s'~S 1 H? University of California. N c ; i K;T ( >K A NEW JERSEY SCHOOL LAW, WITH Notes, Blanks and Forms FOR THE USE AND GOVERNMENT OF SCHOOL OFFICERS, PREPARED BY THE State Superintendent of Public Instruction, OF THE ^ To be Preserved and Delivered by Each Officer to His Successor. TRENTON, N. J. : JOHN L. MURPHY, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. 1881. L-07.52.1 THE SCHOOL LAW. REVISION 1874, WITH AMENDMENTS. An Act to Establish a System of Public Instruction. A. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly state Board, o / TIT T mi i i j how composed. of the State of .New Jersey, That the general supervision and control of public instruction in the State of New Jersey shall be vested in a state board of education, which board shall consist of the trustees of the school fund, the trustees of the state normal school, appointed as hereafter provided, together with the treasurer thereof. la. A quorum of the state board of education shall con- Quorum, sist of eight members.* 2. The state board of education shall have power, and it Powers and duties. shall be their duty : . I. To frame and modify at pleasure such by-laws as may be deemed expedient for their own government, not incon- sistent with the provisions of this act, and to prescribe and cause to be enforced all rules and regulations necessary for carrying into effect the school laws of this state ; II. To consider the necessities of the public schools, and recommend to the legislature, from time to time, such additions and amendments to the laws as are deemed necessary for perfecting the school system of the state ; III. To appoint the state superintendent of public in- struction ; IV. To appoint the county superintendents of the several counties of the state, subject to the approval of the board of chosen freeholders of the several counties at their first meeting after the appointments .by the state board ; but in *By act of March 2d, 1875. SCHOOL LAW. [See sec. 19a.] Compensation . Annual report. all cases where no action is taken by any board of chosen freeholders, approving or disapproving, then the appoint- ments made by the state board shall be valid without such approval ; V. To prescribe all rules and regulations for holding teachers' institutes ; VI. To order all necessary repairs to the grounds, build- ings and furniture of the state normal school, and to keep said buildings and furniture insured, and the comptroller shall draw warrants for the payment of the same, upon the certificate of the president of said board ; VII. To authorize the payment by the state treasurer, upon the warrant of the state comptroller, of all the neces- sary incidental expenses incurred by the state superintend- ent in the performance of his official duties ; VIII. To decide all appeals from the decision of the state superintendent of public instruction. 3. The members of the board shall receive no compensa- tion for their services, but the state treasurer shall pay the necessary expenses of the said members, upon the warrant of the state comptroller. 4. The board shall report annually to the legislature in regard to all matters committed to their care. B. STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. state superin- 5. The state superintendent of public instruction shall elected, term of be elected by the state board of education, by ballot, and rwflR/>/i oolditr * shall hold office during the pleasure of the board, not to exceed the term of three years, receiving annually a salary of three* thousand dollars ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent his re-election. 6. He shall be required to have his office in the state house, at Trenton. 7. It shall be his duty to carry out the instructions of the board, and to enforce all rules and regulations pre- scribed by them. *By act of March 16th, 1876. office, salary. Proviso. Location of office. To carry out instructions of State Board. SCHOOL LAW. 8. He shall be. ex officio, secretary of the board of educa- officer ex * . officio. tion, president of the state association of school superin- tendents, and a member of the state board of examiners, and of all county and city boards of examiners. 9. He shall have the supervision of all the schools of SggSJj" 1011 f the state receiving any part of the state appropriation, and shall be the general adviser and assistant of the county superintendents ; he shall, from time to time, as he shall deem for the interests of the schools, address cir- cular letters to said superintendents, giving advice as to the best manner of conducting schools, constructing school houses, furnishing the same, and procuring competent teachers. 10. The state superintendent, under the direction of the Apportionment i i < i i 11 . of school mon- trustees of the school fund, shall apportion to the several eys. [See sec. counties the state school moneys to which each may be entitled, which apportionment shall be made in the ratio of the number of children between the ages of five and eighteen in the said counties, as ascertained by the last annual report of the state superintendent ; he shall furnish to the state comptroller, and to the county superintendent and the county collector of each county, an abstract of such apportionment, and shall draw his order on the state comptroller for the amount to which each county is enti- tled, in favor of the county collector of said county. 11. He shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to power of with- _. _ J ' holding school direct and cause the county superintendent of any county, moneys. [See * J J ' sections 18a, 26 or any board of trustees or other school officers, to with- and 92.] hold from any officer or district, or teacher, that part of the state appropriation derived from the revenue of the state, until such officer, district or teacher shall have com- plied with the provisions of this act and its supplements relating to his, its or their duties, and with all the rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof by the state board of education ; he shall forbid the payment of said part of the state appropriation to any district in which the school or schools have not been kept according to law, or in which a public school has not been kept for at least [seesec. 77. j [nine] months during the year next preceding the demand for payment. SCHOOL LAW. Blanks and forms, how fur nished. To decide dis- putes. To collect books and ap- paratus. To preserve school docu- ments. Office seal. Annual report. 12. He shall prepare, and cause to be printed, suitable forms for making all reports and conducting all necessary proceedings under the school laws of this state, and shall transmit them to the local school officers and teachers ; he shall cause all school laws to be printed in pamphlet form, and shall annex thereto forms for making reports and con- ducting school business. 13. He shall decide, subject to appeal to the state board of education, and without cost to the parties, all controver- sies or disputes that may arise under the school laws of the state or under the rules and regulations prescribed by the state board of education ; the facts of which controversies or disputes shall be made known to him by written state- ments by the parties thereto, verified by oath or affirm- ation, if required, and accompanied by certified copies of all documents necessary to a full understanding of the question in dispute ; and his decision shall be binding until a different decision shall be given by the state board of education. 14. He shall preserve in his office such school books, apparatus, maps, charts, works on education, plans for school buildings, and other articles of interest to school officers or teachers, as may be secured without expense to the state. 15. He shall file all school reports of this state and of other states which may be sent to his office, and shall keep a record of all the acts connected with his official duties, and preserve copies of all the decisions given by him. 16. He shall provide a seal, with suitable device, for use in his office, by which all his official acts and decisions may be authenticated. 17. He shall report to the state board of education, at its annual meeting in December of each year, a statement of the condition of the public schools and of all the educa- tional institutions receiving support from the state, which report shall contain full statistical tables of all items con- nected with the cause of education that may be of interest to the school officers or people of the state, together with such plans and suggestions for the improvement of the SCHOOL LAW. schools and the advancement of public instruction in the state as he shall deem expedient. 18. He shall, at the expiration of his term of office, geijver prop-^ deliver to his successor his official seal, together with all sor - property, books and documents, maps, records, reports and other papers belonging to his office, or which may have been received by him for the use of his office. 18a. He shall (unless the state board of education shall, hoidfng f s Si for good cause shown, otherwise direct), have power, and SSioS' ii S6 26 it shall be his duty, to direct and cause the county collector and92 -J of any county to withhold from any county superintendent any portion of his salary until he has fully complied with the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, or any of its supplements, relating to his duties ; and (unless the state board of education shall, for good cause shown, otherwise direct,) it shall be his duty to direct and cause the county superintendent of any county, or any board of trus- tees or school officers, to withhold from any officer or dis- trict, or teacher, that part of the state appropriation derived from the revenue of the state, until such officer, district or teacher shall have complied with the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, or any of its sup- plements, relating to his, its or their duties, and with all the rules and regulations made in pursuance of any of these acts by the state board of education ; and by and with the advice and consent of the state board of education, he shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to suspend or revoke the license of any teacher when the county superintendent shall make formal report that such teacher does not possess the attainments or qualifications which are essential to his office, or that the school or department of a school, under the charge of such teacher, is suffering from his or her incompetency, or from his or her failure or inability to govern or instruct the children who are under his or her care. C. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. 19. The state board of education shall appoint for each county super- rr intendent, how county one person, as provided in the fourth provision of appointed. 8 SCHOOL LAW. section two, of suitable attainments, as the county superin- tendent of the public schools for that county, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the board, not to exceed Proviso. the term of three years ; provided, that nothing herein con- tained shall prevent his re-appointment. 19a - Tlie state board of education shall appoint the county superintendents of the several counties in the state, subject to the approval of the board of chosen freeholders of the several counties ; but in all cases where a month elapses and no action is taken by any board of chosen free- holders approving or disapproving, then the appointments made by the state board shall be valid without such approval. 20. The yearly salary of the county superintendent shall be at the rate of ten cents for each child in the county between the ages of five and eighteen, as ascertained from the last annual report of the state superintendent, which salary shall be paid by the county collector, on the warrant Proviso. O f the state superintendent ; provided, that the salary shall in no case be less than five hundred dollars, nor more than Proviso. twelve hundred dollars ; and, provided, that in case any city shall have a city superintendent of schools, who is not also the county superintendent, the children belonging to such city shall not be counted in determining the salary of the county superintendent, and the supervision of the schools of said city, which would otherwise belong to the county superintendent, shall devolve upon the city super- intendent. Expenses of 20a. In order to enable county superintendents of schools- county Super- ' intendents. to discharge their duties with greater efficiency, they shall receive annually, in addition to the salary now allowed them, such sums as they may need to pay the actual expenses incurred by them in the performance of their official duties, which sums shall be paid by the collector of the county, on the order of the state superintendent of pub- Proviso. lie instruction ; provided, that no such order shall be given in favor of any county superintendent until such county superintendent shall have furnished the state board of education a certified statement, under oath, by items, of the SCHOOL LAW. 9 expenses he has incurred, and that, during the year for which such order is drawn, he has performed faithfully all the duties imposed by the school law and by the regulations of the state board of education ; and provided further, that Proviso, in no case shall the expenses aforesaid exceed three hun- dred dollars annually; and after the passage of this act the salaries received by the county superintendents shall salary. be determined by the school census report for the year eighteen hundred and seventy. Sections 21 and 22.* 23. He shall issue orders on the county collector in favor gjjJj of each township collector and of each city treasurer, for j^e orders. [See that portion of the state appropriation to which said town- ship or city is entitled ; and shall file with each township collector and the clerk of each school district in any town- ship, a copy of the apportionment of the township school funds made by him for said township, within twenty days after making said apportionment. 24. He shall examine and license teachers, fix the bound- ^sTn 8 ? change aries of school districts, divide and unite districts, form district bounds, new districts, provide for graded schools, and discharge other duties of general supervision and superintendence over the public schools of the county, in accordance with the regulations prescribed from time to time by the state board of education ; but no school district shall hereafter be formed which shall contain less than seventy-five chil- dren between five and eighteen years of age; and each incorporated city or town shall hereafter constitute but one school district for all school purposes, and such consolidated district shall hold all the property and be liable for all the lawful debts of the district so consolidated. 25. He shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to Appointment J ' of trustees. appoint trustees for any district which, for any cause, fails to elect at the regular time; to appoint trustees to fill vacancies ; to appoint the first trustees for any new dis- trict ; provided, however, _ that when a new district is organized, such of the trustees of the old district as reside within the limits of the new one shall be trustees of the *The provisions of sections 21 and 22 are contained in section 81. 10 SCHOOL LAW: new one, and the vacancy in the old district shall be filled by his appointment.* 26 ' He shal1 have P ower to withhold that part of the ffsa st&te appropriation derived from the revenue of the state, from any district in which the inhabitants fail to provide a suitable school building and outhouses, or in which the existing buildings shall be pronounced by him and a ma- jority of the trustees unfit for use ; and for that purpose he may serve a notice on the township collector to with- hold the payment of the same from such district. of PP 8tudent n for ^' ^ shall be the duty of the county superintendent, at conege lUrGl sucn ^ me aD( ^ pl ace as tne state superintendent may ap- point, to examine such candidates for state scholarships at the agricultural college, as may present themselves, and the candidates shall be subjected to such examination as the faculty of the said college and the state superintendent shall prescribe ; and the candidates who shall receive cer- tificates of appointment to the agricultural college in any one county, shall be those who obtain, on such examina- tion, the highest average for scholarship ; and the number of certificates thus granted shall in no case exceed the number of state scholarships to which such county is en- titled. TO give advice. 28. In all controversies arising under the school law the opinion and advice of the county superintendent shall first be sought, and from him appeal may be made, if necessary, to the state superintendent of public instruction. tion of^sSwoi ^' ^ e countlV an( ^ c * tv superintendents shall together superintend- constitute an association, to be called "The State Associa- ents. tion of School Superintendents," which association shall meet annually, at such times and places as the state board of education may appoint, and at such other times as they may agree upon. b n count re and ^* -^ acn coun ty superintendent, and each city superin- tendents 6 " 11 " tendent, on or before the first of October of each year, i shall make an annual report to the state superintendent, in the manner and form prescribed by him ; which report *The office of trustee is not vacated by an unaccepted resignation. Townsend v. Trustees, m a suitable book, all proceeding* of the board, and of the annual school meetings, and of special school meetings, and pay out, by orders on the township collectors, in the manner prescribed by law, all school moneys of the district received from the state, township or district ; he shall keep a correct and detailed account of all expenditures of school moneys in his district,, and report the same to the county superintendent, and also- to the township committee ; at each annual school meeting he shall present his record book and his accounts for public- inspection, and shall make a statement of the financial condition of the district and of the action of the trustees. school census. 36. He shall take annually, or the board shall cause to- be taken, during the month of May, an exact census of all children residing in the district between the ages of five and eighteen, not including the children who may be inmates of poorhouses, asylums or almshouses, and shall specify the names and ages of such children, and the names of their parents or guardians (all children who may be absent from home, attending colleges, boarding schools and private seminaries of learning, shall be included in the census list of the city, town or district in which their parents or guardians reside, and not be taken by the district clerk of the city, town or district where they may be attending such institutions of learning) ; and that he, or the person authorized to take the same, shall *Balance of section repealed by act of March 14th, 1879. SCHOOL LAW. 13 make a full report thereof, verified by him under oath or oath affirmation, that the same is correct and true to the best of w.] his knowledge and belief, on the blanks furnished for that purpose, to the county superintendent, on or before the first day of September next after his appointment, and keep a copy of the same for the use of the school trustees, and shall receive for his services such compensation as the board of trustees may allow.* 36a. From and after the passage of this act, in all cities wherein there now are, or may hereafter be, school boards, in cities - boards of education, or boards of school trustees, the enumeration and census of the children of school age in such cities shall be made and taken annually, on or before the first day of June, by the clerk or secretary of said boards, or by such other person or persons as may be appointed by said boards for such purposes, and a report thereof, duly attested by affidavit as correct, filed with the board of education or school trustees, who shall procure the same to be reported to the county superintendents of their respective counties/)* 366. The enumeration and census so as aforesaid made census, how and taken, shall contain the name in full and age of each child, and the name and residences of their parents, and the person or persons making the said census and reporting the same shall be entitled to such price, not less than three nor more than five cents, as may be fixed by the said Fee for each , . , , ame. school boards, t 37. He shall keep the school buildings in repair; he Fuel and sup- shall provide the necessary fuel, and obtain for the schools ^ such supplies of crayons for blackboards, for the use of the pupils, as are necessary in carrying out the course of study prescribed therein ; which repairs and supplies shall be paid for out of the moneys raised by the district. 38. Every school district shall be known by the name Name and and number assigned to it by the county superintendent, S?c? er in accordance with the general regulations of the state board of education, and the trustees thereof shall be a body corporate, to be called and known by the name of " The *Act of February 21st, 1882. tAct of March 10th, 1880. 14 SCHOOL LAW. Power of trus- tees. Proviso. Trustees of School District Number , in the County of ," and shall be capable of suing and being sued in all courts and places whatever, and of purchasing, hold- ing and conveying real and personal property for the use and benefit of the schools of such district, and may have a corporate seal.* 39. The board of trustees of any school district shall have power, and it shall be their duty : I. To employ and dismiss teachers, janitors, mechanics and laborers, and to fix, alter, allow and order paid their salaries and compensations ;f II. To make and enforce rules and regulations, not in conflict with the general regulations of the state board of education, for the government of schools, pupils and teachers; III. To erect, enlarge, repair or improve school build- ings, and purchase, lease, mortgage or sell school lots or school houses; to borrow money with or without mort- gage, and to raise money by taxation for any such pur- pose, or to pay debts incurred therefor, or for the current expenses of any schools; provided, that for any 'such acts they shall have the previous authority of a vote of the district ; IV. To rent, furnish and repair school buildings, and keep the same insured ; V. To purchase personal property, and to receive, lease and hold in fee, in trust for their district, any and all real or personal property, for the benefit of the schools thereof ; VI. To enforce the regulations prescribed by the state board of education, and, in connection with the county superintendent, to prescribe the course of study to be pur- sued, and a uniform series of text-books to be used in the school or schools under their charge ; VII. To suspend or expel pupils from school ; VIII. To provide books for indigent children ; *The action must be brought against the district by its corporate name, and not against the trustees in their individual names, with description appended of " Trustees, &c." Sprout v. Smith, 11 Vr. 314. The trustees of a school district, in their corporate capacity, are not liable to be sued in a justice's or district court. Townsend v. Trustees, &c., 12 Vr. 312; Trustees, &c., v. Stacker, 13 Vr. 115. fThe employment of teachers by school corporations is an act judicial in its character, and should be done at a meeting of the trustees, of which all shonld have notice and have opportunity to participate in. Tmcnsend v. Trustees, &c., 12 Vr. 312. SCHOOL LAW. 15 IX. To require all pupils to be furnished with suitable books, as a condition of membership in the school ; X. To require every teacher to keep a state school register ; XI. To call a special meeting of the legal voters of the district at any time when, in the judgment of said trustees, the interests of the school may require it, which meeting shall be called in the manner provided in section eighty- [six] of this act for calling the annual district meeting, and no business shall be transacted at such special meeting except such as has been set forth in the notices by which said meeting was called ; * XII. To permit a school house to be used for other than school purposes, when a majority of the trustees present shall so agree at a meeting regularly called for that pur- pose; XIII. To make an annual report, on or before the first of September, to the county superintendent, in the manner and form prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction. 40. The district trustees of each township shall together Meetings of constitute an association, to be called " The Township boards of trus- tGGS fSGG SGC Board of Trustees ; " said board shall meet at such times 3ia.j and places as the county superintendent may appoint, for the purpose of hearing from him communications and sug- gestions in regard to the management of the schools, and of submitting to him questions for advice or opinion relating to the same. E. TEACHERS. 41. Every teacher of a public school shall keep a school school register, register in the manner provided therefor, and no salary shall be paid to such teacher until said register is exhibited to the district clerk or other officer authorized to make payment, and until said officer finds, by examination, that *A special meeting of the legal voters of a school district, duly called, may vote to raise money for school purposes, although such appropriation has been refused at the annual meeting. State, Trustees, &c. t v. Lewis, 6 Vr. 377. Special meetings of the voters of a school district cannot be called unless ordered by the board of trustees regularly convened. Bogert v. Tmstees, &c., 14 Vr. . 16 SCHOOL LAW. School register left with Dis- trict Clerk. Proviso. Teachers' cer- tificate. School month and holidays. the register has been properly kept for the time for which salary is demanded, and enters upon the register a certifi- cate to that effect.* 42. Every teacher who shall leave a school before the close of the school year shall, at the time of leaving, make to the county superintendent a report of the school for all that portion of the current school year that the school has been in his or her charge, and shall, at the same time, give a duplicate of said report, and surrender the school register to the district clerk ; and any teacher who may be teaching any school at the close of the school year shall, in his or her annual report, include all the statistics from the school register for the entire school year, notwithstanding any previous report for a part of the year ; no school money shall be paid to any teacher for the l|st month of his or her services, until the report herein required shall have been made and received, and the register exhibited ; provided, that in graded schools, in which there are more teachers than one, the principal teacher alone shall be responsible for the school report and register. 43. No teacher shall be entitled to any salary unless such teacher shall be the holder of a proper teacher's cer- tificate in full force and effect. 44. In every contract, whether written or verbal, be- tween any teacher and board of trustees, a school month shall be construed and taken to be twenty school days, or four weeks of five school days each ; and no teacher shall be required to teach school on Christmas day, the first day of January, the fourth day of July, and such days of fast- ing or thanksgiving as may be appointed by the president of the United States or the governor of this state ; and no deduction from the teacher's time or wages shall be made by reason of the fact that a school day happens to be one of the days referred to in this section ; any contract made in violation of this section shall have no force or effect as against the teacher. * A school teacher who has rendered services according to the requirements of the school law, and is refused compensation out of the fund specially provided for that purpose, is entitled to a mandamus to compel the proper officers to perform their duty, and to make payment of what is justly due. Apgar v. School Trustees, dec., 5 Vr. 308. SCHOOL LAW. 17 45. Every teacher shall have power to hold every pupil accountable in school, for any disorderly conduct on the pupils, way to or from school, or on the play grounds of the school, or during recess, and to suspend from school any pupil for good cause ; provided, that such suspension shall Provi8 - be reported by the teacher to the trustees as soon as prac- ticable ; and if such action is not sustained by them, the teacher may appeal to the county superintendent, whose decision shall be final. 46. In case of the dismissal of any teacher before the Dismissal of * teacher. expiration of any contract entered into between such teacher and trustees, the teacher shall have the right of appeal to the county superintendent, and if the county superintendent shall decide that the removal was made without good cause, said teacher shall be entitled to com- pensation for the full time for which the contract was made ; but it shall be optional with the trustees whether he or she shall or shall not teach for the unexpired term. F. PUPILS. 47. The pupils of the public schools shall comply with Pupils to sub- , r mil to author- the regulations established in pursuance of law for the gov- ity of teacher. ernment of such schools ; shall pursue the course of study and use the series of text-books prescribed by the trus- tees and county superintendent, and shall submit to the authority of the teacher ; continued and willful disobedi- ence, or open defiance of the authority of the teacher, the use of habitual profanity or obscene language, shall consti- tute good cause for suspension or expulsion from school ; any pupil who shall in any way cut, deface or otherwise injure any school-house, fences or outbuildings thereof, shall be liable to suspension and punishment, and the parents of such pupil shall be liable for damages to the amount of injury, on complaint of the teacher, the amount to be determined by the trustees, and collected by the dis- trict clerk, by an action in debt therefor, in any court having jurisdiction, in his name as district clerk, together with the costs of said action. 18 SCHOOL LAW. G. BOARDS OF EXAMINERS. ^8. There shall be a state board of examiners, consisting of the state superintendent of public instruction and the principal of the state normal school ; they shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to hold examinations of teachers, and to grant state certificates, or revoke the same, under such rules and regulations as the state board of education may prescribe ; and a certificate thus granted shall entitle the holder, without further examination, to teach in any part of the state, so long as the certificate remains valid by the terms thereof, and in any school not of a higher grade than that for which the certificate represents him as- qualified, county Boards 49. There shall be in each county a county board of of Examiners. * examiners, which shall be composed of the county super- intendent, who shall, ex-officio, be chairman, and of a num- ber of teachers, not to exceed three, to be appointed by him, who shall hold office for one year from the time of their respective appointments ; but no person shall be ap- pointed as county examiner unless he holds either a state or a first grade county certificate ; the county superintend- ent shall fill vacancies that occur from absence or other causes,- but if he cannot find any teacher in his county qualified, under the provisions of this section, willing to serve, he shall conduct the examination himself; the board shall meet at such times and places as may be designated by the chairman, and shall hold a session at least as often as once in every three months, and at the place and during the session of any teachers' institute held in the county ; each member of the board, except the county superintend- ent, shall be paid for his services, in addition to his travel- ing expenses, a sum not exceeding three dollars for each session of said board, to be paid by the county collector on Proviso. the order of the county superintendent ; provided, that this compensation shall be paid only for the regular quarterly examinations; and that whenever said board shall hold sessions at any other time, no compensation shall be allowed from the county ; but in cases of such special SCHOOL LAW. 19 examinations, said board may charge each applicant an examination "fee not exceeding two dollars ; the county board of examiners shall have power to conduct exami- nations and to grant certificates of different grades, in accordance with the general regulations on the subject prescribed by the state board of education, and the high- est grade of certificate thus granted shall entitle the holder, without further examination, to teach in any part of the state so long as this certificate remains valid, and in any school not of a higher grade than that for which the certificate represents the holder as qualified ; any county certificate lower than the highest grade will only entitle the holder to teach a school of a corresponding grade in the county, for which such certificate was granted. 50. In every city having a board of education governed citywards of by special laws, there shall be a city board of examiners, to consist of such members as said board of education of that city may appoint ; said examiners shall have power, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the city board of education, to grant certificates of qualification, which shall be valid for all schools of that city ; and no teacher shall be employed in any of the schools of that city unless possessing such certificate, or a state certificate, nor in any school of a higher grade than that for which said certificate represents the holder to be qualified ; any city board of examiners may recognize the certificates of any other city, and, without examination, issue to the holders certificates of a corresponding grade. H. SCHOOLS. State Normal School. 51. There shall be a normal school, or seminary, for the Normal schoo training and education of teachers in the art of instruct- ing and governing the common schools of this state, the object of which normal school or seminary shall be the training and education of its pupils in such branches of knowledge, and such methods of teaching and governing, as will qualify them for teachers of our common schools. 20 SCHOOL LAW. Trustees how 52. There shall be a board of trustees of said normal appointed. school, to consist of two trustees from each congressional district ; the trustees already appointed shall continue in office severally for the terms for which they have been appointed, namely, seven whose terms expire in eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and seven whose terms expire in eighteen hundred and seventy-five ; and annually there- after, in the place of those whose terms are about to expire, the governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate shall appoint, one trustee of said school from each congressional district, to hold office sever- ally for the term of two years and until their successors are appointed, so that there shall always be two trustees from each congressional district; and in case of any vacancy by death, resignation or otherwise, a successor for the unex- pired term shall in like manner be appointed ; the state superintendent of public instruction shall be, ex officio, a member of said board of trustees. 52a. A quorum of the board of trustees of the state normal school shall consist of six members.* compensation. 53. The said trustees shall receive no compensation for their services, but the expenses necessarily incurred by them in the discharge of their duties shall be defrayed out of the funds hereinafter appropriated for the support of said school. 54. To the said board of trustees shall be committed the control and use of the buildings and grounds owned and used by the state for the use of the normal school, the application of the funds for the support thereof, the appoint- ment of teachers and the power of removing the same, the power to prescribe the studies and exercises of the school and rules for its management ; to grant diplomas ; to appoint some suitable person treasurer of the board, and to frame and modify, at pleasure, such by-laws as they may deem necessary for their own government ; and they shall report annually to the legislature their own doings and the progress and condition of the school. 55. The number of pupils shall not exceed three for each Supervision of Normal School. Number of pupils. *By act of March 2d, 1875. SCHOOL LAW. 21 member of the senate and general assembly, and each county shall be entitled to fill three times as many seats in the school as it has representatives in the legislature ; the applicants shall give, on admission, a written declaration, signed with their own hands, that their object in seeking admission to the school is to qualify themselves for the employment of public school teachers, and that it is their intention to engage in that employment in this state for at least two years. 55a. The applicants for admission to the normal school scholarship shall give, on admission, a written obligation, signed by their own hands, that their object in seeking admission to the school is to qualify themselves for the employment of public school teachers, and that it is their intention to engage in that employment in this state for at least two years, or refund to the state the cost of their tuition ; and, in addition to the annual sum appropriated to the support of the normal school, there is hereby appropriated annually the sum of five thousand dollars, to be paid out of the treasury of the state in like manner, which shall constitute a scholarship fund, to be applied as follows : there shall be fifty scholarships of one hundred dollars each, two of which shall be allotted to each county, to be competed for by the pupils in the normal school from that county, and the remainder shall be open to free competition by pupils in the normal school from the state at large ; the competitive examinations above mentioned shall be conducted by the principal of the state normal school and his assistants; provided, that scholarships shall be awarded to those pupils proviso, only who shall first enter into a satisfactory bond to the treasurer of the state, obligating themselves to teach in the public schools of this state for the term of five consecutive years, or to refund the amount paid them upon a failure to do so from any cause save continued sickness or death ; provided, that until such system of scholarships shall be Proviso, perfected by the board of trustees of the state normal school, said scholar's life fund shall be paid toward and for such purposes connected with the state normal school and boarding-house property belonging to the state as, in the 22 SCHOOL LAW. judgment of said trustees, will be for the best interest of the state and the advantage of the cause of education. mmed h wad ~ ^. At the opening of each term of the normal school, the principal, with his assistants, shall proceed to examine applicants, and to admit to the school such as appear to be possessed of the proper qualification, to the number to which each county may be entitled. vacancies, how 57. In case any county is not fully represented, addi- tional candidates may be admitted from other counties, on sustaining the requisite examination. appointed h w ^8- ^e board * trustees shall appoint and procure the number of teachers which may be necessary to carry out, in the best and highest sense, the purposes and designs of this act, and shall furnish for the use of the pupils the necessary apparatus and text-books, so far as the funds hereafter to be named and appropriated for the support of the school will allow ; and the tuition in the normal school shall be gratuitous. Model school. 59. The board of trustees are authorized to maintain a model school, under permanent teachers, in which the pupils of the normal school shall have opportunity to observe and practice the modes of instruction and disci- pline inculcated in the normal school, and in which pupils may be prepared for the normal school. Appropriation. 60. For the support of the normal school, and to carry out the purpose and designs of this act, there is appropri- ated hereby the annual sum of fifteen thousand dollars, to be paid out of the treasury of the state upon the warrant of the comptroller. school year for 60a. The school year, so far as regards the state normal Normal School. J school, shall hereafter terminate on the last day of June. Graded Schools. Graded schools, 61. Any two or more districts, by a majority vote of the howestab- J n a j A - j inhabitants at a meeting regularly called or advertised by the county superintendent, or superintendents of the county or counties in which said districts are situated, may cause to be established and maintained a graded school, SCHOOL LAW. 23 which shall bo entitled, according to the number of chil- dren in attendance, to its proper share of the state appro- priation and of the township school taxes belonging to the districts which have caused said graded school to be erected ; and a school thus established shall be governed by a joint board, combined of the trustees of the combining districts, and subject to such regulations as they may prescribe. District Schools. 62. The inhabitants of every school district shall be suitable schooJ * ^ ^ buildings re- required to provide a suitable school building and out- quired, houses for the accommodation of their children ; and in case such buildings are not provided, or those already in use shall be pronounced by the county superintendent and a majority of the trustees of said district unfit for the pur- poses for which they are applied, such district shall be deprived of the benefit of that part of the state appropria- tion derived from the revenues of the state until suitable buildings shall be erected. 63. S"o school district shall be entitled to receive any Time schools * must be main- part of the school appropriation which shall not have main- Jjj, n |j*- L See tained a public school for at least [nine] months during the then next preceding school year ; provided, that any Proviso, new district, or a district in which the school is discon- tinued on account of the repairing of an old or the erection of a new school building, shall not be deprived of its full share of the public school funds on account of the restric- tions of this section. 64. The school year shall begin on the first day of Sep- school year, tember and end on the last day of August. I. REVENUE AND APPORTIONMENT. State Appropriations. 65. The governor of this state, the president of the sen- Trustees of School Fund. ate, the speaker of the house of assembly, the attorney- general, the secretary of state and the comptroller, and 24 SCHOOL LAW. Proviso. School Fund, how consti- tuted. Money derived from sale of lands added to School Fund. Money derived from leases added to School Fund. their successors in office, be and they are hereby consti- tuted and appointed trustees of the fund for the support of public schools in this state, arising either from appro- priations heretofore made, or which may hereafter be made by law, or which may arise from the gift, grant, bequest or devise of any person or persons whatsoever, which trus- tees shall be known by the name, style and title of " The Trustees for the Support of Public Schools ;" provided, that it shall not be lawful for any teacher, trustee or trus- tees to introduce into or have performed in any school receiving its proportion of the public money, any religious service, ceremony or forms whatsoever, except reading the Bible and repeating the Lord's Prayer. 66. The public stocks and moneys heretofore appropri- ated by law shall constitute the funds in the hands of the trustees appointed by the foregoing section of this act, and shall be held by the said trustees in trust, the interest and dividends arising therefrom to be applied by the said trus- tees, or a majority of them, for the support of public schools in this state, in the mode now prescribed or here- after to be prescribed by any act or acts of the legislature, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. 67. All moneys hereafter received from the sales and rentals of the land under water belonging to this state, shall be paid over to the trustees of the school funds and appropriated for the support of free public schools, and shall be held by them in trust for that purpose, and shall be invested by the treasurer of the state, under their direc- tion, in the same manner as the funds now held by them are invested ; the same to constitute a part of the perma- nent school fund of the state, and the interest thereof to be applied to the support of public schools, in the mode which now is, or hereafter may be, directed by law, and to no other use or purpose whatever. 68. All leases which shall hereafter be made of lands belonging to the state, now or formerly lying under water, or which have been made since the sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy- one, shall be transferred to the trustees of the school fund of this state, and become a SCHOOL LAW. 25 portion of the free school fund ; and that the annual income arising from said leases shall be distributed by the said trus- tees for the support of free public schools, in the same man- ner that other moneys are now distributed for that purpose. 69. The fund above mentioned, together with all the investment of , ' School Fund. moneys which shall be received by the treasurer in pay- ment of the principal or interest of the bank or turnpike stock belonging to the fund for the support of free schools, all the taxes which may hereafter be received into the treasury from any of the banking and insurance compa- nies in this state, the capital stock of which now is, or hereafter may be, liable by law to be taxed, all appropri- ations to said funds made or to be made by any law of this state, and the amount of all gifts, grants, bequests or devises hereafter made by any person or persons to the said trustees for the purposes contemplated by this act, shall be invested by the treasurer of this state, under the direction of the said trustees, or a majority of them, in the bonds of the United States or of New Jersey, or in bonds secured by mortgage on land in New Jersey, the interest thereof to be applied to the support of the public schools, in the mode which now is or may hereafter be directed by law, and to no other use or purpose whatso- ever ; an account of the management of the said fund shall be laid before the legislature with the annual statement of the treasurer's account; and no compensation shall be paid to said trustee or treasurer for any services performed in pursuance of the directions of this act ; and all investments of money and property belonging to said furfd now held or existing in the name of " The Trustees for the Support of Free Schools," are hereby and shall hereafter be vested in and held, and any proceedings or action whatever relative thereto may be taken, had, made and maintained by said trustees, in the name of the trustees for the support of public schools. 69a. The "Trustees for the Support of Public Schools " Trustees for the , 11 11 i'ii 1-1 support of pub- DC ana they are hereby authorized and empowered to bid lie schools may purchase and for and purchase any lands and premises exposed to sale hold lands and * premises sold to under the order and decree of any court, for the payment satisfy claim, * * J held by them. 26 SCHOOL LAW. Proviso. May sell and convey any lands and premises so purchased. Trustees au- thorized to in- vest income of School Fun din public bonds. Loans for building school houses. and satisfaction of any mortgage encumbrance thereon held by the said trustees, and to take and hold the title to the land and premises so purchased in and by their official name, style and title, and as part of the assets of the school fund of New Jersey ; provided, that said trustees shall not bid a higher price for such lands and premises than shall be sufficient to save the amount due upon their said mort- gage encumbrance and costs, the taxed costs attending such proceedings and sale, if any, to be paid by the treasurer of this state out of the state funds, on warrant of the comp- troller, and not out of the school fund.* 696. The said "Trustees for the Support of Public Schools " be and they are hereby empowered and directed to sell and convey to any purchaser any lands and premises by them acquired under the provisions of this act, at such time, for such prices and on such terms of payment as the governor of this state for the time being shall, in writing under his hand, approve, and the consideration received therefor shall be assets of the school fund of this state.* 69c. Whenever in the judgment of the trustees for the support of free schools of this state, or a majority of them, it shall not be deemed advisable or for the best interests of the school fund to invest the income of the said fund in bonds secured by mortgage on land, they shall have power to invest the said income or any portion thereof in the bonds of the United States and of this state and of the several .counties, townships, boroughs and cities of the same.f 70. The treasurer of this state, under the direction of " The Trustees for the Support of Public Schools," is author- ized to invest the fund for the support of public schools in this state, in addition to the securities mentioned in the preceding section of this act, in the bonds of the several school districts of this state, and in the bonds of any city or municipality of this state, legally issued for the purpose of building school houses, either by authority of special acts of the legislature or by the consent of the inhabitants of the district, as hereafter herein provided for. * Act of April 9th, 1875. t Act of March 21st, 1878. SCHOOL LAW. 27 70a. The trustees for the support of public schools in Rate o . interest. this state, and the commissioners of the sinking fund of New Jersey, be and are hereby authorized and empowered to reduce the rate of interest on any loan made by them or their predecessors in office, to the rate of six dollars per annum for the forbearance of every one hundred dollars, from and after the fourth day of July next.* 71. The treasurer of this state shall annually make and Report con c cernin & Sc furnish to the board of trustees for the support of public Fund, schools, on the first day of the stated annual meeting of the legislature, and at such other times as the majority of the said trustees shall require the same, a particular state- ment of the school fund, containing an account of the securities belonging to said fund, with the dates of invest- ment, their value, and the interest arising from each denomination of securities, together with an account of the moneys in the treasury belonging to said fund. 72. The secretary of state is hereby constituted and secretary, appointed secretary of the said board of trustees, whose duty it shall be to record, in a book to be kept for that purpose, the proceedings of the said board, and the accounts to be furnished by the treasurer as hereinbefore stated. 73. It shall be the duty of the trustees of the school Appropriation fund of this state, on or before the first Monday of April to schools. U1 of every year, to appropriate out of the annual income of the fund for the support of public schools the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ; and if the annual income of said fund shall not have been received in full, or shall be insuffi- cient for that purpose, then the said trustees are hereby authorized and empowered to draw for any sum necessary to make up the deficiency, by warrant, signed by the comptroller, upon the treasurer of the state, who is directed to pay the same ; which sum, so drawn from the treasury aforesaid, shall be replaced from the annual income of said school fund so soon as the same shall be received.f Section 74 repealed.^ * Joint Resolution of March 27, 1878. f Act of March 27th, 1878. J Act of March 27th, 1878. f Act of March 27th, 1878. f / Ti SCHOOL LAW. Teachers' In- stitutes. Section 75.* 76. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of teachers' institutes, the procuring of teachers and lecturers for said institutes, and other necessary expenses of the same, there may be paid, annually, to the state superintendent of public instruction, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars to one teachers' institute. in any county, or in any two or more adjoining counties of this state, the same to be paid out of the state treasury on the warrant of the comptroller, upon itemized accounts rendered to him by the state superinten- dent of public instruction of the expenses incurred. f Taxation. State tax im- posed. School nine months. Township school tax. Comptroller shall apportion tax among counties. Transmit state- ment. 77. For the purpose of maintaining free public schools there shall be assessed, levied and collected annually upon the taxable real and personal property in this state, as exhibited by the latest abstracts of ratables from the sev- eral counties, made out by the several boards of assessors, and filed in the office of the comptroller of the treasury, a state school tax equal to four dollars for each child in this state between the ages of five and eighteen years, as exhib- ited by the next preceding school census ; which tax shall be assessed, levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner in which other taxes are assessed, levied and collected ; but if the moneys received by any township from the tax imposed by this act shall not be sufficient to maintain free schools for at least nine months in each year, then the inhabitants thereof may raise by township tax such additional amount as they may need for that purpose in the same manner as such taxes have heretofore been raised. J 78. It shall be the duly of the comptroller aforesaid to apportion the said tax among the several counties, in pro- portion to the amount of taxable real and personal estate of said counties respectively, as shown by the ratables respectively as aforesaid, and it shall be his further duty to transmit, on or before the first day of April of each year, * The provisions of section 75 are contained in section 10. t Act of March 25th, 1881. t Act of March 16th, 1831. SCHOOL LAW. 29 to the county collector of each county, a statement of the amount of said tax apportioned to and payable by said county, and said count/ collector shall lay said statement before the board of assessors of the townships and wards within his county at their next annual meeting, to appor- tion the taxes among said townships and wards, and said assessors shall thereupon proceed to apportion said school Duties of asses- taxes as other taxes are apportioned, and to assess the same according to law.* 79. It shall be the duty of the county collectors of the state tax, when several counties of this state to pay to the treasurer of this p state the quotas due from their respective counties of the taxes imposed by this act, on or before the first day of January, annually, next ensuing the assessment thereof. 80. Ten per centum of the full amount of money annu- state Board of ally raised by virtue of the seventy-seventh section of this shaiupportion act shall be known as a reserve fund, and shall be appor- among the tioned among the several counties of the state, by the state board of education, equitably and justly, according to their own discretion, on or before the fifteenth day of April sub- sequently to the aforesaid apportionment by the comptroller of the treasury ; and it shall be the duty of the state super- intendent of public instruction, on or before the tenth day of January next ensuing said apportionment, to draw orders on the comptroller of the treasury, and in favor of the county collectors, for the payment of ninety per centum of the amount of school tax paid by the counties respectively ; and the said county collectors shall apply for and be entitled to receive the amount of said orders as soon as the same are received ; and the said superintendent shall also draw his orders in favor of the respective county collectors, for such portion of the reserve fund as shall have been appor- tioned to the counties respectively, as aforesaid, which orders shall be payable when the said reserve fund has been paid by the several counties ; provided, that no por- proviso, tion of said moneys shall be used for the support of secta- rian schools.* * Act of March 16th, 1881. 30 SCHOOL LAW. ?ntendents uper " 81 ' It( sha11 be tbe dutv of tlie Count 7 superintendent of Soneyl p among each count y to apportion annually to the districts and cities StlesTn n d Sh dS of his count y tne 8tate school moneys, together with the tricts. interest of the surplus revenue belonging to said county, and such other moneys as may be raised for school pur- poses upon the basis of the last-published school census ; Proviso. provided, that all children residing in fractional districts, situated in two or more adjoining townships, shall be included in the census of that township in which the frac- Proviso. tion containing the school house is situated ; and provided also, that no district shall receive from all state and county funds less than two hundred dollars; and that districts with forty-five children or more shall not receive less than three hundred and fifty dollars.* state superin- 82. The state comptroller, annually, after having received tendent to give orders in favor from the state superintendent of public instruction a state- of County Col- lectors, ment of the apportionment of the state appropriation among the several counties, shall draw his warrant on the state treasurer in favor of the county collector of any county for the portions to which said county is entitled, whenever such county collector shall present an order for the same drawn by the state superintendent of public instruction in favor of such county. county super- 83. The county collector of each county shall receive Sve n orders in and hold in trust that part of the state appropriation favor of Town- , , , . i i n .1 xi ship collectors, belonging to his county, and shall pay out the same to the collectors of the several townships and to the city treasurer of the cities of his county, only on the orders of the county Proviso. superintendent ; provided, that in townships where there are less than two hundred children between the ages of five and eighteen, the inhabitants may raise such a sum per child as will be sufficient to maintain their schools.f * Act of March 16th, 1881. f(l) A county collector is not required or permitted to exercise any discretion as to how much of the state appropriation the several township collectors in the county are entitled to receive from him. That question as between these officers is settled conclusively by the order of the county superintendent of public schools. (2) The notion that a county collector can, in any case, lawfully reduce the amount by setting up some counter claim, whether in his own behalf or in behalf of his county, and whether against the township collector, personally, or against his township, is neither justified by the language nor consistent with the policy of our school laws. State, Herder, &c., v. Collector, &c., 7 Vr. 363. SCHOOL LAW. 31 84. It shall be the duty of the township collector of each SS? 1 }? h C oid township to receive and hold in trust all school moneys h t ?Sit. moiiey8 belonging to the township or to any of the districts thereof, whether received from the state appropriation, from town- ship or district tax, or from other sources, and to pay out the same only on the orders of the district clerks of the several districts of his township, which order shall specify the object for which it is given, and shall be signed by at least one other trustee beside said clerk, and shall be made pay- able to the order of and be indorsed by the person entitled to receive it, and he shall, on the order of the township committee, pay over any balance of school funds remaining in his hands to his successor in office, and he shall procure TO keep ac- a suitable book, in which he shall keep a separate account school moneys, with each school district in his township, crediting each with the amounts apportioned to it by the county superin- tendent, and the amount raised by tax in the district, and charging each with the orders paid for said district, and he shall present his accounts to be examined and settled by Report to the township committee at the close of the year, a copy of committee and which settlement, certified by the committee, showing the p^rimendent. amounts received, the amounts expended by him for school purposes during the year and the balance remaining in his hands ; he shall transmit said copy within ten days to the county superintendent, and another copy of the same he shall file with the clerk of the township, and as compensa- tion for such service the township collector shall be entitled to receive three-fourths of one per pentum on all school compensation, funds received and paid out by him for such purposes during the year, to be paid by the township committee from the funds of the township. (1) The county collector of each county shall receive and hold in trust the state appropriation for public schools belonging to his county, and pay the same to the collectors of the several townships and to the city treasurers of the cities of his county only on the orders of the county superintendent, and is responsible for these moneys if otherwise expended. (2) School taxes are to be levied and applied for the fiscal year beginning September 1st, succeeding the assessment, and not for the preceding year. (3) A mandamus will be allowed for the payment of the county superintendent's order for the state appropriation for public schools, where the moneys have been applied for school purposes in the preceding year, beginning January 1st. State ex rel. Board of Education, &c., v. Sheridan, &c., 13 Vr. 64. 32 SCHOOL LAW. Fractional dis- 85. All school moneys belonging to fractional districts shall be held, subject to the order of the trustees, by the collector of that township in which the fraction containing the school house is situated. cities and dis- 86. In addition to the tax imposed by the seventy-sev- tricts may raise J school tax. enth section of this act, each city and school district may raise by tax such other sums of money as they may need for school purposes, in the following manner, unless other- wise authorized by any special act applicable to such city school district : Annual district The legal voters of such district are hereby authorized meeting for J ordering school an( J required to meet on the Tuesday of the week follow- ing the annual town meeting, for the purpose of determin- ing what additional school tax, if any, shall be levied upon the district ; said meeting shall be held at some convenient public place wichin the district, and notice thereof, setting forth the time, place, and object of such meeting and the amount of money desired to be raised, shall be given by the district clerk, and set up in at least three public places within the district, ten days before the day of meeting ; and the said inhabitants so met, shall have power, by the consent of a majority of those present, to authorize the trustees of said district to purchase land for school pur- poses, to build, enlarge, or repair a school-house or school-houses, and to borrow money therefor, or to sell or mortgage a school-house or school-houses, and to raise by taxation for these purposes, or to pay a debt of the district incurred for such purposes, and for the current expenses of the school or schools, such sum of money as a majority of the inhabitants so assembled shall agree to ; and if at such meeting the trustees shall be authorized to borrow money not exceeding four hundred dollars in amount, to build or repair a school-house to cost less than five hundred dollars, such meeting may direct that the money to pay the debt so authorized to be raised by poll-tax, assessed upon the tax- able inhabitants of said district, and that one hundred dollars, with interest, on the amount of said borrowed money remaining unpaid be so raised in each year, for a period of four years; and in case any money shall be SCHOOL LAW. 33 ordered, by a vote of a majority of said meeting, to be raised by taxation, the district clerk shall make out and sign a certificate thereof, under oath or affirmation, that the same is correct and true, and deliver the same to the assessor or assessors of the township or townships in which said district is situate, and to the county superintendent, which said assessor or assessors shall assess on the inhabit- ants of said school district and their estates, and the taxa- ble property therein, in the same manner as township taxes are assessed, such sum of money as shall have been ordered to be raised by the said meeting, in the manner aforesaid ; and said money shall be assessed, levied, and collected ; and it shall be the duty of the collector or col- lectors of the township or townships in which said district is situate, to pay over all moneys by him or them received, which shall have been assessed by virtue of such a vote of a district meeting as aforesaid, on the order of the district clerk of said district, to be used for the purposes directed by the district meeting so held as aforesaid ; provided, that Proviso, whenever any district school meeting shall be held as afore- said, or at the call of the trustees, as provided in the eleventh division of the thirty-ninth section of this act, it shall not be lawful for such meeting to order a greater sum of money to be raised by district tax than shall have ben mentioned and designated in the notice of such meet- ing set up in the manner required by law ; and provided Proviso. further, that whenever in the judgment of the trustees of any district it shall not be necessary to levy a district tax for school purposes, the district clerk thereof shall not set up the notices directed to be given as aforesaid.* f 86a. The several assessors and collectors of the town- compensation ships and wards of this state shall be entitled to receive and collectors, five cents, and no more, for each name for assessing, levying and collecting district school taxes. J * Act of March 14th, 1879. fThe resolution acted upon must specify which object or objects mentioned in this section for which the money voted is to be used. In case more than one of these purposes are mentioned the resolution must specify how much money in to be apportioned to each. Cochrane v. Garrdbrant, &c., 3 Vr. 444; Banr/hart \. Sulli- van, 7 Vr. 89 ; Corrigan v. Duryea, 11 Vr. 266. J Act of April 8th ,1875. 3 34 SCHOOL LAW. Districts may issue bonds. Bonds a lien upon districts. Proviso. for payments on bonds. 87. It shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of each district, when met in conformity to the provisions of the eighty-sixth section of this act, or at the call of the trustees, as provided in the eleventh division of the thirty- ninth section of this act; and the inhabitants so met shall have power, by the consent of a majority of those present, to authorize the trustees, for the purpose of purchasing land for school purposes, or for the purpose of building a school-house or school-houses in such district, to issue bonds of the district in the corporate name of such district, in such sums and in such amounts, and payable at such times as the inhabitants so met may direct, with interest at the rate of [six*] per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, which bonds shall be signed by the trustees of such district and attested by the clerk, under the seal of the district, and the bonds so issued shall be a lien upon the property of the said district. f 88. The bonds of the several school districts of this state, heretofore or hereafter legally issued for the purpose of building school-houses, shall be a lien upon the real and personal estates of the inhabitants of the said districts, as well as the property of the said districts ; and the property of the inhabitants as well as the property of the districts, shall be liable for the payment of the same ; provided ) such bonds are [six*] per centum bonds, and the interest is paya- ble semi-annually, and coupons shall be attached thereto ; and that in all cases copies of all papers and proceedings authorizing the issuing of such bonds shall be submitted to the attorney-general for his approval of the legality of the same, who shall receive such compensation for the exami- nation of the same as shall be fixed by the trustees for the support of public schools, which sum shall be paid by the districts seeking such loan. 89. Whenever any district shall order and authorize the issue of bonds, for the purpose aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the district clerk of such district, each and every year, to issue the warrant of the district, signed by the * By act of February 26th, 1878. t Act of March 9th, 1877. SCHOOL LAW. 35 trustees, and attested by the clerk under the seal of the district, to the assessor or assessors of the township or townships in which such district is situate, directing him to assess upon the inhabitants of said school district, and their estates and the taxable property therein, an amount suffi- cient to pay the bond or bonds of the district, maturing in such year, together with the interest accruing upon the whole issue of the unpaid bonds of such district, which warrant so issued as aforesaid, shall be executed in the same way and manner as is provided by the eighty-sixth section of this act. 90. The several townships in this state are authorized and interest on sur- required to appropriate the interest of the surplus revenue appropriated . > (, i r i -IT to schools. received by them, and from other funds not raised by tax, such sums for the support of the public schools as they shall order and direct at their annual town meetings, in addition to the amount received from the state appropria- tion and the amount which they raise by tax. J. MISCELLANEOUS. 91. Not more than twetity dollars annually, of the school Twenty dollars , , , , , . . . , for incidentals. moneys received by any school district, except such as may be raised within the district, shall be used for any other purpose than the payment of teachers' salaries and for purchasing fuel. 92. In case any school district or city shall use any of Power of with- 111 , . P , , holding school the school money apportioned to it for any other than money, isee J , , , sections 11, 18a public school purposes, as these purposes are denned and and 26.] limited in the ninety-first section of this act, such district or city shall forfeit out of the next annual apportionment a sum equal to twice the amount thus used ; and it shall be the duty of the county superintendent to reapportion the money thus forfeited among the other districts and cities of his county; provided, the state superintendent Proviso, may remit such penalty for cause.* 93. In case of the failure of any district clerk or city penalty for superintendent to send his annual report to the county tric?Ser{ *" report. *Act of March 25th, 1881. 36 SCHOOL LAW. Proviso. Tuition fees not allowed. Library appro- priation. Selection of books. Rules. Corporal pun- ishment forbid- den. County Super- intendent au- thorized to ad- minister oath. superintendent of his county in the form prescribed, on or before the first of September, such county superintendent shall make up his report for such district or city from the last published report of the state superintendent; in making up such report, however, he shall deduct one-fifth from the school census ; provided, however , that all such cases of delay or negligence shall be reported to the state superintendent of public instruction, whose duty it shall be to investigate the same, and to restore the number deducted from the school census in all cases, when he receives satis- factory reasons for such delay or negligence. 94. It shall not be lawful to charge tuition fees for the support of public schools in this state, but that all such schools shall be free to all persons over five and under eighteen years of age residing within the district, so long as such schools can be thus maintained with the public school funds. 95. The treasurer of the state, upon the order of the state superintendent of education, is hereby authorized and directed to pay over the sum of twenty dollars out of any money that may be in the public treasury to every public school for which there shall have been raised by subscrip- tion or entertainment a like sum for the same purpose, to establish in such school a school library, and to procure philosophical and chemical apparatus ; and the further sum of ten dollars annually, upon a like order, to the said public school, upon condition that there shall have been raised by subscription or entertainment a like sum for such year, for the purposes aforesaid.* 96. The selection of books and apparatus shall be approved by the school trustees of such district. 97. The school trustees of each district shall make proper rules and regulations for the man agement, use, and safe keeping of such libraries. 98. No teacher shall be permitted to inflict corporal punishment upon any child in any school in this state. 99. The county superintendent shall have power to administer all necessary oaths or affirmations to district * Act of April 5th, 1878. SCHOOL LAW. 37 clerks and other school officers, for which he shall receive no compensation. 100. All acts and parts of acts of a general character on Repealer, the subject of public schools and of the normal school and its appropriations passed before the twenty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, are hereby declared to be repealed. Approved March 27th, 1874. SUPPLEMENT approved April ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. 1. Every parent, guardian or other person having control children shall J r n r attend school and charge of any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall cause such child to attend some public or private school, at least twelve weeks in each year, six same P eriod - weeks at least of which attendance shall be consecutive; or to be instructed at home at least twelve weeks in each year, in the branches of education commonly taught in the public schools, unless the physical or mental condition of the child is such as to render such attendance inexpedient or impracticable. 2. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of Penal* for F * . non-cd!npli~ this act shall, on written notice of such failure from the ance. district clerk of the school district, or the person designated by the board of education of the city where such offence has occurred, forfeit for the first offence, and pay to the township collector or city treasurer, the sum of two dol- lars ; and after such first offence, shall, for each succeeding offence in the same year, forfeit and pay to the township collector or city treasurer, the sum of three dollars for each and every week, not exceeding twelve weeks in any one year, during which they, after written notice as afore- said, shall have failed to comply with the provisions of this act. 3. It shall be the duty of the district clerk of each school Duties of the district, and of some person in each city to be selected by ?f S e"ch J district. 38 SCHOOL LAW. the city board of education, to report to the township col- lector of the township or city treasurer of the city where the offence has occurred, the names of all parents, guar- dians or other persons who fail to comply with the provi- sions of this act ; and the officer to whom such report is made, shall proceed to collect the penalties imposed by this act, in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the county in which such city, town, township or school district may be situated ; the said penalties, when paid, to be added to the public school money of said school district in which proviso. the offence occurred ; provided, this law shall not be opera- tive in those school districts of the state where there are not sufficient accommodations to seat the children compelled to attend school under the provisions of this act. Extract from An Act concerning Disorderly Persons. (Revision.) Approved April ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Persons mjur- 7. Any person who shall enter the buildings or go upon ing school pro- J l perty, or dis- the lands belonging to any public school district of this turbing schools J orieri ged dis " state or use( ^ an( ^ occupied for school purposes by any pub- f lie school in this state, and shall break, injure or deface such building or any part thereof, or the fences or outhouses belonging to or connected with such building or lands, or shall disturb the exercises of such public school, or molest or give annoyance to the children attending such school, or any teacher therein, shall be deemed and adjudged to be a disorderly person, and may be apprehended in the manner hereafter prescribed in this act, and taken before any justice of the peace of the county where such person may be apprehended ; and it shall be the duty of the said justice to commit such disorderly person, when convicted before him by the confession of the offender, or by the oath or affirmation of one or more witness or witnesses, to Penalty. the county jail of such county, there to be kept at hard labor for any term not exceeding thirty days. SCHOOL LAW. - 39 SUPPLEMENT approved March nineteenth, eighteen hun- dred and seventy-four. Whenever the trustees of any school district in Cumber- vote to be land county shall be directed or authorized to purchase In u jj may or- have power to order a struck jury, or a jury of view, or ^ e ^ try any both, to try any such appeal, and also to order any jury which may be empaneled and sworn to try any such appeal, to view the premises in question during said trial : and the Right of appeal 1 /> . 1 -I/. IT n0t t0 be right oi said trustees to appeal from and dispute the waived by ac- . rr ceptance of correctness of any award, shall not be waived or taken amount J ' awarded. -away by the paying or tendering the amount of the award and taking possession of the land, or exercising the rights covered by such award ; and the right of any owner of any such lands or rights in like manner to appeal, shall not be waived or lost by the acceptance of the amount so awarded, when tendered; and upon the final determination of any such appeal, the said court shall render such judgment in favor of the one party and against the other, as the right and justice of the case shall require, and shall award to the party substantially succeeding and prevailing in said appeal, his, her or their costs of said appeal against the opposite party, and shall have power to enforce the judgment so rendered by execution, as other judgments are enforced, and also by summary proceedings and attachments for non- payment thereof. 46 SCHOOL LAW. AN ACT relative to Boards of Education in cities, approved March twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty. In cities of this state where the office of president of the board of education, or board of directors of education exists, or is created by any general or special law, such president shall hereafter receive no salary or compensation whatever for performing the duties of such office, but noth- ing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to affect or take away the salary of the present incumbent of any such office. SUPPLEMENT passed March twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. NO child to be 1. No child between the age of five and eighteen yean* any public of age shall be excluded from any public school in this- state on account of his or her religion, nationality or color. Penalty for 2. Any member of any board of trustees of any school board of trus- J J * 6 to District, or an 7 member of any board of education in this state > w h shall vote to exclude from any public school in this state, any child between the age of five and eighteen years of age, on account of his or her religion, nationality or color, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail, work-house or penitentiary, of the county in which the offence is com- mitted, not less than thirty days, nor more than six months,, or both fine and imprisonment may be imposed in the dis- cretion of the court. SCHOOL LAW. 47 AN ACT providing for the establishment of schools for industrial education, approved March twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. WHEREAS, The establishment of well conducted and preamble, liberally supported schools for the training and education of pupils in industrial and mechanical pursuits, must tend to supply a growing want in our community of skilled mechanics, artisans and agriculturists ; and whereas it is especially the duty of the state to afford good educational facilities to its youth in those technical studies, which are directly associated with the material prosperity of its people : therefore, 1. Whenever any board of education, school committee, Governor au- 7 thorized to or other like body, of any city, town, or township in this state, shall certify to the governor that a sum of money, not less than three thousand dollars, has been contributed by voluntary subscriptions of citizens, or otherwise, as j.aWon trial edu ~ hereinafter authorized, for the establishment in any such city, town or township, of a school or schools for industrial education, it shall be the duty of the said governor to cause to be drawn, by warrant of the comptroller, approved by himself, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount equal to that contrib- uted by the particular locality as aforesaid for the said object ; and when any such school or schools shall have been established in any locality as aforesaid, there shall be annually contributed by the state, in manner aforesaid, for the maintenance and support thereof, a sum of money equal to that contributed each year in said locality for such pur- pose ; provided, however, that the moneys contributed by p rov iso. the state, as aforesaid, to any locality shall not exceed in any one year the sum of five thousand dollars. 2. All moneys raised and contributed as aforesaid shall Moneys raised be applied under the direction of a board of trustees, organ- buted applied ' .11 iTi i under direction ized as hereinafter provided, to the establishment and of board of trustees. support of schools for the training and education of pupils in industrial pursuits (including agriculture), so as to 48 SCHOOL LAW. enable them to perfect themselves in the several branches of industry, which require technical instruction. and es towSips ^' ^ U J c * tv > town or township, shall have power to raX^taJ to appropriate and raise by tax for the support of any such port Schools. school therein, such sum of money as they may deem expe- dient and just. ?eef d hoi S- 4< Tiiere sna11 be a board of trustees of each of such stituted. schools, which shall consist of the governor,, ex-officio, who shall be president thereof; two persons selected by the state board of education ; two by citizens and associations con- tributing ; two by the board of education, school committee or other like body of the locality where such school is established ; and one by the common council, township committee or other governing body thereof, if such* city, town or township shall contribute to the maintenance of Board o^trus- sllca school ; the said board of trustees shall have control comroiof^ O f th e buildings and grounds owned and used by such Fun C ds i andKen- 8cnoo l s > the application of the funds for the support thereof, the regulation of the tuition fees, the appointment and removal of teachers, the power to prescribe the studies and exercises of the school and rules for its management, to grant certificates of graduation, to appoint some suitable person treasurer of the board, and to frame and modify at pleasure such by-laws as they may deem necessary for their own government; they shall report annually to the state and local boards of education their own doings and the progress and condition of the schools. Expenses of 5. The said trustees shall receive no compensation for trustees, how . . . ., paid. their services, but the expenses necessarily incurred by them in the discharge of their duties shall be paid upon the approval of the governor. BLANKS AND FORMS FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. BLANKS AND FORMS FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. The following Forms have been prepared for the use of all officers having duties to discharge under the School Law. Their use will secure uniformity and correctness in the transaction of financial and general school business. The lateral use of these Forms is in no case essential to the validity of a school instrument. Any Form may be used which clearly expresses the objects designed, or the intention of the parties interested, and conforms in all respects to the requirements of the law, but as those annexed have been pre- pared with strict reference to these necessary conditions, their use is recommended. The blank spaces are to be filled to meet the vary- ing circumstances in each case. These Forms have been submitted to and approved by the State Board of Education. ELLIS A. APGAE, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. BLANKS AND FORMS. No. 1. Order -for County Superintendent's Salary. No. . OFFICE OF STATE SUPERINTENDENT, \ TRENTON, N. J., , 18 . J To the Collector of County : Pay to the order of , County Superintendent of County,. i~do Dollars, being the amount of salary due to , 18 . $ . , State Superintendent. No. 2. Order for County Superintendent's Expenses. No. . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, j TRENTON, N. J., , 18 . ] To the Collector of County : Pay to the order of , County Superintendent of County, - ^ Dollars, being the amount due for expenses incurred in the performance of his official duties from -, 18 , to- -, 18 . , State Superintendent. NOTE The amount for expenses cannot exceed $ 300. 54 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 3. Order on Comptroller for the State Appropriation of 1,000. No. 7 . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, \ TRENTON, N. J., , 18 . j To the Comptroller of the State of New Jersey : Pay to the order of the Collector of County, foo Dollars, being the amount apportioned for the support of Public Schools in said County, out of the State Appropriation of $100,000, for the School Year beginning Sept. 1st, 18 , and ending August 31st, 18 . -, State Superintendent. No. 4. Order on the Comptroller for the State School Tax. No. . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, TRENTON, N. J., , 18 . To the Comptroller of the State of New Jersey : Pay to the order of the Collector of County, loo Dollars, being the amount apportioned for the support of Public Schools in said County, out of the State School Tax, for the School Year beginning Sept. 1st, 18 , and ending August 31st, 18 -, State Superintendent. No. 5. Order on County Collector for State Appropriation of $100,000. No . OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, ) , N. J., , 18 . J To the Collector of County : Pay to the order of the Collector of Township, rb~o Dollars, being the amount apportioned out of the State Appropri- ation of $100,000, for the support of Public Schools in said County, for the School Year beginning Sept. 1st. 18 , and ending August 31st, 18 . -, County Superintendent. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 55 No. 6. Order on County Collector for the State School Tax. No. . OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, 1 , N. J, , 18 . j To the Collector of County : Pay to the order of the Collector of Township, - 1^0 Dollars, being the amount apportioned out of the State School Tax for the support of Public Schools in said County, for the School Year beginning Sept. 1st, 18 , and ending August 31st, 18 . $ . , County Superintendent. No. 7. Order on County Collector for the Interest of Surplus Revenue. No. . OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, ,N.J., ,18 . To the Collector of County : Pay to the order of the Collector of - Township, 10 o Dollars, being the amount apportioned out of the Interest of the Surplus Revenue for the support of Public Schools in said County, for the School Year beginning Sept. 1st, 18 , and ending August 31st, 18 . $ . , County Superintendent. No. 8. Order for County Examiner's Salary. No. . OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, -N.J., 18 To the Collector of County : Pay to the order of , County Examiner, Dollars, being the amount due him for services rendered at the session of the Board of County Examiners, and for traveling expenses, in accordance with Section 49 of the School Law. County Superintendent. 56 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 9. Application for State Aid to Establish a School Library. , N. J., - - 18 . To the State Superintendent of Public Instruction : SIR: We, the undersigned, Trustees of School District No. , of the Township of - , County of - , State of New Jersey, do hereby certify, that there has been raised in our District, by subscription [or entertainment, as the case may be], the sum of Dollars, for the purpose of establishing a School Library within our District, in accordance with the provisions of Section 95 of the Eevised School Law. And we therefore request you to send an order for the amount due us from the State in accordance with the further provisions of said act. D. C.] > Trustees. NOTE. The first appropriation is twenty dollars, and subsequent ones ten dollars. No. 10. Order for Library Appropriation. No. . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, ") TRENTON, N. J., , IF . J To the Comptroller of the State of New Jersey : It having been certified to me that the sum of Dollars has been raised by subscription [or entertainment, as the case may be], in District No. , of -the County of , State of New Jer- sey, in'accordance with the provisions of Section 95 of the Revised School Law, therefore you will pay to the order of , District Clerk of said District, the sum of Dollars, to be used only for the purposes specified in said act. -, State Superintendent. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 57 No. 11. Order on Township Collector for Teacher's Salary. No. -. -N. J., - -,18 . To - , Township Collector for the Township of , County of , State of New Jersey : Pay to the order of , Teacher, r^5 Dollars, being the amount of Salary due for teaching our Public School from - , IP , to - , 18 . , D. C. ] Trustees of , > District No. - , , j County of . I hereby certify that , the Teacher in whose favor this order is drawn, is in possession of a Teacher's Certificate, in full force and effect, and that - - has properly kept the School Reg- ister as required by law, and that I have certified thereto in said Register. , District Clerk. NOTE. Money raised by district tax can be used for such school purposes as are specified at the meeting at which the money is ordered. All other school money, except twepty dollars annually, which the law allows for incidental expenses, must be reserved for the payment of teacher s salary and fuel bills. Payments can only be made for the support of those schools that conform in all respects to the provisions of the School Law, and to those teachers only who possess certificates in full force and effect covering the time for which salary is demanded, and who have kept the School Register in the manner prescribed. The Collector should invariably refuse to pay orders until he is satisfied that all these conditions have been complied with. No. 12. Order on Township Collector for District School Tax raised for other purposes than the Payment of Teacher's Salary. To , Township Collector for the Township of , County of , State of New Jersey : Pay to the order of , ^ Dollars, for [here state for what the money is to be paid] out of the funds raised by District School Tax in our District, now in your hands. , D. C. | Trustees of , !> District No. , , j County of . 58 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 13. Financial Report of District Clerk to County Superintendent. To , County Superintendent for County : SIR : I herewith submit the Financial Report of School District No. , for the School Year ending August 31, 18 . RECEIPTS. Balance in hands of Collector August 31st, 18 , exclu- sive of that for building purposes.... Balance in hands of Collector August 3 1st, 18 , for building and repairing Apportionment from State Appropriation Apportionment from Township School Tax Apportionment from Surplus Revenue Amount raised by District Tax for teachers' salaries, &c.... Amount raised by District Tax for building and repairing.. Amount received from other sources... Total recei pts - EXPENDITURES. Amount expended for Teachers' Wages f- Amount expended for Fuel - Amount expended for Incidentals - Amount expended for Building and Repairing School House... - Total expenditures Balance due the District.. I certify that the foregoing statement is correct in all respects. -, District Clerk. Xo. 14. Financial Report of District Clerk to Township Committee. To the Township Committee of - - Township : SIRS : [Form of Report same as No. 13]. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 59 No. 15. Financial Report of District Clerk to the People of the District. To the Inhabitants of School District No. : [Form of Report same as No. 13]. NOTE. The above report should be made at the annual school meeting held for the election of Trustees. No. 16. Annual Report of Trustees to the District. To the Inhabitants of School District No. : In obedience to the requirements of the School Law, we beg leave to present our annual report for the past School Year [here give the final report required of the Teacher in the School Register; state what has been done by the Trustees during the year ; discuss school matters ; make suggestions, etc., etc.] All of which is respectfully submitted. , , D. C. ] Trustees o/ , > School District , j No. . Dated , 18 . NOTE. The above report should be made at the annual school meeting for the election of Trustees. No. 17. Report of District Clerk to County Superintendent of the Amount of District School Tax Ordered to be Raised. To the County Superintendent of County : SIR : I hereby report to you, that at the annual (or a special, as the case may be] meeting of the legal voters of School District No. , of the County of , held on the day of , 18 , there was voted to be raised [write the amount in words] dollars, as District School Tax, for the purpose of [here state the object for which the money is to-be used]. , District Clerk. 60 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 18. Report of Township Collector to County Superintendent of the Amount of Township School Tax Ordered to be Raised. To the County Superintendent of County : SIR : I hereby report to you that the amount of School Tax voted to be raised in Township at the last annual town meeting, held on the day of - , 18 , is [write the amount in words] Dollars per child [or - - Dollars, as the case may be]. The Interest on Surplus Revenue to be apportioned to the Public Schools of this Township is Dollars. Dated this day of , IS . , Township Collector. NOTE. This report should be sent to the County Superintendent within five days after the town meeting If the amount of interest on surplus revenue is not known at that time, a separate report should be made of that item as soon as the amount is ascertained. In some counties the surplus revenue remains as a county fund, and the amount of interest must be reported by the County Collector to the County Superin- tendent. No. 19. Report of County Clerk to County Superintendent of the Names and Post Office Addresses of the Township Collectors and City Treasurers. To the County Superintendent of County : SIR : I hereby report to you the names and addresses of the newly elected Township Collectors [and City Treasurers if there be any] of this County, as follows : Names of Township or City. Names of Collectors and City Treasurers. Address. -, County Clerk. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 61 d> s^ugptouj joj pi'Bj .2 a 8 ^ S, m i* pn j joj pi-ej S o rt ^ 13 ^ .2 Q o ."2 , wsm , 3 -E 5| x^x diqsu^ox raoij pgAigog^ 11 1 ,0-3 02 c3 >^ 1 3 ,1 1 poqog g^ig UTpnpui 'uoi^'B -udoaddy g^^g raojj p9AT909'}j ~s ^ s^ 1 0^ * CD 00 P ^ rS -g S r-l 1 ,0^,^ >, . , ^^^ ^ ^ ?* 'S rR ^ 1 | ^-5- "H PH 'O o^l i 03 GQ HH P d ^ -S^ c5S > a a -2'3 | ^ * S| ^.2EH S) S6 ^5 2 \g CD C3 fe H 2 1 1 | r/5 _bd PH 62 BLANKS AND FORMS I 'S3NOI SVIIS AaOXSIH \ \ \ w AHdvaooao \ \ \ \ l\ \ oixawHxiav \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ m aVJIRVaO \ \ 1 \ CO ouixiaAi \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ m osidvsa \ \ \ \ \ \ \l\ \ < osmads \ \ \ \ \ \ \l\ \ ^^ xaavHdiv \ 1 \ c^ JOJ 33UBPU3JJB sipuow jo xsqinnN anoj ioj 33uepu3j jt; sXeQ jo J3quin{ii CO 8 CO HN CO r i a ^ c^ 10 OO -^ C3 j-. S-. o3 O ?: -a 3 a ^-' o> 1 -52 bo 5 o'Q s * 'o 3u ^ ~* 02 J .2 O 'TS S a -s -4-J CC Jl 3 -b *o ". s g w PH < G? jo saqoaBaq aoq^o Sai^pnqg aeqcun^ oparaq;uy Sui^pn^g ai{[9dg Sai^pn'jg jgqcanjsj jo pgpugJsng J9qran^[ ui paqsmnd oqM U99q anoj anoj p9pu9)] agqransj ^qi9 oqM aequunjsj -qy p9[pau% oq-j ui jo 49qmnu u S\I\Q jo agqainu CD ^a 11 0,'SP CO

0) ?j ^ a > o II 3 s 1 if ^ 3 i ! c3 cu l 1 rS ^ -I *' V 3 !s ? ^^1 - 3 S o > cc *=> 81 00 W ci H 3^ o cr o 66 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 25. Notice to County Superintendent of a Vacancy in Board of Trustees. To , County Superintendent : SIR : You are hereby notified that a vacancy now exists in the Board of Trustees of School District No. , in the County of , through [here state the cause of the vacancy] which you are requested to fill by appointment. Dated this - - day of - , 18 . , District Clerk. NOTE. The above notice should be sent to the County Superintendent as Boon as the vacancy exists. If the office of District Clerk is vacant, the notice should be sent by one of the other Trustees. No. 26. Appointment to fill a Vacancy in a Board of Trustees. The office of one of the Trustees of School District No. , in the County of , having become vacant through failure of the District to elect according to law [or for any other reason}, you are hereby appointed to fill such vacancy until the next annual meeting for the election of Trustees in said District. Dated this day of , 18 . , County Superintendent. No. 27. Appointment of a District Clerk. To- -: The office of District Clerk of School District No. , in the County of , being vacant through failure of the Trustees to elect according to law [or for any other reason], you are hereby appointed to fill such vacancy until the next annual meeting for the election of Trustees in said District. Dated this day of , 18 . , County Superintendent. FOR SCEIOOL OFFICERS. 67 No. 28. Appointment of Trustees for a New District. To- : Having, on the - - day of - , 18 , formed a new School District, to be known as School District No. , in the County of , comprising the fDllowing territory: [here insert the description of the District] you are hereby appointed Trustee [and District Clerk, if such is the fact,} for said District until the next annual meeting for the election of Trustees. I have appointed as your associates, Messrs. and Dated this - - day of - , 18 . , County Superintendent. NOTE. Where two Districts are united they each become extinct and a new District is formed, and the Trustees of the extinct Districts cannot continue to act as Trustees of the new one, but an entire new Board must be appointed by the County Superin- tendent. No. 29. Request for District Clerk to Call a Special School Meeting for Establishing a Graded School. To - , District Clerk of School District No. - , in the County of : SIR: You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the legal voters of your District, on the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon, for the purpose of acting upon the question of uniting with Districts Nos. - and , etc., in establishing and maintaining a Graded School in accordance with the provisions of Section 61 of the School Law. Dated this day of - , 18 -. , County Superintendent. NOTE. The above request is only to be given when there is a known desire on the part of the inhabitants of the Districts thus notified to establish a Graded School. A separate meeting should be held in each District proposing to unite. G8 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 30. Notice for a Special District Meeting for Considering the Question of Establishing a Graded School. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. , in the County of , that a special school meeting will be held at , on the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon, for the purpose of considering the question of uniting with Districts Nos. and , etc., in establishing and maintaining a Graded School, in accordance with the provisions of Section 61 of the School Law. Dated this day of , 18 . , District Clerk. By order of , County Superintendent. NOTE The above notice must be made conspicuous in several places, and posted ten days previous to the time of the meeting. The Districts separately, in accordance with the provisions of Section 86 can vote for, and cause to be assessed, a district tax for erecting the School building, or maintaining the School. No. 31. Notice to County Superintendent, giving the result of the action of a School Meeting called for the purpose of Establishing a Gh*aded School. To , County Superintendent of County : SIR : At a meeting of the legal voters of School District No. , in the County of , held on the day of , 18 , which was called pursuant to your order, the ques- tion of uniting with Districts Nos. and , for the pur- pose of establishing a Graded School, was decided in the- ; voting in the affirmative, and in the negative. Dated this - - day of - , 18 . District Clerk. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 69 No. 32. Order organizing a Union School District for itie purpose of Establishing a Graded School. WHEREAS, Districts now known as School Districts, Nos. , and , in the County of , did, in accordance with the provisions of Section 61 of the School Law, agree to unite, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a Graded School, at public meetings called by order of the County Superintendent, on the following days, to wit: School District No. on the day of - , 18 ; School District No. on the day of - , 18 ; and School District No. on the day of- ,18 . Therefore, it is hereby ordered and made known that said districts are united for the purposes set forth, to be known hereafter by the name and title of . Given under my hand this day of , 18 . , County Superintendent. NOTE. One copy of the above order must be furnished to each Board of Trustees of the United District, and one copy retained by the County Superintendent. No. 33. Order Organizing a School District. It is hereby ordered and determined that the following shall hereafter be the boundaries of School District, to be known as District Number - , in the County of - , State of New Jersey : beginning at [here describe the boundaries.] Given under my hand this day of , 18 . , County Superintendent. Approved this day of , 18- -, Secretary of State Board. NOTE. The above order should be made out in duplicate, one copy to be retained by the County Superintendent, in his office, and the other to be held by the Trustees. The State Board prescribes that a map of the Districts of the County shall be drawn by the County Superintendent, and sent to the State Superintendent, to be retained in his office. 70 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 34. Order altering the Boundaries of a School District. It is hereby ordered and determined that the [here describe the territory by sections and parts of sections], now a part of School District No. , in the County of , is taken from said District and attached to and made a part of School District No, , in said County, for all School purposes whatsoever. This order will take effect on the day of - Given under my hand this day of , 18- -, County Superintendent. Approved this day of , 1 8 . , Secretary of State Board. No. 35. Notice by County Superintendent to the District Clerks of Districts to be affected by proposed District changes. To - , District Clerk of School District No. - , in the County of : You are hereby notified that I will be present at , on the day of , 18 , o'clock in the noon, to decide upon certain proposed alterations of the boundaries of your School District. The attendance of your Board of Trustees is- requested. Dated this - - day of , 18 . , County Superintendent. No. 36. Notice of Meeting of Township Board of Trustees. You are hereby notified that I will be present at - , on the day of , 18 , at o'clock in the noon, to meet " The Township Board of Trustees " of Town- ship. The attendance of your Board of Trustees is requested. Dated this - - day of - , 18 . , County Superintendent. FOR SCHOOL OFFICE RS. 7L ^ a I co ~ H^> OQ S o g cc EXPENDITURES. S o 07 1 O> 1 1 l d || ^| d a 08 d 3 p -g d RECEIPTS. 5 so "o .2 *o CJ i d _3 03 | MM | 03 School District Afo . I Jii l/ NOTE. The authority for calling a special school meeting is given in Clause XI. of Section 39 of the School Law. For detailed directions, see Section 86. No. 51. Various Specifications of Business to be Transacted that may be Inserted in any Notice for District Meeting, as they may be needed. To authorize the Trustees to purchase land and to erect a school house thereon ; To see if the District will take measures for the repair, alteration, enlarging or furnishing of the present school house ; To appoint a committee to prepare and report a plan for such erection or repair, with the probable expense of the same ; To raise money by district tax to defray the expenses of such erec- tion, alteration or repair ; To authorize the Trustees to borrow money to defray the expenses of such erection, alteration or repair, and to provide for the payment of the same by ordering a district tax, [or by bonding the district, as the case may be] ; To see if the District will vote a sufficient district tax to defray the expenses of maintaining a free School during the ensuing year, or during months of the ensuing year ; or the issuing of bonds ; To order a district tax for the payment of a debt of - - dollars, now resting upon the school house property ; To order the sale of the present school house property, and to decide what disposition shall be made of the proceeds ; To do any other business within the scope of the foregoing propositions. 78 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 52. Certificate of the amount of School Tax voted to be raised at a regular School Meeting in a School District, to be delivered by the District Clerk to the Township Assessor. To , Assessor of Township, - County, State of New Jersey : The legal voters of School District No. , in the County of , met at , a convenient public place within the District, on the day ot , 18 , being the Tuesday of the week following the annual town meeting, to determine what additional school tax, if any, should be levied upon the District, and notice thereof, setting forth the time, place and object of said meeting, and specifying dollars as the amount of money thought necessary to be raised, was given by the District Clerk, and set up at three public places within the District, ten days before the meeting; and the said legal voters, so met, by the consent of a majority of those present, authorized the Trustees of said District [to purchase land, etc., as the case may be], and ordered by a like vote dollars for the purpose of [as purchasing land], and dollars for the purpose of [as building a school house], etc., amounting in all to dollars, which sum is not in excess of the amount thought to be necessary, as set forth in the notices, and you are therefore directed to assess the said sum of dollars on the inhabitants of said School District, and their estates, and the taxable property therein, pursuant to t,he statute in such case made and provided. Dated this day of ,. 18 . , District Clerk. STATE OF NEW JERSEY, \ County of } S , being duly sworn on his oath, saith that he is the District Clerk of School District No. , in the County of , and that the above statement by him is correct and true. Sworn and subscribed before me this day of , FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 79 j o . 53. Certificate of the Amount of School Tax voted to be raised at a Special School Meeting in a School District, to be delivered by the District Clerk to the Township Assessor. To , Assessor of Township, County, State of New Jersey : Pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the Trustees of School District No. , in the County of , held on the day of , 18 , as authorized by Subdivision 11 of Section 39 of the School Law, the legal voters of said District met at , a convenient place within the District, on the day of , 18 , to determine [balance of form, including the affidavit, same as form No. 52]. Notes to Forms Nos. 52 and 53. The certificate must state which of the object or objects specified in Section 86, for which the money is raised. 3 Vr. 444. If more than one object is specified, the amount of money apportioned to each must be stated. 7 Vr. 89. The law requires that notice of the above action should also be sent to tHe County Superintendent. No. 54. Warrant of the Amount of School Tax to be raised to meet maturing bonds and accruing interest, to be delivered by ike District Clerk to the Township Assessor. To - , Assessor of Township, County, State of New Jersey : You are hereby directed to assess on the inhabitants of School Dis- trict No. - , of the County of , and their estates and the taxable property therein, - dollars, being dollars to meet Bond No. , falling due on the day of , 18 , and dollars to meet accruing interest on Bonds Nos. , , - , issued by the Trustees of said District, as authorized by the legal voters at a meeting held on the day of , 18 , in conformity to the provisions of Section eighty six of the School Law, (or, as the case may be, at the call of the Trustees, as provided in the eleventh division of the thirty-ninth section of the School Law.) Dated this - day of , 18 . , ] Trustees of [L. s.] , I School District ' Attest, , District Clerk. 80 BLANKS AND FORMS . JS w H w H O H W W W O W JZi PM O g n fe H pq p o pq II P O O M P5 ? 5 M 3 5 t i H o fi GQ i 08 FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 81 EH *. i ID W | A A M | 02 1 ^ j i i ^ < H ! h M H I 2 j 1 1 j P M t J ^ ft ^ s o 1 t/ 2 ^ g 3 | | ^3 1 C 1 f **. > r i S s 02 t E >.j | 5 ! 1-1 c r <^ :> c. 5 | 1 T E i -i 3 1 E S P c i b e -, * i 1 |3 1 H 4 ; ; P r 1 1 1 S H CQ FH i 1 a L 1 ; OJ rt 5 ; i 1 * CO o 6 J^ O H H H tf I *c .2 -S o ""^ : M I 2 J '2 -a & PH o? rt i . l CO a *H ^ o ^4 no a g 3 82 BLANKS AND FORMS w O no 8 W W H H O O 02 1 00 ft g | 5 8 S M H PH AH ^ p O 02 COU 1 1 tf FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 83 No. 58. Teacher's State Certificate First Grade. STATE OF NEW JERSEY, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE STATE CERTIFICATE. First Grade. The eminent qualifications and distinguished success of ON, V , as a Teacher, having been established by thorough examina- tion and satisfactory testimonials, is hereby duly authorized to teach in any part of this State. Done at the City of Trenton, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty , under the authority conferred by Section 48 of the Revised School Law. , State Superintendent of Public Instruction. -, Principal of the State Normal School. No. 59. Teacher's State Certificate Second Grade. STATE OF NEW JERSEY, *> DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, > SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ) STATE CERTIFICATE. Second Grade. having presented satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and having passed the required examination, is hereby LICENSED AS A TEACHER in the Public Schools of this State for the term of TEN YEARS from date, unless this certificate is sooner revoked. Given under our hands and seals this day of 7 18. -, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. -, Principal of the State Normal School. 84 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 60. Teacher's State Certificate Third Grade. STATE OF NEW JERSEY, ] DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, \ SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ) STATE CERTIFICATE. Third Grade. , having presented satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and having passed the required examination, is hereby LICENSED AS A TEACHER in the Public Schools of this State for the term of SEVEN YEARS from date, unless this certificate is sooner revoked. Given under our hands and seals this day of , 18 . -, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. , Principal of the State Normal School. No. 61. Certificate of County Superintendent in Appeals. OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, N. J. f -, 18- -. To , State Superintendent of Public Instruction : SIR : I transmit, herewith, a full and correct statement of the facts, and the documentary evidence presented to me, in the case of ' , vs. , together with my decision thereon, from which appeal has been taken to the State Department. I certify that the accompanying statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . , County Superintendent for County. NOTE. The above certificate should be furnished by the County Superintendent in cases of appeals, when requested by the State Superintendent. FOE SCHOOL OFFICERS. 85 No. (>2. Appeal to the State Superintendent. To , State Superintendent of Public Instruction : SIR : We herewith transmit a full and correct statement of the facts in the case of vs. , together with the decision of the County Superintendent thereon, from which decision we respect- fully appeal for the following reasons : [here state the reasons for making the appeal]. We certify that the accompanying statements, together with the decision of the County Superintendent, are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. No. 63. Form of Certificate Condemning a School House. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, have this day con- demned the public school house in District No. , in the County of , as being, in its present condition, unfit for use. Dated this day of , 18 . , County Superintendent. Trustees of District No. , in the County of . NOTE. This certificate is held by the County Superintendent, and the school house remains condemned until repaired or rebuilt. No. 64. Teacher's Report of the Suspension of a Pupil to the Trustees. To - , District Clerk of School District No. , of the County of : SIR : You are hereby notified that I have this day suspended from my school , for [here state the cause for suspension]. Dated this day of , 18 . , Teacher. NOTE. The School Law requires every suspension to be reported to the Trustees. 86 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 65. Order of Business at a District School Meeting. 1. Choose a Chairman and Secretary. 2. Bead the notice calling the meeting. 3. Eeport of District Clerk. 4. Transaction of the business for which the meeting was called, as set forth in the notices. 5. Miscellaneous business. 6. Adjournment. No. 66. Minutes of District School Meeting for the Election of Trustees. Pursuant to the following notice [here copy the notice given], the legal voters of School District No. convened at the school house and selected , Chairman, and , Secretary. The Secretary read the notice of the meeting. Mr. , District Clerk, presented the annual report of the Trustees, which was accepted. On motion of Mr. , the meeting proceeded to elect a Trustee by ballot in the place of Mr. , whose term has expired. Mr. received a majority of all the votes cast, and was declared by the Chairman duly elected Trustee for the term of three years. The District Clerk stated that there was a vacancy in the Board on account of the expiration of the term of appointment of Mr. , who, during the past year, had been appointed Trustee by the County Superintendent to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. . The meeting again proceeded to ballot and Mr. was elected Trustee for the unex- pired term of Mr. . On motion of Mr. the meeting adjourned. ; Secretary. FOB SCHOOL OFFICERS. 87 No. 67. Minutes of Trustee Meeting. Pursuant to notice given to each member, the Board of Trustees of District No. 1, met in the school house on Monday evening, January 3, 1881. There were present, Messrs. James Fisk, Henry Jones, and Alpheus Taylor. Henry Jones presided. The applications of H. W. Clark, Edward Davis, and E. H. Long for the position of teacher in our public school were received. After considerable discussion relative to the qualifications of each, the position was awarded to Edward Davis at a salary of one hun- dred dollars per month. The District Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Davis of his election, and request him to enter upon his duties on Monday, Jan- uary 10, 1881. The following bills were presented by the District Clerk, and ordered paid out of the fijnds raised by district tax : E. H. Jackson, four tons of coal, @ $5.00 . . $20 00 W. J. Hopkins, one cord of wood, 8 00 Jane Gibson, cleaning school house, . . . . 5 00 It was ordered that the District Clerk procure two slate black- boards, each three feet by four feet, for the use of the school. Adjourned. ALPHEUS TAYLOR, District Clerk. No. 68. Certificate to be attached to proceedings of a District Meeting by the person acting as Secretary. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct and complete record of the proceedings of [the annual or special school meeting, as the case may be], held in School District No. , in the County of , on the day of : , 18 . -, Secretary. NOTE. When the District Clerk is absent, or when he does not act as Secretary of the school meeting, the above certificate should be attached to the account of the proceedings before it is delivered to said Clerk. 88 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 69. Minutes of District School Meeting for raising District Tax. - N. J., -, 18- -. Pursuant to the following notice [here copy the notice given], the legal voters of School District No. , convened at the school house; was elected Chairman and Secretary of the meeting. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting and read the notice which had been given. Mr. moved that a district school tax of three hundred dollars be voted for the purpose of maintaining a free school ten months during the year. Mr. moved to amend by striking out " three hundred " and inserting " four hun- dred," which was agreed to, and the motion as amended was decided in the affirmative ; voting in the affirmative, and : in the negative. Mr. moved that a distriet school tax of one hun- dred dollars be voted for the purpose of painting the school house. Mr. moved to amend by striking out " one hundred " and inserting " fifty," which motion was lost. The original motion was then agreed to ; - voting in the affirmative, and in the negative. On motion of Mr. , the meeting adjourned. , Chairman. , Secretary. No. 70. Minutes of District School Meeting Ordering a New School House Erected. [Commence as in preceding form.] The following business was transacted : It was, upon motion, Resolved, That the comfort of the children and the best interest of the District, demand the erection of a new school house. It was voted that D. S and P. V be appointed a FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 89 committee to prepare and report a plan for such new school house, with an estimate of the probable expense of the same, and report thereon at the next meeting. It was voted that when this meeting adjourn it adjourn to meet again on the - - day of , 18 , at - - o'clock p. M. The Trustees were directed to give the required ten days' notice of the adjourned meeting, and to set forth that the object of said meeting would be the consideration of the report of the committee in relation to the new school house and the ordering of the necessary district tax for the erection of the same. On motion the meeting adjourned, etc. ADJOURNED MEETING. [Commence in a manner similar to No. 69.] D. S and P. V , the committee appointed therefor, made their report of a plan for a school house, together with an estimate of the expense of construction, which report was accepted and ordered to be recorded, and is in the words and figures following : [Here insert report.] After consideration and discussion of said report, it was voted that the same be adopted, and that the Trustees be directed to proceed in the erection of a house in accordance with such plan. It was voted that a district tax of dollars be assessed and collected to defray the expense of such school house, voting in the affirmative, and - in the negative. NOTE. The foregoing form of minutes are given for the inexperienced. Those who are familiar with such duties may adopt or vary them as may seem best. The essen- tial point is, to have the proceedings of district meetings accurately recorded. Much depends upon the minutes of these meetings, and hence they should be correctly kept and carefully preserved. 90 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 71. Minutes of District School Meeting, Ordering the Bonding of the District. Pursuant to the following notice [here copy the notice given], the legal voters of School District No. , of the County of , convened at the school house. was elected Chair- man, and , Secretary of the meeting. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting, and read the notice that had been given. The plans for a brick school house were submitted and explained by the Trustees, as authorized at a meeting held , 18 . The Trustees stated that the probable cost of the building would be four thousand dollars, and that five hundred dollars would be required to furnish the same, and to fence and grade the grounds. The Trustees further stated that the lot, containing half-an-acre of ground, belonging to , and situated on the corner of and streets, could be purchased for five hundred dollars. This, in the judgment of the Trustees, was considered a desirable site for the new building. On motion of , the following resolutions were adopted : 1. Resolved, That the lot for school purposes, recommended by the Trustees, be purchased. 2. Resolved, That a school house be erected thereon, in accord- ance with the plans and specifications submitted. 3. Resolved, That for the purpose of securing the money needed to purchase the lot, and to fence the same, and to erect and furnish the school house, the sum of five thousand dollars be raised by issuing five bonds of the District, in the corporate name of the Dis- trict, in denominations of one thousand dollars each. 4. Resolved, That one bond shall be issued for one year ; one for two years ; one for three years ; one for four years, and one for five years, and that each year, until the last bond is paid, a tax shall be levied, according to law, on the property and the inhabitants of the District, sufficient to pay the bond maturing, together with the accrued interest on all those then outstanding. 5. Resolved, That the Trustees be empowered to carry out the provisions of the foregoing resolutions. The vote on the resolutions stood in the affirmative, and in the negative. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 91 No. 72. Report of Non-Attendance of Children at School. To - , Township Collector : You are hereby notified that the following children, between eight and fourteen years of age, residing in this District, have not attended school during the past year the time required by the act relative to the attendance of children at school, approved April 9bh, 1875 : has attended but months. You are requested to impose the penalty and to collect the fine, as provided in said act. , District Clerk of District No. , County, N. J. NOTE. In the cities the above notice is to be sent, by some person designated by the Board of Education, to the City Treasurer. No. 73. Duties of Township Collector. 1. To notify the County Superintendent of the amount of town- ehip school tax ordered, and the amount of interest on surplus revenue. [Form 18.] 2. To collect all township and district school taxes. 3. To recerve and hold in trust all school moneys, and to pay out "the same only upon orders drawn in accordance with forms 11 And 12. 4. To keep, in a book prepared for the purpose, an account with -each School District. [Form 37.] 5. To make settlement with the Township Committee. [Form 20.] 6. To transmit copies of the settlement made with the Township Oommittee to the County Superintendent and to the Clerk of the Township. [Form 20.] 92 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 74. Duties of District Clerk. 1. To prepare and to post Notices for annual district meeting, [Form 49.] Notices for special district meeting, [Form 50.] and Notices for Trustee election, [Form 44.] 2. To prepare and to deliver notices for meetings of the Board of Trustees. [Form 45.] 3. To act as Secretary of the Board of Trustees. [Form 67.] 4. To record, in a book provided for that purpose, all the proceed- ings of trustee meetings and district meetings. [Forms Nos. 66, 67, 69 and 70.] 5. To keep an account of the finances of the District in a manner similar to that shown in Form 37. 6. To pay out all moneys by issuing orders on the Township Col- lector. [Forms 11 and 12.] 7. To make a financial report To County Superintendent, [Form 13.] To Township Committee. [Form 14.] and To annual district meeting, [Form 15.] 8. To make a report of the doings of the Trustees for the year to the annual district meeting for the election of Trustees. [Form 16.] 9. To take the District census. 10. To prepare and to forward the annual report to the County Superintendent. 11. To notify County Superintendent and Township Assessor of the amount of district school tax ordered. [Forms 17 and 52.] 12. To notify County Superintendent of the election of Trustees. [Form 46.] 13. To report the non-attendance of children at school. [Form 72.] 14. To attend the meetings of the " Township Board of Trustees " when convened by the County Superintendent. 15. To superintend repairs of buildings ; to buy fuel, crayons, and such other articles as the Trustees may direct. 16. To deliver to his successor all records and papers belonging to the District. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 93 No. 75. Form of Contract between District and Teacher. It is hereby agreed between "The Trustees of School District No. - , in the County of /' and , a qualified teacher, possessing a license in full force and effect, that the said is to teach the public school of said District for a term [here insert the time], for the sum of dollars per month, commenc- ing on the day of , 18 , and for such services, properly rendered, the said Trustees are to pay the said - monthly, the amount that may be due, according to this contract. Dated this day of , 18 . , 1 Trustees of School District , > No. , in the County J of , Teacher. NOTE. In case the Teacher is employed in a Graded School, the particular depart- ment for which he is engaged should be specified in the contract. No. 76. Form of a Lease. Know all men by these presents, that A. B., of the Township of , in the County of - , in the State of New Jersey, of the first part, for the consideration herein mentioned, does hereby lease unto "The Trustees of School District No. , in the County of ," in the State aforesaid, party of the second part, and their assigns, the following described parcel of land : [here insert description of land.] Together with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong- ing: To have and to hold the same for and during the term of years from the day of , A. D. 18 ; and the said party of the second part, for themselves and assigns, do covenant and agree to pay the said party of the first part, for said premises, the annual rent of dollars. In testimony whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, this - - day of , 18 . A. B., Lessor. C. D., ] Trustees of School District E. F., > No. , in the County of G. H., j , State of New Jersey. 94 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 77. Form of a Deed of a School House Site. Know all men by these presents, that A. B., [and C. B. y his wife r if married,] in the Township of , in the County of , in the State of New Jersey, party of the first part, for and in consid- eration of the sum of dollars, to them in hand paid by " The Trustees of School District No. , in the County of ,"" and State aforesaid, party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey to- the said party of the second part, and their assigns, the following described piece of land, namely : [here insert description of land.] Together with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong- ing : To have and to hold the same to the said party of the second part, and their assigns forever ; and the said party of the first part,, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant, bargain and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, and their assigns, that- at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these- presents, they are well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance- in the law in fee simple, and that the said lands and premises are free from all incumbrances whatsoever ; and that the above bargained premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part and their assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim, the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part will forever warrant and defend. In witness whereof, the said A. B. and C. B., his wife, party of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals, this - day of , A. D. 18 . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ~| A. B. [SEAL.] IN PRESENCE OF C. B. [SEAL.] E. F. j NOTE. Such deed should be duly acknowledged before a judge, commissioner of deeds, master in chancery, or other officer authorized by law to take such acknowl- edgment, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk. The bond and mortgage given by the Trustees to secure payment of part of purchase money may be in the usual forms, and for the execution of deeds, mortgages and bonds, each District should have a corporate seal. Notes given for borrowed money should be in the name of the- District and signed by all the Trustees as such. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 95 No. 78. Form of Contract for Building a School House. Contract made and entered into between A. B., of the County of , State of New Jersey, and " The Trustees of School District No. , in the County of ," State of New Jersey. In consideration of the sura of one dollar in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and of the further sum of dollars, to be paid as hereinafter specified, the said A. B. agrees to build a frame school house and to furnish the materials therefor, according to the plan and specifications for the erection of said house hereto appended, at such point in said District as the said Trustees may designate. The said house is to be built of the best material, in a substantial, workmanlike manner ; and is to be completed and delivered to said Trustees, or their successors in office, free from any lien for work done or materials furnished, by the day of , 18 ; and in case the said house is not finished in the time herein specified, the s^id A. B. shall forfeit and pay to the said Trustees, or their successors in office, for the use of said District, the sum of dollars, and shall also be liable for all damages that may result to said District in consequence of such failure, and said Trustees may finish the building and charge the cost of the same to- the said A. B. The said Trustees, or their successors in office, in behalf of said District, hereby agree to pay the said A. B. the. sum of dol- lars when the foundation of said house is finished ; and the further sum of - - dollars when the building is ready for the roof; and the remaining sum of dollars when the said house is finished and delivered, as herein stipulated. It is further agreed that this contract shall not be sub-let, trans- ferred or assigned, without the consent of both parties. Witness our hands this day of , 18 . A. B., Contractor, C. D., E. F. and G. H., Trustees. NOTE. In building a school house, it is all important to secure a plan of the build- ing, with full specifications as to its dimensions, style of architecture, number and size of the windows and doors, quality of the materials to be used; what kind of roof; number of coats of paint; of what material the foundation shall be constructed; its depth below, and its height above the suriace of the ground ; the number and style of chimneys and flues ; the provisions for ventilation ; the number of coats of plastering and style of finish, and all other items in detail that may be deemed necessary. The plan and specifications should be attached to the contract, and the whole filed with the District Clerk. Before the building is commenced, the contract should be filed in the office of the County Clerk to prevent liens. 96 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 79. Bond to be Issued for Loan from School Fund. No. - . Bonds of School District No. . County, N. J. Know all men by these presents, that " The Trustees of School District No. , in the County of ," in the State of New Jersey, are justly indebted unto , or bearer, in the sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said , or bearer, on the day of , 18 , at the Bank, , N. J., with interest therefor from the date hereof, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, on the days of and in every year, at the bank aforesaid, on the presentation of the annexed coupons, as they severally become due. This is one of a series of coupon bonds of dollars each, issued by the Trustees of said School District, amounting in the aggregate to dollars, numbered from* to , both inclusive ; and the said bonds are issued for money borrowed by said Trustees for the purpose of building a school house in said School District, pursuant to the statute entitled " An Act to Establish a System of Public Instruction," approved March 27th, 1874, and by the consent of the inhabitants of said District lawfully given, at a meeting law- fully held on - , 18 . In witness whereof, on the day of , in the year eighteen hundred and , this bond is signed by the Trustees of said District, and attested by the Clerk, under the seal of said Dis- trict. , Attest , District Clerk. Trustees. [Form of Coupon to be attached to the above Bond.} School District No. - , County of , N. J. SCHOOL HOUSE LOAN. Interest warrant for dollars, payable at the Bank, , N. J., to bearer, /for six months' interest on Bond No. . , D. C. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 97 No. 80. Application for Loan from School Fund. To "The Trustees for the Support of Public Schools," of the State of New Jersey : The " Trustees of School District N/umber , in the County of ," in the State of New Jersey, ask to borrow of " The Trustees for the support of Public Schools," the sum of dol- lars, for the purpose of building a school house in the aforesaid Dis- trict; and offer as security for said loan the coupon bonds of said District, to the amount, at par, of said loan. Said loan and bonds were authorized by the inhabitants of said District when met, upon due and legal notice for that purpose, on the Tuesday of the week following the annual town meeting, in the Township in which said District is situate, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty . The principal of said loan is to be repaid in instalments of dollars a year; the first instalment to be paid on the day of , one thousand eight hundred and eighty , and then yearly thereafter, with interest from date, at the rate of six per centum, according to the terms aforesaid. Principal and interest payable at ; and the bonds hereby offered are of the denomination of $ each, and are numbered from one to both inclusive. We submit herewith a copy of the proceedings had at said meet- ing of said inhabitants, duly verified ; and a copy of the notice of said meeting, with an affidavit showing when and where said notice was put up. Dated - , , N. J., , 18 . , D. C. 1 Trustees of School District , > Number , in the , j County of , N. J. NOTE. The above application should be sent to the Secretary of State, who is ex officio Secretary of me Board of Trustees. 98 BLANKS AND FORMS No. 81. Directions given to Candidates for Certificates before being Examined. 1. Write your name and the subject of the examination, dis- tinctly, at the top of each page. 2. You need not copy the questions upon the paper, but be careful to number each answer to correspond with the question. 3. Write only on one side of the paper, and do not write to the left of the red marginal line. 4. If unable to answer any question, write its proper number, and opposite the same write, " I cannot answer." 5. In answering questions in Arithmetic, Algebra, etc., give the work as well as the answer. 6. After beginning a set of questions, do not leave the room without the permission of the examiner in charge, until that exer- cise is completed. 7. During the examination, avoid, with the utmost strictness, all communication with other candidates, with visitors, or with any one else, except the examiners, whether by talking, signs, notes or otherwise. Any violation of this rule will cause your exercise to be rejected. 8. Referring to text books, or to written or printed abstracts, or memoranda of any kind connected with the subject of examination, or having such book, abstract or memoranda in your desk or about your person, will cause your exercise to be rejected. 9. As soon as one exercise is finished, hand it to the examiner in attendance before beginning another. 10. Do not fold the paper containing your answers, and do not tear off any portion of the sheet that may remain after you have finished a set of questions, but leave the sheet whole, as the paper will be preserved. 11. A special average will be given for correctness in Orthog- raphy and Composition, and for legibility, order, neatness and general appearance of the examination papers. 12. Be careful to preserve this card of directions and the ques- tions. They will both be called for at the close of the examination. FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 99 No. 82. Calendar for School Elections and Duties. 1. State Board of Education Meets on the first Thursdays of February and November, and on the last Thursday of June, annually. 2. Trustees of the School Fund Meet on the first Monday in April, annually, and at other times when called together by the Governor. 3. State Board of Examiners Meets on the Mondays preceding the first Thursday of February and the last Thursday of June, annually. 4. County Boards of Examiners Meet on the last Saturday of February, May, November, and the last Friday of August, annually. 5. State Association of School Superintendents Meets at the call of the State Superintendent. 6. School Trustees Elected on the first day of July, annually, except when the first falls on Sunday, when the election is held on the second day of July, and should meet on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March, June, September and December, and oftener if necessary. 7. District Clerks Elected within ten days after the annual meet- ing for the election of Trustees, annually. 8. Township Boards of Trustees Meet semi-annually, at such times and places as the County Superintendent may appoint. 9. District Meetings for Voting District Tax Held on the Tues- day of the week following town meeting, annually, or at the call of the Trustees. 10. Report of the State Board of Education to the Governor On or before the tenth of November,, annually. 11. Report of the State Superintendent to the State Board of Edu- cation On the first Thursday in November, annually. 12. Report of County Superintendents to the State Superintend- ent On or before the first of October, annually. 13. Report of District Clerks to County Superintendent On or before the first of September, annually. 14. Report of Teachers to Trustees At the close of each quar- ter's teaching. 15. Monthly Reports by County Superintendents To the State Superintendent on the first Monday of each month. 100 BLANKS AND FORMS FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 16. Financial Statement of Township Collector to Township Com- mittee and County /Superintendent On or before the first of Sep- tember, annually. 17. Financial Statement of District Clerks to Township Commit- tee On or before the first of September, annually. 18. Financial Statement of District Clerks to the County Super- intendent On or before the first of September, annually. 19. Assessor makes Returns to the Collector Within fifteen days after the first Monday in September, annually. 20. Township and District School Taxes Collected and due the Trustees by the first of December, annually. 21. District Census Taken between the first and the twentieth days of August, annually. 22. Apportionment of State Appropriation to the Counties Made by the Slate Superintendent, on or before the first Monday in April, annually. 23. Apportionment of State Appropriation and Township School Taxes to the Districts Made by the County Superintendent on or before the first of May, annually. 24. Copy of Apportionment Made by the County Superintend- ent, and furnished to each Township Collector and District Clerk within twenty days after the apportionment is made. 25. State Appropriation One hundred thousand dollars paid in November, and the State school tax in the month of January following. 26. Visitation of Schools Each school visited by the County Superintendent twice every year. 27. Agricultural College Candidates examined by the County Superintendents at the quarterly examination on the last Friday in August, annually. 28. /School Holidays Christmas day, first day of January, fourth day of July, and such days of fasting or thanksgiving as may be appointed by the President of the United States, or by the Governor of this State. 29. School Year Commences on the first of September, and ends on the thirty-first day of August. 30. Fiscal Year The school fiscal year of the State coincides with the school year. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE Government of School Officers. Prescribed by the State Board of Education in conformity with the act entitled "An act to establish a system of Public Instruction " (Sec. 2, Clause 1). I. COUNTY BOARD OF EXAMINERS. 1. The County Superintendent, together with those whom he may appoint as County Examiners, will hold four stated meetings for the examination of teachers during each year, in such places in the county as are most convenient of access to the teachers. The first examination will be held on the last Saturday in February ; the second on the last Saturday in May ; the third on the last Friday in August; and the fourth on the last Saturday in November. 2. He will issue certificates of three grades, to be called, respect- ively, First, Second and Third Grade County Certificates. 3. Candidates for the Third Grade County Certificate are to be not less than sixteen years old. No experience in teaching will be required. Applicants for a Third Grade Certificate will be exam- ined in Orthography, Reading, Writing, Geography, Practical Arithmetic and English Grammar. The license will continue in force for one year from date. 4. Candidates for the /Second Grade County Certificate are to be not less than seventeen years old, with an experience in teaching of not less than one year. The examination will be the same as that for the Third Grade Certificate, with the addition of the History of the United States, Book-keeping, and Theory and Practice of Teach- ing. The license will continue in force for three years from date. (101) 102 RULES AND REGULATIONS 5. Candidates for the First Grade County Certificate are to be not less than eighteen years old, with an experience in teaching of not less than two years. The examination will be the same as that for the Second Grade Certificate, with the addition of Physiology, Natural Philosophy, English Composition, Algebra, the Constitution of the United States, and the School Law of New Jersey. The license will remain in force for five years from date. 6. Applicants for employment as special teachers to give instruction in any of the subjects not prescribed in the certificates granted by the State or County Boards of Examiners, may be examined by the Board of Examiners in such subjects, who, when satisfied of their fitness to teach in any of the branches referred to, may issue special certificates to said applicants. Such certificates shall remain in force- three years. 7. A new set of questions will be prepared for each County Exam- ination, under the direction of the State Superintendent, and tea questions will be given in each study. II. STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. 8. The State Board of Examiners consists of the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction and the Principal of the State Normal School. 9. This Board will grant certificates of three grades, to be called respectively, First, Second and Third Grade State Certificates, the third or lowest grade ranking one degree above the highest grade issued by County Board of Examiners. 10. Candidates for the Third Grade State Certificate are to be not less than nineteen years old. They will be examined in the following branches, to wit : Spelling, Reading, Penmanship, Book- keeping, Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geom- etry, Trigonometry, History and Constitution of the United States, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Geology, Botany, Physiology, Theory and Practice of Teaching, and the School Law of New Jersey. The license will remain in force for seven years from date. 11. Candidates for the Second Grade State Certificate are to be not less than twenty-one years of age, with an experience in teaching of not less than two years. The examination will be the same as FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 103 that required for a Third Grade Certificate. The license will remain in force for ten years from date. 12. Candidates for the First Grade State Certificate are to be not less than twenty-five years old, with an experience in teaching of not less than four years. The examination will be the same as that required for the Second or Third Grade Certificate, with the addi- tion of any two of the following works that each candidate may choose, namely : Hart's In the School Room, Well's Graded Schools, Abbott's Teacher, Barnard's American Pedagogy, Barnard's Ameri- can Normal Schools, Herbert Spencer's Education, Wickersham's Methods of Instruction, Wickersham's School Economy, Russel's Normal Training, Jewell's School Government, Emerson and Potter's School and Schoolmaster, Sheldon's Elementary Instruction, Ogden's Science of Teaching, Northend's Teacher's Assistant, Northend's Teacher and Parent, Sewell's Principles of Education, and Burton's Culture of the Observing Faculties. Each candidate will be required to draw up a plan for organizing the schools of some large city. The license will be good for life. 13. All teachers who, in the judgment of the State Board of Examiners, and of the local School Superintendent, have been suc- cessful principals of a graded school or schools of several grades, or of a city high school, for a period of ten years or more, shall receive a First Grade State Certificate without examination.* III. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO BOTH COUNTY AND STATE CERTIFICATES. 14. With the exception of Reading, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Elocution, Drawing and School Gymnastics, all examinations are to be conducted in writing. 15. Upon each County Teacher's Certificate will be written the special average in each study and the general average, each marked as a percentage upon the scale of 100. 16. A special average will be given for correctness in Orthography and Composition, and for neatness, order and general appearance of the Examination Papers. 17. Special credit marks will be allowed for ability to teach Music, Drawing, Elocution and School Gymnastics. *By graded school is meant one having not less than five grades in charge of five teachers. 104 RULES AND REGULATIONS 18. No license will be granted to a teacher whose general average falls below 70, or whose special average in any one of the studies required for the Third Grade County Certificate shall be less than 70. 19. All candidates are required to furnish testimonials from School Trustees or other responsible persons, as to their moral character, and as to the time and place in which they have taught, and their success therein. 20. The Second and Third Grade County Certificates will be good only for the County in which they are issued. The First Grade County Certificates, and all State Certificates, will be good for all parts of the State. 21. All certificates will be liable to be revoked for cause. IV. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. 22. It shall be the duty of each County Superintendent to visit every school in his County at least twice in each year, and oftener if practicable. 23. He shall note at such visits, in a book provided for the pur- pose, to be designated " The Superintendent's Visiting Book," the condition of the school buildings and out-houses, the appearance and correctness of the records kept in the School Registers, the efficiency of the teachers, the character, record and standing of the pupils, the methods of instruction, the branches taught, the text books used, and the discipline, government, and general condition of each school; and from the notes thus taken he shall ascertain and report the rela- tive grade of merit of each school. 24. He shall give such directions in the science, art, and methods of teaching, as he may deem expedient, and shall be the official adviser and constant assistant of the school officers of his county. (School Law, Sec. 28.) 25. He shall distribute promptly all reports, forms, laws, circulars and instructions which he may receive from, and in accordance with the directions of the State Superintendent. 26. He shall take care that the decisions of the State Superin- tendent, or of the State Board of Education, upon controversies relating to the school laws of the State, or to the rules and regula- tions prescribed by the State Board of Education, be complied with FOR SCHOOL OFFICERS. 105 by the parties concerned ; and in case such decisions are not com- plied with, he shall inform the State Superintendent thereof, and state the circumstances connected therewith. (School Law, Sec. 28.) 27. He shall carefully preserve all reports of school officers and teachers, and all the examination papers of teachers examined by the County Board of Examiners, and, generally, shall carry out the provisions of the law " Establishing a System of Public Instruction," and the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Board of Edu- cation, and at the close of his official term shall deliver to his suc- cessor all records, books, documents, papers, and property belonging to the office. 28. No County Superintendent shall act as agent for any author, publisher or bookseller, nor directly or indirectly receive any gift, emolument, or reward for his influence in recommending or procur- ing the use of any book, or school apparatus, or furniture of any kind whatever, in any public school ; and any one who shall violate this provision shall be subject to removal from office. 29. He shall meet each Township Board of Trustees at least twice each year, which meetings shall be held at such times and places as he may appoint. (School Law, Sec. 3 la, 40.) 30. He shall ascertain from the Township Collectors, within five days after the annual town meetings, the amount of school tax ordered to be assessed in each Township, and on or before the first day of May of each year he shall apportion, according to law, to the several Townships and School Districts of his County, all the school moneys to which they are entitled for the following year, whether received by State appropriation or ordered to be assessed as township school tax. (School Law, Sec. 23.) 31. He shall encourage and assist in the organization and man- agement of County Institutes, and labor in every practicable way to elevate the standard of teaching and improve the condition of tjje public schools in his County ; he, together with the City Super- intendents, if any, of the cities within his County, shall organize annually a Teacher's Institute in the County, the time and place for holding the Institute, the instructors, and programme of exercises for the same, shall be such as the County and City Superintendents may agree upon, and as the State Superintendent may approve. 32. He shall inquire and ascertain whether the boundaries of the School Districts in his County are definitely and plainly described, 106 RULES AND REGULATIONS and shall keep in his office a full and correct transcript of such boundaries, a map of which he shall furnish to the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction ; in case the boundaries of any of the- School Districts are conflicting or incorrectly described, or for any good reasons should be changed, he shall, upon consultation with the Trustees of the Districts concerned, harmonize, describe and change them, and make a report of such action to the State Board of Edu- cation : and on being ratified by said Board, the boundaries and descriptions so made shall bethe legal boundaries and descriptions of the Districts of the County. (Sec. 24.) After the boundaries of the Districts of any County shall have been definitely determined by the action of the County Superintendent and the State Board of Education, the County Superintendent shall proceed to renumber them from number one to a number equal to the number of Districts in the County, inclusive ; and no further changes shall be made unless the consent of the State Board of Education shall have been first obtained, as is herein provided. (School Law, Sec. 38.) 33. No contract between a Board of Trustees and a teacher shall at any time be made which will be binding upon a succeeding Board for a longer period than three months. 34. No changes in the boundaries of Districts, in which District taxes have been ordered, shall be made between the times of order- ing and assessing the same. 35. Each County Superintendent shall, upon the first Monday in each month, send to the State Superintendent a brief report respect- ing the condition and progress of education in his County, and the- work he has performed in connection with the duties of his office. 36. At the close of their official terms, or on the vacation of their office, by resignation or otherwise, should the same occur during the scholastic year, all County Superintendents shall report to the State Superintendent for the portion of the year that may have expired,, as provided for in the 30th Section of the School Law, with refer- ence to their annual reports ; and no order shall be given for their last quarter's salary until such reports are received in a manner sat- isfactory to the State Superintendent. 37. That in case of the failure of any County Superintendent to- make his report to the State Superintendent on the first day of Sep- tember, as required by law, the State Superintendent shall not give to such County Superintendent any order for the payment of salary FOE SCHOOL OFFICERS. 107 for the quarter next succeeding such delinquency, except by a special resolution of the State Board of Education for this purpose. 38. All changes made in the boundaries of School Districts, against which no appeals are made in writing, may be approved by the State Superintendent, as Secretary of the State Board. 39. County Superintendents, on granting certificates at private examinations, may grant them in the usual form ; or, if they deem it advisable, they may grant them to be good only until the regular quarterly examination next succeeding such private examination. 40. All teachers are required to attend the annual Institute held in the County in which they are teaching, except for cause satisfac- tory to the County Superintendent, and no deduction shall be made by Trustees from the salary of teachers for the time they are in actual attendance upon said Institute. 41. No teacher shall be employed by a Board of Trustees except such as hold regular teachers' certificates in full force and effect at the time the engagement is made. 42. The terms of the County Superintendents, heretofore and hereafter appointed, shall terminate with the School Year. 43. When it is within the knowledge of the State Superintendent that a County Superintendent is not attending to the duties of his office, he shall withhold from such County SuperintendentjDrders for his quarterly salary until the Board shall direct such orders to be drawn. 44. Normal graduates, who have completed the two years' course, shall be entitled to the Third Grade State Certificate, and those who have completed the three years' course shall be entitled to the Second Grade State Certificate. INDEX INDEX. THE SCHOOL LAW. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Page. Appointment to, section 27 10 BOARDS OF EXAMINERS. City Boards of, section 50 19 County Boards of, section 49 18 Fees of County Examiners, section 49.... 18 Meetings of County Boards of, rule 1 101 State Board of, section 48 18 BONDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Assessment for payment of, section 89 34 Attorney-General to approve, section 88 34 Authority to issue, section 87 ,. 34 Borrow from School Fund, section 70 26 Coupon bonds, shall be, section 88 34 Interest, rate of, section 87 34 Issued, for what purposes may be, section 87 34 Lien upon entire District, section 88 34 CERTIFICATES. Average required, rule 18 104 Branches required for county, rules 3, 4 and 5 101, 102 Branches required for State, rules 10, 11 and 12 102, 103 Life certificate without examination, rule 13 103 Normal graduates, certificates to, rule 44 107 Special credit marks, rules 16 and 17 103 Special examinations, rule 39 107 Special teachers, certificates for, rule 6 102 Teachers required to hold, section 43 16 Written examinations, rule 14 103 CITIES. Boards of Examiners, section 50 19 Census, time of taking, section 36a 13 City Superintendents, powers of, section 20 8 Compensation for taking census, section 366 13 Current expenses, use of appropriation for, section 2 40 (111) 112 INDEX. CITIES Continued. Exceeding appropriations, penalty for 39 Incorporated cities and towns shall form but one School District, section 24.. 9 Modifications of appropriations, section 1 40 Penalty for failure of City Superintendent to report, section 93 35 Presidents of Boards of Education, salary of 46- Reports of City Superintendents, section 30 .' 10- State Association of School Superintendents, section 29 10 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. District Clerk, to report non-attendance, section 3 37 Penalty for non-attendance, section 2 37 Time children must attend school, section 1 37 Township Collectors to collect fine, section 3 37 CONDEMNING LAND FOR SCHOOL HOUSE. Appeal to Circuit Court, section 5 45 Award of Commissioners to be filed, section 3 43 Commissioners to assess value, appointment of, section 3 43- Notice to owners of appointment of Commissioners, section 3 43 Payment of award to owners, section 4 44 Power to provide land, section 1 42 Survey, power of Trustees to, section 2 43- Vacancy in Board of Commissioners, how filled, section 3 45 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. Prohibition, section 98 36 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. Agent for books, &c., shall not act as, rule 28 105 Agricultural College, appoint students to, section 27 10 Annual report, section 30 10 Appoint Trustees and District Clerks, section 25 9 Appointed by State Board of Education, section 19 7 Apportion State appropriation, section 23 9 Apportion State school tax, section 81 30 Apportion interest of surplus revenue, section 90 35 Apportionment, statement of, to be given to certain officers, section 23 9 Boundaries of Districts, fix and after, section 24 and rule 32 9, 105 Condemn school houses, power to, section 62 23- Confirmed by Freeholders, section 19a 8 Course of study, power to prescibe, section 39, division VI 14 Decide disputes, section 28 10 Distribute blanks, &c., rule 25 104 Examiners, to appoint county, section 49 18 Examinations, power to grant special, rule 39 107 Expenses, payment of, section 20o 8 Graded schools, to call meetings to establish, section 61 22 Institutes, to assist at, rule 31 105 INDEX. 113 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS Continued. Page. License teachers, section 24 9 Map of District boundaries, to furnish, rule 32 105 Monthly reports, rule 35 106 Oath, power to administer, section 99 36 Orders for Examiner's salary, to draw, section 49 ^.... 18 Orders for school moneys, to draw, section 23 9 Penalty for failure to report, rule 37 106 Penalty for non-performance of duties, rule 43 107 Preserve reports, &c., rule 27 105 Record of condition of school, to keep, rule 23 104 Report to State Superintendent at close of term, rule 36 106 Salary, section 20 , 8 State Association of Superintendents, section 29 10 Term of office, section 19 and rule 42 7,107 Text-books, power to prescribe, section 39, division VI 14 Township Boards of Trustees, shall hold meetings of, sections 31a and 40... 11, 15 Township tax, ascertain amount of, rule 30 105 Withhold school moneys from Districts, section 26 10- Visitation of schools, rule 22 104 DISTRICT CLERK. Affidavit, authorized to take, section 4 41 Annual report to County Superintendent, section 36 ; 12 Bonds, to draw warrant for payment of, section 89 34 Census, to take, section 36 12 District tax, clerk to notify certain persons of, section 86 32 Election of, section 34 12 Financial account, to keep, section 35 12 Financial report to County Superintendent, section 35 12 Financial report to District, section 35 12 Financial report to Township Committee, section 35 12 Minutes of District meetings, section 35 1 Minutes of Trustee meetings, section 35 12 Notices of District meetings, to post, section 31 11 Orders, to issue, sections 35 and 84 12, 31 Penalty for failure to report, section 93 35 Repairs to school house, section 37 13 Report non-attendance of children, section 3 37 Supplies for school, to furnish, sections 37 and 3 13, 41 Vacancy, how filled, section 29 9- Vaccination, to record all children in need of, section 10 42 DISTRICT SCHOOLS. Boundaries, how fixed, section 24 and rule 32 9, 105 Buildings, how provided, section 62 23 Change of boundaries while tax is pending, rule 34 106 Kept open, how long shall be, sections 11 and 63 5, 23 Penalty for not providing suitable buildings, section 62 23 114 INDEX. DISTRICT SCHOOLS Continued. Pa ge . School month, section 44 16 School year, section 64 23 $200 Districts, section 81 30 $350 Districts, section 81 30 DISTRICT SCHOOL TAX. Amount, how determined, section 86 32 Annual meeting, may be ordered at, section 86 32 Assessment of, section 86 32 Bonds, payment of, section 89 34 Compensation for assessing and collecting, section 86a 33 Notice of meeting to order tax, section 86 32 Notice of tax ordered to be given by District Clerk, section 86 32 Payment to District, section 86 32 Poll tax, when authorized, section 86 32 Raised, for what purposes, section 86 32 Special meeting, may be ordered at, sections 39, division XI. and 86 15, 32 GRADED SCHOOLS. How established, section 61 22 Trustees of, section 61 22 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. Control of moneys, section 2 .41. 47 Control of schools, section 4 48 Compensation of Trustees, section 5 48 State appropriation to, section 1 47 Subscription by citizens, section 1 47 Tax may be raised by city, section 3 48 Trustees, how appointed, section 4 48 LIBRARIES. Amount of first payment, section 95 ?....'. 36 Amount of subsequent payments, section 95 , 36 Appropriation for, section 95... 36 Conditions on which payments are made, section 95 36 Expended for what purposes, section 95 36 Rules prescribed, section 97 36 Selection of books, section 96 36 MISCELLANEOUS. Cumberland County, vote by ballot in certain cases in 39 Exceeding appropriations, penalty for 39 Penalty for injuring school property, section 7 38 Repealer, section 100 37 Vaccination, District Clerk to record all children in need of, section 10 42 MODEL SCHOOL. Object of, section 59 59 INDEX. 115 NORMAL SCHOOL. Page. Annual report, section 54 20 Application for admission, section 55a 21 Appropriation for support of, section 60 22 Certificates to graduates, rule 44 107 Compensation of Trustees, section 53 20 Course of study, how prescribed, section 54 20 Diplomas to graduates, section 54 20 Examination of applicants, section 56 22 Number of pupils, section 55 20 Object of, section 51 19 Pledge of pupils, section 55a 20 Quorum of Trustees, section 52a 20 Repairs to buildings, section 2, division VI 4 Scholarship fund, section 55a 21 School year, section 60a 22 State Superintendent member of board, section 52 20* Supervision of, section 54 20 Teachers, how appointed, section 58 22 Text-books, Trustees to provide, section 58 22 Treasurer of/section 54 20 Trustees, how appointed, section 52 20 Tuition gratuitous, section 58 22 Vacancies, how filled, section 57 22 PUPILS. Colored children not to be excluded, section 1 76 Comply with rules, section 47 17 by, who liable for, section 47 17 ?, how collected, section 47 17 Penalty for excluding colored children, section 2 46 Submit to teacher, section 47 17 Suspension, liable to, section 47 17 RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Section 65 2a SCHOOL FUND. Apportionment of appropriation from, section 10 5- Appropriation from income, section 73 27 Compensation of Trustees of, section 69 25 Fund, how constituted, sections 66, 67 and 68 24 Investment of, section 69 25 Loan to School District, Trustees may, section 70 26 Payment of appropriation to counties, section 82 30 Purchase land, Trustees may, section 69o 25 Rate of interest on loans from, section 70 27 Report concerning, section 71 27 Secretary of Trustees of, section 72 27 t 116 INDEX. SCHOOL FUND Continued. Page . Sell land, Trustees may, section 696 26 Trustees of, section 65 23 United States bonds, Trustees may purchase, section 69c 26 SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Affidavit required to bills, section 4 41 Annual report, section 39, division XIII 15 Bills shall be passed on in open session, section 2 40 Books, power to provide, section 39, division VIII 14 Borrow money, section 39, division III 14 Contract with teacher, rule 33 106 Condemn land for school house, section 1 42 Corporate name, section 38 13 Course of study, power to prescribe, section 39, division VI 14 District Clerk, election of, section 34 12 District Clerk may purchase supplies, section 3 41 Election of Trustees, section 31 11 Eligible, who are, section 31 11 Erect school houses, section 39, division III 14 Expel and suspend pupils, section 39, division VII 14 Itemized bills required, section 3 41 Meetings of Township Boards of, section 31a 11 Minutes of Trustee meetings, section 35 12 New Districts, Trustees of, section 33 12 Penalty for violating act of March 10th, 1880, section 5 41 Register, require teacher to keep, section 39, division X 15 Regular meetings of Trustees, section 1.. 40 Rent school houses, section 39, division IV 14 Repairs to school house, section 37 13 Rules for school, to prescribe, section 39, division II 14 Special meetings of Trustees, section 1 40 Special meetings of District, power to call, section 39, division XI 15 Supplies, to provide, section 37 13 Teachers, &c., to employ and dismiss, section 39, division 1 14 Term of office, section 32 11 Text- books, power to prescribe, section 39, division VI 14 Townships, Boards of, section 40 15 Use of school house for other purposes, section 39, division XII 15 Women eligible as Trustees, section 31 11 SECTARIAN SCHOOLS. Money not to be appropriated to, section 80 29 STATE ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Section 29 10 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Amendments to school law, to recommend, section 2, division II 3 Annual report of, section 4 4 INDEX. 117 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Continued. Page. Appeals, power to hear, section 2, division VIII 4 Apportionment of reserve fund, section 80 29 By-Laws, power to make, section 2, division I 3 Compensation of, section 3 4 County Superintendents, to appoint, section 2, division IV 3 How composed, section 1 3 Normal School, repairs to, section 2, division VI 4 Quorum of, section la 3 Rules to make effective the school law, to make, section 2, division 1 3 State Superintendent, to appoint, section 2, division III 3 State Superintendent, to approve incidental expenses of, section 2, divi- sion VII 4 Teachers' Institutes, make rules for, section 2, division V 4 STATE SCHOOL TAX. Accounts, how kept, section 84 31 Amount, how determined, section 77 28 Apportionment for collection, section 78 28 Apportionment of reserve fund, section 80 29 Apportionment by County Superintendents, section 81 30 Assessment of, section 77 , 28 Balance paid to successor by Collector, section 84 31 Collection of, section 77 28 Compensation of Township Collectors, section 84 31 Custodians of school moneys, section 84 31 Fractional Districts, custodians in, section 85 32 Incidentals, amount allowed for, section 91 35 Payment to counties, section 80 29 Penalty for misuse of school money, section 92 35 Report of Collectors to certain persons, section 84 31 Reserve fund, how determined, section 80 29 State Treasurer, payment of tax to, section 79 29 Township Collectors, payment to, section 83 30 $200 Districts, section 81 30 $350 Districts, section 81 30 STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Annual report of, section 17 6 Appeals from decision of, section 2, division VIII 4 Appeals to, section 28 10 Apportion State appropriation, section 10 5 Apportionment, statement to be given to certain persons, section 10 5 Blanks, &c., to furnish, section 12 6 Books, &c., to collect, section 14 6 Boundaries of District, to approve changes in, rule 38 107 Decide disputes, section 13 6 Deliver property to successor, section 18 7 Election of, section 5 4 118 INDEX. STATE SUPERINTENDENT Continued. Page. Examiners, member of Boards of, section 8 5 Incidental expenses of, section 2, division VII 4 Normal School, member of Board, section 52 20 Office, location of, section 6 4 Orders for State appropriation, to draw, section 10 5 Orders for school tax, to draw, section 80 29 Reports, &c., to preserve, section 15 6- Revoke teachers' certificates, power to, section 18a 7 Rules of State Board, to enforce, section 7 4 Salary of, section 5 4 Seal, section 16 6 Secretary of State Board, section 8 5- State Association of Superintendents, President of, section 8 & Supervision of schools, section 9 & Teachers' Institutes, expenses of, section 76 28 Term of office, section 5 4 Withhold salary from certain persons, section 18a T Withhold school money from Districts, section 11 & SURPLUS REVENUE. Interest to be appropriated to schools, section 90 35- Penalty for misuse of, section 92 35- TEACHERS. Authority over pupils, section 45 17 Certificate, to hold a, section 43 16- Contract with Trustees, rule 33 106- Dismissal of, section 46 17 Holidays, section 44 16 Institute, must attend, rule 40 107 Penalty for failure to keep Register, section 41 15 Penalty for failure to make report, section 42 1& Register, to keep, section 41 1<> Report to County Superintendent, section 42 16- Report to District Clerk, section 42 16- TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. Appropriation for, section 76 2.8- TOWNSHIP COLLECTOR. Accounts, how kept, section 84 31 Balance paid to successor, section 84 v---- Compensation of, section 84 31 Custodian of school money, section 84 31 Custodian of money of fractional Districts, section 85 32: Report to certain persons, section 84 31 TOWNSHIP TAX. Amount to be raised, section 77 2$ Custodian of, section 84 31 Penalty for misuse of, section 92 35- INDEX. 119 BLANKS AND FORMS. FORMS FOR STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Page. Order for County Superintendent's salary, No. 1 63 Order for County Superintendent's expenses, No. 2 53 Order on Comptroller for State appropriation of $100,000, No. 3 54 Order on Comptroller for State school tax, No. 4 54 Order for library appropriation, No. 10 56 Teacher's State certificate, first grade, No. 58 83 Teacher's State certificate, second grade, No. 59 83 Teacher's State certificate, third grade, No. 60 84 FORMS FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. Appointment to fill a vacancy in a Board of Trustees, No. 26 66 Appointment of District Clerk, No. 27 66 Appointment of Trustees for a new District, No. 28 67 Certificate of County Superintendent in appeals, No. 61 84 Directions given to candidates for certificates before being examined, No. 81.. 98 Form of certificate condemning a school house, No. 63 85 Notice by County Superintendent to the District Clerks of Districts to be affected by proposed District changes, No. 35 70 Notice of meeting of Township Board of Trustees, No. 36 70 Notice to Township Collector directing him to withhold school moneys from a teacher, No. 38 72 Notice to Township Collector directing him to withhold school moneys from a District, No. 39 72 Notice of meeting of examination of teachers, No. 40 72 Notice to teacher revoking his certificate, No. 41 > 73 Notice to District Clerk, informing him of the revocation of teacher's certifi- cate, No. 42 73 Notice by County Superintendent of apportionment of school moneys, No. 43.. 74 Order on County Collector for State appropriation of $100,000, No. 5 54 Order on County Collector for State school tax, No. 6 55 Order on County Collector for interest of surplus revenue, No. 7 55 Order for County Examiner's salary, No. 8 55 Order organizing a Union School District, for the purpose of establishing a Graded School, No. 32 69 Order organizing a School District, No. 33 69 Order altering the boundaries of a School District, No. 34 70 Request for District Clerk to call a special school meeting for establishing a Graded School, No. 29 67 Teacher's county certificate, first grade, No. 55 80 Teacher's county certificate, second grade, No. 56 81 Teacher's eounty certificate, third grade, No. 57 82 FORMS FOR DISTRICT CLERK. Certificate of the amount of school tax voted to be raised at a regular school meeting, in a School District, to be delivered by the District Clerk to the Township Assessor, No. 52 78 120 INDEX. FORMS FOR DISTRICT CLERK Continued. Certificate of the amount of school tax voted to be raised at a special school meeting, in a School District, to be delivered by the District Clerk to the Township Assessor, No. 53 79> District Clerk's account with District, No. 37 71 Duties of District Clerk, No. 74 92 Financial report of District Clerk to County Superintendent, No. 13 58 Financial report of District Clerk to Township Committee, No. 14 58 Financial report of District Clerk to people of the District, No. 15 59- Form of resignation, No. 48 76 Minutes of Trustee meeting, No. 67 87 Notice to County Superintendent of a vacancy in Board of Trustees, No. 25, 66 Notice for a special District meeting for considering the question of estab- lishing a Graded School, No. 30 68 Notice to County Superintendent, giving the result of the action of a school meeting called for the purpose of establishing a Graded School, No. 31.. 68 Notice for annual meeting for the election of Trustees, No. 44 75 Notice for a meeting of the District Board of Trustees, No. 45 75 Notice by District Clerk to County Superintendent of the election of Trus- tees, No. 46 75 Notice for the annual District meeting for determining what District school tax shall be assessed, No. 49 76 Report of District Clerk to County Superintendent of the amount of District school tax ordered to be raised, No. 17 59 Report of non-attendance of children at school, No. 72 91 Various specifications of business to be transacted that may be inserted in any notice for District meeting, as they may be needed, No. 51 77 FORMS FOR DISTRICT TRUSTEES. Annual report of Trustees to the District, No. 16 59 Application for State aid to establish a library, No. 9 56 Application for loan from School Fund, No. 80 97 Bonds to be issued for loan from School Fund, No. 79 96 Form of resignation, No. 48 76 Form of certificate condemning a school house, No. 63 85 Form of contract between District and teacher, No. 75 93 Form of a lease, No. 76 93 Form of a deed of a school house site, No. 77 94 Form of contract for building a school house, No. 78 95 Notice for a special District meeting for determining what District School shall be assessed, No. 50 77 Order on Township Collector for teacher's salary. No. 11 57 Order on Township Collector for District school tax raised for other purposes than the payment of teacher's salary, No. 12 57 Various specifications of business to be transacted that may be inserted in any notice for District meeting, as they may be needed, No. 51 77 Warrant of the amount of school tax to be raised to meet maturing bonds and accruing interest, 'to be delivered by the District Clerk to the Town- ship Assessor, N. 54 79 INDEX. 121 FORMS FOR TEACHERS OmtfmwA Page. Form of contract between District and teacher, No. 75 93 Manner of keeping the School Register, No. 21 62 Teacher's report to County Superintendent, when leaving a school before the end of the school year (see note), No. 22 63 Teacher's annual report to County Superintendent, No. 23 64 Teacher's annual report to District Clerk, No. 23 64 Teacher's quarterly report to District Clerk. No. 24 65 Teacher's report of the suspension of a pupil to the Trustees, No. 64 85 FORMS FOR TOWNSHIP COLLECTORS. Duties of Township Collector, No. 73 91 Financial report of Township Collector to County Superintendent, No. 20.... 61 Financial report of Township Collector to Township Committee, No. 20 61 Report of Township Collector to County Superintendent of Township school tax ordered to be raised, No. 18 60 Township Collector's account with District, No. 37 71 FORMS FOR DISTRICT SCHOOL MEETINGS. Certificate to be attached to proceedings of a District meeting by the person acting as Secretary, No. 68 87 Minutes of a District school meeting for the election of Trustees, No. 66 86 Minutes of District school meeting for raising District tax, No. 69 88 Minutes of District school meeting ordering a new school house erected, No. 70 88 Minutes of an adjourned District school meeting 89 Minutes of District school meeting ordering the bonding of the District, No. 71 90 Notice to be given by the Secretary of a District school meeting to the officers elected, No. 47 76 Orcler of business at a District school meeting, No. 65 86 MISCELLANEOUS FORMS AND DIRECTIONS. Appeal to the State Superintendent, No. 62 85 Calendar for school elections and duties, No. 82 99 Report of County Clerk to County Superintendent of the names and post office addresses of the Township Collectors and City Treasurers, No. 19.. 60 Rules and regulations prescribed by the State Board of Education for the government of school officers 101 AMENDMENTS TO 1 SCHOOL LAW. AN ACT concerning cities of the third class. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That in cities of the third class the term of office of members of the board of education shall be for as many years as there are members of such board of education elected from each ward ; and that at each annual municipal election after the next succeeding election, each ward shall elect one member of such board of education. i 2. And be it enacted, That at the next succeeding municipal election the members of thv board of educa- tion shall be elected as heretofore, and at the first meet- ing of such board of education then elected, the mem- bers from each ward shall, by lot, divide themselves into classes, so that the term of office of one member from each ward shall expire in each succeeding year. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect im- mediately. Approved February 20, 1883. SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled " An act concerning taxes," approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That hereafter there shall not be assessed upon any inhabitant of this state any poll tax for any of the purposes provided for in any special or local law of this state in excess of the sum of one dollar, any such special or local law or any general law of this state to the contrary notwithstanding. 2. And be it enacted, That in all the counties in this state where any special or local law now provides for the assessment of a poll tax in excess of the sum of one AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAW. dollar for any purpose whatever, the tax necessary for such purpose shall hereafter be assessed and levied upon the property in such county in- the same manner as other counties are now assessed and levied. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 5, 1883. AN ACT to limit the age and employment hours of labor of children, minors and women, and to appoint an in- spector for the enforcement of the same. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That after the fourth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, no boy under the age of twelve years, nor any girl under four- teen years of age, shall be employed in any factory, work- shop, mine, or establishment where the manufacture of any goods whatever is carried on. 2. And be it enacted. That on and after the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, no child between the ages of twelve and fifteen years shall be employed in any factory, workshop, mine, or estab- lishment where the manufacture of any kinds of goods whatever is carried on, unless such child shall have at- tended, within twelve months immediately preceding such employment, some public day or night school, or some well recognized private school ; such attendance to be for five days or evenings every week during a period of at least twelve consecutive weeks, which may be divided into two terms of six consecutive weeks each, so far as the arrangement of school terms will permit, and unless such child, or his parents or guardian shall have presented to the manufacturer, merchant, or other em- AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAW. ployer seeking to employ such child, a certificate giving the name of his parents or guardian, the name and number of the schools attended, and the number of weeks in attendance, such certificate to be signed by the teacher or teachers of such child ; provided, that in case the age of the child be not known, such teacher shall certify that the age given is the true age, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief ; provided, that in case of orphan children, where necessity may seem to require, the guardian or others having charge of the same may, upon application to the inspector provided for in this act, receive from him a permit for the employment of such child or children, under such regulations as the said inspector may prescribe. 3. And be it enacted, That no child or children under the age of fourteen years shall be employed in any fac- tory, workshop, mill, or establishment where the manu- facture of any kind of goods is carried on, for a longer period than an average of ten hours in a day, or sixty hours in a week. 4. And be it enacted, That every manufacturer, mer- chant, or other employer employing any person contrary to the provisions of this act, or who shall be guilty of any violation hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined for each offence, in a sum of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, and in default of payment of the same, shall be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than thirty nor more than ninety days, and that every head of a family, parent or guardian, who knowingly permits the employment of such children shall be likewise subject to a fine of not more than twenty-five nor less than ten dollars, for every child so employed, and for each offence, and in default of such payment, shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of not less than ten days nor more than twenty days; a certificate of the age of the minor, made by him or her, and by his or her parent or guardian, at the time of employment, shall be conclusive evidence of AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAW. the age of such minor, upon any trial for the violation of this act; provided, that the provisions in this act, in relation to the hours of employment, shall not apply to or affect any person engaged in preserving perishable goods in fruit-canning establishments. 5. And be it enacted, That the governor shall, immedi- ately after the passage of this bill, appoint, with the ad- vice and consent of the senate, some suitable person, who shall be a resident and citizen of this state, as in- spector, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per year, to be paid monthly, whose term of office shall be for three years; the said inspector shall be empowered to visit and inspect, at all reasonable hours, and as often^as practicable, the factories, workshops, mines and other establishments in the state where the manufacture or sale of any kind of goods is carried on, and to report to the governor of this state on or before the thirty-first day of October, in each year; it shall also be the duty of said inspector to enforce the provisions of this act, and prosecute all violations of the same in any recorders' courts of cities, and justices of the peace, or other courts of competent jurisdiction in the state. 6. And be it enacted, That all necessary expenses in- curred by said inspector, in the discharge of his duty, shall be paid from the funds of the state, upon the pre- sentation of proper vouchers of the same ; provided, that not more than five hundred dollars shall be expended by him in any one year. 7. And be it enacted, That all fines collected under this act shall enure to the benefit of the school fund of the district where the offence has been committed. 8. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect immedi- ately. Approved March 5, 1883. AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAW. S.upplement approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three. AN ACT regulating the number of school trustees to be elected in the respective school districts of this state, being a supplement to an act entitled "An -act to establish a system of public instruction," approved March seventeenth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. 1. BE IT ENACTED, by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That whenever it shall appear by the annual school census that there are five hundred (500) or more children of legal school age in any school district having but three trustees, then it shall be lawful for the legal voters of the said district at their next annual meeting for the election of school trustees, to determine by a majority vote of those present whether the number of school trustees shall or shall not be increased to six (6). 2. And be it enacted, That in case it be decided to in- crease the number of school trustees in any such school district to six, then the said legal voters shall proceed to elect in the manner in which school trustees are now elected, three additional trustees, one to hold office for one year, one for two years and one for three years, and annually thereafter trustees shall be elected for the terms of three years to fill the places of those whose terms expire. 3. And be it enacted, That in case it be decided not to increase the number of school trustees, the vote shall be binding upon the district for that year only. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the district clerk in districts coming within the provisions of the first section of this act, in his notices of the annual meetings for the election of school trustees, to insert a notice that there are within the district five hundred (500) or more children of legal school age, and AMENDMENTS TO SCHOOL LAW. that it will be determined at said annual meeting whether the board of school trustees shall consist of three or six ; provided, that in case it shall be deter- mined at any such meeting not to increase the number to six, then the clerk of said district shall not again insert such notice unless directed so to do by a vote of the trustees ; provided further, that no vote shall be taken upon this subject unless public notice shall have been given as herein provided for. 5. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in- consistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Amendment passed March twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That section twenty-six of the act entitled "An act to establish a system of public instruction " [Revision], approved March twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : 26. And be it enacted, That he shall have power to withhold that part of the state appropriation derived from the revenue of the state from any district in which the inhabitants fail to provide a suitable school building and outhouses ; provided, that no building of two or more stories, used for the purpose of public instruction, in which any of the doors, at places of exit, are so con- structed as to open inwardly, shall be considered a suit- able school building within the meaning of this section.