fjiifi in Library 1^^' Bureau of Railwaj; "T^ _ ^ Eccnonics. , April 12, 1915 List of References on Maxirr.ur'-ay Pasoerger Fares. General RailMvay age . :;;■;.■•,•.•■•>• Agitation for two cent fares. ..•;•;,' •.■ , '.,■';' (Railway age, v. 41; 262; Feb. 16, 1906) ' ^ :.".•"• ^': :•:: .'. Two-cert fares in the states. (Railvay age, v. '^2: 151; Aug, 3, 1906) Two-cent mileage wanted in ths Southwest. (Railway age, v. 42; 299; Sept. 7, 1908) 3y travelling men's organizations. Two -cent fares for all. (Business man's magazine, Oct- 1906; 47-51) Thompson, Slason. Passenger fares on American railways; also on those og Great Britain and Germany , with special reference to the apita+ior for a t'Vo-cent maximum fare. Chicago, 1906. 36 p. . Railroad gazette, T'.vo cents a rrile in Canada. (Railroad gazette, v. 42; 54; Jan. 11, 1907; ■■?n l)y;-e, J. E. Railroad passenger rates . (Vsm Norden magazine, v. 2; 108-11; June, 1907) Bellet, Daniel. Chronique des transports. (Revue economique Internationale, 4th year, v. 3; 207-25; July, 1907) The danger in making statistical compa.risons in railway affairs, passenger tariffs and two-cent laws in ihe United States. f Interstate fares on the two-cent bases . (Railway age, v. 44; 123; July 26, 1907) Ireton, Robert E. The legislatures and the railroads . (American review of reviev/s, v. 36; 217-20; Aug. 1907) ' Two-cent fare reduces sale of mileage books. (Railway age, v. 44: 778; I'ov. 29, 1907) ( Eggleston, W,. G, Mind-curing a rate-maker. (Ar.erica!-i magazine, v. 67: 207-21'''; Dec. 1908) Charges of less than 2 cents on special trips. 438185 c t, r ., ,> ». •; (HaJlrcda ■ , ' " • ■ - ' - j Surriinary of "tjioe s'atSo /■ ^v\';~3 . Effect of two-ci;nt . latior Island lines . (Railroad age gszette. ■ -': -Ij; iV-r. <,o, 1909) In li So-tes . '^^inchell ,B. L. The travcli::f -;al';smar ■ ^'-. y. -■' -; . :Sf.. at banqi'et of National association of cov-ine^xi :il travelers. Chicane, July 27, 1909. 6 typed l-eaves. Scott S: Str ingfellov (iranker?, Pichnlor.d) A- study of the rate .uedti;i'. ^ i:^. ferer ;e to the Chesapeake - ' -^^ • : ^: ,3 ar.d ctT^ ' '■"' : : :iai:. LR^Ph.nond, 1912j 23 p. 4° Fa j 1 way age' gaz i^t t e [ Editorial j Effect 01 t\^C'-cen-o fareo oa passange"" tri^iiic £..r.d (Railvay age g-asette, v. 52" 4-13-14; Mj.rch 6, 1912) Reeixcacs as 1 ' ^i-_;" j cat ioi. 1^ '^..■.r i . -voy 3. ours -je j certs par iTiille aux (Rev'j° g^ne-cijL'; des ciie;^.!^^ de f-?-, j5th '/ear, 2d sen.: 126-8; Aug. 1512) Two-cent :c're docioio.; may ..iPan relief io roads. (Weill streeL journal, Oct. ], j912, r. 5, col. 5) U.S. Supreme, court. ' The Minnesota rate cases. Opinion of tne Surreys court rf the United Stcites in the casen 9' George '"^ . 3]irpson et ?l . , Hants, v. David C. Shepatd Vifashington, 191?. 55 p. (oTid Ccn?^., Ist L'eca, Senate. Doc. 54) A decision of far -rea^ 1' irr .'mporb^nco in its effect on passenger rates. Reductions in passer.jer ard .r; ^..-.. i..trit;. (Ra.ilway age gaze-^te. v- 54. \618, Tare 2^7, lil3; Result of the I.linnesota docj-jcn in WeL-t Virginia, I'.issouri and Liir.nesot 'Manufacturers;' new^ [i]c i ^or Ir'l J '^ Increase pasfsngei- i;a"?ed ('"•-srufacturers' nevs , v 4: L; De". . "3, 19" 5 ; £256 Failvvay age f^iA.Z9-\le [.''k- ;■■.,(/ i-i.'O L Passerpers^iei ■- ' '-■ ^- ■ ;.,.c . . (Railv-ay ggo g^7.a\\ . 1—1'^, J nr. . 30, 1-;14) On the liPM" 'ior'-, I'ej Havs.; £,rd 'ir.x c-' c : '^ . ^-S. Interst ate cc.T.ncrce CL.m>r' ssi r . Hans Trier •--. '.'h i Cc.g:i , St. 7'd-u , l!inr.eai..ol j s si 0;:,aha railway coinnany et al. Decided May 4, 1914. Repurt 0' Conin-J ssi or .. (30 l.C.C, p. 351-56 \ Kans Trier v. Chicago, St. Fu'l . "iinneapolis c: Omaha railwj^' cor.pany et al . June 13, 1914. Supplgr'e.-t . - \D I.C.C, '? . 707-710) Oii the reascnabloi^ed.;- „. le rc.'"es .7.. Interst te corirr.srce coFirfjiss' . Corporcvtion conn-J -gj or of Oi- _ ..^ ... .„ a^ . vc . Atchissn, "'^--pel :. &. Sant? ?■= raJlvy.-.y~^coi:npany et al . Report of co-r;i 3sion- Decided July 18, 1914. (31 I .C.C., p. 531-43) 3-cer.t fares on into;^. , ; . '\rkansas,, Oklahoma, JLtloU:;h cxcee-ur; .' -0 of 2 csrts a mile, not urreasonc.b_e . -3- Raii\.ay aee gazette [Frlit nr j alj The Interstate commerce ccornn: csionaand passeneer fsres. [ (Railvay zxzezic , --. :?: Z/?; Aug 2^, ]-?1A; Commerce commjss.' or. reiec ,. ^' ;. -c .1 * ible series of decJsJcrs as:verts ^i.c.z t'7o-c&nt ra'oe enforced -:.ates is unprofitable (Wall street journal, Sept. 1, 1^14, p. 2, ccl. 1; Higher pasrsenger fares ,.-,,, -s^.-^-^.^i ,, T. ■ r:,-,,-4- " r ". .- , ^ . (International railvo.y journe.l, v. 2b; Gspt . 11.14. " ^^ ■'fell street [S-:^. it -^ rial J Higher passenger fares. (Wall street journal, Sept. 3, 1.914, p. 1, ccl. 2; Traffic world [Editorial] Increased passenger rates. (Traffic world' ,v.l4: 537; Oct. 3, 1^14) '"'all street journal, Nov. 1", 1914, p. 1, col. 2) Cutting off T.j'eir ovn rrsps. (Wall street journal, I'ov. 16, 1914, p. 1, col. 2) Protest of the Illlrrit c;mm"^rci al nen's as'^oc iat ion against the ;roposea increase in passenger irJleage , Mev York TTimes [Editorial J Raising passenger r'^.tes . (I-Iew York Times, Nov. 20, 1914, p. 8, col. 3-4) 100'-2 'c Adams. C. V. "^ A former railroad corrmi rsioner ' s views on passsr.c-er ra.res. (Railway asre gazette, v. of: 102-103; Jan. 15, 1915) Roads seek higher passenger rates-. Officials present their case to if'ectern states, (Journal of commerce, -Feb. 5, 1915, f. 7, col. 4; The Campaign for increased passenger rates. (Railway review, v, 56: Itil-iv ; Feb. o, 1915} ''■ailwayage gazette [Editorial^ The campaign for advanie in passenger rates. . (Railway age gazette, v, bb : ir.5o-5o; ""eb. 12, 1915,' The "C ::pc.ign of ccT.acr" for n'gn-^r p^ssen-cr f a-"es . i^, . ^ n Illinois and other st^i.tes c.ppesi direct tc people for restor.,.G .' c: :: :.lf of- r.^duction (\.'w.y L'.ge g.-zette, v. 55: 259-60; Feb. 12, 1915/ _ Campaigns in Ohio, I-i;J..ii)a, Michigan, Illinois and lowaj through railroad commissi ens in Mebraska and liissouri. RaJlway revi ev/ [Editorialj ■'The caiT^^ajgn for c^dvanced p^.sserger fares. (Railway review, v. 55: '213; leb . 1.^, 1915) -.^e for aavanced ;:.:ssen:;er r.tes. :-on'Cle. R...J.l\i'ap and i n .' -^^-i^; :J. sect .ion c-t": -.!_ - -- in'ustrJal section, v. iOC / ^ The IcT* f j:cii. ,■ TiL^tes- at 2 1/2 oents per mile on railroads over 100 mile^ i.. icr.ct.. '.Vcis S'proved LL.rch 23, 1907. Iji_ Public service laws •- : Al'aba.Tia, Art. 7, no. 5563. associaxjon of railway comrii ss i ons . Proceedings of zhe 23d annu;^ ccnvention ... digest of decisiors of the federal and state courts... compilatioK of the laws of the states pertaining to rail- ways... ChJcago and Washington, 1912. 1507 p. 4°. p. 289. (This volurie ".;'ill be referred to hereafter as"NatJonal association".) There has br-.en constant litigation in the natter in the Federal and district circuit courts, 'ef erer.ces : Al ab ara r at e 1 av . (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: 913-14; j'.pr. 23, 1909; Ar j zona 1913. A law fixing a raximurr. fare 0: 3 cents -'as aof roved by refererdun vote. In Arizona St:tutes, 1913, p. 17. Arkansas . 1915. A. bill to perinit Arkansas r..--)lroads to show the Railroad conr'.i ssi on that the present 2-c6nt fare is not compensatory- and to permit the CoirjTiission to raise the rate to 3 cents rer r.ile if a proper showing is made -'as refused Vy the Ser.ats, February 16, 1915. C-irnect ; cut . 1915. Bills introduced; I-louse no. S24, providing rr^ax 5 "lun rate of 2 cents per r.ile . House' 812. Thousand-mile nilea^e books for ^20. Both were reject el on March 10. Georgia . 1905. A law was pa.ssed in 1^.05 p^^ov! .".inr for r_ '-.j_xim'.---' r ; . - ■• f 3 certs per mile. References : Georeii. brc^velers after two-cant fares. {R.':^- .ee, v. 41: Hay 13, 1905) IlliiLnds . 1907. A 1. . -, in^ raximu:, ^ .1 2 cents per -ije^ .— .^r-i-r^i ": - ^^jl^^O" In PublJc service 1j;:-s, ncs. 223--235. 1] .t .. '^ ..ssoc iati on, p. 440 ' St.-t'.;te3 of th? state of Illinois rel.^-'-in" -- v ! -; s ; . ' "re- 1^11, f c. .1-54, p..lQ3. 1^13. Two-cent : w w-s trended by act of 1913 .(:..-. ;;::: 3 , 1^1:, p. 50e) In L .-..'s of ll'.-'no.'S oert' ng to the jursd ict ' 3r of th; St.'te Publ.'c utilities -- --'-n. '.^1-''- p, 75. Ai'so ir /•-eric-:- ■ — ■- '---h, li^li-xxh' y Illinois (cortinued; "■"" Poi'ererces ; Litj~..tJo: r ,i. o-'.ent f.ura Jr. Illinois (F;;.i;/-ay ■ £ , . .. . . ; ; /^;r. 10, 1?08) Illinois. rL.Jj.roc. iind ''^irehouse corrjnissi on . Comment on increased nurriber of passen'''rG ; ' . .■ . ... r.. .f earnings per mile. Ir. its 33th Annual report, 1S08. p- 6. T wo -c e nt 1 aw i n val j d (Traffic 'vorld, v. 10: 516 j Oct. 5, 1912) In the opinion randsred 'by the UiS. District court, in the case of the C.,P. .i St. L. R.R. against the state, 1915. Bills providing for 2 I/2 ce.nt fare have been discussed in both 'louse and Senate. The "estern Passenger Association and comnu'ttees of raiJ^-ay officials have issued pamphlets, and circulars in connectior; with the cair;pa3gn for 2 1/2 cent passenger fares irillinois, lova and other western st ites, among which are the following: Address of President Marlcham, representing a committee of presidents cf Illinois lines before Governor Dunne, February 3, 1915. Reply of Governor Dunne, February 3,1915. "Be fair to the railroads". What the Illinois ne-.vspapers are saying about the raiiroa.d passenger fare question. Indiana. 1307. A two-cent fare lav/ v/as in force April 10, 1907. Xn Acts of 1907, p. 62, Sec. 5195-97. National "issociat ion, p. 452. l'-09 . Two-cent fare law amended. In_ I.-diana Statutes, 1909, ch . 18. = 07 Iowa A 1..W olas-sifying railroads in 3 classes and providing fcr 2, 2 I/2 and 3 cer:ts per mile Vi/as approved February 28, 1907. It repeals Sec. 2076 and 2077 of the Code of Iowa and substitutes the sajr;e numbers. In_ U ti.-..nal association, p. 517. Laws of Iowa relating to railiaps, ex-'.ress com-.\.r -W;s . . . 1900. Sec. :-07b.. 2077, p. 435-437. References . Injunction against tv/o-cent f.res deried Jn Iowa. (Railv.'ay age, v. 44: 89; July 19,' 1907. Injunction ilesi -ed of Judge ilcPnerson. Results of ti.'o-cent f . re I' av ''V. low. (R'. 0\'av , V. ':"; 315; '..rch :, ..'^1.-) lo ■-. ;...3be;';er f re jo'r.ed. {y' ' - ■■ 3 g^.^et. bs, vt : ' -r9 ; /v<- . T, ;':: Aowa ^,co■ntin•■^ea J -C- 1915. Bills providing for m increase of tlie maxinium fare fo 2 1/fe cer,ts 1- .-jle have been inTod'-ded and rijscussed. The I'^e.'^tern passenger association has issued par.phlets and circulars in connection vdth the ca"~ipajp;n for 2 1/2 cent fares in Iowa, cirnong which are the following: Address of Mr. S. M. Foiton, president, Chicago great western railroad, before the Commercial clat of Des Moines, Iowa, March 2, 1915. Statement addressed to Hon. G-eo . V/; Clark, governor of Iowa, February 16, 1915. The Nation and the railroads, l^rny the present railroad crisis is of '-rave concern to the nation and to the people of Iowa. Statement and argument on behalf of the railroads of Iowa, asking for an increase in passenger rates, and that the Iowa Board of railroad commissioners be given autiiority over passen-er rates. Kansas . 1S07. A law of 1907 requires a 500-mile ticket at 2 cents a mile and a maximum one waj' rate of 3 cents, (wavs of 1107,0 ■■:■ . .?72. sec. l) References : Two-cent fare order of Kansas commission. (Railroad -asctte, v. 42: 461; Mar. 29, 1907) Two-cent fares in Kansas. (Railroad gazette, -v. 42: 814; June 7, 1907) Kansas (Railroad commission) demands tv/o-ceiit fare. (Railway age, v. 44; 89; July 19, 1907; RailwaLys refuse two-cent fare in Kansas. (Railway age, v. 44: I6l ; Aug. 2, 1907) Kansas commission and two-cent passenger rate. (Railway age, v. 4-4: 264; Aug. 23, 1907) Demands- two -cent fare in Kansas. (Railway age, v. 44: 296; Aug. 30, IGO-^ . Com.plaint by the Board of railroad commission ers . Orders two-cent fares. The Board of railv/ay com.miss ioners for Kansas took action late this afternoon... Talk of the unreasonableness of the rate, but offered no proof tc support it. (Kansas City Star , Sept. 3, 1907) Two-cent fare natter in Kansas. (Railway age, v. 44: 366; Sept. 13, 1907) To put in two-cent fares in Kansas, (Railv/ay age, v, 44: 440; Sept. 27, 1907) Suit c.gainst two-cent fare in Kansas. (Railway age, v. 44: 514; Oct. 11, 1907) 12 railways filed petitions for an injunction in the federal court at Topeka. 1909. A law prohibiting a cha.rge of more than 3 cents and maicing other provisions, whjch are mileage books at 2 cents, slightly amends the .1-.W of 1907. I_n Dassler's General statutes of Kansas for 1909, Sec. 7193, 7199. Kansas railroad and public utilities law... 1913, Sec. 233, p. 98. I^ational assor:ia+.ion, p. 555- L , Kansas (continued) -7- 1915. Bill introduced providing that railways of less than bS miles whose income doesf not exceed a certain amount, ivaj^ charge 5 cents per mile. (House no. 118. Senate no. 389 is similar. House concurrent resolution no. 34 protests the allowan^'" by the Inter- state commerce commission of increased raLlrond r.-^ . Kentucky . 1913. 2 1/2 cent fare law passed, applicable to larger railroads. In Kentucky statutes, 1914, ch. 68. Maryland . Baltimore busirpsr> men opT^se two cei:t fare ^proposed]. (Railway age, v. 45: 779; May 29, 1908) Massachusetts . In March, 1915, the Public service commission authorized the establish- ment of a' 2 1/2 cent ra.te . Reference ; Hustis, James H. ' Statement of James H. Hustis... and extracts from remarks made by Hon. Marcus P. Knov/lton . . . before the Public service commission of Massachusetts on hearing in the matter of proposed changes in passenger rates. January 6, 1915. 15 p. Michigan 19rt7. Law fixing two cents as passenger fare approved April 4, 1907. References : Two-ceirt fare law in effect in Michigan. (Railway age, v. 44; 477; Oct. 4,1907) Rpsults under two-cent fare iii Michigan. (Railv.-ay age, v. 45; 316; March 6, 1908) 1908. The law of 190^^ was amended by fixing 3 and 4 cents for smaller distance In Acts of 1909, Chap. 288. American year book, 1910, p. xxi. 1911. Tne twc-cent law was amended. In National association, p. 747. Re'fftrences ; Two -cent fares' in Michigan. (Railroad age razetto, v. 50: lO"? ; May 5, 1911; In regard to the .signing of the bill. What one railroad shows. (Michigan investor. May 23, 1914, p. 10. Comment on statement of Detroit & Mackinac R.R., showing number of seats per passenger, v/ith remarks on injustice of two-cent rate 5n Michigan. Michigan, (continued j --8- 1915. Bills introduced: Kjuse no . "lio ,167 , ^,.:, 107; to inc^ ><...:.o iJ^.dsenger'rates . Senate 126, 30,?, fix."ng 2 l/2 cent fares on all except trunk lines. Senate resolution 56, requesting information on rates. References ; Michigan. Railroad commission. [CoiTimunic^.tion to the Michigan Senate., pertaining to the annual increase in revenues accruing to Michigan railroads from increases in passenger and, in freight rates. March 15, 1915. (Journal of the /Senate, March 18, 1915, p. 534-39) [Communication to the House giving viev.-s "6n the question of permittii the railroads of this state to increase their passenger rates." March 3, 1915j (Journal of the House, March 4, 1915, p. 477-82) Towsley, A-. W. ' An appeal to the people of Michigan for justice for the railroads of Michigan. A few facts... [I915j 4 p. Abstract in Railway age gazette, v. 58: 2S3; Feb. 12, 1915. Towsley, A,. W. An appeal to the legislature and the people of Michigan for fair treatment to the Michigan railroads on the question of increa.sed . passenger fares. [1915]- 13 p. Minnesota. 1913. Law passed limiting fares to 2 cents for distances over 5 miles. Iji General statutes, 1913, par. 4,285, 4,287. In the case of the State ex. rel. the Attorney general, v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway (150 N.W. Rept . 172) the Minnesota Supreme Court held that the language of the 3ta.tut5 is ambiguous. Reference ; Adjustments duo to Minnesota rate case decision. (Rctiiroad age gazette, v. 55: 68; July 11, 1913. For ether comrients on the effect of the -fiinnesota rate case decision by the U.S. Suprene Court, see the General sect ion - 1915. A- bill, Senate 586, to amend the 2-cent lav; by changing the maximum rate to 2 1/2 cents was defeated in the Transportation committee of the Senate . Missouri. 1897. A bill providing for two-cent f^res was introduced. Reference : Elliott , Howard . Argument against the two-cent fare "cili. (Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 27, 189 v. 11 p. 339 5 1907. According to law in Effect July 4, 1907, the railroads were classified and passenger charges regulated and no-vimuii- placed at 2 cents in most cases . In_ Laws of 1907, p. 171, Sec. 3231, 3232 and 3233, iJaticnal association, ^-^ . 792 References ; Missouri rate laws . (Bailroad gazette, v. 42: 912; June 21, l-^O? ) Litigation over two-cent lav; . (R..-.ilway ace, v, 43: 1191 ; June 21, 1907; r Missouri (continuerl) -9- * Tv'o-cent fare matters {^Ir. i/iisscuri and Illinois j. (Railway a~e , v. 44: 25; July 5, 1907) The Missouri rate cas®. (Railroad age gazette, v7 45: 1414; Sept. 20, 19C8) Argument in Missouri rate case. (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: ■2.31; Jan. 29, 1909) Missouri rate law unconstitutional . (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: 511-13; March 12, 1909) Abstract of the decision by Judge McPherson in the U-S, ict court, March 8, 1909, in which the Iscci was declared unconst Jtut-- ~" The Decision in the Missouri rate case. ^ i onal^. (Railroad age gazette, v. 45: 689-90; March 26, 1909) Passenger fares in Iiissouri. (Railri'oad age gazette, v. 46: 770-71; Apr. 2, 1909 Missouri rate case (Railroad age gazette, v. 46; 817; Apr, 9, 1909) Suit to prevent advance in Missouri passenger rates. (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: 867; Apr. 16, 1909) Suit brought by Governor Hadley; temporary injunction issued and appeal made to the Supreir^ court. Passengeij" rates in Missouri. (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: 914; Apr. 23,1909) Missouri passenger rate situation. (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: 1002; May 7, 1909) There has '-een much litigation in regard to the two-cent law, in which "che following cases are prominent ; State ex. rel . vs. Public service commission. 168 S.'/.Rep. 1156. In the Supreme court of Missouri- The Missouri southern case. State ex. rel. vs. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railv/^ Co. . 172 S.W: Rep. 35- Decision rendered by the Supreme court of Missouri, Dec. 19, 19K-. 1915. A' bill requiring the Public service CDiTimi ss ion to make a physical valuatioj of railroad property in the state before allowing increases in passenger fares was passed by the House. The Senate refused to pass it. Reference : Missouri. Public service commission. Report of the Public service commission to the state Senate in answer to a resolution passed February 12, 1915. 14 p. As to whether the present rates are sufficient to yield a reasonable comipensation. Nebraska , 1907. Law limiting passenger rates to 2 cents per mile was passed in Miarch,1907 In National association, p. 851. Reference ; Two cent law in Nebraska. (Railroad age, v. 42: 371; March 15, 1907) 1915 . A bill to increase rate to 2 1/2 cents has not passed. New Hampshire. -■:0- 1909. A law was passed in 1909, amended in 1913, providinf Tor mileage boo i'r. cf 500 r.iles at 2 cents a. mile. The Public service commission ordered 2 cents as the maximum rate in 1914 and suit was brought in the U.? District court, October 17, 191' by the railroads to determine the legality of the' order. References ; Two cent law questioned. (Public service regulation, v. 3 : 630; Nov. 1, 1914) The New rate for i.-ileaj^e tickets, 2 l/4 cents, • went into effect March 9. (Railway age gazette, v. 58; 541; IJarch 19, 1915) North Carolina. 1907. The law prescribing a maximum rate cf 2 l/4 cents went into effect Juj.y In Public laws of 1907, Chap. 216. Reference ; Winston, Robert W'. The passenger rate var in North Carolina, (JTouth Atlantic quarterly, v, 6: 342-4'?; Oct. 1907) 1908. prescribing a maximum charge of 2 cents a mile on railways of mor« than 100 miles, of 3 cents on roads of less than 100 miles was approved February 1, 1908. It repealed the law of 1907. In Acts of 1908, Chap. 144, Sec. 1-9. National association, p. 1014. Korth Dakota. 1907. A, law -prescribing a maximum rate of 2 l/2 cents a mile and family mileage books u-as approved March 13, 1907. In National convention, p. ir48 . Reference : Passenger fare reduction in D^.kcta. (Railroad age gazette, v. 55: "97; 0:t. 24-, 1913) As a res'^ilt of the Minnesota decision. Ohio . 1906. The Iciv/ providing for 2 cent laws was passed in February 1906. In A compilation of the lav/s of Ohio affecting the regulation of rail- roaas ^.d public utilities, 1913- Sec. 8977, p. 549. Citations and constructions of the law, p. 550-54. References : Two-cent fares not affecting electric lines in Ohio. (Railway age, v. 41: 526; April. 5, 1906) Ohio two -cent passenger rate . (Railway age, v. 42: 52; July 13, 1906) Interstite fares reduced on account of Ohio two -cent law . (Railway age, v. 42: 267; Aug. 31, 1906) Pennsylvania company. Statement of Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburgh, in connection wixh the proposition to fix a iraximum rate of two cents per mile, which railways may charge for transportation of passengers in the state of Ohio. [Pittsburgh, 1906]. Effects of two-cent fare in Ohio. (Railv>/ay age, v. 43: 78"< ; May 17, 1907) Will seek repeal of Ohio two-cent fare law. (Railway age, v. 44: 440; Sept. 2"^ , 1907) Ohio ^ iauea ; -^1- Williaras, John C. Two-cent passenger rate. Facts thereon. Washington, December ,1907 . 5 typed leaves . 1915. A bill v/as introduced in th? House (noi 338). cinending section 89TV of th'e General code, maxing a naxiraum passenger fare of 2 1/2 cents. Hearings were held before the Public utilities comn-jttee in March. The bill has been tabled. References ; Two-cent fare in Ohio. (Erie railroad employes' ma~azine, v. 10: 721-23; Feb. 1915) Peck, George L. Condition of Ohio railways. [March 15, 1915. 14 p. fold. tab. 8'^. Before the Public utilities committee of the Ohio House. Peck, George L. Rerarks of George L. Peck, in presenting the case of the railroads of Ohio for increased passenger rates before the Committee of tne Ohio legislature, March 16, 1915. 7 p. fold .table, 8°. Willard, Daniel. Address of Mr, 'Daniel Willard before the Public utilities ccramittee-. Ohio House of representatives, Columbus, Ohio, March 16, 1915. 12 p. Johnson, Lucius E. Address before the City club of Cleveland... Thursday, March 18,1915 6 p. 8°. In regard to the condition of Ohio railroads and the 2 1/2 cent fare b ill . Oklahoma. -'The Constitution of Oklaiioma, Section 37, provides for a 2-cer.t per mile passenger f ^^re . Much litigation has been connected with it. In National association, p. 1106. References : Passenger fares in Oklahoma. (Railway age, v. 44; 856; Dec. 13, 1907) Oklahoma injunction forbidding 2-cent fares. (Railroad age gazette, v. 48: 326; Feb. 11, 1910) Bill to make 2 lA cents a mile the legal rate. (Railroad age gazette, v. 54: 514; Mar. 14, 1913) Oklahoma railv/ays [agree to establish a 2-cent larej- (Railroad age gazette, v. 55: 63; July 11, 1913) OklaJioma. Corporation commission. Two cent fare litigation. In its 6th Annual report, 1913. p- 2-3. 1913. A- law was passed in 1913 making 2 l/4. cents the legal rate until other- wise ordered by the Legislature or the Corporation c omm..ission. In Oklahbma laws- 1913, chap. 130. References : A New phase of regulation in Oklahoma. (Railroad age gazette, v. 55: 410-11; Feb. -27, 1914. By the Corporation comjaission. 1915- A bill has been introduced to raise the legal rate to 3 cents and hearings have been" in progress. N ^ 1907. The la"/ making a r.ia:cimuni i-ate of 2 ccntr per rJle vas approved April 5, 1907. Much liti-jation has resulted. The construct 3 or, of the act as to the Pennsylvania railroad is Ik PennoylvanJa Supreme court reports, 220 Penna. 100; as to the Philadelphia and Reading in 228 Penna. 505. References ; McCrea, James . Letter written by ivir. Jca'nes McCrea, president, Pennsylvania railroad company, to Hon. Edwin S. Stuart, governor of Pennsylvania. Thiladelphia, April 3, 1907. 3 p. 4-°. B. & contests Pennsylvania two-cent fare law. (Railway age, v. 44: 57; July 12, 1907. In the State court at Connellsville . Two-cent fares in P ennsylvania. (Railway age, v. 44; 440; Sept. 27, 1907. Pennsylvania two-cent fare law .lagains declared invalid. (Railway age, v. 44: 440; Sept. 27, 1907) In the of the Susquehanna 8: western. Two -cent fare causes loss on Pennsylvania railroad. (Railway age, v. 44; 892; Dec. 20, 1907) Tvro-cent fare on Waynesbury & Vifashington. (Railway age, v. 45: 225; Feb. 14, 1908) Decision adverse to two-cent fcire in Pennsylvania. (Rc-.ilway age, v. 45: 710; LTay 15, 1908) In the case of the Waynesbury 8: V/ashington. Pennsylvania two-cent fare la,v/ declared invalid. (Railroad age gazette, v. 46: 135; Jan. 15, 1909) South Carolina. 1905. A law was passed in 1905 limiting the passenger r ate to 3 cents a mile. In National association, p. 1226. South Dakota. 1907 . A law placing the maximum passenger rate at 2 1/2 cents. 1909. A. law was approved February 3, 1909, placing the maximum passenger rate at 2 cents per mile. In South Dakota Statutes, 1909, Chap. 6. National association, p. 1256. This law was held up by suspension and decision was rendered in cases of the Chicago & north v/estern railway co. whicli left the legal rate at 2 1/2 cents per mile. Reference . South Dakota passenger . rate cases, Ija 25th Annual report of the Board of railroad commissioners, 1914, p. 317-498. An account of the cases in toich the Chicago & north western railway company was a party, concerning the validity of the laws of 1907 ai-id 1909. Texas . No maximum passenger rate law. Reference : Texans condemn agitation for two-cent fares. (Railv^y age, v, 44: 402; Sept. 20, 1907). 1915. A bill providing for tv/o-cent rate was introduced and received an adverse report from tue committee. - - _ ; ;;. J. " ;• , ].:0 " , . •.■.:■.;■.'■,•-, i^ich ; s the sole sxcte e,.gency having f.,, r, re:;uired ": ^ Iroads to sho".' cause''."hy a naximu!;; pe.ssengsr rets of 2 cents should rot be put Into effect. The history of ths liti-atior. ^'c-llovdng tivis is givsr. ir. the Ai-j-/ac.l reports of the i or. corrfnission, es'^ec i ^J.lj* i, . 5th, 190'-, p. v-viii; aj-.d ir. the Gth, IC OS , ^. v-vii. Other references . Virginia two-cent mileage lauf. (Rail-ay ags , v. 1-2: 90; July 20, 1905) Argue tv.'0-cent fare i;. Virgir.ia. (Rail\7aji age, v. 42: g25 ; Mcv. 16, 120c) RichiTiond Times D is;; etch. Ch'.'.rchmar. act is null ana void... 2-cent rate la"/ unccnst itut . ( R I c h-io n a T : rs 3 I^ : s _: at c h , 1905; Ir. the case of the Co.Tinionwealth vs. Atlantic line Rail- road cor.yar.y. Opinion of the Corporc.tion cor.ur.issbn. TVi'o cent f^res ir. Virginia. (Railroad gazette, v. 42: 525; I:I?.y 3, 190?) Virginia. State corporation cor.Tir.issior. - . Opinions and orders Df the State C'crpcrr.-ion ccn'mission of Virgin; - in the proceedings to prescribe a r.-axirnur. passenger rate of t\70 cents per ir.ile and proceedings to put into effect a single ui-Jfor" freight cxc^s£;if icat ion . Decided ay the Ccmiriission or. the 27th day of April, 1907 1909. Ehs Corporation corr-iission increased the;- r."t;e to 2 1/2 cents, '.'est Virginia. 1907. A. la-; -was passed in 1907 classifying trains e,ni lirating rates for various distances. In_ Acts of 190'^, Cop. 41, p. 226. li ; t j nal as s oc i c-t i c n , p . 1427. "Tne vejidity of ths state, as construed by the state court , •"'ith resioect to yenalties end cl?s^;i f icat ion v;e,s .'phsld ir. Chesan.eake & Ohio rair.-ayco. v. Conls-, :?30 U.S-. 513." In :hs case of Coal & ccke r.iv/a^'co- v. Conley, 67. ■"''; Va. 129, the st.axute "/as sv.stj'i ned. hut jud'-ed conf ■ sc "^.tory in :ts operation ~^ with respect to ;lainxiff. The Circuit cert of Kanavha county in the case cf the I'orfolh ai'.a • estern (helor/) held the rate not conJ j scanor^'. ether references : Two cent fares iir West Virginia. (Railroad age gazette, v. 48: 541; Lfar. 11, 1910) U.o.LJupremp court. Norfolk and ves^tern railv/a/ corn,.eriy, plaintiff in error, vs. 17. C-, Conley, attorney general of the state of V/est Virginia., et al . Opinion of the court. I'3.rch S, 1915. 5 p. (lie. 197, Oct. term ISl Judgr.ent of the lover court reversed. "The state enceeded its pc'.ver in irposing 2-cent rate. Abstract in Railv/ayage gazette, Mar. 19, 1915 ,r. .530-33 . Roads vifin rate suits c^gainst two stj.tes. V^est Virginia tv/o cent fare un c o n s t i t ut i o nal . (Journal of con-.;.ierce , I.IcJ-. 9, 1915, p. S, col. 1) Railv/ayage gS-zette LEditori.'iJ The V-^est Virginic. ceases. (RailT^-tiy uge gazette, v. 58: 431; March 12, 1915; ■ . -z Vir .;. J.- ( - - .. -■'•4- Anralist [ F.cUtGi-.'aI-.j LCorni?'.3r-t or !^ r^.i-.e co'.;rt ^ecis.".. : / '"'■•^st Virginia tv^fo-cent , J (Anricdist, v. 5; 231; Llarch 15, 1S15J Two setbacks for state rcte-^nakers . (Literary digest, v. 50: 5S4-S5; !^arch 20, 1C15; CcTnent on the Supreme court decisior.s ir. the '^'est Virginia tv;o-cent fare c?.se a.nd the liorth Dakota rate case. 10655 Wisconsin. 1S07. The qj-'stion of passonger rites in "'iscoi.sin was discussed in the following : Wisccr.sin. Railroad conriisoion. A. E.Buel^ VG . Chicago, I.iilv;au.cee & Gt . Paul railwci,' company . Decided February 15, 1907. In its Opinions and decisions. Vol. 1. Madison., 190S. p. 324-507. The Commission found thi a 3 -cent rate ".'as excessive and that the maocirium should be 2 l/2 cents per mile. 1907. A' lav; requiring a ma."imum rate of 2 cents v/as passsd inl907. In Laws of 1907, Gee. 1795a, Chap. 654. A Compilatioij of lav/s affecting: the regulation of railroads, 1905- 1911, t). 74 Naticnal dssec.iat ion, p. 1445. Ref erasce : Two-cent fare bill signed in V'Jscorsin. (Railv/ay aee, v. 44: ?9 ; July, 1907) 1915. A, bill (-Asse?;bly 611) has been introduced an'ending the two-cent law tC read 2 l/2 cents a ;-nil8. Also the following: Assembly 559, providing that inter-stete rides shall not be greater tha.r Ger.ate joint res. 16. Ll-ji.-.or ■ aliz ing Congress to prevent raise cf " 1/2 cents on interstate oraffic. Genate 305, sir.ular to Asser.bly Sll. oenate 102, preventing the Railroad corni-.-.ission fro;:", insre-.-s jng the maximum rate of 2 cents. United States h'ational bill for tvo-cent mileage. (Rail-.vay age, v. 411 766; I.Iay 4, 1905) itstional bill for tv.'o-cent mileage. (Railway age, v. 41: 1239; June 22, 1906) 39 438185 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY YE 14504