:^t# •'•^-^ J«-- \ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS AND A FEW ROMAN, BYZANTINE, ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PIECES IN GOLD, The Property of The Right Honble. THE EARL OF ASHBURNHAM, FROM THE THOMAS, NORTHWICK, ADDINGTON, AND WIGAN COLLECTIOXS, AND OTHER SOURCES. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, ^urtionctrs of Jlitrrarn ^3 ropcrtg \t uclorhs iUustratiiiE of tljs Fine J^rtB, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 6th day of MAY, 1895, and following Day, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDES press: J. DAVY & BOSS, -137, LONG ACRK. W.C. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5.s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaidters at this sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Com- missions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, IFellington Street, Strand, London. -T CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION of GREEK COINS Hnb a few lEnolieb an^ Jforcitjn pieces, The Property Of The Right Honble. THE EARL OF ASHBURNHAM. FIRST DAY'S SALE. ^'i^^^^ ^ HISPANIA AND GALLIA. LOT 1 Hispania. /R Drachm. Male head with curled hair to right, in front two dolphins and behind head another. l;k Celtiberian legend, Cavalier galloping to right, holding palm branch, id. 63 gr^. Gr£illi£i. M. Tetradrachm. Deba.sed type of Philip II of Macedon, head of Zeus to right. 9 DY. [O ?] VY-, Figure on horse-back, under raised forepaw of horse fl-, wi. 196 '5 f/r.s., fiw. 2 2 Hispano-Cai'tliag-iniaii- Circa B.C. 234-210? yR Tetradrachm of thick faliric. Head of Zeus laureate to right, border of dots. Jl Elephant trumpeting, and advancing to right, above spear head in exergue K. vt. 2b^grs.,fine and very rare. Compare MM. Im- hoof-Blumer and Keller " Tier-uid Plaiizen Bihler" {PI. iv, 2). 1 Phite I. ^ /cf 2 • /y — aossss? Jl / ^ z ^ 3 X 7- ^c ? 9' '3. AMPANIA. 3 Gales. Ch-ca b.c. 33-1. M. Didraclim. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right decorated witli coiled serpent, behind neck a thunderbolt. I ^ CALENO- (i" exergue), Victory in biga to right, ivt. 114 yn., I very fine 1 Plate I. 4 IVuceria ^^Itatema. b.c. 308. M. Didrachm. Oscan inscription, Ahirkrhmm Alafaternuw, Youthful male head with ram's horn to left. 9 one of the Dioskuri standing be.side his horse, ((7. 111'3 grs., wry fine, 1 5 Teamim Siclicimim. b.c. 300-268. .R Didrachm. Head of Young Herakles to right, in lion's skin, not covering back of head ; the paws knotted under chin, behind club. Jt Oscan inscription (in exergue) Nike in triga, horses in high action, to right, id. Ill '2 yrs., very fine 1 CALABRIA. 6 Tai-entxTiTi, b.c. 400-330. N Stater. TAPA., Head of Denieter or Hera ? to right, wearing stejDliane decorated with pal- mettes ; veil on back of head, earring and necklace ; in front of head dolpliin ; beneath neck KOW . 9. [AIOZJKOPOI., the Dioskuri riding to left, the further horse in advance, the near figure carries a palm branch to which is attached a wreath and fillet, in exergue ZA-, i(i. 132'1, very fine and very rare (Carelli, cm, 12). 1 Plate I. 7 TaventiTin. b.c. 400-330. M Stater. TAPA-, Head of Demeter or Hera ? wearing stephane and veil, &c. as .on the pre- ceding piece, Init from a different die, dolphin in front, below the neck Zl- 9: Young horseman to right, naked, aiming javelin, and carrying circular shield and two spare jaAelin.s ; in front of horse's l^ad a thunder^ bolt and below AP., id. 131'1 grs., very fine style and condition, very rare {Carelli, cm, 10). \ Plate I. -c:^. ^^^•t^ -^.^ l^^/t €,^i^£^^ ^.«J-^t,^-«_^ T-i^—^^t..-,^ /S^ ■ ^ - 8 Tai'entixiii. n.c. 400-300. ^ Stater. Head of Demeter oi-'Z/tT Hera ? wearing stephaiie, veil, &c., from a diflerent die to the- pre- ceding pieces, th6 veil does not descend below truncation, and without dolphin in front of head. Jfc Taras as a child holding out his arms to his father Poseidon, en- throned before him ; in field \- . and a star, id. 132 grs., vary fine and exccudvehj rare {L'arelU cm, 7). 1 Plate I. ) Tai-exitlTlll. B.C. 212-209. A\ Drachm. Horseman galloping to right, about to hurl javelin ; behind <|>|., below horse <|)| AIAP- xoz 9> [TJAPAZ., Taras on dolphin to right, about to Inula trident, id. 56 (jrs., very fine. 1 LUCANIA. 10 Hei-aclea. b.c. 380-300. ^ Didrachm. Head of Pallas, her hair bound with olive wreath, waved in front and turned up at back ; displayed upon zEgis with border of serpents. 9= HPAKAEIflN., Herakles nude, seated on rock, covered with lion's skin, holding va.se, at his feet club, id. 121 grs., fine and rare 1 Plate I. ' 11 Heraclea. b.c. 3S0-300. yll Didrachm. h HPAKAHIUN., Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet to right, helmet orna- mented with Scylla, behind neck K. 1^. hHPAKAHIflN., Herakles, naked, standing facing holding club downwards in right hand, and strung bow and one arrow in left hand, over left arm lion's skin ; to left A0A., in field a one- handled vase, id. 124 grs., very fine and scarce in this state. 1 12 IVJetapontiTna. Period III. Finest Art. Circa B.C. 400-350, .^l Stater hOMONOIA., Head of Homonia to left, hair waved and bound with narrow diadem. >■■/-/- ^^/: 13 l;l META., Ear of barley with leaf to left, id. 122-2 grs.. type. Plate I. fine, a scarce 1 I*osei(lonia. Period. II. Circa B. c. 480-400, .11 Stater. nOZEIAAN., Nude figure but for chlamys which hangs loosely over shoulders, of Poseidon, to right, wielding trident, in field a dolphi^feorder of dots. ^, nOZEIAANI.,Bull to left; in exergue dolphin, id. 12U grs., very line. V '■ Plate I. •f- \ 2 2 2^ /6 /-a 7 7 j"^/ s - o2 ^^ 6 y ^ f . 1^ ©OYPinN., Bull butting to right, id. 245-1 grs., fine. 1 16 Tlivii'iixiia. B.C. 390-350. .-R Distater. Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Athenian helmet, adorned with Scylla, dogs' heads .sjjringing from her waist, the neck piece is decorated with a griffin. ij^ ©OYPIflN-, Bull butting to right, on buttock the monogram VE. ; in exergue a fish, ivt. 243'1 g>:, very fine. 1 *^* Northwick, No. 114. Phiie I. 17 Velia. B.C. 390-350. JR Didrachm. Head of Athena wearing crested Athenian helmet, ornamented with a griffin. Jt.- [VEAJHTflN. (al)ove). Lion seizing stag ; dotted exergual line, id. 119'4 grs., rery fine, and of fine style, apparentlij an unpuhlishecl variety, compare Carelli CXLii, 76, for Jo. 1 Plate I 18 Velia. Period IV, b.c. 400-268. .41 Didrachm. Head of Pallas, in crested Corinthian helmet, wearing earring and necklace, the helmet is adorned with reiJreseutation of fast Quadriga driven by Nike ; on band, beneath crest, the signature of the artist, IAIZ- TII2N., on the neckpiece, figure of a horseman. ]^ YEAHXriN. (in exergue). Lion to left, on bones of carcase, devouring prey, above Nike flying, to right tracesof |., id. lOG'Syr*-., very fine. 1 Plate I. 19 Velia- b.c. 400-268. 9- Didrachm. Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Athenian helmet decorated with griffin, &c., above A- li. [VEAH]TnN., Lion attacking stag, id. 114 grs., fine. 1 BRUTTIUM. 20 BriTttii. b.c. 282-203. N Drachm (Attic). Head of Poseidon, wearing plain diadem to left, behind trident, and beneath a dolphin ; border of dots. 9= BPETTIUN. Amphitrite, veiled, seated on seahorse; befera her stands Eros dra\ving a bow, in field, to right, a star, id. 65-2 grs, S%. . C in extremely fine state, rare. ] Plate I. ^^(^^^^^-t^C^:f /^5-^.^-W -<^-.>^-^^^^ '■ i /f^t^^w 4 i ^i ^ 1l 11 '^^c-^*<4i^i^ y<^:2^. t^- ^ '54 Syracuse, b.c. 345-317. El., Piece of 50 Litra. Laureate ' >^' Head of Apollo to left 5t [XYPAKjOZIIlN., Tripod, v:t. 57 gn., fine 1 55 SyracxTse. n.c. 345-317. EL, Piece of 30 Liti;i. [ZEYZ] / / EAEY[0]EPI[OZ.], Head of Zeus to left. Vo ZYPAKOZII2N., Pegasus to left, in front A., id. 32 grs., scarce 1 ^^.^^w 7, i^ C^-ruZ-L^ ^^^^.^w -Z^O 56 Syracuse- b.c. 317-310. M, Tetradrachm. Head of Perse- ' JZ S' phone to left, wreathed with leaves of barley, around three dol- phins, two in front of head and one behind; beneath neck<|>|. ^ ZYPAKOZIflN. (in exergue). Quadriga to left, horses in high action, above triskelis ; in exergue, below legend, Al- (vion.), tot. 266 grs., extremely fine 1 Plate II. j 57 Syracuse, b.c. 317-310. Tetradrachm. Head of Persephone ■=^ -^^ as on preceding piece, with l. below neck , $t. Quadriga, legend in exergue, but without the monogram, wf. 263 grs., very fine 1 58 Syracuse, b.c. 317-310. Tetradrachm. Head of Persephone ^ S as on the preceding 5: ZYPAKOZIUN. (in exergue). Quadriga to left, above treskelis,| below legend the monogram Al., ui. 265 grs., fine 11 /<9 59 Syracuse (under Hicetas). B.C. 287-278. Head of Persephone -^ <^ with long hair, wearing wreath of barley leaves, behind headi a bee P) ZYPAKOZIflN . (in exergue). Quadriga driven by winged Nike to left, abo;'e a star, ui. 195 grs., extremely fine and rare, variety of Torremuzza Lxxiv, 3 1 *^* Northwick, 370. Plate IL 60 Syracuse (under Hieron H). B.C. 275-216. M Piece of 32^ ;2. /o Litra, Head of Hieron wearing royal diadem, to left. V-. BAZI AEOZ. I EPnNOZ., Quadriga driven by Nike to right, above a star, under fore-leg of nearest horse the letter K., wt. 411 grs.; the obv. fine, a piece of high rarity 1 Plate II. /i^^S' 6 ^ /^ BAZIAIZZAZ. IAIZTIAOZ., Nike in quadriga, horses galloping to right, underneath E., wt. 209 grs., extremely fine. 1 Plate 11 63 Syracuse (under Philistis)). B.C. 280-190. /R Tetradrachm. Veiled Head of Philistis to left, branch behind. Ijfc Legends as on preceding. Nike in quadriga, horses going slowly to right, underneath A., wt. 218 grs., fine. 1 64 Syractise. 280-190. M Pieces of 8 Litra. Head of Demeter veiled, and wearing wreath of barley. ^ ZIKEAIflTAN. (in exergue). Quadriga to right, above mono- gram I HZ., wt. IQigrs., very fine and extremely rare. 1 *,* Northwick, 230. Plate II. 65 66 Syracuse. Democracy, b.c. 215-212. N Piece of 40 Libra. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, to left. Jt ZYPAKOZIflN., Artemis huntress with hound, in front Zfl., wt. i\-'i grs., extremely fitie and exceedingly rare. 1 *^* Thomas (400) ; Northwick, 217. Plate II. Syracuse, b.c 215-212. .R Piece of 12 Litra, Head of Pallas to left, helmet ornamented with a grifHn. ^ ZYPAKOZIXIN., Artemis huntress with hound, in field to left YA. ZA. wt. 152 grs., fine. 1 ** Northwick, 373. 67 Tauronieniixm. b.c. 275-210. A^ Piece of 15 Litra. Laureate head of Apollo to left, behind, an altar ? ^ TAYPOME-NITAN., Tripod-lebes, in field to right HA. (mon.), wt. 19 grs., extremely fine, scarce in this state. 1 *^* Northwick, 229.* Plate 11 ^^^^^^ £ O^^x y-l menivitii. r.c. •275-210. .-R Piece of 4 Litia. / Lamcite Head of Apollo to right, star behind. I ^V TAYPOME—NITAN., Tripod lebes. (B.M. Guide, pi. XLvn, 40), id. 49 gn., fine and scarce. 1 MACEDONIA. 69 Lete. u.C. .")00. Naked Ithyphalliu Satyr, with horse's feet, &o., seizing by the wrist, a woman clad in sleeveless talaric chiton with diplois, pellets in field. l;c Quadripartite square, wt. 153 f/rs., very fine. 1 70 Bisaltae. B.a 500-480. JR Octadrachm. Naked Warrior, wearing kausia, armed with two spears, standing by horse to right ; on flank of horse, C = B-, the within border of dots. ]^ Quadripartite incuse square, id. 440 grs., extremeli/ Jiiw and of considerable rarity. 1 Flute III. 71 Oclom.aiiti ? Devronicirs ? u.c. before 480. M ^^. Dekadrachm. Male figure holding whip in raised right hand, seated in chariot drawn by oxen, ;ibove, in field, a helmet and circular shield, beneath oxen a flower (a rose V) springs from the ground ; dotted exergual line. Ijt) Triquetra of legs, with floral ornaments in the spaces between, id. 619 (jrs., ohv.fim, rev. in fair state, and very rare. 1 *^* Most probably from the Wigan collection, (see M. Imhof-Blumer "Monnaies Grecques," page 99, c?.) j Plate in. I 72 j^cantlius. b.c. 500-424. JR Tetradrachm. Lion attacking bull, above 0., in exergue floral ornament, the whole within dotted] border. ^ Quadripartite incuse square, ivt. 253 grs., very fine and rare. 1 73 Clialciclice. Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-370. M Stater.' Laureate Head of Apollo to right. yi XAA. KIA. [E]I2N., Lyre with five cords, ivt. 133 grs., very fine and excessively rare. / ^ /O 3 t^o ^ M, Tetra-;>^^ Head of Apollo, of exceedingly beautiful style, to right, 74 Clialcidice drachm, behind < . 1^^ XAA. KIA. EUN., Lyre with seven strings, on upper part of lyre O— A., id. 224 grs., extremely fine and rare in this con- dition. 1 *.^* Collection of an Amateur, 1863. ■ Plate III. /O /Sfo . Z . — V^f^. -2 • — I POAITEflN., on raised framework enclosing racing torch, to left of which A. ; the whole within an incuse square, iv(. 221 '5 grs., very fine and rare. 1 \* Collection of an Amateur, 1863. Plate in. 76 P»liilip II. B.C. 359-336. N Stater. Laureate head of Apollo to right. ^ IAinnOY., Biga, horses galloping to right, under horses a rose and the letters PO- (Rhodes), above the horses, the name of the Rhodian Magistrate MNAZIMAXOE- (this name occurs on a tetradrachm described in Mionnet, vol. Ill, p. 420, no. 193), wt. 1317 gr.-i., extremely fine and of the highest rarity. 1 From the North wick collection, 610, where it is described by the late Mr. Borrell as presumably unique. Published by Millengen from this piece. Plate III. 'Z/i^ -, -...^^ ^^-t^^_. * 77 Philip. B.C. 359-336. N Stater. Head of Apollo to right. 9^ IAinnOY. (in exergue), Biga to right, below horses a Boeotian buckler, and above the goad of driver a coiled serpent, id. 132'5 grs., extremely fine. 1 * * Northwick, 601. 78 79 80 PMlip. B.C. 359-336. N Stater. Head of Apollo. Jt IAinnOY. (in exergue), Biga to right, symbol, under horses, wt. 132-5 grs., fine ivy leaf 1 ^ -t?~?t_i2-<^ Philip. B.C. 359-336. N Stater. Head of Apollo. ^ Biga to right, symbol, a bee under horses, wt. 133 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 B.C. 334. N Stater. Head of adorned with griffin. 81 -A-lexander the GS-r-eat. Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet $1 AAEZANAPOY. BAZIAEIiZ., Winged Nike holding wreath, &c., in field to left H., and below, wreath enclosing mono- gram, wt. 132 grs., fine. 1 -A^lexanclei* the GJ-i-eat. b.c. 334. N Stater. Head of Pallas, the helmet adorned with coiled snake. Jo AAEEANAPOY., Nike holding wreath, &c., in field palm, Phoenician letter, and Zl (Sidon), wt. 133 grs., very fine. 1 /^-^^ ^. C^-^i^<^r:'C^^ 15 -=IAinnOY., in two lines, divided by a club; the whole within wreath of oak, wt. 98 f/r.s., a fine portrait, hut a cmdderahle portion of the coin is wanting, rare. 1 *^* Northwick, 703. ^ A^ M'Ai^ander the Great, b.c. 334. M Stater. Head of Pallas, the helmet adorned with griffin. ^ AAEZANAPOY., Nike holding wreath, &c., in field to right \\0. = (Ace), »■/. 132 grs., very fine and scarce. 1 83 Alexander the Great. b.c. 334. N Stater. Head of Pallas, helmet adorned with coiled serpent. ^ AAEZANAPOY., Nike with wreath, &c., symbols, bipennis and ear of corn, wt. 132 grs., very fine. . 1| 84 Alexander the Great, b.c. 334. N Stater. Head -^ of Pallas, helmet adorned with griffin. 1^ AAEZANAPOY., Nike with wreath, &c., in field, at feet of 1 Wike a \^\:mt, wt. \32 grs., in fair condition. z^- /Z 6 / / / /6\ ■ /z /S / / 2a ^n. ■ ^ ■ — //^t> ^' ^ /^ x^- ^/ /eT JL/6^^- //■ c. 16 90 Perseus, b.c. 178-168. M Tetradrachm. Diademed Head of Perseus to right. M BAZIAEHZ PEPZEnZ., Eagle on fulmen, above HP. (mom.), and between the legs of eagle <|) ; the whole within a wreath of oak, below tie of wreath a plough, ivt. 261-8 grs., very fine. 1 *^* Northwick, 708. Plate III. THRACE. 91 .A-enus. b.c. 450-400. M Tetradrachm. Head of Hermes to right wearing close-fitting petasos, which is inscribed AINI. 5t> Incuse square, within which linear square, containing a goat ; around, the name of magistrate, ANTIAAAZ. Symbol, a naked figure of Pan, ivt. 248'5 grs., fine, and a rare variety. Ij Plate III. 92 A-enixs. b.c. 400-350. JR Tetradrachm. Head of Hermes facing, in close-fittiDg petasos. ?. AINION., Goat to right, in front an amphora with ivy spray, below, an astragalos, ui. 240 grs., fine. 1 93 ^.toclera. b.c. 450-430. M Tetradrachm. Griffin with curled wing, seated on fish to left ; one paw raised, magistrate, KAAAIAAMAZ. 9- ABAHPITEflN., in shallow incuse, in centre smaller square quartered, id. 231 grs.. (B. M. Cat. Thrace, p. 67), an exceedingly well jyreserved specimen. 1 94 A.t>clera. b.c. 408-350. y^l Stater. ABA H., Recumbent Griffin to left. 51 Figure of Herakles advancing left, carrying club in left hand, and over right slioulder a strung bow, in field escallop shell and dolphin, magistrate, .EPI. THA[E]MAXO., the whole within skdlow incuse, id. 172'8 grs., rery fine and rery rare, apparenily unpub- lished. 1 Plate III. 95 Thasos. b.c. 550-465. M Stater. Naked ithyphallic Satyr kneeling on one knee, and carrying in his arms a nymph. Jl Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 150 grs., very fine. c/H~€^ JVi^if-f ^<^ ^ -l^^.y^ z^^^.-^^^: ^y/. 17 ^^-^AtzC^ ^'J^ J2/6i/-./f. S 96 Thasos. b.c. 465-311. /R Drachm. Naked ithyphallic Silenos, with horse's tail, and crowned with ivy, kneeling on one knee, carrying in his arm.s a nymph, id. .'JG-S jr/.s., rcr\j fmi', ami of heauiiful style. $1 Quadripartite incuse .square. *^t* " In style many of these later Thasian staters, &c., are admirable as works of art, and quite worthy of the age of Pheidias." — Hint. Num. p. 227. Plate III. 97 Thi-ace. Lysimachus. King. B.C. 323-281. N Stater. Head of the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon. p. BAZIAEflZ AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated, >r(. 131 grs., very fme, and of Jiw atyle. 1 Phitr III. 98 Thrace. Lysimachus. King. B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm. Head of the deified Alexander, with the horn of Ammoii. 5t BAZIAEnZ AYZIMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated, in front caduceiis, and liehiiid a bee, vt. 263'3 gr^., very fine, and of fine style. 1 *^* Northwick, 539 (from the Modena collection). THESSALY. M. Didrachm. Head of Athena, '^ '^'^^ 99 ..^^niaiies. Circa b.c. 168-146. helmet adorned with four horses. 9 AINIANflN., Slinger adjusting his sling, behind him two jave- lins, l^'C. Magistrate /F^^^^.^. EYEENOZ., id. 110-1 gr>^., fiw. Hut. Num. fig. 173. Northwick, 715. 1 100 ^^ ^^y. 101 Larissa. b.c. 400-344. M Didrachm. Head of the watei- nymph, Larissa, nearly facing, of very fine style, copied fiom Kimon's head of Arethusa. 5^ A A PI (in exergue), ZAIfiN-, Horse grazing to right, offside leg raised, ici. 179 gr.-i., fine and e.ireedingly rare. 1 *^* This piece has been gilt in ancient times. Plate III. Phalanna. b.i;. 400-314. vR Trihemiobol. Cybele, seated on lion going to left, holding scarf, beneath lion TO- V^ AAANNAIf2[N]., Hunter wearing short cloak, advancing to right and about to strike with spear or javelin, while with his left hand he holds a hound which is about to spring at the prey, wl. 23 '9 grs., in good condition, and apparently unpuhlislie.d. 1 Plate III ^ 9 ^ /a f / / ji a-' / /^ \ ^/f> 6/3- ^ ^/f<^ /3 ^ 18 /a /o ^ 7 /o 7 /b/ ^^ cT/ 102 rherce. Alexander, Tyrant. li.c. 369-357. ^ Drachm. Head of Artemis Phera'a in profile to right. ]^ AAEZ[AN]AP[OY]., Lion's heid to right, vl. 92 f/r.s\, m-y fine and very rare. 1 Plate III. ILLYRIA. 103 r>yrrhaelaii- b.c. 400-300. yR Stater. Cow suckling calf ; above Z. 9> AYP., double stellate square, in field a club, ivt. 167-7 grs.,fine. 1 KING OF ILLYRIA. 104 IVfonimins. Circa B.C. 300. /R Stater. Cow suckling calf. Jl BACIAEHC. MONOYNIOY AY., double stellate square, w(. 167 '2 c/rs., very fine. 1 KINGS OF EPIRUS. 105 Alexanclei* (Son of Neoptolemus). u.c 342-326. yR Stater. Head of Zeus Dodonfeos to rigiit. 5^ [A]AEEANAPO[Y] TOY NEOnTOAEMO[Y]., Fnlmen, eagle to left, id. 164 grs., in very good condition and excessively rare. 1 Plate III. 106 Pyrrhiiis. b.c. 295-272. N Stater. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet ; beneath neck A, and behind plume of helmet an owl. 5t BAZIAEilZ. PYPPOY.,Niketoleftcarryingtrophyand wreath in field bucranium, wt. 133 grs., very rare and in brilliant condition. *:* Northwick, 749. Plate III. 107 Pyrrhxis. b.c. 295-272. AT' Half Stater. Head of Artemis to right ; behind head fulmen. R BAZIAEnZ. PYPPOY., Nike with trophy and wreath, in the field a crescent, fulmen; and P., wt. 66 grs., in extremely fine condi tion and very rare. 1 Plate III. 108 Pyrrhiis. b.c. 295-272. M Tetradrachm. Head of Zeu^ Dodonpeus to left, wearing wreath of oak, beneath truncation 0ZE., the last two letters in mon. ^ BAZIAEnZ. PYPPOY. Dione, seated left on throne, wearing Stephanos, holding long sceptre, and raising peplos with left handJ in the exergue A., wt. 253 gr.'i., very fine and of the highest rarity. Plate in. /KmS^^»^ ^(l^^^^x/C^-£ ^.^^ ~Z3i^ ^U^ ""r^^u ^V-/ . 19 c2.^'^ / 6 :^»^ PHOCIS. 109 Delphi- B.C. 420. M Stater. Ram's head to right with dol- phin beneath ; border of dots. 9r Four deep incuse square.s, with double framing, each containing a star of four points, wt. 186'5 grs., very fine and presumahly unique, (see Hist. Num., page 289, referring to this coin.) 1 Plate III. /t^^-^^i^ 111 c^l- ,^/^ 112 BCEOTIA. Thebes. B.C. 426-387. M. Stater. Bceotian shield. 9= 0E., the infant Herakles strangling serpents; in field strung bow and club, ui. 184 grs., fine and, rare. 1 Plate in. Thebes, s.c. 426-387. yR Stater. Bteotian shield. ^ 0E., Head of bearded Dionysos, crowned with ivy to right, wt. 188'5 grs., very fine and rare. 1 *^* Northwick, 774. : Plate III. Thebes. b.c. 426-387. El, Head of bearded Dionysos, wear- ing wreath of ivy to right, tt p., the infant Herakles strangling serpents, the whole within E shallow incuse, id. 47 grs., very fine and very rare. 1 ^..^.^C^iu ^C^<3». <:3<^ 114 ^ c-f-^.^-<^ 116 *^(.* From the Merlin Collection. Plate III. Thebes, b.c. 338-315. M, Stater. Bceotian shield. U BO-in., an Amphora, symbol, a bunch of grapes above, id. 190-5 grs., very fine. 1 ATTICA. Athens, b.c. 527-430. A\ Tetradrachm (Syrian or Phoenician copy). Head of Pallas in close-fitting helmet, wearing round earring. \}i S0., Owl facing (as on the Dekadrachm), sprig of olive on either side with two leaves and a berry, id. 265 grs., very fine and rare. 1 *^* Compare Class A, pi. ill, B.M. Catalogue, Attica, &c. Athens, b.c. 86-83 "i (Period V). A\ Tetradrachm. Head of Athena Parthenos, wearing crested helmet, the front adorned with the foreparts of four horses, and the side with a griffin. Jjo Owl upon an Amphora, inscribed with A, monogram on either side, the whole within olive wreath, id. 260 grs., very fine. 1 *^* B.M. Cat. Attica, &c., pi. xiii, no. 7, ^ 7 M /o / /^ ^ s JS'3/- ? c c3t-^-tV ! ' Sl^^S- /t/- c 21 /'^-jr-T-i-ec^ -/. -Z'-Ca /S-^e^^ -Z5-<^ -3>^c^ '^£j^3 ./£^, <^ 123 Laceclnenion. G'ma u.c. 200. .R Tetradriichm. Head of Pallas to right in crested Corinthian helmet. ^ A — A., Herakles seated on rock, which is covered with lion's skin, his right hand resting on club, wt. 239 grs,^ fine, but tliere are several scratches infield on rev., very rare. 1 *^* Northwick, 833. J" Plate IF. ARCADIA. 124 Stymphalns. b.c. 400-362. M Stater. Head to right of /^ / Artemis Stymphalia, laureate and wearing earring with five pendants. 9: ZTYM^AAiriN., Herakles with lion's skin wrapped round left arm and holding bow to left with uplifted club, between his legs ZO., ict. 185 ijrs., very fine, the rco. is in especially fine state, very rare. cT *^* Merhn Collection. 1 Plate IV. CRETE. 125 Cydonia. ('irca b.c 350-300. /R Stater. Dionysiac female head to right, crowned with vine leaves, &c. l;fe KYAflN., Kydon as a naked archer stringing his bow, wt. 171 'S grs., ill, excellent condition, and scarce. \* Northwick, 864. 126 Itanxis. is.c. 400-300. M Stater. Head of Athena Salmonia in crested Athenian helmet. 1^ [l]TANI[I2N]., Eagle looking back, all in shallow incuse square, wt. 178 grs., very fine and of exceedingly good style, scarce 1 \* Northwick, 881. Plate IV. 127 ItaniXf^. ij.c. 400-300. M. Draclim. Head to left of Athena Salmonia in crested Athenian helmet. 9= ITANIflN., Eagle looking back, to right in field a fish god, the whole with incuse square, ivt. 84 grs., very fine and scarce. 1 *:* Northwick, 882. 128 I*lialasar*ifia, hair rolled. ^ <|>. A., between the prongs of upright trident, border of dots, wt. 87'5 grs., very fine and rare. 1 %* Northwick, 892. Plate IV. B.C. 400-300. M Stater. Head of Diktynna, ^ /^ ^ eJ /» dT /^O dr[ 2.,fine. 3 A ANOYS. NIKOMHAOY., Zeus stand- I ing, holding spear and wreath, in field Eagle on fulmen, mon. and ' AlZ., m fair condition, but has been filed on edge, thus reducing the weight to 229 grs. 1 \* Northwick, 947. / /^ /3 /:2 /E-^r^^ MYSIA. CYZICUS.* 136 Stater, HI. Dionysiac female head wearing wreath of ivy, be- neath tunny. {t Incuse square divided into four, wt. 246'5 grs., of fine slijle and in very fine condition (p. 67, no. 37) [pi. II, 14]. 1 Plate IV. 'f * References to " Electrum Coinage of Gyzieiis," by W. Greenwell, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. : Rollin d- Feunrdent, London and Paris, 1887. /-^^ ■ f- c^S'/o // 7 9 7 9 JL /o 7 /^>7)- /^- ^ 24 137 Stater. El. Herakles kneeling right on tunny, and strangling the Nemean lion. 5> Incuse as before, ui. 248 gn., fine mid rare, {p. 86, no. 69) [pi. Ill, 20]. 1 138 Stater*. El. Bearded head to left wearing conical head dress, wreathed with laurel, beneath tunny. Jl Incuse, ivt. 246'1, very fine and a very rare type {p. 86, no. 70) [pi. Ill, 211. 1 Plate IV. 139 Stater. El. Naked figure kneeling to left on tunny, and holding on his right arm a crested helmet, and in his left hand a short sword. 5. Incuse, ivt. 246 grs.,Jine and scarce (p. 96, no. 90) [pi. IV, 13]. 1 140 Stater. El. Lion with open mouth, seated to left on tunny, the right fore-paw raised. 5t Incuse, wt. 249-6 grs., fine (p. 103, no. 105) [pi. iv, 34]. 1 141 Stater. El. Bull standing on tunny, butting to right. {fc Incuse, wt. 248 grs., fine (p. 109, no. 122) [pi. v, 16]. 1 142 Stater. El. Pegasus flying to right, beneath tunny to right, 9. Incuse, wt. 248 grs., fine {p. Ill, no. 127) [pi. v, 21]. 1 143 Stater. El. Earn, with head turned back, kneeling to left on tunny. 9> Incuse, wt. 247-5 grs., fine (p. 113, no. 131) [pi. v, 25]. 1 144 Stater. El. Head of goat to left, behind tunny upwards. 9, Incuse, wt. 247-3 grs., fine {p. 113, no. 134) [pi. v, 29]. 1 145 Stater. El. Griffin with rounded wing, seated on tunny to left, the right fore-paw raised. 9. Incuse, ?('/. 247 grs., in fan condition (p. 118, no. 144) [pi. Vi, 6]. 1 146 Stater. El. Griffin with pointed wings seated to left on tunny. Jfc Incuse, wt. 246-6 grs., fine ; a rare type (p. 118, no. 146) [pi. VI, 8]. 1 147 I Jecta. El. Youthful male head to left, behind tunny downwards. J^ Incuse, wt. 40-1 grs., fine and nnpMished. {For a Stater of this issne seep. 92, no. 7) [pi. m, 32]. 1 148 Hecta. El. Male figure, naked, beardless, kneeling to right, hold- ing in right hand a knife, and on extended left hand a tunny. ^ Incuse, wt. 42 grs., fine (p. 95, no. 88) [2d. iv, 11]. 1 —K^^i-^-'w^.^.-^ /n^^^^ C /S.^ ~C^^ — . — ^-^-o — ^^< 7^ /S-^^e.j^ ^c=e^ XZ/U-,^,,.^..^ j i 25 ATa -z;^-o ^ ^^ 150 151 lC^^i-<--i-w^'6 152 «. ,.-^^j 155 LampsaciTS. C«ca b.c. 500. £;. Stater. Fore-part of winged horse to left. 9= Quadripartite incuse square, lot. 239 gr&., fine and scarce, 1 Plate IV. Lampsaciis- b.c. 450-412. £;. Stater. Fore-part of winged horse to left in vine wreath, below ^. 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 235 grs., fine and scarce. 1 Lampsacns. e.c. 412-350. N Stater. Head of Ariadne or Mffinad, wearing wreath of ivy, hair blown back. 9) Fore-part of winged horse, id. 130'3 grs., very fine and rare. 1 Plate IV. KING OF PERGAMUM. Enmeiies II. e.c. 197-159. A\ Tctradrachm. Diademed head of the King to right. ^ IAETAIPOY. (in front), Pallas enthroned crowning name; behind, shield and bow, in field, ivy leaf and A., wt. 263 grs., fine. 1 TROAS. ]Veanclria. b.c. 403-300. M. Hemidrachm. Head of Apollo to right. 51 NEAN., Ram feeding; the whole within incuse, wt. 30 grs., venj fine and very rare, presumahly unpuhlished. 1 *^* For a small piece weighing 7 '5 grs. See Fox ii, 48. Plate IV. ISLAND OF TROAS. Tenedos. b.c. 400-350. M Stater. Janiform head of fine style (Dionysos and Ariadne). ^ [T]ENE. Al. ON., Double Axe, to right, a lyre; to left a bunch of grapes ; the whole within incuse square, wt. 225 grs., very fine and rare. 1 *^* Northwick, 1022. Plate IV. /EOLIS. IVIyrina. Circa B.C. 197. M Tetradrachm. Laureate head of Apollo to right. pi MYPINAIX2N., Statue of Apollo Gryneus, standing with lustral branch and patera; at his feet omphalos and patera, wt. 251 '5 grs., fine. 1 *^* Northwick, 1028. E ^7^ J.O 6 ■ / / /o // X(y^ . z/ • <^ '^^ . ^yl . ^ ^ /M ^ ^ 3 cT ^ /O ^ C 7 ^ ^ 26 LESBOS.* ELECTRUM COINAGE OF MYTILENE. Hect.e — Qhxa B.C. 450-387. Weight averaging about 40 grs. 156 Head of lion, with open mouth to right. Jl Calf's Head, incuse, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat, Plate XXXI, 21. 157 Fore-part of Winged Boar to right. 9) Lion's Head, incuse to right, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXI, 6. 158 Fore-part of Winged Lion to left. Jt Cock's Head, incuse to left, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXI, 26. 159 Fore-part of Boar to right. 9> Lion's Head, in incuse square, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXII, 3. 160 Head of Pallas, in crested helmet, wearing round earring to right; behind A[E]. 9> Two Calves' Heads facing, in incuse square, fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXII, 8. 161 Bearded Head, of fine style, with horn of Amnion to right. 5b Female Head, wearing diadem, in shallow inciise, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXII, 26. 162 Head of Pallas, of fine style, wearing crested helmet adorned at the side with volute. 9> Bearded Head, wearing Persian head-dress, in linear square, ve^^y fine, and a scarce type. 1 B. M. Cat, Plate XXXIV, 17. 163 Head of Apollo to right. 9= Lyre in linear square, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat, Plate:XXXIII, 4. 164 Youthful Male Head, wearing kausia, cord passing under chin. 9i Leopard in linear square, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat, Plate XXXIII, 11. 165 Another, similar to last, not stick good style, but the rev. is more complete. 1 B. M. Cat, Plate XXXIII, 11. « ' ' * References to Catalogue of the British Musemn " Troas, Aeolis & Lesbos," by W. Warwick Wroth, Esq., 1895. 2v? 7- 7 — /fo^^e^ d^y/. A^«a-»-ty z?^-^^.^ M ^^^-eu^^ ^c4^. - ■ / / ? ^ ^ / J J2~ /6, /o / /3 2^^./^ ^ 2^a . /^JC . ^ 2g *2- / Ji- /^ / 177 178 181 Another, very similar to last, but from dififerent die, the head on rm. being smaller, fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXIV, 2. -^-i ■ 178 Head of Young Dionysos, ivy crowned, to right. Pj Female Head, hair in korymbos, in linear square, fiiK. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate XXXIV, 5. y* " 179 Coloplion. B.C. Fifth century. M Drachm. Head of Apollo, Klarios. Pi KOAOr2NION., Lyre, the whole within square incuse, wt. 85 grs., fine and scarce. 1 180 Epliesns. b.c. 394-295. M Tetradrachm. E- ., a bee. ^ Fore-part of stag with head turned back ; behind it a palm tree, magistrate, EOPAOIAHZ. (Head's Coinage of Ephesus, p. 34), wt. 233 grs., fine and scarce. 1 Ephesixs. B.C. 258-202. ^ Didrachm. Bust of Greek Artemis to right. 9:. E.-., Fore-part of stag looking back, in field above the <|>. a bee. magistrate, MINNOZ., ict. 100-5 grs., fine. 1 Plate IV. <^ /y C:> 182 Eijliesvxs. e.g. 159-133. ^ Didrachm. Of the undated Cisto- phori class, club and lion's skin of Herakles within a wreath of laurel. 1^ EE., a bunch of Grapes displayed upon a vine leaf; above, a bee, in field A., aud torch, wt. 86 •! grs., eery fine and cerij rare, {var. of Head, Coinage of Ephesus, j)p. 62, 63, nos. 16, 17). 1 Plate IV. IVIagnesia ad JVIaeandrvim. b.c. 350-300. M Drachm. Horseman, wearing short cloak, with couched lance to right. tJ) MA FN., Bull butting to left, magistrate's name, APOA- AOAilPOZ., the whole within circular border of Majander pattern, wt. 48'5 grs., very fine. 1 Plate IV. ELECTRUM HECT^ OP PHOCAEA.* B.C. 480-400. JVeight, about 40 grs. Head of Griffin, with open mouth and protruding tongue; behind, a seal. 9) Irregular incuse, fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Type of Plate IV, 12. Head of Hermes, wearing petasos, the hair in short curls. 9> Mill sail incuse, very fine. 1 B. M. Cat., Plate IV, 23. *** References to British Museum Catalogs " Ionia," by B. V. Head, Esq. D.C.L., &c. 1892. -2- ^ 183 1 I 184 185 /e. c:'^ - ^:^ ^^ T' -^ ^f^^^_ tz>^'<^<::^d 3 c 2^^.f I 29 f?-t^*w 186 ^^^./ 187 ^^ o. o ^=.2 ^ y'M^^ ^ w 188 A^.^^-.:^ 189 i (^^ «%^^^;^.Cl-^^ 190 Irregular incuse with > <, id. 144 grs., fine and rare (Babelon, p. 64, 432 var.). 1 Plate IV. CILICIA. v^ 6- KINGS AND SATRAPS. .=2- /o t^C^-Kf 203 Syennesis IV. 1 Circa 401 b.C. M Stater. King on horse- back going to right, holding short sword. ^ Legend wanting; nude figure of Greek hoplite kneeling right. with couched lance, behind large shield, which is ornamented with head of Medusa, ai. 161-^ grs., fine and rare. {Babelon, p;p. 17, 18, No. 141). 1 Plate IV. / i/y^-c^'A^'''-^^^ 204 IVtazaios. b.c. 361-333. M Stater. TinyD Baaltars seated / 6 to left, head and body facing, he holds in left hand a long sceptre, and in extended right hand an ear of corn and bunch of grapes, upon which is perched an eagle ; under chair D, and in the field to left C], the whole within dotted border. {L niD, Lion devouring a bull ; beneath a spray of corn, the whole within plain border, ivt. 166-5 grs., very fine and scarce. {Compare Babelon, pi. v, nos. 9, 10, 11, and 12). 1 y KING OF GALATIA. 205 A.myntas. b.c. 36-2.5. N. Head of Pallas in crested helmet to 3 ^r. _ cc right. 9> BAZIAEflZ. AMYNTOY-, Nike advancing to left, carrying sceptre bound with diadem, id. 21 grs., very fine and rare. 1 Plate IV. "^^6^^ 206 .A^myntas. b.c. 36-25. M Tetradrachm. Head of Pallas as in preceding, but with monogram behind. ^ BAZIAEnZ AMYNTOY., Nike advancing, carrying sceptre bound with diadem in field, left IB., wt- 243-5 yrs., fine. {B. M. Guide, pi. LX, no. vn). 1 / /C 4 A^ /yr^- - • — // / /^ /a ^ ^ 32 KING OF CAPPADOCIA. 207 Ariai-atlies "VII. Cina b.c. 100. M Tetradrachm (1st Type), Diademed Head of the king to right. ^ BAZIAEIIZ. APIAPA0OY. EYZEBOYZ. [IAJ OriATOPOZ. A-. (year 1), Pallas Nikephoros standing, wt 246 cjn., fine, and rare. 1 %* Northwick, 1258. Plate IV. KINGS OF SYRIA. 208 AntiocliXTS II (Theos). B.C. 261-246. M Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus H to right, wearing diadem ornamented with a wing at side. V- BAZIAEflZ. ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on Omphalos, hokU iug arrow in right hand, the left hand rests on a bow, in field to left monogram, in exergue a horse grazing and monogram (struck! at Alexandria Troas), %d. 259 grs., very fine. {Bahelon, Rois de Syrie, p. 29). 1 209 .A^ntiocliXTS III (Magnus). B.C. 222-187. M Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus III, diademed, to right. 5t BAZIAEnZ. ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on Omphalos, wt. 264 grs., extremely fine. 1 *^* From the Dimsdale, Thomas (2532) and Northwick collec- tions (1289). Plate IV. 210 ^^ntiochus IV (Theos Epiphanes). B.C. 175-164. ^ Tetra- drachm. Diademed Head of Antiochus to right, within dotted border. Jt BAZIAEilZ. ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on Omphalos tc^ left, in exergue | A and in the field, to left a branch and monogram ivt. 263 grs. , fine, hit the obv. slightly double struck. Northwick 1300. A^^-^^^ J2. /S^ * 211 Antioclius TV (Theos. Epiphanes). B.C. 175-164. M. Te tradrachm. Diademed Head of Antiochus, mthin fillet border. Jl BAZIAEnZ. ANTIOXOY. 0EOY. Eni*ANOY[Z]., Zeui Nikephoros enthroned, in exergue, monogram, id. 257 grs., very fine. Plate IV. *.* Northwick, 1305. ^ ^i-^vi^ ^ /H-d£.j^ U ~z^C^ oTiz^j // - 33 Sjit. // - . 15-^^, ^;^< v zf^^^ 7 212 Antioohxis "V (Eupator). B.C. 164-162. M Tetradrachm. I Youthful Head of Antiochus V, diademed to right, within fillet] border. ^ BAZIAEHZ. ANTIOXOY. EYnATOPOZ., Zcu?, .semi- draped, seated to left, lidding small statuette of Victory and spear ; in field to left monogram, irt. 255-2 r/?x, very fine and rare. 1 *^* From the Thomas (2546) and Northwick collections (1312). Plate V. 213 Denietrixis I (Soter). B.r. 162-l.''i0. .R Tetradrachm, Dia- demed Head of Demetrius, within fillet border. 9 BAZIAEIIZ. AHMHTPIOY. ZOTHPOZ., Figure of For- tune seated to left, holding an arrow and cornucopia, in field to left, two monograms, and in the exergue the date, AEP= 161, «;<. 1f>9> gr.'i., fine. 1 *^* From the Thomas (2552) and Northwick collections (1317). 214 Alexandei- I (Bala), b.c. 150-145. /R Tetradrachm, draped Bust of Alexander, wearing broad diadem, to right, within dotted border. 9 BAZIAE[nZ]. AAEZANAPOY., Eagle on prow, in front monogram of Tyre, and behind eagle, FZP. = 163, and H P. monogram, ui. 219'7 grs., of exceedinghj good icork and fine. 1 *,* From the Thomas (2560) and Northwick collections (1322). Plate V. 215 .AntiochvTS "VI (Dionysos). b.c 145-142. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed and radiate Head of Antiochus VI to right, within fillet border. U BAZIAEnZ. ANTIOXOY. EniANOYZ., semi draped Figure of Zeus standing to left, head surmounted by a crescent, he holds in right hand a long spear, and in the left a star, in field right N. to left, IE. with A- below, the whole within laurel border, wt. 254 rjr&., very fine. 1 219 j\.ntioclixxs VIII (Grypus). b.c. 125-96. M. Tetradrachm. Diademed Head of Antiochus VIII, to right, within fillet border. 9. BAZIAEnZ. ANTIOXOY. EniANOYZ., Zeus seated on throne holding figure of Victory and long spear, monogram under throne and in field left, wt. 254-3 gn.., fine. , 1 220 ^^ntiochus VIII (Grypus). B.C. 125-96. yR Tetradrachm. Diademed Head of King, as on preceding. 9> Legend and type similar to last, but with fl. under throne, wt. 252 grs., fine. KING OF ARMENIA. 221 Tigranes I, the Grreat. b.c. 97-56. ^ Tetradrachm Bust of Tigranes to right, wearing Armenian tiara and diadem, the tiara ornamented with two eagles, between them a star, the whoh in fillet border. 51 BAZIAEnZ. TirPANOY, Tyche of Antioch seated, holding palm, the river Orontes swimming at her feet, in field AP. (mow.) wt. 245 grs., fine. J~& 4^ /S' - //S. 'Y (y iM-ii>--a^"«-^ I M^ r^^ ! ^5 kS'S> Irregular oblong incuse, id. 129 grs., fine. 1 /B-^^c- KING OF BACTRIA. 227 Denaeti'ins (son of Exxth.;>^demii.s). Circa B.C. 187. M Tetradrachm. Bust of the king draped, and wearing elephant's skin and diadem, dotted border. ];l BAZIAEnS. AHMHTPIOY.,Herakles standing, facing, with club and lion's skin, crowning himself, in field left monogram KP., id. 261 grs., very fine and rare. 1 Plate V. EGYPT. 228 Alexander IV. b.c. 323-311. (Struck under Ptolemy I) M Tetradrachm. Youthful Head of Alexander to right, wearing diadem and covered with elephant's skin, tc AAEZANAPOY-, Athena Alkis hurling thunderbolt, monogram to left in circle, and to right Al. and the Ptolemaic Eagle, wt. 237 grs., fine. 1 3 3 J:^ 3 3 ^/ /x /;2. /6 Sa^ • / (o s. v>^ . / /o 6 ,=i- <^ -2i V /S' f ^ /3 /c/" / 7 /f2N., jugate Busts of Philadelphus aud Arsinoe ; be- hind, shield. V^ 0Ef2N., Deified Heads of Ptolemy Soter and Berenice, wt. 430 grs., very fine. 1 Ptolemy II (Philadelphus). B.C. 285-244. N Tetradrachm. AAEAI2N., jugate Busts of Philadelphus and Arsinoe, as on the preceding. jfc 0EX1N., jugate Busts of Ptolemy Soter and Berenice, id. 215 grs., very fine. 1 Arsinoe II (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). N Octadrachm. Diademed and veiled Bust of Arsinoe to right ; behind K. ^ APZINOHZ. 4>IAAAEA<|>OY., Double Cornucopia, with pen- dant, taenia, ifcc, wl. 427 '1 grs., eery fine. 1 *** From the Thomas (2846) and Northwick (1575) collections. Ptoleiiay III (Euergetes). b.c. 247-222. N Octadrachm. [ Radiate Bust of Euergetes, wearing aegis, and with trident sceptre ' over his shoulder. 9= BAZIAEHZ. flTOAEMAIOY., iladiate cornucopise, in field A I-, ui. 429'9 grs., eery fine and scarce. 1 *;^* From the Thomas (2859) and Northwick (1519) collections. Plate V. IBerenice II. yueeu Consort of Egypt. B.C. 247-222. N Octadrachm. Veiled Bust of Berenice to right. 9 BEPENIKHZ. B AZ I AIZZHZ., single Cornucopiaj, with pen- dant taenia, ivt. 429 grs., fine and very rare. 1 Plate V. S^:4^^^. i^ /B-^^. ^^^./^ 233 ^U/. 234 iC^-'^^.t^L-*-!^ —^p--€^-eu 235 -i:^, 1 236 L-^T—C'f-H^^t^O "^'M. rt « «L^-,_y ^€. /^. /g, ^ y /S-t^,.: 37 237 F*toleiTi.Y V- Epiphanes. n.u. 205-181. .^ Tetradrachm. Draped and diademed Bust of the young Prince to right, a wheat ear on diadem. 1^ [BAZIAEjnZ. RTOAEMAIOY., Eagle ou thunderbolt, be- tween legs Nl. (struck at Marathus ^), wt. 218-4 gra., very fine and scarce. 1 %* From the Thomas (2946) and Northwick (1533) collections. Plate V. 238 F*tolemy V. Epiphanes. Diademed Bust, aegis around neck. ^ BAZIAEnS. nXOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt, javelin at shoulder, in front L- AZ. =37, and between ZA- (Salamis), wt. 220 grs., very fine. 1 239 Cleopati-a I. Regent. Minority of Philometor. B.C. 181-173. .R Tetradrachm. Jugate Busts of Serapis and Isis to right. ^ BAZIAEnZ nXOAEMAIOY., Eagle on thunderbolt; be- tween the legs A I., and behind double cornucopiae, ivt. 220 grs., very fine and rare. 1 Plate V. 240 Cleopatra VII and ]\Iarli Antony, b.c. 36-30. M Tetradrachm. BACIAICCA. KAeOPATPA. 0EA. NeUJ[TEPA]., draped and diademed Bust of Cleopatra, wearing necklace of pearls, &c. ^ ANTIUNIO.C. AVTOKPATLUP. TPITON. ANAP[IUN.] Head of Antony to right, iot. 234 grs., in good state. 1 Plate V. CYRENAiCA. 241 Cyi-ene 1 b.c. 530-480. ^RDidrachm, Female hgure clad in long chiton confined at waist by cord, running to right, the head looking left, she carries in either hand a flower, the whole within plain border. '^ Quadripartite iucuse square, wt. 132 grs., oery fine and very rare. 1 *^* See Monsieur E. Babelon, Rev. Num. 1885, p. 395, seq., and Dr. B. V. Head, Num. Chron. 3rd Series, vol. xi, p. 7, sec^ Plate V. 242 Cyrene. 480-431. M Tetradrachm, KYPA., Head of Zeus Ammon, of early transitional style, within knurled border, in shallow circular incuse. Jjfc Silphium Plant, wt. 267-7 grs., very fine. 1 *^* From the Thomas (2955) and Northwick (1591) collections. Plate V. S^g. ^. ^ 6 ^ / /X // / o\ / yo 2^' /o 7 ^O ■ S~ — y 6 o . J' - — A^ / / J2. // J7 3 ^ ^ r X c ^3o /X^ 6(^'M^ 38 243 Cyrene. b.c. 431-321. N Stater. Blundered legend, victorious Quadriga driven by Kyreue, above star. Jt NOIANA*?Y»., Zeus Ammon entlironed ; behind, an eagle, wt. 128'5 grs., in very good cmidiiim, but of barbarous style. 1 244 Cyrene. b.c. 431-321. A?" One-tenth of Stater. Head of Zeus Ammon to right. 9= Thunderbolt between two stars, wt. 13'3 grs., fine. 1 245 Cyi-ene. b.c. 431-321. N One-tenth of Stater. KY0., young male head with ram's horn to right, in plain border. Jk Head of Kyrene, the hair rolled to right, plain border, wt. \Z'2grs., fine. 1 246 Barce. C cAi-^2>^>^ ^^ --^t^ ♦f /C^^'-t^^-.^^ "^L'^^-u-y-l^y/KJ <^-£-->'T-'C- -jr-^W- /5^€^^ ^^-C'-ft^-c-l^-'Cj^ 39 250 Carthage. b.c. 400-336. M Tetradrachm. Head of Perse- phone (very closely copied from the coins of Euainetos), wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves ; around, four dolphins. 9) Horse standing to right before palm tree, a small flower springing from ground under horse, wt. 2 50 "5 grs., vcrij fine and of fine style. 1 Plate V. 251 Cartliag-e. b.c. 336-280. ,-R Tetradrachm. Head of the Tyrian Herakles Melkarth, in lion's skin to right. ^ Punic legend below bust of horse to left, behind a date palm, wt. 2.51 yrs., very fine and of fine bold style. 1 252 Carthag-e. b.c. 340-242. El. Stater, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring and necklace with pendants, and corn wreath in hair. ^ Horse standing to right, ivt. 115 grs., fine 1 253 Carthag-e. b.c. 241-218. M Dekadrachm. Head of Perse- phone to left wearing earring and wreath of corn. 9i Punic legend beneath Pegasus to right, wt. 566 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Plate V. 254 "Variovis. Velia Didrachm, poor. Demetrius Poliorcetes Hemi- drachm, Victory on prow, rev. Poseidon hurling trident. .A-thens Tetradrachm. b.c. 527-430 ; a Stater of .i-Egina. Circa B.C. 700. With two counter-marks. Drachm, of the Achaean league ; and an Obol of Tyre, sea- horse with dolphin beneath. JL Owl with crook and flail. 6 ROMAN AND BYZANTINE N. 255 Jrilian II, Emperor, a.d. 360-363. Solidus, fl. CL. ivlianvs. PF. AVG., Bust draped and wearing cuirass, to right. \^ viRTVS. EXERCITVS. ROMANORVM., Emperor in military costume, helmeted, carrying a trophy, and dragging by the hair a captive ; in exergue ant. r. (Cohen, '2nd ed. no. 79), fine, hut pierced behind head. 1 f^O. /J. (^ /o /o\ 3 //■ / X ^^ ro ^^ / '^/Z /o ■ (J ^ ^ //l ^ iS, ^ z 4^ /cT ^ /X U /O ^ 40 256 Pnlclieria (wife of Marcianus.) a.d. 414-453. Solidus, ael. PVLCHERIA. AVG., Draped and diademed bust of Pulcheria to right, crowned by a hand from above. 9) VOT XX. MVLT. XXX. c, Victory holding long cross, in exergue, CONOB. (Sabaiier, no. 4), fine but pierced below bust, rare. ftt- /^. ^ 257 Basil I and Constantine IX. a.d. 869-870. Solidus. BASiLios. ET. CONSTANS. AVGG., Diademed busts, facing, of Basil and Constantin holding between them a long Greek cross. 9> IHS. xps. Rex. ReoNANTiVM., Christ seated holding the Gospels' {Sabatier, 5), fine. 1 258 Theodora, a.d. 10.55-1066. Solidus (of thin flat fabric), ©eOAOPA. AVrOVSTA., The B. Virgin and Theodora standing, facing, and holding labarum between them. 9. IHS. xis. Rex. regnantivm., Christ standing holding the Gospels (Sabatier 1), very fine and rare. 1 ENGLAND. Half Crown {Bud. V, 8), ohr. donhle struck. £}U/^ r ^a-CC. f-t^^w^yTjC/ 259 Henry VIII. 9> good. J ames I. Sovereign, m. m. lis, bust in ornamented armour. 9 faciam. EOS. &c. good ; and a Quarter Guinea, George I, fim. 260 .Anne. 1702-1714. Two Guinea Piece, anna, del gratia., (y ^''^pi-'^'^ Draped and diademed bust of Anne to left. . 9 mag. BRI. FR. &c.. Four crowned Shields cruciformly arranged, garter in centre, and sceptres in the angles ; date 1711, in good con- dition. ■William and 3Iary. 1688-1694. Guinea, gvlielmvs. ET. MARIA. DEI. GRATIA., Jugate busts of William and Mary to right. 9, MAG. BR. PR. &c., Shield of Arms with ciown over, dividing date 1691, /ine. 2 1 261 G-eorg-e III. 1760-1820. Pattern guinea (probably by pupil ^^^^-^^^''•''''^^ of Yeo), GEORGivs III. DEI GRATIA, Laureate bust of George III, hair in long curls descending below truncation. j 9 M. B. F. FT. H. REX, &c., Garnished shield, crowned, date 1774, edge plain, very fine. 1 41 fH /^. <^ FRANCE. 262 Loxiis I. 781. Solidus, dhlvvdovi . . avg., Laureate bust to right, Jfe LVIMHIDVNVM., Cross within wreaths, scarce. 1 263 Philip "VI. Ecu d'Or, + phillippvs del gra. francorvm rex. King seated on Gothic chair of State, holding sword and shield. |t> XPC. IMPERAT., Floreate cross within quatrefoil, &c., Hoff PI. xvi. 3, fine. 1 264 Loxiis XI VI. Double Louis d'Or, by Duvivier, lvd. xvi. d. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX., Bust tO left. 9= CHRS. REGN. viNC. IMPER., 1786, Conjoined shields of France and Navarre under crown ; below a., struck at Paris, very fine, and a "Louis" of same type and mintage, dated 178.5 {Hoff, PI. rxiii., 5 and 6). 2 PORTUGAL, &c. 265 John V. Piece of 20,000 Eeis (N). ioannes. v. d. g. PORT. ET. ALG. REX., Arms under crown, value at side, &c. 9; IN. HOC. SIGNO. vinces., Ci'oss with M. in each angle, >«e. 1 266 Oriental. Dinars, two. Half sequin of Turkey, 1223 A. H.j and a quarter sequin, same date, &c. 5 267 Lysimachvas of Thrace. Tetradrachm, in gold, false, cast in gold of drachm of Lampsacus, false, J^ Stater of AthenS; /R of Lycia, false, &c. S ^ ^ 7 ^ Z^' /o /s^ / eT ft?^. y . ^ END OF SALE. t/^a^ ^n!^tZ^ '^^ys^ /■ DRYDEN I'RESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C. Plate I. ASHBURNHAM COLLECTION, I^f m ^ fl^^ /^^^ Plate II. «^ ^ • i. .„' ■> '^Hr ^, (^ "^ 67 '^^^^^ 67 ASHBURNHAM COLLECTION. Plate III. ASHBURNHAM COLLECTION, Plate IV. 123 ^x ■ * /*. I I \ "^ 126 12- .