New Era Self- Pronouncing Speller UC-NRLF *$y Homer H. Kingsleyl^ mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmimi^^ Eaton § Company Publishers MMWtttww utu i imn^uMn^ f UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEP/ KJir^M-r at r^' No. /J * NEW ERA SERIES THE SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER REVISED, ENLARGED EDITION OF THE NEW ERA WORD BOOK BY HOMER H. KINGSLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS ASSISTED BY HIS TEACHERS PUBLISHED BY EATON & COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK Copyright, 1906, By EATON & COMPANY, Manufactured by BROCK & RANKIN, Chicago. EDUCATION DEFT* PREFACE In preparing this revision of the " New Era Word Book," the author has aimed to meet the requirements of teachers who insist that a speller should teach a child pronunciation as well as spelling. To this end the words in the " Self- Pronouncing Speller " have been diacritically marked and syllabicated, so that it will not be found necessary to con- sult the dictionary for the pronunciation of any word con- tained in it. The latest edition of Webster's Dictionary has been followed. The markings are also Webster's, simplified so as to be readily understood by the child. The device of re-spelling phonetically has not been used except in a few cases, the desire being to impress the pupil, as nearly as may be, with the form of the word as he will meet it in ordinary print. The book is divided into eight sections, each section adapted to the corresponding grade. It contains some eighty-seven hundred words, and, inasmuch as this number is not padded by the useless repetition of words combined with the various prefixes and suffixes, the speller will be found ample for all grammar school needs. The simpler words in the first two sections will be found especially helpful in fixing an early understanding of the diacritical marks. It is urged, therefore, that these two sec- tions be used for sight drill in ready pronunciation rather than for formal work in spelling. In each section the PREFACE words are presented alphabetically. It seemed that any other arrangement, however fanciful, would detract from the value of the book as a speller. This device also ena- bles the child readily to find any word, and thus drills him in the use of a dictionary. The plan in preparing the "Self-Pronouncing Speller" has been to present a list of words which are or should be in the child's vocabulary, but on the spelling and pronuncia- tion of which he should have special drill. It is not intended as a treatise on comparative philology, nor an introduction to the study of Latin and Greek, nor yet a grammar. It omits some material found in other books, much of which is useless and distracting with its endless and hopeless de- tail. An exception is the insertion of the more common rules of spelling, a rule usually following an exercise which has disclosed a practical illustration of it. In this respect alone does the speller encroach upon the language book. A very full list of homophones has been appended, as has also a useful table of prefixes and suffixes. The lists of abbre- viations found in the original edition have been retained. All this supplementary material may be used at the dis- cretion of the teacher. The wise teacher will give as important a place to spelling as to any other study in the curriculum ; the child should be kept at spelling until he is able to spell, — both orally and in writing. For the oral work a revival of the spelling bee cannot be too strongly urged. For the written work a substantial blank book is especially recommended, as no device will so spur on the child to painstaking care as a permanent record of his daily efforts. KEY TO PRONUNCIATION The Vowels and Diphthongs a as m make ew as in new 00 as ^n toot a a hat 1 ' * ice oi a boil a a arm 1 * 6 pit oy u boy a « ask I « ? bird ou a mouse a a all l * * machine ow (6 now a a was o 6 < old u « use a a care 5 < < odd v.* u a tub ay a day o * 4 do u a rude e u eve * ' wolf u a full 8 « met 6 * ' dove 6 (( burn e a her 6 < ' lord y (6 fly g u there 00 * 1 pool y a myth ee « feet The mark - 1 - indicates a slight modification of the nary long vowel, occurring in an unaccented syllable. The circumflex A below a letter indicates its obscure, almost elided, short sound. Vowel Equivalents a = 5 as in , what 6 = u as in come § = & th^re 6 = a " fortune i = e " sir u, o = do " put, wolf i = e " machine y = i " cry Q, U = 00 " do, rule y = i " empty THE NEW EEA SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER SECTION ONE aA and 1 are ate air ant arm aunt all any (m'y) &5 ax am ape ask ba'by an ap'ple 2 U back bU bark bee bend bag barn been (6?n) bid bake bat beg big ball be be" gin' bird band bgd 3 ran bit black boy brown buzz blow bread bud by blue brick bug •eab book bright burn -eage box bring 4 but ■eake ■call ■ear ch&ir clean -eame ■eart child eoat •ean •eat class sa7m publish pud'dmg 27 pulse puff pump'km punish puny pur'ple ptir sue' quail quar'rel quar'ter quell quench ques'tion ram'ble rash rate rave rav'en ('n) real reason (z'n) 51d, 5dd, do, wolf, dove, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, m^ta 40 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION IV 28 re ceive' am* res'-eue re tain' re f er' re main' re §ide' re tire' re f use' re move' re sist' rind re'gion (jun) re pent' re spect' rhyme re ject' re place' 29 re suit' roam romp sa'cr&d scarf scrape roost sad'dle scar'l&t scratch rough (ruf) sam'ple scene script route sat'is iy scent scuffle Sab'bath scarce 30 s-eold sea'son (z'n) se'cr^t seVentieth ('n) sheaf shrub se lect' sev'er al shel'ter shud'der sen'tence se vere' shiv'er sigh sep'a rate shsiYloio shov'el sight serv'ant A shat'ter 31 shriek sig'nal silent siz'zle slew sliing sin cere' sketch slight smite sir'up skull slip'per smote six teenth' slave slope smoth'er six'ti 8th sleigh (sia) slum'ber sneer gate, hat, firm, ask, all, wa§, eare, day ; eve, mSt, h6r, there, feet, new ; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION IV 41 32 snug space speed sport soar spare sphere (sfsr) sprain sol'id spark spice spray solve spar'kle spire sprout soul speech 33 sponge spfir spy stale stftck stretch squeeze stan'za stoTen ('«) strict squlr'rel sta'tion stool stripe stage steel strange strive stag'ger stern 34 stray stroll sub tract' sup ply' tal'ly tem'ple su-e ceed' swift tan'gle text su-e gess' swan tax thee sud'den sword team thence sup'per tale 35 teage thirst thir'tigth thrill tide toilSt thorn thrive timid tour thou thrcmg toad tow'el though (tho) thumb toast trace thrice thuVder to gSth'er train old, Sdd, do, W9lf, ddve, ldrd, pool, fd6t, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tttb, rade, l>fll, burn, fly, myth 42 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION IV 36 tramp trump'et twine iin bind trem'ble trust twirl iin dp/ tri'al tube twit iin eas^ tri'gy cle tur'key type un fair' trudge twl'light 37 ugly iin fold' iin hifch' iin rul'y va'ry vi'olet im hook' up 'roar' verb vo'-eal iin 150k' iish'er vi'al vote un pack' vale vice wait'er iinrav'gl (7) value 38 vile walnut war'ble weTfare wilt wrm'kL w&re whence wit'ty yarn waste whim won yield weaker wid'ow wor'ry yolk weT-eome width wove zin-e gSte, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, «are, day; eve, her, Qifire, feet, new; Ice, fctn, bird, polic SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 4;i SECTION FIVE a bil'i ty ab sorb' 1 ac quire' ad'der a bound' aegi den'tal ac quit' ad di'tion a broad' aeeom'plish ac'tti al ad dress' Sb riipt' ag'id Sd'age ad here' ab'sence ac quaint' a dapt' ad'jec tive ad mit' ad vi§e' 2 af fray' a light' a dop'tion af fair' a'gen gy al lot' a dorn' af fix' a gree'a ble al low' a diilt' , af flict' al'eSve a/mond ad' verb af ford' a lert' al'tar (tlr) al though' (tho) a mend' 3 an'chor (ker) an noy' al'to A mer'i ean an'cient (shent) an' them a maze' a miss' an'ger an' tie am'ber a muse' an'gle anx'ious am'bush an' a lyze an nounce' a pol'6 gy ap pa ra'tiis a'pri eot 4 ar'ter y as ton'ish ap pear' ar'bor (per) as pire' at' las ap'pe tite ar'gu. ment as sail' at tack' ap point'ment ar rest' as sert' at' tie ap proach' ar rive' as sume' au'di ence old, Sdd, do, wolf, ddve, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, myth 44 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 5 Au'giist bal'ance bar' gain (gen) baste &we bal loon' bar'ren beck'on ('n) awry' ban'ish base'ment bed' stead baffle bap'tism bash'ful bee' tie bag' gage bare bass be" grudge' be" hav'ior (yur) be" ware' 6 blend bofch be" hold' bil'lion (yuri) bloat bound'a ry bel' fry- bl sect' blotch bra'v6 berth blanch bomb breathe bev'el blem'ish boon bribe bruise can' dor (der) ear na'tion eat'er pil lar (11 bulb «an teen' ear' pen ter cav'i ty bur' den ( grate 22 grip grope group griim'ble hale har-Vest growl gulf hal'ter ha£ch growth. gull ham' mock haul grudge gush han'dy haze gruff hack haYr6w heap 23 hedge hew home'ly hull heed hm'der hon or (bn'er) hu'man height (hit) hob'ble hood hu'mor (mer) hence hob'by hor'net hun'ger herd hol'i day host 24 hush husk Im me'di ate in'd6 lence In'ner hiis'tle im pure' in duce' In'no cent id'i 6t in elude' In'fan qf in qui'ry ig'n6 rant income in fest' in sert' Im ag'ine m'de pend'ent m'jtire in sist' gate, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, «are, day ; eve, iaSt, her, there, feet, new ; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 40 25 In's6 lent in' valid i tal'ie in spect' in vent' I' tern in stead' in vi ta'tion i'vy In'suLt Ire jade in ter rupt' I'rish 26 jail ju'ry kin' die lank jus'tice king'dom la pel' keel &nit lapse kill 'deer f la'dle lash kin lance lath jam jan'gle jew'el ry joint jiin'ior (ylr) lathe lax la'zi ly lec'ttire lem'on 27 li'ar (gr) lm'e ar (lr) lm'ger liq'uid (IWwM) Hq'uor (Vik'er) liv'er y lo'eal 18ft ' lofty loi'ter loll loy'al lone 'some lum'ber loom lure loot lurk lord mace 28 ma chine' man' tie marl marsh mar'shal mast ma'tron mat' tress means med'al med'i cine mere medley- merge meek mes's&ge mem '6 ry me 'ter mer'cv meth'od old, 5dd, do, wolf, dove, ldrd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, m^th 50 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 29 mil 'lion (yuri) min'is ter mire mix'ttlre mim'ic mm' now mis'chie vous moan mince mint mi'§er mock min'er al mm'u end mis'er y mod' el mm'gle min'ute (10 mite mo'lar (lev) 30 mo las'ses_ morn mov'a ble miis'ty mon'ster mor'tar (ter) mul'ti pli eand' mute moose mote miir'mur na'tion mope mo 'tor (tlr) miis/lm na'tive mor'al mount miis'tard (tlrd) nat'ti ral 31 na'val nim'ble no'ti fy oath nay nineteenth' noun ob'ject neigh bor (na'ber) none nov'el ode nerv'oiis noose nun of f ense' ni'ce ty noteh nurs'er y oil'y 32 6 mit' or'gan Ize pal'&te pang op'er ate our selves' pai'gy pan'ther 6p'tl€ out 'rage pam'phlet (fiet) pan' try orb 5'ver take' pane par' a sol 5re pa'gan pan' el pa ren'tal gate, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, «are, day; Sve, m6t, hSr, fhfire, new; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 51 33 par'ish pas 'tor (ter) pau§e peer par 'son (s'n) pas' try pawn pelt par'tial pa'tient (shent) peak per'fume par'ti cle pa/tri 6t peal per spire' pas 'time' pat 'tern ped'al 34 per suade'(swad') pert pilot plat' form pluck pet'ty pim'ple plea plush pew pis'tol pleas 'ure (zhhr) p!y phrase (fraz) pi£ch ipllght pol'i cy pil'fer plane plot 35 pol'ish pollen po ta't6 prime profit p5re pov'er ty prince pro nounce' p5r'ter prank prob'lem proof p5r'tion prat' tie pro ceed' prop'er postscript prey (pra) prod 36 pros'per pr6 tect' pshaw pur'pose quire pr6 vide' piib'lic piit'ty quiv'er prow pulp quaff quote prowl punch que'ry raft prune pur 'chase quince rage 51d, Sdd, do, wolf, dove, ldrd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, myth 52 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 37 raid rasp re'gi p£ r£ fine' rai'sin O'w) ra'tio (sho) reck' on ('w) re gard' rank rav'el ('0 r£ deem' rein (ran) rant reb'el reed re" lieve' ras'eal re'cent reel rel'ish 38 my r£ prove' r£ trace' riv'ulet re mark' rep' tile r& treat' roach re mind' r£ quest' rife rock'et rend res/i dence ri'fle rogue (rdg) re pent' re 'tail risk ros'triim 39 rud'der riim'ple sake sav'age rue ru'ral sal' ad sa'vor (ver) ru'in rus'tie sal 'a ry scald riim'ble saffron sane scale ru'mor (mer) sage saun'ter scalp 40 scam'per scheme scorn scrib'ble scan schol'ar (er) scour scrub scan'dal scis'sors (siz'zerz) scowl scythe scant scoop scrawl seal scar'gi ty score screak sec'tion gate, hit, arm, ask, all, wag, «ftre, day ; Sve, m5t, hSr, 8i6re, new; Ipe, g*n, bird, polk SELF-PKONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 58 41 se €iire' serf seize se'ri ous sen'ior (yer) ser'mon sen's! ble ser'pent sen'ti ment serv'ige set'tle ment shag'gy seVen teenth'(sev"w) shark se" vere' shave sex sheath shaft shepherd 42 shield shrank shrug sim'pli fy shil'lmg shred slc'kle skiff shm'gle shrill sift skill sh5ul'der shrink sl'lence skim shout shrlv'el ('Z) sil'ly skulk 43 slab slen'der snatch snuff slan'der slum sneak snug slash slush snore so'ber slay smith snort so qi'& ty sledge snarl snub' so' da 44 soil sor'r6w spike splin'ter s5l'dier (jer) sort spir'it sprawl sd'16 south'ern spite sprm'kle sore spear splen'did squall sor'rel spher'ie al (s/er') splice squash old, odd, do, w9lf, dove, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, mfih 54 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 45 squat sta'men steak stin'gy squeak starch steal stir' r up squeal star'ry stee'ple stiteh squint star'tle stew'ard (erd) st5le stag'ger star va'tion stilt stom'aeA 46 strai^At stride sub'ject sup pose' stran'gle stroke sub'urb sur'ntce stray stu'dent sue sur'ly strength stum'ble suit sur pass' strew stun suP try- sur'plus 47 sur prise' swear tact tape sur round' s win' die tail 'or (er) ta'per sus pect' switch tarn' per tar 'get swarm sworn tank tar'nish sway sys'tem tan'^y 48 tart tas'sel (sU) ted'der ter'ri ble thor'ou^A (d) tat'ter tern 'per ter'ri er thrash tat'tle tempt ter'ror (rer) thrift taunt tend theft throt'tle taw'ny ten'nis this'tle throve gate, hat, Srm, ask, all, wag, «&re, day; gve, m5t, h6r, afire, new; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 5a 49 thud till tint top' pie thump tilt ti'tle torch tl 'dings tim'ber ton tor'ment ti'ger tmk'er ton'ie tough (tuf) tile tm'kle t5p'i€ tow 50 tow'er treat tric'kle troop tram'ple trend tri'fle trou'ble trash tress trill trow'el tray tribe trim triin'dle tread trick trm'ket tuft 51 tu'lip tii'tor (ter) ii'ni form us' age turn 'bier twang un'ion (yuri) ii'su al (zhh) tiin'nel um'pire ur'chin ut'm5st' turf iin'der stand' ur'gent va ca'tion tur'tle un eag'y urn vain 52 valve veg'e" ta ble vex a/tion vil'lain vane vent vic'tim vi'6 lin' van'ish verge vie' tor (ter) vise va'por (per) ver'min vie' to ry viv'id vault ves'sel vig'or (er) void 51d, 5dd, do, w^lf, dove, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, mfth 50 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION V 53 volley wab'ble wal'let wea'ry vol' time wad'dle wan'der weave vol'un teer' wa'fer ward wedge vow waft warmth whith'er vow' el wa/ges 54 weap'on whiz whoop with'er wreck yearn wick'et wit'ness wres'tle yelp wig woe Yan'kee yield wince wor'ship (w&r') yawn your self wit wor'thy (wftr') yea zone SIMPLE RULES OP SPELLING I. The plural of nouns is generally formed by adding s to the singular : boys ; trees ; words. II. In nouns ending in a sound that will not unite with s, es is added to form the plural : churches ; matches ; watches. III. Nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant, change y to i and add es : as story, stories ; berry, berries. IV. Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel, simply add *.° money, moneys; attorney, attorneys. V. Nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel, add s: as folio, folios; cameo, cameos; trio, trios. VI. Most nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant, add es: calico, calicoes; hero, heroes ; negro, negroes. gate, hat, arm, ask, aU, wag, eare, day; eve, mgt, h€r, afire, feet, new; Ice, fcXn, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VI 57 SECTION SIX a, ban 'don a bide' 1 a bol'ish ab sorb'ent a bate' ab'ject a breast' ab stain' ab'bey ab jec'tion a bridge' ab stract' a bet' tor («r) ab lii'tion ab'seess ab surd' ab hor' ab nor'mal ab seond' ac cede' ac claim' ae count' 2 a eous'tics ae'ro bat ac com' mo date accre'tion ac quaint' ance ad'ap ta'tion accom'plice ae'cti rate ac quire'ment a dept' ac cord' ac cus'tpm ac quit'tal ad he'sive ae COSt' acid'i ty ae'rid ad ja'cent ad journ' ad mis'sion 3 ad'ver ti§e' af flic'tion ad jtist' ad mon'ish ad vis/ a ble af front' ad' mi ra ble adobe (add'bh) af feet' ag'gra vate ad 'mi ral a dorn'ment af fec'tion ag'ile ad mis'si ble ad van'tage af firm' agil'i ty ag'6 ny al lop'a thy 4 aZnis 2m big'tl ous a gree'ment al lot'ment aloof am bi'tion al'ien (y'n) al low'ance al read'y am'bush al lay' al liide' al'ti tiide a mend'ment alii ga'tor (ter) al lure' a maze'ment a' mi a ble old, 5dd, do, wolf, d6ve, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tttb, rade, ft^ll, bfirn, fly, m^th 66 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VI am'ieable a nal'y sis 5 an gel'ie an noy'ance am'i ty a nat'6 my an'gu lar (ler) an'nti al am' pie an'ces tor (fer) an'nals an nul' a muse 'merit an' try an'nex a noint'ment a nal'6 gy an'ec dote announce'nient ant are'tie an'te date a/pi a ry 6 ap plaud' Ar'a bie an'te room a pol'6 gize ap ply' ar'bor (&£»•) an tic'i pate a pos'tro phe" appreciate (shiat) arc an xi'e ty (zV) ap par' el ap prove' arch'er y a part'ment ap pend' a quat'ie 7 ar'ehi tect ar'eAive ar rear' ar'ti cle as'pen iir'dent ar rlv'al ar tie'ti late as pir'ant ar'dor (der) ar'son (s'n) as gend' as sail' ar'mo ry ar'te'ri al as cribe' as sem'ble ar ray' art'M as'pect as sent' as ser'tion as sump'tion a tone' at'ti tilde as sess' aston'ishment at tach' at tract' as si^n' ath'lete at tain' au'di ble as sist'ance at'mos phere at tend' au'dit as sort' at'om at tire' aught (at) gate, hit, arm, ask, aU, wag, eare, day ; eve, mSt, h6r, fhfire, feet, new ; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VI 59 9 au r gur aver' bae te'ri a ban'ish ment au stere' av'er age bal'c6 ny barge au then' tic a vert' bal'lot bar'ter a vail' a vid'i ty halm. ba'sis av'a rice ax'i 6m bane 10 bea'con (k'n) bea'ver ben'£ fi cial b£ stow' bliss be guile' be reave' b£ wail' bond' age be hoove' be seech' bi'as bon'ny be lie' be set' bile bouquet (bo kd') be" moan' be stir' bish'op 11 brawn breach buffalo ea'ble gram ean'did brev'i ty bun'ko eal'cu late ean'di date brib'er y bur'i al (ber') cam'e ra ca nine' bris'tle bur'ly cam'phor (fer) ean'ker budget busi'ness (biz') ean'cer 12 can'6 py can'vas car'bon ear'ti lage cel'ebrate ca pac'i ty ear' go car' triage gen ten'ni al eap'i tal ize car' mine cat' a ract cen'tral ize eap'ti vate ear'nal cath'6 lie gen'tti ry eap'tive car 'rot cede gere 51d, 5dd, do, wolf, dove, ldrd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, mj?th SELF-FKONOUNCING SPELLEPv — SECTION VI 13 ce're" al eM'os ger'ti fy char'i ta ble ces'sion €M§m chaise (shaz) chaste challenge chas ti§e' cher'ish cherub chis/el choe'6 lite efa)r'is ter chute {sTwt) cin'na mon gir'cii lar (ler) gis'tern £i vil'ian (ygn) 14 9iv' i lize cler'gy clutch «61'an der clan'nish cler'ic al clut r ter col lapse' clas'si fy clew coffer col lect'i ble clause cllm'atlze coin'age college clem'en qf clique (Jclek) eo'in gidV col Hde' collier (yer) eol'6 ny col'umn com bat'a ble com bine' 15 eom'fort a. ble Cfert) com mis'sion com pete' €om mence'ment com mo'di oiis com'pe tent com mend' a ble eom'ment eom mune' com mute' com pact' cSm'plex com'pli eate eom'pli ment 16 com ply' €om pul's6 ry com pog'ite «6m pute' com po gi'tion con gede' com 'pound con ceive' com press' con clii'sion con coct' con dense' con di'tion con fes'sion con'fi dence con fuse' eon'ic al con nect' con'quest con sid'er gate, hat, arm, &sk, nil, wag, eftre, day ; 5ve, m8t, hCr, &6re, feet, new ; Ice, gin, bird, police .._, SPELLER— SECTION VI 61 17 eon sist' eon tent' eon vene' eor'dial Qai) eon'stant eon'ti nent eon verse' eor'net eon struct' eon tin'u ance eon' vert eorpse eon sume' eSn'tra diet' eon vic'tion eor rode' eon' tact eon'trast 18 eon vince' eor'set eour a'geoiis crane crea'ture crimp eour'te" sy crave creed crisp eov'et craw crev'ice crit'ie eov'ey creak crick'et croak craft ere" ate' 19 crime croon crouch eup'board (Jcub'berd) dag'ger dealt cru'di ty eurb dam 'age dean crunch eurt dan'dy dearth crys'tal eus'tom dan'gle de" bar' eud'gel daft 20 deal d&eay' de" geit' dSfy' den'tist de" sii/ous d& geive' de" gree' d& pend' des'ti ny de" fend' de" liv'er d& rive' dg tail' de" fer' de" note' d& scend' d$ test' de" file' den'si ty de" scrip' tion di'a mond old, 5dd, do, wolf, ddve, 16rd, pool, fdbt, boil boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, m^th 62 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VI 21 dic'tate dire dis place' doi'ly dic'tion a" ry dis cour'age dis'pti ta ble dole di gest'ive dis grace ' dis'trict dolt dig'it dis gust' div'i dend dome dint dis'mal doc/ile do'nate 22 dote drawl drug 'gist ea'§el (zH) dough (do) drib duct ebb drain dross du'el E'den () asy'lum a tr5'cious at'rd phy at tension at tribute at tune' auc'tion eer' au dac'i ty au'ri cle au ro'ra aus pi'cious 8 au'tfc crat au't6 graph au'to mo'bile au ton' 6 my au'top sy aux il'ia. ry (ya) av'alanche' av'6 ea'tion av'oir dti poip' bab'bler er) old, odd, do, wolf, ddve, ldrd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, m^th SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII back 'bone ' bar'on bankrupt gy bar 'rack ban'quet bar'ri cade' bar ba'ri an bar'y t5ne bar'na cle bat tal'ion (yun) be nev'6 lence Bed'ou in be nig'nant bel'li cose' bes'tial bel lig'er ent bev'er age basque (bask) be nef'i gent bi en'ni al 10 big'ot ry blas'phe mous bro'ker age bil'liards (yerdz) bo'nus bronze biog'raphy bri'dal bul'le" tin biol'ogy Brit'ish bullion (y«n) biv'ouac (wak) bro'ker buFriish' bul'wark (wurk) buoyant (bwoi'qnt) bur lesque' (lesk 1 ) cab'i net ca boose' eadav'er ous ca lam'i ty cal'um ny ca nard' can'ta loupe eapar'i son ea pit'u late cap'tious ea pri'gious ear 'at 11 car 'a van ear niv'6 roiis car 'bo na'ceous ca rous/al ear'di nal case 'mate car'i bou eash'mere ear'ni val cas'ti gate ca£ch'pen ny Gas til'i an eat'e" ehise eas'tl al ty (mzh) eat'e" go ry cat 'a clygm eau gal'i ty eat'a lep'sy cau'ter ize 12 eav'alier' ge leb'ri ty ge les'tial gel'i ba gy gel'lu lar (ler) gel'lu I5se gen'te na'ri an gen'ti grade gen'ti ped gen'tral ize gate, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, eare, day ; eve, mgt, h©r, thgre, new; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPE&LE^Slj^ttdS; ^ftl; gen trif 'ti gal ger'e bral ger'ti fi ea'tion ehk me' IS on 13 chan'gel lor (ler) eAlo'r6 form eAyle chan'ger y eAol'er a eAyme ehem'is try chow 'chow' gil'i & ry ghi ean'er y efa"6 mat'ie gircu'itoiis gham'ois (sham' my) ghiv'al rous ehro nol'6 gf gir eum stan'tial 14 gir'eum vent 7 clap'b6ard (klab') e5'a li'tion eo er'cion gir'eus clas'sie eoch I neal' eo'gent gt ta'tion cli'ent eock'swam eog'nate giv 11 f za'tion eo'ad jii'tor (ter) eo'di fy eo he'sion clan deW tine eo'a lesee' (Us') e5'ef fi'cient eol I se'um eol lat'er al eol 15' qui al eol lu'sion eol'on nade' eo 16s' sal 15 ry eom pas'sion eo'ma tose' eom'mis com man dant' com mode' eom pat'i ble eom mend'a to ry eom' mo dore' eom'pi la'tion eom men'su rate eom'mon weal' eom pla'gent eom min'gle eom mu'ni eate eom'plS ment 16 eom'pre" hend' eom prise' eom pimc'tion eom'pti ta'tion eon geit' eon geiv'a ble eon gen'trate eon'gept eon gil'i ate eon'clave e5n eord'ance eon'dem na'tion eon'eourse eon'de" scend' e5n crete' eon'di ment eon eur'rence eon do'lence eon eiis'sion eon dii'give old, 8dd, do, wolf, dove, 16id, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, m^th 100 SEL*\FHp^QUNCJNG SPELLER — SECTION VIII eon'duit eon fed'er a cy eon'fer ence eon'fi dant' eon' f is eate 17 eon'fla gra/tion eon glom'er ate eon'jll gate eon'flu ence eon'gre" ga/tion eon'jti gal eon fute' eon'gru ejit eon junction eon geal' eon gru'i ty eon'jiire eon ges'tion eon jec'ttire eon niv'ance 18 eon nu'bi al eon si^n'ment eon spire' eon strain' eon'sci en'tious eon sist'en cy eon'stel la/tion eon ta'gious eon see'tl tive eon'so la'tion eon'ster na'tion eon tam'i nate eon'se" quence eon sol'i date eon stit'u gnt eon tempt'i ble eon serv'a tive eon spie'tl oils eon'sti tiite eon ten'tion eon'ti gul ty eon tor'tion eon'tra band eon tral't6 eon'tra vene' 19 eon'tri bu'tion eon'tu me" ly eontri'tion eon'va les'cent eon triv'ance eon ven'tion al eon'tr6 ver'sy eon verg'ence eon' til ma cy eon'ver sant eon vert'i ble eon vey'ance eon viv i al e5n vul'sion e6 op'er ate e6 or'di nate eor'6 ner e6 quette' (kef) eor'6 net eor'ne" a eor'po ral eor' nice eor'po ra/tion eor' 61 la" ry eor po're" al 20 eorps (kor) eor'ru gate eor reot'ive eor rupt'i ble eor'r& spond'ence eo§ met'ie eor rob'6 rate eoun'cU eoun'te" nance gate, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, «are, day; Sve, m8t, h8r, fhSre, feet, new; Ife, gin, bird, poli'ce SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER— SECTION VlII 101 21 eoun'ter feit eou'pon ere" du'li ty cri'sis eoun'ter mand' cra'ni iim cred'ti loiis crt te'ri on eoun'ter point' era vat' crem'a to ry cr6 chet' (sha 1 ) eoun'ter sign.' cre'dence ere' 6 sote ero quet' (Jed 1 ) coupe (ko'pa') ere den'tial crim'i nate 22 cru'eial cru/gi ble cui rass' (Jcwe) eul'prit eiir'ren gy cru'gi fix eui sme' (kwe) eum'brance eur'so ry cru sade' eti'li n& ry eu'mti late eiir tail' crys'tal lize eul'mi nate etl pid' I ty eiir'vi ttire eu'bit eul'pa ble eu'ri os'i ty eiis t5'di an eu'ti cle eut'ler y gy'cle gy lin'drie al gyn'ie al 23 cy'n6 sure (shur) d£bat'able de'buV (da'bu') gy 'press deb'au chee' (o she') dee 'agon czk ri'na d$ bil'i ty de eap'i tate dac'tyl de bouch' (bosh') d6 gease' da^'lia (dal'yd) de'bris' (da'bre') de'gen gy 24 d6 gep'tive dec' la ma/tion d£ du'gi ble d£ fec'tive deg'i mate dS clen'sion de* duc'tion de fend 'ant de" gi'pher d£ eo'rum de'fal ea/tion defer ence de" gi'sion d£ crep'it def 'a ma/tion dS fi'ance d£ gl'sive ded'i eate d£ fault' d6 fi'cient old, odd, do, W9lf, ddve, lord, pool, fo~6t, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, myth 102 SELF-PRONOOtfClNfi 'SPELLER — SECTION VIII def'i ni'tion d£ form'i ty de fraud' de fray' d£ f unctf 25 d£ gen'er ate del'i ea gy dem'a gogue (jjbg) deg'ra da/tion de" lin'e" ate de'mar ea/tion de'i fy de" lm'quent de" mer'it de'ist de" Hr'i um de" mise' de" ject' de" lii'sion de" rnoe'ra cy de" mo'ni ae dem'on strate de" mor'al Ize de mur' de" mure' 26 de" nom'i na/tion de" plor'a ble de pre'ci ate (shi) denude' d£ pos/it dep're da'tion de nun'ci action dep'6 gi'tion de pres'sion de" 6'dor ize (dlr) de" prav'i ty dep'ri va/tion de" par'ttlre dep'ri eate dep'ti tlze 27 de" range'ment der' e" lict de ri'sion de" riv'a tive de" rog'a t6 ry de scend'ant de scen'sion des'e" crate de ser'tion des'ig nate de" §I<7n'er de spoil' des'6 late de spond'ent des'per a 'do des'ti na'tion des'pi ea ble de struc'tion de" spite' des'ul to ry 28 de" tach'ment det'ri ment de" tect'or (2r) dev'as tate de" te'ri 6 rate de vel'op ment de ter'mi na'tion de'vi ate de" throne' de" vice' de volve' dev'6 tee' de" vo'tion de" vout' dex'ter oiis di'a bol'ie di'ag nose di ag'6 nal dic'ta to'ri al dic'tion gate, hftt, arm, ask, all, wag, «are, day ; Sve, mgt, hSr, afire, feet, new ; Ige, ftln, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 103 dt er'e sis dif 'fi dence dif fu'sion dig' 111 fy digraph di gres'sion di lap'i date di late' dil'a to ry di lem'ma 29 dil'i gence di lu'tion dilu'vi al dim'i nu'tion di min'ti tive diph the'ri a {dif) diph'thong {dif) di pl5'ma di plo'ma cy dis 'a bil'i ty dis'ap pear' dis arm' dig as'ter dis be" lief 30 dis ci'ple dis ere' tion dis'ci pline dis crim'i nate dis claim' dis eiis'sion dis cour'te" oiis dis dain' di§ cern'i ble dis crep'an cy dis fa'vor {ver) dis fig'tire dis gorge' dis Aon'est dis Aon' or (er) dis' 16 eate dis lodge' dis p6 gi'tion dis par'age dis prove' dis par'i ty dis sem'i nate dis pen'sa ble dis sen'sion dis per' sion dis'si pate 31 dis 'so lu'tion dis tem'per di§ solv'ent dis ten'tion dis'so nance dis til-la' tion dis'sua'sion {siod) dis tinc'tion dis syl'la ble dis tin'guish {gwish) dis tor' tion di verg'ent dis trac'tion di ver' sion dis'tri bii'tion di ver' si ty dis trust' di vin'I ty di ur'nal di vulge' 32 doc 'trine doe'u ment dog'ger el dog'ma dol'or oiis (er) dol'phin {fin) domes'tieate dom'i Qile dom'i nant dom'i nate 51d, 5dd, do, wolf, dove, ldrd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, myth 104 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 33 do mm 'ion (yun) dregg due 'tile dtl ra'tion dor'mant drop'sy dun'geon du'ress dough' tf driidg'ery du'pli eate dy nam'ie dove'tail' du al'i ty du plig' I ty dys pep'si a dram'a tize dii'bi ous dur'ance eb'6 ny e" bri'e" ty eb'ul li'tion ee gen 'trie 6 elat' e'eo nom'ie e" eon' 6 mize ee'sta sy e'dict ed'i fi ea/tion ed'i fice 34 e" di'tion ef fi ea'cious ef fec'tu al ef fi'cient ef fem'i nate ef ful'gent ef'fer ves'gence e'go ti§m ef fete' e'gress 35 fi gyp'tian e" jec'tion e" lab'6 rate £ las' tie e* lec'tri fy e" lec'tro eute e" lec'tro type el'e ganee el'e men'ta ry el'e" phan'tine el'e" va/tion el'i gi ble e" lim'i nate e" li'sion e lite (a'letf) el lipse' el lip'sis el lip'tieal el' 6 eii'tion e" Ion' gate 36 el'6 quence e" man'ci pate e" lu'gi date em bar'go £ lu'sion em'bar ka'tion e" ma'ci ate (shl) em bar'rass em bel'lish em bez'zle em'blem at'ie em bod'y em'a nate embassador (der) emboss' em broid'er y em'bry 6 em'er aid e" mer'gen gy em'er y gate, hit, arm, ask, aU, wag, «are, day; eve, met, her, tiigre, feet, new; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 105 e" met'ie em'i grant em'i nent em 'is s& ry e" mis'sion e* mol'u" ment e" mo'tion em' per or (er) em phat'ie em pir'ie al 37 em po'ri um en chant'ment em'u la/tion e" mul'sion en act'ment eneo'mi um en eoun'ter en croach' en eamp'ment en cy'clo" pe'di a en dan'ger en fee'ble en deav'or (er) e nig'ma endow' en kin' die en dur'ance e" nor'moiis en'ervate en'si^n 38 e niin'ci ate (*fti) en sue' en tan'gle en'ter tain'ment en'vi a ble en thu'§i ast en'vi ous en'ti ty en vi'ron ment en'voy ep'i gram ep'aulet' ep'i lep'sy e phem'er al ep'i sode ep'i eiire e" pis'tle ep'i der'mis e" pit'6 me" 39 e'qua ble e'qui noc'tial e qua nim'i ty eq'ui page (ek'm) £ ques'tri an eq'ui poise (ek id) e'qui lat'er al eq'ui ta ble (ek'wi) e'qui lib'ri um eq'ui ty (ek'wi) 40 e" quiv'a lent e" quiv'6 eal e" ro'sion er rat'ie er'ii dite £ rup'tion er'y sip '£ las es eal 'op es'eil lent es'pi 6 nage es pous/al 6 ter'ni ty es sen'tial e" the'rS al es tab'lish ment eth'nie es thet'ics eth nol'6 gy £ ter'nal et'y mol'6 gy Old, 5dd, djj, wolf, d6ve, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now; fise, tttb, rude, full, burn, Of, mfth 106 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII eti 15' gi um £ van'gel Ize Eti ra/sian e va/sion Eii'ro pe'an 6 va'sive £ vae'u ate £vic'tion ev a lies' gent ev'i dence 41 e vince' e voke' ev'6 lu'tion QO' ex as'per ate ex ea va'tion ex gel'si or ex/al taction ex gise' ej am'i na/tion ex eo'ri ate ex ores' gent ej Ml 'a rate ex'e era ble ex hiime' ex ee'u tor (ter) ex'i gen gy ex'em pl& ry ex on'er ate ex' hi bi'tion ex' or a ble 42 ej or'bi tant ex pec'to rate ex'pe di'tious ex per'i ment ex 'pi ate ex'pi ra'tion ex plig'it ex ploit' ex p5'nent ex pos'tti late ex piil'sion ex punge' ex 'pur gate ex'qui §ite ex'tant ex tem'po re" ex tem'po rize ex ten'ti ate ex te'ri or (er) ex tinc'tion 43 ex tm'guish ex'tir pate ex tol' ex tor'tion ex tra'ne oiis ex traor'di na ry ex ii'ber ant fa ge'tious fa'cial fa gil'i ty 44 fal'la gy f£ lig'i tate fi'broiis fl a' grant far'ri er fel'6 ny fi del'i ty fluc'tu ate fas'gi nate fer'men taction fig'u ra tive fiu'ent ly fas tid'i oiis it ro'cious fin'an gier' fo'eal fea §i ble fer'ven gy fir'ma ment for bear'ance gate, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, eare, day ; Sve, mfit, h€r, thSre, feet, new ; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 107 45 fore clo'sure (zhur) for'ti ttide for'fei ttire fortress for'mid a ble for tu'i tous for'mu la for tii'i ty for swear' fran'chige fran'gi ble fra ter'ni ty frat'ri cide fri'a ble frie'as see' fii vol'i ty fron'tier fron'tis piece fruc'ti fy fru gal'i ty fru I'tion frus'trate fikA'si a (shi) fu'gi tive fu'mi gate 46 fun'damen'tal fu'sH lade' fun'gous ftl tu'ri ty fur'lou^A (Id) gal'ax y f ur'ri er gal' va nlze fur'tive gaii'grene gargoyle gar'nish gar ru'li ty gas' trie ga zelle' gel' a tin gen'e" al'6 gy gen'er a'tion gen'er 6s 'I ty gen'e sis gen'try 47 ge'nus glos'sary gos'sa mer ge 6m' e try glu'eose ges tie'ti late goi'ter gla'cial (shal) goril'la glad'1 a/tor (ter) gor'mand gos'sa i goth'ie gov'en: grad'u* ate gov'ern or (er) gran'ti lous gratii'i toils grav'i taction Gre'cian guar 'an tee' 48 guar'di an hab'it a ble hem'lock guerril'la hal Iu'qi na'tion hem'orrAage gust' a to ry har mo'ni ous her'ald gym na'gi urn hei'nous (hd') her eu'le an gy ra'tion Aeir'loom' he red'i ty old, 8dd, do, wolf, ddve, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now ; use, tub, rude, full, burn, fly, m^th 108 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 49 her'e" sy her'e tie her'i tage her met'i eal her 'mi tage he'r6 lgm hes/i tan gy hex' a gon hex am'^ ter hi'ber nate ht lar'i ty hin'drance horn 'age ho'me" op'a thy horn '6 nym Aon'or & ry (er) hor'i zon'tal hor'ri fy hos'pi ta ble hos til'i ty 50 hti. mid'i ty hy drau'lie hy'gi ene hy poe'ri sy humil'iate hy'drogen hyper' bo IS h^ poth'£ sis hti'mor oiis (m$r) hy drop'a thy hy'per crit'ie al hy'po thet'ie hur'ri eane hy'dr6 pho'bi a hy'phen ate hys'sop hy'a ginth hy e'na hyp 'no tist hys ter'ics 51 t dol'& try I'dol Ize II lit'er a gy Im mae'tl lite II lu'nri nate im'ma te'ri al ig'ne" oiis II liis'tri ous im men's! ty Ig'no min'i ous im ag'i na'tion im mer'sion il'le" gal'i ty im'be" gile lm'mi nent Im mor'tal im'mor taPI ty im mii'ni ty im mii'ta ble im pan'el 52 im pa'tient im per'a tive impe'ri al im pe'ri oiis im per' son ate Im'pe* tus im pi'e" ty im'ple ment im'pli eate im plig'it im port' im'por tune' im'post im'po tent im'print im promp'tti im prove'ment im'pro vis_e' im'ptl dence im pu^n' gate, hat, arm, ask, all, wag, «are, day; eve, mfct, h«r, tnSre, feet, new; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER— SECTION VIII 109 53 im pu'ni ty in'aus pi'cious im'pu. taction in'ean descent in an'i ty in ea pac/I tate in' at ten'tion in ear'ger ate in au'gli rate in ear'nate in cen'di & ry in ces'sant in ci'sion in clem'en cy in'cli nation in com'pa ra ble in eon'gru cms in'e5n sis'tent in eor'p6 rate in cor'ri gi ble 54 in ered'i ble in eul'eate in cred'ti loiis in eiil'pa ble In'cr£ ment in eum'bent in crim'i nate in eum'brance in'etl bate in eiir'a ble in differ ence in ef 'fa ble in dig'e noiis in er'ti a (shT) in dig na'tion in 'ex press'i ble in e'bri ate in' fa moiis in'e bri'& ty in fan'ti Qide in eur'sion in dein'ni fy in'de ci'sive in 'den taction in'de eo'riim in die' a tive in'de" f at'i ga ble in diet' in def'i nite in diet' a ble 55 in'fan try (/'n) in flam'ma t6 ry in fat'ti ate in fla'tion in fer'nal in flec'tion in' f i nite in flex' i ble In fin'I ty in fringe' 56 in'g£nu'ity inherent injunc'tion insensible in gen'ft cms in her'it ance in'n6 va/tion in sid'i cms ingra'tiate inim'ieal In'ntlen'd6 insinuate in gre'di ent In Iq'ui terns (Ik'wi) in nu'mer a ble in sol'vent in hab'i tant in i'ti action (Ish'i) in'qui §i'tion in'sti la'tion old, 5dd, do, wolf, ddve, 16rd, pool, foot, boil, boy, out, now; use, tttb, rude, full, burn, fly, mfth 110 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 57 in sur'gent in ten'tion in te'ri or (er) in'siir reVtion in'ter gede' in'ter ject' in teg'ri ty in'ter cept' in'ter lace' in tern 'per ance in'ter ces'sor (ser) in'ter line' In ten'si ty in'ter eourse in'ter ldp'er in'ter liide in'ter me'di ate in ter'ment in terminable in'ter pos_e' 58 in ter'pret in tes'tate in ter'ro gate in tim'i date in ter'ro ga'tion in 'to na/tion in'ter sperse' in tox'i eate in ter'stice in tran'si tive in trench'ment In un'date in tre" pid'i ty in val'i date in trin'sie in vec'tive in tru'sion in vei'gle in ' tti i 'tion in ' ven to ry 59 in version in vet'er ate in vid'i ous in vin'ei ble in 'vo ea'tion i'6 dine t ras'gi ble i'ris t ron'ieal ir ra'tion al Ir ref 'ra ga ble I'so therm'al ir rep 'a ra ble Is/ra e lite Irrevocable itin'erant ir'ri tant j as 'per i'gin glass jeop'ard ize (ird) 60 jol'li fi ea'tion jii'ris die'tion ker'6 sene' lac'er ate jour'nal i§ra jii'ris pru/dence kil'6 li'ter laeh'ry mal jtl di'ci & ry (shl) jus'ti fi ea/tion faiav'er y lac'quer (idk'er) jii'gu lar (ler) ka lei'd6 scope lab '6 ra to ry la goon' ju'niper kan'garoo' lab'y rinth lam'enta'tion gate, hat, arm, ask, aU, was, «ftre, day ; 5ve, mSt, hSr, thGre, feet, new ; Ice, gin, bird, police SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — SECTION VIII 111 61 lam poon' lan'guor (gwer) lap'i da ry lar'ge ny lar'ynx las civ'i ous las'si tude la/tent lau'da num lav'a to ry leg' a cy le ga/tion leg' end a ry leg'is la/ttire len'I ty leop'ard (erd) lep'ro sy leth'ar gy lex'i eog'ra pher ley 'den jar li'a bill ty It bra/ri an II cen'ti ate (sM) li cen'tious li'e^en lie '6 rice lig'a ment Kg 'a ttire lilac 62 lin'e" a ment lith'6 graph lm'guist (gmst) lit'i ga/tion Hq'ue" fy Ht't6 ral liq'ui date lit'iir gy HI li pii'tian lit'er a ry 16' eo mo'tion 63 15' eo mo'tive loz'enge lii'mi nous 16 gi'cian lu'bri eant lii'na tie 16 qua'cious (kwd') lu gid'i ty lu£ ii'ri ant 16 quac'i ty (kwds 1 ) lu'cra tive liix u'ri ous lot'ter y lu'mi na ry lymph Qymf) lym phat'i€ lyr'ie mae ad'am ize mae'aro'ni mae^'i na/tion ma gi'cian 64 mal'a dy mam'mal magistrate mali'cious man'date mag'na nim' i ty ma lie, feet, new; Ice, gin, bird, police HOMOPHONES The following list of homophones consists of words whose use the pupil is quite likely to find confusing. They have not been diacritically marked, because most of them have already occurred in the body of the book and also because their group- ing affords a key to their pronunciation. The definitions are necessarily short, but it is believed they will be found perfectly clear. It is suggested that lessons be regularly assigned here, a column at a time, and that pupils be required to use the homophones in sentences of their own construction. This work, of course, is adapted only to the higher grades. adds, 3d person singula?' of "add." adz, a woodworker's tool, ail, to feel pain. ale, a fermented malt liquor. air, the atmosphere. heir, one who inherits property. ere, before, sooner than. aisle, a passage in a church. isle, a small island. all, the whole, every one. awl, a tool to pierce holes. allowed, did allow. aloud, with a loud noise. altar, table for offerings to a deity. alter, to change, to vary. ant, an insect. aunt, sister of a parent. ark, a large boat, a chest. arc, part of a circumference. ascent, a rising, a way up. assent, to agree, to consent. ate, did eat. eight, twice four. auger, a tool for boring. augur, a soothsayer. aught, anything, any part. ought, should, is jit, proper. bad, wanting good qualities. bade, did bid. bail, to lade, to dip water from. bale, a bundle of goods, corded up. ball, a sphere. bawl, to call out loudly. 121 122 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES bard, a poet. barred, shut out. barren, unfruitful, waste. baron, title of nobility. base, morally low ; the bottom. bass, lowest part in music. be, to exist. bee, an insect. beach, a sandy shore. beech, a kind of tree. bear, an animal ; to carry. bare, naked. beat, to strike, to excel. beet, a vegetable. beau, a suitor. bow, a looped knot ; a weapon. been, past participle of " be." bin, a box or repository. beer, a fermented liquor. bier, a frame for reposing the dead. bell, a sounding metallic vessel. belle, a young attractive lady. berry, a . small pulpy fruit. bury, to inter, to entomb. berth, a bunk or sleeping place. birth, a coming into life. blew, did blow. blue, a color. bolder, more bold. bowlder, a large rock. bole, a tree trunk. boll, pod of a plant. bowl, a large shallow dish. bough, branch of a tree. bow, to bend down. brake, a contrivance for stopping wheels ; a thicket. break, to part asunder. bread, a food made of flour. bred, past participle of " breed" breach, a gap, an opening. breech, hind part of a firearm. bridal, pertaining to a bride. bridle, a piece of harness. borough, a town. burrow, to dig. but, except, besides, etc. butt, to strike with the head. buy, to purchase. by, near, next to. cannon, a large firearm. canon, a church dignitary. canvas, coarse cloth for sails. canvass, to examine thoroughly. capital, first in importance. capitol, the government building. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES 123 cast, to throw. caste, a class in society, ceiling, upper limit of a room. sealing, act of applying a seal. cell, a small, close room. sell, to dispose of by sale. cellar, the room under a building. seller, one who sells. censer, a vessel for burning in- cense. censor, a critic. cent, a small coin. sent, did send. scent, an odor. cere, to cover with wax. sear, to scorch, to dry up. seer, a prophet. cereal, any edible grain. serial, appearing in successive parts. cession, a giving up. session, a meeting of a court, etc. choir, a number of singers. quire, twenty -four sheets of paper. chord, string of a musical instru- ment. cord, any string or small rope. clause, portion of a sentence. claws, sharp, hooked nails. climb, to ascend. clime, climate. close, to shut, to conclude. clothes, wearing apparel. coarse, lacking fine qualities. course, line of progress, direction. collar, garment for the neck. choler, anger, wrath. colonel, military officer. kernel, a grain of wheat, etc. complement, that which completes. compliment, delicate flattery. core, the heart of anything. corps, a body of soldiers. council, an assembly. counsel, advice. cousin, child of one's uncle or aunt. cozen, to cheat, to deceive. creak, to make a harsh noise. creek, a rivers tributary. crews, plural of " crew." cruise, a sailing back and forth. cue, rod used in billiards. queue, long thin braid of hair. currant, a small fruit. current, flow of a river. cygnet, a young swan. signet, a seal. 124 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES cymbal, a musical instrument. symbol, an emblem, a token. Dane, a native of Denmark. deign, to condescend. dear, precious, expensive. deer, an animal. dew, nightly moisture of the air. due, owed, suitable. die, to expire. dye, to stain, to color. done, past participle of " do." dun, demand for payment. draft, a form of check. draught, a current of air. dyeing, coloring, staining. dying, expiring. earn, to acquire by service. urn, a vessel of various forms. ewe, a female sheep. yew, an evergreen tree. you, second personal pronoun. eye, the organ of sight. I, first personal pronoun. fain, gladly, with pleasure. fane, a temple. feign, to pretend, to counterfeit. faint, weak, lacking strength. feint, a false pass ; pretense. fare, price of passage ; food. fair, honest, impartial. fate, inevitable necessity. fete, a holiday, a feast. faun, a god of fields and shepherds. fawn, a young fallow deer ; to seek favor by cringing. feat, an act of strength or skill. feet, plural of "foot. " fisher, one who fishes. fissure, a deep cleft. flea, an insect. flee, to run away. flew, did fly. flue, a chimney. floe, a mass of floating ice. flow, to move along (of a liquid), flour, ground cereals. flower, blossom of a plant. fore, coming or going first. four, twice two. fort, a fortified place. forte, that in which one excels. foul, defiled, impure. fowl, a bird of any kind. frays, plural of "fray." phrase, part of a sentence. freeze, to suffer from frost. frieze, an architectural ornament. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES 125 gage, a pledge or pawn. gauge, a measure. gamble, to bet. gambol, to frolic. f gild, to apply gilt. guild, an association of artisans. gilt, a coating of gold, guilt, blame, sin. gneiss, a kind of rock. nice, dainty, fine. grate, a fireplace. great, not small ; imposing. grease, soft animal fat. Greece, a country of Europe. groan, to moan. grown, past participle of "grow." grocer, a dealer in groceries. grosser, coarser. guessed, did guess. guest, a visitor. guise, garb, behavior. guys, ropes to steady anything. hail, frozen rain. hale, hearty, strong. hair, a slender animal filament. hare, a small animal. hall, a place of public assembly. haul, to draw forcibly. heal, to cure, to mend. heel, part of a foot or shoe. hear, to perceive by the ear. here, in this place. heard, did hear. herd, a group of cattle. hew, to chop with an ax. hue, a tint, a color. hoard, a secret saving, treasure. horde, a wandering mob or gang, hoes, plural of " hoe." hose, stockings. hole, an opening. whole, entire, all. hour, sixty minutes. our, belonging to us. him, objective case of "he." hymn, a devotional song. idle, at leisure. idol, image of a heathen god. idyl, a short poem. in, within, inside of. inn, a tavern. indict, to charge with crime. indite, to write ; to compose jam, preserve of fruit. jamb, part of a doorframe. 126 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES key, instrument for opening a leak, a crack or hole that admits lock. quay, a large wharf. kill, to destroy life. kiln, large oven for drying. knave, a rascal, a villain. nave, part of a church. water or other fluid. leek, a plant. lean, thin, meager. lien, a legal claim upon property. leased, rented, hired. least, smallest. knead, to mix thoroughly, as lessen, to render less. dough. need, to want; want. knew, did know. new, fresh, recent. knight, a feudal dignitary. night, time from sunset to sunrise lesson, something to be learned. levee, a dike. levy, to raise, to collect. lie, to recline; a falsehood. lye, solution from wood ashes. links, parts of a chain. lacks, third person singular of lynx, an animal. "lack." lax, loose, slack. lain, past participle of "lie." lane, a narrow road. laps, plural of " lap." lapse, interval ; error. leach, to dissolve out. leech, an aquatic worm. lead, a mineral. led, did lead. leaf, part of a plant. lief, gladly, willingly. load, a burden, a cargo. lode, a vein of ore. loan, anything loaned. lone, solitary. loch, a lake. lock, fastening for a door. made, did make. maid, a female servant. mail, anything sent by post. male, masculine. main, chief, most important. mane, hair on neck of horse, etc. SELF-PEONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES 127 maize, Indian corn, maze, a labyrinth. manner, method of action. manor, land of a nobleman. marshal, an officer. martial, military, brave, mean, base, humble. mien, deportment, manner. . meat, flesh of animals. meet, to come together. mete, to measure. medal, a disk of metal, with de- vice. meddle, to interfere. metal, a mineral like gold, iron, etc. mettle, disposition. mews, third person singular of " mew." muse, to ponder, to meditate. might, strength, poiver. mite, anything very small. miner, a workman in a mine. minor, one under legal age. mist, very fine rain. missed, did miss. moan, to bewail, to lament. mown, past participle of " mow." moat, a deep ditch. mote, a spot, a speck. more, greater in amount. mower, one who mows. muscle, an organ in animal bodies. mussel, a shellfish. mussed, confused, stirred up. must, to be obliged. mustard, a table relish. mustered, did muster. nay, no, denial, refusal. neigh, cry of a horse. nit, egg of an insect. knit, to weave, to draw together. no, not any, not one. know, to understand. none, not one. nun, woman inmate of a convent. ode, a dignified poem. owed, did owe. one, half of two. won, did win. pail, a vessel for water. pale, dusky white. pain, suffering, dish-ess. pane, a plate of glass. 128 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES pair, two together. pare, to cut away gradually. pear, a fruit. palate, roof of the mouth. palette, a painter s tablet. pallet, a small, rude bed. peace, calm repose. piece, a portion. peak, sharp top of a mountain. peek, to look slyly. pique, mental annoyance, irrita- tion. peal, loud sound of bells, thunder, etc. peel, to strip off skin or bark. pearl, a lustrous bead. purl, to murmur (water). pedal, afoot lever. peddle, to retail, to hawk. peer, to look curiously. pier, mass of supporting stone- work. pencil, an instrument for writing. pensile, hanging. pendant, a hanging ornament. pendent, hanging. plain, simple, distinct. plane, a carpenter's tool. plait, a fold; a pleat. plate, a shallow vessel for food. plum, a fruit. plumb, perpendicular. pole, a long slender piece of wood. poll, a place where an election is held. pore, minute opening in the skin. pour, to cause a liquid to flow in a stream. pray, to supplicate, to beg. prey, to collect food forcibly . prays, third person singular of "pray." preys, third person singular of "prey." praise, commendation, applause. principal, chief ; highest in rank. principle, right rule of conduct. profit, gain ; emolument. prophet, one who foretells events. quarts, plural of " quart" quartz, a kind of rock. rain, water falling from the clouds. reign, to rule. rein, a piece of harness. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES 129 raise, to elevate. rays, plural of " ray."'' raze, to tear down. rap, to strike sharply. wrap, to enfold, to bundle up. read, past participle of " read." red, a color. read, to peruse. reed, a species of grass. reek, to steam, to emit vapor. wreak, to inflict. rest, quiet ; a stop. wrest, to twist, to distort. retch, to try to vomit. wretch, a scoundrel, a rascal. rice, a cereal. rise, a rising, source. right, straight, direct, just. rite, a religious usage. write, to compose (as a letter). wright, an artisan, a workman. ring, a hoop worn on the finger. wring, to twist, to extort. road, a highway, route. rode, did ride. rowed, did row. roe, eggs of fish. row, to move a boat ivith oars. rood, a measure (land), rude, coarse, vulgar. rote, meaningless repetition. wrote, did write. rough, uneven of surface. ruff, a sort of collar. rye, a grain. wry, twisted, distorted. sail, a canvas sheet. sale, transfer of property for a price. sailer, a vessel (with adjec- tive). sailor, one who sails. seam, a line of junction. seem, to appear. seas, plural of " sea." sees, third person singular of "see" seize, to grasp, to capture. seen, past participle of " see." scene, show, view, spectacle. seine, a large fishing net. serf, a sort of slave. surf, breaking swell of the sea. serge, a kind of cloth. surge, a large wave. 130 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES sew, to fasten with needle and thread. so, thus, in like manner. sow, to scatter seed for growth. shear, to cut with shears. sheer, perpendicular. shone, did shine. shown, past participle of " show." sighs, third person singular of "sigh" size, dimension, magnitude. sight, vision, view, spectacle. cite, to summon, to quote. site, situation, place. skull, the bony case of the head. scull, stern oar of a boat. slay, to kill, to murder. sleigh, a vehicle on runners. sleight, an artful trick. slight, to neglect, to scorn. soar, to mount on wings. sore, painful, inflamed. sower, one who sows. sole, solitary, single. soul, the immortal part in man. some, a little ; more or less. sum, total, aggregate. son, a male descendant. sun, the light of day. stairs, a series of rising steps. stares, third person singular of " stare." stake, a sharpened stick. steak, a slice of meat. steal, to take secretly. steel, a hard metal. step, apace, a stair. steppe, vast plain in Eurasia. stile, steps over a fence. style, mode, method. straight, direct, not crooked. strait, passage connecting two seas. subtler, more artful, slyer. sutler, an army trader. suite, connected rooms. sweet, the flavor of sugar. tacks, plural of " tack." tax, exaction, demand, duty. tail, an appendage. tale, anything told. taper, a small candle. tapir, an animal. team, two or more horses, oxen, etc. teem, to abound, to produce fruit. tear, a drop from the eye. tier, one of two or more rows. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — HOMOPHONES 181 their, belonging to them. there, in that place. threw, did throw. through, from end to end. throe, extreme pain, anguish. throw, to cast or fling. thrown, past participle of " throw." throne, the royal seat. tied, past participle of " tie." tide, rise and fall of the ocean. to, indicating approach or arrival. too, also, likewise, in addition. two, one and one. toe, point of the foot or shoe. tow, to drag (through water). told, did tell. tolled, did toll. tracked, past participle of "track." tract, a region ; a pamphlet. troop, a small body of cavalry. troupe, a company of performers. vain, empty, delusive, ostentatious. vane, a weather cock. vein, a blood vessel. vale, a small valley, dale. veil, a thin cover, a disguise. vice, wickedness, crime. vise, a blacksmith's instrument. wade, to walk through water. weighed, past participle of "weigh." waist, part of the body. waste, to wear away, to devastate. wait, to stay, to linger. weight, heaviness, importance. ware, merchandise, goods. wear, to have on; to waste. wave, a moving swell of water. waive, to give up claim to, to forego. wean, to alienate (the affections). ween, to fancy, to think. weather, condition of the atmos- phere. wether, a sheep. whirl, to turn rapidly. whorl, a wreath. wood, the hard substance of trees. would, imperfect of " will." yoke, a frame for coupling oxen. yolk, the yellow of an egg. PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES The subjoined list contains a large number of the more common prefixes and suffixes, with an example of the use of each. This material is, perhaps, too difficult for formal assignment, yet many of the more advanced pupils will derive great profit from occasionally employing a leisure half-hour in its study and in supplying other examples than those here given. Such an exercise will add interest and lend variety to the work, while affording an admirable test of the pupil's grasp of the language, and giving him a practical drill in word formation. COMMON PREFIXES a-, on, at, to, etc. : a-side. &b-,from, away, separation: ab-scond. ad-, to, toward, at, near: ad-mit. ambi-, about, on both sides : ambi-dextrous. ante-, before, fore, in front : ante-chamber. anti-, against, in opposition : anti-slavery. arch-, chief, head, principal : arch-bishop. auto-, self, of one's self: auto-mobile. bi(s)-, twice, two, doubly : bi-lateral. circum-, around, surrounding : circum-ference. cis-, on this side of: cis-alpine. com-, with, together : com-pete. contra-, against, in opposition : contra-diet. de-, down, from, away : de-scend. deca-, ten, tenfold: deca-logue. demi-, half : demi-god. dia-, through, between, across: dia-gram. dis-, apart, asunder: dis-rupt. 133 134 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — COMMON PREFIXES dys-, ill, bad, difficult : dys-pepsia. en-, in, into, upon (French for in) : en-snare. enter-, between, among (French for inter) : enter-tain. eu-, well, good : eu-logy. ex-, out, out of, from, off: ex-pel. extra-, beyond, outside of; extra-ordinary. for-, forth, away, against: for-bid. fore-, beforehand, in advance : fore-ground. hemi-, half : hemi-sphere. hepta-, seven, sevenfold: hepta-gon. hexa-, six, sixfold : hexa-gon. homo-, same, similar, like : homo-phone. hyper-, over, beyond (denoting excess): hyper-bole. hypo-, under, beneath: hypo-dermic. in-, into, in ; on, upon : in-ject. inter-, between, among : inter-change. intro-, in, into, inward, within: intro-duce. mal-, badly, ill: mal-content. meta-, among, beyond, behind: meta-phor. mis-, ill, unfortunate: mis-lay. mono-, single, only, sole, alone : mono-tone. multi-, many, repeatedly : multi-faced. non-, not : non -sense. ob-, against, in the way, in front: ob-struct. omni-, all, entirely : omni-present. out-, from, beyond: out-side. over-, above, beyond, in excess : over-reach. pan-, all, entire : pan- American. per-, through, throughout, thoroughly : per-forate. peri-, with, around, about: peri-style. poly-, repeated, many : poly-gon. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — COMMON SUFFIXES 135 post-, after, behind, later: post-pone. pre-, before, fortvard, forth : pre-scribe. pro-, before, fore, forth, in favor of : pro-ceed. pseudo-, false, pretended, spurious: psuedo-nym. re-, back, again : re-ject. retro-, back, backward: retro-spect. semi-, half: semi-circle. sub-, under, beneath, inferior, subordinate : sub-way. super-, above, over, more : super-human. syn-, with, together with : syn-opsis. trans-, over, beyond, through : trans-atlantic. tri-, three, thrice, threefold: tri-angle. ultra-, beyond, on the other side : ultra-mundane. un-, not : un-necessary. under-, below, beneath, inferior: under-lay. uni-, one, single: uni-form. vice-, instead of, representing : vice-president. COMMON SUFFIXES Note that the ordinary rules of spelling and accent are usually followed in join- ing these suffixes. -able, capable of being, that may be : break-able. -aceous, having property of, full of, like: cret-aceous. -acious, characterized by, showing, indicating : mend-acious -acy, state or quality of being, office of: confeder-acy. -age, collection of, state of being, act of, allowance for : parent-age. -al, of, pertaining to, becoming : f orm-al. -an, -ian, one who, pertaining to : music-ian. -ana, pertaining to (used of collections of anecdotes, sayings, etc.): Americ-ana. -ance, -ancy, condition, state of being, act of: avoid-ance. 136 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — COMMON SUFFIXES -aneous, pertaining to : instant-aneous. -ant, one who, that which : assist-ant. -ar, one ivho, that which : li-ar. -ard, -art, one who, liable or addicted to : drunk-ard. -ary, a doer of (something special), place where : incendi-ary. -ate, quality, effect, office, etc. : affection -ate. -cal, full of, pertaining to : whimsi-cal. -cule, small, diminutive, little: animal-cule. -cy, condition, state of being : luna-cy. -dom, state, condition, quality : martyr-dom. -ean, of or pertaining to : hercul-ean. -ed, suffix of past tense and past participle : need-ed. -ee, recipient of: pay-ee. -eer, -ier, engaged in, employed at, one who : financ-ier. -en, made of, pertaining to : wood-en. -ence, -ency, condition, state of being, act of: independ-ence. -ent, having such a habit, property, etc., one who : persist-ent. -er, -yer, -or, one who does, agent: paint-er. -erly, going to, coming from: west-erly. -ery, place where something (specified) is done : brew-ery. -escence, state of becoming, approach to : adol-escence. -escent, growing, becoming : conval-escent. -esque, like, partaking of: pictur-esque. -et, -ette, diminutive ending : minu-et. -fold, repeated (so many) times : five-fold. -ful, full of, abounding in: beauti-ful. -fy, to make, to render : magni-fy. -geneous, -genous, in respect of kind, by nature : homo-geneous. -graphy, a writing or describing : geo-graphy. -hood, -head, state, condition, quality: man-hood. -ible, a form of able: ed-ible. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — COMMON SUFFIXES 137 ■ic, -ical, made of, one who : stroph-ic. -ice, act of, quality of: just-ice. •ics, the science or art of: phys-ics. ie, -y, diminutive suffix: bunn-y. ■ile, of apt to : inf ant-ile. ■ing, the act of continuing : play-ing. ■ise, -ize, to make, to do, to practice : jeopard-ize. •ish, pertaining to, somewhat : self-ish. •ism, -izm, state of being, doctrine or theory : social-ism. ■ist, one who, occupation : pharmac-ist. -ite, one of, a follower of: Gideon-ite. ■itis, inflammation of (part specified) : tonsil-itis. ■ity, -ty, state or quality of: timid-ity. -iv3, of the nature of, tending to : instruct-ive. -kin, diminutive ending : nap-kin. ■lence, -lent, full of, abounding : opu-lence. ■less, without, free from, lacking : hope-less. -let, used for, little, small: eye-let. -ling, one who, diminutive ending : under-ling. -lite, of or pertaining to stone : aero-lite. -logy, science of: astro-logy. -ly, like, in the manner of: open-ly. -ment, act, state, or condition of: content-ment. -meter, a measure : baro-meter. -most, in the highest degree : utter-most. -ness, state, condition, quality : dark-ness. -ock, small, young : hill-ock. -oid, -oifal, formed like, resembling : spher-oid. -or, an agent: collect-or. -ory, relating to, place where : deposit-ory. -ose, -ous, full of, abounding in : portent-ous. 138 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — COMMON SUFFIXES -phorous, bearing, having : phos-phorous. -ry, method, place, region : Jew-ry . -scope, an instrument for observing : tele-scope. -ship, state, office, dignity : owner-ship. -sion, state, action : repres-sion. -some, having in a considerable degree or quality : lone-some. -ster, one who, employed at: trick-ster. -teen, -ten, termination of numerals : seven-teen. -tion, state, action : atten-tion. -tory, having, manifesting : satisfac-tory. -tude, action, state of being : apti-tude. -ture, -ure, action, being, thing produced : frac-ture. -ty, the being or having a (specified) property or quality : enti-ty. -ule, little, petty : glob-ule. -ward, -wards, in a (specified) direction : for- ward. -way, -ways, -wise, in a (specified) manner, guise, or direction side-ways, -y, condition, state of being : length-y. SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER -ABBREVIATIONS 139 ABBREVIATIONS AND SPELLING OP STATES AND TERRITORIES Ala. — Alabama. Alas. — Alaska. Ariz. — Arizona. Ark. — Arkansas. Cal. — California. Col., or Colo. — Colorado. Conn. — Connecticut. D. C. — District of Columbia. Del. — Delaware. FL, or Fla. — Florida. Ga. — Georgia. H. I. — Hawaiian Islands. la. — Iowa. Id. — Idaho. 111., or Ills. — Illinois. Ind. — Indiana. Ind. T. — Indian Territory. Kan., or Kans. — Kansas. Ky. — Kentucky. La. — Louisiana. Mass. — Massachusetts. Md. — Maryland. Me. — Maine. Mich. — Michigan. Minn. — Minnesota. Miss. — Mississippi. Mo. — Missouri. Mont. — Montana. N. C. — North Carolina. N. Dak. — North Dakota. Neb. — Nebraska. Nev. — Nevada. N. H. — New Hampshire. N. J. — New Jersey. N. Mex. — New Mexico. N. Y.— New York. O. — Ohio. Okla. — Oklahoma. Ore., or Oreg. — Oregon. Pa., or Penn. — Pennsylvania. P. I. — Philippine Islands. P. R. —Porto Rico. R. I. — Rhode Island. S. C, — South Carolina. S. Dak. — South Dakota. Tenn. — Tennessee. Tex. — Texas. Ut. — Utah. Va. — Virginia. Vt. — Vermont. Wash. — Washington. Wis. — Wisconsin. W. Va. — West Virginia. Wyo. — Wyoming. 140 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS a., or @ (Ad). — To, or at. a/c, Ace, or Acct. — Account. Agt. — Agent. Al — First class. Amt. — Amount. Asst. — Assistant. Att., or Atty. — Attorney. A v., or Ave. — Avenue. Bal. — Balance. Bbl. — Barrel. Bbls., barrels. B/L — Bill of lading. Boul. — Boulevard. Bro. — Brother. Bros. — Brothers. Bus., or Bush. — Bushel. C. — A hundred. Clk.— Clerk. Co. — Company ; County. c/o. — Care of. C. O. D. — Cash (or Collect) on Delivery. Cr. — Credit, Creditor. Ct., or ct., or t — Cent. Cwt., or cwt. — Hundredweight. Dis., or Disct. — Discount. Do., or do. (Ditto). — The same. Dol., or dol., or $ — Dollar. Doz., or doz. — Dozen. Dr. — Debtor ; Doctor. ea. — Each. e. g. — For example. Esq. — Esquire. Etc., etc., or &c. — And others ; and so forth. Exch. — Exchange. F. O. B., or f. o. b. — Free on board. Ft., or ft. — Foot; Feet; Fort. Gal., or gal. — Gallon, Gallons. Gro., or gro. — Gross. Hhd., or hhd. — Hogshead, Hogs- heads. In., or in. — Inch, Inches. Ins., or Insur. — Insurance. Int., or int. — Interest. Jr., or jr. — Junior. Lb., or lb. — A pound in weight. M. (Mille).— Thousand. Mdse. — Merchandise. Messrs. — Gentlemen ; Sirs. Mr. — Mister. Mrs. — Mistress (pronounced missis). SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — ABBREVIATIONS 141 Ms. — Manuscript. Mss. — Manuscripts. No., or no. — Number. Oz., or oz. — Ounce, Ounces. Payt., or payt. — Payment. Pd. — Paid. Pk., or pk. — Peck. % . — Per cent P. O. — Post Office. Pres. — President. P. S. — Postscript. Pt.7or pt.— Pint. Qr., or qr. — Quire. Qt., or qt. — Quart. Reed. — Received. Recpt. — Receipt. Sec. — Secretary. Sr. — Sir, or Senior. St. — Saint ; Street. Tr. — Treasurer. U. S. — United States. Vol., or vol. — Volume. Vols., or vols. — Volumes. Wt., or wt. — Weight. Yd., or yd.— Yd. MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS A. M. — Master of Arts. Anon. — Anonymous. Ads., or ans. — Answer. Capt. — Captain. D. D. — Doctor of Divinity. E. — East. Fahr. — Fahrenheit. Gen. — General. Gov. — Governor. Hon. — Honorable, lb., ib., Ibid., or ibid. — In the same place. I. e., or i. e. — That is. L. I. — Long Island. Lieut: — Lieutenant. LL. D. — Doctor of Laws. Maj. — Major. M. C. — Member of Congress. M. D. — Doctor of Medicine. N. — Noon ; North. N. A. — North America. Ph. D. — Doctor of Philosophy . Prof. — Professor. Rep. — Representative. H2 SELF-PRONOUNCING SPELLER — ABBREVIATIONS Rev. — Reverend. U. S. N. — United States Navy. R. R. — Railroad. U. S. V. — United States Vol- S. — South. unteers. S. A. — South America. V., v., Vs., or vs. (Versus). — Supt. — Superintendent. Against. U. S. A. — United States of Viz., or viz. — Namely; To wit. America. W. — West. U. S. M. — United States Mail. IB 36536 54 i :187 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY