^ Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 witin funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.arcliive.org/details/elocutionormentaOObronrich ELOCUTION; OR, MENTAL AND VOCAL PHILOSOPHY. INVOLVING THE PRINCIPLES OF READING AND SPEAKING; AND DESIGNED FOR THE dIeVELOPMENT AND CULTIVATION OF BOTH BODY AND MIND. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATURE, USES, AND DESTINY OF MAN: IliLr^RATED'B,"^ ] TWO OR Tfiids HL»NDltl5l> CKOlSB ANECDOTES; THREE THOUSAND ORATORICAL AND POETICAL READINGS; FIVE THOUSAND PROVERBS, MAXIMS AND LACONICS, AND SEVERAL HUNDRED ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. BY PROF. BRONSON, A. M., M. D. FORTY-TOIRD THOUSAND. RB7ISKD AND CORRECTED, WITH LARGE ADDITIONS, ORIGINAL AND BSLECTED DLALOQOKS AND SPEECHES, WHICH ARE COPr-RIOHTED. LOUISVILLE, KY. JOHN P. MOIiTOlSr &c CO. ADVEETISEMENT. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THIS SYSTEM. Some years ago, the Author was extensively engaged as a Public Speakei and, in consequence of the habit of speaking, principally, with the muscles of the throat and breast, he finally broke down, — falling senseless, after speaking about an hour and a half: that was followed by a protracted illness ; durino which, he providentially discovered the Causes, and also the Remedies, of the dif Acuities under which he had labored; and now, for months in succession, by the aid of thefee principles, he often speaks from six to ten h(^rs a day, without the least inconvenience: the principal cause of which is, that the effort is made from the dorsal and abdominal region. Few are aware of the comprehensive nature of the principles here partially unfolded ; and probably the Author would now be in a similar state, had it not been for the teachings afforded by children and Indians. To secure a perfectly healthy distribution of the vital fluids throughout the body, and a free and powerful activity of the mind, there must be a full and synchronous action in the brain, the lungs, and the viscera of the abdomen ; the soul operating, naturally, on the dorsal and abdominal muscles, and thus setting in motion the whole body. That he was the first to teach the specific use of those muscles, for a healthy breathing, and the exercise of the vocal organs, as well as blowing on wind in- struments for hours together, without injury, he has not the least doubt; and, if any person will produce evidence to the contrary, from any medical writer, or teacher of elocution, previous ^o 1330, he shall be handsomely rewarded. The time is fast approaching, when this, and its kindred subjects, will be duly ap- preciated ; and it will be seen epaI felt, that witbouc a practical knowledge of these important principle*^ jCiq one can becomo a. suceessfal speaker, or teacher : and the opinion is advisedly expressed, that they will produce as great a revo- lution in regard to the promotion of health, the art of reading and speaking with science and effect, and the perfect development and cultivation of mind, voice, and ear, — as the discovery of the mariner's compass, or the invention of the steam engine, in navigation, manufacture, and travel ; — and, to be the medium of introducing such a system, by which so many thousands have been greatly benefited, and hundreds of lives saved, is the occasion of devout gratitude to the Infinite Author of all that is good and true. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by C P. Broksoit, In the Clerk's office for the District Court of Kentucky. x:)0(c>i:) PHYSIOLOGICAL INTKODUCTION. 1. E-feiv Art, and Science, has its Externals, and Its Internals, its Generals and Particulars; wliiclimust be understood Analytically, and Syn- thetically, if we would practice either successful- ly. The Internals of Elocution, are Thoughts aiw Feelings, and its Externals comprise all that ie tddressed to our five senses: its Generals are Mind and J3ody, with their various Languages, or modes of manifestation. Comparatively, Lan- guage — is the Tune, Body — the Instrument, and Mind — the Performer : hence, the necessity of becoming acquainted, theoretically and practi- cally, with their Natures, Relations and Uses. S. As the subjects of Mind and Language, are partially unfolded in the following work, in this part, something must be said of the Body, the harp of ten thousand strings : particularly in regard to structure, position, and the organs to be used for the production and modification of sounds, in Speech and Song : also of Gestures, or Actions; illustrated by appropriate Engravings, wli ch may be imitated by the Pupil, for the pur- pose of bringing the Body into subjection to the Mii.d; without, however, any reference to spe- cific Recitations, — lest he should become artifi- cia , instead of natural. 3. The more we contemplate Man, the more •we see and feel the truth, that he is a Microgosm indeed ; a miniature-world,— an abstract of crea- tion,— an epitome of the universe,— a finite repre- eentation of the Infinitb Deity! Well sairh the heathen motto,'' Know thyself ! " and rhe poet— "The proper study op mankind— is Man." And it may truly be said, that there is nothing in the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms, that cannot be found, essentially, in the human body ; and nothing in the world of Mind, that is not shadowed forth in his spiritual nature : hence, the grandeur, the magnificence — of our subjects, and our objects. 4. The three grand essentials of the Body pro- per, are the Osseus, or bony system, which fixes its form, and gives it stability : the Muscular, or fleshy system, which is designed to act on the Osseus ; and Nervous system, acting on the Mus- cular : while the Mind, acts on and throug-h the Nervous ; receiving its life and power from Ilim, who is emphatically " THE LIFE : " tlft8,we can look through Nature, up to Nature's God. Ob- serve, the Analytical course is from outermosts to innermosts, from effects to causes ; and the Synthetical progress from innermosts to outer- mosts ; or from causes to effects. 5. Nerves op Odganic Life. Every thing must have a beginning : and nothing is made per- fect at once. Now in the body, there is a cer- tain portion, called Nerves of Organic Life ; be- cause they are the first formed, and constitute the grand medium, through which the soul builds up the Body, with the materials, fumishefl k j the external world. The Soul is the architect, *nd tlie body_ iw workmanship. Here is a good representation of tliis nervcm mass, which is a kind of brain, (or series of brain,) that pre- side* over those glands, or work- shops, that take charge of the food, digest it, and watch over its changes, till it is made into blood, and then appropriated to the body. The nervous centre, called Semilunar Ganglion and So lar Plexus, may be seen at a, a, a, a; it is situated under the dia- phragm ar.d part- ly behind the stomach : other subordinate cen- tres may be seen al e, e, e, e; also in other places, that need not be designated, as lliey are very numerous : these centres are like miner posts in a state, or king- dom. At », it seen a pair of chords, call d trisplanchnic nerves: and at o, o, are seen other nerves, with their little brains, oi centres, where they come togetJier, forming a line along the spir.e, from the bottom of the chest, tc the top of the neck. From this large collection of Organic Nerves, others proceed to every pan of the system, uniting in smaller centres, aud forming ganglions in the palms of the handsi, balls of the fingers, &c. Our Astronomical sys- tem is called the Solar System, because the Sun is its centre, watching over our planets ; so, of these nervous centres of the grand and smaller deparUnents of our miniature-universe. Owing to the intimate connection of these nerves with 1^45830 .PHYSIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION. Iheir muilerolid fcenSras, -ari*', -witli the aepves of the whole body, they are sometimes called tlie Great S\Tnpathetic Nerves, and Nerves of Vege- table Life. There are three orders of these Nerves : one going to llie blood-vessels and other parts of the vascular system ; one to the contrac- tle tissues or muscles of involuntary motion: and oxt to tlie nerves of organic sensation, con- veying the impressions made on the organs. 6. I.T this view of the Nerves of Respiration, (or.ginating in the Medulla Oblongata, which is an extension of the Cerebellum, (b,) or seat of Volmi- lary Motion, and of the Cerebrum, (a,) or seat o{ Rationality,) may be seen tlie nerve (c.) that goes to the Diaphragm (i,) and is concerned in the office of breathing, which generally acts without the aid of the Will ; but yet is controllable by the Will, to a certain extent; for we may breathe fastor slow, Jong or short. Next above this, js the Spinal Ac- ieessory Nerve, used in moving the breast, &c., in respiration ; one of its fellow roots goes to the longue (d,) and is concerned in mastication, swal- lowing, speaking, &c. [Some nerves are thrown back, the better to be seen.] Next in order is the pneumosgastric, or lungs-and-slomach nerve (/, g, A,) which sends a branch to the meat-pipe, la-^ rynx and wind-pipe, («,) aiso to the cardiac, or heart plexus, just above, and a little at the right « ig) ; a recurrent branch goes to the larynx, dec; Mher branches go to the face, to exhibit the feelings. All interweave, and bring the vocal organs into miportant relations with tlie heart and lungs, with feelings and thoughts; while the main body goes tie etomacl*, and unites witb the great ciiitre x)f organic life, or solar plexus Tlie roets of iiese nerves are in the cerebellum, ihe seat of motion, a receptacle of life. Now, we see why inten^Lty of thought, carking cares, &c., impede respiraiioiv and infringe on the laws of health, for want of the proper co-operation with the nerves of organic life ; inducing dyspepsia, and even consumption , hence, the painful mode of teaching children to read by a book : away with this false system, u.r»- less you would inhumanly sacrifice the rising gen- eration on the altar of evil; let the etr. or righ. feeling predominate : please work out the whole ; for you can do it : a hint is sufficient for those who think. 7. Here is an excellent representntion oi the Nerves of Voluntary Motion, and of Sense, which, with the nerves of Organic Life, and the Respira- tory Nerves, constitute the inmosls of the body; also, a posterior, or back view, of the two l)rains! which is the seat of the Mind, the constituents of which, are Will and Understanding. The leitei c, indicates the cerebrum, or large brain, where the Understanding, Rationality, or thought ia 1». cated; and cv, the cerebellum, or little brain, under, and adjoining the cerebrum, where the PHYSIOLOGICAL INTRO! UCTION. Vli ntnionUl black line is: here is the seat of the WiJl, Affections, Passions or Emotions ; also the seat of the Motive power of the body ; and from these proceed the spinal marrow, (me,) enveloped m three different membranes, lying in the hollow of the back bone, and branching off by thirty pairs of spinal nerves into a great many ramifications over every part of the body; pb, tlie brachial plexus, a reunion or assemblage of the different nerves distributed to the arms, or upper extremities; and ps, the plexus, or folds of nerves, that form the great sciatic nerves, descending to the legs, or lower extremities. From the spinal marrow, the lerves arise by two sets, or bundles of roots ; the front (anterior.) one serving for motion, and the back (posterior,) are the nerves of feeling, or sensibility. Now, in all voluntary actions of the body, whether reading, speaking, singing, or working, there should be a perfect harmony and co-operation of the Organic Nerves, Respiratory Nerves, and Moiary Nerves; hence, the volun- :ary effort must be made from the abdomen, where 13 the great centre of Organic Nerves, in connec- tion with those of Respiration. 8. Here is a striking view of the Muscu- lar, or fleshy portions, that form the me- diimi of com- nunication between the Nerves and the Bones: there are sev- eral hundreds, acting on tlie 'jones like ropes on the masts of ships: let them be trained in per- fect subjectioa to the Soui, through ths Mind; so than whatever is felt & thought, may be bodied forth to the life. Now Jet us put these three systems, the NerveSj Mus- cles and Bones, logeth- sr, and con- template the whole as a unit, bound up in the skin, and acting in obedience to its rightful owner, tlie Mind; while tbat mind is subscrvisit to the Creator of mind. 9. We now descend to the hard parts »f the body, which have the least of Ufe in them. Tliis is a very correct representation of the Osseoua system, or the bony parts which may be aptly called the basis, or foundation, of the splendid temple we live in; which is three stories high; viz. the cavity below the diaphragm, the one above it, and the skull. Examine, minutely, each part, the situation and attachment of the different bones of the head, the five short ribs, and the seven long ones, the breast-bone, &c. In a complete human frame, there are 350 bones: they afford us the means of locomotion. Do you see any a-ialogy between the body and Unguage? 10. Zoology — (the doctrine or science of life,) is a necessary element of education. Whose cu- riosity has not been excited by the innumerable living beings, and things, with which we are sur- rounded? Is it not desirable to scrutinize their interiors, and see how they are made, and under- stand their various uses? Look at a man, a fish, a spider, an oyster, a plant, a stone; observe their differences, in many respects, and their similan- ties in others: they all have essence, form, use. The tendency of the study of the three kingdoms of nature, the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral, nil is to emancipate the human mind from the dark- nesfl and slavery of ignorance, into the light and Hberty of rational humanity. The things of the Animal kingdom live, and move from an interior power; those of the Vegetal)le kingdom grow; and those of the Mineral kingdom do not live or grow ; they simply exist. 11* lliree objects are designed by this er^ra- ving : first, to show tlie body, clothed in its own beautiful envelop, the skin, which is the conti- aent of our most wonderful piece of Mechanism : Becond, to call attention to the fact, that it is full of pores, or little holes, through which passes out of our systems more than half of what we eat PHYSIOLOG. CAL INTRODUCTION. and drink, in the'form of what is called insensi- ble oerspiration, which is indicated by the cloudy mift, emanating from every part of the surface ; and as our bodies wear out, by degrees, and are renewed every seven years, and the skin being the principal evacuating medium for the worn-out particles of the system; the great importance of keeping it in a clean, and consequent healthy condition, by daily washing in soft cold water, must be evident to every one of reflection, it be- ing the safety-valve of the body : and thirdly, to indicate a higher truth, that of the passing off of a subtle and invisible fluid from the mind, in ac- cordance with its state ; which is often perceived when certain persons are present; also when powerful speakers are pouring forth their highly wrought affections, and brilliant thoughts ; so as to give the mind a kind of ubiquity, co-extensive Willi their tones and audible words, ruling im- mense audiences with absolute sway, and de- monstrating the power of truth and eloquence. Animals and Plants increase by nutrition: Minerals by accretion. In infancy, we weigh but a few pounds : at adult age, we exceed one hundred pounds. "Whence, but from foreign sub- stances, are the materials of which our organs are composed ? In sickness, extreme emaciation proves that our bodies may lose a portion of their bulk, and give bat k to the world what was once Jtt own. Thus, coirpositid n and decomposition, constituting the nutritiv* fonct or of which liv.mj bodies are the centre, are revealed to us by evi- dences too plain to be misunderstood : may we have power to apprfct-iite them, being assured that all truths are in perfect harmony with each other, la. Here iia a representauon of the Human Form clothed and e>igaged in some of the uses of Elocution. But it i« necessary to enter more into the particulars of our subject; which .8 5oiy» in the succeeding parts of this introduction: how- ever, let the reader bear in mind, that only the out- lines of subjects are given in the book, designed for such as are determined to dig for truth and eternal principles, as for hidden treasures ; whose motto is " Press On." Animals and Plants endure for a time, and under specific forms, by making the exte-nal world a part of their own being ; i. e. they have the power imparted to them of self-nourishment, and when this outward supply ceases they die, having completed their term of duration : hence, death, to material existences, is a necessary cor.- sequence of life. Not so with minerals: they eX' ist so long as external forces do not destroy them ; and if they increase, it is simply by the juxtapo- sition of other bodies; and if they diminish, it is by the action of a force, or power, from with- out Has not every thing its circle? How in- teresting must be the history of all things, ani- mate and inanimate '. Oli that we had eyes to see, and ears to hear, every thing that is manifested around us, within us, and above us ! 13. If we would have the Mind act on llvj Body, and the Body react on the Mind, in an o*> PHYSIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION. IX derly, and, consequently, beneficial manner, it is necessary that the body be in a natural and up- right position. The following engraving repre- sents the Thorax, or Chest, which contains the Heart and Lungs ; and reason teaches, that no or- gans should b3 in the least infringed upon, either by compressions, or by sitting in a bent position. The Lungs are reservoirs for the air, out of which we make sounds, by condensation. All are fami- liar with the hand-bellows: observe the striking analogy between it and tlie body, in the act of Fpeaking, singing and blowing. The wind-pipe is .;ke its nosle, the lungs like the sides, and the ab- dominal and dorsal muscles, like its handles; of course, to blow with ease and power, one must take hold of the handles ; to speak and sing right, the lower muscles must be used ; for there is only one right way of doing anything. liarynx, ..... Wind-pipe, . . , Collar bone, . . Bronchia, . . Heart & Lungs, 7 Lo?>g Ribs, . . Diaphragm, . . . 5 Short Ribs, . , Dorsal and Abdominal Muscles 14. This is a view of a well developed and naturally proportioned chest ; with space for the .ungs, the short ribs thrown outwardly, affording ample room for the free action of the organs : it is the true model of the form of one who would live to a good old age. 15. Tight Drkssins. No one can enjoy good health, or perform any kind of labor with ease, or read, speak, or sing, when the thorax is habitual- ly compressed. It diminishes the capacity of th« lungs, for receiving the necessary quantity of air to purify the blood, and prevents the proper action of the diaphragm. The following engraving shows the alarming condition of the chest, when com- pressed by tight lacing; a practice that has hur- ried, and is now hurrying, hundreds of tliousands to a premature grave ; besides entailing upon the offspring an accumulation of evils, too awful to coclemplate. What is the difference between Killing one's self in five minutes with a riizor, and doing it in five years by tight lacing, or any other bad habit? Our clothing should never be so tight as to prevent the air from coming between it and the body. 16. Here follows an outline of the chest, or thorax of a female, showing the condition of the bones of the body, as they appear aAer death, in every one wlio has habitually worn stays and corsi 's, enforced by tight lacing. ' But,' says one, I do not lace too tight.' If you lace at all, you most certainly do, ani will, sooner or later, expe- rience the dreadful consequt.ncts. Observe, aH the short ribs, from the lower end of the breast- bone, are unnaturally cramped inwardly toward the spine, so thai the liver, stomach, and other digestive organs in that vici lily, are pressed into such a small compass, that tbnir funci ious are grea.t~ ly interrupted, and all the vessels, bones and viscera are more or less distorted and enfeebled. Cease to do evil, and learn to do well. 17. This engraving, of a bell-shaped glass, C, C, shows how the air gets into the lungs, and some of its effects. A head is placed on the cork, T, represent- ing the wind-pipe, and having a hole through XI. L, represents a bladder, lied to the lower end of the cork, to indicate a lung. At D, is seen the dia- phragm. The cavity of the bell repTesenls the Inside of the thorax, where the heart and lunji are : there is no communication with the external }iir, except through the hole in the cork ; air, en tering through that hole, can go only into the blad- der. Now, when the centre of the diaphragm ia raised to D, the bladder will be flaccid and devoid of air ; but when it is dropped, to the situatiorj of the dotted line, a tendency to a vacuum will be the consequence, which can be supplied with cir, only through the hole in the cork ; the air expand- ing the bladder to its full extent, is shown by the dotted circle, around L ; and when the diaphragm is elevated again, the air will be forced from the bladder; thus, the lungs are inflated and exhaus- ted by this alternate operation of the diaphragm, and of the contraction and elongation of the ab- dominal muscles ; hence, the comparison between the vocal organs proper, and a pair of bellows, io distinctly seen. McscuLAR Action. These two engravings represent some muscular fibres in two states: the upper one at rest, with a re- laxed nervous filament ramified through the fibres, as seen under the microscope ; and the lower one in a state of contraction, and the fi- brr s in zigzag lines, with a simi- lar nervous filament passing ovei them: apply the principle to all muscles. The subject might be greatly extended ; but for further infcrrr.at'on, see tlie Author's large work on Physiology and Psychology, which will be published as soon as convenient. K PHYSIOLOGICAL 18. Here is a representation of the Air Cells £l the Lungs, laid open and highly magnified. The body is formed by Blood, which consists of the nutritious portions of our food, and 18 in the form of very sma.! glob- ules, or little round balls : a represeatation of which is here pre- sented as seen through a micro- scope, magnified one thousand • times. Every three or four minutes, as a gen- eral rule, the blood flo'w^s thro'- out the whole body ; and, of course, through the lungs, where it undergoes a purification : hence may be seen the importance of an upright position, and perfect inflation of the lungs ; no one can live out his days without them. 19. Here are two attitudes, silting, and stand- ing, passive and active. Beware of too much stifTuess, and too much laxity, of the muscles ; be natural and easy. Avoid leaning backwards or forwards, to the right or left : and especially, of resting your head on your hand, witii the elbow on something else: by which practice, many have caused a projection of one shoulder, indu- ced spinal affections, &c. Beware of every thing that is improper : such as trying how much you can lift with one hand, &c. /80. Here follows a representation of the position of the diaphragm, and illustrations of its actions, in exhaling and inhaling. Figure 1, in the left engraving, represents the diaphragm in its great- est descent, when we draw in our brealli : 2, mus- cles of the abdomen, when protruded to their full extent, in inhaling : 1, in the right engraving, the diaphragm in its greatest ascent in expiration: 2, 'Jic T>u8cl(.s of the abdomen in action, forcing the INTRODUCTION. viscera and diaphragm upwards tl>«. lungs co- operate with the diaphrigm and abdominal mus- cles ; or rather, the soul, mind, nerves and mus. cles act unitedly, and thence with ease, grace and effect. Observe, the Stomach, Liver, &c. are be- low the diaphragm, and are dependent on it, in a measure, for their actions. 31. Here is a view of the Heart, nearly sur- rounded by the Lungs, with the different blood- vessels going to, and from them : these organs ar« shown partially separated ; tho' when in their nat- ural positions, they are quite compact together. and wholly fill up the cavity of the che.st : every one has two hearts, for the two different kinds of blood, and each heart has two rooms: a, right auricle, that receives all the blood from every pari of the body, through the vena cava, or large veiii, which is made up of the small veins, e, e, e, e, s; it thence passes into the right ventricle, t, thenca into both lungs, where it is purified; after which it passes into the left auricle, and left ventricla, then into the aorta, o, and the carotid and subcla- vian arteries (u, and v,) to every part of th2 body • returning every three or four minutes. ORATORICAL AND POETICAL GESTURES X] 583. This engraving represents the larynx, or vocal box, at 1, near tlie top of the wind-pipe, 2; tlie bronchial tubes, or branches of the trachea, 3, 4, going tt, each lung ; tht left lung -s vFJjoIe ; the si.')Stance of tiie right one is removed, to sliov the ra- mifications ot tMe bronchial twigs, termi- nating in the air-cells, 7, 7, 6, like leaves on the trees. The bronchi- al tubes are the three branches of the wind- pil)e, and enter the lungs about one third of the distance from the upper end : hence, how foohsh for persons having a sore throat, or larynx, to sup- pose they have the bronchitis ; which consists in a diseased state of the bronchia ; generally brought on by an improper mode of breathing, or speak- ing, Sec, with exposure. The remedy may be found in the practice here recommended, with a free use of cold soft water over the whole body, and bandages wet with the same, placed about the chest and neck, to be removed every few uours, as they become dry. 523. Here is a horizontal view of the Glottis: A", F, are the arytenoid cartilages, connected ■ with the chordae vocales, (vocal cords, or hga- ments,) T, F, stretching across from the top of the arytenoid to the point of the thyroid cartilage : tnese ecrds caai be elongated, and enlarged to pro- duce lower souriiis, and contracted and diminished fo' Jugher ones : and, at the same time, separated Irom each other, and allowing more conden- sed air to pass for the former purposes; or brought nearer together, to favor the latter : there are a great many muscles attached to the larynx, to give variety to the modifications oi voice in speech and song. 34:. Here is a front view c the Vocal Organs . e is the top of the wind-pipe, and within and a little above d is the larj'nx, or vocal box, where all voice sounds are made : the two horns at the top, rep- resent the uppei ex- tremities of the th Y ■ <2^^HH^B ^^'^^ cartilage: the tubes up and down. and transverse, are l)lood-vessels : be- ware of having anythingtigh around the neck, also of bending the neck much, impeding the free circulation of the blood, and deterniiuinsr it to the head. ORATORICAL AND POETICAL ACTION. Positions of Feet and Hands. \n ORATORICAL AND POETICAL GESTURES. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 17 ^^^N 1. This system unfolds the true Philoso- pny of MixD and Voick, in accordance with the nature of Man, andthe.strwdMre of Lan- guage. 1 ho Elements are first presented; then, the common combinations, followed by the more difficult ones ; all of which are to be practiced in coricert, and individually, after the Teacher. These exercises essentially aid in cultivating the Voice and Ear, for all the objects of Speech and Song : while the Prin- ciples and Practice tend to develop and per- fect both mind and bodij, agreeably to the Laws, that should govern them. The Vowels mxisl first be mastered, then the Consonants ; and the exercises interspersed with reading, and rigid criticism on the Articulation and Pro7umciatio7i. N. B. The words printed in italics and CAPITALS, are more or .ess emphatic ; though otiicr words may be made so, according to tlia dei;red effect: the dash ( — ) indicates a pause for inhalation: connecting words are sometimes excepted. S. A lias fovu* regiilar sounds : First, Name sound, or long ; ALE ; ate, a-zure; rare a-pri-cots; scarce pa-tri-ots; fair brace- lets for Za-tent mus-to-ches; hai-ry ma-gi and sa-pi-ent lit- er-a-ti for pa-trons ; ?ia-tion-al fa-ter-er for r«-di-a-ted sta- mens, and sa-li-ent pas-try with the ^a-lo gra-tis ; the ra-tion-al plain-tiff tears the cam- bric, and dares the stairs for the sa-\or of rai-sins ; they drain the mne-brakes and take 'he bears by the nape of tJie neck ; the may-or's oray-er to Mayn-ton Sayre is — to be-ware of he snares pre-par'd for the matron's shares: i-men has both syllables accented; but it should never be pronounced ah-men (2d a,) ftor aiv-men. JJ. Positioiu Sit. or stand erec^, with the slioulders thrown back, so as to expand the chest, prevent the body from bending, and facilitate fall and deep breathing. Open the mouth wide enough to admit two fingers, side-wise, between the teeth, and keep the lips free and limber, that the sounds may fiow with clearness and precision ; nor let there be too much, nor too little moisture in the mouth, A piece of hard wood, or ivory^ an inch, or an inch and a half long, of the size of a pipe stem, with a notch in each end, if placed between the teeth, perpendicularly, while practicing, will be found very useful in acquiring the habit of opening wide the mouth. 4. E lias this sound in certain words; among which are the f6lIo\ving ere, ete-long ; feint lieirs; the Aei-nous Bey pm-veys a bo-quet; ibo-ka ;) they rein their prey in its ey-ry, and pay their freight by weifht ; heij-dey ! o-bey the eyre, and do o-&ei-sanc3 to the Dey ; they sit tete-a.~tate (ta-tah-tate,l at trey: also, there and where, in all their compounds,— there-a«, there-fry, there-fore, tl.ere-in, there -on, there- orfA, where-at, where-6y, wA«r«-fore, where- BRONSON. 2 in, where-on, where-wilh, &.c. : also, in the con- traction of ewer and never, — as where-e'cr I ^c, where-e'er I am, I ne^er shall see thee more. "How blest is he, who ne'er consents, By ill ad- vice to walk." Anecdote. Ptaio — defines man — "An animal, having two legs, and «o feathersJ'* This very imperfect description attra'^.ted tlia ridicule of Di-og--e-nes ; who, wittily, and ia derision, introduced to his school — a. fowL, stripped of its feathers, and contemptubusli ~ asked, — " Is this Plato'' s man P* IVotes* 1. Don't caricature this sound of a and e b»for» r, by giving it andue stress and qumtity, in such words as — air (ay-ur,) pa-rent, (pae-rent,) dare, (day-ur,) chair, there, where, fcc, nor (five it a flat sound, as some do to e in bleat, pronouncing it blaat. To give this sound properly, separate the teeth an inch, project the Kps, and bring forward the corners of the mouth, like a funnel. 2. It would be jnst as proper in prose, to say, whe.re- ee-ver I go, where-ceuer I am, I neever shall see thee more ; as to say in poetry, where-tar I am, I near shall see thee more. 3. £ in ^ weight, whey, it, y, gh are silent,) and a in age, luhcdc, &c., are just alike in sound; and as this sound of e does not occur a^non; its natural, or regular sounds, as classed by our orthoepists, it is called "irregular ;^' i. e. it borrows this name sound of a; or it sounded like it. 4. Some tiy to make a distmction between a in fate, and a in fair, calling it a medial sound : which error is ow- ing to t being an abrupt element, and r, a prolonged one : but no one can make a good sound of it, either in speech or song, when thus situated, by giving it a sound unlike the name souad of o; be- ware of unjust prejudices and prepossessions. I say na-shun-iU, ra-shun-al, &c., for the same reason that I say no-tional and de-oo- tional ; because ol analogy and effect. Provei'l>s. 1. Accusing — is proving, whec malice and -power sit as judges. 2. Adversity — may make one wise, but not rich. . 3. Idle folks — take the most pains. 4. Every one is architect of his own fortune. 5. Fine feathers make fine birds. 6. Go into the country to hear the news of the town. 7. He is a good orator — who con- vinces himself. 8. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 9. Lawyers^ houses — are built on the heads of fools. 10. Little, and often, fill the purse. 11. Much, would have more, and lost all. 12. Practice— makes perfect. The BiMe — ^requires, in its proper deliv- ery, the most extensive practical knowledge of the principles of elocution, and of all the compositions in the ivorld; a better impres- sion may be made, from its correct reading, than from the most luminous commentary. Varieties. 1 . Love what you ought to do> and you can easily doit; — oiled wheeJs run freely. 2. Cicero says, that Roscius, a Ro- man orator, could express a sentence in as many different ways, by his gestures, as W, himself could by his words. 3. Why is tlie letter A, like a honeysuckle 1 Because a B follows it. 4. Never speak unless you have something to say, and always stop when you have done. 5. The most essential rule in de- livery is — Be natural and in earnest 6. Our education should be adapted to the full de- velopment of body and mind. 7. Truth can never contradict itself; but is eternal and im. mutable — the same in ail ages : the states of men's reception of it — are as various as the pi-indples and subjects of natural c? eation. As good have no time, aa make bad use of it. 18 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 5 £locutifin-is an Art, that teaches me how to manifest my feelings and thoughts to others, in such a way as to give them a trae idea, and expression of how, and what, I feel and think ,- and, in so doing, to make them feel and think, as / do. Its object is, to enable me to communicate to the hearers, the whole truth, just as it is ; in other words, to give me the ability, to do perfect justice to the subject, to them, and to myself: thus, involving the philosophy of end, cause, and effect,-ihQ cor- respondence of affection, thoughts and words. 6. Tlie second soiuid of A is grave, or Itahan. Ah; alms, far; pa- pa calms ma -ma, and com- mands Charles to craunch the fl/-monds in the haun-\jedi paths ; his ma-ster de-man-ded a| \^^ haunch of par-tridge of fa- \ \^j^ ther; aunt taun-X&d. the laun- [A in FAR.] dress for salve from the na-na tree; Jar-vis farms sar-sa-pa-riWa in A-m€r-i-ca; ma-niWa balm is a charm to halve the qualms in Ra-yew-na ; he a.-bides in CAi-na, and vaunts to have saun-tered on the a-re-na, to guard the vil-la. hearths from Aarm-ful ef^^w-vi-a; they^wn-ted on theso- fe, ar-gu-ing for Quarles' psalms, and for-mu- ia for Jaun-^ce in Mec-ca or Me-rft-na; a caJf got the chol-e-Ta. in Cu-ba, and a-rose to run the gaunt-let for the ayes and noes in A- ceWa-ma. 7, In making the vowel sounds, by expel- iing them, great care must be taken, to con- vert all the breath that is emitted, into pure sound, so as not to chafe the internal smrface of the throat, and produce a tickling, or hoarseness. The happier and freer from re- straint, the better: in laughing, the lower muscles are used involuntarily; hence the adage, ' laugh, and be fat.^ In breathing, reading, speaking, and singing, there should be Ttr rising of the shoulders, or heaving of the oosom ; both tend to error and ill health. Beware of using the lungs, as it is said; let them act, as they oxe acted upon by the lower muscles. Notes. I. Tan, strictly «peakin«, a the only natural jnind in ail linfuages, and it the esiieit made: it merely requiret the under jaw to be dropped, and a vocal sound to be produced : ail olfier vowels are derived from it; or, rather, are modificationf of It. 2. Wlien a is an article, i. e. when used by itself, it always baa this sound, but must not be accented ; as, "a man saw » h.rse 4U<1 a sheep in a meadow:" except as contrasted with tht , as, "I «id the man, not a man." 3. When o forms an unaoLent«d syl- WDle, it has this sound : as, a-wake, a-bide, a-like, vware, a-tone, a-void, a-way, &c. 4. It ha« a similar sound it 'he end of words, ^tther with, or without an A: as, No^, flim-nah, So-rah, Af-ri- ca. A-nur-i-ca, i-o-ta, dog-ma, &c. Beware ot saying, No-er, Sa- ry, &c. 6. It generally has this sound, when followed by a single in the same syllable: as, ar-son, ar-tist, &c. ; also in star-ry, (full CitUtn,) and tar-ry, (besmeared with tar.) Education. The derivati/m of this word —will assist us in imderstanding its mean- mg; it being composed of the Latin word e-du-ro, to lead or draw out All develop- ments, jott of matter and spirit, are from within — out; not from without — in. The beautiftd rose — does not grow by accretion, like the rocks ; its life flows into it through the nutriment, imbibed from the earth, the air, and the water, which are incorporated vnth the very life-hlood of the plant as a mt' dium : it is a manifestation of the Lif2 that fills all things, and flows into all things, ac- cording to their various/orms. The analogy holds good as it respects the human mind; ' tho' vegetables are matter, and mind — io spirit ; the farmer is of course much more confined than the latter. The powers of the mind — must be developed by a power from within, and abov& itself ; and that is the best education, which will accomphsh this most rapidly, and effectually, in accordance witli the laws of God, — ^which always have refer- ence to the greatest good and the most truth. Anecdote. A clergyman, whose turn it was to preach in a certain church, happening to get wet, was standing before the session- room fire, to dry his clothes ; and when his colleague came in, he asked him to preach for him ; as he was very wet. " No Sir, I thank you ;" was the prompt reply : ^^ preach your- self; you will be dry enough in the pulpit." Proverbs. 1. A burden that one chooses, in not felt. 2. A guilty conscience needs no accu- ser. 3. .Sfter-wii is every body's wit. 4. Enough —is as good as & feast. 5. All is but lip wisdom, that wants experience. 6. Better bend, than break 7. Children and fools often speak the truth. 8 Out of debt, out o{ danger. 9. Wade not in t;n. known waters. 10. Do what you ought, and lei come what will. 11. Empty vessels make tht greatest sound. 12. Pause, before yon futow ai. example. Natural and SpiAtual, feirce we are possessed of both body and soul, it is of the first importance that we make uhe of natural and spiritual means foi oLtahiing good; i.e. natural and spiritual truths. Our present and eternal destinies-should ever be kept in mind; and that, which is of the greatest mo- ment, recev/e the principal attention: and, since deaih-is only a continuation of life, oui education should be continuous : both states o*" jeing will be best attended to, when seen and attended to in connection. Varieties. 1. Horses will often do more for a ivhistle,tha.n a whip: as some yotith arc best governed by a rod of love. 2. Why is a bankrupt like a clock? Because he mufet either stop, or go on tick. 3. True reading is true exposition. 4. Conceive the inten- tions of the author, and enter into the charac- ter. 5. The sciences and mechanical arts are the ministers of wisdom, not the end. 6. Do we love our friends more when present, ot absent ? 7. All natural trutlis, which respcrt the worksof God in creation, are not oniy real natural truths, but the glasses antJ rortaining principles of spiritual ones. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 19 8. The means to be used, thus to malce known my feelings and thoughts, are tones, wards, looks, actions, expression, and silence: whence it appears, that the body is the grand medium of communication between mytsclf and others ; for by and through the body, are tones, words, looks, and gestures produced. Thus I perceive, that the mind, is the active agent, and the body, the passive agent ; that ihis is the instrument, and that the perfor- mer : here I see the elements of mental and vocal philosophy. 9. Tlie third sound of A is broad: ALL, wall, auc-tion, aus-pice ; his vaul-t'wg daugh-ter haul'd / the dau-phin in the sauce-ipan ; j the pal-try sauce-hox waltz'd / in the tea-san-cer ; al-&e-it, the \ muwk-ish au-ihor, dined on ^ 7iau-se-on3 sau-sa-ges ; the au- [a in ah,.] burn pal-{rey draws Zaw-rel plait-dhs ; his naugh-Xy dwart got the groat through the fau-c\i ; he thwar-ted the /aZ-chion and sal- ted the shawl in false wa-ier ; the Zcw-Iess gaw-k.y got m-stalVd in the aw-tumn, and de-/raM-ded the green sward of its 6aZ-dric 2w;7«-ing. 10. CuuRAX, a celebrated /mA orator, pre- sents us with a signal instance, of what can be accomplished by assiduity and persever- ance : his enunciation was so lyredpitate and confused, that he was called "stuttering Jack Curran.''^ To overcome his numerous de- fects, he devoted a portion of every day to reading and reciting aloud, slowly, and dis- tinctly, some of the most eloquent extracts in our language ; and his success was so com- vlete, that among his excellencies as a speak- er, was the clearness of his articulation, and an appropriate intonation, that melodized every sentence. Notes* 1. To make \b\» »ound, drop and project the jaw, and Bhape the mouth as in the engraving : and when you wi»h to produce a very grave sound, in speech or song-, in addition to the above, swell the windpipe, (which will elongate and enlarge the vocal chords,) and form the voice as low as possible in the larynx; for the longer and larger these chords are, the graver will be the voice : also, practice making sounds, while exhaling aud inhaling, Jo deepen the tones. This sound is broader than the German a. 2. soiuetiuies has this sound : I thought he caught the cough, when De oought the cloth ; he ^vrought, fought, and sought, but talked naught. 3. Beware ol adding an r after w, a« lawr, jawr, fawr, &c. 4. The italic a m the following, is broad, will were •p-palled at the thraldom of Wal-ter Ro-iejgh, who was al-mo«t *;a,ld-ed in the cal-dron of boiling wa-ter. Habits of tbougbt. Thinking is to the mind what digestion is to the body. We may hear, read, and talk, till we are gi^ay ,- but if we do not think, and analyze our sub- jects, and look at them in every aspect, and eee the ends, causes, and effects, they will be of httle use to us. In thinking, however, we must think clearly and without confusion, as we would examine objects of sight, in order to get a perfect idea of them. Thinking — is spiritually seeing,- and we should always think of things so particularly as to be able to describe them to others ;vith as mucn ac- curacy as we do any external objects, which we have seen with our material eyes. Anecdote. Wild Oats. After the first speech, made by the younger Pitt, in the House of Commons, an old member sarcastically re- marked,-"! apj9?'e^e/id that the young gentle- man has not yet sown all his vnld oats.^^ To which Mr. Pitt politely replied, in the course of an elaborate and eloquent rejoinder, "Age — has its privilege; and the gentleman him- self — affords an ample illustration, that I re- tain /oo(i enough for geese to joicfc." Proverbs. 1. A calumny, tho' knoion to be such, generally leaves a stain on the reputation- 2. A blow from a frying' pan, tho' it does nol hurt, sullies. 3. Fair and softly, go sure and far. 4. Keep your business and conscience well, and they will be sure to keep you well. 5. A man knows no more, to any purpose, than he practices. 6. Bells call others to church, but enter not them- selves. 7. Revenge a wrong by forgiving it. 8. Venture not all you have at once. 9. Examine your accounts and your conduct every night. 10. Call me cousin, but don't cozen me. 11. Eagles- Ay alone, but sheep flock together. 12. U is good to begin well, but better to end well. Theology — includes all rehgions, both Iieathen and christian,- and comprehend? the study of the Divine Being, his laws and revelations, and our duty towards Him and our neighbor. It may be divided into four grand divisions ; viz. Paganism, Mahom- edanism, Judaism, and Christianity. The study of Theology is the highest and noblest in which we can be engaged: but a mere theoretical knowledge, like the sunbeam on tlie mountain glacier, may only dazzle — ^to blind,- for, unless the heart is wanned with love to God, and love to man, the coldness and barrenness of eternal death wUl reign in the sotd: hence, the all of Religion relates to life ,- and the life of Religion is — to do good — for the sake of good. Varieties. He, who studies books aJone, will know how thing-s ought to be ; and he who studies men, will know how things are.. 2. If you would relish your food, labor for it; if you would enjoy your raiment, pay for it before you wear it; if you would sleep sound' ly, take a clear conscience to bed with yon, 3. The more we follow nature, and obey her laws, the longer shall we live ,- and the far- ther we deviate from them, the sooner we shall die. 4. Always carry a few proverbs with you for constant use. 6. Let compul' sion be used when necessary ,- but deception — never. 6. In CAina, physicians are always under pay, except when their patrons are sick ,- then, their salaries are stopped till health is restored. 7. All things speak; note weJJ the language, and gather wisdom from it. JiTature—K but a name for an effect^ Whose cau8e~\s Ood. 20 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. kXJ^ [A in AT.] 11. Words, I see, are among the pri?icipal means used for these important purposes; and they are formed by the organs of voice : these two things, then, demand my first and particular attention, words and voice ; words are composed oi letters ; and the voice, is the effect of the proper actions of certain parts of the body, called vocal organs, converting air into sound ; which two mighty instruments, words and voice, must be examined analyti- Mlly, and synthetically ; without which p^o- :ess I cannot understand a7iy thing. I'H. Tlie foiirtli sound of A Is short : AT, aft, add ; I had rath-ex have a6ar-rel of as-j5ar-a-gus, than the en-am-el and ag--ate ; ihe ctL-haliox-hade the mal-e- fac-tOT his ap-par-e\-andjave- lin ; CAar-i-ty danc'd in the ^ran-a-ry with Cap-ri-corn ; the mal-con-te7its pass'd thro^ Ath-ens in Feh-xn-ar-y ; his cam-els quaff'd the As- pAaZ-tic can-aZ with fa-ci7-i-ty ; plas-tex the /aZ- low-ground a/-ter Ja«-u-ar-y ; the ad- age an-swers on the com-rade''s staff; the plaid tassel is man-u-/ac-tur'd in France ; he n.i-tack'd the tar-itt with raiZ-le-ry, af- ter he had scath'd the block and tack-le with his ac-id pag-en-txy- 13. The more perfect the medium, the better will it subserve the uses of communi- cation. Now, by analyzing the constituents of words and voice, I can ascertain whether they are in a condition, to answer the varied purposes for which they were given ; and fortunately for me, while I am thus analyz- mg the sounds, of which words are com- posed, I shall, at the same time, become acquainted with the organs of voice and hearing, and gradually occms^oot them to the performance of their appropriate duties. Notes. 1. To give the txact ioundB of any of the vowels, take words, in which they are found at the beginning, and proceed a« if you were going to pronounce the wftote word, but ttyp the instant you have produced the votoeZ sound ; and that is the true one. 2. Beware of clipping this, or any other sound, or thanging it : not, Tkn go, you'kn see, they'kn come ; but, I can go ; you can see ; they can come, 3. A, in ate, in verbi, is generally long ; but in other parts of speech of more than one syllable, it is usually short ; unless under some accent : as — intimate that to my intimate friend ; educate that delicate and obstinate child ; he calcu- lates to aggravate the case of his affectionate and unfortunate wife ; •he compassionate son meditates how he may alleviate the condition of his disconsolate mother; vindicate your consulate's honor ; depre- cate an unregenerate fleart, by importunate prayer ; the pre2-ate Mid primate calculate to regulate the ultimates immediately. 4. Ofiserve — that often the sounds of vowels are sometimes modified, •>-c/ian»ed, by letters immediately preceding or succeeding; which may be seen, as it respects a, for instance, In reji-e-gade, rriem-brane, -»7)-ro-tate, con-did-ate, po-ten-tate, night-in-gale, &c. : some hav- iiig a slight accent on the last syllable ; and others having the a preceded, or followed by a vocal consonant : see previous Note 3. 5. A le»ter ii called 3hort, when it cannot be prolonged in Speech, (though it can in Song,) without altering its form ; and long, when It 0071 be prolonged without such change: therefore, we call a sound long, or thort, because it is sun and felt to be so : as, cold, hot ; pale, mat : in making a long sound the glottis is kept open in- de6nitely ; and in making a short one, it is closed suddenly, produ- ejng an abrupt sound, like some of the consonants, A.Hecdot«. Saving Fuel. Some time ago, when modern stoves were first introduced, and offered for sale in a certain city, the ven- der remarked, by way of: recommending them, that one stove would save half the fuel Mr. Y being present, replied, " Sir, I wii buy two of them, if you please, and then I shall save the whole.'* Proverbs. 1. All truths must not be told at all times. 2. A good servant makes a good mas- ter. 3. A man in distress, or despair, does ao much as ten. 4. Before you make a friend, eat a peck of salt -wiih him, 5. Passion — will master you, if you do not master your passion. 6. Fomi — is good, but not formality. 7. Every tub mual stand on its own bottom. 8. First come, first served Friendship — cannot stand all on one side. 10. Idleness — is the hot-bed of vice and ignorance II. He that will steal a pin, will steal a hettm thing. 12. If you lie upon roses when yaung, yea will lie upon thorns when old. Q,ualificatioiis of Teacliers. Inas much as the nature of no one thing can be understood, without a Jcnowledge of its origin, and the history of its formation, the qualifi- cations of teachers are seen and felt to be so great, as to induce the truly conscieiitious to exclaim, in view of his duties, " Who is suffi- cient for these things'!" How can we er/?;- cate the child in a way appropriate to his state and relations, without a knowledge of his mental and physical stiructure? Is not a knowledge of psychology and physiology as necessary to the educator, as the knowledge of mechanics is to the maker or repairer of a watcti ? Wfio would permit a man even to repair a watch, (much less hire a man to make one,) who had only seen its externals? Alas! how ;)oorZy qualified are xiixie-tcnths of our teachers for the stations they occupy / almost totally ignorant of the nature and ori- gin of the human mind, and the science of physiology, which teaches us tlie structure and uses of the body. But how little tliey understand their calling, when they supposH it to be merely a teaching of Z»oofc-knowledge : without any regard to the development of 7nind and body. A teacher should possess a good moral character, and entire self-<;ontrol a fund of knowledge, and ability to commu- nicate it ; a uni^'orm temper, united with de- cision and firmness ; a mind to discriminate character, and tact to illustrate simply the studies of his pupils; he should be patient and forbearing ; pleasant and affectionate, and be capable of overcoming all difficulties, and showing the uses of knowledge. Varieties. 1. If one were as eloquent as an angel, he would please some folks, much more by listening, than by speaking. 2. An upright politician asks — what recommends a man ; a corrupt one — wfio recommends him. 3. Is any law independent of its maker ? 4. Kind words — cost no more than unkind ones 5. Is it not better to be ivise than rich ? 6 The power of emphasis — depends on concen- tration. 7. Manifested wisdom — infers rte. sign. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 21 [E in EEL.] 1 1. 1 here are then, it appears, two kinds of language; an artificial, or conventional language, consisting of words; and a natu- ral language, consisting of tones, looks, ac- tions, expression, and silence ,• the former is addi-essed to the eye, by the book, and to the tar, by speech, and must thus be learned ; the latter — addresses itself to both eye and ear, at tb.8 same moment, and must be thus acquired, 80 far as they can be acquired. To become an Elocniionist, I must learn both, these lan- guages ; that of art and science, and that of the passions, to be used according- to my sub- ject and object. 15. K has two regular sounds ; first, Its name sound, or long: , EEL ; e-ra, e-vii ; nei-ther de-ceive nor in-vei-g\e the seam-stress ; the sleek ree-gro bleats like a sheep ; Cce-sar's e-dict pve-cedes the e-poch of tre-mors ; the sheik's beard streamed like a me-te-or ; the ea-gle shriek'd his pcB-nn on the lea ; the e-go-tist seemed pleas'd with his pZe-na-ry Ze?s-ure to see the co-te-rte ; ^-ne-as Leigh reads Mo-sheim on the e-dile's heath ; the peo-ple tre-pann'd the fiend for jeer-ing his prem-ier ; his liege, at the or-gies, gave ce-tZ-iads at my niece, who beat him with her 6e-som, like a cav- a-Zi'er in Greece. 16. Since the body is the grand medium, for communicating feelings and thoughts, (as above mentioned,) I must see to it, that each part performs its proper office, without infringement, or encroachment. By observa- tion and experie?ice, I perceive that the miwl uses certain parts for specific pur- poses ; that the larynx is the place where vocal sounds are made, and that the power to produce them, is derived from the com- bined action of the abdominal and dorsal nmscles. Both body and mhid are rendered healthy and strong, by a proper use of all their organs and faculties. 17. Ii'regular Sounds. I and Y often have this sound; as — d,\\-tique, ion-tine ,- the ■po-lice of the bas-ZiZe seized the man-da-rin for his ca-price at the mag-a-zi/ie ,• the u- ni(2ue fi-nan-cicr, fa-tigued with his bom-ba- zine \a.-lise, in his re-treat from Mo-bile, lay by the ma-rines in the ra-vine, and ate ver- di-gris to re-lieve him of the cri-tique. • Sheri- dan, Walker and Perry say, yea yea, and nay nay, making the e long ,- but Johnson, En- tick, Jainieson and Webster, and the author, pronounce yea as if spelled yay. Words de- rived immediately from the French, accordhig to the genius of that language, are accented on the last syllables ; — cdi-price, fa.-tigue, po- lice, &c. Eorrow—lreads heavily, and leaves behind A deep impressiun, e'en wnen sne aeparts : While Jor/— trips by, with steps, as light as wind. And scarcely leaves a trace apon our hearts Of her faint /oo£-/aZ;5. 18. That the body may be fne, to a-ci in accordance with the dictates of the mind, ai! unnatural compressiotis and contractions must be avoided; particularly, cravats and stocks so tight around the neck, as to interfere with the proper action of the vocal organs, ana the free circulation of the blood ; also, tigh waistcoats ; double suspenders, made tight- er with straps ; elevating the/eet to a point horizofital with, or above, the seat; and lacing, of a7t^ description, around the waist, impeding the freedom of breathing naturdU- ly and healtlifully. Anecdote. True Modesty. When Wash- ington had closed his career, in the French and English war, and become a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia, the Speaker was directed, by a vote of the house, to returrf thanks to him, for the distinguished services he had rendered the country. As soon as Washington took his seat, as a mem- ber. Speaker R jbinson proceeded to discharge the duty assigned him ; which he did in such a manner as to confound the young hero ; who rose to express his acknowledgments ; but sucli wiis his confusion, that he was speechless ; he blushed, stammered, and trem- bled for a short time ; when the Speaker re- lieved "'"m by saying — " Sit down, Mr. Wash- ington ; your modesty is equal to j'our valor ; and that — surpasses the power of any lan- guage that I possess." Proverbs. 1. A blythe heart makes a bloom- ing visage. 2. A deed done .las an end. 3. A great city, a great solitude 4. Desperate cuts — must have desperate cures. 5. .^U men are not men. 6. A stumble— may prevent a fall. 7. A fool always comes short of liis reckoning. 8. Beggars must not be choosers. 9. Belter late, than never. 10. Birds of a feather flock together. 11. JVotking is lost in a good market. 12. All is well, that ends well. 13. Like priest, like people. Varieties. 1. Thetriximphs of truth — are the most glorious, because they are bloodless ,• deriving their highest lustre — from tlie num- ber of the saved, instead of the slain. 2. Wis- dom — consists in employing the best means, to accomplish the most important ends. 3. He, wlio would take you to a place of vice, or immoralUy, is not your real friend. 4. If gratitude — is due from man — to man., how much more, from man — to his Maker / b. Arbitrary power — no man can either give, or hold; even conquest cannot confer it: hence, law, and arbitrary power — are at eternal en- mity. 6. They who take no delight in vir- tue, cannot take any — either in the employ- ments, or the inhabitants of heaven. 7. Be- ware of violating the laws of Life, and you will always be met in mercy, and not in judgmerit. The calm of that old reverend Irow, the glow Of its thin silver locks, was like a flash Ot sunlight— m the pauses of a storm. 22 PEINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. [E in ELL.] 19. Having examined the structure of the hody, I see the necessity of standing, at first, on the left foot, and the right ioot a few inches from it, (where it will naturally fall, when raised up,) and pomtmg its heel toward the hollow of the left foot ; of throw- ing the shoulders back, so as to protrude the chest, that the air may have free ac-cess to the air cells of the lungs ; of havmg the upper part of the body quiescent, and the niind concentrated on the lower muscles, until they act voluntarily. ao, Tlie second sound of E is short : ELL; edge, en; the dem-o- crat's cq-m-p&ge was a leath- er eph-od ; the ea-qutre leaped from a pei-es-tal into a ket- tle of eggs ; a lep-er clench'd the epA-a, zeaZ-ous of the e6-on feath-er, and held it stead-y ; get the non-pa-ret/ weap-ons for the rec- on-dite Aer-o-ine ; the ap-pre»-tice for-^efs the shek-els lent the deal preZ-ate for his Aer-o-rne ; the clean-ly leg-ate held the tep- id mead-ow for a spe-cial /tome-stead ; ster- e-o-type the pref-a.ce to the ten-ets as a prel- ude to our ed-i-h\e re-tro-spec-tions ; yes- te'r-day I guess'd the fet-id yeast es-caped with an ep-i-sode from the ep-ic into the petals of^the sen-na ; the pres-age is im- press''d on his ret-i-na instead of the keg of phlegm. ai. In these pecuHar exercises of voice — are contained all the elements, or principles o( articulation, accent, emphasis and expres- sion ; and, by their aid, with but little ex- ertion, I shall be enabled to economize my breath, for protracted vocal efforts, and im- part all that animation, brilliancy and force, ihnt reading, speaking and singing ever re- quire. }43. Irregulars. A, I, U, and Y, some- times have this sound : as — an-y, or man-y pan-e-gi/r-ists of Mar-y-land said, — the bur- y-ing ground a-gainst the world; says the lan-cet to the ^rwm-pet — get out of my way a-gain, else the bicr-i-a\ ser-vice will be said over you in the black-ness of dark-ness ; there is ^fc-ness in the 6a.se-ment of our plan-et, from the use of as-sa-/cEZ-i-da, in-stead of her- rings: never say sus-pect for ex-pect, busi- niss for busi-ness, pay-mwnt for pay-ment, nor gar-munts for gar-ments. 23. As much depends on the quality of which any thing is made, I must attend to the manner, in which these sounds are pro- duced, and see that they are made jitst right; each having its appropriate weight, form, and quantity. Taking the above position, and opening th^ mouth wide, turning my lips a little out all round, trumpet fashion, and keeping mv eyes on a horizonta-l level, and inhaling full breaths, I will expel these sixteen vowel sounds into the roof of my mouth, with a suddenness and force similar to the crack of a thong, or the sound of a gun. An ape— is an zpe, a varlet—^s a varlet. Let then> be cl nhed in silk, or scarlet. Notes. 1. I'o make this souna of h, ftrop 'a e zoitx p. m open thg mouth wide, as indicated by the engraving, « a» to pre- vent it from becoming in the least nusal. 2. E in eni, ence, aa4 ess, generally hag this sound ; tho' «onietune8 it ilides into short u. 3. When e precedes two r's (it,) it should alway* have thw sound : as err, er-ror, mer-it, cher-ry, wher-ry : but alien follo«'eriate the suggestions^ whether they belong to the world of science, of tenets, or of morals. Varieties. 1. Ought women be allowed to vote ? 2. Nothing is troublesome, that we do willingly. 3. There is a certain kind of pleasure in weeping ; grief— is soothed and alleviated, by tears. 4. Labor hard in the field of observation, and turn every thiiig to a good account. 5. What is a more lovely sight, than that of a youth, growing up under the heavenly influence of goodness and truth P 6. To speak ill, from knoiu ledge, shows a want of character ,• to speak ill — upon sus' picion, shows a want of honest pnncijde 7. To be*perfectly resigned in the whole l.fe and in its every desire, to the ivill and govern^ ance of the Divine Providence, is a worship most pleasing in the sight of the Lord. To me, tho' bath'd in sorrow's dew, The dearer, far, art thou : I lov^d thee, when thy woes were few And can I alter— note ? That face, in jot/s bright hour, was fair , More beauteous, since grief is there ; Tho' somewhat pale thy brow ; And be it mi7ie, to soothe the pain, Thus pressing on thy heart and brain. 24 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. ^tnr at, Articulatio7i is the cutting out and shaping, in a perfectly distinct and appro- priate manner, with the organs of speech, all the simple and compound sounds which our twenty-six letters represent. It is to the ear what a fair hand-writing is to the eye, and relates, of course, to the sounds, not to the names, of both vowels and conso- nants. It depends on the exact positions and correct operations, of the vocal powers, and on the ability to vary them with rapid- ity, precision and effect: thus, articulation is purely an intellectual act, and belongs not to any of the brute creation. S8. Tlie second sound of I is short : ILli; inn, imp; the ser-vile spir-it of a rep-tile Zi6-er-tine is hos-tile to fem-i-nine fi-del-i- / ty; the pu-er-ile dis-ci-i^ine I of mer-can-tile chi-ca«e-ry, is \ the ar-tio7is of fAm^s and principles, both as respects «piri<, and matter ; or you w ill grope in darhiess. 36. Tlie second soiuid of O is cloise : OOZE; do stoop, and choose to ac-foM-tre the ^o«r-mand , ^, ar.d trou-ba-(foMr, with boots ' /^^/j;:;i^\^ and shoes ; the soot-y coM-ri-er broods n youth-i\\\ boor to gam- '—- ' y hoge the goose for a dou-ceur ; ^ ;^ qq^e.] Brougham, (Broom,) proves the .lucouth dva-UTIO^. Causes of Greek Perfection. All Greek Philologists have failed to account satisfac- torily, for the form, harmony, power, and superiority of that language. The reason seems to be, that they have sought for a tiling where it is not to be found; they havelook'd into books, to see — what was never written in books ; but which alone could be heard.. They learned to read by ear, and not by let- ters; and, instead of having vianuscripts he- fore them, they memorized their contents, and made the thoughts their own, by actual appro- priation. When an author wished to have his work published, he used the living voice of himself, or of a public orator, for the prin- ter and bookseller : and the public speaker, who was the best qualified for the task, would get the most business : the greater effect they produced, the higher their reputation. The human voice, being the grand instrument, was developed, cultivated, and tuned to the highest perfection. Beware of dead hook knowledge, and seek for iiving, moving na- ture : touch the letter — 6nly to make it alive with the eternal soul. Anecdote. / liold a wolf by the ears : which is similar to the phrase — catching a Tartar ; supposed to have arisen from a trooper, meeting a Tarter in the woods, and exclaiming, that he had caught one : to which his companion replied, — " Bring him along, then;" — he answered, "I ca'-A't ;'' "Then come yomself;'''' — "He won't let me." The meaning of which is, to repre- sent a man grappling with such difficulties, that he knows not how to advance or recede. Varieties. 1. 1^ it not strange, that such beautiful flowers — should spring from the dust, on which we tread? 2. Pcttient, persevering thought — has done more to en- lighten and improve mankind, than all the sudden and brilliant efforts of genius. 3. It is astonisldng, how much a little added to a little, will, in time, amount to. 4. The hap- piest state of man — is — that of doing good, for its oivn sake. 5. It is much safer, to think — what w^e say, than to say — what we think. 6. In affairs of the heart, the 07ily trafic is — love for love; and the exchwrge — all for all. 7. There are as many orders of truth, as there are of created objects of ordof in the world ; and as many orders of good- proper to such truth. There is a spell— m every flower, A sweetness — in each spray. And every simple bird—hath power- To please me, with its lay. And there is music — on the breett, Th't sports along the glade. The crystal dezo-Aropa — on the trcea, Are gems — by fancy made. O, there is jo?/ and happiness — In every thing I see, Which bids m/ soul rise up, and blosa The Ood, th'v blesses me. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 2'> [0 in ON.] 3S. Oratory — in all its refinement, and necessary circumstances, belongs to no par- ticular people, to the exclusion of others; nor is it the gift of nature alone ; but, like other acquirements, it is the reward of ardu- us efforts, under the guidance of consummate skill. Perfection, in this art, as well as in all others, is the work of time and labor, prompt- ed by true feeling, and guided by correct tJcought. 39. Tlie tliird sound of O is short ON ; /ore-head, pro^-uce ; the JoZ-o-rous coZZ-ier trode on th bronz'd o6-e-lisk, and his sol- ace was a co/n-bat for om-lets made of g-or-geous cor-als ; the vol-a-tiie pro-cess of making ros-in j^/o6-ules o( trop-'\-ca\ mon-Kdes is ex- f raor-di-na-ry ; the doc-i\e George for-fi-o^ tUe_;oc-und copse in his som-bre prog-ress to the moss broth in yo7t-der trough of A:;zoi«Z-edge ; beyond the jlor-xd frosts of morn-ing are the sop-o-r//'-ic prod-ucls of the /ioZ-y-days. 40. Dean Kirwan, a celebrated pulpit ora- tor, was so thoroughly convinced of the im- portance of manner, as an instrument of do- ing good, that he carefully studied all his tones and gestures ; and his well modulated and commanding voice, his striking attitudes, and his varied emphatic action, greatly aided his wing-ed words, in instructing, melting, inflaming, terrifying and overwhelming his auditors. 41. Irregulars. A sometimes has this si)und : For what was the wad-dling swan 9Mar-rel-ing with the wasp wan-der-ing and wab-h\ing in the swamp ? it was in a qua7i- da-ry for the qua7i-ti-ty of wars be-tween the squash and wash-tuh, I war- rant you. N^OteS. L The in 7ior is like o in on and or : and the rea- son why it appeal! to be diiTerent, is that the letter r, when smooth, beine formed the lowest in the throat of any of the consonants, partakes more of the properties of the vmvd than the rest. 2. is silent in the final syllables of pris-on, bi-son, dam-son, ma-son, par-son, sex-ton, ar-son, bla-zon, glut-ton, par-don, but-ton, rea-son, niut-ton, ba-con, trea-son, reck-on, sea-son, u-ni-son, he-ri-zon, crim- son, les-son, per-son, Mil-ton, John-son, Thomp-son, &c. Proverbs. 1. A man of gladness— se\dom falls into madness. 2. A new broom sweeps clean- 3. A whetstone — can't itself cut, yet it makes tools cut. 4. Better go around, than fall into the ditch. 5. Religion — is an excellent ar- mor, but a bad cloke. 6. The early bird — catches tbe worin. 7. Everrj one's faults are not written in Iheir fore -heads. 8. Fire and water— are ex- cellent servants, but bad masters. 9. Fools and obstinate people, make lawyers rich. 10. Good counsel — has no price. 11. Great barkers — are no biters. 12. Regard the interests of others, as well as your own. 'Tis liberty, alone, that gives the flower Of fleeting life its lustre, and perfume ; And we are weeds without it. Man's soul— in a perpetual motion flows, And to no outward cause — that motion owes. Analogies. Light— is used in all lan- guages, as the representative of tnJh m ita power of illustrating the understanding. Sheep, lambs, doves, &c., are analogous to, or represent certain principles and ajfectiom of the mind, which are pure and innscent, and hence, we select them as fit representu ■ lives of sucli affections : while, on the other hand, bears, wolves, sei-pents,*nnd the like, are thought to represent their like afTections. In patjiting and sculpture it is the artist's great aim, to represent, by sensible colon ^ and to embody under material forms, cer- tain ideas, or principles, which belong to the mind, and give form to his conceptions on canvass, or on 'marble : and, if his execu- tion be equal to his conception, there will be a perfect correspondence, or analogy, be- tween his picture, or statue, and the ideas, which he had endeavorsd therein to express. The works of the greatest masters in poe- try, and those which wih live the longest, contain the most of pure correspondences ; for genuine poetry is identical with truth; and it is the truth, in such works, which is their living prijiciple, and the so"vce of their power over the mind. Anecdote. Ready Wit. A boy, having been praised for his quickness of reply, a gentleman observed, — " When children are so keen in their youth, they are generally stupid when they become advanced in years.''"' " What a very sensible boy y.-'t must have been, sir,"— replied the lad. Varieties. 1. Why is a thinking perso. like a mirror ? because he reflects. 2. Selj sufficiency — is a rock, on which thousand perish ; while diffidence, with a proper sens of our strength, and worthiness, generallf ensures success. 3. Industry — is the law o. our being ; it is the demand of nature, cfrea son, and of God. 4. The generality of man Idnd — spend the early part of their lives ii contributing- to render the latter part misera- hie. 5. When we do wrong, being convinc- ed of it — is the fir^st step towards amend- ment. 6. The style of writing, adopted by persons of equal education and intelligence, is the criterion of correct language. 7. To go against reason and its dictates, when pure^ is to go against God'- such reason — is the di- vine governor of man's life: it is the very voice of God. THE EVENING BELLS. Those evening hells, those evening bells » How many a tale — their music tells Of youth, and home, and native clime. When I last heard their soothing chime. Those pleasant '^ours have passed awayt And many p heart, that then was gay. Within tl> Uivib -now darkly dwells. And heai-» n-- luore those evenmg bells. And so it win he when /am gone; That tuneful pc«Z— will still ring on, When other bards— shall walk these dellH And sing your praise, sweet evening bells. «8 PRINCIPLES OF LLOCUTION 4^ . Yield implicit obedience to all rules and principles, that are founded in nature and science; hecanse, ease, gracefulness, and effii iency, always follow accuracy ; but rules may be dispensed with, when you have be- come divested of bad habits, and have per- j'ecten yourself in this useful art. Do not, howe\ er, dest«oy the scaffold, until you have erected the building; and do not raise the 6uper-s/rttr^ure, till you have dug deep, and laid i\s foundation stones upon urock. 43. U lias tlirce regvilai- sounds : first, SAME sound, OX long : MUTE; ,s^_^.Lj June re-/w-ses osrtute Ju-ly the / ^-^ \ juice due to cu-cum-ber; tiiis feu- / J^^\ dal con-nois-si€wr is a suil-a.-ble i " x^^^^ ) co-ad-yif-tor for the c«-ri-ous ^ \ / ?;ia7i-tua-ma-ker; the a-gue and [U in mute.] /e-ver is a si?i-gu-lar nuisance to the a-ct^- men of the nm-lat-to; the c^^-rate cal-cn- lates to ed-u-cate this lieu-/e?2-ant for the tri- 6u-nal of the Duke'syu-di-cat-ure. 44. Elocution, is reading, and speaking, with science, and effect. It consists of two parts : the Science, or its true principles, and the Art, or the method of presenting them. Science is the knowledge of Art, and Art IS the practice af Science. By science, or knowledge, we know how to do a thing ; and the doing of it is the art. Or, science is the parent, and art is the offspring ; or, science is the seed, and art the plant. 45. Irregulars. Ew, has sometimes this diphthongal sound, which is made by com- rjjencing with a conformation of organs much hke that required in short e, as in ell, termi- nating with the sound of o, in ooze ; see the engraving. Re-uiety the deiv-y Jew a.-new, while the cat mews for the stew. In pro- nouncing the si7igle sounds, the mouth is in one condition ; but, in giving the diphthong, or double sound, it changes in conformity to them. IVoleS. I. U, when long, at the beginning of a word, or lyllaLile, is preceded by the consonant sound of y : i. e. it has this coiLsmuitit and its own vowel sound : as ; u-ni-verse, (yu-ni-verse,) pen-u-ry, (pen-yu-ry,) slat-u-a-ry, (stat-yu-a-ry,) ewe, (yu,) vol-umt, (vol-yume,) na-ture, (nat-yure,) &c.: but not in coJ-umn, oZ-uui, kc, where the u is short 2. Never pronounce duty, dooty ; tune, toon; news, noo«; blue, Woo; slew, sloo; dews, doos; Jews,Joos; Tuesday, T-joi Liy ; gratitude, gratitoode, kc. 3. Sound all the syllables full, for a time, regardless of sense, ant) make every let- ter tliat it not silent, tell truly and fully on the ear : there is no danger that you will net clip them enough in practice. Anecdote. A Dear Wife. A certain ex- travagant spe(ulatnr, who failed soon after, informed a relation one evening, that he had that day purchased an elegant set of jewels for his dear wife, which cost him two thousand dollars. " She is a dear wife, indeed,'''' — was the laconic reply. Knowledge— dwells »n heads, replete with thoughts oi other men ; Vi.sDOM. in minds attentive to their own. Proverbs. I. Fuols — viake fashions, and other people follow them. 2. From nothing nothing can come. 3. Give but rope enough, arj'^ he will hang himself. 4. Punishment— may he tardij, but it is sure to overtake the guilty. 5. He that plants trees, loves others, besides him- self. 6. If a fool have success, it always ruins him. 7. It is more easy to threaten, than to do. 8. Learning — makes a man fit company for him- self, as well as others. 9 Little strokes (e £-'cat oaks. 10. Make the best of a bad bargain. 11. The more we have,the more we desire. 12. dn- teel societj' — is not always good society. Tlie Innocent and Gnllty. If those, only, who sow to the wi?id — reap the whirl' wind, it would be well : but the mischief is — that the blindness of bigot?:]/, the mad. ness of ambition, and the miscalculation of diplomacy — seelc their victims, principally, amongst the innocent and itnoffending. The cottage — is sure to suffer, for every er- ror of the court, the cabinet, or the camp. When error — sits in the seat of power and authority, and is generated in high places, it may be compared to that torrent, which originates indeed, in the mountain, but commits its devastation in the vale below. Sternal Joy. The delight of the sow? — is derived from love and wisdom from the Lord ; and because love is efl'ective through wisdom, they are both fixed in the effect, which is use : this delight from the Lord flows into the soul, and descends through the superiors and inferiors of the mind — in- to all the senses of the body, nnd fulfills it. self in them ; and thence jo/y — becomes joy, and also eternal— from the Eternal. Varieties. I. Gaming, like quicksand^ may swallow up a man in a moment. 2. Real independence — is Hving within our means. 3. Envy — has slain its thousands ; but neglect, its tens of thousands. 4. Is not a sectarian spirit — the deviPs wedge — to sep- arate christians from each other? 5. That man is little to be envied, whose pa/rio/wvu— would not gain force on the plains of Mara- thon ; or whose piety would not grow warm- er among the ruins of Io7iia. G. Rational evidence — is stronger than any miracle whenever it convinces the understanding; which miracles do not. 7. Man, in his sal- vatio7i, has the power of an omnipotent Gof^ to fight for him ; but in his damnation, he must fight against it, as being ever in the ci fort to save him. THE SEASONS. These, as they change, Almighty Father! thcsfe Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is ftdl of thee. Forth in the pleasing spring Thy beauty walks, thy tenderness and love. Wide flush the fields ; the sofl'ning air is balm , Echo the mountains round ; Ihe forest smiles^ And ev'ry sense, and ev'ry heart is joy. Even from the body''s purity— the mind- Receives a secrwt, sympathetic aid PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 21» 46. By As'ALTsis — sounds, syllables, words, and sentences are resolved into their constituent parts ; to each is given its own peculiar sound, force, quality, and meaning,- and thus, every shade of vocal coloring, of thought and feeling, may be seen and felt. By Synthesis, these parts are again re-uni- ted, and presented in all their beautiful and harmonious combinutions, exhibiting all the varieties oi perception, thought, and emotion, tliat can 'be produced by the human mind. 47. Tlie second sotuid of U is short : UP ; an z/7-tra numh-skuW is a s^i,,Lj mur-ky scwZ-lion; she urged / /-E-TX her cawr-te-ous hus-hand to / /J^^\\ \ coup-\e himself to a ire-men- ( "wcj^l dous iur-i\e ; the coun-try ur- \ ^ ^ / chin pwr-chased a bunch of [UinUP.] mush and fwr-nips, w^ith an ei-ful-geni duc- at, and burst with the bulk of fun, because the wm-pire de-mwrr-ed at the swc-co-tash. 4:8. Lord Ma7is field, when quite young, used to recite the orations of Demosthenes, on his native mountains ; he also practised before Mr. Pnj)e, the poet, for the benefit of his criticis7ns ; and the consequence was, his melodious voice and graceful diction, made as deep an impression, as the beauties of his !.iyle and the excellence of his matter; which obtained for him the appellation of " the silver-toned Murray."" 49. Irregulars. A, E, I, O, and Y, occasionally have this sound : the wo-man's AjAS-band's clerk whirled his com-rade into a bloody flood for mirth and mon-ey ; sir 8quir-re\ does noth-ing but shove on-ions up the coZ-lan-der ; the sov-reign monk has just come to the coZ-ored mo7t-key, quoth my won-dex'vag mother; this sur-geon bumbs the 7irtr-ror-stricken 5e(i-lam-ites, and cov- ets the com-pa-ny of mar-tyrs and ro6-bers, to ^/M7i-der some tons of co«s-ins ot their gloves, coOT-fort, and hon-ey ; the bird en- vfZ-ops some worms and pome-gran- ates in its s«ow-ach, Si-hove the myr-t\e, in front of the ^au-ern, thus, fres-pass ing on the foy-er-ed vi-ands ; the wa?i-ton sex-ton en- co/n- pass-es the earth with g-i-ant whirl- winds, and plun-ges its sons into the bot- lom-less o-cean with his s7ioj;-el. Notes. 1. E and U, final, are sileiit in such words as, hopw, va^uc, eclogue, synagogue, plague, catalogue, rogue, denia- goffue. &r, 2. Do justice to every letter and word, and as soon think ot itepping backward and forward in walking, as to repro- liourxe your words in reading: nor should you call the words in- MtTbctiy, any sooner than you would put on your shoes for your "uU. or your liomut for your s'tawl. 3. When e or t precedes one T. in the same syllable, it generally has this sound : berth, n.irth, barn), vir-gin,&c..seciV. p. aa. 4. Sometimes r is double m sound, tiouifli written single. Could we — with ink — the ocean fill, Were earth — of parchment made ; Were every single stick — a quill, Each man — a scribe by trade ; To write the tricks— of half the sex. Would drink the ocean dry : — Gallants, heioare, look sharp, take care, The WJ7»d— eat many a fly. C Proverl>s. 1. Like the doff in the maxger , he will neither do, nor let do. 2. Many a slip be- tween the cup and lip. 3. No great loss, 1 u» there is some small gain. 4. Nothing ventiire, nothing have. 5. One half the world knows no* how the other half lives. 6. One story is good till another is told. 7. Pride— goes before, and sAamc— follows after. 8. Saying and doing, are two things. 9. Some— are wise, and some — arf otherwise. 10. That is but an empty purse, that is full of other folk's money. 11. Ccmmon /awM_ is generally considered a liar. 12. No weapon^ but truth ; no law, but love. Anecdote. Lawyer's Mistake When the regulations of West Boston bridge were drawn up, by two famous lawyers, — one section, it is said, was written, accepted, and now stands thus: "And the said proprietors shall meet annually, on the first Twes-day of June; provided,the same does not fall on Sunday." Habits. If parents — only exercised the same forethought, ond judgment, about the education of their children, as they do in reference to their shoemaker, carpenter , join- er, or even gardener, it would be much bet • ter for these precious ones. In all cases, what is learned, should be learned well : to do which, good teachers — shouM be preferred to cheap ones. Bad habits, once learned, are not easily corrected : it is better to learn one thing well, and thoroughly, than ma7iy things wrong, or imperfectly. Varieties. 1. Is pride — an indication ot talent? 2. A handsome woman — please? the eye ) but a good woman the heart : the former — is di jewel; the latter — a living trea sure. 3. An ass — is the gravest beast; an owl — ^the gravest bird. 4. What a pity it is, when we are speaking of one who is beauti- ful and gifted, that we cannot add, tliat he or she is good, happy, and innocent! 5. Don't rely too much on the torches of others ; light one of your own. 6. Ignorance- is like a blank sheet of paper, on which we may write ; but error — is like a scHbbled one. 7. All that the natural sun is to the natural world, that — is the Lord — to his spiritual creation and world, in which are our minds — and hence, he enlightens every man, that cometh into the world. Our birth— is but a sleep, and a forgetting ; The soul, th't rises witli us, our life's star, Hath had elsewhere — its setting, And cometh from afar; Not in entire forgetfulness. And not in utter nakedness. But trailing clouds of glory— do we come From Ood, who is our hoine. And 'tis remarkable, that they Talk most, that have the least to say. Pity — is the virtue of the law. And none but t7jrants--use it cruelly. 'Tis the ^rst sanction, nature gave to tnna, Each other to assist, in what they can. r2 30 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 50. It is not the quantity read, but the ma?iner of reading, and the acquisition of correct and efficient rules, with the abihty TO apply them, accurately, gracefully , and involuntarily, that indicate progress in these arts : therefore, take ofie principle, or com- bination of principles, at a time, and prac- tice it till the object is accomplished : in tfiis way, you may obtain a perfect mastery over your vocal powers, and all the elements of language. 61. The tlilrd sound of U Is Fnlli PULL ; crw-el Bru-tns rued the I crude fruit bruised for the pud- ^^^r\ ding ; thepru-dent rw-ler wound- I /^X ed this youth-i\x\ cuck-oo, he- j unced, which are often spoken incorrectly. Anecdote. Sf.upidifi/. Said a testy law- yer, — " I believe the Jury have been inocula- fed for stupidity.'' " That may be," replied lus opponent; "but the bar, and the cotcrt, are of opinion, that you had it the natural way." <) there are hours, aye moments, that contain Feelings, that years may pass, and never bring. The soul's dark c:ttage, battered, and decayed. Rtil'i lets in iw7u,thro' rkinks, ih^t «iot« has made. Proverbs. I. Jlway goes the devh when the door is shut against him. 2. A liar is not to be believed when he speaks the truth. 3. Never speak ill of your neighbors. 4. Constant occu- pation, prevents temptation. 5. Courage — ought to have eyes, as well as ears. 6. Experience- keeps a dear school , but fools will learn in no other. 7. Follow the wise few, rather than the foolish many. 8. Good actions are the best sacri- fice. 9. He who avoids the temptation, avoids the sin. 10. Knowledge — directs practice, yet practice increases knowledge. Duties. Never cease to avaL yo?ureelf of information: you must observe closely — read attentively and digest what you read,— • converse extensively with high, and low, ricfi and poor, noble and ignoble, bond and free, — meditate closely and intensely on all the knowledge you acquire, and have it at per- fect command. Obtain just conceptions of all you utter — and communicate every thing in its proper order, and clothe it in the most agreeable ajid effective language. Avoid all redundancy of expression; be neither too' close, nor too diffuse, — and, especially, be as:^ perfect as possible, in that branch of oratory, which Demosthenes declared to be thej^rs/,; second, and third parts of the science, — a^ tion, — god-like actio]s^, — which relates to every thing seen and heard in the orator. Elocution, — enables you, at all times, to command attention : its effect will be electric, and strike from heart to heart ; and he must be a mere declaimer, who does not feel hiDt self inspired — by the fostering meed of such approbation as mute attention, — and the re turn of his sentiments, fraught with the sym pathy of his audience. Varieties. 1. Have steamboats — been the occasion of more evil, than good? 2. Those that are idle, are generally troublesome to such as are industrious. 3. Plato saye— God is t7-uth, and light — is his shadow. 4. MaZ-information — is more hopeless than non- information; for eiTor — is always more diffi- cult to overcome than ignorance. 5. h«, that will not reason, is a bigot ; he, tliat can not reason, is a fool; and he, who dares nt)t reason, is a slave. 6. There is a great ditier- ence between a well-spoken man and an oror tor. 7. The Word of God — is divine, and, in its principles, infinite : no part can really contradict another part, or have a meaning opposite — ^to what it asserts as true ; although it may appear so in the letter: for the lettet killeth ; but the spirit — giveth life. They are sleepingl Who are sleeping 1 PatLse a moment, softly tread ; Anxious /rtends — are fondly keeping Vigils — by the sleepei-^s bed I Other hopes have all forsaken,— One remains,— that slumber deepf Speak not, lest the slumberer waken From that sweety that saving sleep. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. SI 54. A Diphtho?ig, or double sound, is the union of two vowel sounds in one syllable, pronounced by a single continuous effort of the voice. There are four diphthongal sounds, in our language ; long i as in isle ; oi, in oil ; the pure, or long sound of u in lure, and ou in our ; which include the same sounds under the forms of long y in rhyme; of oy in coy; of ew in pew;; and ow in how. These diphthongs are called pure, because they are . all heard ; and in speaking and singing, only the radical, (or opening full- ness of the sound,) should be prolonged, or gung. 55. Diplitlioiigs. 0?" and Oy : OIL, broil the joint of loin in poison \ \^ and omf-ment ; spoil not the oys- , jTuT \ ters for the hoy-den ; the boy / pitch-es quoits VL-droit-ly on the soil, and suh-joins the joists to \ the pur-loins, and em-ploys the rQiinOiL.] de-8troy''d toi-let to soil the res- er-voir, lest he be cloy'd with his me-moirs. 58. The late Mr. Fitt, (Lord Chatham,) was taught to declaim, when a mere hoy ; and was, even the7i, much admired for his talent in recitation : the resiclt of which was, that his ease, grace, power, self-pos- session, and imposing digidty, on his first appearance in the British Parliament, "drew audience and attentio7i, still as night ;" and the irresistible force of his actio?i, and the power of his eye, carrried conviction with nis arguments. Notes. 1. The radical, or root of this diphthong, com- mences nearly with 3d a, as in all, and its vanish, or terminating point, with the name sound of e, as in eel ; the first of which is in- dicated by the engraving above. 2. Avoid tlie vulgar pronuncia- tion of He, for oil ; jice, for joist ; pint, for point ; bile, for boil ; ynt, for jovit ; hist, for hoist ; spile, for spoil ; quate, for quoit ; jjtir line, for pur-io'in ; pt-zen, for pot-son; brile, for broil; Clyde, for cloyed, &c.: this sound, especially, when given with the jaw riiuch dropped, and rounded lips, has in it a captivating nobleness; but beware of extremes. 3. The general rule for pronouncing the vowels is — they are open, continuous, or long, when final in ac- cented words and syllables; as a-ble,/a-ther, ato-ful,me-tre,i»:-b'e, noble, »noo-ted, tw-mult, fcrtt-tal, pot-son, ow-ter-most; but they are shut, discrete, or short, when followed in the same syllable by 1 consonant ; as, ap-ple, sew-er, lit-i\e, poWer, but-ion, sym-pa-thy. Examples of exceptions — ale, are, all, file, note, tune, &c. 4. An- other general rule is — a vowel followed by two consonants, that are repeated in the pronunciation, is short : as, master, ped-far, sound ti-ro2i7id a cloud, and / '^'^X^X drowned a mouse iii •-: oound of / y^^N\\ sour chow-der; a "^row-sy Vi^~~~z j mouse de-vour''d a hovjao and I v^?v / howl'd a po£0- wow a-bout the j-yy in our] »io?i7i- tains ; the gou-ty oM crouched in his tow-ex, and tlirP scowjZ-ing cow bowed down de-i;o«<-ly in hor how-ex ; the giour'(jower) en-shro^id-edi in pow-ex, en-dow-eA the count's prow;-ess with a re- nown^d trow-e\, and found him with a stout gown in the coun-ty town. 59. Demosthenes, the Grecian orator, paid many thousa?ids to a teacher in Elocu- tion ; and Cicero, the Roman orator, after having completed his education, in other respects, spent two whole years in recitation, under one of the most celebrated tragedi- ans of antiqvxty. Brutus declared, that he vyould prefer the honor, of being esteemed the master of Roman eloquence, to the glo- ly of many triumphs. GO. Notes. 1. Ou and 0M> are the only representatives if this dipththongaJ sound ; the former generally in the niiddU >l wordt, and the latter at the end : in itoio, shvw, and low, w H silent. 2. There are 12 jno7io-thongal vowels, or stngrZe voice 5'mnds, and 4 d»/(A-thongal vowels, or dcmhlt voice sounds : these ips heard in is/e, time, oil and out. 5. There is a very incorrtct ill J offaisive sound given by some to this diphthong, particularly ID the Norlliem stales, in consequence of drawing the comers of the rnoutli back, and keeping the teeth too close, while pronouncing if; it fliay be called 3. flat, ncual sound: in song it is worse tlan in sjieecli. It may be represented as follows — heou, 7ieou, ""nin, fieoixr, deotin, keounty, theower, ^c. Good natured, UiH^lans pe/jpje, living in colddimaf«, where they wish to keep tlie inouih nearly closed, when talking;, are often guilty of this vul- (pirily. It may be avoided by opening the mouth wide, projecting tlie under jaw and making the sound d-iep in the throat. Aitecdote. Woman as she should be. A young woman went into a public library, in a certain towfi, and asked for "Man as he is." " That is ouf. Miss," said the librarian ; " but we have 'Woman as she should &e,'" She took the boiik and the hint too. Where are the heroes of the ages past : [bnes Where the brave chieftains — where the mighty Who flourish'd in the infancy of days 1 .All to th-; ^rave gone down!— On their fall'n /ame, Etultant, mocking at the pride of man, !*ils grim Forg-et fulness. The warrior's arm Lies nerveless on the pillow of its shame : t/ush^d IS his« storm'-' voice, and quenched the blaze or his red eue-ba'l. Proverbs. L As you make your bed, so raust you lie in it. 2. Be the character you would bo called. 3. Choose a calling, th't is adapted to your inclination, and natural abilities. 4. Live — an. He knows best what is good, who has endured enl. H. Great ;)ai7»5 and little ^aiTw, soon niaKe umu weary. 12. The fairest rose will wither at tost. Cause and Effect. The evils, which afflict the country, are the joint productiona of all parties and all classes. They have been produced by ovei-hanktng, o\ex-trad- tng, o\ex-spendi7ig, ovex-dashing, ovex-dri- ving, ovex-reaching, ovex -borrowing, over- eating, ovex -drinking, ovex -thinking, over- playing, ovex-riding, and ovex-acting ot every kind and description, except over working' Industry is the foundation of so ciety, and the cor7ier-stone of civilization. Recipients. We receive according to our states of mind and life : if we are in the love and practice of goodness and truth, we be- come the receivers of them in that propor tion ; but if otherwise, we form receptacles of their opposites,— /aZsi/?/ and evil. When we are under heavenly influences, we know that all thing-s shall work together for our happiness ; and when under infernal influ ences, they will work together for our inis- ery. Let us then choose, this day, whom we will serve ; and then shall we know — ivhere in consists the art of happiness, and the art of misery. Varieties. 1. Is not the single /ad, that the human mind has thought of another world, good proof that there is one 1 2. Tol- eration — is good for all, or it is good for none. 3. He who swallows up the sub- stance of the poor, will, in the end, find that it contains a bone, which will choke him. 4. The greatest share of happiness is enjoyed by those, who possess affluence, without su peifiuity, and can command the comforts ol life, without plunging into its luxuries. 5. Do not suppose that everi/ thing is gold, which glitters,- biiiid not your hopes on a sandy foundation. 6. Tlie world seems divided into two great classes, agitators SiXid the non- agitators: why should those, who are estab lished on the immutable rock of truth, feat agitation] 7. True humiliation — is a pear, of great price; for where there is no resist- ance, or obstacle, thei-e, — heaven, and itsm* Huences must enter, enlighten, teach, purify^ create and support. The only prison, th't enslaves the suul. Is the dark habitation, where she dwells. As in a noisome dun^reon. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 33 59. Reading — by voivel sounds only, is analagous to singing by note, instead of by word. This is an exceedingly interesting and important exercise : it is done, simply, by omitting the consonants, and pronounc- ing the vowels, the same as in their respec- tive words First, r -onounce one or more words, and then re-pronounce them, and leave otf the consonants. The towels con- stitute the EssKxcK of words, and the conso- NANTS give that material the proper form. 60 All the vowel sounds, thrice told, — James Parr; Hall Mann ; Eve Prest ; Ike Sill; Old Pool Forbs; Luke Munn Bull; Hoyle Trout — ate palms walnuts apples, peaches melons, ripe figs, cocoas goosberries hops, cucumbers prunes, and boiled sour-crout, to their entire satisfaction. Ale, ah, aU> at; eel, ell; isle, ill; old, ooze, on; mute, up, full ; oil, ounce. Now repeat all these vowel sounds consecutively, : A, A, A, A ; E, E; I, I; O, O, 0; U,U,U; Oi. Ou. 61. Elocution — comprehends Expulsion of Sound, Articulation, Force, Time, Pronunci- ation, Accent, Pauses, Measure and Melody of Speech, Rhythm, Emphasis,- the Eight Notes, Intonation, Pitch, Inflexions, Circum- flexes. Cadences, Dynamics, Modulation, Style, the Passions, and Rhetorical Action. Reading and Speaking are inseparably con- nected with music ; hence, every step taken in the /ormer, according to this system, will aavancc one equally in the latter : for Music is but an elegant and refined species of Elo- cution. 6a. CeRTATX vowels to be PROJfOXTJfCED KEPATiATELT. In reading the following, be very deliberate, so as to shape the sounds per- fectlj/, and give each syllable clearly and dis- tinctly ; and in all the ex-am-ples, here and elsewhere, make those sounds, that are ob- jects of attention, very prominent. Ba-a], the o-ri-ent «-e-ro-naut and cham-]}\-on offi- er-y scor-pi-ons, took his a-e-ri-al flight into the ge-o-me^-ri-cal em-py-re-an, and drop- ped a heau-W-fnl z;i-o-let into the ^jo-pi-i Fo- rum, where they sung hy-me-ne-al re-qui- ems ; Be-eZ-ze-bub ri-o-lent-ly rent the va-ri- e-ga-ted rfi-a-dem from his zo-o-Zog--i-cal cra- ni-um, and placed it on the Eu-ro-jpe-an ge- ni-i, to 77ie-li-o-rate their in-cho-ate i-de-a. of cM-ring the ^iZ-e-ous m-val-ids of Maw-tu-a and Pom-pe-i, with the tri-ew-ni-al pan-a-ce-a of no-oZ-o-gy, or the Zm-e-a-ment of «-ri-es. Notes, 1. The constituent diphthongal sounds of /are near. W 3d o, and Iste; those of «, approach to 2d e, and 2d o; those of at, to 3d a, and 2d i ; and those of ou to 3d o, and 2d o ; make and Riialyze tliem , and obsen-e the fusael shape of the lips, which sliaoge with tlie changing sounds in passing from the radicals to thtir vanishes. 2. Prevewtives and curativea of incipient disease, ray be found in these principles, pwitioni and exercises. Loveliness — Needs not the aid oi fcreign ornament ; But is. when ^^7^adorned adorned the most. BR0N80N. 3 Proverbs. 1. A iraaa Ja n« \etter for liking himself, if nobody elae likes him. 2. A ichitf glove often conceali a dirty hand. 3. Bettf r pass at once, than to b'j always in danger. 4. Misun- derstandings— vlxq often lest prevented, by jien and ink. 5. Knowledge is treasiire, and memory is the treasury. 6. Crosses— are ladders, lead- ing to heaven. 7. Faint praise, is disparagemeni 8. Deliver me from a person, who can talk onh' on one subject. 9. He who peeps throgh a key- hole may see what will re him. 10. If shreu'd_ men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 11. Physicians rarely take medicines. 12. Curses, like chickens, generally come home to roost. Anecdote. A get-off. Henry the Fourth was instigated to propose war against the Protestants, by the importunity of his Par- liament ; whereupon, he declared that he would make every member a caftain of a company in the army : the proposal was then unanimously negatived. Contrasts. Our fair ladies laugh at tlie Chinese ladies, for depriving themselves of the use of their feet, by tight shoes and bandages, and whose character would be ruined in the estimation of their associates, if they were even suspected of being able to walk : — while they, by the more danger- ous and destructive habits of tight-lacing, destroy functions of the body far more im- portant, not only to themselves, but to their offspring ; and whole troops of dandies, quite as fo7?er-waisted, and almost as mas- culine as their mothers, are the natural re- sults of such a gross absurdity. If to be admired — is the motive of such a custom, it is a most paradoxical mode of accomplish- ing this end ; for that which is destructive o( health, must be more destructive of beau- ty — that beauty, in a vain effort to preserve which, the victims of this fashion have de- voted themselves to a joyless youth, and a premature decrepitude, Varieties. 1 . Is it best to divulge the truth to all, whatever may be their state of mind and life 1 2. A good tale — is never the worse for being twice fold. 3. Those who do not love any thing, rarely experience great enjoy- ments ; those who do love, often suffer deep griefs. 4. The way to heaven is delightful to those who love to walk in it ; and the diffi- culties we meet with in endeavoring to keep it, do not spring from the nature of the way, but from the state of the traveler. 5. He, who wishes nothing, will gain nothing. 6. It is good to know a great deal ; but it is better to make a good use of what we do know. 7. Every daij — brings forth something for tlie mind to be exercised on, either of a mental or external character ; and to be faithful in it, and acquit ourselves with the advantage denved thereby, is both wisdom and duty Whether he knew things, or no. His tongue eternally would go ; • For he had impudence— a.t will. 34 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 03. Elocution and Music being insepar- able in their nature, every one, ot common organization, whe»;her aware of it, or not, uses all the elements of Music in his daily intercourse with society. When we call to one at a distance, we raise the voice to the upper pitches: when to one near by, we drop it to the lower pitches ; and when at a medium distance, we raise it to the middle pitches : that is, in the first case, the voice is on, or about the eighth note : in the sec- ond, on, or about the first note : and in the last place, on, or about the third or fifth note. In commencing to read or speak in Eublic, one should never commence above is fifith note, or below his thirdjiiote : and, to ascertain on what particular pitch the lowest natural note of the voice is, pro- nounce the w'»rd awe, by prolonging it, without feeling ; and to get the wpper one, sound eel, strongly. 64r. Vocal Music. In the vowel sounds of our language, are involved all the ele- ments of music; hence, every one who wishes, can learn to sing. These eight vowels, when naturally sounded, by a de- veloped voice, will give the intonations of the notes in the scale, as follows , com- mencing at the bottom. lit e in eel, 8 — O— C note O-S-la-High. Half tone. 1st 1 in Isle, 7 — O— B note- Sdoinooze,6 1ft o in old, 5 4tA a in at, 4 lit a in ale, 3 Zd ^a — o- — o— -O- Tone. A note- Tone. Gnote O-S-la-Jlfedittm. Tone. P note — Half tone. E note O-3-Ia-Jlifediwm. Tone. D note- Tonei 3d a in aU, 1 — O— C note O-l-la-Zotc. 65. This Diatonic Scale of eight notes, (though there are but seven, the eighth being a repetition of the first,) comprehends five whole tones, and two semi, or lialf tones. An erect ladder, with seven rounds, is a good representation 3f it ; it stands on the ground, or floor, which is the tonic, or first note ; the first round is the second note, or Bupertonic ; the second round is the third note, or mediant; the third round, is the fourth note, or suhdominant ; between which, and the second round, there is a temitone ; ihe fourth round is Xhe fifth note, or dominant ; the fifth round is the sixth note, or submediant ; the sixth round is the teventh note, or suUonic ; and the seventh round is the eighth note, or octave. Keep one consistent plan— \xom end—Xo end. Notes. 1. In Song, as well as in Speech, tLe ArticukUvyr^ Pitch, Force, and Time, must be attended to ; i. e. in both art*, mas- ter the right form of the elements, the degree of elevation and de- pression of the TOice, the kind and degree of loudness of soijida, and tiieir duration : there is nothing in tinging that may not bt found in speaking. Anecdote. Musical Pun. A young Mu- sician, remarkable fa his modesty and sin- cerity, on his first appearance before the pub- lic, finding that he could not give the trills, effectively, assured the audience, by way of apology, " that he trembled so, that he could not shake. Proverbs. 1. A word— is enough to the teise, 2. It is easier to resist our bad passions at first, than afte indulgence. 3. Jokes — are bad coin to all but the jocular. 4. You may find yotir worst enemy, or best friend — in yourself. 5. Ev- ery one has his hobby. 6. Fools— hRve liberty to say what they please. 7. Give every one his diu. 8. He who wants content, cannot find it in an easy chair. 9. /«-will never spoke well. 10. Lawyer's gowns are lined with the wilfulness of their clients. 11. Hun/rer — is an excellent «omci'. 12. I confide, and am at rest. True Wisdom. All have the faculty given them of growing wise, but not equal- ly w^ise : by which facuhy is not meant the ability to reason about trttth and goodness from the sciences, and thus of co?ifinni?ig whatever any one pleases ; but that of dis- cerning what is true, choosing what is suit- able, and applying it to the various uses of life. He is not the richest man, who is able to comprehend all about making money, and can count millions of dollars ; but he, who is in possession of millions, and makes a proper use of them. Varieties. 1. Does not life — beget life, and death — generate death? 2. The man, who is always complaining, and bewailinc; his misfortunes, not only feeds his ownjnjs- ery, but wearies and disgusts others. 3. We are apt to regulate our mode of living — more by the example of others, than by the dictates of reason and common sense. 4. Frequent recourse to artifice and cunning — is a proof of a want of capacity, as well as of an illiberal mind. 5. Every one, who does not grow better, as he grows older, is a s-^endthrtft of that lime, which is more pre- cious than gold. 6. Do what you Itnow, and you will Itiiow what to do. 7. As is the reception of truths, such is the yfercep- tion of them in all minds. 8. Do you see more than your brother? then be more humble and thankful ; luirt not him with thy meat, and strong food : when a man, he will be as able to eat it as yourself, and, perhaps, mx>re so. Walk with thy fellow creatures : note the Aw«» And whisperings amongst them. Not a spring Or leaf— hut hath his morning hymn ; each busk And oaA— doth know I am. Canst thou not sing ? O leave thy cares amd follies I go this way, And thou art sure to prosper— all the day. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 35 66. Th.c t-wentj'-eiglit consonant sounds. For the purpose of still farther developing and training the voice, and ear, for reading, speaking, and singing, a system- atic, and thorough practice, on the twenty- eight consonants, is absolutely essential : in which exercises, it is of the, first importance, to make the effort properly, and observe the exact positions of the organs^ These conso- nants are either single, double, or triple; »r;d some of them are vocal sounds, [sub-ton- ics, or sub-vowels,) others, merely aspirates, breath sounds or atonies : let them be analy- zed and presented according to their natures, and uses. 67. B lias liut one sound, wlileli is its name sound: B A ; baa, vA^l^y ball, bat; be, beg; bide, bid; /. (, \ bode, boon, boss ; bute, buss, ((|*^^^^\ br ute ; boil , bound ; a ro6- in im- ^ ^ ' bibed hlub-hers from a 6o6-bin, [b in ba.] and o-o6-bled forcai-bage; theroft-ber blab- bed 6ar-ba-rous-ly, and bam-&oo-zled the «a6-by 7ia-bob ; Ja-cob dab-h\ed in rib- bons, and played hob-nob with a co^-ler ; the bab-0074 6a-by gab-hied its g-i6-ber-ish, and made a hub-huh for its bib and black- ber-ries ; the ra6-ble's hob-hy is, to brow- heat the 6ram-ble bushes for 6iZ-ber-ries, and bribe the 6oo-by of his bom-?;as-tic black- bird. 68. By obtaining correct ideas of the sounds of our letters, and their influences over each other ; of the meaning and pro- Kunciatio7i of words, and their power over the understanding and will of man, when properly arranged into sentences, teeming with correct thought and genuine feeling, I may, with proper application and exercise, become a good reader, speaker, and writer. Notes. 1. To get the vocal sound of b, tpeak its name, be, and then make a strong effort to pronounce it again, compreaj- ing the lip« closely; and the moment you give thesouTidol be, when you get to e, stop, and you vrill have the right sound ; or, pronounce ub, in flie usual way, then, vrith th« teeth sliut, and the lips very close, prolonging the last sound ; and, in both cases, let none of the sound of b, come into the mouth, or pass through the nose. 2. It was in analyzing and practicing the sounds of the let- ters, and the different pitches and qualities of voice, that the author became acquainted with the principles of VENTRILOQUISM, (or vocal ffiodiilatim, ai it should be called,) which art ii perfectly simple, and can be acquired and practiced by almost any one of "Common organization. Begin by swallowing the sound, suppresa- ing and dep-essing it. 3. B is silent in dett, suit-le, douit, lamt, s?mA, dum2i, thumi, liml, crumi, suit-le-ty, suc-cumt, MeJl-inm, Anecdote. A beautiful Enghsh countess said, that the most agreeable compliment she ever had paid her, was from a sailor in the sheet; who looked at her, as if fascinated, and exclaimed, ^^ Bless me ! let me light my pipe at your eyes.'^ We rise— in glorij, as we sink— in pride ; Where boasting-— ends, there dignity— begins. The true, and only friend— is he, 'Who, like the Arhor-vitts true, Will bear our image — on his heart. Whatever is excellent, in art, proceeds From labor and enduranc*. Proverbs. 1. Gentiaty, sent Ic market, ■will not buy even a peck of corn. 2 He, that is warm, thinks others so. 3. A true friend — should venture, sometimes, to be a little offensive. 4. It is easy to take a man's part ; but the difficulty is to maintain it. 5. Misfortunes — seldom come alone. 6. Never quit certainty — for hope. 7. Ona —beats the bush, and anotfter— catches the bird. 8. Plough, or not plough, — you must ;ay your rent. 9. Rome — was not built in a day. 10. Saeh till youfind, and you will not lose yocr labor. 11. An oa&— is not felled by one stroke. 12. A display of courage — often causes real cowardica. Party Spirit. The spirit of party — ^un- questionably, has its source in some of the native passions of the heart ; and free gov- ernments naturally furnish more of its alv^ ment, than those under which liberty of speech, and of the press is restrained, by the strong arm of power. But so naturally does party run into extremes ,• so unjust, cruelj and remorseless is it in its excess ; so ruthless is the war which it wages against private character ; so unscrupulous in the choice of means for the attainment of selfish ends ; so sure is it, eventually, to dig the grave of those free institutions of which it pretends to be the necessary accompaniments ; so inety itably does it end in military despotism, and unmitigated tyrany ; that I do not know how the voice and influence of a good man could, with more propriety, be exerted, than in the effort to assuage its violence. Varieties. 1. Are our ideas innate, or ac- quired ? 2. The mind that is conscious of its own rectitude, disregards the lies of com- mon report. 3. Some — are very liber alt even to profuseness, when they can be so at the expense of others. 4. There are pure loves, else, there were no white lilies. 5. The glory of wealth and external beauty — is transitory ; but virtue — is everlasting. 6. We soon acquire the habits and practices, of those we live with ; hence the importance of associating with the best company, and of carefully avoiding such as may corrupt and debase us. 1- The present state is totally different from what men suppose, and make, of it; the reason of our existence — is our growth in the life of heaven ,- and all things are moved and conspire unto it ; and great might be the produce, if we were faithful to the ordinances of heaven. In eastern lands, they talk injlower's. And they tell, in a garland, their love and cares ; Each blossom,th't blooms in their garden bow- ers. On its leaves, a mystic language bears ; Then gather a wreath from the garden bowers. And tell the wish of thy heart— in flowers. Praise, from a friend, or censure, from a POB, Is lost— on hearers th't our merits know. As full as an egg is of meat. 36 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 69. These arts, like all others, are made up of many little things; if I look well to them, all difficulties will vanish, or be easily overcome. Every youth ought to blush at fhe thought, of remainin& ignorant, of the first principles of his native language. I can do almost any thing, if I only think so, and try ; therefore, let me not say 1 can't ; but I WILL. 70. C lias four regular sounds : nrst, name sound, or that of s, be- ^""y^A fore e, i, andy ; cede, ci-on, cy- ///Q^\\ press; rec-i-pe for ceZ-i-ba-cy (r yS^y SM in the cit-y of Cin-cin-na-ti is \\ „, /' a/as-ci-nat-ing soZ-ace for civ-i\ [C in cede.] flo-ct-e-ty; Cjc-e-ro and Ce-ciZ-i-as, with tac-'\i re-ci-proc-i-ty di-Zac-er-ate the a-cid p«m-ice with the jTa-cile ^m-cers of the vice-ffe-rency ; the a-ces-cen-cy of the cit- rons in the pZa-cid ceZ-lar, and the im-6ec-ile Z/c-o-rice on the cor-nice of the prec-i-pice ex-cj'Ze the tZis-ci-pline of the doc-\\e di-oc- e-san. 71. Lisping — is caused by permitting the tongue to come against, or between the front teeth, when it should not ; thus, substituting /he breath sound of th for that of s or sh. This bad habii may be avoided or overcome by practicing the above and similar com- binations, with the teeth closely and firmly set not allowing the tongue to press against the teeth, nor making the effort too near the front part of the mouth. The object to be attained is worthy of great efforts : many can be taught to do a thing, in a proper manner, which they would never find out of themselves. 72. Irregulars. 5 often has this sound ; rise and pro-gress. The pre-me Sal-lust, starts on stilts, and assists the earths in the u-ni- verse for con-science' sake : he spits base brass and subsists on stripes ; the ma-g-ts-trates sought ; So-lus boasts he twists the texts and suits the several sects ; the strong masts stood still in the fi- nest streets of Syr-a-cwse ; Se-sos-tris, still strutting, persists the Swiss ship is sunk, while sweetness sits smiling on tke lips. Suia?i swam over the sea ; well swum swan ; swan swam back again ; well swum swan, Sam Slick sawed six sleek slim slippery saplings. Amidst the mists he tnrusts his fists against the posts, and in- sists he sees the ghosts in Sixth street. 9foteS. 1. S has the above sound, at the beginning of w H-Js, and other situations, when preceded or followed by an diirujit, or a breath consonant. 2. To niake this aspirate, place the orguu as in the engravni;;, and begin to whisper the word stc; cut five none of the sound of e. Never permit sounds to coalesce, that ouf^ht to be heard distinctly ; hosti, costs, &c. 4. Don't let Kw teeth remain together an instant, after the sound is niade ; rattier not bring them quite together. 5. C is silent in the follow- ing: Czar, arbuscles, victuals, Czarina, ( t long c,) muscle, iudicta- •le, and second c in Connecticut. Hear, then, my argument ; confess we mast, A Ood there is — siipremehj just ; M io, however tnmgs affect our sight, ( As sings the bard, ) " whatever is— is right.'^ As the wind blows, you must sot your sail. Oood measure, pressed do«*and running ocer. Proverbs. 1. Building' Ab a. sveet impo erishing. 2. Unmanliness — is not so impolite, as over- politeness. 3. Death — is deaf, and hears no denial. 4. Every good scholar is not a good schoolmaster. 5. Fair words break no bunes ; but foul words many a one. 6. He, who has not bread to spare, should not keep a dog. 7. If you had fewer pretended friends, and more ene- mies, you would have been a better mart. S. Lean liberty — is better than fat slavery. 9. Much coin — much care; much Tftca^— much wa^ ady. 10. The submitting to one wrong— often brings another. 11. Consult your purse, before you do fancrj. 12. Do what you ought, come what will Anecdote. The Psalter. The Rev. Mr. ]V/— , paid his devoirs to a lady, who was pre- possessed in favor of a Mr. Psalter : her par- tiality being very evident, the former took occasion to ask, (in a room full of company,) " Pray Miss, how far have you got in your Psalter ? " The lady archly replied, — As far as " Blessed is the ma?!.'" Book Keeping — is the art of keeping accounts by the way of debt and credit. It teaches us all business transactions, in an exact manner, so that, at any time, the true state of our dealings may be easily known. Its principles are simple, its conclusions nat- ural and certain, and the proportion of its parts complete. The person, who buys or receives, is Br. {Debtor,) the one who sells, or parts with any thing, is Cr. {Credit m- :) that is, Br. means your charges against the per son ; and Cr. his against you : therefore, when you sell an article, in charging it, say, " To so and so," ( mentioning the article, weight, quantity, number, amount, &c. ) " so much :" but when you buy, ox receive any thing, in giving credit for it, say, By so and so ; men tioning particulars as before. A knowledge of Book-keeping is important to every one who is engaged in any kind of business ; and it must be evident, that for the want of it — many losses have been sustained, great injustice done, and many law-suits entailed. Varieties. 1. Ought Zo//m«s to be abol- ished] 2. Carking cares, and anxious ajy prehensix)ns are injurious to body and mind, 3. A good education — is a young man's best capital. 4. He, that is slow to ivroth, is better than the mighty. 5. Three difficult things are — to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and make good use of leisure hours. 6. If one speaks from an evil affection, he may influence, but not enlighten ,- he may cause blind acquiescence, but not acthm from a conscious sense of right. 7. Men have just so much of life in them, as they have of pure truth and its good — implanted and growing in them. Would you live an avgeVs days ? Be honest, just, and wise, always. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 37 [C in CAR.] croak-ing 73. A perfect knowledge of these ele- mentary and combined sounds, is essential to my becoming a good elocutionist, and is an excellent preparation for studying any of the modern languages : I must master them, or I cannot succeed in acquiring a distinct, appropriate, graceful and effective enunciation ; but resolution, self-exertion and perseverance are almost omnipotent : I will try them and see. T*. The second sotutd of C, is liard, or hke k, before a, o, u, k, I, r, t ; and generally at the end of words and syllables. Came, car, call, cap ; cove, coon, cot ; cute cut, crude; coil, cloud; Clark comes to catch clams, crabs and cm?/j-fish to cram his cow ; the scep-tic, in rac-coo7i moc-a-sins, snc-cumbs to the a?-c-tic spec-iSL-cle, and ac-cowi-mo- dates his ac-counts to the oc-cult stuc-co of the e-clip-iic ; the crowd claims the clocks, and climbs the cliffs to clutch the crows that craunched the bu-coZ-ics of the mi-cro-cosm. T5. The chest should be comparatively (quiescent, in breathing, speaking and sing- ing ; and the dorsal and abdomi?tal muscles be principally used for these purposes. All children are naturally right, in this particu- lar ; but they become perverted, during their primary education : hence., the author introduces an entirely 7iew mode of learning the letters, of spelling, and of teaching to read without a book, and then with a book ; the same as we learn to talk. The effort — to produce soujids, and to breathe, must be made from the lower muscles, above alluded to : thus by the practice of expelling, ( not exjiloding ) the vowel sounds, we return to truth and nature. 7G. Irregiudars. Ch often have this sound ; (the h is silent ; ) also q and k — always when not silent; the queer co -quette kicks the chi-?ner-i-cal ar-chi-tect, for cat-e-chi- sing the cnY-i-cal choir about the cliar- ac-ter of the chro-ma^ic cho-rns ; Tich-i- cus Schenck, the quid-nunc me-c?ia7i-'ic of Mu-nich, qui-ei-ly quits the ar-chieves of the Tus-can mosque, on ac-count of the ca-chex-y of mc-o-tech-ny ; the piq-uant crit-\c quaked at the quilt-'mg, and asked ^Mes-tions of the quorum of quil-ters. 77. The expression of affection is the legitimate function of sound, which is an el- ement prior to, and within language. The affections produce the varieties of sound, whether of joy or of grief ; and sound, in speech, manifests both the quality and quan- tity of the afTection : hence, all the music is in the vowel sounds : because, all music is from the affectuous part of the mind, and vowels are its only mediums of manifesta- tion. As music proceeds from affection and is aidressed to the affection, a person does not truly sing, unless he sings from affec- tiori ; nor does a person truly listen, and derive the greatest enjoyment from the mu- sic, unless he yields hirnself/wZZy to the af- fectioTL, which the music inspires. Notes- 1. Tff produce thit guKerai aspirate, '.vhisi*! the imaginary word hut,(u short ; ) or the word book, in a whisper- ing voice, and the Uut sound is the one required : the postenor, or root of the tongue being pressed against the uvula, or veil of the palate. 2. Observe the difference between the names of .etters and their peculiar sounds. In giving the names of conM>uant), we use one, or more vowels, which make no part of the consoiant sound ; thus, we call the letter C by the name see ; but the ee make no part of its sound, which is simply a hiss, made by forc- ing the air from the lungs, through the teeth, when they zxe shut, as indicated by the engraving ; similar facts attend the other conso- nants. 3. H, is silent before n ; — as the fcnavieh toight toudlleJ and taeeled to the biit toobs of the ftnees' toick-JUiacks, &c. ; Gh have this sound in lough, ( lock, a lake j Irish ; ) bough, ( fixK joint of a hind leg of a bea&t. ) Proverbs. 1. Every do o- has his day, and every man his hour. 2. Forbid a fool a thing, and he'll do it. 3. He must rise betimes, that would please euery body. 4. It is a long^ lane that has no turning'. 5. Judge not of a ship, as she lies on the stocks. 6. Let them laugh that win. 7. No great loss but there is some small gain. 8. Never too old to learn. 9. No condition so low, but may have hopes ; and none so high, but may have fears. 10. The wise mar thinks he knows hut little; the /ooi!— thinks he knows all. H. Idleness— is the mother of vice. 12. When liquor is in, sense — is out. Anecdote. William Penn — and Thomas Story, on the approach of a shower, took shelter in a tobacco -house ; the owner of which — happened to be within : he said to the traveler, — "You enter without leave,- — do you know ivho I am ? I am a Justice of the Peace." To which Mr. Story replied — "My friend here — makes such things as thee ; — he is Governor of Pennsylvania.''^ Elternal Progress. It is not only com- forting, but encouraging, to think that mind — is awaking ; that there is universal progress. Men are borne o?tu;arfZ,— wheth- er they will or not. It does not matter, whether they believe that it is an impulse from within, or above, that impels them for- ward ; or, whether i hey acknowledge that it is the onward tendency of things, con- trolled by Divine Providence : onward they mustg-o ; and, in time, they will be blessed with a clearness of visio?/,, that will leave them at no loss for the whys and the where fores. "Varieties. 1. To pay great attention to trifles, is a sure sign of a little mind. 2. Which is worse, a bad education, or 7io edu- cation 1 3. The mind must be occasionally indulged with relaxaticm, that it may reiarn to study and reflection with increased vigor. 4. Love, and love only, is tl^e Zoan for love. 5. To reform measures, there must be a change of men. 6. Sudden and violent changes — are not often productive of advan' tage—io either church, state or individual 7. True and sound reason — must ever ac- cord with scripture : he who appeals to one, must appeal to the other; for the word within us, and the word without us— are 07ie, and bear testimony to each other. 38 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 78. Thtse pimciples must be faithfully studied and practiced, with a particular refer- ence to the expulsion of the short vowel sounds, and the prolongation of the long ones ; which exhibit quantity in its elementa- ry state. I must exercise my voice and mind, m every useful way, and labor to attain an intimate kjiowledge of my vocal and mental opacity ; then I shall be able to see any de- fects, and govern myself accordingly. 70. Tile tlilrd sound of C, is like tbat of Z : suffice; the discemer at v*l^/ sice, dis-ccm-i-bly dis-cerns dis- /. ^S~^ \ cerw-i-ble things with dis-cern-ing [ ('*^^^, ) dis-cer?z-ment, and dis-cem-i-ble- *^ - /' ness; the aac-ri-fi-cer, in sac-ri-fi- LC in sice.] cing, 5ac-ri-fi-ces the soc-ri-fice on the altar of soc-ri-fice, and suf-fi-ceth the law of sac- ri-fice. These are nearly all the words in our language, in which c, sounds like z. 80. Vowels — are the mediums of convey- mg the affections, which impart life and warmth to speech ; and consonants, of the thoughts, which give light and form to it ; hence, all letters that are not silent, should be gi\en fully and distinctly. The reason — why the brute creation cannot speak, is, be- cause they have no understanding, as men have; consequently, no thoughts, and of course, no articulating organs: therefore, they merely sound their affections, instead of speaking them ; being guided and influ- enced by instinct, which is a power given them for their preservation and continuance. 81. Irregulars. S, Z, andZ, sometimes are thus pronounced ; as, the pres-i-dent re- sisiis his w-o-la-ted houses, and absolves the greasy hus-sars of I* -lam-ism ; the puz-zler piiz-z\es his brains with wa-sal pains, buz-zes about the trees as much as he pleases, and resumes the zig--zag giz-zavds of Xerx-es with dis-soZ-ving huz-zas ; Xan-thxis and ATew-o-phon dis-band the jois-mires, which dis-da.m to dis-guise their dis-mal phiz-es with their gv-is-ly beards ; Zion'szeal breathes zeph-yrs upon the paths of truths, where re- sides the soul, which loves the tones of mu- 6jp coming up from Nat-me's res-o-nant tein-itles. Notes. 1. This vocal diphthongal sound is made by clos- ing the teeth, as in making the name sound of C, and producing the Zd sound of a in the larynx, ending with a hissing sound ; or it may be made by drawing out the sound of 2 in z- - -est. 2. S, lollowiag a vocal consonant, generally sounds like Z: tubs, adds ; efga ; needs ; pens; cars,*&c ; but following an aspirate, or breath xn»nant, it sounds like c hx cent, facts, tips, mutTs, crafks, &c Would you taste ihe tranquil scene ? Be sure— your bosom be serene : Devoid of hate, devoid of strife. Devoid of all, th't poisons life. And much it 'vails you — in their place, To graft the love of hurr.an race. Be al ways as merry as ever you can, For Kc oat ielights in a smrowftd m.•^n. 8a. The perfection of music, as well aa of speech, depends upon giving tlie full and free expression of our thoughts and aflec tions, so as to produce corresponding ones in the minds of others. This is not the work of a day, a month, or a year ,• but of a life ; for it implies the full development of mind and body. The present age presents only a fain idea, of what music and oratory are capable of becoming ; for we are surrounded, and loaded, with almost as many bad habits (which prevent the perfect cultivation of hu- manity,) as an Egyptian mummy is of folds of linen. Let the axe of truth, of principle, be laid at the root of every tree that does not bring forth good fruit. Which do we like better — error, or truth ? Proverbs. 1. A man maybe strong, and not mow well. 2. It is easier to keep out a bad associate, than to get rid of him, after he has been admitted. 3. Consider well what you do, whence you cowe, and whither yon go. 4. Ev- ery fool can find faults, that a great many wise men cannot mend. 5. He who follows his own advice, must take the consequences. 6. In giv- ing, and taking, it is easy mistaking. 7. Letters do not blush. 8. Murdei — will out. 9. Nothing that is violent — is permanent. 10. Old foxes want no tutors. 11. The first chapter of fools is, to esteem themselves wise. 12. Ood — tempers th« wind — to the shorn lamb. Anecdote. Doctor-*em. A physician, having been out gaming, but without swcccsa-, his servant said, he would go into the next field, and if the birds were there, he would ' doctor-'' em. ^ " Doctor- 'em, — what do you mean by thatl" inquired his master: " Why, kill 'em, to be-sure," — replied the servant. Varieties. 1. Which has caused most evil, intemperance, war, or famine ? 2. Power, acquired by guilty means, never was, and never will be exercised — to pro mote g-ood ends. 3. By applying ourselves diligently to any art, science, trade, or pro- fession, we become expert in it. 4. To be fond of a great variety of dishes — is a sure proof of a perverted stomach. 5. Prosperity — often leads persons to give way to their passions, and causes them to forget whence .they cm.ie, what they are, and whither they are goi7ig. 6. Evil persons — asperse the characters of the good, by malicious talca 7. Every man and woman have a good-^ proper to them, which they are to perfeeS and fill up. To do this— is all that is re quired of them ; they need not seek to be in the state of another. In pleasure's dream, or sorrow's hour, In crowded hall, or lonely bow'r. The bus'ness of my soul—shzW be— Forever — to remember thee. VvTio more than he is worth doth rptni, Ev'n makes a rope—bXt life to etui. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION 39 83. Elocution or vocal delivery, relates to the propriety of utterance, and is exhib- ited by a proper enunciation, inflection and emphasis; and signifies — the manner of de- livery. It is divided into two parts ; the cor- rect, Vi^hich respects the meaning of what is read or spoken ; that is, such a clear and ac- curate pronunciation of the words, as will render them perfectly intelligible ; and the rhetorical, which supposes feeling ; whose object is fully to convey, and enforce, the entire sense, with all the variety, strength, and beauty, that taste and emotion demand. 84. Tlie foiirtli soTuad of C is SH j after the accent, followed by ea, \AAj ia.ie eo,eou,^ndiou ; 0-CEAN; / VlL^ ju-itVious Fho-ci-on, te-raa-cious / r^^^^M of his lu»-cions spe-cies, ap-pre-\S^ — ^ )/ ci-ates his con-sci-e«-tious as-so- [CkciA.] ci-ate, who e-7iu7i-ci-ates his sap-o-wa-cious p/-e-science : a Gre-cian pro-^-cient, with ca-pa-cious sw-per-fi-cies and 7iaZ-cy-on pro- nun-ci-a-tion, de-pre-ci-ates the fe-ro-cious g-Za-ciers, and ra-pa-cious pro-vm-cial-isms of Cap-a-(Zo-cia. 85. The business of training: youth in Elocution, should begin in childhood, before the contraction of bad habits, and while the character is in the rapid process o{ formation. The first school is the nursery : here, at 'east, may be formed a clear and distinct ar- iculation ; which is the jirst requisite for ^ood reading f »peaking and singing: nor can ease and gra,ce, in eloquence and music, be separated from ease and grace in private life, and in the social circle. 86. Irregulars. iS*, t, and ch, in many words, are thus pronounced : the lus-cious tto-tion of Cham-pagne and prec-ious su- gar, in re-uer-sion for pa-tients, is suf-^- 2ient for the ex-pwZ-sion of tTan-sient ir-ra- cion-aZ-i-ty from the ju-rft-cial chev-a-Ziers of iV/icft- i-gan, in Chi-ca-go; (She-cau)-go,) the 7«aM-se-a-ting ra-ci-oc-i-wa-tions of sen- su-al cZtar-la-tans to pro-p?-ti-ate the pas- sion-ate Trmr-chion-ess of Che-mung, are mi-nw-ti-a for ra-tion-al fis-nres to make E-gyp-iian op-a"-cians of. IVoteS. 1. This aspirate dijihthongal sound may be made, by prolonging the letters sh, in a whisper, sh—ow. See engraving. 2. Beware of prolonging this sound too much. 3. Exercise all the muscular, or fleshy parts of the body, and let your efforts be made from the dorsal region; i.e. the small of the back; thus girdingup the loins of the mind 4. If you do not feel refreshed and invigorated by these exercises, after an hour's praciice, rest assured you are not in natiire's path: if you meet with difficulty, be particular to in- form your teacher, who will point out the cause and the remedy, 6. C il silent in Czar, indict, Cne-us, Ctes-i-phon, science, muscle, Bene, sceptre, &c.: Sf do. in isle, vis-count, island, &c.: Ch, in ehism, yacM, (yot,) drac/im. True love's the gift, which Ood has given To man alone, beneath the heaven. It is the secret sympathy. The silver chord, the silken tie. Which, heart — to heart, and mind — to mind^ In body, and in soul— c&n bind. Pleasant the sun, When first on this delightful land he spreads His orient bean j. Proverbs. 1. He who sows brambles,' nmaK not go barefoot. 2. It is better to do well, than to say well. 3. Look before yo^i leap. 4. JVot*»- ing is so bad as not to be gc^ for Kome-thing. 5. One fool in a house is enough. 6. Put off your armor, and then show your courage. 7. A right choice is half the battle. 8. The fox— is very cunning; but he is more cunning, that catchea him. 9. When a person is in /ear, he is in no state for enjoyment. 10. When rogues fall out honestmen get their dwe. 11. Reward — is certai* to the faithful. 12. Z>ecei«— shows a little »rf»i. - Anecdote. A gentleman, who had lis tened attentively to a long, diffuse and htgh' ly ornamented prayer, was asked, by one of the members, " if he did not think their minister was very gifted in prayer.' " Yes ;" he replied, " I 'think il as good e prayer as was ever offered to a cjngrega tioii.'''' Our Persons. If our knowledge of the outlines, proportions, and symmetry of the human form, and of natural attitudes and appropriate gestures were as general as it ought to be, our exercises would be deter mined by considerations of health, grace and vurity of miiid ; the subject of clothing would be studied in reference to its true purposes — protection against what is with- out, and a tasteful adornment of the person ; decency would no longer be determined by fashion, nor the approved costumes of the day be at variance with personal comfort and ease of carriage ; and in the place of fantastic figures, caWed fashtonahly dres&ed persons, moving in a constrained and artifi- cial manner, we would be arrayed in vest- ments adapted to our size, shape, and undu- lating outline oi form, and with drapery flowing in graceful folds, adding to the elasticity of our steps, and to the varied movements of the whole body. Varieties. 1. The true statesman will never^affer the people ; he will leave that for those, who mean to betray them. 2. Will dying for principles — prove any thing more than the sincerity of the martyr? 3. Which is ihe stronger passion, love, or a7^. ger ? 4. Public speakers — ought to live longer, and enjoy better health, than others ; and they will, if ihey speak right. 5. Mere imitation — is always fruitless ; what we get from others, must be inborn in us, to produce the designed effects. 6. Times of general calamity, and revolution, have ever been productive of the greatest minds. 7. All mere external worship, in which the senses hear, and the mouth speaks, but in which the life — is unconcerned, is perfectly dead, and profiteth nothing. Habitual evils— change not on a sudden ; But many days, and many sorrows. Conscious remor&e, and anguish— must be felt^ To curb desire, to break the stubborn with And work a second nature in the soui, Ere virtue— can resume the place she lott: Let the ' «nor of my life— speak for me. 40 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTIOIS ST. Good reading and speaking is mu- tic ; and he who can sit unmoved by their cnarms, is a stranger to correct taste, oxid lost in insensibility. A single exhibition of natural eloquence, may kindle a love of the art, in the bosom of an aspiring youth, which, in after life, will impel and ani- mate him — through a long career of useful- ness. Self-made men are the glory of the vuorld. 88. D lias two soxundsi first, its name icund ; DAME ; dart, dawn, dab ; deed, dead; die, did ; dole, do, dog ; duke, duck, druid ; doit, doubt ; a dan-dy de-fraud- ed his dad-dy of his sec-ond- hand-ed sad-die, and dubbed the f ^ '" °o- ^ had-dok a Za-dy-bird ; the doub-\e kead-ed ■pad-dy, »oCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 93. Let the position be erect, and the body- balanced on the foot upon which you stand: banish all care and anxiety from the mind ; let the forehead be perfectly smooth, the lungs entirely quiescent, and make every ef- fort from the abdominal region. To expand the thorax and become straight, strike the PALMS of tlie hands together before, and the backs of thein behind, turning the thumbs upward : do all with a united action of the bo6y and mind, the center of exertion being in the small of tlie back ; be in earnest, but Iiusband your breath and strength; breathe often, and be perfectly ^iree, ea»y, indepen- dent, and natural. 96. F has two sounds: first, name sound: VIYE.; off with the scarf ^ , from the calf's head ; the a/-fa- yTi^^ ble b\ii-faon,faiih-fxi\ to its gaf- L^^^^^^y^ fer, Ufts his wife's /a-ther from -- the co/-fin, and puts in the fret- t f in fife- 1 ful CM/-fy ; /ear-ftil of the ef-fects, the fright- ful f el-low prof -fers his hand^ker-chief to flre oft the ^Z«?i-druff from the^Z-ful fool's of/en- si ve fowl-'mg-ii iece. 97. If you read and speak sloiv, and ar- ticulate well, you will always be heard with attention ,- although your delivery, in other respects, may be very faulty : and remem- ber, that it is not necessary to speak very loud, in order to be understood, but very dis- tinctly, and, of course, deliberately. The sweeter, and more musical your voice is, the better, and the farther you ftiay be heard, the more accurate will be your pronuncia- tion, and with the more pleasure and profit will you be listened to. 98. Irregulars, GA and P^ frequently have this sound; P^iZ-ip Brough, laugh'd enough at the phantoms of the bei-maph-ro- dite phi-Zo5-o-phy, to make the nymph Saph- i-ra have a phthis-i-cdl Aic-cough ; the ser- aph's draiaght of the proph-e-cy was lith-o- graph'd for an eph-Si of phos-pho-res-ent naph-tha., and a sp^r-i-cal trough of tough phyt ic. Notes- 1. To make this dento-labial aspirate, press the snierap a§»itist the upper foreteeth, as seen in the engraving, lod Uow out tlie first sound of the word / ire ! 2. Gh, are pi«-t in dmugM, burroagh, mgfi, high, brought, dcig/i, Right, etc.; anJ Ph and h in pAtAis-i-cal. 3. The difliculty of applying ■vUn, to tlie pronunciation of our language, may be illustrated by (tri two following lines, where ough is pronounced in ditferent wa.?» ; aj o, uff, off, ow, oo, and ock. Though the tough cough md hiccough plough me through, O'er life's dark lough my course I will pursue. Anecdote. Natural Death. An old man, who had been a close observer all his life, when dangerously sick, was urg-ed by his friends, to take advice of a quack; but objec- ted, saying, — "I wish to die a natural dcatli." The pathnt mind, by yielding — overcomes. Proverbs. 1. Hope— is u good breakfast, liiti a bad supper. 2. It is right to put every thing to its proper use. 3. Open confession— is ffood for the soul. 4. Pride — must have a fall. 5. The lower mill-stone— grinds as well as the upper one. 6. Venture not all in one vessel. 7. What one ardently desires, he easily believes. 8. Yield- ing—is sometimes the best way of succeeding. 9. A man that breaks his word, bids othero bo false to him. 10. Amendment — is repentance. 11. There is nothing useless to a person of sense 12. The hand of the diligent— ma.keth rich. Patience and Perseverance. Let any one coHsider, with attention, the structure of a common engine to raise water. Let him observe the intricacy o{ \\\e machinery, and behold in what vast quantities one of the heaviest elements is forced out of its course ; and then let him reflect how many experiments must have been tried in vain, how many obstacles overcome, before a frame of such wonderful variety in its parts, couia have been successfully put together : aftc which consideration let him pursue his en- terprise with hope of success, supporting the spirit of industry, by thinking how much may be done by patience and perseverance. Varieties. Was the last war with Eng- laml—^'ustifiable? 2. In every tiling you undertake, have some definite object in mind. 3. Persons of either sex — may captivate, by assuming a feigned character,- but when the deception is found out, disgrace and unhap- piness will be the consequences of the fraud. 4. All truths — are the forms of heavenly loves,- and all falsities — are the forms of m- fernal loves. 5. While we co-operate with Nature, we cannot labor too much — for the development and perfection of body and mind ,- but when we force or contradict her, so far from mending and improving "the human form divine," we actually degrade it below the brute. 6. How ridiculous some people make themselves appear, by giving their opinions for or against a thing, with which they are unacquainted ! 7. The law of God is divine and eternal, and no person has a right to alter, add, or diminish, one word : it must speak for itself, and stand by itself. Who ne«ds a teacher — to admonish him, [mist 1 That flesh— is grass? That eartAZi/ things— are What are our joys— but dreams ? and what our But goodly shadows in the summer cloud 1 [hopes. There's not a wind that blows, but bears with it Some rainbow promise. Not a moment flies. But puts its sickle— in the fields of life, [cares. And mows its thousands, with their joys and Our early days ! — How often — back We turn— on Life's bewildering track, To where, o'er hill, and valley, plays The sunlight of our early days .' A monkey, to reform the times. Resolved to visit foreign elimes PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 43 99. He who attempts to make an inroad on the existing state of things, though evi- dently ibr the better, will find a few to en- courage and assist him, in effecting a use- ful reform ; and many who will treat his honest exertions with resentment an i con- tempt, and cling to their old errors with a fonder pertinacity, the more vigorous is the eflbrt to tear them from their arms. There 18 more hope of a fool, than of one wise in his own conceit. 100. Tlic second sound of F, is that of V: OF; (?tej;er off, noxuv;) there-of here-of, v)here-o{; the only words in our language, in which JP, has this sound: r. piece of cake, not a piece-u cake, nor a piece-ur-cake. w_ji»^, [ F in OF. ] 101. Muscle Breakers. Thou waft'd'st the rickety skiff over the mountain height cliffs, and clearly saw'st the full orb'd moon, in whose silvery and effulgent light, thou reef'd'st the haggled sails of the ship- wreck- ed vessel, on the rock-bound coast of Kam- scat-kB.. He was an unamiable, disrespect- ful, incomm?^ from the French; or, perhaps //^^~^\ we should say, the words m (y^^^^>) which G has this sound, are Vv — >/ French words not Anglicised ^q j^ rquge.] — or made into English. The pro-te-g-e (pro-ta-zAa, a person protected, or patronized,) during his bad-e-nafife, (bad-e- nazh, light or playful discourse,) m the me- no^-e-ry, (a place for the collection of wild animals, or their collection,) on the vai-rage, (me-razA, an optical illusion, presenting an image of water in sandy deserts,) put rouge, (roozh, red paint for the face,) on the char- f6-d'af-fair, (shar-zAa-dif-fare, an ambassa- or, or minister of secondary rank.) 115. This work informs the pupil, as the master workman does the apprentice : it teaches the principles, or rules, and the way to apphj them ; and when they are thus ap- plied to practice, he has no more use for them : indeed, its rules and directions serve him the same purpose as the guide-posi does the traveler) who, after visiting the place, towards which it directs, has no fur- ther weed of it. 116. Irreg^nlars. Soften has this sound, and Z, generally. The az-ure ad-Ae-sion to the am-6ro-sial en-cZo-sures is a ro-se-ate f reas-ure of wts-ions of pleas-nres ; the sei- zure of the ti2-ier's en-j-sions of the scjs-sors ; the Zto-sier takes the Z»ra-zier's tro-sier with a-6ra-sions and cor-ro-sions by cx-po-sure, and ( sound of c, keep the teeth still compressed, add the ciipit ate of A, and then prefix the vocality ; or reverse the pro- coes. O is siieat m — the ma-lign phlegm of the poig-nant gnat, im- pregns tne en«gn's (it4-phragm, and gnaws into Chai^Ie-magne's sc-ragl-io. Anecdote. A considerate Minister. A vory dull clergyman, vhose delivery was monotonous and uninteresting to his hearers, putting many of the old folks asleep — said to tlx boys, who were playing in the gallery ; "Don't make so much noise there; you uiU awake your parents below." For me, my W— was what 1 mught ; to be, l« l\ff, or death, the 'eiriesj,— and be/rn Proverbs. 1 . Impudenae, and toiL, are Taitl; different. I. Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. 3. Listeners — hear no good of them- selves. 4. Make hay while the sun shines. 5. Ac ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit. 6. Purposing, without performing, is mere fooling 7. Quiet persons— are welcome every where. 8. Some have been thought brave, because they were afraid to run awaij. 9. A liar— is a brave towards Ood, and a coward towards men. 10 Without n. friend, the world is a wilderness 11. A young man idle, — an old man — needy. 12 Re- solution, without action, is a slothful /oWy, Reading^ Rooms. Incalculable good might be done to the present and the rising generation, by the establishment, in every town and village in our country, of Public Reading Rooms, to be supported by volun- tary subscription: indeed, it would be wise in tow7i authorities to sustain such institu- tions of knowledge by direct taxation. Oh! when shall we wake up to a consideration of things above the mere love of money-ma- king. Varieties. L Did Napoleo7i — do more evil than good — to mankind? 2. A neces- sary part of good manners — is a punctual observation of time; whether on matters of civility, business, or pleasure. 3. It is ab- surd — to expect that your friends will re- member you, afteir you have thought proper to forget them. 4. How much pain has bor- rowed trouble cost us. 5. Adversity — haa the effect of eliciting talents, which, in pros- perous circumstances, would have lain dor- mant. 6, When the infidel would persuade you to abandon the J5tZ/Ze, tell him you will, when he will bring you a better book. 7. When the mind becomes persuaded of the truth of a thing, it receives that thing, arnl it becomes a part of the person's life : what men seek, they fi.nd. The Bp&cious firmament— on high, With all the blue etherial sky. And span«:led heavens, a shining frame. Their great original proclaim. Th' unwearied skw— from day to day. Does his Creator's power display ; And publishes— to eo'rj/ land. The work— of an Almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wond'rous tale And, nightly, to the list'ning earth. Repeats the story of her birth ; Whilst all the stars, that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn. Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth, from pole to polo. What, though, in solemn silence, all Move round the dark terrestrial ball ? What, though no real voice nor sound Amid these radiant orbs be found ? In reason^s ear they all rejoice. And utter forth a glorious voice, Forever singing, as they shine, "The hand that made us— is divine " I PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 47 1 17. Be very particular in pronouncing the jaw, or ujotce-breukers, and cease not, till you can give every sound fully, correctly and distinctly . If your vocal powers are well exercised, by faithful -nractice on the more difficult combinatio7is, iney will acquire a facility oi' movement, a precision o{ action, n flexibility, grace, and force truly surprising. 118. H hag but one sound) which is an aspirate, or forcible breathing, made in the glottis : HALE : , his high-ness holds high his/ hangk-iy head, and ex-At6-itsi ^ his shrunk shanks to ftie ho-ly horde in the hu-m'id hall; the [»'» hale.] Aani-heart-cd hedge-hog, heed-leaf of his hav-oc of the house-wm's ham, hies hini- self home, hap-py to have his head, his hands, and his heart whole; the /tarm-ful hum-hlc-hee Awr-tles through the Ao«- house, and ex-horts his ex-haust-ed hive-lings to hold their AoMse-hold-stuff for a Ao6-by-horse till /tar-vest-home. 119. It is said, that no description can adequately represent Zjord Chatham : to comprehend the force of his eloquence, it was necessary to see and to hear nim : his whole delivery was such, as to make the orator a part of his own eloquence: his mi?id was view'd in his countenance, and so em- bodied was it in his every look, and gesture, that his words were rather /eZf than /oZZow- €rf ; they invested his hearers ; the weapons of his opponents fell from their hands ; he spoke with the air and vehemence of inspi- ration, and the very atmosphere flamed around him. 1^0. H i» silent at tlie beginning and end of many -words. The Zion-est shep- /icrd's ca-tarr/t, /mm-bles the Aeir-ess in her disA-a-billes, and /m-mors the t/ty-mv r/tet- o-ric of his rAymes to r/tap-so-dy ; the h\x- mor-some T/tom-as ex-plained dipA-thongs and trin/t-thongs to A-6t-ja7t, Be-ri-aA — Ca- bJi, Di-na/t, E-li-']vJi, Ge-raA, Hul-daA, I- sa-iaA, Jo-nnh, Han-nah, Nin-e-vah, 0-ba- di-ah, Fis-gah, Ru-maJi, Sa-rah, Te-raA, Uri-a/t, Va-ni-aJi, and Ze-lah. Notes. 1. This sounl is the material of which all sounds »re irj'le, whfither vowel or consonant, either by condensation, or inodification. To demonstrate this jxisition, commence any sound in\ whiter, and proceed to a. vocalily ; shaping the orsTi.'s to form the one required, if a vowel or voca. consonant, and in ■ pDpef way to produce any of the aspirates, i Those who are Q tht labit of omitting the h, wlien it ought to be pronounced, can practice on the preceding and similar examples: and aNo correct ouch sentences ai this ; Hi took my 'orse hand went hout to 'unt iiiy 'ogs, hand got hofi my 'onie, hand 'iched im to a hoak tree, hand gave 'im lome boats. 3. It requires more breath to make this sound, than any other in our language; as in producing it, even mildly, tr.e lungs are nearly exhausted of air. It maybe made by whispering the word huh: the higher up, tlie more scat- tering, the lower in 'he throat, the more condensed, till it becomes vocaL I am well aware, that wfiat is base, JVb polish— can make ««er/tn^— and that vice. Though well perfumed, and elegantly dressed, Lik« an unhuried carcass, — trick'd with flowers. Is but a garnished nuisance, — litter far For c.canly riddance.— than for fair attire. Proverbs. 1. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 2 One may be a wise man, aivd yet not know how to make a watch. 3. A wi'.ked companion invites us to hell. 4. All happiness and misery— \% in the mind. 5. A good conscience is excellent divinity. 6, Bear and forbear— a good philosophy. 7. Drunkenness— in a voluntary madness. 8. Envy shoots at others, and vvoundB herself. 9. Fools lade out the water, and wise men catch the fish. iO. Good preachers give fruits, rather titan flowers. 11. .Actions are ti»e raiment of the man. 12. Faith is the eye o(lor>s. Anecdote. Frederick the Great, of Prus- sia, an ardent lover of literature and the fine. arts, as well as of his people, used to rise at three or four o'cloclc in the morning to get more time for his studies ; and when one of hia intimate friends noticed how hard he work- ed, he replied, — " It is true, I do work hard,- but it is in order to live ,- for nothing haa more resemblance to death, than idleness : of what use is it, to live, if one only vegetates .« " "Wrong Cboio*. How miserable some people make themselves, by a wrong choice, when they have all the good things of earth before them, out of which to choose! If good judgment be wanting, neither the greatest monarch, nor the repeated smiles o{ fortune, can render such persons happy ; hence, a prince — may become a poor wretch, and the peasant — completely blessed. To know one's self— IS the first degree o{ sound judg- ment; for, by failing rightly to estimate our own capacity, we may undertake — not only what will make us unhappy, but ridiculoun. This may be illustrated by an unequal mar- riage with a person, whose genius, life and temper — will blast the peace oi o7ie, or loth, forever. The understanding, and not the will — should be our guide. Varieties. 1. What can the virtues of our ancestors profit us, unless we imitate them "i 2. Why is it, that we are so unwilling to practice a little self-denial for the sake of a ftiture good ? 3. The toilet of woman — is too often an altar, erected by self-love — to vamiy 4. Half the labor, required to make a first-rate mttsicJ/in. would make an accomplished rea- der and speaker. 6. Learn to M7?,Iearn what you have learned amiss. 6. A conceit of knowledge — is a great enemy to knowledge, and a great argument for ignorance. 7. Of pure love, and pure conception of truth, we are only receiver.^ : God only is the giver; and they are all His fromfirst to last. It is a beautiful belief, that wtr— round our head, Are hovering, on noiiless wing, the rpiriii of the dead. It is a beautiful belief, wh«n ended our career. That it will be our ministry to watch o'er nt/iert here ; To lend a morai to the flower; breathe vudvm on the \oitul; To hold commune, at night't pure noon, with the impri»f n'd mb-J To bid the mourner— cease to moum, the tremhtxng vc fornSom To bear away, from ills of clay, the infant-to its heaven. Ah ! when delight— vna found in life, and joy— in every brwUh, I cannot tell how lernUe— the mystery of death. But now, the past Is bright to me, aud all the future.-eUan For 'tit my faith, that after death, I Hill il>al! linger hcwx 48 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 131. Important EemarJcs. Every pupil should be required to notice, distinctly, not o-ily all the specific sounds of our language, eirnple and compound, but also the different and exact positions of the vocal organs, ne- cessary to 'produce them. The teacher should, unyieldingly, insist upon having Ihese two things faithfully attended to : for fuccess in elocution, and music, absolutely demands it: no one, therefore, should wish to be excused from a full and hearty com- pliance. Master these elementary princi- ples, and you will have command of all the ricJIarns for communicating your thoughts and feelings. 122. L. lias only one sound which is its name -sound. LAY; tho ,<^^ laird's little fool loudly lauds the / li A lil-y white lamb the /n'elong f"^^^^^^^ -vls, &c. Anecdote. One Tongue. Milton, the au- thor of Paradise Lost and Regained, was one jay asked, by a friend of female education, if lie did not intend to instruct his daughter m \\\e (WffexenX. languages : " No Sir ,-'' re- plied ISIilton," one tongue is sufficient for a woman. Vc dttpoti, too long — did your tyranny hold us Id a voitalage vile — ere its voeakiiess we knew ; But we Jeani'd, that the lirihs of the chain, that enthraVd ug, W'< re fors'd by the feart of the captive alonr. Proverbs. 1. Almost, and very nigh, save many a lie. 2. A man may buy even gold too dear. 3. He, that waits for dead men's shoes, may long go barefoot. 4. It is an ill cause, that none dare speak in. 3. If pride were an art, there would be many teachers. 6. Out of sight, out of mind. 7. The whole ocean is made of single drops. 8. There would be no ffreat ones, if there were no little ones. 9. Things unreason- able—are never durable. 10. Time and tide wait for no man. 11. An author's writings are a mlf- ror of his mind. 12. Every one is architect of his own character. Ill tlie Truth. How may a person be said to be in the truth ? This may be un- derstood, rationally, by a comparison : we say — such a man is in the mercantile busi ness; by which we mean, that his life — ia that of merchandizing, and is regulated by the laws of his peculiar calliiig. In like manner, we say of a christian, that he is in the truth, and in the Lord, when he is in the true order of his creation; which is — to love the Lord, with all his heart, and his neighbor as himself ; and to do unto others — as he would they should do unto him : such a one is, emphatically, in the truth, and the truth makes him free; and this is the only freedom on earth, or in heave?i; and any other state is abject slavery. Varieties. 1. Why is the L, in the word military, like a man's nose 1 Because, it is between two ii. 2. No one is wise at atl times ; because every one is finite, and of course, imperfect. 3. Money — is the servant of those, who itnow how to use it ; but the master of those, who do 7iot. 4. Rome — was built, 7.o3 years before the christian era ,- and the Roman empire — terminated 476 years after it ; what was its duration ? 5- The tales of other times — are like the calm dew of the moTning, when the sun is faint on its side, and the lake is settled and blue in the vale. 6. As is the state of mind, such is the reception, operation, production, and manifestation — of all that is received. 7. Ends of actions show the quality of life ; natui'ttl men ever regard natural ends ; but spiritual men — spiritual ones. Changing, forever changing \—So depart The glories— of the old majestic ruoorf; So — pass the pride, and garniture of fields; The growth of agei, and the bloom of days, Into the dust of centuries ; and so — Are both — renewed. The scattered tribes of men, The generations of the populous earth, All have iivew seasons too. And jocund Youth Is tha green spring-Wmc— Manhood's luity strengtt Is the maturing sunnna- hoary Age Types well the autumn of the year— and Death Is the real winter, which forecloses aU. And shall the /ortsfs— have another spring, And shall \he fields— another ^3s\mA wear, And shall the u'orm— come forth, renew'd in life, And clothed with highest beauty, ana not MAN ? No!— in the Book before me now, I read Another laugiiage ; and my faith is sure, Tliat though the chains of death may hold it umg. This morfoi— will o'ertnaster them, and brook Acoy, and put on innnorfalili/. PRINCIPLES OF ELa-.UTION. 49 134. Read, and speak, \x. such a. Just and impressive manner, as will instruct, interest and affect your hearers, and repvjduce in them all those ideas and emniions, which you wisli to convey. Remember, that theory — is one thing, and practice — another; and that there is a great difference, between knowing ^ow a sentence should be read or spoken, and the ability to read or speak it : theory — is the result of thought ; practice — of actual ej.pe7'imce. 1«5 i M lias only one sound 5 MAIM : meek men made 7rm/«-mies oxit of garn-mon, and moon-he,a.mi 'v-s-^>'. ofgum-my am-mo-ni-a, for a.prC' /c^5?^^ mi-um on dum-my som-jiam- Iv^— ---^/ !)u-lism: mind, man-ners and [Mm maim.] mag-na-?iim-i-ty, malce a migh-ty man, to n-maZ-ga-mate e;?i-blems and luam-pum for an om-ni-um gath-er-um : the malt-man cir- cum-flw-bu-lates thecim-me-ri-an ham-mock, and titm-hles the mwr-mur-ing mif^-ship- man into a rnin-i-mum and maa;-i-mum of a m«m- mi-form di-lem-ma. 1JJ6. Cicero and Demosthenes, by their ivords, lives, maxims, and practice, show the high estimation, in which they held the sub- ject ot oratory ; for they devoted ijears to the study and practice of its theory and art, un- der the most celebrated masters of antiquity. Most of the effects of ancient, as well as of tnodern eloquence, may be attributed to the luanner of delivery: we read their words, but tlieir spirit is gone; the body remains, beautiful indeed, but motionless — and dead ,- TiiuE eloquence — revivifies it. Not*S» To produce this labio-nnsal sound, close the lips arid make a sound through t)ie nose, resembling the plaintive low- I! 5 of an ox, with its mouth clos»d ; or, a wailing sound through vr^ur nose. 2. Tliis is called a iiusal sound, because it is made through the nose; and not because it does not pass through it, as many imagine: which may become evident, by producing the sound when the nose is held between the thumb and forefinger. 3. Avoid detaching letters from preceding words, and attaching them to succeeding ones ; as— his cry moved me ; for, his crime moved me. 4. M is silent before n, in the same syllable ; as, JJ/nason, and l'iT» That is th' man, th't said that you saw him. I say th't that, th't that man said, is not that, th't that man told him. That th't I say is this : th't that, th't that gentleman advanced, is not that, th't he should have spoken ; for he said, tli't that that, th't that man pointed out, is not that that, th't that la- oy insisted th't it was ; but is another that. THE PATH.S OF LIFE. Go forth — the world is very wide. And many paths — before you lie. Devious, and dang'rous, and untried ; Go forth with wary eye ! Go ! with the heart — by yn-rjcf unbow'd ! Go! ere a shadow, or a cloud Hath dimm'd the laughing sky! But, lest your vvand'ring footsteps stray, Chtiose ye the straight, th« narroio way. BilONSON 4 138. By the aid of the principlen heie in- culcated, children can be taken, before tliey have learned the names of the letters, and, in a few months, become better readers than one in fifty of those taught in the usual way ; and they may have their voices so de- veloped and trained, by the natural use of the proper organs and muscles, as to be able to read, speak, and sing, for hows in succes- sion, without hoarseness, or injurious ex- haustion. It is a melancholy reflection, that children learn mo-e bad habits than good ones, in most of our common schools. Provertos. 1. He, that does you an ill turn, will never /or^iwe you. 2. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 3. The proof of the pudding— \s in eating. 4. None so deaf, as they that will not hear. 5. Time— is a file, that wears, and makes no noise. 8. When every one takes care of himself , care is taken of all. 7. Withotit pains, there can be no gains. 8. One may as well expect to be at ease, without money, as to be happy, without virtzie. 9. A man, like a watch, is valued according to his going. 10. The gov- ernment of the loill is better than an increase of knowledge. 11. Character — is everything — to both old and young. 12. JVar brings scars. Anecdote. Lojig Enough. A man, up- on the verge oi baiiliruptcy , having purchased an elegant coal, upon credit, and being told by one of his acquaintances, that the cloth was very beautiful, though the coat was too short ; replied, — with a sigh — "It will be long enough before I get another. Honor — was the virtue of the pagan ; but Christianity — teaches a more enlarged and nobler code ; calling into activity — all the best feelings of our nature, — illuminat- ing our path, through this world, with deeds of mercy and cJiarity, mutually done and re- ceived, — and sustaining us, amidst difficul- ties and temptations — by the hope of a glorious immortality, — in which peace — shall be inviolable — andjoj/ — eternal. Varieties. 1. Why is a fashionably dressed lady, like a careful hovsewifef Be- cause her waist (waste), is always as small as she can make it. 2. Literature and Science, to produce their full effect, must be generally diffused, like the healthful breeze. 3. The elements, so mixed in him, that Mature might stand up, and say to all the world, '^This is a man f'' 4. All minis are influenced every moment ; and there i;? a providence in every feeling, thought and v)ord. 5. The excesses of our youth, are drafts on our old age, payable with interest , though sometimes, they are payable nt sighi. 6. I will not only k7iow the way, but walk in it. 7. As it is God's will to fill us with his life, let us exert every facuhy we poesess, to be filled with it ; and that with all fin eerily and diligence. The man, th't's resolute, and just. Firm to his principles and trust. No' hopes, nor fcors— can bind. 60 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 129. Distinctness of articulation demands special attention, and requires that you should pronounce the vocal letters, as well as every word, audibly an; '. con-ectly, giving to each its appropriate /orce and quantity. Unless these principles are perfectly understood, y owe future acquirements will be more or less faulty : for, in proportion as one is ig- norant of what ought to be felt, thought, and done, will he be hable to err. 130. N lias two »o\tnA»', first^its name sound : ^INE ; the towd-man's " niii-ny, neg-li-gent of the hunts- / , J man's en-cAan^-ments, con-tam,' /.u .^^^^^ i-nates the wo-ble-man's nine- \ ^ — ^ / pins with his an-ti-no-mi-anwo/i- [K '-^ nine.] sense : Ndi-hant, and Flan-m-gan, joint-/en- ants of wtne-ty-nine i\fan-i-kins, n-nan-i- mous-ly en-chain with win-ning tones, the be-nig-nantdu-ew-na, while they are con-ven- ed to nam-i-nate co7i-di-ments for the so-cin- i-an con-uen-tion of the non-^-es-i-dents ; he knows his nose,- I know he knows his nose : he said I knew he knows his nose : and if he says he knows I know he knows his Jiose, of course, he knows I know he knows his nose. 131. Some public speakers, in 'other re- spects inferior, from the ease, grace, dignity and power of their delivery, sue followed and applauded ; while others, however sound in matter, and fmished in language, on account of their deficiency of manner, are passed by almost unnoticed. All experience teaches us the great importance of manner, as a means of inculcating truth, and persuading others to embrace it. Lord Bacon says, it is as ne- cessary for a public speaker, as decorum for a gentleman. Notes. I. This vocal nasal sound is made, by pressing the tingue against the roof of the mouth, and thus preventing the sound from passing through the mouth, and emitting all of it through the nose: see engraving. 2. In comparing sounds, be guided solely by the tar; beware of going by sight in the science of accoustics. 3. Remember, when there is a change in the position of the organs, Ihere is a corresponding change in the sounds. 4. In words where I and n precede cA, the sound of t intervenes in the pronunciation : filch, blanch, wench, inch, bench, &c. 5. Beware of omissions and additions ; Boston notion, not Boston ocean. Regain either, not regain neither.. Anecdote. The Rev. Mr. Whitfield— was once accused, by one of his hearers, of vxmdering in his discourse ; to which he re- plied : '* Uvou will ramble like a lost sheep, i must ramble after you." Truth- Comes to us with a sZow— and doubtful step ; Measuring the ground she treads on, and forever Turning her curious eye, to see that all Is right — behind ; and, with keen survey. Choosing her onward path. Seize upon truth,— wYierev ex found. On christian,— or on heathen ground ; Among your friends, — among your foes; The slant's 4ii inc,— toAe-e'er it grows. Proverbs. 1, It is not th* burthen, but the orer-burthen, that kills the beast. 2. The death of youth is a shipwreck. 3. There is no di&t ut- ing of tastes, appetites, and fancies. 4. When the fox preaches, let the geese beware. 5. .Alms- giving — never made a man poor ; nor robbery — rich ; nor prosperity — wise. 6. A lie, begets a lie, till they come to generations. 7. Anger — is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it. 8. Better late ripe, and bear, than blossom, and hlo>it. 9. Experience — is the mother of science. 10. He that will not be counselled, can not be helped. 11. Expose one's evils, and he will either /orsaAe them, or hate you for the exposure. 12. Do not hurry a. free horse. 13. Every thing would livs. Gradations. The dawn, the deep light, the su7i-rise, and the blaze of day ! what softness and gentleness ! all is graduated, and yet, all is decisive. Again, observe how winter — passes into spring, — each— weakened by the struggle ; then, steals on the summer, which is Followed by the matu- rity of autumn. Look also at the gradations and commingling of infancy, childhood, youth, manhood and age : how beautiful the series! and all this may be seen — in the successive developments of the hnmtmmind: xmagina- -there is first sense, then fancy, tion and reason, — each oi which — is the ground,^ or continent, of all that succeed : sense — is the rude germ, or crust of tht fancy, which is the full-fledged bird, freed from its confinement and limited notices, and soaring aloft, unrestrained, in.the luxu- ries of its weto being ; then, succeeds imagi. nation, a well regulated fancy, that emulate5 the work of reaso?i, while it borrows the hues — of its immediate parent : and rea.-cttr, con-c^wde, &c. 3. The three eounds of ni and n, are the ^nl 7 nasal ones in our language. 4. Some consonant iounds are coniinuous: the 1st, 3d, and 4th of c ; the 2nd of/, the third of g,l,m,n, r, &c. are examples ; others are abrupt or discrete; ag, f, d, p, X, t, &c. : so we have coniinuous tounds, ( the long ones, ) •nd abrupt or discrete ones, (the short.) Anecdote. Equality. When Lycurgus, king of Sparta, was to reform andf change the government, one advised him, that it enould be reduced to an absolute popular equality : " Sir," — said the lawgiver, " be- gin it in your own house ^rs«. Xfl^— reckons hours — for months, — and days — for years ; .And ever? litUe oiwejice— is an age. > Proverbs. 1. A miss, is as good as a milg- 2. A man is a lion in his own cause 3. He that has too many irons in the fire, will find thatsowi« of them will be apt to burn. 4. It is not an art to play; but it is a very good art to leave ojf play 5. Beyond the truth, there is nothing but error ; and beyond error, there is madness 6. He, who deals with a blockhead, has need of much hrairia. 7. The burnt child dreads the /re. 8. When oni will not, two cannot quarrel. 9. Words from the mouth, die in the ears ; but words from the heart —stay there. 11. Young folks— think old folks fools; but old folks know that young ones arc. 11. First know what is to be done, then do it. 12. The tongue, without the heart, speaks an un- known tongue. 13. Remember the reckoning. The three essentials — of every exist ence are an iiimost, a middle and an outmost: i. e. an e7id, a cause, and an effect: the e?id is the himost, the cause is the middle, and the effect the outmost, or ultimate. Ex, Man is one existence, and yet consists of a soul, or inmost principle, a body, or middle principle, and an activity, or ultimate prin- ciple. In his soul are ends, or motives to action; in his body are causes, or ways and means of action ; and in his life are effects, or actions themselves : if either were want- ing, he could not be a man : for, take away his soul, and his body would die for want of a first principle to live from ; take away his body, and his soul could not act in the natu- ral world, for want of a suitably organized instrument ; take away his life, or the acti- vity of his body from his soul, and both soul and body would cease to exist for lack of exercise. In other words, man consists of will, or inmost ; understanding, or inter- mediate ; and activity/, or ultimate. It is evident, that without willing, his under- standing would never think, and devise means of acting ; and without understand- ing, his will — could not effect its purpose ; and without action — that willing and under- standing would be of no use. Varieties. 1. The thief— is sorry he is to be punished, but not tHat he is a thief. 2. Some — are atheists — only in fair weather. 3. Is the casket — more valuable than the jexoel it contains ? 4. Indolence — is a stream that flows slowly on ; yet it undermines ev- ery virtue. 5. All outward existence — is only the shadow of that, which is truly real ; because its very correspondence. 6. Should we act from policy, or from principle? 7. The prayer of the memory is a reflected light, like that of the mdon ; that of the under- standing alone, is as the light of the sun in winter ; but that of the heart, likethe light and heat united, as in spring or summer ; and so also, is all discourse from them, and all worship. THE FLIGHT OF YEARS. Gone I gone forever .'—Like a rushing wave Another year— has burst upon the shore Of earthly being— and its last low tones. Wandering in broken accents on the air. Are dying— to an ecluc. 52 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 136. In ancient Rome, an orator's educa- tion began in infancy; so should it be now ; the seeds of eloquence may be sown, when the child is on the maternal bosom ; the voice should be developed with the mvid. If the child has good examples set liim, in reading and speaking, and the youth is attentive to his every day languagCy and is careful to im- prove his mind and voice together, he wUl become a good elocutumist, without scarcely knowing it Connection and association — have as much to do with our manner of speaking, as with our cast of thinking. 137. P lias but one soiuid: PAP; pale, par, pall, pap ; peep, pet ; , pipe, pip; pope, pool, pop; /^"Y^\ pule, pup, puss ; point, pound ; (fC^^^SX peo-p\e put pep-pev in ^p-per- ^^ — ■ -^ box-es, aj9-ple-pies in cup- [Pin pap.] boards, and whap-ping pap-poo-ses in wrap- pers ; tlie hap-ipy pi-per placed his peer-less jnip-Tpy in Pom-pey's slop-shop, to be pu7'- chased for a peck of pap-py pip-pins, or a pound of jDU^-ver-iz-ed pop-pies; a padrdy picked a peck of pick-led pep-pevs, and put them OH a broad brimed pew-ter plat-ter. 138. Muscle Brfakehs. Peter Prickle Prandle picked three pecks of prickly pears, from three prickly prangly pear trees: if then, Peter Prickle Prandle, picked three pecks of prickly pears from three prickly prangly pear trees; where are the three pecks of prickly pears, that Peter Prickle Prandle picked, from the three prickly prangly pear trees'? Success to the successful prickly prangly pear picker. Notes. 1, To give this aspirate labial, whisper the word jnigh, (u short,) or pop out the candle ; see the engraving : it is all of the word up, except the u ; but the sound is not fini^ed till the lips are separated, or the remaining breath exhaled : remember ".he remarks in reference to other abrupt elements. 2. The prin- cipal difference between i and p is, that 6 is a vocal, and p, only a breath sound. P, H, 7", are called, by some, sharp mutes ; and B, G, D,flat mutes a Germans find it difficult to pronounce cer- tain vocal consonants at the ends of words, tho' correctly at the be- ginning : hence, instead of sayinj dog, mad, pod, kc. they say, at first, dok, mat, pet, kc. 4. In pronouncing m, and t together, p is very apt to intervene ; as in Panj-ton &c. 5. P is silent in psal-fer, jpshaw, pneu-maMcs, Ptol-e-my, Psy-che, rosp-ber-ry, (3d a,) coi^js :o long,) re-ceipt, etc 6. Not detthg, but depths ; not clai-board, Sut clap-board ; not Ja-cop, but Ja-co6 ; not baj-tism, but bap- nm; etc. Anecdote. A Check. Soon after the .tattle of Leipsic, a wit observed, — " Bona- jart must now be in funds ; for he has re- ceived a check on ihe'hank of the Elbe^ Hidden, and deep, and never dry, (xrftowing, or at rest, A living spring of love — doth lie In every human breast. All else— may flail, th't soothes the heart, Ml. save that fount alone ; With that, and life, we never part ; For life, and love — are one. He seemed For diffnity composed,— and high ei ■plait ; Sut all was false —and hellow. Proverbs. L He, who thinks h< A;/iowg tlie viost, knows the least. 2. Take every thing as it comes, and make the best of it. 3. Three removet are as bad as a fire. 4. Tread on a worm, and he will turn. 5. Two things we should never be angry at,— what we can, and what we cannot heip. 6. When the bow is too much bent, it "breaks. 7. A wise man — is a great wonder. 8 Kwicked man — is his own hell ; and his evil Ivits and passiovv the fiends that torment him. S Blushing — is virtue'' s color. 10. Evil comviM,;ir^ cations corrupt good manners. !1. Gain — is un- certain, but the pain is sure. 12. Never court., •inless you intend to marry. Amusements. Ever since the fall, mankind have been prone to extremes ; not only the religious, but the irreligious por- tion of the world. It ic greatly to be regret- ted, that we are all so much at the mercy of -passien and prejudice, and so little — un- der the guiding influence of reason and in- telligence. In our creation, the Divine Being — has manifested infinite love and in- finite wisdom : for we are made in " his IMAGE and likeness;" the /ormer, we still retain, but the latter, sad to relate, we have lost. The will, or voluntary principle of the mind, constitutes our impelling power, and the understanding, or reaso?iing facul- ties, under the light o\ truth, is our govern- ing power : if, therefore, we find ourselves loving — what is not good and true, our ra- tionality, enlightened by wisdom, must bo our guide. Hence, our rule is this ; what- ever amusements — tend to fit us for our va- rious duties, and give us zest in faithfully performing them, are perfectly proper ; but, amusements, whose tendency is the reverse of this, are entirely improper; and we should not hesitate a moment in abstaining from them, however they may be approved by others, or sanctioned by long usage : we must Clever compromise the interests of eternity — for those transitory enjoyments of time and sense, wh-ich are at variance with the principles of truth and goodness. Both worlds are best taken care of, when they are cared for together, and each has its attention, ig to Its importance. eties. 1. There ar Varieties. 1. There are some, who live — {o eat and drink; and there are others. who eat and drink, to live. 2. The perfec- tion of art is — to conceal the art : i. e. to he the thing, instead of its representative. 3. Let every one sweep the snow from his own door, and not trouble himself about the /ro5f on his neighhor''s tiles. 4. Gnhleo, the great astronomer, was imprisoned for life, because he declared that Venus — shone with a bor- rowed light, and from the sun, as the centre oionr system. 5. There ?ixe abuses — mall human governments. 6. He, whose virtues, exceed his talents, is the good man ; but he, whose talents exceed his virtues, is the hml man. 7 All we perceive, understand, wilt, love, and practice, is our own ; but nothing else. Sufptcion—ahoays haunts the gicilty mind ; The t«e/— «tiU fears each hush— in qffker. • PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 63 139. Written language consists of letters, and , consequently, is more durable than spo- ke?} language, which is composed of articu- late sounds. Our written alphabet contains twenty-sir letters, which make syllables and nwds ; words make sentences; sentences paragraphs, which make sections and chap- ters; these constitute an essay, discourse, ad- dress, oration, poem, dissertatiun, tract or oook: but our vocal alphabet has forty-^fowr letters, or sounds, which make up tlie whole of spoken language. 140. R Ixas two sounds ; first, its name Bound ; ARM ; the bar-bers were, ^ j in former years, the cr-bi-ters of "^^K the mwr-der-ers of their fore-fa- / /^^\ \ thers . the Tar-tars are g-crr-blers ; "Vaoxn^) of Aarrf-ware and per-rer-ters of " the er-rors of JVbr/A-ern-ers and [«'°^^RM-3 SoM^A-ern-ers ; the/a?*-mers are dire search- ers af-ter burnt Gr-bors, and store the cor- ners of their Zar-ders with di-vers sorts of gr*ar-ter dol-laxs ; Charles Biir-ser goes to the /ar-ther barn, and gets lar-gev ears of hard corn, for the car-ter's horses. 14:1. Dr. Franklin says, (of the justly cel- ebrated Whiifield,) that it would have been fortunate for his reputation, if he had left no tv nften works behind him ; his talents would fchen have been estimated by their effects : in- deed, his elocution was almost faultless. But whence did he derive his effective man- ner'? We are informed, that he took lessons of Garrick, an eminent tragedian of Eng- land, who was a great master in Nature'' s school of teaching and practicing this useful art. ^Otes. 1. To make this smooth vocal sound, pronounce the word arm, and dwell on the r sound ; and you will pej'ceive that the tongue is turned gently to the roof of the mouth, and at the same time drawn back a little. 2. Avoid omitting this letter, as It never is silent, except it is doubled in the same syllable ; not staw-my, but stor-my ; not Zii-ah-ty, but /tfc-er-ty ; not burt. but burst ; not waw-um, but warm ; not oA-gu-ment, but ar-gu-n/ent ; uot hojses, but Aor-ses ; not hakA stawm, but hard storm ; etc. 3. Re- member that short e and t before r, in the same syllable, when ac- cented, sound like short u, unless followed by another r, as mei'cy, (mer-it,) ser-geant, (ser-rate,) ter-ma-gant, (ter-ror, ) mirth-ful, (Mirror,) ver-ses, (ver-y) (here the r is re-echoed ;) and spirits, fic. : the exceptions are in parentheses : see p. 22<1. 4. Some words, (where e, t, and r, are peculiarly situated, as above,) have, in their pronunciation, a reverberation, or rejietition of the r, although there laiy be but one in the word ; as — ver-y ; being followed by a vowel. Anecdote. Who Rules ? A schoolmas- itr, in ancient Rome., declared, that he ruled the world. He was asked to explain : which he did in the following manner. " Rome — • rules the world ; the women rule those who govern Rome ; the children control their mo- *hers, and / rule the children.'''' So — we grew together, Like to a double chary, suming— parted; But yet a union — in partition, TVoo lowly berries, — moulded on one stem: CO, with two seeming bodies, but one heart: 7\oo— of the/irsi, like coats, in heraldry, Due but to one, and crowned — with one crest. e2 I Proverbs. 1. He that is ill to himself, w]\\ be g-ood to nobody. 2. The remedy — is^vorse than j the disease. 3. Who is so deaf, as he that will not hear? 4. Ml vice infatuates and corrupts ihxi judgment. 5. A /oo^ may, by chance, put some- thing into a wise man's head. 6. After praying to Ood, not to lead you into temptation, do not throw yourself into it. 7. Evil gotten, evil spent. 8. He, that knows useful things, and not he that knows many things, is the wise man. 9. He — . preaches well, that lives well. 10. It is always term time in the court oi conscience. 11. We may be ashamed of our pride, but not proud of our shame. 12. Historical faith — precedes saving faith. 13. Stolen waters are sweet. Tlie Tme Christian Cliaracter. The three essentials of a christian — are — a good will — flowing through a true under standing, into a uniform life oi justice and j^idgment. It is not enough, that we mean well, or know our duty, or try to do right ; for good intention is powerless, without truth to guide it ai-ight ; and truth — in the intellect alone, is mere tum^er-light, without the s«mmer-heat of love to God — and love to man; and blundering efforts — to do our duty — are poor apologies for virtuous ener- gies, well directed and efficiently applied : the three alone — can constitute us true chris- tians ; i. e. our will, understanding and life, must be brought into harmonious and effi- cient unity, in order that we may be entitled to this high and holy appellation. Things must not only be thought of, and desired, purposed, and intended, ; but they must be done, from love to the Lord ; that He, as a principle of goodness, and a principle of truth — may be flowing, constantly, from the centre — to the circumference of actions . we must practice what we Jc?iow of the truth; we must live the life of our heavenly Fa- ther's commandmeni s ; so as to have htit goodness and truth implanted in us, 'nat wp may strive to w;aZ/i,^efp.re Kitr>, and become perfect. Varieties. 1. A ccnmn apothecary — hag over his door, this slg7i — " All kinds of dy- ing stuff sold here." 2. Does v:eaUh — exert more influence than knowledge^ 3. A pretty shepherd , indeed, a utoZ/ would make! 4. Ax some X-dvexn?,— madness — is sold by the glass ; ilt others, by the bottle. 5. So- hriely, without sullcjiness, and mirth witA modesty, are commendable. 6. Even an or- dinary composition, well delivered, is b'ltier received, and of course does more a W, than a superior one, badly delivered. 7, Where order — cannot enter, it cannot exist. What is beauty ? Not the show Of shapely limbs, a.nd features. No : These— are hutjlowers. That have their dated hours, To breathe their momentary sweets, then ^of ♦Tis the stainless soul— within — That outshines— the /aires* skin. .Appearances — deceive ; And this one maxim — is a standing rttlej-- Men are not— what they wem. 54 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 14:a. Many persons take great pains in tlieir dress, to appear well and receive atten- lion ,' and so far as personal appearance can exert an influence, they attain their end : but if tliey would cultivate their language, and the proper way of using it, so as not to de- form themselves in reading and conversation, they might accomplish the object at which they aim. 143. Tlie second sound of R, is rougli, irIUed, or bxirredj when it \\L^ comes before vowel sounds in / (* \ the same syllable : RAIL ROAD ; '^^^^ the rc/a-ring rep-ro-bate re-ver- ^ ^ — ^ be-rates his ran-cor-ous ri6-ald- [R in rail.] ry and re-treats from his re-gal throne, to liis ri-val rec-re-a-tion in the rook-e-ry : the op- pro-bri-ous li-6ra-ri-an, rec-re-ant-ly threw the great gridri-ron among the crock-e-ry with ir-Te-proach-a.-ble ef-front-e-ry ; the re-sults of which were, ro-man-tic dreams, bro-ken ribs, and a hun-dred prime cit-rons for the throng of cn/-ing chil-dren: round and round the nig-ged rock the rag-ged ras-cal drags the strong rhi-noc-e-ros, while a rat in a ra^-trap ran through the rain on a rail, with a raw lump of red liv-er in its mouth. 144. Written language — is used for com- municating information respecting persons distant from each other, and for transmitting, to succeeding ages, knowledge, that might otherwise be lost, or handed down by erring tradition. Spoken language — is used to con- vey the thoughts and feelings of those who are present, and are speaking, or conversing together: the former is, of course, addressed to our eyes, and the latter, to our ears ; each kind having its own particular alphabet, which must be mastered. Notes. 1. This vocal trilled diphthongal sound, consists iC the aspirate sound of h, modified between the end of the tongue md the roof of the mouth, combined with a vocal. 2. Or, make the nami sound of r, and mix it with the arpirate, by clapping t!ie tongue against the roof of the mouth ; psactice prolonging her" or purr in a whisper, trilling the r, then add the voice sound ; af- terwards prefix the i, and exercise as above. 3. Demosthenei, in the early part of liis career, was reproached for not being able to pronounce, correctly, the first letter of his favorite ^t— Rhetoric : i. e. he could not trill it for some time. 4. Give only one trill or clap of the tongue, uniest the sentiment be very animating; as— Rise— brothers, rise! etc. «' Strike! tUl the lajt armed foe ex- pjres." 145. Another. The riven rocks are rudely rent asunder, and the rifted trees rush along the river, while hoa-ry 6o-re-as rends the robes of spring, and rat-tling thun- der roars around the rock-y re-gioiis : Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round ; a round roll, Robert Rowley rolled round ; where roll- ed the round roll, Robert Rowley rolled round'! Didst ever see Two gentle vines, eacA— round the other twined, Bo fondly, closfly, that they had become, Ere their growth, blended trgether bio one sinffU tree ? Proverbs. L He, who resc/ves to amend, has God on his side. 2. Honest men are soon bound ; but you can never bind a knave. 3. If the best man's faults were written on his fore- head, it would make him pull his hat over his eyes. 4. Life is haK spent, before we knew what it is. 5. Of the two evils, choose the least. 6. One bad example spoils many ^ood precepts. 7. Patience — is a plaster for all sores. 8. He who serves well — need not be afraid to ask his ra^£*. 9. If you will not hear reason, slie will rap yo\» over your knuckles. 10. Prayer — should :)e the key of the daij, and the lock of the rJg'ru. 11. Foul water will quench fire. 12. Ficm ncithiug — nothing can come. Anecdote. Spinster. Formerly, it was a maxim, that a young woman should never be married, till she had spun, hferself, a full set oi linen. Hence, all unmarried women have been called spinsters : an appellation they still retain in certain deeds, and lav) proceedings ; though many are not entitled to it. Matliematics — includes the study of numbers and magnitudes : hence, it is called the science of gravity ; and is applicable to all quantities, that can be measured — by a standard unit, and thus expressed by num- bers and magnitude. Feeling and thought, though they vary immensely, cannot be measured : we cannot say, with strict pro- priety, that we love one — exactly twice aa much as another ,- nor, that one — is three times as wise as another : because love and wisdom are not mathematical quantities: but we can measure time by seconds, inin- . utes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and centuries; space hy inches, feet, yards, rods, and miles ; and motion, by the space passed over in a given time. Varieties. 1. Was the world created out oi notJiing ? 2. Fools — draw false con elusions, from just principles : and mad rnen draw just conclusio7is, from false prin ciples. 3. The discovery of what is true, and the practice of what is good, are the two most important objects of life. 4. Associa tions — between persons of opposite tempera ments, can neither be durable, nor produc. five of real pleasure to either party. 5. Where grace cannot enter, sin increase? and abounds. 6. The spontaneous gifts of heaven, are of high value ; but •perseverance — gains the prize. 7. When the will — be- comes duly resigned to God, in small things, as well as great ones, all the affections will be reduced into their proper state, in their proper season. The wretch, condemn'd with life to pan, Still, still on hope relies, And every pang, that rends his hearty Bide nxpectation rise. Hope, like the glimmering taper^g light, .Adorns — and cheers his way, And still, as darker grows the nigkt. Emits a brighter ray. PRINCIPLESi OP ELOCUTION. 55 1 46. Keep a watchful and jealous eye over common opinions^ prejudices and bad school instruction, until the influence of rea- son, nature and truth, is so far established over the ear and taste, as to obviate the dan- ger of adopting ox following, unquestionable errors, and vicious habits of reading and speaking: extended views, a narrow mind extend. To judge righteously of all things, preserve the mind in a state of perfect equi- Hbrium, and let a love of truth and goodne&s govern all its decisions and actions. 14:7. MV, lias but one consonant eoiuid, and one voivel sound; WOO ; a wan-ton wag, with wo- ful words, bc-wail-ed the well (t wish-er of the wig-wam ; the dwarf dwells in the wea-ry west, [W in woo, where wom-en weave well the warp of hfe, and tom-ter winds wan-dcr in the wild swamps, tliat wail and weep : the lya-ter- witch, al-ways war-worn in the wax-woxks, war-hies her watch-word to the iveathrer- wise, and re-iuards the wick-Qd with weep- ing, wail-'mg and w;orm-wood. 148. By separating these elements of lan- guage, and practicing on them, each by itself, the exact position and cffo7't of the vocal or- gans, may be distinctly observed ; and in this way, the true means of increasing and im- proving the force and quality of every one ascertained. Be not discouraged at the ap- parent mechanical, artificial and constrained modes of giving the sounds, and pronoun- cing the words : acquire accuracy, and ease and gracefulness will inevitably follow. 149. Irregulars, U has this sound in certain words: the rm-guish of the aw-ti-qua- ry is as-sua-ged with lan-guid man-sue-tude, for the con-quest over hi-s dis-tin-guish-ed per-5'?ia-sion : the guide d\s-guirses his as- sue-tude of per-,swa-ding the dis-5wa-der. Notes. 1, To produce this sound, shape the mouth and lips aafor whistling, and make a voice sou«d ; or, pronounce the word do, and when the o is about to vanish, commence this vocal conso- nant, thus, do was. 2. When w is initial, t. e. begins a word or syllable, it is a consonant ; but when it ends one, it is equivalent to ad in ooze ; new, how, now, pow-er, etc. 3. In sttiord, two, an. stoer, it is silent : w also before r, lorap, lorack, lureath, lorist, wrong, etc. bloio, iwho, knouHedee, lohom, lohose, lohole, lohoop, eic. 4. Practice changes onto and D, as found under 2d /. 6. He who a watch would wear, two things must do, pocket his watch, and watch his pocket too. Anecdote. A Scold. Foote, a celebrated comic actor, being scolded by a woman, said, in reply, " I have heard of tartar — and brimstone ; — you are the cream of the one, and the flowek of the other.'" " Ask for what en(i— the heavenly bodies shine ? Earth— ior whose ust F—Man answers, 'Tis for mine; For mc — kind nature wakes her genial ptnoer, Suckles each /leri, and spreads out every flovoar; Annual for me— the grape, the rose renew The JMtVe nectareous, and the balmy dew : Tot me — health — gushes from a thousand springs; For me — the mme— a thousand treasure.! brings, Seas roll — to vtaft me, tuns — to light me rise, lily footttool— earth, my canopy— the skxcs." \ Proverbs. 1. It is easier .o praise povrerty, than to bear it. 2. Prevention — is better than cure. 3. Learn wisdom by the follies of othen. 4. Knowledge, without practice, makes but half an artist. 5. When you want any thing, always ask the price of it. 6. To cure idleness, count the tickings of a clock. 7. It costs more to revenge injuries, than to endure them. 8. Conceited men think nothing can be done without them. 9. He, that kills a man, when he is drunk, must be Awng when he is sober. 10. An idle man's head, is the devil's jcork-shop. II. God makes, and apfarcl shapes. 12. Good watch prevents harm. Tlie Difference. Two teachers apply for a school ; one — is ignorant, but ofl'ers to teach for twelve dollars a month ; the other — is well qualified for the station, and asks twenty five dollars a monih. The fathers — weigh the souls of their children against mo7iey, and the twelve dollar teacher is em- ployed. A man in search of work asks a farmer, if he does not want tc hire a hand ? '* If I can find one to suit me," — the farmer replies : and then he puts a variety of ques- tions to him; such as, — "Can you mowl reap? chop? cradle? hoe? dress flax? Sec.'' Soon after, another stranger calls, and asks whether they wish to hire a teaclier in their district ? But the prmci/)aZ question in thi? case, is — "How much do you ash ii month?'''' Now, just observe the difference — in the catechising of the two applicants. Again, the fathei — will superintend the hired man, and have things so arranged — as not to lose a moment's time, — and see that nothing goes to waste ; but the same watchful parent — will employ a teacher, and put him into the school, and never go near him. Varieties. 1. If a man begin a fool, he is not obliged to persevere. 2. Ought cir- cumstantial evidence to be admitted in cri- minal cases ? 3. Suspicion — is always worse than fact. 4. No duty, imposed by 7ieces- sity, shovJd be considered ^burthen. 5. To act from order, is to act from heaven. 6. Truth, however little, does the mind good. 7. True love always gives forth Irtie light , false light agrees not with the trutli, but lightly esteems it ; and also, seems to itself, to be better than truth. Oreat were the hearts, and strong the mind&, Of those, who framed, in high debate, The immortal league o{ love, that binds Our /air, broad Empire, State with State And deep the gladness of the hour, When, as the auspicious task was done, In solemn trust, the sword of power. Was giv'n to gloriff unspo I'd son. That noble race is gone ; the suns Of fifty years — have risen, ^nd set ; But the bright links, those chosen ones So strongly /or-o-ed, are brighter yet. Wide— as our own free race increase- Wide shall extend the elastic chain And bind, in everlasting peace. State after State, a mighty train. 56 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCU flON. 150. Two grand objects are to be accom- plished by these lessons and exercises: the acquiring a knowledge of tlie voiuel and con- 807iant sounds, and a facility in pronoun- cing them ; by means of which, the voice is partially broken, and rendered Jiexible, as well as controllable, and the obstacles to a clear and distinct articulation removed : there- fore, practice much, and dwell on every ele- mentary sound, taking the letters separately, aud then combining them into syllables, words and sentences. 191. Two of tlie three sounds of X: first, name sound; or ks, when ^, . at the end of accented syllables, / TUT and often when it precedes them ; i' C-^^^ i if followed by an abrupt conso- ^' ^zr-^'^' nant AXE: the cox-comb ex- [XinAXE.i ye-ri-en-ces the lux-u-ry of ex-pa-ti-a-ting on the ex'plo-sion of his ex-ccs-sive ex-al-to-tion of the bux-om fair sex ; being ana;-ious to ex-plain the or-tho-dox-y and Ae^-o-dox-y of Ex-ffg^o-nus, the ex-po5-i-ter ex-po-ses the ex-ploU, of ex-pec/-ing to ex-plain how to ex-crete ex-cel-lent texts by ex-cru-ci-a-ting the wax of the ex-cheq-ner. 153. A good articulation — consists in giv- ing to every letter in a syllable, its due propor- tion of sound, according to the best pronun- ciation,- and, in making such a distinction between the syllables, of which words are composed, as that the ear, without difficulty, shall acknowledge their number, and per- ceive, at once, to which syllable each letter belongs. When these things are not observed, the articulation is in that proportion, defec- tive: the ^reaX object is— to articulate so well, that the Jiearer can perfectly understand what is read or spoken, without being obliged to have recourse to a painful attention. A good articulation is the foundation of good delivery: as the sounding of the musical notes with exactness, is the foundation of good singing. 153. Play upon Xes. Charles X. x-king of France, was xtravagantly xtoUed, but is xceedingly xecrated. He xperienced xtra- ordinary xcellence in xigencies ; he wasxcel- lent in xtemals,but xtrinsic inxtacy ; he was xtatic in xpression, xtreme in xcitement, and xtraordinary in xtempore xpression. He was xpatriated for his xcesses, and, to xpiate his xtravagance, was xcluded, and xpired in xpulsion. Notes. 1. To produce this diphthongal a^irate sound, whisper the word kus, and then repeat it, aid leave oat the j ; k'ss : one of the most unpleasant sounds in our language. 2. Since the word diph'hong merely signifies a double iound, there is no impro- priety in calling double consmmnts, diphthongs, as we do certain voweU. S. All critical skill ^n the sound of language, has its foun. dation in the practical Knowledge of the nature and properties of ttie«e elements : remember this and apply yourself accordingly. C In all rases, get the pro(>ef sounds of letters, as given in the irj-worda, or first examples. To err— ia human , to forgive— dlviTie. Proverbs. . If letter weie within, tsttei would come out. 2. Jests,, like sweetmeatt , Iiave often sour sauce. 3. Keep aloof from qunrrels; be neither a witness, nor a party. 4. Least said. the soonest mended. 5 Little boats should keep near shore ; greater ones may venture iiiore. 6. Some — are more nice than wise. 7. Make a wrong step, and down you go. 8. We all live and learn. 9. Riches, (like manure,) do no good, till they ar^ spread. 19. Silks and satins often put out the kitchen^re. 11. Some — would go to the devil, if they had authority for it. 12. Love virtue, uid abhor vice. 13. Good counsel ftas no pru.e. Anecdote. Matrimony. A /aiAer, wish- ing to dissuade his daughter from all thoughts of irmirimony, quoted the words : "She who marries, doeth well ; but she who marries not, diOeXh. better.'^ The daughter, meekly replied, " Father, /am content to do well; let those do better, who cara." Boundaries of jKnovi'ledgfe. Human reason — very properly refuses to give its assent to any thing, but in proportion as it sees how that thing is, or is done. Now, there are three directions — in natural science, which are attended with their difficulties. The astronomer — sees — and feels a diffi- culty — in getting from the solar system — lo the universe ; the chemist, in proceeding iroro matter — io its mysterious essence; and the physiologist, in advancing from the body — to the soul ; three kingdoms of hnow' ledge — bordering on kingdoms — unknown to natural science. Without reason, man could never become elevated above his senses, and, consequently, could not become a ratiofial and intellectual being, and, of course, not MAN, in the true sense of the term. But our minds are so constituted, that after hav- ing traversed the material creation, anc perceived, scientifically, the very hnnndaries of matter, where it is adjoined hy spirit, it can elevate itself, by a power, constantly given by God, to the loiver boundaries of spirit, where it touches upon matter, and then, by its derived powers, ascend step by step, to the great I Am; whom to Awow aright, and whom to love supremely, is the chief good of man. Varletiss. 1. When man sins, angels WEEP, and devils rejoice. 2. True polite- ness, springs from the heart. 3. What is that, which makes every body sick, except those who swaZZoii; it ? Flattery. 4. Science has no enemy, but ignorance. 5. Be not too brief in conversation, lest you be not under- stood ; nor too diffuse, lest you be trouble- some. 6. Simplicity, and modesty, are among the most engaging qualities or every superior mind. 7. We five in two worlds a natural and a spiritual one. 1 would never kneel at a gilde*' i}tr\m. To worship the \Ao\—gold; I would never fetter this heart ol mine. As a thing— for /or/u?i« sold : But I'd bow— to the light th' ' God hath given. The nohUr 1 ight— of mind ; The only light, save that of Heaven, That should free-wiil Iwmage find. I PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUl.ON. 57 15*. Reading — should be a perfect fac- Bimile of correct speaking ,• and both exact copies of real life : hence, read just as you would naturally speak on the same subject, and under similar circumstances : so, that if any one should fiear you, without seeing you, he could not tell whether you were reading or speaking. Remember that nothing is de- nied to industry and perseverance ,■ and that nothmg valuable can be obtained without them. 155. Tlie second sound of X is tliat of gz ; generally, when it imme- ^ <>*^ diately precedes the accent, and / .-~li-N^ \ IS followed by a vowel sound, or ( C^ 3Tj!j^ ' the letter h, in words of two or \^ — // more syllables ; EXIST; the ex- [X in exist.] h'tr-ter is ex-haust-ed by his ex-w-ber-ant ex- or-di-um, and desires to be ex-on-er-a-ted from ex-aw-in-ing the ux-o-ri-ous ex-ec-u- tive; an ex -act ex-a/n-in-a-tion into the ex-ag- ger-a-tions of the aux-iZ-li-a-ries ex-Ai&-its a lui-tt-ri-ant ex-ile, who ex-is^-ed an ex-oMc in ea;-em-pla-ry ex-al-to-tion. 156. The letters o, and e, in to and /Ae,are long, before vowels, but abbreviated before fonsonants, ( unless emphatic, ) to prevent a hiatus. Th' man took the instrument and began t' play th' tune, when th' guests were ready to eat. I have written to Obadiah t' send me some of th' wheat, that was brought in th' ship Omar, and which grew on th' land belonging t' th' family of the Ashlands. Are you going from town! No I am going to town. Th' vessel is insured to, at and from London, Notes. I, To make this diphthongal vocal sound, close the teeth as if to give the sound of C, and then bring into contact the posteriors, or the roots of the tongue, and back parts of the throat, and pronounce the imaginary word guz, several times ; then omit the ti, and pronounce the g, 2, by themselves : g—z. 2, For the 3d sound of X, see the third sound of C. 3. These elemental sounds vras the favorite study among the ancients, of the greatest ability. 157. Sight Reading. To become a good reader, and a reader at sight, one must al- ways let the eyes precede tJie voice a number of words ; so that the mind shall have time, clearly, and distinctly, to conceive the ideas to he communicated { and also /ee/ their influ- ence: this will give full play to the thoughts, as well as impart power from the affectuous part of the mind, to the body, for producing the action, anrl co-operation, of tlie right muscles and organs to manufacture the sounds and words. In walking, it is always best to see where we are about to step ; it is equally so in reading, when the voice walks. Indeed, by practice, a person will be able to take in a line or two, in anticipation of the vocal effort: always look before you leap. The hiffh, the mountain-maieety^oi' worth — Skovld be, and shall, survive its woe ; And, from its immortality,— \oo\i forth— In the sun's face, — like yonder Alpint snow^ Jmperiahably pure— beyond all things belovv 8 Proverbs. 1. If you rt'ould lend a man money, and make him jour :nemy,askhim for :i again. 2. lie that goes a borrowing; goes a sor- roicivn-. 3. The t'riTioceni'— often suffer through the indolence and neffligence of others. 4. Two Oi a trade seldom agree. 5. When the Lord revives his work, the Devil revives hie. 6. He that swells in prosperity, will shrink in adversity. 7. It is human to err ; but diabolical to persevere in error. 8. For a cure of ambition, go in the church' yard, and read the gravestones. 9. Better get in the right path lute, than never. 10. A real friend — is discerned in a trying case. 11. Every one can acquire a right characUr. 12. Two wrongs-- don't make a right. Anecdote. Zeno — was told, that it waa disreputable for a philosopher to be in love. "If that were true,'" said the wise man, " the fair sex are indeed to be pitied; for they would then receive the attention of fools alone.'''' Mental Violence. Everything which tends to discompose or agitate the mind, whether it be excessive sorrow, rage or fear, envy, or revenge, love or despair — in short, whatever acts violently on our mental facul- ties — tends to injure the health. Varieties. 1. Washi7iaton — was bcrn Feb. 22d, 1732, and died Dec. 14th, 1799 ; how old was he ? 2. We cannot Zot^e those, whom we do not respect. 3. Order—is the same in the world, in man, and in the church ; and man is an epitome of all the principles of order. 4. In factions, the most ¥norant are always the most violent. 5. he good man has God in his heart, when he is not in his mouth : but the hypocrite— has God in his mouth, without having him in his heart. 6. It is some hope of good- ness, not to grow worse ; but it is a part of badness, not to grow better. 7. Why should we seek — that love, that cannot profit us, or fear — that malice, that cannot hurt us ? ivARREN'S ADDRESS AT THE BUNKER HILL BATT.'.£ Stand ! the ground's your own, my bravte Will ye give it up to slaves ? Will ye look for greener graves ? Hope ye wercy still ? What's the mercy despots feel I Hear it— in that battle peal : Read it — on yon bristling steel I Ask it — ye who will. Fear ye foes who kill for hire ? Will ye to your homes retire 1 Look behind you ! they're afire I And before you, see Who have done it !— From the vdti— On they come .'—and will ye quail 7 Leaden rain and iron hail Let their welcome be ! . n the God of battles trust ! Die we may — and die we mutt : — But, O ' where — can dust— to dust Be consigned so well, As where heaven — its dews shall shed On the martyr'd patriot's bed. And the rocks shall raise their head. Of his deeds to tell J [piERPOJJl. 58 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 158. An accurate knowledge of these ele- mentary sounds, which constitute our vocal Alphabet, and the exact co-operation of the appropriate organs to give them truly, are essential to the attainment of a good and ef- ficient elocution. Therefore, be resolved to understand them thoroughly/ and, in your various efforts to accomplish this important object, give preciswi and full force to every sound, and prsictice faithfully, and often, the difficult and rapid changes of the vocal pow- ers, required by the enunciation of a quick succession of the muscle-'bTeakers. 159. Tlie sound of Y, ^vlieii a conso- nant ; VE t the year-ling young- ster, yelled for the yel-low yolk, i'es-ter-night, and yearn-ed in the yard o-ver the year-book till he yex'd: the yoke yields to your [VinYE.] year-ling, wliich yearns for the yar-xow in the yawls ; you yerk'd your yeast from the yavm-\xiz yeo-maxi t/cs-ter-day, and yet your- belf, of yore, yea, tho' young, yearn-ed o-ver the yes-ty yawn : Mr. Yew, did you say, or fiid you not say, what I said you said 1 be- cause Mr. Yewyaw said you never said what I said you said : now, if you say that, you did not say, what I said you said, then pray what did you say 1 160. The first step to impirsvement is, to awaken the desire of improvernMnt : whatev- er interests the hea7't, and excites the imagi- nation, will do this. The second is a clear and distinct classification of the principles, on which an art is hosed, and an exact ex- pressio7i of them, in accordance with this classification ; indeed, all the arts and scien- ces should be seen in definite delineations, thro' a language which cannot well be mis- understood. 161. Irregiaars. E, I, J, and U, occa- sionally have this sound ; £M-rope aZ-ien-ates the con-spic-n-ous cult-ure of her na-iads, and, like a d\s-guised a-eat-ure, eti-lo-gi-ses her^a-nior co;ir/-iers for their bril-lmnt gen- ius: the virt-n-ons christ-ian sold-ier, in spi)'- it-u-al un-ion with the mill-ions of Nat-ure, shouts with eu-cha-ris-tic grand-enr, eu-pho- Tii-ous hal-le-lu-jahs, which are fa-miZ-iar-ly read, throughout the vol-ume of the U-ni- vt'Tse. Notes. To give this voc»J sottnd, nearly close the teeth, viU. the lips turned out as in making long e, (see engraving,) and d.-awlingly pronounce the word yet, protracting the sound of the y tbua, y et ; y on. 2. For the two other sounds of y, see the two sounds of t ; rhyme, hymn ; isle, ile. 3. Fis a consonant at ttie beginning of t word or syllable, except in y-clad, (e,-dad,) j- KUft, {e-clqpt) 'yt-ri-a, (t/-ri-a,) Yp-si-tan-ti, (Ip-si-taii-ti,) the name oiatrwnin Michigan. 4. In prod-uce, u has its nawie sound ; -j'.A .n col-utne, if has this cun-so-nant sound of y preceding it; 111 the^Srrt, it is preceded by an abrupt element : in the second, by isjqjcn one. If I could find some eave unknown. Where human feet have never trod. Even there — I could not be alone. On every side— there would be Chd Proverbs. \. Tha shorter answer— is dointi the thing. 2. You cannot quench fire with tew. Z. There is no general rule without exceptions. 4. Happiness — is not in a csttage, nor in a palace, nor in riches, nor in poverty, nor in learning, nor in iffnorance, nor in active, nor in passive life ; but in doing right, from right motives. 5. Good intention — is not reftrmation. 6. It is seM-conceit, that makes a man obstinate. 7. To cure a fit of passion, walk out in the open air. 8. Idle men are dead, all their lives long. 9. If you would know the value of money, earn it. 10. Hearts may agree, tho' heads — differ. 11. Beware of jlirting and coquetry. 12. There is no place like home. 13. He that is warm, thinks others bo. Anecdote. A Vain Mother. As a lady — was viewing herself in a looki7ig-g\ass, she said to her daughter : " What would you give — to be as fiandsome as 1 am?" " Just as much, (replied the daughter,) as you would, to be as young as / am." The Poor. How few, even of professing christians, are aware of the pleasure, arising from contributing to the support of the poor .' Is it not more blessed to give — than to re- ceive ? But there are alms for the mind — as well as for the body. If we duly considered our relations, and our destinies, instead of giving grudgingly, or wanting to be called upon, we should go out in search of the de:5- titute and ignorant, and feel that we were per- forming the most acceptable service to God, while sharing the gifts of his providence with our /eZ/o'io-beings, who are as precious in his sight — as we fancy ourselves to be: for he does not regard any from their external situ- ation, but altogetlier from their internal state. Varieties. 1. American independence— ^ was acknowledged by Great Britai?i, Jan. 19, 1783 ; and the treaty of Ghejit signed, Dec. 24, 1814. 2. Never do an act, oi' which you doubt the justice. 3. Nothing can be a real blessing, or curse, to the soul, that is not made its own by appropriation. 4. Let every man be the champion of right. 5. How sharper — than a serpenVs tooth it is to have a thanhless child. 6. All science has its foundation in experience. 7. Happy are the miseries that end in joy; and blessed are ih.e joys, that have no end. Ay, I have planned full many a sanguine scheme Of £ar(AZi/ happiness; * * * And it is hard To feel the hand of cfeat/t— arrest one's steps, Throw a chWXhlight — on aW one's budding hopes And hurl one's soul, untimely, to the shades. Lost in the gaping ^-mZ/ of blank oblivion. —Fifty years hence, and who will think of Henryl Oh, none!— another busy brood of beings Will shoot up in the interim, and none Will hold him in remembrance. — /ehall sink. As sinks a stranger — in the crowded streets Of busy London : — some short bustle's caused, A few inquiries, and the crowd close iu. And all's forgotten. [h. k. whitb. PRINCIPLES OF' ELOCUTION. 5d 183. Many consider elocution merely as an accomplishment and that a tlesiiltwy, in- stead of a systa.iatic attention, is all that is necessary. A regular, scientific and progres- nve course, in this as well as every thing else, is the only correct, effectual, and rapid mode of proceeding, ^improvement be the object, whether we devote little, or much attention, to a pursuit, be it mental or manual, system and method are absolutely essential : order — is heaven's^rs/, and last law. 163. One of tlie tlxree sounds of Cli ; "Which may be represented by tch : , CHANGE ; the cheat choked a /^ \ child for cAoos-ing to chop a chump (i^^^^^ of chives for the arch-deacon of ^^■^''"zz ' Greew-wich: a chap chased a [CH in chip.] chick-en into the church, and the churl-ish chap-\a,m check'd it for c^ar-i-ty; the Sa- chem of TFooZ- wich, chuck-led over the icr- chin's chit-cha.i, and snatched his rich peach- es, and pinch'd tliem to chow-der ; the chief of iVor-wich, charm'd by the chaunt-lng of the c^irp-ing chough, chafed his c/^^ly chin by touch-ing it on the chal-ky chim-ney: three chub-hy chil-dren, in Richfield, were each choked with choice chunks of cheese, much of which Sancho Panza purchased of Charles Chickering on Chimborazo. 164:. In all cases of producing sounds, ob- serve the different positions of the organs, and remember, that the running through with the forty-four sounds of our language, is like running up the keys of an instrument, to see if all is right : be satisfied with nothing, short of a complete mastery over the whole subject. Be very particular in converting all the breath that escapes into sound, when rea- ding or singing; and remember, that the purer the sound, the easier it may be made ; the less will be the injury to the vocal organs, the farther it will be heard, and with the more pleasure will it be listened to. Do not forget the end, the cause, and the effect. Notes. 1. To produce this most unpleasant triphthongal sound in our language, close the teeth, and, as you suddenly separ- ate them, whisper cftij, (m short,) and you will accomplish the ob- ject. 2. In drac/im, the ch, are siient. 3. Always try to improve 'he sounds^as well as your voice. 4. QuinctXian says, in reioic- iiieiiding a close attention to the study of fne simple elements, " whoever will enter into the inmost recesses of this sacred edifice, will find many things, not only proper to sharpen the ingenuity of children, but able to exercise the most profound erudition, and the deepest science :"' indeed, they are the fountains m the Bcience of louud and vocal modulation. Anecdote. Principal — Interest. A debtor, when asked to pay hia creditor, ob- served to him : that " it was not his interest to pay the principal, nor his principle to pay the interest.'''' What do you thi7ik of such a man? Unhappy he, who lets a tender heart. Bound to him— by the ties of earliest love, Pali from him, by his own neglect, and die. Because it met no kindna^s. Proverbs. 1. IJumility — ga n^ more ihan prike. 2. ^ever he weary in well-dna^. 3. £x. pect nothing of those who promise a great deal. 4. Orieving for misfortunes, is adding gall to mormwood. 5. He, who would catch fish, must not mind getting wet. 6 He that by the plo7n would thrive, must either hold, himself, or drive. 7. Idleness — is the greatest prodigality in tho world. 8. If the counsel be good, no matter wh ■ gave it. 9. Occupation — cures one half of 'ife's troubles, and mitigates the other. 10. We boa? 710 afflictions so patiently as those of ( thers. 1 1. Let JVaturi have her perfect work. 12. Soft hands, and soft brains, generally go logether. To speak of Howard, the philanthropist, without calling to mind the eloquent eulo- gium, in which Burke has embalmed his memory, would be as impossible — asit would be to read that eulogium without owning that human virtue never received a more illus- trious manifestation. " Jf:Z^oioarcif," said the orator, " was a man, who traversed foreign countries, not to survey the sumptuousness o[ palaces, or the stateliness oi temples ; not to make accurate measurements of the re- mains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art ; not to collect medals, or manuscripts ; but, to dive into the depths of dimgeo?is ; to plunge in the infection of hospitals ; to survey the mansions of sorrow and pain ; to take the guage and dimensions o{ misery, depression, and C071 tempt ; to remember the forsaken ; and to compare and collate the distresses of all men, under all climes." In the prose- cution of this god-\\ke work, Howard made " a voyage oi discovery, a circumnavigation of charity,'''' and at last — ^fell a victim to hia humanity; for, in administering medicine to some poor wretches in the hospital at Cher- son, in the Crimea, he caught a malignant fever, and died in the glorious work of bene valence. Thus fell the man who — " Girding crcatwi— in one warm embrace, Outstretch'd his savior-arm — from pole to pole, And felt akin — to all the human race.^' Varieties. 1. To promote an iniworthy person — disgraces humaiiity. 2. Read not 6oo/rs alone, but me7i ; and, especially, thy- self 3. The human mind is a mirror — ot the incomprehensible Divinity. 4. No one need despair of being happy. 5. The rea^ son, that many persons want their desires, is — because tneir desires want reason. 6. Passions — act as xvind, to propel our vessel ; and our reason — is the pilot that steers her: without the wind, we could not move, and without the pilot, we should be lost. 7. The more genuine — the truths are, wnich we receive, the purer will be the good, that is found in the life ; if the truths are applied to their real and proper uses. What, then, remains, but well our power to use, And keep good humor stilt, xoliate'cr we loce ? And trust me, dear, good humor can prevail, When airs, zui flights, and screams, and tcolding—teU. Beauties— ,n vain, their pretty eyes may roll ; Charmt strike the fijW but mmJ— Tins tHe roul. 60 PRINCIPLES 0/ ELOCUTION. 165. Vowel sounds are all formed in the LARYNX ; and, on their emission, the articu- lating organs modify them into words. These words constitute language, which is used, by common consent, as signs of ideas ; or as mediums for the manifestation of thought and feelinz : it may be written, or spoken ,- and the natural results are— books, fapers and lonversation : by means of which, the conceptions and affections of human minds are made known and perpetuated. 166. Tli liave two soiuids ; first a lisp- ing sound; THIN: a thief /Airs/- e<.h for the path of death, and / u,'m-keth at his thank-less thefts ■ ' as the a-the-ist doth of the-o-?-e/- i-cal truth ; forth-with the thrift- [Th in thin.] less throng, tlirew tliongs over the mouth of Vrith of Fourth, and tliwar-ted the wrath of the thril-ling thun-der; faith, quoth the youth, to the Pro-/Aon-o-ta-ry, the bath is my berth, the hearth is my cloth, and the heath is my throne. 16T. Ventriloquism. In analyzing the sounds of our letters, and practicing them upon different pitches, and with different qualities of voice, the Author ascertained that this amusing art can be acquired and prac- ticed, by almost any one of common organi- zation. It has been generally supposed that ventriloquists possessed a different set of or- gans from most people ; or, at least, that they ■were differently constituted ; but this is alto- gether a misapprehension : as well might we say that the singer is differently constituted from one who does not sing. They have the same organs, but one has better command of them than the other. It is not asserted that all can become eguaZZ?/ eminent in these arts; for there will be at least, three grand divis- ions; viz, good, BETTER and BEST. 168. The Thistle Sifter. Theophilus This- tle, the siiccesfful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles thro' the thick of his thumb: if then Theophilus Thistle, the suc- cessful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand this- tles thro' the thick of his thumb; see that thou, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted this- tles, dost not thrust three thousand thistles tlirough the thick of thij thumb : success to the successful thistle sifter, who doth not get Hie thistles in his tongue. Wotes. 1. To make this lisping diphthongal sound, press the tongue against the upper front teeth, and let the breath pass between them : or pronounce the word path, and dwell on the th sound; see engraving. 2. To avoid lisping, draw the tongue back lo Ki not to touch the teeth, and take words beginning with i, or it ; toe the fii-st sound of C for examples. 3. Why should this sound be ccUcd tharp, rather than didl? 4. Exactnes* in articulating every Tocal letter, is more iciportant thai- correct spelling in ccroposi< tfon; for the fonier it addressed to hundreds at the same instunt, «rM'.e t*ie bittri « '.ubra.tted to one or a few zX a time. Proverbs. I. Youih — it julges in hope old age — in remembrance. 2. One half of the world delights in utterina- slander, and the other — iQ hearing it. 3. Virtue— \s the only true nobility. 4. To bless, is to be bless'd. 5. r easures — are rendered bitter, by being abused. 6. Quarrels — would not last long, if the faults all lay on one side. 7. True merit— is dependent, neither on season, nor on fashion. 8. Hypocrisy — is the homage, which vice— renders to virtue. 'J. The law — imposes on no one impossibilities. 10. Con- tempt of injuries, is proof of a great mind. 11. What ! hope for honey from a nest of zcasps ? 12. Shall we creep like snails, or fly like eagles ? Anecdote. A stranger — went into a church-yard, where two children were set- ting out flowers on some graves. " Whose graves are these?'' said he. "Father, mo- ther, and little Jo/i?m// lie here." " Why do you set Xhefowers here ?"said the stranger. They looked at him with tears, and said — " We do love them so.''"' Human ambition and human poZ/cj^-— labor after happiness in vain; — goodness — is the only foundation to build on. The wisdom of past ages — declares this truth ; — our own observation confirms it; — and all the world acknowledge it ;— yet how few, how very few — are willing to act upon it ! If the in- ordinate love of wealth — and parade — be not checked among us, it will be tiie ruin of our country— as it has been, and will be, the ruin of thousands of others. But there are always two sides to a question. If it is per- nicious — to make money and style — the standard of respectability, — it is injurious— and' wrong — to foster prejudice against the wealthy and fashionable. Poverty — and wealth — have different temptations ; but they are equally strong. The rich — are tempted to pride — and insolence ; the poor — to jeal- ousy — and envy. The envious and discon- tented poor, invariably become haxighty- and over-bearing, when they become rich , for selfishness — is equally at the bottom — of these opposite evils. ' Varieties. 1. The battle of New Or leans, was fought Jan, 8th, 1815. 2. A flatterer, is the shadow of a fool. 3. You cannot truly love, and ought not to be loved, if you ask any thing, that virtue condemnf. 5. Do men exert a greater influence on so- ciety than women ? 5. Self-exaltation, is the worst posture of the spirit. 6. A principle of unity, without a subject of unity, cannot exist. 7. Where is the wisdom, in saying to a child, be a man ? Attempt not what God cannot cou?itenance; but wait., and all things will be brought forth in their due season. Deceit ! thy reign is short : Hypocrisy, However gaily dress'd— in specious ga/b. In witching eloquence, or winning smites. Allures— b-jt fur a time: Truth— Viftt the vei. She lights her torch, and places it on high. To spread iittelligcnce—to all around. How shrinks the fawning slave — hypoc>u,f Then, when the specious veil— is rent in tuxitn, Which scrtai'd the hideous monster— from ourm«W PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 61 169. Enunciation— is the utterance and Cfltnbination of the elements of language, and the consequent formation of syllables, words, «fec, as contradistinguished from the tones, and tuning of the voice, and all that belongs to the melody of speech. A perfect enuncia- tion — consists in the accurate formation of the sounds of the letters, by right motions and positions of the organs, accompanied by a proper degree of energy, to impress those elements fully and distinctly on the ear ; and the act of combining and linldiig those to- getlier, so as to form them into words, capa- ble pf being again combined into clauses and sentences, for the full conveyance of our ideas and determinations. 170. The second, sound of tin, is tlie vocal lisping: THAT; thotl- saidst the truths are thine, and l^'^yr^ the youths say they are theirs (c ^^i^ who walk therein ; fath-ex and I n^^E moth-ex liathe dai-ly, and their clothes and hearths are wor-thy f^H in that.] of them ; broth-et says, where-with-al shall I smoothe the scythe, to cut the laths to stop the mouths of the moths with-out be-ing both- ered ] they gath-er wreaths be-neath the baths, and sheathe their swords with swath-ing bands, rather than make a blith-some pother 171. Jaw-breakers. Thou wreath^d^st and muzzPd^st the far-fetched ox, and im- •prison^d^st liim in the volcanic Mexican mountain of Pop-o-ca^-a-pe#l in Co-ti-por-i. Thou prob^d^st my rack'd ribs. Thou tri- fVd'st with his acts, that thou blackest and contaminated'' st with his filch'd character. Thou lov''d'st the elves when thou heard^st and quick'* n'd'st my heart's tuneful harps. Thou wagg^d'sl thy prop'd up head, because thou thrusVd''st three hundred and thirty three thistles thro' the thick of that thumb, that thou cur'd'st of the barb'd shafts. Notes. 1. To make this diphthongal vocal sound, place the organs as in the jjreceding th, and then add the voice, sound, wliich can be made only in the larynx. 2. The terms sliarp and fiat, as applied to sound, are not sufficiently definite; we might as vvelj sjieak of s^^>' whimsical whis-tler whee-dle the y \\^^^y whip-por-wills with wheat 1 PVfd-lom the wheels whipped [WHiaWHip.] the u?Ai/-fle-tree, and ?^Air-tle-ber-ries were u>M/e-washed for wheat; the luAim-per-ing ivhi-ning whelp, which the whigs ivhi-ten- ed on the wharf was whelmed into a whirl- i-gig as a z^Aim-wham for a wheel-haxxovf of whis-ky. 174. Causes of Hoarseness. Hoarseness, in speaking, is produced by the emission of more breath than is converted into sound,- which may be perceived by whispering a few minutes. The reason, why the breath is not :onverted into sound, in thus speaking, is, that the thorax, (or lungs,) is principally used ; an 1 when this is the case, there is al- ways an expansion of the chest, and conse- quently, a lack of power to produce sounds in a natural manner : therefore, some of the breath, on its emission through the glottis, over the epiglottis, and through the back part of the mouth, chafes \ip their surfaces, producing a swelling of the muscles in those parts, and terminating in what is called hoarseness. Notes. 1. This diphthongal aspirate may be easily made, by whispering the imaginary word whu, (u short,) prolonging it a little. 2. Since a diphthong is a double sound and a triphthong Proverbs. \. Self-esiltation—\B the /oofi paradise. 2. That, which is hitter to endure, may be siceet to remember. 3. The foil—\% busy in every one's business but his own. 4. We may give advice, but we cannot give condtict. 5. Where reason — rules, appetite — obeys. 6. You will never repent of being patient and sober. 7. Zeal, without knowledge, is like^re without light. 8. Law-makers, should not be law-breakers. 9. Might — does not make right. 10. The greater the man, the greater the crime. 11. JVo one live«i for himself. 12. No one can tell how much he can accomplish, till he tries. Anecdote. Wine. Said a Rev. guest to a gentleman, with whom he was dinins, and who was fl tentferance, man : "I always think a certain quantity of wine does no harm, after a good dinner.^'' " O «o sir," replied mine host; "it is the wwcertain quantity that does the mischief. Winter Evenings. This seems pro- vided, as if expressly for the purpose — of furnishing those who labor, with ample op- portunity for the improvement of their minds. The severity of the weather, and the short- ness of the day, necessarily limit the pro- portion of time, which is devoted to out-door industry; and there is little to tempt us abroad — in search of amusement. Every thing seems to invite us — to employ an hour or two — of this calm and quiet season, in the acquisition of useful knowledge, and the cultivation of the miiid. The noise of life is hushed ; the pavement ceases to re- sound with the di7i of laden wheels, and the tread of busy men ; the glowing sun has gone down, and the moo7i and the stars are left to watch in the heavens, over the slum- bers of the peaceful creation. The mind of ma7i — should keep its vigils with them ; and while his body — is reposing from the labors of the day, and \iis feelings — are at rest from its excitements, he should seek, in some amusing and instructive page, substantial food — for the generous appetite for k7iow ledge. Varieties. 1. The poor — may be con- tent ; and the contented are rich. 2. Hypo- tripk sound, tliere is as much propriety in applying the term to crisy dcslrCS tO Seem gOod, rather than cmisprtanta, as to vowels. 3. Let the pupil, in revising, point out all the Monothongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs, and Polythongs. 4. Make and keep a list of all your deficiencies in speech and son.ij, wid |)racl ice daily for suppressing them: especially, in articulation, ind false intonations ; and never rest satisfied unless you can per- ceive a progress towards perfection at every exercise, — for all principles are immortal, and should be continually developing (neiiiselves. How sleep the brave, who sink to rest With all their country's wishes blest ! When Spring, with dewy fiiigers cold. Returns — to deck their hallow 'd mould, She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than Fancy^s feet have ever trod : By Fairy hands— their knell is rung, By forms wnsecre— their dirge is sung ; There— i/oKor comes, a pilgrim gray, To h'ess, the turf, that wraps their clay ; And Freedom— shall a while repair Tc cvoll, a weeping hermit, there. be good. 3. It is better to be beaten with few stripes, than with Tnany stripes. 4. He who swears, in order to be believed, does not know how to counterfeit a man of truth. 5. Who was the greater monster, Nero, or Ca- taline ? 6, Let nothing foul, or indecent, either to the eye, or ear, enter within the doors where children dwell. 7. We wor- ship God best, and most acceptably, when we resemble him most in our minds^ lives. and actions. Home I how that blessed word— thrills the earl In it — what recollections blend ! It tells of cAiZdAood's scenes so dear, And speaks— of many a cherished /rieni. O ! through the world, wherever we roam, Though souls be pure— and lips be kind ; The heart, vf \th fondness, turns to home. Still turns to those— it left behind. I PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 63 178. The pupil, in Elocution and Music, is strongly urged to attend to the right and the wrong method of producing the sounds of our letters, as well as in enunciating wards. By all means, make the effort entire- ly below the diaphragm, while the chest is comparatively quiescent ; and, as you value health and Itfe, and good natural speaking, avoid the cruel practice of exploding the sounds, by whomsoever taught or recom- mended. The author's long experience, and practice, with his sense of duty, justify this jrrotest against that urmatural manner of coughing out the sounds, as it is called. Nine-tenths of his hundreds of pupils, whom he has cured of the Bronchitis, have induced the disease by this exploding process, which ought itself to be exploded. 176. Tlie 44r sounds of our liangnage, m their alphabetical order. A 4; Ale, are, all, at: B 1 ; bribe: C 4; cent, clock, suffice, ocean : D 2 ; did, fac'd : E 2 ; eel, ell : F 2 ; fife, of: G 3; gem, go, rouge: H 1; hope: 1 2 ; isle, ill : J\ ; judge : K 1; kirk .-LI; lily : M 1 ; mum : N 2 ; nun, bank : O 3 ; old, ooze, on : PI; pipe : Q 1 ; queen : R 2 ; arm, rough : S 4 ; so, is, sure, treasury : T 2 ; pit, nation .-US; mute, up, full : F 1 ; viv- id -• W 2 ; wall, how .• X 3 ; flax, exist, beaux : Y 3 , youth, rhyme, hymn : Z 2; zigzag, azure : Ch 3 ; church, chaise, chasm : Gh 3; laugh, ghost, lough : Ph 2 ; sphere, nephew .• Th2; thin, that: Wh 1; whale: Oi 1; oil: Ou 1 ; sound : the duplicates, or those hav- ing the same sound, are printed in italics. 177. " Bovjels of compassion, and loins of the rnind." In the light of the principles Iiere unfolded, these words are full of mean- ing. All the strong affections of the' human mind, are manifested thro' the dorsal and a&- dominal region. Let any one look at a boy, when he bids defiance to another boy, and challenges him to combat: "Come on, I am ready for you :" and at the soldier, with his loins girded for battle : also, observe the ef- fect of strong emotions on yourself, on your l)ody, and where,- and you will be able to see the propriety of these words, and the world of .meaning they contain. If we were pure minded, we should find the proper stu- dy of physiology to be the direct natural :oad to the mind, and to the preseto". of the Dkttt. Notes. 1. Make these 4:4: sounds, which constitute our »ocal alphabet, as familiar to the tar, as the shapes of our /80 letters are to the eye ; and remember, that success depends on ■Jour mastery of them ; they are the «, b, c, of spoken language ; Eod the effort to ma}ie them has a most beneficial effect on the i,ealth and voice. 2. Keep up the proper use of the whole body, and you need not fear sickness. 3. The only solid foundation for elocution is, a perfect knowledge of the number and nature of these 4:4 Bimple elements: error here will carry a taint throughout. Virtue — Stands* like the sun, and all, which rolls around. Drinks lifi, and lig'ht, and glory— from her aspect. Proverbs. 1. Truth — may be hlamti, but never shamed. 2. What soberness — conceals, drunkenness — reveals. 3. Be you ever so high, the law is above you. 4 A mob — has many heads, but no brains. 5. A poor man's debt makes a great noise. 6. Busy-hoAxes — are always med- dling. 7. Crows — are never the whiter, for washing themselves. 8. Good words — cost no- thing, and are worth much. 9. He, who paye well, is master of euer?/ -body's purse. 10. Oui knjowledge — is as the rivulet ; our ignorance — ^as the sea. 11. Consider well, before you promise^ 12. Dare to do right. Anecdote. Candor. A clergt/man-'cncs preached, during the whole of Lent, in a parish, where he was never invited to di?ie , and, in his farewell sermon, he said to his hearers, "I have preached against every vice, except good living ; which, I believe, is not to be found among you ; and, there fore, needed not my reproach.'''' Society o^ves All a liivlng- Every one must and will — find a livelihood ; nor has society the choice, whether or not to provide for its members : for if an individual is not put in a way to ear?i a living, he will seek it by unlawful means : if he is not educuted — to lead a. sober and industrious life, he will lead a life of dissipation ; and if society re- fuse to take care of him, in his minority, he will force it to notice him — as an object of self-defence. Thus, society cannot avoid giving a livelihood to all, whom providence has placed in its bosom ; nor help devoting time and expense to them ; for they are by birth, or circumstances, dependent on its as- sistance. While, then, it has the power— ~ to make every one — available — as an honest, industrious and useful citizen, would it not be the best policy, (to say nothing of prin- ciples,) to do so ; and attach all to society, by ties oi gratitude, rather than put them in a condition to become e?iemies ; a condition in which it will be necessary to punish them — for an alienatio?i, which is the natural consequence oi desthution. Scliools, found- ed on true christian principles, would, in the end, be much cheaper, and better — than to support cur crimiiial code, by the prosecu tions, incident to that state, in which many come up, instead oihelngbrougtd up ; and the consequent expenses attending our houses of correction, penitentiaries, &c. (of which many seem to be proud,) on the score of public justice, hnt of which, on the score of christian love, we have reason to be deeply ashamed. Varieties. 1. Will not our souls — con. tinue in being forever? 2. He — is not so good as he should be, who does not strive to be better than he is. 3. Genius — is a plant, whose growth you cannot stop, without de- stroying it. 4. In doing nothing we learn to do ill. 5. Neither wealth, nor power, can confer happiness. 6. In heaven, (we havo reason to believe,) no one considers anything as good, unless others partake of it. 7. No- thing is ours, until we give it away. \ I doers — ^are ill thinkers. 84 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 178. Orthography or Right Spelling. As we have two kinds of layiguage, written and si)oken, so, there are two modes of spelling ; one addressed to the fye, and exhibited by naming the letters; the other addressed to the ear, and spelled by giving the sounds, which the letters represent : the former meth- od, which is the common one, tends to the pre- dominant use of the throat, and lungs, and is one of the fruitful sources of consumptio7i ; the latter, which is the new one, serves to Keep up the natural use of the appropriate nuscles, and tends to prevent, as well as cure, dyspepsia, liver and lung complaints, and diseases of the throat. 119. Classification of the Consonants. The first natural division of the consonants IS into Vocal and Aspirate. Of the Vocal there are, as they stand in the alphabet, and their combinations, twenty-six ,- but deduct- ing the duplicates, there are but seventeen ,• viz: &, as in bib; c, as in suffice; d, as in desid; f, as in of; g, as in g-em, go, rouge; /, as in ill ; m, as in me ; n, as in none, bank ; r, as in err, pride ; w, as in ivo ; x, as in e;r- ist ; y, as in yet ; and th as in this ; all of which should be given separately, as well as combined, and their differences observed. 180. After the pupil has become familiar with reading by vowel sounds and spelling, as above recommended, let him be exercised in reading by the vowel and consonant jiounds: i. e. by giving a perfect analysis o' all the sounds, found in any of the words cf the sentence before him ; which involves every thing relating to sounds, whether sin- gle, double, or triple,- and to articulation, accent, pronunciation, and emphasis. No one should wish to be excused from these very useful and important exercises ; for they are direrctly calculated to improve the voice, tlie ear, and the manner, while they impart that kind of knowledge of this subject, which will be felt to be po7ver, and give one coJifi- ilcnce in his own abilities. Notes. 1. It is rot a little anmsin? and instructive too, to ^janiiri* the great variety of names, used by different auttiors, to u. gi^iiate the sounds of our letters, their classificatioiis, *c. against * licti tlie charwof nmplicittj cannot be brought : in every thinfr, tf. u» euard against Zeanierf and unteamed ignorance. 2. There EFu Uiose, who oiiglit, from their positiin before tlie world, to be 9UD>4rd aiithnrities in the pronunciation of letters and words, and lit eenera! delivfy ; but, unfortunately, on account of their sad de- K-a and iiiaccura .ie«, in all those particulars, they constitute a court of Errors, instead of Appeal: consequently, we must throvT our- je.ves u]K)n the first principles and our own resources; using, how- ever, such true lights as a kiud Providence has vouclisafed us for Oil' f^jidauce. T.» him, wlio, in the love of nature, holds n.iinmunion with her visible forms, she speaks A variovs language ; for his gayer lioiirs, Phf has a voice of gladness, and a S7iiile, And eioquenre of beauty ; and she glides Into his durksr musings — with a mild And rentle sympathy, that steals awav Their skarfnees—tre he is aware. Proverbs. 1. As we act towards oiherg, wn may expect others to act towards us. 2. A guod orator is pointed, and vehement. 3. Idleness — is the rust of the mind, and the blight of genius. 4 Assist yowrseZ/, and heaven will assist you. 5 We should estimate man's character,hy his good- ness ; not by his wealth. 6. Knowledge — is as es- sential to the mind, as food is to the body. 7. A good word is as soon said, as an ill one. 8. No temptation of emolument, can induce an honest man to do wrong. 9. Virtue — is the best, and safest helmet we can wear. 10. Against the fickleness of fortune, oppose a bold heart. 11. Never profess — what you do not practice. 12. Treat eucry one with iindHess. Anecdote. Keeping Time — from Eter- nity. Chief Justice Parsons, of MassachU' setts, having been shown a watch, that wa.s looked on as well worthy of notice, as it had saved a man's life, in a duel, remarked, — "It is, indeed, a very astonishing watch, that has kept time from eternity.'''' The DlfTerence. V/hy is it, that many professors of religion — are so reluctant, to have the reading" of the BMe, as well as speaking and singing, conducted in a cor- rect an^ proper manner? Should not the greatest and most glorious truths — be deliv- ered in an appropriate style ? Do they think to exalt religious truth, in the eyes ot the well-informed, by communicating it ii a way that is not only repulsive to correo taste, but slove?ily, and absolutely wrong t Is it calculated to recommend devotional ex- ercises to their consideration, by offering \\\ prayer in a language and manner, unbecom ing man when addressing man ; and per forming the singing, regardless of proper time and tune? Will they present their of ferings in a maimed, halt and hlind manner iipon the altar of religion ; while they have it in their power, to provide a way in ac- cordance with the suhject and object of their devotion? Is it vieU — to despise a good style and manner — of elocution and music, because we have not the ability, and are too indolent to labor for it. to do justice to our- selves and others ? Wliat course does true wisdom dictate ? Varieties. 1. Men — will never /eeZ like women, nor women — think, like men. 2. In too eager disputation, the truth is often lost sight of 3. Woma7i — is not degraded, but elevated, by an earnest, daily applica- tion — to her domestic concerns. 4. How wretched is his condition, who depends for his daily sitpport, on the hospitality of o^Aers. 5. An evi]-speaker — differs from an evil- doer, only in opportunity. 6. The use of hnowledge is — to communicate to others, that they may be the better for it. 7. They who deny a God, either in theory, or practice, de stroy man's nobility. Till y .ruth's delirious dream is o'er, Sanguine with hope, we look before, The future good to find ; In age, when error charms no more, For bliss — we look behind. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 63 181. Orthography, being to the Elocution' 1st, especially, a subject of incalcualle im- portance, it is presumed a few observations, illustrated by examples, will not be out of place. The author introduces an entirelj^ 7iew mode of learning the letters, by the use of sounds, before the characters are exhib- ited ; also, a new way of spelling, in which the words are spelt by giving the different Hounds of the letters, instead of their wames.- anJ finally, a new method of teaching chil- drtn to read, by dictation; instead of by the book:i. e. to read without a book, the same as wPkll learn to speak our mother tongue ; and afterwards, with a book: thus making the book talk just as we should, when speak- ing on the same subject. 1 8«. Aspirates. There are, according to their representatives, 21 aspirate, or breath sounds : omitting the duplicates, (or letters having the same sound,) there are only elev- en ; viz : c, as in cent, clock, ocean ; d, as in flic'fZ ; /, as \njife ; h, as in hoe ; p, as in pipe ; X, as in mix ; ch, as in c/turch ; th, as in ^^in ; and luh, as in ivhere • whence it appears, by actual analysis, that we have sixteen vowel sounds, and twenty-eight consonant sounds ; making in all roftfY-Foun; some authors, however, give only thirty-eight. 183. The common mode of teaching all three, is no better policy, (setting every thing else aside,) than to go from America to Chi- na to get to England : in other words, per- fectly ridiculoxis : and were we not so much accustomed to this unnatural and dementing process, we should consider it one of the mo?t self-evident humbugs, not of the age only, but of the world. Examples of the old mode: p, (pe,) h, (aytch,) i, (eye,) s, (ess,) TiR, i, (eye,) c, (see,) fc, (kay,) jck, tisick; fifteen sounds: of the new ; t,i,z, tis, i, k,ik, tis-ik; giving nothing but the five sounds: Ihe old: g, (je,) e, (e,) w, (doubleyou,) gv, g, (je,) a, (a,) iv, (doubleyou,) gaav, gkw- fi AW ; eighteen sounds, and not one sound in spelling is found in the word after it is spelt : the new mode; g, u,g, aw, rkaf-gaw, giv- ing only the /our sounds of the letters, in- stead of their names. If Otes. 1. We never can succeed in accomplishing one tialf of the «;lorio'js purposes of language, so long as we apply our- •elvos to what is ivritteti, and neglect what is spoken. 2. A new fif.' 1 presents itself; and when we shall have entered it, in the ni^it place and manner, a new era will dawn upon us, leading us more to the cultivation of the living language and the living voice: the compass and harmony of the best instrument can never be per- tt-ived, by toucliing the keys at random, or playing a few simple tunes upon if, learned by the ear. When sailing — on this troubled sea Of pain, and tears, and as:ony ; Thougli wildly roar the waves around, With restless and repeated saund, 'Tis sweet— to think, that on our eyes, A loveliiT ciime — shall yet arise ; That W3 sh*^ 1 wase — from sorrow^s dream, Beside a pttfj — and living stream. 13R0NS0.Y .> Proverb^. 1. Estimate persons tnore by tjeir hearts, than by their heads. 2. A. people who have no amveements. have no rnanners. 3. Ml are not saints, who gc to church; all is not ffold that fflitters. 4. Advice — is soUlom icelcovie, those who need it most, generally like it least. 5. Do not spend your words to no purpose ; but come to the facts. 6. Great things — cannot be accomplished without proptr vieans. 7. Wc reap the consequences of our actions— holh here, an*;* hereafter. 8. God gives to all, the power of be- coming what they ought to be. 9. Infringe oa no one's rights. 10. If we are determined to suc- ceed, we shall succeed. 11. Better do well, than say well. 12. Better be happy tljan rich. Anecdote. If men would confine their conversation to such subjects as they under- stand, how much better it would be for both speaJcer and hearer. Halhj, the great ma- thematician, dabbled not a little in infidelity; he was rather too load of introducing tHis subject in his social intercourse ; and once, when he had descanted somewhat /reeZj? on it, in the presence of his- friend. Sir Isaac Newton, the. latter cut him short with this observation. " I always attend to you, Dr. Hally, with the greatest deference, when you do us the honor to converse on astro- nomy, or the mathematics ; because, t/iese are subjects that you have industriously m- vestigated, and which you well understakd : but religion — is a subject on which I hear you with great pain ; for this is a subject which you have not serionsly examined, and do not understand ; you despise it, because you have not stiidied it ; and you will not study it, because you despise it. Xiaconics. In the scale of pleasure, the lowest are sejisucU delights, which are suc- ceeded by the more enlarged views and gay portraitures of a lively imagi?iation ; and these give way to the suhliTner pleasures of reason, which discover the causes and de- signs, the form, connection, and symmetry of things, and fill the mind with the "contem- plation of intellectual beauty, order, and trutJi. Varieties. 1. The greatest learning — is to be seen in the greatest simplicity. 2, Prefer the happiness and independence of a private station, to the trouble and vexation of a pullic one. 3. It is very foolish — for any one, to suppose, that he excels all others — in understanding. 4. Never take thtj humble, nor the proud, at their own valu- ation ; the estimate of the former — is too little, and that of the latter — too much. 5. Every order of good — is found by an order of truth, agreemg with it. 6. As there is much to enjoy in the world,- so is there much to endure ; and wise are they, who enjoy gratefully, and endure patiently. 7. What is the meaning of the expression, in the first chapter of Genesis, — " Let us make man, in our image, and after our likeness ?" All farewells — should be sudden, when forever , Else, they make an eternity — of moments, — And clog the last— sad sands of life— with tears 66 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 184. In teaching spelling to chUdren, ex- ercise them on the forty-four sounds of the letters; then in speaking in concert, after the preceptor, and also individually, interspers- ing the exercises with analyzing words, by givmg tlie various sounds of which they are composed. At first, let them give each sound in a syllable by itself, (after you ;) then let them give all the sounds in a syllable be- fore pronouncing it; and finaUy, let them give all the sounds in a word, and then pro- noimce it: thus, there are three modes of spelling by ear; easy, difficulty and more dif- cult. Those, however, taught in the old way, must expect that their younger pupils, espe- cially, will 'soon get ahead of them; unless they apply themselves very closely to their work. 185. The second division of the Conso- nants is into SIMPLE, and coMPotrifi) ; or single and double : of the former, there are twenty, including the duplicates : viz .• c, in city; c, cab; d, do; d, pip'd; /, fifty; g, gull; h, hope; k, make ; I, biU; m, mUe; n, no ; p, pop ; q, quote ; r, corn ; s, see ; t, tune; ch, chyle; gh, tough; gh, ghastly; and ph, epha: omitting the duplicate repre- eentatives, there are but eleven ; viz : c, (cy- press;) c, (ac-me;) d, (day;) d, (tripp'd;) /, (foe;) g, (give;) I, (lay;) m, (mote;) «, (nine;) p, (passed;) r, (more:) com- pare, and see. 186. Origin of Language. Plato says, that language — is of Divine institution ; that human reason, from a defect in the knowl- edge of natures and qualities, which are in- dicated by names, could hot dqtermine the cog-nom-i-na of things. He also maintains, that names are tiie vehicles of substances .• that a fixed analogy, or correspondence, ex- ists between the name and thing ; that lan- guagCf therefore, is not arbitrary in its ori- gin, but fixed by the laws of analogy ; and that God alone, who knows the nature of things, originally imposed names, strictly expressive of their qualities. Zeno, Cle-a«- thes, Chry-stp-pus, and others, were of the same opinion. Notes. I, This work is not designed to exnibit the whole mbject of Oratory ; which is at boundless and profound as are the thouehts and fedinss of the human mind ; but to present in a plain And familiar form, the e«entialj of this God-like art ; in the hopes of bein? useful* m this day and generation. In the course of a^oth. cr twelve years, there may bei nearer approach to tmth and rui- tvre. 2. Observe the difference between the sounds, heard in spel- ling the following words, by Uie names o( the letters, and those •aoundf, heard in the words after being spelt : a,-g,-e ; if the »nnd9 heard in calling the letters by name, are pronounced, the void is ay-je-ee; t,-», in like manner, spell eye-ess; c,-o,.r,-n, ipell, see o-or-en ; oo,-2,-«, spell doub-Je-o-ze-ee ; a,-l,-m;s, spell, Oj-d-fm-ess ; o,-n, spell— oio-en ; ic. 3. The common arrange- mant of words in columns, without meanmg, seems at variance wMi common sense ; but this mode is perfectly mathematical, as wdl u philosophical , and of course, in 'accordance with nature, KiaDee,and theitrueture of mind. 4. The proper formation of tcprdt, o»t of Utters, or lounds, is word-making. 6. Abcdari-ans tliciild first be taught ihe $owvU of letters, and then their uses, and then their shapes, and names, Ifgether with their uses ; »he mnw course should be pursued in teaching music, the eor, alwayt predominating; and then there will be ecuse, grace, and powei combined. Proverbs. 1. Virtue — grows under every weight imposed on it. 2. He, who enviea the lot of another, must be discontented witti his own. 3. When fortune fails us, the supposed friends of our prosperous days — vanish. 4. The love of rMZiw^g^— is the most powerful affection of the human mind. 5. A quarrelsome man — mnsK expect many wounds. 6. Many condemn, what they do not understand. 7. Property, dishone^tlf acquired, seldom descends to the third genera- tion. 3. He, who has well begun, has hc^ dene his task. 9. The difference between hi^ocrisy and sincerity— is infinite. 10. When our atten- ytion is directed to two objects, we rarely succeed in either. 11. Recompence every one for his la- bor. 12. Zealously pursue the right path. Anecdote. Fatience. The priest of a certain village, observing a man, (who had just lost his vnfe,) very much oppressed with grief, told him, — *' he must have Pa- tience ;'''' whereupon, the mourner replied, " I have been trying her sir, but she will not consent to have me." The range of knoAvledge- is divided into three classes, corresponding to the scie7i- tjfic, rational and affectuous faculties of man The first, is knowledge of the outward creation, — ^involving every thing material, — all that is addressed to our five se?ises ; the second, is knowledge of human e.\ist- ences, as it respects man's spiritual, ox :m- mortal nature : and the third, knowledge of the Divine Being, including his nature, anfi laws, and their modes of operation. There is a certain point where matter — ends, and spirit — begins : i. e. a boundary, where they come in contact, where spirit — operates on matter : there is a state, where finite spirit- ual existences — receive life and light — from the Infinite, who is the Lord of all ; that Spirit, " That warms— \:i the sun ; refreshes— in the breeze ; Glows— in the stars} and blossoms — in the trees." The omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Being, that " Lives— through all life, extends thro' all extent. Spreads — undivided — ojierates — unsjient : Whose body nature is, — and God— the jouZ." Varieties. 1. Are mo7iopoUes — consist- ent with republican institutions ? 2. Love — often makes the most clever persons act like /ooZ«, and the most foolish, act like wise ones. 3. Patience is the surest remedv against column 1/ : time, sooner or later, will disclose the truth. 4. The fickleness of fortune — is felt all over the world- 5. It is easy to criticise the productions of art, tho' it is difficult to make them. 6. Do not de- fer till to-morrow, what ought to be don** to-day. 7. The precepts and truths of the word of God, — are the very laws of divine order ; and so far as our minds are receptive of them, we are so far in the divine order, and the divine order in us, if in a life agree' ing with them. Guard well thy thought* ;-^\a thoughts are bean' in ' PRINCIPLES uy ELOCUTION C7 IST. The method, here recommended, of giving the sounds, of spelling, and of teach- ing childrtn to read u xthout a book, and then with a book, will save three-fourths of the la- bor of both teacher and pupil; and, in addir tio7i to these important considerations, there will be an immense amount of time and ex- pense saved, and the young prevented from contracting the common had habits of read- mg unnaturally; which not only obstructs the proper development of body and mind, but sows the seeds of sickness and premature death. Our motto should be, " cease to do evil, and learn to do ivell.^' 188. Modes of Spelling. In the old, or common mode of spelling, there are many more sounds introduced, than the words con- tain : this always perplexes new beginners, vvliose ear — has had much more practice, in reference to language, than their eye. The great difficulty seems to be — to dispose of the parts, which amount to more than the whole : for, in philosophy, it is an acknowledged principle, that the parts — are only equal to the whole. Hence, spelling by sounds of letters, instead of by names is vastly prefera- ble : the former being perfectly philosophical, involving orderly, analysis and synthesis, and it is also mathematical, because the parts — are just equal to the whole : while the latter mode is the very reverse of all this ; and in- stead of aiding, essentially, in the develop- ment of hody and mind, tends directly to prevent both. 189. Of the compound, or diphthongal and triphthongal consonants, we have twenty- three ; viz : c, (z,) discern ; c, (sh,) social ; /, (v,) thereo/,- g, (dg,) ^ibe ; g, (zh,) badinage ; J, (dg,) judgre; n, (ng,) bank; r, (burr'd,) trill ; s, (z,) was ; s, (sh,) sure ; s, (zh,) leisure ; t, (sh,) rational ; v, vivacity ; w, wist ; x, (ks,) ox ; X, (z,) Zcnia ; y, youth ; z, zigzag ; ch, (tch,) such ; ch, (sh,) chagrin ; ph, (v,) neph- ew; th, thick', th, tho^; wh, why: deduct- ing the duplicates, we have but twelve ; c, (z,) c, (sh,)/, (v,) g, (zh,) n, (ng,) r, (triU'd,) X, (ks,) X, (gz,) ch, (tch,) th, (think,) th, (that,) and wh, (when:) let them be exem- plified. 190. It has previously been remarked, that, strictly speaking, a, in far, is the only natural vowel sound in our language ; and tliat the other ffteen are modifications of it ; also, that on the same principle, the aspirate, or breath sound, heard in pronouncing the sound of h, {huh, in a whisper,) is the mate- rial, out of which all sounds are made ; for it is by condensing the breath, in the larynx, through the agency of the vocal chords, that the voice sound, of grave a is made ; and, by the peculiar modification, at certain points ef interception, that any aspirate consonant sound is produced : hence, it may be said. that a, in far, is tlje original element of all the vowel and vocal consonant sounds, and the aspirate h, is ♦he original element, out which all the aspirate consonant sounds are made, as well as the vocal sounds ; thus, that which the letter h represents, seems to in- volve something of infinity in variety, so far as sounds, and their corresponding affec- tions are concerned ; for breath — is air : and without air, there can be no sound. Why was the letter A, added to the names of Ahram and Sarai ? Proverbs. 1. He, who reckons without h;« host, must reckon again. 2. When we despise danger, it often overtakes us the sooner. 3. They, who cross the ocean, may change climate, but their minds are still the same. 4. The cor- ruption, or perversion of the best things — pro- duces the worst. 5. We must not judge of persona by their clothing, or by the sanctity of their ap- pearance. 6. If we indulge our passions, they will daily become more violent. 7. Light grief- may find utterance ; but deeper sorrow can find none. 8. The difference is great — between words and deeds. 9. Poverty — wants mamj things; avarice— every thing. 10. Let us avoid having too many irons in the fire. 11. Faithfully per- form every duty, small and great. 12. Govern your thoughts, when alone, and your tongue^ when in company. 13. Ill got,— ill spent. Anecdote. Finishing our Studies. Sev- eral young physicians were conversing, in the hearing of Dr. Rush, and one of them observed, " When I have finished my stu- dies,'''' " When you have finished your studies .'" said the doctor, abruptly ; " why, you must be a happy man, to have finished them so young : 1 do not expect to finish mine while I live.'''' Ijaconics. The kindnesses, which most men receive from others, are like traces drawn in the sand. The breath of every passion sweeps them au)ay, and they are re- membered no more. But injuries are like inscriptions on monuments of brass, or pil- lars of marble, which endure, unimpaired, the revolutions of time. Varieties. 1. We rarely regret — having spoken too little ; but often — of saying too much. 2. Which is the more extensively useful,— fire, or water ? 3. A speaker, who expresses himself with fluency and discre- tion, will always have attentive Hr^eners. 4. The spirit of party, sometimes leads even the greatest men — to descend to the mean- ness of the vulgar. 5. Without virtue, hap- piness — can never be real, or permanent. 6. When we are convinced that our opinions are erroneous, it is always right to acknow- ledge it, and exchange them for truths. 7. Every love — contains its own trut?i. Serve Ood before the world ! let him not go^ Until thou hast a blessing ; then, resign The whole unto him, and remember who Prevailed by wrestling— ere the sun did shine Pour oil upon the stones, weep for thy sin. Then journey on, and have an eye to Aeai*eit. tf8 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCTjTION. 191. Here a new field is open for the clas- sification of our letters, involving the struc- ture of all languages, and presenting us with an infinite variety, terminating in uni- ty^ — all languages being merely dialects of tiie original one ; but in this work, nothing more is attempted, tlian an abridgment of the subject As every effect must have an adequate cause, and as in material things, such as we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, there can be no primary, but only secondary causes, we must look to the mind for the *'eelings and thoughts, that have given rise to all the peculiarities and modifications of lan- guage; being assured, that in the original language, each state of the tvill and the un- derstanding, had its external sign, as a medi- um of manifestation. 193. Uses of Spelling. The object of sj^e^- ling, in the manner here recommended, is two-fold ; to spell by soujid, in order to be able to distinguish the sounds, of which words are composed, and to pronounce them correctly : thus developing and train- ing the voice and ear to the highest pitch of perfection. The use of spelling by the names of letters is, to make us acquain- ted wfth them, and the order in which they are placed in the words, so as to be able, not only to read, but to ivrite the language: hence, we must become acquainted with both our spoken and ivritten language, if we would avail ourselves of their wonderful ca- pabilities, and the treasures of which they are possessed. 193. In partially applying this doctrine, we may say, B, (bib,) represents a gutteral labial sound; \st. c, (cent,) a dental aspi- rate : 2d. c, (clock,) a gulteral aspirate : Sd. c, (sacrifice,) a dental vocal consonant : 4th, c, (ocean,) a dental aspirate : Istf (if,) a sub- labial and super-dental aspirate : 2df, (of,) a sub-labial super-dental, vocal : 1 st g, (gem,) a posterior lingual dental vocal, terminating in an aspirate; 2d g, (go,) a glottal vocal consonant: 3d g, (rouge,) a. vocal dental as- pirate : h, a pure aspirate, with open mouth and throat; I, a lingual dental; and so onto the en'1 of our sounds, of analysis and syn- thesis, of which a volume might be written ; and although the writer has practiced on them many tlwusands of times, he never has done it once, without learning something new. Notes. 1. Don't forget to understand and mcu^ter every \\an% that relatat to the subject of study and practice; the only royal hiehway to trath is the straight way. 2. Become as familiar with the sounds of out langua^ as yoa are with the alphabet H. Am you proceed, acnuire inor« «ase and grace in reading and speaking An honest man— is still an unmoved rock, Wash'd whiter, but not shaken— wi'h the shock; Whose *eart— conceives no sinister device ; Fear/esa— he p ays with /ames, and treads on ice. Proverbs. 1. Do as much good as you can and make but little noise about it. 2. The Bibl&, is a book of laws, to show us what 's riffht, and what is wrong. 3. What maintains one vice, would bring up two children. 4. A little wrong — done to another, is a great wrong done to our- selves. 5. Sermons — should be steeped in tha heart — before they are delivered. G. A life of attractive industry is always a happy one. 7. Drive your business before you, and it will gt easily. 8. Good fences — make good neighbors. 9. Pride wishes not to owe; self-love — wishes not to pay. 10. The rotten apple injures its compan- ion. 11. Make a virtue of necessity. 12. You can't make an auger hole with a gimblet. Anecdote Mathematical Honor. A sth, de7it — of a certain college, gave his fellow student the lie ; and a challenge followed. The mathematical tutor — heard of the diffi- culty, and sent for the young man that gave the challenge, who insisted, that he must fight — to shield his honor. " Why,'''' said the tutor? *•' Because he gave me the Zte.' "Very well; let him prove it: if he prove it, — yon did lie ; but iihe does not prove it, then he lies. Why should you shoot one another? Will that make a lie — any more ho7iorablp 7^'' CiCEKO says, the poet — is horn such ; the orator is made such. B ut reading boohs of rhetoric, and eloquent extracts — choice mor- sels of poetry and eloque?ice — will nevet make one an orator : these are only the ef- fects of oratory. The ca7ise of eloquence is to be sought for, only in the depths of the human mind — the true philosophy of man, and the practice of unadulterated goodness and truth. You must/eeZ rightly, think wisely, and act accordingly : then gracefulness of style and eloquence w'lWfit you; otherwise, you -will be like the ass, clothed with the lio7i\ skin. Accomplishment should not be an end, but a means. Seek, then, for the philosophy of oratory, where it is to be found, in the study oi geometry, la7iguage, physics, theology, and the human mijid profound, if you would attain that suavity of graceful periods, engaging looks and gestures, which steal from men their hearts, and reason, and make them, for the time being, your willing captives. Varieties. 1. Is there any lifle of de marcation between temperance and mtem- perance ? 2. We rarely repent — of eating too little ; but often — of eating too much. 3. Truth — is clothed in v)hite ; but a lie — comes forth in all the colors of a rainbow. 4. St. Augusti7i says, "Love God ; and then do what you wish.'''' 5. We must not do ^vil, that good may come of it ; the means — • mui5t answer, and correspond to — the end. 6. Assumed qualities — may catch the fancy of some, but we must possess those that are good, to fix the heart. 7. When a thing is doubtful, refer it to the Word in sincerity ; \\ it is not clear to you, let it alone, for the pro sent, at least, till it is made so. Mind, not money — makes the irwn PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. I 194. Accent- -means either stress, or quantity of vpice, on a certain letter, or let- ters in a word : it is made by concentrating the voice, on that particular place in the word, heavy, at first, then gliding into silence. There are two ways of rnakinf^ \i\ first, by STUEss, when it occurs on short vowels , as, i/ifc-stand : secondly, by auAixTiTT, when it occurs on long ones ; as, o-ver : i. e. when the word is short, we pronounce it with force; and when it is long,vi\\h auAxxi- TY, and a little force too : thus, what we lack m length of sound, we make up by stress, or force, according to circumstances. These en- gravings present to the eye an idea of accent by stress, or a concentration of voice, with more or less abruptness. The first — indicates that the accented vow- el is near the beginning of the word ; as in ac-cent, em-pha-sis, in-dus-try, ori-ward, up- ward : the second, that it is at, or near the* eyid: as in ap-pre-Aewrf, su-per-in-/end, in-di- vis-i-6iZ-i-ty. In music, the first represents the diminish; the second — the swell of the voice. 195. Theirs/ use of accent — is to convert letters, or syllables — into words, expressive of our ideas ; i. e. to fasten the letters to- gether, so as to make a word-medium for manifesting our /eeZwg-s and thoughts: and the second use is — to aid us in acquiring a distinct articulation, and melody of speech, and song. Exs. 1. Accent by stress of VOICE. He am-pli-fies his ad-t-gr-tise-ment, di-mi/z-ish-es its im-pe-tus, and oj9-e-rates on the tfZ-ti-mates. 2. The «c-cu-ra-cy of the csr-e-mo-ny is j^o--u-ra-tive of the com-pe- ten-cy of his wj9-riglit-ness : 3. The cat-e- pil-lar fox-gets the no-&i/-i-ty of or-a-to-ry un-^u^My; 4. The math-e-mo^-ics are su- per-in-^KWrZ-ed with af-fa-tiZ-i-ty, cor-res- pond^ent to in-sZntc-tions. Notes. 1. Observe, tliere are but FIVE SHORT vowels in our language ; the examples above contain illustrations of all of them, in their alphabetical order; they are also found in these words — at, et, it, ot, ut; and to give them with purity, make as though you were going to pronounce the whole word, but leave off it the t. 2. This is a very important point in our subject; if you (ail in understanding accent, you cannot succeed in emphasis. Anecdote. Holding One^s Oivn. A very fat man was one day met by a person whom he mved, and accosted with—" How do you do V Mr. Adipose replied, " Pretty well ; [ hold my own ;''"' — "and mine too, to my sorrow,'''' — rejoined the creditor. Hail, to ihee, filial love, source of delight, Of everlasting joy / Heaven's grace supreme Shines in the duteous homage, of a child I Religion, manifested, stands aloft, Superior — to the storms of wayward fate. When children — suffer in a parent's cause, And glory — in the lovely sacrifice, ' 'T"s heavenly inspiration fills the breast — And an/ref«— waft their incense to the skies. 196. Some persons may wish for more specific directions, as to the method of bring- ing the lower muscles into use, for producing sounds, and breathing .• the following will suffice. Take the proper position, as above recommended, and place the hands on the hips, witli the thumbs on the small of the back, and the fingers on the abdominal mus- cles before ; grasp them tightly ; i. e. try to press in the abdomen, and, at the same time^_ to burst off the hands, by an internal effort, in the use of the muscles to produce the vow- el sounds of the following words, at, et, it, oty ut; then leave off the Z, giving the vowels the same sound as before : or imagine that you have a belt tied around you, just above the hip bones, and make such an effort as would be required to burst it off; do the same in breathing, perseveve, and you will succeed : but do not make too much effort. Proverljs. 1. A man under the influence of anger — is beside himself. 2. Poverty, with Aonesfy, is preferable to ricAes,* acquired by dis- honest means. 3. The wolf casts his hair, but never changes his ferocious disposition. 4. To ictcAed persons— the virtue of others — is always a subject of eratjy. 5. Flies — cannot enter a mouth that is shut. 6. No plea of expediency — should reconcile us to the commi'ssion of a base act. 7. Power, unjustly obtained, is of short duration. 8. Every 7/iod-man — believes all other men mad. 9. The avaricious man— is kind ionone ; but least kind to himself. 10. The beginning of knowledge —is the fear of God. 11. Of aZZ poverty, that of the mind — is the most deplorable. 12. He only is porcerful, who governs himself. Varieties. I. What was it — that made man miserable, and vjhat — alone can make him happy ? 2. Diffidence — is the mother of safety; while self-confidence — often involves us in serious difficulties. 3. He is not rich, who has much, but he who has enough, and is contented. 4. It is absurd — for parents to preach sohriety to their children, and yet in- dulge in all kinds of excess. 5. Nature — never says, what vrisdom contradicts ; for they are always in harmony. 6. Save some- thing — against a day of iroMftZe. 7. With such as repent, and turn from their evils^ aud surrender their wills to the Lord^s will, all things they ever saw, knew, or exfe- RiENCED, shall be made, m some way or other, to serve for good. I do remember an apothecary,— And hereabouts he dwells, — whom late I noted In tatter'd weeds, with overwhelming brows. Culling of simples ; meagre were his looks. And in his needy shop— a. tortoise hung. Sharp misery — had worn him to the bones : An alligator stuff'd, and other skins Of ill-shap'd fishes ; and about his shelves A beggarly account of empty boxes. Green earthen pots, bladders, and musty seeds Remnants of packthread, and old cakes of rowo, Were thinly scatter'd, to make up a show. 70 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION 197. Accent— is made, secondly, by quantity; or prolongation of soimd, with expvilsive fo7-ce, on lo7is accented vowels ; which may be represented either by this en- indicative of a or, graving continuous equal move ment of the voice by this one, — ^"^^^^^B*"" which shows the swell, continuous and di- minish in combination ; or, the unequal con- tinuous. Exs. 1. The a-gent, with ar-dent r/»/>-ful e-go-tism,i-dol-i-zed the o-di-ous oo-zy t<-ni-tbrm, which was /rwi/-ful in ot-li-ness, from the oi^-ter-mosts. 2. The 6ase-ment of the ar-mo-ry, aiyfc-ward-ly e-qual to the i-ro- ny of the o-li-o, was, to the moo/i-shine of the T*-ni-verse, as an un-ob-/m-sive moi-e-iy of a wun-cet-box. 198. Prolo7igation of Sound. Let the pu- pil take a lesson of the ferryman. A travel- er arrives at the brink of a wide river, which he wishes to cross; owe ferry-man is on the other side, and, by chance, one is on this side: the traveler halloos, in the com- mon speaking voice, using principally the chest ; of course his voice soon becomes dis- sipated. He is informed that his call cannot he heard: listen to me, says this son of na- ture; "0 ver, ver, ver:" making each accented vowel two sec- onds long : try it and see ; extending your e.yeand mind at a distance; which will aid the prolongation. 199. In exercising on accent, for a time at least, go to extremes, and make the ac- cented vowels as prominent to the ear, as the following ones are to the eye ; a-bAse- ment. im-pE-ri-ous, I-dol-ize, 0-ver-throw, be«TJ-ti-ful, Oil-mill, OU-ter-most. Ex. 1. The Ztt-na-tic 2i-hode at the ca-f^e-dral, till the an-nun-ci-M-tion, that the an-te-di- /zi-vi-ans — had cor\-vey^d the hy-dro-n/to-bia to Di-o-na of the E-p/je-sians, 2. 1 he pa- tri-ots and ma-trons of the rev-o-Za-tion, by their har-mo-ni-oas co-op-e-ra-tion, de- thron''d the ty-rants that were rw-ling our peo-ple with an un-/to-ly rod of i-ron. Anecdote. Raising Bent. " Sir, I in- tend to raise your rent," — said a land-holder — io one of his tena7i.ts : to which he replied, — " I am very much obliged to you, — for I cannot raise it myself.'''' Notes. 1. As vowels are either long or short, different de- grees of leriylh do not affect any one of the long ones, so far as t'ae qTiality of the sound is concerned ; the e in de-uue, and the o, in do-mtttn— are the same as to length, (net force.) as they are in efe-cent, rfo-tard ; thus we have long oc-cented vowels, and long unaccented ones. 2. We make accent by quantity, when the jicc«Mtpd voweb are long, and by si. >ss when they are short. 3. Th« iki/rt vowels are of the same length, but not so the long cvws. " Blessed is the man, Wlio hears the voice of nature; who, retired From bustling life, can feel thejladdening beam. The hope, that breathes of Paradise. Thy deeds, Sweet Peace, are music— to the exulting mind ; Thy prayer, like incense — wafted on the gale Of morning sprrads ambrosia,, as the cloud Of spicy noee/i— perfumes the whispering breeze, That »cents t^'aWa'* wild," Proverbs. 1. Men of ftmtterf attainniejits- generally coniiemn every thing, they cannot comprehend. 2. Wit — should flow spontaneously^ it cannot be produced by study. 3. Buoyancy of spirit — greatly diminishes the pressuie of jnw/or- tune. 4. The swresf method of being deceived is — to consider ourselves — more cunning than others. 5. Envious persons— always view, with an evil eye, the prosperity of others. 6. It is si proof of mediocrity o{intelle,ct — to be addicted to it ory -telling. 7. When we give way to passion^ we do every thing amiss. 6. Truth — needs no disguise, nor does she want embellishment. 9. A mind diseased — cannot bear any thing harsh. 10. Never utter what is false, nor hesitate to speak what is true. 11. 7Vi/Zes— often discover a character — more than actions of importance. 12. The Bible— \s a perfect body of divinity. Body and Mind. The science of hu- man nature — is valuable, as an introduction to the science of the Divine nature; for man — was made " in the image, and after Ahe likeness, ^^ of his Maker : a knowledge of (he former — facilitates that of the latter ; and to knov), revere, and humbly adore, is ihe first duty of man. To obtain ^'as^ and impartial views of human nature, we must not disconnect the object of our study, and consider the mind, body, and actions, each by itself, but the whole man together ; which may be contemplated under two different aspects, — of spirit and of matter ; on the body — shines the sun of nature, and on the MIND — that better light, which is the true light : here, is a real man, having essence, form, and use, which is clad in the habili- ments of beauty, and majesty ; meeting tig now, and which will meet us hereafter, as a purely spiritual being, in every possible stage of his future existc7ice. Varieties. 1. Can we be a /newtf, and an enemy — at the same time ? 2. Every one should be considered innocent, till he is proved guilty. 3. It is not sufficient that you are heard, yoii must be heard with pleasure. 4. There is a great difference between poetry and rhymetry ; the former grows, the latter — is made. 5. If your money is your God, it will plague you like the Devil. 6. Order — is one, in revelation, man, creation, and the universe; each — respects the other, and is a resemblance of it. Man — is dear to man ; the poorest poor Long for some momenta, in a weary life. When they can know, and/eeZ, that they have been Themselves — the fathers, and the dealers out Of some small blessings— have been kind to sutli As needed kindness ; — for this single cause, That we have all of us — a human heart. Such pleasure— is to one kind being known, My neighbor, when, with punctual care, each wccK Duly as Friday comes, though press'd herself By her own wants, she, from her store of meai. Takes one unsparing liandful for the scrip Of this old mendicant ; and, from her daor. Returning with exhilarated heart, Sits by bcr^re, and builds her hopes in heaven PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 7i 200. Aecent. The intentions of the mind — are manifested by the accent of the voice, as are those of a tailor, when he makes a gentleman's coat; or of a mantuamaker, when she makes a lady's gown ; there is a meaning, an end, in all. The three great categories of knowledge are end, cause and cffhct ; reflection and experience will convince those who would be wise, that the end or pur- pose, is the^^rs"^ thing, — the cause or medium, the second, and the effect, or ultimation of the co-operation of end and cause, the third thing. Now the feeling, or affection, is the first thing ; the tliought — is the' second thing : and \\\Q action — the third thing : the affection and the vowel sound are connected, the thought and the consonant, and aZ/ become manifest, when the word is properly made, by the application of accent, and enuncia- ibm.. 301. Now, as the affectuous part of the mind operates, csptcially, on those lower nerves and muscles, that are combined to produce ihevowel sounds, and the intellectual part of the mind co-operates with the lungs, to form the consonant sounds, and the two unite — to make the word, by the use of the accent, through the agency of which, feelings and thoughts are conveyed, — it will be per- ceived, that whenever there is a change of the seat of accent, there may be a corresponding change of the meaning of the word: or rather, a change 6^ feeling produces a change Oi thought, and the two produce a correspon- ding change in the seat of accent : as — au- gust, Q.w.-gust ; prod-nce, ^ro-duce ,- gal- lant, gal-to«/. aoa. Change of the seat of accent accord- ing to sense. They hom-bard the town, with bom-b3.rds, and ce-ment their cannon with cem-ent, and call upon their coZ-leagues to col-teague together, col-/ec^ their soldiers, and offer up their collects. He com-ments upon their com-ments, while they com-merce about the cow-merce, and com-mon-ptoce their com- mon-place business. The co;w-pact was en- tered into in a corn-pact manner, while the soldiers corn-plot together in a corn-plot, and zom-port themselves with a becoming com- port. The farmer corn-posts his fields with excellent corn-post, and out of the com-pound he corn-pounds a fruitful soil ; which, when com-press^d, makes a very fine corn-press for the grain. My birthday what a different sound That word hid — in my youthful ears ! And how, each time— the day came round, Less, and less white — its mark appears ! When first — our scanty years are told, It seems like pastime — to grow old. And as youth — taunts the shining links, That time— aroMnd him binds so fast, Pleased with the task, he little thinks. How hard that chain vill press— al last. Anecdote. When Lieuteiianc Brien was blown up, in the Edgar, and thrc vvnon board the Admiral, all black and wet, he said to the commander, with pleasantry, " I hope sir, you will excuse my dirty appear- ance ; for I left the ship in so great a hurry, that I had not time to change my dress.'''' Proverbs. 1. Every thing great— is com- posed of minute particles. 2. JN'othing — bears a stronger resemblance to a mad-md^n. than a drun- kard. 3. Pleasure, purchased by pain, is always injurious. 4. The act is to be judged of, by tliTJ intention of the person, who does it. 5. Theonj, without practice, however plausible, seldom tends to a successful issue. 6. Reflect uiell, be fore you say yes, or no. 7. Be cautious — in giv- ing advice, and considei — before ynu follow it. 8. A man, fond of disputing, will, in time, have few friends to dispute with. 9. Young peop'e are apt to think themselves wise enough ; a^ drunkards — think themselves sober enough. 10. Injustice — cannot exist without agents. 11. No great loss, but some small gain. 12. No smoke, without some^re. Readings Discourses. As the reading of written discourses is so common, it is very desirable, that the speaker should unite the advantages of wriiteii, or printed composi- tion, with extemporaneous speaking ; which can be done by mastering the principles of this system ; then, though the essay be a month, or a year old, the orator may give it all the appearance and freshness of oral dis- course. Many public men have injured their Jiealth by slavishly reading their dis- courses, instead of speaking them ; there being such an inseparable connection be- tween thinki7ig and breathi?ig, that the effort to read, especially from a manuscript, tends to the use of the thorax, or lungs. If we were taught to read by ear, instead of by sight, there would be no difficulty in this exercise : there must be a revolution — in regard to teaching and learning this impor- tant art, or sad will continue to be the con- sequences. Varieties. 1. Were the Texians right, in rebelling against Mexico ? 2. If woman taught the philosophy of love, who would not learn ? 3. Do not yield to misfortunes ; but resist them, with unceasing firmness. 4. Procrastination — is the thief of time. 5. No one is qualified to command, who has not learned to obey. 6. A laugh — costs too much, if purchased at the expense of proh- priety. 7. Words, fitly spoken from a life of love, are exceedingly sweet, and profitable to all. Beware, ye slaves of vice and infamy, ' Beware — choose not religion's «acred nanoe, To sanctify your crimes— your falsehood shield. Profane not your Creator'i boundieos power, Or lest his vengeance— fall upon, and crush ye. It is an awful height— of human pride. When we dare— robe ourselves in sanctity^ While all is dark impiety within! This, surely, is the aggregate of sin. The last— to be forgiven— by heaven, or man. 72 PRINCIPLES 01' ELOCUTION a03. The subject of accent, being of pri- mary importance, should be dwelt upon, till Its pj-inciples and their applicatwn, are per- fectly familia r. Remember, it is the principal external means, of malcing words — out of let- ters and syllables: comparatively, it is the thread with which we make tlie garments for oui thougtits, and thus manifest the ob- jects wliich the mind has in view in clothing them in diflferent ways, and making them alive with feeling. The mental power of ac- cent, is in the will, or voluntary principle, and the physical force is from the combined action of the lower muscles, in connection with the diaphragm ; hence, it may be per- ceived, that in simply expelling vowel sounds, as always insisted upon, we at the same time, acquire the power of making the accent; for expulsion — is accent, radical, or stress. If you do not master accent, you cannot suc- ceed in becoming an elocutionist. 804. Change of the seat of accent. On her en-trance, she was en-tranced at being es-cor^-ed by a grand es-cort: I essay to make an cs-say to ex-ile the ea:-iles : ex-port the ca;-ports, with-out ex-tract-ing the ex- tracts for the ex-tract-oxs : the fl&-ject fel-lowe ah-Ject the gifts, and the a&-sent minded ab- sent themselves from the party : he abstracts the a&-stracts and at-^rife-utes the a^-tri-butes to others: I lay the ac-cent on the ac-cen^-ed vowel, and af-fix the af-fix to the final sylla- ble, and make aw^-ment in the right place and ang-ment the word in ^w-gust, and thus make the idea au-gtist. Notes* 1. Be careful in placing the accent on the right syllable : ad-oer-tise-ment, al-to», com-pen-sate, m-qui-ry, de-co-nis, or-tho-e-py, ar-is-ioc ra-cy, ac-cep<-a-ble, Ar-e-op-a-gus, ac-ces-so- ry, «p-right-ly : forif you place the accent on the wrong vowel, >-ou partially pervert the meaning, or render it ridiculous : as, I Baw'an au-gust spectacle in Au-gust. 2. In singing, accent is al- ways made byttress: and the first note of each full measure ac- ce7it-ed. liAconics. Labor is honorable in all. from the king on the throne to the mendicant in the street ; and let him or her, who is a- shamed to toil for themselves, or the benefit of their race, be more ashamed to consume the industry and lahor of others, for which they do not render an equivalent. The rose had been washed, just washed in a shower. Which Mary— to Amia — conveyed ; The plentiful moisture — encumbered the flousfr. And weighfd '1')wd Us beautiful head. I'he cttpwit a.l\ filled, and the leaves were all wet, And it seemed, xo a. JancifiU view, To weep for the buds— it had left with regret, On the flourishing bush— where it grew. I hastily seized it, unfit as it was Fora nosegay,so dripping and drowned And swinging it r%tdely, too rudely, alai ! I mapped it,— it fell to the ground. And luch, I exclaimed, is the pitiless part, Some act— by the delicate mind. Regardless of wringing— and breaking a heart, Already to torrow resigned. This elegant rose, had I shaken it Itss, Might have bloomed with its owner awhile : And ths tear, that is wiped, with a little addras. Ma? oe followed, perhaps, by a rmile. Proverbs. 1. Beware of reading, v\il louJ thinking of the subject. 2. A man rarely deceivee another but 07ice. 3. A good paymaster is lord of another man's purse. 4. He is most secure frori danger, who, even when conscious of safety, i^ on his guard. 5. The pitcher may go often to the well, and be broken at last. 6. A good companion, makes good company. 7. Let every one choote, according to his own /ancy. h K comparison — is no reason. 9. Your looking-g\a.ss — will tell you what none of your friends will. 10. The human heart wants something to be kind to. 11. Many hands make light work. 12. Ask your purse - what you shall buy. Anecdote. Blundering on the Truth. An ignorant fellow, who was about to be married, resolved to make h.\mse\{ perfect in the responses of the marriage service ; but, by mistake, he committed the office of bap- tism for those of riper years : so, when the clergyman asked him, in the church, — " Wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife V The bridegroom answered, in a very solemn tone ; " I renounce them all."^ The astonished minister said — " I think you are a fool ;" — to which he replied, " All this I steadfastly believe.'''' Analogies. As, in the succession of the seasons, each, by the invariable laws of na- ture, affects the productions of what is next in course ; so, in human life, every period of our age, — according as it is well or ill spent, influences the happiness of that which is to follow. Virtuous youth — generally brings forward accomplished and flourishing manhood; and such manhood passes off, without uneasiness, into respectable and tranquil old age. When nature — is turned out of its regular course, disorder takes place — in the moral, yist as in the vegetable world. If the spring — put forth no blossoms, in summer — there will be no beauty, and in the autumn — no fruit. If youth — be trifled away without improvement, manhood will be contemptible — and old age — miserable. If the beginnings of life — have been vanity, — its latter end can be no other than vexation of spirit. Varieties. 1. Is there any such thing as time and space, in the world of mi7id ? 2. Any book that is worth reading once, is worth reading twice. 3. Most misfortunes — may be turned into blessings, by watching the tide of affairs. 4. When the wicked are in power, innocence and integrity are sure to be persecuted. 5. Give people proper books, and teach them how to read them, and they will educate themselves. 6. ZJ?*- limited powers — should not be trusted in the hands oi any one, who is not endowed with perfection, — more than human. 7. The truths of the Bible are the seeds of order ; and as is the reception, such will be the produce. Faults — in the life, breed errors in the brain^ And these, reciprocally, those again : The mind, and conduct— mntnaWy imprint. And stamp their image— m each other's minU PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTIO^. a05. To accomplish the objects in view, the development and perfection of the voice for reading, speaking and singing, a great variety of exercises and examples, are intro- duced, containing sense and nonsense ; and attention can be given to both icinds, accord- ing to their uses. Let it be remembered, that the forty-four sounds of the language are the fountains, from which are to flow every stream of elocution and music : and these are con- tinually before us. No one can succeed in silently TOB^dlng, or thinking over the sub- jects: p7'actice is the great thing; therefore, frequently repeat the sounds, read by vowels, spell by sounds, and exercise in accent and emphasis, with all the other modifications. a06. They con-cert a plan to get up a con- cert, and as they con-cord the con-cords of the notes, they con-crete the con-crete tones with such admirable con-duct, as to con-duct the whole to the satisfaction of the audience. He con-fects f he sugar with delicious con-fects, although he con-fines his efforts to the co7i. fines of the room ; and without con^^ic-ting m any serious con- flict, he con-serves the con- serves in such a way as to con-sor^ with his con-sort without con-^cs/-ing with any seri- ous con-test. I will con-text the con-text, so as to con-tract the co7i-tract-ing in a strong con-tract, the con-vent, so as to con-zjcn^ its inmates, while they con-verse in familiar con- verse. aor. Among the more difficult acquisi- tions, is the ability to prolong sounds in strongly marked accented and emphatic words, involving the kindlier feelings of our nature ; to succeed in which, practice single long vowel sounds in separate words, and al- so in short and long phrases; as a ^le; a re; a ^11; ee 1; i le ; o Id ; 00 ze ; mu te ; pu ss ; oi 1 ; ou r; also, old armed chair; wheel to the right ; roll the flames and join ^he muse ; glowing hope ; praise the lofty dome. Notes. 1. The attempt is not made any where, to give a perfect notation of the manner in which one is to read ; and •omc ■words are more or less emphatic, that are printed in common type ; while certain words, which are not very important as to meaning, are printed in italics. 2. Never mind the rough appa^ a^nxe of the exaimples j but make them smooth in your deliver)'. Anecdote. Self-love. The first consid- eration of a knave is — how to help AmseZ/; and the second, how to do it with an appear- ance of helping others. Dionysius. the ty- rant, stripped the statue of Jupiter Olympus, of a robe of massy gold, and substituted a cloak oiwool, saying-—" Gold is too cold in winter, and too heavy in the summer — it be- hooves us to take care of Jupiter.'' When was public virtue to be found, Where private was not ? Can he love the whole, Who loves no part ? He— he a nation's friend. Who, in truth, is the friend of no mar there ? 10 Proverbs. l.Insteadof saying "I can'*,' ray "I will." 2. Acquire knowledge that may Le useful. 3. If ;?ossJ6Ze, remove your own d'^^cu/- ties. 4. Husband your time, and waste neither that, nor your luoney. 5. Try to .exert a good iTi/iuence, wherever you are. 6. A little stone can make a great bruise. 7. Unwearied diligeitce the point will gain. 8. Cultivate good domestic habits. 9. Some rather reflect truth than practice it. 10. Man is a iwi-cro-cosm, or little world. 11. Winter finds wh^i Summer conceals. 12. Twc of a trade seldom agree. Imiiortant. Let the orator consider him- self the comiecting hnk, or medium, between the mental and natural world:, i. e. that the spiritual world is progressmg down into the material world; and that all his muscles md vocal powers are the proper organs, thro' which it is to flow. Hence, the necessity of developing and traming, perfectly, those me- diums of communication, that every thing in the matter, may tell, effectually, in the man- ner. Much, very much depends upon the state of his own mind; for, according to that — will be the infiuence shed abroad on ihe minds of oi/iers. Conceive yourself the rep- resentative of a vast concourse of associated minds, and be the true representative of your constituents. Varieties. 1 . Are fictitious writings bene- ficial. 2 2. -E-go-tism(orselfTeommendation,) is always disgusting, and should be carefully avoided. 3. A man cannot call a 6e^/er phy- sician than himself, if be Win take all the good advice he gives to others. 4. Why is the human mind like a garden ? because you can sow what seeds you please in it. 5. Good and bad fortune are nccessar.' , to prepare us to meet the contingencies of Ife. 6. Be not too much afraid oi offending others, by telling the truth : nor stoop to fiattery nor mean- ness, to gain their favor. 7. The whole out- ward creation, with its every particular and movement, is but a theatre and scene of ef' feds, brouglit forth into existence, and mov- ed by interior spiritual causes, proper to tht spiritual world. To the curious eye A little monttor— presents her pa^ Of choice i-nstructimi, with her snowy Ijells— The lily of the vale. She, not affects The puWic walk, nor gaze of inid-d.-iy suns She — to no state or dignity aspires, But, silent anu alone, puts on her suit, And sheds her lasting per-fnme, but for which We had not known— there was a thing — so sweet Hid— in the gloomy shade. So, when the blast Her sister trities confounds, and, to tlie earth Stoops their high heads, that vainly were exposed, She feels it not, but flourishes anew, still sheltered and secure. And so the storm, That makes the huge elm couch, and rends the on*, The humble lily sp.ares. A thousand blow^ That shake the lofty rruntareh, on his throne. We lesser folks /cei not. Kea\ are the pjJns .SdvancefmentofXexihvinga. To be trfurs. Be humble ; to be hayptf, be contttU. 74 PxvINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. a08. The question is often asked — which receives the accent, the vowel or the conso- nant ? The reply is, sometimes one, and at others, both, when tliey are connected. 'In a- ble, the accent is all on a; in no-hle, the n and receive the accent, but principally the 0; in jyre-sume, the accent is mostly on w; and is imparted to 5 and m, terminating on the m. Although this fact is perfectly obvi- ous, yet one book that purports to have pass- ed through seven editions, insists that vowels ate never accented. I would ask that author, what letter receives the accent of the proper name A-i in the Bible, since it has two sylla- bles, and yet there are no consonants. Let us beware of wrong guides as well as blind ones. 309. Half accented vowel sounds. There is an inferixn; or half accent, on certain words of three or more syllables, which should be obsers'ed; and, although given distinctly, must be kept within the vanish of the accent- ed ones. The (Zem-o-ciiAT-ic co?z-ver-SA-tion vQ-spect-in^ the tPx-xa. was A^/-e-ro-GE-ne-us to a rfem-on-STiiA-tion ; a me/-a-pnis-i-cal /^7/^o-ciiox-dria is rec-om-MEK-da-to-ry of su- l>er-a-BU>r-dant27rorf-i-fiAL-i-ty : the in-covo.- pre-HEN-si-ble jy/en-i-po-TEx-ti-a-ry isan«m- pli-fi-CA-tion of A//-dro-PHo-bi-a ; the ^er-pen- dic-u-LAR-i-ty of the g:e7i-er-al-is-si-mlr, and tfie mcg--na-KiM-i-ty of thejftti/-an-THROP-i- cal re-ca-pit-u-LA-tion was c^r-ac-ter-is-tic of the irt-cor-rup-ti-BiL-i-ty of his in-con- s I D -er-a-ble-ness. a 1 0. The mere mention of Oratory, reminds ua of the early times of Egypt, Greece, and Rome ; when there flourished a Levite, who was an important instrument in delivering an ancient people from captivity ; one of whose qualifications for his high office, was, tliat he could "■speak well;'' — a DemosVienes, the magic, music, and witchery of whose ele- quence, it is impossible to translate or de- scribe ; — a Cicero, whose oratory was copious, correct, ornate, and magnificent ; — each of whom was pre-eminent in his own style and manner, — the Grecian — carrying the citadel by storm, and the Roman taking it after a regular and most beautifully conducted siege ; — of a Peter, and Paul, pleading in the cause of Heaven, and holding vast multitudes in breathless silence, making even Judges treml)le in their high places ; — of more mod- im times, whose history presents us the name of a Chatham, a Burke, and a Fox, in tlie as- nembly ; and those of a Buurdaloue, Massil- lon, Bridane, and Whitfield, in the pulpit; also the orators of our own time and land; some of whom, in many respects, will not Buffer by a compaHson with any of their il- lustrious predecessors. Praisine raje— mat yells above t There's quitt in the deiep ! PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 75 211. Unaccented Vowels. There is great beauty in pronunciation, where each letter, that is not silent, tells upon the ear its true character, and all contribute to produce the desired effiect : hence, the great necessity of giving to all letters, syllables, and words, their proper sounds; especially, the vowels, whether long or short, accented or unaccent- ed : as, — on the pres-eni oc-ca-sion I shall not a.t4empt to ^^'-u-dice your o-pm-ions or e- //io4ions to ac-co/7i-plish my oh-jects ; is it pos-si-ble, the ^er-ri-ble oi-fence of the gen-er- al, in rf/-er-ence to the man-u-scnpts, is par- ^ic-u-lar-ly con-spic-u-ous in the re^i-o-lent ca/i-o-py of heav-en ! the used some pieces of nitre for that purpose The nitre gradually dissolving by the heat, mixed with the sand, and a transparent mat- ter flowed, which was in feet glass. It is cer- tain that we are often more indebted to appa- rent chance, than genius — for many of the most valuable discoveries: therefore every one should keep his eyes and ears open, — his thoughts and feelings awake and active. Varieties. 1. fTAy should any one think it a disgrace — to work for his living 1 2. In- vestigate every subject, with which you be- come acquainted, until you understand i1 thoroughly. 3. "I'll try," is a plant, that would flourish in the f7-igid zone ; " I can't,' would be barren any where. 4. Never con- demn another, for not knowing- what yott have just learned ; or perhaps do not clearly understand. 5. No tongue can tell, or intel- lect perceive, the full import of the word HOME. 6. The trtce christian religion — is a divine wardrobe, containing garments for all kind^ and orders of wearers. 7. As the soul advances in true resignation of its own will, to the will of God, every principle andfacul^ ty of mind — ^becomes sanctified, even down into the life of the senses. Weep not, that Time Is passing on, — it will— ere long, reveal A brighter era to the nations. Hark! Along the vales— and mountains of the earth There is a deep, portentous m%irmuring, Like the swift rush — of subterranean streams ; Or like the mingled sounds of ear«A and air, When the fierce Tempest, with sonorous wing, Heaves his deep folds upon the rushing winds, And hurries onward— WiXh. his niglit of c&mossible, always ehicidate it. Knowledgo — is too important — to be made the subject of a silly yofee. Varieties. 1. If content does not remove the disquietudes of life, it will at least alleviate them. 2. Can matter ever be annihilated ? 3. Every sentence we read under standingly, is like a cast of the weavers shuttle, adding another thread to the web of life. 4. They, who are governed by reason, need no other motive than the goodness of an act, to excite them to practice it. 6. A reading people wik become a thinking people ; and then, they are capable of becoming a great people. 6. A diligent pen supplies many thoughts. 7. Nothing but divine Inve, and divine wisdom, can proceed ft-om God, the centre of all beings BEATH OF A HHAKT-FRIEND. If I had thought — thou couldst have died, I might not weep for thee ; But I forgot, when by thy side, That thou couldst mortal be. It never through my mind had passed, The time would e'er be o'er, And I on tlue — should look my last, And thou shouldst smile — no more ! And still — upon that /ace I look, And think — Hwill smile again ; And still the thought— I loill not brook That I must look in vain! But when I speak, — thou dost not say, What thou ne'er !eft'.st unsaid ; And now I feel, as well I may. Sweet Mary I thou art dead ! If thou wouldst stay, e'en as thou art. All coZd— and all serene, — I still might press thy silent heart, And where thy smiles have been ! While e'en thy chill, bleak corse I have Thou seemest still my own ; But there I lay thee— in thy grave,— And I am now — alone! I do not think, where''er thou art, Thou hast forgotten me ; And Z, perhaps, may soothe this heart In iVinking, too, of thee. Yet there was round thee — such a dawL Of light, ne'er seen before, As fancy -never could have drawn^ And never can restore ! 80 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 3SI6. Revisions. The great practical im- portance of this subject, demands a passing remark. In revisiyig, we not only gather up thefragmetits, but refresh our minds with a reproduction of what we previously had learned. By reviewing our studies, we often find the matej-ials, with which we can over- come difficulties, that seem sdmost insur- mountable ; hence, revisions frequently serve as a Jcey, to unlock the casket, that contains invaluable treasures. And we must guard against thinking of the principles, as being jXMitained in the book ; unless they are un- derstood and felt in the mind, and by the mind, and through the body are reduced to practice, they are, so far as we are concerned, talueless and dead. Seeing food, or think- vig of it, will impart no nourishment to tlie body; it must be eaten, digested, and appro- priated. 337. Now repeat all the sounds of tlie let- ters, in their alphabetical order, as found on page 63 ; omitting those that are dujdicates ; then give the vowels and consonants, by them- selves; afterwards, give the short vowels, and the long ones by tliemselves, and read several paragraphs by vowel sounds; after which, give the vocal consonants, and aspi- rates, by themselves: then tlie single, dou- ble, and triple ones, and analyze words, spelling them by their sounds; also, raise and fall the eight vowels, according to the di- atonic scale, in article 64; then revise the two modes of making accent; practice on tlie changes of its seat, and reahze the impor- tant use of every exercise. 33S. The pre-con-tract ^re-con-tracts the pre-fix which is Y>^e-Jixed to the prel-Mde, with which the speaker ipTe-ludes the pres- ent pres-age, that he pre-sog-'d the man would r>re-sent. The prod-\ice of the land was such as to i)TO-duce a pro-ject to iiro-test against the man who pro-Jects the infamous jyrot-est against the reb-el that re-bels against the law. I re-fuse to re-cord either the ref-use or *he rcc-ord, or re-tail them by wholesale or n'-tail. 339. A Dandy of some use. Let the pu- pil impress on his mind tlie absolute necessi- ty, for awhile, of keeping his shoulders thrown back, so as to make the breast as round and prominent as possible : and then, after a few days, or weeks at fartliest, he will feel very uncomfortal)le to sit, stand, or labor, in a bent position. But, says one, " I should look so much like a dandy." Never mind that, provided it be right} and if you can make this much use of so superfluous an ar- ticle, it may serve to show you, that nothing exlics in vain : think of the wisdom and in- dusirj' of the bee. TThis smooth dhcourse,— and mild behavior, oft Conceals — a traitor. Proverbs. 1 . Never repulse an associate witfc unkindness. 2. Love one another with a pun heart fervently. 3. Tlie morality of the christian religion, is not national, but universal. 4. Pru- dence says— take time by the foretop. 5. A bird in the hand, is worth two in the bicsh. C. The dili- gent soul, shall be made rich. 7. Knowledge— -is. power; ignorance— is weakness. 8. An egg to day, is better than a hen to-morrow. 9. Worldly reputation and sengnal pleasure, are destructive lo virtue. 10. The history and wisdom of the world, can only be known by reading. 11. We are to be saved from our sins, not in our sins. 12. What- ever is worth reading at all, is worth reading weU. Anecdote. Afraid of Work. A person once said to a father, whose son was noted for his laziness, that he thought his son was very much afraid of work. "Afraid qf work .?" replied the father, " not at all, — he will li£ down, and go to sleep close by the side of it." RiSbt Views. The more we ascribe all goodness and truth — to the Lord, the more — will the interiors of the mind, be open to- wards heaven, the only source of happiness : for by thus doing, we acknowledge tliat notli- ing good and true is from ourselves ; and, in proportion as this is heartily confessed, the love of self — departs, and with it — the thick darkness, which arises from that which is false and evil : thus it is evident, how one — becomes wiser than another. As the exhala- tions from the earth — rise and form clouds, more or less dense, thus obscuring the atmos- phere, and preventing the clear light of the sun ; so, do the exhalations of se^-love — arise and obscure the light of Divine truth, — of that Sun, which rules the world of mind. Varieties; 1. Does pain or pleasure- predominate in human hfe ] 2. WeddedUfe says a happy husband, is a perpetual /ow/?- tain of domestic sweets. 3. Drinking watei — neither malces a man sick, nor runs him in debt, nor makes his wife a ividow : can a> much be said of ardent spirits ? 4. He, who peeps through a keyhole, may see something to vex him. 5. That gentleness, which if characteristic of a good man, like every other virtue, has its seat in the heart : and nothing but whatjioivs from the heart — can render even external manners, truly pleasing. 6. The Lord came to seek and save those wlio arc lost : and he saves all who are willing to be saved. 7. Love - principles and genuine truth, respect each other according to degrees of affinity : and the greater the affinity, tli« greater is the attraction between them. Morning — hath her songs of gladness, Sultry nooti — its ferved glare, Evening hours, their gentle sadness, Night — its dream.s, and rest from ca'e; But the pensive twilight — ever Gives its oivn sweet fancies birth, Waking visions, that may never Know realitv — on enrth. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 81 330. Orthography — relates to the right placing of the letters in words, and Orthoepy -to the right prononncing of words, accord- ing to the sounds of the letters, — the former — ^respects written language, and is addressed to the eye ; and the latter, spoken language, and is addressed to tlie ear; the first supposes the second We may infer the perfection, uliich the ancient Greeks attained, in or-tho- e-py, from this fact, that when a public spea- Jcer — even pronounced a word incorrectly, the whole audience simultaneously hissed him. Whence did they acquire such accuracy of ear] Doubtless, in spelling by the sounds of their letters, instead of by their names. When we adopt this method, which nature and science dictate, we shall attain like excel- lency in pronvmciation, and our language will then be found to contain more power and svjeetness than any other in the world. 831. Pronunciation — is orthoepy, or the right utterance of words ; i. e. pronouncing words according to euphony, analogy and custom, which constitute the standard. The principal rule is, pronounce in the easiest and most effectual manner : and, when words are introduced from other languages, they should be pronounced according to the principles of our language ; that is, they must conform to the genius of tlie English language, as for- eigners do to that of our constitution, when they become naturalized, — abjuring /oreigw, uncongenial influences and principles, and submitting to ours. 233. Our Orthography and Orthoepy. Many foreigners and natives find it difficult to speak our language, in consequence of the great difference between its spelling and its pro7iu7idation, and the various sounds given to tlie same letters in similar, and in different combinations ; and, although, for the last two centuries, our orthography has remained nearly stationary, yet our ortheopy has been very much changed ; which may be seen in comparing the Bible, translated under James I., with the common edition. Different per- sons have proposed different means, for over- coming these difficulties, and nearly all without much success; wJiich is the less to i)V. regret-ted, when we consider how little the viiice and ear have been developed and culti- vated, and thereby prepared to meet the exi- gencies of the case. It is now seen, on a foithful analysis and synthesis of their labors to revolutionize our language in these re- spects, that each reformer's system is found to be very imperfect ; but the good work is going on slowly ; and, in process of time, it will be accomplished; very much to the disappointment of fcoofe-worms, and to the gratification of that spirit of the age, which looha more to the uses of things, than to their looks. BRONSON. G Proverbs. 1. Reprove mildly, and correci with caution. 2. Let us creep before we walk, and walk before -we fly. 3. One book, w«ll read, is worth twenty skimmed over. 4. The greatest wealth— is contentment with a little. 5. A letter- is half a meeting. 6. We may read mucli, witli- out understanding much. 7. Presence of mind. is necessary at all times. 8. Little boats sliould keep near shore; great ones — may venture more 9. I confide, and am at rest. 10. While tliere is life, tliere is hope. 11. He attains whatever he aims at. 12. A good story, is none the worse i, will be wise in larffe ones. 3. Never say a. fool- ish thing. 4. None can speak so feehnsly of an advantage, as he who has suffered by neglecting it. 5. Let not the sun go down on your wrath. 6. Our minds are moulded and fashioned by the books we read. 7. Better be good, and not aeeiR so, than seem good, and not be so. 8. A pleasant journey is dearly bought, with the loss of koma. 9. He, only, is a man, who governs himself. 10. Ml have power to distinguish between right, and wrong. 11. Turn a deaf ear to obscene words 12. ./fH things are proven by contrast. Good Sense. It will preserve us from cert- soriousness; will lead us to distinguish dV' cumstances; keep us from looking after vis- ionary perfection, and make us see things u) their proper light. It will lead us to study dispositions, peculiarities, accommodations; to weigh consequences; to determine what to observe and what to pass by; when to be immoveable, and when to yield. It will pro- duce good manners, keep us from taking freedoins, and handhng things roughly; will never agitate claims of superiority, but teach us to submit ourselves one to another. Good sense — will lead persons to regard their own duties, rather than to recommend those of others. Varieties. 1. Is not a true knowledge of the Divine Being, the foundation of religion, and the corner-stone of the church? 2. Every improper indulgence of the passions, increases their strength for evil. 3 Few seem to be aware, how much depends on the culture of our social nature. 4. It is a great happiness — to be free from suspicion; but a greater, to be free from offence. 5. To be without passion, is worse than a beast; and to be without reason, is worse than a man. 6. The refined pleasures of a truly pious mind, are far superior to the coarse gratifica- tions of sense. 7. God gave no faculty of mind, or body, to men, but those which he meant slaould be exerted, and hoiior him in his design; the perversion of those faculties, and acting from, in, and by them, contrary to God's design, makes the evil, disease, and death. THE DAY OF LIFE. The morning hours— of cheerful light. Of all the day— are best ; But, as they speed their hasty flight, If every hour— be spent aright. We sweetly sink— to sleep— at night., And pleasant— is our rest. And life— ia like a summer^s day. It seems so quickly past : Youth — ia the morning, bright, and gay , And, if 'tis spent in wisdom^s way, Wa meet old age — without dismay. And death— is sweet— at last. Oft, the cloud, that wraps the present hour. Lives— hnt to brighten— all out future days. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 86 840. Pauses, aie indications of silence; rhey were introduced with the art of printing ; and it is questionable, whether they have aid- ed us much in learning to read or speak : for if there were no pauses, we should be com- pelled to exercise the mind, so far as neces- sary to understand the author. Pauses in speech, are analagous to rests in music ; and there are seven different kinds in each art ; all of which must be thoroughly understood, in their essence, to read, write, or sing correctly. The true principles of notation, or pauses, are found only in the measure of speech, which is based on the philosophy of mind, involving the exercise of thinking and feel- in?;. The use of pauses is to aid in making the seme clearer, and should be only just long enough to answer their end. ail. There are two kixds of pauses, — Grammatical and Rhetorical. Grammatical pauses are distinguished by characters, and are addressed to the eye, as well as to the ear. The shortest pause is called a comma, (») which indicates a silence of one second. The, teacher is recommended to count, at every pause, while the pupil reads ; the same as is done at the rests in music ; this exercise, is the surest to accomplish the object. Ex. 1. Do to others, as you would they should do to you. 2. None can be a disciple of the graces, but in the school of virtue. 3. Be armed with courage, against thyself, against thy passions, and against ihy flatterers. 4. Every leaf, every twig, and every drop of water, teems with life. 5. The colors of the rairv- bow SiTe — violety indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. »4:3. Examples to Illustrate the Pauses. The three grand degrees of all existences are — what is natural, humax and DIVINE. The three grand divisions of all natural things are — earths, waters and atmospheres. The three kingdoms of nature axe — the min- eral, the vegetable, and the animal. The three divisions of the mineral kingdom are — the soils, the rocks, and the precious stones. The tliree divisions of the vegetable kingdom are — grasses, plants and shrubs, and trees. The three divisions of \he animal kingdom ere — into those that creep and walk on the earth, those that swim, and those that fly. Each of these divisions is divided in trines ,• according to which, all things exist, and sub- sist. Anecdote. An agent, soliciting subscri- bers for a book, showed the prospectus to a man, who, after reading- — "one dollar in boards, and one dollar and twenty-five cents in shjeep," — declined subscribing, as he might not have boards or sheep on hand, when call- ed upon for payment. The humble man, when he receives a wrong, R«f«ro revenge—to vyhom it doth belong. Proverbs., 1. A bird it known by his nots —and a man by his talk. 2. There are nuiny, who glory in their shame. 3. A good character- is a badge of excellence, that cannot long be ettn- cealed. 4. Never more, or less, than enough. 5 Some — ralher imitate greatness, than goodnose. 6. There is misery in want, and danger in excess. 7. Good sai/mg-s, belong to all; eyil actions only ' to their authors. 8. A knowledge of the way, is a good part of the journey. 9. If we go wrong, tho farther we go, the farther we are from horns. 10 Reform yourself first, and then, others. 11. The fool — wanders; the wise— travel. 12 Words arc wind ; seeing is believing. Inadequacy of lianguage. Words — are poor weapons. The most beautiful verses — are those which we cannot express. The diction of every language is iasufficient ; and every day, the heart of man finds, in the de- licacy of his sentiments, and the imagination discovers — in the impressions of visible nor ture,thvigs, which the mouth cannot embody for want of words. The heart, and the thought of man — are Uke a musician — driven to play infinitely varied music — on an organ, which has but few notes. It is sometimes more advisable to be silent than to speak. Silence — is felt by the soul, and appreciated by God ; and that is enough. Varieties. 1. Is not the doctrine of the divinity, and humanity — of the Lord Jesus Christ, the touch-stone, by which the chris- tian church is to.be tried. ^ 2. The life of a ch)-istian — is his walk; Christ is his way, and heaven — his home. 3. A coward in the field, is like a wise man's fool ; he does not know what he professes ; but a coward in the faifh, is like a/rx>/, in his wisdom, he does not profess wliat he knows. 4. Virtue — consists in the faithful performance of our duty, from love to God, and love to 7nan ; and vice — in the neglect of our duty from a love of self and a love of the loorld. 5. The heart of a worthless man — is as unfixed, ^nd. change able, as the fitful wind. 6. The tongue may speak the loudest ; but the heart — the truest. 7. Look at the form, consider tlie desire, and act, and mark the end; for thereby you mav know the nature of all created beings. This world's not " all a fleeting show. For man's illusion given ;" — He that hath sooth'd a tvidow''t wo. Or wip'd an orphan^s tear, doth Know There's something here of Heaven. And he, that walks life's thorny way. With feelings calm and eiicr, Whose path is lit, from day to day, By virtues bright and steady ray, Hath something felt of Heaven. He, that the christian's course hath ran, And all his foes forgiven, Who measures out life's little span In love to God— and love to man^ On earth, hath tasted Heaven. 86 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 343. The Semicolon — is an indication that we should pause long enough to count two, dehberately ; and while we are thus resting, from physical effort, we can carry on our mental effort, for the purpose of producing the desired eff'ect: for it is of the first impor- .tance, in reading and speaking, to keep the mmd employed with the thoughts and feel- ings; even when there is no external act; except it may be the play of the facial mus- cles. 1. Envy not the appearance of happi- uess in any one ; for you know not his secret grief, 2. The sign without the substance, is nothing; the substance without the sign, is all things. 3. None are so innocent, as not to be evil spoken of; none so wicked, as to want all commendation. 4. We may kn'^w what we will not utter ; but we should nevw utter, what we do not know. 344. The foUowmg lines afford a good ex ercise, in the placing and use of the gram- matical pause. I saw a peacock with a fiery tail I saw a blazing star that dropt down hail I saw a cloud begirt with ivy round I saw a sturdy oak creep on the ground I saw a pismire swallow up a whale I saw the brackish sea brim full of ale I saw a phial glass sixteen yards deep I saw a tvell full of men's tears to weep I saw man's eyes all on a flame of fire I saw a house high as the moon or higher I saw the radiant sun at deep midnight I saw the man, who saw this dreadful sight. 343. Natural History — involves the study of all the productions of nature, ani- mal, vegetable and mineral; their qualities, relations and origin. It is divided into tluree kingdoms, giving rise to the corresponding sciences of Zoology, Botany and Mineralogy ; which are divided into classes, orders, genera, and species, founded on prominent distinc- tions; in which, what most resembles the earth, are placed nearest in relation to it. Anecdote. " How do you know," (said a traveler to a poor wandering Arab of the des- ert,) " That there is a God .?" " In the same manner" (he replied,) " that I trace the/oo/- nteps of an animal, — by the prints it leaves upon the sand." Nor let soft slumber — close your eyes, Before you've recollected thrice The train of actions— through the day ; Where have my /ee<— chose out the way ? What have I learned, where'er I've been, From all I've h«ard, from all I've seen ? What know I more, that's worth the knowing f Wnat nave I done, that's worth the doing? What have I sought, that I should shun? What duty— have I left undone ? Or into what new follies run? These %elf. inquiries— are the road, That leads to virtue— and to God, Proverbs. 1. P. asperity — engenders sto''". 2. Laziness — grows on people ; it begins vn cob- webs, and ends in chains. 3. Many have done a wise thing ; more a cunning thing ; but very/ew— a generous thing. 4. What camiot be toW, had better not be done. 5. No patience, no true wis- dom. 6. Those that are careless of themselves, cmt hardly be mindful of others. 7. Contentment givee a crown, where fortune hath denied it. 6. Ha, who lives disorderly one year, does not enjoy hin> self for ^t'e. 9. Public men, should have pub.ic minds : or private ends will be served, at the puly- lie cost. 10. ilfi/tZness— governs belter than ange>. 11. While there is life, there is hope. 12. Good men — are a public good. Importance of Observation. The ex- ternal world is designed, by its Creator, to aid essentially in developing the human mind. Ten thousand objects appeal to our observation ; and each one is a book — of the most interesting character, which can be had without nnoney, and without price. But we must attend to the animate, as well as to the in-animate world, — to men, as well as to things. We should not be ashamed to ask for intbrmation, when we do not understand the whys and wherefores ; nor fail of con- versing with every one, who can impart to us useful knowledge. Varieties. 1. Are christians prohibited the proper use of any natural good! 2. When the honor and interest of truth are concerned, it is our duty to use all lawful means — for its support and defence. 3. Tol- eration — is odious to the intolerant ; free- dom — to oppressors; property to robbers; and all kinds of ptvsperity to the envious. 4. General Washington was born, Feb. 22nd, (0. S.) 1732; and died, Dec. 14th, 1797, aged 67; 21 years after the Declaration of Inde- pendence. 5. What is the most perfect Gov- ernment'.' that, where an injury done the meanest citizen, is considered an insult upon the constitution. 6. Grammar — speaks ; Di- alectics — teach truth ; Rhetoric — gives color- ing to our speech ; Music — sings ; Arithme' tic — numbers : Geometry — weighs ; and As- tronomy — teaches us to know the stars. 7. As the Apostle saith, so it is, viz: The in- visible things of God, and Divine Order, may be seen, and understood by those things which are made, in outward creation ; even ( his eternal power and God-head. Words are like leaves ; and where they most abound^ Much fruit of sense beneath— is rarely found. False eloquence, like the prismatic glass, Its gaudy colors spreads-on ev''ry place ; The face of Nature— we no more survey ; All glares alike, without distinction— g-ni/ : But true expression, like th' unchanging sun^ Clears, and improves, whate'er it shines upon : It gilds — all objects, but it alters — nor^i. Expression — is the dress of thought, and stiU Appears more decent — as more suUai^ PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 87 846. A Colon, (:) marks a pause of thre^ Boconds; or while one can count three, delib- erately. Principles — are tested by their ap- plication ; but even then, we must think, as well as feel, and ascertain the whys and wherefores, 1. Read the sacred Scriptures: they are the dictates of divine wisdom. 2. Harbor no malice in thy heart: it will be a viper in thy bosom. 3. Do not insult a poor man • his situation entitles him to our jnty. L He, that studies only man, will get the body without the soul : he that studies only books, will get the soul, without the body : wudom says, study both. 5. Partially deaf persons, more easily hear a moderately loud voice witli a clear articulation, tJian a very loud one, that is rapid and indistinct : so it IS with a weali voice, in addressing a large assembly. 347. CoijfciDEiircE. Washington — was bom, Feb. 22d, 1732, was inaugurated, 1789 and his term of service expired in the 66th year of his age : John Adams was born, Oct 19, 1735; inaugurated, 1797; term ex- pired in the 66th year of his age: Thomas Jefferson was born, April 2d, 1743; inaugu- rated, 1801 ; term expired in the66tli year of his age: Madison wd.s born, March 5th, 1751 ; inaugurated, 1809; term expired in the 66th year of liis age : Monroe was born, April 2d, 1759; inaugurated, 1817; term expired in tJie 66th year of his age : all these five presi- dents were men of the Revolution, and ended their term of service in the 66th year of theibr age. 348. Breathing. When we sit at our case, and are not exercising the voice, our breathing is slow and regular; and the more we speak, work, or sing, the more frequently must we inhale fresh air ; because the expenr- diture is greater at such times : many persons fall victims to this neglect ; and little is our primary instruction in reading calculated to aid us in appropriate breathing ; the results of which are, exceedingly bad habits, induc- ing impediments in vocal efforts, disease and death. Oh, when shall we be wise, and un- derstand these things 1 How hard to learn, even by experience.' Anecdote. A Mutual Mistake. Two gentlemen were riding in a stage-cosich ; when wieof them, missing his handkerchief, rashly accused the other of having stolen it; but soon finding it, had the good manners to beg pardon for the affront; saying it was a mis- take : to which the other replied, with great readiness, and kind feeling, " Don't be \m- easy; it was a mutual mistake: you took me for a thief ^ and I took you, for a gentle- man." It is a vam attempt To bind the an:!:T'tiotis and unjust, by treaties ; Thcsfi — they elu-xe — a thousand specious ways. Proverbs. 1. Ltlgion ssy» — \ovQdU; and hate none. 2. Observe all those rules oi politeness at home, that you would airong strangers. 3. At the close of each day, carefully review your con- duct. 4. Avoid unpleasant looks. 5. Be not over anxious for money. 6. Acquire the useful— first : the brilliant — afterwards. 7. A virtuous youth^ will make a happy old age. 8 One ill example— spoils many good precepts. 9. It costs more to re- venge injuries, than to bear them. 10. For Ilia evidence of truth, look at the truth itself. 11. A friend is known, when needed. 12. Who robe i scholar, robs the public. ESxperience. In early youth, whUe yet we live among those we love, we love without restraint, and our hearts overflow in every look, word and action. But when we enter the vjorld, and are repulsed by strangers, and forgotten hy friends, we grow more and more timid in our approaches, even to those we love best. How delightful to us, then^ are the caresses of children ! All sincerity, all affection, they fly into our arms,- and then only, we feel the renewal of our ffrst confidence, and first pleasure. Varieties. 1. What is more revoltirig — tlian the idea of a plurality of Gods ? 2. An evil habit, in the beginning, is easUy sub- dued ; but being often repeated, it acquires strength, and becomes inveterate. 3. The bee and the serpent — often extract the samo juices ; but, by the serpent, they are conver- ted into poison ; whde by the bee, tJiey are converted into honey. 4. He, that aims at the sun, will not hit it, — ^but his arrow will fly higher, than if he aimed at an object on a le- vel with himself. 6. Is there not a place and state, for every one, and should not every one be in his proper state and place ? 6. Those little words, " fry," and " begin,^' have been great in their results: ^'Ican^f^ — ne^er did anything, and never will: "III try'' — haa done wonders. " The ministry of a??g-eZs — is that of supplying us with spiritual reason.% truths, and /(we-principles, whensoever we stand in need of them. Gold— many hunted, sweat— and bled for gold ; Waked all the night, and labored all the day : And what was this allurement, dost thou ask ? A dust, dug from the bowels of the earth, Which, being cast into X\iefire, came out A shining thing, that /oo& admired, and called- • A god ; and, in devout and humble plight. Before it kneeled, the greater— to the less. And on its altar — sacrificed ease, peace. Truth, faith, integrity; good conscience, friends, Love, chanty, benevolence, and all The sweet and tender sympathies of life; And to complete the horrid— murderous rite. And signalize iheir foUy, offered up Their souls, and an eternity of bliss, To gain them—ichat? an hour of dreamm^^ joy i A feverish hour— that hasted to be done^ And ended— in the bitterness of iro. 88 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 3*9, A Period, (.) shows that we should pause four seconds; or while we can count four, deliberately. 1. Envy no man. 2. Knovr thyself. 3. Guard against idtewess. 4. Vilify no person's reputation. 5. Abhor a falsehood. 6. Blessed are the poor in spint. l.Jesnawept. 8. Hurt not thyself. 9. Cher- ish the spirit of benevolence. 10. Perform y OUT daty faithfully. 11. Make a proper use of time. 12. Cultivate the affections. 13. Do good to all. 14. Be punctual in your engagements. 15. Love humanity. 6. Obey the commandments. 17. Live the Lord's Frayer. 18. Be holy oxiAjust. 19. ^e perfect. 20. Live for immortality. 250. Pytliagorus, about five hundred years before the Christian era, called the visi- ble universe — ^by the very expressive Greek name, ho kosmos — the order, which we translate — the world. The Platonic school, afterwards, withdrawing attention from gen- eral nature, and fixing it on the epitome — Man — ^began to call Aim — homikros kosmos, the miniature world ; or, order in miniature. How much useful and instructive history ♦here is in the origin of v)ords! and it is gratifying to know, that these same subjects employed such minds as Plato's, more than two thousand years ago. 351. The intellectual physiognomy of Chatham — was of a severe, and commanding order ; his genius — ^was eminently practical : and while no person — ever surpassed him, in tlie lofty aspiration and generous enthusi- asm of patriotism, few have equalled him, in their calm and christian application. His ■private character, — shone with a lustre, very different from the unhealthy glare of political fame. His correspondence — presents him im- ,1er an engaging aspect, and enables the rea- der to admire the husband and father, not less than the statesman and the orator. Anecdote. The Far Weft. "Pray sir, said one gentleman to another, " Is not In- diana— the Far West?'' "Oh no sir," was the reply. " Well, is not Illinois P'' " Very far from it." " Surely then, when we cross the Mississippi, you are in the Far West /" "No, not exactly." " PFAertf, then, w the Far West !" " Why sir, it is about a half a mile this side of sunset.'^ Beware, proud man, the frst approach to crime. Indulgence — is most dangerotis — hby, fatal, — Resist, or soon resistance is in vain. The^rsfr— leads to the second, then to the third 'The. fourth succeeds, until,/omi7iar grown With vice, we start not— at our own misdeeds. Temptation comes, so clothed in speciousness, So full of seeming, we behold her not With apprehension, till her baneful pow^r Hub wrestled with our virtue : dreadful state! When vice steals in, and, like a lurking thitf, €ap6—l\ifi foundation of inUgrity. Proverbs. 1. Put jot off repentatiee—li'i an- other day. 2. Rashness — is the fruitful parent of misfortune. 3. Se^/'-exaUation — is the fooPs para- dise. 4. Sweet is the memory — of departed worth. 5. The covetous man — is his own tormentor. 6 Avail yourself of the wisdom, and experience of others. 7. Be ambitious of excelling, that you may do and get the greater good. 8. The frst step to greatness is — to be honest. 9. Truth — is the bch sis of all excellence. 10. Unlaicful love — general- ly ends in bitterness. 11. They ttiat hide, can find. 12. A penny spared, is twice got. The Gentleman and liis Tenant. A COUNTRY gentleman — had an estate of two hundred pounds a year, which he kept in his own hands, tiU he found himself so much in debt, that he was obliged to sell one half to satisfy his creditors, and let the re- mainder to a farmer for one and twenty years. Before the expiration of his lease, the farmer asked the gentleman, when he came one day to pay his rent, whether he would sell the land he occupied. " Why, will you purchase itl" said the gentleman. " If you will part with it, and we can agree,'' rephed the farmer. "That is exceeding strange,'" said the gentleman. " Pray, tell me how it happens, that I could not live upon twice as much land, for which 1 paid no rent, and thai you, after regularly paying me a himdred s year for the half, are able, so soon, to pur- chase it." " The reason is plain," answered the farmer. " You sat still, and said, Go. 1 stood up, and said, Come. You lay in bed and enjoyed your ease, /rose in the morn ing, and minded my business." Varieties. 1. Who should be more vir tuous and intelligent, than the Teacher, who is to educate, and form characters — for timt and eternity? 2. The happiness of every one — depends more on the state of his ow7i paind, ihan any external circumstance: nay more than all external things put together. 8. Borrowed money — manes time short. 4. The lowest condition of life, with prudence, is better than the most exalted station, with- out it. 5. How absurd, to be complaining and tormenting ourselves, for what it is im- possible to avoid, or attain. 6. Pause, awliile, ye travelers on earth, and candidates for e!er- nity, and contemplate the universe, and the Wisdom and Leve of Him who made it. 7 Where there is no tmison with God, the oy\ly source of order, love and light, there b nev ther order, or Inve, or li%ht, but their op}M> sites. S. Art — is long, life — is short. How terrible — is passion ! how our reason Falls down before it; while the lorturea/ram«, Like a ihtp — dashed by fierce encountering tides- And of her ytiat spoil'd, drives round and roM'id. The sport of ivind — and wave. Our passions— sXvf&ys fatal counsel give ; Through Sl fallacious glass — our wrongs — appear Still gr«oter— than they art. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION 89 asa. The Interrogation, (?) indicates a pause, equal to the Colon, or Period, accord- ing to circumstances. It is generally used as a sign of asking ^wes^tOTW.- though sometimes, it is one of the strongest modes of affirniation. 1. Can you see? 2. Coxi yo\x hear? 3. Can you taste ? 4. Can you &mell ? 5. Can you feel? 6. Who are you? 7. What are you doin^? 8. Where a.Te you going ? 9. What is your destiny? 10. Who made you] 11. Of what are you thinking? 12. Whom do '■•ou love? 853. Among the examples above, are, the first five questions, that are direct : because diey admit the answer, yes, or no ; all such interrogations require the voice to gUde up- vjard, in asking them ; the la^t seven questions are indirect ; because they do not admit the answer yes, or no ; all such interrogations re- quire the voice to glide downward,in asking them. You can test the theory thus: Can you see? Yes,- or no. Who are you 1 Yes,- or no. The former — makes sense ; the latter nonsense. Can you hear? Yes. Can you taste? No. What are you doing? Yes. Where are you going? No. However, it will be seen hereafter, that the sHdes of ftie voice, up, or down, may be reversed — in every instance, and yet make good sense. a54r. Direct Question in reference to our Living Temples. Is not the house, in which we live, a very curious building 7 Can we conceive of any form — more beautiful than the human form, when it has not been per- verted, or deformed? Who knows best, we, or our Creator, what is tlie proper shape in which we should bel Can we mend his works 1 Is any thing beautiful — that is not useful ? Were we not made right, and have we not, in a measure, unmade ourselves ? Is not OUR HOUSE a very convenient one, and its furniture admirably adapted to the wants of its occupant ? Would it not be well — fre- quently to take a view of the form, covering, apartments, furniture, employments, uses and abuses of this wonderful house of ours ] Anecdote. A Challenge. After the battle of Actium, Mark Antony — challenged Au- gustus, — who disarmed him in the following words. " If Antony — is weary of his hfe, there are other ways of despatch, besides fighting him ; and for my part, I shall not trouble myself to be his executioner.^^ There are some — Aeart-entwining hours in life, With sweet seraphic inspiration rife; When mellowing thoughts, like music on the ear, Melt through the soul, and revel in a tear ; A.nd such are they, when, tranquil and alone, We sit — and ponder — on long periods flown ; And, charmed by fancy's retrospective gaze, liive in an atmosphere — of other days; Till friends and faces, flashing on the min '., Cofueal tlie havoc— (tme has left behind 12 Proverl>8. 1. Manifest noerciiemmt, when a mistake is made. 2. Be shicere — in your profes- sions o{ friendship. 3. Cultivate a pure heart, a'ld you will have a pleasant countenance. 4. Nevei speak to the disadvanUif^e of any one, unless duty — requires it. 5. Avoid i ght and trifling conversa- tion. 6. A civil answer, to a rude speech — costs but littk, and is worth a good deal. 7. Dispel corrod- ing care; and consider it sinful—Xo give way lo passion. 8. C/iarwis— strike the sig,ht; but tTieritr- wins the soul. 9. Persons are to be estimated, ac- cording to their goodness, — not according to their dress. 10. The sincere and candid man, — has no- thing to conceal; for he speaks nothing but the truth. 11. Turn a deaf ear to angry words. 12. He who promises — runs in debt. liaconics. We esteem most things according to their intrinsic merit; it is strange man should be an exception. We prize a.horse for his stretigth and courage, — not for his furniture. We prize a man for his sumptuous palace, his great train, his vas* revenue; yet these are his furniture, not his mind. Varieties. 1. Which is the more impor- tant — and useful discovery, the balloon, oi the telegraph? 2. What is the cause of sea- currents 1 3. Will it take ages — to discover the truth ; or ages — to ackiwwledge it, when it is discovered! 4. What is meant by the words, a pure state of nature ? Do they not mean that state, in which the condition, cir- cumstances, and habits of men — are in strict accordance with the laws of his nature ? 5. Is not Hip-j90c-rartes called the Father of Medicine ? 6. If we are not happy, is it be- cause our Creator has not endowed us with the capability of becoming so f 7 What ia the difference — in reasoning from facts and experience, and reasoning from a mixture of truth and false flood ? Do not many — reason from the latter, instead of from the former? THE BEACON. The scene — was more beautiful— ^/or to my eye Than if day — in its pride — had arrayed it; The ^and-breeze blew mild, and the azure arch'd sky Look'd pure — as the Spirit that made i* The murmur rose soft, as I silently gaz'd On the shadowy wave'^s playful motion, From the dim distant hill, till thebeacon-fire blaz'fl Liko a star — in the midst of the ocean. No longer the joy of the sailor boy's breast Was heard in his wildly breath'd numbers, The seo-bird— had flown to her wat-e-girdled nest, The fisherman — sunk to his slumbers. One moment I look'd— from the hill's gentle slope^ All AwA'd— was the billow^s commotion, And thought— that the beacon look'd lovdy as iop«, That star — on life's tremulous ocean. The time— is long past, and the scene— is q/ow, Yet, when my head— rests on its pillow Will memory — sometimes — rekindle the st?ii That blazedr-on the breast of the billow. In life's closing hour, when the trembling soul flie^ And death— stills the heart's— last emotion, O then— may the seraph ofTnerey arise I liike a star— on Eternity^s ocean. 90 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION a55. The exclamation Point (!) indicates about the same length of silence, as the In- terrogation: but the shde of the voice, is gen- erally dowmvard, from the 6th or Sth note, because tliere is a kind of an outflowing, and then an indraitnng of the mind, — an inflow- ing of the affections, that give rise to this man^ \festatio7i. 1. What a beautiful iafee/ 2. How delightful the music is ! 3. What a splendid piece of U)orkmanshi.p ! 4. How charming IS the prospect .' 5. What a majestic scene I 6. How inimitable those strains are! 7. What a piece of work is man ! 8. How glo- rious ai-e all the works of God.' 9. What splendid views of heaven ! 10. How majes- tically — the Sun — wheels his mig\\ty round ! 35G. Examples of Exclamation. 1. Fcv- thers! Senators of Borne / the arbiters of wa- twns ! to you I fly for refuge ! 2. Eternity ! thou pleasing, dreadful thought ! 3. Behold the daughter of innocence .' what a look I what beauty! what sweetness! 4. Behold — a great, a good man ! wliat majesty ! how graceful ! how commanding ! 5. 0, vener- able shade ! O, illustrious hero ! 6. Fare- well ! a lo7ig fareweU — to all my greatness ! 7. It stands — solid and entire ! but it stands alone — and it stands amidst ruins ! 8. I am stripped of all ray hmior ! I lie prostrate on the eai'th! 9. Leave me! oh! leave me to repose ! 1 0. Hear me, Lord ! for thy lov- ing kindness is great ! 257. Natural Tlieolog^y* From the ex- ternal andiniemal evidences afforded us, from creation, and the modes of existence, we as- sume, that man — is naturally a religious be- ing: the stamp of the Deity is upon him even before his birth ; and in every subse- quent stage of his existence, no matter what may be his social, moral or civil condition, that stamp — remains with him. It is not to be found on the Jew and Christian only, but on all men, in all ages, climes, and conditions of life. Anecdote. A Lawyer and Physician, having a dispute about precedence, referred the case to Di-og-e-nes, the old philosopher} who gave judgment in favor of the Lawyer, in these words: " Let the thief go before, and I'^t the executioner follow after.** The rill— IS timeless— to his ear, who feels No liarmony within ; the south wmd— steals As silent — as unseen — among the leaves. Who has no inward beauty, none perceives, Though all around is beautiful. Nay, more— In nature's calmest hour— he hears the roar Of winds, and flinging wares— put out the light, When high — and angry passwns meet in fight ; And, his own spirit into tumuk hurled. He makes a turmoil — of a quiet world : The fiends of his own bosom — people air W.Ji kir^Ared fiends, that hunt him— to despair. Not rural sighu alone— but rural sounds Exhilors'e the spirits. Proverbs. 1. Great designs, and small mea^is- have been tl e ruin of many. 2. He, is a slave to the greatest slave, who serves none but himself. 3. Correct the errc/rs of others, wh«n you can, and inspire them with the love of goodncs and truth. 4. It is the act of a base mind, to de- ceive, by telling a lie. 5. Liberality — consists *cs8 in giving profusely, than in giving judiciously. 6. The head and/e«< coot ; the rest will take little harm. 7. We know well, only what has cost us trouble to learn. 8. " Haste not, rest not ;" was the motto on Goethe's ring. 9. Keep your thoughts— close, and your couji-tenace — open, and you may go safely through the world. 10. With the humbk, there ia perpetual peace. 11. Long is the arm of the needy 12. Poverty is an evil counsellor. 13. Delay — oflen makes one wise. War and Truth.. A wise minister would rather preserve peace, than gain a victory ; because he loiows that even the most success- ful war leaves a nation poor, and always more profligate, than before it. There are real evilf that cannot be brought into a list of indemn- ties, and the demoralizing influence of war ; not among the least of them. The triumphs of truth are the more glorious, chiefly, be- cause they are the most bloodless of all victo- ries, deriving their highest lustre from the saved, not from the slain. Tarieties. 1. It is the nature of truthy — never to force. 2. Is not the science of human nature, very comprehensive, as well as complicated and pi^ofound? 3. How can the mere knowledge of historical events- avail to the salvation of the soul? 4. What is meant by the maityr Stephen, seeing the HEAVENS oPENEu ; and, John's being in the spirit, on the Lord^s day ? 5. To see spirit- ual existences, must not the eyes of the un- derstanding be opened "J 6. There is but one law in being, which the Lord fulfilled, and went through, in the world : He passed through the whole circle — of both spiritual and natural ordeis and assumed all states, possible for man to be in, when in progression from the state of nature, — to that of perfecl grace; and by virtue thereof, can touch its — in all states of trial, we can possibly be in. 'Tis the quiet hour — of feeling, Now — the busy day is past, And the tivilight shadows — stealing, O'er the world — their mantle cast ; Now, the spirit, worn and saddened, Which the cares of day had bowed, By its gentle influence — gladdened, Forth emerge.' from the cloud; While, on Memory''s magic pages. Rise our long ]ost joys to light. Like shadowy forms — of other ages, From the oblivious breast of night; And the loved — and lost — revisit Our fond hearts, their place of yore. Till we long with them to inherit Realms above — to part — no more. The patient mind, by yielding, overcomc4 PRINCIPLES OF TLOCUTION. 91 S5 8. The Parenthesis ( — ) shows, that the words included within it, must be read, or spoken, on a lower pitch, and with a quicker movement, than the other parts of the sen- tence ; as though anxious to get through with the explanation, or illustrative matter — con- tained in it; and the parenthetical clause, generally, has the same slide, or injlexion of voice, as the last word of the sentence, imme- diately preceding it. 1. An honest man, (says Mr. Pope,) is the noblest work of God. 2. Fride, (as the Scripture saith,) was not made for man. 3. The Tyrians were the first, (if we are to believe — what is told us by writers of the highest authority,) who learned the art of navigation. 4. Know ye not, brethren, (for X speak to them that know the law,) how that the law — hath dominion over a man — as long as he liveth ? 359. That strong, hyperbolical manner, which we have long been accustomed to call the Oriental style of poetry, (because some of the earliest poetical productions — came to us from the East,) is, in truth, no more On- ental, than Oc-cirden-tal ,- it is characteristic of an age, rather than of a country, and be- longs, in some manner, to all nations, at that period, which gave rise to music and song. aeo. Mineralogy — treats of minerals,- their properties, composition, classification, and M5C5. A mineral — is an organic natural substance, either gaseous, as air; liquid, as water ; or solid, as earth and stones : it is in- separably connected with Geologt, which treats of the structure of the earth, and the masses that compose it ; also, of the changes it has undergone, and to which it is still ex- posed ; while its practical importance is re- cognized in Agriculture, Mining, and En- gineering, it ranks with Botany and Chemis- try in its recondite developments, and with Astronomy — in the sublimity of its themes and results, »s one of the most profound and interesting of the sciences. Anecdote. Fashion's Sake. Lord Mans- field, being willing to save a man, who had stolen a watch, directed the jury — to bring it 'a value — ten pence. " Ten pence, my Lord !" ,6ad the prosecutor ; " why, the yeiy fashion of it cost fifty shillings.'" His lordship re- [Aied, '^ Pej-haps so; but we cannot har>- a. •"oan for fashion's sake." I f;erwr2ic — ihe pilgrim's cause, Yet, for the red man — dare to plead : We — bow to Heaven's recorded laws, He — turu'd to Nature — for a creed ; Beneath the pillar'd dome^ We — seek our God in -prayer ; Through boundless woods — he loved to roam, And the Great Spirit — worshiped there. But one, one fellow-throb with its he felt ; To ofM Divinity — with tLS he knelt — Freedom! the self-same freedom — tve adore, Be parting to a friend— a. knowledlge of our mitfor tunes, wc5 often feel them lightened. 6. The body may be enslaved ; but no human power -lan con- trol the mind, without its consent ^ A flowery path— is not that which conducts us to glory. 8, Let us use, not aAuie — the good things of life. 9. A good reputation — is preferable to a girdle of gold, 10. Lofty towers— tumble with a tremendous crosA. 11. Dig not your grave with the teet/i. 12. April showers, make M&y flowers. Snjoyment. When I walk the streets, 1 use the following natural maxim, viz. that he is the true possessor of a thing who enjoys it and not he that owns it without the enjoy - ment of it ; to convince myself that I have a property in the gay part of all the gilt chari- ots that I meet, which I regard as amuse- ments, designed to delight my eyes, and the imagination of those kind of people, who sit in them, gaily attired, only to please me. 1 have a real, and they only an imaginary, plea- sure from their exterior embellishments. Upon the same principle, I have discovered that I am the natural proprietor of all the diamond necklaces, the crosses, stars, bro- cades, and embroidered clothes, which I see at a play or 6?r«^-night, as giving more natu- ral delight to the spectator, than to those that wear them. And I look on the beaux and ladies, as so many paroquets in anaviary, or tulips in a garden, designed purely for my diversion. A gallery of pictures, a. cabinet f or library, that I have free access 16, I think my own. In a word, all that I desire is the use of things, let who will have the keep ing of them. By which maxim I am grown one of the richest men in the world ; with this difference, that I am not a prey to my own cares, or the envy of others. Varieties. 1. Can we be responsible, without being endowed v/\thfreedom, and ra tionality ? 2. Perfect freedom is the birth- right of man, and heaven forbid that any hu- man authority should infringe upon it ; but in the Exercise of this right, let us be humble and discreet, and never do wrong. 3. If the roots be left, the grass will grow again. 4. Brutes — have a language peculiar to them- selves ; so have deaf and dumb persons. 5. There are merchants— with the sentiments, and abilities, oi statesmen; and there are \\er- sons in the ranks of statesmen, with the con- ceptions and characters of pedlars. 6. The natural world is a world of dreams; for no thing is — as it appears ; but the spiritual world — is a yvorldo^ realities, where we shall see as we are seen, and know — as we are known. 7. The granary^of all heavenltf seed, is the Word of God; the ground — is our will, in which that seed must be sown. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 95 360. This Word - Painting, being a sub- ject of such great importance, and one that is inseparably connected with emphasis, we wUl dwell upon it a little longer, and apply ii practically; for — unless we get into the in- ternals of the subject, all our efforts will be nearly unavailing. A very good way to perfect ourself in this style of painting, is — to close the eyes, after having memorized the words, (or get some one to read them delibe- rately,) and infix the thoughts and feelings of the author in the mind, aqd let there be a commingling of them with your own, in such a way, that there will be an entire re-produc- tion, and re-formation of them, — a new crea- tion. The effect of this kind of exercise on the mind, wUl be like that of the warm sun, and refreshing rain, in developing and per- fecting vegetation. THUNDER STORM ON THE ALPS. Far along From peak to peak, the rattling crags among, Leaps the live thunder I not from one lone cloud, But every mountain — now, hath found a tongue. And Jwro— answers through her misty shroud. Back to the joyous Alps., who called aloud. Thy syit'ii— Independence,— \&i me share. Lord of the lion heart — and eagle eye 1 Thy steps I follow, with my bosom bare. Nor heed the storms that howl across the sky. Tis greatly wise — to talk with our past hours, And ask them— what report — they bore to heaven ; And kow they mtg-A( have borne— more welcome news ; Their amu'ers— form— what men—experiertce call. 370. Chemistry — treats of the composi- tion of uU material substances, their sensible properties and relations, and the effects pro- duced upon them — by cohesion, affinity, light, heat, and electricity. Its 'ttudy — reflects light upon all these effects, and is subsidiary to the natural and medical sciences : indeed, its ap- plication extends throughout the wider range of all the physical arts; and hence, ranks among the most useful of the sciences. If the fair sex — would understand this subject, only 80 far as it relates to house-keeping, they would see, that there is no necessity of hav- ing poor soap, or bad bread, or of making other mistakes in their culinary preparations. ' Anecdote. Mad Man. A man, who was Qi parently more of a wit — than a marf-man, but who, notwithstanding, was confined in a rnarf-house, being asked how he came there, answered — "Merely a dispute of words; I eaid that all men were mad; and all said / was ma ! ; the majority — carried the point, Qud here j aw." Walls of brass — resist not A noble undertaking, — nor can vice — Raise any bulwark— to make good a place, Where virtue— seeks to enter. Lovers say, the heart — hath treble wrong, When it is barred— the aidance of the tongue. Proverbs. 1- He, whose txiienditure is more than his income, vek\x%t hepoor; but he that receives more than he spends, must be rick. 2. Wiiat some speakers fail in, as to depth, thfy make up as to length. 3. Money, earned with iirtle labor, is generally spent with little consideration. 4 We dften lose those things that are certain, while we pursue others that are doubtful. 5. He, who knows nothing, doubts nothiu'r. 6. Many per- sons feel an irreconcilable enmity — towards those whom they have injured. 7. Without sweat and labor, no work is perfected. 8. AccumuJated wealth— hjings care, and a thirst for increasing riches. 9. Whether in prosperity, or adversity, we should always endeavor to preserve equa- nimity. 10. Do not grieve for tnai which is irre- coverably lost. 11. Use soft words, and hard arguments. 12. A full purse never lacks friends. Dissimulation. Dissimulation in youth, is the forerunner of perfidy in old age ; its Jirst appearance — is the fatal omen of grow- ing depravity, and future shame. It degrades parts and learning, obscures the lustre Oi every accomplishment, and sinks us into con- tempt. The path of falsehood is a perplexing maze. After the first departure from sin- cerity, it is not in our pc^er to stop ; one ar- tifice unavoidably leads on to another ; till, as the intricacy of the labyrinth increases, we are left entangled in our snare. VARIETIES. Pom— is perfect misery, the worst of evils ; And excessive, overturns all patience. 'Tis base — to change with fortune, and deny A faithful /rienrf, because in poverty. Who lives to nature, — rarely can be poor ; Who lives io fancy, never can be rich. JtfMsic- resembles poetry ; in each— Are nameless graces, which no methods teach- And which a master's hand alone — can reach Bright-eyed /a7icy— hovering o'er, Scatters— from her pictured urn. Thoughts — that breathe, and tcorrfs— that burn If good — we plant not, vice — will fill the place, And rankest tceeds — the richest soil — deface. But the good man, whose soul is pure, Unspotted, and of pardon — sure, Looks thro' the darkness of the gloomy mgkt. And sees the dawning — of a glorious light. Would you taste the tranquil scene ? Be sure your bosom — be serene ; Devoid of hate, devoid oC strife. Devoid of oW that poisons life. And much it 'vails you— in their place, To graft the love— of human race. How deep — yon azure — dyes the sky, Where orbs of g-oW— unnumbered lie While, through their ranks, in silver pride, The nether crescent— seems to glide .' Thou sun, said I, fair light! And thou, enlightened earth, so fresh and gay! Ye hills and dales, ye rivers, woods, and plains. And ye that live, and move, fair creatures, tell, Tell if you can, how came I thus, how here ? 96 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 371. Rtthm — poetical measure, or verse; of wnich there are various kinds. Prose— is tnan's natural language, which is rather laose and unconfined. Poetry— originates in the affections, prose in the thoughts, of the human mind; tho' some poems are occasion- ally prosaic, and some prose— :poe^tc;/eeZ- ing predominates in the former,— thought, in the latter. Our rules for reading and speaking are the same, whether in prose or poetry : for in all cases, the manner must be adapted to. the matter,- the sound to the sense .- in other words, the mind's perception ajidfeeli7ig of the matter, must dictate the ap- propriate manner ; " suit the actix)n to the word, the word to the action ; and o'erstep not the modesty of nature.'''* Yon cloud is bright, and beautiful— ii floats Alone in God's horizon ; on its edge Thfc stars seem hung like pearls : it looks as pure As 'twere an angel's shroud,— the white cymar Of purity, >ust peeping through \is folds To give a pitying look— on this sad world. Go visit it, and find, that all ib false ; Its glories— dite hut fog, and its white /orm Is plighted to some coming ihunder-gust ; — The rain, the wind, the lightning, have their source In such bright meetings. Gaze not at the clouds. However beautiful. Gaze at the sky. The clear, blue, tranquil, fixed, and glorious sky. ii72. AoRicuLTUKE — is the art of cultiva- ting the ground ; it include^, also, the rear- ing and management of domestic animals; it is sometimes called Farming, and Hus- bandry: and, although simple in its opera- tions, it derives great benefit from Machinery, —whence it takes its implements ; from Chemistry, — whence it derives a knowledge of soils, and the means of fertilizing them ; from Botany, — which teaches a knowledge of the plants — to be cultivated or destroyed; and from Zoology — which teaches the habits and peculiarities of the animals it rears, and the means of improving them for use — and profit. Anecdote. Kosciusko, the hero of Poland, wishing to make a present to a Clergyman, sent it by a young man, and desired him to take the h/jrse, which he AimseZ/ usually rode. )n his return, the younf man said — he would never ride his horse again, unless he gxvehis purse at the same time; for, said he, "as soon as a poor man on the road takes off his hat, and asks charity, the horse immedi- ately stops, and will not stir, till something- is gi ven the pe/i/ioner,- and as I had but lit- tle money with me, I was obliged, when it was gone,to feign giving something, in order to satisfy the horse.'''* Cursed be your senate ; cursed your constitution ; The curse of growing factions— and divisions- Still vex your aouncils, shake your public safety, \nd make the rcbes of government— you wear, Wattful to you, as these chains are — to me. Proverbs. 1. Truth— is but another na«ta— fox fact. 2. There is a mental, as well as civil com- monwealth. 3. The end of learning, is useful- ness, — not reputation. 4. Study the principles of things, — as well as their uses. 5. Common sense — which is very wn-common, is the best sen.sc in the world. G. JVo one can hit a mark, without aiming at it; and skill is acquired, by repeated attempts. 7. Never do anything with indifference; and do everything as perfectly as possible. 8 Never cut out a piece of a newspaper, till you have looked on the other side. 9. In prosperity, — prepare for a change; in adversity, — hope for one. 10. Haste — is a poor apology ; take time, and do your work well. 11. Personal effort — seldom fails to obtain its object. 12. Some people never have enough. Autumn. It was a glorious day in aw- tumn. The sky, of unsullied blue, glowed like a sapphire. The universal air — was fill- ed with stillness. Not a breeze whispered — not a bird flapped its wing. It was the tri- umph of repose — when the undying energies of man — slumbered for a moment, — when even the conflict of his passions was suspend- ed. Beautiful, melancholy autumn ! whose ruddy ripeness — whispers of decay; whose richest tints — mingle with the " sear and yel low leaf," as if the lusty year — had toilea through youth and manhood for wealthy which overflows, just when.waning life — in- dicates, that tlie power of enjoyment — is pae»- ing away. Varieties. 1. What is the difference — between reading and reflection ? 2. To look away from principles, and see only their ap- plication, tends to idolatry. 3. Suspicion is the effect — of the association of ideas — mis- directed by the imagination; it never exists — without a shade of insanity. Thjo' deep, yet clear ; tho' gentle, yet not dull , Strong, without ro^e,— without overflowing— full. 5. In what manner- is uniformity in events — depending, apparently, on contingent cir- cumstances, to be accounted for ] 6. Only by appealing to first principles — can we n. caver, or maintain — the spirit and essence, of genuine wisdom, and intelligence. 7 The greatest degree — of self-abasement, if real, is the nearest approach to the Divine Presence. ^ray, shrink not— from the word " Farewell,^' As if 'twere Friendship's ^naZ knell : Such fears— may prove but vain : So changeful— ia life's fleeting day, Whene'er we sever, Hope may say, \ We part, to meet again. Even the last parting— eartft can know. Brings not unutterable wo To souls, that heavenward soar ; For humble Faith, with steadfast eye. Points to a brighter world on high, Where hearts, that here— at parting eigh, May meet, — to part no more. Duties -are otcrs ; consequences— are OodPs TRTNCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. sn I 873. The three philosophical divisions of Poetry (as well as of Prose) in relation to the mind, are — RELIGIOUS, having reference to the supreme Being, and what is above us in the scale of creation ; the social and ci- VI?, or middle; what is around us, and within, relating to the great family of man : and the external, which refers, principally, to the kingdom of Nature, which is below us ; vii. the animal, vegetable, and mineral : (do not include mankind in the animal king- dom; they are human; it is sensualism which has degraded man to rank with anir mals.) The common divisions of Poetry are — Pastoral, Lyric, Didactic, Satire, Sonnets, Descriptive, Epic, Tragic, and Comic; to which some add, Sacred, Classic, Romantic, Elegiac, Mythologic, Eclogue, Ballad, and Epitaph. ay*. Management of the Breath. From what we have said, yx)U see the importance of attending to this subject. Very few per- sons — breathe sufficiently often, when read- ing, speaking, or singing. AU tlie directions the autlior has seen on this subject — are at variance with truth and nature. There are Si few instances, when a long breath is neces- sary ; but they are very rare. To acquire a long breath, exercise on all tlie difficulties of respiratioJi, — and pursue a similar course for strengthening a weak voice ; also, practice long quantity, vfoMn^ up hill, and running, when reciting. In the following, breathe at least once, while reading each period. " He died young, (breathe,) but he died happy. His friends have not had him long, (breathe,) but his death — ( breathe ) is the greatest trouble and grief, (breathe,) they ever had. He has enjoyed the sweets of the world — (breathe,) only for a little while, (breathe,) hut he never tasted its bitters.'''' The writer is aware of being, in this respect, in opposi- tion to authorities ; but he cannot be influ- enced by that, so long as he is persuaded that truth and nature are with him. If one does not breathe sufficiently often, he will be al- most sure to speak too rapidly : and, as the object of Elocution is — to convince and per- suade, how can one expect to do this, if he does not give his hearers time to think, or reason, about what he says? How can a Jury — keep pace with a lawyer, whose lan- guage rides post-haste 1 If his reason, and arguments, are hurled upon the ear, like flashes of lightning upon the eye, how can they be remembered, or produce the intended effect ? If one does not breathe at the proper times ai>d places, the sense is not fully con- veyed, and the lungs are injuriously affected. Too unfrequent breathing, and rapid speak- mg, must be avoided ,• but beware of the op- posite extreme, unless you wish to lull your hearers to sle^p. Ask of mother earth — why oaks — were made — Taller and stronifsr— than tl\e loeeds they shade. BRONSON 7 Proverbs. 1. Never begin things, nnd then leave them unfinished. 2. Have a plac3for every thing: and wlien you have usei it, put it hack again. 3. Proverbs— hevix age ; and he, wlio would do xvell, may see himself in them, as in a looking- glass. 4. Politetiess — costs nothing, and may do much good. 5. Tediousness—'is often fatal to our object. 6. Where there is no hope, there is no en- deavor, 7. Unequal friendships — are easily dis- solved. 8. Slotli— consumes faster than labor. it- Lost time — IS never found again ; and time enough yet, is always little enough. 10. Industry— payj debts; desj^air— increases them. 11. Troops o( fu- ries — march m the drunkard's triumph. 18. Skc cess — consecrates the foulest crimes. Anecdote. The Boys and Frogs. VKs trangc tells us, in his fables, that a number of boys were one day watching frogs at the side of a po7id ; and that when any of them put their heads above the water, the boys pelted them doivn again, with stones. One of the frogs, appealing to the humanity of the boys, made this striking observation,— "Children, you do not consider, that though this may be sport to you, it is death to tis." Folly a-nd "Wisdom. Many parents — labor hard, and live sparingly, tii&t they may give their children a start in the world : but setting a son afloat with money left to him — is like tying bladders under the arms of one who cannot swim ; and ten to one he will drown ; but teach him to sfwim, and he will never need bladders: give a child a good edu- cation, and it will give him such a start — aa will secure usefulness and victory in the race he is to run. Varieties. 1 . Is it possible — for a created being to merit any thing — at the hands of God ? 2. The instincts of animals — are their laws of life ; they seem to be sensible of their ends of being, and the means of attaining them. 3. Truth — is that resemblance to, or conformity with Nature, that is presented to the mind, by the relation of ideas, whether simple, or complex. 4. There is a divinity — shapes our ends, rough hew tliem as we will. 5. 'Tis better, to be lowly born, and range with humble livers — in' content, than to be pricked up — in glittering grief, and wear a golden sorrow. 6. Whatever is seen, by the bodily eye, or perceived by the outward senses, is but an effect — from the spiritual world, and a true representative of some principle there- in, and proper to it ; for that world is in the human sow/, — and mind. I ramble— by the evening sea The ZigAt-house— glimmering from afur And fleecy clouds — are scouring /ree O'er rising moon, and twinkling star; In distonce— floats the waning sail^ Or brightly gleams the plashing oar, And mingles— with the .shining gale The hiUow—mnrmarmg on the shore, But one thing wants the wanderer there- A kindred soul, the scene to share. 96 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. a 75. Empliasls. This is a very impor- tant part of our subject ; and unless the pu- pU is certain, that he perfectly understands Accent, he is advised to review it again. Ac- cented syllables, are to other syllables, in the same word, what emphatic syUables, are to words in the same sentence,— hence, it may be seen, that as the idea— is always associa- ted with the accented vowel, and changes, when tlie seat of accent is changed ; as in ^u-gust, and &\x-gust ; so, the mind's eye — always accompanies the emphatic word Ex. Doctor Johnson, (says Cicero,) was a great orator. Thus emphasised, we make Cicero say, that Dr. Johnson — was a great orator. Corrected, thus: Dr. Johnson says — Cicero was a great orator. Practice on this sentence, tUl every thing appertaining to correct em- phasis is familiar. All tlie words {in this book, printed in different type, are more or less emphatic : and some are emphatic that are in the common type. 376. Emphasis — is an increase of accent on the accented vowels of important words, the more perfectly to convey the sense of the autlior. There are only two ways of ma- king it : which are the same as in accent ; viz : by STRESS and atrANTiTx. First, by stress : Ex. 1. The difference — ^between what is true — and false, good—axid. evil, is very great. 2. Some reports — oxetrue: others — dire false. 3. Truth tells us, that certain affections — are exnl : but False says, they are good. 4. Good men — love, and practice, what is good and true ; but wicked men — love, and prac- tice, what is false, and evil. 5. Heaven — consists of all that is good and true; but Hell — consists of all that is false, and evil. a 7 7. Horticulture — or Gardening, is the art of preparing and cultivating gardens, including pZeasure-grounds, and ornamental shrubbery : its close relation to Agriculture, renders it difficult to distinguish between them. As involving principles of ta^te, and elements of beauty, it may be classed with the Fine Arts; but its connection with the Useful Arts — presents a stronger relation; and, whether considered in reference to use- fulness, or ornament, it deserves much at- ientvm, and exerts a salu^y influence over ita votaries. Anecdote. Working a Passage. An Irishman, having applied to work his passage on a canal-boat, and being employed to lead the tujrses on the tow-path ; on arriving at the place of destination, declared he would sooner go on foot, than work his passage in America. Honest index— of the soul, Nobly scorning all control, Silent language~e\eT flowing, Every secrnt thought avowing, Pleasure's seat, — Love''s favorite throne, Boery triumph- -i« thy own. Proverbs. 1. Every act of rtoknce— lead* to difficult restate . 2. The house of a true friend- - is always a sure asylum. 3. It is sweet — to soothe the wretched, a^d mitigate their misfortunes 4 He has done the mischief, and I bear the blame. 5. It is common to fools — to mention their neighbor's faults; while they are forgetful cf their own. 6 Endeavor to conquer adverse circumstances ; aiid not submit to them. 7. It ia wise — to derive know ledge, even from an enemy. 8. He, who flies froir. judgment, confesses the crime imputed to him. 9. We are generally willing to believe — ^what %%•« wish to be true. 10. Let justice be done, Iho' tied heavens fall. 11. The more riches a. fool has, the foolisher he is. 12. When the heart — is past hcp^ the/ace— is past shame. 13. Despair—haa ruined many a one. Pmiosopliy of Mind. No philosophy of the mind can be valuable, that does not pro- pose an inquiry into the connection between mind and matter. Attention to the subject of our own consciousness, alone, excludes the possibility of their being well observed, be- cause the conditions of their being well seen — are neglected. That there is a direct con- nection between mind and matter, the soul and body, is an indisputable fact ; and it is perfectly idle, to pretend to examine the qual- ities of the former, without reference to the latter. The comprehension of the action of mind and the reaction of matter, involves the true principles of Intellectuttl Philosophy and Psychology. Varieties. 1. Which is the most desira- ble, to know and understand much; or, to make a right use of what we know and ui> derstand] 2. The Jew — asks a sign; the Greeks — seek after wisdom. 3. Do not the shadows of great thoughts, sometimes fall on our minds ? Vf ho friendship— Wiih. a knave has made Is judged a partner — in the troAe ; Tis thus, that on the choice of /nmrfj, Our good, or evil name— depends. 5. Envy no man's good, or truth: seek not to be him. If less than thee, give mat wnicn he asketh of thee, at all times ; if more than thee, envy not: neither seek to depreciate, • and beware of rashly condemning what is above thee, — ^lest thou materially hurt thyself. 6. Vfe may'as soon take fire — into the bo- som, without being burned, or touch tar without being defiled, as to frequent and at'- light in — ^bad company, without a stain upon our moral character. MY SISTER. Mine eyes— have seen the beautiful, Mine ears— have heard their thrilling voise-. My Aeart— has felt their potent rule— The /ears of hope, the hope oi joys — But neucT— has my sight approved A/atVer— than my sisUr—no .' fione other sound — so much hath moved As, her '^dear brother,'''' spoken low. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 99 I 5B78» INVOLUNTARY Efforts. Let no one imagine, that it is the design of this system to make arbitrary readers, and speakers; far from it : if the system were not founded in NATURE, such might be the result. By malt- ing use of the principles here developed, we fit urn to truth and nature ; provided we have wandered from them ; consequently, the ef- fort becomes involuntary : as was the case witli the whistling of little Jimmy, in school ; who, when his teacher was about to correct him, exclaimed, " No, no ; it was not I that whistled, it whistled itself.^^ No one can be a good reader, or speaker, till the eflfort be- comes involuntary ; he must will, and it sliall be done. Unfortunately, some think they must do some great thing; whereas, they have only to wash, and be clean. 379. Eric, or heroic poetry, has for its sub- ject the exploits of some hero, or heroes, of national celebrity ; Lyric poetry is designed to be set to music, as psalms, hymns, odes and songs ; Elegiac poetry involves solemn, or mournful subjects; Epitaphs are inscrip- tions on ^om&-stones; Pastoral poetry treats of rural affairs, and the social affections; it is appropriate to shepherds ; Didactic poetry is designed to convey instruction; Satyric poetry is fbr reproving the vices, errors and follies of the world, by holding them up to ridicule ; Descriptive poetry describes inter- esting subjects, mental or natural; and Romantic poetry has for its subjects, tales, romances, md novels, probable, or supemat ural. aSO. Cause and Effect. Such are the de- fects of our education, that we are brought up almost as ignorant of our bodies and minds, as of the man in the moon : the consequence is, we are imposed upon by the shoe-maker, the tailor, the mantua-makeT, the carpenter and Joiner, the caftme^-maker, the miller and baker, the cook and the washer, and by al- most every body else : we are a race of abusers of one another. When we get a pair of shoes, the first question is, how well do they look \ So also of the coat and dress, the house, the chair, the fiour, and bread, &c., &c. Oh, when shall we be wise, and understand the things that so nearly concern our temporal welfare 1 Having eyes, we see not aright; naving ears we hear wrong : our feelings, taste, and smell — betray us, because they are perverted. The enemy comes in upon us like di flood, and who will hft up a standard against him' GENERATIONS OF MAN. Like leaves on trees— the race of man is found, Now, green in youth, now, withering on the ground. Another race the following spring supplies ; They fall successive, and successive rise: So — generations— in their course decay, So- flouT'sh these, when those— aca passed away. Proverbs. 1. It is well not wily to stem pure ; but, to be pure. 2. Aim at desert, rather than re- ward. 3. If you are in a thriving way, stick to it, and let well enough, alone. 4. Tn^es— often de cide much — concerning the character of a person. 5. Believe yowrsei/' capable of learning what otAers have learned. 6. A"oid all extretnes ; and lie-,, and act, in the golden medium. 7. The loaded tree — always bends with its fruits ; asrirtt^— stoops beneath humility. 8. Without frugaifijf, none can be rich; and with it — few can be poor. 9. The used key — is always bright. 10. Man is 3 being who makes bargains; one dog never ex- changes bones with another dog. 11. You can d* it, if you only think so, and try. 12. Quick be- lievers — need broad shoulders. Anecdote. New Character. Lord Hardy, who was so much addicted to the bottle, as to be always under the influence of liquor, pre- vious to a masquerade night, inquired of Foot, " what new character he ought to appear in '?" " New character," said the other, — " suppose you go sober, my lord," He took the hint of the comedian, and actually reformed. Industry. If industry is no more than habit, 'tis at least an excellent one. " If you ask me, which is the real hereditary sin of human nature, do you imagine I shall answer pride, or luxury, or ambition, or egotism ? No ; I shall say — indolence. Who conquers indolence, will conquer all the rest." Indeed, all good principles must stagnate, without mental activity. Varieties. 1. A prime minister — was asked, how he could perform such a vast amount of business, and yet, have so much leisure ? He replied, I do every thing at the time. 2. Would wings — be folded in the worm, if they were not one day to enable it to fly ? 3. The perfection of religion and science — ^will be united; their sphere of ope- ration ascertained, and their periods of vicis- situdes known in that better age, which is approaching. Let fools — the studious despise ; There's nothing lost, by being wise. Whatever perils — ^may alarm, us. Kind words — will never harm, us. 6. Pure, and undefiled religion, is the sheet- anchor of happiness, the perfection and glory of human nature ; its essence — is a conscience void of offence toward God, and man. 7. There is a providence in every pulsatum, and in all the particulars that concern it : as the sun — never ceases to shine, so the Lord- never ceases to bless. There is a voice — I shall hear no more — There are tones, whose music, for me, is o'er, Sweet as the odors of spring were they, — Precious and rich — but, they died away; They came like peace to my heart and ear — Never again will they murmur here; They have gone— like the blush of a sumtner moTtli Like a crimsan c^owd— through the sunset bom«. 100 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUT ON. 881. EMPHAfiis. Words are emphatic, when opposition is expressed, or understood; that is, when our words are contrasted, and when we wish to enforce our ideas, so as to produce their desired effects. As, Oratory — involves feelings, thoughts and words; so, docs it also involve ends, or purposes, causes, and effects; beyond which, human minds cannot travel. We may illustrate emphasis, by what is called lever-power ; the resistance to be overcome, or the effect to be produced ; tlie lever a.s a medium, and \he weight .'thus, 1 will, or desire, to accomplish a certain ob- ject : here, is the region of ends, or pur- poses ; then, I devise ways and means, and determine how it is to be done ; here, is the region of causes: ond, finally, I put the pur- pose in operation, through the means, and thus accomplish my object ; which, of course, is the region of effects. Here is the philoso- phy of oratory. 388. Examples of Emphasis bt Stress. 1 . It is not so easy to hide our faults, as to con- fess — and avoid them. 2. Never attempt to raise yourself, by depreciating the merits of others. 3. As fools — make a mock at sin, so do the ignorant — often make a mock at knowledge. 4. They are generally most ri- diculous thejuselves, who see most to ridicule in others. 5. Wherever educatio7i is neg- lected, — depravity, and every kind of action, that degrades mankind, are most frequent. 6. The first three volumes ; not, the three^rs^ volumes; there is only one— first. 7. The first three, and the last two verses ; not, the three first, and two last. 8. To be truly — happy, man must be good, and renounce such enjoyments as are grounded in the love of evil. 9. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 10. Flesh — and blood — cannot inherit the kingdom of God. 883. Rule. Emphasize the important word, or words, with such a degree and kind of stress, or expulsive prolongation of sound, as to convey the entire sense and feeling, m the best manner, and give each idea its rela- tive importance. Example and definition. " Emphasis — is the index of my meaning, and shows more exactly, what I wish the hearers to attend to — particularly." Indeed, it is to the mind what the finger is to the eye : when we wish a person to see any tiling, we naturally point to it : thus, are the manifesta- tions of tlie mind made by the emphasis, or X^omting of the voice. They are sleeping.' Who are sleeping? Mortals f compassed round with woe, — Eyelids, wearied out with weeping, Close for very weakness now : And that short relief from sorrow.. Harassed nature — shall sustain, Till they wake again — to-morrow, Strengthened— to contend with pain! Proverbs. 1. We muat submit to authorifif till we can discover, or see—rutsons. 2. Be not sat isfied with the results and applications oi know ledge; but search for its /owniains. 3. Youth — i, not a time to cast aivay stones, but to gailier them 4. Instead of naturalizing nature, we should nat uralize art. 5. The understanding — is a r^finink vessel, in which knowledge is purified. 6. En deavor to acquire such knowledge, as will enabU you to judge correctly yourself. 7. Time — ce stroys the speculations of man, but confirms the judgments of Nature. 8. No evil propensity is r-c powerful, but that it may be subdued, by propel means. 9. No one is so great, or so small, but that he is capable of giving, or receiving— benefits 10. Be civil— \o the great,— bux intimaU—w\i\\ the good. 11. No religion— is better than an unnatu- ral one,. 12. Immoderate sorrow — is a species of suicide. 13. Pay what you oxf^e. 14. Greatthieves punish little ones. 15. The absent party is al- •wsiysfaulty. • / Anecdote. If a private gentleman, in Cheshire England, about the year 1730, had not been overturned in his carriage ; it is possible, that the United States, instead of being a free Republic, might have remained a dependent colony: that gentleman — was Augustus Washington, who was thus thrown out of his carriage, into the company of a lady, who afterwards became liis wife, emi- grated with him to Virginia, and, in 173-2, be- came the mother — of General Washington liaconles. When we see birds, at tlie approach of rain, anointing their plumage with oil — to shield olF the drops, should it not remind us, when the storms of conten- tion threaten us, to apply the oil of for bearance, and thus — prevent the chilling drops from entering our hearts.^ Varieties. 1 . Did mankind fall sudden- ly, or by degrees ? 2. While/reedom — is true to itself, every one becomes subject to it ; and even its adversaries are instruments in its hands. 3. The preservation of health — de- pends, principally, on proper diet, early re- tiring, and early rising, temperance in eat- tng, and drinking, proper exercise, and per- fect cleanliness. 4. By a vicious action, we injure our miiid, as we should our body, by drinking poison, or inflicting a tvound upon it. 5. What is liberty ? Willing, thinking, speaking, and doing — what we understand / provided, we violate no law, or principle 6. Mental pleasures — never cloy; unhkf- those of the body, they are increased by repe tition, approved by reason, and strengthened by enjoyment. 7. Evil action, contrivance:. and speech, is but the manifestation of the nature of evil ; and that it should be made manifest, is consistent with divine inten tions. Freedom— ia The brilliant gift of heaven ; 'lis reason's sdf. The kin — to Deity. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCTf 7?PN> . 101 984. Emphasis. There are only ifit^o ways of making emphasis, but as many ways of exhibiting it, as there are pitches, qualities, and modijications of voice — in Speech and Song : all of which are very simple, and a kncwledge of them easily acquired, by the persevering student. In every sentence, there is a word, or words, on which the sense de- pends, as the body — on the heart; the voice and gestures, only, can exhibit it Emphasis, not only illustrates, but often amplifies the sense of the author ; and that i« the best emphasis, which does this the most effectively,- indeed, there are times when, through the emphasis, one may make words mean — more than they were designed to mean by the author. 385. Emphasis by expulsive stress. 1. He who cannot bear a joke — should never give one. 2. Avoid a slanderer, as you would a scorpion. 3. A wager — is a.fooPs argument. 4. He that is past shame, is past hope. 5. What is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. 6. Men of principle, ought to be prin- cipal men. 7. Aim at nothing higher, till you can read and speak, deliberately, clearly, and distinctly, and with proper emphasis: all vther graces will follow. 8. The head, with- out the heart, is like a steam engine, without a boiler. 9. As love — thinks no evil, so envy -speaks no good. 10. Variety, delights,- and perfection, delights in variety. 386. Music The cultivation, and frequent practice of music, in schools of every grade, will have a strong, and decidedly beneficial influ- ence on the habits of the pupils. By using the same words, and singing the same pieces in concert, their thoughts will be directed in the same channel, and their affections eleva- ted together ; and they will naturally be led into closer association and sympathy with each other. Well chosen music may be made an efficient auxiliary, guiding and controlling the feelings and actions in the school-room, and contribute essentially, to the proper man- agement of its concerns. It was in accord- ance with this principle, that a certain poet wisely said, "Let me make the songs of the nation, and I care not who makes its lav-s.^^ 887. Geography — comprises a general de- scription of the earth ; and, especially of the nations, by which it is inhabited, in reference to their position and extent ; their produc- tions and resources ; their institutions and improvements ,- their maimers and customs ; including the subject of statistics, voyages, and travels. It is a term, that admits of al- most indefinite extension; for in describing a nation, allusion must be made to its ton- f;uage, laws, religion, arts, and literature ,- nnd in treating of the earth, and its produc- xwns, we may include the whole range of the pnysical sciences. True love— is never idle, 12 Froverbs, 1. It is 9. fraud— lo conceal fraud. 2. NevtUTvattempi Jq do itos til ir^sc-;at.f nee. 3. He, lab^rsin'r.cir*, '*ho'oi»d live coloring of vice. 6. Never despair ; rpeak the commanding word, " I will," and it it done. 7. Never chase a lie ; for if you keep quiei, {eruth — will eventually overtake it. 8. A punctual man, is rarely a poor man ; and never — a man of doubtful credit. 9. Persons of fashion, starve their happiness, to feed their vanity ; and their love, to feed their pride. 10. There is a great difference — between repeating a maxim, or pro- verb, and a practical observance of it. 11. Dis- enses — are the interest of sensual pleasures. 12. The half is often better than the whole. I'J. Jus- tice — should rule over all. Bigots. Bigots, who are violent, positive, and intolerant, in their religious tenets, ought to feel very much humbled, when they reflect, that they would have been equally so for any other religion, had it been the religion of their parents, or of the country in which they had been born and educated. Varieties. 1. Why is a toZe-bearer — like a &ricfe-layer1 Because he raises stories. 2. When you have nothing to say, say nothing; for a weak defence — strengthens your oppo- nent: and silence — is better than a bad re- ply. 3. We might enjoy much peace, and happiness, if we would not busy ourselves, with what others say and do. 4 Never think of yourself, when reading, speaking, or singing ; but of your subject ; and avoid an artificial, and grandiloquent style of delivery 5. It is not enough— to be left to the tuition of Nature, unless we Icnow what lessons she teaches. 6. Morals — too often come from the pulpit, in the cold abstract ; but men smart under them when good laivyers are the preachers. 7. When we become perfect ly rational, and act wholly from ourselves- in consequence of it, we are accountable tor all our actions, and they are then imputed to us, if evil, — but not before. Where the gentle streamlets flow, Where the morning rfeto-drops glow, Where the zephyrs— wing their flight. In the cool and welcome night. Whispering through the fragrant grovt To the heart, that " God is love," Where the light cloud skims the sky. Worship ! ^'Ood is passing by !" Hoary /oresi, rugged rock. Roaring torrents, earthquake's shock. Mighty tempests, lightning's glare, • Ocean, raging in despair. And the dcseri— lone and drear, Wake the soul of man to fear ; And when thunder rends the sky. Tremble 1 ''God is passing '" PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 103 891. Emphasis. If your articulatwn, and pronunciation, be clear and correct, and you are free fiom all unnatural tones, and other bad habits, nothing can prevent your Bucceeding in this important art, if you per- fect yourself in Emphasis : hence, the reason of dwelling on the subject so long, and of giving such a variety of examples. But re- mem oer, that books, rules, teachers, or all ccmibined, cannot make orators of you, w^ith- rut you throw your whole heart and soul into the exercises, and let your zeal be ac- cording to knowledge. Become independent of your hook, and speak from memory, as soon as possible ; then, you will be left to the promptings and guidance of your own mind, and become //•ee. a 93. 1. Men live, and j^rosper, but in mu- tual trust, ?ind confidence of one another's truth. 2. Those, who are teaching our youth , — to read with science and effect, are doing much to increase the power, and extend the infiue7ice— of standard authors. Peace — is the happy, natural state of man ; War — his comiption, and disgrace. To native gmi?/s— would you prove a friend ! Point out his faults — and teach him how to mend. Let us A ct with prudence, and with manly temper, As well as manly^rmness ; Tis God-like magnanimity — to keep, When most provoked, our reason — calm, and clear. Notes. The ancients very properly called man a micro- e^m, Oi- little wirrld. But what were this world— without a sun, to impart to it light and heat ? Of what use the iorfy— without llie soul ? Of what use the house, without the inhabitant ? and of what use words, without thought and feeling ? And of what nse are all these, if they cannot be made manifest ? The body — ic the mind's servant, and depends on its care, as the mind itself does on the Father of mind. Body, smd sout—jre best taken care of, when both ire minded together. 393. Architecture — teaches the art of building ; and is one of the most useful, as well as ancient, of all the arts: it demands much more attention, than it has ever re- ceived ; especially, in this country : and many — would save time, labor and money, and have better houses, as to comfort ond appear- ance, if they would make themselves ac- quainted with this important art. Most persons will find it much to their benefit, to call upon an architect, when about to erect a haildmg of importance. Anecdote. King James I., of England, went out of his way one day, to hear a noted preacher. The clergyman, seeing tlie king enter, left his text — to declaim against swear- ing; for which vile practice — the king was notorious. After service, the king thanked him for his sermon; and asked him, what connection swearing had with his text. The minister replied, " Since your majesty came out of your way, thro' curiosity, I could not, in compliance, do less than go out of mine — to rr.eet vow." Proverbs. 1. remperanee— arjdtntcn.fcrance — reivard, and punish themselves. 2. Riches — are servants to the wise,— hut tyrants '..o fools. 3. Nono can be great, who have ceased tc he virtuous. 4. Money — does no good, till it is distributed. 5. If you have one true friend, think yomseM happy. 6. Silks, and satins, often put out the kitchener*. 7. Hunger — looks into the working-man's house ; but dare not enter. 8. When the well is dry, people know the worth of waUr. 9. Business— makes a man, as well as tires him. 10. For the evuience of truth, look at the truth itself. 11. Better go away longing, than loathing. 12. Of saving — cometh having. 13. God — never made a hypocrite. Reading, Writings, and Speaking. Habits of literary conversation, and still more, habits of extempore discussion in a popular assembly, are peculiarly useful in giving us a ready and practical command of our know- ledge. There is much good seiise in the fol- lowing ajjhorism of Bacon : ^'Reading makes a full man, writing a correct man, a.nd speak- ing a ready man." Varieties. 1. Through an affected con- tempt — for what some call Zt/^Ze things, mam' remain ignorant — of what they might easily know. 2. A harmless hilarity, and buoyari cheerfulness — are not unfrequent concomi- tants of genius ; and we are never more de- ceived, than when we mistake gravity — for greatness, solemnity — for science, and pom- posity for erudition. 3. It is better to have recourse to a quack, who can cure oui dis- ease, tho' he cannot explain it, than to one who can explain, but cannot cure it. 4. Ear- ly rising — not only gives us more life, in the same number of years, but adds to the num- ber ; and not only enables us to tnjoy more of existence, in the same measure of time,\>vA increases also their raeasure. 5. For hie honesty, there was no winter in't ; an au- tumn 'twas, that grew the more, by reaping 6. Let us admire the results of truth, while we ascend to the source of truth. 7. Look first inwardly, for the coming of the Lord^ and of his kingdom; and when certainly found there, then look in outward nature, foi a harmony agreeing with it ; but not before. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life — is but an empty dream, ! For the soul is dead, \\\dX slumbers, And things are not — what they stem. Life is real! Life is earnest! And thegraf*— is not its goal; Dust thou art, to dust returnest. Was not spoken — of the souJ. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way ; But to act, that each lo-morroio Finds us farther— than to-day. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate ; Still achieving, still purstiing, Learn to labor, and to waiL 104 PR1^C1PLES OF ELOCUTION. S04:. Emphasis -is sometimes exhibited by changing the seat of accent. 1. What is done, cannot be undone. 2. If he di'd not do it diredly, he did it i/idirectly. 3. There are probably as many mvisible as msible things. 4. Did he act honestly, or rfishonestly '.' 5. There is a difference between giving, and/or- giving. 6. Does he speak ^stinctly, or w- distinctly? 7. Better be untaught than ill- taught; and better be alone, than in bad company. 8. He that cwcended, is the same »£ he that descended. 9. Pure religion rais- es men above themselves; irreligion — sinks them to the brute. 10. ^imiritxxAe— -joins ; ciissimilitude — separates. 295. Emphasis — ^by changing the seat of accent, in words of the same structure, and of different structure, to convey the full meaning. 1. To do, and to u7i-do — is the common business of the world. 2. Reason, truth, and virtue — are the proper measures of praise, and -LT GOOD ; and if the night — have gathered — aught of evil — or concealed — disperse it now, as ligM — dispels the dark. 5. A Deity — believed — is joy begwi ,• a Deity — adored — is joy ADVANCED, — a Deity — beloved — is joy matured. 6. Prayer — ardent — opens 'leaven; lets down a stream ot^ glory — on the consecrated hours of mak, — in audience — with the Deity. N. B. The first Ex. is an instance of the lowest division of subjects — the Natural; the second and third, of the middle division — the Human ,- and the fourth and fifth, of the upper — the Divine : see pre- vious article on this subject. 306. Sheridan, of whose oratorical pow- ers, every elocutionist has heard, after having excited a great interest among his friends, who were filled with hope at liis prospects^ made a signal /ai^wre, on his first appearance in Parliament; insomuch, that he was en- treated never to make another attempt. He nobly replied — " I will ; for by Heaven, it is in me, and it shall come out:' He did try, and his eflforts were crowned with success. In like manner, almost every orator ikiled at first ; but ftrseverance made them oaore than conquerors. It is not unfrequent that the most abashed, and ill-omened, succeed the best. Take courage ,• let your motto be " on- ward and UPWARD, and true to the line." My crown is in my heart,--not on my head; Nor decked with diamonds, and Indian stones : Nor 10 be seen ; my crown — is called — Content; A crown it is— that seldom kings enjoy. If there is a Power above us, (And that there w— all Nature— cries aloud, Tliro' all her works,) He— must delight in virtue; And that which He delights in — must be happy. He hath a heart — as sound as a bell, A lul liis tongue — is the clapper ; For wliat his heart — thinks, his tongue — speaks. Wiiere'er ihou journeyest — or whate'er thy eare, My heart shall follow, and my spirit — share. 5. American Literature — will find, that the intellectual spirit — is her tree of life ; and the union of the states, — her garden of Paradise. 6. God — is our Father ; and al- though we, as children, may be ever so guilty, his compassion towards ns- -fails not ; and he will pity, forgive, and counsel, advise, teach, and lead us o it of evii whenever we sincerely wish it. Proverbs. 1. A desire to resist opj ression — is implanted in the nature of man. 2. The faulta and errors of others, are lesson* of caution — to oiir- selves. 3. No shield is so impe7ieirable, no security so ^ectual, as a mind — conscious of its innocence. 4. Our most delightful enjoyments— are always hable to interruptioti. 5. If our passions are not kept under control, they will soon master us 6. Those things that are unbecoming, are unsxfe. 7 Ardent spirits — have drowned more people, ti»an all the ivaters in tlie world. 8. He, is never f.rcfl of listening, who wishes to gain wisdom 9. All true religion relates to life; and the life of 'itai re- ligion is — to do good t'rom a love of it. iw. A wi*J man is a great ivonder. 11. Be courteous to ail, and intimate with few. 12. Defile not your mouth witli sxvearing. Anecdote. Law Practice. A lawyer told his client, that his opponent — had removed his suit to a higher coitrt : " Let him remove it where he pleases, (quoth the client ;) my attorney w'lW follow it — for money:'' Common Sense. It is in the portico of the Greek sage, that that phrase has received its legitimate explanation ,- it is there we are taught, that " common se7ise'" signifies " the sense of the common interest:^ Yes ! it is the most beautiful ti'uth in mm-als, that we have no such thing as a distinct or divided interest from our race. In their welfare is ours, and by choosing the broadest paths to effect their happinesss, we choose the surest and the shortest to our own. Varieties. 1. The universe — is an cw> pire,- and God — its sovereign. 2. The smooth- ness of flattery — cannot now avail, — cannot save us, in tliis rugged and awful crisis. 3. I had much rather see all — industrious and enlightened, — than to see one half of man- kind — slaves to the other, and these — slaves to their passions. 4. The condition of scof- fers, is of all — the most dangerous ; as well from the particular ste^eof mind, that consti tutes their character, as because they are in- capable of conviction — hy argument ; who ever knew such a one converted to the truth? 5. Watch against, and suppress — the first motions of spiritual pride ; such as — prone- ness to think too highly of yourselves, or a desire to have others think highly of you, on account of your spiritual attainments. 6. How many villains — walk the earth with credit, from the mere fulfilment of negative decencies. 7. Study history, not so much for its political events, as for a knowledge of hu man nature. Away ! away to the mountain's brow, Where the trees are gently waving; Away ! away to the mountain's brow, Where the stream is gently laving. Away ! away to the rocky glen, ' Where the deer are wildly bounding; And the hills shall echo in gladness agnia To the hunter's bugle sounding. 108 PRINCIPLES OF i<:LOCUTION. 307. QCATTTITTAXIJ RHETORICAL Pa ctse. 1 . Dwell on such words as are expres- Bive of the kindlier affections, with a slow and adhesive movement of voice, as if you parted with the ideas reluctantly. 2. Very deliberate subjects require more or less of quantity in their emphasis: so also do tlie sublime, the grand, and the solemn ; partic- ularly, the reverential, the grave ; so also do earnest entreaty, prayer, deep pathos, &c. Ex. "Join — all ye creatures — to extol — Him — first; Him — last; Him — midst, and — without end.^^ " Mary ! dear — departed shade. Where is thy place of blissful rest ? Seest thou thy Imer — lowly laid? Hear'st thou ihe groans, that rend his breast'?'^ 308. Read, or rather speak from memory, these lines with quantity, and on the lower pitches of voice. Night, (sable goddess) from her ebon throne, 1)1 rayless majesty, now stretches/ar Her leaden sceptre — o'er a slumbering world. Silence — how dead ! and darkness — how profound : Nor eye, nor listening ear, an object finds. Creation — sleeps. Tis — as if the general pulse Of LIFE — stood still, — and Nature — made o-patise, An awful pause, — prophetic of her end. 309. iMPORTAJfT CoifSIDERATIOKTS. If the evils of tight lacing, and tight dressing could only stop with the guilty, one consola- tion would still be left us ; but even this is denied us : no ! there is not even one drop of joy to be cast into our cup of bitterness — the draught is one of unmingled gall : the human form divine is sadly deformed; the fountain of innumerable evils and diseases is opened by this suicidal practice ,• and thous- ands of human beings are yearly coming into life, cursed from head io foot, from mind to body, with the awful effects of this infer- nal fashion, which originated in the basest passions of the human heart. Oh, who can measure the accumulating woe, which this accursed custom ha,s entailed, and is yet en- tailing on the human race ! Anecdote. To prevent Suicide. A Hi- bernian Senator, speaking on the subject of preventing suifide, said, — " The only way I can conceive, of stopping the business, is, — to make it a capital offence, punishable with death." O how weak la mortal, man ! How trifling — how confin'd His scope of vision ! — PufPd with confidence, Y{\b phrase — grows big with immortality; And he, poor insect of a summer''s day, Dreams of eternal honors to his name ; Of endless gloi-y, and perennial bays. He idly reasons of Eternity, As of the train of ages, — when, alas ! Ten thousand thuipand of his centuries Are, in comparisc a a little point, Too trivicU for account. Unlearn the enla you nrve learned Proverbs. 1. You cannot appease snv-^ even by sacrificing virtue. 2. The envious man grows base, by contemplating the success of an- other. 3. A government, that undervalues the af- fections of the people, and expects to find a firm basis in terrors, will be mistaken, and short-lived 4. He, who passes over a crime, unreproved, oi unpunished, encourages its repetition. 5. He, who controls his passions, subdues his greatest enemy. 6. He, alone is wise, that can adapt him- self to all tlie contingencies of life; but ihe fool — vainly contends, and struggles against the stream. 7. The ways of the lazy— are as a hedge o'" thorns. 8. To a lazy man — every exertion is pain fill, and every movement a labor. 9. Innocence — and mysteriovsness — seldom dwell together. 10. It -3 folly— Xo expect justice— oX the hands of tlie unjust. 11. Grea« are the charms of nofe%. 12. Custom — is no small mutter. 13. Consider thy ways, and be wise. Humbugs. All new developments of truth — are called, by many, who do not ap- preciate them, or dare to think and act for themselves — " Humbugs f and this dreadful name — has no doubt had the effect — to lead some — to condemn them, without farther in quiry. But the worst of all humbugs, the most deplorable of all delusions — is that, which leads men to shut their eyes to the truth, lest they should be laughed at — for acknawledging it. Varieties. 1. Is not this world — a world of dreams, and the spiri^world— a world of realities ? 2. Some are only in the love of knowing what is good, and trtte; others, of understanding them ; and others — of living according to them ; to which class do I be- long 1 3. Xerxes — whipped the sea, because it would not obey him. 4. That, which some people pride themselves in, often becomes the cause of their undoing ; and what they very much dislike, becomes the only thing that saves them. 5. Possession — is eleven points of the law : hence, never let a valua- ble thing go out of your possession, without an ample security. 6. The world below — is a glass, in which we may see the world above : remove the vail, and see where sjnrit, and matter are connected. 7. The heart-Mt prayer, only, is available ; and to produce it, there must be deep-Mt want ; arid the strong- er it operates, the more perfect, and accepta- ble must be the prayer. "Oh ! tell me, step-dame Natxire, tell. Where shall thy wayward child abide? On what fair strand his spirit dwell, When life has spent its struggling tide? Shall hope no more her taper burn, Quench''d — in the tears that sorrow sends T Nor from ihe feast, misfortune spurn The wishful wretch, that o'er it bends?" " Can storied urn, or animated bust. Back to its mansion, call the fleeting breaiJi Can honor''s voice — provoke the silent dii.tt? Oxflatfry soothe the dull, cold t»r ofieathi PRINCIPLES OF ELC^UTION. 109 319. ETSvajiSis— by prolongation, and de- pressed monotone : that is, quantity of voice on the first, second, or third note : it is some- times used in the grave and sublime, and pro- duces astonishing effects. Monotony— occvlts when the voice is inflected neither up nor down, but is confined to a few words. The figures refer to the notes of the diatonic scale. The following free translation of a paragraph from one of Cicero's o ations, will serve as a good illustration: but no one should attempt it, without committing it to memorj'. 311. (COMMEKCK ON THE FOUIITH JfOTE.) *' I appeal to you — ye hillSf and groves of (5) Alba, and your demolished (6) altars ! I call you to (8) with-ess! (4) whether your (5) altars, your (6) divinities, your (8) pow- ers . (o) which Clodius had polluted with all kindsof (6) loickedness, (5) did not (4) avenge themselves, whevi this wretch was (3) extir- pated. (1) And thou, hply (2) Jupiter! (3) from the (4) height of this (5) sacred (6) mount, whose lakes — and groves — he had so often (3) contaminated.^* COLUMBIA ! Columbia ! to glory ariie, The quun of the world, and the child of the skies; Thy genius commands thee ; with raptuic oehold, While ages — on ages thy splendors unfold. Thy reign is the last — and the noblest of time ; Most fruit ful thy soil, most inviting thy dime; Let the crimes of the east—ne^er encrimson thy name ; Be freedom, and science, and virtue — thy/ame. 3 la. The only way in which children, or adults, can be taught to read, or speak, natu- rally, is — to memorize short or longer sen- tences, and deliver them in a perfectly intelli- gent, impressive, and unrestrained manner. Abcdarians: first teach them the sounds of the vowels; then of the consonants, inter- spersing the exercises with select, or original sentences. Ex. " Time and tide — ^wait for no man." Or, if it is a rainy day, " This is a very rainy day." If pleasant, "This is a delightful day." Which sentences, after be- ing recited in concc^ t, should be spoken by the class individually. In this way, even small children may be taught a great variety of things, natural and spiritual ; and an im- mense field of usefulness opened before the mind of the real teacher : i. e. one who teach- es from the love of teacliing ; and no others should engage in it. NoteSt I. Remember— the figures, placed before word-* in sentences, indicate the pitch of voice, and have reference to the diatonic note ; they are aids to break up the monotonou* delivery. ?. Still continue your efforts to smooth the apparent roughness of Mae notations, in regard to the dash, (— ) pauses, (,;:?!) and Emphasis : glide out of the mechanical into the natttraL There is, in every human heart, Some— not completely barren part. Where seeds of truth — and love might grow, And flowers — of generous virtue blow ; To plant, to toatch, to water there — Thia — be out duty, and'Oiir rare. Proverbs. 1. A mind conscious of its inl'-ff- rity, — is a most noble possession. 2. In acquire ing knowledge, consider how you may render it useful to society. 3. Avoid undue excitement on trivial occasions. 4 When engaged in a good cause, never look back. 5. Poverty — is no excuse for sinning: 6. Never repeat in one company, what is said in another; for all conversation, is tacitly understood — to be confidential. 7. Let reason — go before every enterprise, and cot^Tuel — before every action. 8. Look on slanderers— ns enemies to society ; as persons destitute of Aon(?r, honesty, and humanity. 9. Divisions, and in- tentions — are upheld by pride, and self-love. 10. Patience, when subjected to trials that are too severe, is sometimes converted into rage. IL Avoid matcA-makers. 12. Virtue — is often laughed at. Anecdote. Lord Albermarle — ^was the lover of Mademoiselle Gaucher, (Gaw-s/tay.) As they were ivalking together one evening, he perceived her eyes fixed on a star, and said to her " Do not look at it, my dear ,• I cannot give it you." *' Never," says Mar- mon^eZ, " did love — express itself more deli- cately.''* TtKw — is law — ^law — is law; and as in such, and so forth, and hereby, and aforesaid, provided always, nevertheless, notwithstand- ing. Law — is like a country riance,* people are led up and down in it, till they are tired. Law — is like a book of surgery ; there are a great many desperate cases in it It is also like physic ; they that take the least of it, are best off. Law — is like a homely gentlewo- man, very well to follow. Law — is also like a scolding wife, very bad when it follows us Law — is like a new fashion, people are be- witched to get into it: it is also like bad weather, mos^*people are glad when they g«t out of it. Varieties. 1 . Are we not apt to be proud of that, which is not our own ? 2. It is a less crime — to gnaw a man's j^ng-ers with your teeth, than to mangle his reputation with your tongue. 3. It is better to yield grace- fully, than to be held up as a spectacle of vanquished, yet impertinent obstinacy. 4. Really learned persons — never speak of hav- ing finished their education: for they con- tinue students, as long as they live. 5. Equivo- cation — is a mere expedient — to avoid telhng the truth, without verbally telling a lie. 6. True philosophy and contempt of the Deiiy, are diametrically opposed to each other. 7. Sensual good, has sensual truth for its object ; natural good has an order of natural truths and spiritual good has spiritual /rwM, agree* ing with the spiritual sense of the Bible. "So flocks, that range the valley free. To slaughter— do I condemn : Taught by that power, that pities me, I learn to pity them. no PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 313. Rules. It is impossible to give rules — ^ibr reading every sentence, or indeed any sentence ; much more is left to the pupil, than can be written. All that is here at- tempted — is, a meagre outline of the subject ; enough, however, for every one who is deter- mined to succeed, and makes the necessary application; and too much for such as are of an opposite character. The road is point- 3d out, and all the necessaries provided for the journey J but each must do the traveling, or abide the consequences. Be what ought to be, and success is yours. (3) No radiant pearl, which crested fortune wears, (4) No gem, that twinkling, hangs from beaiUy's ears: (5) Nor the bright start, which night's blue arch adorn, (ft) Nor rising mn— that gi!ds the eternal mom,— (8) Shine— with nich lustre, as the tear that breaks, (C) For other's woe, down virtue^ manly cheek. In reading, (rather reciting) these beautiful lines, the voice commences, as indicated by the figures, gradually rises, then yields a lit- tle; tUl it comes to the word ^ shine,'' which is on the 8th note ; and then it gradually de- scends to the close; because such are the thoughts, and the feelings. Get the inside ,- never live out of doors ; grasp the thoughts, and then let the words flow from feeling. 314* Opening the Mouth. This is among the most important duties of the elo- cutionist, and singer ,• more fail in this par- ticular, than in any other : indistinctness and stammeHng are the sad effects of not open- ing tlie mouth wide enough. Let it be your first object to obtain the proper positions of the vocal organs: for which purpose, practice the vocal analysis, as here presented. The first effort is — separating the lips and teeth ; which will not only enable you to inhale and exhale freely, through the nose, when speak- ing and singing, but avoid uneasiness in the chest, and an unpleasant distortion of ihe fea- tures. The second is, a simultaneous action of the lips, teeth, and tongue: let these re- marks be indelibly stamped upon your memory ; for they are of immense practical importance. Anecdote. Alexander and the Pirate. We too often judge of men — by the splendor, and not the merii of their actions. Alexan- der — demanded of the Pirate, whom he had taken, by what right — he infested the seas ? •^By the same right," replied he boldly, "that you enslave the world. J— am called a robber, because I have only one small vessel ,- but you — are called a conqueror, because you command great ^ee^s and navies.^'' The best contrived deceit — Will hurt its own contriver i And perfidy — doth often cheat — Its author's purse— of every stiver. The man, that's resolute, and just. Firm to his ■principles — and truat. No; hope$, not fears,- -can bind. Proverbs. I. A great fortune, in the handa otafool, is a great mis-fortune. 2. Too many resolve, then re- resolve, and die the same. S. Never give the tongue full Jiberty, but keep it under control. 4. Character—is the measure of man and woman. 5. We may die of a surfeit, as well as of hunger. 6. Truth — is an ornament, and an instrument. 7. If we meet evil company, it is no reason we should keep it. 8. Provide for the worst, but hope for the hest. 9. Though he is wise, that can teach the most, yet he, that learns, and practices what he learns, is wiicr. 10. Never be without good hoohs. 11. Time— is the herald of truth. 12. Manners make the man. 13. Dissembled holiness, is double ini- quity. 14. Conscience — is in the chamber of justice. Oratory. Eloquence — may be considered as the soul, or animating principle of dis- course; and is dependent on intellectual energy, and intellectual attainments. Elo- cution — is the embodying f(yrm, or represen- tative power ; dependent on exterior accom- plishments, and on the cultivation of the or- gans. Oratory — is the complicated and vital existence, resulting from the perfect harmony and combination of Eloquence and Elocution. Varieties. 1. Is there not the same dif- ference — between actual and hereditary evil, as between an inclination to do a thing, and the commission of the act ? 2. Whoever has flattered his friend successfully, must at once think himself a knave, and his friend a fool. 3. Unfriended, indeed, is he, who has no friend good enough — to tell him his faults. 4. If those, who are called good singers, w^ere as sensible of their errors in reading, as they would be, if similar ones were made in their singing, they would be exceedingly mortified, and chagrined. 5. The sacred light of Scripture — should be shed upon the canvas of the world's history, as well as on that of humanity. 6. The theology of crea- tion — ^was revealed to the earliest ages,- and the science of creation, is now beginning to be revealed to us. 7. What is most spiritual — is most rational, if rightly understood ; and it also admits of a perfect illustration — by rational and natural things: to follow God, and to follow right — and pure reason^ is all one ; and we never give offence to Him^ if we do that, which such a reason requires THE PROGRESS OF LIFE. I dreamed— I saw a little rosy chUd, With flaxen ringlets— in a garden playing; Now stopping ha-e, and then afar Oj^' straying, Aaflower, or butterfly— hit feet beguiled, Twas changed. One summer's day I stept aside. To let him pats ; his face — and manhood seeming, And that full eye of Wue— was fondly beaming On a fair maiden, whom he called ' his Bride .'" Onu more ; 'twas auiuwin, and the iheerful^re I saw a group — of youthful /orww surrounding. The room — with harmlese pleasantry resounding, And, in the midst, I marked the smiling Sire, The heavens were clouded ! and I heard the taru.. Of a «2ot«— movioi;: MI— the white haired man wv ffms. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. li 315. As Emphasis is the same thing as Accent, only more of it ; so, it is inseparably connected with the Pauses; indeed, what- ever distinguishes one word from the others, may be called Emphasis; which is some- times only another name for Expression : it IS, at least, one of the mediums of expression. Hence, Emphasis is often exhibited in con- nection with a Rhetorical Fause, placed be- fore, or after, emphatic luords, which may be elevated, or depressed,-wiih force and quan- tity, according to sentiment. When this pause is made after the important word, or words, it causes the mind to revert to what was last said; and when it is made before such word, the mind is led to anticipate something worthy of particular attention. The book is full of illustrations. 316. Ex. 1. Benevolence — is one of the brightest gems— in the crown of christian per- fection. 2. Meiody — is an agreeable succes- sion of sounds; Harmony — an agreeable concordance of sounds. 3. Homer — was the greater genius ; Virgil — the better artist : in one, we most admire the man; in the other — the work ; Homer — hurries us with com- manding impetuosity ; Virgil — leads us with an attractive majesty. Homer — scatters with a generous jfW'o/Msiow ; Virgil — bestows, with a careful magnificence. 4. What man could do, is done already ; (8) Heaven — and (5) earth — ^will witness, — if — R-o-m-e — m-u-s-t f-a-ll, — that we are innocent. Note* Prolong the words with the hyphens between the Jcrterj. 31 T. Political Economy — teaches us to investigate the nature, sources, and proper uses of national wealth; it seems to bear the same relation to the whole country, that Do- mestic Economy does to an individual /a?ni- ly : for, tho' it generally relates to the wealth of nations, it leads us to examine many points of comfort and well-being, tliat are closely connected with the acquisition, and expendi- ture of property. Its connection with legis- lation and government are self-evident ; yet every one may derive important lessons, from a knowledge of its facts and principles. Anecdote. All have their Care. Two merchants, conversing together about the hardness of the times, and observing a flock of pigeons, one said to the other, — "How happy those pigeons are ! they have no bills and acceptances to provide for." " Indeed," said the other, "you are much mistaken; for they have their bills to provide for as well as we." When adverse tmndr — and waves arise, And in my heart — despondence sighs ; When life — her throng of cares reveals, And weakness — o'er my spirit steals, Grattfut—l hear the kind decree, 'That, as my day, my strength— Bhall bo." Proverbs. 1. NoJiing 'jvercomes passion- sooner than silence. 2. Precepts — may lead, but examples — draw. 3. Rebel not against the dictates of reason and conscience. 4. Sincerity — is the pa- rent of truth. 5. The loquacity of fools — is a let' ture to the wise. 6. Unruly passions — destroy thfl peace of the soul. 7. Valor — can do but little^ wfithout discretion. 8. Modesty — is one of the chi^f ornaments of youth. 9. Never insult the poor, poverty — entitles one to our pity. 10. Oar reputa tion liirtue, and happiness— greatlj depend on the choice of our companions. 11. Wisdom — ^ia lie greatest wealth. 12. Pride— is a great thief. liaconics. No more certain^ is it, that the fiower was made to waft perfume, than that ivoman's destiny — is a ministry of love, a Ufe of the affections. Varieties. • 1. Those authors, (says Dr. Johnson,) are to be read at scfiooljthat supply most axioms of prudence, axidmost principles of moral truth. 2. The little and short say- ings of wise and excellent men, (saith Bishop Tillotson,) are of great value ; like the dust of gold, or, tlie least sparks of diamonds. 3. The idle, who are wise rather for this world than the next', are fools at large. 4. Let all your precepts be succint, and clear, that ready wits may comprehend them. 5. None — better guard against a cheat, than he, who is a knave complete. 6. Scarcely an ill — to human life — belongs; but what our follies cause, or mutual wrongs. 7. What our Lord said to all, is applicable to all, at all times ; namely, " watch,'^ — and it appears to relate to the admission of every thought and desirt-, into the mind. THE MOTHER PEKISHING IN A SXOW-STORM. " In the year 1821, a Mrs. Blake perished in a snow-storm in ths night-time, while traveling over a spur of the Green Moxitiiia in Vermont. She had an infant vrith her, which was found aliiw and well in the morning, being carefully wrapped in the mother'i clothing." The cold lomrfs— swept the mountain''s height, And pathless — was the dreary wild. And, 'mid the cheerless hours of night, A mother wander'd — with her child : As through the drifting snow she press'd, The babe — was sleeping — on her breast. And colder still the winds did blow. And darker hours of night came on, And deeper grew the drifting snow : Her limbs — were chill'd, her strength — was grntc- "Oh, GodP'> she cried, in accents wild, " If /must perish, save my child. '^^ She stripp'd her mantle from her breast. And bared her bosom to the storm, And round the child — she wrapped the vest, And smiled— to think her babe was wann With one cold kiss— one tear she shed, And sunk — upon her snowy bed. At dawn— a. traveler passed by, And saw her— 'neath a snowy rati; The frost of death— was in her eye, Her cheek was cold, and hard, and pale, He moved the robe from off the child, The babe look'd up-<:nd sweetly smiled ' 112 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 318. Emphasis, in connection with the Rhetorical Pause. 1. A. friend — cannot be known — in prosperity ; and an enemy can- not be hidden — in adversity. Passions — are winds — to urge us o'er the wave, Reasox— the ncdder— to direct— or save. He — raised a mortal — to the skies, She — drew an angel — down. 4. Charity — suffereth long, and is (3) kind : (4) charity — envieth not ; (5) charity — vaunteth not itself; (3) is not puffed up,- (4) doth not behave itself (5) unseemly; (6) seeketh not her own ; (5) is not easily (4) provoked ; (3) thinketh no evil; (5) rejoiceth — not in (4) iniquity f but (5) rejoiceth in the truth; (4) heareth all things ; (5) believeth all things, (6) hopeth all things; (7) endureth all things; (6) CHARITY — (8) NEVER faileth. 319. The Three Degrees of Speech. There are three different modes in which one may read and speak; only two of which, un- der any circumstances, can be right. The first is — reading and speaking by word, without having any regard to the sentiment; tlie second is — ^reading or speaking only by word and thought ; and the third is — read- ing and speaking by word, thought and. feel- ling — all combined, and appropriately man- i fested. In the Greek language, we find these three modes definitly marked by specific words, such as talleo, eipo and EIRO. Chil- dren are usually taught the first, instead of the third, and then the second and third — Cfmibined: hence, very few of them ever have any conception of the meaning of the words they use, or of the subject matter about which they are reading: they seem to regard these as something foreign to the object. Here we again see the natural truth of an- other scripture declaration : " The letter kil- Leth: the spirit giveth life." And from the prayer of want, the plaint of ivoe; Oh ! never, never— turn away thine ear : Forlorn, in this bleak wilderness helow, [hear. Ah ! wliat were man, should Heaven— refuse to To others do — (the law is not severe;) ^Vllat— to thyself— thoa wJshest to be done; Forgive Xhy foes, and love thy parents dear, And friends and native land; nox those alone,[own. 4JZ human weal, or woe, learn thou to make thine Anecdote. Mahomet — made his people ^«heve, that he would call a hill to him ; and, ^rom the top of it, otTer up his jyrayers for the ohsen'ers of his law. The people assembled ; Mahomet called the hill again and again to wme to him ; and the hill not mooing, he was not at all abashed at it; but put it off with a jest; saying— " If the hill will not come to Mahomet, he — v\ill go to the hilV When people — once are in the xorong, Eacli line they add— is much too long; 'Who fastest walks, but walks astray, Is only/itrf/jes^ . from his way. ■ Proverbs. 1. Every thing— tends to us. 2. Always have a good object in view. 3. Ac- tions—s\\o\x\6. be led by knowledge ; and knowledgt followed by actions. 4. It is better to be saved with- out a precedent, than damned by example. 5. There is no security among evil companions. 6. Never be unwilling to Uach, if you knoio ; nor ashamed to learn, if you can. 7. Better yourself when young ; you will want rest in old age. 8. When you find yourself inclined to be ot 3 on ifce//'; fatUTji — is nauseous — to the truly wise. 6. Glutton:/ - kills more than the sword. 7. Hasty resolution* seldom speed loell. 8. Inconstancy — is the attend- ant of a weak mind. 9. Keep good companif, and be one of the number. 10. While 07U is 6ast?, none can be entirely free and noble. 11. Sin — is the parent of t/isease. 12. Oftener osi, than rfecicte questions. 13. Avoid all superfuities. Anecdote. Witty Reply. A gentleman lately complimented a lady, on her improved appearance. "You are guilty of flatten/,-^ said the lady. "Not so," replied he; "for you are as plump as a partridge.''^ "At first," said she,—" I thought you guilty of flattery only ; but I now find you actually make game of me." Mark to Hlt« Never forget, that by your advancement, you have become an object of envy — to those whom you have outstripped — in the race of life, and a tacit reproach — to their want of energy or capacity, which they ne\er forgive. You must, therefore, lay youi account — to be made a mark for " envy, ha- tred, and malice, and all uncharitableness.'^ Varieties. 1. We hav three orders, or degrees of faculties; the gious, cm/ and scientific; the first, regaius the Deity; the cecond. Humanity ; and the third, Nature ; i. e. the Workman and his works. 2. It is the object of the Bible— to teach religious, ra- ther than scientific truths. 3. Cannot our minds— he imbued with the spirit of heaven ; or tainted with the breath of Hell ? 4. In man, we see blended the geological, the vege- table, and animal : to which is superadded, the human ,• all harmonizing, and yet each successive series predominates over the pre- ceding one; till at length, the human rises above every thing ; ear^A— passes away, and heaven— is all in all. 5. Let your trust be so implicit— in the Divine Providence, that all things will be disposed for the best, after yov; have done the part assigned, that your only care shall be, how you may perform the greatest amount of g-ood,of which your being is capable. This world's a hive, you know, 'tis said, Whose bees-nre men, {'tis tnte asfunny,) And some— fill cells— with bitter bread, While oth(i-s gather sweetest honey; Yet each, alike, his duty does, Each— brings what's needful for the orft^.- Though divers wai/s— they hum and buz, Yet all obey the common moth«r. 114 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 3^2, Emphasis. On every page may be found nearly all the principles of elocution ; and in aiming at a compliance with the rules given, great care must be taken to avoid a ttiff, and fonnal mode of reading and speak- ing. We must never become enslaved to thought alone, w^hich rules witli a rod of iron : but yield to feeling, when it is to predomi- nate : in a perfect blending of feeling, thought and action, there is all the freedom and grace- fulness of nature ; provided they are in har- mony with nature. It is better to be natural, than mechanically correct. Every thought and feeling has its peculiar tone of voice, by which it is to be expressed, and which is ex- actly suited to the degree of internal feeling : in the proper use of these tones, most of the life, spirit, beauty, and effect of delivery con- sists. Hence, emphasis, or expression, is al- most infinite in variety ; yet none should be discouraged; because we cannot do every thing, is no reason why we should not try to do something. 333. Miscellaneous. 1. In your con- versation, be cautious what you speak, to whom you speak, how you speak, when you epeak ; and what you speak, speak wisely, and truly. 2. A fooVs heart — is in his tongue ; but a vjise man's tongue — is in his heart. 3. Few things — engage the attention — and af- fections of men — more than a handsome adr dress, and a graceful conversation. 4. For one — great genius, who has written a little book, we have a thousand — little geniuses, who have written great books. 5. Words — are but air ; and both — are capable of much condensation. 6. Nature — seldom inspires a strong desire for any object, without fur- nishing the abUity— to attain it. 7. .4Z^— is not g-oZd— that glitters. 8. If I were an American— as I am an Englishman, while d^ foreign troop — was landed in my country, I never— would lay down my arms; no,— (6) never.' (A) never! (2) never! 9. The price of Liberty — is eternal vigilance. 10. The true dfsciples of Nature, are regardless who conducts them, provided she be the leader,- for Nature, hke truth— is immutable. There is a tide— in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the /ood,— leads on to fortune ; Omitted, all the voyage of their life- Is l)ound in shallows— and in miseries : On such a full sea — are we — now afloat, And we must take the current, when it serves, Or lose our ventures. Anecdote. One thing at a time. The famous pensioner of Holland, who was the greatest genius of his time, and a fkmous pol- itician, on being asked, how he could trans- act such a variety of business, without c&n- fusion, replied, that he never did but one thing at a time. Fnu to /««— the truth comes out. Proverbs, 1. The foreknoivleJge ot an ap proaching «Jt7, is a benefit of no small magnitudt 2. We may get a world of false love, for a Utile honesty. 3. The love of mankind — may be good while it lasts; but the love of God— is everlasting. 4. Too many condemn the just, and not a few justify the witked. 5. Some people's threats — are larger than their hearts. 6. Discreet stages-make short journeys. 7. Imitate the good, but avoid the evil. 8. Rather do good, without a pattern, than evil, by imitation. 9. Prize a good character above any other good, 10. Well qualified teachers— are benefactors of their race. 11. Plain dealing is a jewel. 12. Per/ecrlove— casteth out /ear. Science. Science, the partisan of 72o coun- try, but the beneficent patroness of all, has liberally opened a temple, where all may meet. She never inquires about the country, or sect, of those who seek admission; she never allots a higher, or a lower place, from exaggerated national claims, or unfounded national antipathies. Her ivfiuence on the mind, like that of the sun on the chilled earth, has long been preparing it for higher cultivation and farther improvement. The philosopher of one country should not see an enemy in the philosopher of another ; he should take his seat in the temple of science, and ask not who sits beside him. Varieties. 1. Is not the innocence of flowers enough to make wicked persons ilutsh — to behold it] 2. Are there not as many beautiful flowers in the other world, as there are in this ? 3. Those are the best diversions, that relieve the mind, and exercise tlie body, with the least expense of time and money. 4. Give us knowledge of our own, and we vf'iW persevere. 5. Let us call tyrants — ty- rants: and maintain, that freedom comes only, by the grace of God. Truth— needs no champion; in the infinite deep Of everlasting Soul— hex strength abides : From Nature's heart — her mighty ^wises leap. — Through Nature's veins, her strength, undying, tides Peace— is more strong than war; and gentle>iess. 'When force were vain, makes conquests o'er the AndLOVE lives on, and hath a power to hless, [wave ; WheQ they, who loved, are hidden — by the grave. Tis not a century — since they. The red men, traversed here, And o'er these pleasant hills and vales. Pursued the bounding deer; Here, too, that eloquence was poured Around the council light, * That made the sturdy warrior bold, And ready for the fght! And oft they came — exulting back. The husband, sire and son. To vaunt before their savage shrina The ill— their hands had done ! Yet, of their mortal weal or woe, No trace '« left to-day ; For. like thefoam. upon the wave, Thev all nave passed auav ; PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 115 334 Shotjiing, or High and Loud — im- vlying force of utterance. The last words of Marmion afford excellent means, when me- morized, for the student to try the compass of his voice upwards, as well as its power on high fitches. It is not often that these hi^rh and almost screaming notes are required in public speaking : yet, there are times, espe- cially in the open air, when they may be in- troduced with great effect. And it is always well to have an inexhaustible capital oi voice, as oi money ; indeed, there is no danger of having too much oi either, provided we make a proper use of them. In giving the word of command, on occasions offre, erecting build- ings, on the field of battle, martial exercise, &.C., power and compass of voice are very desirable. 335. 1. " The war, that for a space did fail, Now, trebly thundering, swell'd the gale, And (10) " btanley !" (6) was the cry: A light on Marmion's visage spread, and fired his glazing eye : With dying hand, above his head, he shook the fragment of his blade, and shouted (8) " VICTORY !" (9) Chak&e! Chester, (10) charge! On, (11) STANLEY— (12) OiV.'"(3) Were the last words of Marmion. 2. (6) Liberty ! (8) FREEDOM! (5) Tyranny is dead! (6) Run (7) hence ! proclaim it about the streets! 3. The combat deepens'. (4) "ON ! ye brave! Who rush — to (6) glo- ry, — or the (3) grave; (9) Wave — Munich ! all thy (10) BANNERS wave ! (8) And charge — with a,l thy (3) chivalry." 936, Constitutional Law, in its ex- tended sense, includes the study of the con- stitutions, or fundamental laws of the vari- ous Nations: i. e. the structure, and mechan- ism of their government, and the appoint- ments, powers, and duties of their officers. The United States Constitutional Law, may be considered under five different heads ; viz : Legislative Power, Executive Power, Judicial Power, State Rights Restrictions, and United States Statutes and Treaties. The Legislative power is vested in a Co?i- gress, consisting of a Senate and House of Jiepresentatives, elected by the people, or their State Legislatures ; the Executive pow- er, in a President, who holds his office four years ; the Judicial power, in a Supreme Court, which consists of one Chief Justice, and eight Associate Justices, and in such inferior courts, as Congress may ordain, or establish. State rights and restrictions — are powers not delegated by the Constitution to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, bat reserved to the States, respect- ively, or to the people. Anecdote. Patience. A youth, who was a nupil of Zeno, on his return home, was ask- ed by his father, " what he had learned V The lad replied, " that will appear hereaf- ter.'''' On this, the father, being enraged, beat his son ; who, bearina; '\X patiently, and with- 3u; complaining, said, " This have I learn- J<1, to endure a parent's anger." Rather suffer wrong than do wrong. i Proverbs. 1. A\)\\Xer jest — is tie poison of friendship). 2. Be ever vigilant, but never suspi- cious. 3. Cheerfulness — is perfectly consistent with true piety. 4. Demonstration — is the best mode of instruction. 5. Entertain not sin, lest you like its company. 6. Finesse — is univorthy of a liberal mind. 7. Good counsel — is above all pric^,. 8. Hearts— ma.Y agree, tho' heads— differ. 9. Idle- ness— is the parent of want, shame, and misery. 10. Learn to live, as you would wish to die. 11. Co7Uent— is tlie highest bliss. 12. Vex not yourself w^hen ill spoken of. Force of Habit. Habit — hath so vast a prevalence over the human mind, that theie; is scarcely any thing too strange, or too strong, to be asserted of it. The story of the miser, who, from long accustoming to cheat others, came at last to cheat himself, and with great delight and triumph picked his 0W71 pocket of a guinea, to convey to hie hoard, is not impossible or improbable. In like manner it fares with the practisers of deceit, who, from having long deceived their acquaintance, gain at last a power of deceiving themselves, and acquire that very opinion, however false, of their own abili- ties, excellences, and virtues, into which they have for years, perhaps, endeavored to betray their neighbors. Varieties. 1. Eternity, (wrote a deaf and dumb boy.) is the Z//etime of the Deity. 2. No evil can be successfully combaited, or removed, but from the opposite good, from a desire for it, and an attachment to it ; i. e. till the mind is perfectly willing to relinquish the evil. 3. A man's ruling love — governs him; because, what he loves, he continues to will. 4. Sweet harmonist, and beautiful as sweet, and young as beautiful, and soft as young, and gay as soft, and innocent tis gay. 5. Had Caesar genius ? he was an oratcr / Had CiBsnr judgment ? he was a politician .' Had Caesar valor ? he was a conqueror > Had Caesar feeling ? he was a friend ! 6. Music — is one of the sweetest flowers of the intellectual garden; and, in relation to its poioer — to exhibit the passions, it may be called — the universal language of nature. 7. Whatever the immediate cause may be, the effect is so far good, as men cease to do evil, they learn to do well. THE FISHERMAN. A perilous life, a.id sad — as life may be, Hath the lone fisher — on the lonely sea; In the wild waters laboring, far from home, For some poor pittance, e'er compelled to roam! Feio friends to cheer him — in his dangerous it/e, And none to aid him — in the stormy strife. Companion of the sea and silent air, The lonely^s/icr thus must ever fare ; Without the comfort, hope— with scarce a. friend. He looks through life, and only sees — its end! « Thou art, O God! the life and light Of all this wondrous toorld we see; Its gloio by day, its smile by night, Are but refections — caught from thee! Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things bright and/aiV— are lAtn<.» 116 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 3«iy. Speaking the Gauntlet. We have all heard of the practice, that prevails ^ among some tribes of Indians, called "nm- mng the gauntlet;" when a company ar- range themselves in two rows, a few yards apart, and their prisoner is obliged to run between them ; when each throws his hatchet at him ; and if he passes through without being killed, he is permitted to live. In the important exercise, here recommended, each member of the class, after making some proficiency, memorizes and recites, a strong and powerful sentence, and the others try to put out, or break down, the one that is speaking, by all sorts of remarks, sounds, looks, and actions ; tho' without touching him : and the gauntlet speaker, girds up ihe loins of his mind, and endeavors to keep the fountain oi feeling higher than the streams: and so long, he is safe; but alas for him, that shrinks into himself, and yields to his opponents . But t/tis,— and ills severer— \i& sustains : As gold — the^re, and, as unhurt remains : When most reviled, altho' he feels the smart^ It wakes — to nobler deeds — the wounded heart. The noble mind — unconscious of a fault, No fortune's /rown — can hend, or smiles — exalt: Like the firm rock — that in mid-ocean — braves The war of whirlwinds, and the dash of waves: Or, like a tower — he lifts his head on high — And fortune's arrows — far below him fly. 3'28. McuTHiNO. Some — think that words are rendered more distinct, to large assemblies, by dwelling longer on the sylla- bles ; others, that it adds to the pomp and solemnity of public declamation, in which they think every thing must be different from private discourse. This is one of the vices of the stage, and is called theatrical, in opposition to what is natural. By "trip- pingly on the tongue," Shakspeare probably means — the bounding of the voice from ac- cent to accent ; trippingly along from word to word, without resting on syllables by the way. And, by "mouthing,"''' dwelling on syllables, that have no accent, and ought therefore to be pronounced as quickly as is consistent with a proper enunciation. Avoid an artificial air, and hold, as it were, the mirror up to nature. See the difference in the following, by pronouncing them with the accent, extending thro' the whole word, in a drawling tone, and then, giving them properly: con-7ec-ture, en-croac^-ment, hap- pi-ness, graf-i-tude, /or-tu-nate-ly ; which is very far from true solemnity, which is in the spirit; not alone in the manner. Anecdote. A student in college — carried a manuscript poeift, of his own composition, to his tutor, \ox his inspection. The tutor, after looking it over, inquired the author's reason, for b^inning every line vpith a capi- tal letter, "Because it is poetry," said the student. " It is.'" said the teacher, " I de- clare, I should not have thought it." By frequent use — experience — gains its growth, But knowledge— Q.ies from laziness and slotfi- Proverbs. 1. Soft hands, and soft hrcins^ generally go together. 2. Let time be the judge, and common sense the jury. 3. Cherish an ar- dent love of nature and of art. 4. The region beyond the grace, is not a solitary one. 5. Eacb night — is the past day's funeral: and each wiorn — its resurrection. G. Better be exalted by humility, than brought low by exaltation. 7. Tight-lacing — is a gradual suicide, and tends lo enkindle im- pure desires. 8. Good manners — are always be- coming. 9. The candid man has nothing to con* ceal; he speaks nothing but truth. 10. Plate said — read much ; but read not many books. 11. Marry in haste; repent at leisure. 12. If you will not keep, ycu cannot have. 13. Prune off useless branches. Government. It is time that men should learn to tolerate nothing a7icient, that reason does not respect, and to shrink from no nov- elty, to which reason may conduct. It is tinie that the human powers, so long occu- pied by subordinate objects and inferior arts, should mark the commencement of a new era in history, by giving birth to the art of improving government, and increasing the civil happiness of man. It is time, that le gislntors, instead of that narrow and das- tardly coasting, which never ventures to lose sight of usage and precedent, shotild, guided by the polarity oi reason, hazard a holder navigation, and discover, in unex- plored regions, the treasure of public feli- city. Varieties. 1. Did not Mr. Pitt, by the force of his eloquence, raise himself to be the prime minister of England ? 2. A rich man's son — generally begins — where his father left off; and ends — where his father began — peimyless. 3. A proneness to talk 01 persons, instead of things, indicates a narrow, and superficial mind. The world — may scorn me, if they choose ; I care But little for their scoffings : I may sink For moments ; but I rise again, nor shrink From doijig — what the f aithfuljiean inspires - I will not fatter, fawn, nor crouch, nor wink At what high mounted wealth, ox poiver desires; I have a loftier aim — to which my soul aspires. Be humble — learn thyself \o scan; Knoiv — PRIDE — was never made for man. 6. Where there is emulation — there will be vanity; and where there is vanity, there will he folly. 7 £acA man has his proper standard to /^ /if under, and his peculiar rfw^y to perform : one tribe's office — is not that of another: neither is the inheritance the same. I wander — by the mountain's side, Whose jjeais— reflect the parting iay, Or stoop — to view the river glide In silvery ripples — on its way. The turf is green, the sky is blue, The sombre trees— \n silence rest, Save where a songster — rustles through The drooping foliage — to^his nest; Yet 07ie thing — wants the pilgrim tber©— A kindred soul, the scene to share. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 117 320. Revisioiv. Before entering on a con- sideration of the Injledions, and other higher modifications of voice, the pupil is a^ain ear- nestly solicited— to review all the principles, that have heen brought forward ; especially ell that relates to Accent, Pauses, Emphasis, and tlie alphabet of music, or the eight notes ; and, in tliis revision, be careful not to corir found one principle with another ; as stress with quantity, high sounds with loud ones, end low ones with feeble. Remember, that stress is a quick blow, or ick-tus of the voice ; quantity — length of sound ; high sounds — on, or above the sixth note; loud ones— halloo- ing ; lo7v sounds— on, or below the third note ; feeble ones, softly, as from weakness. Prac- tice the examples, till you make Xhemfit you, and produce on yourselves and others, the de- sired effects. 330. I came to the place of my birth, and said ; " The friends of my youth— Vfhexe are theyl" And echo answered, — " Where?'''' 2. When the Indians were sohcited to emi- grate to the West, they replied ; What I shall we say, to the bones of our fathers— Arise I and go with us into o. foreign land? The truly lovely — Are not the/air, who boast but o^ outward grace, The nought, but beautiful of form and face ; They — are the lovely — they, in whom unite, [light. Earth's fleeting charms — with virtue''s heavenly Who, tho' they wither, — yet, w'nh faded bloom — Bear their all of siveetness — to the tomb. Notes. I. Such is the careless and ignorant manner in which many have been permitted to come up, instead of being lroti.z,ht up, that it will often be found necessary to use a variety of means to become divested of bad habits and their consequencer. 2. Probably the lungs suffer more than any other part of the body, by being cooped up in a small cavity. To enlarge the chest, ?ide-\vise, practice the elevation of the elbows to a horizontal plane nearly level with the shoulders, and commence gently tapping the breast between the shoulders, the ends of the fingers of both hands neing nearly together ; and then, during the exercise, strike back from the sternum towarc^each shoulder, drawing the hands far- ther and farther apart, till the ends of tlie fing-ers reach the arm- pits, and even out on the arm, without depressing the elbows: try it, and you will see and know. Anecdote. Flying To; not From. Some years ago, a person requested permission of the Bishop of Salisbury, in England, to fly from the spire of his church. The good bishop, with an anxious concern for the man's spiri- tual, as well as temporal safety, told him, he "vas very welcome to fly to the church ; but hi' would encourage iw one to ^y from it. THE BUTTEEFLT. Child of the sun! pursue thy rapturous flight. Mingling with her thou fcv's?— in fields of light ; And, where the flowers oi Paradise unfold, triuaff fragrant nectar — from their cups of gold, Inhere shall thy wings, rich as an evening sky, Expand — and shut — in silent ecstasy. V"et, wert thou once a worm, a thing, that crept On the bare ear^, then wrought atotnb, and slept ; And such — is man; ioon, from liis cellof c/ay, \o burst a seraj 'i.~\n the blaze of day. Proverbs. 1. Pn'i.'e— is the greatest cnemj* to reason ; and discretion — the great opposite of pri:le. 2. The u-ise — shape their apparel to Jiie body; the proud — shape their body to their appa- rel. 3. A sound and vigorous mind, in a healthy body, is an invaluable possession. 4. Experience — is the mother of the arts. 5. He, is never tired of listening, who wishes to gain knowledge. 6. Uet* ter consider for a day, than repent for a year. 7. Economy — is the foundation of liberality, and tha parent of tndepenc/enc«. 8. Use no totacco, if you would be decent, clean, and healthy. 9. The path of literature is more difficult, than that which letds to fortune. 10. That which is well dcMe, is Urtae done. 11. Of a little— tois a little. 12. A hasiy man — never wants woe. Providence. If a man lets his hand lie in the ice, it is highly probable Providence will ordain it to be frozen ; or if he holds it in the j^e, to be burnt. Those who go to sea, Providence will sometimes permit to be drowned ; those, on the other hand, who ne- ver quit dry ground. Providence will hardly suffer to perish in the sea. It is therefore justly said, " Help yourself, and Heaven wUl help you." The truth is, that God lias helped us from the beginning; the work of the master is completed ; and, so far as it was intended to be so, perfect; it requires, tliere- fore, no farther extraordinary aids and cor- rections from above ; 'ii& further development and improvement in this world is placed in our own hands. We may be good or bad, wise or foolish, not always perhaps in the degree which we, as individuals, might choose, were our wills perfectly free, but so far as the state of the human race, imme- diately preceding us, has formed us to decide. Varieties. 1. Is animal, or human mag- netism, true? 2. When the spirit is deter- mined, it can do almost ff«/ything; therefore, never yield to discouragement in doing, or getting, what is good and true. 3. What temptation is grea/er, than permitting young persons, and especially young jnen, in this degenerate world, to liandle much money, that is not their own. 4. Exhibit such an example in your dress, conversation, and temper, as will be worthy of imitation. 5. We often hear it said, "that people, and things, are changed^'' Is it not ourseli-€J> that have changed! The heart— makes all around, a mirror oi itself. Real glory — Springs from the silent conquest of 5ttrse^t'CJ, And, without that—fhe conqueror is nought, But the Jirst slave. 7. Every word, spoken from affection, leaves an everlasting impression in the mind ; every thougtit, spoken from affection, becomes a living creation ; and the same also, if not spoken,— if it be fully assented to by the mind. When the stem dies, the leaf, that grew Out of its heart, must perish too. HP PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 331. EvJ RT emotion of the mind has its own external manifestation ,- so that no one emotion can be accommodated to anotlier. Observe the native eloquence of a hungry child, when asking for a piece of bread and tiutter; especiall}^ the third or fourth time ; and mark its emphasis, and tones: also the qualities of voice, with which it expresses its grief, anger, joy, &c. The manner of each passion is entirely different ; nor does it ever Hpply one for another ,- indeed, children in tlieir own efforts, always make the proper emphasis, inflections, and gestures; and they are graceful in all, when under the sole influ- ence of nature. Thus, from nature, unso- phistocated, may be derived the whole art of speaking. The author is free to acknow- ledge, that he has learned more about Ij^ue eloquence, from children, and the Indians, and his consequent practice, than from all other sources. 333. Cicero — copied, and imitated, every body ; he was the very mocking-hixA. of el- oquence, which is his greatest distinction, and glor]) : for who so various ass^e ; who so sweet, so powerful, so simply eloquent, or so magnificently JZowwg-, and each, and all, by turns '{ His mind was a perfect pan-harmon- ican. Your original writer, — your original character, has no sympathies ; h« is heart- Dound, &ram-bound and hp-hovmd ; he is tru- ly an oddity ; he is like no-body, and no-body is like him; he feeds on self-adoi^ation, or the adulation of fools ; who mistake the ora- cles of pride and vanity, for the inspirations of genius. 3:J3. There are some, even in this enlight- ened age, who affect to desjyise the acquisi- tion of elocution, and other important and useful accomplishments; but such persons are generally very awkward themselves, and dislike the application and practice, that are necessary to render them agreeable and im- I)ressive speakers. It is an old adage — that many — despise that, which they do not pos- sess, and which they are too indolent to at- tain. Remember the fox and the grapes. Anecdote. A colonel was once com- plaining, that from the ignorance, and i?iat- iention of the officers, he was obliged to do the whole duty of the regiment. Said he, " I am my own captain, my own lieutenant, my own comet, and" "Your owti trumpeter, ^^ Baid a lady present. NOW came still evening on, and twilight gray Had, in her sober livery, all things clad. Silence — accompawied ; for beast, and bird, They, to their gi-assy couch, these— to their neat Were sunk, all, but the wakeful nightirigale ; She, all uight long, her amorous descant sung ; Silence — was pleased. Now glow'd thefirtnoimnt With Viv'ws sapphires : Hespenis, tha^t Ud Thi starry host, rode brightest ; till 'he moon, Rising in clouded majesty, at length Apparaut queen, unvail'd her peerless light, and # er ttc- dark her silver mantle threw. Proverbs. 1. A wise governor, would rather preserve peace, than gahi a victory. 2. It is sometimes a benefit to grant favors, and at other times, to deny them. 3. An angry person is an- gry with hijnseif, when he returns to reason. 4. Uherever you are, conform to the usual cus- toms a.i\d irian7iers of the country, 5. To encourage the u7iioort/iy, is to promote vice. 6. Ingratitude to the benevolent — generally ends in disgrace. 7. Esteem virtue, tho'in &foe: abhor vice, the' in a friend. 8. The more one speaks cf himself, th« iass willing is he, to hear ano^Aer talked about. 9. Is'ature — is always conteut with herself. 10. I'orm \ our opinions of a person, by his question*, rather than by his answers. 11. Say — can wis- dom — e'er reside, with passion, envy, hate, or pride ? 12. In a calm sea, every man is pilot. 13. A good Z//e— keeps oil wrinkles. Debt. There is nothing — more t/> be dreaded, than debt : when a person, whose principles are good, unhappily falls into this situation, adieu to all peace and comfort The reflection imbilters every meal, and drives from the eyelids refreshing sleep. It corrodes and cankers every cheerful idea and, like a stern Cerberus, guards each ave- nue to the heart, so tliat pleasure does not approach. Happy I thrice happy ! are those, who are blessed with an independent compe tence, and can confine their luants within the bounds of that competenea, be it what it may To such alone, the bread ot life is palatable and nourishing. Sweet ia i^io morsel, that is acquired by an honest i7iditjt-y, the produce of which is permanent, or tiiat flows from a source which will not fail. A subsistence, that is precarious, or procured by an uncer- tain prospect of payment, carries neither wine nor oil with it. Let me, therefore, again repeat, that the person, who is deeply involv- ed in debt, experiences, on earth, all the tor- fures, the poets describe to be the lot of the wretched inhabitants of Tatarus. Varieties. 1. Is not a' want of purity, the cause of the fickleness of mankind ! 2. A man's character is like his shadow, which sometimes /oZZouJ5, and at others, pre cedes him ; and which is occasionally longer, or shorter, than he is. 3. Admiration — sig- nifies the reception and acknowledgment of a thing, in thought, and affection. 4. Wc should have good roads, if all the sinntrs were set to mend them. 6. The world is a hive, that affords both sweets, and poisons, with many empty combs. 6. All earthly en- joyments are not w^hat they appear ,- there- fore, we should discriminate ; for some are sweet in hopes, but, m fruition, sour. 7. Ot' der — is the siveetest, most pacific, regular and delightful melody: the first motion if one, and the end is one: the final end is tb€ similitude of the beginning. Self, alone, in nature — rooted /i/j; But the haste — with which they grasp thelll^ Every fairy form destroys. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTK^N. 123 317, The Falling Iivflectiox Q) in- dicates that the voice gUdes downwards, continuously, on the more important words. 1. "Where are you going? 2. Of what are you thinking? 3. Who sendeth the early and the latter 4. What things f are most proper for youth to learn ] Those that they are to practice, when they enter upon the stage of action. 5. Be always sure you are right, then go ahead" 6. Begin^ ; be bold, — and venture to be wise : He who defers this work, from day to day, Does on a river's brink expecting, stay, Till the whole stream, that stopt liim, shall be gone, — That rwm, and runs, and ever will run on. 7. I do not so much request, as demand your attention, 8. Seek the truth for its own sake, and out of love for it ; and when found, embrace it, let it cut where it will; for it is all powerful, and must prevail. 348. Never begin, or end, two successive sentences on the same pitch: neither two lines in poetry; nor two members of a sen- tence ; nor two words meaning different things ; if you do, it will be monotonous. The 3d, 4th, or 5th note is the proper pitch for commencing to read or speak ; thcj /orce must be determined by the occasion, the size of the room, the sense, &c. If we are in the middle of the pitches, we can rise or fall according to circumstances ; but if we begin too Idgh, or too low, we shall be liable to extremes. Look at those of the audience at a medium distance, and you will not greatly err in -pitch. 349. Mental Philosophy — treats of the faculties of the human mind; their laws and actions, with a general reference to their use and cultivation. It teaches, that the two constituents of mind — are the will and the UNDEKSTANDIN& ; the former is the re- ceptacle of all our affections, good, or evil; the latter, of all our thoughts, true or false. Phrenology — may be considered, to a certain extent, as the highway to the philosophy of mind ; but it is not a sxxre guide, being found- ed on the philosophy of effects, instead of that of causes; as is the case with all the sciences : hence, it cannot be depended on. To judge righteously of the subject of mind, we must have the whole ma7i; which in- volves 'phrenology, physiology, and psycholo- gy: all of which must be seen in the light ot TRUTH, natural, and spiritual. /Anecdote. Ehymetry. When queen Elizabeth visited the town of Falkenstene, the inhabitants employed their parish clerh — to versify their address : the mayor, on be- ing introduced, with great gravity mounted a three legged stool, and commenced his poetical declamation thus: — "O mighty queen, Welcome to Falkenstene!''' Eliza' heth burst out in a loud roar of laughter; and, without giving his worship time to re- cover himself, she replied, " You great /ooZ, Get off that s«ooZ." Keep company with the wise and good. Proverbs. 1. Speech — is iht image of iction, 2. Superstition— IS the spleen of the soid. 3. Sus- pect a tale-bearer^ and trust him not. 4. Suspicion —is the passion oi traefriendskip. 5. Sweet are the slumbers of the virtuous. 6. Safe is he, wlio serves a good conscience. 7. Never do a mean action. 8. Set not too high a value on your own abilities. 9. Simple diet makes htxlthy children. 10. Sneer not at that you cannot r-.val 11. Tlie best answer lo a slander — is silence. 1*. . Vice — is infamous in ere??/ body. Com.passion. Compassion — is an emo- tion, ot which we ought never to be asham' ed. Graceful, particularly in youth, is the tear of sympathy, and the heart, that melts at the tale oiwo; we should not permit ease and indulgence to contract our affections, and wrap us up in a selfish enjoyment. But we should accustoyn ourselves to think of the distresses of human life, of the solitary cottage, the dying parent, and the weeping orphan. Nor ought we ever to sport with pai7i and distress, in any of our amusements, or treat even the meanest insect with wanton cruelty. * Varieties, l' What does the tree of life signify, and what the knowledge of good and evil, and ivhat the eati?ig from them? 2. What heaps of the ruins of a former world, are piled up to form the substratum, and surface, of the one we i7ihabit? 3. Why ia the Caucasian, or European race, so migra- tory and unsettled in its habits and propeii' sities, while the African race seems dis- posed to stay at home, conte7ited, and happy i 4. Where, in the brain, is the determma- tion of the mind, when we think inte7iselyf Is it not where phrenologists locate causal- ity? 5. Why is the eye used to represent wisdom ? 6. JVho knoweth, (says Solomon,) the spirit of man, that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast, that goeth downward 1 7. Why is a circle — used to represent eter- nity ? THE DYING CHKISTIAN TO HIS SOUI» Vital spark — oC heavenly flame! Quit, oh quit this mortal frame ; Trembling, hoping, ling'' ring, fiying, Oh, the pain, the bliss — o^ dying! Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife, And let me languish — into life. Hark! ikej whisper ; angels say, " Sister spirit, come away.^ What is this — absorbs me quite ; Steals my senses, — shuts my sight, Drowns my spirits, — draws my breath .' Tell me, my sojil, can this—he death? The world recedes ; it disappears ! Heaven — opens on my eyes! my ears With sounds seraphic ring:— 'Lew\,lendy OUT wings! I mount! I fly' O grave! where— \s thy victory? death! where— is ihy sting? 1 hate to see— a shabby book, With half the leaves— lorn out, And used, as if its ot<;ner— thought Twere made- -to toss about. 124 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 350. INFLECTIONS. The reader sees that •he risiiis inflection is used, when questions are asked, that may be answered by yes, or no; also, in cases oi doubt and uncertainty: and that xhe falling inflection is used, when questions are asked that are not thus an- swered ; and in all cases of strong afirma- tion. Some authors seem not to have no- ticed the distinction between a rising injiec- tton of the voice, and a simple suspension of it, when there is a continuation of the bense. Let us not rely too much on the i?i- jlections, to enable us to give variety, but on the different -pitches of voice: the former gives artificial variety, and the latter, a natural one. 35 1» !• Accustom yourself to submit, on all occasions, (even in the most minute, as well as the most iriiportant circumstances in life,) to a small, present evil, to obtain a greater, distant good. This will give de- cision, tone, and energy to the mind; wliich, thus disciplined, will often reap victo- ry — from defeat, and honor — from repulse. Having acquired this in-waluable habit of rational preference, and just appreciation, start for the prize that endureth forever. 2. 'I'he man, whose Iiouse is on fire, cries — Fire ! fire^ ! ! FIRE^ ! ! ! with the falling inflection: but the roguish hoy, who would raise a false alarm, cries, Fire., fire, Jire, with the rising inflection. 3. This is an (5) open, (4) honorahle challenge; why are you (6) suent? Why do you (5) prevari- cate? I (6) insist upon txiis point; I (5) urge you to it: (4) press it; nay, I (3) de- mand — it. 352. The END, the cause and the effect, are the three distinct things, which follow each other in regular and successive order; for every thing," in this world, and in the other, proceeds according to these degrees: hence, intelligence — properly consists in knowing and distinguishing them, and see- ing them in their order. Illustration: the end of man is the love of his will; for what one loves, he proposes and intends: the cause with him is the reason oi the under- standing; for the e7id, by means of the rea- son, seeks for mediates, or efficient causes: and the effect is the operation of the body from, Qni according to, them. When tliese three are exhibited m act, the end is inward- ly in the cause, and thro'' the cause in the effect; wherefore, they co-exist in the effect. Hence, the propriety oi judging every one — by his works; that is, by his fruits: for the end. or the love of the will, and the cause, or the reaso?i of his understanding, are to- gether in the effects; which three constitute the witole man. Oh how poor Seems the rich gift of genius, when it lies, Like the adventurous bird, that hath out-flown liis strength— upon the ssa, ambition-vfvecked.— A thing— the thrush might pity, as she eits, liroodiug iu quiet, on her lowly nest. j Proverl)s. 1. Through tht ear, we must fiiu". access to the heart. 2. H^inger makes exery kind , of food acceptable. 3. Death — is the finishing j stroke in the picture oUife. 4. The remembrance I of labors performed, and difficulties overcome, is al- { ways agreeable. 5. The labors of the student are siveeter, the farther he proceeds ; because his heart is in them. G. Always yield to the truth. 7. The improvement of the mind is of the first imporiatice. 8. Beware of going into the way of temptatioris : many have been ruined, merely by looking on, to see how others do. 9. Tricks and treachery an; the practice of fools. 10. The proper study of mankind — is man. 11. Promote virtuous com»iK- nication. 12. An ape — is ridiculous by natjire; men— by art and study. 13. Flattery — is a very fashionable art. Anecdote. Old Habits. The duke de Niver7iois was acquainted with the countess de liochefort, and never omitted going to see her a single evening. As she was a widow and he a widower, one of his friends observed to him, it would be more conven- ient for him to marry that lady. " I have often thought so," said he, " but one thing prevents me ; in that case, where should 1 spend my evenings V^ Proiaises. If promises — from man to man have force, why not from man to wo- man ? Their very weakness is the chartei of their power, and they should not be in- jured because they can't return it. Varieties. Educational Questions. 1. What are the rights and duties of the fami- ly, and of society at large, respecting the education of children ? 2. To what sort and degree of education can anr/ human individ- ual, as such, lay claim, mdependently of fortune, or any other distinction ? 3. How far should the education of a child be regu- lated, according to his natural capacities, and how /ar should external circumstances be permitted to affect it ? 4. What are the chief obstacles to a more general education of the poor; and what are *he leading errors committed in this greatest of all charities, so far as it extends at -present? 5. What are the cJ^iV/ errors committed in the educa- tion of the wealthier classes, and by what means can the education of both voor and rich be made to produce, in the course of time, a more harmonious state of society ? 6. How far, hitherto, lias Christianity been allowed to influence education, and by what means can the difficulties, arising froin dis- tinctions among christians, be obviated in it t 7. TVho will satisfactorily answer these im portant questions ? " From the birth Of mortal man, the sov'reign Maker said, That not in humble, nor In brie/ delight, Not in the fading echoes of renown, Power's purple robes, nor pleasure's flowery lap, The soul—Knu find enjoyment ; but from these Turning, disdainful, to an equal good. Thro' all th' ascent of things — enlarge her t'i«M>, Till every bound — at length— shall disappear, And infinite ^fr/ecf ton— close the scene.'-' PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 125 359. Prbceding Principles. The sooner the pupil begins to rely upon his oum re- Bources and experience, the better; and he should not forget, that he must make himself an elocutionist. Hence, the importance of his seeing, rationally, and feeling, in his in- most soul, the truth, or falsehood, of the principles here unfolding. Let every exam- ple be thoroughly mastered,- and, to prevent the growth of bad habits, in reading, speak- ing and singing, let him often review; as well as pay special attention to tlie varieties of illustration, that are to be found on every page. 353. 1. It is too late— to urge objections — agmnst universal education; for the fountains — of the great deep — are broken up, and a flood of information, (4) theological, (6) scien- tific, (4) civil, and (6) literary, is carrying all bef(yre it; filling up the valleys, and scaling the (6) MOUNT Aiif -tops: a spirit of inquiry has gone forth, and sits brooding — on the mind of man. 2. Music — shovdd be cultivat- ed, not as a mere sensual gratification ; but, as a means of elevating, and improving the affections; ennobling, purifying, hlxA exalt- ing, the w^hole man. 3. Beware — of a re- morseless thirst for the acquisition of riches; rather — than deliver up yourself in execrable devotion to Mammon, mount the ladder of the most dangerous ambition, — even tho' it were planted on the precipice, ~B.nd leaned against a cloud. 354. Politic AX. Philosopht — includes all theories and general views of government, with a description of t\ie forms, and the prin- ciples on which they are founded, and the modes in which they are administered. This study rests on the basis of natural law, or justice ; and tiierefore, presupposes a know- ledge of ethics ,- it requires enlarged and ele- vated views of human nature, and tiie constitution of society ; with the means by which virtue may be diffused, justice en- forced, and order preserved throughout the community: it is alike important to the statesman, the legislator, and the private citizen. Anecdote. Howard's Opinion of Swear- ers. As he was standing, one day, near the door of a printing-ofhce, he heard some dreadful volleys of oaths and curses from a public house opposite, and, buttoning his pocket up before he went in the street, he said to the workmen near him, " I always do this whenever I hear men swear, as I think that any one, who can take God's name in vain, can also steal, or do anything else that is &ad." Hope, of all passions, most befriends us here : Passions of prouder name — befriend us less. Joy — has her tears, and transport — has her death: Hope, like a cordial, innocent, though strong, Man's heart, at onee, inspi'nts— and serenes. Proverbs. 1. Perset-emjicft— overcoirjes all difficulties. 2. Instruction, by example, is qicich and effectual. 3. We are only in the morning starlight of the arts and sciences. 4. Knowledge ia not obtained in a moment. 5. ApolkPs bow — was not always bent. 6. Reason— r% not the test of truth : it is only the organ, through which we see truth. 7. No one is so well qualified to rule, a3 he, who knows how to obey. 8. Beauty— is like the flower of spring: but virtue— is like the stars of heaven. 9. Vain persons are fond of fine things 10. Respect, and contempt, spoil many a one. 11. Some — outlive their reputation. 12. When sorrow is asleep, wake it not. liRconics. And what was it, fellow-citi- zens, which gave to our La Fayette his spot- less/awe.? TYielove of liberty. What — has consecrated his memory — in the hearts of good men ? The love of liberty. What — nerved his youthful arm with strength, and inspired him in the morning of his days, with sagacity and counsel? The living love of liberty. To what — did he sacrifice power., and country, and freedom itself? To the horror of licentiousness; to the sanctity of plighted /tti^A ; to the love of liberty protected by law. Thus, the great principle of your revolutionary /fl^Aers, of your pilgrim sires, the great principle of the age, was the rule of his hfe: The love of liberty — protected by law. Varieties. 1. When a tod?/ receives the addresses of a gentleman, who is in the lia- bit of tippling, how is she to determine, to what extent his protestations should be set down to himself, and how much passed to the credit of ardent spirits ? In other words, how much is of love, and how much of alcohol ? Suppose she test it, by the pledge of total ab' stinence ? 'Tis not the /ace,— 'tis not the form,— 'Tis not the heart — liowever warm ; It is not these, tho' all combined. That wins true love :— it is the mind. Canst thou believe ihy prophet, — (or, what is more,) That Power, which made thee, (8) and thy prophe^ Will (with impunity,) let pass that breach Of saered faith, given to the royal Greek? How (3) poor ! how (6) rich ! how (4) abject ! How (9) august ! bow (4) complicate ! how (2) uxmderful is mar How (6) passing, He, who nuxde him such ! and Centered in his make— such strange extremea! What can preserve my life ? or what destroy ? An (6) angePs arm — can't snatch mt tifm my grave ; Legions of angels — can't confine nn :here. My mother's voice ! how q/ifen— creeps Its cadence— o'er my lonely hours. Like Aea/mg— r»ent on wings of sleep, Or dew — to the unconscious powers. I canH forget her melting prayer, Even while my pulses— mod/y fly; And in the still, unbroken air. Her gentle tones .^ome— steal ing by , And years, and sin, and manhood flee, And leave me— at my mother's knee < !26 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 355. These Inflections may pass through 2, 3, 5, or 8 notes, according to the intensity ofthefeeUng. Ex. l."Doyousay,that[l J'3] can learn to sing I 2. Do you say that [1 I'd] can learn to singi 3. What.' do you say that [ IJ' 81 can learn to sing 1 ' ' Reverse the inflection; hegin at the top, and go down. 4. He said LS'Tl] can learn to sing, not you'" Thus, you see that the voice may step up or down, by discrete degrees, or glide up and down, by continuous degrees. 5. " To whom the gobhn, full of wrath, replied : ri) Art thou that (3) traitor (4) aTigel .? (3) art th ^u he who first broke peace in heaven, and [5) faith, till then (8) ukbiiokkn l (9) Back to thy punishment— false fugitive, and to thy speed add wings ; lest with a wJiip of scarpioTis, I pursue thy hng'ring ; or with one stroke of this dart, strange hmiror seize thee, and pangs unfelt before." In speaking this sentence, use all the eight notes. 356. In reading the first example, the voice glides from \he first to the third note ; because there is no feeling : in reading the second, the voice glides from the first to the fifth note ; because there is some feeling, and consequent earnestness; and in the third example, the voice glides from the tonic, to the octave ; because there is a great deal of feeling : in \he fourth example, tlie voice be- gins at the top, or eighth note, and ^glides down to the first ; because there is a conse- quent change of thought and action. In the fifth example, the voice commences at 1, in a harsh tone, and goes on gradually ascend- ing to angel; then it recedes, and then goes on rising still higher on faith, and highest on unbroken; when it begins to descend, in an unyielding and gradual way, to the close, in a manner that no words can describe. 357. Do not the bees, (says Quintillian) extract honey from very different flowers and juices T Is it any wonder that Eloquence, (which is one of the greatest gifts heaven has given to man,) requires many arts to perfect it ? and tho' they do not appear in an ora- tion, nor seem to be of any use, they never- theless afford an inward supply of strength, and are silently felt in fiie mind: without all these a man may be eloquent, but I wish to form an orator ; and none can be said to have all the requisites, while the smallest thing is wanting. Anecdote. Good Works. The Russian embassador at Paris, made the Abbe L'Epee a visit, and offered him a large sum of mo- ney through the munificence of the empress. The Abbe declined, saying, " I receive gold of no one ; but if the empress will send me a deaf and dumb person to educate, 1 shall consider it a more flattering mark of d's- tinciioru** Proverbs. 1. An evil heart- -can mike any doctrine false, in its own view. 2. Bad books are fountains of vice. 3. Comply cheerfully, when necessity enjoins it. 4. Despair — blunts the edge of indicstry.^ 5. Doubie-dniang—is the index of a base spirit. 6. Every vice wars against nature. 7. Friendship — is often stronger than kindred 8. Good intentions — will not justify evil actUnu. 0. In order to learn, we must pay undivided aUen- tion. 10. Mental gifts — often hide bodUy ir^firmi- ties. 11. Lawing — is verj- costly. 12. The world is his, who enjoys it. 13. Poverty — is often an evil counsellor. Despotism. All despotism, whether usurped or hereditary, is our abhorrence. We regard it as the most grievous wrong and insult to tlie human race. But, towards the hereditary despot — we have more of cam- passion than indignation. Nursed and bro't up in delusion, worshiped from his cradle, never spoken to in the tone of fearless truth, taught to look on the great mass of his fellow beings as an inferior race, and to regard des- potism as a law of nature, and a necessary element of social life ; such a prince, whose education and condition almost deny him the possibihty of acquiring healthy moral. /ee^i«;i^ and manly virtue, must not be judged severe- ly. Still, in absolving the despot — from much of the guilt, which seems at first, to attach to his unlawful and abused power, we do not the less account despotism a wrong and a curse. The time for its, fall, we trust, is earn- ing. It cannot fall too soon. It has Icmg enough wrung from the laborer his hard earnings; long enough squandered a na- tion's wealth on its parasites and minio7is ; long enough warred against the freedom of the mind, and arrested the progress of truth. It has filled dungeons enough — with the brave and good, and shed enough of the blood ot pa- triots. Let its end come. It cannot come /oo soon. Varieties. 1 . What is education, and what are the best means for obtaining it ? 2. Why are diamonds valuable'/ because of their scarcity ? 3. Why are professional men m- aifferent poets ? is it because, as the bounda- ries of science enlarge, the empire of ima- gination is diminished? 4. In what does tine honor consist! 6. Tamer tone boasted that he governed men by four great arts ; viz : bribery, amusement, diversion, and sus- pense: are there no Tamalanes now, think youl 6. Is there any alliance between ge- nius and poverty ? 7. If w^e leave the path of duty, shall we not l)e liable to run into the path of danger? 8. Are there not some, who would make void the word of God, by their own traditions? 9. Is it not a most important part of a teacher's duty, to imbue the minds of his pupils, with the love of all goodness and truth ? PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 121 358. The Injkdions have great influence in expressing, or perverting the sense, ac- cording as they are correctly or mcorrectly made. 1. In the retirement of a college — I am unable to suppress evil thoughts ; how difficult then, to do it, amidst the world's temptations! 2. The man who is in the daily use of ardent (6) spirits, (4) if he should not become a (3) drunkard, (6) is in danger of losing his (5) health, and (6) character. The m/wg- inflection on drunkard, would imply that he must become one, to preserve his health and character. 359. Apply the principles to the follow- ing, according to the feelings and thaughts, and their objects. 1. But (5) mercy — is (6) above — tins sceptred swaiy ', (4) it is enthron- ed — in the (5) hearts of kings,- it is an (6) attribute — (1) of God himself. Love, hope,— 3iid joy, fair Pleasures imiling train ; Hate, fear, and grief, the family of Pain ; These, muted with art, and to due bounds confiaed. Make —and maintain —the balance of the mind. He knew — How to make madness— beautiful, and cast, (O'er erring deeds, and thoughts,) a heavenly hut Of words, like sunbeams, dazzling (aa they passed,) The eyes, which o'er them shed tears, fedingly, and fast. Thy Morda— had such a melting^w, And spoke of frwtA— so sweetly well. They dropped — (like Aeat>«n's serenest snow,) And all was (6) brightness, — where they fell. 360. Inducing Disease. There is no doubt, that the seed of a large number of dis- eases are sown in childhood and youth ; and especially in our progress in obtaining what is called, an education. The bad habits of position in and out of school, and our un- healthy mode of living, contribute very es- sentially to the promotion of various diseases ; particularly, dyspepsia, liver and lung com- plaints, and headaches. Hence, we cannot be too watchful against sitting in a crooked position, nor too prudent in eating, drink- ing, and sleeping, as well as in our clothing, and our lodging apartments. Let us put forth every effort in the performance of our duties, be they physical, intellectual, or mwal. AuKvdote. A Swiss Retort. A French officer, quarrelling with a Swiss, reproached nim with his country^s vice of fighting on either side for money ; " while we French- men,^^ said he, " fight for honor P " Yes, sir," replied the Swiss, " every one fights for that he most wants.^^ Called a blessing- to inherit, Bless, and richer blessings merit • Give, and more shall yet be given ; Loie, and serve, and look for Heaven. Would being end— with our expiring breath. How soon misfortune would be puffed away ! A trifling shock— shrives us to the dust ; But the existence— of the immortal soul, Futuritifs dark road— perplexes still. Proverbs. 1. The best way to see Divim light— is to put out our own. 2. The proud— Bhall be abased; but the humble — shall be exalted. 3. As long as you and truth agree, you will do well. 4. JVo one is born for himself alone, but for the world. 5. Rely not too much on the torches of others; light one of your own. 6, Divest yourself of cn»y, and lay aside all unkind feelings. 7. If youth knew what age would crave, it would both crave and save. 8. A speaker, without energy, is like a lifeless stattie. 9. Deep— and intense feeling — lie at the root of eloquence. 10. Condemn no one, without a can- did hearing. 11. Think more, and speak lesa. 12. Follow the dictates of reasow. Half-Murder. That father, says the learned Baudier, who takes care to feed and clothe his so7i, but neglects to give him such accomplishme7iis as befit his capacity and rank in life, is more than half his murderer; since he destroys i\\e better part, and but con tinues the other to endure a life of shame. Of all the men we meet with, nine out of ten are what they are, good or evil, useful ornoi, by their education; it is that, vfhich makes the great difference in mankind: the little, or almost insensible, impressions on our tender infancy, have very important and lasting consequences. Varieties. 1. Send your son into tlie world with good principles, good habits, and a good education, and he will work his way. 2. How absurd to be pa^ssionate yourself, and expect others to be placid. 3. Why is swear^ ing — like a ragged coat P because it is a very bad habit. 4. Can there be any virtue, without true piety. ^ 5. Why is rebellion — like rfram-drinking 1 because it is inimical to the constitution. 6. Why do white sheep — furnish more wool tkan black ones 1 be- cause there are more of them. 7. Why is one who is led astray, like one who is governed by a girl ? Do you give it up 1 because he is misled, (Miss-led.) 8. Ought there not to be duties on imported goods, to encourage domestic manufactures ? 9. Are not physics and metaphysics inseparably joined 1 if so, what is the connecting link ? 10. Is it right, under any circumstance, to marry for money^ 11. Is it right to imprison for debt ? I can find comfort — in the loords and looks Of simple hearts and gentle souls; and I Can find companionship — in ancient books. When, lonely, on the grassy hills I lie. Under the shadow — of the tranquil sky ; I can find music— in the rushing brooks. Or in the songs, which dwell among the trees., And come in snatches — on the summer breeze. I can find treasure— in the leafy shoicers, Which, in the merry autumn-time, will fall ; And T can find strong love — in buds and flowers. And beauty— \n the moonlight's silent hours. There's nothing, nature gives, can fail topteos* Fnr there's a common joy- pervading all 128 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. ^Ul. A speaker — may calculate, before- hand, (so far as human agency is concerned, and other things being equal) the effect of a certain effvrt, by adapting the manner to the matter, as well as a.fjrmer can in raising a crop, by using the proper means. As a stringed instrument, when touched at given points, infallibly produces certain tunes ; so, the human mind, when touched by certain modulations, and corresponding sentiments, as infallibly receives certain impressions. But a speaker, singer, or writer, who thinks much of himself, is in danger of being for- gotten by others. If he takes no sincere and hearfelt delight in what he is doing, but as it 13 admired and applauded by his audience, disappointment will be his portion,- for he cannot long succeed. He who would be great in the eyes of others, must first learn to be made nothing in his own. 363. Exs. of the ' and \ 1. Did you say yes, or no ? Shall we crown the author of the public calamities 1 or shall we destroy Iiiml 2. Beware of ignorance and sloth, and be guided by ivisdom. 3. (2) Are they Hebrews P Are they all Hebrews'? (4) Are they Hebrews from Palestine P 4. What does the word person meanl That which consists in one's own self, and not any part or quality in another. 5. Is not water the best and safest of all kinds of drink? 6. Nature — and (4) Reasox — answer — yes. 7. The mind — is its own place ; and, in itself, can make a heaven — jf hell; or hell of heaven. Good name — in man, or wmnan, Is the immediate jetoeZ of tlieir souls: %Vho steals my purse, steals trash, 'tis something, nothing: ' Twa« mine, 'tis Ais, and has been slave to thousands; But he, who filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me— poor indeed. Where is the tnte man's father-land 1 Is it— vvhers he, by chance, is bom 7 Doth not the yearning spirit — scorn — In such scant borders to l)e spann'd 1 O, yes ! his fiither-land must be — As the blue heaven — tcide — and free. Anecdote. A Quaker, who had a great horror of soldiers, on seeing one jump into the Thames, and save a person who was drowning, s'Aid on the occasion, "I shall al- ways be a Quaker ; but soldiers are good creatures." What is it, Man, prevents thy God, From making thee his blest abode ? He says — he loves thee, wills thee heaven. And for thy good — has blessings given. I'll tell thee— 'Tis thy love o{self, Tliy love of rul» — thy love of pelf. Bind thee to earn you, and make you remember the days o( plenty. 10. No one can become a good reader or speaker^ in a few weeks, or a few months. Woman. I have alvi'ays observed, says Ledyard, that women, in all countries, are civil, obliging, tender, and humane; that they are- inclined to be gay and cheerful, tim- orous and modest, and that they do not, like man, hesitate to perform a generous action. Not haughty, arrogant, or supercilious, they are full of courtesy, and fond oi society; more hable, in general, to err than man, but in general, also, more virtuous, and performing more good actions than he. To a woman, whether civilized or savage, I never address- ed myself in the language of decency and friendship, without receiving a decent and friendly answer. With man it has been often oiherv)ise. In wandering through the barren plains of inhospitable Denmark; thro' hon- est Sweden, and frozen Lapland, rude and churlish Finland, unprincipled Russia, and the wide-spread regions of the wandering Tartar; if hungry, dry, cold, wet, or sick, the vwmen — have ever been friendly to me and itniformly so ; and to add to tliis virtue, (so worthy to be called benevolence,) their actions have been performed in so free and kind a manner, that if I were dry, I drank the sweetest draught, and \i hungry, ate the coarsest morsel, wiih a double relish. Varieties. 1. When Baron, the actor, ' caine from hearing one of Massillon^s ser- mons, he said to one of his comrades of tlx stage ; bore is an orator; we — are only ac tors. 2. Soine people — wash themselves ior the sake of being clea?i; others, for the sake oi appearing so. 3. Oi all the pursuits, by which property is acejuired, none is prefera- ble to agriculture, — none more productive, and none more worthy of a gentleman. 4. It is a maxim with unprincipled politicians, to destroy, where they cannot intimidate, nor persuade. 5. Good humor, and menial charms, are as much superior to external beauty, as mind is superior to matter. 6. Be wise, be prudent, be discreet, and tem- perate, in all things. Patriots have toiled, and in their country's cause Bled nobly, and their deeds, as they deserve, Keceive proud recompense. We give In charge Their names— to the sweet lyre. Tlie historic muse Proud of her treasure, marches with it— down To latest time»; and sculpture in her turn. Gives bond, in stone-&aiX ever-during brass To guard them — and immortalize her trust. 134 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 3 7 6. In toxations. The intonations are opposite to monotones, and mean the rise and fall of the voice, in its natural movements through a sentence: they are demonstrated in music, and here, in elocutim. In all com- mon kinds of reading and speaking, the voice should not generally rise and fall more than one note, in its passage from syUable to syl- lable, and from word to word: its movement will then be gentle, easy and fiowing. But when the passion, or sentiment to be exhibit- ed, is powerfully awakening or exciting, it may rise or fall several notes, according to the predominance of feeling. SIT. Our (6) SIGHT— is the most (4) per- fect, and most (5) delightful — of all our senses. (4) It fills the mind with the largest variety of (3) ideas; (5) converses with its objects at the greatest (6) distance; and con- tinues the longest in (5) ac/ion, without being (4) tired— ox (3) satiated, with its proper e?i- Joyments. The (6) sense of (8) teelixg, can, indeed, give us the idea of (5) extenswti, (6) sfuipe, and all other properties of matter, th't are perceived by the (5) eije, except (4) colors. (3) At the same time— it is very much (5) straightened— B.nd (4) confined in its ope- rations, to the (3) number, (4) hulk, and (5) distance, of its peculiar objects. 378. When we read, or speak, without any feeling, the voice ranges between our first and fourth notes; when there is a moderate degree of feeling, and the subject somewhat inter esting,\i ranges between our second and sixth notes; when there is a high degree of frel-ng and interest, it ranges between our fxirth and eighth notes; descending, how- ever, to the third and first, in a cadence, or close of the effcyrt. It is highly necessary to keep the voice afioat, and never let it run aground ; that is, let X\\e feeling and thought keep it on the proper pitches, and do not let it descend to the first, or ground-note, till the piece is completed ; except in depressed mo- notony. Memorize the preceding, and talk it off in an easy, graceful and appropriate manner. Abstract Question. Which is more pro- bable, that owr Judgment, in respect to exter- nal phenomena, has been warped, by compar- ini? their operations with those of the mind; or, that our metaphysical mistakes have been occasioned, by forming a false analogy be- tween its internal operations, and outward ijipearances ? The midnight moon— serenely smiles O'er nature's soft repose ; No towering doud obscures the sky, No ruffling tempest blows. Now, every posjton — sinks to rest; The throbbing heart lies still ; And varying schemes of life— no more Distract the laboring wiU. Proverbs 1. A clear efnsdenee ft^rs no ac- cusation. 2. An opefi door will tempt a saint. 3 Confidence — is the companion of success. 4. Cruelty to a woman is— the crime of a monster. 5. A smart reproof is better than smooth deceit. G. A dd not trouble to the grief -worn heart. 7. Affeciation —is at best a deformity. 8. Bear misfortunes with patience and fortitude. 9. A good maxim is nevei out of season. 10. Ambiticnr-neyer looks behind. 11. A wise man wants but little. 12. Knouiledgc —makes no one happy. Anecdote. A tragedy of JEschylus was once represented before tlie Athenians, in which it was said of one of the characters, " that he cared more to be just, than to uppea) so." At these words, all eyes were instantly turned upon Aristides, as the man who, of all the Greeks, most merited that distinguish ed character: and ever after he received, by universal consent, the surname of — " Tht Just.^'' Courtesy. St. Paul, addressing lumself to christians of all ^ades and classes, even down to menial servants, exhorts them to be cour- teous. Courteousness — must mean, therefore, a something, which is within the reach of all sorts of people; and, in its primary and best sense, is exactly such a behavior, as sponta- neously springs from a heart, warm with benevolence, and unwilling to give needless pain, or uneasiness to a fellow-being. We have no more right, wantonly or carelessly to wound the mind, than to wound the body of a fellow-being ; and, in many instances. the former — is the more cruel of the two. Varieties. 1. Some start in Hfe, withcuJ any leading object at all ; some, with a low aim, and some, with a high one ; and just in proportion to the elevation at which they aim, will generally be their success. 2. Guard against fraud, and imposition ; and forego some advantages, rather than gain them at a risk, that cannot be ascertained. 3. In tlie determination of doubtful and intricate cases, the nicest discrimination, and great solidity of Judgment, are required. 4. We have an instinctive expectation of finding nature everywhere the same, — always coiisisteni, md'truc io herself ; hnt whence this expec- tation:'^ 5. Is there not something in the native air of true freedom, to alter, expand, and improve the external form, as well as the internal P 6. Is not affluence-^ snare, and poverty,— Si temptation? 7. Man is a true epitome of the spiritual w'or Id, or world of mind; and to know himself i is the perfection of wisdom. CURIOSITY. It came from Hearen,— it reign'd in Eden's shades, It roves on earth— and. every walk invades : Childhood— and age— alike its influence own. It haunts the beggar'>s nook, the monarches throtte' Hangs o'er the cradle, leans above the bier. Gazed on old Babel^s tower,— and lingeis hen PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 135 3T9* iNTOTfATTONS AND MeLODT OF Spkech. By the first — is meant the move- ment of the voice through the different notes of the scale, As-cending and DE-scending, with an appropriate and agreeable variety of sounds ; by the second, an agreeable suc- cession of sounds, either in speech or song. A dull repetition of words or sounds, on * nearly the same pitch, is very grating to the ear, and disgusting to correct taste ; and yet it is one of the most common faults of the bar, the senate and pulpit ,- indeed, in every p ace where there is public speaking: which is the melancholy result of the usual course of teaching children to read. 380. Examples partially exiiibited. 1 (5) Seest thou a man (5) diligent in his (6) bu- siness ? (5) He shall stand before (4) kings, (3) he shallnotstand before (5) mean men. 2. (3) swear not by the (6) moon, the (6) inconstant (4) moon, (3) that monthly (5) changes in its circled (3) orb. 3. Said Mr. Pitt, to his aged accuser, in debate, (4) "But (6) youth, it seems, is not my (6) only (3) crime, (4) I have been accused — of (5) acting (6) a (8) theatri- cal part." 4. (5) Standing on the ascent of the (6) past, we survey the (5) present, and (4) extend our views into (3) futitrUy. 5. (5) No one — will ever be the (4) happier, for (5) talents, or (4) riches, (3) unless he makes a right (3) use of them. 6. (5) Truths — have (4) life in them ; and the (6) effect of that life is (3) unceasing expansion. 7. (6) He, who loves the (5) Lord, with all his (4) heart, and his neighbor as (4) himself, needs no (5) compass, or (4) helm to steer his (3) course ,• because (5) truth and (4) love are his (3) wind and (2) tide. N. B. The inflections, cir- cumflexes, &c., commence with the accented vowel, which is supposed to be on the note indicated by the preceding figure. 381. Promiscuous Examples without NoTATiox. The predominant characteristic of the female mind is affection : and that of tlie male mind is thought : tho' both have af- fection and thought ; but disparity — does not imply inferioriiy. The sexes are intended for different spheres of life, and are created in conformity to their destination, by Him, who bids the oak — brave the fury of the tempest, and the Alpine ^oi^er — lean its cheek on the bosom of eternal snow. Abstract Q,uestiGUs. Is not that pro- pensity of the human mind, which seeks for a medium of commuiLication, between two physical phenomena, to be traced to the fact, that every admitted truth, is derived from a medium of knowledge ; and that there is a connection among all intellectual phenome- na ; so much so, that we cannot conceive a new idea, without a medium of communica- tion? liaconics. 1. By mindinj our oum business, we shall be more useful, more benevolent, more respected, and ten times happier. 2. Thai stu- dent will live miserably, who lies down, like a camel, under his burden. 3. Remember, while you live, it is by looks — that men deceive. 4. A foolish friend may cause more woe, Than could indeed the wisest foe. 5. He, who confides in a person of no honor, may consider himself very lu^ky, if he is not a sufferer by it. 6. The co?idi- tion of mankind is such, that we must not believe every smoodi speech — the cover of a kind inten- tion. 7. AVho is wise? He who /earns from erer?/ one. 8. Who is rich ? He, who is contented. 9. Nothing is so dumb— as deep emotion. 10. Where there is much mystery, there is generally much ignorance. 11. Catch not soon at offence. 12. Whoso loseth his spirits, loseth all. Anecdote. Choice of a Husband. An Athenian, who was hesitating, whether to give his daughter in marriage to a man of worth with a small fortune, or to a rich man, who had no other recommendation, went to consult Themistocles on the subject. "I would bestow my daughter," said Themisto- cles, " upon a man without money, rather than upon money without a man!'' True Plillosopliy — consists in doing all the good that we can, in learning all the good we can, in teaching to others all the good we can, in bearing, to the best of our ability, the various ills of life, and in enjoys ing, with gratitude, every honest pleasure- that comes in our way. Varieties. 1. Should not ovu- m^enifi07?5, as well as our actions — be good? 2. Tnie love — is ot'slo7v growth, mutual and recipro- cal, and founded on esteem. 3. Graces, and accomplishments — are too often designed for beaux-caching, and coquetry. 4. There is time for all things. 6. An individual — in- clined to magnify every good, and minify every eml — must be a pleasing companion, or partner — for life, — whether male or fe- male. 6. Knowledge — is not tvisdom ,- it is only the raw material, from which the beau- tiful fabric of wisdom is produced; there- fore, let us not spend our days in gathering materials, and live, and die, without a shel- ter. 7. Every evil — has its limit,' which, when passed, plunges the wicked into mis- ery. 8. One thief in the house, is more to be dreaded than ten — in the street. 9. Tho more haste, generally the worst speed. 10. The moral government, under which we live, is a kingdom of uses ; and whatever we pos- sess, is given us for use ; and with it, the op- portunity and power of using it. Thou art, O God, the life and light Of all this wondrous world we see, Its glow by day, its smile hy night, .Are but reflections — caught from lh«e; Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things/atr and bright are thip.e. 136 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 38*. iNTOiTATioifs Continued. Listen attentively, to a person under the influence of nature, of his own feelings and thoughts : he relates stories, supports arguments, com- mands those under his authority, speaks to persons at a distance, utters exclamations of anger and rage, joy and rapture, pours forth lamentations of sorrow and grief, breathes affection, love, &c. in different /;i^c/i- es, tones, qualities, emphasis, infection, and cvrcumfiexes, elevations and depressions of voice. The only possibility of success, there- fore, is — to get perfect control of the vocal organs, by practicing these principles, and conforming the whole manner to the sense and objects of the composition. 383. Intonation and Melodt. These examples are given as general guides; the figures refer to the notes in the Diatonic Scale. 1. (4) But, (6) from the (4) tomb, (5) the (4) voice of (5) nature (6) cries, (6) And, (5) in our (4) ashes, (5) live (4) their won-(3) ted (2) fires. 2. But (5) yonder comes, (4) rejoicing in the (6) east, (5) The (4) powerful (3) king of (2) day. 3. (6) Awake ! (6) ARISE ! (6) or (5) be (3) forever (2) fallen. 4. (3) He expired in a (5) victualing hou&Q, (4) which I hope (5j I (3) shall (2) not. 7. (5) Fair (6) angel, thy (5) desire, which tends to (6) KNOW The works of (5) God, doth (4) merit (3) praise. 8 (5) Such (4) honors Ilion to (6) HER lover paid, And (5) peaceful slept (4) the mighty (3) Hector's (2) shade. Note, Construct a scale on faint ruled paper, and place the words on it as indicated ; the same as notes are on the musical staff. Miscellaneous. 1. Beauty — is the out- ward form of goodness : and this is the rea- son, we love it instinctively, without think- ing why we love : but we cease to love, when we find it unaccompanied with truth and goodness. 2. Make not your opinions, the criterion of right and wrong: but make right and wrong — the criterion of your ac- tions and principles. Few — bring back at eve, Immaculate, tlie manners of the mom ; Something we thought— is blotted, we resolved- la shaken, we renounced — returns again. There is no greater punishment of vice — Than that it have its own wiU; Hence, guilty — infernal love becomes the Most deadly hate. The intent, and not the deed, XB \n o\a power ; and tAcr«/br«, who dahes greatly, Does greatly. 6. Words — are things; a small drop of ink., (billing like dew — ) upon thought, pro- duces that, which makes thousands, perhaps MILLIONS think. 7. Something — is at all tim es — flowing into us. Too much the beautiful — ^we prize , Tlie useful — often we derjrue. Proverbs. 1. Tb remedy for injunes j«v- iiol to remmiber them. 2. To read, ard not under- stand, is to pursue, and not overtake. 3. Truth re- fines, but does not obscure. 4. He who teaches, often learns himself. 5. Worth— has been undei rated, ever since ivealth—hsis beer, overrated. G Antiquity— cannot sanction an error, nor noveh*j injure a trutfi. 7. A man m a passion, rides a horse that runs away with him. 8. A small kaJi will sink a great ship. 9. Never forget a good turn. 10. Lying— is lh.e\ice of a slave. 11. Self- co7iceit — is the attendant of ignoranc*. 12. The love of society is natural. Aliecdote. The emperor of China, in- quired of Sir George Staunton, about the manner in which physicians were paid in England. When he was made to understand what the practice was, he exclaimed, — " Can any man in England afford to be ill ^ Now, I have four physicians, and pay alloi them a weekly salary ; but the moment I am sick, that salary is stopped, till I am well again ; therefore, my indisposition is never of long duration. " Woman. The prevailing manners of an age depend, more than we are aware of, or are willing to allow, on the conduct of the women : this is one of the principal tilings on which the great machine of human society turns. Those, who allow the influence which female graces have in contributing to polish the manners of men, would do well to reflect, how great an influence female morals must also have on their conduct. How much, then, is it to be regretted, that women — should ever sit down, contented, to polish, when they are able to reform — to entertain, when they might instruct. Nothing delights men more than their strength of understanding, when true gentleness of manners is its associate ; united,they become irresistible orators, blcss'd with the power of persuasion, fraught with the sweetness of instruction, making woman the highest ornament of human nature. Varieties. 1. Fear — is a bad preserver of anything intended to endure,- but love — ■ will generally ensure ^fZeZi/?/, even to ihe end. 2. He, who knowingly defends the wrong side of a question, pays a very bad compli- ment to his liearers: as much as to say ; False.' Iwod, supported by my talents, is strongei than trutfi, supported by yours. 3. Before a man should be convicted of a libel, the jury must be satisfied, that it was his intention tc libel ; not to state facts, which he believed to be true, or, reasonings, which he thongut just. 4. The difference between ttxe word of God, and the compositynis of man, is as great, as between real flame and painted flame. 5. Lussimulation, even the most in- norim^, IS ever productive of embarrassmentsi whether tlie design is evil, or not, artifice is always dangerous, and aln.ost inevitably d\» graceful. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION 137 384. Revisions. Let all the preceding principles be reviewed, with an illustration of each, and endeavor to fix them, permanently, in the mind, by seeing their truth, and feeling their power in practice ; so that you can write a work yourself on the philosophy of mind and voice. Remember, that nothing is yours, till you make it your own, by understanding it scientifically, raiionalty and affectuously, lUid then by applying it to its proper object : do not forget effects, causes, ends, tlieir suc- cessive order, and simultaneous developtnent. eve's lament on leaving paradise. (Plaintive, with quantity.) O, unexpected stroke, worse than of Death.' Must I thus leave thee, Paradise ? thus leave Thee, native soil, these liappy walks and shades, Fit iiauntof g-oifs? where I had hoped to spend, {Quiet, tho' sad,) the respite of that day, That must be mortal to us both ; O floivers, (thai never will in other climate grow,) My early visitation, and my last At ev'n, which I bred up, with tender hand. From the first opening hud, and gave ye names,' Wlw, now, shall rear you to the sun, and rank Your tribes, and water from the ambrosial/ownr? Thee, (lastly,) nuptial bower, by me adorned ^Vith what to sight, or smell, was sweet, from thee How shall 1 part, and whither wander — down Into a lower world, to this — obscure And wild ? How shall we breatlie in other air, hess pure, accustomed to immortal fruits ! 385. How mean, — how timid, — how ab- ject, must that spirit be, which can sit down, — contented with mediocrity. As for myself — all that is within me is onj^re. I had ra- ther be torn into a thousand pieces, than relax my resolution, of reaching the sublimesi heights of virtue — and knowledge, of good- ness — and truth, of love — and wisdom. Nothing is so arduous, — nothing so abmik- ABLE, in human affairs, but may be attained oy the industry of man. We are descended from heaven ; thither let us go, whence we derive our origin. Let nothing satisfy us, — lower than the summit of all excellence. Nominalists and Realists. TheNom- vialisis — were a sect, the followers of Ros- celinus and Abelard: according to these philosophers, there are no existences in na- ture corresponding to general terms, and the objects of our attention in all our general speculations, are not ideas, but words. The Realists — were their opponents, and adliercd to the principles of Aristotle. Q/if— may the spirits of the dead — descend To watcli — the silent slumbers of ?l friend; To hover — round his evening walk — unseen, And hold sweet converse — on the dusky green; To hail the spot — where ^rs« their friendship grew. And heaven — and nature — opened to their view. Oft, when he trims his cheerful hearth, and sees A smiling circle — emulou.<5 to please, 2%€fe— may these gentle guests— delight to dwell, And bless the «cene— they loved in life so well. 18 M2 Liaconicg. 1. The grea jattle and coniat among politicians is — not how the government shall be administered, but who shall administer ii. 2. They who go to church out of vanity, or curi- osity, and not for worship and instruction, should not value themselves on account of their religion, for it is not worth a straw. 3. Allow lime for consideration; everything is badly executed, that is done hy force or violeyice. 4. Occasional mirth, is not incompatible with wisdom; and the manor reserved habits, m^y sometimes be, gay. 5. Happy are they, who draw lessons of prudence— from iho dangers, in which others are involved. 6. Elo- quence— csm pierce the reluctant wonder of the world, and make even monarchs tremble on their thrones. Anecdote. Spinola. "Pray, of what did your brother rfie.?" said the Marquis Spinola, one day to Sir Horace Vere. " He died, sir," replied he, " of having nothing to do." "Alas I sir," said Spinola, " that is enough to kill any general of us aZZ." Mostesquieu says, " We, in general, place idleness among the beati- tudes of heaven ; it should rather, I tliink, be put amid the tortures of hell. Austin calls it — the burying a man alive." Female Education. How greatly is it to be regretted, that for the benefit of both sexes, women are not generally so educated, that tlieir conversations might be still much more useful to us, as well as beneficial to themselves! If, instead of filling their heads with trifles, or worse than trifles, they were early taught what might be really useful, they would not then be so continually in pursuit of silly, ridiculous, expensive, and many times criminal amusement; neither would their conversation be so insipid and impertinent, as it too often is. On the con^ trary, were their minds properly improved with knowledge, which it is certain they are exceedingly capable of, how much more agreeable would they be to themselves, and how much more improving and delightful to us ? How truly charming does beauty ap- pear, when adorned by good nature, good sense, and knowledge ? And when beauty . fadcSf as soon it must, there wiU then 1)6 those qualities and accomplishments remain' ing, which cannot fail to command great ra gard, esteem, and affection. VARIETIES. But — shall we wear these glories for a day, Or shall they last, and we rejoice in them? While there is hope, do not distrust the gods. But wait, at least, till Cesar's near approach, Force us to yield. Twill never be too late — To sue for chains, and own a.(onqueror. In faith, and hope, the world will disagree, But all mankind's concern— is charity. 'Tis education — forms the common viind, Just as \'i^ twig is bent, the frfe's inclined. The mind, that would be happy, must be greai Great in its wishes, gruat in its surveys; Extended viiws, a ;iar jow mind extend. .38 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 386. As SO much depends upon the proper •riovement of the voice, through the diiFerent notes of the scale, and as our primary in- struction in reading is often diametrically op- posed to what is natural, it is deemed neces- sary to be more explicit in diredioiw, as well as in exLmples. Imitate, with the voice, ac- companioi by corresponding motions of the hand, tht) gentle undulations of the waters, when the waves run moderately high ; let- ting the movement of your voice resemble Uiat of a small boat. Observe the various movements of different kinds of birds through the air, some bobbing up and down, others moving more gracefully ; some flapping their wings, others sailing, soaring : but the move- ments of the voice are infinitely more vari- ous than all other external motions; for it contains them all. THE EIGHT NOTES OF THE SCALE. 6. cries, and 5. from the the nature in our eslive 4. But tomb voice of ash- their won- 3. ted 2. fires. Blessed — we sometimes are ! and I amnoto Happy in qalet feelings ; for tJie tones — Of a pleasant company o{ friends — > Were in my ear, just now, and gentler thoughts From spirits, whose high character I know And I retain their influence, as the air — Retains \hft softness — of departed day. There is a spell — in every floiver, A sweetness — in each sprai/, And every simple bird — has j^ower— To please us — with its lay. And there is music — on (he breeze, That sports along the glade, And crystal dew-drops — on the trees, The gems — hy fancy made. O, there is joy — and happiness, In every thing I see, Which bids my soul rise up — and bless 'J'he God, that blesses ine Metliod. In speaking extempore, or in wn/ing-, METHOD, or the proper arrangement of the thoughts, is of the first importance ; to attain which, you must^a:, in your mind, the precise object you have in view, and never lose sight of it; then, determine the grand divisi/ms ; which should be natural, and distinct; not an unnecessary thought, or illustration — should be admitted: and even in the amplification of the subject, eve- ry par^ should have its proper j)Zacf, and all — present a whole. Anecdote. Mr. Summerjield. It is said, of the late Mr. Summerfield, that being asked by a bishop, where he was born, he replied, " I -was born in England, and boni again in Ireland:' " What do you mean .?" inquired file bishop. " Art th.ou a master in Israel, and knawest not those things '!" was the reply. liacoiiicg. 1. The antiilote, io Ae bant fill :rv- fluence of flattery is, for every o.ie to fxamine himself, and truly estimate his own qualities, and character. 2. Let us make ourselves steadfast in what is certainly true, and we shall be able to answer objections, or reject them as unworthy of an answer. 3. Argument — cannot disprove /acn- belief; but its progress is the forerunner o" liberality and enlightened toleration. Who- so rfrm^ these, let ]\\m. tremble; for he may be well assured, that their day is at length come, and must put to sudden flight the evil spirits of tyranny and persecution, wliicl: haunted the long night, now gone down the sky. VARIETIES. Soft jjeace she brings wherever she arrives; She builds our quiet, as she forms our lives; liuys the xo\x%h.paili of peevish nature even, And opens, in each breast, a little heaven .Man—\s tlie rugged lofty j^ine, That frowns o'er many a t^at-e-beal short { Woman''s the slender— graceful vine, Whose curling tendrils— round ittwme, And deck its rough bark — sweetly o'er. Teach me to soothe the helpless orphan's grief, With lively aid — the widow's woes assuage Tomts'rt/'s moving cries— to yield relief. And be the sure resource of drooping age. Our doubts — are traitors. And make us lose the good — we oft might wm. By fearing to attempt. PRINCirLES OF ELOCUTION. 139 887. Cadence — means a descent, or fall of the voice : here, it means the proper man- ner of closing a sentence. In the preceding examples, the pupil sees how it is made. The best cadence, that which rests most pleasantly on ihe ear, is the fall of a triad; i. e. a regular gradation of three notes from the prevalent pitch of voice ; which is gen- erally the fourth or fifth : tho' diiierent voices 'die keyed on different pitches: hence, each must be governed by his own peculiarities in this respect. Beware of confounding ca- dence with inflections; and never end a sen- tence with a feeble and depressed utterance. The' nature — weigh our talents, and dispense, To every man, liis modicum of seiise, Yet — muca — depends, as in tlie tiller''s toil, On cidturi, and the sowing of the soil. The brave man — is not he, who feels no /ear, For tfiat — were stupid — and irrational ; — But he, whose noble soul his fear subdues, [from. And bravely dares the danger, wliich lie shrinks He holds no parly with uimianly/ea"*; Where dicty bids, lie confidently steers; Faces a thousand dangers at her call, And trusting in his God, surmounts them all. Whatisif/e." 'TIS not to stalk about, and draw in fresh air, From time to time, or gaze upon the sun; 'Tis to be free. 388. Word-Painting. There is noth- ing in any of the other fine arts, but what is involved in -oratory. The letters are analo- gous to uncompounded 'paints; words — to paints prepared for use; and, when arranged into appropriate and significant sentences, they form pictures of the ideas on the can- vas of the imagination: hence, composition, whether written or spoken, is like a picture, exhibiting a great variety of /eafMres, not only with promr7ience, but with degrees of prominence : to do which, the painter, speaker, or writer, applies shades of the same color to features of the same class, and opposing colors to those of different classes. Crovernment. The ordinary division of governments into republican, monarchical, and despotic, appears essentially erroneoiis; for there are but two kinds of government, good and bad : governments are national and special. The essence of the former — consists in the will of the nation constitu- tionally expressed; that of the latter, where thej-e are other sources of power, or right, than the will of'the nation. Anecdote. Fu?ictual Hearer. A wo- man, who always used to attend public wor- ship with great punctuality, and took care to be always in time, was asked how it was — she could always come so early; she an- swered very wisely, "that it was part of her religion — not to disturb the religion of other sy I hate to see a scholar gape, And yawn upon his seat, Or lay his head upon his desk. As if almost asleep. Laconics. 1. No cl.Ktige in '.xtetnnl appear- ance, can alter that, which is radically wrong. 2. Seize an opportunity, when it presents itself; if once lost, it may never be regained. 3. Vicioii$ men, endeavor to impose on the world, by assum- ing a setnblance of virtue, to conceal their l)ad habits, and evil propensities. 4. Beware of self- love, for it hardens the hear:, and shut-s the mind to all that is good and true. 5. The excessive pleas- ure one feels — in talking of himself, ought to inako him apprehensive, tliat he affords little to his ai*- sitor. G. In our intercourse with the world, wo should often ask ourselves this question — }Iow would I like to be treated thus? 7. In all aees and countries, unprincipled men may be found, who will slander the most upiight character, and find otiiers as basy as thonsdves, to join iii the pro- pagation of \.\\g\v falsehoods . Confinement of Debtors. The prosper » ity of a people is proportionate to the num- ber of hands and minds usefully employed. To the community, sedition is a fever, cor- ruption is a ga?igre?ie, and idleness is an atrophy. Whatever body, and whatever so- ciety — wastes more than it acquires, must gradually decay: and every being, that con- tinues to he fed, and ceases to labor, takes away something from the public stock. The co7ifineme?it, therefore, oi a7iy man in the sloth and darkness of a prison, is a loss to the nation, and no gai7i to the creditor. For, of the multitudes, who are pining in those cells of misery, a very S7nall part is suspected of any fraudulent act, by which they retain, what belongs to others. The rest are imprisoned by the wantonness of pride, the malignity of revejige, or the acri- mony of disappointed expectation. VARIETIES. 'Tis slander : Wliose edge — is sliirper tlian the sword, whose tongua Outvenonis all tlie worms o{ Nile; whose breath — Rides on the siwrting' winds, and dotli belie ' All corners of the world : fci?igs, queens, and states, Maids and mntrons, the secrets of the p-ave — This viperous slander entens. Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule, And righteous liinitation of its act, By which heaven moves, in pardoning guilt) man. And he, that shows none, (being ripe in years. And cffiiscioxis — of the outrage he conmiits,) Stiall setk it, and not /j»d it, in his turn. His words — are bonds; his oaths — are oracles; Hi« love — sijuxre; his thoughts— immactilate ; His ttar.s— pure messe7igers, sent from his lieart: His heari— is as far from /rowrf,— as heaven— (mm eaith. Be earnest! — why sliouldst thou for custom^s sake, Lay a cold hand upon thy heart's warm pulse, And crush those feelings back,wh\c]\,uttered,mi^kQ Links in the chain of love? Why thus convui^ A soul, that overflows with sympathy For kindred souls, when thou art called to be The Hearfs Apostle, loving, pure, and trtte? The smooth hypocrisies, the polished lies. The cold de ad /orm— and hollow mockeries Current among the matiy, by Ihe feio. Who know their manliood, should be held in scorn Spefik freely thy free thought— and otJier souls To thine shall answer— as from living coals Together kindled, light and heal are bon\! 240 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 389. Dynamics. This, in mechanical plii- losophy, means the science of moving-powers ; in elocutmi and singing, it relates to the force, loudness, Jiarshness, strength, rougfi- ness, softness, swell, diininisli, smoothness, abiniptness, gentleness of voice : that is, its qualities, which are as various as those of the human mind ; of which, indeed, they are the representatives. Observe — that the names of these qualities, when spoken naturally, ex- press, or echo, their natures. The Loud, Rough, Soft, Smooth, Harsh, Forcible, Full, Strong, Tremulous, Slender, &c. allof whicli are comprehended in force, pitch, time, quan- tity, and abruptness of voice. 390. Let the following examples be ren- dered perfectly familiar — the feelings, tlio'ts, words and appropriate voice: nothing, how- ever, can be done, as it slwuld be, without having the most important examples memo- rized, liere and elsewhere. (Loud) " But when loud surges — lash the sounding shore ; (Rough) The hoarse rough voice, should like the torrent roar." (Soft) " Soft is the strain, when Zephyr geiitly blows; {Smooth) And the smooth stream, in smoother numbers flj«s." (Harsh) "On a sudden, open fly, with- impetuous recoil and jarring sound, the mfernal doors, and on their hinges grate harsh thunder.'^ (Soft) " Heaven opened wide her ever-during gates (harmonious sound) on golden hinges turning." (Soft) "How charming — is divine philosophy ! (Harsh) Not harsh, and crabJied, as dull fools sup- pose. (Soft) But musical — as is Apollo^ s lute." (Harsh, Strong and Forcible.) " Blow xjoind, and crack your cheeks ! rage I blow your cataracts, and hurricane spout, till you have drenched our steeples. You sulphuri- ous and thought-executing fires, vaunt couri- ers to oafe-cleaving thunderbolts ; and tliou, all shaking tliunder, strike flat the thick ro- tundity of the world." (Soft and Smooth.) How sweet the moon-light sleeps upon this bank; Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music. Creep in our ears ; soft stillness, and the niffkt, Become the touched of sweet harmony. (Quick and Joyotis.) Let the merry bells ring round. And the jocund rebeck sound, To nvany a youth— and many a maid. Dancing— in the checkered shade. A want of occupation — is not rest, A mind quite vacant — is a mind distressed. As rolls the ocean's changing tide. So — human feelings — e&&— and flow .— And who could in a breast confide, Where stormy passions— ever glow I Remote from cities — lived a swain, iJnvexed— with ail the cares of gain; His head — was silvered o'er with aire, And long erperience — made him naffe. Maxims. I. The credit that is gel hy a lie, — only lasts till the truth conies out. 2. Zeal, mixed with love, is harmless — as tiie dove. 3. A covetous man is, as he always fancies, in want. 4. Hypocrites— fust cheat the world, and at last, themselves. 5. The borrower is slave to the lender, and the security — to both. 6. Some are too stif to bend, and too old to mend. 7. Truth has al- ways a sure foundation. 8. He, who draws others into evil courses — is the devil's agent. 9. To do good, is the right way to find good. 10. A spur in the head—\& worth two in the heel. II. Better spared, than ill spent. 12. Years teach more than books. Anecdote. Love and Liberty. When an Armenian prince — had been taken captive with his princess, by Cyrus, and was asked, wliat he would give to be restored to his king- dom and liberty, he replied : " As for my kingdom and liberty, I value iliem not; but if my blood — would redeem my princess, I would cheerfully give it for her." When Cyrus had liberated them both, the princesa was asked, what she thought of Cyrus ? To which she replied, " I did not observe him ; my luhole attention was fixed upon the gene- rous man, who would have purchased my liberty with his life." Prejudice — may be considered as a con- tinual false medium of viewing things ; for prejudiced persons — not only never speak well, but also, never think well, of those whom they dislike, and the whole character and conduct is considered — with an eye to that particular thing which offeiids them. Varieties. 1 . Every thing that is an ob- ject of taste, sculpture, painting, architecture, gardening, husbandry, poetTy, and music — come within the scope of the orator. 2. In a government, maintained by the arm of pow- er, there is no certainty of duration ; but one cemented by mutual kindness, all the best feelings of the heart are enlisted in its sup- port. 3. Who was the greater tyrant, Diony- sius or the bloody Mary ? 4. Beauty, unac companied by virtue, is like a. flower, vfit'i outjoerfume; its brillia7icy may Tema'm, hut its sweetness is gone ; all that was precvms in it, has evaporated. 5. We might as well tlirow oil on a burning- house to put out the fire, as to take ardent spirits intothe stomach, to lessen the effects of a hot sun, or severe exercise. 6. The understanding must be elevated above the will, to control its desires; but it must be enlightened by the truth, that it may not err. The pathway — to the grave — may be the same. And the proud man — shall tread it, — and the/f?w, "With his bowed head, shall bear him company. But the temper — of the invisible mind, The^o^/-like— and undying ijtfe/lect, These are distinctions, that will live in heaven. When timo,-~is a forgotten circum^ldii-e. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 141 891. Dtwamics Coittijtuei). These con- trasts produce great effects, when properly exhibited, both in elocution and music. The rushing loud, indicates dread, alarm, warn- ing, &c. ; the soft, tlieir opposites : the tend- ency of vidistinctness is, to remove objects to a distance, throwing them into the back- ground of the picture ; and of fullness, to bring them into the /ore-ground, making them very prominent; thus — the volyph- onist deceives, or imposes upon the ear, mak- ing his sounds correspond to those, he would represent, near by, and at a distance. 393. Forcible. Now storming /wn/ rose, and clamor ; such as heard in heaven, till now, was never: arms on armor, clashing, brayed horrible discord ,- and the maddening wheels of brazen chariots raged. Full: high on a throne — of ro7jal state, which far out- slione the wealth of Ormus, and of Inde; or where the gorgeous East, with richest hand, showers on her kings barbaric, pearl and gold, Satan, exalted, sat. Strong.- him, the Almighty Power hurled headlong, flaming from the ethereal skies with hideous ruin and combustion, doivn to bottomless perdition — there to dwell in adamantine chains, and penal fire, — who durst defy the Omnipotent to arms. So MILLIONS— are smit— with the glare of a toy : They grasp at a pebble— and call it— a gem, And tinsel— is gold, (if it glitters,) to them; Hence, dazzled with beauty, the lover is smit, Tlie /lero- with honor, tlie ,poe«— with wit; The fop — with \\\s feather, hxssniiff-box and cane, riie nymph with hur novel, the merchant with gain: Kacii finical priest, and polite pulpiteer, Who dazzles \he fancy, and tickles the ear, With exquisite tropes, and musical style, As gay as a tulip — as polished as oil, Sell truth-aXihe shrine of polite cio^ttmce, To please the soft taste, and allure the gay sense. Miscellaneous. 1 . Fair sir, you spit on me — on Wednesday last ; you spumed me — such a day ; another time — you called me dog ; and for these courtesies, I'll lend thee thus mucli moneys. 2. I stand — in the pre- sence — of Almighty God, and of the world; and I declare to you, tliat if you lose this charter, never, no never — will you get an- other. We are now, perhaps, arrived at the variing point. Here, even here, we stand — on tlie brink o? fate I Pause! for heaven's sake, pause. 3. Can you raise the dead? Pursue and overtake the wings of time ? And can you bring about again, the hours, the DATS, the YEARS, that made me happy? 4. But grant — that others can, with equal glory, look down on pleasure, and the bait of sense, where — shall we find a man, that bears afflictions, great and majestic in his ills, like Cato? Oh then, liow blind— to all that truth requires, Who think il freedom, where a part — aspire. Maxims. 1. Al* is soon ready ir an onlerly house. 2. Bacchus 1 as drowned more than Nep- tune. 3. Despair — has ruined some, but presump- tion — multitudes. 4. Flattery— sils in the parlor, while plain-dealing is kicked out of doors. 5. He is not drunk for nothing, who pays his reckoning with his reason. 6. If tae woiTd knew what passe? in my mind, what would it thi7ik of me. 7. Give neither counsel nor salt, till you are asked for A. 3. Close not a letter — without reading it, nor drink ivater — without seeing it. 9. A fool, and his money^ are soon parted. 1 0. If few words — will not make you wise, many will not Anecdote. Charity Sermon. Dean Svrift — was requested to preach a charity sermon ; but was cautioned about having it too long : he replied, that they should have nothing to fear on that score. He chose for his text these words — " He that hath pity on the poor, lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given — will he pay him again." The Dean, after looking around, and repeating his text in a still more emphatic manner, added — " My beloved friends, you hear the terms of the loan; and now, if you like the security, — dovm with your dust.'" The re- sult was, as might be expected, — a very large collection. Precept and Example. Exainple — works more cures than precept; for words, without practice, are but councils without ef- fect. When we do as we say, it is a confir- mation of the rule ; but when our lives and doctrines do not agree, it looks as if the lessffn were either too hard for us, or the advice not worth following. If a priest — design to edify by his sermons, concerning the punishment of the other world, let him renounce his lust, pride, avarice, and contentiousness ; for who- ever would make another believe a danger, must first show that he is apprehensive of it himself. Varieties. 1. The first book read, and the last one laid aside, in the chiUVs library, is the moilier: every look, ivord, /rme, and gesture, nay, even dress itself — makes an* everlasting impression. 2. One who is cmi- scious of qualities, deserving of respect, and attention, is seldom solicitous about tliem; but a contemptible spirit — wishes to hide it- self from its own view, and that of oMers, by show, bluster and arrogant pretensions. 3. The blood of a coward, would stain the char- acter of an honorable man ; hence, when we chastise such wretches, we should do it with the utmost calmness of /ew/)er. 4. Cultivate the habit — of directing the mind, intently, to whatever is presented to it; this — is the foun- dation of a sound intellectual character. C. We are too apt, when a jest is turned upon ourselves, to think that iyisufferable, in an- other, which we looked upon as very pretty and facetious, when the humor was our ovm. Never puTch&f.t friendship by gifts. 142 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 393. Worus — are paints, the voice -^ the brush, the mind — the painter ,• hut science, practice^ genius, taste, judgment and emo- tion — are necessary — in order to paint well : and there is as much difference hetween a good and bad reader, as there is hetween a good painter and a mere dauber. What gives expression to painting! Emphasis. We look upon some pictures and remark, " that is a strong outline ;" " a very express- ive countenance:^^ this is emphasis: again, we'.ook upon others, and there is a softness, ile'icacy, and tenderness, that melts the soul, as she contemplates them ; this is emotion. 394. Tlirow the following lines on the canvas of your imagination; i. e. picture them out there. BEAUTY, WIT AND GOLD. In hex bower — a widow dwelt; At her feet — three suitors knelt : Each— adored the widow much, Each — essayed her heart to touch ; One — had wit, and one — liad gold, And one — was cast in heauty^s mould ; Guess — which was it — won the prize, Purse, or tongue, or handsome eyes ? First, appeared the handsome man, Proudly peeping o'er her fan; Red his lips, and white his skin; Could such beauty — fail to win ? Then— stepped forth — the man of gold, Cash he counted, coin he told, Wealth— ihe burden of his tale; Could such golden projects fail? TTien, the man of ivit, and sense, Moved her — with his eloquence ; Now, she heard him — with a sigh; Now — she blushed, she knew not why : Then, she smiled — to hear him speak, Then, the tear — was on her cheek: Beauty, vanish I gold, depart .' Wit, has won the widoiv^s heart. Is PoLiTKXKss, as in everything etee, con- nected with the formation of character, we are too apt to begin on the outside, instead of the inside: instead of heginiiing with the heart, and tiusting to that to form the man- ners, many hegin with the manners, and leave the heart to chance and influences. The golden rule — contains the very life and mul of politeness : " Do unto others — as you would they should do unto t/ow." Unless children and ^jouth are taught — by precept and example, to abhor what is selfish, and prefer another's pleasure and comfort to their own, their politeness will be entirely artifi- cial, and used only when interest and policy dictate. True politeness — is perfeci freedom and ease, treating others — just as you love to be treated. Nature — is always graceftil : af- fectation, with all her art, can never produce anything half so pleasing. The very perfec- tion of elegance — is to imitate nature ; how imitation ! Anxiety about the opinions o^ others — fetters the freedom of nature, and tends to awkwardness ; all would appear well, if they never tried to assume — ^what they do not possess. Every one is respectable and pleasing, so long as he or she, is perfectly natural and truthful, and speaks and ads from the impulses of an honest and affection- ate heart, without any anxiety as to what others think. liaconics. 1. Modesty — in your discourse, will give a hcstre — to truth, — and excuse — to your errors. 2. Some — are silent, for want of matter, or assurance; others — are talkative, for want of sense. 3. To judge of men — by their actions, one would suppose that a great proportion was mad and that the world — was one immense mad-hou&e. 4. Prodigals — are rich, for a moment — economists, forever. 5. To do unto others, as we would they should do to MS, is a golden maxim, that cannot be too deeply impressed on our minds. 6. Continue to add a little — to what was originally a little, and you will make it a great deal. 7. The value — of sound, correct principles, early implanted in the human mind, is incalculable. Those who are talentless, themselves, are ihe first to talk ^bout the conceit of others; for mediocrity — bears but one flower - ENVY. Anecdote. Too Hard. About one hun- dred years ago. Mahogany — was introduced in England as ballast for a ship, that sailed from the West Indies ; and one Dr. Gibbons wished some furniture made of it : but the workmen, finding it too hard for their tools, laid it aside. Another effort was made ; but the cabinet-maker said it was too hard for hia tools. The Doctor told him, he must get stronger tools then : he did so, and his effort was crovmed with success. Remember this, ye who think the subject of elocution, as here treated, too difficult : and if you carmot find a way, make one. Press on ! Varieties. 1 . A good reader may become a good speaker, singer, painter and sculptor .- for there is nothing in any of these arts, that may not be seen in true delivery. 2. Old Parr, who died at the advanced age of 152, gave this advice to his friends ; " Keep your head cool by temperance, your feet warm by exercise: rise early, and go early to bed; and if you are inclined to grow fat, keep your eyes open, and your mouth shut.'''' Are not these excellent life-pills ? 3. As the lark — sings at the dawn of day, and the nightin- gale at even, so, should we show forth the loving kindness of the Lord — every morn- ing, and his faithfulness — every night. 4. Is not the science of salvation — the greatest of all the sciences] Without a star, or angel— for tlieir guide. Who worship God, shall j/ind him : humble Love, (And not proud Reason,) keeps the door of heaven . duch Itetter — to have the rtaMy, than the ] I-we— finds admission, where Science-fails. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 143 395. MonuLATiox — sispiifles the accom- modation of the voice, (in its diversiJEications of all these principles,) to every variety and shade of thought and feeling. The upper pitches of voice, we know, aie used in calling persons at a distance, for impassioned em- phasis of certain kinds, and for very earnest argti'ments; the middle pitches — for general conversation, and easy familiar speaking, of a descriptive and didactic character ; and tlie iower ones, for cadences, and the exhibition of emphasis in grave and solemn reading and ■speaking. 396. Who— can describe, who delineate — the cheering, the enlivening ray ? who — the looks of love ? who — the soft benignant vi- brations of the benevolent eye? who — the twilight, the day of hope? who — the internal efforts of the mind, wrapt in gentleness and humility, to effect good, to diminish evil, and increase present and eternal happiness T who — all the secret impulses and powers, collect- ed in the aspect of the defender, or energy of truth ? of the bold friend, or subtle foe — of wisdom? who — the poefs eye, in a fine phrenzy rolling, glancing from heaven — to earth, from earth — to heaven, while imagina- tion — bodies forth the fo7-m of things un- known. IVotes. The pitcJi of tiie voice is exceedingly important in twry branch of our subject, and particularly, in the higher parts; and this — amonj tlie rest. You must not often raise your voice to the eighth note ; for it will be harsh and unpleasant to the ear, and very apt to break : nor drop it to the first note ; for then your ar- ticulation will be difficult and indistinct, and you cannot impart any life and spirit to your manner and matter; as tliere is little or BO compass below this pitch: both these extreaies must be care- jull) avoided. Patrick Henry's Treason. When this worthy ^a^rio^, (who gave thefirstiinpulse to the ball of the revolution,) introduced his ce- lebrated resolution on the stamp act, in the Virginia House of Burgesses, in 1765, as he descanted on the tyranny of that obnoxious act, exclaimed — '^^ Cesar — had his Brutus; Charles the First, his Cromwell; and George the Third''- — " Treason /" cried the speaker ; ^treason; ireuson,- thkason;" re-echoed from every part of the house. It was one of those trying moments, which are decisive of character ,• hut Benry faltered not for an iw- stant ; and rising to a loftier attitude, and fixing on the speaker — an eye, flashing with fire, continued — "may pkofit — by these examples: if this be treason, make the most of it." The hills, Roek-ribb'd — and ancient as the sun ; the vales — Stretching in pensive quietness — between; The veneral)le woods ; rivers, that move In majesty, and the complaining brooks, [all, That make the meadows green; and, pour'd rourd Old oeean''s gray and melancholy waste; Are but the solemn decorations all — Of the great tomb of man. Maxims. 1. Tht follies of youth — are foo.;l foi repe7itance— in o\(i age. 2. Trutli—ma.y languish, but it can never die. 3. Wlien a vain man hear* another praised, he thinks himself injured. 4. An tiquity— IS not nlwatjs a mark of truth. 5. Tha trial is not /air— where affection is judge, t Business— Is the salt of life. 7. Dependence — is i poor trade. 8. He, who lives upon hope, has bu a slender diet. 9. Always taking out of the mea tub, and never putting in, soon comes to the bot torn. 10. He, who thinks to deceive Gnd, deceive* himself Anecdote. Aji ill thing. Xenophanus an old sage, was far from letting a false mo desty lead him into crime and indiscretion, when he was upbraided, and called timorous, because he would not venture his money at any of the games. "I confess," said ne, " that I am exceedingly timoi'ous, for I dare not do an ill thing.' Education. It is the duty of the instruc- tors of youth to be patient with the dull, and steady with tlie froward, — to encourage the timid, and repress the insolent, — fully to em- ploy the minds of their pupils, without over- burdening them, — to awaken their fear, without exciting their dislike, — to communi- cate the stores of knowledge, according to the capacity of the learner, and to enforce obedi- ence by the strictness of discipline. Above all, it is their bounden" duty, to be ever on the watch, and to check the first beginnings of vice. For, valuable as knowledge may be, virtue is infinitely more valuable; and worse tlian useless are these mental accomplish- ments, which are accompanied by depravity of heart. Varieties. 1. Can charcoal — paint ^re,- chalk — light, or colors — live and breathe? 2. Tattlers — are among the most despicable of bad tilings ; yet even they — have their use; for they serve to check the licentious7iess — of the tongues of those, who, without the feai of being called to account, through the instru mentality of these babbling knaves, would run riot in backbiting and slander. 'Tis the mind, that makes the body rich ; And, as the sun — breaks the darkest clout', So, honor — ^peareth — in the meanest habit. No: let the eagle — change his plume, The leaf—hs hue, the /<>?«>— its bloom; But ties — around the heart were spun. That could not, would not, be undone. Oh, who — the exquisite delighUs can tell, The joy, which mutual confidence imparls? Or who — can paint the charm unspeakable, Which links, in tender bands, two faithful heartnf 6. Many things — are easier felt, than tnUU 7. It is no proof of a man's understanding, to be able to affirm — whatever he pleases; but, to be able to discern, that what is true, is true, and that what is, false, is false— is the mark and character of intelligence. iVamre— sells evwytliing for labor. 144 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 397. Modulation CoivxiiftrED. The situatvm of the public reader and speaker, calls for the employment of the most refined art in the management of his voice: he snould address a whole assembly with as much apparent ease and pleasure to himself and audience, as tho' there were but a single person present. In addressing an auditory, which meets for information, or amuse- ment, or both, the judicious speaker — will adopt his ordinary and most familiar voice ; to show that he rises without bias, or preju- dice, that he wishes reason, not passion, should guide them all. He will endeavor to be heard by the most distant hearers, without offending the ear of the nearest one, by mak- mg all his tones audible, distinct and na- tural. Friendship! thou soft, propitious power, Sweet regent of the social hour, Sublime thy joj/s, nor understood, But by the virtuous, and the good. Ambition is, at 'a distance, A goodly prospect, tempting to the view ; The height delights us, and the mountain-Xop Looks beautiful, because 'tis near to heaven; But we never think how sandy's ihefoundation;[ii. What storms will batter, and w\ml tempests s/iaA;e O be a man ; and let prondreason — tread In triumph, on eacli rebel jiassion^s head. At thirty, man suspects himself a/ooZ / Knows it at forty, and reforms his plan ; At fifty, chides his infamous delay, Pushes his pruder.: purpose— to resolve, In all the magnanimity of thought, Resolves and re-iesolves — then, tf/es the same. 398. Some tell us, that when commencing an address, the voice should ])e directed to those most distant; but tliis is evidently irrong. At the beginning, the mind is natu- rally clear and serene, the passions unaiva- ktned; if the speaker adopt this high pitch, how can it be elevated, afterwards, agreeably to those emotions and sentiments, which re- quire still higher pitches'! To strain the voice tltus, destroys all solemnity, weight and dignity, and gives, to what one says, a squeaking ejfeminacy, unbecoming a manly 5nd impressive speaker; it makes the voice harsh and unmusical, and also produces hnarseness. Awecdote. Speculation. A capitalist, and shrewd observer of men and things, be- ing asked, what he thought of the specula- tifms now afloat, replied—" They are like a cold bath,— to derive any benefit from which, it is necessary to be very quick in, and very soon ow/." Not to the ensanguin'd field of death alone Is valor limited : she sits— serene 111 the deliberate council; sagely scans The source of action; weighs, prevents, provides, And scorns to count her glories, from the feats Of hruial force alone. Maxims. 1. A hraad hat—dmcn not alwa^ cover a wise head. 2. Burn not your house — to frighten away the mice. 3. Drinking water, ne"v ther makes a man sick, nor his wife a widow. 4 He has riches enough, who need neither borroti or flatter. 5. True wisdom— is to know what i* best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing. 6. Many things appear too bad to keep, and too good to throw away. 1. Keep a thing seven years, and you will find use for it. 8. "We cannol pluck thorns from another's bosom, without pla- cing roses in our own. 9. Better a half loaf than no bread. 10. Draw iwt thy bow before the arrow be fixed. Experience. By what strange /ataZi^i; is it, that having examples before our eyes, we do not profit by them 1 Why is our experi- ence, with regard to the misfortunes of others^ of so little use ? In a word, xohy is it, that we are to learn wisdom and prudence at our own expense ? Yet such is the/a#e of man ! Surrounded by misfortunes, we are supphed with means to escape them ; but, blinded by caprice, prejudice and pride, we neglect tlie proffered aid, and it is only by the tears we shed, in consequence of our own errors, that we learn to detest them. Varieties. 1. Give to all persons, whom you respect, (with whom you walk, or whom you may meet,) especially ladies, the wall side of the walk or street. 2. If we think our evil alloivable, tho' we do it not, it is a^)- propriated to us. 3. Why does the pendu- lum of a clock — continue to move .' Because of the uniform operation of gravitation. What is gravitation 1 4. Humility — is the child of wisdom : therefore, beware of self- conceit, and an unteachable disposition. 5. Psychology— is the science, that treats of tlie essence — and nature of the human soul, and of the mode — by which it flows into the ac- tions of the body. 6. The true way to store the memory is — to develop the affection.?. 7. The only way to shun evils, or sins, is to fight against them. 8. Reading and obser- vation — are the food of the young intellect, and indispensable to it(& growth. 9. Is it pos- sible, that Aear/-fi-iends will ever separate ? 10. All effects are produced by life, and na- ture Now vivid stars shine out, in brightening^/es, A.nd boundless cether glows, till the fair moon Shows her broad visage— in the crimson'd east; Now, stooping, seems to kiss tlie passing cloud, Now, o'er the pure cerulean — rides sublime. Nature, great parent! whose directing hatid Rolls round the seasons— of the changing year, How mighty, how majestic, are thy works ! With what a pleasant dread— they swell the sotU, That sees, astonished, and astonish'd, sings! You too, ye Kinds, that now begin to blow, With boist'rons sweep, I raise my voice to yon. Where are your stores, you viewless beingi, say, Where your aerial magazines — reser\'ed Against the day of tempest ferilous* PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 145 399. SiTvEiNGTH OF VoicE. The voice is weak, or strong, in proportion to the less, cr greater, number of organs and muscles, that are brought into action. If one uses only the upper part of the chest, his voice will be weak : if he uses the whole body, as ne should do, (not in the most powerful manner, of course, on common occasions,) his voice will be strong. Hence, to strength- en a weak voice, the student must practice expeUing the vowel sounds, using all the abdominal and dorsal nerves and muscles : in addition to which, he should read and re- cite when standing or sitting, and walking on a level flain, and up hill: success will be the result of faithful practice. So soft, so elegant, so/air, Sure, somelhing more lliau hiiman^s there. Upon my lute — tliere is one string Broken; the c/iords— were drawn loo/ast: My heart — is like that string; it tried Too much, and snapt in twain at ktst. She ivill, and she will not, slie grants and she de- Coiisenis, retracts, advances, and thenjiies. [nies; Mental fragrance — stilt will last, When our youthful chartns are past. If liule labor, little are our gains; Man's fortunes — are according to his pains. Delightfid task — to rear the lender thought, 'Yo teach the young idea — how to shoot, To pour the fresh instruction o'er the mind, To breathe ih' enliv'ning spirit, and to fix The generous purpose in the glowing breast. 400. Demosthenes — had three particular defects ; first, weakness of the voice ; which he strengthened by declaiming on the sea- shore, amid the roar of waters ; which effort would tend directly to bring into use the lower parts of the body ; second, shortness of breath ; which he remedied by repeating his orations as he walked up hill ; which act serves to bring into use the appropriate or- gans, and fully inflate the lungs: and third, a thick, mumbling way of speaking; which he overcame by reading and reciting whh pebbles in his mouth ; which required him to make a greater effort from below, and open his mouth wider. Examine yourself and act accordingly. Inconsistency. Montaigne — condemns crtielti/, as the most odious of aZZ vices ; yet he confesses, that hunting — was his favorite diversion. He acknowledges the inconsist- eiicy of man's conduct, but he does not as- cribe it to the right cause; which is the pre- dominance, at the time, oi ihose associations it awakens, conducing to pleasure. If he had not been accustomed to it, the associa- tions of hunting, would have been -painful, and his aversion to cruelty in the abstract, would have been realized in the concrete and varticulars. Then, pugnm. turn, thy cares/oref o All earth-horn cares — are wrong; ilfan— wants but ^'^fe— here below, Nor wants that liule — long. BRONSON. 10 Proverbs. 1. To subdue a tri/.ng error, do not incur a greater. 2. Anger and haste — lundor good counsel. 3. All complain of want ofmejnory but none of want of judgment. 4. Gord men ara a public good, and bad men — a public calamity 5. Human laws reach not our tfioughts. 6. Ru- lers — have no power over souls. 7. No one ever suffered— by not speaking ill of others. 8. Silly people are generally pleased with silhj tfmigs. 9 Zeal, without knowledge, is religious wildfire. 10 Tlie example of a good man— is visible philos- ophy. Anecdote. Clients' Bones. A certain mechanic, having occasion to boil some cat- tle's feet, emptied the bones near the court house. A lawyer, observing them, inquired of a bystander, what they were. " I believe they are clients'' bones,''"' replied the wit, " a» they appear to be well picked.'''' Tlie Deceiver. A Base Character. Must not that man be abandoned, even to all man ner of humanity, who can deceive a woman 1 with appearances of affection and kindness, for no other end, but to torment her with more ease and authority ? Is a^iything more unlike a gentleman, than, when his Jionor is engaged for the performing his promises, because nothing but that can oblige him to it, to become afterwards false to his word, and be alone, the occasion of misery to one, whose happiness he but lately pretended was dearer to him than his own ? Ought such a one to be trusted in his common affairs ? or treated, but as one whose honesty — consisted only in his capacity of being otherwise. Varieties. 1. Is it strange, that beauti- ful powers should wither and die ? 2. Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string. 3. Our J.menca7t character is mark- ed by a more than average delight — in ac- curate perception; which is shown by the currency of the fty-word — ' ' no mistake.'''' 4. In sickness, and languor, give us a strain oi poetry, or a profound sentence, and we are refreshed; when the great Herder was dy- ing, he said to \{\b friends, who were V)eep- ing around him : " Give me some great thought.'" Blessed are they, who minister to the cry of the soul. 5. The christian sees, in all that befalls the human race, whether it be good or evil, only the manifestations of Divine Love, as exercised in training and preparing souls, for the approach of that perfection, which they are one day destined to realize. 6. For every friend, that we lose for truth, God gives us a better one. The love of praise, howe'er concealed by art, Reigns, more or less, and glows in every heart: The proud — to gain it — toils on toils endure, The modest— shun it, but to make it sure; O'er globes and sceptres, now on thrones it owellS; Now trims the midnight lamp — in college cells. 'Tis tory, whig; it ploti, prays, preaches, pleads. Harangues in senates, speaks in Tnoftqiierad-y: It aids the dancer''s heel, the ivriter^s head. And heaps the plain — with mountains of the dMd, Nor ends with life; but nods — m sable plitmea. Adorns our hearse, aid falters — on our tcmbs. 146 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. ■401 . Transition — means, in speech, the changes of pitch, from one note to another ; as from the eighth to the third : or from tlie sixth to the Jirst ,- and vice versa ; to corres- pond in variety and character, to the senti- ment and emotion. In singing, it means changing the place of the key-note, so as to keep the tune within the scale of twenty-two degrees. In transition — the pitches of voice are not only changed, but its qualities, agreea- bly to the nature and object of the composi- tion ; however, there must never be any Sac- rifice of other principles — all the proportions must be preserved. Example : An hour passed on ; the Turk awoke. That (6) bright dream— (3) was his last. He (5) woke — to hear his sewirj/'s shriek, [Crec^-/" (8) "To arms! they(6)co7ne.' the (8) Oreek! the (10) He woke— to die — midst (o) flame, and (5) smoke. And (6) shout, and (3) ffroan, and sabre stroke, And death-shots falling thick and fast As lightnings — from the mountain-clovLA ; And heard with voice as trumpet loud, Bozzarris — cheer his band. (8) Strike I till the last armed /oe expires ; (9) Strike I for your (6) altars and your (8) fires , (10) Strike! for the green graves of your sires, (8) God— and your native land. 409> To succeed in these higher parts of oratory, one must throw himself into the con- dition, and shape, he wishes to fill, or be, and bring the body into perfect sul^^ction : by as- suming the appropriate language of action and earnestness, he may work himself into a7iy frame of mind, that the subject demands. He must be sure to keep up the life, spirit, and energy of the composition ; and let there be a light and glow in his style. He must also cultivate a bold and determined manner ; for if he takes no special interest in what he IS reading or speaking, he may rest assured others will not. liO ! from the regions of the north. The reddening storm of battle poure, (5) Rolls along the trembling earth, (6) Fastens on the Olynthian towers ; [brave ? (8) Where rests the sword? Where sleep the (9) Awake ' IS> Cecropia's ally save (6) From the fury of the blast ; (8) Burst the storm — on PhocVs walls ; (10) Rise, or Greece {8) forever falls : (12) Up I or (10) /reeds. 1. A good word for a had one— ^la worth much, and costs little. 2. • He, who knowa not when to be siletit, knows not when to speak. 3. Oppression — causes rebellion. 4. AVhere con- tent is, there is a feast. 5. The drunkard continu- ally assaults his own life. 6. Show me a liar, and I will show you a t/iief. 7. That which helps one man, may hinder atiother. 8. A good educon tion is the foundation of happiness. 9, Most folliea owe their origin to self-love. 10. No tree — takes so deep a root z-n prejudice. 11. Inform yourself, and instruct others. 12. Truth — jS the only borid of friendship. Learning. We have been often told, that "a little learning is a dangerous thing," and we may be just as weU assured, that a little bread is not the safest of all things ; it would be far better to have plenty of both : but the sophism — of those who u.se this argument, is, that they represent the choice between little and much; whereas our election must be made between little — and Jione at all; if the choice is to be — ^between a snaall portion of information, or of food, and absolute ignn- ranee, or starvation, common t^nse gives it- decision in the homely proverb — " half a loai is better than no bread." Varieties. 1. The best and surest course is — never to have recourse to deception, bu' 2jrove ourselves, in every circumstance of life, equally upright and sincere. 2. Th^^ most consummate hypocrite — cannot, at all times conceal the workings of his mind. 3. When we employ money — to good purposes, it is 2 great blessing ; but when we use it for ev.: and wicked ends, or become so devoted to i { as to endeavor to acquire it by dishones: means, it is a great curse. 4. None are sc fond of secrets, as those who do not mean to keep them: such persons covet them, as spendthrifts do mony, for the purpose of cir culation. 5. Burke — called the French rev- olutionists, "the ablest architects of ruin, that the world ever saw." 6. Trifles — always require exuberance of ornament ; the build- ing that has no strength, can be valued only for the grace of its decorations. 7. We can- not part with our heart-fHeiids : we cannot let oiu" angels go. Nor fame I slight, nor for \\&t favors call ; She comes unlcok^d for, if she comes at ail. But, if the purchase cost so dear a price, As soothing/o%, or exalting vice; And if the muse— must flatter lawless sway, And follow still where /omme leads the way; Or, if no basis — bear my rising name, But the fall'n ruins of a7iothefs fame ; Then, teach me. heaven, to scorn the guilty bayc . Drive from mybreast that wretched lust of pruKe. Unblemish''d let me live, or die— unknown: O, grant me honest fame, or grant me rioni. 'TIS siveet—xc htttr The song and oar— of Adria's gondolici (By distance melloweii,) o'er tJie water* sweep. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION 149 W8. Public speakers ought to live longer, and enjoy better health, than other persons ; and if they conform to the principles here taught, and the laws 9f hfe and health gener- ally, this will be the result. Pulmonary dis- eases may be thrown off by these exercises ; the author being a living witness, having been given over at three different times with con- Bumption. The celebrated Cuvier and Dr. Brown, the metaphysician, and many others that might be mentioned, are also witnesses of this truth. One reason is, that natural speaking induces one to use a very large quantity of air, wliereby the capacity of the kings is much enlarged, the quantity of air increased, and the blood more perfectly puri- fied ; the use of the whole body insures a free circulation, and, of course, contributes to universal health. Think'st thou— there are no serpents in the world, But those, which slide along the grassy sod, And sting the luckless foot, that presses them? There are, who, in the path of social life, Do bask their spotted skins, \n fortune's sun, And stii^ the soul, aye, till its healthful frame Is changed to secret, festering, sore disease; So deadly — is its wound. The brave, 'tis sure, do never shun the light; Just are their thoughts, and open are their tempers; Still are they found— in the fair face of day. And heaven, and men — are judges of their actions. 409. Diseases of the Throat — are con- nected, particularly, with those parts of the body, which are involved in breathing, and relate to the understanding, or reasoning fa- culties of the mind: thus, thinking and breathing are inseparably connected toge- ther ; as are feeling and acting ; hence, the predominance of thought, in the exercise of the voice, or in any kind of action, and zeal without knowledge, tend directly to such per- versions of mind and body, as induce, not only diseases of the throat, but even pulmonary diseases : if, then, we will to be free, in any re- spect, we must return to truth and nature ; for they will guide the obedient in the right way. Miscellaneous. 1. Whatever one pos- sesses, becomes doubly valuable, by having the happiness of dividing it with a friend. 2. He who loves riches more than \n& friend, does not deserve to be loved. 3. He who would pass the latter part of his life with fumor, and usefulness, must, when he is vowng-, consider that he shall one day be old; and when he is old, remember that he has once been young. 4. The rolling planets, and the glorious sun. Still kee^ that order, which tliey first begun ; But v^rretched man, alone, has gone astray, swerved from his God, and walks another way. 5. The old — live in the past, as the young do — in the fu- ture. (). Fix upon a high standard of char- acrer : to he thought weU of— is not suffunent: the paint you are to aim at, is, the neatest possible degree of usefulness. 7. He who only aims at little, will accomplish but little. Anecdote. A silly, but very pretty wo- man, complained to the celebrated and beau- tiful Sophia Arnold, of the number of her admirers, and wished to know how she should get rid of them. " Oh, my dear," (was the satiric reply,) " it is very easy for you to do it : yoa have only to speak.^'' Proverbs. 1. Those, wlio possess any rcai excellence, think and say, the least about it. 2 The active only, have the true relish of life. 3. Many there are, who are everi/thing by turns, and nothing — long. 4. To treat trifles — as matters of importance, is to show our own wnimportance. 5. Gritf^ cherished unseen, is genuine; while that, which has witnesses, may be affected, 6. Error — does not so often arise from our ignorance of the truth, as an unwillingness to receive it. 7. Some — mistake t\\e,love — for the practice of virtue, and are not so much good themselves, as they are the friends of goodness. 8. To love any one, and not do him good, when there is ability and opportu- nity, IS a contradiction. 9. Pity — will always be his portion in adversity, who acted with kindness in prosperity, 10. The best mode of proving any science, is by exhibiting it. A Good Slxample. Mr. Clay, in a de- bate upon the Loan Bill, remarked, that, for twenty or thirty years, neither he nor his wife, had owed any man a dollar. Both of them, many years gone by, had come to the conclusion, that the best principle of economy was this, — " never to go in debt. To indulge your wants when you were able to do so, and to repress them when you are not able to in- dulge them." The example is not only an excellent one for itself, but comes from a high source. To repress a want — is one of the wisest, safest, and most necessary principles of political economy. It prevents, not only the dangerous practice of living beyond our means, but encourages the safe precedent of living within them. If all who could, would live within their means, the world would be much happier and much better than it is. Henry Clay and his noble housewife — give us an example worthy of all imitation. Varieties. 1 . Is pride — a mark of talent? 2. Byron says, of Jack Bunting, " He knew not what to do, and so he swore :" so we may say of many a one's preposterous use of book^ — He knew not what to do, and so he read, Wit''s— a. feather— Pope nas said. And ladiis—do not doubt it : For those, who've Iturt—witliin the head, Ejepiay the most — about it. They sin, who tell us love can die; Its holy flame forever i)u.r»elh ; From heaven it came, to heaven reZi- ness. 2. Never magnanimity — fell to the ground. 3. He, who would gather immortal palms, must not he hindered by the name of goodness, but must expUre — if it be goodness. 4. JVo author was ever written down, by any but himself, b Better be a nettle in the side of your friend, than his echo. 6. Surmise is the gossamer, that malice blows on fair reputation; the corroding dew, that destroys the choicest blossoms. 7. A genera prostration of morals — must be the inevitable re- sult of the diffusion of bad principles. 8. To know— is one thing ; and to do— is another. 9. Candor— ]ends an open ear to all men. 10. .drt — is never so beautiful, as when it reflects the philosophy o{ religion and of man. We cannot honor our country — with too deep a reverence ,• we cannot love her — with an affection too pure and fervent ; we can- not serve her — with an energy of purpose, or a faithfulness oi zeal — too steadfast and ar- dent. And what is o\ir country ? It is not the East, with her hills and her valleys, with her countless sails, and the rocky ramparts of her shores. It is not the North, with her thousand villages, and her harvest-home, witli her frontiers of the lake, and the ocean. P, is not the West, with her forest-sea., and her inland isles, with her luxuriant expanses, clothed in the verdant com ,- with her beauti- ful Ohio, and her majestic Missouri. Nor is it yet tlie Soutli, opulent in the mimic snow of the cotton, in the rich plantations of the rustling cane, and in the golden robes of the rice-field. What are ttiese, but the sister families of one greater, better, holier family, OUR COUNTRY ] VARIETIES, Give thy thoughts no tongue. Nor any unproportior.ed thought his act. Be thou familiar ; but by no means vulgar. The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Orapple them to thy soul, with hooks of steel ; But do not dull thy palm— with entertainment Of ev'ry new hatched, uvfledg'd comrade. Beware Of entrance into quarrel I but, being in. Bear it, that the opposer — may beware of thee. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice, [ment. Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judg- Costly thy habit — as thy purse can buy. But not expressed infancy ; rich, not giudy • For the apparel— oft proclaims the man. Neither a borrower, nor a lender be ; For loan — oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing — dulls the edge of husbandry. This above aZ^— to thine own self he true. And it must follow, as the night the day. Thou canst not, then— be /aZse to any man. Dare to be true — nothing — can need a lie ; The fault that needs it— grows two— thereby. What do you think of marriage ? I take it, as those that deny purgatory { It locally contains or heaven or hell; There is no third place in it. 152 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 415. Beware of a slavish attention to rules; for nothing should supercede Nature, who knows more than^r^; therefore, let Aer stand in the foreground, with art for her servant. Emotion — is the soul of oratory : one flash of passion on the cheek, one beam oi feeling from the eye, one thrilling note of sensibility from the tongue, one stroke of hearty emphasis from the arm, have infinite' ly more value, than all the rhetorical rules and flourishes of ancient or modern times. The great rule is — be ix earnest. This is what Demx)sthenes more than intimated, in tlrice declaring, that the most important UiLig in eloquence, was action. There will be no execution without ^re. Wlioever thinks^ must see, that man — wa.s made To face the storm, not languish in the shade; Action — his sphere, and, for that sphere designed, Eternal pleasures — open on his mind. For tliis — fair hope — leads on th' impassioned soul, Through Ufe'^s wild labyrinth— to her distant goal : Paints, in each dream, to fan the genial flame, The pomp of riches, and the pride of fame; Or, fondly gives reflection's cooler eye, A glance, an image, of a future sky. ]VoteS« The standard for propriety, and force, in public speaking is— to speak just as one would naturally express himself in earnest conversation in private company. Such should we all do, if left to ourselves, and early pains were not taken to substitute an artificial method, for that which is natural. Beware of im- agining that you must read in a different way, with different tones And cadences, from that of common speaking. Anecdote. The severity of the laws of Draco, is proverbial; he punished all sorts of crime, and even idleness, with death : hence, De-wia-des said — "He writes his laws, not with ink — but with blood.'''' On being asked why he did so, he replied, — that the smallest crime deserved death, and that there was not o. greater punishment he could find out, for greater crimes. Miscellaneous. 1. Envy — is the daugh- ter oi pride, the author oi revenge and mur- ier, the beginning of secret sedition and the perpetual tormentor of virtue; it is the filthy slime of the soul, a venom, a poison, that consumeth the^esj^, and drieth up the mar- row of the bones. 2. What a pity it is, that there are so many quarter and half men and women, who can take delight in gossip, be- cause they are not great enougli for any thing else. Were I so tali— as to reach the pole, And grasp the ocean — with a span, I would be measured — by my soul, The mind''s — the standard of the man. 4. What is the difference between loving the minds, and the persons of our friends ? 5. How different is the affection, the thought, action, form and manners of the male, from the affection, thought, action, form and man- ners oi ihe female. Then/ar«oeZ/,— I'd rather make My b.id — upon some icy lake, Whcii thawing suns — begin to shine, Ty&\ .rust a love— as f Use as ihiru. The slomoyt— -hat i no «ar». liaconics. 1. Gou has given us vocai organs and reason to use them. 2. True gesture — is the language of nature, and makes its way to the heart, without the utterance of a single word. 3. Coarseness and vulgarity — are the effects of a bad education; they cannot be chargeable to nature 4. Close observation, and an extensive knowledge of human nature alone, will enable one to adapt himself to all sorts of character. 5. Painting— describes what the object is in itsdf: poetry — wha4 it inspires or suggests : one — represents the fisible, the other — both the risible and the invisible. 6. It is uncandid self-will, that condemns without a hearing. 7. The mind — wills to he free; and tlie signs of the tirae-s — proclaim the approach of its restoration. Woman. The Hg-A< education of this sex is of the utmost importance to human life. There is nothing, that is more desirable for the common good of all the world; since, as they are mothers and mistresses oi families, they have for some time the care of the ed- ucation of their children of both sorts ; they are intrusted with that, which is of the greatest consequence to human life. As the health and strength, or weakness oi our bodies, is very much owing to their methods of treating us when we were young; so — the soundness or folly of our minds is not less owing to their first tempers and ways of thinking, which we eagerly received from the love, tenderness, authority, and constant conversation of our mothers. As we call our first language our mother -tongue, so — we may as justly call owe first tempers our moth- er -ievcv^exs ; and perhaps it may be found more easy to forget the la?iguage, than to part entirely with those tempers we learned in the nursery. It is, therefore, to be la- mented, that the sex, on whom so much de- pends, who have the first forming both of our bodies and our minds, are not only edu- cated in pride, but in the silliest and most contemptible pari of it. Girls are indulged in great vanity; and mankind seem to con- sider them in no other view than as so many painted idols, who are to allure and gratify their passions. Varieties. 1. Was England — Justified in her late loarlike proceeding against Chi- na? 2. Fit language there is none, for the heart's deepest things. 3. The honor of a maid — is her name; and 7io legacy is so rich as honesty. 4. O, how bitter a thing it is — to look into happiness — thro' another''s eysb. Ungrateful man, with liquorish draughts, And morsels unctuous, greases his pure iTiini That from it — all consideration slips. To persist In doing wrong, extenuates not wrong, But makes it much more heavy. He cannot be a perfect man. Not being tried or tutored in the world : Experience is by industry achieved, And perfecUd—hy the swift course of time A confused report — passed thro' my ears, But, full o( hurry, like a morning dream. It vanished— 'in the busimsa of the day. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 163 416. The Declamatokt and Horta- roRT — indicate a deep interest for the per- sons addressed, a Jiorror of the evil they are entreated to avoid, and an exalted estimate of the good, they are exhorted to pursue. The exhibition of the strongest feehng, re- quires such a degree of self-control, as, in the very torrent, tempest and whirlwind of pas- sion, possesses a temperance to give it smoothness. The Dramatic — sometimes calls for the exercise of all the vocal and mental powers: hence, one must consider the character represented, the circumstances under which he acted, the state of feeling he possessed, and every thing pertaining to the ecene with which he was connected. 417. Rolla's Address to the Peru- vians. My brave associates — -partners — of my toil, my feelings, and my fame! Can Rolla's words — add vigor — to the virtuous 'iner gies, wMxch. inspire yoxxr hearts? No; you have judged as I have, the foulness of the cvahy plea, by which these bold invaders would delude you. Your generous spirit has compared, as mine has, the motives, which, in a war like tliis, can animate their minds and ours. They, by a strange frenzy driven, fight iox power, for plunder, and ex- tended rule; we,ior our country, our altars, and our homes. They — follow an adventur- er, whom they fear, and obey a. power, which they hate; we — serve a monarch whom we love, — a God, whom we adore. Whene'er they move in anger, desolation — tracks their progress ! Whene'er they pause in amity, affliction — mourns their friendship. They boast, they come but to improve our state, enlarge our thoughts, and free us from the yoke of error ! Yes — they will give enUght- ened freedom to our minds, who are themi- selves the slaves of passion, avarice, a.m\ pride. They offer us their protection. Yes, s^uch protection — as vultures — give to lambs — covering, and devouring them. They call on us to barter all of good, we have inherited and proved, for the desperate chance of some- thing better, vfhich. they promise. Be our plain answer this : The throne — we honor — is the people^ s choice; the lav^s we rever- ence — are our hra\e fathers* legacy ; the faith we follow— teaches us to live in bonds of cha- rity with all mankind, and die — with hope of bliss — beyond the grave. Tell your in- vaders this, and tell fliem too, we seek no change; and, least of all, such change as they would bring us. GAMBLING. Oh ! vice accursed, that lur'sf. thy victim on With specious smiles, and faise deluding hopes — Smiles — ihaidestroy, and hopes — that bring despair, Infatuation — dangetojis and destructive, Pleasure most visionary, [{delight, how transient! frduie ofhonnr, angtiish, and dismay! 20 Proverbs. 1. The fnore--womcn M/ok mto their glasses, the less— ihcy attend to their houses 2. Works, and not words, are the proof of love. 3. There is no better )ooking-glas5, tli-m a ime/riend. i. When we obey our superiors, we instruct our inferiors. 5. Tiieie is more trouble in having no- thing to do, than in having much to do. 6. The best throw of the dice— is to throw them away. 7. Virtue, that parleys, is near the surrender. 8. The spirit of /en— use a diflbrent speecft— in different climes, But Nature hath ont voice, and only one. Her wandering moan, her stars, her golden sun. Her vooods and waters, in all lands and times. In one deep son^ proclaim the wondrous story. They tell it to each other— ia the sky, l/pon tht winds they send it— sounding high, Jehovahs wisdom, goodness, power, and glory. I bear it come from mountain, diff, and tret. Ten thousand voices— in one voice united ; On every side— the song encircles me, The whole round world reveres— and is delighted. Ah ! why, when hcaverv-^A eart/i— lift up their voit^ Ah I why should man alone, no.- looriMy, nou«o««? 154 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 4:18. The merging of the Diatonic Scale in tire Musical Staff, as .some have done in elocution, is evidently incorrect; for then, the exact pitch of voice is fixed, and all must talte that pitch, whether it be in accordance with the voice, or not. But in the simple di- atonic scale, as here presented, each one takes hi^ lowest natural note for his tonic, or key-nott-t, and then, passes to the mediiun range of pitches. Different voices are often keyed on different pitches; and to bring ♦.hem all to the same pitch, is as arbitrary as P7'ocrusie's bedstead, a.ccordm^ to Hudribras: "This iron bedstead, Ihey do fetch, To try our hopes upon ; If w^e're too sAort, we must be stretched, Cut off— if we're too long.'''' Beware of all racks ; be natural, or nothing. What the weak head — with strongest bias rules. Is (0) PKiDE ; the neter- failing vice of fools. A soul, without reflection, like a pile, Without inhabitant — to ruin runs. Wit — is fine language — to advantage dressed ; Better often thought, but ne'er so well expressed. Our needful knowledge, like our needfuiybod, Unhedged, lies open — in life's common^e/-d, And bids all — tcelcome — to the vital /easr. Let sense — be ever in your view ; Nothing is lovely, that is not true. 419. Suggestions. Let the pupils me- morize any of the proverbs, laconics, maX' ims, or questions, and recite them on occa- sions like tlie following : when they first as- semble in tlie school-room ; or, meet together in a social cii'cle : let them also carry on a kind of conversation, or dialogue w^ith them, and each strive to get one appropriate to the supposed state, charade)', &c. of another: or use them in a variety of ways, that their in- genuity may suggest. Pride. There is no passion so universal, or that steals into the heart more impercep- tibly, and covers itself under more disgui- ses, than pride ; and yet, there is not a sin- gle view of human nature, which is not suf- ficient to extinguish in us all the secret f Your rag!— is age —an! I :at won't do for me." Proverbs. 1. Proud persons have fcvvr«i. friends. 2. Mildness — governs belter than anger. 3. No hope should influence -as to do evil. 4. Feio things are impossible to skdl and industry. 5. Diligence — is the mistress of success. 6. Conscience is never dilatory '::i her warnings. 7. A vain hope flattereth the heart of u.fool. 8. Moderate speed is a sure help to all proceedings. 9. Liber- ality of knowledge makes no one the poorer. 10. If you endeavor to be honest, you struggle with yourself. Names. A man, that should call every thing by its right naw^e, would hardly pass through the streets, without being knocked down as a common enemy. Varieties. 1. In 1840, there were in the United States, five hundred and eighty-four thousand whites, who could not read or write; five thousand, seven hundred and seventy-three deaf and dumb ; five thous- and and twenty-four blind ; fourteen thous- and five hundred and eight insane, or idiots, and two millions four hundred and eighty- seven thousand slaves. 2. As our popula- tion increases thirty-four per cent, in ten years, at this rate, in 1850, our seventeen millions will be twenty-two millions : in 1860, thirty millions ; and in 1900, ninety- five miUions. 3. The regular increase of the N. E. states is fourteen per cent ; of the mid- dle states twenty-five per cent. ; of the south' em twenty-two per cent. ; and of the west- em — sixty-eight per cent. 4. Many persons are more anxious to know who Melchisedec was, or what was Paul's thorn in the flesh, than to know what they shall do to be saverL 5. To cure anger, sip. of a glass of water, till the fit goes off. 6. An infallible remedy for anxiety — "cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee." TRY ; TRY AGAIN. 'Tis a lesson — you should hud, Try, try again ; If ai first — you don't succeed, Try, try again ; Then your courage should appear, For, if you will persevere, You will conquer, never fear ; Try, try again. Once, or twice, though you should /at/, Try, try again ; If you would, at last, prevail, Try, try again ; If we strive, 'tis no disgrace, Though we may not win the race ; What should you do in the case? Try, try again. If you find your task is hard, Try, iry again; Time will bring you your reward. Try, try again; All that other folks can do, Why, w\\\i patience, siiould not you t Only kteep this rule in view, Thy, TRY »GAIN. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 157 4a*. Before entering on a consideration and illustration of the Passions, the pupil is urged to revise the preceding lessons and exercises ; but do not be deceived with the idea, that thinki7ig about them is enough, or reading them over silently; join practice with thought, and the effects are yours. One of the great difficulties in thinking about any art or science, and witnessing the efforts oi others in their presentation, is — that one's taste is so far in advance of his own jrractice, that he becomes disgusted with it, and des- pairs of his success. Let us remember that nothing is truly our own, that we do not u?idersta7id, love and practice. hamlet's instructions on delivery. Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced Jt to you; trippingly ou the toiigue. But if you mouth it, as many of our players do, I had as lief the town-crier had spoke my lines. And do not saw the air too much with j'our hand; but use all frently; for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, whiklwind of your passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance, that may give it smoothness. Oh! it offends me to the soul,, to hear a robustious, periwig-psiled fellow tear a passion to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlijigs ; who, (for the most part.) are capa- ble of nothing, but inexplicable dumb-show and noise. I would have such a fellow^ whipped for o'erdoing Urmagant, it out-Herod's Herod. Pray you, avoid it. Be not too tame, neither; but let your own discretion be your tutor. Suit the ac- tion — to the word, the wo"-! — to the action; witli this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature: for anything, so overdone, is from the purpose of playing ; whose end, both at l\\e first, and now, was, and is — to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn — her own image, — and the very age and body of the time, his form and pressure. Now, this overdone, or come tardy off, though it may make the unskillful laugh, cannot but make the judicious — grieve: the censure of one of which, must, in your allowance, o'erweigh a whole thea- tre of others. OJi! there be players that I have seen play, and heard- others ^rafse, and that high- ly, tliat, neither having the accent of christian, nor the gait of christian, pagan, nor ?nan, have so strutted and belloived, that I have thought some of nature's journeymen had made men, and not made them well; they imitated humanity so abom- inably. 4:35. Tendencies of our Lang-uage. As our language abounds in monosyllables, it affords good means to deliver our thoughts in few sounds, and thereby favors despatch, which is one of our characteristics ; and when we use words of more than one sylla- ble, we readily contract them some, by our rapid pronunciation, or by the omission of Bome vowel; as, drown'd, walk'd, dips; in- stead of drown-ed, walk-ed, dip-peth, &c,; tind even proper names of several syllables, when familiarized, often dwindle down into monosyllables; whereas, in other languages, they receive a softel turn, by the addition ot a new syllable. Proverbs. 1. Beauty is ip longer am/able, than while virtue adorns it. 2. Past services should never be forgotten. 3. A knoion enemy ia better than a treacherous friend. 4. Don't engage in any undertaking, if your conscience says no to it. 5. Benefits and injuries receive their value from the intention. 6. We should give by choice, and not by hazard. 7. He, that does £cod to a>i. other, from proper motives, does good a:fco to him- self. 8. He that is false to God can never be tru4 to man. 9. A good principle is sure to produce a good practice. 10. None are truly wise, but thoee that are pure in heart. Anecdote. Contrary. A womn.n, having fallen into a river, her husbajid went to look for her, proceeding up stream from where she fell in. The bystanders asked him if he was mad? she could not have gone against the stream. The man answered : ' ' She was obstinate and contrary in her life- time, and I suppose for certain she is so at her death:' Intuition. We cannot have an idea of one, without the idea of another to which it is related. We then get the idea of two, by contemplating them both; referring, ab- stractly, to one of them. We say one and one are equal to two; one one, is less than two ones; therefore, one does not equal two. One and one, are the parts of tv^o, and the parts of a thing are equal to the whole of it. Thus, we come to the knowledge of what has been called intuitive proposition, only by reasoning. When such a principle ia clearly admitted, we cannot deny its truth, for a moment : but it is far from being, strictly speaking, an intuitive truth. Varieties. 1 . The virtues of the country are with our wometi, and the only remaining hope of the resurrection of the genius and character of the nation, rests with them. 2. The present — is the pa.reiit of i]\Q future. 3. The last words of the Indian chief, who died at Washington, in 1824, were, " When I am gone, let the big gmis be fired over me." 4. Beware of turning away from do- ing good, by thinking how much good you would do, if you only had the means. 5. The pleasure oi thinking on important sub- jects, with a view to communicate our tho'ta to the unfolding minds around us, is a most exquisite pleasure. 6. Principle and prac- tice must go hand in hand, to make the man, or woman. 7. The time is fast ap- proaching, when the mind will strike out new fields, and view itself, its Creator, and the Universe from new positions. HOPE. Why do those cliffs of shadowy lint appear. More sweet than all the landscapes shining nf.arJ 'Tis distance lends snchantment to the view, And robes the mountain in its azure hue ! Thus with delight we linger to survey The promis'd joys of life's unmeasur'd way Thus from afar, each dim discover'd scene, More pleasing seems than all the past hath be t»i And every form that, fancy can repair. From dark oblivion, glows divinely there. I5tt PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 436* A just delivery consists in a distinct articulation of words, pronounced in proper tones, suitably varied to the sense, and the emotions of the mind ; with due observation of accent, the several gradations of emphasis ; pauses or rests in proper places, and well measured degrees of time ; and the whole ac- companied with expressive looks, and signi- ficant gestures. To conceive, and to execute, are two different things ; the first may arise fiom study and observation; the second is {lie eftect of practice. 4i27* Rules for the ^ . When ques- tions are not answered by yes or no ; as, Who is that lady] In affirmative sentences ; as — I am prepared to go : language of au- THORiTr; as — Back to thy punishment, false fugitive: terror; as — The hght burns blue: surprise; as — Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet: reprehension; as — You are very much to blame for suffer- ing hiva to pass : indignation: Go — false fellow, and let me never see your face again : contempt ; as — To live in awe of such a thing as / myself : exclamation : O nature ! how honorable is thy empire J RHETORICAL DIALOGUE, when oue OX more persons are represented ; as — James said, Charles, go and do as you were bidden; and John said, he need not go at present, for I have something for him to do: and the FINAL pause; as — All general rules have some exceptions. 4SJS. Important Questions. 1. Is there more tJian one God ? 2. Was the wwld crea- ted out of nothing ? 3. What is the mean- ing of the expression, " let us make man in our image, after our likeness .?" 4. By what means can we become hapjnj ? 5. Can we be di friend, and an enemy, at the same time ] 6. Are miracles the most convincing eviden- ces of truth ? 7. Will dying for principles, prove any thing more than the sincerity of the martyr I 8. Is it possible for a created being to merit salvation by good works ? 9. Have we life of our own ; or are we dependent on God for it every moment? 10. What is the difference between good and evil? 11. Is any law independent of its m,aker? 12. A/e miracles — violations of nature's laws? 4*^9* Some think matter is all, and mrni- ner little or nothing ; but if one were to gpeak the sense of an angel in bad words, and with a disagreeable utterance, few would listen to him with much pleasure or profit. The figure of Adonis, with an awkward air, and ungraceful motion, would be disgusting instead of pleasing. Reader, whosoe'er thou art, What thy Ood has given, impart ; Hide it not within the ground; S;nd the cup of" lessing round Proverbs. 1. To fail, or not-'io fail ; thai is the question. 2. He, ihat loveth pleasure, shaJI be a poor man. 3. Flattery is a dazzling meteor that casts a delusive glare before the mental eye seduces the imagination, perverts the judgment, and silences the dictates of reason. 4. Mankind are governed more by feeling and impulse, than by reason and reflection. 5. Our duty and true interest, always unite. 6. An occasional hearty laugh, is often an act of wisdom. 7. No one can be great, who is not virtuous. 3. We make more than half the evils we feel. 9. JVo one can esti- mate the value of a pious, discreet, and faithful mother. 10. The boy— is the father of the man. Anecdote. Tallovj and Talent. Fletcher, bishop of Nesmes, was the son of a tallow- chandler. A great duke once endeavored to mortify the prelate, by saying to him, at the king's levee, that he smelt of tallow. To which the bishop replied, "My lord, I am the son of a chandler, it is true, and if you: lordship had been the same, you would have remained a chandler all the days of your life. Disinterestedness — is the very fiower of all the virtues, a manifestation — in the heart of one who feels and acts from it, of heaven on earth, — the very reflection of the sun of Paradise. If mankind more generally, knew how beautiful it is to serve others, from the love of doing them good, there would not be so much cold and narrow selfishness in the world. When we have contributed most to the happiness of others, we are receptive our- selves of the most happiness. "Varieties, 1. Never repay fem(Z?7,e5S With wnkindness. 2. Is pride — commendable? 3. No guarantee for the conduct of nations, or individuals, ought to be stronger than that which honor imposes. 4. True patriotism labors for civil and religious liberty aU over the world — for universal freedom ; the liber- ty and iiappiness of the human race. 6. What is charity, and what are its fruits? 6. When persons are reduced to want, by their own laziness, or vices, is it a duty to relieve them! 7. To read Milton's Paradise Lost, is the pleasure of but feiu. 8. The argu- ment of the Essay on Man, is said to have been written by Bolinghroke, and versified by Pope. 9. Painting, Sculpture and Archi- tecttire — are three subjects, on which nearly all persons, of polite education, are compelled to conceal ignorance, if they cannot display knowledge. 10. Is labor — a blessing, or a a curse ? Music!— o\i\ how /aint, how weak I Language — fades before thy spell ; Why should feeling — ever speak, When thou canst breathe her soul — so well Ah! why will kings^orget— thai they a.re men., And MEN, that they are brethren ? [the tiea Why delight — in human sacrifice! Why buret Of NATURE, that should knit their souls tJgethei In one soft band — of amity and love ? PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 159 4d€ Sttle. The character of a person's style L'f reading and speaking depends upon his moral perceptions of the ends, causes, and effects of the composition: thus, sttle may be considered the man himself, and, as every one sees and feels, with regard to everything, according to the state or condition of his mind, and as tliere are and can be no two persons alike; eacli individual will have a manner and style pecuhar to himself; tho" in the main, that of two persons of equal education and intelligence, ma>' be ir. a great iegree similar. 431. RnLEs FOR THE . When ques- tions are answered by yes or no, they gen- erally require the '. Exs. Are you well ? Is he gone ? Have you got your hat ? Do you say yes P Can he accommodate me 1 Will you call and see mel But when the questions are emphatic, or amount to an affir- mative,ihe^isused. ^Ve you well] As much as to say : tell me wliether you are well. Is he gone 1 Have you done iti All given in an authoritative manner. Hath he said it, and shall he not do iti He that planted the ear, shall he not hear 1 Is he a man, that he should repent P 433. Important Questions. 1. Is the casket more valuable than the Jewel P 2. Will not the safety of the community be en- rfang-ererf, by permitting the murderer to liveP 3. Are theatres — beneficial to mankind '' 4. Did Napolean do more hurt than good to the world'.' 5. Were the Texans right — in re- belling against Mexico] 6. OugJit the license system to be abolished ] 7. Is animal mag- netism true ] 8. Who was tlie greatest mon- ster — Nero, or Catiline P 9. Should we act from policy, or from principle P 10. Is not the improvement of the mind, of the first im- portance ] Nature. Man is radiant with expressions. Every feature, limb, muscle and vein, may tell something of the energy within. The brow, smooth or contracted, — the eye, placid, dilated, tearful, flashing, — the lip, calm, quiv- ering, smiling, curled, — the wliole counten- ance, serene, distorted, pale, flushed, — the hand, with its thousand motions, — the chest, still or lieaving, — the attitude, relaxed or firm, cowering or lofty, — in short, the visible char- acteristics of the whole external man, — are Nature's hand-writing ; and the tones and qualities of the voice, soft, low, quiet, broken, agitated, shrill, grave, boisterous, — are her ORAL LANGUAGE : let the student copy and learn. Nature is the goddess, and art and science her ministers. Since trifles— TTOike the fum of human things, And half our mtjery— from our /oi62« springs: Since life's ba^t joys— consist in peace and ease, And few— CAn save or serve, but oZJ— can please ; O let the ungentle spirit— leflm from henee, — * A rtnall tinkindnas—ia a great offence. Maxinis. 1. It does not become a law-maker, to become a law-breaker. 2. Friendship is strongei than kindred. 3 Idleness is the sepulchre of a liv- ing man. 4. An orator, wilhont judgment, is like a horse without a bridle. 5. He that kno^ws when to speak, knows when to be silent. 6. The truest end of life— IS to know tlie life th»t never ends. 7 Wine has drowned more than ;he sea, S. Impose not on others a burthen which you cannot bear yourself. ^- ^^ overcomes a stout enemy, that overcomes his own anger. 10. Study tnankuui as well as books. Anecdote. Note of Interrogation (T). Mr. Pope, the poet, who was small and dt' formed, sneering at the ignorance of a yousig man, who was very inquisitive, and asked a good many impertinent questions, inquired of iiim if he knew what an interrogation point was ] " Yes sir," said he, " it is a little crooked thing, like yourself, that asks ques- tions.^'' Ideas, acquired by taste — are compound and relative. If a man had never experi- enced any change, in the sensation produced by external things, on the organs of taste, that which he now calls siueet, (if it had been the quality, subjected to the sense,) would have conveyed to the mind no possible idea ; but, alternating witli the quality we call bit- ter, contrariety — produces the first impres- sion, and lie learns to distinguisJi the qualities by names. The sensation — awakened by Madeira wi7ie, must be very acute, to enable a man to discriminate, accurately, without a very careful comparison. Let a particular kind of Madeira wine remain a few years on the lees of many other kinds, and who wcul'J detect the compound flavor, but the contriver ? Varieties. 1. Inspire a child with right feelings, and they will govern his actions. hence, the truth of the old adage, Example is better than precept. 2. The ^eat difficulty is, that we give rules, instead of inspiring sentiments ; it is in vain to lead the under- .standing with rules, if the affections are not right. 3. Benjamin West states, that his mo ther kissed him, eagerly, when he showed her the likeness he had sketched of his baby sis- ter; and, he adds, — that kiss made me u pavnter. 4. Lay by all scraps of material things, as well as of knowledge, and th?v will certainly come in use within seven years. 5. Gain all the information you can, learn all that comes in your way, without being intru- sive, and provided it does not interfere with the faithful discharge of other duties. 6. It was a maxim of the great William Jones, never to lose an opportunity of learning anything. A wfse man poor, Is like a sacred booh, that's never read; To himself he lives, and to all else seems dead: This age— thinks better of a gilded /oo?, Than of a threadbare saint— in wi$dom''8 schoo* 160 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 433. Sttle. The numerous examples given throughout this work, afford the neces- sary means for illustrating all the principles i)f elocutiQn : let the taste, andjudgmeiit, as well as the abilities of the student — be test- ed by a proper selection and application of them. He must not expect too much from others, nor take it unkindly, when thrown upon his own resources : the best way to in- crease our strength, is to have it often tested. All who become orators, must make them- selves orators. 434. Impoktant Questions. 1. If we do well, shall we not be accepted ? 2. Which 18 more useful, fire, or water ? 3. Ought cir- cumstantial evidence to be admitted in crim- inal cases 1 4. Can we be too zealous in rightly promoting a good cause '.' 5. Which is worse, a bad education, or no education 1 6. Are not bigotry and intolerance — as des- tructive to morality, as they are to common sense ? 7. Are we not apt to be proud of that which is not our own ? 8. Ought there not to be duties on imported goods, to en- courage domestic manufactures ? 9. Is sla- very right ? 10. Have steamboats been the cause of more good than evil ? 435. Ignokance and Error. It is al- most '^s difficult to make one unlearn his er- rurs, as to acquire knowledge. Mal-infor- maticMi is more hopeless than won-informa- tion ', for error is always more busy than ig- norance. Ignorance — is a blank sheet, on which we may V'rite ; but error — is a scrib- bled one, from which we must first erase. Ignorance — is contented to stand still, with her back to the truth; but OTor — is more jn-esumptuous, and proceeds in the same di- rection. Ignorance has no light, but error follows a false one. The consequence is, that error, when she retraces her footsteps, lias farther to go, before she can arrive at the truth, than ignorance. Anecdote. Virtue before Riches. The- mistocles — had a daughter, to whom two men were wishing to make love ; one — was very HcJi, but a simpleton, and the other — poor, but a very luise man : the father preferred the lailer, — saying, " I would rather have a man without Hches, than riches without a man^ Tbe primal duties — shine aloft, like stars ; Thucharilies, ihaX soothe, and heal, and bless. Are scattered at the feet of man, V\ke flowers ; The generous inclination, the juslrwZe, Kind tiHshes, and good actions, and pure thoughts. No myntery is here ; no special boon For hig\, and not for loxo ; {ox proudly graced, A nd not for meek of lieart. The smoke ascends To heaven as lightly from the cottage hearth, ^8 from the haughty palace. He, vi'hose soul Fondcrs this true equality, may walk n^i} fields of earth — witli gratitude and hope. Our wishes letigthen — ai our sun declines. Maxims. 1. Punctuality begets eonfidenoo., and is the sure road to honor and respect. 2. A picture is a poem, without words. 3. Sensible me.i show their sense, by saying much in few words 4. He, who thinks to cheat another, cheats hitn- self. 5. Pride is easily seen m others ; but we rarely see it in ourselves. 6. Wealth is not hts who gets it, but his who enjoys it. 7. A bad book is one of the worst of thieves. 8. Tolercitiou should spring from charity, not from indifference 9. Too much prosperity makes mx)st men fools 10. He, who serves God, has the best master i'S the world. 11. 0?ie love drives another out. 12 Health is better than wealth. Influence. Few are aware of the full ex- tent of meaning contained in this word. If we can measure the kind and quantity of influence, that every variety of heat and cold has on the world of matter ; if we can tell the influence, that une individual has on an- other, one society on another, and one na- tion on another, both for time and eternity; if we can estimate the influence, that spir itual beings have on one another, and on the human race, collectively, and separately ; also the influence of the Great Spirit on all creation, then, we are able to see and realize the mighty meaning of this important word. Contemplate and weigh tlie influence, tJiat different kinds of food and drink have on the human system, by being appropriated to it3 innumerable parts; the influence on body and mirid of keeping and violating the laws of life, by thinking, feeling, and acting ; the influence, which a good or bad person has on his associates and also their influence on oth- ers, through all coming time, as well as in the eternal world, and you will perceive some- thing of the importance of ceasing to do evil, and learning to do well ; of living and prac- ticing whdit is good and true, and thereby being saved from all that is evil and false. Varieties. 1. Lord Coke — wTote the fol- lowing, which he religiously observed ; " Six hours to sleep, to law's great study six, Four spend in prayer, the rest to nature fix." 2. Wm. Jones, a Vjiser economist of the fleeting hours of life, amended the sentiment thus ; Seven hoius to law, to soothing slumbers 5even, Ten to the world allot, and all to heaven. 3. Tl>e truly beautiful and sublime are to be found within the regions of nature and probability : the false sublime sets to it- self no bounds : it deals in thunders, earth- quakes, tempests, and whirlwinds. 4. Is it any pain for a bird iofly, a. fish to sunm, or a boy to play ? 5. Confound not vociferation with emphatic expression; for a w/i^^per may be as discriminating as the loudest tones. 6. Speech — is the gift of God. 7. Order— .i the same in the world, in man, and in the church; man — is an ejitome of all \heprin ciples of order. PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 161 436. Style, &c. To accomplish your ob- ject, study the true m-canmg and character of the subject, so as to express the whole, in such a way as to be perfectly understood and felt .- thus, you will transport youi hearers to the Acene you describe, and your earnest- ness raise them on the tiptoe of expectation, and your just arguments sweep everything before them like a MOUXTAiisr torrent: to ex- cite, to agitate, and delight, are among the most powerful arts of persuasion: but the impressions must be enforced on the mind by fl command of all the sensibilities and sym- I>athies of the soul. That your course may be ever upward and onward, remember, none but a GOOD man can be a perfect orator; un- cnrrupted and incorruptible integrity is one of the most jwwerful engines of persuasion. 437. Impohtant Questioxs. I. Is any government — as important as the principles it should protect and extend? 2. Should we remain passive, when our country, or politi- cal rights are invaded ? 3. Are hanks bene- hcial % 4. Have the crusaders been the cause of more evil than good? 5. Was the war waged against the Seminoles of Florida, j'ws^.? 6. Which is the more important acquisition, tvealth, or knowledge ? 7. Is there any neu- tral ground between good and evil, truth and falsehood ? 8. Which should we fear most, the commission of a crime, or the fear of pun- ishment ? 9. By binding the understanding, and forcing tlie judgment, can we mend tJie heart? 10. When proud people meet toge- ther, are they not always unhappy? 11. Is not common sense a very rai^e and valuable article l 1 2. What is the use of a body, with- out a soul? 438. Manneu and Matteii. The secret of success in Music, as well as in Elocution, is, to adapt tlie manner perfectly to the mat- ter : if the subject be simple, such must be the manner : if it be gay and lively, or solemn and dignified, such, or such must be the manner .• in addition to which, the performer nmst forget himself, or rather lose himself in the subject, body and soul, and show his re- gard to his audience, by devoting himself to the subject : and hence he must never try to show himself off: but hide behind the thought and feeling, and depend upon them to pro- duce the effect: if tliere is any affectation, the hold on the heart is in that proportion relinquished. Oh, when shall we take our appropriate place and regard use as the grand object ! But »ur»— to foreigTi climes — we need not range, Nor torch the aiicimt records of our race, To leim— the dire elTect of time — and chatige, Which, in cnirsdves, alu ! we dmily trace ; ya*, at the darkened eye, the withered face, Or hoary hair — 1 never will repine ; But f-pare, Time ! whate'er of mental grace, Of ca7ia yr, Inve, or sympathy divine ; 'Vhate'er of fancv^t ray, or frienibhip's fiarae ii miiu, BRONSON. 11 Maxims. 1. Revenge, however sweet, is dearly bought. 2. Life is half spent, before w»* know what it is to live. 3. The tvorld is a ivork- shop, and the wise onfy know how to use its toois 4. A man is valued, as he makes himself valuable 5. Heaven is not to be had, merely, by tvishing for it. 6. As often as we do good, we sacrifice. 7. Be careful to keep your loord, even in the most trifiin^ matter. 8. Hearts may agree, tlio' heads may diC- fe,r. 9. Honestm^n are easily boiind ; but yoi tan never buid a knave. 10. Experience keeps a dear school ; hxxi fools will learn in no other. Anecdote. Curious Patriotism. Some years ago, one of the convicts at Botany Bay, wrote a fakce, which was acted with mucJi applause in some of the tlieatres. Barring- ton, the notorious pick-pocket, wrote the prologue ,' which ended with these hnes : True patriots we ; for, be it understood, We letl our country — for our country's good Ignorance — Willfulness. The ignor- ant — oppose without discrimination. Har- vey, for asserting the circulation of the bloody was styled a vagabond, a quack ; and perse- cuted, through life, by the medical profession. In the time of Francis I., Ambrose Fare — in- troduced the ligament, to staunch the blood of an amputated limb, instead of boiling hot jritch, in which the bleeding stump had for- merly been dipped ; and he was persecuted, with the most relentless rancour, by the Fa- culty, who ridiculed the idea — of risking a man's life upon a thread, when boiling pitch l)ad stood the test for centuries. Medicines have been proscribed as jsowow, and then pre- scribed in great quantities ,- the proscription.^ and prescriptions being both adopted with equal ignorance and credulity. There is no hope for man, but a thorough and correct education in the school of truth and goodness. Varieties. 1. Does the nature of things depend on tlie matter, of which they are formed ; or on the laws of constitution, by which matter is arranged? 2. Is not veget- able matter formed from oxygen and hydro- gen ; and animal matter from these two and carbon? But what are their constituent parts ? Were their essences created, or are \!i\e:y eternal? 3. What large portions of tlie world there are of which we know compara- tively nottiin% ! and although we are familiar with our bodies, externally, yet Iiow little of their internals do even the best physiologists know? 4. How much is really known of the nature of mind? and yet there is pre- sumption enough in some, to decide at once, upon all the phenomena of the mind, and prescribe its limits, 5. Thus, man clothes himself with his fanciful knowledge, and plays such insane trick.-! before the wt, And the mwi— looks bright, where niy/od kaU h«OT. 162 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 439. Effective Sttle. The more your reading and speaking partake of the freedom and case of common discourse, (provided you sustain the object and life of the compo- sition) the more just, natural, and effective will be your style of delivery : hence the ne- cessity of studying nature, of avoiding all affectatixm, and of never attempting that in public, which is beyond your ability. Some mar, or spoil what they are going to say, by making so much ado over it, thinking they must do some great thing; when it isal most as simple as — wa^h and be clean : whatever is not natural is not agreeable or 'persuasive. 440. Important Questioits. 1. Were any beings ever created angels 1 2. Is it right ever to do wrong ? 3. Why was a rev- elation necessary ? 4. May we not protect our person and character from assault ? 5. Does civilization increase happiness? 6. Which excites more curiosity, the works of nature, or the works of art? 7. Ought a witness to be questioned with regard to his religious opinions, or belief? 8. Was the general bankrupt law a benefit to the coun- try 1 9. Why are we disposed to laugh, even when our best friend falls down 1 10. Which is the greatest, /ai^ A, hope, or charity? 11. Should controversy interrupt our friendship and esteem for each other 1 12. Have chris- tians any right to persecute each other for their opinions ? 4:4-1. It is much to be regretted, that our Uachers are so illy qualified to instruct their pupils oven in the first rudiments of reading : and they arc all so much inclined to fall into bad habits, and the imitation of faulty speafe- ers, that it requkes constant watchfulness to keep clear of the influences of a wrong bias, and fal^e, and merely arbitrary rules. We never can succeed in this important art, until we take elementary instruction out of the hands of ignoramuses, and insist upon hav- ing persons fully competent to take charge of the cause. Away then with the idea, that any one can teach reading and speaking, merely because he can call the letters, and «peak the words so as to be understood. Operating Circumstances* We are too apt, in estimating a law, passed at a remote peri- od, v» combine in our consideration, all the subse- qaent events, which have had an influence upon K ; instead of conforming ourselves, as we ought, 10 the circumstances, existing at the time of its So Utb, that, when thy ntmmoni comes— to join The innumenible cmavan, that moves To the pade r«lms of »hade, where each shall take His chamber — in the silent balls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry-slave, at ni?ht, SeoMrgtd to his dungeon ; but, nutairud and loothtd By an wifaltering trust, approach thy fratw, •LiiKe one, who wnps the draper) of his couch Atout him, and lies daws— ts ptfoionf dmniu. Maxims. 1. Happiness is the shadow of contentment, and rests, or moves forever with itH original 2. A drop of wisdom is worth a tun of riches. 3. Whatever does not stand with credit^ will not stand long. 4. Business must be attend- ed to, at the expense oi every thing else of less iuh parlance. 5. Our states of mind differ as much as our spirits and temper. 6. Death — cannot kiS what never dies, — mutual love. 7. If you will not hear reason, she wil rap you over your knuck- les. 8. Open rebuke is better than secret love. 9. Good counsel is thrown away on the arrogatyt and self -conceited. 10. He, who resolves to cimetid, has God, and all good beings on his side. Anecdote. Vanity Repiwed "I am very thankful, that my moutii has been open- ed to preach without any learning^' — said an illiterate preacher, in speaking against educating ministers, to preach the gospel. A gentleman present replied, " Sir, a similar event took place in Baalambs time " Education— should give us command of every faculty of body, and mind — call out all our powers of observation and reflectiun- change the creatures of impulse, pryudice and passion, to thinking, reasoning, and lov- ing beings ; lead to objects of pursuits, and habits of conduct, favorable to the happiness of every individual, and to the whole world, and multiply all the means of enjoyment, and diminish, every temptation to vice and seji- suality ; and true education will do all this. Varieties. 1. What is moral mr/t^e.? 2. The greatest danger to public liberty, is frona vice and idleness. 3. He, that showeth mer- cy, shall receive mercy. 4. Never attempt anything more, tlian there is a prospect of accomplishing. 5. Should not beasts — aa well as men, be treated with kindness ? 6. Rational liberty — is diametrically opposeo to the wildness of anarchy. 7. We should never ascribe bad motives, when we can sup- pose good ones. 8. Nothing is more prejU' dicial — to the great interests of a nation, than uncertain and varying policy. 9. Is it lawful — to contend witli others, on any oc- casion? 10. Prefer tlie evident interests of the crmimuniiy, to the suggestions of the pride of consistency. 10. Cleanliness — 1» next to godliness. Why have those banished and forbidden legs Dared once to touch a dust of England's ground > But more than why — Why have they dared to zn&reh So many miles upon her peaceful bosom ; Frightening her pale-faced villagers with war, And ostentation of despised arms? Comest thou because the anointed king is heoce Why, foolish boy, the king is left behind, And in my loyal bosom lies his powe'. Were I but now the lord of such not youth As when brave Gaunt, thy father, and mj'self. Rescued the Bruck Prince, that young Mars of mnt. From forth the ranks of many thousftiid French ; Oh, then, how quickly should tfa'.< arm U raise, Now prisoner to the palsy, chastise thee. And minuter cortectiofe tc thy fault 1 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION 163 44% Eloquence. What were all the attribu es of man, his personal accompUsh- ments, and his boasted reason, without the faculty of SPEECH ? To excel in its use is the highest of human arts. It enables man to govern whole nations, and to enchant, while he governs. The aristocracy of Elo- quence is supreme, and, in a free country, can never be subdued. It is the pride of peace, and the glory of war: it rides upon the zephyr's wings, or thunders in the storm. Bui, there is in eloquence, in painting, the life of the canvas, which breathes, moves, speaks, and is full of action : so is there in the dance, the poetry and music of motion, the eloquence of action; whose power con- sists in the wonderful adaptation of the gra- ces of the body to the harmonies of 7nind. There is eloquence in every object of taste, both in art and nature; in sculpture, gar- dening, architecture, poetry and music ; all of which come within the scope and plan of the orator, that he may comprehend that intellectual relation, that secret clause in the liberal professions, which, connecting one with another, combines the influence of all. Virtue., alone, ennobles human kind, And power— should on her glonous footsteps wait. Wisdom — finds tongues — in trees / books — in run ning streams; sermons— m stones, and good— in ivery thing. 7ou pride you — on your golden hue; [too. Know— the poor g'tot^;-worm— hath its brightness When men of judgment— feel, and creep their way, Tlie jJOsiiiVe-pronounce— without delay 'Tis good^ and lovely, to be kind ; But charity— should not be blind. A little learning — is a dangerous thing; Drink deep— or taste not the Pierian spring t There, shallow draughts — intoxicate the brain, But, drinking largely, sobers us again. A h rae ! the laureled wreath, that murder wears, Biood-nursed and watered with the widoioh tears, Seems not so foul, — so tainted, — and so dead, As waves the night-shade round the sceptic^s bed. 443. Music — is the oral language of the affections; as words are the natural language of the thoughts. The notes of a tune are analogous to letters; themeasures — to words; the strains — to sentences; and the tune, or musical piece, to a discourse, oration, or po- em. As there is a great variety oi affections, and states of affection in the human mind, so there is a great variety of tunes, through the medium of which these affections, and states of affection are manifested. There are three grand divisions of music, which, for the sake of distinction, may be denomin- ated the upjjer, or that which relates to the Supreme Being ; the middle, or that relating to created, rational beings, or social music ; and the lower, or what appertains to that part of creation below man — called descrip' iive music. Ambition — is like tore,— impatient— Both of d«Zaj/Sj— and rivals. MaxlniS. 1. Oid age and faded Jlowers, no remedies can revive. 2. Something should be learned every time a book is opened. 3. A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of the child. 4. The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man— perfected, without adversity. 5. The full stomach cannot realize the evils o[ hun- ger. 6. When thought is agitated, truth rises. 7. A child requires books, as much as the merchant docs goods. 8. Learn by the vices of oAers, how detestable your own are. 9. Judge not of men or things, at first sight. 10. Reprove thy friend pri- vately, and command him publicly. Anecdote. Sharp Reply. Two country atlor?ieys overtaking a wagoner, with two span of horses, and, thinking to be witty at his expense, asked him, " How it happened, that his forward horses were so fat, and the rear ones so lean V The wagoner, know- ing them, answered, "That his fore span were lawyers, and the other — clients.'''' Selflslmess — seems to be the complex of all vices. The love of self, when predom- inant, excludes all goodness, and perverts all truth. It is the great enemy oi individuals , societies, and communities. It is the cause of all irritation, the source of all evil. Peo- ple, who are always thinking oi themselves, have no time to be concerned about others; their own pleasure or profit, is the pivot, on which everything turns. They cannot even conceive of disinterestedness, and will laugh to scorn all, who appear to love others, as well as themselves. Selfishness — is the very essence of the first original sin, and it must be corrected, or we are lost. Varieties. 1. The wind, the falling of water, humming of bees, a sweet voice read- ing monotonously, tend to produce sleep; this is not so much the case with musical tones. 2. The trilling and quivering of the voice, which please so much, correspond to the glittering of light: as the moonbeams playing on the waves. 3. Falling from a dis- cord to a concord, which produces so much sweetness in music, correspond to the affec- tions, when brought out of a state of dislike; and also with the taste; which is soon cloy- ed with what is sweet alone. 4. Music has great effect on mind and body, making us warlike or the reverse, soft and effeminate^ grave and light, gentle, kind and pitiful^ &c., according to its nature, and perform- ance; the reason is, because hearing is more closely associated with feeling or spirits, than the other senses. Observe the effect of Yankee Doodle, God save the King, Mar seilles Hymn, &.c. 5. When music speaks to the affection, affection obeys, as when na- ture speaks, nature replies. Let gratitude — in acts of goodruss flow; Our love t-o God, in love to man below. Be this our joy— to calm the troubled breast, Support the weak, and succor the distressed • Direct the wandher, dry the widow^s tear; The orphan guard, the sinking spirit cheer. Tho' small our power to «t, tbo- small our skUi^ God— se*:S the heart; .^e judges- by the will. 164 PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTIOjS'. 444. There are also three great divisions in Poetry, which is closely allied to music ; and both of them originate in the will, or affections: and hence, the words of the psalm, hymn, poem, and the music in which they are sung, chanted, or played, constitute the forms, or mediums, through which the affections and sentiments are bodied fortli. Is not genxiine music from heaven ? and does it not lead there if not ■perverted ? May not the same be said of poetry ? Woe betide the per- son, that converts them into occasions of evil ! How blind is pride ; what eagles are we still — In matters that belong to other men ; What beetles — in our own. Who fights With passions, and overcomes them, is endued With the best virtue.— JVa(u7-c— to each — allots his proper sphere ; Bat— that forsaken, we like comets are ; [broke, Tossed thro' ihe void ; by some rude shock we're And all our boasted ^re— is lost in smoke. Thick waters— show no images of things ; Friends— are each others^ mirrors, and should be Clearer than crystal, or the mountain springs, And free from cloud, design, or flattery. 'Tis virtxie, that they want ; and wanting its Honor — no garments to their barks can fit. 445. The Uses of ELoatrE?fCE. In every situation, in all the pursuits of life, may be seen the usefulness and benefits of eloquence. In whatever light we view this subject, it is evident tliat oratory is not a mere castle in the air : a fairy palace of/n'5/-work ; desti- tute of substance and support. It is hke a magnificent temple of Parian marble, ex- hibiting t!ie most exact and admirable sym- metry, and combining all the orders, varieties, and beauties of architecture. Habits of Industry. It is highly impor- tant, that children should bo taught to acquire habits of industry ; for whatever be their habits while young, such, for the most part, must they continue to be in after life. Children — are apt to think it a great hardship, to be obliged to de- vote so much time to occupations, at present perhaps, disagreeable to them; but they ought to be made to believe, that their tasks are not only intended for the informing of their minds, but for the bending of their wills. Good habits are as easily acquired as bad ones; with the great advantage of being the only true way to prospsrity and happiness. Anecdote. Conciseness. Louis XIV. who loved a concise style, one day met a priest on the round, whom he asked hastily — " Whence come you 1 where are you goinf^ ? wliat do you ivant .?" The other immediately replied, "From Bruges, — To Paris, — A Benefice.''^ " You shall have it," replied tlie king. Servile doubt- Argues an impotence of mind, that says, — We fear because we dare not meet misfortune. Maxims. 1. Want oi punctuality s a species of falsehood. 2. Pay as you go, and keep from small scores. 3. He, that has his heart in hia learning, will soon have his learning in his heart. 4. The empty stomach tias no ears. 5. A man may talk like a wise man, and yet act like afoot. 6. Rather improve by the errors of others, than find fault with them. 7. The devil turns his back, when lie finds the door shut against him. 8, Better be upright, with poverty, thiin depraved with abundance. 9. The value of things, is iioTer so strongly realized^ a» when we are deprived of them. 10. None are so deaf as thoKe v?ho will not hear. Reform. He, that looks back to the his- tory of juankind, will often see, that in poli- tics, jurisprudence, religion, and all the great concerns of society, refjrm — has usu- ally been the work of reason, slowly awaken- ing from the lethargy of ignorance, gradu- ally acquiring co7J/if/ence in her own strength, and ultimately triumphing over the domin- ion of prejudice and custom. Varieties. 1. What is mercy and its uses? 2. Individuals and nations, fail in nothing they boldly, attempt, when sustained by virtuous purpose, and determined resolu- tion. 3. Some persons' heads are like bee- hives: not because they are all in abuzz, but that they have separate cells for every kind of store. 4. What nature offers, with a smil- ing face, fruit, herb, and grain— -are just what man's pure instinct would cfioose for food. 6. The majority — ought never io trample on the feelings, or violate the just rights — of the minority ; they should not triumph over tlie fallen, nor make any but temperate and equitable use of their power 6. Death is the enacted penalty of nature's violated laws. 7. Was it causeless, that washing — was introduced, as a religious rite, seeing tJiat its observance is so essential to the preservation of health? And wlien the soul— is fullest, the hushed toiigrte, yoicelessly trembles — like a lute unstrung. There's beauty — in the deep ; The wave — is bluer than the sky ; And tho' the light — shine briglit on high. More softly do the sfa-gems glow, That sparkle in the depths beloiv ; The rainbow^s tints — are only made When on the waters they are laid, And sun and moon — most sweetly shine Upon the ocean^s level brine : There's beauty in the deep. There's music — in the deep : It is not in the surfs rough rear, Nor in the whispering, shelly shore — They — are but earthly sounds, that tell How little — of the sea-nymph's shell. That sends its loud, clcarnote abioad, Or winds its softness mrough the flood Echoes through groves— with coral ga> And dies, on spongy banks, away : There's music in the ("eep .' PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. lot 446. Ouii Field. The oratofs^eW is the universe of mind and matter, and his sub- jeds, aJI that is known of God and man. Study the principles of things, and never rest satisfied with theresults and applications. All distinguished speal be shaken with jwpular applause. 7. The best way to see divine light, is to put out our own 8. Some blame themselves for the purpose of being praised. 9. Nothing needs a trick, but a trick; sincerity loathes one. 10. As virtue has itu own reward, so vice has its own punishment. Wliat is Wortlvl The spirit of the agi says, — ^^ Worth — means wealth; and wis- no3r — the art of getting it." To be rich is considered, by most persons — a merit ; to be poor, an offence. By ihis false standard, it is not so important to be wise and good, as to be rich in worldly wealth ; thus it is, every thing, as well as every person, has its price, and may be bought or sold ; and thus — do we coin our hearts into gold, and exchange our souls — for earthly gain. Hence, it is said " a man is worth so ntuch;'" — i. e. worth just as much as his property or money, amount to, and no inore. Thus, wealth, worth, or gain, is not apj^lied to science, to knowledge, virtue, or happiness ; but to pecuniary ac- quisition ; as if nothing but gold were gain, and everything else were dross Thus the body — is Lives, clothed in purple and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day; while the mind — is Lazarus, lying in rags at the gate, and fed with the crumbs, that fall from the tables of Time and Sense. Varieties. 1. Instead of dividing man- kind into the luise and foolish, the good and wicked, would it not be better to divide them into more or /e.w wise and foolish, mwe or less good or wicked! 2. It was a proof of low origin, among the ancient Romans, to make mistakes in pronouncing words ; for it indicated tliat one had not been instructed by a nursury maid: what is the inference':^ That those maids were well educated ; par- ticularly, in the pronunciation of the Latin language, and were treated by families as favorites. How many nursery maids of our day enjoy such a reputation, and exert such an infiuence? Indeed, how many mothers occupy such a pre-eminence ? Let wisdom and affection answer, and furnish the remedy. 3. The purest and best of precepts and ex- amples should be exhibited to our youth, in the development of their minds, and tie for- mation of their characters. The seas — are quiet, when the winds are o'er; So, calm are we, when passimts — are no more ; For then, we know how vain it was— to boast Ot fleeting things, so certain to be lost. Clouds of (affliction— trova our younger eyee, Conceal that envptiness, that age descries ; The iourt dArk cottage, batter'd and decay'd^ Lets in new ligdt through chinks, that time has madM. 16U PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 448. The Humak Voice. Among all the wonderful varieties of artificial instru- ments, which discourse excellent music, where shall we find one that can be compared to the human voice ? And where can we find an instrament comparable to the human mind ] upon whose stops the real musician, the poet, and the orator, sometimes lays his hands, and avails himself of the entire com- pass of its magnificent capacities ! Oh ! the length, tlie breadth, the height, and the depth of music and eloquence .' They are high as heaven, deep as hell, and broad as the uni- verse. THE POWER OF IMAGINATION. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, Are, of IMAGINATION— all compact : One — sees more devils — than vast hdl can hold; Thnt—\s the madman : the lover, all asfrantu;, ?ees Helen's beauty— in a brow of Egypt : The poet's eye, in a ^ne frenzy rolling, [heaven ; Doth glance from heaven— to earth, from earth— Ui And, as imagination— botZies/orfA The forms of things unknown, the poeVs pen, Forms them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing, A local habitation, and a name. 449. Cicero and DiMOSTHEisrES. An orator, addressing himself more to the pas- fiions, naturally has much pSssionate ardor : whilst another, possessing an elevation of ifyle and majestic gravity, is never cold, though he has not the same vehemence; tn this respect do these great orators differ. Demosthenes — abounds in concise sublimity; Cicero, — in diffuseness : the former, on ac- count of his destroying, and consuming ev- erything by his violence, rapidity, strength, and vehemence, may be compared to a hurri- cane, or thunderbolt: the latter, to a wide extended confiagration, spreading in every direction, with a great, constant, and irre- nstibleflame. Aneedote. Envy and Jealousy. Colonel Thornton, of the British army, could not bear to hear the Americans praised. When he was at Charleston, S. C, some ladies were eulogising Washington ; to which he replied, with a scornful air, " I should be very glad to get a sight of your Col. Washington ; I have heard much talk about him, but have never feen kim.^'' " Had you looked behind you, at tlie battle of Cowpens,'" rejoined one of the ladies, " you might easily have enjoyed that pleasure." With illustration jimple,yel profound, and with unfaltering leal He spake from a warm heart, and made even cold heartt/eeZ; nil — is eloquence — 'tis the intense, Innpagsioned /eruor — of a mind, deep fraught With native enagy, when touL, and sense Burst forth, embodied in the burning- thought ; When look, emotion, tone, and all combine ; When the whole man — is eloquent with mind ; & fonn that comes not to the coil or quest, But fixnn the gifted soul, and the deep feeling breast. The farmers patient care — and toil Are oftener to znting— limn the so*/, Maxims. 1. Blind men must not undeitafeo to judge of colors. 2. Gamesters and race-horses nev- er last long. 3. Forgiveness and smiles are the best revenge. 4. They, are not our best friends, who praise us to our faces. 5. An honest man's word is as good as his bond. 6. Never fkh for praise ; it is not worth the bait. 7. None bat a good man can become a perfect orator 8. Culti- vate a love of truth, and cleave to it win all your heart. 9. Female dc^tcaci/ is the best prfctervntive of female honor. 10. Idleness is the itfuse of weak minds, and the holliday oi fools. Tlie Trine in Man. There are three things of which human beings consist, the soul, the mind and the body ; the inmost is the soul, the mediate is the mind, and the ultimate the body : the first is that which re- ceives life from Him, who is life itself; the second, is the sphere of tl;e activities of that hfe ; and the third, is the medium through which those activities are manifested: but it should be remembered, that tliere is, as the apostle says, " a natural body, and tlierc is a spiritual body." Varieties. 1. Nature — makes no em'tn- dations ; she labors for all: her^s is not mo- saic work. 2. The more there is prosaic in orators, poets and urtists, the less are they natural; the less do they resemble the copi- ous streams of the fountain. 3. The more there is of progression, the more there is of truth, and nature ,- and the more extensive^ general, durable, and noble is the effect: thus is formed the least plant, and the most exalted man. 4. Nature is everywhere sim- ilar to herself; she never acts arbitrarily^ never contrai-y to her laws : the same wis- dam and power produce all varieties, agreea- ble to one law, one will. Either all things are subject to the law of order, or nothing w Home! liow that Hissed word— thrills the ear' In it — what recoKxtions blend I It tells of childhood^s scenes so dear, And speaks — of many a cherisheil/n'eji/t O ! through the world, where'er we rcc-fx,. Though souls he pure — and lips be ktnd. The heart — w'aXi fondness — turns to home, Still turns to those — it left behind. The bird, that soars to yonder skies. Though nigh to heaven, still seems unblessed ; It leaves them, and with rapture flies Downward — to its own wwcA-loved nest. Though beauteous scenes— may meet its view. And breezes blow— from balmy groves, With wing untired—m\A bosom true, It turns — to that dear spot it loves. When heaven—shall bid this soul depart, This form — return to kindred earth. May the last throb, wliich swells my heart Heave, where it started into birth. And should affection — shed one teat , Should/n'enris/itp — linger round my tomb ; The tribuie will be doubly dear, When given by Hiose of '■'■hoine. sweet "lome." PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 167 430. Poetry — may be written in rhyme, or oiank verse. Rhyme is the correspond- ance r.f sounds, in the ending of two (or mere "1 successive or alternate words or sylla- bles of two or more Unes, forming a couplet jr triplet : see the various examples given. Rythmus, in the poetic art, means the rela- tive duration of the time occi.pied in pro- nouncing the syllables ; in the art of music it signifies the relative duration of the sound, that enters into the musical composition : sec measures of speech and song. Lo ! the poor hviian, — whose untutored mind, Sees God in clouds^ or hsars him in the wind : His soul proud science— never taught to |tray Far as the solar vcalk, or milky way ; Yet, simple nature to his hope has given, Behind the cloud- topp'd hill, an humble heaven; — Some safer world — in depth of wood embraced, Some happier island — in the watery waste; \Vherc slaves, ouoe more, their native land behold, So FIENDS torment — no christians thirst for gold. 451. Skips and Slides. By closely ob- serving the movements of the voice, when under the perfect command of the mind, you will see that it changes its pitch, by leaps of jne or more notes, in passing from word to vvord, and sometimes from syllable to sylla- ble, and also slides lipwards and downwards ; which skips and slides are almost infinitely diversified, expressing all the shades of tho't and feeling, and playing upon the minds of the listeners, with a kind of supernatural power, the whole range of tunes from grave to gay, from gentle to severe. The worlds of mind and matter are full of music and Dratory. Even ags itself— ia cheered with music; It wakes a glad remembrance of our youth, CjIIs back past joys, and warms us into transports. Nature — is the glass — reflecting God, As, by the sea — reflected is the sun. Too glorious to be gazed on — in his sphere. The night Hath been to me — a more, familiar face Thau that of man; and, in her starry shade Of dim, and solitary loveliness, I learned the language — of another world. Parting — they seemed to tread upon the air, Twin roses, by the zephyr blown apart. Only to meet again — more close, and share The inward /rag-rance — of each other''s heart. Notliiug — is made out of Notlxing. Good, in his "Book of Nature," contends, that liiere is no absurdity, in the supposition, of God creating something— out of nothing; and he main- tains, that the proposition, conveying this idea, is only relatively absurd, and not absolutely. But it IS absolutely absurd. When God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," light cannot be said to have been created out of nothing, but from God himself; not out of God, tut by his Divine Will, through his Divine Truth. So, we may conceive, that God, by his Will, made atmospheric matter, and then created it in form. Enou-} 1 to live in tempest; die in port. Maxims. 1. It i« .. < rter to io and not prom' ise, than to promise and not perform. 2. A ben^ is a common tie between the giver and receiver 3. The consciousness of well doing is an ample re- to %rd. 4. As benevolence is the most sociable of all virtues, so it is the most extensive. 5. Do not postpone until tomorrow, what ought lo be done to-day. 6. Without a friend, the world is but a wilderness. 7. The jnore we kjiow our hearts, the less shall we be disposed to trust in ourselves. 8. Obedience is belter than sacrifice, and is insepera- bly wedded to happiness. 9. We should not run out of the path of duty, lest w^e run into the path of danger. 10. He doeth mu^h, that doeth a thing well. Anecdote. Bloro, duke of Milan, having displayed before the foreign embassadors his magnificence and his riches, which excelled those of every other prince, said to them : " Has a man, possessed of so much wealth and prosperity, anything to desire in this world?" " One thing ofily,'''' said one of them, " a 7iail \o fix the wheel o{ fortune.'''' Swearing. Of all the crimes, that ever disgraced society, that of swearing admits of the least palliation. No possible benefit can be derived from it ; and nothing but perverse- ness and depravity of human nature, would ever have suggested it ; yet such is its pre- valence, that by many, it is mistaken for a fashionable acquirement, and considered, by unreflecting persons, as indicative oi energy and decision of character. Varieties. 1. Duty sounds sweetly, to those who are in the love, and under the in- fluence of truth and goodness: its path does not lead thro' i\\oxny places , and over cheer- less ivastes ; but winds pleasantly, amid green meadows and shady groves. 2. A new truth is, to sojne, as impossible of discovery, as the new world was to the faithless cotem- poraries of Columbus; they do not believe in such a thing ; and more than this, they will not believe in it: yet they will sit in judg- ment on those who do believe in such a con- traband article, and condemn them without mercy. THE FALLS OF NIAGARA. The thoughts are strange that crowd into my brain, While I look upward to thee. It would seem As if God — pour'd thee from his " hollow hand,^^ And hung his bow upon thine awful /ron«/ And spoke, in that loud voice, which seem'd to him Who dwelt in Fatmos — for his Saviour''s sake, " The sound of many waters /" and had bade Thy /ood— to chronicle the ages back. And notch His centuries— in the eternal rocks. Deep— callelh unto deep. And what are loa, That hear the $«es