BIRKELBY NIVERSITY Of ICAUPORN.A y REESE LIBRARY EARTH SCIENCES "TOlVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA THE MINERALOGY OF SCOTLAND VOL. II. Printed by Neill and Company, Limited, Edinburgh FOR DAVID DOUGLAS LONDON , . . SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, AND CO. CAMBRIDGE . . MAOMILLAN AND BOWKS. GLASGOW . . . JAMES MAOLEHOSE AND SONS. Coronetted Pyrites. DRAWN! eV D R HCDDLE THE MINERALOGY OF SCOTLAND BY THE LATE M. FORSTER HEDDLE, M.D., F.R.S.E. EMERITUS PROFESSOR OP CHEMISTRY, ST ANDREWS EDITED BY J. G. GOODCHILD H.M. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, P.O.S. VOL. II. EDINBUKGH DAVID DOUGLAS, 10 CASTLE STKEET 1901 [All Eights Reserved] SCIENCES CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. DlSILICATES. PAGE PAGE Zoisite (406) . . . 63-64 Orthoclase (313) . 1-4 Epidote (407) . . . 64-67 Microcline (315) . 4-8 Allanite (409) . . 67-68 (Graphic granite) 9-11 Axinite (410) . 68 Albite(316) . 11-13 Prehnite (411) . . 69-73 Oligoclase (317) 13-16 Andesine (318) 16-17 SUBSILICATES. Labradorite (319) . Anorthite (320) 17-19 19-20 Calamine or Hemimorphite (423) 73 Tourmaline (426) . . . 73-75 Latrobite 20-21 Staurolite (428) . . . 75-76 METASILICATES. HYDROUS SILICATES ZEOLITE Enstatite (323) 21-22 DIVISION. Bastite Paulite, or Hypersthene (324) Augite(325) .... Aegirine (326) Spodumene (327) . Wollastonite (329) . Pectolite (330) Babingtonite (336) . AnthophyUite (337) Hornblende (338) . Riebeckite (340) . Crocidolite (341) . jEnigmatite (343) . Beryl (344) .... 22 23 23-29 29 29 29-30 30-32 32-33 33 33-41 41-45 42-43 43 43-45 Okenite (433) . . . 76-77 Gyrolite (434) . . 77-80 Apophyllite (435) . . 80-82 Xonotlite (435a) . . 82-83 Tobermorite (435b) . 83 Heulandite (438) . . 83-85 Brewsterite (439) . . 85-86 Epistilbite (440) . . 86 Phillipsite (441) . . 86-87 Harmotome (442) . . 87-88 Stilbite (443) . . . 88-91 Laumontite (445) . . 91-93 Chabazite (447) . . 93-95 Gmelinite (448) . . 95-96 INTERMEDIATE SILICATES. Analcime (450) . . 96-103 lolite or Cordierite (353) 45 Edingtonite (452) . 103 Natrolite (453) . . 103-105 ORTHOSILICATES. Fargite (453a) . . 105-106 Nepheline (357) . Garnet (370) .... Forsterite (375) . Olivine (376) .... 45-46 46-51 51 51-52 Scolecite (454) . . 106-108 Mesolite (455) . . 108-110 Thomsonite (456) . . 110-111 Faroelite (456a) . . 111-112 Scapolite (387) Idocrase (393) 52-53 53-54 MICA DIVISION. Zircon (394) .... 54-55 Muscovite (458) . . .112-115 Thorite (395) .... 55-56 Finite (458a) .... 115 Topaz (397) .... 57-58 Agalmatolite (458c) . .115-116 Andalusite (398) . 58-59 Zinnwaldite (461) . . . 116-117 Sillimanite or Fibrolite (399) 59-60 Biotite(462) .... 117-119 Kyanite (400) 60-62 Haughtonite (462a) . . 119-121 Datolite (401) . 62-63 Lepidomelane (462b) . . 121-122 VI CONTENTS. CLINTONITE GROUP. PHOSPHATES, ARSENATES, ETC. PAGE PAGE Chloritoid (466) . 123 Apatite (549) .... 158-159 Pyromorphite (550) . . 160 CHLORITE GROUP. Calcium Vanado-Pyromorphite 160 Clinochlore (468) . Penninite (468a) . Prochlorite (469) . 123-124 124-125 125-127 Mimetite (551) . . . 161 Vanadinite (552) . . . 161-162 Olivenite (561) ... 162 Delessite (478) 127-128 Dechenite (564) ... 162 Erinite(568) .... 162 SERPENTINE AND TALC GROUP. Vivianite (597) . . . 162-163 Serpentine (481) . Totaigite (481) Genthite (483) Pimelite (483a) 128-135 135 135 135 Erythrite (601) ... 163 Annabergite (602) . . . 163 Dudgeonite . . . . 163 Wavellite (639) ... 164 Talc and Steatite (484) . 136-138 Saponite (488) 138-144 SULPHATES, CHROMATES, ETC. Ferrite Chlorophaeite Kirwanite .... Celadonite (489) . Glauconite (490) . 144 144-145 145 145-146 146-147 Barytes (719) .... 164-170 Celestine (720) . . . 170-171 Anglesite (721) . . . 171-172 Vauquelinite (727) . . . 172-173 Leadhillite (734) . . . 173-174 KAOLIN DIVISION. Susannite (734a) ... 174 Kaolinite (492) Bole (492a) . 147-148 148-149 ACID AND BASIC GROUP. Allophane (498) 149 Lanarkite (737) . . . 174-175 Plinthite 149 Caledonite (739) . . . 175-176 Fuller's Earth 149 Brochantite (740) ... 176 Chrome Ochre 149 Linarite (741) . . . 176-178 Chrysocolla (504) 150 Balvraidite 150 HYDROUS GROUP. Bhreckite 150-151 Chonicrite 151 Gypsum (746) . . . 179-180 Pilolite . 151 Epsomite (748) ... 180 Pihlite . 153 Morenosite (750) . . . 180-181 Rubislite 153 Melanterite (751) ... 181 Alum (764) .... 181 TlTANO-SlLICATES. Halotrichite (769) . . . 181-182 Sphene(510) .... 153-157 Keilhauite (511) . 157-158 TUNGSTATES AND MOLYBDATES. NIOBATES, TANTALATES. Wulfenite (818) ... 182 Keinite (819) .... 182 Yttrotantalite (528) 158 Monazite (537) 158 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS . 182-192 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOLUME II. Coronetted Pyrites, drawn by Dr Heddle, . . . Frontispiece Stellate Groups of Actinolite Crystals, Ord Ban, Loch an Eilean (M'Tier), To face p. 35 MAPS IN TEXT. Stereogram of Orthoclase, 6 and c Projections, . . To face p. 1 Stereograms of Albite and Anorthite, c Projections, . ,,11 Stereograms of Augite, 6 and c Projections, . ,,23 Stereogram of Idocrase, .... ,,54 Stereograms of Epidote and Sphene, 6 Projections, . 64 Stereogram of Barytes, c Projection, ... ,,165 Stereograms of Gypsum, & and c Projections, . . 179 Map of Scotland, Index to the one- inch Ordnance Survey 213 PLATES AT END OF VOLUME. PLATE LII. Orthoclase, figs. 1 to 10. LI II. Microcline, figs. 1 to 8. LIV. 9 to 14. LV. 15 to 22. LVI. 23 to 28 Albite, figs. 1 to 3. LVII. Oligoclase, figs. 1 to 6 Andesine, figs. 1 to 3. LVIII. Labradorite Augite, figs. 1 to 5. LIX. Augite, figs. 6 to 13. LX. Pectolite Hornblende, figs. 1 to 5 Riebeckite, figs. 1, 2. LXI. Riebeckite. figs. 3 to 6 Beryl, figs. 1 to 4. LXII. Beryl, figs.' 5 to 9 Garnet, figs. 1 to 3. LXIII. Garnet, figs. 4 to 11. LXIV. Chrysolite, figs. 1 to 5 Idocrase, figs. 1 to 4. LXV. Idocrase, figs. 5 to 10 Zircon, figs. 1, 2. LXVI. Zircon, figs. 3 to 8. LXVII. Thorite, figs. 1, 2 Topaz, figs. 1 to 6. , LXVIII. Topaz, figs. 7, 8 Andalusite, figs. 1 to 3 Kyanite, figs. 1, 2 Datho- lite, fig. 1. LXIX. Datholite, figs. 2 to 5 Zoisite Epidote, figs. 1 to 3. LXX. Epidote, figs. 4 to 11. LXXI. 12 to 14 Allanite Prehnite, figs. 1 to 4. LXXII. Prehnite, figs. 5 to 10 Calamine, figs. 1, 2. LXXIII. Tourmaline, figs. 1 to 4 Staurolite, figs. 1, 2. Apophyllite, figs. 1, 2. LXXIV. Apophyllite, figs. 3 to 8. LXXV. 9 to 16. LXXVf. 17 to 19 Heulandite, figs. 1 to 5. Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE LXXVII. Heulandite, figs. 6 to 13. LXXVIII. 14, 15 Epistilbite, figs. 1 to 4 Phillipsite, figs. 1, 2. LXXIX. Harmotome, figs. 1 to 8. LXXX. 9, 10 Stilbite, figs. 1 to 4 Laumontite, figs. 1, 2. LXXXI. Laumontite, figs. 3 to 5 Chabazite, figs. 1 to 5. LXXXII. Chabazite, figs. 6 to 13. LXXXIII. 14, 15 Levyne Analcime, figs. 1 to 6. LXXXIV. Analcime, figs. 7 to 9 Edingtonite Natrolite, figs. 1, 2 Thomsonite, figs. 1, 2. LXXXV. Thomsonite, figs. 3 to 9 Zinnwaldite. LXXXVI. Sphene, figs. 1 to 8. LXXXVII. ,. 9 to 17. LXXXVIII. 18 to 25. LXXXIX. 26 Apatite, figs. 1 to 5. XC. Apatite, figs. 6, 7 Barytes, figs. 1 to 6. XCI. Barytes, figs. 7 to 13. XCII. XOITI. XCIV. XCV. 37 to 42 -Celestine, figs. 1, 2. XCVI. Celestine, figs. 3 to 5 Anglesite, figs. 1 to 5. XCVII. Anglesite, figs. 6 to 13. XCVIII. 14 to 16 Leadhillite, figs. 1 to 5. XCIX. Leadhillite, figs. 6, 7 Susannite, figs. 1 to 3 Lanarkite, figs. 1 to 2A. C. Lanarkite, figs. 3 to 9. CI. Caledonite, figs. 1 to 8. GIL 9, 10 Linarite, figs. 1 to 6. GUI. Linarite, figs. 7 to 14 Wulfenite, figs. 1, 2 Eosite. Orthoclase. J . G. GOODCHILD. THE MINERALOGY OF SCOTLAND, VOL. II. OXYGEN SALTS. II. SILICATES. A. ANHYDKOUS SILICATES. 1. DISILICATES. Feldspar Group. a. Monodinic Section. 78. Orthoclase (313). KAlSi 3 8 . Monoclinic. [a, 100; b, 010; c, 001; m, 110; x, 101; z, 130; y, 201 ; o, (e), 111 ; (o), 111 ; *, 201 ; n, 021 ; A, 023 ; g, 112.] Pyr., etc. B.B. fuses at 5 of Kobell's scale ; varieties containing much soda are more fusible. Not acted upon by acids. Typical Sanidines exhibit numberless fractures with characteristic rents, which constantly alter their direction. They also frequently dis- play, upon their cleavages, a striation somewhat resembling a pseudo- twinning. 1. Heddle, Min. Mag., p. 135 ; 2. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 216; 3. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 223; 4. Heddle, Trans Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 220 ; 5. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 221; 6. Heddle, ibid., p. 214; 7. Heddle, Min. Mag., iv. 217. Sanidine : 1 and 2. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. pp. 222-3. Erythrite : 10. Thomson, Phil. Mag. (1843), 22, 188. VOL. n. A SILICATES. Analyses : Locality. Colour Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 ALOJ Fe 2 3 MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Point of Ness, Stromness, . cream 60-7718-87 1-32 2337512-69 1'95 86100-44 2. Cnoc Dubh, Lairg, buff 89'59' 2-555 62-62 19-63 '06 64 -6 13-72 2-92 13100-32 3. Canisp, Suther- brick- land, . . red ... 2-54563-5417-36 l'S7 38 ... 1-3312-93 1-69 1-12 100-22 4. Struy Bridge, . blue 89'50' 2-545 64-19 17-39 1'2 46 6913-31 1-96 56 99-76 5. Balvraid, Gleann Beag, . blue 89'58' 2-558 63-04 19-31 ... 21! -9714-63 1'02 56 9974 6. Clattering Bridge, brown . 64-0319-17 -30, '22 941-4011-84 1-37 '57 99'84 7. Beinn Spionnaidh, i ... '64-1519-07 1'32 -54 '38 1 "95 11-171 1'75 71 100'04 Sanidine. Ratio of Soda to Potash, two-thirds to one to two to one. 8. Kinkell, Fife, . 9. Corrie gills, yellow colour- 89 -50 2-609 63-07 18-69 2-47 06 2-2 6-62 5-5 1-39 99-99 Arran, less 66-85 17-24 42 06 1-22 9-2 4'32 86 10017 10. Erythrite, 67-90 18-00 2-7 3-25 1-0 7'5 ... 1 100-35 SHETLAND. Unst, at Lamba Ness and Skaw, in pink crystals por- phyritically imbedded in epidotic " syenite " (Greg). Mainland, at Bixter Voe, similarly to the above (Dudgeon and H.). ORKNEY. Mainland, at the point of Ness, Stromness. From granitic veins in gneiss. Cream coloured Anal. 1. SUTHERLAND. Ben Hope, at Meallan Liath, with Hornblende, in horn- blendic gneiss. In a quarry north-west of Eibigill, with Albite, Sphene, and actinolitic Hornblende, mxc (Plate LIT., fig. 1); mxc (Plate LIL, fig. 2). At Jibigall, Melvich, in porphyritic crystals, with a zonal struc- ture, with Albite, in granitite. Lairg, at Cnoc Dubh, in veins in " syenite," of a pink colour, with Oligoclase, Sphene, Allanite, and Haughtonite Anal. 2. At The Ord, bright red, in veins in gneiss. Beinn Spionnaidh, on the north-west slopes, granular, pink, with Uralite and Sphene Anal. 7. Canisp, near the summit, on the east side, some- times with a sheath of Albite, in red porphyry in quartzite, mclzoy and mclog (Plate LIL, fig. 3); mclnzaoy, mc~boyn--z (Currie) ; ml} cog, hemihedral; twins of fig. 3 with interstitial Oligoclase twins (Plate LIL, fig. 6) and simple twins of fig. 3 (Plate LIL, fig. 6). EOSS-SHIRE. West of Struay Bridge, granular, and pink ; with blue Microcline, Beryl, Garnet, yellow Muscovite, and Tourmaline Anal. 4. In the red porphyry associated with the Torridonians and the Cambrian Quartzite of Canisp. Loose crystals of brick-red colour may be gathered in quantity from bare scalps on both sides of the summit of this hill. These are in simple crystals of the form mcbzoy and me bog. SILICATES. 3 INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glenelg ; Gleann Beag, above Balvraid. Pale blue, with a waxy lustre (Necronite) in limestone, with Balvraidite, hydrous Labradorite, and dark grey-blue Malacolite -Anal. 5 (Dudgeon and H.). BANFFSHIRE. Near Tomintoul. Three miles above the junction of the Ailnack and the Avon, on the west bank of the former stream, with Entile and Chlorite, me (Plate LIL, fig. 7);mcbx (Plate LIT., fig. 8); m c n x. ABERDEENSHIRE. Bennachie, on the summit ridge, crystals with zonal Albite, in porphyritic granite. Eslie, in limestone (Nicol and H.). KINCARDINESHIRE. Banchory, at Cairnton. On the summit of Mount Shade, fawn coloured crystals, in red porphyry. At Clattering Bridge, colourless crystals, with zonal Albite, in porphyry dyke Anal. 6. HEBRIDES. Harris, on the south shore of West Loch Tarbert, of a deep red, in hornblendic gneiss. ARGYLLSHIRE. At Strontian, porphyritic crystals, purple-red, with a zonal coat of white, in granite, with Spherie and Haughtonite. Campbel- town, at Isle Davarr, in porphyry. SANIDINE, OR GLASSY FISSURED FELSPAR. HEBRIDES. Eigg, in the pitchstone of the Scuir, etc. (Greg). In the pitchstone of Oigh-sgeir, south-west of Canna. FIFESHIRE. Kinkell, in tufa, in hemitropes, with a singular internal structure Anal. 8. Elie, in dykes of basalt east of the Summer Tower [and in the agglomerate filling volcanic necks on the shore between Elie and St Monans]. Also in the tufa of the Kiucraig. Bin Hill, Burnt- island, in a dyke of basalt. West of Elie. [These remarkable occurrences of Orthoclase may be due to derivation from some felspar-bearing rock, similar in lithological character to the trachytes of the Garleton Hills, through which these trappean rocks have made their way. See also under " Hornblende," infra, and the Appendix.] LINLITHGOW. [?] Hillhouse quarry, in a dyke of columnar basalt. MIDLOTHIAN. [?] Blackford Hill, with black Augite, in large crystals. ARRAN. At Corriegills, in " pitchstone porphyry," along with plagio- clase (Allport). Glen lorsa, in the same kind of rock (Jameson) Anal. 8. Drumadoon, in opaque crystals in claystone porphyry (MacCulloch). PiOXBURGH. Peniel Heugh, Crailing parish ; at Ancrum House, " large crystals in porphyritic greenstone " (Nicol). Wooden Hill, Eckford, " large splendent crystals in a dark rock." Near Ancrum, at Bellsbutts, in large crystals, in a light green matrix. 4 SILICATES. Erythrite, or Zeolitic Orthoclase, of flesh-red colour, underlies zeolites in cavities. It occurs pseudomorphous after Stilbite, Heulandite, and perhaps Prehnite. It is specially associated with Analcime, Prehnite, and Thomsonite, cmhny. It occurs at Bowling (Anal. 10) in Dum- bartonshire; at Boyleston, near Barrhead, at the Gryfe tunnel, near Greenock ; and at Berry Glen, in Ayrshire. [Some varieties of Erythrite have been placed by Dr Heddle with Albite.] Felspar Group. ft. Triclinic Section. 79. Microcline (315). KAlSi 3 8 . Triclinic. [c, 001 ; a, 100 ;_&, 010 -,_m, 110 ; m' (M\ 110 ; o'(o), 111 ; x, 101 ; y, 201 ; z, 130 ; o (p), 111 ; q, 203 ; n (), 021 ; n' (n), 021.] 1. Heddle, Min. Mag., p. 134; 2. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 216; 3. Heddle, Min. Mag., p. 284; 4. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 220; 5. Haughton; 6. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 209; 7. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 210; 8 and 9. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 213; 11. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 215; 12. Haughton; 13. Haughton; 14. Haughton; 15. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 219; 16. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 210; 17. Tait, Bryce's Arran (4th ed.), p. 160 ; 18. Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 96. Analyses : Locality. Colour Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 AlA FeA MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Yeskenaby, cream 89'56 2-549 66-67 18-52 88 tr. 31 73 13-54 1-8 87 100-31 2. Ben Bhreac, Suth., . 3. Loch Uamh Gheadha, green flesh 89'43' 2-569 2-554 64-2 63-85 18-40 18-47 45 1-32 15 12 03 77 73 43 12-75 13-02 2-95 92 51 3-91 100-22 99-8 4. Struay, Ross-shire, . pink 2-543 65 17-03 1-43 69 ... 73 13-82 I'O 51 100-20 5. Callernish, ... 64-48 20 78 12-10 2-19 08 99-63 6. Chaipaval, Harris, . blue 89'50' 2-565 64-86 18-47 V 67 ... V 71 12-98 1-89 51 100-08 7. Stromay, ,, grey 89'55' 2-574 65-35 17-68 92 ... 25 '68 13-13 2-51 18 100-70 8. Cowhythe, 3rd vein, flesh 2-561 64-74 18-3 1-99 04 97 9-87 3-34 17 99'42 9. Cowhythe, 4th vein, flesh 89'40' 2-559 66-0 18-3 2-03 1-0 10-02 3-19 16 100-70 11. Rubislaw, Aberdeen, flesh 89-58' 2-554 64-54 18-36 32 "I 09 36 13-05 2-58 09 99-39 12. ... ... 64-44 18-64 80 tr. 66 12-15 2-73 80 100-22 13. Peterculter, ,, 64-48 20-0 tr. I'Ol 12-81 1-72 64 100-66 14. Sterling Hill, ,, 65-40 19-04 tr. tr. 22 11-26 3-63 20 9975 15. Blairydryne, Kincar- dine, . white 89 '41' 2-551 63-59 19-58 1-09 ... 08 68 12-53 276 42 10073 16. Glen Fernait, Perth- shire, . pink 90 2-525 63-99 17-06 2-47 07 52 14-85 53 65 100-14 17. Arran, Castles, white 63-70 20-02 1-28 tr. 89 12-33 1-71 99'93 18. Shiness, . white 2-560 64-23 18-68 1-32 38 69 12-38 1-26 '70 99-64 19. Banchory, white 2-542 63-11 18-98 98 57 88 13-06 2-34 34 100-26 20. Forester Hill, . cream 89-58 2-548 63-31 18-16 85 1-05 13-27 2-06 81 99-51 SILICATES. 5 Pyr. B.B. fuses at 5 of Kobell's scale. Varieties containing much soda are more fusible. Not acted upon by acids. Microcline is in Scotland of much more frequent occurrence than is Orthoclase. It may be said to be the essential constituent of many granites and of most acidic gneisses and pegmatites. It exhibits the Microclinic structure in very varying development, and, generally, this is more apparent in the Microcline of those remarkable bands of granitoid rock [pegmatite] which traverse, in parallel courses, so many of the older metam orphic areas of Scotland. SHETLAND Mainland. Hillswickness, at North Quin Geo, brick- red, in veins, with Epidote, in gneiss. ORKNEY Mainland. At Inga Ness, Yeskenaby, in nodules in gneiss, near granite Anal. 1. SUTHERLAND. Near Tongue, in a vein in the " syenitic " boulder on Ben Bhreac; pale brown, passing to Amazonstone Anal. 2. Crystals of two types occur. Those found near the sides of the vein are simple and twin-crystals of the Carlsbad type. The crystals are sometimes much distorted, cmmfby (Plate LIIL, fig. 1); cmmfbyxoo' (Plate LIII., fig. 2); czz'lyxoo' (Plate LIIL, fig. 3); cmm'lzz'yoo f (Plate LIIL, figs. 4 and 5); c m m' b z z f y (Plate LIIL, fig. 6); cmmbzz' yxoo' (Plate LIIL, figs. 7 and 8); cmm'lzz'yx (Plate LIV., fig. 9); twins cmm'lzz'yxoo' (Plate LIV., figs. 10 and 11), with the axis of revolution vertical, c and x nearly coinciding, and showing the com- position by sutures which show the two halves of the twin mutually to interpenetrate. These crystals are associated with Eadiated Cleave- landite, Fluor, Orangite, Thorite, Magnetite, Babingtonite, Sphene, Ilmenite, and Zircon. Towards the centre of the vein crystals of the Manebach type occur. Two crystals of huge size were found, one 15 J inches along & and c, 10 inches over &, 8 inches over c; the other 12J inches along & and c, 8 inches over b, and 6 inches over c. The simple crystals are c I x (Plate LIV., fig. 12) ; c I m m'zz' xy (Plate LIV., fig. 13) ; clmm' zz' xyoo' (Plate LIV, fig. 14), and twins of the last (Plate LV., figs. 15 and 16); of clzz' mm' xyoo' (Plate LV., fig. 17); clmm'xyo (Plate LV, fig. 18), sometimes with the face o alternately hemihedral ; clzz'mmf oo' x (Plate LV., fig. 19), with the faces z and o alternately hemihedral; and c I z z' m in' o o' x y (Plate LV., fig. 20). These deeper- seated crystals are associated with Ilmenite, Specular Iron, radiated Strontianite, and Quartz. The plagioclase felspar, which forms the corded structure of the above Microcline, appears from the analysis to be Oligoclase. It is itself striated parallel to the cleavages of the Ama- zonstone crystal. The angle of the latter is 89'43. Benin Laoghal. In veins in " syenite," in the cliff Sgor a' Chonais- 6 SILICATES. aite, in bright green crystals of about an inch in size, of the Carls- bad type, associated with Topaz, Tourmaline, Thorite, and Magnetite. In veins in gneiss, a little north-west of Collabol, Loch Shin, with Epidote and Actinolite. Strathy. On the west side of the mouth of the Halladale river, with crystallised Albite and Haughtonite, in veins in gneiss. Loch Eireboll, in a vein on the north shore of Eispond harbour, graphic quartz being imbedded with Oligoclase, Haughtonite, and Magnetite (D. and H.). Also at Loch Uamh Gheadha, on the west side of the loch, with a flesh-red colour and waxy lustre, with Agalmatolite (D. and H.) Anal. 3. Cape Wrath, red, in veins with Quartz (Geikie and H.). Geodha na Seamraig, deep red, in veins with Oligoclase ; sp. gr. 2*563. On the west slopes of Foinne Bheinn, with Oligoclase and Haugh- tonite, the Microcline structure is very large in the pattern; sp. gr. 2-565. At Shiness, on Loch Shin, in the gneiss, near limestone, with Lepi- domelane (D. and H.) Anal. 18. Amazonstone, J mile south of Bad- nabay, Loch Laxford, in a vein (Clough). KOSS-SHIRE. In the banks of the Black Water, south of its exit from Loch Garve, with green mica and Garnet near Kincardine (T. Bell). West of Struay Bridge. Massive, blue, with yellow Muscovite, Tour- maline, Garnet, Beryl, and Orthoclase, pink in colour, and granular in structure Anal. 4. Glen Logan. Deep red, in brecciated gneiss, with Fluor and Epidosite. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Speyside, at Newtonmore, in veins in gneiss, pure white. Sgor na Ciche, Loch Nevis, near the summit, deep red. In Arisaig (MacCulloch), Creag Mhor, Cluny Castle. HEBRIDES. North Eona, at the summit of the west horn ; in large, rude, highly-lustrous, salmon-coloured crystals, in a pegmatite vein, with black Quartz (MacCulloch). Sula Sgeir. In granular pink bands, in pale gneiss. Taransay. In veins at the south end (MacGillwray), in rude Baveno twins. Lewis. In the granite of Callernish (Haughton) Anal. 5. Harris. In the great vein of Chaipaval, white, lustrous, in graphic granite ; also, rarely, blue (Anal. 6), with green Muscovite, Garnet, rose Quartz, and Haughtonite (D. and H.). In the dyke opposite Stromay, grey, in graphic granite, with Moonstone (Albite) and Haughtonite (D. and H.) Anal. 7. In veins in gneiss south-east of Scara Euadh, of Loch Langabhat, milk-white (D. and H.). Similarly in veins on the east face of Eoneval, with Haughtonite (MacCulloch). SILICATES. 7 Stromay. In large, lustrous, crude crystals, a foot or two across, of a pale brown colour, in white graphic granite. Shillay. In the south cliffs, bright red, lustrous, with Haughtonite and Topaz. Mingulay. In veins in Macphee's Hill, lustrous. In Coll (MacCulloch). Tiree. In veins west of Creagan Mora, of a purple colour, with Augite and Lepidomelane (MacCulloch). Eona, of a brownish-pink colour (MacCulloch). Eriskay and Fuday, purple-brown (MacCulloch). NAIRNSHIRE. In Kinsteary quarry, grey and cherry-red, in both Carlsbad and Baveno-twins, and both zoned by a tesselated arrangement of crystals of Albite. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in the first granite vein east of the town, white, with silvery mica. In the second vein, bright red. In the third, at Cowhythe Head, flesh-red, with Tourmaline, Muscovite, Apatite, and graphic Garnet Anal. 8. In the fourth vein, pale red, m m' ex I (Plate LV., fig. 21), with Garnet Anal. 9. In the sixth vein, in repeated interlacing crystals, forming brick-shaped masses. In the seventh vein, with plumose mica. Ben Bynac, at the Barns, rarely, amm'bcxoo' (Plate LV., fig. 22), with Cairngorm (Anderson). Cairngorm, mm' bey (Plate LVL, fig. 23), with smoky Quartz. ABERDEENSHIRE. It occurs abundantly, but seldom crystallised, in the red granite. In small quantity in the mass, but largely and often crystallised in exfiltration veins in the grey granite. Of a skim-milk colour, with a fatty or waxy lustre, in veins in gneiss near limestone. At Murdoch Head quarry, in twins, mm' I ex (Plate LVL, fig. 24), with crystals of Albite disposited on m m r in parallel arrangement. In Kubislaw quarry, in the veins (Anal. 11 and 12), in flesh-red crystals of the Carlsbad type, simple and twins of m m' c b y 71 ri z z' ; these crystals are sometimes 8 inches across. The associates are Muscovite, Beryl, Apatite, Tourmaline, and Garnet. Also in grey crystals of the Manebach type, with Oligoclase and Haughtonite. Also in veins in many others of the grey granite quarries near Aberdeen ; as at f Gelatly, with Oligoclase ; at Anguston, in twins, oo'bcxymm' (Plate LVL, fig. 25), with Oligo- clase, Allanite, Ilmenite, and Haughtonite; at Craigton, Hill of Fare, Peterculter (Anal. 13). Monymusk, at Henley's quarry, Pitfichie, c m m' I, c m m' b y, c m m' lyn ri z / (Sowerby). Here sometimes, in huge crystals imbedded in Quartz. Dyce Quarry, micrographic. In the bed of the Garchary, opposite Cairn Toul, deep red. Geallaig Hill, Crathie. 8 SILICATES. The Pass of Ballater, at its eastern extremity, in unusually finely- modelled crystals, combinations cmm''by,cmm'"ba,cmm f ~byx ) cmm r 'byz, cmmfbyxzz' oo', cmmfbyxazz'oo', and ? e (Thorns). Its ordinary associates are Zinnwaldite and brown Quartz, rarely twinned Albite and also Beryl. In the red granite it occurs near Peterhead, at Sterling Hill quarry (Anal. 14), with Quartz and Muscovite, mm'bcyzz' (Plate LVL, fig. 26). At Blackhill quarry. The waxy-lustred variety occurs near Old Meldrurn, half a mile South of Forester Hill, as the matrix of crystals of Hornblende, with Sphene and Ilmenite Anal. 20. At Brathans, near Banchory, and near the limestone quarries of Eslie, and of Midstrath, etc., with Haugh- tonite. Creag Mhor, near Inver inn, at Einachat. In gneiss it occurs, in Buchan, at -(-Cairn Polly point, by Mid- summoner, flesh coloured (Wilson). At the Brindey Hill, near Leslie, with Amethyst and Fluor. At the Cabrach at Leids Hill, red. At the Burn of the Cairn in graphic granite. KINCARDINESHIRE. At Girdle Ness, in veins of gneiss, with Epidote and Chlorite, deep red (Plate LVL, fig. 23). At Cove, with Haugh- tonite. Near Finzean, in granite in twins, with an outside layer of Oligoclase (Nicol). One mile north of Blairydryne, with Haughtonite and Apatite (Nicol) Anal. 15. At Toll House, north of Cairn- mon-earn, deep red. Opposite the Hasman Kocks, deep red, in veins in gneiss. PERTHSHIRE. On Cam Liath, 2 miles N.E. of Blair- Athol, white, in granite veins in mica schist, crystallised. Gleann Fearnach, pink, in veins in schist, 2J miles from the foot of the glen, with grey avanturine Quartz Anal. 16. ARGYLLSHIRE. Near Loch Eil, with crystallised Muscovite. In Ardgower. At the summit of Ben Eesipol, white, with Garnet. At Barrs quarry, Loch Etive, in veins in granite. On Fraochaidh, Loch Creran, on the south side of Stob Coire Kuadh, grey. North of Kings- house, Moor of Eannoch, on the east side of the summit of Meall Bhalach, in gneiss, with Epidote. BUTE. In Arran, on the south-east side of Goatfell (Murchisonite), with Smoky Quartz, in triplets of Baveno twins, c m m' x y z z' o o' (Plate LVL, fig. 27) (Dudgeon). On the Castles Anal. 17. Near Loch Eanza, mm'lcxya (Plate LVL, fig, 28). At Glen Catacol, calx mm' (Currie). SILICATES. GEAPHIC GRANITE. This consists in all cases of a nearly simultaneous intergrowth of Microcline, or, rather, of cross-hatched felspar, with Quartz, the corded structure of Albite or Oligoclase being generally absent. The Quartz crystals have their main axes parallel to the faces c and b of the felspar, as if imbedded in parallel growth in a simple crystal of the Baveno type. The Quartz, through dominance of crystallising power, preserves the angles of its faces ; but as there has been a deficiency of material for the formation of solid forms of Quartz, hollow crystals result. The structure is also deficient as regards several of the faces of the prism, but hollow summits of the crystals are successively formed, the one within the other, as the compound structure is built up. As the deficient faces of the Quartz crystals are on one or other side which faces "b of the felspar crystal, sections of the felspar parallel to c show an imbedded system of crystals of Quartz, which resemble fish-hooks of more or less regularly increasing size (and common polarity) linked one within the other, the hook being turned towards I. Again, sections parallel to a of the Microcline, which sections cut the Quartz crystals at right angles to their main axis, show more or less numerous angular sections thereof, according as the deficient prism or the hollow summit of the crystals happens to be cut across. In all cases in Scotland where graphic granite is found in situ, it occurs in granite [ = pegmatite] veins, the material of which has solidified from the sides towards the centre. Almost all such veins show this graphic structure when sectioned parallel to the sides of the vein, and the structure is most minute at the sides. It is only very rarely that the Quartz protrudes from the ter- minations of the crystals of felspar. The whole circumstances seem to point to the silica which has crystallised having been that portion which has been present in excess of the quantity necessary for the formation of the felspar. In such rocks as exhibit this structure on a micrographic scale, a radiation of the Quartz from many solidifying points has taken place. In some of the huge veins in which it is found in Scotland, the Quartz crystals hold a parallel position over large spaces; while in others in which the felspar has concreted in huge rude crystals, there is a radiation of the Quartz, generally from a single point in each crystal. The great vein in Chaipaval, Harris, and those in and opposite to the islet of Stromay, in the Sound of Harris, are examples 10 SILICATES. of the first; the red vein near Cowhythe Head, in Banffshire, is an example of the second. SUTHERLAND. Eispoiid, Loch Eireboll, in a vein in Hebridean Gneiss on the north side of the harbour. The Microcline is deep flesh- red, the Quartz greyish-white. The structure is small throughout, and uniform in size. The associates are Oligoclase and Magnetite in im- bedded lumps, and Haughtonite in large, dark green plates (D. and H.). L. Glencoul, at Liath Bhad : the Microcline pale yellow, the Quartz white, structure large, in overslid Hebridean Gneiss (Huddleston and H.). At Freasgeal Burn, Loch Eireboll, near its mouth. INVERNESS-SHIRE. At Phopachy, red (Anderson). Inverfarigaig, in a vein in a limestone quarry, of two varieties. In the one the Microcline is pink and the Quartz pale grey ; is associated with Epidote, and the Quartz letterings are in fissured specimens coated with Abriachanite. In the second variety the Microcline is pinkish-grey and the Quartz is deep red. The structure is large (Aitken and H.). In the railway cutting a mile west of Inverlair station, in veins in mica gneiss (Thomson and H.). HEBRIDES. North Eona, in a granite vein at the summit of the West Horn. The Microcline is pink or salmon coloured, the Quartz deep brown and white, with imbedded crystals of lustrous Microcline ; structure large (MacCulloch). Flannan Islands (MacCulloch). Harris. East Loch Tarbert, near the pier. Pale flesh coloured, Quartz grey (James Thomson). North shore of East Loch Tarbert, Microcline deep red, Quartz colourless; with veins of Epidote and crystals of Allanite and Haughtonite. Great vein of Chaipaval, Microcline cream coloured, Quartz grey ; in large masses, with rose Quartz and green Muscovite (Neill). In a vein opposite the rock of Stromay, Sound of Harris, Microcline white, pearly lustre, Quartz colourless, with Moonstone (Albite) (D. and H.). Eock of Stromay, in a vertical vein about 16 feet wide : the Microcline is pale cream coloured, the Quartz pale brown ; contains imbedded fan-shaped crystals of Haughtonite, with lumps of Magnetite, and a vein of striated Albite. The large vein is fissured parallel to its sides throughout at distances of from 3 to 8 inches. It yielded, however, a solid mass, which was over a foot in thickness, and weighed over 8 cwt. This was cut into four table tops, 3 feet by 1 foot 9 inches in size. The crystals of Quartz run almost continuously from side to side of the vein. The structure is small. Eoneval, in granite veins (MacCulloch). North Uist. Port nan Long, north-west point of the east shore, opposite Berneray. Microcline pale yellow, Quartz grey; structure large. With Haughtonite and Oligoclase. Albite. J. G.GOODCHILD Anorthite SILICATES. 11 Hum. Orval : the granitoid rock is micrographic in structure, with many centres of radiation. BANFFSHIRE. Parish of Deskford; loose Microcline blocks, white and opaque, the Quartz very dark; structure both large and small. Fifth granite vein east of Portsoy, near Cowhythe Head. Microcline in huge, rude, flesh-coloured crystals. Quartz, colourless to pinkish, radiates from the corners of the masses of Microcline, and so is almost micro- graphic at the base, and very large in structure at the sides. With plumose Muscovite, and with Tourmaline (Basil Hall). Sixth vein. Microcline flesh coloured, in interlacing parallel crystals, Quartz of the same colour ; structure micrographic. ABERDEENSHIRE. Aberdour, in the cliffs on the east side of Dundarg Castle. In Murdoch Head quarry, Peterhead, microcrystalline, in divergent groups, in narrow veins, over Haughtonite. At Monymusk (? Pitfichie) (Sowerby). " Old Deer parish, near the base approach to the ruins of the old Abbey of Deer." Kildrummy, at Thief's Slack, Hill of John's Cairn ; structure unique. The base is a fawn-coloured Microcline ; the Quartz is dark brown ; the hollow summit of each crystal incloses a patch of white Albite. Glen Kindie, loose, very pale pink. Lumsden, north Clova glen, rarely, in veins of crystalline granite, with roots of graphic granite. Cabrach, Burn of Gauch, in magnificent loose specimens, rarely. The Microcline is flesh coloured ; the Quartz, which is dark, is arranged in a series of ripple-like undulating lines of lettering. The associates are graphic garnet and Carnelian, which cements brecciated fragments. Other specimens have a lustrous peri- sterite Microcline. Leids Hill quarry, Microcline scarlet-red, Quartz white or colourless ; structure large. Mount of Haddoch, east side of, half a mile from Three Burn Heads ; root of crystallised granite vein. KINCARDINESHIRE. Banchory, at Waulkmill, Tilqubillie Castle, struc- ture fine. Mount Battock, south slopes, and near the burn (Imrie). KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. Five miles north-east of Newton Stewart, near the summit of Blairbuies Hill, cream coloured, in pegmatitic veins, in white granite (Gardiner). so. Albite (316). IsraAlSi 3 8 . a:l:e = 063347 : 1 : 0'55771 ; a = 94'3', 1= 116-2Sg', y = 88'8f '. Tricliuic. [m (6), 010 ; rp (c), 001 ; t (M), ll0j_j (m), 110 ; z, 130 ; /, 130 ; g t o. 111 ; s_(p), 111 ; g_ (y), 112 ; k (<5), Il2 ; n, 021 ; e, 021 ; y,201; x, 101; w, 221 ; v (p), 111.] Crystalline, massive, and in radiating plates. Civ., basal and brachy- diagonal, almost equally perfect. Fracture couchoidal or uneven. H., 6 to 6-5 ; G., 2-6 to 2-67. Rarely transparent. Lustre vitreous, pearly 12 SILICATES. on the cleavage faces. Colourless, but generally white, sometimes grey, green, red, or yellow. Streak, white. Pyr., etc. B.B. fuses at 4 of Kobell's scale to a colourless or white glass, imparting an intense sodium yellow to the flame. Not acted upon by acids. Comp., 68'6 Silica, 19-6 Alumina, 11-8 Soda, with, in some specimens, from '1 to 1 Iron Peroxide, '3 to 4 Lime, to 2*5 Potash. Analyses : 1 and 2. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. pp. 238, 239; 3. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 239 ; 4 and 5. Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 141, rep. 369 ; 6. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 235 ; 7. Haughton, Phil. Mag., 1870, 40, p. 61 ; 8. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 236. 9. Heddle, Greg and Lettsom, Brit. Min. Colour Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 A1A FeO MgO CaO K 2 Na^O H 2 Total 1. Colla Firth Voe (near the pier) white 86'45' 2'61 66-84 1673 2-42 37 94 73 1076 89 99-68 2. white .. 2-62 66-80 17-83 1-13 14 1-5 92 11-52 48 100-32 3. Banks of Niddister, pink 86 '32' 2-62 66-71 19-81 90 09 1-38 1-26 9-23 54 99-92 4. Meall a' Bhraghaid (matrix), blue ... ... 66-8520-11 1-43 1 31 1-03 44 97 33 100-20 5. ,, (crystals), . cream 66-62 17-56 1-87 J 38 73 1-83 10-09 73 99-81 6. Stromay (opposite), Harris, grey 86'21' 2-63 66-97 19-46 60 21 2-04 1-23 9-54 31 100-36 7. Sterling Hill, . white ... ... 68-00 20-00 ... tr. 35 68 10-88 99-91 Cleavelandite 8. Beinn Bhreac, Tongue, . white ... 2-622 67-8 18761 -43 * 52 76 10-49 16 99-99 9. Cluthalite = Pseudo-Laumontite, ... ... ... 68-57 20-42 1-06 2 ... 1-06 9-57 54 100-38 Albite is a somewhat rare felspar in Scotland, being, for the most part, confined to the red granite of Aberdeenshire the so-called Peter- head granite, wherein it occurs as a dominant constituent of the rock. In Shetland it occurs as one of the essential constituents also of the gneisses. SHETLAND. Unst, at the Bridge of Balliasta, with Chlorite in gneiss. Mainland, at Colla Firth Voe, on the south shore, near the pier, pure white, in a vein with massive Quartz (D. and H.) Anal. 1. At the south-west corner of the Voe in two narrow tilted beds, of a granular structure, forming, with Hornblende, the " Beautiful Kock " of Hibbert Anal. 2. At Hillswick, at the Banks of Niddister, pink, with platy Hornblende (Anal. 3); and snow-white, with Actinolite (D. and H.). Bixter Voe, at the south-west end, in crystals imbedded in milk-white Orthoclase, which forms a vein with a pegmatitic structure (D. and H.). In porphyry, at the Grind of the Navir, and at the Cannon (D. and H.). Fitful Head, in chlorite slate, in twins, mptfzox, mptflznoxsg (Greg, H., and Thomas). Fe 2 3 also. Lithia, SILICATES. 13 SUTHERLAND. Tongue, in a quarry north-west of Ribigill, mp [r] ytlgx (Plate LVL, fig. 1), with Sphene and Actinolite in hornblendic gneiss. Beinn Laoghal, Sgor a' Chonais aite,in granitic veins in "syenite," mexy tlnfzr(c) (Plate LVL, fig. 2), with Amazonstone, Topaz, Thorite, and Tourmaline. Halladale River, on the west side of its mouth, in crystals an inch in length, of a cream colour, with red Microcline. Meall a' Bhraghaid, of Breabag, on its south-east shoulder, as porphyry, forming both the matrix (Anal. 4) and the imbedded porphyritic crystals Anal. 5. HEBRIDES. Harris, in a granite vein opposite the rock of Stromay, in nodules in graphic Microcline, with Haughtonite ; of a white colour and a dove blue, moonstone lustre (D. and H.) Anal. 6. Rock of Stromay, in a milk-white vein, nearly a foot wide, composed of huge twin crystals. The vein is imbedded in a parallel position in one of graphic Microcline. The Albite has a moonstone lustre and a Peristerite structure. ABERDEENSHIRE. North-west of Kinnairds Head lighthouse, in a vein penetrating Microcline, with Haughtonite (Wilson and H.). Sterling Hill quarry, with Orthoclase and Quartz (Haughton) Anal. 7. Mur- doch Head quarry, colourless crystals, with black Mica, Microcline, Quartz, and Fluor. At Craigton quarry, Hill of Fare, with Muscovite. Pass of Ballater, with Microcline, Zinriwaldite and Beryl (Thorns). PERTHSHIRE. Glen Tilt, in porphyry (Phillips) ?. BUTE. In Arran, on Goatfell, with Microcline and Quartz, ptlzmy (MacCulloch). Probably is the white felspar of the granite of Foula, Fair Isle, and Tiree. As "Radiated Cleavelandite," underlying and penetrating crystals of Amazonstone, in the boulder on Beinn Bhreac, Tongue, Sutherland (D. and H.) Anal. 8 (Plate LVL, fig. 3). As " Perthite," with Ortho- clase and Rubinglimmer, in Glen Livet, Banffshire (Ross). As Zeolitic Albite (" Weissigite "), of a brick-red colour, in pseudomorphs after Stilbite, Heulandite, and Laumontite, with Zeolites, at Bowling quarry, Dumbartonshire ; Boyleston quarry, Renfrewshire ; and at Berry Glen, Ayrshire. Note. The reddish substance which occurs in pseudomorphs after Heulandite, Laumontite, Analcime, and, possibly, Calcite, at Bowling and Lang Crag, in Dumbartonshire, and at the Calton Hill, Edinburgh, and hitherto considered to be either Analcime or Cluthalite, has been shown by the author to be Albite see Analysis No. 9. si. Oligoclase (317). 7iNaAlSi 3 8 mCaAl 2 Si 2 8 . Triclinic. [The letters denoting the crystal faces of Oligoclase have the same meaning as those employed in the description of Albite.] 14 SILICATES. Comp., 63 Silica. 23*4 Alumina, 94 Soda, and 4*2 Lime ; thus nearly = 3 Albite and 1 Anorthite. 1. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 245 ; 2. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 241 ; 3. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. fid in., xxviii. p. 246 ; 4. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 244 ; 5. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. t xxviii. p. 243 ; 6. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 245 ; 7. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 243 ; 8. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 242 ; 9. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 241. Analyses : Locality. Colour. Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na 2 H.O Total. 1. / Lairg, Cnoc colour- 86-15 2'62 62-83 22-92 16 08 4-25 84 8-53 29 99-90 la. \ Dubh, . less 86-10 ... 62-05 22-44 35 ... 14 4-20 86 9-22 36 99-62 2. Rispond, white 8614 2-64 61'85 21-7 3-37 ... V 20 09 4-13 1-63 6-95 38 100-30 3. Canisp, . cream .. . 64-44 20-47 88 38 1-33 1-14 9'96 1-46 100-06 4. Rubislaw, bluish- 86-15 2-64 62-53 23-52 1-28 '37 4-97 1-32 6-19 60 100-78 white 5. Sclattie, . white ... 59-53 21-05 1-81 88 3-63 4-73 7-23 1-88 10074 6. Craigiebuckler, white 8614 2-62 61-58 22-00 1-24 tt ... 32 4-19 1-52 8-27 54 99-66 7. Dyce, Aberdeen, white 86-15 ... 64-85 23-20 20 96 3-77 8-13 01 101-12 8. Barra Hill, . milk- 86-8 2'83 64-67 22-18 1-44 ... ... 02 1-89 1-54 7-64 15 99-53 white 9. Coyle Hills, . cream 86-32 2-63 63-54 21-45 1-86 ... 23 3-88 1-07 7-64 44 100-11 B.B. melts more easily than Orthoclase or Albite to a clear glass ; not affected by acids. In its habits in Scotland Oligoclase presents itself as the very frequent associate of the corded felspar in granitic veins only in one locality (Coyle) is it found in another association; the evidence as regards it is perfectly definite. It also constitutes the bulk of the grey granite of Aberdeen ; this I find to consist of a great deal of Oligoclase, little Orthoclase, little Quartz, very small quantities of Muscovite, and a good deal of Haughtonite, such a compound as G. Eose calls granitite. The hornblendic gneiss of the Cape Wrath district frequently consists almost solely of a granular mixture of Oligoclase and Horn- blende. No one who has become familiar with the ever-recurring exfil- tration veins called crocus by the quarrymen which lace the grey granite of Aberdeenshire, will hesitate in considering the well defined crystals of the white felspar of these veins to be as thoroughly good a species as the accompanying flesh-coloured Microcline. A similar association with Microcline is also to be seen in the veins whether intrusive or exfiltration which occur in hornblendic gneiss, as at Eispond and Geodha na Seamraig. SILICATES. 15 ORKNEY. In the Skerry of Stack and Skerry west of Hoy, in belts in the Caledonian gneiss, with sericitic gneiss. SUTHERLAND. Lairg, Cnoc Dnbh, in veins in "mica syenite," in imbedded crystals, 1 to 2 inches in size, cream coloured. With Ortho- clase, Sphene, Allanite, Hornblende, and black Mica (Hanghtonite) Anal. 1. Kispond, in the graphic granite vein, imbedded in lumps, with Haughtoiiite, Magnetite, and Microcline (I), and H.) Anal. 2. Calgach, Ceannabeinne in finely striated white crystals in granite veins in the He- bridean Gneiss (Peyton). Tongue, in the great boulder 011 Beinn Bhreac, crystallised on the terminal faces of Amazonstone ; mptlfznxo (Plate LVIL, figs. 1 and 2). Cape Wrath, in veins on the south-east side of Geodha na Seamraig, slightly altered, with a bright red felspar. One and a half miles south of Cape Wrath, in veins with Haughtoiiite (Geikie and H.). Foinne Bheinn, 700 feet up the west spur, in veins with jet- black Haughtoiiite and pink Microcline. Canisp, on the north-east side, near the summit, in red porphyry, with red Orthoclase ; pmytl, in pairs of simple crystals, also in Carlsbad twins of that combination (Plate LVIL, figs. 4 and 3), pmyzlt, hemitropes (Plate LVIL, fig. 5) ; pmtly o[g]xs (Plate LVIL, fig. 6) (Anal. 3); mptly--f--z--sz (Currie). Rhiconich, Loch Inchard (Haughton). INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, in a roadside quarry north of the main road to Millton, about half a mile north-west of Drumna- drochit inn ; massive, white, the matrix of Actinolite. HEBRIDES. Lewis, at Loch na Muilne, north of Loch Eoag, in veins in gneiss, with Orthoclase and Haughtoiiite. Colour pale blue (D. and H.). North Uist. Loch Maddy, half a mile north of the pier, in granite veins with blue quartz. Port nan Long, on the east side, with Haugh- toiiite and graphic granite. At Hornish, two miles further west, in white crystals, several inches in size, with Haughtoiiite. Tiree, on the road from Crossapoll to the Island House, pink, colour- less, and pomegranate coloured, with green Quartz, Haughtonite, and Microcline. The Oligoclase here is a sonnenstein (Sunstone). In West Monach Island, in layers of homblendic gneiss. These layers carry Ilmenite, Epidote, Apatite, and Spheue. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Rubislaw quarry, in the deep and smaller veins, white, and finely striated; with Microcline, Muscovite, Haughtonite, Apatite, Tourmaline, and Garnet Anal. 4. Sclattie quarry, near r.uxburn, with fiesh-colonred Microcline Anal. 5. Craigiebuckler, similar to Sclattie (Nicol and H.) Anal. 6. Dyce quarry, in veins in Granite, with Muscovite and Quartz Anal. 7. At Anguston, with Microcline, Ilmenite, Sphene, Haughtonite, and Allanite. At Dobston quarry, near Inveruhe, with Epidote. At Barra Hill, on the south-west 16 SILICATES. flank, with or near Labradorite and Wollastonite Anal. 8. At the Coyle Hills, in Meall Dubh, in veins in Actinolite schist Anal. 9. 82. Andesine (318). wCaAl 2 Si 3 8 ?iNaAlSi 3 8 . Triclinic. [The letters denoting the crystal faces of Andesine have the same meaning as those employed in the description of Albite.] Crystals similar in general form to those of Albite and Anorthite. Twin face M. Polysynthetic twinning common. G., 2*67 to 27. Other physical properties like those of Albite ; but the present species is more easily fusible to a porous white glass. Hydrochloric acid sometimes dissolves out the alternate laminse of the compound crystals. Comp., 597 Silica, 25'6 Alumina, 77 Soda, 7 Lime ; and thus is nearly equivalent to a mixture of one part of Albite and one of Anorthite. In Scotland is typical of the limestones of the Highland Metamorphic Series, and of some of the eruptive rocks which are intimately associated with these limestones. Analyses, by Heddle: 1 to 6. Trans. Roy. Soc. JEdin., xxviii. p. 251. Colour Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Glen Urquhart, white 86'28' 2-672 58-38 22-5 2'12 15 tr. 5-34 3-2 5'21 3-41 100-31 2. ,, 2-697 57-38 23-48 94 153 23 6-46 44 9-09 1-99 100-16 3. Glen Gairn, blue 86-21' 2705 57-1824-04 1-12 ... 12 6-11 2-83 7-13 1-6 10013 4. ,, ,, white 2-689 56-96 23-81 94 09 7-98 2-56 ! 6-85 1-62 100-81 5. Crathie, . white 86 '24' 2-67756-3 25-71 97 tr. 9-35 1-49J4-72 1-82 100-36 6. Portsoy, . white .. . 2-692 58-36 23-34 24 5 8-24 1-15 7-84 53 100-20 7. Laggan, Dul nan Br., ... 2-624 60-5323-68 32 53 1 4-601 82 9-64 66 100-88 SUTHERLAND. In the Shiness limestone quarry, very rarely, in pale dove-blue or grey crystals in cavities of crystallised Sahlite, with Sphene and Pyrrhotite, pmtlxyso (Plate LVIL, fig. 1) ; p m 1 1 x s z o, twin (Plate LVIL, fig. 2); pmtlxzony, twin (Plate LVIL, fig. 3) (D. and H.). These crystals are striated, and when placed in weak acid the alternate plates are soluble therein. This indicates that the crystals are made up of reversed layers of Albite and Anorthite. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, in one of the Millton limestone quarries, very rarely, in large crystals, in the centre of crystals of Zoisite Anals. 1 and 2. This quarry had, in addition, only Quartz and pale green Actinolite ; but adjacent quarries afforded massive white opaque Andesine, with Sphene, Edenite, Allanite, Actinolite, and Apatite. Strathspey. In Dulnanbridge limestone quarry in imbedded striated lumps, with Zoisite, Sahlite, and Tremolite Anal. 7. SILICATES. 17 BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, on the east side of the Bay of Burn, in a thin, tortuous vein in schist, near limestone, of a radiating or plumose structure, with Sphene and Babingtonite Anal. 6. ABERDEENSHIRE Glengairn. Dalnabo, in bands of rock near limestone, passing into pseudo-Prehnite. Of two varieties bluish- white and cleavable, in large unstriated simple twins (Anal. 3) ; and opaque cream coloured, with Coccolite Anal. 4. Crathie limestone quarry, similar to the above, with Wollastonite and Coccolite Anal. 5. At Leac Ghorm, in a granitic belt in lime- stone. At Boultshoch, in a granitic belt in limestone. At Muir and Midstrath limestone quarries, in a massive vertical vein. At Forester Hill, near limestone, massive granular, in small quantity, with Sphene, Biotite, Pyrrhotite, and other limestone [contact] minerals. [Bytownite, Ab 2 An 3 to Ab 2 An 6 , is said to occur as a rock constituent.] 83. Labradorite (319). ?iNaAlSi 3 8 , ??iCaAl 2 Si 3 8 . Triclinic. [The letters denoting the crystal faces of Labradorite have the same meaning as those employed in the description of Albite.] Comp., 52-9 Silica, 30'3 Alumina, 12-3 Lime, 4-5 Soda (A^A^ to Ab 1 An 2 ). 1, 2. Lehunt, Edin. New Phil Jour. (1832), 86; 5a. Haughton, Dublin Quart. Jour. Sri., v. p. 93 ; Heddle, 3 to 13. Trans. Eoy. Soc. JEdin., xxviii. p. 259 ; 14. Holland, Min. Mag., viii. 154, 1889. Analyses : Locality. Colour Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 FeA MnO MgO CaO K 2 NagO H 2 Total. 1. Campsie, . 54-67 27-89 0-31 0-18 10-60 0-49 5-05 99-19 2. Milngavie, . ! 52-3429-97 0-87 ... ! 12-100-30 3-97 ... 99-55 3. Portsoy, massive, white 2-672 53 -03S29-85 0-13 0-61 11-440-64 4-21 0-42 100-33 4. Harta-Corrie, white ... 49 ! 29*62 1-15 0-9115-310-69! 2-91073 100-47 5. Loch Scavaig, grey 86 42' 2715 ! 50-81|29-48 0-25 . . 0-1212-690-55 3'922'48 100-30 5a. ,, ... 53-6029-88 0-20 f 0-07jll'020-80 4-92 0-48 100-97 6. Glen Bucket, white 2-674 50-59 28-33 3-05 0-5911-172-18 2-56 1-42 99-89 7. Balta, Shetland, laven- 2-95 52-21 29-64 0-48 0-2612-430-44 4-000-11 99-57 der 8. white 2-95453-1429-99 0-25 0-2112-3 0-47 3-860-21 100-43 9. Portsoy, crystals, grey 86 0< 42' 2'83 ,52'41 28'96 0-15 V 91 0-54 10-85 1-61 3-480-93 99-84 10. Kildrummy, .cream ... 2 '674 51 '31 2676 1-82 0-76 0-4110-14 2-lli 6-430-68 100-42 11. Kinneff, . . colour- 86 0< 40' ... 53-1926-43 2-85 tr. 0-92 681-51 4-590-73 99-90 less 12. Balvraid, granu- lar, . . wax ... 2-708 47-44J28-02 0-34 0-41 11 -03 3-51' 4-61|5'2 100-56 13. Balvraid, fibrous, wax 86-40' 2-705 49-33 26 -7 0-25 0-07 H -02 2-59; 5-254-84 100-05 14. Ardnacross, Mull, ... 2-72 50-80 31-54 ... 12-83 tr. 3-96 0-52 99-65 VOL. II. 18 SILICATES. SHETLAND Unst. Balta island, at " Brough Geo," in a vein with Hornblende, lavender-blue; structure fine granular Anal. 7. In an adjacent vein with Diallage, milk-white massive (D. and H.) Anal. 8. The microscope shows that both of the above contain a little Anorthite. Fair Isle. Grey, of pavonine lustre ; also clove-brown (Thomas). INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Elg, at Balvraid in Glen Beg, with Necro- nite, Biotite, and Balvraidite (D. and H.). Anal. 12, of granular, saccha- roid, blue variety ; Anal. 13, of flat, fibrous variety ; both hydrated. HEBRIDES. Skye, in veins at the head of Loch Scavaig, in large twin crystals with Diallage, grey and striated (Grieve and H.) Anal. 5 and 5a. Druim nan Eamh, with Augite, Biotite, and Magnetite (D. and H.). Harta Corrie, granular, with Pyroxene and Magnetite (Forbes) Anal. 4. Coire na Creiche (Grieve). South slopes of Sgurr nan Gillean, pavonine, with Biotite and Augite (Dudgeon). Blaven, large crystals (MacCulloch). Talisker, north side of the Bay, in long, imbedded twins. Eum. Allival, on the north cliffs and slopes of the summit, in crystals over an inch in each direction, of glassy lustre, and finely striated; with Olivine and glassy Augite. Askival, among the east precipices, more rarely, but in still finer crystals. On the west side of both of these hills, in a massive granular belt, with very little imbedded Olivine (in troctolite). Canna. Near a cave on the south-west shore in dolerite, in lus- trous twin crystals with Chlorophseite. Shiant Islands. Eilean Mhuire, in a cave on the north-west side of the narrow neck, at the south end; in large striated crystals, with Magnetite, Pyrites, Nepheline, Saponite, and Augite. Mull. Between Aros Castle and Tobermory, near Ardnacross, in crystals nearly 2 inches in length (Judd) Anal. 14. Eaasay. Pure white, in a ground of dark blue (MacCulloch). ELGINSHIRE [?]. " At Eaglesham, in a whinstone quarry, crystallised on purple quartz." BANFFSHIRE. At Portsoy, west of the Old Battery, striated and crystallised with actinolitic Hornblende and Iserine ; grey in colour. Behind a store south of the Battery, in a granular massive vein, with imbedded large crystals of Enstatite. In a bed 15 feet wide between quartzite and limestone, massive, and containing porphyritic twin crystals of apparently the same felspar, pure white. Earely con- taining crystals of pale green Talc, together with Sphene. Craigbuirach. A coarse-grained vein or belt of the norite rock of this district stretches towards Eetanach. This contains Labradorite of a grey colour, in rude crystals, sometimes associated with Paulite, Enstatite, and a paulitic Diallage, and also with Iserine, Pyrites, and Leucoxene, more SILICATES. 19 rarely with Olivine passing into Serpentine. Very rarely the rock con- tains masses, the size of the fist, of snow-white glassy Labradorite, like a white pitchstone. ABERDEENSHIRE. Tillypronie, near the summit level of the road between Logie- Colds tone and Donside, in a vein on the west side of the road, in grey crystals with Hornblende, Biotite, Iserine, Allanite, and Sphene. At Badnagoach, near the Deskry, in a vein with Hornblende, Ise- rine, and Sphene. Glenbucket, in a huge vein, south of Creag an Innean, near Tullocharroch, of a granular crystalline structure, and snow-white to pink colour ; with gigantic crystals of Hornblende, also Iserine, Biotite, Apatite, and Sphene (Peyton and H.) Anals. 6 and 9. Clova, at Clash- narae Hill, Kildruminy, within veins in mica gneiss, of a pure white colour, Andalusite, Fibrolite, Sapphire, and Biotite (Morgan and H.) Anal. 10. FORFARSHIRE. North of the church of Kinneff, in grey twin crystals m the interbedded traps of the Old Ked Sandstone. The druses at this spot carry red Stilbite and Heulandite, with radiated zeolitic Quartz, and sap-green or chocolate-coloured Saponite Anal. 11. FIFESHIRE. In a dyke in the Bin, Burntisland, in glassy crystals. STIRLINGSHIRE. Strathblane, "a little south of, in the basaltic columns of a wooded hill." Near -f- Altmarry turnpike road from Glasgow to Drymen, in the black basalt of the horizontal columns. In the columnar basalt of the Kilpatrick and Campsie Hills Anal. 1. Two miles west of Milngavie, in large yellow crystals ; also in small colour- less crystals (Greg) Anal. 2. EDINBURGH. In [?] Blackford Hill, in large, glassy, white crystals, with black Augite, On Corstorphine Hill, with glassy Augite, Prehnite, and Chalco pyrites, in pale yellow twins of mpylt (Plate LVIIL, fig. 1). LINLITHGOWSHIRE. At Hillhouse, Linlithgow, in glassy crystals, in columnar basalt. PtOXBURGHSHiRE. Kelso, about a mile from Yetholm, east of the road, near a stream ; in greenish crystals. At Peniel Heugh, Ancrum, north of Teviot, in large crystals in porphyritic " diabase." DUMBARTONSHIRE. In Auchentorlie Glen, west of Bowling, in dolerite. BUTESHIRE. In the Great Cumbray, in " basanite," in the Deil's Dyke, on the east side, in composite twins (Blackwood). Similarly in many of the dykes on the west shore of Bute. AYRSHIRE. In the dykes near Fairlie, opposite Cumbray. South-east of Howrat Toll, in lustrous, striated crystals, in dolerite (Blackwood and H.). 84. Anorthite (320). CaAl 2 Si 2 8 . Comp., 43 Silica, 36'9 Alumina, 20'1 Lime, sometimes with Mag- nesia and Soda. 20 SILICATES. Pyr., etc. B.B. fuses to a clear glass. Soluble without gelatinising in concentrated hydrochloric acid. Anorthite, in Scotland, seems to replace Oligoclase in the Diorite of Fetlar, and in portions of the Gabbro of Ayrshire. Analyses: 1, 2, and 3. Heddle, Proc. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 261 ; Latrobite : 4 and 5. Heddle, Proc. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. p. 263. Locality. Colour Cleav. ang. S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Fetlar, . cream 3-1 46-92 30-77 tr. 09 16- 34 1-5 3-07 1-54 100-24 2. Glengairn, green ... 2-958 46-42 21-86 5-92 6 9 55-92 18' 38 1-26 1-69 1-08 100-23 3. Lendalfoot, greyish 86 '42' 2-761 44-22 31-44 1-95 ... 1 14' 181-48 1-63 3-69 99-59 Latrobite Locality. Colour S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na,0 H 2 Total. 4. Glengairn, rose ... 2749 45-2 31-04 3-43 -68 1-2 5-21 7 12 49 5-7 100-07 5. ... ... ... 46-85 29-31 2-31 1 1-15 1-38 6-46 7 31 83 4-49 100-20 SHETLAND. Fetlar, at east side of head of the Wick of Tresta, cream coloured, massive granular, with jet-black lustrous Hornblende Anal. 1. SUTHERLAND. Durness, granular massive, pink ; forming the matrix of crystals of Diallage. ABERDEENSHIRE. Glen Gairn, Dalnabo limestone quarry, in a massive granular vein, with Coccolite and Latrobite Anal. 2. AYRSHIRE. From the Diallage rock, about one mile north of Lendalfoot, in coarsely-striated crystals about half an inch in size. Bare associates are Native Copper and Pectolite (Grieve and H.) Anal. 3. 840. Latrobite. Many authorities regard Latrobite as being a species distinct from Anorthite; others place them together. This is certainly ill-advised. Anorthite is a lime felspar, with only a trace of potash ; Latrobite is a potash-lime felspar. The classification of the felspars is essentially an alkaline one every consideration should make it so. Dana unites this with Anorthite from the quantity of its acid ; but it is doubtful if that quantity is the same as in Anorthite. Latrobite has different angles, and has much inferior hardness. The specimens I have were found at Dalnabo, in metamorphic lime- stone associated with Anorthite. There was very little of the mineral ; 1 FeO, -11. SILICATES. 21 from the appearance and hardness being the same as those of Rhodonite, it was taken for that species until the specific gravity was determined. The colour was pale rose-red, the structure fine granular, the lustre feeble, the hardness 5, the specific gravity 2'749. Two specimens from different parts of the quarry were analysed ; the first was pure, the second might not have been totally separated from Coccolite. Only one other locality of this mineral is known. 2. METASILICATES. ESi0 3 . Pyroxene G-roup. a. Orthorhombic Section. 85. Enstatite (323). MgSi0 3 . [Orthorhombic. a, 100 ; 6, 010 ; c, 001 ; m, 110 ; o, 111 ; n, 120 ; k, 012 ; q, 023 ; 0, 016 ; r, 223 ; e t 212 ; i, 211 ; u, 232 ; d, 350 ; h, 014 ; z t 210.] Usually occurs imbedded, or in indistinctly granular masses. Civ., macrodiagonal very perfect, prismatic distinct, brachydiagonal imperfect. H., 5-5 ; G., 3*1 to 3*3. Translucent throughout, or only on the edges. Lustre vitreous or pearly on the more perfect cleavage planes. Colour- less, greyish, or greenish-white, yellowish, or brown. Not affected by acids. B.B. almost infusible. Comp., 60 Silica, 40 Magnesia, 6 to 10 Iron Protoxide, 1 to 2 Alumina, 1 to 2 Water. SHETLAND. Unst, at Swinna Ness, in lustrous pea-green crystals im- bedded in serpentine, in association, occasionally, with grey fibrous Hornblende, or interlaminated with the fibres of the same. These imbedded crystals are over half an inch in size. Balta, at the Great Geo, with Anorthite and Diallage. Mainland, at Fethaland, above Cleber Geo, in lustrous sap-green crystals. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, behind the old battery, in a Labradorite vein, in so-called " diorite," in large lustrous crystals. North of the old battery, in a vein close to limestone, in association with Edenite and Labradorite. Occasionally in the great mass of " diorite " west of the harbour, with Diallage, Augite, Sphene, and Labradorite. In a vein between veins of aplite, on the west side of the bay east of Portsoy, with Labradorite, a Diallagic Paulite, and a Diallagic Hornblende. Cowhythe Head, in small crystals, in olivine norite. Craigbuirach, and near Eetanach, with Paulite, Labradorite, and Iserine. At the last three localities it passes into Paulite. ABERDEENSHIRE. On the south-west side of the Hill of Milleath, near Huntly, rarely, near Serpentine, in large dark-green crystals, over an inch. At Barra Hill, with Paulite, and an " eozoic "-like serpentine. Earely, with Paulite and Labradorite at Belhelvie. 22 SILICATES. HEBRIDES. Bum, on Allival, with Labradorite. AYRSHIRE. Lendalfoot, in serpentine, in lustrous crystals over half an inch. At Whilk, in a rock like Iherzolite, with Anorthite, Diallage, and Olivine. South of Pinbain Point, in a diallagic rock, in crystals several inches in dimensions, along with Diallage, Anorthite, and Pectol- ite. The crystals frequently show brilliant reflections from an arbores- cent structure, in two directions, at an angle of about 15 from one another. The microscope discloses that such parts have assumed a fibrous structure. The altered variety of Eustatite, termed bronzite, occurs in : SHETLAND. Island of Noss, east side, in nodules of serpentine, imbedded in volcanic breccia. HEBRIDES. In scattered flecks in the serpentine of Scuir Euadh, Harris; Diaclasite. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, on the west shore of the Bay of Burn, with Augite, Sphene, and Anorthite, forming a vein. In serpentine, on Tombhreac. ABERDEENSHIRE. In euphotide, between Dobston and Middleton of Balquhain. In serpentine in Glen Kindie, and in the Eed Craig near Ehynie [?]. FORFARSHIRE. In serpentine, at Cortachy Bridge, on the Esk. AYRSHIRE. In serpentine, at Knockdaw Hill, Lendalf oot, and Byne Hill, Girvan. In Ailsa Craig, at the north-east end, in a vein of serpentine. STIRLINGSHIRE. In serpentine, near Balmaha, Loch Lomond (Murdoch). The crystals above noted as occurring in serpentine, though all more or less bronzy in lustre, may all be Bastite. It is said also to occur [in the Lower Carboniferous Volcanic Eocks] at Wester Craiglockhart Hill, near Edinburgh ; and also at Eoseneath on the Clyde (Connell). 85a. Bastite, Schiller Spar (323a). (Mg,Fe)Si0 3 . [Usually regarded now as an altered form of Enstatite.] Comp., (MgO,FeO)Si0 2 = 43 Silica, 26 Magnesia, 27 Lime, 7'4 Iron Protoxide, 3'3 Iron Peroxide, 2 '4 Chrome Oxide, 17 Alumina, 12-4 Water. Analysis Heddle, see infra, p. 29. ABERDEENSHIRE. Belhelvie, in a quarry near Broomhillock, in large crystals in Serpentine, pea -green. In a quarry near Whitecairns, in Serpentine, with plumose Pyrites, in bronzy crystals. In boulders of black Serpentine, at the Black Dog Eock, in very large crystals Anal. 8. BANFFSHIRE. Near Eothiemay, in Serpentine. AYRSHIRE. Balhamie Hill, near Colmonell, in leek-green crystals, imbedded in black Serpentine (J. Geikie) Anal. 3, p. 29. Augite. J. G. GOODCHILD. SILICATES. 23 86. Paulite, or Hypersthene (324). (Fe,Mg)Si0 3 . Orthorhombic. (The letters denoting the several crystal faces are the same as those given under Enstatite.) Granular or disseminated. Civ., brachydiagonal very perfect, pris- matic distinct, macrodiagonal very imperfect. H., 6 ; G., 3'3 to 3'4. Opaque or translucent only on thin edges; lustre vitreous or resinous, but metallic -pearly on the cleavage planes, of which one is copper coloured to violet or silvery. Colour pitch-black and greyish -black ; streak, greenish-grey or pinchbeck-brown, inclining to copper-red. Not affected by acids. B.B. melts more or less easily to a greenish-black glass, often magnetic. Comp., generally 46 to 58 silica, to 4 alumina, 11 to 26 magnesia, 1 to 5 lime, 13 to 34 iron protoxide, to 6 manganese protoxide. Chemically, Enstatite and Paulite pass into one another. Analyses : 1. Heddle, Min. Mag., vol. v. p. 10 (1880); 2. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Min., xxviii. p. 466 (1878). Locality. S.G SiO a 51-461 50-307 A1A 4'479 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO 24-230 16-615 K 2 252 188 Na 2 741 899 H. 2 Total. 1. Craigbuirach, Portsoy, Banff- shire, . 2. R e t a n a c h, Banffshire, 3'32 3'28 4-022 3-924 12-673 5-763 692 307 5-299 17-575 519 378 99-889 100-435 BAN^FSHIRE. Portsoy, in hyperitic norite, at the south-west corner of the Bay of Durn, with Biotite and Diallage. Craigbuirach and Eetanach, in the outcrop of a vein, in crystals an inch in length, with Enstatite, Labradorite, Iserine, Olivine, and Pyrites (Peyton). Sillyearn Hill, near Knock, on the east side, in small purple crystals in norite. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Barra Hill, on its north side, in norite, with Labradorite, Diallage, Pyrites, and Iserine. Belhelvie, rarely, in Ser- pentine. BUTESHIRE, Arran. Said to occur at Struey Rocks, Bennan Head (Bryce). /3. Monodinic Section. 87. Augite (325). (Ca,Mg,Fe)(Si0 3 ) 2 . _[, 100 ; 6, 010 ; c, 001 ; m, 110 ; p, 101 ; t (e), Oil ; 8 (s), 1 11 ; w, 111 ; o, 221; g, 210; v, 221; /, 310; i, 130; z, 021; A, 331; , 483; 0, 152 ; y, 101 ; n, 102 ; q, 301 ; d, 131 ; x, 461 ; ^ 120 ; f ( e ), 121.] 24 SILICATES. (a) Magnesia Augite Silica, 56*22 ; Lime, 25*54 ; Magnesia, 18*24 ; Iron. (J) Magnesia-Iron Augite Silica, 52*72 ; Lime, 23*81 ; Magnesia, 8*50; Iron, 14*97. (c) Iron Augite Silica, 49*06 ; Lime, 22*29 ; Magnesia, 10*0 ; Iron.. 28*65. Analyses : 1 to 14 inclusive, 15 to 18, 22, 23. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. pp. 453 to 491 (1878); 14a, 20. Haughton, Dublin Quart. Jour. Sci (1865), 5, p. 95 ; 21. v. Eath. Locality. S.G Si0 2 L ^2 U Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 NasO H 2 Total. Malacolite 1. Shiness, white, . 3-15 3-06 19 1-77 47 15 23-63 19-30 1-55 100-12 2. Totag, blue, 3-2 0-69 03 93 ... 07 25-78 18-09 '5 1 : 43 2'62 100-14 3. Beinn a' Chuirn, white, 3-16 51-58 11 33 ... 2201 19-59 49 1-01 4-64 99-76 4. Glen Tilt, white, . 3-16 >3'24 ... 2-71 ... 13 2277 18-86 ( ... 2-17 99-88 5. Glen Muick, blue, 3-18 51 ... 1-37 l"-59 38 26-36 17-08 63 1 : 12 26 99-89 Sahlite 6. Beinn a' Chuirn, . 54-48 3-13 24 22-82 17-58 44 79 42 99-91 7. Tiree, . 3'H 50-54 4 : 69 4 : 14 04 69 23-59 4-4 31 63 1-48 100-51 8. Eslie, . ... 49'5 1-96 ... 11-06 40 24-08 10-81 57 8 69 99-86 Coccolite 9. Gruagach, . 3-05 49-04 6-09 1-39 2-94 46 23-34 15-12 82 79 17 100-16 Diallage 10. Balta, . 2-96 50-23 5-85 5'22 11-23 21-59 1-2 58 4-17 100-07 11. Pinbain, 3-25 51-77 2'1 ... 2-95 31 22-1 18-46 63 58 1-08 99-98 Augite 12. GlenElg, . 3-24 54-22 17 672 40 19-57 16-97 5 45 96 99'96 13. Allival, Rum, 3-48 50-54 3-35 l"-34 4-42 23 21-42 17'05 25 53 71 99-84 14. Craigbuirach, 3'28 50-31 4-48 3-92 5'76 31 17-57 16-62 19 90 38 100-44 14a. Rum, . ... 50-80 3-00 9-61 1-08 19-35 15-06 ... 0-66 60 100-16 Pseudo-Hypersthcne 15. Corrie-na-Creiche, green, 3-33 53-05 4-82 11-39 08 19-81 11-58 63 101-36 16. Harta Corrie, bronzy, 3-33 51-36 1-66 8-97 33 20-84 16-47 54 100-17 17. Druim-nan-Ramh, 3-34 51-94 1-32 13-9 25 19-36 13-85 T.i'-38 2 101-22 18. Loch Scavaig, 3-32 49-27 22 2 : 17 12-15 38 20-26 14-81 72 99-98 19. Cuillins (Muir), . 3-34 51-35 33-92 1-84 11-09 5 98-70 20. Skye (Haughton), 21. Cuillins (v. Rath), 3-34 50-8 51-30 3" 76 ... 9-61 13-92 1 : 08 25 19-35 20-15 15-06 14-85 ... "66 6 21 100-16 101-44 Augitic Glass 22. Elie, . 3'33 49-0 97 1-25 5-16 31 16-25 16-88 31 79 3 100-01 23. John o' Groats, . 3-36 46-0 11-3 7-92 46 16-07 15-65 82 1-06 38 99-83 SILICATES. 25 AMIANTHIFORM AUGITE. Silky, pure white. SUTHERLAND. Shiness, in limestone, uniting the disjointed por- tions of large crystals of Malacolite. The crystals are dislocated along the face of union c to the extent of one-fourth of an inch ; the inter- space is filled with Quartz, in which the amianthiform fibres lie parallel with the long axis of the Malacolite crystals (D. and H.). KOSS-SHIRE. North side of Loch Duich, at the bridge of An Leth Allt, with Sahlite and Biotite. Totag, one-fourth of a mile south-west of, with Malacolite, in limestone (D. and H.), east of the Pier (Currie). MALACOLITE. White, or nearly so ; massive, and crystalline. SUTHERLAND. Shiness, limestone, in white crystals, sometimes six- teen inches in length by one and a half inches in width. Often dis- rupted into segments two or three inches in length along the face c. Also fan-shaped Anal. 1. The associates are Sahlite, Pyrrhotite, Sphene, Molybdenite, Tremolite, and Talc. EOSS-SHIRE. Totag, at the pier, crystallised, m a iv o (Plate LVIIL, fig. 1), with white Biotite, Magnetite, and Serpentine in dolomite. 200 yards south-west of this, dove-blue, massive Anal. 2. (D. and H.). Beinn a' Chuirn south-west of Loch Duich, in limestone, with Serpentine. HEBRIDES. Harris, at Eodil, in limestone, with Coccolite. Tiree, east of Ballyphetrish, in white marble, with Sphene (Jameson). ABERDEENSHIRE. Deeside, at Muir, Midstrath, and Leac Ghorm limestone quarries, rarely, with Sahlite, etc. At Corntulloch, with Wollastonite, Pyrrhotite, Graphite, and Sphene. Coyle Hills, at Allt- cailleach, blue, massive, with Biotite Anal. 5. South of Loch Callater, crystallised, with Actinolite (L. Lindsay). PERTHSHIRE. Glen Tilt, in the marble quarry, near Forest Lodge, white and lustrous (Anal. 4), with Tremolite, Serpentine, and Margaro- dite. At Morenish, north-west of Loch Tay, in limestone. FORFARSHIRE. Glen Mark, near [?] Bankhead, in limestone. SAHLITE. Light green, massive, foliated, and crystalline. SHETLAND. Fetlar, at Uriesetter (Webster). SUTHERLAND. At Shiness, sap-green, in large and small crystals, a ml p see (Plate LVIIL, fig. 2); amlpscu (Plate LVIIL, fig. 3); amlosc (Plate LVIIL, fig. 4) ; ambop\ceu (Plate LVIIL, fig. 5) ; mgalcoujst (Plate LIX., figs. 6, 7), with Sphene, Molybdenite, and Funkite (D. and H.). At Arscaig, south shore of Loch Shin, with Pyr- rhotite ; also in large, elongated, male (Plate LIX., figs. 8, 9) ; ra i a I 26 SILICATES. (Plate LIX., figs. 10, 1.1) (D. and EL). North-west of Ledbeg, in Dolo- mite, mao\zc (Plate LIX., fig. 12); mibafou (Plate LIX., fig. 13); with Margarodite and Magnetite, pale yellow ; also, maco z\ maov, maovi] maoufb] maoufbi. EOSS-SHIRE. Near Glenelg, on Beinn a' Clmirii, north side, in radia- ting crystalline nodules in limestone, pale green (Jameson) Anal. 6. At Loch Duich, north shore, at the bridge over An Leth Allt, with Biotite. HEBRIDES. North Eona, at the mouth of the Tunnel Cave, sap- green, in the centre of crystalline masses of dark green Hornblende. Tiree, in a vein on the shore, near Creagan Mora, in rude crystals, nearly one foot in length by four inches in width, with purple Orthoclase and brown mica. Ballyphetrish, in rounded crystals, dark green, light green, and grey Anal. 7. The c face is disclosed in these crystals in repeated sequence of pale or white bands (MacCulloch). Skye, valley of Beal, translucent crystals like Augite, called Diopside. ABERDEENSHIRE. In the Crathie limestone. Glen Gairn, in pale green crystals, with the minerals which are its usual associates in lime- stones along their contact zones adjoining intrusive rocks. KINCARDINESHIRE. Eslie, in bright green crystals, in limestone. These crystals sometimes have a crystal of Hornblende in their centre. The associates are Pyrrhotite, Funkite, Talc, and Andesine. PERTHSHIRE. Kannoch, pale green (MacCulloch). COCCOLITE. Granular Sahlite. EOSS-SHIRE. Loch Ailsh, at f Gruagach Cliff (Joass) Anal. 9. HEBRIDES. Tiree, near Creagan Mora, very fine, rare. ABERDEENSHIRE. Glen Gairn, with Sphene. Crathie and Boult- shoch, with Garnet and Idocrase. FUNKITE. Apple-green. SHETLAND. Colla Firth (D. and H.). SUTHERLAND. Shiness, rarely, with Pyrites (Joass). Armadale, near the mouth of the stream east of Creag Gharbh, with Scapolite and Sphene (Macconochie). EOSS-SHIRE. On the south shoulder of Sgurr na Lapaich, near the summit. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Gleann Beag, Glenelg, south side of the river, three miles from its mouth (D. and H.). Diallagic appearance Anal. 12. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Dalnabo, Glen Gairn, and at Eslie. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy. SILICATES. 27 AUGITE. SHETLAND. Brough Geo; Cleft Geo; Hunie Island; above Cleber Geo. ORKNEY. Rousay, at Scabra Head, in crystals, ambs, in a dyke cutting Old Red Sandstone. HEBRIDES. Lewis, at Loch Maaruig, Seaforth. Seal pa, at Eilean Glas, in translucent greyish crystals, with Quartz and Calcite. Rum, on the higher slopes of Allival and Askival (Anals. 13, 14), in pellucid gem-like crystals, which have no evident cleavage, but the c partings, with Labra- dorite, Olivine, and Biotite (Jameson). [In basic eruptive rocks of all ages, passim] INVERNESS. South of Loch Laggan, in the col between Aonach Beag and Ben Eibhinn, diallagic. BANFFSHIRE. West of Greenloan, in the north bank of the Black- water, in imbedded crystals. FIFESHIRE. Raith, at Foulford quarry, in acicular crystals of a black colour. [In basic eruptive rocks, passim.] Crystals, recognisable as such with the lens, occur in the [basic] eruptive rocks of numerous localities, e.g. : Skye, at Talisker ; Dunsappie Hill, and the Lion's Haunch, on Arthur's Seat ; Inchkeith, in basalt, &c. DIALLAGIC AUGITE. Probably from repeated twinning, or juxta- position of crystals on face c. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Grantown, at Achnagonalin, in crude crystals in limestone, with Cinnamonstone. Dulnanbridge limestone quarry. HEBRIDES. Skye, Cuillin Hills generally (Anals. 20, 21); specially large masses in segregation veins. Occasionally somewhat bronzy, or pseudo- hypersthenic, but from surface weathering only, as at head of Loch Scavaig (Anal. 19), with large crystals of Labradorite. Druim nan Ramh, bronzy on surface Anal. 18. Harta Corrie, bronzy, with pale green Labradorite, and with Magnetite. Corrie na Creiche, grey-green Anal. 16. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in veins, in the Bay of Durn, with Paulite, Andesine, Labradorite, Biotite, Iserine, Pyrites, and Pyrrhotite. At Craigbuirach, with Labradorite, Paulite, Iserine, Pyrites, and Pyrrhotite Anal. 15. At both of the last two localities the Augite is diallagic, with interlaminated Enstatite. ARGYLLSHIRE. At Ardnamurchan. Beinn Bhreac, with Actinolite (Peyton and H.). ABERDEENSHIRE. At the Crook of Deveron (Peyton and H.). AYRSHIRE. Pinbain, with Anorthite, Pectolite, and native Copper Anal. 11. 28 SILICATES. HUDSONITE. Black, highly ferruginous. HEBRIDES. St Kilda, Conagher (? Coignahan), with Labradorite and Serpentine. Skye, near fLoch Einort. ARGYLLSHIRE. Near Taymrilt. EDINBURGH. [?] Blackford Hill, velvet black, with [?] Sanidine. AUGITIC GLASS. CAITHNESS. East of John o' Groat's House, in agglomerate, filling a neck in Old Eed Sandstone, dark green, vitreous Anal. 23 (Geikie). FIFESHIRE. Elie, in a dyke in tuff, west of the Summer House, dark green, brittle ; associated with Pyrope Anal. 22. AYRSHIRE. Near Fairlie (Geikie). Many substances occur in Scotland, which, from their mode of occur- rence, their situation, their appearance, that is, a gradation in their outward change, and from a corroborative alteration in their constitution when analysed, give rise to the conclusion that they have been formed by what may be termed a gradually-increasing serpentinous change from other minerals, of which Enstatite, Augite, Hornblende, and Olivine may be taken as the types. Those who wish to consider the details of such transmutation may consult a chapter on the subject in the Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. (1878). It is here merely necessary that, through their immediate relationship to Augite, the following analyses be given : 1 to 9 inclusive, Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. JEdin., xxviii. pt. 2, pp. 491-501 (1878). S.G. Si0 2 AlA Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Typical Sahlite, .... 5370 ... 8-00 ... 24'9 13'4 ... ... ,. . 100- Hydrationloss of CaO. and Si0. 2 peroxidation partial 2. Pseudo- Augite, Portsoy, 3. Pseudo-Enstatite (?), Balhamie, . ... 37-33 3778 1-18 2-12 4-36 5-07 4'05 2-09 38 08 1-2 36-71 37-01 88 tr. 73 tr. 13-37 16-07 100-14 100-22 Hydration loss of CaO and Si0. 2 total peroxidation 4. Pseudo-Diallage, Portsoy, . 2-62 34-54 1-16 15'2 33 28 ... 36-38 ... .. . 12-2 100-09 5. Pseudo-Enstatite (?), Greenhill, . 2-16 37-41 13-54 06 24 2 34-76 13-59 9978 6. Totaigite, yellow, Totag, . 37-22 76 1-05 23 5-24 44-97 10-64 lOO'll 7 ,, black, ,, 9, -87 36-19 26 29 ?,-96 45 3-27 45-57 "?,5 42 10-2 99-96 Hydration no peroxidation 8. Schiller Spar, Black Dog Rock, . 2-65 38-19 2-18 03 8-48 51 2-91 32-42 1-4 06 14-03 100-49 9. Typical Serpentine, 44-14 42 -9 / ... ... 12-89 100-00 SILICATES. 29 Monoclinic. Crystals long, often acute-pointed ; prisms longitudinally striated. Cleavage like that of Augite. H., 5'5 to 6'5 ; G., 34 to 3'6. Nearly opaque; lustre vitreous; colour brownish or greenish-black. Streak greenish-grey. Imperfectly soluble in acids. B.B. fuses easily. [88. Aegirine (326). NaFe(Si0 2 ) 2 . Occurs in Scotland as a rock-constituent, and is there usually only recognisable with the aid of the microscope. Dr Heddle's Collection in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art includes one specimen of Pegmatite from Glen Clunie, which he has named " Aegirine Porphyry."] 89. Spodumene (327). Li 2 0,Al 2 3 ,4Si0 2 . Monoclinic. Cleavage, m (110), perfect. Chiefly occurs massive or lamellar. H., 6'5 to 7 ; G., 3*1 to 3*2. Translucent ; lustre vitreous or pearly. Colour pale greenish-grey or white, ranging to apple green. Streak white. B.B. intumesces slightly, tinging the flame momentarily purplish-red, and then fuses easily to a colourless glass, not affected by acids, c.c. 65 silica, 28'7 alumina, 6'3 lithia. [This species is stated by Brook and Miller in Phillips' Mineralogy (1852), p. 363, to have been found at Peterhead in granite. Dr Heddle left no statement confirming this record.] 90. WoUastonite (329). CaSi0 3 . Monoclinic. Earely crystallised, mostly broad-prismatic or lamellar. Frequently fibrous. Civ., parallel to the Orthopinacoid, a, and the Basal Plane, c, perfect ; but the planes are uneven, or rough. H., 4'5 to 5 ; G., 2-8 to 2-9. Translucent. Lustre vitreous, or pearly on the cleavage- planes. Colour usually white, but sometimes inclining to grey, yellow, red, or brown. Streak, white. Comp., Calcium Metasilicate = 517 Silica, 48-3 Lime, but with to 2 Magnesia, and to 2 Iron Protoxide. Analyses : Heddle. Si0 2 . A1 2 3 . Fe 2 3 . CaO. K 2 0. NaaO. tt,0. Total. 1, Millton, 49-142 617 tr. 437 634 2-957 3-027 100-08 2, 49-065 601 43-01 1-008 2-728 3-098 99-51 3, Crathie, 50-111 297 1-321 45-729 614 152 1-79 100-01 INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, near the Free Church of Mill- ton, in a vein in edenitic rock. Colour, bluish-white, solid, with fibrous structure Anals. 1 and 2. With Zoisite and Staurolite in close associa- tion ; sp. gr., 2-715. HEBRIDES, Skye, in Coire Nuadh, of Beinn na Caillich, at the bridge 30 SILICATES. over the Allt Ghoiridh, opposite Scalpa, in rifts of limestone, stellate fibrous. BANFFSHIRE. East of Cowhythe Head, in limestone, in light brown tuffs and acicular groups of crystals. At Ketanach, on Labradorite, in silky, fibrous groups, rarely. Portsoy, in a tilted bed of grey lime- stone, north of the Old Battery, with Sahlite and Idocrase. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Barra Hill, near Bourtie, on its south-west side, in radiating groups of white fibres, on granular Labradorite, in Serpentine. Deeside, at Cairn Tullich (Corntully [or Corntulloch]), in a mass of matted interlacing white fibres, forming a bed two feet thick, in limestone. Graphite scales and crystals of Sphene are imbedded in the fibrous crystals. Hornblendic gneiss caps the limestone. In the limestone at Dalnabo, Glen Gairn, in pale brown fibrous brushes, with Cinnamon- stone, Epidote, Sahlite, and Prehnite. With limestone at Bankhead. In Crathie limestone quarry (Anal. 3), in cream-coloured, fibrous brushes, with Idocrase and Garnet. In matted white fibres inclosing Garnet, at Tirebagger. EDINBURGHSHIRE. At Barnton railway cutting, in dull yellow tufts, with Datholite, etc. ARRAN. In Glen Shiant, with Aplome Garnet (Necker). 91. Pectolite (330). HNaCa 2 (Si0 3 ) 3 . c(a),100;r(e), 001; ft, 322; ^),540; A(^),340; w(o),140; u(v),Wl. Monoclinic. Earely occurs in distinct crystals. Usually in close aggregations of acicular crystals, forming spheroidal masses with a radia- ting fibrous structure. Civ., Orthopinacoid, a, and Basal Plane (c) perfect; fracture uneven. Exceedingly tough. H., 5 ; G., 274 to 2 -88. Trans- lucent ; lustre of crystals pearly ; that of a fractured surface of the fibres, silky. Colour, white, tending to pale green, or to yellowish. Soluble in h. acid, leaving a gelatinous residue of silica [whence the name of the species, according to Sterry Hunt]. Comp., 54-2 Silica, 337 Lime, 9-4 Soda, and 27 Water. Walkerite is a variety, of columnar form, and differing slightly from normal Pectolite in composition. H., 4-5; G., 27. Flesh-coloured; lustre, pearly to greasy. It occurs in veins in Dolerite at Corstor- phine Hill, two miles west of Edinburgh, and at Burntisland, Fife. [In Scotland Pectolite usually occurs as a secondary product, filling vapour cavities, or fissures, in eruptive rocks, generally in those of basic composition. Its modes of occurrence, as well as its genesis, resemble those of the Zeolites, properly so-called.] Analyses:!, 10-16. Heddle; 3, 5, 7. Stuart Thomson; 8, 9. J. Thomson; 6. C. Eobinson; 2. Scott; 15a. Walker; 17. Kennedy; 1, 10, SILICATES. 31 11, 16, 17. Phil. Mag., ix. 248 ; 2. Edin. N. Phil Jour., liii. 277 ; 15a. ibid., xv. 386 ; 8, 9. Mineralogy " ; 3, 5, 7. 2Vaw. GW. oc. Glasgow, 1892, 14, 15, 3/m. Mag., iv. 121. Locality. Si0 2 A1 2 3 CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Talisker, Skye, 53-82 2-42 29-88 31 ... 9-55 3-76 99-74 2. Prince Charlie's Cave 52-01 1-82 32-85 39 ... 7-67 5-06 98-80 3. Dearg Sgeir, Mull, . 5374 82 31-19 ,. 9'94 3-38 99-07 4 ** > 53-41 1-76 31-69 2-42 8-11 3-66 101-05 * 52-95 1-71 31-48 ,, 2-42 8-04 4-07 100-67 > 53-39 ... 33-41 ... 8-80 4-46 100-00 7. Manor House, Oban, 54-63 4-56 26-68 .. . 10-69 3-92 100-48 8. Kilsyth, 52-74 0-67 31-68 1-52 9-60 2-0 99-41 9. Bishopton, 52-07 4-20 32-80 '35 9-60 2-0 100-67 10. Lendalfoot, Girvan, 53-48 41 34-38 . , 9-87 3-26 101-40 1 1 . B ougang quarry , . 53-24 i-o 32-24 9-57 3-6 ... 12. Ratho (fibrous), 52-53 38 32-79 .. . 8-96 2-37 99-65 13. ,, (crystalline), 52-58 1-46 33-75 ... ... 9-26 2-8 99-85 14. Corstorphine Hill, . 54-0 1-18 30-79 2-59 5-55 5-43 98-36 15. ,, (Walkerite), 52-20 ... 28-64 5-12 85 6-50 5-28 99-92 15a. 54-00 30-80 ... 5-55 5-43 98-38 16. Edinburgh Castle, . 53-06 '46 33-48 ... 10-27 3-13 100-40 17. 51-50 1-00 32-00 ... ... 8-50 5-00 98-00 HEBRIDES. Talisker Bay, Skye, in cavities in Tertiary basalt-lavas Anal. 1. Prince Charlie's Cave, Skye Anal. 2. Dearg Sgeir, Loch Scridain, Mull, in vapour cavities in basic lavas and dykes of Ter- tiary age. It occurs in two forms. One of these is in acicular divergent and rosette groups, such as Scolecite and Mesolite assume, and with rough and opaque crystalline terminations Anal. 3. The appearance of the other was precisely that which might be expected in a massive Gyrolite. Large folia, of pearly lustre, and of a distinct sea-green colour, passed from all sides to the centre. Generally these folia were flat ; but here and there they were twisted and interwoven. But the toughness of the specimen threw doubt upon the mineral being Gyrolite, and the analysis, No. 4, left no doubt that the mineral in question was simply an exceptional form of Pectolite (Heddle, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1892, pp. 241-255). See also Analyses 5 and 6. A mineral doubtfully referred to Pectolite occurs in the north-west cliff of Askival, Eum. ARGYLLSHIRE. Manor House, Oban, "in a rent in a trap dyke, lustrous, and cream-coloured " (Nicol) Anal. 7. Sp. gr., 2734. STIRLINGSHIRE. Auchinstarry quarry, Kilsyth (Anal. 8), with Apo- phyllite, in dolerite, intrusive in rocks of Lower Carboniferous age. With radiated Delessite, at Mugdock. EENFREWSHIRE. Bishopton, compact and fibrous, in " greenstone " Anal. 9. AYRSHIRE. Lendalfoot, coast south of Girvan, in cavities and veins 32 SILICATES. in basic eruptive rocks, chiefly of Arenig age, in which it occurs in white, fibro-crystalline aggregations, some of which are nearly three feet in length, and are excessively tough Anal. 10. At Bougang quarry, Knockdolian, near Ballantrae, in white, closely-fibrous aggregations, as well as in small acicular crystals Anal. 11. EDINBUKGHSHIRE. Eatho, where Pectolite occurs filling what were originally large vapour cavities in a great sheet of Dolerite. It is of a pale greenish-grey in colour, with a silky lustre, and is excessively tough. Some of the cavities are not quite filled by the Pectolite ; hence the free ends of the aggregations sometimes assume a distinct crystalline form (Plate LX., fig. 1) which serves to show the isomorphism of the present species with Wollastonite. Analysis 12 was made from the ordinary fibrous variety, and Analysis 13 from the crystalline form. Pectolite occasionally occurs at Eatho also as an interesting pseudomorph after Analcirne. In the Dolerite quarries of Corstorphine it is not uncommon, and is compact and fibrous, and of a pale greenish-grey colour Anals. 14, 15$. It occurs, rarely, also in the basalt of the Castle Eock of Edin- burgh, in nodular masses, with a diverging structure, translucent, and crystalline, of a pale yellowish colour, and associated with Prehnite Anals. 16, 17. It is said to have occurred, in a weathered state, at Lochend, on the east side of Edinburgh ; also at Salisbury Crags (Taylor). [The foregoing description has been compiled chiefly from Dr Heddle's published works, and partly from the specimens in the Scottish Mineral Collection.] y. Triclinic Section. 92. Babingtonite (336). (Ca,Fe,Mn)Si0 3 .Fe 2 (Si0 3 ) 3 . Triclinic, generally massive or granular. Civ., basal (c) very perfect, also along I. H., 5-5 to 6 ; G., 3'3 to 3'4. Thin laminae translucent. Lustre splendent vitreous. Colour black. Not affected by acids. B.B. fuses easily, with effervescence, to a black magnetic bead. Comp., 507 Silica, 11 Iron Peroxide, 10 '3 Iron Protoxide, 77 Manganese Protoxide, and 20-3 Lime. Analysis Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 147-8, pp. 375-6, of the Geognosy of Scotland (1884) : S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. BenBhreac, 3'3 50'845 1-402 9'56 8'307 1'153 17'661 5'538 1-072 2'914 1-485 99'937 SUTHERLAND Tongue. Occurs in the great " syenite " boulder, which lay upon the west slopes of Beinn Bhreac, in rude crystals an inch or two in length by a fourth of an inch in thickness. The colour is dark green. The crystals are much fissured in all directions. They were imbedded SILICATES. 33 in the "syenite" where it passed into a granitic vein which carried Amazonstone, Quartz, Thorite, Fluor, Strontianite, etc. Anal. It also occurred in recognisable amount in masses carrying Amazonstone, Topaz, Quartz, and Thorite, which fell from the north precipice of Beinn Laoghal. BANFFSHIRE. East shore of the Bay of Durn in norite, very rarely. [It is stated by Allan, Mineralogy, p. 145 (1834), to occur in Shetland in Quartz.] Amphibole Group. a. Orthorhombic Section. 93. Anthophyllite (337). (Mg,Fe)Si0 3 . Orthorhombic. Civ., macrodiagonal perfect. Colour clove-brown to purplish-brown, and leek-green. Translucent; radiating, and foliated. Lustre pearly on the cleavage plane. H., 5*5 ; G., 3*2. Comp., Silica, 55-5 ; Protoxide of Iron, 167 ; Magnesia, 27*8. B.B. very difficultly fusible. Analysis: Heddle, Min. Mag. iii. p. 21; p. 102, Geognosy of Scotland. Si0 2 A1 2 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO H 2 Total. Banks of the Niddister, 56'86 4'49 8'13 '87 25'87 1'09 3'36 100'67 SHETLAND. Hills wick, at the southern extremity of the " Banks of the Nethista " [or Niddister. This is the locality whence the Potstone is obtained ; and it is not the banks of the stream, but the shores near its mouth. The mineral occurs] in a tilted bed, [near to, but not directly associated] with, clove-coloured Steatite, Actinolite, and Precious Ser- pentine. Angle of crystal, mm', 125 0< 23 Anal. In the Fair Isle; Sp. Gr. 3-068 (Thomas). /3. Monoclinic Section. 94. Hornblende (338). Monoclinic. a : I : c = 0-55108 : 1 : 0*29376. [Forms: a, 100; x = (V), 010; c, 001; p t 101; I (r), Oil; m, 110; e, 130 ; z, 121 ; t, 101 ; i, 031.] Distinct cleavage in several directions perfectly parallel to the unit prism m, less perfect parallel to the ortho-diagonal and the clino-diagonal. H., ranging from 4 (generally 5) to 6 ; G., 2-5 to 4 ; but mostly the higher. Pellucid in all degrees ; lustre vitreous, but sometimes pearly or silky. Occasionally colourless or white, but usually some shade of grey, yellow, green, brown, or black. B.B. fuses, generally intumescing to a grey, green, or black glass. Those varieties containing most Iron are the most fusible, and these are also partially soluble in h. acid, which scarcely affects the others. VOL. n. C 34 SILICATES. In part, a normal metasilicate of Calcium and Magnesium, usually with Iron, and also with some Manganese, and Lime. Average Composition : with 4Si0 2 , + 2MgO ; +!CaO + lFeO = 53-6 Silica, 17*8 Magnesia, 12'5 Lime, 161 Iron Protoxide. Analyses 1-7, and 9-18, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. pp. 502-524 (1878); 7a, Haughton, Dublin Q.J.Sc., v. 93. S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 Fl H 2 Total. Amianthus 1. Balta, 2-95 56-15 1-54 39 3-11 77 1172 22-46 19 69 ... 2-50 99-52 Asbestus 2. Shiness, ... 56-86 23 48 2-12 23 12-54 23-92 44 53 tr. 2-52 99-87 3. Portsoy, . 2-99 56-31 77 53 2-32 15 12-58 23-31 44 63 tr. 2-94 99-98 Nephrite 4. Balta, 2-96 55-74 05 ... 5-2 01 13-24 22-7 14 1-12 ... 2-44 100-62 5. Leegarth, Fetlar, 2-95 56-92 22 ... 4-65 08 12-32 22-08 tr. tr. ... 3-4 99-67 Tremolite 6. Shiness. 2-96 56-15 86 1-62 72 07 13-31 24-14 44 21 tr. 2-5 100-01 7. Glen Urquhart, . 57-31 6-68 1-08 3-23 31 12-36 16-61 ... tr. 2-5 100-08 7a. lona, ... 59-00 64 12-44 27 01 ... ... ... 99-09 Actinolite 8. Hillswick, . 2-99 55 1'51 99 3-46 31 10-38 23-31 1-12 1-1 2'9 100-08 Edenite 9. Urquhart, green, ... 50-31 8-54 12 276 08 11-63 2077 5 1-16 none 4-13 99-99 10. black, ... 51-31 2-21 16 7-66 49 11-17 20-87 2-2 46 ... 2-12 99-65 Byssolite 11. Erins, ... 52-69 2-56 4-09 977 23 11-42 15-77 57 69 ... 2-13 99-92 Hornblende 12. Balta, 3-11 45-87 8-78 14-15 13 9'82 14-40 82 1-43 2-30 97-7 13. Fetlar, 3-09 41-63 11-63 1-85 8-95 31 9-25 18-51 63 1-22 5-40 99-38 14. Portsoy, 3'25 52-07 2-57 ... 972 tr. 19-05 14-41 -75 57 85 99-99 15. Glenbucket 3-22 45-00 9-41 1 : 55 16-76 33 11-24 11-19 1-36 1-66 1-35 99-85 16. Durness, ... 51-46 2-97 2-45 9-66 1-08 20-07 10-46: '68 1-31 68 100-82 17. Elie, . 8-37 40-38 19-01 2-12 7-28 46 11-54 17-50 ... 1-17 99-46 Non-Aluminous Subdivision. 1. TREMOLITE, CaMg 3 (Si0 3 ) 4 . Magnesia-Lime Amphibole. White, grey, or greenish-grey. Usually in long prismatic crystals, which are often striated longitudinally. Lustre pearly or silky ; semi- transparent or translucent. B.B. fuses readily to a white, or to a nearly colourless, glass. H., 5 to 6-5 ; G., 2-9 to 31. SHETLAND, Unst, Norwick Bay, in quartz veins, near the junction STELLATE GROUPS OF ACTINOLITE CRYSTALS, Ord Ban, Loch an Eilean (M'Tier). [To face p. 35. SILICATES. 35 of Serpentine with Schist (Traill). Fetlar. Leegarth, matted, white, pearly lustre Anal. 13. SUTHERLAND. Shiness, in magnificent specimens, colourless, and silvery lustre, in limestone (Joass) Anal. 6. PERTHSHIRE. Dunkeld, in clay slate. In tufted aggregates in lime- stone, one mile west of west end of Lochan Facia (Macconochie). Glen Tilt, in the quarry at Marble Lodge, in fine specimens, plumose and radiating in perfect circles, also in single imbedded crystals (MacCulloch). Flat bladed, radiated, Cam Liath (MacCulloch). HEBRIDES. Tiree, in large, independent, and reticulated, crystals in limestone (MacCulloch). lona, in marble (Haughton) Anal. 7 a . 2. Magnesia-Iron-Lime Amphibole : Actinolite. Colours, bright green, pale green, greyish-green. Crystals usually long-bladed to acicular. Frequently breaks across the prism, showing an acute lozenge-shaped section. The variety in long bright green crystals is called glassy Actinolite. G., 3 to 3'2. Seldom more than 6 per cent, of Iron Oxide. SHETLAND. Unst, at Henna Ness (Thomas). Near Baliasta Bridge, Loch of Cliff, in granular, pale yellow Talc, in lanceolate crystals (D. and H.). Mainland. Fethaland. Cleber Geo, and passing into Picrolite at Pundy Geo (D. and H.). Colla Firth, south shore, splendent green, with Biotite and Albite (Copeland). Hillswick, at the Banks of Niddister, glassy Actinolite, crystallised, with Talc (Hibbert). Similarly at Baa Taing, at the edge of the cliff. Papa Stour (Hibbert) ; Foula (Jameson). SUTHERLAND. Ceannabeinne, and near Caligaig, in interlacing groups of bright green crystals, with Pyrites and Grastite (D. and H.). Simi- larly, but less fine, at Loch Meadaidh, Durness, leek-green (Peach). Ben Hope, at Leitir Mhuiseal, lanceolate, with Garnet, and white, granular Quartz, ml (Plate LX., fig. 1) (D. and H.). West side of summit of Creag na Fearna, 2 miles S. of Cape Wrath, with Epidosite. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, half a mile north-west of Urquhart Hotel, with Albite, mxl (Plate LX., fig. 2). Millton, in the limestone quarries, in thick yellow crystals, with Graphite, and Margarodite (Plate LX., fig. 4) Anal. 7. Glenelg, south of Elian Eeoch: asbesti- form, fibrous, either continuously straight, or undulated, also schistose, me Ip (Plate LX., fig. 3), mexl (Plate XL., fig. 4) (MacCulloch). Strathspey, at Ord Bank, near Loch an Eilein, rarely, in magnificent clusters of stellate groups (M'Tier) and plumose groupings. HEBRIDES. Scalpay, at Eilean Glas, with Magnetite. Islet south-east of Isle Ornsay in Skye (MacCulloch). Ensay island, Sound of Harris, in concretions in Hornblende rock. These have a radiating crystalline 36 SILICATES. structure, with green and yellow colour disposed in concentric bands (Joass). ABERDEENSHIRE. In Crathie, Glen G-airn, and Foresterhill quarries. In limestone at the balloch between Glen Bucket and Glen Nochty, with Pyrrhotite, Pyrites, and Margarodite. KINCARDINESHIRE. At Eslie limestone quarry, fine crystals imbedded in Sahlite with Sphene, Pyrrhotite, and other limestone minerals. PERTHSHIRE. Asbestiform. Glen Tilt, 50 yards below Gow's Bridge, with "greenstone porphyry" along with Chlorite, Talc, Hornblende, Steatite, and Serpentine (MacCulloch). At a small lake half-way between Kenmore and Loch Freuchie, light green. At the summit of Beinn Heas- garnich, in arrow-head combinations, with Margarodite ; also reticulated, with Margarodite and Eutile, near Blairgowrie (Peyton). ARGYLLSHIRE. Glencoe, near the junction of the Coe with * * in long radiating crystals with Andalusite. Knapdale, at the copper mine west of Erins, plicated, fibrous, and of a fine green. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. In acicular crystals in grey felspar-porphyry. Non-aluminous varieties of Amphibole tend to pass into fibrous varieties. The fibres of Tremolite are sometimes very long, and so loosely attached as to be separable by the fingers. When such fibres are flexible they are termed 'Amianthus ; when rigid, but tough, Asbestus ; and when rigid, isolated, transparent, and brittle, Byssolite. When these fibres become matted and entangled they form a fissile or schistose stone of great toughness termed Nephrite, being one of the stones used for the manufacture of axe-heads. Similar arrangements of crystals of Actino- lite form actinolite schist, which sometimes occurs in quantity entitling it to be regarded as a rock-mass. [Most of the Scottish Actinolite is associated with rocks that have been deformed by earth-movements.] 3. AMIANTHUS. Flexible Asbestus. SHETLAND. Balta, Doo's Geo, with Nephrite ; silky, flexible Anal. 1. In a vein on the west side, opposite Balta Sound. Unst, Swinna Ness, grey, rare. Mainland, Fethaland, at Cleber Geo (Hibbert). ABERDEENSHIRE. Tombreck (pronounced Towanrieff), near Ehynie; at Peddie's Hill, the western summit, with Mountain Wood. Deeside, Coyle Hills, in a vein in Serpentine, in a cliff facing south, near the summit. Parish of Kennethmont, at Leith Hall, formerly, greenish, with grey blotches, with Serpentine. Made into snuff-boxes, etc. INVERNESS-SHIRE. At fBenmore, white. Glenelg, south of Elian Eeoch (MacCulloch). SILICATES. 37 FIFE. Inchcolm, at south end, in " greenstone," with Steatite. [Chrysotile.] LOTHIAN. North Berwick, with veins of Calcite, imbedded in amyg- daloidal " greenstone." One mile south of Dunbar. (The last three are probably Pilolite.) 4. ASBESTUS. Eigid Asbestus. SHETLAND. Unst, at Swinna Ness, dark green ; Fetlar, matted. SUTHERLAND. At Shiness, in limestone, rare (Joass) Anal. 2. HEBRIDES Scalpa. Eilean Glas, in the Dolomite vein. Harris, in the Serpentine, which lies between the granite and the gneiss, and stretches from Scara Euadh upon the south-east end of Loch Langavat, to the Dun of Borve upon the west. Eigid and flexible, with asbesti- form and ordinary Actinolite ; with Hornblende, dark green mica, green Steatite, and Potstone (Jameson). In Berneray (Walker). BANFFSHIRE. In a quarry west of Portsoy. In the augitic serpentine vein, near the sea, grey Anal. 3. In a quarry of Nephrite north of the Bin of Huntly, passing into Picrolite. ABERDEENSHIRE. Deeside, in the bed of the Eiver Muick, at the base of the Coyle Hills. In the parishes of Leslie and Towie, and at Tirebagger, in Dolomite (Greg). FORFARSHIRE. At Balloch Carity, with Magnetite. PERTHSHIRE. Aberfeldy, in a quarry above Bolf racks, in chlorite schist. In Mountain Wood Asbestus fibres are imitative of decayed wood. It occurs at Peddie's Hill, Tombreck, and in the quarry north of the Bin of Huntly. Also at Swinna Ness, Unst, Shetland. 5. BYSSOLITE. Bright green, ferruginous. INVERNESS-SHIRE. In Glencoe, 2 miles above Loch Triochatan, in a purple porphyry, in cavities, with Epidote and Chlorite, rare. ARGYLLSHIRE. Knapdale, 3 miles west of Erins, near Tarbert, with Chalcopyrite and Grastite Anal. 12. 6. NEPHRITE. SHETLAND Unst. Balta, at Doo's Geo, with Amianthus, fissile and antigoritic, cross fracturing at angles about 122, pale green Anal. 4. At Leegarth, Fetlar, a similar mineral, but schistose Anal. 5. HEBRIDES. lona, near Port na Curaich, forming a thin, antigoritic vein, adherent to white marble (Somerville). Berneray, forming a light green, soft rock. S.G., 2'984 (Thomson). ABERDEENSHIRE. In a road-metal quarry, north of the Bin of Huntly. 38 SILICATES. BANFFSHIRE. East of Boyne Castle, a matted, fibrous Actinolite. ARGYLLSHIRE. North-east of Melford, at * * waterfall, a similar rock. 7. ACTINOLITE AND ACTINOLITE SCHIST. SHETLAND. With quartz veins at junction of Serpentine with schist, Nor Wick, Unst (Traill). Mainland, Fethaland, at Cleber Geo (D. and H.). Hillswick, " banks " of the Niddister, Actinolite slate. In a skerry north of Baileiiacille House, and, radiated, one and a half miles south of Loch Meadaidh, Sutherland. ABERDEEN. Plicated, at the hill of Milleath, west of Huntly. SUTHERLAND. At Leitir Muiseal, Ben Hope (D. and H.). South bank of Eiver Inver, a mile from its mouth. ARGYLLSHIRE. South slopes of Meall Garbh, Loch Tulla. Near Melford, matted, crystalline, passing into Nephrite. North Uist, in a skerry off the north-west shore. Plicated, at Erins, Knapdale. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, west of the great bed of Serpentine, inclosing Actinolite rock, in angular masses. 2. Aluminous. 8. ACTINOLITIC HORNBLENDE. SUTHERLAND. Tongue, in a quarry north-west of Eibigill, with Sphene, Albite, &c., melr. Ben Hope, among the fallen masses at Cam a Mhadaidh, and at Meallan Liath. Assynt, at Stronechrubie, in porphyry, in [the Durness] Limestone, at Cnoc an Droighinn, in porphyry. Breabag and elsewhere. On Foinne Bheinn, and near Loch Inver. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Shiel, near Clunie Bridge Inn, in red por- phyry, in the col between Garbh-leac and Sgurr nan Ceathramhan, with Epidote. 9. EDENITE. Aluminous Magnesia-Lime Amphibole. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, at the Free Church, Millton, in large, lustrous, leek-green crystals, with Xantholite, Garnet, and Biotite, white and brown. Fasciculitic, in sheaf -like groupings, or plumose tufts. In the limestone quarries one mile north of Millton, with Pyrrhotite, Calcite, and Sphene, pale olive-green, fibres curved (Anal. 9) ; also blue-black Anal. 10. PERTHSHIRE. At the summit of Beinn Heasgarnich, Glen Lochay, brown, straight, fibrous, in brushes of clustered crystals. There is a singular variety of tufted Actinolitic Hornblende, in which the crystals are of recognisable size. They have a black or slate-grey colour, with an internal structure somewhat like Chiastolite. This occurs SILICATES. 39 in " talcose clay slate" at the upper fork of the burn of Boharm, in Banff- shire (Sowerhy and MacCulloch). Similarly, in the Burn of Aldernie. At Soundmoor, north of Boharm (Grant Wilson). In the banks of the stream which joins the Avon opposite Gaulrig, with masses of Epidote (Cunningham). An Actinolitic Hornblende of grass-green colour, with a central lozenge-shaped core of white Albite (?), occurs in Diorite, in Glen Creran, Argyllshire, in -j-Corry na Peigh, of Fraochaidh ; Actinolitic Hornblende also occurs in the banks of Niddister, and at Glen Nevis. 10. HOKNBLENDE PROPER. Aluminous Magnesia-Lime-Iron Amphibole. SHETLAND. Balta, at Brough Geo, in a vein in diallagic rock Anal. 12. Fetlar, east of the Wick of Tresta, in large, black, lustrous crystals, in massive Anorthite Anal. 13. In Diorite, between Uriesetter and Crossbister. Mainland, Colla Firth, south shore, actinolitic, in large plumose masses (Hibbert). Hillswick, banks of Mddister, in foliated crystals, and glossy, jet-black, fibrous arrangements. ABERDEENSHIRE. Glen Bucket, on the flanks of Craig an Innean, in black crystals, some as much as 21 J inches in length by 2 inches in width [in Hornblende pegmatite], with Labradorite, Sphene, Biotite, and Iserine Anal. 15. In a diorite vein south of Colquhony, at the Bridge of Strathdon. At Shenwell, on the upper Black Water, in a diorite vein, near Serpentine. On the Tillypronie road, east of Craig Glas, with Labradorite, Sphene, Biotite, Allanite, and Iserine. In Boultshoch quarry. At Forester Hill, in Microcline. HEBRIDES. In Coll, crystallised (MacCulloch). FIFESHIRE. At Elieness [and the volcanic necks between there and St Monans, as ejected crystals, rounded by attrition. They are dark green or black in colour, and exhibit very perfect and lustrous cleavage planes] Anal. 17. PERTHSHIRE. Head of Glen Lochay, between Creag Mhor and Stob nan Clach, at the south end of the summit of the ridge, in lanceolate dark green crystals, in clay slate [phyllite], with Andalusite. Cam Chreag. BERWICKSHIRE. Hill of Pogbie, near Fala, in a ravine. In acicular crystals of a light green colour, in veins of yellowish- red compact felspar. ROXBURGH. [?] At Stichill, near Kelso, in glossy black crystals in basalt [with Olivine], and with Bitumen, Opal [and Agate]. SELKIRKSHIRE. On Thirlstone Hill, in Ettrick, crystallised, in trap (Nicol). KIRKCUDBRIGHT. West side of the Bay of Kirkcudbright, on the shore near Burnfoot, green, in " claystone," at the base of a conglomerate which touches "greenstone." [In all the Galloway Granites, associated with Oligoclase, Sphene, Allanite, &c.] 40 SILICATES. 11. HORNBLENDE SLATE [SCHIST]. SHETLAND. Fissile arrangements of interlacing Hornblende crystals, forming sometimes independent rock strata, are found at Colla Firth and Niddister, Hillswick, jet black, minute, scaly, and dark green, foliated or fibrous. Stellated, entangled, at Fethaland (D. and H.). SUTHERLAND, on the west side of Durness Bay (Murchison). EOSS-SHIRE, forming great part of Beinn Airidh a' Char. INVERNESS-SHIRE, " highly schistose, fibrous, and laminar," at Elian Reoch, Glenelg (MacCulloch). HEBRIDES, south end of Taransay. Large, flat, foliated, interlacing, or interpenetrating, rock-forming Hornblende, constituting bands, or granular, nodular, concretions, in gneissic, and, more rarely, in granitic rocks, are found commonly through- out the gneisses of the north and west of Scotland, as in Shetland, at Hillswick ; Sutherland, at Loch Inver, Creag a' Mhail, near Scourie (D. and H.), dark green, with Bipidolite, 2 miles south of Cape Wrath (Geikie and H.). One and a half miles south of that spot, light green, with Eipidolite, and Steatite. Hebrides, North Rona, nodular, rarely, with intermingled Sahlite, west of the Tunnel Cave, on the north-west side, also at the north extremity, in schistose gneiss. Lewis, at Loch Tham- anabhaidh. Harris, north-west of Loch Larigavat (D. and H.). Coll, at Ben Foill (MacCulloch). With Epidosite, at Tiree. lona, at the south end, and in Dun I. Also in Colonsay. ALTERATION PRODUCTS. Hydrous -Anthophyllite. Parallel, or divergent, fibrous, sphsero- radiating, interlacing, or matted. Lustre, greasy to somewhat pearly. SUTHERLAND. One and a half miles south of Cape Wrath, in greenish-brown tufts, with Steatite, Eipidolite, and Moss Jasp-Agate (Geikie and H.). Creag a' Mhail, near Scourie, pea-green, matted fibres, with Talc and Actinolite ; in folds of the Hebridean Gneiss. Soft as cream when first quarried (Dudgeon and H.) Anal. 2. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, near the Free Church of Mill- ton, brown, glimmering, paraUel fibres (Jameson) Anal. 9. HEBRIDES. Harris, at Scarp (Thomas). PERTHSHIRE. South of Loch Tay, near a small loch at the summit of the col above * *, in talc schist. AYRSHIRE. Between Girvan and Pinbain. Fibro-columnar and radiating masses of grey-brown colour (Doran) Anal. 12. Analyses : 1 to 14 inclusive, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. JZdin., xxviii. pp. 524-536 (1878). SILICATES. 41 Localities. S.G. Si0 2 MA FeA FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 \ T a 2 H 2 Total. Hydration Loss of Ca Per- oxidation 1. Hydrated Hornblende, Green Hill, Strathdon, 3-01 50-92 1-89 9-43 2-09 31 8-64 21-58 34 43 4'54 100-17 2. Hydrous Authophyllite, Scourie, .... 2-92 45-51 6-39 4-29 4'44 22-14 tr tr 672 99-49 3. Mountain Cork, Portsoy, 51-43 7-52 2 : 06 2-49 1-3 58 9-35 25-04 99-76 4. Leadhills, 51-45 7-98 97 3-29 1-49 1-97 10-15 21-70 99-00 5. Mountain Leather, Tod Head, .... 52-48 6-33 6 2-11 2-88 1-34 11-95 21-70 99-39 5. ,, Strontian, ... 51-65 9-51 5-80 tr. 10-01 2-06 21-70 100-73 6. Mountain Silk, Tayport, 2'-i'i 54-37 11-27 "21 1-09 33 98 9-49 22-41 100-15 Hydration Loss of Ca and Bases Passage into Ser- pentine 7. Picrolite, Balta, 2-69 50-19 2-1 ... 4-39 01 5-07 29-23 74 8-5 100-23 8. ,, serpentinous, Balta, .... 2-63 50-08 1-88 ... 6-09 23 86 31-57 ... 34 9'3 100-34 Hydration, with Removal of Silica 9. Hydrous Anthophyllite, Urquhart, 2-81 4772 3'84 18 5-74 16 5'64 28-75 19 26 7'65 100-13 10. Hydrous Asbestus, Port- soy, .... 2-39 46-92 63 01 1-67 77 9-91 25-85 57 5812-84 99-75 11. Picrolite, Fethaland, 2'65 42-93 1-85 5-10 42 8C 36-19 81 37 11-50 99-97 12. Hydrous Anthophyllite, Ayrshire, 2-81 3975 4S 5-30 4-11 23 6-27 26-25 76 11 16-83 100-10 13. Baltiraorite, Killin, 2-63 41-47 ... 4-01 4-8J 2 37-13 ... ... 12-50 100-20 14. Chrysotile, Fetlar, . ... 39-7 1 ... 2-9$ ... 41-61 ... 15-66 100-02 95. Riebeckite (340). 2NaFe(Si0 3 ) 2 .FeSi0 3 . A. Sauer, Zs. g. Ges. (1888), 40, 138, fr. Socotra; (Ailsite), J. Black- wood, private communication; (Chloritoid), J. W. Judd, Q.J.G.S. (1886), xlii. 428, &c.; J. J. H. Teall, Min. Mag. (1892), ix. 219; J. W. Sollas, Proc. Roy. I. A. (1895), 3rd ser., iii. 516 ; J. J. H. Teall, Q.J.G.S. (1894), 50, 219; Heddle, Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. (1897), vii. 265 (Map by Currie). Monoclinic. Axes : a : b : c = 0'54748 : 1 : 0'29246 ; /3 = 76 10', Sollas. Observed forms : a, 100 ; 6, 010 ; c, 001 ; m, 110 ; e, 130 ; x, 150 ; r, Oil ; i, 031 ; p, 101 ; t, 101 ; z, 121 ; o, 121. b.. ... 1-587 3. Lairg (Pseudo- Olivine), 44-3 585 7-165 7 1-4 45-91 131 HEBRIDES SKYE. Loch Bracadale, at Eudha nan Clach, in fine large crystals, one to two inches in length, imbedded in basalt; brownish- yellow in colour ; and associated with zeolites and Calcite. When the crystals are small they have a hyalosiderite tarnish. Talisker, on the north side of the bay, imbedded, a die (Plate LXIV., fig. 1). Occasionally in rough, granular, or fissured crystals, several inches in size (Peyton and H.). At An Leth Allt, Loch Brittle, in green crystals in wackenitic trap. [In most of the basic eruptive rocks.] 52 SILICATES. Canna. Near the cave on the south-west side, in basalt, associated with Labradorite, Chlorophseite, and Fuller's Earth. In the Inner Oigh- sgeir, associated with Chalcedony, in pitchstone. Bum. On the north-west slopes of Allival, and also on the north- east and the west crags of Askival, in lustrous, dark green, rough crys- tals, imbedded in gabbro, and associated with Labradorite, Enstatite, Augite, and chromiferous Magnetite, and also, rarely, with Pectolite. These crystals have rents which inclose skeleton pseud-endomorphs (Jameson and H.). Also at both of the above localities, and in Barkeval, in orange-coloured granules, resembling Chondrodite Anal. 2. Mull. At Aoineadh Mor (Sowerby). At the Carsaig Arches, rarely, in large isolated crystals imbedded in wackenitic tuff. STIRLINGSHIRE. From the Mugdock Tunnel. EENFREWSHIRE. Barrhead, at Boyleston quarry, associated with Native Copper, in the rock which carries the zeolites, dark green in colour, and glassy, but, rarely, crystallised, anbe (Plate LXIV., fig. 2); a I u n e (Plate LXIV., fig. 3) (Young). In the Fereneze Hills, Barrhead, passing into Ferrite, abode (Plate LXIV., fig. 4). FIFESHIRE. In the agglomerates of Kincraig and Elie Ness. In the basalt which faces Euddons Point, near Kincraig, and also in the basalt of that place itself, in large crystals, e (Plate LXIV., fig. 5), of a Peridote- green colour, associated with Pyrope and Iserine Anal. 1. In the porphyritic basalt of Newburgh. HADDINGTONSHIRE. Dunbar, in basalt, of a red colour, from decom- position, and associated with red Diallage. [In dykes and other intrusive masses on the shore east of North Berwick.] EDINBURGHSHIRE. In all the basalt lavas of Arthur's Seat, and especially in the basalt on the south-east shoulder of the hill [the Lion's Haunch]. Also in the basalt lavas of Craiglockhart Hill. EOXBURGHSHIRE. Bonchester Hill, in trap, associated with Labra- dorite (Nicol). Near Stichill, crystallised, and associated with Labrador- ite, in basalt (Nicol). BUTE. Great Cumbray, south-west of Millport, at the point opposite to the Lesser Cumbray, in basalt, in masses several inches in dimensions, lustrous, and of a lime-yellow colour. Scapolite Group. 104. Scapolite or Wernerite (387). Tetragonal. Civ., a (100) and m (110) rather distinct, but inter- rupted. H., 5 to 5*5 ; G., 2 -6 to 2*8. Transparent or translucent. Lustre SILICATES. 53 vitreous to pearly or resinous. B.B. melts with effervescence to a vesicular glass; in the closed tube may show traces of fluorine; with solution of cobalt becomes blue. Soluble in h. acid. Comp., 49 Silica, 28 Alumina (with Iron Peroxide), and 23 Lime (with Soda). SUTHERLANDSHIRE. At the mouth of a stream in the bay east of Creag Gharbh, one mile W.N.W. of Armada! e, associated with Sphene and Pyroxene, near limestone (Macconnochie). Cnoc na h' Ula (Clough). INVERNESS-SHIRE. In the limestone of Gortally quarries, imbedded in Zoisite, and of a grey colour Anal. HEBRIDES. Tiree, in the pink limestone of Ballyphetrish, very rarely, left in small quantities after solution of the limestone in weak acid. It occurs in small crystals with the forms a, 100; m, 110; r, 111. It is associated with Sahlite and white Biotite, and is almost pure white. Its analysis gave : Si0 2 48-923 A1A 22-098 Fe 2 3 3*159 FeO 1-508 MnO 538 CaO 7-753 MgO 2769 K 2 6-058 Na 2 1-679 H 2 5-694. Heddle. Vesuvianite Group. 105. Idocrase or Vesuvianite (393). H 4 Ca 12 (Al,Fe) 6 Si 10 43 ?. Tetragonal. [M (a), 100; d (m), 110; P (c), 001 ;/, 210; h, 310; z, 211; t, 331; o (e), 101; i (<), 112; s, 311; r, 614; u = & 302; ( in the figures represents a low face in the zone d(m)~P(c), ?118; e?; 0(0,312; (x), 313 ; c = u(p),lll', n ?^, 114.] Crystals prismatic in habit, striated ; also granular. Fracture uneven. H., 6*5 ; G., 3-35 to 4. Pellucid ; lustre vitreous to resinous. Colour, brown, greenish, yellow ; streak white. B.B. fuses easily, with intumes- cence, to a green or brown glass. Partially soluble in h. acid, and totally so after fusion, and then gelatinising. Comp., Alumina, 16 ; Peroxide of Iron, 7 ; Lime, 34 ; Silica, 38. Analysis, by Dr Heddle : 1. Min. Mag., v. p. 12 (1882) : Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K.O Na 2 H 2 1. Glengairn, . 36-251 18-626 932 5-036 844 33-935 1-574 568 529 1-78 HEBRIDES. Skye, one and a half miles south of Broadford, on the road to Kilbride, at the junction of a trap dyke with the calcareous rock which it traverses. 54 SILICATES. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in a tilted grey limestone bed, north-east of t;he Old Battery, granular and foliated, associated with Sahlite, Edenite, and Wollastonite. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Monaltrie, brown and yellowish-green. At Crathie quarry, associated with Wollastonite, Garnet, and Pyrrhotite. In the quarries on Creag Mhor, with Garnet, Grossular, and Epidote. In Boultshoch quarry, associated with Garnet and Coccolite. At Leac Ghorm, with Garnet, Malacolite, and Pyrrhotite. Glen Gairn, in the limestone quarry at Dalnabo, lustrous, rich brown, and, very rarely, apple-green ; associated with Epidote, Cinnamonstone, Prehnite, Green- ovite, Sahlite, etc. Sometimes it occurs here in crystals 5J inches by f of an inch. Combs., M d P, M dpfs, MdftciPs (Plate LXIV., figs. 1 and 2); MdftciPsr (Plate LXIV., fig. 3); Md/htciyP (Plate LXIV., fig. 4); hfdtcin (Plate LXV., fig. 8); MdhfciVusr (Plate LXV., fig. 6); Mdfci?sf3gz (Plate LXV., fig. 7); hfdtcin (Plate LXV., fig. 5); hfdciPuo (Plate LXV., fig. 9); MdtcPuo (Plate LXV., fig. 10) Anal. 1. In Mammie Hill, associated with Sahlite and Cinnamonstone. LANARKSHIRE. " Tintock (Tinto), in the south-west re-entering angle, in claystone, minute portions of a crystallised matter like Vesuvian or Garnet" (Macknight). Zircon Group. 106. Zircon (394). ZrSi0 4 . Tetragonal, [m, 110; a, 100; p, 111; v, 221; x, 311; e, 101; When crystallised, chiefly prismatic or pyramidal in habit, but often occurs as rounded grains. Transparent to opaque. Lustre vitreous to adamantine. Karely white, but grey, yellow, or green, more frequently red or brownish-red. B.B. loses its colour, but is infusible. Not affected by any acid except concentrated sulphuric acid ; and by that only after long digestion. Comp., 6 6 '3 Zirconia and 337 Silica, with to 2 per cent, of iron peroxide as colouring matter. SUTHERLAND. Beinn Laoghal, in granitic veins on quartz, very rarely, associated with Amazonstone, Topaz, and Tourmaline, colour dark brown, ap. Ben Hope, east of An Gorm-loch, in granular quartz schist, associated with rose mica. The Zircon is perfectly transparent, and is of a ruby-red colour, a p. Conamheall, within quartz grains, a p. Boss- SHIRE. At the head of the Allt Graad, Kiltearn, Loch Glass, map (Plate LXV., fig. 1), in granite blocks, along with Garnet and Muscovite. In a granitic belt which cuts gneiss in Glensgaich, associated v Zepharovich. Idocrase. Sitzungsb. d.k.Akad d.W. math naturw. CI XLVI1I. Bd. 1. Abth. 1863. M=Fa.rla.Tie iErskine. Edm r SILICATES. 55 with Muscovite, Garnet, Apatite, and Tourmaline. Sometimes imbedded in Quartz, amxp (Plate LXVL, fig. 3), but usually in the very centre of crystals of garnet, apxe (Plate LXV., fig. 2). Achnasheen, imbedded in garnets, in gneiss, in a quarry half a mile north of the hotel. Mam Katagan, Loch Duich, in very minute colourless crystals, ap, in red " syenite." HEBRIDES. Lewis, in a granitic belt at fBrann a' Bharra, half a mile north of Balallan ; in delicate pink, transparent and adamantine crystals, associated with Polymignite (?) in blue Albite, m ap x v (Plate LXVL, fig. 4) and m ap x v yfl (Plate LXVL, fig. 5). Island of Scalpay at Eilean Glas, imbedded in Chlorite, underlying gneiss, and associated with Serpentine, Talc, Steatite, and Magnetite. Crystals clove-brown, shining. S.G., 4409 (Turner). (Neill) max (Plate LXVL, fig. 6) ; p x m (Plate LXVL, fig. 7). Tiree, at Hynish, mp. Gott Bay, on the south shore, in minute, black, opaque, distorted crystals, imbedded in Garnets. Earely on Ceann-a'-bharra. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, Millton, near the Free Church, in minute blue-black crystals, sP, with pavonine tarnish, imbedded in garnets, which are lodged in Edenite and white Biotite. Loch a' Bhruthaich, ap x. Struy Bridge, in felspar. ARGYLLSHIRE. Loch Sunart, Strontian, in " syenite," with Sphene (Jameson) (Plate LXVL, fig. 8). FIFESHIRE. Elie Ness, imbedded in agglomerate, yellowish-brown, very rare (Traill). KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. In the Burn of Palnure, west of Cairns- muir, in granite boulders (Jameson). ? Sphene. 107. Thorite or Orangite (395). ThSi0 4 . Tetragonal, [a, 100 ; p, 111 ; m, 110 ; ? 210 (on fig. 2) ; x, 311.] Generally massive. H., 4*5 to 5 ; G., 5 to 5 '4. Lustre brilliant- vitreous when fresh, but resinous when weathered. Fracture conchoidal when fresh, splintery when weathered. Colour, brownish-black to clove- brown. Comp., essentially 18 Silica, 73 Thoria, 9 Water. Orangite and Thorite are thrown together because there is no ques- tion of their being one and the same substance: that which is called Thorite being merely Orangite in a state of greater hydration. Differ- ences of colour may be seen to pass into one another with the greatest abruptness in the same crystal, and that so precipitately, that the passage may be termed immediate. There are several localities at which there are more or less grounds for suspecting the occurrence of this mineral, but it has been definitely determined only at two. The first is the great boulder at Tongue, where it is found in lumps up to the 56 SILICATES. size of beans, both rich orange-yellow and black, rarely showing crystal- lisation. When definitely crystallised there, the form is that shown in Plate LXVIL, fig. 1. Its associated minerals here are so numerous that a list, arranged in the order of their occurrence from the outside of the vein which carries them inwards to its centre, may be given. These are Babingtonite, Fluor, Sphene, Allanite, the Thorite, Magnetite, Lepidomelane, radiated Cleavelandite, Ilmenite, Amazonstone, Oligoclase, Quartz, Specular Iron, Bhreckite. This occurrence, seeing that this is a huge erratic, though almost unquestionably from Beinn Laoghal, cannot be regarded as other than unsatisfactory. The second locality where it occurs is in rude veins which protrude from the face of the great cliff of Beinn Laoghal, Sgor a' Chonais-aite. Here it occurs in crystals showing four different forms. Two of these show only pyramidal faces, in which the angle of the pyramid seems to depart so little from that of the regular octahedron that it cannot be the primary p face which is here disclosed. The second form is the square prism terminated by the pyramid as shown in Plate LXVIL, fig. 1; next, and this crystal is the most common, is the form depicted in Plate LXVIL, fig. 2 ; and lastly, there are two distinct octahedra, about half the size of peas, which, as before mentioned, seem to be the regular octahedron. The following difficulties stand in the way of the definite determination here. There is, firstly, the objection to the destruction of the specimen, and, secondly, the fact that the surfaces of both crystals are much pitted, and so dull that they would afford no reflection. But the fracture, both of the pyramidal and of the octahedral crystals, is conchoidal, the lustre pitchy, and the colour deep brown. In addition to their being non-mag- netic, there is no risk of here mistaking Magnetite for whatever mineral these octahedra may be, as the Magnetite here is blue-black, with distinct cleavage, and hackly fracture. And, again, the internal structure of the crystals which occur in these two irreconcilable forms is no more like that of a pseudomorph in the one case than it is in the other. The octahedral crystals do not resemble Pyrochlore. The pyramidal mineral is soluble in hydrochloric acid, with separation of silica; and the orange-coloured solution gives a copious ruddy precipitate with ammonia, which, taken along with the form, is sufficient to determine the tetra- gonal mineral as Thorite. At its second locality the mineral is, next to Amazonstone and greasy-looking Quartz, the most frequently-occurring substance in the veins, but it is usually in particles too small to be broken with advantage for collecting it. The associated minerals at this second locality are Babingtonite, Topaz, Eubinglimmer, Galena in small specks, and Sphene. SILICATES. 57 Danlurite-Topaz Group. IDS. Topaz (397). (Al(0,F 2 ))AlSi0 4 . Orthorhombic. [In figs. 1 to 5, a (b), 010 ; I (a), 100 ; c, 001 ; m, 110 ; i (d), 201 ; d (k), 213 ; w t 081 ; y, 401 ; n (/), 021 ; e (ft), 110 ; z (M\ 230; /, 120; u (g\ 130; k (o), 221; o (u), 111; s (i), 223: figs. 6 to 8, r, 241; g (i;), 121; t t 265; /(e), 112; 2, 423; e (Y), 211; a (#), 023.] Crystals always prismatic, often hemimorphic. Civ., basal, perfect; fracture conchoidal. H., 8; G., 34 to 3'6. Transparent, vitreous. Colourless, honey-yellow, amber, pink, asparagus-green, blue. Becomes electric by heat or friction, and the yellow colours become pink. B.B. infusible. Not affected by h. acid; by digestion in s. acid gives traces of Fluorine. SUTHERLAND. Beinn Laoghal, near the foot of the precipice of Sgor a' Chonais-aite, in granitic [pegmatitic] veins in "Syenite," ablmcnid s x (Plate LXVIL, fig. 1) ; a I m u n y w io , (Plate LXVIL, fig. 2) ; mlcnydok (Plate LXVIL, fig. 3) ; m lu e n d io (Plate LXVIL, fig. 4). The associates are small crystals of bright green Amazonstone, with Albite, Tourmaline, and Magnetite. BANFFSHIRE. In the cliff above Loch Avon, on its east side, in druses in granite, associated with brown and black Cairngorm. Loose in an old stream course of the Avon, of a fine blue colour, and in a mass nearly the size of one's fist (Stuart) Anal. 1. Also found near there in masses three or four inches in diameter and of a pale blue colour (Greg). Boiled Cairngorms of wine-yellow or brown colours, Ortho- clase and Beryl are the associates. Analysis of Blue Topaz : Heddle. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fl Total. Tornahaish, north side of Ben Avon, 33'24 56'43 18'58. 108-25 ABERDEENSHIRE. Beinn a' Bhuird, from masses of rock which have fallen from the east cliff near the south of the small cairn, have been obtained, at various times, and amongst other crystals, those in the following list : 1. 1 Ib. 3 oz. 8 dwt. 8J grs., S.G. 3 '547 (Wernerian Transactions). 2. 7 3 18J 3-57 (Imrie, 1803). 3. 7 2 12 3-56 (Imrie, 1810). 4. 9 18 12 . . (Imrie, 1810). 5. 19 (Jameson and Nicol). 6. 8 Ibs., conjectured from fragments, . (MacCulloch). 7 (Allan). 8 (Whites). 58 SILICATES. From this locality the crystals are usually colourless, passing from that through pale blue to pale brown or wine-yellow at the brachy- pinacoid. Eock Crystal is the only associate of the Topaz at this side of the granite range. Forms : m clnoy ; mcalenykosi (Plate LXVIL, fig. 5) ; mcln Jciode (Plate LXVIL, fig. 6); mlcnrxdoe (Plate LXVIIL, fig. 7); mlcadotqu (Plate LXVIIL, fig. 8). ARGYLLSHIRE. Machrihanish Bay, Kintyre, in loose granite blocks [boulders], seen by Mr Milne Home, in which they occurred as small colourless crystals, mlacnoi. BUTE. Arran, in the coarse crystalline granite of Glen Shant, in colourless crystals (Necker). On the shore of Brodick Bay, in loose blocks of fine-grained granite, colourless, and honey-yellow, with blue Beryl (Necker). Greg mentions the south side of Lochnagar, and also Harris, as other localities for Topaz, but these have not been corroborated. 109. Andalusite (398). (A10)AlSi0 4 . Orthorhombic. [c, 001 ; m, 110 ; r, Oil ; s, 101 ; k (z), 120.] Also columnar. Civ., m ; fracture splintery. H., 7 to 7*5 ; G., 3'1 to 3-2. Pellucid, vitreous. Colour, green, red, or blue B.B. infusible. Not affected by acids. Comp., Alumina, 63*1 ; Silica, 36'9. The variety Chiastolite encloses carbonaceous matter. Analyses, by Dr Heddle : 1. T.R.S.E., xxxix. 346 ; 2. Min. Mag., v. p. 13 : S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO (Alkalies.) H 2 Total. 1. Marnoch, . 52-538 39-314 1-094 3-267 461 861 846 tr. I'll 99-491 2. Auchindoir, 3-121 36 712 59-678 2-302 23 860 fcp. ... 456 100-238 SUTHERLAND. In a dell about one mile south of Cape Wrath and near the coast, in interbedded patches in a dark green rock, which also contains * * BANFFSHIRE. On the shore, a quarter of a mile east of Whitehills, in quartzose bands in gneiss of a yellow colour, and associated with pink pseudomorphs of the same mineral in Steatite, Muscovite, and Fibrolite. Marnoch, in the banks of the stream, near the mill of Auchintoul, Kin- nairdy Castle, in grey crystals in phyllite, associated with Staurolite (Peyton and H.) Anal. 1. Near Banff and Macduff, yellowish- white, in fissile schist. At Botriphnie. SILICATES. 59 ABERDEENSHIRE. Monymusk, on the north-west slopes of Pitfechie, grey, in schist. On the coast near Aberlour, in Muscovite schist. Auchindoir, Clashnarae Hill, in north Clova glen, very rarely, white crystals in veins of graphic granite. In the flagstone quarries of the Correen Hills, rarely, in pink and grey crystals in the quartz veins which cut the slate, and associated with Mica, mcs (Plate LXVIIL, fig. 1). Commonly in greyish-blue crystals dispersed throughout the slate. Clova, on the south-east and the north-west slopes of Peat Hill, of a pink colour, and several inches in length, associated with Labradorite, Fibro- lite, and Biotite, in quartzose bands in gneiss. Similarly on the west and the south sides of Clash narae Hill, Clova, mcakrs (Plate LXVIIL, figs. 2 and 3), with Graphite and Tourmaline (Morgan and H.) Anal. 2. Probably under moss, at Mount Meddin and Hill of Snowy Slack. Glen Nochty, white, in granite, associated with Tourmaline. Between Auchnagatt and Methlick, and also in the Skilmanae and Belna- goak Hill, in loose crystals (Cruickshank). Aberlour Bay, in phyllite. PERTHSHIRE. Creag Mhor, Glen Lochay, in blue phyllite on the north-west side of Stob nan Clach, at a height of 3185 feet. ARGYLLSHIRE. Glen Coe, in the banks of Gleann Leac na Muidhe, half a mile south-west of Clachaig, yellowish-white, imbedded in yellow Muscovite on white Quartz bands, in gneiss, and associated with lanceolate crystals of Actinolite. Glen Creran, at the col between Fraochaidh and Coire na Baich, north of (? Elleric). In phyllite, in the neighbourhood of Ballachulish, rarely. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. Near New Galloway, on the north-east slopes of Knocknairling Hill, in Silurian grits, near granite veins, in grey crystals, with a chiastolite structure (Miss Gardiner). Knotenschiefer, which has been regarded as containing incipient Andalusite, occurs in a belt of rock which passes from the Correen Hills north-eastward towards Macduff ; also at Coire na Paich, at the north- west end of Glen Creran. It occurs also in Glen Nevis, and at Cuil Bay in Appin. no. Sillimanite or Fibrolite (399). Al 2 Si0 5 . Orthorhombic. Crystals fibrous, columnar, and radiating. Civ., &, (010) very perfect. H, 7; G., 3'2 to 3'26. Translucent; lustre resinous, but vitreous on the cleavage planes. Colour, greenish, clove-brown, or hair-brown. One of the trimorphous modifications of Al 2 Si0 5 ; Silica, 36-8; Alumina, 63*2. 60 SILICATES. Analyses Heddle, 1 and 2, Min. Mag., v. p. 2 : Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Pressendye Hill, . 39-68 58-822 038 1-1 36 tr. 32 2. Clashnarae Hill, . 38-41 61-426 215 114 ... ... * BANFFSHIRE. On the shore, a quarter of a mile east of Whitehills, in quartz belts in gneiss. It occurs quite independently of the Andalusite of the same locality. ABERDEENSHIRE. About three hundred yards below the north-west side of the summit of Pressendye Hill, near Tarland, in thin veins in gneiss Anal. 1. Clova, in quartzose belts in gneiss on Clashnarae Hill, the fibres being parallel to crystals of red Andalusite, colourless, and of brilliant lustre Anal. 2. Badenshore of Glenlaff Hill, in veins between the crystals of red Andalusite, the fibres being transverse to the veins, and passing into an appearance like Okenite Anal. . Ap- parently in a granite boulder lying on Achindown Hill, near Cawdor, associated with black mica (Aitken). Apparently Margarodite [Mus- covite] on edge. Black Dog Eock (Bonney). Ardonald quarry. [Of common occurrence, also, in the thermo-metamorphosed rocks of PERTHSHIRE, FORFARSHIRE, and KINCARDINESHIRE (Barrow).] in. Kyanite (400). Al 2 Si0 5 . Triclinia m (a), 100 ; p (c), 001 ; t (&), 010 ; k (M), HO ; i (m), 110 ; e, 210. Hemitropes common, united by m (a). Also occurs in radiated groups. Civ., m (a) perfect ; brittle. H., 7,but on the cleavage planes, 5 ; GL, 3 '5 to 3*7. Pellucid ; lustre vitreous, except on the cleavage planes, where it is pearly. Colourless, red, yellow, green, grey, more commonly blue. B.B. infusible. Not affected by acids. One of the trimorphous modifications of Al 2 Si0 5 . Analyses Heddle. 1, Min. Mag., iii. p. 18 : S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Vannlip, 38-153 56-979 1-867 153 301 2-646 100-099 2. MUlden, J 3-466 to 3-538 V36-384 58-296 1-609 1-123 ... 861 252 423 1-445 100-393 3. Millton, 3-016 37-53 58-1052-089 ... ... 129 076 252 741 1-198 100-12 SHETLAND. Unst, east of the Dale Burn, grey, in Quartz. Nor Wick, blue-grey, in Quartz. In the hill north-east of the bay of SILICATES. 61 Wood Wick, associated with Staurolite (D. and H.). Mainland, at Cun- ningsburgh, in mica schist, blue ; sp. gr., 3 - 62 (Jameson). In large brushes of radiating and plumose groupings of tile-red crystals, in massive Quartz. [At Vaimlip] in interlacing bunches of white and red radiating crystals, associated with Eipidolite Anal. 1. In parallel arrangements of long blue crystals in Quartz, p m t i (Plate LXVIIL, [?] fig. 1) (Hibbert). At Grevasand, rarely (D. and H.). Near Levenwick, at the east side of the Ward of Skousburgh, also at the south-east end associated with Ilmenite, and in colour both white and grey. At Colla Firth (Hibbert). INVERNESS-SHIRE. In Glen Urquhart, above Millton, on the east side of the road to the limestone quarries, in large isolated crystals, and also in sheaf -like aggregates, in gneiss Anal. 3. Strathspey, near Dulnanbridge, to the south - west of the limestone quarry, and in gneiss. Near Achnagonalin, Grantown. Sgurr a' Choire-bheithe, L. Nevis. HEBRIDES. Harris, at the foot of Hacklett, north-east of Obe, in garnet-rock (D.). Also in granular felspar (D. and H.). North part of Chaipaval, in belts of granular felspar, blue, with garnet (D. and H.). PERTHSHIRE. Ben Vannoch, at the summit, in quartz belts, with garnet, in mica gneiss. BANFFSHIRE. Sandend Bay, at Garron Point, in a quartz vein, in biotite schist, with Hornblende and Muscovite. Portsoy, in quartz veins in Muscovite schist, between two serpentine bands, and of a white colour. West of Portsoy, in the second bed of phyllite, and with a tesselated structure resembling that of Chiastolite. Also in crystals of a green colour, in nodules of morion quartz in the same bed, but below high-water mark. At Forgie, in the parish of Engie, at the bridge over the Little Dramlach, with ? Damourite (Wallace). At Allt Beag, Glen Kinnes (Wilson). Corryhabbie, on the west side, and in broad blue sheaves in quartz (Peyton). Near Mulben (Nicol). In the railway cutting between Mulben and the Spey. At Botriphnie, with Muscovite, in a quartz vein, in broad, deep blue crystals (Saussure). In the Burn of Boharm, at two spots about two miles south of Auchlun- kart House, in quartz seams, and associated with Actinolite, Staurolite, and Garnet. At one locality the colour is pearl-grey ; at the other, the upper part of the burn, it is blue. One extremity of the crystals in- variably penetrates the phyllite, the other being imbedded in the quartz (MacCulloch). In the Burn of Aldernie, north of Dufftown, black in colour, and associated with Staurolite, in phyllite. Also at Mortlach. One mile north of Loch Builg, in limestone, on the east side of the stream, associated with Garnet, Sphene, Staurolite, Chlorite, and Eock Crystal. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Ardonald quarry, between Keith and Huntly, 62 SILICATES. in quartz concretions in phyllite, near limestone, and associated with Staurolite and Muscovite (Cunningham). Loch Etchachan, far up in the burn flowing from the east into Glen Derry, and of a grey colour (Peyton). KINCARDINESHIRE. Banchory (Greg). PERTHSHIRE. Carn Liath, on the west side (MacCulloch). Glen Tilt, in a quartz vein (MacCulloch). In quartz veins near the summit of Beinn a' Ghlo, the crystals being generally dissolved out. Moor of Eannoch, at the south-west corner ; on the west slopes of Meall Buidhe, associated with Ilmenite and Chlorite. In the corrie of Beinn Creachan, on its east side, associated with Ilmenite, Chlorite, and crystals of Orthoclase (Peyton and H.). Cruach Ardran, loose, on the south slopes. FORFARSHIRE. In outliers near Millden, west of Turret, south of Mount Battock, in large foliated masses of blue and yellow crystals (Imrie). Tarffside, Garlet Hill, on its west side, pmtJcei (Plate LXVIIL, fig. 2), associated with crystallised Chlorite (Murray). [Glen Clova, on the hill slopes below Loch Brandy, in highly-metamorphosed rocks, and associated with Quartz, Muscovite, and Tourmaline (Goodchild).] Datolite Group. 112. Datolite (401). HCaBSi0 5 . Monoclinic. [a (c), 001 ; &, 010 ; c (a), 100 ; o, 120 ; r, 230 ; d (m), 110; s, 302; 0, 101;/_304; ^102; v, 103 ; ' u, 104; *,013; g, 012; m(m*),011; n t 111 ; (v), 111; TT? 104; k(s\ 115; Z(fF),114; y t 144; e (A), 112; 2 (5), 121; (Z), 113'; f (<5), 221 ; A, 113; II, 101 ; e, Tl2; 0?; L ?.] Fracture uneven, or conchoidal. H., 5 to 5*5 ; G., 2 '9 to 3. Trans- parent or translucent; lustre vitreous. Colourless, or tinted greenish, yellowish, or pink. In the closed tube yields water. B.B. intumesces, and melts easily to a clear glass, colouring the flame green. The powder gelatinises in h. acid. Comp., 381 Silica, 21-6 Boracic Acid, 347 Lime, and 5-6 Water. PERTHSHIRE. Glen Farg, in a cutting on the Great North Eoad [in andesitic lavas of Devonian age], of a pale green colour, and associated with Analcime. The faces dgk are dominant. Forms: agmdne (Plate LXVIIL, fig. 1); agmdncplke (Plate LXIX., fig. 2); agmdnep fiolJc. In cutting the north tunnel of the railway the combination c m was dominant, associated with Prehnite and " Konilite," also combinations of the forms cm ad on Igp [? TT] e (Plate LXIX., fig. 4) ; cm a e. FIFESHIRE. In making the south Glen Farg cutting, Datolite was found in snow-white crystals of the comb, cmado-jrenl, 011 bright green Prehnite, and associated with Native Copper and Chrysocolla. It occurs also in the Isle of May, where it is found on the west cliff, in small SILICATES. 63 crystals of the combination mnedi, mp(c)nd (Plate LXIX., fig. 3), in Prehnite, and associated with Scolecite (Fleming). EDINBURGHSHIRE. Corstorphine Hill, in the east quarry, associated with Prehnite, in colourless to white crystals of the comb. camxLgno (Plate LXIX., ? fig. 5) ; also in the north quarry. Salisbury Crags, on the north side of the south quarry, in a vein which inclined to the east at a high angle. The Datolite was associated with Analcime and yellow Prehnite. The crystals from this locality are generally minute and colourless, but in the Earl of Cathcart's Collection there is a specimen from the quarry referred to on which the crystals of Datolite are pale greenish -yellow, and are three-quarters of an inch in length. It occurs also in the cutting on the Barnton railway in Barnton Park, just west of the station, coating fissures in picrite, in fine crystals, generally per se, but closely associated with Prehnite, Pectolite, Analcime, and Natrolite (Goodchild and H.). DUMBARTONSHIRE. Bowling quarry, in isolated crystals, in a vein which cuts the eruptive rock. KENFREWSHIRE. In the Bishopton railway tunnel, in magnificent groups of large snow-white crystals, engaged in spherical brushes of green Prehnite. Some of Thomson's " Konilite " seems to be the granular Datolite of Glen Farg, which occurs, especially in the north tunnel, along with Prehnite and crystallised Datolite, at its southern mouth, and also in lumps per se at its northern mouth. us. Zoisite (406). Ca 2 (A10H)Al 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 . Orthorhombic. [a, 100; I, 010; m, 110; /, Oil; o, 111.] Civ., brachydiagonal perfect. H., 6 ; G., 3 -2 to 34. White, brownish-grey, and dark green. B.B. intumesces, and forms a white or yellow porous mass, and, on the edges, fuses to a clear glass. Comp., 2 9 '8 Alumina, 24-35 Lime, 2-8 Oxide of Iron, 40'3 Silica, and 21 Water. Analyses Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. y xxix. 2: 6. Macadam, Min. Mag., v. : S.G. Si0 2 Al a 3 Fe 2 3 FOe MnO CaO MgO KO Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Loch Garve, . 3-268 40-07 30-83 1 -58 48 22 23-66 48 50 42 2-10 100-35 2. Glen Urquhart, 3 to 3-111 39-60 31-08 2-07 08 23-34 tr. 57 1-06 2-41 100-20 3. 3-014 41-56 29 90 ... 3-21 22-14 33 34 68 2-19 100-36 4. 3-317 39-51 30-83 2-52 08 22-81 68 9 2'50 99-83 5. Laggan, 3-438 38-75 28-14 6-5*5 92 22-03 41 3-33 100-13 6. Loch Garve, . 43-00 27-73 2-47 ... 24-16 1-40 87 99-63 64 SILICATES. ROSS-SHIRE and CROMARTYSQIRE. In Contin parish, at Fannich, on the west slopes of Meallan Eairigidh, yellowish-white, in garnetiferous schist. On the south-east slopes of Sgurr Mor, near the summit. On the east side of Carn na Criche, resembling Tremolite, but hard and lustrous, and occurs in crystals 2 inches in length. In the fault north of the Raven's Rock, Strathpeffer, in lustrous brown crystals. On the south side of Loch Garve, about a quarter of a mile east of the inn, in a quartz vein, in pale brown crystals (Bell) Anals. 1 and 6. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, in the centre of the limestone quarries, near Gortally, nearly white in colour, and imbedded in Calcite and associated with Quartz, fibres of Actinolite, and, very rarely, with Scapolite Anals. 2-4 (Plate LXIX., fig. 1). Near the Free Church of Millton, rarely, in large green crystals, associated with Biotite, and, rarely, with Wollastonite. In boulders in the Asylum grounds at Inver- ness (Aitken). At Grantown, in the limestone quarry of Achna- gonalin, in green crystals, associated with Cinnamonstone. At Laggan, Dulnanbridge, in the upper limestone quarry, in Quartz, in pale brown, lustrous crystals, associated with Chlorite, Sahlite, and Biotite (Geikie) Anal. 5. ARGYLLSHIRE. Glen Creran, on Sgor na h Ulaidh, associated with Hornblende, Garnet, and Chlorite. Glen Coe, in the banks of the stream in Coire Muidhe, half a mile south-west of Clachaig, in quartz bands in gneiss. 114 Emdote (407} f Ca 2 (A10H)Al 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 . .14. Epidote (407). -^ 7 , C a 2 (FeOH)Fe 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 . _Monoclmic. [m (c), 001; t (a), 100; z (m), 110; e, 101; r, 101; I, 201 ; /3, 403 ; /, 301 ; o, Oil ; &, 012 ; n t 111 ; w, 211 ; y, 211 ; q t 221 ; d, 111.] Crystals complex, with many partial forms. Hemitropes united by a, 100, also columnar and granular. Civ., m (c) perfect, t (a) imper- fect. Fracture conchoidal to splintery. H., 6 to 7; G., 3'2 to 3*5. Pellucid; lustre vitreous. Colour, green to yellowish-grey. B.B. fuses and swells to a dark brown slag; after fusion it is soluble with gelatinisation in h. acid. Comp., 27*4 Alumina, 8'5 Ferric Oxide, 23'9 Lime, 38'3 Silica, 1-9 Water. Analyses Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxix. 2 : ! | Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Balta Sound, . 2. Niddister, 3875 37-87 26-99 2472 7-90 9-96 1-80 36 50 54 20-38 23'10 79 77 25 21 2-37 2'82 99-94 100-14 3. North Quin Geo, 36-13 20-57|14-92 ... 31 23-02 ... ... 4-57 99-82 4. Glengairn, 38-37 26-0910-39 74 21-64 24 ... 2-44 99-91 6. Glencoe (Withamite) 4323 23-09 6-68 1-13 14 20-00 88 96 94 2-4 9970 Kpidoi r SILICATES. 65 SHETLAND. Balta island, at the Great Geo, in crystals imbedded in Quartz Anal. 1. Unst, Bridge of Baliasta, Scorza, in minute pale pea- green crystals in a matrix of Hornblende (D. and H.). Yell, one mile north of the mouth of Hamna Voe, in radiating acicular crystals associated with Garnet in epidotic " syenite." Mainland, Hillswick, Banks of the Niddister, imbedded in Hornblende, leek-green Anal. 2. At Carneba, with Tourmaline, Scorza (D. and H.). North Quin Geo, in stellate groups of green crystals Anal. 3. SUTHERLANDSHIRE. In a knoll to the north of Shiness, west of Ness, associated with Sphene in a rock-compound of granular Orthoclase and Hornblende (D. and H.). ROSS-SHIRE. In a hill ridge, 1J miles south-east of Loch na Sgalaig, between Loch na Sheallag and Loch Fewa, in hornblendic gneiss, in very fine crystals, five-eighths of an inch wide. Combinations : simple figures, mtflrnzyo (Plate LXIX., fig. 1); mrlftnzy\?\a (Plate LXIX., fig. 2), opposite end ; mrlftnzq (Plate LXIX., fig. 3) ; mtflr -, opposite ends (Plate LXX., fig. 4) ; and twins, ra dfr no-zt (Plate LXX., fig. 5); mtfrnd (Plate LXX., fig. 6); mtflfirn (Plate LXX., fig. 7); mtflnzoy (Plate LXX., fig. 8); mtflnzoy (Plate LXX., fig. 9). Craig na Fearn ; Poolewe, in gneiss ; " Glen Logan," in gneiss, and the west slopes of Lurg Mhor. HEBRIDES. Lewis, half a mile south-west of Airidh a' Chreagain, Loch a' Chlachain, crystallised, and growing out of epidosite in thin veins in hornblende gneiss. Similarly near Breascleit, Loch Eoag. In the bed of the stream out of Loch Lacsabhat lorach, Loch Carloway. Loch Eesort, in the cliffs of the stream flowing out of Loch na Craobhaig, east of Loch Thamanabhaidh. North Uist, half a mile north of the inn at Loch Maddy, in Quartz, along with blue Quartz and Orthoclase, in granite veins in hornblende gneiss. Monach Islands, near the Lighthouse, and also on -(-Eternal Island, in Oligoclase veins [pegmatites] in hornblendic gneiss. These [pegmatites] contain fibrous Hornblende, a little Ortho- clase, and some Quartz. The Epidote is fibrous, and is brown and pale green in colour, and is associated with Apatite, masses of Ilmenite, and light brown Sphene. Skye. Near Loch Scavaig (MacCulloch). Glamaig, crystallised in cavities in syenite [granophyric hornblende granite] (MacCulloch). On the south-east slopes of Sgurr Dearg, in crystals in cavities in gabbro, associated with brushes of white Natrolite. In crystals penetrating vein-Prehnite on the south slopes of Sgur nan Gillean and on Druim nan Ramh. Mull. Loch Scridain, near Killiemore, in vapour cavities in " wackenitic trap " (Eose) which are solidly filled with white Scolecite. VOL. II. B 66 SILICATES. The Epidote occurs as dark green crystals in the part of the druse nearest the rock. It occurs in a similar manner about two thousand feet up the S.W. shoulder of Ben More at Meall nan Damh, mrtn (Currie). IONA. In a rock of red felspar and quartz [gneiss]. " In clinkstone " (Greg). Withamite occurs in an erratic at Port na Curaich (Currie). INVERNESS-SHIRE. At Glenelg, crystallised in veins, south of Ellan- reoch. Near Loch Spey, in a singular rock-compound of crystals of Epidote imbedded in felspar, with large porphyritic crystals of Augite (Eose). Near Loch Ashie (Aitken). ARGYLLSHIRE. At Am Bodach, Glen Coe, about two miles above Loch Triochatan, very rarely, and of a bright green colour, in veins and amygdaloidal nodules, with Byssolite and Chlorite, in purple felspathic porphyry [Old Eed andesitic lavas]. At the same spot the variety called Withamite is found in very minute acicular crystals, m n t r (Plate LXX., fig. 10); these crystals are of a brilliant lustre, purplish-red in colour, and transparent, and they radiate inward towards the centre of the cavity in which they occur. A narrow zone of a milky substance like Saussurite occurs in some specimens between the Withamite and the rock. The crystals of Withamite are red, and yellow, respectively, in two directions at right angles to each other (Macknight and Brewster) Anal. 5. At Meall Bhalach, north of Kingshouse, on the north-east shoulder, and 300 feet below the summit, well crystallised, in granitic gneiss. Ben Cruachan, on Monadh Driseag, a little east of the quarries, in small crystalline concretions and crystals, associated with Quartz, Sphene, and Molybdenite, in altered dark-coloured gneiss (Stuart Thom- son and H.). Bonawe, Loch Etive, in the southern of the two quarries, in Pyrites, in the centre of druses, which are very rarely found in the central portions of the rock. The only associate is finely crystallised Chlorite. In the east cliffs of Creag Dhubh, ten miles from the south end of Loch Awe, in plumose groupings of crystals. On the right bank of the Eiver Awe, below the bridge of Awe, with Calcite, Saponite, and Hornblende in amygdaloid (Macknight). At Erins, Knapdale, and at Ballyphaetrish, Tiree. BANFFSHIRE. In the third granite vein east of Portsoy, associated with Muscovite and Tourmaline, rarely. In a vein traversing diorite, north-east of the Old Battery at Portsoy, in the form of Scorza, of a grey colour, massive, and with a granular structure resembling that of marble, in a matrix of plumose crystals of Edenite and massive Idocrase. About a quarter of a mile east of Whitehills, in Quartz belts on the shore, rarely, and associated with Andalusite and Muscovite. On the east bank of the Avon, opposite Gaulrig, in one of the tributaries of that river, associated with acicular Hornblende (Cunningham). SILICATES. 67 ABERDEENSHIRE. In Dobston quarry, near Inverurie, in biotite gneiss, associated with Oligoclase, Ilmenite, etc. Tillyfourie, in gneiss, in the old quarry, finely crystallised, mrtn (Plate LXX., fig. 11). North of Tornahaish, Corgarff Castle, on the north-west side of the Don, in radiated nests of pale green crystals in " syenite." Creag Mhor, north of Balmoral, in old limestone quarries, associated with Idocrase, Garnet and Grossular, mrtn (Plate LXX., fig. 11). Glen Gairn, in the limestone quarry at Dalnabo, in clusters of radiating sap-green crystals ; also pale brown, with Prehnite, Idocrase, Garnet, and Greenovite Anal. 4. At the Bullers of Buchan, in granite. KINCARDIXESHIRE. About half way between the village of Torry and the Girdleness, in granite veins, associated with hepatic Pyrites, together with Orthoclase and Chlorite. At Stonehaven Bay, in acicular crystals in sandstone rock (Greg). At Tilquhillie, in gneiss. PERTHSHIRE. Near Blairgowrie, 1 mile north of the Bridge of Cally, in Quartz veins traversing gneiss, and associated with Ilmenite and Chlorite. STIRLINGSHIRE. Loch Lomond, at Eowardennan, in two dykes of felspar porphyry, in the form of twin crystals, which are associated with Hornblende and Chlorite. Also 1 mile south of that spot, in two dykes of similar character, associated with the same minerals, with the addition of Garnet and Pyrites. EDINBURGHSHIRE. At the south extremity of Salisbury Crags [in vapour cavities in Dolerite]. BUTE. Arran, mrltnz (Plate LXXI., fig. 12) (Greg). KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. At Cassencarrie granite quarry, in red granite, Epidote occurs as large crystals of a dark green colour, m tfl rzo (Plate LXXI., fig. 13) and mrln (Plate LXXI., fig. 14) (D. and H.). 115. Allanite (409). (Ca,Fe) 2 (A10H)(Al,Ce,Fe) 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 . Monoclinic. [m (c), 001 ; t (a), 100 ; r, 101 ; n, Til ; z (m), 110.] Often massive or granular; fracture conchoidal. H., 6; G., 34 to 3-8. Translucent on the edges ; lustre vitreous to resinous. Colour- black, to brown or greenish ; streak greenish-grey. B.B. froths and melts to a brown glass. Gelatinises with h. acid. Comp., 12 to 18 Alumina with Peroxide of Iron, 13 to 26 Oxide of Cerium and Lan- thanum, 2 to 12 Yttria, 4 to 20 Peroxide of Iron, 30 of Silica. ORKNEY. Savil boulder, Sanday (Flett). SUTIIERLANDSIIIRE. Tongue, in the great [pegmatite] boulder on Beinn Bhreac, in small crystals, rarely, associated with brown Microcliue, Mag- netite, Fluor, Babingtonite, Thorite, etc. (D. and H.). Lairg, at Cnoc 68 SILICATES. Dubh, in a granitic vein in " Syenite," with Sphene, Haughtonite, Oligo- clase, and Orthoclase. KOSS-SHIRE. In augen gneiss, in the bed of the stream in Strath Vaich. Near the bridge at Inchbae, in the same rock, associated with Molybdenite. On the south-west shoulder of Ben Wyvis. In granitic masses, with Tourmaline, near the inn [? at Aultnamain], between Dingwall and Bonar Bridge (Dudgeon). INVERNESS-SHIRE. At the waterfall in Dochfour Burn, in a granitic vein, associated with Pyrites and Abriachanite (Aitken and H.). Glen Urquhart, in the largest of the limestone quarries above Millton, in a felsitic belt, in which it occurs in considerable quantity, m trnz (Plate LXXI.jfig. 1). About a mile south of Boat of Garten, in a syenitic boss, m t r n z. HEBRIDES. Harris, on the north side of East Loch Tarbert, about three hundred yards east of the pier, in graphic granite, and associated with black mica. South Uist, at the east end of Loch Bee, with Musco- vite, in Hebridean gneiss. Tiree, Salum Bay, in a dyke of pyroxenic granite. ARGYLLSHIRE. On the west side of Loch Etive, in Barrs granite quarry, along with Sphene, Molybdenite, Chlorite, and Pyrites. On the island at the Ferry of Bonawe, in granite veins. BANFFSHIRE. At Ternemny, near Knock, in the quarry of micaceous diorite. At the Ord, in " syenite." ABERDEENSHIRE. In Anguston quarry, in " crocus " veins, with Orthoclase, Oligoclase, Ilmenite, Sphene, and Haughtonite. Tillypronie, near the col between Morven and Pressendye Hill, in a vein in diorite, associated with Hornblende, Labradorite, Iserine, Sphene, and Biotite. At Badnagoach, on the Deskry Water, in a vein in diorite, with Labra- dorite, Sphene, Hornblende, and Iserine. Near Kincardine O'Neil, on Deeside, in a granite vein on the south side of the river, one crystal was found nearly an inch in length. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Criffel, in a glen 1 mile west of New Abbey, where it occurred in a coarse-grained hornblende granite, associated with crystals of Sphene. Fell Hill, Creetown, forms m, t, r, sometimes twinned on a (Flett). Axinite Group. lie. Axinite (410). [A minute crystal, doubtfully referred to this species, was found by the author in the old quarry of Tillyfourie, Donside, ABERDEENSHIRE, at the junction of the granite with the gneiss, and in association with Epidote and Rock- Crystal.] SILICATES. 69 117. Prehnite (411). H 2 Ca 2 Al 2 (Si0 4 ) 3 . Orthorhombic. [b (a\ 100; a (b), 010; c t 001; m, 110; n, 302; v, 304 ; s, 661 ; r, 221 ; 0, ? 120 ; e, ? = o, 061.] Distinct individual crystals rare ; usually in groups of tabular forms parallel to c; but also prismatic parallel to both the vertical and the brachy diagonal axes, hence varying much in form. Commonly occurs in botryoidal aggregations. Faces c striated parallel to their intersections with n and o ; a, m, striated parallel to their intersections with c. Civ., c tolerably perfect, in less so. Lustre on c pearly, vitreous elsewhere. Streak white ; brittle. H., 6 to 7 ; Gr., 2 -8 to 3. Transparent to trans- lucent. Sometimes colourless ; but generally green of bright, but pale, tints; sometimes lemon-yellow, or even pinkish. Becomes electrically polar by heat. B.B. intumesces greatly, melting to a porous enamel. In powder, only partially soluble in h. acid; but after ignition is decom- posed completely, forming a jelly of silica. Comp., Silica, 43*6; Alumina, 24-9 ; Lime, 271 ; Water, 4-4. Analyses:!, 2, 8, T.R.S.E., xxviii. p. 197; 3, Glum. N., xxvii. 56; 4, 6, 7, Miner.', 5, Arsber. (1825), v. 220; 5a, Zeit. cl Geol. Ges. (1877), xxxix. 579. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO CaO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Glen Gairu, 44 22-39 36 2-22 25-49 48 tr. 4-83 99-77 Heddle. 2. ,, pseudo 44-11 22-57 2-89 ... 25-48 tr. tr. 4-60 99-65 Heddle. 3. Bowling, 43-41 24-77 ... 27-13 27 4-20 99-78 W. Young. 4. K"ear Glasgow white, 42-22 23-68 2-06 23-52 5-58; 98-06 Thomson. 5. Dumbarton, 44-10 24-26 74 26-43 4-18 1 99-71 Walmstedt. 60. 43-45 23-80 1-16 26-89 470 100-00 Lemberg. 6. Edinburgh, 43 '05 23-84 66 1-60 26-16 1-03 tr. 4-60! 9976 Lehunt. 7. Hartfield Moss, 43 '60 23-00 ... 2-00 22 '33 640 97-33 Thomson. 8. Girvan, . 42-62 23-85 08 1-66 24-86 95 1-17 4-71 9978 Heddle. SHETLAND. In Yell, in gneiss (MacCulloch). HEBRIDES. Skye, in the trap of Portree (MacCulloch). In nodules in one of the trap veins which cut the sandstone of Strathaird (Mac- Culloch). " On the shores opposite to the point of Clachan, in Easay, often passing into Mesotype, and forming an integral part of a rock composed of augite, glassy felspar, and common felspar" (Mac- Cull ocli). Very rarely, in veins, on the south side of Sgur nan Gillean, pale green, with doubly- terminated white Eock Crystals, which are sprinkled on the surface of the mammillations of the Prehnite. Druim nan Eamh, in solid veins of a white colour, with imbedded crystals of Epidote, next to the rock surface. Earely, with Augite, and Labradorite, on the west side, just below the peak of Sgurr a' Bhasteir. Also in Coire Labain. Eaasay, at the point of Clachan, white (MacCulloch). 70 SILICATES. Mull, in the northern division, with Stilbite, Mesolite, and Analcime (MacCulloch). Near Pennycross, Loch Scridain, sparingly, with Scolecite and Epidote (Rose). With Thornsonite, Carsaig Arches (Currie). In the screes of Meall nam Damh, south-west of Ben More, from a wackeii- itic rock, associated with Scolecite (Currie). ABERDEENSHIRE. Glen Gairn, in the limestone quarry of Dalnabo. camber v (Plate LXXI., fig. 1), pale green to colourless, with Idocrase, Coccolite, Anorthite (Anal. 1) ; also forming pseudomorphs after Anor- thite Anal. 2. In a quarry on [? Creag Mhor, 2 miles north-west] of Crathie, associated with Wollastonite and Coccolite. ARGYLLSHIRE. At the Manor House, Oban, as a crystalline, pale green lining of a trap dyke traversing schist. The Prehnite underlies Pectolite (Nicol). Glencoe, about two miles above the lake [Loch Triochatan], near the road side at the foot of Am Bodach, in near association with green Epidote, Byssolite, and Chlorite. In a quarry five or six miles west of Dunoon (Blackwood). KINCARDINESHIRE. At Tremuda Bay, near Stonehaven, calm (Plate LXXI., fig. 2). PERTHSHIRE. In Glen Farg (MacCulloch). At the south end of the cutting made in 1888 ; pale green per se ; and sometimes crystallised, with Chalcocite, Native Copper, earthy Malachite, and Calcite. Some- times pinkish in colour, and associated with Datolite (A. Craig Christie). FIFESHIRE. Rarely, in a dyke in Kinness Burn, 1 mile west of St Andrews, along with Apophyllite. In the cliffs west side of the Island of May, with Scolecite and Datolite (Fleming). STIRLINGSHIRE. At the Campsie Hills, in the vapour cavities of Lower Carboniferous lavas, in which it occurs in the form of radiated, globuli- form, mammillated groups of crystals, of a pale green colour, and often accompanied by Thomsonite, me, meal, alcsnv (Greg). At the north-west end of the Mugdock tunnel, in dark greyish-green mammil- lations, associated with plates of Native Copper. DUMBARTONSHIRE. Near Frisky Hall (Bowling quarry) (Jameson), in large quantity, chiefly in two great veins which traverse the quarry from west to east ; but also occasionally in isolated druses in the north part of this quarry ; comb, cmab (Plate LXXI., fig. 2). The Prehnite is nearly persistent throughout these veins, though occasionally, where the veins are not so strong, it gives place to one or other, or to several, of the other zeolites mentioned below. Its character at different parts of the veins changes materially. Where the vein-structure is most marked, the Prehnite is in sheets, flat, fibrous, and of palecolours, and has indis- tinct terminations Anal. 3. Where the veins break up into lines of SILICATES. 71 more or less separate druses, the colours become finer, the mammillations more prominent, and the individual crystals more isolated, and so more perfectly formed. Occasionally the association of one or more of the other zeolites seems also to effect this more perfect assumption of definitely crystallised terminations. The associated minerals, which are generally in the smaller offset veins, are Analcime, Thomsonite, Natrolite, Laumontite, Harmotome, Barytes, Edingtonite, Chabazite, and Stilbite. The two last named are always in separate veins. The general combina- tions of the crystals in the veins are calms and cabmsnv (Plate LXXL, figs. 3 and 4). S. G., 2, 885 (Haidinger). Very frequently the pale green fibrous Prehnite passes at one end of the fibres into milk-white solid Pseudo-Analcime. The structure of this is a mass of matted fibres at the faces of the crystals, while their usually hollow centres show mammillations of a green or, rarely, of a bright yellow Prehnite. The colours of the vein-Prehnite are, at the west end of the veins, brownish-white ; at the central portions, of a vivid light green ; while at the east end, when the colour departs from the usual dull green, it is either bluish-white (with the surface of the mammilla- tions so smooth as to have a chalcedonic appearance), yellow-green, or sulphur-yellow. In the cavities the crystals are generally isolated, calm (Plate LXXL, fig. 2), and the associates, if there are any, are Natrolite and " Prasilite " (or crystalline Saponite). Dumbarton Eock, with capillary Mesolite, in basalt (MacCulloch) Anal. 5, 5a. In Cochno Burn (Jameson). Near Loch Humphrey (Jameson). EDINBURGHSHIRE. Formerly obtained at the Edinburgh Castle Eock, in colourless mammillations, and underlying Pectolite, sometimes with Barytes and Calcite (Thomson) Anal. 6. Also, rarely, in cavities per se. Also flabelliform over a (Plate LXXIL, fig. 5). At the old quarry at the south end of Salisbury Crags, of a pale green colour, and associated with Analcime and Datolite. Also in mammillatious and hemispherical groupings, of a fine yellow or orange colour, associated with Barytes and Calcite (Jameson). In a vein immediately to the east of Samson's Eibs, Arthur's Seat, in flabelliform groups, of yellowish-green and greyish-white colours. In the Calton Hill tunnel, with Analcime (Eose). In the great quarry at the north end of Corstorphine Hill, bright green in colour, and in orbicular and flabelliform groups, associated with Chalcopyrite, pinch- beck brown mica (? Biotite), Calcite, and Amethyst (Eose), casn, casr (Plate LXXIL, figs. 6 and 7). In the east quarry, pale green, and, some- times, pink, with Augite, Labradorite, Amethyst, and Harmotome. Some- times with Apophyllite (Bryson). Barn ton, in veins in Picrite (Goodchild). LIXLITHGOWSHIRE. In the neighbourhood of Uphall, in distinct sheafs and mammillations, and, rarely, crystals, camsq (Plate LXXIL, 72 SILICATES. fig. 8), of a rich brown colour (Stuart Thomson). In a quarry on the east side of the Edinburgh road to South Queensferry, near Dalmeny, cam^n (Plate LXXIL, fig. 9) (Craig Christie), unassociated. EENFREWSHIRE. At Hartfield Moss (Jameson), waxy-white, opaque, and radiated, associated with Cluthalite and Analcime, not infrequently assuming the form of the latter (Greg) Anal. 7 ; grey in colour, and, in appearance, like Chalcedony, associated with Saponite. Also crys- tallised, cm ah At Bishopton tunnel (Jameson). Some specimens, associated with sheafy Thomsonite, Galactite, and Calcite, are perfectly botryoidal, each grape- like group of crystals being only just in contact with those adjoining such as these are bright green in colour. Others, associated with Greenockite, are in spheres, imbedded in a wackenitic paste. Eare specimens, which are associated with Datolite, though of paler colour than these latter, are in exquisite groups of fasciculitic tufts and spheres. Harmotome, Analcime, and Galena are here rare associates. At Boyleston quarry, Barrhead, in large quantity, and solely in mis- shapen druses in the harder portion of a porphyritic basic lava. Free crystals are very rare. The associates are Native Copper, which is frequently disposed in filaments and needles between the brushes of Prehnite, and which colours them brown-red, Analcime, Natrolite, Thomsonite, Malachite, Kubinglimmer, and variously and finely- crystallised Calcite. The Prehnite is usually of a pale green colour, but isolated hemispheres occur, which are of a fine yellow colour, and are sometimes disposed over, or among, the crystals of Analcime. Earely, some druses contain lustrous groups of an exceedingly light green and milk-white colour. Mickle Cloak, Lochwinnoch, in dull, radiated, dead- white crystals (Montgomery). AYRSHIRE. At the Hill of Beith, half a mile east of Beith( Jameson). With Native Copper, Analcime, and Calcite ; dark green, at Berry Glen, Kelly Burn (Doran). Loudoun Hill, with Datolite (?) (Brown). Channel of the Irvine (Brown). Lendalfoot, 1 mile north of, in Anorthite, with Native Copper, at the Diallage locality. Near Pin- bain, crystallised, in small veins in shale, camb (Plate LXXIL, fig. 10). In undulating veins, or bands, with occasionally traces of crystals, in a foliated rock at Carleton Port Anal. 8. In the Swinzie Burn, more than two miles east of Stewart on, near which the burn passes to join the Annick Water, bluish- white mammillations, in loose bits (Blackwood). Eye Water, about one mile above Baidland limestone quarry, in a por- phyritic basic eruptive rock, along with Calcite, pink Stilbite, and Fluor, colourless spheres of the size of peas, generally filling the druses, with little saponitic crust (Watson). Tophead quarry, Caldwell, with Analcime and Calcite (Blackwood). SILICATES. 73 BUTE. Arran, at Dun Fionn, between Brodick and Lamlash, "forming, witli Augite and Mesotype, an integral part of a greenstone bed" (Mac- Culloch). IV. SUBSILICATES. II. Oxygen Ratio for Si :K=:2 : 3. [us. Calamine (423). H 2 Zn 2 Si0 5 . Orthorhombic and hemimorphic. a (b), 010; 6 (a), 100; c, 001 ; m, 110; w (t), 301; e (s), 101; u (/A), 201. [In figs. 182, , 301; J, 010.] Commonest forms : a (b), m, w (t). Also occurs in columnar, fibrous, granular, and earthy forms. Civ., prismatic (m) very perfect; along e (s) less so. H., 5 ; G., 3*3 to 3'5. Transparent to translucent ; lustre vitreous to pearly. Usually colourless; but often white, light grey, yellow, green, brown, and blue. Strongly pyroelectric. B.B. decrepi- tates slightly, but is infusible ; treated with cobalt solution, becomes blue and partly green. Readily dissolved in acids, with gelatinisation. Comp., 25 Silica, 67'5 Zinc Oxide, 7'5 Water. Analyses : 1. Phil. Mag., 1840, 2. ZnO Cu Si0 2 Pb Fe 2 3 S H 2 Total. 1. Leadhills, 66-8 23'2 10-8 102-8 Thomson. 2. . 59-0 31-5 1-9 2'6 4-9 99-9 Wheeler. 3. ,, yellow, 59-9 321 1-5 5-2 987 Collie. 4. ,, blue, . 60-6 24-2 27 1-9 107 100-1 Wheeler. 5. blue, . 62-1 9 24'3 1-9 1-2 ... 9-3 997 Collie. Wanlockbead, Bay mine, in acicular crystals, bmw, "bmwue, gener- ally colourless, but in some cases coloured chrome-yellow by encrusta- tions of Pyromorphite. Also occurs there (and also at Pibble mine, near Creetown, KIRKCUDBRIGHT), in botryoidal masses, often brightly coloured various shades of green, blue, and yellow, and occasionally investing crystals of galena. In one case a chalky deposit of this mineral, partly coloured blue, had taken place upon some old timber in the mine.] 119. Tourmaline (426). Ehombohedral and hemimorphic. [b (m), 2lT, 10lO;_a, Oil, 1120; o (c), 111, 00_01j_?M?, 100, 1011 ; e, Oil, 10T2 ; t, 021, 2131 ; s (o), 111, 2021 ; x, 2lT, 2T32.] Crystals usually long-prismatic and vertically striated ; also occurs in radiating and fibrous aggregations. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. H., 74 SILICATES. 6 -5 to 7 '5 ; G., 3 to 3'3. The black varieties are opaque, most of the others more or less transparent. Lustre vitreous. Colour, generally black ; but sometimes colourless, or yellow, brown, blue, green, and rose-red; streak white. Different colours often disposed in layers parallel to the vertical axis ; and portions of one crystal differing also in colour along that axis. By friction acquires positive electricity, and becomes elec- trically polar when heated. Powder insoluble in h. acid; imperfectly soluble in s. acid. Comp., complex ; but all varieties contain water and fluorine, and some boracic acid. Analysis by Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. JEdin., xxxix. p. 348 : Si0 2 A1 2 0.> Fe 2 3 B 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na^O F P0 4 H.>0 35-538 35-55 '18 10768 7'12 '307 1*108 3'538 1'072 '429 1'705 tr. 2'955 SHETLAND. Unst, on the west slopes of a hill a mile east of Wood- wick, with Kyanite, Grenatite, and Garnet, rarely (D. and H.). Main- land, at the north-west end of Colla Firth, in margarodite schist. Hills- wick, at Carneba, brown with Scorza and red felspar, in mica schist (D. and H.). Opposite St Ninian's Isle, in mica schist. Fetlar, in large crystals in Quartz, on the west shore of Tresta Voe. Whalsey, in large black crystals in felspar (Thomas). SUTHERLAND. In granite, near Culrain inn, in large crystals (Dudgeon). Beinn Laoghal, in a vein in the " Syenite " of Sgor a' Chonais aite, along with Amazonstone, Topaz, and Thorite. KOSS-SHIRE. At Stittenham, Sgurr Mairc-Suidhe, on the south side of Loch Luichart. At the Glensgaich railway cutting, in a nodular Quartz vein, associated with Garnet, Muscovite, Apatite. The Tour- maline here is usually black, and, very rarely, green in colour. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Struy Bridge, in the quarry to the south, with Beryl, Garnet, Muscovite, and pink Orthoclase Anal. 1. HEBRIDES. Mull, at Bunessan, in mica schist, and at Creag a' Chro- main, on the west shore of Loch Assapol, with felspar and dark mica, in a vein in the schists ; with faces mreoa (Koch l ) (Plate LXXIII., fig. 1). ARGYLLSHIRE. In Glen Finart, half-way up the south-west slopes of Ben a Chabair, brown fibrous in quartz. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in the first granite vein on the east shore of the Bay of Durn, with Muscovite, graphic Garnet, and Orthoclase. In the third granite vein at the point with graphic Garnet, Muscovite, and Apatite, bap (Plate LXXIII., fig. 2), black, and, very rarely, green. The crystals here are frequently curved, and still more frequently frac- tured across and faulted. Sometimes the dislodged portions are simply recemented, but more frequently the fragments are cemented by Quartz. 1 Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii. p. 52. SILICATES. 75 In tli3 granite vein east of the graphic granite vein, associated with plumose Muscovite. A little east of Whitehills, in veins in gneiss, bap. ABERDEEXSHIRE. At Eubislaw quarry, with Orthoclase, Garnet, Muscovite, Beryl, and Apatite, sometimes in magnificent crystals 8 inches by 1J inch, and finely terminated, mar to (Plate LXXIIL, fig. 3). West of Ellon, in gneiss. At Brupter, Old Meldrum, in granite veins in gneiss. Near Smiddyhill, Logic Coldstone, rarely. Near the Manse of Towie, in large crystals in Quartz. At Daviot, in granite. Near Kildrummy. At Thiefs Slack, Broom Hill, Clova, large, imbedded, radiating groups of crystals, in Quartz veins and in granite. In granite veins, cutting decomposed micaceous gneiss, on the south-east slopes of Clashnarae Hill, Clova. In the Cabrach, on the south slopes of Leids Hill, in granite. In a field near Blackhills. In the banks of the Burn of the Gauch. In Balvalley Moss. On the Mount of Had- doch, in schorlaceous, lustrous masses. In Glen Bucket, near the Ladder Pass, loose isolated crystals, rarely. Burn of Glenny, north Clova glen, near Todstown, in very fine, lustrous, black crystals, in a graphic granite vein; also, bars, holohedral. (Plate LXXIIL, fig. 4.) KINCARDINESHIRE. At Torry, in granite veins, with Beryl. The Tourmaline here often passes apparently into Muscovite. In veins in the Stoney Hill of Nigg, associated with Oligoclase and Pyrites, bap. FORFARSHIRE. Near Loch Brandy, on its south side ; common also in the schists on the west slopes below the loch (Goodchild). In Quartz, on the stone heaps of the f White Catterthun, near Brechin, b a p. PERTHSHIRE. Near Dunkeld, in mica schist. Glen Falloch, Beinn a' Chaisteil, in the south-east corrie below the summit, associated with Ilmenite. Ben More, on its west slopes, fibrous. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. New Galloway, indigo blue and brownish green, on the north-east side of Knocknairling Hill, graphic in Quartz, in a coarse- grained granite vein, which cuts Silurian grits (Gardiner). 120. Staurolite (428). H 4 (Fe,Mg) 6 (Al,Fe). 24 Si n O, GO' Orthorhombic. [a (b), 100 ; c, 001 ; ra, 110 ; r, Oil.] Twins common. Civ., brachydiagonal perfect ; fracture conch oidal to splintery. H., 7 ; G., 3'5 to 3'8. Translucent to opaque ; lustre vitreous to resinous. Colour, reddish-brown. Streak, white. B.B. infusible. Not affected by h. acid ; partially soluble in s. acid. Cornp., Silica, 30 ; Alumina, 48*5, with 5'5 Iron Peroxide, 12'5 Iron Protoxide, 3'5 Magnesia. SHETLAND. Unst, on the west slopes of the Hamars, half a mile to the east of Woodwick, with Kyanite and Garnets, in a micaceous clay slate. 76 SILICATES. Combs. : mar (Plate LXXIIL, fig. 2), mac twins (Plate LXXIIL, fig. 1) (Hibbert). Mainland, Bixter Voe, in mica schist ; " crystals as large as those from Brittany " (MacCulloch). BANFFSHIKE. Portsoy, about one yard west of the serpentine and immediately west of the clay slate, in black muscovite schist, in good crystals, associated with Kyanite. On the east foot of Sillyearn Hill, near Anderson's Wards farm, in a similar rock (Home). Near Keith. At the upper fork of the Burn of Boharm, imbedded in quartz seams in clay slate, of a rich brown or amber colour, and with a tesselated structure (Plate LXXIII, fig. 1). In the west bank of the Burn of Aldernie, near limestone in clay slate, with black Kyanite, and displaying the same structure. Marnoch, near the mill of Auchentool, Kinnairdy Castle, in phyllite schist, with Andalusite (Peyton and H.). Loch Builg, on the east side of the stream, about a mile north of the lake, in quartz veins in limestone, and associated with Kyanite, Sphene, Chlorite, and Garnet. ABERDEENSHIRE. In the Ardonald limestone quarry, between Keith and Huntly, in quartz veins, and, in the adjoining rock, associated with Kyanite (Cunningham). In the flagstone quarry at the summit of Correen Hill, rarely, along with Andalusite. On the north-west slopes of Pit- fichie Hill, Monymusk, with Andalusite, in phyllite. On a hill south-east of the Buck of Cabrach. " Xantholite " is apparently a variety of Staurolite containing magnesia, and of which the crystalline form may be oblique. It occurs, rarely, in INVERNESS-SHIRE, at Glen Urquhart, about a hundred yards west of the Free Church of Millton, in small orange-yellow crystals, in a rock consisting of Edenite, together with white and brown Biotite Anal. 1 . The associates are Wollastonite, in veins, hydrous Anthophyllite, and Garnet, this latter mineral inclosing Zircons. Heddle, Min. Mag., 3, 57. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO H 2 Total. 27-12 45-92 8'64 6'90 4'41 2'88 100'16 B. HYDROUS SILICATES. ZEOLITE DIVISION. 121. Okenite (433). H 2 Ca(Si0 3 ) 2 + H 2 0. ? Orthorhombic. Usually fine fibrous ; radiating. H., 5 ; G., 2'2S to 2 -3 6. Pellucid; lustre slightly pearly. Colour, yellowish to bluish-white. In powder easily soluble in h. acid, leaving gelatinous flakes, if treated after ignition. Coinp., 56'6 Silica, 28'4 Lime, 17 Water. SILICATES. Analyses, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ix., p. 251 :- 77 S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 CaO NajO H 2 Total. 1. Loch Brittle, Skye, 2-198 48-28 4-14 30-63 1-68 15-69 100-42 Stuart Thomson. 2. Dunan Earr an Sguirr, Skye, 2-246 64-22 68 27-22 1-02 16-64 99-78 Heddle. HEBRIDES. Skye, at the mouth of the An Leth Allt, near Loch Brittle, close to Heulandite Anal. 1. Dunan Earr an Sguirr Anal. 2. 122. Gyrolite (434). H 2 Ca 2 Si0 3 .H 2 0. Lamellar, radiate, spherical, and investing. H., 3 to 4. Lustre pearly. Colour, bluish-white to cream-coloured. Transparent, but rapidly becoming opaque after exposure. Comp., Silica, 53'3 ; Lime, 32'9 ; Water, 13-8. Analysis by Anderson, Phil. Mag., i. 1851 : Storr, Skye, SiO 2 50-70 A1 2 3 1-48 MgO 18 CaO 32-24 H 2 14-18 Total. 99'78 HEBRIDES. Skye, Kudh' Earr an Sguirr, between Loch Eynort and Loch Brittle, associated with Faroelite (the " farinaceous " zeolite of MacCulloch). An Leth Allt, close to the last-named locality (Currie). Coire Faoiu, south-east of the Storr, with Apophyllite and " Cottonstone " (Bryson and Anderson). Cam Liath, 2 miles north of the Storr, Quiraing, associated with Apophyllite. At the foot of the crag of [Meall na Suiramach] north of the Quiraing, with many other zeolites. North slope of Beinn Eclra, associated with Stilbite, Analcime, and Chabazite. Lyndale, with Mesolite and Chabazite. At the quarry on Portree Green. At the foot of lludha na h-Airde Glaise, Portree, underlying Apophyllite. On the south-east shore of Loch Varkasaig, Loch Bracadale, on Mesolite. Sgurr nam Fiaclh, between Talisker and Loch Eynort, on the shore at both ends of a mass fallen from the cliffs above, in cavities in a hard basalt, with no associates ; but near to other vapour cavities in the same rock which contain Analcime, Laumontite, Scolecite, Stilbite, Chabazite, Calcite, Pilolite, and Mesolite ( = " Cottonstone"). At the foot of the cliff of Beinn nan Cuithean, close to Talisker Point, sea-green in colour, and associated with many other zeolites. Sgurr nam Boc, between Loch Eynort and Loch Brittle, bright green, and associated with Mesolite. At the mouth of An Leth Allt, Loch Brittle. Cauua, on the west shore near the cave. Eigg, on the shore west of the Uamh Fhraing, directly 78 SILICATES. associated in the same cavity with Mesolite alone, but close to other cavities in the same rock which contain only Stilbite, Faroelite, and Mesolite. Eilean Chasgaidh, on its south-west side, associated with Analcime, Mesolite, and Uigite. Mull, behind the farm-house of Carsaig, frequently associated with Analcime. (This is the "foliated zeolite" of Earl Compton.) At both sides of the Carsaig Arches, with many other zeolites. Near fBeinn na Croise, with Laumontite, Tobermorite, and Analcime (Rose). Bloody Bay, north-west of Tobermory. At the foot of the cliffs at Gribun, imbedded in Xonotlite. At Killiemore House, Kilfinichen, Loch Scridain, associated with Graphite. At Dearg Sgeir, and at Carrachan M6r, Ardmheadhnach, where it is associated with Pectolite, but not with Apophyllite. Treshnish Islands, south-east side of Lunga, overlying Scolecite, and Faroelite. North-east side of Sgeir a' Chaisteil, crystallised. Fladda, at the east-south-east corner, on Mesolite, and over- laid by Apophyllite, in the lowest bed of amygdaloidal basalt lava there. Also in the lowest basalt lava of Cairn a' Burgh More, and of Cairn a' Burgh Beg, overlying Faroelite, and in rosette groups imbedded in Calcite. Gyrolite was unquestionably observed and recognised as a new mineral species quite independently by MacCulloch, Haidinger, Giesecke, and Earl Compton ; but the mineralogical science of their days was not sufficiently advanced to enable them to individualise it as a species. MacCulloch (Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. iii.) writes of it : Mesotype one variety " is disposed in a radiated or rather in a ramose manner, in fine fibres possessing the peculiar lustre and softness of the finest white pulverulent Talc. ... In a third instance, which I observed near Loch Eynort, a mass of globules of solid radiated Mesotype, very much resembling some of the oolites, is intermixed throughout with farinaceous scales of the same substance, having the greasy aspect and lustre already described. In speaking of this substance, I have, according to common usage, ranked it with the Mesotypes ; it appearing to have been thus placed, partly because it is found associated with them, and partly because of the theoretical views which have been held respecting its origin. It will be for mineralogists of more authority to consider whether it does not deserve a separate place as a species, the question is evidently of a nature not to be determined by geometrical analysis, as far at least as the varieties already found extend; and the delicacy and uncertainty of unassisted chemical analysis in questions of this nature are far too great to tempt us to seek a new place for it by this kind of investigation." In the fifth volume of the Trans. Geol. Soc. London, again, we find SILICATES. 79 Earl Compton, in the year 1821, giving, among a list of minerals which occur a little way inland, and behind the farm-house of Carsaig, " Anal- cime, a foliated Zeolite" In volume vii. of the Edinburgh Journal of Science, it is stated, at page 19, that Giesecke discovered what must have been Gyrolite, terming it " micaceous Apophyllite or a sub-species of Apophyllite " ; and giving as its locality Nia Kornak, in Disco, where it occurs in vesicular cavities in basalt, associated with Apophyllite, and Mesotype in one specimen with Chabazite and Levyne, of the specific gravity of 2-382. In the same volume, of the date 1827, in a paper in which Haidinger considers the varieties of Mesole, he writes : " Though even now I cannot pretend to offer a perfect description, the more accurate indication of the regular forms being yet a desideration, yet the crystals which I have examined of these new varieties are such that the place of Mesole in the system of Mohs may be fixed with precision." After excellent descriptions of typical globular varieties of undoubted Mesole from the cave of Naalsoe, he thus describes this species : " VI. Reniform groups with a single cleavage: very bright, pale yellowish-grey, from Ma Kornak, Disco. This new variety shows a very great resemblance to certain kinds of Apophyllite, so much so, that Sir Charles Giesecke, who discovered them, was induced to consider this as a particular sub- species, terming it the micaceous Apophyllite." The seventh specimen is described as " occurring in plates, which have a bright pearly lustre, and thin cleavage planes ; the whole aggregate resembles, in no small degree, crystallised spermacetie form part of the inside of a geode at Karartut, near Godhavn, Disco colour somewhat yellowish; eighth specimen, large, aggregated, uniform shapes, colour yellowish-grey, cleavage easily obtained, and the laminae show some elasticity when you attempt to separate them," also from Nia Kornak, in the Umanakefjord, Disco. Haidinger remarks upon its perfect simple cleavage, its marked pearly lustre. u Its specific gravity being above 2*3, is much more considerable than that of either Stilbite or Heulandite, which hardly ever exceed the limit of 2-2, an immense difference in species whose specific gravity is at the same time so inconsiderable and so constant as in the genus Kouphone Spar. In this property it nearly agrees with Apophyllite, but is readily distinguished in its crest or fan- like aggregations, the like of which never occur in Apophyllite, yield also a good empirical mark, although the crystals hitherto observed are too small, or, rather, too thin, to allow of an exact determination. In allusion to these aggregrated groups and the kind of fracture depending upon it, I propose Flabelli- form Kouphone Spar as the systematic denomination of the species, the first varieties of which were described by Berzelius under the name of Mesole." [The author has slightly modified Haidinger's phraseology.] 80 SILICATES. Haidinger adds : "It is worth noticing that this species, when it is associated with Stilbite or Apophyllite, will always form the lowest stratum immediately adjoining the basaltic, or amygclaloidal, support in the cavities of which it is deposited." In this paper of Haidinger's we have a retrograde step, for though he clearly separates the mineral from Apophyllite, yet he does so at the cost of associating it with Mesole, a substance from which it differs, both physically and chemically, to a still greater extent than from Apophyllite. 123. Apophyllite (435). H 7 KCa 4 (Si0 3 ) 8 4iH 2 0. Tetragonal, [a, 100 ; c, 001 ; m, 110; p, 111 ; r, 210 ; v y 105 ; s, 102 ; , 101; x, 1.1.10; d t 115; z, 113. On fig. 11, q, 321 (Currie).] Twins very rare. Twin plane p. Habit of the crystals varied from extreme differences in the lengthy of the upright axes, and also from the relative size of the face p, which produces a more or less perfect acute pyramid. Appearance of the faces characteristic. The terminal face c often rough ; p more generally uneven ; y striated parallel to its intersection with a. Civ., c perfect. Fracture uneven. Brittle. H., 4-5 to 5'5 ; G., 2*3 to 24. Lustre of c pearly ; of the other faces vitreous. Colourless, to white, pale emerald-green, or rose-red. Streak white. Transparent to opaque. Double refraction weak; generally positive. Unbroken crystals in polarised light exhibit a beautiful tesselated struc- ture, of which the tesselee have curvilinear outlines, and differ much in form. No water lost by heating to 100, nor by exposure over sulphuric acid. All the water that is driven off at temperatures under 300 F. is reabsorbed; but only after very prolonged exposure to moist air. Werner found that Apophyllite was soluble in water at 180 to 190 C. under a pressure of from ten to twelve atmospheres. Bunsen found that at all the ordinary temperatures not a trace is soluble under pressures ranging from twelve to seventy-nine atmospheres. In the closed tube exfoliates, whitens, and yields an abundance of water, which affords an acid reaction. In the open tube, when fused with salt of phosphorus, often gives a fluorine reaction. B.B. it exfoliates, colours the name violet through the presence of potash, and fuses with intumescence to a white blebby enamel ; with salt of phosphorus yields a skeleton of silica. Fusibility = 1-5 of Kobell's Scale. In powder it is easily soluble in acid, leaving a slimy silicious residue ; but if it has been previously exposed to a red heat then it is decomposed only with difficulty. SILICATES. 81 Si0 2 FeA FeO MnO MgO CaO K 2 Na^O H 2 F Total. 1. Storr, Skye, . 51 '2 1-09 09 3 5 23-13 5'49 37 17'02 7 99-89 Heddle. 2. Chapel, Raith,. 52 '54 24-865-50 1 tr. 16-22 1-12 100-24 Heddle. The lithological range of the rocks yielding this mineral is very limited. We find it occurring in the intrusive dolerites as well as in the contemporaneous basalt lavas associated with the Lower Carboni- ferous Eocks of the Basins of the Forth and Clyde. It is also associated with the basalt lavas of Tertiary age, occurring in the Western Islands of Scotland. It is found, rarely, in both large and small crystals, associated with Elaterite, in one of the limestones interbedded with the Lower Carboniferous basalt lavas. It likewise, formerly, was found at Strontian, in the vein which lies between the granite and the gneiss this mode of occurrence being similar to some on the Continent. Apophyllite would appear to be the very last zeolite to separate and solidify in drusy cavities ; and it does not seem to affect many associates. At Eudha nan Clach, in Skye, where there are some druses which contain four zeolites along with Calcite, it holds itself apart, and appears only in cavities per se. It seems also to be peculiar as regards these associates confining itself almost entirely to the company of Gyro- lite, Pectolite, and Prehnite minerals which may be said to fringe the borders of the class of the true zeolites. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Skye, Eudh' Earr an Sguirr, on the coast between Loch Brittle and Loch Eynort (MacCulloch). Near Dunvegan (Mac- Culloch). At Talisker, a c, opaque, white, associated with Scolecite, and acp (Plate LXXIIL, fig. 1), pale green, associated with Pectolite and Scolecite (Eussell). At Sgurr an Duine, south of Loch Eynort, at the foot of the cliff, in amygdaloidal basalt lava, ap e, c circumvallated, very lustrous, rare (Plate LXXIIL [?], fig. 2). Also, at the same locality, and associated with crystals of Stilbite, in vapour cavities, on Quartz, with Chalcedony, apze. At Sgurr nam Boc, on the coast between Loch Eynort and Loch Brittle, in fine doubly-terminated crystals, ac, acp, associated with blue Chalcedony ; also in crystals, a c, like Plate LXXIIL, fig. 2, their terminal faces, being depressed in the centre, forming an elevated ridge of circumvallation. At Quiraing, opaque, white, ac,acr, acp (Plate LXXIV., fig. 3), acpr (Plate LXXIV., fig. 4), associated with Gyrolite. At Storr, with Faroelite and Chabazite, ap (Plate LXXIV., fig. 5), acr (Plate LXXIV., fig. 6),acr (Plate LXXIV., fig. 7), acpr (Plate LXXIV., fig 8), acprx, acpr (Plate LXXV., fig. 9), acpz (Plate VOL. II. F 82 SILICATES. LXXV.,fig. 10), acrpq (Plate LXXV., fig. ll\pacrm (Plate LXXV., fig. 12) (Anal. l),pacrdvs (Plate LXXV., figs. 13 and 14) (Currie). At the foot of the cliff at Leacan Fhionn. At the foot of the cliff at Bioda Buidhe, associated with Chabazite, Plyiithite, etc. At Eudha nan Clach, Loch Bracadale, rarely, but in fine, transparent crystals, acp, in vapour cavities per se, but near other cavities in the same rock that contain Stilbite, Mesolite, Analcime, Chabazite, and Calcite. In a quarry at Portree. At the foot of Eudha na h-Airde Glaise, overlying Gyrolite. Also at the same locality overlying Mesolite, acprdvs (see Plate LXXV., figs. 13 and 14) (Currie). On the north shore of Loch Varkasaig, Loch Bracadale, overlying Mesolite. ARGYLLSHIRE. At Strontian, rarely, a c, on Strontianite (Sowerby). At the Carsaig Arches, Mull, rarely. At the south end of the Wilderness, Loch Scridain, Mull, in large crystals, a ca cp, on Analcime and penetrated by Scolecite (Miss M. Currie). In the lowest basalt lavas of the Treshnish Islands, at the E.S.E. corner of Fladda, overlying Gyrolite. DUMBARTONSHIRE. At Bowling quarry, overlying Prehnite, ap (Plate LXXV., fig. 16) (Greg). " Kilpatrick Hills " (MacCulloch). Old Kilpa trick, ap (Greg). FIFESHIRE. At Chapel quarries, Eaith (Christison), in fine crystals, acpr (Plate LXXV., fig. 15), with Elaterite and Dolomite, in [Yore- dale] limestone [which has been covered, until recently, by Lower Carboniferous basalt lavas] Anal. 2. In a basaltic dyke half a mile west of St Andrews, a c. STIRLINGSHIRE. In Auchinstarry quarry, Kilsy th, on Pectolite, a cp r (Duncan) [ape, associated with Pectolite and also with ^Enigmatite at Kilsyth, according to Dr Heddle]. EDINBURGHSHIRE. On the surface of Prehnite, pac, par (Plate LXXVI., fig. 17) [in cavities in dolerite], in Corstorphine east quarry (Bryson). In Eatho quarry, on the surface of Pectolite [in cavities in dolerite] in transparent crystals,^? (Plate LXXVI., fig. 18),^? a (Plate LXXVI., fig. 19), and pac. 124. Xonotlite (435a). Massive. H., 6 ; G., 2'6 to 2-7. Colour, pink, white, grey. Tough. Fracture conchoidal and splintery. Comp., Silica, 49*8 ; Lime, 43*5 ; Protoxide of Manganese, 2'3 ; Protoxide of Iron, 2-9; Water, 37. Analysis by Heddle : Min. Mag., 5, 4, (1882). S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. Kilfinichen, Loch Scridain, 2-605 48'91 '11 2'97 2'27 40'39 '56 1'16 '22 4'17 10076 In the Tertiary basalt lavas of Mull, at Kilfinichen, Loch Scridain SILICATES. 83 (Eose & H.), s. a. 2-605. At Gribun, opposite Oronsay, and on the north shore of Loch na Keal. It usually overlies Gyrolite (Currie). 125. Tobermorite (435b). Massive, fine granular; translucent; fracture hackly. H., 5 ; G., 2*4. Colour pale pink. Comp., Silica, 49'8 ; Lime, 37'2 ; Water, 12'9. Analyses: Heddle \-Min. Mag,, IV. 119. S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. Toberinory, . . 46-51 2-40 1-14 1-85 33'40 47 1-45 36 12-61 100-19 Bloody Bay, . . 2-423 46'62 3-90 66 1-08 33-98 ... 57 89 12-01 99-81 Occurs in the basic eruptive rocks of north-east Mull from Tober- mory to Bloody Bay, sometimes surrounded by a thin zone of pale blue massive Mesolite Anals. 1 and 2. Also near Dunvegan Pier, Skye (Currie). Zeolites Heulandite Group. 126. Heulandite (438). H 4 CaAl 2 (Si0 3 ) 6 .3H 2 0. Monoclinic. [a, 100; &, 010; c, 001; m, 110; t, 201; s, 201; u, 111; o, ?I01 ; ,021; z, 052.] The crystals may be elongated along any axis, and thus present very diverse forms ; but they are usually tabular. Civ., clinodiagonal perfect, and presenting a pearly lustre ; the other faces vitreous. Brittle. H., 3'5 to 4; G., 2-1 to 2*2. Transparent to translucent; colourless, white, brick-red, rose-red, green, hair-brown. B.B. melts with exfolia- tion and intumescence to a white enamel. Soluble in h. acid, leaving silica. Analysis : SiOo Tod Head, . 57 '46 17-38 Fe 2 3 62 FeO CaO MgO K 2 2 5-17 -53 2-14 16 H 2 Total. 17-02 100-68 SHETLAND. Papa Stour, at the Kirksands, rarely, lining the druses [of an eruptive rock] in minute red crystals. ORKNEY. Sands Geo, Walls, in small red crystals lining the amyg- dules of Pearlspar and Analcime in Upper Old Eed Sandstone lava. HEBRIDES. Skye, at Storr [in cavities in basalt], upon Apophyllite, but underlying Stilbite, in colourless, highly lustrous crystals half an inch in length, bstcmx, bstcmu, bstcm, bstcmux (Currie), bt smczx (Plate LXXVL, fig. 1), rarely. At Talisker Bay, on the south side, btsc (Mackenzie), and 1st emu (Currie). Loch Bracadale, at the north shore of Loch Varkasaig, underlying Stilbite. In large plates at Sgurr 84 SILICATES. an Duine, south of Loch Eynort. At the mouth of Allt Mor between Loch Eynort and Loch Brittle, Istcmxu (Plate LXXVL, fig. 3), and bstcmuxz, colourless, with Stilbite, Quartz, and Calcite (Currie), At the cliff foot south-west of Sgurr nam Boc., bcmstuox (Plate LXXVL, fig. 2), colourless, per se (Heddle) ; also bstmu,bstmuc, bstmucx and bstmucxa, btsmcxuz, with Stilbite and Quartz (Currie). Generally without associates (Plate LXXVL, fig. 4), colourless, or pale flesh coloured, sometimes with Stilbite, rarely with Calcite (Currie). Canna, towards the southern end of the west shore, rarely, associated with Gyrolite, Stilbite, Plynthite, Mesolite, Chabazite, Analcime, Lau- montite, and Calcite. Eudha nan Clach, rarely, bstcu, I stem. Sanda, at the east Geo, in highly-lustrous, pearly-white crystals, an inch in length and the same in breadth, bst mu, bst me, cbstmu, associated with Analcime, Stilbite, Scolecite, Laumontite, Sphseros til bite, and Calcite. Colourless. ARGYLLSHIRE. Mull, at Carsaig Arches, in radiating, brush-like groups of crystals of high lustre, over two inches in length, occurring in narrow fissures of a decomposing basic eruptive rock. Also in small crystals, btsx, on Stilbite, both being colourless, rarely, bslmcx, btsmcxu. Kintyre, at Balligroggan, Machrihanish Bay, in crystals over an inch in length, of a deep red colour, and associated with Barytes and red Mesolite (Bell). At Galdrings, near the last-named locality, in small crystals, bstc,bstcm. Treshnish Isles, Bac Mor (Currie). KINCARDINESHIRE. Kinneff, in a quarry at the cliff of the Slainges, east of Hall Hill, and just south of Tod Head, in small brick-red crystals, underlying red Stilbite. At Gapol, and at Tod Head, in large red crystals, underlying red Stilbite b stmx\ bst ex, bstcu, bstcmux (Sowerby) Anal. 1. At Thornyhive Bay, colourless, and associated with Calcite. Similarly, at the Long Craig of Tremuda Bay. In scarlet crystals, associated with red Stilbite, and crystalline Sapenite, in zeolitic Quartz, at the bifurcation of the road near the church of Kinneff. FlFESHlRE. At Scurr Hill, Balmerino, in bright red crystals sprinkled over Saponite, and forming the " skin " and also the cores of stalactitic agates. Kincraig, Elie, in small red crystals lining druses of Calcite in agglomerate, and of the forms mbstcx (Plate LXXVIL, fig. 6), 1st m x, bstmxu, and mbstz. It has been said to occur in the Isle of May. PERTHSHIRE. Said to occur [in the Old Eecl Andesitic lavas] at Glen Farg (Greg). STIRLINGSHIRE. At Campsie Fells, associated \uth Quartz, Saponite, and Calcite, mbstz, bstc, mbstzx, mbstcux (Greg). Carbeth, red in colour and associated with red Stilbite, bstcx (Jameson). On the south slopes of Balhennan Hill, Fintry, in small brick-red crystals, bctsm (Plate SILICATES. 85 LXXVIL, fig. 7), lining rents in the volcanic rocks. Stockie Muir (Thomson). In minute, rarely in large, deep red crystals, Istmx (Plate LXXVIL, fig. 9), underlying red Stilbite, found in excavating for the new reservoir [for the water supply of Stirling] on the Touch Hills (Kidston, and also Goodchild). In small crystals, bmtscx (Plate LXXVIL, fig. 10), underlying red Stilbite; also in druses, both per se, and associated with Rubin- glimmer, near the Earl's Burn Reservoir Touchadam Muir (Kidston). DUMBARTONSHIRE. Lang Crag (Clacher) and Loch Humphrey, at the dam-cutting (Jameson), 1st, mbsct x u, associated with red Stilbite. In an old quarry in the avenue leading to Cochno house, bstmuxc (Plate LXXVIL, fig. 11), &s*ma (Plate LXXVIL, fig. 12), bstmcx, rarely (Plate LXXVIL, fig. 13). RENFREWSHIRE. In a quarry south of Kilmalcolm, in highly-lustrous, colourless crystals, bstc, mbsct (Plate LXXVIII., fig. 14). Near the station, tscbmx (Plate LXXVIIL, fig. 15), colourless, associated with Quartz, Stilbite, and Calcite (Currie). BUTE. In Little Cumbrae, at the south end, in vapour cavities in eruptive rocks, associated with zeolitic Quartz, and of a brick-red colour bs tc (Neilson). Fig. 11 may be taken as the typical form for Scottish Heulandites. Undue elongation along each one of the three axes may be seen in the figures above referred to. Figs. 7, 8, and 9 present very unusual de- velopments ; and it may be remarked that an apparently re-entering angle on the faces t and s of the Heulandites from Ben More raises some doubt as to the primary form. In amygdaloidal eruptive rocks which contain free zeolites and at the same time much Calcite, minute crystals of red Heulandite generally line the druses. Such crystals also occasionally form the inner part of the lining of Celedonite which coats the vapour-cavities in which Agates of both the ordinary type and Moss Agates occur. 127. Brewsterite (439). H 4 (Sr,Ba,Ca)Al 2 (Si0 3 ) 6 -3H 2 0. Monoclinic. [a, 100 ; b, 010 ; c, 001 ; m, 110 ; t, 120 ; s, 230 ; ... ... ... ... 285 ABERDEENSHIRE. Pass of Ballater (east end of Pass), associated with Muscovite, Microcline, Beryl, and Quartz (Cairngorm) (Plate Ixxxv, fig. 1) (Thorns). [In addition to the specimens found by Mr Thorns there are in the Scottish Mineral Collection in the Edinburgh Museum others found at " Monaltree Cliff," i.e. the Pass of Ballater, by the late Mr Thomas Bell of Ballygroggan. These occur in druses within coarse graphic granite, and are associated with Muscovite, red Microcline, Albite, and Smoky Quartz. The crystals show well-defined pseudo-hexagonal boundaries, are partly enveloped in the Quartz, and are succeeded by sheaves of small colourless crystals of Albite. Other similar specimens are from Culblean, Ballater.] 146. Biotite (458). (H x K) 2 (Mg Fe) 2 (A^ Fe) 2 (Si 4 ) 3 . Monoclinic, with pseudo-rhombohedral symmetry. [? 5, 010 ; m, 110 ; o(c), 001; r(?o), 112; z, 132.] Analyses 1 to 6 inclusive, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxix. pp. 15-19 (1879) ; 7, Cole, Q. J. G. S., xli. 403. S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K,0 Na 2 F H 2 Total. 1. Glen Urquhart, 2-86733-69 17-66 25 12-95 1-16 17-54 8-92 13 52 2-14 99-96 2. Laggan, . ... 39-5 15-04 2410-23 75 1-4 18-46 9-37 62 73 3-21 99-55 3. Shiness, . 39-7716-68 65 6-73 -62 2'2 20-92 6'5 48 5-4 99-95 4. Gleann Beag, . 2-85 39-46 16-45 3910- 53 1-59 19' 8-22 -26 32 3*34 99-56 5. Hillswick, ... 39-8 14-19 2-59 11'58S "24 1 18-32 8-43 2-11 56 2-52 100-44 6. Millton, Urquhart, 2-78140-31 12-58 1-81 3-35 '38 7-5821- 6'56 95 574 100-25 7. Loch S-'ye, 2-8 33- 13- 4-5 3- ... 5- 24- ... ... ... 6-5 94-00 SHETLAND. Mainland. Hillswick, near the mouth of the Niddister burn, bronzy-brown, in hornblendic gneiss, in a bed, per se, but in the 118 SILICATES. immediate neighbourhood of Actinolite, Talc, and Anthophylliie (D. and H.) Anal. 5. Occasional scales occur elsewhere in hornblendic rocks in Shetland. SUTHERLAND. At the north-west foot of Beinn Laoghal, in white scales, in a basic eruptive rock. At Shiness, of a grey-brown colour, in the belt of rock between the limestone and the gneiss, associated with Sahlite and Sphene (D. and H.) Anal. 3. CAITHNESS. At the north end of Loch Scye, south of Eeay, associ- ated with Augite and Serpentine [in hornblende picrite]. It occurs in the form of white scales, an inch or more in size, forming one of the con- stituents of the rock called Scyelite (J. Gunn) Anal. 7. [See Judd, Q. J. a. &, xliv.] KOSS-SHIRE. Loch Duich, at Inverinate Lodge, associated with Hornblende. At Totag, in the limestone, emerald-green in transmitted light (Currie). INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, Millton, near the Free Church, pearly-white, associated with Actinolite, Edenite, Xantholite, Garnet, and Zircon Anal. 6. Also brown, at the same spot. Upper Gortally, pinch- beck-brown, in a granitic belt which cuts the limestone, associated with Andesine and Quartz Anal. I. Glenelg, one mile north-east of Bal- vraid, Gleann Beag, with Necronite and Balvraidite, chocolate-brown (D. and H.) Anal. 4. At Dulnan Bridge, near Grantown, in a granitic belt in the limestone, associated with Orthoclase and Andesine. One mile east of Laggan Inn, in limestone, with Chlorite. Anal. 2. HEBRIDES. Harris ; at Eilean Glas, Scalpay ; imbedded in Steatite, with Chlorite and Hornblende (D. and H.). Skye, the Cuillins, on the south-east side of Scuir nan Gillean, in " hyperite " (Dudgeon). Eum, in the troctolite of Allival, rarely. lona, at Port an Duine Mhairbh, in serpentinous marble, in small white crystals, mleorz. BANFFSHIRE. West of Portsoy, in parallel veins in limestone, and in clayslate, brown, and, rarely, colourless. At Eedhythe, in limestone, white, associated with Margarodite, green Talc, Pyrrhotite, and Entile. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Forester Hill, near New Meldrum, brown, associated with Pyrrhotite, Ilmenite, Sphene, Talc, and Sahlite. Near Inverurie, in Dobston quarry, in Biotite gneiss, with Ilmenite, Apatite, Chlorite, and Oligoclase. In a vein traversing diorite, at the summit of the road west of Tillypronie, Logie Coldstone, associated with Horn- blende, Iserine, Labradorite, Allanite, and Sphene. Strath Don, at Bad- nagauch, on the Deskry, brown, in veins in diorite, associated with Labradorite, Hornblende, Sphene, and Allanite. Coyle Hills, at Allt Cailleach, brown, associated with Malacolite and Serpentine. Near Abergeldie, at Boultshoch quarry, in a granitic belt traversing limestone, SILICATES. 119 brown, associated with Orthoclase and Andesine. In a similar belt in the limestone quarries at Craigs, Muir, and Midstrath, Deeside. At Crathie limestone quarry, brown, associated with Garnet, Idocrase, Sphene, Pyrrhotite, Fluor, and Coccolite. Glen Gairn, in Dalnabo quarry, brown, rarely in the limestone, associated with Cinnamonstone, Idocrase, Sphene, Epidote, Prehnite, Pyrrhotite, Wollastonite, and Cocco- lite. At Leac Ghorm limestone quarry, near Inver Inn, brown, in a granitic belt in the limestone, associated with Orthoclase and Andesine. Clova, at Clashnarae Hill, brown, with red Andalusite, Fibrolite, and Labradorite. Pihynie, at New Meldrum, associated with Labradorite. PERTHSHIRE. Blair Athole, in the limestone quarry south of the Garry, associated with Eipidolite and Quartz. At Edintian limestone quarry, south of Tulach Hill, associated with Eipidolite, Sphene, Ilmenite, and Pyrrhotite. FIFESHIRE. [As ejected crystalline masses in agglomerate] at Kin- kell [near the Eock and Spindle]; Kincraig, Elie ; and also near St Monans. [At each of these localities it occurs] occasionally in plates nearly two inches in diameter, all brown. Inchcolm, at the south end. AYRSHIRE. On the east side of Coal Water, near Giffordstrand, Dairy, in volcanic ash, with limestone nodules, dark brown, rubbed crystals (J. Smith). [Common in all Scottish diorites, picrites, amphibolite schists, meta- morphic marbles, and hornfels.] 147. Haughtonite (458a). (Al 2 3 ,Fe 2 3 )Si0 2 + (FeO,K 2 0) 2 Si0 2 . Monoclinic. Cl. basal, perfect. H. 3; sp. gr., 3*1. Lustre vitreous to adamantine. Colour chocolate-brown to black. Soluble in acids with difficulty. BE. fuses with difficulty to a highly-magnetic bead. Weathers pale green and ochry. Comp., Silica, 36 ; Alumina, 18 ; Ferric Oxide, 4*5 ; Ferrous Oxide, 18 ; Magnesia, 9 ; Potash, 8 ; Water, 3. Analyses 1 to 14 inclusive, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. JZdin., xxix. pp. 21-33 (1879) ; 15-16, Barrow, Q. J. G. , xlix. 353 (1893). S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Roneval, . 3-03 37-16 15-0 7-69 17-35 1-04 1-13 8-88 8-18 1-61 2-12 100-17 2. Chaipaval, 3-07 36-81 15-22 7-61 17-35 96 1-54 8-78 8-31 1-34 2-47 100-39 3. Loch-na-Muilne 36-46 17-25 4-18 15-33 54 69 12-23 9-2 66 3-38 99-92 4. Foinne Bheinn, 3 03 36-75 17-86 2-78 15-17 42 P3 11-17 9-44 1-25 4-23 100-00 5. Rispond, . 2 '99 36 '54 22-28 2-43 16-01 78 1-25 10' 8-26 79 1-51 99 '85 6. Clach-an-Eoin, 2-9635-85 21-54 4-47 18-31 31 1-25 8-08 7'76 79 1-96 100-32 7. Kinnairds Head 3-13 35-67 17-95 7-19 18-06 2' 1-40 1-5 9-27 3-81 3-20 100-05 8. Cove, ... 35-47 18-8 4-61 19-19 64 90 7-01 8-19 24 4-97 100-02 120 SILICATES. S.G. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 9. Nisabost, . 3-05 35-15 167 5-96 19'06 1-02 82 7-46 9-24 1-26 3-13 99-80 10. Lairg, ... 35*56 16-69 1-88 18 04 69 2-72 8-47 9-90 11 5-71 99-77 11. Portsoy, . 3-07 34-08 17-34 3-61 1870 38 3-23 10-54 6-78 1-19 4-05 99-90 12. Ben Stack, 3-05 35-69 20 '09 2-23 14-01 1- 1-89 14-77 7-38 53 2-47 100-06 13. Cape Wrath, 34-15 14-84 10-96 13-47 1-38 1-81 10-31 7-93 2-14 2'80 99-79 14. Clashnarae, 39-00 25-10 6-51 9-80 67 93 6-17 7-08 1-63 3-47 100-36 15. Clova(l), . 34-90 23-27 2-56 20-87 1-20 4-32 6-94 2-01 3-60 99-67 16. Clova (2), . ... 35-00 25-06 3-94 15-30 1-50 6-48 9-31 1-84 1-72 100-15 [Haughtonite differs in composition from normal Biotite in its relatively larger percentage of iron to magnesium. The author regarded it as the usual dark mica in Scottish gneiss, pegmatite, and granite.] SHETLAND. Yell, at the Noups of Graveland, with Muscovite. SUTHERLAND. Lairg, at Cnoc Dubh, in granitic veins in " syenite," dark to light green, associated with Orthoclase, Oligoclase, and Sphene Anal. 1 0. On the west side of the mouth of the Halladale river, associated with Albite and Chlorite. Mouth of the Naver, at Clach an Eoiu, in quartz veins, with Garnet, Ilmenite, Eutile, and Chlorite (D. and H.) Anal. 6. Loch Eireboll, at Rispond, in a graphic granite vein, both black and brown, associated with Oligoclase and Magnetite. Two miles south of Cape Wrath, in a vein with Oligoclase (Geikie and H.) Anal. 13. Foinne- Bheinn, on its west spur, 750 feet up, with Orthoclase and Oligoclase, in jet-black hexagonal crystals, 1 inch across Anal. 4. Ben Stack, in fallen masses of Hebridean gneiss, at the north foot of the cliff, associated with Quartz and Orthoclase (D. and H.) Anal. 12. INVERNESS-SHIRE. In a quarry on the road between Inverfarigaig and Foyers river ; pale-green, with Epidote and Abriachanite (Aitken and H.). HEBRIDES. Lewis, Loch Roag, at Loch na Muilne, brown, in a granite vein with pink Orthoclase, pale-blue Oligoclase, and fatty Quartz (D. and H.) Anal. 3. Harris, Eoneval, in a granite vein on the north- east side, in plates 16 inches long, associated with Orthoclase (D. and H.) Anal. 1. In the great vein of Chaipaval, at its north extremity, black (D. and H.) Anal. 2. In veins parallel to the last at Hushinish House, rarely (D. and H.). Taransay, in veins at the south-east extremity. Stromay, Sound of Harris, in crystal plates, 4 inches wide, jet black, with Moonstone and Microcline ; and also in long fan-shaped crystals, with green envelopes of stained Microcline, the folia being parallel to the & cleavage of the felspar. Between Nisabost and Borve Anal. 9. Shillay, in the south cliffs, with red Orthoclase. North Uist, Loch Maddy, in a quarry north of the pier, with blue Quartz, Epidote, and Epidosite. On the north-west shore of Berneray Sound, in a rock overflowed at high water, where it is associated with SILICATES. 121 Actinolite schist. At Port nan Long, on its east side, in 6-inch crystals, with OHgoclase and graphic granite. At Hornish, with Oligoclase. South Uist ; Loch Boisdale, near the hotel, in large twisted crystals in quartz veins, in gneiss, with red and white Orthoclase. West Monach Island ; with Hornblende and Pyrites. Coll ; in granite veins, with Muscovite. Tiree; near Crossapoll, in a granite vein, with pink aventurlns Oligoclase, Magnetite, Microcline, and Agalmatolite. BANFFSHIKE. Bay of Durn, Portsoy, on the west shore, cf a bronzy colour, in diorite, rarely, in veins, associated with Paulite, Augite, and Labradorite (Peyton and H.). At the north-west corner of the bay, in granitic belts in gneiss. ABERDEENSHIRE. In Eubislaw quarry, in the great dyke, in elongated brown crystals, associated with Muscovite, Beryl, Tourmaline, Apatite, and Garnet. At Anguston granite quarry, in veins, " crocus," with Oligoclase, Ilmenite, Sphene, and Allanite. Fraserburgh, north of Kin- nairds Head lighthouse, in dark-green crystals, in a vein of lavender- coloured Microcline, associated with radiated Cleavlandite. The vein cuts gneissic schists (Grant Wilson) Anal. 7. At Sclattey quarry, along with Orthoclase and Oligoclase. At the Burn of Craig, north of Tombhreac, in elongated crystals. Clashnarae, with Andalusite, etc. Anal. 14. KINCARDINESHIRE. In Durris Parish, north of Cairn-mon-earn, asso- ciated with Orthoclase and Apatite. In the granite quarry at Cove, in dark-brown, elongated crystals, which lie parallel to the folia of Musco- vite Anal. 8. At Blairydrine, and at Brathens, near Banchory, in f el- spathic bands of gneiss. It is here of a light-green colour, and is imbedded in milky-white Microcline, along with Apatite. FORFARSHIRE. In gneiss and pegmatite in Glen Clova. (Barrow) Anal. 15, 16. . Lepidomelane (462b). (H x K) 2 Fe 4 (Si 4 ) 5 . Comp., 37 Silica, 17 Alumina, 24 Iron-peroxide, 3 Iron-protoxide, 8 Potash, 10 Magnesia, 4 Water. Anal. 1-3, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. t xxix. pp. 19-21, 44 (1879). S.G. Si0 2 Al-A FeA FeO MnO CaO MgO K.O NasO H 2 Total. 1. Achadha'Plms. 2-971 40-38 12-11 14-52 3-03 3-15 1-03 13' 7-13 1-80 3-57 99-72 2. Tongue, . 2-965 40-08 12-41 13-47 2-67 61 1-08 14-66 7-57 2-15 5-29 99-99 3. Badnagaueh, . 2-845 33-03 13-17 26-07 2-01 15 1-63 4-83 4-02 1-16 13-88 99-95 122 SILICATES. SUTHERLAND. Tongue; in the great "syenite" boulder on Beinn Bhreac, in a granitic vein with Amazon-stone, Ilmenite, Fluor, etc. (D. and H.) Anal. 2. Loch Shin, at Achadh a' Phris, in quartzose veins, in gneiss, associated with Sphene and Apatite (D. and H.) Anal. 1. Eoss-SHiEE. Near the summits of the following peaks of the Maol- Cheann-dearg range. Sgurr na Forcan ; Sgurr na Sgine ; the west slopes of Sgurr an Lochain ; with Garnet, on Sgurr an Doire Lea than ; Aonach air Chrith ; on the south-east slopes of Creag a' Mhaim, along with Chlorite and Eock Crystal. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Moidart ; on Scuir na Caiche, at the south foot of the summit cone, associated with red Orthoclase and also with Garnet. HEBRIDES. Tiree ; Gott Bay, south shore, with Garnet, in gneiss. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Murdoch Head granite quarry, associated with Orthoclase, Albite, and Fluor. The brown mica in the matrix rock of Glen Gairn, Muir, Midstrath, etc., being very insoluble in HC1, may be Lepidomelane. [It may be useful to append here several analyses of dark micas, as they will serve to show the relationship of Biotite and Haughtonite to each other, and of Lepidomelane to both. The analyses are by Dr Heddle. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxix. p. 34.] Si0 2 A1A FeA FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Fl. Ti0 2 Totals. Biotite Glen Urquhart, . 38-69 17-66 26 12-95 1-16 17-54 8-92 13 2-14 52 .. . 99'96 Loch Laggan, 39-5 15-04 24 10-23 75 1-4 18-46 9-37 62 3-21 73 99'55 Shiness, . 3977 16-68 65 6'73 62 2'2 20-92 6-5 48 5-4 99-95 Glenelg, 89-46 16-45 39 lO- 53 1-59 19' 8-22 26 3-34 32 ... 99-56 Hillswick, . 39-8 14-19 2-59 ll 78 24 1 18-32 8'43 2-11 2-52 56 100-64 Millton, . 40-31 12-58 1-81 3-35 38 7-58 21- 6-56 95 5-74 n.d. ... 100-25 Haughtonite Coire Roneval, . 37-16 15' 7-69 17-35 1-04 1-3 8-88 8-18 1-6 2-12 ... 100-17 Chaipaval, . 36-81 15-22 7-61 17-35 96 1-54 878 8-31 1-34 2'47 100-40 Loch-na-Muilne, 36-46 17-25 4-18 15-33 54 69 12-23 9-2 66 3 39 ... 99-92 Foinne-Bheinn, . 3675 17-88 2-78 15*18 42 93 11-17 9-44 1-25 4-23 t. 99-99 Rispond , 36-54 22-28 2-43 16-01 78 1-25 10- 8-26 79 1-51 ... ... 99-86 Cliich-an-Eoin, . 35-85 21-54 4-48 18-31 31 1-25 8-08 7-76 79 1-96 ... 100-33 Kinnairds Head, 35-6717-95 7-19 18-06 2- 1-4 1-5 9-27 3-81 3'2 ... 100-05 Cove, 35-4718-8 4 61 19-19 '64 -9 7-01 8-19 24 4'97 ... ... 100-02 Nisabost, . 35-15167 5-96 19-06 1-02 -82 7-46 9-24 1-26 3-13 ... 99-81 Lairg, 35-56'l6'69 1-88 18-04 -69 2-72 8-47 9-9 11 5-71 ... 99-77 Portsoy, . 34-0817-34 3-61 18-70 '38 3-23 10-54 6-78 1-19 4-05 99-9 Ben Stack, 35-69 20-09 2-23 14-01 1- 1-89 1477 7-38 53 2-46 100-06 Cape Wrath, 3415 14-84 10-96 13-47 1-38 1-81 10-31 7-93 2-14 2-8 99-79 Clova, 39- 25-1 6-51 9-8 67 93 6-17 7-08 1-63 3-47 ... ... 100-33 Lepidomelane Achadh a' Phris, 40'3812-H 14-53 3-03 317 1-03 13- 7-13 1-8 3-57 ... 99'72 Tongue, 40-08 12-41 13-47 2-67 62 1-08 14-66 7-57 2-15 5'29 ... ... 99-99 SILICATES. 123 2. Clintonite Group. Monoclinic. 149. Chloritoid (466). H 2 Fe 9 Mg) A1 2 Si 7 . Anal. 1 and 2, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxix. pp. 76-7 (1879); Min. Mag., in. p. 28 (1879). 3, Barrow, Q. J. G. S. } xlii. pp. 152, 154. Sp. Gr. Si0 2 A1A FA FeO MnO CaO MgO H 2 Total. 1. Vannlip, . 3-36 25-36 4174 3-90 13-93 92 90 6-82 6-57 10014 (3-313 ) 2. to 24-47 41-33 38 18-52 91 30 6-8 6'98 99-70 U'462 ) 3. Kincardine, ... 26-00 40-05 5-05 19-50 02 ... 2-88 6-00 99-50 A basic Iron, Magnesium, and Aluminium Silicate. SHETLAND. Hillswick, at Vannlip, dark green, with included Sphene, and associated with Kyanite, Muscovite, and Quartz. Also, at the same locality, in brown, foliated, crystal plates, with a submetallic lustre, and associated with Kutile and Quartz Anal. 1. Large, green, rough, crys- talline masses also occur Anal. 2. KINCARDINESHIEE. In small dark-green crystal plates in schist, along the coast between Stonehaven and the North Esk Anal. 3 ; Cowie Water, and Eed Man, 2 miles north of Stonehaveu. (Barrow.) 3. Chlorite Group. Monoclinic. 150. Clinochlore (468). Hg (Mg Fe) 5 A1 2 Si 3 18 . Monoclinic. Basic Magnesium, Iron, and Aluminium Silicate. Analyses, 1 to o, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxix. 65-9 (1879) ; 6, Varrentrapp, Pogg. AnnaL, xlviii. 185. Sp.Gr. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K.,0 Na 2 H 2 1. Niddister, Hillswick, . 39-81 11-43 7-97 26 280 25-64 1-20 3 15 7-91 2. Sandy Geo, 32-55 13-95 97 5-27 16 79 32-78 48 06 13-17 3. Cape Wrath, 2-823 31-03 14 85 573 17-42 99 36 17-42 12-48 4. Tulach Hill, 30-30 19-40 8-23 37 29-10 13 07 5. Bishop's Seat, Dunoon, 2-96 35-41 18-08 48 26-46 60 1-01 876 97 52 8-02 6. Bute, .... ... 28-50 19-60 ... 23-50 16 00 ... ... 11-40 SHETLAND. Hillswick, at Niddister, in twisted folia, in close associa- tion with Anthophyllite Anal. 1 : " Talc Chlorite." Sandy Geo, opposite Gordi Stack, in rosette crystallisation, of bright green colour, enclosing 124 SILICATES. octohedral crystals of Magnetite, and associated with beds of pink Steatite Anal. 2. Hagdale, Unst, in veins traversing Serpentine. SUTHERLAND. At " Torridon " G-eo, 1 mile south of Cape Wrath, in blackish green foliated plates, associated with Actinolite and Steatite, in hornblendic gneiss, underlying Torridon Sandstone Anal. 3. Also at 1 mile south of the above-mentioned locality, in two other geos, where it is associated with dark Hornblende, and where the crystals are larger than those from the locality to the north. PERTHSHIRE. In a limestone quarry south of the Garry, near Blair- Athole, in very dark green rosettes, associated with Biotite and Quartz Anal. 4. At Edintian, south of Tulach Hill, in metamorphic limestone, associated with Sphene, Ilineuite, Pyrrhotite, and Biotite. ARGYLLSHIRE. Dunoon, at Bishop's Seat, on the east side, in scaly masses, of a blackish green colour, associated with Quartz and Ilmenite Anal. 5. In Quartz blocks, loose in Balgie Burn, cryptocrystallme, and associated with Wad, Pyrites, Quartz, and Ilmenite. BUTESHIRE. In Bute (Thomson). Anal. 6. 151. Penninite (468a). H 8 (Mg x Fe) 5 A1 2 Si 3 is- Monoclinic, with rhombohedral symmetry. Lustre resinous. H., 2 to 3 ; G., 2-6 to 277. Streak greenish- white. BB. exfoliates, becomes white, and fuses on the edges to a white enamel. Sol. in warm S. acid. A basic Magnesium, Aluminium, and Iron Silicate. Analyses, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxix. pp. 61-3 (1879). S.G. SiOg A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 Cr 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Seal pay, Harris, . 3 "099 30-41 11-58 2-34 10-71 1-19 tr. 30-63 01 1-31 11-74 99-22 2. Corrycharmaig, . 2-895 34-31 13-61 36 tr. 10-31 23 8-97 18-04 1-36 13 12-41 99-66 Kammererite 3. Unst, massive, 3-099 29-89 12-93 5-97 1-96 3-54 29-93 1-16 97 13-27 99-62 4. Do., crystallised, 32-31 7-5 7-89 2-08 3-83 32-15 . . . 14-25 99-56 Pseudophite 5. Beauty Hill, Aber- deen, . 2-59 3473 12-44 ... ... 2-68 1-17 1-6 34-1 ... ... 13-1 99-10 SHETLAND. Unst, Hagdale Chromite quarry, associated with Chro- mite and Grastite. In the quarries on Mkka Vord, with Kammererite and Serpentine. Keen of Hamar, Harolds Wick. Balta Sound, associated with Calcite, Kammererite, and Serpentine. HEBRIDES. Harris : Scalpay, at Eilean Glas, in a bed 2 feet thick, in serpentine, fine granular to slaty, with Zircon, Steatite, Dolomite, and Chlorite (D. and H.) Anal. 1. SILICATES. 125 PERTHSHIRE. Glen Lochay, half a mile south of Corrycharmaig, in mica schist, with Chromite and Picrolite. Forms a layer of scaly crystals half an inch wide, coating the Chromite (Doran) Anal. 2. ARGYLLSHIRE. At St Catherines, Loch Fyne, with Pentlandite and Gersdorfite, etc. Yar. Kdmmererite. SHETLAND. Unst: at Hagdale, purple and green, in Serpentine, with Chromite and Hibbertite Anal. 3. In the Nikka Vord quarries, in crystalline groups like fig. 12 of Dana, 6 Edn., associated with Chro- mite, Aragonite, and Hibbertite (D. and H.) Anal. 4. In a quarry near Buness, associated with picotitic Chromite, and Brucite, plum-coloured crystals lo. Yar. Pseudopkite. ABERDEENSHIRE. Beauty Hill, near New Machar, on the east side, in thin veins in gabbro, with a waxy lustre, and grass-green in colour (Nicol and H.) Anal. 5. 152. Prochlorite (469). H 40 (Fe t Mg) 23 A1 14 Si 13 0^. Monoclinic. A basic Magnesium, Iron, and Aluminium Silicate. Analyses by Dr Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxix. pp. 69-76 (1879). S. G. Si0 2 A1 2 Fe 2 3 EeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Pundy Geo, Fethaland, 2-67 Shetland, 24-3 20-86 3-57 1672 55 5 22-2 11-55 98-35 2. BeinnDearg, Perthshire, 3-002 24-72121 -57 62 26-16 47 45 12-86 1-73 05 10-89 99-52 3. Creag-an-Lochain, do. 2-697 24 -29 21-18 10 18-74 8 1-66 21-03 1-29 56 10'Oh 99-91 4. Lude, Perthshire, 2-85223-92 22-98 I'll 19-54 28 2-45 17-26 ... ... 11-78 99-32 5. Lude, Perthshire, 2 -852 24 -66 23 19 64 20 58 29 4 1779 12-12 99-30 6. Loch Laggan, Inver- ness, 2-834 26-25 19-22 1-67 16-44 1-02 24-35 ... 11-67 100-66 7. Portsoy, Banffshire, 2-792 26-71 20-42 3-47 13-99 73 23-9 11-17 99-58 8. Girdleness, Kincar- dine, 3-038 24-77 20-16 1-38 27'37 61 9 13-34 ... 12-05 9977 SHETLAND. Unst, on the north shore of Uyea Sound, in Quartz. Mainland. Fethaland, at Klebber Geo, with Ilmenite and Dolomite, and at Pundy Geo, with Magnetite, both scaly, massive (D. and H.) Anal. 1. Hillswick, South Queen Geo, with Eock-Crystal (D. and H.). Yannlip dark green, with Quartz and Specular Iron, also with Kyanite. Fetlar ; near Oddsta, with Magnetite (Hibb^rt). 126 SILICATES. SUTHERLAND. Mouth of the Navir, at Clach-an-Eoin, with Eutile, Ilmenite, Garnet, and Haughtonite, in Quartz veins (D. and H.). Shiness, foliated, crystalline, blackish-green, associated with Quartz and Microline. EOSS-SHIEE. Creag a' Mhaim, with Quartz and Lepidomelane. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Nevis, on the south-west slopes of Aonach Beg, in gneiss, with Garnet. Loch Laggan, in metamorphic limestone, associated with Quartz, Sphene, and Pyrrhotite Anal. 6. HEBRIDES. Jura, on the road from Ardfin to the Small Isles, crystallised in six-sided tables, in chlorite schist (Jameson). Islay, at the north-west extremity, crystallised. ARGYLLSHIRE. Near Dalmally, compact, " with limestone and green- stone " (Macnight). Loch Etive, Bonawe, at the south quarry, in druses in the centre of only very large masses of granite, in which Prochlorite occurs as fine rosette groups in association with Epidote and Pyrites. At Glen Finnart, with Quartz. At the east foot of the pillar of the "Cobbler," associated with Eutile, Muscovite, Ilmenite, and Quartz. Ben Buidh, Gareloch, dark green scales, associated with Muscovite and Quartz. Am Bodach, Glen Coe, associated with Epidofce and Byssolite. Appin, as chlorite schist, associated with metamorphic limestone. Beinn Doireann, on the south-west side, fifty feet from the summit. BANFFSHIRE. Half a mile east of Whitehills, associated with Mar- garodite and Andalusite, in veins in gneiss. At Candelmore, in lime- stone, moss-green. Portsoy, in schist west of the serpentine, bright-green to golden-yellow Anal. 7. Glen Avon, Gaulrig, at Three Burns, in rosette crystallisation, in Calcite, associated with Fluor and Sphene. Tralair Quarry, in rosette crystallisation, imbedded in a Quartz vein. Laoch, half a mile below, west of the mines at Tomintoul, in chlorite schist, with Pyrites and Margarodite (Muscovite). ABERDEENSHIRE. New Meldrum, at Forester Hill, in limestone, associated with Sphene, Sahlite, and other limestone contact minerals. Inverurie, at Dobston quarry, in biotitic gneiss, associated with Epidote, Ilmenite, etc. Tillyfourie, old quarry. Huntly, at Cairney, and at Gingo- myres (Greg). Hill of Milleath, north of Bogforth, in tufted crystals, sur- rounding Garnet, in chlorite schist, near serpentine. Between Glen Bucket and Glen Nochty, in limestone, associated with " Margarodite," Pyrites, Eutile, etc. Culsalmond Hill, on the north side, imbedded in massive Talc in a vein (Nicol). Eubislaw, in granite, associated with Apatite. KINCARDINESHIRE. On the shore between Torry and Girdleness, in granite veins in gneiss, rarely crystallised, and massive, scaly, associated with Epidote and red Orthoclase Anal. 8. FORFARSHIRE. Tarfside, in fine rosettes, associated with Kyanite, on the north-west side of Gar let Hill (Murray). In Glen Effock in rosettes (Murray SILICATES. 127 and H.). These, with the specimens from Acnach Beg and Glen Avon, are the finest rosette crystallisation of Chlorite I have found in Scotland. PERTHSHIRE. In Glen Tilt, crystallised (MacCulloch). Beinn a' Ghlo on both west and east slopes of Cam nan Gabhar. Athole, in crystals half an inch across, associated with crystals of felspar, in cavities of mica schist (MacCulloch). In cliffs on the hill ridge, extending from Meall Gruaidh by Ben Lawers round to Crianlarich, in hyaline Quartz, with Entile ; also from Crianlarich to Beinn Mhor of Loch Eck, with Entile and Ilinenite ; and thence westward across Cantyre without these associates. Specially at Aberfeldy, in a quarry of mica schist behind Moness House (Glen). Glen Lyon, on the west slopes of Beinn Dearg, massive, fine- grained Anal. 2. Meall nan Tarmachan, at Creag an Lochain, in large bright-green scales, and also massive, associated with Ilmenite Anal. 3. Creag na Caillich, with Eutile. Beinn Heasgarnich, on the south-east slopes, with Margarodite, Eutile, and Actinolite (Peyton and H.). Ben More, on the west slopes. Stob Luib, on Cruach Ardran, compact, granu- lar. Beinn Laoigh, south ridge, large granular, massive. Dunkeld, Bir- nam quarry, crystallised, in veins in clay slate [Phyllite], associated with Calcite and Pyrites. At Newtyle quarry, associated with Chalcopyrites. With Talc near Cally. Blair Athole, at Lude quarry, pale olive-green Anal. 4; and in yellow Quartz veins in limestone, of a bright green colour Anal. 5. AYRSHIRE. At Bennane Hill and at Knockdolian Hill, where ser- pentine meets limestone. It is hero associated with Steatite. BUTESHIRE. In Arran (Greg). [The Prochlorite mentioned above from Glen Finnart is referred by Greg doubtfully to Aphrosiderite. It does not appear to have been analysed. The Prochlorite from Beinn Dearg, and that from Girdleness (Analyses 2 and 8, above), and the Clinochlore from Dunoon and Bute (Analyses 5 and 6, above), which are all highly ferriferous, approximate in composition to Aphrosiderite, and may be referable to that not-very- well-defined species ; but it would seem more expedient to exclude from the designation those chlorites in which a considerable proportion of the ferrous oxide is replaced by magnesia (Currie).] 153. Delessite (478). H 10 (Mg x Fe) 4 A1 4 Si 4 0^. Massive, with a scaly, or short fibrous feathery texture. H. = 2*5 ; G., 2 -6 to 2'7. Colour, olive green to dark green. Powder, greyish green. In tube, yields water and becomes brown. B.B. fuses with diffi- culty on the edges. Easily soluble in acids, with separation of silica. Analyses 1 to 5, Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxix. 81, 1879 ; 6, Stuart Thomson and H., Min. Mag., vol. xi. p. 29. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF 128 SILICATES. S. G. Loss at 212 Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na0 2 H 2 Total. 1. St Cyrus, Kincardine, . 2*652 2-744 32-69 13-44 4-40 6-62 86 28-77 13-25 100-03 2. Bowling Quarry, Dum- barton, 2-573 57 32-00 17-33 119 12-45 1-57 20-42 15-45 100-41 3. Dumbuck, do. 2-598 6-3 32-01 18-87 1-18 12-09 tr. 1-39 19-64 15-46 100-64 4. Lang Crag, do. 2-656 4-678 30-93 15'32 3-16 15-31 38 1-38 18-65 14-69 99 '82 5. Elie, Fifeshire, . 2-672 3-389 30-69 12-83 1-63 18-32 1 1-59 18-60 57 I'll 13-77 100-11 6. Knock Scalbert, Argyll, 2-608 7-29 34-69 5-48 10-82 18-71 2-49 12-21 15-19 99-59 Formula, . ... ... 31-53 16-28 2-8 12-61 21-02 15-76 KINCARDINESHIRE. At St Cyrus cliff, bright-green, scaly, filling the steam holes of amygdaloids of the Old Red Sandstone, with an inter- vening skin of Celadonite Anal. 1. The mineral here decomposes, through peroxidation of the ferrous oxide, into brick-red or dark-red tints. Fir ESHIRE. " Ferry Port-on-Craig " (Parton Craig), in the railway cutting, rarely; inclosed in Celadonite, in druses in the amygdaloid with agates. Elie, in two vertical dykes of basalt, 1 mile east of the town; dark green, minutely scaly, with Iserine, Olivine, [? derivative] Sanidine, [Soda-Microcline, Hornblende] and Pyrope Anal. 5. Also in tufa, [agglomerate] north-west of the old summer-house, [Ladies' Tower]. DUMBARTONSHIRE. North-east of Glen Arbuck, near Bowling, in basalt. Dark-green, foliated, granular Anal. 2. Near the reservoirs north of Dumbuck Hill, filling irregular druses in decomposing " mela- phyre," with " Ferrite," Olivine, and Calcite. Light-green when fresh, dark on exposure Anal. 3. In the Lang Crag, associated with red Stilbite and with Quartz Anal 4. EENFREWSHIRE. Kilrnalcolm, in a quarry south-east of the town ; in amygdaloidal " felstone," associated with Heulandite, Stilbite, and other zeolites. ARGYLLSHIRE. Knock Scalbert, near Campbelton, Kintyre, in thin veins, slickensided, in a basic eruptive rock, dark- green Anal. 6. 154. Serpentine (481). 3Mg0.2Si0 2 .2H 2 0. Varieties: Antigorite, Schweizer; Williamsite, Shepard, Am. J. So., vi. p. 249, 1848; Marmolite, Nuttall, Am. J. Sc., iv. p. 19, 1822; Chrysotile, Kobell, J. pr. Ch., ii. p. 297, 1834; Picrolite, Hausmann, Moll's Efem., iv. p. 401, 1808; Baltimorite, Thomson, Phil. Mag., xxii. p. 191, 1843. It occurs only as pseudomorphs. Usually massive, microscopic- ally finely-fibrous, also fine-granular to slaty. Fracture usually splintery, SILICATES. < 129 Feels smooth. H. = 2'5, to, rarely, 5'5 ; G. = 2'5 to 2-65. Lustre feeble, but varying from earthy through resin-like or wax-like to pearly. Colour usually leek-green, but passes from white to siskin-green, through brownish-yellow, brownish-red, and oil-green to blackish-green. When weathered it becomes yellowish-grey. Streak white, slightly shining, trans- lucent to opaque. Pleochrism feeble, optically, perhaps 4- in Chryso- lite. Double refraction weak. Ax. pi. || a (100), Bx. (a) _L (010), the cleavage surface ; t. [| to elongation of fibres. Biaxial angle variable, often large ; 2E = 16 to 98, Tschermak ; 2 V = 20 to 90, Levy-Lacr. Disper- sion, p > v. C.C. Silica 441, Magnesia 43-0, Water 12-9. Varieties : Many species have been made out of Serpentine, differing in structure (massive, slaty, foliated, fibrous) or, as supposed, in chemical composition, and these now in part stand as varieties ; all would seem to be produced by an alteration of other substances. 1. Chrysotile. Delicately fibrous, the fibres usually flexible, running transverse to the veins, and easily separating; lustre silky; colour white, golden-yellow, olive-green, brown. G. = 2'219. Often constitutes seams in Serpentine. It includes most of the silky Amianthus of Serpen- tine rocks and much of what is popularly called Asbestus. 2. Picrolite. Columnar, but fibres or columns not easily flexible, and often not easily separable, or affording only a long splintery fracture ; colour dark green to mountain green, greenish, grey, and brown. 3. Marmolite. Thin foliated ; the laminae brittle but easily separable, yet graduating into a variety, in which they are not separable. G. = 2-41 ; lustre pearly; colours greenish white, bluish white to pale asparagus green. 4. Precious Serpentine. Generally short and brittle in structure ; oily lustre, rich green and red colours, with opaline reflections, translucent, but sometimes in ramifying veins passing to white and opaque. 5. Bastite, or Schiller Spar, is Enstatite (Hypersthene), altered more or less completely to Serpentine. 6. Williamsite. A lamellar Serpentine of apple-green colour, with H. = 4-5. 7. Common Serpentine. Coarse and earthy, of blotched and variegated appearance, more resembling a rock mass. 8. Pseitdomorphous Serpentine. Shows crystalline faces or outlines. Analyses 1-8 by Heddle, Min. Mag. and Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. y xxviii. 45 ; 9, Thomson's Mineralogy, 10-16, Heddle, as above, VOL. II. I 130 SILICATES. Sp.Gr. SiOo A1A FeA FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 NaO H 2 Total. Chrysotile. l t Hesta, Fetlar, . 3973 09 ... 2-92 ... ... 41-61 ... 15-66 100-02 Picrolite. 2. Pundy Geo, 2-67 42-93 1-85 5-10 42 8 36-19 81 37 11-5 3. Corrycharmaig, . 2 63 41-47 4-01 4-83 26 37-13 ... 12-5 100-20 Precious Serpentine. 4. Niddister, . 2-52 41-46 01 2-42 1-16 23 tr. 41-76 ... ... 12-43 5. Portsoy, brown veins, 2-41 42-55 22 1-63 35 39-65 ... 16-11 6. ,, green veins, . 2-37 40-97 06 2-06 11 1-3638-45 lb'43 7. ,, pale green, . 38-62 70 1-27 ... 23 2'84 37-00 '63 2-1216-5b 8. Polmaily, white, 2-15 40-60 2-72 2-95 4 2-58 38-80 32 1-61 15-16 9. lona, 2'59 44-35 1-3 3 '6 36-05 18-55 Schiller Spar. 10. Black Dog Rock, 2-65 38-19 2-18 03 8-48 51 2'91 32-42 1-4 0614-03 11. Balhamie Hill, . ... 37-41 ... 13-54 06 24 2 34-76 ... 13-59 Common Serpentine. 12. HaafGruney, . .. 44'4 .. . 11 6-29 44 3671 ti tr. 13-20 100-31 13. Totag, 37'92 13 1-35 1*62 3'45 39 -00 '44 1-2214-8 14. East Head, Portsoy, . ... 40-54 2-45 2-12 '23 36-23 18-10 15. Matrix of Chromite, Unst, . ... 34-46 ... 676 ... 63 58 38-96 ... 18-53 Pseudomorphs. 16. Matrix, 1st vein, Port- soy, 38-83 2-02 2-03 ... 77 1-07 38-76 16-38 17. Pseudo, red crystals (west of Portsoy), . ... 37-33 1-13 4-36 4-05 38 2-12 36-71 87 73 13-37 Formula, . ... 44-14 4?-Q7 12-89 Var. 1. Chrysotile. SHETLAND. Unst, at the north shore of Balta Sound, near Swinna Ness, with Brucite, rarely. Fetlar. At Hesta Ness, Grating, in golden-yellow veins, with a high lustre, associated with Magnetite (Dudgeon) Anal. 1. Mainland. Colla Firth, south shore, in Common Serpentine, in numerous waved inosculating colourless veins or layers (D. and H.). At Scousburgh, pale-green, rare. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in the verdigris-green Serpentine to the west of the town ; in veins of a salmon-colour (D. and H.). In a Serpentine quarry north of the Bin of Huntly, and a mile west of Eothiemay station, in veins in Picrolite and Asbestus, brown. ABERDEENSHIRE. Auchindoir, Hill of Tombhreac, on the north side ; dark-green, with grey Pyrosclerite. In the east Coyle Hill, in veins 2 to 3 inches wide, brown in colour, passing to white. Var. 2. Picrolite. SHETLAND. Balta island, dark green at Doos Geo. SILICATES. 131 Haaf Gruney, yellow. Aith Voe, pale-green tufts, and at Houbie. Mainland. Fethaland, at Pundy G-eo, dark-green, columnar, associated with Magnetite, Chlorite, and Asbestus (D. and H.) Anal. 2. BANFFSHIEE. Portsoy, in a quarry a little west of the town ; pea-green in colour, sometimes asbestiform. In the quarry west of Ptothiemay. PERTHSHIRE. Glen Lochay, at Corrycharmaig, very fine green, asso- ciated with Pdpidolite and Chromite, " Baltimorite " (Doran) Anal. 3. Vars. 3 and 4. Precious Serpentine and Marmolite. SHETLAND. Unst, in a bay north-east of Swinna Ness, of a rich dark green, mottled by Enstatite Serpentine. At South Cross Geo, similarly (D. and H.). Haaf Gruney, in veins of a lemon-yellow colour, with Igelstromite Anal. 12. Fetlar, near Aith, bright yellow. Mainland. Hillswick Ness, " Banks " of the Niddister, in two veins, one greenish-yellow Anal. 4; the other chocolate-brown and resinous " Eetinalite." BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in the westernmost of the Serpentine beds, in intersecting veins of a waxy appearance, and displaying a girasole play of colour when viewed by transmitted light ; of pale-green, lavender, brown and white colour, perfectly transparent (D. and H.) Anals. 5, 6, 7. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, above Polmaily, in veins in dark Serpentine, of a cream colour, but dull, resembling meerschaum-" Por- cellophite," rare Anal. 8. HEBRIDES. lona, Port na Curaich, yellow and pale-green nodules in white marble Anal. 9. Tiree, at fCallivar, greenish-yellow, sulphur- and lemon-yellow, in marble. Ballyphaetrish Bay, dark-green, and sulphur-yellow, in marble. Var. 6. Williamsite. Pale nickel-green, weak lustre, and slaty fracture ; occurs very rarely at Hagdale, Unst, Shetland, associated with ? Genthite, Chromite, and Pentlandite. Var. 5. Bastite or Schiller spar. ABERDEEXSHIRE. Belhelvie, in a quarry near Broomhillock, in large crystals, in Serpentine ; pea-green in colour (Nicol and H.). In a quarry near Whitecairns, in Serpentine, with plumose Pyrites, in bronzy crystals (Nicol and H.). In boulders of black Serpentine at the mouth of the Black Dog Burn, in very large crystals Anal. 10. BAXFFSHIRE. Near Eothiemay, in Serpentine. AYRSHIRE. Balhamie Hill, near Colmonell, in leek-green crystals, 132 SILICATES. imbedded in black Serpentine. These on the rock surface are bronzy ; Chonicrite is an associate Anal. 11. Var. 7. Common Serpentine. This often forms great beds, or even mountain masses. It is a mix- ture of all the foregoing varieties, together with, probably, some Dewey- lite, Hydrophite, Pyrosclerite, or Kaolinite. It is also frequently veined with Dolomite or Calcite, and is studded with partially or completely pseudomorphosed crystals of Olivine, Enstatite, Sahlite, Actinolite, Nephrite, Chromite, or Picotite, and even felspars. These (varied con- stituents) often mottle it with red, green, or white, thereby giving it the aspect of a porphyry. The names Serpentine, Ophite, and Lapis Colu- brinus, refer to the serpent-like markings displayed when it is cut and polished; it is then, sometimes, improperly called Serpentine marble. This common Serpentine occurs in Unst (Anal. 15) and Fetlar, as the matrix of Chromite. Usually of yellow colour. SHETLAND. Unst and Fetlar. Several beds of Serpentine diverge like the blades of a fan from a point lying to the south of the last of these islands, and pass northward. The most westerly traverses both islands ; the two next in order traverse Fetlar, touch the islets Urie Lingey and Daaey, but do not reach Unst. The most easterly forms a large mass in Fetlar, the whole of Haaf Gruney (Anal. 12), and the promontory of Mu Ness in Unst. These beds are associated with lime- stones, gabbros, and gneissic schists. Mainland. A bed which appears first north of Ollaberry, crosses the heads of Quey Firth and Colla Firth voes, and reappears in Fethaland at Pundy and Klebber Geos. Other localities are the south-west extremity of Bixter Voe, Hillswick Ness and the south-west of Scousburgh, on the shore. INVERNESS-SHIRE. In Glen Urquhart, above Polmaily, in association with limestones and margarodite (Muscovite) schists. HEBRIDES. Lewis, at Loch Thamanabhaidh (Nicol). Harris, Scalpa Island, at Eilean Glas. Nearly crossing Harris from Scara Eudha to the Dun of Borve, north of Loch Langavat. BANFFSHIRE, ABERDEENSHIRE, and PERTHSHIRE. At Portsoy; two beds show themselves to the west of the town ; a series of thin beds in and on the west shore of Durn Bay, and two more massive ones near Cowhythe Head. These traverse in a S.S.W. course the counties of Banff, Aberdeen, and part of Perth, as two beds, sending an offset which forms a third about the Hill of Noth to the east ; this appears at several points, and passes into the sea north of Aberdeen. All seem united as far south as about Huntly, appearing on the east side of a quartz range, as at Damhead, near Durn Hill, Fordyce, Lurg, and Knock SILICATES. 133 Hills ; at Limehillock, near Grange, and west of Eothiemay station. The several points at which the more westerly branch is now seen are at the Hill of Milleath, Drumhead, near Euthven, the Sockach [? Succoth] Hill, south of Glass, on the Deveron, and skirting its west bank upwards at Craigdornie, Craig luie, above Shenwell, Blackwater Lodge, and west of Creag an Sgor. A great mass forms Greer Hill of Strathdon ; it is again seen at Dulnein, on the Dee ; at Braemar, near the Dee ; and, according to MacCulloch, in the Eye Forest. The central band shows itself at the Eed Craig of Ehynie, the Hill of Tombhreac, in Auchindoir, at several points near Eedford in the Cabrach, on the Kindy and on the Deskry, between Morven and Cul- blean, in large mass at the Coyle Hills, near Ballater, and at Little Kilrannoch, at the head of the White Water, a branch of the South Esk. The eastern branch appears at Leith Hall, at Chapelton and Premnay, at Bourtie, Barra Hill, and Forester Hill, near Meldrum, in large mass at Belhelvie, and, lastly, at the Black Dog Eock, 5 miles north of Aberdeen. The igneous rock which appears here, and again in the vicinity of the great fault which separates the Old Eed Sandstone from the northern schists, shows itself at several places as Serpentine ; as at Cortachy Bridge, Balloch on the Carity ; near Barry, Hill of Alyth, and near the limestone at the south end of Loch Cluny : probably it is the same as appears north of Balmaha, on Loch Lomond. Near Kinnordy, in Forfar, and at Balmaha, it contains altered crystals of Enstatite. AYRSHIRE. At Balhamie Hill, near Colmonell, with Pseudo-En- statite, and near Lendalfoot, north of Ballantrae, Carlton Castle (Greg). Serpentinous Marbles. "Primitive limestones," with included patches or nodules of Ser- pentine, which have been derived from the serpentinisation of Malacolite and Sahlite, for the most part, and, rarely, of Olivine, occur in SUTHERLAND. At Ledbeg, colourless, and sulphur-yellow, rarely black. EOSS-SHIRE. At Totag and Beinn Chuirn, Glenelg, grey, yellow, and slate-blue. HEBRIDES. Skye, in Strath, dull yellow. Harris, at Eodil, grey, lona, at Port na Curaich, yellow and green. Port an Duine Mhairbh, yellow and grey. Tiree, Ballyphaetrish. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Grantown, Achnagonalin, colourless, yellow, and black. PERTHSHIRE. Glen Tilt, at Marble Lodge, yellow, pale-green, and grey. Cluny, dull-yellow. Certain substances whose nature has not been sufficiently deter- 134 SILICATES. mined, and probably in themselves mixtures, somewhat like potstone, have been assigned to Serpentine : as that of a dull-green colour, which fills rents in Logan rock at Ullapool and elsewhere, and which appa- rently passes into Epidosite. The value of Serpentine as an ORNAMENTAL STONE depends upon an admixture of the more precious varieties with their varying colours in vein and blotched arrangements, still more diversification being at times imparted by admixtures of Steatite, Nephrite, Marmolite, Asbestus, and Chlorite. The Unst ornamental stone is rarely fine. The most common variety is dark-green, with pale yellow-green veinings. In small masses a finer stone occurs north of Swinna Ness. This has pale-green crystals of softening Enstatite, impacted in a deep-green base of Precious Ser- pentine. The Haaf Gruney rock is pale purple, with greyish-yellow bands. That of Scousburgh is dark-green, with a network of pale yellow-green to white. The more westerly of the Portsoy beds of Serpentine is highly variegated, and, though difficult to obtain in large blocks, is probably the most beautiful and most variegated known. It was long wrought by a French company, and the pillars of the great Hall at Versailles are made of it. The admixture of colours of all tints except bright blues is beyond number. A stone with a dark green basis sprinkled with bright red pseudomorphs of Olivine, or of Augite, and pale-green markings, pre- dominates towards the west. A pale green nephritic base with interlacing veinings of dark-green Precious Serpentine, and nodules of pale olive- coloured Steatite, occurs in the centre. The Precious Serpentine is some- times studded with blood-red spots. Verdigris-green, with blue-black dendritic markings, is found at the east. The second vein, formed apparently by alteration of gabbro, is greyish-green, with mottling of dark greyish-blue. Lavender, rich brown, green and white veins of Marmolite, pervade the first two varieties. One vein, below water, in the East Bay, affords blocks of dull-green, mottled with brown, and is traversed by broad bands of fawn-yellow. That of the Hill of Tom- bhreac has a plicated intermixture of dark- and light-green, with white. Its appearance suggests a rock of gneissic structure as its origin. The Serpentine of Glen Kindy and Culblean is similar to that of Scousburgh. The rock at Lendalfoot is occasionally banded dark- green, mottled pale-green, and cream-colour, in alternate bands of an inch in width. Certain of the Serpentinous Marbles rank as ornamental stones. That of Glen Tilt is sap-green and sulphur-yellow, mottled with white. SILICATES. 135 The Tiree Marble is flesh-red, with imbedded granules of bright-green Sahlite, in every stage of alteration into Serpentine, with occasionally large lustrous crystals of dark Diallage. Other localities than these yield ornamental combinations, but in masses large enough only for inlaid work. At Beinn Chuirn, in Glenelg, snow-white with blue and green. In Tiree, white with sulphur-yellow ; and Ceann a bharra, and at Ballyphaetrish in Tiree ; to the east of which is a white marble, with lead-blue enclosures. At Leslie and Leith Hall the Serpentine is fibrous, as if formed from Amianthus. It is greyish-green, with grey and dark-blue specks, and is made into snuff- boxes, etc. 155. Totaigite (481). [Dr Heddle at one time regarded a yellowish-brown substance which occurs in the metamorphic marble of Totag, Loch Alsh, and Beinn Chuirn, Glenelg, as a new mineral species, and described it as such (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxviii. 455, 1878). There is reason to believe that he sub- sequently abandoned this view. The mineral is now referred to Forsterite. His analyses gave : Sp. Gr. Si0 2 Al a O, FeA FeO MnO CaO MgO KjO Na 2 H 2 Total. Totag, 1, 2-84 to 2-893 36-19 26 29 2-958 45 3-27 45-57 25 42 10-20 99-87 >. 2, 37-22 76 ... 1-05 23 5-24 44-97 ... ... 10-64 10011 The same substance had previously been referred to Chondrodite.] 156. Genthite (483). 2Ni0.2Mg0.3Si0 2 .6H 2 0. [Dr Heddle at one time referred one of the green compounds asso- ciated with the Chromite of Shetland to this species; but he appears, subsequently, to have abandoned this view.] 157. Pimelite (483a). [Another hydra ted Magnesium and Nickel silicate, also of somewhat doubtful occurrence in Scotland. The substance here referred to occurs chiefly in the form of a rather bright ivy-green saponaceous encrustation upon the divisional planes of the decomposed andesitic lava of Devonian age, at Blackford Hill, south of Edinburgh. A mineral similar in its general aspect occurs also at Comrie, in Perthshire. Neither this nor the foregoing appears to have been analysed.] 136 SILICATES. 158. Talc and Steatite (484). H 2 0.3Mg0.4SiO 2 . Talck, Glimmer, Agric,f oss. Lapis 011aris,Wall, Min., 133, 1747. Talcum, Steatites, Cronst, Min., 89, 75, 1758. Talc, Soapstone, Steatite, Potstone. Ortho-rhombic or monoclinic. Barely in tabular crystals, hexagonal, with the prismatic angle 60. Usually foliated, massive. Cleavage, basal. Sectile. Flexible, but not elastic. H. = 1 to 1-5 ; G. = 27 to 2-8. Lustre, pearly on cleavages. Colour silvery-white to apple-green. Streak white, transparent to translucent. Optically negative. Var. 1. Foliated Talc. Easily separated folia, having a greasy feel. 2. Massive, Steatite or Soapstone. A. Granular, grey. H. = 1 to 2*5. Potstone or Lapis Ollaris is more or less impure Soapstone. B. Fine granular, and soft enough to be used as chalk, as the French Chalk. C. Indurated Talc. An impure slaty Talc, harder than the ordinary. 63-5 Silica, 317 of Magnesia, and 4-8 of Water. The water given off only at a red-heat. Pyr., In the closed tube, B.B. emits a bright light, exfoliates, and hardens to =6, but is infusible; with cobalt solution becomes pale red. Not soluble in acids, either before or after ignition. B.B., in closed tube, evolves water on intense heating. In forceps witli cobalt solution becomes pale red, and fuses on edges to white enamel. [Talc is usually an alteration product.] Generally associated with Serpentine, Chloritic Schist, and Dolomite ; and, when massive, often contains imbedded crystals of Magnetite, Tour- maline, Actinolite, or of Dolomite or Breunnerite. Analyses Heddle, Mm. Mag., 1, ii. 9 ; 2, iii. 18 ; 3, iv. 197 ; 5, v. 71. S.G. Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. NorthCross,Geo, 276 62-5 45 53 31-84 4-79 100-11 2. Niddister, 2-82 60-89 4-14 ... 1-24 ... ... 28-09 tr. 4-72 99-08 Steatite 3. Cape Wrath, . 2-8 59-11 46 2-65 3-251 23 43 28-67 5-16 99-96 4. Bogie, Fife, . 2-63 57-26 2-189 2-15 96 272 27-91 6-51 99-69 5. Shiness, . 67-09 1-59 ... 1-82 ... ... 23-30 ... ... 6-04 99-84 SHETLAND. Unst, Taing of Norwick, at the junction of the Serpentine with schists, in both colourless and apple-green foliated masses, with Ankerite (Hibbert). At North Cross Geo, Harolds Wick, in magnificent apple-green, foliated masses, associated with Nemalite, Dolomite, Breun- nerite, and Magnetite (D. and H.) Anal. 1. Half a mile north-west of this locality, white, in a vein. Fetlar. At Houbie, foliated, in Serpentine (Hibbert). At Aith, grass-green, foliated. SILICATES. 137 Mainland. Between Colla Firth and Quey Firth voe, yellowish-white (D. and H.). Hillswick, at Niddister, pearly-white, the matrix of Actino- lite crystals Anal. 2. At the Taing of Hillswick. Vannlip, sap-green, plumose, in Quartz (D. and H.). SUTHERLAND. At Shiness, in lustrous crystals, studding nodules of grey Steatite in the limestone (Joass) Anal. 5. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in quartz-rock, west of the Battery (Peyton). Culvie, at Knowehead, in radiated crystalline concretions, in a thin bed of Serpentine (Home). On the south-east side of Durn Hill, yellowish, pseudomorphous after Kyanite (Peyton). At Eedhythe, pale emerald- green, in limestone, with Pyrrhotite, Eutile, Margarodite, and bronzy Biotite. At Fordyce, in limestone, pale green. ABERDEENSHIRE. New Meldrum, at Forester Hill, rarely, in lime- stone, associated with Sahlite, Pyrrhotite, Sphene, Andesine, Chlorite, and Biotite. At Cairnie, in foliated, radiating masses, of a brown colour, and silvery lustre, identical in appearance with that from Wolfsberg, Karntheim, said by Tschermak to be pseudomorphous after Grammatite (Greg). In a quarry near the road north of the Bin of Huntly, 1 mile west of Eothiemay station, of a brownish-green colour, associated with Amianthus and Chrysotile. On West Coyle Hill, Deeside, with Steatite. Eslie, in limestone, rarely, of a pale green colour, along with Sahlite, Pyrrhotite, Graphite, Sphene, Apatite, and Margarodite (Muscovite). Huntley, near the summit of the Hill of Milleath, in rosettes in Serpentine. FORFARSHIRE. Balloch Carity, green, foliated, with hexagonal mica, in claystone porphyry (Lyell) ? Prasilite. PERTHSHIRE. Near Gaily, with Chlorite. Glen Clova, Glen Doll, at Little Kilrannoch, in Serpentine. Nemalite. Fibrous Talc. SHETLAND. Unst. North Cross Geo, in a vein 1J inches wide (D. and H.). Steatite. Massive Granular Talc. SHETLAND. Fetlar, at Oddsta. Mainland. Fethaland, at Kleber Geo, forming a bed of great thick- ness and of a pinkish-white colour. Hillswick, at Niddister, rarely (Hibbert). At Kleber Geo, similar to that at Fethaland. At Sandy Geo, with Eipidolite and Magnetite. At the summit of a hill between Sand Voe and Sandsting manse, white. SUTHERLAND. Shiness, in hard grey nodules in the limestone (Joass). 2 miles south of Cape Wrath, in hornblendic gneiss, of a lavender colour, with Actinolite and Eipidolite (Geikie and H.) Anal. 3. 138 SILICATES. HEBRIDES. Harris. In Scalpa, at Eilean Glas, with Chlorite, Zircon, and Magnetite, in hornblendic gneiss (Neill). lona. Port na Curaich, in white marble, with Precious Serpentine. BANFFSHIEE. Portsoy, leek-green, in Serpentine. Durn Hill, in a quarry on the east side, grey. ABERDEENSHIRE. Avonside. Gaulrig, at Three Burns, with Fluor, Chlorite, and Sphene, in Calcite. Abergairn lead mine, with Fluor, Galena, and Blende, which is of a yellow colour. PERTHSHIRE. In Menteith, in veins 3 feet thick. STIRLINGSHIRE. Alva, above Westerton, leek- green, in seams, which lie between beds of basaltic clinkstone [andesite], associated with cubic Pyrites. ? Saponite. FLFESHIRE. Kirkcaldy, at Bogie quarry, blue-green, in limestone Anal. 4. HADDINGTONSHIRE. In the upper part of Dunglass burn, in grey- wacke. . Potstone. SHETLAND. Unst. Balta Island, at South Doos Geo S.G., 2*806 ; mixed with Pyrites. This seems chiefly Steatite. Fetlar. South-west of Houbie; massive, granular; in Steatite, with imbedded Talc. At Smithfield, Gruting Voe (Dudgeon). Mainland. Fethaland, at Kleber Geo S.G., 2787; associated with Ilmenite (D. and H.). At Colla Firth, south shore, with Chrysotile (D. and H.). At Quey Firth voe. Hillswick, at Sandy Goe, with pink Steatite, Magnetite, and Chlorite (Hibbert). HEBRIDES. Harris, Scalpa, at Eilean Glas, with Steatite ; and also a thick mass imbedded in Serpentine (D. and H.). Scara Euadh, along the north shore of Loch Langabhat to the Dun of Borve, in Serpentine (D. and H.). Lewis, at Loch Bhalumis, with Augite (Nicol). ARGYLLSHIRE. Loch Fyne, on the east side, 1 mile below the lower quarry Inveraray, of grey clouded marble. The Castle is built of this. PERTHSHIRE. Near Dunkeld, in Cluny limestone quarry, between the trap and the limestone (MacCulloch). 159. Saponite (488). (Al 2 3 ,Fe 2 3 )Si0 2 -6(Fe,Ca,Mg)Si0 2 +13H 2 0. Pierre a Savon, Haiiy. SAPONITE, Svanberg, Ak. H. Stockh., 153 (1840). PRASILITE, Thomson, Phil. Mag., III. xvii. p. 416 (1840). PIOTIN, Svanberg, Pogg., 54, 267 (1841). THALITE, Owen, J. Ac, Philad., ii. 179 (1852). BOWLINGITE, J. B. Hannay, Min. Mag., i. 154 (1877). SAPONITE, Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc. JEdin., xxix. (1879). CATHKINITE, J. J. Dobbie, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vii. p. 166 (1883). SOAPSTONE, pars. MOUNTAIN SOAP, pars. SILICATES. 139 Hexagonal ? Prasilite is in fan-shaped groups of hexagonal crystals ; the Sapoiiite associated with zeolites, shows under the microscope clusters of hexagonal crystals lining the druses, or in vermicular aggre- gates. It is massive or nodular when it fills the cavities. Often soft like butter or cheese, but on loss of water becomes granular and crumbly. When filling veins often transversely fibrous. G. = 218 to 2'3. Lustre greasy. Colour white, lavender, wax-yellow, olive-green, bluish, brown, Venetian red, usual colour sap-green several of these colours being sometimes associated in onyx-like bands. Does not adhere to the tongue. Some varieties fall to pieces when placed in water, often with a slight explosive sound. Anals. 1-9, Heddle, 10, Dalziel, 12-14, Heddle, Trans. Hoy. Soc. Edin, xxix. 91 et seq. (1879). 11, Dobbie, Min. Mag., v. 131 (1883). 15, Brewster, Phil. Mag., III. xvii. p. 416 (1840). 16, Heddle. [Hannay, Min. Mag., i. 154; Dobbie, T. G. S. Glas., vii. 212.] S.G. Loss at 212 Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MuO CaO MgO K 2 \a 2 H 2 Total From Volcanic Rocks of De- vonian, and Carboniferous, Ages 1. Gapol, Kincardineslrire, . 2. Kinneff, Kincardineshire (green), 3. Kinneff, Kincardineshire (purple), 4. Glen Farg, Perthshire, 2-179 split 2-28 2-235 15-746 14-092 14-52 12-961 42-13 42-1 42-5 36-54 7-25 5-95 5-88 9-39 657 4-96 4-91 2-85 19 18 12 5-25 13 09 12 15 8 2-15 2-13 2-5 19-33 20-98 20-74 21-62 58 28 19 2-09 : 21-07 22-93 22-75 21-68 100-14 100-08 99-81 99-98 5. Wormit Bay, Fifeshire, . 1387 42-84 4-83 6-50 2-36 20 2-16 21-81 tr. 20-7 101-39 6. Tayport, ,, 2"282 13-96 40-11 6-49 5-61 2-37 tr. 2-01 21-67 32 21 21-6 100-39 7. Cathkiu Hills (scaly), 2799 1561 41-34 10-53 1-86 3-84 09 1-22 21-07 05 37 19-48 99-58 8. (fibrous) (" Bowlingite "), 9. Bowling, Dumbarton, 2-2881476 2-308 12-315 42-22 38-08 8-52 6-26 2-99 4-36 4-88 4'98 07 23 92 2-97 21-23 21-46 95 11 19-49 20-48 100-32 99-88 10. Bowling, Dumbarton, .. 12-965 38-74 5-35 5-94 6-96 -08 3-06 20-22 49 21 21-28 100-33 11. " Cathkinite " (Dobbie), . 12. Kilpatrick (" Prasilite"), . 13. Bowling, 2-214 13-02 40-07 6-61 416 8-69 2-67 19-24 tr. tr. 17'16 18' 21-89 98-98 100-45 1372 40-15 7-39 3-67 4-73 15 1-95 20-35 17 From Volcanic Rocks of Ter- tiary Age 14. Storr, Skye (olive), . 2 -296 13 -652 41-41 9-08 2-05 .. -11 1-86 22-8 23-43 100-74 15. Quiraing, Skye (white), . split 15-536 42-50 5-06 85 .. -23 3"27 23-95 17 45 23-68 100-16 16. (yellow), . split 15132 40-33 872 1-97 13 2-80 21-71 24-34 99-99 Average, . 2-272 14-22 40-63 40-81 718 7'5 3-96 3-88 2-38 2'62 214 2-04 21-43 20-61 21-76 2273 140 SILICATES. Of this water from 6 to 7 per cent, is given off at the heat of the human body, but the mineral reabsorbs the whole amount from a moist atmosphere in half an hour. Pyr., etc. B.B. gives out water very readily and blackens; thin splinters fuse with difficulty on the edge. Decomposed by sulphuric acid. The sap-green scaly Saponite which totally fills many of the vapour vesicles of the St Cyrus and Usan shores of Forfarshire is generally peroxidised [by exposure] to a ruddy brown colour, the liberated nodule being rent by the concomitant expansion. In Igneous Rocks of Devonian and Carboniferous Ages. SHETLAND. Mainland. At the Cannon, near the village of Stenness, Northmavine, greenish-yellow, impalpable, in amygdules, with Amethyst (D. and H.). [At the Grind of the Navir.] Papa Stour. At the Kirk Sands, with Barytes, Fluor, and Psilomelane, in amygdaloid (D. and H.). j- Ungly-braed Head and Bordie, in quartzose cavities of felsite. North shore of Housa Voe, with Fluor and Calcite, [in the vapour cavities of a subacid eruptive rock]. At -(-Little Peattie Geo, in felsite. ARGYLLSHIRE. On the right bank of the Awe, below the Bridge of Awe, with Epidote, Calcite, and Hornblende, in amygdaloid (Macnight). KINCARDINESHIRE. At [? Trelung Ness], south of Stonehaven, filling amygdules, with a skin of Celadonite. At the Long Gallery, Tremuda Bay, fibrous, transverse to veins, which are usually vertical. At Gapol, Tod Head, in layers between beds of amygdaloid, leek-green, impalpable, near zeolites Anal. 1. South of Tod Head, in amygdules, green, speckled with red. Kinneff road, at the branch to the church, in porphyritic amygdaloid, forming clusters of crystals, of an olive-green colour, which rest upon zeolitic quartz, with red Stilbite and red Heu- landite Anal. 2. The same cavities contain at base Saponite, in solid lumps, of a mottled appearance and colour, like Naples soap Anal. 3. St Cyrus cliff, filling amygdules, scaly, dark-green, sometimes red. FORFARSHIRE. Montrose, at Craig railway cutting, in three veins. Solid, and grass-green, in the north vein. Fibrous transverse to vein, and dark green (with ? Hydrophite) in the central vein, which is 2 inches wide. Sap-coloured, in the south vein ; solid with black spots ; also here white, yellow, and brick-red. In druses in the same cutting, white, putty-coloured, brick-red, yellow, sap-green, grass-green; with Satin Spar, Barytes, Natrolite, Pilolite, Zeolitic Quartz, Analcime, and Stilbite. In these druses the first layer is Saponite, the second Zeolites, the third Calcite (Mitchell and H.). Usan, at The Blue Hole, rarely, solidly filling druses, greenish-brown. At Lunan railway-cutting, green, SILICATES. 141 with a skin of red Celadonite, fleches d'amour in Eock Crystal, and Agates. Broughty Castle rock, lining druses, in rosettes of hexagonal crystals ; dark green, and of a brilliant lustre. Eoy Quarry, with Moss Agate, in veins and druses. PERTHSHIRE. Kinnoull Hill, Corsiehill quarry, grass-green, foliated, and staining zeolitic Quartz (Lauder Lindsay). Glen Farg, filling druses, dark green Anal. 4, and red (Murray). Ballindean, fAgate Knowe, rarely, filling druses. At Bridge of Cally, impure. FIFESHIRE. West of Tayport, in the railway cutting, in druses lined with mam mill ated Celadonite. Massive, like green wax, near agates Anal. 6. East of Tay Bridge, in veins and lumps, grass-green, opaque, earthy-looking Anal. 5. In j- quarry, as a vein in andesite, massive (Durham). West of Crail, oil-green, massive. DUMBARTONSHIRE. Bowling quarry, very rarely, in large hexagonal scales, of emerald-green colour, and a pearly lustre, associated with Natrolite the " Prasilite " of Thomson or with Prehnite, at the centre of the north face of the quarry Anals. 12, 13. In veins of a dark green colour and transverse fibrous structure, " Bowlingite " (Young) Anal. 8. As a velvet-like coating to rents, almost black, with a pale-green streak. HADDINGTON. " To the north-west of Sea Cliff [house, in] amygdaloid, with much Sapouite and Calcite." [At Fenton Tower, North Berwick, white, associated with Manganite, in cavities in a sub-basic lava of Lower Carboniferous age.] MIDLOTHIAN. Bathgate, at Blackburn, in veins an inch wide, in dolerite, transversely fibrous (Stuart Thomson). Eatho, south quarry, in mammillated groups of fibrous crystals of a dark greenish-brown colour, with Calcite. Pentlands, with Agates, in amygdaloid, at Hillend quarry and elsewhere. EENFREWSHIRE. Barrhead, at Boyleston quarry, generally lavender coloured. Gryfe tunnel, near Greenock, crystallised in minute plates on Natrolite, sap-green. LANARKSHIRE. Cathkin quarry, 2 miles south of Eutherglen, in veins, bright green, transversely fibrous (Young). In lenticular nodules up to eight inches across, at the base of the quarry, brown, massive, with conchoidal fracture (Dobbie) Anal. 11. In the porphyritic lava of the Cathkin Hills, in small druses, with Labradorite, Olivine, and Ferrite. At the bridge over the Clyde, on the road to Biggar, in chalcedonic druses in amygdaloid. AYRSHIRE. At Berry glen, crystallised, in small scales, upon Natro- lite, sap-green; with Erythrine and pseudo-Laumontite (Doran). Eye Water; above Cunninghame, Baidland limestone quarry, with red Stilbite and white Quartz. 142 SILICATES. From Tertiary Igneous Rocles. HEBRIDES. Skye. Storr, at the foot of the Old Man, in druses, underlying Chabazite, pale yellow Anal. 14. Half a mile east of Quiraing, filling druses per se, white, wax-yellow (Anal. 15), and olive- green. In the valley between the cliff and The Prison, as soft as butter, or pulpy, colour milk-white, associated with Gyrolite and Apophyllite. At the foot of the Echoing Eock, north of Leacan Fhionn, dark brown, green, yellow, light green, venetian-red ; sometimes all in one cavity, in onyx-like bands. These underlie Chabazite, Plynthite, Calcite, Thom- sonite, Apophyllite, Analcime, and Mesolite (D. and H.) Anal. 16. Dunvegan Loch ; at Kudha nan Clach, brown of various shades, in onyx- like bands. These form the bottom of zeolitic cavities up to one and a half inches in thickness. The associates are Olivine and Calcite. Also in small druses, red, yellow, and green. At Orbost Loch, Bracadale, on the north shore, with zeolites. Humela Eock, south of Canna, amber- coloured. The rock of the east side of Scuir Dearg, Skye, rarely has minute cavities with an intensely-blue substance, in structure resembling Saponite. The following localities assigned to chlorite doubtless refer to Saponite. " With quartz in a felspar dyke traversing grey wacke and conglomerate, at Carolside on the Leader." " In amygdaloidal porphyry at Muirhouse law, 2 miles south-east of Maxton, Eoxburghshire." The following localities assigned to Steatite doubtless also refer to Saponite. Lanarkshire, at Phillipshill quarry, " finest in Britain, with zeolites." " Berwick. Dunse, near Cumledge House, in a dyke in the bed of the Oxenden burn, in beautiful crystals, a mineral like Steatite in veins, with zeolites." " In thin veins in the felspar porphyry of Lam- berton Hill, quarried near Nunlands." A study of the mode of association of Saponite with the minerals which occur along with it shows that the Saponite of the volcanics of Old Eed Sandstone and Carboniferous ages has been the substance last deposited in their vapour vesicles ; while that of the volcanics of Tertiary volcanics has been the first. The earliest notice of so-called Saponite gave Cornwall as its locality, and Cronstadt, Klaproth, and Kirwan considered the mineral there occurring as belonging to this species. An analysis of an exceedingly fine specimen specially sent the author by Professor King, of Belfast, showed that it was a slightly weathered vein of white precious Serpentine. A graver and more persistently indulged in error consists in petro- logists assigning the ever-recurring Saponite of decomposing basic and SILICATES. 143 sub-basic eruptive rocks to Chlorite. This is still, by many petrographers, even by those occupying positions which confer the widest experience, referred without hesitation to that mineral. This error was pointed out in the year 1879 by the author, when it was shown that Chlorite and its congeners were confined absolutely to rocks which had undergone dynamo-metamorphism (see Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxix. p. 101). On the other hand, Saponite, and what may be regarded as its congeners, are equally absolutely confined to eruptive rocks, which present these minerals as the resultants of hydro-thermal alteration. The prominent feature of the alteration is the pronounced hydration which accompanies the chemical change. The so-called " viridite " of the Car Craig Rock and the " Chlorite " of the Kinghorn melaphyre, figured in plate xxii. of Teall's British Petrography, are, in point of fact, ordinary typical examples of investing and vermicular Saponite such vermicular forms the employment of a higher magnifying power resolves into piles of crystals of a rudely hexagonal form. Though generally devoid of definite crystalline form, Saponite is possessed of no little interest, in virtue of the varieties of its aspect, its very large content of water, and the singularity of the manner in which it comports itself therewith. No mineral presents itself under more varying forms than this, as is seen in the white, clotted-cream-like Saponite of Quiraing the fibrous, amianthoid, lustrous, sap-green veins of Craigs railway cutting, in Forfar the brown, nodular, bole-like, con- cretionary masses of some of the so-called " Bowlingite " the blue-grey mottled bands, which floor zeolitic cavities, with much the appearance of Naples soap the diversely coloured, onyx-like variety, with its bands of vivid red, which is rarely seen in the rocks north of the Echoing Crag, Quiraing and the deep green, fan-like, lustrous rosettes of the "Prasilite" of Bowling. This solid stone contains one-fourth of its weight of water. That the whole of that fourth exists in it as a liquid, or in an ordinary hydrating condition, cannot be for a moment supposed, A certain portion must be playing the part of a base. But the functioning of the solid part to the large percentage of water given off at a temperature of 212 F. is peculiar in itself ; about one half of that quantity being given up at the ordinary temperature of the human body, and this same amount is reabsorbed by it, if it be placed in a moist atmosphere, so that the total water content ultimately is identical with that of its first composition. Now this extraordinary mode of functioning, as regards percentages so high as from six to seven, may come even to affect to a certain extent the humidity, if not the climate, of a locality, if any great quantity of the mineral is present in the rocks ; and there is a locality which, though not of great 144 SILICATES. extent, is probably so affected. The peculiar vibration which is observed when we bring the eye close to the ground on an exceptionally warm day, in a locality of unusually brilliant exposure, is due to the rise of currents of air heated by contact with parts of the rocks affected by such exposure. Now a district of some miles in extent, which lies between Dumbuck and the Lang Crag, in Dumbartonshire, consists of a rock of which perhaps one-third is Saponite of a very dark green or almost black colour. The amount of atmospheric vibration there seen in the circum- stances above detailed is so great as to leave no doubt that large quantities of aqueous vapour are here ascending along with the currents of heated air. In dry, sunshiny weather the air over this district must be thus rendered more humid ; while in moist weather, in virtue of its power of reabsorbing the lost water, the atmosphere must be, to an equivalent extent, rendered less humid. FERRITE. 1 Wallace Young, quoted by Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 28 (1882). Heddle (ibid., vii. 134, 1887). An alteration-product of Olivine in the basalt lavas of the Glasgow district, chiefly between Gleniffer Braes and Boyleston. It frequently retains the form of the Olivine crystals, but has cleavages nearly equally eminent, parallel to both a and b of the original Olivine crystal. It is soft, greasy to the touch, and of high tinctorial power, of a deep red to chocolate brown colour. The air-dried mineral loses 3'83 % at 212 F. An analysis by Dr Heddle (Min. Mag., v. 29) gave : Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO H 2 Total. 13-03 13-16 53-47 4-51 0-15 6-62 0'75 8-39 = 100-08 160. Chlorophaeite. Massive, encrusting, or disseminated in small nodules, in amygdaloidal basalt. Fracture conchoidal. When first exposed it is translucent and pistachio-green or olive-green to bright amber-coloured ; but, when exposed to the air, changes, in the course of a few minutes, to dark brown or to almost black colour, and becomes opaque, splitting up in so doing into minute hexagonal prisms. Soft, brittle, and greasy to the touch. Lustre slightly glimmering. When fresh its lustre is vitreous. H., 1-5 to 2 ; 0*2 to 2-8. Comp. It does not easily yield a formula. Its analysis yielded (Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxix. 84) : 1 [Classed as a pseudomorph by Dr Heddle.] SILICATES. 145 Loss at 212 Si0 2 A1A Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K,/) Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Rum, 19-227 36 22-8 2-46 5 2-52 9-5 tr. tr. 26-46 100-24 2. 1775 53 49-67 2-15 1-20 3-07 3-99 21-82 100-18 3. Kinkell, 8-039 38-59 17-34 15-97 n.d. 1-56 3-94 8-65 67 13-48 100-20 (Hullite. ) Pyr., readily sol. in h. acid. HEBRIDES. Kum, near the summit of Creag nan Stardean (Anal. 1 and 2), filling vapour cavities from the size of small shot to that of a bean. Of varying colours and appearances. The colours range from that of amber to malachite green. The structure at times very much resembles that of Malachite. All these rapidly pass, with loss of water, into black. Canna, on the south-west side, near a cave. The specimens here, in appearance, resemble cobbler's wax, and they are several inches in length. The occurrences noted by MacCulloch from Fifeshire do not refer to this substance, but are more of the nature of Hullite. The analysis of one from Kinkell has been subjoined above to that of the Creag nan Stardean mineral, in order that the difference in composition might be made apparent. KIRWANITE. Specimens much resembling the Kirwanite of Thomson occur in an exceptionally hard and tough basalt to the west of the house of Glen- forsa, on Loch Baa, Mull. On being sectioned, however, these proved to be of an entirely different nature. [This mineral appears to have been regarded by Dr Heddle as an undetermined species belonging to the same group as the following.] i6i. Celadonite l (489). 3( JFeO JMgOiK 2 0)6Si0 2 .(i A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 )2Si0 2 + 5H 2 0. Terre verte de Verone, De Lisle, Crist, ii. 502 (1783). Griinerde, Hoffm., Bergm. J., 519 (1788); Green Earth, pt. ; Green Earth of Verona. Seladonite, Glock, Syn., 193 (1847). In minute scales, or earthy. Very soft. Colour deep olive-green, celandine-green, apple-green ; feel more or less greasy. Gr., 2-56. Anal. 1 to 3. Heddle, Trans. Roy. Soc., JEdin., xxix. p. 102. 4. Stuart Thomson and Heddle, Min. Mag., x., No. 47, pp. 248-250. 1 [Dr Heddle latterly preferred to spell this " Celedonite," in which form it appears elsewhere in the present work.] VOL. II. K 146 SILICATES. 1. Sgurr Mor, Eum,. 2. Tayport, Fife, . 3. Tay Bridge, . . G. Loss at 212 Si0 2 A1A FeA FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 2-574 2-59 2-598 5-99 5-048 3-879 57-72 52-69 52-54 33 5-79 5-82 17-05 9-75 971 373 5-37 5-4 08 31 31 6 1-16 1-29 3-84 8-54 8-31 5-55 6-21 6-5 42 39 64 1078 10-48 10-41 100-10 100-69 100*93 4. Blue Hole. Forfar, 2-605 6-13 5174 4-44 11-91 4-19 tr. 0-54 8-29 7-40 0-55 11-49 100-55 Formula, ... ... 54-05 3-83 11-94 5-40 ... ... 676 7-88 ... 10-14 ... Not soluble in acids. ORKNEY. Walls. Sands Geo. Bright green, coating amygdules. HEBRIDES. Kum. At Sgurr Mor. In bands an inch thick in amygdaloid, structure granular impalpable Anal. 1. Also coating agates. It is the colouring matter of the heliotrope. KINCARDINESHIRE. At the cliff of St Cyrus ; coating agates, and as the outer skin of some of the druses filled with Delessite. FORFARSHIRE. At the " Blue Hole," near Usan, Montrose, of a dark green, and lustrous, coating agates (Anal. 4), and as the central core of agate stalactites. Lunan railway cutting, in amygdules, which have a centre of Saponite. At Hare Craig, near Broughty Ferry. PERTHSHIRE. Path of Condy, coating agates. Binn Hill, with Carnelian. FIFESHIRE. At Tayport slip cutting, filling amygdules. In the railway cutting west of Tayport, filling, and also only coating, druses. Sometimes like Malachite in structure, with lighter and darker bands of colour Anal. 2. Scurr Hill, near Balmerino, forming stalactites in vein agates, and also in moss agates, of a beautiful light-green colour ; often associated with small crystals of red Heulandite and tufts of Natrolite. To the east of the Tay Bridge, granular, earthy, in veins Anal. 3. Eock and Spindle, St Andrews. KENFREWSHIRE. In a quartzose and calcitic vein, cutting a fine grained dolerite at [? Muirhouse] quarry, in massive bands. AYRSHIRE. At Whilk, near Lendalfoot, very rarely, with Enstatite, in veins, largely calcitic, cutting dense dolerite. 162. Glauconite (490). Glaukonite, Keferstein, Deutsch. geol. dargest., v. 510 (1828) ; Gloeker, ffandb., 832 (1831). Green Earth, pt. ; Terre verte, pt. Fr. Amorphous, and resembling earthy chlorite. Either in cavities in rocks or loosely granular, massive. H., 2; G., 2-2 to 2 -4. Lustre dull or glistening. Colour, various shades of green, generally pale green. SILICATES. 147 Comp., Silicate of Protoxide of Iron and Potash. Analyses by Dr Heddle, Trans* Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxix. p. 79 : Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 H 2 Total. 1. Ashgrove, . . 49-09 15-21 10-56 3-06 55 2-65 6-05 1-21 11-64 100-02 2. Bridge of Cally, 54-70 83 2-60 9-82 "24 571 16-34 10-82 100-46 3. Elie, .... 58-02 16-50 52 6-06 11 ... 2'91 7'89 1-3 7-41 100-73 ELGINSHIRE. Ashgrove Quarry, near Elgin, in a granular condition [in cornstones, which are probably Rhsetic in age], associated with man- ganesian Calcite and well-crystallised Pyrites Anal. 1. [Glauconite, in its restricted modern sense as applied to one of the Deep-Sea deposits, occurs in connection with sedimentary rocks, at the following places in Scotland : ARGYLLSHIRE. In the Upper Greensand, and probably also in the Bluetic Rocks of Mull and Morven. It also occurs in connection with remnants of the Upper Greensand, in Sutherland, Elgin, Banff, Aberdeenshire, and elsewhere.] PERTHSHIRE. Bridge of Cally, on the east side of the Ardle. It occurs filling small cavities in a trap, and ranges in size from that of small shot to the size of beans. Colour dark green. Structure, minutely- granular Anal. 2. [The author appears doubtful regarding this.] FIFESHIRE. Between Elie and St Monance, in agglomerate Anal. 3. EDINBURGHSHIRE. A green substance which occurs in scaly patches [shale galls in the cornstones at the base of the Lower Carboniferous rocks], at the north end of Salisbury Crags, may possibly be this mineral. AYRSHIRE. Said to occur in the Ordovician limestones, near Girvan. IV. KAOLIN DIVISION. 163. Kaolinite (492). 2H 2 O.Al 2 3 .2Si0 2 . Monoclinic ; a basic Aluminium Silicate. Massive, in beds and veins. Fracture uneven ; fine earthy, very soft, sectile, and friable. H., 1 ; G., 2-2. Opaque, dull ; white or grey inclining to blue, green, yellow or red. Feels meagre, not greasy when dry, and is plastic when wet. B.B. infusible. Not affected by hydrochloric acid, but is decomposed by warm sulphuric acid, leaving silica. 148 SILICATES. Analyses : 1. Heddle, Min. Mag., ii. 119 ; 2. /&., Min. Mag.,v. p. 296 ; 3. Thomson ; 4. Eichardson, Thomson's Mineralogy. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 MnO CaO MgO H 2 Total. 1. Moo Wick, , 46-15 38-35 878 384 603 692 13-08 100-137 2. Ledbeg, . . . 44-80 36-05 4-804 407 675 13-835 100-574 3. Tweed, . . . 44-30 40-40 75 50 13-50 99-45 4. ... 43 "80 40-10 94 64 55 14-21 100-24 SHETLAND. Fetlar. In beds at Moo Wick, Lamb Hoga (Hibbert) ; at Grunies Geo, on the west coast (Anal. 1), and, rarely, in crystals mixed with Margarodite. On the west shore of Trista Voe, in minute crystals. Mainland. Burn of Tractigill and the trough north from Weisdale Hill (Hibbert). SUTHERLAND. At Liath Bhad, north-west side of Glasven, massive, in Hebridean gneiss. In red porphyry near the bridge over Ledbeg river (Anal. 2) ; Cnoc na Sroine, massive and crystalline. HEBRIDES. Harris. Between Eodil and Finsbay, forms a deposit under peat at the bottom of a lake. The former inhabitants of Eodil whitewashed their houses with it (MacCulloch). ? Diatom earth. LANARKSHIRE. Abington. In a vein at the head of Glen Capel. AYRSHIRE. At Loch Doon. TUESITE. On the right bank of the Tweed, about 1 mile below Dryburgh (Thom- son.) Anal. 3 and 4. LlTHOMARGE. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Castle Douglas, on the road to Tongueland, 1J miles from the latter ; in veins of porphyry (Cunningham). NACRITE. SHETLAND. Unst. Mka Vord, lining druses in Serpentine, in mam- millated clusters of crystals with Kammererite, very rarely. 164. Bole (492a). Bole cannot be regarded as having any claim to be considered a simple mineral ; nor is it easy to say to what species it should be referred as an impure variety ; for that it is a mixture of two or more minerals there can be little doubt. Probably the substance to which the term has been generally applied comes nearer to Saponite than to anything else. It SILICATES. 149 is probably the fact that all the substances to which the term has been applied in Scotland have been associated with basic eruptive rocks usually with basalt lavas. Of such definite application we do not find, perhaps, so many in Scotland as in England. We find Greg (p. 442) giving as localities " in sandstone at Quarry Wood, Morayshire, and Bridgehouse in Peeblesshire," and the present writer has heard the name applied to some of the brown Saponite of Bowling ; the fact of the sub- stance falling to pieces in water seemed to be its only characteristic property. [165. AUophane (498). Al 2 Si05H20. An amorphous, hydrous Aluminium Silicate. Usually botryoidal and reniform. Fracture conchoidal ; brittle. H., 3 ; G. 18'2. Pellucid, vitreous. A mineral referred by Dr Heddle to this species occurs at Kings Laggan Mine, Lauchentyre, Kirkcudbright, in the form of a dull earthy encrustation, which coats quartz in one of the lead veins there. Chryso- colla and Pyromorphite occur with it.] [i66. Plinthite. A dull-red, earthy material, somewhat botryoidal in form on the weathered surface, and with a greasy lustre, sometimes earthy ; is found in connection with the Tertiary basalt lavas of the parts of Skye near the Quiraing and the Storr Eock.] It falls to pieces in water, and by this and its uniformly dense structure it may be distinguished from red Mesolite. An analysis by Dr Heddle (Min. Mag., v. 26) gave : Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO H 2 O Total. 29-55 19-03 28-01 3'25 -84 2-23 17'39 100-30 167. Fuller's Earth. Massive and reniform. H., 1-5 to 2-5; G., 1/9 to 2'1. Translucent when moist. Colour bluish-white, green, or yellow. Comp., 41-5 Silica, 34-4 Alumina, 241 Water. HEBRIDES. Canna, near to, and in, a cave on the south-west side. PEEBLESSHIRE. In a seam near Bridge House Bridge, on the west side of the Lyne water, in the parish of Lynton. LINLITHGOWSHIRE. In the parish of Uphall. KOXBURGHSHIRE. Maxton. 167A. Chrome Ochre. [A green, earthy, encrustation, on Chromite, at Hagdale, Unst, has been referred by the author to this clay.] 150 SILICATES. [168. Ohrysocolla (504). CuSi0 3 2H 2 0. Cryptocrystalline, a hydrous Copper Silicate. Botryoidal or investing; brittle; fracture conchoidal. H., 2 to 3; G., 2 to 2-3. Translucent ; lustre resinous ; colour verdigris-green to emerald-green ; streak greenish-white. Comp., 34-83 Silica; 44'96 Copper Protoxide; 20'23 Water. SUTHERLAND. Collabol, Loch Shin, as a green film on Barytes and vein-quartz, associated with Azurite (Joass). Foinne Bheinn, with Chalcopyrites. ARGYLLSHIRE. Erins, Knapdale, as a green film, on the joints of epidiorite, associated with Chalcopyrites and Malachite. STIRLING. Dumyat, Ochils, associated with Chalcocite (Goodchild). EENFREWSHIRE. Boylstone, coating Prehnite, and associated with Native Copper. DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead, especially at the Bay Mine, films assuming occasionally a botryoidal form coat the matrix in which Cerus- site, Anglesite, Pyromorphite, Tile Ore, etc., occur. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Gatehouse, Kings Laggan Mine, associated with Allophane, Malachite, Pyromorphite, etc.] [i69. Balvraidite. Heddle, Min. Mag., iv. 17. Structure saccharoidal. H., 2 ; G., 2'91. Colour pale purplish-brown. B.B. fuses with intumescence to a vesicular pale-blue glass. Analyses by Dr Heddle, Min. Mag., iv. p. 117 (1880): Sp.Gr. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 MnO MgO CaO Na 2 K 2 H 2 1. Glenelg, . 2. 2-908 2-905 46-04 46-17 20-11 20-95 2-52 1-86 79 84 8-30 7-36 13-47 13-25 2-72 3-25 1-36 1-56 471 4-90 100-02 10014 Occurs at Balvraid, Glenelg, Inverness-shire, in a metamorphic marble.] [170. Bhreckite or Vreckite. Heddle, Min. Mag., iii. 57. Fine granular, scaly ; soft and friable. Occurs as a light apple-green coating on Quartz crystals. Soluble in hydrochloric acid. Analysis by Dr Heddle, Min. Mag., iii. p. 57 (1879) : SKX A1A Fe 2 (X FeO 2-11 MnO CaO MgO 0-41 16-08 8-26 H 2 Alkalies. 17-77 tr. Total. 9910 34-92 7-16 12-71 Occurs in a boulder of Pegmatite at Beinn Bhreac, near Tongue, SILICATES. 151 Sutherland. Associated with Amazonstone, Cleavelandite, Babingtonite, Quartz, Haughtonite, Thorite, Fluor, Specular Iron, and Strontianite.] in. Chonicrite. Massive, crystalline -granular and globular radiated. H. 2*5 to 3 ; G. 2-91. Lustre weak, silky. Colour whitish with yellow spots, greenish blue. B.B. fuses easily, with intumescence, to a grey glass. Decomposed by h. acid. Comp., 35*7 Silica, 17 - 1 Alumina, 22*6 Magnesia, 12-6 Lime, 9 Water. AYRSHIRE. In veins of rather dull cream colour, which run from 1 to 4 inches in thickness, in a markedly parallel direction to one another, through the Enstatite-serpentine of Balhamie Hill, near Colmonell. In less pure and solid condition as a vein about 2 inches in thickness coating the Enstatite rock between Lendalfoot and Pinbain. A third locality, in numerous veins, which hold a parallel course, cutting Enstatite- serpentine, at Whilk, 2 miles south of Lendalfoot. At this last locality the veins are studded with crystals of pale fawn-coloured Enstatite. Analysis by Dr Heddle : A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO CaO MgO K 2 Na 2 C0 2 H 2 Total. 1173 4-57 9-21 1115 19'38 '69 '79 tr. ll'll 100 Balhamie Hill, Sp.Gr. Si0 2 . 2-881 31-66 172. Pilolite. 4MgO,Si0 2 .Al 2 3 , Si0 2 .15H 2 0. Mountain Leather, Mountain Cork, Eock Wood, Mountain Paper, Lana Montana. Pilolite, Heddle, Ency. Brit., 9th ed. Mountain Silk, Heddle, Ency. Brit., 9th ed. Felted or matted fibres more or less dense. Extremely tough. H = l; G = -68 to 1'34. Dull. Absorbs water like a sponge. Cream yellow to buff. Opaque. Streak same as colour. The structure varies considerably, and has given rise to the above trivial names. Analyses: 1, 2, 4-8, Heddle, Min. Mag., ii. 206; and 3, Thomson, Mineralogy, p. 148. Loss in Bath. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO H 2 Total. Mountain Leather 1. Boyne Burn, . 9-2 51-10 6-81 2-27 2-82 1-01 86 10-16 23-90 98-93 2. Tod Head, . . 5-9 95 52-48 6-33 60 2-11 2-88 1-34 11-95 21-70 99-39 3. Strontian, . 57-65 9-50 ... 5-80 ... 10-00 2-06 21-70 10671 4. Leadhills, . . 5-96 51-45 7-98 V 97 3-29 1-49 1-97 10-15 2170 98-99 Mountain Cork 5. Portsoy, . . 10-88 51-43 7-52 2-06 2-49 1-30 58 9-35 25-04 99-76 6. Cabrach, . . 10-64 51-00 12-88 09 2-68 08 ... 7-54 24-74 9973 7. Tod Head, . . 9-27 51-61 6-63 ... 270 277 Ill 10-81 25-00 100-63 8. Tayport (Parton Craig), . . 9-26 54-37 11-27 21 1-09 33 98 9-49 22-41 100-15 Formula, . . ... 51-6 8'6 ... 2-88 ... ... 10-2 23-3 ... 152 SILICATES. SHETLAND. Colla Firth, south side, in Potstone, like felt (D. and H.), possibly only a matted Amianthus. BANFFSHIRE. Mouth of the Burn of Boyne. In limestone, in thin leaves, leather-like (Anal. 1), and like cork or the roots of trees. With Pyrites, Calcite, and Steatite. Near Portsoy, in Serpentine (Jameson) Anal. 5. In the Cabrach. In the west bank of the Burn of the Cairn, a short distance above its junction with the Ronster Water. In rifts of a decomposing granite in large sheets like cork Anal. 6. Burn of Craig, north of Tombhreac. In the Burn of the Daugh (Hinxman). HEBRIDES. Skye. Loch Bracadale, at Sgurr nam Fiadh. In druses on Analcime. Associated with Scolecite, Stilbite, Chabasite, Mesolite, Laumontite, Calcite. Filamentous, and like scum. ARGYLLSHIRE. Strontian. In the calcareous gangue of the Galena, like leather Anal. 3. KINCARDINESHIRE. At the Tod Head. In Old Eed Sandstone conglomerate, in a calcite vein, with cockscomb Barytes, which penetrates the Pilolite upon one side. The mineral here is like both cork (Anal. 7) and leather (Anal. 2). FORFARSHIRE. In the railway cutting near Craigs, as thin filaments in the centre of amygdaloidal druses. Colour brownish-white; some- times like scum. FIFESHIRE. In the railway cutting near Tayport on the west. It forms a coating like floss-silk to one side of veins of Calcite, in amygdaloid Anal. 8. Colour pure white. Associates, Natrolite, Barytes, and zeolitic Quartz. Similarly, in small druses near Auchter- muchty. LANARKSHIRE. At Leadhills. (Wanlockhead, Jameson). In calcareous veins in Ordovician rocks (Jameson) Anal. 4. BERWICKSHIRE. In veins in greywacke, near Kelso (Eeid, Geo. Gunn, and Goodchild). This singular substance used to find a place amongst the varieties of Hornblende. How previous authors, and how Dr Thomson, and others who analysed it, could place a substance which contained 23 % of water along with one which is anhydrous is not easily explained. Had these analysts gone into the detail of ascertaining the amount of that water given off at 212 F., it would have been still more unaccountable. It is a substance peculiar also both as regards the features of its occurrence and the wide range in lithological character of the rocks in which it is enclosed. As regards its appearances, we find it assuming the character of felt ; SILICATES. 153 in leather-like leaves; resembling cork or the roots of trees; forming large sheets, which, in virtue of its altogether unrivalled toughness, would have served for the targe of a Highland warrior ; in tufted filaments with zeolitic associates ; a scum which appears to have sedimented from suspension in a muddy liquid, and simulating the very finest floss silk. As regards the parent rocks, these include Serpentine, Granite, Con- glomerate (Old Eed), Andesitic lava, Basalt lava, associated with Gneiss, and in Ordovician Argillites. Its associated minerals accordingly are equally diverse. Those with the limestone matrix are Pyrites, Calcite, and Steatite ; those of the Andesites are Calcite and cockscomb Barytes (the crystals of which penetrate the Pilolite), at one locality ; Analcime at another ; and Natrolite, Barytes, and zeolitic Quartz at a third. Those of the basalts also comprehend a wide range of minerals Analcime, Scolecite, Stilbite, Chabazite, Mesolite, Laumontite, and Calcite. [173. Pihlite. Now regarded as a mechanical mixture of Muscovite and a felspar. There is one specimen of thermo-inetamorphosed argillaceous mica schist from Clova, Aberdeenshire, in the Scottish Mineral Collection, which has been referred by Dr Heddle to this species.] [174. Rubislite. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxix. p. 112 (1879). A dark-green, compact-granular, or fine-foliated aggregate. Com- pletely decomposed by hydrochloric acid. B.B. fuses to a brown slag. Analysis by Dr Heddle : Sp.Gr. Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO K 2 H 2 2-442 37-85 10'92 9'84 9'01 -46 4'22 8'00 3'33 16 : 13 From the granite of Kubislaw, Aberdeenshire.] TlTANO-SlLICATES. 175. Sphene or Titanite (510). CaO,Ti0 2 Si0 2 . Monoclinic. [a, (? w or ) 221 or 332 ; b, 010 ; c, (a), 100 ; n, 111 ; t, 111; r (m), 110; s, 021_; y, (c), 001; v, 101; x, 102; m, (M), 132 ; o, 310 ; e, 212 ; u, 131 ; I, 112j d, (D), 661 ; w, (fig. 12), ? 217 ; d\, fo) 221; e\ (f), 041; a (IP) 705; o 1 (Y), 101; ajj, 301; n, (fig. 3)?; M% 3)?; d 1 (z), 112; w, 214.] 154 SILICATES. Crystals vary extremely in form, being generally apparently oblique, tabular from predominance of the face v y which are hemidomes in alternate position on opposite ends ; also, but more rarely, prismatic, with dominance of I and (M.). Twins frequent. Twin face c (a), and formed by revolution of either a or an axis normal c (a), or & on a vertical axis. The former is very common, and usually produces thin tabular crystals with a re- entering angle along one side, and sometimes elongated. It occurs occasionally in double twins. Sometimes it is granular or foliated. Cl. in some c (a), I, n, in others r (m). H., 5 to 5*5 ; G., 34 to 3*6. Semi- transparent ; lustre adamantine to resinous. Colour yellow, brown, and green. B.B. fuses with microcosmic salt in the reducing flame, and gives a reaction for titanic acid. Comp., Silica, 30-6; Titanic Acid, 40'8; Lime, 28'6. Analyses by Dr Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 100, 102 : Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO Zr0 2 MuO CaO MgO Total. 1. Tongue, 35-50 30-40 2-59 4-91 40 26-42 100-22 2. Shiness, 34-67 35-46 2-89 tr. ... 499 26-85 tr. 100-38 3. ,, dark brown, . 3679 35-39 2-21 281 ... 30 25-40 100-37 4. Glen Gairn (Greeno- mte\ .... 36-48 29-29 9-01 1-02 55 301 23-71 100-36 5. Glen Gairn (Pseudo- Sphene), 42-29 no trace 19-73 2-09 4-86 751 30-26 ... 99-98 IN GRANITE. ABERDEENSHIRE. In red granite, a mile west of Braemar. PERTHSHIRE. Glen Tilt. It occurs in the large-grained granites in larger crystals than in the syenitic granites (MacCulloch). KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. In the Burn of Palnure, west of Cairnsmuir, in rolled blocks of granite (Jameson). [In all the Galloway Granites.] IN GRANITIC VEINS. SUTHERLAND. Tongue, in the granitic vein which cuts the " syenite " boulder on Beinn Bhreac, dark brown, imbedded in brown Amazonstone, associated with Thorite, Magnetite, and Allanite, cnyx (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 1) ; c n y a o 1 (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 2) ; Inyxulr (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 3); nrv (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 4) Anal. 1. Also, imbedded in Babingtonite, Cleavelandite, and blue Fluor (D. and H.). In a vein which cuts the " syenite " of Cnoc Dubh, Lairg ; with Haughtonite, Oli- goclase, and Allanite. HEBRIDES. lona, near the ruins, in veins cutting hornblendic gneiss, numerous doubly-depressed oblique prisms (Fleming). ABERDEENSHIRE. Anguston Quarry. In the " crocus " veins, cutting SILICATES. 155 grey granite, dark brown along with Orthoclase, Oligoclase, Tlmenite, Allanite, and Haughtoiiite. ARGYLLSHIRE. In the granite of Strontian (Allan), n y c (Greg) ; nycx, nycx r, nycz, the usual combinations at Strontian (Currie). IN SYEXITIC GRANITE. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Half a mile south of the Boat of Garten, with Allanite. ARGYLLSHIRE. Lag Choan Quarry, Cruachan, light brown, with Epidote, Hornblende, Apatite, and Pyrites (G. Thomson and H.). Bunawe quarry, north side of Loch Etive, with Pyrites. Barrs Quarry, west side of Loch Etive, with Chlorite, Allanite, Pyrites, and Molybdenite. ABERDEENSHIRE. Culblean, on the north-east slopes, brown. PERTHSHIRE. Loch Tulla, at the foot of Meall Gabhair, in grey granite blocks. IN GNEISS. SHETLAND. Mainland, Hillswick, Vannlip, imbedded in Chloritoid ; very rare. Burray, at Alta Ness, in porphyritic gneiss (Fleming). CAITHNESS. Eeay, in " syenitic " belts in gneiss, west of Loch Thor- maid, hair-brown, c n y, cnyr. SUTHERLAND. Tongue, in a quarry west of Eibigill, with Albite, Actino- lite, and Orthoclase, cnrx (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 5). Beinn Laoghal, in hornblendic gneiss, at Cam a' Mhadaidh, and Meallan Liath, to the west : cnyxr, cny xz, rnxv, rnyv. Beinn Spionnaidh, on the north-west slopes, near a fault, with pink Orthoclase and Augite, mahogany-brown, with resinous lustres. North of Achadh a' Phris, in the upper gneiss with Apatite and Hornblende (D. and H.). In a hill 1 mile north-east of Shiness, associated with Hornblende and Epidote (D. and H.). At Shiness, in the matrix of the limestone, buff-coloured, with Orthoclase and Lepidomelane. One crystal 2 by 1 inches (D. and H.) Anal. 2. One mile west-north-west of Armadale, at the mouth of a stream in the bay east of Creag Gharbh, with Scapolite and Sahlite (Macconochie). EOSS-SHIRE. At Port Ewe, in the gneiss. PERTHSHIRE. Killin, at Creag na Caillich, straw-yellow, associated with Chlorite and Eutile, cny TV (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 6). South of Tyndrum (Odenheimer). INVERNESS-SHIRE. Dochfour, in boulders of hornblendic gneiss, in large yeUow twins, c n y (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 7) ; c x ly (Plate LXXXVL, fig. 8); and cxyl, simple (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 9) (Aitken). On the south side of Loch Ness (Greg). HEBRIDES. West Monach Island. In the Oligoclase layers of horn- 156 SILICATES. blendic gneiss, hair-brown, associated with Orthoclase, Apatite, Epidote and Ilmenite. Also in fEternal Island. IN "SYENITE." OHKNEY. In " syenitic " belts in the Skerry, of Stack and Skerry. CAITHNESS. Eeay ; burn of Achvarasdale, with Hornblende. SUTHERLAND. Beinn Laoghal, chiefly at Sgurr Dubh, hair-brown. Near Pittentrail, in Strath Fleet (Cunningham). INVERNESS-SHIEE. In " boulders " on Culloden (MacCulloch). Near Aviemore (Greg). ARGYLLSHIEE. On the road from Appin to Ballachulish, on the south- west of the granite (MacCulloch). Near Beregonium (Ledaig, Ardmuck- nish Bay), " a fragment of syenite contains beautiful crystals of Horn- blende and very distinct ones of Sphene " (Macknight). At Strontian, pale-brown. At Inveraray. Ben Nevis, in red "syenite," below the north-west end of the great precipice. (Greenough.) ELGIN. At Freeburn (Greg). ABERDEEN. Old Meldrum, half a mile south of Forester Hill, asso- ciated with Orthoclase, Hornblende, and Ilmenite. PERTHSHIRE. In the hills around Kingshouse, Eannoch (MacCulloch). BANFFSHIRE. East of Burn Hill, pale-brown, c n y x. At Tiremnay Quarry, and at the Ord, rarely. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. On Criffel (Jameson). In a " syenitic " [Plagioclase- Hornblende granite] cliff, 2 miles north-west of New Abbey (Cunning- ham). In a glen 1 mile west of New Abbey, with Allanite, c n y (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 10); cnyx, cnyr, cnyxr (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 11); cnyxw (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 12) ; c n y x w z (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 13) (D. and H.). At Dalbeattie. IN DIORITE. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy. In the rock near the Old Battery, and in a vein close thereto to the east, along with Edenite, Idocrase, and Ensta- tite. In the great bed of white Labradorite, west of Portsoy, in minute pale-yellow crystals. In a tortuous vein of Andesite, white Sahlite, and ? Babingtonite, cutting Diorite, east of the Bay of Durn, pale-brown. ABERDEENSHIRE. Tillypronie, at the summit of the road to Donside, in a vein, associated with Hornblende, Labradorite, Biotite, Iserine, and Allanite. Near Badnagauch, on the Deskry, in a similar vein, in rotting Diorite, with the same associates. In the great vein at Creag an Innean, Glenbucket, associated with Hornblende, Labradorite, Iserine, and Biotite. STIRLINGSHIRE. Ochils, at the summit, in basaltic clinkstone (Nicol). SILICATES. 157 IN PKIMITIVE LIMESTONES. SHETLAND. Fetlar. On the north shore of Loch Trista, with chrom- iferous Magnetite (Fleming). SUTHERLAND. Shiness, dark-brown, associated with Malacolite, Sahlite, Pyrrhotite, and Molybdenite : cnyxr (Plate LXXXVII.,fig. 14); cnyxz (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 15); nxrv (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 16); nyrv (Plate LXXXVIL, fig. 17); also coenud' (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 18). Twins of cny (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 19); cnyr (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 20) ; cnor-dy (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 21); cnorv,d,e (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 22); conyr a d\ (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 23); cr-nxlb (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 24) (D. and H.) Anal. 3. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart, Upper Gortally, light-brown, imbedded in Andesine, and associated with Edenite, green Apatite, Zoisite, and Graphite. Sometimes imbedded in Andesine: cnslmxyt (Plate LXXXVIIL, fig. 25); cr Itnxy (Plate LXXXIX, fig. 26). BANFFSHIRE. Avonside. At Three Burns, near Gaulrig; pale brown with Chlorite, Calcite, and Steatite, associated with Fluorite. Loch Bnilg, 1 mile north of, on the east side of the stream, in argillaceous belts in limestone, with Garnet, Quartz, Kyanite, Grenatite, and Chlorite. ABERDEENSHIRE. At Forester Hill, with Ilmenite, Pyrrhotite, Biotite, Talc, and ? Saponite. At Eslie Quarry, yellow, along with Sahlite, Actinolite, Apatite, Pyrrhotite, and Orthoclase. Aboyne, at Muir and at Midstrath quarries, with Orthoclase, Malacolite, Fluor, Graphite, and Pyrrhotite. Corntulloch, with "Wollastonite, Malacolite, Pyrrhotite and Graphite. Crathie, at the junction of the matrix with the limestone, rarely. Glen Gairn, specially associated with Sahlite, Calcite, Anorthite, and Prehnite. The crystals are of two varieties, pinkish, flesh-coloured " Greenovite " (Anal. 4) ; and in elongated twins, with rough surfaces xznerd Anal. 5. PERTHSHIRE. Athol. Edintian Quarry, south of Tulach Hill, asso- ciated with Ilmenite, Biotite, Pyrrhotite and Eipidolite. In the quarry on the south side of the Garry, along with Eipidolite. HEBRIDES. Tiree. At Ballyphaetrish, in the flesh-coloured marble, in highly lustrous but round-angled crystals, of a watery brown, with Sahlite, Malacolite, Pyrrhotite, and Graphite (Wollaston). 176. Keilhauite (511). 15CaSiTi0 3 (Al,Fe,Y) 2 Si,Ti)0 5 ? Monoclinic. A calcium, aluminium, ferric iron, and yttrium titano- silicate. [A mineral doubtfully referred by Dr Heddle to this species occurs in Oligoclase-Haughtonite Pegmatite at Cnoc Dubh, east of Lairg, 158 SILICATES. Sutherland, associated with Allanite and Sphene, also in Pegmatite ; and a similar mineral at Balallan, Loch Erisort, Lewis. The specimens referred to are in the Scottish Mineral Collection in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art.] A. NIOBATES, TANTALATES. Samarskite Group. 177. Yttrotantalite (528). Orthorhombic. Essentially a tantalo-niobate of iron and one or more metals of the yttrium group. [Dr Heddle referred to this species an obscure mineral which occurs along with Sphene and Allanite in a Diorite-Granite at Beinn Bhreac, Tongue, Sutherland. The specimens are placed next the Sphenes in the Collection above referred to.] 178. Monazite, var. Cryptolite (537). (Ce,La,Di)P0 4 with Th0 2 . [Dr Heddle recognised the acicular variety Cryptolite in the Apatite which formed one of the constituents of a far-travelled boulder found at Saville, Otters Wick, and also in the Apatites of the Achadh a' Phris and Eubislaw granites. It does not occur in the Apatites found in the meta- morphic limestones.] Apatite Group. 179. Apatite (549). 3Ca 3 P 2 8 .CaF 2 , or, 3Ca 3 P 2 8 .CaCl 2 . BhombohedraL [a, (m) Oil, 1010 6, (a) 2lT, 1120 ; r, (s) 122, 1121 ; z, 131, 3031 ; h, 312, 2130; o, (c) 111. COOL] The basal plane o (c) is seldom wanting. Crystals usually short prismatic or thick-tabular in habit. It also occurs in granular, fibrous, or compact states. Fracture conchoidal or splintery ; brittle. H., 5 ; G., 31 to 3'25. Transparent to opaque ; lustre vitreous to resinous. Colourless or white, but usually some light shade of green, sometimes grey, blue, violet, or red. SHETLAND. Mainland. Hillswick, at Vannlip, pale green, in Quartz. ORKNEY. Sanday. Otters Wick, in a large boulder, on the west shore, near Saville. The boulder may be of Scandinavian origin. The Apatite was in a crystal 5 inches by 1. SUTHERLAND. Loch Shin, near Achadh a' Phris, in gneiss, associated with Sphene and fibrous Eutile. Crystals blue-green, twins oar (Plate SILICATES, ETC. 159 LXXXIX., fig. 1) (D. and H.). Shiness, in lumps imbedded in the lime- tone (D. and H.). At the west side of the mouth of the Halladale River, in nodules in Quartz ; asparagus-green, contains no Cryptolite. ROSS-SHIRE. Near Bonar Bridge, in gneiss and granite (MacCulloch). Near Kincardine, crystallised in Quartz- veins which cut gneiss (Jameson). Glensgaich, at the west end of the railway cutting; grass green, in Quartz, associated with Garnet, Muscovite, and Zircon. In granitic boulders in the neighbourhood of Castle Leod and the Raven's Rock (Creag an Fhithich), associated with Garnet, comb, aobrz (Plate LXXXIX., fig. 2). The crystals grass- green, sometimes over an inch in length and breadth (Bell). INVERNESS-SHIRE. Glen Urquhart. At Upper Gortully, imbedded in the limestone and associated with Edenite and Sphene, a I o (Plate LXXXIX., fig. 3); a lo h (Plate LXXXIX, fig. 4). HEBRIDES. In West Monach Island, in Oligoclase bands or layers of Hebridean gneiss, associated with Ilmenite, Epidote, and Sphene. On (Eternal. Berneray, Barra Head, in the gneiss of the old quarry south- west of the lighthouse. BANFFSHIRE. Portsoy, in the third granite vein east of Burn Bay, a o, associated with Tourmaline, Orthoclase, and Graphic Garnet. Mac- duff, in the granite of Longmans Hill (Cunningham). ABERDEENSHIRE. Huntly, on Clahsmach Hill, blue-green, in granite veins along with Oligoclase, Tourmaline and Muscovite (Peyton). In Dobston Quarry, near Inverurie, associated with Ilmenite, Chlorite, Orthoclase, Oligoclase, and black mica. In Dyce Quarry, in white Microcline crystals which occur in Quartz veins, traversing granite. In Rubislaw Quarry, a o, in granite veins, with Beryl, Muscovite, Tour- maline, Garnet, &c. In Eslie limestone quarry, associated with Sahlite, Pyrrhotite, and Sphene. At Muir and Midstrath limestone quarries, in Orthoclase adjacent to the limestone. In Glen Kindie, in graphic granite. In Crathie limestone quarry. Glen Gairn, in Dalnabo Quarry, rarely, in the limestone. With porphyry in the fields in Kildrummy parish (Greg). At Tyrebagger, associated with Garnet. KIXCARDINESHIRE. At Cove, in granitic veins. One mile north of Blairydrine, in milky Orthoclase, associated with Haughtonite. PERTHSHIRE. North of Pitlochry, associated with Margarodite (Muscovite), in mica schist (Greg and H.). DUMBARTONSHIRE. In the complex of Garabal Hill, a o (Teall). EDINBURGH. Salisbury Crags, at the south end of, in Dolerite, in a matrix of Calcite, red Albite [? Labradorite], and dark-green Saponite, in prisms, rarely, three-quarters of an inch (Jameson and Connell). In trap near St Anthony's Chapel (Rose). 160 PHOSPHATES. 180. Pyromorphite (550). 3Pb 3 P 2 8 .PbCl 2 . Ehombohedral. [a, (m) Oil, lOlO ; o, (c), 111, 0001.] Crystals usually simple in form ; occasionally thicker in the middle, or spindle-shaped. Also occurs in reniform or botryoidal masses. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. H., 3*5 to 4; G., 6'9 to 7. Translucent; lustre resinous or vitreous. Sometimes colourless, but generally grass-green, pistachio-, olive-, or siskin-green, and clove- or hair-brown. Comp., 897 Phosphate of Lead, 10'3 Chloride of Lead. Analysis: I, Heddle; 2-4&, Collie, Journ. Chem. Soc., Iv. p. 93. PbO. P 2 5 . C1 2 . Fe 2 3 . Total. 1. Leadhills, . 81-81 16-63 2-68 la. ... 75-98 15-8 2-67 3 94-75 2. (orange), 81-4 15-7 2-6 94-48 3. (green), 15-9 2-6 . . . 4. (yellow), 81-6 15-9 2-8 100-3 4a. (Calculated), 81-7 15-6 2-6 ... 99-9 ARGYLLSHIRE. Strontian, green and yellow (Greg). ELGINSHIRE. Stotfield, near Lossiemouth, green, botryoidal, on Quartz, associated with Galena (Peyton). LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills. In Susanna Mine, orange and red, either on Quartz per se, or with Susannite, Lanarkite, Leadhillite, Caledonite, and Cerussite, o a Anals. 1-4. Leadhills Dod, olive-green, associated with Linarite and Leadhillite ; also sheathing Galena. DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead, Beltongrain vein, sheathing Galena. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Gatehouse, at Lauchentyre, associated with Wulfenite, in Galena, yellow (D. and H.). Pibble, near Creetown, with Linarite, Cerussite, and Galena (D. and H.). isca. Calcium Vanado -Pyromorphite. Collie, " On Some Leadhills Minerals," Journ. Chem. 8oc., Iv. p. 94, describes a mineral from Leadhills under the above name. It occurs in black botryoidal masses, and is unlike either Pyromorphite or Vanadinite in appearance. The fracture is uneven or conchoidal; it fuses easily before the blow-pipe, leaving a brown granule, which, when broken, shows a crystalline structure. It dissolves readily in hydrochloric acid when warm, and leaves a slight residue of a brown colour, which consists chiefly of an oxide of iron. Two analyses were made : Sp. Gr. 1. 6-9-7-0 2. Pb 3 (P0 4 ) 2 52-0 Pb 3 (Y0 4 ) 2 19'2 Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 15-8 PbCl 2 14-4 107 Cu(OH) 2 1-6 1-4 Eesidue. 0-6 0-5 PHOSPHATES. 161 The mineral is therefore a Pyromorphite in which calcium replaces lead, and Vanadic acid replaces phosphoric acid. isi. Mimetite (551). 3Pb 3 As 2 8 .PbCl 2 . RhombohedraL Combinations similar to those of Pyromorphite. Fracture conchoidal or uneven. H., 3'5 to 4; G., 7'19 to 7*25. Trans- lucent. Colourless, but usually honey- or wax-yellow, or yellowish-green. Comp., 907 Arseniate of Lead, 9-3 Chloride of Lead ; but part of the arsenic may be replaced by phosphoric acid. LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills. Formerly, in small crystals of a brilliant yellow colour, a o, and coating other minerals (Greg). DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead, Beltongrain vein, High Pirn Mine. Doubtfully, in dull pale-brown crystals, a o on silicate of zinc. 182. Vanadinite (552). 3Pb 3 V 2 8 .PbCl 2 . RhombohedraL [a, Oil, 1010; 6, (m) 211, 1120; o, (c), 111, 0001; z, 131, 3031 ; r, 122, 1012.] Transparent to opaque; lustre resinous. Colour honey-yellow to greyish-brown ; streak white. H., 3 ; G., 6-8 to 7 '2. Comp., Oxide of Lead 70'83, Vanadic Acid 19 -3 5, Lead 7'2, Chlorine 2-62. Analyses : 1, 2, 2a, Collie, Journ. CJiem. Soc., Iv. p. 94 ; 3, Frenzel, Min. Mitth., 3, 504; 4, Genth, Am. Phil Soc., October 1885. PbO. v>. AsA. P 2 5 . 01. CaO. H 2 0. Total. 1. Leadhills, . 80-00 16-70 2-50 1-2 99-40 2. 79-60 16-20 2-40 1-4 99-60 2a. (Calculated), 78-20 19-30 ... 2-50 ... 100-00 3. 73-97 17-92 ... 275 2-34 3-02 100-00 4. 78-39 18-04 0-34 0-27 2-53 ... ... 99-57 Other analyses by Damour and E. D. Thomson are given on p. 409 of Greg and Lettsom's British Mineralogy. LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills, in very minute crystals. (Anals. 174.) DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead, Beltongrain vein, High Pirn Mine, " only in one spot, about six fathoms in length, where the vein had been subjected to violent disruption" (Brewster's Journal, N. S. II., p. 2). The crystals range in colour from pale wax-yellow, through reddish- yellow to dark-brown ; they are implanted on white to green (silicate of zinc), and are associated with Calcite in highly-modified forms, and with Plumbocalcite and Plattnerite. Comb., ao\ aol] aoz\ aolzr ; but it occurs most frequently in VOL. II. L 162 PHOSPHATES. globular forms. Very rarely implanted on large muddy white cubes of Fluor Spar (Wilson). Olivenite (561). Cu 3 (As0 4 ) 2 .CuO.H 2 Orthorhombic. [LANARKSHIRE. A mineral occurring in minute tufted groups of crystals, and associated with Chrysocolla and Leadhillite, at Brown's Vein, Glen Gonner, Leadhills, has been placed by Dr Heddle under this heading in the Scottish Mineral Collection.] 183. Dechenite (564). (Pb,Zn) 2 (OH)V0 4 . [Dr Heddle left a note in pencil that he obtained a single specimen of this mineral in an old heap from the High Pirn Mine, Wanlock Dod, Dumfriesshire.] B. ACID AND BASIC PHOSPHATES, ARSENATES, &c. Olivenite Group. 184. Erinite (568). 5CuO.As 2 5 .2H 2 0. Eeniform and foliated. Fracture conchoidal. H., 4'5 to 5 ; G., 4 to 4*1. Translucent in the edges; lustre dull resinous. Colour and streak emerald or grass-green. Comp., 59-9 Copper Protoxide, 34- 7 Arsenic Acid, 54 Water. [LANARKSHIRE. A green encrustation on Cerussite, and lining cavities in Chalcopyrite, in the vein-stuff of Brown's Vein, Glen Gonner, Lead- hills, has been referred by Dr Heddle to this species. It occurs associated with Linarite, Pyromorphite, Chrysocolla, Chalcopyrite, Cerussite and iron ochre. C. HYDROUS PHOSPHATES, ARSENATES, &c. Vivianite Group. 185. Vivianite (597). Fe 3 P 2 8 .8H 2 0. Monoclinic. a, 100 ; &, 010 ; m, 110 ; y, 310 ; e t Oil ; n, 101 ; v, 111 ; r, 112; a, 111; z, 112. Crystals generally prismatic, also fibrous or earthy. Cleavage clino- diagonal, perfect. Thin laminae flexible. H., 2; G., 2'6 to 27. Trans- lucent to transparent; lustre vitreous or pearly on the cleavage faces. Colour indigo to blackish-green ; streak bluish- white, but this soon turns to blue after exposure. Comp., 331 Iron Protoxide, 29 Phosphoric Acid, 257 Water. SHETLAND. " In a peat moss." [It is said to be the blue colouring matter of the Old Eed Sandstone fish of the Moray Firth.] PHOSPHATES, ETC. 163 AYESHIBE. Loch Lee, in a crannog, in the centre of bones (Munro). [Fasciculate groups of thin crystals tabular to I, a b m y e n z r v.] EDINBURGHSHIEE. In a granular form, in clay, in a drain at the foot of Salisbury Crags. On bones from alluvium, Queen's Park (J. G. Duncan). At the foot of the Castle Eock (Nicol). LiNLiTHGcnvsmRE. Around bones in an old lake bed at the head of the Haugh Burn, Cauldhame (Cadell). 186. Erythrite (601). Co 3 As 2 8 .8H 2 0. Monoclinic. Cleavage clinodiagonal, perfect ; sectile, thin laminae flexible. Often forms a chalky encrustation. H., 1'5 to 2-5; G., 29 to 3. Translucent ; lustre vitreous, pearly in the cleavage. Colour crimson to peach-blossom red. Comp., 38-2 Arsenic Acid, 37'8 Cobalt Protoxide, 24 Water, but often contains nickel. PERTHSHIRE. Clifton lead mine, Tyndrum (Jameson). STIRLINGSHIRE. Occurs as a peach-blossom red chalky-looking en- crustation on the vein-material associated with the " Silver Mines " at Alva, along with Cobaltite and Annabergite (Jameson). LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Is found under similar conditions in the lead- veins at the " Silver Mine " at Cairn Naple, in the Bathgate Hills, associated with Niccolite, Barytes, Galena, Calcite, &c. (Goodchild). EDINBURGHSHIRE. At Broughton quarry, Edinburgh. 187. Annabergite (602). Ni 3 As 2 8 .8H 2 0. Monoclinic. Occurs, when crystalline, in capillary crystals ; often in an earthy form. Sectile. H., 2 to 2-5 ; G., 3 to 31. Lustre dull or glistening. Colour apple-green to greenish-white ; streak greenish-white and shining. Comp., 38*7 Arsenic Acid, 37'3 Mckel Protoxide, 24 Water; some- times contains a little cobalt or iron. STIRLINGSHIRE. At Alva, associated with Cobaltite and Erythrite in the " Silver Mines." LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Occurs also in the Silver Mine at Cairn Naple, Bathgate Hills, with Niccolite, Erythrite, &c. 188. Dudgeonite (Heddle, Min. Mag., viii. 200) is regarded as a variety of Annabergite with one third of the Nickel Oxide replaced by Lime. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. At Pibble Mine, near Creetown, in cavities in Niccolite associated with Galena, Linarite, Pyromorphite, &c. LANARKSHIRE, Said to occur at Leadhills. 164 ARSENATES, ETC. 189. Wavellite (639). 4A1P0 4 .2A1(OH) 3 +9H 2 0. [Orthorhombic. Distinct crystals, rare. Generally in acicular crystals, radially grouped into hemispheroidal, or discoidal, aggregations Civ. (101) and (010) rather perfect. H., 3'25 to 4; G., 2-337 to 25. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly. Colour various, but generally grey, ranging ochreous or to lead blue. Streak white. Translucent. Comp., Phosphoric acid, 35'2 ; Alumina, 38 ; Water, 26'8. Principally at Garbh Eilean, the largest of the Shiant Isles, where the writer of this note has found it on the north shore, close to Sgeireaii a' Bhaigh. It occurs in the form of discoidal aggregations of radially- disposed acicular crystals, coating the joints of one of the Middle Jurassic clays, close beneath the base of a thick intrusive sheet of dolerite of Tertiary age, and highly indurated by the contact. An orbicular structure has been developed in the clay by the contact metamorphism, and a note on one of the specimens in the Scottish Mineral Collection states that the author regarded the Wavellite as forming the basis of the spheroids referred to. In the article " Mineralogy," in the 9th edit, of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the author refers to this species a mineral occurring in the form of contiguous groups of thin discoidal aggregations of acicular crystals, which coat the joint faces of one of the andesitic la*vas of Devonian age in Glencoe. A specimen of the mineral referred to was placed with the Wavellites in the Scottish Mineral Collection ; but the author left no further information regarding it than the statement that the specimen is in the near neighbourhood of Withamite. Wavellite usually occurs on the joint faces of fossiliferous rocks of argillaceous composition, which have been affected by contact metamorphism (J. G. G.).] OXYGEN SALTS. SULPHATES, CHROMATES, TELLURATES. A. Anhydrous Sulphates. B. Acid and Basic Sulphates. C. Hydrous Sulphates. A. Barytes Group. ES0 4 . Orthorhombic. 190. Barytes (719). BaS0 4 . Axes a: 1: c = 0-8152:1:1-3136. [a, 100; 6, 010; c, 001 ; ft 310; X, 210; ^ 320; m, 110; N, 230; n, 120; x > 13 ; E> 15 t see 1; K> 109; W, 108; w, 106; 312; o-', 11.5.55; o, 213; T ', 324; M , 124; [123]; y, 122; s, 132; p , 144; ^ (f), 142.] The crystals show many forms and combinations. [They are usually elongated along the axis a, and are tabular parallel to c. Cleavages chiefly m and c, m being sometimes more perfect than c ; z and b less complete, traces parallel to d, and occasionally to other faces]. [In this species forms which can be distinctly seen on certain specimens, but which have not been identified, are here denoted in the combination by an asterisk ; faces much obstructed to view are denoted by the hyphen (W. G.) 1 ]. H., 3 to 3-5; G., 4-3 to 47. Transparent to translucent; lustre vitreous to resinous. Colourless and white; but sometimes red- dish, greenish, yellow, grey, blue, or brown. Comp., 34-3 Sulphuric acid, 657 Baryta, with occasional traces of Strontium sulphate. B.B. decrepi- tates violently, and fuses with much difficulty, and then only on the edges, colouring the flame yellowish-green if no strontium is present. Not soluble in acids. [The numbers preceding the initials S.M. refer to specimens in the Scottish Mineral Collection in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art.] SHETLAND. Papa Stour, at the Kirkness Sands, in druses in a porphyritic eruptive rock, in which it occurs in lamellar crystals asso- ciated with Chalcedony, Quartz, Calcite, and Fluor (Jameson). ORKNEY. Walls, at Sands Geo, in druses in amygdaloidal eruptive rock, mcaodz, associated with Pearlspar and Analcime. CAITHNESS. Reay, at Achavarasdale Lodge Iron Mines, c d o (Plate XC. fig. 1) [719.16 S.M.], associated with Goethite and Quartz. SUTHERLAND. Lairg, at The Ord, in veins in red " syenite " (granite), and. between Ehian (Claonel) and Pitarxie (Gruids), very rarely, mcbdoy (Plate XC. figs. 2 and 3), mcaodurjb (Plate XC. fig. 4) associated with Rock Crystal, [c d u ? Y\ m o y ; 719.2 S.M. (W. G.).] ELGINSHIRE. In Newton quarry, in green, laminated crystals (Gordon). At Quarry wood (Greg), south of Rothes, in a Haematite vein, cgdmo; cmodb; [cdamlnb] 719.42 S.M. (W. G.)]. ARGYLLSHIRE. North of Loch [?Tearnait], in Baich Burn [?Allt Beitheach, Morven], associated with Chalcopyrites. Strontian, at Fee Donald (part of Whitesmith Mine), associated with Calcite and Galena. [cdijm x bo; 719.17 S.M. ; cdm x boz', 719.18 S.M. (W. G.).] BANFFSHIRE. Mulben railway cutting, coadb (Nicol). [c d a b o vf, 1 Mr Wilbert Goodchild lias helped to revise the crystallography of this and the follow- ing species, and has also redrawn several of the figures and contributed others. 166 SULPHATES. 719.85 S.M. ; cduambofz, 719.86 S.M. ; clwlgduamn-^bovzy, 719.87 S.M. ; clwldmno-rzy*, 719.88 S.M., * being apparently a new form in the zone zn and between these forms (W. G.).] Mulben in Auchroish quarry, in a vein traversing greywacke (Grant Wilson). KINCARDINESHIRE. At Birnie Slack (Slack Burn), cm [cam] (W. G.), white and opaque. In crystals m o, imbedded in vein of chert, associated with Natrolite, on the shore north (east) of Craig David. FORFARSHIRE. Johnshaven, on the shore between the Factory and the farm town, in laminated crystals. Craig Kail way Cutting, in " mela- phyre," associated with Satinspar, Pilolite, Saponite, and Natrolite (Mitchell). In a vein in the Geary Pot Cave, near Auchmithie [eld bo, 719.20 S.M.] (W. G.). PERTHSHIRE. Tyndrum mines, in veins traversing schistose quartzite, generally in lamellar forms, associated with yellow Blende, Galena, Chalcopyrites, Quartz, etc. At Ballindean, of a bright sulphur-yellow colour (Greg). FIFESHIRE. Kinkell, in cavities in agglomerate, comd (Plate XC. fig. 5); [eld urn] (Plate XC. fig. 6); cmz\ cmnoz (Plate XCI. fig. 7); mc\ cdat]*bos7r (Plate XCI. fig. 8), associated with Calcite and Dolomite ; blue, cmabod (Plate XCI. fig. 9), with Pearlspar and pink Quartz; cm^ob. [Also, cdmbozyy, 719.62 S.M. ; cdm-^bozys, 719.63 S.M.; cdmboir, 719.102 S.M. ; cdamorz, 719.103 S.M. ; c-d-m-o-z, 719.104 S.M.; cdrjmbozysy, 719.23 S.M.] (W. G.) Elie, at Kincraig, in veins in agglomerate, c-omn\^\wlgduz[f}fj.ys (Plate XCI. fig. 10), associated with Asphalt and Amethyst; cmuo (Plate XCI. fig. 11); cdmn x oys[ig] (Plate XCI. fig. 13). [Also wa-dmot&z (Plate XCI. fig. 12); civlgdu-m-^ofyrzy, 719.4 S.M. ; ctwldmnbozy? VL, 719.22 S.M. ; cwa-dmo tvzy*, 719.46 S.M. ; cwa-ldaml* okzy, 719.47 S.M. ; ca-ldam^ozy, 719.48 S.M. ; wa-damno? %z?q, 719.49 S.M. ; cwrdamnbol &qzy? /m, 719.50 S.M.; cwo-ldmnofkzy, 719.51 S.M. ; c?W kfr z, 719.6 S.M.] (W. G.). At Airthrey and also at Alva [in veins traversing the andesitic lavas of the Old Eed, associated with Chalcocite, Malachite, Chrysocolla, Chalcedony, and Quartz (Goodchild)]. Blairlogie (Mac- conochie), [cda\m x bofz, 719.3 S.M. Also on the south side of Dumyat, cwlgduDa\rjm--bo tSHJePvqrzp (fig. in Appendix) (W. G.).] DUMBARTONSHIRE. Bowling Quarry, in the Prehnite vein, associated with Harmotome and Edingtonite, comfdgtp] [c? vlgd-o-Jcv qf; clgdumo 0? Svfz (also fig. in Appendix, clgdumo^S); 719.105 S.M. ; cldam~ovf, 719.106 S.M. (W. G.).] EDINBURGHSHIRE. West Calder, in the Addiewell Shale pits, crystals elongated along the axis [a], cudmz', codmz; co[a]mn%lg duz (Plate XCII. fig. 14); co[a]mn x lg duzy (Plate XCII. fig. 15); coabmn x E(g)ldu T 'rv.omzgdw (Plate XCIII. fig. 24), associated with Calcite; [clduabo (W. G.)]. Gourock, at Kempock Quarry, in eruptive rocks, associated with Calcite and Fluor (Young); [cdumlf, 719.109 S.M. ; cmz, 719.66 S.M. (W. G.)]. Two miles north-west of Lumsden Hill, and one mile north of the Hill of Stake, in a vein from three to fifteen feet thick, white, with flesh-coloured layers upon c and z, m being sprinkled with dark brown. At Eaglesham (Young). BUTESHIRE. Arran, in the great vein in Glen Sannox, rarely, in tabular forms, c o [a] n i (/c) d u vfz (Plate XCIII. figs. 25 and 26) ; w ; co[a W]n(N)i( K )dvqfrzy (Plate XCIII. fig. 27); coamli( K )duq frzy (Plate XCIII. fig. 28); comal(g)dqfz (Plate XCIII. fig. 29); and prismatic, m c o n li (/c) d vfz (Plate XCIV. fig. 30); comli(K)duv qrzy (Plate XCIV. fig. 31); con[W]gi( K )du[q]frzy (Plate XCIV. fig. 32). Crystals elongated along the axis [a]. Also the following : gi( K )dunO(j>qfzy (Plate XCIV. fig. 33); eg i( K )dnoqfzy (Plate XCIV. fig. 34); clgdanovqfrzy(PlatQXClV. fig. 35); clgdamoqfz (Plate XCIV. fig. 36); [clgicduamnokvfrzy, 719.65 S.M. (W. G.)]. EOXBURGHSHIRE. Yetholm Law, at the foot, and also at the top, " in rectangular crystals with bevelled terminations." KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. At Balcary [Hestan Island] Copper Mine, cm a, associated with Chalcopyrites (D. and H.); [cdo--, 719.10 S.M. (W. G.)]. DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead, Glen Grieve mine, cdml-jroa, asso- ciated with Calcite and Pearlspar (Plate XCV. fig. 37); codm vz (Plate SULPHATES. 169 XCV. fig. 38), associated with Blende ; coam>)d[b]y (Plate XCV. fig. 39) ; mcod(g)v\ cmdu [a], associated with Galena and Quartz ; cdmo [a], associated with Quartz ; cd--tj, associated with Calcite ; cdom; and dbo [Icdm (W. G.)] ( Plate xcv - fi g- 40 > A11 these are elongated along the [b] axis; [cdrjmaoTrs, 719.35 S.M. ; cdmov-jr, 719.40 S.M. ; cdumbo-n-, 719.111 S.M. ; cdmbo-n-] cdmbokvz; other Wanlockhead combinations in the Scottish Mineral Collection are: cldmtlZbo-klv'ts, 719.13 S.M. ; cdmoz; car dm] and, in Case H: cdymbo? Hr 2 ? y ; cdrjmbo ; cd qmbo s ', co-duam bfz ; cldmioy'kPvq ?; cdmokvq^r (W. G.)]. West Groove, cdoam [k v] (Plate XCV. fig. 41) ; c d m [b] ; cdm[b]o-; cdob-\ all these with the crystals elongated along the [b] axis ; c m q, associated with Calcite (Plate XCV. fig. 42) ; codmzv. [cd-jr', -ml; mbo(W. G.).] [BERWICKSHIRE. At Cockburnspath, in Lower Carboniferous Shales, lining cavities in what appear to be coprolites, c I m d o, c d a m b (J. B. Mears).] COCKSCOMB BARYTES. SHETLAND. Papa Stour, at the Kirk Sands (Jameson). ARGYLLSHIRE. At Strontian (A. Thorns). PERTHSHIRE. Near Callander, on the north-east, in quarries in Lower Old Eed conglomerate, associated with Chalcocite and Malachite. EDINBURGHSHIRE. Compensation Pond, Pentland Hills, in a north affluent of the Glencorse burn, below the pond. STIRLINGSHIRE. Aberfoyle, at Arndrum. LANARKSHIRE. In the Leadhills mines, with Blende, and also with Quartz, in hemispherical rosettes, sometimes ten or more inches in diameter ; snow-white, overlaid by Calcite. VEIN BARYTES. CAITHNESS. Near Clyne, in a vein one hundred feet wide. At Skinnet Hill, equally large, with Galena and Marcasite. In a brook at Sempster, Thrumster (Joass). All in [Orcadian] Old Eed Sandstone. SHETLAND. Fair Isle (Fleming). ORKNEY. At the Bay of Scalpa. INVERNESS-SHIRE. In conglomerate, with Fluor, at Loch Bruithaich (Wallace). BANFFSHIRE. Cabrach, in the hill of Dumeath, parish of Glass. STIRLINGSHIRE. Campsie Hills, at Corrie, in trap ; a vertical vein of 170 SULPHATES. pale-red colour, with traces of copper and lead ores. Lamellar Barytes is the vein-stone of the Alva, Airthrey, and Castle Campbell mines. FORFARSHIRE. At the Geary Pot, near Auchmithie Bay. In a quarry near the town of Forfar. EDINBURGH. At Salisbury Crags, formerly, with Agaric Mineral in [the Craigmillar] Sandstone. [In veins and cavities in the eruptive rocks of several other localities on Arthur Seat. In Blackford Hill Quarries, and at various other localities in the Pentland Hills.] [HADDINGTONSHIRE. In veins, and also in druses, in Lower Car- boniferous eruptive rocks ; particularly at North Berwick.] LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Hilderston Hills, at Cairn Naple, associated with Niccolite (Fleming). LANARKSHIRE. At Carlton [Cartland] Crags, near Lanark. A wasted vein of eighteen inches wide forms Wallace's Cave. AYRSHIRE. In limestone, in the hills north of Dairy (Young). In the parish of Lochwinnoch, east of Dairy (Young). BERWICKSHIRE. On the Whitadder, between Millknowe and Priest- law, in "syenitic greenstone" [granite], in veins from one to four inches thick. KIRKCUDBRIGHT. Barlocco, near the house of Orroland, a vein six feet wide, which cuts [Silurian] greywacke vertically : its cavities con- tain Malachite and Azurite. Also near the House of Port Mary, Berwick, many veins up to three feet thick. In the Pibble Mine near Creetown, associated with Lead and Copper ores (D. and H.). At Little Koss Island, veins [traversing Silurian] greywacke. STALACTITIC BARYTES. In the banks of a burn near Meikle Ben of Campsie, Stirlingshire. 191. Celestine (720). SrS0 4 . Orthorhombic. Axes a : I : 6 = 077895 : 1 : 1-28005. [b, 101 ; c, 001 ; m, 110 ; n, 120 ; z t 111 ; /, 113 ; d, 102 ; o, Oil ; y, 122.] Crystals like Barytes and Anglesite in habit ; also columnar and foliated ; or fibrous, fine granular, and compact. Civ., macrodiagonal perfect. H., 3 to 3'5 ; G., 3'9 to 4. Usually more brittle than Barytes. Transparent or trans- lucent, vitreous or resinous. Colourless, but usually bluish-white to indigo-blue, and rarely reddish or yellow. Pyr., B.B. decrepitates and fuses easily to a milk-white globule. Distinguished from Barytes by the flame coloration. A splinter moistened with hydrochloric acid, after ignition in the inner flame, and then held in the blue border of the flame, colours this a lively purple-red. In charcoal in the reducing flame SULPHATES. 171 it yields sulphide of strontium ; if this is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, the solution evaporated, and then alcohol added to it, the mixture colours the name carmine. Attacked but sparingly by acid. Phos- phoresces when its powder is thrown on a hot iron. Comp., 43'6 Sulphuric Acid and 564 Strontia ; but it often contains also some lime or some baryta. INVERNESS-SHIRE. At Clachnaharry, in a quarry one mile to the west of Inverness, where it occurs in veins traversing Old Eed Sandstone conglomerate ; blue, foliated, and, rarely, with crystalline form (Jameson Torry). [cdk m (Plate XCV. fig. 1) 720-6, S.M. (W. G.).] ELGINSHIRE. Near Elgin, in small, white, translucent crystals, in sandstone (Greg). ? Newton Quarry. Baryto-celestine [cmnboy- (Plate XCV. fig. 2); and c d mfz - (Plate XCVL fig. 3) on 720'3 S.M. (W. G.)]. ARGYLLSHIRE. Strontian, at "Fee Donald" Mine, associated with Calcite, green Chert, and Galena. BANFFSHIRE. Near Portsoy, in the limestone quarry near Eedhaven ; in blue crystals, associated with Calcite and Margarodite. FIFESHIRE. Near St Andrews, in a dolerite quarry, blue, lamellar. HADDINGTONSHIRE. On the shore opposite the Bass Eock ; pale-blue, diverging, fibrous, forming veins in trap (Greg). Near North Berwick [below Eugged Knowe], opposite the Lethies, blue, lamellar, in druses in basic eruptive rocks [associated with red Natrolite] ; and in crystals, [cmdloyz and cmdoy\ colourless; [cldkao?h, 720*2 S.M. ; (Craig Christie), cdo? 720'2 S.M. ; eld--- (Plate XCVI. fig. 4), 720'5 S.M.; cldmoz (Plate XCVI. fig. 5), 720-2 S.M. (W. G.)]. EDINBURGHSHIRE. Edinburgh, in sandstone, found in cutting the foundation of George IV. Bridge. In the Calton Hill, in small foliated masses in trap (Greg); also with Chalcedony and Agate in limestone veins (Fleming). 192. Anglesite (721). PbS0 4 . Orthorhombic, a : b : c = 078516 : 1 : 1-28939. [a (c), 001 ; 5, 010 ; c(a\ 100; m, 110; X, 210; o, Oil; 0, 012; d, 102; z, 111; r, 112; I, 104 ; y t 122 ; T , 221 ; 0, 116 ; 142 ; , 132.] The crystals, of many forms and combinations, are short, prismatic, pyramidal, or tabular. Faces m, a often striated vertically ; d striated horizontally. Also massive, granular, to compact. Sometimes stalac- titic, or in nodular forms enclosing an unaltered core of Galena. Pris- matic and basal cleavage distinct but not perfect. Fracture conchoidal ; very brittle. H., 3 ; G., 6-2 to 6-35. Transparent or translucent. Lustre adamantine to vitreous or resinous. Colourless or white, but 172 SULPHATES, ETC. occasionally yellow, grey, brown, blue ; streak white. Pyr., Decrepi- tates in the flame of a candle. B.B, on charcoal fuses in the O.F. to a clear bead, which on cooling becomes milk-white. Before the K.F. is reduced with effervescence to metallic lead. With soda on charcoal in K.F. gives metallic lead, and the residue, which is absorbed by the charcoal, gives the reaction for sulphur when moistened and placed on a clean silver coin. Difficultly soluble in acids; wholly soluble in a solution of potash. Comp., PbOS0 3 = 737 Lead Protoxide and 26-3 Sulphuric Acid. LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills, in the Susanna mine, frequently, its associates being Lanarkite, Linarite, and Cerussite ; I m y ; [I m ] (Plate XCVI. fig. 1); alomyz (Plate XCVI. fig. 2); I o [d] m cz (Plate XCVI. fig. 3); almldoz (Plate XCVI. fig. 4); almozO; [alomdz] (Plate XCVI. fig. 5). In the mines of the Leadhills Dod, in cavities of such Galena as is covered with Pyromorphite. The Anglesite is usually without any associated mineral, and it occurs in crystals elongated in the direction of the greater diagonal, and so in bladed forms. Occasionally they are in plates parallel to a. Im (Plate XCVII. fig. 6); lmy\ almr (Plate XCVII. fig. 7); amzo (Plate XCVII. fig. 8); lmzoc\ aldolmgs (Plate XCVII. fig. 9) ; d z (Plate XCVII. Kg.\V)\ldzlo\\camod T zr\ (Plate XCVII. fig. 11). DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead mines. The Bay mine, ly\ lmo\ (Plate XCVII. fig. 12); admzo. The High Pirn Vein, Beltongrain Mine ; d o (Plate XCVII. fig. 13) ; a Id m [cl m] (Plate XCVIII. fig. 14) ; lym (Plate XCVIII. fig. 15); l\n\m\ (Plate XCVIII. fig. 16). Greg mentions the following additional combinations as from " Lead- hills " ; but he does not separate these from those obtained at Wanlock- head ; nor does he give localities, nor figures, nor the relative proportions of the faces : m la\ mlaz\ ml do a', mdoza; mdzba ; mdza\ mlOz', mlOza] ml op; ml 9 a. [The Anglesites of Leadhills and Wanlockhead are well figured by Dr Victor von Lang, in his " Versuch einer Monographic des Bleivitriols," Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wien, xxxvi. (1859), pp. 241-292, which contains 170 figures and 2 maps.] 193. Vauquelinite (727). 2(Pb,Cu)Cr0 4 .(PbCu) 3 P 2 8 . Monoclinic. Crystals always twinned. Sometimes botryoidal or reniform. H., 2*5 to 3; G., 5'5 to 5-8. Semi-translucent or opaque. Lustre resinous. Colour blackish-green or dark olive-green; streak siskin-green. A phospho-chromate of lead. Chromine trioxide, 15*0 ; Phosphorus pentoxide, 10'6 ; Lead protoxide, 69'5 ; Cupric oxide, 4*9 = 100. SULPHATES, ETC. 173 DUMFRIESSHIRE. Occurs, very rarely, at the High Pirn Mine, Wan- lock Dod, in the neighbourhood of Vanadinite (T. Davies, Min. Mag., 1877, 1., 112). LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills, at an unknown mine. ? Susanna (T. Davies). SULPHATES WITH CHLORIDES, CARBONATES, ETC. IN PART HYDROUS. 194. Leadhillite (734). 4PbO.S0 3 .2C0 2 .H 2 0. Monoclinic. [a : I : c= 1.74764 : 1 : 2.21545; /3 = 89 47' 3" (Las- peyres) ; a, 100 ; 6, 010 ; p (c\ 001 ; m, 110 ; d, 410 ; x, 111, and r, 111 ; f(w\ 101;/,I01; s, 411; ?^211; v, 112; 0(0,112; N, 201 ; e, 201 ; i t 203 ; o ( ), 814 ; p, 212 ; q, 214 ; n (h\ 034 ; w (g\ 012 ; / (), 014.] Crystals commonly tabular, || c. Cleavage : c very perfect ; a in traces; m imperfect. Lustre of c slightly pearly, of the other faces resinous or vitreous to adamantine. Fracture imperfect, conchoidal. Transparent to translucent. Colour yellowish-white to grey, yellowish- green, yellow, brown. Streak white. H., 2*5 ; G., 6-26 to 6*44. Comp., Lead, 8'08 Carbon Dioxide, 812 Sulphuric Anhydride, 1-8 Water. Analyses : 1-5, Collie, Jburn. Chem. Soc., Iv. p. 92. PbO. C0 2 . S0 3 . H 2 0. Total. Leadhills, 82-5 8-6 9-1 1-5 101-7 ,, ... 82-3 8-5 9-2 1-6 101-6 M ... 82-1 8-7 9-2 1-5 101-5 5} ... 81-8 9-8 8-0 1-6 101-2 ,, . 84-3 11-5 7-3 1-8 101-6 Pyr., B.B. intumesces, and turns yellow, but becomes white on cooling. On charcoal is easily reduced to lead. Partially soluble, with effervescence, in nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphate of oxide of lead. LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills ; has been found in all of the veins, but in largest quantity in the Susanna Mine (Wilson). It sometimes occurs alone ; more frequently with Cerussite, or with this and Lanarkite. Very rarely Aurichalcite is its associate. Tn the veins of the Leadhills Dod it accompanies Caledonite, or Caledonite with Linarite, Chrysocolla, Mala- chite, and Cerussite. Here it occurs only in acuminated crystals, apparently mefv. It also occurs in these mines in larger crystals, with face^>. DUMFRIESSHIRE. Wanlockhead; has been found in all the veins, except the Belton Grain vein. 174 SULPHATES, ETC. [The following combinations have been figured, or otherwise recorded, by previous authors : c admuw ife xrtvszohg a (see Plate XCVIII. &v.l);acmxru (Plate XCVIII. fi%.Z)\camxrtvwef (Plate XCVIII. fig. 3); cmadsxrtvpqohgawiz (Plate XCVIII. fig. 4); camxf (Plate XCVIII. fig. 5); cam XT wf (Plate XCIX. fig. 6); camfxrg e T e T (Plate XCIX. fig. 7). Greg and Lettsom also give cwx\ cuxwfv\ t e mca\ me ap v, mcauexr', me (y) ufw xr\ me a wfp vt\ me due wf vtxr] mcaefsqvtxr', mcaefvtps; m.paeuxrs', mcaeuixrvt; mcadefahosvtxr zp. (The additional symbols here inserted are due to the monoclinic character of this species, which was formerly regarded as orthorhombic.)] 195. Susannite (734a). Variety of Khomboidal Carbonate of Lead, Bournon, Catalogue, Sulphato-tricarbonate of Lead pt. (from Susanna Mine, Leadhills), Brooke, Edin. New. Phil. Jour., iii. 117, 138 (1827) ; Suzannit, Haidinger, Handb., 505 (1845). Civ. basal, perfect. H., 2 '5 ; Gr., 6 -5 5. Colour white, green, yellow, brownish. Lustre resinous to adamantine ; pearly on the cleavage faces. Powder white. Comp., 31^6 + 4^^ = 72-5 Carbonate, and 27'5 Sulphate, of Lead (H. J. Brooke). Pyr. The same as those of Leadhillite. Formerly regarded as a dimorphous form of Leadhillite ; but now as a mere variety of that mineral. LANARKSHIRE. Leadhills, in the Susanna Mine, associated with Lanarkite, or with Lanarkite, Leadhillite, Caledonite, Cerussite, and red Pyromorphite. r, r o (Plate XCIX. fig. 1) ; r I (Plate XCIX. fig. 2). In one vein in the Leadhills Dod, associated with Chrysocolla and Malachite, or pale green, per se, upon minute crystals of Quartz, r ~b. [Fig. 3, Plate XCIX., is reproduced from Brooke's figure in Phillips' Mineralogy. " The small planes are not in general sufficiently defined to admit of measurement."] ACID AND BASIC SULPHATES. 196. Lanarkite (737). (Pb 2 0)S0 4 . [Monoclinic. a-. I: c = 0-8681: 1:1.3836; /3, 88 11'. a, 100; c, 001 ; w,_l_03; 240 ) 96-974 Carbon.' 2-039 327 47 George the Fourth Sand. Bridge, Edinburgh, 03 02 98-52 1-24 14 ... HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 185 [HATCHETTITE. Under the name of Mountain Tallow this substance was recorded in 1824 from a bog on the borders of Loch Fyne by Brande, Edin. Phil. Journ., xi. It has not been analysed. Dana, 6th ed., p. 997, states that this substance "is probably identical with the kind of paraffin that fuses at 45 cl -47 C. ; and which has been obtained by the destruc- tive distillation of Boghead Coal and peat, and from other sources."] FICHTELITE, C 5 H 8 . Monoclinic. Crystals tabular || c or elongated || b. Forms : a (100, i 1), c (001, 0), m (110, I), i (101, 1 1). Angles (measured) : m m'" = 97, a c = 53, a i = 52, c i = 75. Clark. Twins : t w. pi. c. H. = 1. Lustre somewhat greasy. Colour white. Translucent. Brittle. Without taste or smell. Distils over without decomposition. Solidifying temperature, 36. Easily soluble in Ether ; less so in Alcohol. Ax. pi. |j 010. Analysis Macadam, Min. Mag., viii. 137. C. H. 0. Shieldaig, . 87143 12-082 0775. EOSS-SHIRE. In a peat moss in Shieldaig. NAPHTHA. ORKNEY. Shapinshay, in small cavities in basalt dykes. HEBRIDES. Eigg. Eudh' an Tancaird, in cavities of one of the pitch- stone dykes. EDINBURGHSHIRE. West Calder, in Nos. 2, 11, 14, 15 Shale Pits (Stuart Thomson). LINLITHGOWSHIRE. At Broxburn. PETROLEUM. ORKNEY. Walls, at the Burn of Summery, at the junction of an amygdaloid with Orcadian Old Eed Sandstone, in Barytes and Calcite. At Sands Geo, at the junction of amygdaloid with Upper Old Eed Sand- stone, in laminated crystals of Barytes. CAITHNESS. At Gie uisg Geo, with Galena and Blende. HEBRIDES. Skye. Talisker, on crystals of Analcime, and in tears exuding from cavities in the rock, which are sometimes filled with it, but are usually only half full. Also in rents and pervading the substance of the rock. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF r* M . . _ .-. K\\ rv. 186 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. Mull. " Iii the mountain of Benenich or Bein a neunich there is a zeolite impregnated with Petroleum." (Travellers' Guide through Scotland.) FIFESHIRE. Elie. Kincraig, in agglomerate. Occurring in cavities of the rock ; impregnating Calcite ; and also dispersed in drops and masses among crystals of Barytes and Calcite. Where it occurs in cavities which are near the surface of the rock, it is frequently found exuding in tears and stalactites, its more volatile part having been dis- tilled out by the sun's rays Anal. 42. Impregnating Calcite in tuff east of Kinghorn. In Carboniferous limestone near Burntisland (Greg). In lumps in limestone near King Alexander's Crag, Kinghorn, in trap. EDINBURGHSHIRE. At St Catherine's Well, east of Edinburgh city, where it occurs in both the solid and the liquid states. ASPHALTUM. EDINBURGHSHIRE. At Addiewell, black, with Barytes, in Pit 15 (Stuart Thomson) ; also filling bones and associated with Calcite. Oak- bank, near Mid-Calder (Currie). Inchkeith, imbedded in fissures of the rock, and in shales. South Queensferry, in the Oil Shales, lining cracks in clay ironstone nodules (Goodchild). HADDINGTONSHIRE. In. clay ironstone nodules (Greg). DUMBARTONSHIRE. Near Dumbarton, filling the interstices of iron- stone septaria. EENFREWSHIRE. At Hurlet, along with Calcite. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. At Little Eoss Island, in fossiliferous rock accompanied by Anthracite. ELATERITE. FIFESHIRE. Kirkcaldy. Chapel limestone quarries, associated with Calcite and Apophyllite. At Lochhead, north of Dunfermline. EDINBURGHSHIRE. At St Bernard's Well, in rifts in Lower Carbon- iferous sandstones. LINLITHGOWSHIRE. At New Liston. On the side of the road from Bathgate to Knockhill, " in felspathic greenstone," plentiful (S. Thom- son). In the field immediately east of this, in greenstone, with Calcite (S. Thomson). In fissures in the Lower Carboniferous [Yoredale] lime- stones of the Bathgate Hills (Goodchild). ALBERTITE. ORKNEY. Walls. Old Head, in fissures of the Upper Old Eed Sandstone, near the summit of the cliff. HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. IS? EOSS-SHIRE. Mountgerald, two miles north-east of Dingwall, on the Eiver Skiack and in the railway cutting. [Kiltearn (Morrison, Min. Mag., vi. p. 101, 1884); Castle Leod, Strathpeffer ; and Ben Wyvis.] Thirty-six veins have been opened in both the gneiss and the Old Eed Flagstone. One vertical vein in gneiss is nearly two inches thick- Anal. . EDINBURGHSHIRE. [Gavieside.] West Calder. Addiewell, in Pits 11 and 27. Pumpherston, in Oil Shales (S. Thomson). CLOUSTONITE. (Heddle, Min. Mag., iii. p. 222 (1879).) ORKNEY. Mainland. Yeskenaby, one mile north of the granite of Inganess, Skaill. In patches imbedded in blue limestone, and filling cross rents in blue flag Anal. 2. [Noup Head, Westray.] AMBER. FIFESHIRE. Boiled specimens have been picked up upon both the East and West Sands near St Andrews, and on the shore between " Ferry- Port-on-Craig " and Newport. GUAYAQUILLITE. LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Bathgate, in the centre of ironstone nodules, in Lower Carboniferous rocks. In the JEdin. Phil. Journ., second series, vol. xv. p. 398, we read: " Antediluvian Ambergris. In the clay iron- stone of our coal formation, near to Bathgate, Burntisland, etc., we have been long familiar with a pale, yellowish-white and wine-yellow, trans- lucent, soft, inflammable mineral, to which no particular name has been given. It is now said to have the characters of ambergris." The pre- sent author has two specimens of this ; and a specimen identical with these in appearance, in the Gallery of Scottish Geology and Mineralogy in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art, has the foregoing notice attached to it. Though no analysis has been made, the physical pro- perties quite agree with those of Guayaquillite. OZOCERITE. EDINBURGHSHIRE. Found in laying the foundations of George the Fourth Bridge, Edinburgh; amber coloured Anal. 47. Mid-Calder. At Breich, No. 1 Pit, in a cavity immediately under the Oil Shales (S. Thomson). Pumpherston, in the ironstone nodules (S. Thomson). 188 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. LINLITHGOWSHIRE. In Binny Sandstone Quarry, near Uphall, in joints of the sandstone, yellow and dark brown, with occasional green fluorescence Anal. 46. Phillipstoun, 2 ms. N. of Binny (Cadell). AYRSHIRE. At High Blantyre, in limestone. In the Dairy lime- stone, at Glen Cart. On the Lugar. TORBANITE. [Torbanite, although related to Cannel Coal, has a very nearly uniform composition, according to all analyses thus far made, excepting that of Miller, and this composition is like that of Bathvillite, but with less oxygen. It corresponds very nearly with the formula C 40 H 68 2 . 25 = carbon, 8219 ; hydrogen, 1148 ; oxygen, about 6'0 ; nitrogen, T37 = 100 : excluding the nitrogen, C., 82-28 ; H., 11-54; 0., 6'08 = 100. Less than 1J % of Torbanite is soluble in naphtha (Fyfe). From Dana, Syst. Min., 6th ed., p. 1009. In Upper Carboniferous rocks, at Torbane Hill, Bathgate parish, Linlithgowshire. " It frequently occurs in seams of some considerable size, and always in the neighbourhood of coal, sometimes in immediate contiguity with it, but at other times . . . separated from it by a layer of fireclay." The colour varies from tan colour to sooty-brown. Its fracture is dull, and often conchoidal, like that of cannel coal, and it is translucent in thin section. "Its specific gravity ranges from 1'2 to 1-3." Its streak varies in colour from saffron to umber, and is usually shining, and very similar to that afforded by oil shales. " It is tough, and not so brittle but that thin sections may be made of it." It possesses considerable elasticity, and, " when struck by the hammer, it emits a dull sound. The remains of plants, especially of Stigmaria, are of constant occurrence, and can be distinguished by the naked eye without difficulty. . . . Under the micro- scope it is found to consist of masses of a yellow material, some being of irregular figure," spores and spore cases, " others more or less rounded, embedded in a granular matrix, which vary in colour from a yellowish- brown almost to a black." (The sections in quotation marks are from a paper by Professor Queckett, On the Minute Structure of . . . Boghead Cannel Coal, pp. 34-36, 1853 ; the others by J. G. G.) Dr Eedfern, Micro. Journ., iii., and Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1854, states, regarding its mode of occurrence : " It has a layer of cement stone immediately above it, half an inch to two inches in thickness. Above that is a bed of shale, varying in thickness up to four feet. Immediately below the bed is a stratum of fireclay, with occasional ironstone balls, about two inches thick, and very full of impressions of plants. Under that is a layer of good bright-looking coal six inches in thickness. HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 189 Occasionally a thin layer of common coal of variable thickness runs right through the Boghead Mineral." With reference to the composition of Torbanite as compared with Scottish (and other) coals, the following tables of analyses, given by Professor Fyfe, Journal of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, iv. pp. 250- 266 (1854), may usefully be reproduced here] : Table of the Proportions of Volatile Matter, of Coke, of Fixed Carbon, and of Ash, in 100 Parts of Different Coals, and in the Torbane Mineral. COALS. In 100 Parts of Coal. Coke. In 100 Parts of Coke. Specific c, cannel. Gravity. h, household. Vol. mr. Coke. Carbon. Ash. Carbon. Ash. Wigan Ince Hall, . c. 12-55 37-6 62-4 5-6 6-4 89-7 10-3 Do. do., . c. ... 377 62-3 50-5 11-8 81 19 Torbane, household, . 38-3 617 52-5 9-2 85 15 Kinneil, . . c. 44-4 55-6 44-4 11-2 80 20 Donibristle, . c. j 12'37 46-5 53-5 49-2 4-3 92 8 Capeldrae (2nd), . c. 13-10 47-2 52-8 24-3 28-5 46 54 Knightswood, . c. ... 47-5 52-5 48-5 4 92-4 7-6 Balbardie, . . h. 43-6 56-4 29-8 26-6 52-8 47-2 Lochgelly, . . c. ... 50-4 49-6 36-2 13-4 73 27 Disco Island, . . h. 13-84 50-6 49-4 39-6 9-8 80 20 Monkland, . . c. 54-2 45-8 39-5 6-3 86-2 13-8 Lesmahagow, . . c. Do,, . . c. ... 57-4 58-3 42-6 41-7 39 35-3 3-6 6 4 91-5 84-6 8-5 15-4 Methil, . . c. 59 41 18-5 22-5 45 55 Capeldrae (1st), . c. 12-38 59-1 40-9 33-2 77 18-8 81-2 Wemyss, . . c. ... 66-6 33-4 21-9 11-5 65-5 34-5 Torbane, . . c. 66-9 33-1 15'6 17-5 47-1 52-9 Do. . . c. ... 68-1 31-9 14-5 17-4 45-4 54-6 Do. . . c. ... 68-4 31-6 8-6 23 27-2 72-8 Do. . . c. ... 69 31 9-3 21-7 30 70 Do. . . c. ... 69-8 30'2 13-1 17-1 43-3 567 Do. . . c. 69-8 30-2 6-6 23-2 29-8 70-2 Do. . . c. ... 70-1 29-1 16-3 12-8 56 44 Do., average, 11-99 68-8 31-2 11-9 18'3 38-4 61-6 Tree in Torbane, ... 68-8 31-2 10-8 26-4 34-6 65-4 190 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. Table of the quantity of Coke, and quantity and quality of Gas from a Ton of Coals, and from the Torbane Mineral, as shown "by the Chlorine Process. COALS. Coke. Cubic Feet of Gas. Specific Gravity of Gas. Duraby. 1 Foot = Minutes and Sees. Conden- sation by Chlorine. Comp. Value of 1 Foot of Gas. Comp. Value of Coals. Bemish caking, 1600 8,545 485 43 5-0 i-o 1-0 Leven Splint, . 1120 8,060 492 43 5'3 1-06 1-01 Leven caking, . 1600 10,560 550 38 6-0 1-2 1-4 Adamson's caking, North Lithins, 1620 1280 12,456 9,021 646 555 38 53 6-3 10-8 1-2 2-1 1-75 2-2 Knightswood, . 1164 9,184 557 48 9'0 1-8 2-3 Blackwook, 1200 8,000 645 60 13-0 2-6 2-6 Kelvinside, 1150 9,007 640 65 14-0 2-8 2'9 Grange, 1280 9,160 618 67 14-0 2-8 3-0 Lumphanan, . 1200 8,953 622 66 14-5 2-9 3-0 Lithin's Glen, . 1280 9,500 646 68 15'0 3-0 3'2 Marquis Lothian, Lithin's Hill, . 1074 1200 10,080 9,100 590 690 60 72 13-0 16-0 2-6 3-2 3-2 3'4 Kilbirnie, 1200 10,290 624 67 15-0 3-0 3'6 Lochgelly, 1200 9,054 637 57 30 14-0 2-8 3-7 Capeldrae (2nd), 1256 9,670 650 73 37 17-8 3-56 4-02 Kinneil, 1292 9,803 739 75 17-5 3'5 4-1 Lesmahagow, . 1120 10,176 652 70 17-5 3'5 4-1 Monkland, 1142 10,192 667 67 16-0 3-2 4-2 Methil, 1198 7,706 683 66 15-5 3-1 4-3 Kirkness, 1380 9,038 711 78 22-0 4-4 4'6 Capeldrae (1st), 999-9 11,500 644 65 25 18-0 3'6 4-8 Torbane, 760 15,480 726 84 44 25-0 5-0 9-0 MlDDLETONlTE. Occurs, filling small druses, in basalt lavas (Lower Carboniferous) in the Bathgate Hills, about three miles to the north-east of Bathgate town (Stuart Thomson and H.). Also in rounded pellets in both the calcitic and barytic gangue of the nickel in the old silver mine at Hilderston, near Linlithgow (Stuart Thomson and H.). ANTHRACITE. , EOSS-SHIRE. Strathpeffer, at Glensgaich, in circular scales or disks between thin plates of Muscovite in the quartzose vein with Garnet and Zircon. FIFESHIRE. At Carnock, near Dunfermline, in the upper coal beds. EDINBURGHSHIRE. In the Calton Hill, Edinburgh, near the Old Observatory, in trap, with twin Calcite, always fragmentary. At Craig- lockhart. Eatho, in veins in the dolerite near the railway station. LINLITHGOWSHIRE. In imbedded nodules, with Calcite, in dolerite, at HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 191 Magdalena, where the canal crosses the road to Linlithgow. Near the Inn of West Craigs, Binny Craig. In Binny Craig quarry, in brilliant stalactites of divergent crystalline structure. At Crawhill and Wall- house (Forsythe). STIRLINGSHIRE. Campsie Hills. Near Barraston, on the south slope of the south hill. ARGYLLSHIRE. One mile north-east of Campbelton, where a dyke of porphyry touches coal. AYRSHIRE. In the Dairy Water, where greenstone dykes touch coal. At Eiccarton, south of Kilmarnock, a bed four to five feet thick, resting on sandstone. Saltcoats, and New Cumnock [near intrusive rocks]. DUMFRIESSHIRE. On the estate of Mansfield, nearly between the sources of the Afton and the Nith, in a bed four feet thick. At Crawick Bridge, between Kirkconnell and Sanquhar, columnar (Nicol). At Craigmichan Scars, east of Moffat Water; and at the Bell Craig, a mile above the linn. In considerable beds at Sanquhar. PEEBLESSHIRE. At Grieston quarry, Traquair, in fragments in greywacke slate (Nicol). Opposite the mouth of the Leithen, on the Tweed, in greywacke (Nicol). KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. At (? at Cadon Bank) Cadenbank Hill, in an irregular bed or vein, in greywacke slate. At Little Eoss Island, with fossils (Nicol). WIGTOWNSHIRE. North of the Mull of Galloway, in fragments, with Jet, in greywacke. AMETHYSTOLINE. " This name may be given to the volatile fluid observed by Brewster in cavities of Amethyst " from Scotland (Greg). BREWSTERLINITE. [A colourless transparent fluid, described by Sir David Brewster as occurring in the cavities within Topaz crystals from Aberdeenshire Edin. Phil Journ., ix. (1823) ; Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., x. p. 407 (1826). Its composition is not definitely known; but it is regarded as one of the volatile hydrocarbons.] CRYPTOLINE. " Occurs along with Brewstoline[ite] in the Topaz from Aberdeen, as a fluid not miscible with the former, though occurring often in the same cavities. On exposure it hardens speedily into a yellowish transparent resinous substance, not volatilizable by heat, nor soluble in water or 192 HYDROCAKBON COMPOUNDS. alcohol, but rapidly dissolving with effervescence in sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids " (Greg). See T. E. S. E. } x. LIGNITE. SUTHERLAND. At Brora [in Jurassic rocks] Anal. 5. HEBRIDES. Skye. Opposite Portree : long worked. Ardmore Point, Vaternish, in a bed 18 inches thick, mostly tree trunks, overlaid by a bed of amygdaloid, with an intervening bed of red clay one foot thick Anal. 7. North-east of Uig, brown and fibrous. Canna, in detached pieces in tuff. Mull, on the west side, near the Cave of the Mac- donalds, under basalt. ARGYLL. North of the Mull of Galloway (Nicol). EDINBURGHSHIRE. At Gilmerton [? Anal. 45]. JET. EDINBURGHSHIRE. At West Calder. PEAT JET. ORKNEY. Island of Graemsay, in veins in sandstone, below peat Anal. 4. WIGTOWNSHIRE. In the peninsula between Loch Eyan and the Irish Channel, under peat and over clay (Agnew). SUPPLEMENT. BY J. G. GOODCHILD. IN the course of printing the Mineralogy of Scotland, it has been found that one or two species have been accidentally overlooked. Besides these, there were some few other species regarding the validity of which, there is reason to believe, the author's views had changed. Others were of doubtful authenticity as occurring in Scotland. Then, again, during the last three years, a few species have been added to the Scottish list, chiefly by the officers of the Geological Survey. To these species must be added those already known as Scottish, which have lately been dis- covered in new localities. Finally, the Editor has been continuously at work during the last three years at the arrangement of the Scottish Mineral Collection in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. In the course of this work he has determined a large number of forms, and has made drawings of several hundred combinations. The crystals so drawn are all indicated by blue pointers, are all duly registered, and are placed so that the public can easily study them, and the drawings are exhibited in contiguity to the specimens. The results of some part of this work are given in the notes that follow, in which the symbols employed are all Dana's (sixth edition), and the Museum reference numbers are given in prefixed brackets. The Editor is responsible for all the following statements, except where it is stated to be otherwise. EDINBURGH, November, 1900. Diamond (1). Localities. On the ticket of a specimen found by Dr Heddle, and given to Mr Thorns shortly before his death, and now in Mr Thorns' cabinet, is as follows: "This specimen of Aventurine, from a lake 3 miles to the north-east of Ben Hope, Sutherland, contains, besides the red mica, red Zircons, and either colourless Garnets or Diamonds." VOL. II. N 1 94 SUPPLEMENT. In handing this specimen to me, however, Dr Heddle remarked that in his own mind he felt confident that these small crystals were Diamonds, as they had certain optical properties which no other mineral he knew of possessed. Although not alluded to in the manuscript of this book, it is judged advisable to place this on record (A. Thorns). Graphite (2). Close examination of the minerals occurring in the various meta- morphic limestones occurring amongst the Highland Schists and Gneisses has brought to light the fact that scales of Graphite are present in nearly every case. A conspicuous example is presented by the limestones of Glenelg, described by Mr Clough (Q.J.G.S., Iv. 372). Probably some, at least, of the supposed Molybdenite recorded from the metamorphic marbles of Scotland will prove to be really Graphite. Sulphur (3). Crystallised Sulphur has been found as a product of the spontaneous combustion of Lower Carboniferous shales containing Pyrites, at several places in Scotland. It would seem to be almost as much entitled to rank as a native species as most of the Nitrates and Hydrous Sulphates. Bismuth (11). This is mentioned by Greg, Brit. Min., 378, as occurring formerly at Alva, in Stirlingshire ; reticulated and associated with Erythrine. Gold (13). Small specks of Gold have lately been detected in various eruptive and metamorphic rocks from Scottish localities. Probably, in a very sparsely distributed state, its occurrence may prove to be much more general than has hitherto been supposed. Greenockite (68). The Editor has examined and drawn a large number of crystals of Greenockite, almost the whole of which are characterised by complex oscillatory combinations of the prism (1010) with various pyramids, chiefly (1011), (2021), and (1012); all appear to be hemimorphic, and all show more or less want of symmetry in regard to the relative sizes of the faces of each form. The figures by Miigge, Jb. Min., ii. 18, accu- rately represent the general habit of the Scottish crystals, and Dana's SUPPLEMENT. 195 description of the morphology of Greenockite (Syst. Min., sixth edition, p. 69) embodies the results of Miigge's investigation of that species. Pyrrhotite (74). Like Graphite, this mineral proves to be an almost constant associate of limestone in the Highland Metamorphic Series ; it is of common occurrence also in the accompanying epidiorites. Pyrite (85). ARGYLLSHIRE. Strontian, a, ao, and botryoidal. Strachur, in Mica schist, in small quarry behind village, a. Onich, in old slate quarries, nickel replacing part of the iron, in large quantities, the crystals decomposing on exposure to the atmosphere (A. Thorns). Rammelsbergite (100). This mineral is stated, by Dr Heddle, on one of the tickets in the Scottish Mineral Collection in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art (602.3), to occur in connection with Niccolite and Dudgeonite at " Menimuir Burn, Cassencarrie." Bruiachite (175). Noticed by T. D. Wallace (Min. Mag., vi. 169) and described by Macadam (Min. Mag., vii. 42) from Loch Bruithaich, Inverness-shire, shown by Heddle to be identical with Fluor (Min. Mag., viii. 274). Amethyst (210). Occurs lining the vapour cavities in the upper of the two basic intrusive sheets at Hound Point, Dalmeny, Firth of Forth, and also forming small amygdules in a dyke traversing the red rocks below the new promenade west of Dunbar ; the same rock may be traced westward as far as the rifle butts on the east side of Belhaven Bay. Quartzine (210 A). A fibrous form of crystalline Si0 2 ; supposed to be the cryptocrys- talline constituent of Chalcedony, and therefore present in all Agates. Agate (210). Many new localities for Agates in Scotland have been discovered while the present book was passing through the press. Almost without exception they are from vesicles in rocks of sub-basic composition mostly from Augite Andesites. Mr E. Dykes has collected them from the 196 SUPPLEMENT. Devonian Andesites of the Ayrshire coast and from the Pentlands ; Mr Benjamin Brown from the same rocks near the foot of the lower reservoirs in the Pentlands; Mr J. Bisset from the same rocks at Connel Ferry ; Mr Kobertson and Mr Mears from Arthur's Seat ; the Editor has obtained them from Devonian Andesites, among other places, at St Abb's Head, various localities on the Scottish flank of the Cheviots ; from ? Andesitic lavas of Lower Carboniferous age at Jovis Neuk, N.E. of Aberlady Bay, etc. Veins of Chalcedony occur traversing the dolerite of Hawk Crag, Aberdour, and also that of Burntisland. Molybdite (219). Mo0 3 . " At Mount Coryby near Loch Creran in Argyllshire ; and at East Tulloch, south of Loch Tay, in Perthshire, according to Heddle " (Greg and Lettsom, Brit. Min., p. 348). Tenorite (230). In the Scottish Mineral Collection there is a specimen from Leadhills, which has been regarded as a pseudomorph of this species after Galena. Corundum (231). An account of the geognostical relations of Corundum (in Scotland and elsewhere) is given by Teall in his Presidential Address to the Geologists' Association, " The Natural History of Cordierite and its Associates" (Proc. G-eol. Assoc., xvi. 2, pp. 61-74). In this, Mr Teall describes the occurrence of Corundum in minute crystals in thermo- metamorphosed schists from the neighbourhood of the Cruachan diorite- granite. " The Corundum in this rock occurs in crystals and more or less irregular grains. The crystals are combinations of the hexagonal prism, the primitive rhombohedron, and the basal plane. They are sometimes flat and sometimes prismatic. The flat forms, in which the prism is feebly developed, are frequently stepped on the basal plane, owing to the repeated alternations of this face with the faces of a rhom- bohedron " (op. cit., p. 64). Mr Thorns sends the following note : "White Sapphire" of Tiree, or Corundum, was first mentioned by Greville, T.R.S., 1798, whose description was quoted by Jameson (vide his Scottish Isles, ii. 33), but this identification was almost at once abandoned and the true nature of the mineral was recognised at least as early as 1817 by Sowerby. Dr Heddle also refers it to Malacolite in his last Chapter, confirming Sowerby. SUPPLEMENT. 19? Haematite (232). This appears to be, in the great majority of cases, a vestigial product from one or other of the Eed Eocks usually from the New Red. It therefore occurs here and there over the greater part of Scotland which is not occupied by rocks of later date than the New Eed. The Editor has discussed this view of its geognostical relation in several papers, especially in " The Genesis of Scottish Minerals " (Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc.), and "Haematite on Arthur's Seat" (Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin., 1900). Ilmenite (233). Dr Heddle always distinguished between Iserine, which is the form occurring in connection with basic eruptive rocks (which forms much of the iron sand) and Ilmenite, which is confined to dynamo- metamorphosed rocks. This distinction appears to be a very useful one, and is thoroughly borne out by the facts. Nearly all the specimens of Ilmenite proper occur in connection with Quartz veins, and are associated with one or more members of the Chlorite Group. Spinel (234). Mr Teall's paper, above referred to, mentions the frequent occurrence of Spinel in thermo-metamorphosed rocks. Mr C. T. Clough has lately presented to the Edinburgh Museum a fine series of Spinels from the metamorphic marble of Glenelg, in which this mineral is associated with Diopside, Tremolite, Forsterite, a light mica (usually regarded as Phlogopite) Crystalline Graphite, and other minerals (see Clough and Pollard "On Spinel and Forsterite from the Glenelg Limestone," Q.J.G.S., Iv. 372), in which these occurrences are described, and from which the following analysis is taken : Analysis of Spinel from Glenelg. Dr Pollard (Q.J.G.S., Iv. p. 379). Sp. gr. Si0 2 A1 2 3 FeO MgO Total. 3-57 1-20 69-80 2'03 27*30 100'33 Minium (244). It is stated by Greg (Brit. Min., 388) to occur at Leadhills. There is a specimen so labelled in the Scottish Mineral Collection from that locality, which was regarded by Dr Heddle as belonging to this species. It resembles an impure Liinouite. 198 SUPPLEMENT. Psilomelane (269). Omission was made in the text of reference to the fine coloured figures of the Hoy Psilomelanes, which have been added to the illustra- tions. Oalcite (270). A considerable number of beautifully crystallised specimens of Calcite, embracing a great variety of combinations, is to be found in the Scottish Mineral Collection. The majority of these do not appear to have yet been published. Freehand drawings of about two hundred specimens, of which the forms have been determined while the present work was passing through the press, have been made by the Editor, and are placed next the specimens to which they refer. Hydroplumbite (269). Heddle (Min. Mag., viii. 201). In minute, crystalline scales (hex- agonal), forming thin, white, flakes with pearly lustre, soluble in nitric acid, the solution showing the presence of lead alone. B.B. yields water. Inferred (but on very insufficient grounds) to be 3PbO.H 2 0. Observed with Cerussite and Pyromorphite upon Galena. Locality doubtful, or perhaps from Cumberland or Leadhills. (Taken from Dana, 6th edition, p. 259.) Smithsonite (275). LOCALITIES: Dumfriesshire; Wanlockhead. (A. Thorns, on the authority of Dr Wilson of Wanlockhead.) Witherite (279). It may be well to note here that all attempts at finding Witherite at any Scottish locality have hitherto failed, although Barytes is one of the commonest minerals in the country. Orthoclase (313). AYRSHIRE. The feldspar obscurely crystallised in geodes in the microgranite of Ailsa Craig much resembles Murchisonite, and is, no doubt, a soda-orthoclase, as suggested by Teall. (James Currie.) Attention may also be directed here to a paper by Mr Currie " On the Feldspars of Canisp " (Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin., vii. 494) in which the SUPPLEMENT. 199 geognostic relations of this and the associated Albite are described, and with which is given a figure of crystal twined on m (110). Dr Flett, in the same journal (p. 482), has also described some in- teresting phenocrysts (or insets) of micropegmatite occurring in a mass of microgranite of Devonian age at Black Hill in the Pentland Hills. Microcline (315). (Additional notes supplied by James Currie.) Flannan Islands, nacreous, white (MacCulloch). ST KILDA. In drusy cavities in the Syenite, imperfectly crystallised and with Smoky Quartz (MacCulloch). " The Feldspar of the red granite of the Eoss of Mull is described by Haughton as Orthoclase : but as his analysis of the granite shows almost equal quantities of potash and soda, it would seem that the feldspar is a Microperthite and most probably a Microcline-Microper- thite." The waxy-lustred variety of Microcline occurs near Birse, micro- graphic and associated with Andesine, Apatite, and Sphene. Soda-Microcline (315A). Microscopic examination by Mr James Bisset and Mr Andrew Stenhouse of the large ejected fragments of feldspar included in the agglomerate and other eruptive rocks on the shore between Elie and St Monance in Fife, has shown that they consist of polysynthetic twins of a triclinic feldspar. This confirmation of a view which many persons have long held, following Dr Heddle's analysis (q.v.) t seems to justify the reference of this mineral to Socla-Microcline. Probably this mineral will eventually prove to be of much commoner occurrence in Scotland than has hitherto been supposed. Fine specimens from the localities mentioned, as well as from the east of Fife, are placed in the Scottish Mineral Collection. Dr Heddle gave considerable attention to the vitreous and lithoidal states of eruptive rocks, and collected a fine series, which he placed with the Feldspars when he was arranging the Scottish Mineral Collection. Amongst these are fine examples of Pitchstone from almost every known Scottish locality, as well as equally fine specimens of Tachylite. His examples from Loch Scridain, Mull, formed the subject of a paper read before the Glasgow Geological Society (vol. x. pp. 80-91). With these are placed examples of Petrosilex and Petuntze, from Black Hill, Pentlands. 200 SUPPLEMENT. Oligoclase (317). (Additional analyses). 1. Heddle, Min. Mag., iv. 197. 2 and 3. Haughton, Phil. Mag., xl. 59. (From Hintze, Handb. d. Min.) Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 MgO CaO K 2 Na.,0 H 2 Total. 1. Geo na Seainraig, . 64-54 24-04 2-31 077 1-21 2-59 4-13 0-84 100-43 2. Craigiebuckler, . 62-00 23-20 ... ... 471 0-43 9-20 ... 99-54 3. Rhiconich, . 61-88 24-80 ... ... 4'93 0-98 8-12 ... 10071 ORKNEY. Sanday, near Saville, in a large boulder (probably a Norwegian erratic), white, penetrated by Actinolite, with Hornblende, Apatite, etc. Stack and Skerry, west of Hoy, in belts in the gneiss, with sericitic gneiss (James Currie). Leucite (321). Eegarding this mineral, it may be remarked that all the Analcimes which have yet been found in Scotland appear to be secondary products, and formed within pre-existent cavities within the rock in which they occur ; and no British example yet known affords any good reason for regarding Analcime as a replacement or pseudomorph of pre-existent Leucite. Augite (325). The bright green variety of Augite known as Omphacite occurs in a few localities in Scotland as a constituent of the Garnet-Amphibole- Pyroxene rock called Eclogite. Messrs Teall and Clough have lately described such from J mile KE. of Loch Coir' an Daimh, 2 miles N.E. of Glenelg. (See also Teall, Min. Mag., ix. p. 217.) It may be remarked here, that distinctly-terminated crystals of Scottish pyroxenes are of rare occurrence in collections. The Heddle Collection includes only three such of Diopside, none of which appear to have been yet figured. Crystals of Augite weathered out of the Arenig tuffs at Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, have been obtained by Mr Macconochie. The combinations are the usual ones of a, 100 ; I, 010 ; m, 110; and s, 111, the latter forms nearly all shewing strongly-concave surfaces. Except in the idiomorphic Augites abundantly present in so many basic eruptive rocks, these four occurrences represent all that are in the Scottish Collection. SUPPLEMENT. 201 Most of the Diopsides occurring in Scotland are distinctly minerals of secondary origin, developed within marbles by thermo-metamorphic action. Only in very rare cases do they shew crystalline termina- tions although they are all idiomorphic in the prismatic zone. ^Egirine (326). Mr Teall has detected ^Egirine in an intrusive rock allied to Borolanite from the Coigach district of West Eoss-shire. It occurs in long prisms, idiomorphic in the prismatic zone, and is associated with Biotite, Orthoclase, Nepheline, Melanite, etc. Mr Cunningham Craig also records ^Egirine in granulitic rocks from Glen Lui, Aberdeenshire ; 65 N.W. Spodumene (327). In one of Dr Heddle's note-books is a record of the occurrence of this mineral " in an east and west quartz-porphyry dyke which cuts the north slope of the Cairnwell just above the col between it and Cairn Geodch and overlooking Loch Bhrotichan." Wollastonite (329). Amongst other localities where this mineral has been detected mention may be made of its occurrence in the Borolanite of the neigh- bourhood of Inchnadamff, where its existence was made known by Mr Teall (Trans. Eoy. Sue. Edin., xxxvii. p. 175.) It is associated with Orthoclase, Melanite, Nepheline, etc. Rhodonite (335). A mineral bearing a strong external resemblance to Ehodonite occurs in the metamorphic marble of Dalnabo, Glen Gairn, Aberdeenshire. Dr Heddle has, however, shewn that this is really the variety of Sphene known as Greenovite, see Dufrenoy, Ann. des M. 3rd, xxii. 529. Amphibole (338). Tremolite. INVERNESS-SHIRE. About a quarter of a mile above Eoy Bridge, in the bed of the river, in Muscovite schist, with Garnets, some of the crystals over five inches long. Scourvang Hill, south of Fort William, in limestone. Kirnish Burn, south of Fort William (A. Thorns). 202 SUPPLEMENT. Hornblende. INVERNESS-SHIRE. Fort Augustus railway cutting, below the Free Church, Gairlochy, in terminated crystals, m clr n. In Shingang Burn, in Hornblende schist, about two miles east of Banavie (A. Thorns). Beryl (344). Most of the Scottish Beryls in the Collection at the Natural History Museum in the Cromwell Eoad, London, as well as those in the Edin- burgh Museum of Science and Art, are quite devoid of any crystalline terminations (as they are allotriomorphic along (c) to other minerals). A very few, only two in the Edinburgh Museum (344 8-9), are termin- ated, and these are enclosed within dark Cairngorm. They shew the combination m cp and a very rough form, which appears to be r. They are stated to be from the Cairngorm Mountains. The terminations on all the others are in some cases fractures, in others they are impressed faces from minerals associated with them, especially from Quartz, while in the remainder these surfaces are due to etching by natural solvents. Sodalite (362). Mr Teall, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxxvii. pt. 1, No. 2, p. 175, records the occurrence of an alteration product after a mineral belonging to the Sodalite Group, in the rock Borolanite, from the neighbourhood of Inchnadamff, Cnoc na Sroine, Loch Borolan, and Ruighe Cnoc, Sutherland & Eoss. It is associated with Orthoclase, Nepheline, Melanite, etc. Garnet (370). Amongst the fine series of Garnets in the Scottish Mineral Collection are some remarkable crystals from Knock Hill, 4 m. N.E. of Grange Station, Banffshire; 86 N.W. On the d faces of these an oscillatory combination of d r s builds a step-like face looking somewhat like a low pyramid. Forsterite (375). Analysis of Forsterite from Glenelg by Dr Pollard (Q.J.Gr.S., Iv. p. 379). Sp. Gr. SiO 2 A1 2 3 FeO CaO MnO MgO Loss, etc. Total. 3-24 41-16 1-02 2-0 '26 '26 54'86 '70 100'26 SUPPLEMENT. 203 Olivine (376). (Supplementary notes by Mr James Currie.) SUTHERLANDSHIRE. An arrowhead twin from Lairg which had the appearance of Keilhauite, proved, on analysis, to have much the com- position of Olivine (see Analysis 3, p. 51, vol. ii.). HEBRIDES. In the gabbro of the Cuillins (Zirkel). At Camus Daraich in Sleat, in microscopic crystals, o n k (Clough and Harker), at Dun vegan (MacCulloch). Olivine is found replaced by Prehnite at Dumbarton (Allport), but more usually it passes into Haematite on the one hand or Serpentine on the other. Examples of the former change occur at Duncarnock in Lanarkshire, Bowling (Allport) and Calton Hill (Tschermak). Serpentine with the form of Olivine is found at Bowling, Mugdock, Arthur's Seat, and jtfeilston (Allport). Sometimes the centre of the grains is unaltered Olivine ; sometimes it is Serpentine surrounded by Haematite. An intermediate stage in the transition to Haematite is shewn by the pseudomorph to which the name Ferrite was given by Mr Wallace Young. This occurs at Kilpatrick, at Gleniffer Braes (J. Young), and at Boyleston (H.). At the last locality it occurs in the form of Olivine with the combination a I c d e (as in fig. 4 Anal). It is remarkable that though Olivine of two quite diverse habits is found at this place, it is altered into Ferrite only when it occurs in the form mentioned. Analysis : Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 29. Si0 2 Ae 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO MgO H 2 Total. 13-03 13-16 53-47 4'51 '15 '75 6'62 8'39 100*08 Fayalite (377). Stated by Judd (Q.J.Gf.S., xlix. 191) to occur microscopically in spherulites within the granite of Druim an Eidhne, Cuillins, Skye. (James Currie). Phenacite (382). " A crystal almost identical in appearance with the Uraliau phenakite, was found by Dr Heddle at Hillswickness Point, opposite the Drongs in Shetland. The crystal is embedded in mica slate, so that the faces are rough ; it may be merely beryl." Greg & Lettsom's Brit. Min., p. 473. Scapolite (387). This has been recorded by Mr Cunningham-Craig from calc-silicate hornfels from Altt an t' Sionnaich, Aberdeenshire ; 65 S.W. Mr Clough 204 SUPPLEMENT. records it from some Argyllshire localities, and from near Cnoc na h'Ula, near Laxford, and also from near Shieldaig, Gairloch. Idocrase (393). Amongst the specimens of this mineral from the metamorphic marble of Dalnabo, now in the Scottish Mineral Collection, are (393*8) shewing the combination a m hfp c ; (393*13), a m hfc ; (393*20), a m hfcp e u. Zircon (394). Amongst the Zircons in the Scottish Mineral Collection are two from " Brann a'Bharra " which occur in pegmatite, and shew the combination mxp (on 394/9) and maxp (on 394/10); (394/4) from Beinn Bhreac mpvu. Danburite (396). Dr Heddle at one time regarded the brownish-yellow serpentinous mineral occurring in the Glenelg marble as possibly pseudomorphous after this species. See also Totaigite, Chondrodite, Forsterite, etc. Topaz (397). The collection of minerals in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art contains a good series of crystallised specimens of Scottish Topaz, none of which appear to have been either figured or described. They have no localities attached to them ; but there is some reason to believe that they mostly came from the granite area to the north-west of . Invercauld, Aberdeenshire. The Editor has examined and drawn most of these. The combinations include the following: (O.M.C., 27) ml n dofyf$\ (397 17), modvf, with a broad surface formed by the basal cleavage plane (c); (397/14), mlofdc (I oscillates with three prism faces between I and m, which may be X T; M) ; (397/15), I \ q; mfc dou\ (397/16), mlfcftdou Op o>. A marked want of symmetry on either side of (a) and (b) charac- terises nearly all the crystals. They are all translucent and of a very pale bluish-green colour. In the General Collection in the same Museum there are other Scottish crystals of Topaz, which shew the following combinations : Iff n mfy fidoue\ iX^fdo] nmz IfXy doue(i I). SUPPLEMENT. 205 Andalusite (398). With reference to this mineral from Clashnarae, Aberdeenshire, Mr James Currie supplies the following note : " The crystals rarely, as noticed by Somerby, form a sheath to a central core of Labradorite ; frequently they pass insensibly into the associated Fibrolite. The colour is a uniform dull purplish red ; but the author observed that, when sectioned, they are seen to have a core which is deep purple, and purple spots at the four corners of the transverse section." See also Dr Heddle's Chapter viii., Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxxix. 343-4 (1898). Fibrolite (399). Eegarding this mineral from Clashnarae, Mr Currie also writes : " Sometimes it occurs at this locality with a different habit, forming a sheath which envelops Labradorite, Quartz, and Andalusite alike. At other times it radiates in bundles or fibres through the Labradorite." See also op. cit., p. 348-9. Kyanite (400). The following note by Mr Currie has been abstracted from Mr Geo. Barrow's paper, on the thermometamorphism of the rocks of the Scottish Highlands. Q.J.G.S. " At various points in the belt of metamorphic rock, stretching from two miles east of Millden to Millton of Clova and Loch Brandy, the Kyanite occurs either more or less aggregated, or in single crystals scattered through the mass of the gneiss. In many cases these are completely coated with minute crystals of Ilmenite, giving the Kyanite a " black-leaded " appearance. The crystal faces are much rounded, and as a rule only m and t can be distinguished. The finest crystals occur in Glen Effock, bright blue in Quartz : other localities are Atton and Bonhard in Glen Clova; head of Water of Saughs; Loch Brandy; Loch Lee ; and Bulg." See also Dr Heddle's Chapter viii., Trans. l\oy. Soc. Edin., xxxix. 349-353. Datolite (401). The Scottish Mineral Collection includes a large number of well- crystallised specimens of Datolite, from various localities. None of these appear to have been referred to in the body of the work nor to have been figured. Most of the crystals are of small size ; they are implanted, as a rule, on c, 001, and their greatest elongation is parallel to 5, 010. The most 206 SUPPLEMENT. usual type consists of a combination of a m m *g c e . (&) is absent. Their geognostic relations are with the Zeolites, as they all occur as minerals of aqueous origin, and of later origin than that of the enclosing rock. They occur in cavities or the sides of fissures. The enclosing rock is invariably one of eruptive origin, and its composition ranges from ultra basic, as it is at Barn ton, through basic, as at Corstorphine, to subbasic, as occurs at Glen Farg. The symbols employed are the same as those used by Dana (6th edit.). BARNTON. mam* gnev U/v x ; (401/6/3) a m n xg m * e ; (401/10) a m g m * e. BISHOPTON. (401/9/1) aegmm*HOAiWvc; (401/29) a m e m * gwc^X, macgnm*, amg m* cevn (fix', (401/9) amgm* cvncj> n 10, a mm* g x 11 n, mm* acyne, magm* ne\. GLEN FARG. (4Qlfi)mc\tLm*e t amcm*gQv, (401/4) mtm* ex\ (401/4A) mm*txe', (401/3) am cgm*ne. CORSTORPHINE. Characterised by the large size of the a face. (401/23) amcgm*x/3nzc', (401/8) a mm* gc and three undetermined faces which are probably z\i\ (401/14) acmm*gne~L; (401/17-18) amm* g. SALISBURY CRAGS. (40 ljT)mcgm*. ISLE OF MAY. (401/12) Gadolinite (404). Two specimens of a diorite-granite from Criffel, which contain much Sphene, include also some specimens of a mineral which presents a superficial resemblance to Allanite. They were doubtfully referred by Dr Heddle to Gadolinite, and, as such, are left in the Scottish Mineral Collection. Zoisite (406). Amongst the specimens of this mineral, from the metamorphic marble of Dalnabo, Glengairn, in the Scottish Collection, are several minute crystals which show distinct terminations. Some of these have been drawn. They each appear to be built up of a number of acicular crystals, elongated parallel to the c axis, which forms the base by which they are attached, and they consist of various combinations of a, 100 (oscillating with k, 310, q, 210, and n t 530) ; m, 100 (usually bright and smooth, but in some cases striated through oscillations with r, 120 t, 130, and l y 140), 6, 010 ; d, 101, o, 111 (strongly fluted through oscilla- tions with v, 121, and^?, 131) a trace of /, Oil upon one crystal; and SUPPLEMENT. 207 two as yet undetermined and undescribed faces lying between a and d. The multiple twinning, the strongly-marked oscillations of adjacent forms, and the tendency to unsymmetrical development, are marked charac- teristics of the specimens in the Scottish Collection. No trace of the I cleavage can be made out on any of the specimens. Specimen 406/23A shews maobnpu ; 406/10, a (oscillating with m, Jc, q, n), m (oscillating with /), p (oscillating with o, v), p predominating ; 406/10 a , multiple twins, a n m d o. None of these appear to have been previously either figured or described. Zoisite appears to be a not uncommon product of the excessive thermo- metamorphism of calcareous strata, and to be confined, at least in Scotland, to rocks with that history. As an additional example, may be mentioned the occurrence of a gneiss contiguous to limestone on the hill nearly two-thirds of a mile slightly south of east of Lochan Cul a' Mhoil (Ross-shire 6-inch, map 123), which is stated by Mr Teall to be formed essentially of layers of Zoisite and Microcline, mixed with other darker layers of Pyroxene, Calcite, and Sphene. [Q.J.G.S., Iv. p. 375.] See also Dr Heddle's Chapter viii., Trans. Roy. Soc. Udin., xxxix. pp. 356-7. Epidote (407). The Scottish Mineral Collection in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art includes an extensive series of this mineral, including several well-crystallised groups, none of which appear to have been previously figured or described. (407/25) m era I] mca/3r; mrchnlo', from a cavity in a boulder of decomposed epidiorite, found in the Asylum Grounds at Inverness ; (407/57) ma crno\ narcib', from rock near metamorphic marble, Crathie, J mile E. of Balmoral, Aberdeenshire. (407/19) 'Glen Logan/ at the head of Loch Maree, Ross-shire ; rnbca. (407/23) Withamite, acnr\ Am Bodach, Glencoe. (407/71) Fascicules of slender prismatic crystals attached by (b), mcra; Bonawe, Loch Etive. (407/54) macrle; macrlefih', macrlhn; and (407/75-78) marc; marcol; marcon. Part of this last Epidote is inclosed, along with acicular crystals of Actinolite, within translucent Quartz, the whole being associated with Chalcopyrites and Pyrites, in a fissure traversing diorite-gneisa TiLLYFOUPviE. Aberdeenshire. (407/64) tceirla, attached by, and elongated parallel to (b). MEALL AN DAMH, Ben More, Mull. Slender fascicles of minute acicular crystals, coating a vapour cavity within a thermo-metamorphosed eruptive rock of Tertiary age. 208 SUPPLEMENT. The majority of Epidotes appear to have been reconstructed from what were originally decomposition products of ferro-magnesian silicates, which were associated with carbonate of lime, and have afterwards been subjected to thermo-metamorphism. Allanite (409). The specimens of this mineral in the Scottish Mineral Collection are nearly all idiomorphic along the zone (cd), forming prisms of the combination a c r. In many cases the Allanites form nuclei around which crystalline felspar is disposed in radial groups. In one single specimen of this mineral (409/27), from the Boat of Garten, a distinct termination is seen. It consists of the combination nacrd. It has lately been figured by the Editor. Unlike Epidote, which is very generally a product of later date, the enclosing rock, Allanite appears to be always an original constituent, and one of the earlier minerals to consolidate. It seems to be chiefly confined to deep-seated rocks of eruptive origin. The other allied and essentially isomorphous mineral Zoisite, appears in Scotland to be usually a secondary product, due to the thermo-metamorphism of rocks contiguous to limestones. The presence of Allanite in a rock is often revealed by a rusty stain which surrounds the mineral. Uigite (411). Heddle, Edin. New Phil. Journal, iv. ; Min. Mag., v. 26. " In radiating sheafy clusters of plates, in nests in the amygdaloid of Uig, Skye, along with Analcime and Faroelite. H. 5'5 ; G. 2-284; lustre pearly; colour white, slightly yellowish. Comp. according to Heddle :Si0 2 , 45*98, A1 2 3 21-93, CaO 16-15, Na 2 4-69, H 2 11 '2 5. B.B. fuses readily and quietly to an opaque enamel, which is not frothy. Dana remarks that it is near Prehnite in structure. Chondrodite (415). Greg, Brit. Min., p. 223, states that this mineral " occurs in small crystalline masses of a brownish yellow colour in granular carbonate of lime, with magnetite and arsenical pyrites, near Loch Ness in Scotland." The author (of the present work) has in vain searched for it, and believes that the only specimen in existence that in the British Museum, South Kensington is merely yellow serpentine. Possibly SUPPLEMENT. 209 the origin of the statement is the occurrence at Millton in Glen Urquhart of the mineral to which the author (Dr Heddle) has given the name of Xantholite (see Min. Mag. 111. 59) (James Currie). Part of the minerals from G-lenelg, at one time doubtfully referred to Chondrodite, is now recognised as Forsterite (see Teall, Q.J.Gr.S., lv.). For the supposed Chondrodite of Eum see " Olivine." Calamine (423). ARGYLLSHIRE. Strontian. Botryoidal (A. Thorns). Staurolite (428). INVERNESS-SHIRE. Kirnish Burn, south of Fort William (A. Thorns). Stilbite (443). Sheaves of crystals of a bright venetian-red or almost vermilion- coloured Stilbite occur in veins and coating the joint faces of basalt lavas (and even, in some cases, of the adjoining tuffs) in the Lower Car- boniferous rocks of Pettycur and Kinghorn on the coast of Fife. The crystals resolve themselves into the usual cruciform penetration twins. Sphaerostilbite (443). (Note by Mr Currie.) The Sphcerostilbite of Beudant, described originally from the Faroes, is mere Stilbite in minute crystals, dropped upon delicate radiating tufts of Mesolite, the presence of which deter- mines the spherical form and causes the gelatin ization with acids. It occurs in Skye ; at Storr in minute spheres sprinkled over Faroelite, and at Quiraing in spheres the size of a pea with other Zeolites. Analysis : SiO 2 A1 2 O 3 CaO Na 2 H 2 O Total. 56-64 16-43 8-90 0'46 17-05 99*38 Ohlorastrolite (456). (Note by Mr Currie.) " A spherulitic mineral occurs upon the north slope of Allival in Rum. It consists of small spheres of a pale olive green colour with a dark nucleus. They have a finely radiated structure, and, at the same time, they are concentrically banded. The mineral is not unlike the impure variety of Thomsonite which has been named Chlorastrolite." Fuchsite (458). Micas containing various small percentages of Chromium are of not uncommon occurrence in the Highland Metamorphic Series, especially in the altered quartzites, according to Mr Geo. Barrow. Mr Barrow VOL. II. 210 SUPPLEMENT. remarks, however, that much of the green micaceous mineral which is commonly referred (on account of its colour) to this species is really one of the Chlorites. Lepidolite (460). Is said to have been obtained from " Argyll, in primitive limestone at a quarry on the east side of Loch Leven, opposite the inn at Ballichulish. Eeported to occur at Dalmally." Greg & Lettsom, Brit. Min., p. 225. For Fuchsite, Damourite, Margarodite, and Sericite (see Muscovite 458). Phlogopite (462a). There still appears to be some doubt whether some of the light mica, occurring in the marbles of the Highland Metamorphic Series, is really Phlogopite, as it was at one time assumed to be. Dr Heddle states with regard to the light mica of the Gleuelg marble that it is so like a Vosges mica named Phlogopite by Prof. King that it is possible it may prove to be this most highly magnesian species. (See Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin.) Ottrelite (467). In the Ann. Eep. Geol. Survey for 1895, p. 23, Mr Geo. Barrow records the occurrence of this mineral as a product of the thermo-meta- morphism of the ancient sediments of the southern border of the Scottish Highlands. It is associated with Cordierite, Andalusite, etc. Saponite (488). 5. Additional analyses by Dobbie (Min. Mag., v. 131). Si0 2 . A1 2 3 . Fe 2 3 . FeO. MnO. CaO. MgO. H 2 0. Total. Bowling, 39-90 6-94 3-75 8-91 0-41 3-32 19-28 17-28 99-78 40-81 677 4"28 8-73 0-36 2-09 1976 1711 99-81 39-98 4-20 6-92 8-71 0-40 2-83 18-62 17-28 98-94 39-38 6-70 379 9-45 0-14 1-89 20-39 17-11 98-85 ) > 40-44 4-94 ... 8-98 0-40 3-05 19-85 17-24 99-90 (Notes by Mr James Currie), Fife, West of Tayport. " In thin veins, with a pseudo-fibrous structure due to interstitial fibrous Calcite ; in this form it is indistinguishable from the ' Bowlingite ' of Bowling Quarry." STIRLINGSHIRE. At various localities in the Gargunnock Hills ; thus in the gap called the ' Double Crags ' near Fintry, dark-green rosette crystals (Prasilite) in Calcite ; in small druses with Natrolite in the bank of the Endrick. " In the Touch Hills, near Stirling, green, in rosette SUPPLEMENT. 211 crystals, with red Heulandite. Mull. At Maol nan Damh of Ben More, centrally filling druses lined with Celadonite." Wolfram (812). MacCulloch states in the Trans. G-eol. Soc. Lond., ii. (1814), that this mineral, which had hitherto not been recorded from Scotland, had been found in the granite veins traversing the gneiss of Eona. But in the Western Isles, published in 1819, he appears to have come to the con- clusion that the mineral in question was Magnetite a view which Dr Heddle endorsed. Easpe also appears to have made the same mistake with reference to Tiree (see Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., xxx. pp. 452-3). Rubislite 8(FeO,CaO,MgO,K 2 0)Si0 2 + 3(Al 2 3 2Fe 2 3 )Si0 2 + 16H 2 or Atoms E08,E 2 3 S,Si0 2 ,H 2 16 . Minutely foliated to granular, its particles can be separated from each other by the nail. Colour, dark green. Lustre dull streak paler than the original colour. G. 2*442 Anal. Heddle, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edin., xxix. 112 (1879). Si0 2 A1 2 3 Fe 2 3 FeO MnO CaO M 8 O K 2 H 2 O 37-846 10-924 9'84 9'005 '461 4-22 8'00 3-334 16'132 = 99'763 Loses in the bath 8 '5 71 of the above water. Before the blow-pipe semifused into a vesicular brown slag. Possibly there might have been some slight admixture of Feldspar. The replacement in the protoxides is confused. This is very like Hullite in which much of the iron is in the ferrous condition. This substance is noticed in the hope of more of it being found ; the quantity obtained of it was very small. ABERDEENSHIEE. In a deep part of the Quarry of Eubislaw near Aberdeen. Imbedded along with crystals of Muscovite in an exfiltration vein. It occurred in a solid lump, and also forming a " corded structure " pervading Feldspar, identical in appearance with that noted by me in Feldspar : it thus occupied the position of the Oligoclase or Albite which usually forms that structure. (Abstracted by Alex. Thorns.) CRAIGTONITE. Dr Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 30 (1882), from Craigton, its locality. An oxide of iron and manganese, found as a bluish-black coating on granite. ELLONITE. Dr Heddle, Min. Mag., v. 30 (1884), from Ellon, its locality. Hydrous silicate of magnesium, containing free silica. 212 SUPPLEMENT. FARGITE. Dr Heddle, Phil. Mag., 4th, xiii. 50. (See Natrolite.) FAROELITE. Dr Heddle, Phil. May., 4th, xiii 50. (See Mesolite.) APPENDIX BY THE AUTHOR, MINERALS which have been stated to occur in Scotland, but which occurrences are either improbable or not sufficiently authenticated : MERCURY. Said to have been found in clay near Berwick ; and to the amount of several pounds in a peat bog near Loch Fyne. PLATINUM. Said to have been found on a farm near Buittle, near the mouth of the river Urr, in Kirkcudbright. Possibly Molybdenite. CHRYSOBERYL. BROOKITE. Some minute crystals upon Ilmenite and also upon Eutile from Creag na Caillich seem to be Brookite, but are too minute for determination. XANTHOSIDERITE. An ochre-coloured iron ore in fibres of two inches in length, and containing nearly 20 per cent, of water, is found, rarely, in loose pieces along the summit of Hoy Head (St John's Head, Hoy, Orkney), and may be this mineral. (Possibly also at Achavarasdale in Caithness.) Plate LII Orthoela 8 e(3l3)Fig.l. 313'Fig. 2. 3. 313) Fig. 4. ^r 8. . 8. (313/Fig. 10. K' tZrskine, Edin' Plate LIU Microclme SISjFio. 1. i3I5;Kig. 2. (3l5)Fig. 3. f3!5)F (315) Fig. 5. (315) Fig. (315) Fig. 7 (3l5)Fig. 8 Plate L1V. Microcline 315 1315) Fig. 11 (315; Pig. 9. (315) Fig. 12. (3l5)Fig. 13. (315) Fi^. 14. Plate LY ;line 315; Fig. 15. - (315) Fig. 17. (315) Fig. 19. (315) Fig. 18. (3l5)Fig. 20 (315) Fig. 21. MtFa.rla.iie k Erskme, Edni r Plate LVI Microcline(3l5)Fi| 1315, Fig. 24. (315) Fig. 26. 1315; Fig. 27. (3l5)Fig. 28. Albite(3l6)Fig. (316 j Fig. 2. (316) Fig. 3. Plate LVII OKgocla8e(3l7)Fig. 1. (3l7;Fig. 3. (317) Fig. 5. 317 Fig. 6. (3l8)Fig. 2 (317) Fig. 4 Andesme(3l8)Fig. (318) Fig. 3. / x / . oc \ * / \ / v_ \ / * Erskine, Edm r Plate LVIII Labradorite(3l9). Augitei3Z5)Fig. 1. (325) Fig. 2. (325) Fi. 3. ^325) Fig. 4. fclnlane, EdmT Plate LIX ite 325; Fig. 6. (325, Fig. 8. '325 Fig. 7. (325) Fig. 10. 11, 88)?$. 9. (325) Fig. 12. (325)Fig. 13. X. Ere Wine Plate LX. 338 -Fig. 2. (338) Fig. 4. Hornblt-ii(l(u338)Fi (338)Fi. 3. p -.(338) Fig. 5. Riet>ecMte(340)Fi&. ^340) Fig 2. &. Erakme. Eiin r Plate LX1 340 I' 40) Fig. (340) Fig. 5 Bervli'344 (344 'Fig. 3. (340) Fig. 6. (844) Fig. 2. (344)Fig. 4. Plate IJUI 344)l'ijj 5. (344) ] 344 Fig. 9. ;370 Fi Garnet (370) F (370) Fig. 3. M?Fa.rlane 4 Erskine Edin Plate- LXIII. 170 370 Fig. 5 370 Fig. 6 (370) Fig. 7. 870; Fig. 8. (370) Fig. 9 370 Fig. 10. 370 Fig. 11. M^Parlane i. Erskine, EdinT Plate LXIY. (376, Fig. 2. (376) Fig. 3. Idocrase(393)Fig. 1. /-^--___ .- fl }/ X.- / s M . ^ ; : : : u ^ / s, 2- (376) Fig. 4. (376) Fig. 5. (393) Fig. d (393) Fig. 4. .M'FLr!394 1-ig 5. 394,- Fig. 7. (394) Fi. 6. (394; Fig. 8. M'Fa-rla-ne fc Erskine. Edm r Plate LXVII (395; Fig. 2. Topaz (387)Fig. 1. (397) Fig. 3. (397) Fig. 4 397 Fig. 5. (387) Fig. 6. M'Fajla.r.e i. ErsWne, Edti Plate LXV1I1 . 7. (397. 1 Andahisite 398iFig 1. 398; Fi 3. Kyamte(400jFi^.l. (400; Fig 2. Datholite(40l)Fi^.l. Plate LXIX. Dafcholite(40l)Fig. (401) FiA- ;s 401 iFi 4. '401; Fi^. 5. Zoisite 406) Kpidute(407;Fi. 1. i407 Fig. 2. 407 Fi^. 3 Plate LXX. i- 4 r 407 ! 407" Fig. 6 ,407 Fig. 7. 407 Fi M t I x t 407.Fiti. 10. (407) Fig. Plate LXXI. 407, I-' 407, Pi 18. 407 Tig. 14, Allanite 409} 411 l'i. 2. Plate 1.XX11. Prehmte(4ll)Fig.5 411; Fi. 7 (411) Fig. 8 2. : r Plate LXXIIi Tcmrma Inn- 426 ^426 Fig. 2. (426 Fi 3. (426jFi. 4, Stam-oliie 428; Fig. 1. . 2. (435) Fig. 2. ' Plate LXXIV. Apophyllitr;435 435 i ,435 1 (435; Fig. 6. ; 435)Fi&. 8. t M c Farla.i,e & E.-s', Edm r A}>u[.hyllur,435. 435- hii- 10. 435 Fig,. 11 435 Pi. 12 ? ^ 1-, a ' r r \ a 435 Fig 13. '435; Fig. 14. Y 435 Fig. 15. 435^ Fig. 16. M'Fa.7-Une i. Ersk Apophyllite(435)Fig 17. 435. h- 18. 435fig. 19 438 Kg. 2 438 fig. 4. fieulandile 43#Fi&. 1 438) Fig. 3. ,438 .Fig. 5. 7> Plate IAXVII. Heulamliu- 438 Fig. 6. (438)Fi. 7. 438 Fi. 8 (438)Fi. 9. (438 )Fi. LO. I486) Fife. 11. Plate LXXVIII. Heulandite(438)Fife. 14. (438) Fi. 15. Epistilbite(440)Fig. 1. (440)Fi. 2. ''440) Fig. 3 (440)Fi. 4. Phillipsite(44l)Fig '441) Fife. 2. Harmotome(442)Fi| 1 . 3. f442)Fig. 442, Fig. 5. (442) fig. 6. 442 Fig. 7. '442'Fig. 8. .Plate IAXX Haraotome(442)f 442 Fig. 10. Stilbite(443)Fig. 1 (443) Fig. 3 (443) Fig. 4. Laumoutite r 445)Fig. (445) Fig. 2. Plate LXXXI nontite 445) Fig 445 Fig. 4. 445 Fig. 5. Ghabazite(447jFi. 1. (447) Fig. 2. (447)Fi. 3. 447,Fi. 4. 5. Plate LXXX11 447 447 Fig 7. 447'Fig. 8. (447. Fig. 9. 447 FID. 10, 447;Fi. 11. 12. '447 Fi. 13. M'Fariajie t Erskme, Edin' Plate LXXXIII 447,Fig. 14. (447; Fig. 15. Levyne (449) Analcime(450)Fig. 1. (450)Fi. 2. (450) Fig. 3, Plate LAXXIV Analcime(450)] 450) Fig. 8 (450) Fi&. 9. Anle Natrolite(453)Fig. (453) Fig. 2, Thomsonite(456)Fig.l. (456) Fi. 2. : / O Plate LXXXV. Thomsonifce(W)Fig. 3. (456) Fig, 4. (6)Fig. 5. (456) Fi^. 6. (456) Fi^. 7. (456) Fi|. 8 (458) Fig. 9. Zmnwaldite(46lj Plate LXXXVI. Sphene(510)Fig. 1. (510) Fig. 2. (510) Fig. 3. (510) Fig. 4, (510) Fig. 5. (510) Fig. (510) Fig. 7. (510) Fig. 8. - Plate LXXXVI1 Sphene(5IO)Fig. 9 10. (510) Fig. 11 (510) Fig. 12. 510) Fig. 13. (510) Fig. (510) Fig. 15. (5IO;Fig. 16 '510) Fi. 17. Plate LXXXVIll 18. '510; Fi. 19. (SIO)Fig. 20. (510) Fig. 21. (510) Fig. 22. (510) Fig. 23. (510) Fig. 24. (510) Fig. Plate I.XXXIX 'a- 510 i : i 549 Fio 549 'Fig 2 (549) Fife. 3. '549 Fi. 4. Plate XC. Apatite 549) Fi. 6 (549) Fig. 7. Barytes(7l9)Fi. (719) Fig. 2. (7l9)Fig. 3. (719) Fig. 4. 719 Fig. 5. (719) Fig. 6. Plate XCI. 719; Fig. 7. 719 'Fi. 8. 719) Fig. 10 (718) Fig. 9. (719) Fig. 11. 719 Fig. 12. (7l9)Fig. 13. H c Fa.rlane AErski be XCI1 719 Fig. 14. 719 Fig. 15. 719 Fig 16. (718) Fig. 17. (719) Fig. 18. (7l9)Fig. 19 (7IS)Fig. 20. 719) Fi 21. Plate XCIII. (TI8)Fig. (719) Fig. 25. (719) Fig. 24. -7l9)Fi. 26 W.S. after M.F. M (719) Fig. 27. (7l9)Fig. 28 (7I9JF1&. 29. .G. after M F.H Plate XCIV. Barytes(7l9)Fig. 30. d (7l8)Fig. 31. i7l9)Fig. 34. 719 :i. 35. (TI8)Fig. 6 ifter M.F H Plate XCV Barytes(7)Fig. 37. l7!8)FJg. 38. 718)Fii (Wig. 40. (718)Fig. 41. (718) Fig. 42. Celestine(720) Pig. 1 (720) Fi 2 b o ^SETTr. V^ OF TH UNIVERSITY . Plate XCVI. Celesbine(72fl (720)l-'ig. 4. (720; Fi. 5. Angle site (72i)Fig.l. (72l)Fi. 3 (721) Fig. 4. .721; Fig. 5. OF THE UNIVER OF Plate XCVII. : 721 : 721) Fig. 7. 721 Fig. 8. (72l)Fig. 9 .72l;Fig. 10. (72DFig.ll. (Tfl)Fig. 13. WFarJane & Erskine, Edin r Plate XCVIII Anglesite(72l)Fig 14 (72!) Fig. 15. (721) Fig. 16. Leadhillite(7M)Fig.l. fine* rig. 3 (7H)Fig. 2. (784)Fig. 3. GES Fij. 2. (734: 1U 4. 734;Fig. NA.Fi. 521. MTarlane i Erski Plate XCIX. ; '734) Fig. 7 Susanmte(734 a )Fi. (734 a )Fi. 2. Lanarkite(737jFi^.l. 737) Fig. 2 . 2' L lo' 1-jl (737iFi&.4. (737jFi&. 6. (737)Fig,8. (737} . 7. (737) Fig. 9. Plate ' i Caledonite(7S)Fig. 739)1% 2. 6. after M F.H. (739) Fig (739) Fig. 4. (739 iFi. 5. W G after M F.H V* G. after M.F.i (739) Fig 7. U.S. after H F.H. M' fc Erskine, Edm r Plate lonite 739) fig. 9. 739- Fig. 10 Linarite i after SRee,Fi|.3. 3. (JH)Fig. 4. 741 Fig. 5. f^Vr^i . 6 GREG, Fi band 7 S5Fa.rlane 4. Erskine, Edir,' ffi UNIVERSITY C i.iimntelWDFig. 7. 741 l'i. 8. 741 Fig. 9 / (74l)Fi. 12. (HDFig. 13. (741) Fig. 14. Wulfemte(,818)Fi.l. WG after M.FH. Eosite(8l9) fcErskme. Edin' OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MAP OF SCOTLAND ISLANDS 127?- 125 SOLA SGEIN Scale - 60 MUes to I Inch SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. BY J. G. GOODCHILD. THE orthography adopted is that used on the maps of the Ordnance Survey : other spellings which have been used being given in quotation marks. Localities as yet unidentified are distinguished by a prefixed f. Following the name of the locality is given the parish or some other easily-identified district in which the place occurs, then the name of the county, and finally a reference to the Ordnance One-Inch Map (distinguished as O.S.) in which the place is found. The numbers following (Sp.) refer to the species of minerals known to occur at the places mentioned, and are those under which these minerals are arranged in the body of the book. They are also the same as are used by Dana (Sixth Edition), and in the Collection of Scottish Minerals in the Edin- burgh Museum of Science and Art. Mr James Currie's information, given while the body of the work was passing through the press, has been freely used in this list, and I have to thank Mr J. G. Duncan for assisting me in drawing up the lists of minerals from those in the Scottish Collection, and both Mr Currie and my colleague Mr Macconochie for valuable help in the revision of the proofs of this list. Abbotrule, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 45. Aberdour, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 97), Sp. 398. Fifeshire, Sp. 54, 85 210, 233, 270, 271, 319, 325, 443, 453. Abergairn, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 58, 175, 270, 271, 313. Abernethy, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 257. 270, 271. Abriachan, North-west of Loch Ness, Inver- ness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 14, 15, 54, 175, 232, 233, 341, 407. Arhadh a' Phris, " Achadhaphriz," 3 ms. NW of Lairg, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 233, 250, 338 462u, 510, 549. Achaidh Mhoir, Loch Garve, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 370. Achannachy, Ruthven, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 484. Achinah, Naver, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 34, 210, 313, 407. Achmithie Bay, Auchmithie, coast of Forfar- shire(O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 450. Achnagonalin = "Alt na Gonolan," f m. NW of Spey bridge Station, near Gran- town, Inverness-shire (O.S, Sh. 74), Sp. 74, 85, 325, 370, 400, 406, 510. Achvarasdal = Achavarasdal, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 210, 257, 259, 719, H. Addiewell, West Calder, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 83, 271, 719. Afton Water, New Cumnock, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45. Ailnack Water = "Alnack Water," Banff- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Ailsa Craig, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 13, 323, 340, 210, 313, 481. Airdrie, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 270. 214 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Airidh a' Chreagain, 4 ms. W of Stornoway (O.S. Sh. 105), Sp. 210, 408. Airthrey Castle, 2 ms. NNE of Stirling, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 148. Aith Hope, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 232. Aithness Hill, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 273. "Aith's Voe" = Wick of Aith, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237, 481. "Aldernie (Mill of), Boharm, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 428, 458. Alford, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 83, 237, 338, 447. "Alie (or Alic) Hill, Aberdeenshire," may be Carn Ellick, Inveravon, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 315, 338, 481. Allanbank, Chirnside, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 746. Allardice, Arbuthnot, Kincardineshire(O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210. Allival=" Halival," Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 319, 323, 325, 376, 462. Allt a' Bhealaich=" Sawmill Burn," Tay- mouth Burn, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 74. Allt a' Choire Mhoir, Fannich Forest, Con- tin P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 313. Allt a' Coileachan, 2 ms. E of Glenlivet, Banffshire (0 S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Allt an t' Fhionnaraidh ? Tuarie Burn, W of Kildonan, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), or the burn N of Benin na h-Urrachd (Ben Uarie), Sp. 13. Allt an Fhionnfhuaraidh, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 13. Allt an Uamh, Breabag, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 101), Sp. 316. Allt Beag, Glen Rinnes, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. "Allt-bhreach," Allt Breac, 2 ms. E of Kildonan Church, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13. Allt Cailleach, Coyle Hills, 3 ms. SSW of Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 325, 462. Allt ceann a' Phris, "Allt ceann a' Phriz," Kildonan, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13. Allt cille Pheadair, "Kil Pheadar Burn," Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13. Allt Coire Laoigh, Beinn Oss, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Allt Cuaig, "Allt Cuig," near Lochend Inn, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 232. Allt Cuigh, Dalwhinnie, Glen Truim, Inver- ness-shire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 210. Allt Fearnach, see "Glen Fernate," Kirk- michaelP., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56 and 64). Allt Ghoiridh, opposite Scalpa, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 329. Allt Glinn, Taitneiche, "Glen Tatnik," Kirkmichel, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 2. Allt Graad, Kiltearn, Loch Glass, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 210, 370. " Allt Leth Uillt," An Leth Allt, Allt M6r, Loch Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 270, 438, 454. Allt Preshal Beg, Talisker, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 447. Allt M6r=" Big Burn," Invernauld, Rose- hall, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 254. Allt na Caillich, Strath Mor, Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 210. Allt Toll Easa, 3 ms. ENE of Main Sodhail, may be "Toulessie," (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 2. " Allt-Torrish," Torrish Burn, Helmsdale, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 2. 1 ' Almorness Head, " the copper mine on Hes- tan Island, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 34, 83, 288. " Alsait Hill," see Cam Ealasaid (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 83, 288. " Altguish, Alguish," see Aultguish, Contiu P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 210, 315, 407, 409, 462, 510. " Altmarry," Auldmurroch, Stirlingshire. " Alt na Corleachan, Alt Chanlochan." "Alt na fluor," perhaps = Na tri Chaochain, Torbain, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 175. Alva, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 11, 14, 42, 83, 87, 98, 270, 288, 601. Alyth, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 210. Am Binnean = " Am Binnein," Goat Fell, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210. " Am Binnean " = Am Binnein, Ben More, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Am Bodach, Glen Coe, 2 ms. above Loch Triochatan, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 407, 469, 639. t" Am Castel, Loch Treig," Sp. 210. An Gorm-Loch, Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 210, 313, 407. Anguston, 4 ms. W. of Aberdeen city (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 233, 317, 409, 462.\. 510. An Leth Allt, Loch Duich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 325, 462. An Riabhachan = " Ryachan," Allt an Riabhach, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 107). An Sgur=Tho Scuir of Eigg (O.S. Sh. 60). An Socach, Braemar, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210. Aoineadh M6r= "Innismore," Oarsaig, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 270. Aonach Beag, 2 ms. E of Ben Nevis, Inver- ness-shire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 210. Appin, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 45, 74, 469. " Arbeady," Arbeadie, an eastern suburb of Banchory, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66). Arbroath, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 746. Arbuthnot, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66). Archer Beck, Liddesdale, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 11), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Ardeonaig, Loch Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 83. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 215 Ardgour, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 45. Ardie Hill, Balmerino, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 257. "Avdlair," near Beinn Lair, Loch Maree, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 85. Ardnacross, between Ardross Castle and Tobermory, Mull (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 319. Ardnamurchan, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 51), Sp. 325. Ardonald, limestone quarry, "Ardonato," Cairnie P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), 57 29' 25" N, 2 54' 30" W, Sp. 175, 400, 428. " Ardshiel, Loch Etive," probably Ardsheal, Duror, Argyllshire, Sp. 479. Ardtalanaig, Gleann a' Chilleine, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 47),% 83, 98. Arndilly, "Arntilly," near Arndilly Ho., Spey Side, 1 m - SSE of Rothes, Banff- shire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 254. Arndrum = " Arndrum Hill," Aberfoyle, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 54, 83, 210, 288, 719. Arnidale, Melvich, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 313, 370. Aros, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 376, 445. Arraii, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 13, 21), Sp. 85, 166, 210, 233, 270, 271, 273, 289, 313, 315, 319, 325, 338, 344, 397, 458, 462, 719. Arrochar, Loch Long, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 253. Arscaig, " Arskaig," Loch Shin, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 74, 325, 338. Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 232, 233, 257, 270, 271, 319, 325, 411, 450, 489, 597, 719, 746. Ascog, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 210, 271. Ascrib Islands, Skye (O.S. Sh. 90), Sp. 338, 370. Ashgrove, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 95), 85, 270, 490. Askival, " Haiskeval," Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 319, 325, 330. Assynt, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), 270, 271. Athelstaneford, 2 ms. NE of Haddington (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 259. Auchaleck, Cam pbel town, Kintyre, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 257. Auchanacie, " Burn of Auchanacie," Botri- phnie, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. Auchenreoch, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 746. Auchentorlie Glen, W of Bowling, Dumbar- tonshire (O.S. Sheet 30), Sp. 317. Auchincairn, Renvick P., Kirkcudbright- shire (O.S. Sh. 5), see Auchinleck, Sp. 232. Auchindoir, Clashnarae, Clova, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 241, 323, 481. " Auchindown Hill," Achindown, Cawdor, Nairnshire (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 85, 210. " Auchin Hill," probably Achinah, Naver, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 34. Auchinleck, Rerwick P., Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 232, 719. " Auchinstarry," Auchinsterry, m. S of Kilsyth, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 330. Auchin toul, Glen Esk, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210. Auchintoul, Kinnairdy Castle, Marnoch, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 398, 428. Auchlinsky Hill, Ochils, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 210. Auchlunkart, Boharm P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. Auchmithie, Inverkeilor P., coast of Forfar- shire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 450, 453. Auchnagatt, New Deer, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Auchtertool, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 749. Auldinnie Burn, Auld-dinny Burn, SW of Charleston of Aboyne, Deeside, Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 409. Auldmurrock="Altmarry," between Glas- gow and Drymen (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 319. "Ault Graad" = River Glass, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 210, 370. Aultguish, Inchbae, Contin P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 210, 370. Aultnamain, Edderton P., between Dingwall and Bonar Bridge, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 270. "Ausdale," see Ousdale, Ord of Caithness (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 175. Aviemore, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 210. Ayr Water, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 13. B Baa Taing, " Baa Ting," Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Bac Mor, "Bachd More," Treshnish Isles (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 270, 450, 454, 455. Badenshore Moss, Glenlaff = " Baddenshore, Glendarff, " Strathdon, Aberdeenshire (0. S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Badnagoach, Deskry "Water, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 233, 319, 338, 510. Bagh an Ruadh Mhoil, NE coast of Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210. Bagh na Fala, "Bloody Bay," Tobermory, Mull (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 450. "Baich Burn," Allt Beitheach, Morven, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 45. Baidland Hill, Dairy, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 270. Bailenacille, Durness, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 313, 370. Balallan, "Ballala," Loch Erisort, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 394, 511. Balbirnie, Markinch, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 96. 216 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. ' ' Balcary Mine " = Hestan Island copper- mine, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 83, 224, 288, 290, 719. Balgie Burn = " Dirty Burn," Dunoon, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 233, 269. Balgone, North Berwick, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. Balhammie Hill = Balbamie Hill, Colmonell, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 323A, 324, 481, 509B. Balhennan Hill, Walton Reservoir, Fintry, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 438. Baliasta, " Balliasta," Loch of Cliff, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 316, 338. Balivuline Hill, " Balivulliue Hill," 2 ms. N of Campbelton, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210. Ballachulish, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 2, 85, 210, 270. Ballagan Glen, Campsie Fells, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 71, 746. Ballantrae, Girvan, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 270. Ballechin, Logierait, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Ballindean, Balmerino P., Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. " Ballindene," ?Ballintuim, near Gaily Bridge, Strath Ardle, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 453. " Ballivelline," Ballivulline, Kintyre, Ar- gyllshire (O.S. Sh 12), Sp. 210. Balloch, " Balloch Canty," 3 ms. NW of Kinnordy, KirriemuirP., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 237, 271, 481. Ballochmyle, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 15. " Ballygroggan," Balligroggan, west coast of Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 233, 453. Ballyphetrish, " Bally phaetrich," Tiree(O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 74, 210, 270, 325, 370, 407, 484, 510. Balmaha, Loch Lomond, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 323, 481. Balmeadowside, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. Balmerino, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. Balquharn Hills, Alloa, Clackrnaimanshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 210,257. Balshando, Lundie, Sidlaw Hills, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. Balta Sound, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237, 267, 323, 325, 468a, 469, 481. " Balvally Moss," Balvalley Moss, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Balvraid, Gleann Beag, Glenelg, Inverness- shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 313, 319, 338, 462. Baiichory, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 400, 407. Bangley, Garleton Hills, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210, 313, 458, 462. Bankhead, Durris P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 329. Bankhead, 1 m. E of Tarffside, Glen Mark, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 325. Bankhead, Crurie, Westerkeith, Dumfries- shire (O.S. Sh. 10), Sp. 85, 210, 270. "Banks of Nudista " = the Shores of Nid- dister, Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 338. Barbeth, Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 210, 270. Bardykes, Blantyre, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 23), Sp. 270. Bargaly, Palnure Burn, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 98. Barjarg, "Benjoug, Barjoug,"Keir P., Dum- friesshire (O.S. Sh. 9), Sp. 271. Barlocco, "Ben Lochan, Baalochan," Orro- land,Rerwick P., Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 232, 289, 719. Barnton Brae, Edinburghshire(O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 319, 325, 329, 376, 401, 411, 450, 462, 481. Barra Hill, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 317, 323, 324, 329. " Barrasdale," Boros Dale, Rodil, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 325. Barrhead, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 68, 257, 270, 456. Barrs Quarry "Man's Quarry," Loch Etive, opposite Glen Kinglas, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 34, 313, 315, 510. Basta Voe, Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130). Bathgate Hills, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 13, 45, 58, 71, 83, 210, 270, 271, 601, 602, 719, bitumen. Battery Point, Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 329. Bay of Durn, Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 74, 85, 233, 319, 320, 323, 325, 462A, 510, 324., 462. " Bay of Ord," probably Boyne Bay, Port- soy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 324. Bay Vein, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 251, 270. "Beal, valley of," Lon a' Bhile, 1 m. NE of Portree,'Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 325. Bealach Coir' a' Chait, 1 m. SE of Garbh Leac, Clunie, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 326. Beauty Hill, 1 m. ENE of New Machar Station, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 468A. Bedrule, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 210, 259, 270. Beinn a' Bhuird, "Ben a Bourd," 5 ms. NW of Braemar, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 397. Beinn a' Chaisil, head of Glen Sanda, Mor- ven, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 45, 58, 85. Beinn a' Chaisteil, Glen Falloch, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 407. Beinn a' Chapuill, " Bienaghapple," Gleann Beag, Glenelg, Inverness -shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 270, 325, 338. Beiim a' Chuiru, " Ben Chourn," 3 ms. NE of Glenelg, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 325, 481. Beinn a' Creige= " Ben Grigg, Ben a Creiga SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 217 Beinn a' Ghraig, Ben Greig," Torosay, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 316, 443. Beinn a' Ghlo, " Ben y Gloe," 5 ins. NE of Blair Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), >Sp. 175, 250. Beinn Airidh a' Char, Loch Maree, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 210, 338. Beinn an Armuinn, 4 ms. SE of Loch Naver, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 108). Beinn Bheula, Loch Goil, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 250. Beinn Bhreac, "Ben Bhreck," f m. E. of Tongue, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 25, 175, 210, 233, 257, 280, 315, 316, 336, 338, 370, 395, 510, 528. Beinn Bhreac, Dalavich, 4 ms. NW of Iii- veraray, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 325. Beinn Bhuidhe, lead mines 2 ms. WNW of, near Sron M6r, Inveraray, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 45, 458. Beinn Ceannabeine, " Kennabin, Cannabin," Duruess, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114). Beinn Chabhair, Balquhidder, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 315, 426, 458. Beinn Chaluim, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 370. Beinn Dearg, 1 m. NW of Fortingal, Glen Lyon, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 469. Beinn Dearg, Forest of Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 210. Beinn Doireann, " Ben Dorian," Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. "Beinn Eibhinn, South of Hoy," 2 ms. NE of Loch Ossian, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 325. Beinn Fhada, "Ben Attow," Glenshiel, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 325. Beinn Garabh, "Ben Gharbh," Inchnadamff, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 313, 316, 458A. Beinn Gulabin, Glen Shee, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 45, 85. 210. Beinn Heasgarnich, " Ben Heashgarnish, Ben Hesgarnish," Kenmore, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 250, 338, 469. Beinu Heilem, " Heilim," Loch Eireboll, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 270. Beinn Ime, "Ben Ima," Arrochar, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 233, 250. Beinn lutharn Mhor, "Ben Uran," north- east boundary of Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 65). Beinn Laorlial, "Ben Loyal," Tongue P., Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 394, 395, 397, 409. Beinn Laoigh, " Ben Laoigh, Ben Lui," Tyndrum P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 469. Beinn na Croise, ? Pennycross, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 270, 325. Beinn nan Clach, Glen Dochart, Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46). Beinn nan Cuithean, coast 3 ms. NW of Loch Eynort, Skye(O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 667. Beinn Nuis, Kilbride, Arran(O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210. Beinn Oss, " Ben Yoss," 5 ms. NW of In- vercarnon, Killin P. Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Beiun Spionnaidh, " Ben Spionu," Durness, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 313, 510. Beinn Tharsuinn, 1 m. W. of Lochgoilhead, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 210, 233. Beinn Tulachan, "Ben Tullachan," 5 ms. SSE of Crianlarich Station, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 233. Beith, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), 70, 83, 96, 175, 269A, 270. Belhelvie, 7 ms. N. of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), 319, 323, 324, 325. Bellsbutts, Ancruru, Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 313. Bellsgrove Loch, Strontian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 45, 270. Ben a Chabair, Sp. 210. " Ben a Chasteal, Glen Falloch," Meall M6r nan Lag, 1 m. ENE of Inverarnon Hotel, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46). " Ben a Chroin," Beinn a' Chroin, Balqu- hidder P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 233. Ben Aigan, Speyside, Bauffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. " Ben a Goak Hills," Belnagoak, Methlick, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87). " Ben a Greife, Mull," Sp. 237. " Ben a Main," Beinn Mheadoin, Loch Avon, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 210. Ben Arthur, Arrochar, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 210, 233, 250, 469. Ben Avon, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 397, 483A. "Ben Bheula " = Beinn Bheula, q.v. " Ben Bhrachaid, Brachaid," Meall a' Bhrag- haid, Loch Ailsh, Cromarty (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 316. "Ben Bhrackie," Ben Vrackie, Moulin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 370. "Ben Buidhe," Meall an Tuim Blmidhe, Gairloch, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 91), Sp. 469. "Ben Bynack," Ben Bynac, Glen Avon, BanfTshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 31, 210, 315. "Ben Capval," see Chaipaval, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 315, 458. "Ben Capval, Ben k-haipeval," etc., see Chaipaval, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 370. " Ben Chourn," see Beinn a' Chuirn, Glen- elg (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 325, 481. " Ben Crois," head of Loch Long, Dumbar- tonshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 233. Ben Cruachan, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 34, 407. "Ben Dubh," Meall Dubh, Coyle, 3 ms. SW of Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 313. " Ben Fin," FionBheinn, Achnasheen, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210, 315, 407. Ben Foill, west coast of Coll (O.S. Sh. 51). " Bengham," Birgham, Coldstream, Ber- wickshire (O.S. Sh. 26), Sp. 210. 218 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. "Ben Greig, Ben Grigg," etc., Beinn a' Ghraig, Torosay, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 370. " Ben Gulaben," Beinn Gulabin, Glen Shee, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 2. ' ' Ben Harran, Ben Harrew, " Beinn an Fhurain, Inchmadamff, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 269. Ben Hiel, 1 m. NE of Ben Laoghal, Suther- landshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 315. " Ben Heashgarnish, "see Beinn Heasgarnieh. Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 25, 237, 338, 370, 468. Ben Lawers, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 4.6), Sp. 210. Ben Ledi, Callauder, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 45, 83, 241, 273. "Ben Lochan Cave " = Barlocco, Berwick, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 210. "Ben Lochan," Stob Coire an Lochan, 1| ms. SSE of Ben More, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46). Ben Loyal, Beinn Laoghal, Tongue, Suther- landshire (O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 237, 269, 395, 462, 510. " Benmore, Inverness-shire," ? Beinn Mhor, Ross-shire. Ben More, Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 233, 426. Ben More, Loch Scridain, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 210, 407, 450, etc. Bennachie, "Ben a Chie," Garioch, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 313. "Ben Oi," Beinn Odhar Mb,6r, Moidart, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 61), Sp. 370. " Ben"Streip," Streap, head of Glen Finnan, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 370. "Ben Rannoch"? Bunrannoch, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 400. Ben Rannoch ? Ben Vannoch, Loch Lyon, Fortingal, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Ben Resipol, 4 ms. NW of Strontian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 210, 315, 370. "Ben Uran," Sgurr Fhuran, Loch Duich, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 370. "Ben Uran," see Beinn lutharn Mhor, Perthshire and Aberdeenshire boundary (O.S. Sh. 65) Sp. 210. Ben Vorlich, Comrie, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 85, 237. Ben Vrackie, Pitlochry, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 210. Ben Vuroch, 5 ms. ENE of Blair Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 210. Ben Wyvis, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 294, 549, H. Ben Yoss, see Beinn Oss (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Berneray, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 58), 237, 315, 317, 462. Berry Glen, head of Kelly Burn, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 257, 313. 316, 411, 489. "Berry Head," The Bery, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 232, "270. Bervie, coast of Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210. Betty Hill of Fare, Betty hill of Farr, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 210, 250. Bhruthaich Loch, " Bruiach," 8 ms. SW of Beauly, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 250. Biddean an Eoin Deirg, " Bedean," 2 ms. NW of Loch Monar, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. Bidean a Choire Sheasgaich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. " Bienaghapple," see Beinn a' Ohapuill. "Bight of Nudister," Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210. " Big Setter, Big Settar Voe," Bixter Voe, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128), Sp. 210, 241, 315, 481. Bin, Glen Farg, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 40). Binnein M6r, Mam ore Forest, Inverness- shire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 458. Binney Craig, Uphall, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270, H. Binn of Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 338, 481. tBioda Buidh. Birnam Hill, Dunkeld, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 78, 85, 232, 325, 469. Birnie Hill, Fordoun, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 85, 210. " Birnie Slack," Slack Burn (Iron Grain at), 6 ins. NW of Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210, 719. Birse, 2 ms. SE of Charleston, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 66). " Birstane," Berstarie, E of Kirkwall, Ork- ney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 210, 254. Bishop's Seat, "Bishop's Hill," Dunoon, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 210, 477, 484. Bishopton Tunnel, 6 ms. NW of Paisley, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 68, 257, 270, 271, 330, 401, 411, 450, 453, 456. Bixter Voe, " Bigsettar Voe," Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128), Sp. 210. "Blackbonny, Midlothian"? Blinkboimy, Sp. 45. Blackburn, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 270, 319, 325. Black Craig, Gargunnock P., Fin try, Stir- lingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 210, 443. Blackcraig, Newton Stewart, Kirkcud- brightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 2, 45, 83, 85, 271. Black Dog Rock, coast 2 ms. N of Aberdeen City (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 323, 462, 481. Blackford Hill, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 210, 257, 270, 271, 323A, 481, 483A, H. Black Geo, Tresta, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 2. Black Hills, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 426. " Black Maidens," Black Middens, m. SE of Leids Hill, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 426, 458. Blackness Hill, probably the ness at Black SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 210 Hill, S of Buchan Ness, Aberdeenshire coast (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 210. Black Water, Clyne P., Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. Black Water, Inveraven, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Blackwater, Loch Garve, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 210, 315, 370, 458. Blackwater Lodge, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 481. Blackwater Point, Aberdeenshire coast (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 407. Blair Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 45, 233, 462, 468. Blairbuies Hill, 5 ms. NE of Newton Stewart, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 210, 270. Blairglass Burn, Logic Coldstone, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Blairlogie, Ochils, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 15, 54, 148, 504, 719. Blairydryne, " Bliridrine, Blirydrine," Durris P., Kincardiueshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 313, 315, 458, 462B, 549. Blantyre, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. Blar Mor, Eigg (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 270. Blath Bheinn, Blaven, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71). Blebo, E of Cupar, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 45. Blochairn, 1 m. NE of Glasgow, Lanark- shire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 70. "Blue Hole," Usan, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 489. Boat of Garten, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 210, 313, 315, 317, 338, 409, 462, 510. Bodden, 2 ms. S of Montrose. Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 453. Bodibae, " Bodiba," Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 2. " Boggierow," near Portsoy, Banffshire. Bogie Burn, near Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 2. Bogie, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 270, 484. Boharm, "Burn of," Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210, 338, 400, 428. Bolfracks, " Bolfranks," 2 ms. SW of Aber- feldy, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55). "Boltshock, Boltshoch, Boulgach, Bonl- chach," Boultshock, Braemar, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 325, 370, 393. Bona, Loch Ness (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 14, 15, 54, 232, 259. Bonawe, Loch Etive, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 34, 407. " Boothe on the Tay," probably Botehill, Scone, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 271, 273. Bordie, Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 488. Borrowstone, Reay, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 45. Borve, Harris (O.S. Sh. 988), Sp. 407. Botriphnie P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 400. " Boulchach," see Boultshock. "Boulgach," see Boultshock, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 325, 370, 393. Bourtie, 1 m. S of Old Meldrum, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 325. Bowden, Ramornie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 259. " Bowden Point," see Bowduns, Kincardine- shire coast, Sp. 450. Bowdens, "Bowden Point," coast m. N of Dunottar Castle, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 450. " Bowdens," " Garpol," " Gapol,"or "Gaw- pol," coast m. S of Todhead Point, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 450. Bowling, 3 ms. ESE of Dumbarton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 58, 68, 210, 257, 270, 316, 376, 401, 411, 442, 443, 445, 447, 450, 453, 455, 456, 488, 719. Boyleston, \ m. NW of Barrhead Station, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 15, 68, 210, 257, 270, 316, 411, 450, 456. Boyndie, S of Banff (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 85. Boyne Bay, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 270, 481. Braco, Inverarie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 175. " Braebrough," Bre Brongh, coast ^ m. S of St John's Head, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 269. Braemar, Aberdeenshire, (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 344, 397. Braeriach, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 210. Braid Hills, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), 210, 270, 319, 325, 483, 719. Braidon Bay, Catterline, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67). " Braiin a Bharra, \ m. N of Balallan," near Loch Erisort, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 99). Brathens, Banchory, Kincardineshire (O.S Sh. 66), Sp. 315. Brawl, Halkirk, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 116), Sp. 45. Breachacha Castle, Coll (O.S. Sh. 51), Sp. 210. "Breakwater, Girdleness," Torry Point, Kiucardineshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 313. Breascleit, 1 ms. N of Callernish, Loch Roag, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 105), Sp. 210, 315. Bre Brough, " Braebrough," coast near St John's Head, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 259, 269. Brei Wick, Northmaven, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210. " Brethren Rocks," Brethren, South Nest- ing P., Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128), Sp. 271. " Bridge of Baliasta," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 316, 338, 484. "Bridge of Gaily," Strone of Cally, Strath- ardle, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 488. "Bridge of Cliff," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 338. Bridge of Dalton. 220 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. ' Bridge of Strathdon," probably the bridge 1| ms. SE of Strathdon Church, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 462. "Bridianoch," A' Bhrideanach, Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 233, 325. Brims Ness, Walls P., Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 270. Brindy Hill, " Brinney Hill," Keith P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh, 76), Sp. 175, 210. Bring, The, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 210, 257. Broadford, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 270. "Broadland," may be Broadfield, Keith, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 2. Brodick, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 394, 397. Broomhall Quarry, " Peaiies Quarry," Charleston, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 70, 270. Broomhillock, near Belhelvie, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 323, 481. Broomholm. Langholm (O.S. Sh. 11), Sp. 45. Brora, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. "Brough Geo," north-east of Balta, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 319, 320, 325, 328. Brough ty Castle, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 488. Brown's Vein, Glengonnar, Leadhills, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45. Broxburn, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 271, H. Brunta Burn, Dodd's Mill, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 25), Sp. 54. Brantland Park, Belhelvie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 85, 323. Brupta, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 313, 315, 398, 426, 458, 462. Buchanan, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 241. Buck of Cabrach (The), Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 370. Bullers of Buchan, coast of Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 210, 407. Buness, Balta Sound, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 241, 468a, 481. "Builg Pass," head of Loch Builg, Banff- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 257, 400. Burdiehouse, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. Burglea Pit,Loanhead, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85. Burn Anne, Galston, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210. Burn of Arndilly, Boharm, Banifshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 428. Burn at Auchanacie, "Burn of Auchanacie," 3 ms. SW of Keith, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. "Burn of Berridale," Glen of the Bery, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 270. " Burn of Boharm," Lower Ardoch, f in. S of Au^unkart House, Boharm, P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 175, 2-10, 338, 400, 428, 458. "Burn of Boyne," Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 338, 484, 509c. " Burn of the Cairn, Burn of the Daugh, Burn of the Gauch," Keirn Burn, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 315, 509c. Burn of Craig, Auchindoir P., Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 241. " Burn of Deal, Burn of Dale," perhaps Dale Burn, Norwick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 400. " Burn of Edderton," Edderton Burn, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 94), Sp. 270. " Burn of the Gauch," Keiru Burn, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 509c. Burn of Glenny, Clova, Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76). "Burn of the Sail," Sale Burn, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 210, 232, 257. "Burn of Simmary," Burn at Summary, Long Hope, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 85, 270, H. "Burn of Ton-it, KincaVdineshire, Burn of Turret " = ? Burn of Turret, Edzell, Forfar- shire (O.S Sh. 66), Sp. 210. "Burn of Tractagill," Burn of Tactigill, Weisdale, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128). Burnmouth, coast of Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 232. " Burnmouth," may be Abbey Burnfoot, Berwick, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5). Burntisland, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 257, 259, 270, 271, 319, 325, 376, 443, 462. Burra or Barra Head, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 58), Sp. 237. Burra Voe, Heoga Ness, Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130). "Bun-ay Island," Bun-ay, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 118), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Bute, Sp. 129. Buxburn, 3 ms. NW of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 210, 313. Byne Hill, Girvan, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 323. " Cabrach, Hill of Dumeath at," Dumeath, Glass P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 20, 210, 237, 259, 338, 370, 426, 509c. Gadder, Glasgow, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 270. Cairn a' Burgh Beg, Treshnish Isles (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 450. Cairn a' Burgh More, Treshnish Isles (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 434, 456. tCairn Bhinnein, Sp. 210. Cairndow, Lochgoilhead, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 510. Cairn Droom, , Perthshire, Sp. 45. Cairney, NNW of Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 2. Cairugall, Longside, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 210, 458. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 221 Cairngorm, (O.S. Sh. 74, 75, 78), Sp. 210, 315, 344, 397, 461. Cairn -m on -earn, Durris, Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 315. Cairn Naple, " Cairnample Hill," Bathgate Hills, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 14, 45, 71, 270, H. " Cairn Polly Point," ? Cairnbulg, Buchan (O.S. Sh. 97), Sp. 315. Cairusmore of Fleet, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 2, 83, 98. "Cairn Tau," Perthshire, ?Cairntoul or Cairnton, Sp. 2. Cairnswell, Perth shire- Aberdeensh ire boun- dary (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 74, 313. Cairnton, Hill of, Banchory, Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 315. Cairntradlin, 9 ms. NW of Aberdeen city (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 210. " Cairn tulloch, Cairntullich, Corntullich, " etc., Corntulloch, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 338. Calder R., Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30). " Caleaig," Calligaig, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 338. Callander, , Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 54, 269, 270. fCall Hill, , Aberdeenshire, Sp. 443. Calligaig, f in. W of Rispond, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 237, 317, 338. "Callivar," Ceann a' Bharra, Tiree (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 270, 481. Gaily, Ardle Water, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 270. "Gaily Mine," Enrick Mine, 1J m. SE of Gatehouse, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 83. Calton Hill, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 15, 83, 85, 210, 232, 259, 270, 288, 319, 325, 450, 719, H. Camas Daraich, Point of Sleat, Skye (O.S. Sh. 61), Sp. 85, 210. " Camas nam Buth, Camas na bu," small bay west of Scourie More, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 313. Cam Chreag, "Cam Craig," Meall nan Tar- machan, Kenmore P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Campbelton Loch, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 212, 257, 270. Campsie Fells, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 71, 210, 259, 438, 746. tCandelmore, Sp. 85, 210, 270. Canisp, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 313, 317. Canna (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 319, 435, 438, 443, 447, 450, 479, 492, 509c. Cannon, The, Esha Ness, Northmaven, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210. Canobie, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 11), Sp. 746. Canty Quarry, Ecclesmachan, Linlithgow- shire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. Capeldrae, Lochgelly, Fif eshire (0. S. Sh.40), Cape Wrath, "Cape Rath," Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 113), p. 210, 315,338, 338A, 484. Caplaw, Hartfield Moss, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 411. fCarberry, ?Carbeth. Carbeth, Strathblane, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 450. Cargen, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 9), Sp. 254. Carity Burn, 6 ms. NW of Forfar (O.S. Sh. 56, 57). Carlops, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 210. Cam a' Mhadaidh, 2 ms. W of Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 210, 313, 338, 510. "Cam a' Uchacdaidh," Creag an Achaidh Mhoir, 2 ms. SW of Beinn Laoghal, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 338. Cam Aosda, " Carnaosta," Glen Clunie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210. Cam Chrionaidh, Glen Clunie, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 370. " Cam Craig," Cam Chreag, Kenmore P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Cam Cuineag ? Quinag, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 210. Cam Ealsaid, "Alsait Hill," Tarland P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 313, 458. " Carneba, Carnebe," Car-neeba, SE coast of Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210, 233, 458. Cam Ellick (? " Elic Hill, Aberdeenshire"), Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 458. Cam Fuaralach, "Cam Fuarlach," Glen- shiel, Ross-Inverness-shire boundary (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 269A. Cam Liath, "Cam Lia," Blair Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 315. fCarn na Criche, , Ross-shire, Sp. 406. Cam na Cuimhne, 1 m. SW of Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65),Sp.210. Cam nan Gabhar, Beinn a' Ghlo, Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 250. Carn nan Sionnach, Allt Feamach, 2 ms. NE of Beinn a' Ghlo, Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 85, 210. Carphin, 3 ms. NW of Moonzie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. tCarrachan Mor. " Carron Point," Garron Point, coast of Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 237. Carsaig Arches, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 210, 438, 443, 450. Carsphairn (Woodhead lead mines), Kirkcud- brightshire (O.S. Sh. 8), Sp. 45, 58. Cartland Crags, Mousewater, near Lanark (O.S. Sh. 23), Sp. 719. Cassencarrie, see " Menimuir Burn, Mony- peel Burn," etc., Kirkcudbright (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 8, 71, 100, 233, 601, 602. " Cassencarie," see above. Castle Douglas, , Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 83. Castleland Hill, , Inverkeithing, Fife- shire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45. Castle Leod, Strathpeffer, Ross-shire (O.S. 83), H. 222 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Castle Rock, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 319, 325, 329, 330, 411. Catburn, Largs, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210. Cathcart Castle, White Cart, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 240. Cathkin or Catkin, Carmunnock P., Lanark- shire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 338, 488. Catterline, coast of Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 453. Cawdor, 5 ms. S of Nairn (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 85. Ceannabeinne, "Cennabin, Kennabin, Kean- na-biun," Sutherlandshire (0. S. Sh. 114), Sp. 85, 237, 338. Ceaun a' Bharra, "Callivar,Ceannevar, Ken- na-varah," Tiree (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 481. Ceann Garbh, 1 m. NE of Beiun Bhuidhe, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 458. Chaipaval, "Ben Capval, K-haipeval, Ben Chaipaval, Khopeheval," South Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 315, 370, 400, 458. Chapel Quarry, 2 ms. NW of Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 70, 74, 85, 270, 271, 453, H. Charleston, Inverkeithing, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 271. " Choire Muidhe," Coire Buidhe, 1 m. E of Gleann Dubh, Ardoch P., Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 45, 85, 210, 270. Cir Mh6r, NW of Goat Fell, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210, 462, 313, 397. t" Ciste Dhubhe, Sgurr a Bhac Castar." " Ciste Dhubhe," Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe, Beinn Mh6r, Glenshiel, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 210. " Clachaich," Clachaig, Dunoon, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 29). " Clachaich," Clachaig, inn at Loch Trio- chatan, Glen Coe, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 210, 407. Clach an Armuinn, Beinn Laoghal, Suther- landshire (O.S. Sh. 114). 11 Clach an Eoin, Clach an Yone, Cnoc an Ain, Clach an Am," Druim a' Chleibh, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 237, 250, 370, 462A. Clachnaharry, west suburb of Inverness (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 720. " Clashnaree Hill," Clashnarae, 1J m. WNW of the Hill of John's Cairn, Kildrummy P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 231, 319, 398, 399, 426. Classleypeel, on the Jed, Southdean, Rox- burghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 210. Clattering Bridge, " Clattering Briggs" Fordoun, Kincardiueshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 313. Cleber Geo, or Klebber Geo, east coast of Fethaland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 323, 325, 484. Cleber Geo, or Klebber Geo, SW coast of the Ness of Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). " Cleft Geo," east coast of Balta, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 325. Clifton Mines, Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 45, 58, 83, 210, 270, 719. Clochfoldich, Grandtully, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 58. Cloch Point, Clyde, below Greenock, Ren- frewshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 450. Closeburn, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 9), Sp. 254, 257, 271. Clova Hills, Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 426, 428. Clunie Bridge, Glen Shiel, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 269A. Clunie Forest, between Strathardle and the Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 370. Clunie (Glen), Inverness - shire (O.S. Sh. 72). Cluny, near Cardenden, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85, 210. Cluny, foot of R. Tummel, 3 ms. below the Pass of Killiecrankie, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 210, 458. Cluny Castle, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 63). Cluny House and Cluny Brae, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 270. Cluny (Parish of), Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 313, 315. Clynemilton Burn, Loth P., Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 2, 13. "Cnoc an Ain," see Druim a' Chleibh, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 315. Cnoc an Droighinn, " Cnocandrien," Loch Broom, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 210. Cnoc an Each, Ben Voirlich, Arrochar, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 237. Cnocdubh, 1 m. ESE of Lairg Church, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 210, 313, 317, 407, 409 ; 510, 462A. Cnoc na Chaoruinn, Cnoc a' Chaoruinn, head of Glen Oykell, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 370. Cnoc na h-Iolaire, Loch Garve, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 406. " Cnoc na Stroine," Cnoc na Sroine, Loch Borrolan, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 101), Sp. 313, 326, 357, 370, 492. Cobbler, The, Ben Arthur, Arrochar, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 250. Cochno, 7 ms. E of Dumbarton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210, 270, 438, 443. Cock Bridge, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 259. Cockburn Law, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 83, 210, 313, 462. Cockburnspath, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 85, 210, 232, 259, 270. Coignahan, St Kilda, Sp. 325. Coire Achallater, Beinn Achallader, Fort- ingal, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 233. fCoire Bhradan. Coire Buidhe, Loch Creran, head of Abhain Teithil, Ardchattan, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 34. " Coire Creachan," ? the corrie NE of Beinn Creachan, Loch Lyon, Fortingal, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 400, Coire Creathan, Coire Creachan, probably on Beinn Creachan, Fortingal, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 233, 400. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 223 Coire Labain, "Corrielaggan," Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70). Coire Mhuidhe, probably at the head of Allt na Muidhe, Glencoe, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 338, 398. Coire na Creiche, Glen Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 319, 325. "Coire Nuadh, Beinn na Caillich " = Coire Nuadh, f m. N of Broadford Church, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 329. t Coire Roneval ? on Roneval, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89). "Coire Vich Kerrieker," Coire Mine Fhear- chair, Sail Mhor, Beinn Eighe, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. Coir'uisg, Coruisk, Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 233, 319, 325. Colifirth Voe, W shore of Yell Sound, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130). Colister, North Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 370. Coll, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 51), Sp. 450. " Collabol," Colaboll, Loch Shin, Suther- landshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 504, 719. Collafirth, "Colifirth, Colivoe, Collafirth Voe," Northmaven, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 259, 270, 277, 316, 325, 338, 407, 426, 462, 481, 484. Collin Burn (iron mine at), Rerwick P., Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 85, 232. " Colquhanie," Colquhony, Bridge of Strath- don, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 338, 394, 462A. Colvend, on the Urr, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 58), Sp. 83. Conamheall, Durness P., Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 315. Conan Bridge, S of Dingwall, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 338, 462. "Coningsburg, Conningsburgh," Cunnings- burg, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 400. Coniveall, Coinne-mheall, Ben More, Assynt, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 316. "Coolax," Coolags, N of Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 210. Coolin, Cuchullin or Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 233, 319, 325. Corntulloch, " Cairn tulloch, Cairutullich," Aboyne, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 2, 74, 271, 325, 329, 510. Corrantee Mine, near Coire an t-Suidhe, Strontian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 45, 58, 85, 442, 484. Correen Hills, Auchindoir P., Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 398, 594. " Correnny Hill," J in. W of Backhill, NW border of Midmar P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210. Corrie, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 85, 210. Corrie, Kilsyth, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 210. " Corriebuie" lead mines, E of Glean n a' Chilleine, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 13. "Corriebuie Hill," Meall na Creige, Loch Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 13, 45, 83. " Corrie Carr," Lurg Mhor, Lochalsh P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82). "Corrie Laggan," Coire Labain, Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 233, 319, 325. "Corrie na Creich," Coire na Creiche, north of the Cuillins, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 319, 325. "Corrie na Peich," Coire na Baich, Glen Creran, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 516, 338, 398. Corrybeg, Abergairn, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 45, 58, 241, 258, 270, 313. Corrycharmaig, Glen Lochay, 3 ms. NW of Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 2, 241, 250, 468A, 469, 481. "Corry na Creech," see Corrie na Creiche. Oorsie Hill, Kiunoul Hill, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 488. Corstorphine, Edinburgh shire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 83, 210, 233, 270, 319, 325, 330, 376, 401, 411, 441, 442. Cortachy Bridge, River Esk, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 323, 481. Corwar, Cairnsmore, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 98. "Coul Blean," Culblean Hill, Cairngorm, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 461. Cousland, Dalkeith, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. _ Cove, Kincardineshire coast, 4 ms. S of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 315, 462, 549. Cowden, ?Cowdens, Dunfermline, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. H. Cowden, Dalkeith, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 210, 270. "Cowhead Burn, 1 m. N of Elleniford," Greenhope Burn, Abbey St Bathans, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 232, 259. Co why the Head, coast of Banftshire, 1J m. E of Portsoy (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 210, 315, 319, 325, 329, 376, 426. Coyle Hills, 3 ms. SW of Ballater, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 313, 458. " Craigan Mora," Creagan Mora, north coast of Tiree (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 315. Craig (Burn of), Rhyme, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh 76), Sp. 259. " Craigan Lochan," Creag an Lochain, 1 m. NNE of Meall nan Tarrnachan, Loch Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 469. " Craigan Darroch," Craigendarroch, on the Dee, | m. NW of Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 313, 458. "Craig Arus"? Creag a' Chaise, NW of Beinn Gulabin, head of Glen Shee, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 2. " Craig Buroch," Craigbuirach, Marnoch, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 14, 85, 210, 223, 319, 323, 324, 325, 370, 376, 462A, 481. Craig Cail leach, ?| m. W of Alltcailleach, Glen Muick, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 250. Craig David, SE end of Bervie Brow, Kin- cardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67). 224 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Craigdornie, River Deveron, Banffshire (9.8. Sh. 85), Sp. 370. Craigellachie, railway junction, 3i ms. SSW ofRothes, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. Craigengell, Hill of Cushnie, Towie P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 458. Craig Glas. Logie Coldstone, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 370. Craig Hall, Ceres, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 450. Craig Hill, Colmonell, Ayrshire (0. S. Sh. 7), Sp. 241. Craigie Barns, 1 m. NE of Dunkeld, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 83. "Craigie Barns," Cairn of Barns, foot of Glen Clova, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56). ''Craigie Buckler," Craigiebuckler, 2| ms. SW of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 317. Craigline, Mortlach P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 259. Craiglockhart, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 83, 210, 233, 270, 319, 323, 325, 376, Craigman, New Cumnock, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 2. Craig Mohr, Glenshiel, Cluny, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 370. 11 Craig Mohr," Creag Mh6r, Braemar, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65). "Craig More," Sgurr Mor,. Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 270, 489. "Craig More, Craig Mhor," Creag Mh6r, Glen Lochay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 98. "Craigmure, Craignure," see Creag an lubhair, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 65, 90. Craig Park, Dennistoun, Glasgow, Lanark- shire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 270. Craigs, S of Montrose, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 270, 488, 509c. Craigsanquhar, Filestore (O.S. Sh. 48). "Craigs Burn," Burn of Craig, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Craigsoales Mine, " Craigsoles," f m. ENE of Tarfside Bridge, Glen Esk, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 45, 210, 270, 325. Craigs, The, 1 m. NE of Bathgate, Lin- lithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 270. Craigthorn Hill, West Quarter, Stirlingshire. Craigton, Hill of Fare, 4 ms. N of Banchory, Kincardineshire(O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 315. Craigton House, east margin of Kil pa trick Hills, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30). Craig-y-Chroman, Creag a' Chromain, north- west shore of L. Assapol, Bunessan, Mull (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 426. Crail, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 270. " Gralick," Garbh leac, Clunie, Inverness- shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 370, 458. " Crask, The," A Chraisg, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 13. "Crask" (Bridge), A' Graisg, Strathullie, Loth, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. Crathie, \ m. E of Balmoral Castle, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 74, 175, 318, 329, 370, 393, 407. Cra\v, The, Bunkle Edge, Duns, Berwick- shire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 210. Cravvfordjohn, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 325. Crawton Bay, coast of Kiucardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 453. Creachasdal M6r, NE of Tiree (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 210. Creag a' Mhadaidh, Glen Clunie, Braemar, Aberdeenshire (0. S. Sh. 65), Sp. 370. Creag a' Mhail, "Rhu Craig a Vail," near 1 Skjourie, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107). Creag a' Mhaim, near Loch Clunie, Glen- shiel, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 210, 462A. Creag an Darroch, Creag an Daraich, see " Craigandarroch," hill f m. NW of Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65). Creag an Fhithich, "Ravens' Rock," 2 ms. NW of Strath peffer, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 370, 394, 406, 426, 458, 549, H. Creag an Innean, Glenbucket, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 319, 338. Creag an lubhair, "Craigmuir," lead mine at the head of Abhainn Dubhan, Furnace, Loch Fyne, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 45, 65, 90. Creag an Lochan, " Ben Lochan," Meall nan Tarmachan, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 232, 250. Creagan Mora, Tiree, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 210, 313, 325. "Creag Dubh, at the south end of Loch Awe," ? Creag Dhubh, or ? Dun Dubh, 3 ms. NE of Kilmichael Glassary Church, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 408. Creag Gharbh, "Creag Garabh," Armadale, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 325, 387, 510. "Creag Laoi dhui," ? Creag na h-Uidhe Doimhne, 4 ms. NW of Lochinver, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 510. Creag Mhor, "Craig Mhor, Craig Mohr," 1 m. NW of Balmoral Castle, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 313, 370. Creag Mh&r, " Craig More," head of Glen Lochay, Kenmore P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210. Creag Mhor, S. of Corrycharmaig, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46). (See Meall nan Uamh.) Creag Mhor Thollie, " Craigtollie," Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 91), Sp. 210, 317, 338, 458. Creag na Caillich, " Craigcailleach," 3 m. N of Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 250, 469, 510. " Creag na Fearn, Creag na Fearna," prob- ably on the SE side of Meall a' Bhraghaid, Loch Ailsh, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 407. Creag na Fhudair, Creag an Fhudair, NE end of Loch Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 338. Creag nan Stardean, " Craig nan Stiarnan, Greg a Stiaruiu, Craig nan Stiarnden, SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 225 Bloodstone Hill," etc., Sgurr Mor, Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 273, 489. Crianlarich, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 210. Criffel, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 404, 409, 510. Groch an Ain, Cnoc an Ain, Clach an Eoin, Clach an Yone, Druirn a' Chleibh, W of Betty Hill, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 233, 250, etc. Crois, Arrochar, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 38), >/;. 233. Cromalt Hills, Croraarty (O.S. Sh. 101), Sp. 232. "Crombie Point," Kininny Point, Charles- town, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85. t" Crook of Deveron," ? ^ m. W of Kinnairdy Castle, Marnoch, Bantfshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 325. Crooksetter, " Cuxter," S shore of Colla Firth, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 85. Crossapoll, Tiree (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 45, 317, 462A. Crossbister, " Crossbuster," Mainland, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 259. Cross Geo, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 481, 484. Crossbill, Lochgelly, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 270. Crovie, Gamrie P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 92). "Crowhead, Cowhead, Crowheel," Hoard- weel, Bunkle, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 54. Cruach Ardran, 3 ms. SSW of Ben More, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 469. Cruvie Castle, N of Anstruther, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 85, 210, 270. " Cuilt Bay," Cuil Bay, Appiu, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 210. Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 233, 319, 325, 376. " Culblean Hill, " Culbleen," NE of Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75). Sp. 210, 461, 481. Culgower, Loth P., Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 175, 270. Cullen, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 400. "Cullerby, Deeside," ICullerlie, Echt, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 329. " Culrean," Culrain, Kincardine P., Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 426. Culvie Head, Cullen, Bantfshire (O.S. Sh. 96) Sp. 400. " Cumberhead lead mines," Nutberry Hill, head of the Nethan Water, L p sm:ihagow P., Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 23), 8p. 45, 259. " Cummingsburgh, Cunuingsburgh Cliff," Cunningsburgh, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 83. Cushnie, Alford P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 399. "Cuxter," Crooksetter, S of Colla Firth, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 338. D "Dai," Daaey, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 85, 259. VOL. II. "Dalblore," ?Dalblair, Ayrshire, Sp. 15. Dalbog, Loch Lee, Edzell P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Dale Burn, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 25, 237, 237a. Dalkeith, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45, 270. Dalmahoy, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 212, 233, 319, 325, 376, 411. Dalmally, Glenorchy, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 400. Dalmellington, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14)., Sp. 2, 45. Dalmore, "Dalblore," Stair, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 2, 10, 15, 83. Dalnabo, " Delnabo," Glengairn, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 74, 210, 318, 320, 329, 338,370, 393, 407, 411, 549. " Dalnein, Delnin," Garchory, on the Don, Tarland, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 400, 407. "Daugh, Gaugh, Burn of, or Burn of the Cairn," Keirn Burn, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 426. " Deadman's Bay," Port an Duine Mhairbh, lona (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 270, 462. Dearg Sgeir, " Skeir Derag, Skier Derag," Torosay, Mull (O.S. Sh. 43), 270, 330, 462. "Delnabo." See Dalnabo, Glengairn, Aberdeenshire, Sp. 270, 370. Deil's Dyke, Great Cumbray, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 319. Denbrae, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), H. "Den Fenella, Den of Fenilla," Fenella Den, St Cyrus, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210. Denhead, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 210. t " Denhead, Rum," H. Denhead, SW of St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 4. Denny Point, E of Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 4Q2a. Deskry Water, " Deskery Water," Strath- don, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 74. "Devil's Staircase," GJencoe, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 233. "Dibidale, Dibidill," Dibidil, SE of Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. H. "Dighty Mouth," mouth of the Dighty Water, Monifieth P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 453. Dirk Hatterick's Cave, Kirkcudbrightshire coast (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 277. Dirlot, Strathmore, Hallkirk P., Caithness (O.S. Sh. 116), Sp. 13, 270. "Dirty Burn," Balgie Burn, Dunoon, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 85, 269, 469. Dobston, Blackball, 2 ms. W of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 83, 233, 317, 407. Dochfour, north end of Loch Ness, Inver- ness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 34, 232, 341, 510. Docwra, Docra, Dockra, Dochra, Beith, 226 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Ayrshire, (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 70, 83, 96, 210, 270. Dodds Mills, Brunta Burn, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 25), Sp. 54. Dodhead, Burntisland, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 270. "Dodhead," Todhead Point, Kincardine- shire, Sp. 438. Dod = Hill, Wanlochhead, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 504. "Doo's Geo," east coast of Balta, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 338, 481, 484. Doreholm, "Door-holm," North Mavine, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210, 453, 488. Downie, coast south of Stonehaven, Kiri- cardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 450. Drongs, The, 1 m. W of the Ness of Hills- wick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). Druim an Duin, Strathnaver, Sutherland- shire, see Croch an Ain, Clach an Eoin, etc., ante, Sp. 237, 250, 370, 462a. Druim nan Ramh, Loch Coruisk, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 237, 319, 325, 462. Drumadoon, "Drimadoon," west coast of Arran (O.S. Sh. 13), Sp. 210, 313, 315A. "Drumbuck," Dumbuck, 1 m. SE of Dum- barton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 478. Drumdelgie, 3 ms. NW of Huntly, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 2. "Drumgowan, Drumgavan, 3 ms. S of Dunnideer," probably Westfield, Preni- nay, Aberdeenshire(O.S. Sh. 76). Drumhead, f m. SE of Ruthven, Cairnie P., Aberdeenshire(O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 85. Drumnadrochit, foot of Glen Urquhart, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 338. Drumshanty, " Drumshantie," 2 ms. ESE of Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 78, 288. Duffus, between Burghead and Lossiemouth, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 45, 210. "Duine Ghoe," m. NE of Garrisdale Point, N coast of Canna (O.S. Sh. 60) (6 36' 20" W.). Sp. 479. Dullans, | m. NW of Papil Water = " Loch of Trista," Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 233a, 259. Dulnanbridge, " Dalnein or Dalnain Bridge," Inverness County Boundary, Speyside (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. U t 318, 325, 338, 406, 458, 462, 510, 549. Dumbarton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 175. ("Moor"), Muir, 4ms. NE of Dum- barton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 411, 453. Dumbuck Hill, "Drumbuck," 1 ms. ESE of Dumbarton (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 478. Dumfries, Sp. 910, 271. Dumyat, Ochil, Logic, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 210, 270. Dunau Earr an Sguirr, coast between Loch Eynort and Loch Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 433. Dunbar, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. Dundarg Castle, coast 1 m. NE of New Aber- dour, Aberdeenshire(O.S. Sh. 97), Sp. 315. Dundonald, Lochgelly, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85. Dunglass Burn, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. Dunipace, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. Dim'l., lona (O.S. Sh. 43). Dunkcld, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 83, 85, 210, 232. Duulop, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 175, 270. Dun of Borve, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 338, 458. Dunoon, Cowal, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 70, 85, 269a, 477. Dunrossness P., Shetland (O.S. Sh. 123), Sp. 83. Dunsapie, Queen's Park, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 257, 270, 319, 325, 376. Dunsinane, Perthshire (O.S.Sh. 48), Sp. 210. " Dunarticle, Dun Uarticle," Dun Uabair- tich, 2 ins. SW of Oban, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 44),^. 319. Dun vegan Head, Skye (0 S. Sh. 80), Sp. 210. Dura Bay, i m. ENE of Portsoy, Banff- shire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 210. Durness, " Duirness/'Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 270 320, 325, 338. Durn Hill, SW of Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 210, 338, 481. Dyce, 7 ms. NW of Aberdeen Station (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 315, 317, 458, 549. Dysart, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 484. E Eaglesham P., Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 22). " Eaglesham, Elgin," ? Renfrewshire, Sp. 210, 319. " Ean Stack," Ern Stack, west of the Stuis of Graveland, Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 458. Earlsburn Reservoir, Touchadam Muir, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 438, 443, 445, 450, 453. Earl's Burn, River Carron, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 85, 210, 450. Earlseat Hill, 1 m. W of Auchmullen, Kildrummy P.^ Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. "Earnock Moor," ? Earnock, Hamilton P., Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 23), Sp. 210. Eas a' Chosain, " Essochossan Glen," 1 m. SSW of Inveraray, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 65, 83, 90. Eassie P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 45. East Balgay, Dundee, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. East Bay, Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 74, 318, 323, 324, 458, 462, 484, 510. East Calder, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45, 270. Easter Craig Foodie, 1 m. NNW Dairsie Station, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 227 t Easter Kinsleith, Fifcsliire, Sp. 210. Easter Talathon, 2 ms. N of Leven, Fife- shire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 210. Easter Turrerich, "Easter" Turrich, Glen Quoich," north side of Loch Freuchie, Dull, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 210. East Loch Tarbert, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 233. East Loch Tarbert, Harris (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 210, 409. "East Rona," probably Rona, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 237. t East Ruadh, East Sands, St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 233. Eathie House, Lunan Bay, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210. Ecclesmachan, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. " Echoing Rock " (see Prof. Heddle's Chap- ters, T.R.S.E., xxix. p. 100), N of Quir- aing, near Fir Bhreugach, Skye (O.S. Sh. 90), Sp. 148, 270, 447, 449, 450, 455, 456. Edintien, Blair Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 74, 238. t Edwards Hall, Rawhead Moor, Lanark- shire, Sp. 259. Eigg (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 212, 237, 319, 450, 456B. Eilean Bnlgach, " Bulg Island," Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 407. Eilean Chasgaidh, Eigg (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210. Eilean Glas, " Klebberness," Scalpa, Harris (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 210, 270, 325. Eilean Mhuire, Shiaut Isles (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 85, 237, 319, 325, 357, 488. Eireboll, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114). Elba copper mine, Bunkle, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 83, 270, 271. Elgin (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 270, 490, 493. Elie Ness, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 233, 277, 313, 325, 370, 438, H. Ellanreoch, 1 m. SW of Glenelg, Inverness- shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 315. Ellemford, Whitadder Water, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 54. Ellie Hill, ? Cam Ellic, 3 ms. S of Glenlivet, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75). Endrick water, Kil learn P., Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 38, 39), Sp. 488. Enesay, Sound of Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 338. t Engie, Enzie, Rathven, Banffshire, Sp. 250. Erins, " Urrhins, Errins, Kintyre," 3 ms. NNW of Tarbert. Knapdale, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 83, 85, 257, 270, 271, 273, 303, 338, 407, 504. Eriskay, between South Uist and Barra, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 69), Sp. 315. Ern Stack, " Ean Stack," west of the Stuis of Graveland, Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 210. " Eskavale," Eskdale, River Beauly, Inver- ness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83). Eslie, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 276, 315, 318, 325, 484, 510. "Essochossan Glen," see Eas a' Chosain (O.S. Sh. 37). Etchachan, Loch, Ben Macdhui, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 313, 315. "Eternal Island, Monach Islands," ? (O.S. Sh. 78), Sp. 317, 338. Eynhallow, NE of Evie P., Mainland, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 210. Fair Isle, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 123), Sp. 54, 83. Fairlie, coast of Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 58, 210, 319. t Falstone, Dumfriesshire, Sp. 45. Fannich Forest, Contin P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 210, 250. "Faray," Fara, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 45 ; 270, 277. Faseny Burn, Lammermuir Hills, Hadding- tonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 54, 148. Fassfern, north shore of Loch Eil, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 62). Fassifern, Inverscadle, Ardgour, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 45. Fauldhouse Colliery, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. H. " Fee Donald Mine," Bellsgrove, Strontian Mines, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 210, 270, 280, 442. "Felar," Feith Lair, Glen More, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 210. Fenton Towers, North Berwick, Hadding- toushire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 254, 258, 269, 488. " Feodain, The, of Scour na caich," probably the summit of the ridge J m. SW of Sgor na Ciche, head of Loch Nevis, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 370. Ferryden, m. S of Montrose, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 453. Ferry Port on Craig, "Partori Craig," Tay- port, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Feugh Bridge, 1 m. S of Banchory, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66). Fethaland, (" Fiedeland," Kleber Geo," at), 60 38' N ; Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 233, 237, 271, 338, 428, 469, 484. Fethaland, ("Fiedeland," " Pundy Geo," at), 60 37' 35" N; Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130). Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 2. Fiarach, 2 ms. WN W of Crianlarich Station, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 233. Findlater Castle, coast W of Portsoy, Banff- shire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 210. Findrassie, 2 ins. NW of Elgin (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 175. Finlarig, foot of Glen Lochay, Killin, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 233. Fintry, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 257. Finzean, Birse, Aberdeeushire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 315. 228 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. " Fitfiel Head," Fitful Head, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 124), Sp. 210. Fladda, Treshnish Isles (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 434, 435, 447, 450, 454, 455. Fleet, Kircudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 2. Foinne Bheinn, " Foinaven," Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 315, 317, 338, 462A. Foodie Hill, Craigfoodie, Fifeshire, Sp. 210. Fordel, Dalgetty, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 270. Foresterhill, " Froster Hill," Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 74, 233, 318, 469. Forest Lodge, Glen Tilt, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 325, 338, 458, 481. Forgandenuy, banks of the water of May, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 83, 270. Forkneuk, "Fortneuk," Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. Fotheringham, Forfarshire, Sp. 210. Foula, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 125), Sp. 210. Foulford, Eaith, Cowdenbeath, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 325. Foyers, east shore of Loch Ness, Inverness- shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 210. Fraochaidh, " Fraoshaid," south side of Stob Coire Ruadh, Glen Creran, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 315. Freasgeal or Fraisgill, NE side of Loch Eireboll, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 315. "Frendland Burn," Frenchland Burn, 1 m. EofMoffat, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 16). "Frideland, Fiedeland," ? Fethaland, Shet- land. "Fri River," Abhain na Frithe, Strath of Kildonan, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13. Fnarachadh, Beriderloch, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 210. Fuday, Fuda, Barra P., Outer Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 58), Sp. 315. Fullarton Den, Mary ton P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210. G Gairloch, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 91), Sp. 237. " Gairn Bridge," Bridge of Gairn, 1 m. NW of Ballater, Aberdeeushire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 96. Galdrings, "The Geldruns," South shore of Machrihanish Bay, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 270. t Gallow Hill, Fifeshire, Sp. 210, 233, 319, 325. Galston P.. Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 259. Garabal Hill, Glen Falloch, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 210, 237, 313, 315, 316, 317, 323, 325, 338, 394, 407, 462, 481, 510, 549. "Garabal Loch," Lochan Beinn Damhain, or else Lochan Strath Dubh-uisge, head of Glen Falloch, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46, 38). "Garacharry," or " Garcharry Burn," Allt a' Gharbhchoire, head of Glen Dee, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 315. Garbh-coire Dubh, j m. W of Cir Mhor, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 443. Garbh Eilean, Shiant Isles (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 639. Garbh-leac, " Cralech," between Glens Affric and Clunie, Inverness-shire and Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 370. " Gardie Stack," Gordi Stack, Ness of Hills- wick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 458. Garebrig or Guardbridge, between Leuchars and St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Garlet, "Garlat Hill," 1J m. SW of Tarf- side, Lochlee P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 233, 400, 458. Garleton Hills, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210, 232, 257, 273. Garngad Road, north-east of Glasgow, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 70. "Garpol, Gapol, Gawpol," J m. S of Tod- head Point, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 450, 453. "Garrell Glen," Garrel Burn, Kilsyth Hills, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 269 A. Garron Point, S of Stonehaven, Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 237, 259. Garscube, New Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 270. " Gartally,"Gortally Quarry, Glen Urquhart, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 329, 406, 549. " Gartness," Garths Ness, Quendale Bay, Dunrossness, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 124), Sp. 83, 259. Garve, (Railway Station), Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 85, 210, 370. Gauch Burn, or Keirn Burn, "Burn of the Gaugh, or Daugh," Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75). Gaulrig, Kirkmichael P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 175. Gavieside, West Calder, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. H. " Gawpool, Gapol," etc., the small boat harbour on the coast below Hall Hill, Catterline, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67). Geallaig Hill, "Geallhig Hill," Crathie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), ?>. 313, 315. Geary Pot, a sea cavern near Auchmithie, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 719. t Gelatly, Aberdeen, Sp. 315. Geodha na Seamraig, "Geo na Shermaig," coast 2 ms. SE of Cape Wrath, Suther- landshire (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 313, 317. "Geodha Tuill," probably near Stac an Tuill, coast between Lochs Eynort and Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 270, 435a, 443, 447. Gie-uisgGoe, " Gie Usig Geo," 1 m. W of Crosskirk, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 45, 58, 96, 270. " Gilker's Cleugh," Gilkerscleugh, Abington, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINEEAL LOCALITIES. 229 Gilmerton, Edinburghsliire (O.S. Sh. 32), ,s>>. 270. Gingomyres, Hill of Malleath, Glass P., 4 ras. NWof Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 370. GirJleness, coast, 1 m. S of Aberdeen, Kin- cardineshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 469. " Girdles, The, i m. N of Treloan Bay " ? a small island, on the Kincardineshire coast, Catterline P. (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 450. Girths, The, of Quendale, N of Fitful Head, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 124), Sp. 210. Glarais, Forfarshire(O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 45. " Glance Cemnock,"?Glascarnock, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 370, 392, 394, 458, 549. " Glasven," Glas Bheinn, 3 ins. N of Inch- nadamff, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 325. Gleann Fearnach, "Glen Fern ate," Kirk- michael, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56, 64), Sp. 21. Gleann Sgaich, or Glensscaich, " Glen Skiag, Glen Skiaorh," 2 ms. NW of Strathpeffer, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 210, 370, 394, 458. Gleann Thorcnill, head of Sandside Burn, Reay, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 269, 338. Glen Arbuck, 1 m. W of Old Kilpatrick, Dum- bartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 270, 442. "Glen Beg," Gleann Beag, Glenelg, Inver- ness-shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 2, 74, 234, 313, 319, 325, 375, 376, 462, 484. Glenbucket P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 74, 85, 250, 319, 338, 426, 458, 510. Glencart, Dairy, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 259. Glenclach Burn, Leadhills District, Dum- friesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. " Glen Clova," one of the Glens near Clova, Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76). Glen Clova, 'Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 317, 398, 426, 509A. Glen Cloy, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210. Glen Clunie, S of Braemar, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 315, 458. Glen Clunie, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72). Glen Coe, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 273, 407, 411, 510. "Glen Crievie," a mine in Glen Crieve, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 83, 270, 719. Glen Creran, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53, 45), Sp. 34. Glencuie, Towie P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 481. Glen Derby, 3 ms. WSW of Kirkmichael, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 338, 370. Glen Deny, head of Glen Lui, Deeside, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 319. " Glendinuing," Glenshanna Burn, Wester- kirk P., Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 10), Sp. 28, 58, 107, 210, 216, 221. Glendorch, Leadhills district, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45. Glendonran, Leadhills district, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45. Glen Earnan, Tarland P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 315. Glen Effock, Glen Esk, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 233. Glenelg, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 2, 325, 375, 234, 338, 375. Glen Falloch, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 45. Glen Farg, Fife and Perth boundary (O.S. Sh. 40-48), Sp. 15, 54, 175, 270, 401, 411, 445, 450, 453, 488, 504. " Glen Fernate, Glen Fernait," see Gleann. Fearnach, Sp. 21, 315. Glen Finart, Loch Long, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 233. Glen Forsa, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 338. Glengairn, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 45, 48, 74, 258, 270, 271, 325, 329, 338, 370, 393, 407, 411, 462, 510, 549. Glengonnar, Leadhills district, Lanarkshire, (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45, 85, 210, 270, 271, 273, 561, 719, 721, 734, 734A, 741. Gleniffer Braes, 2 ms. SW of Paisley, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 319, 325, 376. Glen lorsa, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210, 313. "Glen Kindie," probably Kindie Burn, Towie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 481, 549. Glenlaff Burn, " Glendaff Burn, Glendarf Burn," W of the Hill of John's Cairn, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 315. Glenlivet. Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 257, 313, 316. Glen Lochay, "Glen Lochy," Killin, Perth- shire, (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 2, 241, 250, 338. t Glen Logan, Perthshire. "Glen Logan," the glen north east of Kinlochewe, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 175, 315, 407, 483A. Glen Lyon, Perthshire, Sp. 45. Glen Masson, Kilmun, Dunoon, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29). Glen Nevis, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 45, 317, 325, 338. Glen Nochty, Strathdon P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 34, 85, 250, 338. Glen Oban, Loch Morar, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 210. Glen Quaich, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 85, 259. Glen Rodil, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 58, 85, 136. Glen Sauda, Morven, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 45, 70, 313, 273. Glen Sannox, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 719. Glen Shee, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 2, 74, 233. Glen Shiant, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210, 329, 344, 370, 397. "Glen Skiag," see Gleaun Sgaich, Sp. 2, 370, 394, 426, 549. "Glen Suie," Gleann a t-Suidhe, Black- water Forest, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75). 230 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. "Glen Thorcail," see Glen Thorcaill, ftp. 269, 338. Glen Tilt, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 83, 277, 325, 338. Glen Turret, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 74, 85, 210, 458. Glen Urquhart, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 2, 74, 313, 325, 329, 338, 370, 394,400, 406, 409, 428, 458, 462, 462B, 481, 484, 510, 549. " Glen between Wood Hill and Middle Hill, Ochils," Burnside Glen, ?also Westerton, Clackmannanshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 83. Gleourach " Clourach, Claurach," Glen Quoich, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72). Gloom Hill, Ochils, Clackmannanshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 411, 488. Goat Fell, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210, 313. Gollachy Burn, Enzie, Banffshire, Sp. 719. Gordi Stack, " Gardie Stack," Ness of . Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). Gott Bay, Tiree, Sp. 338, 462B. Gourock, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 78, 175, 210, 232, 257, 269a, 270, 271, 719, 746. Graemsay, Orkney, Sp. 45. Grainger's Quarry, Kilmalcolm, Renfrew- shire (O.S. Sh. 30). Sp. 443, 447. Grandholm, or Granham (Laverock Braes at), Old Machar, north of Persley, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 257. Grand tulLy, Grantully, Logierait, Perthshire, Sp. 269, 370. Grange, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 74, 85. Gran ton, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 58, 233. Gran town, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 74. " Grariesum," see Grevasand, Sp. 209, 370, 400. "Graveland Ness," Nev of Stuis, Grave- land, Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 30). Great Cumbrae or Cumbray, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 376. Great Geo, east side of Balta, Unst, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 131) (60 45' 4" N), Sp. 320, 323, 325, 407. Green Burn, R. Esk, Edzell P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 344. Greenfolds, 1 m. S of Tillyfourie, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76). Green Hill, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire ? (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 338, 338a, 481. Green Hill, 1J m. SSW of Tillyfourie Station (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 481. Greenholm, Bressay, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 271. " Greenloan,"? Blackwater, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85 or 75), Sp. 325. " Wick of Greeting," probably Gruting Bay, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 180). Grevasand, *' Grariesum," west side of the Ness of Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). Gribun, Mull (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 210, 435a. Grieston, near Innerleithen, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 45. Grind of theNavir, Esha Ness, Northmaven, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 488. "Gruagach Cliff," Seasgaich or Skeaskich, west side of Loch Ailsh, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 325. " Grunies Geo," Grunnie Geo, Fetlar, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 130). "Gruting Voe," Gruting Bay, Wick of Gruting, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 85, 210. Gryfe Tunnel, 2| ms. S of Greenock, Ren- frewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 447, 453, 455, 456. Gryfe Water, 2| ms. S of Greenock, Ren- frewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 450. Haaf Gruney, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237, 241, 262, 267, 271, 481. Hacklett, NE of Obe, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89). Hadden, "Hodden," Sprouston P., Rox- burghshire (O.S. Sh. 26), Sp. 210. Hagdale, between Muckle Heogs Hill and Keen of Hamar, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 15, 65, 241, 267, 270, 277, 303, 338, 468, 468, 483a. Halival or Allival, Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 319. Hallkirk, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 116), Sp. 45. Halton Hill, Chirneide, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 210. " Haman, Bailsman, Hausmann Rock," The Hasman, coast of Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 77), 57 7' N, Sp. 313, 407. Hamilton, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 746. " Hampa Voe near Burra Voe," Hamna Voe, S of Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130). Handa, island opposite Scourie, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 407. Hanging Myre, East Lomond, Falkland, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh 40), Sp. 45. Harburn Head, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. Hare Craig, W of Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Hare Hill, 3 ms. SE of New Cumnock, Ayr- shire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 28, 107, 221. Harold's Wick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 15, 288, 481. Harta Corrie, Cuillin Hills, Skye, (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 319, 325. "Hartfield Moss," Neilston, Renfrewshire, (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210, 411, 445. Haskival, Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 241, 325, 330, 376. Hasman, The, see " Haman," etc. Heads of Ayr, coast SW of Ayr (O.S. Sh. 14). Sp. 210. Heather Hill, Luthrie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 269a. " Heclabir," Hegglie Ber, Lashy Sound, Sanday, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 122), (conglome- rate). SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 231 Heilem, " Heilim," E side of Loch Eireboll, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 270. Heisker, "Hasker," Monach Islands, He brides (O.S. Sh. 78), Sp. 317. Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. " Henderland Moor, Ettrick Forest," Hen- derland, Lyne P., Peebleshire (O.S. Sh. 16), Sp. 85, 210. Henly's Quarry, Pitfichie, Monyrausk, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 232. Henmuir Burn, Berwick P., Kirkcudbright- shire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 232. Heogs Hill, "Heyoags Hill, Neuker Hill," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 65, 241, 277, 468, 481, 500. "Hernaness," Herma Ness, Valdafield, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131). Herscha Hill, near Auchinblae, Fordoun, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66). Hesta Ness, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 85, 210, 237, 241, 468, 481. Hestan Island Copper Mines, " Alraorness Head," and "Balcary Mine," South of Almorness Point, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 71, 83, 87, 270. Hilderston Hill, Bath gate, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 8, 602, 617. f'Hill of Beith. Ayrshire,"? Hillhead Beith. Hillend, Pentland Hills, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 210. 'Hill of Chattie," probably Machattie's Cairn, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 458. Hillliead, Beith, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22). Hillhouse Quarry, Linlithgowshire, Sp. 313, 319. Hill of Dumeath, Glass P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210. Hill of Fare, N of Banchory, Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 76) (but most of the mineral localities are in Kincardine* shire), Sp. 315. Hill of John's Cairn, Kildrummy P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 85. "Hill of Maluth," Hill of Milleath, 4 ms. WNW of Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 398. Stoney Hill of Nigg, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 85, 462a, 462B. Hill of Scullion Gour, Campsie, Stirling- shire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 259. Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 232, 241, 313, 370, 400, 407, 458, 462, 466, 468, 469, 481, 484, 549. "Hillswickness," Ness of Hillswick, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 129). Hill of Tombhreac, " Towanreiff," Auchin- doir, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 481. Hirdy Geo, Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127). Sp. 232. Hoardweel, Bunkle, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 148. " Hodden," see Hadden. Holes of Scraada, Esha Ness, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210. Holy Loch, Cowal, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 210. Horn, The, of Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 313. Hornish, North Uist (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 317. Horns of the Roe, Rulkie's Hill, Yell, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 458, 462. Houbie, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 325, 336, 481, 484. Housa Voe, Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 175. Howrat, Beith, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210, 270, 411, 443, 478. Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 259, 269, H. " Hoy Head, Holy Head," St John's Head, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sh. 259, 267, 269. Bullion, Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119). "Hunie Island, Huna," Huney, East of Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 325. Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 2. Hurlet, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 270, 168, 764, H. Hurlford, 1J in. E of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 2. Hushinish, W of Harris (O.S. Sh. 98), Sp. 313. "Hyskeir," Oigh Sgeir, island SW of Canna (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 313. Ibrox, Govan, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. H. Inbhir Scaddail and Inverscaddle, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Inchbae, 5 ms. Wof Garve, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 36. Inchcolm, Firth of Forth, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325, 338, 376, 450, 462, 481, 484. Inchkeith, Firth of Forth, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 277. Inchnadamff, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 313, 316. Inellan, Argyllshire (0 S. Sh. 29), Sp. 484. Inganess. Inga Ness, near Yeskenaby, Main- land, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 210, 313, 315, H. Inverary, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 313. Invercauld, Braeraar, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 397 ? and 344. Inverfarigaig, Loch Ness, 2 ms. NE of Foyers, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 315, 341, 407. Inverinate Lodge, Loch Duich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 338, 462. t Inverlair, Inverness-shire, Sp. 210, 315. Invermark, Lochlee, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210. Inverneil, Knapdale, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 45, 83, 273. Inverness (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 406. Inverurie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 85. 232 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Inverynate, Loch Ailsh (O.S. Sh. 102). lona, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 45, 85, 210, 257, 270, 315, 316, 317, 338, 376, 407, 458, 462, 481. Isauld Burn, Reay, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 210, 259. Isla or Islay, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 19-27), Sp. 14, 45, 210, 237, 270, 313, 315. Island of Pharay, Fara or Faray, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 277. ' ' Island of, or Rock of, " Stromay, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 313, 315. "Isle Davar," Island Davarr, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 313. Isle of May, Firth of Forth (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 233, 319, 325, 376, 401, 411. "Isle Oronsay," Isle Ornsay, E of Sleat, Skye(O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 210. Jackton, "Jocktou" East Eilbride, Ren- frewshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 270. Jeantown, Lochcarron, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 45, 175. Jedburgh, Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 210. "Jibigill," Jibigall, 2 ms. SE of Melvich, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 313. Jock's Hole, Scurr Hill, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. John Leggs Well, Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 2, 270. John o' Groats, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 116), Sp. 325. John's Cleugh, Whittingham. Haddington- shire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. Johushaven, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 57). K Kaim Hill, 1 m. NE of West Kilbride, Ayr- shire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210. "Keelstone Pool, Whitadder Water above Hoardweel," Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 54. "Keen Hill, Kean Hill," Keen of Hamar, Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 241, 468a. Keirn Burn, "Burn of the Cairn," "Burn of the Gauch," etc., Cabrach, Banff- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 509c. Kellie Law, Elie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 450. Kells, Kirkbean P., Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 83. " Kelry," Kilry, 6 ms. NNE of Blairgowrie, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 210. Kelso, Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 25), Sp. 509c. Kempoch Point, N of Gourock, Renfrew- shire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 175, 210, 270, 746. Kenmore, L. Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55). Kentallen, "Kintellan" Shore, 2 ms. SVV of Ballachulish, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 210, 313, 376, 462. Keppoch, Inverness-shire, Sp. 2. " Kernmonearn," see Cairn-mon-Earn, Sp. 458. Kerrera, Oban, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 210, 255, 270. Kiffnockside, Lanarkshire, Sp. 210, 270, 719. Kilcalmkill, " Kilcormkell," Loch Brora, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. Kilchattan and Kilbrandon, Parish in Lome, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 3(5), Sp. 45, 58, 83. Kildalloig, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 443, 454. Kildonan, Arran (O.S. Sh. 13), Sp. 166, 210. Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13, 250. Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 231, 241, 319, 398, 399, 426, 462. Kilfinichen, Loch Scridain, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 270. Killellan, Kintyre, Argyllshire (0. S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210. Killiemore, Loch Scridain, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 2, 435A, 454. Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 34, 250. Kilkerran, Campbelton Loch, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210. Kilmalcolm, 3 ms. SE of Port-Glasgow, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210, 257, 270, 438, 443, 447, 455. "Kihnartin Estate," Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 36), Sp. 83. Kilmuir, Skye (O.S. Sh. 90), Sp. 455. Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 270, 443, 447, 450, 452, 4S9. Kilry, "Kelry," Glenisla, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56). Kilsyth, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 330, 435. Kiltearn, Loch Glass, Koss-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 394. Kilwinning, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210. Kincardine, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 102), ,S>. 315. Kincraig, Shore W of Elie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 45, 85, 210, 270, 277, 719, " Kindie Hill," Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75). King Alexander's " Cliff," Crag near Burnt- island, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 210, 233, 270, 319, 325, 376. Kinghorn, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85 210, 270, 233, 319, 325, 376, 443, 453. Kingsbarns, S of St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Kingshouse, Moor of Rannoch, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 315. Kings Laggan, Anwoth P., Kirkcudbright- shire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 45, 83, 85, 210, 259, 269, 270, 281, 288, 290, 498, 504, 550, 818. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 233 Kingston, North Berwick, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 254. Kiiiharvie, 2 ms. WNW of New Abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 257, 258, 269, 510. Kinkell, coast H m - SE of st Andrew's Castle, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 85, 210, 270, 271, 313, 325, 450, 719, H. Kinloch Lodge, 5 ms. SSE of Tongue, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 370. Kinnaber "Waterworks, North Esk, 2 ms. N of Montrose, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210. Kinnaird's Head, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 97), Sp. 210, 316. Kinueff, shore S of Stonehaven, Kin car - dineshire (0 S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210, 316, 319, 438, 443, 488. Kinuordy, 1 m. NW of Kiriiemuir, Forfar- shire (O.S. Sh, 56),$?. 481. Kinnoull Hill, Perth '(O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 257. Kinsteary, 3 ms. ESE of Nairn, Auldearn P., Nairnshire (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 210, 313, 316, 462. "Kintellan," see Kentallan, Sp. 313, 376, 462. Kin tyre, or Cantyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 270. Kirkaness, Seli Voe, Sandsting, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128), Sp. 210, 241. " Kirkavoe," probably Mid Yell Voe, other- wise Reafirth Voe, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130 centre), Sp. 270. Kirkconnel, Station and P., NW Dumfries- shire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 269. t Kirkcorner, " Kirkland," Kirkton, Bathgate, Linlith- gowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 210. " Kirksands," Kirk Sand, SE of Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 175, 210, 269, 270, 438, 443, 488, 719. " Kittochside," East Kilbride, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 22). Klebber, Kleber, or Cleber Geo, E coast of Fethaland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130, 60 38' N), Sp. 237, 271, 338, 469, 484. " Klebberness," Eilean Glas, Scalpay, Harris (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 394, 484. Knock Bay, coast NW of Port Patrick, Wigtownshire (O.S. Sh. 3), Sp. 45. Knockdaw Hill, 2 ms. NNE of Colmonell, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 241. Knockdolian, Ballantrae, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 323, 330, 481. Knockespock. 4 ms. SE of Rhyme, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210. "Knock Fin," or "Knock Fhmn," Cnoc- fhinn, 3i ms. NNE of Kinbrace Station, KildonaD, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 370. Knock Hill, 4 ms. NE of Grange Station, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 370. Knocknairling Hill, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 9), Sp. 210, 313, 315. 316, 317, 398, 399, 409, 426, 428, 458, 462, 510. " Knockscalbert," Cnoc Scalbert, 1 m. NW of Oampbelton, Kin tyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 478. Knowe Head, Crovie, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 323, 484. Kvleacreich, Deeside, Aberdet'ii.shire (O.S. 'Sh. 65), Sp. 175, 210. " Lackencyre," Lauchentyre, Gatehouse, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 45, 58, 83, 210, 224, 259, 269, 270, 281, 2S8, 290, 498, 504, 550, 818. Ladder Pass, Forfarshire, Sp. 210. Ladeddie, 4 ms. ESE of Cupar, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41, 49), Sp. 233, 319, 325, 376. Ladies Tower, "The Summer House," coast E of Elie Harbour, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 277, 719. Laggan, Strathspey, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 63), Sp. 370. Lagg s;an, probably Laggan of Findlarigg, ^ m. NW of Dulnanbridge, Elginshire and Inverness-shire border (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 74, 210, 325, 338, 400, 406, 458, 462, 510, 549. Laggan Inn, between Loch Oich and Loch Lochy, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 63), Sp. 318, 462. Lagg Quarry, Fisherton, Maybole, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 210. Lairdside, West Kilbride P., Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210. Lairg, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 83, 175, 210, 313, 317, 409, 462a, 510, 511. Lamancha, Station, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 24), 269a. LambaNess, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 313, 315. Lamb Hoga, "Lumbhoga, Lambhoga," S of Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 13), Sp. 458, 492. Lamphanan, Station, Deeside Railway, Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76). Lang Cleugh Burn, Leadhills district, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. Lang Crag, " Long Craig," Kilpatrick Hills, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 443, 447, 455, 478. Langholm Bridge, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 10, 11), Sp. 45. " Laoch Mines,'' between Meikle Corr Riabhach and Allt na Lice, Kirkmichael, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 85, 232, 233, 254, 259, 269, 469. Largo Law, Largo, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 210, 719. Largybaan Cave, " Largybaun Cave," Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), 257, 259, 270, 271, 273. Larriston, Liddel Water, Riccarton, Rox- burghshire (O.S. Sh. 11), Sp. 270. 234 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Lathalmond, 4 ms. N of Duufermline, Fife- shire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 70. Lauchentyre, see " Lackentyre." Laveroekbraes, Grandholm, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 258, 269. Leacann Doire Bannear, north end of Glen Gloy, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 63), Sp. 2. Leac Ghorm, 2 ms. W of Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 74. Leac na Fionn, Leachan Fhionn, close to the Quiraing, Skye (O.S. Sh. 90), Sp. 488. Lead Geo, coast \ in. S of St John's Head, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 232, 257, 259, 269, 269. Leadhills, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13, 25, 45, 58, 71, 83, 85, 175, 210, 230, 232, 244, 259, 269, 270, 271, 277, 281, 288, 290, 423, 443, 504, 509c, 550, 561, 568, 719, 721, 734, 734a, 737, 739, 741, 819. Ledbeg, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 101), Sp. 237, 271, 317, 325, 458. Leegarth, north shore of the Wick of Houbie, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 388. Leids Hill, "Leeds Hill," 3 ms. N of the Buck of the Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 313, 426. "Leithan, The, below Williamslee," see Woolandslee Burn (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 210. Leith Hall, Kennethmount, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 481. Leitir Mhuiseal, " Leiter Mussel," Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 338, 370. Lendalfoot, Ayrshire coast (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 15, 85, 210, 233, 270, 319, 320, 323, 325. 330, 338a, 376, 462, 481, 509. Leslie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 315, 338, 479. Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire, Sp. 23, H. "Leth Allt," An Leth Allt, Loch Duich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72). f Leuchaw, Ayrshire, Sp. 394, 407. t " Liath Ach" ? An Liathanach, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. Liath Bhad, Loch Glencoul, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 313, 315. Limehillock, 1 m. NE of Grange Station, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 74, 85, 270, 484. "Lint Hills, Ayrshire," Linthills, Loch- winnoch, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210. Linhouse Water, Harburn, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 210. Little Cumbrae or Cumbray, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 443, 453. "Little Ketrannoch,'' Kilrannoch, Clova, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 237, 484. Little Rack Wick, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 270. "Little Storr," Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 434. Little Vantage, 4 ms. W of Balerno, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45. Loch a' Bhruthaich, " Loch Bruiach," 9 ms. SW of Beauly, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 175, 394. Loch Ailsh, Sutherland-Ross boundary (O.S. Sh. 102). Loch Alsh, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 484. "Loch a' Mhuilin," Loch na Muilne, E of Loch Roag, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 105). Lochan a Chait, "Loch Cat," Ben Lawers, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 210, 233. Lochan Beinn Damhain, "Loch Garabol," Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 313. Lochan Fada, 3^ ms. N of Portree, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 210. t Lochan Fada, Perthshire. Lochan Fada, 1 in. S of Canisp, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 101), Sp. 313. Lochan Laoigh, 5 ms. E of Strathcarron, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 370. Loch Assynt, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 270. Loch Avon, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 210. Loch Ba, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 462a. Loch Bee, South Uist (O.S. Sh. 79), Sp. 210, 407, 409. Loch Brandy, Glen Clova, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210, 370, 400, 426, 458. Loch Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 212, 455. " Loch Bruiach," see Loch a' Bhruthaich, Sp. 175, 394. LochBuilg, " Loch Bulg," 2ms. ENEofBen Avon, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210, 420. Loch Calder, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 259. Loch Callatar, Braemar, Aberdeenshire (0 S. Sh. 65), Sp. 325, 338. Loch Charlobhaidh or Carloway, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 105), Sp. 315. Loch of Cliff, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 400, 428. Loch of Clunie, Stormont, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 484. Loch Coire Fionnaraich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. Loch Coruisk, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 233, 270, 319, 325, 376. "Loch Damhain" probably Lochan Beinn Damhain. Loch Doon, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 8, 14), Sp. 426. Loch Duich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 210, 313, 314, 338, 462. Lochearnhead, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 13, 98, 270. Loch Eil, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 315, 370. Loch Eireboll, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 210. Loch Etchachan, 1 m. NE. of Ben Macdui, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 34. Loch Etive, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 510. Loch Eynort, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 270, 445, 450, 454, 488. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 235 Loch Fada, see Lochan Facia, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 450. Loch Fallart, Loch Follart, Donveganl, Skye. Loch Finsbay, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 315. " Loch Fewn, Loch Fevva," Ross-shire, Sp. 407. Loch Fyne, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 45, 65, 83, 90, 237. " Loch Garvaig " Loch Garbhaig, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 91), Sp. 289. Loch Garve, Ross-shire (O.S. Sli. 83), Sp. 370, 4C6. Loch Gelly, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), ' Sp. 277 H. Loch Gilp, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 45. Loch Glass, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 458. Loch Glencoul, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sli. 107), Sp. 270. " Loch Gorm," An Gorm-Loch, 1^ ms. SK of Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 210. Loch Gorm. Ivinlochluichart, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), 'Sp. 210. Loch Humphrey, 3 ms. ENE of Dum- baiton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 450. Loch Inchard, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 317. Loch Inver, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 325, 376, 407. Loch Katrine, Stirlingshire and Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 259. Loch Kishorn, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 45, 78, 193. Loch Laggan, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 63), Sp. 469. Loch Langavat, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 315. Lochlea, Tarbolton, Kyle, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 597. Loch Lee, P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 45. Loch of Leys, 1^ m. N of Banchory, Kiu- cardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 462&. Loch Lochy, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 2. Loch Lomond, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 271. Loch Long, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 38), Sp. 233, 237, 278. Loch Luichart, Ross and Cromarty (O.S. Sh. 93, 83). Loch Maaruig, Seafortli, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 325. Loch Maddy, North Uist (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 407. Loch Maree, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 83, 85, 210, 270, 313, 314, 317, 325, 338, 481, 462. Loch Meadaidh, "Loch Mheadaidh" Bur- ners, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 338. Loch Morar, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 61), Sp. 210. Loch Muich, 5 ms. SSW of Ballater, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210. "Loch Muillardoch," Loch Mullardoch, Ross-shire and Inveruess-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 210. "Loch na Muilne," Loch a Mhuilin, NE side of Loch Roag, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 105), Sp. 317. Loch nan Long, North Uist (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210. " Loch na Sgalaig," Loch Bad na Sgalaig. Loch Ness, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 14, 15, 98, etc. Loch Ranza, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210, 313, 314, 316, 462. Lochridge, Stewarton, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 270. Lochridge Hill, H ms. N of Dunlop, Ayr- shire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 210. Loch, Roag, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 105), Sp. 313, 317, 462a. Loch Scavaig, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 233, 237, 319, 325, 376. Loch Scridain, "Loch Screden," Mull (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325, 330. Loch Scye, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 233, 325, 338, 462. Loch Shin, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 74, 407, 504. Loch Spey, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 64-74), Sp. 338. Loch of Spiggie, Scousburgh, Shetland (0,S. Sh. 126), Sp. 316. Loch Stack, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 462. Loch Tay, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 45, 74, 85, 148, 210, 233, 466. Loch Thamanabhaidh, " Loch Thamaway," Lewis (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 315. Loch Thormaid, 4 ms. SE of Reay, Caith- ness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 510. Loch Torridon, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 85, 210, 314, 317, 338, 407, 462. Loch Treig, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 210. "Loch of Trista," or "Loch of Vailsie," Papil Water, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237. Loch Tummel, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 250, 257. Loch Turret, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 74, 85, 210, 338, 458. Loch Varkasaig, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 434, 443, 450, 456. "Loch of Velsie," Papil Water, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237. Loch of Watlee, "Walkley Loch," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 481. Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210. Longcleugh or Langcleugh Burn, Leadhills, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. " Long Craig," Lang Crag, 2 ms. NE of Dumbarton town (O.S. Sh. 30), ,S>. 443, etc. Long Gallery, between Thornyhivc Bay and Tremuda Bay, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210, 270, 450. 236 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Longwood, Dumfriesshire, Sp. 254. Losoiemouth, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 83, 286, 550. "Lossit Hill," Isla, ?Creagan Loisgte, otherwise Dun Lossit, Sound of Islay (O.S. Sh. 27), or else near Lossit Bay, The Rhynns, Islay, Sp. 237, 259. Loth, Sutheiiandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 175. Lot's Wife, coast of Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 210. London Hill, 2 ms. E of Darvel, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22). Loudoun, 1 m. NW of Galston, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 270. "Lua yayi, Lua Yaya," cnoc nam Braich, ^ in. W of L. Uaigneach ? Loch Uamh Oheadha, Rispond, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 315, 458. Livle Quarry, Blair Athole, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 210, 469, 484. Lugton, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 175, 270. Luib Dhaimh, may be Lua yayi (see above). Luinga Bheag, Loch nan Cillteau, South Morar, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 61), Sp. 210. "Lumboga," Lamb Hoga, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 124), Sp. 210. Lumphinans, Lochgelly, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. H. Lumsden, north Clova, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76). Lunan, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 257, 488. Lunga, Treshnish Isles (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 233, 270, 319, 325, 376, 434, 443, 450, 455, 456. Lunna Ness, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 210. Lurg Mhor, Lochalsh, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210, 407. Luthrie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 489. Lyden Quarry, Belston, Carluke, Lanark- shire (O.S. Sh. 23), Sp. 45. Lynedale, Loch Snizort, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 447. Lynedale, Pentland Hills, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 45. Lyne Water, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 45. M Mabie, Kirkbean, Kirkcudbright (O.S. Sh. 9), Sp. 232, 257, 270. Macallister's Cave, " Spar Cave of Strath- aird," Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 270. Maclean's Nose, Ardnamurchan, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 210. Macphie's Hill, " Macfie's Ben," Mingulay, (O.S. Sh. 58), Sp. 237, 313. "Macrahanish Point," ?Macringan's Point, Campbelton Loch, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 259, 270. Macringan's Point, Campbelton Loch, Kin- tyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12) (see above). Magus Muir, St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 83, 210, 257, 270, 277. Magus Quarry, " Strathkinnen," Strath- kinness, St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Maisley, 2 ms. SW of Keith, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 28, 175. Mammie Hill, between Glen Finzie and Glen Gairn, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75). " Mam Ratagan," "Mam Ratachan," Druim Sgurr nan Cabar, Loch Duich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 370. Manor House, Oban, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 330. Manse, The, of Hoy, north end of Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 233. Maol Cheann-dearg, Clunie Forest, Inver- ness-Ross border (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 462A. Maol nan Dainh, Ben More, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 407, 438, 454. Marchburn, New Cunmock, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 2. Marnoch, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 398, 428. " Marr's Quarry," Barrs Quarry, north shore of Loch Etive, Benderloch, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 34, 313, 510. Mauchline, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 15. Maxwellbank Farm, Kirkcudbrightshire , Sp. 269. Meadhaidh (Loch), "Loch Meadonaich," Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 114). " Meadow of the Kaim, or Kame," probably i m. SE of Cam Head or Kame of Hoy ("O.S. Sh. 119), 3 23' 20" W, Sp. 232, 269. "Meal Chean Dearg," see Maol Cheann- dearg. Meall a' Bhragaidb, Sgonnan Mor, "Ben Brackie" or "Ben Brachaid," Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 316. Meall an Liath, Reay Forest, Sutherland- shire, Sp. 313, 338, 370. Meall an Rairigidh, Fannich Forest, Contin, Cromartyshire (O.S. Sh. 92), Sp. 210, 406. Meall Bhalach, N of Kingshouse, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 315, 316, 407. Meall Buidhe, 3 ms. NW of Loch Lyon, county boundary of Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 233. " Meall Buithe," see the above. " Meall Damph," ? Meall nan Damh, west of Killin, or Cam Daimh, county boundary at the head of Gleann Dhamh, Glen Lyon Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 233. Meall Dearg, " Sgurr Derag," Harta Corrie, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 319. 325. Meall Dubh, Coyle Hills, south of Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65). Sp. 317. "Meall Garabh," Meall Garbh, H m. NNE of Ben Lawers, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 250, 469. "Meall Garabh, "Meall Garbh, Loch Tulla, Glen Etive, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53). Meall Ghaordie, "Meal Girdy or Girdie," SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 237 north side of Glen Lochy, Kenmore P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh, 46), tip. 210. Meall Gruaidh, "Croy,"3 ins. NE of Ben Lawers, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 370. Meall Luaidhe, "Meall Luidh, Meall Lui," 3 ms. NW of Ben Lawers, Perthshire (O.S. 46), Sp. 210. Meall Meadhonach, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114). Meall Mor (copper mines f in. S of), "Emus, Urrhins, etc., Kiutyre," Knap- dale, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 237, 257, 270. Meall na Creige, "Corriebuie Hill," south side of Loch Tay, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 13, 83. Meall nan Tarmachan, "Meal Ptarmichan," NXE of Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46). "Meall nan Uamh," ? m. NW. of Lochan nan Damh, H m. S of Corriecharmaig, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 13. "Meall Stob Garabh," Meall Garbh, 1 m. NE of Ben Lawers, Perthshire (0. S. Sh. 47), Sp. 233. Meikle Cloak, 1 m. NNW of Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 450. Melford, ?Melfort, Kilbrandon, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 36), Sp. 338. Mel more Mount, 3 ms. N of East Loch Tar- bert, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29). Melrose, , Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 25). Melsetter, South "Walls, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 269. " Menimuir Burn, Lanilash," Monamore Burn, Arran (O.S. Sh. 13), Sp. 210. "Menimuir Burn, Monnypeel Burn, etc., Cassencarrie," Monypool Burn, Kirk- maben, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 8, 71, 100, 601, 602. Miabhag, West Loch Roag, Lewis (O.S. Sh. 105), Sp. 210, 237, 315. Mid Calder, Ediuburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45. "Mid Clova," Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 398. "Middle Coyle Hill," The Goyle, Glen Muick, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 237, 481. Middlefield, Cupar, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. Middle Hill, Ochils, Clackmannanshire, Sp. 42. Middleshope (? Middle Shop), Mine, Stron- tian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 442. Middleton of Balquhain, Inverurie, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 31, 175, 323, 462B. "Mid Glen Clova," one of the glens at Clova, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 398. Mid Hill, Killin, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 250. Midstrath, Birse P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 2, 74, 175, 318, 462. t " Midsummoner, Buchan," Aberdeenshire, Sp. 210. Mill Burn, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 233. Millden, North Esk, Edzell, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 400, 458. Milleath, " Hill of Muluth," Cairnie, Aber- deenshire. Millhole Quarry, Ascog, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 271. Millknow, near Priestlaw, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 719. ' ' Mill of Aldernie." see Aldernie. Mill of Auchintoul, Marnoch, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 398, 428. Millport Bay, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 376. Millton, "Milltown," Glen Urquhart, In- verness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 317, 318, 329, 338, 338A, 370, 394, 406, 409, 428, 458, 462, 510. Milngavie, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30). Sp. 319. Milton, St Cyrus, Kiucardineshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210. Minnigatf, "Kinnigaff," Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 45. Misty Law Muir, south of Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210. Mouach Islands, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 78), Sp. 210, 237, 316, 338, 407, 510. Mouadh Driseag, Ben Cruachan, Argyll- shire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 408. Monaltrie Hill, Ballater, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 315. " Monaltrie, Pass of," see Pass of Ballater, | Sp. 45, 210, 313, 314, 316, 344, 370, 458, 461, 462. "Monnymusk," Monymusk, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76). "Monuypeel Burn, Cass,encarrie," see Meni- muir Burn. Montrose, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 270, 478, 488, 489. Morenish, north-west of Loch Tay, Ken- more, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 325, 338, 458, 481. Mortlach, Banffshire, Sp. 400. Morton, Tent's Muir, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Morven, Argyllshire, Sp. 45, 58, 70. Morven Hill, Logie Coldstone, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Mount Battock, south-western border of Kincardineshire, next Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 344. "Mount Errins, Mount Urrhins, etc., Kin- tyre," see Meall Mor Copper Mines. Mount Keen, western border of Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210. Mount of Haddoch, ^ m. from Three Burns Head, Cabrach, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 426. Mount Shade, Strachan P., Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 85, 210, 270. " Mouwick, Lambhoga," Moo Wickj Lamb Hoga, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 325. 238 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Muckle Fergie Burn, Gaulrig, Tomintoul, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 15, 270, 319, 330, 445. "Muckle Head Geo," east coast of Balta, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 325. Mugdock Tunnel, 1 m. S. of Strathblane, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 450. Muir, Birse, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 2, 74, 175, 232, 318, 325. Muirhouse Law, south of Maxton, Roxburgh- shire (O.S. Sh. 25), Sp. 210. Muirhouse Quarry, Kilmalcolm, Renfrew- shire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 271, 438, 488. Mulben, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 719. Mullach a' Lusgan, Berneray (O.S. Sh. 58), Sp. 237. Mull of Cantyre or Kin tyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 438, etc. " Mull of Oe, Maol na Ho," Mull of Oa, Islay (O.S. Sh. 19), Sp. 232, 254, 318. Murdoch Head, "Murdoch's Cairn," 4 m. S. of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 175, 210, 316, 458, 462n. Murroch, 1 in. NNE of Dumbarton (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 270. " Mussel," Leitir Mhuiseal, south of Ben Hope, Sutherlandshire(O.S. Sh. 108), Sp. 338. t Muthlick. Myrton, Myretown, Blebo, near St An- drews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 210, 270. N Na tri Chaochain, " Allt na Fluor, Allt tri Caochain, Allt tri Conachan," west bank of R. Avon, 3 ins. below Inchrory, Kirk- michacl, Banff shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 175. t Naver Broch, ? Naver Rock, Farr, Suther- land (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 250. Needle's Eye, coast of Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 210. Ness of Hillswick, "Hillswickness," Shet- land, Sp. 210, 232, 233, 315, 458, 462, 469, 484. " Neuker Hill," Nicavord, or Peerie Heog, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), see Nikka Vord. Nevay P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 45. New Abbey, near Criffrl, Kirkcudbright- ; shire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 85, 210, 258, 269, j 313, 316, 317, 325, 338, 404, 409, 462, j 510, 549. Newbi<*gin Farm, north of Uphall, Linlith- gowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270, 450. Newburgh Abbey, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. New Cumnock, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 28, 107, 221, H. New Leslie, 7 ms. NNE of Alford, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 313. New Luce, Wigtownshire (O.S. Sh. 8), Sp. 45. New Meldrum, Aberdeenshire, Sp. 462. Newpark, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 270. Newstead, Roxburghshire, Sp. 25. Newton, south of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 370. Newton Bay, North Uist (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 317. " Newton Mora," Glen Urquhart, Inverness- shire, Sp. 315, 338. Newtonmore, Speyside, Inverness-shire, Sp. 338A, 462. Newton Quarry, Elgin (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 232, 720. Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 2, 45, 83, 98. Newtyle Quarry, Birnam, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 83, 85. " Nicaford Hill," see Nikka Vord. Niddister, Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), see Nudister. Niddrie, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 719, 746. t Niddry, Newbigging. Nigg, Stoneyhill of, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 79), Sp. 85, 426, 426A, 426s. Nikka Vord, Nika Vord, " Nicaford, Nica Vord, Nikafirth, Neuker Hill," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237, 241, 267, 277, 302, 325, 468A, 481. Nisabost, "Nishibost," Harris (O.S. Sh. 98), Sp. 315. Nith R., mouth of the, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 6), Sp. 210, 232. "Nithista, Nidista," Niddister, Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 458, etc. Norman's Law, 3 ms. NW of Moonzie, Fife- shire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. North Berwick, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 271, 237, 254, 257, 258, 269, 314, 319, 376, 719, 720. "North Glen Clova," one of the glens at Clova, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 398, 426, 509A. " North Cross Geo," Quin Geo, at the north end of Cross Geo, Harold's Wick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237, 262, 270, 271, 272A, 484. Northfield Quarry, Springfield, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 488. Northmaven, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 210, 257. North Mine Limeworks, Bathgate Hills, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 270. North Naversgill, Fair Isle, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 123), Sp. 54, 83. " North Quin Geo," south- west angle of Nor Wick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 175, 210, 407. " North Rona," Rona island, in Barvas P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 210, 237, 325, 338, 370. "North Ronaldsha," North Ronaldsay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 122), Sp. 210. North Uist, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 338, 407. " Norwick," "Ting of Norwick," Nor Wick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 272A, 400, 484. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 239 Noss, island east of Lerwick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 323, 324. Noup Head, Westray, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 121), Sp. H. " Noups of Graveland," west coast of Yell, Shetland, S of Whale Firth (O.S. Sh. 130 and 131), Sp. 317. "Nudister, Nithister," see Niddister, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 316, 337, 338, 407, 458, 462, 468, 469, 481. Nuns Cave, coast south-west of Carsaig Bay, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), 270. Oa, Mull of, " Mull of Oe," Islay (O.S. Sh. 19), Sp. 258, 269. Oban, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 45), Sp. 2, 85, 210, 255, 270, 330, 462. Ochils, Stirlingshire, etc. (O.S. Sh. 39, 40, 48), Sp. 14, 45, 54, 85, 210, 233, 270, 319, 325, 338, 376, 445, 462, 504, 601, 719. Ochtertyre, Kincardine P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 481. Odsta, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237, 468, 484. Oigh-sgeir, " Hyskeir," SW of Canna (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 313, 314. Old Balquhain, \ m. NW of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 319. Old Battery, The, Portsoy, Baiiffishire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 233, 319, 323, 338, 407, 484, 510. Old Deer P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 233. tOldhall, Aberdeenshire, Sp. 344. Old Kilpatrick P. (Bowling in), Dumbar- tonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 269, 270, 442. Old Man of Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 259. Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 319. fOld Saughton, Roxburghshire, Sp. 210. Ollas Voe, Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 210. Onich Quarry, Ballaohulish, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 461. Orbost, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 270. tOrchardton, Kirkcudbrightshire, Sp. 270. Ord Bain, "Ord Ban," near Loch-an-Eilein, Duthil P., Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 270, 338, 370. Onl Fell, Huntly, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 210. Ord of Caithness, The, boundary of Suther- land and Caithness (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp.'l75. "Ord Hill," The Ord, Lairg, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 83, 210. Ormiston, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. H. Orphir, & ra. W of Waulkmill Bay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 270. Orval, Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 315. Osmondwall, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117). Ousdale, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 175. Ovcrhill, Belhelvie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 270. tOwry, Craig, Sp. 259. Palnure, Cairnsmore, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 2, 74, 83, 98. Panmure, Panbride, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 453. " Pannanich," Pananich, south bank of the Dee, 2 ms. ENE of Ballater, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210. Papa Stour, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 175, 259, 269. "Parton Craig," Tayport, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 210, 478, 488, 509c. Pass of Ballater, "Pass of Monaltrie," Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 175, 210, 313, 314, 316, 344, 458, 462. "Pass of Cralech, Clunie of Inveruchie," ?Bealach Coir' a' Chait, Inverness-shire (O.S. SI). 72), Sp. 338. Pass of the Ladder, Glen Mark, Aberdeen- Forfarshire boundary (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 210. " Pass of Monaltrie," see Pass of Ballater. Path of Condie, Forteviot, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 210. Peanes Quarry, Largo, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 271. Peel, Islay, Sp. 271. Peerie Heog or Nikka Vord, " 3STeuker Hill," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 83, 241, 303, 481, 484, 500. "Peinn a Crosh," Pennycross, Loch Scridain, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 2. tPendal Burn, Sp. 270. Peniel Heugh, "Peniel Height, Poniel Height," Crafting P., Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 25), Sp. 313, 319. Pennel Burn, Garpel Water, Muirkirk, Ayr- shire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 232. Pennycross House, Carsaig, Mull (O.S. Sh. 44), Sp. 270. Pentland Hills (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45, 83, 85, 210, 232, 233, 257, 269, 270, 271, 319, 325, 338, 376, 462, 483A, 719. Persley, NW of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 257. Peterhead, Aberdeenshire coast (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 327. Pettycur, Fifeshire coast, near Burntisland (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 271, 319, 325, 376, 443, 489, 719, H. " Phillipshill," East Kilbride, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 23), Sp. 270. Phopachy, Eirkhill P., Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 315. Pibble, Mine at, Kirkmabreck P., Kirkcud- brightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 45, 58, 273, 281, 288, 423, 484, 551, 741. t Picket Craig, R. Esk, Sp. 259. 240 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Pinbain, Lendalfoot, Ayrshire coast (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 15, 320, 323, 325, 423, 481, 490, 509s, 550, 741. Piperhill Quarry. 4 ms. S of Nairn (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 85, 270. Pitarxie, " Pitarvie," Gruids, 1 m. W of Lairg Station, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 719. Pitcaithly, Pitkeathly, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. Pitfichie, " Pitfechie, Monnyrnusk," Mony- mnsk, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 232, 315, 398. "Pitfodles," Pitfoddles, Banchory Devenick P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 210, 313, 316, 344, 462. Pitlocli, Bodden, ? Peat Loch, Lunan, For far- shire, Sp. 270. Pitlochry, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 549. Pitrodie Den, Kilspindie, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. Pittentrail, Strath Fleet, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103). Poet's Glen, Carrie, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 166. Pogbie, " Pockbie," near Fala, Haddington- shire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. "Point of Ness," The Ness, Stromness, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 58, 96, 280, 313. "Pol an Drein," Allt Poll na Droighinn, Inchnadamff, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 316. "Pollock Castle," Upper Pollock, Neilston P., Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 277. "Pollockshiels, 1 ' Pollockshields, Renfrew- shire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 70. Polmaily, "Polmally," Glen Urquhart, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 318, 329, 338, 481, 484, 549. Pomona, or Mainland, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 45, 94, 210, 719, H. "Pontshields," Wanlockwater (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 210. Poolewe, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 91), Sp. 407. Port an Duine Mhairbh, " Dead man's Bay," lona (O.S. Sh. 43). Port Askaig Islav (O.S. Sh. 27), Sp. 85, 271. Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 445. Port Mary House, "House of Port Mary," Dundrennan, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 5), Sp. 210. Port na Curaich, " Portachurich, Porta- churich," lona (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 481, 484. Port nan Long, coast opposite Berneray, North Uist (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 315, 316, 338. Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 2, 74, 210, 237, 241, 262, 270, 277, 300, 315, 316, 318, 319, 323, 324, 325, 329, 338, 370, 393, 400, 407, 426, 428, 458, 462, 462A, 462B, 469, 481, 484, 509c, 510, 549. Potrail Water, Daer Water, Lowther Hills, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 277. Preshome, near Enzie, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 250. "Pressendye Hill," Cushnie Hill, Tarland P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 399. t "Presendye Hill, Sockaugh." Preston, m. S of Linlithgow (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. H. Priesthope, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 210. Prince Charlie's Cave, Skye (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 33. Prosenhaugh, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 271. Pulpit Rock, Kincardineshire coast near Grange Burn, Kinneff (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210. Pumpherston, 12 ms. SW of Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 166. 271, 277, H. " Pundy Geo," east coast of Mainland, 1 m. S. of Point of Fethaland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237, 468, 481, 404. Quarry of Muir, Aberdeenshire, Sp. 74, 318, 325. t Queel Burn, near Barglass Burn, Aberdeen- shire, Sp. 210. Queen Geos, The, Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). tQueenside Hill, Queen Law, Sp. 719. Queen's View, Loch Tummel, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 257. Queenside Muir, 9 ms. S of Greenock, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210. Quendale Bay, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 124), Sp. 83, 85. "Quey firth Voe," Quey Firth, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 241, 319, 320, 406, 481. Quinag, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 107), Si>. 210, 289. Quin Geo, south-west angle of Nor Wick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237, 262, 272, 484. Quin Geo, head of Cross Geo, Harolds Wick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 484. Quiraing, Skye (O.S. Sh. 90), Sp. 148, 210, 435, 443, 447, 449, 450, 455, 456, 456u, 488. R Raahead, East Kilbride, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 23), Sp. 270. t" Rabbit Hill," Luthrie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 257, 270. Rack Wick, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 270, 746, H. Raith Quarry, " Chapel quarry," Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85, 96, 270, ?435, H. Rashielee Quarry, 1 m. S of Erskinehouse, Inchinnan P., Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30). Rassal " Mines," Russel, head of L. Kishorn Applecross P., Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 81). Ratho, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 241 85, 210, 233, 270, 277, 319, 325, 330, ? 343, 376, 450. "Ravens Rock," Creag an Fhithich, Strath - peffer, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 370, 394, 406, 426, 458, 549, H. Rawhead Moor, ? Raahead, q.v., Sp. 259. Reay, eastern Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 210, 250, 338, 510. Red Burn, Aberdeenshire, Sp. 210. Red Craig, 2 ras. N of Clova, Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 241, 323. Redhythe, Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 74, 250, 458, 484, 720. Red Point, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 338, 452B. Reelick Burn, "Reelig Burn, Rulig Burn," Kirkhill, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 341, 484. t Reeva Bay, Shetland, Sp. 54. " Retannoch," Retanach, Rothiemay P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 233, 324, 329. "Rhian," Claonel, 1 m. NW of Lairg Sta- tion, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 719. Rhiconich, Loch Inchard, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 83. "Rhu Craig a Vail," Creag a' Mhail, Scourie, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 338A, 484. Rhynie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 323. " Riaforth," Reafirth, foot of Laxa Burn, Mid Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 317. Ribigill, 2 m. SSE of Tongue, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 313, 315, 338, 426, 510. Rinachat, " Rinashat," f m. NW of Bal- moral Castle, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 315. Rinloan, Glengairn, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 65), Sp. 2, 74, 318, 325, 370, 393, 510. Rispond, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 85, 210, 237, 313, 314, 315, 317, 338, 462A. River " Ailnach, Alnach," Water of Ailnack, Banffshire, Sp. 210, 250, 313, 316. River Almond, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270. River Avon, Banffshire, etc., Sp. 313. River Inver, Sutherlandshire (0. S. Sh. 107), Sp. 338. Roan fell, Liddesdale, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 11), Sp. 45. Robbers Cleugh, 4 m. E of Ellemford, Whit- adder, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 33), 210. Roberts Linn, " Robbs Linn," Hobkirk P., Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 210. Rock and Spindle, Kinkell, coast SE of St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 233, 270, 271, 319, 325, 376. "Rock of St Skae," St Skeoch, Bodden, Craig, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210. VOL. n. "Rock of Stromay," Stromay, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 316, 317. tRock of Waltley, Sp. 338. Rodil, south of Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 74, 325. Roneval, south of Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 370. Rosemarkie, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 2. Roseneath, Dumbartonshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 323. " Rossie Ochil," Rossieochill, Forgandenny, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 210, 237. Ross of Mull (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 13, 85, 210, 233, 313, 316, 319, 325, 338, 370, 376, 407, 426, 462, 510. Rothes, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 719. Rothesay, Buteshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 85, 232A, 233, 237, 270, 319, 325, 376. Rothiemay, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 2, 317, 323A, 329, 338, 481, 484. Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 45, 325, H. Roy Cave, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210, 270. Rubislaw, 1 m. SW of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 85, 210, 315, 317, 344, 370, 458, 462A, 462B, 469, 509, 549. Ruddon's Point, "Shooter's Point, Ruddoch Point, Ruddon Point," west of Elie, Fife- shire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 233, 270, 376, 450, 719. Rudha a' Chamais Bhain, \ m. N of Glen- sanda Castle, Morven, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 45, 58, 70, 210, 270, 273, 719. Rudha na h- Airde Glaise, coast 2 ms. NE of Portree, Skye (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 450. Rudha nan Clach, Loch Bracadale, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 270, 376, 435, 443, 447, 450, 488. " Rudha Storr," Point of Stoer, Sutherland- shire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 210. Rudh' Earr an Sguirr, coast 1 m. N of L. Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70). Ruighe Raonuill, perhaps "Fee Donald" (q.v.), Strontian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52). Rulig, Reelig, see Reelick, Inverness-shire, Sp. 341, 484. Rye Water, Dairy P,, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 443, 447. S "Sail Chaoruim," Sail Chaoruinn, north of Clunie Inn, Glenshiel, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 74), Sp. 210, 313, 370. t " Sail Riabhach, Clunie." Sail Riabhach, Lochalsh P. (O.S Sh. 82), Sp. 370. St Aethan's Well, Burghead, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 45. St Andrews, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 233, 407, 720. St Anthony's Chapel, Queen's Park, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 271, 319, 325, 376, 719. Q 242 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. St Bernard's Well, Water of Leith, Edin- burgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325. St Catherines, Loch Fyne, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 37), Sp. 83, 90, 271. St Catherine's Well, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. H. St Cyrus, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 453, 488, 489. St David's, Firth of Forth, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 319, 325. "St Martin's Isle," probably St Ninian's Isle, west of Sandwick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 426. St Monans or St Monance, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 85, 210, 270, 233, 319, 325. St Mungo, Dalton, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 10), Sp. 210. St Ninian's Isle, W of Sandwick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 426. Sale Burn, see "Burn of the Sail," Bring, Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 210, 257. Salisbury Crags, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 232, 233, 257, 270, 319, 325, 376, 401, 411, 450, 490, 549, 719. Sallwick, "Selwick," Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 597. Salum Bay, Tiree (O.S. Sh. 42), Sp. 409. Samson's Ribs, Queen's Park, Edinburgh (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325, 330, 411. Sanda, Canna (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 438, 443, 447, 450. Sandaig Island, Loch Hourn, Inverness- shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 83, 210. Sanday, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 122), Sp. 210, 317, 338, 395, 549. Sandend, Portsoy, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 85, 250, 270, 400, 458, 462. Sandlodge Mine, Mousa Sound, Sandwick P., Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 15, 83, 85, 148, 193, 210, 232, 257, 259, 269A, 270, 273, 288, 313, 740. Sands Gio, Sands Geo, Walls, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 317). f Sandside, Banffshire. "Sandwick Bay," Sand Wick, Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). Sandwood, 6 ms. S of Cape Wrath, Suther- land (O.S. Sh. 113). "Sandy Geo, Clebber Geo, Klebber Geo, etc.," southwest coast of the Ness of Hills- wick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129). Saugo Bay, Durness, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 270. Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 85, 210, 270, 319, 325. "Sartle," Suardal, Dunvegan, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 452. "Saval," Saville, Otters Wick, Burness, Sanday, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 122), Sp. 537, 549. Saxavord, Saxa Vord, north end of Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237. Scabra Head, "Scarbrake Head," Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 325. Scalpay, Harris (O.S. Sh. 99), Sp. 394. "Scarabein," Scaraben, Langwell, Caith- ness (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13. Scara Ruadh, "Scuir Ruadh, Scaire Ruidh, etc.," southeast side of Loch Langabhat, South Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 323. "Scarbrake Head," Scabra Head, Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 325. Scar Burn, Wanlock Water, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. Schiehallion, 12 ms. WSW of Blair Athol, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55). "Sclattery, Sclattey, Sclattie," Sclatie, 3 ms. NW of Aberdeen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 210, 313, 314, 316, 462s. Scoltie Hill, H ms - SW of Bauchory, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210, 313, 314, 316, 462B. " Scooray, Craig na Fern," Sp. 338A. Scourie, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 107), Sp. 313. " Scraulac, The," Meikle Sgroilleach, Strath- don, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75). Scroggie, Firth of Tay, due south of Dundee (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210. " Scuir Derag," Dearg Sgeir, Torosay, Mull (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 210, 313, 316, 338, 401, 407, 453, 462. "Scuir na Bannachtich," Sgurr na Banach- dich, Cumin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 479. "Scuir na Caiche, Loch Nevish," Sgor na Ciche, 3 ms. NE of the head of Loch Nevis (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 462A. Scuir of Eigg, An Sgurr, Eigg (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 314. "Scuir Mhor, Scuir Mohr," Sgurr Mor, Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 479, 489. "Scuir Ruadh, Scaire ruidhe, "Scara Ruiadh," Scara Ruadh, SE shore of Loch Langavat, S. Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 210, 323. Sculliongower, Campsie, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 30, 31), Sp. 210, 270. "Scurdy Ness," The Ness, Montrose, Forfar- shire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 489. " Scurr a Choiunich." " Scurr Hill, "Scurr, & m. ENE of Balmerino, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 438, 453, 489, 719. Scurr na Gillean, Sguir nan Gillean, Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325, 376, 407, 411. Seafield Tower, shore, south of Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 85, 210, 232, 233, 257, 270, 319, 325, 746. Seanna Bhaile, Beinn Gulabin, Glenshee, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 2. " Seargeantland," Sergeantlaw, 2 ms. W of Barrhead, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 411. " Seelie Voe," Seli Voe, Sandness, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 127), Sp. 210. Selwick, 1 m. W of The Ness, Stromness, SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 243 Mainland, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 45. t "Sgarsoch," Perthshire, Sp. 250. Sgeir a' Chaisteil, Treshnish Islands (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 447, 450, 455. "Sgeir Dearg, Skier Derag," Dearg Sgeir, Torosay, Mull (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 233, 270. 325, 330, 376, 450. Sgor a' Chadail, Loch Torridon, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 210. Sgor a' Chonais aite, N end of Beinn Laoghal, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), ,s/>. 157, 237, 269, 315, 316. t Sgor Dim, Sutherlandshire, Sp. 510. Sg6r na Ciche, " Scviir na Caiche," head of Loch Nevis, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 315. Sgor na h - Ulaidh, "Scuir nah Ulaidh," Glen Creran, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53). Sgurr a Bhac Gaol as. Sgiirr a' Bhasteir, "Scuir Allister," and? "Sgurr a Bhac Castar," Skye (O.S. Sh. 70). Sgurr a' Choire-bheithe, "Scuir a Coire Bheithe," Loch Nevis, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 400. Sgurr Choinnich, " Sguir a Choinnich," ?Tom a' Choiniche, Mouar, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 370. Sgurr an Duine, 1 m. S of L. Eynort, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 435, 443, 445, 447. Sgurr an Lochau, Glen Shiel, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 462B. Sgurr Beag, Glen Shiel, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 370. Sgurr an Doire Leathain, Maol Cheann dearg, GlenQuoich, Inverness-shire (O.S.Sh. 72). "Sgurr Coire an Laoigh, Loch Treig,"?at the head of Allt Coire an Rath, Glen Treig(O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 210. Sgurr Coire na Feinne, Maol Cheann dearg, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72). "Sgurr Dearg," Cuillin Hills, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70). Sgurr Dubh "Sgurr Dhubh," Coulin Forest, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. "Sgurr Duhh," Sgurr na Ciste Duibhe, Beinn Mhor, Glen Shiel, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 210, 458. Sgurr Mor, "Bloodstone Hill, Creag nan Stiarnan, etc.," Rum (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 270, 489. " Sgurr na Caiche," see Sgor na Ciche. t Sgurr na Forcan. t Sgurr na Gretein, Ross-shire, Sp. 370. Sgurr na Lapaich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 325. Sgurr nam Boc, Loch Brittle, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 435, 443. Sgurr nan Ceathramhan, "Cetheranan, Scuir na Caiman, Scuir na Ceatherann, etc.," Glen Affric, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 210. Sgurr nan Ceathramhan, "Scuir nan Ceretain," etc., Kintail, Inverness (O.S. Sh.)72. Sgurr nam Fiadh, coast N of Loch Eynort, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325, 376, 438, 443, 445, 447, 454. Sgurr nan Gillean, Scuir na Gillean, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 233, 237, 270, 319, 325, 376, 407, 411. t Sgurr nan Perenan, Ross-shim, Sp. 370. Shapinshay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 120), Sp. H. " Sheep's Craig," North Berwick, Hadding- tonshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 210. "Sheep's Geo," coast at Skeld, Fonla, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 125), Sp. 210, 270. Shenwell, Upper Black Water, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 85, 259. Shepherd's Neuk, 2 ms. NW of Levcn, Fife- shire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 210. "Sheriffmile," ?Sheriffston, 2 ins. E of Elgin (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 45. Shillay, Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 315. Shiness, "Shinuess," 5 ms. NW of Lairg, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 102), Sp. 34, 74, 85, 270, 313, 318, 325, 338, 462, 469, 484, 510, 549. Shivering Cairns, probably Dancingcairns, 2 in. NW of Aberdeen city, Sp. 462 B. "Shooter's Point, Ruddock Point," see Ruddon's Point, coast W of Elie, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 451, etc. Sillyearn Hill, 2 ms. NE of Grange Station, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 324, 370, 428. " Silvercraigs, a rocky point between Loch Fyne and Loch Gilp," Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29). Skarastavore, "Big Scarasta," Harris (O.S. Sh. 98), Sp. 481. Skateraw, coast of Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210. Skaw, NE Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 313. Skerry, near Hoy, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 510. " Skewsbrough, Skewsbarg, Wart of," Ward of Scousburgh, Sand wick P., Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 232, 233, 400, 481. Skiack (River), Ross-shire, Sp. 370. Skilrnanae (Hill of), Methlic, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 398. Skinnet, Halkirk P., Caithness (O.S. Sh. 116), Sp. 45, 719. Skolie Burn, " Scolie Burn," Mid Calder, Edinburgh shire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 45, 85. "Skuir of Eigg," An Sgurr (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 85, 338, 434, 445, 488. Slack Burn, " Birnie Slack," Fordoun P., Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 13, 85. Slacks of Olencarvie, Strathdon, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 481. Slainges, The, south of Tod Head, Kinneff, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 438. Small Isles, Jura (O.S. Sh. 28), Sp. 85, 96. Smiddyhill, Logic Coldstone, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 426. Smithfield, East side of Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 85. 244 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Smoo Cave, Durness, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 210, 270, 271. "Sneugar," Sneuga, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 428. " Sobul Hill," Sobul, north of Uyea Sound, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 241, 270, 277. Socach, 7 ms. SW of Huntly, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 481. The, Strathdoii, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. north of the Spital of Glenshee, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 56). Sockaugh, north of Tarland, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76). Solon Beg, Mingulay, Hebrides (0. S. Sh. 58), Sp. 210. Sound Moor, north of Boharm, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 85, 210, 270. South Bay, North Ronaldshay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 122), Sp. 210. South Ness, Walls, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 117), Sp. 210. " South Quarry, East Quarry," North Quarry, Ratho, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 277, 319, 325, 330, 376, 450. South Queensferry, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 233, 270, 271, 319, 325, 376, 450, 746, H. "South Quin Geo," Gross Geo, Harolds Wick, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 210, 407. t" South Skerry, Hebrides," Sp. 210. Southwick, Colvend, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 210). Spidean a' Coire Leith, Liathach, Glen Torridon, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. "Spidean a Coire Sheasgach," Bidean a' Choire Sheasgaich, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 210. "Spidean Coir' an Laoigh" Ben Alligin, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 81), Sp. 269. " Spidean an Eoin Derag," Bidean an Eoin Deirg, West Monar Forest, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82), Sp. 370. "Spital of Glen Shee," Spital of Glenshie, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 2. t Spyhill, Kincardineshire, Sp. 510. Stake Burn, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. t Stanathraw, Kincardineshire, Sp. 210. "Stannishal, Steinshall, Stenshol," Sten- chol, between Druim na Coille and Staffin, Skye(O.S. Sh. 90). ' ' Stannishill, " Stoneshiel. Whitadder Water, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 84), Sp. 83. Starley Burn, east of Aberdour, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 270. Stenchol Island, Stenchol Water (see above), (O.S. Sh. 90). Stenness, " Stennis," Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 257. Sterling Hill, "Stirling Hill," 3 ms. S of Peterhead, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 87), Sp. 210, 313, 314, 316, 462. " Stirling Hill," see above. Stitenham, 4 ms. N of Alness, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), % 210. Stitenham, ?Sittingham,SguiT Mairc-suidhe, southwest of Loch Luichart, Strathconan, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83). "Stob a Choin, Loch Katrine" (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 259, 269. "Stob a Choire Gaibhre, Stob Coire Gaibhre Stob Choire Clanrigh, Claurich " (or Clan- rich), ?Gleourach, Inverness-shire, Sp. 210. Stob a' Choire Mheadhonaiche, Loch Treig, Inverness-shire, Sp. 210. Stob Choire an Easin Mhor, Loch Treig, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 54), Sp. 210. "Stob Coire an Laoch," western boundary of Killin P., below Beinn Laoigh, Sp. 210. t " Stob Coire an Laoigh," Sp. 210. "Stob Coire an Liath," Meall a' Choire Leith, 2 ms. NW of Ben Lawers, Perth- shire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 85, 210. Stob Choire Ruidhe, probably f m. E of Fraochaidh, Glen Creran, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 53), Sp. 315. Stob Coire Bhuidhe, 1 m. SE of Crianlarich Station, Balquhidder, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 85. t"Stob Coire Chalourie," Inverness-shire, Sp. 210. "Stob Luib," Stob nan Luib, 3 ms. ENE of Ben More, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), 85. Stob nan Clach, Creag Mhor, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 259. Stobs (Station), Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 270. Stockie Muir, "Stocky Moor," Drymen, Stir- lingshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Stonehaven, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 98, 270, 407. Stones of Stefis, Ward of Outrabister, Lunna Ness, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128), Sp. 210. Stoneshiel, Bunkle P., Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 270. Storr, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 85, 270, 434, 435, 438, 443, 445, 447, 449, 455, 456B. Stotfield, 1 m. W of Lossiemouth, Elgin- shire (O.S. Sh. 95), Sp. 45, 98, 175, 210, 281. Straight Steps Flat (or Flot), close to Straight Steps Vein, Wanlockhead, Dum- friesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. Strait Leap, Whitadder Water, J m. N of Hoardweel, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 34), Sp. 85, 210. Strandisburgh, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237, 481. Strathardle, NE of Dunkeld, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 56), Sp. 370. Strath blane, Stirlingshire (O.S. Sh. 30), Sp. 210. Strath Brora, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. Strathconan, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 2, 85. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 245 Strathdon, Aberdeeushire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 2. Strathfarrer, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 2, 85. Strathfinnella Hill, 2 ms. W of Fordoun, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 85. Strath Fleet, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103). Strath peffer, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 85, H. Strath, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 270. "Strath Telnie," Craggie Burn, Kildonan, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13. Strath Ullidh, " Strathullie," Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 103), Sp. 13. "Strath Virich Bridge, near Arguish," Strath Vaich Bridge, near Aultguish, Con- tin, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 93), Sp. 210. Strathwhellan, near Brodick, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 272 A. Strathy, River, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 115), Sp. 316, 318, 549. Streap, " Ben Streipe," head of Glen Finnan, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 62), Sp. 370. Stroraay, " Rock of Stromay," Harris (O.S. Sh. 89), Sp. 96, 210, 237, 270, 280, 313, 316, 317, 458, 462A. Stromness, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 96, 270, 280. Stronechrubie, 2 ms. S of Inchnadamff, Sutherland (O.S. Sh. 101), Sp. 270. Strontian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 45, 58, 85, 175, 210, 270, 277, 313, 439, 442, 509c, 510, 719. Struan, Strowan, 5 ms. W of Blair Athol, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 210, 458. Struey Rocks, Benane Head, South of Arran (O.S. Sh. 13), Sp. 324. Struy Bridge, " Struay Bridge," Strath- farrer, Inverness-shire Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 83), Sp. 45, 210, 313, 315, 344, 370, 426, 458. Stuartfield, Roxburghshire, Sp. 210. " Stnartfield," Stewartfield, or else Stot- fieldhill, Jed Water, Roxburghshire (0. S. Sh. 17), Sp. 210. " Stuc a Chroin, Stuch a Chroan," etc., see Beinn a' Chroin (O.S. Sh. 46), Sp. 85. Suardal, "Sartle," Dunvegan, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 450. Suenish, North Uist, Sp. 237. Suisgi'.l, Kildonan, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 109), Sp. 13, 25, 250. Sula-sgeir, Hebrides (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 315. Sunart, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 370. Susanna Mine, Leadhills, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 290. Swinna Ness, " Swina Ness, Sweenie Ness," etc., Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237, 262, 270, 300, 323, 338, 481. Swinzie Burn, Swincie Burn, 2 ms. N of Stewarton, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 411. Sj lave thy Quarry, " Sally Tilly, Silly villy," m. W of Mountgarrie, Alford, Aber- deenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 237, 269A, 271. Taiglum, 7 ms. ESE of the Old Bridge of Ayr, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 14), Sp. 2. Taing, The, of Nor Wick, "The Ting of Norvvick," Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131). Talisker, Skye (O.S. Sh. 70), Sp. 210, 233, 270, 319, 325, 330, 376, 435, 440, 443, 447, 448, 450, 454, 455, 456, H. Talnotry, " Talnotrie, Kinnigaff," Minnigaff, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 4), Sp. 2. Tantallon Castle, E of North Berwick, Haddington shire (O.S. Sh. 41), Sp. 210, 233, 257, 270, 319, 325, 376. Taransay, W shore of Harris (O.S. Sh. 98), Sp. 210, 315, 338, 458. Tarbert, Harris, (O.S. Sh. 98, 99), Sp. 315. Tarfside, Lochlee, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66). Tarf Water, Lochlee, Forfarshire, (O.S. Sh. 26). Tarf Water, N border of Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp, 210. Tay Bridge, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 64), Sp. 210, 488, 489. Taymouth, Kenmore P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 74, 83, 289. Tayport, "Ferry Port on Craig, Parton Craig," etc., Fifeshire (O.S. Sb. 49), Sp. 210, 270, 488, 489. "Teallich," probably An Tealloch, Ross- shire (O.S. Sh. 92). Sp. 254. Tents Muir, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. 210. Ternemny, f m. E. of Knock Station, Rothiemay P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 86). Thief s Hill, Elginshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 85. " Thief s Slack," Thief's Hollow, Hill of John's Cairn, Kildrummy P., Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210. t " Thirlstane Hill, Roxburghshire," Sp. 210. Thorntonloch, Innerwick, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. Thornyhive, " Thorny Hythe," coast 2 ms. S of Stonehaven, Kiucardineshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210. Three Burns Head, 9 ms. WNW of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 85), Sp. 210, 237. Thrumster, S of Wick, Caithness (O.S. Sh. 110), Sp. 719. "Tigh M6hr, Tigh M6r, 3 ms. S of Loch Affric, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 85, 210, 270. Tighnabruaich, Kyle of Bute, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 270. Tillicoultry,Clackmannanshire(O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 14. Tillyduke, "Tullyjuke, Tillyjuke," etc., Strathdon P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 233. Tillyduke, 2 ms. S of Tarland, Aberdeen- shire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210. Tillyfourie, Monymusk, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 316, 407, 409. t Tillykery, Tillykerry. "Tillyprony," Tillypronie, Tarland P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 233, 319, 338, 462, 409, 510, 246 SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. Tilquhilly Castle, 2 ms. SE of Banchory, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 462. " Ting of Norwick," see Tains of Nor Wick (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 271A, 272, 484. Tirebagger, "Tyrie Bagger, Tyre Hagger," 4 ms. W of Dyce Junction, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 329, 370. Toberraory, Mull (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 435A. Tod Head and Todhead Point, Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 210, 270, 438, 443, 450, 453, 509c. Toe Head, W shore of Harris (O.S. Sh. 98). Toll EasH, probably " Totilessie, Mam Soul," Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 2. Toll House north of Cairn-mon-earn, Kin- cardineshire (O.S. Sh. 61), Sp. 315. "Tom a' Choinich, Seruir a Choinnich," Sgurr Choinnich, West Monar Forest. Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 82). Tombhreac, Hill of, " Towanreiff, To wan - reif," Auchindoir P., Aberdeenshire, Sp. 323, 481, 484. Tombreac, Tomintoul, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75). Tomintoul, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 481. Tomnadashan, " Tomnadashin," SE of Loch Tay), Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 34, 45, 58, 83, 85, 98, 148, 210, 270. Tongue, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 114), Sp. 85, 175, 210, 237, 270, 314, 316, 336, 370, 395, 397, 462B, 510. Tophead, Caldwell, Beith, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 270. Top of Noth, "Tapo' North, ".4 ms. NW of Muir of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 86), Sp. 210. Toibain, " Torbane," Kirkmichael P., Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 175, 510. Torbanehill, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. H. Torduff, Pentland Hills, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, 210, 270, 271, 289, 319, 325. Tormore, Machrie Bay, Arran (O.S. Sh. 21), Sp. 210. Tornahaish, "Tornabash," Strathdon P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 210. Torran, Skye (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 370. " Torridon Geo," coast south of Cape Wrath, Sutherlandshire (O.S. Sh. 113), Sp. 468. Tony, south of the Dee, opposite Aber- deen (O.S. Sh. 77), Sp. 344, 426, 458A. Totag, " Totaig," soutli shore of Loch Alsh, opposite Dornie, Ross-shire (O.S. Sh. 71), Sp. 2, 74, 325, 338, 462, 484. Touch Hills, SW of Stirling (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 85, 210, 270, 319, 325, 443, 438, 443, 450, 489, 719. "Toulassie, Toulessie, Tomlessie," probably Allt Toll Easa, N side of Glen Affric, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 72), Sp. 2. "Towanreiff," Hill of Tombhreac, Auchin- doir, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 323, 481, 484. Toward Point, Cowal, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 484. Towie P., Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 85, 210, 241, 258, 270, 338, 426, 481. "Tractagill/'Tactigill, Weisdale, Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128), Sp. 270. Tralair, Tarlair, E. suburb of Macduff, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 469. Trearne, Beith, Aryshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 70. "Treloan Bay," Trelong Bay, Kinneff P., Kincardiueshire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 450. Tremuda Bay, " Tremedy Bay," Kincardine- shire (O.S. Sh. 67), Sp. 411, 450, 478, 488. Treshnish Isles (O.S. Sh. 43), Sp. 270, 434, 443, 447, 450. "Trista Voe," Wick of Tresta, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 320, 338. Tulach Hill, Tulloch Hill and Edintien, S of Blair A thol, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 55), Sp. 74, 210, 468. Tulloch, Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210. Tullocharroch, Glen Bucket, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 75), Sp. 233, 319, 338, 462, 510, 549. Tullynessle, Aberdenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), 85. "Turn Ness," Tor Ness, S end of Hoy Orkney, (O.S. 117), Sp. 269. Turrerich, " Turrech," Amulree, Gleu Quaich, Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 47), Sp. 210. Tweed Mill, Berwickshire (O.S. Sh. 26), Sp. 746. Tweedmouth, S of Berwick, Sp. 271. Tyndrum, Killin P., Perthshire (O.S. Sh. 46), 2, 8, 45, 58, 83, 210, 270, 271 719. U Uamh Fhraing, Eigg (O.S. Sh. 60), Sp. 210, 270. Uig, Loch Snizort, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 450, 456A, 493. Uige, Druim na Coille, Skye, south edge of (O.S. Sh. 90), Sp. 319, 325. tUlric, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 325. Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 241, 262, 400, 428, 481, 483A, 484.' Uj'hall, Linlithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 270, 411, 455. Upper Craigton, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 313. Upper Inveruglas, Argyllshire, Sp. 237. Ura, "Ureh," Brei Wick, Unst, Shetland, (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 2, 13. "Urie Linga," Urie Lingey, Fetlar, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 325, 338. Urisetter, "Urister," Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 325, 338. Urquhart, Glen, Inverness-shire (O.S. Sh. 73), Sp. 2, 83, 325, 338, 394, 406. Usan, Moutrose, Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 57), Sp. 210, 257, 270, 488, 489. Uyea, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 2, 277, 325. SYNONYMIC INDEX TO SCOTTISH MINERAL LOCALITIES. 247 Vannlip, " Vanhip, Vanleep," etc., west coast of Hillswick, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 129), Sp. 85, 210, 232, 233,270,338, 370, 400, 458, 466, 469, 484. Varkasaig, Loch, Orbost, Loch Bracadale, Skye(O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 434, 443, 450, 466. Vaternish, Skye (O.S. Sh. 80), Sp. 85, 233, 270, 319, 325, 376. Viera, south of Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 288, 289, 550. W "Walkley Loch," Loch of Watlee, Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 210, 270. Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13, 14, 45, 58, 68, 71, 83, 85, 210, 232, 251, 269, 270, 271, 277, 292, 425, 504, 550, 551, 552, 564A, 719, 721, 727, 739, 740, 741, 746, 819. Ward Hill, Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 45. Wardhouse, Leslie, Aberdeenshire (O.S. Sh. 76), Sp. 210, 338. " Wart of Scousburgh," Ward of Scousburgh, Sand wick P., Mainland, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 126), Sp. 232, 233, 400. Waterland, near Lugton Station, Ayrshire (O.S. Sh. 22), Sp. 175, 270, 271. Watlee, Loch of, see " Walkley Loch " O.S. Sh. 131). Waulkmill, Tilquhilly Castle, Banchory, Kincardineshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210. Waulkmill Bay, Mainland, Orkney, Sp. 119. t " Weaklaw, North Berwick," Sp. 270. WemyssBay, Renfrewshire (O.S. Sh. 29), Sp. 83, 453. West Calder, Edinburghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 85, H. West Dod, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 270. Wester Aucheen, Burn of Turret, Lochlee P., Forfarshire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 210, 270. Westerton, Alva, Ochils, Clackmannanshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 45, 85. West Grove (or Groove), Wanlockhead, Dum- friesshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 45, 58, 68, 71, 85, 270. West Lintou, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 45. West Loch Tarbert, Harris (O.S. Sh. 98), Sp. 313. West Loch Tarbert, between Kintyre and Knapdale, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 28), Sp. 315. West Ness, Rousay, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. 45, 288, 289, 550. West Quarry, Camps, East Calder, Edin- burghshire (O.S. Sh. 32), Sp. 83, 270. West Sands, St Andrews, Fifeshire(O.S. Sh. 49), Sp. H. West Stocklet, Harris, Sp. 315. West Wemyss, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 40), Sp. 168. Whalsey, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 128). Whiggington, Garlet Hill, Tarffside, Forfar- shire (O.S. Sh. 66), Sp. 400. Whilk, coast, 1 m. S of Lendalfoot, Ayr- shire (O.S. Sh. 7), Sp. 15, 85, 210, 270, 320, 323, 325, 376, 481, 509u. Whitburn, Liulithgowshire (O.S. Sh. 31), Sp. 271. t Whitecairns, Aberdeenshire, Sp. 85, 223A., 481. t White Catterthun, Forfarshire, Sp. 210. Whitehills, Banffshire (O.S. Sh. 96), Sp. 398. tWhitemills, ? Whitehills, Banffshire, Sp. 484. Whitesmith Mine, Strontian, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 52), Sp. 277, 439, 442. Whittingham, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. Wick of Aith, Fetlar, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 237, 481. Wick of Tresta, "Trista Voe," Fetlar, Shet- land (O.S. Sh. 130), Sp. 2, 330, 338. Wigle, Kintyre, Argyllshire (O.S. Sh. 12), Sp. 210, 453. Wilkiehaugh, coast between Belhaven and Dunbar, Haddingtonshire (O.S. Sh. 33), Sp. 210. " Williamslee," Woolandslee, Leithen Water, Peeblesshire (O.S. Sh. 24), Sp. 270. Wingate Burn, Leadhills, Lanarkshire (O.S. Sh. 15), Sp. 13. Wirwick, Wurrwick, north of Strem Ness, Foula, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 125), Sp. 210. Wooden Hill, Eckford, Roxburghshire (O.S. Sh. 17), Sp. 313. "Woodhead" Lead Mines, Woodend, Carsphairn, Kirkcudbrightshire (O.S. Sh. 8), Sp. 45, 58. Woodhill, Ochils, Clackmannanshire (O.S. Sh. 39), Sp. 42. Woodwick, west coast of Unst, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), Sp. 237, 400, 426, 428. Wormit Bay, Fifeshire (O.S. Sh. 48), Sp. 210, 489. Yell, Shetland (O.S. Sh. 131), 370, 458, 462A. Yeskenaby, "Yestnaby, Yesnabie," etc., see also Skail, on pp. 184, 188, vol. ii. Pomona, Orkney (O.S. Sh. 119), Sp. H. ERRATA. Vol. I., p. 43, under Dumfriesshire, read "implanted "/of "implanted." Vol. II., p. 35, read "Ordban"/or "Ordbank." ,, pp. 117 and 119, for the species number of Biotite and Haughtonite read " 462." ,, p. 198. The statement attributed to Dr Wilson per Mr Thorns, that the Carbonate of Zinc occurs at Wanlockhead, was founded upon a mistake. PRINTED BY NEILL AND CO., LTD., EDINBURGH. RETURN EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY. TO +> 642-2997 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Books needed for class reserve are subject to immediate recal DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720