particulars of timber business. Army Council Orders to have effect as Board of Trade Orders. Board of Trade Order may consti- tute contra- vention a " summary offence." Powers to regulate haulage of timber on h ighways. 2 JJ . (3) The Board of Trade, and any person authorised by them, shall, as respects trees and timber, whether standing, felled or converted, and articles manufactured therefrom, have the like powers as are given to the Army Council under Regulation E and 15c(a) and those regulations shall apply accordingly. 2 JJ . (4) Any order made by the Army Council under Regula- tions 2s, 2E or 15c before the 22nd day of August, 1917, and in force on that date affecting any such trees or timber as aforesaid or article* manufactured therefrom, (b) shall continue in force and have effect as if it had been made by the Board of Trade or a person authorised by them under this regulation, and as if the Board of Trade were substituted therein for the Army Council, without prejudice however to any action taken thereunder by the Army Council before that date. Any order made by the Board of Trade under Regulations 2E or 15c may direct that contravention or failure to comply there- with shall, instead of being an offence, be a summary offence against these regulations and these regulations shall have effect accordingly. 5C. Where with a view to prevent congestion of traffic on, or excessive damage to, public highways being caused by the haulage or transport of timber or other heavy material the Army Council consider it is expedient to do so, the Army Council may by order regulate or provide for the regulation of such haulage and trans- port on public highways outside the administrative county of London, and may by such order provide for directions being given for prescribing the routes to be followed and restricting the types of vehicles to be used, and if any person affected by the order fails to comply with the provisions thereof or with any directions given thereunder he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. 5. General and Special Powers of Board of Trade. (c.) Special Powers as to Motor Spirit, p. 25. (a.) General Power s^ p. 16. (b.) Special Powers as to Horses and Vehicles , p. 22. (a.) General Powers. [NOTE. Regulations 2r to 2j are here printed in the form which they appear to assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2jJ (1), the portions of those Regulations which as thus printed vary from the said Regulations as appearing in the General Code being denoted by thick black lines. (a) REG i LATIONS 2E AND 15c. Of these, Regulation 2E is printed p. 7, and Regulation 15c p. 12. (b) ARMY COUNCIL ORDERS AS TO TREES OR TIMBER. Of the 7 Orders of this class made by the Army Council before August 22, 1917, and which were in force on May 31, 191*. all except the Timber (Returns) Order, 1917 (n. 407), and the Packing Cases Order. 1917 (p. 408) were revoked by Art. 19 of the Timber Control Order, 1918, printed p. 419. In view of the issue of the last named Order on July 16, the Timber Sup 1 'lies section of Part II of this Manual has as explained in the Note at the head thereof (p. 407) been revised to that date. Board of Trade's General Powers. 17 Besides their general powers under Regulations 2r to 2j as here printed the Board of Trade have powers concurrent as regards certain articles with those of the Admiralty, Army Council and Minister of Munitions under Regulations 2s and 7 : see the concluding paragraphs of those two Regulations as printed pp. 5 and 7 respectively. Regulations 2c (p. 15), 2jj (3) and (4) (p. 16), (5) (p. 22), 2jjj (pp. 22 to 24), SF and 15A (p. 25), confer on the Board of Trade special powers as to trees and timber, as to horses and horse- drawn vehicles and as to motor spirit. As respects road material the Army Council are empowered by Regulation 9&G (5) to exercise the like powers as are exerciseable by the Board of Trade as respects articles of commerce both under Regulations 2F to 2j as printed hereunder and under Regula- tions 2s and 7 as printed as above mentioned. The Road Stone Transport Order, 1917 (the only Order made by the Army Council under this power) is printed p. 305.] 2 F . (1) The Board of Trade(a) may make orders regulating, or Powers as to giving directions with respect to the production, manufacture, maintenance treatment, use, consumption, transport, storage, distribution, ^rtic^es^of supply, sale or purchase of, or other dealing in, or measures to be commerce, taken in relation to any article of commerce not being an article of food (including orders providing for the fixing of maximum and minimum prices), where it appears to the Board necessary or expedient to make any such order for the purpose of encouraging, maintaining or regulating the supply of any such article which is required by the public or by any section of the public or which is otherwise required for the public safety or defence of the Realm, and making such provisions as to entry, inspection, or other- wise as appear to the Board necessary or expedient for the purpose of their duties. (2) The Board of Trade may by order require all or any persons owning or having power to sell or dispose of any article of commerce not being an article of food, or any stocks thereof, to place at the disposal of the Board the article, or the whole or any part of the stocks thereof, as may be directed by the Board^ on such terms as they may direct, and to deliver to the Board or to any person or persons named by them the article or stocks in such quantities and at such times as the Board may require, where it appears to the Board necessary or expedient to make any such order for the purpose of encouraging, maintaining or regulating the supply of any such article which is required by the public or by any section of the public or which is otherwise required for the public safety or defence of the Realm. (a) ARMY COUNCIL POWERS AS TO ROAD MATERIAL. So far as respects road material the Army Council have under Regulation 9&G (5) the like powers which the Board of Trade have as respects articles of commerce under Regula- tions 2F and 2o. 18 Board of Trade', 1 * General lowers. Such compensation shall be paid for any article or stock so requisitioned as shall, in default of agreement, be determined by the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed in manner pro- vided by the order; but in determining the amount of the com- pensation the arbitrator shall have regard to the cost of production of the article and to the allowance of a reasonable profit, without necessarily taking into consideration the market price of the article at the time. [Subsection (3) of tJiis Regulation ivhich provided that Orders thereunder might be general or special was revoked by an amending Order in Council and its place is now taken by Regulation 2s (3), p. 21, which is to the like purpose but of extended scope. Subsection (4) has no application except to the Food Controller, whose powers are outside the scope of this Manual, from which therefore both subsections (3) and (4) are omitted.] (5) If any person acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any provision of any order made under this regulation, or aids or abets any other person, whether or not such other person is in the United Kingdom, in doing anything which, if done in the United Kingdom, would be a contravention of any such provision, such person shall be guilty of a summary ofrence(a) against these regulations. Power to 2 G . (1) The Board of Trade(b) may by order require persons engaged in the production, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribu- tion, transport, storage, or shipment, of any article to which the powers of the Board extend, to make returns giving such particulars as to their businesses as may be specified by or on behalf of the Board and may require the returns to be verified as the Board may direct. (2) For the purpose of testing the accuracy of any return made to the Board under this regulation, or of obtaining information in case of a failure to make a return, any officer of the Board authorised in that behalf by the Board may enter any premises belonging to or in the occupation of the person making or who has failed to make the return, or on which he has reason to believe that any articles with respect to which an order under this regula- tion has been made are kept, stored, manufactured, or produced, and may carry out such inspections and examinations (including the inspection and examination of books) as the officer may con- sider necessary for testing the accuracy of the return or for obtain- ing any such information. (3) If any person (a) refuses or without lawful excuse neglects to make a return as required by this regulation to the best of his know- ledge and belief, or makes or causes to be made a false return; or (a) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this. Manual. (b) ARMY COUNCIL POWERS AS TO ROAD MATERIAL. See footnote (a) to p. 17. Board of Trade's General Powers. 19 (b) obstructs or impedes an officer of the Board in the exercise of any of his powers under this regulation ; or . (c) refuses to answer or gives a false answer to any question, or refuses to produce any books or documents, required for obtaining the information to be furnished in pursuance of this regulation ; that person shall be guilty of a summary oifence(a) against these regulations!. (4) No individual return or part of a return made under this regulation, and no information as to any person or his business obtained under this regulation, shall without lawful authority be published or disclosed except for the purposes of a prosecution under such of these regulations as relate to the powers and duties of the Board of Trade ; and if any person acts in contravention of this provision he shall be guilty of a summary offence(ai) against these regulations. (5) If in any case the Board of Trade are of opinion that it is necessary or expedient to obtain information from any person in connection with any article as to all or any of the matters with respect to which returns may be required under sub-section (1) of this regulation, the Board shall have power, without making an order for the purpose, to require that person to furnish them with that information ; and any person who is so required to furnish information shall furnish it accordingly. In such a case, all the foregoing provisions of this regulation shall apply to information so given ancl the giving of such information as they apply to returns made and the making of returns. r. (1) Where the Board of Trade(b) are of opinion that it Power to is necessary or expedient to do so for the purpose of their powers t ? ke Ppsses- j j . ji i T i ,1 - \ ,1 sion of and duties, they may by order apply the provisions of this factory or regulation to factories and workshops and other premises in premises in which any article of commerce not being an article of food wnicl1 article .c j TT - j - ' - 3 I - j - 1 2 j - T - j - ot commerce specified in the order is manufactured, stored, or produced or j s manufac- adapted for sale, or which are used for the puipose of the dis- tured or tribution of any such article, or to any plant used in connection adapted for therewith llse - (2) Any factory, workshop or premises or plant to which this regulation is so applied , shall by virtue of the order pass into the possession of the Board of Trade or of such person or body of persons as they may from time to time nominate for the purpose as from the date of the order or from any later date mentioned in the order, and the occupier of every such factory, workshop or premises or plant, and every officer of such occupier, and (a) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual (b) ARMY COUNCIL POWERS AS TO ROAD MATERIAL. So far as respects road material the Army Council have under Regulation 9GG (5) the like powers which the Board of Trade have as respects articles of commerce under Regula- tion 2GG. 20 Board of Trade's General Powers. where the occupier is a company, every director of the com- pany ,( a ) shall comply with the directions of the Board or of such pei son or body of persons as aforesaid as to the management and user of the factory, workshop or premises or plant, and if he fails to do so, he shall be guilty of a summary offence(b) against these regulations (3) It is hereby declared that the possession under this regula- tion by the Board of Trade or by a person or body of persons nominated by them of any factory, workshop or premises or plant, shall not affect any liability of the actual occupier thereof under the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, or any Act amending the same.(c) (4) It shall be lawful for the Board of Tiade (a) To require any work in any factory, workshop or other premises in which any article to which the powers of the Board under Regulations 2r to 2j extend is manu- factured, stored, or produced or adapted for sale or which are used for the purpose of the distribution of any such article, to be done in accordance with their directions given with the object of making the factory or workshop or other premises or the plant or labour therein as useful as possible for the manufacture, storage, production or distribution of any article of commerce not being an article of food. (b) To regulate or restrict the carrying on of any work in any such factory, workshop or other premises as afore- said, or the engagement or employment of any work- men, therein, or to remove the plant therefrom, with a view to maintaining or increasing the production of any article of commerce not being an article of food. (5) The occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of any factory, workshop or other premises, or any other person affected by any such directions, regulations, or restrictions, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the com- pany, (a) shall obey the directions, regulations or restrictions of the Board of Trade, and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of a summary offence^) against these regulations. (6) Where under this regulation any directions regulating the priority (d) to be given to work at any factory, workshop, or other premises, have been given and any person in any certificate (a) OFFENCES BY COMPANY DIRECTORS, &c. Regulation 48A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations provides that every director and officer of a corporation or company shall be guilty of an offence against the Regulations committed by his corporation or company unless he proves that the act constituting the offence took place without his knowledge or consent. (b) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to thi& Manual. (c). FACTORY AND WORKSHOP ACTS. The Act of 1901 (1 Edw. 7. c. 22) has been amended by s. 5 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1907 (7 Edw. 7. c. 39), as to certain charitable institutions. The 1901 Act has also been other- wise amended, but such amendments do not relate to the subject of Regula- tion 2GG (3). (d) PRIORITY OF WORK ORDERS. The general Priority of Work Order is. printed in Part III of this Manual. Board of Trade's General Powers. 21 or document given or issued for the purpose of securing priority for any work in pursuance of such directions, makes any false statement or false representation, he shall b$ guilty of a summary offence(a) against these regulations. 2 H . (1) If the Board of Trade(b) in any special case are of Powers as opinion that, before exercising any of their powers under these to inquiries, regulations in relation to any article, it is expedient to hold an inquiry with xespect to that article in any locality, the Board may appoint such persons as they think fit to hold an inquiry as respect that article and report to the Board on such points as the Board may direct. (2) Any persons so appointed shall have power to take evidence on oath and to administer an oath for the purpose. 2 J . (1) The Board of Trade(b) may make arrangements with Supple- any other Government Department for the exercise by that ^,o^i OM as Department on behalf of the said Board of the powers of the to powers of said Board under the Regulations numbered 2s, 2F, 2a, 2n Board of and 7,( c ) with respect to any particular article, and in such case the Department and the officers thereof shall, as respects that article, have and exercise the same powers as are by those regula- tions conferred on the said Board and the officers of the said Board and the Local Government Board (or as respects Scotland the Secretary for Scotland, and as respects Ireland the Local Govern- ment Board for Ireland) may, by arrangement with the Board of Trade, confer and impose on any local authorities and their officers any powers and duties in connection with the enforcement of the said Regulations and any powers and duties necessary to provide for the due discharge of any functions assigned to local authorities by any order made by the Board of Trade under the said Regulations, and the Board of Trade may by order provide for the exercise and performance by any persons or bodies of persons approved by them for the purpose or by local or other bodies constituted by or under any order of the said Board of such powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed on them by the said Board. (2) Nothing in the Regulations numbered 2o and 2n shall prevent the exercise by the Board of Trade of any of their powers in relation to any article under these regulations or otherwise, without having obtained or endeavoured to obtain returns under Regulation 2a or having held an inquiry under Regulation 2n. (3) Any order of the Board of Trade under these regulations may be revoked or varied as occasion requires, and any such order may be made either so as to apply generally, or so as to apply (a) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manuak (b) ARMY COUNCIL POWERS AS TO ROAD MATERIAL. So far as respects road material the Army Council have under Regulation 9GG (5) the like powers which the Board of Trade have as respects articles of commerce under Regula- tions 2n and 2j. (c) REGULATIONS 2s, 2r, 2o, 2n, and 7. Of these, Regulation 2s is printed p. 3, Regulations 2r, 2G and 2n, pp. 17, 18, and 21, and Regulation 7, pp. 7 and 8. 22 Board of Trade's Powers as to Horses and Vehicles. Powers as to horses and horse-drawn vehicles. Powers as to horses and vehicles for road trans- pore. to any special locality, or so as to apply to any special supplies of any article or to any special producer, manufacturer, dealer or person, or to any class or description of factories, workshops, premises or plant, or to any special factory workshop, premises or plant ; and any such order may direct that all contracts or any class of contracts, or any special contract, affected by the order shall be abrogated, or shall remain in force notwithstanding any- thing in the order but subject to any exceptions or modifications for which provision may be made by the order [Sub-sections (4) and (5) of this Regulation appear to apply only to the Food Controller and are therefore omitted from this Manual .] (b) Special Powers as to Horses and Vehicles. 2 JJ . (5) Without prejudice to the powers of the Army Council the Board of Trade may exercise as respects horses (including mules) and horse-drawn vehicles all the powers that they may exercise under Regulations 2s, 2r to 2j inclusive and 7, (a) and orders under this sub-section may provide for tn"e giving of instructions in relation to horses and horse-drawn vehicles in such manner and by such persons as the Board of Trade may direct, and f or enabling the Board to take possession of any horse or horse-drawn vehicle either absolutely or by way of hire. Such compensation shall be paid for any horse or horse-drawn vehicle so taken possession of as shall in default of agreement be determined by the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed in manner provided by an order of the Board of Trade, but in deter- mining the amount of the compensation the arbitrator shall have regard to the age and condition of the horse or vehicle, to the allowance of a reasonable profit on the price, if any, paid by the person from whom the same is taken, and to any other circumstance without necessarily taking into consideration the market price at the time. Nothing in this sub-section shall apply to horses or hoise-drawn vehicles used wholly or mainly in agriculture or to vehicles licensed to ply for hire. 2JJJ. (1) Where the Board of Trade (hereinafter referred to as " the Board ") are of opinion that, with a view to providing and maintaining an efficient system for the transport of good>s by road (hereinafter referred to as " road transport ") and using in the manner best suited to the needs of the country any horses or vehicles in use or capable of being used for the purpose of road transport and thereby furthering the successful prosecution of the war or otherwise securing the defence of the realm, it is expedient that they should exercise the powers given to them under this regulation, the Board may by order(b) do all or any of the following things, that is to say : (a) regulate, restrict, or give directions with respect to, the use for the purposes of road transport or the sale or purchase of any such horses or vehicles as aforesaid ; (a) REGULATIONS 2e, 2r TO 2j AND 7. Of these, Regulation 2u is printed p. 3, Regulations 2r to 2.T inclusive, pp. 17 TO 21, and Regulation 7, pp. 7 and 8. 'V> ORDER UNDER REGULATION 2.ijj.Ree the Road Transport Order, 19 IS. Board of Trade's Powers as to Horses and Vehicles. (b) take possession of any such, horses or vehicles as aforesaid or require them to be placed at the disposal of the Board or of any person specified by the Board in that behalf either absolutely or by way of hire and either for immediate or future use; (c) require persons owning or having in their possession or under their control any such horses or vehicles as aforesaid to make to the Board, or to any person specified by the Board in that behalf, returns giving the prescribed particulars with respect to those horses and vehicles, and require any such returns to be verified in the prescribed manner ; (d) require persons owning or having in their possession or under their control any such horse or vehicle as afore- said to give notice in the prescribed manner before disposing thereof or allowing it to pass out of their possession or control; (e) prohibit the carriage of goods of any class by road, and prescribe the radius or distance within which goods or goods of any class may be carried by road ; (/) provide for the giving of directions with respect to the carriage of goods on any particular vehicles, or by any particular route, or to any particular clearing house or depot; (g) regulate the priority in which goods are to be carried by road and vehicles used for the purposes of road trans- port ; (h) prescribe the conditions on which, and the rates at which, horses or vehicles may be hired for the purposes of road transport and goods carried by road, and the conditions on which goods so carried or to be carried are to be loaded or discharged ; (i) make such other provision in relation to road transport as appears to the Board necessary or expedient. (2) Any order under this regulation may be made so as to apply either generally to all horses and vehicles or to horses or vehicles of any class or to horses or vehicles belonging to any particular owner. (3) Such compensation shall be paid for any horse or vehicle of which possession is taken or which is placed at the disposal of the Board or of any person specified by the Board, in pursu- ance of this regulation, as shall in default of agreement be determined by a single arbitrator appointed in the prescribed manner, and in determining the amount of the compensation the arbitrator shall have regard to the age and condition of the horse or vehicle, but shall not be bound to have regard to the market price of the horse or vehicle, or to the rate of hire prevailing in the district. Nothing in this provision shall require the payment of com- pensation in respect of horses or vehicles taken or placed at the disposal of the Board or of any person in connection with a pre- concerted scheme to be put in operation in case of invasion or special military emergency. (4) For the purpose of testing the accuracy of any return made to the Board under this regulation, or of obtaining information Board of Trade's Powers as to Horses and Vehicles. in the case of failure to make a return or to give any prescribed notice, any person authorised in that behalf by the Board may enter any premises belonging to or in the occupation of the person who has made or has failed to make the return, or on which the person so authorised has reason to believe that any horses or vehicles with respect to which a return has been required under this regulation are kept, and may carry out such inspection and examination (including the inspection and examination of books) as he may consider necessary for testing the accuracy of the returns or for obtaining such information. (5) No individual return or part of a return made, and no information obtained, under this regulation, shall without lawful authority be published or disclosed by any person except foi the purpose of a prosecution under this regulation. (6) If in any case the Board are of opinion that it is expedient to obtain information from any person in connection with any horses or vehicles, the Board may, without making an order for the purpose, require that person to furnish them with that in- formation, and where the Board so require any information to be furnished the provisions of this regulation shall apply to informa- tion furnished and the furnishing of the information as they apply to returns made and the making of returns. (7) The powers conferred by this regulation shall not be exer- cised as respects horses and vehicles used wholly or mainly in agriculture except in connection with a preconcerted scheme to be put in operation in case of invasion or special military emergency, and nothing in this regulation shall authorise any person to sell or part with the possession of, or buy, any horse in contravention of Regulation 2x or of the conditions of any licence granted thereunder, (a) (8) In this regulation the expression " prescribed " means pre- scribed by an order made under this regulation, and the expres- sion " horse " includes mule. (9) If any person (a) acts in contravention of or fails to comply with the provisions of this regulation or of any order or require- ment made thereunder; or (6) sells, removes or secretes any horse or vehicle so as to, or with intent to, defeat obstruct or delay the operation of any order made under this regulation or any direc- tions duly given in pursuance of any such order ; or (c) obstructs or impedes any person authorised by the Board in the exercise of any of his powers under this regulation ; he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (a) REGULATION 2T. That Regulation prohibits the occupier of an agricul- tural holding in Crreat Britain from selling or parting with the possession of a horse used or capable of being used in agriculture without a licence from the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries or the Board of Agriculture for Scotland. In the form in which it applies in England and Wales it is printed together with the Sale of Horses Order, 1917, which delegates to agricultural executive com- mittees the power of granting licences thereunder and a Summary of the Memoranda of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries on the subject at pp. 335-339 of the u Food (Supply and Production) Manual." Board of Trade's Powers as to Motor Spirit. 7 B . (1) The Board of Trade may, for the purpose of making the most efficient use of railway plant or labour, with a view to the successful prosecution of the war, make orders for all or any of the following purposes, namely: (a) for enabling the Board of Trade to take possession of any private owner's wagons and to use those wagons in such manner as they think best in the interests of the country as a whole, on such conditions as to payment, use and otherwise as may be provided by the orderj (a) (2) If any person acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any of the provisions of an order so made, he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. (3) Any order may be made so as to apply generally to all railways or to any class of railways or to any special railway, or part o'f a railway or to any particular locality. , (4) Any order of the Board of Trade under this regulation may be revoked, extended, or varied, as occasion requires. ( (c) Special Powers as to Motor Spirit. 8 F . If any person, who is under a contract to supply motor spirit, refrains, on the request of the Board of Trade, or any person authorised for that purpose by the Board of Trade, from delivering motor spirit in accordance with his contract, that person shall not be liable to any action or proceedings taken against him in respect of the non-fulfilment of his contract so far as it is due to compliance with that request. In this regulation, the expression " motor spirit " has the same meaning as in Part VI. of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. (b) 15 A . Every person who uses or keeps motor spirit, whether for the purpose of supplying motive power to motor-cars or for any other purpose, shall supply such information in relation to the motor spirit used or kept by him, and the purposes for which and the manner in which it is used or kept by him, as the Board of Tiade may by any general or special order require, giving such particulars in such form and at such times as the Board of Trade may by order diiect ; and if any person fails to comply with this regulation, or with any order made by the Board of Trade there- under, or knowingly gives any false information, he shall be guilty of a summary oflence(c) against these regulations. For the purposes of this regulation " motor spirit " has the same meaning as in section eighty-four of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 191Q.(b) (a) OMITTED PORTIONS OF REGULATION TB. Paragraphs (6) to () of Regulation ?B (1) relate to traffic and other matters outside the scope of this Manual and are therefore omitted herefrom. (b) " MOTOR SPIRIT." S. 84 (7) of that Act, 10 Edwd. 7. c. 8, is as follows : " (7) In this Part of this Act, the expression " motor spirit " means any inflammable hydrocarbon (including any mixture of hydrocarbons and any liquid containing hydrocarbon) which is capable of being used for providing reasonably efficient motive power for a motor car . . . (c) "SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. Non-liability foi non- fulfilment of contract for supply of motor-spirit. Power to require information as to motor- spirit used or kept. 26 Stationery Office Controller* 's Powers. Power to take posses- sion of articles required for Government service 6. Powers of Controller of the Stationery Office. [NOTE. For the purpose of enabling His Majesty's Stationery Office to obtain stores and other articles, and the execution of printing and other work, required for the service of His Majesty and the various Government Departments, Regulation SEE of the Defence of the Realm Regulations empowered the Treasury to by order apply, with the necesary adaptations, to the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office the provisions of certain specified Regulations of the Defence of the Realm Code and provided that those Regulations as so applied and adapted should have effect as if they formed part of that Code. Regulations 2s, 2BB, 7, 8, SA and 15c are hereundei printed in the adapted form in which they have been so applied to the Controller of the Stationery Office by Treasury Order (St. R & 0., 1918, No. 242) which has effect as from March 1st, 1918. The Treasury Order also applied to the said Controller Regulations 29A and 34A of the said Code, but those Regulations being outside the main scope of this Manual are not here reproduced.] 2 B . It shall be lawful for the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office to take possession of any stores or other articles required for the service of His Majesty or any Government Department. Where any goods, possession of which has been so taken, are acquired by the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office, the price to be paid in respect thereof shall in default of agreement be determined by the tribunal by which claims for compensation under these regulations are, in the absence of any express pro- vision to the contrary determined. (a) In determining such price(b) regard need not be had to the market price but shall be had (a) if the goods are acquired from the producer thereof, to the cost of production and to the rate of profit usually earned by him in respect of similar goods before the war and to whether such rate of profit was unreason- able or excessive, and to any other circumstances of the case; (6) if the goods are acquired from any person other than the producer thereof, to the price paid by such person for the goods and to whether such price was unreasonable or excessive, and to the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the sale of similar goods before the war, and (a) TRIBUNAL FOR COMPENSATION CLAIMS. See footnote (a) to Regula- tion B as printed, p. 4, in the form in which it applies to the Admiralty, &c. (b) DETERMINATION OF PRICE. The terms on which a sub-contract may be varied under Regulation 2BB (p. 5) are if a sub-contractor so requires determinable in the manner and in accordance with the principles prescribed by this llegnlation 2B. Regulation 7 (p. 7) provides for the determination of the price of factory-output requisitioned thereunder. Stationery Office Controller's Powers. 2' to whether such rate of profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other circumstances of the case ; so, however, that if the person from whom the goods are acquired himself acquired the goods otherwise than in the usual course of his business, no allowance, or an allowance at a reduced rate, on account ,of profit shall be made: Provided that where by virtue of these regulations or any order made thereunder the sale of the goods at a price above any price fixed thereunder is prohibited the price assessed under this regulation shall not exceed the price so fixed. If, .after the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office has issued a notice that he has taken or intends to take possession of any stores, or article in pursuance of this regulation, any person having control of any such stores or article (without the consent of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office) sells, removes, or secretes it, or deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licence, permit, or order that may have been granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of a summary offence(a) against these regulations. 2 BB . Where the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office Variance of has entered into a contract with any person (hereinafter referred terms of to as " the principal contractor") for the supply to him of any to^oodaor goods or services, and for the purposes of such contract a sub- services. contract has after the 1st day of April nineteen hundred and eighteen been made with any other person (whether such sub- contract is made with the principal contractor or any sub-con- tractor), and it appears to the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office that the rate of profit earned or to be earned by the sub-contractor in respect of the sub-contract is unreason- able or excessive, the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office may (whether or not the sub-contract has been completed) issue a certificate to that effect and may by order vary the terms of the sub-contract by the substitution therefor of such terms as he may think fair and reasonable, and require the sub-con- tractor (a) to carry out the sub-contract in whole or in part in accordance with the terms as so varied; and (b) either in addition thereto or as an alternative therefor to adjust the price of any goods already supplied or any services already rendered in accordance with the terms so varied, and to account to the other party to the sub-contract for any consequential reduction in price : Provided that no order made under this regulation shall affect the price of any goods supplied or services rendered under any (a) "SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. 28 Stationery Office Controller' s Powers. Power to requisition output of factories manufac- turing articles required for Government Service. sub-contract where the sub-contract has been completed and the payment has been made more than one year before the date of the order. If any sub-contractor in respect of whom such an order is made fails to comply with any of the requirements contained in the order, he shall be guilty of a summary offence(a) against these regulations : Provided that if the sub-contractor does not agree to the terms fixed by the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office he may require the terms to be determined in the manner and in accordance with the principles prescribed by Regulation 2B,(&) without prejudice however to his obligation in the meantime to comply with the terms of the order. In the event of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office exercising the powers conferred upon him by this regula- tion, the price payable by him to the principal contractor under the principal contract shall be reduced by such an amount, not exceeding the amount of the saving to the principal contractor due to the exercise of such powers, as may be determined by the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office. This regulation shall apply where the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office has required the occupier of any factory or workshop to place at his disposal the whole or any part of the output of the factory or workshop as if the occupier had contracted with the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office to supply such output or part thereof at the price payable there- for as ascertained in accordance with Regulation 7. 7. The Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office may by order require the occupier of any factory or workshop in which stores or any article required for the service of His Majesty or any Government Department are or may be manufactured, or in which any operation or process required in the production, alteration, renovation or repair thereof is or may be carried on or in which printing or other work required for such service as aforesaid js or may bo carried on to pJace at bis disposal the whole or any part of the output of the factory or workshop as may be specified in the order, and to deliver to him or to any person or persons named by him the output or such part thereof as afore- said in such quantities and at such times as may be specified in the order : and the price to be paid for the output so requisitioned shall, in default of agreement, be determined by the arbitration of a judge of the High Court selected by the Lord Chief Justice of England in England, of a judge of the Court of Session (a) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) DETERMINATION OF TERMS OF VARIANCE OF SUB-CONTRACT. Regula- tion 2B (p. 3) provides that the Defence of the Realm Losses Commission (as to which see footnote (a) to Regulation 2B as printed at p. 4) shall be the determining tribunal and prescribes the principles on which the termi are to be determined. Stationery Office Controller's Powers. 29 selected by the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, or of a judge of the High Court of Ireland selected by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. In determining such price regard need not be had to the market price, but shall be had to the cost of production of the output so requisitioned and to the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the output of such factory or workshop before the war, and to whether such rate of profit was unreasonable or excessive, and to any other circumstances of the case. If the occupier of the factory or workshop fails to comply with the order, or without the leave of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Ofiice delivers to any other .person any part of the output of the factory or workshop to which the order relates, he shall be guilty of a summary offence against these regulations. For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the output of any factory or workshop or any plant therein and the cost of production of such output, and the rate of profit usually earned in respect of the output of such factory or workshop before the war, the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office may require the occupier of any such factory or workshop, or any officer or servant of the occupier, or where the occupier is a company any director of the company, to furnish to the Con- troller of His Majesty's Stationery Office such particulars as to such output, cost, and rate of profit as he may direct, and may require any such particulars to be verified in such manner as he may direct, and if any such persons fails to comply with any such requirement he shall be guilty of a summary offence. (*) against these regulations. 8. The Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Ofiice may take Power to possession of any factory or workshop or of any plant belonging take possee- thereto without taking possession of the factory or workshop itself, * ion of an y and may use the same for the service of His Majesty or of any C Government Department at such times and in such manner asi the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office may consider necessary or expedient, and the occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of the factory or workshop, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the company, (b) shall obey the directions of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office as to the user of the factory or workshop or plant, and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of a summary offence (a) against these regulations. (a) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. (b) OFFENCES BY COMPANY DIRECTORS, &c. Regulations 48A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations provides that every director and officer of a corporation or company shall be guilty of an offence against the Regulations committed by his corporation or company unless he proves that the act constituting the offence took place without his knowledge or consent. 30 Stationery Office Controller's Powers. Power to direct or restrict work in any factory and to remove plant. Power to require par- ticulars as to certain businesses. 8 A . It shall be lawful for the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office : (a) to require any work in any factory or workshop to be done in accordance with the directions of the Con- troller of His Majesty's Stationery Office, given with the object of making the factory or workshop or the plant or labour therein as useful as possible for the production of scores and other articles, or the execution of printing or other work, required for the service of His Majesty or any Government Department and to require returns as to the nature and amount of work done in any factory or workshop ; (b) to regulate or restrict the carrying on of any work in any factory, workshop or other premises, or the engage- ment or employment of any workman, or all or any classes of workmen, therein, or to icmove the plant therefrom, with a view to maintaining or increasing the production of such articles or the execution of such work in other factories, workshops or promises; and the occupier and every officer and servant of the occupier of the factory, workshop, or premises, and any other person affected by any such directions, regulations, or restrictions, and where the occupier is a company, every director of the company, shall obey the directions, regulations, or restrictions of the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office so given, and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty of a summary offence(a) against these regula- tions. Where under this Regulation any return has been required or any directions regulating the priority to be given to work at any factory, workshop, or other premises, have been given, and any person in any such return, or in any certificate or document given or issued for the purpose of securing priority for any work in pursuance of such directions, makes any false statement or false representation, he shall be guilty of a summary ofTence(a) against these regulations. 15 C . The Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office may by order require any person engaged in the production, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribution, transport, storage, or shipment of any stores and other articles, or the execution of printing or other work, required for the service of His Majesty or any Government Department to give such particulars as to his business as may be specified in the order, and may require any such particulars to be verified as he may direct, and if any person fails to comply with the order or with any requirement made thereunder, he shall be guilty of a summary offence(a) against these regulations. If any person, except as authorised by the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office, discloses or makes use of any informa- tion given to him under this regulation he shall be guilty of a summary offence(a) against these regulations (a) " SUMMARY OFFENCE." See Section IV. 6 of the Introduction to this Manual. 31 PART II. WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS. CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE "WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS " MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY, THE ARMY COUNCIL, THE MINISTER OF MUNI- TIONS OR THE BOARD OF TRADE UNDER THE DEFENCE OF THE REALM REGULATIONS IN FORCE OR COMING INTO FORCE, MAY 31st, 1918. ORDERS INCLUDED ; CLASSIFICATION AND ARRANGEMENT. For the purposes of this Manual the following classes of orders have not been treated as " War Material Supplies " Orders and are therefore not included herein : (1) Orders of the Food Controller ; all such Orders in force on April 30th, 1918, are printed in the edition of that date of the " Food Control Manual." New Editions of that Manual will be issued every three months, and the next edition will therefore include all Orders in force on July 31st, 1918. (2) The Orders and Notices of last May and June of the Minister of Munitions as to Oils, Fats, and Oleaginous Seeds, Nuts and Kernels. These Orders are adminis- tered by the Food Controller and an epitome of them is given at p. 501 of the " Food (Supply and Produc- tion) Manual " ; (3) Orders of the Board of Trade as to Tobacco and Matches ; all such Orders in force on February 28th, 1918, will be found at pp. 254-263 of the edition of that date of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (4) Orders of the Board of Trade as to the retail sale and distribution of Household Coal which will also be found in the last mentioned Manual ; other Orders as to Coal are included in this " War Material Supplies Manual." The " War Material Supplies " Orders as printed in this Part II of the Manual have been divided into 13 groups, and certain of these into sub-groups, according to the class of article which is the subject of control. Where an Order falls under more than one group or sub-group its text is printed in that group to which it seems principally to belong, the heading being repeated by way of cross-reference under each other group or sub-group, to which it in part belongs. 32 Classified List of War Material Supplies Orders. Thus, " The War Material (Insurance) Permit, 1916," which relates to the insurance of Optical Munitions is printed under group 9, but as it also relates to the insurance of Whale Oil and of Aluminium and Platinum it is cross-referred to under group 2 (11) "Whale Oil," and also under group 7 (1) "Aluminium" and (16) " Platinum." In the Lists prefixed to each group or sub-group the Orders falling within the same are enumerated in the alphabetical sequence of their short titles, but in the text the sequence of the Orders of each group or sub-group is that of their date of issue. The Alphabetical Table immediately preceding Part I, affords a rapid means of ascertaining whether any particular article is or is not controlled, and if controlled, how. ALEXANDER PULLING. 1. Aeronautical Supplies, p. 34. 2. Arms, Ammunition and Explosives, p. 36. (1) Arms, Ammunition and Explosives Generally, p. 36. (2) Acetic Acid, p. 40. (3) Acid Supplies, p. 42. (4) Calcium Carbide, p. 68. (5) Coal Tar, &c., p. 70. (6) Gas Works Retort Carbon, p. 80. (7) Nitrate of Soda, p. 80. (8) Oxygen, p. 81. (9) Potash Production, p. 82. (10) Rosin, Shellac, Turpentine and Turpentine Substitute, p. 86. (11) Whale Oil,/). 88. 3. Forage, p. 91. 4. Hides, Leather and Tanning Materials, p. 100 : (1) Hides, p. 101. (2) Leather,/?. 125. (3) Tanning Materials, p. 150. 5. Machinery, Tools, Apparatus and Vehicles, p. 151 : (1) Agricultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles, p. 151. (2) Anchors and Chain Cables, p. 152. (3) Ball Bearings, p. 153. (4) Boot and Saddlery Machinery and Implements, p. 154. (5) Building Bricks, p. 155. (6) Chronometers, p. 156. (7) Cranes, p. 157. (8) Hosiery Needles, p. 158. (9) Machine and Small Tools and Power and other Machinery for Working Metal, p. 159. (10) Motor Engines, Boilers, Lorries, Trailers and Vehicles, p. 166. (11) Railway Material,/?. 169. (12) Wire Nails, p. 172. (13) Woodworking Machinery, p. 173. Classified List of War Material Supplies Orders. 6. Medical Stores and Drugs, p. 174. 7. Metals, Coal, Coke and Refractories and Non-Ferrous Materials, p. 17(i. (1) Aluminium,/?. 176. (2) Asbestos,/?. 183. (3) Bismuth,/?. 184. (4) Brass, p. 186. (5) Chrome Ore,/?. 188. (6) Coal,/?. 188. (7) Copper,/?. 198. (8) Cupro-Nickel, /?. 202. (9) Iron. See " Steel Supplies," p. 203. (10) Lead, p. 203. (11) Magnesite, p. 209. (12) Metallurgical Coke. See " Steel Supplies," p. 210, (13) Mica, p. 210. (14) Molybdenite,/?. 211. (15) Nickel,/?. 213. (16) Platinum, p. 213. (17) Steel Supplies, /?. 215. (18) Tap cinder, &c. /?. 252. (19) Tin,/?. 253. (20) Tungsten, /?. 255. (21) Zinc, including Spelter, /?. 255. 8. Oils, Mineral and Fuel, Gas and Electricity, p. -258. 9. Optical and Glassware Munitions, p. 277. 10. Paper, p. 285. (1) Controller of Paper, Priority Certificates, and Supply generally, /?. 285. (2) Newspapers and Magazines, /?. 294. (3) Posters and Circulars, p. 298. (4) Strawboard Prices, p. 302. (5) Vegetable Parchment Paper, /?. 303. (6) Waste Paper, p. 303. 11. jRoad Material, p. 305. 12. textiles, p. 307. (1) Cotton, p. 307. (2) Flax,/?. 318. (3) Hemp, /?. 334. (4) Jute, p. 338 . (5) Linen Yarns, p. 344. (6) Military and Oil-dressed Clothing and Accessories,/?. 347, (7) Kaffia, p. 350. (8) Silk, p. 352. (9) Wool and Hair and Woollen and Worsted Materials, /?. 355. 13. Timber Supplies, p. 407. 5246 34 1. Aero- nautical Supplies. Bung Gut and Goldbeater Skins Order, 1917; Aeroplanes (Experimental Manufacture) Order, 1917. 1. Aeronautical Supplies. Aero-Engine (Experimental Construction) Order, 1918, p. 35. Aeroplanes (Experimental Manufacture) Order, 1917, p. 34. Bung Gut or Goldbeaters Skins Order, 1917, p. 34. [NOTE. The Orders relating to Flax are printed in sub-group (2) " Flax " of Group 12, " Textiles," below.] THE BUNG GUT AND GOLDBEATER SKINS ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 19, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY. In pursuance of the powers conferred on us by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations ,(b) we hereby order that the war material, to which the Regulation applies, shall include Bung Gut Skins or Goldbeater Skins in the unmanufactured state. Godfrey Raine. Admiralty, E. G. Pretyman. 19 March, 1917. NOTICE. An Order has been made by the Admiralty under Regula- tion 30A(b) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, prohibiting all dealings in Bung Gut Skins or Goldbeater Skins in the un- manufactured state except with an Admiralty permit. All applications for permits to deal in these Skins, and any correspondence on the subject of the Order, should be addressed to The Director of Navy Contracts, Admiralty, London, S.W. 1. [The above Order and Notice were published in the London Gazette, March 20th, 1917.] THE AEROPLANES (EXPERIMENTAL MANUFACTURE) ORDER, 1917,( c ) DATED MARCH 30, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him, hereby orders as follows : (1) On and after the 1st day of April, 1917, no person shall without a licence from the Minister of Munitions commence or proceed with the experimental manufacture of any aeroplane or seaplane or any part thereof other than any kind of aero- engine, (d). Provided that where a first application for a licence under this Order shall have been made and is pending for the carrying on of any experimental manufacture which shall have (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order. 1913," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30 A. This is printed p. 12. (c) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (d) AERO-ENGINE. The experimental construction of aero-engines is now subject to licence See the Aero-Engine (Experimental Construction) Order, 1918, printed immediately below. Aero-Engine (Experimental Construction) Order, 1918. 35 been commenced before the said 1st day of April, 1917, nothing 1. Aero- in this Order shall prohibit the carrying 011 of such manufacture nautical until the licence shall have been refused. (2) For the purpose of this Order the term experimental manu- facture shall mean any manufacture which is not under or for the direct purpose of fulfilling a Government contract, and shall include the preparation of any working drawings but not the pre- paration of general arrangement drawings. (3) All persons desirous of obtaining licences to commence or carry on any such experimental manufacture as aforesaid shall apply in writing to the Controller of Aeronautical Supplies, Air Board Office, (a) London, W.C.2, for such licence, and shall give full particulars of the manufacture for which the licence is required, and such further information as the Controller may require, and shall comply with any restrictions or conditions subject to which the grant of such licence may be made. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, Apiil 3rd, 1917.] THE AERO-ENGINE (EXPERIMENTAL CONSTRUCTION) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 10, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER or MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and all other powers enabling him, hereby orders as follows : 1. On and after the 15th day of May, 1918, no person shall without a licence from the Minister of Munitions commence or proceed with the experimental construction of any aero-engine; provided that where a first application for a licence under this Order shall have been made and is pending for the carrying on of any experimental construction which shall have been commenced before the said 15th day of May, 1918, nothing in this Order shall prohibit the carrying on of such construction until the licence shall have been refused. 2. For the purpose of this Order the term experimental con- struction shall mean any construction which is not under or for the direct purpose of fulfilling a Government contract, and shall include the preparation of any working drawings but not the preparation of general arrangement drawings. 3. Every person desirous of obtaining a licence to commence or carry on any such experimental construction as aforesaid shall apply in writing- to the Director-General of Aircraft Production, Kingsway, W.C.2, for such licence, and shall give full particulars of the construction for which the licence is required, and such further information as the Director-General may require, and shall comply with any restrictions or conditions subject to which the grant of such licence may be made. 4. This Order may be cited as the Aero-Engine (Experimental Construction) Order, 19.18. [The above Order was piiblished in the London Gazette, May 10th, 1918. J (a) Now the Director General of Aircraft Production, Air Ministry, Kings- way, W.C.2. 5248 B 2 31) Arms, Ammunition and Military Explosives Order, 1915. 2. Arms,&c. ( 1 ) Arms, Ammuni- tion and Explosives Generally. 2. Arms, Ammunition and Explosives. (1.) Arms, Ammunition and Ex- plosives Generally, p. 36. (2.) Acetic Acid, p. 40. (3.) Acid Supplies, p. 42. (4.) Calcium Carbide, p. 68. (5.) Coal Tar, < Mortars. ' '' Pistols. ' Revolvers. Rifles. *Shells and shell bodies (machined). Cavalry Swords. Machinery, Raw Material and Components other than those mentioned are not included under War Material. Applications for a permit under Regulation 30A(b) in respect of any of the above should be addressed to the Secretary (M.I. 6D) War Office, S.W. 1. * No licence is required for rough castings or unmachined shell bodies. [See next page.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Titfe was conferred by the ' Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (c) SHORT TITLE OP NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 5246 B 3 2. Arms,&c. (1) Arms, Ammuni- tion and Explosives Generally. 38 Arms, Ammunition and Military Explosives Notice, 1916. 2. Arms,&c. (1) Arms, Ammuni- tion and Explosives Generally. MILITARY EXPLOSIVES. The articles mentioned below(a-) are included under the terra * Military Explosives " specified by the Army Council as War Material to which Defence of the Realm Regulation 30A(b) is- applied : _ tAcetate (giey) of Lime, t Acetone. Ammonal. Ballistite. Bellite. Blastine. Cordite. Fulminate of Mercury. Guncotton Gunpowder (except Sporting and Commercial), Melinite. Megadine. Nitro Cellulose Powder. Nitro Glycerine. Perchlorate of Amniouia. Perchlorate of Potash. Picric. Sabulite. T.N.T. (Trinitrotoluol), Trotyl. Tetryl. Tonite. T.N.X. (Trinitroxylol). Application for a permit under Regulation 30A(b) in respect of any of the above, with the exception of grey acetate of lime or acetone should be addressed to the Secretary (M.I. 6D), War Office, S.W. 1. t Applications for a permit under Regulation 30A(b) in respect of grey acetate of lime or acetone should be addressed to the Director of Propellant Supplies, Ministry of Munitions, 32, Old Queen Street, S.W. 1. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, June 20th, 1916.] (a) AMATOL. Amatol is now included in this list, see the Amatol Notice 1918, p. 39. (b) REGULATIONS 30A. This is printed p. 12. Arms, Ammunition and Military Explosives (Amendment) Order, 1917 ; Amatol Notice, 1918 ; Small Arms (Manufacture and Repair) Control Order, 1918. THE ARMS> AMMUNITION AND MILITARY EXPLOSIVES (AMEND- MENT) ORDER, 1917, (a.) DATED SEPTEMBER 4, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regula- tion 30A(b) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order that the War Material to which that Regulation applies shall include single barrel shot 'guns. The Army Council Order of September 24th, 1915, (c) is hereby amended to read as follows : " In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regula- tion 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulaiions,(b) the Army Council hereby order that the War Material to which that Regulation applies shall be war material of the following classes and descriptions, that is to say: Arms and Ammunition of a military nature, including all arms of greater calibre than '23 inch and ammunition therefor (other than double barrel shot guns and sporting ammunition for shot guns) and Military Explosives." By Order of the Army Council. R.-H. Erode. :[The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 7, 1917.] THE AMATOL NOTICE, 1918, (d) DATED FEBRUARY 12, 1918, ISSUED BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. With reference to Army Council Order published in the London Gazette of 24th September, 1915(c) Amatol is now included under the term "Military Explosives " specified by the Army Council as War Material to which Defence of the Realm Regulation 30A(b) is applied. (Vide Xotice published in the London Gazette of 20th June, 1916. (e)) [The above Order was published in the London Uazette, February 12, 1918.] THE SMALL ARMS (MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR) CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 7, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him hereby orders and requires as follows : 1. As from May 15th, 1918, until further notice, 110 work shall, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions be carried on in (a) SHORT TITLE or ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (c) ARMS, AMMUNITION AND MILITARY EXPLOSIVES ORDER, 1915. This is printed p. 36. (d) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (e) ARMS, AMMUNITION AND MILITARY EXPLOSIVES NOTICE, 1916.- -This is printed p. 37. .5246 B 4 39 2. Arms,&c. (1) Arms, Ammuni- tion and Explosives Generally, Acetic Acid Order -, 1917. 2. Arms,&c. ( 1 ) Arms, Ammuni- tion and Explosives Generally. (2) Acetic Acid. any factory, workshop or other premises on or in connection with the manufacture or repair of any rifle, pistol, or revolver or shot gun, or any part of a rifle, pistol, revolver, or shot gun. 2. The Order of the Minister of Munitions of the llth May, 1917, (ai) as to the manufacture and repair of sporting guns and rifles is hereby cancelled as from May 15th, 1918, but such cancel- lation shall not effect the previous operation of the said order or the validity of any action taken thereunder or the liability to any penalty or punishment in respect of any contravention or failure to comply with the said Order prior to its cancellation, or any proceeding or remedy in respect of such penalty or punishment. 3. All applications for a licence in connection with this Order shall be made to : THE CONTROLLER OF SMALL ARMS AND MACHINE Gux SUPPLY, MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS, WHITEHALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W.I. 4. This order may be cited as The Sum 11 Arm< t Manufacture and Eepair) Control Order, 1918. [The above Order was published in tlu- London Gazette, May 7th. 1U18.] (2). Acetic Acid. Acetic Acid Order, 1917, />. 40. Acetic Acid (Extension) Order, 1917.;;. 41. Acetic Acid Notice of December 18th, 1917, p. 41 THE ACETIC ACID ORDER, 1917, (b) DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Ill pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regula- tion 30A(c) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the War Material to which that Regulation applies shall include War Material of the following classes, that is to say: Glacial Acetic Acid; Acetic Acid of a purity of 60 per cent, and over.(d) . All applications and enquiries regarding this Order should be addressed to The Director, Chemical Section, Trench Warfare Supply Department, King Charles Street, Westminster, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 21st. 1917.] (a) ORDER OF HTH MAY, 1917. This Order, the Sporting Guns and Rifles (Manufacture and Repair) Order, 1917, is printed p. 61 of the First Edi- tion of this Manual. (b) SHOUT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Ordert) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (d) ACETIC ACID OF ALL STRENGTHS. See the Acetic Acid (Extension) Order, 1917, p. 41. (e) APPLICATIONS REGARDING THIS ORDER. See the Acetic Acid Notice of December 18th, 1917, (p. 41) which cancels this. Acetic Acid (Extension) Order, 1917; Acetic Acid Notice of 41 December l&th, 1917. 2.Arms,&c. THE ACETIC ACID (EXTENSION) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED OCTOBER 1, (2) Acetic 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Acid. Whereas by an Order dated the 2.1st September, 1917,(b) the Minister of Munitions in pursuance of the powers conferred upon *iim by Regulation 30A(c) of the Defence of the Realm Regula- ions applied that regulation to certain war material, namely, glacial acetic acid and acetic acid of a purity of 60 per cent, and over. And whereas the Minister of Munitions is desirous of applying that regulation to acetic acid of all strengths. Now therefore the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that on and after the date hereof the war material to which that regulation applies shall include in addition to the war material specified in the said Order of the 21st September, 1917, (b) the following war material, that is to say : Acetic Acid of all strengths. (d)XoTE. All applications and enquiries regarding this Order should be addressed to : The Director, Chemical Section, Trench Warfare Supply Department, St. Ermin's Hotel, Westminster, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October 2nd, 1917.] THE ACETIC ACID NOTICE or DECEMBER 18, 1917, (e) MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With regard to the Order of the Minister of Munitions, dated the 1st October, 1917, (f) including Acetic Acid in the war materials to which Defence of the Realm Regulation 30A(b) applies. Notice is hereby given that, as from the present date, all applications for permits to deal in Acetic Acid and other appli- cations and enquiries regarding the above-mentioned Order should be addressed to The Director of Propellant Supplies, Explosives Supply Department, 32, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W.I. This Notice cancels the footnote to the said Order directing applications and enquiries regarding such Order to be addressed to tl\e Chemical Section, Trench Warfare Supply Department. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 1 8th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 19l8," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) ACETIC ACID ORDER, 1917. This is printed above. (c) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (d) APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS. See the Acetic Acid Notice of December 18th, 1917, (below) which cancels this. fe) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (f ) ACETIC ACID (EXTENSION) ORDER, 1917. This is printed above 42 Sulphuric Acid Order, 1917. *\f$' (3.) Acid Supplies. Supplies. Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, p. 4:5. Compound Fertilisers (Isle of Man) Order, 1917, p. 49. Copper Sulphate Order, 1918,;;. 50. Fertiliser Prices Order, 1918, p. 52. Sulphuric Acid Order, 1917, p. 42. Sulphuric Acid (Amendment of Prices) Order, 1918, p. 66. THE SULPHURIC ACID ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MAY 29, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him hereby Orders as follows : 1. No person shall as on and from the llth June, 1917, until further notice manufacture Sulphuric Acid, except under a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions and in accordance with the terms and conditions of such licence as to the quantities to be manufactured or otherwise. 2. No person manufacturing Sulphuric Acid shall as on and from the llth June, 1917, until further notice, use during any one calendar month more than ten tons in all of 95 per cent. Sulphuric Acid (or its equivalent in acid of other strengths), for the purpose of all other manufactures, trades and businesses carried on by him, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 3. No person shall as on and from the day following the date of this Order until further notice supply Sulphuric Acid (includ- ing Waste Sulphuric Acid) to any person, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. Provided that no licence shall be required to supply not more than 56 Ibs. of 95 per cent. Sulphuric Acid (or its equivalent in acid of other strengths) to any person during any one calendar month. And Provided also that any Sulphuric Acid supplied subsequently to the date of this Order in pursuance of written directions or requests given or made by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions previously to the date of this Order shall unless and until such written directions or requests are cancelled or with- drawn be deemed to have been supplied under a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions within the meaning of this Order. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders)- Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. 43 4. As on and from the date of this Order until further notice 2. Arms,&c. no manufacturer of Sulphuric Acid or Agent of such a Manufac- (3) Acid turer shall charge or receive in payment for any Sulphuric Acid Supplies. supplied by or through him a price exceeding the maximum price specified in the schedule(a) to this Order for Sulphuric Acid of the description and strength supplied. Provided that the maxi- mum prices specified in the schedule hereto shall not apply to (a) Sulphuric Acid supplied to persons outside the TJnited Kingdom under export licences. (6) Sulphuric Acid manufactured outside the Unilwd Kingdom. (c) Sulphuric Acid made wholly from Brimstone. (d) Sulphuric Acid specially purified for Laboratory purposes. 5. All persons engaged in producing, manufacturing, selling, distributing or storing Sulphuric Acid (including Waste Acid), or in any manufacture, trade or business in which the same is used shall make such returns with regard to their businesses as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 6. For the purpose of this Order the expression Sulphuric Acid shall include Sulphuric Acid of all strengths up to 100 per cent. H 2 S0 4 , but shall not include acid containing free S0 3 (commonly called Oleus or fuming Sulphuric Acid). Note. All applications in reference to this Order (including applications for licences) should be addressed to the Director of Acid Supplies, Ministry of Munitions, Department of Explosives Supply, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W.I. The Schedule.(l>) THE COMPOUND FERTILISERS (MAXIMUM PRICES) ORDER, 1917, (o) DATED OCTOBER 13, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNI- TIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Eegulations and of all other powers enabling him, hereby orders as follows: 1. This Order shall take effect as on and from the 17th October, (a) SCHEDULE TO THIS ORDER. A new schedule of maximum prices taking effect on and after 1st June, 1918, has been substituted for the schedule to this Order by the Sulphuric Acid (Amendment of Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. G6. (b) THE SCHEDULE. A new schedule of maximum prices taking effect on and after 1st June, 1918, has been substituted for the schedule to this Order, which is printed pp. 65-66 of the First Edition of this Manual, by the Sulphuric Acid (Amendment of Prices) Order, 1918, printed p. G6, below. (c) SHOUT TITLE or ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the ' Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (d) DURATION OF ORDER. -This Order has been superseded by the Com- pound Fertilisers Order, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, June 4th, 1918), made June 4th, 1918, whilst this Manual was in the press, and taking effect as -on and from June 5th, 1918. 44: Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order. 1917. 2. Arms,&c. 2. For the purposes of this Order the maximum prices fur (3) Acid Compound Fertilisers shall be as follows: Supplies. (a) In the case of sales for delivery free on rail, cart, barge or ship at maker's works, the basis price for Com- pound Fertilisers of the description sold or purchased to be arrived at as provided in Clause 6 of this Order with the addition of a charge for mixing or Com- pounding, bags and bagging, not exceeding 22/6 per ton. (b) In the case of sales for delivery elsewhere than at maker's works the maximum prices authorised under paragraph (a) with the following additions, namely : (i) In the case of sales for delivery ex vendor's store or shop or ex warehouse, the following extra distribution charges according to the quantity of Fertiliser included in the sale, namely: Additional price Quantity sold. authorised. 4 tons and over ... ... ... 5 /per ton. 1 ton and over, but less than 4 tons 10 /- ,, 2 cwts. and over, but less than 1 ton I/- per cwt. 1 cwt. and over, but less than 2 cwts. 1/6 ,, Less than 1 cwt. ... ... ... 2/- ,, (ii) In the case of sales for delivery ex railway goods yard or public wharf, an extra distribution charge at the rate of 2/6 per ton of Fertiliser included in the sale. (iii) In the case of all sales for delivery elsewhere than at maker's works all costs of transport of the Fertiliser from maker's works to place of delivery, any cartage or haulage to be charged at local rates. 3. On sales of two tons and upwards by makers to Agricultural Merchants and Dealers or to Co-operative Companies and Societies incorporated or registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts or any other Act the maximum prices fixed by clause 2 of this Order shall be reduced by a discount or allowance to the purchaser, such discount to be 5/- per ton where the maximum price of the Fertiliser (after deduction of such discount) is less than 6 per ton, and 7/6 per ton where the maximum price (after deduction of a 5/- discount) is 6 per ton or upwards. 4. The maximum prices fixed by this Order are net prompt cash prices for Compound Fertiliser in maker's or vendor's bags or other packages. Where credit is given to the purchaser a reasonable extra charge may be made, provided that the discount allowed for net prompt cash is quoted on the invoice, and is such, as to bring the net prompt cash price within the maximum authorised. If purchaser's bags or other packages are used a reasonable allowance shall be made. Where one ton or upwards of Fertiliser is sold for delivery in bags containing not more than 1 cwt. each an extra charge of 5/- per ton may be made beyond the maximum price which would ofherwise have been authorised. Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices] Order, 1917. 45 5. The maximum prices fixed by the foregoing provisions^ of 2. Arms.&c. this Order are for sales of Fertilisers for delivery during (3) ^pid ; December, 1917. In the case of sales of Fertilisers for delivery Supplies.] during other months, the maximum prices are in each case to be reduced or increased I/- per ton per month, according as the month for delivery precedes or is subsequent to December, 1917, but with a maximum increase of 5/- per ton, e.g., the maximum prices for sales for October, 1917, delivery will be 2/- less per ton, while the maximum prices for sales for May and June, 1918. delivery will be 5/- more per ton than the maximum prices fixed as above for sales for December, 1917, deliveries. 6. For the purpose of Clauses 2 and 7 of this Order the basis price for any Compound Fertiliser shall be the aggregate value of the Nitrogen Phosphates and Potash contained in the Fer- tiliser when valued at the respective unit rates specified in the First Schedule hereto, and distinguishing in the case of Nitrogen between the two classes of Nitrogen, and in the case of Phos- phates between the different descriptions of Phosphates, also specified in the First Schedule. In arriving at such basis price nothing shall be allowed or added for the value of any con- stituents other than Nitrogen, Phosphates and Potash contained in the Fertiliser. 7. As on and from the date on which this Order takes effect no person shall sell any Compound Fertiliser without giving to the purchaser on or before or as soon as possible after delivery an invoice stating (a) The percentage contained in such Compound Fertiliser of each of the following constituents contained therein, namely : (i) Class I Nitrogen, (ii) Class II Nitrogen, (iii) Water soluble Phosphate, (iv) Citric soluble Phosphate, (v) Insoluble Phosphate, and (vi) Soluble Potash, all as more particularly defined in the First Schedule hereto (such percentages to be stated accurately in the case of each constituent within the limits of error specified in the Second Schedule hereto) ; (6) The maximum unit rates authorised to be charged for each of such constituents as specified in the first schedule hereto ; (c) The basis price for such fertilser in which may, however, be included any charge made for credit ; (d) All additions made to such basis price in arriving at the actual price charged for such fertiliser (in- cluding the maker's charge, not exceeding 22/6 per ton, for mixing and compounding, bags and bagging) ; and (e) The price charged for the fertiliser, and where such price includes an extra charge for credit, the discount allowed for net prompt cash. 8. The foregoing provisions of this Order shall not apply to any sale of Compound Fertiliser for export from the tlnited Kingdom, (a) nor to any sale of any quantity of Compound (a) EXPORTS PROM U.K. 'TO ISLE OF MAN. The Order now applies to such export, see the Compound Fertilisers (Isle of Man) Order, 1917, p. 49. 46 Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 191 2. Arms,&c. Fertiliser not exceeding 28 Ibs., nor to any sale of Compound (3) Acid Fertiliser in quantities exceeding 28 Ibs. where such Fertiliser Supplies, is sold for horticultural purposes packed in special bags, tins, boxes or cartons, each branded or marked with the maker's or vendor's name and address, and the words " Horticultural Fertiliser " and containing not more than 28 Ibs. But save as aforesaid no person shall as on and from the date on which this Order takes effect sell or purchase or offer to sell or purchase any Compound Fertiliser at a price exceeding that prescribed by this Order as the maximum price (having regard to quantity, composition, packages, date for and terms of delivery) for such sale. Provided that no person shall be liable to conviction for: (a) Selling a Compound Fertiliser at a price in excess of the maximum price prescribed by this Order if the invoice given to the purchaser, as required by Clause 7 of this Order, states accurately within the limits of error allowed by that clause the percentages of the different constituents therein referred to contained in the Fertiliser sold, and the price charged and stated on such invoice does not exceed the correct maximum price on the basis that the percentages stated in such invoice are correct, or (6) Purchasing any Compound Fertiliser at a price exceed- e ing the maximum price unless the price agreed to be paid by him is to his knowledge in excess of the maximum price authorised for such purchase. 9. All persons engaged in producing, making, selling, distri- buting or storing Compound Fertilisers, shall make such returns with regard to their businesses, and shall verify the same in surh manner (including production of their books to any accredited representatives of the Minister of Munitions) as shall from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 10. For the purpose of this Order and the Schedules hereto, the following expressions shall have the following meanings : , The Act shall mean the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906. (a) (a) FERTILISERS AND FEEDING STUFFS ACT, 1906. That Act (6 Edw. 7. c. 27) provides for warranties on sale of fertilisers and empowers a purchaser or official sampler to obtain an analysis. Besides the chief analysts there is an agricultural analyst for each county, and councils of county boroughg in England and Ireland and town councils in Scotland may also appoint analysts. The Act is administered by the Agricultural Departments for England, Scotland and Ireland respectively who are empowered to make Regulations. The six sets of Regulations made by the Roard of Agriculture and Fisheries (St. R. & 0., 1906, Nos. 940, 945 ; 1907, No. 752 ; 1908, Nos. 963, 964 ; and 1910, No. 90) relate mainly to the taking of samples, method of analysis and limit of error ; they have effect throughout Great Britain, having been made before the English Boards powers were as regards Scotland transferred to the Scottish Board by 1 and 2 Geo. 5, c. 49, ss. 4 (11), 28 (2). The Irish Regulations (St. B. & O., 1910, No. 146) were consolidated in 1910. Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. 47 The Regulations shall mean the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs 2. Arms,&c. (Methods of Analysis) Eegulations, 1908. (a) (3) Acid Potash shall mean compounds of Potassium calculated as upp ies Potassium Oxide soluble in water or acid as provided by the Regulations. Unit shall mean 1 per cent, by weight in 1 ton of Compound Fertiliser. Compound Fertiliser shall mean any Fertiliser or substance sold for use as a Fertiliser of which the ingredients are or contain Nitrogen, Phosphates and Potash or any two of these constituents and in which either such constituents have been brought together or the percentage of any one or more of them has been increased or reduced by artificial mixing, but shall not include any sub- stance containing in the natural state two or all of the said con- stituents, or any Fertiliser made by dissolving or treating any such natural substance without any such artificial mixing as aforesaid. Maker shall mean a Mixer or Compounder of Compound Fertilisers. 11. The "provisions of this Order shall not apply to a sale by a maker to a consumer of two or more Fertilisers or substances neither of which is by itself a Compound Fertiliser as above defined, notwithstanding that it is one of the terms of the pur- chase that the Fertilisers or substances purchased are to be arti- ficially mixed or compounded by the maker before delivery, provided that an invoice is given to the consumer on or before or as soon as possible after delivery which states the quantity and price of each of the Fertilisers or substances included in the mixture or compound as delivered and the charge made for "mixing or compounding, bags and bagging. 12. Nothing contained in this Order shall be held to vary or supersede any of the provisions of the Act or any Regulations made thereunder or to exempt any person from compliance with . any of the provisions or requirements of such Act or Regulations applicable to sales or purchases of Compound Fertilisers. Note. All applications in reference to this Order should be addressed to the Director of Acid Supplies, Ministry of Muni- tions, Department of Explosives Supply, Storey's Gate, West- minster, S.W. 1, and marked " Fertilisers. j (a) REGULATIONS. The Regulations referred to (St. R. & O., 1908, No. 964) apply throughout Great Britain. The corresponding Regulations for Ireland form St. R. & 0., 1910, No. 146. 48 Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. 2. Arms,&c. The Firxt Schedule. Supplies. Unit rates of Nitrogen, Phosphates and Potash for the purpose of Clauses 2 and 6 of the above Order. PART 1. NITROGEN. f 'lass 1. Unit rate. Derived from Sulphate of Ammonia, Salts of Ammonia, Nitrate of Soda, or other Salts of Nitric Acid, Cyananiide, meat, blood, bone, slaughter house refuse, horn, hoof, guano, fish offal, fish meal, fish guano, oil seed, cakes or meals, or dissolved shoddy, dissolved wool waste or dissolved silk waste as below defined 17/6 Note. The expressions " dissolved shoddy," " dissolved wool x-aste," and " dissolved silk waste" shall mean shoddy wool waste and silk waste treated with sulphuric acid or nitre cake in such a way that at least 80 per cent, of the fibre is destroyed. Class 2. Unit rate. Derived from other sources ... ... ... 7/6 PART 2. PHOSPHATES. Description . Unit rate. " Water Soluble," i.e., rendered soluble in water 4/3 " Citric Soluble," i.e., insoluble in water, but soluble in a 2 per cent, solution of Citric Acid in the manner prescribed by the Regulations ... ... ... ... ... 2/6 " Insoluble," i.e., insoluble either in water or in a 2 per cent, solution of Citric Acid in the manner prescribed by the Regulations ... 1/6 PART 3. POTASH. Description. " Soluble," i.e., .soluble by the methods pre- scribed by the Regulations ... ... ... 21/6 Compounds Fertilisers (Isle of Man] Order, 1917. 49 The Second Schedule. Limits of error referred to in Clauses 7 and 8 of the above Order. Nitrogen, Class 1. Nitrogen, Class 2. Phosphate, water soluble. Phosphate, Citric soluble. Phosphate, insoluble. Potash, soluble. 3 3 1 1 i 1 3 If the percentage of Potash stated ! in the invoice does not exceed 4. 5 If such percent- age exceeds 4. NOTE. The above percentages for limits of error are percentages of the whole bulk of the Compound Fertiliser. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October 16th, 1917.] . Arms,&c. (3) Acid Supplies. THE COMPOUND FERTILISERS (!SLE OF MAN) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him, hereby orders that the provisions of the Order relating to Compound Fertilisers made by the Minister of Munitions on the 13th October, 1917, (b) shall, as on and from the 17th November, 1917, (c) apply to sales of Com- pound Fertilisers for export from the TJnited Kingdom to the Isle of Man, and that Clause 8 of the said Order shall as -on and from the said date be modified accordingly. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 16th, 1917.] (a) SHOUT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) COMPOUND FERTILISERS (MAXIMUM PRICES) ORDER, 1917. Printed p. 43. (c) DURATION OF ORDER. This Order has been superseded by the Com- pound Fertilisers Order, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, June 4th, 1918), made June 4th, 1918, whilst this Manual was in the Press, and taking effect as on and from June 5th, 1918. 50 Copper Sulphate Order, 1918. 2.Arms,&c. THE CoppER SULPHATE ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 15, 1918, (3) Add MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Supplies. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him hereby, Orders as follows : 1. l^or the purposes of this Order the maximum prices(a-) for Sulphate of Copper shall be as follows: (a) In the case of sales for delivery free on rail, cart, barge or ship at maker's works or nearest siding or railway station or nearest available wharf, the prices specified in the first schedule hereto according to the date on which, under the terms of the contract for sale, delivery is to be made. (I) In the case of sales for delivery to consumer's premises or nearest station, siding or wharf direct from maker's works the maximum prices under paragraph (a) above, pins all costs of transport, from maker's works to place of delivery excepting that where transport is partly by rail or water no charge is to be made for cost of cartage or haulage by road from maker's works to railway station, siding or wharf. Any cartage or haulage to consumer's premises to be charged at local rates. (c) In the case of sales for delivery ex vendor's store or shop or ex warehouse, railway goods yard or public wharf, the prices specified in the second schedule hereto according to the quantity of Sulphate of Copper included in the sale and the 'date on which, under the terms of the contract of sale, delivery is to be made. (d) In the case of sales for delivery to consumer's premises from vendor's store or shop or from warehouse, rail- way goods yard or public wharf, the maximum prices authorised under paragraph (c) above, plus all costs of transport from vendor's store or shop, or from ware- house, railway goods yard or public wharf to con- sumer's premises any cartage or haulage by road to be charged at local rates. 2. The maximum prices fixed by this Order (a) are net prompt cash prices for Sulphate of Copper in maker's or vendor's bags. Where credit is given to the purchaser a reasonable extra charge may be made, provided that the discount allowed for net prompt cash is quoted on the invoice and is such as to bring the net prompt cash price within the maximum authorised. If pur- chaser's bags or other packages are used a reasonable allowance shall be made. (a) MAXIMUM PRICES. Alterations in the maximum prices given in this Order have been made by the Copper Sulphate (Amendment) Order, 1918, made on June 4th, 1918, and published in the London Gazette of that date,, whilst this Manual was in the Press, as from the date of that Order. Copper Sulphate Order, 1918. 51 3. The maximum prices fixed by paragraphs (a) and (&) of 2. Arms,&c. Clause 1 of this Order(a) shall not apply to any sale by a maker for (3) Acid delivery as mentioned in those paragraphs where the quantity of Supplies. Sulphate of Copper included in the sale is less than 1 ton ; and none of the provisions of this Order shall apply to any sale of Sulphate of Copper for export from the United Kingdom. Save as aforesaid no person shall as on and from the day following the date of this Order until further notice(a) eifect or offer to effect any sale or purchase of Sulphate of Copper for delivery previously to the 1st September, 1918, at a price exceeding that prescribed by this Order as the maximum price (having regard to the quantity, packages, date for and terms of delivery) for such sale. 4. The maximum prices fixed by this Order are for Sulphate of Copper of standard quality, i.e., of not less than 98 per cent, purity and as on and from the day following the date of this Order no person shall effect or offer to effect any sale or purchase of Sulphate of Copper of less than standard quality for delivery previously to the 1st September, 1918, except under and in accord- ance with the terms and provisions as to price or otherwise of a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 5. All persons engaged in producing, making, selling, distri- buting or storing Sulphate of Copper shall make such returns with regard to their businesses and shall verify the same in such manner (including production of their books to any accredited representatives of the Minister of Munitions) as shall from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions . 6. For the purposes of this Order and the schedules hereto, Sulphate of Copper shall mean and include Sulphate of Copper, Blue Stone and Blue Vitriol. 7. Nothing contained in this Order shall affect any Order here- tofore or hereafter made by the Minister of Munitions with regard to Copper, (b) 8. This Order may be cited as the Copper Sulphate Order, 1918. NOTE. All applications in reference to this Order should be addressed to the Director of Acid Supplies, Ministry of Munitions, Department of Explosives Supply, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W.I, and marked " Copper Sulphate.'' First Schedule. Date for Delivery. Price. January / February, 19l8 48 per ton. March /April, 1918 50 May /August, inclusive, 1918 52 (a) See footnote (a) on preceding page. (b) MINISTER'S ORDERS AS TO COPPER. Those Orders are printed iii sub- group (7), " Copper" of Group 7, " Metals " below. 52 . Arms,&c. (3) Acid Supplies. Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. Second Schedule. Date for Delivery. Quantity included in Sale. Jan /Feb. March/ April. May/Aug. inclusive. *. j ji 8 7 7J 08 . 1 Ib. 4 >j * )> 8 8* 9 [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. February 15th, 1918.] THE FERTILISERS PRICES ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL 30, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Whereas the Minister of Munitions considers it necessary to regulate sales and purchases of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia and Ground Basic Slag in manner hereinafter appear- ing and in particular by fixing maximum prices at which sales may be effected. And whereas the Minister of Munitions considers it necessary to provide for equalising, so far as possible, the cost of distribu- tion of the said Fertilisers by rail or water throughout the United Kingdom, and, for this purpose, to prohibit sales of the same by makers or producers for transport by rail or water, except upon a delivered basis and at delivered prices, including, in every case, a fixed sum per ton to cover the estimated average cost of distribution, and to be accounted for by the makers or producers to the Minister or any other Government Department nominated by him for the purpose, by whom any costs of distribution by rail or water in excess of such estimate will be borne. Now, therefore, the Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions, and of all other powers enabling him, hereby Orders as follows : 1. This Order shall take effect as on and from the 1st May, 1918. 2. For the purposes of this Order the maximum prices for Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, and Ground Basic Slag respectively shall (except as hereinafter otherwise expressly pro- vided) be as follows : (a) In the case of sales of any of the said fertilisers for delivery in railway trucks at purchaser's or con- sumer's siding or nearest railway station, or free ex barge or ship at purchaser's or consumer's wharf or other available wharf approved by the purchaser, or r Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 53 in the case of shipments to the Channel Islands or the 2. Arms,&c. Isle of Man, f .o.b. at port of shipment, or, in the (3) ^citi case of shipments of Ground Basic Slag to Ireland, Supplies, c.i.f. at Irish port, the following prices, namely: (i) In the cafe of all sales (other than sales, by makers or producers, of smaller quantities than two tons) the respective prices specified in the first, second and third schedules hereto for Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia and Ground Basic Slag respectively, accord- ing' to the date 011 which , under the terms of the contract for sale, delivery is to be made,, and to the description and quality of the fertiliser delivered, but with the addition, in the case of sales of Ground Basic Slag for delivery in Ireland (otherwise than c.i.f. Irish port), of all charges incurred in deliver- ing the Ground Basic Slag from the ship in port of arrival in Ireland to place of delivery, any charges for cartage, haulage or ware- housing of such Ground Basic Slag or other services to be charged at not exceeding local rat-3S. (ii) In the case of sales, by makers or producers, of any of the said fertilisers in smaller quanti- ties than two tons, the same prices as those specified under paragraph (d) of this clause for sales of the same fertiliser in similar quantities ex A^eiidor's store or shop or ex warehouse. In the case of sales for delivery at maker's or producer's; works free into road vehicles provided by the purchaser or consumer for conveyance direct by road to pur- chaser's or consumer's premises, the following prices,, namely : (i) In the case of all sales (other than sales, by makers or producers, of smaller quantities than two tons) the prices specified in sub- paragraph (i) of paragraph (a) above, less 10s. per ton. (ii) In the case of sales, by makers or producers, of smaller quantities than two tons, the same- prices as those specified under paragraph (d) of this clause for sales of the same fertiliser in similar quantities ex vendor's store or shop or ex warehouse. In the case of sales for delivery direct by road from maker's or producer's works to purchaser's or con- sumer's premises in road vehicles provided by the maker or producer, the prices specified under para- graph (6) above, with the addition of the cost of cartage or haulage from the works to the purchaser's or consumer's premises, to be charged at not exceed- ing local rates. 4 Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. '2. Arms,&c. ! '.d) In the case of sales for delivery ex vendor's store or (3) Acid shop, or ex warehouse (other than maker's or pro- Supplies, ducer's store or warehouse at point of manufacture), the prices specified under sub-paragraph (i) of para- graph (a) above, with th% addition of the following- amounts, according to the quantity of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag (as the case may be) included in the sale : Additional Quantity sold. price authorised. 1 ton and over ... ... ... ... 10*. per ton. 2 cwt. and over but less than 1 ton ... Is. per cwt. 1 cwt. and over but less than 2 cwt. ... 2s. 28 Ibs. and over but less than 1 cwt. ... 3s. 14 Ibs. and over but less than 28 Ibs.... 4*. ,, and with the addition also (in the case of sales for delivery ex vendor's store or shop, where such store or shop is distant more than two miles from the nearest railway station or wharf available for the delivery of the fertiliser in railway truck, ship or barge) of the extra cost of carting or hauling the fertiliser by road from such railway station or wharf to such store or shop over the cost of carting the same a distance of two miles, such cost to be charged at not exceeding local rates. (e) In the case of sales for delivery ex railway goods yard or public wharf, the prices specified under sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (a) above, with the addition of 2s. 6d. per ton in the case of sales of one ton or less, but with- out any addition in the case of sales of more than one ton. (f) In the case of sales for delivery direct by road or barge from vendor's store or shop, or from warehouse, rail- way goods yard, or public wharf to consumer's premises, the prices authorised under paragraphs (d) and (e) above for sales of the same fertiliser in similar quantities ex such store, shop, warehouse, yard, or ' wharf, plus the cost of cartage, haulage or barging, to be charged at not exceeding local rates. The above prices (other than those authorised under para- graphs (b) and (c) ) include, in every case, a sum of 12s. 6d. per ton to cover the estimated average cost which will be incurred by makers and producers in distributing the said fertilisers by rail or water throughout the TJnited Kingdom (or in the case of Ground Basic Slag throughout England, Scotland and Wales and to Irish ports), which sum of 12s. 6d. per ton shall be accounted for in every case by makers and producers receiving the same as hereafter provided. Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 55 3. Un sales of two tons or upwards by makers or producers to 2. Arms,&c. Manure Mixers, Agricultural Merchants or Dealers, or Co- (3) Acid operative Companies or Societies incorporated or registered under Supplies. tlic Industrial and Provident Societies' Act,( a ) or any other Act, the maximum prices fixed by clause 2 of this Order shall be reduced by a discount or allowance to the purchaser of 5s. per ton in the case of Superphosphate. 10s. ,, ,, ,, Sulphate of Ammonia. 65. ,, ,, ,, Ground Basic Slag. 4. The maximum prices fixed by the foregoing provisions of this Order are net cash prices for Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia and Ground Basic Slag in maker's or vendor's bags, net weight excluding weight of bags. Where credit is given to the purchaser, a reasonable extra charge may be made, provided that the discount allowed for net cash is quoted on the invoice and is such as to bring the net cash price within the maximum autho- rized. If purchaser's bags or other packages are used, or the purchaser takes delivery in bulk without, bags, a reasonable allow- ance shall be made to the purchaser. Where one ton or upwards is sold for delivery in bag's containing less than 2 cwt. each, a reasonable extra charge may be made beyond the maximum prices which would otherwise have been authorised. 5. As on and from the date on which this Order takes effect no< person shall sell or purchase, or offer to sell or purchase any Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag, except for delivery as specified in one or other of the sub-para- graphs of clause 2 of this Order, and at a price not exceeding that prescribed by this Order and the first, second, and third schedules hereto respectively as the maximum price for such sale, having regard to the description and quantity of the fertiliser sold, quality, packages, and' date for the terms of delivery; nor shall any maker or producer of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag, sell any of the said fertilisers for delivery as mentioned in paragraphs (a), (d), (e) or (/) of clause 2 of this Order, without bringing into account and dealing with the sum of 12s. Qd. per ton (included in the prices authorised by such paragraphs to be charged on such sales) in manner specified in the scheme for equalising costs of distribution of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, and Ground Basic Slag, set out in the fifth schedule hereto. Provided that: (a) A vendor of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag shall not be liable to conviction for selling at a price in excess of the maximum price prescribed by this Order for such sale, if the invoice given to the purchaser, as required by clause 6 of this Order, states accurately within the limits of error specified in the fourth schedule hereto, the percentage of Phosphate rendered soluble in water, ammonia, or (a) INDUSTRIAL AND PROVIDENT SOCIETIES ACT. 56 and 57 Viet. c. 39, 56 Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 2. Arms,&c. total phosphate (as the case may be) contained in the (3) Acid Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground .Supplies. Basic Slag sold, and the price charged and stated on svich invoice does not exceed the correct maximum price on the basis that the percentage stated in such invoice is correct; and (b) A. purchaser of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag shall not be liable to conviction for purchasing at a price exceeding the maximum price, unless the price agreed to be paid by him is to his knowledge in excess of the maximum price authorised for such purchase. 6. As on and from the date on which this Order takes effect no person shall sell any Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground 1 Basic Slag, without giving to the purchaser, on or before or as soon as possible after delivery an invoice stating accurately within the limits of error specified in the fourth schedule hereto : (a) In the case of Superphosphate, the percentage (calculated in terms of tri-basic Phosphate of Lime) of phosphate rendered soluble in water, contained in the Super- phosphate delivered. (b) In the case of Sulphate of Ammonia, the percentage ,,f Ammonia (NH 3 ) by weight contained in the Sulphate of Ammonia delivered ; and (c} In the case of Ground Basic Slag, the percentage (calcu- lated in terms of tri-basic Phosphate of Lime) of total Phosphate contained in the Basic Slag delivered, and also, in the case of all three fertilisers, stating the price charged, together with any further particulars required to be stated on such invoice by any of the provisions of this Order 'or the schedules hereto. 7. Ts^one of the foregoing provisions or restrictions of this Order as regards maximum prices chargeable or otherwise shall apply to : (n) Any sales of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag, for export from the United Kingdom to any country other than the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. (b) Any sales of any of the said fertilisers in quantities less than 14 Ibs. (c) Any sales of any of the said fertilisers for delivery prior to the 1st June, 1918. (d) Any sales of Sulphate of Ammonia for use in the manu- facture of munitions of war or other industrial purposes. 8. As on and from the date on which this Order takes effect, the provisions of the scheme for equalising costs of distribution of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, and Ground Basic Slag- set out in the fifth schedule hereto, shall be binding upon all makers or producers of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or 'Ground Basic Slag, and upon the Minister of Munitions, or any Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 57 other Government Department to which, by arrangement with 2. Arms,&e. the Minister of Munitions, the carrying out of the said scheme ~ (SyAcid" may be delegated; and any balances becoming payable by any Supplies, such makers or producers to the Minister of Munitions, or any other such Government Department as aforesaid under the provisions of such scheme shall be recoverable as Crown debts. 9. As on and from the date on which this Order takes effect : (a) No person shall sell (for delivery on or after the 1st June, 1918) any Sulphate of Ammonia which is to be used in the manufacture of munitions of war or for other mdustral purposes, except under a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, and in accordance with any terms and conditions of such licence as to quantity, price, mode of delivery, or otherwise. (b) Xo person shall sell any Superphosphate or Ground Basic Slag, nor any Sulphate of Ammonia which is to be used for fertilising purposes, for delivery (on or after the 1st June, 1918) in railway trucks at purchaser's or consumer's siding or otherwise as mentioned in para- graph (a) of clause 2 of this Order, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence (a) issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, or any other Government Department or body nominated by him for the purpose. (c) No maker or producer of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag shall, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued as mentioned in paragraph (b) of this clause, either (i) sell to any person any Superphos- phate or Ground Basic Slag, or any Sulphate of Ammonia which is to be used for fertilising purposes, for delivery (on or after the 1st June, 1918) ex railway goods yard or public wharf, or (ii) sell any of such fertilisers for delivery (on or after that date) as men- tioned in paragraph (b) or (c) of clause 2 of this Order to any person other than a consumer purchasing the same for consumption 011 his own premises. (d) 3To person shall, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued as men- tioned in paragraph (b) of this clause, consign or despatch any Superphosphate or Ground Basic Slag, nor any Sulphate of Ammonia which is to be used for fertilising purposes, by rail (other than light railway) to or for delivery to any person in smaller quantities than four tons, otherwise than as part of a total con- signment of not less than four tons of goods made from the same point of departure to the same final railway destination at the same time. (a) LICENCE. A general licence to Agricultural Merchants and Dealers has been igsued and is contained in the " Notice " printed at the end of this Order. 58 Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 2. Arms,&c. 10. All persons engaged iii producing, manufacturing, selling, (3) Acid distributing, or storing Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, .Supplies, or Ground Basic Slag, or in any manufacture in which the same or any of them are used, shall make such returns with regard to their businesses, and shall verify the same in such manner (including production of their books to any accredited representa- tives of the Minister of Munitions), as shall from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 11. This Order and the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906, (ft) shall operate and have effect independently of one another, and nothing contained in this Order shall be held to exempt any person from compliance with any of the provisions or requirements of such Act, or any Regulations made thereunder, applicable to sales or purchases of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag: nor shall any of the provisions of the said Act or Regulations be held to govern or affect any of the requirements or provisions of this Order, or any proceedings instituted in respect of any breach hereof. 12. This Order supersedes the Orders relating to Superphos- phates, made by the Minister of Muni lions on llie 'JOth Auiru-t, 1917,(b) the 17th November, 1917,(o) and the 28th March, 1918, (d) respectively, so far as regards all sales of Superphos- phate, for delivery on or after the 1st June, 1918, made on or after the date on which this Order takes effect. 13. For the purposes of this Order " Superphosphate " shall mean Superphosphate of Lime manufactured from Mineral Phos- phate, but shall not include Basic Superphosphate, Bone Super- phosphate, Dissolved Bones, Bone Meal, Bone Compound, Guano, or Compound Manures; and Sulphate of Ammonia used for the manufacture of Compound Fertilisers shall be deemed to be used for fertilising purposes, and not for industrial purposes. 14. This Order may be cited as the Fertiliser Prices Order, 1918. (a) FERTILISERS AND FEEDING STUFFS ACT, 1906. As to this Act tee foot- note (a) to the Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, ante p. 46. (b) ORDER OF 20TH AUGUST, 1917. This Order, the Superphosphates (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, is printed p. 67 of the First Edition of this Manual. (c) ORDER OF 17TH NOVEMBER, 1917. This Order, the Superphosphates (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) Order, 1917, is printed p. 75 of the First Edition of this Manual. (d) ORDER OF 28'rn MARCH, 1918. This Order, the Superphosphates {Amendment) Order, 1918, was published in the London Gazette, March 29th, 1918. Fertilisers Prices Order., 1918. FIEST SCHEDULE. MAXIMUM PRICES TOR SUPERPHOSPHATE. Percentage (calculated in terms of tri-basic Phosphate of Lime) of phosphate rendered soluble in water. 15 per cent 16 17 18 U> 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 The above prices for all qualities are the maximum prices for sales of Superphosphate for delivery during December, 1918. The maximum prices for sales of Superphosphate for delivery during June, 1918, will be those fixed by the Superphosphate Order of the 20th August, 1917, (a<) namely, 5s. per ton more than the prices set out above, whilst in the case of sales of Superphos- phate for delivery during other months, the maximum prices for all qualities will be Is. Qd. per ton per month less or more than the prices set out above, according as the month for delivery precedes or is subsequent to December, 1918, but with a maximum decrease or increase of 7s. 6d. per ton, e.g., the prices for July, 19.18, deliveries will be 7s. 6d. less per ton, while the price for May, 1919, deliveries will be 7s. Qd. more per ton than the prices set out above. (a) SUPERPHOSPHATE ORDER OP 20TH AUGUST, 1917. This Order, the Superphosphates (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, is printed p. 67 of the First Edition of this Manual. 2. Arms,&c. (3) Acid Supplies. and over, but less than 16 per cent 1 7 ) } > > JL i ? ) ) > 18 ) ) 7 ? ) ) 19 y ) ) ) > ) 20 > ) J ) 21 )> 7 ) J J 22 )y ? J J > 23 5 J > ? 24 ) ) 1 T) 25 ) ; ? ) J ' 26 ' ,, 97 ) ) >5 ^ i ) .1 1) 28 5 ? ) J > J 29 J j ) ) ) ) 30 Jj > ) ) ) 31 ?; > > 1) 32 .' } ) > 33 j j ? -' J 34 ? j ? , 35 .' ) J -' J ' 36 |j O ** r ' J > J J 01 ?) J ' ? > 38 ?i J J J ' 39 ? ) ' J ' ' 40 jj ,, 41 \ ? ' ) > 42 } , ? ? > J 43 J J ) -' 44 ,, J .' 7 J 45 t p rice p er t( m. 9. d. 4 12 6 4 15 4 17 6 5 5 2 6 5 5 5 6 5 10 5 12 6 5 15 5 17 6 6 6 2 6 6 5 6 7 6 6 10 6 14 6 18 " 9 " 6 "' 10 " 14 b " 18 8 2 8 P, .0 8 10 8 14 8 18 9 2 9 6 60 Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 2. Arms,&c. (3) Acid SECOND SCHEDULE. Supplies. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR SULPHATE OF AMMONIA CONTAINING 24J CENT. BY WEIGHT OF AMMONIA (NH 3 ). Date of Delivery. Price. s. d. 1st June to 31st August, 1918, inclusive 15 5 per ton. 1st September to 30th November, 1918, inclusive ... ... ... ... ... 15 15 ,, 1st December, 1918, to 28th February, 1919, inclusive 16 5 1st March to 31st May, 1919, inclusive ... 16 15 For Sulphate of Ammonia containing more than 24 J per cent, by weight of ^Ammonia, the above maximum prices shall be increased by 3s. 3d. per ton for each complete one-fourth of 1 per cent, (calculated on the total weight of the Sulphate of Ammonia) by which the Ammonia contents are more than 24 J per cent., whilst for Sulphate of Ammonia containing less than 24^ per cent, by weight of Ammonia, the above maximum prices shall be reduced by 3s. 3d. per ton for each one-fourth of 1 per cent, or fraction of one-fourth of 1 per cent, (calculated as aforesaid), by which the Ammonia contents are less than 24 J per cent. For Sulphate of Ammonia containing less than 0'025 per cent, of free acid, an additional charge at the rate of 5s. per ton may be made by the vendor, provided that the invoice given by the vendor to the purchaser states such additional charge separately, and contains a guarantee by the vendor that the free acid contained in the Sulphate does not exceed 0'025 per cent. For Sulphate of Ammonia which is specially ground or pulverised at the request of the purchaser, an extra charge (not exceeding 5s. per ton) may be made for special grinding, provided that such extra charge is separately stated on the invoice given to the purchaser as aforesaid. The above increases or reductions in the maximum price- rhargeable shall not apply to any sale of less than 2 cwt. of Sulphate of Ammonia. Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 61 THIRD SCHEDULE. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR GROUND BASIC SLAG Percentage (calculated in terms of tri-basic Phosphate of Lime) of total Phosphate. 12 per cent, and over, but less than 14 percent. 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Price per ton. .. 60^. ,. 62*. .. 645. .. 665. ,. 685. .. TO*. . . 73s. .. 76s. .. 79s. .. 82s. .. 85s. .. 88s. .. 91s .. 94s. .. 97s. . 100s. 2. Arms,&c. (3) Acid Supplies. prices set out above. ... 4s. per ton. ... 3s. ,, ... 2s. 28th Ml. ... 2s. per ton. ... 3s. 4s. The above prices for all qualities are the maximum prices for sales of Ground Basic Slag for delivery between September 1st, 1918, and February 28th, 1919. In the case of sales of Ground Basic Slag for delivery during other periods, the maximum prices for all qualities will be less than the prices set out above, in accordance with the following table, namely: Reduction in the maximum Period for delivery. During June, 1918 July, 1918 August, 1918 From 1st September, 1918, to February, 1919 During March, 1919 April, 1919 May, 1919 ... ... The above prices for all qualities are for Basic Slag ground in such a way that at least 80 per cent, of the total weight will pass through a sieve containing 10,000 apertures to the square inch. Where Basic Slag is sold less finely ground, an allowance off the above maximum prices shall be made to the purchaser at the rate of 3d. for each 1 per cent, (calculated on the total weight of the Basic Slag) by which the quantity which will pass through such sieve as aforesaid is less than 80 per cent., but with an additional allowance at the rate of 9d. for each 1 per cent, (calculated as aforesaid) by which the quantity which will pass through such sieve is less than 75 per cent. The invoice to be given to pur- chasers as required by clause 6 (c) of the above Order shall state in every case the percentage of the total weight of Basic Slag delivered which will pass through a sieve containing 10,000 apertures to the square inch. For Ground Basic Slag packed in special bags for carriage by sea an extra charge at the rate of 2s. 6d. per ton may be made. 62 Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. FOURTH SCHEDULE. 2. Arms,&c. (3) Acid Supplies. LIMITS OF ERROR REFERRED TO IX CLAUSES 5 AXD 6 OF T11K ABOVE ORDER. Fertiliser. Limit of error Contents, of which percentage (calculated on the is to be stated on invoice. total weight of the Fertiliser). Superphosphate. Sulphate of Ammonia. ! Phosphate rendered soluble in water (calculated in terms of tri-basic phosphate of lime) ... : Ammonia (NH3) Ground Basic Slag, j Total phosphate (calculated in terms of tri-basic phosphate of lime.) 1 per cent. ' 25 per cent. 2 per cent. FIFTH SCHEDULE. SCHEME FOR EQUALISING COSTS OF DISTRIBUTION OF SUPERPHOS- PHATE, SULPHATE OF AMMONIA AND GROUND BASIC SLAG. 1. Each maker or producer of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia or Ground' Basic Slag (hereinafter called ' the maker ") shall open with the Minister of Munition's or any other Government Department nominated by him for this purpose (hereinafter called " the Government ") an account entitled " Delivery charges on Fertilisers." 2. The Government shall be debited in such account with the costs of carriage incurred by the maker in delivering Superphos- phate, Sulphate of Ammonia or Ground Basic Slag of his own manufacture sold by him at any time on or after the date oa which the above Order takes effect for delivery between tne 1st June, 1918, and the 31st May, 1919 (or such other date as may hereafter be fixed by the Minister), and actually delivered between those dates. Provided that except as otherwise expressly authorised by or under the authority of the Government frrm time to time, either generally or in the case of any particular sale on delivery by the maker: (a) The costs of carriage to be debited to the Government in the said account shall be the actual costs incurred by the maker, after deducting all rebates, discounts, and allowances whatsoever. (6) Nothing shall be debited to the Government in the said account in respect of costs of carriage on (i) sales for delivery as mentioned in paragraphs (6) and' (c) of clause 2 of the above Order, or (ii) sales of any of the four classes specified in clause 7 of the above Order. Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 63 (c} Only costs of carriage by rail or water shall be debited to 2. Arms,&c. the Government in the said account, and nothing 1 shall (3) Acid be debited in respect of costs of loading or of cartage, Supplies, whether from maker's works to railway station or wharf for putting on rail, barge, or ship, or at any other, point of transit, except as otherwise expressly below mentioned. (d) The costs which may be debited to the Government shall include : (i) Demurrage incurred 011 railway wagons and vessels, if due to causes not within the control of the maker or the consignee. (ii) In the case of carriage by water, insurance and shipping charges actually incurred, and also dock dues, if any. (iii) In the case of transport partly by rail and partly by water, for which a through rate is not obtainable, any costs of cartage from rail to ship, or from ship to rail, and of putting on board or on rail at point of transfer. (iv) In the case of sales for export to the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, the costs of putting^ on board at port of shipment. (e) The cheapest available route by rail or water must be adopted for all consignments, and in default the maker may not debit the Government with any extra costs of carriage incurred. (/) No sales shall be made by the maker for delivery by rail or water in contravention of any general or special instructions or directions which may from time to time be given by or under the authority of the Government, or of any of the terms or condition? of the licence under which the same is made, and should any such sales be made, no costs of carriage incurred in delivering the fertiliser may be debited to the Government in the said account. (g) In cases where Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Ground Basic Slag is consigned by the maker to his own local store for subsequent delivery or distribu- tion : (i) The cost of carriage by rail or water between the works and the store may be debited to the Government, such debit to be made when the fertiliser has been sold and delivered, (ii) Where such store has been approved by the Government for the supply of such maker of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia and Ground Basic Slag, or any one or more of such fertilisers, to any particular district (but Fertiliser* Prices Order, 1918. Arms &c. n t otherwise) any further costs of carriage (3) Acid by ra il r water incurred by the maker in Supplies. * delivering Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, and /or Ground Basic Slag (as the case may be) from such store to purchasers or consumers within such district, may be debited to the Government; and in addition, where the fertiliser is delivered into such store on or before the 31st December, 1918, the Government may also be debited with a further sum of 65. per ton (in the case of Superphosphate and Sulphate of Ammonia) and 25. -per ton (in the case of Ground Basic slag) to cover the cost of putting the fertiliser into and out of store, and (iii) Where such store has been specially approved by the Government for this purpose (either generally) or as regards one or two only of the said three fertilisers there may also be debited to the Government any costs (not chargeable to the purchaser under para- graphs (d> and (f\) of clause 2 of the above Order) of cartage or haulage of the Super- phosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, and /or Basic Slag (as the case may be), into such store from the nearest or other approved rail- way station or wharf, provided that the same is delivered into such store on or before the 31st December, 1918. (h) In the case of sales of Ground Basic Slag for delivery in Ireland, nothing may be debited to the Government in the said account in respect of any costs of transport from port of arrival in Ireland to place of delivery. 3. The Government shall be credited in the said account with the sum of 125. 6d. in respect of each ton of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia, or Basic Slag, of the maker's manufacture, sold by him, or at any time after the date on which the above Order takes effect for delivery as mentioned in paragraphs (a), (d), (e) or (/) of clause 2 of the above Order between the 1st June, 1918, and the 31st May, 1919 (or such other date as may hereafter be fixed by the Minister), and actually delivered between those dates ; such credit to be made from time to time as and when the fertiliser is delivered. Provided that nothing shall be credited to the Government in respect of sales of any of the four classes specified in clause 7 of the above Order. 4. The said account shall be balanced as on the 31st July, 1918, and the last day of each second calendar month thereafter, ending with the 31st May, 1919, or such other date as aforesaid ; and any balance shown by any such two-monthly account to be due, either from the Government to the maker or from the maker to the Government, shall be paid within twenty-eight days after the same is ascertained, or otherwise as may be arranged. Fertilisers Prices Order, 1918. 65 5. The maker shall render to the Government an account tnr 2.Arms,&c. each two-monthly period aforesaid, in such form and containing' ~ vsuch particulars as the Government may require, and shall pro- duce to the Government's representatives and, if so required, forward to vhem, together with each two-monthly account, the proper vouchers of certificates for all charges debited to the Government in such account. The maker shall keep (so far as practicable in separate books) true and accurate accounts and records of all costs of carriage incurred and paid by the maker in delivering Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia or Basic Slag, and shall, whenever required, submit his books and all relevant documents tor examination by the 3 Government's representatives. NOTICE. By arrangement with the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Board of Agriculture for Scotland and the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, the Minister of Munitions has (until further notice) delegated to those Depart- ments, jointly, the carrying out of the scheme for equalising costs of distribution of Superphosphate, Sulphate of Ammonia and Ground Basic Slag, set out in the fifth schedule to the above Order, and has nominated those Departments, jointly, as the Government Department which is to exercise all powers, authorities and discretions reserved to the Minister by the said schedule, and with which the accounts referred to in the said schedule are to be opened and kept, and also as the Government Department, by or under the authority of which licenses under paragraphs (6y, (;.. I'.ils. ; THE TAR (COAL AND WATER GAS) ORDER. .1917. DATED DECEMBER 31, 1917, MADE BY THE MIMSTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. For the purposes of this Order, the expression " coal tar ' shall mean tar produced or derived from the destructive distilla- tion of bituminous material by any means other than blast furnaces, the expression " water gas tar" shall mean tar pro- duced by carburetting water gas, and the expression " tar " shall mean and include both coal tar and water gas tar as above defined. 2. No person shall as from the day following the date of this Order until further notice purchase or offer to purchase any tar (whether crude or dehydrated) except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. Provided that no Licence shall be required : (a) By a Tar Distiller for the purchase of Tar in any quan- tities, provided that the whole quantity purchased is intended to be and is in fact distilled to pitch by such Distiller. (6) By any person for the purchase of Tar (whether crude or dehydrated) in quantities not exceeding 10 gallons, provided that the total quantity purchased by any one person during any one calendar month does not exceed 50 gallons. 3. No person shall as from the day following the date of this Order until further notice except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions : (i) Accept delivery of or make payment for any Coal Tar tendered for delivery under any contract existing at the date of this Order unless (a) such contract was Tar (Coal and Water Gas) Order, 1917. 73 entered into prior to the 5th September, 1917, and is 2. Arms,&c. in writing, and (b) full written particulars of such (5) Coal contract were furnished to the Minister of Munitions Tar, &c. before the 1st October, 1917, by the person entitled at that date to deliveries thereunder; or (ii) Accept delivery of or make payment for any water gas tar tendered for delivery under any contract existing at the date of this Order unless (a) such contract is in writing, and (6) full written particulars of such_ contract shall be furnished to the Minister of Munitions before the 25th January, 1918, by the person for the time being entitled to deliveries thereunder. 4. As on and from the 15th January, 1918, until further notice, no person manufacturing or producing Tar shall burn or consume any such Tar for firing, steam raising, or heating purpose, nor use any such Tar for any other purpose except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. Provided that 110 such licence shall be required by a manufacturer or producer of Tar who is also a Tar Distiller to entitle him to distil to pitch all or any of the Tar manufac- tured or produced by him. 5. The Order of the Minister of Munitions dated the 4th September, 19 17, (a) relating to Coal Tar is hereby cancelled, but such cancellation shall not affect the previous operation of that Order nor the validity of any action taken thereunder, nor the liability to any penalty or punishment in respect of any con- travention or failure to comply with such Order prior to this cancellation nor any proceeding or remedy in respect of such penalty or punishment. 6. This Order may be cited as the " Tar (Coal and Water Gas) Order, 1917." NOTE. All applications in reference to this Order (including applica- tions for licences) should be addressed to the Ministry of Muni- iions, Department of Explosives Supply, Storey's Gate, West- minster, S.W.I, and marked ' f E.G.S." [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 1st, 1918.] (a) ORDER OF SEPTEMBER 4-ni, 1917. That Order was published in the London Gazette, September 4th, 1917. 74 Tar Oils Control Order, 1918. 2. Arms,&c. (5) Coal THE TAR OILS CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 1, 19J8 r Tar, &C. MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Whereas the Minister of Munitions is desirous of cancelling the Order controllng Tar Oils made by him on the 23rd October, 1917, (a) as from the 1st February, 1918, and of substituting the following Order therefor. Now the Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers con- ferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him, gives notice and orders as follows : 1. He hereby takes possession as from the 1st February, 1918, until further notice, of all Tar Oil as hereinafter denned then or thereafter situate in the United Kingdom. 2. If any person having control of any such Tar Oil of which possession has been taken under clause 1 hereof without the consent of the Minister of Munitions sells, removes, or secretes it, or deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licences that may be granted in respect thereof, he will be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. No person shall on or after the 1st February, 1918, until further notice purchase or take delivery of any such Tar Oil, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, or offer to sell, sell, supply, or deliver any such Tar Oil to any person other than the holder of such a licence and in accordance with the terms thereof. Provided that no such licence shall be required: (a) By any person for the purchase and delivery of such Tar Oil in quantities not exceeding an aggregate of 5 gallons during any one calendar month. (b) By any person, after the first application by him for and pending the granting or refusal of a licence, for the delivery to him under a contract in writing existing at the date hereof and lawfully entered into of such Tar Oil for the purpose of benzol washing, or the manufacture of disinfectants, antiseptic drugs, lamp or vegetable black, or fuel, to a total amount not exceeding the amount of one month's average monthly deliveries under such contract during the three calendar months immediately preceding the date hereof. In every case where any such Tar Oil is sold or bought under licence the contract note shall specify the grade to be delivered in accordance with the licence issued to the purchaser, and the Oil so delivered shall be in reasonable accordance with the grade (a) ORDER OF OCT. 23, 1917. That Order which was published in the Londor Gazette, October 26th, 1917, is revoked by Clause 9 of the present Order, Tar Oils Control Order, 1918. 75 so specified. The contract note shall also show in detail the 2. Arms,&c. actual f.o.r. or f.o.b. price of the Oil to be delivered, and all (5) Coal additions and extra charges whether for freight or otherwise. Tar, &c. 4. No purchase or sale of any such Tar Oil or offer to purchase or sell the same, unless such purchase, sale or offer is made under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, and authorising some other price or prices, shall, m the case of any class of Tar Oil specified in the schedule hereto, be at a price exceed- ing the price fixed for the same in the said schedule ; provided that this clause shall not apply to any deliveries under and in pursuance of a contract in writing entered into prior to the 13th July, 1917. 5. No person, whether he is or is not the actual producer of such Tar Oil, shall on and after the 1st February until further notice, use any Tar Oil exceeding in quantity 5 gallons in any one calendar month for the purpose of or in connection with any manufacture or work, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 6. All persons producing Tar Oil or holding any stock thereof shall furnish to the Controller of Explosives Supply, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W.I, as and when required by him, such returns of Tar Oils at any time manufactured, purchased, sold, supplied, delivered or used by them at such times and in such form as the said Controller of Explosives shall from time to time direct. 7. All persons heretofore required by the Minister of Muni- tions to furnish returns relating to Tar Oil shall, until further notice, continue to furnish returns in accordance with such previous requirements. 8. For the purpose of this Order the expression ' ' Tar Oil " shall mean Light Oil, Sharp Oil, Creosote Oil, Green Oil, and Anthracene Oil, and any other oil produced from or containing an admixture of oil produced from the distillation of gas coal tar, coke oven tar, oil gas tar, producer gas tar, water gas tar, and Mond gas tar or any of them with the exception of crude benzol, crude naphtha, crude solvent naphtha, solvent naphtha, heavy naphtha, crude carbolic acid, light oil containing recoverable amounts of benzol and toluol, and oils produced from the said Tars or any of them containing more than 50 per cent, of pyridine or any other tar bases. 9. The above mentioned Order of the Minister of Munitions of the 23rd October 1917, (a) is hereby cancelled as from the 1st February, 1918, but such cancellation shall not revive any Order thereby cancelled, or affect the previous operation of the (a) TAR OILS ORDER, 1917. That Order was published in the London Gazette, October 26th, 1917. 76 Tar Oily, Control Order, 1918. 2. Arms,&c. said Order of the 23rd October, 1917, prior to the 1st February, (5) Coal 1918, or the validity of any action taken thereunder or the right Tar^&c. ^e j^inigter to any oil of any description of which possession was thereby taken, or the liability to any penalty or punishment in respect of any contravention or failure to t^omply with the said Order of the 23rd October, 1917, prior to its cancellation, or any proceeding or remedy in respect of such penalty or punish- ment. 10. This Order may be cited as the Tar Oils Control Order, 1918. 11. All applications for licences under this Order shall be made to the Controller, Mineral Oil Production Department, Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue W.C.2 The Schedule. MAXIMUM PRK 1. Oils for JSeiizol washing : (a) Creosote complying- with the following specification: Sp. Gr. at 60 F. not less than T020. Shall deposit no naphthaline crystals at 45 F. On distillation in retort with thermometer in liquid shall give no distillate below 200 C. (corrected) not less than 5 per cent, at 230 C. (corrected) and not less than 90 per cent, at 300 C. (corrected), 1035. per ton. For each degree F. by which the crystallising point is above 45 F. 1$. per ton shall be deducted from the price, and tor each 1 per cent, by which the volume of distillate at 300 C. (corrected) falls below 90 per cent. 6d. per ton shall be deducted from the price. (b) Oil heavier than Creosote, frequently known as "Green Oil," complying with the following specification: Sp. Gr. at 60 F. not less than T05. Free from water and sediment, and completely fluid at 60 F. On distillation with thermometer in liquid shall give the following amounts of distillates: Up to 270 . (corrected) between 5 and 15 per cent. Up to 350 C. (corrected) between 60 and 70 per cent,, 98s. per ton. 2. Oil for fuel purposes: (a) For use in Diesel Engines complying with the following specification : Sp. Gr. at 60 F. not exceeding I'lOO. Calorific value not less than 15,800 B.T.U.'s. Fluid at 60 F. Maximum content of Water, 2 per cent., Coke, 5 pei cent., Ash, O'lO per cent.. 905. Qd. per ton. Tar Oils Control Order, 1918. 77 (b) For other Engines and Furnaces generally : 2. Arms,&c, Per ton. (5) Coal s. d. Tar,&c. 1. Admiralty specification Oil ... ... T5 2. 75 per cent. Creosote Oil and 25 per cent. Pitch 64 3. 66f per cent. Creosote Oil and 33 per cent. Pitch ... 60 4. 50 per cent. Creosote Oil and 50 per cent. Pitch ... 52 6 5. 40 per cent. Creosote Oil and 60 per cent. Pitch 48 6. 25 per cent. Creosote Oil and 75 per cent. Pitch 41 6 The method of ascertaining the percentage of Pitch contained in any oil supplied for fuel purposes shall be as follows : About 100 grams of the Fuel Oil is weighed into a tarred Wurtz flask of about 50 cc. capacity, and distilled until the thermometer, placed in the vapour with the bulb just below side tube of flask shows a temperature of 350 C. (corrected). The weight of the residue is taken, and its percentage found by multiplying by 100 and dividing by the weight of fuel oil taken. The difference between the percentage of residue at 350 thus found and 100 shall be taken as the percentage of distillate to 350. From the percentage of residue at 350 thus found, one-tenth of the percentage of distillate at 350 shall be deducted, and the difference thus found shall be taken as the percentage of pitch present in the sample. Thus for example, if on testing in the above specified manner the percentage of residue at 350 is found to be 40 per cent. , and the percentage of distillate at 350 to be 60 per cent., then Percentage of Pitch = 40 one-tenth of 60. = 40-6 = 34 per cent. In addition to the above maximum prices the sum of 55. per ton may be charged for each ton of oil for fuel purposes supplied containing Creosote Oil and Pitch in any of the proportions hereinbefore mentioned to cover the cost of reheating, mixing, straining through a one-sixteenth inch mesh and testing, provided that the distillation shall have been carried to 350 C. or over, and that the mixtures supplied shall not contain more than 1 per cent, of water or '5 per cent, of ash or a greater percentage of free carbon after being strained as above mentioned than the' amounts specified hereunder : Free Carbon. No. 2. B. 2. 7-5 per cent. No. 2. B. 3. 10 per cent. No. 2. B. 4. 15 per cent. No. 2. B. 5. 18 per cent. No. 2. B. 6. 22'5 per cent. 78 Ammonia Control Order, 1918. 2.Arms,&c. A commission not exceeding 2J per cent, in addition to the (5) Coal sums mentioned above may be charged by brokers, dealers and Tar, &c. merchants. The prices mentioned in this schedule are for oil or fuel delivered free on rail or barge at the sellers 7 works or at the nearest station or wharf into the purchasers tank cars or barges, and sold according to the producers' weights and measurements. In cases where the seller supplies the tank cars an additional charge of 20s. for each 2,200 gallons capacity per week for the use of such cars is permitted. In the case of Creosote Oil delivered from such Ocean installa- tions as shall be approved by the Minister of Munitions, an additional charge of %d. (three-eighths of a penny) per gallon is permitted, which increase shall cover all charges for insurance, pumping and such other expenses as are usually defrayed by the purchaser. The cost of analysis, measurement and sampling if required by the purchaser may be charged in addition to the maximum prices above specified. The cost of barrels (including coopering and filling) and the hire of barges used for transport may be charged for at current rates. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 1, 1918, and is here printed with the correction made in the last paragraph but two by erratum notice.] THE AMMONIA CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 17, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all other powers enabling him , hereby Orders as follows : 1. No person shall as on and from the 1st day of June, 1918, until further notice produce or manufacture any ammonia or ammoniacal product, except under a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of such licence as to the quantities to be manufactured or otherwise. Provided that no licence shall be required to manufacture : (a) Crude ammoniacal liquor or sulphate of ammonia in any quantities. (b) Any other ammoniacal product, in quantities not exceed- ing \ ton, during any one calendar month. 2. No person shall as on and from the first day of June, 1918, until further notice supply any ammonia or ammoniacal product (other than crude ammoniacal liquor or sulphate of ammonia) to any person, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a licence issued by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions pursuant to this Order. Provided that Ammonia Control Order, 1918. 79 ii o licence shall be required to supply not more than 56 Ibs. of 2. Arms,&c. anhydrous ammonia, or 1 cwt. of ammoniacal liquor or any (5) Coal ammoniacal product to any person during any one calendar Tar, &c. month. 3. All persons engaged in producing or manufacturing ammo- nia, or any ammoniacal product, or in any manufacture, trade or business in which any ammonia or ammoniacal product is used shall carry out and comply with all instructions and directions which may be issued or given by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions with a view to avoiding loss or waste of ammonia. 4. All persons engaged in producing, manufacturing, selling, distributing, or storing ammonia, or ammoniacal products, or in any manufacture, trade or business in which any of the same are used shall make such returns with regard to their businesses (including returns relating to losses or waste of ammonia) and shall verify the same in such manner (including production of their books to any accredited representatives of the Minister of Munitions) as may from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 5. For the purposes of this Order the following expressions shall have the following meanings : " Ammonia " shall mean and include anhydrous ammonia and ammonia in aqueous solution. " Ammoniacal Products " shall mean and include all com- pounds of ammonia and mixtures or preparations con- taining ammonia. " Crude ammoniacal liquor " shall mean an aqueous solution of ammonia containing not more than 5 per cent, of ammonia. 6. Nothing contained in this Order shall affect or exempt any person from compliance with any of the provisions of the Ferti- liser Prices Order, 19 18, (a) relating to sales or deliveries of sulphate of ammonia. 7. This Order may be cited as the Ammonia Control Order > 1918. 8. All applications in reference to this Order (including appli- cations, for licences) should be addressed to the Ministry of Munitions, Department of Explosives Supply, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W.I, and marked " Fertiliser Section." NOTE. Under Clause 9 of the Fertiliser Prices Order, 19 18, (a) licences are required for certain sales and deliveries of sulphate of ammonia, and in particular for all sales of sulphate of ammonia for use in the manufacture of munitions of war or for other industrial purposes. [The ahove Order was published in the London Gazette, May 17th, 1918.] (a) FERTILISER PRICES ORDER, 1918. This Order is printed p. 52. M) Oat lIW/.-.v l\ sale or delivery of such maximum quantity on any such purchase 3. The expression " Shellac " shall for the purpose of this Order mean : Shellac, Stick Lac, Seed Lac, Garnet Lac, and Button Lac, or any of them. 88 Whale Oil Order, 1916. 2. Arms,&c. 4. This Order may be cited as " The Shellac Control Order, (10) Rosin, 1918." an( j o. All application for licences shall be addressed to: The Controller, Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S./L., Mj'nisir\ of Munitions, S. Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2. [The above Order were published in the London Gazette, March 12th, 1918.] (11) Whale (11.) Whale Oil. Oil. Whale Oil Order, 1916, p. 88. War Material (Insurance) Permit, 1916, p. 89. Whale Oil (Sale and Purchase) Permit, 1917, p. 89. THE WHALE OIL ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED JUNE 24, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred on him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the War Material to which the Regulation applies, shall include War Material of the following class and description, namely, Whale Oil other than Sperm Oil. The Order, dated March 18th, 1916, published in the London Gazette of March 21st, 1916, is hereby cancelled. NOTICE. All applications for a permit in connection with the above Order should be addressed to the Director of Propellant Supplies. Ministry of Munitions, 32-34, Old Queen Street, W estminster, S.W.I. (c) [The above Order and Notice were published in the London Gazette. June 27th, 1916.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed, p. 12. (c) Now the Director of Oils and Fats, Ministry of Food, County Hall, Westminster. War Material (Insurance) Permit, 1916; Whale Oil (Sale and 89 Purchase) Permit, 1917. 2. Arm THE WAR MATERIAL (INSURANCE) PERMIT, 1916(a), DATED JUNE & c - 30, 1916, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS, PERMITTING (11) Whale THE INSURANCE OF OPTICAL MUNITIONS, ALUMINIUM, PLATI- NUM AND WHALE OIL. Whereas by Orders published in the "London Gazette" on November 23rd, 1915,(b) December 7th, 1915, (o) December 31st, 1915,(d) March 21st, 1916,(e) June 6th, 1916,( d ) and June 27th, 1916,O) respectively, the Minister of Munitions, in pursuance of t)io powers conferred on him by Regulation 3()A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations/*) applied such regulation to certain Wai- Material specified in such Orders namely : Optical munitions, (b) all kinds of aluminium and alumina, (o) platinum metal and ores, residues and bars containing the same,(d) and whale oil other than sperm oil.(e) And whereas the Minister deems it desirable that the insurance of such War Material should be permitted. Now, therefore, the Minister gives notice that he hereby authorises and permits the insurance of the War Material speci- fied in the above-mentioned notices. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, July 4th, 191ti.] THE WHALE OIL (SALE AND PURCHASE) PERMIT, 1917, (a) DATED MAT 1, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Whereas by an Order made on the 24th June, 191G. and pub- lished in the % ' London Gazette " on the 27th June, 1916,(e) the Minister of Munitions in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions^) ordered that the war material to which the Regulation applies should include Whale Oil other than Sperm Oil and whereas the Minister of Munitions deems it desirable that certain limited sales and purchases of such Whale Oil should be permitted. (a) SHORT TITLE OF LICENCE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) OPTICAL MUNITIONS ORDER, 1915. This is printed p. 277, in group 9, " Optical and Glassware Munitions." (c) ALUMINIUM. The Order of Dec. 7, 1915, relating to all kinds of aluminium and alumina was cancelled by Order relating to aluminium, &c. of July 21, 1916, printed at p. 180 of the November, 1916, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm " Manual. The last named Order was cancelled by the Aluminium Order, 1916, dated Dec. 2 1916, and printed p. 176, under sub-group (1), u Aluminium," of group 7 " Metals, &c." (d) PLATINUM ORDER, 1915, AND PLATINUM METAL ORDER, 1916. These are printed pp. 218 and 214, in sub-group (16), "Platinum," of group 7 ' Metals, &c." (e) WHALE OIL ORDER, 1916. This is printed immediately above in sub- group (11) of this present group of Orders. (f) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12, 90 Whale Oil (Sale and Purchase) Permit, 1917. 2. Arms, Now, therefore, the Minister of Munitions gives notice that he &c. hereby until further notice authorises and permits the sale and (11) Whale purchase and negotiations for the sale and purchase of Whale Oil (oth*er than Sperm Oil) situate in the United Kingdom subject to the following conditions: 1. No person shall either by himself or his agent in any con- secutive period of three calendar months sell or purchase or negotiate for the sale or purchase of more than a total quantity of 25 tons. 2. No sale, purchase or negotiation shall be otherwise than for delivery within the United Kingdom. NOTE. All applications for permits under the above-mentioned Order of the 24th June, 1916, or otherwise in connection with the said Order or this Order should be addressed to the Controller of Oils and Fate, Ministry of Munitions, Great George Street, West- minster, S.W.I. (a) [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette. May 1st, 1917.] (a) Now the Director of Oils and Fats, Ministry of Food, County Hall, Westminster. i Hay and Straw (Great Britain) Order, 1917. 91 3. Forage. 3. Forage. Hay and Straw (Great Britain) Order, 1917, p. 91. Hay and Straw (Lifting) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917,;?. 92. Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917, p. 93. Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 98. Waste of Forage Order, 1918, p. 95. THE HAY AND STRAW (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MAY 9, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling them, the Army Council do hereby Order : That on and after the 24th day of May, 1917, no Chaffed or Chopped Hay shall be manufactured, purchased, sold or deli- vered in Great Britain unless it contains not less than 20 per cent, of chopped straw. Clause 4 of the Army Council Order of 3Qth June, 1916, pro- hibiting the lifting of hay and straw in England and Wales and Ireland in so far as it relates to the use of Straw in England and Wales, and Clause 4 of the Army Council Order of the 14.th September, 1916, prohibiting the lifting of hay and straw in Scotland,^) are hereby cancelled in so far as they 'relate to straw. And the Army Council do hereby further order that on ai*d after the 24th day of May, 1917, no wheat straw(c) shall be used for any purpose other than the feeding of live-stock and for thatching, and that no oat straw(c) shall be used for any purpose other than the feeding of live-stock, except in either case under licence from the District Purchasing Officer of the District or County concerned a list of whom is appended, (d) By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. (a) SHOKT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) ARMY COUNCIL ORDERS OP JUNE 30m, 1916, AND SEPTEMBER 14TH, 1916. These Orders are wholly revoked by the Hay and Straw (Lifting) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917, printed p. 92. (c) WHEAT STRAW AND OAT STRAW. So far as it relates to Wheat Straw in Great Britain and Oat Straw in Scotland this Order is revoked by the Hay and Straw (Lifting) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917, printed p. 52. (d) LIST or DISTRICT PURCHASING OFFICERS. This List is appended to the Waste of Forage Order, 1918, as printed pp. 95 to 98, and is therefore not repeated at the end of the present Order. 92 Hay and Straw (Lifting] (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917. 3. Forage. THE HAY AND STRAW (LIFTING) (UNITED KINGDOM AND ISLE OF MAN) ORDER, 1917, ( a ) DATED JULY 17, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. 1. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice that all hay or oat or wheat straw now standing in bulk in Great Britain and Ireland and the Isle of Man or as and when harvested is taken possession of by the Army Council and shall from the date of this Order, or as and when harvested, be held at the disposal of the duly authorised Officers of the AVar Department; excepting such hay or straw of the 1916 or earlier crop as has been released by Sale Licence. The Army Council Orders of the 30th June, 1916, (b) and the 14th September, 1916,(<>) relative to the prohibtion of the lifting of hay and straw in England, AVales and Ireland, in Great Britain, in Scotland, and in the Isle of Man respectively are hereby cancelled. 2. Applications to enable hay or wheat .or oat straw to be sold to private consumers or dealers will only be granted in respect of qualities and quantities or hay or straw in respect of which a Sale Licence has been issued being found not to be required for Army use, and that part of the Army Council Order of 9th May, 1917, (d) prohibiting the use of straw for certain pur- poses, in so far as it relates to \vbcnt stniw in (liva! Britain, and in so far as it relates to oat straw in Scotland, is cancelled. 3. Farmers and stock breeders are authorised to use a reason- able quantity of hay or oat or wheat straw in their poss* for consumption by stock in their possession or control. 4. Applications for sale under this Order must be made in writing to the District Purchasing Officer of the district or county in which the hay or straw affected is standing. 5. Applications to purchase for the purpose of re-sale will be made in England and Wales and the Isle of Man to the Adminis- trative Member, Forage Committee, 64. AA T liitehall Court, (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) ORDER OF JUNE 30th, 1916. This was published London Gazette, June 30th, 1916, and is also printed p. 169 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (c) ORDERS OF SEPT. 14, 1916. There were 3 Orders of this date. That relating to Great Britain was published London Gazette, Sept. 14th, 1916, being the 3rd Supplement to the Gazette of Sept. 12th and is also printed p. 172 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." That relating to Scotland was published London Gazette, Sept. 14th, 1916, being the 3rd Supplement to the Gazette of Sept. 12th, and is also printed p. 175 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." That relating to the Isle of Man was published London Gazette, Sept. 14th, 1916, being the 3rd Supplement to the Gazette of Sept. 12th and is also printed p. 177 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (d) HAY AND STRAW (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER 1917 This is printed immediately above. Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917. 3. Forage. London, S.W.I; in Ireland to the Area Administrative Officer, Eoyal Hospital, Dublin; and in Scotland to the Area Administra- tive Officer, Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh. 6. All Licences or Authorities issued under this Order will be issued subject to the restrictions and conditions contained in such Licences or Authorities; any departure from these conditions or other act in contravention of the provisions of this Order will be an offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and render the offender liable to the penalties attaching thereto. T. Detailed instructions regarding the necessary procedure to be adopted by all desiring to sell, purchase or remove hay or straw under this Order can be obtained on application to the Secretary, Forage Committee, 64, Whitehall Court, London, S.W.I; in Ireland to the Area Administrative Officer, Royal Hospital, Dublin, in Scotland to the Area Administrative Officer, Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh; and in the Isle of Man to tho D.P.O.S., Edinburgh House, Loch Promenade, Douglas. NOTE. The addresses of the Officers mentioned in paragraph 4 are as mentioned at the end of the Waste of Forage Order, 1918, p. 95. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. THE HAY, STRAW AND CHOP (SALE) UNITED KINGDOM AND ISLE OF MAN ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JULY 17, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council do hereby Order: That on any sale of hay, oat straw or wheat straw or chopped hay, oat straw or wheat straw in Great Britain and Ireland and the Isle of Man, the price shall not exceed such prices as are set out in the Schedules hereunder : Schedule I. (LONG HAY AND STRAW.) Maximum Prices per Ton which a Producer may not exceed. Hay. Oat Straw. Wheat Straw. 8. d. ,; d. s. d. To 31st December, 1917 ... . 5 10 3 2 10 31st January, 1918 5 12 9 3 1 6 2 11 3 28th February, 1918 5 15 6 3 3 2* 12 6 31st March, 1918 5 18 3 3 4 6 2 13 9 lifter 31st March, 1918 ... . 6 1 o 3 6 2 15 The above prices are deemed to include the cost of carting to nearest railway station or a distance equivalent thereto, but not the cost of cutting, trussing and tying, or baling. (a) SHORT TITLE OR ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the ' Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. 94 3. Forage. Hay,, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917. Schedule II. (LONG HAY AND STRAW.) Maximum Prices per Ton for Quantities exceeding 10 cwt. wLicli a Seller inav not exceed. Hay. Oat Straw. Wheat Straw. s. d. *. d. s. d. To 31st December, 1917 ... 7 10 500 4 10 31st January, 1918 7 12 9 5 1 6 4 11 3 28th February, 1918 7 15 6 530 4 12 fl 31st March, 1918 7 18 3 546 4 13 9 After 31st March, 1918 8 1 560 4 15 D The above prices are deemed to include commission and all costs and charges incurred, of whatever nature, for hay and straw delivered on to the consumer's or purchaser's premises. Schedule III. (LONG HAY AND STRAW.) (a) Schedule IV. (CHOPPED HAY AND STRAW.) Maximum Prices per Ton for Quantities exceeding 10 cwt. which a Seller may not exceed. Chopped Hay mixed with 20 per cent, of Chopped Oat Straw. Chopped Wheat Straw. Chopped Straw. s. d. s. d. x. d. To 31st December, 1917 7 10 500 4 10 31st January, 1918 7 12 9 5 1 6 4 11 3 28th February, 1918 7 15 6 530 4 12 6 31st March, 1918 7 18 3 546 4 13 9 After 31st March, 1918 8 1 560 4 15 The above prices are deemed to include commission and all costs and charges incurred of whatever nature for "chop" delivered on to the consumer's or purchaser's premises, excepting that where it is delivered in returnable sacks or bags a sum equal to 7s 6d. per ton may be added to the above prices. (a) SCHEDULE III. A new schedule has been substituted for Schedule III by the Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 98 post. Waste of Forage Order, 1918. 95 Schedule V. 3. Forage. (CHOPPED HAY AND STEAW.)(*) The Army Council Orders of the 5th November, 1916,( b ) the 27th February, 191T(c) and the 14th March, 1917,(d, regulating the price of hay and straw and " chopped " hay and straw are hereby cancelled. Nothing in this Order shall affect the Army Council Order of the 9th May, 1917, (e) regulating the sale, etc., of chopped hay and straw, and the prohibition of the use of oat straw for certain purposes in England and Wales. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. THE WASTE or FORAGE ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 2, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In exercise- of the powers conferred 011 them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of all the other powers enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby orders that the following regulations shall be observed by all persons con- cerned : 1. A person shall not waste any Forage or cause or permit any Forage to be wasted. 2. For the purpose of this Order, Forage is wasted: (a) Whenever the Forage is wilfully or negligently damaged or is thrown away; or as to hay or oat straw is used other than for feeding purposes except under licence from the District Purchasing Officer of Supplies of the County or District concerned, a list of whom is appended; or (b) Whenever any person having the control, or custody of the Forage omits to take any precaution "which ought reasonably to be taken for its preservation; or (c) In taking such precaution does so in a negligent, or unworkmanlike or inefficient manner whereby the Forage becomes damaged or unfit for use ; or (a) SCHEDULE V. A new schedule has been substituted for Schedule V by the Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Amend- ment Order, 1918, printed p. 98 post. (b) ORDER OF Nov. 5, 1916. This was published London Gazette, Nov. 6th, 1916, being the 2nd Supplement to the Gazette of Nov. 3rd, and is also printed p. 205 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (c) ORDER OF FEB. 27, 1917. This was published London Gazette, March 2nd, 1917, and is also printed p. 206 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (d) ORDER OF MARCH 14, 1917. This was published London Gazette, March 16th, 1917, and is also printed p. 207 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (e) HAY AND STRAW (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1917. This, the Order referred to, is printed p. 91 above. 96 Waste of Forage Order, 1918. 3. Forage. (d) Whenever any person having the disposal of the Fom^v unreasonably retains the same undisposed of until tilt- same becomes unfit for use. 3. For the purpose of this Order every person having control of the Forage on any farm or in any barn, shop, warehouse, or other place in which any Forage is wasted by the act or default of any person employed in or about the farm, barn, shop, ware- house or other place, shall be deemed to have caused such waste, unless he shall have taken reasonable steps to prevent such waste. 4. Any Officer of the Forage Department or an\ ;,er>oM specially authorised by him, or any Police Constable may entoi upon any premises in which he has reason to believe thai any ' Forage is being wasted, and carry out such inspection and examination of the premises and take such samples a- he shall think fit, 5. For the purpose of this Order: The expression " Forage " shall mean hay. oai si raw and wheat straw and " chaff " or " chop " manufactured there- from . 6. Notwithstanding anything contained in para. 2 (a) of tin- Order, the use of oat straw in Scotland and Ireland for other than feeding purposes shall not be deemed a contravention or this Order. 7. Nothing in this Order shall affect any Orders that may be in force from time to time prohibiting the lifting of hay and straw except under Licence. 8. (a) This Order may be cited as ihe Waste of Forage Order. 1918. (6) This Order shall come into force on the 1.1th May, 191S. By Order of the Ariny Council. R. H. Bra4e. The addresses of the officers mentioned in para. 2 (a) are us under : D.P.O.S. Bedfordshire, 24, Rothesay Road, Bedford. D.P.O.S. Berkshire, 1 Station Road, Reading. D.P.O.S. Buckingham, Wiiislow House, Aylesbury. D.P.O.S. Cambridgeshire, 90, Regent Street, Cambridge. D.P.O.S. Cheshire, 14, Old Bank Buildings. Chester.. D.P.O.S. Cornwall, 68, Lemon Street, Truro. D.P.O.S. Derbyshire, 12, Strand Chambers, Derby. D.P.O.S. Devonshire, 22, Southernhay West, Exeter. D.P.O.S. Dorset, 22, High Street, Dorchester. D.P.O.S. Durham, Joint Stock Bank Chambers, Darlington D.P.O.S. Essex, ISA, Broomfield R-oad, Chelmsford. D.P.O.S. Gloucestershire, 5, George Street. Gloucester. D.P.O.S. Hampshire, 5, Southgate Street, Winchester. D.P.O.S. Hertfordshire, 43, Victoria Street. St. Albans. Waste of Forage Order, 1918. 97 D.P.O.S. Huntingdonshire, St. George's House, St. George's 3. Forage. Street, Hunts. D.P.O.S. Isle of Man, Edinburgh House, Loch Promenade, Douglas. D.P.O.S. Kent, Ashford West Station, Kent, D.P.O.S. Lancaster, 65, Houghton Street, Southport. D.P.O.S. Leicestershire, 8, New Street, Leicester. D.P.O.S. Lincolnshire, 5, Broad Street, Spalding. D.P.O.S. London and Middlesex, 5, The Broadway, Harrow, D.P.O.S. Norfolk, 11, Thorpe Road, Norwich. D.P.O.S. Northamptonshire, 2A, Guildhall Road, Northamp- ton. D.P.O.S. Northumberland, 33, Sand Hill, Newcastle-on- Tyne. D.P.O.S. Nottinghamshire, Thurland Street, Nottingham. D.P.O.S. Oxfordshire, York House, St. Aldates, Oxford. D.P.O.S. Shropshire, 22, Talbot Chambers, Market Street, Shrewsbury. D.P.O.S. Somerset, 63, High Street, Tauntoii. D.P.O.S. Staffordshire, New Sorting Office, Newport Road, Stafford. D.P.O.S. Suffolk, Tower Street, Ipswich. D.P.O.S. Surrey, Piccards House, Bridge Street, Guildford. D.P.O.S. Sussex, 18, Cromwell Road, Hove. D.P.O.S. Warwickshire, 61, Warwick Street, Leamington. D.P.O.S. Westmorland and Cumberland, The Corn Market, Penrith. D.P.O.S. Wiltshire, 12, Market Place, Devizes. D.P.O.S. Worcestershire, 14, Peir-pont Street, Worcester. D.P.O.S. Yorkshire, T2, Bootham, York. D.P.O.S. S.E. Wales, Bland Store, Dumballs Road, Cardiff. D.P.O.S. N.E. Wales, 13, Regent Street, Wrexham. D.P.O.S. S.W. Wales, 13A, King Street, Carmarthen. D.P.O.S. N.W. Wales, The Old Recruiting Officer, Water Street, Menai Bridge. ~S Gotland. D.P.O.S. No. 1 Dist., comprising Ayr, Lanark, Dumbarton, Bute, Renfrew, 34, West George Street, Glasgow. D.P.O.S. No. 2 Dist., comprising The Lothians, Berwick, Roxborough, Peebles and Selkirk, 5, Alva Street, Edin- burgh. D.P.O.S. No. 3 Dist., comprising Wigton, Kirkcudbright, Dumfries, 17, Buccleugh Street, Dumfries. D.P.O.S. No. 4 Dist., comprising Stirling and Clackmannan, 16, King Street, Stirling. D.P.O.S. No. 5 Dist., comprising Argyll, Perth, Forfar, and all counties north thereof, 1, King Edward Street, Perth. D.P.O.S. No. 6 Dist,, comprising Fife and Kinross, Cupar, Fife. -5246 D 98 Hay, Stnnr and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man] Amendment Order., 1918. 3. Forage. Ireland. D.P.O.S. No. 1 Dist., comprising Carlow, Cavan. Dublin, Galway, Kildare, King's County, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Queen's County, Roscominon, West Meath, Wexford, Wicklow, Leitrim (Southern Part), Royal Hospital, Dublin. D.P.O.S. No. 2 Dist., comprising Antrim, Armagh, Down, Monaghan, Derry, Fermanagh, Donegal, Sligo, Tyrone and Leitrim (Northern Part), Victoria Barracks, Belfast. D.P.O.S. No. 3 Dist., comprising- Clare, Cork. Kerry, Kil- kenny, Limerick, Tipperary and \Vaterford, 6, Lapj>s Quay, Cork. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 7. 1918.] THE HAY, STRAW AND CHOP (SALE) (UNITED KINGDOM AND ISLE OF MAN) AMENDMENT ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 8, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COFXCIL. AVhereas by Order of 17th July, 1917, () the Army Council in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations did regulate the price of hay and oat straw and wheat straw and of chopped hay and oat and wheat straw in Great Britain and Ireland and in the Isle of Man. And whereas it is desired to amend the said Order of 17th July, 1917, by substituting for Schedules III. and Y. contained in the said Order the Schedules hereinafter appearing. Now flierefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council do hereby cancel Schedules iii. and v. of the said Order of 17th July, 1917, and substitute the following Schedules in lieu thereof. Schedule 111 . (LONG HAY AND STRAW.) The maximum prices per stone of 14 Ibs. for quantities not exceeding 10 cwt. which a seller may not exceed are as follows : Hay. Oat Straw. Wheat Straw. Is. 2d. 9Jd. 8Jd. The above prices are deemed to include commission and all costs and charges of whatever nature for hay and straw delivered to the consumer's or purchaser's premises. Provided that where a would-be buyer gives an order for a quantity exceeding 10 cwt. (such quantity being reasonable having regard to his normal requirements), and owing to a vshortage of supplies the seller's stock is insufficient to enable him to fulfil such order by one delivery, then the price shall not exceed that laid down in Schedule II. (a copy of which is set out at the foot of this Order) of the said Orler of 17th July, 1917, excepting that the seller may (a) ORDER OF JULY 17, 1017. This, the Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917, is printed p. 93 ante. Hay, Strtnr and Chop (Sale) (I'niied Kingdom and Isle of Man) f 99 Amendment Order, 19.18. 3. Forage. charge, in addition to the price laid down in Schedule II. afore- said, the actual cost of delivery, which must be a reasonable one, for each delivery after 't"he first until the full amount of the buyer's order has been fulfilled. Invoices or bills must be rendered to the buyer clearly setting out the charges for delivery as separate items from the charges for the hay or straw. > Schedule V. (CHOPPED HAY AND STRAW.) The maximum prices per stone of 14 Ibs. for quantities not exceeding 10 cwt. which a seller may not exceed are as follows : Chopped Hay, mixed with 20 per cent. Chopped of Chopped Chopped Oat Wheat Straw Straw. Straw. Is. 2d. 9Jd. 8Jd. The above prices are deemed to include commission and all costs and charges of whatever nature for " chop " delivered on to the consumer's or purchaser's premises, excepting that where it is delivered in returnable sacks or bags, an additional \d. per stone may be added to the above prices. Provided that where a would-be buyer gives an order for a quantity exceeding 10 cwt. (such quantity being' reasonable having regard to liis normal requirements), and owing to a shortage of supplies the seller's stock is insufficient to enable him to fulfil such order by one delivery, then the price shall not exceed that laid down in Schedule IV. (a copy of which it set out at the foot of this Order) of the said Order of 17th July, 1917, excepting that the seller may charge in addition to the price laid down in Schedule TV. aforesaid, the actual cost of delivery, which must be a reasonable one, for each delivery after the first until the full amount of the buyer's order has been fulfilled. Invoices and bills must be rendered to the buyer clearly setting out the charges for delivery as separate items from the charges for the chopped hay or straw. Save as aforesaid nothing in this Order affects the said Order of ITtli Tuly, 1917. Copy of Schedule II. of the Order of 11th July, 1917. (LONG HAY AND STRAW.) (a) Copy of Schedule IV. of the Order of 11th July, 1917. (CHOPPED HAY AND STRAW.) (a) By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. May 10, 1918.] (a) SCHEDULES II AND IV OF ORDER OF JULY 17, 1917. These, which are printed p. 94, are not reprinted here. 524G D 2 100 List of All Orders uffcctiny Hides. 4. Hides, Leather and Tanning* Materials. (1.) Hides, p. 100. (2.) Leather, p. 125. (3.) Tanning Materials, p. 150. (1.) Hides. [The following is a List of ALL the " Hides " Orders in force May 31, 1918. Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement," or "Returns" are also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these "Hides" Orders.] Basils and Sheep Pelts (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 106. British Hides (Dealings) Order, 1917,^. 105. British Hides (Dealings) (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 113. British Hides (Dealings) (Amendment) Order, 1917, Order amending, 1918, p. 118. British Sheep Skins (Sale) Order, 1917,;>. 110. Cape Sheep Skins (Control) Notice, 1918,;?. 116. Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918, p. 117. Domestic Sheep Skins (Amendment) Order, 1918, p. 119. Export of Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 122. Export of Hides (Ireland) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 122. Fellmongers (Great Britain) Order, 1917, p. 120. Fellmongers (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 121. Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 111. Hides (Restriction of Tanning) Order, 1918, p. 121. Hides (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 123. Hides, Skins and Leather (Returns) Ordeu, 1917, p. 124. Hides (Splitting) Order, 1917, p. 120. Horse Hides Order, 1917, p. 108. Horse Hides (Amendment) Order. 1918,;;. 114. Imported Hides (Control) Notice, 1916, p. 101. Imported Hides (Dealings) Order, 1916, 102. Imported Sheep and Lamb Skins (Dealings) Order, 1917.;;. 107. Raw Goat Skins (Control) Notice, 1918,;;. 114. Raw Goat Skins (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 115. Sheep and Lamb Pelts Order, 1917, p. 104. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Amendment) Order, 1917, ;;. 107. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Delivery) Order, 1917, p. 109. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 110. (i.) Dealings, p. 100. (ii.) Manufacture, p. 120. (iii.) Movement, p. 122. (iv.) Returns, p. 123. List of Orders as to Dealings in -j Imported Hides (Control) Notice, 19JL6, _ V A ;;:' - fr-i i'-H/*- Hides > (1.) Hides, (i.) Dealing's. ' Leather,&c. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Hides. For (D Hides. List of ALL the Hides Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. IGO.Jj - -~J Dealings. Basils and Sheep Pelts (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 106. British Hides (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 105. British Hides (Dealings) (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 113. British Hides (Dealings) Amendment) Order, 1917, Order amending, 1918, />. 118. British Sheep Skins (Salt) Order, 1917, p. 110. Cape Sheep Skins (Control) Notice, 1918, p. 116. Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918, p. 117. Domestic Sheep Skins (Amendment.) Order, 1918, p. 119. Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 111. Horse Hides Order, 1917, p. U)8. Horse Hides (Amendment) Order, 1918, p. 114. Imported Hides (Control) Notice, 1916, p. 101. Imported Hides (Dealings) Order, 1916, p. 102. Imported Sheep and Lamb Skins (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 107. Raw Goat Skins (Control) Notice, 1918, p. 114. Raw Goat Skins (Prices) Order, 1918, p. 115. Sheep and Lamb Pelts Order, 1917, p. 104. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 107. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Delivery) Order, 1917, p. 109. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 110. THE IMPORTED HIDES (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1916, (a) DATED OCTOBER 16, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, (as amended by the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) Act, 1915, and the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915), and the Regiilations made thereunder, and every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of all Hides of the descrip- tions specified in the Schedule annexed, which are now in stock in the United Kingdom. If, after this notice, any person having control of any such Hides, without the consent of the Army Council, sells, removes or secretes any such Hides, or deals with them in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit or order that may be granted or made in respect thereof, he will be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. All Hides now in process of conversion into Leather are excepted from the provision of this Order. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Dated 16th October, 1916. (a) SHOUT TITLE OF NOTICE. The -Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918,'' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 5246 D 3 102 '4. Hides, Leather, &c. L(l) Hides. fc * I Dealings. I.'in ported Hides (Dealings) Order, 1916. Schedule. (1) All Hides (Ox, Cow, and Bull), imported into the United Kingdom from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and /or any State in South America. (2) All other imported Hides (Ox, Cow, and Bull), of the following descriptions : Wet salted of 45 Ibs. and over. Dry salted of 25 Ibs. and over. Dry of 18 Ibs. and over. [The Notice was published in the London Gazette, Oc'ober 17th, 1916.] THE IMPORTED HIDES (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED DECEMBER 15, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby regulate and restrict the purchase, sale, delivery of or payment for or other dealing in any Hides of the descriptions specified in Schedule " A " hereto annexed as follows, that is to say : 1. No person, unless holding a special permit from the Director of Army Contracts for the purpose, shall purchase, sell, deliver, pay for, or enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the purchase, sale, delivery of or payment for, any Hides of the descriptions aforesaid at a price exceeding by more than one per cent, the price at which the said Hides were sold by or on behalf of the Importer thereof into the United Kingdom. 2. The following persons, unless holding a special permit from the Director of Army Contracts for the purpose, shall not pur- chase, sell, deliver, pay for, or enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the purchase, sale, delivery of or pay- ment for, any Hides of the descriptions aforesaid, that is to say: (a) Any person deemed by the Director of Army Contracts to be a Hide Broker carrying on business in accordance with the custom and usage prevailing in the London market. (u) Any person who has infringed any provision or condition of this or of any other paragraph of this Order or of any permit issued thereunder. 3. In addition to all other restrictions imposed by this Order, no Tanner shall purchase any Hides of the descriptions aforesaid without giving to the seller a guarantee in the form set out in Schedule " B " hereto annexed and no person shall sell or deliver such Hides to a Tanner without the receipt of such guarantee. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Imported Hides (Dealings) Order, 1910. 4. It shall be the duty of all parties to any of the transactions herein specified to require or disclose, as the case may be, all such information as may be necessary for or required by such parties as aforesaid or by the Director of Army Contracts for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been contravened. 5. Permits hereunder may be issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts whereby any further and other restrictions or conditions may be imposed in respect of any of the transactions herein specified. 6. All persons engaged in any of the transactions herein specified shall cause books to be kept in which shall be entered forthwith the name, address and trade or occupation of the persons with whom any such transactions have been carried on, and full details as to the nature of such transactions. All such persons shall furnish to the Director of Army Contracts such particulars as to their business or to any such transactions as may be required on his account. 7. Nothing in this Order shall apply to persons engaged solely in the shipment, forwarding, carriage, -storage or insur- ance of Hides. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. 15th December, 1916. ' . Enquiries relating to this Order should be made by letter to the Director of Army Contracts, Raw Material Section, Imperial House, Tothill Street, S.W.I. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (1) Hides. Dca/htgs. Schedule A. All Hides, Cow, Ox and /or. Bull imported into the United Kingdom of the undermentioned weights : Wetsalted, 45 Ibs. and upwards. Drysalted, 25 Ibs. and upwards. Dry, 18 Ibs. and upwards. Schedule B. I, of in consideration of the permission granted to me, notwithstanding the Order of the Army Council dated the day of , 1916, and made under the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regula- tions, 1914, hereby undertake and guarantee to put the Hides this day purchased by me from , of into work for the production of leather suitable for military requirements. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 2nd, 1917.] 5246 D 4 104 d I Miii h Pelt* Order 1917. 4. Hides, THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 9, Leather, &c. 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (1) Hides. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of Pelts and wool skins taken from sheep or lambs killed in Great Britain to comply with the following Regulations from 16th April, 1917, until further notice : 1. No person shall purchase, sell, or make or take delivery of or payment for Pelts of the description aforesaid at prices ex- ceeding those set out in the schedule hereunto annexed. 2. No person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, split or frise any Pelt of the description aforesaid other than Extras of 10 Ib. weight and upwards. (k) 3. All persons engaged in splitting lamb- or sheep-skins, or in dressing or tanning lamb-skins, sheep-skins, or skiver or chamois leather shall furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required from time to time by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. English EXTRAS Ists .. 2nd* .. 3rds Schedule. SHEEP PELTS. Scotch. 4s. Qd. PRIMES ... ... 2s. bd. 35. 6d. LIGHT PRIMES & 2nds 3*. Qd. 1*. 2d. SUPERS Ists ., 2nds . LAMB PELTS. 2s. Sd. 2s. 2d. Is. Id. PRIMES 2nds 3s. Sd. Is. 2d. The above Order was published in the London Gazette, April lath. 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) AMENDMENT OP ORDER. The Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Amendment) Order, 1917, (p. 107) revoked the words in italics in Clause 2 and added a further Clause 4 to this present Order. British Hides (Dealings) Order, 19.17. 105 4. Hides, THE BRITISH HIDES (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 17, Leather,&c. 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (1) Hides. Ill pursuance of the powers confeired upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of British Ox, Heifer, Cow and Bull Hides, to comply with the following Regulations until further notice. 1. No Hides shall be bought by or on behalf of any Tanner or delivered to any Tanner or to any person on his behalf without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts or at prices other than those set out in the schedule hereto annexed or at such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. 2. All persons concerned shall furnish such particulars as to their purchases or sales of and dealings in such Hides, as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. 3. All persons to whom any permit may be issued by OP on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts are required to comply strictly with any conditions that may be imposed by the said permit. It shall be the duty of all Tanners to communicate to any person buying on their behalf the conditions of any licence granted to such Tanner and for the time being in force, and it shall be the duty of all parties to any of the transactions herein referred to to require or disclose as the case may be all such information as may be required by such parties as aforesaid or by the Director of Army Contracts for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been contravened. Any person failing to comply with any provision hereof or with any requirement or direction made or given hereunder or with any condition of any permit herein referred to shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. Dealings. By Order of the Army Council, [For Schedule, see next page.] R. H. Brade. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 191S," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 106 7fo.s77.s- and Sheep Pelt* (Dealings) Order, 1917. 4. Hides, Schedule. (a) Leather, &c. , (1) Hides. RUNTS. IIKffEroitDs cj- HIGHLANDS. <>X $ IIEU'EH. COW. lil'LL. Dealings. Firsts Pence per Ib. to* Pence per 11). 10 Pence per 11 >. Si Pence ;>T Hi. Seconds 10\ i i r\ "Casualty," "Fallen," or "Chance" hides of whatever description 8 pence per Ib. Tliese prices are the maxima to be paid by Tanners for Hides dehorned and properly trimmed according to the usual market custom. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 22nd, 1917.) THE BASILS AND SHEEP PELTS (DKAU.M.S) ORDER, 1917, (b) DATED JUNE 5, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council do hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf oi the Director of Army Contracts, purchase, sell, or make or take delivery of, or payment for, any Basils or Sheep Pelts at a price exceeding the average price received by the seller thereof for Basils or Pelts of corresponding qualities and descriptions during the month ending 31st May, 1917. 2. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, sell any Basils or Sheep Pelts otherwise than in exchange for a guarantee by the purchaser thereof that he intends to put the said Basils or Pelts into work for the purposes of a Government contract or order. By Oiuer of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Order wa* published in the London Gazette, June 8th, 1917.] (a) SCHEDULE. This schedule which was varied by the British Hides (Deal- ings) (Amendment) Order, 1917 (p. 113), has been in effect restored by the order of 29th April, 1918 (printed p. 11H), amending the last mentioned Order. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918,'' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Imported Sheep and Lamb Skins (Dealings) Order, 1917; Sheep and Lamli Pelts (Amendment} Order, 1917. THE IMPORTED SHEEP AND LAMB SKINS (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917,(a) DATED JUNE 30, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council do hereby order that all persons engaged in the purchase, sale or manufacture of Sheep and Lamb Skins of foreign and /or colonial origin, including Slink Lambs, or any article wholly or partly manufactured therefrom shall comply with the following regulations : (1) Any person having in his possession any Skins, Pelts or Basils of the descriptions aforesaid, which he cannot put intf> work for manufacture into Basils or Finished Leather within 30 days of the date hereof, or of the receipt by him of the Skins, Pelts or Basils whichever period shall be the longer shall forthwith notify the Director of Army Contracts. (2) No tanner or dresser of Sheep and Lamb Skins of the descriptions aforesaid shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts tan or dress any such Skins, Pelts or Basils otherwise than for the production of leather for the purposes of a Government Contract or Order or for such other purpose as may be approved by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July (Uh. 1917.] THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by an Order made by the Army Council, in pursuance of the powers confeired upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and dated the 9th day of April, 1917, (b) all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of pelts and wool skins taken from sheep or lambs killed in Great Britain were required to comply with certain regulations : And whereas it is expedient that the said Order be amended : IsTow, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order the said Order shall be amended as follows : 1. In Clause 2 the words "other than extras of 10 Ibs. and upwards" shall be omitted. (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS ORDER, 1917. This is printed p. 104. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (1) Hides. Horse Hides Order, 1917. 2. After Clause 3 the following new Clause shall be inserted : << 4 ^ person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, shave any skins taken from Lambs killed in Great Britain/' By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 21st, 1917.] THE HORSE HIDES ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. The Order made by the Army Council relating to Raw Hides taken from horses or mules and dated the 4th day of July, 1917, (a) is hereby cancelled. 2. No Raw Hides taken from horses slaughtered in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man or imported in the wetsalted state into the United Kingdom shall after the 5th day of November be bought by or on behalf of any tanner or delivered to any tanner or to any person on his behalf without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, or at prices other than those set out in the schedule hereto annexed or at such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 3. All persons concerned in any of the transactions herein referred to shall furnish such particulars as to their purchases or sales of or other dealings in such hides as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 4. All persons to whom any permit may be issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials are required to comply strictly with any conditions that may be imposed by such permit. It shall be the duty of all tanners to communicate to any person buying on their behalf the conditions of any permit granted to such tanner and for the time being in force, and it shall be the duty of all parties to any of the transactions herein referred to to require or disclose as the case may be all such information as may be required by such parties as aforesaid or by the Director of Raw Materials for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been contravened. 5. Priority shall be given by all tanners to the treatment of Horse Hides issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials over the treatment of Horse Hides obtained from else- where. (a) ORDER OF JULY 4, 1917. This was published London Gazette, July 10th , 1917. (1) Hides. Dealings. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Delivery] Order, 1917. 101 6. Any directions that may be given by or on behalf of the 4. Hides, Director of Raw Materials for the purpose of this Order (a) shall Leather, &c. be strictly complied with by all tanners. 7. Any person failing to comply with any provision hereof or with any condition of any permit issued hereunder or with any requirement or direction made or given hereunder shall be guilty of an offence against such regulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Horse Hides Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. Pence per Ib. for fresh hides. ALL WEIGHTS. Firsts Seconds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4^. Thirds or Rejects, including only hides fit for tanning 3d. For satisfactorily salted hides an allowance shall be made by duly authorised inspectors for loss in weight. These prices are to be paid by tanners for hides after due allowance has been made for all extraneous matter. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October 30th, 1917.] SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS (DELIVERY) ORDER, 1917, (b) DATED NOVEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : No person in Great Britain shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, purchase or take delivery* of any skins taken from sheep or lambs other than skins of the- description in respect of which a permit to fellmonger has been issued to such person under the Order made by the Army Council under the said Regulations, and dated 21st day of September, 1917, on the subject of Sheep- skins, (c) By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. December 4th, 1917.] (a) AMENDMENT OF CLAUSE 6. The Horse Hides (Amendment) Order, 1917, printed p. 114, substitutes the words " with a view to the production of Leather from Horse Hides" for the words printed in italics. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) FELLMONGERS (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1917. This i printed p. 120. IK' British Sheep Skins (Sale) Order, 1917; Sheep and La nth J'cltft (Ireland) Order, 1917. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. THE BRITISH SHEEP SKINS (SALE) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER (1) Hides. 18, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Dcul'nii!.--. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials purchase or sell any skins taken from sheep or lambs killed in Great Britain, provided that nothing in this Clause shall refer to any butcher or to any person holding a licence issued under the Order made by the Army Council on the 21st day of September, 19.17, under the said Regulations and relating to sheep skins. (a) 2. No person shall purchase any skins of the description afore- said at auction except upon disclosing the name of the principal, if any, 011 behalf of whom such purchase is proposed to be effected, and after such disclosure the said skins shall not be sold to such person unless his said principal is a person holding a licence issued under the Order made by the Army Council on the 21st day of September, 1917, and relating to sheep skins. (a) Skins of the description aforesaid shall be sold at the market at which they were offered for sale and not otherwise. 3. No person shall purchase any skins of the description afore- said otherwise than to fellmoiiger them. 4. This Order shall come into force on the fourteenth day of January, 1918. 5. This Order may be cited as the British Sheep Skins (Sale) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 21st, 1017.] THE SHEEP AND LAMH PKLTS (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917. DATED DECEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE^ ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the Powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of Skins or Pelts taken from Sheep or Lambs killed in Ireland to comply with the following regulations until further notice: (1) No person shall purchase, sell or make or take delivery of or payment for Pelts of the description aforesaid without a permit issued b}~ or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials or at prices -exceeding those set out in ' the schedule hereto annexed. (2) All persons to whom a permit may be issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials shall comply strictly with any conditions which may be imposed by such permit. (a) Fellmongers (Great Britain) Order, 1917. This is printed p. 120. Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917. Ill (3) All Fellmoiigers shall grade all Pelts of the description 4. Hides, aforesaid in accordance with the principles and standards of Leather,&e. assortment provided in clause 2 of the Order made by the Army (1) Hides. Council, relating- to Skins taken from Sheep and Lambs killed n ~7~ in Great Britain and dated the 30th day of June, 1917. (a) The classification shall be as follows : (a) SHEEP PELTS : Extras, Ists, 2nds, 3rds. (L) LAMB PELTS : Supers, Ists, 2nds. (4) ]N"o person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials hold any Skins of the descrip- tion aforesaid (other than those from slink lambs) for a period exceeding three weeks after the receipt by him of the woolled skins, but all persons shall deliver such Sldns as aforesaid duly fellmongered to the Tanner or Dresser within the said period. (5) Any person failing to comply with any provision hereof or with any requirement or direction made or given hereunder or with any condition of any permit herein referred to shall be guilty of an offence against the said regulations. (6) This Order shall come into force on the 1st dav of January, .1918. (7) This Order may be cited as the Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Ireland) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, Jarmary 1st, 1918.] THE HIDES (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 28, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of Hides pro- duced in Ireland from Oxen, Heifers, Cows, Bulls and Horses to comply with the following Regulations until further notice: (1) No Hides of the description aforesaid shall be bought by or 011 behalf of any Tanner or delivered to any Tanner or to any person on his behalf without a Permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials or at prices other than those set out in the Schedule hereto annexed or at such other .prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. (2) All persons concerned in any transaction herein referred TO shall furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. (a) BRITISH SHEEP AND LAMB SKINS (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917. This Order, since cancelled by the Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918 (printed, ywx/, p. 117), is printed p. 113 of the First Edition of this Manual. 112 Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917. 4. Hides, (3) All persons to whom any Permit may be issued by or on Leather,&c. behalf ,pf the Director of Eaw Materials shall comply 'strictly (1) Hides, with any conditions that may be imposed by such Permit. Dealing*. It shall be the duty of all Tanners to communicate to any person buying on their behalf the conditions of any Permit granted to such Tanner and for the time being in force, and it shall be the duty of all parties to any of the transactions herein referred to to require or disclose as the case may be all such information as may be required by such parties as aforesaid, or by the Director of Raw Materials for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been contravened. (4) Any person failing to comply with any provision hereof or with any requirements or direction made or given here under or with any condition of^any permit herein referred to shall be guilty of an offence against the said regulations. (5) This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of January. 1918. (6) This Order may be cited as the Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, /?. //. BraBe Schedule . (i) CATTLE HIDES. Ox and Heifer. Cow. Bull. Firsts Pence per Ib. 9i Pence per Ib. 81 Pence per Ib. 7{ Seconds 9 71 | " Casualty," " Fallen " or " Chance " hides of the description aforesaid 7J pence per Ib. These prices are for Hides dehorned and properly trimmed. (ii) HORSE HIDES. Firsts 4Jd. per Ib. Seconds ... ... ... ... 4d. ,, Thirds ... ...3d. These prices are for Hides properly trimmed. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 1st, 1918.] British Hides (Dealings} (Amendment) Order, 1917. 113 4. Hides. THE BRITISH HIDES (DEALINGS) (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, (a) Leather,&c. DATED DECEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by an Order dated the 17th day of April, 1917, (b) and made under the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council prohibited the purchase by or on behalf of any tanner or the delivery to any tanner or to any person on his behalf, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts or at prices other than those set out in the schedule of the said Order annexed : And whereas it is expedient that the said Schedule should be amended : Now therefore the Army Council in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations hereby order that there shall be substituted for the schedule to the said Order annexed, the schedule hereto annexed. By order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. (1) Hides. Dealhif/s. Schedule. RUNTS, HEREFORD* AND OX AND COW. BULL. Ffrxt." Penee per Ib. Pence per Ib. 9k 9 Pence per Ib. Si Pence per Ib. 7 "Casualty^' "Fallen" or "Chance" hides of whatever de- scription 7J pence per Ib. These prices are the maxima to he paid by tanners for hides dehorned and trimmed according to the usual market custom. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 1st, 1918. (a) SHORT TITLE oj? ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) BRITISH HIDES (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917. This is printed p. 105. (c) SUBSTITUTED SCHEDULE. The Order dated April 29, 1918 (printed p. 118), amending the above Order has substituted another schedule for the one here printed. 114 /JW.sr /7/Vf.v (.1 mendnienf) Order. 11)18; Raw Goat S'kins (Control] Notice^ 1918. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (1) Hides ''^ IIK HOKSE HTHKS ( AMK>:.I)MK_VI ) OIIDKH, 11)18, (a) DATKD JANUARY 2, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Dealing*. Whereas by Clause (j of the Horse Hides Order, l!>K,(b) it was provided that any directions that may be given by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials for the purpose of the said Order shall be strictly complied with by all tanners : And whereas it is expedient that the said Clause should be amended : Xow, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order that the words " with a view to the pro- duction of leather from horse hides " shall be substituted for the words " for the purpose of this Order " in Clause 6 of the Horse Hides Order, 1917. (b) By order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London (Jaxette. January 4th, 1918.] THE RAW GOAT SKINS (CONTROL) NOTICE, 19.18, f'c> IATED JANUARY 18, 1918, ISSUED BY THE ARMY Corxcir,. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of* the Realm Regulations notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of all Raw Goat Skins now in stock in the United Kingdom or to be imported into the United Kingdom after the date hereof. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 22nd, 1918.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDEB. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918,'' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) HORSE HIDES ORDER, 1917. This is printed p. 108. ic) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the f< Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Raw Goat Skins (Prices) Order, 1918. THE RAW GOAT SKINS (PRICES) ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 18, 4. Hides, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Leather,&c. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as Dmling*. follows : 1. No person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, sell or deliver any Raw Goat Skins at prices exceeding the prices set out in the schedule hereto annexed. 2. This Order may be cited as the Raw Goat Skins (Prices) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. Schedule. I. INDIAN SKINS. Amritzars Standard Assortment 85 per cent, primes, 15 per cent, seconds. Average Weight per 500 skins. Price per skin. 1,000 Ibs. 40 pence. 1,100 44 1,200 48 1,300 50 1,400 52 Coconadas : Standard Assortment 90 per cent, primes, 10 per cent, seconds. Average Weight per 100 skins. Price per skin. 180-190 Ibs. 48 pence. South Madras : Standard Assortment 90 per cent, primes, 10 per cent, seconds. Average Weight per 100 skins. Price per .tkin. 160-170 Ibs. 44 pence. 170-175 46 North Madras : Standard Assortment 85 per cent, primes, 15 pei cent, seconds. Average Weight per 100 ski7is. Price per skin. 180-190 Ibs. 44 pence. Wet Salted Skins. Average prices for usual selection and quality. Price per skin. 40 inches and up 54 pence. 36-40 inches 50 ,, 33-36 42 28-33 37 116 Cave Sheep Skins (Control) Notice, 1918. 4. Hides, n. SOUTH AFRICAN SKINS. Leather, &c. (1) Hides. . Assortment. *. Pence per Ib. Light. Extra Light. Kids. Capes 32 35J 34 Algoa Bay 31 34 32 Kaffirs 28 32J 29 Natal 30J 33 34 III. WEST AFRICANS. For usual assortment and average quality. Weight per 12 skins. Price -per Ib. 13 Ibs. 33 15 31 IV. ALL*OTHER CLASSES OF SKINS. Skins of all other classes shall te sold at prices not exceeding those calculated on the basis of those above set out. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 22nd, 1918.] THE CAPE SHEEP SKINS (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1918, (a) DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1918, ISSUED BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the Powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of all Cape Sheep skins with a growth of wool of less than H inches, in stock in the United Kingdom at the date hereof or to arrive hereafter. If after this notice any person having any of the said Sheep Skins in his possession, custody or control without the consent of the Army Council, sells, removes or secretes the same, or deals with them in any way contrary to any permit that may be granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said regulations. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February li'th, 1918.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918/' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918. 117 THE DOMESTIC SHEEP SKINS ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 6, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council do hereby order that all persons engaged in the purchase, sale or manufacture of sheep and lamb skins taken from sheep or lambs killed in Great Britain, including Slink Lambs and Morts, or any article wholly or partly manufactured therefrom shall comply with the follow ing regulations : (1) Save as hereinafter specifically except ed no fellmonger shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials hold any skins of the descriptions aforesaid (other than those from slink lambs) for a period exceeding three weeks after the receipt by him of the woolled skins, but all fellmongers shall deliver such skins as aforesaid duly fellmongered to a Tanner or Dresser within the said period. Provided that no person shall after the fifteenth day of March, 1918, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials fellmonger, sell or deliver any shearling skins taken from Cross-bred or Down skins(&) which would when fellmongered produce an Extra pelt, but shall salt them immedi- ately on receipt thereof and keep them for inspection by a person authorised by the Director of Raw Materials. Such skins shall be re-salted within seven days of the receipt thereof, and if they have not been inspected within fourteen days of such receipt application shall be made to the Director of Raw Materiak for permission to fellmonger them. 2. All fellmongers and /or tanners shall grade all pelts of the descriptions aforesaid on the same principles and according to the same standards of assortment as those generally prevailing in the Trade prior to the ninth day of April, 1917, and no fell- monger shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials deliver any pelts of the descriptions aforesaid otherwise than to such persons as he supplied therewith prior to the first day of January, 1916, and in such proportion as the said supply was delivered. The classification shall be as follows : (a) Sheep Pelts : - 1. English: Extras, (b) Firsts, Seconds, Thirds. 2. Scotch: Primes, Light Primes, Seconds. (b) Lamb Pelts : 1. English: Supers, Firsts, Seconds. 2. Scotch: Primes, Seconds. All sheep and lamb pelts in fellmongers' and /or tanners' yards .to be subject to classification by the Department's Inspectors and the determination of the Director of Raw Materials as to classifi- cation to be final. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (1) Hides. Dealings. (a) SKINS. For " Skins " read " Sheep," see the Domestic Sheep Skins (Amendment) Order, 1918, printed, post, p. 119. (b) EXTRAS. By the Domestic Sheep Skins (Amendment) Order, 1918, mtedpostp. 119, the words " First or Prime" are to be inserted after the printed word " Extra." us 4. Hides. Leather, &c. (1) Hides. D (dl'n. < : > . Order a in end in u Hide* (healings) (Amendment) Order. 1917. '). Xo tanner or dresser of sheep skins of the descriptions afore- said shall without a permit issued by or 011 behalf of the Director of Raw Materials tan or dress any such skins, pelts or basils otherwise than for the production of leather for the purposes of a Government Contract or Order 'or for such other purposes as may be approved by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 4. No Splitter, Tanner or Dresser shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials sell any pelt* of the descriptions aforesaid in the salted, limed or pickled state. 5. The Order made by the Army Council under the Defence of the Realm Regulations relating to pelts of the descriptions afore- said and dated the thirtieth day of June, 1917, () is hereby cancelled. (6) This Order may be cited as the Domestic Sheepskins Order t 1918. By Order of the Army Council, TLH.Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 8th, 1918.] ORDER AMENDING BRITISH HIDES (DEALINGS) (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, DATED ATRIL 2 { .). 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by an Order dated the 29th day of December, 1917. (b) and made under the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council prohibited the purchase by or on behalf of any tanner or the delivery to any tanner or to any person on his behalf of hides without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts or at prices other than those set out in the schedule of the said 1 Order annexed : And whereas it is expedient thai the said Schedule should be amended : Xow, therefore, the Army Council in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations hereby order that there shall be substituted for the schedule to the said Order annexed, the schedule hereto annexed!. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Rradc. (a) ORDER OF JUNE 30TH, 1917. This Order, the British Sheep and Lamb Skins (Dealings) Order, 1917, is printed on pp. 113 and 114 of the First Edition of this Manual. (b) ORDER OF DECEMBER 29, 1917. This Order, the British Hides (Dealings) (Amendment) Order, 1917, is printed p. 113. Domestic Sheep Shi-ns (Amendment) Order, 19.18. 119 Schedule. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (1) Hides. Deal in < p. > Runts, Herefords and Highlands. Ox and Heifer. Cow. Bull. Firsts Seconds Pence ner Ib. 103 Pence per Ib. 10 9* Pence per Ib. 1 Pence per Ib. 8| 8 8} Ik lf Casualty, ' ' Fallen," or " Chance '' hides of whatever description, 8 pence per Ib. These prices are the maxima to be paid by Tanners for Hides dehorned and trimmed according to the usual market custom. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 3rd, 1918.] DOMESTIC SHEEP SKINS (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 2, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by the Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918, (a) the Army Council regulated upon certain conditions the purchase, sale and use for manufacture of certain sheep and lamb skins; And whereas it is expedient that the said Order should be amended ; Kow, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. Clause 1 of the Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918, (a,) shall be amended: (1) By substituting the word " sheep " for the word " skins " after the words " crossbred or down." (2) By inserting the words (( First or Prime " after the word " Extra." 2. This Order shall come into force on the Tth day of May, 1918. 3. This Order may be cited as the Domestic Sheep Skins (Amendment) Order, '.1918. By Order of the Army Council. R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 7th, 1918.] (a) DOMESTIC SHEEP SKINS ORDER, 1918. This Order is printed, p. 1 17. 120 List of Order* a* to Manufacture of Hides. Hides (Splitting) Order, 1917 ; Fellmongers (Great Britain) Order. 4. Hides, 191T - Leather,*. (1 ) Hides, (ii.) Manufacture. (1) Hides. j- The f n ow i n g List is restricted to Orders as to MANUFACTURE of Hides. ,, , For List of ALL the Hides Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 100.] Domestic Sheep Skins Order, 1918, p. 122. Domestic Sheep Skins (Amendment), Order, 1918, p. 122. Fellmongers (Great Britain) Order, 1917, p. 120. Fellmongers (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 121. Hides (Restriction of Tanning) Order, 1918, p. 121. Hides (Splitting) Order, 1917, p. 120. Horse Hides Order, 1917, p. 121. Horse Hides (Amendment) Order, 1918, p. 121. Imported Sheep and Lamb Skins (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 120. Sheep and Lamb Pelts Order, 1917, p. 120. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 120. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 121. THE HIDES (SPLITTING) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED FEBRUARY 9, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require that all persons engaged in the manufacture of leather from any hides, ox, cow, or bull, whether produced in or imported into the United Kingdom, shall comply with the following Regula- tion, that is to say: No person shall split, or cause to be split, any hides of the description aforesaid, in such a manner that the sub- stance of the grain in the crust state may be less than 2 m/m. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 13th, 1917.] THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS ORDER, 1917, DATED APRIL 9, 11)17. MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 104.] THE IMPORTED SHEEP AND LAMB SKINS ( DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917. DATED JUNE 30, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 107.] THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 107.] THE FELLMONGERS (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : 1. No person in Great Britain shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Directoi of Raw Materials, fellmonger any skins taken from sheep or lambs. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 191S," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. FeUmongers (Ireland) Order, 1917; Hides (Restriction 'of 121 Tanning) Order, 1918. 4. Hides, 2. All persons engaged in fellmongering sheep or lambs skins Leather, &c. shall furnish such particulars as to their business as may be (1) Hides, required by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 3. TJiis Order shall come into force on the 1st day of October, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the Edinburgh Gazette, October 2nd, 1917.] THE HORSE HIDES ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, unir, p. 108.] THE FELLMONGERS (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 12, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Iii pursuance of the powers Conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall, after the 31st day of December, 1917, Fellmonger the skins of Sheep or Lambs slaughtered in Ireland, except under a permit granted by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 2. This Order may be cited as " Fellmongers (Ireland) Order, 1917." By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Oazette, December 14th, 1917.] THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 110.] THE HORSE HIDES (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1918, (at) DATED JANUARY 2, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 114.] THE HIDES (RESTRICTION OF TANNING) ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 9, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows: 1. No tanner shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, put into process any hide or any part thereof. 2. This Order shall come into force on the 2nd day of February, 1918. 3. This Order may be cited as the Hides (Restriction of Tanning) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January llth, 1918.] 122 List of Orders as to Movement of Hide*. Export of Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917; Export of Hides (Ir el a nth 4. Hides, Amendment. Order, 1918. Leather, &c. (1) Hides "^ HE D ()MESTIC SHEEP SKINS ORDER, 1918, DATED MAIICII 6, 1918, MADE HY THE AltMY (V)UX('IL. MmtnfiiHnre. ^^ ( )nler j g ])r j n ted, ante, J>. 117.] THE DOMESTIC SHEEP SKINS (AMENDMENT) OKDEK, 1918, DATED MAY '2, 19.18, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 119.] (1.) Hides, (iii.) Movement. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to MOVEMENTS of Hides. For List of ALL the Hides Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 100.] Export of Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 122. Export of Hides (Ireland) Amendment Order, 191S, p. 1^2. THE EXPORT OF HIDES (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials make or take de- livery of any hides or .s7'///.v(a) produced in Ireland from oxen, heifers, cows, bulls [or] (a/)horses, r//vv, ///>.v, ma lex, jennet*, or donkeyf(+*) for shipment from Ireland. 2. This order shall come into force on the 1st day of January, 1918. 3. This Order may be cited as the Export of Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917. By order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London (liizette. .January 1st, 1918.] THE EXPORT OF HIDES (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ORDER, 1918, (b) DATED MARCH 2, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by the Export of Hides (Ireland.) Order, 1917,( c > the Army Council regulated, the delivery of certain Hides for shipment from Ireland ; And whereas it is expedient that the said Order should be amended; Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council (a) AMENDMENT OF ORDER. The Export of Hides (Ireland) Amendment Order, 1918, printed immediately below, has directed the words in Italics to be inserted in the original order and the word " or " before the word " horses " to be omitted therefrom. (b) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V. (c) EXPORT OF HIDES (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed immediately above. Hides (Returns) Order, 1916. List of Orders as to Returns of Hides. * hereby order that the Export of Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917, ( a ) >hall be amended as follows: (1) In Clause 1 the words " or skins " shall be inserted after the word (2) In Clause 1 123 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (1) Hides, (3) ' Hides." the word word " Bulls." In Clause 1 the words ' Donkeys or " .shall be omitted after the Calves, Kips, Mules, Jennets, or _ shall be inserted after the word " Horses." By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. March 5, 1918.] (1.) Hides, (iv.) Returns. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS as to Hides. For List of ALL the Hides Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 100.] British Hides (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 124. Fellmongers (Great Britain) Order, 1917, p. 124. Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 124. Hides (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 123. Hides, Skins and Leather (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 124. Horse Hides Order, 1917 p. 124. Horse Hides (Amendment) Order, 1918, p. 124. Imported Hides (Dealings) Order, 1916, p. 123. Imported Sheep and Lamb Skins (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 124. Sheep and Lamb Pelts Order, 1917, p. 123. Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 124. THE HIDES (RETURNS) ORDER, 191(J,(b) DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914 (as amended by the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) Act, 1915, and the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915), and the Regulations made thereunder, and every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the sale, distribution, storage or shipment of Calf, Ox, Cow, Bull, Buffalo and Horse Hides, or engaged in the manufacture of leather from such hides, to furnish to the Director of Army Con- tracts such particulars of their stocks, purchases and sales of, and transactions in, such hides as may be required on his behalf. By Order of the Army Council. R, H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 8th. 1916, being n 'Supplement to the Gazette of November 7th.] THE IMPORTED HIDES (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1916, DATED DECEMBER 15, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 102.] THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS ORDER, 1917, DATED APRIL 9, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. _JThis Order is printed, ante, p. 104.] (a) EXPORT OF HIDES (IRELAND) ORDER, 11)17. That Order is printed immediately above. (b) SHORT TITLE or ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Retun 124 Hides, Skins and Leather (Returns) Order, 1917. 4. Hides. THE BRITISH HIDES (DEALINGS) ORD*ER, 1917, DATED APRIL 17,. Leather,&c. 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (l)JHides. [ Thi8 Order is printed, ante, p. 105.] Return*. THE HIDES, SKINS AND LEATHER (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a). DATED APRIL 21, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged at any time before or after the date hereof in the purchase, sale, distribution, storage or shipment of hides or skins of any description or in the manufacture of leather from such Mdes or skins as aforesaid or of any articles wholly or partly manufactured therefrom, or in the purchase, sale, distri- bution, storage or shipment of such leather or articles aforesaid, or of any articles or materials required for the purpose of such manufacture as aforesaid, to furnish to the Director of Army Contracts such particulars as to their business as may be required on his behalJ. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Dated 28th February, 1917. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, April 'Jlth. 1917.] THE IMPORTED SHEEP AND LAMH SKINS (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917,. DATED JUNE 30, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, (title, p. 107.] THE SHEEP AND LAMB PELTS (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, DATED- SEPTEMBER 18, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 107.] THE FELLMONGERS (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, antt\ p. 120.] THE HORSE HIDES ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 2-3, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 108.] THE HIDES (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 28, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 111.] THE HORSE HIDES (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 2, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, (inte, p. 114.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. List of All Orders affecting Leather. 125 List of Orders as to Dealings in Leather. 4. Hides, (2.) Leather. Leather, &c. [The following is a List of ALL the " Leather" Orders in force May 31, 1918, ? Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement," or "Returns" are also .given at the commencement of each sub-division of these " Leather " Orders.] Hides, Skins and Leather (Eeturns) Order, 1917, p. 149. Leather (Certificate) Order, 1918, p. 147. Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1916, p. 126. Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1916, p. 126. Leather (Coi trol) No. 3 Notice, 1916, p. 127. Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1916, p. 129. Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1917, p. 130. Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1917, p. 131. Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice, 1917, p. 131. Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1917 9 p. 136. Leather (Control) No. 5 Notice, 1917,^. 141. Leather (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 149. Leather (Sale and Movement) Permit, 1916, p. 128. Leather (Shipment to or from Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 148. Rough and Curried Leather Order, 1917, p. 133. Rough Dried Leather Order, 1918, p. 146. Sole Leather (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917, p. 136. Strap Butts (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917, p. 145. Surplus Leather Order, 1917, p. 141. War Time Boots (Manufacture and Sale) Order, 1917, p. 142. Women's Boots (Uppers) Order, 1917, p. 144. (i.) Dealings, p. 125. (iii.) Movement, p. 148. (ii.) Manufacture, p. 148. (iv.) Returns, p. 149. (2.) Leather, (i.) Dealings. Dealings. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Leather. For List of ALL the Leather Orders in force May 31, 1918, see above.] Leather (Certificate) Order, 1918, JP. 147. Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1916, p. 126. Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1916, p. 126. Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice, 1916, p. 127. Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1916, p. 129. Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1917, p. 130. Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1917, p. 131. Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice. 1917, p. 131. Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice 1917, p. 136. Leather (Control) No. 5 Notice, 1917, p. 141. Leather (Sale and Movement) Permit, 1916, p. 128. Rough and Curried Leather Order, 1917,^. 133. Rough Dried Leather Order, 1918, p. 146. Sole Leather (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917, p. 136. Strap Butts (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917, p. 145. Surplus Leather Order, 1917, p. 141. War Time Boot** (Manufacture and Sale) Order, L917, p. 142. Women's Boots (Uppers) Order, 1917, p. 144. 126 Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1916; Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1916. 4. Hides, Leather,&c. THE LEATHER (CONTROL) No. 1 NOTICE, 1916,( a ) DATED JUNE 30, (2) Leather. 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Dealing*. ^- n pursuance of the powers conferred on ^ them by Regulation 2B,(b) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, 1914, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of material of the following classes and descriptions, that is to say : All Bends of 10 Ibs. weight and upwards produced from English or Imported Hides of all classes to include all Butts, which will be calculated as two Bends. All medium and heavy Shoulders, squared or with cheeks, produced from English or Imported Hides of all classes. If after this notice any person having control of any such materials sells, removes or secretes the said material without the consent of the Army Council, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. R. H. Brade. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, July 5th, 1916.] THE LEATHER (CONTROL) Xo. 2 NOTICE, .1910, (c) DATKD AUGUST 25, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Acts, and of all other powers thereunto enabling them, the Army Council hereby gives notice that all stocks in the United Kingdom of the under-mentioned leathers will, if found suitable, be acquired for Government purposes. And they direct that all persons in the United Kingdom in possession of any such leathers, who have not already made a return of their stocks, are to apply to the Director of Army Contracts, Ra\v Materials Section, Imperial House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London, S.W.I, for a form on which to furnish a return, awl to furnish the return forthwith. 'BENDS. 6/8 Ibs. 8/10 Ibs. SIDES. 12/15 Ibs. 12/15 Ibs. 14/16 Ibs 18/20 Ibs. 14/16 Ibs. 18/20 Ibs. Schedule. Best, 2nd, 3rd, and Reject Clear. Best, 2nd, and Reject Branded. (Produced from all classes of Hides.) Unstruck and Crop. Victoria, Adelaide, and New Zealand. Unstruck and Crop. New South Wales. Canadian Oak, Best and 2nds. Canadian Oak, Best and 2nds. American Oak, Best and 2nds. American Oak, Best and 2nds. (a) SHOKT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 2B. This is printed p. 3. (c) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual, Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice, 1916. 127 *BBNDS. 4. Hides, 7/8 Ibs. Canadian Oak, Best and 2nds. Leather,&c. 9/10 Ibs. Canadian Oak, Best and 2nds. (2) Leather. 7/8 Ibs. American Oak, Best and 2nds. 9/10 Ibs. American Oak, Best and 2nds. 7/8 Ibs. Australian, Best and 2nds. 9/10 Ibs Australian, Best and 2nds. SHOULDERS. Imported. Medium and Heavy. *Butts are included and are to be calculated as 2 Bends. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, August 26th. 1016. being the 2nd Supplement to the Gazette of August 25th.] THE LEATHER (CONTROL) ]N"o. 3 NOTICE, 1916, (a) DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Consolidation Act, 1914 (as amended by the Defence of the Eealm (Amendment) Act, 1915, and the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915), and the Regulations made thereunder, and every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of all leather of the classes mentioned in the Schedule annexed, which is now in stock in the United Kingdom, whether in the finished state or in course of production. If after this notice any person having control of any such leather, without the consent of the Army Council, sells, removes or secretes such leather or deals with it in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit or order that may be granted in respect thereof (b), he will be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Applications for permission to sell or remove such leather should be addressed to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I. R. H. Brade, By Order of the Army Council. Dated 25th September, 1916. Schedule. 1. Vegetable-tanned Bends of 6 Ibs. and upwards; Vegetable- tanned Butts of 12 Ibs. and upwards; Vegetable-tanned Backs of 8 Ibs. and upwards; produced from all classes of Hides, British and Imported. (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the ' Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) SALE AND MOVEMENT OF LEATHER. See the Leather (Sale and More- ment) Permit, 1916, below. 128 Leather (Sale and Movement) Permit, 1916. 4. Hides, 2. Chrome-tanned Bends, Butts and Backs, having a substance Leather,&c. O f 7 Iron and upwards; produced from all classes of Hides, (2) Leather. British or Imported. ~7~ 3 Vegetable-tanned Shoulders, Medium and Heavy; produced '^' from all classes of Hides, British or Imported. 4. Kip Butts of 1J m/m substance and upwards. 5. Kip Sides; any finish except Semi-Chrome. 6. Vegetable-grained Upper Leathers of 1J m/m substance and upwards. 7. Chrome of 1J m/m substance and upwards. 8. Upper Leathers of 1J m/m substance and upwards; manu- factured by any other process which has been approved by the Chief Inspecting Officer. % [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, October 2nd, 1916, being the 2nd Supplement to the Gazette of September 29th.] THE LEATHER (SALE AND MOVEMENT) PERMIT, 1916, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 13, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by Order published in the London Gazette of 2nd October, 1916, (b) the Army Council, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, as amended by the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) Act, 1915, and the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, and the Regulations made thereunder, and every other power enabling them in that behalf, gave notice of their inten- tion to take possession of certain leathers specified in the Sche- dule annexed to the said Order. And whereas the Army Council deem it desirable that un- restricted sale and movement of such of the leathers aforesaid as are hereinafter specified should be permitted as from the date hereof : Now, therefore, the Army Council give notice that they hereby authorise and permit the unrestricted sale and movement of the following leathers, produced from all classes of hides, British or imported : Vegetable Tanned Bends of 12 Ibs. and below. Vegetable Tanned Butts of 24 Ibs. and below. Chrome Tanned Bends, Butts, and Backs, having a substance of 10 Iron and below. Shoulders, 6 Iron and under on the cut edge. By Order of the Army Council. ' R. H. Brade. 13th November, 1916. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, November 14th, 1916.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) LEATHER (CONTROL) No. *3 NOTICE, 1916. That Notice is printed immediately above. Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1916. 129 THE LEATHER (CONTROL) No. 4 NOTICE, 1916, ( a ) DATED DECEMBER 4. Hides. 21, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Leather, &c. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, as amended by the Dealings. Defence of the Realm (Amendment) Act, 1915, and the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, and the Regu- lations made thereunder, and every other Power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of all Leather of the Classes mentioned in the Schedule hereto annexed which is now in stock in the United Kingdom whether in the finished state or in course of production, and of all Leather of the same 'classes, which can be produced between the date hereof and the 31st March, 1917. If after this notice any person having control of any such Leather, without the consent of the Army Council sells, moves, or secretes such Leather or deals with it in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit, or order that may be granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Applications for permission to sell or remove such Leather should be addressed to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. Schedule. LEATHER PRODUCED FROM ALL CLASSES OF HIDES, BRITISH OR IMPORTED. 1. Vegetable tanned Bends of 10 Ibs. and upwards. Vegetable tanned Butts of 20 Ibs. and upwards. Vegetable tanned Backs of 14 Ibs. and upwards. 2. Chrome tanned Bends, Butts and Backs having a substance of T Iron and upwards. 3. Vegetable tanned Shoulders of 6 Iron and upwards on the cut edge. 4. Kip Butts of 1J m.m. substance and upwards. 5. Kip Sides of any finish except semi-Chrome. 6. Vegetable Grained upper Leathers of 1J m.m. substance and upwards. 7. Chrome Upper Leather of 1J m.m. substance and upwards. 8. Upper Leathers of 1J m.m. substance and upwards; manu- factured by any other process which has been approved by the Chief Inspecting Officer. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, December 23rd, 1916, being the 4th Supplement to the Gazette of December 22nd.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. 5246 ' 130 Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1917. 4- Leather &'c ^ HE LBATHBE (CONTROL) Xo. 1 NOTICE, 191T,( a ) DATED JANUARY (2) Leather ^' 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Dealing*. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of all Leather of the classes indicated in the Schedule hereto annexed, which has been imported or may be imported into the United Kingdom, provided always that such Leather shall have left the port of shipment on or prior to the date hereof. And the Army Council hereby require all persons having any Leather of the descriptions aforesaid in their custody or control to furnish such particulars as to such Leather as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. If after this notice any person having control of any such Leather, without the consent of the Army Council, sells, moves or secretes such Leather, or deals with it in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit or order that may be granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. Applications for permission to sell or move such Leather should be addressed to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. Colonial or American Upper Leathers of 1 m.m. substance and upwards. Colonial or American Hemlock or Oak Sides which will produce Bends of 10 Ibs. and upwards. Colonial or American Hemlock or Oak Backs which will produce Bends of 10 Ibs. and upwards. Colonial or American Hemlock or Oak Bends of 10 Ibs. and upwards. Colonial or American Hemlock or Oak Shoulders of 6 Iron and upwards on the cut edge. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, January 17th, 1917, being a Supplement to the Gazette of January 16th.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Leather (Control] No. 2 Notice, 1917; Leather (Control) No. 3 131 Notice, 1917. 4. Hides, THE LEATHER (CONTROL) No. 2 NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED FEBRUARY Leather, &c. 12, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (2) Leather. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence Darting*. of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of .all Sole Leather of the Classes mentioned in the Schedule hereto annexed, which is now in stock in the United Kingdom whether in the finished state or in course of production, and of all Sole Leather of the same Classes which can be produced between the date hereof and 31st March, 1917. If, after this notice, any person having control of any such Leather without the consent of the Army Council sells, moves, or secretes such Leather, or deals with it in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit, or order that may be granted in respect thereof he shall be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Applications for permission to sell or move such Leather should be addressed to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House r Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.l." By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. Schedule. SOLE LEATHER PRODUCED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM FROM ALL CLASSES OF HIDES, BRITISH OR IMPORTED. Vegetable Tanned Bends from 6 to 10 Ibs. Vegetable Tanned Butts from 12 to 20 Ibs. Vegetable Tanned Backs from 16 to 28 Ibs. Vegetable Tanned Half-backs from 8 to 14 Ibs. Vegetable Tanned Sides from 12 Ibs. and upwards. [The aboveOrder was published in the London Gazette, February 16th, 1917.] THE LEATHER (CONTROL) No. 3 NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 30,. 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession of all Sole and Upper Leather of the Classes specified in the Schedule hereto annexed, whicji is now in stock in the United Kingdom whether in the finished state or in course of production, and of all Sole and Upper Leather of the same classes which can be produced from the date hereof until further notice. (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 5246 E 2 132 Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice, 1917. 4 Hides ^ after this Notice, any person having control of any such Leather, &'c. leather without the consent of the Army Council sells, moves, or (2) Leather, secretes such leather, or deals with it in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any Licence, Permit, or Order that Dealings mav De granted in respect thereof (a) he shall be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Applications for permission to sell or move such leather should be addressed to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. LEATHER PRODUCED FROM ALL CLASSES OF HIDES, BRITISH OR IMPORTED. 1. Vegetable tanned Bends of 6 Ibs. and upwards. ,, Butts ,, 12 ,, ,, ,, Backs ,, 16 ,, ,, ,, ,, J Backs,, 8 ,, ,, Sides ,, 12 2. Chrome Tanned Bends, Butts and Backs having a substance of 7 iron and upwards. 3. Vegetable Tanned Shoulders of 6 iron and upwards on the cut edge. 4. Kip Butts of 1 m.m. substance and upwards. 5. Kip Sides of any finish except semi-chrome. 6. Vegetable Grained upper leathers of 1 m.m. substance and upwards. 7. Chrome upper leather of 1J m.m. substance and upwards. 8. Upper Leathers of 1J m.m. substance and upwards; manu- factured by any other process which has been approved by the Chief Inspecting Officer. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, March 31st. 1917, being a Sup- plement to the Gazette of March 30th.] - (a) RELEASE OP SOLE LEATHER FOR CIVILIAN PURPOSES. *Srr the Sole Leather (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917, printed p. 136. Rough and Curried Leather Order, 1917. 133 THE BOUGH AND CURRIED LEATHER ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JULY 14, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council do hereby order that from the 14th July, 1917, until further notice, all persons engaged in the purchase, sale or production of any or- all of the Leathers specified in Schedule A hereto annexed, shall comply with the following regulations : (1) No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, sell or deliver any Leather of the description aforesaid otherwise than in exchange for a guarantee in the form set out in Schedule B hereto annexed. (2) No Tanner shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, sell or deliver any Leather of the description aforesaid at a price exceed- ing that authorised in writing by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, in the case of each Tanner. (3) No currier shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, sell or deliver any curried leather produced by him from rough leather of the description aforesaid at a price exceeding the net cost of the rough leather, labour, and currying materials by more than 12 J per cent, such cost to be calculated after deducting all the discounts and allow- ances received by him, and the currier's sale price as herein determined to include all discounts and allowances made by him. The Currier on any such sale or delivery shall allow by way of discount for cash payment within thirty days, 2 per cent, of the price calculated as afore- said to the person or persons to whom such sale or delivery is made. (4; No person other than the Tannei or Currier thereof shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, sell or deliver Leatker of the descriptions aforesaid at a price exceeding the Tanner's or Currier's sale price thereof as determined by Clauses 2 and 3 hereof respectively. (6) It shall be the duty of all purchasers of the Leathers aforesaid to require and of all sellers of such leathers to give the guarantee in the form set out in Schedule C. hereto annexed, that the prices at which the Leathers are sold and bought do not exceed those which under the provisions of this order are duly authorised at the time of sale. 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (2) Leather. Dealings. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. 5246 E 3 134 Rough and Curried Leather Order, 1917. 4. Hides, ($) The Orders made by the Army Council relating to Leather, &c. Leathers of the descriptions aforesaid, and dated 16th (2) Leather. January(a) and 9th March, 1917, (to) are hereby cancelled. Dealings. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule A. The following Bough Leather, produced from British or Irish Market Hides, of all weights, qualities, and descriptions, and any Curried Leather produced therefrom : Split Hides. Split Hide Backs. Split Hide Butts. Shaved Hides. Shaved Hide Backs. Shaved Hide Butts. Dressing Hides. Dressing Hide Backs. Dressing Hide Butts. Rough Dried Backs. Rough Dried Butts. Strap Butts (c) Shaved Hide Shoulders. Dressing Hide Shoulders. Rough Dried Shoulders. Strap Ranges. (a) ORDER OF JAN. 16, 1917. That Order was published in the London Gazette, Jan. 18th, 1917, being the 4th Supplement to the Gazette of January 16th, and also at p. 217 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (b) ORDER OF MARCH 9, 1917. That Order was published in the London Gazette, March 14th, 1917, being a Supplement to the Gazette of March 13th, and also at p. 219 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (c) STRAP BUTTS. These words 'in this Schedule were revoked by the Strap Butts (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917, p. 145. Rough and Curried Leather Order, 1917. 135 c r j 7 z> 4 - Hides, Schedule B. Leather,&c. I/ We of (2) Leather. In consideration of the permission granted to me /us in pursuance j) ea n ni s . of the Order of the Army Council dated the day of and made under the Defence of the Realm Regulations hereby guarantee that the Heather to be supplied to me /us by ^.^. of under my / our order dated the day of will be used solely for the purposes of Government contracts or orders for Saddlery, Harness, Equipment or Belting (including mechanical leathers) and I /we hereby further guarantee that none of the leather so supplied to us will be used in any manner whatsoever for Upper Leather without the permission in writing of the Director of Army Contracts. Signed Date... STATEMENT OF LEATHER REFERRED TO IN ABOVE GUARANTEE. Number of Hides, Backs, Butts, etc. Usual trade description including weight, selection and tannage and price. Schedule C. I/ We of in consideration of the permission granted to me /us in pursuance of the Order of the Army Council dated the day of and made under the Defence of the Realm Regulations hereby guarantee that the price payable to ine/us for the leather sold to Messrs.... of by me/us under their order dated the day of do not exceed those duly authorised at this date under the provisions of the said Army vCouncil Order. Signed Date... STATEMENT OF LEATHER REFERRED TO IN ABOVE GUARANTEE. No. of Hides, Backs, Butts, &c. Price (this is less 2 per cent, discount). Usual trade description, including weight, selection and tannage. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July '20th, 1917.] 5246 E 4 136 Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1917; Sole Leather (Conditions of Sale) Order, 1917. 4. Hides, Leather, . US. Surplus Leather Order, 1917, p. 14s. War Time Boots (Manufacture and Sale) Order, 1917, p. US. Women's Boots (Uppers) Order, 1917, p. 148. THE SURPLUS LEATHER ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 11, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 141.] THE WAR T*TME BOOTS (MANUFACTURE AND SALE) ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 10, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 142.] THE WOMEN'S BOOTS (UPPERS) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 4, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 144.] THE ROUGH DRIED LEATHER ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 26, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 146.] (2.) Leather, (iii.) Movement. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to MOVEMENT of Leather. For List of ALL the Leather Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 125.] Leather (Sale and Movement) Permit, 1916, p. 148. Leather (Shipment to or from Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 14S. THE LEATHER (SALE AND MOVEMENT) PERMIT, 1916, DATED NOVEMBER 13, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Permit is printed, ante, p. 128.] THE LEATHER (SHIPMENT TO OR FROM IRELAND) ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL 30, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. Xo person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, deliver for shipment to Ireland any Leather, dressed or undressed, provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to refer to Harness Leather in Hides.' Backs, Shoulders, Bridle or Light Leathers; Leather Belting in rolls ; Kit and Trunk Leather ; Enamelled Leathers ; Basils of any kind ; Coachbuilding or Upholstering Leather ; Bookbinding Leather; or Light Leather capable of being used for or in con- nection with the production of Hats or Cpps. 2. No person shall, without a permit issued by or 011 behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, deliver for shipment from Ireland any Leather produced in Ireland. 3. This Order may be cited as the Leather (Shipment to or from Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. R. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 3rd, 1918.] List of Orders as to Returns of Leather. 149 Leather (Returns) Order, 1916. 4. Hides, (2.) Leather, (iv.) Returns. Leather,&c. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS of Leather. * 6a For List of ALL the Leather Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 125.] Returns Hides, Skins and Leather (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 149. Leather (Certificate) Order, 1918, p. .149 Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1917, p. 149. Leather (Returns) Order, 1916,^9. 149. War Time Boots (Manufacture and Sale) Order, 1917, p. 149. THE LEATHER (RETURNS) ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 24, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, as amended by the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) Act, 1915, and the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, and the Regula- tions made thereunder, and every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the sale, distribution, storage, or shipment of leather to furnish to the Director of Army Contracts such particulars as te their business as may be required on his behalf. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 25th, 1916, being fche^ 3rd Supplement to the Gazette of November 24th.] THE LEATHER (CONTROL) No. 1 NOTICE, 1917, DATED JANUARY 13, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Notice is printed, ante, p. 130.] THE HIDES, SKINS AND LEATHER (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, DATED APRIL 21, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed under (1) "Hides," (iv.) "Returns," ante p. 124.] THE WAR TIME BOOTS (MANUFACTURE AND SALE) ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 10, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 142.] THE LEATHER (CERTIFICATE) ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 14, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 147.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918/' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 150 4. Hides, Leather, &c. (3) Tann- ing Materials. List of All Orders affecting Tanning Material*. Chestnut Extract (Dealings) Order, 1916; Tannin y Materials (Returns) Order, 1917. (3.) Tanning 1 Materials. Chestnut Extract (Dealings) Order, 1916, p. 150. Tanning Materials (Returns) Order, 1917. p. !>(). Manufacture. Movement. Returns. (3.) Tanning- Materials, (i.) Dealings. THE CHESTNUT EXTRACT (DEALINGS) ORDER, 19 16, (a) DATED OCTOBER 23, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by Regula- tion 2E of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Array Council hereby order as follows : " No person shall buy, sell, deal in or make delivery of Chestnut Extract imported from any country other than an Allied country or dependencies thereof after the 1st day of August, 1916, save and except as authorised and permitted by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October 24th, 1916.] (3.) Tanning Materials. (3.) Tanning- Materials. (ii.) Manufacture, (iii.) Movement. No order, notice, or permit affecting the Manufacture or Move- ment of Tanning Materials has (May 31, 1918) been made or issued. (3 ) Tanning 1 Materials, (iv.) Returns. THE TANNING MATERIALS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons who had in their possession or under their custody or control any stocks of Tanning Materials or Lactic Acid on December 31st, 1915, and /or December 31st, 1916, or imported or exported any such goods between the dates January 1st and December 31st (inclusive), 1916, and all Tanners and other users of Tanning Materials or Lactic Acid, to furnish to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House. Tothill Street, S.W. 1, such particulars as may be required on his behalf. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 1st, 1917, being the 2nd Supplement to the Gazette of February 27th.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 2E. This is printed p. 7. Agricultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles (Manufacture) Order, 1917. 5. Machinery, Tools, Apparatus and Vehicles. 151 (1.) Agricultural Machines, Im- plements and Vehicles, p. 151. (2.) Anchors and Chain Cables, p. 152. (3.) Ball Bearings, p. 153. (4.) Boot and Saddlery Machin- ery and Implements, p. 154. (5.) 'Building Bricks, p. 155. (6.) Chronometers, p. 156. (7.) Cranes, p. 157. (8.) Hosiery Needles, p. 158. (9.) Machine and Small Tools and Power and other Machinery for Working Metal, p. 159. (10.) Motor Engines, Boiler*, Lorries, Trailers and Vehicles, p. 166. (11.) Railway Material, p. 169. (12.) Wire Nails, p. 172. (13.) Woodworking Machinery, p. 173. (1.) Agricultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles. Agricultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles (Manufac- ture) Order, 1917, p. 151. Binder Twine (Returns) Order, 1918, p. 152. THE AGRICULTURAL MACHINES, IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES (MANUFACTURE) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JANUARY 10, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions gives notice that in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, he hereby prohibits as from the date of this Order until further notice any person from carrying out, except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, any work consisting in the manufacture or erection of any machine, implement, vehicle (b) or other article or any part thereof, designed or adapted or commonly used for agricultural or dairy purposes, provided that this Order shall not prevent the completion of any rork remaining to be done under a contract in writing entered ito before the date hereof upon any article of the nature afore- dd intended for use in this country, or the carrying out of any ?ssary repairs. NOTE. All applications with regard to this Order should be [dressed to the Director, Agricultural Machinery Branch, Anna- Lent Buildings, (c) Whitehall Place, London, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 12th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of "War Material Supplies Orders j Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) VEHICLES. As to motor vehicles, see " The Motor Engines and Vehicles Order, 1917," printed p. 166. (c) Now 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. 5. Machin- ery, Tools, &c. (1) Agri- cultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles. 152 5. Machin- ery, Tools, &c. (1) Agri- cultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles. Binder Twine (Returns^ Order, .1918; Anchor* and Chain Cables Order, 1917. THE BINDER TWINE (RETURNS) ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 15, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows: 1. Every person having in his possession or under his control any quantity exceeding 10 tons of Standard Binder Twine of an average length of 500 feet to the pound, and of an average breaking strain of 110 pounds to a length of 8 inches, and manufactured before the 30th June, 1917, shall, within 10 days from the date hereof, send to the Director, Imports and Exports Section, Agricultural Machinery Department. Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2, a return giving full particulars as to quantity and otherwise of such Binder Twine in his possession or under his control. 2. This Order may be cited as the Binder Twine (Returns) Order, 1918. [The abore Order was piiblished in the London Gazette, February I'.'th. l'.18.] (2.) Anchors and Chain Cables. (2) Anchors THE ANCHORS AND CHAIN CABLES ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED SEP- TEMBER 27, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY. The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regu- lations, and all other powers thereunto enabling them, hereby order that all persons engaged in the manufacture, supply, sale, purchase or other dealings in Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear, or Chain Cable Iron, shall comply from the date hereof with the following regulations: 1. No Order for the supply of Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear, or Chain Cable Iron shall be accepted, nor shall any Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear, or Chain Cable Iron be supplied, sold, or purchased unless the order or transaction has been approved or authorised by a permit issued 011 behalf of the Admiralty by the Director of Materials and Priority (Admiralty), or by such other Officer as the Admiralty may from time to time determine, and unless the order is executed or the transaction is carried out in accordance with such restrictions or conditions, if any, as are imposed by the permit. Provided that no permit shall be required in the case of sub- contracts between one maker of any of the articles afore-men- tioned and another maker of the same article, nor in the case of a purchase by one manufacturer of any of the afore-mentioned articles from another manufacturer of the same article. (a) SHORT TITLE or ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Ball Bearings Order, 1917. 153 and Chain Cables, 2. Full and accurate returns of all orders for the manufacture 5. Mach- or supply of Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear, and inery, Tools, Chain Cable Iron recived or accepted, and of all Anchors, Chain c - Cables. Chain Cable Gear, and Chain Cable Iron in stock or (2) Anchors manufactured, supplied or sold, and of all dealings in Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear, and Chain Cable Iron shall be made at such periods as may be required by the Director of Materials and Priority, Controller's Department, Admiralty -r- Great George Street, Westminster, S.W.I, in the form provided by him. 3. Orders approved or authorised as above shall be executed in. accordance with such directions as to priority, whether general or special, as the Admiralty shall from time to time give through the Director of Materials and Priority (Admiralty), or through such other Officers as the Admiralty may from time to time determine. 4. This Order shall not apply to Anchors of less than five hundredweights in weight, nor to Chain Cables of less than three-quarters of an inch in diameter. 5. Any failure to comply with any restriction or condition imposed or with any directions as to priority given hereunder will be an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Admiralty, S.W. 1. 27th September, 1917. Hugh Tothill. A. G. Anderson, NOTICE All applications for permits in regard to Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear and Chain Cable Iron and any corres- pondence on the subject of this Order should be addressed to the Director of Materials and Priority, Controller's Department, Admiralty, Great George Street, London, S.W.I. [The above Order and Xotice were published in the London Gazette. October oth, 1917.] (3.) Ball Bearing's. THE BALL BEARINGS ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upor, him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. No person shall on or after the date hereof until further notice manufacture any ball bearing or roller bearing (both of (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the 1 Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies* Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (3) Ball Bearings. 154 Boot and Saddlery Needles and Awls (Returns} Order, 191 /. (3) Ball Bearings. 5. Mach- which are hereinafter included in the expression "ball Bearing"), or any part thereof except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 2. No person shall on and after the date hereof until further notice sell, supply or deliver any ball bearing or any part thereof whether situated in or outside the United Kingdom, or purchase or negotiate for the purchase or take delivery of any ball bearing or any part thereof situated outside the United Kingdom except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 3. All persons engaged in the manufacture or sale of ball bearings shall make such returns with regard to their businesses as shall from time to time be required by or under the authority ,of the Minister of Munitions. Note All applications in reference to this Order should be addressed to the Director of Ball Bearings, T.M. 3, Ministry of Munitions, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.I, (a) and marked "Ball Bearings." [The above Order was published in the London Cazette, November 2nd. I'.'lT.l (4) Boot and Saddlery Machinery and Imple- ments. (4.) Boot and Saddlery Machinery and Implements. Boot Manufacturers (Transfer of Machinery) Order, 1918, p. 155. Boot and Saddlery Needles and Awls (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 154. THE BOOT AND SADDLERY NEEDLES AND AWLS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (b) DATED FEBRUARY 19, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require that all persons engaged in the purchase, sale or manu- facture of boot and saddlery stitching needles, welt needles, stitching awls and hand needles and awls shall furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to any persons holding stocks of the description aforesaid, otherwise than for the purpose of re-sale. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 22nd, 1917, being the 3rd Supplement to the Gazette of February 20th.] (a) Now Director of Ball Bearings, Ministry of Munitions, Charing Cross Buildings, London, W.C.2. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Boot Manufacturers (Transfer of Machinery) Order, 1918; Building Bricks Control Order, 1918. THE BOOT MANUFACTURERS (TRANSFER OF MACHINERY) ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 19, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : (1) No person, the business carried on by whom consists in the manufacture or repair of Boots or Shoes, shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Priority, sell or deliver to any' other person any machinery or parts of machinery capable of being used for the manufacture or repair of Boots or Shoes. (2) This Order may be cited as the Boot Manufacturers (Transfer of Machinery) Older, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February *22nd, 1918.] (5.) Building- Bricks. THE BUILDING BRICKS CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL 5, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the "Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. No person shall as from the date hereof until further notice sell or, except for the purpose of carrying out a contract in writing existing 1 prior to such date for the sale of building bricks, deliver any building bricks of any description except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, or purchase or, except for the purpose of carrying out such a contract as aforesaid, take delivery of any such building bricks from any person other than the holder of such a permit and in accordance with the terms thereof. 2. Notwithstanding Clause 1 hereof 110 such permit shall be required for the sale, purchase or delivery of any building bricks to be used exclusively by the purchaser in the erection or carrying out of any separate and independent building or work not involving in such erection or carrying out the use of more than 20,000 bricks, or in the completion of any building or work law- fully commenced prior to the date hereof where such completion does not involve the use of more than 20,000 bricks as aforesaid provided always that in each of such cases the purchaser shall have given to the seller at or before the time of purchase and delivery a declaration in writing signed by the purchaser specify- ing the precise nature of the work for which such bricks are required and the place where the same are to be used, and that the bricks to be purchased are for the purposes mentioned in this clause and for no other purpose Every declaration made for the above piirpose shall be true and accurate in all respects. 155 5. Machin- ery, Tools, &c - W B ot and Saddlery Machinery Bricks~ 156 Chronometers (Returns) Order, 1917. 5. Machin- 3. Every manufacturer of building bricks shall comply with all ery. Tools, such directions regarding the transfer or delivery of the bricks c> f from time to time manufactured by him as shall from time to (5) Build- time be given to him on behalf of the Minister of Munitions by ing ^STICKS. the Controller of Building Bricks, Ministry of Munition. 4. Every person manufacturing or having in his possession any stock of building bricks shall furnish to the said Controller such returns as the said Controller may from time to time direct con- cerning output, stocks, deliveries, cost of production, prices or any other information relating to such building bricks. 5. All applications for permits under this Order shall be made to the Controller of Building Bricks, Ministry of Munitions, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1, and marked " Building Bricks Permit/' and every person selling, purchasing, delivering or taking delivery under any such permit shall observe and perform all the conditions subject to which such permit shall be granted. 6. This Order may be cited as the " Building Bricks Control Order, 1918." [The above Order was published in the London (la/.ctte. April f>th, V.Us.] (6.) Chronometers. Chronometers (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 1;3(>. Marine Box Chronometers Order, 1917, />. \~>~ (6)Chrono- THE CHRONOMETERS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MAY 11, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY. The Lords Commissioneis of the Admiralty, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulation 15c(b) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and all other powers thereunto enabling them, hereby order that all persons having in their possession or under their control any chronometer or chrono- meters, except such chronometers as are actually in use for navigational purposes or in course of manufacture, to furnish to the Hydrographer of the Navy, Admiralty, S.W. 1, within fourteen (14) days from the date of this Order the following particulars with regard to such chronometer or chronometers : Maker's name Description No. and date of manufacture .. Present purpose for which used. Cecil Burney. Lionel Halsey. Dated llth May, 1917. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May llth. 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 15r. This is printed p. 12. Marine Box Chronometers Order, 1917; Cranes Order, 1916. 157 THE MARINE Box CHRONOMETERS ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED e * rv? Tools, AUGUST 4, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY. &c. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regulation 3(U of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty hereby order that the war material to which the Regulation applies shall include Marine Box - Chronometers. Cecil Burney. 'Hugh Tothill. NOTE. All applications for a permit to buy, sell, or deal in such chronometers should be addressed to the Hydrographer of the Navy, Admiralty, S.W. 1. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. August 21st, 1917.] (7.) Cranes. THE CRANES ORDER, 1916, (o) DATED DECEMBER 20, 1916, MADE BY (7) Cranes. THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : No person shall until further notice sell or supply any crane, whether steam, electric, hydraulic, or hand-driven, except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. NOTE. All persons shall forthwith send in to the Director, T.M.4 (Cranes), Ministry of Munitions, Armament Buildings, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.l,(d) returns containing full par- ticulars of all cranes whether steam, electric, hydraulic, or hand- driven in their possession or under their control at the date hereof which may be for sale. All applications for a permit in connection with the above order should be addressed to the Director, T.M.4 (Cranes), Ministry of Munitions, at the address above-mentioned, giving full particulars of the crane, maker's name and number of machine, name and address of intending purchaser, price to be paid, and purpose for which crane is required. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 22nd, 1916.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918,' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (bj REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (c) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (d) Now Ministry of Munitions, Charing Cross Buildings, London, W.C.2. 158 Hosiery Needle Order, 1917. 5. Machin- er yTools, (a) Hosiery Needles. & THE HOSIERY NEEDLE ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 24, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : 1. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Hosiery Needle Committee enter into any contract for the purchase, sale, delivery, manufacture or loan of any Hosiery Latch Needles. 2. Before any contract of the description aforesaid is entered into, it shall be the duty of the parties to apply in such manner as may be described by or on behalf oi the Director of Raw. Materials to the Hosiery Needle Committee for a permit to com- plete the transaction, and no contract of the description aforesaid shall be completed by manufacture, delivery or payment unless and until such permit is issued by or on behalf of the said Committee. 3. No person shall make or take delivery of any Hosiery Latch Needles otherwise than in pursuance of a contract duly authorised by the said Committee in accordance with the provision thereof. 4. It shall be the duty of all parties to any of the transactions herein specified to require or disclose, as the case may be, all such information as may be necessary for or required by such parties as aforesaid or by the said Committee or by the Director of Raw Materials for the purpose of satisfying them or him that the provisions of this Order have not been contravened. 5. This Order shall come into force on the first day of October, 1917. This Order may be cited as the Hosiery Needle Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October '2nd, 1917.] Machine Tools and Power Machinery Order, 1916. 159 (9.) Machine and Small Tools and Power and other Machinery for Working Metal. Converter Plant Control Order, 1918,^. 163. Machine Tools and Power Machinery Order, 1916, p. 159. Machine Tools and Power Machinery (Insurance) Permit, 1916, p. 160. Machine Tools and Power Machinery Permit Notice, 1917, p. 163. Small Tools Order, 1918, p. 165. Small Tools General Permit Notice, 1918, p. 166. Treadle Lathes Order, 1918, p. 164. THE MACHINE TOOLS AND POWER MACHINERY ORDER, 1916, (a) 5. Machin- DATED AUGUST 28, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF ery, Tools, MUNITIONS. & c - In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by B/egula- ine and tion 30A of the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, (b) the Small Tools, Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to Power and which the Regulation applies shall include war material of the ^oSf- e r following classes and description, namely: All Machine Tools and Machinery driven by power and suit- able for use in cutting, stamping, or working metal, including : Lathes. Milling Machines. Drilling Machines. Planers. Shapers. Screw Machines. Chucking Machines. Boring Machines. Slotting Machines. Grinding Machines. Boring and Turning Mills. Power Presses. Punching and Shearing Machines. Forging Machines. Cutting-off Machines. Gear-cutting Machines. Centring Machines. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September oth, 1916.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Ordr, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. 160 Machine Tools and Power Machinery (Insurance] Permit, 1916. 5. Machin- ery, Tools, &c. (9) Mach- ine and Small Tools, Power and other Machinery. THE MACHINE TOOLS AND POWER MACHINERY (INSURANCE) PERMIT, 1916, (a) DATED AUGUST 28, 1916, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions gives notice (1) that he hereby permits all persons until further notice to purchase or enter into negotiations for the purchase of the war material referred to in the above Order. Provided that such purchase or negotiations are from or with persons holding a special permit from the Minister to sell such war material and not otherwise ;(b) (2) that he hereby permits the insurance of any such war material. All applications for a special permit in connection with the above Order should be addressed to the Director of Machine Tools, Armament Buildings, Whitehall Place, London. S.W.I. () [The above Permit was published in the London Gazette, September 5tb, 1916.] FORM OF SPECIAL PERMIT. Ministry of Munitions of War, Machine Tool Department, Whitehall Place. (c) To. You are hereby permitted until further notice (a) to buy, sell or deal in ; or (6) offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell or deal in; or (c) enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase of or other dealing in the war material specified in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as " Machine Tools ") subject to the following con- ditions : 1. Reporting of Orders. No orders for machine tools whether new or second-hand shall be accepted by any manufac- turer, importer, merchant, or dealer without the sanction in writing of the Minister of Munitions. Forms for this purpose may be obtained on application. The decisions of the Minister will be recorded in the right-hand column of the application form thus : "Accept." "Decision deferred pending investigation." " Refuse." (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL OF PERMIT. This Permit was withdrawn by the Machine Tools and Power Machinery Permit Notice, 1917, (p. 163) except as respects Insurance. (c) Now Charing Cross Buildings, London, W.C.2. Machine Tools and Power Machinery (Insurance) Permit, 1916. 161 2. Prices for New Machine Tools. A permit-holder shall noi 5. Machin- increase his prices beyond those charged by him on ery. Tools, July 1st, 1915, unless the consent in writing- of the ^* Minister has been first obtained. In the case of machine j| ne ^nd tools of a type not dealt in by the permit-holder prior to Small Tools, July 1st, 1915, all prices proposed to be charged shall be Power and' submitted to the Minister for approval. other Machinery. 3. Prices for Second-hand Machine Tools. The prices charged for second-hand machine tools shall not exceed, without the sanction in writing of the Minister, 80 per cent, of the current market price for new tools of the same kind or new tools of a different make but capable of doing the same work. 4. Unnecessary Fittings, fyc. Manufacturers shall (a) eliminate all unnecessary finish in the way of polish and machining ; (6) omit unnecessary fittings; and (c) confine the paintiiig of the machine tools to a single coat of chocolate-coloured paint, and dispense with all fillings. 5. Sub-contracts. Manufacturers shall not place orders for machine tools with sub-contractors without the sanction in writing of the Minister being first obtained. In cases where sanction is given and the principal con- tractor supplies drawings and patterns and also supervises the work, the price charged to the customer shall not exceed 10 per cent, added to the price paid to the sub- contractor when more than six machines of a similar type are sub-contracted at one time. In cases where over three and not more than six are sub- contracted 12J per cent, may be added to the price paid to the sub-contractor, and where three or less are sub- contracted at one time 15 per cent. If the principal contractor supplies working drawings only, a charge not exceeding 5 per cent, upon the maker's price shall be made. 6. Merchants. Machine tools must not be purchased by mer- chants or dealers except from the manufacturer, and must not be sold except to the actual user. (NOTE. A principal contractor who has, with the con- sent of the Minister, placed a sub-contract for the manu- facture of machine tools to his own patterns and drawings is deemed to be a manufacturer for the purpose ot this regulation and can therefore sell to a merchant in cases where the order is approved by the Minister.) A machine tool not supplied direct by the manufacturer to the user must bear the name of the merchant ordering the tool or the name of the manufacturer. When the merchant's name only is given the words " made for '* shall be added. The merchant's profit shall not exceed 10 per cent, on the maker's price. This condition does not apply to second- hand tools or to tools under the value of 10. 5246 F 162 Machine Tools and Power Machinery (Insurance) Permit, .1916. 5. Machin- Merchants may purchase machine tools from importers ery, Tools, only in cases where the importer has received special per- mission from the Minister to deal through merchants, and (9) Mach- where the price to the user is not increased thereby. me and Small Tools, Merchants may sell to exporters in cases where an order Power and is sanctioned in writing by the Minister and the profit does , other uo t exceed 10 per cent, on the maker's price. Machinery. In cases where a merchant acts as an exporter and sells to a customer abroad, these price conditions do not apply, though the prices charged will be regarded by the Minister as an important factor when considering the desirability of sanctioning orders for machine tools proposed to be exported to British Colonies, to the Dominions, or to Allied Countries. 7. Importation- of Machine Tools. No machine tools may be imported into the United Kingdom except under licence of the Board of Trade. Before such licences are granted the importer is required to enter into a special undertaking limiting his profits, &c. 8. Machine Tools for Allies. Permission to accept orders for machine tools intended for Allied Countries will only be given in cases where the orders are approved by the Com- mission Internationale de Bavitaillement, India House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2, and also by the Minister of Munitions. Manufacturers should ascertain whether their orders receive the approval of the Commission before these orders are submitted for the sanction of the Minister. It has been arranged with the Commission Internationale that the prices charged by manufacturers shall not exceed those in force in this country so far as existing agreements between manufacturers and their agents in Allied Countries permit. When special allowances have to be made to agents the prices actually obtained by the manufacturer shall not exceed the prices that would have been received had the machines been supplied for use in this country, and any additions made to cover special agency commissions must be clearly shown. The last mentioned condition is only imposed where no credit is given and where the money is paid in this country; if an additional amount is to be charged in a case where credit is to be given and /or the money is not to be paid in this country, a statement to that effect shall be added and the additional amount disclosed. 9. Machine Tools for Colonies. Orders for machine tools for the British Colonies and Dominions are subject to the same conditions as to prices, reporting, &c., as obtain in con- nection with machine tools supplied for use in this country. 10. Machine Tools for Neutrals. Permission will not be given to supply machine tools for use in neutral countries unless the circumstances are of a very special nature. Machine Tools and Power Machinery Permit Notice, 1917; 163 Converter Plant Control Order, 1918. 11. General. Additional conditions may be issued by circular 5. Machin- to the trade from time to time, and must be carried out by ery, Tools, permit-holders even although they may not be embodied in the conditions printed above. (9) Mach- ine and On behalf of the Minister of Munitions. Small Tools, -Power and other Director of Machine Tools. Machinery. THE MACHINE TOOLS AND POWER MACHINERY PERMIT NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED JUNE 26, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the Order made by the Minister of Munitions on the 28th August, 1916, (b) applying Eegulatioii 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (c) to war material consisting of machine tools and machinery driven by power and suitable for use in cutting, stamping or working metal and to the general permit for purchasing or entering into negotiations for the pur- chase of the said war material issued by the Minister of Muni- tions on the 28th of August, 191 6, (d) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice : (1) That he, as from the date of this Notice, withdraws the said general permit, except in so far as the same relates to the insurance of the said war material. (2) That all applications for a permit to purchase or enter into negotiations for the purchase of the said war material referred to in the above-mentioned Order should be made to the Executive Officers of the Area Clearing House Boards, whose addresses may be obtained upon application to " The Director, Central Clearing House, Ministry of Munitions, Charing Cross Buildings, W.C.2." [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 26th, 1917.] THE CONVERTER PLANT CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL o, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. No person shall on or after the date hereof until further notice purchase or manufacture, or erect or iiistal in or in con- nection with any factory, workshop, steel works, shipyard, colliery (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Titlfc was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) ORDER OP AUGUST 28, 1916. This " The Machine Tools and Power Machinery Order, 1916," is printed p. 159. (c) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (d) GENERAL PERMIT OP AUGUST 28, 1916. This " The Machine Tools und Power Machinery (Insurance) Permit, 1916," is printed p. 160 5246 F 2 164 Treadle Laflics Order, 1918. 5. Machin- ery, Tools, agreed or as may be determined, in default of agreement, by the-(U) Rail Railway and Canal Commission or by an Arbitrator appointed by that Commission. 3. The owner of any wagon and any other person affected by directions given under this Order shall comply with any direc- tions so given and give all reasonable facilities for carrying out those directions. 4. Any person acting in contravention of, or failing to comply with, any of the provisions of this Order is guilty of a summary offence(a) against the Defence of the Eealm Regulations. 5. This Order shall apply to Great Britain, and may be cited as the Private Owners' Wagons (Use when Empty) Order, 1917. A. H. Stanley, President of the Board of Trad Board of Trade, 16th March, 1917. THE PRIVATE OWNERS' WAGONS (No. 2) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 6, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. By virtue of the powers vested in them by Regulation 7B of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Board of Trade, for the purpose of making the most efficient use of railway plant with a view to the successful prosecution of the war hereby order as follows : 1. Where it appears to them necessary to increase the supply of wagons to any colliery, the Board of Trade may take possession of any private owner's wagons anl use them for the purpose of maintaining an adequate supply of wagons at the colliery in question. 2. Where possession is so taken of a wagon, there shall be paid to the owner for the use of the wagon such amount as may be agreed or as may be determined, in default of agreement by the Railway and Canal Commission or by an Arbitrator appointed by that Commission. 3. The Controller of Coal Mines may issue instructions in writing from time to time directing the private owner of a wagon or wagons to place the same at his disposal, and the said Con- troller may take possession thereof on behalf of the Board of Trade. (a) SUMMARY OFFENCE. See the Introduction to this Manual. 172 imported Wire Nails Order, 1918. 5. Machin- 4. The owner of any wagon and any other person affected by ery, Tools, directions given under this Order shall comply with any directions so given and give all reasonable facilities for carrying out those (11) Rail- directions . way Material. 5. Any person acting in contravention of, or failing to comply with, any of the provisions of this Order is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order shall apply to Great Britain and may be cited as the Private Owners' Wagons (No. 2) Order,. 1917. Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade this 6th day of September, 1917. W. F Mar wood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 21st. 1917.] (12.) Wire Nails. (12) Wire rp HE IMPORTED WIRE NAILS ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 25 , JNaiiS ' 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of all stocks of Wire Nails imported or to be imported into the United Kingdom. 2. All persons having in their possession, custody or control any stocks of Wire Nails of the description aforesaid, are hereby required to furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, verified in uch manner as he may direct. 3. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to apply to any stocks of Wire Nails of the description aforesaid of less than 5 tons in quantity. 4. This Order may be cited as the Imported Wire Nails Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade, [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 1st, 1918.] Wood-Working Machinery Order, 1917. (13.) Wood- Working: Machinery. Treadle Lathes Order, 1918, p. 173. Wood-working Machinery Order, 19 IT, p. 173. THE WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JUNE 5, 5. Machin- 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. 6Ty, Tools, &c. In pursuance of the poweis conferred upon him by Regulation ^^ Wood- 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations ,(b) the Minister working- of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which that Machinery. Regulation applies shall include war material of the following *~ classes and descriptions, namely: All machinery driven by power and suitable for use in cutting, working, or operating on wood, including: Sawing machines of all descriptions. General joiners. Mortise, tenon and boring machines. Lathes and rounding machines. Box and cask-making machines and all machines accessory thereto. Scraping and sandpapering machines. Wheelwright machinery. Firewood-making and bundling machinery. Wood wool fibre and pulp machinery. Saw-sharpening and setting machines. Saw stretchers and brazing apparatus. All machines for grinding, planing or moulding irons. NOTICE. All applications for a permit to purchase or enter into negotia- tions for the purchase of the war material referred to in the above Order should be made to the Executive Officers of the Area Clearing House Boards, whose addresses may be obtained upon application to " The Director ,(c) Central Clearing House, Minis- try of Munitions, Charing Cross Buildings, S.W.2."( d ) All applications for a permit to sell or enter into negotiations for the sale of the war material referred to in the above Order should be made to " The Director of Wood- Working Machinery, Charing Cross Buildings, S.W.2."(d) [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 5th, 1917.] THE TREADLE LATHES ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL, 15, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [This Order is printed in sub-group (9) " Machine and Small Tools, &c.," zip. 164.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order. 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (c) Now the Controller, Department of Engineering. (d) Now W.C. 2. Quinine, Phenacetin and Formaldehyde (Control) Notice, 1917. 6. Medical Stores and Drugs. i%A Drugs. [NOTE. The Orders and Notices as to chemical substances being " Acid," "Propellant," or " Trench Warfare " Supplies are printed under group 1 " Arms, Ammunition and Explosives " above; and as to "Bismuth' under group 7. "Metals," " Coal" &c., below.] Drugs and Chemical (Returns) Order ; 1918, ;;. 175. Quinine, Phenacetin and Formaldehyde (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 174. THE QUININE, PHENACETIN AND FORMALDEHYDE (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 28, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of stores of the following classes and descriptions, that is to say: All stocks of Quinine Sulphate excepting stocks of less than 100 ounces. All stocks of Quinine Bisulphate excepting stocks of less than 25 ounces. All stocks of Quinine Hydrochloride excepting stocks of less than 25 ounces. All stocks of Quinine Bi-hydrochloride excepting stocks of less than 25 ounces. All stocks of Phenacetin excepting stocks of less than 7 Ibs. All stocks of Formaldehyde Solution, 40 per cent., excepting stocks of less than 10 gallons. If after this notice any person without the consent of the Army Council sells, removes or secretes any of the said stores, or deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any Licence, Permit, or Order which may have been granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. All persons having in their custody or control any stocks of the said articles in excess of the said quantities hereinbefore set out, in the case of each article respectively are required to make a return of such stocks in the form indicated in Schedule A hereto annexed, to the Director of Army Contracts, Imperial House, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W. 1, and any such further and other particulars as may be required by him or on his behalf. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1 ( J18," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. Drugs and Chemicals (Returns) Order, 1918. Schedule A. 6. Medical Stores and Drugs. To be filled in lyFirm. Addregs Date Prices at which you Average Item. Total stocks held. will deliver to Army Medical Reserve price at which you obtained your Date of last purchase. Name and Address of your last supplier. Stores at stock. Woolwich. Quinine Sulphate ounces Bisulphate j> Hydrochloride ... ,, Bi-hydrochloride 55 Phenacetin Ibs. Formaldehyde Solution gallons 40 per cent. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, May 1st, 1917.] THE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 3, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Eealm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : (!) All persons engaged in the manufacture or sale of drugs or chemicals of any description are hereby required to furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, verified in such manner as may be directed by him or on his behalf. (2) This Order may be cited as the Drugs and Chemicals (Returns) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Ord*v was published in the London Gazette, January 8th, 1918.] 176 Aluminium Order, 1916, 7. Metals, Coal, Coke and Refractories and Non-Ferrous Materials. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrqus Materials. (1) Alum- inium. (I.) Aluminium^ p. 176. (2.) Asbestos, p. 183. (3.) Bismuth, p. 184. (4.) Brass, p. 186. Chrome Ore, p. 188. Coal, p. 188. Copper, p. 198. Cupro- Nickel, p. 202. Iron. See Steel Supplies, p. 203. (10.) Lead, p. 203. (11.) Magnesite, p. 20!). (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (12.) Metallurgical Coke. See Steel Supplies, p. 210. (13.) Mica, p. 210. (14.) Molybdenite, p. 211. (15.) Nickel, p. 213. (16.) Platinum, p. 213. (17.) Steel Supplies, p. 215. (18.) Tap Cinder, lye., p. 252. (19.) Tin, p. 253. (20.) Tungsten, p. 255. (21.) Zinc, including Spelter, p. 255. (1.) Aluminium. Aluminium Order, 1916, ^. 176. Aluminium (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 177. Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917, p. 178, War Material (Insurance) Permit, 1916, /;. 176. THE WAR MATERIAL (INSURANCE) PERMIT, 1916, DATED JUNE 30, 1916, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. 9 [This Permit, which relates to the insurance of, inter alia, Aluminium, Alumina and Whale Oil, is printed under 2 (12) "Whale Oil" (p. ) above.] THE ALUMINIUM ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED DECEMBER 2, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred on him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the War Material to which the Regulation applies shall include War Material of the following classes and descriptions, namely : Aluminium and alloys of aluminium, un wrought and partly wrought, including ingots, notched bars, slabs, billets, bars, rods, tubes, wire, strand, cable, plates, sheets, circles, strip. Aluminium scrap and swarf, aluminium alloy scrap and swarf, remelted aluminium scrap and remelted aluminium alloy scrap and swarf. Granulated aluminium, aluminium powder, " bronze," "flake" and "flitter." P* (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual, (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. Aluminium (Returns) Order, 1917. 177 The Order, dated 21st July, 1916, published in the London Gazette of the 28th July, 1916, relating to Aluminium and Alloys of Aluminium therein mentioned is hereby cancelled . fa) NOTICE. All applications for a permit in connection with the above Order should be addressed to the Director of Materials, Ministry of Munitions, Armament Buildings, (b) Whitehall Place, S.W.I. [The above Order and Notice were published in the London Gazette. December 5th, 1916.] 7. Metals, Coal, &c., Materials. !) Alum- THE ALUMINIUM (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (c) DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : All persons shall in the first seven days of each month, com- n encing in the month of March, 1917, send in to the Director of Materials A.M. 2 (H.), Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, (b) London, W.C.2, Monthly Returns of: (a) All aluminium held by them in stock or otherwise under their control on the last day of the preceding month. (b) All aluminium purchased or sold by them for future delivery and not yet delivered on such last day, together with the names of the sellers to or purchasers from them. (c) All aluminium delivered to them during the preceding month. (d) All aluminium scrap or swarf produced by them and /or issued from their works during the preceding month. (e) All contracts or orders existing on the last day of or entered into during the preceding month requiring for their execution the use of aluminium specifying the purposes thereof. Notwithstanding the above no return is required from any person whose total stock of aluminium in hand and on order for future delivery to him has not at any time during the preceding month exceeded 50 Ibs. (a) REVOKED ORDER. This Order is printed at p. 180, of the November, 1916, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (b) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S./H., 8, Northumberland Avenue. (c) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Min- istry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V. to this Manual. 17S Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and JNon- Ferrqus Materials. (1) Alum- inium. For the purpose of this Order the expression aluminium shall mean : Aluminium and alloys of aluminium, unwrought and partly- wrought, including ingots, notched bars, slabs, billets, bars, rods, tubes, wire, strand, cable, plates, sheets, circles, strip. Aluminium scrap and swarf, aluminium alloy scrap and swarf, remelted aluminium scrap and remelted aluminium alloy scrap and swarf. Granulated aluminium, aluminium powder, "bronze," "flake" and "flitter." or any of the above. Note. (1) Any person failing to comply with the above Order or making a false declaration will be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions and be liable to penalties of fine and imprisonment. (2) Attention is drawn to the fact that under the Order made by the Minister of Munitions on the 2nd December, 1916, whereby Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations was applied to aluminium as above defined (a) all dealing or nego- tiations for dealing in aluminium without a permit, as specified in that Regulation, is illegal and an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 20th, 1917.] THE ALUMINIUM (SCRAP AND SWARF) ORDER, 1917, (b) DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Director of Materials(c) announces that as from the first day of March, 1917, all dealings in Aluminium Scrap arid/or Swarf will be governed by the following Regulations, and permits will be granted on that basis and not otherwise, and all existing permits, whether for the sale, purchase or remelting of Alu- minium Scrap and Swarf issued by the Ministry of Munitions are hereby cancelled : 1. No existing Aluminium Scrap and /or Swarf may be used for any purpose excepting at the works where the same has been (a) ALUMINIUM ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed at p. 17G. The des- cription of aluminium in the two Orders is identical. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Min- istry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918 printed in Appendix Y. to this Manual. (c) Now Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply. Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917. 179 produced and for contracts for which aluminium has been released 7- Metals, by the Director of Materials, and as portion of the amount so Coal, &c., released. ^^ Materials. 2. All existing Aluminium Scrap and /or Swarf not being used (i) Alum- at any Works where the same has been produced, for contracts inium. for which aluminium has been released by the Director of Materials, and as portion of the amount so released, shall be sold and sent within three weeks from the first day of March, 1917, to the Refiner or one of the Refiners, as the case may be, nominated by the Ministry of Munitions for the district where such Scrap and /or Swarf is situated ; or, if no Refiner has been nominated for the district, to one of the Refiners nominated for any other district, except in special cases otherwise arranged by the Ministry of Munitions. 3. When Aluminium Scrap and /or Swarf is produced here- after such Scrap and /or Swarf must be used at the Works where produced for contracts for which aluminium has been released by the Director of Materials, and as portion of the amount so released, or otherwise sold and sent at or before the end of each month to one or other of the Refiners nominated by the Ministry of Munitions for the district where such Scrap and /or Swarf is situated ; or, if no Refiner has been nominated for the district, to one of the Refiners nominated for any other district, except in special cases otherwise arranged by the Ministry of Munitions. 4. All such Refiners shall (a) See that all Scrap and Swarf in their respective areas is sent to their Works, other than such Scrap and Swarf as may be used as aforesaid, or any that the Ministry may arrange to have dealt with in a different manner. (6) Grade this Scrap and Swarf (and all Scrap and Swarf held or possessed by the aforesaid Refiners) in accord- ance with the Schedule hereto. (c) Purchase the same at prices specified in the said Schedule, provided that they may refuse to accept small parcels of under one cwt. if the material is in bad condition. (d) Clean, dry, cut up when necessary and arrange the various grades of Scrap for re-issue in suitable crucible form; and refine the various grades of Swarf. (e) Resell and distribute the Scrap and Swarf owned, pos- sessed or purchased by the said Refiners, as directed by the Director of Materials. (/) Carry out all the aforesaid work themselves and not, either wholly or in part, by sub-contracting. 180 Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917. 7. Metals, (g) Make weekly returns to the Director of Materials, Coal, Ac., A.M.2(H), Hotel Victoria, Northumerland Avenue, (a)- ferrous" London, W.C. 2, containing full particulars (including Materials. prices and grades) of all Scrap and Swarf purchased (1) Alum- ky or delivered to them during the preceding week, inium. and of all crucible scrap or remelted metal sold or dispatched by them during the preceding week. (h) Comply with all further directions that may from time to time be given to them in writing by the Director of Materials, (b) 5. As and from the first day of March, 1917, prices are hereby fixed for the various grades of Scrap and Swarf both on the sale to the Refiners and on the re-sale by the Refiners, as shown in the Schedule hereto. 6. All firms who are machining aluminium must use a suitable cutting compound that will not deleteriously affect the turnings ; and must exercise great care in machining the aluminium, and in the collection of the Scrap and /or Swarf in the machine shops in order to keep the Scrap and /or Swarf free from brass, bronze, iron, shop sweepings and other foreign matter, and especially from lead or white metal. If wet, all small Scrap and all Swarf should be dried by centrifuging or other means, as soon after machining as possible. All small Scrap and all Swarf containing unalloyed iron should, if possible, be put over magnetic separators before dispatch to the refinery. 7. All Scrap and Swarf must be kept under cover and as free from moisture as possible, and must be both kept and refined in buildings which are free from any brass Scrap and /or Swarf. 8. All definite alloys received in lots of over two cwts., into- whichever grade they fall, must be kept separate throughout their treatment in the refinery. 9. Scrap, other than Scrap classed under Grade 1 (c) in the Schedule hereto, shall not be re-melted into ingots but must be cleaned, dried, arranged and re-issued in suitable crucible form. 10. When material of a definite composition, and /or complying with specified mechanical tests, is required, the same will be supplied, as far as practicable, by the Refiners, who shall be entitled to charge an additional figure in each case to cover the extra cost and work involved. (a) Now t.e Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, 8, Northumberland Avenue. (b) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply. Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917. The SCHEDULE above referred to. ALUMINIUM SCRAP AND SWARF. GRADES AND PRICES AS FROM IST MARCH, 1917, UNTIL FURTHER (1) . NOTICE. mlum - 181 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrqus Materials. 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Price per ton on 1 Price pei- resale by Refiner de- Percentage Scrap ton on livered at Purchaser's of or Descriptive. sale to Works if within a Aluminium. Swarf. Refiner radius of 50 miles ; delivered otherwise an amount at Refinery. to cover extra freight- age can be charged. [l () 96 Scrap Sheet cuttings and rods con- 160 ... 175. (minimum) taining a minimum of 96 per cent. Al. (ft) Do. Do. Old rolled, &c., containing a 120 ... 134. minimum of 96 per cent. Al. (0 Do. Swarf Spinnings, punchings, and j 105- 138 thin, small, scrap ; also | painted and varnished i scrap that needs melting, containing a minimum of 96 per cent. Al. P () 87 to 95 Scrap Lump scrap from aero-cast- 100 ... 113. (both ings ; and material of equi- inclusive) valent value containing 87 to 95 per cent. Al. (&) Do. Swarf Turnings and swarf gener- 87 10.s. 117 10 ally containing 87 to 95 per cent. Al. 3 (*) 80 to 86 Scrap Scrap generally, containing 80 91. (both 80 to 86 per cent. Al. inclusive) (*>) Do. warf Swarf and inferior swarf 70 97. generally, containing 80 to 86 per cent. Al. !*() Below 80... Scrap All scrap containing below Not to ex- Not to exceed 75 80 per cent. Al. ceed 65. (&) Below 80... Swarf All Swarf containing below Not to ex- Not to exceed 85 80 per cent. Al. ceed 60. The foregoing- prices are based on grades consisting of dry and clean Swarf ; and of Scrap containing not more than 8 per cent, of moisture and /or dirt. In the case of Scrap, if over 8 per cent, of moisture and /or dirt be present the material may be classified as wet and /or dirty and a cent, per cent, deduction made from the prices on sale to the Refiner for all moisture and /or dirt present above 8 per cent. The price for Scrap on sale to the Refiner may be further reduced by an amount not exceeding 5 per ton for any Scrap con- taining 20 pe.r cent, or more of dirt. In the case ot Swarf, a cent, per cent, deduction may be made from the prices on sale to the Refiner for any moisture and /or dirt present. In addition to the total percentage therefor deducted a 182 Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917. Materials. (1) Alum- inium. 7. Metals, further sum may be deducted equal to the cost of melting an Coal, &c., amount of dry and clean Swarf equal to the amount of moisture and Non- an d/or dirt present, such cost of melting being taken for this purpose to be 12 10s. per ton. Oil is included in the term moisture. By dirt is to be under- stood any foreign solid matter, including oxide of aluminium, free iron and other metals, and ordinary shop sweepings. The Refiner shall ascertain if the Scrap and Swarf contains more than 0'7 per cent, of alloyed iron. If it does, the price on sale to the Refiner shall be reduced 1 per cent, for every Ovl per cent, of alloyed iron in excess of 0'7 per cent. In the event of a difference arising between the Seller and the Refiner as to the grade of the material, the price to be paid by the Refiner, or as regards any other question under the above pro- visions, the decision of the Director of Materials shall be final. Applications for Permits should be made to the Director of Materials, A. M.2(H), Hotel Yictoria, Northumberland Avenue, (a) London, W.C.2, and marked " Aluminium Permit." NOTE. For the purpose of the above Regulations the following Refiners have been nominated by the Ministry of Munitions : Birmingham Area ... Mr. W. Atkins, Bradford Street, Birmingham. Clemmons Aluminium Limited, Aston Road, Birmingham. The Midland Aluminium Company. Great Francis Street, Birmingham. Mr. T. J. Priestman, Leopold Street, Birmingham. Coventry Metal & Iron Company, Ltd., Coventry Metal Works, Coventry. Sterling Metals, Ltd., Foleshill, Coventry. Raphael's Refinery, Thomas Street^ Burdett Road, London, E. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Metal Smelters, Ltd., Boarded Lane, Castle Street, Reading. The Shamrock Aluminium Company, Glenravell Street, Belfast. The names of the Refiners nominated for other districts will be announced later. Coventry Area London Area Newcastle-on-Tyne Area Reading and South England Area. Ireland . of (a) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S./H., 8, North- umberland Avenue. Raw Asbestos Order, 1918. 18S (2) Asbestos. THE RAW ASBESTOS ORDER, 1918,( a ) DATED JANUARY 5, 1918, 7. Metals, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE Coal, &C., ARMY COUNCIL AND THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Ferrous" Materials. The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty in exercise of the (g) Asbes- powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm tos. Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling them, and with the concurrence of the Army Council and the Minister of Munitions, hereby order as follows: 1. No person or Company shall on or after the date hereof until further Notice sell, supply or deliver any raw Asbestos, including Asbestos Crude and Asbestos Mine Fibres, whether situated in or outside the United Kingdom, or purchase or negotiate for the purchase or take delivery of any raw Asbestos, including Asbestos Crude and Asbestos Mine Fibres, situated outside the United Kingdom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence or permit issued under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 2. All persons and Companies engaged in the manufacture or sale of Asbestos or Asbestos products shall make such returns with regard to their business as shall from time to time be required by or under the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Given under our hands this 5th day of January, 1918. Lionel Halsey. Hugh Totlull. NOTE. All applications in reference to this Order should be addressed to the Director of Materials and Priority, Admiralty, Great George Street, S.W.I, and marked " Asbestos." [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 8th, 1918.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 184 Bismuth Order, 19.18. (3) Bismuth. Bismuth Order, 1918, p. 184. Bismuth Permit (Medical Purposes) 1918, p. 185. 7. Metals, THE BISMUTH ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 12, 1918, MADE BY THE Coal, t, 1917.] (6.) Coal. (6) Coal. [NOTE. The Orders of the Board of Trade as to the Retail Sale and Distribution of Household Coal have not been treated as ' War Material Supplies " Orders and are therefore not printed in this Manual. All such Orders in force on February 28th. 1918, will be found in the edition of that date of the " Defence of the Realm Manual " which is now in the press.] Coal (Pit's Mouth) Prices Order, 1917, p. 197. Coal Transport Order, 1917, p. 188. Retail Coal Prices Order, 1917, p. 193. Wholesale Coal Prices Order, 1917,;?. 190. THE COAL TRANSPORT ORDER, 1917, DATED JULY 4, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regulations 2r to 2jj and 9a(c) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations ;md (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S./F.W.H., 8, Northumberland Avenue. (c) REGULATION 2F. This Regulation is printed p. 17, in the form in which by Regulation 2jj it is applied to the Board of Trade. Coal Transport Order, 1917. 189 all other powers enabling them in that behalf, the Board of Trade 7. Metals, iiereby order as follows : Coal, &c., and Non- 1. With a view to effecting economies' in transport and of Ferrous facilitating the supply of coal such restrictions may be placed on Materials, the transport of coal from particular areas or particular collieries (6) Coal, in the United Kingdom to particular areas or particular destina- tions as the Board of Trade may from time to time consider necessary, and when such restrictions are so placed it shall be the duty of every person affected thereby to comply with the requirements of the Board of Trade for the purposes of giving effect thereto. 2. Contracts for the sale of coal shall be abrogated to such extent, and as from such dates as may be deemed by the Board of Trade to be necessary in order to secure compliance with their requirements under this Order. 3. The requirements of the Board of Trade under this Order shall be notified in the form of directions issued from time to time by the Controller of Coal Mines. Such directions may relate to any or all of the following matter : (a) The restriction or discontinuance of the transport of coal from particular areas or particular collieries to particular areas or particular destinations, either absolutely or by any specified method of transport or otherwise than by such method of transport as may be specified. (b) The contracts which are to be regarded as abrogated with a view to facilitating compliance with such directions. (c) Furnishing information by and to such parties and in such forms as may be specified in the directions. (d) Any other matters for which provision may be necessary for the purpose of this Order. 4. Infringements of this Order are summary offences subject to penalties under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Coal Transport Order, 1917. Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade, this fourth day of July, 1917. H. Llewellyn Smith. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July 6th, 1917.] 190 Wholesale Coal Prices Order. 1917. Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (6) Coal. 7. Metals, THE WHOLESALE COAL PRICES ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 5, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. In exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2* 1 to 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(a) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf the Board of Trade hereby order as follows : 1. The price at which a factor or merchant may sell coal in railway wagon or barge load or cargo to a consumer or to a retail coal merchant for re-sale by him from depot or wharf or uiilway siding by retail to consumers or to hawkers or small dealers, shall, except as hereunder provided, not exceed the pit price chargeable by the owner of the mine at which the coal was produced, or in the case of washed fuel, the price chargeable for the fuel at the washery by the owner of the fuel by whom, or on whose behalf it was washed, in addition to the actual cost of transport (in which cost no charge shall be made by the seller of the coal in respect of office expenses, salaries .or other overhead charges or loss in handling) by more than the following amounts: (a) Coal purchased by railway companies in trreat Britain for consumption on loco- motives 3d. per ton (6) Coal purchased by railway companies in Great Britain for other purposes ... 6d. ,, ,, (c) Coal consumed in national factories ... 6d. ,, ,, (d) Coal consumed in gas and electric supply undertakings in Great Britain ... d. ,, ,, (e) Coal sold to retail merchants in Great Britain for re-sale by them from depot or wharf or railway siding by retail to consumers or to hawkers and small dealers ... ... ... ... ... Is. ,, ,, (f) All other coal, including all coal sold for consumption in Ireland, Is. 3d. per ton, except that where coal sold direct to a consumer not having rail or wharf accom- modation, who makes his own cartage arrangements, is delivered in railway wagon by the factor or merchant in quantities less than 30 tons, the amount chargeable in addition to the price at pit or washery and the transport charges as above denned shall be 2s. per ton unless the consumer has ordered not less than 500 tons of the coal in question for delivery over the following twelve months. (a) REGULATIONS 2r, &c. Regulations 2r to 2J are printed, pp. 17-22, in the form in which by Regulation 2jj they are applied to the Board of Trade. Wholesale Coal Prices Order, 1917. 191 Provided that : 7. Metals, (i) Where coal is dealt with by more than one factor or ^I^Non- merchant before reaching 1 the consumer or retail Ferrous merchant, the above amounts of 3d., 6d., 9d., Is., Materials. Is. 3d., or 2s. per ton respectively shall be divisible ,(6) Coal, between the different factors and merchants, and each seller, except in the case of the final sale to the con- sumer or retail merchant, shall at the time of the sale inform the purchaser how much of the above amounts is included in the price, in order that the maximum price may not be exceeded. (ii) In the case of washed fuel, where loss of weight in transit is borne by the factor or merchant, a charge may be made by the factor or merchant in respect of such loss by way of addition to the price per ton at which the fuel is sold to the consumer, not exceeding in any case 2 per cent, of such price. (iii) Where the seller himself provides water transport, otherwise than by the charter of a ship subsequent to the date of this Order, the transport charges shall not exceed the rate current at the date of this Order. (iv) Where payment is not made by the consumer or retail merchant before the date on which payment is due to the original owner of the coal or within 30 days of delivery of the coal, whichever is the later, the factor or wholesale merchant may make a reasonable charge in respect of credit to the consumer or retail merchant. Provided also that the maximum charges specified in this article, including 1 the transport charges, may be increased or reduced by the Board of Trade, either (a) generally, or (6) as respects any particular class of business, or (c) as respects the business of any individual factor, merchant or consumer, or (d) as respects any individual contract or sale. 2. All contracts for the purchase or sale of coal in the United Kingdom under which deliveries were being made or were due prior to the 10th September, 1917, are hereby abrogated, provided that notwithstanding- such abrogation, the seller shall, subject to any instructions which have been or may be given by or on behalf of the Controller of Coal Mines under the Coal Transport Order, 1917, or otherwise, continue to deliver to the purchaser, and the purchaser shall continue to receive, the coal during the period of the currency of the contract, and under the conditions and at the rates specified thereunder, unless otherwise agreed by both parties, and the price charged as from the 10th September shall not exceed the price chargeable under the contract in accordance with the provisions of the Price of Coal (Limitation) Act, and of this Order ; provided also that in no case shall the price be in- increased without the consent of the Controller of Coal Mines for the time being appointed by the Board of Trade hereinafter referred to as the Controller. 192 Wholesale Coal Prices Order, 1917. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (6) Coal. Any party to such contract may apply to the Controller for the variation of or relief against any term or condition of such con- tract, and such application shall be heard and determined by the Controller in the same manner as any question may be deter- mined under Article 6 of this Order, and that article shall apply accordingly. 3. If, in consequence of the provisions of Article 2 hereof, the price to be paid by any person to whom coal is delivered is reduced by any amount, the price to be paid by any person to whom the coal is delivered in pursuance of any subsidiary contract shall be reduced by an equivalent amount unless the Controller otherwise orders. 4. This Order shall not apply to any sale of coal for export or any sale of coal for the manufacture of patent fuel for export or any sale of coal to be used on any ship. 5. No person shall sell or buy or offer to sell or buy any coal at a price exceeding the maximum price hereby fixed. 6. Where any dispute or difference arises between two or more factors or merchants as to the division of the amounts referred to in sub-paragraph (i) of Article 1 of this Order, such dispute or difference shall be referred to the Controller. The Controller on such reference shall consider the cases of the respective parties and take their evidence in such manner as he shall deem most convenient, but shall give each party an oppor- tunity of knowing and answering his opponent's case. If the Controller deems it desirable to hear the parti esviravoce, he may appoint a person to hear the evidence and arguments and report to him. The decision of the Controller shall be final and binding on all parties to the reference, and the Arbitration Act, 1889, shall not apply thereto. 7. If any person acts in contravention of this Order, or aids or abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order, that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a cor- poration or company every director and officer of the corporation or company is guilty of the like offence, unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. 8. The Controller shall be responsible to, and is hereby authorised by the Board of Trade to take all measures that are needed to give effect to this Order. He may suspend from time to time and for any period, and in any district or part of a district the operation of all or any of the articles of this Order or parts thereof as he thinks fit, and may restore such operation. He may make such rules and issue such instructions under this Order as may be necessary to give effect to its provisions, and such rules and instructions shall be deemed to be part of this Order, and shall have the same effect as if they had been included in this Order. Retail Coal Prices Order, 1917. 9. (a) This Order may be cited as the Wholesale Coal Prices 7. Metals. Order, 1917. SdStol- {&) This Order shall take effect as from the IQth day of Ferrous September, 1917. Materials. Signed 011 behalf of the Board of Trade this 5th day of (6) Coal. September, 1917. W. F. Marwood, A Secretary of the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 14th, HUT.] THE RETAIL COAL PRICES ORDEH, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 11. 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. ( a )( b ) In exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2r to 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(c) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf the Board of Trade hereby order as follows : 1. The price at which coal delivered by road vehicle from a depot or wharf or railway siding in lots of 1 ton or over may be sold shall, subject to the provisions of Article 13 of this Order, not exceed by more than Is. per ton the price of he coal delivered at the depot or wharf or railway siding in addition to the actual cost of handling and delivery, such cost to include depot and office expenses, but not interest charges or salaries to owners, partners or directors of the business ; provided that : (i) Where a merchant sells under the same description and at the same price coals of which the prices delivered at the depot or wharf or railway siding > are different, the price under this article shall not exceed the average price delivered at the depot or wharf or rail- way siding of the whole of the coal in question with the additions herein or hereinafter mentioned. (ii) Where a coal merchant deals in articles other than coal in the course of his business charges common to the sale of coal and other parts of the business are to be fairly apportioned in determining working costs for the purpose of this article. (iii) The exclusion of salaries to owners, partners, or directors from working costs shall not apply to reasonable (a) ACCOMPANYING ORDERS AND MEMORANDA. This Order was accompanied by a Memorandum as to Increases in Retail Prices of House Coal during the War, printed p. 203 of the Feb., 1918, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual," and by separate Orders conferring powers on the Local Authorities in each part of the Kingdom, and Circulars addressed to them by the Controller of Coal Mines, printed ibl pp. 204-218. (b) CANCELLATION OF ORDER. Art. 127 of the Household Fuel and Lighting Order, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, July 2nd, 1918), made June 28th, 1918, whilst this Manual was in the press, cancels the Retail Coal Prices Order in respect of all sales of coal coming within the scope of the 1918 Order, but the maxi- mum prices fixed by the Local Authorities under the 1917 Order remain in force until revised or withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of the 1918 Order. (c) REGULATIONS 2p to 2j. These Regulations are printed in Part 1 (pp. 17-22) of this Manual in the form which they appear to assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2jj (1). 5246 G 194 Retail Coal Prices Order, 1917. 7. Metals, Coal, &c.. and Non- Ferrous Materials. (6) Coal. remuneration to such owners, partners, or directors in respect of manual labour or clerical work performed by them. 2. The price of coal sold or delivered in smaller lots than 1 ton from a road vehicle shall not exceed by more than 2s. per ton the maximum selling price in the same district for sales of the same description of coal in lots of 1 ton or over from road vehicles as prescribed by Article 1 of this Order. 3. The price of coal delivered from a depot, wharf or railway siding to dealers' shops shall be less than the prices provided in Article 1 of this Order by 6d. per ton or such other amount as may be approved by the local authority. 4. The price of coal sold at depots or wharves or railway sidings to hawkers and dealers in quantities less than 8 tons shall be less than the prices provided in Article 1 of this Order by 3s. per ton or such other amount as may be approved by the local authority. 5. The price, of coal sold in quantities of 2 cwt. or less at dealers' shops shall not exceed by more than \d. per cwt. the maximum selling price in the same district for similar quantities sold from road vehicles as authorised by Article 2 of this Order. 6. The prices for quantities of coal less tEan 1 cwt. shall be at the same rate to the nearest farthing as the price per cwt Fractions of a farthing to be charged as a farthing. 7. The maximum price of coal sold in small quantities to consumers from depot or wharf or railway siding shall be 2d. per cwt. less than the maximum price in the same district for smaller lots than 1 ton sold from road vehicles as provided by Article 2 of this Order. 8. The foregoing maximum prices are for cash on delivery and if credit be taken a reasonable charge may be made therefor; provided that such charge shall not exceed such amount as maj be approved by the local authority. 9. It shall be the duty of all Coal Merchants to supply th*? local authority, as defined herein, for the district or districts in which their places of business are situated or in whicL coal is sold or delivered by them with such information as may be required by the local authority for the purpose of ascertaining whether the retail prices of house coal sold in bulk or in small quantities in their area comply with the requirements of this Order. 10. (a) Every local authority, as defined herein, shall, after consultation with the coal merchants in their area, publish in the local press and in such other manner as may appear to the local authority to be desirable lists showing the prices chargeable under this Order for the various classes of coal sold in the district for household purposes. (6) The local authority may by publication in the manner prescribed herein withdraw or vary any or all of the prices pub- lished by them under this Article. 11. Tlie local authority may appoint a committee consisting of members of the local authority and may delegate subject to such conditions as they may think fit to such committee all or any of their functions under this Order. Retail Coal Prices Order, 1917. 195 12. For the purposes of this Order the term " local authority " means : In England and Wales the Council of every Municipal Borough, Urban District and Rural District, including the Council of the Isles of Scilly. In Scotland in a County the County Council and in a Royal, Parliamentary or Police Burgh, the Town Council. __. In Ireland the Council of every County Borough, Borough and Urban District, the Town Commissioners of every Town not being an Urban District, and the Council of every Rural District. 13. The publication of retail prices of house coal by a local authority in the manner prescribed by Article 10 of the Order shall, so long as the prices are not withdrawn or varied as pro- vided therein, be conclusive evidence that such prices comply with the provisions of this Order. 14. (a) No person in charge of a vehicle offering for sale coal in quantities not exceeding two hundredweights in such vehicle shall sell or offer for sale such coal unless there shall be affixed on prominent and conspicuous parts of such vehicle so as to be visible on both sides thereof, metal tablets on which shall be clearly marked in a permanent manner in a figure of figures of at least 3 inches in length the prices per hundredweight at which the coal is offered for sale, and such persons shall not alter, deface, or remove or exchange such figure or figures, except at the place of loading or at the office of his employer. (b) No person in charge of a vehicle to which is affixed a metal tablet as aforesaid, shall, on a sale of any such coal, charge to the purchaser any price greater than that marked on the said metal tablet. Provided that this Article shall not apply to the area of any County Council in Scotland or of any Rural District Council in England or Wales or Ireland except as regards any part of the area to which the local authority may, with the approval of the Controller of Coal Mines, by order apply it. 15. (a) No person being the owner or occupier or in charge of a shop or premises where coal is sold or kept or exposed for sale in quantities not exceeding 2 cwt. shall sell or offer for sale such coal unless there shall be exhibited in some conspicuous place in the shop or premises where coal is sold or kept or exposed for sale a notice on which shall be clearly printed in figures at least one and three-eighths of an inch in length and half an inch in width the price per 112 Ibs., 56 Ibs., 28 Ibs., 14 Ibs. and 7 Ibs. at which coal is offered for sale, and no person shall alter, deface, or remove such notice except at the commencement of each day upon which such shop or premises shall be open for the sale of coal. (b) No person being the owner or occupier or in charge of a shop or premises where coal is sold or kept or exposed for sale in which shop or premises is affixed a notice as aforesaid shall, on a sale of any such coal, charge to the purchaser any price greater than that marked on the said notice. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (6) Coal. 5246 G2 196 Ketail Coal Price* Order, 1917. and Non- Ferrous Materials. (6) Coal. 7. Metals, 16. No person shall sell or buy or offer to sell or buy by retail Coal,_ &c., coal or any description (a) at a price exceeding the permitted maximum price on the occasion of such a sale of coal of the same description, or (b) under other descriptions than those specified in the lists of prices published by the local authority as provided in Article 10 of this Order. 17. If any person acts in contravention of this Order or aids or abets any other person in doing anything in contravention of this Order that person is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and if such person is a corporation or company every director and officer of the corpora- tion or company is guilty of the like offence unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. / 18. Articles 1 to 13 of this Order shall not apply to such part of the area of any local authority as is for the time being subject fo the provisions of the Household Coal Distribution Order, 1917, made by the Board of Trade on the 10th August, 1917. () 19. The Controller of Coal Mines for the time being appointed by the Board of Trade shall be responsible to and is hereby authorised by the Board of Trade to take all measures that are needed to give effect to this Order. He may suspend from time to time and for any period and in any district or part of a district the operation of all or any of the articles of this Order or parts thereof as he thinks fit, and may restore such operation. He may make such rules and issue such instructions under this Order as may be necessary to give effect to its provisions, and such rules and instructions shall be deemed to be part of this Order and shall have the same effect as if they had been included in this Order. 20. This Order may be cited as the Retail Coal Prices Order, 1917. Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade this eleventh day of September, 1917. W. F. Marwood, A Secretary of the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 18th, 1917.] (a) HOUSEHOLD COAL DISTRIBUTION ORDER, 1917. That Order which has been viewed as not being a " War Material Supplies " Order and therefore not within the scope of this Manual is omitted therefrom. It is printed together with the Local Authorities (Household Coal Distribution) Order, 1917, and the Explanatory Memorandum which accompanied it at pp. 219-253 of the February, 1918, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." Coal (Pit's Mouth] Prices Order, 1917. 197 THE COAL (Fix's MOUTH) PRICES ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 12, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. By virtue of the powers vested in them the Board of Trade, deeming it expedient to take further steps for regulating the supply of coal, and being satisfied that special circumstances affect the Coal Mines in the United Kingdom, hereby order ~RS~ follows : 1. As from the dates hereafter mentioned the price of coal sold or offered for sale at the pit's mouth directly or indirectly by the owner of the mine or on his behalf for use in the United Kingdom shall be a price exceeding by nine shillings in the case of mines in the South Wales and Monmouthshire and Forest of Dean districts and six shillings and sixpence in other cases or such lower sum as may be fixed by the Controller of Coal Mines in any particular case the price of coal of the same description, sold in similar quantities, and under similar con- ditions affecting the sale at the pit's mouth at the same coal mine on the corresponding date (or as near thereto as, having regard to the course of business, may be practicable) in the twelve months ended the thirtieth day of Juno nineteen hundred and fourteen., (a) 2. These prices shall be charged on all such coal despatched from the colliery on and after the 15th October in the case of coal for domestic consumption and on and after the 17th Sep- tember in the case of coal for other purposes. 3. Where in consequence of this Order the price paid or to be paid by any person to whom coal is or has been sold is increased the price paid or to be paid by any person to whom the coal is or has been sold in pursuance of any subsidiary contract shall be increased by the same amount. 4. This Order may be cited as the Coal (Pit's Mouth) Prices Order, 1917. A. H. Stanley. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October !<>th, .1917.] (a) INCREASE OF PRICES. By the Coal Pit's Mouth Prices Order, 1918, (published in the London Gazette, June 25th, 1918) made June 21st, 1918, whilst this Manual was in the press the prices of coal despatched from the colliery on or after June 24th, were increased. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (6) Coal. 524f, 198 Copper, 7Anc and Tin (Unauthorised Possession) Order, 1916; Copper (Sale or Purchase) Order, 1916. 7. Metals, Coal, Ac., (7.) Copper, and Non- Fergus Brass and Copper (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 198. Materials. Copper (Control) Order, 1917, p. 200. (7) Copper. Copper (Sale or Purchase) Order, 1916, p. 198. Copper, Zinc and Tin (Unauthorised Possession) Order, 1916, p. 198. Copper (Use in Manufactures) Order, 1916, p. 199. Cupro-Nickel Scrap (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. THE COPPER, ZINC AND TIN (UNAUTHORISED POSSESSION) ORDER, 1916, () DATED JUNE 5, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30c of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister hereby specifies the following metals as being metals required for the production of War material, and therefore subject to the provisions of that Regulation; namely: Copper, Zinc, Tin and any alloy of any of these metals with or without the admixture of other metals. D. Lloyd George. [The above Order was published in the London (Ja/.ette, June (!th, 1916.] THE BRASS AND COPPER (RETURNS) ORDER, 1916, DATED DECEMBER 1, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [This Order is printed under (4) " Brass " above, p. 186.] THE COPPER (SALE OR PURCHASE) ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED DECEM- BER 8, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows : (1) No person shall as from the date hereof buy, sell or, except for the purpose of carrying out a contract in writing existing prior to such date, enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of copper of any class, whether wrought or unwrought, situated outside the United Kingdom unless such person is authorised by a Special Permit from the Minister of Munitions to purchase or sell the same. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order. 1918 " printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30c. This Regulation is printed p. 14. Copper (Use in Manufactures) Order, 1916. All applications for Special Permits shall be made to the 7. Director of Materials, Armament Buildings, Whitehall Place, (a) London, S.W.I, and marked " Copper Permit," and all persons to whom such permits are granted shall observe and perform all the conditions subject to which such permits may be granted. (2) All persons shall, except as below mentioned, not later than the 16th day of December, 1916, send in to the Director of Materials, Armament Buildings, Whitehall Place, London. S.W.I, returns of: (a) All unwrought copper at the date hereof held by them in stock or otherwise under their control. (b) All unwrought copper due at the date hereof for future delivery to them. (c) All contracts existing at the date hereof for the sale to or purchase by them of unwrought copper. Notwithstanding the above, no return is required from (1) any manufacturer or smelter of stock in hand or due for future delivery for the sole purpose of manufacture or smelting at his works, (2) any person whose total stock in hand and due for future delivery does not exceed two tons. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 8th. 1916.] Metals, Goal, &c., THE COPPEK (USE IN MANUFACTURES) ORDER, 1916, (b) DATED DECEMBER 8, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions gives notice (1) that in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amend- ment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions, (c) and all other powers thereunto enabling him, he hereby prohibits as from the date of this Order the use of copper, whether wrought or unwrought, in any kind of manu- facture except for the purposes of a contract or order for the time being in existence certified to be within Classes " A " or ' B " of circular L.33 as to control of output issued by the Minister of Munitions on the 31st day of March, 1916. (d) (2) That the Order of the Minister of Munitions of the 6th November, 1916, (e) relating to the manufacture of copper wire and cable containing copper is hereby cancelled. NOTE. All applications in reference to this Order should be addressed to the Ministry of Munitions of War, Priority Branch, 1, Caxton Street, Westminster, London, S.W. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 8th, 1916.] (a) Now the Controller of Non- Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S. (B) Depart- ment, 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. 2. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) Regulation 30A. This is printed p. 12. (d) CIRCULAR L.33. See now the Priority of Work Order of March 8th, 1916, printed in Part III of this Manual, pp. 427-431. (e) ORDER OF Nov. 6, 1916. That Order is printed at p. 117 of the Novem- ber, 1916, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." Materials. (7) Copper. 5246 G4 200 Copper (Control) Order, 1917. 7 Metals Coal, &c., ' 1 1llE COPPER (CONTROL) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JANUARY 1. and Non- 1917, M.IDE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Ferrous Materials. rp ne Minister of Munitions in exercise 1 of the powers conferred (7) Copper. U p n him by the Defence of the Kealm (Consolidation) Act. 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and all other powers thereunto enabling him gives notice and orders as follow > :-- (1) He hereby takes possession as from the date hereof until further notice upon the terms specified in the Schedule hereto of all unwrought copper, including copper scrap and swarf, in any form whatsoever, subject to the following exceptions: (a) Rough copper, copper ore and copper scrap and swarf in the possession of, or due under an existing contract in writing for future delivery to, a smelter or refiner for the purpose of conversion into refined metal. (6) All copper, including copper scrap and swarf in the possession of, or due under an existing contract in writing for future delivery to, a manufacturer for use in such manufacturer's own works. (c) Copper scrap and swarf specially excepted under the written authority ,of the Minister of Munitions. (2) If any person having control of any metal to which this Notice applies without the consent of the Minister of Munitions sells, removes or secretes it, or- deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licence or permit that may have been granted in respect thereof, he will be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (3) All existing licences issued by, or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions for dealing in any scrap or swarf to which thi& Notice applies are hereby cancelled. (4) The Minister of Munitions hereby requires every smelter or refiner to make a return to the Director of Materials(b) at the end of each calendar month, including the month of December, 1916, of the total quantities of refined copper of each description in stock, distinguishing between (1) that sold for use on Class " A " or Class "B" work, (2) that allocated for such use in his own works and (3) the residue not so sold or allocated, and he further requires every maker and holder of copper scrap or swarf to make a return to the Director of Materials(b) at the end of each calendar month, including the month of December, 1916, of the total quantities of each class of such scrap . or swarf in stock distinguishing between (1) that sold for use on Class " A " or Class " B " work (2) that allocated for such use in his own works and (3) the residue not so sold or allocated. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Ministry of Munitions (Citation of tVar Material Supplies Orders) Order 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (to) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Marerials Supply. Copper (Control) Order, 1917. 201 (5) All applications with, regard to this Order should be 7. Metals, addressed to : Coal, &c., The Director of Materials, A.M. 2 B., "'Fergus" Armament Buildings, Materials Whitehall Place, () (7) c ' London, S.W.I. 7) _bopper. and marked " Copper Permit. " The SCHEDULE above referred to. (a) Copper included in the Returns made in accordance with Clause (2), sections (a) (b) and (c) of the Or'der made on 8th December, 1916,(b) and taken over under the above Order except copper due tor future delivery, on sliding scale terms) will be paid for on delivery by the Minister of Munitions on the basis of the value as indicated by the average of the official quotations of the London Metal Exchange for the last 15 days of December, 1916. Copper due for future delivery on sliding scale terms will be paid for at not more than 10s. per ton of metal over the original full contract terms, including all discounts, commissions, or rebates of any sort. Special circumstances in connection with any copper taken over may be taken into consideration by the Minister. (b) A Price Schedule for copper scrap and swarf based down- wards on the quotation for electrolytic copper as a standard will be drawn up by the Director of Materials for the purpose of the taking over of stocks under the above Order and as a basis for future transactions. (c) The quantities of refined copper specified in the returns of smelters or refiners iinder Clause (4) of the above Order and not sold or allocated as therein mentioned, will be paid for on delivery by the Minister at the average of the relative official quotations of the London Metal Exchange for the month in question. (d) The scrap and swarf specified in the Returns by makers and holders under Clause (4) of the above Order and not sold or allocated as therein mentioned, will be paid for on delivery as may be directed by the Minister on the basis of the average of the quotations for electrolytic copper for the month in question, subject to any adjustments for quality that may be necessary. (e) In all cases where two prices are quoted for the same description of copper by the London Metal Exchange, the price paid by the Minister, if based thereon, will be the mean of the two prices, and all prices paid by the Minister will be nett per ton delivered c.i.f. U.K. port if imported from abroad, or free on rail at the producer's works if made in England, or equal thereto. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 2nd, 1917.] (a) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S./B., 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. (b) COPPER (SALE OR PURCHASE) ORDER, 1916. That Order which restricted the sale or purchase of copper is printed at p. 198. 202 Cupro-Nickel Scrap (Dealings) Order, 1917. 7. Metals, THE Cupao-NiCKEL (SCRAP) DEALINGS ORDER, 1917, DATED Coal, &c., MARCH 9, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. and Non- Ferrous [This Order is printed under (8) Cupro-Nictel below.] Materials. (8) Cupro- Nickel (8.) Cupro-Nickel. THE CupRO-NicKEL SCRAP (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 9, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers enabling him gives notice and orders as follows : 1. All cupro-nickel scrap as hereinafter denned shall, as from the 13th day of March (hereinafter called " the appointed day ") be dealt with and disposed of in accordance with instructions from time to time given by the Director of Non-Ferrous Rolled Metal Strip and Sheet Supply (E.M. 7) Ministry of Munitions, Whitehall Place,(b) London, S.W. 1, on behalf of the Minister, and not otherwise. 2. No person shall, as from the appointed day, sell, offer for sale, use, or otherwise deal with or dispose of, any cupro-nickel scrap, whether in pursuance of a contract existing prior to the appointed day or not, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence granted by the said Director on behalf of the Minister. 3. All persons shall on or before the 24th day of March, 1917, furnish to the said Director a statement in writing giving par- ticulars of all cupro-nickel scrap in their possession or under their control on the appointed day, and of all their existing contracts and orders for the purchase or sale of cupro-nickel scrap. 4. The term cupro-nickel scrap for the purpose of this Order shall include and mean all kinds of cupro-nickel webbing scrap, process scrap, and swarf and scrap of whatsoever kind or nature in the composition of which copper and nickel are included, or any of them. 5. The Minister will subsequently communicate to the owners of cupro-nickel scrap taken over by him the prices which he will be prepared to pay for the same. 6. Any person acting in contravention of or failing to comply with this Order will be guilty of an offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations and be liable to penalties of fine and imprisonment . [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 13th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. (b) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S.M., 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. Lead Order, 1917. 203 (9.) Iron. See under "(16.) Steel Supplies," p. 215. 7. Metals, Coal, &c.j and Non- /-ir* \ T ^o/i Ferrous (100 Lead. Materials. Lead Order, 1917, p. 203. (9) Iron. Lead Control Amendment Order, 1918,^. 208. Type Metal (Eeturns) Order, 1918, p. 208. THE LEAD ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED SEPTEMBER 1, 1917, MADE BY (10) Lead. THE MINISTER, or MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act 1914 the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act 1915 the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Munitions of War Acts 1915 and 1916 and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby gives notice and orders as follows : 1. He hereby takes possession as from the date hereof until further notice of all pig lead whether virgin or re-melted old and scrap lead and lead residues now or hereafter situated in the United Kingdom subject to the following exceptions: (a) All such lead as may be in the possession of or due under an existing lawful contract in writing for future delivery to a manufacturer for use in such manu- facturer's own works. (b) All such lead as may be specially excepted under the written authority of the Minister of Munitions. The lead of which possession is taken as aforesaid will until further notice be paid for by the Minister of Munitions on delivery as to virgin pig lead at the prices specified in the Schedule hereto and as to re-melted old and scrap lead and lead residues upon terms which will be communicated in due course to the various owners. 2. If any person having control of any lead of which possession has been taken under Clause 1 hereof without the consent of the Minister of Munitions sells removes or secretes it or deals with it in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licence or permit that may be granted in respect thereof he will be guilty of an offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 3. All existing licences issued by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions for dealing in any re-melted old or scrap lead or lead residues are hereby cancelled. 4. No person shall as from the date hereof until further notice purchase sell offer to purchase or sell or except for the purpose of carrying out a contract in writing existing prior to the 6th April 1917(b) for the sale or purchase of white lead, lead oxides, lead (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) APRIL GTH, 1917. i.e., the date of the second Order (revoked by Art. 11 of the present Order) restricting dealings in Lead. That April Order was published London Gazette, April 6th, 1917, and ie also printed p. 214 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." 204 Lead Order, 1917. 7. Metals, nianufaciuivs, lead alloys or lead compounds of any kind, or u Coal, &c., contract in writing existing prior to the 2nd of Februaiy, 1917,' a , and Non- f or the sa j e or purchase of any other kind of lead enter into any Materiafs transaction or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of (10 L d ^ 6a ^ "situated outside the United Kingdom except under and in " accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 5. No person shall as from the date hereof until further notice otter to purchase, purchase or take delivery of any lead situated in the United Kingdom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, or offer to sell, sell supply or deliver any such lead to any person other than the holder of such a licence and in uccordance with the terms thereof, provided that no such licence shall be required in the case of any offer to sell or purchase sale purchase or delivery of such lead : (a) For the purpose of a contract or order for the time being in existence certified to be within Class " A " in the Order of the Minister of Munitions as to priority dated the 8th March, 1917, (b) and made in substitution for Circular L. 33 or certified by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions to be within Class " B " of the said Order. (b) For the purpose of necessary repairs or renewals requiring* immediate execution and for which no other metal can be substituted and requiring for the entire carrying out thereof the use of not exceeding 1 cwt. of sheet lead or lead pipe and not exceeding 28 IDS. of solder and no other lead and in respect of which repairs or renewals the purchaser shall have given to the seller at or before the time of purchase a declaration in writing specifying the nature of the work for which the same is required and the place where the same is to be carried out and that the lead purchased is for the purpose mentioned in this sub clause and for no other purpose. 6. No purchase or sale of lead situated in the United Kingdom or offer to purchase or sell any such lead whether such purchase sale or offer is or is not under any licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions shall in the case of any class of lead specified in the Schedule hereto until further notice be at a price exceeding the price set opposite the same in the said Schedule. (a) FEBRUARY 2ND, 1917. i.e., the date of the first Order (revoked by the second, the April Order) restricting dealings in Lead. That February Order was published London Gazette, February 2nd, 1917, and is also printed pp. 189-191 of the February, 1917, Edition of the Defence of the Realm Manual." (b) PRIORITY OF WORK ORDER, 1917. This is printed in Part III (p. 427) of this Manual. Lead. Order, 19.17. 205 7. No person shall as from the date hereof until further notice 7. Metals, use any lead for the purpose of any manufacture or work Coal, &c., pxceot-- and Non - except ' . Ferrous (a) For the purpose of a contract or order for the time being Materials, in existence certified to be within Class "A" of the (10) Lead. Order of the Minister of Munitions as to priority dated 8th March, 1917, (ai) and made in substitution for Circular L. 33 or certified by or on behalf of the- Minister of Munitions to be within Class " B " of the said Order. (ft) For the purpose of necessary repairs or renewals requiring immediate execution and requiring for the entire carry- ing out thereof the use of not exceeding 1 cwt. of sheet lead or lead pipe and not exceeding 28 Ibs. of solder and no other lead. (c) For the purpose of type-casting from metal already in the form of type on the 2nd February, 1917, (b) or from lead purchased for that purpose prior to that date. (<) Under and in accordanc'e with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 8. All persons shall within seven days from the first day of each month send in monthly returns of : (a) All lead held by them in stock or otherwise under their control on the last day of the preceding month, the lead actually in stock to be shown separately. (ft) All lead purchased or sold by them for future delivery and not yet delivered on such last day. (0) All lead delivered to them during the preceding month. ((9) All contracts or orders existing on the last day of or entered into during the preceding month requiring for their execution the use of lead for any purpose, specifying the amounts of lead required monthly for the purpose of such contracts or orders, and dis- . tinguishing- between the amounts required for work certified to be within Class " A " in the said Order of the 8th March, 1917, (a.) and the amounts required for other purposes or certified by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions to be within Class " B " of the said Order. Notwithstanding the above no return is required from any person whose total stock of lead in hand and on order for future delivery to him has not at any time during the preceding month exceeded 1 cwt. (a) PRIORITY or WORK ORDER, 1917. This is printed in Part III (p. 427) of this Manual. (b) FEBRUARY 2ND, 1917. i.e., the date of the first Order (revoked by the second, the April, Order) restricting dealings in Lead. That February Order was published London Gazette, February 2nd, 1917, and is also printed pp. 189-191 of the February, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." -'<'C Lead Order, 1917. 7. Metals, Returns shall as regards remelted old and scrap lead and lead andVn" residues be sent in to the Director of Materials AM 2/ES Hotel Ferrous" Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2 and as regards Materials, all other kinds of lead to the Director of Materials AM 2/E Hoiel (10) Lead, ^ictoria, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2 9. For the purpose of this Order the expression " Lead " shall mean pig lead whether virgin or remelted, sheet lead, lead pipe and old and scrap lead, lead residues, white lead whether dry, in oil or prepared for use, lead oxides, lead manufactures, lead alloys and lead compounds of every kind or any of them. 10. All communications on the subject of remelted old or scrap lead or lead residues shall be addressed to : The Director of Materials, AM 2/ES, Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Avenue, (b) London, W.C.2. and marked " Scrap Lead." All applications for licences to purchase lead other than remelted old or scrap lead or residues shall be made to : The Director of Materials AM 2/E, Hotel Victoria, X < ) rthumberland Avenue . (b) London, W.C.2. and marked " Lead Licence " and all applications to use lead other than remelted old or scrap lead or lead residues shall be made to : The Controller, The Priority Department, 1, Caxton Street, Westminster, S.W.I. 11. The Order of the Minister of Munitions dated the 6th April, 1917. (a) relating to certain classes of lead is hereby cancelled except Clause 8 thereof but such cancellation shall not affect the previous operation of that Order or the validity of any action taken thereunder or the liability to any penalty or punishment in respect of any contravention or failure to comply with the same prior to its cancellation or any proceeding or remedy in respect to such penalty or punishment. (a) ORDER OF APRIL f>, 1917. That Order was published London Gazette, April 6th, 1917, and is also printed p. 214 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." Clause 8 thereof, which is now " spent," is restricted to the cancellation of a previous Order of February 2nd, 1917, which was published London Gazette, February 2nd, 1917, and is also printed pp. 189-191 of the February Edition of the same Manual. (b) Now the Director of "Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S./E., 8, North- umberland Avenne. Lead Order, 1917. 207 THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. 7 Metals MAXIMUM PRICES . (a) and^n- Virgin pig lead ... 29 per ton c.i.f., 30 per ton ex *"er 19115 store or ex refiners' works. (10) Lead. Manufactured Lead. Sheet lead .39 10s. per ton. Lead pipe 40 per ton. (Delivered United Kingdom, less 2J per cent, monthly account; the usual trade extras and allowances to apply.) The rate of exchange between chemical houses and manu- facturers of chemical sheet lead for the old lead in pig lead shape, to be 8 per ton net for sheet lead and 8 10s. per ton net for lead pipe, the manufacturer paying cost of delivery df the old lead; the sheet lead or lead pipe to be delivered United Kingdom. The usual trade extras to apply. Lead Compounds. Dry white lead ... ... 46 per ton less 5 per cent, monthly account delivered United King- dom. The usual trade extras and allowances to apply. White lead in oil 53 per ton less 5 per cent, monthly account for deliveries in pack- ages of 5 cwts. and over. ,, ... 55 per ton less 5 per cent, monthly account for lots of less than 5 cwts. White lead in pack- ages less than 5 cwts. to be charged at the customary trade extra for packing. These prices for white lead in oil are based on a price of 50 per ton as the spot price for raw linseed oil in barrels. If the average daily spot price of raw linseed oil during the preceding month rises or falls by multiples of 6, then the above maximum price of white lead in oil shall rise or fall by 10s. per ton for every 6 per ton rise or fall in the price of linseed oil. Bed lead and litharge ... 42 per ton less 2J per cent. monthly account in 5 cwt. casks delivered United King- dom. The usual trade extras and allowances to apply. NOTE. Any person acting in contravention of or failing to comply with the above Order will be guilty of an offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations and be liable to penalties of fine and imprisonment. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 7th, 1917.] (a) AMENDMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES. As to prices for used type metal see the Lead Control Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 208. The prices for various classes of lead were modified by the Lead (Amendment) Order, 1918, published in the London Gazette June 28th, 1918. 208 Le (l d Control Amendment Order, .19.18; T )/}< Mclal (Return*) Order. 191S. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., THE LEAD CONTROL AMENDMENT ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY ferrous" ^' 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS PRESCRIBING Materials. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR TYPE METAL. (10) Lead. With reference to the Order of the 1st September, 1917, made by the Minister of Munitions Controlling lead(a) (which was thereby denned as meaning, amongst other things, lead manu- factures, lead alloys and lead compounds of every kind or any of them) and fixing certain maximum prices, the Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows: 1. As from the date thereof until further notice the said Order shall take effect as if there were specified in the schedule thereto the following classes of lead and maximum prices respectively applicable thereto, that is to say:- Used Type Metal. Description. Price per ton. (a) Type in case, including standing matter in chase and paper, on boards and matter awaiting distribution ... ... ... 43 (6) Spacing material, including quads, quota- tions, metal furniture and leads ... 29 (c) Electro plates and blocks ... ... ... '><> (d) Stereo plates, metal and blocks ... ... 36 (e) Linotype metal ... ... ... ... 32 (/) Monotype metal ... ... ... ... 3b The above prices include cost of packages and delivery F.O.JR. 2. This Order may be cited as the Lead Control Amendment Order, 1918. NOTE. Nothing contained in the above Order will relie-ve the purchaser or the seller of any type metal from the necessity of obtaining and observing the terms of the licences required under the above-mentioned Order of the 1st September, 1917. (a, [The above Order was published in the London Gazett<\ J-Y1. ruary Hiih. ;.U8.] THE TYPE METAL (Ei-Ti -I?.NS) Onnbit, 1918, DATED MAY 26, 1918, MADE HY THE MlMSTI -M! OK M (MTIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows: 1. Every person having in his possession or under his control at the date hereof any type metal exceeding 1 cwt. in amount shall within 28 days from the date hereof send in to the Con- troller, Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, Ministry of Munitions, (a) LEAD ORDER, 1917. This is printed above. Magnetite (h-det-, 1<)17. 209 AI.S./E.S., 8, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C.2. n true 7. Metals, and complete return of all type metal in his possession or under Goal, &c., his control at the date hereof, distinguishing between ferrous" (a) Type in case, including standing matter in chase and Materials. paper, on boards and matter awaiting distribution. (10) Lead. (b) Spacing material, including quads, quotations, metal furniture and leads. (c) Electro plates and blocks. (d) Stereo plates, metal and blocks. (e) Linotype metal. (/) Monotype metal. And shall supply such further particulars and information with regard to type metal as may be required by the said Controller. 2. This Order may be cited as the Type Metal (Returns) Order, 1918. NOTE. All applications in reference to this Order should be addressed to the said Controller, and marked . 230. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 5 (Metallurgical Coke), 1917, p. 235. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 6 (Steel Plates, &e.) T 1917, p. 237. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 7 (Steel Scrap and Wrought Iron Scrap), 1918, p. 239. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 8 (Bar Iron and Steel in Shell Discard Quality), 1918, >. 242. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 9 (Bar Iron), 1918, p. 243. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 10 (High Speed Tool Steel), 1918, p. 243. Wrought Iron Scrap Order, 1917, p. 218. The Orders relating to Steel Supplies of which the foregoing is a list fall into, and are here arranged in, 3 groups, viz. : (a) " Steel Supplies Orders," applying Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations to certain classes and descriptions of steel supplies ; (b) The General Permit under (a) the Steel Supples Orders, and the 10 " Steel Supplies Permit Amendments " and the 2 "Pig Iron Permit Amendments" which amend the General Permit; (c) The " Control of Steel Supplies Orders," which regulate orders for steel and the manufacture of and dealings in steel and ironstone; 216 Steel N >////; //Vx (Metallurgical Coke, Iron am] Steel) Or/let. I'.'Ui. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. (d) Ironstone Control Orders which fix the maximum prices for ironstone mined in certain districts. The full text of each of these Orders and Permits and oi the amending Orders and Permits is here printed in the form in which they were originally issued, the now revoked portions being indicated by italic type, and footnotes being added referring to all subsequent amendments. The Amending Orders and Permits are very numerous, aiul to meet convenience of reference the Editor has reproduced in Appendix I of this Manual the whole 27 Orders listed above (with the exception of the "Steel Rods and Wire" Order ;nid the " Midlands District Ironstone Control " Order which stand out apart) in the form in which they would now appear to apply as 3 Consolidated Orders, viz., a "Steel Supplies Order." a "Steel Supplies General Permit," and a "Control of Steel Supplies Order." Steel Supplies Orders'' applying- Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations to certain classes and descriptions of Steel Supplies. (a) THE STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IKON \\n ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED JULY 7, 1916, MADE JSY THK MIM-JI i: OK MuMTK)NS.(b) In pursuance of the powers conferred upon hirn by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (c) the Minister oi Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which the Regulation applies shall include war material of the following classes and descriptions, namely : Metallurgical Coke of the following classes and descriptions : - Derbyshire. Durham and Northumberland. Lancashire. South Wales and Monmouthshire. Staffordshire. Yorkshire. Midland Counties. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) AMENDMENT ORDERS. By the following series of Amendment Order* the Prohibition contained in the Order of July 7th, 1916, has been extended to other classes and descriptions of steel supplies as follows : Steel Hexagons, Rounds and Squares, Steel Supplies Amd . No. l, Oct. <(. 191-; p. 217. Wrougnt Iron Scrap, March 22, 1917, p. 218. Tinplates and Terneplate, Steel Supplies Amdt. No. 2, Aug. i'4. l'.17, p. 218 Steel Scrap (all descriptions),Steel Supplies Amdt. No. 3, Aug. 28, 1917, p, $18. Metallurgical Coke, Steel Supplies Amdt. No. 4, Nov. 27, 1917. p. 219. Steel Slabs, Plates, Strips and Sheets, Steel Supplies Amdt. No. 5, Nov. 30, 1917. p. 219. These six Amending Orders have so considerably altered the Principal Order f July, 1916, that it has been considered that convenience of reference would be served by the reproduction of so much of the seven documents as now (May 31, 1918) appears to be in force, in consolidated form as a single document in Appendix T of this Manual. (c) REGULATION 30i This is printed p. 12. Ste . : ? Supplies (Steel Hexagons, Hounds and Squares) Amendment 217 No. 1 Order, 1916. 7. Metals, Pig Iron of the following classes and descriptions : 5 '-w ! Hematite. ferrous" Cleveland. . Materials. Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. (17) g^ ee - Lincolnshire. Supplies. Northamptonshire. Scottish. Staffordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire. Bar Iron. Steel of the following classes and descriptions : Angles, Tees, Channels, Flats, Bulb Angles, Zeds and other sections, of which the prices are customarily based on the price of Angles. Joists. Ship plates. Boiler plates. Rails (railway). Sheet and tin plate bars. Blooms and billets, ordinary mild steel. Blooms and billets, special. Rounds and squares (untested). High Speed Tool Steel. D. Lloyd George. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July llth, 191(3.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AND SQUARES) AMENDMENT No. 1 ORDER, 1916, DATED OCTOBER 31, 1916, (a) MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon, him by Regula- tion 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which the Regulation applies shall include war material of the following classes and descriptions, that is to say: S-teel hexagons. Steel rounds and squares (tested). c}Steel scrap of the following classes where sold -without guaranteed analyses : Heavy steel melting scrap. Steel turnings and borings. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 3rd, 191fi. ] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER The Short Title was conferred by the ;< Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 19l8/' printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed, p. 12. (c) STEEL SCRAP. This Order is so far as relates to Steel Scrap cancelled by the Steel Supplies (Steel Scrap) Amendment No. 3 Order, 1D17, of Aug. 28th, 1 ( .17, printed p. 218, below. 218 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Wrought-Iron Scrap Order, 1917 ; Steel Supplies Amendment Orders Nos. 2 and 3. THE WROUGHT-IRON SCRAP ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 22, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [n pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regula- tion 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which the regulation applies shall include war material of the following class, that is to say: Wrought-Iron Scrap. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. March '27th, 1!)17.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES (TIN-PLATES AND TERNEPLATES) AMENDMENT ]STo. 2 ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED AUGUST 24, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations,(b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that as from the 19th day of July, 1917, the war material to which that Regulation applies shall include war material of the following classes, that is to say: Tinplates. Terneplates. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, August '24th, 1917.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL-SCRAP) AMENDMENT No. 3 ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED AUGUST 28, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions hereby cancels the Orders made by him in exercise of the power conferred upon him by Regula- tion 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) and dated the 31st October, 1916, (c) and the 1st January, 1917,(d) respec- tively, in so far only as the same relate to steel scrap, and hereby (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the 11 Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (c) ORDER OF OCTOBER 31, 1916. This, the Steel Supplies (Steel Hexagons Rounds and Squares) Amendment No. 1 Order, 1916, which relates to steel other than steel scrap, is printed p. 217. (d) ORDER OF JANUARY 1, 1917. This Order which related to steel scrap only angi is wholly cancelled by the present Order was published, London Gazette, Jan. 5th, 1917, and was also printed, p. 552, of the May, 1917 Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." Steel Supplies Amendment Orders Nos. 4 and 5. in further exercise of the said power, orders that the war material 7. Metals. to which that Regulation applies shall include war material of Coal, &c., the following class, that is to say : Steel scrap of all classes and a jr errou ^~ descriptions. Materials. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, August 28th, 1917.] (17) Steel Supplies. THE STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE) AMENDMENT No. 4 ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 27, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations ,(b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which that Regulation applies shall on and after the 17th September, 1917, include metallurgical coke of the following classes and descrip- tions : Scottish. Nottinghamshire . Lincolnshire. Cumberland. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, being the Supplement to the Gazette of November M)th, 1917.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL PLATES, &c.) AMENDMENT No. 5 ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In puisuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which that Regulation applies shall include 'war material of the following class, that is to say: Steel Slabs, Plates, Strips and pieces cut from Plates, suitable for re-rolling. Steel Plates, Sheets and Black Plate, all open annealed produced in Sheet Mills. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 30th, 1917.J (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V. to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. 220 Steel Supplies (Metallurgical Coke, Iron and Steel) Permit, 1916. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. (b) General Permit. THE STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) PERMIT, 1916, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1916, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. (b) With reference to the Orders made by the Minister of Muni- tions on the Tth day of July, 1916, (c) and the 31st day of October, 1916,(d) applying the Defence of the Eealm Regulation 30A(e) to war material consisting of certain classes and descriptions ot metallurgical coke pig iron and steel, and to the General Permit for dealing in such war material issued by the Minister on the same date(f) as modified on the 15th day of August, and on the 13th day of September, 1916, (gr) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that he hereby as from the 1st day of November, 1916, withdraws such General Permit, and in substitution there- for, as from such 1st day of November, 1916, permits all persons until further notice : (a) To buy, sell or deal in ; or (b) Offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell or deal in ; or (c) Enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase of or other dealing in (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT. The Short Title was conferred by tin- " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) AMENDMENTS OP GENERAL PERMIT. By the following series of Amend- ments the General Permit of November 1, 1916, has been amended as regards various classes and descriptions of steel supplies as follows : Steel of various classes (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. Xo. 1, Jan. 1, HUT). ]>. _2i>. Steel of various classes (Steel Supplies Permii Amdt. Xo. _'. .Ian. 5. HUT), p. 227. Second-hand Rails (Steel Supplies Permit Anidt. No. 3, March i>2, 1917). p. 228. Pig Iron (Pig Iron Permit Amdt. July 17, UM7), p. 229. Tinplates and Terneplates (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 4. Aug. _'*. r.-i: . p. 230. Metallurgical Coke (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. :>, Nov. _?. l'.17j. p. Pig Iron (Pig Iron Permit Amdt. No. 2, Nov. 30, 1917). p. 23C>. Steel Plates, &c. (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt, No. c,, Nov. ;JO. 1!>17), p. 237. Steel Scrap and Wrought Iron Scrap (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 7, Jan. }. 19l8 r )p. 239. Bar Iron and Steel in Shell Discard Quality (Steel Supplies Permit Amd Feb. 1,1918), p. 242. Bar Iron (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 9, Feb. 15. 1918), p. 243. High Speed Tool Steel (Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 10. Feb. 15, 1918), p. 24:'.. These 12 Permit Amendments have so considerably altered the General Permit of November, 1916, that it has been considered that convenience of reference would be served by the reproduction of so much of the 13 documents as now (May 31, 1918) appear to be in force in consolidated form as one single document in Appendix I. of this Manual. (c) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IKON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed, p. 216. (d) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AND SQUARES) AMDT. ORDER No. 1. That Order is printed, p. 217. (e) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (f ) PERMIT OF JULY, 1916. That Permit which is withdrawn by the present Permit, is printed, pp. 176-179, of the July, 1916, Edition of the Defence of the Realm Manual. (g-) MODIFYING NOTICES OF AUGUST 15TH and SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1916.- These were printed, London Gazette, August 15th and September 13th respectively. Steel Supplies (MetallurgicalGofo, Iron and Steel) Permit, 1916. 221 the war material referred to in the above-mentioned Orders, sub- ject to the following conditions : (1) This permit shall not affect the provisions of Regula- tion 30B of the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (a) (2) No sale or purchase of material in the United Kingdom not being under a contract in writing entered into prior to the 1st November, 1916, at prices not con- travening those permitted up to the date of this notice shall be at a price exceeding the prices specified in the Schedule hereto with reference to the respective classes and descriptions of material therein referred to provided that this condition shall not apply (1) to a sale or purchase under a special permit granted by the Minister of Munitions or (2) to a sale or purchase of material, other than high-speed tool steel, which is not a transaction 01 one of a series of transactions involving the sale or purchase of two tons or over or (3) to any sale by a Manufacturer of finished steel rolled from steel purchased by him or (4) to a sale or purchase of material the export of which has been duly sanctioned. (3) Upon any such sale or purchase the seller and purchaser shall comply with any directions whether of general application or otherwise which may from time to time or at any time be given by the Minister of Munitions with regard to the use or disposal of the said war material. And no sale or purchase of or dealing in the said war material, except in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions, is authorised. 7. Metals, Coal, &e., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. The Schedule, above referred to. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR METALLURGICAL COKE, (b) Per ton net. f.o.t., Makers' Ovens. s. d. irham and Northumberland Blast Furnace Coke ... 180 ,, Foundry Coke ... 1 10 6 Lancashire Blast Furnace Coke ... 158 South Wales and Monmouthshire Do. do. ... 1 10 ,. Foundry Coke 230 South Yorkshire Blast Furnace Coke ... 158 Staffordshire and Midland Counties Do. do. ... 158 West Yorkshire Do. do. 158 (a) REGULATION 30B. This Regulation which prohibits dealings in certain metals is printed p. 13. (b) METALLURGICAL COKE. These maximum prices for metallurgical coke are superseded by the Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 5 (Metallurgical Coke), 1917, printed p. 2-J5. Steel Supplies (Metallurgical Coke, Iron and Steel) Permit, 1916. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., MAXIMUM PRICES FOR PIG IRON, (a) Per ton net. and Non- f .o.t., Ferrous Makers' Works. Materials. HEMATITE PIG IRON EAST COAST. s. d. (17) Steel Mixed, Numbers 1, 2, and 3 ... 6 2 6 Supplies. Special quality, containing under -04 Sulphur of Phosphorus and 6 7 6 Special quality, containing under -03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur t> 15 6 Special quality, containing under -02 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 7 HEMATITE PIG IRON SCOTTISH. Mixed, Numbers 1, 2 and 3 6 2 6 Special quality, containing under '03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 7 10 HEMATITE PIG IRON WELSH. Mixed, Numbers 1, 2 and 3 6 2 6 Special quality, containing under -03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 6 15 6 Special quality, containing under -02 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 7 HEMATITE PIG IRON WEST COAST. Mixed, Numbers 1, 2 and 3 6 7 6 Special quality, containing under -03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur k .. 6 15 6 Special quality, containing under -02 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 7 Cleveland Pig Iron. Number 1 4 11 6 Other grades 4 7 6 DBKBYSHIRE, LEICESTERSHIRE AND NOTTINGHAMSHIRE PIG IRON. No. 4 Forge 4 10 No. 3 Foundry 4 12 6 No. 2 Foundry , 4 14 6 No. 1 Foundry , 4 16 6 Basic 4 17 6 Lincolnshire Pig Iron. Basic or Foundry ... 4 12 6 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE PIG IRON. No. 4 Forge 4 7 6 No. 4 Foundry 4 9 No. 3 Foundry 4 10 No. 2 Foundry 4 12 No. 1 Foundry 4 14 Basic 4 17 6 NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE PIG IRON. No. 4 Forge 4 15 Foundry Numbers 4 17 6 Basic 4 17 6 \ (a) FIG IRON. These maximum prices tor pig iron are amended by the Pig Iron Permit Amdt., 1917 (p. 229), and the Pig Iron Permit Amdt. No. 2, 1917 (p. 236), the effect of which is, inter alia, to cancel so much of this part of the present schedule as is piinted in italics. Steel Supplies (Metallurgical Coke Iron and Steel) Permit, 1916. 223 MAXIMUM PRICES FOR PIG IRON cont. Per ton net. f.o.t., Makers' Works s. d SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE, SHROPSHIRE AND WORCESTERSHIRE PIG IRON. Part Mine " Forge Part Mine " Foundry Common Staffordshire All Mine " Forge All Mine " Foundry Forge , Foundrv , 4 15 4 17 6 4 10 5 15 600 750 7 15 876 926 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Warm Air Warm Air Special Quality Lord Dudley's Cylinder Cold Blast Iron SCOTTISH FOUNDRY AND FORGE PIG IRON. Nos. 3, 4 and lower grades of Monkland, Dalmellington, Eglinton and Govan ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 14 Nos. 3, 4 and lower grades of all other brands ... ... 5 15 6 No. 1 quality (Scottish) to be 5s. per ton above these prices. To the above-mentioned prices for pig iron a sum not exceeding 1J per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales by persons other than the Makers. MAXIMUM BASIS PRICES FOR STEEL (a). Per ton net. f.o.t., Makers' Works. s. d. 11 10 JMALL STEEL ANGLES, TEES AND FLATS. Under 6 inches down to and including 4 united inches Under 4 inches down to and including 3 united inches Under 3 united inches to and including 2 united inches Angles. s, d. 14 14 10 D 16 17 17 10 12 10 STEEL SHIP BRIDGE AND TANK PLATES. Subject to list of extras "A," dated 1/11/16 STEEL SHIP BRIDGE AND TANK THIN PLATES. Under I inch thick (except -24 inch (9-7 Ibs.) and 10 Ibs. Admiralty, for which see List " A ") down to and in- cluding ^ inch thick (including 7 Ibs. Admiralty) Under j 3 6 inch thick (and under 7 Ibs. Admiralty) down to and including ^ inch thick (and 5 Ibs.) Under | inch thick down to and including & inch thick . . . Under ^ inch thick down to and including j\ inch thick ... Boiler quality basis 100 per ton over the above. Subject to list of extras " B," dated 1/11/16. STEEL S.M. BOILER PLATES. Subject to list of extras " C," dated 1/11/16 STEEL ANGLES AND BULB ANGLES. Angles 7 to 11 united inches (including 6 inches by 6 inches) | inch thick and up Bulb angles 9 to 12 united inches (including 9 by 3^ inches) | inch thick and up 11 2 Subject to list of extras " D," dated 1/11/16, which covers steel Angles, Bulbs, Zeds, Channels, Tee Bulbs, Tees and Flats. ' Tees. s. 15 14 10 15 10 15 16 (a) STEEL. Maximum prices for various classes of steel are established by the follow ing amendments of this General Permit : Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 1 (Steel), 1917, p. 226. Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 2 (Steel), 1917, p. 227. Steel Supplies Permit Amdt -No. 6 (Steel Plates, &o.), 1917, p. 237. Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. (Shell Discard Steel), 1918. p. 242. 224 Steel Supplies (M t i) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 216. (c) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AND SQUARES) AMDT. No. 1 ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 217. (d) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (e) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed at p. 220. (f ) MODIFIED BASIS PRICES. The prices in italics are to be read as 13 and 21 10s. respectively. See Steel Supplies Permit Amdt. No. 2 (Steel) 1917, p. 227. (g 1 ) STEEL SCRAP. So far as regards steel scrap this Permit Amendment, No. 1, was withdrawn by Notice dated August 28th, 1917, published London Gazette, August 26th, 1917, which was revoked by the Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 7 (Steel Scrap and Wrought Iron Scrap) 1918, printed p. 239, the portion of the present Permit Amendment so withdrawn is here printed in italics. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 2 (Steel), 1917. 227 Scrap lies at the time of sale; the carriage at actual cost or at a 7. Metals, fair average rate agreed between the seller and buyer may be Coal, Ac., charged to the buyer up to a maximum of 10*. per ton. ferrous" The Minister of Munitions hereby further gives notice that the Materials, list of Extras F, dated 1st November, 1916, mentioned in the (I 1 ?) Steel Schedule to the General Permit of the 1st November, 1916,(a) shall henceforth be read and take effect as if the extras Nos. 6 and 13 therein were omitted therefrom. All communications with reference to the above order should be made to The Director of Steel Production ; (b) Ministry of Munitions of War, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, January 5th, 1917.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 2 (STEEL), 1917, (o) DATED JANUARY 5, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the Notice of Modification by the Minister of Munitions of the General Permit, dated January 1st, 1917, relating to dealings in metallurgical coke, pig iron and steel, (d) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that the sum of 13 is substituted for the sum of 13 105. therein mentioned as the maximum basis price for Mild Steel Diamond Pattern Chequer Plates, J-inch thick on plain and over, and the sum of 21 10^. is substituted for the sum of 21 therein mentioned as the maximum basis price for Higher High Tensile Steel Angles, 7 united inches and over. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, January 9th, 1917.] (a) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed at p. 220. (b) Now the Controller of Iron and Steel Production. (c) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Min- istry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (d) STEEL SUPPLIES PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 1 (STEEL) 1917. This is printed immediately above. 5246 H 2 228' Steel ,S upp lie* rn-mit Amdt. To. :j (Second-hand Rails), 1917. 7. Metals, THE STKKL SITPLIKS PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 3 (SECOND-HAND Coal, &c., EAILS), 1917,(a) DATED MABCIT 22, 1917, ISSUED BY THE "us" MmSTER OF MUNITIONS . Materials. (I 1 ?) Steel With reference to the Orders made by the Minister of Muni- Suppiies. tions 011 the 7th July(b) and 31st October, 1916, (c) applying Eegulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(d) to war material consisting of certain classes and descriptions of metallurgical coke, pig iron and steel, and to the General Permit for dealing in such war material issued by the Minister of Muni- tions on the 1st November, 1916, (c) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that the said General Permit is modified by the deletion from the Schedule thereto of the following words : Per ton net f.o.t. at point of purchase. s. (1. Relayable rails 50 Ibs. per yard and over ... 10 and by the insertion in the said Schedule, immediately before the maximum basis prices for high-speed tool steel, of the following words : MAXIMUM PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND RAILS. Per ton net f.o.t. at point of purchase. s. d. Relay able and other second-hand rails 50 Ibs. per yard and over, riot being heavy steel melting scrap ... ... ... ... ... 10 To the above-mentioned price a sum not exceeding 2 per cent, on such price may be added in the case of sales by recognised merchants. Rails which have been purchased by a Merchant and stored or sorted by him in his stockyard, and which are sold as relayable Rails or otherwise than as heavy steel melting scrap, may be sold by the said Merchant at a price not exceeding 12 Os. 0/7. per ton free on trucks at Merchant's stockyard, or the nearest (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT AMDT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. This is printed p. 216. (c) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AMD SQUARES) AMEND- MENT No. 1 ORDER, 1916. This is printed p. 217. (d) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (e) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed p. 220. Pig Iron Permit Amendment, 1917. 229 convenient siding theieto, but without the addition of the above- mentioned 2J per cent. All communications with reference to the above Order should be made to : The Director of Steel Production, Eoom 381, (a) Ministry of Munitions of War, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.I. [The above Permit Amendment was published in the London Gazette, March 27th, 1917.] 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. THE PIG IRON PERMIT AMENDMENT, 1917, (b) DATED JULY 17, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the Order made by the Minister of Munitions on the 7th July, 1916, (c) applying Regulation 30 A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(d) to war material, consisting of certain classes and descriptions of metallurgical metal, coke, pig iron and steel, and to the General Permit for dealing in such war material issued by the Minister of Munitions on the 1st November , 1916, (e) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice .1. That the said General Permit is modified by the insertion in the Schedule thereto of the following prices for the articles here- under specified in addition to or, where such articles are already specified in such Schedule, in substitution for the prices con- tained in such Schedule. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR PIG IRON ABOYE REFERRED TO. (f) Hematite Pig Iron Malleable. PertonnetF.O.T. Makers' Works. s. d. Refined Refined cupola cast ... ... ... 8 Refined cupola cast to guaranteed analysis 860 Cast direct from blast furnaces Small pig iron all grades 7 10 Medium pig iron white to grey mottled ... 7 5 Medium pig iron all other qualities ... 6 17 6 Large pig iron all grades ... ... 6 17 6 All the above prices include Agents' Commission or Merchants' profit, which is not to exceed 5s. per ton. (a) Now the Controller of Iron and Steel Production. (b) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT AMENDMENT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. (c) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. This is printed p. 216. (d) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (e) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed p. 220. (f) AMENDMENT OF MAXIMUM PRICES. The Maximum Prices are varied by the Pig Iron Permit Amendment No. 2, 1917 (p. 236), the effect of which is to cancel so much of the Pig Iron Permit Amendment, 1917, as is here printed in italics. :>246 H 3 230 Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. plates), 1917. 4 (Tinplates and T erne- 7. Metals, Goal, &c.. and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Applications for licences to sell special grades of extra quality at special prices will be separately considered by the Director of Steel Production. Cleveland Pig Iron. Basic PertonnetF.O.T. Makers' Works. s. d. 4 17 6 South Staffordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire Pig Iron. Basic 4 17 6 All the above additions to the Schedule of the General Permit shall take effect from the date of this notice and none of such additions shall be deemed to prejudice or interfere with the carrying out of any contract in writing for sale or purchase of the above-mentioned War material entered into prior to such date at prices lawful at the date of such contract. Substituted Price. PertonnetF.O.T. Makers' Worke. Cleveland Pig Iron. s. d. No. 1 4 16 6 Other grades 4 12 6 South Staffordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire Pig Iron. " Part Mine " Forge 500 " Part Mine" Foundry 526 The above substituted prices shall take effect from the 2nd April, 1917. 2. That in further modification of the said General Permit, in all districts an extra charge of Is. per ton may be charged over the fixed maximum price for basic pig iron cast in chills. [The above Permit Amendment was published in the London Gazette, July 17th. 1917.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 4 (TINPLATES AND TERNEPLATES), 1917, (a) DATED AUGUST 24, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the above Order applying Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations to Tinplates and Terne- plates,(b) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that the (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT AMDT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V. to this Manual. (b) STEEL SUPPLIES (TINPLATE AND TERNEPLATES) AMENDMENT No. 2, ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 218. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 4 (Tinplates and T erne- plates), 1917. General Permit of the 1st November, 1916, (a) under the Orders of the 7th July(b) and 31st October, 1916, (c) shall as from the 19th day of July, 1917, take effect as if the war material referred to in the above Order were included in the Order of the 31st October, 1916, and the following materials and prices were specified in the Schedule to the said General Permit. Provided that Condition 2 of the said General Permit shall not apply to any sale or purchase of the war material referred to in the above Order of this date under a contract in writing entered into prior to the 19th day of July, 1917, and that the proviso contained in the said Condition that such Condition shall not apply to any sale by a Manufacturer of finished steel rolled from steel pur- chased by him or to a sale or purchase of material the export of which has been duly sanctioned shall not apply to any sale or purchase of the war material referred to in the above Order of this date. Provided also that nothing herein contained shall affect or prejudice the provisions of the Order of the Minister of Munitions as to the control of steel supplies dated the 20th November, 1916.(d) 231 7. Metals, Goal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR TINPLATES AND TERNEPLATES. With the exception of Staffordshire Tinplates. Per Basis Box net f.o.t. Maker's Works or nearest station. COKE TINPLATES. I.C. 20 x 14 112 sheets ^08 Ibs. 30s. Od. B.C. 25x17 50 94 29s. Qd. S.D.C. 22x15 100 163,, 45s. Qd. 28 x 20, 30 x 21, 19J x 14, 18| x 14 at basis price for 20 x 14. These prices are based upon tin at 240 per ton ; for each rise or fall of 5 per ton above or below this figure, l^d. basis to be added to or deducted from the basis price of the tinplates. No alterations of tinplate prices are to be made for lesser fluctuations than 5 per ton in the price of tin. In all cases in which the maximum prices hereunder are expressed to be based upon the price of tin, the price of tin shall be the Official Cash Settlement Price of the London Metal Exchange for Standard Tin (as published on the day that the quotation is made by the seller). List of extras and allowances are all net; and for 112 sheet boxes, excepting in the cases of doubles and small doubles. (a) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed p. 220. (b) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 216. (c) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AND SQUARES) AMEND- MENT No. 1, ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 217. (d) CONTROL OF STEEL SUPPLIES ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 244. 5246 H 4 232 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 4 (Tinplates and T erne- plates), 1917. Extras per basis box (where not otherwise stated) over the price of Coke Tinplates. s. d. SMALL LOTS. Any size ordered in quantities of less than 2 tons " 6 COMMON CHARCOAL TINPLATI> CHARCOAL TINPLATES, through flux. Tin per basis box 3 Ib. 3J These extras are on the basis of 240 per ton for tin ; adjustments of prices for fluctuations therefrom to be made by adding or deducting the value of the tin according to the coating of the plate. The above prices are not to be varied for lesser fluctuations than 2 10*. per ton. CROSSES (in all qualities), each cross Intermediate weights to be charged pro rata; thus, 122 Ibs. substance will be 3s. 6rf. basis extra over I.C. substance. ORDINARY STAAfpTKO STTVRT. 3 SPECIAL DEEP STAMPING STEEL 9 ODD SIZES . Basis extras. Over 24-i/i. long. Width. Length. Over 24-in. Over 32-in. Over 34-in. to 32-in. to 34-in. to 40-in. inclusive. inclusive. inclusive. s. d. 1. d. *. //. 10-in to 12-in 9 I 3 Over 12-in. up to 17-in. inclusive 1 I 3 6 17-in. 18-in. D 1 3 18-in. 22-in. 6 9 22-in. 23-in. 9 1 3 23-in. 24-in. 1 1 3 6 24-in. 26-in. 1 6 1 9 2 Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. plates), 1917. 4 (Tinplates and Terne- 24-ift. long and under. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Width. 24-in. long. Under 24-in. to 23-in. Length. Under 23-in. to 17-in. Under Under 17-in. 12-in. to 12-in. to 10-in. 10-in. to 12-in. inclusive Over 12-in. up to 17-in. inclusive 17-in. 23-in.... 23-in. 24-in.... s. d. 9 1 9 1 s. d. 6 9 9 1 *. d. 6 6 9 s. d. s. d. 09 09 1 ( s. d. Extra for boxes of 56 sheets basis ... ... 1 Extra for boxing small sizes in 112 sheets boxes ; this extra being applicable only to small sizes that are customarily packed in. boxes of 225 sheets or thereabouts basis ... ... ... 09 Extra for boxing doubles, 34 x 25, 25 sheets per box 1 (Special boxing not covered in list to be based on actual cost.) TISSUE PAPERING at Cost. IRONHOOPING, 20 x 14 and under, 3d. per box; over 20 x 14, 3d., basis. CLIPPING, 2d. per box, all sizes. TlNLINING. 20x14, 112 sheets and smaller sizes, Is. 3d. per box. 20x14, and smaller sizes packed 225 sheets, Is. 4%d. per box. Over 20 x 14, Is. 3d., basis extra. SPECIAL PLATES FOR MILK required to be tinned with list 011 long side, such as 25 J in. x 9 T 7 ( j in. to carry a special extra of Is. basis. TAGGERS. Sizes larger in area than 20 x 14 of 40g. =300 sheets 20 x 14 x 112 Ibs. and thinner substances, Is. basis. 20 x 14 x 112 sheets. This extra will apply to 28 x 20. Allowances to be made per basis box beloiv the price of Coke Tinplates. LIGHTS. Reduction of f<:/. per Ib. basis for each 1 Ib. down from 108 to 80 Ibs. substance, and \d. per Ib. basis reduction for each 1 Ib. down thereafter, including Taggers. UNASSORTED. s. d. Ix substance and thinner ... ... ... 1J Thicker than Ix 03 234 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 4 (Tinplates and T erne- plates), 1917. WASTERS. 2x substance and thinner Thicker than 2x s. d. 1 1 6 i.e. 6 ,2s. CHARCOAL WASTERS. Per basis box below the price of Charcoal Tinplates. Ix substance and thinner Thicker than Ix ... Packing in bundles instead of boxes MAXIMUM PRICE FOR T^ERNEPLATES. 285. per basis box below the basis price of Coke Tinplates. This price is based upon tin at 240 per ton; for each rise or fall of 20 per ton above or below this figure, IJflL basis to be added to or deducted from the basis price of the Terneplates. All other extras and allowances as for Coke Tinplates. WASTE WASTE TINPLATES AND WASTE WASTE TERNEPLATES at not less than 2s. basis below the prices for Waster Tinplates- and Terneplates respectively. To the maximum prices and extras for Tinplates and Terne- plates a sum not exceeding two per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales made by persons other than the makers or their agents, plus the actual cost of delivery from works to destination. In the case of dealings between merchant firms it is not per- missible for each of them to add such two per cent., as in no case must the cost to the ultimate consumer be beyond two per cent, over the said maximum prices plus carriage charges. Merchant stock holders delivering from their own warehouses (not public warehouses) are permitted to sell from their stock at the maximum prices plus the maximum addition of seven-and-a- half per cent, on such prices, exclusive of inwards and outwards carriage. This seven-and-a-half per cent, will include the merchants' commission of two per cent., and is not in addition thereto. All communications with reference to the above shall be made to:- The Director of Steel Production, (a) Ministrv of Munitions of War, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1. NOTE. All plates of any sizes bought against stock permn and unsold at 19th July, 1917, are subject to the conditions as prices, and otherwise imposed by this Notice. All sales and purchases, whether for Home or Export Trades, on and after 19th July, 1917, are subject to the said conditions. [The above Permit Amdt. was published in the London Gazette, Aug. 24th, 1917.] (a) Now the Controller of Iron and Steel Production. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 5 (Metallurgical Coke), 1917. 235 THE STEEL SUPPLIES PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 5 (METALLURGICAL COKE), 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 27, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER or MUNITIONS. With reference to the above Order of the 27th November, 1917, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that the General Permit of the 1st November, 1916, (- J ) under the Orders of the 7th July(d) and 31st October, 1916,(e) shall on and after the~ 17th September, 1917, take effect as if the war material referred to in the above Order of the 27th November, 19l7,(b) were included in the Order of the 7th July, 1916,(d) and the undermentioned materials and prices were specified in the schedule to the said General Permit, the prices where the material is already specified in such schedule to be in substitution for the prices contained in such schedule, and as if the references to South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire blast furnace coke in the said schedule were cancelled; provided always that condition 2 of the said General Permit shall not apply to any sale or purchase of any of the under- mentioned materials under a contract in writing entered into prior to the 17th September, 1917, at a price not contravening that permitted up to that date. MAXIMUM PRICES ABOVE REFERRED TO FOR METALLURGICAL COKE. Per ton net f .o.t. Makers' ovens. Durham and Northumberland s. d. Blast furnace coke ... ... ... ... 1 13 Foundry coke ... ... ... ... ... 1 18 South Wales and Monmouthshire Blast furnace coke ... ... ... ... 1 17 6 Foundry coke ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 6 Lancashire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Nottingham- shire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Midland Counties Blast furnace coke ... ... ... ... 1 12 Scottish Blast furnace coke ... ... ... ... 1 15 Foundry coke 250 Delivered West Coast blast furnaces. Cumberland Blast furnace coke ... ... ... 1 17 9 [The above Permit Amdt. was published in the London Gazette, Nov. 30th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT AMENDMENT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE) AMENDMENT No. 4 ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 219. (c) GENHRAL PERMIT. This is printed p. 220. (d) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed, p. 216. (e) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AND SQUARES) AMEND- MENT No. 1 ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 217. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. 236 Pig Iron Permit Amendment No. 2, 1917. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. THE PIG IRON PERMIT AMENDMENT Xo. 2, 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With, reference to the Order made by the Minister of Munitions on the 7th July, 1916, (b) applying Regulation 3(k of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(c) to war material consisting of certain classes and descriptions of metallurgical coke, pig iron and steel, and to the General Permit for dealing in such w;r material issued by the Minister of Munitions on the 1st Novem- ber, 1916,(d) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives Notice. 1. That the said General Permit is modified by the insertion in the schedule thereto of the following, the prices for the articles hereunder specified being in addition to or, where such articles are already specified in such -schedule, in substitution for the prices contained in such schedule. MAXIMUM PRICES FOR PIG IRON ABOVE REFERRED TO. HEMATITE PIG IRON EAST COAST AND WEST COAST. The expression " Mixed Numbers" where used in relation to East Coast and West Coast Pig Iron in the schedule to the said General. Permit shall mean equal quantities of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 having an average analysis within the following limits : East Coast. West Coast. Per cent. Per cent. Silicon ... ... 1J to 3i If to 3 Manganese, not exceeding ... 1 : , 1 Sulphur, not exceeding ... ... "06 *05 Phosphorus, not exceeding ... '06 "05 The following extras may be charged on sales of East Coast and West Coast Hematite Pig Iron : Per ton . All Hematite Pig Iron selected to any particular number, grade or* analysis or manufactured to a specified analysis within the limits covered by Mixed Numbers ... ... ... ... 2s. Qd. All Hematite Pig Iron selected or manufactured to a specified analysis outside the limits covered by Mixed Numbers with a Silicon Content below 5 per cent. ... ... ... ... 5s. Silicon, 5 per cent, and less than 6 per cent. ... 10s. Silicon, 6 per cent, and less than 7 per cent. ... 15s. All the above additions to the schedule of the General Permit shall take effect from the date of this notice, and none of such additions shall be deemed to prejudice or interfere with the carry- ing' out of any contract in writing for sale or purchase of the above mentioned war material entered into prior to such date at prices lawful at the date of such contract. (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT AMDT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders), Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL} ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 216. (c) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (d) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed p. 22u. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 6 (Steel Plates, #c.), 1917. 237 s. d. Substituted Prices. Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Works. CLEVELAND PIG IRON FOUNDRY AND FORGE. . No. 1 4 Other g*rades ... ... ... ... ... 4 CLEVELAND PIG IRON BASIC ... ... ... ... 5 The above substituted prices shall take effect from the 17th September, 1917. LINCOLNSHIRE PIG IRON. Basic or Foundry ... ... ... ... ... 4 The above substituted price shall take effect from the 1st November, 1917. 19 15 7. Metals, Coal, &c.. and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. 17 6 [The above Notice was published in the London (Gazette, November 30th, 1917.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 6 (STEEL PLATES, &c.), 1917, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1917, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the above Order, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that the General Permit of the 1st November, 1916, (oy under the Orders of the 7th July(d) and 31st October, 1916, (e) shall henceforth take effect as if the war material referred to in the above Order were included in the Order of the 31st October, 1916, and the following' material and prices were specified in the Schedule to the said General Permit. Provided always that Condition 2 of the said General Permit shall not apply to any sale or purchase of the war material referred to in the above Order of this date under a contract in writing entered prior to the date of this notice, anoj that the proviso contained in the said Condition that such Condition shall not apply to any sale by a manufacturer of finished Steel rolled from Steel purchased by him, or to a sale or purchase of material the export of which has been duly sanctioned, shall not apply to any sale or purchase of the war material referred to in the above Order of this date. Provided also that nothing herein contained shall effect or pre- judice the provisions of the Order of the Minister of Munitions as to control of Steel supplies dated the 20th November, 1916. (f) (a) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT AMDT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL PLATES, &c ) AMDT. No. 5 ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 219. (c) GENERAL PERMIT. This is printed p. 220. (d) STEEL SUPPLIES (METALLURGICAL COKE, IRON AND STEEL) ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 216. (e) STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL HEXAGONS, ROUNDS AND SQUARES) AMDT. No. 1 ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 217. (f) CONTROL OF STEEL SUPPLIES ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 244. 238 Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 6 (Steel Plates, $c.), 1917. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. MAXIMUM PRICES ABOVE REFERRED TO FOR : d. 1. Steel Slabs, Plates, Strips and pieces cut from Plates, suitable for re- rolling 10 7 6 per ton. STEEL PLATES, SHEETS, AND BLACK PLATE, ALL OPEN ANNEALED PRODUCED IN SHEET MILLS. s. 16 16 5 16 15 d. per ton. 2. Above j% inch thick 3. ili inch and under to 16 gauge inclusive 4. Under 16 gauge to 20 gauge ,, 5. 20 24 17 6. 24 26 ,, 18 The maximum prices for defective Steel Plates, Sheets, and Black Plate above mentioned will be 1 per ton less than the above prices. Extras for sizes, etc., as follows: 7. Over 4 feet wide up to and including 5 feet ... ... ... ... 10s. per ton 8. Over 5 feet wide up to and including 6 feet ... 20s. 9. Re-shearing to exact sizes ... ... 10s. ,, 10. Close Annealing ... ... ... 10s. ,, 11. Cold Rolling 20s. 12. Hydraulically Flattening 20s. 13. Mangling 10s. 14. Pickling ... ... 30s. 15. Special Welsh finish or equal, 16 gauge and thinner ... ... 30s. ,, 16. Lots of less than 5 cwts. of a size ... 10s. ,, Painting one coat both sides ordinary paint 17. 20 gauge and thicker ... 18. 21/24 gauge inclusive 19. 25 gauge and thinner 20. Circled, curved, tapered and Thin Plates to sketch 21. Bundling EXTRAS FOR LENGTHS. 20s. 30s. 50s. To be subject to arrangement. No extra. -y , 12 gauge 13 gauge to 17 gauge to 21 gauge to Exceeding erbeeding and thicker. 16 gauge inclusive. 20 gauge inclusive. 24 gauge inclusive. 22. 9ft. 10ft. nil. nil. 5s. 105. 23. 10,, 12,, nil. 5s. 10s. 20s. 24. 12,, 14,, nil. 10s. 15s. 35s. 25. 14,, 16,, 2s. 6d. 20s. 25s. 45s. 26. 16,, 18,, 5s. 30s. 35s. 60s. 27. 18,, 20,, 7s. 6r7. 40s. 45s. 80s. Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 7 (Steel Scrap and Wrought Iron Scrap), 1918. 28. Corrugated sheets No extra. These prices and extras are applicable to all orders for Home Trade and Export. The above-mentioned maximum prices and extras do not apply to separate and independent orders involving the sale of less than two tons. All the foregoing prices are nett. f.o.t. Producers' Works. All communications with reference to the above Order should be addressed to : .The Controller of Iron and Steel Production, Ministry of Munitions of War, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.I. [The aboVe Permit Amdt. Notice was published in the London Gazette, November 30th, 1917.] THE STEEL SUPPLIES PERMIT AMENDMENT No. 7 (STEEL SCRAP AND WROUGHT IRON SCRAP), 1918, (a) DATED JANUARY 4, 1*918, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the following Orders and Notices relating to steel scrap and wrought iron scrap made and given by the Minister of Munitions, namely: (1) The Order of the 7th July, 1916. (b) (2) The Notice of "the 1st November, 1916, being a Notice of a General Permit under that Order. (c) (3) The Order of the 22nd March, 1917. (d) (4) The Order of the 28th August, 1917. (e) (5) The two Notices of the 28th August, 1917, (f) the Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that as from the date hereof he withdraws the said Notices of the 28th August, 1917, (f) but not so as to revive anything withdrawn or cancelled thereby, and that the said General Permit shall hencefoith take effect as if the war material referred to in the said Orders of the 22nd March, 1917, (d) and the 28th August, 1917, (e) respectively were included in the Order of ) shall be manufactured for any order below Class B. 8. Notwithstanding the above the Director of Steel Produc- tion^) shall have full power to direct that any specification shall be given such order of priority of execution as he in his discretion may deem necessary. . Works. 9. Under these regulations all orders which carry the necessary particulars under Clause 1 may be accepted without reference to the Ministry of Munitions. Only Specifications carrying a Priority classification Class B or higher may be rolled at present, except those in Shell Discard quality which may be rolled for all classes. (a) 10. No special form of certificate to accompany an order is required but the following particulars must accompany all orders : Government Contract Reference and No., and Purpose, or Ministry of Munitions Permit Reference and No., with Priority Classification and Purpose, and a declaration that the whole of the material specified is required for the purpose covered by the said References and Classification. 11. Steel in Shell Discard Quality for Home Consumption. 'Orders may be accepted for manufacture without the usual Government Contract Reference and Number, or Ministry of Munitions Permit Reference and Number and Priority Classifica- tion, but the purpose must be ascertained in all cases and entered in the return or the order (a) AMENDMENT OF CLAUSES 7, 9, 11. Clause 11 and the words printed in italics in Clauses 7, 9 were cancelled by the Control of Steel Supplies (Amdt.) Order, 1917, p. 250. (b) Now the Controller of Iron and Steel Production. Control of Steel Supplies Order, 1916. 247 12. Steel in Shell Discard Quality for Export. Orders may be executed in Class A, B or C, provided that permission to manu- facture has been granted by the Ministry of Munitions and that the following particulars are given with the orders, viz. : Ministry of Munitions Permit Reference and Number, Priority Classification, Purpose, Country of Destination, together with a declaration that the whole of the material specified iff required for the purpose given. (SL) 13. Contract or permit numbers need not be insisted upon in the case of Admiralty instructions for immediate repairs to ships . Merchants. 14. For direct orders, merchants must pass on to the works the Government contract reference and number and purpose or the Ministry of Munitions permit reference and number, priority classification, and purpose which they must obtain from the ordering firm, and that number and classification will give the order its proper place for execution. Stock-holders. 15. Stock-holders in accepting and executing orders for steel shall be subject to the same regulations as to approval, priority and otherwise as are applicable to manufacturers accepting and executing orders for manufacture, and must not execute orders below Class B, except in Shell Discard quality. (*>) 16. Stock-holders may apply for a permit reference and number to be used when sending orders to the works for replenishing their stocks. The following particulars must be sent with the applications : (a) Normal stock of steel. (b) Stock of steel it is desired to hold at present time. (c) Average call on stock of steel per month. Export. . 17. The Minister's requirements as to export are contained in a special circular which may be obtained on application. Interpretation. 18. For the purpose of this order the term " Manufacture " shall include Casting, Rolling or Re-rolling, Forging and Press- ing, and the term "steel" shall include all forms of Open Hearth or Bessemer Steel, (a) made in this country or imported,, whether new, second-hand, defective, or scrap for re-rolling. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 20th, 1916.] (a) AMENDMENT OF CLAUSES 12, 15, 18. Clause 12 and the words printed in italics in clause 15, were cancelled, and the words " and' Steel made by Electrical Process" added after the words "Bessemer Steel " in clause 18 by the Control of Steel Supplies (Amdt.) Order, 1917, p. 250. 7. Metals. Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. 248 Control of Steel Supplies (Steel Rods and Wire) Order, 1917. 7. Metals, Goal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. THE CONTROL OF STEEL SUPPLIES (STEEL RODS AND WIRE) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED FEBRUARY 24, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders that all persons engaged in the manufacture, sale or purchase of, or other dealings in drawn steel rods or bars, steel wire or steel wire rope, shall comply with the following regulations : 1. No order for drawn steel rods or bars, steel wire or steel wire rope shall be accepted for manufacture and no such material shall be manufactured unless the purpose for which it is required has been approved. Such approval must be evidenced by one or other of the following which must be quoted in writing by the ordering firm to the manufacturer, together with a written statement of the specific purpose for which the material is to be used : (a) Admiralty contract reference and number or Admiralty Priority Section permit reference and number. (b) War Office contract reference and number. (c) Marine Department, Board of Trade, permit reference and number for Merchant Shipping. (d) Ministry of Munitions contract reference and number. (e) Post Office contract reference and number. (/) Commission Internationale de Ravitaillernent or Commis- sion Francaise sanction reference and number, with Ministry of Munitions Priority Classification. (g) Ministry of Munitions permit reference and number and Priority Classification. Provided that no permit reference need be quoted in respect of orders for ships' ropes weighing less than 5 cwt. each and for lift and crane ropes weighing less than 2 cwt. each contain- ing wire of over 25 gauge. 2. Full and accurate returns shall be made in such form and t such times as may be required by the Director of Navy Contracts, the Director of Army Contracts, or the Director of Steel Production, (b) Ministry of Munitions, as to any particulars of or relating to the said manufacture, sale, purchase, or other dealings. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the 4 ' Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. (b) Now the Controller of Iron and Steel Production. Control of Steel Supplies (Steel Rods and Wire) Order, 1917. 249 3. Save and except where special instructions are issued by the Priority Branch of the Ministry of Munitions, orders must be executed in the following order of Priority : Priority 1. Priority 2. Priority 3. Priority 4 (or Class A). Priority 5. Glass B. Priority 6. All orders in Clause 1 (c) to (e) inclusive shall rank automatically as Class A or Priority 4 (War Work). If a higher grade of priority is required, written application must be made to the Priority Branch of the Ministry of Munitions, and the grounds of sp'ecial urgency must be clearly and fully set forth therein. 4. Maintenance. Manufacturers or other persons to whom there has been allocated a Ministry of Munitions permit reference number and priority classification for steel for general repairs and maintenance of existing plant and machinery will be entitled to quote such permit reference number and priority classification under Clause 1 (g) above. 5. Stock. Manufacturers may apply in writing to the Director of Navy Contracts, the Director of Army Contracts, or the Priority Branch of the Ministry of Munitions for the approval necessary to enable them to obtain such monthly sup- plies of drawn steel rods or bars, steel wire, or steel wire rope, as shall be required for the production of the minimum quanti- ties of materials or articles necessary to enable such manu- facturers to maintain such stocks as are essential for the purpose of executing orders for approved purposes. Such application must contain an undertaking that all materials obtained under any special permit that may be granted and all materials and articles manufactured from such materials shall be used and delivered only for approved purposes, evidenced as set forth in Clause 1 hereof. 6. Applications for Approval. All applications for approval of orders under Clause 1 (g) herein must be made to the Ministry of Munitions Priority Branch, 1, Caxton Street, S.W.I, and full particulars must be given under the following headings : (a) A precise description of the, goods or work for which the materials the subject of the order to be approved are required and proof that no other materials can be substituted. (6) The exact quantities and gauges of the materials re- quired. If required for different orders or purposes, the quantities required for each order or purpose respectively. (c) An estimate of the amount of the materials required to complete each order. (d) The name of the firm or firms with whom the order or orders will be placed. 7. Metals. Coal, &c.. ' and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. 250 Control of Steel Supplies (Amendment) Order, 1917. 7. Metals, (e) The respective war, national, or other purpose, and proof ^d^N^ C ' ^ ur o eilc y an d importance. Ferrous 7. Interpretation. For the purpose of this Order the term Materials. " manufacture" shall include the drawing of rods, bars or wire, (17) Steel and the spinning or working of wire ropes whether from material Supplies, made in this country or imported. . [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 27th, 1917.] THE CONTROL OF STEEL SUPPLIES (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 14, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. . Whereas the Minister of Munitions is desirous of extending the provisions of the Order made by him as to the control of certain classes of steel, dated the 20th November, 1916,( a ) to steel in Shell Discard quality and steel made by Electrical Process, and of varying the said Order in manner hereinafter appearing. Now the Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers con- ferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. As from the date hereof the said Order of the 20th November, 1916, shall operate and take effect as if the following were omitted therefrom, namely: (a) The words " (other than Shell Discard quality) " in clause 1. (b) The words " , other than Shell Discard quality," in clause 7. (c) The words " , except those in Shell Discard quality which may be rolled for all classes " in clause 9. (d) Clauses 11 and 12, and (e) The words " , except in Shell Discard quality " in clause 15- and as if the following were inserted therein, namely: (a) The words "or Electrical" immediately after the word " Bessemer " in clause 1, and (6) The words " and Steel made by Electrical Process," im- mediately after the words "Bessemer Steel" in clause 18. 2. This Order may be cited as The Control of Steel Supplies (Amendment) Order, 1917. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 14th, 1917.] (a) CONTROL OF STEEL SUPPLIES ORDER, 1916. That Order is printed p. 244. Midlands District Ironstone Control Order, 1918. THE MIDLANDS DISTRICT IRONSTONE CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 18, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. On and after the date of this Order no person shall until further notice buy, sell, deliver or deal in, or offer to buy, sell, deliver or deal in any ironstone mined, won or got, or to be mined, won or got, in the districts specified in the 1st Schedule to this Order at a price exceeding the price specified as the maximum price in the 2nd Schedule to this Order. 2. This Order may be cited as the stone Control Order, 1918." Midlands District Iron- 251 7. Metals, Goal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (17) Steel Supplies. Schedule I. Rutlandshire. Leicestershire. Northamptonshire North East of a straight line drawn from Rugby to Buckingham. Lincolnshire South of a straight line drawn from Newark to Sleaford. Schedule II. MAXIMUM PRICE. Ironstone per ton f .o.t. at mine or quarry 3s. 9d., and for every sum of Is. 3d. per week by which the rate of wages for Ironstone Getters employed at any particular mine or quarry in the districts specified in the 1st Schedule is increased above the rate current at such mine or quarry on the 12th November, 1917, there may be added to the above mentioned maximum price for Ironstone mined, won or got at such mine or quarry the sum of $d. per ton. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. December 18th, 1918.] 252 7. Metais, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (18) Tap Cinder, &c. Tap Cinder, eye., Order, 1917; Tap Cinder, eye., Permit, 1917, (18.) Tap Cinder, &c. 252. Tap Cinder, &c, Order, 1917, p. 252. Tsip Cinder, &c. Permit, 1917, p. 252 THE TAP CINDER, &c., ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 15, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(a') the Minister of Munitions hereby orders as follows : 1. The war material to which that Regulation applies shall on and after the 1st October, 1917, include: Tap Cinder, Mill Cinder, Flue Cinder and Scale produced during the manufacture or mechanical treatment of iron or steel. 2. This Order may be cited as the Tap Cinder, &c., Order, 1917. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 18th, 1917.] THE TAP CINDER, &c., PERMIT, 1917, (b) DATED DECEMBER 15, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. With reference to the Order made by the Minister of Munitions on the 15th December, 1917, (c; applying the Defence of the Realm Regulation 30A() to -certain war material, namely: Tap Oinder, Mill Cinder, Flue Cinder and Scale, the Minister of Munitions gives notice that he hereby as from the 1st October, 1917, permits all persons until further notice: (a) To buy, sell or deal in ; or (6) Offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell or deal in; or (c) Enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase of or other dealing in the war material referred to in the above-mentioned Order subject to the following conditions : 1. No sale, purchase or delivery of any such war material now or hereafter situated in the United Kingdom shall be made at a price exceeding the prices specified in the Schedule hereto with reference to the respective clauses and descriptions of material i herein referred to provided that this condition shall not apply to a sale, purchase or delivery under a special permit granted by the Minister of Munitions. (a) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (b) SHORT TITLE OF PERMIT. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) TAP CINDER, &c. ORDER, 1917. This Order is printed immediately above. Tin (Dealings) Order, 191' 253 2. Upon any sale, purchase or delivery of any war material referred to in the above-mentioned Order the persons selling and purchasing or delivering and taking delivery of the same shall comply with all directions whether of general application or otherwise which may from time to time, or at any time, be given by the Minister of Munitions with regard to the use or disposal of such war material, and no sale or purchase of or dealing in the said war material except in accordance with the above- mentioned conditions is authorised. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (18) Tap Cinder, &c. The Schedule above referred to. MAXIMUM PRICES. Per ton f .o.t. or f .o.b. at producers' works. iv/rii n- n L 1 Produced during the manufacture / Mill Lander I i ' i , * i PI , /> ^ i Fl C' d V Or mecnamca * treatment of iron > 1 10s. Od. si .[ "'""' The above price includes any agents' commission or merchants' or dealers' profit. [The above Permit was published in the London Gazette, December 18th, 1917.] (19.) Tin. Copper, Zinc and Tin (Unauthorised 1916, />. 253. Tin (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 253. Possession) Order, (19) Tin. THE COPPER, ZINC AND TIN (UNAUTHORISED POSSESSION) ORDER, 1916, DATED JUNE 5, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [This Order, which relates to Copper as well as to Tin, is printed in sub-group (7) " Copper " at p. 198.] IHE TIN (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917,(a) DATED DECEMBER 21, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30s of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby specifies the following metal as being a metal required for the production of war material, and therefore subject to the provisions of that Regulation, namely: Tin,. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 21st, !!)]?.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b") REGULATION 30B. This is printed p. 13. 254 Tin (Dealings) Order, 1918. 7. Metals, THE TIN (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1918, (a) DATED APRIL 26, 1918, 5 V s MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. and Non- Ferrous The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred Materials, upon him by the Defence of the Kealm Regulations and all other (19) Tin. powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows: 1. No person shall, as from the date hereof until further notice, purchase, sell, or except for the purpose of carrying out a contract in writing existing prior to such date for the sale or purchase of Tin enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of Tin situated outside the United Kingdom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 2. No person shall, as from the date hereof until further notice, purchase or take delivery of any Tin situated in the United King- dom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions ; or sell, supply or deliver any such Tin to any person other than the holder of such a licence and in accordance with the terms thereof. 3. No person shall, as from the date hereof until further notice, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, use any Tin for the purpose of any manufacture or work except for the purpose of a contract or order for the time being in existence certified to be within Class " A " in the Order of the Minister of Munitions as to priority dated the 8th March, 1917. (b) 4. All persons shall in the first seven days of each month com- mencing with the month of May, 1918, send in to the Director of Tin Supplies, 1, Metal Exchange Buildings, Whittington Avenue, E.G. 3, monthly returns of: (a) All Tin held by them in stock or otherwise under their control on the last day of the preceding month, speci- fying the quality thereof. (b) All Tin purchased or sold by them for future delivery and not yet delivered on such last day, specifying the names of the sellers to or purchasers from them, and the quantity and quality, and time and place of de- livery in each case, and the position of the Tin at the date of the return. (c) All Tin delivered to them during the preceding month, and from whom purchased. (d) All contracts or orders existing on the last day of or entered into during the preceding month requiring for their execution the use of Tin, specifying the purposes thereof and the quality of the Tin to be used. (e) Such other particulars as to Tin as may be required by the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply. Notwithstanding the above no return is required from any person whose total stock of Tin in hand and on order for future delivery to him has not at any time during the preceding month exceeded 5 cwt. (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) PRIORITY OF WORK ORDER. This is printed in Part III of this Manual,, pp. 427-431. Tungsten and Molybdenite Order, 191' 1917. Spelter (Control) Order, 5. For the purpose of this Order the expression " Tin " shall mean Tin of all qualities, and shall include Sheet and Rolled Tin, Tinfoil, Scrap Tin, Tin Ores and Concentrates, Tin Residues, or any of them. NOTE. All applications for licences should be made to the Director of Tin Supplies, Metal Exchange Buildings, Whitting- ton Avenue, London, E.G. 3, and marked (( Tin Licence." Every applicant for a licence must state the amount and quality of metal required by him per month, and the use to which it will be put. Any person acting in contravention of or failing to comply with the above Order, or making a false return, will be guilty of an offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations and be liable to penalties of fine and imprisonment. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, April 26th, 1918.] 255 7. Metals, Coal, &c., and Non- Ferrous Materials. (19) Tin. (20.) Tungsten. THE TUNGSTEN AND MOLYBDENITE ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [This Order, which relates to Molybdenite as well as to Tung- sten, is printed in sub-group (14) " Molybdenite" at p. 211.] (20) Tung- sten. (21.) Zinc, including: Spelter Copper, Zinc and Tin (Unauthorised Possession) Order, 1916, (21) Zinc, p. 255. including Spelter Control Order, 1917, p. 255. bpeiter. Spelter Control (Arndt.) Order, 1918, p. 257. THE COPPER, ZINC AND TIN (UNAUTHORISED POSSESSION) ORDER, 1916, DATED JUNE 5, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [This Order is printed under (7) " Copper" at p. 198.] THE SPELTER (CONTROL) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 23, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows : 1. No person shall, as from the date hereof until further notice, purchase, sell, or except for the purpose of carrying out a con- tract in writing existing prior to such date for the sale or purchase (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the *' Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Spelter (Control} Order, 1917. 7. Metals, Coal, &c., ' and Non- Ferrous Materials. (21) Zinc. including 1 ' Spelter. of spelter enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of spelter situated outside the United King- dom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued unoler the authority of the Minister of Munitions. 2. No person shall, as from the date hereof until further notice, purchase or take delivery of any spelter situated in the United Kingdom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions ; or sell, supply or deliver any such spelter to any person other than the holder of such a licence and in accordance with the terms thereof. Provided that 110 such licence shall be required in the case of any sale, purchase or delivery of such spelter for the purpose of necessary repairs or renewals involving the use of not exceeding 1 cwt. of such spelter. 3. No person shall, as from the date hereof until further notice, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, use any spelter for the purpose of any manufacture or work except : (a) For the purpose of a contract or order for the time being in existence certified to be within Class " A " in the Order of the Minister of Munitions as to priority dated the 8th March, 1917, (a) and made in substitution for Circular L. 33. (b) For the purpose of necessary repairs or renewals involving the use of not exceeding 1 cwt. of spelter. 4. All persons shall in the first seven days of each month com- mencing with the month of April, 1917, send in to the Director of Materials (A.M. 2 (C)), Ministry of Munitions, Hotel Victoria, London, W.C. 2,(b, monthly returns of: (a) All spelter held by them in stock or otherwise under their control on the last day of the preceding month, specifying the quality thereof. (b) All spelter purchased or sold by them for future delivery and not yet delivered on such last day, specifying the names of the sellers to or purchasers from them, and the quantity and quality, and time and place of delivery in each case, and the position of the spelter at the date of the return. (c) All spelter delivered to them during the preceding month, and from whom purchased. (d) All contracts or orders existing on the last day of or entered into during the preceding month requiring for their execution the use of spelter, specifying the purposes thereof and the quality of the spelter to be used. () Such other particulars as to spelter as may be required by the Director of Materials. (c) (a) PRIORITY OF WORK ORDER. This is printed in Part 111 of this Manual, pp. 427-431. (b) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply, M.S/C., Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. 2. (c) Now the Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials Supply. Spelter Control (Amendment] Order, 1918-. :-257 Notwithstanding the above no return is required from any person whose total stock of spelter in hand and on order for future delivery to him has not at. any time during* the preceding month exceeded 1 ton. 5. For the purpose of this Order the expression " spelter " shall mean spelter of all qualities, and shall include sheet and rolled zincs, scrap zinc, hard spelter, dross, zinc, ashes, flux skimmings and zinc dust.(&>) 6. All applications for licences should be made to the Director of Materials (A.M. 2 (C)), Ministry of Munitions, Hotel Victoria, London, W.C. 2,(b) and marked " Spelter Licence." NOTE. Every applicant for a licence must state the amount and quality of metal required by him per, month, and the use to which it will be put. Any person acting in contravention of or failing to comply with the above Order, or making a false return, will be guilty of an offence under the Defence of the Bealm Regulations and be liable to penalties of fine and imprisonment. [The above Order was published in th-e London Gazette, March 23rd, 1917.] 7. Metals, Coal, &cx, and; ttori- Ferrous. Magnate. (21) Zinc, including Spelter. THE SPELTER CONTROL (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 22, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Whereas the Minister of Munitions is desirous of extending, the Order made by him as to the control of spelter dated the 23rd March, 1917, (c) in manner hereinafter appearing. .ixj} Now the Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers, con- ferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations andr5all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows: (1) As from the date hereof the said Order of the 23rd March, 1917, (b) shall operate and take effect as if the following clause was substituted for clause 5 of the said Order, namely : "5. For the purpose of this Order the expression "' Spelter * shall mean Spelter of all qualities and shal] include sheet and rolled zinc, scrap zinc, hard spelter, dross, zinc ashes, flux skimmings, zinc dust, zinc oie^ zinc oxide, zinc sulphide (or lithopone), whether dry, in oil or prepared for use, and zinc compounds of every kind, or any of them." (2) This Order may be cited as " The Spelter Control (Amend- ment) Order, 1918." [The above Order was published in the London (razett , .January 22nd, 1918. j (a) DEFINITION OF " SPELTER." The Spelter Control (Amdt.) Order, 1918, below substitutes a new clause for thin Clause 5. (b) Now the Controller of N on-Ferrous Materials Supply, Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. 2. (c) SPELTER CONTROL ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed immediately above. 5246 258 Orders with respect to Information as to Motor Spirit. 8. Oils, Gas 8. Oils, Mineral and Fuel, Gas and Electricity. and Electricity. Gag ^ Uge in Motor y ehicles ) Local Prohibition Order, 1918, p. 270. Information as to Motor Spirit Order of February 6, 1917, p. 258. Information as to Motor Spirit Order of July 13, 1917, p. '^59. Lighting, Heating and Power Order, 1918, p. 273. Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918, p. 260. Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction (Ireland) Order, 1918,;?. 267. Motor Spirit and Lamp Oil (Maximum Retail Price) Order, 1918,;?. 268. Motor Spirit Delivery Order, 1918,^9. 271. Turpentine, &c. Control Order, 1918, p. 267. ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, DATED FEBRUARY 6, 1917, WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION AS TO MOTOR SPIRIT. In pursuance of their powers under Regulations 15A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (*) the Board of Trade hereby require every person who uses or keeps motor spirit and is for the time being a licensed dealer in motor spirit to supply to the Board, when required by any person authorised by the Board for the purpose, information as to the quantity of motor spirit sup- plied by him in the form set out in the Schedule to this Order. If any person fails to comply with this Order or knowingly gives any false information, he is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Signed by Order of the Board of Trade this 6th day of February, 1917. W. F. Marwood, A. Secretary of the Board of Trade. (a) REGULATION 15A. This is printed p. 25. Orders icith respect to Information as to Motor Spirit. 7 7 7 8. Oils; G&s Schedule. an( | INFORMATION AS TO MOTOR SPIRIT. Electricity. Mr Dealer in Motor Spirit. Address ACCOUNT OF MOTOR SPIRIT SUPPLIED. Date when supplied. Quantity of Motor Spirit supplied. (Gallons.) Name and Address of Purchaser. * No. of Petrol Licence held by Purchaser. . * These particulars must be taken by the Dealer from the Licence. ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, DATED JULY 13, 1917, WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION AS TO MOTOR SPIRIT. In pursuance of the powers under Regulations 15A and 2a of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (a) the last mentioned of which Regulations is hereby applied to motor spirit the Board of Trade do hereby order and require every person who uses or keeps motor spirit and is for the time being a licensed dealer in motor spirit to supply to the Board, particulars as to purchases, sales, deliveries, appropriations and stock-in-hand of motor spirit in such form and at such intervals as may be required. Unless otherwise ordered the information hereby required shall be sent to the Petrol Control Department of the Board, (b) If any person fails to comply with this Order or knowingly gives any false information, he is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. Dated this 13th day of July, 1917. W . F. Mar wood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July 17th, 1917.] (a) REGUI ATIONS 15A AND 2a. Regulation 15.4. is printed p. 25, and Regu- lation 2o is printed in the form in which it applies to the Board of Trade, p. 18. (b) PETROL CONTROL DEPARTMENT. The address of the Department is 19, Berkeley Street, W.I., and Air. H. W. Cole is secretary to the Petrol Control Committee. 5246 12 260 Motor Spirit (Consolidation] and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. aim THE MOTOR SPIRIT (CONSOLIDATION) AND GAS RESTRICTION Elaqtricity. ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY 3, 1918, MADE B^: THE BOARD OF TRADE. Whereas the Board of Trade deem it expedient to make further exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2r and 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(a) as respects petrol and petrol substitute, and whereas by an Order in Council dated the 2nd January, 1918, it was ordered that Regulations Sr, and SGG should cease to have effect as from such date as might be fixed by Order made by the Board of Trade, (b) and whereas it is expedient to include in one order all the purposes for which motor spirit may be used ; and whereas the Board also deem it expedient to exercise their powers under the said Regulations for the purpose of regulating the use and consumption of Gas for driving motor vehicles. Now, therefore, the Board of Trade in exercise of their said powers hereby order as follows: DEFINITIONS. 1. In this order: "Petrol or Petrol substitute" means any inflammable liquid substance capable of being used for the purpose ot driving internal combustion engines, whether such substance has been or is liable to be taxed or not. " Gas " means any form of gas capable of being used for the purpose aforesaid. "Motor Vehicle" means any vehicle or cycle piopellod by means of an internal combustion engine or by means of a steam engine of which the fuel is either wholly or partly petrol, petrol substitute, or gas. " Private Motor Vehicle" means a motor vehicle in respect of which motor car duty is payable under Section 86 jf the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. (o) "Trade Vehicle" means a motor vehicle which is con- structed or adapted for use and is used solely for the convey- ance of any goods or burden in the course of trade or hus- bandry, and whereon the Christian name and surname, and place of abode or place of business of the person, or the nanu or style and principal or only place of bmmnss of the Ccm- pany or firm keeping the same are visibly and legibly painte(" in letters of not less than one inch in length. (a) REGULATION 2r. This Regulation is printed p. 17 in the form which assumes as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2JJ (i). (to) ORDER IN COUNCIL OF JAN. 2, 1918. This Order in Council (St. R. O., 1918, No 10) amended the Defence of the Realm Regulations in this ai other respects. Those Regulations are published monthly in consolidated fon as amended to the last day of the previous month. (o) FINANCE (1909-10) ACT, 1910. i.e., 10 Edw. 7 c. 8. Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. '261 " Omnibus " means a motor vehicle in respect of which 8. Oils. Gas Excise duty as a hackney carriage has been, or is liable to be and paid, (a) including a char-a-banc, waggonette, brake and -Electricity, stage carriage, which is ordinarily used for plying for hire, and in which when so used the passengers are charged separate and distinct fares for their respective places therein. " Motor Cab" means a motor vehicle in respect of which Excise duty as a hackney carriage has been, or is liable to be, paid, (a) which is licensed by a police or local authority to stand or ply for hire, and which is not an omnibus. " Hire Car" means a motor vehicle in respect of which Excise duty as a hackney carriage has been, or is liable to bft paid, (a) which is kept for the purpose of being let for hire by a person who is a coachmaker, or whose trade or business it is to sell or let vehicles for hire, and which is neither a motor cab nor an omnibus. " Necessary household affairs " means the obtaining and carrying of food, fuel, stores, medical and surgical requisites, visits to a registered medical practitioner, dental surgeon, legal adviser, professional agent or bank, the conveyance of children or young persons to or from a school, college or place for the purpose of receiving elementary or secondary education; and house removal. " Performance of a public duty" includes attendance at or upon any Court of Justice or at or upon any body or person exercising public duties when such attendance is in con- nection with the business of such Court or such public duty ; and the performance of a duty undertaken at the direction of a Court of Justice or for or in connection with the service of a Government Department or such body or person as afore- said when such duty is duly authorised by such Department, body or person, and the performance of their duties by officers of police and fire brigades, but for the purposes of this Order does not include attendance at a place of worship. " Bed Cross Purposes" means: (a) The conveyance of sick or wounded members of His Majesty's Forces for hospital or medical treatment; (&) The conveyance of stores, nurses, and duly authorised officials to and from a hospital in connection with the service of the hospital, where the journey cannot otherwise be reasonably and conveniently accom- plished ; (c) The conveyance of a member of a county or district Com- mittee of a hospital or of one of the Societies herein- after mentioned to a Committee meeting where the journey cannot otherwise be reasonably and con- veniently accomplished ; (a) "IN RESPECT OP WHICH EXCISE DUTY AS A HACKNEY CARRIAGE HAS BEEN, OR is LIABLE TO BE PAID." These words are in the application of this Order to Ireland to be omitted from the definitions of " Omnibus," " Motor Cab" and "Hire Car." See the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restric- tion (Ireland) Order, 1918, printed p. 267. P246 I 3 262 Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. 8. Oils, Gas (d) ITie conveyance of sick or wounded members of His an .d. Majesty's Forces who are otherwise unable to take Electricity. exercise, from and to hospitals for a total running distance not exceeding twelve miles, when the journey is undertaken solely for that purpose ; (e) The conveyance of sick or wounded members of His Majesty's Forces from and to hospitals to and from places within six miles of the hospital, where they can rest or walk about, if the Medical Officer of the hos- pital certifies that such drives are necessary, and if the journey is undertaken solely for that purpose; and extends to the said purposes if undertaken for the Red Cross Society, St. John's Ambulance Association, St. Andrew's Ambulance Association or any similar Society recognised by the Admiralty, Army Council, or States acting in Naval or Military co-operation with His Majesty in the present war. REGULATION FOR THE USE OF PETROL, PETROL SUBSTITUTE, AND GAS. 2. Save as is hereinafter expressly authorised, no person shall use or cause or permit to be used any petrol or petrol substitute for any purpose whatsoever, or gas for the purpose of driving any motor vehicle or motor boat. 3. Petrol or petrol substitute, provided it has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of a motor spirit licence issued by the Petrol Control Department of the Board of Trade() since the 20th June, 1916, (b) and gas, if a permit has been granted for its use by the said Department, may be used for the following purposes : Private Motor Vehicles. A. For driving a private motor vehicle where such vehicle is used : (1) In the conveyance of a person or goods to or from the nearest convenient railway station or port, in con- nection with a journey by rail or sea, provided that the journey to or from the station or port cannot otherwise be reasonably and conveniently accom- plished ; (2) For the purpose of the profession trade or business carried on by, or the necessary household affairs of, the person on whose behalf the motor vehicle is being used, where the journey cannot otherwise be reason- ably and conveniently accomplished ; provided that the conveyance of a person for the whole or part of (a) PETROL CONTROL DEPARTMENT. The address of the Department is 19, Berkeley Street, W.I., and Mr. H. W. Cole is secretary to the Petrol Control Committee. (b) JUNE 20TH, 1916. This was the date on or before which returns were required under the Census of Petrol Order of June 9th, 1916, of the Board of Trade which is printed at p. 510 of the May, 1917, Edition of the Defence of the Realm Regulations but which is omitted from the present Manual as beins now " Spent." Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. 263 the distance between his residence and place of g oils, Gas business shall not be deemed to be a journey under- and taken for the purpose of his profession trade or Electricity, business if railway or other means of communication be reasonably and conveniently available. (3) In the performance of any public duty for the whole or part of a journey which cannot otherwise be reason- ably and conveniently accomplished either in whole or in part ; (4) On any sudden or urgent necessity, where life or limb is or may be endangered ; (5) For the conveyance of a sick or injured person for the purpose of receiving medical or surgical treatment or for the removal of such person from a hospital or nursing home or from one residence to another ; and, if the journey cannot otherwise be reasonably and conveniently accomplished, for the purpose of attend- ance upon such person, and for visits to a person who is dangerously ill; (6) For funerals ; (7) In the conveyance of a duly qualified medical practi- tioner or veterinary surgeon, while it is being used by him for thfe purposes of his profession; (8) For Red Cross purposes; Whether a journey can be reasonably and conveniently accom- plished otherwise than by a private motor vehicle depends on all the circumstances of the case, including the length and purpose of the journey, the age and state of health of the person using the motor vehicle, the time occupied in relation to the distance, and the availability of trains or public service vehicles. Trade Vehicles. B. For driving a trade vehicle for any purpose for which such vehicles may by law be driven. Omnibuses. C. For driving an omnibus, (1) While plying for hire upon any route on which it or any other omnibus was accustomed to run during the calendar month immediately preceding the date of this Order or upon any route which is certified by the Chief Officer of Police for the police area in which the petrol or petrol substitute is used (or in the Metro- politan Police District by the Chief Officer of the Public Carriage Branch of Metropolitan Police) to be necessary or desirable in the interests of the travelling public. (2) For ambulance, hospital, or E/ed Cross purposes or for naval, military or munitions service, or the convey- ance of workmen to and from their work, or for the conveyance of sick and wounded members of H.M. Forces, although the omnibus is not plying for hire. 5246 I 4 264 Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. 8. Oils, Gas (3) For conveying persons, luggage, and goods to or from a . ?' n .^. 1 railway station or port in connection with a "journey Electricity. by rail or sea Motor Cabs.(*>) D. For driving a motor cab for any purpose within the limits of the area where it is licensed to stand or ply for hire, and to any place situate not more than three miles fiom the boundary of such area and for returning from such place. Hire Cars, (a) E. (1) For driving a hire car, notwithstanding anything contained in a permit formerly issued under Regulation SGG of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, where the car is hired, (a) for the conveyance of a person or goods to or from the nearest convenient railway station or port in connec- tion with a journey by rail or sea; (b) for the purpose of the profession, trade or business carried on by, or the necessary household affairs of, the person hiring the car ; (c) for the performance of a public duty by the person hiring the car; (d) on any sudden or urgent necessity where life or limb is or may be endangered ; (e) for the conveyance of a sick or injured person for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, or for the removal of such person from a hospital or nursing home or from one residence to another, or for the purpose of attendance upon such person, and for visiting a person who is dangerously ill; (/) for funerals ; (g) for Red Cross purposes. It is hereby declared that the provisions of this clause apply to ' all hire cars, as hereinbefore defined, whether or not they are standing or plying for hire in a street, public place or railway station where it is lawful for them so to do without a licence. (2) The owner of every hire car shall keep a record of all lettings with the names and addresses of the hirers and particulars of the journey, except where the letting took place when the car was standing or plying for hire in a street, public place or railway station, and such record shall be open for inspection at all times by a Police Officer or an Officer of the Board of Trade. Fire Engines and Motor Ambulance. F. For driving a motor vehicle which is a motor fire engine, or other vehicle used for fire brigade purposes, or a motor ambulance. MISCELLANEOUS PURPOSES. (a) 4. Petrol, petrol substitute or gas may be used for the purpose of driving a motor fishing boat or other motor boats used f.'?r the (a) AMENDMENT OF ORDER. By the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918, Amendment Order (published London Hazette, June 18th, 1918) made June 15th, 1918, whilst this Manual was in the Press new paragraphs were substituted for paragraphs 3o and SE (2) and paragraph 4 was amended as to motor boats used as ferry boats. Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. 265 purpose of the profession, trade or business (other than the trade 8. Oils, Gas or business of letting motor boats for hire or for conveying pas- an - * sengers on pleasure trips(a) ) carried on by the person on whose J behalf the motor boat is being used; or for driving a motor tractor or motor plough used for the cultivation of laud or other agricultural purposes ; or for driving a motor sweeping or water- ing machine or other vehicle used for sanitary purposes; or fc.r purposes other than the provision of motor power to motor vehicles provided that petrol or petrol substitute, if subject to duty as motor spiiit under Section 84 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, '1910, (b) must be obtained in accordance with the provisions of a motor spirit licence issued by the Petrol Control Department of the Board of Trade. RACE MEETINGS, GAMES AND SPORT. 5. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, no person shall use, or cause or permit to be used any petrol, petrol substitute or gas for driving any motor vehicle whatsoever, either for the purpose of his profession, trade or business or otherwise, to or from any race meeting, game or sport, whether for the whole or part only of the journey, except for the purpose of attendance upon or removal of a sick or injured person, or upon any sudden or urgent necessity whereby life or limb is or may be endangered, or for the purpose of police or fire duty. Provided that the distance between a person's place of residence whether permanent or temporary and the nearest con- venient railway station shall not be deemed to be a part of such journey if the use of petrol, petrol substitute or gas for the purpose of proceeding to such railway station is otherwise per- mitted by this Order. Provided also that nothing in this paragraph shall apply to an omnibus plying for hire on its ordinary and accustomed route and at its ordinary and accustomed hours and fares. SPECIAL PERMITS. 6. Nothing in this Order shall prevent the use of petrol, petrol substitute or gas for any purpose by any person to whom a special permit in writing has been granted by the Petrol Control Depart- ment of the Board of Trade for such times and subject to such use thereof as a condition of its user. ONUS OF PROOF. 7. The proof that petrol, petrol substitute or gas was used in accordance with the provisions of this Order shall in all cases lie upon the person or persons using or causing or permitting the use thereof, as a condition of its user. GENERAL. 8. -Where petrol, petrol substitute or gas is being used by any person for a purpose permitted by this Order in the driving of any motor vehicle or motor boat, any other person or persons may accompany the person using such petrol or petrol substitute. (a) MOTOR BOATS USED AS FERRY BOATS. See footnote (a) to preceding page. (b) FINANCE (1909-10) ACT, 1910 i.e., lO.Edw. , c. 8. 266 Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918. 8. Oils, Gas 9. Nothing iu this Order shall prevent the use of petrol or and petrol substitute obtained under a motor spirit licence, or of Electricity. g agj jj y ^he holder of a gas permit, for the purpose of driving a motor vehicle for a distance not exceeding 20 miles in connection with the bona-fide sale 01 intended sale of such vehicle, provided that the seller has obtained the permission of a Superintendent or other Chief Officer of Police for the area in which the motor vehicle is kept. 10. Nothing in this order applies to the use of petrol, petrol substitute or gas for the purpose of driving motor vehicles in the exclusive use of a Government Department ; 01 motor vehicles enrolled for War Service under a scheme authorised by the Army Council or Secretary of State for War which are provided for the purpose of such service with petrol 01 petrol substitute from .irmy sources under due authority, and while they are actually employed on the service for which they are so enrolled. A certificate issued under the authority of the Army Council or Secretary of State for Wai shall be evidence that the motor vehicle is enrolled under such a scheme authorised by them. 11. Where at the date of this Order a motor vehicle or motor boat had been fitted with apparatus for the purpose of driving it by gas, it may be driven for any purpose authorised by this Order without a gas permit until the 9th February, 1918, after which date no motor vehicle or motor boat in respect of which a gas permit has not been granted shall be driven by gas. 12. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 13. Regulations 8c and SGG of the Defence of the Realm Regulations shall cease to have effect as from the 10th January, 1918, and the Motor Spirit Restriction Order (No. 1), 1917,(a) and the Motor Spirit Restriction Order (No. 2), 1917,( b ) are hereby revoked without prejudice to any act or thing 'done or suffered or to any prosecution or proceeding instituted or penalty incurred under the said Regulations or Orders. 14. This Order may be cited as the Motor Spirit (Consolida- tion) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918, and shall take effect as from the 10th January, 1918. W. F. Marwood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. 3rd January, 1918. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 8th, 1918.] (a) MOTOR SPIRIT RESTRICTION ORDER (No. 1), 1917. This Order (St. R. and 0., 1917 No. 723) was published in the London Gazette of July 13th, 1917. (b) MOTOR SPIRIT RESTRICTION ORDER (No. 2), 1917. This Order is printed as St. R. and 0., 1917 No. 1046. Turpentine, #c., Control Order, 1918; Motor Spirit (Consolida- 267 tion) and Gas Restriction (Ireland) Order, 1918. THE TURPENTINE, ETC., CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED JANUARY g t oils, Gas 25, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. and Electricity. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders as follows : 1. No person shall on or after the 25th of January, 1918, until further notice, purchase or take delivery of any Spirits of Turpentine or any Turpentine Substitute as hereinafter denned now or hereafter situated in the United Kingdom except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions or of the Board of Admiralty or of the Army Council, or sell, supply or deliver any such Spirits of Turpentine or Turpentine Substitute to any person other than the holder of such a licence and in accordance with the terms thereof ; provided that no such licence shall be required by any person for the purchase and delivery of any such Spirits of Turpentine or Turpentine Substitute in quantities not exceeding an aggregate of five gallons during any one Calendar Month. 2. For the purposes of this Order the expression " Turpentine Substitute " shall mean Mineral Turpentine, White Spirit, White Oil, or any product of Petroleum under whatever name sold or known (except Motor Spirit and Benzene) capable of being used as a substitute for Spirits of Turpentine. 3. This Order may be cited as the Turpentine, etc., Control Order, 1918. 4. All applications for licences under this Order shald be made to the Controller, Mineral Oil Production Department (M.P.S.), Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue, W.iC.2. % [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 25th, 1918.] THE MOTOR SPIRIT (CONSOLIDATION) AND GAS RESTRICTION (IRELAND) ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 6, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD or TRADE. Whereas in the exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2p and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions, (a) the Board of Trade deem it expedient to amend the pro- visions of the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918, (b) as it applies to Ireland it is hereby ordered as follows : 1. In the application of the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction Order, 1918, to Ireland, from the definition of (a) REGULATION 2F. This Regulation is printed p. 17 in the form which it assumes as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2JJ (1). (b) MOTOR SPIRIT (CONSOLIDATION) AND GAS RESTRICTION ORDER, 1918. -This is printed p. 260. 268 Motor Spirit and Lamp Oil (Maximum Retail Prices) Order, 1918. 8. Oils. Gas the expressions Omnibus, Motor Cab and Hire Car in the said ana Order, the words " in respect of which Excise duty as a hackney Electricity. carr i a g e nas been, or is liable to be, paid " shall be omitted. 2. This Order may be cited as the Motor Spirit (Consolidation) and Gas Restriction (Ireland) Order, 1918. W. F. Marwood, A. Secretary to the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 8th, 1918.] THE MOTOR SPIRIT AND LAMP OIL (MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICES) ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 8, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. The Board of Trade, deeming it expedient to exercise the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2F, 2a, and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(ai) for the purpose of regu- lating and maintaining the supply of Motor Spirit and Lamp Oil, hereby order as follows: 1. In this Order " Motor Spirit" means any mineral oil used or capable of being used for supplying motive power to motor vehicles, whether taxed or not. " Lamp Oil" means any mineral oil used or capable of being used in a lamp. A mineral oil which is capable of being used for both of the aforesaid purposes, unless taxed as motor spirit under the pro- visions of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, (b) or any amending. Act, shall be deemed to be Lamp Oil. 2. The maximum price at which Motor Spirit may be sold by retail shall be the delivered price per gallon to the retailer, with an addition of 15 per cent, or of fivepence a gallon, which- ever is the less. Quantities less than a gallon shall be sold at a price proportionate to that charged per gallon. 3. The maximum price at which Lamp Oil may be sold by retail shall be the delivered price per gallon to the retailer, with an addition of fourpence a gallon. Quantities less than a gallon shall be sold at a price proportionate to that charged per gallon. (a) REGULATIONS 2r, 2o. These Regulations are printed pp. 17, 18 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2jj (1). (b) FINANCE (1909-10) ACT, 1910. i.e., 10 Edw. 7. c. 8, s. 84 (7), of that Act defines " motor spirit " as meaning any inflammable hydrocarbon (including any mixture of hydrocarbons and any liquid containing hydrocarbon) which is capable of being ufed for providing reasonably efficient motive power for a motor car . J Motor Spirit and Lamp Oil (Maximum Retail Prices) Order, 1918. 269 4. Where Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil is sold by a hawker or is 8. Oils. Gas delivered by a retailer to a purchaser at any place other than an .. the retailer's place of business an extra charge at the rate of one Electricity, farthing- for a quart or for any part of a quart may be added to the price permitted by this Order. 5. No person shall sell or offer for sale Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil at a price exceeding the maximum allowed by this Order. 6. No person shall upon sale or proposed sale by retail of Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil impose or attempt to impose any condition as to the purchase of any Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil in excess of the quantity demanded or as to the purchase of any other goods. 7. Every person shall exhibit and * keep exhibited in a conspicuous place in the shop, stall or place at which he sells Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil by retail a notice stating the actual price of every description of Motor Spirit and Lamp Oil sold by him. A hawker shall exhibit and keep exhibited such notice on his cart. 8. No person shall buy or offer to buy Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil at a price exceeding that stated on the notice exhibited in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7. 9. All persons who sell Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil by retail shall if and when required by any officer of the Board of Trade duly authorised in that behalf or by any Officer of Police not under the rank of Inspector on behalf of the Board of Trade, make a return specifying the delivered price of any Motor Spirit or Lamp Oil in his possession, and shall produce such books,, invoices and documents in verification thereof as may be required. All officers of police not under the rank of inspector are hereby authorised to require such returns on behalf of the Board of Trade. 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 11. This Order shall take effect as from the 1st March, 1918. 12. This Order may be cited as the Motor Spirit and Lamp Oil (Maximum Retail Prices) Order, 1918. W. F. Mar wood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 12th, 1918. ), 70 Gas (Use in Motor Vehicles} Local Prohibition Order, 1918. 8. Ojls. Gas THE GAS (UsE IN MOTOR VEHICLES) LOCAL PROHIBITION ORDER, . and 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 9, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF Electricity. TRADE. The Board of Trade deeming it expedient to make further exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2F and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regulations for the purpose of maintaining the supply of gas hereby order as follows : 1. Where the Board of Trade give notice that the use of gas manufactured or supplied by any gas Undertaking referred to in such notice is prohibited for driving motor vehicles or any class of motor vehicles no person shall after such time as may be prescribed in such notice, or if no time is prescribed at any time thereafter, buy, sell, use, obtain or cause or permit to be bought sold used or obtained for the purpose aforesaid any gas manu- factured or supplied by such undertaking : provided that nothing in this Order shall prevent the use of gas manufactured or supplied by such undertaking for driving motor vehicles owned by them and used exclusively for the purposes of their business. 2. Where any such notice as aforesaid has been issued by the Board of Trade, no person who is supplying or who is under con- tract to supply gas to any undertaking named in the notice shall sell or supply or cause or permit to be sold or supplied and no person shall use or obtain or cause to be used or obtained any gas manufactured by such first mentioned person for the purpose of driving motor vehicles : provided that nothing in this para- graph shall prevent the use of gas manufactured by such first mentioned person for driving motor vehicles owned by him and used exclusively in his business. 3. A notice issued by the Board of Trade under paragraph 1 of this Order may specify the date on which the prohibition therein contained shall have effect and the prohibition may extend to all or to any class of motor vehicles and may specify the duration of such prohibition and any other matters and conditions that the Board may deem expedient for the purpose of regulating the use of gas for the purpose aforesaid. Such notice may by further notice given in like manner be cancelled or suspended. 4. The owner of any motor vehicle in respect of which a gas permit has been granted and who lives or carries on business within the aiea of supply of any gas undertaking in respect of which a notice has been issued under paragraph 1 of this Order may, if at any time before the 9th February, 1918, a motor spirit licence had been granted to him, apply to the Petrol Control (a) REGULATIONS 2r, 2G. These Regulations are printed pp. 17, 18 in the form which they appear to assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regu- lation 2JJ (1). Motor Spirit Delivery Order, 1918. Department of the Board of Trade(ai) for the grant of a motor 8. Oils, Gas spirit licence for such motor vehicle and the said Department may tricit issue a motor spirit licence to such person upon surrender of his gas permit. 5. Infringements of this Order are summary offences under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 6. This Order may be cited as the Gas (Use in Motor Vehicles) Local Prohibition Order, 1918. W. F. Marwood y A Secretary to the Board of Trade. The Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 12th, 1918.} THE MOTOR SPIRIT DELIVERY ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. The Board of Trade, deeming it expedient to make further exercise of their powers under the Regulations F, 2G and 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(b) as regard motor spirit, hereby order as follows : (1) From and after the 1st day of March, 1918, no person sli all deliver to a licensed dealer any motor spirit for the purpose of re-sale without receiving from such licensed dealer at the time of delivery customers' vouchers or dealers' vouchers representing the same number of gallons as are then delivered to such licensed dealer. (2) From and after the 1st day of March, 1918, no licensed dealer in motor spirit shall take delivery of any motor spirit from any person for the purpose of re-sale without delivering to such person customers' vouchers or dealers' vouchers representing the same number of gallons as are then delivered to him. (3) All persons who receive customers' or dealers' vouchers under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Order or otherwise shall hold and dispose of such vouchers in such manner as shall be directed by the Petrol Control Department of the Board of Trade(a) or by (a) PETROL CONTROL DEPARTMENT. The address of the Department is 19, Berkeley Street, W.I, and Mr. H. W. Cole is secretary to the Petrol Control Committee. (b) REGULATIONS 2r, 2G. These Regulations are printed pp. 17, 18 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2jj (1). '272 Motor Spirit Delivery Order, 1918. 8. QiJ3j Gas any person duly authorised by them, and shall make such , : a.nid returns and give such information relating to the said vouchers .lectricity. ^ t ^ e Board of Trade or the Petrol Control Department may require. (4) The Petrol Control Department may by licence in writing exempt any person from the operation of this Order or any part thereof for such times and subject to such considerations as may be specified in such licence. (5) In this Order: The expression "motor spirit " includes any liquid sub- stance used or capable of being used for supplying motive power to motor vehicles, but does not- include a mineral oil capable of being used in a lamp unless taxed as motor spirit under the provisions of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, (a) or bought or sold for use in a motor vehicle. The expression " licensed dealer " means a person licensed to deal in motor spirit. The expression " customer's voucher " means a voucher detached from a motor spirit licence issued by the Petrol Control Department of the Board of Trade pursuant to Section 15 of the Finance Act, 1916. (b) The expression "dealer's voucher" means a voucher issued by the Petrol Control Department of the Board of Trade for the purpose of enabling a licensed dealer to obtain a supply of motor spirit for the purpose of re-sale. 6. This Order may be cited as the " Motor Spirit Delivery Order, 1918." W. F. Marwood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 15th, 1918.] (a) FINANCE (1909-10) ACT, 1910. /.e., 10 Edw. 7. c 8, s. 84 (7) of that Act defines "motor spirit" as meaning any inflammable hydrocarbon (including any mixture of hydrocarbons and any liquid containing hydrocarbon) which is capable of being used for providing reasonably efficient motive power for a motor car. (b) MOTOR SPIRIT LICENCES. The Regulations of July 31st, 1916. made by the Board of Trade under s. 15 of the Finance Act, 1910 (6 & 7 Geo 5. .c, 24), are printed as St. R. & O., 1916, No. 531. Lighting, Heating and Power Order, 1918. THE LIGHTING, HEATING AND POWER ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 8- Oils, Gas 26, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. The -Board of Trade deeming it expedient to exercise the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations for the purpose of maintaining and regulating the supply of coal gas and electricity and other articles of commerce required for lighting, heating and power purposes hereby order as follows: PART I. Operation and Definitions. 1. This Order shall have effect on and after 2nd April, 1918. 2. Part II. of this Order applies to gas and electricity manu- factured or generated within the City and County of London, the Counties of Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hertford, Hunt- ingdon, Cambridge and the Isle of Ely, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Northampton and the Soke of Peterborough, Bedford, Bucking- ham, Oxford, Berks, Gloucester, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall and to the Counties of Cities or Towns and County Boroughs situate therein. 3. Parts III. and IV. of this Order apply to great Britain. 4. (a) The expression " premises " means any place whatso- ever other than those mentioned in paragraph 8 hereof on which gas or electricity is consumed and any portion of premises which is supplied with gas or electricity by a separate connection shall be deemed to be separate premises. (6) " A place of entertainment " means a theatre, cine- matograph theatre, music and /or dancing hall, concert room, and any place to which the public are admitted for entertainments, meetings or lectures, whether for payment or not, and any club in which entertainments or lectures are given, but does not include an inn, hotel, or boarding house. (c) " A shop " has the same meaning as in the Shops Act, 1912, and " a shop front " includes any portion of a shop or any show case or other similar device which is ordinarily used wholly or mainly for the display of goods to persons outside the shop. (d) (< A quarter of a year " means the period between the readings of the motor taken nearest to the common quarter days. (e) Part II. of this Order applies to gas and electricity supplied and consumed for any purpose whatever. PART !!.() Restriction on the Consumption of Gas and Electricity 5. No person shall consume or cause or permit to be consumed in any one quarter of a year on any premises of which he is the occupier more than five-sixths of the amount of gas or electricity which was consumed on the same premises during the correspond 1 - ing quarter of the years 1916 or 1917, whichever was the greater ; provided that (a) If the amount consumed on any premises during any quarter of 1916 or 1917 did not exceed the amounts (a) CANCELLATION OF PART II. Part IT. of this Order was cancelled by Art. 127 of the Household Fuel and Lighting Order, 1918 (published in the London Gazette July 2nd, 1918), made June 28th, 1918. whilst this Manual was in the press, in respect of any premises supplied or to be supplied with gas or electricity under the terms and provisions of that Order. 274 Lighting, Heating and Power Order, 1918. 8. Oils. Gas set out in the schedule hereto against such quarter, and the occupier may consume in any corresponding- Electricity, quarter the same amount, and no more, as he con- sumed in such quarter of 1916 or 1917, whichever was the greater; ^ (b) In any other case an occupier shall not be bound to reduce his consumption in any quarter below the amounts shown for such quarter in the said schedule. (c) Where between the 25th March, 1917, and the 25th March, 1918, there has been on any premises a material alteration in the apparatus or fittings con- suming gas or electricity the undertakers who supply such premises may and on the application of the occupier thereof shall, assess the amount that may be consumed thereon in each quarter. In making such assessment the undertakers shall have regard to the amount which might reasonably have been consumed on such premises if the same apparatus or fittings which are on the premises at the time of the assessment had been thereon during the corresponding quarter of the year March 25th, 1917, to March 25th, 1918. 6. Where any person is or becomes the occupier of premises of which he was not the occupier in the corresponding quarter of 1917 the undertakers who supply gas or electricity to such premises shall serve upon the occupier a notice stating the amount consumed upon such premises during each quarter of 1917; and if such premises were unoccupied during any quarter or part of a quarter of the year aforesaid they shall state the estimated amount, calculated on the consumption of similar premises occupied for similar purposes in the neighbourhood which would have been consumed on such premises, and the occupier shall not consume or cause or permit to be consumed more than five-sixths of the amount shown in such notice. Where any person is dissatisfied with the amount stated in such notice he may apply to the Board of Trade for an increased consumption and their decision shall be final. 7. It shall be the duty of all undertakers who supply gas or electricity to report to the Board of Trade any person whose con- sumption appears to exceed that permitted by this Order due allowance being made for any difference between the dates of the reading of the meter in the quarter under consideration and in the corresponding quarter of 1916 or 1917. 8. Nothing in this part of this Ordei applies to any premise& which are a hospital or which were being conducted as a bond fide nursing home on 21st March, 1918, while they are so conducted, or to any premises which are or are part of an establishment controlled under the Munitions of War Act, 1915, unless the Minister of Munitions certifies that it is unneccessary that such building should be exempted from the provisions of this Order, or to a railway station goods yard or premises used in connection Lighting, Heating and Power Order, 1918. 275 with the actual working 1 of a railway, or to premises used for 8. Oils, Gas cold storage, or to any place where gas or electricity is manufac- ? t tured, generated or transformed under statutory powers. PART III. Additional restrictions applicable to Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs and Places of Entertainment. 9. No Lot meal shall be served and no food shall be cooked in any inn, hotel, restaurant, boarding house, club, hall or public eating or refreshment house between the hours of 9.30 o'clock p.m. and 5 o'clock a.m. and no light shall be exhibited in any dining room of any such place as aforesaid between the hours of 10 o'clock p.m. and 5 o'clock a.m. except such as may be needed for the necessary cleaning and watching thereof. For the purpose of this paragraph a " dining room" means any room furnished or adapted for the serving of meals and in which luncheons, dinners or suppers are usually served to guests, customers or members. Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall apply to beverages served to residents, or served in railway buffets or to canteens at railway stations to which only members of His Majesty's Forces and the attendants are admitted, or to meals supplied to travelling parties of His Majesty's Forces on the Order of a Naval or Military Authority, or to private canteens at Government offices or works, or at controlled establishments or police stations. 10. No gas or electric current shall be consumed on the stage or in the auditorium of any place of entertainment between the hours of 10.30 o'clock p.m. and 1 o'clock p.m. on the following day except such as may be needed for the necessary cleaning or watching thereof, or for the purpose of a rehearsal, or exhibition of a cinematograph film to the trade, to which the public are not admitted. 11. No entertainment or lecture shall be given in any part of an inn, hotel or boarding house which is lighted or heated by gas or electricity whether such premises hold a music and /or dancing licence or not, between the hours of 10.30 o'clock p.m. and 1 o'clock p.m. on the following day. PART IV. Lighting of Shop Fronts. 12. No light of any description shall be used at any time in any shop front, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to prohibit the use of : r- (a) Any light approved by a Chief Officer or Superintendent of Police as necessary for serving customers inside a shop. (b) Any light used solely for illuminating a small sign in a shop front to indicate to persons outside that the shop is open for the serving of customers. 276 Lighting, Heating and Power Order, 1918. 8. Oils, Gas PART V. and Electricity. General. 13. The Board of Trade may grant licences on special ground* exempting any person or persons or premises of any description from the provisions of this Order for such times and subject to- such conditions as may be specified in such licence. 14. Proceedings for infringements of Part II. of this Order shall not be instituted except by or by the direction of the Board of Trade or the Attorney General. Before instituting any pro- ceedings the Board of Trade shall call upon the person affected to give an explanation of the apparent excessive consumption, and the Board shall consider any explanation offered. Provided that it shall be assumed in nny prosecution unless the contrary is proved, that such explanation was called for and if offered considered before such prosecution was instituted. 15. Part II. of this Order may by notice be extended to apply to gas or electricity manufactured or generated in any place or places in England or Wales other than those mentioned in para- graph 2 hereof. Such notice shall be signed by the President of the Board of Trade or by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary thereof and shall be published in the " London Gazette," and shall fix a date not less than seven days from the date of the publication thereof upon which this Order is to apply to the place or places mentioned in the said notice. 16. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 17. This Order may be cited as fhe Lighting, Heating and 1 Power Order, 1918. The Schedule referred to in Paragraph 5. Quarter of the year. Gas. No. of cubic feet. Electricity. No. of Board of Trade Units. 25th March to 24th June 24th June to 29th September ... 29th September to 25th December 25th December to 25th March ... 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 20 20 40 40 W. F. Marwood, A Secretary of the Board of Trade. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 29th, 1918.] Optical Munitions Order, 1915. 277 9. Optical and Glassware Munitions. 9. Optical and Blast-Fuinace Dust Order, 1917, p. 279. Glassware Blast-Furnace Dust Licence (Use as Fertiliser), 1918,^. 283. Munitions. Glass (Artificial Human Eyes) (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 279. Glass Control (Consolidated) Order, 1917, p. 279. Glass Control (Consolidated) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 284. Optical Munitions Order, 1915, p. 277. Photographic Lenses (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 278. War Material (Insurance) Permit, 1916, p. 278. THE OPTICAL MUNITIONS ORDER, 1915, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 23, 1915, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. In pursuance of the powers conferred on him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the War Material to which that Regulation applies shall include optical munitions of the follow- ing classes and descriptions, that is to say: Prismatic binoculars and monoculars having a magnify- ing power of five times or more. Galilean binoculars having object-glasses with a full dia- meter of one-and-three-quarter inches or more, and a magnifying power of three-and-a-half to five times. Terrestrial telescopes, portable, with an object-glass of one- and-a-quarter inches full diameter or more, and a magni- fying power of eleven times or more. Telescopic or other optical sights for rifles. Periscopes and'hyposcopes, using optical means other than, or in addition to, plane mirrors. Compasses, prismatic and the like, of an outer diameter of two-and-one-half inches or less, by means of which an azimuth angle can be read off simultaneously with the sighting of an object. And in addition the following optical munitions of Admiralty or of War Office pattern : Rangefinders, Mekometers, Telemeters, Clinometers, Angle of Sight Instruments, Apparatus for the Control of Fire, Dial Sights, Directors, Field-Plotters. H. Llewellyn Smith, General Secretary. TTfee above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 23rd, 1915.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. 278 War Material (Insurance) Permit, 1916; Photographic Lenses (Returns) Order, 1917. Optical THE WAR MATERIAL (INSURANCE) PERMIT, 1916, DATED JUNE 30, Glassware 1916, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Munitions. [This Permit, which relates to the insurance, inter alia, of Optical Munitions and of Whale Oil, is printed p. 89 in sub- group (11) " Whale Oil " of group 2 " Arms, Ammunition and Explosives/'] THE PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES (EETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JANUARY 19, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders that all persons having in their possession or under their control any photographic lens or lenses of the natures specified in the Schedule hereto shall, within seven days from the date hereof, send in to the Director of Optical and Glassware Munitions, 117, Piccadilly, London, W.I, returns containing the following particulars with regard to such lens 01 lenses : (1) Focal length. (2) Maximum aperture. (3) Name of maker. (4) Designation given by maker. (5) Number given by maker. (6) Type of diaphragm. The Schedule above referred to. (a) Anastigmatic lenses having focal lengths of from 8 inches to 12 inches inclusive and an aperture of not less than F/4'5. (b) Anastigmatic lenses having focal length of from 18 inches to 24 inches inclusive and an aperture of not less than F/6. (c) Anastigmatic, symmetrical, and rapid rectilinear lenses having focal lengths of from 22 inches to 26 inches inclusive and an aperture of not less than F/ll. (d) Anastigmatic, symmetrical, and rapid rectilinear lenses having focal lengths of from 30 inches to 72 inches inclusive and an aperture of not less than F/8. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 19th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Glass (Artificial Human Eyes) (Returns) Order, 1917; Blast- 279 Furnace Dust Order, 1917 ; Glass Control (Consolidated) Order, 1917. THE GLASS (ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES) (RETURNS) ORDER, 9. Optical 1917, (a) DATED JUNE 5, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders that all persons engaged in the manufacture, purchase, sale or other dealings in artificial human eyes, shall within 7 days from the date hereof send in to the Director of Optical Munitions and Glassware Supply, 117, Pio.cadilly, W.I, returns containing particulars of the number, type and material of all artificial human eyes in their possession or under their control. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 5th, 1917.] THE BLAST-FURNACE DUST ORDER, 1917, DATED AUGUST 7, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. [This Order, which is administered by the Controller of Potash Production, is printed p. 83 in sub-group (9) " Potash Produc- tion " of Group 2 "Arms, Ammunition and Explosives."] THE GLASS CONTROL (CONSOLIDATED) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEP- TEMBER 19, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows : (1) Every person shall, as from the date hereof, in the manu- facture of glass and glassware, comply with all directions and regulations applicable to such manufacture, whether of general application or otherwise which may from time to time be given or made by the Director of Glassware Supply on behalf of the Minister of Munitions. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title ^as conferred by the " Min- istry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918." printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 280 Glass Control (Consolidated} Order, 1917. 9. Optical (2) As from the date hereof no person shall manufacture and and no manufacturer shall supply or deliver any chemical and medical Glassware g} ass (excluding bottles), or any electric lamp glass or any glass IVlUlllT'lOIlS. . i > -i -I tubing and rod, except : (a) In fulfilment of an Older in writing given by an ordering firm (which expression shall include every person, firm or company giving an order) who shall have furnished to the manufacturer a declaration in writing stating that they are the holders of a direct contract from the Admiralty, War Office 01 Minister of Munitions, and specifying the reference and number of such direct contract, and stating that the glass specified in the order is required for the purpose of fulfilling such direct contract and for no other purpose, 01 (b) In fulfilment of an order in writing which has been submitted to and approved by the said Director on behalf of the Minister of Munitions, and a copy of which has been received by the manufacturer duly certified by the said Director as so approved, or (c) Under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued by the said Director on behalf of the Minister of Munitions. (3) Every declaration made by an ordering firm for the pur- poses of this Order shall be signed by a partner, director, manager or other responsible official, and every statement con- tained therein shall be true and accurate. (4) No person shall as from the date hereof buy, sell or deal in any chemical and medical glass, or any glass tubing and rod situated or to be manufactured outside the United Kingdom except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued by the said Director on behalf of the Minister of Munitions. (5) No person shall, as from the date hereof, buy, sell, or deal in any electric lamp glass, whether situated or to be manufac- tured in or outside the United Kingdom, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued by the said Director on behalf of the Minister of Munitions; provided that nothing contained in this clause shall be deemed to prohibit the supply or delivery of any electric lamp glass by the manufacturer thereof in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2 hereof, or any purchase or sale of or other dealing in any electric lamp glass which forms part of a manufactured article, the total value of which exceeds four times the value of the electric lamp glass forming part thereof, and which is bond fide sold with such glass. (6) All persons shall furnish to the said Director as and when required by him, such returns of glass and glassware at any time manufactured, purchased, sold, supplied or delivered by them at Glass Control (Consolidated) Order, 1917. 281 such times and in such form as the said Director shall from time 9. to time direct. All persons heretofore required to furnish returns relating to glass and glassware, shall, until further notice, continue to furnish retimis in accordance with such previous requirements. (7) Nothing in this Order shall affect any obligation to obtain from the Board of Trade (Department of Import Restrictions), 22, Carlisle Place, S.W.I, or otheiwise, import licences for the import of glass and glassware. (8) For the purposes of this Order the expression " glass and glassware " shall include all kinds of glass or glassware made at the furnace, in the blowpipe flame, or by any other process, or any of them; and the expression. " chemical and medical glass " shall include resistance, chemical and bacteriological glasswaie, carboys, thermometers, miners' safety lamp glasses, X-ray tubes and valves, and glass for X-ray apparatus, artificial glass eyes, hospital glassware and glass vessels (graduated or otherwise) manufactured for the purpose of containing reagents, drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical or biological substances or prepara- tions, or any of them ; and the expression " electric lamp glass " shall include all glass used or intended for use in the manufac- ture of electric lamps, except glass used or intended for use in lamps caps for insulating purposes(^), but shall not include glass shades and similar accessories; and the expression " glass tubing and rod " shall include all glass tubing and glass rod made by the process of drawing, or either of them. (9 X The Orders of the Minister of Munitions dated respectively the 2nd January, 1917,(b) and the 23rd March, 1917, (o) relating to certain classes of glass and glassware, are hereby cancelled, but such cancellation shall not affect the previous operation of those Orders or the validity of any action taken under them or either of them, or the liability to any penalty or punishment in respect of any contravention or failure to comply with the same respectively prior to their cancellation or any proceeding or remedy in respect of such penalty or punishment. (10) All applications in reference to the above Order should be made to the Director of Glassware Supply, Ministry of Munitions of War, 117, Piccadilly, London, W.I. (11) This Order may be cited as the Glass Control (Consoli- dated) Order, 1917. (a) AMENDMENT OP ORDER. For the words in italics, the Glass Control (Consolidated) Amendment Order, 1918, printed p. 284, has substituted the following words " not excepting Vitrite or other glass used, or intended for use, in electric lamp caps for insulating purposes." (b) ORDER OF JAN. 2, 1917. This Order, which regulated dealings in Chemical and Medical Glass, was published in the London Gazette, January 9th, 1917, and is also printed p. 229 of the May, 1917, Edition of the "Defence of the Realm Manual." (c) ORDER OF MARCH 23, 1917. This Order, which related to the manufac- ture of or dealings in Electric Lamp Glass, was published in the London Gazette, March 23rd, 191-7, and is also printed p. 230 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." Optical and Glassware Munitions. 282 Glass Control (Consolidated) Order, 1917. 9. Optical and Glassware Munitions. (a) EXPLANATORY NOTES. Subject to any directions or regulations which may be given or made by the Director of Glassware Supply applicable to the manufacture of glass and glassware and to any priority direc- tions a manufacturer may without licence accept any orders for glass and glassware, other than chemical and medical glass (ex- cluding bottles) and electric lamp glass and glass tubing and rod, and manufacture the glass and glassware required to carry out such orders. (6) As all chemical -and medical glassware (excluding bottles) and electric lamp glass and glass tubing and rod are subject to the provisions of Clause 2 of the above Order, no materials of this kind may be manufactured or supplied or delivered by a manu- facturer unless the requirements of that clause have ben complied with. (c) In order to obtain the approval referred to under Clause 2 (b) of the above Order it will be necessary for ordering firms to submit their Orders in duplicate to the said Director, accom- panied by a covering letter setting out the purpose for which the glass and glassware are required. If approved, one copy of the Order will be forwarded direct to the manufacturer duly certified and the other copy will be retained by the said Director. An advice will be sent to the ordering firm indicating the action taken in respect of such order. (d) Licences may be granted to manufacturers under Clause 2 (c) of the above Order to accept and carry out orders from dealers for reasonable quantities of the glass and glassware affected by that clause for the purpose of stock or export. Licences may also be given to manufacturers to manufacture limited quantities of such glass and glassware for their own stock or export. Licences to manufacturers to manufacture for their own stock may be given in such a form as will make it unnecessary to obtain any further licence for disposing of or dealing in the glass or glassware manufactured under such licence except in the case of electric lamp glass. A dealer who has obtained any glass or glassware in compliance with the provisions of Clause 2 of the above Order will not require any further licence for disposing of or dealing in such glass or glassware, except in the case of electric lamp glass. (e) In the case of electric lamp glass to be supplied by a dealer and not by a manufacturer in order to obtain the licence of the said Director for the purchase or sale of or other dealing in electric lamp glass situated in the United Kingdom, the order on the dealer for which a licence is desired must be submitted in duplicate to the said Director accompanied by a covering letter setting out the purpose for which the glass is required. If approved, one copy of the order will be forwarded direct to the dealer and the other copy will be retained by the said Director. An advice will be sent to the ordering firm indicating the action taken in respect of such orders. No licences to purchase, sell or deal in electric lamp glass situated in the United Kingdom . will be granted unless these conditions have been complied with. Blast-Furnace Dust Licence (Use as a Fertiliser), 1918. 283 (/) JN"o licence is required under the above Order to be obtained 9. Optical for the purchase or sale of or other dealing in glass and glassware situated or to be manufactured outside the United Kingdom other than those types of glass arid glassware affected by Clauses 4 and 5 of the above Order. (g) In order to obtain the licence of the said Director for the purchase or sale of or other dealing in any glass or glassware of the types affected by Clauses 4 arid 5 of the above Order situated or to be manufactured outside the United Kingdom, full details must be submitted in duplicate of the glass and glassware which it is proposed to buy, sell or deal in, accompanied by a covering letter stating the purpose for which the glass and glassware is required and to whom it is to be supplied. If approved, one copy of such details will be certified as licensed and returned to the person submitting it, who must be the actual importer of the glass and glassware in question, and such certificate will con- stitute his authority for the purchase, sale or other dealing. No further licence will be required to dispose of or deal in such glass and glassware except electric lamp glass, provided nothing to the contrary is specified in the licence issued as authority for purchase, sale or delivery. A licence given to an importer to buy, sell or deal in glass and glassware situated or to be manu- factured outside the United Kingdom may be in such a form as will make it unnecessary for any further licence to be obtained, whether by the seller or the buyer for disposing of or dealing in such glass and glassware except in the case of electric lamp glass. (h) A licence to buy, sell or deal in glass and glassware situated or to be manufactured outside the United Kingdom will only be given on condition that the importer renders to the said Director full and accurate returns of his imports, stock and deliveries of glass and glassware in accordance with the directions from time to time given by the said Director. (i) Special attention is directed to Clause 7 of the above Order relating to the necessity of obtaining import and other permits and licences which are or may be from time to time required. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 21st, 1917.] THE BLAST-FURNACE DUST LICENCE (USE AS FERTILISER), 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 8, 1918, ISSUED BY THE MINISTER 01 MUNITIONS. [This Licence, which is administered by the Controller of Potash Production, is printed p. 85 in sub-group (9) " Potash Production " of Group 2 " Arms, Ammunition and Explosives."] 284 9. Optical Glassware Munitions. Glass Control (Consolidated) Amendment Order, 1918. THE GLASS CONTROL (CONSOLIDATED) AMENDMENT ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 7, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. Whereas the Minister of Munitions is desirous of extending the provisions relating to electric lamp glass contained in the Glass Control (Consolidated) Order, 1917, (a) to Vitrite and other glass used or intended for use in electric lamp caps for insulating purposes which were by that Order expressly excepted from the operation of such provisions. Now the Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers con- ferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows : 1. As from the date hereof the Glass Control (Consolidated) Order, 1917, (a) shall be read and take effect as if in Clause 8 of that Order the words " and the expression ' electric lamp glass ' shall include all glass used or intended for use in the manufacture of electric lamps, not excepting Vitrite or other glass used or intended for use in electric lamp caps for insulating purposes, but shall not include glass shades and similar accessories 5 ' were substituted for the words " and the expression ' electric lamp glass ' shall include all glass used or intended for use in the manufacture of electric lamps, except glass used or intended for use in lamp caps for insulating purposes, but shall not include glass shades and similar accessories." 2. All applications in reference to the above Order should be made to the Controller of Glassware Supply, Ministry of Munitions of War, 22-23, Hertford Street, London, W.I. 3. This Order may be cited as the Glass Control (Consolidated) Amendment Order, 1918. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 7th, 1918.] (a) GLASS CONTROL (CONSOLIDATED) ORDER, 1917. This Order is printed p. 279. Paper Restriction Order (No. 5), 1917. 10. Paper. 285 10. Paper. <(1.) Controller of Paper, Priority Certificates and Supply generally, p. 285. (2.) Newspapers and Magazines, p. 294. (3.) Posters and Circulars, p.298. (4.) Strawboard Prices, p. 302. Priority (5.) Vegetable Parchment Paper, Certificates p. 303. and Supply. (6.) Waste Paper, p. 303. (1.) Controller of Paper, Priority Certificates and Supply generally. Controller of Paper Order, IMS, p. 290. Paper-Making Materials (Home Produced) Order, 1918, p. 291. Paper Restriction Order (No. 5) 1917, p. 285. Paper Restriction Order, 1918,;?. 288. THE PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER (No. 5), 1917, DATED JULY 2, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE, (a) Whereas by Regulation 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regu- lations the Board of Trade have the like powers as are given to the Pood Controller under Regulations 2F to 2j inclusive as respects any article of commerce to which the powers of the Food Con- troller do not extend where it appears to the Board necessary or expedient to exercise any of those powers for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the supply of any article which is required by the public or by any section of the public. (k) And whereas by virtue of Regulation 2r the powers of the Food Controller include powers to make orders regulating or giving directions with respect to the production, manufacture, treatment, use, consumption, transport, storage, distribution, supply, sale, or purchase of or other dealing in or measures to be taken in relation to any article : And whereas it appears to the Board of Trade expedient for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the supply of paper to exercise those powers as respects paper in manner provided by this Order : Now, therefore, the Board of Trade, in pursuance of their powers under the said Regulations and of all other powers them enabling, hereby order as follows : 1. In this Order the expression " paper " includes strawboard, pasteboard, millboard and wood pulp board. The expression " paper-making materials " includes pulp, esparto grass, linen and cotton rags, and any material used in the manufacture of paper. (a) AMENDMENT OP ORDER. This Order is amended by the Paper Restriction Order No. 2, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, June 21st, 1918) made whilst this Manual was in the press. (b) REGULATIONS 2p TO 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-22 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Tiade by Regulation 2JJ (1). 286 Paper Restriction Order (No. 5), 1917. 10. Paper. The expression " Paper Commission " means the Royal Com- (1) Control- mission on Paper established by His Majesty's Royal Warrant ler of Paper, a ate d the 4th day of June, 1917. (a) Certificates ^ e ex P ress i OIL " person " includes any firm, company, or cor- and Supply, poration. The expression " contract " includes any order given to or accepted by any person. 2. Every person who imports, manufactures, or deals in paper or paper-making materials shall execute any contract in respect of which a certificate in the form set out in the Schedule hereto (here- inafter called a priority certificate) has been received by him in priority to any other contract in respect of paper or paper- making material entered into by him for which no priority certi- ficate has been received by him, without regard to the date when such last mentioned contract was entered into or to any term or condition therein contained. 3. Priority Certificates may be issued to the persons mentioned in the last preceding paragraph by any person who requires paper or paper-making material to enable him to fulfil any contract mentioned in the second part of the Schedule hereto. Such certifi- cates may be cancelled by the Paper Commission(b) who may give directions that any certificate shall have priority over any other certificate : provided that where more than one priority certificate has been issued to any person in respect of contracts entered into by him with a Government Department, that Department may give directions as to the order in which such contracts shall be obeyed by the person to whom the same is addressed. 4. No person shall buy or sell a licence for the importation of paper or paper-making material, nor shall he assign, transfer, or dispose of any such licence without the consent of the Paper Commission and any purchase or sale whatsoever and any assign- ment, transfer, or disposal effected without such consent shall be void. Provided that an assignment or transfer by operation of law shall not be deemed to be an assignment or transfer within this Order. 5. No person shall knowingly make any false statement, declaration or representation for the purpose of obtaining priority or for the purpose of obtaining the consent of the Paper Com- mission to the assignment, transfer, or disposal of a licence. 6. Where the fulfilment by any person of any contract is inter- fered with by the necessity on the part of himself or any other person of complying with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Order, that necessity shall be a good defence to any action or pro- ceeding taken against that person in respect of the non-fulfilment of the contract, so far as it is due to that interference. (a) ROYAL COMMISSION ON PAPER. This Commission which was first constituted by Royal Warrant of February 15th, 1916 (see London Gazette, Feb. 22nd, 1916) was reconstituted with extended powers by Royal Warrant of June 4th, 1917 (see London Gazette, June 5th. 1917) which revoked the 1916 Warrant. By Royal Warrant of March 8th. 1918, the Royal Commission was dissolved. " the Controller of Paper Order, 1918," printed p. 290, substitutes the Controller of Paper for the Royal Commission on Paper in this Present Order. (b) PAPER COMMISSION. Now the Controller of Paper see footnote (a) above. Paper Restriction Order (No. 5), 1917. 287 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against 10. Paper, the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (l)Control- 8. This Order may be cited as the Paper Restriction Order (No. 5) 1917. and Supply. The Schedule above referred to. IST PART. CERTIFICATE. This certificate is issued to secure priority for supplies herein after referred to, in accordance with the Regulations issued by the Royal Commission on Paper, and gives no claim to supplies in excess of the amount to be granted under such regulations. Full name of firm Business of firm Address of firm Reference No Date 1917. To Messrs Government Contract No .(if any) Quantity and Description I /We hereby certify that such Order is entitled to priority under the Regulation printed on the back hereof, and that all the materials specified above are required for the following and for no other purposes. I /We hereby declare the above to be a true and accurate statement. Signed on behalf of by A false declaration on this Certificate is an offence under the Regulations made in pursuance of the Defence of the Realm Acts. The Certificate must be forwarded as soon as the order is accepted to the Secretary, Royal Commission on Paper, Central House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; PART. (a). Priority Certificates may be issued in order to secure supplies under the Regulations in respect of : 1. Any Contract or Order placed by the Admiralty, the War Office or the Ministry of Munitions. (a) REVOCATION OP 2ND PART OF SCHEDULE. This Part of the Schedule is revoked by the Paper Restriction Order N T o. 2, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, June 21st, 1918) made whilst this Manual was in the press. 288 Paper Restriction Order, 1918. 10. Paper. 2. Any Contract or Order which the Admiralty, the War (1) Control- Office or the Ministry of Munitions certifies in writing: ler of Paper, to b? War or Munitions work. Priority 3 ^ny Contract for Naval or Military Equipment placed by and Supply an Allied Government by or with the consent in writing of the Admiralty, the War Office or the Ministry of Munitions. 4. Any Contract or Order placed by the Stationery Office or any other Government Department which the Depart- ment certified in writing tc be necessary for the efficient conduct of the war, or to be essential and urgent in the National Interest. 5. Any Contract or Order placed by Public Authorities or Public Utility Companies, and certified by them in writing to be for the minimum quantity that will enable them to carry on so much of their work as is necessary in the National Interest. 6. Any Contract or Order which the Paper Commission directs to be treated as on an equality with War work. Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade this 2nd day of July, 1917. H. Llewellyn Smith* Board of Trade, 7. Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. THE PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 27, 1918 r MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. (a>) The Board of Trade deeming it expedient to make a further exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2r and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(b) as respects paper hereby order as follows : 1. All importers and manufacturers of and dealers in wrapping and packing paper, strawboard, millboard, wood pulp board, cardboard, pasteboard boxes and cartons made of paper or of any of the materials aforesaid shall if required supply during the year ending 28th February, 1919, to those persons to whom they supplied any such goods during the year ending 28th February, 1918, two thirds of the weight of such goods as they supplied to them during the previous 12 months. 2. All importers and manufacturers of and dealers in any description of paper other than those mentioned in paragraph 1 and in paper making materials shall if required supply during the year ending 28th February, 1919, to those persons to whom they supplied during the year ending 28th February, 1918, any description of paper, other than as aforesaid, or any product or (a) REVOCATION OF ORDER. This Order is revoked as from June 17th, 1918, by the Paper Restriction Order, No. 2, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, June 21st, 1918) made whilst this Manual was in the press. (b) REGULATIONS 2F TO 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-22, in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regula- tion 2jJ (1). Paper Restriction Order, 1918. 289 products of paper making material, whether such material was 10. Paper. imported into or produced in the United Kingdom, one half of (l)Contrql- the weight of paper, or of the product or products of such ler of Paper, materials as they supplied to them during the previous 12 months. 3. Where during the year ending 28th February, 1918, a person was by reason of a priority certificate or certificates sup- plied with a greater amount of the goods mentioned in para- graphs ] and 2 of this Order than he would otherwise have been entitled to obtain under the regulations issued by the Royal Commission on Paper (a) and then in force such greater amount shall be excluded in calculating the amount which he is entitled to demand under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Order. 4. Where a person requires to be supplied with any of the goods referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Order he shall give reasonable notice of his requirements to the importer, manu- facturers or dealer from whom he is entitled to claim supplies. Such notice shall refer to his requirements during each four monthly period ending 30th June and 30th October, 1918, and 28th February, 1919. In default of such notice he shall not be entitled to receive such supplies. Any question as to the suffi- ciency or reasonableness of such notice shall be determined by the Royal Commission on Paper. Such notice shall not, unless by consent, be withdrawn. 5. If any question arises between a person who is bound to give and a person who is entitled to receive supplies under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Ordei as fb the price at which the goods are to be supplied such question shall in default of agreement be deter- mined by the Royal Commission on Paper, whose decision shall be final. 6. If by reason of fulfilling orders in respect of which priority certificates have been issued under the Paper Restriction Order No. 5, 1917, any person is unable to supply all other persons who are entitled to require supplies from him with their require- ments in full he shall divide the balance of his stock or output remaining, after the fulfilment of orders in respect of which priority certificates have been granted, pro rata among such other persons, unless the Royal Commission on Paper otherwise direct. 7. If in the opinion of the Royal Commission on Paper the fulfilment of any requiiement made under paragraphs 1 or 2 of this Order is impossible or unreasonable having regard to any restrictions in force or to circumstances arising out of the present War or to any other sufficient reason they may in writing excuse the fulfilment of any such requirement or any part thereof. (a) ROYAL COMMISSION ON PAPER. This Commission, which was first constituted by Royal Warrant of February 15th, 1916 (see London Gazette, February 2'2nd, 1916), was reconstituted with extended powers by Royal Warrant of June 4th, 1917 (we London Gazette, June 5th, 1917), which revoked the 1916 Warrant. By Royal Warrant of March 8th, 1918, the Royal Commission was dissolved. " The Controller of Paper Order, 1918" (p. 290), substitutes the Controller of Paper for the Royal Commission on Paper in this present Order. 524G K 290 Controller of Paper Order, 1918. 10. Paper. (1) Control- ler of Paper, Priority Certificates ind Supply. 8. All persons shall obey the instructions of the Royal Com- mission on Paper(a) relating to the manufacture, purchase, sale (including the fixing of maximum prices), distribution, supply, transport, or storage of paper, and all articles mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof. 9. Infringements of this Ordei are summary offences under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 10. This Order may be cited as the Paper Restriction Order, 1918. W. F. Marwood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. 27th February, 1918. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 1st. 1918.] THE CONTROLLER OF PAPER ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 9, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. Whereat His Majesty was pleased by His Royal Warrant date* 1 4th day of June, 1917, to establish a Commission called the Royal Commission on Paper and was thereby pleased to assign certain duties to the said Royal Commission respecting paper and paper making materials : And whereas His Majesty was pleased by His Royal Warrant, dated 8th day of March, 1918, to dissolve the said Roy^J Commission : And whereas the Board of Trade have in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulations 2r to 2jj(*>) made certain Orders as respects paper and paper making materials and par- ticularly orders known as the Paper Restriction Order No. 5, 1917, (oy the Paper Restriction (Posters and Circulars) Order, 1918,(d) and the Paper Restriction Order, 1918,(e) which said Orders contain references to the said Royal Commission and give outhority to the said Commission to exercise certain powers an, I duties on behalf of the Board of Trade as respects paper : (a) ROYAL COMMI.-SION ON PAPER. This Commission, which was first con- stituted l>y Royal Warrant of February 15th, 1916 (st-e London Gazette, February !^2nd, 1916), was reconstituted with extended powers by Royal Warrant of June 4th,- 1917 (ee London Gazette, June 5th, 1917), which revoked the 1'.'16 Warrant. By Royal Warrant of March Hth, 1918, the Royal Commission was dissolved. "The Controller of Paper Order, 1918," printed immediately above, transfers the powers of the Royal Commission on Paper to the Controller of Paper. (b) REGULATIONS 2r TO 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-21 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regula- tion 2jj (1). (c) PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER No. 5, 1917. That Order is printed p. '2X~>. (d) PAPER RESTRICTION (POSTERS AND CIRCULARS) OCDEK, 1918. That Order is printed p. '298. (e) PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER. 1918. That Order is printed iu, mediately above. Paper-Making Materials (Home-Produced} Order, 1918. 291 And whereas the Board of Trade have on the dissolution of the 10. Paper. said Royal Commission appointed an officer to be called the (1) Control- Controller of Paper and have assigned to him certain duties ler of Paper.,, respecting paper and paper making materials: _ ? I Now therefore the Board of Trade in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Regulatijiis 2r to 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(a.) hereby order as follows : 1. The words " The Controller of Paper " shall be substituted for the words " The Royal Commission on Paper " wherever they occur in any of the above recited orders or in any other orders made by the Board of Trade. 2. The Controller of Paper for the time being may exercise all the powers heretofore conferred by the Board of Trade on the Royal Commission on Paper. 3. Where any Order respecting paper or paper making materials heretofore made gives power to the Board of Trade to grant licences dispensing with any of the provisions of such order such licence may be granted on behilf of the Board of Trade 'by the Controller of Paper, unless the Board otherwise direct. 4. This Order may be cited as The Controller of Paper Order, 1918. W. F. Mar wood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 12th, 1918.] THE PAPER-MAKING MATERIALS (HOME-PRODUCED) ORDER, 19J8, DATED MARCH 13, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE.(b) The Board of Trade deeming it expedient to exercise the powers vested in them by Regulations 2F, 2a and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(a) as respects paper-making materials hereby order as follows : 3. On and after 1st April, 1918, no person shall buy or offer to buy any material produced or collected in the United Kingdom for the purpose of using or disposing of it for the manufacture of paper, cardboard, millboard or other similar goods, except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit granted by the Controller of Pa per. (c) (a) REGULATIONS 2F TO 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-21, in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regula- tion 2jj (1). (b) REVOCATION OF ORDER. This Order was revoked as from June 5th 1918, by the Paper-Making Materials (Home-Produced) Order No. 2, 1918 (published in the London Gazette, June 7th, 1918) made whilst this Manual was in the press. (c) CONTROLLER OF PAPER. See the Controller of Paper Order, 1918, printed immediately above. 5246 K 2 292 Paper-Making Materials (Home-Produced) Order, 1918. 10. Paper. 2. On and after 1st April, 1918, no person shall sell or offer (1) Control- for sale any material produced or collected in the United ler of Paper, Kingdom with intent that it may be used for the manufacture of Priority paper, cardboard, millboard or other similar goods except to the and Sri ? S Bolder ^ an( ^ * n accordance with the terms of such a permit as _ ^* aforesaid. 3. Every dealer in paper-making material produced or collected in the United Kingdom, hereinafter referred to as " a dealer," shall supply during the year ending 31st March, 1919, to those customers to whom he supplied such material during the six months from 1st September, 1917, to 28th February, 1918 ; if required by them, with twice the amount of each of the same class of such materials as he supplied to such customers during: the said six months, provided that : (a) the dealer has been granted a permit to buy material ; (b) reasonable notice has been given by the customer of his requirements ; (c) the dealer's supplies of material are sufficient to meet such requirements; (d) if the dealer's supplies are not sufficient to meet all requirements of which he shall have had notice, he shall distribute his available stock between the customers from whom he has received notice pro-rata to the amounts supplied to them during the said six months or as the Controller of Paper may direct ; (e) any balance of stock that remains after supplying such customers with the amounts to which they are entitled under this paragraph shall be disposed of as the Controller of Paper may direct. (/) the Controller of Paper may in writing excuse the fulfil- ment by a dealer of any requirement or any part thereof if in his opinion the execution thereof is impossible or unreasonable. 4. The notice referred to in the last preceding paragraph shall refer to the customer's requirements during each six monthly period ending 30th September, 1918, and 31st March, 1919. In default of such notice he shall not be entitled to receive supplies. Any question as to the sufficiency or reasonableness of such notice shall be determined by the Controller of Paper. Such notice shall not, unless by consent of the Parties, be withdrawn. 5. From and after the date of this Order no dealer without the consent of the Controller of Paper shall sell for the manufacture of any of the articles mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof any material produced or collected in the United Kingdom at a price exceeding the average price charged by him to the same customer for the same class of material during the said period of six months referred to in the last paragraph, and if the sale is to a customer who was not supplied by such dealer during the said period the- price shall not exceed the highest average price charged by such dealer to any customer of his during the said period. Paper-Making Materials (Home-Produced) Order, 1918. 293 6. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 inclusive shall not apply 10. Paper, to wood, straw, or raw vegetable fibre unless and until the said (1) Control- paragraphs are applied thereto by notice given by the Controller ler of Paper, of Paper, nor shall the said paragraphs apply to sales or pur- Certificates chases not exceeding 2 cwt. at one time if such sales or purchases an( j g u ppi v> are not part of a transaction or series of transactions involving the sale or purchase of a greater quantity. Such notice may alter or modify the dates and period referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof as the Controller of Paper may deem expedient. 7. The owner of every mill or factory in which paper, card- board, millboard, or other similar goods are made, and if the owner is a Company, the Secretary of such Company shall send to the Controller of Paper on Monday in each week a true return showing the quantities of each description of paper-making materials produced or collected in the United Kingdom delivered to them during the week preceding the date on which such return is made, and such return shall give the names and addresses of the persons from whom the said materials were bought and the prices paid therefor. 8. Nothing in this Order shall apply to waste paper as denned in an Order dated 15th May, 1917, made by the Minister of Munitions, (a) and the provisions of the said Order shall not be affected by this Order. 9. All persons shall obey the instructions of the Controller of Paper relating to the purchase, sale, distribution, supply, trans- port, or storage of or the giving of information as to paper-making materials produced or collected in the United Kingdom 10. Infringements of this Order are summary offences under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 11. This Order may be cited as the Paper-Making Materials (Home-Produced) Order, 1918. W. F. Mar wood y A Secretary to the Board of Trade. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. 13th March, 1918. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 15th, 1918.] (a) .ORDER OP MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. i.e., the Waste Paper (Dealings), Order, 1917, printed p. 303. 5246 K 3 2D4 10. Paper. (2) News- papers and Magazines. Paper Restriction Order, 1917 (No. 3). (2) Newspapers and Magazines. Paper Restriction Order, 1917 (No. 3), p. 294. Paper Restriction Order. 1917 No. 4), p. 295. Paper Restriction (Prohibition of Returns) Order, 1918, p. 296. THE PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER, .1917 (No. 3), DATED APRIL 19, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. Whereas hy Regulation 2jJ of the Defence of the Realm Regu- lations the Board of Trade have the like powers vis are given to the Food Controller under Regulations 2r to 2j inclusive, as respects any articles of commerce to which the powers of the Food Con- troller under those regulations do not extend, where it appears to-the Board necessary or expedient to exercise any of those powers for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the supply of any such article which is required by the public or by any section of the public(a) : And whereas by virtue of Regulation 2r, these powers include powers to make orders regulating or giving directions with respect to the production, manufacture, treatment, use, consump- tion, transport, storage, distribution, supply, sale or purchase of, or other dealing in, or measures to be taken in relation to, any article : And whereas it appears to the Board of Trade expedient for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the supply of paper, to exercise those powers as respects paper in manner provided by this Order : Now, therefore, the Board of Trade, in pursuance of their powers under the said regulations and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby order as follows: 1. On and after the date of this order, a person shall not, with- out a licence from ^the Board of Trade, publish any new news- paper. For the purposes of this order, the expression " newspaper " means a publication which may be registered as a newspaper under the Post Office Act, 1908, (b) and the expression " new newspaper " means a newspaper which is not being published at the date of this order, and includes a newspaper which is published at more frequent intervals than those at which it is published at that date. (a) REGULATIONS 2F TO 2j. These Regulations are printed pp. 17-21 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation :?J,T (1). (b) POST OFFICE ACT, 1908 i.e., 8 Edw. 7. c. 48. See . '20 of that Act as extended to British possessions and protectorates by s. 1 of the Post Office Act, 1913 (3 & 4 Geo. 5. c. 11). Paper Restriction Order, 1917 (No. 4). 295 2. Infringements of this order are summary offences subject to 10. Paper, penalties under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. (2) News- 3. This order may be cited as the Paper Restriction Order, 1917 (No. 3). Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade this 19th day of April, 1917. H. Llewellyn Smith. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. THE PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER, 1917 (No. 4), DATED JUNE 8, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. Whereas by Regulation 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regu- lations the Board of Trade have the like powers as are given to the Food Controller under Regulations 2r to 2j inclusive, as respects any articles of commerce to which the powers of the Food Controller under those regulations do not extend, where it appears to the Board necessary or expedient to exercise any of those powers for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the supply of any such article which is required by the public or by any section of the public. (a|) And whereas by virtue of Regulation 2F, these powers include powers to make orders regulating or giving directions with respect to the production, manufacture, treatment, use, consumption, transport, storage, distribution, supply, sale or purchase of, or other dealing in, or measures to be taken in relation to, any article : And whereas by an Order made by the Board of Trade on the 19th day of April, 1917, (b) the publication of any new newspaper except under licence from the Board was prohibited : And whereas it appears to the Board of Trade expedient for the purpose of encouraging or maintaining the supply of paper, in the exercise of the powers above described, to extend the scope of that Order in manner hereinafter provided : Now, therefore, the Board of Trade, in pursuance of their powers under the said regulations and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby order as follows: (1) On and after the date of this Order, a person shall not without a licence from the Board of Trade, publisn any new magazine or other publication issued periodic- ally or in serial parts. (a) REGULATIONS 2F TO 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-21 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2jj (I). (b) PAPER RESTRICTION ORDER, 1917 (No. 3). That Order is printed immediately above. 5216 K 4: 296 Paper Restriction (Prohibition of Returns) Orders, 1918. * 10. Paper. For the purposes of this Order, the expression the (2) News- "new magazine or other publication" means a papers and magazine or other publication which is not being pub- Magazines. lished at the date of this Qrderj and ^1^^ a magazine or other publication which after the date of this Order is published at more frequent intervals than those at which it is published at that date. (2) Infringements of this Order are summary offences subject to penalties under the Defence of the Realm Regu- lations. (3) This Order may be cited as the Paper Restriction Order, 1917 (No. 4). Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade this 8th day of June, 1917. H. Llewellyn Smith. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W.I. THE PAPER RESTRICTION (PROHIBITION OF RETURNS) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 24, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. The Board of Trade, deeming it expedient to make further exercise of their powers under Regulations 2r and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(a) as respects paper, hereby order as follows : : 1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 hereof, on and after 24th June, 1918, no person shall deliver to any other person in the United Kingdom or in any other country in Europe who is engaged in the sale or distribution of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, serials, pamphlets, books, almanacks, diaries, post- cards or other similar publications, and no such person in the Uriited Kingdom shall accept or take delivery of any such published matter as aforesaid upon the terms known as " Sale or return " or upon other similar terms whereby any allowance, rebate or payment is made in respect of unsold copies or other- wise than upon terms of payment for all copies supplied. 2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 hereof, on and after 24th June, 1918, no person engaged in the United Kingdom in the sale or distribution of such published matter as is mentioned in (a) REGULATIONS 2r TO 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-21 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2JJ (1). Paper Restriction (Prohibition of Returns) Orders, 1918. 297 paragraph 1 hereof shall return or accept the return of or make 10. Paper or accept any payment, allowance or rebate in respect of any (2) News- unsold copies of any such published matter as aforesaid. papers and Magazines. 3. This Order shall not prohibit the return of or a payment, allowance or rebate in respect of : (a) Copies of any such published matter as aforesaid which were delivered for sale or distribution before 24tb June, 1918. (b) Newspapers which are delivered to a distributor or retailer too late to be delivered or sold as current newst (c) Copies of any oJ the publications referred to in para- graph 1 hereof which are delivered to the purchaser so damaged as to be unsaleable. (d) Books bound in cloth, leather or board delivered by the publisher thereof or the owner of the copyright therein to a duly accredited wholesale agent for sale, provided such books have not previously left the premises of such agent for the purpose of sale or being offered for sale. 4. The provisions of this Order shall, on and after 10th day of December, 1918, extend and apply to deliveries made to, and the acceptance of returns from, and payments, allowances and rebates in respect of unsold copies to persons carrying on business in any Dominion or country whatever, 5. In this Order tKe expression "newspaper" means any publication registered as a newspaper under the Post Office Act, 1908.(*) 6. The Controller of Paper may on special grounds by lic : 6nce in writing exempt any particular transaction from the provisions of this Order or permit the return of any particular published matter on such terms as he shall think fit. 7. Infringements of this Order are summary offences against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 8. This Order may be cited as the Paper Restriction (Prohibi- tion of Returns) Order, 1918. H. Llewellyn Smith. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette May 28th, 1918.] (a) POST OFFICE ACT, 1908, i.e., 8 Edw. 7. c. 48. See s. 20 of that Act as extended to British possessions and protectorates by s. 1 of the Post Office Act, 1913 (3 & 4 Geo. 5. c. 11). 298 10. Paper. (3) Posters and l Circulars. Paper Restriction (Posters and Circulars) Order, 1918. (3.) Posters and Circulars. PAPER RESTRICTION (POSTERS AND CIRCULARS) ORDER, 1918 DATED JANUARY 15, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. The Board of Trade, deeming it expedient to make further exercise of the powers vested in them by Regulations 2r, 2o, and 2jj of the Defence of the Realm Regulations(^) as respects paper, hereby order as follows : Posters. 1. (a) In this Order the expression '* Poster " means a sheet or sheets made wholly or partly of paper, cardboard, or other similar material containing any advertisement, announcement, or intimation, whether in words, pictorial form, or otherwise v printed, written or depicted which is exhibited or intended to be exhibited. (b) Any combination of posters relating to the same subject matter or business shall be deemed to be one poster. (c) In the case of posters relating to the advertisement of or contents in any newspaper or periodical, the expression " poster " includes posters made of any material whatever. 2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 hereof, no person shall make or exhibit or cause or permit to be made or exhibited any poster the superficial measurements of which exceed 2,400 square inches. 3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 hereof, no person shall exhibit or cause or permit to be exhibited any poster con- taining any advertisement, announcement, or intimation with respect to goods offered for sale by a retailer except at the premises where such goods are offered for sale. 4. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 hereof, no person shall exhibit or affix or cause or permit to be exhibited or affixed on any one wall, hoarding, or place a number of posters relating to the same subject matter or business which in the aggregate exceed a superficial area of two thousand four hundred square inches, except at the place of business of the person advertising, in which case no one poster so exhibited or affixed shall exceed the superficial area aforesaid. 5. No person shall exhibit or cause or permit to be exhibited any poster relating to the advertisement of or contents in any newspaper or periodical except at the premises where the news- paper or periodical is published. 6. No person shall make or exhibit or cau^e or permit to be made or exhibited any poster containing any advertisement, announcement, or intimation with respect to the business of :i moneylender, bookmaker, commission agent for the making or placing of bets and wagers, or tipster or with respect to any com- petition involving guessing or any test of skill, whether in connection with a game or sport or otherwise. (a) REGULATIONS 2r to 2j. These Regulations are printed, pp. 17-21 in the form which they assume as applied to the Board of Trade by Regulation 2JJ(1). Paper Restriction (Posters and Circulars) Order, 1918. 299 7. Subject to the prohibitions contained in paragraphs 5 and 610. Paper, hereof this Order shall not apply to posters the printing of which (3) Posters had been actually commenced on or before 2nd March, 1917, and and which were actually in stock with a printer, billposter, or Circulars, advertiser on or before 22nd October, 1917. Advertising Circulars . 8. In this Order the expression " advertising circulars" in- cludes advertisements of any description (other than posters), issued gratuitously and printed or written on paper, cardboard, or other similar material, tradesmen's catalogues and price lists, advertising sheets or periodicals in the form of a newspaper or magazine, whether registered as a newspaper or not, which are distributed gratuitously, and of which advertising is the main and not merely an ancillary purpose, diaries, almanacks, and calendars issued gratuitously and containing advertising matter, but does not include annual reports of companies or societies if issued only to members of such companies or societies nor circulars requesting verification of information for books of reference and containing no advertising matter other than that relating to books of reference published by the same person nor to auctioneers' cata- logues relating to a bond fide auction nor to particulars relating to land or houses which are offered for letting or sale. 9. No person shall issue or despatch, whether in response to a request in writing or otherwise, any advertising circulars either by post, by hand, in the form of inset or otherwise, save as is hereinafter expressly authorised. 10. Advertising circulars may, until 31st January, 1919, be issued and despatched within the United Kingdom for, by, and on behalf of all persons, other than those mentioned in para- graph 17 hereof, provided that the total weight of paper used for such advertising circulars (including the envelopes, packing, or wrappers) shall not exceed one-third of that used by the person by or on whose behalf the same were issued or despatched within the United Kingdom between 1st February, 1916, and 31st January, 1917. 11. In the case of advertising circulars relating to seeds and plants for the growing of foodstuffs one half of the total weight of paper used by the person by or on whose behalf the same were issued and despatched between 1st February, 1914, and 31st January, 1915, shall be substituted for the total weight of paper permitted to be used by paragraph 10 ; provided that in the case of advertising circulars relating both to seeds or plants for food- stuffs and other seeds, plants or goods the part relating to such other seeds, plants or goods must not exceed one third of the total weight calculated as in paragraph .10. 12. A manufacturer, merchant, dealer or agent for sale may issue and despatch until 31st January, 1919, trade catalogues and price lists relating to goods made or dealt in by him to any person who sells or, for the purpose of his trade or business uses, the goods referred to in such catalogues or lists without reckoning the weight thereof in the weight of paper which he is permitted to use under paragraph 10 of this Order ; provided that in calcu- lating the weight of paper which he may send to other persons 300 Paper Restriction (Posters and Circulars} Order, 1918. 10. Paper, under paragraph 10 of this Order there shall be excluded the (3) Posters we ight sent by him to the aforesaid classes of persons between and 1st February, 1916, and 31st January, 1917. Circulars. 13. Nothing in this Order applies to any prospectus or applica- tion form issued by a company or association bona-fide carrying on the business of insurance and despatched by them in response to a request in writing, nor to any annual report or statement of accounts or balance sheet issued by such company or association to persons insured by them. 14. Nothing in this Order applies to circulars relating to the purchase, sale, or dealing in, or to price lists of any stocks, shares, debentures, bonds or securities of a like nature issued or despatched by a member of a stock exchange in the United Kingdom. 15. Advertising circulars and price lists of the class mentioned in the last paragraph may be issued or distributed by any other person, provided that the total weight of paper used for such circulars isued or distributed up to 31st January, 1919, does not exceed that allowed in paragraph 10 of this Order. 16. Nothing in this Order affects the use by a retailer of an advertising circular printed before 22nd October, 1917, as a wrapper for an article or articles purchased at his place of business provided no other form of wrapping paper is used on the article or articles so purchased. 17. No advertising circular shall be made, printed, issued, despatched or exhibited for, by or on behalf of any registered moneylender, bookmaker, commission agent for the making or placing of any bets or wagers, or tipster, or by the promoters of or persons interested in any guessing competition or test of skill, whether in connection with a game sport or otherwise. 18. Where it appears to the Board of Trade or the Royal Commission on Paper(a) that the total weight of paper used by or on behalf of any person for advertising circulars issued or despatched by him between 1st February, 1916, and 31st January, 1917, or in the case of those circulars mentioned in paragraph 11 between 1st February, 1914, and 31st January, 1915, was un- reasonable and excessive having regard to the nature and import- ance of the business or matter referred to in such circulars and all the circumstances of the case, the Board or Royal Commission on Paper may by notice in writing directed to such person prescribe the total weight of paper that may be used by such persons for advertising circulars issued or despatched between the dates mentioned in paragraphs 10 and 11 of this Order, and such weight may be less than that permitted by those paragraphs, and shall be the total weight which such person is hereby permitted to use for the purpose aforesaid. (a) R^YAL COMMISSION ON PAPER. This Commission which was first con- stituted by Royal Warrant of February lf or(a) from Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council. R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, February 12th, 1918.] THE FLAX YARNS (SHIPMENT FROM IRELAND) AMENDMENT ORDER, 1918, (b) DATED MARCH 7, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by the Flax Yarns (Shipment from Ireland) Order, 1918, (c) the Army Council regulated upon certain conditions the delivery for shipment from Ireland of any Line or Tow Yarns produced wholly or partly from Flax. And whereas it is expedient that the said Order should be amended : Now, therefore, the Army Council, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, hereby order that the said Order shall be amended as follows : 1. In Clause 1 the words " To or" shall be inserted after the word "shipment." - 2. In Clause 2 the words " To or " shall be inserted after the word "shipment." By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The a^iove Order was published in the London Gazette, March 12th, 1918.] (a) AMENDMENT OF ORDER. The words in italics were directed to be inserted in ihis Order by the Flax Yarns (Shipment from Ireland) Amendment Order, 1918, printed below. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) FLAX YARNS (SHIPMENT FROM IRELAND) ORDER, 1918. This Order is printed immediately above. Flax (Returns) Orders, 1917. 333 1 2 Tex- (2) Flax, (iv) Returns. tiles. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS as to Flax. For (2) Flax. List of ALL the Flax Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 318.] Return* Cotton Flax and Hemp Industries (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 333. Flax (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1917, p. 333. Flax (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 333. Russian Flax and Tow (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 333. THE COTTON, FLAX AND HEMP INDUSTRIES (RETURNS) ORDER, 1916, DATED DECEMBER 22, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 315.] THE FLAX (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 2, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order that all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of Raw Flax shall furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Aircraft Equipment(b) or the Director of Army Contracts. THE RUSSIAN FLAX AND Tow (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED MARCH 3, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Notice is printed, ante, p. 321.] THE FLAX (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) ORDER, 1917, DATED DECEMBER 27, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. H30.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) AERONAUTICAL SUPPLIES. The Orders (other than those relating to flax or linen yarns) are printed in Group 1 "Aeronautical Supplies,'' pp. 34-35. 334 Lists of Orders affecting Hemp, Manilla Hemp Order, 1917. 12. Tex- (3.) Hemp, tiles. xs TTpTn-n [The following is a List of ALL the Hemp Orders in force May 31, 1918. Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement," or " Returns," are also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these Hemp Orders.] Cotton Flax and Hemp Industries (Returns) Order, 1916,^. 337. Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority Order, 1917, p. 335. Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p. 336. Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 337. Manilla Hemp Order, 1917,;?. 334. New Zealand Hemp (Maximum Prices) No. 2 Order, p. 335. Tow (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p. 337. (i) Dealings, p. 334. (ii) Manufacture, p. 335. (iii) Movements, p. 337, (iv) Returns, p. 337. Dealings. (3) Hemp, (i) Dealings. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Hemp. For List of ALL the Hemp Orders in Force May 31, 1918, see p. 334.] Manilla Hemp Order, 1917, p. 334. New Zealand Hemp (Maximum Prices) No. 2 Order, p. 335. THE MANILLA HEMP ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 18, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council do hereby Order as follows : 1. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts make or take delivery of or pay- ment for any Manilla Hemp or Maguey Fibre in pursuance of any contract entered into at any time subsequent to the 2nd day of April, 1917. 2. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts purchase or cause to be pur- chased for sale or manufacture in Europe any Manilla Hemp or Maguey Fibre. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, April 19th, 1917, being the 5th Supplement to the Gazette of April 17th.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. New Zealand Hemp (Maximum Prices) No. 2 Order. 335 THE NEW ZEALAND HEMP (MAXIMUM PRICES) No. 2 ORDER, DATED 12. Tex- JANUARY 11, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (S/Hemp In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence r~ of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as De follows : 1. No person shall sell to any other person in the United Kingdom any New Zealand Hemp or Tow or East African Sisal Fibre or Tow or St. Helena Hemp or Tow at prices exceeding the prices in the schedule hereto annexed. 2. The Order made by the Army Council under the said Eegu lations relating to New Zealand Hemp and Tow and East African Sisal Fibre, and dated the 17th December, 1917, (a) is hereby cancelled. 3. This Order may be cited as the New Zealand Hemp (Maxi- mum Prices) No. 2 Order. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. NEW ZEALAND HEMP AND Tow. Good Fair, 99 per ton. High Point, 97 per ton. Fair, 96 per ton. Tow No. 1, 74 per ton. Tow No. 2, 71 per ton. Tow No. 3, 69 per ton. EAST AFRICAN SISAL AND Tow. First Grade, 99 per ton. Second Grade, 97 per ton. Tow, 80 per ton. ST. HELENA HEMP AND Tow. Hemp, First Grade, 97 per ton. Hemp, Second Grade, 96 per ton. Tow, First Grade 7 i per ton. Tow, Second Grade, 69 per ton. [The above Orler was published in the London Gazetie, January 15th, 1918.] (3) Hemp, (ii) Manufacture. Manufacture. (The following List is restricted to Orders as to MANUFACTURE of Heoip. For List of ALL the Hemp Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 334.] Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority Order, 1917, p. 335. Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p 336. Hemp (Eestriction of Consumption) Amendment Order, 1918, p. 337. Manilla Hemp Order, 1917, p. 336. Tow (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p. 337. THE FLAX, HEMP AND JUTE PRIORITY ORDER, 1917, DATED MARCH 31, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY AND THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed in sub-group (2) Flax, ante, p. 329.] (a) NEW ZEALAND HEMP (MAXIMUM PRICES) ORDER, 1917. This Order dated September 17th, 1917, was published in the London Gazette, September 336 Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918. 12. Tex- THE MANILLA HEMP ORDER, 1917, DATED APRIL 18, 1917, MADE tiles. BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. * [This Order is printed, ante, p. 334.] Manufacture. THE HEMP (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers coni'erred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Flax Control Board, (a) spread, card, or otherwise put into process of manufacture any Hemp of the descriptions set out in the Schedule hereto annexed or any hackled Tows produced therefrom by hackling in the United Kingdom .Cb] 2. All persons engaged in the purchase, sale or manufacture of any articles or material wholly or partly composed of Russian or Italian Hemp are. hereby required to furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Flax Control Board, verified in such manner as may be directed by them or on their behalf. 3. Particulars may be obtained and permits issued hereunder by the Flax Control Board, and by the* Scottish and Irish Sub- Committees of the Flax Control Board on their behalf. 4. It shall be the duty of all persons engaged in the production of any article or material wholly or partly composed of Russian or Italian Hemp to comply strictly with any directions or require- ments that may be given or made hereunder by or on behalf of the Flax Control Board for the purposes thereof, and failure to comply with the provisions hereof, or any direction or requirement given cr made hereunder shall be an offence against the said Regula- tions. 5. This Order may be cited as the Hemp (Restriction of Con- sumption) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. Italian Hemp, Natural. Italian Hemp, Ferrara, or Bologna T.B. or Higher Grades. Italian Hemp, Naples " Extra " or Higher Grades. Russian Hemp, FSPRH or Higher Grades. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 1st, 1018.] (a) FLAX CONTROL BOARD. This was constituted October 23rd, 1917. The Secretary is Mr. P. Guedalla, War Office, Raw Materials Department, Imperial House, Tothill Street, S.W. 1 . (b) AMENDMENT OF ORDER. The words in italics were ordered to be in- serted by the Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Amendment Order, 1918, printed below. Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Amendment Order, 1918. 337 THE HEMP (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) AMENDMENT ORDER, 12. Tex- 1918, (a,) DATED APRIL 13, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (o) Hemp. Whereas by the Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, (b) the Army Council regulated upon certain conditions the Manufacture. spreading, carding or otherwise putting into process of manufac- ture any Hemp of certain descriptions : And whereas it is expedient that the said Order should be amended : ISTow, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Arniy Council hereby order that the said Order shall be amended as follows : In Clause 1 the words "Or any hackled Tows produced therefrom by hackling in the United Kingdom" shall be inserted after the words "hereto annexed." By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, April 16th, 1918.] THE Tow (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL 13, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 328'] (3) Hemp, (iii) Movement. Movement. [No Order or Notice has yet been made or issued affecting the " Movement " of " Hemp."] (3) Hemp, (iv) Returns. Returns. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS as to Hemp. For List of ALL the Hemp Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 334.] Cotton Flax and Hemp Industries (Returns) Order, 1916, />. 337. Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p. 837. THE COTTON, FLAX AND HEMP INDUSTRIES (RETURNS) ORDER, 1916, DATED DECEMBER 22, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed in sub-group (1), " Cotton," ante p. 315.] THE HEMP (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) ORDER, 1918, DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed ante p. 336.] (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The Short Title |was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1 48," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. (b) HEMP (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) ORDER, 1918. This Order is printed ab.'ve. 338 Lists of Orders affecting Jute. Jute (Control) Notice, 1917. 12. Tex- (4.) Jute. [The following is a List of ALL the "Jute" Orders in force May 31, 1918- (4) Jute. Lists of those restricted to " Dealings,"' "Manufacture," " Movement," or " Returns " are, where there is more than one Order falling within such a sub-division, also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these " Jute " Orders.] Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority Order, 1917, p. 343. Jute (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 338. Jute (Export) Order, 1917, p. 339. Jute Goods (Prices), No. 2, Order, 1918, p. 339. Jute (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p. 343. (i) Dealings, p. 338. (ii) Manufacture, p. 343. (iii) Movement, p. 343. (iv) Returns, p. 343. Dealings. (4) Jute. (1) Dealings. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Jute. For List of ALL the Jute Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 338.] Jute (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 338. Jute (Export) Order, 1917, p. 339. Jute Goods (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918, p. 339. THE JUTE (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulations, 1914, the Army Council hereby give notice that they take possession of all raw jute in stock in the United Kingdom not already sold to spinners in the United Kingdom. The Army Council further give notice that they intend to take possession of all raw jute not already sold to spinners in the United Kingdom which may hereafter arrive in the United Kingdom. Holders of unsold stocks of raw jute are required to make a return of their holdings to the Director of Army Contracts, Raw Material Section, Room 462, Imperial House, Tothill Street, S.W.I. By Order of the Army Council, R. II. Brade. ("The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, February 17th, 1917, being the 3rd Supplement to the Gazette of February 16th.] fa) SHORT TITLE OP NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918, printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Jute (Export] Order, 1917; Jute Goods (Prices} No. 2 Order, 339 1918. 12. Tex- THE JUTE (EXPORT) ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (4) Jute. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Dealings. Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : 1. On any sale of any article or material manufactured or to be manufactured wholly or partly from Jute, it shall be the duty of the vendor either to obtain from the purchaser a guarantee in writing that such article or material will not be exported from the United Kingdom, or if it is the intention of the purchaser that such article or material shall be exported from the United Kingdom, to obtain a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials authorising the sale or manufacture as the case may be of such article or material as aforesaid. 2. No person shall sell or deliver any article or material of the description aforesaid for exportation from the United Kingdom without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 3. For the purposes hereof the expression " article or material " shall be deemed to include yarns. 4. This Order may be cited as The Jute (Export) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 27th, 1917.] THE JUTE GOODS (PRICES) 'No. 2 ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 18, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall sell for use within the United Kingdom any yarns or goods of any description having been produced by him wholly from jute at prices exceeding the prices set out in the Schedule hereto annexed, or such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 2. No person shall sell for use within the United Kingdom any yarns or goods of the description aforesaid not having been produced by him at prices exceeding by more than 5 per cent, the prices set out in the Schedule hereto annexed or such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials ; provided that on any sale by any such person of any yarns or goods of the description aforesaid not exceeding 100 in value the selling price may exceed by 10 per cent, and no more, the producers' sale prices thereof as 340 Jute Goods (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. 12. Tex- determined in accordance with. Clause 1 of this order; and pro- tiles, vided further that nothing contained in this clause shall be (4) Jute, deemed to refer to any sale by any such person of any yarns or eds of the description aforesaid not exceeding- 25 in value. 3. No person shall sell for use within the United Kingdom any yarns or goods of any description produced wholly from Jute otherwise 'than upon the terms that any such sale shall be varied so as to accord with such regulation, as to price as the Army Council may by order make from time to time prior to the delivery of the goods so sold. 4. The Jute Goods (Prices) Order, 1918, (a) and the Jute Goods (Prices) Permit, 1918, (b) are hereby cancelled. 5. This Order may be cited as the Jute Goods (Prices) No. 2 Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. THE JUTE GOODS (PmcES) No. 2 ORDER, 1918. LIST OF MAXIMUM PRICES. Jute Yarn. Common 8 Ib. Cops, 6-4d. per sple. 8 Ib. Medium Spools, 6-6r7. per sple. 7J Ibs. to be ^d. per Ib. more than 8 Ibs. 7 Ibs. to be id. per Ib. more than 8 Ibs. Bio 8 Ib. Warp, 7-63. per sple. Rio 8 Ib. Weft, 7-5d. per sple. Rio 7 Ib. Warp, 6-10d. per sple. Rio 7 Ib. Weft, 6-9r7. per sple. 8 Ib. Sacking Chains, 9 7-Sd. per Ib. 24 Ib. Sacking Weft, &%d. per Ib. 24 Ib. Dutch Weft. 8 7-8uui Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority Order, 1917, p. 343. Manufacture. Jute (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918, p. 343. THE FLAX, HEMP AND JUTE PRIORITY ORDER, 1917, DATED MARCH- 31, 1917. MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY AND THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed in sub-group (2) Flax, ante, p. 329.] THE JUTE (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 23, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : (1) No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials put into any process of manu- facture any raw Jute or any Yarn or other article or material wholly or partly manufactured therefrom. (2) This order may be cited as the Jute (Restriction of Con- sumption) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 26th, 1918.] (4) Jute, (iii) Movement. Movement. RT) ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMI MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 339.] THE JUTE (EXPORT) ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (4) Jute, (iv) Returns. Returns. THE JUTE (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917 ; DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 338.] 344 12. Tex- tiles. (5) Linen Yarns. Dealings. Lists of Orders affecting Linen Yarns. Linen Yarns (Control) Notice, 1916. (5.) Linen Yarns. [The following is a List of ALL the Linen Yarns Orders in force May 31, 1918. Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement," or "Returns" are, where there is more than one Order falling within such a sub-division, also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these Linen Yarn's Orders.] Linen Yarns (Control) Notice, 1916, p. 344. Linen Yarns (Control) Amendment Notice, 1917, p. 345. Linen Yarns(Spinning) Order, 1917, p. 346. Spun (Flax) Yarn Order, 1917, p. 345. (i) Dealings, p. 344. (ii) Manufacture, p. 346. (iii) Movement, p. 347 (iv) Returns, p. 347. * (5) Linen Yarns, (i) Dealings. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Linen Yarns. For List of ALL the Linen Yarns Orders in force May 31, 1918. see p. 344.] Linen Yarns (Control) Notice, 1916, p. 344. Linen Yarns (Control) Amendment Notice, 1917, p. 345. Spun (Flax) Yarn Order, 1917, p. 345. THE LINEX YAHXS (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1916, (a) DATED DECEMBER 30, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice of an intention to take possession of all stocks of Linen Yarns manufactured partly or wholly from Irish, French, Dutch or Courtrai Flax.(b) If after this notice any person having control of any Yarns of the descriptions aforesaid sells, removes, or secretes such Yarns without the consent of the x\rmy Council, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations, provided that nothing herein contained shall prohibit: (1) The sale of such Yarns, in exchange for the guarantee hereinafter required, at a price based upon the price of flax in the Irish markets during the fortnight ending 16th of December, 1916, and (2) The delivery of such Yarns, in pursuance of any contract entered into prior to the date hereof, in exchange for a guarantee by the purchaser or consignee that the Yarns are required and will be used directly or indirectly for the purpose of any Govern- ment contract or order. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette. December 30th, 1916, being the 2nd Suoplement to the Gazette of December 29th.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) COURTRAI FLAX. See Notice of Jan. 5, 1917, printed at p. 320, taking possession of all stocks of Courtrai flax spun or unspun. Linen Yarns (Control) Amendment Notice, 1917 ; 345 Spun (Flax) Yarn Order, 1917. THE LINEN YARNS (CONTROL) AMENDMENT NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED i% rp ex _ JANUARY 5, 1917, ISSUED BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. ARMY tiles. COUNCIL NOTICE AS TO LINEN YARNS UNDER THE NOTICE OF (5) Linen DECEMBER 30TH, 1916. Yarns. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby give notice : (1) That nothing in the notice of the Army Council with respect to Linen Yarns, dated 30th December, 19 16, (to) applies to yarns spun from flax tow. (2) That nothing in the proviso of the said notice refers to any yarns suitable for manufacture into any cloth suitable for aeroplane work. If after this notice any person having control of any yarns of the description aforesaid, sells, removes, or secretes such yarns without the consent of the Army Council, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, January 9th, 1917.] THE SPUN (FLAX) YARN ORDER, 1917, (o) DATED AUGUST 25, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling him, hereby orders as follows : (1) No person shall on or after the first day of September, 1917, until further notice spin or manufacture any wet spun yarn made of flax line except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions. (2) No person shall as from the date hereof until further notice purchase or take delivery of any wet spun yarn made of flax line except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence issued under the authority of the Minister of Munitions, or sell, supply or deliver any such wet spun yarn to any person other than the holder of such a licence as last aforesaid. (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in A ppendix V to this Manual. (b) LINEN YARNS (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917. That Notice is printed immediately above. (c) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. 346 Linen Yarns (Spinning) Order, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. (5) Linen Yarns. Manufacture. (3) All applications for a licence in connection with this Order shall be addressed to the Controller of Aeronautical Supplies, Department S (M.A.) 1, Air Board Office, Strand, London, W.C.2.(a)(b) [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, August 28th, 1917.] (5) Linen Yarns, (ii) Manufacture. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to MANUFACTURE of Linen Yarns. For List of ALL the Linen Yarns Orders in force May 3i, 1918, see p. 344. Linen Yarns (Spinning) Order, 1917, p. 346. Spun (Flax) Yarn Order, 1917, p. 347. THE LINEN YARNS (SPINNING) ORDER, % 1917,() DATED JANUARY 5, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. It is hereby required that in all factories, workshops, or other premises engaged or to be engaged upon spinning Linen Yarns the work shall be done in accordance with the following directions, that is to say : (a) No flax which can wholly or partly be used for spinning into yarns for the manufacture of any cloth suitable for aeroplane work shall be used otherwise than for the manufacture of cloth of the description aforesaid save and except as may be authorised and permitted by or on behalf of the Director of Aircraft Equip- ment, (a) (b) Returns shall be made by the owners or occupiers of such factories, or workshops, their officers and ser- vants, as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Aircraft Equipment. (c) Any directions that may be given for the purpose of this Order by or on behalf of the Director of Aircraft Equipment shall be strictly complied with by the owners or occupiers of such factories or workshops, their officers or servants. 2. It is hereby required that all persons having in their custody or control any stocks of Courtrai Flax, whether spun or unspun, and whether sold or unsold, shall make a return within four days hereof addressed to D.A.E.4 S.3, War Office, Adastral House, London, E.G. 4, giving all particulars of such stocks as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Aircraft Equipment. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [Tbe above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 9th, 1917.] (a) AERONAUTICAL SUPPLIES. The Orders (other than those relating to linen yarns or flax) are printed in Group 1 " Aeronautical Supplies," pp. 34, 35. (b) Now the Controller, Supply Department, Air Craft Production, York House, Kingsway, W.C.2. (c) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. List of All Orders affecting Military and Oil-dressed Clothing and Accessories. Officers' Badges Order, 1918. 347 THE SPUN (FLAX) YARN ORDER,, 1917, DATED AUGUST 25, 1917, 12. m Tex- MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. tiles. (5) Linen [This Order is printed, ante, p. 345.] Yarns. (5) Linen Yarns, (iii) Movement. [No Order or Notice has yet been made or issued affecting the "Movement"- of "Linen Yarns."] (5) Linen Yarns, (iv) Returns. THE LINEN YARNS (SPINNING) ORDER, 1917, DATED JANUARY 5, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 346.] (6) Military and Oil-dressed Clothing: and Accessories. [The following is a List of ALL the " Military Clothing " Orders in force May 31, 1918 ; Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement," or " Returns " are, where there is more than one Order falling within such a sub-division, also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these " Military Clothing " Orders.] Military Clothing (Directions) Order, 19\7,p. 348. Officers' Badges Order, 1918, p. 347. Oilskin Trade (Returns) Order, 1918, p. 350. (i) Dealings, p. 347. (ii) Manufacture, p. 348. (iii) Movement, p. 349, (iv) Returns, p. 349. (6) Military and Oil-dressed Clothing: and Accessories. (i) Dealing's. THE OFFICERS' BADGES ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 1, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall manufacture or cause to be manufactured any Bronze Metal Cap or Collar Badges for Officers' Service Dress otherwise than in such manner as to conform to the War Office Sealed Patterns in the case of each badge respectively. 2. No person shall sell any Badges of the description aforesaid, having been wholly or partly manufactured by the vendor, at any price other than 2s. per Badge, provided that upon any such sale as aforesaid the vendor shall allow to the purchaser a dis- count of 20 per cent, and of 2J per cent, for cash within 30 days if the Badges are purchased for the purpose of re-sale by the purchaser. Movement. Returns. 12. Tex- tiles. (6) Mili- tary and Oil-dressed Clothing, &c. Dealings. 348 Military Clothing (Directions) Order, 191 12. Tex- tiles. (6) Mili- tary and Oil-dressed Clothing 1 , &c. Dealings. Manufacture. 3. No person shall sell any Badges of the description aforesaid, not having been manufactured by the vendor, at any price other than 2s. per Badge, provided that upon any such sale as aforesaid the vendor shall allow to the purchaser a discount of 10 per cent, and of 2J per cent, for cash within 30 days if the Badges are purchased for the purpose of re-sale by the purchaser. 4. Nothing in Clauses 1. 2, or 3 hereof shall be deemed to refer to any Badge whereof any part is in gilt or silver, or to any Badges required for any unit of His Majesty's Indian Army or Oversea Contingents. 5. No person shall sell any Badge of the description indicated in Clause 4 hereof for the use of the purchaser at a price ex- ceeding the cost thereof to the vendor by more than 25 per cent. 6. No person shall sell any Badges of the description aforesaid for use by the purchaser unless the piirchaser is duly authorised to wear the said Badges. 7. Any person acting in contravention of this Order is guilty of a summary offence against the Defence of the Realm Regula- tions, and if such person is a Company every Director or Officer of the Company is also guilty of a summary offence against these regulations unless he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledge or consent. 8. Ttis Order may be cited as the Officers' Badges Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was pxiblished in the London Gazette, March 8th, 1918.] (6) Military and Oil-dressed Clothing and Accessories, (ii) Manufacture. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to MANUFACTURE of '' Military Clothing" For List of ALL the " Military Clothing " Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 347.] Military Clothing (Directions) Order, 1917, />. 348. Officers' Badges Order, 1918, p. 349. THE MILITARY CLOTHING (DIRECTIONS) ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 5, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. It is hereby required that in any factory or workshop capable of producing articles of clothing suitable for military purposes or any articles or material required for or in connection therewith, work shall be done in accordance with any directions that may be given by or on behalf of the Army Council with the object of making the said factory or workshop or the plant or labour therein as useful as possible for the production of such articles or material. Military Clothing (Directions) Order, 1917. 349 12. Tex- tiles. (6) Mili- tary and Oil-dressed Clothing, &c. 2. Returns as to the nature and amount of the work done in any such factory or workshop together with any further and other particulars as to the business of the owners or occupiers thereof shall be furnished by the owners or occupiers, their officers or servants in such manner and at such times as may be required by or on behalf of the Director General of the Royal Army Clothing Department. 3. Any directions that may be given by or on behalf of the Manufacture. Director General of the Royal Army Clothing Department for the purpose of this Order shall be strictly complied with by such owners or occupiers, their officers or servants. 4. Any person failing to comply with any provision of this Order or with any directions or requirements made thereunder shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. 5. This Order may be cited as the Military Clothing (Direc- tions) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. October 9th, 1917.] THE OFFICERS' BADGES ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 1, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 347.] (6) Military and Oil-dressed Clothing* and Accessories. (iii) Movement. [No Order or Notice has yet been made or issued affecting the " Movement " of Military and Oil-dressed Clothing and Acces- sories.] Movement. (6) Military and Oil-dressed Clothing" and Accessories. (iv) Returns. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS as to Military Clothing. For List of ALL the Military Clothing Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 347.] Military Clothing (Directions) Order, 1918, p. 349. Oilskin Trade (Keturns) Order, 1918, p. 350. Returns. THE MILITARY CLOTHING (DIRECTIONS) ORDER, 1917, DATED OCTOBER 5, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 348.] 350 12. Tex- tiles. (6) Mili- tary and Oil-Dressed Clothing, Ac. (7) Raffia. Dealings. Trade (Itctiirns) Order, 1918. Lists of Orders affecting Raffia. Raffia (Control) Notice, 1917. THE OILSKIN TRADE (RETURNS) ORDER, 1918, (a) DATED FEBRUARY 9, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the manufacture or repair, of Oil- dressed Clothing, including Oilskin Frocks (Jackets), Trousers, Long Coats, Sou'wester Hats, Capes and Leggings, to furnish to the Director of Army Contracts such information as to their Labour, Plant and Machinery, and Output, together with such further particulars of their businesses as may be required on his behalf, and to verify the information aforesaid in such manner as he may direct. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Order was published in the London (Jaxette. February 15th, 1918.] (7) Raffia. [The following is a List of ALL the"" Raffia " Orders in force May 31, 1918. Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement," or " Returns " are, where there is more than one Order falling within such a sub-division, also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these " Raffia " Orders.] Raffia (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 350. Raffia (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 351. Raffia (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 352. (i) Dealings, p. 350. (ii) Manufacture, p. 351. (iii) Movement, p. 352, (iv) Returns, p. 352. (7) Raffla. (i) Dealings. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Raffia. List of ALL the Raffia Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 350.] Raffia Control) Notice, 191 7 , p. 350. Raffia (Prices) Order, 1917, p. 351. For THE RAFFIA (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917, (b) DATED JANUARY 15, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of material of the following class and description, that is to say : All stocks of Raffia, excepting stocks of less than 2 cwts. If after this notice any person having control of any such material sells, removes or secretes the said material without the (a) SHORT TITLE or ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. Raffia (Prices) Order, 1917. 351 consent of the Army Council or deals with it in any way contrary 12. Tex- to any conditions imposed in any licence, permit or order which may have been granted in respect thereof, he shall be guilty of (7) Raffia, an offence against the said Regulations. Deali-m By Orde of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Notice was published in the London Gazette, January 17th, 1917, being a Supplement to the Gazette of January 16th.] THE RAFFIA (PRICES) ORDER, 1917, DATED JULY 18, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council do hereby Order as follows : 1. No person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, sell any Raffia arrived or to arrive in the United Kingdom at prices other than those set out in the Schedule hereto annexed ; provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to any stock of Raffia of less than 2 cwt. or to any Raffia in respect of which any licence may be or may have been granted by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. 2. This Order may be cited as the Raffia (Prices) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. No. I Majunga ... 50 per ton net free ex Warehouse in U.K. No. 2 ... 47 No.* ... 43 No. 1 Tamatave ... 40 ,. No. 2 ... 37 [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July 24th, 1917.] 3,52 Raffia (Returns] Order, 1917. List of All Order* affecting Silk. . 12 Tex- (7) Raffia, (ii) Manufacture, (iii) Movement. tiles. (7) Raffia. t^ Order or Notice has yet been made or issued affecting either the " Manufacture " or " Movement " of Raffia.] Manufacture Movement. (7) Raffia, (iv) Returns. THE RAFFIA (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JANUARY 15, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons having in tJieir custody or control any stocks of Raffia in excess of two cwts., to furnish such particulars thereof as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 17th, 1917, being a Supplement to the Gazette of January 16th.] (8.) Silk. [The following is a List of ALL the "Silk" Orders in force May 31, 1918. Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movement." or " Returns " are, where there is more than one Order falling within such a sub-division, also given at the commencement of each sub-division of these " Silk " Orders.] Japanese Silk Order, 1917, p. 352. Silk Waste or Noils (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 354. (i) Dealings, p. 352. (iii) Movement, p. 354. (ii) Manufacture, p. 353. (iv) Returns, p. 354. (8) Silk, (i) Dealings. (8) Silk. THE JAPANESE SILK ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JULY 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY. Dealings. In exercise of tlie powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers thereunto enabling them the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty hereby Order as follows : 1. All persons having in their possession or under their control any stock in excess of one hundred (100) yards, whether sold or unsold, of natural Japanese Silk of the quality and texture (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Japanese Silk Order, 1917. described in the first Schedule hereto shall make a Return within seven (7) days from the date hereof addressed to the Director of Contracts, Admiralty, S.W.I, giving the particulars specified in the second Schedule hereto. 2. From the date of the publication of this Order no person who has in his possession or under his control any stock, whether sold or unsold, of any such Silk as aforesaid, shall permit any part of such Silk to undergo any process of dyeing or printing or to be cut up, or to be otherwise treated or disposed of except as may be authorised by the Director of Contracts until further Order. Given under our hands this 23rd day of July, 1917. L. Halsey. Godfrey Paine. Schedule 1. Description of Silk to which this Order applies. Natural Japanese Silk, piece goods (habutse), any quality, niome or width. Schedule 2. Amount of Stock held. Momo. Quality. Width. Strength in Ibs. per inch wide (if possible). ;[The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July 27th, 1917.] 12. Tex- tiles. (8) Silk. (8) Silk (ii) Manufacture. THE JAPAJOLSE SILK ORDEK, 19 IT, DATED JULY 23, 1917, MADE BY Manufacture THE ADMIRALTY. [This Order is printed above.] 5246 354 (8)_ Movement. Silk Waste or Noils (Returns) Order, 1916. (8) Silk (iii) Movement. Order or Notice has yet been made or issued affecting the Returns (8) Silk (iv) Returns. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS of Silk ; for List of ALL the Silk Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 352.] Japanese Silk Order, 1917, p. 352. Silk Waste or Noils (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 354. THE SILK WASTE OR NOILS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1916, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. The Minister of Munitions hereby gives notice that in pur- suance of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment) No. 2 Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him, he hereby requires all persons engaged in the production, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribution or storage of, or other dealings in Silk Waste of any kind, whether raw or discharged, or Silk Noils, whether exhaust or long, to furnish to the Director C.M. 4s (Textiles), Ministry of Munitions, Whitehall Place, S.W. 1, on or before the 20th day of November, 1916, full particulars of all such Silk Waste and Noils in their possession or under their control at the date of such particulars being furnished. And also full particulars of their output (if any) and their purchases and sales of such Silk Waste* or Noils since the first day of October, 1916. And further until further notice to furnish weekly returns of all purchases, sales and deliveries of such Silk Waste or Noils, stating the amount of such deliveries, the price of the goods and the persons to whom the same shall have been delivered. The Minister of Munitions further requires that all particulars so furnished shall be verified by the signature of the person fur- nishing the same, or where such person is a firm or company, of a partner, director or other responsible officer. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 10th, 1916.] THE JAPANESE SILK ORDER, 1917, DATED JULY 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ADMIRALTY. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 352.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. List of All Orders affecting Wool, fyc. (9) Wool and Hair and Woollen and Worsted Materials. 12. Tex- tiles. [The following is a List of ALL the u Wool " Orders in force May 31, 1918 ; g Lists of those restricted to " Dealings," " Manufacture," " Movements " or an( j Hair " Returns " are also iven at the commencement of each sub-division of gven these " Wool " Orders.] l en Colonial and Foreign Wool (Guarantees) Order, 1916, p. 364. Crossbred or Merino Wool (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, p. 368. Crossbred Tops Order, 1917,;?. 367. Crossbred Tops (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 372. Dealings in 1916 and Earlier Wool Orders of 1916 : Prohibition on dealings in 1916 British and Irish Wool, p. 357. Prohibition on dealings in 1916 Isle of Man Wool, p. 357. Restrictions on dealings in 1916 British and Isle of Man Wool, p. 357. Restrictions on dealings in 1916 Irish Wool, p. 360. Restrictions on dealings in 1916 and Earlier British, Irish and Isle of Man Wool, p. 364. Sale of 1916 and Earlier British, Irish and Isle of Man Wool to Director of Army Contracts, p. 365. Hair (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 367. Imported Wool (Shipment) Order, 1917, p. 403. Merino Tops (Delivery) Order, 1917, p. 379. Merino Tops (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 405. Olive Oil Order, 1917,;?. 402. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917, p. 373. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918,;?. 396. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 369. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 394. Wool (Colonial Fellmongers) Order, 1918,^. 393. Wool (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1917, p. 379. Wool (Off-sorts) Order, 1917, p. 377. Wool (Off-sorts) No. 2 Order, 1918, p. 392. Wool (Restriction of Consumption) No. 3 Order, 1917, p. 400. Wool (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 405. Wool and Tops (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 368. Wool and Tops (Dealings) (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 372. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended, p. 381. Woollen and Worsted Cuttings (Control) Notice, 1916, p. 363. Woollen and Worsted Cuttings Order, 1916, p. 363. Woollen and Worsted Materials (Returns) Order, 1916,;?. 404. Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) Notice, 1917, p. 380. Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) Control Notice, 1918, p. 392. Worsted Socks (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 366. (i.) Dealings, p. 356. (iii-) Movement, p. 403. (ii.) Manufacture, p. 400. (iv.) Returns, p. 404. 5246 M 2 356 Li.it o$ Orders us to Dealings in Wool, fyc. 12. Tex- (9) Wool and Hair and Woollen and Worsted Materials, tiles. (i) Dealings. InH l-Ta?i L The following List is restricted to Orders as to DEALINGS in Wool ; for and Wool- List of ALL the w o1 Orders in force Ma ? 31 1918 > see P- 355 -l ten and Colonial and Foreign Wool (Guarantees) Order, 1916, p. 364. Materials Crossbred or Merino Wool (Maximum Prices) Order, iU17, p. 368. 6M. Crossbred Tops Order, 1917, p. 367. Crossbred Tops (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 372. Dealings in 1916 and Earlier Wool Orders of 1916 : Prohibition on dealings in 1916 British and Irish Wool. p. 357. Prohibition on dealings in 1916 Isle of Man Wool, p. 3.57. Restrictions on dealings in 1916 British and Isle of Man Wool, /;. 357. Restrictions on dealings in 1916 Irish Wool, p. 360. Restrictions on dealings in 1916 and Earlier British, Irish and Isle of Man Wool, p. 364. Sale of 1916 and Earlier British, Irish and Isle of Man Wool to Director of Army Contracts, p. 365. Hair (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 367. Merino Tops (Delivery) Order, 1917, p. 379. Merino Tops (Returns) Order, 1917, ;;. 405. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917, p. 373. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918, p. 396. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 369. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1918, p. 394. Wool (Colonial Fellmongers) Order, 1918, p. 393. Wool (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1917, p. 379. Wool (Off-sorts) Order, 1917, p. 377. Wool (Off-sorts) No. 2 Order, 1918. />. 392. Wool (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 405. Wool and Tops (Dealings) Order, 1917, p. 368. Wool and Tops (Dealings) (Amendment) Order, 1917, p. 372. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended, p. 381. Woollen and Worsted Cuttings (Control) Notice, 1916, p. 363. Woollen and Worsted Cuttings Order, 1916, p. 363. Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) Notice, 1917, p. 380. Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) Control Notice, 1918, p. 392. Worsted Socks (Control) Notice, 1917, p. 366. Order* Restricting Dealings in British and Irish and Isle of Man Wool of 1916 Clip. 357 ORDER APPLYING REG. 30A TO BRITISH AND IRISH WOOL or 1916 CLIP, DATED JUNE 8, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (a) the Army Council do hereby order as follows : r 'No person shall from the date of this Order, until further notice, buy, sell, or deal in raw wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain or Ireland during the season of 1916." [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 9th, 11(16.] 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. ORDER APPLYING REG. 30A TO ISLE OF MAN WOOL OF 1916 CLIP, DATED JUNE 22, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred 011 them by Regulation 30 A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (a) the Army Council hereby order that the War Material, to which the Regu- lation applies, shall include war material of the following classes and descriptions, that is to say: Raw wool grown or to be grown on sheep in the Isle of Man during the season of 1916. R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 23rd, 1916.] ORDER RELATING TO DEALINGS IN 1916 WOOL IN GREAT BRITAIN, AND THE ISLE OF MAN, DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall sell raw wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain and the Isle of Man during the season of 1916, including fleece wool and skin wool, but not including (laggings, locks, brokes and fallen wool,(b) otherwise than to persons authorised by licence, appointment, or general or special permit (a) REGULATION 30A. This is printed p. 12. (b) WOOL GROWN PRIOR TO 1916. The provisions of this Order were extended to raw wool grown on sheep in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Isle of Man, prior to January 1st, 1916, by Order of December 29th, 1916, printed at p. 364. 5246 M 3 358 Order Restricting Dealings in British and Isle of Man Wool of 1916 Clip. 12. Tex- granted by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts^) or tiles. at prices other than those set out in the schedule hereto annexed (9) Wool or at such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed and Hair J )y or 011 behalf of the Director of Armv Contracts, and Wool- len and 2. No person shall in pursuance of any contracts entered into Worsted a ^ an y time prior to 8th June, 1916,(b) make delivery of or pay- _ ' ment for raw wool grown or to be grown in Great Britain and Dealing*, the Isle of Man as aforesaid during the season of 1916. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Dated 14th November, 1916. Schedule A. PRICE LIST FOR England. Class of Wool. Price* iCi. 1. Lincoln Hogs and Wethers ... ... ... 16 J 2. Notts, Leicester and Yorks Hogs and Wethers 16J 3. Border Leicesters ... ... ... ... 16J 4. Lines and Yorks Halfbreds ... ... ... 17| 5. Notts, Yorks, Wolds and Leicester Half. breds ... 18 6. Norfolk Halfbreds 18 7. Staffs Halfbreds 18J 8. Shropshire, Oxford and Hants Downs ... 19J 9. Wilts 20J 10. Dorset and Sussex Downs and Horns ... 21 11. Eastern Counties Downs ... ... ... 19 12. Kent Tegs 18J 13. Kent Ewes and Wethers 16f 14. Kent Halfbreds 19 15. Kent Downs 19| 16. Cotswold, Somerset and trios, Deep Washed 15 J 17. Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, Strong- Greasy 12f 18. Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, Crossbred Greasy ... ... ... ... ... 13J 19. Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, Horns ... 14J (a) SALE. See Order of December 29th, 1916, printed at p. 365, requiring sale of the said wool to the Director of Army Contracts. (b) JUNE 8, 1916. i.e., the date of the Order applying Reg. 30A to British Wool of 1916 Clip which is printed at p. 357. (IB) PRICES. These are stated in pence. Order Restricting Dealings in British and Isle of Man Wool of 1916 Clip. Schedule A cont. 20. 21. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PRICE LIST FOR England cont. Class of Wool. Cluns and Best Kernes Fine Radnors Pdces(a). 15* 22. Deep Radnors 23. Best Welsh Fleeces 24. Low Welsh Fleeces ... 12| 25. Scotch, Washed 12| Scotch, Unwashed ... ... 11 Massams North Halfbred Hogs North Half bred Wethers Herd wick, Unwashed 31. Wensleydale ... 32. English Cheviots, Washed 16J Hi 16* 359 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealing^ Schedule B. PRICE LIST FOR Scotland. Class of Wool. Cheviot Hog North, Washed Cheviot, Hog North, Unwashed Cheviot Ewe North, Washed ... Cheviot Ewe North, Unwashed Clips of 5th Hog, Washed Clips of 5th Hog, Unwashed Cheviot Hog Border, Washed ... Cheviot Hog Border, Unwashed Cheviot Ewe Border, Washed ... Cheviot Ewe Border, Unwashed Clips of 5th Hog, Washed Clips of 5th Hog, Unwashed Halfbred Hog North, Washed Halfbred Hog North, Unwashed Halfbred Wether North, Washed Halfbred Wether North, Unwashed ... Clips Half Hog, Washed Clips Half Hog, Unwashed Halfbred Hog South, Wo shed Halfbred Hog South, Unwashed Halfbred Ewe, Washed Halfbred Ewe, Unwashed Clips Half Hog, Washed Clips Half Hog, Unwashed (a) PRICES. These are stated in pence. Prices(a). 20 17 14* 15 15 16i 17 IT| 17 17J 14; IT* 17 I3f 5246 M 4 Order Restricting Dealings in Iri.tli Wool of 1916 Clip. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. Schedule B cont. PHICE LIST FOR Scotland cont. Class of Wool. Prices a). Shi-op Hog, Washed ... 18 J Shrop Hog, Unwashed ... ... ... ... 15 Sin-op Ewe, Washed Shrop Ewe. Unwashed .., ... ... ... Lester Hog, Ewe and Clips, Washed .'. . Lester Hog, Ewe and Clips, Unwashed ... '13J Cross Hog and Ewe, Washed ... ... ... 14J Cross Hog and Ewe, Unwashed ... ... 12f Blackfaced Hog and Ewe, Washed 12} Blackfaced Hog and Ewe, Unwashed ... Ill Fallen Blackfaced 10A Schedule C. PHICE LIST FOR THE Isle of Man. Class of Wool. Shropshire Shropshire and Manx Cross Cheviot Leicester ... Lincoln ... ... Leicester and Scotch Cross Blackfaced Scotch s. d. 1 2 1 ' 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 10 [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 14th. I'.H'J. ' ORDER RELATING TO DEALINGS IN 1910 WOOL IN IRELAND, DATED NOVEMBER 14. 191(\.(b) MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulations, 1914, the Army Council hereby order as follows: 1. No person shall sell or purchase or enter into any trans- action or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of any wool clipped from sheep in the season of 1916 (hereinafter referred to as fleece wool) or of any wool pulled from the skins of sheep or lambs which have been slaughtered in Ireland in the season (a) PRICES. These are stated in pence. (b) NOTICE OF JULY 25, 1916. This Notice which is superseded by this Order is printed at pp. 137, 138 of the July, 1916, Edition of the Defence of the Realm Manual. Order Restricting Dealings in Irish Wool of 1916 Clip. 361 1916 (hereinafter referred to as skin wool) to or from any person 12. Tex- who is prohibited by this Order from purchasing or selling the tiles. same, unless such person is authorised under any other general (9) Wool permit or by any special permit from the Army Council to pur- a -nr ai i r chase or sell same. 2. The following persons, unless holding a special permit from Worsted the Army Council for the purpose, shall not purchase or sell or Materials. enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the pur- oTrdinn* chase or sale of any fleece wool as aforesaid, that is to say^ (a) Any person carrying 011 the business of mamifac infer of woollen, worsted, or hosiery goods in any textile factor y. (b) Any person in respect of whom* any general or special permit has been revoked by the Army Council on the grounds that he has failed to comply with the con- ditions thereof. 3. No person who has not been in the habit of purchasing raw wool grown on sheep in Ireland shall unless holding a special permit from the Army Council, purchase or enter into trans- actions or negotiations for the purchase of fleece wool. 4. No person shall make or take delivery of any fleece wool or skin wool as aforesaid or of wool grown on sheep in Ireland before January 1st, 1916, or of skins of sheep or lambs which shall have been slaughtered in Ireland after November 28th, 1916, for shipment from Ireland except under a special permit issued under the authority of the Army Council. 5. No person shall sell or purchase or enter into any trans- action or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of any fleece wool as aforesaid otherwise than in accordance with the following conditions : (a) The price payable to the farmer for his wool shall be in accordance with the schedule of prices for the various kinds of Irish wool set out in the schedule hereto annexed, and all persons authorised to pur- chase under this general permit or under any special permit shall pay to the farmer the fair value of his wool calculated on the basis of the prices set out in the said schedule. (6) The price for washed wool set out in the said schedule shall be paid only for well-washed wool, in good con- dition, and the price for unwashed wool shall be paid only for unwashed wool in good light condition and the usual deduction shall be made for wool of inferior condition. (c) For all cast, stained, matted or otherwise faulty , fleeces an allowance of one pound in weight per fleece shall be deducted in estimating the price payable to the farmer. For odd fleeces, unwashed, an allowance of two pounds should !>e made. (d) No person shall mis with, or wind in any fleeces of the 1916 clip any broken or dead wool, locks, daggings, or other matter whatsoever. 362 Order Restricting Dealings in Irish Wool of 1916 Clip. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wopl and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dialings. (e) The price payable to the farmer for broken or dead wool, locks, (laggings, and other classes of wool not specified in the said schedule, shall be calculated on the basis of the price for washed or unwashed fleece wools in good condition set out in the said schedule. 6. No person shall in pursuance of any contract entered into at any time prior to 8th June, 1916, (a) make payment for fleece wool or skin wool otherwise than in accordance with the aforesaid conditions. T. This Order shall as from the date hereof supersede the Notice of July 25th, 1916, (b) relating to dealings in wool in Ireland . * By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Dated 14th November, 1916. Schedule. Shropshire Fine Districts (Bred Wool)... Medium Districts (Bred Wool) Deep Districts (Bred Wool)... Bred Lamb Pasture Cheviots White Crossbred Scotch Pasture Scotch ...... Blackfaced Scotch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Blarkfn^ed Scotch Lamb Co. Wicklow, 11. Seaside 12. Seaside Lamb 13. Crossbred Scotch or Mountain Washed. . d. m 171 17" 16 16 Prices. 134 12 114 14J 12 13 11J 10 11 18 Co. Kerry. 14. Fine 15. Medium 16. Coarse ... 17. Broken Bred Wool ... [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 14th, 1916.] 12 12 14 (a) JUNE 8, 1916.; e., the date of the Order (which is printed at p. 357) applying Regulation 30A to Irish Wool of 1916 Clip. (b) NOTICE OF JULY 25, 1916. This Notice which is superseded by this Order is printed at pp. 137, 138 of the July, 1916, Edilion of the Defence of the Realm Manual. Woollen and Worsted Cuttings (Control) Notice, 1916 ; Woollen 363 and Worsted Cuttings Order, 1916. 12. Tex- THE WOOLLEN AND WORSTED CUTTINGS (CONTROL) NOTICE, tiles - 1916,( a ) DATED NOVEMBER 21, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY (9) Wool ^ /-\ c and Hciir 3 COUNCIL. and Wool _ In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regula- ten a nd tion 2s of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) notice is jj^rials hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of material of the. following classes and descriptions, that is to say : All cuttings, clippings and remnants from woollen and worsted materials that have been or shall be issued by the War Department to any persons, firms or companies holding contracts with the War Department, for the making up of such materials into Service Dress Clothing, Shirts or other garments. If after this notice any person having control of any such materials sells, removes or secretes them, save and except as authorized and permitted by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Notice was published in the "Loud on Gazette, November 22nd, 1916, being a Supplement to the Gazette of November 21st.] WOOLLEN AND WORSTED CUTTINGS ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED NOVEMBER 24, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. All persons indicated in Schedule " A " hereto annexed are hereby required to furnish as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts the information required in Schedule " B " hereto annexed. 2. All persons indicated in Schedule " A " hereto annexed are hereby required to hold at the disposal of the Army Council all cuttings and remnants from woollen and worsted materials issued to contractors for the making of service dress clothing, shirts, or other garments which may be in their custody or control. 3. No person shall in pursuance of any contract entered into at any time prior to the date hereof make delivery of or payment for any such cuttings or remnants as aforesaid. By Order of the Army CounciL N. F. B. Osborn, Assistant Director of Army Contracts. Dated 24th November, 1916. [For Schedule see next page.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Ordor, 1918 " printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 2B. This is printed p. 3. 364 Colonial and Foi-eiyti Wool (Guaninte.cft) Order, 1916; Order rcl(ithi -n Materials. Schedule B. [Particulars of Information required.] THE COLONIAL AND FOREIGN WOOL (GUARANTEES) ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED DECEMBER 9, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order that all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of wool shall enter into such guarantees with respect to such purchase or sale as may be required by. or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 1 1th, 1916, being the 5th Supplement to the Gazette of December 8th.] ORDER RELATING TO DEALINGS IN 1916 AND EARLIER WOOL IN GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, AND THE ISLE OF MAN, DATED DECEMBER 29, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by an Order dated 14th November, 1916, (b) the Army Council, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Regulations, 1914, pro- hibited the sale of raw wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain and the Isle of Man during the season 1916, including fleece wool and skin wool, but not including (laggings, locks, brokes and fallen wool, otherwise than to persons authorised by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, (c) or at prices other than those set out in the Schedules to the said Order annexed or such other prices as in any particular case might be allowed by or oil behalf of the Director of Army Contracts : (a; SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplier Orden) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) ORDER OF NOVEMBER 14, 1916. That Order is printed at p. 357. (c) See further Order of December 29th, 1916 (printed below) requiring sale of the said wool to the Director of Army Contracts. Order- requiring Sale of Wool to Director of Army Contracts. 365 And whereas the Army Council deem it desirable that the 12. Tex- restrictions imposed by the said Order as to the terms and condi- tiles. tions on and subject to which the sale of wool is authorised as (9) Wool in the said Order denned, should be extended to raw wool grown ai !i Jar ? on sheep in Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man prior to a i rt ^ , i j T i f\in ien ana 1st January, 1916 : Worsted , therefore, the Army Council do hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall sell raw wool grown on sheep in Great Dealt ny Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man prior to 1st January, 1916, including fleece wool and skin wool, but not including daggings, locks, brokes and fallen wool, otherwise than to persons authorised by licence, appointment, or general or special permit granted by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts or at prices other than those set out in the Schedules annexed to the said Order of the Army Council relating to dealings in wool and dated 14th November, 1916, (a) or at such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, provided that nothing herein contained shall regulate or restrict the sale of raw wool as last aforesaid if such sale is completed within 30 days next following after the date hereof .(&) 2. All persons having in their custody or control any raw wool grown on sheep in Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man prior to 1st January, 1916, shall furnish such particulars of such wool as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, January 6th, 1917, being the 2nd Supplement to the Gazette of January 5th.] ORDER REQUIRING THE SALE OF 1916 AND EARLIER WOOL TO THE DIRECTOR OF ARMY CONTRACTS, DATED DECEMBER 29, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas the sale of raw wool grown on sheep in Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man prior to and during the season of 19.16 is regulated by Orders made by the Army Council on the 14th day of November, 1916,( c ) and this day(d) : (a) ORDER OF NOVEMBER 14, 1916. That Order is printed at p. 357. (b) By Order of January 18th, 1917, the sale of wool before March 1st, 1917, by persons other than growers was permitted. (e) ORDERS OF NOVEMBER 14, 191G. These two Orders are printed at DP 357, 360. (d) ORDER OF DECEMBER 29, 1916, AS TO DEALINGS. That Order is printed above. 386 Worsted Socks (Control) Notice, 1917. 12. Tex- And whereas the Army Council deem it desirable that all such wool as aforesaid should be purchased by or on behalf of the (9) Wool Director of Army Contracts: and Wool- Now, therefore, the Army Council, in pursuance of the powers len and conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Worsted Regulations, 1914, do hereby require all persons within Great " na S * Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man to sell at any time more than Dealings. 30 days after the date hereof the said wool as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts on the terms and subject to the conditions on ,and subject to which the sale thereof is authorised by the said Orders of the Army Council. By Order of the Army Council , R. H. Evade. [The above Order was published iu the London Gazette, January 6th, 1917, being the "2nd Supplement to the Gazette of January 5th.] THE WORSTED SOCKS (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 14, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and every other Power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby give notice that it is their intention to take possession, between the fourth day of April, 1917, and the thirtieth day of April, 1917, of all stocks of Socks suitable for Military requirements. And the Army Council hereby require all Holders of stocks of Socks of the description aforesaid, to furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required, by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. If after this, notice any person having control of any such socks, sells, removes or secretes the same, or any part thereof, or deals with them in any way contrary to any conditions imposed in any licence issued by, or on behalf of, the Director of Army Contracts, without the consent of the Army Council, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regulations. By Order of the Army Council, R. H Brade. ("The above Notice was published iu the London Gazette, April 20th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OP NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918, printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Crossbred Tops Order, 1917 ; Hair (Dealings} Order, 1917. THE CROSSBRED TOPS ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 27, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, invoice or deliver any Crossbred Tops after the date of this Order whether in pursuance of any contract entered into prior to the date hereof or otherwise. 2. Possession is hereby taken of all Crossbred Tops existing on the date hereof and not already invoiced or delivered to spinners, and notice is hereby given that the Army Council intend to take possession of all Crossbred Tops that may hereafter be produced. 3.(b) For the purposes of this Order Crossbred 1bps shall be deemed to include all qualities of Tops described as 58's and below in accordance with the custom of the Bradford Conditioning House. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 1st, 1917.] 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. HAIR (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED APRIL 30, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : No person shall from the date hereof buy or sell or offer to buy or sell any alpaca, mohair, camel-hair, cashmere or goafs- hair, except under permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 4th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V. to this Manual. (b) AMENDMENT OF CLAUSE 3. See the Crossbred Tops ( Amendment) Order, 1917, printed p. 372. 368 Wool and Tops (Dealings) Order, 1917 ; Crossbred or Merino Wool (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. THE WOOL AND TOPS (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MAY (9) Wool 9, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. and Hair and Wool- I n pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence len and of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as Worsted follows: Materials. (l)(b) No person shall after the date hereof sell or offer to sell Denling*. any Crossbred or Merino Tops or East Indian, Egyptian, Persian and other foreign wools in stock in the United Kingdom, except under permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. (2) Possession is taken of all stocks of Australian, New Zealand, South African and South American Cross- bred and Merino Wool excepting any wool of the description aforesaid held by users for the purposes of manufacture by the holder. (3)(b) The Order of the Army Council dated 27th April, 1917, (c) shall continue in force until further notice. For the purposes of the said Order Tops invoiced or paid for on or before the 27th April shall be deemed to have been delivered on or before the said date. By Ord^r of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. THE CROSSBRED OR MERINO WOOL (MAXIMUM PRICES) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED MAY 9, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL.' In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : (1) The Orders of the Army Council dated 19th April, L917, and the 30th April, 1917, are hereby cancelled. (2) No person shall after the date hereof sell, or offer to sell any Crossbred or Merino Wool in stock in the United Kingdom at prices exceeding the basis of prices set out in the Schedule hereto annexed. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) AMENDMENT OP ORDER. See the Wool and Tops (Dealings) (Amend- ment) Order, 1917, printed p. 37^, which cancelled the words in italics in Clause 1, and added a Ne^7 Clause 4. (c) CROSSBRED TOPS ORDER OF APRIL 27, 1917. That Order is printed p. 367. Sale of Wool (Ireland} Order, 1917. 369 Schedule of Fixed Prices. CLEAN SCOURED. Based on 16 per cent, regain. In pence per Ib. Superior Fleece. Super. Pieces and Bellies. Average Fleece. Average Pieces and Bellies. Inferior Fleece. fnferior Pieces and BflliesT d. d. d. d. d. d. 80s 70 68 67 65 64 62 70s Warp ... 68 . 66 65 63 62 60 70s 67 65 64 62 61 59 64s Warp ... 67 65 64 62 61 59 64s 66 64 03 61 60 58 60s Super 64 62 61 59 58 56 60s 63 61 60 58 57 55 58s 56 53 53 51 50 49 56s 50 48 48 46 46 44 50s 44 42 42 40 40 88 48s 39 36 37 34 35 32 46s 35 34 33 32 31 30 44s 31 30 29 28 27 26 50s Prepared... 39 38 37 36 35 34 48s ... 34 33 32 31 30 29 44s ... 32 31 30 29 28 27 40s ... 31 30 29 28 27 26 36s 30 29 28 27 26 25 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. In these prices no provision is made for very suparior or very inferior wool or for Locks and Crutchings. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 15th, 1917.] THE SALE OF WOOL (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED MAY 11, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by an Order dated tlie 5th day of April, 1917, (a) the Army Council restricted the sale of Raw Wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man during the season of 1917. And whereas the Army Council deem it desirable that dealings in the Wool aforesaid should be permitted in Ireland subject to certain conditions and exceptions. Now, therefore, the Army Council give notice that they hereby authorise and permit farmers, merchants and dealers and other persons to sell, purchase or deal in Raw Wool grown or to be (a) REVOKED ORDER OF APRIL STH, 1917. That Order published in London Gazette, April 10th, 1917, being a supplement to the Gazette of April 10th, was revoked by the Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917, printed p. 373. 370 Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Deali-nc/x. grown on sheep in Ireland during the season of 1917 subject to the following conditions and exceptions: 1. No person shall sell or purchase, or enter into any trans- action or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of any Wool clipped from sheep in the season of 1917 (hereinafter referred to as Fleece Wool) to or from any person who is not authorised by this general permit or by a special permit from the Army Council to purchase or sell the same, or of any Wool pulled from the skins of sheep or lambs slaughtered in Ireland in the season of 1917 (hereinafter referred to as Skin Wool), to or from any person who is not authorised hereunder or under any permit from the Army Council to purchase or sell the same. 2. The following persons, unless holding a special permit from the Army Council for the purpose, shall not be authorized to purchase or sell, or enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the purchase or sale of any Fleece Wool or Skin Wool as aforesaid, that is to say: (a) Any person carrying on the business of manufacturer of woollen, worsted or hosiery goods. (b) Any person in respect of whom this general permit has been revoked by the Army Council on the ground that he has failed to comply with the conditions of this permit. 3. No person who has not been in the habit of purchasing Raw Wool grown on sheep in Ireland shall, unless holding a special permit from the Army Council, be authorised to purchase or enter into transactions or negotiations for the purchase of Fleece Wool or Skin Wool. 4. No person shall sell or purchase or enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the sale or purchase of any Fleece Wool as aforesaid otherwise than in accordance with the following conditions : (a) The price payable to the farmer for his Wool shall be in accordance with the schedule of prices for the various kinds of Irish Wool set out in the Schedule hereto, and all persons authorised to purchase under this general permit or under any special permit shall pay to the farmer the fair value of his Wool calculated on the basis of the prices set out in the said Schedule. (b) The price for washed Wool set out in the said Schedule shall be paid only for well-washed Wool in good con- dition, and the price for unwashed Wool shall be paid only for unwashed Wool in good light condition, and the usual deductions shall be made for Wool of inferior condition. (c) For all cast, stained, matted or otherwise faulty fleeces an allowance of one pound in weight per fleece shall be deducted in estimating the price payable to the farmer. For odd fleeces unwashed an allowance of two pounds per fleece shall be made. (d) No person shall mix with or wind in any fleeces of the 1917 clip any broken or dead Wool, locks, daggings, or other matter whatsoever. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 191 371 (e) The price payable to the farmer for broken or dead Wool, locks, daggings and other classes of Wool not speci- fied in the said Schedule, shall be calculated on the basis of the price for washed or unwashed fleece Wools in good condition set out in the said Schedule. 5. This Order may be cited as the Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1917. Any question as to whether any of the above conditions has been contravened shall be finally decided by the authority of the Army Council in such manner as they may determine. This general permit shall remain in force until revoked by the Army Council. Any person who sells or purchases any such Wool as aforesaid in contravention of any of the foregoing provisions is liable fo heavy penalties under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. By Order of the Army Council, U. F. Wintour, Director of Army Contracts, llth May, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. Schedule. CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN AREA. Washed. Unwashed. Shrop and Downs (All districts) Fine Districts (Bred Wool) 19d. Medium Deep ISd. White Cheviots lid. Lowland White Crossbred... Pasture Scotch , Blackfaced, including Lamb , Bred Lamb ISd. Co. WICKLOW. Seaside and Cheviots , Lamb Mountain ... ... ... ... ... ... 15d. Co. KERRY. Fine , Medium Coarse Bred Broken Wool ISd. NORTHERN AREA. Shrop and Downs ' 20d. Lester i ll^d. Crossbred ... ... ... ... ... ... j I5d. Pasture Scotch j l\d. Blackfaced, including Lamb ; lS]d. Bred Lamb .. IQd. 16d. 12K 12d. 12d. 15d. 12f A 12R I2d. 372 Top* (Amendment] Or/Iff, 1917; Wool ami Tops (Dealings) (Amendment] Order, 19.17. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. THE CROSSBRED TOPS (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED JUNE 12, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas by an Order dated 27th day of April, 1917,(b) the Army Council regulated trie sale or delivery and took possession of all Crossbred Tops : And whereas it is expedient to amend the said Order in the manner hereinafter appearing : Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order that the following amendment be made in the said Order :- In Clause 3, after the words " to include " there shall be inserted the words " any Tops wholly or partly produced from wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain and Ireland and." By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 19th, 1917.] THE WOOL AND TOPS (DEALINGS) (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 1017, DATED JUNE 14, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (a) Whereas by an Order 'dated the 9th day of May, 1917, (c) the Army Council regulated the sale of certain Tops and Wool : And whereas it is expedient that the said Order should be amended in the manner hereinafter appearing: Now therefore in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Ai my Council hereby order that the following amendments be made in the said Order: 1. From clause 1 there shall be omitted the word " Crossbred or Merino Tops " ; or 2. After clause 3 there shall be inserted the following new clause : (4) No person shall after the date hereof sell or offer to sell any Tops except under permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts or at. prices other than those set out in the Schedule hereto annexed, or at such other prices as may be determined in any particular case by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. 3. There shall be annexed to the said Order the Schedule hereto attached. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix Y to this Manual. (b) CROSSBRED TOPS ORDER. That Order is printed p. 367. (c) WOOL AND Tors (DEALINGS) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 368. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917. 37* Schedule. Prices. 70rf! QSd. 66d. 64d. 56d. Quality Tops. 80's 70's warp 70's 64's warp 64's 60's super . 60's 58's 56's 50's 48's 46's Carded 44's ,', 50's prepared 48's 46's 44's 40's 36's 32's [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 15th, 19 17.] 33d. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wopl and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. 'HE SALE OF WOOL (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1917, DATED JUNE 22, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence )f the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as )lluws : 1. No person shall sell raw Wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain and the Isle of Man during the season of 1917 including Fleece Wool and Skin Wool, but not including laggings, Locks, Brokes and Fallen Wool, otherwise than to >ersons authorised by or on behalf of the Director of Army Jontracts, or at prices other than those set out in the Schedules tereto annexed or at such other prices as in any particular case iay be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts. 2. No person shall sell raw Wool (as hereinbefore denned) frown or to be grown on sheep in Ireland during the season of 1917 otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of the Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1917. (a) 3. No person shall make or take delivery of or payment for any Wool of the description aforesaid otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Order, whether in pursuance of any ontract entered into prior to the date hereof or otherwise. (a) SALE OF WOOL (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 260. 374 Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. jy Baling s. 4. All persons having in their custody or control any stocks of Wool of 'the description aforesaid are hereby required to sell such Wool to any persons authorised by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts as may be required by him or on his behalf, and to make deliveries to such persons in such quantities and at such times and places as may be specified by him or on his behalf. 5. No person shall mix or wind in any Fleeces of the description aforesaid any Brokes or dead Wool, Locks, Baggings or other matter whatsover. 6. The Order made by the Army Council relating to raw Wool grown or to be grown on sheep during the season of 1917, and dated the 5th day of April, 1917,( a ) is hereby cancelled. 7. This Order may be cited as the Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule A. PRICE LIST FOE, ENGLAND. Prices in Class of Wool. Pence per Ib. 1. Lincoln Hogs and Wethers ... 2. Notts., Leicester and Yorks. Hogs and Wethers ... 18 J 3. Border Leicesters ... 4. Lines, and Yorks. Halfbreds ... ... ... ... 19 5. Notts., Yorks. Wolds and Leicester Halfbreds ... 20 6. Norfolk Halfbreds 20 7. Staffs. Halfbreds 8. Shropshire, Oxford and Hants. Downs 9. Wilts 10. Dorset and Sussex Downs and Horns 11. Eastern Counties Downs 12. Kent Tegs 13. Kent Ewes and Wethers 14. Kent Halfbreds 15. Kent Downs 21| 16. Cotswold, Somerset and Glos. Deep Washed 17. Devon, Cornwall and Somerset Strong Greasy ... 14J 18. ,, ,, ,, Crossbred Greasy ... 15 19. Horns 15| 23J 21 20J 21 (a) REVOKED ORDER OF APRIL STH, 1917. That Order was published in London Gazette, April 10th, 1917, being a supplement to the Gazette of April, 10th, 1917. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1917. 375 Schedule A. cont. -^ Tex- PRICE LIST FOR ENGLAND cont. Prices in (9) Wool Class of Wool. Pence per Ib. ^$00!- 20. Chins and Best Kerries ......... 19 kn a ,nd , ai TT T i IQ worsted. 21. line Radnors ... ......... Materials. 22. Deep Radnors ... ... ... ... ... ... IT 23. Best Welsh Fleeces ............... 16 Dealing*. 24. Low Welsh Fleeces ............... 14J 25. Scotch Washed ............... 14J 26. Scotch Unwashed ... ............ 12| 27. Massams ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 28. 'North Halfbred Hogs ............... 19 29. Wethers ............ 18 30. Herdwick .................. 12J 31. Wensleydale .................. 19 32. English Cheviots, Washed ......... ... The above prices are maximum prices for well washed wool in light condition (except where otherwise stated) packed and delivered free within reasonable distance. Schedule B. PRICE LIST FOR WALES. Prices in Class of Wool. Pence per Ib. 1. Shropshire 21J 2 . Best Kerry and Clun Forest 20 3. Best Radnors 18| 4. Kempy Radnors or Crossbreds ... ... ... 17 5. Best Welsh 16 6. Low Welsh 14J 7. Turbary Welsh 13 8. Scotch 13J 9. Shropshire Shorn Lamb ... ... ... ... 18 10. Kerry and Clun Forest Shorn Lamb 16| 11. Radnor and Crossbred ,, ... ... ... 15 12. Welsh Shorn Lamb 13 The above prices are maximum prices for well washed wool in light condition (except where otherwise stated) packed and delivered free within reasonable distance. 376 Sale of \Vool ((rrent Britain) ()nh-r, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Schedule C. PRICE LIST FOR SCOTLAND. Class of Wool. Price in Pence per Ib. Washed. Unwashed. J)f'Hl/H(/it. Cheviot Hogg North Ewe Clips l/5th Hogg . 22 J 18 18* 16j 20 16$ 20 T 16$ 18$ 15$ 18| 15f 194 16i- 18} 15f 19* 15| 19^ 15 184 15$ IHf 15$ 20* 164 18$ 15 1 18 15| lf)f 14 j Hi 12-2 111 Cheviot Hogg Border Ewe Clips l/5th Hogg Half Bred Hogg North Wether Clips Half Hogg Half How South Half Bred Ewe .. . tulips Half Hogg Ewe Lester Hogg and Ewe Clips riross Hogg and Ewe Blackfaced Hogg and Ewe Fallen . The above prices are maximum prices for wool in good condition packed and delivered free within reasonable distance. Schedule D. PRICE LIST FOR ISLE OF MAN. Class of Wool. Shropshire ... ... ... Pence per Ib s. d. 1 4 Shropshire and Manx cross ... 1 4 Cheviot 1 4 1 3 Lincoln 1 3 Leicester and Scotch cross ..11 Black-faced Scotch 1 The above prices are maximum prices for unwashed wool, best quality, in good light condition, packed and delivered free at warehouse. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, June 29th, 1917.] Wool (Off-Sorts) Order, 1917. 377 THE MERINO TOPS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, DATED AUGUST 23, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, post, p. 405.] THE WOOL (OFF-SORTS) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : 1. No person carrying on the business of Manufacturer of Woollen, Worsted, or Hosiery goods in any textile factory or workshop in Great Britain or the Isle of Man, shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, take delivery of any Fleece Wool or Skin Wool, not including Daggings, Locks, Brokes, and Fallen Wool, grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain in the season of 1917, from the grower thereof, provided that nothing herein contained shall refer to the delivery of Fleece Wool or Skin Wool to persons carrying on business of the description aforesaid if such persons are authorised by appointment to purchase Wool on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. 2. No person carrying on the business of manufacturer of Woollen, Worsted or Hosiery goods in any textile factory or workshop in Great Britain or the Isle of Man shall, without a irmit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, spin, diaw, reel or weave for the use of the grower thereof any te W'ool or Skin Wool, including Daggings, Locks, Brokes md Fallen Wool, grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain in the season of 1917. 3. No person in Great Britain or the Isle of Man shall, with- >ut a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, sell or deliver any Locks, Brokes, Fallen Wool, )aggings, Gathered Wool, or Washed or Willeyed Locks grown, >r to be grown, on sheep in Great Britain and the Isle of Man uring the season of 1917 to any person carrying on the business >f manufacturer of Woollen, Worsted or Hosiery goods in any ixtile factory or workshop. 4. Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of all Daggings, Locks, Brokes and 'alien Wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Great Britain and e Isle of Man during the season of 1917. 5. No person in Great Britain, or the Isle of Man, shall sell iy Daggings, Locks, Brokes and Fallen Wool at prices exceed- ig the prices set out in the Schedule hereto annexed. 6. For the purposes of this Order the expression " Daggings " lall mean Wool naturally clotted with dung and earth. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. 378 \Vool (Off-Sort*) Order, 191 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wopl and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. The expression " Lock " shall mean any Wool except Baggings which may have become detached from sheep at the time of shearing or thereafter. The expression " Washed or Willeyed Locks " shall mean Daggin^s as hereinbefore denned wherefrom the dung has been extracted by washing or any other process. The expression " Brokes " shall mean short Wool obtained from the edges of the fleece in clipping or in sorting. The expression " Fallen Wool " shall mean Wool pulled or clipped from the skins of sheep which have died a natural death. The expression " Gathered Wool " shall mean Wool left by living sheep on hedges or other places. 7. The Baggings and Locks Order, 1917, is hereby cancelled. 8. This Order may be cited as The Wool (Off-Sorts) Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. PRICE LIST. Classification. Maximum Prices. 1. Greasy Tail Locks Washed Tail Locks "Two-thirds value of fleeces. Half value of fleeces. *0r to be valued by thqf Dis- trict Executive Officer. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10. Washed Locks and Fallen Wool Unwashed Locks and Fallen Wool Baggings, Tar Marks, and Shir- lings. Two-thirds average price of fleece wools in area. One-half average price of fleece wools in area. Proportionately less. 9, 11, 14. Washed White-faced Locks and Fallen Wool. Greasy White-faced Locks and Fallen Wool. Black-faced Locks or Fallen Wool free from dirt. I per Ib. lOrf. per Ib. Sd. per Ib. 18s. per cwt. 12 and 13. Washed Locks and Pelled Wool... Greasy Locks and Pelled Wool . . . Scoured Tail Wool Greasy Tail Wool free from Greasy Tail Wool heavy in Grease and Daggings. Two-thirds value of fleeces. Half value of fleeces. 9d. per Ib. Id. per Ib. Proportionately less. Merino Tops (Delivery) Order, 1917 1917. Wool (Ireland] No. 2 Order, In the case of sale by persons other than growers 3d. per Ib. may be added to the above prices, together with an allowance to cover any expense incurred by the vendor in cleansing, pro- vided that the total increase on the grower's selling price shall not exceed in the aggregate 3d. plus the said allowance. TThe above Order was published in the London Gazette, September 14th, 1917.] THE MERINO TOPS (DELIVERY) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : No person shall after the 30th day of September, 1917, deliver any Merino tops otherwise than under permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, or against a rationing sub-certificate issued on the authority of a District Rationing Committee. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, Oct. 2nd, 1917.] THE WOOL (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 29,. 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, post, p. 405.] THE WOOL (IRELAND) No. 2 ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order as follows : 1. No person carrying on the business of a manufacturer of Woollen, Worsted or Hosiery Goods in any Textile Factory or Workshop in Ireland, shall, without a permit issued by, or on behalf of, the Director of Raw Materials, spin, reel, or weave, for the use of the Grower thereof, any Fleece Wool or Skin Wool, including Locks, Daggings, Brokes and Fallen Wool, grown or to be grown on sheep in Ireland in the season of 1917. 379 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 380 Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and \otice, 1917. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. 2. No person in Ireland shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, sell or deliver any Fleece Wool or Skin Wool, Locks, Brokes, Fallen Wool, Baggings, Gathered Wool, Washed or Willeyed Locks grown or to be grown on sheep in Ireland in the season of 1917 to any person carrying on the business of a manufacturer of Woollen, Worsted or Hosiery Goods in any textile Factory or Workshop. 3. No person shall make or take delivery of, any wool, in- cluding Locks, Biokes, Baggings, Fallen or Gathered Wool and washed or Willeyed Locks, grown or to be grown on sheep in Ireland during the season of 1917 for shipment from Ireland, except under permit issued by or on behalf of the Birector of Raw Materials. 4. This Order may be cited as the Wool (Ireland) No. 2 Order. 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. THE WORSTED AND HOSIERY (LAPS AND WASTE) NOTICE, 1917, (a/) DATED NOVEMBER 13, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Befence of the Realm Regulations, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession on the 30th day of November, 1917, of all Laps or Waste as denned by the Sale of Waste (Worsted and Hosiery) Order, l!)17,(b) thai may be in possession, custody or control of any person not being a manufacturer of Woollen goods provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to any Laps or Waste of the description aforesaid that shall have been sold to any manufacturer of the description aforesaid prior to the said date. If after this notice any person having control of any such material without the consent of the Army Council after the 30th lay of November, 1917, soils, removes or secretes it, or deals with it in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit or order that may have been granted in respect 1 hereof, he shall be guilty of an offence against the said Regu- lations. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, Xov. 20th, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) SALE OF WASTE (WORSTED AND HOSIERY) ORDER, 1917. That Order which was revoked by the Sale of Waste (Worsted and Hosiery) No. 2 Order, 1917, which was itself revoked by Art. 1(> of the Woollen and Worsted Con- solidation Order, 1917, p. 383, defines Laps or Waste precisely as they are defined by what now form Art. 15 (p. 383), and Sch. B (p. 388) of the last men- tioned Order. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended. 381 THE WOOLLEN AND WORSTED CONSOLIDATION ORDER, 1917, DATED 12. Tex- JANUARY 1, 1918, AS AMENDED BY THE WOOLLEN AND tiles. WORSTED (CONSOLIDATION) AMENDMENT ORDERS, DATED (9) Wool MARCH 23 AND MAY 17, 1918, ALL MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL.^) In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence TVJ fl of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby order as follows : Deal'/ n< PART 1. GENERAL. 1. Ail persons, the business carried on by whom consists wholly or partly in the production of goods of which wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere or Camel hair, is a constituent part, or of any articles or material required for, or in connection with, the production thereof, are hereby required to furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of W'ool Textile Production. 2. All persons, the business carried on by whom consists wholly OT partly in the production of goods of which wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere or Camel hair is a constituent part, or of any articles or material required for, or in connection with, the production thereof, are hereby required to cause work to be done in their factories or workshops in accordance with any directions given by the Director of Wool Textile Production, with the object of making such factory or workshop, or the plant or labour therein, as useful as possible for the production of war material. PART 2. RATIONING. 3. In all factories or workshops, or other premises, the busi- ness carried on in which consists wholly or partly in the production or manufacture of goods of which wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere, or Camel hair, is a constitutent part, the owners or occupiers, their officers or servants, shall give priority over all other work to Ke production of material required as a component part of any work to be carried out, or goods to be supplied under any contract or order placed or made by the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions, or any contract for Naval or Military equipment placed by an Allied Government by or with the consent in writing of the Admiralty, Army Council or Minister of Munitions. Any direction that may be given by, or on behalf of, the Director of Wool Textile Production for the purpose hereof shall be strictly complied with by such owners or occupiers, their officers or servants. 4. All persons, the business carried on by whom consists wholly or partly in the production or sale of goods of which wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere, (a) AMENDMENTS MADE IN ORDER. The Order of March 23, 1918, substi- tuted a new Schedule of Prices of Laps and Waste and that of May 17, 1918, revoked certain Clauses and a Schedule of the Order, and provided for the re- printing of the 1917 Order as amended. It is here accordingly so reprinted. 382 Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. or Camel Hair, is a constituent part, or of any article or material required for, or in connection with the production thereof, are hereby required to comply strictly with the provisions relating to the rationing- of Wool, Tops and Yarns for civil orders, con- tained in Schedule A hereto annexed, (a) and it shall be the duty of all such persons as aforesaid to furnish and to obtain the various particulars therein referred to in such manner as may be required by, or on behalf of, the Director of Wool Textile Production. 5. No person, the business carried on by whom consists wholly or partly in the production of goods of which wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere or Camel Hair is a constituent part, shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production, take delivery in any rationing period of a quantity of yarn in excess of the quantity allocated to him for such period. For the purposes of this Order, the expression " Allocation period " shall mean any period determined by, or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production to be a period for the allocation of yarn. PART 3. RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION. 6. No person shall put into manufacture in any Textjile Factory any wool, grown or to be grown on sheep in the United Kingdom, or any wool imported or to be imported into the United Kingdom, or any East Indian hair, or any Tops pro- duced or to be produced therefrom, otherwise than for any purpose referred to in Clause 3 hereof, or in accordance with the terms of any permit or certificate that may be issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production; provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to refer to any hair other than East Indian hair. 7. For the purposes of this Order, the Director of Wool Textile Production may authorise any District Rationing Com- mittee to rrequire any particulars as to the business of any person engaged in the sale or manufacture of goods of which wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere, or Camel Hair is a constituent part, and to issue certificates and permits on his behalf. 8.(t>) In any Textile Factory in Great Britain, the business carried on in which consists wholly or partly in the production or manufacture of Hosiery, no person shall, except under permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production, put into manufacture for other than direct Government orders a quantity of yarn whereof wool or any derivative thereof, or Mohair, Alpaca, Cashmere, or Camel hair forms a constituent part, exceeding a quantity 15 per cent, less than the average (a) Schedule A. This is printed, p. 384. (b) RENUMBERING OF CLAUSES 8-17. These clauses, which were in the 1917 Order as issued numbered 13-22, are here renumbered in accordance with the Amending Order of May 17, 1918, which revoked what originally formed Clauses 8-12 of the 1917 Order. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended. 383 consumed weekly in such factory for other than direct Govern- ment orders during the months of January, February and March, 1917, such quantity to be estimated in pounds weight. PART 4. LAPS AND WASTE. 9. No person shall sell to any spinner or manufacturer any laps or waste, or any blends or material wholly or partly com- posed thereof, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production, or at prices exceeding those set out in Schedule " B " hereto annexed, (a) or at such other prices as, in any particular case, may be allowed by or 011 behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production. 10. No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production, sell for export any laps or waste. 11. The remuneration of dealers in laps or waste shall be determined at the rates, and for the services set out, in Schedule *" C " hereto annexed(a) and no dealer shall make any sale of laps or waste at a price exceeding the purchase price thereof by more than the amount to which he may be entitled under such scale of charges, having regard to the services performed by him. 12. All persons having in their custody or control any laps or waste shall furnish such particulars as to their business as may oe required by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile" Productions. 13. No person shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production, deliver any laps or waste in pursuance of any contract entered into prior to the 25th day of June, 1917, provided that where isuch contract shall have been entered into at any time prior to the 1st day of April, 1917, no such permit shall be necessary, and the contracting parties may be and are hereby authorised to complete such contract by delivery before the 31st day of December, 1917. 14. No dealer in laps or waste shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Wool Textile Production, convert or cause to be converted any laps into tops. 15. For the purpose of this Order, the expression l< laps or waste" shall mean laps, waste and other bye-products indicated in Schedule " B " hereto annexed, (b) produced in the spinning or manufacture of worsted or hosiery material. PART 5. BEPEAL AND SHORT TITLE. 16. The Orders indicated in Schedule D hereto annexed are hereby repealed, (c) 17. This Order may be cited as the Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. (a) SCHEDULE B. Sch. B (formerly Sch. 0) is printed p. 388. (b) SCHEDULE C. Sch. C (formerly Sch. D) is printed p, 390. (c) SCHEDULE D. Sch. D (formerly Sch. E) is primed p. 391. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealing*. 384 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wopl and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Woollen and Worsted (Consolidation Order, 1917, a* amended. [Schedule A : Rationing of \Vools, Top* and Yarns for Civil Orders.] Schedule A. RATIONING OF WOOLS, TOPS AND YARNS FOR CIVIL ORDERS ART. 4, p. 337. (a) Part I. Manufacturers and Spinners. 1. Supplies of "Wool, Tops, Yarn, etc., available for civil consumption shall be handed over by the Board of Control to the existing distribution committees to be distributed between individual firms in a fair and equitable manner. Such com- mittees shall be known in future as Rationing Committees, and shall have power to add to their number. The existing Spinners' Section Committee shall act for and be responsible to the Board of Control for the rationing of wools and tops to worsted spinners. 2. (a) A Joint Rationing Committee, composed of representa- tives of the District Rationing Committees, shall be set up in order to deal with general questions affecting all the rationing Committees, and the meetings of such Joint Committees shall be held in Bradford. (6) The Joint Rationing Committee shall be constituted as follows, and the representatives shall be nominated by the District Rationing Committees concerned : 7 members representing West Riding Rationing Committees, of which 3 shall be worsted spinners. 1 member representing West of England Rationing Com- mittee. 2 members representing Scottish Rationing Committee. 1 member representing Welsh Rationing Committee. 1 member representing Irish Rationing Committee. 2 members representing Midlands Rationing Committee. 1 member representing Carpet and Felt Trades' Rationing- Committee. 7 members representing Labour interests. 1 member representing Yarn Merchants' Committees. Representatives elected by the District Rationing Committees should, as far as possible, be members of the Board of Control. 3. The basis of distribution as between district and district shall be determined by the Joint Rationing Committee and should any Joint Rationing Committee be dissatisfied with the allocation made to it by the Joint Rationing Committee, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Control for determina- tion. 4. In accordance with the system which has hitherto obtained in making distribution, priority in supplies shall not be given for any particular class of civil trade, and the present system of cloth merchants' certificates shall be abolished. 5. In order to ensure that each individual manufacturer who buys all or part of his yarns obtains his fair share of the yarn (a) HEADINGS OF SCHEDULES. These have been .inserted by the Editor, and do not form part of the Order as issued. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended. 385 made from the wool or tops allocated to spinners, the following 12. Tex- system of Manufacturers' Certificates shall be arranged : tiles. Within the first fourteen days of each month every (9) Wool manufacturer shall be required to supply to each spinner an j r-S ai F from whom he has received yarn during the preceding a ? en a month a certificate showing the aggregate net weight of Worsted such yarn. Materials. A statement of such returns shall be furnished not later than the 21st of the month, by each spinner to the Secretary of the Manufacturers' Committee, War Department, Cloth Office, Bradford. In the event of the Manufacturers' Committee finding the necessity of revising any individual manufacturer's allocation, due notice of such intention shall be furnished to the Spinners' Committee, who shall in turn convey the decisions to the spinners concerned. Any revision which necessitates a reduction of a spinner's deliveries shall not come into operation in the case of white yarns for one month after the date of such notice, and in the case of coloured or mixture yarns for three months alter the date of such notice. The operation of this scheme will automatically cancel all sub-certificates then existing. Every spinner shall account, by means of monthly returns, for the whole of the yarn delivered by him during that month. 6. The basis of distribution as between individual spinners shall be the consumption in 1916 and the average number of spindles effecting such consumption. Regard shall be had to Army Contracts and the fortnightly returns of consumption. 7. The basis of distribution as between individual manufac- turers of cloth shall be the consumption for civil purposes in 1916 and the average number of looms effecting such consump- tion. 8. The basis of distribution between individual manufacturers of hosiery shall be the consumption of yarn for all purposes in 1916, from which shall be deducted the requirements of such machinery as is engaged on Government work in each period. 9. Manufacturers who run worsted spinning machinery in addition to looms or knitting frames shall apply on spinners' forms for wool and tops, and on manufacturers' forms for yam (including that which will be produced by their own spindles). All wools or tops for the worsted spinning plant of such firm* shall be dealt with by the Spinners' Sectional Committee. It will be necessary for such manufacturers to issue certificates for yarn from their weaving department to their spinning depart- ment. 10. The District Rationing Committees shall themselves, OL ly means of sub-committees, deal with cases of genuine hardship or other special cases, and shall hear the appeal of any applicant who may think that his application has not been dealt with farrly. 5246 N 386 Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. J-)ea lint/8. 11. The District Rationing Committees shall be instructed to report to the Board of Control cases of wilful infringement of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and the Board of Control shall then take such action as they may think desirable. Part II. Yarn Merchants, &c. A. FOR EXPORT OF YARX. 12. A notice shall be published through the District Rationing Committees, the press, certain Chambers of Commerce and Associations, &c., stating that the Board of Control are now prepared to receive applications from (a) spinners desirous of exporting yarn direct, and (b)' merchants desirous of obtaining yarn for export in yarn. 13. The Export Yarn Rationing Committee shall be informed by the Joint Rationing Committee of the total quantities oi yarn permitted for each of the Allies, the Colonies, and other countries. The Export Yarn Rationing Committee shall submit their recommendations from time to time to the Joint Rationing Committee, who may authorise the issue of Rationing Certificates to spinners and export yarn merchants as follows : (a) The Secretary of the Joint Rationing Committee shall open an account for each country, showing the bulk ration allotted to it for a certain period. (b) Before any yarn can be put into work the export mer- chant must present a rationing certificate to the Secretary of the Joint Rationing Committee, Wai- Office, Bradford, who will certify that the quantity of yarn specified comes within the total of the bulk ration allotted to the country to which it has been sold. (c) An exporting spinner must present a rationing certifi- cate to the Secretary of the Joint Rationing Com- mittee, who will certify that the quantity of yarn specified comes within the total of the bulk ration allotted to the country to which it has been sold. (d) When the total quantity of the bulk ration for each country is reached, no more rationing certificates will be certified by the Secretary of the Joint Rationing Committee until the Joint Rationing Committee giye a further bulk ration for the same country. 14. Export Yarn Merchants will be required, in addition, to give the monthly delivery certificate to the spinner, as resolved in Clause 5 above. 15. The Export Yarn Merchant shall render an account each month to the Secretary of the Joint Rationing Committee of all yarn delivered to him by spinners, showing what weight has been delivered to him, exported by him, and the balance (if any) remaining in stock. 16. The Board of Control shall retain the right of demanding any documentary evidence they may require. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended. 387 17. The War Trade Department shall be asked to require the 12. Tex- q notation of the number of the rationing certificate before issuing tiles, any export licence, and to refuse licences if this is not forth- (9) Wool coming. and Hair and Wool- len and B. -YARN FOR CONSUMPTION BY HOME MANUFACTURERS. Worsted T Q ~ Materials, lo. Yarn Merchants desirous of obtaining yarn for consump- tion by home manufacturers shall : (a) Obtain from the Secretary of the Rationing Committee of their district a book of " Order Certificates " and " Delivery Certificates." (6) Demand from every manufacturer ordering yarn from them the number of the manufacturer's key-certifi- cate. (c) Supply to their spinner with every order for yarn an :l Order Certificate " on which shall be quoted the number of the key-certificate of the manufacturer who requires the yarn in question. (d} Supply to each of their spinners by the 14th day of every month a " Delivery Certificate " stating the aggregate net weight of yarn delivered by each spinner to the yarn merchant during the preceding calendar month. (e) Receive by the 14th day of every month from each manufacturer to whom yarn has been delivered by the yarn merchant during the preceding calendar month, a certificate of the aggregate net weight of yarn so delivered. (/) Make a return by the 21st day of every month to the , Secretary of the Rationing Committee for their dis- trict of the yarn delivered to them by spinners during the preceding calendar month, with the names, certi- ficate numbers, &c., of the manufacturers to whom the yarn has been forwarded. C. HAND KNITTING AND MENDING YARNS FOR THE HOME TRADE. 19. Permits may be issued to certain spinners to deliver for the home trade in hand knitting and mending yarns, certain aggregate quantities of yarn during the specified periods without obtaining delivery certificates from the firms to whom the yarn is supplied. Part III. 20. (1) The term " Yarn " is here interpreted as meaning all woollen or worsted yarn containing 40 per cent, or more of new wool." ^ (2) The term " delivered '" is here interpreted as meaning dispatched or consigned from the spinner's or yarn merchant's premises." 524 e; x 2 388 12. Tex- tiles. (9) and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealitui*. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917. [Schedule B: Prices of Laps and Waste, as amended.] Schedule B. (a) PRICES OF LAPS AND WASTE. ART. 9, p. 383. Worsted Spinners' Waste. LAPS. Below 36s. 36/40*. 44/46s. 48/50*. 54s. 56s. 58s. 60/64s. 70/806-. White 29 :i3 37 43 49 54 61 69 75 Khaki 35 39 45 51 56 63 71 77 Military Shades ... 33 37 43 49 54 61 69 75 Black 36 3& 45 51 56 63 73 79 Oxford 35 39 45 51 56 63 71 77 Solid >hades (of not less than 400 Ibs. , per sh;ide) 35 39 45 51 56 63 71 77 Mixed Colours 32 35 41 47 52 59 65 72 HARD WASTE. White 22 26 29 33 35 37 39 41 44 Khaki 28 31 35 37 39 41 43 4(] Military Shades 26 29 33 35 37 39 41 44 Black 28 31 35 37 39 41 43 46 Oxford 28 31 35 37 39 41 43 46 Mixed Colours 25 27 31 33 35 37 39 42 BKU.H WASTE. Below 36x. 36/48*. 50/588." 60/80*. White 12 16* 17 19* Khaki 16 16* 19* Military Shades ... 15* . 16 17* Mixed Colours ... 15* 16 17* CLEAN FALIER WASTE. White Botany ... 24 White Crossbred ... 17 Coloured Botany ... 23 Coloured Crossbred 16 The prices fixed for Laps are for a mixture of Drawing, Spin- ning and Raving Laps. " All drawing " Laps are 2d. per Ib. more, and all Spinning and Roving I japs 2d. per Ib. less than above prices. To arrive at the prices for Mule Spinners' Ring Waste deduct I2d. per Ib. from ordinary Lap prices. Merino Drawing Brush Waste Sd. per Ib. more than ordinary Brush Waste prices. Crossbred Drawing Brush Waste 5d. per Ib. more than Ordinary Brusfli Waste prices. Spinners' Dyed Noils. Low 44s. Lister Crossbred. Combed. 46s. 50s. 56s. 58s. 60s. 64/70s. NOBLE COMBED. Oxford 25 29 Khaki 25 29 Solid Shades (of not less than 1UO Ibs. per shade) ... 25 29 Black 25 29 Coloured 22 26 29 33 36 40 43 48 29 33 36 40 43 48 29 29 26 33 34 30 36 37 33 40 41 37 43 44 39 48 50 42 (a) SCHEDULE B. For this Schedule (which was numbered C in the 1917 Order as first made) the new Schedule here printed was substituted by the Order of March 23, 1918. In accordance with the Order of May 17th, 1918, which repealed the Schedule numbered B (relating to weekly hours of weaving) in the HUT Order, the Schedule as here printed is numbered " B." Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917. 389 [Schedule B : Prices of Laps and, Waste, as amended.] 12. Tex- Low Crossbred. 44.S-. Lister Combed. 46.?. 50x. 56s. 58s. 60s. 64/70*. tiles. (9) Wool FRENCH COMBED. and Hair Oxford . . 26 28 31 34 3* and Wool- Khaki _i_ 26 28 31 34 38 len and Solid Shades (of not Worsted less than 100 Ibs. Materials. per shade) 26 28 31 34 38 Black 27 29 32 35 40 Deulhiyg. Coloured 23 25 28 31 33-. . SINGLE COMBED. Oxford 23 27 31 33 38 39 44 Khaki 23 27 31 33 38 39 44 Solid 23 27 31 33 38 39 44 Shades (of not less than 100 Ibs. per shade) Black 23 27 32 34 39 40 46 Coloured ... ... 20 24 28 32 35 35 38 Recombed Lap Noils. BLACK, OXFORD AND KHAKI. 60s. quality and upwards, 2d. per Ib. less than prices for Khaki Noble Combed Noils. ,, ,, ,, ,, 58^. quality and below, Id per Ib. less than prices for Khaki Noble Combed Noils. MILITARY SHADES. All qualities, same prices as Mixed Coloured Noble Combed Noils. MIXED COLOURED. 60s. quality and upwards, 2d. per Ib. less than prices for Mixed Coloured Noble Combed Noils. ,, ,, 58s. quality and below, Id. per Ib. less than prices for Mixed Coloured Noble Combed Noils. WHITE ... 36/40*. 44/46*. 4.8/50*. 54s. 56s. 58s. 60s. 64/70*. 29 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Worsted Manufacturers' Waste. Below 36s. 36/40*. 44/50*. 56s. 58s, 60s. and above. COATING WASTE. White 20 25 27 35 38 40 Khaki 27 29 37 40 42 Military Shades 24 26 34 37 39 Mixed Colours 23 25 29 32 34 BAGE WASTE. White 20 25 27 31 34 36 Khaki 27 29 33 36 38 Military Shades 24 26 30 33 35 Mixed Colours 23 25 27 30 32 THRUMS. White 18 23 25 30 33 36 Khaki 25 27 32 35 38 Military Shades 22 24 29 32 35 Mixed Colours 20 22 24 26 28 TABS. Botany 1' 7d. Crossbred Ud. 5246 N 3 390 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealing*. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917. [Schedule B : Pi-ice* of L<>/>* ottd Waxic. r/.v amended.] [Schedule C : l\ein line rat ion of Dealer* in Laftx mul Waste.] Hosiery Manufacturers' Waste. Super Cashmere Rovings... 40 Fine White Worsted Rov- Super Cashmere Clips White Cashmere Rovings White Cashmere Clips ... Bleached Cashmere Clip> Medium Bleached Cashmere Clips Coarse Bleached Cashmere Clips Coloured Cashmere Rovings Coloured Cashmere Clips... Cashmere Clips in Self Shades Fine Natural Cashmere Rovings Dressed and Undressed Fine Natural Cashmere Clips Dressed and Undressed Medium Natural ('ash- mere Clips Dressed and Undressed Coarse Natural Cashmere Clips Coarse and Medium Nat- ural Cashmere Rovinge White Berlins Medium White Berlins . 38 ings 32 38 Fine White Worsted Clips 31 30 White Worsted Rovings 38 and Clips ... ... 26 Dis. Worsted Rovings and 35 Clips Navy Worsted Hovings ... 29 30 Navy Worsted Clips ... 26 25 Worsted Rovings in Self 24 Shades 29 Worsted Clips in Self 29 Shades ... ... 26 Coloured Worsted Rovings 23 33 Coloured Worsted Clips ... 21 Military Rovings ... ... 29 32 Military Clips Shetland Worsted Bovings 29 Shetland Worsted Clips... 26 30 Khaki Persian Rovings and Clips ... ... 26 Shetland Lambswool Rov- 29 ings 24 Shetland Lambswool Clips 22 30 Coloured Golf Clips and 38 Rovings .'. 22 35 Low Mixed Waste Wor- steds and Woollens 14 Schedule C.() REMUNERATION OF DEALERS IN LAPS AND WASTE ART. 11, p. 383. Worsted. Pence per lb. Handling-, storage, carriage, insurance, financing, etc. \\ Sorting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \ Blending ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \ Manufacturers' waste and Thrums as above plus for sorting (a) RENCMHERIXU OF SCHEDULE C. In accordance with the Order of May 17th, 1918, this Schedule (numbered "D" in the 1917 Order) has been renum- bered " C." Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917. [Schedule C : Remuneration of Dealers in Laps and Waste.] [Schedule D: Orders repealed.] Hosiery. Pence per Ib. Handling, storage, carriage, insurance, financing, etc. 1J Sorting ... ... ... ... 1 Blending ... ... ... ... ... ... ... i Pulling 465. and upwards (not including Oil) ... 2 Pulling 465. and below (not including Oil) If Bagging once through ... Bagging twice through ... ... ... ... ... 1 Garnetted Waste. Charges on all Wastes that require gar- netting shall be governed by the above scale of charges, as to all services therein indicated ; additional services in connection with garnetting and oil shall be paid for at the prevailing rate of the day. The shrinkage allowances shall be 2 per cent, if the goods are conditioned at the standard of 18J per cent . 391 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealings. Schedule D. (A) ORDERS REPEALED ART. 16, p. 383. Order of 14th April, 1917, relating to Manufacture and Sale of Woollen or Worsted Goods.(b) The Wool (Restriction of Consumption) No. 2 Order, 1917. (o) The Sale of Waste (Worstead and Hosiery) Order, 1917. (d) Already rep. by No. 2. The Sale of Waste (Worsted and Hosiery) No. 2 Order, 1917. (e) [The above Order as issued on January 1st, 1918, was published in the London Gazette January 4th, 1918. It is printed above as amended by the Orders of March 23rd, 1918, published in the London Gazette, March 26th, 1918, and May 17th, 1918, published in the London Gazette, May 21st, 1918.] (a) RENUMBERING OF SCH. D. In accordance with the Order of May 17th, 1918, this Schedule (numbered " E" in the 1917 Order) is here renumbered "D." (b) ORDER OP APRIL 14, 1917. This was published in the London Gazette, April 18th, 1917, being the 2nd Supplement to the Gazette of April 17th, and is also printed p. 463 of the May, 1917, Edition of the " Defence of the Realm Manual." (o) WOOL (RESTRICTION OP CONSUMPTION) No. 2 ORDER, 1917. This was published in the London Gazette, September 4th, 1917. (d) SALE OF WASTE (WORSTED AND HOSIERY) ORDER, 1917. This Order which was revoked by the Sale of Waste (Worsted and Hosiery) No. 2 Order, 1917, as from December 1st, 1917, was published in the London Gazette. (e) SALE OF WASTE (WORSTED AND HOSIERY) No. 2 ORDER, 1917. This Order was published in the London Gazette, November 30th, 1917. 5246 392 Wool (Off-Sorts) No. 2 Order, 1918; Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) (Control) Notice, 1918. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealing*. THE WOOL (OFF-SORTS) No. 2 ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 1, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Iii pursuance of the powers conferred upon tliem by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby Order a& follows : (1) No person shall buy, sell or deal in locks, brokes, daggings, or fallen or gathered wool grown on sheep in Great Britain before the 1st day of January, 1917, without a permit granted by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, or aT prices other than those set out in the schedule annexed to the Wool (Off j Sorts) Order, 191 7, (a) or at such other prices as in any particular case may be allowed by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials; pro- vided that nothing in this Order shall be deemed to apply to any purchase or sale of wool of the description aforesaid, provided such purchase or sale be completed by delivery prior to the 31st day of March, .1918. (2) Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession of all wool of the description aforesaid, excepting wool held by users for the purpose of manufacture by the holders in the United Kingdom. (3) For the purpose of this Order the expressions " locks/' " brokes, " " daggings." " gathered" and "fallen" wool shall oe interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Clause 6 in the Wool (Off-Sorts) Order, 191T.() (4) This Order may be cited as the Wool (Off-Sorts) No. 2 Order, 1018. By Order of the Army Council. R. //. llrad*-. [The above Order wa* published in the London Gazette, March 5, 1918.} THE WORSTED AND HOSIERY (LAPS AND WASTE) (CONTROL) NOTICE, (b) DATED MARCH 23, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Army Council to take possession on the 1st day of April, 1918, of all Laps or Wastes as defined by the Woollen and Worsted (Consolidation) Order, 19.17, (c) that may be in the (a) WOOL (OFF-SORTS) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed, p. 377. (b) SHORT TITLE OF NOTICE. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) WOOLLEN AND WORSTED (CONSOLIDATION) ORDER, 1917. This Order is, as amended to May 31, 1918, printed, ante, p. 381. Wool (Colonial Fell-mongers) Order, 1918. 393 possession, custody or control of any person not being. a inanufac- 12. Tex- turer of woollen goods provided that nothing herein contained tiles, shall apply to any Laps or Wastes of the description aforesaid (9) WcK)l that shall have been sold to any manufacturers of the description ai 5fU? a \ r aforesaid prior to the said date. Ten and If after this notice any person having control of any such Worsted material, without the consent of the Army Council, after the 1st Materials, day of April, 1918, sells, removes or secretes it or deals with it n eil i; )lfi( in any way contrary to any condition imposed in any licence, permit or order that may have been granted or made in respect" thereof, he shall be guilty of an oifence against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. By Order of the Army Council, U. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 26th, 1918.] THE WOOL (COLONIAL FELLMONGERS) ORDER, 1918, DATED APRIL 22, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : (1) Possession is taken of all wool pulled or to be pulled from the skins of sheep or lambs in Great Britain, provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to refer to any wool referred to in the Sale of Wool (United Kingdom) Order, 1918. (a) (2) All persons having in their custody or control any stocks of wool of the description aforesaid are hereby required to furnish such particulars thereof as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. (3) This Order may be cited as the Wool (Colonial Foil- mongers) Order, 1918. By order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. ['The aH>ve Order was published in the London Gazette, April 23rd, 1918.] (a) SALE OF WOOL (UNITED KINGDOM) ORDER, 1918. This Order was published in the London Gazette, March 8, 1918, but as it has since been cancelled, as to Ireland by the Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1918, printed p. 394 and as to Great Britain and the Isle of Man by the Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918, printed p. 396, it has not been included in this Manual. 394 Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1918. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Dealing*. THE SALE OF WOOL (IRELAND) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 11. 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : (1) No person shall without a permit issued by or 011 behalf of the Director of Raw Materials purchase or offer to purchase any raw wool grown or to be grown on sheep in Ireland during the season 1918. (2) No person shall purchase, sell or enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the piurli;i-><- or sale of any wool clipped from sheep in the season of 1918 (hereinafter referred to as fleece wool) otherwise than in accordance with the following conditions : (a) The price payable to the farmer for his wool shall be in accordance with the schedule of prices for the variou-. kinds of Irish wool set out in the schedule hereto annexed and all persons authorised to purchase wool under special permit issued under clause (1) of this Order shall pay the fanner the fair value of his wool calculated on the basis of prices set out in the said schedule. (b) The price for washed wool set out in the said schedule shall be paid only for well washed wool in good condition and the price for unwashed wool shall be paid only for unwashed wool in good light condition, and the usual deductions shall be made for wool of inferior condition . (r) For all cast, stained, matted or otherwise faulty fleeces an allowance of one pound in weight per fleece shall be deducted in estimating Hie price payable to the farmer. For odd fleeces unwashed, a deduction of 2 pounds per fleece shall be made. (d) No person shall mix or wind in any fleeces of the 1918 clip any broken or dead wool, looks, (laggings or other matter whatsoever. (e) The price payable to the farmer for broken or dead wool. locks, (laggings and other classes of wool not specified in the said schedule, shall be calculated on the basis of price for washed or unwashed fleece wools in good condition set out in the said schedule. (3) No person carrying on the business of a manufacturer of woollen, worsted or hosiery goods in any textile factory or work- shop in Ireland shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, spin. draw, reel or weave for the use of the grower thereof any wool grown or to be grown on sheep in. Ireland during the season of 1918. (4) No person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Drector of Raw Materials, make or take delivery of any wool whatsoever grown or to be grown on sheep in Ireland during the season of 1918 for shipment from Ireland, Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 19.18. 395 (5) The Sale of Wool (United Kingdom) Order, 1918,( a ) and the Sale of Wool (United Kingdom) Amendment Order, 1918, (b) in so far as they relate to dealings in wool in Ireland, are hereby cancelled. (6) This Order may be cited as the Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1918. By Order of the Army Council. R. //. tirade. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. SALE OF WOOL (IRELAND) ORDEK, 1918. Scale of Prices at which dealings are permitted. Area. Class of Wool. Price in pence per Ib. Washed. ! Unwashed. Central and Shrop (all districts) and Downs.. 22d. md South. Fine Districts (Bred Wool) 2ld. llld. Medium Districts (Bred Wool).. 20id. lid. Deep Districts (Bred Wool) 19k/. 16jrf. White Cheviots 18H 15(/. Lowland White Crossbred 16K \Ad. Pasture Scotch I5irf. 1.3i n KINGDOM) ORDER, 1918. This Order was pub- lished in the London Gazette of March 8th, 1918, and the Sale of Wool (United Kingdom) Amendment Order, 191 8, amending the same, the cancellation whereof is also involved, was published in the London Gazette of April 23rd, 1918. 398 Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918. ^iJf- Schedule A.(a) (9) Wool and Hair PRICE LIST FOR BNGI and Wool- Price in ten an( * Class of Wool. Pence per Ib. Materials. Lincoln Hogs and Wethers Notts., Leicesters and Yorks. Hogs and Wethers ... 19J Dealings. Border Leicesters 19 J Lines, and Yorks. Halfbreds ... ... ... ... 2(U Notts., Yorks., Wolds and Leicester Halfbreds ... 21 Norfolk Halfbreds 21 Staff. Halfbreds ... 21f Shropshire, Oxford and Hants Downs ... ... ... 23 Wilts 24 Dorset and Sussex and Horns ... ... ... ... 25 Eastern Counties Downs ... ... ... ... ... 22^ Kent Tegs 21| Kent Ewes and Wethers ... ... ... ... ... 20 Kent Halfbreds 22. I Kent Downs Cotswold, Somerset and Glos. Deep Washed ... Devon, Cornwall and Somerset Strong Greasy ... ... 15 J Devon, Cornwall and Somerset Crossbred Greasy ... 10 Devon, Cornwall and Somerset Horns ... ... IT Cluns and Best Kerries ... ... ... ... ... 21 Fine Radnors Deep Iladnors Best Welsh Fleeces 17] Low Welsh Fleeces ... ... ... ... ... 15J Scotch Washed ... ... ... ... ... ... l- r vl Scotch Unwashed 13} Massams ... ... ... ... ... 16 North Half bred Hogs 201 North Half bred Wethers ... Herdwick Wensleydale 20* English Cheviots Washed 19} The above prices are maximum prices for well washed wool in light condition (except where otherwise stated), packed and delivered free within reasonable distance. (a) THE SCHEDULES TO THIS ORDER. Various additions to the Schedules to this Order, including a Price List for the Isle of Man, have been made, while this Manual was in the press, by The Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Amendment Order, 1918, dated June 17, 1918, and published in the London Gazette, June 21st, 1918. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918. 399 Schedule 5. (a) 12. Tex- tiles. PRICE LIST rou WALES. (9) Wool Price in and Hair Class of Wool. Pence per Ib. and Wool- 00 o len and Shropshire ... 44,\ Worsted Best Kerry and Gluii Forest ... ... ... ... 22 Materials. Best Badnors 20 Kernpy Badnors or Crossbreds 18 Best Welsh ... ... 17J Low Welsh 154- Turbary Welsh ... ... 14 Scotch Mi- Prices .of intermediate grades will be fixed by valuation of Authorised Merchants. The above prices are maximum prices for well washed wool in light condition (except where otherwise stated), packed and delivered free within reasonable distance. Schedule .(a) PIUCE LIST Foil SCOTLAND. Price in pence Class of Wool. per Ib. Washed. Un washed. Cheviot Hogg North 23f 19J- Cheviot Ewe North ... 20 17 J Cheviot Hogg Border ... 21} 17} Cheviot Ewe Border... ... 19} 16V Half-bred Hogg North ... ... ... 20} 17 Half-bred Wether North 20 16} Half-bred! Hogg South 20* 16} Half-bred Ewe South 19} 16* Shrop Hogg ... ... 21} .17* Shrop Ewe ... 19} 16 Lester Hogg and Ewe ... . 18 J 16 Cross Hogg and Ewe ... 16} 15J- Blackfaced Hogg and Ewe... ... 15 J 13 J The above prices are maximum prices for wool in good con- dition packed and delivered free within reasonable distance. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, May 17, 1918.] (a) THE SCHEDULES TO THIS ORDER. Various additions to the Schedules to this Order, including a Price List for the Isle of Man, have been made, while this Manual was in the press, by '1 he Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Amendment Order, 1918, dated June 17, 1918, and published in the London Gazette, June 21, 1918. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Manu- facture. List of Orders as to Mann fact-lire of Wool, fyc. (9. ) Wool and Hair and Woollen and Worsted Materials. (ii) Manufacture. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to MANUFACTURE of Wool : for List of ALL the Wool Orders in force, May 31st, 1918, see p. 355.] Merino Tops (Returns) Order, 1917, />. 400. Olive Oil Order, 1917, p. 402. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918, p. 402. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 1918. p. 402. Wool (Ireland), No. 2, Order, 1917, p. 402. Wool (Off-Sorts) Order, 1917, p. 400. Wool (Restriction of Consumption) No. 3 Order, 1917, ;>. 400. Wool (Returns) Order, 1917, p 400. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended, p. 402. Woollen and Worsted Materials (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 400. THE WOOLLE.N AND WORSTED MATERIALS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1910, DATED OCTOBER 16, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, post, p. 404.] THE MERINO TOPS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, DATED AUGUST 23, 1917, MADE BY THE AltMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, /w.v/, p. 405.] THE WOOL (Ory-SoRTs) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, a?ite< p. 377.] THE WOOL (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, post^ p. 406.] THE WOOL (RESTRICTION OF CONSUMPTION) No. 3 ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred iipon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. In any Textile Factory, the business carried on in which consists wholly or partly in the manipulation of Merino Wool such machinery as is engaged at the date hereof in the manipu- lation of Merino Wool shall not, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, DP run after the 5th day of November, 1917, in such manner as to produce in any Wool (Restriction of Consumption) No. 3 Order, 1917. one week an output of Merino Tops exceeding the quantity certi- fied by or on behalf of the Director af Raw Materials in the case of each Factory respectively, to be the weekly output- of Merino Tops estimated in Ibs. weight restricted in accordance with the provisions of the Wool (Restriction of Consumption) No. 2 Order, 1917. (a) 2. No machinery engaged in the manipulation of .Merino Wool in accordance with the provisions of Clause (1) hereof shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, be run otherwise than full time. 3. In any Textile Factory, the business carried on in which does not consist wholly or partly at the date hereof in the manipulation of Merino Wool, no Merino Wool shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, be manipulated. 4. In any Textile Factory, the business carried on in which consists wholly or partly in the manipulation of Merino Wool, such machinery as is engaged at the date hereof in the manipu- lation of Merino Wool, shall not, without a permit issued by or behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, be employed in the manipulation of any Wool other than Merino. 5. In any Textile Factory, the business carried on in which does not consist wholly or partly at the date hereof in the manipulation of Crossbred or Preparing Wool, no Crossbred or Preparing Wool shall, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, be manipulated. 6. In any Textile Factory, the business carried on in which consists wholly or partly in the manipulation of Crossbred or Preparing Wool, such machinery as is engaged at the date hereof in the manipulation of Crossbred or Preparing Wool shall not, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials, be employed in the manipulation of any Wool other than Crossbred or Preparing Wool. 7. Nothing herein contained shall refer to re-combing or re-billing. 8. It shall be the duty of all persons to comply strictly with the provisions hereof and with the conditions of any permit granted hereunder and failure to comply therewith shall be an offence against the said Regulations. 9. Clauses 9, 10 and 11 of the Wool (Restriction of Consump- tion) No. 2 Order, 1917, are hereby cancelled. (a) 10. This Order shall come into operation on the 5th day of November, 1917, and may be cited as the Wool (Restriction of Consumption) No. 3 Order, 1917. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, November 9th, 1917.] 401 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wopl and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Manu- (a) WOOL (RESTRICTION OP CONSUMPTION) No. 2 ORDER, 1917. That Order, which was published in the London Gazette, September 4th, 1917, is wholly revoked by Art. 16 of the Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order 1917, as amended, ante, p. 381. 402 OUrc Oil OnJei-, 1917. 12. Tex- THE WOOL (IRELAND) No. 2 ORDER. l!)17, DATED NOVEMBER 8. 1917, MADE MY 'I UK A K M Y CoiNCIL. (9) Wool and Hair [This Order is printed, ante, p. 379.] and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. TITE OLIVE OIL ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED DECEMBER 4, 1917, MADE /-, ,v '".',' BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers Conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : 1. No person, the business carried on by whom consists wholly or partly in the production or manufacture of woollen or worsted goods shall after the fifteenth day of December, 1917, without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials apply or cause to be applied any olive oil for the pro- duction of tops or yarn. 2. No person hereinbefore defined shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials apply or cause to be applied any olive oil for the production of tops in quantities exceeding two-thirds of the standard recognised by the Bradford Conditioning House. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, Dec. 4th, 1917.] THE 'WOOLLEN VM> "\VOKSTEI) CONSOLIDATION ORDER, 1917, DATED JANUARY 1, 1918, MADE MY THE ARMY COUNCIL, AS AMENDED. [This Order is, as amended to Mav 31, 1918, printed, p. 381.] THE SALE OF WOOL (IRELAND) ORDEK, 1918, DATED MAY 11, 1918. MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 394.] THE SALE OF WOOL (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 13, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. - [This Order is printed, ante, p. 396.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Li. ft of Orders as to Movement of Wool, etc.; Imported Wool 403 (Shipment) Order, 1917. 12, Tex- (9) Wool and Hair and Woollen and Worsted Materials. tiles - (iii) Movement. g [The following List is restricted to Orders as to MOVEMENT of Wool ; for and Wool- List of ALL the " Wool " Orders in force May 31, 1918, .see p. 855.] len and Worsted Imported Wool (Shipment) Order, 1917, p. 403. Materials. Sale of Wool (Ireland) Order, 19.18, p. 403. Wool (Ireland) No. 2 Order, 1917, p. 403. Wool (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 403. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, as amended, p. 403. THE IMPORTED WOOL (SHIPMENT) ORDER, 1917, ( a ) DATED MARCH 6, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : No person, except as may be authorised by or on behalf of the Director of Army Contracts, shall make or take delivery of any Colonial or Foreign Wool for carriage or shipment inland from any port in Great Britain. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Erode. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 16th, 1917.] THE WOOL (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1917, M1DE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, post, p. 406.] THE WOOL (IRELAND) No. 2 ORDER, 1917, DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 379.] THE WOOLLEN AND WORSTED CONSOLIDATION ORDER, 1917, DATED JANUARY 1, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL AS AMENDED. [This Order is, as amended to May 31, 1918, printed, ante, p. 381.] THE SALE OF WOOL (IRELAND) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 11, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 394.] (a) SHORT TITLE OP ORDER. The bhort Title was conferred by the " Ariny Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 404 List of Orders as to Returns of Wool, cVt-.; Woollen and Worsted Materials (Returns} Order, 1916. 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. Return*. (9) Wool and Hair and Woollen and Worsted Materials. (iv) Returns. [The following List is restricted to Orders as to RETURNS of " Wool" ; for List of ALL the "Wool" Orders in force May 31, 1918, see p. 355.] Merino Tops (Keturns) Order, 1917, p. 405. Order relating to Dealings in 1916 and Earlier Wool in Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man, 1916, p. 404. Sale of Wool (Great Britain) Order, 1918, p. 406. Wool (Colonial Fellmongers) Order, 1918, p. 406. Wool (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 405. Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order. 1917, as amended, p. 406. Woollen and Worsted Cuttings Order, 1916, p. 404. Woollen and Worsted Materials (Returns) Order, 1916, p. 404. Worsted Socks (Control) Notice. 1917, p. 405. THE WOOLLEN AND WORSTED MATERIALS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1916, (a) DATED OCTOBER 1G, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Regula- tion 15c of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, (b) the Army Council herehy order that all persons engaged in the manufacture or repair of any materials wholly or partly manufactured from wool furnish to the Director of Army Con- tracts such particulars as to their labour, machinery, or output as may be required on his behalf. By Order of the Army Council. R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. October 1 7th, 1916.] THE WOOLLEN AND WORSTED CUTTINGS ORDEK, 1916, DATES NOVEMBER 24, 19.16, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 363.] ORDER RELATING TO DEALINGS IN 1916 AND EARLIER WOOL IN GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND ANI,- THE ISLE OF MAN, 1916, DATED DECEMBER 29, 1916, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [1 his Order is printed, ante, p. 364.] (a"> SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) REGULATION 15c. This is printed p. 14. Merino Tops (Returns) Order, 1917; Wool (Returns) Order, 1917. 405 THE WORSTED SOCKS (CONTROL) NOTICE, 1917, DATED APRIL 14, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 366.] THE MERINO TOPS (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED AUGUST 23, 1917, MADE P>Y THE AltMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby order as follows : All persons who have or may have in their custody, control, or possession any stocks of merino tops and all persons engaged in the production, manufacture, purchase or sale of merino tops are hereby required to furnish in writing to the Secretary of the District Priority Committee for the area in which they carry qn business, particulars of all deliveries of merino tops which have been or may be made by them to spinners since the 30th day of June, 1917, whether in pursuance of contracts entered into prior to the 30th day of June, 1917, or otherwise, and all such further particulars as may be required by or on behalf of the Secretary of such District Priority Committee. By Order of the Army Council. R. H. Braole. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. Aug. 31st, 1917.] 12. Tex- tiles. (9) Wool and Hair and Wool- len and Worsted Materials. THE WOOL (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917, (a) DATED SEPTEMBER 29 , 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. In pursuance of the Powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the Production, Manufacture, Purchase, Sale, Distribution, Transport, Storage, or Shipment of Wool, or of any article or material wholly or partly manufactured therefrom, or of any article required for or in connection with the production thereof, to give such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Raw Materials. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, October 2nd, 1917.] (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. 406 Urderx as to Returns of Wool. 1 2 Tex- tiles. THE WOOLLEN YND WORSTED CONSOLIDATION ORDER, 1917, DATED (9) Wool JANUARY 1, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL, AS AMENDED. and Hair and Wool- [This Order is, as amended to May 31, 1918, printed, anft\ len and p. 381.1 Worsted Materials. THE WOOL (COLONIAL FELLMONGERS) ORDER, 1918. DATED APRIL 22, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 393.] THE SALE OF WOOL (GREAT BRITAIN) ORDER, 1918, DATED MAY 1. 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. [This Order is printed, ante, p. 396.] Timber (Returns) Order, 1917. 407 13. Timber 13. Timber Supplies, (a) Supplies. [In view of the issue on July 16th of the Timber Control Order, 1918, which consolidates and amends most of the Timber Orders, the Timber Supplies Section of this Manual has been revised to that date. It consequently does NOT comprise those of the Orders specified in Article 19 of the said Control Order which though in force on May 31st last (the date to which the other Sections of this Manual are revised) were revoked by that Article the foot- notes to which (p. 423), shew where the said revoked Orders were published.] Export of Timber (Ireland) Order, 1917, p. 409. Home Grown Timber Prices Order, 1918, p. 413. Packing Cases Order, 1917, p. 408. Rattan and Malacca Canes Order, 1918, p. 412. Timber Control Order, 1918, p. 419. Timber Haulage (Regulation) Order, 1918, p. 410. Timber (Returns) Order, 1917, p. 407. Timber (Returns) Order, 1918, />. 411. THE TIMBER (RETURNS) ORDER, 1917,(bj DATED APRIL 2, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. (<*) In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Army Council hereby require all persons engaged in the purchase or sale of Timber to furnish such particulars as to their business as may be required by or on behalf of the Director of Timber Supplies. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. April 3rd, 1917.] (a) RAILWAY SLEEPERS. As to railway sleepers, see the Railway Material (Second-hand) Order, 1916, printed (p.* 169) in Sub-group (11) (Railway Material) of Group (5) (Machinery, &c.). (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the " Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) EFFECT OF ORDER. This Order has effect as if made by the Board of Trade. See Reg. 2jJ (4) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, printed p. 16, and consequently now provides for the furnishing of particulars to the Controller of Timber Supplies. Further provision as to returns, &c., to that Controller is made by Arts. 15, 17 of the Timber Control Order, 1918, pp. 421 and 422. The Timber (Returns) Order, 1918 (p.411), provides for the fur- nishing of particulars as to felling, hauling, purchase or sale to the Controller of Roads and Bridges, War Office. 408 Packing Cases Order, 1917. Supplies. THE PACKING CASES ORDER, 1917, ( a ) DATED APRIL 24, 1917, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL, (b) In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and of every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council hereby prohibit the manu- facture of cases and crates, and the use of new cases and crates, for the packing of the goods listed in Schedule A hereto attached : Provided that nothing in this Order shall prohibit (1) the export as now packed of goods already packed for export at the date of this Order; (2) the packing in cases of the goods listed in Schedule B ; (3) the packing in crates of the goods listed in Schedule C. By Order of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule A. Athletic outfits, toys, games. Blankets and rugs. Books, unbound. Boots and shoes. Calicoes. Carpets and mats (not pile). Clothing (cheap ready-made). Confectionery. Cotton linings. Cotton piece goods. Cotton sateens. Cottons, white. Cottons, printed. Cotton shawls. Cotton yarns. Curtains (lace or muslin). Dusters and household cloths. Handkerchiefs (in paper parcels). Hose and half hose (not silk). Linen piece goods. Paper, wrapping, blotting and unprinted. Shirts (cotton, linen and woollen). String and rope. Straw boards. Table cloths and covers (not pile). Tinned foodstuffs. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed iii Appendix V to this Manual. (to) EFFECT OF ORDER. This Order has effect as if made by the Board of Trade. Set Reg. 2jj (4) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, printed p. 16. Export of Timber (Ireland] Order, 1917. 409 Towels and towelling. 13. Timber Underwear (cotton, linen and woollen). Supplies. Wadding (not for medical purposes). Wool for knitting-. Wool or worsted piece goods (not faced). Schedule B. Crepes and crimps. Embossed and /or Schreinered goods. Expensive mercerised yarns. Figured, ribbed and corded goods. Fine muslins, fine lawns and voiles (valued at over 6^ per square yard). Fine bordered white dhooties. Goods usually made up in cartons (cardboard boxes) . Mercerised goods (silk finished). Pongees (valued at over GcZ. per square yard). Silks (artificial). Velvets and plushes. White and dyed China lawns. Yarns made up on cops, pirns, cards or bobbins, or in. chesses or balls. Schedule C. Athletic outfits, toys and games. Harness and saddlery. Tinned foodstuffs. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, April 27th, 1917.] THE EXPORT OF TIMBER (IRELAND) ORDER, 1917, DATED- DECEMBER 4, 1917, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Board of Trade hereby order as follows : 1. From the date hereof, until further notice, no person shall without a permit issued by or on behalf of the Controller of Timber Supplies export or remove from Ireland to Great Britain round or sawn timber of any description grown in Ireland. 2. Application for permits under this Order must be made on the prescribed form to be obtained from the Assistant Controller of Timber Supplies, 6, Hume Street, Dublin. 3. This Order may be cited as the Export of Timber (Ireland) Order, 1917. Signed on behalf of the Board of Trade this 4th day of December, 1917. H. Lleivellyn Smith. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, December 7th, 1917.] 410 Timber Haulutjc ( Rcyulation) Order, 1918. 13. Timber THE TIMBER HAULAGE (REGULATION) ORDER, 1918, (a) DATED Supplies. MARCH 15, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas with, a view to preventing the congestion of traffic and excessive damage to public roads outside the Administrative County of London(b) being caused by the haulage of timber it appears to the Army Council expedient to provide for the regu- lation thereof in manner hereinafter mentioned. Now therefore the Army Council in pursuance of powers conferred 011 them by Regulation 5.C.(c) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling them in that behalf hereby order as follows : (1) For the purposes of this order the expression "timber haulage " means the haulage and transport of timber from the site where it was felled except where the aggregate weight of the timber to be transported does not exceed 50 tons. (2) The owner or other person having control or management of any vehicle used in timber haulage on any public road out- side the Administrative County of London(b) shall obey any directions in writing issued by the Road Control Officers appointed by the Army Council for the purpose of controlling such traffic. (3) A Road Control Officer subject to any general or special instructions he may receive from the Army Council may (a] After consultation with the local Highway Authorities(d) and as respect roads in the Metropolitan Police District(e) with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and where necessary with the Military Autho- rities , select the routes to be used for timber haulage and direct the use of any particular route or the diversion of the traffic or ivny part thereof from one route to another, in such manner as may be considered most conducive to the prevention of damage to the roads or the congestion of traffic thereon. (b) G^ve directions prohibiting the use for timber haulage on such roads as may be specified in the directions of vehicles of such type as may be so specified, where such restriction is considered expedient to prevent avoidable damage to the. roads, and other means of transporting the timber can be made available. (a) SHOUT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the ' ; Ariuy Council (Citation of Supplies War Material Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (b) " ADMINISTRATIVE COUNTY OP LONDON." This expression includes the City of London, see s. 40 (1) of the Local Government Act, 1888 (51 & 52 Yict. c. 41). (c) REGULATION 5c. That Regulation is printed p. 16. (d) LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITIES. These are ; in England, outside the administrative County of London, as respects certain roads the county councils, and as respects others the borough and other urban district councils and the rural district councils ; in Scotland the county councils (acting by the county road board or district committees) and the town councils ; in Ireland the authorities specified in Clause (6) of the present Order. (e) METROPOLITAN POLICE DISTRICT. The non-London parts of this area embrace all Middlesex, and parts of Herts, Essex, Kent and Surrey. See p. 38 of the 5th (1911 Edition) of the Metropolitan Police Guide, where a list of the places within the area is given. Timber (Returns) Order, 19.18. 411 (4) Before commencing- after the date of this order any work 13. Timber of timber haulage the owner or other person having the control Supplies, or management of any vehicle to be used for the purpose shall give at least one week's notice in writing to the County Surveyor of the County or Borough Engineer of the County Borough, or if more than one of each County or County Borough through which the timber is to be transported specifying : (a) The approximate date when the haulage will begin ; (b) The approximate tonnage to be transported ; (c) The type or types of vehicles to be used in hauling or transporting the timber ; and the owner or other person having control or management of any vehicle which is at the date of this order being used in timber haulage shall within one (week) after that date give similar notice in writing specifying the approximate tonnage remaining to be transported and the type or types of vehicles used. References in this clause to the County Surveyor shall in relation to Scotland be construed as references to the Road Surveyor or official charged with the supervision of the roads by whatever name called. (5) Any person affected by this order who fails to comply with the provisions thereof or with any directions given by any Road Control Officer thereunder will be guilty of a summary offence(fl') against the Defence of the Realm Regulations and liable to the penalties mentioned in those Regulations. (6) In the application of this order to Ireland the expression local highway authorities " means the council of the County or County Borough in which the road is situated, or in the case of a road the entire maintenance of which is undertaken by the Council of an Urban County district, that Council. By Order of the Army Council. E. H. Brade. KT *[The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 19th, 1918.] THE TIMBER (RETURNS) ORDER, 1918, (b) DATED MARCH 15, 1918, MADE BY THE ARMY COUNCIL. Whereas it appears to the Army Council necessary and expedient to make the following Order for the purpose of giving further and better effect to an Order of even date herewith(c) (a) SUMMARY OFFENCE. See the Introduction to this Manual. (b) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (c) ORDER OF EVEN DATE. This Order, the Timber Haula'ge (Regulation) Order, 1918, is printed immediately above. 412 Jtattini- and Malacca Canes Order, 1918. 13. Timber made by them in pursuance of the powers contained in Regulation Supplies. 5.fj.(a) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations for regulating the hauling of timber. "Now, therefore, the Army Council, in pursuance of powers conferred on them by Regulation. 15.C.(b) of the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling them in that behalf hereby order as follows : Any person engaged in the felling, hauling, and purchase or sale of timber shall furnish such particulars as to his business as may be required by or on behalf of the Controller of Roads and bridges. War'Oince(c). By Order of the Army Council. R. II. Erode. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. March 19th, 11)18.] THE RATTAN AND MALACCA CANES ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 20, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. The Board of Trade, deeming it expedient t*> exercise the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations as respects Rattan and Malacca Canes*, hereby order as follows : 1. All persons holding or having power to sell or dispose of stocks of Rattan and /or Malacca Canes exceeding five hundred- weight shall, on or after the 30th day of March, 1918, make a return thereof to the Controller of Timber Supplies, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.I, giving the following particulars: (a) The quantities held of each size, and quality, which are to be separately stated. (6) The place where such stocks are lying, or, if afloat,, the name of the ship. 2. The said return shall include: (a) Goods belonging to the holder and stored in docks, yards, warehouses, or elsewhere. (6) Goods arrived at a home port, of which possession has not yet been taken. (c) Goods on passage to the United Kingdom. (d) Goods unlifted abroad. (e) Goods held for shippers or third parties and goods held or reserved for customers but still undelivered, stating the name and address of the persons owning, or on whose behalf the goods are held. 3. The person making the return shall include in one return all stocks held by him or over which he has power of sale or disposal. (a) REGULATION 5c. That Regulation is printed p. 16. (b) REGULATION 15c. That Regulation is printed p. 12. (c) RETURN TO CONTROLLER OF TIMBER (BOARD OF TRADE). These are provided for by the Timber (Returns) Order, 1917, printed p. 407. Home Grown Timber Prices Order, 1918. 413 4. From the date hereof until further notice no person shall, 13. Timber without a permit issued by, or on behalf of, the Controller of Supplies. Timber Supplies, sell or purchase, whether in the United King- dom or elsewhere, Rattan or Malacca Canes (except walking sticks or other articles manufactured before the date of this Order) : provided that a permit shall not be required for such sale or purchase if the quantity sold or -bought in any single transaction does not exceed 112 pounds in weight, and if the total purchases without a permit by any one person do not exceed 224 pounds in weight in any calendar month, and if the seller in each transaction without a permit obtains from the purchaser a certificate that the purchase is in accordance with this condition. The seller shall forward to the Controller of Timber Supplies within seven days of the last day of each month a schedule of the quantities so supplied together with the purchaser's certi- ficates relating thereto. 5. This Order may be cited as the Rattan and Malacca Canes Order, 1918. W. F. Marn*ood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 22nd, 1918.] THE HOME GROWN TIMBER PRICES ORDER, 1918, DATED MARCH 25, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD or TRADE. The Board of Trade, deeming it expedient to make further exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations as respects timber, hereby order as follows : 1. As and from the date of this Order, no person shall sell or offer for sale, or purchase or offer to purchase, any timber grown in the United Kingdom at prices exceeding the following : (a) For timber standing or felled in the wood, the prices set forth in Schedule A hereto annexed. (b) For timber in the log delivered free on rail or barge at loading station, the prices set forth in Schedule B hereto annexed. (c) For converted hardwood timber delivered free on rail or barge at loading station, the prices set forth in Schedule C hereto annexed. (d) For converted softwood timber delivered free on rail or barge at loading station, the prices set forth in Schedule D hereto annexed. 2. The expression " Certified Port or City Mill " in the Schedule to this Order means a Port or City Mill which has been certified as such by the Controller of Timber Supplies, w T ho may refuse any application for such certificate or withdraw any cer- tificate which has been granted by him. Applications for certificates must be made on forms to be obtained from the Controller of Timber Supplies. Envelopes to be marked " Mill Certificate." 414 Home Gronn Timber Pi-irr.< Order, 1918. 13. Timber 3. The Home Grown Timber Prices Order, 1917 (T. 29185), (a:. Supplies. i s hereby revoked without prejudice to any act or matter done- or suffered or to any prosecution or proceeding instituted or penalty incurred thereunder. Signed 011 behalf of the Board of Trade this 25th day of March, 1918. //. Llewellyn Smith. Schedule A. Schedule of Maximum prices for standing Timber. Prices are per cubic foot J girth Hoppus measure tape over bark with the customary allowance for bark. Per cubic ft. s. d. Larch ... ... ... ... Not exceeding 1 4 Scots Pine and Douglas Fir .. ,, ,, 11 Spruce and other coniferous timber (except the above) ,, 10 Ash : Selected for Aeroplane pur- poses ... ... ,, ,, 50 For other purposes ,, ,, 30 Inferior descriptions ,, ,, 16 Oak . Well-grown, selected trees ,, ,, 33 Well-grown, whole parcels ,. ,, 23 Inferior descriptions ... ,. ,, 13 Sycamore and Hornbeam ... ,, ,, 20 Chestnut : Spanish ... ... ,, ,, 10 Selected trees ,, 20 Beech ... ... ... ,, ,, 16 Poplar, Alder, and Lime ... ,, ,, 13 Elm ,, ,,10 Other Common Hardwoods ... ,, ,, 10 Coniferous Timber and Oak and Sycamore of exceptional sizes required for special purposes may be negotiated at proportionate prices, but in such instances Sellers must submit particulars to the Controller of Timber Supplies and obtain his approval thereto. For timber felled and trimmed lying in the wood the above prices may be increased up to 10 per cent. (a) HOME GROWN TIMBER PRICES ORDER, 11)17. This Order is printed p. 361 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918) Edition of this Manual. Home Grown Timber Price* Order, 1918. 415 Schedule B. Schedule of Maximum prices for Timber in the log delivered free 011 rail or barge at Loading Stations. Prices are per cubic foot Hoppus measure tape over bark, less allowance for bark as per scale given, and subject to 2J per cent, discount for cash payment within one month from date of dispatch. 13. Timber Supplies. Allowance for bark. Per Cent. Price per cubic ft. not exceeding^ d. Larch ... ... ... ... 10 of volume Selected lengths and diameters 10 ,, Scots Pine and Douglas Fir ... 10 ,, Selected lengths and diameters 10 ,, Spruce and other Coniferous Timber (except the above) 10 ,, 2 Selected lengths and diameters 10 ,, 23 Ash :- Aeroplane. Selected butts 12 feet up and taken to the first stop or branch ... ... 7i ,, 76 Other logs ... 7J ,, 50 Inferior Timber 7 A- ,, 26 Oak : Selected butts of not less than 12 inch diameter top ... 10 ,, 49 Selected Logs ... ... ... 10 ,, 39 Inferior Timber 10 23 Sycamore and Hornbeam ... ... 7J- ,, 40 Selected butts of not less than 12 inch diameter top. Other Logs ... U 3 Chestnut (Spanish) : , Selected Logs ... .10 3 6 Other Logs .10 ,, 26 Beech 7 ,, 30 Poplar, Alder and Lime ... ... 15 ,, 29 Elm 15 ,, 26 Other Common Hardwoods ... 10 ,, 26 Logs of Exceptional Dimensions required for special purposes may be negotiated at proportionate prices, but in such instances Sellers must submit particulars to the Controller of Timber Supplies and obtain his approval thereto. Where Timber (other than Pitwood) is sold by weight the price shall not exceed thp equivalent price per cubic foot based on the above maximum prices. Logs, butts or lengths purchased under this Schedule which have been delivered by rail or water transport to a certified port or City Mill, or to a Town Mill or Town Retailer may be sold at an increased price not exceeding 10 per cent, above the price paid free on rail or barge at the original loading station. In addition the cost of rail or barge transport and delivery to Mill may be charged extra and shall be shewn separately on the Invoice. 416 Home Grown Timber Prices Order, 1918. 13. Timber Schedule C. iiSupplies. Schedule of Maximum prices for converted Hardwoods delivered free on rail or barge at Loading Stations. Prices are per cubic foot and subject to 2J per cent, discount for cash payment within one month from date of dispatch. Per cubic foot. Ash : 5. d. For Aeroplane purposes. Logs cut through and through 8 6 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 10 6 For other purposes. Logs cut through and through 6 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 70 Oak : Logs cut through and through ... ... ... 50 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 60 Wagon sizes in full sets ... ... ... ... 76 Ditto. Sole bars, side rails or headstocks in separate units ... ... ... ... ... 86 Scantlings in small sizes ... ... ... ... 56 Sycamore and Hornbeam: Logs cut through and through ... ... ... 46 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 56 Chestnut : (Spanish.) Logs cut through and through ... 36 (Selected.) Logs cut through and through ... 46 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 5 Beech : Logs cut through and through ... ... ... 40 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 50 Poplar, Alder and Lime : Logs cut through and through ... ... ... 36 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 46 Elm : Logs cut through and through ... ... ... 36 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 40 Other Common Hardwoods : Logs cut through and through ... ... ... 36 Selected lengths and thicknesses of plank ... 40 Specifications which do not come within the above Schedule may be negotiated at proportionate prices, but in such instances Sellers must submit particulars to the Controller of Timber Supplies and obtain his approval thereto. Timber in the round may also be sold and converted for Buyers' account the cost of sawing being charged separately at current local rates, provided that Ihe aggregate price for log and sawing- shall not exceed the prices set out in this Schedule, based on the measurement of the converted timber obtained. Town Saw Mills and Town Retailers are permitted to increase the prices for Converted Hardwoods up to 20 per cent., such increased prices to cover cost of conveyance of log to Town Mills or Town Yards and delivery of converted material from mills or yards free on rail or barge or within the usual cartage radius. Home Grown Timber Prices Order. 1918. 417 Certified Port or City Mills are permitted to sell any entire log, butt, or length purchased under Schedule B. and converted for buyers' account at an increased price not exceeding ten per cent, above the price paid free on rail or barge under Schedule B. In addition the cost of rail or barge transport and delivery to Mill, and cost of sawing at current local rates may be charged extra and shall be shown separately on the Invoice. 13. Timber Supplies. Schedule D. Schedule of Maximum Prices for Converted, Softwoods delivered- free on rail or barge at Loading Station. Prices are per cubic foot and subject to 2J per cent, discount for cash payment within one month from date of dispatch. Spruce, Scots Fir or other coniferous timber (except Larch). DEALS AND BATTENS and all other scantlings of whatever trade description, not otherwise provided for in this Schedule within the following sizes : From 2 to 9 ins. wide by from 2 to 4 ins. in thickness, random lengths averaging up to 11 ft., not exceeding For each foot in length over 11 ft. average price may be increased according to the following scale : Average over 11 ft. up to and includ- ing average of 16 ft. Average over 16 ft. up to and includ- ing average of 24 ft. Id. per foot cube additional for each extra foot or part of a foot in average length, i.e., 16 ft., 3s. 5d. Larch, 16 ft., 3s. lid. l^d. per foot cube additional for each extra foot or part of afoot in average length, i.e., 24 ft., 4s. l\d. Larch, 24 ft., 5s. \\d. Prices for specified lengths may be increased by 5 per cent, over the limits scheduled above. BOARDS. In random lengths and widths : s. d. in. 4hick and under... ... ... ... 43 Over i in. to f in. thick ... - .' 4 14 i in. 4 3 Larch. 3 6 4 in. to : j in. ,, $ in. to f in. ,, i in. to in. ., 1 in. to 1 in. 1 in. to l^v in. ,, 3 104 3 9 3 1% 3 6 3 3 d. 9 74 6 44 3 14 Q For specified lengths and/or widths the price may be increased by 10 per cent. d. 3 6 d. Slating Battens Tile Battens Crate Wood TIMBER. In random lengths square sawn : Planks over 9 ins. wide ") Squares over 4 ins. ... ... ... > Baulks over 4 ins. For each foot in length over 11 ft. average, price may be increased in accord- ance with scale as for Deals and Battens. Prices for specified lengths may be increased by 5 per cent, over the limit scheduled above. 5246 418 Home Grown. Tim her /' //<< s Order. 1918. 13. Timber Timber in the round may also be sold and converted for Buyers' Supplies, account the cost of sawing being charged separately at current local rates provided that the aggregate price for log and sawing shall not exceed the prices set out in this Schedule based on the measurement of the converted timber obtained, except as hereinafter provided with regard to certified Port or City Mills. Coniferous timber over 25 feet in length cut for particular purposes may be negotiated at proportionate prices but Sellers must submit details to the Controller of Timber Supplies and obtain his approval thereto. Town Saw Mills and Town Retailers are permitted to increase the prices for converted Softwoods (excluding Sleepers) up to 25 per cent, when the quantity sold is 20 cubic feet or over, or up to 50 per cent, when the quantity sold is less than 20 cubic feet. Such increased prices to cover cost of conveyance of log to Town Mills or Town Yards and delivery of converted material from mills or yards free on rail or barge, or within the usual cartage radius. Certified Port or City "Mills are permitted to increase the price of converted Softwoods (excluding Sleepers) up i<> 40 per ceii'. Such increased prices to cover cost of conveyance of log to Port or City Mills and delivery of converted material from Mills free on rail or barge or within the usual cartage radius. Certified Port or City Mills are also permitted to sell any entire Log, Butt, or length purchased under Schedule B, and converted for Buyers' account at an increased pi -ice not exceeding II) per cent, above the price paid free on rail or bar^e under Schedule B. In addition the cost of rail or barge transport and delivery to Mill and cost of sawing at current local rate< may l>e charged extra and shall be shown separately on the Invoice. SLEEPEES. (Spruce, Scots Fir, Laich or other co.niferous t ; mber) delivered free on rV\il or barge at loading station 9 ft. long 10 in. bv 5 ins. Not less than 8 in. face ... ... 8s. each, net. ,, ,, 7 in. ... ... 75. Qd. each, net. Sleepers of other dimensions, including Crowns and Pit Sleepers to customary Specification... ... 2s. Sd. per cubic ft. net. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. March 29th. 1918.] Timber Control Order, 1918, 419 THE TIMBER CONTROL ORDER, 1918, DATED JULY 16iH, 1918, 13. Timber MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. Supplies. The Board of Trade deeming -*t expedient to make further exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations as respects timber hereby order as follows : PART I TIMBER GROWN OUTSIDE THE UNITED KINGDOM. 1. No person in the United Kingdom shall buy, sell, receive, take or make delivery of, or enter into any transaction or negotiation in relation to the sale, purchase, or transport, of any Timber outside the United Kingdom except under and in accordance with the terms of a Permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller. 2. Except as provided in paragraph 15 hereof no person shall : (a) Buy or enter into any contract for the purchase of any Timber imported into the United Kingdom except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller. (6) Sell or enter into any contract for the sale of any such Timber except to the holder of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller, and then only in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in such permit. 3. The Controller may by notice under his hand fix the maximum prices at which any Imported Timber may be sold, and may by a like notice vary such prices from time to time. 4. No person shall buy or sell imported timber at a price exceeding the maximum fixed in accordance with the terms of this Order provided that stocks of imported softwood timber in the United Kingdom at the date of this Order may save as hereinafter mentioned be sold in accordance with the orders regulating the price of imported timber in force immediately before the date of this Order, but only to holders of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller. Holders of stocks imported from Norway or Sweden before the 15th May, 1917, and from Canada or the United States before 19th July, 1917, shall make a return of such stocks to the Controller, who may authorise such stocks to be sold to holders of a permit at prices to be fixed by the Controller. Sales by a merchant to a merchant without a permit are prohibited. 5. In this part of this Order the expression " timber J; includes plywood, boxboards, and dressed timber, but does not include standing Timber. PART II. HOME GROWN TIMBER. 6. No person shall : (a) Buy or enter into any contract for the purchase of any standing or felled timber of the descriptions men- tioned in Schedule A. of the Home Grown Timber 5246 2 420 timber Control Order, 191S. 13. Timber Price.- Order, .1918, (a) except under and in accordance Supplies. w ^j l t } le terms and conditions of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller. (6) Sell or enter into any contract for the sale of any such, timber as aforesaid except to the holder of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller, and then only in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in such permit. 7. No person --hall by tender offer any home grown timber, whether standing or felled, i'<>r sale, except under and in accord- ance with the terms of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller. 8. No person shall by auction sell or offer for sale any home grown timber whether standing or felled except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller, provided that if a permit has been granted to the auctioneer it shall not be ne< eai v for the principal to obtain a permit in respect of the same timber. A permit to sell under this paragraph may provide thai the sale shall be con- ditional on a permit being granted by or on behalf of the Controller to the person who is declared to be the purchaser, and in that case the sale shall not be completed unless and until a permit has been granted to the purchaser and the conditions of 'sale shall provide accordingly. Where the Controller refuses in his discretion to grant a permit to such person he may grant a permit to any other person who bid at the auction and who is willing to pay a price equal to the highest price bid. 9. Paragraphs ('<. ~ . and 8 do not apply to timber included in the sale of the land on which it is growing. 10. Where an estate or land with the timber growing thereon is sold by private contract, whether in separate lots or as a whole, the Vendor shall, if the contents of such timber (excluding hedgerow trees) exceed ten thousand cubic feet, before com- pletion submit to the Controller full particulars concerning the timber thereon at the date of the contract together with the name and address of the purchaser, and unless a permit is there- upon granted by or on behalf of the Controller, the sale so far as it relates to the timber thereon shall be void. 11. Where an estate or land with r he timber growing thereon is offered for sale by auction, whether in separate lots or as a whole, the auctioneer or the Yendor shall, if the contents of such timber (excluding hedgerow trees) exceed ten thousand cubic- feet, before the same is offered at auction submit full particulars of the timber thereon to the Controller together with a valuation thereof on the basis of Schedule A. of the Home Grown Timber Prices Order, 1918, (a) and unless a permit is granted either to the auctioneer or to the Vendor, such timber shall be excluded from the sale of the land. A permit granted under this paragraph may provide that the sale shall not be completed as regards the timber unless and until a permit has been granted by or on (a) HOME GROWN TIMBER PRICES ORDER, 1918. That Order is printed p. 413. Timber Control Order. 1918. 421 behalf of the Controller to the person who is declared to be the 13. Timber purchaser and the conditions of sale shall provide accordingly. Supplies. The valuation of the timber shall in all cases be announced at the time of sale. 12. The expression " timber " in paragraphs 10 and 11 in- cludes all trees of pitprop size and over, other than Orchard trees. 13. Where a permit is granted for the purchase or sale of standing or felled timber such permit may specify the use to which such timber may be put or the district in which it --may be used or resold after severance or removal as the case may be, and any ether conditions which the Controller may see fit to impose, and no person shall in respect of such timber act in any manner contrary to the terms and conditions of such permit. 14. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 15 hereof, and except as in this paragraph provided, no person shall : (a) Buy or enter into any contract for the purchase of (1) any timber in the log of the descriptions mentioned in Schedule B. of the Home Grown Timber Prices Order, 1918, (a) or (2) any converted timber of the descriptions mentioned in Schedules C. or D. of the said Order, (a) or sawn to any other sizes, except under and in accordance with the terms of a permit granted by or on behalf of the Controller. (6) Sell or enter into any contract for the sale of any timber in the log or converted timber of the. descriptions aforesaid except to the holder of such a permit. Provided that a permit shall not be required for the purchase by the occupier of a sawmill of timber in the log for the purpose of conversion for sale or for resale in the log, or by a merchant or retailer of timber in the log or converted timber for the pur- pose of resale provided that a certificate is given by the purchaser at the time of sale that the timber is required only for the pur- pose of conversion for sale or for resale as the case may be, and such certificate shall be a sufficient authority to the seller to supply such timber to the person from whom he receives such certificate. '' Conversion '' means the sawing of timber to any of the specifications mentioned in Schedules C. and D. of the Home Grown Timber Prices Order. 1918, or to any other specifi- cations, and " Converted Timber " means timber sawn to any specifications. PAI:T III. GENERAL. 15. (a) Notwithstanding anything herein-before contained, a permit shall not be required for the purchase of Home Grown or Imported Timber not exceeding a total value of 5 m any one week, provided that at the time of purchase the purchaser signs a declaration in the form marked A. in the Schedule to this Order,, and the signing of such declaration shall be a sufficient authority to supply such timber in accordance therewith. (a) HOME GROWN TIMBER PRICES ORDER, 1918. That Order is printed p. 413 5240 3 422 Timber Control Order, 19.18. 13. Timber All persons supplying timber in accordance with this para- Supplies. graph shall forward to the Controller a statement showing the total value of Home Grown and Imported Timber so supplied not later than seven days after the last day of the calendar month within which such timber was sold. (b) Where the Admiralty or Ministry of Shipping(*) grant a Certificate in the form marked B. in the Schedule that Home Grown or Imported Timber is urgently required for the repair of one of His Majesty'.- -hips or of any ship which i- for the time being under the control or direction of the Shipping Controller, such certificate shall be a sufficient authority to any person named therein to purchase such timber to the amount (not exceeding 5 standards of 165 cubic feet) and of the quality or description named therein. The purchaser shall deliver such certificate to the seller, and any person to whom such certificate is delivered at the time may supply such timber accordingly. All persons supplying timber in accordance with thi> para- graph shall forward the certificate^ to the Controller, together with a statement in the form marked C. in (he Schedule not later than 7 days after the last day of the calendar month within which such timber was supplied. (c) No permit shall be required by a colliery or other mine owner to purchase manufactured pitwood (including >awn props, pillar wood, crowns, and pit sleepers) or pitprops, but permits will be required in accordance with this Order to purchase stand- ing or converted timber other than the above. (d) Xo permit or certificate shall be required for use for estate purposes of timber grown by the Owner. 16. Applications for permits shall be made as follows : (a) For permits relating to timber situated outside the United Kingdom to the Controller. (b) For permits relating to Imported and Home Grown Timber in Great Britain (except standing or felled timber in Scotland) to the Controller. (c) For permits relating to standing or felled timber in Scotland to the Board of Trade (Timber Supplies Department), 1, Queen-street. Edinburgh. (d) For permits relating to Imported and Home Grown Timber in Ireland, to the Board of Trade (Timber Supplies Department. 6, Hume-street. Dublin. 17. All persons engaged in the purchase, sale, transport, con- version, or manufacture of timber of any description shall furnish such particulars as to their business or transactions as may be required from time to time by, or on behalf of, the Controller. (a) MINISTRY OF SHIPPING. The office of Shipping Controller was consti- tuted by s. 5 of the New Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1016 (6 & 7 Geo. 5. c. 68). Timber Control Order, 1918. 423 18. In this Order "the Controller" means the Controller of 13. Timber limber Supplies. Supplies. " Standing or felled timber " includes all trees standing or lying, of pitprop size or over. 19. The following Orders are hereby revoked without prejudice to any act or matter done or suffered or to any proceeding or prosecution instituted thereunder: Army Council Orders(a) relating to Timber dated : 4th February, 1917. ^Restrictions on dealing in Imported Softwoods.) 14th April, 1917. (Imported Soft Wood Order, 1917. )(b) 3rd Mav, 1917. (Russian Timber (Purchases) Order, 1917.X*) 7th May, 1917. (Imported Soft Wood Prices Order, 1917. )(d) 19th May, 1917. (Imported Soft Wood (Prices) Permit, 1917.X*) 4th July, 1917. (Standing Timber (United Kingdom) Order, Board of Trade Orders relating to Timber dated: 24th August, 1917. (Mahogany and American Walnut.) 2nd October, 1917. (Teak and Lignum Vitse (Control) Order, 1917.)(r) 25th April, 1918. (Timber Order, 1918.)( h ) 20. Infringements of this Order are summary offences (i) against the Defence of the Realm Regulations. 21. This Order may be cited as the Timber Control Order 1918. (a) ARMY COUNCIL ORDERS AS TO TIMBER. These Orders, issued prior to Aug. 22, 1917, took effect as if made by the Board of Trade. See Reg. 2jj (4), p. 21. (b) IMPORTED SOFT WOOD ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed at p. 352 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918) Edition of this Manual. (c) RUSSIAN TIMBER (PURCHASES) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed at p. 357 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918) Edition of this Manual. (d) IMPORTED SOFT WOOD (PRICES) ORDER, 1918. That Order is printed p. 358 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918), Edition of this Manual. (e) IMPORTED SOFT WOOD (PRICES) PERMIT, 1917. That Order is printed p. 359 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918) Edition of this Manual. (f ) STANDING TIMBER (UNITED KINGDOM) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 360 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918) Edition of this Manual. (g-) TEAK AND LIGNUM VIT.E (CONTROL) ORDER, 1917. That Order is printed p. 361 of the 1st (Feb. 28, 1918) Edition of this Manual. (h) TIMBER ORDER, 1918. That Order was published in the London Gazette, April 26, 1918. (i) SUMMARY OFFENCES. See the Introduction to this Manual. 5246 4 424 Timber Control Order, 1918. 13. Timber Supplies. TIMBER CONTROL. Form A. Form applicable to sales without permit under Timber Control Order, 1918, to be filled up and signed by successive purchasers and retained by seller for inspection when required by Controller of Timber Supplies or his Inspectors. DECLARATION* BY PURCHASERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 15A OF TIMBER CONTROL ORDER, 1918. I hereby certify that the purchase entered against my name is correctly described and that it. together with any other purchases of timber made during the current week (whether made directly or through third parties or from whatever source) without permit from the Controller of Timber Supplies does not exceed 5 m total value, and that this purchase is for work of National Importance or urgent necessity. Date. Value of Wood. Purpose for which required. Purchaser's address. Purchase i '- signature. Imported. Home- grown. I. ,1. y. //. This form may be printed privately, typed or drawn up in manuscript, but must conform in size and design to this copy. Forms must riot be filled up or signed in pencil, and may be continued overleaf. TIMBER CONTROL. Form B. Form applicable to the urgent supply without permit of 5 standards of 165 cubic feet or less of timber for ship repairs. 1. Name of supplier 2. Address of supplier 3. Purpose for which required 4. Kind of timber 5. Whether home-grown or imported (N. B. Home-grown and imported must not be included on the same certificate.) 6 Quantity in standards (of 165 cubic feet) 7. Whether round or converted timber 8. To whom supply is made Name Address. . . Timber Control Order-, 19.18. 425 Authority for Supply. 13. Timber The above-mentioned is authorised in the terms of the Timber ^ Control Order, 1918, to supply the timber described above to the Department or firm named above. The urgency of the demand does not admit of a permit being obtained. Signature of Official For the Department. Date... ...191... This form may be printed privately, typed, or drawn up in manuscript, but must conform in size and design to this copy. Forms must not be filled up or signed in pencil. TIMBER CONTROL. Form C. HETURN OF SUPPLIES OF TIMBER MADE DURING THE MONTH PRECEDING DATE OF THIS RETURN. 1. Summary of sales without permit under Form A (N.B. Forms A must be retained by the seller): Imported Wood. No. Sales. Total Value. Home Grown Wood. No. of Sales. Total Value. d. '2. Summary of supplies without permit under Form B (N.B. Forms B :r,ust lie (.iff ached) : Imported Wood. No. of Sales. Quantity in Stds. of 165 cubic feet. Home Grown Wood. No. of Sales. Quantity in Stds. of 165 cubic feet. From own Stock ... From National Stock Timber Control Order, 1918. 13. Timber Supplies. 3. Schedule of Sales of own stocks under permit (may be continued over- r on other copies of the form) : Quantity. In Standards of 165 cubic feet. In cubic feet. i 11 Ill IV V Date of Sales. No. of permit. Imported Softwood. Home-grown Softwood converted. Home-grown Hardwood converted. Home-grown in the round (hard and soft) not standing or felled m Imported Hardwood. the woods. DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEFENCE OF THE REALM RECII \no\s I hereby certify that the particulars set forth herein are correct, that I have supplied during the month of 191 no timber except as herein described, and that in the case of sales under permit each- permit has been correctly endorsed with the quantity supplied, datod and signed by me. Signature. Address... Date. .191. Envelopes enclosing this form and all correspondence relating thereto must be marked (Form C) and addressed the Controller of Timber Supplies, A.C.T.S.l, 80, Newman Street, Oxford Street, W.I. This form may be printed privately, typed or drawn up in manuscript . out must conform in size and design to this copy. Forms must not be filled up or signed in pencil. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, July 19th, 1918.] Priority of Work Orders. 427 PART III. PRIORITY OF WORK ORDERS. 1. Priority of Work in numerous I 2. Priority of Work in manufac- Industries, p. 427. ture of particular Classes of War* Material, p. 432. 1. Priority of Work in numerous Industries. THE PRIORITY OF WORK ORDER, (a) DATED MARCH 8, 1917, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS . The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him hereby orders and requires that all persons engaged in any of the trades, businesses, or industries specified in the third schedule hereto shall in all respects comply with the following directions and regulations as to the priority to be given to work carried out in their factories and workshops and else- where in or in connection with such trades, businesses, or indus- tries or any of them. (1) Priority shall be given to work in such trades, businesses and industries in accordance with the classification set out in the first schedule hereto. (2) All work and orders for work or materials undertaken by them shall be divided into the three Classes, Class A, Class B, and Class C mentioned in the first schedule. (3) Work and orders in Class A shall take precedence of work and orders in Class B or Class C, and work and orders in Class B (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the "Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. Priority of Work in certain Trades, Businesses, and Industries. shall take precedence of work and orders in Class C irrespective of the date when the orders were received and of any contractual obligations to the contrary. (4) Subject to paragraph 7 hereof orders for work shall be treated as belonging to Class A or Class B as the case may be if accompanied by a certificate from the person ordering the same in the form set out in the second schedule hereto, stating that the work belongs to Class A or Class B respectively. (5) In the case of a person whose production either as regards the whole or a particular part thereof is regulated by specific directions or regulations from any department of the Govern- ment, such person shall not in so far as relates to the production so regulated act on a certificate presented to him by another person, but must apply for instructions to the department which regulates such production, forwarding to that department the certificate presented. Any order for work which entails the use of materials which are for the time being subject to control by a Government Department, and in respect of which Regulations shall have been issued, must not be carried out until after com- pliance with the said Regulations. (6) Any order for work not accompanied by a certificate in the form set out in the second schedule hereto to the effect that the work falls within Class A or Class B shall be treated as an order for work in Class C. (7) Any particular or special directions or regulations issued in writing by the Minister of Munitions, or by any Government Department regulating production as mentioned in paragraph 5 hereof, as to the classification of any work or orders belonging to the same class shall over-ride these general directions and regulations, (a) As from the date hereof this Order shall be substituted for Circular L.33 as to the control of output issued by the Minister of Munitions on the 31st March, 1916, and references to this order and the corresponding classes herein mentioned shall be substituted in all orders, directions, notices and permits already made o* 1 issued by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions for any references therein to the said Circular L.33 and the classes therein mentioned, but such substitution shall not affect the previous operation of the said Circular L.33 or any of such orders, directions, regulations, notices or permits or the validity of any action taken under them or any of them or any penalty or punish- ment incurred in respect of any contravention or failure ta comply with the same or any of them or any proceeding or remedy in respect of such penalty or punishment. And any certificate already issued under the said Circular L.33 shall so far as the same was properly issued thereunder contiue to have the same effect as if this Ord^.r had never been made. (a) ORDERS REGULATING PRODUCTION OF PARTICULAR CLASSES OF WAJK MATERIAL. These are printed in Part II of this Manual. Classification of Work for Priority Purposes. The First Schedule above referred to. CLASSIFICATION OF WORK. Definition of Class A. Class A Comprises : Work or material wholly required as a component part of any work or goods to be carried out or supplied under (a) A Government War Contract which signifies : (1) Any Contract placed by the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions. (2) Any Contract for Naval or Military Equipment placed by an Allied Government by or with the consent in writing* of the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions. (b) Certified War Work, which signifies: (1) Work on a Contract or Order which the Admi- ralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions has certified in writing to be War or Munitions Work. (2) Work which the Minister of Munitions has directed to be treated on an equality with War work. (<-) Merchant shipping work certified in writing by the Board of Trade to be Munitions work. Definition of Class B. Class B comprises : Work or material wholly required for: (a) Repairs to existing industrial machinery (but not the replacement of old machinery by new) wherever essential to maintain continuity of operation in the United Kingdom. '(b) The maintenance of reasonable stocks of materials or articles necessary as component parts of work or goods to be carried out or supplied under any orders or contracts to be executed under Cia.ss A or Class B. '(f) Export orders, certified in writing by the Board of Trade, the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions to be of sufficient national importance to be specially approved for export to- approved destinations and as to which the Minister of Munitions or other Government Department controlling the necessary materials has certified that such materials can be spared. (d) Contracts or orders certified in writing by the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions as necessary for the efficient conduct of the War. * CONSENT. The consent of these Departments will usually be given through the Commission Internationale de Ravitaille- Riont (The International Commission, India House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2), to whom application should be made for such consent. 429 430 Form of Certificate for securing Priority of Work. (e) Contracts or Orders certified in writing by the Director-General of National Service to be of sufficient importance in the national interest to be placed in Class B and as to which the Minister of Munitions or other Government Department controlling the necessary materials has certified that such materials can be spared. Definition of Class C. *Class C comprises all work not comprised in Classes A or B. The Second Schedule above referred to. FORM OF CERTIFICATE. [Front of Certificate.] This Certificate is issued for the purpose of securing priority for the work referred to herein, in pursuance of directions given by the Minister of Munitions under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. CERTIFICATE. Firm's Reference No. Date , 1917. To: Messrs. Order No. (of ordering firm or establishment). Quantity and description. I /We hereby certify that the work or materials described herein are required for the following purposes : (Here state clearly particulars of the special War, National or other purposes of the order.) 1. As component of the subject matter of a Government Contract bearing the following reference number, viz., No. and for the purposes of 2. (If not a direct component of a Government contract) for the purposes of : References : (N.B. Read and for no other purpose; and that such order falls within carefully Class as defined on the back hereof. back hereof.) I /We hereby declare the above to be a true and accurate statement. Signed on behalf of by * Note. No certificate may be issued for orders in Class C List of Trades and Industries in which Priority of Work is 431 Regulated. [Back of Certificate.] A Copy of First Schedule " Classification of Work." A false declaration on this certificate is an offence under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. The certificate must be signed by a Partner, Director, Manager, or other responsible official. Copies of this certificate for use in making applications can be obtained free of charge at any Head Post Office, where supplies will always be available, or by order from any Money Order Office. The Third Schedule above referred to. 1. All trades, businesses or industries carried on in any estab- lishment to which directions as to priority had been issued on or before the date of this Order. 2. All trades and manufacture in or of metals, machinery, agricultural implements and vehicles. 3. The repairing of machinery or plant for use in Industry. 4. Woodworking. Pottery and Glass Trades. Buildings and Works of construction. Textile Trades and Manufacture. Linoleum, Oilcloth and Table Baize manufacture. Rope, Twine and Line trades and manufacture. Coal Tar Products, manufacture of. Dyestuffs, manufacture of. Other Chemical Products, manufacture of. Lubricating Oils and Other Lubricants, manufacture of. Oil Seed Crushing. Soap and Candles, manufacture of. Paints, Colours and Varnishes, manufacture of Baskets and Wicker work, manufacture of. Letterpress and Lithographic printing. Papermaking. Leather Trades and manufacture. Boot, Shoe and Ctog manufacture. Coke, manufacture of. Rubber Trades and manufacture. Waterproofing of Fabrics and of paper. Electricity, gas and water services. Stone, Marble, Granite and Slate Quarrying, cutting and polishing. Bookbinding, (a) [The above Order was published in the London Gazette, March 9th, 1917.] (a) ADDITION TO 3RD SCHEDULE. See Amendment Order printed imme- diately below. 432 Priority of Work hi Manufacture of Particular Classes of War Material. THE PRIORITY OF WORK (AMENDMENT) ORDER, DATED JANUARY 12, 1918, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF MUNITIONS. (a) In reference to the Order of the Minister of Munitions as to the priority to be given to work carried out in factories and work- shops and elsewhere dated the 8th March, 1917, (*>) the Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations, and all other powers enabling him, hereby ordeis that the said Order shall henceforth be read and take effect as if the words " Clothing, wholesale manufacture of," were added at the end of the 3rd Schedule to the said Order. [The above Order was published in the London Gazette. January 1 ">. I'.MX.] 2. Priority of Work in Manufacture of Particular Classes of War Material. The Orders making provision for this aie printed in Part II. of this Manual, and the following is a list of them classified according to the grouping adopted in the said Part : Metals. Control of Steel Supplies Order, 1916, p. 22S. Control of Steel Supplies (Steel Rods and Wires) Order, 1917, p. 232. Paper. Paper Restriction Order (No. 5), 1917, />. 270. Textiles. Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority Order, 1917,y;. 291. Woollen and Worsted (Consolidation) Order, 1917, p. 335. (a) SHORT TITLE OF ORDER. The Short Title was conferred by the *' Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918," printed in Appendix V to this Manual. (to) PRIORITY OP WORK ORDER. This is printed immediately above. Appendices. 433 APPENDIXES. PAGE. APPENDIX I. The Steel Supplies Orders and General Permit thereunder, in Consolidated form ... ... 433 APPENDIX II. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act and Rules 452 APPENDIX III. Restrictions on Importation or Exporta- tion o War Material Supplies ... ... ... ... 465 APPENDIX IV. Relief from Liability under Contracts affected by Control of War Material Supplies ... ... 501 APPENDIX V. Proof Construction and Citation of Wai- Material Supplies Orders, and of the Enabling Regula- tions 504 APPENDIX I. THE STEEL SUPPLIES ORDERS AND GENERAL PERMIT THEREUNDER IN CONSOLIDATED FORM. 1 . Steel Supplies ( Consolidated} Order, p. 434. 2. Steel Supplies (Consolidated] General Permit., p. 435. 3. Control of Steel Supplies (Consolidated) Order, p. 449. The full text of all the Orders and Permits and Amending Orders and Permits, 24 in number, as originally made and Issued, relating to steel supplies, as were not on May 31st, 1918, wholly revoked or withdrawn is printed at pp. 215-251 of Part II. of this Manual. As appears from the list (p. 215) the Amendments are very numerous and this Appendix consists of 'three Consolidating Orders drawn by the Editor reproducing the whole of these Orders, &c. (with the exception of the " Steel Bods and Wire Order," p. 248, and the " Midlands District Ironstone Control Order," p. 251, which stand out apart from and do not lend themselves to consolidation) in the form in which they appear to apply as on May 31st, 1918, as 3 documents instead of 22. For these Consolidations the Editor is alone responsible, and for prosecutions and like purposes use should be made of the copies of the Orders, &c., as issued which as printed as above are primd facie evidence (see Appendix V., " Proof, &c., of War Material Supplies Orders"). But it has been considered that convenience would be consulted and administrative and business time saved by the reproduction, e.g.. of the 13 "Permit" documents as one single document. ALEXANDER PULLING. 434 Steel Supplies Orders Consolidated. 1. Steel Supplies (Consolidated) Order. [This comprises a consolidation by the Editor of the Steel Supplies (Metallurgical Coke Iron and Steel Order, 1916 (p. 200) and the 6 Amending Orders. The portions of the Consolidation which vary from the Principal 1916 Order are indicated by thick black lines.] In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Minister of Munitions hereby orders that the war material to which the Regulation applies shall include war material of the classes and descriptions hereunder specified. I. METALLURGICAL COKE. Metallurgical Coke of the following classes and descriptions : Cumberland. Derbyshire. Durham and Northumberland. Lancashire. Lincolnshire. Midland Counties. Nottinghamshire. Staffordshire. Yorkshire. South Wales and Monmouthshire. Scottish. II. PIG IRON. Pig Iron of the following classes and descriptions : Hematite. Cleveland. Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. Lincolnshire. Northamptonshire. Scottish. Staffordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire. III. STEEL. Steel of the following classes and descriptions : Angles, Tees, Channels, Flats, Bulb Angles, Zeds and other sections, of which the prices are customarily based on the price of Angles. Joists. Hexagons. Plates, Sheets and Black Plate, all open annealed pro- produced in Sheet Mills. Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. 435 Slabs, Plates, Strips and pieces cut from Plates, suitable for re-rolling. Ship plates. Boiler plates. Rails (railway). Sheet and tin plate bars. Blooms and billets, ordinary mild steel. Blooms and billets, special. Eounds and squares (tested). Rounds and squares (untested). High Speed Tool Steel. Steel Scrap of all classes and descriptions. IV. WROUGHT IRON. Bar Iron. Wrought Iron Scrap. V. TlNPLATES AND TfiRNEPLATES. Tinplates. Terneplates. 2. Steel Supplies (Consolidated) General Permit. [This comprises a consolidation by the Editor of the Steel Supplies (Metallurgical Coke Iron and Steel) Permit, 1916 (pp. 220-225) and the 12 Permit Amendments. The portions of this Consolidation which vary from the Principal 1916 Permit are indicated by thick black lines.] 1. With reference to the Steel Supplies (Consolidated) Order Dealings pe*. applying Regulation 30A of the Defence of the Realm Regula- mitted sub- tions to war material consisting of certain classes and descrip- 3 ect to turns of metallurgical coke pig iron and steel, the Minister of conditions - Munitions hereby gives notice that he permits all persons until further notice : (a) To buy, sell or deal in ; or (6) Offer or invite an offer or propose to buy, sell or deal in ; or (c) Enter into negotiations for the sale or purchase of or other dealing in I the war material referred to in the said Order, subject to the conditions and provisions in this Permit contained. 2. This permit shall not affect the provisions of : Saving for 4a) Regulation 30s of the Defence of the Realm Regula- provisions as tions or of any Order made thereunder ; * flings (b) the Control of Steel Supplies (Consolidation) Order. metals^nd control of steel sup- plies. 436 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. Maximum 3. No sale or purchase of material in the United Kingdom prices on sale to which the said Steel Supplies (Consolidated) Order relates or purchase. ^^\\ k e a t a price exceeding the maximum prices specified in the First Schedule hereto with reference to the respective classes and descriptions of material therein referred to. Provided that this condition shall not apply to: (a) A vsale or purchase under a special permit granted by the Minister of Munitions ; or (b) a sale or purchase of material, other than high-speed tool steel, which is not a transaction or one of a series of transactions involving the sale or purchase of two tons or over ; or (c} any sale by a Manufacturer of finished steel (other than tinplates and terneplates or steel scrap of any class or description) rolled from steel purchased by him ; or (d) purchase of material (other than steel slabs, plates, strips and pieces cut from plates suitable for re-rolling and steel plates sheets and black plates all open annealed produced in sEeet mills) the export of which has been duly sanctioned. (e) a sale or purchase of material of the classes and descrip- tions specified in the Second Schedule hereto under a contract in writing entered into prior to the dates specified in the said schedule in connection with such respective classes and descriptions, at prices not con- travening those permitted up to the said dates as so specified. 4. Upon any such sale or purchase the seller and purchaser shall comply with any directions whether of general application or otherwise which may from time io time or at any time be given by the Minister of Munitions with regard to the use or disposal of the said war material. All dealings 5. No sale or purchase of or dealing in the said war material, to comply except in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions, is with Permit, authorised. Communi- 6. All communications with reference to the Steel Supplies cations and (Consolidated) Order, and application for special permits should applications, be made to : * The Controller of Iron and Steel Production, (Room 382), Ministry of Munitions of War, Whitehall Place. S.W.I. Complianee with Min- ister's direc- tions. Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. 437 I First Schedule. MAXIMUM PRICES. I.-METALLURGICAL COKE. Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Ovens. Durham and Northumberland 5. d. Blast furnace coke 1 13 Foundry coke 1 IS South Wales and Monmouthshire Blast furnace coke 1 17 6 Foundry coke 2 10 6 Lancashire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire. Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Midland Counties Blast furnace coke 1 12 Scottish Blast furnace coke 1 15 Foundry coke 250 Delivered West Coast blast furnaces. Cumberland Blast furnace coke ... ... ... 1 17 9 II.-1RON. I ._PIG IRON. A. BASIS PRICES. Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Works, HEMATITE PIG IRON EAST COAST. s. d. Mixed, Numbers '1, 2, and 3 626 Special quality, containing under -04 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 676 Special quality, containing under -03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur ... 6 15 6 Special quality, containing under - 02 of Phosphorus and Sulphur ... 700 HEMATITE PIG IRON^~WBST COAST. Mixed, Numbers 1, 2, and 3 676 Special quality, containing under '03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 6 15 ( Special quality, containing under -02 of Phosphorus ~ and Sulphur ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 438 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. HEMATITE PIG IRON EAST COAST AND WEST COAST. The expression " Mixed Numbers " where herein used in relation to East Coast and West Coast Pig Iron shall mean equal quantities of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 having an average analysis within the following limits: East Coast. West Coast. Per cent. Per cent. Silicon ... If to 3 If to 3J Manganese, not exceeding ... If li Sulphur, not exceeding -06 -05 Phosphorus, not exceeding 06 -05 The following extras may be charged on sales of East Coast and West Coast Hematite Pig Iron : Per ton. a. d. All Hematite Pig Iron selected to any particular num- ber, grade or analysis or manufactured to a specified analysis within the limits covered by Mixed Numbers 026 All Hematite Pig Iron selected or manufactured to a specified analysis outside the limits covered by Mixed Numbers with a Silicon Content below 5 per cent 050 Silicon, 5 per cent, and l^ss than 6 per cent. ... 10 Silicon, 6 per cent, and less than 7 per cent. ... 15 Per ton net HEMATITE PIG IRON SCOTTISH. MakersWorks. s. d. Mixed, Numbers 1, 2 and 3 626 Special quality, containing under -03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 7 10 i HEMATITE PIG IRON WELSH. Mixed, Numbers 1, 2 and 3 626 Special quality, containing under -03 of Phosphorus and Sulphur ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 15 6 Special quality, containing under - 02 of Phosphorus and Sulphur 700 HEMATITE PIG IRON MALLEABLE. Refined- Refined cupola cast 800 Refined cupola cast to guaranteed analysis 850 Cast direct from blast furnaces Small pig iron all grades ... ... ... ... 7 10 Medium pig iron white to grey mottled 750 Medium pig iron all other qualities 6 17 6 , Large pig iron all grades ... ... ... ... 6 17 6 All the above prices for Malleable Hematite Pig Iron include Agents' Commission or Merchants' profit, which is not to exceed 5s. per ton. Applications for licences to sell special grades of Malleable Hematite Pig Iron of extra quality at special prices will be separately considered by the Director of Steel Production. Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Works. I CLEVELAND PIG IRON FOUNDRY AND FORGE. s. d. No. 1 4 19 Other grades 4 15 CLEVELAND PIG IRON BASIC 500 DERBYSHIRE, LEICESTERSHIRE AND NOTTINGHAMSHIRE PIG IRON. No. 4 Forge 4 10 No. 3 Foundry 4 12 6 No. 2 Foundry 4 14 6 No. 1 Foundry 4 16 6 Basic ... 4 17 6 (LINCOLNSHIRE PIG IRON. Basic or Foundry 4 17 6 NORTHAMPSHIRE PlG IRON. No. 4 Forge 476 No. 4 Foundry 490 No. 3 Foundry 4 10 No. 2 Foundry 4 12 No. 1 Foundry 4 14 Basic 4 17 6 NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE PIG IRON. No. 4 Forge 4 15 Foundry Numbers ." 4 17 6 Basic 4 17 6 SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE, SHROPSHIRE AND WORCESTERSHIRE PIG IRON. Part Mine" Forge 500 Part Mine" Foundry * ... 526 Common Staffordshire 4 10 All Mine" Forge 5 15 All Mine" Foundry 600 Warm Air" Forge" 750 Warm Air " Foundry 7 15 Special Quality Lord 'Dudley's Cylinder 876 Cold Blast Iron . 926 Basic 4 17 6 SCOTTISH FOUNDRY AND FORGE PIG IRON. Nos. 3, 4 and lower grades of Monkland, Dalmellington, Eglinton and Govan 5 14 Nos. 3, 4 and lower grades of all other brands 5 15 6 No. 1 quality (Scottish) to be 5s. per ton above these prices. B. ADDITIONS TO PRICES FOR PIG IRON. (i) To the above-mentioned prices for pig iron a sum not exceeding 1 per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales by persons other than the Makers. |(ii) In all districts an extra charge of Is. per ton may be charged over the fixed maximum price for basic pig iron cast in chills. 2.- BAR IRON. A. BASIS PRICES. I Standard quality, oidinary sizes and merchants' lengths, 1-3 17s. Qd. per ton net, f.o.t. Makers' Works. Marked Bars, 16 per ton nett f.o.t. makers' works. 440 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amend rvnt.i Consolidated. B. EXTRAS F01I BAR IRON. Subject to extras for special sizes and qualities not exceeding those contained in the list published by the Ministry of Munitions on the 1st day of November, 1916, entitled " List of authorised extras chargeable on bar iron." C. ADDITIONS TO PRICES FOR HAH, I HON. (i) To the above-mentioned prices for bar iron a sum not exceeding 2 per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales by persons other than the Makers. (ii) Stockholders of bar iron are permitted to sell from their stock at the prices above mentioned plus a maximum addition of 3 per ton to cover carriage and all other charges including loading outwards from their stores. (iii) This 3 per ton will include the merchant's commission of 2^ per cent, and is not in addition thereto. 3. WROUGHT-IRON SCRAP. (1) Wrought-iron scrap of the classes defined or men- tioned in (a), (b) and (c) below 6 5s. per ton. (a) Wrought-iron plates, boiler plates, and sectional material not less than f-inch thick, each piece separate, reason- ably clear of rivets, without any flanged end plates, or circular angles and plates, all suitable for shearing, cable scrap and cnain scrap not less than ^-inch diameter. (It) Heavy wrought-iron scrap not less than ^-inch thick, in- cluding horse shoes, rivet and bolt scrap, scrap from the manufacture of rivets and bolts, and chain scrap not less than J-inch diameter. (c) Wrought-iron scrap under -4 -inch thick, including country wrought-iron scrap, and all wrought-iron scrap not in- cluded in any of the classes denned in Clauses 1. 2 or ''> hereof. (2) Wrought-iron scrap mixed with steel or other material 4 lo.s-. per ton. (3) Wrought-iron planings. turnings and borings mixed with steel or other materials 2 l(J,s. per ton. (4) The prices of wrought-iron scrap and mixed scrap may be arranged between buyer and seller, but may not exceed, in the cases of the classes defined in Clause (1) (a), (b) and (c) 6 os. per ton; in the ease of the classes defined in Clause (2) 4 los. per ton, and in the case of the classes defined in Clause (3) 2 10s. per ton. (5) The above prices do not apply to old wrought-iron railway carriage and wagon axles, shafting 2-inch diameter and upwards and similar heavy pieces suitable only for direct forging or rolling down and not for piling, nor to scrap from the following brands of Yorkshire iron : - Lowmoor. Farnley. Monkbridge. Taylor Brothers. Bowling. Cooper Brothers. (6) The above prices are free on rail, or free in bar^e. at the nearest convenient siding or wharf, to the place where the scrap lies at the time of sale. (7) To the above prices for wrought-iron scrap a sum not exceeding 2^ per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales by recognised scrap merchants. (8) The above prices for wrought-iron scrap if selected, loaded in and delivered from yards used as scrap yards at the date hereof by recognised scrap merchants, may be increased by the following amount per ton: s. d. (a) Where carriage to buyer's works does not exceed 3s. per ton ... 10 (b) Where carriage to buyer's works exceeds 3s. per ton 076 (c) If sheared and cut up ready for piling ... ... 15 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. 441 IIL-STEEL. 1. STEEL. A. BASIS PRICES FOR STEEL. i Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Works. s. d. STEEL SHIP BRIDGE AND TANK PLATES. Subject to list of extras " A," dated 1/11/16 11 10 _ STEEL SHIP BRIDGE AND TANK THIN PLATES. Under y inch thick (except *24 inch (9-7 Ibs.) and 10 Ibs. Admiralty, for which see List " A ") down to and in- cluding T : V inch thick (including 7^ Ibs. Admiralty)... 14 10 Under fV inch thick (and under 7^ Ibs. Admiralty) down to >and including inch thick (and 5 Ibs.) 16 Under inch thick down to and including T \ inch thick 17 Under T : V inch thick down to and including ^ inch thick 17 10 Boiler quality basis 100 per ton over the above. Subject to list of extras " B," dated 1/11/16. STEEL S.M. BOILEK PLATES. Subject to list of extras <' >(V' dated 1/11/16 1210 STEEL ANGLES AND BULB ANGLES. Angles 7 to 11 united inches '^including 6 inches by 6 inches) f inch thick and up Bulb angles 9 to 12 united inches (including 9 by 3^ inches) finch thick and up ... 11 2 6 Subject to list of extras " D," dated 1/11/16, which covers steel Angles, Bulbs, Zeds, Channels, Tee Bulbs, Tees and Flats. SMALL STEEL ANGLES, TEES AND FLATS. Angles Tees. Under 6 inches down to and including 4 > s. d. s. d. united inches 14 15 Under 4 inches down to and including 3 united inches... ... 14 10 15 10 Under 3 united inches to and including 2 united inches. . . 15 16 Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Works, s. d, Flats 5 inches and under down to and including 1^ inches ' ... 15 10 Subject to list of extras " E," dated 1/11/16. STEEL ROUNDS, SQUARES AND HEXAGONS. Bars, 3 inches to /5 inches without tests... ... ... 12 10 Bars, 3 inches to 5^ inches with tests ... ... ... 13 Subject to list of extras ' ; F " dated 1/11/16. 442 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. SMALL STEEL ROUNDS, SQUARES AND HEXAGONS. Per ton net f.o.t. Makers' Works. s. d. Rounds ano\ squares under 3 inches down to and in- cluding | inch without tests 15 Rounds and squares under 3 inches down to and in- cluding f inch with tests 15 10 Hexagons under 3 inches to f inch across flats, 1 per ton over the above. Subject to list of extras " G '' dated 1/11/16. STEEL JOISTS. Subject to list of extras marked " H," dated 1/11/16 11 2 6 MILD STEEL DIAMOND PATTERN CHEQUER PLATES. 5 inch thick on plain and over ... ... ... ... 13 Under inch, but not under fV inch on plain ... ... 16 5 Subject to List of Extras " J," dated 1/1/17. HIGHER HIGH TENSILE STEEL. Plates 10 Ibs. thick and up 22 Subject to list of extras " K," dated 1/1/17. . Angles 7 united inches and over , .. 21 10 Subject to list of extras " L,'' dated 1/1/17. STEEL SLABS, PLATES, STRIPS AND PIECES CLT FROM PLATES, SUITABLE FOR RK- ROLLING ... ... ... ... ... 1076 STEEL PLATES, SHKETS, AND BLACK PLATE, ALL OPEN ANNEALED PRODUCED IN SlIEET MILLS. Above T s s inch thick 16 Q W inch and under to 16 gauge inclusive 16 5 Under 16 gauge to 20 gauge ,, 16 15 20 ., 24 ., 17 24 26 .. 18 The maximum prices for defective Steel Plates, Sheets, and Black Plate above mentioned will be 1 per ton less than the above prices. The maximum prices for Steel Slabs, Plates, Strips, Pieces cut from Plates. Sheets, and Black Plate above mentioned do not apply to separate and independent orders involving the sale of less than two tons. STEEL RAILS. Rails, 60 Ibs. per yard and over ... 10 17 6 Rails, 50 Ibs. per yard and over, but under 60 Ibs. per yard ... 11 New slightly defective rails, 5s. per ton less than these prices. SHEET AND TINPLATE BARS ... ... ... 1076 BLOOMS AND .BILLETS. Blooms and billets for re-rolling (ordinary quality) ... 10 7 6 Blooms and billets for re-rolling (special quality) ... 11 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. SHELL DISCARD STEEL. In cases where Shell Discard Steel has been transferred to works other than those of the maker 'for rolling down into special small billet sizes in order to meet urgent require- ments, permits for selling such billets at prices other than those authorised under this Permit may be granted if the proposed price is approved. 443 B. EXTRAS FOE STEEL. (A) LISTS OF EXTRAS. The above prices for Steel are subject to extras not exceeding those con- tained in the list published by the Ministry of Munitions on the 1st day of November, 1916, entitled " List of authorised extras, chargeable on Steel Material," which includes lists A, B, O, D, E, F (except extras 6 and 13), G, H and to lists of extras J, K and L dated 1st January, 1917. all above" referred to, copies of which can be had on application to the Controller of Iron and Steel Production (Room 382), Ministry of Munitions of War, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.I. (B) EXTEAS FOR STEEL PLATES, SHEETS, AND BLACK PLATE, ALL OPEN ANNEALED PRODUCED IN SHEET MILLS. (i) Extras for sizes, etc., as follows: 7. Over 4 feet wide up to and including 5 feet... 10s. per ton. 8. Over 5 feet wide up to and including 6 feet... 205. 9. Re-shearing to exact sizes 10s. ,, 10. Close Annealing 10s. ,, 11. Cold Rolling 20s. 12. Hydraulically Flattening 20s. ,, 13. Mangling 10s. ,> 14. Pickling 30s. 15. Special Welsh finish or equal, 16 gauge and thinner ... ... ... ... ... ... 30.s. ,, 16. Lots of less than 5 cwts. of a size ... .. 10s. ,, (ii) Extras for painting one coot both sides ordinary paint 22 23 24 25 26 27 18. 21 19. 25 20. Cii t 21. Bu (iii) Extras Exceeding 9ft. . 10 12 . 14 . 16 . 18 '24 gauge inclusive gauge and thinner cled, curved, tapered and Thin 3 sketch 30.s 50-s Plates To a N< >? be subject to 'range men t, > extra. 21 gauge to 24 gauge inclusive- 10s. 20s. 35s. 45s. 60*. 80s. ndling for lengths Not exceeding 10ft. 12 14 16 18 20 12 gauge nil. nil. nil. 2s. 6d. 5s. 7s. Qd. 13 gauge to 16 gauge inclusive, nil. 10s'. 20s. 30s. 40s. 17 gauge to 20 gauge inclusive. 5s. 10s. 15s. 25s. 35s. 45s. (iv) Corrugated sheets. For these there are no extras. (v) These extras are applicable to all orders for Home Trade and Export but do not apply to separate and independent orders involving the sale of less than two tons. 444 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. (c) KXTKAS FOR SHELL DISCARD QUALITY. No extra for Tensile Quality contained in any list of authorised extras I chargeable on steel material for the time being current and issued on I behalf of the Minister of Munitions for the purposes of this General! Permit shall be charged on any sale of steel in Shell Discard Quality. C. ADDITIONS TO PRICES FOR STEEL. To the above-mentioned prices for Steel a sum not exceeding 2^ per cent. on such prices may be added in the case of sales by persons other than the Makers. Stockholders of Steel are permitted to sell from their stock at the prices above mentioned plus a maximum addition of 3 per ton to cover carriage and all other charges including loading outwards from their stores. This 3 per ton will include the merchant's commission of 2 per cent, and is not in addition thereto. Stockholders are permitted to resell finished steel rolled by manu- facturers from steel purchased by them at prices not exceeding the actual purchase price to the stockholders, plus the above-mentioned 3 per ton, provided that they keep Stock Ledgers showing all purchases and sales of such material, so that the prices of such purchases and sales can at any time be verified by the Ministry. 2. STEEL SCRAP. per ton. 8. d. (1) (a) Heavy steel melting scrap ... ... ... ... 5-50 (6) Steel planings, turnings and borings ... ... 3 "> (c) Steel planings, turnings and borings mixed with wrought iron or other material ... ... ... 2 10 (d) All other classes of steel scrap, whether or not mixed with wrought iron or other material ... 4 15 (2) To the prices specified in Clause (I) hereof a sum not exceeding 2^ per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales by recognised scrap merchants. (3) All the prices specified in Clause (1) hereof are free on rail or free in barge at the nearest convenient siding or wharf to the place where the scrap lies at the time of sale ; the carriage at actual cost or at a fair average rate agreed between the seller and buyer may be charged to the buyer up to a maximum of 10s. per ton. (4) Special permits to purchase steel scrap sold with guaranteed analysis, may be granted on application, but in no case will permits be granted for any such purchase at prices exceeding the following: per ton. s. d. Heavy steel melting scrap containing not over -04 per cent, phosphorus and sulphur 650 Heavy steel melting scrap containing not over -05 per cent, phosphorus and sulphur ... 600 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. 445 3.SECOND HAND RAILS. Per ton net f.o.t. at point of purchase. s. d. Relayable and other second-hand rails 50 Ibs. per yard and over, not being heavy steel melting scrap ... 10 To the above-mentioned price a sum not exceeding 2^ per cent, on such price may be added in the case of sales by recognised merchants. Rails which have been purchased by a merchant and stored or sorted by him in his stockyard, and which are sold as relayable Rails or otherwise than as heavy steel melting scrap, may be sold by the said merchant at a price not exceeding 12 Os. OcL per ton free on trucks at merchant's stock- yard, or the nearest convenient siding thereto, but without the addition of the above-mentioned 2-^ per cent. 4. HIGH SPEED TOOL STEEL. A. BASIS PRICES. per Ib. s. d. Finished Bars, 14 per cent. Tungsten or its equivalent, delivered Buyer's Works ... ... ... ... 038 Finished Bars, 18 per cent. Tungsten or its equivalent, delivered Buyer's Works ... ... ... ... 045 B. HIGH SPEED TOOL STEEL EXTRAS. Rounds and Squares 3 inches to 8 inches inclusive ... 004 Rounds and Squares under ^ inch to inch 003 i Flats under 1 inch by f in to ^ inch by i inch, and all sizes over four times in width over thickness ... 003 Bevels of approved sizes and sections ... ... ... 006 Bars cut to length 10 per cent, extra. Exceptional sizes and sections r.ot covered in above list, subject to special quotation. Oddment orders of less than 56 Ibs. of a size 003 Packing 4s. per cwt. 5. SCRAP FROM HIGH SPEED TOOL STEEL. per Ib. net. 5. d. Millings and Turnings, delivered Steel Maker's Works 008 Bar Ends, delivered Steel Maker's Works 009 446 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. IV.-TINPLATES AND TERNEPLATES. [WITH THE EXCEPTION OF STAFFORDSHIRE TINPLATES.] 1. BASIS PRICES. Per Basis Box net f.o.t. Maker's Works or nearest station. COKE TINPLATES. I.C. 20 X 14 112 sheets 108 Ibs. 30*. Oil. D.C. 25 x 17 50 94 29s. Qd. S.D.C. 22 x 15 100 163 45.. ;,/. 28 x 20, 30 X 21, I'.ij x 14, 18-*- X 14 at basis price for 20 X 14. These prices are based upon tin at 240 per ton; for each rise or fall of 5 per ton above or below this figure, l^d. basis to be added to or deducted from the basis price of the tinplates. No alterations of tinplate prices are to be made for lesser fluctuations than 5 per ton in the price of tin. In all cases in which the maximum prices hereunder are expressed to be based upon the price of tin, the price of tin shall be the Official Cash Settlement Price of the London Metal Exchange for Standard Tin (as published on the day that the quotation is made by the seller). List of extras and allowances are all net ; and for 112 sheet boxes, excepting in the cases of doubles and small doubles. 2. EXTRAS PER BASIS BOX (WHERE NOT OTHERWISE STATED) OVER THE PRICE OF COKE TINPLATES. s. d. SMALL LOTS. Any size ordered in quantities of less than 2 tons 6 COMMON CHARCOAL TINPLATES ... 10 CHARCOAL TINPLATES, through flux. Tin per basis box 3 Ib. ... ... ... :> 3* ... ../ ... 5 4 ... ... 6 3 4^ 7 fj 5 9 These extras are on the basis of 240 per ton for tin ; adjustments of prices for fluctuations therefrom to be made by adding or deducting the value of the tin accord- ing to the coating of the plate. The above prices an- not to be varied for lesser fluctuations than 2 10s. 9 per ton. CROSSES (in all qualities), each cross Intermediate weights to be charged pro rota ; thus, 122 Ibs. substance will be 3s. Qd. basis extra over I.C. substance. ORDINARY STAMPING STEEL 03 SPECIAL DEEP STAMPING STEEL 9 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. 447 ODD SIZES. Basis extras. Over 24-in long. Width. Length. Over 24-in. Over 32-in. Over 34-in. to 32-in. to 34-in. to 40-in. inclusive. inclusive. inclusive. s. d. s. d. s. d. 10-in to 12-in 9 1 1 3 Over 12-in. up to 17-in. inclusive ... 1 1 3 1 6 , 17-in. 18-in. .. . 09 10 1 3 , 18-in. 22-in. , 06 09 1 , 22-in. 23-in. ... 09 10 1 3 , 23-in. 24-in. ... 10 13 1 6 , 24-in. 26-in. ... 1 6 1 9 2 24-in. long and under. Length. Width. 24-in. Under Under Unde r Under 24-in. 23-in. 17-in 12-in. to 23-in. to 17 in. to 12-] n. to 10-in. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 10-in. to 12-in. inclusive 9 6 6 9 9 Over 12-in. up to 17-in. inclusive 1 9 6 1 ... 17-in. 23-iu 9 9 9 .. . .. . 23-in. 24-in 1 1 ... ... ... s. d. Extra for boxes of 56 shee ts basis 1 Extra for boxing small sizes in 112 sheets boxes; this extra being applicable only to small packed in boxes of 225 sheets sizes that are customarily or thereabouts basis 9 Extra for boxing doubles, 34 x 25, 25 sheets per box ... 1 (Special boxing not covered in list to be based on actual cost.) TISSUE PAPERING at Cost. IRONHOOPING, 20 x 14 and under, 3d. per box; over 20 x 14, 3d., basis. CLIPPING, 2d. per box, all sizes TlNLINING. 20 x 14, 112 sheets and smaller sizes, Is. 3d. per box. 20 x 14, and smaller sizes packed 225 sheets, Is. 4d. Over 20 x 14, Is. 3d., basis extra. per box. SPECIAL PLATES FOR MILK required to be tinned with list on long side, such as 25| in. x 9 T \ in. to carry a special extra of Is. basis. TAGGERS. Sizes larger in area than 20 x 14 of 40g. = 300 sheets 20 x 14 x 112 Ibs. and thinner substances, Is. basis, 20 x 14 x 112 sheets. This extra will apply to 28 x 20. 448 Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated. 3. ALLOWANCES TO BE MADE PER BASIS BOX BELOW THE PRICE OF COKE TINPLATES. LIGHTS. Reduction of %d. per Ib. basis for each 1-lb. down from 108 to 80 Ibs. substance, and ^d. per Ib. basis reduction for each 1 Ib. down thereafter, including Taggers. UNASSORTED. s. d. Ix substance and thinner ... [ 1 Thicker than Ix i 3 WASTERS. 2x substance and thinner 10 Thicker than 2x ... 1 6 CHARCOAL WASTERS. Per basis box Ijelow the price of Char- coal Tinplates. Ix substance and thinner 20 Thicker than Ix 3 Packing in bundles instead of boxes ... ... ... 06 MAXIMUM PRICE FOR TERNEPLATES 28s. per basis box, i.e., 2s. below the basis price of Coke Tinplates. This price is based upon tin at 240 per ton ; for each rise or fall of 20 per ton above or below this figure, I^d. basis to be added to or deducted from the basis price of the Terneplates. All other extras and allowances as for Coke Tinplates. WASTE WASTE TINPLATES AND WASTE WASTE TERNEPLATES at not less than 2s. basis below the prices for Waster Tinplates and Terneplates respectively. 4. ADDITIONS TO BASIS PRICES AND EXTRAS. To the maximum prices and extras for Tinplates and Terneplatee a sum not exceeding two per cent, on such prices may be added in the case of sales made by persons other than the makers or their agents, plus the actual cost of delivery from works to destination. In the case of dealings between merchant firms it is not permissible for each of them to add such two per cent., as in no case must the cost to the ultimate consumer be beyond two per cent, over the said maximum prices plus carriage charges. Merchant stock holders delivering from their own warehouses (not public warehouses) are permitted to sell from their stock at the maximum prices plus the maximum addition of seven-and-a-half per cent, on such prices, exclusive of inwards and outwards carriage. This seven-and-a-half per cent, will include the merchants' commission of two per cent., and is not in addition thereto. [For Second Schedule, see next page.] Steel Supplies General Permit and Amendments Consolidated; 449 Control of Steel Supplies Orders Consolidated. Second Schedule. CLASSES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF MATERIAL WHICH MAY UNDEE CONTRACTS IN WRITING ENTERED INTO PRIOR TO THE DATES SPECIFIED IN THE 2ND COLUMN IN CONNECTION WITH THE MATERIAL SPECIFIED IN THE IST COLUMN BE SOLD AT PRICES HIGHER. THAN THOSE OF THIS CONSOLIDATED GENERAL PERMIT IF NOT CONTRAVENING THOSE PERMITTED UP TO THE SAID RESPECTIVE DATES. Class and Description of Material. Date. Wrought Iron Scrap ... .. . ... March 22 1917 Tinplates and Terneplates ... July 19 1917 Steel Scrap August 28, 1917 Metallurgical Coke ... September 17, 1917 Steel Slabs, Plates, Stripes and pieces cut from Plates, suitable for re-rolling, and Steel Plates, Sheets, and Black Plates, all open annealed produced in Sheet Mills I November 30, 1917 All other Material for which maximum prices are fixed by this Pwmit ... | November 1, 1916 3. Control of Steel Supplies (Consolidated) Order. [This comprises a consolidation by the Editor of the Control of Steel Supplies Order, 1916 (p. 244) and the 1917 Amendment Order (p. 250). The portions of the Consolidation which vary from the Principal 1916 Order are indicated by thick black lines, an alteration amounting- solely to an omission of words being denoted thus : .] The Minister of Munitions in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm (Consolidation) Act, 1914, the Defence of the Realm (Amendment), No. 2, Act, 1915, the Defence of the Realm Regulations, the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, and all other powers thereunto enabling him hereby orders that all persons engaged in the manufacture, purchase, sale or other dealings in Steel shall comply with the following regulations : 1. No order for steel made by the Open Hearth or Bessemer ^or Electrical Process - - shall be accepted for manufacture and no such steel shall be manufactured unless the purpose for which the steel is required has been approved. Such approval must be evidenced by one or other of the following, which must be quoted by the ordering firm together with the purpose : (a) Admiralty contract reference and number, or Admiralty Priority Section permit reference and number. (6) War Office contract reference and number. 5246 P Control of Steel Supplies Orders Consolidated. (c) Marine Department, Board of Trade, permit reference and number. (d) Ministry of Munitions contract reference and number. (e) Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement or Com- mission Francaise sanction reference and number, with Ministry of Munitions Priority Classification. (/) Ministry of Munitions permit reference and number and Priority Classification. This sub-heading (/) covers all Home orders that do not originate in a principal contract under (a) to (d) above. 2. Full and accurate returns shall be made weekly to the Director of Steel Production, Ministry of Munitions, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.I, in the form provided by him, showing- particulars of all steel manufactured and delivered. 3. Orders received as above shall be executed in the following order of priority : Admiralty. Priority 1. Priority 2. Priority 3. Priority 4 (or Class A). Priority 5. Class B. Priority 6. Class C. 4. All orders under (6) to (d) of Clause 1 inclusive shall rank automatically as Class A or Priority 4 (war work). If a higher grade of priority is required, application must be made to the Priority Branch of the Ministry of Munitions, stating the grounds of special urgency. 5. Orders for steel for guns, mortars, gun mountings, gun carriages, and parts thereof, shall be executed as in Priority 1 (most urgent war work), and the execution of orders for steel for shell or other purposes must not interfere with or delay the above-mentioned orders. These orders shall be entered in column Priority 1 of the return. 6. Subject to Clause 5, shell steel itself, steel for shell parts, and steel for Bombs and Grenades for the Trench Warfare Department, shall be manufactured and supplied in the fixed quantities prescribed irrespective of the Priority Regulations. Particulars of all steel rolled for shell or shell parts shall be entered in the shell steel columns of the return and particulars of all steel for Bombs and Grenades shall be entered in column Priority 1 of the return and marked " T.W.D." 7. No steel shall be manufactured for any order below Class B. 8. Notwithstanding the above the Director of Steel Production shall have full power to direct that any specification shall be given such order of priority of execution as he in his discretion may deem necessary. Control of Steel Supplies Orders Consolidated. Works. 9. Under these regulations all orders which carry the neces- sary particulars tinder Clause 1 may be accepted without refer- once to the Ministry of Munitions. Only Specifications carrying a Priority classification Class B or higher may be rolled at present . 10. No special form of certificate to accompany an order is required, but the following particulars must accompany all orders : Government Contract Reference and No., and Purpose, or Ministry of Munitions Permit Reference and No., with Priority Classification and Purpose, and a declaration that the whole of the material specified is required for the purpose covered by the said References and Classification. 451 11. Contract or permit numbers need not be insisted upon in the case of Admiralty instructions for immediate repairs to ships. t Merchants. 12. For direct orders, merchants must pass on to the works the Government contract reference and number and purpose or the Ministry of Munitions permit reference and number, priority classification, and purpose which they must obtain from the ordering firm, and that number and classification will give the order its proper place for execution. Stock-holders. 13. Stock-holders in accepting and executing orders for steel shall be subject to the same regulations as (o approval, priority and otherwise as are applicable to manufacturers accepting and executing orders for manufacture, and must not execute orders below Class B 14. Stock-holders may apply for a permit reference and number to be used when sending orders to the works for replenishing their stocks. The following particulars must be sent with the applications : (a) Normal stock of steel. (6) Stock of steel it is desired to hold at present time. (c) Average call on stock of steel per month. Export. 15. The Minister's requirements as to export are contained in a special circular which may be obtained on application. Interpretation. 16. For the purpose of this order the term " Manufactiire " shall include Casting, Rolling or Re-rolling, Forging and Press- ing, and the term " steel " shall include all forms of Open Hearth or Bessemer Steel and Steel made by Electrical Process, made in this country or imported, whether new, second-hand, defective, or scrap for re-rolling. 52 K; P 2 452 Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 # 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). APPENDIX II. NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT AND RULES. 1. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918, p. 452. 2. Board of Trade\Rules, p. 458. 3. Rules of Court,"?. 462. Prohibition against '. dealing in certain metals and 1. The Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. t>7). An Act to restrict temporarily the persons who may engage ic business connected with certain non-ferrous metals and metallic ores. [6th February, 1918.] Be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. (1) It shall not be lawful for any company, firm, or individual after the expiration of six months from the passing of this Act, or such longer period as the Board of Trade may generally or in any particular case allow, to carry on the business ores without of winning, extracting, smelting, dressing, refining, or dealing a licence. by wav o f wholesale trade, in metal or metallic ore to which this Act applies, unless licensed to do so by the Board of Trade, such licence to be in the form set out in the Second Schedule to this Act: Provided that the purchase or sale of metal shall not be deemed to be dealing in such metal where such purchase or sale is incidental only to the trade carried on by the purchaser or seller : Provided also that no licence shall be required when the winning, extracting, smelting, dressing, refining, or dealing is carried on wholly outside the United Kingdom. (2) In the case of a company, firm, or individual with respect to which any of the conditions set forth in the First Schedule to this Act apply, or which is controlled by a company, firm, or individual in respect of which any such conditions apply, no licence shall be granted unless the Board of Trade are of opinion that the grant of a licence is expedient, but save as aforesaid any company, firm or individual carrying on or pro- posing to carry on such business as aforesaid shall on making application in the prescribed manner, and on furnishing such information and allowing inspection of such books and documents as may be reasonably required, and on payment of the prescribed fee, which shall not exceed one guinea, be entitled to a licence under this Act. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 # 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). 453 (3) A licence under this Act shall remain in force unless and until it is suspended or revoked. (4) The Board of Trade, if satisfied by evidence not before them at the time when the licence was granted that such company, firm, or individual is, or has become, subject to any of the conditions set forth in the First Schedule to this Act, or, in the case of a company, firm, or individual to which a licence has been granted notwithstanding that it is subject to any such conditions as aforesaid, that it is expedient that the licence should be revoked or suspended, may revoke or suspend the licence. (5) If any question arises between the Board of Trade and any company, firm, or individual (a) as to whether or not the business carried on by the company, firm, or individual is such as to require a licence under this Act ; or (b) as to whether or not any of the conditions set forth in the First Schedule of this Act apply in respect of the company, firm, or individual ; or (c) as to whether or not the company, firm, or individual is controlled by a company, iirin, or individual in respect of which any such conditions apply ; or (d) as to the requirements of the Board of Trade for the production of books or documents for inspection, the question shall, subject to rules of court, (a) be referred by the Board of Trade to the High Court for determination, and the decision of a Divisional Court of the King's Bench Division on any such reference shall be final, and no appeal therefrom shall lie to any other Court. (6) Where at the expiration of the said six months or longer period allowed by the Board of Trade proceedings on any such application are pending in the High Court, the Court shall, on application being made for the purpose, extend the said period of eix months or longer period as respects that company, firm, or individual for such period as may be necessary to allow the question to be determined by the Court, and where the applica- iion is made with reference to the suspension or revocation of a licence the licence shall not be suspended or revoked until the question has been determined by the Court. (7) The Board of Trade shall publish in the prescribed manner the name of any company, firm, or individual to whom a licence has been granted under this Act or whose licence has been suspended or revoked. (8) References in this section to the High Court shall in relation to Scotland be construed as references to the Court of Session, and the reference to a Divisional Court of the King's Bench Division shall be construed as a reference to a division of the Court of Session. (a) RULES OF COURT. See the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Rules, 1918, made by the Rule Committee of the Supreme Court and applying in England and Wales, p. 462. No Rules have (Feb. 28th, 1918) been made for Scotland or Ireland. 5246 P 3 454 A 'on-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 # 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). Power to require information and inspec- tion of documents. Offences. 2. The Board of Trade shall have power at any time to require the applicant for a licence or a licensee, or any person who, being a director, partner, manager, or officer of, or the holder of, or a person interested in, shares or securities of, any company, or firm, which has applied for the grant of a licence, or to which a licence has been granted under this Act, or by which the applicant or licensee is controlled, or being the manager of the business carried on by an individual applicant or licensee, is able to give any information as to the constitution control or management of the company or firm, or the business carried on by the company, firm, or individual, or the beneficial interest of any person iii such business, or in any shares or securities of the company or firm, to furnish such information within such time as the Boar 3 may direct, and for the purpose of obtaining or verifying- sucb information any person appointed by the Board in that behalf shall be entitled to inspect any books and documents belonging to or under the control of such company, firm, or individual, the inspection of which may reasonably be required for the purpose aforesaid. 3. (1) If any person carries on the business of winning, extracting, smelting, dressing, refining, or dealing in any metal or metallic ore in contravention of this Act without a licence, he shall, on an information being laid by or on behalf of the Board of Trade, be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds for each day during which the offence continues, or to both such imprison- ment and fine : Provided that the provision as to informations being laid by or on behalf of the Board of Trade shall not apply to Scotland. (2) If any person refuses or neglects to furnish any informa- tion which under this Act is required to be furnished within the time within which it is to be furnished, or knowingly furnishes any information required to be furnished under this Act which is false in any material particular, or having custody of any book or document which a person is authorised to inspect under this Act, refuses or wilfully neglects to produce the book or docu- ment for inspection, or forges or fraudulently alters or uses or permits to be fraudulently used any licence issued under this Act, he shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, or to both such imprisonment and fine. (3) Where the person guilty of an offence under this Act is a company, every director, manager, secretary, and other officer of the company who is knowingly a party to the default, shall also be guilty of the like offence, and liable to the like punish- ment. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 # 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). 455 4. (1) A company carrying on any business to which section Provision as one of this Act applies, which has issued share warrants to bearer, to warrants may give notice requiring the holders of the share warrants to to bearer surrender their warrants for cancellation and to have their names entered in the register. (2) The notice shall be given by advertisement in the London, Edinburgh, or Dublin Gazette, as the case may be, and by any other method by which notices to, or for the information of, holders of share warrants to bearer are required to be given by the regulations of the company or the conditions of issue of the warrants. (3) Where such a notice has been given no person shall, as holder of a share warrant, be entitled to attend or vote at any meeting of the company, and any dividends or interest which may become payable in respect of any shares represented by share warrants shall be retained by the company until the share warrants have been surrendered for cancellation. (4) For the purposes of this Act the expression " share warrants to bearer " includes any bearer securities which confer on the holder thereof any voting power with respect to the management of the company. 5. No information as to any person or any business obtained Provisions as under this Act shall be published except for the purposes of to secrecy, legal proceedings under this Act, and if any person knowingly publishes any information in contravention of this provision he shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, or to both such imprisonment and fine. 6. The Board of Trade may make rules (subject in respect Rules. of fees to the approval of the Treasury), for prescribing anything which, under this Act, is to be prescribed, and generally for carrying this Act into effect, and such rules shall provide for excluding from dealings by way of wholesale trade within the meaning of this Act dealings in quantities below such limits as may be prescribed generally or as respects any particular metal or metallic ore(a) : Provided that all such rules shall be laid before each House of Parliament as soon as may be after they are made, and if an address is presented to His Majesty by either House of Parlia- ment, within the next forty days on which that House has sat next after any such rule is laid before it, praying that the rule may be annulled, His Majesty in Council may, if it seems fit, ennui the rule, and it shall thenceforth be void. (a) BOARD OF TRADE RULES. See the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Rules, 1918, made by the Board of Trade and printed pp. 458-461. 5246 P 4 456 N on-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (7 & 8 Geo. 5, c. 67). Evidence of 7. All documents purporting to be documents made by the documents. Board of Trade under this Act, and to be sealed with the seal of the Board, or to be signed by the secretary or an assistant secretary of the Board, or by any person authorised in that behalf by the President of the Board, shall be received in evidence, and shall be deemed to be such documents without further proof unless the contrary is shown. (a) Declarations. 3^ (j) A company carrying on any business to which section one of this Act applies may give notice requiring a shareholder or debenture holder to make a declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835, (to) as to the beneficial ownership of the shares or debentures standing in his name, and as to th nationality of such beneficial owner. (2) The notice shall be given by any method by which notices to, or for the information of, holders of shares or debentures are required to be given by the regulations of the company or the conditions of issue of the debentures. (3) Where such a notice has been given no person shall as holder of a share be entitled to attend or vote at any meeting of the company, and any dividends or interest which may become payable in respect of any shares or debentures shall be retained by the company until the shareholder or debenture holder shall have made such declaration as aforesaid. (4) For the purposes of this section the expressions " shares " and t( debentures " include stock and debenture stock and " share- holder " and " debenture holder " have corresponding meanings. Metals or ores to which Act applies. Short title and duration. 9. The metals and ores to which this Act applies are zinc, copper, tin, lead, nickel, aluminium, and any other non-ferrous metals and ores to which this Act may be applied by order of the Board of Trade(c) ; the expression " metal " shall not include metal which has been subjected to any manufacturing process except such as may be prescribed; and the expression " ore " shall include concentrates, mattes, precipitates and other inter- mediate products. 10. (1) This Act may be cited as the ^on-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918. (2) This Act shall continue in force only during the continu- ance of the present war and for a period of five years after the termination thereof (a) EVIDENCE OF RULES AND ORDERS. See Appendix V to this Manual. (b) STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT, 1835. 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 62. (c) EXTENSION OP ACT TO OTHER METALS AND ORES. No Order has (May 31, 1918) been made extending the Act. Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918 (T & 8 Geo. 5, c. 6T). 467 Schedules. First Schedule. Section 1. CONDITIONS. 1. That any director of the company or any partner of the firm, or the individual, or any manager or other principal officer employed by the company, firm, or individual, is a person who is or has been a subject of a State which is now at war with His Majesty or an enemy controlled corporation. 2. That" in the case of a company, any capital of the company is or was at any time after the twelfth day of November nineteen hundred and seventeen held by or on behalf of an enemy, including any stock or shares of the company vested in the custodian by virtue of any order made under the Trading with the Enemy Acts, 1914 to 1916. (a) 3. That the company, firm, or 'individual is or was at any time after the twelfth day of November nineteen hundred and seventeen party to any agreement, arrangement or understanding, which enables or enabled an enemy to influence the policy or conduct of the business. 4. That the company, firm, or individual is or was at any time after the twelfth day of November nineteen hundred and seventeen interested, directly or indirectly, to the extent of one-fifth or more of the capital profits or voting power in any undertaking whether or not in the United Kingdom, engaged in business of a kind to which this Act applies, in which enemies are also interested, directly or indirectly, to the extent of one-fifth or more of the capital profits or voting power. 5. That the company, firm, or individual is by any means whatever subject, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of their or his business to enemy influence or association. 6. That, in the case of a company, the company has issued shai'e warrants to bearer and has not given notice under this Act requiring the holders of the share warrants to surrender their warrants for cancellation. For the purposes of this Schedule The expression " enemy " means a subject of a State which is now at war with His Majesty and an enemy controlled corporation. The expression " enemy controlled corporation " means any corpora- tion (a) where the majority of the directors or the persons occupy- ing the position of directors by whatever name called, are subjects of such a State as aforesaid ; or (5) where the majority of the voting power is in the hands of persons who are subjects of such a State as aforesaid, or who exercise their voting powers directly or indirectly on behalf of persons who are subjects of such a State as afore- said ; or (c) where the control is by any means whatever in the hands of persons who are subjects of such a State as afore- said ; or (d) where the executive is an enemy controlled corporation or where the majority of the executive are appointed by an enemy controlled corporation. The expression " capital " in relation to a company means any shares or securities issued by the company which carry, or would, if the necessary formalities were complied with, carry any voting power with respect to the management of the com- pany, and shall also include debentures and debenture stock and money lent to the company. (a) TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACTS, 1914 TO 191G, i.e., the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1914 (445 Geo. 5. c. 87) and the Amendment Acts (5 & 6 Geo. 5. c. 12 5 & 6 Geo. 5. c. 79 ; 5 & 6 Geo. 5. c. 98 ; and 5 & 6 Geo. 5. c. 105). 468 Board of Trade Rules under s. 6 of the Act. Section 1 (1). Second Schedule. FORM or LICENCE. (Same of company, firm, or individual) of is hereby licensed under the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918, to carry on the business of winning, extracting, smelting, dressing, refining, and dealing by way of wholesale trade in the metals or metallic ores to which the said Act applies. By Order of the Board of Trade. 2. Board of Trade Rules.(a) THE NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY RULES, 1918, DATED MARCH 4, 1918, MADE BY THE BOARD OF TRADE UNDER SECTION 6 OF THE NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT, 1918 (7 & 8 GEO. 5, c. 67). 1918. No. 265. 1. " The Act " means the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918.(b) 2. There shall be excluded from dealings by way of wholesale trade within the meaning of the Act, dealings in quantities below the following limits : Zinc 25 tons. ] Copper ... 25 ,, | during any one quarter of the Tin ... ... 5 ,, 2 year ending 31st March, Lead 25 f 30th June, 30th September, Nickel ... 5 31st December. Aluminium ... 5 ,, J in the raw materials of usual commercial shapes or the equivalent thereto in forms of ores or concentrated material. 3. For the purposes of the Act the expression " Metal " shall include metal in any form whatsoever as it leaves the furnace or refinery being unwrought,' also scrap and swarf of all sorts lor remelting. L The fee to be paid for the grant of a licence under the Act shall be 1 guinea which shall be sent to the Board of Trade on application being made for a Licence, and shall be returned to the applicant if the Licence is refused. (a) COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE LICENCES. The President of the Board of Trade has appointed : Sir Dudley Stewart Smith, K.C. (Chairman) ; Sir Harold Elverston, M.P., and Mr. H. J. Mackinder, M.P., to be a Committee to examine all applications for licences under the Non- Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918, and to report to the Board of Trade thereon, (b) THE ACT. This is printed as 1. above, p. 452. Board of Trade Rules under s. 6 of the Act. 459 5. An application for a Licence under the Act shall be made to the Board of Trade in writing and shall be accompanied by Form 1, in the Schedule hereto, which shall contain the informa- tion specified therein. The Application shall be signed by the individual or a partner in the firm, or a Director of the Company making the application. The Board of Trade may call for such further and other information as they may require. 6. The Board of Trade shall not refuse to grant a Licence to a Company, firm or individual to which any of the conditions set forth in the First Schedule of the Act apply or which is controlled by a Company, firm or individual in respect of which any such conditions apply, nor shall they revoke or suspend a licence without giving notice in writing to the applicant or holder of a licence, as the case may be, that he may within twenty-one days apply to the Board to be heard 1 in support of his application for a licence or to show cause why his licence should not be revoked or suspended. Any person to whom such notice is given and who desires to be so heard shall within fourteen days from the date of the notice send to the Board of Trade a notice of application for a hearing in form 2 A. or 2 B. of the Schedule. Such application shall be accompanied by a statement of the grounds upon which the applicant claims that a licence should be granted to him or that his licence should not be revoked or suspended. Such statement shall be signed by the individual or a partner in the firm or a Director of the Company making the application. The Board of Trade may, in any particular case, require such statement to be verified by a statutory declaration. 7. The Board of Trade may call for such further particulars of the grounds given in such application and' for such documents as they may require and may postpone the hearing of such application till such particulars or documents are furnished. 8. The Board of Trade may hear the application in such manner as they shall deem expedient and by such persons as they shall appoint for that purpose. 9. The Board of Trade shall consider the facts found at such hearing and shall communicate their decision to the applicant in writing. 10. The time prescribed in these Rules for doing any act thereunder may be enlarged by the Board of Trade on such terms as they may direct and such enlargement may be granted though the time has expired for doing such act. 11. The name of any Company, firm or individual to whom s licence has been granted under the Act, or whose licence has been suspended or revoked shall be published as soon as prac- ticable in the London, Edinburgh or Dublin Gazettes as the Board of Trade may think fit, arid in the Board of Trade Journal. 460 Board of Trade Rules under s. 6 of the Act. 12. An Order of the Board of Trade applying tlie Act to any Non-Ferrous metals and ores not mentioned in the Act shall be published in the London, Edinburgh and Dublin Gazettes, and in the Board of Trade Journal at least one month before it comes into effect(). W . F. Mar wood, A Secretary to the Board of Trade. Approved, so far as relating to fees. James Parker, J. W. Pratt, For the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. Board of Trade, 7, Whitehall Gardens, London, S.W.I. Schedule. Form 1. NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT, 1918. Particulars to be Furnished with an Application for a Licence. 1. Name and address of company, firm or individual applying for a licence. 2. Date of registration of company, or commencement of business by firm or individual. 3 In the case of a company, the issued capital, with particulars of any different classes of shares and the rights attached thereto, and showing whether any bearer shares or debentures have been issued. 4. Nature of the business carried on or proposed to be carried on by the company, firm or individual. 5. List of all places where, the business is carried on and of all branches and agencies outside the United Kingdom. 6. The. full Christian names, surnames and nationality of the individual. of each partner in the firm, or of the directors of the company, as the case may be, and of the managers or other principal officers and of all persons who have been partners, directors, managers or prin- cipal officers since the 1st August, 1914, with the dates of becoming and ceasing to be partner, director, manager or principal officer. 7. In the event of there having been any change of name or nationality of any person mentioned in paragraph 6, the former Christian name or names, surname, nationality of origin and any intermediate nationality of such person, together with the date of change. 8. In the case of a company, the number of shareholders, with particulars of the capital held by each of the 5 largest shareholders, showing their address, and present and any previous Christian names, and surnames, and present and previous nationality. 9. In the case of an individual firm or company, particulars of any capital, securities or advance held or made by or on behalf of an enemy. lO. Particulars of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the applicant and any enemy or agent for an enemy, which has been in operation since 12th November, 1917. (a) ORDERS EXTENDING THE ACT TO OTHER METALS AND ORES. No such extension Order has (May 31, 1918) been made. Board of Trade Rules under s. 6 of the Act. 11. Particulars of any interest by or on behalf of the applicant at any time since 12th November, 1917, in any undertaking whether or not in the United Kingdom engaged in winning, extracting or smelting, dressing, refining, or dealing by way of wholesale trade in Non- Ferrous metals or ores, in which enemies were interested, directly or indirectly, to the extent of one-fifth or more of the capital profits or voting power. Signature. Date. NOTE 1. This form must be signed by the individual or by a member of the firm or a director of the company applying for a licence. NOTE 2. " Enemy " is defined in the First Schedule to the Act as " a subject of a State which is now at war with His Majesty,'' and an " enemy controlled corporation " as defined in the said Schedule. NOTB 3. " Capital " in relation to a company is defined in the First Schedule to the Act as any shares or securities issued by the company which carry or would if the necessary formalities were complied with carry any voting power with respect to the management of the company, and as including debentures and debenture stock and money lent to the company. Form 2A. NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT, 1918. Application for Hearing. I (W0) apply to be heard in support of my (our) application for a Licence under the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918. The grounds on which I (we) claim that a Licence should be granted to me (us) are Signature. Date. To the Board of Trade. Form 2B. NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT, 1918. Application for Hearing. 1 (We) apply to be heard to show cause why the Licence granted to me (us) under the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918, should not be revoked or suspended. The grounds on which I (we) claim that my (our) Licence should not be revoked or suspended are Signature. Date. To the Board of Trade. NOTE. Applications for Licences should be addressed to The Assistant Secretary, Department of Industries and Manufactures, Board of Trade, Cwydyr House, Whitehall, London, S.W.I. and should be accompanied by a remittance of 1 1 0, made payable to the Accountant-General, Board of Trade. Copies of Forms 1 and 2 A and 2s prescribed in the Rules, can be obtained on application at the above address. Rules of the Supreme Court, England, under s. 1 (5) of the Act. 3. Rules of Court. THE NON-FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT RULES, 1918, DATED MARCH 19, 1918, MADE BY THE RULE COMMITTEE OF THE SUPREME COURT, ENGLAND, UNDER SECTION 1 (5) OF THE NON- FERROUS METAL INDUSTRY ACT, 1918 (7 & 8 GEO. 5. c. 67). 1. Any question arising between the Board of Trade and any company, firm or individual under section 1 of the Act, which by sub-sec. (5) of that section is required to be referred by the Board of Trade to the High Court of Justice for determination shall be stated in the form of an Issue. 2. The Issue shall be intituled " In the matter of the Non- Ferrous Metal Industry , Act, 1918" and " In the matter of a question [or questions] arising under that Act between the Board of Trade and . . . ." (naming the applicant) and shall be in or to the effect of the form in the schedule to these Rules. 3. The issue shall be prepared by the Board of Trade and a draft of the same shall be delivered or sent by post to the appli- cant, who shall return the same approved or with any suggested alterations within fourteen days after the same shall have been delivered to him or ought in the ordinary course of post to have been received by him. If the draft issue is not returned by the applicant within such fourteen days the same shall at the expiration of that time be deemed to have been approved by him. If the applicant suggests any alteration in the form of the issue to which the Board of Trade do not agree the form shall be settled by one of the Masters of the King's Bench Division on an applica- tion for that purpose. 4. Within fourteen days after the issue is approved or settled the Board of Trade shall deliver or send by post to the applicant particulars in writing in a concise form of the facts and grounds on which they intend to rely at the trial of the issue. 5. Within fourteen days after the receipt of the particulars referred to in rule 4 the applicant shall deliver or send by post to the Board of Trade particulars in writing in a concise form of the facts and grounds on which he intends to rely at the trial of the issue. In default thereof the applicant shall be deemed to rely only on a traverse or denial of the facts and grounds alleged in the Board of Trade's particulars. 6. Within 21 days after the delivery or posting of the par- ticulars referred to in rule 4 the Board of Trade shall set down the issue for trial in the Crown Office at the Royal Courts of Justice in a list to be kept for that purpose and shall forthwith deliver or send by post to the applicant notice that they have so entered the same. 7. The issue shall be tried and determined by a Divisional Court of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice consisting of two or more Judges. The Lord Chief Justice, or, in his absence, the senior Judge of the King's Bench Division, shall fix the day or days on which the list referred to in rule 6 shall be taken and the case or cases therein heard. Provided always that no issue shall be in the day's list for trial until after the expiration of 21 days from the time when the same is set down for trial unless the Court or a Judge shall otherwise order. Rules of the Supreme Court, England, under s. 1 (5) of the Act. 8. The evidence at the trial of the issue may be given either by affidavit or mva voce or partly one and partly the other. Provided that if either party intends to rely on any evidence by affidavit they or he shall ten days at least before the trial deliver or send by post to the other party a copy of any affidavit intended to be used or in default shall not be allowed to use the same except by special leave of the Court. 9. Either party may within four days after receipt of a copy of any affidavit intended to be used as in rule 8 mentioned give to the other party a notice requiring the deponent to be produced at the trial for cross examination and, unless the deponent is so produced, his affidavit shall not be used unless by special leave of the Court. 10. Either party may give notice to the other to produce any document or documents at the trial. Either party may give to the other notice to admit facts or documents. 11. The decision of the Court shall be embodied in a certificate to be signed by the senior Judge at the trial and the original thereof shall be filed in the Crown Office and a copy thereof sent by the Crown Office to the Board of Trade and to the applicant respectively. 12. No costs of the proceedings or issue shall be allowed to either party unless the Court shall in any case by special order allow such costs. 13. Any of the times limited by these rules may be extended or reduced by consent of the parties or by order of the Court or of a Master of the King's Bench Division and any extension of the six months or longer period under sec. 1 (6) of the Act may be granted by order of the Court or such Master on an application for that purpose. 14. The ordinary practice and rules of the King's Bench Division (including the practice as to amendments, discovery, interrogatories inspection of documents or property, examination of witnesses in and out of Court, compelling attendance of witnesses, evidence, postponing the trial and service of proceed- ings) shall in so far as the same are not inconsistent with these rules apply to proceedings under these rules. 15. Any interlocutory applications authorised by these rules or which may be necessary in the course of the proceedings may be made by summons intituled in the same manner as the issue in the form in the schedule to these rules to a Master of the King's Bench Division whose decision shall be subject to an appeal to the Judge in Chambers. 16. In these rules "the Act " means the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918, the word " applicant " means the Company, firm or individual applying for a licence under the Act, or between whom and the Board of Trade the question or questions has or have arisen, and the word " party " means the Board of Trade or the applicant respectively and the singular includes the plural. Rules of the Supreme Court, England, under s. 1 (5) of the Ac* 17. These rules may be cited as the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act Rules, 1918. And we, the said Rule Committee, hereby certify that on account of urgency the said Rules should come into immediate operation, and we hereby make the said Rules to come into opera- tion forthwith as Provisional Rulea. Dated the 19th day of March, 1918. F inlay, C. Cozens Hardy, M.R. S. T. Evans, P. W. Pickfora, L.J. R. M. Bray, J. A. T. Lawrence, J. Chas. H. Sargant, J, P. Ogden Lawrence. M. M. Macnaghten. Wm. H. Winterbotham. C. H. Morton. Schedule. In the High Court of Justice. King's Bench Division. In the Matter of the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Act, 1918, and In the Matter of a question [or questions] arising under that Act Between the Board of Trade and (name of the Company or Firm or individual applying for the licence.) ISSUE referred to the Court for determination pursuant to section 1, sub-section (5) of the ahove Act. Whereas a question has arisen [or questions have arisen] between the Board of Trade and the above named (name of applicant or applicants) as to (here state the question or questions in the words of section 1, subsection (5) (a), (6), (c) or (d) of the Act). And whereas section 1, sub-section (5) of the above Act provides that the said question [or questions] shall be referred to High Court of Justice for determination. Therefore let the same be determined accordingly. Dated the day of , 191 . (Signed) For the Board of Trade. Applicant [or applicants]. Prohibtions on Import of War Material Supplies. 465 APPENDIX III. RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORTATION OR EXPORTATION OF WAR MATERIAL. 1. Restrictions on Importation of War Material Supplies, p. 465. 2. Restrictions on Exportation of War Material Supplies, p. 469. 1. Restrictions on Importation of War Material Supplies. [This, like the rest of the Manual, lias been revised to May 31st, 1918.] By the " Prohibition of Import (Consolidation and Amend ment) Proclamation, 1917 " of March 30th, 1917 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 284), as amended by the " Prohibition of Import {No. 16) Proclamation, 1917" of May 10th, 1917 (St. R. & 0.. 1917, No. 432), the " Prohibition of Import (No. 17) Proclama- tion, 1917," of June 28th, 1917 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 602), the " Prohibition of Import (No. 18) Proclamation, 1917, " of August 22nd, 1917 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 874), the l( Prohibi- tion of Import (No. 20) Proclamation, 1917 " of November 16th, 1917 (St. R. & 0., 1917, No. 1175), the "Prohibition of Import (No. 22) Proclamation, 1918," of January 16th, 1918 (St. R. & 0., 1918, No. 51), (reference to other amending Pro- clamations not affecting matters within the scope of this Manual being omitted) the importation of inter alia certain War Material Supplies into the United Kingdom or Isle of Man was prohibited. The following is a list of the War Material Supplies and of all other articles except articles of human food and of forage and of food for animals (a), the import of which is so prohibited, arranged as far as is possible by the same grouping under which the War Material Supplies Orders are printed in Part II. of this Manual. In this List the heading of each Group which does not occur in Part II., or the portion of the heading of a Group which is additional to the heading that Group bears as occurring in Part II., is printed in italic capitals: 1. AERONAUTICAL SUPPLIES. [For fabrics capable of use in the constiuction of Aircraft see Group 12 " Textiles."] (a) A statement revised to January 31st, 1918, showing the restrictions on the import of the excepted articles, viz.: food, etc., forms Appendix VI. 12 (p. 499), of the Food (Supply and Production) Manual. 4t>6 Prohibitions on Import of War Material Supplies. 2. ARMS, AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES. Cartridges of all kinds and parts thereof. Guns, carbines and rifles of all kinds. Revolvers and pistols. 3. FORAGE. Plaiting of all descriptions not otherwise prohibited. Straw envelopes for bottles. Straw plaiting. 4. HIDES, LEATHER AND TANNING MATERIALS. Boots and shoes of leather. Hides, wet and dry. Leather, dressed and undressed, and manufactures of leather other than belting. Skins and furs, manufactures of. Tanning extracts, the following, viz.: chestnut, que- bracho, hemlock, oak and mangrove extracts. 5. MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS AND VEHICLES. Abrasive wheels. All machinery driven by power and suitable for use in cutting, working or operating on wood, including: sawing machines of all descriptions; general joiners; mortise, tenon and boring machines ; lathes and round- ing machines; box and cask making machines and all machines accessory thereto ; scraping and sandpapering machines; wheelwright machinery; firewood-making and bundling machinery; wood wool fibre and pulp machinery ; saw-sharpening and setting machinery ; saw stretchers and brazing apparatus ; all machines for grind- ing, planing or moulding irons. Automatic machines for the retail sale of any article. Baths of metal. Brooms and brushes. Carbons for arc lamps; carbons for searchlights. Carpet sweepers. Cash registers. Clocks and parts thereof. Cutlery. Cycles, other than motor cycles. Electric dry cells and carbons therefor. Electric meters ; electrical motors ; electric hand lamps and torches. Fire extinguishers. Hardware and hollow-ware. Incandescent gas mantles. Lawn mowers. Machine tools and parts thereof, excluding small tools. Machinery, agricultural and dairy. Magnetos. Measuring tapes and rules of all descriptions, including 'verniers. Prohibitions on Import of War Material Supplies ; 467 5. MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS AND VEHICLES continued. Micrometers. Mops. Motor cars, chassis, motor cycles, and parts and accessories of motor cars and motor cycles (other than tyres). Pens, penholders, pencils and all other stationery of which the importation is not already prohibited. Sewing machines. Stoves and ranges. Typewriters. Yacuum cleaners. Weighing machines, scales and balances of all descrip- tions, not otherwise prohibited. Wringers and mangles. 6. MEDICAL STORES AND DRUGS. Perfumery and toilet preparations. 7. METALS, COAL, COKE AND REFRACTORIES, INCLUDING NON-FERROUS MATERIALS. Aluminium, manufactures of. Aluminium powder. Antimony ware ; antimony ore ; antimony, crude and regulus; and antimony sulphide. Brass rod and brass wire. Gold, manufactures or unmanufactured, including gold coin and articles consisting partly of or containing gold (except gold consigned for delivery at, and sale to, the Bank of England). Jewellery of all descriptions. Plated and gilt wares. Silver, manufactures of, other than silver watches and silver watch cases. 8. OILS, MINERAL AND FUEL, AND GAS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES. 9. OPTICAL AND GLASSWARE MUNITIONS. Glass and manufactures of glass. Photographic apparatus. Stereoscopes. 10. PAPER. Books, printed, and other printed matter, including printed posters and daily, weekly and other periodical publications imported otherwise than in single copies through the post. Paper and cardboard (including strawboard, pasteboard, mill-board, and woockpulp board) and manufactures of paper and cardboard. Paper, materials for the manufacture of, including wood- pulp, esparto grass, and linen and cotton rags. 11. ROAD MATERIAL. 468 Prohibitions on Import of War Material Supplie*. 12. TEXTILES. Apparel, not waterproofed. Binder or reaper twine. Boots, shoes and slippers of all materials, not already prohibited. Carpets and rugs of all descriptions not otherwise pro- hibited. Cotton yarn, cotton piece-goods, cotton hosiery, cotton lace and cotton manufactures of all kinds. Embroidery and needlework. Gloves. Hats and bonnets. Jute, raw. Linen, yarns and manufactures of. Mats and matting. Oilcloth. Silk and artificial silk, manufactures of, not including yarns. Woollen and worsted manufactures of all kinds except yarns. 13. TIMBER SUPPLIES. Baskets and basket ware. Furniture, manufactured joinery, and other wood manufactures. Rattans and inalacca canes. Wood and timber of all kinds, hewn, sawn or split, planed or dressed. 14. MISCELLANEOUS ENTRIES NOT FALLING INTO ABOVE GROUPING. Bladders. Bone, horn, ivory, and celluloid, manufactures of. Cement. Chinaware, earthenware and pottery. Cloisonne wares. Diatomite or infusorial earth. Feathers, ornamental, and down. Flowers, artificial. Gum copal; gum kauri. Horns and hoofs. Ivory, vegetable. Lacquered wares. Moss litter. Painters' colours and pigments. Photographs and maps. Rubber, manufactures of. , Stones and slates. Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 469 2. Restrictions on Exportation of War Material Supplies. "This, like the rest of the Manual, has been revised to May 31st, 1918.] (3.) Prohibitions on Exportation of War Material Supplies to the Enemy, {?., p. 500. (1.) Restrictions on Exportation from the United Kingdom of War Material Supplies under Customs Acts, p. 469. (2.) Restrictions on Exportation from the United Kingdom of War Material Supplies unless Consigned as Speci- fied, p. 499. (1.) Restrictions on Exportation from the United King- dom of Particular War Material, &c., Supplies under Customs Acts. By Proclamation of May 10th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, Ts"o/431), as amended by Orders of Council of June 22nd, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 587), July 13th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 722), July 17th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 732), August 14th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 828), August 28th, 1917 (St. E, & 0., 1917, No. 907), October 18th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 1070), November 27th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 1218), December 18th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 1306), January 22nd, 1918 (St. E. & 0., 1918, No. 60), February 8th, 1918 (St. E, & 0., 1918, No. 177), February 26th, 1918 (St. E. & 0., 1918, No. 228), March 8th, 1918 (St. E. & 0., 1918, No. 297),. April 12th, 1918 (St. E. & 0., 1918, No. 432), April 25th, 1918 (St. E. & 0., 1918, No. 479) and May 14th, 1918 (St. E. & 0., 1918^ No. 541) (reference to other amending Orders not affecting matters within the scope of this Manual being omitted) the exportation of inter alia certain War Material Supplies from the United Kingdom or Isle of Man was pro- hibited as follows : (1) Supplies marked (A), to all destinations; (2) Supplies marked (B), to all ports and destinations abroad other than ports and destinations in British Possessions and Protectorates; ,3) Supplies marked (c), to all destinations in European and Asiatic Eussia and in other foreign countries in Europe and 011 the Mediterranean, except France and French Possessions, Italy and Italian Possessions, Spain and Portugal, and to all ports in any such foreign countries. The following is a complete List of War Material Supplies and of all other articles except articles of human food and of forage and of food for animals(a) of which the export has (May 31st, 1918) been so prohibited. (a) A statement revised to January 31st, 1918, showing the restrictions on the export of the excepted articles, viz., food, etc., forms Appendix VI, 7 (p. 484), of the Food (Supply and Production) Manual. 470 Prohibitions on Export of War Material The articles therein included are arranged as far as possible by the same grouping as has been adopted in Part II. of this Manual with regard to the War Material Supplies Orders, the heading of each Group which does not occur in Part II., or the portion of the heading of a Group which is additional to the heading that Group bears as occurring in Part II., being printed in italic capitals. Open General Licences have been issued by the Privy Council authorising the exportation of the supplies marked (B) in the following Lists to destinations in certain of such Possessions and Protectorates by certain routes. A memorandum indicating the Licences which have been so issued is printed at the end of this Appendix (pp. 493-499). 1. AERONAUTICAL SUPPLIES. [For fabrics capable of use in the construction of aircraft see Group 12 " Textiles/'] (A) Aeroplane dope; aeroplane engines and their com- ponent parts ; (A) Aircraft of all kinds and their component parts, together with accessories and articles suitable for use in connection with aircraft; (A) Aneroids suitable for aircraft; (A) Barographs, suitable for aircraft; (A) Baudruche skin ; (A) Casings; (A) Drawings, designs, specifications, and other descrip- tions in writing of any kind of aeroplanes or other aircraft, or of engines, or other accessories of air- craft ; (A) Goldbeaters' skin ; (A) Guts; (A)' Revolution indicators suitable for aircraft ; (A) Turnbuckles suitable for aeroplanes; 2. ARMS, AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES. (A) Armour plates, armour quality castings, and similar protective material ; (A) Arms, not being firearms and their component parts ; (A) Asphalt; asphalt, coal tar; (A) Basic slag; (A) Bayonets and their component parts ; (A) Beeswax; (A) Bitumen, liquid or solid, and articles containing bitumen ; (A) Bones (except fish bones) in any form and bone ash; (A) Cannon and other ordnance, and their component parts ; (A) Carbon, Brazilian; carbon, gas; (A) Carriages and mountings for cannon and other ordnance and their component parts; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 471 2. ARMS, AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES continued. (A) Cartridges, charges of all kinds, and their component parts, and tools, appurtenances and accessories for the filling and repairing of rifle and shot gun cartridges ; (C; Charcoal; (A) Explosives ; (A) Firearms and their component parts, and took, appurtenances and accessories for use in connection therewith ; (A) Fish bones; (A) Fuses; ^A) Grenades and their component parts ; (A) Guanos ; (A) Machine guns, mountings for machine guns, and component parts thereof; (A) Manures, compound; manures, organic; (B) Mines and their component parts ; (A) Nitrates, all metallic ; nitric acid ; nitro-toluol ; (A) Oils, fish, and articles, mixtures, and preparations containing such oils ; (B) Oil, sandalwo-od ; oil, wood tar; (A) Phosphorus and its compounds ; (A) Picric acid and its components ; (c) Pitch and all mixtures, preparations and commodities of which pitch forms an ingredient, not otherwise specifically prohibited ; (A) Potash, caustic, and articles containing caustic potash ; potash, muriate, nitrate (saltpetre), sulphate, and crude manurial potash salts, and mixtures contain- ing any of these substances ; (A) Projectiles of all kinds and their component parts; (A) Range finders arid their component parts; (A) Soda, caustic, and mixtures containing caustic soda; (A) Sulphur and preparations containing sulphur; sulphur, chlorides of ; sulphur dioxide, liquefied ; (A) Sulphuric acid and mixtures containing sulphuric acid ; sulphuric acid, fuming (oleum) ; (A) Superphosphates ; (A) Swords and their component parts; (A) Tar, coal; (c) Tar oil, not otherwise specifically prohibited ; (B) Tar, vegetable; tar, wood; (A) Toluol and its compounds and preparations; (B) Torpedoes and their component parts; torpedo nets; torpedo tubes; (A) Turpentine (oil and spirit), and articles containing turpentine ; (c) Tarnishes not otherwise prohibited ; (B) Waxes, animal, mineral, vegetable and composite waxes, not otherwise prohibited ; 472 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 2A. EQUIPMENT. (B) Accoutrements not otherwise prohibited; (A) Animals, pack, saddle and draught, suitable, or which may become suitable, for use in war; (B) Articles of personal equipment suitable for military purposes ; bandoliers ; (B) Camp equipment, military, articles of, not otherwise prohibited ; (B) Equipment, military, not otherwise prohibited ; (B) Kettles, camp; (B) Lanterns suitable for camp use; (c) Mess tins ; (B) veils, suitable for camp use; (B) Tents and their component parts ; (c) Water bottles suitable for military use ; (B) Web equipment; 3. FORAGE. (A) Hay; (A) Straw; (c) Straw plait; 4. HIDES, LEATHER AND TANNING MATERIALS. Hides. (A.) Calfskins; (B) Deer skins ; (A) Goat skins; Hides, manufactures of, the following: (A) Pickers and drop box pickers ; (B) Pinion^, centres and other goods manufactured from hide, suitable for textile machinery, not otherwise specifically prohibited; (A) Hides and pelts, clippings of; (A) Hides of cattle, buffaloes and horses ; (B) Pigskins; (A) Sheepskins, haired or woolled, and pelts ; Leather. (A) Boots and shoes with soles or uppers of leather ; (c) Boots and shoes not otherwise prohibited ; (B) Gloves, made wholly or partly of leather, not otherwise specifically prohibited ; (A) Gloves, men's, made wholly or partly of leather: (A) Leather; Leather goods of the following descriptions : (B) Belting, leather manufactures suitable for textile machinery (except pickers and drop box pickers) and leathers cut or shaped for hydraulic or pump purposes ; belts ; laces ; pouches; goods manufactured wholly or partly of leather, not otherwise prohibited ; (A) Leather waste; (A) Pickers and drop box pickers; (c) Parchment; (c) Vellum ; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 473 4. HIDES, LEATHER AND TANNING MATERIALS continued. Tanning Ma teria Is . (A) Cutch and extracts thereof; (A) Gambler and extracts thereof ; (A) Tanning extracts and substances for use in tanning; 5. MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS AND VEHICLES. (A) American cotton ties, varnished or blacked ; (A) . Anchors ; (A) Anvils; (A) Axes; (A) Bearings, ball and roller, and steel balls and rollers suitable for bearings; (A) Bedsteads, metal, and metal frames for bedsteads ; (c) Bicycles and their component parts, not otherwise prohibited ; (A) Binnacles; (A) Bins, iron or steel ; (A) Boats and craft; (A) Bobbins and their component parts; (A) Boiler tubes; (A) Boilers, including portable boilers, and their com- ponent parts ; .(A) Bolts, iron or steel ; Boots and shoes, materials and tools used in the manu- ture of, the following : (A) Boot and shoe grindery, including clog nails ; lasts; shoemakers' machines, and their component parts; shoemakers' tools, hand and machine; (B) Cutters ; drivers ; eyelets ; groovers ; hooks ; (A) Bottles, metal, such as can be used for containing mercury ; (B) Bristles; (c) Brooms and brushes, not otherwise specifically pro- hibited ; (A) Brushes, tooth; ( A) Buckets, iron or steel ; (c) Burners, acetylene; (A) Cables, chain; (B) Cables, insulated; (A) Carbons, suitable for searchlights; (B) Carts, two wheeled, capable of carrying 15 cwt. or over, and their component parts; (A) Castings, malleable, hematite iron, the following: Belt fasteners ; buckles ; builders' ironmongery ; chain fittings ; coat and hat hangers ; conduit fittings ; cycle fittings ; furniture fittings ; hinges ; horse clippers; lamp fittings; pipe flanges; spurs; stove fittings ; tramway fittings ; (A) Chronometers ; 474 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 5. MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS AND VEHICLES continued. (A) Compasses for ships, and component parts thereof ; compasses, other than ships' compasses; (A) Coppers and their component parts; (B) Crucibles (plumbago) ; (A) Cylinders, metal, capable of use for the storage of gas or liquids under pressure; (A) Diamonds suitable for industrial purposes ; (B) Docks, floating, and their component parts; (B) Draw plates, jewelled, for drawing wire ; (A) Drums, iron or steel, other than such drums as contain goods to be shipped for exportation and are allowed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to be shipped us the containers of such goods ; (c) Electrical apparatus and plant for the generation, dis- tribution and utilisation of electric power, not otherwise prohibited ; (A) Electrodes, carbon, for electric furnaces ; (A) Fish hooks ; (c) Fishing gear, including tackle (other than fish hooks) for fishing by rod and line; (B) Forges, portable; (A) Fuel economisers constructed of cast iron pipes, used as auxiliary heating apparatus in connection with land or marine steam boilers ; (A) Galvanised sheets, corrugated or flat; (A) Grindstones ; (B) Hammers, not otherwise prohibited; (A) Handles for adzes, axes, forks (agricultural, stone. roadmaking and coke), hammers (hand) v . hoes, hooks (brushing and reaping), road-scrapers and scythes ; (A) Handles and helves for grubbers, pickaxes, spades and shovels ; (A) Harness and metal fittings therefor; harness and saddlery, materials and tools used in the manufac- ture of, the following : harness and saddlery making machines and their component parts; harness and saddlery tools, hand and machine; needles for harness and saddlery making machines; \A) Hatchets ; (B) Horse, mule and pony shoes; (A) Implements and apparatus designed exclusively for the manufacture of munitions of war, for the manu- facture or repair of arms or of material for use on land and sea, the following: Cordite presses ; dies for cartridge cases ; gauges for cartridges or shells ; incorporators ; lapping machines ; rifling machines ; wire-winding machines ; (A) Incandescent gas mantle rings ; (A) Ino-ot moulds manufactured of haematite iron; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 475 5. MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS AND VEHICLES continued. Insulating materials, the following : (A) Oiled insulating cloth, paper, silk and tape; (B) Vulcanised fibre; (c) Compounds intended for the purpose of electrical insulation ; leatheroid ; (A) Machinery, agricultural or farming, and component parts thereof, including hand tools which can be nsed for agricultural or farm purposes; (c) Machinery, metal-working, and component parts and accessories thereof, not otherwise specifically pro- hibited ; (A) Magnetos and component parts thereof; (A) Matchets; (A) Mattresses, wire,, fixed on wooden frames; (A) Motor vehicles, motor bicycles, and their component parts and accessories; (A) Nautical instruments; (A) Needles for boot making machines; needles, hosiery, machine (latch and bearded) ; (B) Nozzles, metal, having an orifice less than one and one- half inches in diameter ; (A) Nuts, iron or steel; (A) Oilstones: (o) Packings, engine and boiler; (A) Pegs, wooden, suitable for use in the manufacture of boots and shoes ; (A) Pencils, carpenters' ; pencils, copying ink ; (A) Pickaxes: (A) Pipes, cast iron; (A) Piping, sheet iron or steel, for stoves or for ranges, and parts thereof ; (A) Railway carriages, locomotives and waggons, and their component parts; (c) Railway material (except railway carriages, locomo- tives and waggons, and their component parts, steel rails and steel sleepers) ; (A) Railway material of iron or steel, the following: Rails ; sleepers ; springs ; other railway construc- tional material; wheels, axles, and tyres; (A) Ranges, cooking, and their component parts; (A) Rivets, iron or steel; (A) Saddlery, and metal fittings therefor; (A) Shipbuilding materials, the following: Condenser tubes ; engines for use on board ship (including Diesel and other internal combustion engines for marine propulsion) and component parts of such engines ; iron and steel castings and forgings for hulls and machinery of ships; machinery for steam ships and component parts thereof ; sectional materials for shipbuilding ; ships' auxiliary machinery: ships' telegraphs and component parts thereof; steering gear and component parts thereof; winches; windlasses; 476 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 5. MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS AND VEHICLES continued. (A) Ships' rigging, fittings for, the following; Belaying pins; blocks, wood and iron rigging; bolts; chains, rigging; cleats; deadeyes; eye-plates; screws, rigging, set or stretching ; shackles ; thimbles ; (A) Shovels; (A) Shuttles and their component parts ; (A) Sparking plugs; (A) Stoves, heating, capable of consuming coal, coke, or other solid fuel, and their component part>; (B) Submarine sound-signalling apparatus ; (A) Telegraphs (including wireless) and telephones, and instruments and material for, including valves for wireless telegraph apparatus; (A) Tools, small, the following : Adzes; augurs; bars, boring, jumping and pinch- ing ; boring cutters ; braces and bits ; chisels ; choppers; chucks; cleavers; cramps; crowbars; drilling posts; files, other than shoemakers' seat files; forks, stone, roadmakiiig and coke; gimlets; gouges; hacksaws, and their component parts; hammers (hand varieties); knives, carpenters', coopers', farriers', glaziers' and painters'; lathe tools; levels, spirit; measuring tools; milling cutters; pincers; pipe cutters; planes, wood and iron ; railbenders (or jimcrows) ; reamers ; road- scrapers; saws, cross cut, frame and pit; saws, hand; screwdrivers (or turnscrews) ; shaves, coopers'; shears and snips, tinman's; slitting saws; spanners; spokeshaves; squares, carpenters', fitters' and smiths' ; thread milling hobs ; tongs, farriers' ; twist drills; wedges, wood-splitting; wrenches: (A) Tubs, washing, iron or steel; (A) Typewriters, and parts thereof ; (B) Tyres for motor vehicles and for cycles (whether attached to a vehicle or cycle or not), together with articles and materials especially adapted for use in the manufacture or repair of tyres; (A) Umbrella ribs, tubes, and tube frames; (B) Yalves, metal, of all descriptions; (c) Valves, gas, steam and water, not otherwise pro hibited ; (A) Vessels; (A) Vices; (B) Waggons, four-wheeled, capable of carrying one ton or over, and their component parts; (A) Waggon covers; (B) Watches and watch movements. (B) Wires, insulated; (A) Wood-screws made of iron or steel; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies, 477 6. MEDICAL STORES AND DRUGS, INCLUDING CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, AND MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRE- PARATIONS. (B) Acetanilide ; (A) Acetates, all metallic; acetic acid; acetic anhydride; aceto-celhiloses ; acetones and their compounds and preparations; acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and its preparations ; (A) Acriflavine, proflavine and other acridine derivations having antiseptic or therapeutic properties, and mixtures or preparations containing any of those substances ; (c) Adrenaline; (c) Agar-agar; (A) Alcohol, absolute ; alcohol, rnethylic, and its esters ; (A) Aloes; (c) Aloe juice; (B) Aluminium, oxides of, and mixtures containing aluminium oxides ; aluminium sulphate ; alumino- f erric ; (c) Aluminium, salts of (except aluminium nitrate and sulphate, alumino-ferric and ammonium, alum) ; (c) Alypin; (A) Amidol and mixtures containing amidol : (B) Amidopyrine; (B) Ammonia and its salts, whether simple or compound, and mixtures containing such salts (except ammonia liquid, liquefied ammonia, ammonium alum, ammonium carbonate, chloride, nitrate, per- chlorate, sulphate and sulphocyaiiide, and nickel ammonium sulphate, and mixtures containing such ammonium salts) : {A) Ammonia, liquefied; ammonia liquor; ammonium alum and mixtures containing ammonium alum; ammonium carbonate and mixtures containing ammonium carbonate; ammonium chloride, includ- ing muriate of ammonia and salamoniac, and mixtures containing these substances; ammonium nitrate and mixtures containing ammonium nitrate ; ammonium perchlorate and mixtures containing ammonium perchlorate ; ammonium sulphate and sulphocyanide ; (A) Ainyl acetate and other amyl esters , (c) Amylene ; (c) Anchusa ; anchusin ; (A) Anthracene oil, and mixtures and preparations con- taining anthracene oil ; (c) Antimony, compounds of (except sulphides and oxides of antimony) ; (B) Antimony, sulphides and oxides of; (A) Antipyrine fphenazone) and its preparations; (A) Anti-tetanus serum ; 478 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 6. MEDICAL STOKES AND DRUGS, INCLUDIXt? CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, ,L\7> MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRE- PARATIONS continued. (c) Apioi; (c) Araroba or Goa powdei ; (A) Areca or betel nuts ; arecoline ; (B) Arsenic, compounds of arsenic, and mixtures contain- ing arsenic; (A) Balsams; (B) Barium peroxide; barium sulphate; (A) Belladonna and its preparations; belladonna alkaloid* and their salts and preparations; (A) Benzoic acid (synthetic) and benzoates ; (A) Benzol and its compounds and preparations; (c) Bismuth and its salts (except bismuth nitrate) ; (A) Bismuth nitrate ; (A) Bleaching powder; (c) Borax and mixtures containing borax ; (c) Boric acid ; (c) Boron compounds ; (A) Bromine and alkaline bromides; (A) Buchu leaves; (A) Caffeine and its salts ; (A) Cain bur beans; (A) Calcium carbide; (c) Calcium silicide; calcium sulphate: calcium sulphide; (B) Camphor; (A) Cantharides; (A) Capsicum; (A) Capsicum, oleo-resiii of; (A) Carbolic acid and compounds thereof, and preparations containing carbolic acid ; (A) Carbon disulphide; (B) Carbon tetrachloride and its preparations ; (A) Cascara sagrada and its preparations: (A) Cascarilla bark; (B) Cerium, oxide and salts of ; (A) Chloral and its compounds and preparations ; (A) Chlorates, all metallic; (c) Chlorides, metallic and metalloidic, not otherwise prohibited ; (3) Chlorine; (A) Chloroform; (B) Chromium, compounds of (except chromium acetate, chromium chlorate and chromium nitrate), and mixtures containing such compounds of chromium ; (A) Chromium acetate ; chromium chlorate ; chromium nitrate ; (c) Chrysarobin ; (A) Cinchona bark, its alkaloids and their salts, and pre- parations of any of these substances; (B) Citrates ; citric acid ; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 479 6. MEDICAL STORES AND DRUGS, INCLUDING CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, AND MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRE- PARATIONS continued. (A) Coal tar, all products obtainable from and derivatives thereof, suitable for use in the manufacture of dyes and explosives, whether obtained from coal tar or other sources, and mixtures and preparations con- taining 1 such products or derivatives ; (A) Cobalt nitrate; (B) Cobalt, oxides and salts of (except cobalt nitrate), and mixtures containing such oxides or salts of cobalt ; (A) Cobaltchrom and similar alloys ; (A) Coca leaves and their preparations ; (A) Cocaine and its salts and preparations ; (B) Colchicum and its preparations ; (A) Colocynth; (A) Collodion ; (A) Copper acetate ; copper nitrate ; copper, suboxide of, and mixtures containing suboxide of copper ; copper sulphate ; (c) Copper, compounds of (except copper acetate, copper iodide, copper nitrate, copper sulphate, and sub- oxide of copper), and mixtures containing such compounds of copper; (A) Creosote, and creosote oils (except wood tar oil) and mixtures and preparations containing such creosote or creosote oils; (A) Cresol, compounds and preparations of cresol and nitro-cresol ; (A) Cubebs; (c) Cuprea bark; (A) Cyanamide; (A) Damiana; (A) Diethylbarbituric acid (veronal) and' veronal sodium; (c) Digitaline; (A) Dimethylaniline ; (c) Dyes, vegetable, and dyestuffs and their extracts used in the preparation of vegetable dyes, and articles containing such dyes, dyestuffs and extracts, not otherwise prohibited ; (A) Dyes and dyestuffs manufactured from coal tar pro- ducts, and articles containing such dyes or dye- stuffs; (A) Emetin and its salts; (A) Ergot of rye; (c) Ergotine; (c) Eryngo; (c) Eserine; (A) Ether, acetic; ether, formic; ether, sulphuric; ethylic alcohol, mixtures and preparations containing (not otherwise prohibited) ; 480 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 6. MEDICAL STORES AND DRUGS, INCLUDING CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, AND MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRE- PARATIONS continued. (A) Eucaine hydrochloride, eucaine (benzamine) lactate, and their preparations; (c) Exalgin. (c) Fluorine compounds, not otherwise prohibited ; (c) Formates, not otherwise prohibited; (A) Formic acid ; (A) Formic aldehyde ; (A) Fusel oil (amyl alcohol) ; (A) Fustic (chips and extract) ; (A) Gall nuts and extracts thereof; (A) Gelsemium root; (B) Gentian root; (A) Glycerine, and preparations containing glycerine not otherwise specifically prohibited ; (A) Green oil, and mixtures and preparations containing green oil ; (A) Grindelia ; (B) Guaiacol and guaiacol carbonate : (c) Halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydiocarbons (except carbon tetra chloride, chloroform and iodoform) ; (B) Henbane and its preparations ; (B) Hexainethylene tetramin (urotropin) and its com- pounds and preparations; (A) Hydrastis canadenis and hydrastine; (B) Hydrobromic acid ; (B) Hydrochloric acid ; (A) Hydrocyanic (prussic) acid and solutions thereof; (B) Hydrogen peroxide; (A) Hydroquinone, and mixtures containing hydro- quinone ; (B) Indian hemp (cannabis indica) ; (A) Indigo, natural and synthetic; (c) Iodine and its compounds and preparation? (except iodoform) ; (A) Iodoform; (A) Ipecacuanha root; (B) Iridium compounds; (c) Iron, oxides of; iron sulphates; (A) Jalap; (A) Kola seeds; (A) Lactates, not otherwise prohibited ; (A) Lactic acid; (A) Lead compounds, and mixtures containing lead compounds ; (c) Liquorice roots and juice; (c) Lithium compounds; (A) Logwood (chips, extract, and preparations) : (c) Lycopodium; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 481 6. MEDICAL STORES AND DRUGS, INCLUDING CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, AND MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PEE- PA RA T IONS continued . (B) Magnesium chloride and sulphate, and mixtures con- taining 1 magnesium chloride or sulphate ; (A) Male f ern rhizome ; (c) Manganese compounds, not otherwise prohibited; (A) Manganese, peroxide of, and mixtures and prepara- tions thereof; (A) Manna ; (A) Maimite; (c) Menthol ; (B) Mercury, compounds and preparations of (except nitrate of mercury), and mixtures containing suck compounds of mercury ; (A) Mercury nitrate ; (A) Methylaniline ; (B) Methyl salicylate; (A) Metol, and mixtures containing metol ; (B) Molybdic acid and its salts; (A) Naphthalene and its compounds and preparations ; (A) Neo-salvarsan ; (A) Nickel ammonium sulphate and mixtures containing nickel ammonium sulphate ; nickel nitrate ; (B) Nickel, oxides and salts of (except nickel ammonium sulphate and nickel nitrate), and mixtures contain- ing such oxides or salts of nickel ; (A) Novocain and its preparations; (B) Nux vomica and its preparations ; mix vomica alka- loids and their salts and preparations ; (c) Oils, essential (except sandalwood and turpentine oil) ; (A) Opium and its preparations; opium alkaloids and their salts and preparations ; (B) Osmium compounds ; (r) Oxalates, not otherwise prohibited; (B) Oxalic acid; (B) Palladium compounds; (A) Paraffin, liquid medicinal; (A) Paraforinaldehyde ; (A) Paraldehyde ; (c) Pepsin; (c) Peptone; (A) Perchlorates, all metallic; (A) Phenacetiii and its preparations ; (A) Phosgene (carbonyl chloride) ; (c) Piloearpine; (A) Platinum, salts of ; (A) Podophyllum rhizome; (B) Potash _salts, and mixtures containing such potash salts, not otherwise prohibited ; 5246 Q 482 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 6. MEDICA STORES AND DRUGS, INCLUDING CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, AND MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRE- PARATIONS continued. (A) Potassium bicarbonate and mixtures containing potassium bicarbonate; potassium carbonate and mixtures containing potassium carbonate ; potassium chlorate, and mixtures containing potassium chlorate; potassium cyanide, and mixtures contain- ing potassium cyanide; potassium, perchlorate; potassium, permanganate; potassium prussiates and mixtures containing potassium prussiates ; (A) Pyridine; (A) Pyrogallic acid, and mixtures containing- pyrogallic acid ; (A) Quercitron bark, and extracts therefrom; (c) Quillaia bark; (A) Radium and its compounds; (A) Respirators and self-contained breathing sets intended to afford protection to the wearer against toxic atmospheres ; (A) Rhatany root ; (B) Rhodium compounds; (A) Rhubarb (medicinal) ; (B) Ruthenium compounds ; (A) Saccharin and articles, mixtures, and preparations containing saccharin ; (c) Saffron; (c) St. Ignatius beans ; (B) Salicylic acid and its preparations; (B) Salipyrine; (B) Salol and its preparations; (A) Salvarsan ; (B) Sandalwood for medicinal purposes ; (A) Santonin and its preparations; (A) Sassafras root ; (A) Scammony root ; (c) Senega root; (A) Senna leaves and pods; (c) Sera, except anti-tetanus serum; (A) Serpentary rhizome ; (A) Silkworm gut (surgical) ; (c) Soda, lime; (c) Soda, nitrite of; (c) Sodium bicarbonate; sodium silicate and mixtures containing sodium silicate; sodium sulphate and bisulphate (nitre cake) ; (B) Sodium carbonate in all forms, including sodium sesquicarbonate and mixtures containing 1 any of these substances; sodium sulphide; sodium hypo- sulphite (thiosulphate), and mixtures containing sodium hyposulphite ; sodium peroxide : sodium salicylate and iis preparations; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 483 6. MEDICAL STORES AND DRUGS, INCLUDING CHEMICALS, DYES, DYE STUFFS, AND MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRE- PARATIONS continued. VA) Sodium cyanide, and mixtures containing sodium cyanide ; sodium prussiates and mixtures containing sodium prussiates: (A) Spent oxide; (A) Spirits, methylated, and mixtures containing methy- lated spirits; (A) Squills; (B) Stramonium leaves and seeds; (A) Strontium compounds, and mixtures containing stron- tium compounds; (A) Strophanthus seeds; (c) Sulphites, metallic, not otherwise prohibited ; (c) Sulphocyanides, not otherwise prohibited; (A) Sulphonal; (c) Sulphoricinates ; (A) Surgical bandages and dressings ; surgical instruments ; (B) Syringes, hypodermic; (c) Tannalbin; (c) Tannigen; (A) Tartaric acid, cream of tartar, and alkaline tartrates ; (A) Terebene, and articles containing terebene; (B) Theobromine sodium salicylate; (c) Thiosulphates, metallic, not otherwise prohibited ; fB) Thorium, oxide and salts of; (B) Thymol and its preparations; (A) Tin, chlorides of; tin, oxide of, and mixtures and preparations containing tin oxide; (B) Tin, compounds of (except chlorides and oxide of tin) ; (A) Titanium compounds ; (A) Trional; (A) Trioxymethylene : (A) Triphenyl phosphate; (B) Tungsten compounds; (c) Ultramarine, and mixtures containing ultramarine; (c) Uranium compounds; (B) Urea and its compounds ; (c) Vaccines ; (c) Valerianates, not otherwise prohibited ; valerianic aeicy (c) Vanadium compounds ; (A) X-ray apparatus. (A) Xylol and its compounds and preparations; (B) Zinc chloride and sulphate, and mixtures containing zinc chloride or sulphate; (A) Zinc oxide, and mixtures containing zinc oxide; zinc sulphide, and mixtures containing zinc sulphide ; (A) Zirconium compounds ; 524t O 2 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 7. METALS, COAL, COKE AND REFRACTORIES, INCLUDING NON-FERROUS MATERIALS. (A) Aluminium powder; aluminium, alloys of aluminium and manufactures of aluminium or of its alloys; (B; Antimony and alloys of antimony ; (B) Arsenical ore; (A) Asbestos and articles manufactured wholly or partly of asbestos ; (A) Bronze powder; (B) Cadmium, alloys of cadmium and cadmium ore ; (A) Cariiauba wax; (A) Celluloid ; celluloid, articles wholly or partly manu- factured of; " celluloid " sheet, iion-inflamniable, and similar transparent material non-soluble in lubricating oil, petrol or water ; (A) Cerium and its alloys (except ferro-cerium); (B) Chrome ore; (A) Cinematograph films; (B) Coal, except coal allowed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to be shipped as bunker coal ; (B) Cobalt, cobalt ore, and alloys of cobalt; (A) Coke and manufactured fuel ; (A) Copper manufactures, the following: All articles wholly or partly manufactured of copper or its alloys except articles partly manu- factured of copper or its alloys in which the total weight of copper and copper alloy does not exceed five per cent, of the total weight of the article and does not exceed 56 11)-. : (A) Copper ore ; regulns, matte, concentrate and precipi- tate; copper stamps for stamping woven piece goods; copper, whether refined or unrefined, un- wro ught, wrought or partly wrought of all kinds and descriptions, including brass, bronze, yellow metal and all other alloys of copper; (A) Cryolite ; (B) Emery and corundum and manufactures thereof, carborundum, aluudum, crystolon and all other artificial abrasives ami manufactures thereof; (c) Felspar; Eerro alloys, the folio wing :< (A) Eerro-nianganese ; ferro-inolybdenum ; f erro-silicon ; (B) Ferro-cerium ; f erro-fhrome ; f erro-titaiiium ; ferro- vanadium ; silicon-Spiegel ; spiegel- eisen ; (A) Fireclay and articles wholly manufactured of fireclay, including firebricks ; (A) Gold, liquid, including gold paint, gold enamel, gild- ing solution and all other pigments containing gold ; (B) Graphite, and mixtures containing graphite ; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 485 7. METALS, COAL, COKE AND REFRACTORIES, INCLUDING NON-FERROUS MA TE RIALS continued. (B) Iridium and its alloys and manufactures containing iridium ; (A) Iron and iron articles containing chrome, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten or vanadium; iion angles, channels, joists, tees and other sectional material ; iron bars, including flats, rounds and other sections and shapes ; iron billets, blooms and slabs ; iron bridgework, pier work and construc- tional material; iron hoops and strips; iron ingots; iron ore; iron, pig; iron pipes (wrought); iron plates and sheets ; * iron pyrites ; iron scrap ; iron sheet bars ; iron tubes ; (A) Lacs, not including lac dye; (A) Lead ore; lead, lead alloys, and manufactures of lead or of lead alloys; lead coated sheets; (c) Lithium; (A) Magnesite and magnesite bricks ; magnesite, caustic or lightly calcined, and dead burnt magnesite; (A) Magnesium and its alloys ; (B) Manganese and manganese ore; (A) Mercury ; (c) Mica block, mica sheets and mica splittings ; (B) Mica waste, mica powder, micanite, and articles made from and insulating materials containing mica in any form ; (B) Molybdenum and molybdenite; (A) Nickel, its ores, alloys, and manufactures (except nickel-plated goods not otherwise prohibited) ; (B) Osmium and its alloys and manufactures containing osmium ; (B) Palladium and its alloys and manufactures containing palladium ; (c) Peat; (A) Platinum, alloys of platinum, and manufactures con- taining platinum ; (B) Plumbago ; (c) Pyrites cinders ; (A) Resins, resinous gums, resinous substances (except such as contain caoutchouc), and articles contaning them ; (B) Resinous substances containing caoutchouc; (B) Rhodium and its alloys and manufactures containing rhodium ; (B) Rubber (raw, waste, and reclaimed), solutions con- taining rubber, jellies containing rubber, and any other preparations containing rubber, and also balata, gutta-percha, and the following varieties of rubber, viz.: Borneo, Guayule, Jelutong, Palem- baiig, Pontianac, and all other substances contain- ing caoutchouc ; rubber, gutta-percha or balata, goods made wholly or partly from, not -otherwise specifically prohibited ; Q3 Prohibitions on Export of War Moicriul Supplies. 7. METALS, COAL, COKE AND REFRACTORIES, INCLUDING- N-ON -FERROUS MA TE RIALS continued. (B) Ruthenium and its alloys and manufactures contain- ing ruthenium; (B) Selenium ; (A) Silica bricks ; (c) Silicon; (A) Silicon-manganese; (A) Silver bullion, specie and coin and articles wholly or mainly manufactured of silver; (c) Slagwool; (B) Sodium; (A) Spelter and spelter dross ; (B) Spiegeleisen ; (A) Steel containing tungsten or molybdenum, and an> tools or other articles made from such steel; steel and steel articles containing chrome, cobalt, nickel, or vanadium ; steel angles, channels, joists, tees and other steel sectional material ; steel bars, including flats, rounds, and other sections and shapes; steel billets, blooms and slabs; steel bridgework, pier- work, and structural material; steel flyers; steel hawsers; steel hoops; steel ingots; steel plates and sheets; steel scrap; steel sheet bars; steel stamp- ings, suitable for aircraft; steel textile pins of all kinds, including card pins, comb pins, faller pins, gill pins, and hackle pins; steel travellers; steel tubes ; steel wire rope ; (A) Stellite and similar alloys; (A) Tantalum, alloys of tantalum and ores containing tantalum ; (A) Terneplates and receptacles made from terneplates : (A) Thorium and its alloys ; (A) Tin, and alloys of tin ; (B) Tin, manufactures of (except hollow-ware, tin-plate-, and receptacles made wholly or partly from tin plates) ; tin ore ; (A) Tin plates and receptacles made wholly or partly from tin plates; (A) Titanium, alloys of titanium and titanium ores ; (A) Tungsten (except tungsten filaments for electric lamps) ; tungsten alloys ; (B) Tungsten filaments for electric lamps; tungsten ore^ (including ferberite, hubnerite, scheelite, ana wolframite) ; (A) Uranium, alloys of uranium, and uranium ores; (B) Vanadium ; vanadium ore ; (A) Wire, barbed, and galvanised wire, and implements for cutting or fixing such wire; wire, card; wire, heald ; wire, reed ; wire rods, and wire of iron or steel, and articles wholly manufactured of such wire rods or wire; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 487 7. METALS, COAL, COKE AND REFRACTORIES, INCLUDING NON-FERROUS MATERIALS continued. (B) Wolfenite; (A) Zinc ashes; zinc, alloys of zinc, manufactures of zinc, and zinc dust ; (B) Zinc ore; (A) Zirconium and its alloys. (B) Zirconium minerals. 8. OILS, MINERAL AND FUEL, AND GAS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES. (A) Candles; (A) Lubricants not otherwise specifically prohibited and articles and mixtures containing such lubricants; (A) Motor spirit; (A) Oil blast furnace; (A) Oil fuel, except oil fuel allowed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to be shipped for use on board the exporting ship; oil fuel, shale; {B) Oil waste; (A) Paraffin oil; paraffin wax; (A) Petroleum, fuel oil; petroleum, lighting oil; petro- leum, gas oil; petroleum spirit and articles contain- ing petroleum spirit ; petroleum and its products not otherwise specifically prohibited ; (A) Tapers; (A) Turpentine substitute, and articles containing tur- pentine substitute, .9. OPTICAL AND GLASSWARE MUNITIONS. (A) Barometers and their component parts; (A) Binoculars; (B) Electric lamps (except carbon filament lamps, arc lamps for street lighting, and pocket electric lamps and their component parts) ; (c) Electric lamps, pocket, and their component parts; (A) Field glasses; (Aj Glass for optical instruments ; (A) Heliographs ; (A) Periscope and their component parts ; (A) Photographic materials, sensitised, of all kinds, whether exposed or not ; (B) Search-lights and their component parts ; (B) Signalling lamps and their component parts ; (A) Telescopes; (A) Theodolites; (A) Thermometers. 5246 Q 4 488 Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies. 10. PAPER. (c) Paper coated with gelatine : paper. Japanese tissue and similar cellulose paper, whether in the piece or roll or cut into shapes for domestic or other use; (A) Paper, waste; (B) Paper, waxed ; (A) Pulp-board waste; (A) Straw-hoard waste. (A) Wood pulp; 11. ROAD MATERIAL. 12. TEXTILES. (c) Apparel, waterproof wearing, not otherwise specifically prohibited ; (A) Baggings, old ; (c) Bags, wrappers or sacks not otherwise specifically pro- hibited (except unwoven paper bags), other than such bags, wrappers or sacks as constitute the coverings of goods to be shipped for exportation, and are allowed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to be snipped as such coverings; (A) Bags and sacks made wholly or partly of jute, other than such bags or sacks as constitute the coverings of goods to be shipped for exportation, and are allowed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to be shipped as such coverings ; (B) Bedding (not including bedsteads and parts thereof;; (B) Belting, woven hair; (c) Belting, not otherwise prohibited; (A) Belting, cotton, including 4 belting made with cotton duck impregnated with luilata or with rubber; (A) Binder twine ; * (B) Blankets, manufactured wholly or partly of AVOO! or hair ; (c) Blankets, not otherwise prohibited ; (A) Canvas, old ship; canvas cuttings; (A) Card clothing ; (B) Carpets and carpet rugs made wholly or partly of wool or hair; (c) Carpets and carpet rugs, not otherwise prohibited : (B) Coir yarn; (c) Cotton, all manufactures, mixtures, and products of, not otherwise specifically prohibited ; Prohibitions on Export of War Material Supplies 489 12. TEXTILES continued. (A) Cotton pulp ; cotton rag's and rags containing cotton ; cotton, raw; cotton canvas, duck, or sailcloth, weighing more than 25 ounces per square yard; cotton yarn made from or containing Sea Island cotton, whether grown in the United States of America or the West Indies ; cotton, shoddy; cotton wadding and articles containing cotton wadding; cotton waste and articles containing' cotton waste; cotton wool and articles containing cotton ,wool ; (c) Feathers and down, except ornamental feathers; (A) Felt, roofing; phosphate of lime and alumina ; (c) Pumice stone, including powdered pumice stone ; (B) Ramie stockings and ramie fabrics suitable for the manufacture of gas mantles; (c) Rock crystal; (B) Rubies, natural or synthetic: (A) Russian rouble notes ; (B) Sapphires, natural or synthetic : (u) Size and sizings of all kinds (whether nitrogenous or not), not including- articles the exportation of which is prohibited to all destinations under the prohibi- tions attaching to farinaceous substances, dextrine. concentrated size and other size and sizing-s made from glue : (A) Soap, including soft soap: General Licences to Export certain War Material Supplies by 493 certain Routes. 14. MISCELLANEOUS ENTRIES NOT FALLING INTO ABOVE GROUPING continued. (A) Spermaceti; (c) Sponges, raw and prepared ; (c) Talc, all forms, including 1 French chalk ; (A) Whalebone; whale fins; whalebone meal; (A) Wool grease and articles and mixtures containing wool grease; By Proclamation of September 29th, 1917 (St. E. & 0., 1917, No. 1007), the exportation to Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands of all articles which are not prohibited by virtue of the May, 1917, Proclamation as amended, referred to at the beginning of this section (except printed matter and personal effects accompanied by the owner) was prohibited. OPEN GENERAL LICENCES TO EXPORT THE WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES MARKED (B) IN THE FOREGOING LlSTS TO DESTINATIONS IN VARIOUS BRITISH POSSESSIONS AND PROTECTORATES, ETC., BY CERTAIN ROUTES. (D,F. 38.) (a) Exports to South Africa via Lourenco Marques. A General Licence, dated 12th July, 1916, has been issued by the Privy Council authorising the export to British South Africa, via Lourenco Marques, of goods which are named in Section (B) of the Prohibited List (i.e., goods the export of which is prohibited, except to British Possessions and Protectorates). Exporters desiring to avail themselves of this General Licence are required thereby to observe the following conditions : 1. That the ultimate destination of the goods is a place within a British Possession or Protectorate in South Africa, and is shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods, or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. That a true copy of the Bill of Lading (including any such note or memorandum thereupon as aforesaid) shall be sent to the representative at Lourenco Marques of the Government of the Union of South Africa, and evidence to the satisfaction of the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment that this condition has been fulfilled shall be produced to such officer at the time of shipment or at any time thereafter as required by him. 3. That the owner or shipper of any goods exported under the authority of this licence shall produce to H.M. Com- missioners of Customs and Excise within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Commission- ers, that in accordance with the conditions aforesaid, the said General Licences to Export certain War Material Supplies by certain Routes. goods were duly unshipped at the port of Loureiico Marques and were thence conveyed to and delivered at the ultimate destination named in or upon the Bill of Lading, or if not so unshipped, conveyed and delivered, that the unshipment, conveyance or delivery was prevented by circumstances beyond his control, and that in the absence of such proof, the goods shall be deemed to have been exported without a licence. The General Licence in question (No. W.T.D. 2304 /IB) is available for use by all exporters from the United Kingdom, and it need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of shipment. It is revocable at any time. (b) Exports to South-West Africa Protectorate. A General Licence, dated 12th July, 1916, has been issued by the Privy Council authorising the export to the port of Walvis Bay 01 Luderitzbucht in the territory formerly known as German South- West Africa, of certain goods which are named in Section (B) of the Prohibited List (i.e., goods the export of which is prohibited, except to British Possessions and Protectorates). Exporters desiring to avail themselves of this general licence are required thereby to observe the following conditions : 1. That the ultimate destination of the goods shall be a place within the territory formerly known as German South- West Africa and shall be shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. That a true copy of such Hill of Lading ('including any such note or memorandum thereupon *as aforesaid) shall be produced to the proper officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment either at the time of shipment or at any time thereafter as required by him. 3. That the goods shall be landed at the port of destina- tion shown in the Bill of Lading and the relative shipping bill or other export document delivered to H.M. Com- missioners of Customs and Excise and at no other port or place, and shall be thence conveyed to and delivered at the ultimate destination named in or upon the Bill of Lading. 4. That the owner or shipper of any goods exported under the authority of this licence shall produce to H.M. Com- missioners of Customs and Excise within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners that the conditions aforesaid have been duly fulfilled or that such fulfilment was prevented by circumstances beyond his control, and in the absence of such proof, the goods shall be deemed to have been exported without a licence. The General Licence in question (No. W.T.D. 2304/16) is available for use by all exporters from the United Kingdom, and it need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of ship- ment. It is revocable at any time ; and it does not apply to goods General Licences to Export certain War Material Supplies by certain Routes. of the following descriptions : (a) Unrined fire arms and their component parts ; (6) Provisions and victuals which may be used as food for man; and (c) Mineral oils and lubricating oils. (c) Exports to British Possessions and Protectorates in Central Africa. A General Licence, dated 27th October, 1916, has been issued by the Privy Council authorising the export to British Possessions or Protectorates in Central Africa, via Chinde direct or via Beira or Lourenco Marques and Chinde, of goods which are named in Section (B) of the Prohibited List (that is, goods the export of which is prohibited to all destinations abroad except British Possessions and Protectorates). Exporters desiring to avail themselves of this general licence- are required thereby to observe the following conditions: 1. The ultimate destination of the goods must be a place within a British Possession or Protectorate in Central Africa, and must be shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods, or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. The goods must in every case be consigned to the Nyasaland Coast Agent at Chinde for account of the ultimate consignee in Central Africa, and either the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods, or a true copy thereof (including any euch note or memorandum as is mentioned in No. 1) must be sent to H.M. Consular Officer at the port or ports (as the case may be) of unshipment. 3. Evidence to the satisfaction of the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment must if required byhim be produced to such Officer that condition No. 2 has been duly fulfilled. 4. The owner or shipper of any goods exported under the authority of this licence must, if required, produce to H.M. Commissioners of Customs and Excise, within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Com- missioners that all the conditions of the licence have been duly fulfilled or that fulfilment thereof was prevented by circumstances beyond his control, and in the absence of such proof the goods are to be deemed to have been exported with- out licence. The General Licence referred to (No. W.T.D. 2304/16) is available for use by all exporters from the United Kingdom, and it need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of ship- ment. It is revocable at any time. N.B. In cases where finance is arranged through bankers, it will be sufficient compliance with the conditions of the above Licence if the Bill of Lading, duly endorsed by the consignors, be sent by the British bankers to their agents and handed by their agents to the official consignee. Where this procedure is adopted, it may be advisable for the consignors also to post a copy of the Bill of Lading direct to the official consignee, so as to warn him of the pending arrival of the goods. General Licences to Export certain \\'(ir Mdtt'finl Supitlir* hi/ certain Routes. (d) Exports to Northern and Southern Rhodesia via Beira. A General Licence, dated 27th October, 1916, has been issued by the Privy Council authorising the export to Northern and Southern Rhodesia via Beira in Portuguese East Africa of goods which are named in Section (B) of the Prohibited List (i.e., goods the export of which is prohibited to all destinations abroad except British Possessions and Protectorates). Exporters desiring to avail themselves of this general licence are required thereby to observe the following conditions : 1. The ultimate destination of the goods must be a place within either of the British Protectorates of Northern Rhodesia or Southern Rhodesia, and must be shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. The goods must be consigned to the Southern Rhodesia Customs Officer at- Beira for account of the ultimate consignee at the ultimate destination in Rhodesia, and the Bill of Lading must be forwarded to this Officer. 3. Evidence to the satisfaction of the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment, must if required by him be produced to such Officer that condition No. "2 has been duly fulfilled. 4. The owner or vshipper of any goods exported under the authority of this licence must, if required, produce to H.M. Commissioners of Customs and Excise, within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Com- missioners that all the conditions of the licence have been duly fulfilled or that fulfilment thereof was prevented by circumstances beyond his control, and in the absence of such proof the goods are to be deemed to have been exported without licence. The General Licence referred to (No. W.T.D. 2304/16) is avail- able for iise by all exporters from the United Kingdom, and need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of shipment. It is revocable at any time. N.B. In cases where finance is arranged through bankers, it will be sufficient compliance with the conditions of the above Licence if the Bill of Lading, duly endorsed by the consignors, be sent by the British bankers to their agents and handed by their agents to the official consignee. Where this procedure is adopted, it may be advisable for the consignors also to post a copy of the Bill of Lading direct to the official consignee, so as to warn him of the pending arrival of the goods. (e) Exports to British Honduras and to Bermuda via New York. A General Licence, dated 25th January, 1917, has been issued by the Pi ivy Council authorising the export to New York. F.S.A .. for re-shipment thence* to : 1. the Port of Belize in British Honduras, and 2. the Port of Hamilton in the British Colony of Bermuda, of goods which are named in Section ?f B " of the Prohibited List (that is goods the export of which is prohibited to all destinations, except British Possessions and Protectorates). General Licences to Export certain War Material Supplies by 497 certain Routes. Exporters desiring to avail themselves of this General Licence are required thereby to observe the following conditions: 1. The ultimate destination of the goods must be a place within 1. the Colony of British Honduras, or 2. the British Colony of Bermuda, and must be shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods, or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. Evidence to the satisfaction of the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment must, "if-and when required by him, be produced to such Officer that con- dition No. 1 has been duly fulfilled. 3. The owner or shipper of any goods exported under the authority of this licence must if required produce to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise, within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners that all the conditions of the licence have been fulfilled, and that the goods have been landed and delivered at the ultimate destination referred to, or that fulfilment thereof or such landing or delivery was pre- vented by circumstances beyond his control, and in the absence of such proof the goods .are to be deemed to have been exported without licence. The General Licence referred to (W.T.D. 17048/16) 1 is available for use by all exporters from the United Kingdom, and it need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of shipment. It is revocable at any time. (f) Exports to British Occupied Territory in " German East Africa." A General Licence, dated 24th January, 1917, has been issued by the Privy Council authorising the export to the Port of Tanga in the British Occupied Territory of "German East Africa " of goods which are named in Section " B " of the Prohibited List (that is goods the export of which is prohibited to all destinations abroad other than ports and destinations in British Possessions and Protectorates). The attention of exporters is particularly directed to the f ollawing* terms and conditions of the licence : 1. The ultimate destination of the goods must be a place within that portion of the British Occupied Territory in " German East Africa " lying to the north of the Central Railway (excluding the railway itself and Dar-es-Salaam and other towns on the Railway) and must be shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. A true copy of the Bill of Lading (including any such note or memorandum thereupon as aforesaid) must if and when required be produced to the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment. 4 ( J8 General Licences to Export certain \\d: Material Supplies by certain Routes. 3. The goods must be consigned to the ultimate consignee (by name) at the port of Tanga, and must be landed at that port and abide the directions of the Customs Officer there with respect to their transmission to their ultimate destina- tion arid to their delivery to the ultimate consignee. 4. The owner or shipper of any goods exported under the authority of this licence' must produce in I lie Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs and Excise, within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Com- missioners that the above conditions have been duly fulfilled, or that such fulfilment was prevented hy circumstances beyond his control, and in the absence of such proof the goods shall be deemed to have been exported without licence. The General Licence in question (W.T.D. 18,326/16) is avail- able for use by all exporters from the United Kingdom and it need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of ship- ment. It is revocable at any time. (g) Exports to British Occupied Territory in Togoland and the Cameroons. General Licences, dateid 4th April, 1917, have been issued by the Privy Council authorising the export to the British Occupied Territory in (a] Togoland and (b) the Cameroons, of goods which are marked ," B " in the Prohibited List (that is, g*oods the export of which is prohibited to all destinations abroad other than ports and destinations in British Possessions and Protectorates). The attention of exporters is particularly directed to the follow- ing terms and conditions of the licences : 1. The ultimate destination of the goods must be a place within the British Occupied Territory of Togoland or the Cameroons, and must be shown so to be by the Bill of Lading in respect of the goods or by a note or memorandum upon such Bill of Lading. 2. A true copy of the Bill of Lading (including any such note or memorandum thereupon as aforesaid) must, if and when required, be produced to the proper Officer of Customs and Excise at the port of shipment. 3. The goods must be landed at the port of destination shown in the Bill of Lading and in the relative Shipping Bill or other export document delivered to the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, and at no other port or place, and they must be conveyed and delivered to the ultimate consignee at the destination mentioned in or upon the Bill of Lading. 4. The owner or shipper of any goods exported under the authority of the licences must produce to the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise within such time as they may allow, proof to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners that the above conditions have been duly fulfilled, or that such fulfilment was prevented by circumstances beyond his control, and in the absence of such proof the goods shall be deemed to have been exported without licence. Prohibitions on Exportation of War Material Supplies except to 499 specified Consignees ; The general licences in question (W.T.D. 2025/17 S) are avail- able for use by all exporters from the United Kingdom, and they need not be produced at the Custom House at the time of ship- ment. They are revocable at any time. N.B. The British Occupied Territory in Togoland consists of Lomeland, Misahohe, Kete-Krachi, and Dagomba. The British Occupied Territory in the Cameroons is as follows : The Victoria District north of the Bimbia Creek (except the extreme south-east corner). The Rio del Eey District. The Johann Albrechtshohe District. The Ossidinge District. The north-west half of the Dschang District (including Dschang). The Bamenda District. The north-west part of the Banyo District (including Gaschaka and Kontscha). The extreme south-west corner of the Garua District. An area in the extreme north of the Cameroons which was formerly part of the Native State of Bornu. (2.) Restrictions on Exportation from the United King- dom of War Material Supplies unless Consigned as Specified. The export of All War Material Supplies is prohibited by Proclamations and Orders of Council to China (St. E. & 0., 1915, No. 932), Liberia (St. E. & 0.. 1916, No. 259). the Netherlands , AND BY THE FOOD CONTROLLER ( C()-\( T HIM XT PoWKlts) OllDl R, 1917. It is hereby declared that where the fulfilment by any person of any contract is interfered with by the necessity on the part of himself or any other person of complying with any requirement, regulation, or restriction of the Admiralty or the Army Council or the Minister of Munitions or the Food Coniroller(a) under the (a) AMENDMENTS MADE IN SUII-SKCTIOX 1 (2). The sub-section M.S enacted by Parliament specified only the Admiralty or the Army Council. Art. 3 of the Ministry of Munitions Order, 11)15 (printed as St. R. & O., V.)\:,. No. 580, and also p. 326 of Supplement No. 4 to the " Manual of Emergency Legislation "), provides that the sub-section for the purpose of giving the Minister of Munitions concurrent powers under the sub-section shall be read as if in addition to the Admiralty or Army Council the Minister of Munitions were also specified. The Food Controller (Concurrent Powers) Order, 1917 (printed as St. R. A U.. 1917, No. 124, and also p. 18 of the May, 1917 Edition of the Food Supply Manual), provides that for the purpose of giving the Food Controller con- current powers under the sub-section, that sub-section shall be read as if the Food Controller were specified therein in addition to the Admiralty or Army Council. Relief from Disqualification for Membership of House of Commons . 503 Defence of the Bealin Consolidation Act, 1914, or this Act, or any regulations made thereunder, that necessity is a good defence to any action or proceedings taken against that person in respect of the non-fulfilment of the contract so far as it is due to that interference . (2.) Interference with Contract other than of Tenancy by any Department. SECTION 3 OF THE COURTS (EMERGENCY POWERS) ACT, 1917 (7 & 8 GEO. 5, c. 25). 3. Where, before or after the passing of this Act, the non- fulfilment of any contract (not being a contract of tenancy) was or is due to the compliance on the part of any person with any requirement, regulation, order, or restriction of any Government department or of a competent naval or military authority(a) made, issued, given or imposed for purposes connected with the present war, or with any direction or advice issued or given by any Government department with the object of preventing trans- actions which, in the opinion of the department, would or might be contrary to national interests in connection with the present war, proof of that fact shall be a good defence to any action or proceeding in respect of the non-fulfilment of the contract. A certificate by the appropriate Government department shall be sufficient evidence that such direction or advice was issued or given and with such object as aforesaid. ' Relief from liability when fulfil- ment of contract interfered with by action of Government department. 3. Relief from Disqualification for Membership of House of Commons as regards certain Contracts. SECTION 9 OF THE COURTS (EMERGENCY POWERS) ACT, 1917 (T & 8 GEO. 5, c. 25). 9. (1) Whereas by reason of the emergencies of the present war members of the Commons House of Parliament have some- times been, or may hereafter be, required to supply property to, or to permit the use thereof by, a Government department for purposes connected with the present war, it is hereby declared that none of the provisions of the House of Commons (Disqualifi- cation) Act, 1782, or of the House of Commons (Disqualifications) Act, 1801, shall be construed so as to extend to a contract or agreement entered into during the present war as to the price 6r compensation to be paid for any property so requisitioned or taken or as to any other terms on which any property so requisitioned or taken is to be handed over or supplied. (2) This section shall not affect any legal proceedings instituted before the twenty-first day of February, nineteen hundred and seventeen. Relief from disqualifica- tion for membership of House of Commons in certain cases 22 Geo. 3. c. 45. 41 Geo. 3. c. 52. (a) COMPETENT NAVAL OR MILITARY AUTHORITY. For definition footnote (b) p. 13. 504 APPENDIX V. PROOF, CONSTRUCTION, AND CITA- TION, OF WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS AND OF THE ENABLING REGULATIONS. 1. Proof of Regulations, Wai 1 Material Supplies Orders and Documents, p. 504. 2. Construction of and War Material S ///>/>//<> Orders, p. 506. 3. Citation of War Material S a i > plies Order, p. .">()*. 1. Proof of Regulations, Orders and Documents. The Documentary Evidence Acts, so far as relating* to proof of War Material Supplies Orders. EXTRACTS FROM ss. 2, 5 AND Sen. OF DOCUMEVI \i;v KVIDEXCE ACT, 1868 (31 & 32 VICT., c. 37), AS AMENDED BY THE DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE ACT, 1882 (45 & 46 VICT., c. 9) AND APPLIED MY THE ENACTMENTS MENTIOMJ) IN THE 1ST COLUMN OF THE SCHEDULE AS HERE PRINTED. [Only that portion of these Acts which relates to the alternative modes of proving the Orders and Rules of which the text is comprised or to which references are made in this Manual is here printed and is so printed in the form which it appears now to assume. 2. J'rimd facie evidence of any proclamation order or regula- tion 1 issued ... by His Majesty, or by the Privy Council also of any . . . order or regulation () issued . by or under the authority of any such department of the Govern- ment or officer as is mentioned in the first column of the schedule hereto, may be given in all courts of justice, and in all legal proceedings whatsover, in all or any of the modes hereinafter mentioned ; that is to say : (1) By the production of a copy of the Gazette(b) purporting to contain such proclamation order or regulation. (2) By the production of a copy of such proclamation, order or regulation, purporting to be printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office. (3) By the production, in the case of any proclamation order or regulation issued by His Majesty or by the Privy Council ... of a copy or extract purporting to (a) DOCUMENTS OTHER THAN ORDERS OR REGULATIONS. In the ease of each Department marked a (a) " in the Schedule the enactments mentioned in the first column provide that the word " Regulations " in the Documentary Evidence Acts includes any documents issued by the Department. (b) UNNECESSARY GAZETTING. One of the objects of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, was to avoid duplicate printing and unnecessary gazetting (see s. 3 (3) thereof), and accordingly none of the Orders of the Food Controller has been gazetted. Evidence of War Material Supplies Orders, Sfc. 505 be certified to be true by the clerk of the Privy Council, or by any one of the lords or others of the Privy Council . . . and, in the case of any . . . order or regulation(a) issued by or under the authority of any of the said departments or officers, by the pro- duction of a copy or extract purporting to be certified to be true by the person or persons specified in the second column of the said schedule in connection with such department or officer. Any copy or extract made in pursuance of this last provision may be in print or in writing, or partly in print and partly in writing. No proof shall be required of the handwriting or official posi- tion of any person certifying, in pursuance of this Act, to the truth of any copy of or extract from any proclamation order or regulation, (a) ********* 5. . . . 2 & 53 Viet. c. (>3), though not occurring in the Defence of the Realm Acts have the respective meanings so given to them and all the rules of construction laid down by that Act for the con- struction of Acts of Parliament apply to the construction of the Regulations : (2) In an Order under the Regulations expressions occurring both in the Order and in the empowering Regulations have the same meaning as they have in the empowering Regulations (sr<> s. .">! of the Interpretation Act) ; (3) But both as regards the Regulations and the Orders thereunder such interpretation is excluded by anything in the Regulations or Order importing " a contrary intention." (See the provision to this effect which occurs throughout the Interpretation Act.) (b) PRINTING OF REGULATIONS AS AMENDED. In accordance with regula- tion G4 : (i) Such of the Defence of the Realm Regulations us fall within the scope of this War Material Supplies Manual are herein printed as amended ; (ii) The whole of the Defence of the Realm Regulations are printed as a single Consolidated Code : (a) With Full Editorial Notes and references to all the Orders made thereunder in the " Defence of the Realm Manual," which is published at half-yearly intervals : (b) In Plain Text form, and without Notes pr references, iu the Monthly Edition of the Regulations. Keg. 66 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations relating to 507 Previous Operation of Revoked Regulations. 66. The fact that any regulation or provision of a regulation Operation of is, or has been, revoked or superseded by any subsequent regula- revoked and tion shall not affect, and shall be deemed not to have affected, the previous operation of any regulation or provision so revoked or superseded, or the validity of any action taken under any such regulations or provision, or any penalty or punishment incurred in respect of any contravention or failure to comply with any such regulation or provision, or any proceeding or remedy in respect of any such penalty or punishment. (a) Where a regulation or provision of a regulation has been amended by the substitution of one Government Department or authority for another as the authority to exercise any power under the regulation or provision the amendment shall not affect any order made, licence or other instrument issued or action taken in pursuance of the power by the original authority, but any such order, licence or instrument shall until revoked or amended con- tinue in force as if it had been made or issued by the substituted authority and as if for references in the order, licence or instru- ment to the original authority there were substituted references to the substituted authority. (a) PARALLEL PROVISION. A clause to the like effect of the 1st paragarph of Reg. 66 forms Art. 9 of the Order in Council of Nov. 6th, 1916 (St. R. & ()., ' HiO, No. 764) amending the Aliens Restriction Order and now takes its place in Art. 34 (3) of that Order (St. R. & O., 1916, No. 122), which has been reprinted as amended down to March 4th, 1918. 508 Citation of Admiralty Orders. 3. Citation of War Material Supplies Orders. (3.) Citation of Orders of Mini- ster of Munitions, p. 514. (1.) Citation of Admiralty Orders, p. 508. (2.) Citation of Army Council Orders, p. 509. (1.) Citation of Admiralty Orders. THE ADMIRALTY (CITATION OF WAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS) ORDER, 1917. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Admiralty do hereby order as follows : 1. Each of the Orders mentioned in the Schedule to this Order may, without prejudice to any other mode of citation, be cited by the short title therein mentioned in that behalf. 2. This Order may be cited as " The Admiralty (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918." Dated 4th May, 1918. 0. Murray, Secretary. [NOTE. The page references inserted in the third column of this Schedule are those of this Edition of tin's Manual at wliirli the text of the Order in (jmv>tion is printed and do not form part of this " Citation " Order as made. All War Material Supplies Orders made by the Admiralty and now (May 31, 1918) in force other than those mentioned in this Schedule contain Clauses conferring Short Titles.] Schedule. Date of Order i or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. March ID, 1917 March 31, 1917 May 11,1917 July 23,4917 Aug. 4, 1917 Aug. 28, 1917 Sept. 27, 1917 Dec. 17,1917 Jan. 5, 1918 Application of Regulation 30A to Bung Gut Skins or Gold- beater Skins. Priority for Government Orders for Flax, Hemp and Jute. Requiring Particulars as \o Chronometers. Particulars as to Treatment of Natural Japanese Silk. Application of Regulation 30A to Marine Box Chronometers. Particulars as to stocks of cer- tain Cotton Yarn. Control of Dealings in Anchors, Chain Cables, Chain Cable Gear, and Chain Cable Iron. Regulation of Sale and Supply of Oxygen. Supply of and Returns as to Raw Asbestos, including Asbestos Crude and Asbestos Mine Fibres. The Bung Gut and Gold- beater Skins Order, ID 17 (p. 34). The Flax, Hemp and Juti.- Priority Order, ID 17 (p. 329). The Chronometers (Returns) Order, 1D17 (p. 15(5). The Japanese Silk Order, 1917 (p. 352). The Marine Box Chrono- metersOrder, !D17(p.l57). The Cotton Yarn (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 315). The Anchors and Chain Cables Order, ID 17 (p. 152). The Oxygen Order, 1D17 (p. 81). The Raw Asbestos Order, 1918 (p. 183). Citation of Army Council Orders. 509 (2.) Citation of Army Council Orders. THE ARMY COUNCIL (CITATION OF AVAR MATERIAL SUPPLIES ORDERS) ORDER, 1918. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of every other power enabling them in that behalf, the Army Council do hereby order as follows : 1. Each of the Orders mentioned in the Schedule to this Order may, without prejudice to any other mode of citation, be cited by the short title therein mentioned in that behalf. 2. This Order may be cited as <( The Army Council (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918." Dated 4th May, 1918. By Older of the Army Council, R. H. Brade. Schedule. . The page references inserted in the third column of this Schedule are those of this Edition of this Manual at which the text of the Order in question is printed and do not form part -of this " Citation " Order as made. Such of the Orders mentioned in this Schedule as have now (May 31, 1918) ceased to be in force, gnd of which therefore the text is omitted from this Edition, are printed in italics. Nearly all the War Material Supplies Orders made by the Army Council and now (May 31, 1918) in force other than those mentioned in this Schedule contain Clauses conferring Short Titles.] Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Sept. 24, 1915 Jan. 28, 1916 March 21, 1916 June It), 1916 June 30, 1916 Aug. 25, 1916 .Sept. 25, 1916 Application of Regulation 30A to Arms, Ammunition, and Military Explosives. Application of Regulation 30A to certain Russian Flax or Tow. Application of Regulation 30A to all Russian Flax or Tow. Notice as to articles included in the Order of Sept. 24th, 1915, as " Arms and ! Ammunition and Military Explosives." Taking Possession of Stocks of Sole Leather. Taking Possession of Lighter Leather. Taking Possession of Leather Tanned or partially Tanned. The Arms, Ammunition, and Military Explosives Order, 1915 (p. 36). The Russian Flax and Tow (No. 1) Order, 1916 (p. 319). The Russian Flax and Tow No. 2 Order, 1916 (p. 319). The Arms, Ammunition, and Military Explosives Notice, 1916 (p. 37). The Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1916 (p. 126). The Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1916 (p. 126). The Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice, 1916 (;:. 127). 510 Citation of Army Council Orders. Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Nov Nov 24, 1916 24, 1916 Dec. 1,1916 Oct. 16, 1916 ! Taking Possession of certain Imported Hides. Oct. 16, 1916 Requiring Particulars as to Manufacture or Repair of Materials made from Wool. Oct. 23, 1916 Dealings in Chestnut Extract imported from other than Allied countries. Nov. 8, 1916 ; Requiring Particulars as to certain Hides. Nov. 13. 1916 General Permit for sale and movement of certain Leather. Nov. 21, 1916 Taking Possession of Cuttings, Clippings and Remnants of Woollen and Worsted Mate- rials. Requiring Particulars as to all Leather. Cuttings, Clippings and Rem- nants of Woollen and Worsted Materials. General Permit for Insurance of all Russian Flax and Tow. Requiring Guarantees from per- sons engaged in purchase or sale of Wool. Restricting Dealings in Im- ported Hides. Taking Possession of certain Leather. Requiring Particulars as to Cot- ton , Flax and H emp Industries. Taking Possession of Linen Yarns. Explanatory Notice as to Linen Yarns (Requisition) Notice. 1916. Taking Possession of Courtrai Flax. Regulation of Spinning of Linen Yarns. Taking Possession of Imported Leather. Taking Possession of Raffia ... Requiring Particulars as to Raffia. Restriction of Splitting of Hides. Taking Possession of certain Sole Leather produced in the United Kingdom. Feb. 16, 1917 Taking Possession of Raw Jute Dec. 9, 1916 Dec. lf>, 191; Dec. 21, 1916 Dec. 22. 1916 Dec. 30, 1916 Jan. 5, 1917 Jan. 5, 1917 ' Jan. 5, 1917 Jan. 13, 1917 Jan. 15, 1917 Jan. 15, 1917 Feb. 9, 1917 Feb. 12. 1917 The Imported Hides (Con- trol) Notice, 1916 (p. 101). The Woollen and Worsted Materials (Returns) Order 1916 (p. 404). The Chestnut Extract (Dealings) Order, ID Hi (p. 150). The Hides (Returns) Order,. 1916 (/>. 123). The Leather (Sale a IK, Movement) Permit, 1 '.'!<' (/>. 128). The Woollen and Worsted Cuttings (Control) Notice 1916 (p. 363). The Leather (Returns) Or- der, 1916 (p. 149). The Woollen and Worsted (Cuttings) Order, 1916 (p. 363). The Russian Flax and Tow (Insurance) Permit, 1916- (p. 320). The Colonial and Foreign Wool (Guarantees) Order, 1916 (p. 364). The Imported Hides (Deal- ings) Order, 1916 (p. 102). The Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1916 (p. 129). The Cotton, Flax and Hemp- Industries (Returns) Order, 1916 (p. 315). The Linen Yarns (Control) Notice, 1916 (p. 344). The Linen Yarns (Control) Amendment Notice, 1917 (p. 345). The Courtrai Flax (Control) Notice, 1917 (p. 320). The Linen Yarns (Spinning) Order, 1917 (p. 346). The Leather (Control) No. 1 Notice, 1917 (p. 130). The Raffia (Control) Notice, 1917 (p. 350). The Raffia (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 352). The Hides (Splitting) Order. 1917 (p. 120). The Leather (Control) No. 2 Notice, 1917 (p. 131). The Jute (Control) Notice. 1917 (p. 338). Citation of Army Council Orders. 511 Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Feb. 19, 1917 j Requiring Particulars as to Boot and Saddlery Needles and Awls. Feb. 26, 1917 j' Requiring Particulars as to Tanning Materials. March 2, 1917 \ Requiring Particulars as to Raw Flax. March 3, 1917 Taking Possession of Russian Flax and Tow. March 6, 1917 Shipment of Colonial and Foreign Wool. March 30, 1917 Taking Possession of certain Sole and Upper Leather. March 31,1917 Priority for Government Orders for Flax, Jute and Hemp. April 2, 1917 Requiring Particulars as to Timber. April 9, 1917 Dealings in Sheep and Lamb Pelts. April 14, 1917 Taking Possession of Stocks of Worsted Socks. April 14, 1917 Purchase or Sale of Imported Soft Wood. April 17, 1917 Dealings in British Hides April 18, 1917 Dealings in Manilla Hemp and Maguey Fibre. April 21, 1917 j Requiring Particulars as to Hides, Skins and Leather. April 24,1917 Restriction on Manufacture and Use of Packing Cases. April 27, 1917 ! Crossbred Tops j April 28, 1917 I Taking Possession of Quinine, Phenacetin and Formaldehyde. April 30, 1917 Sales of Alpaca, Mohair, Camel- hair, Cashmere and Goat's hair. May 3, 1917 Sale of Timber purchased in Russia May 7, 1917 Taking Possession of Soft Wood May 7, 1917 Restriction on Prices for Im- ported Soft Wood. May 9, 1917 Maximum Prices of Crossbred or Merino Wool. May 9, 1917 Dealings in, Prices, and taking Possession of, certain Wool and Tops. May 9, 1917 Regulation of sale of Chopped Hay and Straw in Great Britain, and Restriction on use of Oat Straw in England I and Wales. (a) The Timber Supplies section of this Manual has (see p. 407) been revised to July 16th, 1918, and this Order, revoked as from that date, is there- fore omitted herefrom. The Boot and Saddlery Needles and Awls (Re- turns) Order, 1917 (p. 1 54). The Tanning Materials (Re- turns) Order, 1917 (p. 150). The Flax (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 333). The Russian Flax and Tow (Control) Notice, 1917 (p. 321). The Imported Wool (Ship- ment) Order. 1917 (p. 403). The Leather (Control) No. 3 Notice, 1917 (p. 131). The Flax, Hemp and Jute Priority Order, 1917 (p. 329). The Timber (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 407). The Sheep and Lamb Pelts Order, 1917 (p. 104). The Worsted Socks (Con- trol) Notice, 1917 (p. 366). The Imported Soft Wood Order, 1917(a). The British Hides (Deal- ings) Order, 1917 (p. 105). The Manilla Hemp Order, 1917 (p. 334). The Hides, Skins and Leather (Returns) Order, 1917 (P. 124). The Packing Cases Order, 1917 (p. 408). The Crossbred Tops Order, 1917 (p. 367). The Quinine, Phenacetin and Formaldehyde (Control) Notice, 1917 (p. 174). The Hair (Dealings) Order, 1917 (p. 367). The Russian Timber (Pur- chases) Order, 1917(a). The Imported Soft Wood (Control) Order, 1917. The Imported Soft Wood (Prices) Order, 1917(a). The Crossbred or Merino Wool (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917 (p. 368). I The Wool and Tops (Dealings) Order, 1917 (p. 368). ! The Hay and Straw (Great Britain) Order, 1917 (p. -91). 512 Citation of Army Council Orders. Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. May June June June June June 19, 1917 5, 1917 j I 12, 1917 ! I 14, 1917 i 30, 1917 : 30, 1917 ' General Permit as to certain Imported Soft Wood. Dealings in Basils and Sheep Felts. Amending Order of April 27th, as to Crossbred Tops. Amending Order of May 9th, as to Dealings in, and Prices of, certain Wool and Tops. Dealings in I>r/ti<1i She<'/> u>/. 372). The British Sheep . 133). The Hay and Straw (Lift- ing) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917 j>.2). The Hay, Straw and Chop (Sale) (United Kingdom and Isle of Man) Order, 1917 (p. 93). The Merino Tops (Returns) Order, 1917 Q,. 405) The Arms, Ammunition and Military Explosives (Amendment) Order, 1917 (/,. 39). The Leather (Control) No. 4 Notice, 1917 (p. 136). The Sheep and Lamb Pelts- Amendment) Order, 1917 (p. 107). The Fellmongers (Great Britain) Order, 1917- (p. 120). The Merino Tops (Delivery) Order, 1917 (p. 379). The Wool (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 405). The Cotton Cuttings (Con- trol) Notice, 1917 (p. 310), The Leather (Control) No. 5 Notice, 1917 (p. 141). (a) The Timber Supplies section of this Manual has (see p. 407) been revised to July 16, 1918, and this Order, revoked as from that date, is therefore omitted herefrom. Citation of Army Council Orders. Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Oct. 11, 1917 Nov. 13, 1917 Nov. 19, 1617 Nov. 29, 1917 Dec. 3, 1917 Dec. 4, 1917 Dec. 4, 1917 Dec. 29, 1917 Jan. 2, 1918 Jan. 18, 1918 Feb. 7, 1918 Feb. 9, 1918 Feb. 12, 1918 Feb. 16, 1918 March 2, 1918 March 7, 1918 March 15, 1918 March 15, 1918 March 23, 1918 March 23, 1918 April 13, 1918 Use of Surplus Leather for I other than Naval or Military I Boots, etc. Taking Possession of Laps and Waste. Exempting . Yellow Carnauba Wax from Carnauba Wax Order. Purchase of Sheep or Lamb Skins without fellmongering permit. Taking Possession of Vegetable Parchment Paper. Application of Olive oil for pro- duction of Tops or Yarn. Restriction on Height of Uppers for Women's Boots. Amending Order of April 17th, as to Purchase of Hides. Amending Horses Hides Order, 1917. Taking Possession of Raw Goat Skins. Permit for sale of Jute Products for use beyond the United Kingdom. Requiring Particulars as to the Oilskin Trade. Notice of inclusion of Amatol in term ''Military Explosives." Taking Possession of Cape Sheep Skins. Amending Export of Hides (Ireland) Order, 1917. Amending Flax Yarns (Ship- ment from Ireland) Order, 1918). Regulation of Haulage of Timber. Requiring Particulars as to Timber. Taking Possession of Laps and Waste Amending Woollen and Wor- sted (Consolidation) Order, 1917. Amending Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Order, 1918. The Surplus Leather Order, 1917 (p. 141). The Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) Notice. 1917 (p. 380). The Carnauba Wax ( Yellow Wax) Notice, 1917. The Sheep and Lamb Pelts (Delivery) Order, 1917 (p. 109). The Vegetable Parchment Paper (Control) Notice, 1917 (p. 303). The Olive Oil Order, 1917 (p. 402). The Women's Boots (Up- pers) Order, 1917 (p. 144). The British Hides (Deal- ings) (Amendment) Order, 1917 (p. 113). The Horse Hides (Amend- ment) Order, 1918 (p. 114). The Raw Goat Skins (Con- trol) Notice, 1918 (p. 114). The Jute Goods (Prices) Permit, 1918. The Oilskin Trade (Returns) Order, 1918 (p. 350). The Amatol Notice, 1918 (p. 39). The Cape Sheep Skins (Con- trol) Notice, 1918 ft>. 116). The Export of Hides (Ire- land) Amendment Order, 1918 (p. 122). The Flax Yarns (Shipment from Ireland) Amend- ment Order, 1918 (p. 332). The Timber Haulage (Regu- lation) Order, 1918 (p. 410). The Timber (Returns) Or- der, 1918 (p. 411). The Worsted and Hosiery (Laps and Waste) (Con- trol) Notice, 1918 (p. 392). The Woollen and Worsted (Consolidation) Amend- ment Order, 1918.(a) The Hemp (Restriction of Consumption) Amend- ment Order, 1918 (p. 337). (a) This Order amends the Woollen and Worsted Consolidation Order, 1917, which as thus and otherwise amended is as provided by a further Order of May 17, 1918, printed pp. 381-391. 5246 B 514 Citation of Order* of Minister of .!/?///// /OH >. (3.) Citation of Orders of Minister of Munitions. THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS (CITATION OF WAR MATERIAI SUPPLIES ORDERS) ORDER, 1918. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and of every other power enabling him in that behalf, the Minister of Munitions hereby orders as follows : 1. Each of the Orders mentioned in the Schedule to this Order may without prejudice to any other mode of citation be cited by the short title therein mentioned in that behalf. 2. This Order may be cited as " The Ministry of Munitions (Citation of War Material Supplies Orders) Order, 1918." Winston S. Churcli/U, Dated 4th May, 1918. Schedule. [NOTE. The page references inserted in the third column of this Schedule are those of this Edition of this Manual at which the text of the Order in question is printed, and do not form part of this " Citation " Order as made. Such of the Orders mentioned in this Schedule as have now (May 31, 1918)> ceased to be in force, and of which therefore the text is omitted from this Edition, are printed in italics. Nearly all War Materials Supplies Orders made by the Minister of Munitions and now (May 31, 1918) in force other than those mentioned in this Schedule contain Clauses confer- ring Short Titles.] Date of Order or Notice. Nov. 23,1915 Dec. 31, 1915 Feb. 8, 1916 May 6, 1916 May 31, 1916 June 5, 1916 June 24, 1916 June 30, 1916 Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Application of Regulation 30A to Optical Munitions. Application of Regulation 30A to Platinum. Notice of Classification of Acetone as a constituent of Military Explosives. Notice of Classification of Grey Acetate of Lime as a consti- tuent of Military Explosives. Application of Regulation 30A to Platinum Metal. Application of Regulation 30c to Copper, Zinc, Tin, and their alloys. Application of Regulation 30A to Whale Oil. Permit of Insurance of Optical Munitions, Aluminium, Pla- tinum and Whale Oil. 7 he Optical Munitions Order, 1915 (p. 277). The Platinum Order, 1915 (p. 213). The Acetone Notice, 1916 (P. 37). The Grey Acetate of Lime Notice, 1916 (p. 37). The Platinum Metal Order, 1916 (p. 214). The Copper, Zinc and Tin (Unauthorised Possession) Order, 1916 (p. 198). The Whale Oil Order, 1916 (p. 88). The War Material (In- surance) Permit, 1916 (p. 89). Citation of Orders of Minister of Munitions. 515 Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. July 7, 1916 Aug. 28, 1916 Aug. 28, 1916 Oct. 31, 1916 Oct. 31, 1916 Nov. 1, 1916 Nov. 8, 1916 Nov. 20, 1916 Dec. 1, 1916 Application of Regulation 30A to Metallurgical Coke, Iron and Steel. General Permit under the Machine Tools and Power Machinery Order, 1916. Application of Regulation 30A to Machine Tools and Power Machinery for working Metals. Requiring Particulars as to Coal Tar or Coke Oven By-Pro- ducts. Application of Regulation 30A to further classes of Steel. General Permit for Dealings in Metallurgical Coke, Iron and Steel. Requiring Particulars as to Silk Waste or Silk Noils. Control of Steel Supplies Requiring Particulars as to Brass or Copper Rod, Tubing, Wire, Ingots, &c. Dec. 2, 1916 ! Application of Regulation 30A to Aluminium, &c. Dec. 8, 1916 Sale or Purchase of Copper ... Dec. 8, 1916 Dec. 20, 1916 Dec. 29, 1916 Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 5, 1917 Jan. 6, 1917 Restricting use of Copper in Manufacture. Prohibition on Sale or Supply of Cranes. Application of Regulation 30A to Second-hand Railway Ma- terial. Modification of General Permit as regards Dealings in Steel. Taking Possession of Un- wrought Copper Scrap and Swarf. Amendment of Modification of January 1 , 1917, of General Permit as regards Dealings in Steel. Prohibition on Manufacture of Motor Engines and Vehicles. The Steel Supplies (Metal- lurgical Coke, Iron and Steel) Order, 1916 Q>. 216). The Machine Tools and Power Machinery (In- surance) Permit, 1916 (p. 160). The Machine Tools and Power Machinery Order, 1916^. 159). The Coal Tar or Coke Oven By - Products (Returns) Order, 1916 (p. 70). The Steel Supplies (Steel Hexagons, Rounds and Squares) Amendment No. 1 Order, 1916 (P. 217). The Steel Supplies (Metal- lurgical Coke, Iron and Steel) Permit, 1916 (p. 220). The Silk Waste or Noils (Returns) Order, 1916 (p. 354). The Control of Steel Sup- plies Order, 1916 (p. 244). The Brass and Copper (Returns) Order, 1916 (p. 186). The Aluminium Order, 1916 (p. 176). The Copper (Sale or Purchase) Order, 1916 (p. 198). The Copper (Use in Manu- factures) Order, 1916 (p. 199). The Cranes Order, 1916 (p. 157). The Railway Material (Second - hand) Order, . 1916 (p. 169). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 1 (Steel), 1917 (p. 226). The Copper (Control) Order, 1917 Cp.'200). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 2 (Steel), 1917 (p. 227). The Motor Engines and Vehicles Order, 1917 (p. 166). 516 Citation of Orders of Minister of Munition^, Date of Order or Notice. Jan. 9, 1917 Jan. 10, 1917 Jan. 10, 1917 Jan. 19, 1917 Feb. 2, 1917 Feb. 17, 1917 Feb. 24, 1917 Feb. 24, 1917 Feb. 28, 1917 March 9, 1917 March 22, 1917 March 22, 1917 Subject of Order or Notice. Restricting use of Magnesite and Magnesite Products. Prohibition on Manufacture of Agricultural Machines, Im- plements and Vehicles. Sale and Purchase of Gas Retort Carbon. Requiring Particulars as to Photographic Lenses. Requiring Particulars as to Lo- comotive Engines. Requiring Monthly Returns of Aluminium. Taking Possession of Brass Swarf and Scrap. Manufacture of or Dealings in Drawn Steel Rods and Bars, Steel Wire and Steel Wire Rope. Control of Aluminium Scrap and Swarf. Dealings in Cupro-nickel Scrap Application of Regulation 30A to Wrought-iron Scrap. Modification of General Permit as regards Second-hand Rails. March 23, 1917 Dealings in Spelter March 30, 1917 May 1, 1917 May 11, 1917 May 15, 1917 May 29, 1917 Tune 5, 1917 Experimental Manufacture of Aeroplanes. General Permit for Sale and Purchase of Whale Oil. Manufacture and Repair of Sporting Guns and Rifles. Dealings in Waste Paper Manufacture, Supply and Maxi- mum Prices for Sulphuric Acid. Application of Regulation 30A to Power - Driven Wood- Working Machinery. Short Title. The Magnesite Order, 1917 (p. 209). The Agricultural Machines, Implements and Vehicles (Manufacture) Order, 1917 (p. 151). The Gas Works Retort Car- bon (Sale and Purchase) Order, 1917. The Photographic Lenses (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 278). The Railway Material (Lo- comotive Engines) (Re- turns) Order, 1917 (p. 169). The Aluminium (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 177). The Brass (Swarf and Scrap) (Control) Order, 1917 (p. 186). The Control of Steel Sup- plies (Steel Rods and Wire) Order, 1917 (p. 248). The Aluminium (Scrap and Swarf) Order, 1917 (p. 178). The Cupro-nickel Scrap (Dealings) Order, 1917 (p. 202). The Wrought-iron Scrap Order, 1917 (p. 218). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 3 (Sec- ond-hand Rails), 1917 (p. 228). The Spelter (Control) Order, 1917 (p. 255). The Aeroplanes (Experi- mental Manufacture) Order, 1917 (p. 34). The Whale Oil (Sale and Purhase) Permit, 1917 (p. 89). The Sporting Guns and Rifles (Manufacture and Repair) Order, 1917. The Waste Paper (Dealings) Order, 1917 (p. 303). The Sulphuric Acid Order, 1917 (p. 42). The Wood-Working Ma- chinery Order, 1917 (p. 173). Citation of Orders of Minister of Munitions. 517 Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. June 5, 1917 June 26, 1917 June 26, 1917 July 17, 1917 Aug. 7, 1917 Aug. 20, 1917 Aug. 24, 1917 Aug. 24, 1917 Aug. 25, 1917 Aug 25, 1917 Aug. 28, 1917 Aug. 29, 1917 Aug. 31, 1917 Sept. 1, 1917 Sept. 21, 1917 Sept. 24, 1917 Oct. 1, 1917 Oct. 13, 1917 Oct. 17, 1917 Oct. 18, 1917 Requiring particulars as to Stocks of Artificial Human Eyes. Requiring particulars as to Steam - Driven Highway Lorries and Trailers. Notice of withdrawal of General Permit as regards Purchase of Machine Tools and Power Machinery. Modification of General Permit as regards dealings in Pig Iron. Dealings in Blast-furnace Dust. Maximum Prices for Super- phosphates. Application of Regulation 30A to Tinplates and Terneplates. Modification of General Permit as regards Dealings in Tin- plates and Terneplates. Taking possession of Flax grown in United- Kingdom, and flax (other than Russian flax) situate therein. Control of Wet Spun Yarn made of Flax Line. Application of Regulation 30A to Steel Scrap. Supply of Crude Benzol, Crude Naptha, and Light Oils. Dealings in Chrome Ore Control of Lead Application of Regulation 30A to certain Acetic Acid. Taking Possession of and re- stricting Dealings in Calcium Carbide. Application of Regulation 30A to all Acetic Acid. Maximum Prices^: or Compound Fertilisers. Dealings in Potassium Com- pounds. Application of Regulation 30A to Nitrate of Soda. The Glass (A, tificial Human Eyes) (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 279). The Lorries and Trailers (Returns) Order, 1917 (p. 167). The Machine Tools and Power Machinery Permit Notice, 1917 (p. 163). The Pig Iron Permit Amend- ment, 1917 (p. 229.) The Blast-Furnace Dust Order, 1917 (p. 83). The Superhosphates (Maxi- mum Prices) Order, 1917. The Steel Supplies (Tin- plates and Terneplates) Amendment No. 2 Order, 1917 (p. 218). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 4 (Tin- plates and Terneplates), 1917 (p. 230). The Flax (Control) Order, 1917 (p. 324). The Spun (Flax) Yarn Order, 1917 (p. 345). The Steel Supplies (Steel Scrap) Amendment No. 3 Order, 1917 (p. 218). The Benzol and Naptha Order, 1917 (p. 70). The Chrome Ore Order, 1917 (p. 188). The Lead Order, 1917 (p. 203). The Acetic Acid Order, 1917 (p. 40). The Calcium Carbide Order, 1917 (p. 68.) The Acetic Acid (Extension) Order, 1917 (p. 41). The Compound Fertilisers (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917 (p. 43.) The Potassium Compounds Order, 3917 (p. 82). The Nitrate of Soda Order, 1917 (p. 80). 518 Citation of Orders of Minister of Munitions. Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. 1, 1917 14, 1917 17 1917 27, 1917 Nov. 27, 1917 Nov. 30, 19:7 Nov. 30, 1917 Nov. 30, 1917 Nov. 30, 1917 Feb. Feb. 30, 1917 7, 1917 15, 1917 15, 1917 18, 1917 21, 1917 4, 1918 Feb. 1, 1918 8, 1918 8, 1918 Manufacture of and Dealings in Ball Bearings. Sales of Compound Fertilisers for Export to Isle of Man. Sales for Export to Channel Islands and Isle of Man of Superphosphates. Amendment of General Permit of Nov. 1st, 1916, as regards Metallurgical Coke. Application of Regulation 30 A to certain Metallurgical Coke. Modification of General Permit of Nov. 1st, 1916, as regards Pig Iron. Application of Regulation 30A to Steel Plates, &c. Permit of regards as Addition to General Nov. 1st, 1916, Steel Plates, &c. Application of Regulation 30A to Tungsten and Molybdenite Taking Possession of Flax Seed General Licence for purchase of Potassium Compounds for Medicinal purposes. Application of R emulation 30A to Tap Cinder, &c. General Permit for Dealings in Tap Cinder, &c. Applications for Permits, &c. to deal in Acetic Acid. Application of Regulation 30B to Tin. Modification of General Permit as regards Dealings in Steel Scrap and Wrought Iron Scrap. Modification of General Permit as regards Bar Iron and Steel in Shell Discard Quality. General Licence for purchase of Potassium Compounds for use as a Fertiliser. General Licence for purchase of Blast-furnace Dust for use as a Fertiliser. The Ball Bearings Order, 1917 (p. 153). The Compound Fertilisers (Isle of Man) Order, 1917 (p. 49). The Superphosphates (Chan- nel Islands and Isle of Man) Order, 1917. The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 5 (Metal- lurgical Coke), 1917 (p. 235). The Steel Supplies (Metal- lurgical Coke) Amendment No. 4 Order, 1917 (p. 219). The Pig Iron Permit Amend- ment No. 2, 1917 (p. 236). The Steel Supplies (Steel Plates, &c.) Amendment No. 5 Order, 1917 Cp. 219). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No 6 (Steel Plates, &c.), 1917 (p. 237). ! The Tungsten and Moly- bdenite Order, 1917 (p. 211). i The Flax Seed (Control) Notice, 1917 (p. 325). ! The Potassium Compounds Lice'nce (Medicinal Pur- poses), 1917 (p. 83). The Tap Cinder, &c. Order, 1917 (p. 252). The Tap Cinder, &c. Permit, 1917 (p. 252). The Acetic Acid Notice of December 18th, 1917 (p. 41). The Tin (Dealings) Order 1917 (p. 253). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 7 (Steel Scrap and Wrought Iron Scrap), 1918 (p. 239). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 8 (Bar Iron and Steel in Shell Discard Quality), 1918 (.p. 242). The Potassium Compounds General Licence (Use as Fertiliser), 1918 (p. 84). The Blast Furnace Dust Licence (Use as Fertiliser), 1918 (p. 85). Citation of Orders of Minister of Munitions. 519 Date of Order or Notice. Subject of Order or Notice. Short Title. Feb. 15, 1918 ' Modification of General Permit as regards Standard Quality Bar Iron. Feb. 15, 1918 i Modification of General Permit as regards High Speed Tool Steel. Feb. 28, 1918 Taking Possession of Re- scutched Tow. Mar. 12, 1918 Purchase of Bismuth for Medical purposes. April 15, 1918 i Application of Regulation 30A to Treadle Lathes. April 20, 1918 ! Dealings in Tin The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 9 (Bar Iron), 1918 (p. 243). The Steel Supplies Permit Amendment No. 10 (High Speed Tool Steel), 1918 (p. 243;. The Re-scutched Tow Order 1918 (p. 327). The Bismuth Permit (Medi- cal Purposes), 1918 (p. 185). The Treadle Lathes Order 1918 (p. 164). The Tin (Dealings) Order 1918 (p. 254). PRINTED FOR SIR FREDERICK ATTERBURY, K.C.B., KING'S PRINTER OF ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, AND UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & $ON, LTD., BACON STREET, E. g, 419339 .YC 63! 17 IIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY INSURANCE OF BRITISH SHIPPING IN TIME OP WA* \ HP^BHLiL; REPORT, April 30, 1914, of a Sub-Committee of the Committee ol Imperial Defence to devise a scheme to ensure that, in case of war, Britisl tJ L. 1 * 111 l 1 111*T -\ . ~t yx s- should not be 30 hi^h as to cause an excessive rise in prices. [Cd. 7560] of Session 19H. Price 2^., post free GOVERNMENT WAR RISKS INSURANCE SCHEME. RE-IXSURANCE Agreement between the Liverpool and London Wai Risk? Insurance Association, Limited, and His Majesty's Government ; Forms of Policy for Insurance of Hulls ; Policy for Re-insurance ; Policy tc cover New Voyages after outbreak of War; Supplemental Re-insurancej Agreement, with Forms of Policy ; Supplemental Agreement for the Payment of Allowances to the Dependents of Officers and Seamen Interned in Ecemr Countri' [Cd. 7838] of Session 1914-16. Price 3 AIRCRAFT INSURAN- with Commission : ' the Fire Insurance Companies ; T ission and B \ With Schedules, i Covered: Proposed A -angemci Tl S 1 : mce Offic ; Agent?* [Cd. 7997] o: a 1914-16. st Ere< L' PRIZE DEOITS. DliOITS OF T! VTK ANP OF A! V IX TlME Oi WA. A REPORT to H.M. Treasury by H. (' Kothery, C.B., Regi : High Court, of Admiralty, 1853-1878. R. .id annotated by E. S. Rosr Admiralty Rej (1915.) ! -t free 5s. 6d. PRIZE COURT RULES, 1914. THE RULES OF C ;' -. Order in Council, Aug. 5. ,., post free 1*. Prescribed RIGHTS OF BELLIGERENTS. Majesty's (TO vi . :.r and e Uni States Government respecting the Rights of Belligerei [Cd. 7816] of Session 1914-16. Price 3rf t , post free 4 . [Cd. 8233] of Session 1916. Price 2irf., post free 4rf. [Cd. 8234] of Session 1916. Price 3d., post free The ex< ulluded t- ~i of this wrapper : Hydrographical Publications of the Admiralty are sold by J. D. Potter, 145, Minor * London, E.I. Patent Office Publications are sold at Ths Patent Office, 25, Southampton Bnikir - Chancery Lane, London, W.0.2. Ordnance Survey ami Geological Survey Publications can ba pure < . T\*.J, . * mi i sale at all Railway Bo< - Journal of the^Board of Agriculture and Fisheries is published ; . .:, . ; - Boaro ' n ^ t. James's Square, London, S.W.I Prve 4^/1 .