LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF .u..- Q^...-..L^.Q.y),A<^J^ Class SAMPLE COPY. NEW PRACTICAL ALGEBRA, PRICE. For Introduction, _------ ^I.QO In Exchange for book in use on sanne subject, - - 5^ *^^^- Books ordered for introduction will be delivered at above named rate in any part of the United /States. A sample copy for examination, with a vino to introduction, will be sent by mail to teacher or school officer on receipt of the introduction price. Address, Clark & Maynard, New York. wrrts\jvT\j r^i.».»o.i^, giving au LUO short ways of computing emplbyed by the beet accoantants. t*» well as the eeneral roles and basinees methods which every man needoto have at hsxi^y—New Eng- land Joumai Uiuiiu\ A..U., I'nu.qf Biffh School, Wii- liameport, Fa.~ "It is excellent. We like It exceeding- ly."— J^rom* AUm, State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn. 832 pages, 12mo, cloth. EFF'NGHAM Maynard & Co., Publishers, New York. A Text-Book on Commercial Law. A Manual of the Fundamental Principles Governing Business Transactions. For the Use of Commercial Colleges, High Schools arid Academies. By Saxter S. Clark, Counsellor-at- Law. Reviser of Young's Government Clasa-Book. Handsomely printed. 12mo. 300 pp. The design of the author In this volume has been to present Pimply, and compactly, the principles of law aflFectingr the ordinary transactions of commercial life, In the form of a Class-book for Schools and Commercial Colleges. The plan of the book is as follows : After a short introduction upon the relations of National and State law, and of constitutional, statute, and common law, it is divided into two parts. Part I. treats of principles applicable to all kinds of business, in tiiree divi- sions, treating respectively of Contracts, Agency and Partnership, with a fourth division embracing^the subject of Corporations, and a few others general in their nature. Part II. takes up in order the most prominent kinds of business transactions, paying chief attention to the subjects, Sale of Goods, and Commercial Paper, and Is to a large extent an application of the principles contained in the preceding part. The chief aim has been throughout to make it a book practically use- ful, and one easily taught, understood and remembered. As subserving those purposes attention may be called to the following features among others-— the use of schemes in graded type, which summarizing a suliject Impresses it upon the mind through the eye; the summaries of leading rules at different points : a table of definitions : the forms of business papers most frequently met with ; and the frequent use of examples and cross-references. The work is used in nearly all of the leading Commercial Colleges of the country. RECOMMENDATIONS. FmrnJi. F. Moore, A.M., Pre/t. Southern Business University. Atlanta, Oa. I find the work fully adapted for use in buRiness schools an a text book, on account of its conciseness ; also to the accountant as a book of reference on points of commercial law and business forms. It is the most complete and concise work on the subject that I have peen. Soubeb's Chicago Business Collkgr, Chicago, 111., Aug, 14, 1883. Send to my address, by freight, 200 Clark's Commercial Law. J. J. SOUDER, Prop'r. Spencerian Business College, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug, 1, 1882, ' Please forward me, by express, 100 copies Clark's Commercial Law. II. C. SPENCER, Principal. The B. and S. Davenpobt Business College, Davenport, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1882. You may ship us, by freight, 120 Clark's Commercial Law. LILLIBRIDGE & VALENTINE, Principals. Metropolitan Business College, Chicago, 111., Aug. 8, 1882. Please ship us 150 Clark's Commercial Law, HOWE & POWERS, Prop'rs, Lawrence Business College, Lawrence, Kan., Aug, 25, 1882. Please send us 100 copies of Clark's Commercial Law. BOOR & McILRAVY, Prop'rs. New Jersey Business College, Newark, N. J., Sept. 22, 1882. Please send us, by express, 60 Clark's Commercial Law. MILLER & DRAKE, Priricipals. EFflNGHAM MAYNARD & CO.. Publishers, New York. w^:^Z Demonstration, 6^ Least Common Multiple of Polynomials, - • 69 6 CONTENTS, PAGE Fractions, •..yo Signs of Fractions, --.--..71 Reduction of Fractions, ----- . y^ Common Denominators, - - - • - - 77 Least Common Denominator, - - • - - 7^ Addition of Fractions, - - - - - 80 Subtraction of Fractions, ---.-- 82 Multiplication of Fractions, - • • - - 84 Division of Fractions, --.••- 89 Simple Equations, 95 Transposition, -----.--96 Reduction of Equations, -- - - - - 97 Simiittaneons Equations, - - - - 112 Elimination by Comparison, - - - - -113 Elimination by Substitution, - - - - -114 Elimination by Addition or Subtraction, - - - 115 Three or More Unknown Quantities, - - - - 120 Generalir^ation, 124 Formation of Rules, - - - - - - -126 Generalizing Problems in Percentage, - - - 128 Generalizing Problems in Interest, - - - - 13^ Conjunction of the Hands of a Clock, - - - 133 Involution, 134 Reciprocal Powers, - -135 Negative Exponents, - - - - - - -135 Zero Power, - - - - - - - -136 Formation of I^owers, i3<^ Formation of Binomial Squares, - - - - 139 Binomial Theorem, - - - • - - -140 General Rule, ---141 Addition and Subtraction of Powers, - - - - 144 Multiplication and Division of Powers, - - - 145 Changing Sign of Exponent, - - • - - 146 Evolution, 147 Decimal Exponents, -- - - • - -149 CON^TENTS. 7 PAGE Signs of Roots, -------- 150 Square Root of the Square of a Binomial, - - 151 Square Root of a Polynomial, 152 General Rule, 153 JRadical Quantities^ 154 Reduction of Radicals, 155 Addition of Radicals, 159 Subtraction of Radicals, - - - - - -160 Multiplication of Radicals, - ----- 161 Division of Radicals, - - - - - -163 Involution of Radicals, - - - - - - 164 Evolution of Radicals, - - - -- -165 Changing Radicals to Rational Quantities, - - 166 Radical Equations, 169 Quadratic Equations^ 171 Pure Quadratics. - - - - - - -172 Affected Quadratics, - - - - - - -175 First Method of Completing a Square, - - - 176 Second Method of Completing a Square, - - - 179 Third Method of Completing a Square, - - - 180 Problems, -------- 184 Simultaneous Quadratics, - - - - - 187 Hatio, - 192 Proiwrtion, --..--- 196 Theorems, ------- 198-203 Problems, -------- 204 Arithmetical I^rof/ression, - - - - 205 The Last Term of an Arithmetical Series, - - 207 The Sum of an Arithmetical Series, - - - - 208 Miscellaneous Formulas in Arith. Progression, - 211 Inserting Arithmetical Means, - - - - -212 Problems, - - - - - - - -212 Geometrical JProffression^ - - - - 215 The Last Term of a Geometrical Series, - - 216 The Sum of a Geometrical Series, - - - - 2 1 7 8 CONTENTS PAGE Miscellaneous Formulas in Geometrical Progression, - 220 Inserting Geometrical Means, - - - - 221 Problems, -------. 221 Harmonical Progression, - - - - - 223 Infinite Series, - - - - - . . -226 })Ogarithnis, 232 Finding the Logarithm of a Number, - - - 235 To find the Number belonging to a Logarithm, - - 236 Multiplication by Logarithms, - - - - - 237 Division by Logarithms, - - - . - 238 Involution by Logarithms, - - - . . 238 Evolution by Logarithms, - - - - -239 Compound Interest by Logarithms, - - - - 240 Table of Logarithms, - - -.- - -241 Mathematical Induction^ - - - - 243 Business Formulas, 245 Formulas for Profit and Loss, - - - - - 245 Formulas for Simple Interest, - - - - 247. Formulas for Compound Interest, - - - - 248 Formulas for Discount, - - - - - -250 Formulas for Compound Discount, - - - - 251 Formulas for Commercial Discount, - - - 252 Formulas for Investments, - - - - _ 253 Formulas for Sinking Funds, - - - - 255 Formulas for Annuities, - - - - - -257 Discussion of ProhlemSy - - - - 261 Problem of the Couriers, - - - - - -262 Imaginary Quantities, - • • • - -265 Iiidsterminate and Impossible Problems, - • - 267 Negative Solutions, ._.--- 268 Horner's Method of Approximation, - - - - 269 Test Examples for Review, - - - - - 274 Appendix, --------- 283 Collegiate Examination Problems, - - - - 291 Answers, --------- 295 ALGEBRA CHAPTEE I. INTRODUCTION. Art. 1. Algebra* is the art of computing by letters and signs. These letters and signs are called Symbols, 2. Quantity is anything which can be measured; as distance, weight, time, number, &c. 3. A Measure of a quantity is a unit of that quantity established by law or custom, as the Standard Unit. Thus, the measure of distance is the yard ; of weight, the Troy pound; of time, the mean solar day, etc. NOTATION. 4. Quantities in Algebra are expressed by letters, or by a combination of letters and figures j as, a, h, c, z^, 4y, Sz, etc. The first letters of the alphabet are used to express known quantities; the last letters, those which are unktiown. Questions.— I. What is algebra ? Letters and signis called ? 2. Quantity? 3. A measure ? 4. How are quantities expressed ? * From the Arabic al and gdbron, reduction of parts to a whole. 10 INTEODUCTION-. 5. The Letters employed have no fixed numerical value of themselves. Any letter may represent any num- ber, and the same letter may represent clijfere7it numbers, subject to one limitation; the same letter must always stand for the same number throughout the same problem. 6. The delations of quantities, and the operations to be performed, are expressed by the same signs as in Arith- metic. 7. The Sign of Addition is a perpendicular cross, cdXlQdi plus ; * as, +. Thus, a+& denotes the sum of a and &, and is read, " a plus &," or ••a added to &." 8. The Sign of Subtraction is a short, horizontal line, called mi?ius j f as, — . Thus, a — b shows that the quantity after the sign is to be subtract- ed from the one before it, and is read, " a minus b," or "a less b." 9. The Sign of Multiplication is an oblique cross; as, x. Thus, a X 6 shows that a and b are to be multiplied together, and is read, *'a times &," " a into 6," or "a multiplied by 6.'* 10. Multiplication is also denoted by a period be- tween the factors ; as, a • h. But the multiplication of letters is more commonly ex- pressed by writing them together, the signs being omitted. Thus, sa&c is equivalent to 5 x a x & x c. 11. The Sign of Division is a short, horizontal iine between the points of a colon ; as, -^. Thus, n-i-b shows that the quantity before the sign is to be divided by the one after it, and is read, " a divided by b." 5. Value of the letters ? 6. Relations of quantities expressed ? 7. Describe the sign of addition. 8. Subtraction. 9. Mntiplication. 10. How else denoted ? ♦ The Latin term plus, signifies more. \ The Latin minus, signifies it«*t DEFIN^ITIONS. 11 12. Division is also denoted by writing the divisoi under the divide7id, with a short line between them. Thus, T shows that a is to be divided by 6, and is equivalent to a-i-h. 13. The Sign of Equality is two short, horizontal lines, equal and parallel; as, =. Thus, a = 6 shows that the quantity before the sign is equal to tht quantity after it, and is read, " a equals h" or *' a is equal to W* 14. The Sign of Inequality is an acute angle, with the opening turned toward the greater quantity; as, ><. Thus, a>h shows that a is greater than 6, and a<.h shows that a IS less than h. 15. The Parenthesis ( ), or Vinculum , indicates that the included quantities are taken collectively, or as one quantity. Thus, 3 (05 + 6) and a + 6 x 3, each denote that the sum of a and & is multiplied by 3. 16. The Double or Ambiguous Sign is a combi- nation of the ^[gn^plus and minus; as, ±. Thus, a±J) shows that 6 is to be added to or subtracted from a, and is read, " a plus or minus h.'* 17. The character ,*, , denotes hejice, therefore, 18. Every quantity is supposed to be preceded by the sign plus or minus. When no sign is prefixed, the sign -f is always understood. 19. Like Signs are those which are all plus, or oL minus ; as, + « + J + c, or —x — y — z, 20. Unlike Signs include both plus and minus; as, a — b-\-c and —x + y — z, II. Describe the sign of division ? 12. How else denoted ? 13. The sign of equality? 14. Of inequality? 15. Use of a parenthesis or vinculum ? 16. Double sign ? 17. Sign for " hence," etc. ? 18. By what is every quantity preceded ? When none is expressed, what is understood ? 10, Like signs ? 20. Unlike * 12 INTRODUCTION. 21. A Coefficient * is a number or letter prefixed to a quantity, to show liow many times the quantity is to be taken. Hence, a coefiicient is a multiplier ox factor. Coefficients may be numeral, literal, or mixed. Thus, in 5«, 5 is a numeral coefficient of a ; in he, 6 is a literal co- efficient of c ; in 2>dx, ^d is a mixed coefficient of x. When no numeral coefficient is expressed, i is always understood. Thus, a^ means lajy. EXERCISES IN NOTATION. 22. To express a Statement by Algebraic Symbols, It is required to express the following statement in algebraic symbols: 1. The product of a, I, and c, divided by the sum of c and d, is equal to the difference of x and y, increased by the product of a multiplied by 7. Ans. axbxc-T-{c + d) = {x — y) -{- ja. Or —77^ = {^ — y) + 7«- Hence, the Rule. — For the words, substitute the signs which indicate the relations of the quantities and the oj)erations to be per- formed. Express the following by algebraic symbols : 2. The sum of 4c, d, and m, diminished by $x, equals the product of a and b. 3. The product of 5c and d, increased by the quotient of a divided by b, equals the product of x and y. 21. A (Coefficient? When no coefficient is expressed, what is understood f 22. How translate a statement from common lan^age into algebraic symbols ? * Coefficient, Latin, con, with, and efficere, to effect ; literally, a eo-operator. EXEKCISES IK KOTATIOK. 13 4. The quotient of 3^ divided by 5^, increased by 4m, equals the sum of c and 6d, diminished by the product of 7« and x. 5. If to the difference between a and I, we add the product of X into y, the sum will be equal to m multiplied by 6n. 6. The difference between x and y, added to the sum of \a and h minus m, equals the product of c and d, increased by 15 times m. These and the following exercises should be supplemented by dictation, until the learner becomes familiar with them. 23. To translate Algebraic Expressions Into Common Language. Express the following statement in common language : Substituting words for signs, we have the sum of a and h, divided by d, equals twice the product of «, b, and c, dimin- ished by the sum of x and y, increased by the quotient of d divided by the product of a and h, Ans. Hence, the EuLE. — For the signs indicating the given relations and operations, substitute words. Express the following in common language: 2. \- a — b =: 1- axy — ^cd, X c Sa ^a — hcd 4o ax -\- be = 7,x, 5 X ^ ^ aic — x^ . cdh + x Zd --^- ' ^^- 2a xy a—b _x -\- y 2 Sa X a 3c 6 4Q^^y , a—b _x-\- y 2a -\- d 23. How translate algebraic exprespions into common language J 14 Il^^TRODUOTION'. ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. 24. An Algebraic Operation is combining quanti- ties according to the principles of algebra. 25. A Theorem is a statement of a principle to be proved. 25. a. A Problem is something proposed to be done, as a question to be solved. 26. The Equality between two quantities id denoted by the sign = . (Art. 13.) 27. The Expression of Equality between two quantities is called an Equation, Thus, 15 — 3 = 7 +5 is an equation. PROBLEMS. 28. The following problems are solved by combining the preceding principles with those of Arithmetic. I. A and B found a purse containing 12 dollars, and divided it in such a manner that B's share was three times as much as A's. How many dollars did each have ? By Arithmetic. — A had i share and B 3 shares ; now i share + 3 shares are 4 shares, which are equal to 12 dollars. If 4 shares equal 12 dollars, i share is equal to as many dollars as 4 is contained times in 12, which is 3. Therefore, A had 3 dollars, and B had 3 times as much, or 9 dollars. By ALGEBRA.~We represent opebatiok. A's share by a?, and form an -t-iGt o; = A s share, equation by treating this letter then ^X = B's share, as we treat the answer in proving and X -{- 2>^ ^= 12 dollars, an operation. If x represent A's ^^^^t is,' 4:^: = 1 2 dollars, share, 3a; will represent B's, and xt ^ i a , ^ n .1 !> Hence, a; = 3 doL, A. a;+3a;=i2 dollars, the sum of ' a ^ n both. Uniting the terms, we 3^ = 9 ^oL, B. have the equation, 4a? = 12 dollars. To remove the coefficient 4, we 24. What Is an algebraic operation ? 25. A problem ? A solution ? 26. Equality denoted ? 27- Tlie expression of equality called ? ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS. " 15 divide both sides of tlie equation by it. For, if equals are divided by- equals, the quotients are equal. Therefore, :c = 3 dollars, A's share, and 3a; = 9 dollars, B's share. (Ax. 5.) Proof. — By the first condition, 9 dollars, B's share = 3 times 3 dol- lars, A's share. By the second condition, 9 doDars + 3 dollars = 12 dollars, the sum found. Hence, 29. When a quantity on either side of the equation has a coefficient, that coefficient may be removed, hy dividing every term on both sides of the equation hy it. 2. A and B together have 15 pears, and A has twice as many as B : how many has each ? By Algebra. — If x represents B's number, 2.x will represent A's, and X+2X, or 3a;, will represent the number of both. Dividing both sides by the coefficient 3, we have a; = 5 pears, B's number, and 2X = 10 pears, A's. Note— It is advisable for the learner to solve each of the follow- ing problems by Arithmetic and by Algebra. 3. A lad bought an apple and an orange for 8 cents, pay- ing 3 times as much for the orange as for the apple. What was the price of each ? 4. A farmer sold a cow and a ton of hay for 40 dollars, the cow being worth 4 times as much as the hay. What was the value of each ? 5. The sum of two numbers is 36, one of which is 3 times the other. What are the numbers ? 6. A, B, and C have 28 peaches; B has twice as m.any as C, and A twice as many as B. How many has each ? 7. A father is 3 times the age of his son, and the sum of their ages is 48 years. How old is each ? 2^. How remove a coefficieijt ? OFBBATION, Let X = B's number; then 2X = A's « and 3ic = 15 pears. , *, x= s pears, B's. 22;= 10 pears, A's. 16 IN^TRODUCTION". 8. A and B trade in company, and gain loo dollars. If A puts in 4 times as much as B, what will be the gain of each? 9. The sum of three numbers is 90. The second is twice the first, and the third as many as the first and second: what are the numbers ? 10. A cow and calf were sold for 6;^ dollars, the cow being worth 8 times as much as the calf. What was the value of each? 11. A man being asked the price of his horse, rephed that his horse, saddle and bridle together were worth 126 dollars; that the saddle was worth twice as much as the bridle, and the horse 7 times as much as both the otherr What was each worth ? 12. A man bequeathed $36,000 to his wife, son and daughter, giving the son twice as much as the d?jghter, and the wife 3 times as much as the son and daughter. What did each receive ? 13. The sum of three numbers is 1872* the second is 3 times the first, and the third equals the o^ner two. What are the numbers ? . POWERS AND ROOTS. 30. A JPower is the product of two or more equal factors. Thus, the product 2 x 2, is the sqttare or second power of 2 ; a; X a; X a; is the cube or third power of x. 31. The Index or JEx2Jonent of a power is a figure or letter placed at the right, above the quantity. Thus, a' denotes a, or the first power. a^ " ax a, the square, or second power. a' ** ax ax a, the cube, or third power, etc. 32. A Hoot is one of the equal factors of a quantity. 30. What is a power? 31. How denoted? ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS. 17 33. Roots are denoted by the Madical Slf/n ^ prefixed to the quantity, or by a fractional exponent placed after it. Thus, -\/a, 0^, or ^a denote the square root of the quantity a ; ^ a shows that the cube root of a is to be extracted, etc. 34. The Tudedc of the Hoot is the figure placed over the radical sign. The index of the square root is usually omitted. (For negative indices, see Arts. 256, 258,) Eead the following examples : 1. «2 + 3«. 7. 4(a — hf. 2. ¥ — c2. 8. «2 ^ 2ah + 52. 3. « + 52 __ ^, g^ Va + h, 4. 01^ — y + y^* 10. 's/a^ — ^. 5. 2y^ ■\- ^ — z, II. 2«^ + c^ 6. 3(a2^^>). 12. 4x^ + 2y\ Write the following in algebraic language : 13. The square of a plus the square of b, 14. The square of the sum of a and i. 15. The sum of a and b, minus the square of c. 16. The square root of a, plus the square root of x, 17. The cube root of x, minus the fifth power of y. 18. The cube root of a, plus the square of i. ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS. 35. An Algebraic Expression is any quantity ex- pressed in algebraic language ; as, 30^, 5« — 7^, etc. 36. The Terms of an algebraic expression are those parts which are connected by the signs + and — . Thus, ina+h, there are two terms ; in ic+y x z—a there are three. 32. A root? 33. How denoted? 34. What is the fi^ire placed over ft? rac^iQ^ $ipi caU'-l ? 35- Wbat is an alget>r8i ^ = 4} (^ = 2, X = 6, y = 8, and z= 10: 14. a-\-(axx)-^C'\-yxz = what ? 15. 2^ ~ (a; — Z») 4- « X ^ X y + 2;^ = what ? AXIOMS. 59. An Aociom, is a self-evident truth. 1. Things which are equal to the same thing, are equal to each other. 2. If equals are added to equals, the sums are equal. 3. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. 4. If equals are multiplied bj equals, the products are equal. 5. If equals are divided by equals, the quotients are equal. 6. If a quantity is multiplied and divided by the same quantity, its t^^^^^^e is not altered. 7. If the same quantity is added to and subtracted from another quantity, the value of the latter is not altered. 8. The whole is greater than its part. 9. The whole is equal to the sum oi all its parts. 10. Like powers and like roots of equal quantities, are equal. Note. — The importance of tliorougUy understanding the defini- tions and principles cannot be too deeply impressed upon the mind of the learner. The questions at the foot of the page are designed to direct his attention to the more important points. Teachers, of course, will not be confined to them. CHAPTER II. ADDITION. 60. Addition in Algebra is uniting two or more quan fcities and reducing them to the simplest form. 61. The Mesult is called the Sum or Amount. 62. Quantities expressed by letters are regarded as concrete quantities. Hence, their coeflBcients may be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided like concrete numbers. Thus, ja and 4« are ya, 46 and 5& are gb, as truly as 3 apples and 4 apples are 7 apples, or as 4 bushels and 5 bushels are 9 bushels. PRIi\!CIPLES.* 63. 1°. Like quantities only can he united in one term. 2°. Tlie sum of two or more quantities ii the same in whatever order they are added. CASE I. 64. 10 Add like Monomials which have like signs. I. What is the sum of i$ab + isao + igab ? Analysis.— These terms are like quantities operation. and have like signs. (Art. 19.) We therefore + ^S^^ add the coefficients, to the sum annex the com- _j- i^ab mon letters, and prefix the common sign. The 1 tq^A result, + 4706, is the answer required. (Ax. g.) 47 « J, Ans. 60. What is addition ? 61. The result called ? 62. How are quantities expressed by letters regarded ? 63. First principle ? Second ? *■ The expressions 1°, 2°, 3°. etc.. denote first, second, third, etc. 24 ADDITION. 2. What is the sum of — 142^^, — i6a;y, and — i8a:y ? Analysis. — Since these terms are like quan- — 14^^ tities, and have like signs, we add them as i6xil before, and prefix the sign — to the result, for r> the reason that all the quantities have the — sign — . Hence, the — A^xy, Ans. KuLE. — Add the coefficients; to the sum annex thecoma man letters, and prefix the common sign. (3.) (4.) (S) (6.) (7.) sab s«y 7a' — 'jhcd -4^f sal) 8x1/ 3a» — Zbcd -3^^^ 6ai xy 4^2 — Sbcd - a^y^ yah 3«y a^ — Ucd -Sa^y^ 8. Add 5«&2 ^ i>ja¥+ i^al^. 9. Add — Sabx^y^ — saix^y^— 2Sabx^y\ 10. Add s^dm^ + Wdm^ + 9l^dm^ 4- W^dm^ 11. If 3a -f 5« + « + 7a = 48, to what is a equal ? Solution. 3a + sa + a+'ja=i6a ; hence, a=4S-7-i6, or 3. Ans. 12. If 4bc + ghc + 2hc + ^bc = 80, to what is he equal? 13. If xy + s^y + s^y + 4xy = 65, to what is xy equai ? CASE II. 65. To Add like Monomials which have Unlike signs. 14. What is the sum of ^ab — ^ab — yah + gab + tab ^Sab? Analysis, — For convenience in operation. adding, we write the negative terma Sab — S^b one under another in the right- gab — jab hand column, with the sign — be- ^^j 3^J fore each, and the positive terms ; T" in the next column on the left. ^^^^ " ^^^^ = ^^^^ ^^^^^ We then find the sum of the coefficients of the positive and negative 64. How add lT!o^omia^• which have like signs ? ADDITION. *Z5 terms separately ; and taking the less sum from the greater, the result 2ab, is the answer. Hence, the KuLE. — I. Write the positive and negative terms in sepa- rate columns with their proper signs, and find the sum of the coefficiefits of each column separately, II. From the greater subtract the less j to the remainder prefix the sign of the greater, and annex the common letters. Note — If two equal quantities have opposite signs, they balance each other, and may be omitted. 15. Add 4d + ^d — ^d -\- 6d — 2d. Ans. 6d. 16. Add — ^x -}- 6x -\- 8x — ^x -\- gx — yx. 17. Add 3«Jc + i2aic — 6abc + s^^^o — loaic — saic. 18. Add 2J — 5^ + 45 — 65 — yb. 19. Add —6g-\-4y^Sy — gg-\-Sy — y. 20. Add 4m -\- i6m — 8m — 9m + 5m — 10m. 21. If 6ab + i4ab — yab + i^ab — i2ab + i6ab = 32, to what is ab equal ? 22. To what is bed equal, if bed — $bcd + 4bcd + 4bcd -Sbcd=7s^ Eemark. — The sum in Arithmetic is always greater than any of its parts. But, in Algebra, it will be observed, the sum of a positive and negative quantity is always less than the positive quantity. It is thence called Algebraic Sum, 66. Unlike Quantities cannot be united in one term^ Their sum is indicated by writing them one after another, with their proper signs. (Art. 6^, Prin. i.) Thus, the sum of yg and 3(? is neither log nor lod, any more than 7 guineas and 3 dollars are 10 guineas or 10 dollars. Their sum is 79 + 3^- (Art. 63, Prin. i.) 67. Poh/no^nials are added by uniting like quantities, as in adding monomials. 65. How add monomials having unlike Bigne. ? Bern. What is true of the Bura in Arithmetic ? In Algebra ? 66. How add unlike quantities ? 67. Polynomials ? 26 ADDITION. 23. What is the sum of the polynomial ^ah — 35 + 46? — 3^5 — 5^^ -\- ^x — c— 2d; and bg ■\- d + zab -f d ? Al^ALYSIS. For OPERATION. convenience, we 3^^ — 3^ + 4^ — 3^ — C write tlie quanti- — 5«5+ 5 — 2^+ 4a; ties so that like ^ab + d + J^ tenns shall stand — — one under another, - 2^> + 3^/ + x + bg - C, Ans. and uniting those which are alike, the result is —2h + 2,d-{-x-\-l}g—c. 68. From the preceding illustrations and principles we deduce the following GENERAL RULE. I. Write the given quantities so that like terms shall stand one under another, II. Unite the terms which are alihe, and to the result annex the unlike terrns with their proper signs. (Art. 65.) 1. Add $a — ^a -{- 6a + ya -{- ga -\- 2b — ^d, 2. Add ^mn -}- ^mn — ^mn + gmn — xy ■\- be. 3. Add 2,bc — "jbc -\- xy — mn + 1 1 Jc + gbc. ^ Add $ab — 37W?^ — ab -{• ^ab -\- 2Z — ^ab + ab. 5. Add 2t^y — xy -\- ab — "jxy ■\- b -\- Sxy — xy -{- i^xy. 69. Compound Quantities inclosed in a paren- thesis, are taken collectively, or as one quantity. Hence, if the quantities are alike, their coefficients and exponents are treated as the coefficients and exponents of like monomials. (Art. 64.) 6. What is the sum of 3 {a-{-b) + 5 (a + b) + 7 {a-\-b)? Solution. 3 (« + 6) and 5 (a + &) and yia + b) are 1 5 (a + b). An». f. Add 13 (« 4- J) -1- 15 (a + 5) - 7 (« + h). 8. Add 2>c{x — y) + ic^—y) — So{x—tj) -\-yc{x—y). 9. Add saVxy + saVxy — jaVxy + SaV^^y- 10. Add sVa + 3a/« — sVa + 9 V« — 3 V^. 11. Add S^x — y — 3^/^ — y + sVx — y. 68. The general rule for addition ? 69. How aid quaniities included in a paren- thesif 'i PROBLEMS. 27 70. The sum of unlike quantities haying a common letter or letters, may be expressed by inclosing the other letters, with their signs and coefficients, in a parenthesis, and an- nexing or prefixing the common letter or letters to the result. 12. What is the sum of 5^2; + ^ix — 4cx? Solution. 5«ic + 3bx-4cx = (5« + 3&— 4^) aj, or x (5a + 3b— 4c]. Ans. 13. Add ja — 6ba + sda — ^ma. 14. Add ahy + sy — 2cy — ^tny. 15. Add 9m + abm — ^jcm ■\- ^dm, 16. Add iT^ax — 2fix -{-ex — ^dx + mx. 1 7. Add axy + 5a;^ — cxy, PROBLEMS. 71. Problems requiring equal quantities to be added to each side of the equation^ 1. A has 3 times as many marbles as B, lacking 6 ; and both together have 58. How many has each ? Analysis. — If x represents operation. B's number, then will 3a;-6 Let X = B's No. ; represent A's, and 37 + 32;— 6 ^Yien ^X — 6 = A's " = 58, the sum of both. To , /- o v. ix. . j^ , X 4- 'XX — 6 = ^S, both, remove —6, we add. an eqiml positive quantity to each side a; + 3a; — 6 + 6 = 58 + 6 of the equation. (Axiom 2.) 4^ ^^ 64 Uniting the terms, we have x= 16, B's NOo 4X = 64, and x = 16, B's, and ox 6 = 42 A's " 3 times 16—6, or 42 = A's No, 72. When a negative quantity occurs on either side of an equation, that quantity may be removed by adding an equal positive quantity to both sides. Note. — In forming the equation, we treat x as we do the answer in proving an operation. 2. A kite and a ball together cost 46 cents, and the kite cost 2 cents less than twice the cost of the ball. What was the cost of each ? 70. How may the sum of unlike quantities which have a common letter be ex- ^8 ADDITION". 3. In a basket there are 75 peaches and pears ; the num- ber of pears being double that of the peaches, wanting 3. How many are there of each ? 4. The sum of two numbers is 85, and the greater is 5 times the less, wanting 5. What are the numbers ? 5. A certain school contains 40 pupils, and there are twice as many girls, lacking 5, as boys. How many are there of each ? 6. If 44a; + 6sx — 24 = 85, what is the value of x? 7. If jx — $ -{- 2X = 60, what is the value ofx? 8. If 4?/ + 2?/ + 5?/ — 7 = 70, what is the value of y? 9. The whole number of votes cast for A and B at a cer- tain election was 450 ; A had 20 votes less than 4 times the number for B. How many votes had each ? 10. The sum of two numbers is 177 ; the greater is 3 less than 4 times the smaller. What are the numbers? 1 1. What is the value of ?/, if 41/ + 32/ + 2?/ — 1 2 = 60 ? 12. A lad bought a top and a ball for 32 cents ; the price of the ball was 3 times that of the top, minus 4 cents. What was the price of each ? 13. A man being asked the price of his saddle and bridle, replied that both together cost 40 dollars, the former being 4 times the price of the latter, minus 5 dollars. What was the price of each ? 14. A lad spent a dollar during a holiday, using three times as much of it in the afternoon as in the morning, minus 4 cents ; how much did he spend in each part of the day? Find the value of x in the following equations : 15- 3a; -f 6a; + 4a; -f 52; — 8 = 154. Ans. 9. 16. 2X -\- sx ■{- sx — 10 = 130. 17. 4X + 3.r + 7a: — 12 = S6. 18. lox — 4X + gx — 2S = 155. 19. 15a; — 7a; — 2a; — 60 = 300. fio. 18a: — 4a; -f- a;— 75 = 225. OHAPTEE III. SUBTRACTION. 73. Subtraction is finding the difference between two quantities. The Minuend is the quantity from which the subtrac- tion is made. The Subtrahend is the quantity to be subtracted. The Difference is the result found by subtraction. 74. Since quantities expressed by letters are regarded as concrete, the coefficient of one letter may be subtracted from that of another, like concrete numbers. (Art. 62.) Thus, 7a — 3a = 4rtj ; 8& — 5& = 36. PRINCIPLES. 75. I®. Like quantities only can le subtracted one from another. 2°. Tlie sum of the difference and subtrahend is equal to the minuend. 3"^. Subtracting a positive quantity is equivalent to add- ing an equal negative one. Thus, let it be required to subtract +4 from 6+4. Taking +4 from 6 + 4, leaves 6. Adding —4 to 6 + 4, we have 6 + 4—4. But (Ax. 7) 6 + 4—4 is equal to 6. 4°. Subtracting a negative quantity is the same as adding an equal positive one. 73. Define subtraction. The Minuend. Subtrahend. Difference. 75. Name the Qrpt principle, Second. Illijstmte Prtn. 3 upon the blackhoar^. IlJustmte Prin. 4. 30 SUBTRACTION". Thus, let it be required to subtract —4 f jom 10—4. Taking —4 from 10-4, leaves 10. Adding +4 to 10—4, we have 10—4 + 4. But (Ax. 7) 10—4 + 4 is equal to 10. Again, if the assets of an estate be $500, and the liabilities $300, the former being considered positive and the latter negative, the net yalue of the estate will be $500— $300 = $200. Taking $50 from the issets has the same effect on the balance as adding I50 to the liabilities in like manner, taking $50 from the liabilities has the same effect as adding $50 to the assets. 76. To Find the Difference between two like Quantities. This proposition includes three classes of examples, as will be seen in the following illustrations: 1. From 25a subtract ija. Remark. — i. In this example the signs are alike, and the subtrahend is less than the min- uend. Subtracting a positive quantity is equivalent to adding an equal negative one. (Prin. 3.) We therefore change the sign of the subtrahend, and then unite the terms 25a— 17« = Sa, 2. From 4a subtract ja. Remark. — 2. In this example the signs are alike, but the subtrahend is greater than the minuend. Changing the sign of the sub- trahend, and uniting the terms as before, the subtrahend cancels the minuend, and has —3a left. (Prin. 3.) 3. From 45 «5 subtract — 2gah. Remark. — 3. In this example the signs aie unlike. Subtracting a negative quantity is the same as adding an equal positive one. (Prin. 4.) Changing the sign of the sub- trahend and proceeding as before, we have iSab + 290* = 7406. Ans. OPERATION. 2$a Minuend. — lya Subtrahend. Set Difference. in addition. Thus. OPERATION. 4(1 Minuend. — 'JCt Subtrahend, — 3a Difference. OPERATION. 4$ab Minuend. •^ 2gab Subtrahend. 74«^, Ans, 7^. How And the difference between two like quantities ? SUBTRACTION. '31 4. From ^hc + 7^ — S^r, take ^bc -{- 2d — 4X. Analysis. — In subtraction of operation. polynomials, for convenience, we g^c -}- jd — ^X place like terms under each other. - j^ 2d -\- dX Then, changing the signs of all the r terms in the subtrahend, we unite ^^^ + 5^ ^f ^^^* them as before. 77. From the preceding illustrations and principles we deduce the following GENERAL RULE. 1. Write the subtrahend under the minuend, placing like terms one under another. II. Change the signs of all the terms of the subtrahend, or suppose them to be changed, from + to — , or from — to +, and then proceed as in addition. (Art. 75, Prin. 3, 4.) Notes. — i. Unlike quantities can be subtracted only by changing the signs of all the terms of the subtrahend, and then writing them after the minuend. (Art. 66.) 2. As soon as the student becomes familiar with the principles of subtraction, instead of actually changing the signs of the subtrahend, he may simply suppose them to be changed. EXAMPLES. 1. From 43c + d, take 25c + d. 2. From 49a:, take 23:^ + 3. 3. From 2Sxgz, take i4xgz. 4. From — 43ab, take + igab. 5. From 4ab, take — i^al). 6. From 4s^y, take + i6xy. Ans. 1 8c. . 262; — 3. (7.) (8.) (9.) (lo.) From 2oaG 42aa^ 370^25 — 290:^ Take — 23ac ^ax^ — i4«^J + 15^^ 77. General rule for subtraction ? Note. How subtract unlike quantitiee. 32 SUBTRACTION. (II.) (I2.) (13,) (14.) From 3 1 a^J I gabx^ — ssm^x 4 1 x^y Take — ya^b igaba^ + 44m^ ^ i2a^y 15. A is worth $100, and B owes I50 more than he is worth. What is the difference in their pecuniary standing ? 16. What is the difference in temperature, when the ther- mometer stands 15 degrees above zero, and when at ic degrees below ? 17. By speculation, A gained on a certain day I275, and B lost $145. What was the difference in the results of their operations ? (18.) (19.) (20.) From 'jxy — Sa 8J2 -f jam 13^^ — jy^ Take ^xy — 2a — 5^ — gam — s^^ — ^y^ — ^^ 21. From i^ab -{- d — x, subtract ^m — ^n, 22. From gcd — ab, take 2m — 37^ — 4^. 23. From 13m — 15, take — 5m -|- 8. 24. From jx^ — ^x + 15, take — ^x^ ■\-^x-\- 15. 25. From igab — 2c — 7<:7, take ^ab — 15c ~ Zd, 26. From a, take b — c, and prove the work. 27. From II (a -f b), take 5 (<^ + b). 28. From ij (a — b ■\' x), take 8 (« — J + a;). 29. Subtract — 18 (oj + Z>) from — 13 (« -|- b), 30. Subtract 21 {x^ — y) from 14 (a;^ — y). 31. A and B formed an equal partnership and made $1,000. B's share by right was $1,000 — 1500; but wish- ing to withdraw, he agreed to subtract $100 from his share. What would A's share be ? 32. What is the difference of longitude between two places, one of which is 23 degrees due east from the meridian of Washington, the other 37 degrees due west? Remaek. — The svhtraJiend, in Algebra, is often greater than the minuend, and the difference between a positive and negative quantity greater than either of them. It js thence called Algebraic Dif- ference, SUBTRACTION, 33 78. The Difference of unlike quantities which have a common letter or letters may be indicated by e?idosing all the other letters, with their coefficients and signs, in a parenthesis, and annexing, qy prefixing the- common letter or letters to the result. SS' From $am, take 2bm, Analysis. 3am = 3^ times m, and 2bm = 26 times m ; therefore, Sam—2bm = {3a— 2h) m, or m (3a— 2&). Ans. 34. From 2l)x^, take cx^ — dx\ 35. From ahy, take cy ■\- dy — xy, 36. From ic^, take W — ca\ 37. From ahx, take ^cx -\- dx ■\- mx. 38. From ^xy, take alxy — cxy -\- dxy, 39. From 5a is to be subtracted. This is done by changing its sign from + to — , on setting it down. Thus, +a x —4 = —4a. (Art. 77.) Fourth. That — into — produces +. Let —a be multiplied by —4. It has also been shown that —a taken 4 times is —4a. But the sign of the multiplier being — , shows tnat this negative product —4a, is to be subtracted. This is also done by changing its sign from — to + , when we set it down. Thus, —a X — 4 = +4^. (Art. 77.) Hence, universally, 92. Factors having like signs produce -f, and unlike signs — . 13. Multiply -I- 4ab by ~ 'jcd, Ans. — 2d>ahcd. 14. Multiply — <^xy by + ^ad. 15. Multiply + ()db by + ^dc. 16. Multiply — ^xy by — i()alc. 17. Multiply + i2>aic by — 232:^. 18. Multiply — 35^?/ by — 272*^^. 91. Prove the first point from the blackboard. The second. Third. ' Fourth 92. Rule for signs. 38 MIJLTIPLIC ATIOH. 93. When a letter is multiplied into itself, or taken twice as a factor, the product is represented hj a x a, or aa\ when taken three times, by aaa, and so on, forming a series of powers. But powers, we have seen, are expressed by writing the letter once only, with the index above it, at the right hand. (Art. 31.) 19. What is the product of aaa into ««? Analysis, aaa y.axi=: aaaaa^ or a^, Atib. Now aaa = a^, and aa = a^ ; but adding the exponents of a^ and a^ we have a^, the same as before. Hence, 94. To multiply powers of the same letter together, add their exponents. Notes. — i. All powers of i are i. 2. When a letter has no exponent, i is always understood. Multiply the following quantities : 20. aV^(? by a^c, Ans. a^^d^, 21. 2>(^Wxhj 2al^y, Ans. 6a^¥xy. 22. 32;?/2 by 5ic2, ^^. ab'^hjab^. 23. 6a^ by 4«5^. 26. $xyz by 2xy, 24. a'^x'^y by a^a^y. 27. 6a^^c by :^a^dl^c. 28. If a = 3, what is the difference between sa and a^? 29. If a; = 4, what is the difference between 4X and a^ ? 95. The preceding principles illustrating monomials may be summed up in the following EuLE. — Multiply the coefficients and letters of hoth factors together; to the product prhj.^ . :.? proper sign, and give to each letter its proper index. Note. — It is immaterial in what or 2 the factors are taken, but it is more convenient, and therefore cusix>mary, to arrange the letters in alphabetical order. (Art. 87, Prin. 3.) 30. Multiply — z'^y ^y — 2a;. 31. Multiply 6^2^ by — ^c^lc. 94. How multiply powers of the same letter together? 05. What is the rule for multiplying moaomifids ? MULTIPLICATIOK. 39 (32.) {33) (34.) (35) Multiply 4x7/ By x^y 7«^ 5^y (36.) Multiply s^y By - -xf (37.) 7a5c3 CASE II. (38.) — 7ac (39.) xyz 96. To Multiply a Polynomial by a Monomial, 1. What is the product of a + 5 multiplied by J ? Analysis.— Multiplying each term of the operation. multiplicand by the multiplier, we have axb Ct -\- = fl*, and & X & = &2. The result, «d + &^ is the ^ product required. Hence, the Ans, ah A- V^ Rule. — Multiply each term of the multiplicand ly the multiplier; giving each jtartial product its proper sign, and each letter its proper index. Multiply the following quantities : 2. he — adhj ah, Ans, al^c — a%d, 3. 3«a^ -f 4cd by 2c. 4. 5«^ — 2cd -\- xhj lax, 5. 4«2 — 3^5 _|- ^2 ]3y __ 2.hd. 6. 3^2 — 4W — 2C^ by — $a^c, CASE III. 97. To Multiply a Polynomial by a Polynomial, 7. What is the product oi a + h into « -f- Z* ? Analysis. — Since the multiplicand is to operation. be taken as many times as there are units in a -j- h the multiplier, the product must be equal to a -{- h a times a+b added to 6timesa + &. *Now ~2~T k a times a+b = a^ + ab, and b time^ a+b ^ = +ab+b^. Hence, a+b times g;+5 must -{- ah -^ i^ be equal to a'' + 2ab+¥. Ans. a^ + 2^5. -f W- 96. How multip'.y a r;o'»\TioTninl l)v 1 monomi:;. 40 MULTIPLICATIO:^. 8. Multiply J 4- 2e? — 3c by 05 4- 5. Analysis. — We multi- operation. ply each term in the multi- 2a -jr i — $0 plicand by each term in the a -{- b multiplier, giving to each 2^2+ ab -^ sac product the proper sign. (Art. 89.) Finally, we add + 2ab + ^ — 3&g the partial products, and the Ans, 2a^ + ^ab — ^ac -{- b^ — 2,bc result is the answer required. 98. The various principles developed in the preceding cases, may be summed up in one GENERAL RULE. Multiply each term of the multiplicand by each term of the multiplier, giving each product its proper sigti, and each letter its proper exponent. The sum of the partial products will be the true ^jroduct. Note. — For convenience in adding the partial products, like terms should be placed under each other. Multiply the following quantities: 1. 2a-\- bhj s^ + y' 5« sa + 4b — chjx—y. 2. 3^ + 4y^J a — b. 6. ^x + sy +^^ya + b. 3. /^b — c by 2>d — a, 7. jcdx — ^ab by 2m — $n. 4. 6xy — 2a hj b -{- c. 8. Sabc + 4m by $x — 4?/. 9. Multiply ^ab"" by Sa^. Ans. 24a^"+\ 10. Multiply — 'jacff" by — Sa^af. Ans. 56a^a;"*+". 11. Multiply 3a Jc" by xyz"^. 12. Multiply acd"^ by iibcd\ 13. Multiply — ax^ by — ax\ 14. Multiply x{a-\- by hy c{a + by. (Art. 15.) 15. Multiply c{a^ bf by 5 (a — bf. 16. Multiply a{x-\- y)"" by be {x + y)". 17. Multiply 3X {a + by by — (« + Z>). 98. fiow multiply a polynomial by a polynomial? MULTIPLICATIOiq'. 41 99. When the polynomials contain different powers of the same letter, the terms should be arranged so that the first term shall contain the highest power of that letter, the second term the next highest power, and so on to the last term. This letter is called the leading letter, (i8.) (19.) a ■)- b 4a^—$ab a^^2a^+ ab^ i2a^b^-\-4a'^b^ a^^^a^ + sal^-^l^, Ans. i2aW—sa^b^—zaW, Am. 20. Multiply a^ — ab -{- b^ hj a -^ b. 21. Multiply a? — ab + W by a^ -^ ab -^ ^. 22. Multiply x^ ■\- X ■\- I by 0^ — x -\- i. 23. Multiply ^x^ — 2xy + 5 by a;^ + 2xy — 6. 24. Multiply ^ax — 2ay by ^ax + 30!^. 25. Multiply d -{- bx \)j d ■{- ex. 100. The Multiplication of polynomials may be indi- cated by inclosing each factor in a parenthesis, and writing one after the other. Thus, [a + 6) (a + 6) is equivalent to {a + h)x{a + h). Note. — Algebraic Expressiotis are said to be developed or expanded, wlien the operations indicated by their signs and exponents are performed. , 26. Develop the expression (a -\- b) {c -\- d). Ans. ac •\- be ■\- ad -\- bd, 27. Develop {x + y) {x — y). 28. Develop {a^ + i) (« + i). 29. Expand {x^ + 2xy + y'^) {x + y). 30. Expand (a"^ + b"") (a"^ + 5"). 31. Expand [x -{- y -\- z) {x -^ y -{- z). 99. How arrange different powers of the same letter ? 100. How indicate the mul- tiplication of polynomials ? '' 42 KTJLTIPLICATION". THEOREMS AND FORMULAS. 101. Theorem i.—The Square of the Sum of two quan- tities is equal to the square of the first, plus twice their product, plus the square of the second, 1. Let it be required to multiply a-\- b into itself. Analysis. — Each term of the multipli- cand being multiplied by each term of the multiplier, we have a times a + 6 and b times a + b, the sum of which is a^ + 2ab + &*. Hence, the A71S. Formula. (a + W = a^ -\- 2ab + l^. 102. Theorem 2.— The Square of the Difference of two quantities is equal to the square of the first, minus tivice their product, plus the square of the second, 2. Let it be required to multiply a — hhya — b. a — b Analysts. — Reasoning as before, the re- ^ a-Jf-b a-\-b a^-\- ab + ab+1^ a^ + 2a6 + ^>2 suit is the same, except the sign of the mid- ^ — ^^ die term 2ab, which has the sign — instead — ab ■\- 1^ of -I-. Hence, the A7IS. a^ — 2ab + ^ Formula. (a — bf = a? — 2ah-\- b\ 103. Theorem ^.—The Product of the Sum and Differ- ence of two quantities is equal to the difference of their squares, 3. Let it be required tp multiply a -\-bhj a — b. a + h Analysis. — This operation is similar to ^ " the last two ; but the terms -f- ab and —ab, <^ + ^^ In the partial products, being equal, balance ^b fr each other. Hence, the Ans. cf — W' Formula. {a + h) (a — h) = a? — l^. loi. What is Theorem i ? 102. Thoorom 2 ? 103. Theorem 3 ? MULTIP-LI CATION". 43 104. TJie product of the sum of hvo quantities into a third, is equal to the sum f^f their products. 4. Let X and y be two quantities, whose sum is to be multiplied ^y a. Thus, Tl\e product of the sum (a; + y) x a —ax-\-ay The sum of the products ofa;xa+yxa=:aa;+ay And aic + ay = aaj + ay. Hence, the Formula. a (a? + 2/) = aoc + ay. 105. The product of the difference of two quantities into a third, is equal to the difference of their products. 5. Let X and y be two quantities, whose difference is to be multiplied by a. Thus, The product of the difference (a;— y) x a = ax— ay The difference of the products of a; x a—y x a = ax— ay And ax— ay — ax— ay. Hence, the Formula. a(x — y) = ax — ay. Remark. — The application of the preceding principles is so frequent in algebraic processes, that it is important for the learner to make them very familiar. Develop the following expressions by the preceding for- mulas: {^x — i) (4.r — 1). (55+i)(5J+i). (i _ x) (i - x). (i +2:z;)(i + 2x). {Sb — 3a) {Sb - 3a). {ah + cd) {ah -f cd). (3« — 2y) (3« + 2y). {x^^y){x^-y). {x - y^) {x — y^). {20^ + X) (2«2 _ ^, I. (a+ i)(«+ i). II. 2. (26? 4- I) (265+ l). 12. 3. i2a — h) {2a — h). 13. 4. {x + y) {x + y). 14. 5- (^ -y){x- y). 15- 6. {i + x){i-x). 16. 7. W-y){iy'-y)' 17. 8. (4m — 3n) {4m + 3^)- 18. 9- (^2_^)(^2 + ^). 19. 10. (i _ 7:^,) (i _|_ 7:^;). 20. 104. What is the product of the sum of two quantities into 105. Of the difference? third equal to? Let x=. : No. apples ; X : pears. '<- 24 ^x + x = :72 4X = ,', X = :72 : 18 apples. X _ : 6 pears. 44 MULTIPLIC ATIONo PROBLEMS. 106. Problems requiring each side of the equatKon to be multiplied by equal quantities. 1. George has 1 third as many pears as apples, and the number of both is 24. How many has he of each ? Analysis. — If x represents the num- ber of apples, then - will represent the number of pears, and x + - will equal 24, the number of both. Tbe denomi- nator of X is removed by multiplying each term on both sides of the equation by 3. (Ax. 6.) The result is 3a; + x, or 4a; = 72. Hence, cc=i8, the apples, and 18-7-3 = 6, the pears. Hence, 3 107. When a term on either side of the equation has a deiiominator, that denominator is removed hy multiplying every term on hoth sides of the equation hy it. (Ax. 4.) 2. What number is that, i seventh of which is 9 ? Ans. 6^, 3. What number is that, 2 thirds of which are 24 ? 4. A man being asked how many chickens he had, answered, 3 fourths of them equal 18. How many had he ? 5. What number is that, i third and i fourth of which are 21? Analysis. — If x represent the number, then j^^^ ^ __ ^^^ X X will - + - = 21, by the conditions. Multiplying x X 34 -+-=21 each term on both sides by the denominators 3 3 4 and 4 separately, we have /\x+2)X=- 252. (Ax. 4.) 4^ "f" 3^ ^^ 252 Uniting the terms, 7a; = 252, and x — 36, Ans. ,' . X = 36 Proof. ^ of 36 = 12, and ^ of 36 = 9. Now, 12 + 9 = 21. 107. When a quantity on cither s'.de .of an equation has a denominator, how re- move it ? MULTIPLICATION. 45 6. What number is that, 2 thirds of which exceed i half of it by 8 ? 7. A general lost 840 men in battle, which equaled 3 sevenths of his army. Of how many men did his army consist ? 8. If 3 eighths of a yacht are worth I360, what is the l^hole worth ? A.C(y 9. If -- equals 20, to what is x equal ? 10. If — is equal to 20, to what is x equal ? 4 11. If — is equal to 24, to what is x equal ? AX 12. If — is equal to 28, to what is x equal ? 13. Henry has 30 peaches, which are 5 sixths the number of his apples. How many apples has he ? 14. A farmer had 3 sevenths as many cows as sheep, and his number of cows was 30. How many sheep had he ? How many of both ? 15. Divide 28 pounds into two parts, such that one may be 3 fourths of the other. 16. A lad having given i third of his plums to one school- mate, and I fourth to another, had 10 left. How many had he at first ? 17. What number is that, i third and i sixth of which are 21? 18. What number is that, i fourth of which exceeds 1 sixth by 12 ? 19. Divide 36 into two parts, such that one may be 2 thirds of the other ? 20. One of my apple trees bore 3 sevenths as many apples as the other, and both yielded 21 bushels. How many bushels did each yield ? CHAPTER v. DIVISION. 108. Division is finding how many times one quan- tity is contained in another. The Dividend is the quantity to be divided. The Divisor is the quantity by which we divide. The Quotient is the quantity found by division. The Remainder is a part of the dividend left after division. 109. Division is the reverse of multiplication, the divi- dend answering to the product^ the divisor to one of the factors, and the quotient to the other, PRINCIPLES. 110. 1°. When the divisor is a quantity of the same hind as the divide7id, the quotient is an abstract number. 2°. When the divisor is a number, the qiiotient is a quan- tity of the same Tcind as the dividend. 3°. The product of the divisor and quotient is equal to the dividend. 4°. Cancelling a factor of a quantity, divides the quantity by that factor. CASE I. 111. To Divide a Monomial by a IVIonomial. I. What is the quotient of abed divided by cd? Analysis.— The divisor cd is & factor of the divi- operation. dend ; therefore, if we cancel this factor, the other cd ) abcd factor ab, will be the quotient. (Prin. 4.) Ans. ab. 108. Define division. The dividend. Divisor. Quotient. Remainder. 109. Oi what is division the reverse? Explain, no. Name Uie first principle. The second. Third. Fourth. DIVISIOK. 4:7 2. What is the quotient of i2>al) divided by 6a ? Analysis.— DividiDg the coefficient of the divi- opbbation. dend by that of the divisor, and cancelling the com- 6a ) l?>ab mon factor a, we have T8a6-j-6a = 3&, the quotient A^lS. $b, required. (Prin. i.) Hence, the EuLE. — Divide one coefficient by the other, and to the re^ suit annex the quotient of the literal parts. Divide the following quantities : (3-) (4.) (5-) (6.) 2c) 4abc 4b) 2obxy 8xy ) 4ox y 16b ) S2ai (7.) (8.) (9-) gm ) 4sabm 2omn ) 6obcmn 24xy ) g6mnxy SIGNS OF THE QUOTIENT. 112. The rule for the signs in division is the same as ihat in multiplication. That is, If the divisor and dividend have lihe signs, the sign of the quotient will be + ; if unlike, the sign of the quotient will be — . Thus, +a X +b = +ab; hence, +ab -r- +b = +a. —a X +b = —ab ; hence, —ab -r- +b = —a. + a X —b = —ab; hence, —ab -. b = +a. —a X — & = +ab; hence, +ab -i b = —a. Divide the following quantities : 10. — ^2abc by — 4ab. Ans. Sc. 11. iSabxhj—$z. Ans. 12. 2iabc by — yab. 15. 4Sabc by — Sac. 13. — 2Sbcd by — 4cd. 16. 6$bdfx by gbx. 14. $$cdm by 7cm. 17. — 'j2acgm by Scm. III. How divide a monomial by a monomial? 112. What is the rale for the signs? 48 DIVISlOITo 113. To Divide Powers of the same letter, 1 8. Let it be required to divide a^ by a\ Analysis. — The term a^ — aaaaa, and a^ — aaa. Rejecting tho factors aaa from the dividend, the result aa, or d^, is the quotient. Subtracting 3, the index of the divisor, from 5, the index of the divi- dend, leaves 2, the index of the quotient. That is, a^ -j- a^ _ ^2 (Arts. 31, no. Prin. 4.) Hence, the EuLE. — SuUraci the index of the divisor from that of the dividend. Divide the following quantities : 19. ^ by 6^. 22. xyz^^hj xyz^. 20. x^^ by ^, 23. i6ah^ by ^ab. 21. ac^ by ac^, 24. 6xy by 3^2^ 114. The preceding principles may be summed up in the following Rule. — Divide the coefficient of the dividend hy that of the divisor ; to the result annex the quotient of the literal factors^ prefixing the proper sign and giving each letter its proper exponent. Proof. — Multiply the divisor and quotient together, as in arithmetic. Note. — If the letters of the divisor are not in the dividend, the division is expressed by wanting the divisor under the dividend, in the form of a fraction. 25. What is the quotient of ^x divided by 3?/? Ans. — • 26. — 24aWc^ -. 2>^ib. 32. 2>'^x^y^^ -^ dp?yz. 27. — 2i^x^y^^ -^ ^^y^' 33* <)6aWc-^ i2ah. 28. $aW -^ ah. 34. 84d^:i^y^ -7- jd^xy. 29. — jofiy^ -. xy. 35. loSaix^ -i- ga^a^. 30. a^b^c^ -T- aWc. 36. i^2X*y!^ -r- iix^yzK 31. 1 6aWc^ -7- Sa^^c^. 37. 121 m^n^a^ -r- 1 1 mhia^. 113. ITow divide powers of the same letter? 114. Rule for division of moiia jnials ? Proof? If *^e Jitters of the divit-or are not in the dividend, what i.- done ? DIVISIO.TST, 49 CASE II. 115. To Divide a Polynottiial by a Monomial. 1. Divide ah ■\- ac + ad by a. Analysis.— Since the factor a enters into oPERATioif. each term of the dividend, it is plain that a) ab -\r dC A- ad each term of the dividend must be divisible Ans h 4- C -i- d by this factor. Hence, the EuLE. — Divide each term of the dividend ly the divisor, and connect the results hy their proper signs. Note. — If a polynomial which contains the same factor in every term, be divided by the other quantities connected by their signs, the :iuotient will be that factor. Divide the following quantities: 2. 6a^ + 10^2 __ i^a by 2a, Ans, sa^ 4- 5«5 — 7. 3. 40^ — Sa^ + i2«2 by — 2«2. Ans. — 2^2 4. 4^5 _ 6, 4. at/^ -i- a(^ -{- ad^ by a. 5. isx^y + 250:^ by s^y. 6. 6adc — 2a-i-Sah by 2a, 7. —i6by^'{-4y^hj—Sy, 8. i4X^y — yxy^ by — yx^^ 9. xy^ -f xz — xhj X, 10. 35fl5 -i- 28J— 42 by — 7. 11. i$a^ — 15^2 by 5a. 12. i6x^ac + i2acd^ — 4xa^c by — 4CC. 13. 4a* — 20^2 + Sab by 4«. 14. 3^5 -f i^a^ — 2^a^)d by 3flr5. 15. ZaV)c — xdatJ^c — 2oabc^ by ^abc, 16. 6a; {a + ^»)2 -+- 9a;2 {a -{- 5)2 by 3ir. 17. ^S{^-y)-V2>o{x — y)hYS' 18. «a;2 (5 — c) — aH {b — c) by ax. 19. i8«4 (a + by — 12«3 (^ _|. ^,)2 by 6«2 (« 4. by. 20. a"+i — «"+2 4. a«+3 by «". 115. Eow divide a polynomial by n -lonomial ? 60 Divisioiy. CASE III. 116. To Divide a Polynomial by a Polynomial. I. Divide a^ + Za% + ^aV^ + ^ by a2 + 2ab + J*. Analysis. — For conve- opbbation. nience, we arrange tlie terms a^ + sa^b + 3«^ + Z*^ a^ -|- 2rt J 4 5^ so that the first or leading a^^2a^+ aW a + b Quot .letter of the divisor shall be ^7~~ TTTTs the first letter of the divi- ^ + 2afr'+d dend. The powers of this a^-{-2ai^+I)^ letter should be arranged in order, both in the divisor and dividend, the highest power standing Jirst, the neoct highest next, and so on. The divisor may be placed on the left of the dividend, or on the right, and the quotient under it, at pleasure. Proceeding as in arithmetic, we find the first term of the divisor is contained in the first term of the dividend a times. Placing the a in the quotient under the divisor, we multiply the whole divisor by it, subtract the product, and to the remainder bring down as many other terms as necessary to continue the operation. Dividing as before, a* is contained in a% +b times. Multiplying the divisor by +& and subtracting the product, the dividend is exhausted ; therefore a + & ia the quotient. Hence, the Rule. — I. Arrange the divisor and dividend according to the powers of one of their letters ; and finding how many times the first term of the divisor is contained in the first term of the dividend, place the result in the quotient. IL Multiply the whole divisor by the term placed in the quotient ; subtract the product from the dividend, and tc the remainder bring doivn as many terms of the dividend as the case may require. Repeat the operation till all the terms of the dividend are divided. Note. — If there is a remainder after all the terms of the dividend ore brought down, vlace U over the divisor, and annex it to the quotient ii6. How divide a polynomial by a polynomial ? Jf tba*o is a remainder, what la done with it? PROBLEMS. 61 2. Divide 4^2 4- ^ab + i^ hj 2a +bo Ans. 2a + b, 3. Divide x^ + 2xy -\- y^ hj x -{- t/, 4. Divide a^ — 2ab + l^ by a — b. 5. Divide a^ -- sa^b + sab^ — i,^ hy a ^ b. 6. Divide ac ■\- be -{- ad -\- bd hy a -{• b, 7. Divide ax -{• bx — ad — bd by a + b, 8. Divide 22^ -f 'jxy 4- 6^2 by a; + 2^ 9/ Divide a^ — V^hya + b. 10. Divide a? — y^ by a; — y. 11. Divide a^ — l^ by o — J. 12. Divide 6^3 4. 13^5^ 4. 552 by 205 -f 35. 13. Divide «2 __ ^ __ 5 by a — 3. 14. Divide a^ -- 7,a^x + 3aic2 _ ^^js by a — a; 15. Divide 6ar* — 96 by 3a; — 6. 16. Divide x^ ■\- "jx -\- 10 by x -\- 2. 17. Divide x^ — 5^? + 6 by x — 3. 18. Divide c^ — 2cx -\- 7? hy c — a?. 19. Divide a^ + 2ab ■{- b^ hy a -{- h 20. Divide 22 (« — Z>)2 by 1 1 (a — h). PROBLEMS. 1. A father being asked the age of his son, replied, My age is 5 times that of my son, lacking 4 years; and the sum of our ages is 5 6 years. How old was each ? 2. John and Frank have 60 marbles, the former having 3 times as many as the latter. How many has each ? 3. The sum of two numbers is 72, one of which is 5 times the other. What are the numbers ? 4. A man divided 57 pears between two girls, giving one 4 times as many as the other, lacking 3. How many did each have ? 5. Three boys counting their money, found they had 190 cents; the second had twice as many cents as the first, and the third as many as both the others, plus 4 cents. How many cents had each ? 53 DIVISION 6. A farmer has 9 times as many sheepas cows, and the number of both is 2oo„ How many of each ? 7. Divide 57 into two ?uch parts that the greater shall be 3 times the less^ plus 3. What are the numbers ? 8. Given 2X -{- 4X -\- .4; — ^ = 60, to find x, 9. A and B are 35 miles apart, and travel toward each, other, A at the rate of 4 miles an hour, and B, 3 miles. In bow many hours will they meet ? lOo Given a -}- $a + 6a + 2a + y = iig^ to find a. 11. Given 85 -f- 5^ -f 7^ — 10 = 130., to find b, 12. A lad having 60 cents, bought an equal number of pears, oranges^ and bananas ; the pears being 3 cents apiece, the oranges 4 cents, and the bananas 5 cents= How many of each did he buy ? 13. A cistern filled with water has two faucets, one of which will empty it in 5 hours, the other in 20 hours. How long will it take both to empty it ? 14. Given a; + - = 45^ to find a?, 15. What number is that, to ths half of which if 3 be added, the sum will be 8 ? 160 Three boys have 42 marbles ; B has twice as many as As and C three times as many as A. How many has each ? 17. If A has 2x dollars, and B twice as many as A, and C twice as many as B, how many have all ? r8. Divide 40 into 3 parts, so that the second shall be 3 times the first, and the third shall be 4 times the first. 19. A man divided 60 peaches among 3 boys, in such a manner that B had twice as many as A, and as many as A and B. How many did each receive ? 20. Divide 48 into 3 such parts, that the second shall be equal to twice the first, and the third to the sum of the first and second? 21. What number is that, to three-fourths of which if 5 oe added, the sum will be 23 ? OHAPTEE VI. FACTORING. 117. Factors are quantities which multiplied togethei produce another quantity. (Art. 86.) 118. A Composite Quantity is the product of two or more integral factors, each of which is greater than a unit. Thus, 3a, 5&, also x^y^, are composite quantities. 119. Factoring is resolving a composite quantity into its factors. It is the converse of multiplication. 120. An Exact Divisor of a quantity is one that will divide it without a remainder. Hence, Note. — The Factors of a quantity are always exact divisors of it, and vice versa. 121. A Prime Quantity is one which has no integral divisor, except itself and i. Thus, 5 and 7, also a and 6, are prime quantities. Hence, Note. — The least divisor of a composite quantity is a prime factor. 122. Quantities are prime to each other when they have no common integral divisor, except the unit i. Thus, II and 15, also a and 6c, are prime to each other. 123. A Multiple is a quantity which can be divided by another quantity without a remainder. Hence, A multiple is a product of two or more factors. •117. What are factors? ii8. A composite quantity? 119. Wliat is factoring? 120 An exact divisor? 121. A prime quantity? 122. When prime to each other? ii-3. A multioie? 54 FACTORING. PRINCIPLES. 124. 1^. If one quantity is an exact divisor of another ^ the former is also an exact divisor of any multiple of the latter. Thus, 3 is a divisor of 6 ; it is also a divisor of 3 x 6, of 5 x 6, etc. 2°. If a quantity is an exact divisor of each of two other quantities, it is also an exact divisor of their sum, their dif- ference, or their product. Tims, 3 is a divisor of 9 and 15, respectively ; it is also a divisor of 9+15, or 24 ; of 15—9, or 6 ; and of 15 x 9, or 135. 3°. A composite quantity is divisible ly each of its prime factors, by the product of two or more of them, and by no other quantity. Thus, the prime factors of 30 are 2, 3, and 5. Now 30 is divisible hy 2, by 3, and by 2 x 3 ; by 2 x 5 ; by 3 x 5 ; by 2x3x5, and by no other number. CASE I. 125. To Find the Prime Factors of Monomials. I. What are tlie prime factors of i2«2j? Analysis. — The coefficient 12 = 2x2x3, and a^h — adb. There- fore the prime factors of i2a^6 are 2 x 2 x '^aab. Hence, the KcTLE. — Find the prime factors of the numeral coefficients, and annex to them the given letters, taking each as many times as there are units in its exponent. Note. — In monomials, each letter is a factor. Hence, the prime factors of literal monomials are apparent at sight. Resolve the following quantities into their prime factors : 2. is^f' Ans. zy^s^^y y y- 3. i2,d^b\ 7. i-jx^z. 4. lobo?]^, 8. 2$al^c3?, 5. $$aWc^, 9. Tja^c^d. 6. 2ixy^^. 10. 6$m^n^x. 124. Name Principle i. Principle 2. Principle 3. 125. How find the prime fee- tors of monomials ? FACTORING. 56 CASE II. 126. To Factor a Polynomial. 1. Kesolve ^a^h + ^ab — Sac into two factors. Analysis. — By inspection, we per- operation. ceive the factor 2a is common to 2a ) /^a% + 8fl^^ — 6ac each term ; dividing by it, the quo- 2ah + ^h — 3 c tient 2a& + 4&-3/5 is the other factor. ^^^^ ^a izah + 4J - 3c) For convenience, we enclose this fac- tor in a parenthesis, and prefix to it the factor 2a, as a coejfident. Proof. — The factor (206 + 4&— 3c) x 2a=^a^l) + %ab—6ac. Hence, the EuLE. — Divide the polynomial ly the greatest common monomial factor ; the divisor will he one factor, the quotient the other, (Art. 115.) Note. — Any common factor, or the product of any two or more common factors, may be taken as a divisor ; but the result will very in form according to the factors employed. (Ex. 2.) 2. Eesolve a^ + alt^ into two factors, one of which shall be a monomial. Ans. db (a + ^), a (ah -{-¥), or h (a^ -f ah), 3. Factor a + ah + ac. Ans, a (i -^ h -\- c), 4. Factor by -\- he -\- t^x, 5. Factor 2ax •\- 2ay — 4az, 6. Factor ^hcx — Ghcx — ^ah(k 7. Factor Mmn — 2^dm^ 8. Factor 35^7/2 -f- 14^0:. 9. Factor 2^hdx^^^dmy, 10. Factor 6a^ -f ga^c. 11. Factor 2iao[^y -f- 35«a;y. 12. Factor 25 + 152:2 — 200^2^. 13. Factor x -\- x^ -\- ^, 14. Factor 3a; -f 6 — 9^. 15. Factor 19^52; —19^5, 126. How factor a polynomial ? 56 rACTORiiir®. CASE III. 127. To Resolve a Trinomial into two equal Binomial Factors. 1. Resolve x^ + 2xy -f y"^ into two equal binomial factors. Analysis. — Since tlie square of a * operation. quantity is the product of two equal /^xi ==: X, V^ = 2/> factors (Art. 30), it follows tliat the ^ c^ 2 square root of a quantity is one of the " ' " '" •2' two equal factors which produce it. (^H"^) (^ + 2/)? Ans* (Art. 32.) Therefore the square root of Q? is ar, that of y^ is y. And since the middle term 2Ty is twice the product of these two terms, x^->r2xy+y'^ must be the square of the binomial x+y. Consequently, x + y is one of the two equal binomial factors. 2. Resolve x^ — 2xy -f- y"^ into two equal binomial factors. ANAiiTSis. — Reasoning as before, the operation. quantity x^—2Ty+y^ is the square of ^x^ z=x, V^ = ^ the residual x—y. Therefore, the two ^ „ j_ 2 equal factors must be x—y and x—y. ' ' if '^ if Hence, the (^— ^) (^ — y)> ^^S. Rule. — Find the square root of each of the square terms, and connect these roots hy the sign of the middle term. Note. — A trinomial, in order to be resolved into equal binomial factors, must have two of its terms squares, and the other term timce the product of their square roots. (Art. loi.) Resolve the following into two equal binomials: 3- ^2 + 2a'b + J2. 9. f+2y+i. 4. x^—2xy-\- y\ 10. I _ 2C2 + C^. 5. m^ -j- 4mn + 4^2. II. ^2m ^ 2^myn ^ y^^ 6. i6a^ + 8« + I. 12. 4^2" _ 4a» 4- I. 7- 49 + 70 + 25. 13. a^ + 2aW + IK 8. 4^2 _ i2ah + 9J2. 14. a^x^ + 2ax^y + y\ 197. How resolve a trinomial into equal binomial fectors f PACTOBING. 67 CASE IV, 2.28. To Factor a Binomial consisting of the Difference of two Squares. I. Resolve ^a^ — 9J2 into two binomial factors. Analysis.— Both of these terms operation. are squares; the root of the first is ^ ^0? = 2fl5 2a, that of the second is 36. But the /~w 7 difference of the squares of two quan- ^ tities is equal to the product ot their * ' ^^ 9^ sum and difference. (Art. 103.) Now (2«4-35) (2a— 3^), ^W5. the sum of these two quantities is 2a + 3&, and the difference is 2a — 3& ; therefore, j\a? — 96^ = (2a + 3&)(2a— 3&). Hence, the Rule. — Find the square root of each term. The sum of these roots will he one factor, and their difference the other. Note. — This rule is one of the numerous applications of the for- mula contained in Art. 103. 2. Resolve a^ — x^ into two binomial factors. 3. Resolve ^x^ — i6y^ into two binomial factors. 4. Resolve y^ — 4 into two binomial factors. 5. Resolve g — x^ into two binomial factors. 6. Resolve a^ — i into two binomial factors. 7. Resolve i — ^ into two binomial factors. 8. Resolve 25^^ — 16^2 into two binomial factors. 9. Resolve ^x^ — y^ into two binomial factors. 10. Resolve 1 — 16^2 into two binomial factors. II. Resolve 25 — i into two binomial factors. 12. Resolve x^ — y* into two binomial factors. 13. Resolve a^x^ — b^y^ into two binomial factors. 14. Resolve m^ — # into two binomial factors. 15. Resolve a^'"" — h'^" into two binomial factors. xaS, How fector a binomial consisting of the difference of two squares ? 58 1^ AGIO KING. CASE V. 129. Various classes of examples of higher powers may be factored by means of the following PRINCIPLES. 1°. The difference of any tivo powers of tlie same degree is divisible by the difference of their roots. Thus, (x^—f) -J- {x—y) — x+y. {^—f) -4- {x-y) = a^+xy+^. (oe*—y^) H- {x—y) — a^ + x^y+xy^+y\ (a^— y5) -r- (x—y) = x^ + Q^y + x'^y'^ + xy^+y^. 2°. The differ e7ice of two even poivers of the same degree is divisible by the sum of their roots. Thus, {Q?—y^) -i- (x+y) — x—y. (aj4_2^) ^ (x+y) = x^—x^y+xy'^—y^. (afi—y^) 4- (x+y) = x^—x^y + a^y^—x^y^ + xy*—^, 3°. TJie Slim of two odd poicers of the same degree is divi- sible by the sum of their roots. Thus, i^+y^) -^ {x+y) = o^-xy+yK (a^+y^) -r- (x+y) = xl^—a^y + x-y'^—xy^+y*. (x'^+y'') ■+■ (x+y) — afi—x^y+xY—a^y^+xY—xy^+y\ etc. Note.— The indices and signs of the quotient follow regular laws : I St. The index of the first letter regularly deoreoMS by i, while that of the following letter increases by i. 2d. When the difference of two powers is divided by the difference of their roots, the signs of all the terms in the quotient are pltis. When their sum or difference is divided by the sum of their roots, the odd terms of the quotient are plus, and the even terms minus. 1^ If the principles and examples of this Case are deemed too difficult for beginners, they may be deferred until the Binomial Theorem is explained. (Arts. 268-270.) 129. Kecite Prin. i. Prin. 2. Prin. 3. Note. What is the index of the first let ter f Of the following letter ? What is said of the si^uB ? FACTORING. 59 130. To Factor the Difference of any two Powers of the same Degree. I. Eesolve a? — y'^ into two factors. Solution.— The binomial (a^— y^) -^ {x—y) = x^ + xi/+^. .*. x—y md x^ + xy+y^ are the factors. (Prin. i.) Hence, the 'RuL^.— Divide the difference of the powers hy the differ- ence of the roots; the divisor will he one factor, the quotient the other, Eesolve the following into two factors : 3' ^ — y^' 5. I — 131. To Factor the Difference of two even Powers of the same Degree. 6. Eesolve a^ — Z>* into two factors. Solution.— By Prin. 2,a^—¥ia divisible hy a + b. Thus, (a*— 6^) ^ (a + b) = a^—a^b + c^—b^, the divisor being one factor, the quotient the other. Hence, the EuLE. — Divide the difference of the given powers ly the sum of their roots ; the divisor ivill he one factor, the quo- tient the other, (Art. 129, Prin. 2.) Eesolve the following quantities into two factors : 7. J2 _ x\ 10. iC^ — 1. 8. d^ — ^, II. 1—^6, 9. a^ — h^, 12. a^ — I. 132. To Factor the Sum of two odd Powers of the same Degree. 13. Eesolve a} + h^ into two factors. Solution. — Dividing a^ + V^ by a + b, the factors are a + b and a^—ab+y"* (Prin. 3.) Hence, the EuLE. — Divide the sum of the powers hy the sum of the roots; the divisor and quotient are the factors. 130. How factor the diflference of any two powers of the same degree ? 131. How factor the difference of two even powers of the same degree ? 132. The sum of two odd powers of the same degree t 60 FACTOEIKG. Resolve the following quantities into two factors : 14. a^-{-f. 17. i + y\ 15. a^ + I. 18. I + a\ 16. a^ + I. 19. I + W. 133. It will be observed that in the preceding examples of this Case, binomials have been resolved into tivo factors. These factors may or may not be prime factors. Thus, in Ex. 6, d^-h^ = {a + 'b){a^-a'^h-\- (0)^-1)% But the /'actor {a^—a?h-\-ah'^—¥') is a composite quantity = {a—b)(a^ + ¥). 134. When a binomial is to be resolved into prime fac- tors, it should first be resolved into two factors, on<> of which is prhne ; then the composite factor should be treated in like manner. 20. Let it be required to find the prime factors of «^ - ¥. Solution.— The ^/a^ = a\ and /y/ft^^ft^ (Art. 128.) Now a^-¥- = (a2-&2) (^2 + jf.y But a^-h^ = («+&) {a-V). (Art. i^j.) Therefore the prime factors of a^—¥ are {a^ + ¥){a + l){a—h). Resolve the following quantities into their prime factors ' 21. «^— I. Arts. {dJ^ ■\-i){a-\- i){a—i). 22. i—f. Ans. (i+y^){i-{-y){i-yy 23. ofi — y^. Ans. {x^ -xy + y^) {a^ + ccy + y^) {x •\-y){x — y). 24. x^ — 2x^y^ 4- y^. Ans, {x^ - y^y = {x + y) {x -h y) (^ - «/) (^ ~ V)- 25. a^ — I. Ans. (x 4- i) {x- i) {x^ -\-x^-i){xi-x-\- i). 26. a« + 2a%^ + 2'^. ^?^5. {a -\-h){a + I) {a^ - a2> + ^) {a^ - ah -]r ^), 27. «2 _^ 9a + 18. Ans. {a + 6) (rt + 3}. 28. 4^2 ~ i2«& + 9&2. ^ws. (2a — 2fi) (20 - 3^) (See Appendix, p. 284.) OHAPTEE YII DIVISORS AND MULTIPLES. 135. A Common I>ivisor is one that will divide two or more quantities without a remainder. 136. Commensurable Quantities are those which haye a common divisor. Thus, aW and dbc are commensurable by ah. 137. Incommensurable Quantities are those which have no common divisor. (Art. 122 ) Tims, ab and xyz are incommensurabla. 138. To Find a Common Divisor of two or more Quantities. 1. Find a common divisor of abx, act/, and adz. Analysis. — Resolving the given quanti- operation. ties into factors, we perceive the factor a, is abx = a xb XX common to each quantity, and is therefore a act/ = axcXV common divisor of tbem. (Art. 119,) Hence, ^^^i ^ axdxz *^^ A71S. a. Rule. — Resolve each of the given quantities into factors, one of ivhich is common to all. Find a common divisor of the following quantities : 2. -^alcd and gahm. Ans. ^ah. 3. x^yz and lahx. 6. 2ax, dlx, 14CX. 4. a% bed, ah^xy. 7. 35^^, "jm"^, 42m^x. 5. 2adc, acx% a^cy, 8. 24a^, i2al>^, 6aW. 135. What is a common divisor ? 136. Commensurable quantities ? 137. Incom- mensunible quantities ? 138. How find a common divisor of two or more quantities ? 0x5 DIYIS0R8. 139. The Greatest Common Divisor of two or more quantities is the greatest quantity that will divide each of them without a remainder. Notes. — i. A common divisor of two or more quantities is always a common foMor of those quantities, and the g. c. fZ.* is their greatest common factor. 2. A common divisor is often called a common measure, and the greatest common divisor, the greatest comm/m measure. PRINCIPLES. 140. 1°. TJie greatest common divisor of two or more quantities is the product of all their common prime factors. 2°. A commoji divisor of tioo quantities is 7iot altered ty multiplying or dividing either of them hy any factor not found in the other. Thus, 3 is a common divisor of i8 and 6 ; it is also a common divisor of 1 8, and of (6 x 5) or 30. 3°. The signs of a 2^olynomial may he changed hy divid- ing it hy — I. Thus, (— 3a + 4&— 5c)h 1 = 3a— 46 + 5c. (Art. 112.) Hence, 4°. Tlie signs of the divisor, or of the dividend, or of hoth, may he changed without changing the common divisor. 141. To Find the Greatest Common Divisor of Monomials by JPrune Factors, I. What is the g, c, d, of 35aca;, 2Sahc, and 2iay? Analysis. — Resolving the operation. given quantities into their prime 3SCICX := <^XT XaXCXX factors, 7 and a only, are com- ^SaJc = 2X2X7X«X*XC mon to each ; therefore their product 7 X a, IS the g,c,a,re- ^ -» / ./ quired. (Prin. i.) •'• 7Xfl5 = 7«- ^ns. 139* What is the greatest common divipor of two or more quantities ? Note i. What is true of a common divisor of two or more quantities? Of the g. c. d.? 140. Name Principle i. Principle 2. Principle 3. * The initials g, c, d, are usod for the greatest common divisor. jivisoRS. 63 2. Find the g, c, d. of 4a^b% loaW, and i^abdx. Analysis. — Resolving these quan- operation. titles into their prime factors, the ^aWc = 2 x 2 X oaahhc factor 2 is common to the coefficients; locfil^ = 2 X 5 X CLobbb also, a and 6 are common to the lit- ^o^aMx = 2 X 7 X obdx eral parts Now multiplying these ^^^^ 2^a^h = 2ab common factors together, we have ly.ay.'b — 2ab, which is the g. c, d. required. (Prin. i.) Hence, the Rule. — Resolve the given quantities into their prime fac- tors ; and the product of the factors common to all, will he the greatest common divisor. (Prin. i.) Note. — In finding the common prime factors of the literal part, give each letter the least exponent it has in either of the quantities 3. Find the g, c. d, of 6aV and ^dbc, 4. Of i6a^xy and i^acx^y. 5. Of i2aWa^^ and i6a^x^zK 6. Of daV^x^^, i2a^xh^, ana i2>a^xh\ 142. To Find the Greatest Common Divisor of Quantities by Continued Division, I. Required the greatest common divisor of 30a; and 422;. Analysis. — If we divide the greater operation. quantity by the less, the quotient is i, 30a; ) 42:?; ( i and 12a; remainder. Next, dividing the 302; first divis'or 30a;, by the first remainder \ / ^1, J.- \ ■ J XI -J I2iC)302;(2 12a;, the quotient is 2 and the remainder ^ ^ ^ 6x. Again, dividing the second divisor ^4^ by the second remainder, the quotient 6x ) 1 2:?; ( 2 is 2 and no remainder. The last divisor, tx, is the ff, c, d. 12a; Demonstration. — Two points are required to be proved : ist. That 6x is a common divisor of the given quantities. 2d. That 6a! is their greatest common divisor. First. We are to prove that 6x is a common divisor of 30a; and 42a;. By the last division, 6a; is contained in 123*, 2 times. Now as 6a; k a 141. How find the g.c. d. of monomials by prime factors? Note. In finding the prime factors of the literal part, what exponents are given ? 64 DIVISORS, divisor of i2aJ, it is also a divisor of the product of i2aj into 2, or 24a;. (Art. 124, Prin. i.) Next, since 6x is a divisor of itself and 24a*, it must be a divisor of the sum of tx-\-2^, or 30a!, which is the smaller quantity. For the same reason, since ()X is a divisor of 12a; and 30a;, it must also be a divisor of the sum of 12a; + 302;, or 42a;, which is the larger quantity. Hence, tx is a common divisor of 30a; and 42a;. Second. We are to prove that 6x is the greatest common divisor of 30a; and 42a?. If the greatest common divisor is not bx, it must be either greater or less than bx. But we have shown that tx is a common divisor of the given quantities ; therefore, no quantity less than tx can be the greatest common divisor of them. The assumed quantity must there- fore be greater than bx. By supposition, this assumed quantity is a divisor of 30a? and 42a! ; hence, it must be a divisor of their difference, 42aj— 30a;, or 12a;. And as it is a divisor of 12a;, it must also divide the product of 12a; into 2, or 24a;. Again, since the assumed quantity is a divisor of 3oaJ and 24a;, it must also be a divisor of their difference, which is bx ; that is, a greater quantity will divide a less without a remainder, which is impossible. Therefore, 6a! must be the greatest common divisor of 3oaj and 42aJ, the second point to be proved. Hence, the B,XJL^.— Divide the greater quantity by the less, then divide the first divisor dy the first remainder, the second divisor by the second remainder, and so on, till there is no remainder. The last divisor will be the greatest common divisor. Note. — If there are more than two quantities, fifid the g. c» d, of the smaller two, then of this common divisor and a third quantity, and so on with all the quantities. 2. What is the g, c, d. of 48^5, 72 a, and io8a? Suggestion. — The the first term of the second dividend. We therefore multiply this dividend by 4, and it becomes Sx^ + 4X^ + 4X— 4, and dividing this by the second divisor, the second remainder is —22;'^ + 90?— 4. Dividing the preceding divisor by this remainder, we see that the third remainder, —422; + 21, is not contained in the next dividend. Cancelling the factor —21, the fourth divisor becomes 2X — i, the greatest common divisor required. Find the g, c. d. of the following quantities: 6. a^ — y^ and a^ — 2x2/ + ^. 7. «3 _f_ ^z an^ ^2 _j_ 2ab + ^. 8. h^ — 4 and J2 ^ 45 + 4. 9. a:^ — 9 and x^ -{- 6x -\- 9. 10. a^ — 3(1 + 2 and a^ — a — 2. 11. «^ + 3^2 -f 4flj -|- 12 and a^ -f 4^2 _{- 4^5 _{-. 3, 12. a^ -{- I and x^ + mx^ -f 772a; + 1. 13. d^ — Ifi and a^ — W, 14. fl^2 _ 2^j _j_ 4^2 and c^ — a^h + 3fl!j2 _ ^js 15. 3^ — 102;^ + 15^ + 8 and x^ — 2a;^ — 6ar^ + 4a:2 4- 13a; -f 6. MULTIPLES. ;37 MULTIPLES. 144. A Multiple is a quantity which can be divided by another quantity without a remainder. (Art. 123.) 145. A Coimnon Multijde is a quantity which can be divided by two or more quantities without a remainder. Thus, 1 8a is a common multiple of 2, 3, 6, and 9. 146. The Least Common Multiple of two or more quantities is the least quantity that can be divided by each of them without a remainder. Thus, 21 is the least common multiple of 3 and 7 ; 30 is the least common multiple of 2, 3, and 5. PRINCIPLES. 147. 1°. ^ multiple of a quantity must contain all the prime factors of that quantity. Thus, 18 is a multiple of 6, and contains the prime factors of 6, which are 2 and 3. 2°. A common multiple of two or more quantities must contain all the prime factors of each of the given quantities. Thus, 42, a common multiple of 14 and 21, contains all the prime factors of those quantities ; viz., 2, 3, and 7. 3°. The least com7non multiple of tiuo or more quantities is the least quantity which contains all their prime factors^ each factor heing tahen the greatest numderof times it occurs in either of the given quantities. Thus, 30 is the least common multiple of 6 and to, and contains all the prime factors of these quantities ; viz., 2, 3, and 5. 144. What is a multiple ? 145, A common multiple ? 146. The least common multiple ? 147. Name Principle i. Principle 2. Principle 3. 68 MULTIPLES. 148. To Find the Least Common Multiple of Monomials by Prime Factors, 1. Find the I, cm,* of i5«V, ^l^cx, and 9&A Analysis. — The prime factors operation. of the coefficients are 5, 3, and 3. l^^a'^OC^ = 3X5X«*Xa? The prime factors of the letter a t^W-cx =1 ^xl^ XCXX are a, a, a, a, which are denoted by qbc^z = ^X^X^X<^X^ a*. In like manner, the prime fac- j^^^^ A^a^l^C^Z. tors of X are denoted by a;', those of b by b'^, and those of c by c^ ; z is prime. Taking each of these factors the greatest number of times it occurs in either of the given quanti- ties, the product, 45a^&-c%-2, is the I, c, in, required. (Art. 147, Prin. 2.) Hence, the Rule. — Resolve the quantities into their prime factors ; multiply these factors together, tahing each the greatest num- her of times it occurs in either of the given quantities. Tlie product is the I, c, m, required. Or, Find the least common multiple of the coefficieyits, and annex to it all the letters, giving ecLch letter the exponent of its highest poiver in either of the quantities. Note. — Tn finding the I. c, in, of algebraic quantities, it is often more expeditious to arrange them in a horizontal line, then divide, «tc., as in arithmetic. Eequired the I, c, Vfl, of the following quantities : 2. ^a\ i2a^A and 24^2:2^. Ans. yza^x^g, 3. ^ab^ 2Sbc^, and ^6a^M, 4. iSoc^'ifz, 2oy% and Sxyz^. 5. isa^l^c, ga¥c% and iSa^c^. 6. 2Sab\ i4«2J*, 35«^^, and 42a*h. 7. 2ix^yh^, 35^y^z^, and d^xyH. 8. ^mVy, i2mhiy'^, 2i>Yi^ T^mn^y^. 148. How find the I. c. tn. of monomials by prime factors ? What other method * The initials I, c, tn, are used for the least common multiple. MULTIPLES. 69 149. To Find the Least Common Multiple of Polynomials. 9. Kequired the l. c. ni» of ^^ + ^ and a^ — 1^. Analysis. — Resolving operation. tlie quantities into their tt^— Z*^ = (« + d) X («— J) prime factors, as in the «3+^ = (« + J) X (tt^— ffJ + ^) margin, (« + &) is common (^^ j) >< (^_y^ ^ (cii_ah + m = to both, and is their ;t> and -, to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. 173. How reduce a fraction to any required denominator ? 174. What is a com- jnon denominator ? Principle i ? Principle a ? 78 REDUCTION OF FRACTIONS. Solution.— Multiplying the denominators h, d, and y together, we have bdy, which is a common denominator. b X d X i/ = hdy The common denominator. a X d X ^ = ady ) ex i X y = hey V The new numerators. X X l X d =z hdx ) J a ady c hey x hdx h~ hdy' d~~hdy' y^ hdy' To reduce the given fractions to this denominator, we multiply- each numerator by all the denominators except its own, and place the results over the common denominator. Hence, the Rule, — Multiply all the denominators together for a com- mon denominator, and each numerator into all the denom- inators, except its oion.for the neio numerators. Notes. — i. It is advisable to reduce the fractions to their loicest terms, before the rule is applied. (Art. 169.) 2. This rule is based on the principle, that the Dolue of a fraction is not changed by multiplying both its terms by the same quantity. (Art. 167, Prin. 3.) Reduce the following to equivalent fractions having a common denominator: 2. a X ^ ~c' y' 4* Ans. 4^^ 4^^ ''^-. 4cy 4cy 4cy 3. c h 2d d' x' T 8. 2a c -\- I 4. a h X 2x' ~?' ~y 9. 2 a c -\- d 3' ^' c-d 5. 2a X 10. xy I 2« Sh' a + b z' 2' h' 6. x — y x^y^ x-\-y' x — y' II. 2a x^ + ^^ 7. a + h 5a— 1 3 ' a ' 12. a — x a + X a -{- x' a — x 175. How reduce fractions to equivalent fractions having a common denomina- tor r JV^oie. Upon what principle is this rule based ? EEDUCTIOK OF FRACTIONS. 79 CASE VI. 176. To Reduce Fractions to the Least Common Denominator. I. Eeduce - X' xy yz Solution. — Tlie I, c, m, of the denominators U , and — to the I, c,d. xyz = L c, d. xyz -r-x = yz xyz -T-xy =i z xyz -i- yz ^x The multipliers. a X yz X X yz b X z xy X z d X X xyz. (Art. >j8. _ ^?/^ ~xyz _bz^ ~ xyz dx The fractions required. yz X X xyz To change the given fractions to others whose denominator is xyz, we multiply each numerator by the quotient arising from dividing this multiple by its corresponding denominator. Hence, the Rule. — I. Find the least common multiple of all the denominators for the least common denominator. II. Divide this multiple by the denominator of each frac- tion, and multiply its numerator iy the quotient. Note. — AH the fractions must be reduced to their lowest terms before the rule is applied. Reduce the folloAving fractions to the I, c. d, : a Ic y 2. 2^' a: ' 4C cd 2X xy 3- ab^ 2,a^ ac a i c X 4- ~ ' 'Z' T ' T.' 2 3 4 y a^c 2cd x^y S- ah' Wc' ^U 6. 2db 3 a; I Zac' 4' OL^c' 8 2« cd x^y h 45 ' Ic' lex 8. 10. II. — 12. -^ a^l a — I a^+ly^ a — y a + V a^-lj'' 2(x-\-y) a ah zix-^tjY xy' 'ejx'-^y)' d X a^' Wb' X m y ac Wc' &d X a ■\-h d ' xz y 2' xy 13- m-\-n m—n m* W 2ax^ ' ^cx 176. How reduce fractions to the least common denominator! so ADDITION OF FRACTIOKS ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 177. When fractions have a common denominator, their numerators express like parts of the same unit or base, and are like quantities, (Art. 43.) 178. To Add Fractions which have a Common DenominatoPc 1. What is the sum of f , |, and | ? Solution, f and | are V-, and f are ^i, Ans. Hence, the EuLE.— ^flf^ the numerators, and place the sum over the common denominator, . ,, 75 45,85 . loj 2. Add — , — , and — . Ans, -^— m m m m 3. Add ^ — , , , and ^ 2xy 2xy 2xy 2xy . ,, 7c?a:2! i7(?a;2! iidxz , 4<7a;;? 4. Add '—r , , , — 7- , and ^^ • $aoc ^aoc $aoc ^aoc 5. Add ?^+f to 3i-rf . 6. Add ^^±^ to 4^=^. 179. To Add Fractions which have Different Denominators. 7. What is the sum of t^ -7> and — ? h d' X bxdxx = hdx, c. d, a adx c bcx Analysis, — Since these fractions have different denominators, their numerators cannot be added in their 5 odx d udx present form. (Art, 66.) We there- m hdm fore reduce them to a common denomr ^ ~^x inator, then add the numerators. ^^^ _^ j^^. ^ j^^ (Art. 175.) Hence, the j^ -, Ans^ Rule. — Reduce the fractions to a common denominator, and place the sum of the nuriierators over it. Note.— All answers should be reduced to the lowest terms. 177. When fractions have a common denominator, what is true of the numerators! 178. How add such fi:3,ction8 ? 179. How, whea they have different denominators ? ADDITIOI^ OF FRACTIONS. 81 Find the sum of the following fractions : 8. --f--^ + V X m 2X 2y 2xy . 2X^m -\- lyhn -f 2X^y^ mxy cd Ay Ix ^ ZX^ 2d^ S 9- 3^ + ^ + 1 4 5 3 lO. ^ + J- + M. 3 26? 4 a . X II. I ■\-c ' l — c 12. x+y x—y 2xy xy I-?- 2 +x 3 -{-ax y ay ^ A. a ah i6. a 271 -\- d d sh a d 17. - H y -m ,8. :^+ -^ y m — n — 4 — 16 19. — ^ + 2 7 — 3 4« 6c xm 20. -^^ — — • X -^ y x — y b d 2>x 180. To Add Mixed Quantities. Ji vn 1. What is the sum of « + - and d ? c n BOLunoiS'. — Adding the integral and fractional parts separately^ \06 result S&a^r d ^ , tlie sum required. Hence, the en Efle. — Add the integral and fractional parts separately, and unite the results. (Art. 179.) Note. — Mixed quantities may be reduced to improper fractions, and tlien be added by the rule. (Art. 171.) 2. What is the sum of « + - and c + - ? 2 X 3. What is the sum oi x -\- ^ and ? m — y 4. What is the sum of 3d and a -\ ? 2 I a ~— 1/ 5. What is the sum of 5a; + ^ and — ^ ? 2 180. How add mixed quantities ? iVofe. How else may they be added ? 82 SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. 181. To Incorporate an Integer with a Fraction. c ^ 6. Incorporate the integer ah with the fraction • Solution. — Reducing db to the denominator of tlie fraction, we have ah = '^^^^M . and 3_«&^^ + -£z:i = 'i^x^^y^;C-d ^^^ 2,x+y 2>^+y o^x+y y^^y Hence, the EuLE. — Reduce the integer to the denominator of the frac- tion, and place the sum of the numerators over the given denominator, (Art. 172.) za 7. Incorporate the integer 3^ with the fraction -r- 8. Incorporate — 4^ with « 9. Incorporate — a with ^ « a — "b 10. Incorporate z^ + V with x — y II. Incorporate — a -\- ^h with ^• 12. Incorporate 2a; + 2y with iC SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. 182. The numerators of fractions which have a common denominator, we have seen, are like quantities, (Art. 177.) Hence, they may be subtracted one from another as integers. 1. Subtract | from |. Solution. l-l^T^^^l or -. Am, - • 00004 4 2. From T subtract y ^ns. t — 7 = — 7 — • 6 J III 181. How incorporate an integer with a fraction? 182. What is true of the numerators of fractions having a common denominator ? How suhtract euch frac- tions ? 3 X 2 = 6, c. .c?. 7«_ 3 14a 6 2 ga 6 I4« 6 9«_ 6 " 6' An SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS.- 83 3. From —7— subtract -^-^ 4. From — -^ subtract - — • ^ a a 183. To Subtract Fractions which have Different Denominators. q. From -- subtract — • ^ 3 2 Analysis. — Since these fractions have different denominators, they can- not be subtracted one from the other in their present form. We therefore reduce them to a common denominator , which is 6, and place the difference of the numerators over it. Hence, the RcTLE. — Reduce the fractions to a common denominator, and subtract the numerator of the subtrahend from that of the minuend, placing the difference over the common denominator. Notes. — i. The integral and fractional parts of mixed quantities should be subtracted separately, and the results be united. Or, mixed quantities may be reduced to improper fractions, and then be subtracted by the rule. (Art. 171.) 2. A fraction may be subtracted from an integer, or an integer from a fraction, by reducing the integer to the given denominator, and then applying the rule. 6. From 5«-^ take^^^. Ans, 5^:iJ£^. X ' y xy 7. From — , take • ' m' y 8. From ~~ , take • m y ^ a -\- -Kd ^ ^ m — 2d 9. From — '-^j take ^ 4 3 .•83. How when they have different denominators ? Note i. How subtract mixed quantities ? Note 2. How a fraction from an integer, or an integer from a fraction T 84 MULTIPLICATION^ OF FEACTIONS, 10. From — , take — - » m y 11. From -, take m, y 12. From 4« + -, take 3a — :^' c d 2 3 14. From T-^—, take , ^ ■. 15. From « — -, take ^. f 2 16. From "^ - ^ take "^-^ 10 ' i^ + y n. From a; ^""'', take ^""^ -a. MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. CASE I. J84. To Multiply a Fraction by an Integer, 1. Multiply -7 by m. A-{^ALysis.— Multiplying the numerator of the ofkiutioi. fhftCtiun by the integer, the product is am. ^ ^ ^ ^^^ (Art. i6;, Piin. i.) b ~ b ' 2. "W^at :s the product of 7- x a;? Analysis- 'A fraction is multiplied by ^ y^ x ^ dividing its denominator ; therefore, if we bx bx -r- X divide hx by gc, the re.sult will be the product a a required. (Art. 167, Knn. 1.) Hence, the ^^"ZZTJ ^^ 5* EuLE. — Multivly i?a numerator by the integer. Or, Divide the detwminaior by it. Notes. — i. A fi'action is multiplied by a quantity equal to its denominator, by cancelling the denominator. (Art. 1 10, Prin. 4.) 184. How multiply fi frdctioo by on integer? MULTIPLIOATIOK OF FRACTIONS. 85 2. A fraction is also multiplied by dJij factor in its denominator, by cancelling that factor. (Art. no, Prin. 4.) Find the product of the following quantities: 3- 4 5 6 7. 8. 9 10 II ^2/ — — T X (a — - J). -4?^5. 3a;, —y X d. cd —7-^ X (3 + m). «^ — X 6. 24 2a; — XII , _ v^~i X (3c + 2fZ). 14. ax — X 6x. SX a + h ; X ^x. 20X 4- 2^xy ^ a -\- ab he -\- c 2X-\- s X 2ac. X 2or2;. 5 a^ — z^ 4 «^ Ans, — • c 12. a — i , ^ X (12a: + 18). 13- -J X (a — x), d — x ^ ' 14. a + b 15. 40Z — 10 ^ ^ 16. 3c — d 20 >^'5. 17. 18. -;^ X X 12; + «). CASE II. 185. To Multiply a Fraction by a Fraction^ I. What is the product of - by — Analysis. — Multiplying the numerator of operation. the fraction - by d, the numerator of the axd_ad ^ ad C c multiplier, we have — , But the multiplier is -j -, — ; hence the product — is JW times too lar^e. C X ffl cm ^ d a To correct this, multiply the denominator — X —-=:-- by m. (Art. 167, Prin. 2.) ^ ^- ^^ Note I. How is a fraction multiplied by a quantity equal to its denominator J Note 2. How by any factor in its denominator ? e6 MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIOITS. 2. Required the product of — -^ multiplied by — • Analysis. — The factors 2, r, and e are opebation. common to each term of the given frac- 2al) cm 2abcm tions. Cancelling these common factors, 6cd ax 6acdx the result is -^ , the product required 2aocm om . ddcdj'jc 1(1 cr (Art. 167, Prin. 3.) Hence, the ^ Rule. — Cancel tlie common factors; then multiply the numerators together for the new numerator, and the denom- inators for the new denominator. Notes. — i. Mixed quantities should be reduced to improper fractions, and then be multiplied as above. Or, i^Q fractional and integral parts may be multiplied separately, And the results be united. 2. Cancelling the common factors shortens the operation, and gives the answer in the lowest terms. 3. The word of in compound fractions has the force of the sign x . Therefore, reducing compound fractions to simple ones is the same as multiplying the fractions together. Thus, |off = fxf = ^. Find the products of the following fractions: 2X xxii 2dy ^13 3. — X — I X — ^« 6. — ; X I- ^ y 2d X a + 3a: 8 he X d (a + m)y.h aii 4. — X T- X — 7. ^^ — X -r-~--{ — a by c IX {a-{-m)xc x-^y ^x + y a±h cd 5» X ; — • o. 5 — X — • yz y + z (? X 9. What is the product of -^— by — ^^^ ? Solution. — Factor and cancel. Ans. —(x+y). 185. How multiply a fraction by a fraction ? Note i. How mixed quantities ! Vote 2. How shorten the operation ? Note 3. What is the force of the word 0/ ia compound fractiouB ? MULTIPLICATION OF FEACTI0:N^S. 87 HT li.- 1 2a , x^ — y^ . 2a (x + y) 10. Multiply by ^- Ans. — —j-^' 11. Multiply -^ by \~ * ^ "^ 4a: "* y^ — 2xy TIT 1 J.- 1 4^ — 2h , 2a — h .2. Multiply ^—--^ by -^. 13. Multiply « + -^- by ^. 14. Multiply ^ + 1^ by -t/. 15. Multiply a; — — by - + ^. 16. Multiply « 4- -T- by — y CASE III. 186. To Multiply an Integer by a Fraction* dx I. Multiply the integer a by — Analysis. — Changing the integer to the a « = a form of a fraction, we have - to be multiplied I . dx ... . adx^ ^ ^. a dx _adx by — , which equals . Hence, the 7 ^ 77; — "777 * ^ cy* ^ cy 1 cy cy Rule. — Reduce the integer to a fraction ; then multiply the numerators 'together for the new numerator, and the denominators for the new denom,inator. Notes. — i. Multiplying an integer by b. fraction is the same as find- hig B. fractional part of a quantity. Thus, a; x | is the same as finding f of X, each being equal to — . That is, 4 2. Three times i fourth of a quantity is the same as i fourth of 3 times that quantity. 186. How multiply an integer by a fraction ? Note. To what is this operation similar? 88 MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTION'S. Find the product of the following quantities : 9. {x'-f)x ""' 2. , dx abc X — cy 3. , b -\-c ad X — ' — xy 4. ax X ' 4« 5. (« + ^)xf 3 (^ + «/) ^ 2 (« + /^) II. (:z:2 + i) X ^^^ 3(^—0 12. 2a;^(flj — Z*) X ;2 — Z»2 6- (3« — 2/) X ^- 13. 3a (2; — i) X ~^^ y *. ^ V ' ^'^ _ I 7. (-^+0X^. 14. (2.. + .2)x^^. 8. (i~«^)x-^. 15. (I-^^2)x ' I + « ^ ' n-\- \ 187. The principles developed in the preceding cases may be summed up in the following GENERAL RULE. Reduce whole and mixed quantities to improper fractions , then cancel the common factors, and place the product of the numerators over the product of the denominators, 1. Multiply by 15a;. 2. Multiply ^^ by y^ — i. 3. Multiply ^ + — by —^. ,, ,,. , 2ax ^ab , xac 4. Multiply — X — - by --^. ^ "^ a ac '' 2ab 5. Multiply ^- by ^. ^ ^ -^ loy ^ ga 6. Multiply X 7 by a a -\- b '' a 187. What Ib the general rule for multiplying fractions ? DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 85 7. Multiply ^— — by x + z. 8. Multiply ^ by 2y\ if 9. Multiply by a;^ — 2xy + «/2. a; — y 10. Multiply - — —-^ by 8;? — 2. ^ -^ 402; — 10 -^ 11. Multiply a; — -^ by - + ^» ^ -^ X -^ y X 2a^ 2ah 12. Multiply a + ^ by — ^ • ., Multiply (i±l)ib,^^. 14. Multiply ^ by -5 ^' ^ -^ 4a; y^ — 2xy 15. Multiply & + ^^^ by Z» - ^^^. 2// ^2 ^2 16. Multiply by —- ^ -^ x — y *' ax DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. CASE I. 188. To Divide a Fraction by an Integer, I. If 3 oranges cost — dollars, what will i cost? 71/ Analysis.— One is i third of 3; therefore, opeeation. oa 9^ . _ 3^ I orange will cost i third of — dollars, and "^ "^ 3 — ~ - of — dollars is — dollars. (Art. 167, Prin. 2.) 2. Divide - by m. c ^ Analysis. — Since we cannot divide OPBEATION. the numerator of the fraction by m, — -i- m rz= ^ z=. — • we multiply the denominator by it. C ' C X m cm 90 DIVISION OP FRACTIONS. The result is — . For, in eacli of the fractions - and — , the same cm c cm number of parts is taken ; but. since the unit is divided into m times as many parts in the loiter as in the former, it follows that each part in the latter is only — th of each part in the former. Hence, the '' m Rule. — Divide the numerator by the integer. Or, Multiply the denomhiator hy it. Note. — If the dividend is a mixed quantity, it should be reduced to an improper fraction before the rule is applied. (Ex. 3.) Divide the following quantities 3. a -\ by d,^ X 4. ^ + l^hjxy. 5. / by s^y- 9- 6. 2«^ 1 X — by 5. sac -^ 10. 7. « H hy a, c II. 8. ax H by xK 12. . ax -\- be Ans. :: dx . abx 4- 11 Ans, — J — -• abxy c^ -\- ax , -^ — by a-\- X, 2b '' a^ — <^ , ^— - — by a — c. 7? + 2xy + if . — — — ^—^-^~ by x-\-y. — ■ — f by « + J. a — b^ CASE II. 189. To Divide a Fraction by a Fraction, This case embraces two classes of examples : First. Those in which the fractions have a common denominator. Second. Those in which they have different denominators. 188. How divide a fraction by an integer? NoU. If the dividend is a mixed quantity, how proceed ? DIVISION^ OF FRACTIONS. 91 1. At — dollars apiece, how many kites can a lad buy for dollars ? m Analysis.— Since these fractions have a com- opbbation. mon denominator, tlieir numerators are like 12a ^ ^a quantities, and one may be divided by the ni ' m other, as integers. (Art. 177.) Now yi is con- Ans, 4 kites. tained in 12a, 4 times. (Art. no, Prin. i.) 2. How many times is - — contained in -^— ? '' X X 3. What is the quotient of ^^ divided by — ^- n c 4. It is required to divide - by -• X y Analysis. — Since these frac- tions have different denomina- tors, their numerators are unlike quantities ; consequently, one cannot be divided by the other in this form. (Art. 114, no^e.) We therefore reduce them to a com- mon denominator ; then dividing one numerator by the other, the result is the quotient. Or, more briefly, if we invert the divisor, and multiply the dividend by it, we have the 8am£ combinations and the same result as before. (Art. 185.) Hence, the EuLE. — Multiply the dividend hy the divisor inverted. Or, Reduee the fractions to a eommon denominator, and divide the numerator of the dividend hy that of the divisor. Notes. — i. A fraction is inverted, when its terms are made to change places. Thus, ^ inverted, becomes - • a 2. The object of inverting the divisor is convenience in multiplying. 3. After the divisor is inverted, the common factors should be can^ celled before the multiplication is performed. 189. How divide a fraction by a fraction when they have a common denominator ? When the denominators are different, how ? rmST OPERATION. a _ x~ _ay c _cx ~ xy' y~~ xy' ay ^ ex _ay xy ' xy~ ex SECOKD OPEBATIOK. a X y X c ex 92 DIVISION OF FBACTIONS. Divide the following fractions : ^ cd ^ ay ^2* 2¥c^ ^ 6bc 6. ^-r- by -^. 14. — by ^— . taoy ''ax 4cd '' 2d 7. 3^ by a ,5. J^by^f"?. 8. -^Lby^ t6. A^by3^^-?. a;— 1*^2 a -\- h '' 2y g— I 1^ _^ a:* , «a? ,0. 5^ by -'-5^. ,8. 36«f!i, £8aS_ „. iil£±^) byii^±^. 10. -SLbyl^. 12. -^-r-i by 20. -—4 by -f— ^. a + "^ a iSab *^ 36^6? CASE III. 190. To Divide an Integer by a Fraction. I. Divide the integer ydc by ^' Analysis.— Having reduced the opbbation. integer to a fraction, and inverted ndc -^ ^ = the divisor, we cancel the common ^ factor d, and proceed as in the last jdc h ']hG . case. Hence, the ~i ^ ^ ~ 3« ' ' Rule. — Reduce the integer to a fraction, and multiply it hy the divisor inverted. Divide the following quantities : ^ ' ■ jx 190, How divide au integer by a fraction ? 2. , ex '^y ■■ dm 3- ax: ^ . m -{- n 4. J/ DIVISION OF FRACTION'S. 93 191. Complex JFractions are reduced to simple ones, by performing the division indicated. 8. Keduce — to a simple fraction. 3 Analysis. — The given fraction is equiv- a alent to « . 3 . Performing the division b , the dividend. indicated, we have ^, the simple fraction required. (Art. 189.) -, the divisor. 4 ^ y 4 _ 4a . b 3 3b Reduce the following fractions to simple ones : 10. II. b Id" «4-i « — I a— I a+ I a-b ^ + .V x — y a + b Ans. 12. 13- bed a? — y'^ a-b x + y x-\-y a-^b a + b x — y 192. The various principles developed in the preceding cases may be summed up in the following GEN ERAL RULE. Reduce integers and mixed quantities to improper frac- tions, and complex fractions to simple ones : then multiply the dividend by the divisor inverted. 191. How reduce complex fractions ? 192. What is the general rule for dividing fractionB? 94 DIVISION OF FKACTIONS, 1. Divide — — by sic 4xyz 2. Divide ^^ ^ by gxy. 2'jy ^. ., i6xy , 2cd -?. Divide by — ^ fyn. '' inn. ^. ., 42ah , 145 4. Divide -^ 5 by 5. Divide -^^^-^ by -^. , TA. ., x'^ — 2xy + ifi , ^ — y 6. Divide / -^ by ^. 7. Divide -X ; — -„ by Solution. — Factoring and cancelling, we have, a^—m* _ (a® + m^) (a + m){a—m) ^ a ? -{■am _ a(a + m) ^ a^—2am + m^~ {a—m)(a—m) ' a—m ~ a—m (a^-\-m-)(a + m)(a—m) a—m a'^ + m^ m^ . ' ^-^, — -\ X -7 ^ = , or a + — » Ans, (a—m) {a—m) a{a + m) a a 8. Divide -^^ by -^—. cfi — x^ ''a — X -p. . . , 4^2 — 8c , c2 — 4 0. Divide by -* ^ x + y '' X -\- y 10. Divide ; by ^-73-- — (• ac -^ ax -^ A^\d -^ X) 11. Divide -=— — r bv — , — a^ -\- & " a •\- c 12. Divide ■— by ^-^^ — -—^^ X "^ a — x ,3. Divide ^qr-,^jq.-^ by -^-^. 14. Divide ^— by ^--^. iq. Divide by — ^^ -" (See Appendix, p. 285.) ■^ x-^- ax -^ I ■\- a CHAPTER IX. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 193. An Equation is an expression of equality between two quantities. (Art. 27.) 194. Every equation consists of two parts, called the first and second members. 195. The First Member is the part on the left of the sign =. The Second Manber is the part on the right of the sign =. 196. Equations are divided into degrees, according to the exponent of the unknown quantity; as the first, second, third, fourth, etc. Equations are also divided into Simple, Quadratic, CuMc, etc. 197. A Simple Equation is one which contains only ihQ first power of the unknown quantity, and is of the first degree ; as, ax = d. 198. A Quadratic Equation is one in which the highest power of the unknown quantity is a square, and is of the second degree ; as, ax^ -\- ex ^ d. 199. A Cubic Equation is one in which the highest power of the unknown quantity is a cuie, and is of the third degree ; as, aa^ + dx^ — ex = d. 193. What is an equation? 194. How many parts? 195. Which is the flri«t member ? The second ? 196. How are equations divided ? What other divisions ? 197. What is a simple equation ? 198. A quadratic ? 199. Cubic ? 96 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 200. An Identical Equation is one in which both members have the same form^ or may be reduced to the same form. Thus, ab—c = ab—c, and 8a;— 3a? = 5a;, are identicaL Note. — Sucli an equation is often called an identity/. 201. The Transformation of an equation is chang- ing its form without destroying the equality of its members. Note. — The members of an equation will retain their equality, so long as they are equally increased or diminished. (Ax. 2-5.) TRANSPOSITION. 202. Transposition of Terms is changing them from one side of an equation to the other without destroy- ing the equahty of its members. 203. Unknown Quantities may be combined with known quantities by addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Note. — The object of transposition is to obtain an equation in which the terms containing the unknown quantity shall stand on one side, and the known terms on the other. 204. To Transpose a Term from one Member of an Equation to the other. 1. Given x -{-1) z=a, to find the value of x. Solution.— By the problem, x+b = a Adding —b to each side (Ax. 2), x+b—b = a—b Cancelling ( + &—&) (Ax. 7), .*. x = a—b This result is the same as changing the sign of b from + to — in ihe first equation, and transposing it to the other side. 2. Given x — d z= c, to find the value of x. Solution. — By the problem, x—d = c Adding +dto each side (Ax. 2), x—d+d = c + d Cancelling (—d + d), (Ax. 7.) .-. x = c+d 200. Identical ? 201. What is the transformation of an equation ? Note. Equality. 202. What is transposition of terms? 203. How combine unknown quantities T Note. Object of transposition ? ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. 97 This result is also tlie same as changing the sign of d from — io 4- , and transposing it to the other side. Hence, the ^vJjE.— Transpose the term from one member of the equa- tion to the other, and change its sign. Note.— In the first of the preceding examples, the unknown quantity is combined with one that is known by addition; in the second, with one by subtraction. 3. Given b — c-{-x = a — d, to find x, 4. Given x-\-al) — c=a-\-l), to find x. 205. The Signs of all the terms of an equation may be changed without destroying the equality. For, all the terms on each side may be transposed to the other, by changing their signs. 206. If all the terms on one side are transposed to the other, each member will be equal to o. Thus, if 05+6 = Given ^-~ = x --, to find x. OKE UKKNOWK QUANTITY. 103 34. Given ~-\- x = 25, to find x. 4 2 X X 35. Given 80 = 4a; , to find x. 2 6 ,^. 2iC+I a;^^ 36. Given ! — = 2X -^-^ , to find x, 3 4 37. Given 10 -> 22; = 5^+^ - £1Z136 ^^ g^^ ^^ 3 3 38. Given a; — 3 = 15 _ ^Jli, to find x. 39. Given a; + 2 = 3a; + ^-±-? - ?-±-^, to find a?. 4 3 ^. Z^ , X — 4 a; — 10 40. Given ^ + 5 _ ^ _ 5^^ g^^ 422 ^. iia;— I ex— 11 x—i 41. Given — - — = ^ to find x. 12 4 10 42. Given ^ _ ?? = 120, to find x. 5 10 43. Given ar — 20 = — ^^+1 to find x, 5 44. Given ~^ = ^—^ ■\-t2-x, to find x, ^ 3 45. Given ^-^ + 10 = — _ 1^=^, to find x. 46. Given — ^ - -^- = 5, to find a:. I* -j- I Q, I r\' X 2 + X C 47. Given ^-^ - ^_ =.____, to find x. 48. Given ^^=5+^, to find ^. 49- Given — = ^ — — , to find a?. 2 3 50. Given 8«= ^1^, to find x, 1 -\- X 51. Given -~^-^- = ~^yto find a;. 104: SIMPLE EQUATIONS. PROBLEMS. 216. The Solution of a problem is finding a quantity which will satisfy its conditions. It consists of two parts : First.— The Formation of an equation which will express the conditions of the problem in algebraic language, Second. — The deduction of this equation. 217. To Solve Problems in Simple Equations containing one unknown Quantity. I. A farmer divided 52 apples among 3 boys in such a manner that B had i half as many as A, and C 3 fourths as many as A minus 2. How many had each ? I. Formation— Let x = A'a number. By the conditions, - = B's ** 2 4 Therefore, by Ax. 0, x + - + — — 2= 52, the whole. 24 2c Reduction— 4a;+2a;+3«— 8 = 208 Transposing, etc., gx = 216 Removing the coefficient, x = 24, A's number. Ans. A had 24, B had 12, and C had 18—2 = 16. From this illustration we derive the following GENERAL RULE. I. Represent the unknown quantity ly a letter, then state in algelraic language the operations necessary to satisfy the wnditions of the prohlem. II. Clear the equation of fractions ; then, transposing and uniting the terms, divide each member by the coefficient of the unhnown quantity. (Art. 213.) Note. — A careful study of the conditions of the problem will soon enable the learner to discover the quantity to be represented by the letter, and the method of forming the equation. tx6. What is the Bolution of a problem ? Of what does it coneist ? 217. What is the general rale ? OKE TJKKKOWiq- QTJAI^TITY. 105 2. The bill for a coat and vest is I40 ; the value of the coat is 4 times that of the vest. What is the value of each ? 3. A bankrupt had $9000 to pay A, B, and C ; he paid B twice as much as A, and C as much as A and B. What did each receive ? 4. The whole number of hands employed in a factory was 1000 ; there were twice as many boys as men, and 11 times as many women as boys. How many of each ? 5. Two trains start at the same time, at opposite ends of a railroad 1 20 miles long, one running twice as fast as the other. How far will each have run at the time of meeting ? 6. A man bought equal quantities of two kinds of flour, at $10 and $8 a barrel. How many barrels did he buy, the whole cost being 1 1200 ? 7. If 96 pears are divided among 3 boys, so that the second shall have 2, and the third 5, as often as the first has I, how many will each receive ? 8. A post is one-fourth of its length in the mud, one- third in the water, and 12 feet above water; what is its whole length ? 9. After paying away I of my money, and then J of the remainder, I have $72. What sum had I at first ? 10. Divide $300 between A, B, and 0, so that A may have twice as much as B, and C as much as both the others. 1 1 . At the time of marriage, a man was twice as old as his wife; but after they had lived together 18 years, his age was to hers as 3 to 2. Eequired their ages on the wedding day. 12. A and B invest equal amounts in trade. A gains 1 1 260 and B loses $870; A's money is now double B's. What sum did each invest ? 13. Eequired two numbers whose difference is 25, and twice their sum is 114. 14. A merchant buying goods in New York, spends the first day ^ of his money ; the second day, I ; the third day, I; the fourth day, ^; and he then has $300 left. How much had he at first ? 106 SIMPLE EQUATIOKS. 15. What number is that, from the triple of which if 17 be subtracted the remainder is 22 ? 16. In fencing the side of a field whose length was 450 rods, two workmen were employed, one of whom built 9 rods and the other 6 rods per day. How many days did they work ? 17. Two persons, 420 miles apart, take the cars at the same time to meet each other ; one travels at the rate of 40 miles an hour, and the other at the rate of 30 miles. What distance does each go ? 18. Divide a line of 28 inches in length into two such parts that one may be J of the other. 19. Charles and Henry have $200, and Charles has seven times as much money as Henry. How much has each ? 20. What is the time of day, provided f of the time past midnight equals the time to noon ? 21. A can plow a field in 20 days, B in 30 days, and C in 40 days. In what time can they together plow it ? 22. A man sold the same number of horses, cows, and sheep; the horses at lioo, the cows at $45, and the sheep at I5, receiving $4800. How many of each did he sell ? 23. Divide 150 oranges among 3 boys, so that as often as the first has 2, the second shall have 5, and the third 3. How many should each receive ? 24. Four geese, three turkeys, and ten chickens cost lio ; a turkey cost twice as much as a goose, and a goose 3 times as much as a chicken. What was the price of each ? 25. The head of a fish is 4 inches long ; its tail is 1 2 times as long as its head, and the body is one-half the whole length. How long is the fish ? 26. Divide 100 into two parts, such that one shall be 20 more than the other. 27. Divide a into two such parts, that the greater divided by c shall be equal to the less divided by d. 28. How much money has A, if \, f , and f of it amount to $1222 ? OKE UHKHOWN QUANTITY. 107 29. What number is that, |, J, J, and J of which are equal to 60 ? * 30. A man bought beef at 25 cents a pound, and twice as much mutton at 20 cents, to the amount of $39. How many pounds of each ? 31. A says to B, "I am twice as old as you, and if I were 15 years older, I should be 3 times as old as you." What were their ages ? 32. The sum of the ages of A, B, and C is 1 10 years ; B is 3 years younger than A, and 5 years older than C. What are their ages ? ^^. At an election, the successful candidate had a majority of 150 votes out of 2500. What was his number of votes ? 34. In a regiment containing 1200 men, there were 3 times as many cavalry as artillery less 20, and 92 more infantry than cavalry. How many of each ? 35. Divide $2000 among A, B, and 0, giving A $100 more than B, and $200 less than 0. What is the share of each ? 36. A prize of $150 is to be divided between two pupils, and one is to have | as much as the other. What are the shares ? * When the conditions of the problem contain fractional expressions, as ^, J, \, etc. , we can avoid these fractions, and greatly abridge the operation, by representing the quantity sought by such a number of ic's as can be divided by each of the denominators without a remainder. This number is easily found by taking the least common multiple of all the denominators. Thus, in problem 29, Let \2X = the number. Then will 6x — i half. « " 4a; = I third. ** " 3iC = I fourth. " '* 225—1 sixth. Hence, 6a; + 4a! + 3a; + 2a? = 60 .'. a; = 4 Finally, a;x 12 or 12a! = 48, the number required 108 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 37. Two horses cost 16 16, and 5 times the cost of one was 6 times the cost of the other. What was the price of each ? 38. What were the ages of three brothers, whose united ages were 48 years, and their birthdays 2 years apart ? 39. A messenger travelling 50 miles a day had been gone 5 days, when another was sent to overtake him, travelling 65 miles a day. How many days were required ? 40. What number is that to which if 75 be added, f of the sum will be 250 ? 41. It is required to divide 48 into two parts, which shall be to each other as 5 to 3.* 42. What quantity is that, the half, third, and fourth of which is equal to a ? 43. A and B together bought 540 acres of land, and divided it so that A's share was to B's as 5 to 7. How many acres had each ? 44. A cistern has 3 faucets; the first will empty it in 6 hours, the second in 10, and the third in 12 hours. How long will it take to empty it, if all run together ? 45. Divide the number 39 into 4 parts, such that if the first be increased by i, the second diminished by 2, the third multiplied by 3, and the fourth divided by 4, the results will be equal to each other. 46. Find a number which, if multiplied by 6, and 1 2 be added to the product, the sum will be 66. 47. A man bought sheep for $94 ; having lost 7 of them, he sold ^ of the remainder at cost, receiving $20. How many did he buy ? 48. A and B have the same income ; A saves J of his, but B spending $50 a year more than A, at the end of 5 years is $100 in debt. What is their income ? * When the quantities sought have a given ratio to each other, the solution may be abridged by taking such a number of a's for the unknown quantity, as will express the ratio of the quantities to each other without fractions. Thus, taking 5a; for the first part, 2X will represent the second part ; then 5 j; + 3a; = 48, etc. ONE UKKITOWK QUAKTITY. 109 49. A cistern is supplied with water by one pipe and emptied by another; the former fills it in 20 minutes, the latter empties it in 15 minutes. When full, and both pipes run at the same time, how long will it take to empty it ? 50. What number is that, if multiplied by vi and n separately, the difference of their products shall be c? ? 51. A hare is 50 leaps before a greyhound, and takes 4 leaps to the hound's 3 leaps ; but 2 of the greyhound's equal 3 of the hare's leaps. How many leaps must the hound take to catch the hare ? 52. What two numbers, whose difference is h, are to each other as « to c ? 53. A fish was caught whose tail weighed 9 lbs.; his head weighed as much as his tail and half his body, and his body weighed as much as his head and tail together. What was the weight of the fish ? 54. An express messenger travels at the rate of 13 miles in 2 hours; 12 hours later, another starts to overtake him, travelling at the rate of 26 miles in 3 hours. How long and how far must the second travel before he overtakes the first ? 55. A father's age is twice that of his son ; but 10 years ago it was 3 times as great. What is the age of each ? 56. What number is that of which the fourth exceeds the seventh part by 30 ? 57. Divide $576 among 3 persons, so that • the first may have three times as much as the second, and the third one- third as much as the first and second together. 58. In the composition of a quantity of gunpowder, the nitre was 10 lbs. more than f of the whole, the sulphur 4 J lbs. less than J of the whole, the charcoal 2 lbs. less than \ of the nitre. What was the amount of gunpowder ? * * The operation will be ^ortened by the following artifice : Let 42a; + 48 = the number of pounds of powder. Then 28a; + 42 = nitre ; jx+s^ = sulphur ; 4X + 4 = charcoal. Hence, 390; + 49 ^ = 42a; + 48. .'. X 110 • SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 59. Divide $6 into 3 parts, sucli that J of the first, J of the second, and ^ of the third are all equal to each other. 60. Divide a line 21 inches long into two parts, such that one may be | of the other. 61. A milliner j)aid $5 a month foi rent, and at the end of each month added to that part of 1 er money which was not thus spent a sum equal to i half of this part; at the end of the second month her original money was doubled. How much had she at first ? 62. A man was hired for 60 days, on condition that for every day he worked he should receive 75 cents, and for every day he was absent he should forfeit 25 cents; at the end of the time he received $12. How many days did he work? 6^. Divide $4200 between two persons, so that for every I3 one received, the other shall receive $5. 64. A father told his son that for every day he was perfect in school he would give him 15 cents; but for every day he failed he should charge him 10 cents. At the end of the term of 1 2 weeks, 60 school days, the boy received $6. How many days did he fail ? 65. A young man spends ^ of his annual income for board, -| for clothing, -^ in charity, and saves I318. What is his income ? 66. A certain sum is divided so that A has $30 less than ^, B lio less than |, and $8 more than J of it. What does each receive, and what is the sum divided ? 67. The ages of two brothers are as 2 to 3 ; four years hence they will be as 5 to 7. What are their ages ? * Note. — To change a proportion into an equation, it is necessary to assume the truth of the following well established principle : If four quantities are proportional, the product of the extremes is * A strict conformity to system would require that this and- similar problems should be placed after the subject of proportion ; but it is convenient for the learner to be able to convert a proportion into an equation at this stage of his progress. ONE UNKNOWN^ QUANTITY-. Ill equal to the product of fhe means. Hence, in such cases, we have only to make the product of the extremes one side of the equation, and the product of the means the other. Thus, let 2X and 3a; be equal to their respective ages. Then 2a;+4 : 3a' + 4 - 5 : 7- Making the product of the extremes equal to the product of the mean^ we have, 140;+ 28 = 150;+ 20. Transposing, uniting terms, etc., a; = 8. .'. 2X= 16, the younger ; and 3a; = 24, the older. 68. What two numbers are as 3 to 4, to each of which if 4 be added, the sums will be as 5 to 6 ? 69. The sum of two numbers is 5760, and their difference is equal to J of the greater. What are the numbers ? 70. It takes a college crew which in still water can pulLat the rate of 9 miles an hour, twice as long to come up the river as to go down. At what rate does the river flow ? 71. One-tenth of a rod is colored red, ^ orange, -^ yellow, -}^ green, -f^ blue, ^^ indigo, and the remainder, 302 inches, violet. What is its length ? 72. Of a certain dynasty, | of the kings were of the same name, J of another, J of another, ^^ of another, and there were 5 kings besides. How many were there of each name ? 73. The difference of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 15. What are the numbers? 74. A deer is 80 of her own leaps before a greyhound ; she takes 3 leaps for every 2 that he takes, but he covers as much ground in one leap as she does in two. How many leaps will the deer have taken before she is caught ? 75. Two steamers sailing from New York to Liverpool, a distance of 3000 miles, start from the former at the same time, one making a round trip in 20 days, the other in 25 days. How long before they will meet in New York, and how far will each have sailed ? ("See Appendix, p. 286.) CHAPTEE X. SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS. TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 218. Simultaneous * Equations consist of two oi more equations, each containing two or more unk7iown quantities. They are so called because they are satisfied by the same values. Thus, x + y^'j and 5a?— 4y = 8 are simultaneous equations, for in each aj = 4 and y = 3. 219. Indepe^ident Equations are those which express different conditions, so that one cannot be reduced to the same form as the other. Thus, 6aj— 4^=14 and 23^ + 3^=: 22 are independent equations. But the equations ic + y = 5 and 3a; + 3^ = 15 are not independent, for one is directly obtained from the other. Such equations are termed dependent. Note. — Simultaneous equations are usuaWj independent ; but inde- pendent equations may not be simultaneous ; for the letters employed may have the same or different values in the respective equations. Thus, the equations a?+y=7 and 2a?— 2^=14 are Independent, but not simultaneous ; for in one x = 7—y, in the other x= 7+y, etc. 220. Problems containing more than one unknown quan- tity must have as mani/ simultaneous equations as there are unknown quantities. If there are more equations than unknown quantities, some of them will be superfluous or contradictory. 218. What are Bimultaneous equations ? 219. Independent equations ? 220. Ho^ many equations must each problem have ? * From the Latin ^i'n^id, at the same time. TWO UNKN^OWN QUAl^TITIES. 113 If the number of equations be less than the number of unknown quantities, the problem will not admit of a definite answer, and is said to be indeterminate. 221. JSllmination* is combining two equations which contain two unknown quantities into a single equa- tion, having but one unknown quantity. There are three methods of elimination, viz. : by Comparison, by Substitution. and by Addition or Subtraction, CASE I. 222. To Eliminate an Unknown Quantity by Comparison, I. Given x -\- y =z i6, and a; — «/ = 4, to find x and y. Solution.— By the problem, « ** Transposing the ^ in (i), " the 7/ in (2), By Axiom i. Transposing and uniting terms. Substituting the value of y in (4), x+p= 16 (I) x-y= 4 (2) X = it-y (3) x= A+y (4) 4+y= it—y (5) 2y= 12 (6) .-. y= 6 aj= 10 In (5) it will be seen we have a new equation which contains only one unknown quantity. This equation is reduced in the usual way. Hence, the EuLE. — I. From each equation find the value of the quan- tity to he eliminated in terms of the other quantities. II. Form a new equation from these equal values, and reduce it ly the preceding rules. Note. — This rule depends upon the axiom, that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other, (Ax. i.) For convenience of reference, the equations are numbered (i), (2), (3), (4), etc. • 221. What is elimination? Name the methods. 222. How eliminate an unknown ttuantity by comparison ? Note. Upon what principle does this rule depend ? * From the Latin eliminare, to cast out. 114 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 2. Given x -\- y = 12, and x—y-ir^ z= 8, to find x and y 3. Given 3X-]-2y = 48, and 2x—$y = 6, to find x and y. 4. Given x-\-y = 20, and 2:^+3?/ = 42, to find x and y. 5. Given 4^+32/ = i3> and 3^^ + 21/ = 9, to find x and ?/. 6. Given 30; +2?/ =118, and a; +5?/= 191, to find a; and ^^'. 7. Given 4x-\-^y = 22, and 72:4-32^=27, to find x and 2/. CASE II. 223. To Eliminate an Unknown Quantity by Substitution. 8. Given x-{-2y = 10, and ^x-^2y z= 18, to find x and y. Solution. — B7 the problem, x+2i/=io (i) " 3a;+22/ = i8 (2) Transposing 2y in (i), . x = 10— 2y (3) Substituting tlie value of x in (2), 30—4^ = 18 (4) Transposing and uniting terms (Art. 211), 42/ = 12 (5) '- y= 3 Substituting the value of 2^ in (i), a; = 4 5^" For convenience, we first find the value of the letter which is least involved. Hence, the Rule. — I. From one of the equations find the value of the unknown quantity to he eliminated, in terms of the other quantities. II. Substitute this value for the same quantity in the other equation, and reduce it as before. Notes. — i. This method of elimination depends on Ax. i. 2. The given equations should be cleared of fractions before com- mencing the elimination. 9. Given x + ^y = 19, and $x — 2y = 10, to find x and y. 10. Given - + ^ = 7, and - -|- ^ = 8, to find x and 11. 23' 3^2' ^ 11. Given 2x-{-^y =z 28, and 30;+ 2^ = 27, to find x and y. 12. Given 4X-{-y = 43, and 5^+2^ = 56, to find x and y. 13. Given s^+^ = 7^> and 5?/ + 32 = 'jx, to find x and y. 14. Given 4X-]-sy= 22, and yx+^y = 2^, to find x and y. 223. How eliminate an unknown quantity by substitution? If^ote Upon what principle docs this method depend? TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 115 CASE III. 224. To Eliminate an Unknown Quantity by Addition or Subtraction, 15. Given 4a; + 3^ =18, and 5a:— 2?/=: 11, to find x and y. Solution. — By tlie problem, 4a; + 3^=18 (i) " " e,x—2y~ II (2} Multiplying (i) by 2, the coef. of y in (2), 8a5+ 6y = 36 (3) Multiplying (2) by 3, the coef. of y in (i), isx—6y = 33 (4) Adding (3) and (4) cancels 6y, 23a; = 69 (5) ,', X =3 Substituting the value of a; in (i), 12 + 3^ = 18 y= 2 ^° In the preceding solution, y is eliminated by addition, 16. Given 6a: + 5?/ =2 8, and 8a; + 3?/— 30, to find x and y. Solution. — By the problem, 6a; + SV = 28 (1) " '* 8a; + 3y= 30 (2) Multiplying (i) by 8, the coef. of a; in (2), 48a; + 402/ = 224 (3) Multiplying (2) by 6, the coef. of x in (i), 48a; + i8y = 180 (4) Subtracting (4) from (3), 22^ = 44 .'. y= 2 Substituting the value of y in (2) 8a;+6 = 30 .'. x= 3 B^ In this solution, x is eliminated by subtraction. Hence, the EuLE. — I. Select the letter to he eliminated; then multiply or divide one or doth equations hy such a number as ivill make the coefficients of this letter the same in loth, (Ax. 4, 5.) II. If the signs of these coefficients are alilce, subtract one equation from the other ; if unlihe, add the two equations together. (Ax. 2, 3.) Notes. — i. The object of multiplying or dividing the equations is to equalize the coefficients of the letter to be eliminated. 2. If the coefficients of the letter to be eliminated are prime num- bers, or ^rime to each other, multiply each equation by the coefficient of this letter in the other equation, as in Ex. 15. 224. What is the rule for elimination by addition or snbtraction ? Notes. — i. The object of multiplying or dividing the equalion ? 2. If coefficients are prime ? 116 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 3. If not prime, divide the I. c, in* of the coefficients of the lett^i to be eliminated by each of these coefficients, and the respective quotients will be the multipliers of the corresponding equations. Thus, the I, c, in. of 6 and 8, the coefficients of a; in Ex. 16, is 24; hence, the multipliers would be 3 and 4. 4. If the coefficients of the letter to be eliminated have common factors, the operation is shortened by cancelling these factors before the multiplication is performed. Thus, by cancelling the common factor 2 from 6 and 8, the coefficients of x in the last example, they become 3 and 4, and the labor of finding the I, c, in. is avoided. 17. Given 3a; +4?/ =2 9, and 'jx-\-iiy=j6,to find a: and y. 18. Given 9a;— 4^=8, and 13^-1- 72/== loi, to find ir and ^. 19. Given ^x—'jy='jy and 12a: + 5^/^94, to find x and y. 20. Given 3^^+21/= 118, and 0:4-5^=191, to find xandy. 21. Given 4a; -{-52/= 22, and 7a; + 32/= 27, to find x and y. Rem. — The preceding methods of elimination are applicable to all simultaneous simple equations containing two unknown quantities, and either may be employed at the pleasure of the learner. The first method has the merit of clearness, but often gives rise to frax^tions. The second is convenient when the coefficient of one of the unknown quantities is i ; if more than i, it is liable to produce /7•ac^^07^«. The third never gives rise to fractions, and, in general, is the most simple and expeditious. EXAMPLES. Find the values of x and y in the following equations : 1. 2a; + 3^= 23, 5. 5a; + 7^= 43, 5a; — 2^= 10. \ix -\- 9?/= 69. 2. 4a; + y— Z^, 6. 8a; — 2iy= n, 4y+ x= 16. 6a: + 357/= 177. 3. 30a; + 4oy = 270, 7. 21?^ + 20a; = 165, 50a; 4- 30^ = 340. 772^ — 30^ = 295. 4. 2a; + jyzzz 34, 8. I la; — loy = 14, SX+ gy= 51. s^+ iy= 41. Notes. — 3. If not prime, how proceed ? 4. If the coefficients have comuion feo- tors, how shorten the operation ? TWO UNKNOWK QUANTITIES. ll? lO. II. 12. 13- 14. 6y~ 2a; = 208, 15. Sx + y = '42, loa; — 42/ = 156. 2X + 42/ = 18. 4X + Sy= 22, 16. 2X + 42/ = 20, 5^- 72/= 6. 4X + 52/ = 28. SX- 5«/= i3> 17. 4X-\- 32/ = 50, 2X + 7^= 81. 3«- 32/ = 6c 5^- 72/= 33j 18. 3^ + 52/ = 57, iia: + 121/ = 100. 5« + 32/ = 47. i* |=.8, 19. ; + 2( _ 3 7> re 2 ^ = 21. 4 i- 4 5. 162; + 17?/ = 500, 20. 2a; + 2/ = 50, 17a; — 3«/= no. i* ^ _ 7 5. PROBLEMS. 1. Required two numbers whose sum is 70, and whose difference is 16. 2. A boy buys 8 lemons and 4 oranges for 56 cents; and", afterwards 3 lemons and 8 oranges for 60 cents. What did he pay for each ? 3. At a certain election, 375 persons voted for two candi- dates, and the candidate chosen had a majority of 91. How many voted for each ? 4. Divide the number 75 into two such parts that three times the greater may exceed seven times the less by 15. 5. A farmer sells nine horses and seven cows for I1200; and six horses and thirteen cows for an equal amount. What was the price of each ? 6. From a company of ladies and gentlemen, 15 ladies retire; there are then left two gentlemen to each lady. After which 45 gentlemen depart, when there are left five ladies to each gentleman. How many were there of each at first? 118 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 7. Find two numbers, such that the sum of five times the first and twice the second is 19; and the difference between seven times the first and six times the second is 9. 8. Two opposing armies number together 21,110 men; and twice the number of the greater army added to three times that of the less is 52,219. How many men in each army? 9. A certain number is expressed by two digits. The sum of these digits is 11 ; and if 13 be added to the first digit, the sum will be three times the second. What is the number ? 10. A and B possess together I570. If A's share were three times and B's five times as great as each really is, then both would have I2350. How much has each ? 11. If I be added to the numerator of a fraction, its value is I ; and if i be added to the denominator, its value is ^. What is the fraction. 12. A owes $1200; B, $2550. But neither has enough to pay his debts. Said A to B, Lend me | of your money, and I shall be enabled to pay my debts. B answered, I can discharge my debts, if j^^ou lend me J of yours. What sum has each ? 13. Find two numbers whose difference is 14, and whose sum is 48. 14. A house and garden cost I8500, and the price of the garden is ^ the price of the house. Find the price of each. 15. Divide 50 into two such parts that f of one part, added to f of the other, shall be 40. 16. Divide I1280 between A and B, so that seven times A's share shall equal nine times B's share. 17. The ages of two men differ by 10 years ; 15 years ago, the elder was twice as old as the younger. Find the age of each. 18. A man owns two horses and a saddle. If the saddle, worth $50, be put on the first horse, the value of the two is double that of the second liorse ; but if the saddle be put TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 119 on the second horse, the value of the two is $15 less than that of the first horse. Kequired the value of each horse. 19. A war-steamer in chase of a ship 20 miles distant, goes 8 miles while the ship sails 7. How far will each go before the steamer overtakes the ship ? 20. There are two numbers, such that ^ the greater added to -J the less is 13 ; and if I the less be taken from | the greater, the remainder is nothing. Find the numbers. 21. The mast of a ship is broken in a gale. One-third of the part left, added to ^ of the part carried away, equals 28 feet; and five times the former part diminished by 6 times the latter equals 12 feet. What was the height of the mast ? 22. A lady writes a poem of half as many verses less two as she is years old ; and if to the number of her years that of her verses be added, the sum is 43. How old is she ? How many verses in the poem ? 23. What numbers are those whose difference is 20, and the quotient of the greater divided by the less is 3 ? 24. A man buys oxen at $65 and colts at $25 per head, and spends $720 ; if he had bought as many oxen as colts, and vice versa, he would have spent 1 1440. How many of each did he purchase ? 25. There is a certain number, to the sum of whose digits if you add 7, the result will be 3 times the left-hand digit ; and if from the number itself you subtract 18, the digits will be inverted. Find the number. 26. A and B have jointly $9800. A invests the sixth part of his property in business, and B the fifth part of his, and each has then the same sum remaining. What is the entire capital of each ? 27. A purse holds six guineas and nineteen silver dollars. Now five guineas and four dollars fill |-J of it. How many will it hold of each ? 28. The sum of two numbers is a, and the greater is n times the less. What are the numbers ? 120 SIMPLE EQUATION". THREE OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 225. The preceding methods of elimination of two unknown quantities are applicable to equations containing three or more unknown quantities. (Arts. 222-224.) 226. To Solve Equations containing three or more Unknown Quantities. I. Given 3a; + 2^ — 52? = 8, 2X -{- $y -\- 4Z = 16, and $x — 6y ■}- ^z = 6, to find x, y, and z. -.UTlON.— By the problem. 30!+ 2y- sz = 8 (I) K ft 2X+ 3y+ 4^ = 16 (2) tt U SX— 6y+ 3Z = 6 (3) Multiplying (i) by 2, 6x+ 4y—ioz = 16 (4) (2) by 3, 6x+ gy+i2Z = 48 (5) Subtracting (4) from (5), 5.?/ + 22S = 32 (6) Multiplying (2) by 5, ioa; + 1 5^ + 202 = 80 (7) (3) by 2, 1005— i2y+ 6s = 12 (8) Subtracting (8) from (7), 27y + i4Z = 68 (9) Multiplying (6) by 27, 1352^ + 5942 = 864 (10) (9) by 5, 1352/ + 70s = 340 (II) Subtracting (11) from (10), 5242 = 524 T (12) Substituting the value of 2 in (6), y = 1 2 Substituting the value of y and z in (2), x = 3 Ana. x = 3, y = 2, 2=1. Hence, the Rule. — I. From thegiveti equations eliminate one unknown quantity, by combining one equation with another, II. From the resulting equations eli?ninate another unknown quantity in a similar manner. Continue the operation ufitil a single equation is obtained, with but one unknown quan- tity, and reduce this by the preceding rules. Note. — The letter having the smallest coefiScients should be elimi- nated first ; and if each letter is not found in all the given equations, begin witli that which is in the least number of the equations. 226. What iB the rale for solving equation? having three or more unknown quan- tities ? Note. Which letter should be eliminated flret ? THEEE OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 121 Eeduce the following equations : 2. 5^ — 3«/ + 2^ = 28, 5. 5ic + 2?/ 4- 42; = 46, SX + 2y — 4Z = 15, 32; + 2?/ + z = 23, 3^ + 42; — a; = 24. loa; + 5?/ + 4^ = 75. 3. 2a; 4- 5«/ — 32^ = 4, 6. a; + ?/ + 2; z= 53, 4^ — 3y + 22; = 9, a; + 2y 4- 32; = 105, 5x + 6y—2z=ziS. ic + 32^ + 40 = 134. 4. 2a; -\-sy — 4Z = 20, 7. 33: + 42; = 57, ^—2?/ + 3^= 6, 2y— z = ii, SX — 2y-}-sz = 26. . 5a: + 3?/ =: 65. 234 345 450 9. Required the value of w, x, y, and z in the following equations : w+x-\-y-\-z=i4 (i) 2W 4- a; + 2/ — 2? = 6 (2) 2w -\- z^ — y + z = 14 (3) «^ — ^ + 32/ + 4^ = 31 (4) SOLUTION. Adding (i) and (2), 2)'^+ 2X-\- 2y = 20 (5) " (2) and (3), 410+ 4X =20 (6) Multiply (3) by 4, Sw+i2X— 4^+42= 56 (7) Subtract (4) from (7), 7z^+i3a;— 7^ = 25 (8) Multiply (5) by 7, 2it^+i4a; + i4y =140 (9) " (8) by 2, 14^^ + 26a!— i4y = 50 (10) Add (9) and (10), 35?5 + 4ac =190 (11) Multiply (6) by 10, 40^0 + 401? =200 (12) Subtract (11) from (12), 5«/J = 10 .'. w = 2 Substituting value of w in (6), 8 + 4aj = 20 .'. «— 3 Substituting value of w and a? in (5), etc., y = 4, and 2 = 5. 6 L;i2 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 227. The solution of equations containing many unkno\;\'t] quantities may often be shortened by substituting a single letter for several. lo. Eequired the value of w, x, y, and z in the adjoining equations. io-^x-\-y= 13 w-\-x-\-z = 17 iv-\-y-i-z = 18 x+y-{-z = 2i (I) (2) IS) (4) Note. — Substituting s for the sum of the four quantities, we have, 8 = w + x+y + z. Equatien (i) contains all the letters but z, s—z = 13 (5) (2) « « " p, s-y = 17 (6) (3) " " '* X, s-x =18 (7) (4) " " " w, s-w = 21 (8) Adding the last four equa- ) tions together. or 4S—{z + y-{-x + w) j^ = 69 or 4s— 8 That is. 3s = 6g .-. 8= 23 Substituting 23 for s in each of the four equations, we have, w = 2, x= s, y = (>, z= 10. II. Eequired the value of v, Wf X, y, and z, in the adjoining equations. (9) (10) V -\-w-\-x-\-y := 10 (1) V -\-W-\-X-\-Z = II (2) V -\-w-\-y-\-z=i2 (3? V +x -\-yi-z = is (4) lw + x+y-{-z = i4 (5) Note. — Adding these equations, 4v + 4w + 4X + 4y+4Z = 60 (6) Dividing (6) by 4, v+ w+ x+ y+ z = 15 (7; Subtracting each equation from (7), we have, s = 5, y = 4, x = 3, w = 2, and v = 1. I£. W + X -\- Z z= 10, X -}- y + z = 12, w +x -\-y= 9, w -\- y -\- z = II. 13- I I X y 5 6' y z 12' X z 4 (See Appendix, p. 286.) THREE OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 123 PROBLEMS. 1. A man has 3 sons ; the sum of the ages of the first and second is 27, that of the first and third is 29, and of the second and third is 32. What is the age of each ? 2. A butcher bought of one man 7 calves and 13 sheep for $205 ; of a second, 14 calves and 5 lambs for I300; and of a third, 12 sheep and 20 lambs for $140, at the same rates. What was the price of each ? 3. The sum of the first and second of three numbers is 13, that of the first and third 16, ana that of the second and third 19. What are the numbers ? 4. In three battalions there are 1905 men: J the first with J in the second, is 60 less than in the third ; | of the third with | the first, is 165 less than the second. How many are in each ? 5. A grocer has three kinds of tea: 12 lbs. of the firsts 13 lbs. of the second, and 14 lbs. of the third are together worth $25 ; 10 lbs. of the first, 17 lbs. of the second, and II lbs. of the third are together worth $24; 6 lbs. of the first, 12 lbs. of the second, and 6 lbs. of the third are together worth 1 1 5. What is the value of a pound of each ? 6. Two pipes, A and B, will fill a cistern in 70 minutes, A and will fill it in 84 minutes, and B and C in 140 min. How long will it take each to fill the cistern ? 7. Divide $90 into 4 such parts, that the first increased by 2, the second diminished by 2, the third multiplied by 2, and the fourth divided by 2, shall all be equal. 8. The sum of the distances which A, B, and C have traveled is 62 miles; As distance is equal to 4 times C's, added to twice B's; and twice A's added to 3 times B's, is equal to 17 times C's. What are the respective distances ? 9. A, B, and C purchase a horse for $100. The payment would require the whole of A's money, with half of B's ; or the whole of B's with i of C's; or the whole of C's with J of A's. How much money has each ? OHAPTEE XI. GENERALIZATION. 228. Generalisation is the process of finding a formula, or general rule, by which all the problems x)f a class may be solved. 229. A Problem is generalized when stated in general terms which embrace all examples of its class. 230. In all General I^roMems the quantities are expressed by letters, I. A marketman has 75 turkeys; if his turkeys are mul- tiplied by the number of his chickens, the result is 225. How many chickens has he ? Note. — This problem maybe stated in the following general terms : 231. The Product of two Factors and one of the Factors being given, to Find the other Factor.* SuGGESTiON.^If & product of two factors is divided by one of them, it is evident the quotient must be the other factor. Hence, substituting a for the product, h for the given factor, we have the following General Solution. — ^Let x = the required factor. By the conditions, xxb,OThx = a,the product. Hence, the FOKMULA. X = ^' h Translating this Formula into common language, we have the following EuLE. — Divide the product ly the given factor ; the quo- tient is the factor required. 228. What is generalization ? 129. When is a problem generalized ? 230. Hov» are quantities expressed in general problems ? * New Practical Arithmetic, Article 93. GENERALIZATIOIS'. 125 Generalize the next two problems : 2. A rectangular field contains 480 square rods, and the length of one side is 16 rods. What is the length of the other side ? 3. Divide 576 into two such factors that one shall be 48. 4. The product of A, B, and C's ages is 61,320 years; A Is 30 years, B 40. What is the age of C ? Note. — The items here given may be generalized as follows : 232. The Product of three Factors and two of them being given, to Find the other Factor. Suggestion. —Substituting a for the product, h for one factor, and e for the other, we have the General Solution. — Let x = the required factor. By the conditions, xxbxc, or bcx = a, the product. Removing the coeflBcient, we have the FOKMULA. X = i — be Rule. — Divide the given product hy the product of the given factors ; the quotient is the required factor, 5. The contents of a rectangular block of marble are 504 cubic feet ; its length is 9 feet, and its breadth 8 feet. What is its height ? 6. The product of 3 numbers is 62,730, and two of its factors are 41 and 45. Required the other factor. 7. The amount paid for two horses was $392, and the difference in their prices was 1 1 8. What was the price of each ? Note. — From the items given, this problem may be generalized as follows : 231. When the product of two factors and one of the factors are given, how find the other factor ? 232. When the product of three fiactors and two of them are given, how And the other foctor ? 126 ge:n^eralization". 233. The Sum and Difference of two Quantities being given, to Find the Quantities. Suggestion. — Since the sum of two quantities equals the greater filns the less ; and the less plus the difference equals the greater ; it follows that the sum plus the difference equals twice the greater. Substituting .s for the sum, d for the difference, g for the greater, 9xid I for the less, we have the following General Solution. — Let ^ = the greater number, and 1= '* less " Adding, gr-f-? = «, the sum. Subtracting, g—l — d, the difference. Adding sum and difference, 2g = s+d 8A-d Removing coefficient, g = , greater. Subtracting difference from sum, 2I = s—d g ^ Removing coefficient, I = — — , less. Hence, the Formulas. This problem may be solved by one unknown quantity. 7 — ^ — ^ 2 FORMATION OF RULES. 234. Many of the more important rules of Arithmetic are formed by translating Algehraic Formulas into common language. Thus, from the translation of the two preceding formulas into common language, we have, for all problems of this class, the following general Rule. — I. To find the greater, add half the sum to half the difference. II. To find the less, suUract half the difference from half the sum. 8. Divide I1575 between A and B in such a manner that A may have $347 more than B. What will each receive ? 233. When the stun and difference of two quantities are given, how find the quantities ? 234. Give the rule derived from the last two formulas. GENERALIZATION". 137 9. At an election there were 2150 vot^s cast for two persons ; the majority of the successful candidate was 346. How many votes did each receive ? 10. If B can do a piece of work in 8 days, and m 12 days, how long will it take both to do it ? Note. — Regarding the work to be done as a unit or i, the problem may be thus generalized : 235. The Time being given in which each of two Forces can produce a given Result, to Find the Time required by the united Forces to produce it. Suggestion. — Since B can do the work in 8 days, he can do i eighth of it in I day, and C can do i twelfth of it in i day. Substituting a for 8 days, and h for 12 days, we have the General Solution. — Let x = the time required. Dividing x by a, we have - = part done by B, a X ** X by 6, we have, h~ ** ** ^' By Axiom q, - + - = i, the work done. a J) Clearing of fractions, bx+ax = db Uniting the terms, (a + b)x = ab,B and C*s time. Removing tlie coefficient, we have the Formula. x = i-- HvLiE.— Divide the product of the numbers denoting the time required ly each force, hy the su7n of these numbers ; the quotient is the time required by the united forces. 11. A cistern has two pipes; the first will fill it in 9 hours, the second in 15 hours. In what time will both fill it, running together ? 235. The time beiug given in which two or more forces can produce a result, how find the time reauired for the united forces to produce it ? 128 GEN^EKALIZ ATIOl!f. 1 2. A can plant a field in 40 hours, and B can plant it in 50 hours. How long will it take both to plant it, if they work together ? 236. In Generalizing Problems relating to Per- centage, there is an advantage in representing the quantities, whether known or unknown, by the initials of the elements or factors which enter into the calculations. Note. — The elements 0Yfact(y,'s in percentage are, ist. The Base, or number on wliicli percentage is calculated. 2d. The Rate per cent, which shows how many hundredths of the base are taken. 3d. The Per^centage, or portion of the base indicated by the rate. 4th. The Amount, or the hsiseplus or minus the percentage. Thus, Let b = the base. p = the percentage. r = the rate per cent, a = the amount. 13. A man bought a lot of goods for $748, and sold them at 9 per cent above cost. How much did he make ? Note. — The items in this problem may be generalized as follows : 237. The Base and Rate being given, to Find the JPerceutage,* Suggestion. — Per cent signifies hundredths; hence, any given per cent of a quantity denotes so many hundredths of that quantity. But finding a fractional part is the same as multiplying the quantity by the given fraction. Substituting h for the cost or base, and /• for the number denoting the rate per cent, we have the General Solution. — Let p = the percentage. Multiplying the base by the rate, br = p. Hence, the FoKMUiA. p = hr. Rule. — Multiply the base hy the rate per cent ; the product is the percentage. Hence, Note. — Percentage is a product, the factors of which are the base and rate. 236. Note. What are the elements or factors in percentage? 237. When base and rate are given, how find the percentage ? ♦ New Practical Arithmetic, Arts. 336 — 340. GENERALIZATION^. 129 14. The population of a certain city in 1870 was 45,385 ; in 1875 it was found to have increased 20 per cent. What was the percentage of increase ? 15. Find 37^ per cent on $2763. 16. A western farmer raised 1587 bushels of wheat, and sold 37 per cent of it. How many bushels did he sell ? 17. A teacher's salary of $2700 a year was increased $336. What per cent was the increase ? Note. — The data of this problem may be generalized as follows : 238. The Base and Percentage being given, to Find the Rate, Suggestion. — Percentage, we have seen, is a product, and the hase is one of its factors (Art. 237, note) ; tlierefore, we have the product and one factor given, to find the other factor, (Art. 231.) Substituting 2> for the product or percentage, and b for the salary or haae, we have the General Solution.— Let r = the required rate. Then (Art. 231), p-r-h = r. Hence, the Formula. r = ^' o Rule. — Divide the percentage ly the lase; the quotient is the rate. 18. From a hogshead of molasses, 25.2 gallons leaked out. What per cent was the leakage ? 19. A steamship having 485 passengers was wrecked, and 291 of them lost. What per cent were lost? 20. A man gained $750 by a speculation, which was* 25 per cent, of the money invested. What sum did hb invest ? Note. — The particular statement of this problem may be tran». formed into the following general proposition : 238. When the hase and percentage are given, how find the rate? 130 GENERALIZ ATIOIT. 239. The PeVcentage and Rate being given, to Find the Base, Suggestion. — We have the product and one of its factors given, to find the otJier factor. (Art. 237, note.) Substituting p for the percentage, and r for the rate per cent gained, we have the General Solution. — Let 6 = the base. Then (Art. 237), _p-r-7' = 6. Hence, the Formula. b = —' r KuLE. — Divide the percentage by the rate, and the quotient is the base. 21. A paid a tax of I750, which was 2 per cent of his property. How much was he worth ? 22. A merchant saves 8 per cent of his net income, and lays up $2500 a year. What is his income ? 23. xit the commencement of business, B and C were each worth $2500. The first year B added 8 per cent to his capital, and C lost 8 per cent of his. What amount was each then worth ? Note. — The items of this problem may be generalized thus : 240. The Base and Rate being given, to Find the Amount, Suggestion. — Since B laid up 8 per cent., he was worth his origi- nal stock plus 8 per cent of it. But his stock was 100 per cent, or once itself; and 100 per cent, + .08 = 108 per cent or 1.08 times his stock. Again, since C lost 8 per cent, he was worth his original stock minus 8 per cent of it. Now 100 per cent minus 8 per cent equals 100 per cent — .08 — 92 per cent, or .92 times his capital. Substituting b for the base or capital of each, and r for the number denoting the rate per cent of the gain or loss, we have the General Solution.— Let a = the amount. Then will b(i+r) = a, B's amount. And b (i—r) = a, C's amount. Combining these two results, we have the Formula. a = b{i ± /•)• KuLE. — Multiply the base by i i the rate, as the case may require, and the result ivill be the amount. 239. When percentage and rate are given, bow find the base ? 240, How find the amount when the base and rate are given ? GENEKALIZATION. 13i Note. — When, from the nature of the problem, the amount is to he greater than the base, the multiplier is i plus the rate ; when less, the multiplier is i .ninus the rate. 24. A man bought a flock of sheep for $4500, and sold it 25 per cent above the cost. What amount did he get for it ? 25. A man owned 2750 acres of land, and sold 33 per cent of it. What amount did he have left ? 241. The elements or factors which enter into computa- tions of interest are the principal^ rate, time, interest, and amount. Thus, Let p = the principal, or money lent. ** r = the interest of $1 for i year, at the given rate. ** t = the time in years. " i = the interest, or the percentage. " a ~ the amount, or the sum of principal and interest. 26. What IS the interest of $465 for 2 years, at 6 per cent? Note, — The data of this problem may be stated in the following general proposition : 242. The Principal, the Rate, and Time being given, to Find the Interest, General Solution.— Since r is the interest of $1 for i year, pxr must be the interest of p dollars for i year ; therefore, pr x t must be the interest of p dollars for t years. Hence, the Formula. i = prt. EuLE. — Multiply the principal hy the interest of %i for the given time, and the result is the interest. 27. What is the interest of I1586 for i yr. and 6 m., at 8 per cent ? 28. What is the int. of $3580 for 5 years, at 7 per cent ? 29. What is the amt. of $364 for 3 years, at 5 per cent ? Note.— This problem may be stated in the following general terms '. Note. When the amount is j^reater or less than the base, what is the multiplier? 241. What are the elements or factors which enter into computations of interest? 242. When the principal, rate, and time are given, how find the interest ? 132 GEN^ERALIZATION. 243. The Principal, Rate, and Time being given, to Find the Amount, General Solution. — Reasoning as in the preceding article, the interest = prt. But the amount is the sum of the principal and interest. /. p+prt = a. Hence, the FoBMULA. a = p-{- prt. Rule. — Add the interest to the principal, and the result is the amount. 30. Find the amount of $4375 for 2 years and 6 months, at 8 per cent. 31. Find the amt. of $2863.60 for 5 years, at 7 per cent. 244. The delation between the four elements in the Formula, a = p ^ prt, is such, that if any three of them are given, the fourth may be readily found. (Art. 243.) 245. The Amount, the Rate, and Time being given, to Find the Principal. Transposing the members and factoring, we have the Formula. p 1 -\- rt 32. What principal will amount to I1500 in 2 years, at 6 per cent ? 2,3' What sum must be invested at 7 per cent to amount to $300 in 5 years ? 246. The Amount, the Principal, and the Rate being given, to Find the Time. Transposing 2> and dividing hy pi', (Art. 244), we have the Formula. t = ^' pr 34. In what time will $3500, at 6 per cent, yield $525 interest ? 243. The amount f 244. What is the relation between the four elements in the preceding formula. 245. When the amount, rate, and time are given, state the formula, 246. When the amount, principal, and rate* are given, state the formula. GENERALIZATIOK. 133 247. The Hour and Minute Hands of a Clock being together at I2!VI., to Find the Time of their Cottjuncfioii between any two Subsequent Hours. 35. The hour and minute hands of a clock are exactly together at 12 o'clock. It is required to find how long before they will be together again. Analysis. — The distance around the dial of a clock is 12 hour spaces. When the hour-hand arrives at I, the minute-hand has passed 12 hour spaces, and made an entire circuit. But since the hour-hand has moved over one space, the minute-hand has gained only 11 spaces. Now, if it takes the minute-hand * hour to gain 1 1 spaces, to gain I space will take -^j of an hour, and to gain 12 spaces it will take 12 times as long, and 12 times -^j hr. = ^f hr. = Tj\ hour. Or, Let X = the time of their conjunction. Then 11 spaces : 12 spaces :: i hour : a; hours. Multiplying extremes, etc., iia; = 12 Removing coefficient, x = i jJy hr., or i hr. 5y\ min. 36. When will the hour and minute hand be in conjunction next after 3 o'clock ? Suggestion. — Substituting a for i^ hr., the time it takes the minute-hand to gain 12 spaces, h for the given number of hours past 12 o'clock, t for the time of conjunction, we have the following General Solution, a x h = t, the time required. Hence, the Formula. t = ah. Rule. — Multiply the time required to gain 12 spaces by the given hour past 1 2 o^dock ; the product will de the time of conjunction. 37. At what time after 6 o'clock will the hour and minute hand be in conjunction ? 38. At what time between 9 and 10 o'clock ? (See Appendix, p. 287.) 247. What is the formula for finding when the hands of a clock will be in conjunction ? Translate this into a rule. CHAPTER XII. INVOLUTION * 248. Involution is finding a power of a quantity. 249. A Power is the product of two or more equal factors. Thus, 3x3 = 9; axaxa = a^', 9 and a^ are powers. 250. Powers are divided into differe^it degrees ; as first, second, third, fourth, etc., the name corresponding with the number of times the quantity is taken as 2i factor to produce the power. 251. The First Power is the quantity itself. The Second Poiver is the product of two equal factors, and is called a square. The Third Power is the product of three equal factors, and is called a cuhe, etc. Note. — The quantity caUed the first 'power is, strictly speaking, not a power, but a root. Thus, <2^ or a, is not the product of any two equal factors, but is a quantity or root from which its powers arise. 252. The Index or Exponent f of a power is a, figure or letter placed at the right, above the quantity. Its object is to show hoto many times the quantity is taken as a factor to produce the power. Thus, «' = a, and is called the first power. a'^ = axa, the second power, or square, a^ = axaxa, the third power, or cube, <35* = ax ax ax a, the fourth power, etc. 248. What is involution? 249. A power? 250. How divided? 251. The first power ? Second power 1 Third ? 252. What is the index or exponent ? Its object ? * Involution, from the Latin involvere, to roll up. f Index (plural, indices), Latin indicare, to indicate. Exponent, from the Latin exponere, to set forth. IKVOLUTIOK. 135 Notes. — i. The index of the first power being i, is commonly omitted. 2. The expression «* ig read " a fourth," "the fourth power of a" or " a raised to the fourth power ;" x^ is read, " x nt\v" or " the wth power of x." Read the following: a\ d^, x\ y^% %^, IT, cC". 253. Powers are also divided into direct and reciprocal, 254. Direct Powers are those which arise from the continued multiplication of a quantity into itself. Thus, the continued multiplication of a into itself gives the series, a, a^, a', «*, «^ a^, etc. 255. Reciprocal Powers are those which arise from the continued division of a unit by the direct powers of that 4uantity. (Art. 55.) Thus, the continued division of a unit by the direct powers of a ^ves the series, I I I I I I a' ~a^* ^3' "^' ¥5' ¥' 256. Reciprocal Powers are commonly denoted by prefixing the sign — to the exponents of direct powers of the same degree. Thus, -^a~\ 4; = «-^ — , = a-', -^ = a"^, etc. 257. The difference in the notation of direct and recip- rocal powers may be seen from the following series : (I.) a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ i, \, -^, ^, -^„ ^, etc. (2.) a^, aS a% a\ a\ a^, a-\ a'"^, a"^, aS a~^ etc. Note. — The first half of each of the above expressions is a series of direct powers ; the loM half, a series of reciprocal powers. 258. Negative Exponents are the same as the exponents of direct powers, with the sign — prefixed to them. Note. The index i ? 253. How else are powers divided? 254. Direct powers? 255. Reciprocal? 256. How is a reciprocal power denoted ? 136 INVOLUTION. N0TES.-~i. This notation of reciprocal powers is derived from the continued division of a series of direct powers by their root; that is, by' subtracting i from the successive exponents. (Art. 113.) 2. The use of negative exponents in expressing reciprocal powers avoids fractions, and therefore is convenient in calculations. 3. Direct poicers are often called positive, and reciprocal powers, negative. But the student must not confound the quantities whose exponents have the sign + or -, with those whose coeJicientshaiYe the sign + or — . This ambiguity will be avoided, by applying the term direct, to powers with, positive exponents, and reciprocal, to those with negative exponents. 259. The Zero I^oiver of a quantity is one whose exponent is o ; as, a° ; read, *^ the zero power of a." Every quantity with the index o, is equal to a unit or i. For, — r= «"-» = ao (Art. 113) ; but — = i ; hence, «« = i. SIGNS OF POWERS. 260. When a quantity is positive, all its poivers are positive. Thus, axa = a"^', axaxa=: a^^ etc. When a quantity is negative, its even powers are positive, and its odd powers negative. Thus, —a X —a = a^ ; —a x —a x —a = —a^, etc. FORMATION OF POWERS. 261. All JPowers of a quantity may be formed by multiplying the quantity into itself. (Art. 249.) 262. To Raise a Monomial to any Required Power. The process of involving a quantity which consists of several factors depends upon the following 259, What is the zero power ? To what is a quantity of the zero power equal ? a6o. Rule for the signs ? INVOLUTION". 137 PRINCIPLES. 1°. The power of the jwoduct of two or more factors is equal to the product of their powers. 2°. The product is the same, in whatever order the factors are tahen. (Art. 87, Prin. 3.) 1. Given 3^^ to be raised to the third power. SOLUTION. {UhJ = 3a¥ X 3«^ X sah^ (Art. 261), or, sxsxsxaxaxaxb^xb^xIP (Prin. 2), .-. (3ab^y = 27«3&6, Ans. Involving each of tliese factors separately, we have, (3)3 = 27 ; (af = a^ ; and {¥f = ¥ ; and 27xa^x¥ = 2']a^¥, Ans. Hence, the EuLE. — Eaise the coefficient to the poiuer required, and multiply the index of each letter by the index of the power, prefixing the proper sign to the result, (Art. 90.) Notes.— T. A single letter is involved by giving it the index of the required power. 2. A quantity which is already a power is involved by multiplying its index by the index of the required power. 3. The learner must observe the distinction between an index and a coefficient. The latter is simply a multiplier, the former shows how many times the quantity is taken as a, factor. 4. This rule is applicable both to positive and negative exponents. 2. What is the square of abc ? 3. What is the square of — abc ? 4. What is the cube of xyz ? 5. What is the fifth power of abc ? 6. What is the fourth power of 2x^y ? 7. What is the third power of 6a^^ ? 8. What is the fourth power of $aM^c? 9. What is the sixth power of 2a^c^'i 10. What is the eighth power of abcd'i 11. What is the nih power of xyz ? 262. How raise a monoinial to any power? Note. A pingle letter ? A" quantity already a power ? Distinction between index and coefficient ? 138 INVOLUTION. 12. Find the fifth power of {a + hy. 13. Find the second power of {a -h hY", 14. Find the nth power of {x — «/)*". 15. Find the 7it\\ power of {x + yy. 16. Find the second power of (a^ + If). 17. Find the third power of {aW¥). 263. To Involve a Fraction to any required Power* 18. What is the square of — ^? EuLE. — Raise both the numerator and denominator to the required power. 'i(it^ 10. Find the cube of ^ — • 2a 20. Find the fourth power of ^ 21. Find the square of ^— gTn* 2 22. Find the wth power of -• 23. Find the wth power of — ^ • 2. Ans. ^a^-^-SaU^-^hK 25. What is the square of « + 5 + c ? Ans. 0? + 2ab + 2ac + 5^4- 2bc + &; 26. What is the cube of a; + 2?/ + 2 ? 265. It is sometimes sufficient to express the power of a compound quantity by exponents. Thus, the square of a + & = (« + &)2 ; the nth power of a& + c + 3«?^ - 363. How involve a fraction? 264. How involve a compound quantity « INVOLUTION- 139 L — :i - ' FORMATION OF BINOMIAL SQUARES. 266. To Find the Square of a Binomial in the Terms of its Parts. 1. Given two numbers, 3 and 2, to find the square of their sum in the terms of its parts. Illustration.— Let the shaded part of the diagram represent the square of 3 ; — each side being divided into 3 inches, its contents are equal to 3 x 3, or 9 sq. in. To preserve the form of the square, it is plain equal additions must be made to two adjacent sides ; for, if made on one side, or on opposite sides, the figure will no longer be a square. Since 5 is 2 more than 3, it follows that two rows of 3 squares each must be added at the top, and 2 rows on one of the adjacent sides, to make its length and breadth each equal to 5. Now 2'into 3 plus 2 into 3 are 12 squares, or tvyice the product of the two parts 2 and 3. But the diagram wants two times 2 small squares, to fill the comer on the right, and 2 times 2, or 4, is the square of the second part. We have then 9 (the square of the first part), 12 (twice the product of the two parts 3 and 2), and 4 (the square of the second part). Therefore, (3 + 2)2 = 32 + 2 X (3 X 2) + 2^. 2. Required the square oix-^y, Ans. x^-{-2 xxy-\-y\ Hence, universally. The square of the sum of two quantities is equal to the square of the first, plus twice their product, plus the square of the second. Note. — The square of a Unomial always has three terms, and con- sequently is a trinomial. Hence, No binomial can be a perfect square. (Art. loi.) 266. To what is the square of the sum of two quantities equal ? How illustrate the square of the sum of two quautities in the terms of its parts ? 140 BII^OMIAL THEOREM. 267. All Binomials may be raised to any required power by continued multiplication. But when the expo- nent of the power is large, the operation is greatly abridged by means of the Bi7iomial Theorem.* 268. The Binomial Hieorem is a general formula by which any power of a binomial may be found without recourse to continued multiplication. To illustrate this tlieorem, let us raise the binomials « + & and a—h to the second, third, fourth, and fifth powers, by continued multipli- cations : {a + hf = a^ + 2(0) + ¥. (a + hf = a^ + sa^b + saf^ + ¥. {a + Vf = a* + ^a% + ta%'^ + 40*3 + j^^ {a + yf = a^ + 5a*& + loaW + loarW + 506* + }fi. (a - bf = a? - 2ab + b^. {a - bf ^ «3 _ 3^2^ + 2>ab'' — b\ (a - bf = a'^ - 4a^b + 6a?b^ - ^ab^ + b\ {a - bf -oJ> - sa^ft + \oaW - loa^&a + 5^54 _ y,^ 269. Analyzing these operations, the learner will discover the following laws which govern the expansion of Unomials : 1. The number of terms in any power is one more than the index of the power. 2. The i7idex of the first term or leading letter is the index of the required power, which decreases regularly by i through the other terms. The index of the following letter begins with i in the second term, and increases by i through the other terms. 3. The sum o/the indices is the same in each term, and is equal to the index of the power. 268. What is the Binomial Theorem ? 269. What is the law respecting the num- ber of terms in a power ? The indices of each quantity ? The sum of the indice* iu each term ? * This method was discovered bj Sir Isaac Newton, in 1666. BINOMIAL THEOEEM. 141 4. The coefficient oi the first and last term of every power is I ; of the second and next to the last, it is the tJidex of the power; and, universally, the coefficieuts of any two terms equidistant from the extremes, are equal to each other. Again, the coefficients regularly increase in the first half of the terms, and decrease at the same rate in the last half. 5. The signs follow the same rule as in multiplication 270. The preceding principles may be summed up in the following GENERAL RULE. I. In'DICES. — Give the first term or leading letter the index if the required power, and diminish it regularly hy i through the other terms. TJie index of the following letter in the second term is i, and increases regularly hy i through the other terms. II. Coefficients. — The coefficient of the first term is i. To the second term give the index of the poiuer ; and, universally, multiplying the coefficient of any term hy the index of the leading letter in that term, and dividing the product by the index of the following letter increased hy i, the result will he the coefficient of the succeeding term. III. Signs. — If hoth terms are positive, mahe all the terms positive; if the second term is negative, make all the odd terms, counting from the left, positive, a?id all the even terms the binomial formula. n—- I (a + hy = a'' -\-n x a""-^ h + n x a^'-^h^ etc. Note. — The preceding rule is based upon the supposition that the index is a positive whole number ; but it is equally true when the index is e\ih.Qr positi've or negative, integral or fractional. The coeflacients of the first and last terms ? The law of the signs ? 270. What is the general rule ? 142 BINOMIAL THEOKEM. Expand the following binomials : 1. {a + by. 6. (^-\-zy^. 2. (a — by. 7. (a — by. 3. {c + ay, 8. (m + 7iy\ 4. {x + yy, g. (x—y)^. 5- {^—yy* lo. {a+by. 2T1.. When the terms of a binomial have coefficients or exponents, the operation may be shortened by substituting for them single letters of the first power. After the opera- tion is completed, the value of the terms must be restored. 11. Required the fifth power of i^ + 3^2 Solution.— Substitute a for x'^, and h for 32^2 . then (a + If = a^ + 5a^& + loaW + ioa?l^ + soft* + 6^. Restoring the values of a and &, (a;2 + 3^2)5 _ ajio + 1 53,8^2 ^ goa?^^ + 2-joxh^ + 4052;^ + 2432/^®. 12. Expand (x^ — 2,by. A71S. 7^ — i2^b + s^b^ — io8ic2^»3 4. 8iJ4. 272. Every power of i is i, and when a factor it has no effect upon the quantity with whicli it is connected. (Art. 94, note.) Hence, when one of the terms of a binomial is i, it is commonly omitted in the required power, except in the first and last terms. Note. — In finding the exponents of such binomials, it is only necessary to observe that the mm of the two exponents in each term is equal to the index of the power. 13. Expand (ic + i)^. 15. Expand (\ ~ ay. 14. Expand \b — i)*. 16. Expand (i -f of, (See Appendix, p. 287.) 271. When the terms have coefficients or exponents, how proceed ? POWERS or POLYNOMIALS. 143 273. A Polynomial may be raised to any power by actual multiplication, taking the given quantity as a factor as many times as indicated by the exyonent of the required power. But the operation may often be shortened by reducing the several terms to two, by substitution, arid then applying the Binomial Formula. 17. Kequired the cube of x -^ y -\- z. Solution. — Substituting a for (y + e), we have aj + (y +2) = aj + a. By formula, {x-vaf = q^-\- yi?a + ym^ + a^ Restoring the value of a, 274. To Square 2i Polynomial without Recourse to Multiplication. 18. Eequired the square oi a -\- h -{• c. Solution. — By actual multiplication, we have, {a + h^-cf = a'^ + 2ab+2ac + ¥ + 2bc+c^. Or, changing the order of terms, a'^ + ¥ + c^ + 2r ¥ 4- 2& (c + cZ) -4- c^ + 2cd + d^. Hence, the KuLE. — To the sum of the squares of the terms add twice the product of each pair of terms. Or, To the square of each term add twice its product into the sum of all the terms which folloio it. 20. Eequired the square oix -\- y -{- z. 21. Eequired the square of a — h -{- c. 22. Eequired the square oi a -\- x -\- y ■\- z. 273. How may a polynomial be raised to any required power ? 274. What is the rule foi- squaring a polynomial ?^ _ - a OFT..E -^X 144 ADDITION OF POWERS. 275. When one of the terms of a binomial is 2^ fraction, it may be involved by actual multiplication, or by reducing the mixed quantity to an improper fraction, and then involving the fraction. (Art. 171.) 22t. Kequired the square of x -{• ^\ and x — J. « + i a; — i a- + i a!- i + ja; + i -ia; + i aj'+ X + \ a^— X + \ Or, reduce the mixed quantities to improper fractions. Thus, a; + - = -= — ; and x = , (Art. 171.) 22 22^'' /2a!+i\2 4a;-+4a;+i . /2aj— iV 4a;2— 4a;+i Expand the following mixed quantities : 24. (fl^ + J)^. 26. (— f + 2al)cf. 25 276. Powers are added and subtracted hke other quantities. (Arts. 67, 77.) For, the same powers of the same letters are like quantities; while powers of different letters and different powers of the same letter are unlike quantities, and are treated accordingly. (Arts. 43, 44,) 28. To 7^2 + 5 (« 4- J)3 _ 6a; + 3^ + «' Add — 30^3 + 4 (^ + ^f -f 4a; 4- 43^2 — fl< Ans. 4(f + g (a -^ by — 2X + $0^ -{- 43^ -^ a^ — a^ 29. From 3^3 + 5 J2 — 4(^8 4. ^^^a _ ^5 Take — 40^^ + 3^ + 3^^ — 5^ + a* Ans. 7^8 + 22>2 _ 7^8 4- 5^:3 4. 4^2 _ ^^s _ ^4 275. How involve a binomial, when one term is a fraction ? 276. How are power* added and subtracted ? Why ? DIVISION OF POWERS. 145 MULTIPLICATION OF POWERS. 277. To Multiply Powers of the Same Moot. 1. What is the product of 2>tt'^b^ multiplied by aWi Solution. — Adding the exponents of each letter, we have yi^ and 6^ Now 3«^ x &^ = 3a66% Ans. (Art. 94.) 2. Multiply ^a^¥ by a~^l)~\ Solution. — Adding the exponents of each letter, as before, we have 3a'^62, Ans. Hence, the EuLE. — Add the exponents of the given quantities, and the result will be the product. (Art. 94.) Notes. — i. This rule is applicable to positive and negative exponents. 2. Powers of different roots are multiplied hy writing them one after another. Multiply the following powers: 3. fl^^ by a^. 7. a~*b by a~^bK 4. x~^ by ar\ 8. a~*cd by a'^c^d^. 5. b-^ hj bK 9. ¥ c-^ y-^ hj b-^ (^y\ 6. a"* by a\ 10. a^y^z^ by a~^y-^^. DIVISION OF POWERS. 278. To Divide Powers of the Same Root, II. Divide a^ by a\ Solution. — Subtracting one exponent from the other, we have a^-T-a^ = a?, the quotient sought. (Art. 113.) Hence, the Rule. — Subtract the exponent of the divisor from that of the dividend ; the result is the quotient. (Art. 113.) Note. — This rule is applicable to positive and negative exponents. ••"•t. How multiply powers of the same root ? Note. Of different roots 1 278. What is tne rule for dividing powers of the same root ? 146 TRAKSFEREING FACTORS. Divide the following powers : 12. a^ by ar\ i6. oc^yz^ by ar^y^z~\ 13. x~^ by ic^. 17. i2aPh~^c by 3flf2Z'"^c^ 14. ¥ by 52. 18. 6a;4^V ^y 22^-2 ?/;22. 15. c~^ by c~s. 19. 6oa%^(^ by 5«~2Z>%-A 279. The Method of denoting Reciprocal Powers shows that any factor may be transferred from the numerator of a fraction to the denominator, and vice versa, by changing the 5i^;i of its exponent from + to — , or — to +. (Art. 256.) 20. Transfer the denominator of —3 to the numerator. q6 I Solution. ^ = «^ ^ "T^ia ~ ^^ ^ ^~^ = a^a;-^, Ans. 21. Transfer the denominator of --^ to the numerator. x~^ Solution. — -=— = 61^-^ — - = axaj^ = aofi, Ans. ■^ » ^5 22. Transfer the numerator of — to the denominator. 01 a^ I . I I I . I . Solution. — =- x a5__^___i.^-5_ — ^ ^;^5^ 2^ 2^ y o^ y or^y 2^. Transfer the numerator of — to the denominator. y Solution. — = — ^ x - = -^ , Ans. y a^ y a^y ax~^ 24. Transfer ar'^ to the denominator of • y 25. Transfer y^ to the numerator of j—^' 26. Transfer d~^ to the denominator of —q— 27. Transfer af* to the numerator of — -• - 279. What inference may be drawn from the method of denoting rec;pri>4.Al powers ? How transfer a factor ? OHAPTEE XIIL EVOLUTION * 280. Evolution is finding a root of a quantity. It is often called the Extraction of roots. 281. A Hoot is one of the equal factors of a quantity. Notes. — i. Powers and roois are correlative terms. If one quantity is a power of another, tlie latter is a root of the former. Thus, a^ is the cube of a, and a is the cube root of a^. 2. The learner should observe the following distinctions : ist. By involution a product of equal factors is found. 2d. By evolution a quantity is resolved into equal factors. It is the reverse of involution. 3d. By division a quantity is resolved into two factors. 4th By subtraction a quantity is separated into two parts. 282. Boots, like powers, are divided into degrees ; as, the square, or second root; the cube, or third root; the fourth root, etc. 283. The Square Hoot is one of the two equal factors of a quantity. Thus, 5 X 5 = 25, and axa = a^ ; therefore 5 is the cquare root of 25, and a the square root of a^. 284. The Cube Hoot is one of the three equal factors of a quantity. Thus, 3 X 3 X 3 = 27, and axaxa = a^; therefore, 3 js the cube root of 27, and a is the cube root of a^. 280, What is evolution? 281. A root? Note. Of what is evolution the reverse? 283. What is the square root ? 284. Cube root ? * From t^ie Latin evolvere, to unfold. 148 EVOLUTION. 285. Eoots are denoted in two ways : ist. By prefixing the radical sign ^ to the quantity.* 2d. By placing a fractional exponent on the right of the quantity. Thus, ^/a and a* denote the square root of a. y\/a and a^ denote the cube root of a, etc. Notes.— I. The figure placed over the radical sign, is called the Index of the Root, because it denotes the name of the root. Thus, ^/a, and \^a, denote the square and cube root of a. 2. In expressing the square root, it is customary to use simply the radical sign ^ , the 2 being understood. Thus, the expression /Y/25 = 5, is read, ''the square root of 25 = 5." 3. The method of expressing roots hj fractional exponents is derived irom. the manner of denoting powers by integral indices. Thus, a^=axaxaxa; hence, if a'^ is divided into four equal factors, one of these equal factors may properly be expressed by a. 286. The numerator of a fractional exponent denotes the power, and the denominator the root. Thus, a^ denotes the cube root of the first power of a; and a* denotes the fourth root of the third power of a, or the third power of the fourth root, etc. Read the following expressions : 1. «i 4. bk 7. dh 10. af. 2. «1 5. c^. 8. m"^. II. «»*. 3. a^, 6. x^. 9. n^. 12. x§, 13. Write the third root of the fourth power of a. 14. Write the fifth power of the fourth root of x. 15. Write the eighth root of the twelfth power of y. 287. A JPerfect Power is one whose exact root can be found. This root is called a rational quantity. 285. How are roots denoted? 286. What docs the numerator of a fractional exponent denote ? The denominator? 287. What is a perfect power ? * From the Latin radix, a root. The si^n /v/" is a corruption of the letter r, the initial of ra4i^* EVOLUTION". 149 288. An Imperfect 'Power is a quantity whose exact root cannot be found. 289. A Surd is the root of an imperfect power. It is often called an irrational quantity. Thus, 5 is an imperfect power, and its square root, 2.23 + , is a surd. Note. — All roots as well as poicers of i, are i. For, a root is a factor, wliich multiplied into itself produces a power ; but no number except I multiplied into itself can produce i. (Art. 272.) Thus, r, i^ I", and y^i, /y/i, /y/i, etc., are all equal. 290. Negative Exponents are used in expressing roots as well as j902(;er5. (Arts. 255, 257.) Thus, — T = a-i ; -T = a-i ; -r = a-n ^ a* a* ^t 291. The value of a quantity is not altered if the index of the power or root is exchanged for any other index of the same value. Thus, instead of x^, we may employ x^, etc, Hence, 'i92. A fractional exponent maybe expressed in decimals. 'fhus, a^ = a^ = a°*^ . That is, the square root of a is equal to the fifth power of the tenth root of a. Express the following exponents in decimals : 16. Write a^ in decimals. 19. Write h'^ in decimals. 1 . 17. Write a^ in decimals. 20. Write x^ in decimals. 18. Write a^ in decimals. 21. Write y^ in decimals. 22. Express a^ in decimals. Ans. a^ = ^0.333333+ ^ 23. Express x^ in decimals. Ans. x^ = 2^0.66666+ ^ 24. Express y^ in decimals. Ans. y^ = y-^. «5. Write a^ in decimals. Ans. a~s = a^'^. Note. — In many cases, & fractional: exponent can only be expressed approximately by decimals. 288. An imperfecl power ? 289. A rard ? 290. Are negative exponents used in expressing roots 1 292. How are fractional exDonents sometimes expressed ? 150 EVOLUTION. 293. The Signs of Hoots are gc remed by the following PRINCIPLES. 1°, An odd root of a quantity has the same sign as the quantity. ■ 2°. A71 even root of a positive quantity is either positive or negative, and has the double sigti, ±. Thus, the square of +a\aa^, and the square of —a is a^ ; therefore the square root of a^ may be either +a or —a\ that is, ^/a^ = ± a. 3°. The root of the product of several factors is equal to the product of their roots. Notes. — i. The ambiguity of an even root is removed, when it is knqwn whether the power arises from a positive or a negative quantity. 2. It should also be observed that the two square roots of a positive quantity are numerically equal, but have contrary signs. 294. An Even Hoot of a 7iegative quantity cannot be found. It is therefore said to be impossible. Thus, the square root of —a^ is neither +a nor —a. For, +ax +a = +a^ ; and —a x —a = +a^. Hence, 295. An even root of a negative quantity is called an Imaginary Quantity. Thus, \/— 4, V'— a^ 'V^— a^ are imaginary quantities. 296. To Find the B^oot of a Monomial. I. What is the square root of a^? Analysis. — Since a'^ — axa, it follows that one opeeation. of the equal factors of «? is a; therefore, a is its ^/a? = a square root. (Art. 283.) Again, since multiplying the index of a quantity by a number raises the quantity to a corresponding power, it follows that dividing the index by the same number resolves the quantity into a correspond- ing root. Thus, dividing the index of a^ by 2, we have a' or a, which is the square root of a^. 293. What principles eovem the sign?, of roots ? When is the doable sisu used ? Illustrate this. JVote. When is the ambiguity removed ? 294. What is an even root of a negative quantity ? Illustrate. 295. What is it called ? EVOLUTION. 151 2. What is the square root of 9^^^ ? Analysis. — Since 9 = 3x3, the index of operation. jj* = 2 X 2, and the index of &2 = i x 2, it ^/oaf^ := 2t^^b follows ^shat the square root of 9 is 3, that of a^ is a-.; and that of ¥ is 6^ or &. Therefore, ^^a?¥ = ^a^h. Hence, the Rule. — Divide the index of each letter hy the index of the required root; to the result prefix the root of the coefficient with the proper sign. (Art. 293.) Note. — This rule is based upon Principle 3. If a quantity is an imperfect power, its root can only be indicated. 296, a. Tlie root of a Fraction is found hy extracting the root of ^ach of its terms. Find the required roots of the following quantities: 3. Va^. 10. 'v/36«^Z>2. "s/a^ or a. 11. ^/^^y\ 3 /- ^/ AfXy. 12. v64a% ^2>a%\ 13. ^i^xy. V^^ahc, 14. A/49^y. V^i6^. 15. ^/r^. 297. To Extract the Square Moot of ihe Square of a Binomial. I. Required tb€ square root of a^ + 2a5 4- l\ Analysis. — Arrange the terms operation. according to the powers of the letter O^ ■\- 2ab + Z>2 ( fl^ -f d a ; the square root of the first term ^2 is a, which is the first term of the \_ 'h\ h A- Jvi root. Next, subtracting its square ' / ■, j^ from the given quantity, bring down 2^0 + (r the remainder, 2ab + W. 296. How find the root of a monomial ? iVb/«.— Upon what principle is this rulf based ? 296 a. How find the root of a fraction ? 152 EVOLUTION. Divide the ist term of this rem. by 2a, double the root Oms found, the quotient h is the other term of the root. Place & both in the root and on the right of the divisor. Finally, multiply the divisor, thus increased, by the second term of the root, and subtracting the product from 2ab + h^, there is no remainder. Therefore, a + & is the root required. The square root of a:-—2db+l^ is found in the same manner, the terms of the root being connected by the sign — . Hence, the HuLE. — Find the square roots of the first and third ter^n^ and connect them hy the sign of the middle term, 2. What is the square root of a^ -{- 4X -\- 4? 3. What is the square root of «2 _ 2^5 4- i ? 4. What is the square root of i + 2X -\- a^? 5. What is the square root oi x^ -\- ^x -\- ^ ? 6. What is the square root of «^ — a + } ? 7. What is the square root of x^ -{- ix -] ? 4 298. To Extract the Square Root of a Polynomial. 8. Required the square root of 4«* — i2a^-\-s^^+6a-{-i, OPBRATION. 40* — i2fl^3 + 5^2 _f- 6« 4- I ( 2a^ — $a — i 4a* ^2- 3«) - I2fl3 + 9«2 + 6a+i 4^2 -6a- -0 -4«2 -4«^ + 6«+ I + 6a + I Analysis. — The square root of the first term is 2a', which is the first term of the root. Subtract its square from the term used md bring down the remaining terms. Divide the remainder by louble the root thus found ; the quotient —3a is the next term of the root, and is placed both in the root and on the right of the partial divisor. Multiply the divisor thus increased by the term last placed in the root, and subtract the product as before. Next, divide the remainder by twice the part of the root already found, and the quotient is —i, which is placed both in the root and on the right of the divisor. 297. How extract the square root of the square of a binomial? EVOLUTIOK. 153 Finally, multiply the divisor, thus increased, by the term last placed in the root, and subtracting the product, as before, there is no remainder. Therefore, the required root is 2a"^—3«—i. Hence, the KuLE. — I. A rra?ige the terms according to the jjowers of some letter, beginning ivith the highest, find the square root of the first term for the first term of the root, and subtract its square from, the given quantity. IL Divide the first term of the ''remainder by double the root already found, and place the quotient both i7i the root and on the right of the divisor, III. Multiply the divisor thus increased by the term last placed in the root, and subtract the product from the last dividend. If there is a remainder, proceed with it as before^ till the root of all the quantities is found. Proof. — Multiply the root by itself, as in arithmetic. Note. — This rule is essentially the same as that used for extracting the square root of numbers. Extract the square root of the following quantities : 9. x^ + 2xy + y"^ -{- 2XZ + 2yz + z\ 10. a^ — 4ab -\- 2a -{- 4J2 _ 4J _}. i. II. a^ + ^a^ + 4^2 _ 4^2 _ 85 -f 4. 12. I — 4^2 _|_ 4^4 4- 22; — 4^2^; + x\ 13. 4a^ — i6a^ + 24^2 _ i6a + 4. 14. a^-ab+ ibK X^ 1/2 15- 2-1- — • 299. The fourth root of a quantity may be found by extracting the square root twice j that is, by extracting the square root of the square root. Thus, y^iea* = 4a^, and /^4a^ = 2a. Therefore, 2a is the fourth root of i6a\ Proof. 2ax2a = 4a^ ; 4a^ x 40^ = i6a\ The eighth, the sixteenth, etc., roots may be found in like manner. 298. Of a polynomial ? 299. How find the fourth root of a quantity ? The eighth ? CHAPTER XIV. RADICAL QUANTITIES. 300. A Madical is the root of a quantity indicated by the radical sign or fractional exponent. Notes.— I. The figures or letters placed before radicals are coefficients. 2. In the following investigations, all quantities placed under tlie radical sign, or having a fractional exponent, whether perfect or imperfect powers, are treated as radicals, unless otherwise mentioned. 301. The Degree of a radical is denoted by its index, or by the denominator of its fractional exponent. (Arts. 285, 286.) Thus, '^ax, a^, and {a + Vf, are radicals of the same degree. 302. Lihe Madicals are those which express the same root of the same quantity. Hence, like radicals are like quantities. (Art. 43.) Thus, s^y/a'^— & and 3/y/«^— &, etc., are like radicals. REDUCTION OF RADICALS. 303. Reduction of Madicals is changing their form without altering their value. 304. The Simjylcst Form of radicals is that which contains no factor whose indicated root can be extracted. Hence, in reducing them to their simplest form, all exact poivers of the same name a« the root must be removed from under the radical sign. 300. What is a radical ? 301. How is tlie decree of a radical denoted? 302. What are like radicals ? 303. Define reduction of radicals. 304. What is the simplest form }t radicals ? EEDUCTIOK OF RADICALS. 155 CASE I. 305. To Reduce a Radical to its Simplest Form. I. Reduce ^/\Wx to its simplest form. Analysis. — By inspection, we ofebation. perceive that tlie given radical is ^ \Wx = ^ ^0? X 2X composed of two factors, <^a? and ^^ / — g / — IX, the first being a perfect square " and the second a surd. (Art. 289.) .'. ^/ l^a^X = ^aV2X Removing ga^ from under the rad- ical sign and extracting its square root, we have 3a, which prefixed to the other factor gives s^y'z^, the simplest form required. 2. Reduce 4^/a^ — a^x to its simplest form. Analysis. — Factoring operation. the radical part, wejiave 4^^.^^ = 4^a^x{a-x) the two factors, \/a^ and 3,-— », ^a—x, the first being a perfect cube, and the sec- .'. ^^ a^—a^X = /^a\^a—X ond a surd. Remove a^ from under the radical sign, and its root is a, which multiplied by the coeflBcient 4, and prefixed to the radical part, gives ^a^a—x, the simplest form. Hence, the Rule. — I. Resolve ilie radical into two factors, one of which is the greatest power of the same name as the root. II. Extract the root of this power, and multiplying it ly the coefficient, prefix the result to the other factor, with the radical sign letween them. Notes. — i. This rule is based upon the principle that the root of the product of two or more factors is equal to the product of their roots. 2. When the radicals are small, the greatest exact power they contain may be readily found by inspection. 3. Reduce 3V5o«^^^ to its simplest form. Ans. isav^x. 4. Reduce 6\/s4^l/ to its simplest form. Ans. iSxV 2y. 305. Becite the rule. Ifote. Upon what based ? 156 EEDUCTIOK OF EADICALS. 306. To Find in large Radicals the Greatest Power corresponding to the indicated Root. 5. Eeduce ViSya to its simplest form. OPERATION. 4 ) 1872 ^1872 = ^4x4x9 X V13 4 ) 468 " = A/144 X V13 9)117(13 V1872 = 12V135 ^'ns. Analysis. — Divide the radical by the smallest power of the same degree that is a factor of it ; the quotient is 468. Divide this quan- tity by 4 ; the second quotient is 117. Th% smallest power of the same degree that will divide 117, is 9. The quotient is 13, which is not divisible by any power of the same degree. The product of the divisors, 4x4x9= 144, is the greatest square of the given radical. Extracting the square root of 144, we have i2/y/i3, the simplest form required. Hence, the 'Rv'LE,— Divide the radical by the smallest power of the same degree ivhich is a factor of the given radical. Divide this quotient as before; and thus 'proceed till a quotient is obtained which is not divisible by any power of the same degree. The continued product of the divisors will be the greatest poiver required. Note. — This rule is founded on the principle that the 'product of any two or more square numbers is a square, the product of any two or more cuhic numbers is a cuhe, etc. Thus, 2' X 32 z= 36 = 62 ; and 28x38 = 216 = e^. Eeduce the following radicals to their simplest form : \^54a^c. yVga^ — 2'ja^b, '\/64a^y. , 5. a\/x by h^fx, 11. 7V^4 by 3^4. 6. ^/a + i by V« — ^. 12. V9« by Vi6a. 7. ^fax by ^fcy, 13. \/i8 by ^/ 2. 8. c^ by (^, 14. "^Zax by ^fwx, (9-) (X5-) Multiply a -f- V? Mult. « + \/x By g-f- V5 By i + l\/x ac + cVi a + Va; + aVd + v^ -t- ahVx -f Ja: J/i5. «c + cA/^-f «A/^-f V^ Ans. a-{-V^-\-ahVx-^bx 16. 2\/f by 2\/J. 18. (m-]-n)^hj{m-\'n)^ 17. 4V|by3V|. ^^^ J^^^J~^_. 313. How multiply radicals? iVbfe*. How arc roots of like quantities multi- plied? Upon what principle is this rule based? When does the product of radicalB become r'vtional? If radicals are connected with rational quantities, how multiply them? DIVISION" OF RADICALS. 163 DIVISION OF RADICALS. 313. To Divide Radical Quantities. 1. Diyide 4^/^400 by 2\/Sa. Analysis. — Since the given radicals are operation. of the same degree, one may be divided by 4\/T4ac / — the other, like rational quantities, the quo- /^— ^^ 2V3C 2 V o<^ tient being Y 3c. (Art. iii.) To this result prefixing the quotient of one coeflBcient divided by the other, we have 2 -v/sc, the quotient required. 2. Divide 4 Vac by 2 Vet. Analysis. — Since these radicals are aVoc a (ac)^ of different degrees, they cannot be — rp- = ^ divided in their present form. We 2\/a 2 [a)^ therefore reduce them to a common 4\/ttC 4 (aW^ index, then divide one by the other, and •*• s/~~ ^^ , „. 1 2 A/ (l 2 \ (I I ^ to the result prefix the quotient of the ^ ^ ' coefficients. Tlie answer is 2^0^. or 2 (a(?)^, Ans. . 3. Divide a^ by a^ Analysis. — These radicals are of different opbeation. degrees, but have the same radical part or root. ^h — ^1 We therefore divide them by subtracting the 1. 2 fractional exponent of the divisor from that of the dividend. (Art. 113.) Reducing the expo- a^ — a^ z=: a^ nents to a common denominator, a^ = a^, and . ^^ . /^^ — ■ rA as— a«. Now a^-i-a^=a^, Ans. Hence, the Rule.— I. Reduce the radical parts to a common index. 11. Divide one radical part hy the other, and placing the quotient under the common index, prefix to the result the quotient of their coefficients. Note. — Boots of like quantities arfe divided Tyy subtracting thefrat- tional exponent of the divisor from that of the dividend. (Art. T13.) 313. How divide radicals ? 2^ote. How divide roots of like quantities ? 164 IKVOLUTIOK OF KADICALS. Divide the following radicals : 4. ^/\2a^c by ^/ ^c. 10. 14a V^ by 7a/^. 9 d^Mx^ by 2^/dx. 11. (« + 5)t by (a + Z>)«. (a^ -f fl^ic)^ by a^, 12. 3^500;^ by v^. 12 (ay)T by («y)i 13. ^/x^ — f- by ^/x-\-y, 2^1^/ ax by S-v/flf. 14. 16^/32 by 2^/4. iS^cs/^rc by 2cV^. 15. 8^512 by 4^/2. INVOLUTION OF RADICALS. 314. To Involve a Radical to any required Power. I. Find the square of a^, OPERATION. Analysis. — As a square is the product of two 1 i 2 Ct^ X d^ "^^^ (X^ equal factors, we multiply the given index by the index of the required power. Hence, the .*. 0^, Ans. EuLE. — Multiply the index of tlie root 'by the index of tlie required power, and to the result prefix the required poivei of the coefficient. Note. — A root is raised to a power of the same name by removing the radical sign or fractional exponent. (Ex. 2.) 2. Find the cube of ^/a + J. Ans. a ■\-b. 3. Find the cube of a^, 4. What is the square of 3a/2^. 5. What is the cube of 2\^. X ■ 6. Eequired the cube of -V2X, 7. Required the cube of 4\ / — • V 4 8. Find the fourth power of 3A / — 9. What is the square of « + \/y ? 314. How Involve radicals to any required power ? Note. How raise a root to a yower of the same name? BVOLUTIOK OF RADICALS. 165 EVOLUTION OF RADICALS. 315. To Extract the Boot of a RadicaL I. Find the cube root of a^'i/W. Analysis. — Finding the root of a radi- ope ratiok. cal is the same in principle as finding the V^a^V^^ = v ^3^1 root of a rational quantity. (Art. 296.) 3 Reducing the index of the radical to an V^^^t =: ab^, Ans. equivalent fractional exponent, we extract the cube root by dividing it by 3. The result is a&^. Hence, the Rule. — Divide the fractional exponent of the radical by the number denoting the required root, and to the result prefix the root of the coefficient. Notes. — i. Multiplying the index of a radical by any number is the same as dividing the fractional exponent by that number. Thus, /^a = aK Multiplying the former by 2, and dividing the latter by 2, we have ^a = a". 2. If the coefficient is not a perfect power, it should be placed under the radical sign and be reduced to its simplest form. (Art. 305.) 2. Required the square root of gV^, 3. Required the square root of 4\^^. 4. Find the cube root of 3a/^. 5. Find the cube root of 2bV2b. 6. What is the cube root of a (bc)^ ? 7. What is the fourth root of ^^f ? 8. What is the fourth root of Va^ V^^ ? 9. Find the seventh root of i28a/«. 10. Find the fourth root of Vayby, II. Find the fifth root of 4a^V2a. 12. Find the nth root of aVbc. 315. How extract the root of a radical ? Notes. To what is multiplyinff the index Of a radical equivalent ? If the coefficient is not a perfect power, what is dope ? 166 CHAI^GIKG RADICALS TO llATIOKALS. CHANGING A RADICAL TO QUANTITY. A RATIONAL CASE I. 316. To Change a Radical Monomial to a Rational Quantity 1. Change V^ ^^ ^ rational quantity. Analysis. — Since multiplying a root of a quantity into itself produces the quantity, it follows that /y/a x ^ a = a, which is a rational quantity. (Art. 287.) 2. It is required to rationalize c^. OPERATION. OPERATION. Analysis. — A root is multiplied by another root of the same quantity by adding the expo- ^i y^ ^1 -^^ ^ nents ; therefore we add to the index \ such a fraction as will make it equal to i. (Art. 94.) Thus, as X as = as+ s = fl^i = «^ the rational quantity required. 3. It is required to rationalize ^. Solution.— Multiplying a^ by ic«, the result is a?, which is a rational quantity. Hence, the OPERATION. Rule. — Multiply the radical hy the same quantity having such a fractional exponent as, when added to the given expo7ient, the sum shall be equal to a unit, or i. 4. Required a factor which will rationalize a^. 5. What factor will rational 6. What factor will rational 7. What factor will rational 8. What factor will rational 9. What factor will rational xo. What factor will rational ze Va^c? ze '^(a + by. ze Va^? ze ^^+jY? ze \/(a+ by? ze V{a + b + c)? 316. How reduce ft rftdicftl monomifll to » r^Uonal quantity? CHANGING RADICALS TO RATIONALS. 167 CASE II. 317. To Change a Radical Binomial to a Rational Quantity. 1. Ifc is required to rationalize ^s/a + ^/}). Analysis, — The product of the sum and opbratiok. difference of two quantities is equal to the /y/^ _i- ^J}) difference of their squares (Art. 103); there- r- ,j- fore (/;/«+ \/&) multiplied by {'s/a—^h) = a—b, which is a rational quantity. a + ^/ob Therefore, the factor to employ as a multi- — yai — b plier is V«- V^- a — b, AnsT 2. What factor will rationalize Vx — Vy ? Analysis.— If the binomial ^x — y'y is operation.^ multiplied by the same terms with the sign of Vcc — Wy the latter changed to + , we have w'~ . ^T. (\/x - Y^y) X {^^x+ ^y) = x-y. ~~~ ~ _ _ JO *""• y (Art. 103.) Therefore, y\/x + ^/y is the fac- ,- .- tor required. Hence, the ^^^- V^+Vy Rule. — Multiply the binomial radical by the correspond- ing binomial with its connecting sign changed, 3. What factor will rationalize x -\- 4 V9 ? 4. Rationalize A/9 — V^. 5. What factor will rationalize VT + Vet ? 6. Rationalize 6 — V^. 7. What factor will rationalize Vsa — V^b ? 8. Rationalize Vci' — Vs. 9. What factor will rationalize 3 's/a + a/S ? 10. What factor will rationalize 4 V^a — 5 V^? 317. How reduce a radical binomial to a rational quantity ? 168 RADICAL FRACTIONS. CASE III. 318. To Change a Radical Fraction to one whose Numerator or Denominator is a Rational Quantity. 1. Change-^ to a rational denominator. Analysis. — Multiply both terms of the operation. fraction by the denominator A^h, and the a y^ ^^ aVb result is —x— , whose denominator is V ^ X yb ^ rational. (Art. 167, Prin. 3, note.) Hence, the Rule. — Multiply both terms of the fraction ly such a factor as will malce the required term ratio7ial. Note — Since the product of the sum and difference of two quan- tities is equal to the difference of their squares, when the radical fraction is of the form — =, if we multiply the terms by (y'a + -y/ft), we have a — & for the denominator. (Art. 103.) 2. Rationalize the denominator of -~z» Ans. - — ^. Va ^ ^ a 3. Rationalize the numerator of ---• Ans, ^/x Vox 4. Rationalize the denominator of -■ x 5. Rationalize the denominator of — -• 6. Rationalize the denominator of —^ —• ^x — Vy Of 7. Rationalize the denominator of —j= —* I I + V3 3 — V3 8. Rationalize the denominator of 9. Rationalize the denominator of 318. How reduce a radical fraction to one whose numerator or denominator is a rational quantity? \^'^len the fractions contain compound quantities, what prin- ciple enters into their reduction? BADICAL EQUATIOI^S. 169 RADICAL EQUATIONS. 319. A Madical Bquation is one in whiCh the unknown quantity is under the radical sign. 320. To Solve a Radical Equation. I. Given a/^ 4-2 = 7, to find x. Analysis. — Transposing 2, we have, y5 + 2 = 7 /\/x = 5. Since 5 is equal to the >\/x, it /— follows that the square of 5, or 25, must be V — 7 — — 5 the square of y\/x. Therefore, x = 25. a; = 52 = 25 2. Given 2a -{- \/x = ()a, to find x. Solution. — ^By the problem, la + ^Jx — t^n By transposing, ^x = ya By involution, x = 49a' 3. Given 5V^a; + i = 35, to find x. Solution.— By the problem, 5/y/a; + i = 35 Removing coefficient, ^^x + i = 7 Involving, a? + i = 343 Transposing, X = 342. Hence, the Rule. — Involve both sides to a power of the same name as the root denoted by the radical sign. Note. — Before invohing the quantities, it is generally best to clear of fractions, and transpose the terms, so that the quantities under tJ.a radical sign shall stand alone on one side of the equation. Eeduce the following radical equations: 4. « H- v^ -\- c = d. 8. v^22; + 3 — 6 = 13. 5. ^/X+ 2z=S. 9. v"^ — 4 = 3- 6. sVa; — 4 4-S = 7i• 10. 2^a; — 5=4. 7• 3a/^=24. II. 5A^ = 30. 319. ^ hat is a radical equation ? 320. flow solved ? Note. What should be done before involving the quantities ? 8 170 RADICAL EQUATIONS, 12. Given ^ "^^ — -i— = J2, to find iR 13. Reduce a/cl^ +Vx=z ^/"^^^ . Analysis. — By removing tlie opkkation. denominator the first member is /~Z 7=^ 3 + ^ squared. But x is still under y -r V ^ . / v the radical sign. This is re- moved by involving both mem- ^ + v ^ = 3 + ^ bers again. Atis. X = ($ -\- C — fl') 14. Given ^^^ = :^, to find ST. 2^2 15. Given x + a/«^ 4- ic^ = _______ to find a;. Note. — If the equation has two radical expressions, connected with other terms by the signs + or — , it is advisable to transpose the terms so that one of the radicals shall stand alone on one side of the equation. By involving both members, one of the radicals becomes rational ; and by repeating the operation, the other will also disappear. 16. Given V4 + 5.'^^ — ^z^ =-- 2, to find x. Transposing, 'Y/4 + S-c = ^/3x + 2 Involving, 4 + 5« = 4 + 4\/3'« + 3« / — ^ Transiiosing and dividing by 4, ysx — - Involving, ^x = — 4 Transposing and multiplying by 4, x'^ = I2j; Hence, x = 12, Ana. 17. Given a/^ -f 12 r=: 2 + v^, to find x. 18. Given Vs x Vx 4-2 = 2 + Vs^, to find Xo ^. Vx X — ax , „ , 10. Given = — — , to find x, (See Appendix, p. 289.) CHAPTER XV. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 321. Equations are divided into different degrees, as the fii-st, second, third, etc., according to the powers of the unknown quantity contained in them. An equation of the First Degree is called a Simple Equation^ and contains only the /r*^ power of the unknown quantity. An equation of the Second Degree is called a Quad- vatic Equation, and the highest power of the unknown quantity it contains is a square. An equation of the Third Degree is called a Cuhic EquoMon, and the highest power of the unknown quantity it contains is a cul:)e. An equation of the Fourth Degree is called a Biquadratic, etc. 322. Quadratic Equations ai-e divided into pure and affected. 323. A Pure Quadratic contains the square only of the unknown quantity ; as, x^ = 5. 324. An Affected Quadratic contains both the first and second powers of t h e unkn own quantity ; as, x^-\-ax= cd. Notes. — i. Pure quadratics are sometimes called incomplete equa- tions ; and affected quadratics, complete equations. 321. How are equations divided ? What is an equation of the first de^^ree ? The second? Third? Fourth? 322. How are quadratic equations divided ? 325. What I? h pure quadratic ? 324. An afl;"ected quadratic ? Note. What are they sometimes called ? 172 PURE QUADRATICS. 2. A Complete Equation contains every integral power of tlie un- known quantity from that which denotes its degree down to the zero power. An Incomplete Equation is one which lacks one or more of these powers. PURE QUADRATICS. 325. Every pure quadratic may be reduced to the form a;3 = «. For, by transposition, etc., all the terms containing x^ can be reduced to one term, as lyx^ ; and all the known quantities to one term, as c. Then will W = c. Dividing both members by &, and substituting a for the quotient of e-r-b, the result is the form, x^ = a. 326. Pure quadratic equations have two roots, which are the same numerically, but have opposite signs. (Art. 293, 71.) Thus, the square of +a and of —a is equally a^. Hence, V^= ±a, 327. To Solve a Pure Quadratic Equation. I, Find the value of a; in 6 = h 2, 9 3 Solution.— Given 6 = — + 2 9 3 Clearing of fractions, 5a^ — 54 = 3^^ + l8 Transposing, etc., 2x'^ = 72 Removing coefficient, a^ = 36 Extracting sq. root, x = ±6, Ans, Substituting b for 2, and c for 72, in the third equation, we have the form, bx^ = c. Removing coefficient, etc., x^ = a. Hence, the Rule. — Reduce tlie given equation to the form x^ = a, and extract the square root of holh members. (Art. 296.) 336. Hqw manjT roots nas a pure ooa^raticf PURE QUADRATICS. 173 Find the value of x in the following equations : 2. 3^5^ — 5 = 70. 10. 20^ + 12 ^ 3a;2_ 27. 3. 92?^ + 8 = 3a;2 -f- 62. 11. 72^2 — 7 = 32^2 + 9. 4. 5a;2 -I- 9 = 2a;2 ^ 27. 12. ahy^ = a*. 5. 6a« + 5 = 40?^ + 55. 13. {x + 2)2 = 4a; + 5. 6. ^ + 35 = 3^+7. 14. ii^-i=^^^. - 4 4 £^±8_^-6 ^(2^+9) __ 3^-1-6 8. - = ". 16. —5 1 f- = -. 42a; 4 — a;4H-a;3 :r . 2 a; . ^ ax^ia — 2) 9. - + - = - + -• 17. — ~T = I — ic. 328. Radical equations, when cleared of radicals, often become pure quadratics. 18. Given Vx^ + n = \/2x^ — 5, to find a:. Solution.— Clearing of radicals, aj2 + ii = 2aJ' — 5 Transposing and extracting root, jc = ± 4 4a; 19. Given 2V^ — 5 = — , to find ar. 20. Given 2V^--4 = 4V^---i, to find a?. 21. Given ^/^"-M = , to find a?. V a; — ^ 22. Given \/- — ^^^ = Vx, to find a; 23. Given = 'v/iTT^, to find x. 24. Given ■ = \/x — lo, to find x, vx + 10 327, What is the rule for the solution of pure quadratics? 328. What may radical equations become ? 174 PUEB QUADKATIOS. PROBLEMS 1. The product of one-third of a number multiplied by one-fourth of it is io8. What is the number ? 2. What number is that, the fourth part of whose square being subtracted from 25, leaves 9 ? 3. How many rods on one side of a square field whose area is 10 acres ? 4. A gentleman exchanges a rectangular piece of land 50 rods long and 18 wide, for one of equal area in a square form. Kequired the length of one side of the square. 5. Find two numbers that are to each other as 2 to 5, and whose product is 360. 6. If the number of dollars which a man has be squared and 7 be subtracted, the remainder is 29. How much money has he ? 7. Find a number whose eighth part multiplied by its fifth part and the product divided by 16, will give a quotient of 10. 8. The product of two numbers is 900, and the quotient of the greater divided by the less is 4. What are tlie numbers ? 9. A merchant buys a piece of silk for I40.50, and the price per yard is to the number of yards as 3 to 54. Required the number of yards and the price of each. 10. Find a number such that if 3 times the square be divided by 4 and the quotient be diminished by 12, the remainder will be 180. 11. A reservoir whose sides are vertical holds 266,112 gallons of water, is 6 feet deep, and square on the bottom. Required the length of one side, allowing 231 cubic inches to the gallon. 12. What number is that, to which if 10 be added, and from which if 10 be subtracted, the product of the sum and difference will be 156 ? AFFECIEB QUADBAIICS 175 AFFECTED QUADRATICS* 329. An Affected Quadratic Equation is one which contains the^rs^ and second powers of the unknown quantity ; as, aoi? -^ Ix z=i c, 330. Every affected quadratic may be reduced to the form, in which a, b, and x may denote any quantity, either positive or negative, integral ov fractional. For, by transposition, etc., all the terms containing x^ can be reduced to one term, as cx"^ ; also, those containing x can be reduced to one term, as dx ; and all containing the known quantities can be reduced to one term, as g. Then, cx^ + dx = g. Dividing both members by c, and substituting a for the quotient of d-r-c, and b for the quotient of g -i- c, we have, a^ + ax = b. Take any numerical quadratic, as-^ S = x^ + — — 4, Clearing of fractions, Saj^ — 4a; — 48 = 6aJ* + 4a; — 24 Transposing, etc., 2af^ — Sx = 24 Removing the coefficient, a^ — 4X = 12 Substituting a for 4, and 6 for 12 in the last equation, we have, x^ — ax = b. Hence, All affected quadratics mag be reduced to the general form, %^ ±^ax = b, 331. The First Member of the general form of an affected quadratic equation, it will be seen, is a Bi?iomial, but not a Complete Square. One term is tvanting to make the square complete. (Art. 266, note.) The equation, therefore, cannot be solved in its present state. 329. What is an affected quadratic equation ? 330. To what general form may every affected quadratic be reduced? 331. What is true of the first member of the general form of an affected quadratic ? * Quadratic, ivGm the Latin qtiadrare^ to make square. Affected, made up of different powers ; from the Latin ad and/acw>, to make or join ta 176 AFFECTED Q tJ ADHATICS. 332. There are three methods of completing the square and solving the equation. FIRST METHOD. I, Given a:' + 2aa; = J, to find the value of x. Analysis. — The first opeeation. and third terms of the 01^ -{- 2ax =. b Bquare of a binomial are a? -j- 2ax •\- d^ =. a^ -{■ h complete powers, and the x 4- a = -h a/^2 i a second term is twice the product of their roots; or the product of one of the roots into twice the other. (Art. loi.) In the expression, x'^ + 2ax, the first term is a perfect square, and the second term 2ax consists of the factors 2a and x. But x is the root of the first term x'^ ; therefore, the other factor 2a must be tmce the root of the third term which is required to complete the square. Hence, half of 2a, or a, must be the root of the third term, and a^ the term itself. Therefore, x- + 2ax + a^ is the square of the first member completed. But since we have added a^ to the first member of the equation, we must also add it to the second, to preserve the equalitj. Extracting the square root of both members, and transposing a, we have x = ~a± ^/a'^ + b, the value sought. (Art. 297.) 2. What is the value of a; in 20^ + x = 64 — yx? Analysis. — 'transposing — 70? operation. and removing the coefficient of a^, 2X + x =z 64. — 'jx we have the form x^ + 4X = 32. But 23^ -}- 8x = 64 the first member, x'^ + 4X, is an incom- a^ -{- 4X =z 22 plete square of a binomial. x^ 4- ax 4- A ^= '16 In order to complete the square, we add to it the square of half the coefficient of x. (Art. 266.) Now, having added 4 to one member of *• €., X = 4 OT — 8 the equation, we must also add 4 to the other, to preserve their equality. Extracting the root of both, and transposing, we have a; = 4, or — 8. (Art. 297.) 333. How many methods of completing the square ? a?+ 2 = ± 6 X= — 2 ±6 AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 177 Notes.— I. Adding the square of half the coefficient of the second term to both membei-s of the equation is called completing the square. 2. The first member of the fourth equation is the square of a bino- mial ; therefore, its root is found by taking the roots of the first and third terms, which are perfect powers. (Art. 297.) From the process of squaring a binomial, it is obvious that the middle term (4a;) forms no part of the root. (Art. 266.) 333. From these illustrations we derive the following EuLE. — I. Reduce the equation to the form, x^ ±ax = b. II. Add to each member the square of half the coefficient ofx III. Extract the square root of each, and reduce the result ing equation. 3. Find the value of a; in — 2:?? -f 2>ax = — 65. Solution. — By the problem, —2a;' + ^ax = —6b Removing coefficient of x^, —x'^ + ^ax = — 3& Making x^ positive (Art, 140, Prin. 3), x^—4ax = 3& Completing square, a^—^ax + ^a^ — 4a' + 3& Extracting the root, x—2a = ± Y4a'^ + 3ft .*. x = 2a± ^\a? + 38 4. Given ^ ■\- ax -\- bx zzz d, to find x, OPEBATION. ix? ■{■ ax -\- bx =z d a^+ (a -\-b)x = d Analysis. — Factoring the terms which contain the first power of x, we have ax + hx = {a + b)x ; hence, (a + h) maybe considered a com* pound coefficient of x. By adding the square of half this coefficient to both members, and extracting the root, the value of x is found. 333. What is the rule for the first method of solving affecj^d quadratics » 178 AFFECTED QUADRATICS, 5. Given 32; — 2ic2 _ _ ^^ ^0 ^^^ ^.^ Solution. — By the problem, 3X — 2X^ = — g Making x^ positive, etc., x^- 3X_ 2 .9 2 Completing square. X'- f- 9 16 2 16 81 ~ 16 Extracting root, X- _3 ^ 4 ±9 4 /. X = f±f. i. e. , X = : 3 or — li 6. Given $x^ — 24X = — 36, to find x. Ans. + 6 or +2. Note, — The two Toots of an affected quadratic may have the same or different signs. Thus, in the 6th and 12th examples they are the same; in the ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, they are different. 7. Given ^x^ — 40a; = 45. to find x. 8. Given x^ — 6ax = d, to find x. 9. Given 2X^ + 2ax = 2 (J -f c), to find x. Solution. — Completing the square, x"^ + ax -^ — = b b + c, 4 4 Extracting root, x+- = ±-i/— + b + c 2 'A Transposing, 3?= ± y — \- b + c 10. Given 2X^ — 22a; = 120, to find x. 11. Given x^ — 140 z= 13a;, to find x. 12. Find the value of a; in' x^ — ^x ■{• 1 = k^x — 15. Solution. — By the problem, a;^— 3a; + i = 5a;— 15 Transposing, aj*— 8a; = — 16 Completing square, a;'— 8a5+i6 = o Extracting root, «— 4 = o .*. a; = 4 Note. — In this equation, both the signs and the numerical values of the two roots are alike. Such equations are said to have equal roots. i\ro<«,— What signs have the roots of an affected quadratic f AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 179 SECOND METHOD. 334. When an affected quadratic equation has been reduced to the general form, x^ -\- ax = h, its root may be obtained without recourse to completing the square. I. Given x^ -{-Zx=. 65, to find x. Analysis. — After the square operation. of an affected quadratic is com- /y3 a_ Q/y (\c pleted and the root extracted, the root of the third term is a; = — 4 ± a/65T^6 transposed to the second mem- •*• 2; = 4 i 9 her, by changing its sign. (Art. i,e.y X = ^ or — 1 3 204.) Now, if we prefix half the coeflScient of x, with its sign changed, to plus or minus the square root of the second member increased by the square of half the coefficient of x, the second member of the equation will contain the saiTie combinations of the same terms, as when the square is completed in the ordinary way. Hence, the Rule. — Prefix half the coefficient of x, with the opposite sign, to plus or miuus the square root of the second member, increased hy the square of half the coefficietit of x. Solve the following equations : 2. 3^^ — 9^ — 3 = 207- 8. a« -f- 4ax — b. 3- 42^2+ 120; + 5=45. 9- 32)2 — 74 = 6a; + 31. 4. ix^— 14a: -f- 15=0. 10. a^ -\- i^ = 6x. 5. 4a;2 _ pa; __ 28. II. {X — 2) {X— l)= 20c 6. 2X X + 2 12. x+ 1 X _is X ^ x-\-\ 6 ' 7. a^ + ^--ah = d, I? 13. ^^^-j^ch = bd. c 334. What is the second method of solving affected quadratics ¥ 180 AFFECTED QUADRATICS. THIRD METHOD. 335. A third method of reducing an affected quadratic equation may be illustrated in the following manner: 1. Given a'3^ -^-Ixzzl c, to find x. Analysis. — Multiply- operation. ing the given equation by CL^ -\- hx ^z c a, the coefBcient of a;^ and /^a^a^ + /[ahx = ^ac by 4, the smallest square ^^Z^s _j_ ^al)X-\- W = 4«c -f J3 number, we have ^^«. i z> i . / i — m 4«2a;2 + ^ahx = ^ac, _L the first term of which is . /„ _ — ^±V4^g + ^ an exact square, whose 2a root is lax. Factoring the second term, we have /s^abx = 2 (2aajx5). (Art. 119.) As the factor is the square root of 4a^a;-, it is evident that ^a^^ may be regarded as the first term, and /^cibx the middle term of the square of a binomial. Since ^ahx is twice the product of this root lax into &, it follows that & is the second term of the binomial ; conse- quently, 6' added to both members will make the first a complete square, and preserve the equality. (Axiom 2.) Extracting the square root, transposing, etc., we have, X = — — , the value of x required. 2. Given 2:1^ 4- 3a; = 27, to find x. Solution. — By the problem, 2X^ + 3a; = 27 Multiplying by 4 times coef. of a;*, i6ar'^ + 24a; = 216 Adding square of 3, coef. of a?, i6«2 + 24a; + 9 = 225 Extracting root, 4a;+3 = ± 15 Transposing, 425 = —3 ± 15 .\ flj = 3 or — 4|. 336. From the preceding illustrations, we derive the KuLE. — I. Reduce the equalion to the form, aa^ ±_bx = c. II. Multiply both members hy 4 tiines the coefficient of a^. III. Add the square of the coefficient of x to each member, extract the root, and reduce the resulting equation. 336. What is the rale for the third method of reduciug affected qoadrhtics f AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 181 Notes. — i. Wlien the coeflBcient of x is an even numbei it is sufficient to multiply both members by the coefl&cient of x^, and add to each the square of half tlie coeflScient of x. 2. The object of multiplying the equation by the coefficient of x^ is to make the first term a perfect square without removing the coefficient. (Art. 251.) 3. The reason for multiplying by 4, is that it avoids fractions in completing the square, when the coefficient of a; is an odd number. For, multiplying both members by 4, and adding the square of the entire coefficient of x to each, is the same in effect as adding the square of half the coefficient of x to each, and then clearing the equation of fractions by multiplying it by the denominator 4. 4. This method of completing the square is ascribed to the Hindo<^ 3. Given ^a^ -\- 4X = 39, to find x, Ans. 3 or — 4^. Reduce the following equations : 4. x^ — $0=: —X. 8. 2aj2 — 6a; = 8. 5. 5^ -f 32)2 _ 2. 9. 32^2 4- 5a; = 42. 6. 4X^ — 'jx — 2 = o. 10. a^ — 15a; = — 54. 7. 50^2^ 2a; = 88. II, 92^— 7a; =116. 337. The preceding methods are equally applicable to all classes of affected quadratics, but each has its advantages in particular problems. The first is perhaps the most natural, being derived from the square of a binomial ; but it necessarily involves frac- tio7iSy when the coefficient of x is an odd number. The second is the shortest, and is therefore 2i favorite with experts in algebra. The advantage of the third is, that it always avoids fractions in completing the square. The student should exercise his judgment as to the method best adapted to his purpose. Notes. When the coefficient of x is an even number, how proceed ? Object oJ multiplying by coefficient Qix'^'i By 4 ? 182 AFFECTED QUADRATICS. EXAMPLES. Find the yalue of x in the following equations: 1. x^ — ^x^—i, 17. 3:^2 _ 7;;c _ 20 = o. 2. a;2_^^_,_^^ jS. ^x^ -- ido ^ IX, 3. 2a;2 __ y^ _. _ 2. 19. 2X^— 2X=\\. 4. a;2 -{- loic = 24. 20. (ir — 2) (a; — i) = 6. 5. 6:^2— 130: + 6 = 0. 21. 4(i»2__ i) _4^__ I, 6. 14a; — a;2 = 33. 22. (2X — 3)2 := 8i?;. 7. iz;2— 3 = — _^. 23. 3ic— 2 = 6 •'^' ^- --a;-i 8. ^^ = ^-^. 24. 4a; = 14. 16 100 — ga? „ t 40? to. - + - = -. 26. a;« 4- - = -. X a a 22 11. a^ + 2/?za; = i^. 27. x^ — 2nx = m^ — 7A 12. a^ + f=ii. .28. 9£.:=£)^£Z13«. '3- ^2_6^-+y-^-3- 14 4^ a; — I 9a? + 7 14 — ic 3ic ~~ X * 15. 2A/rc2 — 4^ — J __ _ ^^ 16. V^^S + 6 = a; + 5. 338. An Equation which contains but two powers of the unknown quantity, the mdex of one power being kvice that of the other, is said to have the Quadratic Form. The indices of these powers may be either integral or fractional. Thus, a^— a;2 = 12 ; aj^^ + ar* = A ; and ^x — ^x = c, are equations of the quadratic form. Note. — Equations of this character are sometimes called trinomial equations. 338. When has an equation the ouadratic forinf 2fo(e. What are such equatioDB called? AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 183 339. Equations of the quadratic form may be solved by the rules for affected quadratics. I. Given a^ — 2X^ = 8, to find x, Solution — By the problem, ic* — 2a;' = 8 Completing square, x^ — 2X^ + i = g Extracting square root, aj^ — i = i 3 Transposing, a:^ = 4 or — 2 Extracting square root again, a; = ± 2, or ± ^y/— 2 . 2. Given 0^ — 40^ = ^2, to find x. Solution. — By the problem, afi — ^ = 32 Completing square, afi — 4iB^ + 4 = 36 Extracting square root, ar* — 2 = ± 6 Transposing, etc., a;' =1 8 or —4 Extracting cube root, . a? = 2 or ^y^— 4 3. Given x^" — 4bx^ = a, to find x. Solution.— By the problem, x^* — 45a?* = a Completing square, a;-^'* — 4hx^ + 45* = a + 45* Extracting square root, a;» — 26 = ± ya+4ljr' Transposing, a;" = 2& ± ya+^ Extracting the Tith root, x = V 26 ± ya+4b^ 4. Given x^ + S = 6x^, to find x. 5. Given x* — 2x^ = 3, to find ar. %. Given afi — ju^ = o, to find x. x^ X 1 /. Given {- - = -^, to find ar. 2 ^ 4 32' 8. Given v^ + ^\/x — i, to find x. 9. Given 4a; + 4\/x +2 = 7, to find x. 10. Given ^, ' _ = - — -=--, to find «. 4 + V a; VaJ 184 AFFECTED QUADRATICS. PROBLEMS. 1. Find two numbers such that their sum is 12 and theii product is 32. 2. A gentleman sold a picture for I24, and the per cent lost was expressed by the cost of the picture. Find the cost Note. — Let ic^tlie cost. Then = the per cent. 100 ^ X We now have x — x y. — = 24, to find the value of 05. - 100 3. The sum of two numbers is 10 and their product is 24. What are the numbers ? 4. A person bought a flock of sheep for |8o ; if he had purchased 4 more for the same sum, each sheep would have cost %i less. Find the number of sheep and the price of each. 5. Twice the square of a certain number is equal to 65 diminished by triple the number itself. Required the number. 6. A teacher divides 144 oranges equally among her scholars ; if there had been 2 more pupils, each would have received one orange less. Required the number in the school. 7. A father divides $50 between his two daughters, in such a proportion that the product of their shares is $600. What did each receive? 8. Find two numbers whose sum is 100 and their product 2400. 9. The fence enclosing a rectangular field is 128 rods long, and the area of the field is 1008 square rods. What are its length and breadth ? 10. A colonel arranges his regiment of 1600 men in a solid body, so that each rank exceeds the file by 60 soldiers. IIow many does he place in rank and file ? AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 185 11. A drover buys a number of lambs for $50 and sells them at I5.50 each, and thus gains the cost of one lamb. ^Required the number of lambs. 12. The sura of two numbers is 4 and the sum of their reciprocals is i. What are the numbers ? 13. The sum of two numbers is 5 and the sum of their cubes 65. What are the numbers? 14. The length of a lot is i yard longer than the width and the area is 3 acres. Find the length of the sides. 15. A and B start together for a place 300 miles distant; A goes I mile an hour faster than B, and arrives at his journey's end 10 hours before him. Find the rate per hour at which each travels. 16. A and B distribute $1200 each among a certain number of persons. A relieves 40 persons more than B, and B' gives to each person $5 more than A. Required the number relieved by each. 17. Divide 48 into two such parts that their product may be 252. 18. Two girls, A and B, bought 10 lemons for 24 ceiL% each spending 12 cents ; A paid i cent more apiece than B: how many lemons did each buy ? 19. Find the length and breadth of a room the perimeter of which is 48 feet, the area of the floor being as many square feet as 35 times the difference between the length and breadth. 20. In a peach orchard of 180 trees there are three more In a row than there are rows. How many rows are there, and how many trees in each ? 21. Find the number consisting of two digits whose sum is 7, and the sum of their squares is 29. 22. The expenses of a picnic amount to $10, and this sum could be raised if each person in the party should give 30 cts. more than the number in the party. How many compose the party ? 186 AFFECTED QUADKATICS. 23. Find two numbers the product of which is 120, and if 2 be added to the less and 3 subtracted from the greater, the product of the sum and remainder will also be 120. 24. Divide 36 into two such parts that their product shall be 80 times their difference. 25. The sum of two numbers is 75 and their product is to the sum of their squares as 2 to 5. Find the numbers. 26. Divide 146 into two such parts that the difference of their square roots may be 6. 27. The fore- wheel of a carriage makes sixty revolutions more than the hind-wheel in going 3600 feet ; but if the circumference of each wheel were increased by three feet, it would make only forty revolutions more than the hind- wheel in passing over the same distance. What is the circumference of each wheel ? 28. Find two numbers whose difference is 16 and their product $6. 29. What two numbers are those whose sum is i J and the sum of their reciprocals si ? 30. Find two numbers whose difference is 15, and half their product is equal to the cube of the less number. 31. xi lady being asked her age, said, If you add the square root of my age to half of it, and subtract 12, the remainder is nothing. What is her age ? 32. The perimeter of a field is 96 rods, and its area is equal to 70 times the difference of its length and breadth. What are its dimensions ? 33. The product of the ages of A and B is 120 years. If A were 3 years younger and B 2 years older, the product of their ages would still be 120. How old is each ? 34. A man bought 80 pounds of pepper, and ^6 pounds of saffron, so that for 8 crowns he had 14 pounds of pepper more than of saffron for 26 crowns; and the amount he laid out was 188 crowns. How many pounds of pepper did he buy for 8 crowns ? SIMULTAKEOUS QUADRATICS. 187 SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 340. A Moniogeneotis Equation is one in which the sum of the exponents of the unknown quantities is the same in every term which contains them. Thus, x'^—y'^ = 7, and x^—xy + y^ = 13, are each homogeneous. 341. A Symmetrical Equation is one in which the unknown quantities are involved to the same degree. Thus, x''+y^ = 34, and x^y—xy^ = 34, are each symmetrical. 342. Simultaneous Quadratic Equations con- taining two unknown quantities, in general involve the principles of Biquadratic equations, which belong to the higher departments of Algebra. There are three classes of examples, however, which may be solved by the rules of quadratics. ist. When one equation is quadratic, and the other simple, 2d. When both equations are quadratic and homogeneous, 3d. When each equation is symmetrical. 343. To Solve Simultaneous Equations consisting of, a Quadratic and a Simple Equation. I. Given x^ -{- y'^=z 13, and x -{- y =z 5, to find x and y. Solution.— By the problem, x^+y^ = 13 (i) x+y= 5 . (2) By transposition, x = s—y (3) Squaring each side of (3) (Art. 102), x'^ = 2S — ioy+y^ (4) Substituting (4) in (i), 2S—ioy + y'^+y'^ — 13 (5) Uniting and transposing, 2y'^—ioy = — 12 (6) Comp. sq. (Art. 336,710(6), 4y^—2oy + 2S = —24 + 25 (7) Extracting root, 2^—5 = ± i .-. y=:3 or 2. Substituting value of y in (3), a; = 2 or 3. Hence, the 340. What is a homogeneoua equation ? 341. A symmetrical equation ? 188 ' SIMULTAN^EOUS QUADRATICS. Rule. — Find the value of one of the unhnoivn quantities in the simple equation ly transposition, and substitute this value in the quadratic equation. (Arts. 221, 223.) ^olye the following equations: 2. 0:2+^2:^25, 5. a:2 + ^2:=244, y —X = 2. 6. 3^:2 _ ^2 —25 1, ^ + Ay = 38. 4. a^J_^2_28, 7. 8a;2_j_ ^^2_ 728, 6y — x=z 15. 344. To Solve Simultaneous Equations which are both Quadratic and Homogeneous. 8. Given x^-\-xy = 40, and y'^-^xy = 24, to find x and y. X +?/ -- = 7- x^-^-f-- = 74, x + y=i : 12. x^-f-. = 28, x-y = : 2. jUTIon. — By the problem. x^ + a^ = 4o (I) »< «c y^ + xy = 24 (2) Let x = py (3) Substituting ^3^ in (i). pY +pf - 40 (4) " (2), /+i>2/^ = 24 (5) Factoring, etc., (4), ^ p'+p (6) *' (5), ^ i+P (7) Equating (6) and (7), 40 24 p'+p i+p (8) Clearing of fractions. S + 5P = 3P' + 3P (9) Transposing, etc., 3P'-2p = 5 (ID) Comp. sq., 3d meth. (Art. 336), gp'^—6p+i = 15 + 1 = 16 (II) Extracting root, 3P-1 = ± 4 (12) Transposing, 3^ = i ± 4 Dropping the negative value, p = | Substituting value of ^ in (7), y^ = 24-^(1 +|)=9 Extracting root, y = ± 3 Substituting value of p and y in (3), a? = fx ±3 = ±5. Hence, the 343. Rule for solution of equations coneieting of a quadratic and simple equ^ tion? SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATICS. 189 Rule. — I, For one of the unknown quantities substitute the product of the other into an auxiliary quantity, and then find the value of this auxiliary quantity. II. Find the values of the unknown quantities by substi- tuting the value of the auxiliary quantity in one of the equations least involved. Note. — ^An auxiliary quantity is one introduced to aid in the sola >,ion of d problem, as p in the above operation. 9. Given A.nd It^^"" o^' 1 to find a; and y. 10. Given x ^y = 2, ].«, , 1 1. Gireu 3^ - 72/' - - I, I t„ g„3 ^ ,„^ And 4^y= 24, ) ^ 1 2. Given ^ - ^y + 3^ = '9, 1 to fi^a ^ ^„3 And xy=i5,) ^ 345. To Solve Simultaneous Quadratic Equations when each Equation is Symmetrical. 13. Given x + y =zg, and xy = 20, to find x and y. .UTiON.— By the problem, x+y= 9 (I) xy = 20 (2) Squaring (i), aj» + 2a'2^ + / = 8 1 (3) Multiplying (2) by 4. 40;^ = 80 (4) Subtracting (4) from (3), a?—2xy+y^ - I (5) Extracting sq. root of (5), x—y — ±1 (6) Bringing down (i), x + p = 9 Adding (i) and (6), 2X = 10 or 8 (7) Removing coefficient, a; = 5 or 4 Substituting value of a; in (i), y = 4 or 5 Notes. — i. The values of x and y in these equations are not equal, but interchangeable ; thus, when x = s, y=4 ; and when aj = 4, y = 5 344. How solve equations which are both quadratic and homogeneous ? I^ote, What is an auxiliary quantity ? 190 SIMULTANEOUS QUADRATICS. 2. The solution of this class of problems 'caries according to the given equations. Consequently, no specific rules can be givren that will meet every case. But judgment and practice will readily supply expedients. Thus, I. When the sum and product are given. (Ex. 13, 15.) Find the difference and combine it with the sum, (Art. 2 24.) II. When the difference and product are given. (Ex. 1 6.) Find the sum and combine it ivith the difference, III. When the sum and difference of the same powers are given. (Ex. 14, 17.) Combine the two equations by addition a7id subtraction, rV*. When the members of one equation are multiples of the other. (Ex. 18.) Divide o?ie by the other, and then reduce the resulting equation, 14. Given a;^ -f ^^ = 5, (i) ) . « , , ^ ^ , 1 ^1 X ^ to find a; and V. And x» —y^ =. i, (2) ) Solution, — Adding (i) and (2), and dividing, a;^ = 3 Involving, a? = 27 Subtracting (2) from (i), etc y* = 2 Involving, y = 8 15. Given 2^ + ^=27, ],«, , ^ . , ^^ „" ^ to findrraudy. And xy = 180, \ ^ 16. Given a? — v= 14, )./>;, , . , ^ > to find X and y. And xy = 147, ) ,"*"'\'^^'ltofinda:andy. * — ^^ = 3? ' 17. Given x^ + y^ = 7, And X 18. Given o^y^ + x^f =z 12,] , ^ ^ , A :i 00 ^ r to fin EATia Idd EXAMPLES. 1. What is the ratio of 4 yards to 4 feet? Solution. 4 yards = 12 feet ; and the ratio of 12 ft. to 4 ft. ia y 2. What is the ratio of 6a^ to 2X ? Ans, 3a:, 3. What is the ratio of 40 square rods to an acre ? 4. What is the ratio of i pint to a gallon ? 5. What is the ratio of 64 rods to a mile ? 6. What is the ratio of Sa^ to 4a ? 7. What is the ratio of isaic to ^ab? 8. What is the ratio of $5 to 50 cents ? 9. What is the ratio of 75 cents to 16 ? 10. What is the ratio of 35 quarts to 35 gallons P 11. What is the ratio of 20,^ to 4a ? 12. What is the ratio otx^ — y^tox-^-r/? 13. What is the compound ratio of 9:12 and 8 : 15 ? Solution. 9 x 8 = 72, and 12 x 15= i8a Now 72-5-180 = t^, Ana Or, 9 : 12 = ■^, and 8 : 15 = ^V Now j\ x yV = t¥o = tu» ^^■ 14. What is the compound ratio of 8 : 15 and 25 : 30? 15. What is the compound ratio of a:b and 2h : ^ax? 16. Eeduce the ratio of 9 to 45 to the lowest terms. Solution. 9 : 45 = t\» and ^\ = |, Ans. 17. Reduce the ratio of 24 to 96 to the lowest terms. 18. Reduce the ratio of 144 to 1728 to the lowest terms. 19. What kind of ratio is 25 to 25 ? 20. What kind of a ratio is ab: ab? 21. What kind of ratio is 35 to 7 ? 22. What kind of ratio is 6 to 48 ? 23. Which is the grearter, the ratio of 15 : 9, or 38 : 19? 24. Which is the greater, the ratio of 8 : 25, or V4 '- V25, 25. If the antecedent of a couplet is 56, and the ratio 8 what is the consequent? 26. If the consequent of a couplet is 7, and the ratio 14, what is the antecedent ? 196 pBOPOBiioifir. PROPORTION. 363. Proportion is an equality of ratios. Thus, the ratio 8 ; 4 = 6 : 3, is a proportion. That is. Four quantities are in proportion, when the first is the same mvlti- pie or part of the second that the third is of the fourth. 364. The Sign of Proportion is a double colon : :,♦ or the sign =. Thus, The equality between the ratio of a to 5 and c to (? is expressed by a : 6 : : c : vrards her portion, and doubles it On the first day of every month through the year. What is her portion ? 9. A dairyman bought 10 cows, on the condition that he should pay i cent for the first, 3 for the second, 9 for the third, and so on to the last. What did he pay for the last cow and for the ten cows? 10. A man buys an umbrella, giving i cent for the first brace, 2 cents for the second brace, 4 for the third, and so on, there being 10 braces. What is the cost of the umbrella ? 11. The sum of three numbers in geometrical progression is 26, and the sum of their squares 364. Find the numbers. 12. What would be the price of a horse, if he were to be sold for the 32 nails in his shoes, paying i mill for the first, 2 mills for the second, 4 for the third, and so on ? 13. Find four numbers in geometrical progression, such that the sum of tlie first three is 130, and that of the last three is 390. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION^. 223 14. A man divides $210 in geometrical progression among three persons; the first had $90 more than the last. How much did each receive ? 15. There are five numbers in geometrical progression. The sum of the first four is 468, and that of the last four is 2340. What are the numbers? 16. The sum of $700 is divided among 4 persons, whose shares are in geometrical progression ; and the difference between the extremes is to the difference between the means as 37 to 12. What are the respective shares? 17. The population of a town increases annually in geometrical progression, rising in four years from loooo to 1 464 1. What is the ratio of annual increase ? 18. The sum of four numbers in geometrical progression Is 15, and the sum of their squares 85. What are the numbers ? HARMONICAL PROGRESSION.* 408. An Harmonical I^rogression is such, that of any three consecutive terms, the first is to the third as the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the second and third. Thus, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60, are in harmonic progression ; for ID ; 15 :: 12—10 : 15—12 12 : 20 :: 15—12 : 20—15 15 : 30 : : 20—15 '• 30—20 20 : 60 : : 30—20 : 60—30 Let a, 6, c, d, e, /, g, be an harmonical progression, then a : c : a—b : b—c, etc. Note.— When three quantities are such, that the first is to the tJiird as the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the second and tliird, they are said to be in Harmonical Proportion. Thus, i, 3, and 6, are in harmonical proportion, 408. What is an harmonical progression ? "•' If a musical string be divide.] in harmonical proportion, the /ifferent parts will vibrate in harmony. Hence, the name. 224 HARMONICAL PROGRESSIOK. 409. To Find the Third Term of an Harmonical Progression, the First Two being given. Let a and h be the first two terms, and x the third term. Then a : x :: a-l : l-x Multiplying extremes, etc., ab—ax = ax—hx Transposing, etc., 2ax—bx = db Factoring, and dividing by 2a— h, we have the ab FORMtJLA. X 2a — h Rule. — Divide the product of the first two tenns hy twice the first mi?ms the second term; the quotient will le tht third term. Note. — This rule furnishes the means for extending an harmonic progression, by adding one term at a time to the two preceding terms. 1. Find the third term in the harmonic series of which 12 and 8 are the first two terms. Ans. 6. 2. Find the third term in the harmonic series of which 12 and 1 8 are the first two terms. Ans. 2,^. 3. If the first two terms of an harmonic progression are 15 and 20, what is the third term? Ans. 30. 4. Continue the series 12, 15, 20, for two terms. Ans. 30 and 60. 5. Continue the series 7^^, 9, 12, for two terms. A71S. 18 and 2,^, 410. To Find a Mean or IVIiddle Term between Two Terms of an Harmonic Progression. Let a and c be the first and third of three consecutive terms of an harmonic progression, and m the mean. Then a i c :: a—m . m—e Mult, extremes and means, am—ac = ac—cm Transposing and uniting, am + cm = 2ac Factoring and dividing by a + c, we have the „ 2ac Formula. m = • a + c 409. How find the third term of an harmonical progression, the first two being tfiven? HARMOtsTICAL PROGRESSION". 225 Rule. — Divide twice the product of the first and third terms hy their sum; the quotient will he the mean or middle term. 6. The first and third of three consecutive terms of an harmonic progression are 9 and 1 8. Required the mean or middle terra. Solution. 2x9x18 = 324, and 9 + 18 = 27, Now 324-J-27 = 12, Ans. 7. rind an harmonic mean between 12 and 20. Ans, 15. 8. Eind an harmonic mean between 15 and 30. Ans. 20. 411. The Reciprocals of the terms of an harmonic progression form an arithmetical progression. Thus, the reciprocals of 10, 12, 15, 20, etc., viz., tV» tV» tV» "eV* ■^' ^^^•» are an arithmetical progression, whose common difference is ^V Again, let a, b, c be in harmonic progression. Then a : c :: a—b : b—c Mult, extremes and means, ah—ac = ac—bc Dividing hj abc, ^ ~ ^ (^^- 3^4') Conversely, the reciprocals of an arithmetical progression form an harmonic progression. Thus, The reciprocals of the arithmetical progression i, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., viz., \, ^, \i\, i, etc., are in harmonic progression. 412. If the lengths of six musical strings of equal weight and tension, are in the ratio of the numbers i> h h h h h etc., the second will sound an octave above the first ; the third will sound the twelfth ; the fourth the double octave, etc. 410. Kow find a mean between two terms of an harmonic progression? 411. Whai do the reciprocals of an harmonical prog; ession fonL . INFIl^ITE SERIES, INFINITE SERIES. 413. An Infinite Series is one in which the successive terms are formed by some regular law, and the numher of terms is unlimited. 414. A Converging Series is one the sura of whose terms, however great the number, cannot numerically exceed definite quantity. 415. A Diverging Series is one the sum of whose terms is numerically greater than 2ii\y finite quantity. 416. To Expand a Fraction into an Infinite Series, Remark. — Any common fraction whose exact value cannot be expressed by decimals, may be expanded into an infinite series. 1. Expand the fraction J into an infinite series. Solution. 1-5-3 = .333333, and so on, to infinity. Or, I ^3 = ^3^ + ^ + ^^ + ^^, etc. Hence, the EuLE. — Divide the numerator hy the denominator* 2. Reduce to an infinite series. 1 —X I— aj)i (i + aj+a;2 + a^+a^, etc., the quotient. (Art. 1 70. ) +x +ic*, etc. Therefore, = i+x+x'^ + q? + v^-{-q?, etc., to infinity. 413. What is an infinite series? 414. A converging series? 415. Diverging? 416. How expand a fraction into an infinite fcrie?? INFINITE SERIES. 227 Let x = ^; then will = = 2 ; and tlie series will be ^ ' i — xi—i I + i+i + i + iV + aV* ®tc., tlie sum of which = 2. If a? = 4, then will = = |, and the series will become ** I — a; I — i ^ i+i + i+^T+^T + ^5. etc. = |. Notes. — i. If a? is less than i, the series will be convergent . For, when x is Icm than i, the remainder must continually decrease ; therefore, the further the division is carried, the less will be the quantity to be added to the last term of the quotient in order to express the exact value of the fraction. 2. If X is greater than i, the series will be divergent. For, when x is greater than i, the remainder must constantly increase ; therefore, the farther the division is csLrried, the greater will be the quantity either positive or negative to be added to the quotient. 3. Eeduce the fraction to an infinite series. Solution. i-7-(i+a;) = i—x+^—a^+x*—x^ + , etc. This series is the same as that in Ex. 2, except the odd powers of X are negatice. Let a? = 2- ; then will = f ; which is equal to the series I -i + 1 -i + iV- aV + , etc. 4. Reduce the fraction to an infinite series. I —X Ans. I + 20; + 2x^ -f 2x^ -f- 2X^, etc. 417. A fraction whose denominator has more than two terms, may also be expanded into an infinite series. 5. Expand 5 into an infinite series. ^ I — X -\- x^ I— a?+«^) I {i+x—Q^—x^+x^, etc., Ans, x—x^ x—x^ + a ? —a?, etc 228 INFINITE SERIES. 418. To Expand a Compound Surd into an Infinite Series, 6. Keduce v i + x to an infinite series. OPERATION. 2+-| +x a? + « + — 4 X^ I 25"^ 4 8 "^64 2 + a? + -Z +"5 — z~» ®tc. Hence, the 4 lo I o 04 EuLE. — Extract the square root of the given sutfl (Art. 298.) 7. Expand ^/^^2 Ans.x-t^^^^, etc. 8. Expand \/2, or Vi + i. ^ws. i + -f — ^ + -jV? ^^c* 419. The Binomial Theorem applied to the Formation of Infinite Series. The Binomial Theorem may often be employed with advantage, in finding the roots of binomials. For a root is expressed like a power, except the exponent of one is an integer, and that of the other is q> fraction. 9. Expand {x 4- yY into an infinite series. Solution. — The terms without coefficients are «*» aj~5y, a;~«y% a;~»^, a;~»2^, etc. 1 X —4 The coefficient of the second term is + ^ ; of the 3d, = — J ; — 1 X — J of the 4th term, — = + ^\, etc. The series is «* + ^x'^y — lx~^y^ + ^^x~^y^» etc. 418. How expand a surd into an infinite eeriei f INFINITE SERIES. 229 420. When the index of the required power of a binomial is a posiiivG integer, the series will termiriate. For, the index of the leading quantity continually decreases by i ; and soon becomes o; then the series must stop. (Art, 269.) 421. When the index of the required power is negaiive, the series will never terminate. For, by the successive subtractions of a unit from the index, it will never become o ; and the series may be continued indefinitely. 10. Expand {(^+1/)^ into an infinite series, keeping the factors of the coefiicients distinct. ^ ^ 2X 2.^ 2.4.6aj*;' It. Expand VJ, or (i + i)^, keeping the factors of th€> coefficients distinct. Ans. i+i— i-+_3 3.-J 3- 5- 7 t,. 2 2.4 2.4.6 422. An Infinite Series must not be confounded with an Ivfinite Quantity, 423. An Infinite Quantity is a quantity so great that nothing can be added to it. 424. An Infinite Series is a series m which the number of terms is unlimited, 425. The magnitude of the former admits of no increase; while in the latter the number of terms admits of no increase, and yet the sum of all the terms may be a small quantity. Thus, if the series i + l +i + TV+"s'*> ®*^'» ^^ which each succeeding term is half the preceding, is continued to infinity, the sum of all the terms cannot exceed a unit. 426. When one quantity continually approximates another without reaching it, the latter is called the Litnit of the former. 330 INFIiflTE SERIES. 427. An Infinitesimal is a quantity whose value is less than any assignable quantity/. 428. The Sign of Infinity^ or of an infinite quantity, is a character resembling an horizontal figure eight ( CO ). The Sign of an Infinitesimal is zero ( o ). 429. One infinite series may be greater or less than another. Thus, the series i + i + i + ^ + A* etc., whose limit is 2, is greater than the series i + i + g + t^ + sV* 6*^., whose limit is i. 430. Since an infinitesimal is less than any assignable quantity, and in its limit approaches zero, when connected with finite quantities by the sign -f or — , it is of so little value that it may be rejected without any appreciable error. 431. An infinite series may be multiplied by a finite quantity. Thus, if the series 222222, etc., is multiplied by 3, the product 666666, etc., is three times the multiplicand. 432. An infinite series may also be divided by a finite quantity. Thus, if the series 888888, etc., is divided by 2, the quotient 444444, etc., is hali the dividend. 433. If a. finite quantity is multiplied by an infinitesimal, the product will be an infinitesimal. For, with a given multiplicand, the less the multiplier, the less will be tlie product. Thus, xxo =z o. 434. If a fi7iite quantity is divided by an infinitesimal^ the quotient will be infinite. Thus, ic -^ o = 00 . If a finite quantity is divided by an infinite quantity, the quotient will be an infinitesimal. Thus, a: -^ 00 = o. If an infinitesimal is divided by a finite quantity, the quotient is an infinitesimal. Thus, o -j- 2; = o. Note.— In higher mathematics, the expression o -f- o admits of various interpretations. IKFIl^ITE SEEIES. 231 435. To Find the Sum of a Converging Infinite Series, the First Term and Ratio being given. By the second formula in geometrical progression, we liave for an increasing series (Art. 402), Ir — a ar^ — a 8 — , or • r—i r— I In a decreasing series, tlie ratio r is less tlian i ; therefore. I or a/"»-i is less than a. (Art. 398.) Tliat both terms of the fraction , or may be positive, T — I r — I we change the signs of both (Art. 166), and a — Ir 8 = • i — r But, in a decreasing infinite series, I becomes an infinitesimal, or o; therefore, Ir = o. (Art. 427.) Hence, rejecting the iuHnitesimal from f = , we have the Formula. s = • I — 1* EULE. — Divide the first term ly i minus tlie ratio, 1. Find the sum of the infinite series I + i + i + ^7 + A^ etc. 2. Required the sum of the infinite series I — } + i — i+, etc. 3. Find the sum of the series \ + J + J +? etc, 4. Find the sum of the infinite series i + I + I +* eta 5. Find the sum of the series f + f + 27 +> etc. 6. Find the sum of the series 3 + 2 + | -f , etc. 7. Find the sum of the series 4 + ¥ + f| +> etc. 8. Find the sum of the series .ZZZZ^ etc. 9. Find the sum of the series .ddddd, etc. 10. Find the sum of the series - H -^■\ 5 + etc. 11. Suppose a ball to be put in motion by a force which impels it 10 rods the first second, 8 rods the next, and so on, decreasing by a ratio of ^ each second to infinity. Through what space would it move ? OHAPTEE XIX. LOGARITHMS* 436. The LogarithTn of a number is the exponent ol the power to which a given fixed number must be raised to produce that number. 437. This Fixed Numler is called the ^ase of the system. Tlius, if 3 is the base, then 2 is the logarithm of 9, because 3^ = 9 ; and 3 is the logarithm of 27, because 3^ = 27, and so on. Again, if 4 is the base, then 2 is the logarithm of 16, because 4^^ = 16 ; and 3 is the logarithm of 64, because 4^ = 64, and so on. 438. In forming a system of logarithms, any number, except I, may be taken as the base, and when the base is selected, all other numbers are considered as some power or root of this base. Hence, there may be an unlimited number of systems. Note. — Since all powers and roots of i are i, it is obvious that other numbers cannot be represented by its powers or roots. (Art. 289.) 439. There are tv/o systems of logarithms in use, the Napierian system,! the base of which is 2.718281828, and the Common System, whose base is 10. J The abbreviation log stands for the term logarithm. 436. Wliat are logarithms ? 437. What is this fixed number called ? 439. Name the systems in use. The base of each. * The term logarithm is derived from two Greek words, meaning the relation of nwrnhers. f So called fi-om Baron Napier, of Scotland, who invented log- arithms in 1614. X The common system was invented by Henry Briggs, an English mathematician, in 1624. LOGARITHMS. 233 440. The Sase of common logarithms being lo, all other numbers are considered as powers or roots of lo. Thus, the log. of i is o ; for lo" equals i (Art. 259) ; ** *' 10 is I ; for 10^ " 10 ; ** *• icx) is 2 ; for lo^ " 100 ; ** " 1000 is 3 ; for lo' " 1000, etc Hence, The logarithm of any number between i and 10 is a fraction; for any number between 10 and 100, the logarithm is I plus a fraction ; and for any number between 100 and 1000, the logarithm is 2 plus a fraction, and so on. 441. By means of negative exponents, this principle may be applied to fractions. Thus (Art. 256), the log. of .1 is —i ; for 10-^ equals .1 ; " '* ,01 is —2 ; for 10-2 " .01; *' " .001 is —3; for 10-^ ** .001. Therefore, the logarithms for all numbers between i and 0.1 lie between o and — i, and are respectively equal to — i plus a fraction; for any number between o.i and 0.0 1, the logarithm is —2 plus a fraction ; and for any number between o.oi and o.ooi, the logarithm is — 3 plus a fraction, and so on. Hence, the logarithms of all numbers greater than 10 or less than i, and not exact powers of 10, are composed of two parts, an mteger and o. fraction. Thus, the logarithm of 28 is 1.44716; and of .28 is 1.44716. 442. The integral part of a logarithm is called the Characteristic ; the decimal ^^rt, the llantissa, 443. The Characteristic of the logarithm of a whole number is one less than the number of integral figures in the given number. Thus, the characteristic of the logarithm of 49 is i ; that of 495 is 2 ; that of 4956 is 3 ; that of 6256.414 is also 3, etc. 440. What is the logarithm of any number from i to 10? From 10 to 100? From 100 to 1000? 442. What is Ihe integral part of a logarithm called? The decirna.] part ? 443. What is the characteristic 01 the logarithm of a whole numlier ? 234 LOGARITHMS. 444. The Characteristic of the logarithm of a decimal is negative, and is one greater than the number of ciphers before the first significant figure of the fraction. Thus, the characteristic of the logarithm of ^^ or .i is — i ; that of 3^^o' or .01, is — 2 ; that of ^i^^, or .001, is —3, etc. (Art. 256.) The logarithm of .2 is — i with a decimal added to it ; that of 05 !s — 2 with a decimal added to it, etc. Note. — It should be observed that the characteristic only is negative, while the mantissa, or decimal part, is always podtive. To indicate this, the sign — is placed over the characteristic, instead of before it. Thus, the logarithm of .2 is i. 30103, " " *' .05 is 2.69897, eta 445. The Decimal Part of the logarithm of any number is the same as the logarithm of the number multiplied or divided by 10, 100, 1000, etc. Thus, the logarithm of 1876 is 3.27325 ; of 18760 is 4.27325, etc. TABLES OF LOGARITHMS. 446. A Table of Loffaritlmis is one which contains the logarithms of all numbers between given limits. 447. The Table found on the following pages gives the mantissas of common logarithms to five decimal places for all numbers from i to 1000, inclusive. The characteristics are omitted, and must be supplied by inspection. (Arts. 443, 444.) Notes. — i. The first decimal figure in column is often the same for several successive numbers, but is printed only once, and is understood to belong to each of the blank places below it. 2. The character ( ♦ ) shows that the figure belonging to the place it occupies has changed from 9 to o, and through the rest of this line the first figure of the mantissa stands in the next line below. 444. What Is the characteristic of the loj]jarithm of a decimal ? 445. What is the effect upon the decimal part of the lo or 3^ ; that the sum of four terms, i + 3 + 5 + 7 = i6, or 4-, and so on. Hence, we may conclude that the proposition is true if the series be extended indefinitely. Or, Since we know the proposition is true when n denotes a small num- ber of teims, and that the value of any term in the series, as the 5th, 7th, 9th, etc., is equal to 211—1, we may suppose for this value of n, that 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 +(2/i— I) = w^. (i) Adding 2n + 1 to both members, we have 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 •••• +(2ri— i) + (2?i + i) = 7i2 + 2?i + i. (2) Factoring second member of (2), 7)? + 2n+i = {n+ if. Therefore, since the sum of n terms of the series = 71^, it follows that the sum of w + i terms = {n+ if, and so on. Hence, the prop- osition must be universalis/ true. 466. In Geometry, we have the proposition : The sum of the three angles of a triangle is equal to two right ajigles. We find it to be true in one case; then in another, etc. Hence, we conclude the proposition is universally true. Notes. — I. It is sometimes objected that this method of f>roof\B less satisfactory to the learner than a more rigorous process of reasoning. But when it is fully understood, it is believed that it will produce the fullest conviction of the truths designed to be established. 2. In metaphysics and the natural sciences, the term induction is applied to the assumption that certain laws are general which by experiment have been proved to be true in certain cases. But we cannot be sure that these laws hold for any cases except those which have been examined, and can never arrive at the conclusion that they are necessary truths. BUSINESS FOEMULAS. 245 BUSINESS FORMULAS. 467. The principles of Algebra are not confined to the demonstration of theorems and the solution of abstruse equations. They are equally applicable to the development of formulas and for business calculations. , Note. — In reciting formulas, the student should first state the proposition, then write the formula upon the blackboard, explaining the several steps by which it is derived as he proceeds. He should then translate the formula from algebraic into common langv/ige. PROFIT AND LOSS. 468. Profit and Loss are computed by the principles of Fercenlage. 469. To Find the Profit or Loss, the Cost and the per cent Profit or Loss being given. Let c denote the cost, r the per cent profit or loss, and p th* percentage, or sum gained or lost. Since per cent means hundredths, r per cent of a number must be r hundredths of that number. (Art. 237.) Therefore, c dollars x r = p, the sum gained. Hence, the Formula. p = cr. Rule. — MiiUipI^ the cost hy the rate per cent, and the product will he the jjrqfit or loss, as the case may require. (Art. 237.) 1. Suppose c = $3560, and r = 12 per cent. Required the profit. Solution. $3560 x .12 = $427.20, Ans. 2. If a house costing $4370 were sold at 8 per cent lese than cost, what would be the loss ? 470. To Find the per cent Profit or Loss, the Cost and the Sum Gained or Lost being given. Let c denote the cost ; p the percentage, or sum gainea or lost ; and r the per cent. 246 BUSINESS FOKMTJLAS. Since the cost multiplied by tlic rate gives ^, the given profit or loss, it follows thatp-f-c must be the rate. (Art. 469.) Hence, the Formula. r = —* c Rule. — Divide the gain or loss hy the cost, and the quo- tient will he the per cent profit or loss, 3. A farm costing $2500 was sold for $500 advance. Required the per cent profit. Ans, 20 per cent. 4. A teacher's salary being $i8oo a year, was raised $300. What per cent was the increase ? 471. To Find the Cost, the Profit or Loss and the per cent Profit or Loss being given. Let p denote the sum gained or lost, r the per cent, and c the cost. Since the sum gained is equal to the cost multiplied by the rate per cent (Art. 469), it follows that p dollars the sum gained, divided by r the rate, will be the cost. Hence, the Formula. c = — • r Rule. — Divide the profit or loss by the rate per cent. 5. The gain on a bill of goods was $67.48. At 25 per cent profit, what was the cost ? Ans. $269.92. 6. An operator in stocks lost $1575, which was 12I per cent of his investment. What was the investment? 472. To Find the Selling Price, the Cost and per cent Profit or Loss being given. Let c denote the cost, r the per cent of profit or loss, and s the selling price. When there is a gain, the amount of %i = i+r; when there is a loss, the amount of $1 = i— r ; and the amount of c dollars = c{i± r). Therefore, we have the general Formula. s = c{i ±r). Rule. — Multiply the cost hy i plus or minus the rate, as the case may require. (Art. 240.) 7. A man paid $750 for a piano. For what must he sell it to gain 15 per cent? Ans. $862.50. 8. A man bought a carriage for $960, and sold it at a loss of 12 J per cent. What did he receive for it ? BUSINESS FORMULAS. 247 473. To Find the Cost, the Selling Price and the per cent Profit or Loss being given. Let 8 denote the selling price, r the per cent profit or loss, and c the cost required. When there is a gain, the selling price equals the cost plus r per cent of itself, that is, i+r times the cost; when there is a ^o««, the selling price equals the cost minus r per cent of itself, that is, i— r times the cost ; therefore the cost equals the selling price divided bj I ± r. Hence, we have the general Formula. c = — ; — • EuLE. — Divide the selling price hy i plus or minus the rate, as the case way require ; the quotient will he the cost. 9. A goldsmith sold a watch for $175 and made 20 per cent profit. What was the cost ? Solution. 1 + 20 per cent = 1.20 ; and $175 -r- 1.20 = $i45.83i» ^ns, 10. A jockey sold a horse for $540, and thereby lost 10 per cent. What did the horse cost him ? SIMPLE INTEREST. 474. The Elements or Factors involved in calcula- tions of interest are the same as those in percentage, with the addition of time* 475. Interest is of two kinds, simple and compound. By the former, interest is derived from the principal only ; by the latter, it is derived both from the principal and the interest itself, as soon as it becomes due. 476. To Find the Time in which any Sum at Simple Interest win Double itself, at any given Rate Per Cent. Let p denote the principal, r the rate per cent, i the given interest, and t the ti jt e in years. Then i = prt, (Art. 242.) Making i equal to j?, p = prt. Dividing by pr, - ^ t. Hence, the 248 BUSINESS FORMULAS. Formula. t — —. r 'Rule,— Divide i by the rate, and the q^lotient will he the time required. 11. How long will it take $1500, at 5 per cent, to double itself ? Solution. t = - = — = 20. Ans. 20 years. r .05 "^ 12. How long will it take $680, at 6 per cent, to double itself? 13. How long will it take I8475, at 10 per cent, to double itself ? 477. To Find the Rate at which any Principal, at Simple Interest, will Double itself in a Given time. By the preceding formula, t = -» T T Multiplying by - , we have the t Formula. !• = -. Rule. — Divide i hy the time ; the quotient will he the rate per cent required. [For other formulas in Simple Interest, see Arts. 242-246.] 14. If $1700 doubles itself in 8 years, what is the rate? Ans. 12J per cent 15. At what rate per cent will $5000 double itself in 40 years ? COMPOUND INTEREST. 478. Interest may be compounded annually, semi- annually, quarterly, etc. It is understood to be com- pounded annually, unless otherwise mentioned. 479. To Find the Atnoiitit of a given Principal at Compound Interest, the Rate and Time being given* Let p denote the principal, r the rate, n the number of years, ana a the amount. BUSINESS FORMULAS. 249 Since the amount equals the principal plus the interest, it follows that the amount of $i fori year equals i+r; therefore, p(i+r) equals the amount of p dollars for i year, which is the principal for the second year. Again, the amount of this new principal p{i+r) for i year = p{i+r){i+r) = p{i+ rf, which is the amount of p dollars for two years. In like manner, /) {\-\-rf is the amount of p dollars for three years i,nd so on, forming a geometrical series, of which the principal p is the first term, i+r the ratio, and the number of years + i, the num- ber of terms. The terms of the series are p, p(i + r), i)(i + r)2, p(n.7.)8^ p(i + r)*, . . . . i7(i+r>». The last term, p (i + Tf» is the amount of p dollars for n years. Hence; the Formula. a = p (i + ry. Rule. — Multiply the principal by the amount of %i for I year, raised to a power denoted by the number of years ; the product will he the amount, 480. To Find the Compound Interest for the given Time and Rate. SuUract the principal from, the amount, and the remainder will he the compound interest. Note. — When the number of years or periods is large, the oper- ations are shortened by using logarithms. 1 6. What is the amount of $842, at 6 per cent compound interest, for 4 years ? Solution. $842 x (1.06)^ = $1063, Am. 17. What is the amount of $1500, at 5 per cent for 6 yrs., compound interest ? r 481. If the interest is compounded semi-annually, - will denote the interest of $1 for a half year. Then, at com- pound interest, the amount of p dollars for n years is ^\ 2n '{ •+-,) '('*f- 250 BUSINESS FORMULAS. 482. If the interest is compounded qiiarte7'ly, then - 4 will denote the interest of $i for a quarter. Then, at compound interest, the amount of jj dollars for n years is 471 etc. 4/ 1 8. What is the amount of $2000, for 3 years at 6 per fent, compounded semi-annually ? Ans, I2388.05. 19. What is the amount of I5000 for 2 years, at 4 per ct., compounded quarterly ? 483. By transposing, factoring, etc., the formula in A.rt. 479, we have. The first term, « = -, • The number of terms, n = -^ — ;- — ^~ • log. (I + 7-) The ratio, r = l-r — l. DISCOUNT. 484. Discount is an allowance made for the payment of money before it is due. 485. The JPresent Worth of a debt payable at a future time is the sum which, if put at legal interest, will amount to the debt in the given time. 486. To Find the Present Worth of z Sum at Simple Interest, the Time of Payment and the Rate being given. Let 8 denote the sum due, n the number of years, and r the interest of $1 for I year. Since r is the interest of $1 for i year, nr must be the interest for n years, and i +7?r the amount of $1 for n years. Therefore, s-5-(i + nr) is the present worth of the given sum. Putting P for present worth, we have the Formula. B = — ; • I 4- fir Rule. — Divide the sum due hy the amount of $1 for the given time and rate; the quotient loill he the present worth. BUSINESS FORMULAS. 251 487. To Find the Discount, the Present Worth being given. SuUract the present worth from the debt. 20. What is the present worth of $2500 payable in 4 yrs., interest being 7 per cent ? What the discount ? Solution. P = — ?— = 1^ = $1953.125, pres. worth ,, , i + nr 1.28 'a' V3J D, I' M ^^^^ $2500 — $1953.125 = $546,875, discount. 1 21. What is the present worth of $3600 due in 5 years, at 6 per cent ? WTiat is the discount ? 22. Find the present worth of $7800 due in 6 years, interest 5 per cent ? What the discount ? COMPOUND DISCOUNT. 488. To Find the Present Worth of a Sum at Compound Interest, the Time and the Rate being given. Let s denote the sum due, n the number of years, r the rate per ct. Since r is the rate, i + r is the amount of $1 for i year ; then the amount for n years compound interest is (n-r)«. (Art. 479.) That is, $1 is tlie present worth of (1+ r)« due in n years. Therefore, «-t-(i + r)n must be the present worth of the given sum. Putting F for the present worth, we have the FOKMULA. JP = V (I + rf Rule. — Divide the sum due hy the amount of li at com- potmd interest, for the given time and rate; the quotient will he the present worth. 23. What is the present worth of $1000 due in 4 years, at 5 per cent compound interest ? Solution, P = — ?-- = f^, = $822.71, Ans. (i+r)" (i.o5)'» 24. What is the present worth of $2300 due in 5 years, at 6 per cent compound interest ? 252 BUSINESS FORMULAS. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT. 489. Commercial Discount is a per cent taken from the face of bills, the marked price of goods, etc., without regard to time. 490. To Find the Cofmnercial Discount on a Bill of Goods, the Face of the Bill and the Per Cent Discoant being given. Let 6 denote the base or face of the bill, r the rate, and d the discount or percentage. Then bxr will be the discount. Hence, the ' Formula. d = br. Rule. — Multiply the face of the Mil hy the given rate, and the product will be the cornmercial discount, 491. To Find the Cash Value or Net Proceeds of a Bill. Subtract the commercial discount from the face of the hill. 25. Required discount and net value of a bill of goods amounting to $960, on 90 days, at 12^ per cent off for cash ? Solution. $q6o x .125 = $120, discount ; $960 — $120=1840, Ans, 26. Required the cash value of a bill amounting to I2500, the discount being 10 per cent, and 5 per cent off for cash. 492. To Mark Goods so as to allow a Discount, and make any proposed per cent Profit. Let c denote the cost, r the per cent profit, and d the per cent disc. Since ris the per cent profit, 1 +r is the selling price of $1 cost, and c{i+t) the selling price of c dollars cost. Again, since d is the per cent discount from the marked price, ano the marked price is 100 per cent of itself, i—d must be the net value of $1 marked price. Therefore, c(i +7") -5- (i— n. Upon this supposition the values of t and mt will both be positive; because their denominator m — n is positive. Now since t is positive, it is evident the two couriers came together after 12 o'clock ; and as mt is positive, the point of meeting was somewhere on the right of P. These conclusions agree with each other, and correspond to the conditions of the problem. For, the supposition that m>n implies that A was traveling faster than B. A would therefore gain upon B, and overtake him some time after 12 o'clock, and at a point in the direction of Q. Let cZ =: 24 miles, m = S miles, and n = 6 miles. By the formula, t = = ^ ^ = 12 hours. m—n 8—6 mt = % y. 12 — ()6 miles A traveled. 71? = 6 X 12 = 72 " B *' Now, 96 — 72 = 24 m. their distance apart at noon, as given above. These values show that the couriers were together in 12 hours past noon, or at midnight, and at a point Q, 96 miles from P and 72 miles from d. II. Suppose m 9. Divide Vx by V—y, Note. — 3. Hence, the quotient of an imaginary quantity divided by a real one, is itself imaginary, and vice versa. 10. Divide 10 a/— 14 by 2 a/— 7, 1 1. Divide c V'— i by d V — i, 514. The development of the different powers of V — i. 12. (a/^)2 = -I. 15. (V^)5 = +V^. 13. (V^^)^ = -V-i. 16. {V-if - -I. 14. {^y~lY=: +1. 17. {^~~i)l= -V'-^. Hence, tJie even powers are alternately — i and +1, and the odd powers — /y/— I and +y'— i. INDETERMIITATE PROBLEMS, 267 INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. 515. An Indeterminate Prohlem is one which does not admit of a definite answer. (Art. 220.) Note. — Among the more common indeterminate problems, are I St. Those whose conditions are satisfied by different values of the same unknown quantity. (Art 220.) 2d. Those which produce identical equations. (Art. 200.) 3d. Those which have a less number of independent simultaneous equations than there are unknown quantities to be determined. 4th. Those whose conditions are inconsistent with each other. 1. Given the equation a; 4- y = 9, to find the value of x. Solution. — Transposing, x = g — y, Ans. This result can be •verified by assigning any values to x or y. 2. What number is that, J of wliich minus i half of itself is equal to its 12th part plus its sixth part ? Let X = the number. Then 3« 4 X _ 2 ~~ 12^6 Clearing of fractions, etc.. gx = gx Transposing and factoring. (9- ■Ci)X = •• . X = IMPOSSIBLE PROBLEMS. 616. An Impossible I^roblemh one, the conditions of which are contradictory or impossible. I. Given a; -f y = 10, x — y = 2, and xy = 38. OPERATION. Solution. — By combining equations (i) x -^ y = 10 (i) and (2), we find x = 6 and y = 4. Again, x y = 2 (2) xxy = 6x4 = 24. But the third condition " 2X :i^ I 2 requires the product of x and y to be 38, which is impossible. • *• ^ = o 1=^ 4. 515. Wb«t is au in4eterifti»ate problem ? 516. Wsat is an impossible problem ? 268 NEGATIVE SOLUTIONS. 2. What number is that whose 5th part exceeds its 4th part by 15? 3. Divide 8 into two such parts that their product shall be 18. NEGATIVE SOLUTIONS. 517. A Neffative Solution is one whose result i& a minus quantity. 518. An odd root of a quantity has the same sign as the quantity. An even root of a positive quantity is either positive or negative, both being numerically the same. (Art. 293.) But the results of problems in Simple Equations, it is understood, are positive; when otherwise it is presumed there is an error in the data, which being corrected, the result will be positive. 1. A school-room is 30 feet long and 20 feet wide. How many feet must be added to its width that the room may contain 510 square feet ? Solution. — Let x = tlie number of feet, Then (20 + a;) 30 = area. By conditions, 600 + 3oaj =510 Transposing, 30a; = — 90 .-. X — — 2) ft., Ans. Notes. — i. It will be observed that this is a problem in Simple Equations. The steps in the solution are legitimate and the result satisfies the conditions of the problem algebraically, but not arith- metically. Hence, the negatke result indicates some mistake or inconsistency in the conditions of the problem. If we subtract 3 ft. from its width, the result will be a positive quantity. 2. Were it asked how much must be added to the width that the room may contain 690 square feet, the result would be + 3 feet. 517. What is a ueeative eolution? hor'N-er's method. 269 3. In suc« cases, by changing some of the data, a similar problem may be easily found whose conditions are consistent with a possible result. 2. What number must be subtracted from 5 that the remainder may be 8 ? Solution.— Let x = the number. Then 5 - a? = 8 Transposing, a; = — 3, Ans. 3. A man at the time of his marriage was 36 years old and liis wife 20 years. How many years before he was twice as old as his wife ? A71S, — 4 years. HORNER'S METHOD OF APPROXIMATION.^ 519. This method consists in transforming the given equation into another whose root shall be less than that of the given equation by the first figure of the root, and repeating the operation till the desired approximation is found. The process may be illustrated in the following manner: Let it be required to find the approximate value of x in the general equation, A^ + Bx^ + Cx = D. (i) Having found the first figure of the root by trial, let it be denoted by a, the second figure by 6, the third by c, and so on. Substituting a for x in equation (i), we have, Aa^ + Ba? + Ca = B, nearly. Factoring and dividing, * So called from the name of its author, an English mathematician, who communicated it to the Royal Society in 18 19. 270 hoenek's method. By putting y for tlie sum of all the figures of the root except the first, we have x = a^y, and substituting this value for x in equation (i), we have, Aia^yJ + B^a + yy + C{a+y) = J); or A {a^ + 3aV + 3«/ +2^) + ^ («^ + 2ay+y'^) + C(a+y) = D. or Aa^ + sAal^y + sAay^ + ^^^ + Ba'^ + 2Bay + 5y- -^-Ca-^Gy — B. Factoring and arranging the terms according to the powers of ^. we obtain Ay^ + (J5 + 3-4%2 + ((7+ 25a + ^Aa})y = B-{Ga + Ba? + Aa^. (3) To simplify this equation, let us denote the coefiicient of y'^ by B', that of ^ by C", and the second member by D' ; then, Ay^ + B'f + C'2^ = D\ (4) It will be seen that equation (4) has the same form as (i). It is the first transformed equation, and its root is less by a than the root of equation (i). By repeating the operation, a second transformed equation may be obtained. Denoting the second figure in the root by &, and reducing as before, we find, , _ D' . C' + B'h + AJ^' ^5^ Putting z for the sum of all the remaining figures in the root, we have y = !)-{■ z; and substituting this value in equation (4), we obtain a new equation of the same general form, which may be written, As^ + B"z'' + C"z = D", (63 This process should be continued till the desired accuracy is attained. The first figure of the root is found by trial, the second figure from equation (5), and the remaining figures can be found from similar equations. But it may be observed that the second member of equation {5) involves the quantity 5, v.'hose value is sought. That is, the vahie of 6 is given in terms of h, and that of c would be given in terms of c, and so on. For this reason, equations such as (5) might appear at first «ight to be of little use in practice. This, however, is not the case ; for after the root has been found to several decimal places, the value of the second and third terms, as B'b + AH^ and B"c + Ac^ in the denominators, will be very small compared with C and G ', conse- horiter's method. 271 quently as & is very nearly equal to D' divided by C , tliey may be neglected. Therefore the successive figures in the root may be approximately found by dividing D' by C, D" by (7', and so on, regarding C , C , etc., as approximate divisors. In transfonning equation (i) into (4), the second member D' and the coefficients G and B' of the transformed equation may be thus obtained. Multiplying the first coeflBcient A by a, the first figure of the root, and adding the product to B, the second coeflBcient, we have, B + Aa (7) Again, multiplying this expression by a, and adding the product to C, the third coeflicient, we have, C + Ba + AaK (8) Finally, multiplying these terms by a, and subtracting the product from B, we have l)-iCa + Ba? + Aa^) = D', which is the same as the expression for B' in equation (4). Now to obtain C, we return to the first coeflScient, multiply it by a, add the product to expression (7), and thus have the sum B + 2Aa, (9), which we multiply by a, and adding the product to expression (8) obtain, C + 2Ba + 2,Aa^ = C\ which is the desired coefficient of y in equation (4). Finally, to obtain B' , we multiply the first coeflBcient by a, and add the product to expression (9), and thus obtain, B + sAa = B'. In this way the coeflBcients of the first transformed equation are discovered ; and by a similar process the coeflBcients of the second, third, and of all subsequent transformed equations may be found. 520. This metliod of approximation is applicable to equations of every degree. For the solution of cubic equa- tions, it may be summed up in the following KuLE. — 1. Detach the coefficients of the given equation, and denote them hy A; B, (7, and the second member hj D. Find the first figure of the root iy trial, and represent it by a. 272 HORNER'S METHOD. Multiply A ly a, and add the product to B. Multiply the sum hy a and add the product to C. Multiply this sum by a and subtract the product from D. The remainder is the first divideyid, or D', II. Multiply A by a and add the product to the last sum under B. Multiply this sum hy a and add the product to the last sum under G, The result thus obtained is the first divisor, or C. III. Multiply A by a and add the product to the last sum U7ider B. The result is the second coefficient, or B'. IV. Divide the first dividend by the first divisor, TJie quotient is the second figure of the root, or b. Y. Proceed in like manner to find the subsequent figures of the root. Note. — i. In finding the second figure of the root, some allowance should be made for the terms in the divisor which are disregarded ; otherwise the quotient will furnish a result too large to be subtracted from ly. EXAMPLES. I. Given a^ + 2x^ -{- Z^ = 24, to find X, SOLXJTION. A B C D a he I +2 + 3 = 24 a? = ( 2 . 8, An& 2 4 J II 22 2 = jy 3 6 12 23 = (7' 1.891712 .108288 = D" 2 .6464 8 = J5' 23.6464 ' .08 .6528 8.08 24.2992 = C" ..08 • 8.16 .08 9.24 = B" 273 Note. — 2. In the following example, tlie last figures of tlie root are found by the contracted method of division of decimals, an expedient which may always be used to advantage after a few places of decimals have been obtained. (See Higher Arithmetic.) 2. Given ic^ + izx^ — i2>x = 216, to find x. SOLUTION. A B D abe I + 12 -18 = 216 (4.24264+. _4 +64 184 x6 +46 32 = iy A Jo 26.168 20 126 = 0" 5.832 = D" j4 4.84 5.468224 24 = B 130.84 .363776 = 2)"' 24.2 4.88 275385 24.4 24.6 = 24.64 24.68 = B" 135.7 2 = G' .9856 T36.7 056 .9872 I37.0|9|2j8 = 88391 82615 5776 5508 X = 4.24264+, Ans. 3. Given a:* + 32:2 + 5a; = 178, ^o find x. a; = 4.5388, Ans, 4. Given $3? + 92:2 — 7^ __ 2200, to find x, X = 7.1073536, Ans. 5. Given a^ + a^ + x= 100, to find x, a? = 4.264429+, Ans. 274 TEST EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. TEST EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 1. Required the value of 6a + 4^ X 5 + 8«j -^ 2 — 3a + 12a X 4. 2. Required the value of (8a; + 3^) 5 + 4^ + 7 - (53J + 9^) "^ 7- 3. Required the value of sax — ab + 4cd — {2ax — 4«5 + 2cd), 4. Required the value of 4bc + [s^d — {2xy — mn) 5 + ^dc], 5. Show that subtracting anegative quantity is equivalent to adding a positive one. 6. Explain by an example why a positive quantity multiplied by a negative one produces a negative quantity ? 7. Explain why a minus quantity multiplied by a minus quantity produces a positive quantity. 8. Given ^_(a; + 8)=^ + — - i7f, to find a;. . 3 9 7 g. Given ~ — i h 2a; = ^^ X ^ to find x, ^ 5 5 32 10. Resolve ^d^c — 6Ir^(^ — c^d into two factors. 11. Resolve $(^y — - gxh — iSx^yz into two factors. 1 2. Resolve a^' — if^' into two factors. 13. Resolve 8a — 4 into prime factors. 14. Resolve a^ — i into prime factors. 15. Divide 31 into two such parts that 5 times one of them shall exceed 9 times the other by i. 16. Make an algebraic formula by which any two numbers may be found, their sum and difference being given. 17. Two sportsmen at Creedmoor shoot alternately at a target; A hits the bull's-eye 2 out of 3 shots, and B 3 out of 4 shots; both together hit it 34 times. How many shots did each fire ? TEST EXAMPLES FOE REYIEW. 275 1 8. Find two quantities the product of which is a and the quotient b, 10. Reduce -7 7 to its lowest terms. ^ 00 — 20. Reduce -^ 75 to its lowest terms. c? — W' 21. Resolve 90:^ _|. \2xyz + 42:2 jnto two factors. 22. Resolve ()W- — die + c^ into two factors. 23. Make a formula by which the width of a rectangular surface may be found, the area and length being given ? 24. A square tract of land contains J as many acres as there are rods in the fence inclosing it. What is the length of the fence ? 25. A student walked to the top of Mt. Washington at the rate of \\ miles an hour, and returned the same day at the rate of 4^ miles an hour ; the time occupied in traveling being 13 hours. How far did he walk? 26. Given l ^^— = o, to find x. 1 —X 27. Prove that the product of the sum and difference of two quantities, is equal to the difference of their squares. 28. Prove that the product of the sum of two quantities into a third quantity, is equal to the sum of their products. 29. Reduce 7-7 , \ "~ ^ —^^ — r to its lowest terms. fj^ J4 30. Reduce j-^ r"^— low-o-ri^v *o i*s lowest terms. 31. Reduce ;; ^ to a single fraction havirisj I — a* I -\- a?' ° *^ the least common denominator. 32. Find a number to which if its fourth and fifth part be added, the sum will exceed its sixth part by 154. 33. Two persons had equal sums of money ; the first spent $30, the second I40: the former then had twice as much as the latter. What sum did each have at first ? 276 TEST EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 34. A French privateer discovers a ship 24 kilometers distant, sailing at the rate of 8 kilometers an hour, and pursues her at the rate of 12 kilometers an hour. How long will the chase last ? 35. Given '^ ^ = 7 and 7^ — 3^ _ ^ ^^^ 7 2 *^ 9: and y, 36. Given x = ^"7 f 5 and 4^ ^!^^ = 3, to find a; and y, 37. Make a rule to find when any two bodies moving toward each other, will meet, the distance between them and the rate each moves being given ? 38. A steamer whose speed in still water is 12 miles an hour, descended a river whose velocity is 4 miles an hour, and was gone 8 hours. How far did she go in the trip ? 39. Find a fraction from which if 6 be subtracted from both its terms it becomes }, and if 6 be added to both, it becomes J. 40. Required two numbers whose sum is to the less as 8 is to 3, and the difference of whose squares is 49. 41. Given iox-\-6y =. 76, 4^—20 = 8, and 6x-\-Zz=: 88, to find X, y, and z, 42. Given 20; + 3^ -f 2; = 24, ^x ■\- y •\- 2Z z=z 26, and a; -f 2y + 32; = 34, to find x, y, and z. 43. Three persons, A, B, and 0, counting their money, found they had 1 180. B said if his money were taken from the sum of the other two, the remainder would be |6o; C said if his were taken from the sum of the other two, the remainder would be \ of his money. How much money had each ? 44. The fore-wheel of a steam-engine makes 40 revolutions more than the hind-wheel in going 240 meters, and the circumference of the latter is 3 meters greater than that of the former. What is the circumference of each ? 45. A man has two cubical piles of wood; the side of one TEST EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 277 is two feet longer than the side of the other, and the differ- ence of their contents is 488 cubic feet. Required the side of each. 46. Required a formula by which the height of a rectan- gular solid may be found, the contents and base being given. 47. Divide 126 into two such parts that one shall be a multiple of 7, the other a multiple of 11. 48. A tailor paid $1 20 for French cloths ; if he had bought 8 meters less for the same money, each meter would have cost 50 cents more. How many meters did he buy ? 49. A shopkeeper paid 1 175 for 89 meters of silk. At what must he sell it a meter to make 25 per cent ? 50. Make a formula to find the commercial discount, the marked price and the rate of discount being given. 51. A man pays $100 more for his carriage than for his horse, and the price of the former is to that of the latter as the price of the latter is to 50. What is the price of each ? 52. Make a formula to find at what time the hour and minute hands of a watch are together between any two consecutive hours? 53. A father bequeathed 165 hektars of land to his two sons, so that the elder had 35 hektars more than the younger. How many hektars did each receive ? 54. What number is that, the triple of which exceeds 40 by as much as its half is less than 5 1 ? 55. A butcher buys 6 sheep and 7 lambs for $71 ; and, at the same price, 4 sheep and 8 lambs for I64. What was the price of each ? 56. At a certain election, 1425 persons voted, and the successful candidate had a majority of 271 votes. How many voted for each ? 57. A's age is double B's, and B's is three times C's; the sum of all their ages is 150. What is the age of each ? 58. Reduce the V243 to its simplest form. 59. Reduce Vy^ 4- ay^ to its simplest form. 278 TEST EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 60. Reduce x^ and y^ to the common index |^. 61. Reduce ${a — h) to the form of the cube root. 62. A farmer sold 13 bushels of corn at a certain price ; and afterward 17 bushels at the same rate, when he received I3.60 more than at the first sale. What was the price per bushel ? 63. A sold two stoves. On the first he lost $8 more than on the second; and his whole loss was I2 less than triple the amount lost on the second. How much did he lose on each? 64. A number of men had done J of a piece of work in 6 days, when 12 more men were added, and the job was completed in 10 days. How many men were at first employed ? 65. A company discharged their bill at a hotel by paying $8 each; if there had been 4 more to share in the payment, they would only have paid $7 apiece. How many were there in the party ? 66. In one factory 8 women and 6 boys work for $72 a week; and in another, at the same rates, 6 women and 1 1 boys work for $80 a week. How much does each receive per week ? 67. What factor can be removed from ViSZX? 68. Given Vx + 12 = \/a + 12, to find x. 69. Given — - = ^ ~- , to find y. y Vy 70. Given Vz^ — ^ah = a — h, to find x. 71. From a cask of molasses \ of which had leaked out, 40 liters were drawn, leaving the cask half full. How many liters did it hold ? 72. Make a formula to find the per cent commission a factor receives, the amount invested and the commission being given. 73. Divide 20 into two parts, the squares of which shall be in the ratio of 4 to 9. TEST EXAMPLES FOR REVIEW. 279 74. After paying out ^ of my money and then J of the remainder, I had I140 left. How much had I at first? 75. If I be added to both terms of a fraction, its yalue will be J; and if the denominator be doubled and then increased by 2, the value of the fraction will be ^. Kequired the fraction. 76. Tiffany & Co. sold a gold watch for $171, and the per cent gained was equal to the number of dollars the watch cost. Kequired the cost of the watch. 77. Two Chinamen receive the same sum for their labor; but if one had received I15 more and the other $9 less, then one would have had 3 times as much as the other. What did each receive ? 78. A drover bought a flock of sheep for $120, and if he had bought 6 more for the same sum, the price per head would have been |i less. Required the number of sheep and the price of each. 79. A certain number which has two digits is equal to 9 times the sum of its digits, and if 63 be subtracted from the number, its digits will be inverted. What is the number ? 80. Two river-boatmen at the distance of 150 miles apart, start to meet each other ; one rows 3 miles while the other rows 7. How far does each go ? 81. A and B buy farms, each paying $2800. A pays I5 an acre less than B, and so gets 10 acres more land. How many acres does '^ach purchase ? 82. Find a factor that will rationalize ^/x -\- V7. 83. Find a factor that will rationalize V^ — V^. 84. Given ^W- + Vx z= -_^-i— ^ to find x. V{b^ + Vx) 85. The salaries of a mayor and his clerk amount to I13200; the former receives 10 times as much as the latter. Kequired the pay 01 eacn. S6. What two numbers are those whose sum is to their 280 TEST EXAMPLES ¥0E REVIEW. difference as 8 to 6, and whose difference is to their product as I to 36 ? 87. What two numbers are those whose product is 48, and the difference of their cubes is to the cube of their difference as 37 to I ? S8. Find the price of apples per dozen, when 2 less for 12 cents raises the price i cent per dozen. 89. Two pedestrians set out at the same time from Troy and New York, whose distance apart is 150 miles ; one goes at the rate of 24 m. in 3 days, and the other 14 m. in 2 aays. When will they meet ? 90. The income of A and B for one month was 1 187 6, and B's income was 3 times A's. Required that of each ? 91. A farmer bought a cow and a horse for $250, paying 4 times as much for the horse as for the cow. Find the cost of each. 92. A man rode 24 miles, going at a certain rate ; he then walked back at the rate of 3 miles per hour and consumed 12 hours in making the trip. At what rate did he ride ? 93. It costs $6000 to furnish a church, or |i for every square foot in its floor. How large is the building, pro- vided the perimeter be 320 feet? 94. Find 5 arithmetical means between 3 and 31. 95. Find the sum of 50 terms of the series -J-, i, if, 2, 2 J, S, Zh 4, 4i etc. 96. A dealer bought a box of shoes for $100. He sold all but 5 pair for $135, at a profit of li a pair. How many pair were there in the box ? 97. Two numbers are to each other as 7 to 9, and the difference of their squares is 128. Eequired the numbers. 98. In a pile of scantling there are 2400 pieces, and the number in the length of the pile exceeds that in the height by 43 : required the number in its height and length. 99. Bertha is J as old as her mother, but in 20 years she will be f as old. What is the age of each ? 100. Fifteen persons engage a car for an excursion ; but TEST EXAMPLES FOE REVIEW. 281 before starting 3 of the company decline going, by which the expense of each is increased by $1.75. What do they pay for the car ? loi. When the hour and minute hands of a clock are together between 8 and 9 o'clock, what is the time of day ? 102. A and B wrote a book of 570 pages; if A had written 3 times and B 5 times as much as each actually did write, they would together have written 2350 pages. How many pages did each write ? 103. A man and his wife drink a pound of tea in 12 days. When the man is absent, it lasts the woman 30 days. How long will it last the man alone ? 104. Find the time in which any sum of money will double itself at 7 per cent simple interest. 105. A purse contains a certain sum, in the proportion of I3 of gold to $2 of silver ; if $24 in gold be added, there will then be $7 of gold for every $2 of silver. Eequired the sum in the purse. 106. A and B in partnership gain $3000. A owns f of the stock, lacking $200, and gains $1600. Required the whole stock and each man's share of it. 107. In the choice of a Chief Magistrate, 369 electoral votes were cast for two men. The successful candidate received a majority of one over his rival : how many votes were cast for each ? 108. Two ladies can do a piece of sewing in 16 days; after working together 4 days, one leaves, and the other finishes the work alone in 36 days more. How long would it take sach to do the work ? 1 09. If a certain number be divided by the product of its two digits, the quotient is 2 J ; and if 9 be added to the number, the digits will be inverted : what is the number ? no. Find 4 geometrical means between 2 and 486. III. A trader bought a number of hats for $80 ; if he had bought 4 more for the same amount, he would have paid |i less for each : liow many did he buy ? 282 TEST EXAMPLES FOB KEVIEW. 112. If the first term of a geometrical series is 2, the ratio 5, and the number of terms 12, what is the last term? 113. A tree 90 feet high, in falling broke into three unequal parts ; the longest piece was 5 times the shortest, and the other was 3 times the shortest : find the length of each piece. 1 14. The sum of 3 numbers is 219 ; the first equals twice the second increased by 11, and the second equals | of the remainder of the third diminished by 19: required the numbers. 1 15. Required 3 numbers in geometrical progression, such that their sum shall be 14 and the sum of their squares 84. 1 1 6. A pound of coffee lasts a man and wife 3 weeks, and the man alone 4 weeks : how long will it last the wife ? 117. Two purses contain together I300. If you take $30 from the first and put into the second, each will then contain the same amount : required the sum in each purse. 118. A clothier sells a piece of cloth for I39 and in so doing gains a per cent equal to the cost. What did he pay for it? 119. A settler buys 100 acres of land for $2450; for a part of the farm he pays $20 and for the other part $30 an acre. How many acres were there in each part ? 120. What is the sum of the geometrical series 2, 6, 18, 54, etc., to 15 terms? . 121. There are 300 pine and hemlock logs in a mill-pond, and the square of the number of pines is to the square of the number of hemlocks as 25 to 49 : required the number of each kind. 122. A ship of war, on entering a foreign port, had sufficient bread to last 10 weeks, allowing each man 2 kilo- grams a week. But 150 of the crew deserted the first night, and it was found that each man could now receive 3I kilo- grams a week for the remainder of the cruise. What was the original number of men ? APPENDIX. 621. To Extract the Cube Root of Polynomials* I. Required the cube root of a^ + 3^5 — 3a* — i la' -4 6^8 4. 12a — 8. OPERATION. a^'+Sa"— a^"*— iia^+6a"2 + i2a— 8 ( a*+a— 2, Roots a^, the first subtrahend, ist Trial Divisor, 3a'' ) 3a^— 3a**— iia^ etc., first remainder. Com. D., 2,(1^ + yi^ + a- ) 3^*^ + 3^^+ d^ 2d Tr. D., 3a^ + 6«3 4-3a^ ) — 6a*— i2a3 + 6«2 + i2a— 8, 2d remainder. Complete Divisor, 2,a^ + da^ — 3a'^ — 6a + 4 ) — 6a*— I2a^ + 6a^ + i2g— 8 . Hence, the Rule. — I. Arrange the terms according to the powers of one of the letters^ take the cube root of the first term for the first term of the root, and subtract its cube from the given polynomial. II. Divide the first term of the remainder hy three times the square of the first term of the root as a trial divisor, and the quotient ivill be the next term of the root. III. Complete the divisor by adding to it three times the product of the first term by the second, also the square of the second. Multiply the complete divisor by the second term of the root, and subtract the product from the remainder, IV. If there are more than tioo terms in the root, for the second trial divisor, take three times the square of the part of the root already found, and completing the divisor as before^ continue the operation until the root of all the terms is found. ( See Key) * For Horner's Method of Approximation, see p. 269. I. x^ ^ gx + 20. 2. a^ ■}- ya— 18. 3- a^ — isa + 40. 4. 2aho^ — i4aJc - 5- icy _2xy + I 6. 8x^ — 32?/2. 7. a;2 + yh + ?y?7?2;. 8. i2«2a; — Sa^y + 4^2;. 9. a^ — Sci^x 4- 3a!a;2 — a^. 10. I -a^. II. I + Sa\ 284 APPENDIX. 2. Required the cube root of a^ + ^a^ + 30^52 + b^. 3. Find the cube root of x^ -\- 6x^ + 122; + 8. 4. Find the cube root oi a^ — 6aPy + izxy^ — 8y^. 5. What is the cube root of Sa^ — 48«r2 _}. gSa — 64. 6. Find the cube root of 27^3 — S4a^x + :^6ax^ — S.'?;^^ 7. What is the cube root of a^ — 6a^ -[- 15^* — 20^3 _j. 15^2 _ 6« + I. 8. The cube root of a;^ — 3ic8 ^ Sx^ — 6a^ — 6x^ i- Sa:^- 3^+ I. 522. Factor the following Polynomials:* 6odb, 12. a^ — h^x^. 523. Find the x 4- A/24a;. 5. V^ofi^^ — '\/2oa^x. 3. 8 V^^^jJ + 2 Vi^. 6. 3'V^i28iz:3z/';2 —• ^x \^i6yz. 537. Find the Product of the following Madicals: 1. (« 4- ?/)i X (^ + 70^. 3- (^' + y)^ X (x H- 2/)i 2. 4 + 2^/2x2 — \/2. 4- 3^ V^^ + ^ X 4 a/^. 538. I>ividing one Radical by Another. 1. (fl^%)- -^ («a;)^. 4. (^ + yf -J- (^ + 2^)". 2. 24a; ^ay -^ 6 V^. 5. 4« a/«^ -i- 2 V«c- 3. "s/ i6a^ — \2aH -^ 2a. 6. yoyp-i-yViS. 539. Required the Factors which will Rationalize the fol- lowing Radicals: 1. 2 ^/a + V7. 4. \/5 — \/5. 2. ic + Vy. 5- 4 V2S — 5 Vy. 3. Thedenom. of-^. 6. The d. of -— -^-= 2V3 V3+V2+I 540. Solve the following Madical Equations: 1. Given Vx + i = Vn + ^j to find x. 2. Given \/x + 18 — ^5 = V^ — 75 to find x, 3. Given Vx^ —11=5. 5. (13 + ^23 + y"^)^ = 5. 6 _ 4- /--— =^ = V 3 + ^- 6. 2 V^ = V iz^ + 3«. 290 APPEKDIX. 541. Solve the following Quadratics, 2. — 0-^ - ^~3 "~~ ' .. J ^ i6 X lOO — 4^2 gx ^ = 3. ^ a^ I 2 4 32 Vi^ L±_? _ 4 — V5 4 -(- Va; \^x 5. Find two numbers whose differenco is 12, and the suni of their squares 1424. 6. Eequired two numbers whose sum is 6, and the sum of their cubes 7 2. 7. Divide the number 56 into two such parts, that their product shall be 640. 8. A and B started together for a place 150 miles distant. A's hourly progress was 3 miles more than B's, and he arrived at his journey's end 8 hrs. 20 min. before B. What was the hourly progress of each ? 9. The diiference of two numbers is 6 ; and if 47 be added to twice the square of the less, it will be equal to the square of the greater. What are the numbers ? 10. The length added to the breadth of a rectangular room makes 42 feet, and the room contains 432 square feet. Required the length and breadth. 11. A says to B, the product of our years is 120 ; if I were 3 yrs. younger and you were 2 jrrs. older, the product of our ages would still be 120? How old is each ? 12. Vx^ + a/^ = 6 Vx. 13. X 4- '\/x + 6 = 2 + 3 a/^ + 6. 14. A man bought 80 lbs. of pepper and 100 lbs. of ginger for £65, at such prices that he obtained 60 lbs. more of ginger for £20 than he did of pepper for £10. Whai did he pay per pound for each ? COLLEGE EXAMINATION PROBLEMS. 542. I. Divide i^x^ — ^~ hjx 5 ^^^ ^ "^ ~ — * I -J- y X -f- X I — X 3. Extract the square root of Sal)^ + a* — 4a^ -f- 4 J*. 4. From 2 V3I0 take 3 'V^4o. 5. Divide a"^^^ by a^b~^. 6. Solve a;* + 40^2 — 12. 7. Solve a;2 — X Vs = x — ^ \/^. 8. What two numbers are those whose sum is 2a, and the sum of their squares is 2^* ? 9. What two numbers are those whose difference, sum, and product are as the numbers 2, 3, and 5 respectively ? 10. Find three geometrical means between 2 and 162. 11. Expand to four terms 546. T. Divide 120;^ — 192 by ^x — 6. 2. Divide a;* H 7 by 7 — m, 3. Solve the equation 21 + ^-^^ = 5^ + 2Zzi2?. ^ 16 82 4. Find the product of a^, «^, «^, and «~^. 5. Solve the equation ~ — g— = 2. 3/ 2X 6. Find 6 arithmetical means between i and 50. COLLEGE PEOBLEMS. 293 7. How many different combinations may be formed of eight letters taken four at a time ? 8. Expand {a — l)~^ to four terms. 9. Divide 150 into two such parts that the smaller may be to the greater, as 7 to 8. 10. Given 5a; + 2?/ = 29 and 2^ — a; = — i, to find X and y, 2 T 547. I. Solve the equation {- 4 = a 2. What is the relation between a, ap, and ar^ ? 3. Find two numbers such that the sum of | the first and \ of the second equals 1 1, and also equals three times the first diminished by the second. 4. Give the first three and last three terms of (2« ) • 5. Find the r/. c. d, of a^ — W and a^ — lab + V^, 6. Find the I, c. in, of (p? — ^), and 4 (a — x\ and 7. Add -=^-^ f , — ^ =:r, and ^—, tto* 5 (a — ^ 5 (« — *) 5_(« — ^)^ 8. Find the value of x in "^x + a = V^ + a. 648. I. Eeduce r 5 to its lowest terms. c? — x^ 2. Multiply ar^m by -^ ; and divide ar^W by -^ o 1 J.1 . • nx — 6 X — 5 <^ 3. Solve the equation 7 ^^— = — ^ 35 6;r — loi s 4.Give.Z£±J_(._£^) = ,. a^ X 5. Solve the equation - -^ [- 7I = 8. 6. It is required to find three numbers such that the product of the first and second may be 15, the product of the first and third 21, and the sum of the squares of the second and third 74. 29":^ COLLEGE PROBLEMS. 7. Find tlie sum of n terms of the series i, 2, 3, 4, 5^ 6, etc. 8. Expand to five terms {cfi — ^3)-^. 9. Find the sum of the radicals A/300 and a/tJ. 10. Solve the quadratic - -| = 2^, 549. I. Find the sum and difference of \/i8«^and 2. Multiply 2 Vi - a/3^ by 4 V3 - 2 a/^. 3. Solve the equation """ - 4- ^^ ~~ ""^ z=z n ^ ^ -r ^ ^ 7 5^4 4. Solve the equation ~~ ^ ^~^ = — . a; — 2 X — I 20 5. The sum of an arithmetical progression is 198 ; its first term is 2 and last term 42 ; find the common differ- ence and the number of terms. 6. Expand to four terms {a^ — ]/)^, 7. Simplify the radical (cfi — 20^!) -\- aW)^, 8. A and B together can do a piece of work in 3I days, B and in 4f days, and and A in 6 days. Required the time in which either can do it alone, and all together. 9. Find 3 numbers such that the prod, of the first and second may be 15, the prod, of the first and third 21, and the sum of the squares of the second and third 74. 550. I. Given - + -==2, - + - = 3, --{-- = 3; find X, y, and z. 2. Given ^ =: , to find x. S — X 3 12 3. Find the I. c. m. and g. c. d. oi x^ ■\' ^ — 21 and x^ — X — $6, 4. It takes A 10 days longer to do a piece of work than it takes B, and both together can do it in 12 days. In how many days can each do it alone ? 5. Substitute ?/ + 3 f or a; in >* — a? -{■ 2X^ — t, \ simplify and arrange the result. ANSWERS. Page 15. I, 2. Given. 3. 2 cts. A, 6 cts. 0. 4. $8, h. ; I32, c. 5. 9 and 27. 6. 4^,0; 8^, B; 16^?, A 7. 121/, son ; z^y> father. Pagre 16* 8. $20, B's ; I80, A's. 9. 15. 30. 45- 10. $7, calf; $56, cow. II. $5.25, bridle; $10.50, saddle; $110.25, horse. 12. $3000, daughter; I6000, son ; $27000, wife. 13- 234, 702, 936. Page 19. 1-3. Given. 4. 98^. 5. 18. INTRODUCTION. 6. 10. 7- 34- 8. 17. Page 21c 1. 60. 2. 40. 3. ac + 85. 4. 55 — 2t7. 5- 35- 6. 24. 7. 3^ + 21/ + «5. 8. 6b — jcx + sa, 9. Z>a;^ + ca:?/. Page 22, 10. -^-^ + a. 2Z b — a , II. f- 2;^. 12. 3^ + i?^«/ + %2;. ^3- d ' 14. 92. 15. 120. ax — Qty — Zia; + by 29G S U B T K A C T I If . ADDITION. Page 24, l^wgre 26. 1, 2. Given. I. 240^ + 25—36?. 3. 2iah. 2. iGmn—xy-^-hc 4. 11 xy. 3. i6hc -\- xy -—mn 5. isa\ 4. 4fl!5— 3w/^ + 2^ 6. — 22,hcd. 5. i52:?/-i-«5 + 5. 7. — i6:r3|/2. 6. Given. 8. 45a^2. 7. 21 {a + h). 9. -39«^^y. 8. igc{x—y). 10. 2gWd7n\ 9. 7«V^y. II. Given. 10. 6^/^?. 12. 4. II. loVa; — y. 13. 5. Page 27. 12. Given. J*asre ;^5. 13. a{T~6h + ^d 14, 15- Griven. —3>m). 16. 82;. 14. 2/(^^ + 3 — 2C 17. «^c. -5m). 18. — 12J. 15. m{g + ab--jc 19. — 12?/. + 3^). 20. — 2m. 16. i?;(l3«r_3^_|_^ 21. I. -3^+?^). 22. 75- 17. a;?/(a4-5-c). 23. Given. I. Given. 4. 5- 6. 7. 8. 9- 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15- 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. . 16 cts., b ; 30 cts., k. Page 28, 26 peaches ; 49 pears. 15 and 70. 15 K 25 g. I. 7. 7. 356, A; 94, B. 36 and 141. 8. 9 cts., top; 23 cts., ball. $9? b; I31, s. 26 cts., A. M.; 74 cts., p. M. Given. 14. 7. 12. 60. 20. I'cffire 31, I, 2. Given. 3. i4^yz. 4. — 62«J. 5. I gab. i^UBTRACTION. 6. 2 7ip?/. 7. 43(ic. 8. 37fl;:?:l 9. 5i«2J. 10. — 44.7:^^2. Page 32, 11. z^a^b. 12. o. 1 3- —lim^x. 14. 53^^«/- MULTIPLICATION 297 15- $150. 28. 9(«— ^-f-a;). 38. xy{%—ab-^c i6. 25°. 29. 5(« + J). -d). 17. $420. 30. -7ix'-yy 39- c(2a + bm + d) 18. 4xy—6a. 31. $600, A's. 19. iS^+i6am. 32. 60°. 20. i8a;2 + ?/2-f6«. rage 34, 21. 13^^ + ^— iC I- ■3. Given. —5^ + 3^^- JP«rflre 33, 4- b—c + d—m. 22. gcd—ab—2m 33. Given. 5. Sx-\-y—ab + 3^ + 4^. 34. {2h — C-i-d)3^. + 4^. 23. iSm— 23. 35- (ab—c—d 6. 2a—b—c-{-x 24. 12a;' — 13a;. +x)y' +y+d. 25. i6«Z'+ i^c+d. 36^ a^d-b + c). 7. a—b-{-c—a 26. a—b + c. 37. x(ab—2iC—d •\-c-^c—a-\-b. 27. 6(a + b). -m). MULTIPLICATION. rage 36, 1-4. Given. 5. 42abc. 6. ^^abcxy. 7. 2>dmxy. 8. dibcdxyz. 9. ^6abxy. 10. 42acdx. 11. $4bcdm. 12. d^adfxyz. Page 37. 13. Given. 14. — 45rt5a:^. 15. 42abcd. 16. i^2abcxy. 17. — 41 4abcxy. 18. g4^bcdxy. Page 38. 19-21. Given. 22. i$x^y^. 23. 24aW. 24. a^x^y^. 25. «2j'«+«. 26. dx^yH. 27. i8«5^V. 28. 18. 29. 240. 30. 6a^^. 31. — i8a'*J%. 32. 4^^1/2^ 33. 2iaW. 34. 4oc^xy. 35. — 28a4^3. 36. —6x^y^. 37. 2jaWc^, 38. — 28a3c*. 39. a:2^V. I, 2. Given. 3. 6fljca;2 + 8c2d 4. i^aWx—6acdx + 3«^- 5. —8^25^ -\-6ab^d—2bdm> 6. — 15«% + 2oa2^cH-ioaV 7. 8. Given. I. 6aa; + 3Ja; + 2ay + Jy. 298 DIVISION-. Page 40, 24. 24a^x^—6a^yK 16. a^b^+2adcd 2. 2,a^+4ay 25. 6/2_|_^^^_j_^^^ + c^d^. —lbx—\ly. + ^ca;2. 17. 9a^—4y^* 3. \2M—2>cd 26. Given. 18. rz;4__^2. —4ad + ac, 27. ^2_^2. 19. x^—2xy'^-\-y^. 4. 6ixt/—2ab 28. «^ + a3_|.^_|.j^ 20. 4«^— ic2. '\-6cxy—2ac, 29. x^-\-^x^y 5. z^x-\-4'bx—cx +3^y'+f' Pwgre 45. —Z(iy—Aby-\-cy. 30. a2'^ + 2a'^Z»« 6. ^ax-^^ay + az 4-52-. I, 2. Given. •\-ibx-\-zhy-\-lz. 31. a;2 4-2:ry + 2a;2? 3. 36. 7. i^cdmx—Galm + ^2+2y;2; + ^2. 4. 24 chickens. — 2icdnx-{-gah7i. 5. Given. 8. 24abcx-\-i2mx 6. 48. —Z2ahcy~\(imy, JPagre 45. 7. i960. II. labd^xyz"^. I. a^-{-2a+i. 8. I960. 12. \iaUH'''^\ 2. 4a^ + 4a+i, 9- 25. 13. aV+^ 3. 4«2— 4c^^ + ^l 10. i6w~ 14. c:z;(«4-^)^. 4. 2:2+2a;y + ?/2. II. 56. 15. 5^(«_^)5. 5. x^—2xy\-y\ 12. 77. 16. abc(x-{-yY'^''. 6. I— ;rl 13. 36 apples. 1^, ~3^(« + ^)^. 7. 49^^-14^^+^^ 14. 70 sheep ; 8. i6m^—gn^. 100, both. 9. ic4_^2. 15. 16 and 12 P«9re 41, 10. I — 4gx^. 16. 24 plums. 20, a^-{-h^. II. i6:z;2— 80:4-1. 17. 42. 21. a^^^s^H^**. 12. 25^2^105+1. 18. 144. 22. a:^ + a;2-j-i. 13. I — 2a; + 2:1 19- 2if; i4f 23- 3^ + 4^^i/ 14. i+4^ + 4''i'^- 20. i4yV bu., one; — I3z2— 4:z;2^2 15. 64b^—48ab 6^ bu., other, + 222:^-30. + 9«^. DIVISION. Page 47. 4. 5^^. 7. sab' I, 2. Given. 5. 5- 8. z^c. 3. 2^5. 6. 2/7i 9. 4mn, DIVISION" 299 10, II. Given. 12. — 3C. £3. 7J. 14. 5^- 15. -65. t6, ydf. 17. —gag. Page 48, r8. Given. 20. a:®, ^i. c^. 22. 2:^. 23. 4^» 24. — • y 25. Given. 26. 8a^»c2. 27. — 6^2f. 28. 5a5. 29. 72;2?/. 30. «Jc. 31. 2a5c. 32. Sx^y^z, S3. Sa^c. 34. i2d^x^y. I2iC2 a 36. 12X^z\ 37. iim^n. 35- Pagre 49. 1-3. Given. 4. I^+(^-\-d*. 5- 3^+5- 6. 35^—14-45. 8. — 2a;+y. 9. y^+z—i, 10. — 5a— 45 + 6. 11. sab—sa. 12. — 4a;2 — scP ■{■ax, 13- a^— 5^ + 25. 14. i+5«— 9«^. 15. 2a—4h—sc. 16. 2(^ + 5)2 + 3^(«4-2')2. 17. 9i?r-9^. 18. a;(5— c) 19. 3^2 — 2a. 20. a— a^+tt^. I, 2. Given. 3. i»+y. 4. «— 5. 5. «2_2a5 + 52, 6. c-^-d. 7. a;— d 8. 20; + 32/. 9. «— &. 10. ic+y. 11. a^+ah-^-l^. 12. 3). 1. 10 yrs., son ; 46 yrs., father. 2. 15, F.'s m. ; 45, J.'s m. 3. 12 and 60. 4. 12 and 45 p. 5. 31 cts., ist; 62 cts., 2d; 97 cts., 3d. Page 52, 6. 20 cows ; 180 sheep. 7. 13I, less; 43 J, greater. 8. 9. 9. 5 hours. 10. 8. 11. 7. 12. 5 of each. 13. 4 hours. 14. 32>%' 15. 10. 16. 7 m., A's No. ; 14 m., B's ; 21 m., C's. 300 FACTOEIiq^G 17. ^2x, A'sm.; ^x, B's m. ; $Sx, C's m. ; $14^, all. ^^' 5> 15^ and 20. 19- 10, A's; 20, B's; 30, C's. 20. 8, 16, 24 21. 24. FACTORING, T'af/e 54, I, 2. Given. 2, 3j 3j cf^^h, 2, 2, $hxxxyy. 5, 7» aaabicc. 3, 7. ^?/«/;2;;a;;?. iixxyyyz. S* 5^ 5^ abhcxxx, 9' 1, uaahccd. io» 5> ^Ziifnmnnnx, Page 55, 1-3. Given. 4. ^ (y + . 14. a — 5. 1-5. Given. 15. a;3 4. 3a;2 4. 32: 6. a; — 2/. + 1. MULTIPLES. Page 68. 7. si5x^f2^. 13. Q^ + a?'— a;— I. I, 2. Given. 8. Z^mhiY* 14. 6a^ 4- iia* 3. 56fl4^,2cs^. Page 69. -3«-2. 4. 2>oxY^' 5. 9oa3^%'5. 6. 42oa^J*. 9-11. G 12. a* -f _ 7,; iven. — 2. 302 BEDUCTIOK OF FBACTION^S. REDUCTION Page 74, 1-3. Given. I d' I a — h x — y zy — 3^, 2X — 2Z I X I OF FRACTIONS. X' '-\-f X a + x I a — I I x + y 3- h Page 75. 1. Given. 2. a — x. a 4. h ^ c. 5.5 + . + ^--. 6. a — h. 7. 5 + 7 b — a 8. a + a; + 9. 3a; + I - « fl^ — X I. 2. Given. ^ A^y — h , X^ — X o. • a; 4- I i2«c — a + 5 '• — 3^ — 5^ J'asre 76. I. Given. i2ywa; 2. 6m 24a%x iSac^ 4- 24b(^ 6^ a^ — y^ 66?V?/ — 45a;2y 3«2 — 2b Page 77* I, 2. Given. ab 2I«2 49« ^ — y^ ^' Q? — 2a;?/ + y^ 6. 32 Q;3(a:4-y) REDUCTION or FRACTIONS. 303 Page 78, I, 2. Given. 3 2CX 2ld CpX 2dx' 2dx^ 2dx 6. lO. II. 12, ac^y 2hxy 2(^x^ zc^xy' 2(?xy^ 2c^xy 2c? 4- 2db 2>^x x^ — 2rry + y'^ a::^ -[- 2xy + ^2 «2 -{- «5 15^ — 3 3« ' 3«^ * 2Wc—2T)^d :^ac—T,ad 2it^c^l6^d zWc—^d 2'bxy hz 4az 2bz ' 2bz' 2bz ax + ay 6x -\- 6y 2X + 2y 2X + 2y 2X^ ^y 2X + 2y c? — 2ax 4- a^ a^ + 2ax -\- a^ a^ — Q? 2. Page 79. I. Given. 2acx 4i^c^ hxy 4dcx' 4bcx' 4bcx 2,(?d 2'bcx 2>bxy ^ay 4by zcy 5- \2X 12?/' 12?/' 12?/' \2y 4abc^ Sod b x^y i6a^ jSa^c 24a; 6. —- ^ , — 24a^c' 24a^c' 240^0' 24a^c ac 2cd 2xy 2bc' 2bc' 2bc 8. 10. II. 13. (a-^by (a-bf a^^W- a^ — b^' a^ — W' a2_j2 4xy{x^ y) 6a{x-hy) 6xy(x-\-y)' 6xy{x + y)' abxy 6xy{x + y)' ad bx aW' aW b'^cdx acdm aWchV aWcH' aWM '^^ ayz + byz dy^ x^z xy\ xyH ' xyH 4cmx^ -\- 4cnx^ 6acm — 6acn :^a^m^x i2a^cx^ ' i2a^cx^ 304 ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. ADDITION Page 80. I, 2. Given. 2xy Sgdxz Sabc X ya + 2b 7. Given. rage 81, 8. Given. 10. II. 12. 13. 4$a + 12:?: + 20^ 60 Sax -]- 6 -\- <)ay 12a ah — ac + hx -\- ex z^ — y 2xy 2a + 2ax 4- 3 ay OF FRACTIONS. am — dy ax — a y + ahx + «5^ 5g<^ + 3Q^^ + zbda? ^' iSdx ^ah — 2dn — d^ 16. 17. 18. my nx — mx my — 7iy 19. — 6. 4adx + 6hcx — Mm 20. I. Given. bdx 2. a + c + hx -f 2d 2X 3' x + am — ay — dx -\-bd bm — by 4. $d +a -\- b — c xy + z Sdh 5- 5^ + 2flj — by 2b~^' Page 82. 6. Given. ^bd 4- 2« 7. ^-^— . 8 ^ + ^ — 4gy . c X -\- y ^ a^ a 3^2 _ 2a;y — y^ 4- a — b x-^y X — y — a^ -i- Sab — 5^ II. ^ 7 "^ — a — b 2x^-\-2xy— 2x—2y4-a-\-h X— I 10 12. MULTIPLICATIOK Of FRACTIOi^S. 305 SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. rage 84. rage 83 I, 2. Given. gahc 3- 4- d 5, 6. Given. ay — dm ■\- hm ^' " my 8. hy — f/y -f- J?;i 12 /i?/ 4- 7im 4- dm 10. -^— ^= ~ my h — my II. ^. y , M + c7t 12. a A 9 — • cd 6« + 55 — 2^/ 13- 14. « + I 11. 8a;2 + 122;. 12. 2ax — 2bx + 3« — 35. 13. abc, a + b 5 5 9c — 3^ • 4 17. 3^y + 3^- 18 ^' rz; — j5 Page 87. I, 2. Given. 3. 6xy. 306 MULTIPLICATIOK OF FRACTIOKS 4. 5- 6. 7. 8. 9> II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. I. 2. 3- 4. 5- 6. 'ay 0? — y^ yh + «/;2;2* 3 8« -1- 24a; ^ (o? + ^) 10. Given. y — 3^ 2xy h — 2a 2,ab ly xy -\- 2X -\- y'^ -\- 2y xy xS — y^ ~^ 2& + 4. Page 88. Given. abdx dbd 4- acd xy mx + nx — — — • 4 4«c + 4cA sr— I 8. 7a; — 7«:r. aco; — acy 10. 12. 13 14 Zac 2aa^ 4- 2«:p 3^ — 3 Sx^y a-\-b 6am X ■{- I 2dbxy 4- y^xy 4« 4- 6 15. I — w. ^cx — 3^a? 1, • 4 2. 3a;(?/4- i). xy -\- 2X -\- y^ -\- 2^ ^' ■" ^^^ 4. 9a:. S-6- 6. X, x — z 8. 6ay. 9. a?-5^3 2i?7 4- y 10. -^- 5 X/^ — IP 12. 254-4. 13. 2a (c 4- d). y — 3^ 2xy 15. y"' 14 DlVISiei^ OF FRACTIONS. 307 I 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- lo. II. 12. -4. Given. 2« Wo' a; Vb DIVISION OF FRACTION 4. Given. 7.^. 21/ 8. a; — I a^ — a 10. II. 12. h -\-c Given. 3 times. 5- 9. Given, a^ + 20? + I a?' — 20^+1 oc^ — y'^ ^ — xy^ + ^y — ?/3 2x^y 3 11. 6. 12. - 2a + 2^ ^ z^j^zy^ abcxy X — a 15. 3<2:2; + 3^^ a — h 13- 16. -4^ 3«2J + ilz 18. — . ' 4^y° I. Given. abdmy ex mx -f wa; ax + a;2 253^2 — ^xy y 6 50^^ + 5« rr + I 7. 32; — 3fl5:r. jPasre 9fl. 5^ 243^J/^' 24^^ x-\-y 22,XZ 308 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. U (x — y) 6. c 7. Given. a 8. £0. « 4- a; c + 2 3« (c2 __ ^) ' 2C 11 a2 _ «c 4- c2 12 4 (q^^ — zaa; 4 a^) IX 13- («^ 4 hf X a^ -\- 2X •\- I c X SIMPLE EQUATIONS, Page 97. 5. 24f 12. 24. I, 2. Given. 6. Given. 13. 14. 3. a — J 4 c — ^. 4ad 14. -i^. 4. a 4 ^ —ab + c. 15. Given. 8. '^^- 2h — c ] t6 Page 98, 9' 7i* 5. Given. i6c Page 102, 6. 2 — a 4 5. 10. 15 16. 12. 7. ^>-|-c — « — 3. 17. 60. 8. «6Z — ^c 4 2m 18. 4. — 8. Page . 101. 19. 20. 9. 17 — sai — d. I. 8. 20. aJ 4 ac. 10. 4^6? 4 6? — 3M 2. 50. dn 21. — • — I. 3. 30- a II. 32 — c 4 6?. 4. 9. 6c 12. II. 5- 7. 22. T' 3^4 2b 6.9. ad — be 23. • 7. 72. ^ ac Pagre 100. 8. 3a 2ab I, 2. Given. 9. 5- 24. ac— 2C 3. 15. 10. 28. 5« 4 13-^ 4. 12. II* 12. ^* 24 ONE UKKKOWK QUANTITY. 309 24^ + I. 50c — 2005 52 b^ 26. ^r 3« — 6 45 a— I 2 27. 4 ^'- 2 28. I 32. 7*- 2a — I a^(c — a ■}- en- -ac) 3Z' 34. 29. C2 rage 103, Page 105. Page 106. 34. 20. I. Given. 15. 13- 35. 24. 2. $8, vest ; 16. 30. days. S^' I. $32, coat. 17. 240 m., one; 37- If 3. $1500, A; 180 m., other. 38. i6f $3000, B ; $4500, C. 18. 12 in., one; 39- lA- 4. 40 men; 16 in., other. 40. 36. 80 boys; 19. $25, H. ; 41. II. 880 women. $175, 0. 42. 1200. 5. 40 miles ; 20. 8h. 24m. A. M. 43- i4f 80 miles. 21. 9 A days. 44. 5- 6. 1 33 J barrels. 22. 32 of each. 45- 4f. 7. 12 p., ist; 1 23- 30, 75, and 45. 46. !(.- ^). 24 p., 2d ; 60 p., 3d. 24. 25 cts., ch. ; 47. 2a — 25 4-c 8. 28f feet. 75 cts., goose; 26 9. $120. $1.50, turkey. 48. 3a — 6 10. $50, B's sh. ; 25. 8 ft. 8 in. 4 $100, A's sli.; 26. 40 and 60. 66? $150, C's sh. ad , 49. 5^* II. 18 yrs., w. ; 27. — . — -7? less. c + d' 50. I — 8« I + 8a 7,6 yrs., m. 12. $3000. ac , c + d' ^''''^'■ a 13. 16 and 41. 28. $1128. ^i- 2. 4 14. $6000, 310 SIMPLE EQUATIONS, Page 107. 29. Given. 30. 60 lbs., b.; 1 20 lbs., m. 31. isyrs., B's; 30 '' A's. 32. 32|yrs., C's; 37l " B's; 40J " A's. 33. 1 1 75 votes d.; 1325 " s. 34. 164 artillery; 472 cavalry; 564 infantry. 35- ^533i B's; $633^, A's; Ussh O's. 36. $56.25, one; ^93-75> other. rage 108. 37- h3^> V^- one. I280, " other SS, i4yrs.,y'ngest; 16 " next; 18 " eldest. 39. i6|days. 40. 550. 41. 30 and 18. 42. 13 43. 225 acres, A; 315 " B. 44. 2f hrs. 45. 5, istpart; 8, 2d " 2, 3d " 24, 4th '* 46. 9. 47. 47 sheep. 48. $120. rage 109, 49. 60 min. d 50. m — n 51. 300 leaps. 52. a — c he one. , other. 53. 72 lbs. 54. 36 hours; 312 miles. 55. 2oyrs., s.; 40 yrs., f. 56. 280. 57. $324, ist; I108, 2d ; $144, 3d. 58. Given. Page 110, 59. 8, ist part; 12, 2d '' 16, 3d ** 60. 9 in. and 1 2 in 61. $75. 62. 27 days. 63- ^J575> one; $2625, other. 64. 12 days. 65. $720. dd, $384, sum ; I162, A'ssh.; $118, B's *' $104, C's " 67. Given. Pasre m. (i%, 6 and 8. 69- 3456, one; 2304, other. 70. 3 m. an hour, 71. 400 in., or 33i ft. 72. 8 k. of one name 6 k. of another; 3 k. « " 2 k. " " 73. 7 and 8. 74. 240 leaps of d. 75. 100 days; 30000 m., ist; 24000 m., 2d ; SIMPLE EQUATIOifS. 311 Page 114:. 1. Given. 2. x^% y=4. 3. ir=i2, ^=6. 4. a;=i8, «/=2. 5. ic=i, 2^=3. 6. rr=i6, «/=35- 7. tr=3, ?/=2. 8. Given. 9. .T=4, 2/=5- 10. x—df y=i2. 11. a;=5, y=6. 12. ic=io, ?/=3. 13. a:=ii, 2^=9. 14. a;=3, 2^=2. Page 116, 15. 16. Given. 17- ^-3. 2/=5- 18. a:=:4, y=T, 19. a;=7, «/=2. 20. x=i6, 2/=35- 21. a:=3, ^=2. 1. a:=4, «/=5. 2. ir=8, y=2, 3. a;=5, ?/=3. 4- ^=Zy y=4' 5. ir=3, ?/=4. 6. 0^=12, y=3. 7. ^=3. y=5' 8. t?;=4j 5^=3- TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. Page 117. 9- x=S4> y=4^' 10. a;=4, ^=2. 11. x=i6, ^=7. 12. a;=8, y=i» 13. a;=6o, 2/=36. 14. x=io, y=z20. 15- ^=5? y=2. 16. x=2, y=4. 17. a.=8, y=6, 18. a;=4, ^=9. 19. ic = 6, «/=I2. 20. ir=i8, y=i4. 1. a;=43, ^=27. 2. 4 cts., lemons ; 6 cts., oranges. 3- 233 v.; 142 v. 4. 21 and 54. 5. $48, cow; $96, horse. 6. 40 1.; 50 g. 7. 3 and 2. 8. mil m., one; 9999 m., other. 9. 56. 10. $320, B's; $250, A's. 12. I900, A's; $2400, B's. 13. 31 and 17. 14. $6000 h. ; $2500 g. 1 5. 30 and 20. 16. $560, B's ; $720, A's. 17. 25 y. and 35 y. 18. I180, ist; $115, 2d. Page 119. 19. 140 m., ship; 1 60 m., steamer 20. 12 and 18. 21. 108 ft. 22. 3oyrs.; 13 verses. 23. 10 1. ; 30 g. 24. 3 oxen ; 21 colts. 25. 53- 26. $5000, B's cap.; $4800, A's " 27. $21 or 63 g. an 28. x = y = n+i* a n-\-i 3VZ GEKEBALIZATIOK. THREE OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES, rage 121, 6. ir=24, y = 6, ^=23. I. Given. 7. ^=7i y = 10, z=^. 2. x=7, y=s, Z=4* 8. ic=24, y = 60, ;z=i20. 3. x=2, y=s, 2=5- 9-1 1. Given. 4. x=S, y=4, Z = 2. 12. W=2 , X-. =3» y=A, ^=5 5. x=4, «/=3, z=S' 13. X=2 > y-- =3, ^=4. 4. 630 men, ist; 7. 18 = ist; rage 123. 675 " 2d; 22 = 2d; I. 12 yrs., ist; 600 « 3d. io==3d; 15 " 2d; 17 " 3d. 2. I5, s. ; $4, 1- ; $20, c. 5. 50 cts., ist; 60 " 2d; 80 " 3d. 8. 40 = 4th. 46 m., A's; 9 " B's; 7 '' C's. 6. 105 min.. A; 9- $64, A's; 3. 5, 8, and 11. 210 " B; I72. B's; 420 " C. I84. C's. G ENERALIZATIO N. rage 125. 12. 22|-hrs. 24. I5625. I. 3 chickens. 13. I67.32. 25. 1842I A. 2. 30 rods. Page 129. 26. $55.80. 3. 12. 27. $190,32. 4- S^TTrFS- 14. 9077. 28. I1253. 5. 7 ft 6. 34. 15. 1x036.12^. 29. $418.60. 16. 587.19 bu. 30- $5250. 7. I205, $187. 17. i2f per cent. 1 8. 40 per cent. 31- 32. $3865.86. $1339.29. Pagres 127, 128. 8. $961, A's; $614, B's. 19. 60 per cent. 20. $3000. Pages 130-133. 33- 34. 35. 36. $222.22+. 2i yrs. Given. 3h. i6T^m.p.M. 9. 1248, g.; 21. 137500- 37- 6h.32y8ym. P.M. 902, 1. 10. 4f days. 22. I31250. 23. $2700, B's; 38. 9h.49-^m.P.M. II. 5|lirs. $230C . C'8. INV0LUTI02«" 313 Page 137. 2. aW(^' 3. aWc^, 4. .T^^/V. 5. a^b^c^, 6. i6x^y*. 7. 2\6a^h^. 8. 62sa>W(^. 9. 64«i2^,6^i2. 10. aW(^(P. II. a;y5f. INVOLUTION. rage 138 12. (a+^y^. 13. (« + ^')^ 14. (a: — 2^)'««. 15. (^ + ^r- 16. («3 4-J3)2. 17. aWii2. 2'ja^^ 19 20. 8^3 21. - 22. 23 49^ 2»» rtvnn'lMy.n 26. ic3_j_6/p2^ _j_ 62^3 4-120:^2^242:^ + i2X-{-2>y^ + 243/2 + 24^ + 8. 1. «4 + 4fl3J + 6aW + 4a5s + J*. 2. i«5 _ 5^4§ 4. loaW — IOa2^,3 _{. 50,^4 _ J5. 3. c^ + 1(^d + 2ic56?2 + 356^^ + z$(^d*^\-2lc^d^-{■^cd^+d^, 4. ic^ -f 6a:5y + i5.T^?/2 ^ 20:2:^2/^ 4- isa:^?/^ + 6xy^ 4- ?/^. 5. x"^ — 7a:^y 4- 2 la^y^ — zs^y^ 4- 35^^^ — 2 1 a:^^^ 4- ^xy^- -y'^. 6. ^^® 4- loyh 4- 45«/^;2;2 4- \2oy*7? 4- 2io?/V 4- 2<^2y^^ 4- 2\oif^ 4- 120?/%^ 4- 45?/22« 4. io?/;2;3 4- 2;io. 7. a^—ga% 4- 36a'^^2 _ 34^6^ 4- i26«5J4 _ 126^4^,5 ^84^8^ 8. m^^ 4- iim}^n 4- $$m^n^ 4- 165WW 4- 33om'';i* 4- 46 2772^^2^ 4- 462771^7^^ 4-33om%''4-I65m3/^8 4 55^27294-11^7^*0 4- w'^. 9. a:'^ — i2x^^y 4- 66a:io^2 _ 22ox^y^ 4- 4952:^7/* — 7920:'^^ 4- 924a::6/ — 'jg2X^y'^ -\- 4gsc(^y^ — 22o:x?y^ 4- 66:z^yo — 122:7/1* -f 7/*2. 10. a*4-wa"~^J-f- w — I I „_o 70 , n—i n - fl^** 2 52 _j_ ^ ^ _ (?"-3 5s >»- n — 2 7i — X X 3 4 #4- etc. 314 EVOLUTION, 13. 0^ -{. ^x^ -\- ^x + I, .14. h^ — 4b^ + 6b^ — 45 + 1. 15- I — 505 + loa^ — io«3 -I- 5^4 16. I -j- ^« 4- n — I a^ + n 71—1 n — 2 X a^ 4- etc. 2 23 J*a3, 13- (i3)^^V- 14. ya^y. 15. 30^3^7. 16. 1^. 1. Given. 2. ic 4- 2. 3. a— I. 4. I -[-X, 5. ^ + 1. 6. « — J. 7. ^ + -• 8. Given. 9. a; + «y 4- 2;. 10. a — 2(3> -f I. 11. a^ -\- 2b — 2. 12. I — 2^2 4- ir. 13. 20^ — 4a 4- 2. 14. a X y 15. ~* y » Page 156 1-5. Given. 6. aVb- 7. 2a v^. 8. 6\/xy. , 3 /- 9. 6v3. 10. i5V^5. 11. ^SaV^b. 12. 3a\^2^. 13. 2m\/i — 3^> 14. 4^V^2^- 15. sa\^b. 16. 6a'v/i3C. 17. I2a'\/ll. rage 157» I. Given. RADICAL QUANTITIES. 4. («3^(i296)i 5. v^i5625, v/87, ^8. 6. ^^4^8^ '^T^. 7. v^«~^ v^i^". 8. ::;7^, "^i-. 10. v^c^+Ty, II. ^{x — y)\ 2. ^/8^. 3. ^/(zfl^ 4- yf- 4. V(« — 2^)2. 5. a/9«^^- 6. ^8^7^. 7. yi6x^y^z. 8. l/"^. 27 9. ^27 (« — J)' 10. 11. V^rti2^. 12. \/(« — bf, 13. a/«^. J><«. 8. 95\/2&a;. 9. a~2. 10. ilVs- MULTIPLICATION OF RADICALS. Page 162. 1-3. Given. 4. 90A/10. 5. aJic. 6. a/«^ ^. 7. \acxy. ' 8. a\/«^. 9. Given. 10. v«^ « 11. 42A/2. 12. 12a. 13. 6. 14. ^ax. 15. Given. 16. Vs- 17. 2^/5- 18. (w + w)'V^//z4-yi 19 V" 4. Vs^^^ or «\/3«^- 5. 3\/^. 6. (a^ta:)i DIVISION OF RADICALS 7. i2(a«/)i 8. 35\/^. 9. -^V&. 10. 2a V^f 11. (« + 5)«. 12. i5a:V^. 13. 'v/a; — y. 14. l6\/2. 15. 32- KADICAL EQUATIONS. 317 INVOLUTION OF RADICALS. Page 164, t, 2. Given. 3. at 4. 18a;. 5. Sa. xi 6. — V2X. 4 7. Saa^Vct. 8. 9&2. 9. a2_j_2ay^-}-^. EVOLUTION OF RADICALS. rage 165, 1. Given. 2. 3V^a. 3. 2V^3:r. 4. ^9^«/- 5. 'V/SR^ 6. \/^bc, '• ^r 8. aci 9. 2«^V 10. fl^^J^*^. 11. Vza. 12. fl«^6w^«. 1-3. Given. 4. ak 1 a 5. a^c^, 6. (« + h)l 7. Vttc. 8. \^x-{-y, 9. 'V^« + J. 10. a/« + 5 + c. Pai/e i67. I, 2. Given. 3. a; — 4^/9. 4. 3- 5. A/7 — v«- 6. 31. 7- Vs^ + ^3^. 8: a — 5. 9. 3'v/a — Vs. 10. 4^2^ + sVb. Page 168, 1-3. Given. xys/ci -\- Vc) A/3 — I A/3 4- RADICAL EQUATIONS Pages 169, 170, 1-3. Given. 4. (d — a— cy. 5- 25. 6. 4f|. 7. 256. 8. 1 100. ' I — fl 9- 3^- 10, 21. 11. 252. 12. 2« 13. Given. I 14. IS- «a/}. 16. Given. 17. 4. 18. ^. I 19, 1 —a 318 AFfECTED QUADRATICS. PURE QUADRATICS, 14. ^= ± 2. 2. a? = ± 8. Page 173. 15. X=:±S, 3. 40 rods. I. Given. 16. X=: ± 1. 4. 30 rods. 2. X=±^. 17* ^=± ' . 5. 12, one; 3- ^ = ± 3- 4. ar = ± 4. 18. a— I Given. 30, other. 6. $6. 5- a: =±5. 19. x=±s. 7. 80. 6. x= ±4, 20. a; = ± 2«. 8. 15, less. 7. a;==±6. 21. x = ±Vc^ + (P 60, greater. 8. a; = ± 4. 22. x=±\. 9. 27 yds.; 9. ic = i V6, 23- X=i±^/w^^l^ I1.50, price 10. x= ±: 7. 24. x= ±26. 10. x=z ±: 16. II. a; = ± 2. II. 77 ft. 12. 0;= Jt «• Page 174=, 12. x= ± 16. 13. a;=±i. I. X^±Z6, AFFE CTED QUADRA TICS. rages 178, 179, 7. a Page 181. 1-5. Given. '^Tb I, 2. Given. 6. a; = 6 or 2. ^/ah-{-d-{- f,. 3. 3 or - 4*. 7. a; = 9 or — I. V 4^^ 4. 5 or — 6. 8. a: = 3a 8. — 205 5. J or - 2. 9. Given. 6. 2 or — J. 7. 4 or — 4|. ±Vb'i- Aa\ 10. 15 or —4. 9- 7 or — 5. 8. 4 or — I. II. 20 or — 7. 10. 3 ± 2V— I. 9. 3 or — 4-|. 12. Given. II. 6 or — 3. 10. 9 or 6, I. Given. II. 4 or - 3f 12. 2 or — 3. 2. 10 or — 7. 3. 2 or — 5. 13- ^ Page 182* 4. 3 or i|. ± 2(; I. 3 or I. 5. 4 or - I J. / W \ hd—ch-\ — z. 2. 4 or I. 6. a; = 2. V 4^ 3- 3ori. AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 319 4. 2 or — 12. 5- liorf. 6. 1 1 or 3. 7. I J or — li- 8. - J or - iM. 9. 4 or 2^. 10. i±V—a^+i' IT — m 12. I or — if. 13. I or — 28. 14. 10 or — ^. 15- -ior-i 16. 4 or — I. 17. 4 or — if. 18. 5 or — 4f. 19. I J or — |. 20. 4 or — I. 21. if or — f. 22. 4ior 4. 23. 3 or — if 24. 4 or — i|. 25- |orf 26. f or — I. 27. n ±m. 28. 3^ or 3a— 3 J. 1-3. Given. ± 2 or ± ^2. ± A/3 or J or — J. 8. I or - 9. 4iorJ. 10. 4 or — 2lf Pagres 184, 185. 1. 8 or 4, one ; 4 or 8, other. 2. $60 or $40. 3. 6 or 4, one ; 4 or 6, other. 4. 1 6s., $5 each. 5. 5 or — 6|. 6. 16 scholars. 7. $30 or $20; $20 or $30. 8. 60 or 40, one ; 40 or 60, other. 9. 36 rds. length ; 28 " breadth 10. 20 in file; 80 in rank. 11. 10 lambs. 12. 2 and 2. 13. 4 and I. 14. 121 yds. long; 120 ** wide. 15. 6 m., A's rate; 5 m., B's rate. 16. 120, A; 80, B. 17. 42 and 6. 18. 4 lemons, A; b " B. 19. 14 ft., length ; 10 " breadth. 20. 12 rows; 15 trees in each 21. 52. 22. 20 persons. rage 186. 23. 8or— 10, less; 15 or— 12, gr. 24. 16 and 20. 25. 50 and 25. 26. 121 and 25. 27. 12 ft., fore-w. ; 15 ft., hind-w. 28. 2 or —18, one; 18 or —2, oth. 29. I and i, 30. 3, less; 18, greater. 31. 16 or 36 yrs. 32. 28 rods, length; 20 " breadth. 33- 15 yrs., A's; 8 yrs., B's. 34. 20 lbs. pepper. rages 188, 189. 1. Given. 2. a; = 4 or 3; 2^ = 3 or 4. 3. a; = 7 or 5 ; ^ = 5 or 7. 4. x = S, y =z 6. 5. a:=io or — 12; y=i2 or — 10. 6. tz; = 10; y=i2^or7. >j3iO ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION?'. 7. iC = 9; y = 4or Iff. 9. a; = 5 or 4; ^ = 4 or 5. ro. a; = 5 or —3; «^ = 3 or —5. ti. a; = 3; 2^=2. ^2. x=±s; 15. 2?= 15 or 12; y= 12 or 15. 3. J. 4. |. 5. f 6. 2fl^. 7. 3^- 8. 10. 9- i- Piagre 204, 2. 4. 3. 6400. 4. 12. 16. a; = 21 or — 7, ?/ = 7 or — 21. 17. xz=62s; y=i6. 18. a;= 2 or i; 2/ = I or 2. 1. 8 or -4, gr.; 4 or —8, less. 2. 30 yrs., wife ; 3 1 " man. 3. 0^ = 9^2, gr.; ^=±^2, less. RATIO. 10. J. a 11. — 2 12. X — y. 14. f 2 15. — •^ 3a: PROPORTION 5. 32 and 24. 6. 10 and 3. 7. 16 and 12. 8. 6 and 4. 9. 48 and of. \. 40 rows ; 25 trees in each ;. 40 yds, length; 24 " breadth. 9 and 3. 1 1 and 7. 31 rds., length; 19 " width. ± 7 and i: 4. 25 m. and 23 m. 1 2 and 4. 3 or — 2, one ; 2 or —3, other. 19. Equality. 20. Equality. 21. Gr. inequality. 22. Less inequal'y. 23. f I > ¥• 25. 7. 26. 98. 10. TI. 12. 13- 430 r., length ; 320 r., breadth, 20 r. ; 30 r. 9 and 15. 20 and 16. 2. 9. 3. (>^' ARITHMETICAL 4. — 5- 5. If 6. .91. 8. 43- PROGRESSION Page 207* 9- 15- 10. 44i. II. 49^. 12. 3^'' a. GEOMETKICAL PROGRESSION". 321 Page 208, 2. 762J. 3. 216. 4. 1400. 5- 25i 6. 610. 7. 175- 8. 810. rage 209. 1. 58. 2. 278. 3. II. 4. —43- 5. 2}. 6. -fj. 7. 1024. 8. 192. Page 210. 1. 175- 2. 1 130. 3. 6. 4. 6. 5. 259. 6. 13. 7. —II. 8. o. 9- 255- 10. 62. II 61. 1. I, 7, 13. 19.25, 31- 2. 3. 7 J, 12, i6|, 21,25^,30,34^, 39> 43|. 48. 1. 47. 2. —6. 3. 102. 4. 2, 1 1 1, 2I§, 31, 4of , 5oJ» 60. 5. i683f 6. 98A. 7. 5776- 8. foioo. J'aflre 213. 9. 5- 10. 6, 13I 2o|, 28, 35i 421, 50. Slh 64I, 72. 11. 12, 21.6, 31.2, 40.8, 50.4, 60, 69.6, 79.2, 88.8. 98.4, 108. 12. 975- 14. 3, 5, and 7. 15. loioo yards, 01 5|: mi., nearly. Page 2 14. 16. 156. 17. $62.50. 18. $667.95. 19. 30c, 20. $1.20, int.; $2.20, ami 2f. 20, 40, and 60. 22. 16.61 + days. 23. 30. 40, 50. 60. 24. 3 days. 25. 140. 26. $i78,]astpay't; I5370, debt. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION Page 216. 1. 160. 2. 4374. 3. 4i. 4. 320. 5. 112. 6. —31250. P^ iges 217-221. 3- 2. 2. 1 17 18. 4. 3- 3- 9999. 5. 6. 4- 27305- 6. 5. 5- 3885. I. 242. 6. 8525. 2. 2. I. 30000. 3- 500 2. 15625. 4. 5. 322 BUSINESS FORMULAS. 5- 215- 6. 567. 2. i, 2, 8, 32, 128. I. 4371. 3- 7174453- 4. 2imu. 5- 9565938. 6. 43046721. 9. $196.83, 1. c. ; I295.24, wh. c. 10. $10.23. 11. 2, 6, 18. 12. I4294967.295. 13. 10, 30, 90, 270. Page 223, 14. $120, $60, $30 15- 3. 15. 75. 375^ 1875. 16. $108, I144, $192, I256. 17. 1^,01 I.I. 18. 8, 4, 2, I. INFINITE SERIES. Page 231. 1. li. 2. J. 3. I. 4. if Pagre 257. 2. 1548.86. 3- I-973- 4. Ill 6. 78. 7. .0375- 8. 14.38. 9. 2.723. 10. 2906.3. 5. 2. 6. 9. 7. 10. 8. }. LOGARITHMS. 11. .1814. 12. — 4.619. Page 239. 14. .0003321. 15- 33-335- 16. 191.77. 18. 5.23. 19. 1.0836. 9- I- 10. • a — I ir. 50 rods. 20. 2.504. 21. 2.124. Page 240* 23- -342 + . 24. .546+. 25. .324-f. 26. Given. BUSINESS Pages 245-260 2. $349.60. 4. i6| per cent. 6. $12600. FORMULAS, 8. $840. IP. $600. 1 2. 1 6f years. 13. 10 years. ^5* 2| per cent. 17. $2010.14. 19. $5414.28. 21. $2769.23, pr.w.; P-77: disc. 22. $6000, pr. w. ; $1800, disc. 24. $1718.75- 26. $2125. 28. $2.33j. 29. $8.83+. 31- 5MI^ per ceiki. 32. 12^ per cent 33' 9ts per cent. 34. 0. 8 per cents. ^6. $24630.54, in.; $369.46, com. 38. $1332. 3?- $6290.15. TEST EXAMPLES, 323 40. $905.80. 41. $3278.69. 42. $2278.48. 44. $6130.67. 45. $2767.60. 47. $2336.25. 49. $14166.67. 51. $14775- 53. $249.77. Pages 265-268, -6. 4. 6v — I. 5. V—xy, 7. I- V? y a/2. 10. 5 c a 2. Impossible. 3. Impossible. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. Pagre 274, 75«. 57^+ 7- 3ff2; + 3fl5j-f2C(^ 7^6? + 3Cf? — io:c?/+ 5rym. 31. c (3^ _ 6Z»2c — ccl). 3^ (2/ — 3^ 2x2 (2« — i). X (a— l). 20, II. 17. 24 shots. EST EXAMPLES. rage 275, 18. ±^/ab ± « + I 4 19. 20 a — h x{zxy + 2z), 22. (3^_c)(3^ — c). 23- • 24. 640 rodSc 25. 29 J miles. b-i 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- ^ I — «^ 32. 120. 33. $50. b+ I I. a — b 3^2 «^ 34. 35- 36. 37. 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. 50- 51- Page 276. 6 hours. x = s; y 2. 85 f miles. 8ig.;5il. x = 4', y = 6\ x=2) y = ^', X r= $40 A, y = $60 B, z = $80 0. 3 meters f. w. 6 " h. w. 8 ft. one; 10 ft 49 ana 77. 48 meters. $2.46 a meter. $100 horse, $200 carriage. 324 TEST EXAMPLES. 52. . 53. 65 hectares y. 100 " elder. 54. 26. 55. I5 1.; $6s. 56. 577 v.; 848 V. 57. 9oyrs.A;45y. B; yy. C. 58- 9 Vsj 59. 2/ a/i + «. Page 278, 60. {:c^)^ (f)i. 61. V27 (a — h)\ 62. 90 cts. 63. $10; $18. 64. 15 men. 65. 28 persons. 66. I4 b. %(k w. 67. 9. 68. «. 69.-!-. ^ I — « 70. « -f J. 71. 240 liters. 72. . 73. 12 and 8. 74. ^180. 75- A- 76. $90. 77. ^321. 78. 24 s. $5 pr. 79. 81. 80. 45 m. ; 105 m. 81. 80 A; 70 B. 82. Vx — ^7. 83. V3^ + vsy- 84. ^2 ^ 6t? — 2^2^/ + 9 — 6^^+^^. 85. 1 1 2000 Mayor; $1200 Clerk. S6. 216 g. ; 3of 1, l^agre 280. 87. 8 and 6. ^^. 8 cts. 89. 10 days. 90. I1407 B; $469 A. 91. $50 cow; I200 h. 92. 6 miles. 93. 100 ft. x6oft. 94. lh 12^ 17, 2 if, 26f 95- 637!.^ 96. 50 pair. 97. 18 and 14. 98. 32 h.; 75 1. 99. 10 y. B; 30 y. M. 100. $105. Page 281, 1 01. 8:43^7yo'cik 102. 250 pp. A; 320 " B. 103. 20 days. 104. i4f yrs. T05. I30. 106. $9000 whole i $4800 A; $4200 B. 107. 184 V. and 185 V. 108. 24 d.; 48 d. 109. 45. no. 6, 18, 54, 162, 111. 16 hats. Page 282, 112. 97656250.^^ 113. 10 ft.; 30 ft.; 50 ft. 114. 95; 42; 82. 115. 2, 4, 8. 116. 12 weeks. 117. |i8o; $120. 118. |!30. 119. 45 A.; 55 A 120. 14348906. 121. 125 p. 175 b 122. 375 men. " OF THE DIVERSITY ^D 21-100^-8/34 Is and *rooklyn been to e lower itiaustive ic which but that enabling e author n posses- ience into products, lies are fol- bff is made to take the ' Sentential d through to lar and High .-. This work ae of analyz- e Btudent to that is being unfolded, to '. G. 6. Albfe, ool, Oshkosh, York. AText-Book on English Literature, Witli copious extracts from the leading authors, English and Ameri- can. With full Instructions as to the Method in which these are to be studied. Adapted for use in Colleges, High Schools, Academies, etc. By Brainerd Kellogg, A.M., Professor of the English Language and Literature in the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, Author of a " Text-Book on Rhet- oric," and one of the Authors of Reed & Kellogg's " Graded Lessons in English," and ** Higher J^sons in English." Handsomely printed. 12mo, 478 p] The Book is divided into the following Te\ Period I. — Before the Norman Con Prom the Conquest to Chaucer's dej From Chaucer's death to ElizabetT beth's reign, 1558-1603. Period Restoration, 1603-3660. Period death, 1660-1745. Period VII Revolution, 1745-1789. Pe: 1789, onwards. Each Period is preced< great historical events tl ing the literature of th The author aims ' ' help himself to. their relations to the authors' ti helping- to asshonlrl' allow^ 8el( t . Period II.— 0. Period III.— eriod IV. — Eliza- th's death to the storationto Swift's th to the French rench Revolution, brief resum^ of the . shaping or m color* that which he cannot places in the line and pil; it throws light upon great influences at work, it points out such of these limits of a text-hook would writers of each Period. Such are c traits of their authors, both in of these extracts have ever seen the them have been worn threadbare by iiie pupil's familiarity with them in the^ selections are to be studied, soliciting and exactmg tii^ jm.«.i.^..u a.h ^y^.cj step of the way which leads from the author's diction up through his style and thought to the author himself, and in many other ways it places the pupil on the best possible footing with the authors whose acquaintance it is his business, as well as his pleasure, to make. Short estimates of the leading authors, made by the best English and American critics, have been inserted, most of them contemporary with us. The author has endeavored to make a practical, common-sense text- book : one that would so educate the student that he wot;dd know and enjoy good literature. '• I find the book in its treatment of English literature superior to any other I have examined. Its main feature, which should be the leading one of all similar books, is that it is a means to an end, simply a guide-book to the study of Enj;li!?h literature. Too many studants in the past 'have studied, not the literature of the English language, but some author's opinion of that literature. I know from ex- perience that your method of treatment will prove an eminently successful one." — Jarms H. Shults, Prin. qf the West High School, Cleveland^ 0. Effingham maynard & Co., Publishers, New York.