g^W»juyRTO!f»^'^:.^i;sr-.^(H!I5l»^ »1 y I 2/ /X • '11^ BLUNDELL'S DIARY Crosby IRecotbs BLUNDELL'S DIARY COMPRISING SELECTIONS FROM THE DIARV OF NICHOLAS BLUNDELL, ESQ., FROM 1702 TO 1728. EDITED BY THE REV. T. ELLISON GIBSON, AulJior 0/ ■■ Lydiate Hall and its Associations," "A Cavalier's Note Book," &c., &c. LIVERPOOL : Gilbert G. Walmslev, 50, Lord Street. 1895. INTRODUCTION ' I 'HE late Archbishop Whately is credited with the saying, that if he had to write a daily record of his life, he would soon wish his life at an end. Many a person begins a Diary, but few persevere with it for any length of time. The fidelity of Mr. Nicholas Blundell* to this self- imposed task is very remarkable. His Diar}' extends over a quarter of a century and no single day has been left unnoticed. It is very legibly written, entirely by his own hand, and is contained in three long narrow Volumes number- ing altogether nearly nine hundred pages. The spelling is eccentric but no attempt has been made to correct even very obvious blunders. In so lengthy a record, there is, as may be imagined, much that would be of no interest to the general reader. On the other hand, many entries are of value, more especiall}' in the absence of other local records of which that particular period is singularly barren. The Diarist had neither the ability nor the learning of his grandfather, the "Cavalier," but he filled very worthily his position as a resident landlord. A lover of country life, *For a full account of the ancient family of Blundell of Crosby, see the Introduction to "A Cavalier's Note Book." Also, "Crosby Records," Chetham Society No. 12 new series. VI. his interests were centred in the pursuits and pleasures of his neighbours and tenants. It is manifest that much more social enjoyment was got out of life in those days than is the case at present. Railways and the spread of education, have made a striking change in the condition of the rural population — a change not altogether to its advantage. Material comforts have been brought within its reach, but the close bond of companionship which formerly held society together has been rent asunder. Certainly the numerous festivities and amusements which he records as shared by friends and neighbours have totally disappeared. In religion, Mr. Blundell adhered to the faith of his Ancestors. For this privilege he paid double taxes and felt in various ways the pressure of the severe penal laws then in force. Still, the great heat of persecution which some of his race endured* had, in his time, sensibly abated. Happily, he was not drawn into the rebellion of 1715, which wrecked the fortunes of so many of his co-religionists but his house was frequently visited and searched at that eventful period. On one occasion, he says "I set in a streat place for a fat man" which shows that he must have had recourse to the family hiding-place, contrived, no doubt, on a scale '■"Richard Blundell, of Crosby, died in Lancaster Castle, 1591-2, a prisoner for the faith, having been committed there for harbouring a priest. William Blundell, lus son, suffered many imprisonments and much loss of goods. Two- thirds of his lands were seized upon for recusancy and given to Court favourites, two of the number being Queen Elizabeth's cooks. He was fined /'2000 for making a burial ground for his Catholic tenants and neighbours, who were denied burial at Sefton Church. His wife, though in a delicate state of health, was dragged to prison by the Bishop of Chester when her husband could not be found. She suckled her infant in Chester Castle and was only set free after a long imprisonment, through the friendly remonstrance of two powerful Protestant neighbours. Vll. more befitting the dimensions of a lean curate. As soon as he could get away, he withdrew to the Continent till the trouble blew over. Such a record as the one before us comes like a revelation from the tomb. It brings to light events hitherto shrouded in oblivion. It repeoples the land with its old inhabitants and introduces us to their homes, their occupations, their amusements and social life. We follow them in their daily path until the final summons, when the squire's Coach- carriage which was at the service of rich and poor alike, conveys them to their last resting-place. Mr. Blundell's Diary covers the period when the Commerce of Liverpool was beginning to expand and its borders to need enlargement. He witnessed the opening of the first dock, and in his frequent neighbourly visits meets those who were then in a modest way laying the foundation of its future greatness. The Houghtons, Tyrers, Claytons, Clevelands, Johnsons, Pooles, Earles, Gildarts, Williamsons, and many others — names long associated with its fortunes — occasionally cross his path. The last few pages of the Diary show indications of a failure of eyesight and this growing infirmity no doubt, led Mr. Blundell to abandon his task nine years previous to his death, which occurred on the 2ist April, 1737, at the age of 68*. '■■There are two inscriptions to the Diarist in the Blundell Chapel, Sefton Church. In one, he is said to have died "on 21st April, 1736, aged 66;" in the other "on 21st April, 1737, aged 68." His daughter Mary Coppinger is also twice commemorated and, in one place, her age is incorrectU' given. The uncertainty of monumental inscriptions has been frequently remarked upon. via. For whatever pleasure or information he may derive from a perusal of these pages, the reader is indebted to Colonel Nicholas Blundell, of Crosby Hall, who has kindly permitted the publication of these transcripts of the Diary of his Ancestor. T. E. GIBSON. BiRKDALE. The above introduction was written by the Rev. T. E. Gibson, shortly before his death, which occurred on January 26, 1 89 1. Some time afterwards, I was asked to see the Diary through the Press, and I have done so. Colonel Blundell died on July 12, 1894, and was thus deprived of the pleasure of seeing in print a diary in which he was much interested. AUGUSTINE WATTS. Liverpool, August, 1895. \roz Facsimile Extract from Diary. u "\ ^ fJ > ^\ / i ^ -fa-y -yd.-) rs^ g «'Z< r( 'loiAoy (^y^rxcJLi ro-er^i- ^f Avv-vc^ ■nayvf cm ^oi^y ay(i^?-^ '^en-n >„ y^ ~ pari-ei 4-fiii A^f-t v-^m* r,-,uc^ 'CxTnjjU. EXTRACTS FROM THE Diary of Nicholas Blundell, OF CROSBY, LANCASHIRE, ESQUIRE. 1702 — 1728. 1702. My Father went after diner to wate of my Lord Molineux jui>!7tL. at y" New Stand, where he was sodanly taken so very ill, that he sent for me to wate of him home and bring y' Coach for him. I sent for Dr. Farington to come to my Father, but he juij jsih. was not to be found. I went to Wigan and brought Doctor Frances Worthing- juiya^ui. ton along with me to Crosby. Coll: Edm: Butler came to Crosby from Durham in his Aug. ist. Way to Ireland, he sent to Wigan for Doctor Tho: Wor: who came late that night. I sent Tho : Howard to Whit-Church for Doctor Bostock but he came not. Valentine Farrington, M.D., a younger brother of Wm. Farrington, of Worden, Esq., resided at Preston. Dr. Thos. Worthington is mentioned in A Cavalier's Note Book, p. 247. He died November 27, 1702. He was still practising at Wigan in conjunction with his son Francis. Dr. Bostock of Whitchurch had a considerable local reputation. Diary of Nicholas Bhmdell, 1702. Aug. 2nd. I sent to Dungen-hall to acquaint Coz : John Gelibrond of my Fathers danger. About half an Hour after Tenn in y" morning being Sunday, many People in the Roome hearing Mass, and Mass just almost finished. My Dearest Father departed this life being much lamented by all ; as his Life was virtuous and edifying so was his Death. Sweet Jesus Receive his Sole. Aug. 51b. My Father Wm. Blu : Esq. was layed in his Mothers Grave at Sephton it being her Weding Day. Wm. Arnold who had been a Faithfull good Servant and brought up from a Child at this hous departed this Life, he was Groome Coachman and Butcher. Aug. i2ih. M"^^ Blundell of Ince came to see my Mother, so did Mrs. Walmesley of Moss-halk and her Son. Aug. 13th. Coz: Rich: Butler went towards Mr. Fleetwoods of y^ Bank. Aug. i5ih. I went to Leverp : with Coz : Edm : Butler, we hailed y^ Mary with a Hand-Karchaf but she answered not, he went on Bord y*" Harington for Dublin. Aug. isiii. Mr. Mullins came in y^ Morning to pray and stayed till next day, Mr. Tasburgh and Little Man came hither in y^ Afternoone. Mr. Mullins was priest at Mossock Hall, in Bickerstaffe, a secluded spot a few hundred yards behind St. Mary's Chapel, Aughton. It had fallen to the Walmsley's by the marriage of the heiress, Elizabeth Mossock, with Thomas, third son of Richd. Walmsley, of Showley, Esq. The estate has since been sold by that family, and the old Hall having disappeared, a farm-house now occupies the site. The Rev. Henry Tasburgh, S.J., lived at the New House, at Ince Blundell, built shortly before with the view of its being used as a school. It was never so used, but became the home of aged and infirm priests of the Society. It was given up after the death of Rev. W. Clifton, S.J., 1749. of Crosby. 3 1702. By "Little Man" is meant his cousin, Rev. Wm. Gelibrond or Gillibrand, S.J., who was throughout his life a confidential friend and adviser. He was then doing duty as Chaplain at Crosby, but soon after went to Liverpool, and seems to have been the first priest settled there since the Reformation. He was of the family of Gillibrands, of Chorley, and died April i, 1722, aged 60. I delt Almes at 3d. p. Person myself to y^ Poore of Aug. ^itb. this Parish. I sold my Fathers pad to Mr. Tasb : for ;^io. Aog. 25th. I writ to Coz : Standley at Preston to get my Brother Aug. jsui. Rich : made a Freeman at y^ Gild. Held every 10 years. I hired Hen : Bilsbury for my Groome, am to give him sepi. isi. 50^ p. annum and one Livery Sute. Cap : Rob : Faz : had been at y" Gild and came hither sept.fith. to-day. I went to Leverp: to y* Buriall of Mr. Hewston. sepLSih. " 1695, Oct. 18. — Levinus Heustoun Gentleman is elected Towns Baylive for the Year Ensueing." — City Records, iv., 706. Wat Thelwall saves he found Caterer of Formby on sept. mh. y° Sands and carryed him to Bank-hall. Coz : Scarisbrick y^ Widow came to lodg here, her sept.i7ih. Coach was brocken here by y° Horses running away when y^ Coachman had left them. I sold Codlings at 6^- p. cent and other Apples at 2'' sept. sjnd. p. Buss. I came to Prescot where I bought Fine Muggs of Mr. sepi.24th. Cubben, thence I came to Leverpoole where I discoursed Mr. Houghton Merchant and so came home. Diary of Nicholas Bhindell, 1702. Sept. 30th. I went to Mosburgh to wish Coz : Molineux Joy and to welcom her into y" Country. I met S"' James Poole &c as they were going to y^ Wood. William Molineux of Mosborough Hall, near St. Helens, born September 4, i66g, had just married Anne, daughter of Sir James Poole, of Poole, Co. Chester. He was buried at Melling, 24th January, 1727-8, but his wife survived till 1751. Their son William married Frances, daughter of James Gorsuch, of Gorsuch, Esq., and died March 11, 1744, leaving an only daughter and heiress, Frances, wife of Sir Edward Blount, of Sodington, Co. Worcester, Bart. The estate was afterwards purchased by the Earl of Derby. A modern house occupies the site of the ancient Hall, but the moat may still be traced. The Wood, in Melling, was then the property of this branch of the Molyneux family. They had left it for Mosborough, but a priest was kept there. Rev. Simon Bordley was the last Chaplain, and went to Moor Hall, August 28, 1746. The estate was sold about 1785. Thornton was originally the family seat, and the removal to Melling took place tempore Edward 3rd. oct.i2th. Goos-Feast Munday. A Club still flourishing at Great Crosby. Oct. 15th. I peesed again with John Lunt till Christmas upon my Mothers Request. A servant-man whom he had discharged. Oct. :7th. I was at y^ Buriall of Doctor Tarltons Wife. Oct. 25th. Mr. Christopher Anderton dined here. I swaped with him for a Bay Hors I call Swap, and gave him Bay Butler and my watch &c in exchange. Nov. 3rd. Mr. Jamson Kept a Court for me at Margery Howerds. Nov. 5th. I sent Henry Bilsb : to Croxtath for a Pot of Venyson. Nov. 7ti.. I went after dinner to Leve : with Pat : Gelib : I found Coz : Harington at y" Woolpack, I heard Lord Darby dyed sodenly at Chester. of Crosby. 5 1702. I sent eight Beasts to Leverp : Fair and sold one for Nov. loth. ;^3 . 5 • o. I went to Ormskirk and discoursed Mr. Howet concerning Nov. izth. Mr. Risley his Hunter. Mr. Rich: Molineux of y^ Grang and I set a Meer-Stone nov.ishi. to be y^ bondery between his Cunny Warand and mine, it was set about half-way between a great Sandhill and Blansherds lain end upon a Hill called Tenn-penny Hill and linable with y*" two Meer-Stons at each end of Blansherds Lain, in presence of Pat : Gelibrond and Walter Thelwall and my two Waranders Thorn : Kerfoot and Wm. Wignold. S' James Pool and his son James came to lodg here. I sent my Grewhound Hector to be kept at Lidiat by Mr. Draper. The Grange, a well-known farm near the Altcar Shooting Ranges, was long the residence of a branch of the Molyneux family. It had been originally given by the Blundells of Ince to the monks of Stanlawe (afterwards Whalley), and was purchased at the dis- solution by an ancestor of Lord Sefton. A priest resided here during the last century and in the early part of the present. Mass was occasionally said in the house. Rev. Joseph Draper, S.J., was priest at Lydiate Hall, and his tombstone may be seen in the ruined Chapel of St. Katharine. Coz : James Poole went in y^ Morning to y^ New Nov.joth. Stand to meet Mr. Molineux of Croxtath a Shooting. S' James Poole and I went to y* Stand towards Noone. Mr. Molineux treated us there with Wine and Aile. I went after Dinner to Leverp: I saw Mrs. Bootle and Nov. 23rd. her Doughter Lidiat at Mr. Houghtons. I condoled with them y^ Death of Mr. Ja: Lidiat. Mr. Jamson Kept a Court for me at Margery Howerds Nov. 24th. w"** was Aiourned to this day. The Joyner and Painter came hither to Look at my Brothers clock Kace. Collo : 6 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, ^'^°^' Butler came hither from Ireland after his great Escape at Sea. Eliz : Sumner Dary-Maid left my Service and was suckseeded by Mary Formby. Nov. 29th. I went after diner with Collo : Butler to Croxtath and suped there, we found Mr. Perce Moston and his Famil)' there. Dec. 4th. I sent Rich: Ainsworth to Leverp : with a Load of Barly to be Malted it was toled by order of y^ Maior. Dec. 7th. I went after diner to Leverp : Walt : Thelwall discoursed y^ Maior concerning y^ Toling of my Barly. Coming home I met Mr. Peeters on y^ Sands he told me that y^ Great Crosby Men refused to Appear or Answer to y^ Court called then by him. Dec. loth. I payed Mrs. Pluckington for Frute Trees. Mr. Ralph Peters was Town Clerk to the Corporation of Liver- pool, 20 August, 1707-1742. From the City Records we find rated Mr. Wm. Pluckington, house, bowling green, and 2 fields in the Comon 3s. 4d. Wm. PI: more 2 acres 24 Perch 2S. id. „ more 6 acres and L. of Comon 6s. 6d. Dec. igth. I went to Dungen-Hall by Chorley where I found Coz : Jo ; Gelibrond at his own house. Dec.jisi. His son and I went by Mr. Ashtons of Curedale to Lower Hall we dined there. Dec. 22nd. Coz : John Gelibrond and I went to Town-ley to welcom young Mr. Townley home at his return from Gant. Dec. 23rd. There was Very Much Snow. Mr. Lovell came from Stony-Hurst, he a Carrier and two Horses were lost for some time on y* Moore. of Crosby. 7 Rev. George Lovell, S.J., was Chaplain at Dunkeahalgh [Dun- ' gen-hall] , where Mr. John Gelibrond then resided. He was skilful in mathematics, but losing his memory became a child before his death. He retired to New House, and dying there December 12, 1720, was buried at the Harkirke December 14. I went with Pat: Gelib : in y^ after Noone to Mr. Dec 30th. Wairings. I ordered Walt: Thelw: to see Running Horses entered at He : Heskeths, Lord Molineux sent for me home from Mr. Wairings, he and his Son entered each of them a Running hors before me at my own hous by telhng me their Names and describing them. 1703. Coz: Tho : Gelibrond and I went to great Crosby with u^.yd an Intension to see Mr. Wairing, but we were sent for home to wate of Mr. Ralph Tildesley, Mr. Edmund Trafford &c. Coze : John Culcheth came to lodg here. I was at Great Crosby Race where Mr. Massys Gelding jaii.4th- Limber hamm wone a Plate from Pedler, &c. Pedler belonged to Sir James Poole, Bart. Wm. Massey, of Puddington, Co. Chester, the owner of Limberhamm, died 1716, and left his estates to his Godson, Thomas Stanley, who died 1740, having taken the name of Massey. He bequeathed his property to his elder brother John, who, succeeding to the baronetcy 1792, retook the name of Stanley, and died 1794. From him Puddington descended to Sir John Stanley Massey Errington, who died 1893, and was the last male representative of the Stanleys of Hooton, and chief of the great house of Stanley. I met Mr. Blund : acoursing, and saw two Hairs Runn Jan. 15th. that were found set, he went to Andertons, and Pat : Gelib : and I went home to writ a Letter to Mr. Philmot 'twas not well taken by Bl : Mr. Cataway a Missioner for Mary-Land and Mr. Draper came to lodg here. I went to Dine at Mosholk with Coz : Tho : Gelib : jan. isih. I Dined at y" Grang w"' Lord Molineux &c. S' Will: jan.sdh. Gerard &c. 8 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1703. Jan. 22nd. Mr. Gower Pitched y^ Crow and threw y^ Hammer at James Farers. Jan. 24th. I writ to my Brother Richard into Virginia. His brother, Richard Blundell, had gone out to Virginia to establish himself as a merchant. He had business connections with Mr. Houghton, a very prominent Liverpool merchant, whose factor he was to be. He married a widow and died shortly after, leaving a posthumous son, who did not long survive. Jan. 26th. I sent my Brothers Goods to Mr. Houghton at Leverp : in order to have them Shiped on Bord y^ Loyalty for Virginia. Jan. 27th. Pat: Rich: Lathom had his weding Dinner at this Hous. Rev. Richard Lathom, alias Kirkham, S.J., was made a Spiritual Coadjutor February 2, 1703, which would be the occasion of his Wedding Dinner. He was about to sail for the Maryland Mission, then in the hands of the Jesuits. He died on the return voyage in 1708, aged 37. — See Foley's Collectanea, part L Jan. 29th. I went to Leverp: with Pat: Rich: Lathom and helped him to buy goods, we discoursed Mr. Sharpies at Swarb : Feb. 3rd. Mr. Smith, Mr. Ric: Lathom and I went to Carr-Hall we eat Eggs and Collops &c. This would be Shrove or Collop Monday. Mr. Smith was the Jesuit Chaplain at Scarisbrick Hall. Feb, nth. Mr. Worthington Jun' of Blanscow desired to see me at my Mill, he would not come to Crosby Hall, he dis- coursed me concerning sending Joseph Wadsworth to Sea. Feb. i2th. I went to Leverp: to assist Mr. Worthington in Bind- ing Jos: Wads: to Sea. I discoursed Mr, Houghton, Mr. Sharpies &c., about it. of Crosby. g 1703. I discoursed Mr. Blackbourn at Moor Hall concerning Feb. miu Betty Blund: The Rev. John Blackburne was a secular priest, then serving Moor Hall, the residence of Mr. Wolfall. He died 1728, aged 74, and is buried in the ruined Chapel of St. Katharine at Lj-diate, where the stone may still be seen, but the name has disappeared. I went with Pat : Gelib : to Croxtath to wish my Lord Feb. 2011.. a good Journey to London, thence I went to Low-hill where Mr. Harington, Mr. Hind &c. were come to meet my Lord, they had a Feast of Sturgeon ; we drank Fountineack &c. Mr. Liborn fetched a Boat from hence w*^*" I had taken Feb. 23rd. up as a Wreck it was by Orders of my Lord Molin : but not delivered to him by me or my Steward Walt: Thelw: This and other entries shew that Lord Molyneux was very tenacious of his right of wreck, ceded to his father by the Crown in a previous reign. Mr. Blundell, of Ince, had in 1683 procured from Caryll Viscount Molyneux a grant of title to wreck at Formby, Ainsdale, and Birkdale, for the yearly consideration of I2d. I sealed a Bond of j^Go to Coz: Wm. Houghton of Feb.j6th, Park-hall. William Houghton of Park Hall married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Robert Dalton of Thurnham, in 1683. His son John assumed in 1710 the name of Dalton, and joined the rebels in 1715. His estates were forfeited, but purchased for himself by friends at a cost of £"7,298 is. 6H. He himself was with Sir Francis Anderton and others taken to London, tried, convicted, and pardoned. I went to Leverp : shewed two Horses to the Post to Mar. 5th. sell him one of them. I Payed 7^ to Ri : Woods for making a Duble brested coat. I went to Chorley and discoursed James Nicolson con- Mar.sih. cerning a Mourning Saddle and houlters. lo Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1703. Mar. 15th I gave 2^- 6''- to Brother Christopher towards y^ Repaire of y*" Cover over Holly-well. He came hither to begg for y^ Repare of it. Dr. Lathom came hither to shew y^ Petission w""" was presented to y" Queen by Mr. Bannerd Howerd in behalf of y^ said Dr. Lathom, Mr. Haggerston «&c. St. Winifred's Well was then, as now, under the care of the Jesuit Fathers. Dr. Lathom had practised Surgery in Liverpool, and his wife Judith had kept a School, but the penal laws being against them as Catholics, they were persecuted by the Town Officials. In 1686 a Royal mandate was issued in their favor, which may be seen in Picton's Memorials, vol. i, p. 132. It does not appear what was the nature of the present petition. Dr. Lathom retired to Aintree, and his death is noticed later. Mar.iist. The Churchwarden Henry Williamson Acquainted me that Parson Richmond wished that he had pulled down more of the Parsonidg of Sephton. Mar. 22nd. I opened a Barrell of Apples w'''' had layn in very dry Sea-Sand since they were gathered, they were very firm and sound, tho many had a little Speck of faided, and a very few were Rotten. Mar. 28th. I writ to Lord Langdale, inclosed it to Coz: Eyre y*" Lawyer and sent it to the Post by Pat : Gelib : April 6th. Aunt Frances had Account from Mrs. Bloore by orders of Lady Webb that I might wate of Mrs. Fr : Langdall as soone as I pleased. April 7th. Pat : Gelib : went to Lev : to buy Cloth for a Black Coat. Apriisth. Tho: Howerd brought me Mr. Wingats Pistolls w"'' he had borrowed of him for my Journey to Hathrop, they are Rather too Larg and so extraordinary fine I will not take them along with me. of Crosby. il 1703- Mr. Edw: Molineux came to wish me a good Journey to April mh. Hathrop. I sent Ri: Jump to Burdikin at Wigan for my Black Coat, but not being made he brought y* Cloth back. I went to Leverp: to have a Black Coat made by Edw: April i«h. Porter for my Journey to Hath : I began my Journey towards Hathrop, dined at Waring- April uih. ton, and lodged at Hoomes Chapell. I went from Hoomes Chapell dined at Stone and Lodged ApriiMth. at Aldridg. I went from Aldridg bated at Birmidgham and Witch Apruijui. and Lodged at Wooster. I went from Woster dined at Winshcomb and lodged April leui. at North Leech. I came from North Leech to Hathrop found y® Family April 17th. all there, and also my Lord Langdale. Heythrop Park, near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, then the residence of Sir John Webb, belonged to the Earl of Shrewsbury, who in 1695 had entertained there King William the Third. Charles, 15th Earl, built a Catholic Church, completed in 1826, but the estate having fallen into Protestant hands, it was closed after the death, on February 8, 1858, of the first and only priest, Rev. Patrick Hefferman. It has since been pulled down by the present owner, Albert Brassey, Esq., and the materials used in the construction of a Protestant Church. The altar was purchased from the builder by Rev. S. Sole of Chipping Norton, who in 1883 transferred to that Church the bodies of Charles, Earl of Shrews- bury, and of the above priest, previously interred at Heythrop. I went in y^ Coach with Lord Langdale and S"' John Apriusth. Webb to wate of Collo : Ireton but he was not at home. I discoursed Lord Langdale in his Chamber and Lady Apriugth. Webb in y^ Dining Roome. I made my first adress to Mrs. Fr: Langdale. 12 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1703. April 2oih. Coll Ireton came to Hathrop in y'' afternoone. Lady Webb discoursed me in y® Garden. I discoursed April jist. Mrs. Langdale in y^ Kitchen Garden. April Mnd. Lady Dowager Webb Read y^ Heds of Agreement of Marriage to be between Mrs. Fr: Langdale and me N. Bl: in Presence of Lord Langdale and S' John Webb. April yrd. Mr. Trynder y^ Lawyer came to Hathrop for Instruc- sions to draw Artickleys of Marriage. April s8th. I presented my Dimond Ring to Mrs. Fr : Langdale. April jgth. S" John Waters and his Lady, Mr. Sheldon of Weston and his Son &c dined at Hathrop. May 4th. I sent George Howerd, S' John Cursons Servant to Oxford to take a place in y® Coach for me to London. May 5th. I writ at Water-Perry to Mrs. Fr: Langd : and sent it by Oxford Post. Sir John Curzon, of Waterperry, Co. Oxon, registered his estate in 1718 as a non-juror for £203 los. 2d. He died 1727, and his son Francis died without issue 1750, when the title became extinct. May 7th. I dlncd w* Coz '. Henry Eyre, Mr. Lewson &c in Fullers Rant. I saw the Silent Woman acted. May 8th. I mct Mr, Rich: Norris in y^ Mall. May 9th. I madc my first visit to Mrs. Norris my Cozen, she is I think Sister to Coz H. Eyre, May nth. I walkcd to Wcstmlnstcr and saw y* Tombs. Went at Night to Wills Coffy-Hous where I heard Mr. Lawson talk of Calculating Nativitys. Mayijth. I dined at y* Blew posts in Deverax Court, of Crosby. 13 1703. I came from London towards Water-Perry with a dis- May 13th. puting Parson. I came to Hathrop from Water-perry with Pat: Gehb: May 15th. I walked with Mrs. Fr : Langdale to Fairford. Morris May 17th. dansers came to Hathrop. I rid out with Lord Gerard and S' John Webb, I saw Mayisth. Sink Foyle grow. I saw three of Lord Whartons Horses, I suppose they were Runners. I went in y^ Coach with Lord Gerard and S' John May 19th. Webb to see Mr. Green-wood at Bryes-Norton. The Lords and Ladys of May came to dance at Hath- Mayjoiu. rop. I presented my Guilt Coffy Spoones. We dansed after y® Taber and Pipe. Mayisui. I writ to Biss : Gifford by Request of F.L. May 29111. Right Reverend Bonaventure Giffard, of the family of Giffard of Chillington, was Bishop of Madaura, and became V.A. of the Lon- don District, March 14, 1703. He died March 12, 1733-4, ^g^d 92. I went a second time to London, lodged at Oxford with May 31st. Mr. Trinder. I wated of Doctor Bayly President of Maudlen. I payed Mr. Person for a Weding Ring. jiuie3rd. I rid out of my own Horses with Coz : Jo : Eyre behind june4th. Hampton to see Mrs. Hubbard, she was Doughter to Cap : Brock. I viseted Biss : Gifford. junegth. I dined with Lady Curson, tryed on my Weding Sute junemh. there and in other Places. 14 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1703. June 15th. Lord Langdale Lady Webb S'' Jo : Webb &c heard y^ Marriage Deeds read, all we at Hathrop concerned therein subscribed them before Four Witnesses. iunei6th. Lady Dowager Webb acquainted me y^ Marriage was to be y® day following. jimei7ih. I was Married to Lord Langdales Doughter by Mr. Sloughter a Clergy-man. juneiist. I went with S"^ John Webb to Parson Burcher's and gave him half a Guiny as Marriage Dues. iune25ih. My Charriot came to Hathrop to carry my Wife home to Crosby. lunessth. I began my Journey from Hathrop towards Crosby with my Wife, we lodged at Oster. juiyzna. I came from Colebrook bated at Warington, was met by Dr. Lathom and treated by him in y° Road. I brought my Wife home to Crosby. juiysih. S'' Wm. Gerard Merchant Houghton and Dr. Tarlton dined here. July 9th. Mr. Peter Mourton came to wish me Joy. juiyioih. Coz : Eyre of Hasop and his Son and my Uncle Laurence Eyre came to Lodg here. July 27th. I wated of my Lord Darby at Lathom I found his Brother and Mr. Scaresbrick there, we played at Bowles. July 29th. I went to Whitlidg green to see the Match bowled between Mr. Molineux of Croxtath, Mr. Jo: Gerard and Mr. Massy Mr. Hugh Diconson, I joyned for a bottle with Mr. Bold and Mr. Atherton. I lodged at Mosburgh. of Crosby. 15 — — ^ 1703. I went with Coz : James Poole to hunt with Lord Aug.4th. Mohn : in y^ New Park we killed a Buck. I went with my Wife to meet Coz: Scaresb : Mrs. Aug. 5th. Hesketh of Ruflford &c at Lathom Spaw, we dansed with Young Mr. Hesket of Oughton Mrs. Entwistley, Mrs. Ann Bold &c. Lathom Spaw, which was destroyed by the sinking of coal shafts early in the present century, was situate opposite the entrance of what is now called Spaw Farm in Lathom. This the Editor ventures to say on the authority of one of the Wilbraham family. It was in good repute during the last two centuries, but the accom- modation seems alwa3's to have been deficient. Dr. Borlase of Chester wrote two treatises in its praise, which are now scarce books. He sent copies of both to Mr. Blundell the "Cavalier," who in acknowledging the later one, published 1672, remarks — " To these waters next under God I do certainly owe my life. 'Tis now above four or five weeks since I gave them another visit by reason of our old acquaintance. I was pretty well when I went; I drank •them eleven or twelve days and returned perfectly well home. Yet I find them somewhat costly, for my stomach is so good that I eat all before me." I went with my Wife &c towards Holy-well we dined Aug. 711.. at Leverp : and Lodged at Chester. I went to Preston, y" Staff Quarrell with Mr. J. Ander- Aug.ieih. ton &c: from Preston I went by Curdeley to Lodg at Showley. I carted over y* Ford with Mrs. Walmes : &c we went Aug. .sth. to Rib-Chester. I came from Showley by Mrs. Blackburns of y^ Hill Aug. 19th. to Lankaster. I heard y^ Tryall between John Heys Atturney at Ormsk: Aug.a.st. and Mr. Ashton. Coz: Culcheth and his Mother &c dined here. Two of Aug. 24*. S' Rowland Standleys Doughters came. 1 6 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1703- Sept. ist. I went with my Wife to Garswood dined there and thence went to Burchley, we found not y^ Laydis at home. Sept. 4th. I dined at Croxtath found there S' Roger Bradshaw and his Brother, Mr. Standlay of Preston, &c. Sept. 7th. I went by Croxtath and Ditton to Dutton-Lodg where I lodged. Dutton Lodge, the seat of Charles, 6th Baron Gerard, of Bromley. He was son of Richard Gerard, Esq., of Wilderstone, Co. Stafford, who came up to London to give evidence at the time of the Titus Gates plot, but being himself accused was committed to Newgate and died in a few days of gaol fever. The last and 7th Baron Gerard was Rev. Philip Gerard, S.J., who succeeded his brother Charles in 1707, and died March 4, 1733, aged 68. Sir Harris Nicolas makes no reference to these two Lords in his Synopsis of the British Peerage. Sept. 8th. Lord Gerard I &c went to y^ Bowling Green we found Fox hunters there viz S"' George Warberton Mr. Ashton &c. sept.ioth. Lord Gerard, Pat: Gelib: and I went to see y'' great Tree in y® Park. Sept. nth. There was a Whit Buck Killed in Dutton Park. sept.isth. Mr. Wairing came hither and made his Complaint to me that he might not keep Pigeons. sept.2:st. I went to Ormsk: with Coz : Scaresb : where he met Mr. Sudall, Mr. Jamson, Mr. Thornton &c at y" Wheat Sheaf and I think Mr. Scaresb: swore to y'' Bill and Answer relating to y* Parsonage of Oughton. Sept. 23rd. Mr. Houghton and Mr. Ashurst dined at Scaresb: we had Musick at Night. Oct. 15th. I vi^ent to Ormsk : Race, five horses run and Mr. Edm : Traffords woone. of Crosby. 17 1703. I came in y* Coach with my Wife from Ormsk : betimes oct. 16th. in y^ Morning, we got home before seaven of y* Clock. I went in y^ Coach with my Wife Mother &c to Wm : oct. isth. Thehv : and Mr. Wairings it being y® Goosfeast. Mr. Alban Butler came to me with a Letter from Lord oct.2oih. Molineux. I went to Leverp: discoursed y^ Gunner of y^ Elizab : ocL^rd. Viseted Mr. Pool's Wife of Leve: I went to Leverp : with Coz : Th : Geli : I bought Solvers Nov. sih. of Mr. Sheelds. I met my Lord Molin : at y* Breck a Hunting. Nov.eth. I met Lord Molin: a Hunting we found no Hair, we Nov.sth. dined at y^ Sun at Low-hill, a larg Shot, ill drunk. I met Lord Molin : &c Mr. Trafford and Mr. Blund : a Nov. ,5th. Hunting at Low hill. I sent Wal : Thelw : to More hall to enquire after Lord Nov. .7ih. Biss: I met Lord Molin : &c a hunting at y* Breck we run Nov. 22nd. a Hair to Litherland. Lord Biss: Smith of Callipolis in Asia and Mr. Martin, Nov. 26th. came to Lodg here. Right Rev. James Smith, Bishop of Callipolis, V.A. of Northern District May 13, 1688. Died May 13, 1711, aged 66. He confirmed no at Crosby. Lord Biss : went to ye Grang dined there, and confermed Nov. 30th. above 100 as tis believed. My Wife walked towards y^ Grange in disgise. i8 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1703. Dec. ist. The case heard by Lord Biss : between Mr. Edw : Molineux, Rich : Tickley &c. Dec. jnd. I wated of y* Biss : part of y^ way towards Aigburth. Mr. Skarboroug from Townley came to lodg here. Dec. loth. I received y^ Glasses from Chester for y® Great Charriot. Dec. nth. I mct Lord MoHn : and his Son a hunting at Litherland. Dec. nth. I hunted for Sope and fond a great dele. Decuih. I dined at Aigburth, Mr. Harington and his Son were gon a Hunting. I Found Mr. Rigmaden, Simpkins, Tho : Howerd &c in y^ North-Chamber Carding and Drinking. Dec. 15th. A Bedlumber was here and had nothing I think, he was rude. Dec. 19th. My Wife and I heard Mr. Edw: Molineux hold forth at Marg: Howerds. DecsBih. I went to Ince after dinner to solemnise Mr. Blund: Birth-day he being now 40 years of Age. Mr. Ralf, Thomas, and John Tildesley were there. Dec. 29th. I went with my Wife and Aunt to dine at Moor-Hall, we found there Mrs. Hesketh of Rufford, Mrs. Scaresb : Mr. Ireland &c. Dec. 30th. We came with Mrs. Scaresb: Mrs. Harington, &c to Ormsk : to see Mrs. Bold, and so home. 1704. Jan. 4th. I went to see Parson Richmond, found with him Mr. Marsden, Mr. Danvers and Mr. Poole of Leverp : I think Parson Rich : had nuly been cut for y^ Stone. Jan. 9th. I skated on Land-Lake. of Crosby. 19 \ ~ 1704. I walked to Leverp : and dined with Capt° Edw : jan. mh. Tarleton. Captain Edward Tarleton had been commander of the Dublin man of war, and was Mayor of Liverpool in 1682. He had a numerous family, long connected with the fortunes of the city. Lived at Church Stile House, a quaint black and white timber building near the Church gate, Chapel Street, taken down about 1850. — Pictmis Memorials. My Wife went to be God-Mother to Mr, Fazakerleys jaQ.Mtb. Doughter Mary. My Lady Molineux sent Mr. Butler hither of a How- jan.icth. do-you. My Wife sent for Dr. Fabius, he said she was with jan.23rd. child. I hunted about Litherland and Walton w"" Leverp: Peb.sth. Doggs in Company of Mr. Silvester Richmond and Mr. MoHneux of Leverp : we had a long Chace. I hired John Banister to be my cowman, am to give Feb. 7th. him 50^ till Christmas and half a crown more is referd to me, I gave him one shilling in ernest. I went to Ormski : Cocking it being the second days Fcb.sih. fighting for a Plate, Mr. Blundell of Ince won it. I went by Ormsk : thence Mr. Howet and Pat Gelib : Feb. mh. went with me to lodg at Dungenhall. I walked with Coz Tho : Gelibrond to Antley, Mr. Fob. 15th. Rushton was ill of y^ Gout. I went to ye Aile-hous in Rushton with my three Coz: Heb..6ih. Gelibronds, Mr. Howet &c we were very merry. I saw Ri : Jump married to Cath : Fisher. Feb. igih. 20 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1704- Feb. 20th. She quarrelled with me about her not tacking Phisick and my not coming to see and pitty her. Feb. 24th. I went after dinner to Leverp : I saw Mrs. Travis who was Sick, and went to wish Dr Tarlton Joy. Feb. 27th. My wife and Aunt went in y" Coach to Karr-hall. Feb. 29th. Some good Wives came to turn Pan-kakes. Mar. 8th. Thc Huxtcr women mesured Apples in y° Hall. Mar.i2th. My Wife and I went to Margery Howerds to hear Mr. Edw: Molineux hold forth. Mar. 13th. My Lord Molineux and his Son, Mr. Eastcot, Dr. Thos: Tildesley, Cap : Rob : Fazakerley came hither whilst I was Mesuring and Maping Land in y'' Town Field. Mar.isth. I sent Henry Bilsbu : to my Lord Molineux and Mr. Babthrop after their Preservasion from Fier. Mar. 20th. I went to Leverp: with my Instruments to Mr. Moss, I dined at Mr. Lancasters and drunk at Secombs with Mr. Hind, Mr. Harrington &c. Mar. 23th. I scut Walt: Thelw: to order my Tennants in y^ More- houses to sett Starr upon Fryday next. April 3rd. I was at y^ Race on Crosby Marsh between Mr. Har: Mair and a Hors of Mr. Molineux his of Leverp : April 7th. I went with Pat Gelib : and his Nephew to Leverp: we dined at y® Angell, thence we went to Aigbourth and so back to Leverp : I found S' James Poole at Mr. Molineuxes where I drunk some time. I heard the Cookow and saw one Swallow. April i3:h. Pat: Gelibrond found a Crosier Growing. of Crosby. 21 ■ 1704. Richa : Ainswo : brought my new bed home from Mr. April 25ih. Aldredg, Uphoulsterer at Lev : I went to Leverp : and heard upon y^ Sands that Mr. April »8th. Edw : Molin : was found ded on y* Sands. Coz Butler went on Bord the Debora for Dubhn Sanders Drury Com- mander. I went to y' Grange where I found y* Corps of Mr. April agth. Edw: Molin: layed upon my Carriage in order to be buried. Rev. Edward Molyneux resided with his brother, Richard Moly- neux, Esq., at the Grange, and was an admirable missionary priest. A village tradition, given in the preface to Crosby Records (Clidham Society, No. 12) makes his death the result of foul play, but Mr. Blundell's entries give no countenance to this story. In the Harkirke register (Crosby Records, p. 81), the following entry is in the Diarist's handwriting — " Mr. Edw : Molineux bourn at Alt-Grang was unfor- tunately killed by a faule off his horse April y® 28th, 1704, being in y^ 65th year of his age. He was a Clergy Priest of Doua and had for 38 yeares been a painfull Missioner in Formby, Crosby and many other places having under his charg at his death more than eight hundred penitents besides Children that depended upon him, he was buryed y^ 29th of Apr. A.D. 1704 in y^ Harkirk about tenn of y* Clock at night." I saw Th Gerard married at y^ Grang to Ailes Sumner. April joih. Dr. Shaw and Mr. Edw: Molineux of Formby, shot May 2nd. Rooks with Stonbows at Ince. I was at y^ Marriage of Edw: Tatlock to Ann Bootle. May 7th. I went with my Wife and Aunt to dine at Ageburth, Mayioih. there was Mr. Holford, Mr. Bretter, Mr. Smallwood &c. I went to Ormsk : to y^ Buriall of Dr. Barton. May 12th. The Miller fidled in y^ Mill-Kill to y^ Neighbours. May^sth. I went to Wigan and there discoursed with S"^ Roger Maysyth. Bradshaw concerning ;^ioo owing by him to Mr. Christo : 1704. 22 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, Bradshaw I drunk with Sir Roger, his brother &c I saw y* German Artist. I lodged at Doctor Worthingtons. May 30th. I went with my Wife to dine at Mr. Aldridges in Leverp : We were at the Buriall of our Landlord Rob : Secomb. June 5th. Pat: Tho : Wofold held forth the first time at Winny Marrowes, most of my servants went to hear him. Rev. T. Wolfall had come to succeed Rev. E. Molyneux at the Grange. He was brother to Richard Wolfall, Esq., of Moor Hall, and had a brother John a Jesuit. June nth. I went to Croxtath to welcome Mr. Carrall Molineux into y^ Country, the discourse of y^ Gold Watch. June 13th. I went to Low Hill to y^ Doctors and to Leverp: I drunk w"" Mr. Gleast and Dr. Tarlton, it was a wet night. June 14th. I dined at y^ Grange was present at y*" Valewing of Books I bought some, Great Gilbert Norris was there. June i5ih. I discoursed Rich : Tickle of y^ Town concerning his Sons Idleness. June 19th. I ploughed with a Culter and no Suck in y^ Mossheigh to find Stocks. Stocks or roots of large trees are still found in ploughing the low lands, which show the former abundance of forests. June 23rd. I went by Ditton to Chester w"" Coz: Tho: Gelib: we lodged at y^ Golden Lion. june24ih. I went with Coz: Tho: Gelib: from Chester to Holiwell we lodged at y^ Cross-Ceyes. june25ih. I went into y^ Well with severall of y^ Pilgrime Sisters &c Smiths by Name in Sropshire. of Crosby. 23 1704. Cap : Rob : Faz : came to borrow a horse to goe to june 28th. Leaton Rase on. I went to Leverp : brought home a Cradle &c w"'*' was jui, ,st. bought at Chester Fair. I was at Great Crosby Race between Mr. Silv: Rich- juiysrd. monds Bay Mair and Mr. Ather: Gray. Wal : Thelw : went to Lord Molin : Rase at Leaton juiy 5th. Heyes. I opened a Box of Babby Clothes w"'' was sent to my juiy 7ih. Wife by my Lady Webb. I went to advise with Dr. Fabius, I dined there, thence juiy 14th. went to Leverpoole. I rode to Adams Spaw to drink the waters. juiyjoth. I gave one Shilling to Coz: Jo: Gelib: for w'''' he is to juiyaist. give me Five Pound when his Brother is a Biss : This was owing to the finding of a Crosier by Rev. W. Gilli- brand a short time back. He made a similar bet with the latter. Lady Gerard of Bromley came to Lodg here. Aug.7tb. I went with Coz: William Gellibrond and Mr. Richard- Aug.sih. son to Mr. Fosters we Shot there with Bow and Arrows. I went to Leverp : with Lady Gerard, my Wife &c we Aug. 9th. saw y* New Church and went to Mr. Richmonds. I saw Rich: Tickley deliver at the Grange a Challice Aus.mh. to Mr. Clark it was left by Mr. Martine to y^ Parish of St. Patricks Kilkenney. Mr. Howett dined here, he brought y* News of a great Aug uih. Victory got by Lord Marl: and of three Generalls taken. 24 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1704. Aug. 14th. I went to Preston Fair, I dined w"" Mr. Waran Mr. Osbadelston at Rich : Jacksons. Aug. 19th. I went to Croxtath with Coz: Rich: Butler and dined there with old Mr. Traflford of Trafford Mr. Wm. Escot «&c. Aug. 21st. I went to Adams Spaw with Coz: Rich: Butler thence we went to Mr. Fosters. Aug. 29th. I went w"" Sister Midleton to Mr. Howets where we found S' Tho : Tankerd &c Mr. Scaresb : &c Dr. Traps and Mr Entwistley. Sept. i5t. S' Tho : Tankerd &c Mr. Scaresb : &c dined here. Marsh and Anderton played. William Anderton, the piper, had this year fallen into the hands of a press-gang, and Mr. Blundell wrote to Captain Bradshaw on his behalf. He says that he had hitherto supported a wife and seven children by his industry, and chieily by playing on the pipes. Sept. 13th. I Bound John Blund : Apprentice for Virginia before Mr. Mair of Leverpoole. Sept. 15th. I went to Leverp : and put John Blund: on Bord y^ Lorrell for Virginia, I paid £^ to Cap : Tarlton for his Passage. Sept. i6th. I went on Bord y^ Lorrell with Cap : Edw : Tarlton to see Jo : Blund : whom I was sending to Virginia to my Brother Rich : BIu : Sept. 22nd. My Wife was delivered of her first Child called Mary. Sept. 24th. We prayed on y^ Stayers. sept.25tii. My Eldest Child was Christoned Mary, Coz: Scaresb: Godfather, Sister Midleton God-Mother. of Crosby. 25 ' ' \ '~~ ' 1704. I went to Leverp : and Drunk with Ben. Branker and sepL^oth. Mr. Pryer. Coz : Rich: Butler and I took 3 Bottles of Wine and sepi. 27111. cold Py to Litherland, where we met Lord Molin : and his two Sons, they had been hunting. Many Crosby Wives came to see my Wife. I showed oci. isi. my Black Kattle to my Brother Langd : Went to Morehall and found there Mr. Harington his oct.ard. Wife &c Coll : John Ashton came after dinner. I met Lord Molin: a Coursing behind Crosby Schoole oct. leth. he and his Son dined w"" me. Lord Langd : and I met Mr. Blund : in y' Mossess a oct. 17th. Coursing thence we went to the Goosfeast Anderton played here at Night. I went to Leverp : with my Wife and Mrs. Ann Aspinwall oct.jsrd. we went to see Mrs. Hurst y^ Maires. Collon Butler, his Doughter and Lady went hence to oct.jeih. Ormsk : I lent them a Pair of my Horses to help their Wresty Grays to draw. Mr. Char: Harington and his Sister and Mrs. Holdford oct.28tb. dined here. Mr. Guildus came to draw out a Tooth for my Wife. Nov. 3rd. I visited the Sick in Little Crosby. Nov. 27th. I dined at Collo: Butlers thence went towards Dungenhall Dec.eth. but got no further than Park-hall where I Lodged. I went to wish good Suckcess to Mr. Molineux of Dec. Mih. Croxtath ere he went a Courting I dined there Mr. Blund: of Prescot came to Croxtath. 26 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1704. Dec. .8th. I went to Lodg at Dungenhall. Dee. igih. Mr. Chades Townley Junior dined at Dungen : I helped to Bar out y^ Childrens Master Mr. Norcross. I went w"* Coz: Tho: Gelib: and Tom Walmesley to Antley Mr. Rushton was at home but the Doughters were not in the house, It snewed. Dcc.sist. I came with Mr. Wingate from Dungenhall. DM.jsth. Collon : Butler, Mrs. Hesketh of y*" Meales Mrs. Ann Entwistley &c dined at Scaresb : and Dansed till next Morning. Dec.3ist. Mrs. Scaresb : my Wife &c went in the Coach to Gorsuch. Mr. Rob : Fazakerley of Ormsk : and I walked to Gorsuch, we Men were extreaimly Merry. 1705- jaa.eih. I went after Diner to Ince w* Coz: Rich: Butler he Ran and Cap : Rob : Fazak : hoped for a wager of 5^- jau. luth. I went with Coz: Rich: Butler to see Parson Richmond, but he being gon to Leverp : we went to see Parson Marsden who we found ill of y^ Gout, coming home we called at Parson Wairings and eat an Oat Kake and Butter with him. Jan. i6ih. I was at y^ Buryall of Mrs. Bootle at Melling there was Mr. Poole Merchant, Mr. Houghton Mr. Nich : Fazak: Swarbrick &c. From Melling I went to Sefton Church Ail-Hous to drink Coz : Rich : Butlers Fairwell there was Collo: Butler Mr. Howet &c. Jan. 31st. I went to Ormsk: to y^ Funerall of Mrs. Ann Bold there was Collon Ashton, Parson Sudall, Mr. Jamson &c : I dined at Collonell Butlers thence he and I went to y^ Wheat Sheaf where we found y^ Trustees of Peter Lathom viz Mr. of Crosby. 27 1705. Scaresb: Mr. Rigby of Harrock, Mr. John Heyes &c. There was also Mr. Holland Lord Darbys Servant. I went to Leverp : and bought a Hat of Mr. Chorley Feb. 3rd. and discoursed Mr. Aldridge concerning a Bed for my Mother. I looked at young Mr. Emerj^s Clock. My Wife and I went to Lidiat, she fell of the Hors Feb.stb. just after her mounting, we took a Fat Goose with us for Bess Fazak: Collon : Butler dined here, he brought News of taking Pcb.c.h. Horses in Cheshire. I went to Mr. Wairings he spoke much against J 2^' Feb.rtii. My Wife rode behind me to Ormsk : PeKigm. Pat: Wofold gave Ashes here and spoke to us. peb.iisi. My House was slightly sirched for Armes by Mr. Leigh Feb. 22nd. Capt : in Lord Darbys Regeament and by — Dutton the High Cunstable. Mr. Plumb and I discoursed Mr. Gleast at his Hous in Feb. 24th. Leverp : concerning his Morgage to us. I drunk at y^ Angell with Mr. Morphoy, Mr. Gunter &c. I sold my Rabet Skins viz 4 Doz : and 7 to John Feb. 27th. Stewerd for 14^- I saw 3 Beggars whiped out of Leverp: Mar. 5th. My Wife rid behind me to Leverp: she saw y* Elephant. Mar.eih. I dined at Garswood, there was Coz: Jo: Gelib: Mr. Mar.gth. Will : Houghton &c : the Children not being at home I went after them to Burchley, thence to the Grank and so home. 28 Diary of Nicholas Bliindell, Mar.i5ih. I went to Croxtath to pay my first visit to Mr. Moli- neux his Lady, I dined there as did also Mr. Chorley, Mr. Wofold &c, Mr. Bowers my Lord Gerards Gentle- Man was there. Richard, afterward 5th Viscount, Molyneux had just married Mary, daughter of Francis, Lord Brudenell. She brought him a portion of £"11,000, and there was a settlement made in her favour of £1,200 per annum. She was 25 years of age at the time of her marriage, and lived till 1766. The}' had no surviving male issue, and he was succeeded at his death in 1738 by his brother Caryll, of whom the diarist frequently makes mention. Mar. igih. I Went wlth my Wife in y^ Coach to Ormsk : to wel- come my Lord Mountg : and his Grand-Son Richard into this Countrey. This was Richard, 5th Viscount Mountgarret, who had married for his iirst wife Emilia, eldest daughter of the " Cavalier," grand- father to the Diarist. Edmund, the " Colonel," was their eldest son, and he was then living with his wife at Ormskirk, where now his son Richard, afterwards 7th Viscount, joined them. Lord Mount- garret had been outlawed and his estates forfeited for his adherence to James IL, but his successor was restored in blood and honors 1721. The latter had three sons who successively held the title, and the youngest, Edmund, conformed to the EstabHshed Church November 7, 1736. In 1749 he took his seat in the House of Peers, and was ancestor to the present Henry Edmund, 13th Viscount Mountgarret. This house stands next in rank to the Ormond family as head of the Butlers. Mar.>4th. I scnt Rlch : Cartwrit to see Mrs. Scaresb: who was Lying in of a Doughter. April 4ih. Mr. Plumb and I met at Mr. Jamsons and discoursed him concerning Gleasts Hous and his Morgage thence we went to Mr. Peter Ashtons and he showed us Gleasts Hous and Garden. April 6th. I Stated Accounts w"" Mr. Jos: Hawley for Mesuring and Maping of y^ Township of Little Crosby, I gave him one Guiney and am to give him two more if he be living of Crosby. 29 this day two years, he received Something formally in part of payment. My Wife and I went to eat a Tansy at Char : Howerds, April sch. Mr. Molineux of y^ Grange &c came to us. I went with my Wife to Dr. Fabius. April mh. Dr. Daniel Fabius was a Baptist, and gave to that body a Cemetery at Everton, where he was buried in 1718. — Picton's Memo- rials. His name is perpetuated in Fabius Chapel, Everton Road. Pat : Hesketh of Mosbourgh suped here. April leth. I appeared in y^ Bishops Court at Chester upon Account April 19th. of a Sitation procured against me by John Hurst, I dined at y^ Golden Lyon w"" Mr. Egerton, Mr. Wm. Massy &c thence I went to Poole to wish Joy to S' James, when I came S' James Poole, his Lady &c were just gone to Standlow. Sir James Poole had just married his third wife, Frances, daughter and co-heir of Major-General Randolph Egerton of Bettey, Co. Stafford, and widow of Sir John Corbet, Bart. Stanlaw was the spot which the monks had formerly exchanged for the more pleasant abode of Whalley. I dansed and Played at Bragg with y^ Ladys &c at April aoih. Poole. Mrs. Mary and An Standley came to Poole. I saw the three Women that were said to be Bewitched. I came from Poole by y^ Rock Boat so to Leverpoole April 21st. and then home. I sent Henr: Bilsb: to Croston w"" Bess and got her Maystt. covered with Dogg-Lad. An inscription at Myerscough Lodge, " Old Dog Lad 1714," has puzzled antiquaries. It is supposed to have been a nick-name of Thomas Tyldesley who lived there, and who in his curious diary calls Mr. Winder " my brother Dog-Lad." Here we find it to be the name of a stallion which belonged to old Isaac Lightbourne of Formby. 30 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1705- Mayiiih. Walter Thel : left y^ hous in a fret upon Account of a falst Story told him by his Wife relaiting to my Wife. Mayiath. My Wife and I discoursed Ann Thel: she owned her fault, in raising a lye of my Wife. May 14th. Rich: Falshaw Postilion to my Lord Gerard came hither, he sayed Mr. Jo: Gerard was dead. May 28th. My Wife and I went in y^ Coach to Wigan, we were at Mrs. Aspinw: Dr. Worth: Mr. Langtons and Mrs. Heskeths we light at Diconsons, coming home Rowbothem y^ Taylor stayed us at Hollond to take mesure of my Wife. June 2nd. I wcttt after dinner to Leverp : I drunk with Parson Wairing, Edw : Tarlton and Thomas Brownbill. I also drunk with Major Broadknax. June 6th. Rougbotham brought a Silk Mantue and Peticoat he had made for my Wife, y^ Silk was bought at Leverp : of Mr. Shaw. junesih. Severall Carts fetched Brick from my Brick Kill for Mr. Tasburgh but without my leave. junei2th. I went to Leverp: and Received Harkerk Prints of Mr. Aldridg which he got printed for me at London of y^ Money found in y^ Harkerk. I drunk w"^ Mr. Becket a Parson, Hunter the Tanner. For a full account of the Harkirke see Crosby Records, which contains an engraving from this copper plate, still preserved at Crosby Hall. June 22nd. I tryed an experiment w"* eleven living Miss in a Hot Pot. Mice. of Crosby. 31 1705- I went to Leverp : with my Wife she Rode single on juneasth. Button, I bought a Livery of Mr. Maior for Watty, we were treated by Mr. Leadbeter with Anchovys and by Mrs. Secomb with Botled Punch. Uncle and Aunt Gerard &c Lodged here. juiyioih. Dr. Gerard had settled as a physician in Durham, and married Bridget, youngest daughter of the "Cavalier." He was of the Gars- wood family. Mrs. Gerard died June 27, 1707, Lady Molineux was God-Mother to Mr. Blundells Dough- Aug.eib. ter Ann, I Stood as God-Father for Coz : Francis Anderton, I dined at Ince with Lady Molin : Lady Gormonstown and my Wife. I went to Speak to wish Joy to Mr. Norris, I dined Ang. 7.h. there and called at Aigbourth. This was on occasion of the marriage of Dr. Norris, July 12, to Anne, sole daughter and heir of Peter Gerard, of Crewood, Co. Chester. Of Dr. Norris, so long connected with the fortunes of Liverpool, something will be found in the Norris Papers. Mr. Hen: and Rob: Witherington Presb : Lodged here. auk. utb. I gave 6^ in presence of y* two Mr. Witheringtons to Mrs. Aspinwall y* Midwife for w*"*" she is to give me six Guineys whensoever she is Married to any one. My Songoars in y^ Flat Sung to me and I gave them Aug. 17th. Billets and Apples. Songoars. — A songle is a handful of gleaned corn after it has been tied up. — Wright's Prov. Glos. I went after dinner to Leverp: and bought something Aug.j^nd. for a Coat for Mally. A Souldier and his Wife was set in y° Stocks at Leverp : 32 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1705. Aug. 26th. The News of a Battle twixt Vandosmey and Prince Eugeane was read in y^ Buttery by Pat : Gelibrond. Sept. 6th. I was at ChildoU Rase where two Mr. Molineuxes his Horses and two Mr. Haringtons Horses Ran, Mr. Char : Haringtons wan. Sept. 10th. I Woun Pat Gelib: hat of him at Tables and lost it again. Sept. nth. I had a great Breaking, they were found with Meat and had a Fidler and Anderton at Night and four Garlands were brought to some Great Crosby Women after Supper into y^ Halle. The breaking of flax was done by passing the stalks between ground rollers, and the broken shives were beaten out by revolving blades. The fibre being thus freed from its wooden core, was rendered fit for the market. As this process corresponded with the harvesting of corn, it was always an occasion of a festive gathering. Sept. 2oih. I heard y*^ first time of y® death of my Brot : Rich : Bl: he dyed in Mary-Land Nov. 30, 1704. Sept. 25th. Mr. Hurst Maior of Liverp : his Wife and Doughter came hither. scpt.seih. Going to Leverp : Ri : Cartw : was stopt upon my Mare Harper with a Rope that Came cross y^ way from y^ Ship the Hope-well. sept.3otb. Mr. Wairing told me whot Gests he was to have at the Goos-feast and invited me thither. Oct. 2nd. I went to Leverp: to Enquire after the death of my Brother I discoursed Mr. Worthington Mr. Houghtons Factor about him and his Widow. I drunk w"' Mr. Morecroft. of Crosby. 33 1705- I went to Leverp : to enquire after the death of my oct. ;&. Broth : Rich : from Mr. Lancaster and Mr. Cattaway, I gave Mr. Cataw : my Swourd. Mr. Cattaway had been a Missionary Priest in Maryland. Prob- ably the gift would be in recognition of some service rendered to his late brother. The Rev. Henry Cattaway, S.J., died March 13, 1718, aged 43. I went to y" Rase on Oughton Moss where Mr. Darey's oci.gth. Kricket beat y^ famous London Dimple and two others. I went to Leverp: to discourse Mr. Houghton about od.ijih. my Broth : Rich : but he had not time, so I discoursed Cap : Edw : Tarlton and Captain Brown. Mr. Worthington and I drunk at The : Heskeths w"" oci. .jih. Parson Richmond, Sudall, Brookbanks Parson Wairing &c. I went a Coursing to Holsold, I dined there at Seath oct.aoih. Bibbys w"" Parson Brownhill Cap : Hambleton, Mr. Pet : Ashton, Mr. Scarisbrick Mr. Howet &c. I went to Leverp : and drunk at y* Talbot with Collo : n^v. is.. White, Collo: Butler, Mr. Sheelds &c. I was at Chads Howerds where Mr. Plumb kept my nuv. 13th. Court this day, he Lodged here as also did Mr. Clayton of Adlington. My Wife rode behind me towards the Meales to see a Nov.aiUi. Ship that was cast away but finding the way farther than we expected and hearing the Ship was broack to peeces we turned back homwards Re infecta. My Servants Joyned and had a Snap-Dragon. Marga: Oughton dined here she told us of S"^ James cec.jud. Pooles goods being seased. 34 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1705. Dec. 6th. Wal: Thelwall bought me 10 Beas at Ormsk : very cheap viz for {11 . 15^ . o. Dec. sth. Pat : GeHb : went to Ormsk : my Wife and I went along with him to see him safe over Sefton Water, Dec. 15th. I went to Leverp : and made a viset to Mr. Houghton. I drunk at Mr. Smiths with him Coll : Butler, Sandiford, Mr. Sheelds, Mr. Howet, Mr. Wofold and Mr. Ince, some talk about Taxing Merchants. Dec. i6th. Pat : Gelib : came not to Calves Feet. Dec. i8ih. I sent Ri : Cartw : to Scaresb : with Oring Coullerd Ribbans, I sent Watty to Leverp : for some fine Edging. Dec. 30th. Decu^nd. I payed Mr. Morecroft for Aurora Riban. I went with my Wife in y® Coach to Ormskirk I dined at Collon : Butlers w"" Mr. Pet : Ashton Dr. Lancaster &c. Mr. H. Tyarer Caligula, Mr. Howet &c were there. 1706. Jan. 3rd. Mrs. Standley and Mrs. Trafford came w"" Mrs. Blund: . of Ince to make a Viset to my Wife, Anderton played here at Night there was little dansing but great Carding. Jan. .|th. I went in y^ Coach to Leverp:, we were at Mrs. Sweetings, I drunk with Mr. Sheelds and Swarberick at Lathoms. Jan. 5th. I lent my Carriage to carry the Corps of Ellen Speak- man to Alker. Jan. laih. I came from Preston Fair to Bank where I dined at Mr. Fleetwoods w"" him, his Lady, the Parson, Mr. Hesketh Junior of the Meales &c. Jan. Mih. Mrs. Molineux of Croxtath was brought to Bed of her first Child tis to be called Mary. of Crosby. 35 1706. I dined at Croxtath w"" Coll: Butler, S"' Wm. Gerard jan. :5th. Mr. Wm. Molineux &c. Anderton was here at Night. I Received at Leverp : /'ao from Wm. Clough the Elder Jan. 19th. for Rent. Leadbeter y" Groser gave me a Pint of Claret in y* Talbot. I went to Lever: to take leave of Coll: Butl : ere he jan.igth. went towards Ireland, I Suped at y* Talbot with him Capt: Pywell, Mr. Peter Ashton &c: we set up drinking till Morning, we had y" Drum beat whilst we drank healths. My Wife and I went to the Race at Childol, Mr. Feb. 4*. Charles Haringtons Mare wone all the three Heats we came home through Lev : and Mr. Plumb treated us with wine and Sweetmeats. 6th. I went to Ormsk : to fetch my Lord Mountg : hither Feb. to Lodg for some time but he was not able to ride on Hors-back. Coz : Scaresb : dined here there came alog with him Feb.soi. Coz: Mary Bradshaw of Midlom, one Mrs. Ingleby and Mr, Peketh Presb : Mary Bradshaw belonged to a branch of the Bradshaighs of Haigh, settled at Middleham, Co. York. Mr. Tho: Gorsuch dined here. Mr. Chads Harington Feb.ioih. came hither from Ince after dinner we played at Tick-tack. A kind of backgammon, played both with men and pegs. — Webster's Dictionary. Lord Mountg: had a Letter from my Ant Fr : Bl : to Mar. 4th. advise him to keep in private. Francis Blundell, sister of the " Cavalier," a woman of rare courage and ability, had devoted herself to the fortunes of Lord 36 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1706. Mountgarret and his family from the day of his marriage with her niece, and had rendered them invaluable service. Now, in her extreme old age, we find her still watchful for his security. In the time of the Civil Wars, when her bi^other had to seek refuge else- where, she kept his house at Crosby, and had to endure the frequent visits of rude troopers, whose plundering propensities obliged her to bury her bread from meal to meal. Mar.Bth. Cap: Rob: Faz: brought us good News about the Bill against Papists. Mar. I2th. Collo : Butlers Servant Thomas came from Dublin and told us of the Death of y^ Collonells Lady. Mar.soih. I was w"' Mr. Molin : of y^ Grange and Ralph Low my Lord Molineux his Steward in y^ Sand-hills, we order'd Stakes to be set to divide y^ Grange Warand from some of my Tenants Land. Mar. 23rd. Mr. Wairing introduced me to see Mr. Coopers Flower Garden at Leverpoole. April isi. Mr. Babthrop dined here. I discoursed him concerning an Exchange for Mr. E. S. Rev. Albert Babthorpe, S.J., fifth son of Sir Ralph Babthorpe, of Babthorpe, Co. York, was the last survivor of an eminent knightly family that had existed for twenty generations. Its staunch adher- ence to the ancient faith had exposed its members to the severest persecutions, in which all its once ample possessions melted away. (See Foley's Records, vol. 3, p. 192). Father Babthorpe was then Chaplain at Croxteth and Provincial S.J. He died April 13, 1720, aged 74. He is frequently mentioned in the diary of Bishop Cart- wright, with whom he was on intimate terms while Chaplain to Sir James Poole, of Poole, near Chester. The priest designated by the initials E.S. was probably Rev. Edward Scaresbrick, S.J., uncle to the Squire of Scaresbrick, who had been Chaplain and Preacher to James II. His prominent position at Court rendered him obnoxious to the new Government, and he was now in his old age living very quietly at Crosby. He died February ig, 1709. Some of his Court sermons were published, notably one. Catholic Loyalty, which was printed by order of King James. He wrote also the Life of Lady Warner, printed 1692, and several unpublished letters of Crosby. 37 1706. of the "Cavalier" are addressed to him. He probably retired to Scarisbrick Hall, as we find him later on bringing Father Aldred to Crosby. My Wife I &c dined at y^ Wool-pack. I bought some Apriijrd. things at a Sale at Mr. Brooksbys. I bought some new Puter of Mr. Halsold. Ellen Nelson had her Wages payed with orders to be Apni^.h. gon, on account of some words that past, but she went not. I went to y^ Hall of Kerkby to see Edw: Webster, I Apriiuih. found there Mr. Sharpies, Mrs. Webster the Maiores of Leverp : Mrs. Hartley, &c. My Mother bid adue to Crosby, most of the neighbours April aist. came to take leave of her. I went in my Coach to Waring : w"" my Mother and Wife. We Lodged at Mat : Pages in Warington. My Mother and her Maid Mar: Wins: &c. took Coach April «nd. at Waring: for London. My Wife and I Dined and Lodged at Southward. Mrs. Blundell went to the Benedictine Convent at Ghent, where she had two daughters nuns. Here she ended her days piously on December 2, 1707, having made the vows of religion on her death-bed. Southward is Southworth Hall, then tenanted by Mr. Golding, a Catholic lawyer. It was long owned by the Jesuit Fathers, who sold it in 182S. Some years ago the writer saw within it the room formerly used as a Chapel, with decorated panels, &c. The Hall itself has been re-fronted and modernised. All tradition of " Dobs Font" seems to have died out in the neighbourhood. I bought a Little very fine Muslin for Ruffles at Mr. April 30a.. Morecrofts, he drank w*^ me at y* Wool-Pack. Collonell Butler and his Son James came hither out of May 3rd. Ireland after y^ death of his Lady. 38 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1706. May 8th. I subscnbcd to contribute to Leverp: Plate for a Hors Rase. May 13th. My Wife and I went to Leverp : and saw Acted the Earl of Essex. Mr. Plumb and his Wife, Mr. R. Norris &c was there, we came home about two of y* Clock in y^ Morning. May 15th. I was at y° Great Plate at Lev: where Lord Molineux his Hors beat Mr. Sil : Richmonds Maor, I drunk a hors back with Alderman Tyarer &c. Mayieth. I was at y^ little Plate at Leverp: where five Horses run for it, a Chesnut Horse belonging to one Robinson in Wales wan it. Col : Butler, Mr. Tute, Mr. Shields my Wife and I saw y^ Gaimster acted at Leverp : May 8ist. Mr. Babthorp sent to Pat : Gelibrond not to leave us till farther orders. May 28th. Coz : Dick Butler and I went to Leverp: we drunk w"" Mr. Leadbeter at y" Golden Fleece. I bought stuff &c of Mr. Hurst for a Coat for Mally. Coming home we saw a great many Purposes between Bank hall and Leverp : rouling in y^ Sea. May 29th. Coz: Dick Butler and I went to Bank-hall to see Mr. Rob: Moore. June 6th. I sent Mally to stay at More-hall. My Wife and I began our Journey in our Coach for York Shire, we called at Collo : Butlers in Ormsk : we made a small Stay at y^ Ancker in Eckleston. I left y^ Coach and Rid to Rushton More where I found Coz: Tho: Gelibrond. We Lodged at y" Blew Bell in Whaley. of Crosby, 39 1706. From Whaley we went to Gisbourn thence to y^ Lamb junerih. at Skipton where we Lodged. From Skipton we went towards Bluver-houses and were junesth. overturned a Little Short of Hasle-wood where we were assisted as I take it by one Mr. Knip, thence we came to Harragate and so to Stockhild. My Brother Midi: shewed me his Fishponds and my junegth. Sister Shewed me outhousing. My Wife and I went w"* my Sister in her Coach to janenth. Ribston S"^ Henry Goodricks Fine Hous. Mr. Witham formerly of y^ Bass suped at Stockhild. My Brother and Sister took my Wife and me in their junesth. Coach to Haslewood S" Walt : Vavasors where we dined w"' Sir Wal : and his Lady. Coz: Michaill Ann, his Wife, Mr. Marmaduke Ann juuemh. and Mrs. Carlton dined at Stockh : My Sister Midi: took my Wife and me in her Coach juneirth. to Brammam Coz : Mick : Anns where we dined w"" S"^ Walter Vavasor, his Lady, two Mr. Charltons &c. My Brother Midleton took Coz: Mick: Ann and me in june.sii.. his Coach to see the Droping Well at Knesbrough, thence we wet to Harrogate where I taisted both y^ Sweet and Stinking Spaw Water, I saw there Morrison y^ Riming Musition, he played very well. Morrison had played there 70 years at the time of his death, in 1732. He lived 102 years, and was succeeded by Metcalf, who died in 1810, aged 93. For an account of this extraordinary character, " Blind Jack of Knaresborough," see Yorkshire Oddities, by Baring Gould. My Wife and I came from Stockhild, my Sister Midi: juneigth. brought us in her Coach to York, we dined at y^ Falcon, 1706. 40 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, my Sister went home and my Brother Midi : went with us in our Coach to Holme where we Lodged. juneaoih. I Went with my Lord Langd : and my Brother Midi: to y® Bowling-Green at Lansburrough my Lord Burlingtons, we found their S' Tho : Rudston of Heaton and his Son, Mr. Rob : Doleman of Pocklington, Mr. Edw : Fenwick &c. junesist. My Lord Langdale my Brother Midlet: and I went to Cliff Mr. Philip Langdales, he not being at home we staid till he came and then drunk and afterwards we took Bumpers on Horsback. June 22nd. My Lord Langd: hunted a Buck w"* S"' Marmaduke Constable they killed him. My Lord Langd : went to y^ Buriall of Mrs. Metham. June 23rd. Mr. Peter Vavisor of Willitoft, Mr. Langdale of Haugh- ton, Mr. Doleman &c dined at Holme. June 24th. We dined at Evringham S"" Marmaduke Constables, there was Mr. Edw: Hales of Byland Abbey, Mr. Charlton Jun' of York &c. iune25tu. My Lord Langd: my Brother Midi: and I went to Pocklington and dined at Mr. Dolemans w"" Mr. George Palmer of Neybourn and his Broth : Will : Mr. Lauson of Moorby, Mr. Medcalf S' Marmad : Constable, &c. June 27th. Parson Savage came to my Lord Langdales, we went together to Launsbr : Green where we bouled w"" S'' Marm : Constable, Mr. Edw Fenwick, Mr. Best of South Dalton, &c. June 28th Went to Reswick Castle where we saw the Widdow Lawder and a Son and Doughter of hers. lunezgih. Mrs. Lawder &c came to Holme, S' Marm: Constable, Mr. Fenwick and Mr. Charlton came we drunk hard in y^ Summerhous. of Crosby. 41 1707. My Wife and I came from Holme to York in order to juncsoth. goe towards Durham, we dined and Lodged at y^ Black Swan. I went w"* Coz : Tho : Gelib : to Mrs. Pastons. We came in y® Stage Coach from Darlington to Durham juiymd. where we Lodged at my Uncle Gerards, we had in y* Coach with us one who passed for a great Fortune, but we suppose she is not, we think her name is Wright. Mr. Kennet of Coxoe, Mr. Bradshaw of Midleholme juiy4ti.. and his Doughter Mary dined w"" us. We dansed at Mr. Wood his School and afterwards we juiy sa. drank together and went with our Musick about the Streets. My Wife &c went in Mr. Fosers Coach to Coxoe. juiy gil. Mr. Foser, Mr. Pudsye &c dined with us at Dr. Gerards. juiysih. My Wife and I began our Journey in y^ Stage Coach from Durham to York. My Lord Lang : Mr. Savage and I went to Launsburroug juiy mh. Green where we bouled with S"^ Marma : Const : Mr. Jourden Langdale, Mr. Faux, Mr. Best &c. We Stired not from Holme I gather'd Goosberrys in juiy,2th. y° Garden w"" Mrs. Errington. My Wife and I came from Holme, we Passed over Booth juiy .3th. Ferry y® River Vese, we came to my Uncle Anns of Burgwallis. Vese = Ouse. Mr. Tho : Percy of Stubs Walden and his Uncle suped juiy ism. at Burgwallis. We went to Stubs Walden. juiyigth. My Aunt Ann took my Wife and me in her Coach to juiyjisi. old Mr. Anns of Frickley, we suped there, there was old i7o6. July 25th. 42 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, Mr. Ann, Mr. George Ann and his Wife, Mr. More of Bamburrow and his Doughter. July 241b. Went to see Robbin-Hud Well and to The: Horncastles. Went to Bamborrow Mr. Mores. Many of the names above enumerated are to be found in Cosin's List, amongst the Yorkshire CathoHcs who registered their estates 1719. Lord Langdale of Holme, £599 8s. 8d. ; Robt. Dolman of Pocklington, ^^582 is. gd. ; Mr. Peter Vavasour of Willitofts, ^135 los. ; Mr. Philip Langdale of Houghton, £697 4s. 4d. ; Sir Marmaduke Constable of Everingham, £778 los. 6d. ; Mr. Geo. Palmer of Nabourne, ;£"30i 13s. 7d. ; Hon. Ann Ann of Burghwallis, widow, ;f 139 9s. 8d. ; Marmaduke Ann of Frickley, ^191 5s. ; Mr. Geo. Ann of Doncaster, £i&3 3s. ; Mr. Thos. Percy of Stubs Walden, ;f 265 i6s. 6d. ; Cris. Cresacre More of Barnburrow, /'351 15s. 5^d. ; Marmaduke Langdale, estate at Holme, ;fii8 12s. 4d. ; William Palmer of Nabourne, gent, ^^40 ; John Forcer of Old Elvet, Durham, £325 gs. o^d. juiy2Sth. Mr. Savill of Norton Priory and his Brother Came. juiyjgth. Came over Blackstone Edge to Rachdale where we lodged at the George. July 30th. At Wiggane I discoursed Mr. Graddall concerning y* Commissioners who were siting upon y" Estate of Mr. Diconson of Rightington. Aug. 3rd. My Brother Langdale was Marryed. Marmaduke, who became in 1718 4th Baron Langdale, married Elizabeth, youngest daughter of William, Lord Widdrington. Aug.i2th. I Dined at y^ Wheat Sheafe in Ormsk: with my Lord Molin: and his two Sons, S' W° Gerard Mr. Chorley and his Son &c. I was at y® Rase on Oughton Moss where Lord Molin : his Gray Mare beat Mr. Haringtons Bay Mare three Heats. Aug. 131U. My Wife and I went to Croxtath to wate of my Lord and Lady Gerard of Brombley. of Crosby. 43 1706. I went to Parson Waitings he Entertained me with y^ Aug. 17th. discourse of his Sons being taken by the French. Mrs. Walmesley of Showley and Mr. Gerard her Presb: Aug. 19th. dined here. I went with my Wife &c to Dutton Lodg. Aug. 52nd. S'' Tho : Aston of Aston, his Lady and Brother came Aug. 23rd. to Dutton Lodg. We Hunted and killed a very Fat Whit Buck in my Aug.^i.h. Lord Gerards Park, after diner we went to Bartington Bowling Green, we found there Mr. Bromfield &c. We Discoursed of Learning and Salved Enigmas. Aug. 25th. Pat Gehb : went with Coz : Dick Butler towards Mr. Aug. 26*. Woods his Schoole near Winchester. My Lady Gerard and my Wife went to Rock-Savage to wate of my Lady Eliz : Savage. I went to Dutton Lodg to fetch my Wife home, I tooke sepi.ist. y^ Coachhorses along with me, y^ Waters at Warington were so high out that tho it was Sunday I saw them leading of Corn. My Lady Gerard took me and my Wife in her Coach sepi.snd. ■ to y* Out-side where we dined at Mr. Billingtons. My Lady Eliza : Savage came to Dutton Lodg. sept. aid. I Played at Tables with my Lord Gerard. John my scpt.^th. Lords Brewer played on his Pips in y^ Kitchen and some of y* Servance dansed. My Lord Gerard and I went to S' Tho : Astons we sept. 5th. bouled there with S' Tho : Ast : Doctor Norris &c. My Lord and Lady Gerard took my Wife and me in sepi.eth. their Coach to see y^ Park and the great Tree. 44 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1706. Sept. 25111. My Doughter Frances was born. sept.29ch. My Doughter Frances was Christoned, Collo : Butler stood Godfather for my Brother Lang: and Mrs. Mills stood for my Lady Gerard. oa.zad. I walked with Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Woods to see The : Marrows Breaking. oct.sih. Mr. Brownbill tought me to Cercle three Poynts. oct.gth. I went to Croxtath to wate of my Lord Cardigan and his Brother Brugenald, there was Parson Copley and his Brother, Mr. Rowly, Mr. Wm. Tunstall, Mr. Webber, &c. oci.ioth. The Scoulding bout between Ails Davy and Darby's Wife about carrying away some wood. Oct. sSlh. I sold my Wives Silver triming to Ben : Branker and saw it burned. Nov. 3rd. I discoursed w'" Mr. Foynes he held fourth to his Auditory y^ first time. Father Poyntz, S.J., had come the day before as Mr. Blundell's Chaplain. This was his first Sunday. Nov. 5th. Tis said Leverp : Hounds hunted a Fox this day from Bank-hall to Knowsley Park. Nov.7ti,. My Wife and I dined at Collo: Butlers, Coz : Ann Tildesley, Mrs. Ellen Entwistley &c. Nov. Mih. I sent Rich : Cartw : to Farnworth to pull y^ Doars off my Formes which he tells me the Clark and he did doe. Nov. 25th. The Dispute in my Chamber between Pat: Gelib : and Mr. Poyns about y^ hight of King David. Dec. i.th. We Dined in y^ Parlor it being the first time it was uesed as a Parlor. We had two Fidlers at Night and dansed Country Danses in y'^ Halle. of Crosby. 45 1706. Mr. Chads Harington and Mr. Jo: Chantrell dined Dec. ,311.. here. They dansed Country Danses with us and Lodged here, we had two Fidlers Gerard Holsold and Marsh we dansed till towards two in the Morning. I Lent Horses to Nancy Gorsuch and Jane Harrison to Dec. 31st. goe to Leverp : It was a day of Thanks giving and great reioysing for a Victory obtained by y* Duke of Marlbourgh. 1707. Mr. Poynes and I went to Mr. Wairings we had some jan.and. Disputations, we stayed there pritty late. This being y^ Twentith day of Christmas we had jan. 13th. Anderton at Night. My Wife went to Mrs. Bootle of the Peele to shew her jan. 24111. her Finger that was Burned. My Wife Mr. Mills and I went to see y"= Seller at jan. 30th. Sefton. I sold my Hors Buck to Wm. Anderton for one dayes jan. 31st. playing of y^ Pips p Ann : as long as he lives in Lancashire and for 25^ to be payed by Parcells as he can get it, if the Horse prove ill I promiss to bate him 5^- I writ a fowl drought of a Letter to the Provinci : Feb. 2nd. This letter, a copy of which has been preserved, was to request the Provincial S.J. to send him another priest in the place of Father Poyntz, who did not suit him. " We desire a Man of Wit and Conversation, one that can Preach well and is willing to take Pains among y'= Poore Catholicks of w'^'' we have a great many, and one that is of a good Humour and will be easy and contented with Tollerable good Fair &c &c." He does not name the salary, but the account books shew that ^8 was given yearly to the Chaplain as long as he lived in the house. Mr. Poynes went quite away from hence. Feb.8th. My Wife and I dined at Mrs. Plumbs in Leverp : I Feb. mh Payed y'' Scotch Shopkeeper for Cloth, I bought a Hat of 46 Diary of Nicholas Bltindell, 1707. Mr. Chorley. I exchanged some Silver Spoones with Mr. Sheelds. Feb..3tii. My Wife and I went to Lidiat to see Bess Fazak: Feb. 17th. When the Maids got up to wash they heard Knocking and Laughing at the Gates and Windowes. Feb.2otb. I went to see Lord Mount: who was Sick. I dined at Collo : Butlers it being my Aunt Frances' Birth day she is now 76 years of Age. Feb. 22nd. I went to Leverp : and drunk Punch at Mr. Tarltons. Feb. 23rd. Mr. Moston held forth here. My Wife and I went to Wm Thelwalls to eat Pankakes. Feb.24tb. Severall of y° Tenants Wives came hither to eat Pan- kakes and be merry I was amongst them. Feb.istii- My Wife Mrs. Mills and I went to Ni : Johnsons and eat Pankakes. Thence we went to Parson Wairings and took a Fidler with us. Feb. 27th- Collo: Butler sent his Servant hither to let me know his Father dyed this Morning. Feb. 28th. I went to Ormsk: to Condole with Coll: Butler for y" Death of my Lord his Father Mr. Peter Ashton was there, I saw Mr. Wofold, Mr. Howet, Mrs. Ann Tildesley &c there at Prayers. Mr. La Grote showed me some Pictures of his Painting at Mr. Fazakerleys. Mar. ist. Mr. Blund : lent me his Net to draw for some Fish for my Lord Mountg: Funerall. Mar. 3rd. I was at y^ Funerall of my Lord Mountg: The funeral seems to have been as private as possible, and the burial took place at Sefton, no doubt in the Blundell Chapel. The Sefton Register records : " 1706. The Hon"'= Richard Lord of Crosby. 47 1707. Mungarrett, papist from Ormskirke, March 3." The late worthy Rector, Rev. E. Horley, told the writer that in no other year (or almost so) had he found the addition of the opprobrious term here employed. I went to Leverp : Mr. Plumb shewed me his Tackley Mar. 4th. for Fishing, he came with me to y^ Woolpack where I shewed him some tricks on y^ Dise &c. Mr. Brown formerly the Master of y* Loyalty dyned here. Mar.eth. I made Coz: W. Ge : Salve alias Captain Midletons Mar.ioih. for a Bruse or Cut. I dined at Croxtath, we drunk in the Cupula and saw Mar. 31st. y* Servants Airing y* Horses. I bought some Flower sets at Leverp : I drunk with Mar. jznd. Ben : Brank : he talked as if he would be good. I took Ellen Riding sworne concerning stealing of Mar. 27th. Turves before Mr. Mayor of Leverp: he was on horsback going to Lancaster Assizes. Mr. William Tarlton went with me to Mr. Gibbones, he shewed me his Garden. Mr. Wm Tarleton and Tho : Carter dined here. I April ist. gave Mr. Wm Tarleton some Flower sets. They went to Cha: Howerds and there I found them with Rich: Tickley Mr. Darcy Chantrells wife, Mrs. Betty Baumber &c James Brown came to us with his Fiddle and we were very merry. Dr. Fabius came to see Tho: Gower he let him Blood. April 3rd. My Wife, Mrs. Mills and I heard Mass at Mr. Fosters. April eth. Pat: Wofold brought Mrs. Mills her snuff Box that April 7th. she had lost. I put up some Escutcheons in y^ Hall, Lord Mount- April sth. garrets was one of them. 48 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1707. April loth. I went to Mr. Moston to shew him Mr. Babthrops orders to come hither on Monday or Tuesday in Easter Week. April 14th. I went to Catherin Sargants in Farnworth where there was a meeting upon Account of choosing y^ Chapell Wardens, I shewed there my Order from y" Bishops Court for my Seat in y* Chapell of Farnw: to Mr. Ainscow y* Parson, to Mr. John Corleys ye Schoolmaster &c, thence I went to Mr. Hardings and so to Wm. Cloughs y^ Bank hous in Ditton where I Lodged. April 15th. I was at prayers at Mr. Hardings, thence I went to Mr. Rights to a Sale of goods and thence to Wm. Cloughs to dinner. After diner I was at y® Townes meeting where there was Wm. Kennion, Jos. Bolton, H. Hey, &c. We chose a Maior and Drunk Anall Seed Water. This was Mr. Hawarden's in Widnes, where Rev. Wm. Maire Vere Hawarden was then priest. The latter was educated at Douay, which he left in 1693, and died 1728. The Diarist had property at Ditton, Bankhall, &c., still held by the family. Hence his claim for a seat in Farnworth Chapel, which occasioned him much trouble and litigation. April .6ih. I called at Eckleston to see Mrs. Eckleston who had brock her Arme thence I went to Leverp: and Received a Hollow Cross Reliquary from Ben: Brankhurst. April 17th. Pat: Gelib: went with me to Coz: Tho: Gelib: this being y^ first time I had seen eather of them since they were Married, we met on y^ Road Coz: Jo: Gelib: and Mr. Gradell. April isih. Coz: Jo: Gelib: came to lodg at his Sons. April igtb. Coz: Jo : Gelib: his Son Tho:, Mr. Wm. Holywell and I went to Chorley to meet Mr. Brooks of Astley, we drunk at Ned Luckases there was with us Mr. Brooks, his Son- in-Law, Wm. Low, &c. of Crosby. 49 ] 1707- I came home from Coz: Th: Geli: I called to see Dol: ApriiMth. Fisher and looked where they had been sinking for a Brine Spring near He: Fishers. I called at my Lord Mount: Mr. Rob: Fazakerley was there. Mr. Plumb dined here, he and I played at Cross and Pile. April 22nd. I went to Eckleshall to meet y^ Corps of my Lord Gerard Arni=3'-Night. My Wife went to prayers to Leverp: to Pat: Gelib: jan.4th. at Mr. Lancasters. I had prayers for my Mother with five Sacerd : Mr. jan.Mih. Hunter from Stony-hurst dined here. Richard Jackson y'' Innkeeper in Preston came along with him. Rev. Thomas Hunter, S.J., born in Northumberland June 6, 1666, died February 21, 1725. While Chaplain to the Sherburn's, of Stonyhurst, he wrote in reply to Dodd, A Modest Defence of the Clergy and Religions, &c. 1 made a Viset to Widdow Blundell and Mrs. Standley jan.J7ih. at Preston. I went to Rich: Molin: and acquainted him that I had jan. is.h. bought Mrs. Blackburns Estate, he told me that he would 58 Diary of Nicholas Blimdell, 1708. not goe off it till Candlemas come twelve Months. Jo: Kerpy and Eliz: Py came to be Married but Mr. Aldred being gon to Lidiat to see S" Pierce Mostons Son, they stay'd till he came after Super and then they were Marryed, jan.27!h- Mr. AM I shot a Bittern &c. jan.3-st. I drunk w"' Mr. Chorley y^ Haberdasher at y^ Woolpack, we discoursed about Shearing &c. Feb. 3rd. Mr. Aid: and I made up a Shod-Sledg or Tronow, my Wife, Bradley &c went with us to Formos-poole and rid in it. Mr. Aldred and I decided the difference between Henry Bridg and Wm. Davy y^ Skinner. Feb.6ih. Mr. Aid: fixed a back to ye Sledg or Trenow. Feb.7;h. My Wifc and three Servants walked to Lev: I walked after them and shot at y^ Sea side. I called to look at y' Oyl mill. We all dined at y^ Woolpack. Ere we came out of Town Mr. Plumb came to us and profered us a horse but we did not accept of it. Feb. 8th. Mr. Plumb lodged here he tryed to goe on Skates on the Carthous Pit. Feb.gth. My Wife played at Whisk with us after Supper. Feb. i7ih. My Wife and I saw them throw at y* Cock in y^ Town- Field. Feb. 23rd. Leversage the Haberdasher brought a Hat hither for Mr. Aid: Feb. 24 th. We went with Pat: Gelib: to Ned Howerds and shewed him the Chappell. Mar. 2nd. Mr. Waiong told us his Son was in danger to lose his Passage for Ireland, y® Ship being gon and he was fourced to ride after her on Shore and so get on Borde if he could. of Crosby. 59 1708. We called to see Parson Wairing, he was trebled with Mar.sth. y° Stone and Gravell. Mr. Aldred red to me y* Prognostications of Esq' Mar. 9th. Bigerstaff. In the following year, 1709, Swift was amusing himself and the readers of the Tatler with an account of the death and funeral of Patridge, one of these pretended astrologers. We went to see Lord Molineux his Captain y* Runner. Mar. 15th. I went to y^ Funerall of old Widdow Culche: there was Mar. i7ih. Mr. Blackbourn of Orford, Cap: Will: Bradshaw &c she was buried at Winwick. My Hous was Serched for myself Horses and Armes Mar. igih. &c by Ed: Willoby Esq', Lievetennant Tomp: — Orme y" High Cunstable &c: they seazed upon two of my Coach Horses viz: Jack and Robin and they are to be sent to them tomorrow. I sent my two Horses according to Promis they were Mar. 20th. returned to be forth coming when called for. I took a Wheel down out of the Pais Roof and mended Mar. 22nd. it to Spin Gersy with. The false roof would be a hiding place. He had probably seen the wheel when occupying it during the search. Most of my Servants went to see a Play at Mr. Smiths April 5th. in Sefton. Mr. Aid : shaved my head. April 10*. Mr. Rich : Molineux of the Grange and his Wife dined April mh. here. I Dined at Mr. Plumbs he and Doctor Tarlton drunk April i7ih. with me at y^ Woolpack. I stated accounts with Halsold 6o Diary of Nicholas Blnndell, 1708. ~ y^ Brasier. I went to Mr. Coopers and saw his Flower Garden and also saw Mr. Danvers his Garden. I sent 4 or 500 Eggs to be sold in y^ Market at Leverp : I think they were all sold by two of my Maids. April 2otb. I sent Henry Sum: to Fetch home my two Horses Hob and Buck and sent Rob Tompson for Bess and her Fole, I had sent them abroad to be secured. April 24ih. I went to Leverp: and drunk at Dr Tarlt : w"* him Parson Stith and Mr. Walsh. I drunk at a Little Hous w'*" Merchant Poole and Mr. Plumbe. Rev. Robert Stythe, one of the two Rectors of Liverpool 1699. He died 1719. Rev. Henry Richmond was the other (1700), and died 1721. Mr. Welsh was the Curate. Apriiisih. Mr. Jo: Sherbourn and I went to Showley we Lodg'd there as did also Mr. Houghton of Thurnhom. May 3rd. I invited Parson Wairing to Dinner it was chiefly on account of a Dispute formerly between him and Mr. Aid : but he could not come. May 16th. Mr. Plumb sent an Express to give me Notice con- cerning an Information made against Mr. Blundell of Ince by Parson Ellison. I went to Ince to acquaint M. Blund : therewith and writ from thence to Mr. Plumb. The Rev. Timothy Ellison was of Formby, and seems to have been the only parson in the neighbourhood disposed to invoke the Penal Law against the Catholics. His name occurs very rarely in the Diary. May isth. My Wife dined at Bold she went on horsback and came y^ same day back, it was very wet and windy. May 22nd. I brought y^ Bowles down and showed them to Mr. Aldred he and I bowled a little in the Great-Courts. of Crosby. 6i * 1708. My Wife, Mrs. Plumb, I &c went to Great Crosby and May24ih. saw the Recruting Officer Acted, we drunk at Margarit Athertons with Parson Wairing, Mr. Bixter &c Mr. Syer of the Ford and his Wife, Mr. Lathom the Landlord of the Wool-pack and his Wife Suped here and after Super we went to Great Crosby and heard part of the Gigg. My Wife and I went to Ormskirk Fair. My Lord Mayajib. Mountg: was come home out of Ireland after his Confine- ment in the Castle. My Lord Mountg : Coz : Scaresb : and his Lady, Mr. Wofold &c Rafled for a Tay-Table at Mr. Howets, all we that Rafled suped there. I sent 30 Pair of Pigeons or more to Bold of a Present May 31st. to Mr. Molineux. They were sent on horseback in a pair of panniers covered with netting. My Wife and I walked to Lidiat, coming back we called June 3rd. to see James Lidiats Wife, we lost our way in y° Medowes coming home and was directed right by John Lunt. I went to Leverp : and had Rich: Ainsw : examined junesii,. (for Robing me) before Mr. Rich : Norris y^ Maior, S' Tho : Johnson, Mr. Maydit, Mr. Morecroft &c. Lord Mountg: came hither to heare Mr. Aid: juuecth. I went after dinner to Ormsk : to wate of my Lord junenti.. Mountg: I found Mr. Syer of y^ Ford at my Lords he was about swaping his Running Hors with my Lord Mountg: but they did not bargan, I Bowled w* my Lord Moutgarret, Mr. Leigh, Mr. Peter Ashton, Caligula &c from y^ Bowing Green we went to the Black-bull to drink. Lord Mountg: Coz: Scaresb: and his Wife I and my juneiotb. Wife went to Leverp : we made several Visets there viz : to S' Tho : Johnson, to Mr. Clayton, &c. 62 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1708. June 17a.. My Lord Mountg: Coz : Scarisb : and his Lady, I and my Wife dined at Agebourth. Mrs. Ann Harring : came hither with my Wife in the Coach. June 19th. Lady Anderton, Mr. Blund and his Wife and Mr. Charls Harington dined here with y® Rest of my Guests. One and twenty Adders were taken on my Midings. junezist. I sent Mrs. Ann Rothwell with a Present of 22 Adders to y® Doctors of y^ Low. This would be Dr. Fabius. June 23rd. Mrs. Bootle blodyed my Wife. I gathered some Flowers for Flowering Great-Crosby Cross to-morrow. june24ih. My Wife and I were at the Flowering of Great Crosby Cross. I Steeped my Feet in hot Whey for about two Hours to make my Cornes come out by y* Roots but I think 'twill doe no good. June 26th. My Wife and I went to Lodg at Coz : Tho : Gelib : june27th. Mr. Anderton of Euxton and his Wife, Mrs. Traps y^ Widdow and Mr. John Farnworth came after dinner. juneasth. Mr. Brooks of Astley came to us. Pat: Gelib:, Coz: Tho : Gelib : Mr. Howet and I shot with Bow and Arrows and when we had done we went to Ned Luckases to pay our loosings in Aile. June 30th. Coz: Tho Gelib: and I went to Yarrow Bridg, we bowled there with S"^ Tho : Standish, Mr. Rob : Leigh, Parson Shaw, Mr. Allison, James Nicholson, &c. July 2nd. My Wife and I came from Chorley, I called at Blanscow, thence to Wigan and dined at Dr Worthi : juiy7tb. My Wife and I were at y^ Funerall of Mr. Bootle of y^ Peele, there were there Parson Dain, Parson of Crosby. 63 1708. Fleetwood, Mr. Nich : Fazaker: Mr. Carroll Bootle, Mr. juiyioui. Bixter &c. Darby Wife brought a Picture for Mr. Aldr : Alter-peece juiyuth. from Dr Lathoms which he had lent me. I went to y^ Bowling-Green (at Liverpool) w"" Mr, juiyi6.h. Morcroft there was on y^ Green Mr. Rich : Norris, Dr Tarlton Mr. Sheelds &c : Mr. Sheelds kicked y" Bowl. I dined at my Lord Mountgarrets, I was at y^ Funerall j..iyi7ih. of old Mrs. Welsh, there was Coz : Rob : Scaresb : Mr. Hesketh of Oughton and his Son &c. Coz : Mun : Butler went with me to Lev : I bought J^'y -j"' some Wine in Lanslets Hey. I went to Ormsk : Sessions where Mr. Molin : of Bold, juiyjy.h. Mr. Trafford, Mr. Harington I &c compounded to prevent conviction, we Appeared in Court before S' Tho : Standley Dr Norris and Mr. Case all Justises of y*^ Peace, We Catholicks that got of our Convictions dined alltogether at Rich : Woodses, after dinner we went to y^ New-Club-hous and thence came back to Rich : Woodses and drunk Punch with S'' Tho : Standley. Mr. Blundell of Ince was one of the party, and this step was perhaps the result of the information laid against him by Parson Ellison, and which might at any moment have been lodged against the rest. A composition at sessions freed them from the higher penalties which would have followed a conviction in the Superior Courts. I saw y^ Souldiers Fortune Acted in Ri : Harris: Barn, juiyzgth. Mr. Aldred went hence to live in y' Town. I served Mr. Aldr: y® first time he Sayed in his New juiyaoih. Chappell. My Wife came home from Burchley, she had been juiysist. some time at Wigan drinking Hilton Spaw water. 64 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1708. ' Aug. 4th. I Bowled at Ince Green with old Rob: Bootle, Edw: Trustrom &c. Gill y^ Excise-man and y* Inquisitor over him came to y® Aile-hous whilst we were drinking. Aug. 6th. Cap: Rob: Faz: and I v/ent to Mr. Aldreds, we found him in y* Cross-field, he had been taking young Bitterns. Aug. 7th. The Souldiers Fortune was Acted in my Hall, Wm Marser did not Act. Aug. i2ih. Mrs. Ann Rothw : and some Children of y^ Town Songoed Wheat for me in y® Cross Field. Aug. 13th. The Actors of y^ Souldiers Fortune came hither and sung the Gigg. Aug. 14th. I saw my Lord Darby the Maior of Leverp : make his Entry into the Town. Aug.i8th. I went to Lancaster to prosecute Rich: Ainsw: for Robery, Mr. Plumb overtook me in Maile. We dined together at Coolings y^ Miter in Preston, thence I went to Marshalls the Queens Arms in Lancaster where I lodged. Aug. 20th. Rich : Ainsworth was found guilty of Robery before Judge Trecy. Aug. 2ist. Rich : Ainsw : and two others were burned in y* hand. I dined at my Inn with Mr. Parker of Brusam. Brusam — Browsholme. Aug.sjnd. I made a Viset to Coz : Blundells from thence I went to Coz : Standleys, Coz : Tho : Culcheth went with me, we found there his brother John Cul : Mr. Blund : of Ince, Dr Farington &c. Aug. 2,tb. Most of my Servants went to Charls Howers to see y^ Souldiers Fortune Acted. of Crosby, 65 1708. I made a Viset to Mr. Hollands of Sutton, thence I Aug. 25th, went to y'' Hall of Wofold. I gave Mr. Norris y^ Maior of Leverp : a Bottle of Wine Aug 27ih at Proctors. Mr. Plumb was with us. I went to Croxtath to welcome my Lord Molin : home Aug. sgth. from Bardsey. Bardsea, three miles from Ulverston, had been then recently purchased from the Andertous, of Clayton, by Lord Molyneux for a hunting seat. I began y^ first time to make Milk Punch. Aug. 30th. I stood Godfather with Coz : Bridg : Blund : to Mr. sepi. .2th. Blundells sixth Doughter viz Eliz : I went to Ormsk : to see Dr Gerard. sept. 13.11. I went to wish S"^ Fracis Anderton and his Lady Joy, sepi. if,th. they were gone to Culcheth but they came home to Lostock where I Lodged. Sir Francis Anderton had at that period no right to the title of baronet, his elder brother, Lawrence, being a monk abroad. He had just married Frances, daughter of Sir Henry Bedingfield, of Oxburgh, Co. Norfolk, Bart., but his wife did not live long, nor had they any issue. S' Nicho : Sherbourn, S' W"" Gerard, Mr. Thomas sepi.irn--- Culsheth &c dined at Lostock. S"^ Fran : Ander : and his Lady went to Shaw-place to sept. isih. wate of Lord Willoby, I went with them and Carryed Mrs. Ann Harington behind me, Coz : Bacon and I saw y* Souldiers Fortune Acted or sepi. 21st. at least most of it at Mrs. Ann Rothwells. My Wife walked to Ince but came back to see part of y^ Play and all y^ Gigg. 66 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1708. Sept. 22nd. I helped John Farer and others to find out whether Mrs. Ann was cozened in her Shot at y^ Play. sepi.3oth. I sent Coz : Bacon back to Standish. I made Wax of y® Combes I had, it was extreamly Bad. Oct. 13th. My Wife and I went to Aigbourth to wish Mr. Qharls Harington Joy he had then brought his Wife thither. We dined there with S"^ James Poole, Mr. Molineux of Mos- bourgh his Wife, Brother William, one Jolly a Scotch Taylor &c. Mr. Charles Harrington, eldest son of John Harrington, Esq., of Aigburth (buried at Huyton Church, April 14, 1714), had just married Anne, daughter of Sir Rowland Stanley, of Hooton, Co. Cheshire, Bart. They took up their abode at Scholes Hall, where he died, and was buried at Huyton, March 12, 1719. She was buried at Huyton, October 14, 1722. Mr. John Harrington had acquired Aigburth by marriage with the heiress, Dorothy Tarleton. In 1713 John Harrington, of Aigburth, petitions the Lords for a Bill to sell his wife's property in Liverpool — 43 tenements, Harrington Street. Oct. 15th. My Wife and I was at y^ Buriall of Bryan Bryanson Rich: Tickley, Mr. Molineux of the Grange and their Wives were at y^ house. Oct. i6th. I drunk at y^ Woolpack in Leverp; with Mr. Plumb and Ben Brankhurst I settled accounts with Holsold y^ Brasior. I and Rob: Sutton endeavoured to make John Aindow to goe home with his Wife. Oct. 18th. It being Crosby Goosfeast I dined at Mr. Wairings with him, his two sons, one Williamson y^ Schoolmaster of Formby, Tho: Syer of y^ Ford &c. The Maids stayed late and were locked out. Oct. i9ih. It being Crosby Goosfeast my Wife and I went to Wm Tarltons, thence we went to Nich: Johnsons, Wm Tarlton and his Wife were with us, thence we went to Ned Hattons. of Crosby. 67 \ 1708. Peggy Thelw: and I songowed for Apples in my Orchards, oa.^ist. I went to Leverpoole and made a Viset to Mr. Brownbill oct 23rd. in his New hous in John Street. I brought my Wading Coat to Mr. Plumb for him to take with him into Ireland, but he took it not. I went to Leverp: and found Mr. Houghton at his oa.:7tb. Bowling Green, I drunk w'" Mr. More of Manchester at my own Inn. I made up some Doses of Powder for y® Falling Sick- oct.^gih. ness for Mary Pilkingtons Sister. Going to Dungen hall I called at Seath Woodcocks and Nov. 3rd. saw Mr. Barlows Water Engin. I went from Dungen to Showle}' to wish young Mr. Nov.sih. Walmesley Joy of his London Wife. Thomas Walmesley, son and heir of Richard Walmesley, of Showley, Esq., and his wife, Jane, sister of William Houghton, Esq., of Park Hall, was born October 21, 1685. He had recently married Mar}', daughter of William Colgreave, Esq. In 1870, the Showley estate was sold by Thos. George Walmesley, Esq., to the late Mr. James Eden. — Abram's History of Blackburn, p. 459. I dined at Preston with Coz : Jo : Gelibrond Mr. N^jv.e-.h. Gradall &c. I dined at Mr. Aldreds with Mr. Moston, Mr. Thornton Nov.<,ih. and Dr Worthington, it being y^ Doctors birth day he gave us a bole of Punsh, whilst we were at dinner Mr. Babthrop and Mr. Manock Came to us and dined. I Began to make a dose of Phisick for Wm. Tompson Nov. isih. for y^ Dropsy. My Wife was going towards Leverp: but Harper would Nov.2oih. not carry 'her, so she was fourced to light and walk back, I went with her single to Leverp: 68 Diary of Nicholas Bbindell, 1708. Nov. 22Qd. I strained my Ink which I have ben long in making. Nov.25ih. I walked to see Parson Letus but he was gon to Walton, his Landlord Mr. Lucas was at home. Nov.s6th. My Wife went to lodge at Neston at Mr. Darcy Chantrells. Nov. 29th. Mr. Aldred, Parson Wairing, and Parson Letus dined here. Nov. 30th. I was going to Ince to see Mr. Tasburg but hearing he was not at home I turn'd back and found Grace Pilkington endeavouring to open y® Dining Roome dore with some Keys she had got to get Apples to give to Ince Servants. Dec. .St. Mr. Aldred and I dined at Mr. Thorntons at y* New- hous. Dec. 7tii. Lord Mountgar : and Pat : Gelib : went to Leverp : to meet S"^ W" Gerard and S' Rowland Standley about Mr. Chantrells business of Noctorum. Dec.9tii. My Wife went to see Mrs. Scarisb : who was lying in of her son Joseph. Dec.ioiii. Mr. Gilbert Sail of Hopkar gave consent (to a sale of land by S' Roger Bradshaigh) he being one of Sir Rogers Creditors. Dec. iGth. I endeavourd to cast up part of y'= Slating and Flaging at Ditton but was so long blundering about it that I dozed my self. Dec.2oih. Mr. Aldr: gave my Wife a very fine Pair of Ivory tenns of his own making. Decaist. I heard Mass at Lidiat thence I went to Lord Mount- garrets I dined there whilst I was there Mrs. Hesketh of of Crosby. 6g 1708. Rufford went past, she was going to Thurnom. I went awhile to y® Club to y® Golden-Lyon there was there Lord Mountga : Mr. Tho : Leigh, Mr. Peter Ashton, Mr. Howet, &c. Mr. Faza : Mr. Howet and I went to Ince to wate of Dec.jsih. S' Francis Anderton and Mr. Harington &c it being Mr. Blundells Birthday we had a Bowl of Punch there. Our Wives went in y* Coach to Parson Richmonds of Walton. We had Musick at Night. My Wife Mrs. Faza: and Mrs. Howet went in our Dec.sgih. Coach to Ince to wate of y* Young Lady Anderton. S' Francis Anderton drove y" home. He had been here before with Mr. Ch : Harington and his Brother John we drunk y* Butlers health in my Seller. We had two Fidlers Tatlock and Wassail. S' Fran: Anderton Mr. Blund : Mr. Charls Harington Dcc.aoth. and their Ladys Made a Viset here, old Mr. Haring: &c was also here, the Gentlemen drunk in y^ Gallery. Mr. Plumb lodged here, he I, &c dansed country danses after Super. 1709. My Wife, Mrs. Fazak : Mrs. Howet and Mr. Faza : Jan. .st. went in y^ Coach to see a Rase on y^ Sands between one Hors of S' Fran : Anderton one of old Mr. Haringtons and two of Mr. Chs Har : it was cheefly for diversion and for some few shillings which was layed out in a Treat at Mr. Aid : Mr. Faz : his Wife and my Wife went to Ince a Maskarading. Mr. Fazak : and I went to the Grange, there was there jan. 2nd. S' Fra: Ander: Mr. Blund: Mr. Char: Haring: and their Ladys &c Pat : Wofold treated us men with very good Punch. 70 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, I yog. jan,.,th. I cupled Hector and Speed together and led them thorough y^ Town to teach them to goe quietly cupled. Jan. 5th. Mt. Fazak I went hence Mr. Aldred and I went with him to Ormsk : we dined at his hous thence we went to Lord Mountgar: we were at y* Club y^ Golden Lyon with Mr. Howet &c. Jan. sth. My Wife and I went to Leverp : Bradley went along with us in order to make an End one way or other with her Preston Spark. My Wife and I got a Snap of a dinner at Mrs. Lancasters we bought some lofe Sugar there. Jan. mil. Mr. Aldr : and I had a deal of discourse about Fatoning of Kattle and Sheep after y^ Beyond-Sea manner. Jan. 13th. Mr. Walmesley the Elder of Showley lodged here. Wassal y" Fidler played here at night. I played at Cut in y^ Hall. Jan. Mill. I went with Mr. Walmes : to Th : Syers of the Ford, Mr. Wal : sold some land to him I played some tricks there of Leger de Mesney. Jan. 15th. Mr. Walm : went to Leverp: he Mr. Aid: and I drunk wine at Mr. Morphews I bought some Brandy of him Mr. Pryer drunk at y^ Woolpack with me. Ian. 22nd. My Wife went with me to Leverp: Mrs. Allison treated us with Jocolet. Jan. 23rd. I went to Lidiat and heard Mr. Moston hold forth, I dined there. My Wife heard Mr. Burton hold forth at Formby. Rev. Christopher Burton, S.J., had succeeded Rev. Richard Forster at Formby. He ended his days at Watten, July 23, 1744, aged y^. His sister Catherine, a Carmelite Nun at Antwerp, was eminent for piety, and her life by Rev. Thomas Hunter was edited in 1876 by Father Coleridge, S.J.— See Foley's Records. of Crosby. 71 1709. In y® Evening Mr. Plumb and I went to y® flight at i^n.-mh. Formospoole but we Shot nothing. Holme shaped a Pair of Breeches for me of Norway Feb.ioth. Leather. I went to Leverp : I drunk in y* Woolpack with Mr. Feb. uih. Plumb, Mr. Secomb y^ Maior, Mr. Pryor &c I sold a Gold Ring and some Silver Lase to Mr. Branker. Mr. Aid ; Ch : How : and Wm Anderton shot among them three Swans the largest of them weighed above 27 Pound 5ft. 4|in. long and 8ft. 5in. across. Ch : How: gave me one which I sent to Mr. Plumb. I gave Jo: Blundell severall peeses of Parchment to be Feb. isth. Taylors mesures. I mended a Smoothing Iron. Mr. Trafford of Croston, Mr. Blund : of Ince and their Feb.ioth. Wives made a Viset here. I went to y* Aile-hous at Sefton Church to consult Feb. a.st. about scouring y^ River Alt. I met there Mr. Blund : of Ince, Mr. Maile, Mr. Tatlock, Mr. Fazakerley of Prescot, Yeomor of y* Gore, Ro : Bootle, &c. I went to Ormskerk to wate of my Lord Mountgarrets Feb.nth. Eldest Son Coz : Richar : Butler who was come home from Schoole. I fetched a load of Malt from Mr. Houghtons Kill at Feb. 26th. Leverp : it being y^ first I have had made there. A Grand falling out with Bradley upon which she went Mar. 4th. out of y* Hous with an intention to goe quite away but she came back againe. I took y^ Coffy Mill in peeses to see what was y® fait Mar. 5th. with it. 72 Diary of Nicholas Blimdell, 1709- Mar. 7th. Lord Mouiitg : and his Son, Coz : Scaresbrick and his Lady dined here. Mar. 8th. We eat Pankakes at Ri : Newhouses and Ra : Nel : thence we went to Ni : Johnsons and eat Pancakes we saw part of a Cock fight in Great Crosby. Mar.ioth. My Wife and I made a Viset to Parson Letus and his Wife it being y® first time we had ben there to see them since they were married. Rev. Wm. Latus, Curate of Sefton, had married Anne, daughter of John Crosse, of Crosse Hall, Chorley, and his wife Ann, daughter of Mr. Samuel Yate, of Middle Cheney, Co. Northampton. He died 1719. Mar. .2th. I drunk at y^ Woolpack w* James Williamson and his Son Henry, with Rich : Plumpton, James Duxbury &c. Mar. Mth. I dined at Carr Hall with Mr. Burton and Mr. Moston. Mr. Tho : Gorsuch and Mr. Mainard came hither. Mar. i8th. I Went to Mr. Ropers and discoursed him about y" Management of Clover Grass, thense I went to Leverp : and discoursed Mr. Secomb y^ Maior about buying some Clover Seed for me. Mar. 19th. I went to y^ Funerall of Mr. Howet of Ormsk. Lord Mountg: Mr. Molin: of Mosby: Mr. Scarisb: Parson Siddall, Mr. Jo : Heyes &c were there. From this array of names it is evident that Thos. Howet or Hawett, Esq., held a very respectable position in life. His daughter Mary married, 1709, John Westby, of White Hall, near Garstang, Esq. Mar.2ist. I payed W" Harrison, Clark of Sefton, 2'^ instead of Paist Eggs. Mar.25tb. Walter Thelwall left my Service he has been Servat here about 35 years. of Crosby. 73 1709. I was at y* Funerall of Edm : Tnistroms Wife. This Mar. aoiu was y* Fiveteenth Buriall that has ben out of Ince- Township since about a week before Christmas and y° Sexton told me he thought there had not been above six more in that time out of all other parts of y^ Parish, I went after Mr. Blu : when he was going towards y*" M^rabih. Rase at Leton Heys. I Counted y^ holes in y^ Dove Court there was 68g. I Apnust. went to Leverp : and sold my Rabet Skins to Leversage. Mr. Scofild y^ Apothecary gave me some Jue Jubs and Date Stones. Lord Mountg: and his Son Rich: and S' James Poole April oth. dine here, after dinner I went with them to Dukes we druk a Bowl of Punch there and looked at y" three Running Horses. Marmaduke Maltus, of Great Crosby, Innkeeper, was at this time trainer for Lord Molyneux. S' Jam: Poo: went hence I went w^ him as far as y"" Apriuoih. Hall of Magull where I became acquainted w"" Mr. Smith and his Wife. Mr. Faz : of y^ Hill house dined here. April mh. My Wife had y^ first certain Account of my Grand- Apriiisih. Mother Webs death from my Brother Langdale. Rich : Harrison dyed about 3 in y^ Morning he had April isth. been servant 18 years to my Grandfather he was a truly Honest Man and of very sound Judgment. W" Starkey dyed about eleven of y^ Clock at Noone he was my Cow-Man and had ben Servant to y^ Family about years and I think never a meniall Servant in my Fathers time nor of a great will of mine but towards y° latter i7og. 74 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, end of his time I mantained him at my own hous with Apparell and all things necessary. April istb. Ri: Harrison and W" Starkey were buried, they (were) met at y^ Cross by Watkinsons, my Wife, I and Mally were at their Funerall as were all my Men Servants. April 24th. I went to Ditton and lodged at y* Bank. April 23th. I heard Mr. Mair pray, James Hough: Hen: Roson &c were there. I was at Farnv/orth in y® Chappell when y^ Chappell Wardens brought in their accounts, there was present Parson Ainscow, Mr. John Write, Mr, Nich : Bold of Marsh Hall, Samuell Williamson, John Holden, Peter Slinhead &c I did there declare I would not pay by way of a Church Ley towards mantaining y*" Parson and tho Six Church Leys had ben gathered I got mine back againe, then I gave 6^ 6"^ to Parson Ainscow as a free Giuft. April 26ih. I Went to Southward and heard prayers at Ralph Keyes. I dined at Southward. Mr. Golding came home after dinner. May 1st. Duke Bluddyed my Wife, Nich: Johnson Wm Gray, I &c were present. May 4th. I was at y^ Funerall of Mr. Magull of Magull there was at y" Hous Mr. Blund : Parsons Brownbill, Walker, and Letus, Mr. Carrold Bootle, Mr. Pe: Morton, &c. May 7th. I wcnt to Lcverp : I set a great while w"" Mr. Sil : Richmond at his Hous, we discoursed about Planting, sowing Cole Seed and improving Groud. May nth. My Wife went to Leverp : with an Intention to have gon to Hooton, but y* Sea being very rough she did not venture over. Parson Bruce Lodg'd here. of Crosby. 75 " \ ' " 1709. I sowed one Buss: of Barley in y^ Cowhey dresed May .3th. with Oyle and other Ingredients as Powder of Coleseed &c but it did not answer expectation. I went to Leverp : I bought a new half Buss: and saw Mayuni. it Cut and sealed in y^ Exchange. I drunk with Mr. Tute Captain Tarlton, Mr. Molin : of y= Grange &c at y* Kings Armes. Mr. Silv : Richmond came hither, I went out with May .71U. him to look at some Ground to see if it was proper for Cole-Seed. W" Ainsw : went to Burchley of a How-doe-you to May 21st. Mrs. Poole who was Lying in. I was at y'' Sale of Timber at Mr. Booties in Melling Maysstb. it belongs to Thomas Hurst Ship Carpinder of Leverp : My Wife went to Burchley to see Mrs. Poole who was May 26th. lying in. The She-Gallats was Acted Imperfectly in y^ Hall. May27ih. Bradley, W" Ainsw: Dorothy Blundell &c were con- Mayjgih. firmed at More Hall. My Wife and Mrs. Howet went to prayer to Lidiat they dined there. I came home through Leverp : and went to y^ Castle May 31s;. to see what alteration was made. Most of my Servants were at Ince to heare the Bish : juneand. Lord Bish : and his Companion Mr. Riding made a Viset here. This would be Bishop Smith, who did not give confirmations at Crosby on this occasion. His Chaplain, Mr. Royden, born 1662, ordained priest at Douay, 1692, was Vicar General, My Wife went to Croxtath to welcome home my Lady ju>.ciith. Molin : from Bardsy. I met her at Leverp : and came 76 Diary of Nicholas Bliindell, 1709. juneisth, home in y*" Coach, we made a Viset to Mrs. Clayton. I was some time with Little Mr. Kelly. June i4tb. Mr. Aid : and I made a Viset to Ince, we set some time with Mr. Tasb : in his Chamber. June 17th. I Acquainted The : Blansh : that Will Tompson and others complained he did not do Neighbourly things. juneisih. I dined at Garswood and signed some writings for selling Knoctorum to Mr. Chantrell, he came with me as far as Knowsley where we called and drunk at the Gates. June 20th. I drunk at y^ Wole-pack with Mr. Hurst, Mr. Plumb, Mr. Poole of Low-hill &c. June 22nd. I played some tricks of Legar demesne before some of my Marlers. I went to Leverpoole it being the first Market that was on a Wednesday. I druk at y^ Woolpack w"" Mr. Tandy S' Cleave Mores Ingeneer for his Water, w"" Mr. Hurst, Mr. More-Croft, Mr. Alanson &c. June 27th. Tomkins a Hater of Leverp : Came to looke at my Wool he bought it not. June 28th. Coz : Scarisb : and I were at y* Funerall of old Mrs. Blundell of Ince, oure Wives also met y" Corps there was at y^ Funerall Lord Mountg: and his Son, Mr. Standley of Preston and his Son &c, as we were coming out of y^ Church Mr. Clayton of Leverpoole and Mr. Hurst just came. Mrs. Blundell was Bridget, daughter of the famous cavalier, Sir Thomas Tildesley, Knight, who fell at Wigan Lane in 1651. Henry Blundell, her husband, had died in 1687, and she died at Preston, where she had resided during the latter years of her widowhood. of Crosby. 77 \ 1709- Coz : Scarisb : and I were at Wigan Cocking, we dined June 29^. at Twotalls with S'^ Fr : Anderton, Mr. Hesketh y" High Sheriff, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Cheetom Mr. Brathord &c I Joyned with y* Sheriff" for a Bottle of Wine at Dinner, when y^ Cocking was over I drunk above Stayres with S' W"" Gerard, Mr. Townley, Mr. Lancton, Mr. Hu : Anderton &c. Lord Mountg: and his Son and Mr. Tho : Leigh dined junejotb. and Suped at Scarisbrick. I saw Mr. Smith of Croston doing somthing at Coz : Scarisbricks great Diall. The Rev. John Smith, S.J., had been Chaplain at Scarisbrick, but was now with the Traffords, of Croston. He died 1754, aged 85. Rev. John Maynard, S.J., succeeded him at Scarisbrick. Coz : Scarisb : I and oure Wives dined at my Lord J"')- 's'- Mountgarrets, we dansed at Houghtons with my Lord Mountg: and his Son and Doughter Emilia who was lately come from York and with Mr. Thomas Legh. Ince Gardiner helped Jo: Banister to Innoculate. juiymb. My Wife and I went to Leverp : I drunk a while at J"')' 'eth. Mr. Sil : Richmods with his Brother Henry and I think Mr. Brooks of Norton, Mr. Waintworth &c. Coz : Dick Butler went in y'' Coach with my Wife and My ^^t. me to Leverpoole, Coz Dick Butler and I drunk Wine with Mr. Rolins at his Hous. Mrs. Sheelds Son played to us of y^ Violin at the Woole Pack. Mary Winstanley told me the Business was quite of Juiy 24th. with her Warick-Shire Spark. My Wife, Mrs. Howet, and I went to Wigan, we juiy^sth. dined at y* Leggs of Man. I met the Duke of Norfolk and his Dutches behind Ashton in their way towards Stonyhurst. I drunk at Ashton with the Duke, his two 78 ' Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1709. Brothers, Sir Nicholas Sherbourn, S" W" Gerard &c. I Wated of y^ Duck and Dutches &c to Wigan and supped at Tootalls with the Duke of Norfolk and his two Brothers, S' Nicholas Sherbourn, S"" Fran : Anderton, My Lady Dutches of Norfolk, Lady Savell, Lady Howerd &c. July 29*. I Wated of y^ Duke and Dutches of Norfolk &c out of Wigan part of their way towards Preston. Thomas, 8th Duke of Norfolk, had just married Mary, only daughter and heiress of Sir Nicholas Sherburne, Bart., of Stonyhurst, Lancashire. The Duke died without issue, December 23, 1732, but the Duchess survived him till September 24, 1754. She spent her widowhood at Stonyhurst, but took a second husband in the person of the Hon. Peregrine Widdrington, belonging to a noble Northum- brian family, whose fortunes were shipwrecked in the disasters of 1715. The monument to him in Mitton Church is one of three erected by his lady, all sufficiently prolix, and yet the fact of their marriage is not recorded. Dr. Whittaker says that she had no mercy on the stonecutter. July 31st. I went to Ince to wish Mr. Blund : welcome home from York-Shire Spaws. Aug. 2nd. He (Mr. Aldred) began to gather Pins for one year. Aug. 7th. I went to Dr. Lathoms and asked him for a Receipt for one at York Schoole. Aug. 13th. Going to Leverp : I called at Bank-Hall, Mr. More shewed me part of a Sluce which Tandy had made for his Waterwork. Aug. 15th. Mr. Worthington of Blans : came to us, coming home (to Coz : Tho : Gellibronds) Coz : Tho : Gelibrond I &c Stormed Bark Stack Castle. Aug. i6th. I went to Preston Faire, I dined at Coz: Walm : Mr. Houghton y^ Elder came. I drunk at Dick Jacksons with Mr. Barlow of Barton Mr. Leomond &c. of Crosby. 79 1709. My Wife and I began our Journey toward Whit-Chourch, Aug. .sth. we came too late for y" Boats at Leverp : so we went over at Runkhorne after w*^*" we lost our way and went to Windy Weston where we got a Guide that brought us to Fradsom. We went from John Websters the Signe of y" Bears Aug. 19th. Paw at Fradsom to Whit-Church to Mr. Benbows y* Signe of y* Red Lyon where we dined and discoursed Dr. Bostock about my Wives Paine in her back, from Whit- Church we went to Chester where we lodged at Mr. Taylors y® Signe of y® Golden Lyon. We saw several of y® Paletines in the Wool-hall &c. aur. =mh. We dined at Chester and thence went to y^ Rock hous, but the Boat was gon, so we got a Smoke made, but no Boat coming to us we went to y^ Wood-Side where Mr. Darcy Chantrell came to us and got a Boat for us, so we came home. Jo: Banist : and I clensed some of the Windows with Aug. 23rd. Chalk but it did not do well. There came an express from Croston to enquire for Aug. 25th. Wall Frute &c for S' Nicho : Sherbourne. Jo: Banister went to Leverp: and sold some Pigeons Aug.2Gth. that y^ Croston Express would not take with her. I went to my Burners in the Winterheys and gave them a Sillibube. Coz: Dick Butler dined here. Mr. Aid: and I went Aug.29ih. with him to y^ New-hous from thence Mr. Burton came with us to Ince Greene, we four Played at Bowles Mr. Molin : of y° Grange was there. 8o Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1709. AuR 31st. I Transcribed my Grandfathers Song to y^ Tune of Roger o' Coverley, tis to be sent to Mr. Townley of York. This Hvely song of the "Cavalier's" will be found in A Cavalier's Note Book, p. 233. Mr. Charles Townley, brother to Richard Townley, of Townley, Esq., was a literary as well as a very amiable man. A short account of him is given in the Palatine Note Book, vol. I, p. 125, and at p. 134 some correspondence between him and the "Cavalier" is inserted. Mr. Townley died at York in 1712, and was buried April 29, at All Saints' Church. Sept. 3rd. I vvated of Dr. Clayton at his Brothers. Sept. 7th. I went to Grange Bowling Green, there was Mr. Fazak : of y* Hill hous, Mr. Formby, Parson Letus, Rob : Bootle y^ Elder, Mr. Burton &c. Mrs. Poole of Burchley lodged here. Sept. 9th. I went in y^ Coach to Leverp : w'*" my Wife and Mrs. Poole of Burchley, we went to Mr. Hursts then to Mrs. Letonbys, then to y^ New Church thence to Mr. Scarisbricks, thence to Mr. Dones, next to Mr. Claytons and so home. sept.ioth. My Wife, Mrs. Poole, Mr. Aid: and I went in y^ Coach to Lidiat to see Mr. Moston. Sept. nth. We dined at Ince ; there dined there Mr. Wofold of Morehall his Wife, his Sister Wall and brother William. Mr. Scolield y^ Appothecary from Leverp : came hither. sept.«nd. Pat: Wofold, Brother Formby and Mr. Aid: called here. sept.26ih. I payed Mr. Tasb : 15' for a Medall of King Charles. Oct. 13th. At Ince we found Dominick Sherbourn. oct.J4th. Coz: Dick Butler and I Coursed a Hare that Jo: Blund: Write found set, they were breaking at his Hous and lifted me. of Crosby. 8i ■ [ 1709. Lord Mountg : and his Son dined here I went with oc. isih. them to Great Crosby Goos-feast, we eat at W" Tarltons, we went to a Rase on Crosby Marsh between a Black Mare of Jo: Gerards of Garswood, and a Bay Mare of Leverpoole. Went to Ince to wate of S' W" Gerard and my Lady, oct.joth. we found there Lord Mohneux, Mr. Scaresb : Mr. Harington, Young Mr. Gerard of Highfield, &c. I set up a good new Dyall Post in the Bleaching yard, oct.^ist. Wassail played here, we had a Merr>' Night. oc.jsth. I sent Jo: Banister with a Brace of Hares to Alderman Nov. 2nd. Clayton. I went to Bootle to see how S' Clave Mors Waterwork Nov. 7th. went forward. Mr. Aldred went with me to Mosb : we dined there Nov.sth. with S' James Poole, Mrs. Mary Standley of Hooton &c. Mr. Molin : of Mosburg gave me some Carp Fray &c which we took to day with drawing and draining part of his Fishpond. Darby's Wife brought me from Mosbu : 138 Carp Fray, Nov.gth. 8 Tensh Carp or Mungrills and 22 Loaches. The old Man Tho : Kirklington who sells Picturs and Nov. 121b. Tenns was here. I Hiered Cha: Howerd to be my Ploughman, Coachman Nov. 17th. &c and am to give him 50^ p Ann : Mr. More of Bank-hall and one Mr. Fitz Gerald dined Nov. 23rd. here. Leverpoole Hounds hunted near the hous. Nov. 25th. 82 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1709. Nov. 27th. I sent Jos: Massy to Leverp : for a Pennance becaus he refused to fetch a Mugg of Butter out of y® Town. Nov. 29th. I went to Leverp: and made a Viset to Mr. Plumb who was not very well. I drunk Mr. Chorley's farewell with Mr. Alanson, I saw S'' Clave More at y^ Post Office. Nov. 30th. I went to Warington Fair and sold my Mare Harper she is designed for one Mr. Bradshaw of Manchester for a Hunter ; there was one Mare sold at five farthings p Pound. I dined at D' Booths in Waring: with Mr. Maior alias Hard : Dec. 5th. We made some Math, a mistake both in y* Quantity of Hunny and Water. Decfith. I hung up my Paletine Church in the hall. Dec. 14th. I went to see Parson Letus who was ill of a brocken Legg, I found there Mr. Walker, Curat of Male. I found Darby and Skinner Blundell playing at Tables at Ailes Davys after eleven of y^ Clock at Noon they had been playing all y^ Night. Dec.27ih. Mr. Blund : and his two Sisters Bridget and Dorot : suped here. Wassell was here we had a Merri night we dansed Country Danses. Dec.23ih. Wassell was here we had a Merri night and Fyered y® Gunns. Dcc.29th. Lord Mountg:, Mr. James Tildesley, and Cap: Rob: Faza: dined and lodged here. Coz: Doro: Blundell and Mrs. Holland from Leverp: Lodg'd here, we dansed Country Danses after Super. 1710. jan.gih. Dr Smithson came to see me and let me blood. ]an.s2nd. I scut Joh : Baulst : to y^ Funerall of Lord Mountgarrets youngest Doughter, but it seems she was buryed last night. of Crosby. 83 " ~~ ~" 1710. Mr. Ri : Wairing came to take leave of me, he designs jan.aist. to goe to Bristold. I Rosted my Steeped Wheat to make Coffy on but it Feb.eth. did not doe well. Mrs. Brid: Blund : and her Sister Dorothy came to take Feb. 70.. leave of my Wife being they were going away from Ince. Jo: Banist : sowed some Tobacco Seed. Some of it Feb. isth. came up but he brought it not to any perfection. My Wife and I dined at my Lord Mountg: it being y^ Feb.2o.b. first time we had eather of us ben there since his Son and Doughter had the small Pox. Young Mr. Tyrer sent hither for some Pigeons. The Boys of this Town Hung at a Mallard in a Tub Feb.2isi. of Water. I called at Darbys and discoursed him and his Wife Mar. 2nd. about their Son Katching Rabets. I payed W" Harrison 2'^ instead of Paist Eggs. Peter Mar. 131b. Whit read Masinellows Revoluiiott at Naples to me. My Wife and I went to see Peter Whits Ship that Mar. 30th. lyes in Farcloughs Lake, he dined with us at John Rimers in y^ Meales and after dinner he went on bord his Ship the Betty with us. Faircloughs Lake is set down on a chart in the Liverpool Library, published by Samuel Fearon and John Eyes (1738), entitled A Chart of the Sea Coast from the Harbour of Wyer to Black Comb, &c. It was a gut or fret in the bank opposite "The Sugar Houses" near North Meols, and was apparently two miles long by about half a mile broad, nearest the sea, narrowing landwards. (Communicated by Mr. P. Cowell, Librarian). Peter Whit: was going in his Ship from Farcloughs April 5th. Lake towards Leverp : but he himself landed near y^ 84 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1710. Grange, he sent his Ship forwards and Walked hither on foot, I lent him a Hors to ride on to Leverpoole. I sent John Banister to Leverp: with a present of Apples to Mr. Houghton, Mr. Clayton &c. April loth. Went to Farnworth, to the Cocking at Giligants y* Signe of the Naggs Head. I drunk with Mr. Hardig of y^ Lougher house, Mr. Harding of the Hook Hous, Jam : Houghton, &c. April uih. Pat: Wofold gave me 10^ tho not to be known from whom it came. This was a case of restitution through the confessional. April 14th. I went to Leverp : in Expectation to have seen a great meeting of Quaickers but most of them were gon. Mr. Plumb acquaited me with a discovery how he had been robed and otherways abuesed by a Woman, he shewed me severall Letters from Oliver Lime. April 1511.. I went to Leverp : with my Lord Mountg and his Son Richard and saw them take boat in order to goe over y® Water and so to goe to Holy Head. April i6th. Mr. Boyer of Aintry and his Wife dined here. I went to my Lord Mountgarrets to take leave of his Son James who was going for Blandick. Blandyke is St. Omer's College, the famous Jesuit place of education. April 20th. I went to Scarisb : to take leave of Coz : Scarisb : two Elder Sons who were for going to Blandick. I dined with old Mr. Harington, he came homwards with me, we called at Mr. Irelands in Maile. April 25th. Parson Wairing and his Son Gerard Wairing made me a Viset. of Crosby. 85 1710. I went to Leverp: and drunk at Mr. Silv: Richmonds Apnugth. with him and Parson Foxcroft who was formerly Curate of Sefton. I payed two Grats to W" Crisp my Lord Molin : his May 3rd. Bayly for two years Customary Rent. The Young People of this Town had Musick at Night and a Bone Fire. I sent a Present of Young Pigeons to Coz : Molin : of May nth. Mosbourgh for storing his Dove-Court. I went to Leverp: James Halsold y" Braysior treated Mayisih. me with Pickled Oysters. I met Mrs. Allison and her three Sons walking towards Litherland. Went to Ince Green and bowled with Parson Letus, May 17th. Mr. Burton and Rob : Bootle, Mr. Nich : Fazak : was there and bowled. My Wife and I saw y* Strange Starr it appeard about M^yisth. y* East and Shot downwards towards y° North the Streamer of it seemed to be fully four yards long, it appeared about half an hour after Nine at night and lasted about y* Space of half an Ave Maria. There were about 64 Young People playing in a Ring May2Sth. on my Green and about 20 Spectators. The first Swarme of Bees I had y^ year Knit upon Jo: Maysoih. Banisters hat when he had it on his head. We met Mr. Blund : coming home from Dr. Bostock. june sih. My Wife took up Coz : Emelia Butler and my Aunt june 14th. Frances in y^ Coach, we all went to Oughton Moss and saw a Plate Runn for by five Galawayes, a Hors of my Lord Chulmundeleys wane it. Went to Leverp : and saw y* Play acted called juue .sih. Sephonisba or Haniballs Overthrow. I discoursed Dr I7I0. 86 Diary of Nicholas Bhmdell, Smithson about his Ordering too much Lodinum for Mr. Lancaster. junei6th. I began to still some Eye-bright. june24tb. Dr Cawood the Oculist from Dublin came to look at my Eyes, he Lodged here. june28ih. I went with Doctor Cawood to Leverpoole to assist him in geting Acquaintance and to procure a Chamber for him where his Pasients may Come to him, we drunk at the Post Office with Doctor Smithson, Doctor Person &c. juuesgth. My Wife went to Ince to take Leave of Mr. Blundell and his Lady ere they went to Harragate Spawes. juiystb. Pat: Parker y^ Provins : Mr. Babthrop &c came hither. Pat : Smith of Croston lodged here. juiyi4tb. I began to learne of Dr Cawood to play at Picket. July 17th. Dr Cawood and I went to Prescot, I went to Mr. Oliver Lime to know whether he would venture with Dr Cawood for his Eyes, we light at y® Signe of y^ Ship and discoursed our Land-Lord, Tho : Moss. July 20th. I Began by Orders of Dr Cawood to take Drops, Eye Bright Tea and to put Clary Seeds into my Eyes. July 22nd. Dr Caw : and I went to Leverp : we Looked at y^ Dock that is in making, we went to see y™ make White- Mettle Muggs. July 24th. Dr Caw: went to y° Flowering of Ince Cross. Aug. 2nd. I gathered 1163 since this day twelve Month. This entry is explained by one made August 2 in the previous year, viz. : " He began to gather Pins for one year." There was probably a bet on this subject between the squire and his chaplain. of Crosby. 87 1710. I Waired 24' in Chinea in my Hale for my Wife. Mr. Aug. loth. Aid : Dr Cawo : and I went to the Grange Greene and saw a Match Bowled there between two young Men of Ince and two old Fellows of Formby, a Slave come from Turkey was on the Green. Mr. Aid: Dr. Cawood and I went to Ince Green to Aug. 15th, see y^ Match Bowled between the same two Formby and two Ince Men; Ince Green was so wet that the Spectators would not goe on it, there was there Mr. Formby, Parson Letus, Rob : Bootle and his Son &c. My Wife, Aunt Frances, Coz : Emi : But: &c., dined Aug. isui. at Eckleston, there was there Mr. Molineux of Bold, his Lady and abundance of Company. The Stone Cross in y^ Town was set up unknown to Aug. 23rd. me by y* Order chiefly of W™ Gray the Overseear of y* High Wayes. I began to pull down y® end of the Chappell in order Aug.i9ii>. to build it up with Brick. I went to Leverp: and drunk at y* Mariners Armes Aug. 31st. with Tho : Brownbill &c. I bought a fancifull Ring of Mugg Mettle to drink out of and brock it ere I got it home. Young Mr. Tyrer and Mr. James Tildesley called here, sepi. isi, they had ben a Parleamenteering. My Ditchers found a Basket Hilted Sword and a Lock sept.gth. of a Gun or Pistoll as they were ditching between y^ Long Garden and y^ Bleaching Yard, tis probable they had laine there since the time of y^ sivell Wars. One from Leverp : I suppose y® Huntsman was here sept. 13th. to enquire for some of Leverpo : Hounds as were strayed here away. 88 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1710. Sept. i8th. I went to Formoss-Poole Gutter expecting to have found 8 Men at work but tho it was past four of y^ Clock I onely found one man there y® rest not as yet being comm from their Dinners or Rather from y^ Ailehouse. Sept. igih. Coz I Richard Butler dined at the Stand with my Lord Molineux, Mr. MoHneux of Mosburgh &c. Sept. 20th. Coz: Rich: Butler of Bristold went hece. I went with him to Leverpoole but being they could not get his Horses into y^ Boat he Stayed at Leverpoole all Night. We drunk a Bowie of Punsh at Mr. Tates. Grays Brandy and Toste. Sept. 26th. I went in y^ evening to Ince Green there was there Mr. Formby, Lightbown of Formby &c. Oct. 3rd. I went to Grange Green with Mr. Aid: we bowled there before dinner with Parson Letus &c it was y"^ finishing day of Ince Green for this Season. Oct. 9th. I sent W" Ainsw: to Culcheth to wish Mr. Culsh : Joy. Mr. Thomas Culcheth was then newly married, but died s.p., and was buried at Winwick, October 8, 1747. His estates passed to his cousin, Thomas Stanley, Esq., of Eccleston-in-the-Fylde, whose daughter and heiress, Meliora, married William Dicconson. Esq., and died s.p., when the property went to the Traffords, who sold it early in this century. Oct. .6th. It being Crosby Goosefeast I dined at Parson Wairings with Mrs. Cross, Parson Letus' Sister in Law, Wm. Harrison y° Clark and his Wife &c. Oct. 17th. My Wife went to see Coz : Scarisb : who was lying in of her son Henry. Oct. .3th. John Adulph Castalier a German shewed here a Coach and Four Horses with People in it made all of Ivory that did not weigh two Graines. of Crosby. 8g 1710. Widdow Bolton a Chirurganess came hither to dress a oct.soth. Cut that Fanny has got over her Eye. I lent Darby my Lottery for two Dice being he was to oct.zis:. have a Cake play to night. Cap : Rob : Faza : went with my Wife and me in y^ Nov. lu. Coach to Formby. I Went to Chorley Town to meet Young Mr. Gerard of Nov.sch. Highfield and Pothecary Gerards Son. 1711. My Brother Langdale Mr. Aid: and I went in y* Coach jan.snd. to Leverp : we drank at Swarbricks and at y° Talbot. We had a Merry-Night. Tatlock played of his Pipes jaa.3,d. and Fiddle. Brother Langdale my Wife and I dined at Ince, Mr. jan.7th. W" Gibson was there. Mr. Aid: and I went a Skaiting to y^ Old Moss there jan.sist. was there Mr. Taylor of Orms : y^ Watchmaker. I went to Leverpoole with my Wife &c. We saw y^ jan.27th. great Saxon Maxemilian Christofer Miller I drunk at y' Wool-pack, with Mr. Plumb Mr. Allison and Dr. Fabius and with Mr. Ford y^ Putear, Dr. Traps &c. Mr. Aid: and I went to Mr. Ni : Fazakerley of y^ jan.a.st. Hill hous. Mr. Burton and Mr. Green of Hooton came hither. Feb.rih. Rev. Stanislaus Green, S.J., was chaplain to the Stanley family of Hooton, Cheshire. He died 1722. The Push Ploughers began to Push in y^ Winter heys. Feb.2oih. Ra: Peters pay'd me £5 from Mr. Wilding 'tis put out Mar. 3rd. to Interest for y*" Poore of Little Crosby. go Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1711. Mar. 8th. Mr. Aldred gave me a Paire of Ivory Tenns which he made on purpose for my own use. Mar.mh. Mr. Blund I Mr. Ra: Tildesleys Widdow and Mrs. Ann Harington made a Viset here. Mar. i2ih. I cut a good deale of Eye-bright for me to smoke. Mar. 13th. I Began to draw out some Pictures w"" my Pensall for my Rugg work and to try to finish one of them with cut Woosted but it did not doe right. Mar. loth. Cap : Rob : Fazak : brought us word that y® Family of St. Germans was privately gon away in y^ Night. Mar. 24th. I went to Leverp : and gave directions to Norton y^ Sadler to make me a Hammer-Cloath. I spoke to Mr. Low for some Glass-bottles. Mar. 29th. I went to Leverpo : I drunk at y^ Woolpack w"" Mr. Alanson and Samwell Edwards. I proposed a Swap with Samw: Edw: between my Button and his Gray Galloway. Mar. 30th. Rich : Cartwrit let my Wife blood in y* Foot. April 3rd. Coz: Scarisb : I and our Wives went to a Race on Oughton Moss, when the Race was past Mr. Scarisb : and I went to Lancets the Signe of Queens Head in Ormsk : where we drunk Wine with S" Tho : Standley, his Son, Capt : Standish, Parson Hindley of Oughton, Mr. Ashurst of Ashurst &c. April 4th. Mr. Scaresb: and I dined at Burchley with S' W" Gerard and his Brother John, Mr. Banks of Winstanley and his Brother y^ Parson, Mr. Leigh of Lime &c. April 23rd. I tought Jo: Sumner, W" Marrow, Rob: Tompson &c to play at Penny prick w*^ y^ Foot balle. I sent W° Ains: to Hooton to see Coz: Standley, she is ill of y Small Pox. e of Crosby. gi 1711. My Wife rid behind Mr. Aid: to D' Lathoms to Aprii24th. prayers, they dined there. Dr. Lathom, being old and infirm, had a private chapel at his house in Aintree. I went to Preston to wate of my Coze : Eyre and his April 30th. Lady. I suped with them at their New Lodging and with Mr. Standley and his Grand-Mother Patton, Parson Young &c. I Lodged at Rich: Jacksons y^ Signe of y° whit Bull in Preston. I Dined at Coz : Eyres with Mr. Standley of Bigarstaff May ist. his two Aunts, Mrs. Whithead and one of her Sons, Parson Young &c. I made a Viset to Mrs. Ann and Bridget Blundell, to Mr. Walmesley Junior and Mrs. Walmesley Senior. I was at y® New Coffy hous with Coz : Eyre where he, young Mr. Standley, Mr. Walles &c played at Passage; Cap Sidall D' Farrington &c played at Inn and inn. "'Passage' is a game of dice to be played at but by two, and it is performed with three dice. The caster throws continually till he hath thrown doublets under ten, and then he is out and loseth; or doublets above ten, and then he passeth and wins." — The Complete Gamester, 1680. "'In' signified that there was a doublet or two dice alike out of the four ; ' In and in ' that there were either two doublets or that all of the four dice were alike ; which swept all the stake. ' He is a merchant still, adventurer at in and in.' " — Ben Jonson, Webster's Dictionary. (Communicated by J. W. Bone, Esq., F.S.A.) Then to Chorley to y^ Funerall of Mr. Walmesley of May 2nd. Dungen-hall there was there S' Thorn: Standleys Son, Mr. Rob : Leigh, Mr. Brooks of Astley, the four Trustees, viz S' Ni : Sherb : S' W" Gerard &c I went with y^ Corps as far as Rodbourn towards Blackbourn. Francis, only son of Bartholomew Walmesley, of Dunkenhalgh, Esq., who died January 7, 1701-2, had followed his father to the 92 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1711. grave at the early age of 14. His sister Catherine was now sole heiress of the family estates, and married, when only 15, on March 1, 1712-3, Robert, 7th Lord Petre, who died of smallpox early the following year. She gave birth to a posthumous son, Robert James, the adventurous baron of Pope, in the Rape of the Lock. Lady Petre re-married, in 1733, Charles, Lord Stourton, and died in 1785, aged 88. Her descendant, Henry Petre, Esq., now holds the property. May 3rd. The young people of this Town had a Merry-night at v^ four Lain ends. Tatlock was their Musition. May iGth. Mr. Aid : went with me to Ince Green where I Bowled y® Match w* Mr. Rob : Blund : which we made yester night viz one Game hand to Fist and after that single ends for an hour. May 19th. I sent Cha : Howerd to y® Buriall of Hen: Livesley. Mayaoiii. Speed was severely whiped for taking a Shoulder of Mutton off y" Spit. June 3rd. Mr. Aid: and I went to Ince to welcome home Mr. Blundell from Whit-Chourch. He had been to consult Dr. Bostock, and must have died very shortly after this visit. June 4th. I went in y^ morning to my Burners in the North hey and gave those leave that had a Mind to goe to Ince to Prayers being Mr. Blund : was newly dead. I also went thither to prayers. June 71b. I was at y^ Funerall of Mr. Blundell of Ince, there was Mr. Tyrer y^ Maior of Leverp: Alderman Clayton, Mr. Tyrer the Atturney &c. June 14th. I went to Great Crosby Court, I drunk with Mr. Ford y® Steward &c, I shewed there some tricks of Legerde- mesney to Parson Wairing, James Williamson, Mr. Thomas y^ Officer &c. junei7ih. I Killed three of my Kats for eating y^ Cheeses. of Crosby. 93 1711. My Wife went to Mrs. Booties of y* Peele to shew her juneisth. a Soar place she has in her Legg. My Wife and Pat Gelib : made a Viset to my Lady june 21st. Anderton at Ince. Mr. Aid : and I Bowled at Great Crosby Green w"^ Parson Letus, Mr. Gerard Wairing and Mr. Thomas. My Children and the Maids went to Formby Fair. junesgih. Pat: Turbervile prayed here and preached, he dined juiyist. here. Rev. John Turberville, S.J., a relative of Lady Anderton, was her chaplain at Lostock, and had come to Ince with her. In Lydiate Hall and its Associations may be seen some letters of this father, relating to the curious complications that arose from her disposition of her Lydiate estate. Coz: Dick Butler sent to invite me to his Ball at juiysrd. Ormsk: this Night but I went not. Went to y^ New-house to make Mr. Tasburgh a Viset juiyioth. he being comn thither yester day to live there. I went to Leverp : and drunk w"' Cap : Clayton at his juiy mui. own house. Mrs. Scarisb: and Mrs. Ellin Entwisley dined here, juiyicth. Mrs. Moline : of y^ Grange and her Sister Betty Blund : Suped here. Coz: Dick Butler and his Sister Emilia went hence juiyigth. towards Ireland, they went over y' Water and designed to goe to Parke Gate. I saw Peter Slinhead stand in y* Pillery at Leverp : juiy 21S1. for writing against Dr. Secheverall and the Church of England. I discoursed Mr. Houghton Merchant about Husbandry but chiefly about improving of Land. 94 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1711. July 22nd. I went to Croxtath to welcome home my Lord Molin : I found there old Mr, Harington and Will ; Nelson. July 27th Ned Hawkseye began to make a peece of a Wall in y* Harkerk of some of y^ Chappel Chamber stones. Aug. 5th. Lady Anderton and Mr. Turvile came hither, t'was the first time he has ben here. Rev. Charles Turville, S.J., had just come to be chaplain at Ince. He was born March 10, 1683 ; son of Wm. Turville, of Aston Flamville, Co. Leicester, Esq., and his second wife Isabella, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Aston Cokayne, Knight, of Pooley, Co. Warwick. In 1722, when Mrs. Blundell left Ince, he accom- panied her abroad as her chaplain. He was with her till her death in 1753. He then retired to Watten, and died there 1757, aged 74. Aug. 8th. I went to Ince Bowling Green there was there Mr. Nich : Faza : Mr. Formby &c I went of y^ Green to help to pull a Mare of Rich : Whitheads out of y^ Ditch. I was sent for home of y® Green because Cap : Clayton of Leverp : his Wife and Sister were come hither. Aug. 3!St. Sept. 2nd. Sept. Sth. I Began again to work at my Rug-work-Paint tho I once had an unsuckcesfuU tryall at it before. My Wife and I dined at Scarisb : we went to wate of Madam Walmes : of Dungen-hall, Dr Lancast : and Mrs. Fazake : dined with us there, we brought Mrs. Fazak : home to Ormsk : in our Coach. I went to Leverpoole to have met Mr. John Hurst of y* Scouls but he came not. Sept. 15th. I met Mr. Hurst of y^ Scoules at y^ Wool-pack in Leverp : I drunk there with Cap : Rob : Fazak : &c., I saw at Leverp : a Shew of a Little Woman. Hen : Williamson told me he would not stand to y^ Arbitration of Crosby. 95 1711. between him and y° Waranders if old Rob : Bootle were an Arbitrator. This dispute was concerning rabbits taken by Williamson. I went to Ormsk : and drunk at y^ Talbot with Mr. sept. .7th. Walnaesley y* Watch-maker, coming home I called of John Sedon and discoursed him about sowing Malt-dust upon Medowing. I went to Garswood and dined there with Mrs. Walmes- sept.soth. ley, Mr. Scaresb :, Mr. Jo : Gelibrond &c. Mounsuer La Abbe tought Mrs. Walmesley &c to Dance at Garswood. I went to Leverp : designing to have ben at y' Funerall sept.Mnd. of Mr. Evans but he was not buried to day. Mr. Evans, a dancing master, had taught his art to the Diarist's daughters. I went to Leverp: to desire Mr. Tyarer the Maior of sepi.29ih. Leverp : or Mr. Clayton to meet Mr. Nicho : Faza : and Mr. Brooks upon Wednesday at Charls Howerds. The business was to view Formospoole Gutter and other water courses, which were troubling the squire and his neighbours not a Httle. Mr. Tyrer met the party as desired. Mr. Molineux, of the Grange, Mr. Blundell, and others were present at the inspection. I put some Peach Stones &c to Infuse in Brandy to oct. i:th. make Ratefia on. I drove a Pin at Jo: Tickley's Rearing. oct. 13th. My Children went to Great Crosby Goos-feast they oct.mth. Lodged in Great Crosby. It being Great Crosby Goosfeast I dined at Parson oci. 15th. Wairings with him, Parson Letus and his Wife and Sister- in-Law, Parson Marsden, Parson Mount, Mr. Williamson g6 Diary of Nicholas Blimdell, 1711. and Mr. Whithead Shool - Masters of Formby, Dr Tarlton &c. oct.i7ih. We began to Hatchell and Spinn this years Flax. My Wife sent Jo : Banis : to Scarisb : of a How-do-you to my Lady Tankerd. Oct. i8th I found Rob : To : and Hen : Kerf : playing of Reed Pips when they should have been geting Potatows. oct.Mth. I fetched home 4 Piggs and one Speaning from Ormsk: Oct 2anj. I went to Ja : Brows in expectation to have seen a Match of Shooting w"" Bowes and Arrows but y^ Formby Archers came not. I found at James Browns Pat : Wofold, Mr. Aldred, Mr. Burton, Mr. Edw"^ MoUneux of Formby &c. oct.zstb. I went to see Parson Wairing, he being very ill; his Brother y® School-Master of Prescot was there, I signed a Petission to y^ Company of Merchant-Taylors of London in behalf of Mr, Gerard Wairing that he might Suckseed his Father. This petition had the desired effect. The Grammar School at Great Crosby is still flourishing, and an elegant building has been recently erected to replace the old structure. Oct. 31st. I attended y'' Corps of Parson Wairing to Sefton there was Parson Letus, Mr, Peter Morton, Alderman Webster, Alderman Hurst, Mr. Allanson &c there was also at Parson Wairings, Parson Becket, Parson Mount &c., y^ Corps was carried on my Coach Carriage. Nov.ist. My Wife went to condole Mrs. Ann Wairing for y^ death of her Father. My Children went in y® Coach to Formby Allotide. Nov. iitb. I stood God-father with Mrs. Howet to Coz : Tho : Gelibronds Son John. of Crosby. 97 1711. My Wife and Children went to Leverpoo : Fair. Nov. izih. I sold my Mare Punsh to Rich : Westhead for £4 in Nov. 13th. hand and eleven pound more to be paid upon y^ Birth of my first Son by my now Wife. I Lent my Coach Carriage to carry the Corps of Elizab : Farclough to Sefton. Ned Hatton came to me to Petission I wold be off Nov.isih. y^ bargan I had made with Ri : Westhead but I would not consent to it. I sent W° Ainsw: to Rich: Westhead with my Mare nov.jisi. Punsh being he had bought her of me some time agoe, but he sent her back in hopes I would come upon a new Bargan but we stuck to y* first bargain. My Aunt Frances Blu : being dead I went to Ormsk: Dec. 2nd. to see who was to be her Executors, Coz : Jo : Gelibrond being one. I went to Ormsk: and brought y* Corps of my Aunt Dec. 3rd. Frances Blu : thence on my Coach Carriage and buried her in y® Harkerk ; Coz : Jo : Gelib : Pat : Geli : Doctor Lancaster, Mrs. Ann Gorsuch &c came along with y' Corps. Frances Blundell, sister of the " Cavalier," of whom some account has already been given, was 80 years of age at the time of her death. I sent my Mare Punch to Rich: Westheads he was Dec.4ih. not at home but after some time his Wife took charg of her. Mrs. Blundell and her Kinsman Mr. Steven Anderton Dec.e.h. made a Viset here. I found S' Francis Anderton and Mrs. Blund: at Mr. oecsth. Aldreds but he was gone to help Ginnet Arnold to die. g8 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1711. Deo. 9th. My Wife went to see Mrs. Poole of Burchley who was lying in of her son Richard. Dec. loth. S'' Fran : Ande : I &c Rid down to y* Sea Side and saw them take Flooks. I layed the Wager with Mr. Steven Anderton about the Number of Holes in a Flagelet. Dec.i3tb. Rich: Webster came hither at Night and brought along with him y* Foolish Fellow Will : Speakman that played upon an Eller Pipe. Decstb. Gabriall Norris Wife sent a Present to my Children of a Pack of Frensh Cards. Dec.gih. My Eyes being not very well I spent most of the after Noone in sourting the printed Sheets of y' Book entickled Quid me perscsqueris and in laying as many Sheets together as made up bookes a peece. This was a treatise on the Penal Laws, but there does not appear to be any printed copies now in existence. It was written by the " Cavalier," who says — " In the year 1661 I printed a small book on that subject, which I have shewed to few, and I think it was never exposed to sale." — A Cavalier's Note Book, p. 150. Decaoth. I began to make some Aqua Celestis a new way viz: to whicken it with East lick Aile but it did not answer expectation. Dec. 38th. We had a Merry Night, Tatlock played here of his Pips and Fiddle, there was pritty throng Carding, one Company played at 6^ p Cut till after Nine next Morning. Dec. 31st. My Wife &c went to Leverp : in the Coach, they brought Betty Secomb my Landladys Doughter of the Wool-pack back with them to lodg here. 1712. Jan. 3rd. Coz: Tho: Gelib: and I &c. dined at Lanslets y" Queens Head in Ormsk : w*** Cap : Brown, our Wives dined at 6th. of Crosby. 99 1712. Mrs. Howets. I saw Mrs. Walmesley going from Scarisb : to Garswood to solemnize her Birth-day to-morrow being then 14 years of Age. S' W"" Ger: and his Doughter Mar}', Coz : Scarisb : and his Lady, Coz : Jo : Gehb : &c were along with her. I was at Mr, Houghtons where y* privy Sestions were held by S' Tho : Standley Mr. Brooks, and Mr. Nicho : Fazak : Little Crosby had a Tr>'all w"" Ince Town there, concerning y^ Settlement of Rich : Swift &c, we lost y* Sute. Mr. Aid: and I went to Leverp : I went to see Mr. jan.isth. Houghton y° Merchant who was so ill I could not be admitted to speak to him. I went to Aintry and looked at Doctor Lathoms Housing jau. ■. called Aintry Hous to see in what repair it was in. I went to see Parson Richmond of Walton who was j sick, I found there Parson Marsden and I think Parson Becket. Mr. Ri: Molin : of y^ Grange came hither and paid me jan.sist. his 10 Penny Rent. My Wife and I went to Leverp: and heard Mr. Manock jan.^rtb. Preach. Mr. Tute and Mr. Morphew &c were there, we dined at Mrs. Brownbills with her and Mr. Manock. A room in the house would then serve as a chapel — the first building of this character dating about 1736. This was destroyed by the mob after the defeat of the Jacobites in 1745. Rev. Francis Mannock, S.J., was second son of Sir Francis Mannock, Bart., by Mary Heneage, born October 18, 1670, died at York, December 21, 1748. — Foley's Records, vol. 5, p. 367. I bought Lining Silk &c at Mr. Hursts to make up a Feb..aih, Sute of Clothes for myself y^ Outside was of our own spining. I went to y^ Buriall Place to see Hu : BuUen 81I1. loo Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1712. goe past as he was removing hous into Darby, he had fourteen carts and mine was one of them. The burial place (Harkirke), though now enclosed within the walls of Crosby Park, formerly adjoined the public road ; near it are the remains of a very ancient wayside cross. Feb. 23rd. I drunk at Mr. Hursts with him, Parson Richmond, Mr. Silvester Richmond, Mr. Brenan, &c. Feb.amh. Mr. Taylor of Ormsk : Watchmaker dined here, he gave my Wife a pair of Silver Clasps for her Necklases. Feb. 25th. The Souldiers Fortune was Acted at Mrs. Ann Roth- wells in this Town. My Wife went with me both to y^ Play and Gigg. The Actors of y^ Play were Thos Farer S' Davyd Dunce, W™ Marrow Captain Bewgard, Watty Thelw : S"^ JoHy jumble &c. Mar. 3rd. Mr. Gera: Wairing made a Viset here, Young James Williamson y^ Saylor came with him. I went with S"^ Jas Poole to y'' Hall of Maile, thence we went to Parson Daines of Melling. Mar. 4th. Severall of y^ Neighbours turned the Pan-Kakes here after supper and dansed in y° Hall, Hen : Kerfoot played to yem. Mar.mb. Winny Scot was here to Consult about y^ misunder- standing as is between her and her Husband, I gave her my advice and let W" Weedow help to make them Friends. Mar. 15th. I went to see Mr. Hurst who was ill of y^ Gout and Gravell, I think old Mr. Poole was with him. Mar.isth. Toping y* Parriter was here a beging for Corn, I gave him some. As I was going to my Setters of Star to hinder y^ Sand from recking up my Grand Water-Course I met of Crosby. loi 1712. in y^ Town W° Harrison y* Clark of Sefton I gave him 2^ instead of 12 Paist Eggs. Rich: Cartw: let me blood. Mar. 27th. I gave my Coz : Tho : Gelibrond a Bowl made of Mar. 29th. Tobacco. I sent Jo : Banister to y" Funeral of Nich : Shepheard. Being extreamly ill of a continuall Fit of Hekoping Mar.3oih. which lasted for about 15 Hours without ever any Long intermission both Dr Will : Lancaster and Dr Andrews came to me. Doctor Lane : came to see me. I got up being on y"" Aprii ist. mending hand. They sent from Mosb : Morehall and Ince to see me. April 2nd. Edw : Hatton, Tho : Blansh : and severall of my Neigh- bours came to see me. Mr. Aid: prayed here and preached a Passion Sermon. Apriiisth. This was Good Friday. My Wife and I saw part of y^ Play called y^ Schoole .-.p.-ii 2i5t. of Complements Acted at He : Bushels by a Company as came from towards Scarisb : I went with Mally to y^ Whit-Mettle houses (Liverpool) Apriuard. and bought a Punsh Bowl. I went to Leverp : and gave Mr. Clayton a Receipt for Aprii26th. ;^ioo from S"" Roger Brad : owing by Bond from his Grand- father to Mr. Christopher Bradshaw. Mr. Christopher Bradshaw died in 1678, and left the "Cavalier," who could never recover this sum in his own lifetime, one of his executors. I02 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1712. May 3rd. I went to Leverp : and fetched Mally home behind me, we saw the Drummers Wife of Leverp : whipt for Stealing. I drunk at y^ Woolpack with Mr. Plumb and Whit y^ Barber, I payed W^hit 25' for a Perrywig. The young people of this Town had a Merry-night Tatlock played to them my Wife and I went to see them dance. May 6th. I Went to Ormsk: Sessions in order to have got a Hunderd Bridge made over Formospoole Gutter but could not. I dined at Lancets with Mr. Faz : of y® Hill-hous, Lawyer Blundell, Atturney Green &c there was at y^ other Table Mr. Clayton of Leverp : Merchant, Mr. Brooks of Ormsk: Lawyer Starkey &c I drunk at y^ Talbot with Mr. Rob: Fazakerley and Doctor Lancaster. May 13th. I went to Ormsk : Rase with my Wife and Mally in y^ Coach but I rid upon y*" Ground, there was my Lord Peters and his Lady, Lawyer Starkey, Parson Letus &c the Rase was won by an Iron Gray hors of one Mr. Batters he run against my Lord Molineux his Darcy &c. I bought a Hat of Quaker Holme. MayiGth. Mr. Aid: shewed me how to take y* Meridion. May 20th. They began to spin some of y^ years woole to make me a Sute of Cloths on. May 21st. I dined at Garswood with S'' Will: Gerard, Lord Peters, Mr. Culcheth and their Ladys, S' Francis Andrews &c. I went in y® Evening with S' Will : Gerard and S' Fra : And : to Burchley and so home. Mayjjnd. Tho : KerkHngtoH was here, I went out with him a Simpling to y* Sand Hills. Kay 23rd. My Wife went to y* Peele to shew her foot to Mrs. Bootle which was soar with being Bluddied. of Crosby. 103 1712. I was at Ince Green but did not bowl, there was Maysgih. Parson Letus, Parson Wairing, Parson Darbyshire of Formby, Rob : Bootle &c. My Wife, I and my children were at the Funerall of junesih. John Bryanson of the Morehouses, there was Mr. Molineux of the Grange, Rich : Tickley &c. I took Tho: Hartley and Geo: Nailer of Leverp : junegth. hunting Wild Ducks in the Cowhey, they had one Gun but wood not deliver it. I went to Ince Green, there was Parson Sherley of y^ juneizth. Meales, Mr. Lancet of Ormsk : &c. My Wife rid behind me to Leve : we saw y^ Play june .gib. Acted called y^ Earle of Essex there was present Mr. Heskaine, Mr. Jams Gleast, Will: Rollins &c. My Wife and I came home in y^ Wet between 4 and 5 next Morning. When I came home I found Parson Gerard Wairing junejcih. and John Dugdale &c who were comne along with Geo: Nayler to petission for him he being one of them as I prosecuted for Shooting a Wild Duck in y" Cowhey. My Wife began her Journey towards Holy^vell she Rid juneaist. to Leverp : and designes to walk the rest. 1 went to Leverp: and saw Acted in y^ Castle the june23rd. Play called y* Yeoman of Kent, there was at y^ Play Mr. Sandeford Junior, Will: Rollins, James Gleast &c. I made a Sword Dance against my Marlpit is flower'd. juiyard. I went to Leverp: and to the Printhous tis y= first juiysn.. time I was to see it. I was very busy most of y^ after-noone shaping Tinsall juiyytb. &c for the Garland for my New Marl-pit and after Supper I04 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1712. y" Women helped to Paste some things for it. I began to teach the 8 Sword Dancers their Dance w'^'' they are to Dance at y® Flowering of my Marl-pit. Dr Cawood played to them. juiysih. I was very busy making Kaps &c for my Marlers and Dansers, severall of Great Crosby Lasses helped me. The Young Women of this Town, Morehouses and Great Crosby dressed y^ Garlands in my Barne. I tought my 8 Sword Dancers their Dance, they had Musick and Danced it in my Barn. juiygih. I was extreamly busy all Morning making some things to adorn my Marlers Heads. My Marl-pit was flowered very much to y^ Satisfaction of y^ Spectators, all the 14 Marlers had a Particular Dress upon their Heads and Carried each of them a Musket or Gun. The Six Garlands &c were carried by young Women in Prosestion, the 8 Sword Dancers went along with them to y^ Marlpit where they Dansed, the Musick was Gerald Holsold and his Son and Rich : Tatlock, at Night they Danced in y" Barne. Tho : Lathord of Leverpoole brought me to y'' Marlpit a Dogg Coller against my Bull Bate as is to be in y'' Pit. July 15th. I Baited a Large Bull in y* Bottom of ray New Marl- pit, he was never baited before as I knov/ of, yet played to admiration, there was 8 or 9 Doggs played y* first Bait and onely two y* 3'^'* bait, I think there was not above two Doggs but what were very ill hurt, I gave a Coller to be played for but no Dogg could get it fairly, so I gave it to Rich : Spencer of Leve : being his Dogg best deserved it. July 16th. Mr. Aid : began to make some kaps for some of my Sword Dancers against y^ Finishing day. of Crosby. 105 1712. I went to Ince Bowling Green where I found Parson juiyj.st. Sherley of Meyles, Parson Darbyshire, and Mr. Whithead the School-Master of Formby &c. I had my Finishing day for my Marling and abundance juiy^jrd. of my Neighbours and Tenants eat and drunk with me in y" after noone, severall of them had made presents to my Wife of Sugar, Chickens, Butter &c. All my Marlers, Spreaders, Water-Baylis and Carters din'd here, we fetched home y^ Maypowl from the pit and had Sword Dansing and a Merry-Night in y* Hall and in y^ Barne, Richard Tatlock played to them. Jo: Tickley told me his Secret and his greatest Troble juiy25ib. and advised with me about it. I went to Mr. Aid: where I found Mr. Tho : Ford y* juiyaist. Puterar, Jack Whit y^ Barber, Doctor Barret and Pothecary Lathom. In his Anecdote Book the Diarist says — "I knew one Thomas Ford a Brazier at Leverpoole who could have writ his name upon a wall at arms length with half a hundred weight hanging at his little finger." I went to Leverp : Dr. Caw : and I made a Viset to Aug. and. Mr. Hurst, he shewed us his new hous. I walked into y Town with Pat: Jam: Gorsuch, after A..g,7ti.. dinner he and his Sister Ann made a Viset to Will : Williamsons of Litherland. My Children buried one of their Babbys with a great Aug. loih. deale of Formallity, they had a Garland of Flowers carried before it, and at least twenty of their Playfellows and others that they invited were at y® Buriall. Mr. Roby breackfasted here, I went with him to Vew Aug.i.th. Fermospoole Gutter where he considered about making a Bridg over it. io6 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1712. Aug. i4ih. Mr. Standish, Mr. Rog : Diconson and their Ladys dined here. Auk. .5*. Dr. Cawood and I made a Viset to Mr. Moston of Lidiat, coming home I shewed him Sefton Seller. My Children saw part of a Stage Play at Moiling. Aug. 20!h. I was searved with y'' Sherriffs Writ upon y® Sute of Mr. Molineux of y'^ Grange, it was about y^ Water Courses. I went to Prescot and advised w"" Lawyer Blund : about this Business. AUS.2JSI. I went to Ormsk: and gave Mr. Tyrer my Note that I would stand Sute against Ince. Mr. Hesketh of Ryfford spoke to me in behalf of Thomas Hartley about his Shooting Wild Ducks in my Demesney. Aug. 34th. Mr. John Jackson one of the Masters of Mathematicks at Leverpoole made me a Viset. Aug. 25th. Doctor Lancaster of Ormskirk and Coz : WilHam Walmesley the Watchmaker dined here. Aug.3Dth. I went to Lever: I drunk at W. Griffys w"* Mr. Plumb and D' Caw : I saw y^ Little Woman Catherin she was a Hanaverian, she was as near one yard and Insh high as could be. I attended the Corps of my Landlady Secomb as far as into y^ Church Yord, there was at y^ Buriall Hous, Mr. Maior, D"' Tarlton, Parson Stith, Parson Walsh &c. Sept. ist. I had a Cradle from Leverpoo : for Mowing Oats I shew'd it to Henry Ashcroft but he ues'd it not today. sepi.8ih. My Black -Bull was Baited at Mrs. Ann Rothwells there played but three right Doggs and two of y" were ill hurt. of Crosby. 107 1712. My Wife, Mrs. Scarisb : and Pat Edw : Scarisb : went sepi..2th. in y* Coach to Lever: they saw a Play Acted called y^ Queene of the Scots. This Rev. E. Scarisbrick, S.J., was brother to the squire. D' Caw: helped me to examain my Simballing things, sept.sih. Mr. Plumbe and I went on borde Mr. William Kellys sept.sotu. Ship the John of Dublin. I called at D' Lathoms and chapterd Betty Lathom sopt.^.st. about her unkindness to her Uncle and Aunt. Y'' Bet between Mr. Aid: and Mall: But: about Mesuring an Eshen. Mrs. Fleetwood Butler Lodged here. sept.jsnd. We went to Parson Wairings but he being gon to y^ occ.jnd. Funeral of Mrs. Moreton we went to James Davys. My Wife and Mrs. Fleet: Butle: went to Leverp : oci.4ib. Ch : How : overturn'd y* Coach upon Lever : Rocks and dammadged it very much and hurt my Wife and Mrs. Butler, he brock it worse in Great Crosby Field. I wore my second homs Made Sute. oct.5ih. Mr. Golding sent hither for some Young Pigeons to oct.nth. stock his Dove-Cort with, I gave him a dozine or more. I went to Great Crosby Goosfeast with my Wife &c. octuth. I and Mally went in our Coach and six to lodge at oci.i3ih. Mosburgh. The Water in Rainford was very high and came into y* Coach and wet some of our things in the Male Trunk and Boxes. Mr. Ro : Molin : Mr. Aid : and I dined at Garswood. oct. 15th. io8 Diary of Nicholas Bhmdell, 1712. Oct. 16th. S"" Will: Gerard and his Brother John and Mr. Worthington of Blanscow dined at Mosbu : Oct. 17th. Mr. Poole of Burchley and his Wife dined at Mosb : Mr. Fra : Escot came in the after noone. Oct, i8th. Mr. Molineux of Mosb : and I met Mr. John Gerard of Garswood a hunting. oct.igih. Coz: Molin: and I went on Hors Back to Burchley; our Wives Mrs. F. Butler and Mally went in y" Coach, we dined there with Mrs. Eckleston. oct.jist. Mr. Knight prayed and dined here and then went towards Leverp : oct.ajrj. Will: Ainsw: bought me Seven Manks Bullocks at y° Hall of Maudsley. oct.26tb. I was at Margery Shepheards at y^ Marriage of her Doughter Ailes to Roger Oneale. Oct. 31st. I gave John Bannister a Quarters warning, but since we have peesed againe, so he dose not Leave my Service. Nov.4tii. I came to Ja: Bryans : and mesured y* Eshen about w'^'' Mr. Aid : had Layed a wager formerly, it held something above 19 Quarts. Nov. 6th. I Coursed a Hare in Thornton, Parson Mallery, Mr. Eckleston y® Brewer, old Rob : Bootle &c was present. Nov. .8th. Mr. Manock brought y^ News that Duke Hammilton and Lord Mooe had killed each other in a Duell. Nov, 20th. Went to Leverp : saw a Poppet Show in y° Lord Street. Dec. 1st. I was at y^ Funerall of Mr. Male of Male, there was at y^ Hous Alderman Clayton and Mr. Shaw of Leverp : Mr. of Crosby. 109 1712. Poole of Low Hill, Parson Becket, Parson Letus, Mrs. Bootle of y® Peele &c. My Wife, Mally and I lodged at Mr. Golding at Dec.27ih. Southward, Mally rode thither behind me, we found there Lawyer Johnsons Doughter of Warington and Mr. Booth. Mr. Booth went with Mally and me to Dobs Font. dccisu,. Mrs. Golding my Wife and I dined at Culsheth, Mr. John Decjgth. Culsheth was there, Mrs. Gold: Rode thither behind me. Mrs. Golding my Wife and I dined at Mr. Langtons Dec. 30th. of y° Low with young Mr. Gifford and Mr. Helme. Mr. Golding I and our Wives and Mally &c heard Dec. 31st. Mass at Mr. Jo : Corleys and dined there. 1713- Mr. John Corley and his Wife din'd at Southard. jan.ist. My Wife I and Mally came home from South: we light jan.^nd. at Winwick and went into y^ Chourch to look at Mr. Leighs Monumet. We had a Merry Night, Rich: Tatlock play'd here we jan.eth. had a great many Dansers, they Dansed my Sword Dace, I played at Cut in y^ Paintry with Jos : Blansheard of the Lady Green, Rob : Massom &c. I got my Breakfast at Ell : Harrisons being I had not jan. loth. eat any Christmass Fair with her. They began to spin Gersey. jan.2oth. Mr. Molin: of the Grange being dead this Morning my jan.27th. Wife and I went thither to pray but all y^ Masses were over ere we came. I went to the Grange to pray for Mr. Rich : Molineux jan. 28ih. I heard 3 Masses and said y* Office for the Dead with y' 4 Priests. no Diary of Nicholas Blundell, I7I3- jw,29ih. I went to y^ Funerall of Mr. Moline: of y^ Grange, there was Mr. Wofold of More-hall, Mr. Harington, Coz : Molin : of Mosburgh, Parson Letus, Mr. Nicho : Fazak : Mr. Formby &c. I lent Cap : Rob : Faz : a Mare to ride on to y* Buriall. jan.sisi. I had a New Side-Saddle brought home as Mr. Norton made twas of Leather, it was hansoled to night by five Women. i-eb.4!L. I went to Croxtath and dined there w'^ my Lord his two Sons Carroll and Thomas, Mr. Harington &c. Feb. 8th. My Wife, Mally, and Coz: Nanny Gorsu: went to y* Grange to condole Mrs. Molin : for y* death of her husband. Feb.uih. Mrs. Bridget Alanson and Mrs. Betty Chorley came to lodge here, they came hither on my Horses from Leverp: I made a Mixture of part of a Legg of rested Mutton &c., to draw Rats togeather to one Place, I think it kill'd none of them. Feb.ijth. My Wife and I went in y^ Coach w"" our Gests to Mr. Smiths of Mail. Feb. 13th. Mr. John Simpson and Mr. Nathani : Brown-Sword dined here they came to fetch our Gests away. Feb.. 4th. I sent W" Weedow to Club-More with some Geese &c. I helped Ned Farer and Nich : Davy to set out a Cock- Clod at the four Lane Ends. Feb. .7th. I was at y^ Cocking at Mrs. Ann Rothwells at y® Four Lane Ends, there was four Battles, a Cock of mine play'd one; there was Mr. Aid: Mr. Burton, Lunt y^ Schoolmaster of Ince &c. We concluded to have a Cocking there upon Eeaster Munday, to play eather Battle Victory or Battle Royall. of Crosby. iii 1713. John Banister went to Ormsk: of a howdoe-you to Feb.igih. Mrs. Fazak : who was Lying in. My Wife tryed to make some Red Ginger-Bread after Feb. 23rd. y* York Passion. I went in y^ Morning to y^ Saile of goods at the Grange, I bought some small Casks and some Pewter. I went to Wigan and discoursed Doctor Tho : Worthing- Feb. 24th. ton about seting his Hous ready Furnished, it was for my Brother Langdale. Mr. Shepheard was here and Acquainted me that those Feb.sj.h. of Ince were willing to have y* Sute refer'd but will not own that they desire it. Mr. Scarisb : and his Lady dined here, they brought Mar. ist. their Son Robert, he is for going to Blandick. I went to Leverp : and discoursed Mr. Plumb about y° Mar.^d. Sute depending betweene Ince and me. Mr. Simpson treated me at his Hous. I drunk at y^ Woolpack with Mr. Alanson and Dr Tarlton. I went to Prescot and light at Tho : Moss'es y* Signe Mar. 3rd. of y^ Ship, I sent for Lawyer Blund : and discoursed him about y^ Water-Cours Sute, I made a Viset to Oliver Lime. There were some Hunters in y® North-Hey and Little Mar.gih. Eases, I heard it was Mr. Molin : of Wooton hunting y^ Fox, my Wife I &c went up into y^ Leads to look at them. I went to Leverp; and made Mrs. Holiwell a Viset Mar. 131b and wished her Joy. Parson Stith shewed me his Garden. There were 186 People at Prayers at Mr. Aldreds this Mar. istb. after noone. 112 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1713. Mar. 20th. I weighed my Cock and some others as are up in my Pens. Mar.2ist. I spard four Cocks that are up in my Pens to feed. Mar. 22nd. Jo: Whitley brought me a Cock w'''' he lent me against my Cocking on Easter Munday. Mar.25ih. I madc a Match with John Rose to play my Ditton Cock Clumsy agaist one of his. I sent a Chess-bord and Men of a Present to S' Will : Gerard. Mar. 27111. Four of y^ Coks in my Pens were spar'd. Mar. 23th. Now y^ Sutc depending seems to be at an end between Ince and me about y" Water Courses. Mar. 29th. I began my Journey towards Lancas : in Order to try Tho : Hartley for destroying y^ Game within y^ Lord-ship, I dined at Mr. Ri : Walmesleys in Preston, I made a Viset to Mrs. Fleetw : Butler and then went towards Lane : with Mr. Tarlton y'= Maior of Leverpoole and Lodged at Marshalls the Signe of the Queens Arms, I suped there w"^ Mr. Darcy Chantrell. Mar.3oih. I dined at my Lodgings w*^ Mr. Parker of Broosom Mr. Lister, Mr. Darcy Chantrell &c. Mar. 31st. I dined at my Lodging in a by Roome with Mr. Winter Parson of Cockrom. I had my Tryall w''' Tho : Hartley and cast him. April .St. I dined at my Inn with Cap: Parker of Broosom. My Fighting Cocks were spared y" third and last time. April 2nd. I called at Parson Winters at Cockrom. I dined at Rich : Jacksons in Preston, I went with Mr. Rich : Walmesley to look at Mr. Husons Hous to see if it would of Crosby. 113 be proper for my Brot : Langdale. I made a Viset to my Lady Eliz: Eyre and to Mrs. Fleetwood Butler. Rowland Eyre, of Hassop, Derbyshire, Esq., had a house outside Preston, which was occupied by the King's troops in the siege of that town, 1715. His wife. Lady Elizabeth, was a daughter of Luke Plunicet, Earl of Fingal. They were both buried at St. Wilfred's, now St. John's, Preston, Mr. Eyre dying on March 22, aged 72, and his wife on August 26 of the same year, 1729. Mr. Aid: prayed and preched here a Passion Sermon. Apriisrd. I broke Lent with Black-Pudings as were made before April 5th. Christmas. This was Easter Sunday. We had a great Cocking at Mrs. Ann Rothwells they Apmeih. played Battle Victory I had two Cocks in y^ Battles and one of y™ got two Battles, there were nine Battles played this afternoone. Mrs. Blund : and Mr. Turvill made a Viset here, but I came not to them from y^ Cocking, Toping the Pariter was here abeging Come I gave April 711.. him some. I gave Ned Howerd £2) towards inlarging his Chappell. April 15th. This was the chapel in Little Crosby Village used by Mr. Aldred. " Mass was said in the roof or attic of the cottage, and the marks of the stone steps leading to it are still visible; the steps themselves were, I believe, removed by my father after the death of an old woman, Jane Fisher, who lived there upwards of 90 years." (Note by Col. N. Blundell.) I bought six plate Buttons of Mr. Shields for my Frock. April isoi. Mr. Smith of Sefton was here, his Landlord Captain April 24th. Croston came with him. The Crossions went to Great Crosby and y^ Antecros- April 26th. sions played at y^ Cross in the Townfield after Supper. 114 Diary of Nicholas Bhmdell, 1713- April 27th. My Wife had two small Peeces of Searge brought home from Leverp : by one that dyed them for her, they were of our own spinning of Gersey. Maysih. I met y^ Corps of my Lady Molin : at Ormsk: and attended it to y® Funerall at Sefton, there was S' W" Gerard, Mr. Standish, Mr. Roger Diconson &c. This Lady Molyneux was Bridget, daughter of Robert Lucy, of Charlecote, Co. Warwick, Esq., buried in linen and the forfeitures paid. William, 4th Viscount Molyneux, re-married at Warrington on July 22, 1716, Mary Skelton, and was buried at Sefton, March 12, 1717-8. — Payne's English Catholic Nonjurors, p. 113. Mayisih. I was at Sefton Ailhous at a Parish Meeting concerning repairing the Steeple, there was Mr. Williamson of Lither- land, Mr. Parr, Mr. Shepheard &c. Mayigth. Catty Howerd and Nanny Blund : should have set up in y^ night with their Sweet-hearts but they were discover'd and prevented. Maysoth. John Blund : came and chaptered his Doughter Nanny for her last nights Proiect. May 22nd. Parson Wairing and Mr. Peter Morton called here as they were going to Ince Green, I went along with them and bowl'd there with Parson Letus, Parson Darbyshire, young Mr. Butler of Radcliff &c. May 25th. I made a Viset to Parson Wairing, there was his Uncle Hen : Wairing, Parson Letus, Parson Walsh, Tho : Syer of y^ Ford &c. May 27th. Parson Wairing and his Wife made a Viset here, tis y* first time she has ben here since she was Married. Rev. Gerard Wareing had just married Julian Crosse, sister to the wife of Parson Letus. He died March 23, 1730, aged 42, as his stone in Sefton Church testifies. He left his young children ill provided for. Mrs. Letus writes to her brother-in-law, John France, begging clothes for John, " who was to go to Dr. Bromfield. She of Crosby.^ 115 1713. keeps the girl, though more than she can afford ; the other boy is with brother Farnworth." — Rawdijfe Papers. The uncle Henry was schoolmaster at Prescot, and another uncle, Thomas, was vicar of Garstang, and died October 22, 1722. The inscription on his tombstone at Churchtown terminates with the Catholic formula, Requiescat in pace. I sent Henry Kerfoot to Hooton to see my Cozen june.st. Standley who was lying in of her Son Henry. I paid Will: Harrison y^ Clark of Sefton my Easter junesti.. dues and Clarks wages. Will : Ainsworth took a bull of mine with him to the Hall of Eckleston as he had sold to y* Steward, Mr. Waterworth. Will : Ainsw : bought me some Timber at y* Hall of juue 91b. Martine. I took a Drought of Sack and Oyle but found no great june.2ih. good by it. I went to Leverp: with my Wife, she showed her Legg juneisth. to Mrs. Maginis. Mrs. Bootle of y* Peele sent to invite my Wife to dine juneisth. with her at y® Peele. Mr. Trafford of Croston and his Son John dined here they went with us to a Hors Rase as was on Great Crosby Marsh, there was Mr. Langley, Mr. Ford y^ Putarer, Mr. Simpson &c. : y^ Mistake of a Guiney given to my Servant. I being one of D"^ Lathom's Executors I went to his june24th. Hous to order his Buriall, he was carried on my Coach Carriage to Walton Church there was at his Buriall Jo: Tyrer, Mr. Bower and his Wife, Mr. Crisp &c there was at the Hous Mr. Shaw of Ormsk : John Crew &c. Pat Buno Anderton made a Viset here. junejsth. Mrs. Molin: of Wooton, her Doughter Mary and her junejgth. Sister-in-law Mrs. Mary Molin : dined here. ii6 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, June 30th. Old Mr. Walmesley late of Showley came betimes m y^ Morning. Inly .St. I went to Ormsk : to Doctor Lancasters, there was Mr. Scarisb : Mr. Peter Ashton, Mr. Woodrove, Mr. Harding of Sutton &c. July 4th. Rob: Bootle and Umphrey Coppold paid me for some Paving Stones, they Smoked their pips with me. July 5th. My Wife, Mrs. MoHn : of y® Grange, Fanny and I went in y® Coach to Scarisb : we found Mr. Barlowes Son of Barlow there, Mrs. Scaresb : was Lying Inn of her Son Thomas. Mr. John Blundells Widdow lodged there. July 8th. I met Ri : Tatlock and sold him some of Dr Lathoms Chirurgicall Instruments. juiyi2th. I Lodged at Ditton at y^ Bank at W° Athertons, Fanny rid behind me. July .3th. Hen: Heys went with me to Mr. Writs of Cranton, I discoursed him about seeking for Coles in Ditton. Will : Weed : had a Reering of one bay of Shipponing all or most of my Servants were at it pritty late. iuiy.7ih. Mr. Plumb kept my Court at Will: Davys before dinner. When he was gon I went to John Farers. We adiusted the Difference between George Cottom and Jo: Tickley about a Tup. juiyigih. Coz : Tho : Gelib: his Father and I went to Chorley to Cowlings, I drunk there w"" Mr. Char: Townley and Mr. Charls Chorley ; Coz : Jo : Gelib : and Mr. Chorley met there upon the Townes Business. In Baines' Lancashire, vol. 2, p. 126, the following inscription is given from a gravestone in Chorley Churchyard : — " Hie jacet Corpus Thomoe Gillibrand de Chorley Hall, Gen. Qui obiit 19° die of Crosby. iiy _ 171 1. Octobrs A.D. 1733." Within three years of the Diarist's visit, both Mr. Charles Chorley and his father had perished in the Jacobite rebelHon. Mr. Richard Chorley was executed at Preston, February 9, 1715-6, whilst his son Charles died in a Liverpool prison. Their estate was forfeited, and sold to Mr. Abraham Crompton, a banker, of Derby, for £5,65^ i8s. id. Mr. John GiUibrand, an upright and conscientious lawyer, lived at Astley Hall. Coz : Tho: Gelib : I and oure Wives went to Preston, iuiy2oth. dined w"" my Lady Eliz'' Eyre, after dinner I went to the Bowling Green at y° Signe of y* Whit-Hors. I drunk at y* whit Bull with Coz: Tho Gelib: Mr. Tho: Singleton Mr. Edm Ashton &c. I made a Viset to y* two Mrs. Blundells Ann and Bridg: and to old Mrs. Walmesley. Mrs. Bradley and Betty Wastley played on the Vir- juiy^jad. ginells at my Coz : Gelibronds. S' Will: Gerard, Mr. Swinbourn, Mr. Rob: Fazak: Aug. 19th. and his Wife dined here. " Rev. John Swinburne, S.J., alias or vere Savage, born in Derbyshire, March 21, 1660-1. Served the Lancashire district, where he died September 11, 1716." — Foley's Collectanea. I went to Lever: and saw S"' Thomas Johnson come Aug. 22nd. into Town from London his Party had Tobacco Gilded in their Hats and the opposit Party viz : Mr. Clayton and Mr. Cleaveland had the Myter, there was great squabling about the Election of some of them for Parleament Men. The members returned on this occasion were Sir Thomas Johnson and Mr. Clayton. I went to y^ Hall of Sefton to y^ Buriall of W° Aug. 26th. Thelwall there was Mr. Smith the Malster, Mr. Peter Morton, Mr. Bower, Mr. Crisp &c. William Thelwall had broken his leg, and died in consequence of his hurt, after making a verbal will in presence of the squire, who says that Rev. Thomas Wolfall of the Grange attended him. Coz: Molineux of Mosburgh, his Lady and Brother sept.2nd. lodged here. Ii8 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 17I3' Sept. 4th. Mr. W" Moline : being this day 44 years old I gave a Bowl of Punsh to solemnize his Birth day. Sept. 13th. I was at Ince Green when y^ six Matches every one different were bowled by Mr. Burton, Mr. Formby and Parson Darbyshire, against Mr. Aid : Parson Letus and Parson Wairing, Mr. Nich : Fazakerley was there. Sept. isth. I Bowled at Ince Green against Parson Letus &c there was Mr. Nich: Fazak : Mr. Formby, Mr. Tatlock of y^ Bank and his Brother &c. Sept. 2oih. I gave Hen : Sefton a Note to shew to y® Parish that it was agreed that he and his Partners should have Aile allowed them when they poynted y® Steeple. Sept. 23rd. Samuel Clark, Jo: Cooper and Mr. Jo: Fletcher had ben in Great Crosby about an exchange of Part of Taylors Teneament, they are Trustees for y^ Poore of Windle it being left to them, they came hither and discourced me about it and about a mistake as is in that Surrender. Sept. 26th. I sent three Cart Load of Beanes to Lev: they are to goe to Guinea. Mr. Gildas was the merchant who bought the beans. sept.27di. I sent W" Ainsw : towards Preston to Mrs. Walmesley the Younger of Showley who was Lying in of her Doughter Mary. Sept. 28th. I helped to set some Tulop Roots as were dresed with Ink after different manners and some as were order'd otherwayes in hops to change their cullor but to no good effect. The rich Posy sent from hence to Will : Weedows Breaking. It may be folly to " paint the lily," but an experimentalist has steeped white hyacinth plants in water tinged with aniline dyes, and some beautiful flowers, of colours not yet produced by the gardener, have been the result. — See Cassell's Magazine, vol. 8, p. 639. of Crosby. . iig 1713- Coz : Scarisb : I and oure Wives dined at Croston, old oci.sih. Mr. Standley of Preston was there. Coz: Scarisb: and I made a Viset to Gorsuch, our oci..jih. Wives made a Viset to Parson Brownhills of Holsold. I began my Journey towards Stockhild with Mally. oct. 151b. Called at Runshaw to see Miss Farnworth, bated at Fletchers y^ Signe of the Bucks Heads in Brindle. I there discoursed Geor : Abb : about being my Steward, we lost our way and went to Rushton where we got a Guide towards Great Harwood, we lodged there at Christo : Fieldings the Signe of the three Pigeons. Went to Gisbourn where we dined at y^ Signe of y" oct. 16th. Dove, thence to Skipton and Lodged at Gilbe : Johnsons y^ Signe of y* Black Horse. Called at y^ George in Long Adington, thence to oct. .7ih. Stockhild. Mr. Witham formerly of the Bass and his two Sons octisth. dined at Stockhild. My Brother Midleton took me in his Coach to Wetherby oct. isih. where we dined at y* Talbot with y^ Fox Hunters viz : Mr. Henry Stapleton, Mr. Plaxton, Mr. Ned Tompson &c. My Brother Joseph came. Rev. Joseph Blundell, S.J., a younger brother of the Diarist, born May 2, 1686, entered the Society of Jesus 1703, and was then serving the Yorkshire Missions. He was afterwards at Spinkhill, Derbyshire, and died at Watten, July 27, 1759, aged yz- Made a Viset to Mr. Plumpton. oct.a.st. I left Mally at Stockhild and began my Journey Horn- oct.j.nd. wards. I lodged at Will : Heaks y® Red Lyon in Yellom. Came through Berry, Bolton &c and so to Wigan. oct.jsrd. Hen: Kerfoot shot a Herron. oct.joth. I20 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1713- Nov. 5th. Mr. Tho: Walm : I and our Wives went in -f Coach to Leverp: saw y' new Church and made a Viset to Mr. Morecroft. Nov. 13th. Mr. Worthing: Doughter Ursula came to be my Wives Maid. Nov. 14th. Mr. Aid: went out a Coursing with me, we went to Whartons in I nee to drink where we found Pat : Tasburgh, Pat : Barton and Chattering John Rimer. Nov. i6tu. Rich : Webster took possession of my new Smithy. Nov. 17th. I took some of y° Picturs as were Dr Lathoms to Ned Howerds, some of them I hung up there in y® Chappell. Nov. 20th. Coz: Scarisb: his Lady and Mr. Traps the Younger &c dined here. Geor: Abbot came to be my Steward. George Abbott had been in the service of the famous Cavalier, Caryll, Viscount Molyneux, and on attempting a passage to Ireland in 1689 was taken prisoner at Liverpool, and carried to London. The narrative of his imprisonment, called Abbott's Journal, was edited for the Chetham Society by the late Bishop Goss. (No. 61). Nov i,th. A Rat ran up Jo : Banisters Coat Sleeve, we killed it. Dec. ist. I found Mary Holme and Hen : Bridge in y^ Gatehouse Chamber about four in the morning for which I turned her out of my Service. Dec.igtb. Nutty's (Ursula's) Brother Mr. Will: Worthington came hither to see her. Dec. 24th. I Painted a Pair of Little Wheels for y^ Coach. Dec.2g:h. Mr. Tho : Worthington y^ Saylor dined here, ill.ltd. My Wife and I Lodged at W° Athertons at Ditton. I played some tricks of Legerdemesney to his Gests and Neighbours. Jan. 3rd. My Wife and I went to Mr. Maiers to Prayers. of Crosby. 121 1714. I Removed y° Ship in y* Hall and charg'd y^ Gunns jan.jth. against tomorrow. - Mr. Plumb, Doctor Lancaster and I &c. was at Mrs. jan.sih. Anns Cocking, there were three Battles. Tatlock was here, we had a Merry-Night and Fier'd y° Gunns of my Ship. Mr. Tatlock, Mr. Smith of Maile, Mr. Aspinwall &c jan.M.h. were a Hunting this way. I invited them hither and made y" drink at y^ Gates. I took in hand to cure Ginnet Blundells Legg but she did not long continew my Pasient. Came to Ch : Howerds where I found Mr. Tatlock of jan. ^r^^. y° Bank, his Brother Thomas, Tatlock y^ Dier, Parson Becket of Kerkby, Mr. Smith of Maile, Mr. Aspinwall &c. We went a Coursing. I sent Geor: Abb: to y® Saile at Peele but he bought i^b.^nd. nothing. I met Parson Wairing, M-r- Crisp, Thomas Syer, Ned Hatton &c at Thomas Heskeths to consider about y* Inclosing of Great Crosby Marsh, then I went to a Cocking as was in y" Pinfold. Lord Mohn : his Sons Carroll and Tho: and Doughters Feb. 4th., Ann and Bridget dined here, so did Coz : Scarisb : and his Lady. I was at a Cocking at Mrs. An Rothwells there were Feb.gth. four Battles Play'd and this Town lost every one of them. I went part of y^ Way towards Formby with Mr. Brana: Feb. isth. and Patrick Norris to look at y^ Road as Walt : Thel : has set out over I nee Mosses for Mr. Branagans Gallaway that is to Run 3 times between Formby and Leverp : in 4 Hours Time, which he performed; and finished his Course in less time by above a quarter of an Hour, I was at y^ Race and Rid with Mr. Branagan from y^ Town to Formby and from 122 Diary of Nicholas Bhindell, ^^' thence back to Lever : Sands. Duke Maltus, Walt : Thel- wall, Mr. James Tildesley &c Rid part of y^ Rase a long w"" me. Mar. 23rd. I went to Leverp : and heard Prayers at Mrs. Brownbills thence I went to Mrs. Ladys with Mr. Branagan &c I bought a Hat of Widdow Leversage. I went to Charles Howerds and drunk with Mr. W" Clayton the Master of the Suckcess Brigantine as had suffered Ship-rack. I went in the forenoone to Edm : Lathoms in Speak Town in hopes to have heard Prayers, I found Mr. Maor there but he had done ere I came. I came from Ditton to Lever : where I served Mr. Phillipson at Mrs. Browbills. Came home and then went to Sefton to y^ Parish meeting but all business was over and found y® Parish had chosen me to be their Church Warden. Went to Ormskirk and advised with Mr. Brooks about my being Chosen a Church-Warden of Sefton Parish. I drunk at y* Griffan with D' Lancaster. Pat: Aid: broke his Collar Bone with a Fawl of his Horse. Mar. 25th. Mar. 29tb. Mar. 3otli. April 1st. April znd. Went to Sefton and told Parson Letus, I would not Stand as Church-Warden. April 5th. I lodged in Chester at Mr. Pantons y^ Signe of the Whit-Bull out of Norgate. April nth. My Wife and I went to Eckleston we heard Mr. Swin- bourn hold forth, there was present Mr. Holland of Sutton, Mr. Complin &c. April ,2th. Cha: Howerd, Will: Wignold and I devided some Timber amongst us, it was Part of y" Suckcess Brigantine, of Crosby. 123 1714. we cast Lots and I had two very large Load to my Share for 20^- I drunk at Mrs. Lady's (Liverpool) ^vith Parson Walsh, April 17th. Parson Orme, Parson Wairing and his Uncle &c. I met Tho : Syer at Harsnops, 'tis the first time we met April 21st. to consult of y® Parish Affaires, since we were Church- Wardens, we caused a Chest over y'' Church Pourch to be brock open as had not ben open'd of very many years. My Wife rid part of y® way behind me towards Leverp : April zyd. but the Hors flung her so she walked home on foot, and I went to Leverp : but Mr. Plumb being Just ready to goe to Bank-hall to shoot young Rooks I had very little discours with him. Cap : Rob : Faz : called here as he was going from April a/th. Leverp : towards Form by to shoot Dotterell. Tho^ Syer and I looked at y* Legasy Table in y* Old Apru 30111. Church in Leverpoole. Tho^ Syer and I looked to see in what Repaire y^ Leads Mayist. were in and y* Windows (at Sefton Church). I dined at Scarisb : to take leave of Mr. Scarisbricks May 3rd. Son William who was going to Blandike. I smoked in Maynards Chamber with Mr. Gorsuch. I went to Wigan to y^ Funerall of my old Lady Maysth. Bradshaw, there was at y^ Funerall or at least in the Roome, S' Tho: Standish Mr. Banks of Winstanley, Mr. Standish, Mr. Scarisb : Mr. John Gerard, D' Tho : Worth- ington &c. I was at y^ Bishops Court in Ormskerk, the Chancellor May 13th. gave me leave in y^ Presence of Mr. Roberts and Mr. 124 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, Sankey to put Doars without Locks, to my Pew in Farnworth Chappell. Being Tho : Syer and I are y* Church-Wardens we dined at y^ Talbot in Ormsk: w''' Parson Letus, Parson Wairing &c. May 17th. My Wife went to Aigbourth to Condole y^ Death of Mr. Harington, she dined there. Richard Westhead and Wil : Tarlton told me they had taken seaven Young Foxes to day in a Denn in the Warand, I think they will bring them all alive to Wooton to Mr. MoHn: May isth. I was at Ch : Howerds where there was a Battle Victory fought for a Saddle by eight Cocks, t'was wone by a Leverp : Cock as belong'd I think to Jack Whit. May 22nd. Pat: Aid: lodged here upon Account of a fals Allarum that there were some People Searching at y* Grange for Pat: Wofold. Maysgih. W"" Tarlton went with me to Southard to y* Funerall of Mr. Golding, he was buried at Winick there was at his Buriall Mr. Gerard of Highfild, Mr. Culcheth, Mr. Johnson of Warington, Parson Alanson, Mr. Blackbourn of Orford &c. juneist. I went to Orrell to W" Tarltons Marlers and made them shout. June 17th. My Wife, I and Fanny began our Journey towards Stockhild, we called at Tho: Places in Ormsk: his Wife gave us a drink at the doar, we bated at Fletchers, y* Signe of y^ Bucks Heads in Brindle, thence to Gisbourn where we lodged at John Yates y* Spoted Hind. juneigth. Walked with my Lord Langd: to my Brother Midle- tons Bath. of Crosby. 125 1714. Mally began to drink the Sulfure Spaw-Water. Went june2ist. to York where we Lodged at Mrs. Hawksworths in Little Blake Street. Mrs. Naper dined with us at our Lodgings and then junezand. made a Viset with us by Coach to Mrs. Pastons, to Mrs. Eringtons &c. Made a Viset to my Coz : Tho : Selby thence we went juneijrd. to y^ Whit- Bear Coffy-Hous where we drunk with Pat: Bostock and one Mr. Brigham. My Wife and I made a Viset to my Lady Smithson june24th. thence she went with us to Viset Mrs. Ferfax. Went to Coggrave or St Mungoes. I lodged there but my Wife went back to Loftus-Hill to Mr. Hodgsons. Sir Hugh Smithson, of Stanwick, Bart., married Elizabeth, daughter of Marmaduke, Lord Langdale. Their grandson, Sir Hugh, son of Langdale Smithson and his wife Philadelphia, daughter of Wm. Reveley, Esq., of Newby-Wisk, Co. York, married, in 1740, Lady Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke of Somerset, and eventually sole heiress of the Percies, Earls of Northumberland. In 1749-50 he became Earl of Northumberland, of which title he was in remainder by the letters patent obtained by his father-in-law a few months before his death. From this marriage the present duke traces his descent. Dr Craythorne and I went into y^ Baith or St Mungows jane 25th. Well, after dinner he and I played at Cards with my Wife, Mrs. Doleman of Pocklington and the two Sisters Mrs. Dolmans. 26lh. Dined at Coggrave w* y^ three Mrs. Dolman, Mr. june Wilks and his Wife, Mrs. Bullock &c. Young Mr. Plumton, Mr. Chumley of Bransby and Pat: june27th. Phisipson dined at Stockhild. Mr. Hammond and Pat: Cass dined at Stockhild. june28th. 126 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1714. juneijtb. Mr. Cha: Ferfax, S"^ Tho : Tankerds eldest son, Pat: Medcalf and Pat W" Fenwick dined at Stock : June 30th. Pat: Graves, Pat: Smith and Mr. Plumton Senior dined at Stockh : Sister Midleton took my Wife and me in her Coach to Harragate or Knesburrow Spawes, I went chiefly to see my Coz : Joe Ingleby who was at y^ Royall Oak, thence to the Green Dragon, then to the Sulfure Spaw. juTyist. My Wife I and my Children came to Burghwallice where we lodged. July 2nd. Coz Ann of Frickley and his Wife dined at Burg- walHce. My Lady Smithson lodged at Burgwallice. July 3rd. Edw: Fletcher the Fidler played to us. Lady Smithson I &c danced Country Daces &c. July 4th. Cozen Duke Ann of Frickley and his Wife dined at Burgwallis. July 5th. We came to Henry Nowells in Duesbury where we dined, it is an extraordinary dear house, thence to the George at Holcroft Head, then to Sampson Sunderlands the Black Lyon in Rippondale where we lodged, tiss a very Cheap Inn and sivell oblidging People but y^ Lodging very ordinary. July 6th. Came to Bolton where we dined at Hen: Wilkinsons the Signe of y^ Swan with two Necks. July nth. My Brother Joseph held forth at Mr. Aldreds and then went to dine at Ince. His brother had returned with him out of Yorkshire. juiyi2th. My Brother Jos: and Pat Aid: went to dine at Mos- burgh thence to goe lodg at Garswood. of Crosby. 127 1714. My Wife and Brother Joseph and Mally walked to juiy isth. Lidiat Hall and the Coach went to Fetch them home. I went to Leverp : with my Brother Jos: on Purpose juiyaand. to shew him the Town, we drunk at y° Woolpack w"" Mr. Simpson, and then we went to y® Golden Fleece where I treated them with Perry. I drunk at y^ Crown in Water Street with Mr. Morphew, juiya4th. Mr. Rob : Faz : I saw the Show of the Waterworks at y' Griffan, there was Mr. Dugdale &c. I went with S' James Poole to the New Hous to prayers juiyacth. to Pat: Tasb: there was Mr. Crisp, Mr. Shepheard &c. Went to Cha : Howerds where we had a Silly-bub. juiy27• I went to Prescot and gave Lawyer Blund : direcsions sept. 6th. to draw a Deed for y^ Farther setling my Estate. I drunk at y^ Bull w'" Alex: Holland and W" Case, thence we went to y^ Ship. I made a Viset to Mr. Oliver Lime. M)' Wife went to Leverp : she light at y^ Black Horce sept. sth. and heard y^ Singing there, she saw y® Great Ship and severall others in y^ Dock. My Wife and I heard Mr. Hardesty Preach, we dined sept.nth. at Mr. Lancasters, I druk at y' Woolpack with Mr. Lan- caster and his Brother y^ Doctor &c. I dined at Dukes in Great Crosby w"" my Lord Molin : sept. 14th. his Son Carroll, Mr. Laybourn, Cap : Penny &c. I went into Rob : Blansherds and there eat some thing, sept. ^aud. being they were Breaking. I went to Prescot and dined at Lawyer Blundells ; I sept. 37th- light at the Ship and drunk there with Mr. Boyer, Mr. Golding of Heartshey &c. 138 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1715- Sept. 28th. I Bowled at Ince Greene w'" Mr. Tatlock, Parson Wairing &c Mr. Whitley &c was there. Sept. 29th. My Wife and I went to the Scones to wish Mr. Harington Joy, it was his Birthday, tis the first time we have seen them since they were Married. Scones = Scholes Hall. Oct. 5th. This being the finishing day of Bowling I dined at Whartons in Ince with Parson Brownhill Junior Mr. Whittle &c. Oct .7th. My Wife and I dined at Thorn : Syers. Oct. 19th. Duke let my Wife blood in her Arme. Oct. 29th. We expected the Hors Militia to come Serch here. Oct. 31st. I came not in till dark Night expecting a Call. Nov.sih. They began to fortify Leverpool by Kasting up great Banks for feer of my Lord Danwinwater. Nov.i2th. The Fight at Preston was begun. Nov. 13th. This Hous was twice sirched by some Foot as came . from Leverpoole, I think the first party were about twenty-six. Nov. i6th. I set in a Streat place for a fat Man. Nov. 17th. I took a Nap between four of y^ clock and five and then went to seek my Lodging. Nov.iBth. I made an End of Reading a Book called Englands Jests. Nov. 19th. I made an End of Reading the Book called y^ English Rogue. This Hous was sirched to day by some from of Crosby. 139 1715- Leverp : Mr. Huson and Mr. Robinson was amongst them. English Rogue, — a history of the most eminent cheats of both sexes, 4 vols, published 1665, reprinted 1874. I was in the Boys Chamber and heard him talk. I Nov. 20th. had a Bed-Fellow. This would probably be his chaplain, Mr. Aldred. My Bed-fellow and I parted. I began to read the nov.2isi. Unparalled Adventures writ by R. Burton. I Rid over in y* Boat at Runkhorn and did not light Nov.J4th. till I came to the Ail-hous, where we baited, thence to Cole-brook where we lodged at Robert Pickerings y^ Signe of y' Cock. At Newport I lodged at Justice Stantons the Signe of Nov. 25th. the White Swan. Mr. Tully Oneall and I came to Wolverhampton where Nov.jeth. we bated at Widdow Bembows y® Signe of the Cock, thence we went to Bermidgham and lodged at Rob : Corbits the Hen and Chickings. From Rowington Mr. Stamford went with me to his Nov. 28th. Hous Sawford where I Lodg'd. From Wickham I came to London and set up my oecsud. Mare at Mr. Ogles the Signe of y= Whit Hors at y^ End of Little Wild Street. I dined at Mr. Aldreds near Lincolns Inn Arch in Dec. 3rd. Duke Street. This Mr. Aldred was brother to his chaplain. 140 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1715- Dec. 5th. I Removed my Horses to y^ Cock and Dolfin in Grays Inn Lame. Dec. 9th. I saw y^ Preston Prisoners come into Town. Dec. i2th. I made a Viset to my Lady Darwend- water in Lester Street. Dec. 13th. I mended y® Clock upon y^ Stayers at my Landladys. Dec. i6th. I went to Cliftons the Bull and Gate in Holbourn and to other places to sell Ginny but to no purpose. Dec. 17th. I saw the Wax work in Fleet Street and the Birds and Beace. Dec. 19th. I drunk at John a Gaunts with Mr. John Gorsuch and Mr. Renolds. I saw y^ EngHsh Opera Acted called Dioclesian. Dec. 23id. I saw five Men and two Women carted towards Tibourn there to be Executed, I was in Smithfield in hopes to sell Ginny but could not. Dec.2.tih. I bought a Gold Laced Hat of Mr. Renolds. Dec. 29th. I saw the Antilop and other Beasts in Holbourne. Dec. 30th. The Ostler sold Ginny in Smithfield and paid me the Money. I saw the moving Picturs in Smithfield. 1716. Jan. 6th. I made a viset to Mrs. Bridget and Mrs. Dorothy Standley at Mr. Ormanbys near Little-burn Stile. Jan. 9th. I began to learn French of Mr. George Barton over against the Sun in Great Wild-Street. Jan. nth. I took y® Clock upon y® Stayers in peeces. ian.i2th, I sat in the Chear of State upon the Themes, I danced on y^ Themes in a Booth, and at y'' Warwick-Shire Booth of Crosby. 141 1716. I got a Dish of Sausages Fryed. I walked over the Themes from Temple Stayers to Southerick and back again. I put y^ Lock again on my Closet doar and have got jaii.i7th. a new Key made for it. I made a Viset to Mrs. Br: Butler at y^ blew Ball in jan.i8h. at Mr. Haringtons with Mr. MoHn : of Mosbourgh and his Lady, Ned Ogles &c. Mr. Percy came home with us. Scous = Scholes Hall, near Prescot. My Lord Molineux sent his Keeper to me with a side Aug.jisi. of Venison. I was at the Gallaway Race on Crosby Marsh and sept.ist. was in the Chear with my Lord Darby and my Lord Molineux &c four Horses ran and Mr. Bosloms wan the Plate. Emb : Blansherd brought us word that Coz : Scarisb : sepi. imh. was discharged at Lancaster. I Rode out in the Morning with my Sister Middleton sepi. mh. into my Lord Molineux his New Park and looked at the Deer and Whit Beasts, thence we went to y* Iron Forge, then to Mr. Bowers. I went to Scarisbrick to congratulate Mr. Scarisb : for sept. 15th. his good Suckcess at y^ Assizes. Mr. Nich : Faza : and his. London Brother were here, sepi.zoih. We dined at the Scows with Mrs. Cath : Standley and sept.22..d. Mrs. Eckleston and lodged at the Red Lyon in Warington a very good Inn. I went to Leverp : and drank at Mrs. Ladys with oct.sth. Mr. Smarley and Berry two Atturneys. 152 Diary of Nicholas Blimdell, 1718. \ Oct. isth. I Brought home some Withen Stakes for Pat : GeHbronds Arbor. Nov. 2nd. I made a Viset to y^ Hall of Ince and stayed there pritty late expecting the News-paper. Nov.zist. Tho: Syer came home from Hopker after having com- posed Matters between the Mother and Son. Nov.jjth. I went to y' Mugg-hous and congratulated Capt : Fazak: for his Post there, young Mr. Faz : gave me a Bowl of Punsh. Nov. 27th. Mr. Saile and his Wife came to lodge at Tho : Syers they intend to Table with him for some time. Dec. 9th. Mr. Bower and John Tyrer met me at my Lords Arms in Aintry. Mr. Bower made some proposalls to me for the Purchass of D" Lathoms Fifteen Aiker. Dec. 13th. I went to Leverp : and drank with Mr. Rech at y® Wool-pack he is to be Land-Lord there. Pothecarry Par gave Jolly Brown and me a Bottle of Wine at his Hous. Dec.i7ih. Mr. Turvill Came to Condole my Wife for the Death of my Lord Langdale. Jan. ist. Coz : Tho : Gelibrond and I and our Wives dined at Astley. Mr. Willi: Brooks was there. Jan. 2nd. I walked to Coz: Gelibronds Cole Pit. My Wife and Coz : Gelibronds met old Coz : Gelibronds Wife at Chorley. Jan. 3rd. We came home from my Cozen Gelibronds of Chorley. Jan. 23rd. Mrs. Saile was delivered of her first Child, Richard. Jan. 27th. Mr. Saile and his Kinsmen made my Workmen in y* Ackers to shout. of Crosby. 153 I sent of a how-do-you to Scarisbrick to bid the young Feb. ist. Master welcome home. My Wife and I made a Viset to y^ Hall of Ince, it Feb.ioth. being Srofe Tuesday we eat Pan kakes there. I saw a Man that eat Fier but I did not see him eat it. Feb.i4. Bolton and Captain Fazakerley. My God-Son Tho: Syer claped me Blessing, 'tis the juiysih. first time. I went to Ince Green and Bowled with Mr. Formby juiys.i.. Whittle and Mr. Oldfield. I gave one Guiney to Mr. Whittle upon Account of a second Mart. I went to Leverp : and bought a Comicall Drinking juiy .711.. Glass. I went with my Wife to Leverpool thence she went to juwirh. Wooton to wate of my Lady Westmoreland. I dined at Mr. Fazakerleys and drank at y' Woolpack with Dr. Tarlton, Mr. Darcy Chantrell &c. Mrs. Scaresbrick, her son James and her Doughter juiy2ist. Frances &c dined here. 156 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1719. July 22nd. Pothecary Lathom, Mr. Cottom and his Wife and her Sister Mrs. Mary Yates dined here. Aug. and. Dorothy Blundell came hither and began to prepair against to-morrow, all Hands were as busy as was proper. Aug.3id. My Lord Molineux his Keeper brought me a Present of a Side of Venison. My Lord and Lady Molineux, my Lady Westmoreland, my Lord Belew, the Ladys of Maghull, Mr. Trentham, Mr. Turvill &c. dined here. Coz : Gillib : of Chorley, his Wife, his Son John and Doughters Margarit and Jane lodged here. This Jane, daughter of Thomas Gillibrand, Esq., married John Hawarden, gentleman, who held the manor of Widnes — Lower House in Widnes, and Lea Green in Sutton. His will is dated January 16, 1741-2. Their son, Thomas Hawarden, of Liverpool, Esq., took the name of Gillibrand, of Gillibrand Hall, and ob. May 28, 1787. He sold land in Sutton, August 2, 1768. Aug. 7th. Coz: Gillibrands two Doughters played upon y® Organ at Leverp : AuK. 13111. My Teame brought two Bolster Load of Timber for Mr. Aldred out of my Lord Molineux his New Park, there were five other Teames. Aug. 25th- Mr. Scarisb : and his Son James dined here and then we went to Great Crosby Race were six Ran for y* Plate, a Croped Hors of my Lord Molineux his wan it ; Coz : Rowly Poole, Mr. Henry Tyrer &c. was there. I drank in a Booth with my Lord Molineux, Mr. Molin : of Mosb : Mr. W° Wofold &c. I gave one Guiney to Mr. Syer being what I had Subscribed towards y' Plate. Aug. satb. We went to the Gallaway Race at Great Crosby My Lord Molin : his Brack Rowly and a Mare of Mr. Heskeths ran for y^ Plate, my Lord Molin : wan it. of Crosby. i^y 1719. I sent a Present of young Pigeons to Mr. Plumb to sept.ist. stoar his New Dove-Coat in Wartery with. This house, which Mr. Plumbe had then recently built, was afterwards called Plumbe's Hall ; and here resided, at one time. Sir Joshua Walmsley, Kt., Mayor of Liverpool, 1839-40. The Corporation bought it in 1843, and pulled it down with the view of utilising the site for a borough gaol. The site being pronounced unsuitable, after the lapse of a few years it was converted into ornamental grounds, called Victoria Park. (See Picton's Memorials.) Mr. Plumbe was an intimate friend of Mr. Blundell, and kept his Court Baron at Crosby, where he was a frequent visitor. He was fond of both coursing and fishing, and had many opportunities of enjoying these amusements in company with the squire. Mr. Plumbe was successful in his profession, and purchased, in 1718, Ale.xander Hesketh's estate, viz., Uplitherland and one-third share of Aughton, which is still in possession of the family. At the beginning of this century the Plumbes acquired, in marriage, the estate of Sir George Tempest, of Tong Hall, Yorkshire, and took the name of Tempest. The late Colonel Plumbe Tempest, who died July 27, 1881, was succeeded by his sister, Catherine E. P. Tempest. Pat: Kannell made a Viset here. sepi.srd. Rev. James Cannell, S.J., was a son of Mrs. Cannell, of the Isle of Man, who suffered much persecution for religion, as may be seen from her letter to William Blundell, Esq. (A Cavalier's Note Book, p. 163.) He was born 1649, and chiefly laboured at Wigan, where he is said to have been the earliest missioner. He died there in 1722, aged 73. I went to Ince to wate of S' Lawrence Anderton he sep:.6tu. being come from London. Pat : Gillib : my Wife and I rode out to see y'' Land Sep.. .71I1. Mark as is building at the Grange. Pat: Gillib: went hence, my Wife and I brought him sept. isui. past Maile-Clent. Joh : Vose began to build the West Laine Hous, I sept.juh. layed the first Stone w"" my Coat of Armes and y' first Letters of my Wives Name and mine engraved of it, it is the Foundation Stone of the most Westerly Corner. This house is still the residence of the priest, but has been re-fronted, and the stone referred to inserted in the wall on the eastern side. I7I9. Oct. nth. 158 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, I sent William Carefoot to see if he could harken me out a Miller but he could not. Oct. 19th. I was at the Funerall of Parson Letus but y* Corps was carried to y'^ Church ere I came, so I stayed in y* Ailehous till y^ Sermon was over and drank with Mr. Crisp, Mr. Bower, Thom : Fleetwood &c. Parson Becket, Mr. Byron &c were at the Funerall. Oct. 22nd. I went to Tho : Tickleys and drank there with Mr. Molineux of y'' Grange, there was some Drunken troble- some Company in y* Hous. oct.jeth. My Wife went to condole Mrs. Letus for the death of her Husband. oct.ijth. I went to Ditton and lodged at the Bank at Will: Athertons, 1 played them some tricks of Leger-de-mesne, and set them upon some Chrismass Tricks, we were extreamh' Merry. Nov.gih. William Carefoot went to the Bare-Bate at Formby. Nov.ioth. The West-Lain-Hous was Rear'd. Nov. 14th. I dined at the Wool-pack in Lev: with four Strangers, I suppose they were Londoners. I saw Matthew Buckinger who was born without Hands or Feet, I saw him writ very well with his Stumps and tipe very dexterously some nine Pins down and play Tricks of Leger-de-Mesne, Mr. Whitley and Mr. Bayron went with me to see the Little Man play his Tricks. Nov. 27th. I sent my Coach Carriage to carry y^ Corps of Cicily Lea to Sefton. Dec. sth. Hen : Swift and Roger Marser asked me leave to fish on the Sea Cost within my libertyes. of Crosby. 159 1719. I Burned half a Groce of Pipes. oecsih. Tho : Bigarstraff came hither w* a Petission for me to Dec. 15th. signe to the Barleament to make y* River Wever Navigable, I did sign it. The first Act for rendering the Weaver navigable from Frodsham Bridge to Winsford was passed in 1720. The other Acts were dated 1759 and 1807. I went to y* Buriall of Wm Bawer but came too late Dec.jjtd. so that I met y* Corps and went to Sefton, when the Buriall was over I stayed drinking at the Aile-Hous with Dr. Lancaster, Selsby of Ormskerk, Young John Yates. It being Christmas day my Wife and I went in y' D«.J5>h. Night to Mr. Aldreds, we also went thither about tenn of the Clock this Morning, my Wife was extreamly ill and I was not very well. 1720. Ned Howard came to desire I would deside a difference jan.ist. between him and Mr. Aldred. My Wife dined at Ailes Tickleys. I went into Tho: jan.7111. Syers where he gave us a Bowl of Punsh, we were seaven in all viz Mr. Syer of y^ Ford, James Berry the Atturney, Mr. Byron &c. I went to Preston, I set up my Horses at the Miter jau.sth. and dined there, they got me lodging in a privat Hous. I made a Viset to the three Sisters the Mrs. Blundells. It being the Great-Saturday I exchanged my small jan.gth. Coach-Hors Jack with Henry Heys for a large Bay Gelding not five year old I calle him Stag. I called at Gris'es and smoked a Pipe there with Dr. Lancaster. My Wife and I went in y^ Coach to Ince with my jan.i7th. New Hors Stagg he performs extraordinary well. i6o Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1720. , . . -, jan.25(h. I went to Ince Green when Parson Wairing flang a Lead over y* Green but it not being very fairly done we had a small squable about it ; Mr. Cottom came to us when the Throw was over. Parson Wairing and I bowled against Mr. Aid : and Mr. Bayron. They afterwards adjourned to " Ned Wharton's," where Mr. Cottom, who had been coursing, entertained the company with the following anecdote, related by the Diarist : — " 1719-20, January 25 — Mr. Henry Cottom of Leverp : Mr. Turville of Ince, and several others were a coursing. The hare being very closely pursued took refuge under an ass which was in the lane. When the dogs came near the ass, it began to bray and make such an ugly noise that the dogs ran away from it and by that means the hare saved its life." Feb. 6th. This Town and Thornton had a Tryall before Mr. Maior of Leverpoole and Mr. Rich : Norris for y^ Setlement of Rich : Webster and his Famoly, our Atturneys were Mr. Plumbe and Mr. Peters, Thornton had Mr. Brownsword. I drank at y* Wool-pack with Mr. Jenks, Captain Tarlton &c. Feb. 10th. I went to Mr. Cottoms and paid him what I ought him for Fustion &c for a Frock, I went to Mr. Maior of Leverp : and Mr. Norris to y* Bird in y^ Hand where I discoursed them concerning y' Setlement of Ri : Webster and his Famoly. I drank at y^ Wool-pack with Thorn ; Hurst, young Rob : Bootle, &c. Rich : Westhead pretended to be my Guide home but lost his way and brought me thorrow Litherland Town. Feb. 2ISI. I was at y^ Buriall of Rich : Tristrams Wife and Doughter, there was at y^ Buriall Hous Mr. Cottom, Mr. Bower, John Tyrer and his Wife &c. She died in childbirth. Mrs. Blundell had gone to visit her when she heard of her danger. Mar.ist. This being Shrove Tuesday I saw Rich: Syer, John Ainsworth &c throwing at a Cock before my Gaites in y° Foulds. of Crosby, i6i ■ ~ 1720. I went to Mr. Cottoms, I dined there with Mr. BilHng Mar.stu. My Lord MoHneux his Gentleman. Mr. Peters brought me an Order to the Wool-pack for the Setlement of Richard Webster and his Famoly in Thornton. Coming home I fell upon the Sands and Hurt my Hip very ill and my Hand. Rev. Richard Billinge, S.J., was then priest at Croxteth Hall. He died 1732-3, aged 58. I gave a Comfortable Drink to my Hors Stagg. I sent Mar. 13th. a How-do-you to Mr. Scarisbrick. I went to y^ Edge. Mr. Bayron was gon to the Ford Mar. isth. but his Wife sent for him he soone came back and Mr. Syer along with him, I stayed and Smoaked a pipe with them. Ailes Tickley, Dorothy Blundell and Betty Blund: dined .Ma,.2uib. here. I went part of the way towards Sefton w"" the Corps of Rob : Tompson and then Mr. Rich : Molineux the Saylor came back with me. My Closet being very unready, I put it into better Order. Ma..24th. I set about one Buss of Rufford Potatows in the Arriigth. Oat-Croft without any Muck or Straw. Coz : John Gelibrond went to Leverp : and put in his aphi .4th. Clame for a Debt owing to him by Mr. Earle. My Wife and I went to Mathew Withingtons in Derby April isti, thence we went to Mr. Carters of Blacklow in Roby where we called and looked at his pritty Hous and Gardens. I sent to the Scous (Scholes Hall) to condole Mrs. Apriisoth. Harington for the Death of her husband. Charles Harrington, of Huyton Hey, Esq., buried at Huyton Church, March 12, 1719-20. 1 62 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1720. April 2ist. My Wife and I called at Mr. Plumbs new Hous in Wartery he was there and shewed it to us, we went to Leverp : Sera Ather : went with us, I bought her some Whit-Mettle waire at the end of Daile Street and a Hat for her at Mrs. Rumsys. We all dined at the Wool-pack I drank there with Mr. Rob: Tatlock, Mr. Whitle, Will: Hulme the Atturney &c. April 23.d. My Wife and I walked to Sefton to make a Viset to Parson Acton and his Wife, 'tis the first time either of us went since they came thither. April 26th. I was at the farther end of the Barbary Walk with Tho : Howerd and his Brother John &c and furnished them with two good Kasks. Patrick Norris was here to heare what News Thomas Howerd brought out of y^ Island. April 27th. Mr. Thomas cerched the West-Lain-Hous and a deale of the Out-Housing of this Hous for Brandy as he heard was conceiled here. April ;9th. Rich: Jump came to buy my Black Mare Bess but we could not bargan. April jotii. Mr. Williamson the Wine-Cooper came hither and Ordered two Kasks of Clarret for Tho : Howerd. Mayisi. My Wife sent Ned Howerd to Wooton to wish my Lady well-come-home. Mayjud. I dined with Henry Tyrer at Widow Barrows in Orms- kirk and drank there with Mr. Ashurst, Justis Walmesley &c. I was at part of the Tryall between Thornton and our Town concerning the setlement of Richard Webster and his Famoly there was Mr. Entwisley y^ Chancellor, Mr. Ric : Norris &c upon the Bensh. of Crosby. 163 ~~ 1720. Parson Acton Mr. Bayron and young Rob: Bootle were May 3rd. here a beging towards the rebuilding of St Johns Church in Chester, I gave them something. I went to John Aspinwalls and to Parson Hindleys to May 6th. get some Roots of Flowers. I set them and the Flowers as Parson Loxley gave me May 7th. yesterday. I fetched Mrs. Lettonby hither from Leverp : she is Maystb. shortly for going to Madam Bagnolls. Pat : Turvill was here. Mr. Aid: removed from Ned Howerds to live at the Maygth. West- Lain Hous. I went thither this afternoon and took a pipe with him. I Brought Mrs. Letonbys Will to Lev: as I had drawn Maymh for her, she signed it. Mr. Aid: said Mass the first time at the West-Lain- Miy>3't. Hous I served him. ' I sent a few old Pigeons and young ones to Mr. :viayibii>. Plumbe to store his Dovecoat with at Wartery. It being Mr. Aldreds Birth-day he gave a Bowl of Mayigth. Punsh at his hous to Parson Wairing, Mr. Bayron and me &c we were seaven of us. I Removed the Great Stone as has time out of Mind May23.d. stood neare the lower Bark-Gate and fixed it at y° turning of the Cawsey in ye West-laine. My Wife and I dined at Scarisbrick the three Sister May.aeui. Blundells from Preston were there, coming home we made a short Viset at Gorsuch. 164 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1720. Mayjstb. It is supposed that Will : Thelwall is ran his Country becaus 'tis publickly known he had a false Key of my Seller. Mayjgih. Mr. Turvill called here and smoaked a Pipe and then went to Crosby Marsh to see y^ Runing Horses. Mayaoth. Coz : Scaris I and his Son James dined here, we went together to Crosby Race where my Lord Molineux his Crop beat a Whit Hors called Crutches. Mr. Plumbe and his Son were upon y° Ground. May.3ibi. Young Mt. CHfton and Doc: Traps were at Mr. Aldreds. junejud. Being Ni: Davy dyed today my Wife and I went to pray by him. junesih. I went to Astley where I Lodged. juneeih. Coz: Gilib : and I went to prayers to his Sons, Coz: Tho : Gilib : shewed me his Water Engin for Cherning with &c. Mr. George Clifton came to Astley. ]une7tb. Wcnt to Cowlings to Read y' News. juncgtb. My Wife and I went to Leverp : we looked at the Charrity Schoole. June mh. Being Rob : Bootle Junior finished his Marling to day I went to his Hous and gave something to his Marlors, I drank there with Jo : Rose, Bryon Fleetwood &c. I proposed to them to set an Egg on y^ end upon a Looking Glass, W" Harrison the Clark did it. juneijth. We were as busy as was proper prepairing against to-morrow. June 13th. Coz: Scarisb : and her Son James, the three Sister Blundells from Preston &c dined here. of Crosby. 165 1720. I went with Pat: Gel: to Lidiat to see Mr. Moston. jane 23rd. Mr. Aid : came hither to borrow some things against June 26th. to-morrow. My Wife and I dined at Mr. Aid: with my Lord and june27ih Lady Molineux the Famoly of Ince &c : we were eighteen in all. This was the house-warming given by Father Aldred, now settled in his new abode. I Bowled at Ince Greene with Will: Harrison the new lunejgth. Schoole-Master who came thither today. Old Mr. Walmesle of Showley dined here. luiy isi. M)' Wife and I began our Journey towards York. We juijsih. dined at the Leggs of Man in Wigan with Coz : Gelib : of Astley and his Brother W"' we lodged at the Row Buck in Ratchdale. At Leeds we lodged at the Queens Armes a very good juiyciu. Hous and very oblidging People and very reasonable. I saw Mr. Thursbys Collection of Curiositys which are iuiy7th. very well worth seeing. At York my Wife and I lodged at my Sister Middletons, I sent my Men and Horses to the Falcon. My Lady Smithson dined w''' us, I bowled with Mr. juiy sih. Naper &c. Mr. Menell of Kilvington dined with us, Mr. Rob: juiygth. Dolman made us a viset. I made a Viset to Mrs. Medcalf the Widow. My Wife and I heard part of a Sermon at Mrs. jaiy lom. Pastons. Coz : Barbara Dolman, Mr. Naper and his Wife &c dined with us. 1 66 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1720. July nth. I went from York to Hallifax where I Lodged at y° Signe of the Cross, a large but nasty Hous. Jul, ijtii. From Hallyfax I went to Burnley where I dined at the Spar Halk it was the worst way I ever rode for so long together. July 13th. From Showley I came past the Lower Hall of Sambsbury and Curedley Hall and so to Astley, thence to Ormskerk where I took a Pipe at y^ Swan w"" Parson Loxdall. July 17th. I shewed Ben : (Brancker) my Picture of y* Old Man and y° Candle. July 19th. I went to Crosby Marsh and saw live of my Lord Molineux his Horses sweat, viz, Fox-hunter, Stroaker, Sobryety, Crop, and his Black Gallaway Darcy. My Lord Molin : and his two Brothers Mr. Carroll and Mr. Thomas were there, being it rained before the Horses came to the Ground we went into the Warand-House where we stayed a good while and took a Glass of Wine. juiyiah. I went to Ince Green and Bowled with Mr. Rob: Heys, Parson Wairing &c. Mr. Sandford whom they call my Lord Mar was there. juiyjand. I wcnt to Vlsct the sick in this Town. July 25111. I dined at the New-hous with the Famoly of Ince and the Ladys of Maile &c. I sent of a How-do-you to my Lady Peters and of Business to Mr. John Culcheth. The Rev. William Clifton, S.J., had recently come to serve the Catholics of Formby, and this was his house-warming. Nearly thirty years later he was buried in the Harkirke, and is thus registered: — "Mr. William Clifton Pr: of the S J, dyed the 18 August, 1749, at 5 in y^ morning at Newhouse in Ince Blundell, was bury'd in the Harkk the 19th between 8 and 9 in the morning." of Crosby. 167 1 720. I began my Journey towards York to fetch my Wife luiy^gth. home, but before I got to y^ Bark Gate Stagg flung Hen : Curedon off" and also my Maile Trunk and Rufler refused to goe forwards w"" me, w"'' stayed me a good while but all things being mended we set forwards and dined at the Black Bulls Head in Manchester a very good Inn. At Sheffield I lodged at the Golden Crown a very juiyjoth. good and cheap Inn. I heard Mass at Mr. Sherbourns and dined there. juiyjist. I came to York and dined at my Cozen Irelands with Aug.isi. my Sister Middleton, my Wife and Mrs. Frances Plumpton ; at Night we went to the Assembly where I doe believe there were above 200 Gentlemen and Ladys and I counted in one Roome 15 Cupples in one Company dansing Country Dances. Mr. Stanfield and I were at Mr. Brighams, we went Aug. 2nd. thence to the Black Swan where we drank w"" S' Carnaby Haggerston, S"' John Swinbourne &c. Sister Midleton and I &c : dined at Mr. Standfields ; Aug. 3rd. after dinner Sir Car: Haggerston, Mr. Solvin Junior &c came to us, we Carded by Turnes and sometimes drank. S' Carno: Hag: Mr. Solvin Junior and Mr. Fosor Aug.4th. Junior dined here. I dined at y° Falcon. I saw the Play acted called the Aug. 3th. Commity. Sir Carnaby Hag: made his first viset to my Neece Aug. 7th. Midleton, S' John Swinbourne was here. I was at the Horse Raice where four Ran for the Aug. sth. Kings Golden Cup as they called it, but it was for a Purs 1 68 , Diary of Nicholas Blundell, ly 20. of one Hundred Guineys, Mr. Wettys Bay Hers called Merry-Man wan it. My Wife and I were at y' Play called The Devills to doe about her. Sister Midleton &c went to the Assembly. Aug.gih. I went to the Tennis Court and saw Mr. Ireland &c play at Tennis. I saw Mr. Dashwoods Gray Hors True- blew ride over the Ground by himself for a Silver Soap Dish of £^o Vallew. I was at a Puppy Play. Aug. loth. I was at the Hors-race where Foure Horses ran for a Silver Tea Cettle Vallew ;^40 it was woone by Mr. Dashwoods bay Mare Harmeless. Aug. nth. We all dined at Mr. Dolmans w'^ Mr. Craythorn and his Lady &c I was at the Horse-Race where twelve Ran for the Ladys £60 Gold Cup it was woon by Mr. Chetwins Gray Hors Trout. Aug. nth. I was at the Cock-pit where I think I saw 4 or 5 Battles. I was at the Hors- Race where nine Gallaways Ran for a Silver Cup and Cover for it of ;^20 Vallew. Mr. Nicholsons Gray Mare Annaka wan it. Aug. 15th. Pat : Townley prayed here, he and Mr. Dolman dined here. .4ug.i6th. My Wife and I began our Journey homewards. We Lodged at y* George in Otley, a very good Inn but noe good outside. Aug. 17th. We called at Mr. Atkinsons and dined there, then went to Gisbourn but there not being a good Inn, we went to the Signe of the Boot in Sola (Salley) Abbey but none of us went into Bed. Aug.is.iu We went to Preston and dined and Lodged at the Miter, we made a Viset to the three Sister Blundells and of Crosby. 169 1720. to Mrs. Fleetwood Butler. I saw the Man eat Fier and saw a peece of Mill-Stone-Greet about foure Inshes thick broke upon his Brest with a Hammer. I went to Ormsk : in expectation to have swaped away Aug. 25th. my Black Mare Bess, Mr. Traffords Man Mr. More met me there with a Bay Gelding but he was not for my Purpose. I drak at the Swan with Mr. Smith of Maile &c Coming home I called at Parson Hindleys, I walked with Parson Loxley into his Flower Garden. I went to Leverp : and dined at Mr. Cottoms. I Aug. 27111. drank at y^ Wool-pack w'^ Mr. Rob : Faz : Senior and at Will Rolins his with Mr. Boyer. My Wife and Pat: Gillib : went to Ince to condole sepi. isi. Mrs. Blund : for the death of my Lady Anderton. Mrs. Blundell's son Robert eventually came into possession of the Anderton property. See Lydiale Hall for an account of the family and of Lady Anderton's will. I was at the Buriall of Mr. Fazak : of the Hill-Hous, sein.srd. I went with the Corps to Walton Church, there was Parson Loxdale, Parson Wairing, Yeomon of the Gore Houses, Mr. Whittle &c. My Wife and I went to y^ Hall of Maile, Mr. Tho : sept.+th. Mohn : was there, so was Mr. Whittle. Pat: Wofold being dead my Wife and I went to y^ sept.G.i.. Grange to prayers. I went to Garswood to wish Esqr : Gerard wel-come- sept.7th. ■home from his Travells abroad, I dined there w* Mr. Sturton, Mr. Poole of Burchley &c. My Wife and I dined at Mr. Cottoms with Parson sept. 131b. Mallery. 170 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1720. Sept. 14th. The Famoly of Ince dined here, so did Mr. Plumb and Mr. Cottom, Mr. Burton and Pat : Edw : Scarisbrick. sepi. i;th. At Leverp : Mrs. Ginks shewed me her Hous, I drank at Mrs. Lady's with Mr. Allonson &c. Sept. 27=1'. I went to look at Tho : Syers New Hous in Crosby. Sept. 30th. Nelly Howerd cut my Haire off my Head. Oct. ist. My Wife went to the Carr Side to see her God-Doughter Frances Blun : who is dangerously ill. Oct. 4th. My Wife was at the Labouring of Will: Tarltons Doughter when she was Delivered of her first Child. I Rode out to Sefton to look at the new Diall-post. oct.5ih. My Wife overtooke the corps of her God-doughter Fra : Blundell and went along with it to y^ Church. Oct. 6th. I took the Hous-Clock a peeses. Oct. .=t;,. I Attended the Corps of Mr. William Wofold from Leverp : to Highton where he was Buried. I \yas one of y° Bearers, so was Mr. Molineux of Mosburgh, Mr. Smarley the Atturney &c. Oct. 13th. I was at a Race on Crosby Marsh between a Bay Mare of Mr. Heskains and a Gray Mare of Mr. Entwistleys, Mr. Heskaine wan the Race. Oct. i7ih. This being Crosby Goos-feast I went to Nicholas Johnsons and drank there with Ned Hatton, W" Gray &c then I went to Margarit Lurtings and drank there with Mr. Cottom, young Mr. Pepper, Mr. John Gerard, Junior &c. This is the first mention of Mr. Peppard, who afterwards married the Diarist's daughter Frances. of Crosby. 171 1720. This being Crosby Goos-Feast I went to Tho : Heskeths oa. isth. and drank there with Mr. Williamson of Litherland, Parson Wairing, Mr. Bayron &c. I went to wish Mr. Scarisb : welcome home from oct. =4th. London. I took the Jack to peeces and helped to dress it. oct.3:st. This day being my Wives Birthday the Famoly of Nov.ist. Ince dined here, so did Ailes Tickley and Betty Blun : Betty Thomas of Priestons Row in Leverp : came hither to sell some Forraine goods. Preesons Row, called so from Alderman Preeson. Mrs. Blund : came hither in her Charriot and took Nov. i^i^. my Wife with her to Leverp, they dined at y* Talbot. I closed up the Mouths of my Bee Hives and began kovmsiu. to feed them with hard Biskets made of Bean Flower and sweet Wort, it had not ben amiss if I had don it two Months sooner. I Rode out to the Sea side to see if there were any xov.^jrd. Rack upon my Coast. John Harrison sent me a long Reed as he had found, there being great quantity of them all along this Coste. I sent my Carriage to Carry the Corps of Bryan Leas xov.^sa.. second wife to Sefton. My Wife and I went to prayers to the Grange and Nov. 30th. heard Pat : Munson preach. He had succeeded Rev. T. Wolfali as priest there. I went to Garswood to wish J03' to Es''"' Gerard and Deceit,. his Lady. I 72 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1720. Dec. 7th. I helped Arthor Wilson to Remove the Jack out of the Dary into the old Kitchen but we did not quit fix it right. Dec. loth. Being y® Jack would not goe well I undertook it and made it doe very well. Dec. Mill. Mr. Lovell being dead at y^ New Hous I went thither to prayers and Dined there with Pat : Will : Molyneux, Pat: Gelib : &c I came part of the way with the Corps, it was Buried in the Har-kerk, Dec.J3id Owen Mackdanell was here and gave me his Fathers Will to Keep. Dec.2nh. We went in the Night to Prayers to Mr. Aldreds and when we came back we found the Turf Stack in the Bake-Hous on Fyer which probably in a very little time would have set the Hous on Fyer. "That only uight in all the year, Saw the stoled priest the chalice rear." It is no longer customary in country places to celebrate mid- night Mass at Christinas. Dec.j6ih. Mrs. Blundell being this day 42 years old, My Wife and I dined at I nee, we carded and supped there. DeciSth. The Famoly of Ince dined and suped here, so did Betty Blundell of the Carrside, we played at Cards both after Dinner and Super. 1 72 1. Jan. and. I fixcd up the Jawboue of a Sherk in the Hall. Jan. 3rd. My Wife and I dined and suped at the New hous with y* Famoly of Ince and Pat : Munson ; Ailes Tickley and Betty Blund : dined there. Hen : Curedon Killed four Misse as were in one of my Bee Hives. of Crosby. 173 1 72 1. My Wife and I were at y" Buriall of Mr. Rob: jan.i=th Fazakerleys Wife, Mr. Molin : of Mosb : Mr. Scarisb : Junior and I &c were Bearers. John Tickley y* Overseeor of y^ Poore, Gab: Norris, jan, 2ind. John MoHn : &c came hither and desired I would hinder any Strangers from coming to live in this Town. I Scoaped 30 Leomonds, y^ Juce of them made one Pint, Feb,3id. and about the fourth of a Pint, I put to it one pint of Brandy. 1 also made some Shrub ; the proportion was Brandy 2 Qts, Crab Vargious ij pt, Leomonds 6, Bubble Refined Sugar I lb. The proportion of Mixture for my last Brue of Aqua Coelestis was Brandy 2 Qts, Crab Vargeus i Pt and Ys"' of a Quart, Lime Juce '/s"" of a Qt, Lisbon Sugar I lb, Leomonds 3, and being the Brandy was very good I put to it 4 Qts and i pt of Water, the water was first bouled, the outward Rine of the Leomonds was infuesed into it, so they were also in the Shrub, but the Brandy and Leomond Juce had not any Rine infuesed in it. This Night I had a Cargo of 16 Larg ones brought to Whit Hall. Out of many entries relating to such compounds this is retained, on account of the precise particulars it gives. From the last note it appears that the Diarist followed the example of his Liverpool neighbours, some of whom had doubtless arranged this contraband affair. As James Williamson, the wine cooper of Liverpool, had spoken for two casks of claret on behalf of Charles Howerd, he must have been well aware of the expected consignment. W: Ca: covered the Cargo very well with straw. Feb. 4th. Cha : Ho: brought me a good provision for Aqua Feb.ioth Coelestis, I shewed him his goods well stowed in Whit Hall. I went to Pat: Cliftons and Turned my Pancake there, Feb.i6th I found my Wife Mrs. Margarit and Mrs. Mar>' Blundell &c there, we all played at Cards. 174 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1721. Feb. 18th. Being Dorothy Blundells Son Henry of Ince Town was dead I sent my Coach Carriage to carry him to be buried. Feb. 19th. Mrs. Margarit and Mrs. Mary Blun : dined here and • so did Ailes Tickley, Betty Blundell and Ginnet Jump. Feb. 26th. My Wife made a Viset to Dorothy Blundell to condole y* Death of her son Henry. Feb. 2Sth. I dined at Mr. Shepperds in Darby with Mr. Molin : of y^ Grange and Rich : Blundell of the Carr-Side. Ma,. 13th. I went to Leverpoole and drak at Evis'es with the Maior, Mr. Taylor, Pothocary Barrows &c and at y^ Wool- pack with Mr. Cottom and Mr. Plumb Junior. Mar. i7tii. I wcut to the Grange to Mr. Molineux his Coppers and gave them somthing to make them to shout. Apnisrd. I was at the Funerall of Widdow Maiie of Maile the Bearers were Mr. Rigby of Hadolk Mr. Clayton of Adlington Junior, Coz : Molineux of Mosburgh &c. My Coach carried two of Widdow Mailes Doughters &c: to and from the Church. I stayed drinking at y^ Ail-Hous in Sefton Church Yard a good while with Doctor Lancaster, Richard More &c. Aprils*. My Lord Langdale sent his Servant hither from my Lord Molineux'es of a how-do-you. I began in good earnest to spin Hay and made a good part of one Leafe of a Screene. April sih. I went to Leverpoole and had Thomas Taylor and his Wife before Mr. Mayor of Leverpoole. Mr. William Plumbe and Mr. Peters were present. April lotb. My Wife sent Ned Howerd to Wooton to welcom- hume my Lady Molineux. My Wite and i dined at of Crosby. 175 1721. Scarisb : with Mr. Trafford of Croston and his Brother Richard, Mr. Nelson of Fairest and Mr. Ashton &c. Lady Molineux, after the death of her husband in 1738, spent a long widowhood at Woolton Hall, where she died March 20, 1766. She was a great benefactress to the Catholic mission there. My Lord Langdale and Mr. Th: Heskaine Lodged here. Aphinth I Rode out with my Lord Langdale to look at the Apriiuth. Land Mark at the Grange. Mr. Carrol Molin : and Mr. Heskaine went to Wallowsy aphi 15* and saw my Lord Molineux his Horses sweat. Mr. Taylor the Mayor of Lev: and Mr. Rich: Norris Apriuisi. came to vew Formoss-poole Plat. Tho : Syer I &c were there with them. Mr. Peters swore foure Witneses in Order to get a better Bridg there. Mr. Hen: Blund : was at Prayers at Mr. Aldreds 'tis ApiiUird. y° first time I have seen him since he came from beyond y* Seas. Henry Blundell, a younger brother of the squire of Ince, had been to St. Omer's College for education. I went to Ormsk : Sessions and dined at the Kings Apni =411,. Armes with Mr. Antwisley the Vice Chancellor, Mr. Case, Lawyor Blundell &c, at Night I drank at y' Swan w"" John Crook, of Scarisb : John Wilm of Martins Croft, John Merry &c. It being a White-Meat day I dined at a Table by Aprii25th. myself at the Swan. I went to the New-Hall and Spoke to Mr. Shepperd &c. May 3rd. Went to Oughton where I Light of Parson Loxdale at Mayjih. the Claks and smoaked a Pipe there. 176 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1721. May 6th. At Levcr I I made a Bargan with Mr. Turner for some Lime Stone and Glass-Bottles. I went to look at Mr. Willes his Flower Garden and at Mr. James Tildesleys. I drank at Night w"' Mr. Peters, Mr. Williamson of Litherland &c. Maysth. I dined at Char: Howerds with Mr. Taylor the Mayor of Leverp: Mr. Rich: Norris, Mr. Smith y« Collector, D' Diggans &c. Mr. Corleys should have met us there to have discoursed about building a Bridg over Formoss-poole Gutter but he came not. Mr. Peters was there so was Edw : Litherland. Mayioih. Esq' Gerard and Pat Norris dined here. Pat: Gorsuch and his Sister Ann lodged here. I sowed some Cowcomber Seeds they had been steeped in New-Milk about twenty four Hours. Mayi3.h. Mt. Aid: Reared his Stable and Shippon. Mayistu. My Wife went with Cozen Nanny Gorsuch to make a Viset to Mrs. Williamson (of Litherland). Mayisd.. I Walked to Crosby Hors Rase it was three heats for a Sadie Mr. Syer of the Ford wan it. May:oih. Mr. Cottom gave me a Bowl of Extraordinary good Punsh at his Hous Mr. Hugh Patton was with us. I bought some Wine of Mr. Williamson. Mayc:5th. Coz : Scarisbricks Son Josep : came to take leave of me, he is going to St Omers. May27.h. My Wife and I called at the Signe of S' William Gerards Crest in Ashton, thence to Gravock where we Lodged. Grave Oak Farm may still be found close to Hopcar, near Leigh, formerly the seat of the ancient Catholic family of Sale. of Crosby. 177 1721. William, son of Gilbert Sale, of Hopcar, Esq., deceased, lived here, having married Jane, daughter of Edmund Tristram, of Ince Blun- dell, yeoman. His mother was then residing at Hopcar, which was finally sold by her son, Gilbert Sale, of Liverpool, in 1770. My Wife and I went to Hopker, Mr. Colcheth and Mayjsth. Mr. Tompson made us a Viset. ' Mr. Rich : Saile and I went to Leigh and looked at May 29th. the Church, I saw there some remarkable Bones. We went to Garswood and attended the Funerall of S' W" Gerard to Winwick Church, there was at Garswood, Mr. Banks of Winstanley, Mr. Antwisley &c. Went to Cul- cheth with Mr. Culcheth and made a Viset to the Laydys. My Wife and I came from Gravock we dined with May 30th. Pat : Billing at Brinn thence to Mr. Lanctons of the Low I drank there with Mr. Bradshaw the three Mr. Diconsons then to Holland where we stayed awhile at the Agle and Child and so home. I went to Ince Green there was Parson Wairing, old juiiei4th Rob : Bootle &-c : I bowled hand to fist with Mr. Harington each four Bowles. I went to Lev: and discoursed Mr. Massy y* Painter june.?*. about Painting Benshes in y*" Garden &c. Will: Carefoot came home with some Glass Bottles juneaand. from Thatway Heath. I took the Jack in peeces and mended it againe. juneaard. I went to More-hall to wate of my Lord Biss : I dined june 24th. there with Pat Roydon, Mrs. Barker &c coming home I overtook the Morris Dansers as were going to Flower the May-Pole in Magull. My Lord Biss: Witham, Pat Roydon &c lodged here, juneaeih. 178 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1721. July 1st. My Lord Biss : has Confirmed here in all 284. I went to Ince with him. July 2nd. My Wife and I dined at y^ Hall of Eckleston. July 3rd. I went to Mr. Bayrons Marlors and made them to shout. Pat : Rivers came from Ince and Lodged here. The Rt. Rev. George Witham, Bishop of Mareopolis and V.A. of Northern District, died April 16, 1725, aged 70, at the family seat, Cliffe Hall, in Yorkshire, and was buried at Mansfield Church. The Rev. John Savage had been, since 1712, 5th and last Earl Rivers. He was living at Liege in 1733, and held a canonry. As he was at Douay in 1735, he could not have died as early as 1728, the date assigned by Sir Harris Nicolas. Soon after his accession to the peerage, in a law contest with a relative, to give himself a locus standi, he made a temporary act of conformity. The Duke of Shrewsbury urged him to take the oaths and enter the House of Lords, where justice would be done to his claims. He replied, " My lord, I have already gone too far." " Then," rejoined the Duke, " I will not press a tender conscience." July Jib. Parson Wairing and I bowled at Ince Green against Mr. Heys Junior and Tho : Kennion. July 6th, Mr. Bayron had his Finishing day for his Marling, I went to his Hous w' I met severall of my Neighbours viz, Parson Acton, Parson Wairing, two Robert Booties, Mr. Syer, Yeomon of y' Gorehouses, &c. juiysth. My Wife and I began our Journey towards Holy-well but no Ferrj' Bote being on this Side, I hiered the Sower- Milk Gallay she carried us and our three Horses over at twice and Landed us at y^ Wood-Side, thence we went to Shotwick, at Holly- Well we Lodged at the Starr. July 9th. My Wife and I went into y" Well, I was much out of Order after I came out and Continewed so for some Hours. I went with my Wife to Mrs. Crews. of Crosby. 179 — — 1721. We came from Holliwell to Flit, thence to Shotwick juiyioth. ; where I Rode over without a Guide and came back agin with one to fetch my Wife over, then to Eastom where I left my Ser\'ant and Horses, My Wife and I went over in the Sower-Milk Galley and Landed about eleaven of y° Clock at Night at Leverp : we lodged at the Wool-pack. Mrs. Lettonby dined with my Wife and me at the juiy-uii. Wool-pack. Being the Dock was let drye I went to see it as also did severall Hundreds of People. I sent a How-do-you to Cozen Tho : Gelibronds six juiy23rd. Children who were ill of y* Small Pox. I was at Ormskerk Race, there was Mr. Molin : of Juiy=4- him and Mr. Sadler. Mr. Sadler dined here. Pat: Gorsuch lodged here, he came to help my Wife oecigih. for the Jubyly. My Wife and I dined at Mrs. Parrs (it being her Dcc.=rib. Doughters Birth-day) with Mr. Plumbe of Heskaine, Rich: More, Mr. Molineux of y* Grange and their Wives &c. Mr. Dugdell y' Painter came to see if I would employ Dec.jsth. him to paint for me. 1722. My Wife and Mrs. Wilding went to Mrs. Lettonby's, jan.ist. they Lodged there. My Servants all went to y* Hall of Ince there being Musick there. I Played at Cards at Rob: Booties with Parson Acton, jar,. 6th. Parson Wairing Mr. Byron &c, we were invited thither. Mr. Blundell, his Brother Henry, Pat: Turvill and Mr. jan..j±. Harington dined here. Mr. Hardesty Marryed a Cupple in my Chappel as came from Lcverp: George-and Jane . The Rev. John Hardesty vere Tempest, S.J., was then priest at Liverpool, and had walked to Crosby the previous day. Some account of him is given in Lydiate Hall and its Associations. Two men who said they came from Coventry left each jan. isih. a very Rich Pack here to be kept for them till tomorrow. I saw young Mr. Yats and Doctor Orme set William jan. icih. Marrows Thigh, he broke it yesterday coming from Preston Faire. Humphrey Darwin shewed me Jane Bryansons last Will jan.^.st. concerning five pounds left to the Poore of the More- houses. I helped John Vose to shape out my Coate of Armes jan.jjrd. with Brick and to contrive how it is to be made at the Higher End of the Gravell Walk. 184 Diary of Nicholas Blmidell, 1722. jan.J7th. I Lent my Carriage to carry the Corps of Ned Blansherd to Sefton. Feb. 5th. Being Ellin Harrison dyed to day I went in the Even- ing to pray by her Corps. Feb. 6th. My Wif and I were at the Funerall of Ellin Harrison, her Corps was carried on my Coach Carriage. F^b. loth. Mr. Dugdale and his Son began to Paint the Back- Parlor they did it over with Clear-Cole the first time. The Punsh Bowl being fixed in the middle of y'' Arch over my Coat of Armes and it and the two Pine Apples being Plaistered I gave the Brick-men a Drink upon the Scaffold. Feb.i2ih. I saw Mr. Dugdall draw out a Lyon Rampand for Will: Thelwall to cut out for part of my Crest. Feb. isth. This being the first time Mr. Hardesty began to pray Monthly at Lidiat my Wife and I went thither we dined there ; Mr. Molineux of the Grange and his Wife were at Prayers there. Feb.igth. My Wife and I dined at y^ Grange with Mrs. Parr, Rich: More &c. 5Iar. 7th. I was in Sefton Church where there should have ben a Tryall between Parson Egerton and Parson Hartley but Parson Hartley soone gave it up. Lawyer Blund : and Lawyer Starkey were there ; there were Nine Clergy Men and nine Lay-Men on the Jury, they gave the cause to Parson Egerton, so that he is now to be the Rector of Sefton. The cause was decided in favour of the claim of the Earl of Cardigan, but the right of presentation was subsequently sold to the Rothwells, who still possess it. Rev. Richard Rothwell and his son, Rev. Richard Rainshaw Rothwell, held the living for the unprecedented term of 100 years, viz. : from 1763 to 1863. of Crosby. 185 1722. I attended the Corps of The: Bradley to the Church Mar. .gth. there was Parson Walker, Mr. Smith of Maile, Mr. Byron &c. I Grafted the Leomond Apple the highest Miss Dimple Mar.joih. next and y^ Blossom Russet the Lowest all between the Wood and Bark on the Hodg-podg Tree in the New- Grounds. I fixed a Sun Dyall upon the Wall at y^ End of y" Mar. 13rd. West Laine. I went after my Wife and Pat: Gorsuch to Henry Mar.sgth. Norrys'es where we had a Formby Sod. The Editor has tried in vain to discover the meaning of this term, but apparently no inhabitant of Formby can now explain it. It occurs nowhere else in the Diary. Coz : Gillibrond and I walked along y^ Division Ditch Apriieiu. from the Bridg to Orill-Hill-Plat where we met old John Sumner and William Weedon they went with us to look at Gabriell Norris his Plat &c. Rich : Molin : and John Molineux went with us to what is Called Lady-Green Water-Cours, we followed it from Orill-Hill Laine almost all along, to y' Plat in I nee Brand Laine. I drank at y^ Wool-pack with Rigby the Glass Grinder, April 711.. young Hadock the Quaieker, Tho : Hurst &c : the Dispute about the Word Synonimus. I made an Agreement between Rich: Jump and Brj'an Apriimh. Lea for what Trespas shall be done by Rich : Jumps Rabets during his Terme of 4 years at y* Grange. Hen: Gray and all my Servants were merry at April uth. Margarit Lurtings. I Bought a Druget Sute of Mr. Cottom, I dined at his Apdiuth. Hous with Mr. Pepper &c. I drank at Mrs. Ladys w"" Mr. Plumbe &c. i86 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1722. April isth. Mr. Cottom, Mrs. Acton, Mrs. Byron &c dined here. I Bowled at Crosby Green with Parson Wairing, Mr. Byron, &c. April 20th. I gave Mr. Peters Orders to get a Warant for Ann Ballard for Cuting the Starr. Starr grass is of great use to keep the sand from drifting, and in the old leases days were specified for the planting of starr. Mayand. I Bowled at Crosby with Parson Wairing; Pothocary Lathom &c Mr. Formby, Mr. Cottom &c were there. May 5th. I went to Leverp: and payed Edmud Gee for Daile- Boards. May 7th. I began my Journey towards Ashburne Faire in Darby- Shire. I dined at Starkeys the Agle and Child in War- ington, I called at Barbington Bowling Green Hous but did not light. May 8th. I weut from Congleton to Leek then to Jeromy Groves y* Talbot in Ashburne in the Peak in Darby-Shire where I dined w"" HoUys of Moss-lee in Staffordshire and Mr. Burhall who came along with me for some Miles, they shewed me where the River Jurnet sinks under the Ground and continews to run under Ground for about three Miles. May 9th. I Went to See Mr. Blundell's four Black Mares as he had bought for his Coach. Black horses were then the fashion, and the squire had gone to Ashbourne Fair to buy some. He only succeeded in getting one black and one bay. May 15th. I went to Prayers to Stony-Hurst, I saw y* Hous and Gardens, I dined there with Pat : Brinkhurst, I came from thence to Ribchester where I saw two Remarkable Stones for Antiquity the one is the Corner-Stone of a Building and supposed to have ben part of a Roman Alter on of Crosby. 187 1722. which they Offerd up Sacrifize, &c. I light at y^ Unicorns Head and drank there w"" Mr. Walmesley of Showley and his Son Thomas. See Watkin's Roman Lancashire, p. 128. As we came home from Preston we called at Dr. Mayie.h. Lancasters in Orms:. I sent two Doz : yong Pigeons to Mr. Plumbe to Store May -.znd. his Dove-Coat. Mat: Morris the Germon came from Leverp : and Mayssth. mended my Jack. I Bowled with Parson Richmond, Mr. Formby, &c. at Maysoih. Crosby I drank at Heskeths with Pothecary Lathom, Mr. Green the Atturney &c. Tho : Marrow, Junior shewed Betty Bolton his Thumb junesth. and Rob : Weedow his Foot, I had them both in Cuar. I drank part of a Bowl of Punsh at Tho : Hesk : w"" ju„e ,„h. Mr. George Tyrer, Young Mr. Case, Old Mr. Stokes, Mr. Jackson, &c. I Bowled with Mr. Williamson who married Mrs. Hurst, Parson Wairing, &c. I drank with Parson Acton, Mr. Thomas, &c. I Bowled at Crosby with Parson Wairing, Mr. Barton janeuih. of Walton, &c. My Wife walked to Mr. Williamson's of Litherland to juneMih. look at their New Parlor. I went to Edw : Rothwells' Marlors and made y" to shout. This being Mr. Munson's Birth-day, I went to the juneijih. Grange to Solemnize it, we were eleven, viz. : Rich : More and his Brother-in-Law John Plumb, Mr. Byron, John Rose, &c. 1 88 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1722. June 17th. My Wife and I heard Pat : Hardesty hold forth at Lidiat we dined there with Mr. James Clinton, his Wife and her Sister, we all went to look at Mr. Poole's Hous and then to Francis Farers we saw his Doughter Ailes who had seen her Angell Gardian. Francis Farrer has been spoken of before as living at Down- holland. His daughter, Alice, died a few months later, and was buried December g, 1722, on the north side of Halsall Church. Her tombstone was seen by the Editor a few years ago, but has been removed by the present rector to make room for improvements. The inscription describes her as the daughter of Francis Farrer, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, of Downholland. June 20th. Parson Acton, Mr. Syer and Mr. Byron the Church- Wardens &c. were here abeging upon Account of the Great Losses sustained in Lacashire in Dec : An : Do : 172/0/ by the violent overflowing of y^ Sea ; the Sea had overflowed 6600 Aikers of Land, had washed down 157 Houses, and damnifyed 200 more, the whole loss was computed to be more than £10,227. The Diarist says in his Anecdote Book that this flood did very great damage in the Fylde, in Meols, and at Alt-Grange. In the Fylde a man got up a tree to save his life, and a hare swam to the same tree for refuge while he was in it. In the Meols a swine of 40s. value got up to the top of a turf stack, where he lay till he was fetched down. June 22nd, Will: Carefoot went with my Coach Carriage to Leverp : and carried the Corps of Mr. Taylor (late Mayor) to Preston where he was Buried. june24tb. My Lord Langdale and Mr. Carroll Molineux dined here. June 25th. My Wife and I did not goe into Leverp: but went directly over in the Rock Boat and so to Chester where we Lodged at the Golden Lyon. luneacth. My Wife and I made a Viset to Mrs. Blundell of Ince at her Lodgings. After dinner we came to Eastom and of Crosby. i8g 1722. Came over in y® Boat but did not come on Shoar of near an Hour after y® Boat ran on Ground, becaus the Horses could not be got out. My Lord Langdale and Mr. Heskaine Lodged here. juiyard. Mr. Eckleston Gors : dined and Lodged here. juiy+th. I went with my Lord Langdale to the Stand and dined juiyjth. there with Lord Molineux, Mr. Richard Lee, &c. Parson Acton, Mr. Cottom and Pat: Bartlet dined here, juiycth. I went w"" my Gests to Crosby Green and Bowled with my Lord Langdale Hand to Fist, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Byron, &c. were there. My Lord Langdale went hence. I went with him to juiy7ih. y° Sea-side and stayed there whilst he was Baithing. Mr. Heskaine and I came to Thomas Heskeths, Parson Richmond, Parson Martin, &c. came to us. My Wife and I went to Ince to wish Mr. Blundell and j..iy22nd. his Lady welcom to their own Home. Mr. Robert Blundell had just married Katharine, daughter of Sir Rowland Stanley, of Hooton, Co. Chester, Bart. Their arms may be seen over the entrance to Ince Blundell Hall, which he restored. My Wife and I went in y* Coach to Leverp : we took juiyjetu. up Mrs. Cottom and then went to Wooton where we dined with Dr. Lawson of Chester, Mr. Richard Lee, &c. Mr. Blundell and his Lady, Mr. Stanley and his Lady, juiyaoth. Widdow Blundell and her two Doughters &c dined here. My Wife and I dined at Ince, there was my Lord Aug.sud and Lady Molineux, &c. we were in all about Twenty at both Tables. I go Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1722. Aug, 7th. I began to uese Spectacles but not as a Constansy, onely when y^ Print is too Small for me or that it is rather too dark to see my Letters plaine without y™ for now they are of advantage to me, tho formerly they were not. Aug. 8th. I Bowled at Crosby Greene with Mr. Swettenham Mr. Cottom and Alderman Tyrer. Aug. loih. My Wife went to Lidiat to Prayers and went to Conf: She designs now to make use of Pat : Hardesty. Aug. 13th. Will : Fleetwood of Simons Wood brought me a Passion Flower to look at. Aug. 14th. I Bowled at Crosby with Apothecary Lathom &c there were severall Great Matches Played and a Deale of Com- pany upon y* Greene. Lawyer Booties youngest Brother was there so was Mr. Whittle &c. Pat : Al : and Mr. Crisp Bowled a Match by Moone Light and one Candle. There was present at it Parson Wairing, Young Mr. Swetten- ham Mr. Bayron I &c. Aug.jsth. My Wife and I went to Mr. Sheperds. I saw Darby Plate run for by seaven Horses, it was wan by one Spensers ; Mr. Cottom, Andrew Barton, John Rose &c were there. Aug. 19th. Widdow Blund : and her two Doughters, Mrs. Blundell and her Sister Harington &c made a Viset here. Aug. 20th. Mat : Morrison y'^ Germain Smith came to borrow some Money of me, I would lend him none but promised to lay out som with him. Aug. 22nd. Mr. Carol Molineux and Mr. Syer were at Tho: Hes- keths taking y^ Naimes of the Horses w'^'' were to run for Crosby Plaite, I drank there with Mr. Whittle Mr. Byron &c. The Squabble between And : Barton and Thom : Fleetwood about a Guiney Bet of throwing a Bowl. of Crosby. igi ~ 1722. Pat: Williams pray'd at Mr. Aldreds and din'd here, Aug. 24ii>. its y' first time he has been here since he came to live at Ince. Father Williams, S.J., had succeeded Rev. C. Turville. He was brother to Rt. Rev. T. D. Williams, O.P., consecrated Bishop of Tiberiopolis December 30, 1725, who was V.A. of Northern District till his death, April 3, 1740, aged 80. Miss Jenny Gillib : came to Lodg here, she went with Ans.^sih. my Wife to Crosby Race, there were four Ran for the Plaite it was wan by Mr. Watkin William's Bay Mare Stairing Dolly. I layed a Waiger and Mr. Jo : Poole held the stakes. My Lady Molin : and her Doughters, Coz : Scarisbrick Aug. 29111 and his Son James, Mr. Trafford &c dined here. I saw the Match Runn upon Crosby Marsh between my Lord Darby's Mare Stockings and Lord Molineux his Black Gallaway, Lord Darby wan. Mr. Plumbe and his Son &c were there. I Burned above one Groce of Pipes in y" Washhous scpi. ist. Grate. I mixed some Pouders togethir for Convultion Fits. Nelly Byron came to play with Miss Gellib :, she sepi.sn,. Lodg'd here. I Bowled at Crosby with Mr. Hulme the Atturney s^.ioth. Hand to Fist, four Bowles out of a Hand. Mr. Whittle, Byron and Andrew Barton were there. Jane Withington went w"" a Present of Pigeons to y^ sepi.^.s.. Ladys at the Scones but they were not at home. Mr. Will: Plumbe, Lawyer Radcliff &c made a Viset Sep.. 241b. here. My Wife went to Wigan to see Widdow Harington, ::cpi.25ti.. she Lodged at y° Legg of Man. 1 92 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1722. oct.sth. I went to Leverp : and made a Viset to Mrs. Hollywell. I pay'd Mr. Ward for Lime Juce and discours'd Mr. Seel about the price of Daile Boards. oci, 10th. I Bowled at Crosby with Mr. Amory, John Blansherd &c. I drak with Apothecary Parr, Mr. Molineux of Leverp : the Grosor, Mr. Syer &c : Alexander Lever sold two Peeses of Fustion by Auxion. Oct. i5tb. My Wife went to Ince to wate of Mrs. Townley and to Condole Mrs. Blu : for the death of her Sister Harington. I saw (at Nich : Johnsons) the Child which was born (as I think in Garston) without Legs or Armes. Oct. 2S11,. I went to Leverp : to y"^ Buriall of Mr. Rensh the Land-Lord at the Wool-pack, there were at the Buriall Hous Mr. Cottom, Mr. Syer &c I attended y° Corps to y* old Church. Oct. 3. St. John Meadow and And: Bar: played in Hesketh's at Breaking y^ Seeling. Nov.4ti.. My Wife went in y^ Morning to Lidiat to Mr. Hardesty, she dined at Mr. Crisps. Nov. 7th. I was at Crosby Green. This is supposed to be the finishing day of Bowling this Season, there was Parson Wairing, Mr. Whittle, John Rose &c. N'ov.iisi. Mrs. Shepherd, her two Sons and Dorothy Blund : dined here. Nov.joih. Mr. Blundell Doctor Molyneux and their Wives &c made a Viset here so did Mr. John Haring : and Mr. Aldred. Dec. 4th. I Faulted Mr. Blund: for shooting neare my Wood, D'' Moline : and Pat : Bartlet were with him, but they were got as far as to the Cross Field ere I spoke to Mr. Blund: CROSS IN THE WOOD. FORMERLY ON THE HIGH ROAD. \ oj Crosby. 193 1722. I went to Lever: I brought home a Handsome Grate Dtc.sti,. for y" Great Parlor w"*" the Germain Smith made me. I went to see Coz : Mohneux of Mosburgh, he having Dec 13th. ben ill of the Siatica, I dined there with Mr. Hesketh of the Maines, Parson Peplow of Rainford &c. I paid Mr. Seele for one Hundred of Daile Bords. vec.zzrA. My Wife and I dined at y° New Hous with Mr. i;cc.2fth. Blund : and his Lady his two Sisters Margarit and Mary, Betty Blund : of y* Car-side &c. Mr. Blundell of Ince. I met Mr. Bretter at y* Towns Meetmg m Ditton we jan.ind. prevented our being put on to be Cunstables, there was Mr. Chadock Steward to Mr. Dalton, Daniell Eckleston &c. As I came home from Ditton I called at Mr. Plumbs j.-n.ard. in Wavertree and dined there with Mr. Smarlay and his Wife &c. Parson Kelsey came to us in the after Noone. A Night or two Since, my Hen-hous was Robed of jan.sth. about a Dozine Hens. I went and wished Joy to Bryan Leas third Wife. jar...«h. My Wife went to Leverp : to shew her Finger to Betty jan. 31st. Bolton. My Wife and I heard Mr. Munson hold forth at Mr. leb.snd. Crisps, we dined there. Parson Acton came to Mr. Crisps — we took a pipe together. My Wife and I were at y^ Funerall of Mrs. Rachell Feb. 3rd. Smith, she was Carried upon my Coach Carriage and buried in Walton Church. My Wife and I dined at Ince We heard Pat: Williams rus.Kuii. hold forth. 194 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1723- Feb.iuh. I sent a Servant to Mr. Scarisbrick with a Condoling Letter upon Accounts of his Sons Misdemeanour. Feb. .2:h. My Wife dined at More-hall. I was at y^ Saile of Goods at the lait Mrs. Smiths in Aintry. Feb. 20th. John Tyrer and I went to my Lords Armes (Aintree) and tooke a Pipe. Feb. 22iid. I made my Incomperable Salve for a Cut or a Bruse. Feb.2,ih. Mrs. Hawley dined here, my Wife went with her to Sefton and then she went to Lidiat to Pat : Hardesty. Feb.25tii. I fetched home my Irish Chears from Leverp : w'='' were in the Custom Hous. Feb.aeth. My Wife and I dined at Mr. Actons with Mr. Syer, Ben Branker, and their Wives &c : after dinner we were twelve of us who drank there, the Occation was y'' Christoning of Mr. Actons Son Robert. Mar. 2nd. I discoursed Mr. Peters concerning removing Will: Sumners Doughter out of y^ town ere she be deliver'd. Mr. Pursell came to us with his Petistion. This being a Saile Day at the Parsonage of Sefton I went thither and bought some old Slates of Mr. Pusy. I went in with Mr. Acton and took a Pipe with him. I dined at Scarisbrick. Mr. Gorsuch and Mr. Wads- worth came thither after dinner. Mar. 5tii. Mar. lo'.h. Mar. 15th. I went to Mr. Sheperds with my Wife and Coz : Gellibrond they were Gossops to his Doughter Frances. Mr. Green y^ Atturney Came thither after Dinner. Mar. 19th. My Wife and I &c dined at Mr. Syers with Parson Acton and his Wife, Mrs. Wairing &c. I drank part of a of Crosby. 195 1723. Bowl of Punsh there with Mr. Bixter of Leverp : Mr. Byron Tatlock the Dyer &c the Occation was y* Christoning of Mr. Syers (7th) Doughter Rachell. Mr. Plumbe and I dined at the Talbot (Liverpool). Mar. 22nd. Mr. Sadler payed me ^50 for y* Purchas of D"^ Lathoms u^.zyd. late Hous and Teneament. My Wife went to y^ Wood and proposed Ann Buckleys Aprii7th. Doughter to Mrs. Sadlor for a Servant. Yeomond of the Goar was here and Acquainted me April 10th. that my Lord Molin : desired y^ River of Alt might be Scour'd as usuall. I Counted the Crow-Nests in my Wood — 94, the last Apriimh. year I had but two Nests. Mr. Ned Molineux was here to knovv^ whether I should Apriiisih. see his Son at Doway. My Wife went to see Mr. Williamsons Doughter who Mayizih. was Married to Tatlock, Son to Tatlock the Dier, she was liing In of her first Child. My Wife and Mrs. Wilding walked to Lidiate and back Maj is.i,. againe. I Sent my Luggage to y* Carrior at Leverp : to be ;:*>-. 21st. carried to London. I gave W" Carefoot full directions what to do in my Absence and read my Orders to him. We went over from Leaverp : in Eastom Boat and dined May. 2611.. at Hooton with Doctor Low, thence to Chester. My Wife and her Maid Ellen Howerd, Coz : Jane Mayj.-iii. Gillib : Lieftenant Barker, Liefte : Sole and I began our Journey towards London in y= Stage Coach from Chester. ig6 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1723- May 29th. From Coventry we came to Northampton a very pntty Town, the Market place large, the Streets broad and a very handsom Church. May 30th. To the George in Alders Gate London, where Mr. Parks met us and brought us to Mr. Haltons Wax Chandlor at the Golden Ball in Great Duke-Street where we Lodged. June 2nd. I drank with Mr. Hanson at the Holy-Lambe. June 3rd. My Wife, I, Miss Gillib : and Mrs. Aldred saw Cartooch Acted at the New Play-Hous. jiineith. I made choice of some Cloth at Mr. Humph: Traffords for a sute of Cloths for me. June Sill. Mr. John Culcheth lent me fourty Guineys. juneioth. Went by Boat to Greenwich where we went on Bord the Duke of Charos (Chandos) Captain Knight Master and sailed thence to Graivsend. juneijih. Landed at Calls about 3 and went to Table Royall. The Diarist and his lady made this journey to fetch their daughters from school. They visited sundry places, saw many English priests, and dined at Brussels with the widowed Lady Derwentwater, who resided there with her chaplain, Father Wake- man, but died very shortly after this visit. Their daughter, Francis Blundell, was confirmed by the Bishop of St. Omers. Aug 4th. Went on Bord the Duke of Shandos and set saile towards London. Aus.sih. My Luggage was sirched and some Spirituall Books and Pictures taken from me to be burned. AuB.scih. I went with my Doughters to Bartholemew Fair, we saw a Droll, a Little Man and a Popit Play. I met Lawyer of Crosby. igy 1723. Culcheth, D' Eyre and S' Franc: Anderton at the Castle Tavern in Drury Laine. Pat: Richardson and Mr. Will: Scarisbrick din'd scp.srd. with us. I was at y* Lancashire Club in Fleet Street with Mr. sept.4. My Wife Dough ters and I went in y* Coach to y^ Grange, Mrs. Bl : her two Sisters-in-Law and three Sons of Mr. Standleys of Hooton came thither, coming home most of us prayed by the Corps of Mary MoHneux. juiyzoih. The Wool-pack being very full Mr. Allonson, Mr. Crupton and some others who were drinking w"* me there. Adjourned all to Mr. Moss'es and sent for Aile to y* Wool-pack. juiyvtb. Mrs. Bravarius came to look at my Wives Legg. She was housekeeper at Ince Blundell. juiyjsih. I went to Crosby and Bowl'd with Parson Kelsey, Parson Harrison &c : The Maior of Leverp : Mr. Carr, Mr. Windsor &c : were there. July jgth. Coz Gili : sent an express with a Letter from Lady Phill Aug. and. W™ Carefoot brought me home two peeces of Timber w"* were Reck. Aug. 7th. I went to Leverp : and drank most extraordinary good Aile at Mr. Whawleys with Mr. Plube and his Son Will: and Mr. Cottom. Aug.mh. Mr. Plumbe dined here I went with him to Crosby- there was D' Bromfield, James Williamsons Son James and I think both their Wives Par: Richmond Parson Davis, old Will Rollins Thorn : Howerd &c : Aug. i6ih. Mr. Standish made his 7,^ Viset to Mally. o/ Crosby. 209 1725- Coming back (from Woolton), I looked at Mr. Plumbes Aug. 17th. fine Flowers, then went to Leverp : and bought two Small Keggs of Wine of Mr. Williamson. My Wife, Mally and I went to Ormschurch Race Aug. 25111. where my Lord Molineux his Roan Hors beat Lord Darbys Gray Mare. Lord Frederick Howard dined and Lodg'd here. AuK.ieih. I sent Mrs. Fleetwood Butler to Scarisbrick. Aug.jsti,. I went to Ormschurch Horse-Faire. I drank at the Au^.j^th. Talbot w*^ Mr. Sanderson, Stewerd to S' W" Gerard, Francis Farer &c. My Wife I and Mally din'd at Wooton with Lord sept.juj. Frederick, Lady Philippa Standish &c : Coming back we called at Leverp : and took Fanny and Mrs. Williamson to see the Commody Acted called the Busy Boddy. Lady Phillipa Standish, first wife of Ralph Standish, of Standish, Esq., was daughter of Henry, 12th Duke of Norfolk, and sister of Lord Frederick Howard. She died 1731, and her husband married secondly Marj', daughter and co-heiress of Albert Hodgson, Esq., of Leighton Hall. S*^ Francis Anderton being at Ince Pat Aid: and I 3epi. 51;.. went thither we Suped there. I went to Crosby Greene, there was two of Lawyer sept.sd,. Bootle's Brothers, Mr. Cottom &c. My Wife and I din'd at Ince, there was Lady sepi.isth. Molineux and her two Doughters &c : Stewerd the Book- Sellor was selling books in the Hall. My Lord and Lady Molin : their Doughters, Mr. Tho : sepi. .oth. Standley, Mr. Washbour &c : dined here. 2IO Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1725- sep>.2.si. Mr. Standish and I went to Ince Green and bowl'd with S' Francis Anderton and Mr. Blundell, Mr. Moli : of y^ Grange and his Brother Rich : were there. Sept. 22nd. This being Mallys Birthday Mrs. Acton, Mrs. Byron &c : dined here. Tatlock played here and we dans'd till Morning, S' Francis Anderton dans'd with us in y^ after noone. Sept. 25th. It being Fanny's Birth day Tatloc play'd here, we danced both before and after Supper. Mr. Hen : Blund Sup'd here, we play'd with him at Chaising y^ Whistle. Sept. 27th. She drank too much Burch Wine. Mr. Tho : Butler and his Neece Fleetwood Lodged here. oct.4ti., I was at the Race on Crosby Marsh where four Horses Ran for a Sadie, Mr. Lowders Gray Gelding wann. Oct. 6th. Being Matters are now lickley to goe forwards Coz : Gillib : and I began to Consider what proposalls were proper to be made to Mr. Standish. Oct. nth. My Doughters Mr. Standish and I went to the Hall of Formby, Mr. Formby was not at home. Oct. isih. It being Crosby Goosfeast Mr. Standish and I dined at Parson Wairings, there was Parson Acton, Parson Harrison Mr. Cottom &c : Mr. Standish Coz Gillib : and I went to Ormesch : and took a Glass of Wine at the Queens Head. Coz : Gillib : and I din'd at Standish, Mr. John Gerard Junior was there ; Old Mr. Stand : I &c : discoursed of Proposalls for my Doughter Marys Setlement &c : Nov. and. Bclng Mr. Greene kept Crosby Court at Jacksons, I went thither and Order'd Rob : Johnson in Presence of Oct. 19th. Oct. aoth. of Crosby. 21 1 ' ] 1725. Edw: Hutton, Jon: Banister &c: to open me a Bridle Rode thorrow the Bottom of his New Inclosed Field viz: to make me a Rode to ride from y^ Scab Laine thorrow his said Field along y^ Water-cource which runs between it and y° Wheat Hey, I claiming a Hors rode that way for my Customers to my Mill ; According to my Command Robert Johnson himself and his Tenants Son Joseph Newhous made me a Rode, so I, young Mr. Standish and his Servant James Hill Rode that way home from Great Crosby. My Wife and Doughters din'd at y^ Talbot in Leverp : Nov. ^.a. Young Mr. Standish went with them to the Play, they saw Mary Queen of Scots Acted. Pat: Smith the Superior dined here so did Pat: Nov. 12th. Clifton, Hadesty &c : We toosed William Roostich in a Blanket. Mr. Standish and I rode out to the Sea-Side in Nov. isih. Expectation of Meeting Mr. Clifton and his Lady in their way home to Lithom they being Married upon y^ 16. Mr. Standish went hence, this was his last Viset. Nov. 20th. Mr. Ralph Standish had not succeeded in winning the affections of Mr. Blundell's daughter Mary. He subsequently married Mary, daughter of George Butler, Esq., of Ballyraggat, Ireland. Mr. Molin : of the Grang being dead, my Doughters Nov. 22nd. and I went thither to pray, I heard three Mas : Mr. Blund : and his Lady, Mr. Molin : of Mosburgh, Mr. Rob : Chantrell &c : were there. I was a Bearer at the Funerall of Mr. Mohn : of y^ Nov. 23rd. Grange there was at the Grange Mr. Formby, Mr. Cottom, Mr. Tho : Heskaine Apothecary Livesley &c : 212 Diary of Nicholas Bhindell, 1725. Nov. 45th. Mally discoursed seriously and told me her Mind. Dec. 4th. The Miller being uneasy upon some things which he heard were said of him told me he would leave my Service unless I would come upon a New Bargan with him. Dec,7ih. Mrs. Blundell being brought to Bed my Wife Stood God-mother to Miss Anna-Maria. Dec. 14th. I Began to make a Church of Pallatine Work and almost finished it. Pat : Roydon Lodged here. Dec.aist. I was at the Funerall of Mr. Gorsuch of Gorsuch, I was a Bearer so was Mr. Molineux of Mosb : &c : he was Buried at Ormschurch. Pat : Curedons old Woman in y^ Straw Hat. Dec. 261b. My Wife sent a Present to Mrs. Acton against y^ Christoning tomorrow of her Son Tho : . My Wife went to y* Hall of Lidiat and spoke to Jane Heys about her coming to be Chamber-Maide here, but they did not bargan. Dec.v.h. My Wife and Doughters made a Viset to Mrs. Molineux of y^ Grange to Condole the Death of her Husband. Dec. 3151. I Hir'd Rich: Prescot to be my Millor am to give him ^11 5/- f' ann : and he to find Lite and Licker. The Diarist remarks that owing to the wet summer the roads were extremely bad, and coals had to be fetched on horseback in winter, a thing never before known. A horse-load sold in Liverpool for 2s. 6d., which was formerly yd. 1 726. Jan. 2nd. I went towards Ditton but y^ Snow being so deep and the Rodes bad I got no farther than Childol where I Lodg'd at Longworths I made a Viset to Parson Kelsey and eat some Christmas Faire with him, I gave his Doughters some Span Rings. of Crosby. 213 1726. I went to the Bank in Ditton where I Lodged. We jan.srd. hunted the Whistle after Supper. Pat Bartlet Lanced Mary Molineux in her Gumbs jan.isih. for the Tooth- Aich, and mixed some Powder of Roman Vitriall with her Blood. Will : Davy Skinner came in a submissive Manner and jan, igtu. desir'd I would be Friends with him. Parson Poole's Doughter of Cheshire came hither w*^ jan.aoih. Mr Blund: &c : W" Davy y* Skiner gave me ^^lo at Leverp : for which ]aii.22nd. I engaig'd not to prosecute him by Law and promised to forgive him all Misdemainors past which I knew of. Mr Livlesley sent his Brother hither with some Phisick jan.23.d. he fell in Rimrose as he came. Two Men were here who say'd they had ben j^n.iv.h. Transported out of Scotland into Maryland and were now returning homewards. Roscow went to Ince to shew her lame Arme to Mrs. janjoth. Prevarius. Mr. Strikland lodg'd here. peb.isi. I was at the Buriall of Mr. Robo : Fazak : at Walton, Feb. 17th. so was Mr. Smarley, Mr. Cottom, Mr. W° Plumbe &c: I was a Bearer so was Mr. Standley of Hooton, Old Mr. Trafford of Croston &c. My Wife and Doughters made their first Viset to young Feb. 21st. Mrs. Williamson of Litherland. The Little Boys of y* Town rann Blindfold after an Feb. 22nd. other who had a Bell, for a Cock; when that Sport was 1726. 214 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, over, they ran with their Hands ty'd on their Backs after y^ Cock and took him in their Mouth. Mar. 2nd. I bought half a doz : small Silver-Hafted Knives and as many Forks for a Desets, of a Rich Pedlor. Mar. .3th. Mr. Francis Walmesley came to see me he being for going to Sea in a few days. Mar. 22nd. I was at the Buriall of Henry Blund: of Ince that is to say I was at the Buriall Hous but not at the Church, onely went part of the way with the Corps. Mar. 23rd. I was a Bearer at the Funerall of Widdow Eckleston, so was Mr. John Gerard Junior, Mr. Culcheth &c : she was buried at Prescot, there was at Eckleston Mr. Cubbon, Mr. Bretton, Tho : Hurst the Ship Carpinder &c : When y* Funerall was over most of us went into Lauransons. Mar. 26lh. Mally Rode behind me to Lever : April ist. We Began to make some Wine of 60 Sivell Oringes and 30 Leomons they cost 6'- - S"^- four doz: Pound of Lisbon Sugar cost £1. 4^- It made six dozen Bottles w'''' comes to 5'- ij''- '^ Doz. April 7ti,. I Visited the Chappell at y^ New-Hous and at Ince for the Jubily, coming home I met Mrs. Blundell &c: who had ben upon the licke Viset at Mr. Aldreds. A Jubilee in the Catholic Church is a larger indulgence, or the plenary remission of temporal punishment due to sin, to be gained by the performance of prescribed penitential works. A certain number of visits to neighbouring churches are usually enjoined. Ap,ii,„h. Mally play'd at Picket w'" Coz : Butler. April igth. Mr. Blu : made a Viset here and took a Snap of Cold Meat with me. of Crosby. 215 1726. I walked with Coz : Butler to the Dock, the Charity April use. Schoole &c (at Liverpool). I sowed Cowcumber Seed which had ben steeped six Ap.ii25th. Hours in New Milk. I went with Coz : Butler to Mr. Brooks'es the Vicker Apriueth. of Walton. Pat: Roydon dined here, I went with Coz; Butler to Aptiiszit Crosby Green, I Bowled Hand to Fist with Mr. Cottom, there was Pars : Brooks, Mr. Jaimes Tildeslay &c. I Began my Journey towards Astley with Fanny we April 30th. Lodg'd, at the Queens Head in Ormeschurch I found Mr. Nelson of Fairest there. From Orms : I went with Fanny to Coz Gillib of May ist. Astley where she is to stay for some time for change of Aire in hopes to Cure her Ague-Fits. I came from Astley to Ormsc : I light at Billing'es at Maymd. his new Hous. I Began my Journey towards Asburne Faire. Mayeth. I went with Mr. Taylor Steward to Mr. Eckleston to May 7111. the Cock in Leek, thence to Ashburne, I light at the Talbot and Lodged at a Privat Hous. I Heard Mr. Laybours Mass at Madam Peggs the Hall Maysth. of Hildersley. I dined at the Ordinary at the Talbot. The Diarist went to Asburne to buy black horses for his coach, which were then all the rage. He could only find two to suit him. I began my Journey homewards, we baited at New- Mayioth. Haven a Hous upon a Large Common in Derby-Shire very famous for a Sheep Faire ; I observed their Fences in those 2i6 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1726. parts were all Walls from three Foot high to five Foot, built of dry Cobling Stones and layed at such a distance, they loock in some places like Lettises (? Lattices) and a Child very readily may put his Arme through them, there are few or no Gates into the Fields onely a Gap left in the Wall w""" they fill up and pull down as they have Occasion; then we went to Buckston wherd I saw y^ Warme Spring and some of y'' Baths, then went to Disley where we Lodged at Swindals the Signe of y" Rams-Head, good entertainment and not dear. Mayisth. Mr. Plumbe of Down-holland brought a Black Gelding for me to look at but I bought him not. Coz : Butler and I went to Crosby Green we drank Punsh with Parson Egerton, Brooks, Parson Harrison, Mr. Cottom &c : Maj aoth. Coz: Butlcr and I went to Whit-Otter Mair in Holsold a fishing where we met Mr. Rob: Fazak: Mr. Swettenham &c : we dined and some of us Lodged at Wm Rigbys in Holsold. May2isi. Coz: Butler and I went with Mr. Heskaine to his Hous where we dined and then came home. May23.d. Parson Egerton, Brooks and four other Parsons Suped here. Mayjjih. I Bowled at Crosby with Parson Brooks, Parson Harrison, Dr. Bromfield. May 26th. Mr. Stickland came but stayed not long being he had received a Positive Denighall. Mr. Strickland of Sizergh, another suitor for the hand of Miss Blundell. Mayssth. Coz: Butler help'd me to choose some Wine at Mr. Williamsons Seller. of Crosby. 217 1726. Coming home we stay'd at a Barn in Thornton and May 30th. Watched the Country People dance. Coz : Butler dined at Parson Wairings, I went thither junesth. in y^ evening there was Parson Brooks, Egerton and Davys ; Mr. Heskaine, Cottom &c. W" Carefoot came home from Derby-Faire with 3 Colts each 2 years old, I call them Buck, Buty, and Lovely. Coz: Butler and I went with Mr. Blund : to Crosby junesth. Green, I bowled with Parson Wairing &c : Mr. Cragg was there. Dandy brought my New Coat and Waiscot and tryed it on, but it did not fit. I went in the Coach with four Blacks in y° same order Juntgth. w""" hereafter they are to goe in. Coz : Butler and I dined at Tho : Howerds in Crosby J""' '<"b. with Mr. Heskaine and Young Mr. Hollywell. Coz : Butler went in my Coach with my Wife and Mally June 13th. to Orms : Race, the chief divertion was between S"^ Ralph Ashtons and Mr. Egertons, the latter wan. I drank in Rigbys Booth with Mr. Heskaine, Mr. W" Poole of Leverp : &c then went to y' Wheat Sheaf in Ormschurch where I drank with young Mr. Entwisley, Mr. Heskaine &c: Coz : Butler and I dined at the Wheat Sheafe with my june 14th, Lord Darby S"^ Edw : Standley S' Ralph Ashton, Mr. Rich : Norris &c : I was at y^ Race on Oughton Moss, where Lord Darbys Ruflor beat Mr. Pilson's Bay. Hen : Ascroft gave me the Jaw-Bone of a Beast which June leth. he had found in y* Growing Moss 5 Foot and a half deep ; I take it to be the Jaw Bone of a Young Swine. My Teame and 13 others Lead coles for Mr. Aldred. june^iM. 2i8 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, \-j2b. juneisth. I went to Leverp : I went with Mr. Molineux to look at some Lansskips which he has drawn. June 26th. My Wife and I dined at Eckleston tis y' first time we have seen Mr. Eckl : since he was Marryed. June 39th. I drank at Tho : Howerds with Parson Jackson, Egerton, Brooks and Lawyor Radcliflf &c. june3oth. Coz : Butler and I dined at Knowsley with Mr. Scarisb : Will : Brownhill &c : jujyijth. Sister Midleton my Wife Doughters and I went to Leverp : we went on Bord my Lord Droughadays Yatch the Old England. juijaand, Mr. Holton come to invite my Sister Midleton to More-Hall. Pat : Edw : Scarisb : dined here. Mr. Sadlor drew out a Pattrom from Sister Midletons Apron. July 23rd; Coz: Butlers Servant brought a Side of Venison from Rock-savage. Mr. Heskaine sent a Present of Venison. juiy27ih. I was at the Race w'^'' Parson Wairing, Mr. Byron and Rob : Bootle Ran, for 3 Load of my Turves, Rob : Bootle wan them. luiyjgih. I had a Merry-Night we Danced in the Dining Roome viz : Mr. Faz : Young Mr. Holywell Mr. Heskaine &c : The Country People danced in y' Hall ; my Musick was Anderton and Marsh. jubsoih. We danced after dinner, and at Evening I discharg'd my Musick. Aug. 2nd. Apothecary Livsey and his Brother the Churcheon who is lately come out of France made me a Viset. of Cresby. - 219 1726. Coz: Butler Sister Midleton my Wife, Mally and I Aug.4>h. dined at Mrs. Hollywells in Leverp : and then went to the Assembly after that to the Talbot where we sup'd and so home the next Morning. I went to Bank-Hall with Coz: Butler, Sister Midleton, Aug. mh. my Wife and Mally ; Mr. Heskaine was there, he went with us to my Lords Fountaine and New-Summer-hous. The Earl of Derby had just purchased Bank Hall, the ancient seat of the Moores, who had fallen into difficulties. Mr. Blundells two Sisters and his Aunt Bridg : and Aug. 17th. Dorot : made a Viset to Fanny. I went to Crosby Race there were five start for ye Aug. soih. Plate, a Mare of Maikins of Prescot wan it. I fixed the Hous Bell better than it was and put a Aug. jotu New Rope to it. Coz: Butler and I dined at the Leggs of Man in sepi. isc. Prescot with Mr. Cubbom, Mr. Windsor, Alderman Goodin &c : thence we went to Knowsley Park where we saw three Horses Run, Makings Mare of Prescot wan. I waited of my Lord Darby at his Summer-Hous. When the Race was over, We went to Mr. John Chantrells Standing and drank a Glass of Wine w"" Mr. Hesketh of Rufford, young Mr. Trafford &c : We went with Mr. Eckleston to Knowsley Park where sept.znd. we saw a Gallaway Race, Lord Darby's Munkey wann, there was at the Race, S"^ Edw : Standley, Lawyer Standle Brother to S' James Standle. The Wind being very high in y^ Night I got up towards sept.4th. Morning and went to look at my Mill. 220 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1726. Sept. 7th. Coz : Butler and I dined and Lodg'd at Mr. Heskeths of Rufford, Old Mr. Standish, Mr. Rigby of Harrock and his Son made a Viset there. sept.sth. I Left Coz: Butler at Rufford and came to Pat: Gorsuch to the Hall of Boscol (Burscough), but being too late I stay'd but a small while and then came thorrovv Ormschurch home. Sept. 13th. D' Clayton, son to Daine Clayton in Ireland and Lawyer Radcliff dined here. Pat : Curedon went hence to live at Sefton and to help at Croxtath, he has ben a Gest here, I think neare one Yeare. Sept. 15th. Pat : Turbervill the Provin : dined here. Sept. i8th. Tho : Brown Servant to Mr. Houghton came to see if I would let his Master have two Thousand Thornes. Sept. 19111. I was at Crosby Race where Maikins Bay Mare beat Rob : Rigbys Black Mare, 'tis the third Race I have seen her win since y* 28 of last Month. I drank w"" Mr. Standley of Cross-Hall, Mr. Heskaine, Mr. Berry y" Atturney &c : there was at y^ Race Mr. Halsold of Leverp : Mr. W" Plumbe, W°' Kennion &x : Sept. 21st. Coz: Butl : and I went with my Wife and Doughters to Low-Hill where we dined at Widdow Dailes and bought some things of a Scotchman who had a Chaimber there of Rich goods. Sept. 27111. I made Mr. James Clinton a Viset and drank there with Mr. Sherlock &c : sept.jsth. Cozen Butler met my Lord Molineux a Fox Hunting, they killed one Brace of Foxes in Ince. Sept. 29th. Coz : Butler dined at y"^ Stand w'*' my Lord Molin : of Crosby. 221 1726. Coz : Butler and I went a Fox-hunting with Lord- sept. 30th. Molin : there was Surgeon Livsey D"^ Rice &c : Coz: Butler and I met my Lord Molineux a Fox- oct. 3id. hunting there was Mr. Heskaine, Mr. Syer &c : we found noe Fox. We din'd at the Stand with my Lord Molineux, Molin : of Mosburgh, Mr. Molin : of the Grange, &c. I Bowled Hand to Fist at Crosby with Tho: Fleetwood, oct.sth. I drank there with Parson Wairing, Mr. Whitley &c : I saw my five Black Coach-Horses docked very Short, oct. loth. James Marrow took a Cock in my dead this morning, oct.srih. 'tis y* first I have taken this Season. I had seaven Lads of this Town beaton at my Gate- oci.asth. Hous with a Sterrop-Leather, some by their Fathers, others by their Masters and some by other Persons for Stealing my Apples and for other Peevish tricks. I dined at Mr. Plumbs at Wever-Tree. ocisgui. Prescot Post came with a Post- Letter to me w"*" was Nov.7tb. rong directed. Finsh a London Chimney-Sweeper swept some of my Nov.gth. Chimneys. Cozen Butler sent his Servat from Rock-Savage with Nov. .7th. a Present of a Doe. I went in my Coach to Th : Howerds where I found Nov. 19th. Mr. Heskaine Mr. Jos. Poole Mr. Atherton the Wine- merchant &c : I Attended the Corps of Tho : Syer of the Ford from Nov. 24th. his Hous to Sefton Church there was Parson Brooks, 1726. 222 Diary of Nicfiolas Blundell, Harrison and Wairing, Mr. Tho : Whitle &c. Mr. Green kept the Court at y° Ailhous by Sefton Church. Nov. 27th. My Wife and Doughters made a Viset to Mrs. Syer of the Ford to condole the death of her Husband. Dee, isi Bryan Leas Son Richard being dead he was carried to Sefton on my Coach Carriage, I attended the Corps from the Hous into Ince Town. Dec.2iid. I was at y^ Saile of goods at the Ford, the Sellors were Mr. Whittle and Tatlock the Dyar, there was Mr. Williamson of Litherland, Mr. Byron &c : Dec.511,. Jos: Rigby brought Barnaby Hargrave to be my Butler but he is too Little. Dec. 13th. I began to lead y" Chappell Chamber Stones from the side of y" Terras and lay'd them in the Buriall Place. Dec.ssth. My Wife and Doughters went to y'^ Funerall of Mr. Blundells Son Robert. Doc. 29th. I was at the Town Meeting at Ditton, there was Parson Langford of Haile, Atturney Halsold John Tarbolk, &c. 1727. Jan. 5th. I din'd at y* Edg with Parson Acton young Williamson of Litherton and their Wives, Widdow Tatlock of y^ Bank &c : after diner I drank there with young Pluckington Parson Harrison &c. jan.ioth. Tho: Marron's Corps was carried to Sefton Church on my Coach Bottom. Ian. i6th. Coz : Butler dined at y^ Grange with Mr. Rob : Fazak : Jemmy Singleton, Tom : Heskaine &c. jau. 18th. Coz : Butler and I went to Bank-hall where we sat awhile with my Lord Darby, Mr. Standley of Cross Hall, of Crosby. 223 1727. Mr. Wall from towards Preston, Mr. Eckleston of Eckles : and then we went to Lord Darbys Race Ground where a Gray Gelding of Mr. Gills bet a Bay one of Mr. Heskaines, there was upon the ground App : Lathom, Tom Whitley. I went to Leverp : and made Major Broadnax a viset, jan.a.si. he told me that in March next he will be 108 years of Aige, he has his Memor}^ perfectly well, and talks extreamly strongly and heartally without any seeming decay of his Spirrits. He died in the following January and was buried at St. Nicholas' Church. I went part of the way with the Corps of Mr. Thomas jan.24ih. towards Sefton, I was entertained upon y"" Funerall Account at Tho : Syors where there was Parson Wairing, Parson Harrison, Old Mr. Williamson late of Litherland, Mr. Sharrock of Formby, Mr. Byron &c. Dined at Ince, there was at Dinner Alderman Tyrer lan. 26th Mr. James Tildesley, 'Henry Cottom, Mr. Heskaine and several others. Hen: Swift went to Major Broadnax with a Swine w'^'' Feb. 4th. he had bought and killed for him. Coz : Butler went to Wallosy Race where S' Rich : Feb. 6th. Grannors Hors beat a Black Hors of my Lord Molineuxes. My Wife Doughters and I saw the Play called Loves Contrivance acted at Leverp : we Sup'd and Lodg'd at the Talbot. Tho : Syer was here, we discoursed concerning Inclosing Feb. mb. Crosby Marsh. 2 24 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1727. Feb.uth. Mr. Sherlock din'd here, he began to Improve my Doughters in their Dansing. Feb. .7ih. Mr. Molineux of the Grange, Mr. Crisp and I marked out the Seperation between Grange Warant and mine. Feb.j5th. I tryed John Radchff before Mr. Jos: Poole for Breaking Windows and fourcing open Ailes Davys Doar, he was order'd to be set in y^ Stocks. Mar.5ih. I found two Lettcrs in a Clift stick (in the Great Courts) which I suppose were from W. Roo:. Mar.7ih. I bought some Wine of Captain Burch and took a Snap of a Dinner with him (at Liverpool). Mar. nth. I made a Viset to my Coz : Eyre (at Preston). I went and wished Mr. W" Plumbe and his Wife Joy. I din'd at y' Whit Bull with Coz: Gillibrond &c. Mar.,6th. W" Carcfoot bought me a White-Hors Jack at Orms- church for a Thilar. Mar..oih. Rob: Weedow, Tho : Marrow a'nd Edward Pinington beged my Pardon for a Misdemaynor, I made them pay some Money which was y^ Day distributed to y' Poore. Mar.23ih. I Order'd John Radcliff to be set in y^ Stocks in this Town according to Mr. Pooles Warant for breaking Windows &c : in y^ Night. Mar. 16th. I went to Leverpoole and saw Pat: Pinington distribute 256 Palms, then I went to Rock-savage where I Lodg'd, there was Briggadeer Moncall, Parson Hurt, Mr. Ross &c. Mar.J7th. Lord Barrymorc went abroad upon Business. Old Sil : Richmond and his Doughter dined at Rocksavage. of Crosby. 225 1727. I din'd at Mr. Actons with Parson Egerton, Parson Apriuth. Wairing, Robert Whittle &c : I went to Crosby Greene there was Parson Brooks Apniuih. Parson Davys, Bannion of Ormschurch, Mr. Haymar, Doctor Bromfield &c : there were several Cocks brought from Leverp : and Ormsch : w""" fought upon the Green, I saw three or four Battles. A promising subject for the pencil of some local artist. Mr. Williams not being at home Cap: Henry and his Apriisoih. Sister Margarit came to prayers to Mr. Aldreds. Mr. Houghton sent his Servant for some young Pigeons Mayjud. to Store his Dove-Coat, I gave him almost 3 dozen. I went to Crosby Green but did not Bowl, there was May 3rd. Parson Jackson, Parson Kelsey, Mr. Tatlock the Draper &c : Mr. Cottom gave me my Gold Watch w*^*" he has got mended at London. Coz : Butler and I went to Crosby Green, I Bowled Mayioth. Hand to Fist w'"" Thom : Fleetwood there was Mr. John Trafford Junior D^ Bromfield, Will : Rollins &c : I went to John Blansherds Reareing and drove a Pin, Mayi7ih. there was Mr. Molin : of y' Grange and I think Will : Blansherd and Nicho : Plumbe. Cap: Hen: Bl : came to invate Coz: Butl : and me Mayjist. to com tomorrow to Ince to Solemnise Mr. Blun : birth, he being then 27 years old. Pat: Walmesley the Monk din'd here. Mayj4th. My Doughters and I began our Journey towards York. jun=5>ii. 226 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, IT2.-J. junes.h. From Leeds we went to y^ "Whit Hors in Todcaster where we dined Sister Midleton came to us in a Coach and took my Doughters with her to her Hous in York ; I left my Horses at the Sighne of y^ Wind-Mill out of Midle-Gate. June 9th. We all went to Couz : Selbys to Prayers, he shewed my Doughters and me his fine Collecsion of English Coynes. Mr. Maior of Lartington made a Viset here. The Maires of Lartington, which is in the neighbourhood of scenery commemorated in Rokeby, are now represented by the Rev. Thos. Witham. juncioth. I left my Doughters w"" their Aunt Midleton and came from York to Todcaster. junc.uh. I was at Prayers at Mr. Tempests of Broughton D' Traps was there. June 15th Pat : Turner came to take leave of me he is going beyond the Seas. June i6lh. I went to W" Tarletons Marlors and made them Shout. june26ti,. Mr. Write of Cronton shew'd me his Proposall for geting an Act of Parleament for Enclosing the Commons of Ditton. juue23ih. I put the Leaves of Whit Lillys into two Glass- Bottles, they are to make Oyl on for a Burn or Scald. July 151. July 5th. I fetched y^ old Hous-Clock from Ince, Coz : Blu : had given it to me. I Bowled at Crosby Green w* Parson Egerton, Wairing &c : it being Prescot race there was little Company, Parson Balden was there. of Crosby. 227 1727. I sent to Wooton to see Mrs. Clifton who was lying in juiyn.h. of her first Child. Mr. Rodger Diconson and Apothecary Gerard &c: were juiyi6th. at Prayers at Mr. Aldreds. Going to Crosby Green I met Toping y* Parritor I juiy.oth. gave him something, I Bowl'd with Mr. Byron Rob : Bootle &c : there was Tatlock the Dior, Young Mr. Blase, Pat : Harper &c. Parson Acton was beging there for a Lame Son of W" Bushells. Will Hull pay'd me some Money to be sent to Grav- juiyiist. ling for his Sister Mary, he also gave half a Guiney for Mrs. Bridget Clifton from her Brother Cudbert. My Maids went to y^ Flowering of Ince Cross. juiy 24111. I went to Leverp : and drank with Cap : Anderton and juiy zeih. Peter Wilkinson. My Wife began her Journey towards York to fetch my juiy3,st. Doughters home, I went with her to Rufford where we baited at y" Spred Agle, thence to Preston where we Lodg'd at y^ Whit-Bull. I went in y^ Evening to Crosby Green but did not Aue.gth. bowl there was Mr. Danvers, Pemerton and Wilcock all from Leverp : as I suppose. I went pritty late to Crosby Green, I Payed Mr. Aug. leth. Egerton two Guineys w'^'" I had lost to him, he gave a Bowl of Punsh out of it, there was at y^ drinking of it Parson Wairing, Mr. Th : Whittle, Tho Syer Mr. Brownsword y^ Atturney &c : we were very Merry about Tho : Fleetwoods Wiggs. 228 Diary of Nicholas Blundell, 1727. Aug.36tu. Nathaniall Buck came to see if I would subscribe to his Proposalls for Publishing the perspective vews of some old Abbies and Castles &c : in Lancash : Cheshire and Darby-Shire. Aug.3oih. I went to Crosby Green there was Alderman Goodin, Alderman Tyrer Parson Standley &c : Sept. sth. Pat Aid : not being well my Wife walked to y* New- Hous to Prayers my Doughters and I went to Mr. Crisps to prayers. Sept. 19.1.. There was a Purs of thirty Pound run for on Crosby Marsh, 'twas won by Miss Nusom a Bay-Mare of York- Shire, Lord Darbys Roger oCawverley, Roan and Pall ran against her. sepi.a.th. Three ran on Crosby Marsh for a Plate of /^lo Maikings Mare wan it. sept.2.st. Three ran on Crosby Marsh for a Plate of ^5 one Hunts of Darby wan it. I sent a Present to Mrs. Trafford in Ormsch : of a Pigg and three Turkeys. Sept. 28th. Oct. isi. Widow Molineux late of y^ Grange sent a How-do-You hither. Oct. jnd. Being Lord Molin : Hounds ran a Fox past here which took over Alt I follow'd them to Formby but not finding eather the Gentlemen or y^ Hounds I came home again ; Lord Molineux, Mr. Clifton, Mr. Pigeon &c : called here as they were going home from Hunting, they did not light, onely took a Glass at y^ Gates. Oct. 6th. Coz: Butler dined at y^ Stand with Lord Molin and went with him to Mr. Crisps to take a Glass. of Crosby. 229 1727. Coz : Butler and I dined at Parson Wairings it being oct.isth. Goosfeast Monday w'*" Parson Balden, Davis, Acton and their Wives. I was at y* Buriall of Mrs. Marge : Michelson and was oct. igih. a Bearor with Mr. Blund : a son of Ewen Leas &c. I went part of the way with the Corps of Tho : Bootle, oct.joth. I was entertain'd at Henry Williamsons w'** one Molineux who Married a Doughter of Mr. Boltons of Eusom (? Newsham) Robert Bootle, Parson Wairing &c : Mary Wogden left her Service obruptly and without Nov.gih any Occasion and took no Leave. Old Mr. Walmsley of Showley lodg'd here. Nov.ioih Henry Williamson was here and insisted upon his Son Nov. 1511,. James his Coming to be my Servant. I attended y^ Corps of Parson Acton from his Hous to Dec. 2nd. the Church there was Parson Balding, Harrison, Wairing, Davis and Parson Mont, Mr. Moss, Ben : Branker &c. My Wife sent to Condole Mrs. Acton for the Death Dec. 3rd. of her Husband. My Wife went to Mrs. Blundells Labouring she was Dec. .sih. delivered of her Son Rowland. 1728. James Williamson came to be my Groom and jan. 2nd. Husband-man. Mr. Aid : not being at home my Wife I and Mally fan. 14th. went to Mr. Crisps and heard Mr. Curedon hold forth, 'tis the first time any of us heard him. I attended y^ Corps of Mr. Molin : of Mosburgh from ]an.24ih. thence to Melling I was a Bearor so was Mr. Cubbon 1728. 230 Diary of Nicholas Blimdell, Mr. Scarisbrick &c : as I went I called at Mr. Bowers at Aintry there being a Saile there. Feb. 2nd, Mr. Aid: not being well my Wife I and Doughters went to I nee to prayers. I sent James Williamson to Garswood to see S' W" Gerard and to Mosburgh to condole Coz : Molin : for y^ Death of her Husband. reb. 10th. I drank at Mr. Cottoms (at Liverpool) with Parson Brooks and his Brother &c : I drank at y^ Wool-pack w"' Mr. Hamer, Mr. Rigby of Sutton Hall, and Apoth : Livsey, Feb.23'd. Mr. Aid: dyed. I helped to lay him out and took charg of his best things. Feb.2.,th. Pat: Hardesty prayed for Mr. Al : in his Chappell, there was a pritty large Congregasion. I sent my Cart to Leverp : for Meat and Drink for Mr. Aldreds Funerall and went to his Hous to see part of it carefully taken care of. Feb. 25th. Mr. Aid: was Buried in the Harkerk there was at his Buriall or at least in the Hous the Famoly of Ince, Parson Wairing, Mr. Cottom, John Rose, Rob : Bootle, John Blansherd &c : Mai.5ih. My Servants went to John Johnsons at Night to turne their Pancaikes and be merry. Mar. 13th. Mr. Lockard came to supply in Mr. Aldreds place till an other came to stay ; he lodged here. Mar.icih. Mr. Lockard went hence to live at the West-Lain-Hous. Mar. 23rd. Mr. Chisleton D' Ferniough &c : came to my Lodging (Golden Talbot in Chester) I advised with him about Mally's eyes and mine and about Fannys Laimnes. Coz : Butler and I made a Viset to S' Hen : Bunbary, we drank there with Mr. Semor Chalmondeley &c : of Crosby. 231 ~~~ ~~ 1728. I paid Mrs. Acton and the Sexton the Buriall Dues Mar. 26th. for Mr. Aldred. Mr. Sadler brought me a Silver Tobacco Box on w"*" Ap^und. he had engraived my Crest. Fanny rode out behind me I enquired of Richard Apnuih. Renold &c : for Seed Oats. I set som Kidney Beanes in y" Hot-Bed, in Order to rais them early. This entry is given in full because it is the last, and with it the Diary abruptly closes. GiLBEKT G. WALMSLEY, PRINTER, 50, LoKD STREET, LIVERPOOL. I DA485 B55 Blundell, Nicholas, 1669- 1737. Crosby records Blundell, Nicholas, 1669- ^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 001 104 981 4 iliilC 3 1210 0071/ 1 "J**