588 Very and Terrestrial Albedoes I THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCIENTIFIC PAPERS THE WESTWOOD ASTSOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY UMKR I. LUNAR AND TERRESTRIAL ALBEDOES By FRANK W. VERY - THE FOUR MPANY OCCASIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF THE WESTWOOD ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NUMBER I. LUNAR AND TERRESTRIAL ALBEDOES By FRANK W. VERY BOSTON THE FOUR SEAS COMPANY 1917 HISTORICAL NOTE FOUNDED in 1906, the Westw'ood Astrophysical Observatory owes its inception to aid from Percival Lowell. In beginning a special series of its publications, the writer wishes to place on record his indebtedness to the warm sympathy and encouragement of a faith- ful friend. Himself an ardent lover of freedom, Dr. Lowell never interfered with the writer's free and independent ordering of the researches conducted at Westwood, but with a rare disinterested- ness he placed at his disposal numerous spectrograms taken at the Lowell Observatory by the skilful hands of Dr. V. M. Slipher for measurement with apparatus of the writer's. design. Nevertheless, the gain was mutual, for the results throw unexpected light on some of Lowell's own researches and demonstrate that complete independence in respect to control and motives of action is not in- compatible with a consistent working together for a common end. Lowell had been greatly interested in the research which forms the subject of the present communication, with its obvious bearing on the problem of planetary temperature. In his "Tem- perature of Mars," he had adopted 0.75 for the albedo of a half clouded earth, and I, in my "Greenhouse Theory and Planetary Temperature/' had taken 0.70 for the same datum, differing but little from the value now found for the geometrical albedo of the earth, which is 0.72. Let me also place on record as a result of my intimate associa- tion with him, my recognition of the fact that his theories were based on an elaborate accumulation of unsurpassed evidence, that he was always open-minded to new evidence, and that, while pre- senting some revolutionary new conceptions, he did not hesitate to modify his own ideas when convinced that they could be im- proved. It is this Willingness to revise that constitutes the true man of science. That there was very little for him to change, as his researches progressed, is a testimony to Lowell's thoroughness and to his deep insight into nature's mysteries. With gratitude to God for the gift of a friend generous, thoughtful for others, and noble in his ideals, keenly critical, but kindly appreciative, learned, but modest I dedicate these researches an the Jflrmnrij of Jlernual 9176: THE WESTWOOD ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY THE WESTWOOD ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY is situated in Westwood, Massachusetts. Its approximate position and altitude (derived from the topographical map of the United States Geolog- ical Survey) are Latitude = 42 12' 58" North. Longitude = 71 1 1' 58" West. Altitude = 190 feet above sea level. Its publications hitherto have been in current scientific per- iodicals, especially, Lowell Observatory Bulletin, American Jour- nal of Science, Astro physical Journal, Science, Astronomische Nachrichten, and Bulletin Astronomique. The Observatory possesses special instruments for the study of solar radiation and atmospheric transmission, for delicate heat measurements, the utilization of solar radiation and study of the "greenhouse" effect, photometry, spectral line and band com- parator, etc. Eor several years it had the use of a fine silver-on- glass concave mirror of 12 inches aperture and 10 feet focal length, which was loaned by its maker, Dr. J. A. Brashear. The mirror was used in researches on the transmission of terrestrial radiation by the aqueous vapor of the atmosphere. Special researches are being actively prosecuted on at- mospheric transmission and the solar constant, quantitative mea- surements of the intensity of spectral lines, planetary atmospheres and temperatures, greenhouse theory, contributions to the theory of nebulae and novae, measurements' of the earth's albedo and of that of the moon for all parts of the visible spectrum. The latter researches form the subject of the present communication. LUNAR AND TERRESTRIAL ALBEDOES Introduction. THE word albedo (derived from the Latin albus, white) has been used by astronomers to designate the fraction of the sun's luminous rays reflected by a planet at full phase, allowance being made for the distances of the planet from sun and earth and for the dimensions of the reflecting body. If the planet were a smooth sphere with perfect specular reflection, it would be itself invis- ible, but would present w r ithin the diminutive limits of its disk a complete picture of the surrounding heavens, distorted by spher- ical aberration, but otherwise exact ; and within this image the reflection of the sun would surpass in brilliancy all other objects, shining like a star at a point on the planet's disk distant from the center by the radius of the disk multiplied by the cosine of half the elongation of the planet from the sun. But whatever specular surfaces there may be on the planets of our solar system, they are of too limited extent to be recognized as such ; and the plane- tary reflection of light is to be classed under the head of a gen- erally diffusive one, though not necessarily an equable one in all directions; and in fact there are diversities in the distribution of the reflected light to different parts of the sphere which must be considered in getting the phase-curve of the illumination, and which are not entirely without influence even if we confine our attention to the reflection sent earthward at full phase, while they are vital to the determination of the complete reflection to the sphere. Since all of the planets, except possibly some of the smaller asteroids, are spheroidal bodies, it is not necessary for purposes of intercomparison to refer their albedoes to the standard specific reflectivity of a flat surface; but it is desirable to distinguish clearly between the only thing which is certainly measurable in most cases, which is (i) the geometrical albedo at full phase, or the amount of light sent earthwards at the planet's full phase, 5 6 LUNAR AND TERRESTRIAL ALBEDOES compared with that which would be sent by a sphere of the same size and at the same distance, which possesses "perfect diffusive reflectivity; and (2) that integration of the reflection to the entire sphere, or the spherical albedo, whose determination requires a knowledge of the phase-law. This law is very imper- fectly known, except in the case of the ipoon, and hence there are rival hypotheses which give more than one kind of "spherical" albedo. There is even a diversity of usage in regard to what shall be called the "geometrical" albedo, although there need be no discrepancies in the facts of observation on which it is based. A very few words will suffice to make the fundamental distinctions plain as to their general principles ; but the remoter consequences of the acceptance of the diverse points of view lead to discussions of some complexity whose complete unfolding can not be ex- hibited in the limits of this paper, but enough will be presented to give an intelligible conception of the subject. If we measure the .amount of light received by the eye from the full moon, that is to say, if we find the reflection bf sunlight by a spheroidal surface to a point (since the pupil of the eye is virtually a point), we shall get the same value whether the moon is near the horizon or in the zenith (after correcting for the absorption by the earth's atmosphere) ; and it seems natural to take this constant light-quantity as the basis of the geometrical albedo referred to a definite point in space, comparing it with the quantity of light which would be given if the whole sky were filled with moons of perfectly diffusive reflecting quality, and viewed by turning the eye progressively to all parts of the sky and summing the successive impressions. This geometrical ratio of the reflec- tion to a point compared with the perfectly diffuse reflection at that point from an ideal body of the same size and in the same situation, is the one considered in this paper and is what is meant by the geometrical albedo. But if, instead of this, we take the illumination of an extended surface by the hypothetical sky full of moons, it is necessary to take into account the diminution of superficial illumination from those rays which are at low angles to the surface, and even sup- posing an absence of atmosphere, the surface illumination pro- duced by a sky full of moons will only be half as great as the sum of the illuminations supposing each moon to be successively LUNAR AND TERRESTRIAL ALB EDO ES 7 transported to the zenith. Thus the "surface illumination" is one half of the geometrical albedo. FIGURE i Lambert showed in his "Photometria" (cap. II.) that if we seek the illuminating power (L) of a circular luminary of radius SR = r (Fig. i), whose center is at any point (S) of zenith- distance SZ = "C,, upon a surface at C, we may obtain L by sum- ming a series of annuli concentric with S and of radius SX = x, where, if an element (dx, dq>) of the annulus is at the angle ZSX = q>. from the vertical through 5", the area of the element is dx dy sin x. Hence dx, = I I sin x cos since the illumination of the surface at C varies in proportion to cos . By spherical trigonometry, if s is the zenith-distance of any point X on the annulus, cos z = cos cos x -f- sin sin x. cos cp, and 8 LUNAR AND TERRESTRIAL ALB EDO ES L = \ \ dx d
cos (co a),
cos E== cos ty cos (0.
If the semi-diameter of the planet is Q, the linear dimensions
of ds are Q dty in the direction of the meridian and 9 rfto cos ip
along a parallel. Hence
surface of ds = Q 2 cos ip (a)] the spherical
factor, its values given in the last line of the table, are
0.75 by Lambert's Law.
1.50 by the Lommel-Seeliger Law.
0.35 by the lunar phase-curve.
While the spherical albedo can not exceed unity, there may be
various distributions of light to the sphere. Thus, for perfect
reflection, the diverse spherical factors obtained from the sum-
mations in the table are consistent with geometrical albedoes of
0.50, 1.33, 0.67, and 2.86, the last being for the phase-law of the
moon where the reflection at full phase is extraordinarily large.
Limits of
2 rr gm J g gm .> Jg' 32". 7 A
With Russell's adopted ratio, A 2 = 9 ' 3 * 7 =o.2ii, 1
With Miiller's adopted ratio, ^ 2 - =0.173.
Mean A, = 0.181.
Miiller points out that numerical values will differ according
to the definitions of albedo of which there are several. Of three
theories given in his book with much detail, neither one is even
remotely applicable to the moon, except in so far as the particular
values by the Lommel-Seeliger and Euler theories for full phase
do coincide with the geometrical albedo, on account of the afore-
said identity of the equations for this special case. The albedoes
"by Seeliger's definition" which are set down by Miiller are obtain-
ed on the limiting assumption that the coefficients of absorption
of incoming and outgoing rays have the ratio X=i, which makes
the coefficient in the Seeliger formula for A 2 = 2, or the same as in
the formula for geometrical albedo. Otherwise, if X differs from
unity, we have
A = i, numerical coefficient = 2.0000
A = 2, numerical coefficient = 1.8924
>. = 3, numerical coefficient = 1.8679
X = 4, numerical coefficient = 1.8628
A, = 5, numerical coefficient 1.8639
A, = 6, numerical coefficient = 1.8673
A. = 10, numerical coefficient = 1.8846
The albedoes "by Lambert's definition" are spherical albedoes de-
rived from the geometrical albedoes by applying the factor
q = 0.75, which is obtained by integration of the Lambert phase-
curve. Muller leaves the reader to choose for himself between
these values of the moon's albedo:
"A 1 = 0.129 (by Lambert's definition),
^2 = 0.172 (by Seeliger's definition)." 2
The use of the Lambert theory and of the constant factor 0.75 in
passing from A 2 to A lt prevents the values of A 1 in Miiller's book
from being regarded as spherical albedoes, except in those cases
where Lambert's law may possibly be followed approximately.
1 Russell himself, as already noted, divides this by 2 to get his
"p," obtaining p = 0.105, and for Zollner's value, p = 0.08.
2 Photometric der Gestirne, p. 343.
With my value of the earth : moon ratio and Miiller's geomet-
rical albedo of the moon, the earth's geometrical albedo is
A C2 = 4.8 X o- 1 ? 2 = 0-826.
The ratio 4.8 : I applies only to the geometrical albedoes. The
spherical albedoes adopted by Russell, namely,
"A" = A mi = 0.073 f r tne moon,
"A".= A ei = 0.45 for the earth,
have the larger ratio A ei : A mi = 6.16 : i, and I shall show
presently that this ratio ought to be still further increased. On
the other hand Russell's values of p which are proportional to
geometrical albedoes have a ratio smaller than mine, namely :
^(e) . ^(m) __ Aez . Am2 == 3.86 : i,
and one which does not agree with his adopted ratio of sunlight
to moonlight. A revision on this account is certainly required.
Russell's lunar value, "/> = 0.105," if ^ represents the
"reflecting power" of the lunar surface, 1 would require
that the moon should be composed of something almost as dark
as dark grey slate, or nearly like trachyte lava, o.io, according
to the figures which he quotes from Wilsing and Scheiner. But
excluding the very -brightest and darkest spots which are of rela-
tively small area, there are extensive dark regions on the moon
whose average total-radiation reflection (bolometrically deter-
mined by measuring the transmission of lunar radiation through
a glass plate which cuts off practically all of the emitted rays and
distinguishes between these and the reflected ones) is from 10 to
12 per cent., while that of correspondingly situated bright regions
(similarly determined) is from 20 to 25 per cent. Since the
moon's surface is about equally divided between such "dark"
and "bright" areas, a mean total-radiation reflection of 0.15 to
0.185 (average = 0.168) is indicated by my bolometric measures
which form a useful check on my photometric results. 2
1 Russell says (op. cit., p. 192) : "Wilsing and Scheiner have de-
termined the reflecting power of many ordinary rocks, using an ap-
proximately flat, rough, natural surface normal to the incident and
reflected rays. Their formula of reduction gives exactly the quantity
which has been designated by p." To the writer, it looks as if p, the
planetary illuminating power, should be multiplied by 3/2 before mak-
ing this comparison.
2 Some samples of these are to be found in my "Photometry of a
Lunar Eclipse," Astrophysical Journal, November, 1895, p. 299-300.
If the sum total of reflected rays of every wave-length agrees
approximately with unaltered solar radiation, the preceding frac-
tion must be increased a little to represent the result as it would
be found outside the earth's atmosphere ; because the solar reflected
rays are of shorter wave-length than the rays emitted by the moon,
and they are differently modified in passing through the at-
mosphere, which alters the relative values of the terms of the
comparison. Except for certain bands of selective absorption, the
longer waves are more readily transmitted by the air. It becomes
increasingly evident that the solar constant is about 3.5 (C. G.
Min.), but this is reduced to 1.5 at sea-level, so that the real trans-
mission of solar rays by the atmosphere is 3/7. In a seasonally
comparable observation of the moon, 48 per cent, of its emitted
radiation entered through the air. Reducing to conditions outside
the atmosphere by these values,
radiation reflected by the moon !6.8X(7/3) I
radiation absorbed by the moon 83.2 X ( I( V4.8) ~ 4.42
and the true percentage of total solar radiation reflected from
the moon is 100/5.42 = 18.5%, which differs little from a mean of
the three results quoted for the reflected light of the moon,
A.,= 18.196- These, however, as I shall show, need to be dimin-
ished somewhat.
The question whether the invisible and longer solar waves of
radiation are better or worse reflected by the moon than the visible
ones has never been definitely settled, and indeed there is diversity
of opinion as to the relative reflection by the moon of different
colors in the visible spectrum. We need not consider the great
bands of "metallic" reflection by quartz near 9/x and the large
reflection by many common terrestrial substances between 8 and
lOfji, for there is very little solar radiation of these wave-lengths
to suffer reflection. 1 Metals have greater specular reflection for
infra-red radiation just beyond the visible spectrum than for lu-
minous rays ; but metals are not in question here. The lunar reflec-
tion is almost entirely diffusive, and we wish to know how sub-
stances which reflect diffusely behave to infra-red rays between
0.7 and 3-O/u.. Eighteen years ago, I published the value of 13.1
1 See my paper on "The Temperature Assigned by Langley to the
Moon," Science, N. S., Vol. XXXVII, No. 964, pp. 949-957, June 20,
per cent, for the lunar reflection of total solar radiation, 1 but I
now think that this should be increased to the value given above,
(-18.5%), because in my former work I under-rated the absorp-
tion of solar radiation by the air.
On the other hand, on the strength of Zollner's oft quoted, but
little studied value of what he calls the "true" lunar albedo
(17.4%) I had formerly supposed that luminous rays are better
reflected than the visible ones from 0.7 to 3-O/x; but it now appears
probable from measures which are to follow, that this relation
must be reversed, and that the larger luminous reflection which
would result from the lunar-solar ratios adopted by Miiller and
Russell, can not be accepted. In fact, in place of Zollner's hitherto
accepted albedo must be substituted the smaller value A 2 = o.i$(),
which follows from his own observations (entirely apart from any
considerations whatsoever as to the shape of the moon, or as to its
surface quality, or the peculiarities of its phase law).
I will now give a series of ratios of sunlight to moonlight for
homogeneous radiations in the visible spectrum derived from my
spectro-photometric observations, published in Astronomische
Nachrichtcn, Nr. 4820 (s. 385 386) which, as there given, are
corrected for atmospheric absorption only. The original values
are all that is necessary for a comparison of the relative reflection
of different colors by the moon, but for our present purpose they
Sunlight 2
Mean =
1 Astrophysical Journal, Vol. VIII, p. 275, December, 1898.
2 The reduction factor to moon's mean distance from the earth,
and to full moon, rests on the following data :
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Mean phase-angle from full, a 30 a = 18 a = 6
Light (from lunar phase-curve), 0.53 0.69 0.90
Moon's parallax, 3374" 3415" 3455"
Reduction factors, 0.515 0.687 0.916
require. further reduction for the distance of the moon and for the
interval to exact full moon. The original figures have been
multiplied by the factor 0.70 and are fully corrected. The
spectro-photometric method yields results which have one special
advantage. They are entirely free from the troublesome Purkinje
effect which has vitiated much of the previous measurement.
The mean ratio of sunlight to moonlight for light of every color
within the visible spectrum is
sunlight : moonlight = 609,000 : i,
but considering that the central region in the green affects the eye
most powerfully, a mean visual ratio of 681,000 : I is to be
It is evident from inspection of the numbers in this table that,
while the reflection of blue and violet light by the moon is larger
than that in the green and yellow, there is also a large reflection
in the red which increases in the direction of the infra-red.
Unfortunately, there is a dearth of observations of the reflective
power of ordinary terrestrial materials in the region between 0.7
and 3-O/x, where there is a great block of solar radiant energy ;
but I think we may conclude that this region is probably more
reflected by the moon than the visible part of the spectrum. In
this case, Russell's ratio (i : 465,000) may answer well enough
for the reflection of solar infra-red radiation by the moon, but it
is much too large for the reflection of visible rays.
The earth can not have the same ratio of reflection for visible
and infra-red rays that the moon does, because the earth's reflec-
tion is mainly atmospheric, with visible rays somewhat better
reflected than the infra-red. If the moon's geometrical albedo
for visible rays is A mz = 0.15, that of the earth is
A e2 -- 4.8 X ai 5 = O-7 2 -' but the reflection of total radiation
by the earth, unlike that by the moon, is smaller than for visible
rays (because the infra-red rays are but little reflected by the
atmosphere). It can hardly exceed A e2 w = 0.70, and
may be as low as 0.50. For the present I shall adopt A e2 (l) =0.60.
Whatever values are finally adopted ought to be consistent among
themselves and with the general principles now under discussion.
In my visual photometric work on the earth-shine, the intrinsic
brightness of the moon at quadrature is taken = 0.16 times the
light at full moon, giving
full-moon light: full-earth light = 1,600 : 0.16 = 10,000 : i,
since I found that full earth-shine at the time of new moon
must be about 1/1,600 of the light of a corresponding sun-
lit area of the moon near quadrature. 1 It was not neces-
sary for this purpose that the whole illuminated surface of
the moon should be measured, nor is it possible to make such a
measure of the earth-shine directly at new moon ; but it is essential
that the lunar surfaces to be compared shall be similar, and
Professor Russell's arbitrary change of my mean ratio is not ad-
missible, even after granting the large probable error of the
result. 2
I propose to give equal weights to the results of my own
measures and to those of Zollner as now correctly reduced. Com-
paring the lunar-solar ratio with the moonlight : earth-shine ratio
given above, we have (with Very's value)
sunlight : full-earth light = 681,000 : 10,000 68.1 : i,
(with Zollner's value)
sunlight : full-earth light = 618,000 : 10,000 = 61.8 : i.
Allowing for the greater area of the earth as seen from the moon,
these ratios become :
68.1/13.4 = 5.08, and 61.8/13.4 = 4.61, mean = 4.8.
Moon's geometrical albedo (for the visual effect)
According to Very, A m2 = 98,317/681,000 = 0.144 "]
A ,- ^..,, [mean=0. 15
According to Zollner, /4 m2 =98,3i7/6i8,ooo=:o.i59 J
Earth's geometrical albedo = 4.8 X o>1 5 0.72
Geometrical reflection of total radiation :
Moon = 0.185, Earth = 0.60 (?)
I take the reduction factor for spherical albedo, q = 0.35 for the
moon from the integration of its phase-curve, and twice this, or
9 = 0.70 for the earth, which is a little less than the Lambert
Spherical albedo of moon, A mi = 0.35 X 0.15 = 0.053
Spherical albedo of earth, /4 ei = 0.70 X -7 2 = 0.504.
1 Astronomische Nachrichten, Nr. 4696, s. 286.
2 With the increased assurance given by the good agreement of
the photographic result, I do not believe that this error can amount to
as much as 10%. Some weighting of the observations is perhaps
Moon's Stellar Magnitude:
Difference of magnitude from sun = log 681,000/0.4 = -j- 14.58
Stellar magnitude of sun (Russell) 26.72
Stellar magnitude of moon (Very) = 12.14
Photographic magnitude of moon (King) - 11.37
(with Russell's phase-curve, etc.)
Moon's Color-Index (King- Very) =-{-0.77,
or a little less than that of the sun, 1 which agrees with Abney's
photographic observations, confirmed by my spectro-photometric
comparison of sun and moon, in showing that the moonlight is
bluer than sunlight. I have shown that the moonlight is redder
than sunlight in the extreme red, but these rays do not count for
much either photographically or visually, and therefore do not
effect the color-index as usually defined.
Earth's Stellar Magnitude (Very) :
As seen from moon, -12.14 4- 58 = 16.72
As seen from sun, 16.72-}- 12.95= 3-77
I make no further claim for my previously published value of
the earth's albedo 2 than that its ratio to the moon's albedo has
been fairly well determined. The previous figures were based
upon Zollner's published lunar albedo and must be diminished a
little according to what precedes ; but this will not effect the argu-
ment for a high value of the solar constant, because this rests on
wholly different grounds. If I could accept in principle Professor
Russell's argument that my measurement of the earth-shine, "far
from being inconsistent with Abbot's value of the solar constant
(1.93 calories) is actually in agreement with it," 3 since it has
now been shown that Russell's p must be doubled to give the
geometrical albedo, I might claim that Abbot's constant should
be doubled ! But unhappily this simple method of disposing of the
solar-constant problem will not work. A high value of terrestrial
reflection of total solar radiation is indeed inconsistent with a low
value of the solar-constant, but a low value of this reflection is not
necessarily inconsistent with a high value of solar radiation, because
the atmospheric depletion of the sun's rays is composed of several
1 Color-index of sun = between + 0.8 and + 0.9, that of Capella
being + 1.0.
2 Astronomische Nachrichten, Nr. 4820, s. 400.
3 Astrophysical Journal, April, 1916, p. 195.
parts. If reflection is found to be less potent than has been sup-
posed, this simply puts a heavier burden on the other processes of
I have elsewhere concluded 1 that only about 18 per cent, of
the sun's rays, received upon the entire sunward hemisphere of the
earth, are effective at the earth's surface in production of tem-
perature. Out of the 82 per cent, of solar radiation lost by the
sunward hemisphere of the earth in one way or another in pas-
sing through the earth's atmosphere, the measurement of the
earth's spherical albedo which has just been given indicates that
approximately 50 are reflected back to space by air, or by clouds,
including a reflection of a few per cent, by the solid or liquid sur-
face of the earth. The rest of the depletion is divided among
agencies which go under the general name of "absorption," but
this also is really a complex of several processes.
As was pointed out in my "Note on Atmospheric Radiation," 2
a portion of the incoming solar radiation of short wave-length is
used up in the upper air in ionization of atmospheric ingredients, or
in the production of ozone and other highly efficient absorbents;
and since there is at present no way of finding out how potent
this part of the atmospheric process may be (except possibly
through an interpretation of certain little understood facts made
known to us in the study of atmospheric thermodynamics) it is
possible, as Dr. Louis Bell has suggested to me, that more solar
energy than we imagine is lost in the ionization processes ; and in
this case quite a little of the remaining 32 per cent, of "absorp-
tion," so-called, may be ionization by solar radiation of very short
wave-length at great altitudes in the atmosphere, these rays being
wholly obliterated in the process.
I have alluded to the changes which Professor Russell has
introduced into my earth-shine measures as founded on mis-
apprehensions, and must now substantiate this claim. On page
185 of his second article we are told that "Table IVA contains data
derived from Very's paper" ; but the mode of derivation is not
consistent. The first three numbers in the last column have been
obtained by multiplying the ratio of exposure-durations for earth-
shine and for sunlit moon by the ratio of photographic intensities ;
1 Astrophysical Journal, Vol. XXXIV, p. 382, Dec., 1911.
2 American Journal of Science, Vol. XXXIV, p. 533, Dec., 1912.
but the last two numbers have been found by dividing the first
quantities by the second. By this means, the two sets of numbers
(for January and August respectively) which, if they had been
correctly derived, would have been entirely different, because as
yet uncorrected for photographic peculiarities, are brought into
seeming approximate agreement, and the conclusion is reached
that the photographic correction which I have derived for the rel-
atively over-exposed lunar spectrograms was unnecessary, and that
my corrected values are wrong ! By this wholly erroneous argu-
ment, Russell supports his reduction of my ratio of the earth's
albedo to the moon's from the spectrograms, to a quantity about
half as great as mine. It is needless to say that the seeming agree-
ment of the numbers in the last column of Table IVA is wholly
On page 184 (op. cit.} Professor Russell says that my "con-
clusions regarding the relative intensity of the light of these two
sources [the earth-lit and the sun-lit portions of the moon] depend
on assumptions regarding the photographic action of exposures to
light of different brightness." On the contrary, my results do not
rest on "assumptions," but on carefully executed quantitative
measurements of the photographic effects in question throughout
the entire visible spectrum. When properly reduced, there is no
difference between the results of the photographic and of the
visual observations. The statement (op. cit., p. 186) that "the
photographic observations therefore make the earth-shine only
half as bright as do the visual observations," is consequently en-
tirely wrong; and the conclusion that "this is just what might be
expected if the plates had followed the ordinary law for faint
illumination and long exposure, and been 'less sensitive than
i X t' >" is equally erroneous. The error has come from the in-
correct reduction of my observations by Russell in the aforesaid
Table IVA.
The discrepancy which Professor Russell thinks he finds
between my theory and my observations in connection with the
phase-curve of the moon (op. cit., p. 186 to 187) does not really
exist. The observations had first to be reduced to a constant unit
of comparison surface, and then to a selected lunar phase-angle.
As it happened, the two corrections in a particular case were of
equal numerical value, but opposite sign. Limited areas of the
moon were necessarily observed, and the comparison in every case
in the visual measures was between "twin circular apertures in
black card, each subtending 7' of arc on the celestial sphere, one
above, and the other below the horizontal line of junction of the
last pair of reflecting prisms." 1 One of these apertures was illu-
minated by the standard light, and the other by a sample of the
lunar surface. In preparing the material of A. N. 4696 for the press,
I have omitted a remark which is needed to complete the sense.
After the first equation at the top of page 286 in that paper, there
should be inserted these words : "The ratio of intrinsic brightness
for the particular (limited) region of the moon under observation
is the inverse of that just given." A quotation from my note book
will clear up the matter fully: "At cp = 44, M = 0.090.
At (p = 87, M = 0.058. Ratio 1.55 : i.oo. For equal moon-
light E/M (for (p = 44) must be multiplied by 1.55." The phase-
reduction required division by the same number. This peculiarity
is due to an exceptionally large reflection from the lunar substance
when the angle of incidence is large and nearly equal to the angle
of reflection, as was the case for the particular lunar region
observed with the moon's elongation, qp=44 ; but the reflection
diminished as the angle of incidence of the solar rays on this spot
decreased. The Lommel-Seeliger law was formulated to deal with
just such peculiarities. My published result:
"E 44 : E 87 = (0.0003477 X i -55) : 0.0002210
= 0.0005389 : 0.0002210
-2.438 : i,"
(op. cit., p. 286) still stands and is fairly comparable with the
ratio for Venus, computed by me from Miiller's result, namely,
V 44 : V 87 = 2.100 : i,
or as Russell gives it for elongations 30 and 90,
V 30 : V 90 = 2.74 : i.oo,
where Lambert's law would give 2.94 : i.oo. The agreement is
close enough to show that the phase-law for the earth resembles
that for Venus, approaching, however, a little more nearly to
the Lambert law, and is quite different from that for the moon.
On page 189, Professor Russell says : "Very's observations
of the earth-shine indicate that the mean full earth, as seen from
1 Astronomische Nachrichten, Nr. 4696, s. 269.
the moon is forty times brighter than the full moon as seen from
the earth," where the forty should be sixty-eight.
Russell's adopted value of the moon's stellar magnitude
( 12.55) ' s -4 I magnitude brighter than mine ( 12.14).
Zollner's result from a comparison with the sun gave the
intermediate value, 12.24, while that from his Capella com-
parison, 12. 18, approaches still more nearly to mine. 1
The last line of Russell's Table V. (op. cit., p. 190) which
purports to give "the earth (from Very's reductions of Slipher's
spectrograms)" is misleading, since he has substituted his own
reduction for mine.
A final word may be permitted on the vicissitudes of the solar-
lunar light-ratio. Bouguer, who obtained a ratio of 300,000 : I
for sunlight to moonlight (Traite d'Optique, p. 87, 1760) was
careful to observe when the full moon was near its mean distance
and when both bodies were at the same altitude ; but unfortunately,
he thought it necessary to use identical optical means in either
case, and therefore his candle had to be at a distance of 50 feet
for the moon and i^ feet for the sun, so that the illuminations
actually measured were in the ratio of 1407 : I, both moonlight
and sunlight having been much reduced. Under these cir-
cumstances, the bluer light of the heavenly bodies being compared
with reddish candle light, the moonlight, on account of its greater
faintness and of the relatively greater sensitiveness of rod-vision
for faint blue light as the general illumination diminished, had an
undue advantage, in the candle comparison, over sunlight, as will
be evident from a short table in my paper on "The Earth's
Albedo." 2 Bouguer's 300,000 must be at least doubled to correct
for this error. The spectrophotometric method entirely removes
this difficulty.
1 From Zollner (op. cit., p. 125 and p. 105).
Log ratio Sun : Capella = 10.7463
Log ratio Sun : Moon = 5.7910
Log ratio Moon : Capella = 4.9553
Log ratio divided by 0.4 - 12.39
Stellar magnitude of Capella = + 0.21
Stellar magnitude of Moon = 12.18
2 Astronomische Nachrichten, Nr. 4696, s. 276.
Dr. W. H. Wollaston, who found 1 that the sun =
5,563 X ( 12) 2 = 801,072 moons,
used better observing conditions, but he made only two
readings on the moon. In one observation at full, his
candle was placed at 12 feet. In the other, made at a time
when, if the atmosphere had been equally transparent the light
should have been 0.84 of that at full moon, the same candle-
reading "12 feet," was recorded. One can not help surmising that
neither reading was better than a rough approximation.
Bond's solar-lunar ratio, 471,000 : I, is an underestimate for
the same reason that Bouguer's value is too small. Zollner's
criticism of Bond's fireworks as not accurate enough for standards
is also fully justified.
Zollner's own measurements of the ratio of sunlight to moon-
light appear to have been made with great care ; but in reducing
them he becomes lost in the mazes of an unnecessarily complex
argument. With the removal of this blemish, no fault can be
found with the new value deduced from the original measures.
The same can not be said of Zollner's isolated measurements of
the earth-shine- which require unknown corrections for skylight.
The earth-shine observations of Arago and Laugier have been
utilized by me in conjunction with my own with which they are
in good agreement.
Various other more or less aberrant values of the moon's
albedo usually err from inadequate correction for changes in
atmospheric transparency. As an instance of a great name attached
to an extraordinarily small value which is simply impossible, may
be cited that of William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) : "70,000 : i"
for the ratio of sunlight to full-moon light. 2
Whatever faults may still remain in the values which are
given here, they at least have this merit, that they are consistent
among themselves, which is very far from being the case with
the results which have been published hitherto.
August, /o/(5.
1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol.
CXIX, p. 19-27, 1829.
2 Poggendorff's Jubelband, p. 624, 1874.
3 Nature, Vol. XXVII, p. 279, January 18, 1883.
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