ITY OF CALIFORNIA BRINTON S LIBRARY OF ABORIGINAL AMERICAN LITERATURE. NUMBER VII. ANCIENT NAHUATL POETRY, CONTAINING THE NAHUATL TEXT OF XXVII ANCIENT MEXICAN POEMS. WITH A TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND VOCABULARY. BY DANIEL G. BRINTON, A.M., M.D., Professor- of American Linguistics and Archceology in the University of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA : D. G. BRINTON, 1890. LIBRARY OF Aboriginal American Literature. No. VII. EDITED BY D. G. BRINTON. M.D, PHILADELPHIA. 1887. PREFACE. It is with some hesitation that I offer this volume to the scientific pubHc. The text of the ancient songs which it contains offers extreme and pecuhar difficulties to the translator, and I have been obliged to pursue the task without assistance of any kind. Not a line of them has ever before been rendered into an European tongue, and my endeavors to obtain aid from some of the Nahu- atl scholars of Mexico have, for various reasons, proved ineffectual. I am therefore alone responsible for errors and misunderstandings. Nevertheless, I have felt that these monuments of ancient native literature are so interesting in themselves, and so worthy of publication, that they should be placed at the disposition of scholars in their original form with the best rendering that I could give them at present, rather than to await the uncertain event of years for a better. The text itself may be improved by comparison with the original MS. and with the copy previously made by the Licentiate Chimalpopoca, referred to on page 48. My own efforts in this direction have been confined to a faithful reproduction in print of the MS. copy ot the Abbe Brasseur deBourbourg. The Notes, which might easily have been extended, I V 83091 VI PREFACE. have confined within moderate compass, so as not to enlarge unduly the bulk of the volume. To some, the Vocabulary may seem inadequate. I assume that those persons who wish to make a critical study of the original text will provide themselves with the Nahuatl Dictionaries of Molina or Simeon, both of which are now easily obtainable, thanks to Mr. Julius Platzmann for the reprint of Molina. I also assume that such students will acquaint themselves with the rules of grammar and laws of word-building of the tongue, and that they will use the vocabulary merely as a labor-sav- ing means of reaching the themes of compounds and unusual forms of words. Employed in this manner, it will, I hope, be found adequate. In conclusion, I would mention that there is a large body of Nahuatl literature yet unpublished, both prose and poetry, modern and ancient, and as the Nahuatl tongue is one of the most highly developed on the Amer- ican continent, it is greatly to be desired that all this material should be at the command of students. The Nahuatl, moreover, is not a difficult tongue ; for an Englishman or a Frenchman, I should say it is easier to acquire than German, its grammar being simple and reg- ular, and its sounds soft and sonorous. It has special recommendations, therefore, to one who would acquaint himself with an American lan£:ua2:e. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE, vi INTRODUCTION, § I. The National Love of Poetry, . . 9 § 2. The Poet and His Work, . . .12 § 3. The Themes and Classes of the Songs, . 13 § 4. Prosody of the Songs, . . . • 1 7 § 5. The Vocal Delivery of the Songs, . . 20 § 6. The Instrumental Accompaniment, , .21 § 7. The Poetic Dialect, . . . .26 § 8. The Preservation of the Ancient Songs, 31 § 9. The LX Songs of the King Nezahual- coyotl, . . . . . . .35 § 10. The History of the Present Collec- tion, . 47 Ancient Nahuatl Poems : I. Song at the Beginning, . , . . -55 II. A Spring Song, an Otomi Song, a Plain Song, 59 III. Another Plain Song, . . . . .61 IV. An Otomi Song of the Mexicans, . . -65 V. Another Plain Song of the Mexicans, . -67 VI. Another Chalco-song, a Poem of Tetlapan Quetzanitzin, 69 VII. Another, 71 vii VUl CONTENTS. VIII. Composed by a Certain Ruler in Memory of Former Rulers, IX. An Otomi Song of Sadness, X. A Spring Song of the Mexicans, . XI. Another, ....... xii. A Spring Song, a Song of Exhortation, be cause Certain Ones did not go to War, xiii. A Song of Huexotzinco, . XIV. A Christian Song, . XV. The Reign of Tezozomoctli XVI. A Song Urging to War, . XVII. A Flower Song, xviii. A Song of Tollan, . XIX. A Christian Song, . XX. A Song Lamenting the Toltecs, XXI. A Song of the Huexotzincos, Coming to Ask Aid of Montezuma Against Tlaxcalla, XXII. A Flower Song, ..... xxiii. A Song of the Prince Nezahualcovotl, . XXIV. Another,. ...... XXV. A Song of Lamentation, .... XXVI. A Song Relating to the Lord Nezahual PILLI, xxvii. A Christian Song, ..... Notes, Vocabulary, ....... Index of Nahuatl Proper Names, with Explana TIONS, ........ 73 75 77 79 8i 83 87 89 95 99 105 109 III 113 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 • 149 171 ANCIENT NAHUATL POETRY. INTRODUCTION. § I . The National Love of Poetry. The passionate love with which the Nahuas cultivated song, music and the dance is a subject of frequent comment by the historians of Mexico. These arts are invariably mentioned as prominent features of the aboriginal civilization ; no pub- lic ceremony was complete without them ; they were indis- pensable in the religious services held in the temples ; through their assistance the sacred and historical traditions were pre- served ; and the entertainments of individuals received their chief lustre and charm from their association with these arts. The profession of the poet stood in highest honor. It was the custom before the Conquest for every town, every ruler and every person of importance to maintain a company of singers and dancers, paying them fixed salaries, and the early writer, Duran, tells us that this custom continued in his own time, long after the Conquest. He sensibly adds, that he can see nothing improper in it, although it was con- B 9 10 INTRODUCTION. demned by some of the Spaniards.' In the training of these artists their patrons took a deep personal interest, and were not at all tolerant of neglected duties. We are told that the chief selected the song which was to be sung, and the tune by which it was to be accompanied ; and did any one of the choir sing falsely, a drummer beat out of time, or a dancer strike an incorrect attitude, the unfortunate artist was in- stantly called forth, placed in bonds and summarily executed the next morning ! - With critics of such severity to please, no wonder that it was necessary to begin the training early, and to set apart for it definite places and regular teachers. Therefore it was one of the established duties of the teachers in the calmecac or public school, "to teach the pupils all the verses of the sacred songs which were written in characters in their books. ' ' ^ There were also special schools, called aiicoyan, singing places, "where both sexes were taught to sing the popular songs and to dance to the sound of the drums. ^ In the public ceremonies it was no uncommon occurrence for ^ Diego Duran, Historia de las Indias de Nueva Espaiia, Tom. I, p. 233 ; and compare Geronimo de Mendieta, Historia Eclesiastica Indiana, Lib. II, cap. 31. 2 Sahagun, Historia de iVtiez'a Espafla, Lib. VIII, cap. 26. * Saliagun, Historia de Ahieva Espafla, Lib. Ill, cap. 8. * Citicoyan, from cuica, song, and the place-ending yan, which is added to the impersonal form of the verb, in this instance, cuicoa. Mr. Bancroft entirely misapprehends Tezozomoc's words about these establishments, and gives an erroneous rendering of the term. See his Amative Races of the Pacific Const, Vol. II, p. 290, and Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicana, cap. 18. THE NATIONAL LOVE OF POETRY. 11 the audience to join in the song and dance until sometimes many thousands would thus be seized with the contagion of the rhythmical motion, and i^ass hours intoxicated (to use a favorite expression of the Nahuatl poets) with the cadence and the movement. After the Conquest the Church set its face firmly against the continuance of these amusements. Few of the priests had the liberal views of Father Duran, already quoted ; most of them were of the opinion of Torquemada, who urges the clergy " to forbid the singing of the ancient songs, because all of them are full of idolatrous memo- ries, or of diabolical and suspicious allusions of the same character." ' To take the place of the older melodies, the natives were taught the use of the musical instruments introduced by the Spaniards, and very soon acquired no little pro- ficiency, so that they could perform upon them, compose original pieces, and manufacture most of the instruments themselves. - To this day the old love of the song and dance continues in the Indian villages; and though the themes are changed, the forms remain with little alteration. Travelers describe the movements as slow, and consisting more in bending and swaying the body than in motions of the feet ; while the 1 Juan de Torquemada, Monarquia Indiana, Lib. VI, cap. 43. 2 Torquemada, Monarquia Indiana, Lib. XVII, cap. 3. Didacus Valades, who was in Mexico about 1550, writes of the natives : " Habent instrumenta musica permulta in quibus Kmulatione quadam se exercent." Rhetorica Christiana, Pars. IV, cap. 24. 12 INTRODUCTION. songs chanted either refer to some saint or biblical charac- ter, or are erotic and pave the way to orgies. ' ^ 2. The Poet and his Work. The Nahuatl word for a song or poem is cuicatl. It is derived from the verb atica, to sing, a term probably imi- tative or onomatopoietic in origin, as it is also a general expression for the twittering of birds. The singer was called cuicani, and is distinguished from the composer of the song, the poet, to whom was applied the term cuicapicqui, in which compound the last member, picqui, corresponds strictly to the Greek Trofjjrr^?, being a derivative oi piqui, to make, to create." Sometimes he was also called ciiica- tlamantini, ' ' skilled in song. ' ' It is evident from these words, all of which belong to the ancient language, that the distinction between the one who composed the poems and those who sang them was well established, and that the Nahuatl poetry was, therefore, something much above mere improvisation, as some have thought. This does not alter the fact that a professed bard usually sang songs of his own composition, as well as those obtained from other sources. This is obvious from the songs in this collection, many of which contain the exi)ression /// cuicani, I, the singer, which also refers to the maker of the song. 1 Descriptions are given by Edward Muhlenpfordt, Die Re/'ublik Mexico, r.d. I, pp. 250-52 (Hannover, 1S44). * Molina translates piijui, " crear 6 plasmar Dios alguna cosa de nuevo." Vocabiilario de la Lengtia Mexicana, s. v. THE THEMES AND CLASSES OF THE SONGS. 13 In the classical work of Sahagun, the author describes the ancient poet: "The worthy singer has a clear mind and a strong memory. He composes songs himself and learns those of others, and is always ready to impart either to the fellows of his craft. He sings with a well-trained voice, and is careful to practice in private before he appears before the public. The unworthy singer, on the other hand, is ignorant and indolent. What he learns he will not com- municate to others. His voice is hoarse and untrained, and he is at once envious and boastful.'" § 3. The Themes and Classes of the Songs. From what he could learn about them some two cen- turies or more after the Conquest, the antiquary Boturini classified all the ancient songs under two general heads, the one treating mainly of historical themes, while the other was devoted to purely fictitious, emotional or imagi- native subjects.^ His terse classification is expanded by the Abbe Clavigero, who states that the themes of the ancient poets were various, some chanting the praises of the gods or petitioning them for favors, others recalled the history of former generations, others were didactic and inculcated correct habits of life, while others, finally, were in lighter vein, treating of hunting, games and love.^ His remarks were probably a generalization from a chapter in Torquemada's Monarquia Indiana, in which that writer 1 Sahagun, Historia de Nueva Espana, Lib. X, cap. 8. 2 Boturini, Idea de una Nueva Historia General, p. 97. » Clavigero, Storia anlica di Messico, Lib. VH, p. 175. 14 INTRODUCTION. states that the songs at the sacred festivals differed in sub- ject with the different months and seasons. Thus, in the second month of their calendar, at its stated festival, the people sang the greatness of their rulers ; in the seventh month all the songs were of love, of women, or of hunt- ing ; in the eighth the chants recalled the noble deeds of their ancestors and their divine origin ; while in the ninth month nothing was heard but verses fraught with lamenta- tion for the dead/ With less minuteness, Father Duran gives almost the same information. He himself had often heard the songs which Montezuma of Tenochtitlan, and Nezahualpizintli of Tezcuco, had ordered to be composed in their own honor, describing their noble lineage, their riches, their grandeur and their victories. These songs were in his day still sung at the public dances of the natives, and he adds, "although they were filled with lau- dation of their ancient rulers, it gave me much pleasure to hear the praises of such grandeur." There were other poets, he observes, who lived in the temples and composed songs exclusively in honor of the gods.'^ These general expressions may be supplemented by a list of terms, specifying particular classes of songs, preserved by various writers. These are as follows: — melaJiuaciiicatl : this is translated by Tezozomoc, "a straight and true song."'' It is a compound of melahuac, straight, direct, true ; and ciiicatl, song. It was a begin- ' Torciucmada, Monnn/iiia Iiuiiana, Lib. X, cap. 34. 2 Duran, Hist, tie la Indias de A^ueva EspaHa, Tom. I, p. 233. ' Tezozomoc, Cronica Afexicana, cap. 64. THE THEMES AND CLASSES OF THE SONGS. 15 ning or opening song at the festivals, and apparently de- rived its name from its greater intelligibility and directness of expression. A synonym, derived from the same root, is tlamelauhcayotl, which appears in the title to some of the songs in the present collection. xopancuicatl : this term is spelled by Ixtlilxochitl, xompa- cuicatl, and explained to mean "a song of the spring" (from xopan, springtime, cuicatl, song). The expression seems to be figurative, referring to the beginning or early life of things. Thus, the prophetic songs of Nezahual- coyotl, those which he sang when he laid the foundation of his great palace, bore this name.^ teiucuicatl : songs of the nobles {teuctli, cuicatl). These were also called quauhcuicatl, "eagle songs," the term quauhtli, eagle, being applied to distinguished persons. xochicuicatl : flower-song, one singing the praises of flowers. icnociiicatl : song of destitution or compassion. noteuhcidcaliztli : "the song of my lords." This ap- pears to be a synonymous expression for teucczdcatl ; it is mentioned by Boturini, who adds that on the day sacred to the god Xiuhteuctli the king began the song so called.^ miccacuicatl : the song for the dead {jniqui, to die, cuicatl). In this solemn chant the singers were seated on the ground, and their hair was twisted in plaits around their heads. ^ 1 Ixtlilxochitl, Historia Chichimeca, cap. 47. 2 Boturini, Idea de una Nueva Histo7-ia General, p. 90. * Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicana, cap. 53. 16 INTRODUCTION. In addition to the above terms drawn from the subject or character of the songs, there were others, of geograph- ical origin, apparently indicating that the song, or its tune, or its treatment was borrowed from another locality or people. These are : — Huexotziticayotl : a song of Huexotzinco, a Nahuatl \.o\\Xi, situate east of the Lake of Tezcuco. This song was sung by the king and superior nobles at certain festivals, and, in the prescribed order of the chants, followed a fnelahuac- cuicatl. ' Chalcayotl : a song of Chalco, on the lake of the same name. This followed the last mentioned in order of time at the festivals. Otoncuicatl : a song of the Otomis. These were the immediate neighbors of the Nahuas, but spoke a language radically diverse. The songs so-called were sung fourth on the list. Cuextecayotl : a song of the country of the Cuexteca, or Cuextlan, a northern province of Mexico. Tlauancacuextecayotl : a song of the country of the Tlauancacuexteca. Anahuacayotl : a song of Anahuac, that is, of a country near the water, either the valley of Mexico, or the shores of the ocean. Some very ancient sacred songs were referred to by Tezozomoc as peculiar to the worship of Huitzilopochtli, and, indeed, introduced by this potent divinity. From 1 See Sahagun, Historia de Nenva EspaJia, Lib. W, chap. 17, and Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicana, cap. 64. PROSODY OF THE SONGS. 17 their names, cuitlaxoteyotl, zxi^^ tecuilhuicuicatl,^ I judge that they referred to some of those pederastic rites which still prevail extensively among the natives of the pueblos of New Mexico, and which have been described by Dr. William A. Hammond and other observers.^ One of these songs began, Cuicoyan nohuan mitotia ; In-the-place-of-song with-me they-dance. But the old chronicler, who doubtless knew it all by heart, gives us no more of it.^ § 4. Prosody of the Songs. The assertion is advanced by Boturini that the genu- ine ancient NahuatI poetry which has been preserved is in iambic metre, and he refers to a song of Nezahual- coyotl in his collection to prove his opinion. What study I have given to the prosody of the NahuatI tongue leads me to doubt the correctness of so sweeping a statement. The vocalic elements of the language have certain pecu- liarities which prevent its poetry from entering unencum- bered into the domain of classical prosody. The quantity of NahuatI syllables is a very important element in the pronunciation of the tongue, but their quantity is not confined, as in Latin, to long, short, and ^ Ctdtlaxoteyotl, from cuitatl, mierda; tectdlhuicuicatl, from iecuil- huaztli, sello, tecuilonti, el que lo haze a otro, pecando contra natura. Molina, Vocabulario. 2 William A. Hammond, The Disease of the Scythians {morbus femi- naruvi) and Certain Analogous Conditions, in the American fournal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1882. ^ Cronica Mexicana, cap. 2. 18 INTRODUCTION. common. The Nahuatl vowels are long, short, interme- diate, and "with stress," or as the Spanish grammarians say, "with a jump," con saltillo. The last mentioned is peculiar to this tongue. The vowel so designated is pro- nounced with a momentary suspension or catching of the breath, rendering it emphatic. These quantities are prominent features in the formal portions of the language, characterizing inflections and declinations. No common means of designating them have been adopted by the grammarians, and for my pre- sent purpose, I shall make use of the following signs : — a. , short. a , intermediate. a , long. a , with stress. The general prosodic rules are : — 1. In polysyllabic words in which there are no long vowels, all the vowels are intermediate. • 2. The vowels are long in the penultimate of the plurals of the imperatives when the preterit of the verb ends in a vowel ; the Ci of the can of the imperatives ; the i of the t'l of the gerundives ; tlie last vowel of the futures when the verb loses a vowel to form them ; the penultimates of passives in lo, of impersonals, of verbals in oni, illi, olli and oca, of verbal nouns with the terminations yan and can; the of abstract nouns in otl in composition \ and those derived from long syllables. 3. Vowels are "with stress" when they are tlie finals in the i)lurals of nouns and verbs, also in the perfect pre- terite, in possessives ending in a, 6, 6, and in the penul- PROSODY OF THE SONGS. 19 tiniate of nouns ending in ///, tia and tie when these syl- lables are immediately preceded by the vowel. • The practical importance of these distinctions may be illustrated by the following examples : — tdtli , = father. fdt/i , = thou drinkest. tatli , = we drink. It is, however, evident from this example that the quan- tity of Nahuatl syllables enters too much into the strictly formal part of the language for rules of position, such as some of those above given, to be binding; and doubtless for this reason the eminent grammarian Carlos de Tapia Zenteno, who was professor of the tongue in the Uni- versity of Mexico, denies that it can be reduced to defi- nite rules of prosody like those of the Latin. '^ Substituting accent for quantity, there would seem to be an iambic character to the songs. Thus the first words of Song I, weije probably chanted : — Nino' yo I no' notza' cainpa' nicu id yec tli' ahui aca' xochiiV : etc. 1 On this subject the reader may consult Paredes, Compendia del Arte ae la Lengtia Mexicana, pp. 5, 6, and Sandoval, Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, pp. 60, 61 . Tapia Zenteno whose Arte Novissima de la Lengua Mexicana was published in 1753, rejects altogether the saltillo, and says its invention is of no use except to make students work harder ! (pp. 3, 4.) The vowels with saltillo, he maintains, are simply to be pronounced with a slight aspiration. Nevertheless, the late writers continue to employ and describe the saltillo, as Chimalpopoca, Epitome 6 Modo Fdcil de aprender el Idioma Na/niatl, p. 6. (Mexico, 1S69.) * Arte Novissima de la Lengua Mexicana, pp. 3, 4. 20 INTRODUCTION. But the directions given for the drums at the beginning of Songs XVIII, XIX, etc., do not indicate a continu- ance of these feet, but of others, as in XIX: — Indeed, we may suppose that the metre varied with the subject and the skill of the poet. This, in fact, is the precise statement of Father Duran,' who speaks of the native poets as "giving to each song a different tune {sonadd), as we are accustomed in our poetry to have the sonnet, the octava rima and the terceto." § 5. The Vocal Delivery of the Song. Descriptions of the concerts so popular among the Nahuas have been preserved by the older writers, and it is of the highest importance to understand their methods in order to appreciate the songs presented^ in this volume. These concerts were held on ceremonial occasions in the open air, in the village squares or in the courtyards of the houses. They began in the morning and usually continued until nightfall, occasionally far into the night. The musicians occupied the centre of the square and the trained singers stood or sat around them. When the sign was given to begin, the two most skillful singers, some- times a man and a woman, pronounced the first syllables of the song slowly but with a sharp emphasis ;- then the drums began in a low tone, and gradually increased in ' Duran, Historia de Nuez'a EspaHa, Tom. I, p. 230. 2 The singer who began the song was called cuicaifo, " the speaker of the song." THE INSTRUMENTAL ACCOMPANIMENT. 21 strength as the song proceeded ; the other singers united their voices until the whole chorus was in action, and often the bystanders, to the numbers of thousands, would ultimately join in the words of some familiar song, keep- ing time by concerted movements of the hands and feet. Each verse or couplet of the song was repeated three or four times before proceeding to the next, and those songs which were of the slowest measure and least emo- tional in character were selected for the earlier hours of the festivals. None of the songs was lengthy, even the longest, in spite of the repetitions, rarely lasting over an hour.^ The tone in which the words were chanted is described by Clavigero, Miihlenpfordt and other comparatively recent travelers as harsh, strident and disagreeable to the Euro- pean ear. Mendieta calls it a "contra-bass," and states that persons gifted with such a voice cultivated it assidu- ously and were in great" demand. The Nahuas call it tozqiiitl, the singing voice, and likened it to the notes of sweet singing birds. § 6. The Instrumental Accompaniment. The Nahuas were not acquainted with any stringed in- strument. They manufactured, however, a variety of objects from which they could extract what seemed to them melo- dious sounds. The most important were two forms of drums, the huehuetl and the teponaztli. 1 The most satisfactory description of these concerts is that given by Geronimo de Mendieta, Historia Eclesiastica Indiana, Lib. II, cap. 31. I have taken some particulars from Boturini and Sahagun. 22 INTRODUCTION. The word huehuetl means something old, something ancient, and therefore important and great. The drum so-called was a hollow cylinder of wood, thicker than a man's body, and usually about five palms in height. The end was covered with tanned deerskin, firmly stretched. The sides were often elaborately carved and tastefully painted. This drum was placed upright on a stand in front of the player and the notes were produced by strik- ing the parchment with the tips of the fingers. A smaller variety of this instrument Avas called flapanhne- huetl, or the half drum, which was of the same diameter but only half the height.' Still another variety was the yopihuehuetl, "the drum which tears out the heart,"- so called either by reason of its penetrating and powerful sound, or because it was employed at the Yopico, where that form of human sacrifice was conducted. The teponaztli was a cylindrical block of wood hollowed out below, and on its upper surface with two longitudinal parallel grooves running nearly from end to end, and a third in the centre at right angles to these, something in the shape of the letter I. The two tongues left between the grooves were struck with balls of rubber, /////, on the ends of handles or drum sticks. These instruments varied greatly ' Literally, " the broken drum," from tlapana, to break, as they say tlapanhuimetzli, half moon. It is described by Tezozomoc as " un alambor bajo." Cronica Mixicana, cap. 53. 2 From yollotl, heart, and //, to tear out. The instrument is mentioned by Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicaua, cap. 48. On the Yopico, and its ceremonies, see Sahagun, I/islon.i di Nuez'a Espafla, Lib. II, cap. i, and Appendix. THE INSTRUMENTAL ACCOMPANIMENT. 23 in size, some being five feet in length, and others so small that they could conveniently be carried suspended to the neck. The teponaztli was the house instrument of the Nahuas. It was played in the women's apartments to amuse the noble ladies, and the war captains carried one at the side to call the attention of their cohorts on the field of battle (Sahagun). The word is derived from the name of the tree whose wood was selected to make the drum, and this in turn from the verb tcponazoa, to swell, probably from some peculiarity of its growth.' A much superior instrument to the teponaztli, and doubt- less a development from it, was the tccomapiloay " the sus- pended vase" {tccomatl, gourd or vase, piloa, to hang or suspend). It was a solid block of wood, with a project- ing ridge on its upper surface and another opposite, on its lower aspect ; to the latter one or more gourds or vases were suspended, which increased and softened the sound when the upper ridge was struck with the ullip' This was undoubtedly the origin of the marimba, which I have described elsewhere.^ 1 Simeon, however, thinks the name arose from the growing and swell- ing of the sound of the instrument (notes to Jourdanet's translation of Sahagun, p. 28). Mr. H. H. Bancroft gives the astonishing translation of teponaztli, " wing of stone vapor !" (^Native Races of the Pacific States, Vol. II, p. 293.) Brasseur traced the word to a Maya-Quiche root, tep. In both Nahuatl and Maya this syllable is the radicle of various words meaning to increase, enlarge, to grow strong or great, etc. 2 Sahagun, Hist, de Nueva Espafia, Lib. II, cap. 27. 3 See The Gtiegiience, a Comedy ballet in the Nahuall Spanish dialect of Nicaragua, Introd., p. 29. (Philadelphia, 1883.) 24 INTRODUCTION. The musical properties of these drums have been dis- cussed by Theodor Baker. The teponaztli, he states, could yield but two notes, and could not have been played in accord with the huehuetl. It served as an imperfect contra-bass. ' Tht omichicahuaz, "strong bone," was constructed some- what on the principle of a teponaztli. A large and long bone was selected, as the femur of a man or deer, and it was channeled by deep longitudinal incisions. The pro- jections left between the fissures were rasped with another bone or a shell, and thus a harsh but varied sound could be produced.'^ The tetzilacatl, the "vibrator" or "resounder," was a sheet of copper suspended by a cord, which was struck with sticks or with the hand. It appears to have been principally confined to the sacred music in the temples. The ayacachtli was a rattle formed of a jar of earthen- ware or a dried gourd containing pebbles which was fastened to a handle, and served to mark time in the songs and dances. An extension of this simple instru- ment was the ayacachicahualiztli, "the arrangement of rattles," which was a thin board about six feet long and 1 Theodor Baker, Ueber die Musik der Nord-Ainerikanischen IVilden., PP- 51-53- (Leipzig, 1SS2.) 2 Omitl, bone, chicahuac, strong. A specimen made of the bone of a fossil elephant is possessed by Seiior A. Chavero, of Mexico. See Tezo- zomoc, Cronica Mexicana, cap. 55, and the note of Orozco y Berra to that passage in the Mexican edition. Also Sahagun, Hist, de Nueva Es- paHay Lib. VIII, cap. 20, who lii aye a nihualchocao ca nihualicnotlamatica notia ye ichan. 6. An ca nihuallaocoya onicnotlamati ayo quico, ayoc quemanian, namech aitlaquiuh in tlalticpac y icanontia ye ichan. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 67 V. Another Plain So7ig of the Mexicans. 1. I alone will clothe thee with flowers, mine alone is the song which casts down our grief before God in thy house. 2. True it is that my possessions shall perish, my friendships, their home and their house; thus I, O Yoyontzin, pour forth songs to the Giver of Life. 3. Let the green quechol birds, let the tzinitzcan twine flowers for us, only dying and withered flowers, that we may clothe thee with flowers, thou ruler, thou Nezahual- coyotl. 4. Ye youths and ye braves, skilled in wisdom, may you alone be our friends, while for a moment here we shall enjoy this house. 5. For thy fame shall perish, Nopiltzin, and thou, Tezozomoc, where are thy songs? No more^ do I cry aloud, but rest tranquil that ye have gone to your homes. 6. Ye whom I bewailed, I know nevermore, never again ; I am sad here on earth that ye have gone to your homes. 68 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. VI. Otro cJialcayotl, canto de Tetlepan Qtietzanit- zin. 1. Aua nocnihue ninentlamatia zan ninochoquilia in monahuac aya yehuan Dios, quexquich onmitzicnotla- machtia momacehual cemamanahuac ontonitlanililo in ic tontlahuica tontecemilhuitiltia in tlalticpac. 2. Macazo tleon xoconyoyocoya ti noyollo, yehua cuix ic nepohualoyan in oncan nemohua yehua, in atle tlahuelli in antecocolia huel on yecnemiz in tlalticpac. 3. In quimati noyollo nichoca yehua huel eza ye nelli in titicnihuan, huellenelli nemoa in tlalticpac in tonicniuh tlatzihuiz yehuan Dios. 4. Xontlachayan huitztlampayan, iquizayan in tonatiuh, ximoyollehuayan oncan manian teoatl tlachinolli, oncan mocuica in teucyotl in tlatocayotl yectliya xochitl in amo zannen mocuia, in quetzallalpilo niaya macquauhtica, chimaltica neicaloloyan in tlalticpac ic momacehuaya in yectliya xochitl in tiquelehuia in ticnequia in tinocniuh in quitemacehualtia in quitenemactia in tloque in nahuaque. 5. Nentiquelehuia in tictemoaya in tinocniuh yectliya xochitl can ticuiz intlacamo ximicaliya, melchiquiuhticaya, mitonaltica)'a ticmacchuaya in yectliyaxochitla, yaocho- quiztli ixayoticaya in quitemacehualtica in tloque in na- huaque. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 69 VI. Another Chalco-sono-, a Poe7n of Tetlepan Quetzanitzin. 1. Alas, my friend, I was afflicted, I cried aloud on thy account to God. How much compassion hast thou for thy servant in this world sent here by thee to be thy sub- ject for the space of a day on this earth ! 2. However that may be, mayst thou so dispose my heart, that it may pass through this place of reckoning, without anger, without injury, and live a good life on earth. 3. My heart knows how truly I weep for my friend, how truly as it lives on earth it cries aloud for thee, my friend, to God, 4. Let thy soul awake and turn toward the south, toward the rising of the sun, rouse thy heart that it turn toward the field of battle, there let it win power and fame, the noble flowers which it will not grasp in vain ; adorned with a frontlet of quetzal feathers I went forth armed with sword and shield to the battlefield on earth, that I might merit these noble flowers with which we may re- joice as we wish our friends, as the Cause of All may reward and grant to us. 5. Vainly, O friends, do we desire and seek where we may cull those noble flowers unless we fight with bared breasts, with the sweat of the brow, meriting these noble flowers, in bitter and painful war, for which the Cause of All will eive reward. 70 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. \'II. Otro. I. Tleinmach oamaxque on in antocnihuan in an Chia- paneca Otomi, omachamelelacic : in ic oamihuintiqueo octicatl in oanquique ic oamihuintique, xicualcuican, in amo ma in anhuehuetztoqueo, ximozcalicano in antocni- huan nipatiazque in tochano, xopantlalpan ye nican, ma quiza in amihuintiliz, on xitlachiacano ohuican ye anma- quia, O ! 2. Ca yeppa yuhqui in tizaoctli in tlalticpac, quitema- cao ohuican ic tecalaquiao teoatl tlachinolH quitoao texaxa- matzao teopopoloao on canin xaxamanio in tlazochalchi- hiuitl, in teoxihuitl, in maquizth tlazotetl in tepilhuan in coninio in xochitizaoctHo cuel can in antocnihuan in toni- cahuacao. 3. Ma ye ticiti in xochitlalpan in tochan xochitlalticpac- ilhuicacpaco in huel ic xochiamemeyallotl on ahuiaxti- mani, teyolquima yohhz ahuach xochitl in tochan in Chiappan, oncan timalolo in teucyotl in tlatocayotl in chimalxochitl oncuepontimani tonacatlalpan. 4. Quemach in amo antlacaquio in antocnihuan to- huian tohuiano xicahuacano, in tizaoctHo teoatlachino- loctli ; ma ye ticiti in ompa tinectilo in tochan xochiahu- achoctH, zan ic ahuiaca ihuinti in toyollo, tetlamachtio tcyolquimao tixochiachichinatihui netlamachtiloyan in toquizayan xochitlalpan tonacatlalpan : tlemach oamax- queo? xichualcaquican in tocuic in tamocnihuan, etc. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 71 VII. Another. 1. What have you done, O you our friends, you Chia- panecs and Otomis, why have you grieved, that you were drunken with the wine which you took, that you were drunken ? Come hither and sing ; do not lie stretched out ; arise, O friends, let us go to our houses here in this land of spring ; come forth from your drunkenness, see in what a difficult place you must take it. 2. For formerly it was so on earth that the white wine was taken in difficult places, as on entering the battlefield, or, as it was said, where the stones were broken and de- stroyed, where were broken into fragments the lovely emeralds, the turquoises, the honored precious stones, the youths, the children ; therefore take the flowery white wine, O friends and brothers. 3. Let us drink it in the flowery land, in our dwelling surrounded by the flowery earth and sky, where the fountains of the flowers send their sweetness abroad ; the delicious breath of the dewy flowers is in our homes in Chiapas ; there nobility and power make them glorious, and the war-flowers bloom over a fertile land. 4. Is it possible, oh friends, that you do not' hear us ? Let us go, let us go, let us pour forth the white wine, the wine of battle ; let us drink where the wine sweet as the dew of roses is set forth in our houses, let our souls be intoxicated with its sweetness ; enriched, steeped in delight, we shall soak up the water of the flowers in the place of riches, going forth to a land of flowers, a fertile spot. What have you done ? Come hither and listen to our songs, O friends. 72 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. VIII. Ot7'0, Queuh ce tlatohuani in quimilnaviiqid in tlatoque. I, Tlaocolxochi ixayoticaya ic nichuipana in nocuic nicuicani, niquimilnamiqui in tepilhuan, in teintoque, in tlagotitoque in campa in ximohuaya, in oteuctico, in otlatocatico in tlallia icpac, in quetzalhuahuaciuhtoque in chalchiuhteintoque in tepilhuan, in maoc imixpan in maoc oquitlani ; in ye itto in tlalticpac iximachoca in tloque in nahuaque. 2. Y yo ya hue nitlaocolcuicaya in niquimilnamiqui in tepilhuan, ma zan itla ninocuepa, ma niquimonana, ma niquinhualquixti in ompa in ximoayan, ma oc oppa tihua in tlalticpac, ma oc quimahuizoqui in tepilhuan in ticmahuizoa, azo huel yehuantin tlatlazomahuizozquia in ipalnemohualoni, quemmach tomazehual in tlazaniuh ticmatican in ticnopillahueliloque ic choca in noyollo nino tlalnamiquiliz huipana in nicuicani choquiztica tlaocoltica nitlalnamiquia. 3. Manozo zan nicmati in nechcaquizque intla itla yectli cuicatl niquimehuili in ompa ximohuayan, ma ic niqui- papacti, ma ic niquimacotlaza inin tonez inin chichina- quiliz in tepilhuan. Cuix on machiaz ? Quennel nihu- alnellaquahua ? Aquen manian ompa niquimontocaz ? Ano niquin nonotztaciz in ye yuh quin in tlalticpac. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 73 VIII. Composed by a Certain R2iler in Memory of Former Rulers. 1. Weeping, I, the singer, weave my song of flowers of sadness ; I call to memory the youths, the shards, the fragments, gone to the land of the dead ; once noble and powerful here on earth, the youths were dried up like feathers, were split into fragments like an emerald, before the face and in the sight of those who saw them on earth, and with the knowledge of the Cause of All. 2. Alas ! alas ! I sing in grief as I recall the children. Would that I could turn back again ; would that I could grasp their hands once more ; would that I could call them forth from the land of the dead ; would that we could bring them again on earth, that they might rejoice and we rejoice, and that they might rejoice and delight the Giver of Life ; is it possible that we His servants should reject him or should be ungrateful ? Thus I weep in my heart as I, the singer, review my memories, recall- ing things sad and grievous. 3. Would only that I knew they could hear me, therein the land of the dead, were I to sing some worthy song. Would that I could gladden them, that I could console the suffering and the torment of the children. How can it be learned ? Whence can I draw the inspiration ? They are not where I may follow them ; neither can I reach them with my calling as one here on earth. 74 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. IX. Otro Tlaocolcuica Otomitl. 1. In titloque in tinahuaque nimitzontlaocolnonotzaya, nelcicihuiliz mixpantzinco noconiyahuaya, ninentlamati in tlalticpac ye nican nitlatematia, ninotolinia, in aye onotechacic in pactli, in necuiltonolli ye nican ; tlezannen naicoyc amo y mochiuhyan, tlacazo atle nican xotlacue- poni in nentlamachtillia, tlacazo zan ihuian in motloc in monahuac ; Macuelehuatl ma xicmonequilti ma mona- huactzinco oc ehuiti in noyolia, ninixayohuatzaz in motloc monahuac tipalnemohuani, 2. Quemachamiqueo in motimalotinemi co y in tlalticpac in ayac contenmatio in atlamachilizneque o tlacazo can moztla cahuia on in amitztenmati in titloque in tinahuaque inic momatio ca mochipa tlalticpac, nemizqueo ninotlamatli motlaliao niquimittao, tlacazo mixitl tlapatl oquiqueo ic nihualnelaquahua in ninoto- linia o tlacazo ompa in ximohuayan neittotiuh o, cazo tiquenamiqueo quiniquac ye pachihuiz ye teyoUoa. 3. Ma cayac quen quichihuaya in iyollo in tlalticpac ye nican in titlaocaxtinemi in tichocatinemia, ca zacuel achic ontlaniizoo, tlacazo zan tontlatocatihuio in yuho otlatocatque tepilhuan, ma ic ximixcuiti in tinocniuh in atonahuia in atihuelamati in tlalticpac o ; ma oc ye ximapana in tlaocolxochitl, choquizxochitl, xoyocatimalo o xochielcicihuiliztlio in ihuicpatoconiyahuazon in tloque in nahuaque. 4. lea ye ninapanao tlaocolxochicozcatlon, nomac ommanian elcicihuilizchimalxochitlon, nic ehuaya in tlaocolcuicatloo, nicchalchiuhcocahuicomana yectli yan- cuicatl, nic ahuachxochilacatzoa, yn o chalchiuhue- hueuhilhuitl, itech nictlaxilotia in nocuicatzin in nicuicani ye niquincuilia in ilhuicac chanequeo zacuantototl, quetzaltzinitzcantototl tcoquechol inon tlritoa quechol in qui cecemeltia in tloque, etc. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 75 IX. An Otomi Song of Sadness. I. To thee, the Cause of All, to thee I cried out in sadness, my sighs rose up before thy face ; I am afflicted here on earth, I suffer, I am wretched, never has joy been my lot, never good fortune ; my labor has been of no avail, certainly nothing here lessens one's suffering; truly only to be with thee, near thee ; may it be thy will that my soul shall rise to thee, may I pour out my tears to thee, before thee. O thou Giver of Life. 2. Happy are those who walk in thy favor here on earth, who never neglect to offer up praise, nor, leaving till to-morrow, neglect thee, thou Cause of All, that thou may- est be known in all the earth ; I know that they shall live, I see that they are established, certainly they have drunk to forgetfulness while I am miserable, certainly I shall go to see the land of the dead, certainly we shall meet where all souls are contented. 3. Never were any troubled in spirit on the earth who appealed to thee, who cried to thee, only for an instant were they cast down, truly thou caused them to rule as they ruled before : Take as an example on earth, O friend, the fever-stricken patient ; clothe thyself in the flowers of sadness, in the flowers of weeping, give praises in flowers of sighs that may carry you toward the Cause of All. 4. I array myself with the jewels of saddest flowers ; in my hands are the weeping flowers of war ; I lift my voice in sad songs ; I offer a new and worthy song which is beautiful and melodious ; I weave songs fresh as the dew of flowers ; on my drum decked with precious stones and plumes I, the singer, keep time to my song, as I take it from those dwellers in the heavens, the zacuan bird, the beautiful tzinitzcan, the divine quechol, those melodi- ous birds who give joy to the Cause of All. 76 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. I X. Mexica xopanancatl tlamelatihcayotl. 1. Tlaocoya in noyollo nicuicanitl nicnotlamatia, yehua za yey xochitl y zan ye in cuicatlin, ica nitlacocoa in tlalticpac ye nican, ma nequitocan intech cocolia intech miquitlani moch ompa onyazque cano y ichan, ohuaya. 2. I inquemanian in otonciahuic, in otontlatzihuic tocon ynayaz in momahuizco in motenyo in tlalticpac, ma nenquitocane, ohuaya, etc. 3. Inin azan oc huelnemohuan in tlalticpac mazano ihuian yehuan Dios quiniquac onnetemoloa in tiaque in canin ye ichan, ohuaya. 4. Hu inin titotolinia ma yuhquitimiquican ma omo- chiuh in mantech onittocan in tocnihuan in matech onahuacan in quauhtin y a ocelotl. 5. Mazo quiyocoli macaoc xictemachican, can antla- huicaya y caya amechmotlatili in ipalnemohuani, ohuaya. 6. Ay ya yo xicnotlamatican Tezcacoacatl, Atecpane- catl mach nel amihuihuinti in cozcatl in chalchihuitli, ma ye anmonecti, ma ye antlaneltocati. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 77 I X. A Spring Song of the Mexicans, a Plain So7ig. 1. My heart grieved, I, the singer, was afflicted, that these are the only flowers, the only songs which I can procure here on earth ; see how they speak of sickness and of death, how all go there to their homes, alas. 2. Sometimes thou "hast toiled and acquired skill, thou takest refuge in thy fame and renown on earth ; but see how vain they speak, alas. 3. As many as live on earth, truly they go to God when they descend to the place where are their homes, alas. 4. Alas, we miserable ones, may it happe'n when we die that we may see our friends, that we may be with them in grandeur and strength. 5. Although He is the Creator, do not hope that the Giver of Life has sent you and has established you. 6. Be ye grieved, ye of Tezcuco and Atecpan, that ye are intoxicated with gems and precious stones ; come forth to the light, come and believe. 78 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XI. Otro. 1. Nicchocaehua, nicnotlamati, nicelnamiqui ticauhte- huazque yectliya xochitl yectli yancuicatl ; ma oc tonahui- acan, ma oc toncuicacan cen tiyahui tipolihui ye ichan, etc. 2. Achtleon ah yuhquimati in tocnihuan cocoya in noyollo qualani yehua ay oppan in tlacatihua ye ay oppa piltihuaye yece yequi xoantlalticpac. 3. Oc achintzinca y tetloc ye nican tenahuacan aic yezco on aic nahuiaz aic nihuelamatiz. 4. In can on nemian noyollo yehua? Can liuel ye no- chan ? Can huel nocallamanian ? Ninotolinia tlalticpac. 5. Zan ye tocontemaca ye tocontotoma in mochalchiuh, ye on quetzalmalintoc, zacuan icpac xochitl, za yan tiquinmacayan tepilhuan O. 6. In nepapan xochitl conquimilo, conihuiti ye noyollo niman nichocaya ixpan niauh in tonan. 7. Zan nocolhuia : ipalnemohua ma ca ximozoma, ma ca ximonenequin tlalticpac, mazo tehuantin motloc tinemican y, zan ca ye moch ana ilhuicatlitica. 8. Azo tie nello nicyaitohua nican ipalnemohua, zan tontemiqui y, zan toncochitlehuaco, nicitoa in tlalticpac ye ayac huel tontiquilhuia ye nicana. 9. In manel ye chalchihuitl, mantlamatilolli, on aya mazo ya ipalnemohuani ayac hueltic ilhuia nicana. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 79 XI. Another. 1. I lift my voice in wailing, I am afflicted, as I remem- ber that we must leave the beautiful flowers, the noble songs ; let us enjoy ourselves for a while, let us sing, for we must depart forever, we are to be destroyed in our dwelling place. 2. Is it indeed known to our friends how it pains and angers me that nev^er again can they be born, never again be young on this earth ? 3. Yet a little while with them here, then nevermore shall I be with them, nevermore enjoy them, nevermore know them. 4. Where shall my soul dwell ? Where is my home ? Where shall be my house ? I am miserable on earth. 5. We take, we unwind the jewels, the blue flowers are woven over the yellow ones, that we may give them to the children. 6. Let my soul be draped in various flowers ; let it be intoxicated by them, for soon must I weeping go before the face of our mother. 7. This only do I ask : — Thou Giver of Life, be not angry, be not severe on earth, let us live with thee on earth, take us to the Heavens. 8. But what can I speak truly here of the Giver of Life ? We only dream, we are plunged in sleep ; I speak here on earth ; but never can we speak in worthy terms here. 9. Although it may be jewels and precious ointments (of speech), yet of the Giver of Life, one can never here speak in worthy terms. 80 ANXIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XII. Xopanadcatl nenonotzalaticatl ipampa in aqiiiqiie amo on mixtilia in yaoc. I. Nictzotzonan nohuehueuh nicuicatlamatquetl ic niquimonixitia ic niquimitlehua in tocnihuan in atle in yollo quimati in aic tlathui ipan inin yollo yaocochmic- toque in inpan motimaloa in mixtecomatlayohualli anen niquito huay motolinia y, maquicaqui qui y xochitlathui- cacuicatl occeh tzetzeuhtimania huehuetitlana, ohuaya, ohuai. 2. Tlahuizcalteochitla oncuepontimani in ixochiquiya- opan in tloque in nahuaque, onahuachtotonameyotimani in teyolquima ; ma xiqualitacan in atle ipan ontlatao, zan- nen cuepontimanio ayac mahaca quelehuiao in antocni- huan amo zannen ya xochitl yoliliztlapalneucxochitla e. 3- Quiyolcaihuintia}'a in teyolia, zan oncan ye oniania, zan oncan ye oncuepontimania quauhtepetitlan in ya hualiuhcancopa y ixtlahuatlitica oncan inemaya oc teoati tlachinolli a. Oncan in epoyahuayan in teoquauhtli oncan iquiquinacayan, in ocelotl, ipixauhyan in nepapan tlazomaquiztetl, in emomolotzayan in nepapan tlazopili- huitl, oncan teintoque oncan xamantoque in tepilhuan. 4. Tlacuah yehuantin in tepilhuani conelehuiao, in tlahuizcalxochitlan ya nemamallihuao ic tetlanfinectiao, in ilhuicac onocon iceolitzin yn iotepiltzina quitzetzeloti- manio a in tepilhuan in quauhtliya ocelotl, in quime- mactiao in xochicueponalotlon in quimihuintia yeyol- xochiahuechtlia. 5. In ic timomatia in tinocniuh zan ne yan xochitlon in tiquelehuiaon in tlalticpac, qucn toconcuizon quen ticyachihuazon, timotolinia in tiquimiztlacoa a in tepilhuan xochitica cuicatica ; ma xihuallachican in atle y ica mitl, ehuaon zan moch yehuantin in tepilhuan zacuanme- ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 81 XII. A Spring Song, a Song of Exhortation, Becattse Ceidain Ones did not go to the War. 1. I strike on my drum, I the skillful singer, that I may arouse, that I may fire our fi-iends, who think of nothing, to whose minds plunged in sleep the dawn has not appeared, over whom are yet spread the dark clouds of night ; may I not call in vain and poorly, may they hear this song of the rosy dawn, poured abroad widely by the drum, ohe ! ohe ! 2. The divine flowers of dawn blossom forth, the war flowers of the Cause of All ; glittering with dew they scatter abroad their fragrance ; bring them hither that they be not hidden nor bloom in vain, that they may rejoice you our friends, and not in vain shall be the flowers, the living, colored, brilliant flowers. 3. They intoxicate the soul, but they are only found, they blossom only on the lofty mountains, on the broad plains where glorious war finds its home. There is where the eagles gather in bands of sixties, there the tigers roar, there the various beloved stones rain down, there the various dear children are cut to pieces ; there the youths are split into shards and ground into fragments. 4. Stoutly do those youths rejoice, laboring for the rose of the dawn that they may win it ; and in heaven, He, the only one, the noble one, pours down upon the youths strength and courage, that they may pluck the budding flowers of the pathway, that they may be intoxi- cated with the dew-damp flowers of the spirit. 5. Know, my friend, that these are the only flowers which will give thee pleasure on earth ; mayest thou take them and make them ; O poor one, search out for thy children these flowers and songs. Look not hither with- out arrows, let all the youths lift up their voices, like 82 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. teoquecholtitzinitzcatlatlauhquecholtin moyeh yectitine- mio in onmatio in ixtlahuatlitican. 6. Chimalxochitl, quauhpilolxochitl ic oquichtlama- timani in y antepilhuan xochicozcaocoxochitl ic mapantimanian, quitimaloao yectliya cuicatl, yectliya xochitl, imezo imelchiquiuh patiuh mochihuaya in quicelia on in teoatl tlachinolli ; y iantocnihuan tliliuhquitepeca in tiyaotehua huey otlipana, ma huel xoconmanao y ye mochimalo, huel xonicaon in ti quauhtliya ocelotla. XIII. Htiexotzincayotl. I. Zan tlaocolxochitl, tlaocolcuicatl on mania Mexico nican ha in Tlatilolco, in yece ye oncan on neixima- choyan, ohuaya. 2. Ixamayo yectH in zan ca otitech icneli ipalnemohu- ani, in za can tipopohhuizque in timacehualta, ohuaya. 3. Ototlahuehltic, zan titotoHnia timacehualtinquezo huel tehuantin, otiquittaque in cococ ye machoyan, ohuaya. 4. Ticmomoyahua, ticxoxocoyan in momacehualy in Tlatilolco cococ moteca cococ ye machoyan ye ic ticia- huia ipalnemoani, ohuaya. 5. Choquiztli moteca ixayotl pixahui oncan a in Tlatilolco ; in atlan yahqueon o in Mexica ye cihua nelihui ica yehuilo a oncan ontihui in tocnihuan a, ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 83 zacuan birds, divine quechols, tzinitzcans, and red que- chols, who live joyous lives, and know the fields. 6. O youths, here there are skilled men in the flowers of shields, in the flowers of the pendant eagle plumes, the yellow flowers which they grasp ; they pour forth noble songs, noble flowers ; they make payment with their blood, with their bare breasts ; they seek the bloody field of war. And you, O friends, put on your black paint, for war, for the path of victory ; let us lay hands on our shields, and raise aloft our strength and courage. XIII. A Song of Huexotzinco. I. Only sad flowers, sad songs, are here in Mexico, in Tlatilolco, in this place these alone are known, alas. 2. It is well to know these, if only we may please the Giver of Life, lest we be destroyed, we his subjects, alas. 3. We have angered Him, we are only wretched beings, slaves by blood ; we have seen and known afflic- tion, alas. 4. We are disturbed, we are embittered, thy servants here in Tlatilolco, deprived of food, made acquainted with affliction, we are fatigued with labor, O Giver of Life, alas. 5. Weeping is with us, tears fall like rain, here in Tlatilolco ; as the Mexican women go down to the water, we beg of them for ourselves and our friends, alas. 84 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 6. In ic neltic o ya cahua Atloyantepetl o in Mexico in poctli ehuatoc ayahuitl onmantoc, in tocon ya chihuaya ipalnemoani, ohuaya. 7. In an^Iexica ma xiquilnamiquican o yan zan topan quitemohuia y ellelon i mahuizo yehuan zan yehuan Dios, yehua anquin ye oncan in coyonacazco, ohuaya. 8. Za can ye oncan zan quinchoquiz tlapaloa o anqui- huitzmanatl incan yeuch motelchiuh on ya o anquin ye mochin, ha in tlayotlaqui, ah in tlacotzin, ah in tlacate- uctH in oquichtzin y huihui ica 9a ye con yacauhqui in Tenochtitlan, ohuaya. 9. In antocnihuan ma xachocacan aya ma xaconmati- can ica ye ticcauhque Mexicayotl huiya, zan ye yatl chichixhuiya no zan ye tlaqualH chichixaya zan con aya chiuhqui in ipalnemoani ha in Tlatilolco y, ohuaya. 10. Tel ah zan yhuian huicoque hon in motelchiuhtzin ha in tlacotzin zan mocuica ellaquauhque ac achinanco .in ahiquac in tlepan quixtiloto in coyohuacan, ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 85 6. Even as the smoke, rising, lies in a cloud over Mount Atloyan, in Mexico, so does it happen unto us, O Giver of Life, alas. 7. And you Mexicans, may you remember concern- ing us when you descend and suffer before the majesty of God, when there you shall howl like wolves. 8. There, there will be only weeping as your greeting when you come, there you will be accursed, all of you, workers in filth, slaves, rulers or warriors, and thus Tenochtitlan will be deserted. 9. Oh friends, do not weep, but know that sometime we shall have left behind us the things of Mexico, and then their water shall be made bitter and their food shall be made bitter, here in Tlatilolco, as never before, by the Giver of Life. 10. The disdained and the slaves shall go forth with song ; but in a little while their oppressors shall be seen in the fire, amid the howling of wolves. 86 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XIV. 1. Zan tzinitzcan impetlatl ipan, ohuaya ; on tzinitzcan iceliztoca oncan izan in ninentlamatia, in zan icnoxochi- cuicatica inocon ya temohua ya ohuaya, ohuaya. 2. In canin nemiya icanon in nemitoconchia ye nican huehuetitlan a ayiahue, ye onnentlamacho, ye mocatlao- coyalo ay xopancahteca, ohuaya, ohuaya. 3. Ac ipiltzin ? Achanca ipiltzin yehuayan Dios Jesu Christo can quicuilo antlacuiloa quicuilo ancuicatl a ohuaya, ohuaya. 4. O achan canel ompa huiz canin ilhuicac y xochin- tlacuilol xochincahtec a ohuaya ohuaya. 5. In ma ontlachialoya in ma ontlatlamahuicolo in tlapapalcalimanican y ipalnemoa y tlayocol yehuan Dios, ohuaya. 6. Techtohnian techtlatlanectia y icuicaxochiamilpan, intechontlatlachialtian ipalnemohua itlayocol yehuan Dios a ohuava. 7. Ya ixopantla ixopantlatinenemi ye nican ixtlahuatl yteey, za xiuhquechol quiahuitl zan topan xaxamacay in athxco ya ohuaya, ohuaya. 8. Zan ye nauhcampay ontlapepetlantoc, oncan onceliztoc in cozahuizxochitl, oncan nemi in Mexica in tepilhuan a ohuaya ohuaya. ANXIENT NAHUATL POEMS. ^' 87 XIV. 1. Only the tzinitzcan is in power, the tzinitzcan arouses me in m)- affliction, letting fall its songs like sad flowers. 2. Wherever it wanders, wherever it lives, one awaits it here with the drum, in affliction, in distress, here in the house of spring. 3. Who is the royal son ? Is not the royal son, the son of God, Jesus Christ, as was written in your writings, as was written in your songs ? 4. Is not the flowery writing within the house of flowers that he shall come there from heaven ? 5. Look around and wonder at this scene of many colored houses which God has created and endowed with life. 6. They make us who are miserable to see the light among the flowers and songs of the fertile fields, they cause us to see those things which God has created and endowed with life. 7. They dwell in the place of spring, in the place of spring, here within the broad fields, and only for our sakes does the turquoise-water fall in broken drops on the surface of the lake. 8. Where it gleams forth in fourfold rays, where the fragrant yellow flowers bud, there live the Mexicans, the youths. 88 A^XIENT NAHUATL POEMS. ) XV. Tezozomoctli ic motecpac. 1. Zan ca tzihuactitlan, mizquititlan, aiyahue Chico- moztocpa, mochi ompa yahuitze antlatohuan ye nican, . } ohuaya, ohuaya. 2. Nican momalinaco in colcahuahtecpillotl huiya nican milacatzoa in Colhuaca Chichimecayotl in toteuchuahuia. 3. Ma oc achitzinca xomotlanecuican antepilhuan huiya tlacateuhtzin Huitzilihuitl a ya cihuacoatl y Quauhxilotl huia totomihuacan Tlalnahuacatl aya zan ca xiuhtototl Ixtlilxochitl y quenman tlatzihuiz quimohmo- yahuaquiuh yauh y tepeuh yehuan Dios ica ye choca Tezozomoctli ohuaya ohuaya. 4. Yenoceppa mizquitl yacahuantimani Hueytlalpani, anquican itlatol yehuan Dios a ohuaya, ohuaya. 5. Can onyeyauh xochitl, can oyeyauh yeh intoca quauhth ocelotl huia ya moyahuaya xehhuia Atloyante- petl Hueytlalpan y anquizan itlatol ipalnemohua ohuaya ohuaya. 6. Oncuiltonoloc, onechtlachtiloc, in teteuctin cemana- huac y huel zotoca huipantoca y tlatol ipalnemohuani, huel quimothuitico, hucl qui.ximatico y yollo yehuan Dios huiya chalchihuitl maquiztliya tlamatelolliya tizatla ihuitla za xochitl quimatico yaoyotla ohuaya ohuaya. 7. Oya in Tochin y miec acalcatli, Acolmiztlan teuctli zan Catocih teuctli Yohuallatonoc y yehuan Cuetzpaltzin Iztaccoyotl totomihuacan Tla.Kcalian ohuaye Coatzi- teuctli Huitlalotzin za xochitl quimatico yaoyotla ohuaya ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 89 XV. The Reign of Tezozomoctli. 1. From the land of the tzihuac bushes, from the land of the mezquite bushes, where was ancient Chicomoztoc, thence came all your rulers hither. 2. Here unrolled itself the royal line of Colhuacan, here our nobles of Colhuacan, united with the Chichi- mecs. 3. Sing for a little while concerning these, O chil- dren, the sovereign HuitzilihuitI, the judge Quauhxilotl, of our bold leader Tlalnahuacatl, of the proud bird Ixtlilxochitl, those who went forth, and conquered and ruled before God, and bewail Tezozomoctli. 4. A second time they left the mezquite bushes in Hue Tlalpan, obeying the order of God. 5. They go where are the flowers, where they may gain grandeur and power, dividing asunder they leave the mountain Atloyan and Hue Tlalpan, obeying the order of the Giver of Life. 6. It is cause of rejoicing, that I am enabled to see our rulers from all parts gathering together, arranging in order the words of the Giver of Life, and that their souls are caused to see and to know that God is precious, wonderful, a sweet ointment, and that they are known as flowers of wise counsel in the affairs of war. 7. There were Tochin, with many boats, the noble Acolmiztlan, the noble Catocih, Yohuallatonoc, and Cuetzpaltzin, and Iztaccoyotl, bold leaders from Tlaxcalla, and Coatziteuctli, and Huitlalotzin, famed as flowers on the field of battle. 90 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 8. Tley an quiyocoya anteteuctin y Huexotzinca ? ma xontlachiacan Acolihuacan in quatlapanca oncan ye Huexotla itztapallocan huia yeyahuatimani Atloyantepetl a ohuaya. 9. Oncan in pochotl ahuehuetl oncan icaca mizquitl ye oztotlhuia tetlaquahuac quimatia ipalnemohuani oyao ai ya hue ohuaya. 10. Tlacateotl nopiltzin Chichimecatl y tleonmach itla techcocolia TezozomoctU tech in micitlani ye ehuaya ata- yahuili quinequia yaoyotl necahztlon quima Acolhuacan ohuaya. 11. Tel ca tonehua ticahuiltia ipalnemohuani Colihua o o Mexicatl y tlahcateotl huiaya atayahui-li quinequia yaoyotl necaliztl qui mana Acolhuacan a ohuaya ohuaya. 12. Zan ye on necuiltonolo in tlalticpac ay oppan titlano chimalli xochitl ay oppan ahuiltilon ipalnemohua ; ye ic anauia in tlailotlaqui xayacamacha huia ho ay ya yi ee ohuaya ha ohuaya. 13. Inacon anquelehuia chimalli xochitl y yohual xochitli tlachinol xochitl ; ye ic neyahpanalo antepilhuan huiya Quetzalmamatzin Huitznahuacatl ohuaye ho ha yia yi ee oua yi aha ohuaya. 14. Chimal tenamitl oncan in nemohua yehua necalia huilotl oyahualla icahuaca yehuaya on canin ye nemi in tecpipiltin Xiuhtzin xayacamachani amehuano o ancona- huiltia ipalnemohua ohuaya. 15. In ma huel netotilo mannemamanaloya yaonahuac a on netlamachtiloyan ipan nechihuallano ohuaye in tepiltzin can ye mocuetlaca ohuaya, ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 91 8. For what purpose do you make your rulers, men of Huexotzinco ? Look at Acolhuacan where the men of Huexotzinco are broken with toil, are trod upon like paving stones, and wander around the mountain Atloyan, 9. There is a ceiba tree, a cypress tree, there stands a mezquite bush, strong as a cavern of stone, known as the Giver of Life. 10. Ruler of men, Nopiltzin, Chicimec, O Tezozomoc- tli, why hast thou made us sick, why brought us to death, through not desiring to offer war and battle to Acol- huacan ? 11. But we lift up our voice and rejoice in the Giver of life; the men of Colhuacan and the Mexican leader have ruined us, through not desiring to offer war and battle to Acolhuacan. 12. The only joy on earth will be again to send the shield-flower, again to rejoice the Giver of Life ; already are discontented the faces of the workers in filth. 13. Therefore you rejoice in the shield-flowers, the flowers of night, the flowers of battle ; already are }'e clothed, ye children of Quetzalmamatzin and Huitzna- huacatl. 14. Your shield and your wall of safety are where dwells the sweet joy of war, where it comes, and sings and lifts its voice, where dwell the nobles, the precious stones, making known their faces ; thus you give joy to the Giver of Life. 15. Let your dancing, and banqueting be in the battle, there be your place of gain, your scene of action, where the noble youths perish. 92 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 1 6. Quetzalipantica oyo huiloa ahuiltiloni ipalnemo- huan yectlahuacan in tapalcayocan a ohuaya ohuaya. 17. Oyo hualehuaya ye tocalipan oyohua yehua Huexotzincatl y tototihua o o Iztaccoyotla ohuaya ohuaya. 18. Ace melle ica tonacoquiza y nican topantilemonti Tlaxcaltecatl itocoya cacaHa in altepetl y Huexochinco ya ohuaya. 19. Cauhtimanizo polihuiz tlalli yan totomihuacan huia cehuiz yioUo o antepilhuan a Huexotzinca.y ohuaya ohuaya. 20. Mizquitl y mancan tzihuactli y mancan ahuehuetl onicacahuia ipalnemohua, xonicnotlamati mochi eh- manca Huexotzinco ya zanio oncan in huel on mani tlalla ohuaya ohuaya. 21. Zan nohuian tlaxixinia tlamomoyahua y ayoc an- mocehuia momacehual y hualcaco mocuic in icelteotl oc xoconyocoyacan antepilhuan a ohuaya ohuaya. 22. Zan mocuepa itlatol conahuiloa ipalnemohua Tepeyacac ohuaye antepilhuan ohuaya ohuaya. 23. Canel amonyazque xoconmolhuican an Tlaxcalteca y Tlacomihuatzin hui oc oyauh itlachinol ya yehuan Dios a ohuaya. 24. Cozcatl ihuihui quetzal nehuihuia oc zo conhui- panque zan Chichimeca y Totomihua a Iztaccoyotl a ohuaya ohuaya. 25. Huexotzinco ya zan quiauhtzinteuctli techcocolia Mexicatl itechcocolia Acolihuiao ach quennelotihua tonyazque quenonamican a ohuaye ohuaye. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 93 1 6. Dressed in their feathers they go rejoicing the Giver of Life to the excellent place, the place of shards. 17. He lifted up his voice in our houses like a bird, that man of Huexotzinco, Iztaccoyotl. 18. WHioever is aggrieved let him come forth with us against the men of Tlaxcallan, let him follow where the cit}' of Huexotzinco lets drive its arrows. 19. Our leaders will lay waste, they will destroy the land, and your children, O Huexotzincos, will have peace of mind. 20. The mezquite was there, the tzihuac was there, the Giver of Life has set up the cypress ; be sad that evil has befallen Huexotzinco, that it stands alone in the land. 21. In all parts there are destruction and desolation, no longer are there protection and safety, nor has the one only God heard the song ; therefore speak it again, you children ; 22. That the words may be repeated, you children, and give joy to the Giver of Life at Tepeyacan. 23. And since you are going, you Tlaxcallans, call upon Tlacomihuatzin that he may yet goto this divine war. 24. The Chichimecs and the leaders and Iztaccoy- otl have with difficulty and vain labor arranged and set in order their jewels and feathers. 25. At Huexotzinco the ruler Quiauhtzin hates the Mexicans, hates the Acolhuacans ; when shall we go to mix with them, to meet them ? 94 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 26. Ay antlayocoya anquimitoa in amotahuan an teteuctin ayoquantzin ihuan a in tlepetztic in cacha ohuaya tzihuacpopoca yo huaya. 27. Ca zan catcan Chalco Acolihuaca huia totomihua- can y amilpan in QuauhquechoUa quixixinia in ipetl icpal yehuan Dios ohoaya ohuaya. 28. Tlazoco a ye nican tlalli tepetl yecocoliloya cema- nahuac a ohuaya. 29. Quennel conchihuazque atl popoca itlacoh in teuctli tlalli mocuepaya Mictlan onmatia Cacamatl onteuctli, quennel conchihuazque, ohuaya ohuaya. XVI. 1. On onellelacic quexquich nic ya ittoa antocnihuan ayiaue noconnenemititica noyollon tlalticpac y no- conycuilotica, ay niyuh can tinemi ahuian yeccan, ay cemellecan in tenahuac y, ah nonnohuicallan in quenon amican ohuaya. 2. Zan nellin quimati ye noyollo za nelli nicittoa antocnihuan, ayiahue aquin quitlatlauhtia icelteotl yiollo itlacoca con aya macan. Machamo oncan? In tlalticpac machamo oppan piltihua. Ye nelli nemoa in quenon amican ilhuicatl y itec icanyio oncan in netlamachtilo y ohuaya. 3. O yohualli icahuacan teuctlin popoca ahuiltilon Dios ipalncmoluiani : chimalli xochitl in cuecuepontimani in mahuiztli moteca molinian tlalticpac, ye nican ic xochimicohuayan in ixtlahuac itec a ohuaya ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 95 26. Set to work and speak, you fathers, to your rulers, to your lords, that they may make a blazing fire of the smoking tzihuac wood. 27. The Acolhuacans were at Chalco, the Otomies were in your cornfields at Quauhquechollan, they laid them waste by the permission of God. 28. The fields and hills are ravaged, the whole land has been laid waste. 29. What remedy can they turn to ? Water and smoke have spoiled the land of the rulers ; they have gone back to Mictlan attaching themselves to the ruler Cacamatl. What remedy can they turn to ? XVI. 1. It is a bitter grief to see so many of you, dear friends not walking with me in spirit on the earth, and written down with me ; that no more do I walk in company to the joyful and pleasant spots ; that nevermore in union with you do I journey to the same place. 2. Truly I doubt in my heart if I really see you, dear friends ; Is there no one who will pray to the one only God that he take this error from your hearts? Is no one there ? No one can live a second time on earth. Truly they live there within the heavens, there in a place of delight only. 3. At night rises up the smoke of the warriors, a delight to the Lord the Giver of Life ; the shield-flower spreads abroad its leaves, marvelous deeds agitate the earth ; here is the place of the fatal flowers of death which cover the fields. 96 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 4. Yaonauac ye oncan yaopeuhca in ixtlahuac itec iteuhtlinpopoca ya milacatzoa y momalacachoa yao- xochimiquiztica antepilhuan in anteteuctin zan Chichi- meca y ohuaya. 5. Maca mahui noyollo ye oncan ixtlahuatl itic, noco- nele hua in itzimiquiliztli zan quinequin toyoUo yaomi- quiztla ohuaya. 6. O anquin ye oncan yaonahuac, noconelehuia in itzi miquiliztli can quinequin toyoUo yaomiquiztla ohuaya ohuaya. 7. Mixtli ye ehuatimani yehuaya moxoxopan ipalnemo- huani ye oncan celiztimani a in quauhtlin ocelotl, ye on- can cueponio o in tepilhuan huiya in tlachinol, ohuaya ohuaya. 8. In ma oc tonahuican antocnihuan ayiahue, ma oc xonahuiacan antepilhuan in ixtlahuatl itec, y nemoaqui- huic zan tictotlanehuia o a in chimalli xochitl in tlachi- noll, ohuaya, ohuaya, ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 97 4. The battle is there, the beginning of the battle is in the open fields, the smoke of the warriors winds around and curls upward from the slaughter of the flowery war, ye friends and warriors of the Chichimecs. 5. Let not my soul dread that open field; I earnestly desire the beginning of the slaughter, may thy soul long for the murderous strife. 6. O you who are there in the battle, I earnestly desire the beginning of the slaughter, may thy soul long for the murderous strife. 7. The cloud rises upward, rising into the blue sky of the Giver of Life ; there blossom forth prowess and daring, there, in the battle field, come the children to maturity. 8. Let us rejoice, dear friends, and may ye rejoice, O children, within the open field, and going forth to it, let us revel amid the shield-flowers of the battle. 98 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XVII. XochictticaU. I. Can ti ya nemia ticuicaniti ma ya hualmoquetza xochihuehuetl quetzaltica huiconticac teocuitlaxochi- nenepaniuhticac y ayamo aye iliamo aye huiy ohuaya, oh u ay a. 2. Tiquimonahuiltiz in tepilhuan teteucto in qua ocelotl ayamo, etc. uhtlo 3. In tlacace otemoc aya huehuetitlan ya nemi in cui- canitlhuia zan qui quetzal in tomaya quexexeloa aya icuic ipalnemoa qui ya nanquilia in coyolyantototl on- cuicatinemi xochimanamanaya taxocha ohuaya, ohuaya. 4. In canon in noconcaqui in tlatol aya tlacazo yehuatl ipalnemoa quiyananquilia quiyananquilia in coyolyantototl on cuicatinemi xochimanamanaya, etc. 5. In chalchihuitl ohuayee on quetzal pipixauhtimania in amo tlatolhuia, noyuh ye quittoa yayoquan yehuayan cuetzpal ohuaye anquinelin ye quimatin ipalnemoa ohuaya. 6. Noyuh quichihua con teuctlon timaloa yecan quetzalmaquiztla matilolticoya conahuiltia icelteotlhuia achcanon azo a yan ipalnemoa achcanon azo tie nel in tlalticpac ohuaya. 7. Macuelachic aya maoc ixquich cahuitl niquin no- tlanehui in chalchiuhtini in maquiztini in tepilhuan aya; zan nicxochimalina in tecpillotl huia : zan ca nican nocuic ica ya nocon ilacatzohua a in huehuetitlan a ohuaya ohuaya. 8. Oc noncoati nican Huexotzinco y nitLltohuani ni teca ehuatzin huiya chalchiuhti zan quetzalitztin y, ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 99 XVI I. A Flozver Song. 1. Where thou walkest, O singer, bring forth thy flow- ery drum, let it stand amid beauteous feathers, let it be placed in the midst of golden flowers ; 2. That thou mayest rejoice the youths and the nobles in their grandeur. 3. Wonderful indeed is it how the living song de- scended upon the drum, how it loosened its feathers and spread abroad the songs of the Giver of Life, and the coyol bird answered, spreading wide its notes, offering up its flowery songs of flowers. 4. Wherever I hear those words, perhaps the Giver of Life is answering, as answers the coyol bird, spreading wide its notes, offering up its flowery song of flowers. 5. It rains down precious stones and beauteous feathers rather than words ; it seems to be as one reveling in food, as one who truly knows the Giver of Life. 6. Thus do the nobles glorify themselves with things of beauty, honor and delight, that they may please the one only god, though one knows not the dwelling of the Giver of Life, one knows not whether he is on earth. 7. May I yet for a little while have time to revel in those precious and honorable youths; may I wreathe flowers for their nobility ; may I here yet for a while wind the songs around the drum. 8. I am a guest here among the rulers of Huexotzinco; I lift up my voice and sing of precious stones and emer- 100 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. niquincenquixtia in tepilhuan aya zan nicxochimalina in tecpillotl huia ohuaya ohuaya. 9. A in ilhuicac itic ompa yeya huitz in yectliyan xochitl yectliyan cuicatl y, conpolo antellel conpolo antotlayocol y in tlacazo yehuatl in Chichimecatl teuctli in teca yehuatzin ica xonahuiacan a ohuaya ohuaya. 10. Moquetzal izqui xochintzetzeloa in icniuhyotl aztlacaxtlatlapantica ye onmaHnticac in quetzalxiloxo- chitl imapan onnenemi conchichichintinemi in teteuctin in tepilhuan. 11. Zan teocuitlacoyoltototl o huel yectli namocuic huel yectli in anq'ehua anquin ye oncan y xochitl y ya hualyuhcan y xochitl imapan amoncate in amontlatlatoa ye ohuaya ohui ohui ilili y yao ayya hue ho ama ha ilili ohua y yaohuia. 12. O ach ancati quechol in ipalnemoa o ach ancati tlatocauh yehuan Dios huiya achto tiamehuan anquitzto- que tlahuizcalli amoncuicatinemi ohui, ohui, ilili, etc. 13. Maciuhtiao o in quinequi noyollo, zan chimalli xochitl mixochiuh ipalnemoani, quen conchihuaz noyollo yehua onentacico tonquizaco in tlalticpac a ohuaya ohuaya. 14. Zan ca yuhqui noyaz in o ompopoliuh xochitla antlenotleyoye in quemmanian, antlenitacihcayez in tlalticpac. Manel xochitl manel cuicatl, quen conchihuaz noyollo yehua onentacico tonquizaco in tlalticpac ohuaya ohuaya. 15. Manton ahuiacan antocnihuan aya ma on nequech nahualo nican huiyaa xochintlaticpac ontiyanemiyenican ayac quitlamitehuaz in xochitl in cuicatl in mani a ichan ipalnemohulani yi ao ailili yi ao aya hue aye ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 101 aids ; I select from among the youths those for whom I shall wreathe the flowers of nobility. 9. There comes from within the heavens a good flower, a good song, which will destroy your grief, destroy your sorrow; therefore, Chief of the Chichimecs, be glad and rejoice. 10. Here, delightful friendship, turning about with scarlet dyed wings, rains down its flowers, and the war- riors and youths, holding in their hands the fragrant xilo flowers, walk about inhaling the sweet odor. II. The golden coyol bird sings sweetly to you, sweetly lifts its voice like a flower, like sweet flowers in your hand, as you converse and lift your voice in singing, etc. 12. Even like the quechol bird to the Giver of Life, even a^ the herald of God, you have waited for the dawn, and gone forth singing ohui, etc. 13. Although I wish that the Giver of Life shall give for flowers the shield-flower, how shall I grieve that your efforts have been in vain, that you have gone forth from the world. 14. Even as I shall go forth into the place of decayed flowers, so sometime will it be with your fame and deeds on earth. Although they are flowers, although they are songs, how shall I grieve that your eflbrts have been in vain, that you have gone forth from the world. 15. Let us be glad, dear friends, let us rejoice while w^e walk here on this flowery earth ; may the end never come of our flowers and songs, but may they continue in the mansion of the Giver of Life. 102 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 1 6. In zancuelachitzincan tlalticpac aya ayaoc noiuhcan quennonamicani cuixocpacohua icniuhtihuay auh in amo zanio nican totiximatizo in tlalticpac y yiao ha ilili yiao. 17. Noconca con cuicatl noconca o quin tlapitzaya xochimecatl ayoquan teuctliya ahuayie, ohuayiao ayio yo ohua. 18. Zan mitzyananquili omitzyananquili xochin- calaitec y in aquiauhatzin in tlacateuhtli ayapancatl yahuayia. 19. Cantinemi noteouh ipalnemohuani mitztemohua in quemmanian y mocanitlaocoyan, nicuicanitlhuia, zan ni mitzahuiltiaya ohuiyan tililiyanco huia ohuaya ohuaya. 20. In zan ca izqui xochitl in quetzalizqui xochitl pix- ahui ye nican xopancalaitec i tlacuilolcalitec, zan nimitz- ahahuiltiaya ohui. 21. O anqui ye oncan Tlaxcala, ayahue, chalchiuh- tetzilacuicatoque in huehuetitlan ohuaye, xochin poyon ayiahue Xicontencatl teuctli in Tizatlacatzin in camaxo- chitzin cuicatica y melelquiza xochiticaya on chielo itlatol ohuay icelteotl ohuaya. 22. O, anqui nohuia y, ye mochan ipalnemohua xochipetlatl ye noca xochitica on tzauhticac oncan mitztlatlauhtia in tepilhua ohuaya. 23. In nepapan xochiquahuitl onicac, a}'a, huehue- titlan a a yiahue, can canticaya quetzaltica malintiniani, ya, yecxochitl motzetzeloaya ohuaya ohuaya. 24. Can quetzatzal petlacoatl ycpac o, ye nemi coj'olto- totl cuicatinemiya, can quinanquili teuctli ya, conahuilti- anquauhtloocelotl ohuaya ohuaya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 103 1 6. Yet a little while and your friends must pass from earth. What does friendship offer of enjoyment, when soon we shall no longer be known on earth ? 17. This is the burden of my song, of the garland of flowers played on the flute, without equal in the place of the nobles. 18. Within the house of flowers the Lord of the Waters, of the Gate of the Waters, answers thee, has answered thee. 19. Where thou livest, my beloved, the Giver of Life sends down upon thee sometimes things of sadness ; but I, the singer, shall make thee glad in the place of diffi- cult}-, in the place of cumber. 20. Here are the many flowers, the beauteous flowers, rained down within the house of spring, within its painted house, and I with them shall make thee glad. 21. O, you there in Tlaxcala, you have played like sweet bells upon your drums, even like brilliantly col- ored flowers. There was Xicontecatl, lord of Tizatlan, the rosy-mouthed, whose songs gave joy like flowers, who listened to the words of the one only God. 22. Thy house, O Giver of Life is in all places ; its mats are of flowers, finely spun with flowers, where thy children pray to thee. 23. A rain of various flowers falls where stands, the drum, beauteous wreaths entwine it, sweet flowers are poured down around it. 24. Where the brilliant scolopender basks, the coyol bird scatters abroad its songs, answering back the nobles, rejoicing in their prowess and might. 104 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 25. Xochitzetzeliuhtoc y, niconnetolilo antocnihuan huehuetitlan ai on chielo can nontlamati toyollo yehua ohuaya ohuaya. 26. In zan ca yehuan Dios tlaxic, ya, caquican yehual temoya o ilhuicatl itic, y, cuicatihuitz, y, quinanquilia o, angelotin ontlapitztihuitzteaya oyiahue yaia o o ohuaya ohuaya. 27. Zan ninentlamatia can niquauhtenco ayahue can XVIII. Nican Ompehua Teponazctiicatl. Tico, tico, toco, toto, aiih ic ontlantiiih adcatl, tiqiii, ti ti, tito, titi. 1. Tollan aya huapalcalli manca, nozan in mamani coatlaquetzaUi yaqui yacauhtehuac Nacxitl Topiltzin, onquiquiztica ye choquiHlo in topilhuan ahuay yeyauh in poHhuitiuh nechcan Tlapallan ho ay. 2. Nechcayan Cholollan oncan tonquizaya Poyauhte- catitlan, in quiyapanhuiya y Acallan anquiquiztica ye choquiHlon ye. 3. Nonohualco ye nihuitz ye nihui quecholi nimamah- teuctla, nicnotlamatia oyah quin noteuc ye ihuitimaH, nechya icnocauhya nimatlac xochitl, ayao ayao o ayya y yao ay. 4. In tepctl huitomica niyaychocaya, axahqueuhca nicnotlamati\-a o yaquin noteuc (etc. as v. 3). 5. In Tlapallan aya mochieloca monahuatiloca ye cochi- ztla o anca ca zanio ayao, ayao, a}'ao. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 105 25. Scattering flowers I rejoice you, dear friends, with my drum, awaiting what comes to our minds. 26. It reaches even to God, he hears it seeking him within the heavens, the song comes and the angels an- swer, playing on their flutes. 27. But I am sad within this wood. * * * XVIII. Here begin Songs for the Teponaztli. Tico, tico, toco, toto, and as the song approaches the end, tiqni, titi, tito, titi. 1. At Tollan there stood the house of beams, there yet stands the house of plumed serpents left by Nacxitl Topiltzin ; going forth weeping, our nobles went to where he was to perish, down there at Tlapallan. 2. We went forth from Cholula by way of Poyauhtecatl, and ye went forth weeping down by the water toward Acallan. 3. I come from Nonohualco as if I carried quechol birds to the place of the nobles ; I grieve that my lord has gone, garlanded with feathers ; I am wretched like the last flower. 4. With the falling down of mountains I wept, with the lifting up of sands I was wretched, that my lord had gone. 5. At Tlapallan he was waited for, it was commanded that there he should sleep, thus being alone. 106 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 6. Zan tiyaolinca ye noteuc ic ihuitimali, tinahuatiloya ye Xicalanco o anca zacanco. 7. Ay yanco ay yanco ayamo aya ayhuiya ayanco ayyanco ayamo aye ahuiya que ye mamaniz mocha mo- quiapana, oquen ye mamaniz moteuccallatic ya icno- cauhqui nican Tollan Nonohualco ya y ya y ya o ay. 8. In ye quinti chocaya teuctlon, timalon que ye mam- aniz mochan (etc. as v. 7). 9. In tetl, in quahuitl o on timicuilotehuac nachcan Tollan y inon can in otontlatoco Naxitl Topiltzin y aye polihuiz ye motoca ye ic ye chocaz in momacehual ay yo. 10. Zan can xiuhcalliya cohuacallaya in oticmatehuac nachcan Tollan y inon can yn otontlatoco Naxitl Topiltzin (etc. as in v. g). ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 107 6. In our battles my lord was garlanded with feathers; we were commanded to go alone to Xicalanco. 7. Alas ! and alas ! who will be in thy house to attire thee ? Who will be the ruler in thy house, left desolate here in ToUan, in Nonohualco ? 8. After he was drunk, the ruler wept ; we glorified ourselves to be in thy dwelling. 9. Misfortune and misery were written against us there in Tollan, that our leader Nacxitl Topiltzin was to be destroyed and thy subjects made to weep. 10. We have left the turquoise houses, the serpent houses there in Tollan, where ruled our leader Nacxitl Topiltzin. 108 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XIX. Tico toco toco ti qttiti quiti qiiiti qiiito ; can ic mocjicptiuh. 1. Tlapapal xochiceutli niyolaya nepapan tonacan xochitl moyahuaya oncueponti moquetzaco ya naya aya ye teo ya ixpan tonaa Santa Maria ayyo. 2. An ya ya cuicaya zan quetzala xihuitl tomolihui yan aya ye nitlachihual icelteotl y ye Dios aya ni itla- yocolaoya yecoc ya. 3. Zan ca tlaauilolpan nemia moyollo amoxpetlatl ipan toncuicaya tiquimonyaitotia teteuctin aya in obispo ya zan ca totatzin aya oncan titlatoa atlitempan ay yo. 4. Yehuan Dios mitzyocox aya xochitla ya mitztlaca- tilo yancuicatl mitzicuiloa Santa Maria in obispo ya. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 109 XIX. Tico, toco, toco, tiquiti, qiiiti, quiti, qiiito ; tvhcre it is to turn back again. 1. Resting amid parti-colored flowers I rejoiced; the many shining flowers came forth, blossomed, burst forth in honor of our mother Holy Mary. 2. They sang as the beauteous season grew, that I am but a creature of the one only God, a work of his hands that he has made. 3. Mayst thy soul walk in the light, mayst thou sing in the great book, mayst thou join the dance of the rulers as our father the bishop speaks in the great temple. 4. God created thee, he caused thee to be born in a flowery place, and this new song to Holy Mary the bishop wrote for thee. 110 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XX. 1. Tolteca icuilihuia ahaa ya ha on tlantoc amoxtli ya moyollo ya on aya mochonaciticac o o Toltecayootl aic aya ninemiz ye nican ay yo. 2. Ac ya nechcuiliz, ac ye nohuan oyaz o, nicaz a anni icuihuan aya y yancuicanitl y yehetl y noxochiuh non cuica ihuitequi onteixpan ayyo. 3. Huey in tetl nictequintomahuac quahuitl, nic- icuiloa yancuicatl itech aya oncan nomitoz in quem- manian in can Jiiyaz nocuica machio nicyacauhtiaz in tialticpac, y onnemiz noyol zan ca ye nican ya hualla y yancoya nolnamicoca nemiz ye noteyo ay yo. 4. Nichocaya niquittoaya nicnotza noyollo ma niquitta cuicanelhuayotl ayama nicyatlalaquiya ma ya ica tial- ticpac quimman mochihua onnenemiz noyol y. Zan ca teucxochitl ahuiaca ipotocaticac mocepanoayan toxo- chiuh ay ye ayao ohuiy on can quiya itzmolini ye no- cuic celia notlatollaquillo ohua in toxochiuh icac iqui- apani ayao. 5. Tel ca cahua xochitl ahuiac xeliuhtihuitz a ipoto- caya in ahuiyac poyomatlin pixahua oncan ninenenemi nicuicanitl y ye aya o ohui y on ca quiya itzmolini ye nocuic celia, etc. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. Ill XX. 1 1. The Toltecs have been taken, alas, the book of their souls has come to an end, alas, everything of the Toltecs has reached its conclusion, no longer do I care to live here. 2. Who will take me? Who will go with me? I am ready to be taken, alas. All that was fresh, the perfume, my flowers, my songs, have gone along with them. 3. Great is my affliction, weighty is my burden ; I write out a new song concerning it, that some time I may speak it there where I shall go, a song to be known when I shall leave the earth, that my soul shall live after I have gone from here, that my fame shall live fresh in memory. 4. I cried aloud, I looked about, I reflected how I might see the root of song, that I might plant it here on the earth, and that then it should make my soul to live. The sweet exhalations of the lovely flowers rose up uniting with our flowers ; one hears them growing as my song buds forth, filled with my words our flowers stand upright in the waters. 5. But the flowers depart, their sweetness is divided and exhales, the fragrant poyomatl rains down its leaves where I the poet walk in sadness ; one hears them growing, etc. 112 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXI. Huexotzincayotl. Viniendo los de Hiiexotzinco a pedir socorro d Moteuczoina Tlaxcalla. 1. Tlacuiloltzetzeliuhticac moyoliol tiMoteuczomatzi nichuicatihuitz nictzetzelotihuitz y o huetzcani xochin- quetzalpapalotl moquetzalizouhtihuitz noconitotia chal- chiuhatlaquiquizcopa niyahueloncuica chalchiuhhuila- capitzli nicteocuitlapitza ya ho ay la ya o haye ohuichile amiyacale. 2. Ohuaya ye onniceelehuia moxochiuh aya ipalne- moani yehuaya Dios aya ilihuaca nahuiche nictzetzeloaya noncuicatilo yaha y. 3. Tozmilini xochitl in noyolyol ay yahue tozmilini xochitl noteponaz ayanco ayancayome oncana y yahue nicxochiamoxtozimmanaya itlatol ayanco ayanca yomeho. 4. Xompaqui xonahuia annochipanicantiyazque ye ichano nohueyetzinteucth Moteuczomatzi, totlaneuh tlpc totlaneuh ueHc xochitl o ayanco. 5. TIachinoltepec yn ahuicacopa tixochitonameyo timo- quetzaco y yehuan Dios a ocelozacatl ypan quauhtli choca ymopopoyauhtoc y yanco y liyan cay yahue ayli y yacalco y ya y yeho zaca y yahue. 6. Ohuaya yche nipa tlantinemia ixpan Dios a ninozo- zohuayatlauhquechoi, zaquan quetzal in tlayahualol pa- palotl mopilihuitzetzeloa teixpana xochiatlaquiquizcopa oh tlatoca ye nocuic y yanco ili, etc. 7. Nehcoya ompa ye nihuithuiya xoxouhqui hueyatla ymancan zanniman olini pozoni tetecuica ic nipa tlania, ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 113 XXI. A Song of the Huexotzincos, Coming to Ask Aid of Montez7ima Against Tlaxcalla. 1. Raining down writings for thy mind, O Montezuma, I come hither, I come raining them down, a very jester, a painted butterfly ; stringing together pretty objects, I seem to be as one cementing together precious stones, as I chant my song on my emerald flute, as I blow on my golden flute, ya ho, ay la, etc. 2. Yes, I shall cause thy flowers to rejoice the Giver of Life, the God in heaven, as hither I come raining down my songs, ya ho. 3. A sweet voiced flower is my mind, a sweet voiced flower is my drum, and I sing the words of this flowery book, 4. Rejoice and be glad ye who live amid the flowers in the house of my great lord Montezuma, we must finish with this earth, we must finish with the sweet flowers, alas. 5. At the Mount of Battle we bring forth our sweet and glittering flowers before God, plants having the lustre of the tiger, like the cry of the eagle, leaving glorious memory, such are the plants in this house. 6. Alas! in a little while there is an end before God to all living ; let me therefore string together beauteous and yellow feathers, and mingling them with the dancing butterflies rain them down before you, scattering the words of my song like water dashed from flowers. 7. I would that I could go there where lies the great blue water surging, and smoking and thundering, till after a time it retires again : I shall sing as the quetzal, the 114 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. zan iquetzal in tototl xiuhquechol tototl no chiuhtihuitz y ni yahuinac ya Huexotzinco Atzalan ayome. 8. Zan niquintocaz aya niquimiximatitiuh nohueyo- tzitzinhuan chalchiuhquechol y canca xiuhquechol in teocuitlapapalotl in cozcatototl ontlapia ye onca Hue- xotzinco Atzalan ayame ; 9. Xochi Atzalaan teocuitlaatl chalchiuhatl y nepa- niuhyan itiatoaya in quetzalcanauhtli quetzalnocuitlapilli cuecueyahuaya yliya yliya yaho ayli yaho aye huichile anicale. 10. Huecapan nicac nicuicanitl huiya zaquan petlatolini, ma nica yeninemia nicyeyectian cuicatla in nic xochiotia yayaho yahii. I ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 115 blue quechol, when I go back to Huexotzinco among the waters [or, and Atzalan). 8. I shall follow them, I shall know them, my beloved Huexotzincos; the emerald quechol birds, the green quechol, the golden butterflies, and yellow birds, guard Huexotzinco among the waters {or, and Atzalan). 9. Among the flowery waters, the golden waters, the emerald waters, at the junction of the waters which the blue duck rules moving her spangled tail. 10. I the singer stand on high on the yellow rushes; let me g-o forth with noble song-s and laden with flowers. 116 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXIL Tico tico ticoti tico tico ticoti mill ic ojitlantiuh in cuicatl totoco totoco. I. Xichocayan nicuicanitl nicitta noxochiuh zan nomac ommania zan quihuintiaye noyollo ni cuicatl aya nohuian nemia, zan ca ye noyollo notlayocola in cayo. 2. Xiuhtlamatelolla quetzalchalchiuhtla ipan ye nic- matia nocuic aya ma yectlaxochitl y, zan nomac ton mania, etc. 3. In quetzalin chalchiuhtla ipan ye nicmatia yectli ye nocuic yectli noxochiuh annicuihuan tepilhuan aya xonahuiacan a ayac onnemiz o in tlalticpac ayo. 4. O an niquitquiz ye niaz yectli nocuic yectli noxo- chiuhui annicuihuan tepilhuan aya. 5. O huayanco o nichocaya a huayanco o cahua y yahue nictzetzelo xochitl ay yo. 6. Mach nohuan tonyaz quennonamica o ah nicitquiz xochitl zan nicuicanitl huiya ma yo a xonahuiyacan to ya nemia ticaqui ye nocuic ahuaya. 7. Ay ca nichocaya nicuicanitl ya icha ahuicaloyan cuicatl ha Mictlan temohuiloya yectliya xochitl onca ya oncaa y yao ohuayan ca ya ilaca tziuhan ca na y yo. 8. Amo nequimilool amo neccuiltonol antepilhuan aychaa ohuicaloyan cuicatl. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 117 XXII. Tico, tico, ticoti, tico, tico, ticoti, and then the song ends with totoeo, totoco. 1. In the place of tears I the singer watch my flowers; they are in my hand; they intoxicate my soul and my song, as I walk alone with them, with my sad soul among them. 2. In this spot, where the herbage is like sweet oint- ment and green as the turquoise and emerald, I think upon my song, holding the beauteous flowers in my hand, etc. (as in v. i). 3. In this spot of turquoise and emerald, I think upon beauteous songs, beauteous flowers ; let us rejoice now, dear friends and children, for life is not long upon earth. 4. I shall hasten forth, I shall go to the sweet songs, the sweet flowers, dear friends and children. 5. O he! I cried aloud; O he! I rained down flowers as I left. 6. Let us go forth anywhere ; I the singer shall find and bring forth the flowers; let us be glad while we live; listen to my song. 7. I the poet cry out a song for a place of joy, a glorious song which descends to Mictlan, and there turns about and comes forth again. 8. I seek neither vestment nor riches, O children, but a song for a place of joy. 118 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXIII. Ycuic NezaJmalcoyotzm. Totoco totoco tico, totoco totoco ic ontlantiuh tico titico ti tico tico. I. Nicaya quetza con tohuehueuh aoniquimitotia quauhtlocelo yn ca tiyayhcac in cuicaxochitl, nictemoan cuicatl ye tonequimilol ayyo. 2. Ti Nopiltzi o ti Nezahualcoyotl o tiya jMictl a quen- onamica y yece miyoncan ay yo. 3. Quiyon quiyon caya nichocaya ya ni Nezahual- coyotl huiya queni yeno yaz o ya nipolihuiz oyamiquitla ye nimitzcahua noteouh ypalnemo o tinechnahuatia ye niaz nipolihuiz aya, yo. 4. Ouenon maniz tlallin Acolihuacan huiya cuixoca quen mano o ticmomoyahuaz in momacehuah ye nimitz- cahua noteouh, etc. 5. Can yio cuicatli tonequimilol quipoloaya a in totlacuiloli tepilhuan 00 maya o huitihua nican aya ayac ichan tlalticpac 00 ticyacencahuazque huelic ye xochitl ayio. 6. O ayac quitlamitaz monecuiltonol ypalnemoa a noyolquimati cuelachic otictlanehuico Nezahualcoyotzin ay oppatihua nican anaya y chan tlpc. Oon yn ay oppatihuain tlalticpacqui, zan nicuicanitl ayaho onnicho- caya niquelnamiqui Nezahualcoj^otl aya ho. 7. Xo acico ye nican in teotl aya ypalnemoa, ayaho on nichocaya a niquelnamiqui Nezalhuacoyotl ayio. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 119 XXIII. Scmo-s of the Prince Nezahualcoyotl. Totoco, totoco, tico, totoco totoco, then it ends zvith tico titico, titico, tico. 1. I bring forth our drum that I may show the power and the grandeur in which thou standest, decked with flowers of song : I seek a song wherewith to drape thee, ah! oh! 2. Thou, my Lord, O thou Nezahualcoyotl, thou goest to Mictlan in some manner and at a fixed time, ere long. 3. For this, for this, I weep, I Nezahualcoyotl, inas- much as I am to go, I am to be lost in death, I must leave thee ; my God, the Giver of Life, thou commandest me, that I go forth, that I be lost, alas. 4. How shall the land of Acolhuacan remain, alas ? How shall we, thy servants, spread abroad its fame ? I must leave thee ; my God, etc. 5. Even this song for thy draping may perish, which we have written for our children, it will no longer have a home here on earth when we shall wholly leave these fragrant flowers. 6. Alas! thy riches shall end; the Giver of Life teaches me that but for a little while do we enjoy the prince Nezahualcoyotl, nor a second time will he come to his house on earth ; no second time will he rejoice on earth; but I the singer grieve, recalling to memory Nezahual- coyotl. 7. Let us seek while here the god, the Giver of Life ; I grieve, recalling to memory Nezahualcoyotl, 120 ANXIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXIV. Quititi, quititi, quid tocoto, tocoti tocoto tocoti zan ic vwaicptiiih. 1. Ma xochicuicoya ma ichtoa nichuana ayyahue teyhuinti xochitl ao ya noyehcoc ye nica poyoma xahuallan timaliuhtihuitz ay yo. 2. Ma xochitl oyecoc ye nican ayyahue ^an tlaahui- xochitla moyahuaya motzetzeloa ancazo yehuatl in nepa- paxochitl ayyo. Zan commoni huehuetl ma ya netotilo. 3. Yn quetzal poyomatl aye ihcuilihuic noyol nicui- canitl in xochitl ayan tzetzelihui ya ancuel ni cuiya ma xonahuacan ayio zan noyolitic ontlapanion cuicaxochitl nicyamoyahuaya yxoochitla. 4. Cuicatl ya ninoquinilotehuaz in quemmanian xochi- neneliuhtiaz noyollo yehuan tepilhuan oonteteuctin in ca yio. 5. Zan ye ic nichoca in quemanian zan nicaya ihtoa noxochiteyo nocuicatoca nictlalitehuaz in quemanian xochineneliuhtiaz, etc. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 121 XXIV. Qitititi, qidiiti, quiti tocoto, tocoti, tocoto, tocoti, then it is to turn back again. 1. Let me pluck flowers, let me see them, let me gather the really intoxicating flowers ; the flowers are ready, many colored, varied in hue, for our enjoyment. 2. The flowers are ready here in this retired spot, this spot of fragrant flowers, many sorts of flowers are poured down and scattered about ; let the drum be ready for the dance. 3. I the singer take and pour down before you from my soul the beautiful poyomatl, not to be painted, and other flowers ; let us rejoice, while I alone within my soul disclose the songs of flowers, and scatter them abroad in the place of flowers. 4. I shall leave my songs in order that sometime I may mingle the flowers of my heart with the children and the nobles. 5. I weep sometimes as I see that I must leave the earth and my flowers and songs, that sometime these flowers will be vain and useless. 122 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXV. Tico toco tocoto ic ontlantiuJi ticoto ticoto. 1. Toztliyan quechol nipa tlantinemia in tlallaicpac oquihuinti ye noyol ahua y ya i. 2. Ni quetzaltototl niyecoya ye iquiapan ycelteotl yxochiticpac nihueloncuica oo nicuicaihtoa paqui ye noyol ahuay. 3. Xochiatl in pozontimania in tlallaicpac oquihuinti ye noyol ahua. 4. Ninochoquilia niquinotlamati ayac in chan 00 tlallicpac ahua. 5. Zan niquittoaya ye ni Mexicatl mani ya huiya nohtlatoca tequantepec ni yahui polihuin chittepehua a ya ye choca in tequantepehua o huaye. 6. Ma ca qualania nohueyotehua Mexicatli polihui chile. 7. Citlalin in popocaya ipan ye moteca y za ye polihui a zan ye xochitecatl ohuaye. 8. Zan ye chocaya amaxtecatl aya caye chocaya tequantepehua. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 123 I XXV. Tico, toco, tocoto, and then it ends, ticoto, ticoto. 1. The sweet voiced quechol there, ruhng the earth, has intoxicated my soul. 2. I am hke the quetzal bird, I am created in the house of the one only God ; I sing sweet songs among the flowers ; I chant songs and rejoice in my heart. 3. The fuming dew-drops from the flowers in the field intoxicate my soul. 4. I grieve to myself that ever this dwelling on earth should end. 5. I foresaw, being a Mexican, that our rule began to be destroyed, I went forth weeping that it was to bow down and be destroyed. 6. Let me not be angry that the grandeur o^" Mexico is to be destroyed, 7. The smoking stars gather together against it : the one who cares for flowers is about to be destroyed. 8. He who cared for books wept, he wept for the begin- ning of the destruction. 124 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXVI. Toto tiquiti tiquiti ic ontlantmli tocotico tocoti toto titiqiii toto titiqiiiti. 1. Oya moquetz huel oon ma on netotilo teteuctin aya ma onnetlanehuihuilo chalchihuitl on quetzal! patlahuac, ayac ichan tlalticpac, ayio zan nomac onmania ooo y xochiuh aya ipalnemoa ma onnetlanehuilo chalchihuitl. 2. Oyohual in colinia o on In icelteotl ipalnemaa Anahuac o onnemia noyol ayio. 3. In yancuica oncan quixima ipalnemoani ca ye Nonoalco ahuilizapan i in teuctli yehua Nezahualpilli y yece ye oncan aya in tlacoch tenanpan Atlixco ayio. 4. Zan momac otitemic motlahuan zomal a ica tica- huiltia icelteotl in teuctli yehua. 5. Y yeho aye icnotlamati noyollo, zan niNonoalcatl, zan can nicolintototl o nocamapan aya Mexicatl in ca yio. 6. On quetzal pipixauhtoc motlachinolxochiuh in ipalnemoa zan ca nicolintototl, etc. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 125 XXVI. Toto tiquiti tiqniti, then it ends tocotico, tocoti toto titiqui toto iitiqidti, 1. Come forth to the dance, ye lords, let there be abundance of turquoise and feathers ; our dwelling on earth is not for long ; only let the gods give me flowers to my hand, give me abundance of turquoises. 2. Come let us move in the dance in honor of the one only god, the Giver of Life, while my soul lives by the waters [or, in Anahuac). 3. The Giver of Life made known a new song after the lord Nezahualpilli entered the strongholds of Nonoalco and sped his arrows within the walls of Atlixco. 4. Thou hast filled thy plate and thy cup in thy hands and hast rejoiced in the one only God, the Lord. 5. Alas, how I am afflicted in my soul, I, a resident of Nonoalco; I am like a wild bird, my face is that of a Mexican. 6. The beauteous flowers of thy battles lie abundantly snowed down, O Giver of Life; I am like a wild bird, etc. 126 ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. XXVII. Toco toco tiqid tiqui ic ontlant'mli toco tico tocoti. 1. Ma ya pehualo ya nicuihua in ma ya on acico ye nicaan aya oya yecoc yeliuan Dios in cayio in ma ya ca ya onahuilihuan tepilhuan a ayamo acico ya yehuan Dios oncan titemoc yeliuan Dios a oncan huel in oncan tlacat y ye Yesu Cristo in ca yio. 2. In oncan tlahuizcalli milintimani mochan aya moxo- chiuhaya Dios aya chalchiuhcueponi maquiztzetzelihui onnetlamaclitiloya in ca yio in oncan ya o nepapan izhuayo moxochiuh aya Dios a. 3. Zan ye xochitl moyahua 00 zan ca itlatol in ipalnemoani o ontepan ye moteca anahuac ooica tic- huelmana atl on yan tepetl ayio. 4. Zan temomac mania cemilhuitl in niman ye tehuatl toconyaittoaya ipalnemoani. ANCIENT NAHUATL POEMS. 127 XXVII. Toco, toco, iiqiii, tiqui, and then it ends toco, tico, tocoti. 1. Let my song be begun, let it spread abroad from here as far as God has created ; may the children be glad, may it reach to God, there to God whom we seek, there where is Jesus Christ who was born. 2. There the dawn spreads widely over the fields, over thy house, and thy flowers, O God, blossom beauteous as emeralds ; they rain down in wondrous showers, in that place of happiness; there alone may my flowers, of various leaves, be found, O God. 3. There the flowers are the words of the Giver of Life; they are upon the mountains and by the waters; we find them alike by the water and the mountain. 4. Our day is in thy hand, and soon we shall see thee, thou Giver of Life. I NOTES. SONG I. The song is an allegor>', portraying the soul-life of the poet. By the flowers which he sets forth to seek, we are to understand the songs which he desires to compose. He asks himself where the poetic inspiration is to be sought, and the answer is the same as was given by Wordsworth, that it is to the grand and beautiful scenes of Nature that the poet must turn for the elevation of soul which will lift him to the sublimest heights of his art. But this exaltation bears with it the heavy penalty that it disquali- fies for ordinary joys. As in medieval tales, he who had once been admitted to fairyland, could nevermore conquer his long- ing to return thither, so the poet longs for some other condition of existence where the divine spirit of song may forever lift him above the trials and the littleness of this earthly life. There is no sign of Christian influence in the poem, and it is probably one handed down from a generation anterior to the Conquest. I. The word peuhcayotl (rom peiia, to begin, intimates that this was a song chanted at the beginning of a musical entertainment. The verses are longer, and the phraseology plainer than in many of those following. There is also an absence of interjections and lengthened vowels, all of which indicate that the time was slow, and the actions of the singer temperate, as was the custom at the beginning of a baile. (See Introd., p. 20.) I. Ninoyolnotiotza^ a reflexive, frequentative form from notza, to think, to reflect, itself from the primitive radicle 110, mind, common to both the Nahuatl and Maya languages. The syllable yol is for yollotl, heart, in its figurative sense of soul or mind. The combination oi yolno7iotza is not found in any of the diction- aries. The full sense is, " I am thinking by myself, in my heart." ahuiaca, an adverbial form, usually means " pleasant-smelling," though in derivation it is from the verb ahuia, to be satisfied with. quetzal, for quetzalli, a long, handsome blue feather from the quetzal bird, often used figuratively for anything beautiful or precious. 129 130 NOTES. chalchinh for chalchiuitl, the famous green-stone, jade or em- erald, so highly prized by the Mexicans ; often used figuratively for anything noble, beautiful and esteemed. htdtzitzicatin, a word not found in the dictionaries, appears to be from tziiziica, to tremble, usually from cold, but here applied to the tremulous motion of the humming bird as it hovers over a flower. zacuan, the yellow plumage of the zacuan bird, and from simi- larity of color here applied to the butterfly. The zacuan is known to ornithologists as the Oriolus dominicensis. These birds are remarkably gregarious, sometimes as many as a hun- dred nests being found in one tree (see Eduard Muhlenpfort, Versuch ehier getreuen Schilderimg der Republik Blexiko, Bd. I, p. 183). acxoyatzinitzcanquauhtia ; composed of acxoyatl, the wild laurel ; tzitiifzcan, the native name of the Trogon mexicanus, renowned for its beautiful plumage; guauhtli, a tree; and the place-ending //a, meaning abundance. tlauquecJiolxochiquatthtla ; composed of tlauqiiechol , the native name of the red, spoon-billed heron, Platalea ajaja; xochiil, flower ; qiiaiihtli, tree ; and the place-ending tla. tonameyotoc, the root is the verb totia, to shine, to be warm ; tonatiuh, the sun ; tonameyotl, a ray of the sun, etc. As warmth and sunlight are the conditions of growth and fertility, many derivatives from this root signify abundance, riches, etc. mocehcemelquixtia ; wo is the reflexive pronoun, 3d sing., often used impersonally ; cehcemel, is a reduplicated form of the nu- meral ce, one ; it conveys the sense of entire, whole, perfect, and is thus an interesting illustration of the tendency of the untu- tored mind to associate the idea of unity with the notion of per- fection ; quixtia is the compulsive form oi qiiiza, to go forth. onechittitique ; 3d person plural, preterit, of the causative form of itta, to see ; ittitia, to cause to see, to show ; nech, me, accusa- tive form of the pronoun. noniexanco ; from cucxantli, the loose gown worn by the natives, extending from the waist to the knees. Articles were carried in it as in an apron ; 7io-cuexan-co, my-gown-in, the ter- minal ///being dropped on suffixing the postposition. tepilhuan ; ixompilli, boy, girl, child, young person, with the rel- ative, indefinite, pronominal prefix te, and the pronominal plural termination /rwaw, to take which, pilli drops its last syllable,/// NOTES. 131 hence, te-pil-hiian, somebody's children, or in general, the young people. This word is of constant occurrence in the songs. tetenctin, plural with reduplication of tetictli, a noble, a ruler, a lord. The singer addresses his audience by this respectful title. 2. ixochiciiicatzini ; i,'poss.Tpron.2,ds\ng.\ xochitl,^ovj&r\ cui- caii, song ; tzin, termination signifying reverence or affection ; " their dear flower-songs." yuhqui tepetl, etc. The echo in the Nahuatl tongue is called tepeyolotl^ the heart or soul of the mountain (not in Simeon's Dic- tionnaire, but given by Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicana, p. 202). vieyaqiietzalatl; from meya, to flow slowly, to trickle ; quetzalli, beautiful ; atl, water. xiuhtotoameyalli ; the root xiuh meant originally green (or blue, as they were not distinguished apart) ; hence xiuiil, a leaf or plant, the green herbage ; as where the Nahuas then were this was renewed annually, xiuitl came to mean a year ; as a comet seems to have a bunch of fiery flames growing from it, this too was xiuitl, and a turquoise was called by the same term ; in the present compound, it is employed adjectively ; xiuh-totol, tur- quoise-bird, is the Guiaca cerulea, Linn. ; anieyalli, from atl, water, ineya, to trickle, and the noun ending. mo-motla; to throw one's self, to dash one's self against some- thing, etc. centzontlatolli ; literally," four hundred speeches." The nu- meral four hundred was employed, like the Greek " myriad," to express vaguely any extraordinary number. . The term may be rendered "the myriad-voiced," and was the common name of the mocking-bird, called by ornithologists Turdus polygloittis, Ca/audria polyglotta, and Miinus polyglotta. coyoltototi, literally, " the rattle-bird," so called from its peculiar notes {coyolli^ a rattle), is one of the Tanegridae, probably the Piranga hepatic a. ayacachicahuacti)nani' ; composed of ayacachtli, the rattle (see ante, page 24) ; and icahuaca, to sing (of birds) ; to the theme of this verb is added the connective syllable ti, and the verb mani, which, in such connection, indicates that the action of the former verb is expended over a large surface, broadly and widely (see Olmos, Gram, de la Langue Nahuatl, p. 155, where, however, the connective ti is erroneously taken for the pronoun //). hueltetozcatemique ; composed of huel, good or well ; tetozca, 132 NOTES. from tozquitl, the singing voice ; and tenio, to let fall, to drop ; que is the plural verbal termination. 3. ma fi-amech-ellelti, vetative causative from elleloa, to cause pain. cactiniotlaliqiie, appears to be a compound of caqui, to listen, to hear, and tlalia, to seat, to place. aniohuanipofzitzinhiian, a compound based on the pronoun of the second person plural, a}no, the particle />c, which means simi- larity or likeness, and the reduplicated reverential plural termina- tion. The same particle /o, appears a few lines later in toqiiichpo- huan ; potli = comrade, compeer. 4. Tepeilic, from tepell, mountain, ititl, belly, from which is de- rived the proposition itic, within, among. The term is applied to a ravine or sequestered valley. 5. quauhtliya oceloti, the expression quauhtli, oceloti, is of fre- quent occurrence in the ancient Nahuatl writers. The words mean literally " eagle, tiger." These were military titles applied to officers commanding small bodies of troops ; figuratively, the words mean control, power, and dignity ; also, bravery and virtue. Comp. Agustin de Vetancurt, Teatro Mexicano, Tratado II, cap. 3. 6. in tloqne in nahicaque ; this expression, applied by the ancient Nahuas to the highest divinity, is attributed by some to Nezahu- alcoyotl (see above, p. 36). It is composed of two postpositions i/oc and nafmac, and in the form given conveys the meaning " to whom are present and in whom are immanent all things having life." See Agustin de la Rosa, Analisis de la Platica Mexicana sobre el Misterio de la Santisinia Trinidad, p. 11 (Guadalajara, 1871). The epithet was applied in heathen times to the supreme divinity Tonacateotl ; see the Codex Tellenatio-Retncnsis, in Kingsborough's Mexico, Vol. VI, p. 107. 8. ximoayan ; this word does not appear in the dictionaries of Molina or Simeon, and is a proof, as is the sentiment of the whole verse, that the present poem belongs to a period previous to the Conquest. The term means " where all go to stay," and was the name of the principal realm of departed souls in the mythology of the ancient Nahuas. See Bartholome de Alva, Confessionario en Lengua Mexicana, fol. 13 (Mexico, 1634) ; Tez- ozomoc, Cronica A/exicaua, cap. 55; D. G. Brinton ; The Jotirney of the Soul (in Aztec and Aryan Myths), Philadelphia, 1883. yhuiniia, causative form of ihiiinli, to make drunk. The Nir- NOTES. 133 vana of the Nahuas was for the soul to He in dense smoke and darkness, filled with utter content, and free from all impressions (" en lo profundo de contento y obscuridad,"Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicana, cap. 55). II. On the signification of the titles given to this poem see the In- troduction, I 3. 1. yc/iuan Dios ; literally " who are God ; " the introduction of the Spanish Dios, God, is in explanation of /« tloque m nahiiaqiie ; so far from proving that this song is of late date, this vouches for its genuine ancient character, through the necessity for such explanation. 2. nelhuayotl, the essence or source of something, its true nature ; probably from nelli, true. teoquechobne ; the prefix teoti, divine, is often added as an ex- pression of admiration. Sahagun mentions the teoqiiechol as a bird of brilliant plumage. III. The poet recalls a recent attendance on the obsequies of an acquaintance, and seeks to divert his mind from the gloomy con- templation of death and the ephemeral character of mortal joys by urging his friend to join in the pleasure of the hour, and by suggesting the probability of an after life. I. xochicaico ; compounded oi xochitl, flower ; calli, house ; and the postposition, co. The term was applied to any room decorated with flowers ; here, to the mortuary chamber, which Tezozomoc tells us was decked with roses and brilliant feathers. ipalnemohiiani, literally "the one by whom life exists." The composition is /, possessive pronoun, third person, singular ; pal, postposition, by ; nemoani, singular of the present in ni of the impersonal form of the verb «n, you, axque, 2d pi. pret. from ay, to do. odicatl, apparently an old form from odli, the intoxicating beverage prepared from the maguey. oanqiiique, 2d pi. pret. from cui, to take. ohnican, a place of difiiculty and danger. NOTES. , 137 The frequent addition of the terminal o in this and the succeed- ing verses is merely euphonic. 2. icoatj tiachinolli ; see note VI, 4. /;/ inaqiiiztli tlazotetl, the beloved jewels, a phrase which iiuli- cates that the broken stones and splintered emeralds referred to are the young warriors who fall in battle, the pride of their parents' hearts, who are destroyed in the fight. The tizaoctii, white wine (^tizatl, chalk, hence white, and octli, wine), referred to in this passage, is said by Sahagun to have been drunk especially at the feast of the god Papaztac, one of the many gods of the wine cup. Hist, de Nueva EspaFia, Lib. II, App. Tezozomoc mentions it as handed to the mourners at funeral ceremonies. Cronica Mexicana, cap. 55. 3. xochitlalticpacillmicacpao ; in this long compound oi xochitl, flower, Haiti, earth, and ilhuicatl, sky, with various postpositions and the euphonic terminal o, the final /a gives the sense of loca- tion, towards, in the direction of. chinialxochitl ; " the shield flower," the shield or buckler of the ancient warriors, ornamented with tassels and feathers, is not unaptly called the flower of war. VIII. The entire absence in this lament for the dead of any conso- lation drawn from Christian doctrines, points clearly to a date for its composition earlier than the teachings of the missionaries. Its cry of woe is hopeless, and the title attributes its authorship to one of the old chieftains, tlatoani, who held the power before the Spaniard arrived. 1. quetzalJuiahuaciuhtoque, from qtietzalli, fmaqui ; in teintoqjce, the splinters ; the same simile is employed in VII, 2. 2. ximoaya?t,SQ& note to I, 8. The occurrence of this term here and in verse 3 testifies to the fact of a composition outside of Christian influences. IX. The title does not necessarily mean that this song is a transla- tion from the Otomi language, but merely that the time to which it was chanted was in the Otomi style ; or, the term Otomi may J 138 NOTES. have reference to the miHtary officer so called. The word is per- haps a compound of ^//ai'/ is a mat or rug; it is here to be taken in its figurative sense of power or authority, chiefs and other prominent persons being provided with mats at the councils, etc. XV. This extremely difficult composition seems to be a war song, in which the bard refers to the traditional history of the Nahuas, names some of their most prominent warriors, and incites his hearers to deeds of prowess on the battle field. I do not claim for my version more than a general correspondence to the thought of the original. In several parts, especially verse 18, the text is obviously defective. 1. tzihitactitlan ; " the land of the tzihuac bushes." The tzihu- actli is a small kind of maguey which grows in rocky localities. The tenth edifice of the great temple at Tenochtitlan was a wall surrounding an artificial rockery planted with these bushes. Sa- hagun, who mentions this fact, adds that the name of this edifice was Teotla/pan, which literally means " on holy ground." {Hist, de la Nueva Espana, Lib. II, App.) The rnizquitl is the common Mimosa circinalis. Chicomoztoc ; "at the Seven Caves," a famous locality in Mex- ican legend, and the supposed birthplace of their race. 2. Colhuacan is probably fur Acolhuacan ; the early rulers of the latter were of the blood of the Chichimec chiefs of the Tepan- ecas. 4. Hueytlalpaii, " at the ancient land," perhaps for Huetlapal- lan, a locality often referred to in the migration myths of the Na- huas. 5. Atloyan ; see note to XIII, 6. 9. The ceiba and cypress trees were employed figuratively to indicate protection and safeguard. .See Olmos, Gram, de la La)igue Nahuatl,\>. 7.11. 12. On tlailothiqui, see note to XIII, 8. The interjectional appendages to this and the following verse are increased. f NOTES. 141 15. Tepeyacan was the name of a mountain on which before tlie Conquest was a temple dedicated to the " Mother of our Life," Tonantzin. 16. thipalcayocan, "the phxce of shards," of broken pieces, /. e., the field of battle. 19. The word fotomihuacan, which has already occurred in vv. 3 and 7, I have translated as referring to the war captains of the Mexican armies, called otonii (see Bandelier, On the Art of War of the Ancient 3Iex~icafis, p. 117). I am quite open for correction however. 27. iti ipetl icpal; in a translation of an ancient song, Ixtlilxo- chitl renders the expression /« ipetlicpalin teotl, "en el trono y tribunal de Dios," Historia Chichimeca, cap. 32. 29. Mictlan ; the place of departed souls in Aztec mythology. XVI. In this stirring war-song, the poet reproaches his friends for their lukewarmness in the love of battle. He reminds them that life is transitory, and the dead rise not again, and that the greatest joy of the brave is on the ringing field of fray where warriors win renown. It is in the spirit of the Scotch harper : — " 'Twere worth ten years of peaceful life, One hour of such a day." 1. Each verse terminates with an interjectional refrain. The frequent introduction of the particle on is intended to add strengtli and gravity to the oration. 2. oppan piltihna. Compare this expression with that in v. 22, p. 44. 3. xochimicohuayan, should perhaps be translated, " where the captives to be immolated to the Gods are taken." The xochbn- ique, " those destined to a flowery death " were the captives who were reserved for sacrifice to the gods. See Joan Bautista, Ser- monario en Lengua Mexicana, p. 180. 4. yaoxochimiquiztica, " pertaining to the slaughter of the flowery war." This adjective refers to the peculiar institution of the " flowery war," gnerra florida, which obtained among the ancient Mexicans. It appears to have been a contest without provocation, and merely for the display of prowess and to take 142 NOTES. captives to supply the demand for human sacrifices in the religious rites. On this see Tezozomoc, Cronica Mexicana^ cap. 96. XVII. In this long fragment — the closing strophes are missing in my MS. — the bard represents himself as a stranger appearing before the nobles of Huexotzinco at some festival. The first two verses appear to be addressed to him by the nobles. They ask him to bring forth his drum and sing. He begins with a laudation of the power of music, proceeds to praise the noble company present, and touches those regretful chords, so common in the Nahuatl poetry, which hint at the ephemeral nature of all joy and the cer- tainty of death and oblivion. An appeal is made to the Master of Life who inspires the soul of the poet, and whose praises should be ever in mind. The words Z>/6).f and a«^^/c»//;/, in verse 26th, indicate that the poem has received some " recension " by the Spanish copyist ; but the general tone impresses me as quite aboriginal in character. 2. quauhtlocclotl, see note to I, 5. 3. In this verse, as frequently elsewhere, the syllable ya is introduced merely to complete the metre. Ordinarily it is the sign of the imperfect tense, and has other meanings (see the Vo- cabulary), but in many instances does not admit of translation. 8. noncoaii, for 7ii-on-coatl, I am a guest. 18. The references in this verse are obscure, and I doubt if I have solved them. 20. "The house of spring; " compare the expression in v. i, of Nezahualcoyotl's song, p. 42. 21. A long oration of Xicontecatl, lord of Tizatlan, may be found in Clavigero, Hist. Antica di Messico, Tom. Ill, p. 40. The expression in camaxochitzin, from cmnail, mouth, xochitl, rose, flower, and the reverential tzin, is noteworthy. 24. petlacoatl, the centipede or scolopender ; ixom pet/ati, mat, and coal/, serpent, as they are said to intertwine with each other, like the threads of a mat (.Sahagun, Lib. XII, cap. 4K NOTES. 143 XVIII. At this portion of the MS. several poems are preceded by a Hne of syllables indicating: their accompaniment on the teponaz- tli (see Introduction, p. 32). The present number is one of the most noteworthy songs of the collection. It belongs to the ancient cyclus of Quetzalcoatl myths, and gives a brief relation of the destruction of Tollan and the departure and disappearance of the Light God, Quetzalcoatl Ce Acatl. As I have elsewhere collated this typical myth at length, and interpreted it according to the tenets of modern mythologic science, I shall not dwell upon it here (see D. G. Brinton, American Hero Myths, Phila., 1S82). The text of the poem is quite archaic, and presents many diffi- culties. But my translation, I think, gives the general sense cor- rectly. 1. huapalcaUi ; literally, "the house constructed of beams." This name was applied to the chief temple of theToltecs ; the ruins of an ancient structure at Tollantzinco were pointed out at the time of the Conquest as those of this building (see Sahagun, Hist, de la Nueva EspaJia, Lib. X, cap. 29). coatlaquetzalli ; this edifice, said to have been left incomplete by Quetzalcoatl, when he forsook Tollan, had pillars in the form of a serpent, the head at the base, the tail at the top of the pillar. (See Orozco y Berra, Hist. Antigua de Mexico, Tom. Ill, pp.30 and 46.) The structure is mentioned as follows in the Atiales de Oiauhtitlan : — ^^ Aiihiniquac nemia Quetzalcoatl quitzintica, qiiipeuahtica iteo- cal quiinaman coatlaquetzali ihuan amo quitzonquixti, aino qui- pantlaz." " And when Quetzalcoatl was living, he began and commenced the temple of his which is the Coatlaquetzali (Serpent Plumes), and he did not finish it, he did not fully erect it." Nacxitl Topiltzin, " Our Lord the four-footed." Wa^;rz// appears to have been the name of Quetzalcoatl, in his position as lord of the merchants. Compare Sahagun, ubi supra, Lib. I, cap. 19. 2. Poyauhtecatl, a volcano near Orizaba, mentioned by Sahagun. Acallan, a province bordering on the Laguna de los Terminos. The myth reported that Quetzalcoatl journeyed to the shores of the Gulf about the isthmus of Tehuantepec and there disap- peared. 144' NOTES. 3. Nonohualco ; the reference is to the cerro de Nonoalco, which plays a part in the Quetzalcoatl myth. The words of the song are ahnost those of Tezcatlipoca when he is introduced to Quetzalcoatl. Asked whence he came, he replied, " Nihuitz in Nonohualcatepetl itzintla, etc." {Anales de Cuauhtitlan). 4. The occurrences alluded to are the marvels performed by Quetzalcoatl on his journey from Tulan. See my American Hero Myths, p. 115. 5. The departure of Quetzalcoatl was because he was ordered to repair to Tlapallan, supposed to be beyond Xicalanco. 8. qitinti, for iqiiifitia ; the reference is to the magic draught given Quetzalcoatl by Tezcatlipoca. 9. In teil, i?i qnahiiitl; literally, " stone and stick ; " a very com- mon phrase in Nahautl, to signify misfortunes. XIX. In this song we have avowedly a specimen of an early chant prepared probably by Bishop Zummarraga for the native converts. The accompaniment on the teponaztli is marked at the beginning. The language is noticeably different from the hymn to Quetzal- coatl just given (XVIII). XX. Another song of the antique Quetzalcoatl cyclus. It bewails the loss of Tulan, and the bard seeks in vain for any joyous theme to inspire his melody, reflecting on all that has bloomed in glory and now is gone forever. 3. Tetl-quahitl ; see note to XVIII, 9. XXI. The occurrence to which this poem alludes took place about the year 1507. The chroniclers state that it was in the early period of the reign of Montezuma II, thilt the natives of Huexot- zinco, at that time allies of the Mexicans, were severely harassed by the Tlascallans, and applied, not in vain, to their powerful suzerain to aid them. (See Tezozomoc, Cronica ilfexicana, cap. 97.) NOTES. *145 The poet does not appee\r to make a direct petition, but indi- rectly praises the grandeur of Montezuma and expresses his own ardent love for his native Huexotzinco. The song would appear to be used as a delicate prelude to the more serious negotia- tions. It is one of the few historical songs in the collection. From the references in verses i and 3 we infer that this singer held in his hand the painted book from which he recited the couplets. This may explain the presentation of the piece. I. hueizcani; one who laughs, a jester, perhaps the designation of one who sang cheerful songs. chakhiiihatlaquiquizcopa; a word of difficult analysis. I sus- pect an omission of an /, and that the compound includes tlaquilqui, one who fastens and puts together, a mason, etc. 5. The sense is that the warriors of Montezuma when on the field of battle, shine in their deeds like beautiful flowers in a field, and win lasting fame by their exploits. inopopoyauhtoc . The grammarian Olmos explains the reflex- ive verb ino-popoyauhtiuh to signify "he leaves an honored mem- ory of his exploits." See Simeon, Dictionaire de la Lang ue Na- huat/, sub voce. 7. Huexotzinco atzalan ; "Huexotzinco amid the waters." This expression, repeated in verse 8, appears inappropriate to the town of Huexotzinco, which lies inland. In fact, the descrip- tion in verse 7 applies to Tenochtitlan rather than the singer's own town. But the text does not admit this translation. Per- haps we should read "Huexotzinco and Atzalan," as there are yet two villages of that name in the state of Puebla (which embraced part of ancient Huexotzinco). 10. petiatolitii, I have derived from petlatl, suspecting an error in transcription. The reference is to the rushes in the mat on which the singer stood. XXII. The ordinary sad burden of the Nahuatl poets is repeated with emphasis in this plaint. It is a variation of the Epicurean advice, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for to-morrow we die." Both the sentiment and the reference to Mictlan in verse 7, point it out as a production uninfluenced by Christian teaching. 7. The word ahtcicaloyan, place of sweetness, would seem to be identical with ohuicaloyati, place of difficulty, in v. 8; I iiave regarded the latter as an error of transcription. 146 NOTES. XXIII. Althougli No. V. is probably one of the lost songs of Nezahual- coyotl, the present is the only one of the collection which is defin- itely attributed to him. The language is very archaic, and in the sentiment there is every mark of antiquity. The text is apparently a dialogue, which was chanted as strophe and antistrophe, the one singer speaking for the King- the other for the bard himself. The word teotl is used for divinity, and it is doubtless this word for which the copyists of some of the other songs have substi- tuted the Spanish Dios, thus conveying an impression that the chants themselves were of late date. The last verse, however, seems to be by one who lives after the time of the great poet-prince, and is calling him to memory. XXIV. It will be seen that there is a wearisome sameness in the theme of most of the short poems. Probably the bards followed conventional models, and feared for the popularity of their pro- ducts, did they seek originality. Here again are the same delight in flowers and songs, and the same grief at the thought that all such joys are evanescent and that soon " death closes all." I consider the poem one of undoubted antiquity and purely native in thought and language. XXV. The destruction of the Mexican state was heralded by a series of omens and prodigies which took place at various times during the ten years preceding the arrival of Cortes. They are care- fully recorded by Sahagun, in the first chapter of the 12th book of his history. They included a comet, or " smoking star," as these were called in Nahuatl, and a bright flame in the East and South- east, over the mountains, visible from midnight to daylight, for a year. This latter occurred in 1509. The song before us is a bod- ing chant, referring to such prognostics, and drawing from them the inference that the existence of Mexico was doomed. It was NOTES. 147 probably from just such songs tliat Sahagun derived his inforiii- ation. 1. ioztliyan, I suppose from tozquiil, the singing voice, in the locative ; literally, " the quechol in the place of sweet-singing." 2. iquiapan, from i, possessive prefix, quiauatl, door, entrance, house, /r(?j/. Toward, towards. Cahua, v. To leave, to let, to desert, to stop, to lay down. Calaquia, v. To enter, to go in. Calli, ;/. A house ; in comp. cal, as nocal, my house. Calmecac, u. A public school, p. lo. Camapantli, ;/. The cheeks, the face. XXVI, 5. Camatl, n. The mouth. Campa, adv. Where, whither. Can, adv. andpostpos. Where. Canauhtli, «. A duck. XXI, 9. Canel, adv. Since, as, because. Caqui, v. To hear, to listen to. Catlehuatl,/>r(3«. Who? which ? whoever, whatever. Catqui, v. irreg. From ca, to be (in a place). Cauhtehua, v. To leave a place. Caxtlauitl, n. A kind of ochre. XVII, 10. Ce, adj. and art. One, a, an. Cece, or Cecen, adj. Each, every. Cecemelquixtia, v. To come forth wholly, perfectly. I, i. Cecemeltia, v. re/. To rejoice, to feel glad. Cecemeltic, adj. Complete, whole, entire. Cecemmana, v. To disperse, to scatter. Cehuia, 7'. To rest, to repose. Cel. Sole only. Celia, V. I. To receive, to obtain. 2. To blossom, to bloom. Cemanahuatl, «. The world, the universe. Cemelle, adv. With peace or joy. Usually with a negative aic cetnelle, never peacefully. XV, 18; XVI, i. Cemilhuiltilia, v. To detain one for a day. Cemilhuitl, n. One day. Cen, adv. Forever, for always ; cenyauh, to go forever, to die. Cenca, adv. Very much, exceedingly. Cenci, adv. Elsewhere. Cenquixtia, v. To select from, to pick from, CentzontlatoUi, n. The mocking bird. Tardus polyglothis ; lit. , "the myriad-voiced." Centzontli, adj. fium. Four hundred, used for any large num- ber. 152 VOCABULARY. Cepanoa, v. To unite, to join togetlier. Chalchiuhitl, n. The Mexican jade or green stone ; emerald Jig., green ; precious. Chane, n. Inhabitant or resident of a place. Chantli, n. A dwelling, a residence ; in conip., chau. Chia, V. To wait, to expect. Chialoni, n. That which is awaited or expected. Chicahuac, adj. Strong, powerful. Chichia, v. i. To make bitter. 2. To obey. XIII, 9. Chichina, t'. To snuff up, imbibe, or suck up, especially the odors of burning incense, through a tube. VH, 4; X\TI, 10. Chichinaquiliztli, n. Torment, pain, suffering. Chihua, v. To make, to do, to happen ; chihua in noyollo, my heart is troubled, I am pained. Chimalli, n. The native shield or buckler. VI, 4. Chitoni, v. To sparkle, to glitter. Chitonia, v. To gain, to realize a profit. V, 4. Chittolini, v. To bow down, to sink. Choca, V. To cry (of animals and man). Ciahui, v. To fatigue one's self, to tire. Cihuacoatl, ;/. A magistrate of high rank ; ///., " woman serpent." Cihuatl, ;/. A woman. Citlalin, n. A star. Co, pos//>os. In, from. Coa, or Cohua, v. To buy, to purchase. Cochitia, v. To sleep. Cocoa, z'. To pain, to give pain. Cocolia, V. To hate. Cocoya, z'. To be sick. Cohuatl, or Coatl, ;/. A serpent ; a guest ; a twin ; the navel ; a spade. CohuayotI, «. Buying, purchasing. V, 2. Colli, ;/. Ancestor, forefather. Coloa, z'. To twist, to turn, to bend. Comoni, z'. To crackle (of a fire); to be turlnilent (of people). XXIV. Con, prou. Some one ; comp. of c and on. Copa, postpos. By, toward. Copalli, ;/. Resin, gum copal. Coyoua. r. To cry, to yell. XIII, 7. Coyohuacan, n. Tlie place of wolves. XIII, 10. I VOCABULARY. 153 Coyoltototl, n. The coyol bird, Piranq;a hepatica. Coyotl, //. Tlie coyote, the Mexican wolf. Cozcatia, v. To deck with golden chains. IV, 4. Cozcatl, n. Jewel, precious stone ; a string of such ; a chain or collar. Cuecuexantia, v. To gather in the folds of the robe. Cuecueya, v. To move to and fro. XXI, 9. Cuepa, V. To turn, to return, to bring back. Cueponi, v. To blossom, to bud, to bloom. Cuetlani, :/. To wilt, to perish. XV, 15. Cuetzpalti, v. To act as a glutton, to revel in. XVII, 5. Cuexantli, n. Gown, robe, petticoat. Cui, V. To take, to gather, to collect. Cuica, n. A song, a poem. Cuicani, n. A singer, a poet. Cuicoyan, n. A place for singing. See note to p. 10. Cuihua, V. Pass, of cui, q. v. Cuilia, V. Rev. of cui, q. v. Cuiloa, V. To paint, to write. Cuiltonoa, v. To be rich ; to rejoice greatly ; to enrich or cause joy. XV, 6. Cuitlatl, n. Excrement, dung. Cuix, adv. An interrogative particle. Ecacehuaztli, n. A fan. Ehecatl, n. Wind, air. Ehecayo, adj. Full of wind, stormy. Ehua, V. To lift up, especially to raise the voice in singing. Elchiquihuitl, 71. The breast, the stomach. Elchiquiuheua, v. To fatigue, to tire. VI, 5. Elcicihuiliztli, 71. A sigh, a groan. Elehuia, v. To desire ardently, to covet. Ellaquahua, v. To animate, to inspire. Ellelaci, v. To suffer great pain. EUelli, «. Suffering, pain. Ellelquixtia, v. To cause joy, to make glad. Elleltia, v. Ref.,\o regret, to repent, to abstain ; act., to prevent, to hinder, to impede, to cause pain. Epoalli, adj. num. Sixty Eztli, n. Blood. K 154 VOCABULARY. • ' Huahuaqui, v. To dry up, to wither wholly. VIII, i. Hual, adv. Hither, toward this place. Huallauh, v. irreg. To come hither. Yi\i.3.n, postpos. In company with; also, a plural termination. Huapalcalli, n. Houses of planks. See XVIII, i. Huaqui, v. To dry up, to wither. Huecapan, adj. Lofty. Huecatlan, adj. Deep, profound. Huehuetl, «. A drum. See page 22. Huehuetzi, v.freq. To fall often. Hueiyotl, ;/. Greatness, grandeur. Huel, adv. Well, good, pleasant. Huelic, adj. Sweet, pleasant, fragrant. Huelmana, v. To make smooth, or even ; to polish, to burnish. Huetzcani, ;/. A jester, a laugher. XXI. i. Huetzi, V. To fall. Huetztoc, V. To be stretched out, to be in bed. Huey, adj. Great, large. Hueyatlan, n. Place of increase, from hueya, to grow greater. "i^ysxz, postpos. Toward, against. Huica, V. To accompany ; to carry off; to govern, to rule, to direct. Huihuica, v. To follow in crowds, or often. Huihuitequi, v. To gather, to pluck. Huilohuayan, n. Bourne, goal, terminus ; from hiiiloa, all go. Huipana, v. To put in order, to arrange. Huitomi, v. To split, to fall. XVI 11, 4. Huitz, v. To come. ^ Huitzitzicatin, n. The humming bird. I, i. Huitzitzihn, n. The humming bird, Trochilus. Huitzli, 71. A thorn, especially of the maguey. I Huitztlan, n. The south ; huitztlainpa, from or to the south. I, V. Pret. oic. To drink. Itpron. His, her, its, their. Ic, cotij. For, since, because; prep. With, towards, by, in; adv. Where ? when ? zan ic, as soon as, often, only, on pur- pose. lea., posi. With him, her, it, etc. lea, adv. Sometimes, occasionally. Icac, V. To stand upright. VOCABULARY. 155 Icahuaca, :'. To sing (of birds). Icali, :'. To war, to fight. VI, 5. Icauhtli, n. Younger brother. VII, 2. Icelia, :'. To incite another, to devote one's self to. Icnelia, :-. To do good, to benefit. Icniuhtli, //. A friend, a companion ; toctiihuan, our friends. Icnopillahuelilocati, v. To be ungrateful. Icnotlamachtia, v. To excite compassion. lcTp3iC, postpos. Upon, over. Ihuan, coiij. And, also. Ihui, adv. Of this kind, in this way. Ihuinti, V. To intoxicate, to make drunk. Ihuitl, n. Feather, plumage. Ilacatziui, v. To twist, to twine. Ilacatzoa, v. To twine around, to wind about. X\ 2. Ilcahua, v. To forget. Ilhuia, z\ To speak, to say, to tell. Ilhuicatl, n. Heaven, the sky. Ilnamiquilia, v. To remember, to call to mind. Ilpia, V. To bind, to fasten. Im. See in. Imati, V. To be skillful or wise ; to prepare or arrange some- thing skillfully. In, art. and pron. He, they, the, which, etc. ; in ma oc, mean- while ; /« ic, so that, in order that. Inaya, v. To confer, to hide. X, 2. Inecui, v. To smell something, to perceive an odor. IV, 6. Inic, adv. For, in order that, after that. Inin, pron. These, they. Iniquac, conj. When. Inne, conj. But. Inoc, adv. While, during. Inon, pro7t. Those. Intla, conj. If. Intlacamo, adv. Unless, if not. Ipalnemoani, «. A name of God. See III, i, note. Ipampa, adv. Because. Ipotoctli, ;/. Smoke, vapor, exhalation. Itauhcayotl, n. Fame, honor. XVII, 14. Ithua, V. To see. for itta. XV, 6. Itia, V. I. To drink; to cause to drink. 2. To suit, to fit. 156 VOCABULARY. Itic, posfpos. Within, inside of. Itlani, V. To ask, to solicit, to demand. Itoa, V. To say, to speak, to tell. Itonaliztli, ;/. Sweat ; fig., hard work. VI, 5. Itotia, n. To dance in the native fashion. Itotiliztli, n. Dance. Itta, V. To see, to behold. Ittitia, V. To show, to make evident. Itzmolini, v. To be born, to sprout, to grow. XX, 4. Itztapalli, n. Paving stone. XV, S. Itztoc, V. To watch, to keep awake, to wait for. XVII, 12. Ixamayo, adj. Known, recognized. XIII, 2. Ixayotl. n. A tear (from the eyes). Ixcuitia, V. To take example. Iximachoca, n. The knowledge of a person. Iximati, v. To know personally. Ixitia, V, To awake, to arouse. Ixpan, postpos. Before the face of, in presence of. Ixquich, adv. As many as. Ixtia, V. To face a person, especially the enemy ; to watch- Ixtlahuatl, n. Open field, savanna, desert. \-&.\.\z.x\, postpos. Before the face of. Ixtli, n. Face, visage ; eye. Iza, V. To awaken, to arouse. Izcali, V. To arise, to rise up. Izhuatl, n. A leaf of a,tree, etc. Izhuayo, adj. Leafy, with leaves. Izqui, adj., pi. izquintin. As many, so many, all ; izqui in quezqui, as many as. Iztac, adj. White. Iztlacahuia, v. To deceive, to cheat. Iztlacoa, V. To search for; ref., to take counsel. Ma, adv. Sign of optative, subjunctive and vetative ; ma oc, yet a while. Maca, V. To give, to present. Ma ca, 7ieg. Do not. Macaic, adv. Never. Macazo tlein, jteg. No matter, for all tliat. VI, 2. Macehuallotl, «. Servitude, slavery. Maceualti, v. defect. To merit ; to be happy. VOCABULARY. 157 Macehualtia, v. i. nifio, to make another a vassal, to reduce to vassalage; fiite, to give vassals to one; nita, to impose a penance on one. Mach, adv. An intensive particle. Machtia, v. To cause to know, to teach, to learn. Maciui, adv. Although, granted that. XVII, 13. Macquaitl, n. The native sword. VI, 4. Macuele, adv. Would that — sign of the optative. Mahaca, adv. Not, no. Mahui, :•. To fear, to have fear. Mahuizti, v. To be esteemed, to be honored. Maitl, ;/. The hand, the arm. In comp. via, as noma, my hand. Malacachoa, v. To twine, to fold. XVI, 4. Malhuia, v. To regale, to treat well, to take care of. Malina, v. To twine, to wreathe. Malintiuh, v. To twine, to twist, to enwreathe. Mamalia, :'. To carry. Mamalli, v. To enter, to penetrate. XII, 4. Mamana, :'. To arrange a feast, to set in order. XV, 15. Mamani, v. See Mani. Mana, v. To offer offerings. XVII, 3. Manca, :-. Imp. of JMani. Manen, neg. That not, that it does not happen, etc. Mani, v. To be (of broad or wide things); to be stretched out. Manozo, adv. Or, if. Maquiztli, n. A bracelet or other ornament of the arm. Ill, 5. Mati, z'. To know. J?e/., to think, to reRect; gui-maii rioyo//o, I presume, I doubt ; nonno-mati, I attach myself to a person or thing. Matiloa, v. To anoint, to rub. Mazo, adv. Although. Meya, :■. To flow, to trickle. Miahuatototl, n. A bird. IV, 2. Micohuani, adj. Mortal, deadly. Miec, adv. Much, many. Milli, 11. Cultivated field. Miqui, v. To die, to kill. Miquitlani, v. To desire death. X, i. y\.\\z,pron. Thee, to thee. Mixitl, n. A narcotic plant. See tlapatl. IX, 2. Mixtecomatl, n. A dark night, a dark place. Ill, 4- 158 VOCABULARY. Mizquitl, n. The mesquite. XV, i. Mo, pron. i. Thy, thine; 2. Pron. ref. 3 sing., he, him, they, them. Mochi, adj. All. Mochipa, adv. Always. Moliniani, n. One who moves, or agitates. XVI, 3. Momolotza, v. To cause to foam, to cut to pieces. XII, 3. Motelchiuh, 71. The governor of Tenochtitlan. XIII, S.— See telcliilnia. Motla, r-. To throw, to fall. I, i. Motlali, adj. Seated, placed, in repose. Moyaua, v. To conquer ; to become cloudy or troubled (of water) ; to talk about ; to boast. Moztla, adv. To-morrow. \i\&\m3iZ, postpos. Toward, by, along, near to. Nahui, adj. man. Four. Nalquixtia, v. To cause to penetrate, causative of nalqiiiza, to penetrate. Nananquilia, v. To answer, to reply to. Nantli, ;;. Mother, tonan, our mother, etc. Nauhcampa, adv. In four directions, to four places. li&,pron. Reflexive pronoun 3d person in verbal substantives and impersonal verbs. Ne,pron. for nehuatl. I, me. Necaliztli, n. Battle, combat. Nech,/>rc«. ]\Ie, to me. Nechca, adv. There, down there ; like the French la-bas ; oc ye iicchca, formerly, once. Neci, V. To appear, to show one's self or others. Neco, V. Pass, of negui, q. v. Nectia, v. To desire, to wish for. NecuiltonoUi, n. Riches, possessions. Neicaloloyan, ;/. The field of battle. Neiximachoyan, ;/. A place where one is taught. XIII, i. Nel, adv. Hut. Nelhuayotl, n. A root ; Jig., principle, foundation, essence. Nelihui, adv. It is thus, even thus ; viazo nelihui, though it be thus. Nelli, adv. Truly, verily. Neloa, V. To mingle, to shake, to beat. VOCABULARY. 159 Neltia, --. To verify, to make true. Nemactia, :-, i. To receive, to obtain. 2. To give, to grant. Nemayan, adv. In the course of the year. XII, 3. Nemi, r. To live, to dwell, to walk. Nemoa, v. impers. To live, to dwell. Nen, adv. Vainly, in vain. Nenchiua, v. To do in vain, Nenectia, v. To obtain by effort. XII, 4. Neneliuhtica, adj. Mixed up, mingled together. Neneloa, v. To mix, to mingle. Nenepanoa, v.freq. To mix, to mingle. XVII, i. Nenequi, v. To act tyrannically; to feign; to covet. XI, 7. Nennemi, v. To wander about. Nenonotzalcuicatl, ;/. A song of exhortation. Nentaci, :■. To fail, to come to naught. XVII, 13, 14. Nentlamachtia, v. ref. To afflict one's self, to torment one's self. Nentlamati, v. To be afflicted, disconsolate. Nepa, adv. Here, there. Ye nepa, a little further, beyond. XXI, 6. Oc nepa, further on. Nepaniui, v. To join, to unite. Nepantla, posfpos. In the midst of. Nepapan, adj. Various, diverse, different. Nepohualoyan, 11. The place where one is reckoned, read, or counted. VI, 2. Negni, v. To wish, to desire. Netlamachtiliztli, n. Riches, property. Netlamachtiloyan, ;/. A prosperous place. IV, 6 ; VII, 4. Netlanehuihuia, v. To have an abundance of all things. XXVI, i. Netotiliztli, ;/. Dance, dancing. Netotiloyan, jt. Place of dancing. m, pro?!. pej'S. I. Before a vowel, «. Nican, adj. Here, hither. Nihui, adz'. From no-i'/iut, thus, of the same manner. XVIII, 3. Niman, adv. Soon, promptly. Nino, pron. ref. I myself. Nipa, adv. Here, in this part, there. No, rto':'. Also, like, ^/c'j/^/i, in the same way, thus. Pron.lly^ mine. Noca, pron. For me, for my sake, by me. Nohuan, />;'(?«. With me. Nohuiampa, adv. In all directions, on all sides. 160 VOCABULARY. Nohuian, adv. Everywhere, on all sides. Nonoyan, «. Place of residence. V, 2. Nonotza, v. To consult, to take counsel, to reflect. Notza, V. To call some one. Nozan, adv. Even yet, and yet, to this day. Obispo, «. Bishop. Span. XIX, 4. Oc, adv. Yet, again ; oc achi, yet a little ; oc achi ic, yet more, comparative; oc pe, first, foremost. Ocelotl, «. The tiger; a warrior so called. See note to I, 5. Ocoxochitl, n. A fragrant mountain flower. Ill, 2. Octicatl, 71. See note to VII, i. Octli, n. The native wine from the maguey. In comp., oc. Ohuaga, hiterj. Oh ! alas ! Ohui. adj. Difficult, dangerous. Ohuicaloyan, n. A difficult or dangerous place. XXII, 7. Ohuican, n. A difficult or dangerous place. Ome, adj. Two. Omitl, n. A bone. Ompa, adv. Where. On, adv. A euphonic particle, sometimes indicating action at a distance, at other times generalizing the action of the verb. Oncan, adv. There, thither. Onoc, V. To be lying down. Oppa, adv. A second time, twice. Oquichtli, 71. A male, a man. Otli, n. Path, road, way. Otomitl, ;/. An Otomi ; a military officer so called. Otoncuicatl, «. An Otomi song. II, i. Pachiui noyollo, v. I am content, satisfied. IX, 2. Pacqui, v. To please, to delight. Pactli, ;;. Pleasure, joy. "PaX, posfpos. By, by means of. Pampa, postpos. For, because. Pan, postpos. Upon ; apan, upon the water. Papalotl, 71. The butterfly. Papaqui, v. To cause great joy. Patiuhtli.w. Price, wages, reward. Patlahuac, adj. Large, spacious. Patlani, v. To fly. \ VOCABULARY. IGl Pehua, 7'. Pret., openh, to begin, to commence. Pepetlaca, :-. To shine, to glitter. Pepetlaquiltia, v. To cause to shine. Petlacoatl, n. The scolopender, the centipede. XVII, 24. Petlatl, >!. A mat, a rug (of reeds or flags) ; Jig., power, au- tliority. Petlatotlin, n. A rush suitable to make mats. XXI, 10. Petlaua, v. To polish, to rub to brightness. Peuhcayotl, n. Beginning, commencement. Pilihui, V. To fasten to, to mingle with. XXL Pilihuitl, «, Beloved child. XII, 3. Pilli, n. Son, daughter, child. A noble, a chief, a ruler, a lord. Tepilhuan, the children, the young people. Nopiltzin, my lord. Piloa, V. To hang down, to suspend. Piltihua, :-. To be a boy, to be young. Pipixaui, v. To snow, to rain heavily. Pixaui, V. To snow, to rain. Pochotl, n. The ceiba tree; fig., protector, chief. Poctli, ;/. Smoke, vapor, fog, mist. Poloa, :•. To destroy ; to perish. Popoloa, V. Freq. o{ poloa. Popoyauhtiuh, v. To leave a glorious memory. XXI, 5. Poxahua, v. To work the soil, to labor. Poyaua, v. To color, to dye. XVII, 21. Poyaui, :■. To become clear, to clear off. Poyomatl, ;/. A flower like the rose. IV, 6. Pozoni, V. To boil, to seethe ; fig., to be angry. Qua, V. To eat. Quahtla, n. Forest, woods. Quahuitl, ;/. A tree ; a stick ; fig., chastisement. Quaitl, n. Head, top, summit. Qualani, v. To anger, to irritate. Qualli, adj. Good, pleasant. Quatlapana, v. To break one's head ; to suffer much. Quauhtli, n. The eagle; a warrior so called ; bravery, distinc- tion. I, 5. Quemach, adv. Is it possible! Quemmach amique, rcl. Those who are happy, the happy ones. IX, 2. Quenami, adv. As, the same as. 162 VOCABULARY. Quenami can, adv. As there, the same as there, sometimes with ofi euphonic inserted, queno7iami. Quenin, adj. How, how much. Quennel, adv. What is to be done ? What remedy ? Quennonamican. See under quetiami. Quequentia, v. To clothe, to attire. Quetza, v. Nino, to rise up ; to unite with ; to aid ; nife, to lift up. Quetzalli, ;/. A beautiful feather; Jig., something precious or beautiful. Quetzaltototl, n. A bird ; Trogon pavoninus. Quexquich, pron. So many as, how much. Qui, proH. rcl. He, her, it, they, them. Quiauatl, ;/. Entrance, door. XVII, i8. Quiauitl, ;/. Rain, a shower. Quimiloa, y. To wrap up, to clothe, to shroud the dead. XI, 6. Q\x\n,profi.rel. They, then. Quiquinaca, :-. To groan, to buzz, etc. Quiquizoa, v. To ring bells. IV, 3. Quiza, V. To go forth, to emerge. Quizqui, adj. Separated, divided. Quiztiquiza, v. To go forth hastily. XXII. Tapalcayoa, v. To be full of potsherds and broken bits. XV, 16. Tatli, ;/. and v. See p. 19. Te, pron. pers. 1. Thou. 2. Pron. rel. indef. Somebody. Teahuiaca, adj. Pleasing, agreeable. Teca, pron. Of some one ; te and ca. Teca, V. To stretch out, to sleep ; to concern one's self with. Moteca, they unite together. Tech, posfpos. In, upon, from. Pron. Us. Tecocolia, ;/. A hated person, an enemy. Tecomapiloa, n. A musical instrument. See p. 23. Tecpilli, ;/. Nobleman, lord. Tecpillotl, n. The nobility ; noble bearing, courtesy. T&hua-n, pron. i. We. 2. With some one. Tehuatl,/);-t);/. Thou. Teini, v. To break, to fracture. Tel, conj. But, though. Telchihua, :-. To detest, to hate, to curse. Tema, :'. To place something somewhere. Temachia, v. To have confidence in, to expect, to hope for. i VOCABULARY. 1G3 Temt, r-. To be filled, replete ; to be stretched out. XXVI, 4. Temiqui, :•. To dream. Temo, V. To descend, to let fall. Temoa, v. To search, to seek. Tenamitl, ;/. A town; the wall of a town. Tenauac, posf. With some one, near some one. Tenmati, :■. To be idle, negligent, unfortunate. Tenquixtia, v. To speak forth, to pronounce, to declare. Tenyotl, n. Fame, honor. Teoatl, ;/. Divine water. See VI, 4, note. Teocuitla, «. Gold, of gold. Teohua, ;/. A priest. XVII, 19. Teoquechol, «. A bird of beautiful plumage. Teotl, II. God, divinity. Teoxihuitl, ;/. 'Turquoise ; Jig., relation, ruler, parent. Tepacca, adj. Causing joy, pleasurable. Tepeitic, n. Narrow valley, glade, glen. Tepetl, ;/. A mountain, a hill. Tepeua, v. To spread abroad, to scatter, to conquer. XV, 3. Teponaztli, n. A drum. See p. 22. Tepopoloani, v. To slay, to slaughter. Tequani, ;/. A wild beast, a savage person. Tequi, :'. To cut. Tetecuica, v. To make a loud noise, to thunder. XX, 7. Tetl, 71. A stone, a rock. In comp., te. Tetlamachti, ;/. That which enriches, glorifies, or pleases. Tetlaquauac, rt(^'. Hard or strong as stone. Comp. of /f// and ilaquauac. Tetozcatemo, v. To let fall or throw forth notes of singing. I, 2. Tetzilacatl, ;/. A copper gong. XVII, 21. See p. 24. Teuctli, ;/., pi. tetenctin. A noble, a ruler, a lord; in teteudin, the lords, the great ones. Teucyotl, «. Nobility, lordship. Teuh, postpos. Like, similar to. Teuhyotl, n. Divinity, divineness. Teyolquima, adj. Pleasing, odorous, sweet. Teyotl, ;;. Fame, honor. Ti, pron. i. thou ; tivio, ref. ; tic, act. 2. we ; tito, ref ; tic, act. Tilani, v. To draw out. Tilini, v. To crowd, to press. XVII, 19. Timaloa, v. To glorify, to e.xalt, to praise. 164 VOCABULARY. Timo, pron. ref. Thou thyself. Tito, pron. ref. We ourselves. Tizaitl, n. Chalk ; anything white ; an example or model. Tizaoctli,;/. White wine. See VII, 2. Tla, adv., for ititla, if; pron. ifidef., something, anything ; postpos. in abundance. Tlacace, interj. Expressing astonishment or admiration. XVII, 3. Tlacaqui, v. To hear, to understand. Tlacateuctli, w. A sovereign, a ruler. • Tlacati, v. To be born. Tlacatl, n. Creature, person. TIacazo, adv. Truly, certainly. Tlachia, v. To see, to look upon. TIachihual, ;/. Creature, invention. Tlachinolli, n. Battle, war ; from chinoa, to burn. Tlacoa, v. To injure, to do evil, to sin. Tlacochtli, «. The arrow. Tlacocoa, v. To buy, to purchase. X, i. Tlacohua, v. To buy, to purchase. Tlacohua, v. To beat, to chastise. Tlacotli, ;/. A servant, slave. Tlacouia, v. To split, to splinter. Tlacuiloa, v. To inscribe, to paint in, to write down. TIaelehuiani, adj. Desirous of, anxious for. Tlahuelli, ;/. Anger, ire. TIahuica, w. Servant, page ; also, a native of the province of Tlahuican. (See Index.) TIailotlaqui, ;/. " Workers in filth ; " scum ; a term applied in contempt. XIII, 8 ; XV, 12, 14. Also a proper name. (See Ltd ex.) Tlalaquia, v. To bury, to inter. Tlalli, ;/. Earth, ground ; tlalticpac, on the earth. Tlalnamiqui, v. To think of, to remember. Tlalpiloni, n. An ornament for the head. VI, 4, from iipia. Tlamachti, v. ref. To be rich, happy, prosperous. TlamahuizoUi, ;/. Miracle, wonder. Tlamatillolli,;/. Ointment; anything rubbed in the hands. XI, 9. Tlamatqui, adj. Skillful, adroit. Tlamattica, adj. Calm, tranquil. Tlamelauhcayotl, w. A plain or direct song. II, i. Tlami, v. To end, to finish, to come to an end. VOCABULARY. 165 Tlamomoyaua, :-. To scatter, to destroy. XV, 21. Tlan, posfpos. Near to, among, at. Tlaneci, v. To dawn, to become day. Ye tlaneci, the day breaks. Tlanehuia, v. Nicno. To revel, to indulge one's self in. XXI, 8. Tlaneltoca, v. To believe in, to have faitli in. Tlania, v. To recover one's self, to return within one's self. Tlaniicza, v. To abase, to humble. IX, 3. Tlantia, v. To terminate, to end. Tlaocol, adj. Sad, melancholy, pitiful, merciful. Tlaocolia, v. To be sad, etc. Tlaocoltzatzia, v. To cry aloud with grief. I, 3. TIapalhuia, v.,rel. To be brilliant or happy; act., to salute a person ; to paint something. Tlapalli, ;/.and at^'. Colored; dyed; red. Tlapaloa, v. To salute, to greet. Tlapanahuia, adj. Surpassing, superior, excellent ; used to form superlatives. Tlapani, v. To dye, to color. XVII, 10. Tlapapalli, adj. Striped, in stripes. Tlapatl, n. The castor-oil plant ; the phrase viixitl tlapatl means stupor, intoxication. IX, 2. Tlapepetlani, v. To sparkle, to shine forth. Tlapitza, v. Yr.pitza, to play the flute. XVII, 26. Tlaqualli, ;/. Food, eatables. Tlaquauac, adj. Strong, hard. Tlaquauh, adj. Strongly, forcibly. Tlaquilla, adj. Stopped up, filled. XX, 4, Tlaquilqui, n. One who plasters, a mason. XXI, i. Tlatemmati, v. To suffer afflictions. Tlatenehua, v. To promise. Tlathui, V. To dawn, to become light. Tlatia, v. i. To hide, to conceal ; 2. to burn, to set on fire. Tlatlamantitica, adj. Divided, separated. Tlatlatoa, v. To speak much or frequently. XVII, 11. Tlatlauhtia, v. To pray. XVI, 3. Tlatoani, n. Ruler, lord. Tlatocayotl, ;/. The quality of governing or ruling. Tlatolli, 71. Word, speech, order. Tlatzihui, v. To neglect, to be negligent ; to be abandoned, to lie fallow ; to leave, to withdraw. Tlauantli, 71. Vase, cup. XXVI, 4. 166 VOCABULARY. Tlauhquechol, n. A bird, the red heron, Platalea ajaja. Tlauillotl, «. Clearness, hght. X, i. Tlaxillotia, v. To arrange, sustain, support. IX, 4. Tlaxixinia, v. To disperse, to destroy. Tlayaua, v. To make an encircling figure in dancing. TlayaualoUi, adj. Encircled, surrounded. XXI, 6. Tlaylotlaqui, ;/. See XIII, 8. Tlayocolia, v. To make, to form, to invent. XIV. Tlayocoyalli, n. Creature, invention. Tlaza, V. To throw away ; fig., to reject, to despise. Tlazotla, v. To love, to like. Tie, pro?i. int. and rel. What ? That. Tleahua, ^^ To set on fire, to fire. Tlein, pron., int. and I'el. What ? That. Tleinmach, adv. Why ? For what reason ? Tlenamactli, ;/. Incense burned to the gods. Ill, i. Tlepetztic, a(7)'. Shining like fire, //^//./^/^-//c XV, 26. Tletl, n. Fire. Tleymach, adv. Why ? Wherefore ? Tleyotl, n. Fame, honor. Tlezannen, adv. To what good ? Cui bono ? Tliliuhqui, adj. Black, brown. Tliliui, V. To blacken, to paint black. XII, 6. Tloc, postpos. With, near to. Tloque nahuaque, ;/. A name of divinity. See I, 6, note. To, proH. posses. Our, ours. Toca, V. To follow. Toci, n. " Our ancestress," a divinity so called. Toco, V. Impers. of toca. Tohuan, pron. With us. Tolinia, v. To be poor, to be unfortunate. Tolquatectitlan, ti. The place where the head is bowed for lus- tration. Ill, I. Toma, V. To loosen, to untie, to open. XVII, 3. Tomahuac, adj. Great, heavy, large. Tonacati, v. To be prosperous or fertile. Tonacatlalli, ;/. Rich or fertile land. Tonameyo, adj. Shining like the sun, glittering. Tonameyotl, n. Ray of the sun, light, brilliancy. Tonatiuh, n. The sun. Toneua, v. To suffer pain ; nitc, to infiict pain. VOCABULARY. 1G7 Toquichpohuan, n. Our equals. I, 3. Tototl, ;/. A bird, generic term. Tozmilini, adj. Sweet voiced. XXI, 3. Toznenetl, ;/. A parrot, Psittaais signaius. Tozquitl, //. The singing voice, p. 21. Tzalan, postpos. Among, amid. Tzatzia, v. To shout, to cry aloud. Tzauhqui, v. To spin. XVII, 22. Tzetzehui, v. To rain, to snow ; fig., to pour down. Tzihuac, ;/. A species of bush. XV, i. Tzimiquiliztli, n. Slaughter, death. XVI, 5. Tzinitzcan, ;/. A bird, Trogon Mexicanus. Tzitzilini, ;/. A bell. Tzotzona, v. To strike the drum. Uallauh, :'. To come. See huallaiih. Uitz, V. To come. Ulli, ;/. Caoutchouc. See p. 22. Xahua, v. To paint one's self, to array one's self in the ancient manner. XXIV, i. Xamani, v. To break, to crack. Xaxamatza, v. To cut in pieces, to break into bits. Xayacatl, ;/. Face, mask. Xelihui, v. To divide, to distribute. Xexeloa, v. To divide, to distribute. Xilotl, ;/. Ear of green corn. Xiloxochitl, ;/. The flower of maize. XVII, 10. Ximoayan, ;/. A place of departed souls. See I, 8. Ximohuayan, n. Place of departed spirits. VIII, i. Xiuhtototl, n. A bird, Guiaca cerulea. Xiuitl, ;/. A leaf, plant ; year ; anything green. Xochicalli, n. A house for flowers, or adorned witli tliem. Xochimecatl, ;/. A rope or garland of flowers. Xochimicohuayan, n. See XVI, 3, note. Xochitecatl, ;/. See XXV, 7, note. Xochitl, //. A flower, a rose. Xochiyaotl, 71. Flower-war. See XVI, 4, note. Xocomiqui, v. To intoxicate, to become drunk. Xocoya, v. To grow sour. XIII, 4. Xopaleuac, ;/. Something very green. 168 VOCABULARY. Xopan, «. The springtime. Xotla, V. To blossom, to flower; to warm, to inflame; to cue, to scratch, to saw. Xoxoctic, adj. Green ; blue. XVI, 6. Xoyacaltitlan, «. The house or place of decay. Ill, i. Y. Abbrev. for ihuafi, and in, q. v. Ya, adv. Already, thus; same as ye; v., to suit, to fit. Part. euphonic or expletive. See note to XVII, 3. Y&n, postpos. Suftix signifying place. Yancuic, adj. New, fresh, recent. Yancuican, adv. Newly, recently. Yaotl, n. War, battle. Yaoyotl, ;/. Warfare. Yaqui, adj. Departed, gone, left for a place. Yauh, v., irreg. To go. Ye, adv. Already, thus ; ye no ceppa, a second time ; ye ic, already, it is already. '^Q,pron. He, those, etc. Ye, adj. num. Three. Yece, adv. But. Yecen, adv. Finally, at last. Yecnemi, v. To live righteously. Yecoa, v. To do, to finish, to conclude. Yectenehua, v. To bless, to speak well of. Yectli, adj. Good, worthy, noble. Yehuatl, />;-£»«. He, she, it. YX.yehuan, yehuaiitin. Yehuia, v. To beg, to ask charity. Yeppa yuhqui. Formerly, it was there. VII, 2. Yhuintia. See ifminti. Yocatl, n. Goods, possessions ; noyocauh, my property. XV, 26. Yocaua, n. Master, possessor, owner. Yocolia, v. To form, to make. Yocoya, c'. To make, to invent, to create. Yohuatli, n. Night, darkness. Yolahuia, v. To rejoice greatly. Yolciahuia, v. To please one's self, to make glad. Yolcuecuechoa, v. To make tiie heart tremble. IV, 6. Yolehua, v. To excite, to animate. Yolihuayan, ;/. A place of living. Ill, 5. Yollo, adj. Adroit, skillful ; also for iyollo, his heart. VOCABULARY. 1G9 YoUotl, V. Heart, mind, soul. Yolnonotza, v. See note to I, i. Yolpoxahua, v. To toil mentally. Yuhqui, adv. As, like. Yuhquimati, v. To understand, to realize. Zacatl, n. Herbage, straw, hay. XXI, 5. Zacuan, n. Feather of the zacuan bird ; fig., yellow ; prized. Zacuan tototl, n. The zacuan bird, Oriolus dotninicensis. Zan, adv. Only, but; zan ciiel, in a short time ; zaneti, perhaps ; Zan lien, in vain. Zancuel achic, adv. A moment, an instant ; often ; za7i ye, but again, but quickly. Za.nio, pro n. I alone, he or it alone. Zoa, V. To pierce ; to spread out ; to open ; to sew ; to string together; to put in order. Zolin tototl, n. The quail. Zoma, V. To become angry. Zomale, adj. For comalli, vase, cup, XXVI, 4. L INDEX OF NAHUATL PROPER NAMES, WITH EXPLANATIONS. AcALLAN, 105. "The place of boats," from acalli, boat. An ancient province at the mouth of the Usumacinta river; but the name was probably ap- plied to other localities also. AcATLAPAN, 41. A village southeast of Chalco. From acatia, a place of reeds, and pan, in or at. ACHALCHIUHTLANEXTIN, 46. The first chief of the Toltecs ; another form of chalchiiihto- nac Both names mean "the gleam of the precious jade." Compare Torque mada, Mo7i- arquia Indiana. Lib. III., cap. 7 ; Orozco y Berra, Hisl. Antigua de Mexico, To\\\. III., p. 42. The date of the begin- ning of his reign is put at a-d. 667 or 700. Acolhuacan, 40, 91, 119. A compound of atl, water, and colhuacan, (q-v.) ="Colhua- can by the water," the name of the state of which Tetzcu- co was the capital, in the val- ley of Mexico. AcoLMizTLAN,89, from AcoLMiZTLi, 35. A name of Nezahualcoyotl (see p. 35), also of other warriors. Anahuac, 125. From a//, water, nahnac, by, = the land by the water. The term was ap- plied first to the land by the lakes in the Valley of iMe.xico, and later to that along both the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. Atecpan, 77. " The royal resi- dence by the water " {all, lec- pan). I do not find this locality mentioned else- where. Atlixco, 125. "Where the water shows its face " {all, ixlli, CO). A locality south- east of Tezcuco, near the lake, so called from a large spring. See Motolinia, His- toria de los Indios, Trat. Ill, cap. 18. Atloyantepetl, 85, 89, 91. Perhaps iox allauanlepetl , "the mountain that rules the waters " But see note to xiii, V. 6. Atzalan, 114. "Amid the waters " {all, Izalan). Per- haps not a proper name; but two villages in the present State of Puebla are called Atzala (see Orozco y Berra, Ceografia de las Lenguas de Mexico, pp. 212, 213). AxAXACATZiN, 43. Probably for axayacalzin, reverential of axayacatl, the name of a species of marsh fly. It was also the name of the sixth ruler of Mexico (flor. about 1500), and doubtless of other distinguished persons. See Ixtlilxochitl, Hisloria Chichi- ineca,cap. 51. AzcAPOTZALCo, 50, 51. An an- cient town in the valley of Mexico, once the capital city of the Tepanecas (q. v.). The word means " place of the ant-hills," from azcapulzalli. Aztecs, 25. A Nahuatl tribe who derived their name from their mythical ancient home, Aztlan. The derivation is obscure, but probably is from 171 172 INDEX. the same radical as iztac, white, and, therefore, Father Duran was right in transla- ting Aztlan, "place of white- ness," the reference being to the East, whence the Aztecs claim to have come. See Duran, Historia de las Indias, cap. II. Cacamatl, 94, 95. The refer- • ence appears to be to Caca- niatzin (the Noble Sad One, from cacamaua, fig. to be sad), last ruler of Tezcuco, son and successor, in 1516, of Nezahualpilli. He was put to death by Cortes. Catocih, 89. A doubtful word, which may not be a proper name. Chalco, 16, 69, 95. A town and lake in the valley of Mexico. The people were Nahuas and subject to Mexi- co. The word is probably derived from Challi, with the postpos. CO, meaning " at the mouth" (of a river). See Buschmann, Ueber die Az- tekische7i Orlsnatnen, s. 689, and comp. Codex Ramirez, p. 18. Chiapa, Chiapaneca, 70, 71. The province and inhabitants of Chiapas, in Southern Mex- ico. There were colonies of Nahuas in Chiapas, though most of the natives spoke other tongues. The deriva- tion is probably from chia, a mucilaginous seed highly es- teemed in Mexico. Chichimecatl or Chichi - MEGS, 88, 89, 91, loi. A rude hunting tribe, speaking Nah- uatl, who settled, in early times, in the valley of Mexi- co. The name was said to be derived from chichi, a dog, on account of their de- votion to hunting [Cod. Ra- mirez). Others say it was that of their first chieftain. Chicomoztoc, 88, 89. " At the seven caves," the name of the mythical locality from which the seven Nahuatl tribes de- rived their origin. The Co- dex Ramirez explains the seven caves to mean the seven houses or lineages (totems) of which the nation consisted. Chililitli, 36. Name of a tow- er of sacred import. It is apparently a compound of chia or chielia, to watch, and tlilli, blackness, obscurity, hence " a night w-atch-tow- er." It was probably used for the study of the sky at night. Chimalpopoca, 43. " The smoking shield," from chi- nialli, shield, andpopoca. The name of several distinguished warriors and rulers in an- cient Mexico. Cholula or Cholollan, 105. Name of a celebrated ancient state and city. From choloa, with the probable meaning, '' place of refuge," " place of the fugitives." CiHUAPAN, 41. Name of a war- rior, otherwise unknown. From cihuatl, woman, pan, among, with. CoATZiTEUCTLi, 89. A name compound of coatzin, rever- ential form of coatl, serpent, and teucili, lord. CoLHUA. A people of Nahuatl affinity, who dwelt in ancient times in the valley of Mexico. See Colhuacan. CoLHUACAN, 88, 89, 91. A town in the valley of Mexico. In spite of the arguments to the contrary, I believe the C0I-. hua were of Nahuatl lineage, INDEX. 173 and that the name is derived from colli, ancestor ; colhua- can, the residence of the an- cestors ; with this significa- tion, it was apphed to many locahties. It must be distin- guished from Acolhuacan. Its ikonomatic symbol was a hill bent over at the top, from coloa, to bend. CoLZ.\ZTLi, 39. Probably for Coltzatztli, one who cries out or calls to the ancestors {colli, tzatzia). A chief whom I have not found elsewhere mentioned. CoNAHUATZiN, 41. A warrior not elsewhere mentioned. By derivation it means "noble son of the lord of the water" {conetl, ahua, tzin). CuETZPALTZiN, 89. A proper name, from cuetzpalli, the 4th day of the month. CuEXTLA, 33. A province of ancient Mexico. See Tor- quemada, Monarqiiia Indi- ana. Lib. II, caps. 53, 56. CuLTEPEC, 42. A village five leagues from Tezcuco, at the foot of the mountains. De- riv., colli, ancestor, tepetl, mountain or town, with post- pos. c; " at the town of the ancestors." HUETLALPAN Or HUETLAPAL- LAN, 89. The original seat of the mythical Toltecs. The name is a compound of hue, old, and Tlapallan, q. v. HuEXOTZiNCO, 50, 83, 91, 99, 113. An independent State of ancient Anahuac, south of Tlascala and west of Cholula. The name means " at the little willow woods," being a diminutive from hiiexatla, place of willows. HuiTLALOTZiN, 89. From hu- iilalloil, a species of bird, with the reverential termina- tion. Name of a warrior. HuiTziLAPOCHTLi, 16. Tribal god of the Me.xirans of Te- nochtitlan. The name is usu- ally derived from hititzitzi- lin, humming bird, and opochili, left {Cod. Ramirez, p. 22), but more correctly from huitztli, the south, iloa, to turn, opochtli, the left hand, " the left hand turned toward the south," as this god di- rected the wanderings of the Mexicans southward. The humming bird was used as the "ikonomatic" symbol of the name. HuiTZiLiHuiTL, 89. "Hum- ming-bird feather." Name of an ancient ruler of Mexico, and of other warriors. HuiTZNAHCACATL, 91. A ruler of Huexotlan (Clavigero); a member of the Huitznahua, residents of the quarters so called in Tezcuco and Te- nochtitlan ( Ixtlilxochi tl , Hist. Chichimeca, cap. 38). IXTLILXOCHITL, 35, 46, 89. A ruler of Acolhuacan, father of Nezahualcoyotl. Comp. ixtli, face, tlilxochitl, tlie vanilla (literally, the black flower). IzTACCOYOTL, 89, 93. "The white wolf." Name of a war- rior otherwise unknown. Mexicans, 67, 83, 85, 87, 123, 125. See Mexico, 83, 123. Name of the town and state otherwise called Tenochtitlan. Mcxitl was one of the names of the national god Huitzilopochtli, and Mexico means " the place of Mexitl," indicating that the 174 INDEX. city was originally called from a fane of the god. MiCTLAN, 95, 117, 119. The Mexican Hades, literally," the place of the dead." Montezuma, 14, 41, 113. The name of the ruler of Mexico on the arrival of Cortes. The proper form is Moteiihzoinat- zin or Moiecuhzonatzin, and the meaning, " he who is angry in a noble manner." (" sefior safiudo," Cod. Ram- irez, p. 72 ; "qui se fache en seigneur," Simeon, Diet, de la Langue Nahuat/, s. v.). MoQCiHuix, 33. The fourth ruler of Tlatilolco. He as- sumed the power in 1441, ac- cording to some writers (Rustamente, Tezcoco, en /os Ultinios Tiempos de sus An- tigiios Reyes, p. 269). Tiie name probably means " He who comes forth a freeman." See Ixtlilxochitl, Historia Chichinieca, caps. 36, 51. Nacxitl Topiltzin, 105, 107. NacxitI, "the four footed" {nahui, ixitl), was the name of one of the gods of the merchants (Saiiagun, Hist, de Niieva Espana, Lib. I, c. 19). In the song it is applied to Quetzalcoatl, who was also regarded as a guardian of merchants. Nahuatl (9, etc.). A term ap- plied to the language other- wise known as Aztec or Mexican. As an adjective it means " well-sounding," or, pleasant to the ear. From this, the term Nahua is used collectively for all tribes who spoke the Nahuatl tongue. A'a/iuatt also means clever, skillful, and the derivation is probably from the root na, to know. Necaxecmitl, 46. Name of uncertain meaning of a per- son otherwise unknown. Nezahualcoyotl, 35, 67, 119. Chief of the Acolhuas, and ruler in Tezcuco from 1427 to 1472, or thereabouts. He was a distinguished patron of the arts and a celebrated poet. See p. 35, et seq. Nezahualpilli, or Nezahu- alpizintli, 14, 125. Ruler of Acolhuacan, son of Neza- hualcoyotl. His accession is dated in 1470 or 1472. NoNOHU.ALCo, 105, 125. Name of one of the quarters of the ancient city of Mexico ; also of a mountain west of the valley of Mexico. The deri- vation is probably from orioe, to lie down ; onohua, to sleep ; onohuayan, a settled spot, an inhabited place. The co is a postposition. Nopal or Nopaltzin, 46. Ruler of Acolhuacan, a. d. 1260-1263, according to some chronologies. The name is from iwpalli, the cactus or opuntia. NopiLTZiN, 67, 91. "My son," or " my lord," a term of def- erence applied to superiors, from pilli, which means son and also lord, like the old English child. Cf. Topiltzin. Otomis, 16, 49, 58, 64, 71, 95. A nation which inhabited a portion of the valley of Mex- ico and region adjacent, en- tirely dissimilar in language and appearance from the Nahuas. The etymologies suggested are unsatisfactory. Popocatepetl, 46. "The smoking mountain," the name of a famous volcano INDEX. 175 rising from the valley of Mex- ico. POYAl'HTECATL, I05. A Volca- no near Orizaba (Sahagun. Hist, de Nueva Espana, Lib. I, cap. 21). Derived from poyaiia, to color, to brighten. QUANTZINTECOMATZIN, 4I. A warrior not otherwise known. The name is a double rever- ential, from quani, eater, and teconiati, vase, " The noble eater from the royal dish." QVAUHQUECHOLLAN, 95. A village and plain near the southern base of Popocate- petl. It means "the place of the quechol woods," or the trees among which quechol birds are found. See Moto- linia, Historia de los Indios, Trat. Ill, cap. 18. QuAUHxiLOTL, 89. Name of a large tree, and applied to a warrior, ruler of Iztapallocan, whom Ixtlilxochitl, King of Tezcuco, placed at the head of his troops in his war with Tezozomoc. See Clavigero, Storia Antica di Messico, Tom. I, p. 185. QUETZALCOATL, 32, I43, 144. See note on p. 143. QuETZALMAMATZiN, 91. Name of a warrior, "the noble one of the beautiful hands" {qtiet- za/li, 7na>na, pi. of niaitl, and rev. term. tzm). Perhaps the same as Quetzalmemalitzin, ruler of Teotihuacan, men- tioned by Ixtlilxochitl, His- toria Chichnneca, cap. 35. QuiAVHTZiN, 93. Name of a warrior, "The noble rain" [quiatiitl, tzin). Tenochtitlan, 85. The cur- rent name for the City of Mexico; literally, "at the stone-nopal," from tetl, stone, nochtli, nopal, and postpos., tlatt. The term refers to an ancient tradition. Tepanecas or Tecpanecas, 35. A powerful nation of Nahuatl lineage, who dwelt in the valley of Mexico. They were destroyed in 1425 by the Acolhuas and Mexicans, and later the state of Tiacopan was formed from their rem- nants. Comp. probably from iecpan,a. royal residence, with the gentile termination. Tepeyacac, Tepevacan, 93. From tepef/, mountain, j-arrt/"/, nose, point, and postpos , c. I. A small mountain on which the celebrated church of the Virgin of Guadalupe now stands. 2. A large town and state subject to ancient Mexico, now Tepeaca in the province of Puebla. Tetlapan Quetzanitzin, 68, 69. A ruler of Tlatilolco, con- temporary of the conquest. See Note to Song VI. ' Tetzcoco, now Tezcuco, 14, 35, 36, 77- Capital city of Acolhuacan, and residence of Nezahualcoyotl. It has been called "the Athens of Anahuac." The derivation of the name is from a plant called tetzcuUi {Cod. Rami- rez). Tezozomoc, Tezozomoctli, 35. 39. 67, 88, 89. A ruler of the Tepanecas, celebrated for his warlike skill and severity. His death is placed in the year 1427. The name, like Montezuma, is derived from zonia, to be angry, in this case from the reduplicated frequentative form, zozoma. TizATLAN, 103. "The place of white varnish" {tizail), the name of one of the four quar- ters of the city ofTlascala. 176 INDEX. Tlacomihuatzin, 93. "The noble cousin of the lynx" {t/aconiizt/i, lynx, hitan, post- pos., denoting affinity, tzin, reverential). The name of a warrior. Tlacopan, now Tacuba, 135. A small state west of Mexi- co and subject to it, built up on the ruins of the ancient Tepanecas. Comp. from tla- cotli, a slave. Tlahuican, 118. A Nahuatl province south of the valley of Mexico, so called from the cinnabar, tlahtdtl, there ob- tained (Buscimiann ; but the Cod. Ramirez gives the meaning" toward the earth," from tlalli and hide). Tlailotlacan, 140. One of the seven divisions of the city of Tezcuco (Ixtlilxochitl, Hist. Chichiyneca, cap. 38). Tlailotl.^qui, 84. Literally, "workers in refuse," or "scavengers." Said by M. Aubin to have been a tribe who settled in Tezcuco in the reign of Quinantzin. The term is apparently one of contempt. Tlalman.\lco, 42. A village near the foot of the volcano Pojjocatei^etl. Derived from tlahnanalli, level ground, witii postpos. CO. Tlalnahuacatl, 89. "Dweller on the land;" name of a warrior. Tlaloc, 45. God of rain and the waters ; a famous divinity among the ancient Mexicans. The word means " stretched on the earth," and the idol of the god represented a man extended on his back holding a vase. Tlapallan, 105. A mythical land from which the Toltecs were fabled to have come and to which Quetzalcoatl returned. The derivation is from tlapalli, color, especially red. Tlatetolco, Tlatilulco, 33, 83, 85. A suburb of the an- cient city of Mexico, founded in 1338; from t late Hi, a mound, ololoa, to make round, the sense being " an island." See Motolinia, His- toria de los hidios, Trat. Ill, cap. 7. Tlaxcallan, now Tlascala, 89, 93, 103. " The place of bread," from tlaxcalli, bread. Site of a warlike tribe of Na- huatl descent, east of the valley of Mexico. Tlatzin, 46. Chief of a town of the Chichimecs, situated on Lake Chalco. He flour- ished toward the close of the 14th century. From tlatli, a falcon. ToCHiN, 89. From tochtli, rabbit ; name of the brother of the Tezcucan ruler Quin- antzin, and of many other personages. TOLLAN, or TULAN, 46, I05, 107. The ancient mythical capital of the Toltecs. The common derivation from to- lin, a rush, is erroneous. The name is a syncopated form of to?iatlan, " the place of the sun." ToLTEC, properly Toltecatl, 46, III. An inhabitant of Tollan. The Toltecs were a mythical people, whose civil- ization was supposed to have preceded tiiat of the Aztecs. TopiLTZiN, 46, 105. " Our son" or " Our lord " (see Nopil- tzin). The term was espe- cially applied to Quetzal- coatl, q. V. See Orozco y Berra, Hist.Antig. de Mexico, Tom. Ill, p. 54. INDEX. 177 ToTOQUiLHUATLi, 41. From to- toquilia, to act as agent or lieutenant. Ruler of Tlaco- pan. The verse of the song in which this name occurs is given in the original Nahuatl by Ixtlilxociiitl, who says it was very popular throughout New Spain. See his Hisioria Chichiineca, cap. 32. XiCALANCO, 107. A locality on the borders of the prov- ince Tabasco. The people spoke Nahuatl. Deriv. xi- calli, gourd or jar, and post- pOS. CO. XlCOMATZINTLAMATA, 34. Name of a warrior not other- wise known. The compound seems to mean "skillful with angry hand " [xicoa, maitl, tiaynati). XicoNTECATL, 103. Name of several distinguished Tlas- calan warriors, lords of Tiz- atlan. See Clavigero, Hist. Aiitica di 3Iessico, Tom. Ill, pp. 38 and 40, One was a favorite of Nezahualcoyotl. See Ixtlilxochitl, Hisioria Chichimeca, cap. 40. XlUHTEUCTLI, 15. The god of fire, literally," the lord of ihe year," or "of the foliage." XiUHTZAL, 46. A queen of an- cient Tollan, said by Clavi- gero to have ruled from A. D. 979 to 984. Other writers give tlie name more correctly Xiuhtlaltziji, "Lady of the Green Fields," and place her death in 987. (Orozco y Berra, Hist. Antig. de Mex- ico, Tom. Ill, p. 45.) XoLOTL, 46. An early if not the first king of the Chichi- mecs. His death occurred in 1232. YoHUALLATONOC, 89. "Shining at night." Name of a war- rior. Yopico, 22. A division of the ancient city of IMexico, con- taining a temple of this name. The word means "the place of the tearing out of hearts" {jo//to/,pi, co), from the form of sacrifice there carried out. YovoNTZiN, 35, 40, 66, 67. A name of Nezahualcoyotl. See p. 35. LIBRARY oi- Aboriginal American Literature, Edited and Published by DANIEL G. BRINTON, M.D., Professor of American Archeology and Linguistics, in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U. S. A. THE aim of the editor of this series is to put within the reach of students authentic materials for the study of the languages and culture of the native race of America. The plan is to print only such works as have been composed in the native languages by the natives themselves, thus presenting these tongues in their real forms. The jargons or mixed dialects, whose importance in linguistic science is now recognized, are included in this scheme. It is also kept in view to select pro- ductions which have some historic or ethnologic value beyond that to philology alone, and each is accompanied with translations, notes, etc. There have now been seven volumes of the library issued which can be obtained separately at the prices affi.xed. The edi- tions are limited to about 400 copies, barely enough to meet the expenses of manufacture, and it is hoped that the interest in American ethnology will be sufficient to admit of the continuance of the series. There remains in the editor's hands abundant I material for this. If the expenses of the works can be defrayed by their sale, he hopes to publish the following additional volumes : I. ABORIGINAL AMERICAN ANTHOLOGY.— A collec- tion of songs from ten or a dozen Indian tribes, with notes, metrical and literal translations, etc. The material for this is almost ready. II. NATIVE AMERICAN CALENDARS.— A collection of astronomical and astrological calendars in the native languages of Mexico and Central America. A mass of curious and sugges- tive native lore. III. THE ANNALS OF CUAUHTITLAN.— The original text, with a new and correct translation of this, the most valuable of all the native chronicles of ancient Mexico. IV. PROSE AND POETRY FROM THE NAHUATL.— A selection of extracts from Nahuatl writers, in prose and verse, from MSS. or extremely rare books, illustrating the development of the language and the psychology of the nation. V. LEGENDS OF THE MICMACS.— A collection of legends and tales in the Micmac tongue, composed by natives, with literal translations and a comparative study of Algonkin folk-lore. VI. THE BOOKS OF CHILAN- BALAM.— The sacred volume of the modern Mayas, one of the most remarkable com- positions of the native American mind. These and other works of a similar character will be issued from time to time, if sufficient interest in the series is manifested by students of this branch, by libraries and private collectors, to meet the cost of publishing them. Up to the present time this has scarcely been the case; and the editor feels that he has, perhaps, undertaken a task which should be that of a Society rather than a private individual ; but he hopes the result of this appeal will enable him to continue the enterprise. In order to show the estimate which has been phiced by critics and Schorrs upon this series, so far as issued, the editor permits himself to quote the following : — OPINIONS AND PRESS NOTICES. " It is to be hoped that the InJian publications which Dr. Brintoii is issuing will meet with a wide circle of readers, and that others besides scholars of this department will interest themselves to aid the work he has so vigorously and successfully begun. To his call on 'learned societies, enlightened governments, liberal institutions, and indi- viduals throughout the world ' to help preserve the native American literature, there should be many Americans, at least, to respond." — Prof. C. H. Toy, in the American Journal of Philolosy. Vol. V. " The efforts of Dr. Brinton shcjuld be welcomed by all antiquarian students, for they are not only original contributions, but are presented in a readable .ind interesting manner." — The American Antiquarian. Vol. VI. " Scholars everj'where should vie with each other in encouraging this laudable enter- prise of Dr. Brinton. There are many specimens of aboriginal literary skill extant, which should be included in this library, as they are almost inaccessible at present."— The Kansas City Review, Aug., 1885. •' Around the ' red man ' native to America, there clusters an ever deepening interest, and the desire to know more concerning him increases every day. Such books